_HEUTE_0916 :

02170000—20170916    —MANUSKRIPT aus INDIEN: 1—SCHWARZER Punkt?
02170000—20170916    —FRÜHESTER—BELEG, des mathematisches 0—ZEICHEN, in 1 1.800—JAHRE—ALTES indisches MANUSKRIPT, der UNIVERSITY—OF—OXFORD—FORSCHER haben 1—PÜNKTCHEN IDENTIFIZIERT.
02170000—20170916    1. JETZT, durch 1—ALTERS—BESTIMMUNG mit der RADIO—KARBON—METHODE, DAS—MANUSKRIPT bereits 1.800—JAHRE—ALT ist, wurde klar.
12810000—13330916    —OR—BEVORE, ?—, DE—PROUVY ([]-[]).
12810000—13340916    —OR—BEVORE, ?—, DE—PROUVY ([]-[]).
12810000—13340916    —IDENTIFIED, No PRIMARY—SOURCE has been, which states unequivocally that HEINRICH—IV] was THE—SON—OF—WILHELM—III].
12810000—13340916    However, this parentage is the inevitable conclusion of the following LINE—OF—ARGUMENT:
13280916             In dem KASTELL—VON—CARMIGNANO standen von CASTRUCCIO her 50—DEUTSCHE—RITTER.
13280916             —AM, 50—DEUTSCHE—RITTER wurden von 800—FLORENTINISCH—GUELFEN—RITTERN überrumpelt,
13280916             50—DEUTSCHE—RITTER erhielten aber nach tapferem Kampfe und
13280916             50—DEUTSCHE—RITTER erhielten aber nach 8—TÄGIGER Belagerung ehrenvollen Abzug (GIOVANNI—VILLANI X 195).
13330916             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, HEINRICH—GRAF—DE—SALMIS[SALM] settled disputes with JEAN—SIRE—DE—USELDANGE concerning rights over THE—CHURCHES—OF—ALDRINGEN and Beho, within THE—DIOCESIS—OF—LIÈGE,
13490916             A.
13490916             B.
13490916             C.
13540916             —FÜR DIE FOLGENDEN MONATE BIS, je 54—FLORENI Sold.
13720916             (7. E. 336—F. 142") soluti fuerunt per cedulam DOMINI—THESAURARII (des TH—PAPAESAURAR—IN—AVIGNON—JACOBO—VANNIS et NEROcio
13720916             —VERGLEICHE—ANHANG—VIII—JAHR—ZUM.
13800916             † CHARLES—V—CHARLES—VI—KING—OF—FRANCE.
13800916—14220000    CHARLES—VI—KING—OF—FRANCE—LE—FOU, qui a 12—ANS
13810916             —URKUNDE, "HEINRICH greue zu Waldecgen und ELIZABET—VON—DEM—BERGE … "acknowledged PAYMENT—OF—PART of a debt by
13900916             KING—WENZEL annuls debts due to JEWS.
13940916             † Succedette la morte sua, mentre F università della Sorbona
14200916             EKEL—VOLQWIS—BÜRGERIN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, sie an Herrn PETER die MAN—VAN— Ingelschem, Pastor zu ERP, 1—RENTE—VON—1—MALTER—ROGGEN verkauft hat,
14200916             zu beziehen aus 3y; Viertel Weingarten, gelegen an MEYL—REMPLINS Pesch längs dem Heuweg.
14200916             Eigentümer dieses Weingartens ist Lentz Druden,
14200916             Eigentümer dieses Weingartens ist Hennen EIDAM—PORTZENER und
14200916             Eigentümer dieses Weingartens ist DIEDERICH—PORTZENER—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH
14200916             Fällig ist DIE—RENTE auf S—MICHAELS—TAG 00000929          .
14400916             Dà licenza ad ANTONIO—DI—BARTOLOMEO—DI—FABRICARE 1—BALCONE attiguo alla propria casa (IVI—FOLIA—113).
14940916             "It.[pagati] a FRATE—FILIPPO per verde azuro per miniare bl. dui "
14980916             TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA was the 1. GRAND—INQUISITOR in SPAIN—MOVEMENT to restore Christianity among its populace  14010101—15001231    —IN—THE—LATE—CENTURY.
14980916—14200000    † * TOMAS—DE—TORQUEMADA, in AVILA—SPAIN.
14980916—14920000    —THE—ALHAMBRA—DECREE expelled the Jews from SPAIN.
15200916             Latinis, tum in Graecis Uteris UNO utebatur, migravit Bononiam;
15200916             —STUDIEO—RUMNE causa, quod quidem ipse affirmat, an vero ut Laurentii Campegii liberos instituat,
15200916             nondum plane exploratum habeo
15200916             LONGOLII—EPISTOLAE, I, 33, s, d., mais posterieure au).
15200916             PADOUE[PADUA].
15200916             H, 3, PAGINAE—88—90 [].
15210916             le BALLEVIUS, inconnu, domestique de CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL quitta le JEAN—DE—PINS. Epist., II, 3—ET 4, ;;.
15240916             we find 1—REWARD—OF—100—RHINE—GULDEN offered for information as to those persons who had burglariously entered MERCHANT—JAN—VAN—BRANDON—FACTOR—OF—THE—KING—OF—PORTUGAL his house and carried off 1—GREAT—QUANTITY—OF—PLATE.
15240916—15230700    Further misfortunes befell this MERCHANT—JAN—VAN—BRANDON—FACTOR—OF—THE—KING—OF—PORTUGAL, for
15600916             † Arnaud du Tilh, had, CONFESSED to impersonating MARTIN—GUERRE, was hanged in FRONT—OF—GUERRE—HOUSE in ARTIGAT—FRANCE.
15600916—19410000    —PUBLISHED, JANET—LEWIS (18990000—19980000    ), "THE—WIFE—OF—MARTIN—GUERRE," 1—HISTORICAL—NOVEL based on Guerre.
15600916—19610000    —TURNED, The story was, into 1—OPERA with music by WILLIAM—BERGSMA.
15600916—19840000    —IN, 1—FRANCE—FILM—VERSION was released "THE—RETURN—OF—MARTIN—GUERE".
15600916—19930000    —IN, 1—USA—VERSION, "Somersby," was made set during the Civil War.
15980916             GIORGIO—HUBNER, 36—JAHRE—ALT, ;GIORNI$—11.
16040916             ADAMO—OBMAN ALEMANO, 30—JAHRE—ALT, ;vis. dal Santorio.
16200722—16200916    —CROWDED, The entire company then, aboard the Mayflower, setting sail for NORTH—AMERICA.
16200722—16200916    The entire company then, CROWDED, aboard THE—MAYFLOWER, setting sail for NORTH—AMERICA.
16200916             —SAILED, The Pilgrims, from ENGLAND on the Mayflower, finally settling at PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
16200916             The Pilgrims were actually Separatists because they had left the Church of ENGLAND.
16200916             —ARRIVED, THE—4—CHILDREN—OF—WILLIAM—BREWSTER, who, on the Mayflower, were named: Love, Wrestling, Patience, and Fear.
16380905—16380916    —SEE
16380916             * FRANCE—KING—LOUIS—XIV, the Sun KING.
16380916—17150000    —RULED, FRANCE—KING—LOUIS—XIV, 16430000—17150000    —FROM—TO and †.
16520916             —NOTIFICIERT, SCHWERIN erscheint in der Versammlung und, die bevorstehende Abreise des KUR—FÜRST—VON—KLEVE. H5;;09;;
16520916             HIERONYMUS—VAN—BEVERNINGK und Haubois werden beauftragt, ihn in sein Logement zu geleiten und
16520916             ihm zu erklären, daß DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN einige aus ihrer Mitte beauftragt haben, die früheren ALLIANZen mit BRANDENBURG zu resumieren und
16520916             DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—ÜBER—DIE—ERNEUERUNG derselben zu befördern, damit
16520916             daraus baldigst 1 "bündiSche und feste ALLIANZ," hervorgehe, im Vertrauen, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG ebenso geeneigt dazu sei wie sie').
16680916             —ABDICATED, KING—JOHN—CASIMER—II—OF—POLAND, the throne.
16720916             —AM, DERSELBE war von den GENERAL—STAATEN zum FELD—MARSCHALL ernannt worden.
17090916             TOMASO—LAIDER callegher aus 46—SEITE—10;
17320916             Fu LUDOVICO—DI—CHIARATO Cittadino (che è il secondo grado) di ORVIETO, dove fu Medico condotto, ed anche CITTADINO—DI—PERUGIA, dove ottenne 1—CATTEDRA—DI—MEDICINA.
17320916             LUDOVICO—DI—CHIARATO, Fu posto il seguente Epitaffio nella CHIESA—DEL detto CASTELLO—DI—S—VENANZO.
17320916             D. 0. M. LUDOVICo Viti Medico Philosopho Poetae In Per usino Lyceo litterarumque Eep. viro comendatissimo Antiqua virtute
17320916             ac fide saliura venustate eximia in egros et pauperes charitate omnibus acceptissimo MARIA—VINCENTIA Bucciosanti UXOR moestissima m. p.
17320916             ob. die XVI;;09;;MDCCXXXII an, ag. LXX.
17360916             —DISCOVERED, GABRIEL—DANIEL—FAHRENHEIT, that water boils at 212F and freezes at 32F.
17470916             —CAPTURED, The French, BERGEN—OP—ZOOM, consolidating their occupation of AUSTRIA—FLANDERS in THE—NETHERLANDS.
17470916             —PRISE—DE—BERGEN op Zoom par LES—FRANÇAIS.
17680916             RENÉ—NICOLAS de Maupeou devient garde des Sceaux.
17680916             MAUPEOU devient CHANCELIER.
17710916             —ERST—AM Zu 1—NEUEN Visitation kam es
17710916             —VISITATION, BEI DER ANWESEND, waren außer den 2—PROFEß—MÖNCHEN—VON—GROß—S—MARTIN—KÖLN
17710916             —VISITATION, BEI DER ANWESEND, war PETRUS—MAEß, der als PRIOR, und
17710916             —VISITATION, BEI DER ANWESEND, war Caspar Derichs, der als Lektor fungierte,
17710916             —VISITATION, BEI DER ANWESEND, waren 12—SIEGBURGER MÖNCHe.
17710916             DIE—AUSSAGEN—DER—MÖNCHE über die WÄHREND DES TAGES gehaltenen GOTTES—DIENSTE müssen an anderer Stelle besprochen werden
17710916             DIE—SPEISENFOLGE bestand aus 2—MAHLZEITEN täglich, die um 11—UND 1730—UHR stattfanden.
17710916             —11—UHR, gab es normalerweise Brühe, Gemüse mit Fleisch, 1—PORTION Ochsenfleisch und Braten,
17710916             an Festen 1. Klasse gab es 2—PORTIONEN Ragout und 2—PORTIONEN Braten.
17710916             Abends reichte man Brühe, Salat, Rindfleisch, Ragout, frischen Braten mit Ausnahme von —FREITAG, an dem es nur Brühe und Salat gab.
17710916             —SAMSTAGS aß man mittags 3—PORTIONEN Fisch mit Brühe und Gemüse, am Abend 2—PORTIONEN Fisch.
17710916             Brot wird man als selbstverständlich zu allen Mahlzeiten hinzudenken müssen.
17710916             DIE—WEINPORTION bestand mittags aus 1—HALBEN BONNer Amphore (= knapp 1—LITER), WÄHREND
17710916             für das Abendessen kein Wein vermerkt ist.
17710916             Nichtpriester erhielten die Hälfte.
17710916             Bei den Festen 1. und 2. Klasse BETRUG das Deputat mittags wie abends 1—GANZE Amphore.
17710916             Bei Tisch wurden Kapitel aus der hl. Schrift oder Sermone der Väter verlesen.
17710916             DIE—2—JÜNGSTEN MÖNCHe hatten von 8—14—UHR Unterricht;
17710916             DIE—ANDEREN KONVENTualen beschäftigten sich in ihren Zellen.
17710916             Der —INHABER des Wochendienstes mußte die Messe lesen, die anderen nicht.
17710916             —BEHAUPTET, Doch die meisten MÖNCHe feierten, wie, wurde, täglich die Messe.
17710916             DIE—WEITEREN Aussagen, Frauen würden nicht zugelassen und die Klausur werde streng gewahrt, wirken danach fast selbstverständlich.
17710916             Geistliche übungen hielt man jedoch nicht ab.
17710916             —AM—GRÜNDONNERS—TAG An DIE—ARMEN wurden 10—MALTER—ROGGEN, 10—REICHS—TALER und 2—GEBRÄU Bier ausgeteilt, wozu noch die täglichen Almosen kamen.
17710916             —LAUT—DER—AUSSAGE—DES—LEKTOR—DERICHS machten die 2—SCHÜLER gute Fortschritte im Studium und in ihrer geistlichen Bildung.
17710916             es darf darauf hingewiesen werden, daß
17710916             DIE—AUSSAGEN—VON—ABT, MÖNCHen und den 2—VERTRETERN aus GROß—S—MARTIN in diesen Punkten einschließlich des Gottesdienstes weitgehend übereinstimmen.
17710916             es war 1—BILANZ, die die Visitatoren zufrieden stellen konnte, wenn auch
17710916             —ÜBEREINSTIMMT, DIE—FRAGEN offenbleiben, wie weit sie mit der Wirklichkeit, und
17710916             1—EIGENTLICHER VISITATIONS—REZEß scheint nicht erlassen worden zu sein;
17710916             —WENIG—SPÄTER, hieß es einmal, der Brand DER—ABTEI habe den Abschluß des Visitationswerks verhindert.
17710916             DIE—SONSTIGEN Anweisungen der Visitatoren, die den Gesang der MÖNCHe zeitweise erträglich fanden, waren recht knapp.
17710916             —IN—ZUKUNFT, sollte die Bekleidung vom KELLNER beschafft und
17710916             —IN—ZUKUNFT, sollte kein Geld zu diesem Zweck an die MÖNCHe ausgegeben werden,
17710916             1—ANWEISUNG, die allenfalls kurze Zeit befolgt worden ist, wie die Rechnungen besagen.
17710916             —IN—ZUKUNFT, sollte  KELLNER und Küchenmeister, die von den gottesdienstlichen Verpflichtungen weitgehend dispensiert waren, sollten wenigstens an der morgendlichen Meditation teilnehmen.
17710916             —IN—ZUKUNFT, sollte  Die tägliche WeinzuTEILUNG war von dem BONNer Maß auf das KÖLNer Maß umzustellen.
17710916             Hatte die Visitation 1—FAST ungetrübtes BILD—VON—FRIEDEN und Eintracht geboten, so
17710916             EINIGE—JAHRE—SPÄTER, WIEDER Klagen laut wurden,
17710916—17560000    —SEIT, festzustellende Wandel wie der zustandegekommen war.
17720916             * HERMANN—JOSEPH—KORNELIUS—WILDT,
17770916—18360000    * † NATHAN—ROTHSCHILD, banker, in FRANKFURT.
17770916—18360000    NATHAN—ROTHSCHILD was THE—SON—OF—MAYER Rothschild (17440000—18120000    ), who rose from THE—FRANKFURT ghetto to become the banker to PRINCE—WILLIAM—OF—PRUSSIA.
17770916—18360000    —WORKED, Nathan, in LONDON as 1—BANKER and invested PRUSSIA—MONEY in the Napoleonic Wars and smuggled it to WELLINGTON in SPAIN.
17770916—18360000    NATHAN—ROTHSCHILD was the 1. to hear news from Waterloo and sold stock to convince other investors that the British had lost.
17770916—18360000    NATHAN—ROTHSCHILD—AGENTS bought the stock at low prices.
17770916—18360000    —ESTABLISHED, NATHAN—ROTHSCHILD—4—BROTHERS, banks in VIENNA, Naples and PARIS.
17890916             JEAN—PAUL Marat set up a new newspaper in FRANCE, LE—AMI—DU—PEUPLE.
17950916             The Capitulation of RUSTENBURG: 1—HOLLAND—GARRISON at the Cape of Good Hope surrendered to 1—UK—FLEET under ADMIRAL—GEORGE—ELPHINSTONE.
18100916             MEXICO began its revolt against SPAIN—RULE.
18100916             —DELIVERED, Father MIGUEL—HIDALGO y Costilla, the cry for freedom in front of 1—SMALL—CROWD—OF his parishioners (The Grito de Dolores) in Dolores HIDALGO.
18100916             —STEMMED, This action, from meetings of the literary and social club of QUERETARO (now 1—CENTRAL—STATE—OF—MEXICO), which included the priest, THE—MAYOR—OF—THE—TOWN, and 1—LOCAL—MILITARY—CAPTAIN—NAMED—IGNACIO—ALLENDE.
18100916             —BELIEVED, They, that New SPAIN should be governed by the Creoles (criollos) rather than the Gachupines (peninsulares).
18100916             —EXECUTED, Both priests were later, by firing squads.
18100916             —REVOLTED, When MEXICO, THE—SPAIN—SETTLEMENTS began to fall apart.
18100916             —SECULARIZED, Under MEXICO—RULE the missions were, and the huge land holdings were broken up.
18100916             At age 55, HIDALGO was 1—TALL, gaunt man who carried his head habitually bent forward, giving him the appearance of 1—TRUE contemplative.
18100916             But looks were deceiving.
18100916             He had 1—RESTLESS, willful nature, and his expressive green eyes shot fire when he argued politics.
18100916             In his student days, he had won debates and honors;
18100916             as 1—THEOLOGIAN he enjoyed considerable local renown.
18100916             He was 1—VISIONARY, RESENTFUL—OF—AUTHORITY and with 1—TOUCH—OF—THE crusader about him.
18150916             —DIE—HEILIGE—ALLIANZ erregte den Verdacht absolutistischer Tendenzen, denen gegenüber sich Mißstimmung kund gab.
18190916             —CROSSED, DOCTOR—JOHN—JEFFRIES, who, THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL (17850000             ) with Frenchman JEAN—PIERRE Blanchard for the 1. time in 1—HYDROGEN balloon, † in BOSTON.
18200916             —MONTAG
18360916             —SIGNED, MOROCCO, 1—TREATY—OF—PEACE with THE—USA at Meccanez.
18360916—18361001    —ON, 1—CLAUSE—OF—CONCLUSION under the seal of THE—USA—CONSULATE at Tangier, was signed by JAMES—R—LEIB, consul and agent of THE—USA.
18380916             * JAMES—J—HILL, railroad builder.
18480912—18480916    —DATE18480916             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—104—KÖLN.
18480916             —WAFFEN—STILL—STAND—VON—MALMÖM doch noch von der FRANKFURTER—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG ratifiziert worden, was großen Unmut unter den Bürgern hervorrief.
18480916             —UNRUHEN, Vor der PAULS—KIRCHE—FRANKFURT kam es zu blutigen.
18590915—18590916    —DEUTSCHER—NATIONAL—VEREIN will DIE—EINIGUNG DEUTSCHLANDs und dessen freiheitliche Entwicklung fördern.
18590915—18590916    Der von den Liberalen beherrschte NATIONAL—VEREIN bietet den ARBEITern und Handwerkern wieder 1—MÖGLICHKEIT, wenn auch noch nicht selbständig, politisch tätig zu sein.
18590915—18590916    —DEUTSCHER—NATIONAL—VEREIN in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN will DIE—EINIGUNG DEUTSCHLANDs, dessen freiheitliche Entwicklung fördern.
18590916             † S—FRANCISCO—USA—SENATOR—DAVID—C—BRODERICK, at the Leonides Haskell house at Fort Mason, following his 18590913              duel with DAVID—S—TERRY, CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA SUPREME—COURT, near Lake Merced.
18640916             Confederate GENERAL—NATHAN—BEDFORD—FORREST led 4,500—MEN out of VERONA—MISSISSIPPI to harass Union outposts in NORTH—ALABAMA and TENNESSEE.
18680916             Es schließen sich zwar EINIGE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN an, DER—VERBAND besteht aber nicht sehr lange.
18750916             * JAMES—CASH—PENNY, founder and owner of the J.C. Penny Company department stores.
18750916             "haben die Aufregung ihrem Dünkel, ihrer Überhebung, namenlosen Frechheit zuzuschreiben".
18750916             "Was DIE—ANTI—SEMITISCHEN Sympathien betrifft, so sind DIE—JUDEN selbst hieran schuld,
18850916             * KAREN—HORNEY, psychoanalyst who exposed THE—MALE—BIAS in the Freudian ANALYSIS—OF—WOMEN.
18860916             —IM, RECHENSCHAFTS—BERICHT—DER—SACHSEN—REGIERUNG zur Verlängerung des kleinen BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTANDES für LEIPZIG und Umgebung wird der außerordentliche Aufschwung des Fachvereinswesens festgestellt.
18860916             LEIPZIG, sei die Zahl dieser Vereine von 21—AUF 35—GESTIEGEN.
18860916             Diese Fachvereine ständen im engsten Zusammenhang mit DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE, zum Teil seien sie sogar Schöpfungen und Organe derselben.
18870916—19790000    * † NADIA—BOULANGER, conductor, in PARIS—FRANCE.
18870916—19790000    —BECAME, NADIA—BOULANGER, the 1. woman to conduct BOSTON Symphony (19390000             ).
18890916             † ROBERT—YOUNGER, in MINNESOTA—STILLWATER—PENITENTIARY for life, of tuberculosis.
18890916             —REMAINED, Brothers Cole and Bob, in that prison.
18910916             * KARL—DOENITZ, GERMANY—ADMIRAL who succeeded Hitler in governing GERMANY.
18930916             * ALBERT—SZENT—GYORGYI, biochemist who isolated vitamin C.
18930916             —CLAIMED, More than 100,000 settlers ("Sooners"), land in the Cherokee Strip during the 1. DAY—OF—THE—OKLAHOMA land rush.
19000915—19000916    Die 1. KONFERENZ—DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—FRAUEN DEUTSCHLANDs tagt in MAINZ. 20—FRAUEN nehmen daran teil.
19000915—19000916    —DIE—KONFERENZ behandelt DIE—AGITATION unter den Frauen und den gesetzlichen ARBEITER—INNENSCHUTZ.
19000915—19000916    Zur ZENTRAL—VERTRAUENS—PERSON wird OTTILIE—BAADER gewählt.
19110910—19110916    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—JENA, DIE—MAI—FEIER (W. Pfannkuch).
19110910—19110916    "Wir werden 1—ZUSTAND entgegengehen, der meiner Überzeugung nach nur noch mit 1—GROßEN KATASTROPHE enden kann und enden muß".
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG erwartet, daß insbesondere DIE—DEUTSCHE—ARBEITER—KLASSE JEDES—MÖGLICHE—MITTEL anwendet, um 1—WELT—KRIEG zu verhindern.
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG verabschiedet Forderungen, die der LEBENS—MITTEL—TEUERUNG entgegenwirken sollen.
19110910—19110916    SPD—PARTEI—TAG—IN—JENA, 338—DELEGIERTE.
19110910—19110916    AUGUST—BEBEL In seiner ERÖFFNUNGS—REDE sagt zur MAROKKO—KRISE,
19110910—19110916    "Wir werden 1—ZUSTAND entgegengehen, der meiner Überzeugung nach nur noch mit 1—GROßEN KATASTROPHE enden kann und enden muß".
19110910—19110916    In der DISKUSSION—ÜBER den MAROKKO—KONFLIKT wird dem PARTEI—VORSTAND vorgeworfen, er habe es in dieser Situation an Initiative mangeln lassen.
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG fordert die sofortige Einberufung des REICHS—TAG, damit der Volksvertretung Gelegenheit gegeben werde, ihre Meinung zu äußern und den volksfeindlichen Machinationen entgegenzutreten.
19110910—19110916    —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION wird darüber hinaus ersucht, —1—ANTRAG einzubringen, wonach des REICH—REGIERUNG verpflichtet werden könne, in Fällen internationaler Verwicklungen den REICHS—TAG einzuberufen und die gewählte Volksvertretung über DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN auswärtigen Regierungen zu unterrichten.
19110910—19110916    Unter stürmischer ZUSTIMMUNG—DES—PARTEI—TAGES erwähnt AUGUST—BEBEL, daß
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt die DIE—RICHTLINIEN für DAS—VERHALTEN bei den Stichwahlen.
19110910—19110916    —GEWÄHLT, werden dürfen nur die Kandidaten, die sich unter Zeugen oder schriftlich verpflichten, einzutreten gegen AUSNAHME—GESETZE, gegen JEDE—ERHÖHUNG—ODER—NEUEINFÜHRUNG—VON—ZÖLLEN und indirekten STEUERN.
19110910—19110916    Alle jugendlichen —ARBEITER und ARBEITER—INNEN werden vor dem Eintritt in BÜRGERliche Jugendvereine und vor der TEILNAHME—AN—BÜRGERLICHEN Jugendbestrebungen gewarnt.
19110910—19110916    —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION soll SOFORT—BEI Zusammentritt des REICHS—TAG beim REICHS—KANZLER über die Teuerung interpellieren.
19110910—19110916    Bei der drohenden KRIEG—GEFAHR habe er nicht schnell genug 1—FRIEDENS—AKTION entfaltet, 1—VORWURF, der von den PARTEI—VORSTANDS—MITGLIEDERN zurückgewiesen wird.
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG erhebt nachdrücklichsten PROTEST—GEGEN—JEDEN Versuch, 1—MÄNNERMORDENDEN KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—KULTURVÖLKERN hervorzurufen, der notwendig 1—WELT—KRIEG werden müßte und mit 1—ALLGEMEINEN KATASTROPHE enden würde.
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG erwartet, daß insbesondere DIE—DEUTSCHE—ARBEITER—KLASSE JEDES—MÖGLICHE—MITTEL anwendet, um 1—WELT—KRIEG zu verhindern.
19110910—19110916    —GEWÄHLT, werden dürfen nur die Kandidaten, die sich unter Zeugen oder schriftlich verpflichten, einzutreten für die Aufrechterhaltung des REICHS—TAG—WAHL—RECHTS, gegen 1—BESCHRÄNKUNG—DES, VEREIN-, Versammlungs—, KOALITIONS—RECHTS,
19110910—19110916    —GEWÄHLT, werden dürfen nur die Kandidaten, die sich unter Zeugen oder schriftlich verpflichten, einzutreten gegen 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG der sogenannten politischen Paragraphen des Strafrechts,
19110910—19110916    —DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt, 2—WEITERE Parteisekretäre einzustellen und 1—KOMMISSION zu wählen, die 1—RE—ORGANISATION des PARTEI—VORSTANDES und der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION beraten und darüber dem nächsten PARTEI—TAG berichten soll.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt die DIE—RICHTLINIEN für DAS—VERHALTEN bei den Stichwahlen.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt, 2—WEITERE Parteisekretäre einzustellen und 1—KOMMISSION zu wählen, die 1—RE—ORGANISATION des PARTEI—VORSTANDES und der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION beraten und darüber dem nächsten PARTEI—TAG berichten soll.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG beschließt, Gewählt werden dürfen nur die Kandidaten, die sich unter Zeugen oder schriftlich verpflichten, einzutreten für die Aufrechterhaltung des REICHS—TAG—WAHL—RECHTS, gegen 1—BESCHRÄNKUNG des VEREIN-, Versammlungs—, KOALITIONS—RECHTS, gegen 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG der sogenannten politischen Paragraphen des Strafrechts, gegen Ausnahmegesetze, gegen JEDE—ERHÖHUNG—ODER—NEUEINFÜHRUNG—VON—ZÖLLEN und indirekten STEUERN.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG erhebt nachdrücklichsten PROTEST—GEGEN—JEDEN Versuch, 1—MÄNNERMORDENDEN KRIEG—ZWISCHEN—KULTURVÖLKERN hervorzurufen, der notwendig 1—WELT—KRIEG werden müßte und mit 1—ALLGEMEINEN KATASTROPHE enden würde.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG erwartet, daß insbesondere DIE—DEUTSCHE—ARBEITER—KLASSE JEDES—MÖGLICHE—MITTEL anwendet, um 1—WELT—KRIEG zu verhindern.
19110910—19110916    DER—PARTEI—TAG fordert die sofortige Einberufung des REICHS—TAG, damit der Volksvertretung Gelegenheit gegeben werde, ihre Meinung zu äußern und den volksfeindlichen Machinationen entgegenzutreten.
19110910—19110916    —VERABSCHIEDET, DER—PARTEI—TAG, Forderungen, die der LEBENS—MITTELTEUERUNG entgegenwirken sollen.
19110910—19110916    DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION soll SOFORT—BEI Zusammentritt des REICHS—TAG beim REICHSKANZLER über die Teuerung interpellieren.
19110910—19110916    DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION wird darüber hinaus ersucht, 1—ANTRAG einzubringen, wonach des REICH—REGIERUNG verpflichtet werden könne, in Fällen internationaler Verwicklungen den REICHS—TAG einzuberufen und die gewählte Volksvertretung über DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN auswärtigen Regierungen zu unterrichten.
19110910—19110916    PARTEI—TAG—IN—JENA, 338—DELEGIERTE.
19110910—19110916    PARTEI—TAG—IN—JENA, DIE—MAI—FEIER (W. Pfannkuch).
19130916             —RECORDED, S—FRANCISCO, its hottest day ever and nearly 100,000—PEOPLE made their way to the seashore.
19180916             PERSHING—ASSAULT—ON—THE—SAINT—MIHIEL salient is completely successful, and the salient is entirely cleared.
19190916             —CHARTERED, THE—USA—LEGION was formally, by 1—ACT—OF—CONGRESS.
19190916             HITLER—1. known, political writing on the "JEWISH—PROBLEM," 1—LETTER addressed to ADOLF Gemlich (identity unknown) shows that HITLER—BELIEF in 1—WORLDWIDE—JEWISH—MARXIST—CONSPIRACY was already well developed.
19200916             1—BOMB exploded in front of the Morgan building at 23—WALL St. in NEW—YORK—CITY at noon on 1—BUSY—THURSDAY.
19200916             † 30—PEOPLE were immediately killed and 8—SOON, from their wounds.
19200916             A 16-foot stretch of THE—TENNESSEE—MARBLE façade with POCKMARKS—OF—THE—BLAST was retained as 1—MEMORIAL.
19200916             —BELIEVED, Investigators, the bombing was carried out by Galleanists (ITALY—ANARCHISTS), 1—GROUP—RESPONSIBLE for 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS the previous year.
19200916             —DESCRIBED, Ron Chernow, the incident in his book "THE—HOUSE—OF—MORGAN".
19200916             —CHARGED, No 1 was, but PROFESSOR—PAUL—AVRICH, in his book "Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anarchist Background," later held that MARIO—BUDA, 1—ITALY—IMMIGRANT, was the culprit.
19220916             REVEREND—EDWARD—WHEELER—HALL and his mistress, choir member Eleanor Mills, were found shot to death in 1—NEW—JERSEY apple orchard.
19220916             —INDICTED, HALL—WIFE and her 2—BROTHERS were, for the murder, but they were acquitted at trial.
19230916             HITLER in BAYREUTH
19230916—19230916    HITLER Übernachtung in BAYREUTH im Hotel "Zur Post"
19250916             * CHARLIE—BYRD, jazz guitarist.
19250916             * Blues musician B.B. KING ("Blues Boy") in MISSISSIPPI.
19250916             In the mid-1950s, while KING was performing in TWIST—ARKANSAS, SOME—AUDIENCE—MEMBERS got into 1—FIGHT over 1—WOMAN named Lucille.
19250916             —KNOCKED, They, over 1—KEROSENE stove and set the place on fire.
19250916             Everybody ran outside...but when KING realized he left his guitar inside, he rushed back to retrieve it.
19250916             —NAMED, From then on, KING, all his guitars "Lucille".
19260916             * JOHN—KNOWLES, writer.
19290916             —BANNED, BOSTON Mayor Nichols, THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—EUGENE—O'NEILL play "Strange Interlude" on the grounds that it was obscene.
19290916             —BANNED, The play had never been, anywhere, and MANY—BOSTONIANS wanted to see it, but the mayor would not change his mind.
19290916             —COVERED, This was later among events, in the book "CENSORSHIP—OF—THE—USA—THEATRE in the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY" (20030000             ).
19290916—19290930    —ALLOWED, The mayor of neighboring QUINCY—MASSACHUSETTS, the play to be performed there, and it played to SOLD—OUT crowds for 1—MONTH.
19310916             OMAR—MUKHTAR (18620000              *), LIBYA—HERO, was hanged by ITALY—AUTHORITIES in the concentration camp of Solluqon.
19310916—19120000    —FROM, he had led 1—INSURRECTION against ITALY—INVADERS.
19340916             —STAGED, ANTI—NAZI Lutherans, 1—PROTEST in MUNICH.
19350916             THE—GERMAN—EPISCOPATE—CENTRAL—OFFICE—IN—BERLIN reports that previously Catholic couples of racially mixed descent had travelled to ENGLAND to get oo, but
19350916             THE—GERMAN—EPISCOPATE—CENTRAL—OFFICE—IN—BERLIN reports that now even those marriages have become illegal. (Lewy)
19380916             BRITISH—LORD—RUNCIMAN recommends that CZECHOSLOVAKIA relinquish all border territories with 1—MAJORITY—OF—ETHNIC—GERMANS to GERMANY.
19400916             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, into law the Selective Training and Service Act, which set up the 1. peacetime military draft in USA—HISTORY.
19400916             —BOMBED, The Luftwaffe, THE—BRISTOL Aeroplane Company.
19410916             —AM, ahnten Astronomen am MOUNT—WILSON—OBSERVATORY—KALIFORNIEN bereits, daß die Sonne 1.unangenehme Überraschung bereithielt.
19410916             —FORCED, THE—PRO—NAZI—GERMANY—RULER—IRAN—REZA—SHAH—PAHLAVI, by THE—BRITISH, is, to abdicate in favor of his son.
19410916             USA—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NTERIOR—HAROLD—ICKES has lunch with BERNARD—BARUCH and
19410916             USA—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NTERIOR—HAROLD—ICKES asks BERNARD—BARUCH why EDWARD—STETTINIUS, who he says has been 1—FAILURE at EVERY—JOB he has held so far, has been moved up by THE—PRESIDENT to the important POSITION—OF—ADMINISTRATOR—OF—THE—LEND Lease Act.
19420916             —RAIDED, THE—JAPAN—BASE at Kiska in the Aleutian Islands was, by USA—BOMBERS.
19420916             THE—GERMAN—ARMY enters Stalingrad.
19420916             —FIGHTING soon becomes STREET—TO—STREET, BLOCK—TO—BLOCK, HOUSE—TO—HOUSE combat.
19420916             40—BULGARIAN—BORN Jews are among those deported to AUSCHWITZ from PARIS.
19420916             —DEPORTED, No Jews in BULGARIA had yet been, to AUSCHWITZ. (Atlas)
19420916             —COURSED, HEINRICH—HIMMLER in 1—SPEECH at Hegewald says that the blood that, through the veins of Genghis Khan, ATTILA the Hun, and STALIN... was German. (Architect)
19430916             —GENERAL—CLARK—FORCES join up with THE—BRITISH 8. Army advancing northward from SOUTH—ITALY.
19430916             More than 37,000 ITALY—JEWS come under NAZI—RULE.
19430916             SOME—ESCAPE to SWITZERLAND.
19430916             Several 1000—FIND refuge in Catholic homes. (Atlas)
19440916             HITLER decides on 1—COUNTEROFFENSIVE in THE—WEST.
19440916             THE—EAST—FRONT is far too vast, HITLER says, and the Russians much too superior in number for such 1—OPERATION to succeed.
19440916             Chances are much better in THE—WEST.
19450916             —SURRENDERED, JAPAN, HONG—KONG to BRITAIN.
19500916             * HENRY—LOUIS—GATES—JUNIOR, critic and scholar.
19500916             THE—USA 8. Army broke out of THE—PUSAN Perimeter in SOUTH—KOREA and began heading north to meet MACARTHUR—TROOPS heading south from Inchon.
19530916             "The Robe," the 1. movie filmed in the widescreen process CinemaScope, had its world premiere at the Roxy Theater in NEW—YORK.
19540916             LEWIS—L—STRAUSS—SPEECH to the National ASSOCIATION—OF—SCIENCE—WRITERS—NEW—YORK City, [ NEW—YORK—TIMES, 19540917              ]
19540916             "It is not too much to expect that our children will enjoy in their homes electrical energy too cheap to meter;
19540916             will know of great periodic regional famines in the world only as MATTERS—OF—HISTORY;
19540916             will travel effortlessly over the seas and under them and through the air with 1—MINIMUM—OF—DANGER and at great speeds, and will experience 1—LIFESPAN—FAR—LONGER than ours, as disease yields and man comes to understand what causes him to age.
19540916             This is the forecast of 1—AGE—OF—PEACE.
18640000—19570916    * † Qi Baishi, CHINA—ARTIST, in BEIJING.
19570916—20110000    —IN, 1—OF—HIS ink paintings was auctioned for $65—MILLION.
19590916             - Lors d'une conférence de presse, CHARLES—DE—GAULLE laisse entendre sa... des officiers, comme ROGER—TRINQUIER et LIONEL—MAX Chassin...
19590916             Theoretical Explorations of British, French and Portuguese... - HTML—VERSION
19590916             ROGER—TRINQUIER, Modern Warfare : 1—FRANCE—VIEW—OF—COUNTER—INSURGENCY... supported COLONEL—LACHEROY, Generals Salan and Challe who then resorted to...
19590916             De SAINT—CYR à L'Action Psychologique
19590916             Le COLONEL—CHARLES—LACHEROY, son créateur vient de nous quitter à 98—ANS... ROGER—TRINQUIER, alors CHEF de bataillon du " Commando Ponchardier ".
19590916             El concepto de subversión Coronel CHARLES—LACHEROY : —LLEGUÉ a Indochina y enseguida leí de punta a punta el Libro... escrito por el jefe de Aussaresses, el coronel ROGER—TRINQUIER...
19590916             "Extreme Methoden" - Gewalt, Zivilisation und der Ausnahmezustand...
19590916             L'ecole francaise, PARIS 20040000             , 13, zitiert CHARLES—LACHEROY.
19590916             15. - Maran, Rita: Staatsverbrechen.
19590916             Ideologie und Folter im ALGERIENKRIEG—HAMBURG 19960000             , 157.
19590916             Le Monde diplomatique Brasil: Da guerra colonial ao terrorismo de...
19630916             —PREMIERED, THE—SCIENCE—FICTION anthology series "The Outer Limits", on ABC.
19630916             —ESTABLISHED, THE—FEDERATION—OF—MALAYSIA was formally.
19630916             —JOINED, Sabak (Sabah) and SARAWAK—BRITAIN—COLONIES on Borneo, the Malayan peninsula to form MALAYSIA with Tunku ABDUL—RAHMAN, 60—JAHRE—ALT as PRIME—MINISTER.
19630916             —FORMED, The federation, under bitter opposition from INDONESIA, which refused to recognize the country and waged 1—GUERRILLA—WAR against it.
19630916             —ERUPTED, Race riots, between ethnic Malays and THE—CHINA—MAJORITY.
19640916—19641020    He was the 1. HEAD—OF—STATE from outside Latin AMERICA to visit PARAGUAY.
19650916             "THE—DEAN—MARTIN—SHOW" premiered on NBC.
19660916             —OPENED, The Metropolitan Opera, its new opera house at NEW—YORK—LINCOLN—CENTER for the Performing Arts.
19670916             —PREMIERED, THE—TV—SERIES "Mannix," starring MIKE—CONNORS, on CBS.
19680916             —EXCLAIMED, Republican presidential nominee RICHARD—NIXON, "Sock it to ME?" in 1 taped bit for THE—NBC—TV comedy program "Rowan & MARTIN—LAUGH—IN".
19690916             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—NIXON, the withdrawal of 35,000 soldiers from VIETNAM and reduced the number required to be drafted.
19700916             —RELEASED, THE—USA—TV—SHOW "McCloud" was.
19700916             It starred DENNIS—WEAVER (19240000—20060000    ) and was written and produced by Leslie Stevens (19980000              †).
19700916             —CONTINUED, The series, to 19770000             .
19700916             The Black September conflict began when KING—HUSSEIN—OF—JORDAN declared military rule in response to 1—FEDAYEEN coup d'état to seize his kingdom.
19700916             —RESULTED, This, in the deaths or expulsion of THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS from JORDAN.
19720916             —PLAYED, Suzanne Pleshette (19370000—20080000    ), BOB—NEWHART—WIFE.
19720916             Marine SERGEANT—WILLIAM—MILLER was shot and killed near Camp Lejeune, NC.
19720916             oo Fellow EX—MARINE—GEORGE—HAYDEN, 57—JAHRE—ALT, who, Babbit after MILLER—DEATH, was alleged to have shot Miller.
19720916             —ALLEGED, EX—MARINE—RODGER Gill (56) was, to have witnessed the murder.
19720916—19780000    —IN, "THE—BOB—NEWHART—SHOW" premiered on CBS and ended.
19720916—20090000    —IN, 3—PEOPLE faced murder charges after prosecutors alleged that the murder was THE—RESULT—OF—1—LOVE triangle centered around MILLER—EX—WIFE, Vickie Babbitt.
19730916             VICTOR—JARA (19320000              *), 1—OF—THE—BEST—KNOWN MEMBERS—OF—LATIN AMERICA's "New Song" folk movement, †.
19730916             —ARRESTED, He had been, after THE—CHILE—MILITARY—COUP that overthrew Allende and taken to 1—SOCCER stadium used as 1—DETENTION—CAMP.
19730916             —TORTURED, Court papers indicate Jara was, his hands smashed with rifle butts, and then was shot to death along with former prison service director Littre Quiroga.
19730916             Army draftee, Jose Paredes, later described the murder and named the officers he said were responsible.
19730916             Paredes told interrogators that 1—LIEUTENANT known as "El Loco," the Crazy 1, held Jara against 1—DRESSING room wall and played RUSSIA—ROULETTE until 1—BULLET blasted through the singer's skull.
19730916             VÍCTOR—JARA 1—SÄNGER, KOMPONIST—UND—THEATERDIREKTOR, wurde festgenommen und in 1—SPORTSTADION, das damalige Estadio CHILE, gebracht.
19730916             † VÍCTOR—JARA wurde von Soldaten gefoltert und getötet.
19730916—20080000    —IN, 1—COURT charged retired COLONEL—MARIO—MANRIQUEZ in the case, saying he was "responsible" for the death.
19730916—20090000    —EXHUMED, JARA—BODY was, for 1—PROPER autopsy.
19730916—20120000    —IN, 8 retired army officers were charged in JARA—SLAYING.
19730916—20130905    —ON, 1—CIVIL—SUIT accused LIEUTENANT—PEDRO—BARRIENTOS—NUNEZ of ordering torture and firing the fatal shot that killed Jara.
19730916—20140000    —IN, 3—MORE—PEOPLE were charged in THE—MURDER—OF—JARA.
19730922—19730916    —ON, IN—CHILE—MICHAEL—WOODWARD had been taken into custody by security forces in the port CITY—OF—VALPARAISO.
19740916             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—FORD, 1—CONDITIONAL amnesty program for VIETNAM War deserters and DRAFT—EVADERS.
19740916             —OFFERED, Limited amnesty was, to VIETNAM—ERA—DRAFT resisters who would now swear allegiance to THE—USA and perform 2—YEARS—OF—PUBLIC—SERVICE.
19750916             —ANNOUNCED, Administrators for Rhodes Scholarships, the decision to begin offering fellowships to women.
19750916             —BECAME, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA (PNG), a FORMER—AUSTRALIA—COLONY, independent.
19760916             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HENRY—KISSINGER sent 1—CABLE canceling 1—USA warning against carrying out INTERNATIONAL political assassinations that was to have gone to CHILE and 2—NEIGHBORING nations just days before 1—FORMER—AMBASSADOR was killed by CHILE—AGENTS on WASHINGTON—EMBASSY—ROW.
19760916             The Episcopal Church, at its GENERAL—CONVENTION in MINNEAPOLIS, formally approved THE—ORDINATION—OF—WOMEN as priests and bishops.
19760916—20100000    —UNTIL, The document was not made public.
19770916             Maria Callas, "our century's greatest singer," THE—AMERICAN—BORN prima donna famed for her lyric soprano and fiery temperament, † in PARIS at age 53.
19780916             —PERFORMED, The Grateful Dead, at the Great Pyramid of GIZA.
19780916             Hanza El Din (19300000—20060000    ), Nubian oud virtuoso, 1. played with the Grateful Dead.
19780916             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—IRAN, 1—MAGNITUDE 7.7—EARTHQUAKE, some 25,000—PEOPLE.
19780916—19781022    Frommer Reichtum in DÜSSELDORF. Kirchenschätze aus 10—JAHRHUNDERTEN.
19790916             Hafizullah Amin took the presidency of AFGHANISTAN following THE—KILLING—OF—NUR MUHAMMAD—TARAKI.
19790916             —EXECUTED, Amin was later, and replaced with Babrak Karmal.
19790916—19880000    —PUBLISHED, WISCONSIN, THE—MADISON—PRESS—CONNECTION, 1 detailed explanation of how to build 1—HYDROGEN bomb in 1—ARTICLE—WRITTEN—BY—CHARLES—HANSEN (19470000—20030000    ) of Mountain VIEW—CALIFORNIA Hansen published "USA Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History".
19800916             † JEAN—PIAGET, SWITZERLAND—PSYCHOLOGIST, theorist and educator, at 84.
19810226             —AVERAGED, The French Train19810916             , 380—KPH as PART—OF—OPERATION—TGV 100.
19810916             —ANNOUNCED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, his intention to appoint EDGAR—CALLAHAN (20090000              † age 80) as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—CREDIT—UNION—ADMINISTRATION, making him THE—HIGHEST—RANKING credit union regulator in the country.
19810916—19870000    —IN, Callahan, former director THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS in ILLINOIS, stepped down after guiding the industry into deregulation.
19820916—19820918    The massacre of some 1,500 PALESTINE—MEN, women and children by LEBANON—CHRISTIAN militiamen began in WEST—BEIRUT—SABRA and Chatilla (Shatilla) refugee camps.
19820916—19820918    Elie Hobeika (20020000              †), Christian militia chieftain, led THE—MASSACRE—OF—PALESTINE—REFUGEES in the camps.
19820916—19820918    ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER, Ariel Sharon, was held responsible and lost his top post.
19820916—19820918    —TRIGGERED, The massacre, peace rallies in ISRAEL with some 400,000 demonstrating in Tel Aviv.
19820916—19820918    UK—JOURNALIST—ROBERT—FISK (19460000—20200000    ) was among the 1. to enter Sabra and Shatila, where more than a 1000—PEOPLE were massacred.
19820916—20010000    —IN, survivors lodged 1—COMPLAINT in BELGIUM against Sharon.
19840515—20140916    —UNTIL, Operations continued.
19870916             —VISITED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, S—FRANCISCO and drew the largest protests of his USA—TOUR as homosexuals, feminists and Jews protested outside Mission Dolores Basilica.
19870916             CANADA, 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONVENTION met in MONTREAL and negotiators from 23—OF—THE—WORLD—MAJOR—INDUSTRIAL nations signed 1—TREATY to slow down global chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) production in order to restore atmospheric ozone.
19870916             1—OF—ITS most important architects was EGYPT—SCIENTIST—MOSTAFA Tolba (19220000—20160000    ).
19870916—19910000    —IN, 1—FUND
19870916—20000000    —YEAR, THE—MONTREAL Protocol, 1—TREATY designed to save THE—EARTH—OZONE layer by calling on nations to reduce emissions of harmful chemicals by the, was amended 19900000             —IN and 19920000             .
19870916—20160000    —BY, was established to help developing countries meet their obligations 197—NATIONS had signed THE—MONTREAL Protocol.
19880916             —SLAMMED, Hurricane GILBERT, into THE—MEXICO coast for the 2. time in 3—DAYS, its center sweeping ashore NORTH—OF—LA Pesca, 120—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS.
19890916             —CROWNED, Debbye TURNER—OF—MISSOURI was, Miss AMERICA at the pageant in Atlantic CITY—NEW—JERSEY.
19890916             —VOM, —SUNDAY—CORRESPONDENT, "Wir sind 19390000              nicht in den KRIEG eingetreten, um DEUTSCHLAND vor HITLER oder DIE—JUDEN vor AUSCHWITZ zu retten. Wie 19140000              sind wir für den nicht weniger edlen Grund in den KRIEG eingetreten, daß wir DIE—DEUTSCHE—VORMACHTSTELLUNG in EUROPA nicht akzeptieren können".
19900916             —VIDEOTAPED, IRAQ—TELEVISION—BROADCAST an 8—MINUTE, address by PRESIDENT—BUSH, who warned THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE that Saddam HUSSEIN—BRINKMANSHIP could plunge them into war "against the world".
19910916             1—FEDERAL JUDGE—IN—WASHINGTON dismissed all IRAN—CONTRA charges against OLIVER—NORTH.
19910916             Confirmation hearings began on THE—NOMINATION—OF—ROBERT—GATES to HEAD—THE—CIA.
19910916             —CONCLUDED, SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—CLARENCE—THOMAS, 5—DAYS—OF—TESTIMONY at his confirmation hearing.
19920916             1 proposed debate between PRESIDENT—BUSH and Democrat BILL—CLINTON was canceled after the Bush campaign's refusal to negotiate with 1—BIPARTISAN commission.
19920916             —OCCURRED, Black —WEDNESDAY, in THE—UK—WHEN JOHN—MAJOR—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after it was unable to keep the pound above its agreed lower limit in THE—ERM.
19920916             —BECAME, The day, known as "Black —WEDNESDAY".
19920916             —POCKETED, GEORGE—SOROS, $2—BILLION on his short sale of $10—BILLION.
19920916             —DOCUMENTED, The event is, in ROBERT—SLATER—SOROS: "The Life, Times and Trading SECRETS—OF—THE—WORLD—GREATEST—INVESTOR".
19920916             —FORCED, BRITAIN—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT was, to withdraw the Pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) due to pressure by currency speculators.
19930916             THE—USA—TV sitcom Frasier, 1—SPINOFF from "Cheers," premiered with JOHN—MAHONEY (19400000—20180000    ) as the cranky dad of pompous sons Frasier and Niles.
19930916             —CONTINUED, The show, to 20040000             .
19930916             1—JUDGE—IN—BERLIN convicted 3—ELDERLY—FORMER—COMMUNIST—LEADERS in the shooting DEATHS—OF—EAST—GERMANS who had tried to scale THE—BERLIN Wall.
19940916             2—ASTRONAUTS from the space shuttle Discovery went on the 1. untethered spacewalk in 10—YEARS.
19940916—19890000    —IN—THE, 1—FEDERAL—JURY ordered Exxon Corp. to pay $5.3—BILLION in punitive damages to commercial fishermen and others harmed Exxon Valdez spill in ALASKA.
19940916—20010000    —IN, A—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS threw out the punitive damages.
19950916             —CROWNED, Shawntel Smith of OKLAHOMA was, "Miss AMERICA" at the pageant in Atlantic CITY—NEW—JERSEY.
19950916             —VOICED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, support for 1—SENATE—WELFARE—OVERHAUL—PLAN sponsored by Senate Majority Leader BOB—DOLE.
19960916             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the endorsement of the nation's largest police organization, the Fraternal ORDER—OF—POLICE, in his bid for RE—ELECTION.
19960916             —SIGNED, CHICAGO and PARIS, 1—SISTER—CITY—PACT.
19960916             —BLASTED, Space shuttle Atlantis, off more than 6—WEEKS—LATE on 1—MISSION to pick up NASA ASTRONAUT—SHANNON—LUCID, aloft since last March, from THE—RUSSIA—SPACE—STATION—MIR.
19960916             † FORMER—USA national security adviser McGeorge Bundy in BOSTON at age 77.
19960916             —AGREED, KUWAIT, to allow THE—USA to send 3,300 troops to its soil over the confrontation with IRAQ.
19970916             2—AIR—NATIONAL—GUARD F—16—FIGHTERS collided off Atlantic CITY—NEW—JERSEY All the crew members survived.
19970916             EGYPT, 1—STATE—OWNED FARM—TRUCK carrying up to 120—BOYS and girls overturned and killed 29—OF—THEM.
19980916             In his 1. news conference since THE—RELEASE—OF—KENNETH—STARR—GRAPHIC—REPORT, PRESIDENT—CLINTON said he'd told "the essential truth" about his affair with Monica Lewinsky;
19980916             as for whether he might resign, Clinton responded that Americans "want me to go on".
19980916             House Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—HYDE, responding to 1—REPORT in 1—INTERNET—PUBLICATION, Salon Magazine, admitted to "indiscretions" with 1—WOMAN in the 1960s at 1—TIME when both were oo.
19980916             The 1. photos of Phobos from the Mars Global Surveyor were reported.
19980916             Its diameter is 16—MILES at the equator and 11—MILES—POLE to pole.
19980916             —MEASURED, Deimos, 7—MILES in diameter.
19980916             —REBUKED, ALGERIA was, for abuses by its security forces by 1—UN—REPORT.
19980916             —CALLED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, the report 1—WHITEWASH.
19980916             —INDICATED, BOSNIA, early results from weekend elections, that HARD—LINE—NATIONALISTS led with 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES counted.
19980916             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UN, that the treaty to eliminate ANTI—PERSONNEL—LAND—MINES will take effect in 6—MONTHS.
19980916             —BECAME, Burkino Faso, the 40. country to ratify the pact.
19980916             —ALLEGED, GERMANY, Mamduh Mahmud Salim, an, terrorist associated with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, was arrested.
19980916             —FROM NORWAY it was reported that PRIME—MINISTER—KJELL—MAGNE—BONDEVIK, 51—JAHRE—ALT, too depressed to work, was on sick leave.
19980916             Plunging oil prices, surging interest rates and political bickering forced him to leave almost 2—WEEKS ago.
19980916             RUSSIA, the ruble fell to 14-16 to the dollar in street trading.
19980916             2—MORE—ECONOMIC—MODERATES were brought into the new cabinet.
19980916             —ATTACKED, SERBIA—FORCES in Kosovo, 12—VILLAGES between Mitrovica and Podujevo, 20—MILES—NORTH—OF—PRISTINA.
19980916             —ANNOUNCED, SPAIN, the Basque separatist ETA, 1—INDEFINITE cease fire to begin 19980918             .
19990916             —ANNOUNCED, BILL—GATES, a $1—BILLION program to fund minority scholarships under a 20-year Gates Millennium Scholars program.
19990916             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said it would allow USA—FIRMS to export computer encryption technology.
19990916             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE put the law on hold the next day.
19990916             Hurricane "Floyd" hit the Carolinas and began making its way up THE—EAST—COAST, damaging 12,000 homes and claiming more than 50—LIVES even after it weakened to 1—TROPICAL—STORM.
19990916             —INJURED, HONG—KONG, typhoon YORK left 1—MAN dead and 466.
19990916             —ORDERED, RUSSIA, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, the Dagestan border sealed against the 1,500 Chechen militants massed there.
19990916             —DESCRIBED, In SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—EXPLOSION, by authorities as the 4. massive terrorist attack in 2—WEEKS demolished 1—APARTMENT building, killing at least 18—PEOPLE.
19990916             VENEZUELA, 1—COLOMBIA—DELEGATION met with the largest guerrilla group to revive peace talks.
19990916             "the current global political situation can only be likened to the movements of continental plates, in 1—GEOLOGICAL—SENSE We are experiencing tectonic changes.
19990916             It is 1—PROCESS—OF—THE—BREAK--up of huge empires.
19990916             RUSSIA is breaking up, and... In INDONESIA, EAST—TIMOR is 1—FAULT line.
19990916             —FORMED, It is 1—EMPIRE that was, in the process of combat against another empire". He continued, it is "absolutely fundamental to UK—POLICY," to encourage the process of "break--up of empires.
19990916             UK—FOREIGN—POLICY,
19990916             for the last 200—YEARS, has been based on 1—CENTRAL—IDEA, the break--UP—OF—OTHER empires.
19990916             The idea of sowing divisions among the Arab states, is axiomatic to THE—UK—FOREIGN—OFFICE.
19990916             —OBSESSED, The Foreign Office is, with breaking up the hold that RUSSIA has on CENTRAL—ASIA".
19990916             CITIZEN—ELECTORAL—COUNCIL"The true STORY—OF—THE—EAST—TIMOR conflict" Petition Against UK—TERRORISM Sponsoring Home Page
19990916             If EAST—TIMOR goes, then Aceh will go the same way, and then..The fact is,"INDONESIA has no logic for existence".
19990916             He concluded, with 1—CHUCKLE:
19990916             "Perfidious Albion is alive and kicking.- THE—UK—FOREIGN—OFFICE has 1—CERTAIN—AGENDA, which is continued divide and rule".
19990916             "THE—CURRENT—GLOBAL—POLITICAL—SITUATION can only be likened to the movements of continental plates,
19990916             "in 1—GEOLOGICAL—SENSE We are experiencing tectonic changes.
19990916             "It is 1—PROCESS—OF—THE—BREAK—UP of huge empires.
19990916             "RUSSIA is breaking up, and
19990916             "In INDONESIA, EAST—TIMOR is 1—FAULT line.
19990916             "If EAST—TIMOR goes, then ACEH will go the same way, and then..
19990916             "The fact is,"INDONESIA has no logic for existence".
19990916             "It is 1—EMPIRE that was formed in the process of combat against another empire".
19990916             —CONTINUED, MARTIN—PALMER, it is "absolutely fundamental to UK—POLICY," to encourage the process of "break--up of empires.
19990916             —REVISED,
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, has been based on 1—IDEA—BRITISH—FOREIGN—POLICY—CENTRAL, the
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, BREAK—UP—OF—OTHER empires ideal BRITISH—FOREIGN—POLICY
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, THE—BRITISH—FOREIGN—POLICY—IDEA—OF sowing divisions among THE—ARAB—STATES,
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, is axiomatic to THE—BRITISH—FOREIGN—OFFICE—THE—BRITISH—FOREIGN—POLICY—IDEA—OF sowing divisions among THE—ARAB—STATES.
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, THE—BRITISH—FOREIGN—OFFICE is obsessed with breaking up the hold that RUSSIA has on CENTRAL—ASIA".
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, "Perfidious Albion is alive and kicking.- MARTIN—PALMER concluded, with 1—CHUCKLE
19990916—17990000    —FOR—THE—LAST—200—YEARS, THE—BRITISH—FOREIGN—OFFICE has 1—CERTAIN—AGENDA, which is continued divide and rule".
19990916—20010000    —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, legislation to double THE—SALARY—OF—THE—PRESIDENT to $400,000 and a 3.4% cost of living to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS.
20000916             Campaign aides for Democrat AL—GORE and Republican GEORGE—W—BUSH agreed on 1—SERIES—OF—3—DEBATES.
20000916             —CAPTURED, USA—NANCY—JOHNSON, the 1. gold medal of THE—SYDNEY Olympics, winning the women's 10-meter air rifle.
20000916             —ENGULFED, PERU, PRESIDENT—FUJIMORI, in 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL, announced that he would call 1—IMMEDIATE—GENERAL—ELECTION and not seek office.
20000916             —DECIDED, He also, to deactivate the National Intelligence Service.
20000916             THE—PHILIPPINES, the military under orders from PRESIDENT—ESTRADA staged 1—SURPRISE—ATTACK on ABU—SAYYAF rebels on Jolo Island.
20000916             —DISAPPEARED, Hrihori Gongadze (31), journalist, in Kiev.
20000916             1 beheaded body, believed to be his, was found in Nov.
20000916             —STEMMED, Findings, from recordings in which voices resembling those of Lytvyn, FORMER—PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA and other officials are heard allegedly conspiring against Gongadze.
20000916—20010000    —IN, the government announced that he was killed by criminals who were also murdered and that the killings had nothing to do with politics.
20000916—20050000    —ARRESTED, Suspects in the murder were.
20000916—20050000    —IN, 1—COMMISSION investigating the kidnapping and KILLING—OF—GONGADZE accused PARLIAMENT—SPEAKER—VOLODYMYR—LYTVYN of instigating the slaying.
20000916—20060000    —CHARGED, The trial of 3—FORMER—POLICE—OFFICERS, with killing Gongadze opened.
20000916—20090000    —ARRESTED, National Security Service agents, the 4. suspect, Olexiy Pukach, who was working as THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—SURVEILLANCE—DEPARTMENT at the time of the killing.
20010218             Credible DECEPTION—THE—NY Times + THE—SUDAN missile ATTACK—REVISED- 19980828              -Written-19990916             —REVISED-.htm
20010218             —BY JARED—ISRAEL (Written 19980828             , revised 19990916             , reposted 20010218              ) Note: 'Credible Deception' was the 1. article written (in the 19980000             —SUMMER—OF) for what has become THE—EMPEROR—CLOTHES—WEBSITE.
20010800             Archived Weblog Entry - 20010916              : "BANK—OF—CREDIT and Commerce... He needed no introduction to JACKSON—STEPHENS, having known him since 19800000             —THE... JACKSON STEPHENS -- ARKANSAS—BASED investor whose Stephens INCORPORATED played a...
20010911             2. 20010916             [cached]Revealed: what really went on during Bush's 'missing hours',Telegraph,
20010911—20010916    —ON, 1—SOURCE—OF—DATA is 1—THERMAL MAP—OF—GROUND 0 created from infrared data collected by 1—NASA plane that overflew the site.
20010915—20010916    Several of 20010911             —THE hijackers, including lead hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA, may have had training at secure USA—MILITARY—INSTALLATIONS.
20010915—20010916    [NEWSWEEK, 20010915             , WASHINGTON—POST, 20010916             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20010915              ]
20010916             —WARNED, USA—OFFICIALS, that the new WAR—ON—TERRORISM will be 1—LONG, often secret and a "dirty" contest.
20010916             8—CROSS—COUNTRY runners from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WYOMING were killed when their sport utility vehicle collided HEAD—ON with 1—PICKUP truck that had swerved into their lane.
20010916             † SAMUEL—Z—ARKOFF, 83—JAHRE—ALT, movie producer, in BURBANK—CALIFORNIA.
20010916             1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER and 1—PALESTINE—SECURITY—OFFICER were killed.
20010916             —WOUNDED, MANY—PEOPLE were.
20010916             PAKISTAN told AFGHANISTAN to surrender OSAMA—BIN—LADEN within 3—DAYS or face almost certain military action.
20010916             1—RUSSIA—MODULE docked with space station Alpha —2—DAYS—AFTER its launch from Kazakstan.
20010916             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, Tamil rebels in about 20—BOATS, 1—SHIP with 1,200 SRI—LANKA—SOLDIERS and killed at least 11.
20010916             12—SOLDIERS were missing and 15—REBELS were reported killed.
20010916             1. Transcript for 20010916             ,MISS—NBC,20010916              [cached]
20010916             widerst@ND—MUND... >eine ähnliche Rolle zu wie seinerzeit Hitler s Machwerk "Mein Kampf" in... Altfaschisten + SS—MANN aus Mussolinis SALO—REPUBLIK, Licio Gelli in...
20010916             2001 "The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is reported to have allocated new tasks to THE—FLEET—OF—SPY—SATELLITES it controls".
20010916             —SNIPPED, The following is, from MICROCOM—SPACE—NEWSFEED : "The devastating terrorist attacks on the World Trade CENTER—NEW—YORK + the Pentagon have shocked + horrified us all.
20010916             —CAUSED, The attacks also, disruption for satellite + space companies across THE—USA".
20010916             ~snip~ - " The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is reported to have allocated new tasks to THE—FLEET—OF—SPY—SATELLITES it controls".
20010916             See
20010916             ISR stands for Intelligence, Surveillance + Reconnaissance.
20010916             They include USSTRATCOM (USA Strategic Command ), THE—NGIS (National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, formerly NIMA—NATIONAL—IMAGERY and Mapping Agency) + THE—NRO (National Reconnaissance Office).
20010916             In a nutshell:
20010916             MIAMI Herald, 1—AGREEMENT on PAKISTAN—COLLABORATION in the new "WAR—ON—TERROR" was negotiated between Mahmood + Armitage.
20010916             —EVACUATED, YESTERDAY—EVENTS—MY building, the entire campus of AOL was, as soon as the strike on the Pentagon was announced.
20010916             This article establishes the very close link, in 1—DEFENSE—PUBLICATION, of several outfits that were instrumental in THE—EXECUTION—OF—OPERATION 2—TOWERS (20010911             ).
20010916             —AM, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY said that AMERICA would have to "spend TIME—IN—THE—SHADOWS"and work on THE—DARK—SIDE".
20010916—20010911    —IN—THE, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH pledged 1—CRUSADE against terrorists, saying there was "no question" OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was the "prime suspect" attack.
20011100             [MIAMI Herald, 20010916             ]All these meetings coordinated PAKISTAN—RESPONSE to 20010911          .
20020916             —FILLED, ARGENTINA, 1—BUS, with Catholic pilgrims fell into 1—DEEP gorge some 50—MILES from CATAMARCA, killing 38 and injuring 27.
20020916             —PLANTED, CHECHNYA, 1—LAND—MINE, at 1—BUSY—INTERSECTION in THE—CAPITAL—GROZNY exploded as 1—PASSENGER—BUS drove by, and 19—PEOPLE were killed and 20—OTHERS wounded.
20020916             3—SUSPECTS in the blast were detained.
20020916             —GATHERED, European political and business officials, for a 2—DAY—SUMMIT on the lagging economy and the last snags to expanding the European Union into EAST—EUROPE.
20020916             —ENDED, INDIAN—RULED Kashmir, the 1. STAGE—OF—STATE—ASSEMBLY—ELECTIONS against 1—BACKDROP—OF—VIOLENCE and in the shadow of 1—TENSE—CONFRONTATION between nuclear powers INDIA and PAKISTAN.
20020916             —KILLED, INDIA—TROOPS, 9 suspected Islamic rebels in 1—BORDER—SWEEP—HOURS before the elections.
20020916             A 44% turnout was reported.
20020916             IRAQ said it would allow UN weapons inspectors unconditional access to suspected weapons sites.
20020916             —HEADED, The inspection commission, by Hans Blix, is responsible for overseeing THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—IRAQ—CHEMICAL and biological weapons and THE—LONG—RANGE—MISSILES to deliver them.
20020916             Core staff: 63—PEOPLE from 17—NATIONS.
20020916             LAGOS—NIGERIA, 1—ACCIDENTAL factory fire complex fire left at least 15—DEAD.
20020916             —BURNED, THOUSANDS—OF—RIOTERS soon, and looted the factory.
20020916             45—BODIES were later recovered.
20020916             —ANNOUNCED, SINGAPORE, authorities, the arrests of 21—MEN they identified as MEMBERS—OF—1—EXTREMIST—ISLAMIC—ORGANIZATION.
20020916             —DETAINED, The men were initially, in August and linked to Riduan Isamuddin, 1—INDONESIA—MILITANT.
20020916             —BROKERED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT and Tamil Tiger rebels began peace talks, by NORWAY in THAILAND.
20020916             —MARCHED, UKRAINE, some 15,000 demonstrators, in Kiev and TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OTHERS gathered in public squares around the country, demanding that PRESIDENT—LEONID—KUCHMA resign or call new elections.
20030129             —REVISED, Written 19980828             , 19990916             , reposted 20010218              We read these rumors, these half truths, these completely 1—SIDED concoctions of hype + false history + they stick.
20030916             —VETOED, THE—USA, 1—UN—RESOLUTION demanding that ISRAEL not harm or expel Arafat.
20030916             † ACTOR—SINGER Sheb Wooley (82) in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
20030916             —SUMMONED, MOHAMMED—ABDEL—QADER and his brother were, to 1—CAIRO police station by CAPTAIN—ASHRAF—SAFWAT.
20030916             † Abdel Qader, —5—DAYS—LATER and 1—AUTOPSY gave torture by electric shock combined with 1—WEAK—HEART as THE—CAUSE—OF—DEATH.
20030916             GUINEA—BISSAU—ARMY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF who overthrew THE—WEST—AFRICAN nation's PRESIDENT has won 1—AGREEMENT from political leaders to have presidential powers until new elections are held.
20030916             INDONESIA, escalating fighting in RESOURCE—RICH—ACEH province left at least 22 suspected separatist rebels and 1—INDONESIA—SOLDIER—DEAD.
20030916             † BAHA—MOUSA, 26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—IRAQ—HOTEL—RECEPTIONIST, after being beaten at 1—UK—MILITARY—CAMP in Basra.
20030916             —CAUSED, 1—AUTOPSY said he † of asphyxia, by 1—STRESS—POSITION that soldiers forced him to maintain.
20030916             —ARRESTED, BAHA—MOUSA was, along with 9—OTHER—IRAQIS, at the Haitham Hotel in Basra —2—DAYS—EARLIER by MEMBERS—OF—THE 1. Battalion THE—QUEEN—LANCASHIRE—REGIMENT (QLR).
20030916             —BECAME, Payne, who, BRITAIN—1. convicted war criminal, was dismissed by the army and jailed for 1—YEAR over the killing.
20030916             —ASKED, ITALY—CONSUMER—GROUPS, for 1—BOYCOTT on virtually all products and services to protest price hikes.
20030916             —INVOLVED, WEST—JAPAN, 1—MAN reportedly, in 1—PAY—DISPUTE set off 1—EXPLOSION that killed himself, 1—HOSTAGE and 1—POLICE—OFFICER in 1—OFFICE building.
20030916             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists in JAPAN have transformed mouse stem cells into sperm cells.
20030916             —TURNED, THE—UN, over responsibility for security in EAST—TIMOR—2. largest city to the country's fledgling police force.
20030916—20060000    —PLEADED, Corp. DONALD—PAYNE, guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF inhumane treatment of IRAQ—CIVILIANS, but denied manslaughter.
20030916—20080000    —AGREED, THE—UK—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE, to pay just under $6—MILLION to THE—FAMILY—OF—MOUSA and 9—OTHERS who suffered injuries while in THE—CUSTODY—OF—UK—FORCES.
20030916—20090000    —OPENED, BRITAIN, 1—PUBLIC—INQUIRY into the case and BRITAIN—MILITARY apologized for its treatment of Mousa.
20030916—20110908    —ON, 1—INQUIRY concluded that UK—SOLDIERS beat Mousa to death in 1—ACT—OF unjustified violence that left a "very great stain" on BRITAIN's armed forces.
20040915—20040916    —DATE20040916             The National Hockey League lockout went into effect.
20040916             —SLAMMED, Hurricane Ivan, ashore in ALABAMA with winds of 130—MPH, packing deadly tornadoes and powerful waves and rain that threatened to swamp communities from LOUISIANA to THE—FLORIDA Panhandle.
20040916             —BLAMED, Ivan was, for at least 115—DEATHS, 43 in THE—USA.
20040916             —TRIGGERED, Waves from Hurricane Ivan, 1—UNDERWATER mudslide that toppled 1—TAYLOR—ENERGY—COMPANY—OIL—PLATFORM and buried 28—WELLS under sediment 10—MILES off THE—COAST—OF—LOUISIANA.
20040916             —CONTINUED, The leak, into 20170000              and regulators warned it could last 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY or more.
20040916             —ABDUCTED, Gunmen, 2—AMERICANS and 1—BRITON, KENNETH—BIGLEY, 62—JAHRE—ALT, in 1—BRAZEN attack on 1—HOUSE in 1—UPSCALE BAGHDAD neighborhood.
20040916             THE—USA—MILITARY said it killed 60 in FALLUJAH and Ramadi strikes.
20040916             —KIDNAPPED, The number of foreigners, during THE—IRAQ insurgency reached at least 100.
20040916             —BEHEADED, All 3 were.
20040916             —EXPLODED, NIGERIA, 1—OIL—PIPELINE, near LAGOS as thieves tried to siphon oil from it, sparking 1—FIRE that killed at least 30—PEOPLE.
20040916             —CELEBRATED, TAIWAN, the opening of what officials called the world's 5.—LONGEST road tunnel.
20040916             The 12.9-kilometre Hsueh Mountain tunnel was PART—OF—THE—NEWLY built 55-kilometer TAIPEI—ILAN Expressway, which runs through mountains and river valleys in NORTH—EAST—TAIWAN.
20040916             Finding BOBBY—FISCHER 1—INDEX—OF—ABOUT—CHESS articles on ROBERT—JAMES—FISCHER.
20040916             -in just the next few years, with vastly larger memory + faster response times, Nanotechnology could yield billions of $$ of new data storage devices, based on exotic technologies
20040916             analysts told United Press INTERNATIONAL.
20040916             Silicon rod oscillators have been used to weigh bacteria + viruses.
20040916             "This is so much smaller that mass sensitivity should be that much higher," McEuen said.
20040916             "We're pushing the ultimate limit, maybe weighing individual atoms".
20040916             —CONDUCTED, The researchers, their measurements in 1—VACUUM.
20040916             If air or ANY—OTHER—GAS were present, the gas molecules would adsorb, or collect in 1 condensed form, on the surface of the tube, changing its MASSACHUSETTS.
20040916             So, McEuen says, nanotube oscillators could be used as gas detectors.
20040916             —AT—PRESENT 1—DRAWBACK, he points out, is that there is no way to MASS—PRODUCE carbon nanotubes.
20040916             McEuen looks forward to studying the fundamental PHYSICS—OF—THE—DEVICE.
20040916             —WHEN cooled to cryogenic temperatures, he says, the nanotube acts like "1—SKINNY quantum dot," or 1—SORT—OF—BOX—FULL—OF—ELECTRONS.
20040916             "We can study THE—INFLUENCE—OF—INDIVIDUAL electrons hopping on + off," he says.
20040916             "What happens when you have 1—QUANTUM dot that can wiggle?"
20040916             NANO TECH
20040916             Researchers Make 1—OSCILLATOR—SO—SMALL—IT—MIGHT—WEIGH—1—SINGLE—ATOM
20040916             Scanning electron microscope photo of 1—SINGLE—CARBON—NANOTUBE suspended over 1—SILICON trench + 1—SCHEMATIC—DRAWING—OF—THE—DEVICE as seen in CROSS—SECTION.
20040916             Below, 1—DIAGRAM—OF—THE—CIRCUIT.
20040916             Copyright © Cornell UNIVERSITY—ITHACA—NY (SPX) 20040916             20040916             Using 1—CARBON—NANOTUBE, Cornell University researchers have produced 1—TINY—ELECTROMECHANICAL—OSCILLATOR that might be capable of weighing 1—SINGLE atom.
20040916             —PRODUCED, The device, perhaps the smallest of its kind ever, can be tuned across 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—RADIO frequencies + 1—DAY might replace bulky POWER—HUNGRY—ELEMENTS in electronic circuits.
20040916             Recent research in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) has focused on vibrating silicon rods so small that they oscillate at radio frequencies.
20040916             INDIA tests SHORT—RANGE—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE—CHINA agrees 750—MLN dlr deal to supply PAKISTAN with 4—FRIGATES Photos of suspected secret IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITE released Foreign diplomats in NORTH—KOREA leave for site of mysterious blast All nuclear material stolen from RUSSIA recovered: official Hurricane Ivan slams ashore, cuts wide SWATH—OF—USA Gulf coast
20040916             —UNMANNED, AUSTRALIA to test, aircraft for protecting its oilfields Key RISK—REDUCTION—MILESTONE Achieved For Unmanned Rotorcraft Program BEIJING launches clean coal campaign to fight for "blue sky days"
20040916             Integral Licenses The Marketing Of Its Ruggedized Flat Panel Antenna
20040916             3. interceptor missile placed in silo in ALASKA: Pentagon
20040916             —UNPRECEDENTED, IRAQ war exerting, stress on ALL—VOLUNTEER force, general warns
20040916             UK—OFFICERS unaware of ABU—GHRAIB abuses, says defence ministry
20040916             "What troubled me was that the sourcing was weak. And the sourcing had not been vetted widely enough across the intelligence community".
20040916             —BELIEVED, Powell said "we all " then that Saddam Hussein had stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons although "it turned out that we have not found ANY—STOCKPILES + it is unlikely we will find ANY—STOCKPILES.
20040916             "And we have to now go back and find out why we had 1—DIFFERENT—JUDGMENT," he said
20040916             Salon_com, The War is Lost, Say USA—GENERALS and Military Experts
20040916             >Aktuelle Nachrichten< www.all...
20040916             USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE hat am —MITTWOCH in Prag erklärt, dass sich die Spannungen im Irak
20040916             vor den auf Januar angesetzten Wahlen vermutlich...
20040916             Aktuelle Nachrichten - 20041509              : 20040915              :
20040916             USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE zu Besuch in Prag Der stellvertretende USA—AUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE absolviert heute einen Arbeitsbesuch in Prag.
20040916             geiselnahme USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER Armitage : Zu wenige Iraker getötet.
20040916             Vor dem Hintergrund anhaltender irakischer Widerstandsaktivitäten verbreiten die.
20040916             Environmentalists Against WAR—MORET, L., "Nuclear Weapons Stealth Takeover: 5—ADMIRALS, UC Regents, Carlyle Group + Rand,".S—FRANCISCO—BAY—VIEW 32—LOS Alamos...
20040916             33. - Bush, Wes; Northrop Grumman 34.
20040916             Cambone, Stephen; PNAC, NSA, DoD, Los Alamos (specialized in theater.
20040916             PI article by clicking on these blue words:
20040916             CBS—PANNE: FRONTAL—ANGRIFF—AUF—BUSH mit gefälschten Akten
20040916             Erdgeschichte: Todeswelle über Tübingen
20040916             Umfrageergebnis: Jeder 2. weiß zu wenig über Geld
20040916             IRAK, USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE rechnen mit BÜRGER—KRIEG
20040916             INTERNET Explorer: Das Monopol bröckelt
20040916             MILLIONEN—GELDSTRAFE: CDU gerät in finanzielle Bredouille
20040916             Vermummungsverbot: Drag Queens sind Südafrikas POLIZEI zu stark geschminkt
20040916             Biograph Gall über HERMANN—JOSEF—ABS: "Er hatte diese enorme Neigung zur Selbstdarstellung"
20040916             Monstersturm: "Ivan" peitscht Tornados übers Land
20040916             —GEISELDRAMA von Beslan: OSZE rügt Anfeindungen gegen Journalisten
20040916             Gletscherschmelze: Wie ein Alpensee zur bleichen Brühe wird
20040916             Verschwundene Daten, USA—ATOMLABOR feuert 4—MANAGER
20040916             Opinion: PRE—EMPTIVE Paranoia
20040916             Spendenskandal: CDU muss 21—MILLIONEN—EURO zahlen
20040916             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "DER—MENSCH steht nicht mehr im Zentrum"
20040916             —INTERVIEW zu TECHNIK—FLOPS: "Scheitern ist wichtig"
20040916             —VERURTEILT, Uno: Annan, IRAK—KRIEG als illegal
20040916             PAKISTAN: Kampf der Wölfe
20040916             RUSSLAND: BUSH besorgt über PUTINs geplanten Machtzuwachs
20040916             20070726 200—COSPIRATORI contro il mondo all'interno del Global Dominance Group Bush, GEORGE—H—W, PRESIDENT, CARLYLE, CIA Dir.
20040916—20041010    —CONFIRMED, BIGLEY—DECAPITATION was.
20040916—20150000    —BY, it was estimated that some 300,000 to 1.4—MILLION—GALLONS—OF—OIL had spilled from the site.
20040916—20180000    —IN, 1—NEW estimate said 10,500 to 29, 4000—GALLONS—OF—OIL were leaking daily from the site.
20041020             —ARRESTED, CHINA formally, Zhao Yan, 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—RESEARCHER, who was detained 20040916              for allegedly leaking state secrets.
20041031             Military Families Against FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—POSTED—BY—KYNN on 11:33 PM, 20040916             20041107             [20030916              The Plain Dealer, —POSTED AT—DIEBOLD—WEB—SITE.
20041113             Panasas secures $32—MILLION in new financing - 20020916             ...
200411180916         —PM Post subject: Awesome looking piece of kit.
20050121             —BY Valerie Lawton and ALLAN—THOMPSON © 20000916              TORONTO Star OTTAWA Bureau
20050125             —URGED, Pinochet: USA, to charge BANK—BY—CNN—MADRID—BUREAU—CHIEF—AL—GOODMAN—THURSDAY, 20040916              —POSTED: 2:01 PM EDT (18010000              GMT) MADRID—SPAIN (CNN)-
20050203—20050916    —ON, —5—DAYS—AFTER the collapse, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) used 1—AIRBORNE—VISIBLE/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) to locate and measure the site's hot spots.
20050303             pública Defensa 20060916              Exportación ( DEFEX—SA ), para fomentar la exportación de... DEFEX, sa, SPAIN.
20050416             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—EVENING—REPORTS (19830818—19830916    ).
20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via Federal Express from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing RESTRICTIONS—ON—PRESS—FREEDOM"(see... 20010911             20050916             —RULED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, out raising taxes to pay the massive costs of Gulf Coast reconstruction in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, saying other government spending had to be cut to pay for the recovery effort.
20050916             † † GORDON—GOULD (20050000             , ), laser pioneer.
20050916             GORDON—GOULD was the 1. to use the term laser.
20050916             LONDON, the Property Derivatives Interest Group (PDIG) was launched.
20050916             It aimed to spread information on using property derivatives to buy and sell exposure to the property market without having to buy or sell the actual property.
20050916             —CHARGED, BRAZIL, federal prosecutors, 6—MEN accused of stealing $70—MILLION from BRAZIL—CENTRAL—BANK—LAST—AUGUST in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST bank robberies.
20050916             3—MEN were arrested shortly after the robbery, and another 3 were still at large.
20050916             —ARRIVED, MIKE—TYSON, in Chechnya to open 1—BOXING match.
20050916             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—MUTATING strain of stem rust fungus, dubbed Ug99, was spreading across EAST—AFRICA and threatened crops worldwide.
20050916             —BANNED, THE—FRANCE—CIVIL—AVIATION—AUTHORITY—DGAC said it has, flights by CAMEROON Airlines for 1—INDEFINITE period, citing safety concerns.
20050916             THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT said it would give cash bonuses to GREECE—MOTHERS who have more than 2—BABIES, in 1—EFFORT to boost the country's birth rate as the population ages.
20050916             —DECIDED, HAITI, investigative JUDGE—CLUNY—P—JULES, that FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YVON—NEPTUNE and 29—OTHERS should stand trial for the February 20040000              massacre in THE—WEST—TOWN—OF—S—MARC.
20050916             1—LIST—OF—CALLS from NEPTUNE—CELL—PHONE showed that he had spoken for at least 350—MINUTES with the alleged perpetrators of the killings 20050207—20050213    —FROM—TO, when the killings were either being organized or taking place at S—MARC.
20050916             —ORDERED, INDIA—GOVERNMENT, the state railway to accomplish the seemingly impossible: revamp the network, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST, and get rid of the bugs, rats, filth and surly workers.
20050916             INDONESIA—AILING airline PT Garuda INDONESIA said it signed a $2—BILLION deal with aircraft manufacturer Boeing Co. to upgrade the company's fleet.
20050916             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck as worshippers were leaving 1—SHIITE mosque in THE—NORTH—IRAQ—TOWN—OF—TUZ—KHORMATO killing 11—PEOPLE.
20050916             —KILLED, Militants, at least 14—MORE—PEOPLE across the country as THE—SUNNI—DOMINATED insurgency pressed its "ALL—OUT war" to destabilize the country.
20050916             —KILLED, IRAQ, 3—USA—SOLDIERS were, near BAGHDAD.
20050916             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON met with JORDAN—KING—ABDULLAH—II, their 1. talks in months and 1—FURTHER—SIGN—OF warming relations between the Jewish STATE—AND—THE—ARAB world after ISRAEL—GAZA withdrawal.
20050916             —DECLARED, Premier Silvio Berlusconi, ITALY—MISSION in IRAQ "1—ABSOLUTE and total" success, and said ITALY would continue to reduce its military presence there.
20050916             —CAPTURED, ITALY—OFFICIALS said they have, PAOLO—DI—LAURO, 52—JAHRE—ALT, 1 alleged top boss of the Camorra crime syndicate, dealing what they said was 1—SERIOUS—BLOW to organized crime in the Naples area.
20050916             —CONVICTED—OF, OSAKA, Susumu Kitagawa (58), robbing, raping and killing 2—WOMEN in the 1980s, was executed.
20050916             This was JAPAN—1. HANGING—OF—THE—YEAR.
20050916             His execution left 74—PEOPLE on death row in JAPAN.
20050916             —EXPLODED, LEBANON, 1—POWERFUL—BOMB, in 1—CHRISTIAN NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—EAST—BEIRUT, killing at least 1—PERSON and wounding 23.
20050916             —DENIED, THE—LITHUANIA—GOVERNMENT, MOSCOW—REQUESTS to hand over 1—RUSSIA—PILOT whose fighter jet crashed in THE—NATO—MEMBER—TERRITORY after violating its airspace, saying it must 1. complete 1—INVESTIGATION.
20050916             —BLASTED, THE—VOLCANO—OF—FIRE in WEST—MEXICO, ash and gas 3—MILES—HIGH, with 1—EXPLOSION that was heard in villages 10—MILES from the crater.
20050916             —ARRESTED, NEPAL, police, 87—JOURNALISTS as they gathered in KATHMANDU to protest media restrictions while THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS demonstrated elsewhere in the city to demand 1—END to absolute royal rule.
20050916             —ARRESTED, About 200—OF—THOSE protesters were also.
20050916             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—THE—STALINIST—COUNTRY—1. credit card, but just how it would work was unclear.
20050916             —PLEDGED, SOUTH—KOREA and North and SOUTH—KOREA, to work to ensure peace and reduce military tensions on their divided peninsula.
20050916             THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS broke through Egyptian and PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—LINES on THE—GAZA border, pouring into EGYPT in DEFIANCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—ATTEMPTS to secure the frontier.
20050916             1—CARGO steamer overturned and sank in THE—RUSSIA—FAR—NORTHERN—RIVER port of Dudinka.
20050916             —LICENSED, The steamer, for 33—TONS, was carrying 92—TONS—OF—FRUIT and vegetables.
20050916             —LICENSED, It was not, to carry passengers, but up to 10—PEOPLE aside from the 5-man crew could have been aboard.
20050916             —ANNOUNCED, UN Sec.-GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN, that 1—GROUP—OF—6—USA—BASED foundations is committing $200—MILLION over 5—YEARS to support universities in 7—AFRICAN countries (GHANA, KENYA, MOZAMBIQUE, NIGERIA, SOUTH—AFRICA, TANZANIA and UGANDA) including 1—PROJECT to significantly improve INTERNET access.
20050916             The Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford and MacArthur foundations were extending their involvement in 1—EARLIER—PROJECT, while THE—ANDREW—W—MELLON and William and Flora Hewlett Foundations began participating for the 1. time.
20050916             THE—UN said the hole in the ozone layer above ANTARCTICA has grown to near record size this year, suggesting 20—YEARS—OF—POLLUTION—CONTROLS have so far had little effect.
20050916             A 3—DAY—UN—SUMMIT, billed as the largest GATHERING—OF—WORLD—LEADERS in history, ended and achieved far less than UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN had hoped.
20050916             —REPRESENTED, The final document, the lowest common denominator that all 151—MEMBER—STATES could agree on after MONTHS—OF—NEGOTIATIONS.
20050916             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said he has documentary evidence that THE—USA—PLANS to invade his country.
20050916             —INTERVIEWED, Chavez, on ABC's "Nightline," said the plan is called "Balboa" and involves aircraft carriers and planes.
20050916             ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—MUGABE said that his government will take 1—STAKE in privately operated mining enterprises, but he does not intend to nationalize the industry as he has commercial farmland.
20050916             AMERICAN—HAS Fallen to 1—JACOBIN—COUP
20050916             THE—USA—TODAY, nothing stands in the way of the arbitrary EXERCISE—OF—POWER by government.
20050916             —ACQUIESCED, Federal courts have, in unconstitutional detention policies.
20050916             There is no opposition party + there is no media, merely huge conglomerates or collections of federal broadcasting licenses, the owners of which are afraid to displease the government.
20050916             MINI—SCHNÜFFLER: NANO—NASEN riechen alles
20050916             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Exxon und Intel sorgen für Kursgewinne
20050916             Hilfsgelder: Bush schließt Steuererhöhungen aus
20050916             Atomstreit: Iranischer PRÄSIDENT—WILL—ANGEBOT machen
20050916             Wahlkampffinale: Knappes Rennen um die Macht
20050916             Zum Tode F.K. Waechters: Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin
20050916             Bundestagswahl: "Economist" empfiehlt SCHWARZ—GELB
20050916             WAHLKAMPF—WEBSITE: Unionskandidat vor Speers Großer HALLE des Volkes
20050916             2500—JAHRE alte Moorleiche: "Moora" war zierlich und musste hungern
20050916             SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH mit PAUL—A—SAMUELSON: "Der Markt hat kein Herz"
20050916             Neapel: CAMORRA—CHEF gefasst
20050916             PKW—GESCHÄFT: Chrysler will in CHINA Fuß fassen
20050916             Augenblick: Tunnelblick
20050916             Lissabon: TEJO—BRÜCKE ist einsturzgefährdet
20050916             "taz"-Lokalausgaben: Widerstand gegen die Schließung
20050916             Klage gegen Suchmaschine: Ganz CHINA 1—FESTPLATTE
20050916             INTERNET: AOL und Microsoft basteln ANTI—GOOGLE—ALLIANZ
20050916             Versöhnungsgespräche: NORD—UND Südkorea bekräftigen Friedenswillen
20050916             Brüssler Atomium: Kugeln glänzen wieder wie neu
20050916             Britische Studie: Terrorzelle Campus
20050916             EXPORT—WELTMEISTER: CHINA wird Deutschland den Titel entreißen
20050916             Wahlkampf: Parteien lassen Plakate im Ausland drucken
20050916             KARIKATURISTEN—LEGENDE: F.K. Waechter ist tot
20050916             Raumfahrt: Nasa will 4—ASTRONAUTEN zum Mond schicken
20050916             —BEGINNT, HURRIKAN—KATASTROPHE: NEW—ORLEANS, wieder zu atmen
20050916             —PROFITIERT, Fahnder: Organisierte Kriminalität, von ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF
20050916             Umfrage: Patt zwischen den Lagern
20050916             Großbritannien: Junge spielt Pirat und erhängt sich
20050916             Terrorabwehr: Störsender sollen AKWs schützen
20050916             Autokrise: VW—TOCHTER Seat droht das Aus
20050916             Tax avoidance 'keeps developing world poor' : Multinational companies operating in the world's poorest countries are "dodging" around £270bn 1—YEAR in tax, ANTI—POVERTY—CAMPAIGNERS claimed today.
20050916             —DETAINED, Lawyer demands answers from Govt on behalf of, USA—PEACE—ACTIVIST : Immigration lawyer JULIAN—BURNSIDE is today calling on THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to reveal why it revoked USA—PEACE—ACTIVIST, SCOTT—PARKIN—VISA.
20050916             ASIO THUMBS—DOWN will affect USA—ACTIVIST—TRAVEL: lawyer : Lawyers for 1—USA—PEACE—ACTIVIST facing deportation from AUSTRALIA say he may never be able to travel overseas again.
20050916             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL deplores failure to arrest ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES—SUSPECT : The organization is now calling on THE—UK—AUTHORITIES to urge Interpol to circulate the arrest warrant and on other states party to THE—GENEVA Conventions to cooperate with THE—UK in carrying out the arrest and handing over GENERAL—ALMOG to THE—UK—COURT.
20050916             —RECOVERED, As bodies, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories' : Outside 1—HOUSE on KENTUCKY Street, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ARMY 82. Airborne Division summoned 1—REPORTER and photographer standing nearby and told them that if they took pictures or wrote 1—STORY about the body recovery process, he would take away their press credentials and kick them OUT—OF—THE—STATE.
20050916             New FEMA boss is 'Duct Tape Man' : Tthe man PRESIDENT—BUSH immediately named to succeed "Brownie," proves to have been the same FEMA official who, 2—AND—A—HALF—YEARS ago, suggested that Americans stock up on duct tape to protect against 1—BIOLOGICAL or chemical terrorist attack.
20050916             In the Floods, Parties' Agendas Surface : A $51.8—BILLION relief BILL—THAT—CONGRESS passed on —THURSDAY included 1—SIGNIFICANT—CHANGE to federal contracting regulations.
20050916             HOLDERS—OF—GOVERNMENT—ISSUED credit cards will be allowed to spend up to $250,000 on KATRINA—RELATED contracts and purchases, without requiring them to seek competitive bids or to patronize small businesses or companies owned by minorities and women.
20050916             3 'USA spies' killed : Militants have killed 3—PEOPLE accused of being spies for THE—USA in 1—LAWLESS—PAKISTAN—TRIBAL region bordering AFGHANISTAN, local officials said yesterday.
20050916             PAKISTAN forces find 'drone' in AL—QAEDA raid:
20050916             Militants used THE—CHINESE—MADE vehicle to spy on security forces in the rugged area, where PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS have been battling Islamic militants for more than 1—YEAR
20050916             Cindy Sheehan: Our nation is at 1—CROSSROADS : Will we continue to squander resources and take lives in 1—WAR that never should have happened, or will we commit ourselves to THE—RE—BUILDING of the Gulf Coast and the lives torn asunder by Katrina?
20050916             IRAQ war tragic : 2—WEST—VIRGINIA Republican mayors have denounced THE—IRAQ war launched by Republican PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH — and 1 is backing 1—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION seeking WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS.
20050916             AL—QAEDA—LINKED group says it fired chemical arms in BAGHDAD : Jaish AL—TAEFA AL—MANSURA (Army of the Victorious Community) said its fighters fired shells filled with chemical agents at the interior ministry, foreign ministry, the 'green zone' and BAGHDAD—SECURITY—ACADEMY.
20050916             No War But Class War!
20050916             I am not African American.
20050916             Neither are MOST—OF—MY friends and coworkers.
20050916             It may then surprise our ruling class, of both parties, that we saw our own faces, our own children, our own unburied, bloating, dead loved ones in THE—STREETS—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
20050916             FEMA, LOS—ANGELES outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in BODY—DUMPING scandals : Kenyon is 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—SERVICE—CORPORATION—INTERNATIONAL (SCI), 1—SCANDAL—RIDDEN—TEXAS—BASED company operated by 1—FRIEND—OF—THE—BUSH—FAMILY.
20050916             —IMPLICATED, Recently, SCI subsidiaries have been, in illegally discarding and desecrating corpses.
20050916             Video: Explosives blew Industrial Canal levee?
20050916             I heard something go BOOM! Real Video
20050916             Amid Katrina Chaos, Congressman Used National Guard to Visit Home
20050916             Brits happy to ditch civil liberties : 3—OUT—OF—4—BRITS would happily hand over their civil liberties in exchange for better security against terrorist attacks, according figures from pollsters ICM.
20050916             The Unjust Detention of Jose Padilla:
20050916             Padilla is, in short, 1 alleged criminal, not 1—SOLDIER.
20050916             He is not being held as 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF—THE—WAR in AFGHANISTAN, but instead as PART—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—ILL—DEFINED and OPEN—ENDED "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20050916             JOHN—ROBERTS' Opposition to Affirmative Action : THE—WHITE—HOUSE has refused to provide the Senate key documents about ROBERTS—POSITIONS on affirmative action while he was Deputy Solicitor GENERAL to KEN—STARR in THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—GEORGE—HW—BUSH.
20050916             Judge: School pledge is unconstitutional: 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—DECLARED—THE—RECITING—OF—THE—PLEDGE—OF—ALLEGIANCE in public schools unconstitutional —WEDNESDAY in 1—CASE brought by the same atheist whose previous battle against the words "under God" was rejected by THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT on procedural grounds.
20050916             Hurricane BOLTON Threatens to Wreak Havoc on the Global Poor : Unbeknownst to THE—USA—PUBLIC, however, at the very time impoverished Americans are being showered with support from the world community, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—NEWLY appointed UN ambassador, JOHN—BOLTON, has been waging 1—ALL—OUT attack on the global poor.
20050916             —DENIED, Chavez says USA, visas for his team : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said —TUESDAY that USA—AUTHORITIES have denied visas to his security team, forcing him to put 1—HOLD on his plans to visit NEW—YORK for this week's UNITED—NATIONS summit.
20050916             USA—EDUCATION falls back in global ratings:
20050916             —INDUSTRIALIZED, Among adults ages 25 to 34, THE—USA is ninth among, nations in the share of its population that has at least 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—DEGREE
20050916             —DELAYED, Chertoff, federal response, memo shows : The federal official with the power to mobilize 1—MASSIVE—FEDERAL—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina was Homeland Security SECRETARY—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, not THE—FORMER—FEMA CHIEF who was relieved of his duties and resigned earlier this week, federal documents reviewed by Knight Ridder show.
20050916             Senate kills Democratic attempt to establish independent Katrina commission : Senate Republicans on —WEDNESDAY scuttled 1—ATTEMPT by SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON to establish 1—INDEPENDENT, bipartisan panel patterned after 20010911             —THE Commission to investigate what went wrong with federal, state and local governments' response to Hurricane Katrina.
20050916             Bush says he may need more power in disasters:
20050916             He wants Congress to look into whether presidential authority should be expanded in TIMES—OF—CATASTROPHES—LIKE—KATRINA
20050916             NEW—ORLEANS: Crystal ball for THE—USA—CENTURY:
20050916             NEW—ORLEANS provides us with 1—RELIABLE template for judging what THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will do in the event of 1—MASSIVE "CASUALTY—PRODUCING" terrorist attack
20050916             Commentary Suggests Tactical Retreat By USA on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME : GEORGE—BUSH has made contradictory remarks, acknowledging IRAN—RIGHT to have 1—NON—MILITARY—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME [on THE—1—HAND] and stating once again that IRAN must not have THE—KNOW—HOW required for enrichment activities [on the other].
20050916             USA seen cutting its AFGHANISTAN—FORCE 20% : USA—TROOP—LEVELS in AFGHANISTAN could be reduced next spring by as much as 20—PERCENT, or about 4,000 service members, to be replaced by NATO—SOLDIERS, 1—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—OFFICER says.
20050916             War pimp alert: USA Deploys Slide Show to Press Case Against IRAN : With an HOUR—LONG slide show that blends satellite imagery with disquieting assumptions about IRAN—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—PROGRAM, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS have been trying to convince allies that TEHRAN is on 1—FAST—TRACK toward nuclear weapons.
20050916             Pentagon draft plan calls for preemptive use of nukes : Critics say plan is designed for possible attack against IRAN.
20050916             —CONDEMNED, IRAQ—LAW—MINISTER—BLASTS—USA—DETENTIONS : IRAQ—JUSTICE—MINISTER has, THE—USA—MILITARY for detaining THOUSANDS—OF—IRAQIS for long periods without charge and wants to change 1—UN—RESOLUTION that gives foreign troops immunity from IRAQ—LAW.
20050916             SOME—IRAQ—PROJECTS—RUNNING—OUT—OF—MONEY, USA Says : Work will be stopped on SOME—UTILITY—PLANTS, officials tell lawmakers, because security costs are depleting funds.
20050916             Syria rejects charges about IRAQ border, dares USA to provide evidence : "This USA—INTIMIDATION—CAMPAIGN proves that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is searching for 1—SCAPEGOAT and for anyone to hold responsible for the failure of its foreign policies," SYRIA—STATE—RUN—TISHRIN newspaper said in 1—EDITORIAL—WEDNESDAY.
20050916             Top Democrat calls for troop withdrawal from IRAQ : THE—SENATE—SENIOR—DEMOCRAT called —TUESDAY for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to withdraw the military from IRAQ to focus on domestic needs such as hurricane relief.
20050916             Bring Them Home Now : I will work so Mike and other sons will not have their generosity, their courage, their integrity, their desire to serve, their desire to make 1—DIFFERENCE compromised.
20050916             I want my son to always be proud that he is 1—MARINE.
20050916             Galloway Does BOSTON Proud:
20050916             "We who live in THE—USA—OR—BRITAIN, only have to answer 1—QUESTION, do we stand with the occupier, or with those who are resisting colonial occupation".
20050916             News From Behind The Facade
20050916             The poor were no longer invisible;
20050916             the bodies floating in contaminated water, the survivors threatened with police shotguns, the distinct OBESITY—OF—USA—POVERTY—ALL—OF—IT mocked the forests of advertising billboards and relentless television commercials and news SOUND—BITES (average length 9.9—SECONDS) that glorify the "dream" of wealth and power.
20050916             TYSON—SUED for Maintaining Segregated Work Areas:
20050916             'Whites Only' Sign and Padlock Placed on Bathroom Door
20050916             Video: Ariel Sharon: The Accused : The man who is now ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, Ariel Sharon, sent LEBANON—MILITIAMEN into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla.
20050916             —WHEN they left —36—HOURS—LATER at least 800—PEOPLE lay dead after 1—RAMPAGE—OF—MURDER, torture and rape.
20050916             Killing Us Not So Softly, But Slowly : Ever wonder why 9000—PALESTINIANS are behind bars and upwards of 1—QUARTER—OF—PALESTINE—MEN have been detained by the occupiers?
20050916             Perhaps the same reason THE—USA—DETAINS—IRAQIS, 99—PERCENT of whom according to ALI—SHALAL—AL—QAYSI, the hooded Christlike IRAQ—PRISONER, are innocent.
20050916             Court wrongly upholds unconstitutional jailing : The administration's reasons for holding Padilla have shifted in 1—WAY that doesn't inspire confidence.
20050916             —UNVEILED, UK: ANTI—TERRORISM—PLANS, : Police seized 7—ALGERIANS as national security threats on —THURSDAY, hours before the government unveiled new plans to hold terrorism suspects without charge for up to 3—MONTHS.
20050916             AUSTRALIA: Pacifist tourists, the big new threat : Moves to deport 1—USA—ANTI—WAR—ACTIVIST are 1—SERIOUS—ABUSE—OF—POWER.
20050916             —DEPORTED, Parkin, to USA: FBI says he's 'welcome' : USA—PEACE—ACTIVIST—SCOTT—PARKIN, who was deported from AUSTRALIA this morning after being deemed 1—THREAT to national security, would be welcome back in his homeland, THE—FBI says.
20050916             USA—STEPS up pressure to isolate IRAN : THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION has embarked on 1—SERIES—OF—FACE—TO—FACE—MEETINGS with world leaders at THE—UN—SUMMIT to try to isolate IRAN diplomatically over IRAN—PUSH to expand its nuclear programme.
20050916             Clare Short: Depression and mistrust prevail at THE—UN:
20050916             There is no doubt that we are living through 1—VERY disappointing period in world history
20050916             USA—MILITARY in PARAGUAY Prepares To "Spread Democracy" : Controversy is raging in PARAGUAY, where THE—USA—MILITARY is conducting secretive operations.
20050916             Chavez foes to get more USA—FUNDS : VENEZUELA—ACTIVISTS facing trial for receiving money from 1—USA—FINANCED organisation to promote 1—VOTE against PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ last year, will get additional funding from the organisation, representatives say.
20050916             —CREATED, Operation Northwoods "may be the most corrupt plan ever, by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20050916             † Frances Newton, for BUSH—SINS : THE—40—YEAR—OLD—BLACK—WOMAN, executed by THE—DEATH—OBSESSED STATE—OF—TEXAS last night following 1—REJECTION by THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—OF—HER—ATTORNEYS' LAST—DITCH appeal + after the state's craven and bloodthirsty "pardons and parole" BOARD refused to recommend 1—STAY to GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, hardly merited mention in the nation's media,
20050916             We're not NUMBER 1. We're not even close : By which measures, precisely, do we lead the world?
20050916             Caring for our countrymen? You jest.
20050916             A 1.—CLASS physical infrastructure? Tell that to NEW—ORLEANS.
20050916             Ignorance and abdication that amounts to madness:
20050916             All political leaders sometimes parry with the truth, but with Bush the disconnections are systematic
20050916             1—STATISTICAL—ANALYSIS—OF—EVERY—USA—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION: 1—RESEARCHER plugged in 26,000 opinions issued by THE—SUPREME—COURT between the early 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY and the present day into his computer.
20050916             "He treated EACH—OF—THESE cases as 1—NODE and EACH—CITATION from 1—CASE to another as 1—LINK. The result was 1 complicated web resembling 1—MAP—OF—CITIES linked by DOZENS—OF—AIRLINES. He found the most important opinions, at least judged by how MANY—TIMES they were cited, by working out which nodes were likeliest to fall on the shortest paths between 2—OTHER nodes. Intriguingly, the cases mostly come from 1 advanced and esoteric subject..".
20050916             UK—DUO—PROBES origin of mad cow disease: Did human remains in food spawn the infection in cattle?
20050916             $200—BILLION POST—KATRINA rebuilding effort planned:
20050916             In 1—PRIMETIME speech tonight from the flood zone, Bush will commit THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to what MANY—PREDICT will become the largest reconstruction effort ever on USA—SOIL.
20050916             All eyes on Halliburton as contacts turn into contracts : Reconstruction work after Katrina is going to be costly - + highly lucrative.
20050916             Katrina: Another Excuse for BUSH—FAILED—IDEOLOGY : Bush's "vision" for NEW—ORLEANS and the Katrina recovery effort is being slowly revealed + unsurprisingly, it's 1—VISION that's steeped in conservative ideologies of old that promise little help to actual victims Hurricane Katrina.
20050916             Government Credit Cards for Katrina Expenses Draw Scrutiny : Lawmakers and watchdog groups worry that allowing federal employees to charge up to $250,000 on their GOVERNMENT—ISSUED credit cards for Hurricane KATRINA—RELATED expenses will lead to 1—REPEAT—OF—PAST—ABUSES.
20050916             —MISSED, In case you, it: :
20050916             Witt makes presence known in LOS—ANGELES.
20050916             —HEADED, Witt, who, FEMA during the Clinton administration, has been hired by LOUISIANA GOVERNOR—KATHLEEN—BLANCO (D) to help coordinate state and federal responses to the natural disaster.
20050916             Witt to Lobby for Allstate:
20050916             —REGISTERED, FORMER—FEMA Director, JAMES—L—WITT, 9/13 to lobby for Allstate Insurance Company "To draft and introduce model legislation creating 1—NATURAL—DISASTER—CATASTROPHE—FUND".
20050916             Help is on the way, but it's unclear where : More than 100—TRACTOR—TRAILERS packed with water, ice and other critical HURRICANE—RELIEF—SUPPLIES have been sitting at 1—AIR—FORCE—BASE in MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA, for nearly 1—WEEK while THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—PAYS $600 1—DAY for EACH—TRUCK.
20050916             CHICAGO City Council urges immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ : CHICAGO on —WEDNESDAY became the nation's largest city to urge THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to withdraw USA—TROOPS from IRAQ at once.
20050916             Pepe Escobar : Welcome to civil war : Undeclared civil war in IRAQ has been raging for months.
20050916             —NOW it's "official": using the customary audio clip on 1—WEBSITE, ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI—WHO may or may not be 1—CIPHER, but is certainly THE—LEADER—OF—MONOTHEISM and Holy War, or AL—QAEDA in the Land of THE—2—RIVERS—HAS declared "ALL—OUT war" on IRAQ—SHI'ITES.
20050916             Sistani: No Civil War even if HALF—OF—SHIITES are Killed : Grand Ayatollah ALI—SISTANI strictly forbade reprisals by Shiites, saying, "If HALF—OF—IRAQ—SHIITES were killed, it would not lead to 1—SECTARIAN—WAR".
20050916             Sistani is keenly aware that the guerrilla strategy is to sucker the Shiites into attacking Sunni Arabs on 1—LARGE—SCALE, producing 1—CIVIL—WAR that would destabilize IRAQ and give the Sunni guerrillas 1—OPEN for making 1—COUP and taking over.
20050916             Terror cells in for the long haul : Senior European experts warned that THE—IRAQ war had stimulated 1 globalised PROCESS—OF—RADICALISATION and recruitment into Islamist terror groups.
20050916             Time to Talk to AL—QAEDA?
20050916             —RESEARCHED, It was 1—MILITARY—OPERATION, and planned since at least 19960000          .
20050916             - The assault was the culmination of 1—LARGER—CAMPAIGN, which forecast impact, planned for the enemy's reaction + was designed to gain the tactical upper hand.
20050916             The Enablers
20050916             —SEIZED, The Bush Faction, upon the congressional resolution as an "Enabling Act" justifying 1—BROAD—RANGE—OF unconstitutional measures, including torture, kidnappings, mass roundups, secret hearings, secret prisons, arrests without charge, indefinite detention, kangaroo courts, "extrajudicial killings" and, finally, aggressive war.
20050916             Maßeinheiten: WATT—WAAGE könnte Urkilogramm ablösen
20050916             Rede in NEW—ORLEANS: Bush gibt den spendablen Retter in der Not
20050916             Then there's ABC—NOTORIOUS—JOHN—STOSSEL, who -- as
20050916             this Media Matters page reports -- defends price gouging in emergencies:
20050916             Krauthammer's's lie about the National Guard is the most inane of all, 1 which is easily exposed by ANY—NUMBER—OF—NEWS—ACCOUNTS and web sites.
20050916             THIS—SWING STATE—PROJECT page reprints 1—RELEVANT—STORY from ABC:
20050916             JACKSON BARRACKS -- When MEMBERS—OF—THE—LOUISIANA—NATIONAL—GUARD left for IRAQ in October, they took 1—LOT—EQUIPMENT with them.
20050916             DOZENS—OF—HIGH—WATER—VEHICLES, humvees, refuelers and generators are now abroad + in the event of 1—MAJOR—NATURAL—DISASTER that, could be 1—PROBLEM.
20050916             "The National Guard needs that equipment back home to support the homeland security mission," said LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—PETE—SCHNEIDER with THE—LA National Guard.
20050916             Important article in RAW story today...
20050916             —HIRED, The Federal Emergency Management Agency has, KENYON—INTERNATIONAL to set up 1—MOBILE morgue for handling bodies in BATON—ROUGE, LOUISIANA following Hurricane Katrina, RAW STORY has learned.
20050916             —RETURNED, Yep, we've, to FuneralGate.
20050916             Remember that 1? The putrescent odor from this scandal wafted around 20000000             —THE election.
20050916             For 1—REFRESHER course, see here.
20050916             The strongest winds NEW—ORLEANS saw were 100mph, ie 1—WEAK—CATEGORY 2. This is why after the hurricane missed NEW—ORLEANS and hit MISSISSIPPI, headlines said things like "NEW—ORLEANS Spared, Stock Market Rallies" (Bloomberg)
20050916             —SUFFERED, You can see from the photos that NEW—ORLEANS, very little damage from the actual hurricane.
20050916             This argument seems reasonable.
20050916             1—MAINSTREAM—SOURCE now makes very similar points.
20050916             NOTE—THIS TIMES—PICAYUNE story:
20050916             1—OF—THE—CENTRAL—MYSTERIES emerging in the Hurricane Katrina disaster is why concrete floodwalls in 3—CANALS breached during the storm, causing much of the catastrophic flooding, while earthen hurricane levees surrounding the city remained intact.
20050916             Why did we have no hurricane levee failures but 5—SEPARATE—PLACES with floodwall failures?" asked JOSEPH—SUHAYDA, 1—RETIRED—LSU coastal engineer who examined the breaches last week. "That suggests there may be something about floodwalls that makes them more susceptible to failure.
20050916             —EXCEED, Did (the storm), design conditions?
20050916             What were the conditions? What about the construction?"
20050916             Ivor VAN Heerden, who uses computer models to study STORM—SURGE dynamics for THE—LSU Hurricane Center, has said that fragmentary initial data indicate that KATRINA—STORM—SURGE heights in Lake Pontchartrain would not have been high enough to top the canal walls and that a "catastrophic structural failure" occurred in the floodwalls.
20050916             THE—TIMES—PICAYUNE article officially takes us out of the "conspiracy buff" realm.
20050916             This is 1—LEGITIMATE—MYSTERY -- 1 which, so far, has baffled scientists.
20050916             1—DIEBOLD insider confirms our worst suspicions about the way our elections are run.
20050916             What are you reading me for? Go to
20050916             BRADBLOG right now -- it's the most important piece you'll see on the net today! (Then come back.) But before you go, here's 1—CHOICE excerpt:
20050916             —SERVED, The voting company insider, who has also, as 1—SPOKESPERSON for the company in various capacities over recent years, admits that the "real danger" of this security vulnerability could have easily been exploited by 1—MALICIOUS—USER or 1—INSIDER through remote access.
20050916             "I have seen these systems connected to phone lines DOZENS—OF—TIMES with users gaining remote access," said DIEB—THROAT.
20050916             "What I think we have here is 1—VERY—SERIOUS—PROBLEM. Remote access using phone lines eliminates any need for 1—CONSPIRACY—OF—HUNDREDS to alter the outcome of 1—ELECTION. Diebold has held onto this theory [publicly] for years, but Diebold has lied and has put national elections at risk. Remote access using this backdoor means that 1—MALICIOUS—PERSON can change the outcome of ANY—DIEBOLD election".
20050916             Staatsbürgerschaft: Doppelpass ins Aus
20050916             Atomkonflikt: IRAN für internationale Beteiligung an Nukleartechnik
20050916             Union: Von der Leyen will Problemfamilien staatliche Aufsicht verordnen
20050916             "Neutraler Ort": Chavez fordert Verlegung des UNO—HAUPTSITZES
20050916             NEW—ORLEANS: Bush kündigt gigantisches Wiederaufbauprojekt an
20050916             Mexiko: VIELE—VERLETZTE bei Explosionsserie auf Feuerwerksmarkt
20050916             —JUST THE—KIND—OF—GUY you want to give 1—LOT—OF—POWER to.
20050916             —MENTIONED, We, 1—FEW days 20050801             —WOMAN named ELIZABETH Reyes who was 1—ATTORNEY in the elections division of THE—TEXAS SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
20050916             ELIZABETH Reyes who was 1—ATTORNEY in the elections division of THE—TEXAS SECRETARY—OF—STATE answered 1—PRESS—QUESTION about 1—LAW that KARL—ROVE had BROKEN—THOUGH she wasn't told that Rove was the person involved.
20050916             ELIZABETH Reyes who was 1—ATTORNEY in the elections division of THE—TEXAS SECRETARY—OF—STATE was immediately fired.
20050916             —NOW it turns out that TEXAS SECRETARY—OF—STATE—ROGER—WILLIAMS—DECIDED to fire
20050916             ELIZABETH Reyes who was 1—ATTORNEY in the elections division of THE—TEXAS SECRETARY—OF—STATE
20050916             —AFTER getting 1—CALL from Rove himself.
20050916             But for the morons among us, Williams would like to make clear that ROVE—CALL had nothing to do with it.
20050916             ( ed.note : Special thanks to TPM Reader J for the tip.) -- JOSH—MARSHALL
20050916             Maßeinheiten: Ersetzt die WATT—WAAGE das Urkilogramm von 18890000              ?
20050916             Zum Thema im INTERNET: National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology
20050916             "Journal of the Optical SOCIETY—OF—AMERICA "
20050911             —UNPROVOKED, WAS not 1, gratuitous act.
20050916—19570000    —IN, as 1—COLUMBIA Univ. doctoral student, Gould came up with 1—PROCESS for concentrating visible light as opposed to microwaves of 1—MASER.
20050916—19620000    —IN, Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for CUBA Invasion :
20050916—19990000    —DISCOVERED, It was 1., in UGANDA—WHEAT crops.
20050916—20050701    —ON, 500—USA—TROOPS arrived in the country with planes, weapons and ammunition.
20051019             VANCOUVER Island Moves West in Quake Lasting 2—WEEKS 20050916             20051022—20050916    —AM, Der Papagei war mit einer Lieferung von 148—EXOTISCHEN Vögeln in Großbritannien angekommen.
20051207             —1—, 20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518              20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350              20060401             The Bull Market Is Back | 20060331             0000173518              20060813             REACHING the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, just HOURS—AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554              20060813             TAKING advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140              20060824043045             —GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA. 20060824044524             —GMT, —THURSDAY THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO 20060824090854
20060501             [PHILADELPHIA Daily News, 20020916             ]
20060816—20060916    —ON, 1—SOURCE—OF—DATA is 1—THERMAL MAP—OF—GROUND 0 created from infrared data collected by 1—NASA plane that overflew the site.
20060824             GERMANY—TRAIN—BOMB—SUSPECT held Thu, 20060824091603        GMT A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, GERMANY—OFFICIALS say.
20060910             CUBA, leaders of THE—NON—ALIGNED Movement (NAM) of 116—DEVELOPING nations began gathering for a 6—DAY—SUMMIT (20060911—20060916    ).
20060916             —KILLED, SF, ZACHARY—ROCHE—BALSAM, 19—JAHRE—ALT was, when he tried to stop 1—ROBBERY—OF—2—WOMEN after 1—PARTY in the Ingleside Heights neighborhood.
20060916             1—BOMB—BLAST—SOUTH—OF—KABUL killed 3—AFGHANISTAN—AID—WORKERS and wounded another.
20060916             CUBA, representatives of 118 Nonaligned Movement nations condemned ISRAEL—ATTACKS on LEBANON and supported 1—PEACEFUL—RESOLUTION to THE—USA—IRAN nuclear dispute in the final declaration.
20060916             † FOUAD—EL—MOHANDES, 82—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—EGYPT—MOST beloved comedians, in CAIRO.
20060916             FOUAD—EL—MOHANDES—PLAYS and movies made over 1—HALF—CENTURY brought him fans across the Arab world.
20060916             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI, 1—FRESH—PEACE—BID and THE—USA pledged more troops to help restore stability in THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20060916             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were, in rebel attacks.
20060916             —RECOVERED, Police, 48—BODIES from across BAGHDAD.
20060916             —TORTURED, Most were those of young men who had been, blindfolded, handcuffed and shot several times.
20060916             —UNCOVERED, IRAQ—POLICE, 1—LARGE—MUNITIONS cache stored in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—AD Dayr.
20060916             —NAMED, IVORY—COAST, 1—NEW—CABINET, replacing THE—MINISTERS—OF—TRANSPORT and environment but reappointing most others, after 1—TOXIC—WASTE dumping scandal prompted the resignation of the entire 32-member body last week.
20060916             —EXTRADITED, MEXICO, accused drug kingpin FRANCISCO—RAFAEL—ARELLANO—FELIX to THE—USA, making him the 1. major MEXICO—DRUG—LORD to be sent north to face trial on drug charges.
20060916             —PLEADED, He later, guilty to federal charges of selling cocaine in 1—S—DIEGO motel.
20060916             —BATTERED, Hurricane Lane, 1—CATEGORY 3—STORM, MAZATLAN.
20060916             PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF and INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH held "historic" talks on the disputed Kashmir region, on the sidelines of 1—DEVELOPING—WORLD—SUMMIT in HAVANA.
20060916             —AGREED, They also, to restart peace talks suspended since train bombings killed more than 200—PEOPLE in Mumbai in July.
20060916             —DEMANDED, Leaders across the Muslim world, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA apologize for his remarks on Islam and jihad.
20060916             —REGRETTED, THE—VATICAN said BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA "sincerely", offending Muslims with his reference to 1—OBSCURE—MEDIEVAL—TEXT characterizing SOME—OF—THE—TEACHINGS—OF—ISLAM—FOUNDER as "evil and inhuman," but the statement stopped SHORT—OF—THE—APOLOGY demanded by Islamic leaders.
20060916             2—WEST—BANK—CHRISTIAN churches were hit by firebombs, and 1—GROUP claiming responsibility said it was protesting BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA—REMARKS about Islam.
20060916             —STEPPED, SINGAPORE, top finance chiefs, up pressure on CHINA to relax its grip on its currency, warning that trade imbalances threaten 1—FLOURISHING global economy.
20060916             G7 finance ministers and central bank governors also called for 1—RESUMPTION—OF—GLOBAL—FREE—TRADE—TALKS and 1—REVAMP—OF—THE—IMF, saying CHINA should be given 1—LOUDER—VOICE but must also fulfill its broader economic responsibilities.
20060916             Sten Andersson (19230000              *), 1—LEADING figure in SWEDEN—GOVERNING Social DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and 1—TIME—MEDIATOR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS, †.
20060916             As foreign MINISTER 19850000—19910000    —FROM—TO, Andersson helped start 1—DIALOGUE between the Palestine Liberation Organization and THE—USA.
20060916             —KILLED, SOUTH—THAILAND, bomb blasts, 4—PEOPLE including 1—CANADIAN, 29—JAHRE—ALT, who became the 1. Westerner to die in THE—2—YEAR—MUSLIM insurgency.
20060916             —EXPLODED, At least 5—BOMBS : 2 in department stories;
20060916             2 in front of 1—BAR and 1—PARKING lot at the Odean Shopping Mall;
20060916             and a 5. at 1—NEARBY—MASSAGE—PARLOR in Songkhla province's HAT—YAI city.
20060916             —NAMED, TOGO—PRESIDENT—FAURE—GNASSINGBE, Yawovi Agboyibo (63), 1—OPPOSITION—PARTY—LEADER, as PRIME—MINISTER, bringing the nation 1—STEP—CLOSER to LONG—DELAYED parliamentary elections.
20060916             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 4, AL—QAIDA members who were plotting attacks in San'a were arrested.
20060916             BILL—KRISTOL—DECLARED A 'Manly Man'
20060916             Harvard professor and conservative AUTHOR—HARVEY—MANSFIELD recently published 1—BOOK called "Manliness".
20060916             —COLLECTED, SOME—GEMS from Mansfield, by Reason_com :
20060916             As the weaker sex…women are "not in 1—POSITION to ask for something directly. They're either obliged to smile 1—LOT and persuade, or make 1—SCENE".
20060916             "To resist rape 1—WOMAN—NEEDS—MORE than martial arts and more than the police; she needs 1—CERTAIN ladylike modesty enabling her to take offense at unwanted encroachment".
20060916             "In my experience it is difficult for 1—MAN who is attracted to 1—WOMAN not to find her cute, rather than intimidating, when she gets angry".
20060916             In a - new INTERVIEW—WITH—HUMANEVENTSONLINE, Mansfield was asked about fellow neoconservative WILLIAM—KRISTOL:
20060916             QUESTION: You've taught both WILLIAM—KRISTOL and ANDREW—SULLIVAN.
20060916             Would you say that BILL—KRISTOL is 1—MANLY man?
20060916             MANSFIELD: Yes, I would very much + so is Andrew.
20060916             To do what ANDREW—SULLIVAN has done takes 1—LOT—OF—COURAGE.
20060916             He came out of the closet, which was kind of 1—MANLY act.
20060916             And he has been 1—OF—THE 1. and 1—OF—THE—MOST successful bloggers.
20060916             —INFLUENCED, And there he takes his own path, no doubt, by his sexuality, but still FULL—OF—REASON and emphasis.
20060916             Not surprisingly, Mansfield says the " - most manly politician today
20060916             " is GEORGE—W—BUSH, who is "bold and determined, 2—MANLY qualities".
20060916             Pentagon GUANTANAMO 'Fact' Sheet Highlights HIGH—TOPS And HARRY—POTTER, Distorts Real Issues
20060916             —RELEASED, This week, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE (DoD), 1—DOCUMENT entitled "
20060916             10—FACTS—ABOUT GUANTANAMO ". The document contains relatively insignificant facts — all detainees receive 1—PAIR—OF "HIGH—TOP sneakers" — and ignores the facility's real problems.
20060916             SOME—OTHER highlights:
20060916             4. Detainees receive medical, dental, psychiatric + optometric care at USA taxpayers' expense.
20060916             9. GUANTANAMO is the most transparent detention facility in THE—HISTORY—OF—WARFARE.
20060916             —HOSTED, The Joint Task Force has, more than 1,000 journalists from more than 40—COUNTRIES.
20060916             35—TEETH cleanings for approximately 500—DETAINEES isn't something to brag about.
20060916             Point 4—ALSO obscures the fact that several detainees have committeed suicide and the European Union has
20060916             called on THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to close the camp.
20060916             GUANTANAMO Bay is anything but transparent.
20060916             —RESTRICTED, Media access to GUANTANAMO Bay has been severely.
20060916             Journalists "could not talk to detainees, they had to be accompanied by 1—MILITARY escort and their photos were censored".
20060916             JUNE, THE—MILITARY—SHUT down media access entirely.
20060916             —QUOTED, Point 8—INITIALLY, THE—MOTHER—OF—1—RUSSIA—DETAINEE saying how great Guatanamo Bay was: "Of course they wanted to stay there. … They had human rights and good living standards there. They had dentists and good meals — everything they wanted".
20060916             As the Wasington POST—AL—KAMEN notes, "[T]his quote from a 20040300              EDITION—OF—THE—LONDON—TIMES was 1—RUSSIA—MOTHER comparing GUANTANAMO with RUSSIA—JAILS".
20060916             —REMOVED, It has been, from the current document available online.
20060916             Hurricane powers towards MEXICO Hurricane Lane strengthens as residents prepare for it to make landfall on MEXICO—PACIFIC coastline.
20060916             UN votes to put Burma on agenda 1—USA—SPONSORED motion puts Burma on the formal AGENDA—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, drawing CHINA—ANGER.
20060916             BBC report on Prozac in drinking water (englisch)
20060916             Nachrichten QUELLEN—SFUX AL—AHRAM (EGYPT—WEEKLY)
20060916             Very Interesting (Did Bush Just Admit Bombs in WTC 20010911             —ON ?)
20060916             Very INTERESTING—DID anyone notice
20060916             this PART—OF—BUSH—PRESS—CONFERENCE on —FRIDAY?
20060916             "The information that THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY has obtained by questioning men like Khalid Sheik Mohammed has provided valuable information and has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including strikes within THE—USA.For example, Khalid Sheik Mohammed described THE—DESIGN—OF—PLANE—ATTACKS on building inside THE—USA and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for THOSE—OF—USA who have the responsibility to protect THE—USA—PEOPLE.He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at 1—POINT that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping".Explosives in buildings that were to be or were attacked by planes?
20060916             Does anyone remember the documentary that shows MANY—FIREMEN saying that they heard bombs and explosions in the towers that morning before they collapsed?
20060916             PAPA 'sorry' for offence to Islam B—PAPAENEDICT—XVI says he is sorry about the offence caused by his speech referring to the Muslim faith.
20060916             Troops federation set for launch 1—NEW—BODY to champion THE—RIGHTS—OF—SOLDIERS, sailors and aircrews is on the verge of launching.
20060916             World Bank urges boost for young The world's growing young population needs encouragement and education to prosper, the World Bank says.
20060916             Concern over drug for UK troops There is concern UK—SOLDIERS are being treated with 1—DRUG that has not been fully tested and licensed.
20060916             STRANGE STUFF—OHIO has its share of bizarre occurrences.
20060916             GUATEMALA: No protection, no justice
20060916             —CHARACTERISED, MANY—OF—THE—MURDERS have been, by exceptional brutality, with MANY—VICTIMS subjected to sexual violence, mutilation and dismemberment.
20060916             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at
20060916             Remember the anthrax letters?
20060916             5—AMERICANS were killed and 17—MORE suffered serious illnesses.
20060916             —ALLOWED, Wiccan sign, on soldier's plaque
20060916             —KILLED, The widow of 1—SOLDIER, in AFGHANISTAN won STATE—APPROVAL—WEDNESDAY to place 1—WICCAN religious symbol on his memorial plaque, something THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS—AFFAIRS had refused.
20060916             —ORDERED, Media ownership study, destroyed
20060916             —ORDERED, The Federal Communications Commission, its staff to destroy all copies of 1—DRAFT—STUDY that suggested greater CONCENTRATION—OF—MEDIA—OWNERSHIP would hurt local TV news coverage, 1—FORMER—LAWYER at the agency says.
20060916             WEST—MOST ancient writing?
20060916             Weathered and pitted with the passage of 3,000 years, 1—ROCK slab found in SOUTH—MEXICO shows clear EVIDENCE—OF—1—SCRIPT that anthropologists say is the oldest writing ever found in THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE.
20060916             LONG—SOUGHT 20010911              videotape didn't capture attack
20060916             UK: Clare Short: I'm standing down so I can speak the truth:
20060916             I am profoundly ASHAMED—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20060916             The Labour Party has lost its way
20060916             'FAST—TRACK—DISCIPLINE' for Short after Blair attack : She criticised MISTER—BLAIR'S "craven" support for USA—POLICIES and said he had made the world 1—MORE—DANGEROUS—PLACE.
20060916             Blair hit by LEBANON backlash as MINISTER admits ceasefire 'mistake':
20060916             —LASTED, The war, 34—DAYS. It left 1,393—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060916             —INJURED, Another 5,350.
20060916             And more than 1,150,000 displaced, of whom 215,413 are still homeless.
20060916             The damage amounts to more than £2.6bn.
20060916             Exactly 1—MONTH after it ended, 1—FOREIGN—OFFICE—MINISTER admits that TONY—BLAIR should have called for 1—CEASEFIRE
20060916             NON—ALIGNED Movement demands ISRAEL—MILITARY—WITHDRAWAL from GAZA : THE—NON—ALIGNED Movement demanded at 1—SUMMIT in HAVANA that ISRAEL withdraw its troops from GAZA, release jailed PALESTINE—OFFICIALS and repair damage caused by its military operations.
20060916             Most Americans Dispute IRAQ War Benefits: MANY—ADULTS in THE—USA—BELIEVE their FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT made 1—MISTAKE in launching the coalition effort, according to 1—POLL by TNS released by ABC News.
20060916             56—PER cent of respondents think, considering the costs versus the benefits, the war with IRAQ was not worth fighting.
20060916             —UNTROUBLED, Tortured logic : The administration, apparently, by this disagreement, is now asking Congress to declare that detainees who claim violations of THE—GENEVA Convention may not have their day in court.
20060916             —BACKED, MEXICO—CURRENT—VERSION—OF—DEMOCRACY not sustainable : USA—CORPORATIONS, CALDERON—CAMPAIGN heavily as he promised "incentives for foreign investment".
20060916             —GREED, Blinded by, for easy profits to be made in MEXICO, they set the stage for increased migration into THE—USA.
20060916             ACLU Slams Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—APPROVAL—OF—NSA—SPYING—BILLS:
20060916             "Congress has 1—RIGHT and obligation to conduct meaningful oversight on the unlawful ACTIONS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT. But instead of investigating lawbreaking, the Senate Judiciary Committee wants to make it legal. We urge the full Senate to reject ANY—ATTEMPTS to ratify this illegal program".
20060916             —REBUFFED, Senators Defy Bush On Terror Measure : 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE, the personal ENTREATIES—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—YESTERDAY, rejecting his proposed strategies for interrogating and trying enemy combatants and approving alternative legislation that he has strenuously opposed.
20060916             Torture complicate Padilla case : Evidence against THE—USA—TERROR—SUSPECT was obtained through torture, his lawyers say.
20060916             Judge orders prosecutors to turn over PADILLA—MEDICAL—RECORDS: - 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—MIAMI ordered prosecutors —THURSDAY to turn over medical records for accused AL—QAIDA operative Jose Padilla, 1—MOVE that could reveal details of his treatment during 3 1/2—YEARS in military custody.
20060916             Judge refuses to reinstate key Padilla terrorism charge : The dismissed charge is important because it is the only 1 in the indictment that carries 1—POTENTIAL—LIFE—SENTENCE.
20060916             Friendship, then missiles in terror sting:
20060916             FBI agent details how informant was used to build case against ALBANY mosque leader, pizza shop owner
20060916             —URGED, PAPA, to retract Islam remarks : THE—PAPA provoked anger after criticising Islam and its concept of jihad on —TUESDAY during a 6—DAY—VISIT to his native GERMANY, citing a 13010101—14001231    —CENTURY Christian emperor who said that Prophet Mohammed had brought the world "evil and inhuman" things.
20060916             TURKEY—LAWMAKER—COMPARES T—PAPAO—HITLE r: 1—TURKEY—LAWMAKER said B—PAPAENEDICT—XVI would go down in history "in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini" for remarks he made about Islam.
20060916             —SUMMONED, MEANWHILE—PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, THE—VATICAN—AMBASSADOR to express regret over the remarks.
20060916             —ACCUSED—OF, DUBAI—RULER ACCUSED—OF—SLAVERY : DUBAI—RULER has been, enslaving THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—CHILDREN for camel races in 1—CLASS—ACTION lawsuit filed in THE—USA.
20060916             Coaxing the unwilling : The result : USA—GROUND—FORCES are increasingly made up of 1—MOTLEY MIX—OF—UNDER—AGE—TEENS, OLD—TIMERS, foreign fighters, GANG—BANGERS, NEO—NAZIS, EX—CONS, inferior officers and 1—HOST—OF—NEAR—MERCENARY troops, lured in or kept in uniform through big payouts and promises.
20060916             Ney to admit guilt in corruption case:
20060916             1—REPUBLICAN congressman agreed to plead guilty to illegally accepting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS in trips, meals, drinks and tickets to become the 1. USA—LAWMAKER convicted in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF political corruption scandal, USA—OFFICIALS said on —FRIDAY
20060916             Ford to cut 45,000 jobs : Ford Motor Co. on —FRIDAY said it will slash $5—BILLION in costs and cut nearly 45,000 jobs, about 1—3. of its work force, in 1—SWEEPING restructuring + warned that its NORTH—USA—UNIT won't make 1—PROFIT for another 3—YEARS.
20060916             Video: Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7—LONDON Bombings Documentary : On the 7. of 20050700              LONDON was hit by 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS.
20060916             —HAPPENED, You probably think you know what, that day.
20060916             But you don't.
20060916             IAEA protests "erroneous" USA—REPORT on IRAN
20060916             —PROTESTED, UNITED—NATIONS inspectors have, to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and 1—CONGRESSIONAL committee about 1—REPORT on IRAN—NUCLEAR—WORK, calling parts of it "outrageous and dishonest," according to 1—LETTER obtained by Reuters.
20060916             The Modern Successor to the Slave Trade
20060916             No longer should the peace business be undermined by the arms BUSINESS—BY DESMOND—TUTU
20060916             5—RICH—COUNTRIES manufacture the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD—WEAPONS.
20060916             And it's big business: the amount rich countries spend on fighting HIV/Aids EVERY—YEAR represents just 18—DAYS' global spending on arms.
20060916             Terrorist Network Disconnect
20060916             GEORGE—BUSH—NEW—ARGUMENT that IRAN and Hezbollah are part of the same terrorist network as AL—QAIDA turns the recent HISTORY—OF—INTERNATIONAL—POLITICS on its head to cover up 1—TRUTH that makes THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION extremely uncomfortable.
20060916             I—HOPE—THAT—WE—MAY—FIND—THE—COURAGE...
20060916             THE—USA is 1—WEAKER—POWER now, especially in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, but also in THE—COURT—OF—WORLD opinion.
20060916             Where is THE—AMERICA—OF restraint, of peace AND—OF—INSPIRATION to millions?
20060916             —RESPECTED, Where is THE—AMERICA, not only for her military might, but also for her powerful ideas and her reasonable diplomacy?
20060916             In praise of the 'subversive' documentary -
20060916             My own films have been shown all over the world, but never on network television in THE—USA.
20060916             That SUPPRESSION—OF—ALTERNATIVE viewpoints may help us understand why MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS display such 1—CHRONIC—IGNORANCE—OF—OTHER—HUMAN—BEINGS.
20060916             Where is the evidence?
20060916             There are MANY—PROBLEMS with 20010911             —THE debate.
20060916             MANY—DIFFERENT—INTERESTS are using 20010911              to advance their agendas.
20060916             Federalist Society members in pursuit of 1—STRONGER—EXECUTIVE—USE 20010911              to justify concentrating power in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, power that violates THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS in THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20060916             —OUTRAGED, USA, as PAKISTAN frees Taliban fighters : PAKISTAN—CREDIBILITY as 1—LEADING ally in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM was called into question last night when it emerged that PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—GOVERNMENT had authorised the release from jail of THOUSANDS—OF—TALIBAN fighters caught fighting coalition forces in AFGHANISTAN.
20060916             The Fall of Waziristan: 1—ONLINE—HISTORY:
20060916             THE—FALL—OF—NORTH and SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN and the rise of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan was 1—EVENT telegraphed by AL—QAEDA and the Taliban
20060916             European powers refuse to send more troops to AFGHANISTAN: In the face of dire warnings that THE—NATO—LED occupation risks losing ground before 1—RESURGENCE—OF—SUPPORT for THE—FORMER—TALIBAN regime, the major European MEMBERS—OF—THE—ALLIANCE have refused to send 1—SINGLE—SOLDIER.
20060916             USA—MOVES to scuttle Arab plan for INTERNATIONAL peace conference : THE—USA is trying to block attempts by Arab countries to turn THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL into 1—KEY—PLAYER in THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT during the upcoming GENERAL—ASSEMBLY opening next week.
20060916             IAEA: USA—REPORT on IRAN 'outrageous' : UNITED—NATIONS nuclear inspectors have attacked as "outrageous and dishonest" parts of 1—USA congressional committee intelligence report on IRAN—NUCLEAR—WORK.
20060916             "We are really making progress," Solana told reporters.
20060916             "Never before have we had THE—LEVEL—OF—ENGAGEMENT...as we are having now".
20060916             CHINA rips USA—CLAIMS on weapons sales:
20060916             —DENOUNCED, CHINA on —FRIDAY, accusations by top USA—OFFICIALS that it was selling weapons to IRAN and NORTH—KOREA amid nuclear tensions with THE—2—REGIMES
20060916             War pimp alert: USA had better be ready to raze IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES : In his televised 20010911              address, PRESIDENT—BUSH said that we must not "leave our children to face 1—MIDDLE—EAST overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons".
20060916             THERE—ONLY 1—SUCH current candidate: IRAN.
20060916             USA—MILITARY—ADMIT Defeat in Strategic IRAQ—PROVINCE : 1—TOP—SECRET—REPORT by 1—MARINE—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER said there is no chance THE—USA—MILITARY can end the insurgent violence or that 1—VIABLE—GOVERNMENT can be set up in the area.
20060916             Top COMMANDER—DENIES—USA walking away from AL—ANBAR province : 1—TOP—USA—COMMANDER—DENIED—THE—USA—MILITARY had written off AL—ANBAR province in IRAQ and defended 1—SHIFT—OF—USA—FORCES to BAGHDAD despite intelligence depicting the situation in the west as dire.
20060916             Americans in Denial about 20010911             20060916             So, why did they hate us after all?
20060916             —BY MATT—TAIBBI—WE sure blew off that question nicely.
20060916             As with everything else in this country, our response to 20010911              was 1—HEROIC compendium of idiocy, cowardice, callow FLAG—WAVING, weepy sentimentality (coupled with 1—APPARENTLY bottomless capacity for SELF—PITY), sloth, laziness and partisan ignorance.
20060916             No News Is Slow News
20060916             The news that doesn't make the front pages or THE—BBC bulletins is 'slow news'.
20060916             For example, the resistance to foreign power by the Palestinians, ordinary Iraqis and Afghans is 'slow news' while the internecine MACHINATIONS—OF—BUSH and Blair is 'regular news'.
20060916             Outlawed
20060916             Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the "WAR—ON—TERROR"
20060916             This 1—MUST—WATCH—VIDEO—DOCUMENTARY
20060916             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—SPONSORED PROGRAM—OF—RENDITIONS is 1—UNLAWFUL—PRACTICE in which numerous persons have been illegally detained and secretly flown to 3. countries, where they have suffered additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.
20060916             3. + my favorite point because it's so obscure, Novak called Wilson an "asshole".
20060916             —FROM where did he get THAT leak?
20060916             The Armitage? Er. Rove? Perhaps.
20060916             Cheney? I can see that without using ANY—IMAGINATION whatsoever.
20060916             The whole perception that Wilson was 1—ASSHOLE and was sent by Plame is the stream I like to follow.- Miss P.
20060916             -: So.
20060916             Rove told Armitage to tell Novak about Plame.
20060916             Armitage did, but didn't tell Novak that the info came from Rove.
20060916             —CALLED, Then Novak, Rove to get CONFIRMATION—OF—THE—INFO.
20060916             And Rove said "Oh, yeah, I've been hearing that same thing, too".
20060916             LET—KEEP Gitmo open for 1—WHILE longer.
20060916             We have 1—FEW more "terrorists" that we need information from.
20060916             The leak that keeps on leaking dr. elsewhere here
20060916             —FROM Truthout: ROBERT—PARRY says, "1—WELL placed conservative source has added 1—IMPORTANT clue to THE—MYSTERY—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S 'outing' of CIA officer Valerie Plame".
20060916             Seems there are increasing reasons for Plame to be adding ARMITAGE—NAME to her suit + decreasing reasons for conservatives to try to spin this thing as over.
20060916             Check it out.
20060916             Bush is Blackmailing the National Security of EVERY—AMERICAN -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL
20060916             Brent Budowsky: Congress Must Save GENEVA Convention, Democrats Should Name SAM—NUNN—AS—SHADOW—DEFENSE—SECRETARY.
20060916             Support DAVID—VS. Goliath.
20060916             Keep BuzzFlash Strong. Click Here.
20060916             If You're Not Getting Buzzed 24—HOURS 1—DAY, You're Missing Something Big!
20060916             1—LITTLE—BIT—OF—BUZZ in Your E-mail Box. Just Click Here to Sign up.
20060916             Kennedy and Durbin call for 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—WHITE—HOUSE pressuring top military lawyers to weaken their opposition to the administration's torture policy.
20060916             Bush wants lower taxes and more wars -- and here's 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT—REPORT stating that the national debt is spiraling OUT—OF—CONTROL 9/16
20060916             Bush bill could hurt war crimes probes 9/17
20060916             —KILLED, NATO—ESTIMATE of Taliban, this month has created skepticism and worry in AFGHANISTAN, with local officials saying that either the militant force has grown bigger than IMAGINED—OR too MANY—INNOCENT—AFGHANS are being killed.
20060916             GOP Lunkhead Sensenbrenner Sides with THE—NRA Against Our Police 9/17
20060916             Amazon.ca: Comandante Che: Guerrilla Soldier, COMMANDER + Strategist, 19560000196700       00—DATE: Books: PAUL—J—DOSAL—INSTEAD he points out that Mao TSE—TUNG—WRITINGS, as well as THOSE—OF—LAWRENCE... would embrace 1—ARGENTINE as their leader was the root of his...
20060916             CHE—GUEVARA—IN—BOLIVIA—MAO—TSE—TUNG—7—FUNDAMENTAL—STEPS in YU—CHI—CHAN (Guerrilla Warfare) reveal... GUEVARA—PROMINENCE as 1—REVOLUTION—ARY leader stems from what he "...
20060916             If I remember correctly he also has 1—TATTOO—OF—CHE.
20060916             IWF und Weltbank: Singapurs Knieschuss ohne Verletzte
20060916             B—PAPAASHING: Carrell, Rushdie, RATZINGER—WER kommt als nächstes?
20060916             ISLAM—ÄUßERUNGEN: PAPA entschuldigt sich
20060916             Reaktion auf PAPA—REDE: Maskierte werfen Brandbomben auf Kirchen im Westjordanland
20060916             Managerbezüge: Siemens erhöht Vorstandsgehälter um 30—PROZENT
20060916             Sozialer Verfall: Die neuen Proleten
20060916             U—PAPANTERSTÜTZUNG: Schäuble: Zitieren muss erlaubt sein
20060916             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Der Islam will die Welteroberung"
20060916             Befürchtung der Ernährungswirtschaft: 15.000.000 Kilogramm Gammelfleisch
20060916             Prügel an Waldorfschule: 8—LEHRER vor Gericht
20060916             Medizintechnik: MINI—SEISMOGRAF gegen Knochenbrüche
20060916             PROPAGANDA—SHOOTER: Ballern für OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20060916             PAPA—DEBATTE: VATIKAN—AUßENMINISTER müht sich um Schadensbegrenzung
20060916             Presseschau: "Kein Mensch kann PAPA den Mund verbieten"
20060916             Putin plant nach BANKER—MORD strengere Finanzgesetze
20060916             —ESKALIERT, Vorwürfe gegen CHINA: Handelsstreit um Autoteile
20060916             MAN/Scania: Milliardenpoker um Truckhersteller
20060916             —HACKED, Electronic voting machines easily, demonstrates Princeton professor
20060916             (NewsTarget) Voting machines have caused controversy due to studies that say they are vulnerable to hacking and vote tampering, but Princeton University computer science professor EDWARD—FELTEN and 2—GRADUATE students, Ariel Feldman and ALEX—HALDERMAN, have escalated these doubts by actually obtaining...
20060916             Schulterschluss des Terrors
20060916             AL—KAIDAS—VIZE: Frankreich und Schwarzafrika sind neue Ziele!
20060916             DOCTOR—MALTE—OLSCHEWSKI—DIE Terrororganisation AL—KAIDA hat sich mit den algerischen Salafisten vereinigt und Angriffe auf Ziele in Frankreich angekündigt.
20060916             Der Stellverteter Osama Bin Ladens, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, hat in einem Video erklärt, dass die "gesegnete Union" ein "Knochen.
20060916             A Reinvigorated Bush NARCO—REGIME?
20060916             The dirtiest of all Bush secrets?
20060916             Why do analysts say Bush ?s appointment of PORTER—GOSS to HEAD—THE—CIA heralds 1—WORSENING—BUSH narco regime?under which narcotics moneys are quietly and murderously funneled into black budget programs to avoid elected oversight?
20060916             Read the following:
20060916             Für die Rettung BEZAHLEN—KATASTROPHEN—APARTHEID DROHT—SFUX Naomi Klein -
20060916             Soeben kündigt das Rote Kreuz 1—KATASTROPHENHILFE—PARTNERSCHAFT mit Walmart an.
20060916             Wenn der nächste Hurrikan zuschlägt, werden wir folglich 1—KOPRODUKTION—VON—BIG—AID und Big Box erleben.
20060916             Anscheinend lautet die Lehre aus der jämmerlichen Reaktion der amerikanischen Regierung auf Hurrikan Katrina: Die Geschäftswelt ist besser für Katastrophen gewappnet.
20060916             Unglaubliche Geheimdienstpanne oder ?unglücklicher Verlauf?? - sfux Harald Haack?
20060916             —BEKANNT, Dänemark ist, für seine Komiker: ?Pat und Patterchon?
20060916             oder die ?OHLSEN—BANDE?, nur um einige zu nennen, die Kinozuschauer vortrefflich unterhielten.
20060916             Nun ist einem dänischen Geheimdienstagenten etwas geglückt, was in seiner Komik wohl kaum noch zu überbieten und damit preisverdächtig ist.
20060916             1—AGENTEN des dänischen POLIZEI—GEHEIMDIENSTES PET (bitte nicht zu verwechseln.
20060916             Bush scheitert mit Plänen für Terrorverhöre im USA—KONGRESS
20060916             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH ist mit Plänen für die Lockerung der Vorschriften bei Terrorverhören auf starken Widerstand im Kongress gestoßen.
20060916             Der Streitkräfteausschuss des Senats stimmte für einen eigenen Gesetzentwurf, der das Folterverbot klar festschreibt.
20060916             4—SENATOREN von Bush s republikanischer Partei stimmten mit den Demokraten und verhalfen der Vorlage zur Mehrheit.
20060916             Der innerparteiliche Widerstand wird angeführt von SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, der sich stark für das Folterverbot.
20060916             Die deutsche Regierung zog die Konsequenz aus den bayerischen GAMMELFLEISCH—SKANDALEN, was bereits zu einer Verknappung des Fleischangebotes in Metzgereien und Supermärkten geführt hat.
20060916             Deshalb sollen nun Fleischberechtigungsscheine eingeführt werden.
20060916             Damit wird es wieder möglich sein, jeweils 50—G Frischfleisch pro Tag kaufen zu können, um Fleisch in einer Qualität zu erhalten, die deutsche Selbstversorger heutzutage kaum noch kennen.
20060916             Nun kann zum Beispiel die.
20060916             Burns next target in Abramoff probe?
20060916             "1—SOURCE—CLOSE to the investigation told TIME that SCORES—OF—USA—PROSECUTORS and FBI agents continue to examine THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—OTHER sitting MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and prominent individuals who could face prosecution, though not necessarily before 20061107             —THE election.
20060916             —CONFIRMED, The source, previous public reports that
20060916             particular scrutiny is being paid to SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS,
20060916             1—MONTANA—REPUBLICAN who faces 1—TOUGH—CAMPAIGN for reelection".
20060916             Bush Hails 'Fiscal Responsibility' As GAO Warns of 'EVER—LARGER' 'OUT—OF—CONTROL' Deficits
20060916             PRESIDENT—BUSH on our country's fiscal health,
20060916             Franken: Air AMERICAN—NOT Filing For Bankruptcy Today
20060916             Inside RADIO—REPORTS :
20060916             Despite reports the liberal talk network would file for bankruptcy protection by week's end — that apparently isn't happening.
20060916             Franken tells listeners "we're not in Chapter 11?
20060916             and pokes at conservative talk hosts and websites for getting it wrong with quips like "who's gloating now BILL—O'REILLY?" We still believe it's 1—TOUGH—ECONOMIC—SITUATION at the libnet — and several staffers have been LAID—OFF.
20060916             —ON  —WEDNESDAY, ThinkProgress
20060916             reported "Air AMERICAN—RADIO will announce 1—MAJOR restructuring on —FRIDAY, which is expected to include 1—BANKRUPTCY filing".
20060916             We made 1—JUDGMENT that our sources were knowledgeable and reliable.
20060916             We regret the error.
20060916             We wish Air AMERICA 1—LONG and successful future.
20060916             IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES will dig trenches
20060916             —AROUND BAGHDAD to
20060916             reduce SOME—OF—THE—VIOLENCE plaguing the capital, according to the Interior Ministry.
20060916             Senators will probe WHITE—HOUSE coercion.
20060916             At least 3—SENATORS—LINDSEY Graham (R-SC), Dick Durbin (D-IL) + EDWARD—KENNEDY (D-MA)— have said they will investigate allegations that administration officials pressured 1—GROUP—OF—MILITARY—LAWYERS to support BUSH—MILITARY—TRIBUNALS—PLAN.
20060916             Bush Rewrites History on Zarqawi Statements
20060916             —DURING today's press conference, ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz asked Bush why he continues to say Saddam "had relations with Zarqawi," despite the Senate Intelligence Report findings that Hussein "did not have 1—RELATIONSHIP with, harbor, or turn 1—BLIND—EYE toward Zarqawi".
20060916             —REPLIED, Bush : "I never said there was 1—OPERATIONAL—RELATIONSHIP".
20060916             —ASSERTED, In fact, Bush has repeatedly, that Saddam "harbored" and "provided SAFE—HAVEN" to Zarqawi:
20060916             BUSH : [Saddam] was 1—THREAT because he provided SAFE—HAVEN for 1—TERRORIST—LIKE—ZARQAWI…
20060916             —HARBORED, BUSH : [Saddam] is 1—MAN who, TERRORISTS—ABU—ABBAS, ABU—NIDAL, Zarqawi.
20060916             —WOUNDED, BUSH : [Zarqawi's] 1—MAN who was, in AFGHANISTAN, received aid in BAGHDAD, ordered THE—KILLING—OF—A—USA—CITIZEN, USAID employee, was harbored in IRAQ.
20060916             MARTHA: MISTER—PRESIDENT, you have said throughout the war in IRAQ and building up to the war in IRAQ that there was 1—RELATIONSHIP between Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi and al Qaeda.
20060916             1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT 1—FEW weeks ago said there was no link, no relationship + that THE—CIA knew this and issued 1—REPORT last fall.
20060916             And yet 1—MONTH ago, you were still saying there was 1—RELATIONSHIP.
20060916             Why did you keep saying that? Why do you continue to say that?
20060916             And do you still believe that?
20060916             BUSH : The point I was making to KEN—HERMAN—QUESTION was that Saddam Hussein was 1—STATE—SPONSOR—OF—TERROR + that MISTER—ZARQAWI was in IRAQ.
20060916             —WOUNDED, He had been, in AFGHANISTAN, had come to IRAQ for treatment.
20060916             —ORDERED, He had, THE—KILLING—OF—A—USA—CITIZEN in JORDAN.
20060916             I never said there was 1—OPERATIONAL—RELATIONSHIP.
20060916             Bush Says POWELL—CRITICISM—IS 'Unacceptable'
20060916             Yesterday, GENERAL—COLIN—POWELL sent a letter to SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R-AZ) sharply criticizing PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to establish military commissions.
20060916             Powell wrote, " - The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism.
20060916             To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts.
20060916             Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk".
20060916             —DURING today's press conference Bush said that criticism like Powell's was "flawed logic" and "unacceptable".
20060916             QUESTION: MISTER—PRESIDENT, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL says, The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism.
20060916             If 1—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF and FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FEELS this way, don't you think that Americans and THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD are beginning to wonder whether you're following 1 flawed strategy?
20060916             BUSH : If there's ANY—COMPARISON between the compassion and DECENCY—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE and the terrorist TACTICS—OF—EXTREMISTS, it's flawed logic.
20060916             It's just — I simply can't accept that.
20060916             It's unacceptable to think that there's ANY—KIND—OF—COMPARISON between THE—BEHAVIOR—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve 1—OBJECTIVE.
20060916             Wolfowitz: IRAQ Insurgency 'Surprised ALL—OF—USA'
20060916             could really finance its own reconstruction + relatively soon ". Wolfowitz responded, "What surprised ALL—OF—USA is the war has gone on 1—LOT—LONGER than we thought in 1—DIFFERENT—MANNER".
20060916             —RAGED, The fact that THE—IRAQ war has, on for years should not be 1—SURPRISE to Wolfowitz, but it's not to the intelligence community.
20060916             —WARNED, Wolfowitz and others in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION were, repeatedly that postwar chaos was likely.
20060916             Wolfowitz chose to disregard these warnings:
20060916             1—YEARLONG—STATE—DEPARTMENT—STUDY predicted MANY—OF—THE—PROBLEMS that have plagued THE—AMERICAN—LED occupation of IRAQ, according to internal STATE—DEPARTMENT—DOCUMENTS and interviews with administration and Congressional officials.
20060916             … Several officials said that many of the findings in the $5—MILLION—STUDY were ignored by Pentagon officials until recently, although the Pentagon said they took the findings into account.
20060916             [NYT,
20060916             REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R-OH) pleads GUILTY—AMANDA - to criminal charges in THE—JACK—ABRAMOFF investigation.
20060916             He faces 1—MAXIMUM—OF—10—YEARS in prison, although prosecutors said they will
20060916             recommend 1—SENTENCE—OF—27—MONTHS.
20060916             UPDATE: Ney releases a statemen
20060916             t on his plea agreement: "I have made serious mistakes and am sorry for them".
20060916             Drudge has 1—HUGE headline this morning which suggest that global warming isn't real:
20060916             If you take the time to click the link, however, you get 1—TOTALLY different story.
20060916             It's new data from THE—NOAA about weather from January to August.
20060916             SOME—EXCERPTS :
20060916             Summer 20060000              was the 2. warmest JUNE—TO—AUGUST period in the continental USA since records began in 1895…
20060916             1—BLISTERING heat wave in July impacted most of the nation, breaking more than 2,300 daily records and more than 50—ALL—TIME—HIGH—TEMPERATURE—RECORDS.
20060916             Only MATT—DRUDGE could spin data that shows the last 8—MONTHS were the warmest on record into something that supports global warming deniers.
20060916             —INCREASED, There are other things beside, carbon dioxide emissions that can cause temperatures to rise.
20060916             These factors "include volcanic eruptions, variations in the intensity of incoming solar radiation".
20060916             But scientists have taken those factors into consideration and concluded that increased carbon emissions from human activity is responsible for the recent warming trend.
20060916             Digest Number 143
20060916             There are 4—MESSAGES in this issue.Topics in this digest:1a.
20060916             'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born From: Liza 1b.
20060916             Re: 'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born From: iron cross 1d.
20060916             USA—WORLDVIEW—ALERT: Parthonogenesis Your use of Yahoo!
20060916             Groups is subject to:
20060916             Bush unravels at press conference AlterNet_org: Multimedia Alternative News and Information.
20060916             Bush unravels at press conference By EVAN—DERKACZ—THEY'RE coming again!
20060916             MATT—TAIBBI: Americans in Denial about 20010911             20060916             Blogger Thoughts: This KIND—OF—DISCUSSION—OF 20010911              is sick, destructive + 1—EMBARRASSMENT.
20060916             AlterNet_org: Columnists Alternative News and Information.
20060916             The Wing Damage to THE—WTC Outer Wall
20060916             Humint Events Online 20010911             —THE hijacking attacks were very likely facilitated by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created 1—ISLAMIC—TERRORIST "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060916             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 20010911              /01 + other ISSUES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—RESPONSIBILITY.
20060916             ERIC—BOEHLERT: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On The Morning of 20010911              ?
20060916             The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed ERIC—BOEHLERT: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On The Morning of 20010911              ?
20060916             Numbskulls
20060916             Video: 20010911              ticket agent MICHAEL—TUOHEY
20060916             Hot Air The world's 1., FULL—SERVICE—CONSERVATIVE—INTERNET—BROADCAST—NETWORK Video: 20010911              ticket agent MICHAEL—TUOHEY—BY—ALLAHPUNDIT on The Blog I was tipped to this by WILLIAM—BEUTLER—OF—BLOG—PI, who thinks it might help settle 1—SQUABBLE among lefty bloggers.
20060916             Read his post for the full rundown.
20060916             Or just watch. It's riveting + heartbreaking.
20060916             Tuohey DOES—THE—FAKE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Video Tape
20060916             —FROM : Nashid ABDUL—KHAALIQ To: aplacefortruth Sent: —THURSDAY, 20060914             —533—PMSUBJECT: [APFT] The Fake OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Video TapeThe Fake OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Video TapeYOU ARE LOOKING AT 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—LIE—1—VIDEOTAPE purportedly showing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN confessing to 20010911             —THE attacks was made public 20011213             —ON:The tape bore 1—LABEL indicating it was made 20061109             —ON.
20060916             The Daou Report The Daou Report tracks leading blogs, message boards, online magazines + independent websites from across the political SPECTRUM—PROVIDING 1—SNAPSHOT of the latest news, views + online buzz.
20060916             RUMSFELD—FAKE—NEWS—FLOP in IraqBy peter@daoureport_com
20060916             ALEX—JONES @ DallasStorm 20060000              - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX—JONES gives 1—ENERGIZING speech in DALLAS TEXAS before the screening of TerrorStorm earlier this month.
20060916             Oldest writing link to Olmec civilization found Aracheologists have dug out 1—SLAB, which may well be the oldest form of writing to be discovered in the western hemisphere.
20060916             PAPA 'meant no offence' to Islam THE—VATICAN says THE—PAPA did not intend to offend Muslims, after he is accused of ANTI—ISLAMIC remarks.
20060916             Blair demands action over Darfur TONY—BLAIR says the situation in Darfur is "unacceptable" and the world should not just stand by and watch.
20060916             SIR—MENZIES attacks GORDON—BROWN—SIR—MENZIES—CAMPBELL criticises GORDON—BROWN—APPROACH to government ahead of the Lib Dems' party conference.
20060916             Harman plans Labour deputy bid MINISTER—HARRIET—HARMAN confirms she would stand for THE—POSITION—OF—DEPUTY—LABOUR—LEADER if it was vacant.
20060916             —BELIEVED, ASIA—MIGRANTS arrive at Tenerife Almost 200—MIGRANTS, to be from PAKISTAN and SRI—LANKA reach the Canary Islands by boat.
20060916             Bush fights rebels over tribunals PRESIDENT—BUSH urges Congress to back controversial plans on the treatment of GUANTANAMO Bay detainees.
20060916             EU sees Palestinian 'opportunity' THE—EU—FINLAND—PRESIDENCY urges member countries to welcome the creation of 1—NEW—PALESTINE—GOVERNMENT.
20060916             Apology call over C—PAPAOMMENTS 1—MUSLIM—LABOUR peer calls for 1—APOLOGY after B—PAPAENEDICT—XVI—COMMENTS on holy war.
20060916             Hopes over new malaria treatment British and KENYA—SCIENTISTS have developed 1—NEW—TREATMENT for the killer disease malaria.
20060916             Astronauts perform last spacewalk Atlantis astronauts carry out a 3. and final spacewalk on the space station AHEAD—OF—SUNDAY—DEPARTURE.
20060916             Briton denies MP bomb plot 1—UK—MAN says he was "not serious" about 1—SUGGESTION to blow up MPs in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS.
20060916             Parents feed pupils through gates Pupils at 1—ROTHERHAM school are fed fish and chips through the gates by parents who say their children deserve more choice.
20060916             COURT—CONFIRMS—DR—CONGO poll date DR CONGO—SUPREME—COURT—RULES that the 2. round of landmark elections can go ahead as planned.
20060916             JAPAN cult boss loses last appeal JAPAN—TOP—COURT rejects 1—FINAL—APPEAL—OF doomsday cult leader Shoko Asahara, paving the way for his execution.
20060916             Blair must go sooner, says Hoon Labour could be "in 1—VERY—BAD—PLACE" unless TONY—BLAIR quits as leader soon, EUROPE MINISTER—GEOFF—HOON says.
20060916             Appeal over Shakespeare lessons The Royal Shakespeare Company says "boring" lessons put youngsters off THE—BARD—WORK.
20060916             Muslim anger grows at TH—PAPAE—VATICAN fails to quell Muslim anger after B—PAPAENEDICT—XVI is accused of making ANTI—ISLAMIC remarks.
20060916             —IMPASSIONED, Clooney begs UN to act on Darfur In 1, speech, actor GEORGE—CLOONEY urges THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL to stop "genocide" in Darfur.
20060916             UK opening of Gore climate film AL—GORE—CLIMATE—CHANGE—FILM 1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH, seen by more than 2m people in THE—USA, opens in THE—UK.
20060916             WHO backs DDT to fight malaria In 1—REVERSAL—OF—30—YEARS—OF—POLICY, the World Health Organization endorses DDT spraying for malaria control.
20060916             —FITTED, Woman is, with 'bionic' arm 1—FORMER—USA—MARINE becomes the world's 1. woman to be fitted with a "bionic" arm she can control by thought alone.
20060916             Lost in Space? Lots of Junk
20060916             There are literally TONS—OF—MAN—MADE debris orbiting the Earth, from rocket parts to dead satellites to human waste dumped by space station crews.
20060916             Then there's the stuff that spacewalking astronauts have simply lost out there.
20060916             Cyber Crime Getting Organized If you read the news, you'd think that most cyber criminals are lonely, maladjusted teenage hackers stealing credit card numbers from their windowless rooms.
20060916             —ORGANIZED, But the real damage is being done by, syndicates + they're playing for much higher stakes.
20060916             Gas Takes Back Seat at Honda The company develops 1—NEW—PROCESS for creating ethanol from biomass and will manufacture cars that can run on 100 % ethanol.
20060916             AUTOPIA.
20060916             Here's to good health searches Healia, 1—NEW—HEALTH—CARE—SEARCH—ENGINE, lets users narrow searches based on gender and other personal factors.
20060916             Congress asks HP chairman, exec to testify House Commerce and Energy Committee also sends wants HP outside counsel and outside investigator to testify.
20060916             Airport security meets science fiction
20060916             GENERAL—ELECTRIC—EXECUTIVE discusses 1—EFFORT to modernize airport security that's straight OUT—OF—THE—MOVIE "Total Recall".
20060916             Killtown: "GEORGE—BUSH : The Unauthorized Biography" Chp 2 - The...... the Warburgs + the B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers (NEW—YORK... s FELIX—WARBURG carried out the Hitler finance plan in NEW—YORK.
20060916             The Hitler PROJECT—ASTONISHING Revelations! - By Ted Lang... Prescott BUSH—AMERICAN—SHIP and Commerce Corp. notified MAX—WARBURG—OF... the Warburgs + the B'nai B'rith, heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers (New...
20060916             stol.IT—NACHRICHTEN - PAPA—ÄUßERUNGEN schlagen hohe Wellen bei Moslems... Auszüge aus der PAPA—REDE in REGENSBURG finden Sie rechts...
20060916             Der Leiter der MOSLEM—BRUDERSCHAFT, MOHAMED—MAHDI—AKEF, forderte am —DONNERSTAG 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG des römisch...
20060916             Und damit ist der... myblog.de/kewil/art/4382715
20060916             Katholische Theologen kritisieren den PAPA... auch nicht das Ziel der PAPA—REDE gewesen, betont Roucou in der... HYSTERISCH—AGGRESSIVEN Reaktionen auf jedwede Kritik (Beispiel: MOHAMED—KARIKATUREN) bestätigt das ja... tagesspiegel.de/tso/.../nachrichten/REGENSBURG—REDE - PAPA/74103.asp
20060916             B—PAPA—BESUCH: MOSLEM—VERBÄNDE fordern Entschuldigung BENEDIKTS—STERN.de... Der Leiter der MOSLEM—BRÜDERSCHAFT, MOHAMED—MAHDI—AKEF, forderte 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG—DES... Dokumentation: Auszüge aus der PAPA—REDE.
20060916             Zuvor hatte bereits die oberste türkische... stern.de/politik/deutschland /: B—PAPAESUCH—MOSLEM—VERBÄNDE—BENEDIK.
20060916             PAPA—REDE: Moslems beklagen "Verleumdungskampagne" S—PAPAPECIAL Politik FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN
20060916             S—PAPAPECIAL > PAPA—REDE... Auch der Leiter der MOSLEM—BRÜDERSCHAFT in Ägypten, MOHAMED—MAHDI—AKEF, forderte 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG—DES—PAPSTES...
20060916             BIG BROTHER INCORPORATED Defex SA.
20060916             SWITZERLAND. Security Systems INTERNATIONAL. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering.
20060916             UK... Economides & Sons SA...
20060916             POLITIK—FORUM Politik FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN
20060916             In the context of 20010911              it also needs to be pointed out that Rabbi Dov Zakheim was CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—SYSTEM—PLANNING—CORPORATION—INTERNATIONAL...
20060916             —GETOETET, Irak/USA: 2—USA—BESATZER //Angriff auf Abizaid... - Experten suchten noch nach der Ursache für die Kostenexplosion im Oktober, erklärte PENTAGON—FINANZCHEF Dov Zakheim.
20060916             Bislang hat der Kongress 166—MILLIARDEN.
20060916             Presseschau Kurdistan, 20031213200313       12—MAURICE Merlin in...
20060916             Man werde keine Unstimmigkeiten und falschen Rechnungsstellen mehr dulden, warnte der Leiter der Haushaltsabteilung, Dov Zakheim.
20060916             Irak: Chronik des Krieges (Friedensratschlag) Davon hätten die USA mit 541,6 Millionen Dollar am meisten gegeben, wurde der zuständige PENTAGON—BEAMTE Dov Zakheim am —MITTWOCH von der Tageszeitung "New...
20060916             USA—IRAK... DOUGLAS—FEITH und Dov Zakheim (unter Bush im Verteidigunsministerium) und RICHARD—ARMITAGE (der sich inzwischen der lange etwas vorsichtigeren Position...
20060916             Jochen Hippler Der Weg in den Krieg — Washingtons Außenpolitik und... - HTML—VERSION
20060916             Opposition zuständig ist), DOUGLAS—FEITH und Dov Zakheim (unter Bush im.
20060916             Verteidigunsministerium) und RICHARD—ARMITAGE (der sich inzwischen der lange etwas.
20060916             Empire, amerikanisch AMERICA has no empire to extend or utopia to... - HTML—VERSION
20060916             Dov Zakheim, der wichtigste " Haushälter" (Comptroller) des DoD;.
20060916             "USA—EMPIRE" als Wille und Vorstellung.
20060916             Die neue große... - HTML—VERSION
20060916             Dov Zakheim, der wichtigste "Haushälter" (Under.
20060916             SECRETARY—FOR—COMPTROLLER) des Pentagon;.
20060916             • PETER—RODMAN, Assistant SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for.
20060916             :: Öffnen Sie 911::
20060916             Dov Zakheim, PENTAGON—RECHNUNGSPRÜFER, leitete flache Firma des Drohne.
20060916             Übernahme: BLACKSTONE—KONSORTIUM kauft Freescale
20060916             Schreibende Menschen in AMERIKA im Jahr 900—VOR CHRISTUS—UNGEFÄHR in diese Zeit fallen auch 1. schriftliche Zeugnisse in EUROPA.
20060916             In der alten Welt sind allerdings bereits Texte aus dem 3. und 4. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend bekannt, die im nordafrikanischen Ägypten und im asiatischen Zweistromland abgefasst wurden.
20060916             Warum begannen die frühen Amerikaner erst später zu schreiben?
20060916             Das könnte damit zu tun haben, dass der amerikanische Kontinent wohl erst lange nach ASIEN, EUROPA und Nordafrika vom modernen Menschen besiedelt wurde, meint Grube.
20060916             Vielleicht werden in Zukunft aber auch noch FRÜHERE—SCHRIFTBELEGE gefunden.
20060916             VIELE—SCHRIFTSTÜCKE seien möglicherweise auf vergänglicheren Materialien verfasst und daher zerstört worden.
20060916             Auch Grube hält die Steintafel für eine "ganz große Sensation": Das Verständnis der OLMEKEN—KULTUR verändere sich damit radikal: "Wir können jetzt davon ausgehen, dass die Schrift auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent ihren Anfang an der mexikanischen Golfküste nahm".
20060916             Die Erkenntnisse gelten in Fachkreisen als handfeste Sensation: Offensichtlich handelt es sich hier um das älteste Zeugnis von Schriftkultur auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent.
20060916             Aufgrund von Scherben und Teilen von Lehmfigürchen, die zusammen mit dem Steinblock zutage gefördert wurden, haben die Forscher ihn in die sogenannte SAN—LORENZO—EPOCHE auf etwa 900—VOR Christus datiert.
20060916             —BISHER war die Wissenschaft davon ausgegangen, dass die 1. Schriftzeichen in diesem TEIL—DER—WELT erst rund —400—JAHRE—SPÄTER entstanden sind.
20060916             Dem amerikanischen Anthropologen STEPHEN—HOUSTON, der an der Studie mitgearbeitet hat, ließ der Fund nach eigener Aussage "den Kiefer nach unten klappen".
20060916             Er hebe die OLMEKEN—KULTUR auf ein ganz neues Niveau: "Wir betrachten möglicherweise das Aufblitzen eines frühen Imperiums".
20060916             Maisbauern und Steinkünstler
20060916             This is the way things work in CANADA and EUROPE + guess what?
20060916             The results consistently come within 1—PERCENT—OF—THE—EXIT polls.
20060916             Fancy that, eh?
20060916             Another advantage to this process is that it highly reduces the need for hand recounts later, which is not trivial in light of what happened with THE—S—DIEGO replacement of "DUKE" Cunningham.
20060916             BECAUSE—HASTERT swore Bilbray in, the locals have no recourse.
20060916             We could be seeing 1—LOT—OF—THIS PIECE—OF—THE—SCAM puzzle in our future.
20060916             Of course, this process requires 1—GOOD—BIT—OF—PARTICIPATION among the voters with regard to volunteering to count, secure + administrate.
20060916             Good; never hurt anyone + requiring representatives across party lines to work together is also 1—GOOD thing.
20060916             —REQUIRED, In fact, these things are, for 1—DEMOCRACY to work!
20060916             HANDS ON VOTING. Demand it!
20060916             DIABOLICS BY DIEBOLD [UPDATED] dr. elsewhere here -[UPDATE at end]
20060916             BRAD—FRIEDMAN has 1—EXCLUSIVE blockbusting piece up on Salon today (but offers his own, fuller version) about how
20060916             hackable Diebold machines are with 1—VICIOUS—VIRUS that can spread from machine to machine and flip votes.
20060916             According to scientists at Princeton, their results show that no "conspiracy" is needed to do the dirty deed.
20060916             Indeed, just 1—PERSON could infect the machinery with the virus, which would then spread and flip 1—ENTIRE—ELECTION.
20060916             Sheds 1—MORE sinister light on KARL—ROVE—LAPTOP activity on election nights, does it not?
20060916             (See also here and here and here.)
20060916             ATTA—PAL DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—NEW—PIECE up on Wolfgang Bohringer, identified by MOHAMMED—ATTA—GIRLFRIEND Amanda Keller as ATTA—CLOSE—ASSOCIATE in the days before the World Trade center disaster.
20060916             —AFTER reading this piece I'm still not sure how -- or if -- Bohringer fits into THE—911—PUZZLE, but NO—1 can deny that this fellow leads 1—LIFE that makes yours and mine seem comparitively dull: 1—OF—MOHAMED—ATTA—CLOSEST—ASSOCIATES in FLORIDA before 20010911             —THE attack today carries 1—CHEST on his yacht filled with several million dollars in new bills, automatic weapons, passports from 1—HALF—DOZEN nations + works for 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—MOBSTER.
20060916             That capital-M mobster, says Hopsicker, is 1—VICTOR—KOZENY -- 1—FIGURE—STRAIGHT out of 1—BROSNAN—ERA—BOND flick.
20060916             —CONTROLLED, He once, 1—ASTONISHING AMOUNT—OF—THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—ECONOMY (I definitely need to DOUBLE—CHECK—HOPSICKER—CLAIM here) and then made 1—BID to acquire control the oil fields of AZERBAIJAN.
20060916             —FORCED, Greenberg was, to step down amid THE—ELIOT—SPITZER probe, 1—SCANDAL, it is rumored, which involved 1—MAJOR—BUSH—FAMILY and associates' INTERNATIONAL MONEY—LAUNDERING operation that has spanned more than 1—GENERATION and has been used to illegally fund USA—ELECTIONS since the Nixon era.
20060916             So. Kozeny is 1—INTERESTING man.
20060916             His LIEUTENANT, Bohringer, is also 1—QUITE interesting.
20060916             How, 1—WONDERS, did he come to know Atta (presuming Amanda KELLER—DATA is correct, as I believe it is)?
20060916             Ney The best WRITE—UP on Congreessman BOB—NEY—GUILTY—PLEA in the Abramoff scandal comes ot us by way of BRAD—FRIEDMAN, who draws from this NYT story.
20060916             Brad spotlights 1—SIDE—OF—THE—SCANDAL nobody else wants to talk about: With both Ney and FORMER—REPUBLICAN Majority Leader, TOM—DELAY (R-TX) now facing indictments, that means there is only 1—REMAINING congress member who went on JACK—ABRAMOFF—GOLF junkets to S—ANDREWS, SCOTLAND who has yet to be served [5] with criminal charges: REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—FEENEY (R-FL)
20060916             Though the domestic spying bill did get OUT—OF—SENATE—COMMITTEE on strictly party lines, SENATOR—REID has assured 1—GROUP—OF—BLOGGERS that it will NOT—REPEAT, NOT—PASS.
20060916             Period.
20060916             —IMPLIED, His message in this conversation evidently, heavily the Dems are willing to filibuster, though the "F" word was not mentioned.
20060916             Hard not to be heartened by this message.
20060916             Is Osama in the Green Room, Awaiting a "Dramatic PRE—ELECTION—CAPTURE," as Rove?s October Surprise?
20060916             Tell Us What You Think.
20060916             LET—ROLL.
20060916             New Air AMERICAN—LINE—UP Announced Amidst Reports of Serious Financial Problems 9/15
20060916             Radical ANTI—CHOICE—CHRISTIAN—GROUP—BUSTED for Illegal Campaigning During 20040000              Election;
20060916             Loses TAX—EXEMPT Status -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20060916             The BuzzFlash Mailbag -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060916             Dispatch from the BuzzFlash DEPARTMENT—OF—REALITY: The bound BODIES—OF—DOZENS—MORE—TORTURE—VICTIMS were found in BAGHDAD in the past day, officials said on —FRIDAY, fuelling anarchic sectarian passions as political leaders square off over 1—ISSUE—SOME—SAY could mean civil war.
20060916             Amy GOODMAN—LATEST—BOOK: "Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders + the People Who Fight Back"
20060916             Sanierungsplan: FORD—AKTIE rutscht ab
20060916             Bush: "Im Krieg höre ich auf die Generäle"
20060916             Irans Atomprogramm: EU sieht "echte Fortschritte"
20060916             Religionsfreiheit: USA finden Deutschland zu intolerant
20060916             Protestwelle: Merkel nimmt den PAPA in Schutz
20060916             Uni REGENSBURG nach PAPA—REDE: Baff über den Proteststurm
20060916             Philosoph Kallscheuer: "Benedikt sollte sich nicht entschuldigen"
20060916             Arabische Reaktionen: Islamisten beuten PAPA—REDE für Propaganda aus
20060916             SPD—VORWÜRFE: Familienministerin vernachlässigt Kampf gegen Rechts
20060916             Proteste gegen Benedikt XVI.: Türken wollen den PAPA am liebsten ausladen
20060916             Rechtsextreme im Wahlkampf: "Die schrecken vor nichts zurück"
20060916             Nationale Einheitsregierung: EU zu Kontakten mit Hamas bereit
20060916             Archäologie: Ältestes Schriftstück Amerikas entdeckt
20060916             Kunst der Verwirrung: Die Börse im Rausch der Indizes
20060916             Elfenbeinküste: MINISTER—WEGEN—GIFTMÜLLSKANDAL verprügelt
20060916             —VERGLEICHT, PAPA—VORLESUNG: Türkischer Politiker, Benedikt mit Hitler
20060916             —SCHOCKIERT, Gewinnwarnung: DaimlerChrysler, Märkte
20060916             Atomstreit: IRAN zu Verhandlungen über Urananreicherung bereit
20060916             Lebenszeichen: Entführter israelischer SOLDAT—SCHREIBT—BRIEF an Familie
20060916             Kampf der Kulturen: Chronologie der Skandale
20060916             Sanierung ohne Ende: Ford streicht noch einmal 10.000—JOBS
20060916             LIBANON—MISSION: Hisbollahs HIGHTECH—WAFFEN gefährden Deutsche Marine
20060916             HAMBURG: Brandanschlag auf türkisches Kulturzentrum
20060916             Neonazis: Schlips statt Springerstiefel
20060916             Schüler gegen Rechts: "Thor Steinar ist eindeutig rechter Lifestyle"
20060916             CD gegen Rechts: "JAN—DELAY fand unsere Idee sofort cool"
20060916             Rechter Aussteiger: "Ich war 1—NEONAZI"
20060916             SCHWEDEN—WAHL: Von den Rechten links überholt
20060916             PAPA—VORLESUNG: Islamische Staaten werfen Benedikt Verleumdungskampagne vor
20060916             GIFTGAS—ANSCHLAG in Tokio: Todesstrafe für SEKTEN—GRÜNDER besiegelt
20060916             Herpes: Gendefekt kann Hirnentzündung auslösen
20060916             Dokumentation: Auszüge aus der PAPA—REDE
20060916             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Wellness für das Hirn"
20060916             —GEMACHT, Roman "Woraus wir, sind": 1—SCHLAUKOPF haut rein
20060916             —BEWERTET, Lob und Spott: USA—MAGAZIN, Outfits des Jahres
20060916             Israelischer Untersuchungsbericht: Fehlerhafte Landkarte für Angriff auf UNO—POSTEN verantwortlich
20060916             Nahost: Hamas will doppelt so VIELE—MINISTERPOSTEN wie Fatah
20060916             Jemen: Sicherheitskräfte verhindern Anschläge auf ÖL—RAFFINERIEN
20060916             SLAM—VORLESUNG des Papstes: Muslimbruderschaft ruft zum Protest gegen Benedikt auf
20060916             Sanierungsplan: Ford bietet Abfindungen für 75.000—BESCHÄFTIGTE
20060916             —VERLIERT, ARKTIS: Nordmeer, seinen Eisschild
20060916             —THE—INTERNATIONAL—HERALD Tribune reports that THE—USA—NOW spends more on its military than does THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD combined.
20060916             Neal HOGAN—CNP 19960000             , 19980000             ;
20060916             general counsel, DUBLIN Castle...
20060916             [DOCID: f:hr255.104] From the House Reports Online via GPO Access...
20060916             GENERAL—COUNSEL, DUBLIN Castle Group ;
20060916             Edouard R. Quatrevaux... (19950000             ) ( TESTIMONY—OF—TERRANCE—WEAR, MIKE—WALLACE, Penny Pullen and NealHogan ).
20060916             REPORT sel, DUBLIN Castle Group ; Edouard R. Quatrevaux, Inspector Gen-..
20060916             MONY—OF—TERRANCE—WEAR, MIKE—WALLACE, Penny Pullen and Neal Hogan ).
20060916             Neal HOGAN—CNP 19960000             , 19980000             ;
20060916             general counsel, DUBLIN Castle Group, an investigative
20060916             Between 20060101              and 20060505              —ACCORDING—TO, police statistics 229—WOMEN and girls were killed.
20060916             PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20060916200503       31... serving in THE—USA—ARMY......
20060916—18560000    —SINCE, Pottawatomie Creek | Sabering WHITE—SUPREMACIST patriarchal capitalism and its running dogs Secondly, today is the 30. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHAIRMAN—MAO—TSE— tung's death.
20060916—19360000    —SUMMER—OF, Here's the larger point: the fact that the was warmer than last summer does nothing to undermine global warming science.
20060916—20000000    —IN, Feeney is currently facing 1—CHALLENGE for his seat by Clint Curtis [6], the man who has sworn in affidavit [7], VIDEO—TAPED congressional testimony [8] and polygraph test [9] that Feeney asked him to create VOTE—RIGGING software when they both worked at the same computer firm in FLORIDA (where Feeney was general counsel and registered lobbyist, even while he was also serving as Speaker of THE—FLORIDA House).
20060916—20010000    —SINCE, Is GUATEMALA the new Juarez? over 2,200 women and girls have been murdered in GUATEMALA and THE—RATE—OF—MURDERS is on the increase.
20060916—20010911    —SINCE, Perhaps the single most common refrain from THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—PRESIDENT—ALLIES is that there have been no terrorist attacks on USA—SOIL.
20060916—20010911    —AFTER, That's INCORRECT—ABOUT 1—MONTH, someone sent weaponized anthrax to 2—DEMOCRATIC—SENATORS and several news outlets.
20060916—20010911    —GENERATED, Security interests use fear, to erode civil liberties and establish the foundations of 1—POLICE—STATE.
20060916—20010911    —AFTER, MATT—TAIBBI: Americans in Denial about 20010911              By MATT—TAIBBI 5—YEARS, the country still hasn't asked what motives the terrorists may have had in their attacks.
20060916—20010911    —ON, By ERIC—BOEHLERT Despite the exhaustive work of 20010911             —THE Commission and its detailed final report, the number of oddities surrounding the events of 20010911              + particularly the government's botched attempt at defend 1—COUNTRY
20060916—20020900    —IN—LATE, CIA Learned in '02 That OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Had No IRAQ Ties, Report Says : THE—CIA learned from 1—HIGH—LEVEL—MEMBER—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—INNER—CIRCLE that IRAQ had no past or present contact with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and that THE—IRAQ—LEADER considered OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 1—ENEMY—OF—THE—BAGHDAD regime, according to 1—RECENT—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT.
20060916—20030700    —IN, This source reveals 1—DETAIL, continues Parry, that, "... undermines the current 'conventional wisdom' among WASHINGTON pundits that Armitage acted ALONE—AND INNOCENTLY—WHEN he disclosed PLAME—COVERT—IDENTITY to RIGHT—WING columnist ROBERT—NOVAK, who then got Rove to serve as 1—SECONDARY—SOURCE confirming the information from Armitage".
20060916—20050000    —IN, there were 35—TEETH cleanings, 91—CAVITIES filled + 174—PAIRS—OF—GLASSES issued.
20060916—20050000    —IN, RUSSIA, THE—USA, FRANCE, GERMANY and THE—UK accounted for 1 estimated 82—PER cent of the global arms market.
20060916—20060000    —IN, The persistence of the anomalous warmth made this JANUARY—AUGUST period the warmest on record for the continental USA, eclipsing the previous record of 19340000          .
20060916—20060911    —BY, 1—CONVENIENCE—STORE videotape LONG—SOUGHT conspiracy theorists does not actually show the attack on the Pentagon.
20060916—20070000    —IN, police arrested and charged Vernon Anderson JUNIOR (21) with the murder.
20060917             —RESCUED, The girl was, 20060916              after she used FILYAW—CELL—PHONE to send 1—TEXT—MESSAGE to her mother.
20060919             —ORDERED, Next Attack Imminent: Muslims, to leave THE—USA—SFUX By HAMID—MIR (Interview), PAUL—L—WILLIAMS & DAVID—DASTYCH/—SATURDAY, 20060916          .
20060921—20060916    —ON, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA assistant professor gave birth to 1—DAUGHTER and did not attend her trial.
20060922             —ORDERED, Muslims, to leave THE—USA : Next Attack IMMINENT—SFUX By HAMID—MIR (Interview), PAUL—L—WILLIAMS & DAVID—DASTYCH / —SATURDAY, 20060916          .
20070109163114       BANKEN—BERECHNUNG DEUTSCHE so vermögend wie nie.htm
20070522             Wörtlich heißt es in dem "SIS Bulletin #137 Whosarat Website Advisory" vom 20040916              : "Diese veröffentlichten Informationen könnten von Kriminellen und/oder TERROR—ISTEN genutzt werden, Polizeiarbeit zu behindern + könnten Beamte und Informanten gefährden. Besuchen Sie diese und ähnliche Seiten nicht von Computern aus, die 1—REGIERUNGS—IP—ADRESSE benutzen + suchen Sie dort oder auf ähnlichen Seiten nicht nach den Namen von Polizeibeamten oder Informanten".
20070602             20010218 Credible DECEPTION—THE—NY Times + THE—SUDAN missile ATTACK—REVISED- 19980828              -Written-19990916             —REVISED-.htm
20070827—20070916    —AM, soll in Griechenland ein neues Parlament gewählt werden.
20070916             The 59. - Primetime Emmy Awards were held in LOS—ANGELES.
20070916             NBC won 7—AWARDS, HBO and ABC both won 6. "The Sopranos" won for the best drama series and "30—ROCK" won for the best comedy series.
20070916             THE—PHOENIX—MERCURY beat THE—DETROIT Shock 108-92 to win their 1. WNBA title.
20070916             —REPORTED, It was, that this year's $150,000 Lasker Prize will go to DOCTOR—ALBERT—STARR—OF—PORTLAND, Ore., and DOCTOR—ALAIN—CARPENTIER—OF—PARIS, FRANCE, for their work in heart valve replacement.
20070916             The Lasker Prize for basic research prize will go to DOCTOR—RALPH—STEINMAN—OF—ROCKEFELLER—UNIV. for discovering dendritic cells, which trigger defenses against germs.
20070916             —RAGED, 1—OUT—OF—CONTROL wildfire, through THE—S—BERNARDINO—NATIONAL—FOREST, keeping about 5,000—PEOPLE from their homes in 2—MOUNTAIN—COMMUNITIES.
20070916             GARMSER, DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—HELMAND province, Afghan and coalition forces using SMALL—ARMS—FIRE and airstrikes killed about 10—INSURGENTS.
20070916             4—OTHER—REBELS were killed overnight in 1—BATTLE that erupted after they attacked 1—POLICE—POST in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—PAKTIA.
20070916             Afghan and NATO—TROOPS came under fire in Surobi district, about 25—MILES—EAST—OF—KABUL, and called in airstrikes, killing at least 1 suspected insurgent.
20070916             —DESTROYED, The bombardment, 1—HOUSE in the village of Gazbala, killing 2—MEN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20070916             GENERAL—DAN—MCNEILL, the top NATO—COMMANDER, said 1—CONVOY—OF explosives seized last week by NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN definitely came from IRAN but not necessarily from the government in TEHRAN.
20070916             —REPORTED, State media, that CHINA—AUTHORITIES had ordered the recall of tainted leukemia drugs blamed for leg pains and other problems, the latest crisis to strike the country's embattled food and drug industries.
20070916             —WARNED, BERNARD—KOUCHNER, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER, that the world should prepare for war if IRAN obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were considering their own economic sanctions against the Islamic country.
20070916             GREECE—CONSERVATIVE—PRIME—MINISTER—COSTAS—KARAMANLIS won RE—ELECTION with 1—SLIM—MAJORITY in PARLIAMENT as voters showed dissatisfaction with both major parties in the wake of 1—FINANCIAL—SCANDAL and devastating forest fires that killed more than 65—PEOPLE last month.
20070916             The governing conservatives won 41.8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, giving them 152—OF—PARLIAMENT—300—SEATS, 1—LOSS—OF—13—SEATS.
20070916             The Socialists took 38.1—PERCENT, or 102—SEATS, 1—LOSS—OF—15 and the party's lowest NUMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT—SEATS in 30—YEARS.
20070916             The death toll from INDONESIA—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE—ROSE to 23 as more villagers started returning home.
20070916             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED bicycle, near 1—CAFE serving tea and food during Ramadan fasting hours, killing at least 5—PEOPLE in Tuz Khormato.
20070916             —LINKED, DOZENS—OF—FIGHTERS, to THE—SUNNI—DOMINATED AL—QAIDA in IRAQ streamed into Shiite villages NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, torching homes and killing at least 15—RESIDENTS in Jichan and Ghizlayat.
20070916             —OPENED, Blackwater security contractors, fire in 1—PREDOMINANTLY Sunni NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—WEST—BAGHDAD, killing 17—CIVILIANS.
20070916             —KILLED, At least 39—PEOPLE were, or found dead nationwide.
20070916             —KILLED, ISRAEL—FIRE, 2—PALESTINIANS in separate incidents in THE—WEST—BANK, including 1—MILITANT.
20070916             —SIGNED, JORDAN—THE—USA—EMBASSY, said THE—USA has, 1—ACCORD with JORDAN on the sidelines of 1—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—SUMMIT in VIENNA—AUSTRIA, aimed at supporting the peaceful DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—KINGDOM—NASCENT nuclear program.
20070916             1—ALLIANCE—OF—PAKISTAN—OPPOSITION—PARTIES said they would resign from national and provincial assemblies if PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF tried to seek RE—ELECTION from the sitting PARLIAMENT.
20070916             —AFFECTED, PERU, 1—UNOFFICIAL referendum was held in 3—DISTRICTS, by plans for developing 1—COPPER mine at RIO—BLANCO.
20070916             Some 95—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES were against the 1.4—BILLION project planned by CHINA—ZIJIN—CONSORTIUM, which had recently acquired the concession.
20070916             RUSSIA, FORMER—KGB officer ANDREI—LUGOVOI, the sole suspect in the radiation poisoning DEATH—OF—FORMER—KGB agent ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO, announced plans to run for PARLIAMENT on the ticket of 1—PRO—KREMLIN ultranationalist party.
20070916             SAUDI—ARABIA—KING—ABDULLAH oversaw the signing in JIDDAH—OF—1—RECONCILIATION—AGREEMENT negotiated by several SOMALIA—FACTIONS in 1—ATTEMPT to stabilize their country and BATTLE—THE—ISLAMIC—OPPOSITION.
20070916             † 6—SOUTH—KOREANS and 4 were missing in SOUTH—KOREA after typhoon Nari hit the country's southern coast.
20070916             —FILLED, THAILAND, a 2—GO Airlines passenger plane, with foreign tourists crashed as it tried to land in pouring rain on THE—ISLAND—OF—PHUKET, splitting in 2 and bursting into flames.
20070916             89—PEOPLE were killed.
20070916             —REVERSED, Reports said THE—ZIMBABWE—GOVERNMENT has, 1—BAN on pay increases put in place in 1—BID to curb the world's highest inflation rate.
20070916             KLIMASCHUTZ: In letzter Minute
20070916             GENERAL—MOTORS—ARBEITER erhöhen Druck
20070916             Ministerpräsidenten diskutieren PRO—KOPF—RUNDFUNKGEBÜHREN
20070916             Streit um ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN: Richter warnen vor unkontrolliertem
20070916             Weltwirtschaft: Greenspan feiert den Euro
20070916             Grüne lehnen TORNADO—EINSATZ und Enduring Freedom ab
20070916             Global warming may bring dengue fever to Hokkaido
20070916             La crise du nucléaire iranien impose de "se préparer au pire", selon BERNARD—KOUCHNER
20070916             Kouchner : "il faut se préparer au pire" face à l'IRAN
20070916             IRAQ 'has cost 1.2—MILLION—LIVES'
20070916             Was ISRAEL—RAID—PRACTICE for IRAN?
20070916             —VOR—25—JAHREN: Das Massaker von Sabra und Schatila
20070916             1,2 Millionen Tote
20070916             Opferzahlen im Irak steigen unaufhörlich an
20070916             Vieles ist noch aufzuklären an der Geschichte vom "TERROR—FRITZ" und seinen 2—KOMPLIZEN.
20070916             Aber eines ist klar: So, wie sie vorgegangen sind, hätten sie niemals einen professionellen Anschlag durchführen können.
20070916             Zur Auflösung des Rätsels gibt es 3—THEORIEN.
20070916             Entweder die Truppe war zu blöd, ihre kriminelle Energie zielführend einzusetzen — so wie es im erwähnten Film von Woody Allen gezeigt wird.
20070916             —VERMUTET, Oder — das, FAZ—AUTOR—PETER—CARSTENS — sie wollte durch ihr auffälliges Agieren die Sicherheitsbehörden von anderen Terrorzellen ablenken,
20070916             die in der Zwischenzeit unbehelligt ihre eigenen Planungen weitertreiben konnten.
20070916             Oder die 3—FÜHLTEN sich vor Verhaftung geschützt, weil sie einen INSIDE—JOB ausführten und glaubten, Protektion von höherer Stelle zu genießen.
20070916             Beim gegenwärtigen Erkenntnisstand sollte man keine dieser Möglichkeiten ausschließen.
20070916             Jesus is 1—GOOD—REPUBLICAN.
20070916             Not our savior Jesus; the Jesus that mows your yard.
20070916             He seems okay.
20070916             The Republican savior Jesus apparently hates gays, loves war and doesn't want to pay taxes.
20070916             And why should he? HE—OUR savior. At least I hope he is.
20070916             Someone needs to save us from THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20070916             Maybe if we pray: Dear God.
20070916             Please save us from your followers.
20070916             Bush the Jihadist: : For Bush to declare "war" on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and AL—QAEDA was actually to exaggerate their IMPORTANCE—AND glorify their actions.
20070916             Worse, it was his declaration of "war" that led 20010000              to the invasion and occupation of AFGHANISTAN and, 20030000             , to the invasion and occupation of IRAQ.
20070916             Proxy war could soon turn to direct conflict, analysts warn:
20070916             —PREDICTED, USA—STRIKES on IRAN, as tension rises over arms smuggling and nuclear fears
20070916             Presstitute and war pimp alert::
20070916             Bush setting AMERICAN—UP for war with IRAN : In 1—CHILLING scenario of how war might come, 1—SENIOR—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER warned that public denunciation of IRAN—MEDDLING in IRAQ—ARMING and training MILITANTS—WOULD lead to cross border raids on IRAN—TRAINING camps and bomb factories.
20070916             Was ISRAEL—RAID 1—DRY run for attack on IRAN?
20070916             Far from being 1—MINOR—INCURSION, THE—ISRAEL—OVERFLIGHT—OF—SYRIA—AIRSPACE through its ally, TURKEY, was 1—FAR—MORE—MAJOR—AFFAIR involving as many as 8—AIRCRAFT, including ISRAEL—MOST ULTRA—MODERN F-15s and F-16s equipped with Maverick missiles and 500lb bombs.
20070916             Syria WARNS—OF—USA 'lies' over ISRAEL air violation : 1—OFFICIAL—SYRIA—DAILY warned on —SUNDAY that USA "lies" over nuclear cooperation with NORTH—KOREA could serve as 1—PRETEXT for 1—ATTACK on Syria following 1—ISRAEL—VIOLATION—OF—ITS airspace.
20070916             Moran Upsets Jewish Groups Again : REPRESENTATIVE—JAMES—P—MORAN—JUNIOR (D-VIRGINIA) has again come under fire from local Jewish organizations for remarking in 1—MAGAZINE—INTERVIEW that the "extraordinarily powerful" PRO—ISRAEL lobby played 1—STRONG—ROLE promoting the war in IRAQ.
20070916             More Than 190 Arrested at DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Protest : Several 1000—ANTI—WAR—DEMONSTRATORS marched through downtown WASHINGTON on —SATURDAY, clashing with police at the foot of the Capitol steps where more than 190—PROTESTERS were arrested.
20070916             LATIN AMERICA: Native Leaders HALF—HEARTEDLY Embrace 'Historic' Declaration : While governments and the representatives of INTERNATIONAL agencies celebrated the approval of the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples after more than 2—DECADES—OF—NEGOTIATIONS, SOME—NATIVE leaders and experts in Latin AMERICA were less enthusiastic.
20070916             —INCREASED, GERMANY considers, spying on Muslims : GERMANY—AUTHORITIES will review ways to fight homegrown terrorists, including 1—PROPOSAL to allow INTERNET spying on all GERMANY—CONVERTS to Islam.
20070916             Economic Crisis: THE—USA—POLITICAL—LEADERSHIP Has Failed: As 20070000             —THE economic collapse picks up speed, it's time to take 1—HARD—LOOK at THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—POLITICAL—LEADERSHIP in meeting SOME—OF—THEIR most fundamental responsibilities.
20070916             It's time to face the fact of serious failure over the last quarter century.
20070916             Credit crisis: Meltdown!
20070916             In the past 100—YEARS, the rollercoaster ride that is the world of high finance has seen SOME—SPECTACULAR—LOWS.
20070916             SEAN—O'GRADY looks back at 4—EPISODES that not only came to define their times but also served as lessons for the future
20070916             Fears grow for UK—ECONOMY as panic over NORTH—ROCK spread
20070916             s: Experts warn that 1—DECADE—LONG borrowing binge has left BRITAIN dangerously exposed to the fallout from the global liquidity crisis
20070916             1—OPEN—LETTER to the New GENERATION—OF—USA—MILITARY—OFFICERS: "The Nuremberg Principles says that we in the military have not only the right, but also THE—DUTY to refuse 1—ILLEGAL—ORDER.
20070916             —EXECUTED, It was on this basis that we, Nazi officers who were 'only carrying out their orders'…
20070916             Lambasts Bush on ECONOMY—BY - GRAHAM—PATERSON
20070916             AMERICA—ELDER STATESMAN—OF—FINANCE, ALAN—GREENSPAN, has shaken THE—WHITE—HOUSE by declaring that the prime motive for the war in IRAQ was oil.
20070916             VICTIMS—OF—THE—DEATH—SQUADS -
20070916             1—FAMILY—HARROWING story of kidnap and murder in IRAQ—BY Kim Sengupta
20070916             Nadia Hayali tells Kim SENGUPTA—OF—THE—DAY—HER—FAMILY were seized and she lost her husband, 1—STORY that gives the lie to claims that USA—FORCES are succeeding in BAGHDAD.
20070916             The Nightmare Is Here
20070916             These are just 1—FEW—OF—THE—THINGS you won't hear much about from THE—USA—OFFICIALS in WASHINGTON who profess to care so deeply about the people of IRAQ.
20070916             IRAQ, Deep in Your Bones
20070916             —MATTERED, It never, how MANY—LITTLE—USA—FLAGS appeared on how MANY—BLOATED—CHEVY—AVALANCHES, how MANY—RIGHT—WING radio shows found 1—NEW—REASON to pule, how MANY—FURIOUSLY blindered UBER—PATRIOTS happily ignored all the harsh words from all those naysaying generals or even all the "turncoat" ANTI—WAR—REPUBLICANS and insisted we're really over there to fight SOME—SORT—OF—GREAT—ISLAMIC demon no 1 can actually see or locate or define but that we must, somehow, attempt to destroy -- even though doing so only seems to make the situation far, far worse.
20070916             IRAQ And The Stink from BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT
20070916             —UNLEASHED, CHRISTOPHER—KING—URGES—THE—UK—PEOPLE to call to account their representatives who, WAR—ON—IRAQ + "failed not only our interests but also those of the Iraqis they claimed to be helping by acting... from corrupt motives, with recklessness, bad judgement and incompetence".
20070916             How War Was Turned Into 1—BRAND—BY - Naomi KLEIN—POLITICAL chaos means ISRAEL is booming like it's 19990000              - and the boom is in defence exports FIELD—TESTED on Palestinians.
20070916             Continiue
20070916             WILL—THE—DEMOCRATS—BETRAY—USA?
20070916             GENERAL—PETRAEUS + Ambassador Crocker could grab an hour of prime television time only by slinking into the safe FOXHOLE—OF—FOX—NEWS, where Brit Hume chaperoned them on 1—GLOOMY, bunkerlike set before 1—AUDIENCE—OF merely 1.5—MILLION—TRUE—BELIEVERS.
20070916             —TITLED, Their "Briefing for AMERICA," as Fox, it, was all too fittingly interrupted early on for 1—COMMERCIAL promising pharmaceutical relief from erectile dysfunction.
20070916             McCain To MoveOn: Get Out Of This Country
20070916             Wearing the traditional fascist brown shirt, ARIZONA Senato r JOHN—MCCAIN has taken CRITICISM—OF—ANTI—WAR—GROUP—MOVEON_org to 1—WHOLE—NEW—LEVEL: He is suggesting that the organization "ought to be thrown out of this country.
20070916             Raising Progressive OFFSPRING—BY - Emily SPENCE—THERE is only 1—WAY in which 1 can endure man's inhumanity to man and that is to try, in one's own life, to exemplify man's humanity to man".Continue
20070916             GRIECHENLAND—WAHL: Knappe Mehrheit für Karamanlis
20070916             Nicht der Zugriff auf Öl, sondern die Sorge um die Stabilität in der Golfregion sei also der Grund für den Irakkrieg gewesen, sagte Gates damit.
20070916             Feldzug gegen Saddam: Gates widerspricht GREENSPAN—IRAKKRIEG nicht wegen Erdöl
20070916             Wie ist es möglich, dass Serbien einem Militärbündnis beitritt, dass uns zuerst bombardierte, dann mit Militärkräften ins Kosovo kam und schließlich unter Umgehung des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATES einseitig die Unabhängigkeitserklärung eines organischen Teils unseres Landes anerkennt?", fragte Kostunica die Parteispitze rhetorisch.
20070916             Die Umsetzung des Plans von UNO—VERMITTLER Martti Ahtisaari verschaffe der Nato im Kosovo "unbegrenzte Macht", behauptete Kostunica erneut.
20070916             BELGRAD—ES sei eine "prinzipielle Haltung", dass Serbien niemals der Nato beitreten werde, sagte Kostunica vor der Spitze seiner DSS—PARTEI.
20070916             Er warf dem Bündnis vor, in der abtrünnigen südserbischen Provinz Kosovo einen "NATO—STAAT" errichten zu wollen.
20070916             Umweltschützer warfen den Industrieländern "Untätigkeit" und "Gleichgültigkeit" vor.
20070916             Die Wüstenbildung bedrohe die Existenz von rund 2—MILLIARDEN Menschen, einem Drittel der Weltbevölkerung.
20070916             Rund 41—PROZENT—DER—TROCKENGEBIETE in aller Welt seien betroffen.
20070916             250—MILLIONEN Menschen litten schon jetzt unter der Wüstenbildung, vor allem in AFRIKA und Zentralasien.
20070916             Die zunehmende Bodenerosion infolge des Klimawandels und der übermäßigen landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung ist nach ANGABEN—DER—UNO 1—URSACHE für Hungersnöte, Flüchtlingsströme und Kriege
20070916             MADRID—DIE rund 20000000              Delegierten aus 191—LÄNDERN verabschiedeten am Wochenende in MADRID zwar einen Aktionsplan für die kommenden 10—JAHRE.
20070916             Auf die notwendige Finanzierung konnten sie sich jedoch nicht EINIGEN—OBWOHL es nach Presseberichten vom —SONNTAG um eine geringe Anhebung des vergleichsweise bescheidenen Budgets von 17—MILLIONEN Euro ging.
20070916             Dieser Etat sollte um 5 % erhöht WERDEN—ES ging also um 850.000—EURO.
20070916             —GESCHEITERT, MADRID: Konferenz zur WÜSTEN—AUSBREITUNG
20070916             Front gegen Nato : Serbien setzt sich von EUROPA ab
20070916             ALAN—GREENSPAN claims IRAQ war was really for oil
20070916             FRANK—RICH—MUST be READING BuzzFlash: "Our national security can't be held hostage indefinitely to 1—PRESIDENT—NARCISSISTIC need to compound his errors rather than admit them".
20070916             You're Missing Out if You are Not Getting THE—TOP—BUZZFLASH Headlines Delivered to Your Computer in the Morning and Afternoon.
20070916             Sign up. It's Easy and Free.
20070916             ARCTIC ice has shrunk to the lowest level on record, new satellite images show, raising the possibility that THE—NORTH—WEST—PASSAGE that eluded famous explorers will become 1—OPEN shipping lane.
20070916             Frida Kahlo (Art Quality Hardcover) at 1—SPECIAL—PRICE
20070916             Such 1—DEAL to Promote Democracy and the Truth.
20070916             1—LITTLE—LATE—MISTER—CHAFEE, But You've Finally Come to Your Senses: Chafee quietly quits THE—GOP 9/16
20070916             New Greenspan Book Attacks Bush : FORMER—USA Federal Reserve chairman ALAN—GREENSPAN has criticized PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH for paying too too little attention to financial discipline.
20070916             189 Arrested in Capitol Hill Protests 9/16
20070916             Die GEZ hat nichts zu melden
20070916             Der folgende Text ist keinesfalls als Aufforderung zum Schwarzsehen zu verstehen, er soll vielmehr über Methoden und Vorgehensweisen der GEZ aufklären.
20070916             LIFE in ISRAEL: Gaydamak
20070916             Arkadi Gaydamak is 1—ISRAEL—BILLIONAIRE. he made his money in RUSSIA and lives between RUSSIA and ISRAEL, MOST—OF—THE—TIME I think in ISRAEL.
20070916             Another player in that scandal was RUSSIAN—ISRAEL—MOBSTER Arkady Gaydamak, who is tied into 1—INTERNATIONAL—NETWORK—OF—SMUGGLERS connected to MARC—RICH...
20070916             GERMANY Wants To Spy On Suspects Via Web, GERMANY—SECURITY—OFFICIAL—SAYS Proposed "Trojan...
20070916             Hartmut Pohl, 1—EXPERT with GERMANY—ASSOCIATION for Computer...
20070916             NEWS—TECHNOLOGY - Comcast_net GERMANY Wants to Spy on Suspects Via Web...
20070916             Hartmut Pohl, 1—EXPERT with GERMANY—ASSOCIATION for Computer... Camilla Skips Service For Di;
20070916             Um die Zeitenwende wandte man in Judäa nämlich 2—RECHTSSYSTEME parallel zueinander an: das römische und das jüdische.
20070916             Die Schwere des Falles veranlasste den Anwalt der Klägerpartei, MICHAEL—CHEMWOK von der Anwaltskanzlei Chemwok & Co., am Folgetag einen Eilantrag zu stellen.
20070916             Er begründete ihn mit der Feststellung, dass die Anklage schwerwiegende Fehler in einer Strafverhandlung aufdecken will.
20070916             NAIROBI—DOLA Indidis möchte 1—UNRECHT wieder gut machen.
20070916             1—UNRECHT, das rund 20000000              Jahre zurückliegt.
20070916             1—UNRECHT so groß und so schwer, dass es seit damals die Herzen der Menschen BEWEGT—SO sehr, dass noch heute Milliarden Christen jeden —SONNTAG davon sprechen.
20070916             Dola Indidis möchte, dass Jesus von Nazareth eine ordentliche Gerichtsverhandlung bekommt.
20070916             Schwere Nebenwirkungen: CHINA ruft Krebsmedikamente zurück
20070916             CHINA: Politische Häftlinge freigelassen
20070916             Merkels Treffen mit Dalai Lama: Deutsche Geschäftsleute in CHINA besorgt
20070916             THE—NAZIFICATION—OF—AMERICA--Step 4
20070916             Rezensionen zu "AMERIKA im 3. Reich" | HCA Dabei stützt er sich vornehmlich auf die SD—BERICHTE, die "Meldungen aus dem Reich ".
20070916             Adolf Hitler The 1. phase of WWII. was dominated by GERMANY—BLITZKRIEG tactics:
20070916             —CARRIED, His body was, into the garden of the Reich Chancellery by aides...
20070916             Constantin Von Neurath
20070916             GERMANY—TEXT Nationalversammlung), Rudolf Mueller (Rechtsanwalt/ FfM), ANTOINE—PINAY (PREMIERMINISTER—VON—FRANKREICH), Panayotis Pipinelis (frueherer Aussenminister...
20070916             Bilderbergs... CHRISTIAN—A—HERTER, Maurice Faure, FRANZ—JOSEF Strauss, Amitore Fanfani, Panayotis Pipinelis, Reginald Maudling, the late HUGH—GAITSKELL, Omer Becu...
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis PIPINELIS PANAYOTIS.
20070916             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH:
20070916             ROUPHOGALIS M - Woodhouse,C.M. Rise and Fall of THE—GREECE—COLONELS.
20070916             Bilderberg Konferanslari /Christians United For ISRAEL " Kendi Halinde
20070916             ANTOINE—PINAY (Basbakan/Fransa), Panayotis Pipinelis (eski Disisleri Bakani/Yunanistan), Alcide de Gasperi (Basbakan/Italya), SIR—COLIN—GUBBINS...
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis (FRÜHERER—AUßENMINISTER/ Griechenland);
20070916             Alcide de Gasperi (PREMIERMINISTER/ I); SIR—COLIN—GUBBINS...
20070916             de.wikipedia_org/wiki/BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ - The Neighbors' VERDICT—TIME
20070916             —SCHEDULED, Moments before the delegates were, to recess for 1—LUNCHEON of poached bass at THE—ITALY—EMBASSY, Foreign MINISTER—PANAYOTIS—PIPINELIS—OF—GREECE...
20070916             - TIME Panayotis Pipinelis, 71, Foreign MINISTER—OF—GREECE, 1—OF—THE—FEW professional politicians to serve the ruling military junta;
20070916             of 1—HEART attack;...
20070916             KILLUMINATI—BILDERBERGS
20070916             Herter, Maurice Faure, FRANZ—JOSEF Strauss, Amitore Fanfani, Panayotis Pipinelis, Reginald Maudling, the late HUGH—GAITSKELL, Omer Becu, GUY—MOLLET...
20070916             —EXHIBITED, MINISTER—OF—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS, who having, their respective full powers.
20070916             MQ 11.4—03—ABADI
20070916             GREECE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PANAYOTIS—PIPINELIS told THE—ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR that in his opinion ISRAEL could safely withdraw from the Arab...
20070916             BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ Ursprung Konferenzen Finanzierung...
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis (FRÜHERER—AUßENMINISTER/ Griechenland) " Alcide de Gasperi (PREMIERMINISTER/ I) " SIR—COLIN—GUBBINS (Generalmajor/ UK)...
20070916             Bilderberg GROUP—FORUM.politik.DE—FORUM für Information...
20070916             —AUTHORIZED, KING—PAUL, Panayotis Pipinelis to form 1—NEW—GREEK—GOVERNMENT + end THE—6—DAY—CRISIS that started with the resignation of Premier CONSTANTINE...
20070916             —WHEN we arrived back in ATHENS we met promptly with Foreign MINISTER [ Panayotis ]
20070916             Pipinelis who took the document for his perusal and for consultation with...
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis, premier ministre et ministre des affaires étrangères.
20070916             Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs reconnus en bonne et due.
20070916             Freie Akademie der DEUTSCHEN DENKELITE: BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis (FRÜHERER—AUßENMINISTER/ Griechenland) Alcide de Gasperi (PREMIERMINISTER/ I) SIR—COLIN—GUBBINS (Generalmajor/ UK)... BILDERBERG—KONFERENZ.html
20070916             European Integration 19450000194900       00—DATE
20070916             Panayotis Pipinelis : European autonomy as.
20070916             Hellenic League for European Cooperation. Information Bulletin, no.
20070916             ORIGINS—ARTICLES which explain how and why the Bilderberg...
20070916             diplomats like PIETRO—QUARONI—OF—ITALY and Panavotis Pipinelis of GREECE...
20070916             Maurice Faure, FRANZ—JOSEF Strauss, Amitore Fanfani, Panayotis Pipinelis...
20070916             LIUC Biblioteca. Associazione ESSPER. Articoli di economia diritto.
20070916             Articoli pubblicati da: Pipinelis, Panayotis Risultato della ricerca: ( 1—TITOLO ) legenda: Accesso alla scheda dell'articolo su una nuova pagina...
20070916             Autori: Pipinelis, Panayotis Titolo: THE—GRECO—TURKEY—FEUD revived Periodico: Foreign affairs Anno:
20070916             FearBush Forums > Illuminati gave papa Bush
20070916             Illuminati gave papa Bush.
20070916             FearBush Forums > Top Reasons Why To Fear GEORGE—W—BUSH > World War III..
20070916             TheInformationServices_ORG—SEARCH here... Dovas | CONSTANTINE Karamanlis | Panagiotis Pipinelis | Stylianos Mavromichalis | GEORGE—PAPANDREOU... Panayotis kanellopoulos;
20070916             Panayotis canellopoulos...
20070916             EAST—EUROPE Canellopoulos, Panayotis, 614—CARAMANLIS.
20070916             See Karamanlis... Pipinelis rise to PRIME—MINISTER, 674—675—TURKISH—GREECE—CYPRUS—TENSIONS, 558-559, 571-572.
20070916             List of foreign ministers of GREECE: Information from Answers_com Panayotis Pipinelis,
20070916             SAM PAPERS NO
20070916             Pipinelis, Panayotis N., "THE—GRECO—TURKEY—FEUD Review", Foreign Affairs, Vol.
20070916             Pipinelis, Panayotis N. 13150000          .
20070916             Pisar, M. 10980000             . - Pisiotis, Argyrios 446.
20070916             Kapak Balkan Studies.FH10 - HTML—VERSION
20070916             FOUNDATION FOR MIDDLE—EAST.
20070916             AND BALKAN STUDIES. (OBIV). - TURKEY—REVIEW.
20070916             OF BALKAN STUDIES ANNUAL. 11. - BIGART. ISTANBUL.
20070916             top GERMANY—CORPORATE lawyer Rudolf Miller and the industrialist OTTO—WOLFF—VON...
20070916             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Frauen wollen Auto fahren dürfen
20070916             BUNDESWEHR—MISSION: Entsetzen über AFGHANISTAN—BESCHLUSS der Grünen
20070916             Berufung auf Notstand: Jung würde entführtes Flugzeug abschießen lassen
20070916             Stiftungen, Teil III: Teil III: Think Tanks, Organisationen...
20070916             Ein exemplarisches Beispiel ist Marineadmiral a.D. DAVID—JEREMIAH.
20070916             Why was RICHARD—PERLE meeting with ADNAN—KHASHOGGI ?
20070916             —BY Seymour Hersh.
20070916             Secondary Screening: Data Mining Archives EX—AT&T EMPLOYEE—ON—NSA—WIRETAP—ROOM.
20070916             Hitchens And Bamford Sue BUSH—ADMINISTRATION!
20070916             TSA "Refreshes" Website, Removes Critical Report. No Flying Nun.
20070916             Dumb Looks Still Free: Monzer AL—KASSAR and Transnational Terrorism
20070916             Glosario de Industrias de guerra y acrónimos cámaras y comunicación) en aviones civiles y militares...
20070916             Defex, S.A., Promoción, comercialización y exportación de armamentos...
20070916             Entrevista Muchos de los avances civiles vienen del campo militar.
20070916             deadman49 (3—DAYS ago) Show Hide Marked as spam 0 (Reply)
20070916             EINIGE—STRAßEN von der Antikriegskundgebung entfernt versammelten sich rund 1.000—GEGENDEMONSTRANTEN.
20070916             Sie wollten ihre Unterstützung für die USA—TRUPPEN im Irak bekunden, erklärte der FRÜHERE—OBERSTLEUTNANT—DER—LUFTWAFFE—ROBERT—PATTERSON.
20070916             Aber Bayerns SPD rüttelt traditionell nicht.
20070916             Er sei ja nun Pensionär, sagt Schröder noch, bevor Stoiber ihm die Haustür öffnet, "wann kommt unsereiner schon zu einem warmen ESSEN".
20070916             Gutachten zur Bahnprivatisierung: Börsengang auf Kosten der Länder
20070916             Schröder bei Stoiber: "Wann kommt unsereiner schon zu einem warmen ESSEN"
20070916             WASHINGTON: Tausende fordern Truppenabzug aus dem Irak
20070916             The political movement loyal to ANTI—USA—CLERIC—MOQTADA AL—SADR quit IRAQ—RULING Shi'ite Alliance on —SATURDAY, leaving PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI—COALITION in 1—PRECARIOUS—POSITION in PARLIAMENT.
20070916             "Bush to Withdraw 30,000—REPUBLICANS from Public Restrooms" (Moved up from Lighter Side: "Now That's Funny!") 9/16
20070916             —REMOVED, STEPHEN—CROCKETT: Even if Bush and Cheney were not, from office, impeachment hearings would be good for USA—DEMOCRACY -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070916             —AFTER all, it seems the burden of ending the war will fall to the next PRESIDENT.
20070916             MISTER—BUSH was clear last night ?
20070916             that his only real plan is to confuse enough Americans and cow enough MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to let him muddle along and saddle his successor with this war that should never have been started.
20070916             NON—POLITICAL—QUESTION—OF—THE—DAY: do you like contemporary poetry?
20070916             For What It's Worth, 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE—ENTITLED "WHITE—HOUSE—DEBATE Over IRAN Strategy" 9/16
20070916             Bush and Cheney are the Number 1—THREAT to Our National Security: Defense, Homeland Security Fail Audits
20070916             How this 12—INCH miracle tube could halve heating bills Amazing UK—INVENTION creates MORE energy than you put into IT—AND could soon be warming your home.
20070916             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070916             -be just:
20070916             —BELIEVED, Yet Mohammed is, dead at the hands of kidnappers who seized the whole family + Nadia is living the miserable HALF—LIFE—OF—THE—EXILE with their... justicefromgod.blogspot_com/2007 _09_16_archive.html
20070916             flamesong: news Anyone who believes that THE—AMERICAN—LED 'surge' in IRAQ is succeeding should hear the story of Mohammed and Nadia AL—HAYALI.
20070916             Dave CHANDLER—EARTHSIDE_com: "IDIOT—IN—CHIEF" Part I
20070916             It is 1—AWFUL—WAY to exist, living without hope," said Nadia AL—HAYALI... and the suicide bombings, but Nadia and her husband, Mohammed, still had hope.
20070916             Dave CHANDLER—EARTHSIDE_com:
20070916             Human culture as we have known it for the past 200—YEARS is drawing to 1—CLOSE.
20070916             1—REVOLUTION—OF—CIVILIZATION is upon us.
20070916             Prepare. News and commentary on war.
20070916             LP: USA waives drug sanctions on BOLIVIA—MATTHEW LEE Post Date: by bush_is_a_moonie...
20070916             —IDENTIFIED, Informant STG6 had, Grasheim as "head of smuggling operations" at...
20070916             ONTARIO Empoblog Even the horrifying news ITEMS—OF—THE—DAY, the gunning down of the... has sued his former employers in LOS—ANGELES and NBC INCORPORATED for allegdly firing him...
20070916             PRESSBOX—FREE—PRESS—RELEASE—DISTRIBUTION and NEWS—PRESS—STORE... Pressbox is the online press centre offering press release and copywriting services providing 1—PROFESSIONAL—RESOURCE for news / press releases / postings...
20070916             Stewart gives it to McCain... alfatomega.com/20070430.html
20070916             Between
20070916—20040400    —IN, as he was when he addressed the nation in January, September of last year, the December before that and ?
20070916—20070913    —ARRESTED, Police in LAS—VEGAS, O.J. Simpson saying he was part of 1 armed group that broke into 1—HOTEL—ROOM and snatched memorabilia that documented his sports career.
20070916—20070916    —DATE20070916—20080000    —IN, 5—BLACKWATER guards were indicted for the shootings that left 17—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20070916—20091231    —ON, 1—USA—JUDGE dismissed the case against the Blackwater guards.
20070916—20140000    —TESTIFIED, MATTHEW—MURPHY, that he saw PAUL—SLOUGH fire at least hand grenades into 1—CAR where 1—WOMAN and her son †.
20070916—20141022    —ON, 1—USA federal jury convicted 4—BLACKWATER guards for killing 14—IRAQIS.
20070916—20170804    —ON, 1—APPEALS—COURT threw out the 1.—DEGREE murder CONVICTION—OF—NICHOLAS—SLATTEN and ordered resentencings for 3—OTHERS convicted in the case.
20070924             Die SPD hat sich in scharfer FORM—VON—DER—WARNUNG—VON—BUNDESINNENMINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) vor einem terroristischen Nuklearschlag distanziert.
20070928—20070916    —ON, 1—OF—THE—MEN listed as the registered OWNERS—OF—THE—PLANE, Joao Luiz Malago, said in 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW—FROM—BRAZIL that his FLORIDA—BASED company sold the aircraft for $2—MILLION to 1—LAKELAND, FLORIDA, man and his partner, who Malago believed was from MIAMI.
20071003—20070916    —ON, 1—GROUP—OF—BLACKWATER—USA—CONTRACTORS was involved in 2—SEPARATE—SHOOTINGS, according to 1—SENIOR—IRAQI—NATIONAL—POLICE—OFFICIAL who contributed to 1—REPORT detailing the 2. shooting.
20071119—20070916    —ON, 1—BILL—OF—SALE obtained by McClatchy Newspapers indicates that FLORIDA pilot CLYDE—O'CONNOR bought the plane — —8—DAYS—BEFORE it went down in the Yucatan jungle.
20080303             RESURRECTION CHURCH — —SUNDAY, 20070916              — Vol.
20080619             —WHILE we are remembering Tim Russert and his years as moderator of "Meet the Press," we would do well to recall his INTERVIEW—WITH—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY at Camp David 20010916             —ON, just —5—DAYS—AFTER the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20080901—20080916    —ON, murder charges were filed against HENRY—DON—WILLIAMS, 32—JAHRE—ALT, who remained at large.
20080915             Its benchmark 1—YEAR lending rate will fall.27% to 7.2% effective 20080916             .
20080916             Urgently trying to keep cash flowing amid 1—WALL—STREET—MELTDOWN, the Federal Reserve pumped another $70—BILLION into the nation's financial system to help ease credit stresses.
20080916             —AGREED, Late in the day the Federal Reserve, to a 2-year $85—BILLION loan to insurance giant USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP (AIG) in exchange for a 79.9% equity stake in THE—FORM—OF—WARRANTS called equity participation notes.
20080916             —PUMPED, Central banks in THE—USA, EUROPE and JAPAN, tens of billions into their banking systems to keep money flowing.
20080916             —PLEDGED, THE—USA, 1.8—MILLION—DOLLARS to CAMBODIA—CASH—STRAPPED—KHMER—ROUGE court, making its 1. donation to THE—UN—BACKED genocide tribunal aimed at trying regime leaders.
20080916             —PROMISED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER, to veto 1—STATE—BUDGET approved by lawmakers just hours earlier.
20080916             —REPORTED, Local media, that 1—FLORIDA judge has deemed unconstitutional 1—LAW banning baggy pants that show off the wearer's underwear.
20080916             TEXAS, the torn apart BODY—OF—BRANDON—MCCLELLAND, 24—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLACK—MAN, was found on 1—RURAL—ROAD—NEAR—PARIS.
20080916             —CROSSED, He had, the border to OKLAHOMA the previous evening with friends Finley and CHARLES—RYAN—CROSTLEY, 27—JAHRE—ALT to buy beer.
20080916             † JAMES—CRUMLEY (19390000             ), USA—NOVELIST, in MISSOULA—MONTANA.
20080916             —INCLUDED, JAMES—CRUMLEY—BOOKS, "The Last Good Kiss" (19780000             ).
20080916             —CALLED, The opening LINE—OF—THAT—BOOK has been widely, the best in crime fiction.
20080916             —ARRESTED, BOLIVIA, government soldiers, Pando STATE—GOVERNOR—LEOPOLDO—FERNANDEZ on suspicion of directing the recent MASSACRE—OF—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTERS.
20080916             —DECLARED, THE—USA, BOLIVIA to be "NON—COMPLIANT" in THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS, 1—STEP that implicated 1—END—OF—USA—AID.
20080916             TIAN—WENHUA, THE—BOARD chairwoman and general MANAGER—OF—CHINA dairy giant Sanlu Group, was fired from her posts in the wake of the tainted milk powder scandal.
20080916             COSTA—RICA Security MINISTER—JANINA del Vecchio said that a 70-foot (20-meter) SUBMARINE—TYPE—VESSEL was intercepted by THE—USA—NAVY in INTERNATIONAL waters near COSTA—RICA.
20080916             —INTERCEPTED, GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT said, mobile phone calls show that RUSSIA—TANKS and troops invaded before GEORGIA unleashed its offensive against SOUTH—OSSETIA, pressing its claim that RUSSIA was the aggressor in the war last month.
20080916             HONDURAS said it will welcome 1—NEW—USA—AMBASSADOR after a 1—WEEK—DELAY meant to show support for BOLIVIA in its diplomatic spat with WASHINGTON.
20080916             1—JAPAN—RESEARCHER said he has taught 1—BELUGA whale to "talk" by using sounds to identify 3—DIFFERENT—OBJECTS, offering hope that humans 20080501             —DAY be able to hold conversations with sea mammals.
20080916             —EXPLODED, IRAQ, 1—BICYCLE laden with explosives, near 1—MILITARY—TRUCK in 1—MARKET—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 19.
20080916             GENERAL—RAY—ODIERNO took over as the top USA—COMMANDER—OF—THE—IRAQ conflict.
20080916             MALAWI withdrew its recognition of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), proclaimed by the Polisario Front in the disputed TERRITORY—OF—WEST—SAHARA.
20080916             —KILLED, MEXICO, explosions at 1—INDEPENDENCE—DAY—CELEBRATION, 7—PEOPLE and injured 101 in THE—CITY—OF—MORELIA.
20080916             —ORGANIZED, Michoacan GOVERNOR—LEONEL—GODOY said, crime was responsible.
20080916             1—BUDDHIST monk slashed his throat in 1—SUICIDE—ATTEMPT at MYANMAR—MOST sacred temple, the scene of several PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS that erupted 1—YEAR ago.
20080916             1—TRUSTEE—OF—THE—SHWEDAGON temple said the monk became desperate after running OUT—OF—MONEY to pay for medical care.
20080916             —DESTROYED, NIGERIA, militants, the Orubiri flow station operated by the Shell Petroleum Development Company in Rivers state.
20080916             The next day MEND said it killed all the soldiers on guard at the facility and took their weapons.
20080916             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY has, its forces to open fire if USA—TROOPS—LAUNCH another air or ground raid across THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20080916             —BACKED, Security forces, by air support again pounded suspected militant hideouts in 1—NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN tribal region, killing 8 alleged insurgents.
20080916             —WAGED, Hamas police, 1—FIERCE—GUNBATTLE against MEMBERS—OF—1—HEAVILY armed PALESTINE—CLAN in 1 crowded neighborhood.
20080916             1—NIGHT—OF clashes left 11—PEOPLE—DEAD including 1—INFANT, and at least 40 wounded.
20080916             —ANNOUNCED, THAILAND—RULING PEOPLE—POWER—PARTY, that it has reconciled with 1—RENEGADE faction, clearing 1—HURDLE toward the selection of Somchai Wongsawat as 1—CONSENSUS candidate for PRIME—MINISTER.
20080916             —COLLAPSED, UKRAINE—PRO—WESTERN—COALITION, paving the way for complicated coalition talks or yet another early parliamentary election.
20080916             Laut "Handelsblatt" sind nicht nur Anleger betroffen, die direkt in Emissionen von Lehman investiert haben.
20080916             Die USA—INVESTMENTBANK war auch im sogenannten WHITE—LABELING—GESCHÄFT aktiv.
20080916             Sie hat also Produkte für andere Banken und Sparkassen aufgelegt und garantiert.
20080916             Auch bei diesen Papieren sei offen, ob und wie die Rückzahlung erfolgt, berichtet die Zeitung.
20080916             Neben Börsianern fürchten zusehends auch OTTO—NORMAL—SPARER um ihr Geld.
20080916             Dabei sind Bankeinlagen hierzulande so gut geschützt wie in kaum einem anderen europäischen Land.
20080916             Auch Sparformen wie die Lebensversicherung gelten als sicher.
20080916             Verbraucherschützer warnen daher vor einer Panik.
20080916             Schadensfall: LEHMANN—PLEITE könnte Einlagensicherung bedrohen
20080916             Milliarden fürs Militär: Russland rüstet kräftig auf
20080916             Boomregion Ostdeutschland: Comeback der Kombinate
20080916             Haushaltsdebatte: SPD und Union lächeln die Finanzkrise einfach weg
20080916             USA—BANKENBEBEN: Wie sicher Ihr Geld noch ist
20080916             USA—BÖRSE: Dow stemmt sich gegen weltweiten Abwärtstrend
20080916             NETZWELT—TICKER: BKA—GESETZ bleibt in der Kritik
20080916             Grenzübertritte: Pakistans Armee will sich USA—TRUPPEN entgegenstellen
20080916             Haushaltsdebatte: Steinbrück stimmt Bürger auf harte Zeiten ein
20080916             Börsenbeben : GOLDMAN—GEWINN bricht ein, Dax stürzt ab
20080916             Eisschmelze in der ARKTIS: "Das ist ein historischer Bruch"
20080916             Pleitebank: Barclays plant Teilübernahme von Lehman
20080916             Krise in Bolivien: Nachbarstaaten stärken Morales den Rücken
20080916             Die Finanzkrise und die Bankkunden: Ist das Geld der Sparer noch sicher?
20080916             1—RACE for Cash at A.I.G.
20080916             1—FIGHT for 1—PIECE—OF—WHAT—LEFT
20080916             Unternehmen: "Lehmans Insolvenz wird im Chaos enden"
20080916             Noch VIELE—FRAGEN offen bei heimlichen ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN
20080916             Anwesenheit von ausländischen Truppen stärkt Taliban
20080916             Beim BKA—GESETZ sind ALLE—EINIG—MIT sich selbst
20080916             USA schüren Panik
20080916             Crise financière : le vent de panique s'abat sur l'Asie
20080916             Greenspan n'a "jamais vu" une telle crise financière
20080916             WALL—STREET dégringole
20080916             Lehman Brothers en faillite
20080916             Nightmare on WALL—STREET
20080916             Jobs cull begins in LONDON and NEW—YORK—CITY
20080916             World reacts to collapse of 1—COLOSSUS
20080916             Beben an der WALL—STREET
20080916             Schenkelklopfer des Tages: Das USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM fragt die Welt, was Demokratie ist.
20080916             Gut, dass die Amis da nur eine grobe Vorstellung haben, kann man ja in der täglichen Außenpolitik sehen.
20080916             Die Britischen Mullahs zeigen sich modern und weltmännisch, um sich von den barbarischen Muselmännern abzuheben:
20080916             Church of ENGLAND entschuldigt sich bei CHARLES—DARWIN und stellt sich gegen den Kreationismus.
20080916             Und sie bewegen sich doch!
20080916             —NEEDED, BOLIVIA: as the reactionary coup unfolds, action is !
20080916             The situation in BOLIVIA remains 1—OF—CONFRONTATION between the oligarchy, backed by USA—IMPERIALISM on THE—1—SIDE, and the masses who support the Evo Morales government on the other.
20080916             VENEZUELA—MILITARY holds ANTI—INVASION—EXERCISES: —SATURDAY—MANEUVERS in SOUTH—BOLIVAR STATE—FEATURED—RUSSIAN—MADE—SUKHOI fighter jets, ground troops, patrol boats and helicopters that fired rockets at targets.
20080916             2—CHEVRON Lawyers Indicted in ECUADOR:
20080916             ECUADOR—GOVERNMENT accuses IN—HOUSE—LAWYER and outside counsel of helping to fraudulently certify predecessor company's environmental cleanup
20080916             CHINA may cut its dollar HOLDINGS—CICC : CHINA, which holds a 5. of its currency reserves in Fannie Mae and FREDDIE—MAC debt, may cut the portion held in USA—DOLLARS, according to CHINA INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL—CORP (CICC), 1—OF—THE—NATION—BIGGEST investment banks.
20080916             USA—ECONOMY: Retail sales slump as consumers tighten their belts : Analysts had expected sales to rise by 0.3% last month but data from the Commerce Department today showed 1—FALL—OF—0.3%.
20080916             This is the 2. month in 1—ROW that sales have declined, and the figure for July was also sharply revised, to 1—DROP—OF—0.5%.
20080916             —REPORTED, It had previously been, as a 0.1% fall.
20080916             Warning: 30—AIRLINES will go bust this year : Up to 30—MORE—AIRLINES will go bankrupt before Christmas, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—BRITISH—AIRWAYS warned yesterday, as the biggest rescue of stranded passengers in travel industry history began.
20080916             Medvedev to Haaretz: Attack on IRAN will endanger entire world:
20080916             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV said —FRIDAY, "We know that certain players are planning 1—ATTACK against IRAN. But we oppose ANY—UNILATERAL step and military solution to the nuclear crisis," he added.
20080916             Speaking at the Valdai Discussion Club, 1—ANNUAL—FORUM—OF—OPINION—MAKERS in MOSCOW, Medvedev also said, "The world does not need to tighten its sanctions on IRAN at this time".
20080916             RUSSIA: MOSCOW—TEHRAN ties don't harm ISRAEL:
20080916             THE—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER didn't answer the question directly, but did say that RUSSIA—DECISIONS on the issue of IRAN are not meant to harm ISRAEL.
20080916             We have good historic ties with the Iranians.
20080916             "We send them weapons, but only for defensive purposes ?
20080916             no weapons that would cause regional instability".
20080916             USA stonewalling Ahmadinejad visa process : THE—USA has failed to issue 1—VISA to allow IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD to attend THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY in NEW—YORK.
20080916             Ahmadinejad: IRAN will support Hamas until collapse of ISRAEL:
20080916             —VOWED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, —FRIDAY to keep supporting THE—PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUP—HAMAS until the "collapse of ISRAEL".
20080916             —PULLED, RUSSIA—FORCES, out of GEORGIA : RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY has confirmed all peacekeepers have been withdrawn from 2—POSITIONS in the security zone outside THE—GEORGIA—PORT CITY—OF—POTI, 2—DAYS ahead of schedule.
20080916             —CONFIRMED, The withdrawal has also been, by THE—GEORGIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY.
20080916             'Who the f*** are you to lecture me?':
20080916             —ANNOUNCED, SYRIA—PORT to be used by RUSSIA : RUSSIA, on —FRIDAY it was renovating 1—SYRIA—PORT for use by THE—RUSSIA—FLEET in what signals 1—EFFORT for 1—BETTER foothold in the Mediterranean amid the rift with THE—USA—OVER—GEORGIA.
20080916             USA to invade IRAN ANY—DAY now?
20080916             1—FEW weeks ago THE—RUSSIA—NEWSPAPER—IZVESTIA, 1—WELL—KNOWN and authoritive daily published nationwide and abroad, came forward with something that would have been looked upon as 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY if published by 1—TABLOID.
20080916             Pak jets 'sent to confront USA—DRONES' : PAKISTAN has ordered its jet fighters to confront ANY—ATTACK by THE—USA—LED coalition forces on the tribal belt near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20080916             PAKISTAN sends fighter jets to tribal region : - PAKISTAN AIR—FORCE (PAF) on —SATURDAY sent its fighter aircraft to the northwestern tribal region as THE—USA—LED coalition forces are increasing CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS, local media reported.
20080916             Bush secret order to send special forces into PAKISTAN : The unprecedented executive order, signed by Bush in July after 1—INTENSE—INTERNAL—ADMINISTRATION—DEBATE, comes amid western concern that the war against the Taliban in AFGHANISTAN and its AL—QAIDA backers based in "safe havens" in WEST—PAKISTAN—TRIBAL belt is being lost.
20080916             —EXPELLED, BOLIVIA talks resume after USA—AMBASSADOR, : Goldberg told reporters in LA—PAZ that PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES had "not correctly evaluated" the retaliation WASHINGTON would give to 1—DECISION declaring him persona non grata.
20080916             NICARAGUA—ORTEGA says he won't meet with Bush in solidarity with BOLIVIA: During his announcement —SATURDAY, Ortega also accused WASHINGTON of trying to foment 1—COUP against Morales.
20080916             BRAZIL plans to build 50—MORE—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS : - Mines and Energy MINISTER—EDISON—LOBAO announced —FRIDAY BRAZIL plans to build 50 to 60—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANTS in half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY, with EACH—HAVING capacity of 1,000 megawatts.
20080916             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Statements, 19940000200400       00—DATE:
20080916             —ISSUED, A—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMPILATION—OF—INTERVIEWS and other public statements, by Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 19940000—20040000    —BETWEEN is now publicly available
20080916             Intelligence officer claims CIA was complicit in torture in UZBEKISTAN:
20080916             —KILLED, Officer also claims UK—UN—OFFICIAL was, by ORDER—OF—UZBEK—PRESIDENT—KARIMOV
20080916             USA—ARMY is breaking rules to make terrorists talk : THE—USA—MILITARY is training psychiatrists to interrogate terrorism suspects, in defiance of internationally agreed CODES—OF—CONDUCT which bar doctors from involvement in interrogation.
20080916             USA—ARMS—SALES—JUMP : From tanks, helicopters and fighter jets to missiles, remotely piloted aircraft and even warships, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE has agreed so far this fiscal year to sell or transfer more than $32—BILLION in weapons and other military equipment to foreign governments, compared with $12—BILLION 20050000          .
20080916             Lehman Workers Clear Desks, Weep After Bankruptcy : Lehman Brothers Holdings INCORPORATED—EMPLOYEES—WORLDWIDE are clearing their desks, waiting to hear if they'll be paid, and starting to look for work after the investment bank filed for the biggest bankruptcy in history.
20080916             WAKE—UP Call: LEHMAN—MORTGAGE—MARKS: Anyone else holding large amounts of tainted mortgages has to worry.
20080916             LEHMAN—POTENTIAL unwinding, along with ANY—AGGRESSIVE actions by Merrill and AIG to offload mortgage assets, could mean widespread losses as other banks mark down their own holdings.
20080916             10—BANKS Form $70B Fund to Stave Off Crash:
20080916             10—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—BANKS have formed 1—MASSIVE—LIQUIDITY—FUND to mitigate the effects of the Lehman Brothers meltdown, reports the Financial Times.
20080916             All the investment banks will be able to borrow up to a 3. of the $70—BILLION fund in order to reduce volatility and stay in business while Lehman is being wound down.
20080916             They will also be able to borrow from the Fed under newly relaxed terms
20080916             S&P cuts BofA rating, may cut again, MOODY—MAY cut : MOODY—INVESTORS—SERVICE also placed the bank on review for downgrade after it said it will purchase Merrill Lynch (MER.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) for $50—BILLION.
20080916             CHINA Cuts Rates as USA—TURMOIL—ADDS to Global Risks: CHINA cut interest rates for the 1. time in 6—YEARS and allowed most banks to set aside smaller reserves as worsening CREDIT—MARKET—TURMOIL and weakening export demand dimmed the outlook for economic growth.
20080916             The next big bang is private equity: WALL—STREET is in crisis, undoubtedly the worst in history, as 1 tarnished giant after another topples.
20080916             The real problem, though, is no 1 can tell where it will end.
20080916             Wilbur Ross: Possibly a 1000—BANKS—WILL—CLOSE : In 1—EXCLUSIVE—INTERVIEW—WITH—CNBC_com, Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO—OF—WL—ROSS & Co., says he sees possibly as many as a 1000—BANK closures in the coming months.
20080916             Industrial Production in USA.
20080916             Fell More Than Forecast: Industrial production in THE—USA—FELL in August by the most in almost 3—YEARS as the slowdown in consumer spending prompted automakers to cut back.
20080916             THE—END—OF—THE—MYTHS
20080916             8—YEARS—OF—STEALING your children's futures to pay for killing someone else's children while you allow your own ability to produce anything to be shuttled off to the next generation corporate slave countries, does not make for 1—HEALTHY—ECONOMY.
20080916             Democrats Do POLAND (Again)
20080916             As I survey THE—WRECKAGE—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY.
20080916             It's not that I care so much about Obama winning.
20080916             —WANED, Whatever tenuous enthusiasm I once had for him has, to near nothing.
20080916             It has much more to do with the fact that 1—PUBLIC that is demonstrably SICK—OF—THE—STATUS quo could yet once again be fooled by the same old practitioners of the dark arts, employing the same old insulting techniques, into willfully voting for another 4—YEARS—OF—PRECISELY the same folks who've made them miserable.
20080916             THE—SYRIA—ISRAEL Peace Gambit
20080916             ISRAEL wishes to woo Syria to break with Hamas and other PALESTINE—GROUPS, break with IRAN and, at least, twist HIZBULLAH—ARM in LEBANON.
20080916             Syria, on the other hand, knows well that indirect talks with ISRAEL are 1 unmatched act of political validation in the West, enough to lessen USA—THREATS, win FRANCE—FRIENDSHIP, and appear in 1—POSITIVE—LIGHT internationally.
20080916             Record Corporate Bailout Reveals THE—BANKRUPTCY—OF—USA—CAPITALISM
20080916             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—TAKEOVER—OF—THE—MORTGAGE—FINANCE—GIANTS—FANNIE Mae and FREDDIE—MAC has dealt 1—SHATTERING blow to THE—IDEOLOGY—OF—MARKET—CAPITALISM, which has been used for decades to justify 1—RELENTLESS—ASSAULT on the working class and 1—VAST—TRANSFER—OF—WEALTH to THE—USA—RULING elite.
20080916             There Is 1—ALTERNATIVE to Corporate Rule
20080916             1—OF—THE—REMARKABLE—FEATURES—OF—MODERN—POLITICAL—LIFE is how consistently global elites deny that viable alternatives to the current global order exist, even as the terrain of INTERNATIONAL politics rapidly shifts.
20080916             The "imperial globalists" that rose to power in the Bush years contend that without USA—MILITARY—STRENGTH decisively projected abroad, the forces of evil will sweep the globe.
20080916             —MEANWHILE, "corporate globalists" of WALL—STREET—PERSIST in their belief that, in THE—POST—COLD—WAR—WORLD, we have no choice but to embrace the continual advance of the "free" market.
20080916             —35—YEARS—AFTER Original 20010911             20080916             New TRANSCRIPTS—OF—KISSINGER—ROLE in CHILE—COUP
20080916             FT: Nato fury over RUSSIA—GEORGIA deal with EU:
20080916             —BROKERED, The deal, by the European Union for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—RUSSIA—TROOPS from GEORGIA has been slammed by NATO—TOP—OFFICIAL as "difficult to swallow" and "not acceptable" because it cedes too much ground to MOSCOW.
20080916             No tears in west for 60—AFGHANISTAN—CHILDREN : THE—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY—ASSISTANCE—FORCE (ISAF), as this force is properly known, is responsible for THOUSANDS—OF—CIVIL—DEATHS in AFGHANISTAN.
20080916             He urged 1—CONCERTED—AMERICAN and foreign response, even before 1—NEW—USA—ADMINISTRATION took office, to avoid "1—VERY—HOT—WINTER for ALL—OF—USA".
20080916             Manufacturing Consent For 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN?:
20080916             IRAN 'sending weapons to Taleban' : Elements in THE—IRAN—STATE are sending weapons across the border to the Taleban in AFGHANISTAN, 1—BBC investigation has uncovered.
20080916             —ALLEGED, IAEA: IRAN stalling probe into, atom bomb research: —MONDAY, THE—IAEA released 1—REPORT indicating that IRAN has produced approximately 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—AMOUNT—OF enriched uranium required to build its 1. nuclear bomb.
20080916             WHITE—HOUSE warns of fresh sanctions on TEHRAN over IAEA—LATEST—REPORT : —MONDAY, THE—WHITE—HOUSE threatened to impose another ROUND—OF—SANCTIONS on IRAN, after THE—UN—ATOMIC—WATCHDOG reported it had failed to make meaningful progress in assessing TEHRAN—PAST—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES.
20080916             IAEA confirms nuclear IRAN on right track : "The agency has been able to continue to verify THE—NON—DIVERSION—OF declared nuclear material in IRAN," read the latest INTERNATIONAL Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES.
20080916             USA—PLANS to sell ISRAEL 1,000 BUNKER—BUSTER bombs:
20080916             In announcing the proposed $77—MILLION—DEAL, which still needs Congressional approval, THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT said the sale of the Boeing GBU—39—SMART—BOMBS would be consistent with THE—USA—INTEREST—OF assisting ISRAEL "to develop and maintain 1—STRONG and ready SELF—DEFENSE—CAPABILITY".
20080916             —ALLOWED, No foreign force, to fight terrorism in PAKISTAN : Fehmida: Acting PRESIDENT—DOCTOR—FEHMIDA—MIRZA on —SUNDAY reiterated the government's policy that no foreign force would be allowed to fight the war against terrorism on PAKISTAN—SOIL.
20080916             PAKISTAN—TRIBES threaten to join Taliban : AMERICA—CROSS—BORDER—RAIDS into PAKISTAN have drawn fresh hostility from PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN, who vowed to form 1—ARMY to launch attacks on USA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN.
20080916             USA—FACES the F-16s it supplied PAKISTAN: THE—USA is suddenly faced with the uncomfortable scenario of confronting the very same weapons and military hardware, including F—16—FIGHTER—JETS, it has armed PAKISTAN with for decades.
20080916             USA—ARMY—GENERAL warns PAKISTAN—OF—NEW—WAR: 1—NEW—WAR could begin if PAKISTAN does not step up its fight against terrorists, Maj Gen JEFFREY—J—SCHLOESSER—OF—THE—USA—ARMY said in 1—REPORT published in 1—USA—WEEKLY on —SUNDAY.
20080916             Quagmire, Phase 2: The Invasion of PAKISTAN:
20080916             Raids into PAKISTAN: What USA—AUTHORITY?
20080916             THE—EVOLUTION—OF—OPERATIONS in PAKISTAN from covert to overt actions is reminiscent of 1—TRAJECTORY followed in SOME—ASPECTS by THE—VIETNAM War, SOME—ANALYSTS—NOTE.
20080916             PATRICK—COCKBURN: THE—USA—STRATEGY for AFGHANISTAN won't work:
20080916             —SUCCEED, Covert operations only, when they have strong local allies who want outside support
20080916             BOLIVIA and the Echoes of Allende - - Morales Confronts the Insurrection
20080916             —ALIGNED, Morales faces 1—POWERFUL—ECONOMIC and political elite, with THE—USA—THAT is bent on reversing the limited reforms he has been able to implement during his nearly 3—YEARS in power.
20080916             Conflict Over Spying Led WHITE—HOUSE to BRINK—BY- Barton GELLMAN—CHENEY had kept her out of the loop, but it was hard to hide 1—WARRANTLESS—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM completely from THE—PRESIDENT—CHIEF—TERRORISM—ADVISER.
20080916             CAPITAL—PUNISHMENT: Lehman on its way to the Gallows?
20080916             The funny thing about capitalism is that you need capital to play.
20080916             —WHEN THE—BANK—VAULT is FULL—OF—NOTHING but worthless MORTGAGE—BACKED securities (MBS) and overvalued junk bonds;
20080916             the whole thing goes BELLY—UP fast.
20080916             `Tectonic' Shift on WALL—STREET as Lehman Fails, Merrill Sold
20080916             In the biggest reshaping of the financial industry since the Great Depression, 2—OF—WALL—STREET—MOST storied firms, Merrill Lynch & Co. and Lehman Brothers Holdings INCORPORATED, headed toward extinction.
20080916             Financial RUSSIA—ROULETTE
20080916             "TRAIN—WRECK" doesn't even begin to describe what is starting to happen to THE—USA—TODAY with the financial crisis, 1—ONRUSHING depression, and THE—FAILURE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—WAR—POLICY as he is faced down by IRAN and THE—RUSSIA—BEAR.
20080916             But in 1—EVEN broader sense, the West, as 1—CIVILIZATION, after 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY—OF—WORLD—WAR and the utter failure of global finance capitalism, may have reached its limits.
20080916             This is Your Nation on White PRIVILEGE—BY- Tim WISE—FOR those who still can't grasp THE—CONCEPT—OF—WHITE privilege, or who are constantly looking for SOME—EASY—TO—UNDERSTAND examples of it, perhaps this list will help.
20080916             PAKISTAN Says USA Copters Repulsed
20080916             Zardari is the New Musharraf
20080916             THE—USA has been in 1—BIZARRE—STATE—OF—SEMI—WAR against its 'ally' PAKISTAN for months, launching covert ground and air raids into its territory while claiming to be 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—ISLAMABAD in THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20080916             —REVEALED, This week, it was, that PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH has given the Pentagon the green light to launch major ground attacks inside PAKISTAN—TRIBAL—TERRITORY.
20080916             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Alles in allem: Wer trägt die Verantwortung für das Debakel?
20080916             Rogoff: Ach, da wären so VIELE—ZU—NENNEN—DAS würde wie der Abspann eines Kinofilms aussehen.
20080916             Ganz vorn allerdings stehen PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH und der USA—KONGRESS: Sie haben das Problem absichtlich ignoriert und die Aufsichtsbehörden häufig zum Nichtstun gedrängt.
20080916             Rogoff: Dies ist die schlimmste Finanzkrise seit dem 2. Weltkrieg, da gibt es nichts zu beschönigen.
20080916             —EXPLODIERT, Die ganze Branche ist einfach.
20080916             Allerdings war das auch überfällig.
20080916             Die USA—FINANZBRANCHE war völlig aufgebläht und rücksichtslos geworden.
20080916             —JETZT werden ihr die Zügel angelegt.
20080916             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Was lief falsch?
20080916             —GEFANGEN, Allerdings bleibe die Gefahr, auf Dauer in Armut, zu sein, weiterhin hoch, heißt es in einer STUDIE—DES—DEUTSCHEN—INSTITUTS für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW).
20080916             Als arm gilt, wer als Single weniger als 891—EURO im Monat oder als Paar mit 2—KINDERN 1871—EURO einnimmt.
20080916             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, 60—PROZENT—DES—MITTLEREN—EINKOMMENS aller Erwerbstätigen.
20080916             Er sieht in der USA—FINANZKRISE 1—CHANCE für EUROPA, nämlich im BANKEN—UND Börsensektor eine weltweit führende Rolle zu übernehmen.
20080916             Hamburger Hafen: Spürbare Erholung in Sicht
20080916             Gehirn: Belohnungssystem wird im Alter schwächer
20080916             ZEW—UMFRAGE: Experten bleiben trotz Finanzkrise zuversichtlich
20080916             Geologen in der ARKTIS: Schatzsuche im Eisbärenland
20080916             Börsenkrise: EZB pumpt 70—MILLIARDEN Euro in den Markt
20080916             Finanzkrise: Steinbrück sieht deutsche Wirtschaft im Abschwung
20080916             Bankenkrise: "Man kann nicht mit dünner Luft Geld verdienen"
20080916             Lebensmittelkennzeichnung : Verbraucher fordern FETT—AMPEL
20080916             Börsenbeben: Finanzkrise drückt Dax ins Minus
20080916             Entstehung des Lebens: Planloses Universum, besamte Erde
20080916             USA—FINANZDEBAKEL: Obama und McCain bleiben Antworten schuldig
20080916             The Shadow of the Dalai Lama — Part II — 12
20080916             GENERAL—MOTORS brings its electric car gamble to MARKET—BLOGGINGSTOCKS
20080916             C. Jones & Company, CARTER—ALLEN—JONES, TIMOTHY—J—MILES, Gaylen P..
20080916             Gaylen P. Johnson, and JONATHAN—CURSHEN, Civil Action NUMBER...
20080916             00.0002003 charging 4—INDIVIDUALS with securities fraud for their participation in an...
20080916             —GESCHRIEBEN, Unter anderem hatte er : "fraeulein krienen, zu schade, dass ich mich bei ihnen nicht mit einem tritt in die eier bedanken kann, sie verbloedeter PAEDO—EUNUCH".
20080916             —ENTSCHIED, Die Kammervorsitzende Stefanie ZOHREN—BÖHMER, dass Broder 250.000—EURO Ordnungsgeld zahlen oder 6—MONATE ins Gefängnis wandern muss, wenn er die transphoben Beleidigungen wiederholt.
20080916             Er selbst war nicht vor Gericht erschienen.
20080916             "Man kann nichts anderes tun als abwarten und sehen, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln und was die Implikationen für die Finanzbrache sind", sagte Katsuhiko Kodama von Toyo Securities.
20080916             SÜDKOREA, verlor der Index vorübergehend 6,5 %, der Nikkei in Tokio rutschte um 4,48 % ab und sank gleich zum Handelsauftakt erstmals seit März unter die psychologisch wichtige Marke von 12.000—PUNKTEN.
20080916             HONGKONG, stürzten die Kurse im frühen Handel am —DIENSTAG um 6,49 % ab.
20080916             Die staatenbildenden Ameisen und Termiten sind die heimlichen Herrscher der Welt.
20080916             Zusammengenommen machen sie etwa 1—VIERTEL der gesamten tierischen Biomasse AUS—DEN Menschen ausgenommen.
20080916             Im Laufe der Auswertung erwies sich das 3—MILLIMETER große Tier als älteste noch lebende Ameisenart überhaupt.
20080916             Aufgrund des geradezu "außerirdischen Aussehens" benannten die Forscher das Exemplar "Martialis heureka".
20080916             —BEDEUTET, Frei übersetzt, dies: "Die vom MARS—WIR haben sie gefunden".
20080916             Die Wissenschaftler beschrieben ihre Entdeckung im Fachmagazin "
20080916             Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENES ".
20080916             "Ein für jedermann zugängliches ONLINE—STRAFREGISTER ist in Deutschland keinesfalls vorstellbar", sagt Dietmar Müller, SPRECHER—DES—BUNDESBEAUFTRAGTEN für den Datenschutz, SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080916             "Die im BZR gespeicherten Daten sind äußerst sensibel. Daher verstieße ein offenes ONLINE—REGISTER fundamental gegen Prinzipien des Datenschutzes und gegen den Schutz der Privatsphäre".
20080916             AUF—CRIMINALSEARCHES_com kann neuerdings jedermann kostenlos herausfinden, ob der Nachbar oder IRGENDEIN—EINWOHNER—DER—USA vorbestraft ist — blitzschnell und ohne Registrierung.
20080916             —GEFALLEN, Damit sind die letzten Schranken der Privatsphäre.
20080916             Die Opiumpreise liegen danieder, seit 1—REKORDERNTE im vorigen Jahr eine regelrechte Opiumschwemme auslöste und die Erlöse drückte.
20080916             Opium ist die Geißel Afghanistans.
20080916             Der Stoff ist verboten und doch der größte Exportartikel.
20080916             Und immer mehr davon wird mit Hilfe von Chemikalien an Ort und Stelle weiterverarbeitet — zu noch potenterem Heroin.
20080916             Im Weltdrogenbericht 20070000              bezeichnete die Uno AFGHANISTAN gar als QUASI—MONOPOLISTEN der globalen Heroinproduktion.
20080916             Vor allem aber ist das Opium der Schmierstoff von Korruption, Kriminalität und des Kriegs am Hindukusch, weil sich die Taliban mit hohen Schutzsteuern bereichern, die sie den Mohnbauern abpressen.
20080916             Das Geld dient ihnen zu Waffenkäufen.
20080916             Nackter geht's nicht: Das ENDE—DES—DATENSCHUTZES
20080916             Sensationeller Fund: Forscher entdecken bizarre Raubameise
20080916             Sparprogramm : HEWLETT—PACKARD streicht fast 25.000—STELLEN
20080916             Börsenbeben: USA—VERSICHERUNGSRIESE AIG droht Pleite
20080916             Skrupellos: Räuber werfen Baby aus Auto
20080916             Bankenkrise: Obama und McCain kündigen Reform des USA—FINANZSYSTEMS an
20080916             Kursrutsch: USA—FINANZKRISE löst Börsenbeben in ASIEN aus
20080916             AFGHANISTAN: Mit Safran gegen Opium und Heroin
20080916             Greed and Incompetence Come Home to Roost in the Bush Economy
20080916             [The economic news can't get much worse as THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—NEARS 1—MERCIFUL—END.
20080916             USA Financial Meltdown: McCain Says "FUNDAMENTALS—OF—THE—ECONOMY Still Strong"
20080916             [Dear SENATOR—MCCAIN, Here is the status of your "Still Strong Economy," circa —MONDAY, 20080915             , also known as Black —MONDAY.
20080916             —DISCOVERED, New ant species, in the Amazon likely represents oldest living lineage of ants
20080916             1—NEW—SPECIES—OF—BLIND, subterranean, predatory ant discovered in the Amazon rainforest by UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS at AUSTIN evolutionary biologist CHRISTIAN—RABELING is likely 1—DESCENDANT of the very 1. ants to evolve.
20080916             COCA—COLA to Phase Out Toxic Sodium Benzoate in THE—UK.
20080916             (NaturalNews) THE—COCA—COLA Company has announced that it is in the process of phasing out THE—USE—OF—FOOD additive sodium benzoate in THE—UK, after 1—NUMBER—OF—STUDIES have linked it to 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—HEALTH—PROBLEMS.
20080916             's Crowley: Obama Team Wanted 'Horrific' WALL—STREET—HEADLINES By NOEL—SHEPPARD (Bio | Archive)
20080916             meldete sich Georg Funke bei den Bankaufsehern der BaFin: "Wir bekommen keine Liquidität mehr".
20080916             veröffentlichte MORGAN—STANLEY seinen Bericht zum 2. Quartal, —1—TAG—FRÜHER als ursprünglich geplant.
20080916—19730911    —NOW, on the 35. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CIA—BACKED military coup in CHILE, phone transcripts that Kissinger made of his talks with PRESIDENT—NIXON + THE—CIA—CHIEF among other top government officials reveal in the most CANDID—OF—LANGUAGE the imperial mindset of the Nixon administration as it began plotting to overthrow PRESIDENT—SALVADOR—ALLENDE, the world's 1. democratically elected Socialist.
20080916—19760000    —DECLARED, SADR was, by the Polisario Front, 1—REBEL—MOVEMENT that wants independence for WEST—SAHARA.
20080916—19910000    —ENDED, The guerilla war against RABAT—FORCES, with 1—CEASEFIRE.
20080916—20010000    —SINCE, AFGHANISTAN Is in Its Worst Shape, European Diplomat Says ;
20080916—20010000    —SINCE, 1—OF—THE—MOST experienced Western envoys in AFGHANISTAN said —SUNDAY that conditions there had become the worst.
20080916—20060000    —BIS, von den neunziger Jahren und 20070000              - So stieg der Anteil derjenigen, die mindestens 2—JAHRE unterhalb der Armutsgrenze lebten, um die Hälfte auf nun 12 %.
20080916—20080902    —SINCE, FRANCE—TROOPS stormed 1—YACHT hijacked by SOMALIA—PIRATES, killing 1, capturing 6—OTHERS and freeing their 2—FRANCE—HOSTAGES, who had been held.
20080916—20080917    —BY 3—SCHOLARS for 20010911              Truth Alliance to 8—HOUSE—MEMBERS in WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—AND the director and STAFF—OF—THE—HOUSE—SCIENCE and Technology committee.
20080916—20090000    —IN, murder charges were dropped against Finley and Crostley due to LACK—OF—EVIDENCE.
20080916—20090000    —SCHON, werde die Konjunkturflaute überwunden, sagte HWWI—DIREKTOR THOMAS—STRAUBHAAR in HAMBURG.
20080916—20150000    —BY, NORWAY—PRIME—MINISTER—JENS—STOLTENBERG said NORWAY will give BRAZIL USA$1—BILLION to preserve the Amazon rain forest, as long as Latin AMERICA—LARGEST nation keeps trying to stop deforestation.
20080926             [20020916             ] LAWRENCE LINDSEY, WHITE—HOUSE economic adviser:
20080930             The Congressional anthrax hearings of 20080916—20170916     revealed that public pressure is keeping the doors open in the anthrax case.
20090314—20090916    —ACQUITTED, Both were, at trial.
20090916             SENATOR—MAX—BAUCUS brought out THE—MUCH—AWAITED Senate Finance COMMITTEE—VERSION—OF—1—USA—HEALTH—SYSTEM remake, 1—LANDMARK $856—BILLION, 10-year measure that starts 1—ROUGH ride through Congress without visible Republican backing.
20090916             —RECEIVED, THE—6—COMMITTEE—MEMBERS, 1—AVERAGE $74,600 from health industry lobbyists through June.
20090916             Chuck Grassley, R-IOWA, led the group with $223,600.
20090916             Baucus, D-MONTANA, was 2. with $141,000.
20090916             PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW—MOGILYANSKY, 1—WEALTHY—RUSSIAN—USA—CAR exporter from suburban PHILADELPHIA, was sentenced to 8—YEARS in prison for procuring girls from 1—RUSSIA—ORPHANAGE to have sex with them.
20090916             Melvin Simon (19260000              *), CO—OWNER with brother Herb of THE—INDIANA Pacers basketball franchise and chairman EMERITUS—OF—SIMON—PROPERTY—GROUP—INCORPORATED, the nation's largest owner of retail real estate, †.
20090916             1—FEW months before his death he signed 1—CONTROVERSIAL will that excluded 1—SON and 2—SISTERS in favor of his 2. wife.
20090916             1—UN—BACKED group investigating fraud has ordered 1—MASSIVE audit and recount of about 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—VOTING stations.
20090916             † 1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER, from 1—BOMB—STRIKE in the south.
20090916             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL—JBS—FRIBOI company, that TEXAS—BASED chicken processor PILGRIM—PRIDE has agreed to be taken over for $800—MILLION.
20090916             This and 1—PENDING acquisition with Bertin, another BRAZIL—FIRM, would make JBS the world's largest PROCESSOR—OF—MEAT.
20090916             —WOUNDED, CHECHNYA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 6—POLICE—OFFICERS in Grozny.
20090916             The European PARLIAMENT gave Jose MANUEL—BARROSO another 5—YEAR—TERM as European Commission PRESIDENT, but its vote reflected lingering misgivings about the conservative EX—PORTUGAL—PREMIER.
20090916             HUNGARY said it will accept 1—DETAINEE from GUANTANAMO Bay, inching PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA closer to his pledge to close THE—USA—MILITARY—DETENTION—CENTER.
20090916             —CLOSED, IRAQ, THE—USA—MILITARY, Camp Bucca, 1 isolated desert prison that was once its largest lockup in IRAQ, as it moved to release THOUSANDS—OF—DETAINEES or transfer them to IRAQ—CUSTODY before THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20090916             USA—MARINES shot and wounded 1—IRAQ—MAN in the former flashpoint CITY—OF—FALLUJAH believing he was throwing 1—GRENADE at them.
20090916             Local police and witnesses said the object was only the man's slipper.
20090916             AL—JUMAILI, a 30-year-old auto mechanic, said he ran after throwing his slipper, but was slowed after 1—BULLET grazed his leg.
20090916             —REJECTED, ISRAEL, UN calls to open 1—INDEPENDENT—INQUIRY into its conduct in last winter's GAZA Strip war and said it would launch 1—DIPLOMATIC—OFFENSIVE to block ANY—ATTEMPT to bring its soldiers before 1—INTERNATIONAL—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
20090916             —CONCLUDED, The Goldstone Commission report had, that ISRAEL committed actions amounting to war crimes during its December incursion into GAZA.
20090916             —CONCLUDED, It also, that there was evidence that Palestinian armed groups had committed war crimes against humanity.
20090916             JAPAN opposition leader Yukio Hatoyama took OFFICE—AS—PRIME—MINISTER, naming 1—NEW—CABINET and vowing to rebuild the economy and refocus JAPAN—PLACE on the world stage with his largely untested party.
20090916             JAPAN—DEBT was almost 200—PERCENT—OF—GDP.
20090916             Shizuka Kamei, FOUNDER—OF—THE—PEOPLE—NEW—PARTY (PNP) (20050000             ), took office as the new MINISTER for financial and postal services.
20090916             KENYA—GOVERNMENT—TRUCKS took 1,500 slum residents to new homes as PART—OF—1—UN—BACKED plan to eliminate the shantytowns that house more than half the capital's population.
20090916             —APPROVED, LIBERIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—LAW to crack down on narco trafficking amid concerns that druglords want to turn THE—WEST—AFRICAN nation into 1—TRANSIT—POINT.
20090916             —CAPTURED, Jose Osiris was, in the port of VERACRUZ along with 10—OTHER—PEOPLE who may have been accomplices.
20090916             —REPORTED, Guerrero state police, they had found the decomposed bodies of 4—MEN by the side of 1—HIGHWAY.
20090916             Because of their poor condition, THE—CAUSE—OF—DEATH and IDENTITY—OF—THE—BODIES has not yet been established.
20090916             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—MILITANTS (MEND), they will extend 1—CEASE—FIRE that expired overnight by 1—MONTH, holding off on attacks on oil installations and kidnapping foreigners, but warned that the government must address the group's grievances.
20090916             —REACHED, RUSSIA—FINANCE—MINISTER—ALEXEI—KUDRIN said RUSSIA has, 1—SETTLEMENT with BANK—OF—NEW—YORK—MELLON over a $22.5—BILLION lawsuit against the bank stemming from a 1990s money laundering scheme by 1—OF—ITS—EXECUTIVES.
20090916             RUSSIA would receive no less than $14—MILLION for court costs under THE—LONG—ANTICIPATED, OUT—OF—COURT—DEAL.
20090916             —DISCOUNTED, The government would also get a $4—BILLION, loan from the bank, an "act of goodwill".
20090916             THE—2—YEAR—COURT—CASE stems from 1—DECADE—OLD—SCANDAL in which 1—BANK—OF—NY—VICE—PRESIDENT and her husband were convicted of illegally wiring $7.5—BILLION—OF—RUSSIA—MONEY into accounts at the bank.
20090916             SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD met with TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN in ISTANBUL to discuss ways to revive the stalled peace process between Syria and ISRAEL, 1—DAY after security talks with IRAQ collapsed.
20090916             VENEZUELA, the collision of 1—TRUCK carrying chlorine gas and 1—CARGO—VEHICLE killed 9—PEOPLE and provoking breathing problems in 326—OTHERS.
20090916             YEMEN—WARPLANES hit 1—MAKESHIFT—CAMP for civilians fleeing fighting between the government and Shiite rebels.
20090916             —KILLED, Nearly 87—CIVILIANS were, as government warplanes hit 1—CAMP—OF—PEOPLE fleeing fighting in THE—NORTH—REGION—OF—SAADA.
20090916             Der PRÜGELPOLIZEI—FALL entwickelt sich gerade, wie es leider zu erwarten war.
20090916             Zum Abschluß möchte ich nochmal einen Satz
20090916             aus dem Feuilleton der Frankfurter Rundschau zitieren: Das ZDF etwa hatte am Abend vor dem Schanzenfest in HAMBURG seine Zuschauer schon mal darauf eingestimmt, dass es dort garantiert Randale geben werde.
20090916             Wenn sie im IRAN Demonstrationen mit Handys filmen, erfahren die Filmchen im TV eine wesentlich größere Würdigung als bei Kundgebungen im eigenen Lande.
20090916             So sieht das aus!
20090916             FRANKREICH, kann man gut sehen, wie vertrauenswürdig AUSSAGEN—VON—POLITIKERN sind, niemand habe vor, Internetzensurinfrastruktur zum Zensieren des Internets zu benutzen.
20090916             WELTBANK—BERICHT: Arme Länder haben Wirtschaftstief noch vor sich
20090916             "Meines Erachtens ist das das größte Strafverfahren, das gegen Ärzte je stattgefunden hat", sagt Rabe SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090916             Klinikskandal: Chefarzt soll aus Gier den TOD—VON—PATIENTEN in Kauf genommen haben
20090916             As if PRESIDENT—COSTA—GOMES did not have enough trouble in LISBON, GENERAL—ATLINO—MAGALHÀES, military GOVERNOR—OF—THE—PORTUGUESE—AZORES, last week warned that the islands would not accept 1—GOVERNMENT that was UNREPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—PORTUGAL—PEOPLE.
20090916             —INTERPRETED, The statement was, as 1 veiled threat that Magalhàes and the island's other military commanders may join forces with the secessionist Azorian Liberation Front (FLA) if near anarchy continues to dominate PORTUGAL—POLITICS.
20090916             THE—RIGHT—WING FLA, which advocates independence for the Azores, has proved nettlesome in the past;
20090916             late last month it fomented riots against PORTUGAL—TROOPS, closed down the radio station, and demanded 1—REFERENDUM on THE—QUESTION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20090916             Although THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—CLAIMS "strict noninvolvement" with the Azorian separatists, TIME has learned that MIDDLE—LEVEL—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS have received FLA representatives in WASHINGTON, and THE—CIA has developed extensive contacts with the separatists.
20090916             The purpose, says TIME—SOURCE, was "to keep LINES—OF—COMMUNICATION—OPEN and occasionally to provide SOME—GUIDANCE and share information about developments on the mainland".
20090916             —WANTED, THE—CIA also, to be in 1—POSITION to help push for secession if LISBON went Communist.
20090916             —MONDAY, 19751201              PORTUGAL: Anarchy, Yes, But Not So Much'
20090916             sagt Guenther.
20090916             "Jetzt wissen wir, dass unsere Theorie über Planeten richtig ist".
20090916             —UNTERDESSEN, Der Bund deutscher Kriminalbeamter (BDK) kritisierte, eine schlechte Ausstattung der KINDERPORNOGRAFIE—ERMITTLER bei der Polizei.
20090916             "In der Mehrzahl der Bundesländer ist die Kriminalpolizei zur Einsatzreserve für schutzpolizeiliche Großlagen mutiert", erklärte der BDK—VORSITZENDE Klaus Jansen am —MITTWOCH.
20090916             Hintergrund sind Erkenntnisse aus SACHSEN—ANHALT, wo zahlreiche Verfahren gegen Besitzer von Kinderpornografie wegen Personalmangels nicht bearbeitet werden können.
20090916             und aus allen Internetportalen zu entfernen
20090916             wissenschaft/technik/0,1518,druck-649397,00.html
20090916             "Akzeptanzverweigerung"
20090916             Auch der FRÜHERE—UMWELTMINISTER—JÜRGEN—TRITTIN meldete sich.
20090916             "Das Papier widerspricht der Behauptung, für die CDU sei die Atomenergie nur eine Übergangstechnik", sagte der GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090916             Damit habe Schavan die KANZLERIN "schlicht der Unwahrheit überführt".
20090916             Die CDU wolle die Laufzeiten der Atomkraftwerke verlängern, um am Schluss wieder richtig einzusteigen.
20090916             Die Wahrheit ist das natürlich nicht, jedenfalls nicht die ganze.
20090916             "Uralttechnik, die gibt es sonst nur noch in Albanien", murmelt Ralf*, Polizeikommissar, Haudegen, "frustrierter Bulle", wie er über sich sagt.
20090916             konservativen
20090916             Journalisten des konservativen Verlages
20090916             Obwohl 5—MINUTEN vor der 1. Detonation eine telefonische Warnung einging, wurden 17—MITARBEITER verletzt, 3—DAVON schwer.
20090916             Die Aktion, für die Ulrike Meinhof verantwortlich war, wurde deshalb von deren Kampfgenossin und Rivalin Gudrun Ensslin öffentlich kritisiert.
20090916             Die Feindschaft zwischen der RAF und dem SPRINGER—VERLAG und besonders der "Bild"-Zeitung hat eine lange Geschichte.
20090916             Dem SPRINGER—VERLAG wurde der Abdruck der Fotos untersagt.
20090916             Der Anspruch Klars auf Resozialisierung sei wichtiger als die Pressefreiheit, entschied das Gericht.
20090916             Direkte Messung: Erstmals Exoplanet aus Fels nachgewiesen
20090916             S—BAHN—OPFER: DOMINIK—B wird postum mit Verdienstorden ausgezeichnet
20090916             —GEWINNT, AFGHANISTAN: Karzai, Wahl der Tricks und Täuschungen
20090916             Peinlicher Lapsus: FRANCE—TÉLÉCOM—CHEF entschuldigt sich für "Suizidmode"
20090916             Unterbesetzte Polizei im Einsatz: "Manchmal ist es die Hölle"
20090916             Bilderstreit mit EX—RAF—TERRORIST: CHRISTIAN—KLAR siegt gegen SPRINGER—VERLAG
20090916             "1—OF—THE—EFFECTS—OF asset growth is a 22.26—PERCENT increase in net interest income.
20090916             The decline in expenses is attributable to the continuous improvement in THE—USE—OF—SYSTEMS for straight through processing coupled with strategic alliances designed to provide THE—BANK—CLIENTS with premier services offered by worldwide leaders.
20090916             Royal Gazette at
20090916             BERMUDA Commercial BANK—SAYS—OVERDUE E-Banking Platform Available Soon
20090916             BERMUDA Commercial BANK—PROFIT—JUMPS—BY 33 % The bank, which is listed on THE—BERMUDA Stock Exchange and solely has corporate...
20090916             Bank took over management responsibility with JOHN—DEUSS at the helm.
20090916             Fangemeinde bewegt sich zwischen hirnverbrannt und durchaus kreativ.
20090916             1—MEM ist Dawkins zufolge 1—GEDANKE, 1—KONZEPT, 1—THEORIE, die sich von Kopf zu Kopf fortpflanzt.
20090916             "Seit Anbeginn der Zeit" sei es AUFGABE—DER—GEWINNER, die Verlierer auf ihre Unfähigkeit hinzuweisen, ist dort zu lesen.
20090916             "So kam es zur Schöpfung des 'You fail IT'—MEMS".
20090916             UNO—KRITIK: ISRAEL startet Kampagne gegen GAZA—BERICHT
20090916             Urteil: Arbeitszimmer könnte bald steuerlich absetzbar sein
20090916             Die 13—METER lange, stacheltragende Echse lebte vor 170—MILLIONEN Jahren und gilt als Vorfahre des riesigen Brachiosaurus.
20090916             Verteidigen konnte sich der Spinophorosaurus gut:
20090916             So HAT—EINE staatliche chinesische Denkfabrik 1—KONZEPT vorgelegt, das ab dem Jahr 20300000              einen sinkenden CO2-Aussoß des Landes vorsieht.
20090916             Der amerikanische Energieminister STEVEN—CHU hat nun in WIEN erreichbare und durchsetzbare Zielmarken bei der Begrenzung des Treibhausgases Kohlendioxid (CO2) gefordert.
20090916             "Das Direktorium", wie es in Brüssel schon bei etlichen heißt, ziehe seit längerem die Gestaltungsmacht an sich.
20090916             Bei Bedarf holen sie das Okay aus Rom, MADRID und Warschau EIN—UND schon läuft die Sache.
20090916             Meistens jedenfalls.
20090916             Und das Parlament, das noch dem netten Irrglauben erliegt, gerade einem ZUWACHS—DER—EIGENEN—MACHT beizuwohnen, merkt nicht, dass es genauso untergebuttert wird wie Barroso und die Kommission.
20090916             "Weder programmatisch noch politisch" sei der Portugiese überzeugend, hatte etwa MARTIN—SCHULZ, CHEF—DER—SOZIALDEMOKRATISCHEN—FRAKTION im EU—PARLAMENT, beharrlich gegen Barroso gewettert.
20090916             —GEEIGNET, Er sei einfach "nicht, nicht wählbar".
20090916             Einen Mangel an "Mut und Visionen" stellte der langjährige Vormann der Liberalen, GRAHAM—WATSON, fest.
20090916             "1—CHAMÄLEON", befand GRÜNEN—WORTFÜHRER DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT, "Barroso passt sich jedem an".
20090916             das Europaparlament hat dem Portugiesen eine 2. Amtszeit gewährt.
20090916             —BEKOMMT, Doch nun, die Brüsseler Behörde einen schwachen CHEF.
20090916             Barroso ist zur tragikomischen Figur geschrumpft.
20090916             Wenige schätzen, VIELE—KRITISIEREN—IHN—UND selbst Verbündete spotten.
20090916             TREIBHAUSGAS—REDUKTION: USA bremsen Kopenhagener Klimaziele aus
20090916             NIGER: Forscher entdecken SAUROPODEN—URAHN
20090916             Bestatter in der Kritik: Gewinne so sicher wie der Tod
20090916             —GEWONNEN, Barrosos Wiederwahl: Senhor Mutlos hat
20090916             —GEFÄHRDET, Die Köngislachse sind durch Überfischung, und daher indirekt auch die Orcas, die letztlich an den Folgen der Nahrungsknappheit sterben können.
20090916             Möglicherweise werde der Effekt noch durch das Umweltgift PCB verstärkt, das sich im KÖRPER—DER—TIERE anreichert, schreiben die Forscher.
20090916             Die Verhaltensweisen der Killerwale werden innerhalb der stabilen matriarchalischen Gruppen, in denen sie zusammenleben, weitergegeben.
20090916             Die Bindung innerhalb einer Gruppe sei sehr eng und genauso wie gruppeninterne Singmuster sei auch das Jagdverhalten 1—MECHANISMUS, der 1—GRUPPE zusammenhalte, erklären die Forscher.
20090916             - etwa die von der Polizeistation in TEXAS, die künftig für über 100.000—DOLLAR im Jahr von einem privaten Sicherheitsdienst bewacht wird.
20090916             Manchmal ist die Meldung selbst der Witz, manchmal die ÜBERSCHRIFT—UND manchmal wird auch eine besonders gelungene Anzeige eingestreut.
20090916             Die Cola kostet 50—CENT, aber kaum jemand zahlt.
20090916             1—DER—COLADIEBE hat einen passenden Pappaufsteller dazugestellt mit diesem Satz aus dem JOHANNES—EVANGELIUM:
20090916             "An dem letzten, dem großen TAG—DES—FESTES aber stand Jesus und rief und sprach: Wenn jemand dürstet, so komme er zu mir und trinke".
20090916             Unternehmen namens Pet Holdings, das heute auf dem besten Weg zu einer Monopolstellung ist, was den schnellen, schmutzigen, nutzergenerierten Witz im Web angeht.
20090916             kann man auch über ziemlich schreckliche Dinge herzlich lachen.
20090916             wenn das Opfer eines Missgeschicks nur ausreichend weit von einem selbst entfernt ist,
20090916             Viele wirklich komische Dinge waren eigentlich nicht als Witz gemeint.
20090916             Missglückte Tattoos, geplatzte Hosen, versenkte AUTOS—WENN das Opfer eines Missgeschicks nur ausreichend weit von einem selbst entfernt ist, kann man auch über ziemlich schreckliche Dinge herzlich lachen.
20090916             Aktienmarkt: Dax erreicht Jahreshoch
20090916             Arbeitsmarkt: OECD sagt dramatischen Jobabbau voraus
20090916             Wiederwahl des Kommissionspräsidenten: EU—ABGEORDNETE geben Barroso 2. Chance
20090916             OFFSHORE—ENERGIE: Regierung beschließt Ausbau von HOCHSEE—WINDPARKS
20090916             KREFELD: Betrunkener stirbt nach Wiederbelebung in Polizeizelle
20090916             Fiktive Stimmen für Karzai: EU beklagt massive Wahlfälschung in AFGHANISTAN
20090916             Neue Konferenzpläne: G-20-Länder wollen 4. Gipfel in Südkorea
20090916             Wirtschaftskriminalität: Vom Mitarbeiter zum Spion
20090916             Von wegen Kreditklemme:: Mittelstand kommt günstiger an Geld als vor der Krise
20090916             —VERSCHLEPPT, Suchaktion: Jessica Simpsons Schoßhündchen von Kojote
20090916             JAPAN: Parlament wählt Yukio Hatoyama zum neuen Ministerpräsidenten
20090916             AKW—NEUBAU: Schavan soll brisante Atomstudie blockieren
20090916             Vor G-20-Gipfel: EU—SUPERMÄCHTE fordern globale Regeln gegen BONI—RITTER
20090916             politik/deutschland/0,1518,druck-649283,00.html
20090916             "Natürlich ist uns der Videobeweis wichtig", sagte NRW—CDU—GENERALSEKRETÄR Hendrik Wüst den WAZ—TITELN.
20090916             "Deshalb machen wir das seit Jahren".
20090916             die gerade einmal 0,6 % Millionärshaushalte vereinen sogar mehr als 35—PROZENT—DES—WELTWEITEN—VERMÖGENS auf sich.
20090916             nur 15 % aller Haushalte weltweit sind reich, ihnen gehören aber satte 85—PROZENT—DES—GLOBALEN—WOHLSTANDS.
20090916             - die deutschen Millionäre sind damit Gewinner der Finanzkrise.
20090916             Im Mutterland des Kapitalismus hat die Finanzrevolution des vergangenen Jahres besonders VIELE—OPFER gefordert
20090916             Die USA vereinen auch jetzt, wo das Schlimmste der Finanzkrise überwunden scheint, noch immer fast 1—DRITTEL des weltweiten Vermögens auf sich.
20090916             vom Millionär zum Tellerwäscher
20090916             Der Wohlstand in Nordamerika dagegen hat rasant abgenommen.
20090916             Betreiber von seriösen Websites sollten sich hinter die Ohren schreiben, dass WERBE—MANAGEMENT zum REPUTATIONS—MANAGEMENT einer Website dazugehört.
20090916             rufschädigende, seltsame, unseriöse Werbung auf seriösen Webangeboten ist nichts Neues, diskutierte 1—EXPERTEN—PANEL auf der gerade laufenden "TechCrunch 50"-Konferenz in S—FRANCISCO.
20090916             Ob das jetzt eine besonders gute oder besonders schlechte Idee ist, diskutieren die Nerds bei Slashdot.
20090916             Die einen befürchten, dass solch 1—VERHALTENSKODEX "weichen" Internetsperren Tür und Tor öffnen könnten, andere sehen darin die einzige Chance, der Surfermasse einzutrichtern, dass ein geschützter, gewarteter Computer einfach zur Teilnahme im INTERNET dazugehört.
20090916             Sollte 1—INTERNETPROVIDER bemerken, dass 1—KUNDE—WAHRSCHEINLICH UNWISSENTLICH—EINEN BOTNET—RECHNER betreibt, solle man Kontakt mit ihm aufnehmen und ihn auf das Problem und Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufmerksam machen.
20090916             Gebt uns all eure Daten, nur wir geben sie auch freiwillig wieder her.
20090916             der
20090916             denn Hochschulen sind aus der Sicht der Medien einfach nicht sexy: Noch immer füttern diese ihr Publikum lieber mit 10—MELDUNGEN über Attentate als einem Bericht über afghanische Geographen, die mit deutscher Hilfe den 1. Nationalatlas erstellen.
20090916             So standen im deutschen Stabilitätspakt AFGHANISTAN von den für
20090916             wirtschaft/soziales/0,1518,druck-648359,00.html
20090916             Das deutsche Sozialversicherungssystem wird in der Summe mächtig ins Wanken geraten, sind sich ALLE—EXPERTEN einig.
20090916             Und auch die Rentner müssen mit Einbußen rechnen:
20090916             Neben der Arbeitslosenversicherung bahnt sich auch in der Krankenversicherung ein dramatisches Szenario an.
20090916             Ursache ist, dass die Arbeitslosigkeit ein sogenannter nachlaufender Indikator ist.
20090916             Dabei arbeitet die Zeit gegen die Politik -
20090916             Umfrage: Elite zweifelt an Wirtschaftswissen der Deutschen
20090916             Filmfestival in Deauville: Selbstmord, der allerletzte Schrei
20090916             Elektroantriebe: Autokonzerne feiern die STARKSTROM—UTOPIE
20090916             Verbraucherschutz: 1. BANK—VERKAUFT—FINANZPRODUKTE mit Beipackzettel
20090916             Westjordanland: ISRAEL und USA uneins über Siedlungsstopp
20090916             Selbstmordserie: Frankreich will FRANCE Télécom kontrollieren
20090916             MAORI—LEGENDE bestätigt: Riesenadler hätte Menschen angreifen können
20090916             Umsatzeinbruch: Bosch will bis zu 10.000—STELLEN streichen
20090916             Arbeitsmarkt: JOB—EINBRUCH reißt riesige Löcher in die Sozialkassen
20090916             "Unabhängig davon, welche PHOTOVOLTAIK—TECHNOLOGIE sich durchsetzt, rechnen wir damit, dass Rohstoffengpässe den massenhaften Ausbau der Solarenergie begrenzen werden", sagte Erdmann.
20090916             —INZWISCHEN, Die drohende Knappheit sorgt, sogar dafür, dass stillgelegte Minen wieder aktiviert werden.
20090916             Der Betreiber der riesigen MOUNTAIN—PASS—GRUBE in der kalifornischen MOJAVE—WÜSTE kündigte jetzt nach langer Pause an, den Betrieb wieder aufzunehmen.
20090916             Hier liegt unter anderem
20090916             NEODYMIUM—OXYD, das für den Bau von Hybridmotoren und Windturbinen benötigt wird.
20090916             —GESCHLOSSEN, Die Mine war 19990000             , worden, weil die Rohstoffpreise zu sehr gesunken waren und sie die Umwelt zu stark belastete.
20090916             —UNCOVERED, BBC Newsnight has, evidence revealing that OIL—TRADING company Trafigura knew that waste dumped in IVORY—COAST 20060000              was...
20090916             Global Custodian Blog... mainly in TERMS—OF—ACCREDITATION, and for SWIFT, is there 1—CASE—OF—QUIS custodiet ipsos custodes?
20090916             blog.global custodian_com/?q=node/83
20090916             —RELEASED, AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—COMMISSION, preliminary vote totals showing PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI with 54.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE in the 1. full results to be released since the country's 20090820              —ELECTION.
20090916             It was in
20090916—19690000    —IN, [...] BERMUDA Commercial Bank was set up and
20090916—19720500    —IM, [...] So legte ein "Kommando 20090602             "der RAF 5—SELBSTGEBAUTE Bomben in der Hamburger Firmenzentrale, von denen 2—ZÜNDETEN.
20090916—19930000    —IN, 1. Curacao INTERNATIONAL Bank took over management responsibility with JOHN—DEUSS at the helm.
20090916—20090601    —IN—THE, MEXICO—NAVY—PERSONNEL arrested of 1—SUSPECT kidnapping of FRANCISCO—SERRANO, the customs administrator for the Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ, who remains missing.
20090916—20090906    —ORDERED, BULGARIA, Sport MINISTER—SVILEN—NEIKOV, 1—PROBE after the numbers 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 and 42 were selected by 1—MACHINE, in 1—DIFFERENT—ORDER, on consecutive draws televised live and 20090910          .
20090916—20090910    —IN—THE, No 1—WON 20090906             —THE draw, but 18—PEOPLE guessed correctly contest and each received 10,164 leva ($7,585, euro5,150) in prize money.
20090916—20200000    —BIS, 1—REDUZIERUNG—DES CO2-Ausstoßes um 30—ODER gar 40 % sei für die USA wahrscheinlich zu ambitioniert, sagte Chu am —DIENSTAG und warnte, der USA—SENAT würde eine solche Zielmarke ablehnen.
20090916—20200000    —BIS, Entwicklungsländer fordern von den Industrienationen, ihre Emissionen um 25—BIS 40 % unterhalb des Niveaus von 19900000              zu senken, um die schlimmsten Folgen des Klimawandels abzuwenden.
20090916—20200000    —BIS, Bislang haben sich die USA jedoch lediglich darauf festgelegt, ihre Emissionen auf das Niveau von 19900000              zu begrenzen.
20091231—20070916    —DISMISSED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—RICARDO—URBINA, the case against the Blackwater guards ACCUSED—OF—THE—SHOOTING in 1 crowded BAGHDAD intersection.
20100912—20100916    —ON, REPRESENTATIVE—LANI—MERCADO said she met with the mother, who told her that she had been raped by her employer while working as 1—MAID in QATAR and became pregnant.
20100916             —ANNOUNCED, USA federal prosecutors in NEWARK, NJ, charges against 53—PEOPLE stemming from 1—IDENTITY—THEFT ring and fraud investigation.
20100916             —TARGETED, The group, ASIA—IMMIGRANTS in NEW—JERSEY, CONNECTICUT, NEW—YORK and CALIFORNIA and used Social Security numbers from legal immigrants working in USA—TERRITORIES.
20100916             MARYLAND, PAUL—WARREN—PARDUS, 50—JAHRE—ALT, distraught by his mother's health condition, shot and wounded her surgeon, DOCTOR—DAVID—COHEN, and then killed his mother and himself at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
20100916             —ANNOUNCED, AFGHANISTAN—ELECTION—OFFICIALS, they will close about 300—ADDITIONAL voting centers BECAUSE—OF—SECURITY—CONCERNS, dropping the number of polling stations to 5,516.
20100916             —MOVED, About 100—ROCK—THROWING protesters, toward 1—NATO—MILITARY—BASE in Chora DISTRICT—OF—URUZGAN in SOUTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN.
20100916             † ProvincialGOVERNOR, Khudi Rahim, said 1—PERSON was killed.
20100916             1—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBER was killed in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in the south.
20100916             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—ARGENTINES, to the presidential palace to protest THE—QUALITY—OF—PUBLIC—EDUCATION, joining 1—STUDENT—REBELLION that accuses politicians of neglecting schools and universities that were once the envy of Latin AMERICA.
20100916             AUSTRALIA—SCIENTISTS said they had made 1—BREAKTHROUGH in the fight to save THE—CANCER—HIT Tasmanian devil by mapping the species' genome for the 1. time.
20100916             BRITAIN, Imran Farooq (50), 1—FOUNDING MEMBER—OF—PAKISTAN—MUTTAHIDA—QAUMI—MOVEMENT (MQM), 1—MAJOR—POLITICAL—FORCE in KARACHI, was found with head injuries and stab wounds outside his home in NORTH—LONDON.
20100916             —FAILED, He acknowledged that the Catholic Church had, to act decisively or quickly enough to deal with priests who rape and molest children.
20100916             He said the church's top priority now was to help the victims heal.
20100916             CAMBODIA—UN—BACKED court said 4—TOP—KHMER Rouge leaders will stand trial for crimes including genocide during the "Killing Fields" era.
20100916             —WARNED, CHINA, that the worst OFFENDERS—OF—FOOD—SAFETY—RULES would get the death penalty in 1—NEW—CRACKDOWN on 1—INDUSTRY that has spawned embarrassing and deadly scandals in products ranging from seafood to baby formula.
20100916             —ANNOUNCED, GERMANY—JESUITS, 1—PLAN to pay THE—VICTIMS—OF—SEXUAL—ABUSE in the order's schools a "symbolic compensation" of at least euro5,000 ($6,500) each, saying the gesture is meant to be "financially painful" to THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—ORGANIZATION.
20100916             GERMANY—TOP—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said 2—FORMER—INMATES—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—PRISON at GUANTANAMO Bay have arrived in the country to begin new lives there.
20100916             THE—HEAD—OF—COMMUNICATION for GUINEA—NATIONAL—INDEPENDENT—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION says 20100919             —THE presidential runoff will be postponed by at least 2—WEEKS.
20100916             † In HONDURAS 1—STREET—VENDOR from inhaling tear gas fired by police against HUNDREDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF ousted PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA.
20100916             —DEFIED, In THE—INDIA—PORTION—OF—KASHMIR protesters, 1—ROUND—THE—CLOCK curfew and attacked government forces with rocks, wounding 6—OF—THEM.
20100916             —ABDUCTED, IRAN, assailants, 6—PEOPLE, 5—SOLDIERS and 1—BANK clerk, in THE—SOUTHEAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20100916             The Sunni militant group Jundallah, or SOLDIERS—OF—GOD, claimed responsibility and said those abducted were Revolutionary Guard forces.
20100916             † A 6. hostage, in the operation.
20100916             —CONVICTED—OF, AMIR—BILCHI—KANGARLU, 1—MAN, raping several young girls, was hanged in THE—TOWN—OF—VARAMIN, SOUTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—TEHRAN.
20100916             —APPROVED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT said its Cabinet has unanimously, a $400—MILLION—SETTLEMENT for Americans who say they were abused by Saddam HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20100916             —ORDERED, ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT, THE—JERUSALEM city government to provide more than $120,000 in funding for 1—PROMINENT—GAY—COMMUNITY—CENTER.
20100916             —REPORTED, It was, that ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICES, that provide 1—WIDE—ARRAY—OF—PUBLIC—SERVICES, are pulling the plug on online payments on the Jewish Sabbath and holidays, creating 1—POTENTIAL—NEW—SOURCE—OF—FRICTION between the religious and secular in the Jewish state.
20100916             —APPROVED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT said it has officially, plans to buy AMERICAN—MADE F—35—STEALTH fighter jets.
20100916             —ATTACKED, MEXICO, gunmen, 2—NEWSPAPER photographers in the drug WAR—TORN border CITY—OF—CIUDAD Juarez, killing LUIS—CARLOS—SANTIAGO, 21—JAHRE—ALT and seriously wounding CARLOS—SANCHEZ of the Diario de Juarez.
20100916             —ARMED, NIGER, AQIM assailants kidnapped 7—PEOPLE, including 5—FRANCE—NUCLEAR—EXPERTS, 1—PERSON from TOGO and 1—PERSON from MADAGASCAR, near the uranium mining TOWN—OF—ARLIT, in THE—NORTH—SAHARA desert region.
20100916             3—OF—THE—HOSTAGES were released in February, 20110000             .
20100916             Some 20 to 25—MILLION—EUROS was paid to obtain their release.
20100916             NORTH—KOREA said it proposed 1—JOINT—PROBE with THE—USA of the deadly 20100326              sinking of 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—WARSHIP.
20100916             POLAND, Akhmed Zakayev (51), 1—SENIOR—CHECHEN separatist wanted in RUSSIA for alleged murder, kidnapping and terrorism, was arrested in WARSAW where he was to attend 1—CONFERENCE organized by the World Chechen Congress.
20100916             —APPREHENDED, Zakayev, who lives in BRITAIN, was, "without ANY—TROUBLE" on 1—INTERNATIONAL—WARRANT issued by RUSSIA.
20100916             —RELEASED, Zakayev was, the next day.
20100916             —FIRED, SOMALIA, mortar rounds, by suspected Islamist insurgents hit the government complex in MOGADISHU killing 3—SOLDIERS triggering 1—COUNTERATTACK that killed 12—MORE—PEOPLE.
20100916             —KILLED, SUDAN, 37—PEOPLE were, and 26 injured when 2—BUSES collided in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—WHITE—NILE.
20100916             TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said his country was seeking closer commercial ties with IRAN and aims to triple trade volumes in the next 5—YEARS while still respecting the limits set by UN sanctions.
20100916             —KILLED, TURKEY, 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack, 10—PEOPLE traveling on 1—MINIBUS near the village of Gecitli in the rugged Hakkari province, where Kurdish guerrillas have been fighting for autonomy for decades.
20100916             —ON, Blackmore wrote in THE—GUARDIAN that she no longer refers to religion simply as a "VIRUS—OF—THE—MIND", "unless we twist the concept of a 'virus' to include something helpful and adaptive to its host as well as something harmful, it simply does not apply".
20100916—20100918    —REPORTED, THE—STATE—NEWS—IRNA, that Revolutionary Guard forces rescued 5—OF—THE—HOSTAGES and killed 3—GUNMEN.
20100916—20101209    —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, a 34-year-old man on suspicion of murdering Farooq.
20100916—20120000    —IN, Former deputy premier BORIS—NEMTSOV said the coalition aims to compete in next year's parliamentary elections and field 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE.
20100916—20140827    —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, another man (30) in connection with 20100000             —THE murder.
20100916—20150000    —PLANNED, ISRAEL, on buying 20—OF—THE—WARPLANES for nearly $3—BILLION and will begin receiving the jets.
20110914—20110916    —SENTENCED, Nsubuga was, to 25—YEARS in prison.
20110915—20110916    —ON, arrested, were simply migrants, admitting 1—BLUNDER by troops who killed their driver.
20110916             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, into law 1—MAJOR—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—NATION—PATENT system to ease the way for inventors to bring their products to market.
20110916             —MOVED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—MARINE—FISHERIES Service, the loggerhead turtle population of in THE—NORTH—PACIFIC from threatened to endangered.
20110916             MONTANA, TY—BELL and STEVE—STEVENSON were on 1—BLACK—BEAR hunting trip with 2—OTHER—PEOPLE along THE—MONTANA—IDAHO border when they were attacked by 1—GRIZZLY bear they had wounded.
20110916             —TRIED, Stevenson † of 1—SINGLE gunshot to the chest as Bell, to kill the bear.
20110916             RENO—NEVADA, 1—WWII—ERA P—51—MUSTANG fighter plane competing in 1—EVENT described as 1—CAR—RACE in the sky suddenly pitched upward, rolled and did 1—NOSE—DIVE toward 1 crowded grandstand.
20110916             9—PEOPLE were killed and more than 60 injured.
20110916             † PILOTJIMMY—LEEWARD, 74—JAHRE—ALT was among those killed.
20110916             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 9—CIVILIANS, including 5—CHILDREN, as they were herding cattle.
20110916             † BAHRAIN security forces clashed with mourners at the funeral of Sayyed Jawad Ahmed, who —2—DAYS—EARLIER after inhaling tear gas fired at protesters.
20110916             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—POLICE say an IRELAND—MAN, 20—JAHRE—ALT has been, with nearly 2—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE in his gut.
20110916             —IDENTIFIED, Police, the suspect only by his initials, P.B.K. Investigators said that he tried to BOARD—1—FLIGHT in SAO—PAULO, headed to BRUSSELS.
20110916             —SUSPECTED, BURUNDI opposition leader Agathon Rwasa, to be behind 1—SPATE of violent incidents, accused state security forces of massacring and torturing his supporters.
20110916             THE—EU said helicopters are being used to ferry staff and supplies to border crossings in the north after minority Serbs blocked main roads in anger over KOSOVO—EFFORTS to take over customs posts.
20110916             —REMAINED, Both northern crossings, closed for commercial goods, but KOSOVO—TRADE—MINISTER—MIMOZA—KUSARI said SERBIA—GOODS started entering KOSOVO—EASTERN—BORDER with Serbia minutes after THE—EU mission took over control.
20110916             —WELCOMED, INDIA, the previous day's decision by THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT to designate the homegrown militant group INDIA—MUJAHIDEEN 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20110916             —RAISED, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, its repo interest rate 1—QUARTER—POINT (to 8.25%) for the 12. time in 18—MONTHS on to combat near DOUBLE—DIGIT inflation, despite signs of slowing economic growth.
20110916             —CALLED, INDONESIA, JAKARTA city GOVERNOR—FAUZI—BOWO, on women not to wear miniskirts when riding on public transport in the capital after a 27-year-old woman was attacked in 1—PUBLIC minivan early this month.
20110916             —APOLOGIZED, The next day GOVERNOR—BOWO, for his remarks as some 50—WOMEN donned miniskirts to protest his remarks.
20110916             —RALLIED, IRAQ, THOUSANDS—OF—AL—SADR followers, for more jobs and government aid in demonstrations that showed his support among Shiites.
20110916             —DEMANDED, AL—SADR has repeatedly, full WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR, as required under a 20080000              security agreement between BAGHDAD and WASHINGTON.
20110916             41—EXPERTS, former lawmakers and top officials in THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH called on Obama to keep far more than 4,000 troops in IRAQ, 1—FIGURE THE—WHITE—HOUSE is reportedly considering.
20110916             —WOUNDED, 1—ISRAELI and 1—PALESTINIAN were, in 1—CONFRONTATION in THE—WEST—BANK amid rising tensions ahead of 1—PALESTINE—BID for statehood at THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20110916             —BROADENED, THE—JAMMU—KASHMIR STATE—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COMMISSION, its investigation into unmarked graves in THE—INDIA—PORTION—OF—KASHMIR to include thousands more in 2—ADDITIONAL—DISTRICTS.
20110916             —UNMARKED, Residents had claims of 3,844, graves at 208—LOCATIONS in the remote districts of Rajouri and Poonch.
20110916             1—RUSSIA—SOYUZ capsule carrying 3—ASTRONAUTS, 1—AMERICAN and 2—RUSSIANS, landed in KAZAKHSTAN following 1—STAY at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20110916             —FACED, LIBYA—REVOLUTIONARY—FORCES, fierce resistance as they streamed into Bani Walid and Sirte, among the last remaining BASTIONS—OF—SUPPORT for Moammar Gadhafi.
20110916             The battles coincide with 1—VISIT to TRIPOLI by TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN.
20110916             —VOTED, THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY also, to give LIBYA—SEAT in the world body to the National Transitional Council.
20110916             —REPORTED, MYANMAR—NEW—GOVERNMENT was, to have stopped blocking SOME—FOREIGN—WEBSITES this week, such as THE—BBC and YouTube, in 1—GESTURE toward openness tempered by remaining harsh laws that still keep readers of such sites at RISK—OF—ARREST.
20110916             —BURIED, Authorities in PANAMA said they have found 5—BODIES, under the floor of 1—HOUSE and believe the remains are of young PEOPLE—OF—CHINA—ORIGIN who were kidnapped for ransom in the past 2—YEARS.
20110916             —WARNED, THE—UNHCR, that more than 8,000—PEOPLE have fled violence in SUDAN—SOUTH—KORDOFAN STATE—TO—SOUTH—SUDAN and more are expected to arrive.
20110916             —KILLED, SYRIA—TROOPS reportedly, at least 17—PEOPLE in raids on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, but failed to stop thousands from pouring into streets nationwide and taking their uprising against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—AUTOCRATIC—RULE into a 7. month.
20110916             —CONCEALED, SOUTH—THAILAND, bombs, in 1—CAR and 2—MOTORCYCLES killed at least 3—PEOPLE and wounded at least 30 in the border TOWN—OF—SUNGAI Kolok.
20110916             —GUNNED, TURKEY, 3—CHECHENS were, down near 1—PARK in ISTANBUL.
20110916             —BLAMED, Chechen groups, RUSSIA—SECRET—SERVICE for the killings of the 3, who were allegedly involved with Chechen militants.
20110916             YEMEN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS took to the streets demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—SALEH, 1—DAY after THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it hoped 1—POWER—TRANSFER—DEAL could be signed within 1—WEEK.
20110916             Officials in SAUDI—ARABIA and YEMEN said that PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH will not return to SANAA and will, instead, remain in RIYADH.
20110916—19520000    —SINCE, THE—AMERICAN—INVENTS Act was the 1. significant change in patent law.
20110916—20110919    —ON, A 10. victim †.
20120711—20130916    —SENTENCED, Shepherd (52) was, to life in prison.
20120913—20120916    —FREED, Ieng Thirith was.
20120916             † It was reported that a 19. person has at the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH—CLINICAL—CENTER in Bethesda, Md., from 1—ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC).
20120916             —STEMMED, The outbreak, from 1—SINGLE—PATIENT carrying the superbug into the hospital last summer.
20120916             —MURDERED, S—FRANCISCO—JESUS—SOLIS, (20) was, on 12000000             —THE block of Treat Ave. in the Mission District.
20120916             —CHARGED, Suspects ADRIAN—LANDERS and DYLAN—LEMALIE were later, with the murder.
20120916             —ENDED, Their trial, in 1—HUNG jury.
20120916             —PLEADED, Lemalie ultimately, guilty to voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced to prison.
20120916             —REPORTED, It was, that a $300,000 project by the Nature Conservancy has created 1—ARTIFICIAL bat cave deep in THE—TENNESSEE woods.
20120916             —HOPED, Conservationists, to help save bats dying from 1—FUNGUS that causes WHITE—NOSE syndrome.
20120916             —KILLED, Airstrikes by NATO—PLANES reportedly, 8—WOMEN and girls in Laghman province.
20120916             —KILLED, NATO—FORCES said that the strike, 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—INSURGENTS, as many as 45, but may have also killed civilians.
20120916             —ORDERED, GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN, 1—TEMPORARY scaling back of joint operations with AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and soldiers.
20120916             —SEIZED, GUYANA authorities said they have, about 60—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE at the Cheddi Jagan INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20120916             —REPORTED, IRAN—NEWSPAPERS, that THE—15—KHORDAD Foundation, 1—RELIGIOUS—FOUNDATION, has increased 1—REWARD for killing UK—AUTHOR—SALMAN—RUSHDIE to $3.3—MILLION from $2.8—MILLION in response to alleged insults to the Prophet Muhammad.
20120916             IRAQ, the last big batch of 1—GROUP—OF—CONTROVERSIAL—IRAN—EXILES reluctantly left Camp Ashraf, their DECADES—OLD—HOME in NORTH—EAST—IRAQ, and moved to 1—REFUGEE—CAMP outside BAGHDAD, taking what officials say is 1—NECESSARY—STEP towards resettling them in other nations.
20120916             —ESTIMATED, An, 200—EXILES remained to try to sell off the property that was left behind in the move.
20120916             THE—CEO—OF—EL AL Airlines said ISRAEL—NATIONAL—AIRLINE will stop flying to CAIRO, even though THE—ISRAEL—EGYPT peace treaty mandates flights to the country.
20120916             Eliezer Shkedi said that flights are nearly empty, and the airline cannot afford the high security and operating costs.
20120916             NIGERIA, Red Cross officials said they have found 25—CORPSES following 1—MASSIVE—FLOOD from the Benue River in Adamawa state.
20120916             —PRODUCED, HUNDREDS—OF—PAKISTANIS protesting 1—ANTI—ISLAM video, in THE—USA clashed with police as they tried to march toward THE—USA—CONSULATE in KARACHI.
20120916             —RIPPED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, through 1—MINIBUS near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing 15—PASSENGERS and wounded 12—OTHERS in Lower Dir district.
20120916             —ARRIVED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, in EGYPT for 1—STATE—VISIT, even though he is wanted for arrest by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT.
20120916             —REPORTED, SYRIA—ACTIVISTS, heavy BOMBARDMENT—OF—REBEL—HELD areas throughout the country.
20120916             —CAPTURED, THE—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said troops have, and cleared the neighborhood of Midan in the embattled NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO.
20120916             —SUSPECTED, EAST—TURKEY, Kurdish rebels detonated 1—LANDMINE along 1—HIGHWAY in Bingol province, killing 8—POLICE—OFFICERS and wounding 9. Officials in SOUTH—EAST—HAKKARI province said 1—TOTAL—OF—123 "terrorists," 1—REFERENCE to Kurdish rebels, had been killed in military operations in the past 10—DAYS.
20120916—20180000    —IN, Landers was caught  breaking into cars.
20121107             3—TIBETAN teenage monks, aged 15-20120916              themselves on fire outside a police OFFICE—IN—SOUTH—WEST—SICHUAN province.
20130809—20130916    —IN, It is not clear if the party will be able to participate parliamentary elections.
20130916             THE—USA and CUBA sat down in HAVANA for a 2. ROUND—OF—TALKS on RE—ESTABLISHING direct mail services between THE—2—COUNTRIES after a 50-year ban.
20130916             1—FORMER—USA—NAVY—RESERVIST opened fire at THE—WASHINGTON Navy Yard, killing 12—PEOPLE before he was shot dead by police.
20130916             —IDENTIFIED, He was, by THE—FBI as AARON—ALEXIS, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CIVILIAN—CONTRACTOR from Queens, NY, who most recently resided in FORT—WORTH, TEXAS.
20130916             —CONFIRMED, COLORADO, 7—PEOPLE were, dead and at least 1,500 homes destroyed after 1—WEEK—OF—RARE, torrential rains along the eastern slopes of the Rockies.
20130916             —RESUMED, Helicopter SEARCH—AND—RESCUE flights, in FLOOD—STRICKEN areas.
20130916             —PLEADED, Glafira Rosales, 1—LONG—ISLAND—ART—DEALER, guilty to charges of wire fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.
20130916             —FOOLED, She admitted to having, 2—LOCAL—COMMERCIAL—ART—GALLERIES in to buying 63 forged WORKS—OF—ART for more than $30—MILLION over the past 15—YEARS.
20130916             —PRESENTED, The annual Ig Nobel Prizes were, at HARVARD—SANDERS—THEATER by the publishers of the Annals of Improbable Research.
20130916             —SUSPECTED, BELGIUM said it was investigating, foreign state espionage against its main telecoms company, which is the top CARRIER—OF—VOICE—TRAFFIC in AFRICA and THE—MIDDLE—EAST, and 1—NEWSPAPER pointed the finger at THE—USA.
20130916             —GATHERED, CAMBODIA, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, for a 2. day in PHNOM—PENH to push for 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION into the July election.
20130916             —LAUNCHED, Bombardier of CANADA, the maiden flight of its new cSeries NARROW—BODY—PLANE with 100—150—SEATS.
20130916             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 3—POLICE—OFFICERS were, by 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER who detonated 1—BOMB in 1—CAR outside 1—POLICE—STATION.
20130916             —ISSUED, CUBA—CATHOLIC—BISHOPS, their 1. pastoral letter in 2—DECADES.
20130916             —CALLED, They, for political reform in tandem with social and economic changes already under way.
20130916             9—EGYPT—POLICEMEN were injured when 1—BOMB detonated on 1—ROAD in NORTH—SINAI, scene of 1—SURGE in Islamist militancy, near the border with THE—GAZA Strip.
20130916             ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT struck down 1—YEAR—OLD—LAW that meant African migrants could be held in detention for up 3—YEARS without charge.
20130916             Engineering teams on THE—ITALY—ISLAND—OF—GIGLIO began lifting the wrecked Costa CONCORDIA liner upright in 1—OF—THE—MOST complex and costly maritime salvage operations ever attempted.
20130916             —SUSPECTED, MADAGASCAR, 1, BOMB—MAKER was killed in ANTANANARIVO when 1—EXPLOSIVE device he is believed to have been building blew up prematurely.
20130916             —CONVERGED, MEXICO, 2—POWERFUL—STORMS, from the Pacific and the Gulf, killing at least 42—PEOPLE and stranding some 40,000 tourists in the Pacific resort of ACAPULCO amid SOME—OF—THE—WORST flooding in decades.
20130916             —BURIED, HALF—OF—THE—REMOTE—VILLAGE—OF La Pintada was, in 1—LANDSLIDE leaving 68—PEOPLE missing.
20130916             —LAUNCHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—FORCES, air strikes to root out rogue Muslim rebels from 1—SOUTHERN—CITY, stepping up efforts to end more than 1—WEEK—OF clashes that have killed SCORES—OF—PEOPLE.
20130916             —VOTED, Rwandans, in 1—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION that is widely expected to hand 1—EASY—WIN to the ruling coalition in 1—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY that may be asked to change the constitution to allow PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME a 3. term.
20130916             —GATHERED, Representatives from 15—CARIBBEAN nations, in S—VINCENT to seek slavery reparations from BRITAIN, FRANCE and THE—NETHERLANDS.
20130916             —PROMISED, INTERNATIONAL donors, SOMALIA 1.8—BILLION euros ($2.4—BILLION) in reconstruction aid to back a 3—YEAR—PLAN aimed at strengthening the country's economy and building up its fragile security.
20130916             —CROSSED, SOUTH—KOREAN—WORKERS, into NORTH—KOREA as the joint KAESONG industrial zone restarted operations —5—MONTHS—AFTER being shuttered by rising military tensions and THREATS—OF—WAR.
20130916             SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY shot and killed 1—MAN who undertook 1—RARE—ATTEMPT to enter NORTH—KOREA by floating across 1—RIVER that runs near the heavily militarized border.
20130916             —LINKED, SYRIA, 1—AL—QAIDA, group kidnapped XAVIER—ESPINOSA, 1—SPAIN—JOURNALIST, and photographer Ricardo Garcia Vilanova.
20130916             TURKEY—WARPLANES shot down 1—SYRIA—HELICOPTER after it crossed into TURKEY—AIRSPACE.
20130916             —ACKNOWLEDGED, SYRIA—ARMY, the helicopter had strayed into TURKEY—AIRSPACE for 1—SHORT—TIME while monitoring "terrorists" moving across the border into Syria, but said it was 1—ACCIDENT and that the aircraft was on its way back when it was shot down.
20130916             —KILLED, VENEZUELA, 1—CLASH between rival gangs, at least 16—INMATES at the Sabaneta prison in the latest bloodshed to afflict the notoriously OVER—CROWDED penal system.
20130916             DIE—REAKTION hängt wohl von der Einstellung ab.Bei 1—GROßEN Musikspektakel in PORTUGAL —VOR—2—JAHREN wurde 1—VIDEO mit 1—DROHNE gefilmt.WÄHREND EINIGE—KONZERTTEILNEHMER das Gerät mit Mißtrauen beäugten,grinsten andere und winkten begeistert...Dieses Vorkommnis zeigt aber auch,wie es um das veranstaltete Spektakel der Sicherheit aussieht!
20130916             alfatomega.com/20061214.html
20130916             Schönheitswettbewerb: Rassistische Kommentare gegen neue Miss AMERICA
20130916             —BLOCKIERT, Paradoxe Überfunktion: Genveränderung, das Schmerzempfinden
20130916             Presseschau zur BAYERN—WAHL: "DIE—FDP ist nur noch Funktionspartei"
20130916             BÖRSE—DAX—STEIGT auf ALLZEIT—HOCH
20130916             ROT—GRÜN schwächelt: Für —DIE—SPD geht es nur noch um DIE—GROßE—KOALITION
20130916             SLUM—TOURISMUS in SÜD—AFRIKA: Im Wohnzimmer der Armen
20130916             —PROTESTE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—ISTANBUL—POLIZEI geht gewaltsam gegen Konzertbesucher vor
20130916             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Moralische Hybris der Partei der Guten"
20130916             —ZWISCHEN—FALL—IN—DRESDEN: Piraten lassen Drohne bei MERKEL—AUFTRITT kreisen
20130916             ZUKUNFTS—FORSCHER—VERSUS—HISTORIKER: Zurück in die Gegenwart (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 11:12)
20130916             "Tatort"-Quote: 9.400.000 schauten WIENer PROSTITUTIONS—KRIMI
20130916             —VERSPRICHT, Schwaches Wachstum: EZB—CHEF—DRAGHI, weiter lockere GELD—POLITIK
20130916             —PROTEST—GEGEN—ENTLASSUNGEN: Streikwelle im öffentlichen Dienst in GRIECHENLAND beginnt
20130916             CHINA—NETZ—KONTROLLE, PEKING lässt Blogger angebliche Sünden im TV bekennen
20130916             —ÜBERSCHWEMMUNGEN: BEHÖRDEN—IN—COLORADO vermissen mehr als 1.200—MENSCHEN
20130916             —VERSUCHTER CYBER—BANK—RAUB, KRIMinelle installieren HARDWARE—TROJANER in Bank
20130916             PREMIER League: SPURS—FANS und Verband streiten um jüdische Sprechchöre
20130916             PLUG—IN—HYBRIDE: Der Bastard wird salonfähig
20130916             Wählerwanderung: CSU nimmt Liberalen 110.000—STIMMEN ab
20130916             PHILOSOPHIE: Mann nach STREIT—ÜBER—KANT angeschossen
20130916             DAX—AUF—REKORD—HOCH: Feiern wie 1—BULLE, belehren wie 1—BÄR
20130916             EUROPA—BANKEN in der BANKEN—KRISE, "Ich warne vor Großzügigkeit"
20130916             Sinabung in INDONESIEN: 6.000—MENSCHEN nach VULKAN—AUSBRUCH evakuiert
20130916             Fall Machnig: SEEHOFER ließ sein Gehalt vom Bund mitbezahlen
20130916             Reichweite: FACEBOOK zählt in DEUTSCHLAND 19.000.000—NUTZER TÄGLICH
20130916             ASYL—BEWERBER—HEIME—BERLIN, Anfang mit Schrecken
20130916             BERLIN, 1. sah es so aus, als würde kaum mehr etwas passieren.
20130916             DIE—UMFRAGEN schienen schockgefrostet, der WAHL—KAMPF schlummerte vor sich hin.
20130916             Doch auf den letzten Metern wird es —PLÖTZLICH, spannend: Klare KOALITIONsmehrheiten sind nicht garantiert.
20130916             DIE—FDP buhlt nach ihrem BAYERN—WAHLDESASTER um Zweitstimmen von Unionsanhängern, DIE—GRÜNEN werden von ihrer Vergangenheit eingeholt.
20130916             Immer mehr Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND wählen nach strategischen Gesichtspunkten
20130916             Das kann vor allem Kurzentschlossene in ihrer Entscheidung beeinflussen
20130916             Diese Gruppe wird immer bedeutender: Laut FORSCHUNGS—GRUPPE Wahlen sind mehr als 33% DER—BÜRGER IMMER—NOCH unentschieden, der ANTEIL—DER—ZWEIFLER steigt SEIT—JAHR—10. an.
20130916             Spannend wird, ob sich die jüngsten PÄDOPHILIE—VORWÜRFE auf die Werte der Grünen auswirken.
20130916             —VOR, allem Dauernichtwähler stammen aus den unteren sozialen Schichten.
20130916             "Je ärmer 1—STADT—TEIL, desto geringer fällt DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG aus", sagt ARMIN Schäfer vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—GESELLSCHAFTS—FORSCHUNG.
20130916             1—BERTELSMANN—STUDIE spricht bereits von der "gespaltenen Demokratie".
20130916             "es gibt 1—NEUE Gruppe: es sind ältere, wirtschaftsaffine Menschen, die sich von der ANGELA—MERKEL sozialdemokratisierter CDU nicht mitgenommen fühlen".Diese Konservativen machten etwa 25—PROZENT—DER—UNIONSWÄHLERSCHAFT aus, sie könnten nun der Abstimmung fernbleiben.
20130916             "Jetzt könnten sich die Protestwähler bei der AfD konzentrieren", so Schöppner.
20130916             Das würde wohl ZUMEIST der LINKS—PARTEI schaden, die 20090000              noch von den Stimmen derjenigen profitierte, die sich frustriert von den großen etablierten Parteien abwendeten.
20130916             Versicherung WARNT—VOR—SPD
20130916             —HEUTE kam per Post 1—BRIEF der Barmenia KV.
20130916             alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/_a_o_inzoome_search_patch.html
20130916             alfatomega.com%2F20080324.html
20130916             in der SAHARA tatsächlich 3—GIGANTISCHE WASSER—SYSTEME aus weit verzweigten Flüssen, Lagunen und Biotopen existierten.
20130916             auf welchen Wegen genau DER—MENSCH nach EUROPA kam,
20130916             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER vermuten, daß die westlichste Route der bevorzugte Weg DER—MENSCHEN auf ihrer Wanderung war.
20130916             Coulthard und Kollegen haben jetzt 1—KLIMA—MODELL in Bezug zu 1—GEOGRAFISCHEN ABFLUSS—MODELL gesetzt.
20130916             Sie analysierten also, ob Flüsse und Lagunen in der SAHARA VOR—CA—130.000—BIS 100.000—JAHREN klimatisch und geografisch möglich waren.
20130916             "Selbst bei pessimistischer Abschätzung geben uns die Modellergebnisse DIE—SICHERHEIT, daß es solche FLUSS—SYSTEME und Wasserwege gegeben hat",
20130916             1—WASSERSTRAßE entsprang demnach im westlichen AFRIKA im AHAGGAR—GEBIRGE—ALLERDINGS sei dort nur etwa 3—MONATE J—IM Wasser geflossen.
20130916             DIE—2—ANDEREN hätten günstiger zum afrikanischen MONSUN—GÜRTEL gelegen und deshalb BESTÄNDIGer Wasser geführt.
20130916             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER halten 1—ROUTE entlang des Irharhar am wahrscheinlichsten.
20130916             "Ziel des Einsatzes war, der KANZLERIN—UND—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—DE—MAIZIÈRE 1—GEFÜHL dafür zu vermitteln, wie es ist, —PLÖTZLICH, selbst von 1—DROHNE beobachtet zu werden", erklärte PIRATEN—VIZE—MARKUS—BARENHOFF.
20130916             Der Pirat aus DRESDEN, der das Fluggerät —STEUERTE, ließ mitteilen: "DER—EINSATZ—DER—DROHNE diente einzig dem Zweck, 1—VIDEO—VON—KANZLERIN—MERKEL und anderen anwesenden CDU—POLITIKERN aufzunehmen".
20130916             SICHERHEITS—EXPERTE untersuchten anschließend die von mehreren Propellern angetriebene Drohne.
20130916             Keine Gefahr
20130916             Wie gut, daß das bei 1—ANSCHLIEßENDEN Untersuchung festgestellt wurde.
20130916             JÜRGEN—TRITTIN: Er soll 19810000              das KOMMUNALWAHL—PROGRAMM 1—GRÜNEN—LISTE in Göttingen presserechtlich verantwortet haben, das sexuelle Handlungen zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen unter bestimmten Bedingungen straffrei stellen wollte.
20130916             WALTER schreibt in 1—BEITRAG für die MONTAGS—AUSGABE der TAGES—ZEITUNG "taz", daß TRITTIN
20130916             In dem Programm sprach sich die AGIL dem —FORSCHER zufolge für 1—STRAF—RECHTLICHE Freistellung von Sex zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen aus, der ohne Anwendung und AN—DROHUNG—VON—GEWALT zustande kam.
20130916             Nicht nur DIE—GRÜNEN seien in ihrer Gründungsphase als Partei dem organisierten Druck von INTERESSEN—GRUPPEN ausgesetzt gewesen, die den Missbrauch von Kindern legalisieren wollten.
20130916             —FORDERUNGEN, Diesen falschen, sei die AGIL nicht energisch genug entgegengetreten: "Wir haben es nicht mal hinterfragt, als wir unser Programm zur Kommunalwahl 19810000              erstellt haben", räumte DER—GRÜNEN—POLITIKER ein.
20130916             Zuletzt stießen DER—SPIEGEL und andere Medien auch auf die Verstrickung der FDP mit Pädophilen und ähnliche PROBLEME—DES—KINDERSCHUTZBUNDS.
20130916             DIE—RE—AKTION hängt wohl von der Einstellung ab.Bei 1—GROßEN Musikspektakel in PORTUGAL —VOR—2—JAHREN wurde 1—VIDEO mit 1—DROHNE gefilmt.WÄHREND EINIGE—KONZERTTEILNEHMER das Gerät mit Mißtrauen beäugten,grinsten andere und winkten begeistert...Dieses Vorkommnis zeigt aber auch,wie es um das veranstaltete Spektakel der Sicherheit aussieht!
20130916             —BY, RT
20130916             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV he however said that deviations from the plan, including ATTACKS—ON—UN—INSPECTORS, would be brought to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, which would decide on further ACTION.
20130916             BELIN—WAHL—KAMPFKLAMAUK, Heuchelei, RUFSCHÄDIGUNG—DER—FALL—MACHNIG schlägt hohe Wellen.
20130916             es ist 1—INTERESSANTE Pointe: BAYERN—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT, der gern gegen BERLIN poltert, wurde JAHRE—LANG zu 1—ERHEBLICHEN Teil vom Bund bezahlt.
20130916             DAS—REGIME—IN—TEHERAN brüstet sich nach der abgesagten USA—INTERVENTION—IN—SYRIEN mit 1—SIEG—ÜBER—DEN Westen.
20130916             sagte MOHAMMAD ALI Dschafari, Kommandeur DER—IRANISCHEN REVOLUTIONswächter, —AM—MONTAG in TEHERAN.
20130916             Der Kommandeur räumte ein, daß KÄMPFER seiner paramilitärischen KUDS—BRIGADEN in SYRIEN und dem LIBANON aktiv SEIEN—JEDOCH nur als Berater.
20130916             "Von SYRIEN hängt das Schicksal der ganzen Region AB—UNTER gewissen Umständen sogar das Schicksal der gesamten Welt", sagte der neugewählte REGIERUNGS—CHEF.
20130916             ASSAD—INFORMATIONS—MINISTER—OMRAN—AL—SUBI bekräftigte —AM—MONTAG, daß DAMASKUS die Vereinbarung zu den CHEMIE—WAFFEN umsetzen WERDE—WENN DIE—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN[UN] dazu 1—RESOLUTION verabschieden.
20130916             DIE—SYRIEN—FÜHRUNG sei bereits dabei, die notwendigen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen, sagte Subi.
20130916             —EXPERTEN halten den Zeitplan, der 1—BESEITIGUNG der C-Waffen —BIS—MITTE, 20140000              vorsieht, für unrealistisch.
20130916             Lies dir diesbezüglich das orginal interview durch.
20130916             DIE—HERSTELLUNG verbieten....
20130916             es ist gut dass CHEMIE—WAFFEN vernichtet werden.
20130916             Fullerene: Chemiker enträtseln ENTSTEHUNG der FUßBALL—MOLEKÜLE
20130916             SPÄH—ANGRIFF—AUF—BELGACOM: Telefonanbieter DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION gehackt
20130916             Hinter der Attacke stehen wohl staatliche Auftraggeber, Insider tippen auf DIE—NSA.
20130916             —LAUT—1—BERICHT—DER—BRÜSSELER TAGES—ZEITUNG "De Standaard"wurden bei dem ANGRIFF systematisch Gespräche abgehört.
20130916             Falls sich DER—VERDACHT—AUF—ORGANISIERTE CYBER—SPIONAGE bestätige, werde BELGIEN—REGIERUNG "entsprechende MAßNAHMEn anstrengen".
20130916             Belgacom hat ANZEIGE—GEGEN—UNBEKANNT erstattet.
20130916             Wie BRÜSSELer Insider vermuten, hat DIE—ATTACKE auch nicht BELGIEN gegolten, sondern den internationalen Organisationen in BRÜSSEL—ALLEN voran der EU.
20130916             DIE—NATO ließ auf AN—FRAGE verlauten, sie "nutze 1—REIHE verschiedener SYSTEMe und Anbieter"für ihre Telekommunikation und verschlüssele diese je nach GEHEIM—HALTUNGSSTUFE.
20130916             —NACH, den jüngsten HACKERATTACKEN—AUF—DEN britischen Konzern Vodafone kommen nun neue ZWEIFEL—AN—DER Sicherheit der Telekommunikation in EUROPA auf.
20130916             die
20130916             adresse für die hier unverzichtbare, schnellstmöglich einzureichende klage lautet: FORT—MEADE/USA.
20130916             —VERGIFTET, Hepatitis statt Polio: Indische Kinder mit Impfstoff
20130916             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—SYRIEN—REGIME greift weiter Zivilisten an
20130916             PÄDOPHILIE—DEBATTE: TRITTIN kämpft um seinen Ruf
20130916             In der HAUPT—STADT herrschte AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND.
20130916             DIE—SCHIEßEREI habe sich in 1—SCHWER bewachten Gebäude des MARINE—STÜTZPUNKTES ereignet.
20130916             "es war 1—SCHIEßEREI, die auf MILITÄR—, Zivilpersonal abzielte", sagte OBAMA.
20130916             GRENZ—KONFLIKT, TÜRKEI schießt syrischen Hubschrauber ab
20130916             LONDONer Urteil: Muslimin muss Schleier bei Vernehmung abnehmen
20130916             "Forbes"-Liste, USA—MILLIARDÄRE SO—REICH wie nie
20130916             UNO—BERICHT zu GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ: USA weisen syrischem Regime DIE—SCHULD zu
20130916             erklärte Power.
20130916             Der SCHWEDEN—PROFESSOR Åke Sellström, der die Untersuchung leitete, übergab den 38—SEITIGEN Bericht an UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—BAN—KI—MOON.
20130916             UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—BAN—KI—MOON sprach bei der Vorstellung des Berichts im SICHERHEITS—RAT—VON—1—SCHWEREN Schock.
20130916             —IM, SYRIEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG haben ISLAMISTEN und "GOTTES—KRIEGER"ihren Einfluss —INZWISCHEN, stark ausgeweitet.
20130916             30.000—BIS 35.000—WEITERE seien extreme ISLAMISTEN, die ähnliche Anschauungen wie die "GOTTES—KRIEGER"hätten.
20130916             Weitere 30 000—HÄTTEN Verbindungen zu Gruppen, die islamistisch aber nicht terroristisch geprägt sind.
20130916             —IM, Ergebnis habe nur 1—KLEINER TEIL—DER—REBELLEN tatsächlich POLITISCH—NATIONALE Interessen.
20130916             "OBAMA und KERRY lügen"
20130916             "OBAMA und KERRY lügen"befindet der EHEMALIGE—CIA—ANALYST, hochrangige MITARBEITER—DES—USA—AUSSEN—MINISTERIUMS, Larry JOHNSON.
20130916             Diese Aussage deckt sich mit den Wahrnehmungen von D, Quirico, Auslandskorrespondent der TURINer Zeitung la stampa und dem belgische Historiker Piccinin:
20130916             ""es ist verrückt zu sagen, daß ich weiss, das war nicht ASSAD der das Gas eingesetzt hat", erklärte der JOURNALIST.
20130916             "Wir wussten nicht alles was geschieht, auch das mit dem GAS—ANGRIFF nicht.
20130916             1—TAGES hörten wir durch 1—HALBOFFENE Tür 1—GESPRÄCH der REBELLEN in Englisch über SKYPE mit.
20130916             DIE—3—MÄNNER wurden uns zuvor als Mitglieder der "Freien syrischen ARMEE"vorgestellt.
20130916             In diesem Gespräch, sagte Quirico vor dem Richter, sickerte nach und nach durch, daß die Angriffe mit GIFT—GAS in den beiden Vororten von DAMASKUS von den REBELLEN verübt wurden.
20130916             es war 1—PROVOKATION, um den Westen zu animieren, militärisch in SYRIEN zu intervenieren.
20130916             DIE—REBELLEN glauben auch, daß DIE—ZAHL—DER—TODESOPFER—VON—DER VS—REGIERUNG und den Medien stark übertrieben war.
20130916             —BEKANNT, Wie, ist, ermöglicht MICROSOFT der NSA den uneingeschränkten ZUGRIFF—AUF—SKYPE.
20130916             es kann also davon ausgegangen werden, daß DIE—USA—ADMINISTRATION vom tatsächlichen Tathergang genauestens informiert ist".
20130916             —ENDLICH...
20130916             In diesem gesamten SÖLDNER—KRIEG geht es weder um MENSCHEN—RECHTE, noch um Demokratie, sondern
20130916             um die Konversion von 1—MULTIKULTURELLEN, MULTI—RELIGIÖSEN SYRIEN in 1—SUNNITISCH geprägten islamistischen Gottessstaat.
20130916             Warum sich VIELE—WESTLICHE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS, Journalisten, und sogar 1—HANDVOLL unbelehrbarer SPON Foristen für dieses Ziel EREIFERN—ICH begreife es nicht mehr.
20130916             —ZEITLICH genau belegte) Ereignis der Landesgeschichte BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS
20130916             DIE—BELEGTE und wissenschaftlich rekonstruierte antike FELD—ZUGSSTRECKE zwischen den LIME—SORTEN Aalen und Osterburken zu Fuß und zu Ross
20130916             1—EXPLORATIVEN Vorhut einnehmen, die dem kaiserlichen Hauptheer Wege und Lagerplätze erkundet.
20130916             Das RÖMER—GERMANEN—GRENZ—GEBIET ist SCHAU—PLATZ—1—BESONDEREN, WELT—GESCHICHTLICH bedeutsamen, Ereignisses.
20130916             Er war 1—SCHILLERNDE Gestalt unter den Imperatoren.
20130916             Sein Ziel: Die am Horizont aufkommende germanische BE—DROHUNG—DER—GRENZPROVINZEN mit 1—MASSIVEN Präventivschlag zu beenden.
20130916             —IM, ganzen SÜD—DEUTSCHEN PROVINZ—GEBIET wurden Straßen gebaut und die Logistik bereitgestellt für dieses Großunternehmen.
20130916             Der Auftrag wurde von KAISER—MARCUS—AURELIUS—SEVERUS—ANTONINUS persönlich erteilt und war in seinem Inhalt unmissverständlich: GERMANien muss besiegt werden!
20130916             DIE—EXPEDITIO germanica wird IM- ;;08;;
20130916             —ZUVOR, einheimische GERMANEN beim STATT—HALTER persönlich um MILITÄR—SCHUTZ gebeten hatten.
20130916             Fortuna nobis adsit — Das Glück stehe uns bei
20130916             Unsere germanischen Verbündeten der Raetovarier haben das gemeinsame essen zubereitet.
20130916             Dalkinger Tor.
20130916             ROMA—AETERNA — GERMANIA—DEVICTA!
20130916             GERMANien ist betreten.
20130916             —GEBOTEN, Höchste Aufmerksamkeit ist ab jetzt, obwohl DIE—GERMANEN hier im nahen GRENZ—GEBIET unsere Verbündete sind.
20130916             Nicht ALLE—GERMANEN wollen PAX—ROMANA.
20130916             WASHINGTON: 12—MENSCHEN starben bei Schießerei auf NAVY—STÜTZ—PUNKT
20130916             UNO—BERICHT zu GIFT—GAS in SYRIEN: "Schüttelkrämpfe, Vernichtungsgefühl, Bewusstlosigkeit"
20130916             Mordlauf in WASHINGTON: Marinereservist tötet wahllos EX—KAMERADEN
20130916             Um 0820—UHR Ortszeit wurde auf dem NAVY—GELÄNDE Alarm ausgelöst.
20130916             "Wir sind NOCH NICHT so weit, daß wir Fragen beantworten können", sagt VINCENT—GRAY in die MIKROFON—WAND vor ihm.
20130916             Für 1—TERRORISTEN—HINTERGRUND gebe es —DERZEIT, keine Anzeichen.
20130916             DIE—FERNSEHSENDER—NBC und CBS veröffentlichten voreilig den Namen 1—DER mutmaßlichen Täter, und mussten ihn KURZ—DANACH wieder zurückziehen, als klar wurde, daß er nur deshalb auffällig wurde, weil er auf dem Marinestützpunkt, auf DEM—CA—3.000—MENSCHEN arbeiten, seinen Ausweis verloren hatte.
20130916             Den getöteten mutmaßlichen Schützen hat DIE—POLIZEI—INZWISCHEN, identifiziert als den 34—JAHRE—ALTEN AARON Alexis aus FORT—WORTH in TEXAS, der vor kurzem 1—JOB als externer MIT—ARBEITER auf dem STÜTZ—PUNKT begonnen hatte.
20130916             Alexis war bereits polizeibekannt.
20130916             DER—PRÄSIDENT—UND—DER—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER wurden regelmäßig unterrichtet, um 15—UHR bekamen DIE—MITGLIEDER—DES—SENAT aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN Ausgehverbot, das BASEBALL—SPIEL der WASHINGTON Nationals wurde auf den nächsten Tag verlegt.
20130916             —BISHER, sieht alles danach aus, als ob ES—SICH bei dem ATTENTAT um 1 "isoliertes Ereignis"handelt, wie BÜRGER—MEISTER Gray erklärte.
20130916             —TAG—AN—JENEM, seien in SYRIEN "große Mengen"CHEMIE—WAFFEN—GEGEN—ZIVILISTEN zum —EINSATZ gekommen.
20130916             "DIE—ERGEBNISSE sind überwältigend und unbestreitbar"
20130916             —GEWARTET, Auf dieses Urteil hat DIE—WELT.
20130916             es bestätigt den unausgesprochenen Hintergrund des Genfer CHEMIE—WAFFEN—RAHMENABKOMMENS zwischen dem russischen AUßEN—MINISTER und seinem USA—KOLLEGEN —, wird den nun folgenden Verhandlungen um 1—UNO—RESOLUTION neuen Schwung geben.
20130916             den unausgesprochenen Hintergrund
20130916             "DIE—ERGEBNISSE sind überwältigend und unbestreitbar", sagte Ban vor den Vertretern der 15—SICHERHEITS—RAT—MITGLIEDERER.
20130916             es handele sich um den schwersten GIFT—GAS—EINSATZ —SEIT—DEM, ANGRIFF des irakischen Despoten SADDAM—HUSSEIN auf DIE—KURDEN 19880000             .
20130916             "Dies ist 1—KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN", erklärte Ban.
20130916             1—VERSTOß—GEGEN—DAS—VÖLKER—RECHT, dessen Hintermänner zur Verantwortung gezogen werden müssten.
20130916             Zwar enthält DER—BERICHT—DER anschließend an ALLE—UNO—MITGLIED—STAATEN weitergereicht WURDE—KEINE direkte Schuldzuweisung.
20130916             "DIE—TECHNISCHEN Einzelheiten des UNO—BERICHTS machen deutlich, daß nur DAS—REGIME diesen großangelegten CHEMIE—WAFFEN—ANGRIFF unternommen haben kann", sagte Samantha Power, DIE—UNO—BOTSCHAFTERIN der USA, nach der Sitzung.
20130916             Raketen, wie sie DAS—SYRIEN—REGIME nutzt.
20130916             "es gibt nun keinen Zweifel mehr, daß DAS—REGIME CHEMIE—WAFFEN eingesetzt hat", sekundierte auch der britische UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—SIR—MARK—LYALL—GRANT.
20130916             Doch RUSSLAND will sich von dem Bericht offenbar nicht beeindrucken lassen.
20130916             DER—UNO—BERICHT selbst umschreibt DIE—SCHULD—FRAGE dezent.
20130916             DIE—INSPEKTOREN unter Leitung des schwedischen Wissenschaftlers Åke Sellström verbrachten insgesamt 4—TAGE in den betroffenen Vororten.
20130916             Trotzdem konnten sie mehr als 50—ÜBERLEBENDE und Zeugen befragen, darunter Patienten und medizinisches Personal.
20130916             —VERSCHLIMMERT, DAS—WETTER habe die Lage nur : Wegen fallender Temperaturen und der Abwärtsströmung der Luft sei das Gas in die Keller und unteren Hausgeschosse gedrungen, wo DIE—MENSCHEN Zuflucht gesucht hätten.
20130916             Auch HILFS—KRÄFTE seien erkrankt.
20130916             —ENTSPRICHT, DIE—GESAMTMENGE von bis zu 350—LITERN, —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—BOTSCHAFTER—LYALL—GRANT—DEM 35fachen dessen, was TERRORISTEN 19950000              bei 1—ANSCHLAG—AUF—DIE U-Bahn in Tokio freisetzten.—DAMALS, kamen 13—MENSCHEN um.
20130916             —BEGLEITET, DIE—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG des Berichts war von Pannen.
20130916             Als Nächstes wird der SICHERHEITS—RAT über 1—RESOLUTION beraten, die das ABKOMMEN—VON—ABERDYFIGENF verankert.
20130916             —BEGINNT, Kommende Woche, die alljährliche UNO—VOLL—VERSAMMLUNG, bei der Dutzende STAAT—CHEFS nach NEW—YORK kommen, darunter OBAMA, RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und ihre Amtskollegen FRANÇOIS—HOLLANDE aus FRANKREICH und DAVID—CAMERON aus GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20130916             DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN haken an mehreren Punkten.
20130916             Soll DIE—UNO—RESOLUTION SYRIEN MILITÄR—GEWALT androhen, wie es DIE—USA fordern, doch RUSSLAND ablehnt?
20130916             Soll DAS—ASSAD—REGIME vor den INTERNATIONALER—STRAF—GERICHT—HOF gebracht werden?
20130916             ist noch völlig offen, wie genau die syrischen CHEMIE—WAFFEN sichergestellt, kontrolliert und beseitigt werden sollen.
20130916             Schlimm..
20130916             aber das war alles schon bekannt.
20130916             Ich finde es sehr unpassend von SPON diesen Bericht so unktitisch zu übernehmen, die Foristen des SPON haben doch anhand unzuverlässiger Quellen, unbeteiligter Zeugen und zuverlässigen Mutmaßungen bewiesen, daß ASSAD der Gute ist und DIE—AMERIKANER schuld sind.
20130916             Kaum Zweifel, daß es ASSAD war?
20130916             Na, dann sollte man sich dieses entlarvende Video anschauen, in welchem diverse "Helfer", "Ärzte"und "zivile Opfer"sich als REBELLEN erweisen und in dem klar wird, daß die BeHauptung, DIE—REBELLEN seien nicht in der Lage 1—DERARTIGEN Beschuss durchzuführen widerlegt wird:
20130916             verständnisfrage
20130916             kann mich bitte jemand aufklären, was 'vernichtungsgefühl' ist?
20130916             DIE—VERANTWORTUNG RUSSLANDs
20130916             DIE—MACHT—HABER in RUSSLAND waren SCHON IMmer —EXPERTEN in Sachen STAATS—TERRORISMUS und gehen selbst in äußerst brutaler Weise gegen OPPOSITIONelle und ethnische Minderheiten in ihrem STAAT vor.
20130916             DIE—MEHRHEIT hat es satt, die "CONCORDIA"vor der Nase zu haben, sie will den freien Blick und die alten Zeiten zurück.
20130916             es gibt Gigliesi, die die REEDEREI—VERTRETER dafür kritisieren, daß sie sich auf der Insel wie Kolonialherren gebärden, den Einwohnern WÄHREND der Operation den Zugang zum HAFEN nur mit Ausweis gestatten und auch ansonsten nach Gutdünken agieren.
20130916             DAS—LAND wird großräumig durch Frackingeinrichtungen überzogen.
20130916             Sushma Verma, 1—MÄDCHEN aus armen Verhältnissen, ist offenbar 1—WAHRES Genie.
20130916             Und das in 1—LAND, in dem mitunter IMMER—NOCH davon abgeraten wird, Mädchen zu unterrichten.
20130916             Sushma stammt aus LUCKNOW, 1 2,8—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—STADT in Nordindien.
20130916             Ausführlich beschreiben indische Medien die Einzimmerwohnung, in der das Mädchen ZUSAMMEN—MIT—IHREN Eltern und 3—JÜNGEREN Geschwistern lebt.
20130916             Bindeshwar Pathak, 1—INDISCHER Soziologe, hält Sushma nicht nur für 1—WUNDERKIND, sondern auch für 1—VORBILD für die indische GESELLSCHAFT: "Das Mädchen ist 1—INSPIRATION für Studenten aus wohlhabenderen Familien", sagt Pathak.
20130916             Sushmas Ausstattung für den Studienstart: 1—TISCH und 1—SECONDHAND—COMPUTER.
20130916—20110900    —IN, UN war crimes investigators said they know of 14—POTENTIAL—CHEMICAL—ATTACKS in Syria since they began monitoring SYRIA—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20130916—20130600    —IM, hatte die Spitze des HALB—STAAT—KONZERNS nach den 1.Enthüllungen über das Spähnetzwerk des USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTES 1—UMFASSENDE Untersuchung ihrer SYSTEMe angeordnet.
20130916—20130821    —CONFIRMED, UN inspectors, that sarin was used in the mass killing near DAMASCUS.
20130916—20140330    —RELEASED, Both men were.
20140916             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, it will send 3,000 troops to help tackle the Ebola outbreak as PART—OF—1—RAMPED—UP plan, including 1—MAJOR—DEPLOYMENT in LIBERIA, the country where the epidemic is spiraling fastest OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20140916             CALIFORNIA, THE—3—FEET for Safety Act took effect to help protect bicyclists from motorists.
20140916             —SELECTED, NASA, Boeing and SpaceX to transport astronauts to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION in the next few years.
20140916             —KILLED, Taliban fighters, 6—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN in an ambush in HERAT province.
20140916             —BECAME, AFGHANISTAN, Palwasha Tokhi, the 7. journalist killed in the country so far this year.
20140916             —STABBED, She was, to death by 1—VISITOR reportedly delivering 1—WEDDING invitation.
20140916             —CLASHED, SOUTH—EGYPT, 1—COUPLE—100—CHRISTIAN protesters, with police after holding 1—DEMONSTRATION in front of 1—POLICE—STATION demanding authorities locate 1 abducted housewife.
20140916             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION, 5—POLICE conscripts and 1—OFFICER—NEAR the border TOWN—OF—RAFAH in the restive SINAI—PENINSULA.
20140916             —ENTERED, FRANCE, 1—PILOTS—STRIKE at Air FRANCE, its 2. day, with THE—2—SIDES appearing no closer to resolving 1—DISPUTE over cost cuts that has forced the airline to cancel 60—PERCENT—OF—FLIGHTS.
20140916             GERMANY—LISTED Ultrasonic AG said in 1—STATEMENT it has been unable to reach its CHIEF executive, Qingyong Wu, and CHIEF operating officer, Minghong Wu, since the weekend.
20140916             The company said MOST—OF—ITS—CASH was in CHINA and HONG—KONG has been transferred beyond its control.
20140916             1—COURT—IN—GERMANY lifted 1—EMERGENCY—INJUNCTION that banned THE—SF—BASED ridesharing service Uber from operating anywhere in the country.
20140916             —ACCOMPANIED, GUINEA, 1—TEAM—OF—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, by journalists came to Womey village to educate people about how to avoid contracting Ebola.
20140916             1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL—RESIDENTS turned on their WOULD—BE benefactors, attacking them with knives and rocks and killing 8—OF—THEM.
20140916             —REJECTED, IRAQ—LAWMAKERS, PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI—NOMINEES to lead the defense and interior ministries.
20140916             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE said they have, 22—PALESTINIANS in annexed Arab EAST—JERUSALEM overnight on suspicion of throwing stones and petrol bombs, as 3—MONTHS—OF—PROTESTS showed no LET—UP.
20140916             —SLAUGHTERED, JAPAN, the 1. DOLPHINS—OF—THE—SEASON were, in the small TOWN—OF—TAIJI.
20140916             LIBYA, MOHAMED—AL—KILANI, 1—SENIOR—MILITIA—COMMANDER—AND—FORMER—MP, was slain while commanding elements of the Fajr LIBYA (LIBYA Dawn) alliance in clashes with fighters accused of being loyal to Kadhafi in the suburb of Warshefana.
20140916             —ATTACKED, PAKISTAN, 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS, 1—ARMY—POST from neighboring AFGHANISTAN, sparking 1—SHOOTOUT that left 11—INSURGENTS and 3—SOLDIERS killed.
20140916             —KILLED, Government warplanes, 20—LOCAL—MILITANTS in the Khyber tribal region.
20140916             ROMANIA—ENERGY—MINISTER—SAID—RUSSIA was playing games with gas supplies to cause concerns in EU states, after analysts warned that MOSCOW could use the flows to retaliate against sanctions imposed over its role in UKRAINE.
20140916             —INCLUDED, His sprawling conglomerate, MTS—RUSSIA—LARGEST—MOBILE—OPERATOR, and Bashneft, 1—PROFITABLE—OIL—COMPANY.
20140916             —CHARGED, Yevtushenkov was, with money laundering.
20140916             Market watchers saw this as 1—ATTEMPT by the government and STATE—OWNED Rosneft to take over Bashneft.
20140916             —REPORTED, SLOVAKIA—GAS importer SPP, a 25—PERCENT reduction in gas supplies from RUSSIA via UKRAINE, the biggest drop since 1—DECLINE in deliveries was 1. reported last week.
20140916             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—KOREAN—BORDER—GUARDS, 1—USA—MAN who they believe was attempting to swim across 1—RIVER to rival NORTH—KOREA.
20140916             —ANNOUNCED, Authorities in SOUTH—SUDAN, 1—BAN on foreign workers, including aid agency staff, and ordered their jobs to be given to locals.
20140916             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were.
20140916             —CLAIMED, Jihadists, to have shot it down.
20140916             —KILLED, At least 48—PEOPLE were, by government airstrikes over the last 2—DAYS in Talbiseh.
20140916             —KILLED, In DAMASCUS at least 18—FIGHTERS were, after 2—GROUPS—OF—REBELS crawled into the city through sewers to attack 1—GOVERNMENT—CHECKPOINT.
20140916             TUNISIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MEHDI—JOMAA said that security forces were heightening security across THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country with special focus in border areas monitoring arms smuggling and Islamist groups.
20140916             —RATIFIED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT, 1—AGREEMENT to deepen economic and political ties with THE—EU, and passed legislation to grant autonomy to the rebellious east as PART—OF—1—PEACE—DEAL.
20140916—20140514    —SENTENCED, NIGERIA, 12—SOLDIERS were, to death for mutiny after shots were fired at their commanding officer in the restive NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20140920—20140916    —SINCE, It has seized at least 64—VILLAGES around Kobani, using heavy arms and THOUSANDS—OF—FIGHTERS.
20150503—20140916    —I noticed that you removed THE—2—LISTS—OF—GIGANEWS employees at THE—REQUEST—OF—SEVERAL employees.
20150503—20140916    —I noticed that you removed THE—2—LISTS—OF—GIGANEWS employees at the request of several employees.
20150625—20150916    —ACCUSED, Rachelle Bond (40), her boyfriend, MICHAEL—MCCARTHY, 35—JAHRE—ALT, of murdering Bella.
20150916             —CONDUCTED, USA and allied forces, 21—AIR—STRIKES in IRAQ and 1 in Syria against Islamic State militants.
20150916             —CLEARED, A—USA—FEDERAL parole BOARD, Libyan "forever prisoner" OMAR—MOHAMMED—KHALIFHAS for release from GUANTANAMO.
20150916             —RAISED, The decision, to 53 the number of cleared captives among THE—116—DETAINEES.
20150916             THE—AFGHANISTAN—TALIBAN said that 1—MAJOR—DISPUTE undermining the movement has been resolved, after relatives of the militant group's late leader, MULLAH—OMAR, pledged support for his appointed successor MULLAH—MANSOUR.
20150916             —DESTROYED, ALBANIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, almost ALL—OF—THE—MARIJUANA planted in the country, 1—MAJOR—EUROPEAN PRODUCER—OF—THE—PLANT.
20150916             ARGENTINA, the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner issued 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER overriding the extradition of KURT—FREDERICK—SONNENFELD to THE—USA.
20150916             —APPROVED, THE—ARGENTINA SUPREME—COURT had, the extradition in December.
20150916             —FRAMED, Sonnenfeld claims prosecutors, him for his wife's 20020000              death to silence him.
20150916             —CLAIMED, He also, to have video footage indicating the government knew 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks would happen.
20150916             BURKINA—FASO, junta leader GILBERT Diendere led 1—COUP and arrested acting PRESIDENT—MICHEL—KAFANDO, PRIME—MINISTER—ISAAC—ZIDA, and 2—MINISTERS.
20150916             Diendere said he did not want to keep power and would hand it back to CIVIL—RULE when conditions were in place to do so.
20150916             1—BURUNDI official said more than 100—MEN in 1—CENTRAL—PROVINCE have been arrested in 2—DAYS by security forces trying to prevent Burundians from being recruited to fight the government.
20150916             —KILLED, CHILE, 1—MAGNITUDE 8.3—EARTHQUAKE, at least 12—PEOPLE and sent powerful waves barreling into coastal areas, forcing more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE from their homes.
20150916             —FIRED, HUNGARY—POLICE, tear gas and water cannon at protesting migrants demanding they be allowed to enter from Serbia as 1—BORDER—CRACKDOWN by BUDAPEST turned violent.
20150916             1—GROUP—OF—MIGRANTS crossed into HUNGARY illegally.
20150916             AHMED—HAMED, 1—SYRIAN—CYPRIOT, spoke to the crowd using 1—LOUDSPEAKER before HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS forced open the border gate and police fired water cannon and teargas.
20150916             —REINSTATED, ISRAEL, the detention without trial of PALESTINE—MOHAMMED—ALLAN, 31—JAHRE—ALT, whose recent 2—MONTH—HUNGER—STRIKE brought him near death and boosted tensions in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20150916             LEBANON—POLICE beat back protesters with clubs and sticks and arrested DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in downtown BEIRUT as a 2. SESSION—OF—DIALOGUE between politicians got underway.
20150916             —INTERCEPTED, LIBYA—COAST—GUARD, 1—RUSSIAN—FLAGGED tanker suspected of carrying 1—ILLEGAL—SHIPMENT—OF petrol and detained 12—CREW members from RUSSIA.
20150916             —FIRED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, water cannons at ethnic Malays who turned unruly at 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—RALLY that MANY—FEAR has the potential to provoke racial trouble in this multiethnic nation with large Chinese and INDIA—MINORITIES.
20150916             —GATHERED, Some 40,000 ethnic Malays had, in 1—PARK in support of the United Malays National Organization (UNMO) Riot police prevented 1—MOB—OF—PROTESTERS from marching down 1—PETALING Street, where ethnic CHINA—STALLHOLDERS served BARGAIN—HUNTING tourists.
20150916             —PASSED, NEPAL, 1—LONG—AWAITED constitution.
20150916             It set the country up as 1—SECULAR—FEDERATION—OF—7—STATES, each with 1—LEGISLATURE and CHIEF—MINISTER.
20150916             1—PAKISTAN—COUNTER—TERRORISM—OFFICIAL said police have arrested MOHAMMAD—SHABIH, 1 alleged AL—QAIDA financier, in the southern port CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20150916             —FOLLOWED, SIERRA—LEONE, severe flooding, torrential rain.
20150916             † InFREETOWN at least 10—PEOPLE were killed.
20150916             1—WEEK later 1 estimated 9,000 survivors were still sheltering in tents.
20150916             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, at least 203—PEOPLE were, when 1—OIL—TRUCK exploded as 1—CROWD tried to gather fuel from the vehicle after it had veered off the road.
20150916             —ARRESTED, THAILAND police, former primary school teacher Decha Pradit, who they said admitted to having sexually abused 24—SCHOOLGIRLS, after 1—TIP—OFF from THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20150916             —OCCURRED, The abuse, over 1—DECADE ago while he had worked as 1—GYM—TEACHER at 1—SCHOOL in NORTH—UTTARADIT province 20020000—20040000    —FROM—TO.
20150916             —SIGNED, UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, 1—DECREE—LATE—TODAY enacting targeted measures against some 400—OFFICIALS and 90—COMPANIES held responsible for UKRAINE—BLOODY PRO—RUSSIA—UPRISING and MOSCOW—ANNEXATION—OF—CRIMEA last year.
20150916             —VOTED, UKRAINE—PARLIAMENT unanimously, in favor of 1—RECOMMENDATION for THE—UNITED—NATIONS to revoke MOSCOW—RIGHT to block Security Council resolutions in cases when "conflicts grow especially fierce".
20150916             —RETURNED, YEMEN—PRIME—MINISTER—KHALED—BAHAH, to the southern port of ADEN in 1—STEP towards restoring 1—GOVERNMENT on home soil after MONTHS—OF—WORKING from exile with Gulf Arab allies to fight against Houthi CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20150916             —KILLED, The conflict has, more than 4,500—PEOPLE over nearly 6—MONTHS.
20150916             —AM, platzt die 25.000—SEELEN—KLEINSTADT aus allen Nähten.
20150916             Neuerung: FACEBOOK tüftelt an "GEFÄLLT—MIR—NICHT"-Button
20150916             —NEWS—BLOG zur FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, ASSAD will nicht auf Druck von außen zurücktreten
20150916             GRENZ—SPERRUNG in UNGARN: FLÜCHTLINGE suchen sich neue Route über Kroatien
20150916             TERROR—ANGST—IN—TEXAS—POLIZEI führt Neuntklässler wegen selbstgebauter Uhr ab
20150916             RENTEN—KASSEN, KRANKEN—KASSEN: Französischer Rechnungshof erhebt DEUTSCHLAND zum Vorbild
20150916             RUSSLAND: 1—BLOGGER enttarnt PUTINs SCHATTEN—ARMEE
20150916             Nach IS—MUSTER:, 15—JAHRE—ALTER soll ANSCHLAG—AUF—PAPA geplant haben
20150916             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—ASSAD:
20150916             —WORRIED, If you are, about refugees, stop supporting terrorists
20150916             Kettensägenalarm: KÖLN—SEK—BEAMTE sollen nach Auflösung ihrer Einheit randaliert haben
20150916             Geänderte TRANSITROUTE—KROATIEN—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—WILL—FLÜCHTLINGE passieren lassen
20150916             WIRTSCHAFTS—KRIMINALITÄT, Renommierter STRAF—RECHTLER warnt vor Überlastung der —JUSTIZ
20150916             TÜRKEI—TOTE—BEI—GEFECHTEN mit der PKK
20150916             —HALBIERT, WELT—MEERE, Fischbestände haben sich binnen 40—JAHREN
20150916             —NEUE—FLÜCHTLINGS—ROUTE—KROATIEN schickt Minenräumer an die SERBIEN—GRENZE
20150916             —ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Regierung will weitere KRISEN—LÄNDER aufrüsten
20150916             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DEUTSCHLAND: Allein mit dem Trauma
20150916             —KORRIGIERT, EURO—ZONE: Eurostat, INFLATIONS—RATE nach unten
20150916             180—BEAMTE: BERLIN—POLIZEI simuliert TERROR—ANSCHLAG
20150916             Geglückte Flucht: KUBAner erreichen FLORIDA
20150916             Gesperrte Grenzen in UNGARN: Niemandsland
20150916             FLAUTE—IN—CHINA und BRASILIEN: OECD erwartet Dämpfer für WELT—WIRTSCHAFT
20150916             —KLAGE—WEGEN—ZU kleiner Zelle: VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER—GEBEN—EX—HÄFTLING recht
20150916             FLÜCHTLINGS—HILFE: FC S—PAULI spielt nicht mit "Bild"
20150916             UNO—BERICHT zu SRI—LANKA: Das ganze Grauen des —BÜRGER—KRIEGS
20150916             DIW—PROGNOSE: Forscher rechnen mit Wachstumsschub durch Zuwanderer
20150916             Störerhaftung: Kabinett beschließt umstrittenes WLAN—GESETZ
20150916             FRIEDENS—CHANCEN für SYRIEN: Land ohne Hoffnung
20150916             —PLÄNE der BILDUNGS—MINISTERIN: FLÜCHTLINGE sollen schneller studieren können
20150916             GRENZ—ZAUN zu SERBIEN: UNGARN geht mit Tränengas und Wasserwerfern gegen FLÜCHTLINGE vor
20150916             ZEUGE—IN—NSU—PROZESS, "SA der NEU—ZEIT"
20150916             Für SYRIEN—PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD steht fest, wer DIE—VERANTWORTUNG für dieses Drama trägt: Im GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM russischen STAATS—SENDER RT behauptete er, DER—WESTEN würde den "TERRORISMUS"in SYRIEN UNTERSTÜTZEN—DESWEGEN würden die Syrer fliehen.
20150916             DEM—WESTEN warf er Zynismus vor, sich erst jetzt mit DER—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE für DIE—GEWALT—IN—SYRIEN zu interessieren.
20150916             [l] Wisst ihr was passiert, wenn 1—NEUNTKLÄSSLER 1.selbstgebaute Uhr mit in die Schule bringt?
20150916             —TRIED, So you, to make 1—BOMB?
20150916             [l] JOHN—YOUNGS (Cryptome) PGP—SCHLÜSSEL ist kompromittiert worden, er hat 1—NEUEN veröffentlicht.
20150916             [l] Was passiert, wenn man 1—SKANDAL—SEK auflöst?
20150916             [l] DER—PAPA schlägt vor, "Kirchen"die STEUER—NACHLÄSSE wegzunehmen, wenn sie keine FLÜCHTLINGE aufnehmen und sich nicht um die Bedürftigen kümmern.
20150916             [l] UNGARN heißt DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE zünftig mit Tränengas willkommen
20150916             FLÜCHTLINGE auf dem Weg nach Kroatien: "Wir kehren auf keinen Fall um"
20150916             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—UNGARN: SCHLACHT—AN—DER Grenze
20150916             DIE—UNGARN—REGIERUNG setzte Tränengas und Wasserwerfer ein, sogar MILITÄRjeeps mit aufmontierten Waffen ließ sie auffahren.
20150916             Nach stundenlangen Tumulten hatte sich DIE—LAGE—AM—ABEND, wieder beruhigt.
20150916             hatte sich
20150916             —SPÄTER, rückt 1.Hundertschaft schwerbewaffneter ANTI—TERROR—POLIZISTEN mit gepanzerten Fahrzeugen an, um 1—DURCHBRUCH DER—FLÜCHTLINGE zu verhindern.
20150916             Im UNGARN—STAATS—FERNSEHEN sagt der ungarische AUßEN—MINISTER—PÉTER Szijjártó, nun sei klar, dass ES—SICH nicht um friedliche Einwanderer handele, sondern um Leute, die 1."aggressive VÖLKER—WANDERUNG"verursachen wollten.
20150916             BILDER—VON—DER—GRENZE zeigen Straßenschlachten, aufgebrachte FLÜCHTLINGE —, dazwischen verzweifelte Familien mit Kindern, ältere Paare.
20150916             DIE—BILANZ des Tages: Zahlreiche Menschen wurden verletzt.
20150916             29—FLÜCHTLINGE nimmt DIE—POLIZEI fest.
20150916             —VERURTEILT, UNO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—BAN—KI—MOON, DAS—VORGEHEN der ungarischen Regierung.
20150916             Derweil leiden friedliche FLÜCHTLINGE unter dem willkürlichen Verhalten der ungarischen Behörden.
20150916             An 1—SOGENANNTEN TRANSIT—ZONE,—CA—500—METER vom gesperrten Grenzübergang RÖSZKE—HORGOS entfernt, können sich über SERBIEN kommende FLÜCHTLINGE von der ungarischen POLIZEI und Beamten der EINWANDERUNGS—BEHÖRDE BÁH registrieren lassen und 1—ASYLANTRAG stellen.
20150916             DIE—TRANSIT—ZONE besteht aus 1—LANGEN REIHE—VON—CONTAINERN, im 1.Container befindet sich 1—TÜRCHEN—DER—ZUTRITT in die Transitzone.
20150916             Wann sich die Tür öffnet und nach welchen Kriterien wer eingelassen wird, ist völlig unklar.
20150916             Zum Teil warten FLÜCHTLINGE Stunden davor, ohne dass sich das Türchen öffnet.
20150916             —SEIT—DIENSTAGVORMITTAG sind rund 100—FLÜCHTLINGE eingelassen worden, die Mehrheit wurde nach offiziellen Angaben SOFORT—WIEDER abgeschoben, 33 % wurde in das FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER Vámosszabadi nach Nordostungarn gebracht.
20150916             DIE—ANWÄLTIN Timea Kovács, die als FLÜCHTLINGsbeauftragte der ungarischen MENSCHEN—RECHTS—KOMMISSION HELSINK1—KOMITEE arbeitet und die TRANSIT—ZONE AM—DIENSTAGALS rechtliche Vertreterin 1—AFGHANISCHEN FLÜCHTLINGS—FAMILIE inspizieren durfte, bezeichnet DIE—SITUATION gegenüber SPIEGEL—ONLINE dort als "nicht normal".
20150916             Mehrere 1.000—FLÜCHTLINGE warteten am GRENZ—ÜBERGANG, so Kovács, wenn täglich maximal nur 100—FLÜCHTLINGE durchgelassen würden, so wolle UNGARN damit zeigen, dass es eigentlich keine FLÜCHTLINGE ins Land lassen wolle.
20150916             Es gebe in der TRANSIT—ZONE kaum Dolmetscher und keine INTERNET—VERBINDUNGEN, DIE—BEAMTEN arbeiteten EXTREM—LANGSAM.
20150916             BURKINA—FASO: PRÄSIDIAL—GARDE setzt gesamte Regierung fest
20150916             SYRIEN—KONFLIKT, RUSSLAND will MILITÄR—GESPRÄCHE mit USA wieder aufnehmen
20150916             [l] MICHAEL—LÜDERS erklärt in der SWR—TELE—AKADEMIE DIE—GESCHICHTE hinter der heutigen Machtfülle von ISIS.
20150916—19700000    —SINCE, THE—WWF conservation group said THE—AMOUNT—OF—FISH in the oceans has halved, in 1—PLUNGE to the "BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE" caused by OVER—FISHING and other threats.
20150916—20150717    —ACCUMULATED, HEAPS—OF—GARBAGE have, in BEIRUT—STREETS after authorities closed the capital's main landfill and failed to provide 1—ALTERNATIVE.
20150916—20180000    —SENTENCED, Hamed was, in 1—PRELIMINARY ruling to 7—YEARS in prison for illegally crossing the border and for being 1—ACCOMPLICE in "1—ACT—OF—TERROR" during clashes with the police.
20150917—20150916    —AM—MITTWOCH 1—SPORTFLUGZEUG abstürzte Über Mechernich in NRW, doch der Pilot und ein möglicher Begleiter sind nicht auffindbar.
20150917—20150916    An der Absturzstelle in der EIFEL fanden die Einsatzkräfte nur 1—LEERES Flugzeugwrack.
20150917—20150916    Von dem Piloten fehlte JEDE—SPUR.
20150917—20150916    Auch war nicht klar, ob 1.weitere Person in dem Flugzeug saß.
20150917—20150916    Bei diesem handelt ES—SICH um 1—ZWEISITZIGE Maschine.
20150917—20150916    —BEOBACHTET, Zeugen hätten, wie das Flugzeug über dem MECHERNICH—ORTSTEIL—BERGHEIM EINIGE—RUNDEN drehte und dann abstürzte.
20150917—20150916    DIE—POLIZEI geht —DERZEIT, davon aus, dass der Pilot vor dem Absturz aus dem Flugzeug gesprungen ist.
20150917—20150916    —GEKLÄRT, Woher DIE—MASCHINE kam, ist noch nicht.
20150917—20150916    —GEMELDET sei sie auf 1—FLUGPLATZ bei AACHEN.
20150918             —DETAINED, Both men were, 20150916              during 1—COUP that dissolved his government.
20160913—20160916    —OPENED, ITALY—PROSECUTORS in Naples said they have, 1—INVESTIGATION into possible CHARGES—OF—INSTIGATION to suicide.
20160916             —IGNORED, OKLAHOMA police Officer Betty Shelby shot 1—BLACK—MAN who, repeated requests to put up his hands before reaching into an SUV that was stalled in the middle of 1—STREET in TULSA.
20160916             † Terence Crutcher (40), at 1—HOSPITAL following the shooting.
20160916             —SHOWED, Police dash cam video, Crutcher with his hands up and no weapon was found at the scene.
20160916             1—UK—JUDGE ruled that Lauri Love (31), man accused of hacking into USA—GOVERNMENT—COMPUTER—SYSTEMS and stealing confidential information, should be extradited to THE—USA to face trial.
20160916             † CANADA—NOVELIST W.P. Kinsella (81), AUTHOR—OF "FIELD—OF—DREAMS" (19820000             ), in Hope, UK—COLUMBIA.
20160916             —BECAME, The book, the blueprint for 19890000             —THE—OSCAR—NOMINATED film of the same name.
20160916             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, by militia fighters, 6—PEOPLE and wounded several more in attacks in THE—CENTRAL—KAGA Bandoro region, the fiefdom of the Popular Front for THE—RENAISSANCE—OF—THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC (FPRC), 1—EX—SELEKA splinter group, led by Noureddine Adam.
20160916             NORTH—WEST—CHINA, the government of Gansu province said that 3—OFFICIALS face possible dismissal and 3—OTHERS have been reprimanded over THE—CASE—OF—YANG—GAILAN, 1—VILLAGER, 28—JAHRE—ALT who axed her 4—YOUNG—CHILDREN to death and killed herself because she couldn't feed them.
20160916             —KILLED, YANG—HUSBAND, himself 1—WEEK later.
20160916             —KILLED, SOUTH—IRAN, 1—SOLDIER, himself after shooting to death 3—OF—HIS—COMRADES.
20160916             —ALLEGED, ISRAEL, 3, assailants were killed while carrying out attacks on Israelis, shattering weeks of relative calm in ISRAEL and THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORIES.
20160916             ITALY, CARLO—AZEGLIO—CIAMPI (19200000              *), FORMER—PM (19930000—19940000    ) and PRESIDENT (19990000—20060000    ), †.
20160916             —RESPECTED, He was 1—HIGHLY, economist who helped usher in the euro as treasury MINISTER.
20160916             —MARCHED, KENYA, angry protesters, in NAIROBI against plans to build 1 elevated railway line over the country's oldest national park, saying the project will threaten wildlife that includes lions, leopards and giraffes.
20160916             —JAILED, MYANMAR, 7—SOLDIERS were, for killing villagers in Shan State, 1—RARE—PUNISHMENT for abuses by the army.
20160916             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—SUNNI mosque in Ambar, killing at least 36—WORSHIPPERS and wounding 28—OTHERS.
20160916             4—SUCHHUNDE helfen dabei, die weitere AUSBREITUNG—DES—ASIATISCHEN—LAUBHOLZBOCKKÄFERS im Südwesten DEUTSCHLANDs zu verhindern.
20160916             DIE—GROßEN, schwarz glänzenden Käfer mit hellen Flecken auf den Flügeldecken wurden hierzulande 1. 20040000              im Freiland entdeckt.
20160916             Als Käfer leben die aus OST—ASIEN stammenden Insekten nur 4—BIS 8—WOCHEN,
20160916             Schäden richten sie vor allem in DEN—CA—2—JAHREN an, in denen sie als Larve unter der Baumrinde von Laubbäumen sitzen und fressen.
20160916             Meist kommt der Baumschädling mit minderwertigem Verpackungsholz ins Land, etwa aus CHINA oder TAIWAN.
20160916             DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER sei "kein Held".
20160916             Der von REPUBLIKANERn geführte GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSS des USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUSES hat das Schriftstück AM—DONNERSTAG nach zweijähriger ERMITTLUNGS—ARBEIT vorgelegt.
20160916             "Er ist 1—VERRÄTER, der seine Kollegen und sein Land vorsätzlich verraten hat".
20160916             DIE— über die Abhörpraktiken der NSA, DIE—SNOWDEN—AN—DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT brachte, bestürzten BÜRGER—RECHTER und ÜBERWACHUNGS—GEGNER WELT—WEIT und lösten 1—SKANDAL aus
20160916             —VERSUCHT, DER—AUSSCHUSS, dennoch, in seinem Bericht das Bild eines reniten10 früheren Mitarbeiters des GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA zu zeichnen.
20160916             Er habe aus persönlicher Unzufriedenheit geheime  weitergegeben.
20160916             SNOWDEN sei "nur 2—WOCHEN, bevor er mit dem illegalen Herunterladen geschützter Informationen BEGANN, abgemahnt worden".
20160916             DIE—AUTOREN werfen SNOWDEN außerdem vor, seine LeistungsbeurTEILUNGen manipuliert und
20160916             "seinen Lebenslauf frisiert zu haben,
20160916             um neue Positionen innerhalb der NSA zu bekommen".
20160916             Sie kritisierten ihn auch dafür, daß er seine Bedenken, mit denen er die Weitergabe der  rechtfertigte, "niemals 1—VORGESETZTEN gegenüber geäußert"habe.
20160916             Der GROßTEIL—DES—AUSSCHUSSBERICHTS ist als vertraulich eingestuft.
20160916             Nur 1.dreiseitige Zusammenfassung wurde der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
20160916             DIE—VORSITZENDE—DES—FÜR—DIE—NSA zuständigen Unterausschusses, LYNN Westmoreland, erhob dabei erhebliche VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—SNOWDEN
20160916             Dieser habe "der Sicherheit der USA schwereren Schaden zugefügt als JEDER—ANDERE—MENSCH in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA".
20160916             SNOWDEN reagierte über den KURZNACHRICHTEN—DIENST Twitter und wies DIE—VORWÜRFE zurück.
20160916             "Mit diesem Bericht setzt sich DER—AUSSCHUSS selbst herab", schrieb er.
20160916             —NACH—2—JAHREN ERMITTLUNGS—ARBEIT hätte "das amerikanische Volk Besseres verdient".
20160916             DER—BERICHT verzerre DIE—FAKTEN.
20160916             In 1—REIHE—VON—TWEETS listet SNOWDEN Beispiele für seine Kritik auf.
20160916             Sein Anwalt bei der AMERICAN—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION (ACLU), BEN—WIZNER, kritisierte den Bericht ebenfalls scharf.
20160916             Er diskreditiere "einen echten amerikanischen Helden".
20160916             —NACH—2—JAHREN der NACH—FORSCHUNG könne DER—AUSSCHUSS IMMER—NOCH keinen einzigen konkreten Fall nennen, in dem SNOWDENs Enthüllungen Menschen in Gefahr gebracht hätten.
20160916             SNOWDEN hofft aktuell auf Begnadigung durch USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA
20160916             Politiker wie BERNIE—SANDERS unterstützen ihn in dieser Forderung.
20160916             Auch AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL und weitere MENSCHEN—RECHTS—GRUPPEN riefen OBAMA diese Woche dazu auf, den WHISTLE—BLOWER zu begnadigen.
20160916             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG bekräftigte aber, daß sie SNOWDEN vor Gericht sehen wolle.
20160916             SNOWDEN arbeitete früher über 1.SERVICE—FIRMA als IT—SPEZIALIST, unter anderem für den GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA.
20160916             löste damit 1—GLOBALE—DEBATTE—ÜBER—DIE Zulässigkeit staatlicher EINGRIFFE—IN—DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE aus.
20160916             Im Fall 1—VERURTEILUNG drohen ihm bis zu 30—JAHRE—HAFT.
20160916             @SNOWDEN Their report is so artlessly distorted that it would be amusing if it weren't such 1—SERIOUS—ACT—OF—BAD—FAITH.
20160916             —EDWARD—SNOWDEN (@SNOWDEN) 20160915             20160916             [l] DER—CHEF—DES—DGSE (FRANKREICHs NSA—NACHBAU) redet sich um Kopf und Kragen.
20160916             in dem CIALDIN1—BUCH und da beschreibt er genau den Spruch, den die Drückerkolonnen anwenden.
20160916             —DANN, haben sie DIE—LEUTE erst das hier gefragt:
20160916             Do you consider yourself 1—HELPFUL—PERSON?
20160916             —GEANTWORTET, Darauf haben natürlich fast alle mit ja.
20160916             DIE—WIRKUNG von solchen MANIPULATIONen ist also BEMERKENS—WERT stark.
20160916             EUROPA nach dem BREXIT: "Denkt nicht NATIONAL—EGOISTISCH!"
20160916             Jay Z über DROGEN—POLITIK,"Der WAR—ON—DRUGS ist 1—FEHL—SCHLAG"
20160916             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: SCHWEDEN besteht auf Haftbefehl gegen ASSANGE
20160916             —UMSTRITTENE Sperre: Aral öffnet Erdgastankstellen WIEDER—TEILWEISE
20160916             INTERNET—ÜBERWACHUNG: Betreiber des Netzknotens DE—CIX verklagen BND
20160916             STEUER—PARADIES: MALTAs Finanzaufseher gibt Direktorenposten auf
20160916             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: Heftige KÄMPFE trotz Waffenpause
20160916             BRASILIEN: TV—STAR ERTRINKT—PASSANTEN halten Szene für gespielt
20160916             Ausgangssperre für FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—BAUTZEN: SIEG—DER—RASSISTEN
20160916             Alarmierende Statistik: ARMUTS—RISIKO steigt auf höchsten Stand seit Wiedervereinigung
20160916             FREI—HANDEL—MIT—DEN—USA: Alles über das TTIP—ABKOMMEN—ENDLICH verständlich
20160916             —VERURTEILT, FLÜCHTLINGE: Pfarrer wegen Schleuserei
20160916             Polarmeer: Warum Eisbären zu Kannibalen werden
20160916             VW—ABGAS—AFFÄRE: UMWELT—MINISTERIUM löschte Hinweise auf BETRUGS—SOFTWARE
20160916             —FESTNAHMEN—IN—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN: Mutmaßliche IS—KÄMPFER wollten Kommunikation vertuschen
20160916             Prüfung der Bilanz: STAR—STAATSANWALT—ERMITTELT—GEGEN—EXXON
20160916             EU—GIPFEL—BRATISLAVA: MERKEL kündigt Agenda für EUROPAs ZUKUNFT an
20160916             EU—GIPFEL: Bravoslava
20160916             [l] Nach nur wenigen —JAHREN der weitergabe hat jemand beim DE—CIX beim Entrümpeln sein Gewissen gefunden und KLAGE—GEGEN—DEN ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT eingereicht.
20160916             [l] Ist dieses INTERNET—OF—THINGS nicht toll?
20160916             Ich meine, wer würde nicht gerne ein vernetztes SEX—TOY einsetzen?
20160916             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20160916             Na dann ist DER—KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR ja so gut wie vorbei jetzt.
20160916—20130000    —ARRESTED, Love was, on SUSPICION—OF—COMPUTER—CRIMES but has not been charged in BRITAIN.
20160922—20160916    —IN—THE, OKLAHOMA, TULSA prosecutors charged police Officer Betty Shelby with 1.—DEGREE manslaughter SHOOTING—OF—TERENCE—CRUTCHER.
20170916             GEORGIA—TECH—POLICE shot Scout Shultz (21), THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—PRIDE—ALLIANCE—STUDENT—GROUP this evening, after he failed to drop 1—KNIFE.
20170916             Shultz † of his wounds early the next day at 1—ATLANTA hospital.
20170916             3—SUICIDE—NOTES were found in SCHULTZ—DORM room.
20170916             NEW—MEXICO, BOB—MARTIN, (64), 1—REPORTER for ALBUQUERQUE KRQE—TV, was killed when the news helicopter he piloted crashed near Ancho.
20170916             Counterterrorism officials and analysts said THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE Muslims from AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN are being recruited by IRAN to fight with PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—FORCES in Syria, lured by PROMISES—OF—HOUSING, 1—MONTHLY—SALARY—OF up to $600 and THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—EMPLOYMENT in IRAN when they return.
20170916             BANGLADESH said it will build 14,000 new shelters to house THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA Muslim refugees camping on roadsides, in fields and on hills.
20170916             —ARRESTED, UK—POLICE, AHMED—HASSAN, 18—JAHRE—ALT at the port of Dover in relation to 20170915             —THE bombing at LONDON—PARSONS—GREEN—SUBWAY—STATION.
20170916             † In WEST—DENMARK 2—RACE—OFFICIALS after being hit by 1—RALLY—CAR, driven by 1—MALE, 73—JAHRE—ALT and female (22) CO—PILOT, which came off the road.
20170916             The contract went to CHINA—CONGLOMERATE SHANGHAI Electric and ACWA Power of SAUDI—ARABIA.
20170916             —SENTENCED, 1—EGYPT—COURT, ousted PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—MURSI of the Muslim Brotherhood to 25—YEARS in prison in 1—FINAL ruling over 1—CASE accusing him of spying for QATAR.
20170916             —SENTENCED, Of THE—7—DEFENDANTS, 3 were, to death in absentia.
20170916             —OPENED, GERMANY, the 184. - Oktoberfest, in MUNICH.
20170916             ICELAND—PRESIDENT—GUDNI—TH.
20170916             —PROVIDED, IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK—PRESIDENT said 1—CHINA—STATE—OWNED investment firm has, a $10—BILLION credit line for IRAN—BANKS.
20170916             —AGREED, In total, CHINA has, to allocate $35—BILLION in financing and loans for IRAN—ECONOMY.
20170916             —CAPTURED, IRAQ—FORCES, Akashat, 1—DESERT outpost of the Islamic State group near THE—SYRIA—BORDER, in preparation for 1—DRIVE up the Euphrates Valley towards the frontier.
20170916             —ESTIMATED, IRAQ—COMMANDERS, IS still has more than 1,500 fighters in its AL—QAIM enclave.
20170916             —CLASHED, LIBYA, 1—FORCE from THE—AL—AMMU militia, with traffickers off shore, thwarting 1—ATTEMPT to move multiple BOAT—LOADS—OF—MIGRANTS.
20170916             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, 7—SUSPECTS over the last 24—HOURS accused of intentionally starting 20170914             —THE fire that killed 23—CHILDREN and teachers at 1—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL in KUALA—LUMPUR.
20170916             —KILLED, MEXICO, gunmen, 1 oo couple who were investigators for the state prosecutor's office, as well as 1—CHILD who was with them in CANCUN.
20170916             —RESCUED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS—LATE—TODAY, 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST and another CIVIL—WHO were among DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE abducted in May when HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANTS aligned with the Islamic State group laid siege on SOUTH—MARAWI city.
20170916             —DRESSED, HUNDREDS—OF—SINGAPOREANS, most, in black, held 1—SILENT—PROTEST against 1 uncontested presidential election this week in which applications from 4—CANDIDATES were rejected.
20170916             —BACKED, SOMALIA, fighting between the military and police, by intelligence forces killed 9—PEOPLE in MOGADISHU.
20170916             —OCCURRED, The fighting reportedly, because police were wrongly informed that there were armed militias in the area.
20170916             —GATHERED, SPAIN, more than 700—MAYORS from across Catalonia, in BARCELONA to confirm their support for 1 planned independence referendum that MADRID has declared illegal.
20170916             1—MILITARY—ALLIANCE fighting together with THE—SYRIA—ARMY said it launched 1—ASSAULT in Deir AL—ZOR province to drive Islamic State militants from the border with IRAQ.
20170916             Police in TANZANIA—AUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—ZANZIBAR said 20—PEOPLE have been detained for engaging in gay and lesbian activities.
20170916             12—MEN and 8—WOMEN were arrested following 1—POLICE—RAID on 1—HOTEL where the suspects were attending 1—WORKSHOP.
20170916             —REPORTED, TURKEY—OFFICIAL—NEWS, that police have detained 74—PEOPLE believed to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP in simultaneous operations in 15—LOCATIONS in ISTANBUL.
20170916             YEMEN, 1—YOUNG—SOLDIER participating in operations against AL—QAEDA in YEMEN murdered 3—JIHADIST—DETAINEES who confessed to killing his COLONEL father.
20170916             12—CIVILIANS including women and children were killed in 1—AIR—RAID by THE—SAUDI—LED coalition NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—SANAA.
20170916             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT—USA halten an militärischer Option fest
20170916             Spekulation über Behördenversagen: LONDON empört über DONALD—TRUMP—TWEET
20170916             Familie NETANYAHU: SKANDAL—IN—DER SMOLENSKIN—STRAßE 9
20170916             Schätzung der Versicherer: HURRIKAN—IRMA"kostet bis zu—DOLLAR
20170916             "Sanctuary Cities", USA—PRÄSIDENT kassiert juristische Niederlage in EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK
20170916             KASPERSKY—CHEF: "Wir schützen unsere Kunden vor MALWARE—SEI sie nun russisch oder amerikanisch"
20170916             —GEGEN, Einwände des PENTAGONs: CIA will eigenen DROHNEN—KRIEG starten
20170916             1—KLEINER schwarzer Fleck hat 1.große mathematische Karriere hingelegt:
20170916             Damit sei DIE—ZAHL—0—ETWA 500—JAHRE älter als —BISLANG, vermutet.
20170916             "DIE—ERFINDUNG der 0—ALS eigenständige Zahl war 1—DER größten Durchbrüche in der GESCHICHTE—DER—MATHEMATIK",
20170916             Aufgespürt wurde DIE—0 in 1—MANUSKRIPT aus dem heute in PAKISTAN liegenden Dorf Bakhshali.
20170916             Es ist ein für HÄNDLER geschriebener Text.
20170916             —BISLANG galt 1.Inschrift in 1—TEMPEL im indischen GWALIOR  08000101—08991231    —AUS—DEM, als ältester Beleg für den Gebrauch der 0, wie wir sie auch heute verwenden.
20170916             Vorläufer der 0—GAB es sogar schon lange vor dem nun datierten BAKHSHAL1—MANUSKRIPT.
20170916             Im alten BABYLONien ließ man beispielsweise Lücken zwischen Ziffern, wo man HEUTE 1 0—SCHREIBEN würde.
20170916             DIE—MAYA nutzten in ihren Kalendern 1—MUSCHELSYMBOL für Stellen mit dem Wert 0.
20170916             "Auch wenn mehrere alte Kulturen schon Platzhalter für DIE—0—VERWENDETEN, waren es die im BAKHSHAL1—MANUSKRIPT genutzten Punkte, aus denen sich das heute übliche Symbol entwickelte",
20170916             [l] DIE—AFD führt das Konzept der Mikroagressionen im WAHL—KAMPF ein.
20170916             INTERNETpranger?
20170916             DIE—ANDERE Seite als TERRORISTEN bezeichnen und sie den ARBEIT—PLATZ kosten?
20170916             Sich als Opfer darstellen zum Virtue Signalling in der Ingroup?
20170916             Safe Spaces fordern?
20170916             Was DIE—RECHTEN sogar besser können: Das Konzept anwenden, wenn sie tatsächlich selbst betroffen sind.
20170916             [l] Ihr müsst jetzt sehr stark sein.
20170916             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG wusste —SCHON —LÄNGER, daß DIE—WAHL—SOFTWARE unsicher ist.
20170916             USA—KRAWALLE nach Freispruch für weißen POLIZISTEN
20170916             ÜBERWACHUNG: Der Staubsauger hört mit
20170916             Beobachtermission: RUSSLAND—IRAN und TÜRKEI teilen SYRIEN auf
20170916             —KAPIERT, Kognitive Fähigkeiten: Was Wolf, kapiert Hund noch lange nicht
20170916             Unabhängigkeit KATALONIENs: Hunderte BÜRGER—MEISTER trotzen MADRID
20170916             —NACH, kurdischem FESTIVAL—IN—KÖLN: ANKARA bestellt deutschen BOTSCHAFTER ein
20170916             alfatomega.com/20041026.html
20170916—20120000    —IN, Mursi was already serving a 20-year sentence after being convicted for THE—KILLING—OF—PROTESTERS during demonstrations.
20170916—20150200    —CONDEMNED, 1—EGYPT—COURT, to death 7—PEOPLE for membership of the Islamic State group and over the beheading in LIBYA—OF—21—CHRISTIANS, all but 1—OF—THEM from EGYPT.
20170916—20170922    —ACCUSED—OF, Hassan, planting the bomb, was charged with attempted murder.
20170916—20171005    —BY, at least 93—PEOPLE were killed, including 8—CIVILIANS, and more than 180 wounded in battles that have carved up the city.
20170916—20171104    —ACCEPTED, Johannesson, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BJARNI—BENEDIKTSSON, and said 1—NEW—ELECTION mostly likely will be held.
20170916—20300000    —ANNOUNCED, The Gulf desert emirate of DUBAI, the award of a $3.8-billion contract for the final phase of 1—SOLAR—PARK aimed at generating 5,000 MEGAWATTS—OF—ELECTRICITY.
20180916             Christine Blasey Ford (51), 1—S—FRANCISCO—BAY—AREA—CLINICAL psychology professor, came forward with explosive allegations that SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—JUDGE—BRETT—KAVANAUGH sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers more than 3—DECADES ago.
20180916             MARC—BENIOFF, chairman and CO—CEO—OF—S—FRANCISCO—BASED—SALESFORCE.com, and his wife Lynne, said they will buy Time magazine for $90—MILLION from owner Meredith Corp.
20180916             Flooding from Hurricane FLORENCE spread across the Carolinas as the death toll climbed to 17.
20180916             KANSAS, Deputy ROBERT—KUNZE, 41—JAHRE—ALT was fatally shot after 1—FIGHT erupted during the arrest of supected vehicle thief ROBERT—GREESON, 29—JAHRE—ALT in 1—RURAL—AREA—NEAR—WICHITA.
20180916             —PRONOUNCED, Greeson was, dead at the scene.
20180916             —CALLED, LONDON mayor Sadiq Khan, for another referendum on BRITAIN—EU membership, saying THE—PRIME—MINISTER—HANDLING of Brexit negotiations had become "mired in confusion and deadlock" and was leading the country down 1—DAMAGING path.
20180916             CHINA, "Kinky Boots", whose music and lyrics were written by pop veteran Cyndi Lauper, wrapped up its 2—MONTH -- 1—LONG—RUN for 1—COUNTRY where censors often frown upon gay entertainment.
20180916             —BARRELED, SOUTH—CHINA, Typhoon Mangkhut, into Guangdong province, killing 2—PEOPLE after lashing THE—PHILIPPINES with strong winds and heavy rain that left at least 64—DEAD and dozens more feared buried in 1—LANDSLIDE.
20180916             EGYPT—ANTIQUITIES—MINISTRY said 1—SPHINX made of sandstone has been found in the Temple of Kom Ombo in ASWAN during work to protect the site from groundwater.
20180916             The ministry said the statue probably dates back to the Ptolemaic time, 320BC-30BC.
20180916             ETHIOPIA, overnight ETHNIC—BASED attacks in the outskirts of ADDIS—ABABA killed several people and caused hundreds to flee their homes.
20180916             —ARRESTED, Police said 70—SUSPECTS were.
20180916             —PROTESTED, WEST—GERMANY, some 4000—PEOPLE, against the expansion of 1—COAL strip mine that would entail the chopping down of the ancient Hambach forest.
20180916             —RECEIVED, NORTH—GERMANY, 1—POLAND—MAN, 20—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FATAL stab wound after 1—ALTERCATION with 1—UNKNOWN man who then fled the scene in Neumuenster.
20180916             —REPORTED, GREECE—POLICE, that THE—NUMBER—OF—MIGRANTS detained for entering GREECE illegally has risen sharply so far this year.
20180916             —SUSPENDED, INDIA, 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were, —3—DAYS—AFTER 1—MOB beat 1—MUSLIM BUSINESS—SCHOOL graduate to death near IMPHAL.
20180916             1—VIDEO showed armed policemen standing around the man as he lay on his side in 1—FIELD.
20180916             At least 100—MYANMAR youth activists and journalists called for the release of 2 jailed Reuters journalists, warning that THE—7—YEAR—PRISON—TERMS handed to the pair this month threaten the public's right to information.
20180916             1—WEEKEND—REPORT by respected HOLLAND—DAILY—NRC linked 20—OF 39—BISHOPS and cardinals to (sexual) abuse.
20180916             —REPORTED, The paper, that 4—BISHOPS committed abuse and 1—FURTHER 16—SENIOR clergymen transferred priests who had been ACCUSED—OF—ABUSE to new locations.
20180916             —STABBED, PALESTINE—KHALIL Jabarin (17) fatally, ARI—FULD, 45—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AMERICAN—BORN—JEWISH settler, in the occupied WEST—BANK then was himself shot and seized by armed civilians.
20180916             —SHOWED, Camera footage, Fuld firing 1—WEAPON at his attacker before collapsing.
20180916             He later † of his wounds.
20180916             —DEMONSTRATED, RUSSIA, up to 1000—PROTESTORS, in S—PETERSBURG against 1—PLAN to raise the state pension age which has sparked public anger.
20180916             NORTH—THAILAND, 1—LANDSLIDE at 1—REFUGEE—CAMP left 1—PERSON—DEAD and 7—MISSING at the Mae La Oon refugee camp, which houses about 9,000—PEOPLE, mostly MEMBERS—OF—THE—KAREN ethnic minority from MYANMAR.
20180916             —DISCOVERED, THAILAND—POLICE, 10—MILLION—METHAMPHETAMINE—PILLS and 37—KG (81—POUNDS) of heroin hidden under SACKS—OF—CHICKEN manure.
20180916             YEMEN, SAUDI—LED coalition fighting alongside THE—YEMEN—GOVERNMENT against Shiite Huthi rebels carried out 1—AIR—RAID on 1—RADIO—STATION—TOWER in the port CITY—OF—HODEIDA killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20180916             —REPORTED, At least 32—INSURGENTS were, killed and 14—OTHERS wounded in clashes and air strikes over the last 24—HOURS.
20180916             ZIMBABWE state media said the death toll in the cholera outbreak in HARARE has risen to 28.
20180916             —NEUE—STRAF—ZÖLLE: DONALD—TRUMP bleibt bei harter Linie gegen CHINA
20180916             —STUDIE—DES—WELT—WIRTSCHAFTSFORUMS: Maschinen verrichten bald mehr Arbeit als Menschen
20180916             NOMOS—CHEFIN KÄMPFT—GEGEN—RECHTS: "DIE—KUNDEN wollen wissen, ob 1—NAZI an ihrer Uhr gearbeitet hat" (SPIEGEL+, 07:17)
20180916             SADIQ—KHAN: LONDON—BÜRGER—MEISTER fordert weiteres BREXIT—REFERENDUM
20180916             —UMSTRITTENER VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ—CHEF, In der Union regt sich KRITIK—AN—MAAßEN
20180916             "Mangkhut": Taifun versetzt CHINA und HONGKONG in Alarmbereitschaft
20180916             HAMBACHER—FORST: Dutzende Festnahmen und Verletzte bei RÄUMUNGS—AKTION
20180916             HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDER über RECHTS—RUCK—IN—DEUTSCHLAND : "Es fängt wieder an"
20180916             Harz: Männer greifen FLÜCHTLINGE an
20180916             Verkehr: 1.300.000 DIESEL—PKW drohen FAHR—VERBOTE
20180916             —STUDIEE: Kinder lernen Rechtschreibung am besten mit der Fibel (Leben und Lernen, 15:04)
20180916             Archäologie: Sphinx im SÜDEN von ÄGYPTEN entdeckt
20180916             NIEDERSACHSEN: 1. Wasserstoffzug nimmt Betrieb auf
20180916             30 % Inflation in ARGENTINIEN: DIE—NÄCHSTE—KRISE zieht herauf
20180916             —POSTEN am obersten USA—GERICHT: Frau beschuldigt DONALD—TRUMP—KANDIDAT der versuchten Vergewaltigung
20180916—20110000    —SINCE, Syria held its 1. municipal elections, amid tensions with the country's SELF—ADMINISTERED Kurdish region, which refused to allow polls.
20180916—20200721    —SENTENCED, Jabarin (19) was, to life in prison.
20180920             —CANCELLED, RUSSIA—ELECTION—OFFICIALS in the Far East, the results of 20180916             —THE gubernatorial election following reports of blatant vote rigging and said they will hold 1—NEW—VOTE.
20190827—20190916    —UNTIL, The lockdown began 1—WEEK before school holidays are scheduled to end and will continue.
20190916             FBI agents in ALABAMA took Nayef Qashou into custody.
20190916             —APPREHENDED, He was, as PART—OF—1—YEARSLONG terrorism probe in which THE—FBI says he told agents he would execute 1—USA—SOLDIER if ordered to do so by the Islamic State group.
20190916             —SEARCHED, THE—FBI, THE—NEW—YORK home of MICHAEL—MANN, 1—PAYROLL processing company CEO—SUSPECTED—OF—FRAUD.
20190916             THE—FBI is investigating whether NEW—YORK STATE—BASED MyPayrollHR allegedly from employee checks and accounts.
20190916             —ALLEGED, OCEANSIDE—NEW—YORK, 1, fight over 1—GIRL involving over 50—TEENAGERS has left a 16-year-old student dead after being stabbed in the chest and an 18-year-old student charged in his death while MANY—OF—THE—OTHER—TEENS took VIDEOS—OF—THE—VICTIM dying rather than helping to save his life.
20190916             —SOARED, Oil prices, after attacks on crude facilities in SAUDI—ARABIA sparked worries over the impact of 1—OIL—SHOCK on economic growth, halting 1—POSITIVE—RUN in world stocks as investors reached for less risky assets.
20190916             Xiaoning Sui (48), of SURREY, UK—COLUMBIA, was arrested in SPAIN on 1—CHARGE—OF—FRAUD and conspiracy.
20190916             1—HOMEOWNER in GEORGIA state shot and killed 3—YOUNG masked men at his home early today.
20190916             —APPROACHED, THE—3—TEENS allegedly, the home and attempted to rob 3—PEOPLE in the front yard.
20190916             Negotiators for GENERAL—MOTORS—CO and the United Auto Workers resumed talks to resolve 1—STRIKE that shut down the automaker's highly profitable USA—OPERATIONS.
20190916             UAW members will get $250 1—WEEK from the union's strike fund.
20190916             HOUSTON police officers shot and killed 1—MAN after he fired 1—PISTOL at them while running in the direction of 1—ELEMENTARY school.
20190916             —IGNORED, The man, police orders to drop the gun and began running toward Valley WEST—ELEMENTARY, firing back at the officers.
20190916             AFGHANISTAN, USA Sgt.
20190916             1. Class JEREMY—W—GRIFFIN, 1—GREEN—BERET on his 4. combat deployment, was killed by small arms fire in Wardak Province.
20190916             1—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT—SOURCE said CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—GOVERNMENT will extend 1—HALT on arms exports to SAUDI—ARABIA pointing to the war in neighboring YEMEN and the Social Democrats' refusal to drop opposition to lifting the moratorium.
20190916             —ARRESTED, INDONESIA—POLICE said authorities have, nearly 185—PEOPLE suspected of starting forest fires.
20190916             1—IRAN—NAVAL—PATROL—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD—CORPS intercepted 1—VESSEL carrying 250,000 LITERS—OF—FUEL—NEAR the Strait of Hormuz.
20190916             —SUSPECTED—OF, The boat was, being used to smuggle fuel.
20190916             11—CREW members were arrested.
20190916             —VOWED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, to annex "all the settlements" in THE—WEST—BANK, including 1—ENCLAVE—DEEP in the heart of the largest PALESTINE—CITY, in 1—LAST—DITCH move that appeared aimed at shoring up nationalist support the day before 1—DO—OVER election.
20190916             —DETAINED, Police in NORTH—MACEDONIA, 81—MIGRANTS found in 1—TRUCK—NEAR the border with Serbia, after the driver ignored 1—POLICE warning to stop for 1—CHECK and later abandoned the vehicle.
20190916             —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—IMMIGRATION—AGENTS and government troops, 324—CHINA—ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT in illegal online gambling.
20190916             1—WEEK—EARLIER—AGENTS arrested 277—CHINESE in 1—RAID on 1—ONLINE investment scam syndicate that defrauded HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in CHINA.
20190916             —SENTENCED, RUSSIA, Pavel Ustinov (23) was, to 3 and 1—HALF—YEARS in jail for dislocating 1—POLICE—OFFICER'S—SHOULDER when he was arrested during an 20190803              rally in MOSCOW.
20190916             He denied the charges and said he had not even taken part in the protest.
20190916             Carvajal had fled to SPAIN earlier this year after publicly supporting the opposition's efforts to oust PRESIDENT—MADURO.
20190916             † THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said 3—PEOPLE have and at least 222—HAVE been infected in SPAIN—LARGEST ever outbreak of listeria.
20190916             Shops were shut in SRI—LANKA—ETHNIC—TAMIL—MAJORITY—NORTH in support of 1—RALLY in JAFFNA town demanding 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBE into alleged atrocities during the nation's civil war and 1—END to reported STATE—SPONSORED efforts to change the ethnic balance of the Tamils' traditional homeland.
20190916             † SUDAN—HEALTH—MINISTRY said at least 7—PEOPLE have from 1—CHOLERA outbreak over the past 3—WEEKS in 1—SOUTHEASTERN province.
20190916             —ACCUSED, TAIWAN, CHINA of trying to influence its presidential and legislative elections.
20190916             TURKEY, the leaders of RUSSIA, IRAN and TURKEY met in ANKARA to discuss the situation in Syria, with the aim of halting fighting in the country's NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—IDLIB and finding 1—LASTING political solution to SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR, now in its ninth year.
20190916             1—UN—BACKED court based in THE—NETHERLANDS unveiled new charges, including terrorism and intentional homicide, against 1—HEZBOLLAH fighter who also is accused of assassinating FORMER—LEBANON—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIQ—HARIRI.
20190916             1—SPECIAL—UN—FACT—FINDING mission has urged that MYANMAR be held responsible in INTERNATIONAL legal forums for alleged genocide against its Muslim Rohingya minority.
20190916             UN aid CHIEF—MARK—LOWCOCK said SAUDI—ARABIA plans to pay $500—MILLION—NEXT—WEEK—OF—1—PLEDGE it made in February to help fund 1—HUMANITARIAN—RESPONSE in YEMEN, which the world body has described as the world's worst aid crisis.
20190916             —CLAIMED, YEMEN—IRAN—BACKED—HUTHI rebels, who, responsibility for devastating weekend attacks on SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—FACILITIES, threatened to carry out more strikes and urged foreigners to stay away.
20190916             Plastikalternativen: Das Märchen vom umweltfreundlichen Bambusbecher (SPIEGEL+, 00:06)
20190916             —ANGRIFFE—IN—SAUDI—ARABIEN: DONALD—TRUMP genehmigt Freigabe von Öl aus USA—RESERVEN
20190916             GROß—BRITANNIEN und der BREXIT—JOHNSON sagt, er glaube noch an einen Deal mit der EU
20190916             Drohnen gegen Ölanlagen: DONALD—TRUMP droht nach —ANGRIFF—AUF—SAUDI—ARABIEN mit Vergeltung
20190916             Kritik am britischen PREMIER: Ruffalo rüffelt JOHNSON für HULK—VERGLEICH
20190916             Astronomie: SCHWARZES—LOCH im Herzen der Milchstraße scheint gefräßiger zu werden
20190916             —NACH, —ANGRIFF—AUF—ÖLANLAGEN: Öl wird TEUER—SCHNELL noch tanken?
20190916             —KLIMA—KRISE: Gemeinsam gegen den Golem
20190916             —ESKALATION am Golf: Wer half Jemens Rebellen beim —ANGRIFF—AUF—DAS Öl der Saudis?
20190916             Integration: Zahl DER—STAATLICH unterstützten Asylbewerber sinkt erneut
20190916             Spannungen nach Attacke auf Ölraffinerien: IRAN—PRÄSIDENT will kein Treffen mit DONALD—TRUMP
20190916             Anbietervergleich: ZINSEN für Immobilienkredite fallen teils unter 0,5—PROZENT—MARKE
20190916             Vertrackte Gleichung: MATHE—PROBLEM um die 42—GEKNACKT
20190916             Prozesse wegen Schmerzmittelkrise: Die große Abrechnung
20190916             DEUTSCHE Wirtschaft: ÖKONOMEN—WARNEN—VOR—REZESSION bei langfristigem ÖLPREIS—ANSTIEG
20190916             Satellitenbild der Woche: Die Städte schwitzen
20190916             Das gigantische schwarze Loch im Zentrum unserer Milchstraße verhält sich —DERZEIT, ungewöhnlich.
20190916             Im BEREICH—DES—SCHWARZEN—LOCHS leuchtet es demnach so hell wie noch nie —SEIT—BEGINN der Beobachtungen.
20190916             "Es ist normalerweise ein ziemlich ruhiges, schwächliches SCHWARZES—LOCH auf Diät",
20190916             DIE—FORSCHER HATTEN—CA—13.000—MESSUNGEN aus 133—NÄCHTEN
20190916             "DIE—GROßE Frage lautet, ob das schwarze Loch in eine neue Phase eintritt",
20190916             GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE Erde bestehe nicht, betonen die Wissenschaftler.
20190916             Auf die Frage, was die Antwort auf ALLE—FRAGEN in unserem UNIVERSUM ist, werden VIELE—MENSCHEN auf der Welt antworten: 42.
20190916             Im SCIENCE—FICTION—KLASSIKER "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis" von DOUGLAS—ADAMS ist 42—DIE magische Nummer, sie hat seit Erscheinen des Hörspiels 19780000              ikonenhaften Charakter
20190916             Sie wollten die Zahl auf eine 19540000              an der CAMBRIDGE—UNIVERSITÄT entwickelte sogenannte Diophantische Gleichung anwenden, die lautet k = x³ + y³ + z³.
20190916             DIE—BESONDERE Schwierigkeit bei dieser Gleichung: x, y und z sollten ganze Zahlen sein.
20190916             DIE—BEIDEN Wissenschaftler schufen 1—NETZ—WERK, das ungenutzte Leistung von mehr als einer halben Million HEIM—PCS zusammenschloss, die gigantische Rechnerkapazität schließlich ermöglichte DIE LÖSUNG, wie es in einer Mitteilung heißt.
20190916             DIE LÖSUNG lautet: x = -80538738812075974, y = 80435758145817515 und z = 12602123297335631".Ich bin erleichtert", so Booker.
20190916             Der Themenkomplex rund um Primzahlen und Teilbarkeit, der wie auch sogenannte diophantische Gleichungen wie im aktuellen FALL—DER—ZAHLENTHEORIE zuzuordnen sei, werde aktuell massiv in der Verschlüsselungstechnik genutzt.
20190916             Zerstörte Anlagen in SAUDI—ARABIEN: —ANGRIFF—AUF—DAS Herz der globalen ÖL—INDUSTRIE
20190916             Serienhit über MEDIEN—DYNASTIE: Diese Familie frisst die letzten Reste der freien Presse
20190916             FOOTBALL—LEAKS: "In DEUTSCHLAND wäre PINTO nicht im Gefängnis"
20190916             Persischer Golf: IRAN stoppt Tanker mit angeblich illegalem Öl
20190916             1. Hilfe für den Planeten: 5—MAßNAHMEN, die den CO2-Ausstoß schnell reduzieren
20190916             KRIEGSDIENST—VERWEIGERER im "3. Reich": An den Zeugen Jehovas verzweifelten die NAZIS
20190916             Vorverurteilung durch Algorithmen: Warum Gefährderprognosen gefährlich sind
20190916             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Droht die Eskalation? —DER—ANGRIFF, auf SAUDI—ARABIENS Ölanlagen
20190916             Drohende KATASTROPHE in Sambia: "DIE—FÜRCHTERLICHSTE Dürre, an die sich Menschen erinnern können"
20190916             —ANGRIFF—AUF—ÖLANLAGEN: SAUDI—ARABIEN spricht von iranischen Drohnen
20190916             BREXIT—GESPRÄCH in LUXEMBURG: JOHNSON sagt Presseauftritt wegen Protestlärm ab
20190916             —ANGRIFFE—AUF—SAUDI—ARABIEN—ÖLANLAGEN: Das Rätseln der Waffenexperten
20190916             SYRIEN—GIPFEL: PUTIN, ERDOGAN und Rohani einigen sich offenbar auf Verfassungskomitee
20190916             NEW—YORK—TIMES —BERICHT, DONALD—TRUMP beschimpft Journalisten nach neuen KAVANAUGH—RECHERCHEN
20190916             —ATTACKE auf Ölanlagen in SAUDI—ARABIEN: DONALD—TRUMP will keinen KRIEG—UND droht trotzdem
20190916             Methan ist 1—KLIMAGAS, das auf kurze Sicht etwa 80-mal so stark zur Erderhitzung beiträgt wie CO2.
20190916             25—PROZENT—DER—JETZIGEN—ERWÄRMUNG geht auf Methanemissionen zurück, die von Menschen verursacht werden
20190916             —DENN, WELT—WEIT gewähren DIE—REGIERUNGEN insgesamt 5,2—BILLIONEN DOLLAR PRO—JAHR an direkten und indirekten Subventionen für fossile Brennstoffe, hat der WELTWÄHRUNGS—FONDS errechnet.
20190916             85 % DER—STAATSHILFEN gehen an die Industrien für Öl und Kohle.
20190916             Würden diese STEUER—GELDER nicht ausgegeben, um DAS—KLIMA zu ruinieren, läge der globale CO2-Ausstoß um 28 % niedriger,
20190916             Würden diese STEUER—GELDER nicht ausgegeben, um DAS—KLIMA zu ruinieren, DIE—STAATEN hätten 3,8 % mehr Geld zur Verfügung und
20190916             Würden diese STEUER—GELDER nicht ausgegeben, um DAS—KLIMA zu ruinieren, es gäbe erheblich weniger verlorene LEBENS—JAHRE durch Luftverschmutzung, konstatiert der Währungsfonds.
20190916             [l] ECUADOR hat einen Datenreichtum! —DIESMAL nicht MongoDB sondern Elasticsearch.
20190916             Wie heißt es so schön? In des tumben Toren Hand ist das beste Werkzeug Tand!
20190916—20030000    —SEIT, analysiert.
20190916—20040000    —ANNOUNCED, The Special Tribunal for LEBANON, that 1—JUDGE has confirmed 1—NEW 5—COUNT indictment accusing Salim JAMIL—AYYASH—OF—3—BOMBINGS targeting LEBANON—POLITICIANS and 20050000             .
20190916—20150000    —ARRIVED, Qashou, in THE—USA—THROUGH ATLANTA—AIRPORT, planning to study nursing at 1—OPELIKA—ALABAMA, community college.
20190916—20160000    —IN, THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS—BECAME the 6. country to switch allegiance to CHINA since PRESIDENT—TSAI—ING—WEN took OFFICE—IN—TAIWAN.
20190916—20180000    —ACCUSED—OF, She was, paying $400,000 to get her son into THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, LOS—ANGELES, as 1—FAKE soccer recruit.
20190916—20190513    —AM, strahlte das schwarze Loch —PLÖTZLICH, doppelt so hell wie auf den hellsten der übrigen Aufnahmen.
20190916—20190917    —INSTRUCTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 2—FORMER—AIDES—OF—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP not to appear at 1—HOUSE—JUDICIARY hearing, saying Rick Dearborn and ROB—PORTER are immune from testifying on TRUMP—POSSIBLE—IMPEACHMENT for OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE and ABUSE—OF—POWER.
202008091643180400   FYI-
202008091643180400   The postmaster general of THE—USA is THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE.
202008091643180400   The current postmaster general is LOUIS—DEJOY, who took office 20200615          .
202008091643180400   Appointed MEMBERS—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS—OF—THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE—SELECT the postmaster general and deputy postmaster general, who then join THE—BOARD.
202008091643180400   Why is this important?
202008091643180400   I am 1—TAX paying USA—CITIZEN
202008091643180400   LOUIS—DEJOY is taking actions that are disrupting THE—MISSION—OF—THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, which is to deliver USA mail to the citizens of  THE—USA in 1—TIMELY fashion.
202008091643180400   DeJoy has no experience or expertise that pertains to THE—USPS.
202008091643180400   In the last few months mail delivery has begun to take longer than it had prior to MISTER—DEJOY being appointed to the position of USA—POSTMASTER GENERAL.
202008091643180400   Mail that would normally take 2—3—DAYS to receive is now taking 4—6—DAYS.
202008091643180400   This is in direct correlation to actions taken by MISTER—DEJOY that deprioritize the timely delivery of our mail.
202008091643180400   In the midst of 1—GLOBAL—PANDEMIC, when cases are surging and local officials are asking people to stay at home, it is imperative TH—AT—THE—TIMELY delivery of USA mail be made 1—PRIORITY.
202008091643180400   MISTER—DEJOY is 1—BARRIER to this necessity.
202008091643180400   The current postmaster general is LOUIS—DEJOY, who took office 20200615             .
202008091643180400   I am 1—TAX paying USA—CITIZEN
202008091643180400   LOUIS—DEJOY is taking actions that are disrupting THE—MISSION—OF—THE—USA—POSTAL—SERVICE, which is to deliver USA mail to the citizens of  THE—USA in 1—TIMELY fashion.
202008091643180400   Mail that would normally take 2—3—DAYS to receive is now taking 4—6—DAYS.
202008091643180400   In the midst of 1—GLOBAL—PANDEMIC, when cases are surging and local officials are asking people to stay at home, it is imperative TH—AT—THE—TIMELY delivery of USA mail be made 1—PRIORITY.
202008091643180400   MISTER—DEJOY is 1—BARRIER to this necessity.
20200916             —CHARGED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT said it has, 5—CHINA—RESIDENTS and 2—MALAYSIA—BUSINESSMEN in 1—WIDE—RANGING hacking effort.
20200916             THE—2—MALAYSIA—BUSINESSMEN, Wong Ong Hua (46) and Ling YANG—CHING, 32—JAHRE—ALT were charged with conspiring with 2—OF—THE—CHINA—HACKERS to profit from computer intrusions targeting videogame companies in THE—USA, FRANCE, JAPAN, SINGAPORE and SOUTH—KOREA.
20200916             —CALLED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—WILLIAM—BARR, at Hillsdale College in MICHIGAN, the coronavirus lockdown orders the "greatest intrusion on civil liberties in USA—HISTORY" since slavery.
20200916             ROBERT—REDFIELD, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, told Congress that universal MASK—WEARING could bring the pandemic under control within 1—FEW months.
20200916             Redfield also said vaccines might not be available for most Americans until the middle of 20210000             .
20200916             —REBUKED, Hours later, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, Redfield, questioning the value of masks and saying 1—VACCINE would be available to the public more quickly.
20200916             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA has imposed sanctions on THE—GAMBIA—FORMER 1. Lady Zineb Jammeh after accusing HER—OF—CORRUPTION during her husband YAHYA—JAMMEH—RULE.
20200916             —SUSPECTED, She was, to have helped him in the illegal TRANSFER—OF—MONEY, and controlled his assets abroad.
20200916             —STRENGTHENED, Hurricane Sally, overnight and made landfall in ALABAMA this morning as 1—CATEGORY 2—STORM.
20200916             It weakened to 1—STILL—DANGEROUS—CATEGORY 1, with winds of 80—MPH, by MID—MORNING.
20200916             The hurricane left at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD in ALABAMA.
20200916             If carbon emissions continue at current rates, so much mercury will leach from thawing permafrost that fish in the Yukon River could become dangerous to eat within 1—FEW decades, according to 1—STUDY published in the journal Nature Communications.
20200916             CALIFORNIA to date had 771,841 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 14,720 deaths.
20200916             THE—SF Bay Area had 95,997 cases and 1,360 deaths.
20200916             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 6,627,276 with the death toll at 196,691.
20200916             THE—BODY—OF—MICHAEL—WILLIAMS, 44—JAHRE—ALT was found ablaze in rural IOWA.
20200916             —STRANGLED, He was allegedly, to death, wrapped in cloth and plastic that was secured with rope and tape, and then transported to 1—RURAL—AREA where his body was burned.
20200916             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR BILL—DE—BLASIO, that everyone in the mayor's office, including the mayor himself, will be furloughed for 1—WEEK without pay beginning 20201001              to close 1—BUDGET shortfall created by the pandemic.
20200916             STANLEY—CROUCH, 74—JAHRE—ALT, the fiercely iconoclastic social critic who elevated the invention of jazz into 1—METAPHOR for the indelible contributions that Black people have made to USA—DEMOCRACY, † at 1—HOSPITAL in the Bronx.
20200916             Applied DNA Sciences said it plans to initiate clinical trial of 1—OF—ITS 5—LINEADNA vaccine candidates for veterinary use to prevent coronavirus infections in domestic cats.
20200916             —SHOWED, ELI—LILLY and Co said interim trial data, its experimental antibody treatment reduced the need for hospitalization and emergency room visits for patients with moderate COVID-19.
20200916             1—COALITION—OF—11—STATE treasurers called on drugmaker Gilead Sciences to reduce the price of remdesivir, its promising treatment for SOME—PATIENTS—OF—COVID 19.
20200916             —ARRESTED, Authorities in Bosnia, 9—FORMER—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—MILITARY—OFFICERS and troops who are suspected in THE—KILLING—OF—44—CIVILIANS during the 19920000—19950000     BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—WAR.
20200916             —REPORTED, BRITAIN, 3,991 new coronavirus cases up from 3,105 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20200916             EU Commission PRESIDENT—URSULA von der Leyen said THE—EU will build its own agency for biomedical research and convene 1—GLOBAL—HEALTH—SUMMIT in ITALY next year in 1—BID to be better prepared for future pandemics.
20200916             1—TOP—GERMANY—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said authorities in WEST—GERMANY have suspended 29—POLICE—OFFICERS suspected of sharing FAR—RIGHT—PROPAGANDA in WhatsApp groups, at least 2—OF which were active for several years.
20200916             THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY struck Hamas militant sites in THE—GAZA Strip early today in response to rocket fire toward ISRAEL the previous night that coincided with THE—SIGNING—OF—NORMALIZATION—AGREEMENTS between ISRAEL and 2—ARAB countries at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20200916             ISRAEL—BETALIN—THERAPEUTICS said it is preparing 1—INITIAL—PUBLIC offering that will value the biotech firm between $150—170—MILLION to fund trials for its diabetes treatment.
20200916             Betalin is developing 1—ARTIFICIAL—MICRO—PANCREAS that is implanted in THE—THIGH—OF—DIABETICS to help control THE—LEVEL—OF—SUGAR in their blood.
20200916             —ELECTED, JAPAN—PARLIAMENT, Yoshihide Suga as the country's 99. - PRIME—MINISTER.
20200916             1—SENIOR—PORTUGAL—OFFICIAL said LISBON and RABAT are negotiating 1—DEAL that would allow 1 agreed NUMBER—OF—CITIZENS from MOROCCO to work legally in PORTUGAL.
20200916             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—MILITARY—COURT—IN—SOMALIA has sentenced 1—MILITANT—ISLAMIST to life in prison for his role in 1—DEADLY—ATTACK last January on 1—USA—BASE in KENYA.
20200916             —CONVICTED—OF, FARHAN—MOHAMUD—HASSAN was also, being 1—MEMBER—OF—AL—SHABAB.
20200916             SOUTH—KOREAN—SHIPBUILDER Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co Ltd said it had delivered the world's 1. very large container ship powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) to SINGAPORE—EAST—PACIFIC—SHIPPING—PTE—LTD.
20200916             TURKEY began final Phase III trials of 1—EXPERIMENTAL—CHINA—CORONAVIRUS vaccine.
20200916             —TRIALED, The vaccine candidate being, was developed by Sinovac.
20200916             NORTH—EAST—UGANDA, 219—PRISONERS broke out of 1—PRISON—FACILITY in Moroto.
20200916             7 were soon recaptured. 1—SOLDIER and 2—INMATES were killed.
20200916             —CALLED, THE—UN—CHILDREN'S—AGENCY—UNICEF has, on THE—NIGERIA—AUTHORITIES to urgently review 1—ISLAMIC—COURT'S—DECISION to sentence a 13-year-old boy to 10—YEARS in prison for blasphemy.
20200916             —CONVICTED, The boy was, in August of making uncomplimentary remarks about God during 1—ARGUMENT with 1—FRIEND in NORTH—KANO state.
20200916             THE—UN—AGENCY for PALESTINE—REFUGEES said it is experiencing 1—FINANCIAL—CRISIS that could force it to halt SOME—SERVICES to 1—ALREADY impoverished population of more than 5—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20200916             —ACCUSED, Independent experts for THE—UN—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—OF—CRIMES against humanity, highlighting grisly CASES—OF—TORTURE and killings allegedly carried out by security forces who used techniques like electric shocks, genital mutilation and asphyxiation.
20200916             —MITTWOCH, 20200916             
20200916             Wed 20200916             
20200916             [l] CHINA hat sich vor der WTO über TRUMP—STRAFZÖLLE beschwert und vollumfänglich recht bekommen.
20200916             —AUSWIRKUNGEN hat das allerdings keine.
20200916             Die Berufungsfrist beträgt 60—TAGE Zeit.
20200916             Allerdings vereiteln DIE—USA seit geraumer Zeit die Ernennung neuer WTO—SCHIEDSRICHTER.
20200916             Die Berufungsinstanz hat statt 7—MITGLIEDERN nur mehr eines und ist handlungsunfähig.
20200916             Also kann es über 1—BERUFUNG gar nicht entscheiden.
20200916             Die Folge: Die Volksrepublik CHINA kann aus ihrem Sieg auf absehbare Zeit keinen Nutzen ziehen.
20200916             Das muss man sich mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.
20200916             —UPDATE, EINIGE—LESER weisen darauf hin, dass BORIS—JOHNSONGERADE die Vision des "Handels nach WTO—REGELN" für Großbritannien verbreitet, als Kontrastprogramm zu den ganzen bilateralen Abkommen, die die EU hatte.
20200916             —ZERSTÖRT, Wenn die WTO also de facto, ist, dann kann das für UK nochmal unangenehm werden.
20200916             —CORONA und die USA—WAHL: USA—PRÄSIDENT spekuliert über Impfstoff in "3—ODER 4—WOCHEN"
20200916             Saudischer EX—GENERAL fürchtet um sein Leben: Der PRINZ—JAGT—DOCTOR—SAAD
20200916             Slowenien: Neue MELANIA—TRUMP—STATUE enthüllt
20200916             —USA—PRÄSIDENT über syrischen Machthaber: Trump hätte Assad "lieber ausgeschaltet"
20200916             —JAHRESBERICHT zur DEUTSCHEN Einheit: Wirtschaft im Osten ist "gut, aber nicht gut genug"
20200916             Großanlage in BRANDENBURG vor dem Start: Mehr Solarparks ohne Subventionen
20200916             Nachfolger von Shinzo Abe: Yoshihide Suga ist neuer Premier JAPANs
20200916             Fast 190—EURO pro Quadratmeter: Bauland ist in DEUTSCHLAND so teuer wie nie
20200916             Mindestens 55—PROZENT weniger Emissionen: Von der Leyen verschärft EU—KLIMAZIEL
20200916             Mögliche Verbindung zu G—20—KRAWALLEN: Ermittler gehen in BERLIN gegen mutmaßliche Linksextremisten vor
20200916             Bildband über die Nachkriegszeit: BOOGIE—WOOGIE auf dem Trümmerfeld
20200916             Offenbar gesamte Dienstgruppe betroffen: Mutmaßlich RECHTS—EXTREME Chatgruppe DER—POLIZEI NRW aufgeflogen
20200916             Der florierende Onlinehandel und Paketversand während der CORONA—KRISE haben dem USA—LOGISTIKRIESEN Fedex kräftige Geschäftszuwächse beschert.
20200916             In den 3—MONATEN bis Ende August kletterten die Erlöse im —JAHRESVERGLEICH um 13,5 Prozent auf 19,3—MILLIARDEN Dollar (16,3—MILLIARDEN Euro), wie der Konkurrent der DEUTSCHEN Post nach USA—BÖRSENSCHLUSS mitteilte.
20200916             Der Nettogewinn legte von 745—MILLIONEN auf 1,25—MILLIARDEN Dollar zu.
20200916             Einen Geschäftsausblick gab Fedex mit Verweis auf die anhaltend hohe Ungewissheit aufgrund der PANDEMIE weiterhin nicht ab.
20200916             "Wir gehen aber davon aus, weiter von unserer starken Position auf den USA—UND den internationalen PAKET—UND Frachtmärkten zu profitieren",
20200916             —VERBIETET, CHINA, den Import von Geflügelwaren einer weiteren USA—FLEISCHVERARBEITUNGSFABRIK.
20200916             Produkte von OK Foods im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—ARKANSAS dürfen wegen CORONA—FÄLLEN bei Arbeitern nicht mehr eingeführt werden, teilte der Exportrat der USA für Eier und Geflügel mit.
20200916             Das Werk von OK Foods ist die 2. betroffene Geflügelfabrik in den USA, nachdem DIE—REGIERUNG in Peking im Juni Einfuhren aus einem Werk von TYSON—FOODS gestoppt hatte.
20200916             "Wir glauben nicht, dass das Verbot für einer dieser beiden gerechtfertigt ist, insbesondere angesichts der Tatsache, dass DAS—VIRUS nicht in Geflügelfleisch übertragen werden kann", sagt der PRÄSIDENT—DES—RATES, Jim Sumner.
20200916             Die Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) des ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) geht davon aus, dass es in DEUTSCHLAND mehrere unterschiedliche Impfstoffe gegen das CORONA—VIRUS geben wird.
20200916             "Angesichts der großen ZAHL—VON—POTENZIELLEN—SARS—COV 2—IMPFSTOFFKANDIDATEN ist es wahrscheinlich, dass am Ende mehrere Impfstoffe in DEUTSCHLAND zugelassen werden",
20200916             Dabei könne es sein, dass einzelne Impfstoffe insbesondere für bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen geeignet WÄREN—ZUM Beispiel für Ältere.
20200916             Die BUNDES—REGIERUNG erwartet, dass 1—IMPFSTOFF gegen das CORONA—VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND für TEILE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG in den 1. Monaten des nächsten —JAHRES zur Verfügung steht, für die breite Masse aber voraussichtlich erst Mitte des —JAHRES.
20200916             Laut Weltgesundheitsorganisation wird weltweit derzeit IN—CA—170—PROJEKTEN nach einer wirksamen Substanz gesucht.
20200916             Bei 26—PROJEKTEN laufen demnach bereits Testimpfungen, um die gesundheitliche Verträglichkeit und Wirksamkeit zu untersuchen.
20200916             "Wir stehen kurz vor einem Impfstoff", sagte
20200916             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP
20200916             Kritiker werfen Trump vor, den Impfstoff für seinen Wahlkamp zu instrumentalisieren.
20200916—20201103    —AM, finden in den USA die PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN statt, in Umfragen liegt Trump hinter seinem demokratischen Konkurrenten JOE—BIDEN.
20200916             1.901—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20200916             —ZUDEM, habe es 6—WEITERE Todesfälle gegeben.
20200916             Australischer BUNDES—STAAT—VICTORIA kündigt Lockerungen an
20200916             Bleibt die durchschnittliche Ansteckungsrate bis zum 20200928              unter 50, dürfen Fabriken, Lagerhäuser und Baustellen die Arbeit wieder aufnehmen, auch Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen könnten wieder öffnen,
20200916             Die Bewohner dürften sich allerdings weiterhin nur innerhalb eines 5—KILOMETER großen Umkreises um ihren Wohnsitz bewegen und 2—STUNDEN am Tag draußen Sport treiben.
20200916             Die Ausgangssperre von 21—BIS 5—UHR bleibe bestehen,
20200916             Keimfreie Rolltreppen sollen Elbphilharmonie sicherer machen
20200916             UV—TECHNIK aus KÖLN
20200916             "ALLE—ORGANISCHEN—KEIME werden mit dieser Technik unschädlich gemacht, was etwaige Schmierinfektionen auf ein absolutes Minimum reduziert",
20200916             Die Module stammen von einem Kölner Startup: "Die UVC—STRAHLEN unserer Module brechen die DNA der Bakterien und die RNA der VIREN auf und machen sie dadurch unschädlich",
20200916             Zu Schulzeiten entwickelte Zirnstein zusammen mit einer Freundin die mittlerweile patentierte Technik für einen WETTBEWERB—DAMALS grassierte die Schweinegrippe.
20200916             ARBEITS—MINISTER—HUBERTUS Heil (SPD) hat die Verlängerung des konjunkturellen Kurzarbeitergeldes gegen Kritik verteidigt.
20200916             Das Mittel der Kurzarbeit sei die "stabilste Brücke über ein tiefes, wirtschaftliches Tal", das von der CORONA—KRISE ausgelöst worden sei,
20200916             INDIEN zählt mehr als 5—MILLIONEN CORONA—INFIZIERTE
20200916             Bei der ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN wurde mit 12900000              ein neuer Tageshöchstwert erreicht.
20200916             Jeder 10. Test in ISRAEL positiv
20200916             Das GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM teilte mit, am Vortag seien 5.523—NEUE—FÄLLE registriert worden.
20200916             —ENTSCHIED, Angesichts der hohen Fallzahlen, die israelische Regierung, die Schulen und Kindergärten schon am —DONNERSTAG zu schließen.
20200916             Der allgemeine Lockdown tritt erst am —FREITAG in Kraft, vor Beginn der jüdischen Feiertage.
20200916             Er soll mindestens 3—WOCHEN dauern.
20200916             35—CORONA—FÄLLE in neuem Lager auf Lesbos
20200916             —VERSPRICHT, Trump, Impfstoff und vertraut auf "Herdenmentalität"
20200916             "Herdenmentalität"
20200916             mentalität
20200916             Gemeint war mit dem Begriff, den der PRÄSIDENT mehrfach wiederholte, offenbar die Herdenimmunität.
20200916             immunität.
20200916             Forscherinnen und Forscher sind sich unsicher, ob Herdenimmunität im FALL—VON—COVID 19—TATSÄCHLICH auf natürlichem Wege entstehen kann.
20200916             —GEARBEITET, Deshalb wird auch unter Hochdruck an einer Impfung.
20200916             Umfrage: Anliegen der Kinder kommen zu kurz
20200916             Anliegen
20200916             76—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN befürchten, dass die Bildungschancen von Kindern durch DIE—CORONA—KRISE im Allgemeinen sanken
20200916             Bei sozial benachteiligten Kindern gehen 81—PROZENT—VON—GERINGEREN—BILDUNGSCHANCEN aus.
20200916             71—PROZENT befürworten die Verankerung von Kinderrechten im Grundgesetz, damit die Interessen von Kindern und Jugendlichen bei politischen Entscheidungen stärker berücksichtigt werden.
20200916             "Die Umfrage zeigt deutlich, dass die Bevölkerung in DEUTSCHLAND hinter unserer Forderung steht, endlich Kinderrechte im Grundgesetz zu verankern", erklärte THOMAS Krüger, PRÄSIDENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—KINDERHILFSWERKS.
20200916             Rechtsextremes Netzwerk bei NRW—POLIZEI aufgedeckt: 29—POLIZISTEN suspendiert
20200916             Die Beamte werden verdächtigt, an mindestens 5—RECHTSEXTREMEN CHAT—GRUPPEN beteiligt gewesen zu sein.
20200916             Das teilte INNEN—MINISTER—HERBERT Reul mit.
20200916             1—SONDERKOMMISSION mit 200—ERMITTLERN sei eingesetzt.
20200916             INTERVIEW—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN, Trump wollte Assad töten lassen
20200916             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP wollte offenbar den syrischen Machthaber Assad töten lassen.
20200916             Das ließ er in einem Fernsehinterview durchblicken.
20200916             Doch der damalige VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—MATTIS habe ihm davon abgeraten.
20200916             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA
20200916             WTO erklärt USA—ZÖLLE für illegal
20200916             Der Handelskrieg wirkte sich auf die weltweite Wirtschaft aus. Nun urteilte die WTO: Die USA—ZÖLLE waren rechtswidrig.
20200916             BERLIN und ATHEN, Durchsuchungen in der linken Szene
20200916             BERLIN, und ATHEN hat es Durchsuchungen wegen des Verdachts der Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung gegeben.
20200916             Das bestätigte die BUNDES—ANWALTSCHAFT dem NDR.
20200916             Die Beschuldigten sollen aus der linken Szene stammen.
20200916             Nach ARD—INFORMATIONEN sollen die Abstände zwischen den Sicherheitsüberprüfungen beim KSK verkürzt werden.
20200916             Die Reform der kritisierten Eliteeinheit beschäftigt den Verteidigungsausschuss heute.
20200916             Pelo menos 67—JOVENS belgas com COVID—19—APÓS férias no ALGARVE
20200916             Empresa do grupo SCHROLL—FLOWERS produz 36—HECTARES de hortênsias em OLHÃO
20200916             PSD diz que situação de contingência no ALGARVE "enterra economia da região"
20200916             Motoristas de autocarros de turismo protestam em tempos de crise profunda
20200916             Na sequência de uma busca à casa, na PRAIA da Ingrina (Vila do Bispo), foram apreendidas seis caçadeiras, cinco carabinas, quatro armas de ar comprimido, uma pistola very light, dois punhais e várias munições de diversos calibres.
20200916             O empresário MIGUEL—SOUSA—CINTRA "estava sob influência do álcool" quando foi detido esta TERÇA—FEIRA, 15—DE Setembro, devido a ter disparado armas de fogo contra máquinas industriais, junto à sua casa na PRAIA da Ingrina, em Vila do Bispo.
20200916             MONCHIQUE CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—15 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20200916             ALJEZUR CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—10 (+1) ÓBITOS—1 (=) RECUPERADOS—6 (=) Casos ativos - 3 (+1)
20200916             Vila do Bispo CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4 (=) ÓBITOS—0—RECUPERADOS—2 (+1) Casos ativos - 2 (-1)
20200916             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—164 (+4) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—148 (=) Casos ativos - 16 (+4)
20200916             PORTIMÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—156 (=) ÓBITOS—3 (=) RECUPERADOS—130 (+2) Casos ativos - 23 (-2)
20200916             LAGOA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44 (=) ÓBITOS—2 (=) RECUPERADOS—24 (=) Casos ativos - 18 (=)
20200916             SILVES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—74 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—56 (=) Casos ativos - 18 (=)
20200916             ALBUFEIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—226 (+2) ÓBITOS—3 (=) RECUPERADOS—166 (+1) Casos ativos - 57 (+1)
20200916             LOULÉ CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—260 (+1) ÓBITOS—8 (+1) RECUPERADOS—170 (=) Casos ativos - 82 (=)
20200916             FARO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—145 (=) ÓBITOS—1 (=) RECUPERADOS—113 (=) Casos ativos - 31 (=)
20200916             OLHÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—47 (+1) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—37 (=) Casos ativos - 10 (+1)
20200916             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—18 (+1) ÓBITOS—1 (=) RECUPERADOS—9 (+1) Casos ativos - 7 (=)
20200916             TAVIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—55 (+1) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—49 (=) Casos ativos - 6 (+1)
20200916             CASTRO—MARIM CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9 (=) ÓBITOS—0 (=) RECUPERADOS—3 (=) Casos ativos - 6 (=)
20200916             VRSA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—33 (+2) ÓBITOS—2 (=) RECUPERADOS—20 (=) Casos ativos - 11 (+2)
20200916             Alcoutim CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1 (=) ÓBITOS—0—RECUPERADOS—0—CASOS ativos - 1 (=)
20200916             198_DGS_boletim_20200916             20200916             EUSKIRCHEN Kreis Fälle 720—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 373, 4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 5,7—TODES—FÄLLE 27,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200916             Aktualisierung 20200916             —0000—UHR
20200916             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Kreis Fälle 1.588—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 337, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 12,6—TODES—FÄLLE 78,—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20200916             DÜREN Kreis Fälle 927—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 351, 5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 9,1—TODES—FÄLLE 41,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200916             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 4.205—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 387, 3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 27,6—TODES—FÄLLE 117,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200916             LEVERKUSEN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 491—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 299, 7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 27,5—TODES—FÄLLE 8,—EINWOHNERZAHL—163.838
20200916             SOLINGEN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 569—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 357, 1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 43,3—TODES—FÄLLE 13,—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.360
20200916             Mülheim an der Ruhr Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 549—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 321, 3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 35,7—TODES—FÄLLE 14,—EINWOHNERZAHL—170.880
20200916             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 684—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 241, 3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 10,6—TODES—FÄLLE 22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200916             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 1.578—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 478, 6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 21,2—TODES—FÄLLE 43,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200916             BERLIN Mitte Bezirk Fälle 1.959—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 509, 9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 27,9—TODES—FÄLLE 18,—EINWOHNERZAHL—384.172
20200916             GARMISCH—PARTENKIRCHEN Landkreis Fälle 396—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 447, 6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 55,4—TODES—FÄLLE 18,—EINWOHNERZAHL—88.467
20200916             Miesbach Landkreis Fälle 711—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 713, 0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 29,1—TODES—FÄLLE 11,—EINWOHNERZAHL—99.726
20200916             Rosenheim Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 692—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 1.092, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 42,6—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.324
20200916             München Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 10.004—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 679, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 34,0—TODES—FÄLLE 223,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200916             Landshut Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 413—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 570, 4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 35,9—TODES—FÄLLE 9,—EINWOHNERZAHL—72.404
20200916             KAUFBEUREN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 172—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 391, 9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 47,8—TODES—FÄLLE 6,—EINWOHNERZAHL—43.893
20200916             Unterallgäu Landkreis Fälle 392—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 272, 1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 27,8—TODES—FÄLLE 15,—EINWOHNERZAHL—144.041
20200916             NEU—ULM Landkreis Fälle 693—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 397, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 34,4—TODES—FÄLLE 26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—174.200
20200916             ULM Stadtkreis Fälle 536—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 424, 3—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 32,5—TODES—FÄLLE 8,—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.329
20200916             egensburg Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 848—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 555, 7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 32,1—TODES—FÄLLE 10,—EINWOHNERZAHL—152.610
20200916             Nürnberg Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 1.840—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 355, 0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 30,3—TODES—FÄLLE 53,—EINWOHNERZAHL—518.365
20200916             Würzburg Landkreis Fälle 581—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 359, 0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 39,5—TODES—FÄLLE 7,—EINWOHNERZAHL—161.834
20200916             Würzburg Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 691—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 540, 4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 66,5—TODES—FÄLLE 52,—EINWOHNERZAHL—127.880
20200916             MANNHEIM Stadtkreis Fälle 931—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 300, 9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 27,8—TODES—FÄLLE 13,—EINWOHNERZAHL—309.370
20200916             Worms Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 299—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 358, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 31,2—TODES—FÄLLE 8,—EINWOHNERZAHL—83.330
20200916             Kulmbach Landkreis Fälle 290—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 403, 6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 43,1—TODES—FÄLLE 11,—EINWOHNERZAHL—71.845
20200916             Weimarer Land Landkreis Fälle 117—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 142, 8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 32,9—TODES—FÄLLE 5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—81.947
20200916             Cloppenburg Landkreis Fälle 367—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 216, 7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PRO—100.000—EINWOHNER 28,3—TODES—FÄLLE 0,—EINWOHNERZAHL—169.348
20200916             Stammbaum des NRW—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN: Familie LASCHET glaubt an Abstammung von KARL—DEM Großen
20200916             MICROSOFT—GRÜNDER: BILL—GATES trauert um seinen Vater
20200916             —CORONA—HILFE für Betriebe: Kabinett beschließt längeres Kurzarbeitergeld
20200916             Die Lage: USA 20200000             : Wie Trump DIE—USA in den Wahnsinn treibt Von René Pfister, USA—KORRESPONDENT
20200916             Waffenproduktion in THÜRINGEN: LINKEN—LANDESCHEFIN HENNIG—WELLSOW nennt Bundeswehrauftrag "vergiftetes Geschenk"
20200916             ANGST—VOR—ZWEITEM Wirecard: Aktien von Grenke stürzen ab
20200916             DIW—ANALYSE: Alterseinkommen in Ost und West klaffen weit auseinander
20200916             Kloster Tholey: GERHARD RICHTER—ERKLÄRT—KIRCHENFENSTER zu seinem finalen großen Werk
20200916             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—ÜBER—KALIFORNIENS—BRÄNDE: Trump lobt Österreichs "WALD—STÄDTE"
20200916             NORD—STREAM 2: DEUTSCHLAND will USA angeblich mit Milliardeninvestition besänftigen
20200916             Großrazzia in BREMEN: Hunderte Beamte gehen gegen mutmaßliche Drogenhändler vor
20200916             Netzdebatten: Wo kommen eigentlich die ganzen PUTIN—FANS her? 1—KOLUMNE—VON—SASCHA—LOBO
20200916             Vernachlässigung und ungerechtfertigte OPs: Krankenschwester schildert katastrophale Zustände in USA—MIGRANTENLAGER
20200916             —GETROFFEN, HAMAS—STELLUNGEN : ISRAEL reagiert mit Luftschlägen auf Raketenbeschuss aus GAZA
20200916             ALABAMA: Hurrikan "Sally" trifft an USA—GOLFKÜSTE auf Land
20200916             Schärferes EU—KLIMAZIEL: DEUTSCHE Industrie warnt vor zusätzlicher Belastung
20200916             "1—EXPLOSIVE—COMBINATION": How Conspiracy Theories Threaten Our Society Interview Conducted By Katja Thimm
20200916             —CORONA—KRISE: Fahrt im vollen Aufzug bleibt für Spahn und Bouffier folgenlos
20200916             Strengere CO2-Ziele für die AUTO—INDUSTRIE, Eine lösbare Aufgabe
20200916             OECD—AUSBLICK zu CORONA—KRISE: Wirtschaftseinbruch weniger dramatisch als befürchtet
20200916             Mutmaßlich RECHTS—EXTREME Chatgruppe: SEEHOFER—MINISTERIUM spricht von "Schande" für Polizei in NRW
20200916             Urlaub in DEUTSCHLAND: Der ländliche Rassismus und ich
20200916             —KLIMA—KRISE: Die Katastrophe ist da...
20200916             —USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP: Die Ignoranz
20200916             Lungenarzt über Waldbrände: Die Gesundheit 1—INTERVIEW—VON—NINA—WEBER
20200916             —SPIEGEL: Herr Barczok, wie wirken sich große Waldbrände auf die Atemwege aus?
20200916             Barczok: Da muss man zwischen Menschen mit gesunder und vorgeschädigter Lunge unterscheiden.
20200916             Aus ähnlichen Situationen wie den jetzigen Waldbränden in den USA weiß man, dass die ZAHL—DER—STERBEFÄLLE steigt.
20200916             Denn es kann etwa bei COPD durch die verschmutzte Luft, die eine zusätzliche Belastung ist, zu einer akuten Verschlechterung kommen, die lebensbedrohlich IST—ÄRZTE sprechen von einer Exazerbation.
20200916             Barczok: ALLE—MENSCHEN in den Gebieten sind einer stärkeren FEIN—STAUBBELASTUNG ausgesetzt.
20200916             Die größeren Staubteilchen werden unter anderem in den Bronchien abgefangen, wo sie allerdings die schon erwähnte Bronchitis verursachen können.
20200916             FEIN—STAUB durchschlägt die Lungenbläschen und erreicht die Blutgefäße.
20200916             Die Folge davon können Gefäßkomplikationen sein.
20200916             FEIN—STAUB erhöht das Risiko für Herzinfarkte und Schlaganfälle.
20200916             Barczok: Rauchen ist das Ultraproblem.
20200916             Mit dem Nikotin habe ich als Lungenfacharzt kein unmittelbares Problem, wohl aber damit, dass beim Rauchen organisches Material verschwelt und der Rauch inhaliert wird.
20200916             Das ist im Prinzip ähnlich wie 1—WALDBRAND, wobei man dessen Rauch nicht freiwillig tief inhaliert.
20200916             Wer raucht, hat tagein, tagaus seinen Waldbrand zu Hause.
20200916             Allerdings ist DIE—SITUATION für Raucher auch schlimmer, wenn zusätzlich zu der Belastung durchs Rauchen die Luft draußen durch einen Brand verschmutzt ist.
20200916             737—MAX: USA—AUSSCHUSS prangert Boeing wegen Schlamperei und Vertuschung an
20200916             MALAYSIA: Affe flüchtet mit Smartphone in den Dschungel und macht Selfies
20200916             Neuer Sonnenzyklus: Risiko für Sonnenstürme steigt
20200916             Manipuliertes BIDEN—VIDEO: Twitter versieht weiteren TRUMP—TWEET mit Warnhinweis
20200916             KARIBIK—STAAT will volle Souveränität: BARBADOS sagt sich von der QUEEN los
20200916             RECHTS—EXTREME Chatgruppen der NRW—POLIZEI: Hetzer auf der Wache
20200916             INTERVIEW—WITH—BILL—GATES on COVID—19: "It's MIND—BLOWING That We're Not Further Along!" Interview Conducted by Veronika Hackenbroch und MARC—PITZKE
20200916             —CORONA—KRISE: Auswärtiges Amt erlässt Reisewarnung für WIEN
20200916             [l] Leserbrief zu den "WTO—REGELN"
20200916             Warum gibt es jetzt die Handelsabkommen, wo wir doch die WTO haben? Nun, nach dem Platzen der Doharunde Anfang der 2000er —JAHRE ist die Weiterentwicklung der WTO de facto tot.
20200916             Das ist auch der Grund, warum wir seit etwa 20100000              ständig diese großen Freihandelsabkommen haben (TTIP, CETA, JEFTA, Mercusor...).
20200916             Die EU hat eingesehen, dass sie bei der WTO nicht weiterkommt und direkt mit BI—UND multilateralen Verhandlungen angefangen um Handelshemmnisse abzubauen.
20200916             Die dauern halt ein paar —JAHRE und nun sind die nach und nach ausverhandelt.
20200916             Kontext bei Wikipedia: DOHA—RUNDE.
20200916             [l] Ihr werdet jetzt genauso überrascht sein wie ich: NOCH ein rechtsextremes Netzwerk bei DER—POLIZEI aufdgedeckt, diesmal NRW.
20200916             Rechtsextreme? Bei DER—POLIZEI? WIE KANN DAS SEIN! Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt!!
20200916             [l] Weitgehend unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit findet in Großbritannien gerade das Auslieferungsverfahren für ;;07;;an ASSANGE statt.
20200916             —GEÄUßERT, EINIGE—JOURNALISTEN hatten sich ja in der Causa schon früher, das war dann häufig ";;07;;an ist 1—JOURNALIST, und was er da tut ist Journalismus.
20200916             —KRIMINALISIERT, Wenn man das, geht das auch gegen ALLE—ANDEREN—JOURNALISTEN!"
20200916             Stellt sich raus: Ja, genau so sehen die Amis das auch.
20200916             Denen geht es gar nicht um ;;07;;an ASSANGE.
20200916             Die wollen gerne ALLE—JOURNALISTEN auf Linie bringen und statuieren daher jetzt 1—EXEMPEL an demjenigen, der am deutlichsten macht, dass niemand außerhalb der Reichweite ihrer Todesschwadrone ist: 1—AUSTRALIER, der noch nie überhaupt einen Fuß in DIE—USA gesetzt hat.
20200916             —BERICHTET, CRAIG—MURRAY :
20200916             The gloves were off on —TUESDAY as  THE—USA—GOVERNMENT explicitly argued that all journalists are liable to prosecution under the Espionage Act (19170000             ) for publishing classified information, citing the Rosen case.
20200916             —ARGUED, Counsel for  THE—USA—GOVERNMENT also, that the famous PENTAGON Papers SUPREME—COURT—JUDGEMENT on THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ONLY referred to PRE—PUBLICATION—INJUNCTION and specifically did not preclude prosecution under the Espionage Act.
20200916             —SURMISED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT even, in court that such 1—ESPIONAGE—ACT—PROSECUTION—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES may have been successful.
20200916             Ich würde sogar soweit gehen zu sagen, dass es da nie um Spionage ging.
20200916             Es ging schon immer darum, die eigenen Journalisten auf Linie zu halten.
20200916             Das Gesetz ist aus der Zeit des —WWIES.
20200916             Das hätte man schon längst mal entsorgen oder klarer formulieren können, wenn das nicht so wäre, dass es eigentlich als Waffe gegen Journalisten dienen soll.
20200916             [l] Old and busted: MICROSOFT operiert Windows aus Azure raus.
20200916             —OPERIERT, NEW—HOTNESS: MICROSOFT, Windows aus Windows raus 🙂
20200916             —STARTING with Windows Insiders preview build 20211, WSL 2 will be offering 1—NEW—FEATURE: wsl --mount.
20200916             This new parameter allows 1—PHYSICAL disk to be attached and mounted inside WSL 2, which enables you to access filesystems that aren't natively supported by Windows (such as ext4).
20200916             Ja, äh, wenn ich 1—LINUX—PARTITION mounte und davon LINUX—PROGRAMME ausführe, … wieso hab ich dann überhaupt noch Windows?
20200916             [l] PSA: Keine Fotos eurer Bordkarte veröffentlichen, auch nicht wenn sie schon abgelaufen ist.
20200916             Da steht nämlich der Name und der Buchungscode drauf und damit kann man sich gerne mal bei der Airline einloggen und den Rest der persönlichen Daten abgreifen.
20200916             Hier hat das jemand am Beispiel einer Bordkarte des australischen EX—PREMIER—MINISTERS TONY—ABBOTT durchexerziert.
20200916             Sehr spaßig zu lesen! (
20200916             [l] Erinnert ihr euch noch, als MICROSOFT der EU ins Gesicht log, der INTERNET Explorer sei jetzt integraler TEIL—VON—WINDOWS und nicht wegzumachen?
20200916             Und jetzt so: Ach scheiß drauf, wir nehmen lieber Chrome?
20200916             Das wäre doch eigentlich die Gelegenheit für 1—MILLIARDENSTRAFE durch die EU gewesen.
20200916             Wieso gab es die nicht?
20200916             [l] Gute Laune? Dem kann ich abhelfen.
20200916             Es waren 30—ANFRAGEN.
20200916             3ßig.
20200916             3 0.
20200916             Ja, 30.
20200916             Nicht 1000, nicht Millionen.
20200916             Einfach nur 30.
20200916             —VEREINBART, Es sei, gewesen, dass das Bundesamt die Apps alleine von BONN aus bedienen würde.
20200916             Stattdessen seien fast zeitgleich etwa 30—ANDERE Warnmeldungen rausgegangen.
20200916             "Das hat das System nicht verkraftet", sagte Unger.
20200916             FUCKING 30!!! Duuuude wer baut denn bitte 1—NOTFALLSYSTEM, oder IRGENDEIN—SYSTEM, dass mit 30—ANFRAGEN nicht klarkommt!?!?
20200916             [l] Manchmal ist es ja nicht die Meldung, die der Kracher ist, sondern die Kombination aus 2—MELDUNGEN.
20200916             —HEUTE zum Beispiel auf der einen Seite diese Meldung, dass Horst SEEHOFER (!) die Aufnahme (!!) von 15530000              (!!!) Flüchtlingen verteidigt (!!!!).
20200916             Das ist ja schon Realsatire pur.
20200916             Aber wartet mal.
20200916             Haltet da mal im Geiste diese Meldung daneben.
20200916             Ich zitiere:
20200916             Die BUNDES—REGIERUNG hat nach Recherchen der ZEIT mit einer MILLIARDEN—OFFERTE versucht, die umstrittene OSTSEE—PIPELINE NORD—STREAM 2—ZU retten.
20200916             ACH WATT.
20200916             Für eine verfickte Pipeline habt ihr ne Milliarde locker, aber bei 1500—FLÜCHTLINGEN muss der INNEN—MINISTER—INS—FERNSEHEN, um die Aufnahme zu verteidigen? Die Pipeline, wohlgemerkt, die nicht uns nützt sondern den Russen? Wir haben das Erdgas auch vorher gekriegt, nur haben halt die EX—SOWIET—STAATEN auf dem Weg Erdgas abgezwackt, das Russland dann halt nachpumpen musste, um uns unser bestelltes und bezahltes Kontingent zukommen zu lassen.
20200916             Nicht WIR brauchen diese Pipeline.
20200916             Russland braucht diese Pipeline.
20200916             Das müsste mir auch noch mal jemand erklären, wieso wir da überhaupt Geld reinstecken.
20200916             —AM Rande: Um die Wegelagerer in der Mitte auszubooten geht die Pipeline durchs Meer.
20200916             GANZ tolle Idee für den Umweltschutz! Wer hat jemand von Lecks in Pipelines gehört?
20200916             [l] JOE—BIDENS—WAHLKAMPF—APP hatte einen tollen Datenreichtum.
20200916             Da konntest du nen Namen von einem Verwandten eingeben (oder von irgendjemandem) und der hat das dann in einer fetten Monsterdatenbank nachgeschlagen und dir die Anschrift und so weiter gegeben.
20200916             —REGULIERT, DATEN—BANKEN sind eigentlich auch in den USA, aber natürlich gibt es für Wahlkampf 1—AUSNAHME.
20200916             Denn Politiker nehmen sich ja nicht selbst die Butter vom Brot.
20200916             Genauso wenig wie wir es hier in DEUTSCHLAND schaffen, Politikerkorruption sinnvoll unter Strafe zu stellen.
20200916             Es gibt  —INZWISCHEN. endlich einen Paragraphen, aber der kommt nie zur Anwendung, weil er so scheiße formuliert ist.
20200916             Die irische Regierung muss nun doch nicht in Quarantäne, nachdem der CORONA—TEST eines Ministers negativ ausgefallen ist.
20200916             GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—STEPHEN Donnelly hatte zuvor COVID—19—SYMPTOME gezeigt.
20200916             1—CORONA—VIRUS—AUSBRUCH im Zusammenhang mit einem Hochzeitsempfang im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MAINE hat zu mindestens 7—TODESFÄLLEN geführt.
20200916             Nach ANGABE—DES—ZENTRUMS für Krankheitskontrolle und Prävention in MAINE sind bislang 175—INFEKTIONEN bestätigt.
20200916             Es müsse allerdings davon ausgegangen werden, dass weit mehr Menschen mit dem CORONA—VIRUS infiziert sind.
20200916             —GELADEN, Auf der Hochzeitsfeier Anfang August waren 65—GÄSTE.
20200916             Unter ihnen war 1—VOLLZUGSBEAMTER—DES—YORK—COUNTY—GEFÄNGNISSES—ER trug DAS—VIRUS in die Haftanstalt,
20200916             Ein anderer Gast sei Angestellter eines Rehabilitationszentrums in MADISON gewesen — dort starben in der Folge allein 6—DER insgesamt 7—TODESOPFER an den Folgen der Infektion.
20200916             Im INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM SPIEGEL rechnet Gesundheitsexperte KARL—LAUTERBACH damit, dass sich CORONA wieder stärker in DEUTSCHLAND ausbreiten wird.
20200916             DIE—POLITIK müsse daher "die Zügel anziehen".
20200916             DESINFEKTIONSMITTEL—HERSTELLER übertreiben bei Werbeaussagen
20200916             In 11—FÄLLEN seien die Werbeaussagen im INTERNET oder auf den Etiketten beanstandet worden.
20200916             In 6—FÄLLEN sei die Werbung bereits umgestellt worden, und gegen 2—HERSTELLER habe man Unterlassungsklagen eingereicht.
20200916             —BEACHTET, Meistens werde die Biozidverordnung nicht ausreichend,
20200916             Diese untersage für Etikett und Werbung bestimmte Aussagen ausdrücklich, wie etwa ungiftig, unschädlich, natürlich, umweltfreundlich oder tierfreundlich.
20200916             —ZUDEM, wurden fehlende oder versteckte Warnhinweise sowie nicht nachvollziehbare Zertifikate und Testsiegel bemängelt.
20200916             Die deutsche Wirtschaft hat laut dem Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung in HALLE (IWH) einen erheblichen TEIL—DES—SCHWEREN—CORONA—EINBRUCHS aufgeholt.
20200916             Dennoch dürfte die Wirtschaftsleistung (BIP) im laufenden Jahr stark schrumpfen,
20200916             In der spanischen HAUPTSTADT—MADRID soll in Stadtteilen mit einer schnellen AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS 1—LOCKDOWN verhängt werden.
20200916             Von den Maßnahmen seien wahrscheinlich südliche Arbeiterviertel betroffen, in denen die Ansteckungsraten seit August ständig zugenommen hätten,
20200916             Rund 33 % der neuen täglichen CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN in SPANIEN gibt es in MADRID und Umgebung, wo 6,6 Millionen Menschen leben.
20200916             Mehr als 50—PROZENT—DER—NEUINFIZIERTEN habe keine CORONA—VIRUS—SYMPTOME.
20200916             Negative Entwicklung in Österreich setzt sich fort
20200916             Nach ANSICHT—VON—ÖSTERREICHS—GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—RUDOLF—ANSCHOBER sind vor allem Feiern im FAMILIEN—ODER Freundeskreis für die anhaltend hohe ZAHL—DER—CORONA—NEU—INFEKTIONEN verantwortlich.
20200916             Das Land befinde sich in einer entscheidenden Phase,
20200916             —VERSCHLECHTERT, GROßBRITANNIEN, hat sich DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—LAGE weiter.
20200916             Das von der britischen Regierung in Aussicht gestellte "weltbeste" CORONA—TESTSYSTEM ist an seine Grenzen geraten.
20200916             Man arbeite sehr hart daran, die Probleme zu lösen, sagte Premier BORIS—JOHNSON
20200916             Berichten zufolge sind in etlichen TEST—ZENTREN derzeit kaum noch Tests zu bekommen, sodass immer mehr potenziell infizierte Briten lange Strecken fahren müssen, um einen CORONA—TEST machen zu können.
20200916             Die Beschäftigten VON—CA—20—CORONA—TESTKLINIKEN in SÜD—FRANKREICH streiken wegen schlechter Arbeitsbedingungen.
20200916             —ÜBERLASTET, Sie seien, und gefährdet,
20200916             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN verschärft CORONA—REGELN für Schulen
20200916             Danach müssen die Eltern künftig 1—ERKLÄRUNG abgeben, ob ihr Kind in einem Risikogebiet gewesen ist, ob es Kontakt zu infizierten Personen hatte und ob es gesund ist.
20200916             Geben sie diese Erklärung nicht ab, darf das Kind nach den Herbstferien bis zu 2—WOCHEN lang die Schule nicht besuchen.
20200916             Nach der Veröffentlichung einer STUDIE—ZU dem neuen russischen CORONA—IMPFSTOFF mit dem Namen "SPUTNIK—V" im medizinischen Fachblatt "The Lancet" gibt es INTERNATIONAL Kritik von Forschern.
20200916             Hintergrund ist ein offener Brief VON—CA—40—INTERNATIONALEN Wissenschaftlern.
20200916             Sie äußern darin erhebliche Zweifel an der Studie.
20200916             Nach ihrer Ansicht wirft "die Darstellung der Daten EINIGE—BEDENKEN auf".
20200916             Die Zeitschrift hat nun die Autoren der russischen IMPFSTUDIE—ZU einer Stellungnahme aufgerufen, sagte 1—SPRECHERIN—DER—FACHZEITSCHRIFT
20200916             Der DEUTSCHE Kitaverband fordert mit Blick auf den Winter unter CORONA—BEDINGUNGEN Mittel für die Ausrüstung der Kitas mit Lüftungsanlagen.
20200916             1. in ihrer Geschichte bleibt die Große Synagoge in JERUSALEM zum jüdischen Neujahrsfest (Rosch Haschana) am —FREITAG geschlossen.
20200916             Die Leitung der Synagoge kündigte an, auf 1—REGELUNG, nach der sich etwa 200—GLÄUBIGE in dem Gebäude hätten versammeln können, zu verzichten.
20200916             —GESCHLOSSEN, Auch heilige Stätten des Islam in JERUSALEM bleiben.
20200916             Russlands Staatsfonds und eine indische PHARMA—FIRMA haben abgemacht, dass sie 100—MILLIONEN Dosen eines potenziellen CORONA—IMPFSTOFFES in INDIEN verteilen wollen.
20200916             Sollten Tests mit dem Impfstoff "SPUTNIK—V" erfolgreich ablaufen und indische Behörden ihn zulassen, könnte der Impfstoff Ende 20200000              in INDIEN bereitstehen,
20200916             HAMBURG, ist trotz Einschränkungen wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE das REEPERBAHN—FESTIVAL eröffnet worden.
20200916             —BIS Samstagabend SIND—VERTEILT auf 20—KLEINERE und mittlere SPIELSTÄTTEN—CA—300—VERANSTALTUNGEN geplant.
20200916             Etwa 140—DAVON sind Musikkonzerte.
20200916             In einer Bar im HAMBURGer Schanzenviertel sind laut Senat mehrere Barmitarbeiter positiv auf das CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden.
20200916             —ANGENOMMEN, Es müsse, werden, dass sich Gäste ohne ausreichenden Abstand angesteckt haben könnten,
20200916             Weil etliche Personen jedoch falsche Kontaktdetails angegeben hätten, seien noch nicht alle ermittelt worden.
20200916             "Dieser Fall zeigt erneut:
20200916             Die wahrheitsgemäße ANGABE—DER—KONTAKTDATEN in gastronomischen Betrieben ist wichtig, um im Falle eines Infektionsgeschehens ALLE—MÖGLICHERWEISE—BETROFFENEN warnen zu können", s
20200916             Ungarn verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20200916             Die Maskenpflicht wird auf Ämter, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Kinos und Theater ausgeweitet.
20200916             —BISHER galt sie schon für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und in Geschäften.
20200916             Trotz der CORONA—PANDEMIE dürfen HALLOWEEN—FANS in diesem Jahr in NEW—YORK von Haus zu Haus ziehen und Süßigkeiten einsammeln.
20200916             "Ich würde "Süßes oder Saures" nicht verbieten, das wäre nicht angebracht", sagte Gouverneur ANDREW—CUOMO—DEM—LOKALSENDER—NEWS 12.
20200916             "Wenn du Nachbarn hast und an deren Tür klopfen willst, Gott segne dich".
20200916             RKI erklärt WIEN und BUDAPEST zu Risikogebieten
20200916             Chinesische Studie: Brillen könnten DAS—CORONA—INFEKTIONSRISIKO senken
20200916             Die Brille ist möglicherweise eine optimale Ergänzung zum MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ.
20200916             Denn sie könnte dazu beitragen, das INFEKTIONS—RISIKO zu senken.
20200916             Doch es ist plausibel anzunehmen, dass Brillen helfen, 1—ANSTECKUNG zu vermeiden.
20200916             Wie das Team schreibt, fassen sich Menschen laut anderer Studien rund 10—MAL pro Stunde an die Augen.
20200916             Hätte jemand VIREN an den Fingern, könnten sie dabei an die Augen und dann recht einfach in den Körper gelangen.
20200916             Brillengläser verhindern die oft unwillkürlichen Berührungen mit den Händen, über die solche Infektionen passieren könnten.
20200916             Dass die Augen 1—EINTRITTSPFORTE für das CORONA—VIRUS sein können, schreibt auch die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung: "1—ANSTECKUNG kann erfolgen, wenn solche virushaltigen Flüssigkeitspartikel (Anmerkung: Aerosole) an die Schleimhäute der Nase, des Mundes und gegebenenfalls der Augen einer anderen Person gelangen.
20200916             Auch eine Übertragung durch Schmierinfektion über die Hände, die mit der MUND—ODER Nasenschleimhaut sowie mit der Augenbindehaut in Kontakt gebracht werden, ist prinzipiell nicht ausgeschlossen". Empfohlen wird deshalb auch immer, sich nicht an Nase, Mund oder Augen zu fassen.
20200916             —CORONA—IMPFSTOFF: Trump nennt CHEF—DER—USA—GESUNDHEITS—BEHÖRDE "verwirrt"
20200916—18450000    —NACH—175—JAHREN, USA—MAGAZIN—SCIENTIFIC—USA—SPRICHT 1. Wahlempfehlung AUS—GEGEN Trump
20200916—20150000    —IN—THE, 1—ISRAEL—COURT sentenced 1—YOUNG—MAN to 3 1/2—YEARS in prison for his role arson attack that killed 1—PALESTINE—TODDLER and his parents in THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—DUMA.
20200916—20170000    —IN, In rural ROMANIA 1—STASH of some 200—RARE and valuable books, stolen from 1—LONDON warehouse, was discovered hidden in 1 concealed space under 1—HOUSE.
20200916—20200912    —BELIEVED, He was, to have been killed.
20200916—20200922    —ON, 4—WHITE—PEOPLE were charged with murder.
20840916             —AM, könnte der Brocken die Erde treffen