Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 11. September ?

Ereignisse an einem 11. September

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00080911             —EPOCHE des ÄTHIOPISCHEN—KALENDERS (gregorianisch)
00090909—00090911    —SCHLACHT—IM—TEUTOBURGER—WALD.war
00090909—00090911    in der EMS—QUELLE, LIPPE—QUELLE Gegend DER LANGOBARDEN OST—NACHBARN CHERUSKER berührten sich
00090909—00090911    VARUS—SCHLACHT KALKRISE—OSNABRÜCK) geweiht (Kopfspaltung) nordischen Göttern RÖMER Überlebend
00090909—00090911    VARUS ließ sich in die Waldungen an der Weser locken,
00090909—00090911    VARUS, GEWARNT durch SEGESTES, dessen Tochter THUSNELDA oo HERMANN[ARMIN] wider des VATER—SEGESTES Willen.hatte,
00090909—00090911    VARUS achtete nicht darauf und
00090909—00090911    VARUS, fortwährend von den GERMANEN gedrängt,
00090909—00090911    —BIS—ENDLICH, auf sumpfigen und waldigen Wegen die im Stillen zusammengerufenen GERMANEN den RÖMERN als Feinde entgegentraten.
00090909—00090911    —UMSCHLOSSEN, VARUS zurückzog sich auf schlüpfrigen Pfaden, in den TEUTOBURGER—WALD und
00090909—00090911    † 3—RÖMER—LEGIONEN umkamen.
00090911             † VARUS, stürzte sich in sein Schwert,—AM—ABEND des 2. Tages
02600911             Der Siegesaltar ist der SIEGESGÖTTIN—VICTORIA geweiht und
02600911             Der Siegesaltar erinnert an 1—ERFOLG über den GERMANEN—JUTHUNGEN—STAMM.
02840911             Der KOPTEN—KALENDER hat des DIOKLETIAN—MACHT—ÜBERNAHME zum Bezugspunkt (gregorianisch)
081308ca—08130911    zum KAISER—KRÖNEN KAISER—KARL—DER—GROßE sich selbst lässt
081308ca—08130911    KAISER—KARL—DER—GROßE LUDWIG zum MitKAISER, Nachfolger ernennt.
08130911             —REICHS—VERSAMMLUNG—IN—AACHEN
08430800—09110000    DEUTSCHLAND als selbständiges Reich, —ZUNÄCHST unter den KAROLINGERN,
08890911             † WILLIBERT—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN
09100911             † KÖNIG—LUDWIG—III—DAS—KIND, noch unvermählt, Mit ihm erlosch das KAROLINGER—GESCHLECHT in DEUTSCHLAND.
10830911             † MUNJONG, 11. KÖNIG—DES—KOREA—GORYEO—REICH
11020911             † ERMENGOL—V—GRAF—VON—URGELL
11230911             † MARBOD—VON—RENNES, FRANZÖSISCHER—THEOLOGE, Dichter und Schriftsteller
11980911             * H?J?—SHIGETOKI, JAPAN—ADEL
12530911             3—V2 Hufe gerodet werde von dem Wald bei Anstel[Havel genannt], und
12530911             behaltet die Domthesaurie den NOVAL—10. GEGEN—BEZAHLUNG—VON—40—MARK
12530911             —AM, hat WALRAM—VON—BERGHEIM—HERR—ZU—BERGHEIM gestattet, auf Bitten seines Verwandten, des DOM—THESAURAR—PHILIPP, daß
12630911             † OTTO—I—GRAF—VON—TECKLENBURG
12730911             mehr, als dem LEHN—GELD gegenüber nötig war, angewiesen zu haben,
12730911             und dass DER—HOF—LICH auf ALLE—SEINE—ERBEN übergehen könne*.
12730911             —DIESES—JAHRES, erklärt WERNER—DER—ALTE—VON—BEILERSHEIM, durch Auftragung des HOF—LICH dem GRAF—VON—JÜLICH
12970911             —SCHLACHT—VON—STIRLING—BRIDGE und
12970911             WILLIAM—WALLACE, verjagt die ENGLISCHEN—TRUPPEN aus SCHOTTLAND.
13020911             ;;0911—ADOLF starb an 1—ENTWEDER oder 13030911             .
13050623—13170008    HEINRICH—VON—ATTENDORN.
13050623—13170008    13370911
13370817—13370911    ADOLF—WINMARS als 2. PRIOR
13560911             —BESTRAFUNG 1—GENANNTER Salzburgers wegen Diebstahls.
13710911             —APUD—VILLAMNOVAM.
13810911             † ALMARIC—ST—AMAND, ENGLAND—ADEL, Militär und Beamter
13970911             † PERNELLE—FLAMEL, Pariser Wohltäterin und Alchimistin
14000911             † † ? 3—JEWS—BURNT—IN—PRAGUE.
14370911             et aliqui ex dictis sequacibus abstulerunt mihi 1—ZAPPONE^ 1—SECHAM, 1—RONCOLECTAM, 3—ACCEPTAS grossas^ 1—ACCEPTINELLAM actam ad lignamina et quam plures alias res [...]
14370911             et in quo introitu fuit mortuus 2—PERUSINI.
14370911             et in quo introitu fuit mortuus ANTONIUS lannutii et
14370911             et in quo introitu fuit mortuus LEMMUS—GUIDECTUTII^
14370911             —DIE—XI, Intravit IN—CIVITATE—URBISVETERIS COMES—UGULINUS—DE—CORBARIO et GENTILIS—PETRIANTONII cum multis eorum comitatinis:
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, Cui Micchion dixi ìnfrascripta verba^ videlicet : Micchionj tibi do istam PAN\erìam.
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, ET—POSTEA remisit prò ea: prò qua venit Micchion Piloca cum duobus aliis^ videlicet [...]
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, Et ipse dixit: Ipsam recipio.
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, dictus Gentilis fecit mihi reddi panzeriam,
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, et maxime ALBERICUS—SIMONIS^ qui abstulit de camera mea guantos de panno^ guantos de ferro^ cappellum meum foderatum de drappo et capputium meum de viride:
14370911             —ITEM—DICTO—DIE, venit dictus Gentilis IN—DOMO mea cum multis suis sequacibus et totam domum meam perquisiverunt_,
14530911             —A—DÌ—DO, nuovamente rispondere alla richiesta del Tolomei stesso.
14900000—15220911    1—BELGIAN—HUMANIST—CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL  also known by his Latin name, CHRISTOPHE—LONGOLIUS.
15000911             —A, foi o matrimónio do DUQUE, com D. LEONOR—DE—MENDOZA y
15070911             † GALEOTTO—FRANCIOTTI—DELLA—ROVERE—BISCHOF—VON—LUCCA und Apostolischer Administrator des ERZBISTUM—BENEVENT
15130000—15220911    FINALLY CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL SETTLING IN PADUA, WHERE HE †, —SOON however gave up law to study old literature, traveled —AROUND EUROPE,
15200911             Bucking, VOLUME I. pp. 383—SQQ. COMPARE
15220911             REVETU—DE—LA—ROBE des disciples de S—FRANCISCUS, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL s'éteignit douceraent.
15220911             † CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL, PADUA
15270911             † CHARLES—I—DE—CROŸ—FÜRST—VON—CHIMAY
15410911             Der VOLCÁN—DE—AGUA, birst und,
15410911             Der VOLCÁN—DE—AGUA, —ZERSTÖRT, mit 1—GERÖLL—UND Schlammlawine die GUATEMALTEKISCHE—HAUPTSTADT, den heutigen Vorort Ciudad Vieja.
15410911             Mehrere 100—MENSCHEN sterben.
15410911             Zu Beginn eines dreijährigen AUFSTAND—DER—MAPUCHE gegen die SPANISCHEN—KONQUISTADOREN greifen DIE—INDIGENEN um Toqui Michimalonco SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE an und zerstören DIE—STADT.
15410911             Nur der EINSATZ—VON—INÉS—DE—SUÁREZ, der Geliebten des STADTGRÜNDER—PEDRO—DE—VALDÍVIA, kann 1—VÖLLIGE—NIEDERLAGE der Spanier abwenden.
15860911             † KASPAR—ARNURUS, DEUTSCHER—MORALPHILOSOPH und Logiker
15940911             † BALTHASAR—BÁTHORY, siebenbürgischer Politiker
15990911             † BEATRICE—CENCI, ROM—PATRIZIERIN, wegen Vatermordes hingerichtet
16020911             † SEBASTIAN—ARTOMEDES, DEUTSCHER—EVANGELISCHER—THEOLOGE und Kirchenliederdichter
16060911             † KAREL—VAN—MANDER, WEST—FLANDRISCHER Dichter, Schriftsteller, Maler und Zeichner
16090911             —ENGLISCHE—SEEFAHRER—HENRY—HUDSON—ENTDECKT den später nach ihm benannten HUDSON—RIVER, Der .
16200911             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TIRANO im Veltlin
16200911             durch SPANISCHE—TRUPPEN GESCHLAGEN—WIRD 1—HEER der 3—BÜNDE, Berns sowie Zürichs .
16270911             † MATTHÄUSA—ULICKY, reformatorischer Prediger in Böhmen, hingerichtet
16350911             * JOHANN—JAKOB—HOFMANN, SCHWEIZER—THEOLOGE, Altphilologe, Historiker und Lexikograf
16430911             —ECHEC—DE—LA—CABALE—DES—IMPORTANTS.
16450911             † NIKOLAUS—ESTERHÁZY, UNGARN—ADEL
16480911             * HIERONYMUS—SNITGER, HAMBURG—KAUFMANN und Politiker
16490911             Beim Strafzug der im ENGLISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG siegreichen Puritaner unter OLIVER—CROMWELL gegen aufständische Iren kommt es zum
16490911             † † ? MASSAKER—VON—DROGHEDA.
16490911—16490903    —SEIZED, OLIVER—CROMWELL, DROGHEDA—IRELAND in 1—SIEGE that began              .
16560911             —1—HANDELS—VERTRAG—ZUELBING
16560911             —VOM, Nämlich, den Elbinger HANDELS—VERTRAG, der NOCH—IMMER nicht ratificiert war.
16560911             KARL—GUSTAV will sich am KUR—FÜRST rächen;
16570911             * JOHANN—SINAPIUS, schlesischer Gelehrter und Historiker
16610911             † JAN—FYT, FLÄMISCHER—MALER
16660911             † DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER—PAUL—FÜRST, , BUCH—UND Kunsthändler
16760901/16760911    —JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16760901/16760911    —DATUM—LAGER—VOR—LÖCKENITZ
16760911             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat auf ihre MITTEILUNG erwidert, er glaube nicht anders, als daß BRAUNSCHWEIG und MÜNSTER kein anderes Ziel hätten, als ihm ihre Hilfe so teuer wie möglich zu verkaufen;
16800911             † GO—MIZUNOO—KAISER—VON—JAPAN, 108.
16870911             —DATUM—BERLIN 1/ Er hat —NUN zwar nachgegeben, daß die KONFERENZen auf dem SCHLOSS ;;0911;;
16920911             * SCHWEIZER—KAPITALIST—LUKAS—FATTET,  und Pietist
16970911             —SCHLACHT—BEI—ZENTA
16970911             —BESIEGEN KAISER—TRUPPEN unter PRINZ—EUGEN—VON—SAVOYEN die OSMANEN—ARMEE—DES—SULTAN—MUSTAFA—II, PRINZ—EUGEN feiert seinen 1. glanzvollen Sieg als Feldherr.
17060911             † NORBERT—DULCKS—PFARRER—IN—HARDT
17090911             —SPANISCHER—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG kommt es zur
17090911             —SCHLACHT—BEI—MALPLAQUET, in der die ANTI—FRANZÖSISCHE—ALLIANZ unter hohen eigenen Verlusten siegt.
17090911             JOHN—CHURCHILL—DUKE—OF—MARLBOROUGH, won the bloodiest —BATTLE—OF—the—17010101—18001231    —CENTURY at great cost, against THE—FRENCH at Malplaquet.
17140911             DIE—KATALANEN haben für die ANTI—FRANZÖSISCHE—ALLIANZ Partei ergriffen.
17140911             Der SPANISCHE—HERRSCHER PHILIPP—V—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN beseitigt der Katalanen alten Vorrechte und
17210911             † RUDOLF—JACOB—CAMERARIUS, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER und Mediziner
17240911             * JOHANN—BERNHARD—BASEDOW, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, Philosoph und Schriftsteller
17330911             † FRANCOIS—COUPERIN, FRANCE—COMPOSER (Le Grand), at 64. 17330912             —SEE
17400911             * ~ CATHARINA—MELLIN F Lovanger, V—BOTTEN, SCHWEDEN[MEHLING]
17410911             —ZEITALTER—DER—AUFKLÄRUNG
17410911             † JOHANN—JACOB—SCHÜBLER, Nürnberger Barockbaumeister, Architekturtheoretiker UND—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Mathematiker
17460911             GIOVANNI—DOMENICO—MARALDI entdeckt den als MESSIER—2—BEZEICHNETEN Kugelsternhaufen im STERNBILD—WASSERMANN.
17530911             * GIOVANNI—ANTONIO—ANTOLINI, ITALIENISCHER—BAUMEISTER, Architekt und Ingenieur
17560911             * PHILIPP—CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—BODECKER, DEUTSCHER—LEITER der oldenburgischen Forstverwaltung
17600911             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BRANDIS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17620911             * JOANNA—BAILLIE, BRITISCHE—DICHTERIN der Romantik
17660911             * JAMES—BROWN, USA—POLITIKER
177140911            † — — Norbert, aus KÖLN, MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD
17780911             * KARL—LUDWIG—NORDMANN, Domänenpächter und Tierzüchter
17810911             † JOHANN—AUGUST—ERNESTI, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Philologe
17890911             —VOTE—DU—VETO—SUSPENSIF
17890911             † LUKA—SORKO?EVI?, KROATIEN—DIPLOMAT und Komponist
17950911             † IWAN—IWANOWITSCH—BEZKOI, Schulreformer, Berater für Bildung und PRÄSIDENT—DER—RUSSISCHE—KUNSTAKADEMIE
17980911             * FRANZ—NEUMANN—ZU—GLAMBECK, MELLIN,
18010911             LEIPZIG, wird FRIEDRICH—SCHILLERS romantische Tragödie Die Jungfrau von Orléans uraufgeführt.
18010911             Das der Weimarer Klassik zugehörige Stück wird zu Schillers Zeiten sein meistgespieltes Werk.
18110911             * LUDWIG—VON—DER—PFORDTEN, BAYERN—UND sächsischer RECHTS—WISSENSCHAFTLER und Politiker
18140911             —SCHLACHT—BEI—PLATTSBURGH
18140911             —DIE—AMERIKANER—BESIEGEN,  DIE—BRITEN und geben dem BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHER—KRIEG damit 1 entscheidende Wende zu ihren Gunsten.
18220911             Die KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE gibt durch die Kongregation der ROM—UND allgemeinen Inquisition bekannt, dass die Lehre über das heliozentrische Weltbild generell verbreitet werden darf.
18250911             † CHRISTIAN—JAKOB—SALICE—CONTESSA, schlesischer Kommunalpolitiker und romantischer Schriftsteller
18270911             * ANTHONY—EICKHOFF, DEUTSCH—USA—JOURNALIST, Herausgeber, Autor, Anwalt und Politiker
18300911             ECUADOR, das —IM—MAI aus GroßKOLUMBIEN ausgeschieden ist, wählt das Parlament JUAN—JOSÉ—FLORES in RIOBAMBA zum 1. Präsidenten des Landes.
18350911             * WILLIAM—WIRT—ALLEN, USA—BRIGADEGENERAL der Konföderierten im SEZESSIONS—KRIEG
18360911             Sie wird —IN—DER—FOLGE aber völkerrechtlich nicht anerkannt und existiert nur 18450301             —BIS—ZUM.
18360911             —DIE—REPUBLIK—PIRATINI—AUSRUFEN, Separatisten unter ANTÔNIO—DE—SOUSA—NETO
18380911             * ADAM—ASNYK, POLNISCHER—LYRIKER und Dramatiker
18410911             Der MALER—JOHN—RAND erhält 1—USA—PATENT über die von ihm erfundene Tube, die ursprünglich zum Befüllen mit Farbe gedacht ist.
18440911             * DEUTSCHER—ASTRONOM—HERMANN—JOSEPH—KLEIN,  und Meteorologe
18470911             Der Ohrwurm Oh! Susannah (I come from ALABAMA) des Komponisten STEPHEN—COLLINS—FOSTER wird 1. in 1 Saloon in PITTSBURGH—PENNSYLVANIA, vorgetragen.
18500911             * DEUTSCHER—KAPITALIST—BERNHARD—HOWALDT,  und Ingenieur
18510911             * DEUTSCHER—HANDWERKER—HERMANN—MOLKENBUHR,  und Politiker, MdR
18550911             * GEORG—SCHMIEDL, MÄHRISCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHER—LEHRER, Mitgründer des Vereins Naturfreunde
18570911             —MOUNTAIN—MEADOWS—MASSAKER
18570911             —ÜBERFALLEN Mormonen, die sich im KRIEG—MIT—DEN USA befinden, 1 Siedlerzug aus ARKANSAS.
18570911             —GETÖTET, ALLE—ERWACHSENEN werden, die Kinder an MORMONEN—FAMILIEN abgegeben.
18570911             DER—DANITEN—GEHEIMBUND  wird für die —MOUNTAIN—MEADOWS—MASSAKER—TAT verantwortlich gemacht.
18570911             —MASSAKRIEREN, MORMONEN—MILIZIONÄRE mit verbündeten Ureinwohnern etwa 120—EMIGRANTEN der BAKER—FANCHER—PARTY[BAKER—FANCHER—GESELLSCHAFT] die nach Kalifornien reisten, in MOUNTAIN—MEADOWS.
18600911             † FRIEDRICH—LUDWIG—KELLER, Schweizer und PREUSSISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18610911             —AM, bewarb sich GOTTFRIED—KELLER auf Hagenbuchs dringenden Rat um die freigewordene Stelle des 1.Staatsschreibers des KANTON—ZÜRICH.
18610914—18610911    —3—TAGE—SPÄTER, wurde GOTTFRIED—KELLER—VON—DER—REGIERUNG mit 5—GEGEN—3—STIMMEN gewählt.
18620911             * KANADISCHER—GENERAL—JULIAN—BYNG,  und Politiker
18620911             * USA—ASTRONOMIN—MARY—PROCTOR,  und Schriftstellerin
18620911             * O—HENRY, USA—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18630911             † JOHANN—WILHELM—SCHIRMER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Graphiker
18650911             * RAINIS, LETTISCHER—DICHTER, Dramatiker, Übersetzer und Politiker
18670911             1. KARL—MARX—HAUPTWERK—DAS—KAPITAL Band erscheint, der umfangreiche, HAMBURG,
18680911             * HENRY—JUSTIN—ALLEN, USA—POLITIKER
18690906—18690911    9—LÄNDER sind durch 78—DELEGIERTE vertreten.
18690906—18690911    Aus DEUTSCHLAND stammen unter anderem WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT und MOSES—HESS, der in PARIS lebt.
18690906—18690911    HAUPT—PUNKT der Beratungen ist die Stellung DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN zur Grund—, BODENfrage.
18690906—18690911    DIE—GESELLSCHAFT habe DAS—RECHT, das individuelle Eigentum an Grund und BODEN abzuschaffen und den Grund und BODEN in GEMEIN—EIGENTUM umzuwandeln.
18690906—18690911    —DER—KONGREß betont DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT, DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTS—ORGANISATIONEN im Rahmen 1—JEDEN Landes zusammenzuschließen.
18690906—18690911    —IAA—KONGREß—BASEL.
18690911             † JOHN—BELL, USA—POLITIKER
18720907—18720911    4. KONGRESS—DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—ARBEITER—PARTEI, 51—DELEGIERTE teilnehmen, die rund 5.800—MITGLIEDER vertreten.
18720907—18720911    E. Prey wird zum Vorsitzenden,
18720907—18720911    H. Bennecke zum Kassierer und E. Siedentopf zum Beisitzer gewählt.
18720907—18720911    TH—YORCK zum Schriftführer,
18720907—18720911    da der ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] seinen sozialistischen Prinzipien gemäß der einzige natürliche BUNDES—GENOSSE ist".
18720907—18720911    der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION Neuer Sitz BRESLAU wird, der Ausschuß bleibt in HAMBURG.
18720907—18720911    —TAGES—ORDNUNG, Grundsätze DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE (J. Most);
18720907—18720911    E. Lenz zum STELLV—VORSITZENDEN,
18720907—18720911    In 1—ENTSCHLIESSUNG wird des VOLKSSTAAT—REDAKTION beauftragt, gegenüber den "Lassalleanern" 1—VERSÖHNLICHE Haltung einzunehmen,
18720907—18720911    —TAGES—ORDNUNG, Organisation und Agitation der SDAP (TH—YORCK).
18730911             * ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER—RUDOLF—KASSNER, , Essayist, Übersetzer, Kulturphilosoph
18740911             † FRANZ—LÖHR, DEUTSCHER—BILDHAUER
18760911             † NATHANIEL—B—BAKER, USA—POLITIKER
18770911             * AMÉLIE—THYSSEN oo FRITZ—THYSSEN und Stifterin
18770911             * RUSSISCHER—BERUFS—REVOLUTIONÄR—FELIX—DSERSCHINSKI, , Leiter der Tscheka
18770911             Der BRITISCHE—DREIMAST—SEGLER—AVALANCHE sinkt vor der ISLE—OF—PORTLAND nach der Kollision mit dem FRACHTSEGLER—FOREST, 106—MENSCHEN sterben.
18810911             —AM Tschingelberg im SCHWEIZER—KANTON—GLARUS brechen in Folge unsachgemäßes Schieferabbaus etwa 10—MIO. m³ Gestein ab und verschütten einen TEIL—DES—DORFES—ELM;
18810911             beim Bergsturz sterben 114—MENSCHEN, 83—GEBÄUDE werden —ZERSTÖRT.
18870911             * FRIEDRICH—VON—ZITZEWITZ, DEUTSCHER—VERWALTUNGS—BEAMTER, Landrat in Schlawe und Regierungsvizepräsident in Köslin
18900911             * EDUARD—PROFITTLICH, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT, Glaubenszeuge, Märtyrer, Apostolischer Administrator für ESTLAND und Titularerzbischof
18930911             —PRÄSENTIERT, Der Inder SWAMI—VIVEKANANDA, seine Interpretation des Hinduismus beim Weltparlament der Religionen in CHICAGO.
18960911             * ROBERT—S—KERR, USA—POLITIKER
18970911             —NACH—MONATELANGEN—KÄMPFEN, Das KÖNIGREICH—KAFFA ergibt sich den Streitkräften Äthiopiens unter KAISER—MENELIK—II.
18980911             * DEUTSCHER—INDUSTRIE—ARBEITER—OTTO—RECKSTAT,  und Gewerkschaftsfunktionär
18980911             * WERNER—HÖLL, DEUTSCHER—KUNSTMALER, Holzschneider und KUNST—KRITIKER
18990911             * JIMMIE—DAVIS, USA—COUNTRY—SÄNGER und Songwriter, Innenminister und GOUVERNEUR—VON—LOUISIANA
19030911             * DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH—THEODOR—W—ADORNO, , Soziologe, Musiktheoretiker und Komponist
19040911             * WERNER—HERSMANN, DEUTSCHER—SS—OFFIZIER, Führer eines Sonderkommandos, Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD
19070911             In der KANADISCHEN—HAFENSTADT—VANCOUVER kommt es zu blutigen AUSSCHREITUNGEN—GEGEN—JAPANISCHE—EINWANDERER, die durch Weiße von ihren Arbeitsplätzen vertrieben werden.
19070911             Als sich DIE—JAPANER wehren, wird das asiatische Stadtviertel gestürmt und niedergebrannt.
19100911             * GERHARD—SCHRÖDER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdB, mehrfacher Bundesminister, BUNDES—PRÄSIDENTENKANDIDAT
19110911             As potências europeias reconhecem 1—REPÚBLICA—PORTUGUESA.[1]
19120911             BERLIN, wird die DIESEL—SULZER—KLOSE—THERMOLOKOMOTIVE für die PREUSSISCHEN—STAATSEISENBAHNEN fertiggestellt, die weltweit 1. Diesellokomotive.
19140000             —DAS—JAHR, Der älteste Barren eingraviert.
19140000             Goldraube wie im Actionfilm "STIRb langsam: —JETZT—ERST recht"seien reine Fiktion.
19140000             In 1—DER Zellen LIEGE nur 1—BARREN.
19140911             —SCHLACHT—VON—LEMBERG zwischen den Truppen RUSSLAND—UND ÖSTERREICH—UNGARNS geht mit einer Niederlage für die Habsburgermonarchie zu Ende, von der sie sich nicht mehr erholt.
19140911             —WWI außerhalb Europas: AUSTRALIEN führt auf Neupommern im BISMARCK—ARCHIPEL 1—INVASION durch und bezwingt im Gefecht bei Bita Paka das DEUTSCHE—TRUPPENKONTINGENT.
19160911             Die QUÉBEC—BRÜCKE stürzt beim Versuch ihrer Fertigstellung zum 2. Mal ein.
19160911             13—PERSONEN werden getötet.
19180911             DER SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND und der PREUSSISCHE—LANDESAUSSCHUß fordern die Auflösung des ABGEORDNETEN—HAUSES.
19180911             Der Regierung wird vorgeworfen, sie sehe der absichtlichen Verschleppung der geplanten Reformen tatenlos zu.
19190911             * GEORG—KLOTZ, führendes Mitglied des Befreiungsausschusses Südtirol
19210911             Die Siedlung Nahalal wird als 1. jüdischer Moschaw in der Jesreelebene gegründet.
19210911             Die Wahl zum 2. Thüringer LANDTAG ergibt 1—MEHRHEIT für die Linksparteien SPD, USPD und KPD.
19210911             SPD und USPD bilden 1—MINDERHEITSREGIERUNG unter Duldung durch die KPD.
19250911             —AM DEUTSCHEN—KÜNSTLERTHEATER in BERLIN wird die Operette Die TERESINA—VON—OSCAR—STRAUS nach einem Libretto von RUDOLPH—SCHANZER und ERNST—WELISCH uraufgeführt.
19280911             DÄNEMARKS, zweitgrößter STADT—AARHUS wird die UNIVERSITÄT—AARHUS gegründet.
19300911             Der Vulkan Stromboli bricht aus.
19300911             —BEKANNT, Es ist, soweit, die —BISHER heftigste Eruption dieses ständig aktiven Vulkans.
19330227             He used the occasion - "1—SIGN from God," he called it 20010911             19330227             Amerikaner - LABYRINTH
19330227             was DIE—CIA über den Organisator des 20010911             wusste + welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie vor den Terroranschlägen ergriff".
19330227             dadurch zu verhindern sucht, dass die Öffentlichkeit erfährt, was DIE—CIA über den Organisator des 20010911             wusste +
19330227             He used the occasion - "1—SIGN from God," he called it 20010911             19330227             was DIE—CIA über den Organisator des 20010911             wusste + welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie vor den Terroranschlägen ergriff".
19330911             * WILLIAM—LUTHER—PIERCE, USA—PHYSIKER, GRÜNDER—UND—LEITER rechtsextremer Organisationen
19330911             1. Propagandafilms Hitlerjunge Quex erfolgt in BERLIN.
19390911             WASHINGTON—POST—SEITE—19.
19400911             * NÔNG—??C—M?NH, VIETNAMESISCHER—POLITIKER, Generalsekretär der Kommunistischen Partei Vietnams
19400911             1. wird ein Computer ferngesteuert, was GEORGE—STIBITZ (Bell Labs) per Telefonleitung realisiert.
19410911             Der Grundstein für das Pentagon wird gelegt.
19430300—19440100    —FROM—TO, Allied air raids destroyed on average 15,000 housing units per —MONTH in GERMANY;
19430418—19450911    —UNTIL, THE—PENTAGON didn't officially release DETAILS—OF—THE—MISSION, —9—DAYS—AFTER JAPAN surrendered.
19430911             —WWII: DEUTSCHE—TRUPPEN besetzen Korsika und KOSOVO—METOHIEN, Beginn der Auflösung der Ghettos von MINSK und Lida durch die Nazis.
19440911             Bei einer Schlagwetterexplosion kommen in der Zeche Monopol Schacht Grimberg 3/4 in Bergkamen 107—BERGARBEITER ums Leben, unter ihnen zahlreiche RUSSISCHE—ZWANGSARBEITER.
19440911             Im GELSENBERG—LAGER für JUDEN—ZWANGSARBEITERINNEN in GELSENKIRCHEN—HORST kommen bei Bombenangriffen mindestens 150—WEIBLICHE KZ—HÄFTLINGE ums Leben, weil sie keine Schutzräume benutzen durften.
19440911             In der MEXIKANISCHEN—STADT XALAPA wird die Universidad Veracruzana gegründet.
19440911             —WWII: Die 1. alliierten Truppen der USA—ARMEE überqueren die GRENZE—DES—DEUTSCHEN—REICH nördlich von Trier.
19440911             † ? † 11.500—MENSCHEN, In der SOGENANNTE—VON—BRANDNACHT in DARMSTADT sterben bei 1—GROSSANGRIFF der ROYAL—AIR—FORCE mit anschließendem Feuersturm.
19440911             † ROBERT—BENOIST, FRANZÖSISCHER—AUTORENNFAHRER und Widerstandskämpfer
19440911—15130000    —J—IM, Die FRANZÖSISCHE—STADT DIJON wird zum 2. Mal in ihrer Geschichte an diesem Datum befreit – 1. ist das während der Belagerung durch vorwiegend eidgenössische Truppen geschehen.
19450903—19450911    Beschluß über die Durchführung einer Bodenreform in der SBZ mit anschließender Enteignung des Grundbesitzes über 100—HA.
19470911             —NACH—DEM—WWII, 1. Zug von SOVIET—KRIEGSGEFANGENEN ankommt in Wiener Neustadt.
19470911—19470000    —ENDE—BIS, treffen CA—162.000—EHEMALIGE Kriegsgefangene ein.
19490911             In der SCHWEIZ wird die Volksinitiative Rückkehr zur direkten Demokratie angenommen.
19510911             FLORENCE—CHADWICK (19180000—19950000    ), USA—ENDURANCE swimmer, swam ENGLAND—CHANNEL from ENGLAND to FRANCE in —16—HOURS & —22—MINUTES 19260806             —SEE.
19510911             Im Teatro La Fenice in VENEDIG findet die Uraufführung von IGOR—STRAWINSKYS—OPER—THE—RAKE—PROGRESS statt.
19520911             Der USA—ARZT CHARLES—A—HUFNAGEL setzt dem 1. Patienten eine künstliche Herzklappe ein, die er selbst entwickelt hat.
19530309             It provided 1—FUNDAMENTAL—BASIS for MUCH—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSE to 19530911             —THE terrorist attacks, including THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT and THE—HANDLING—OF—TERRORIST—SUSPECTS.
19540911             Das Bundessozialgericht in KASSEL wird feierlich eröffnet.
19550911             Der BERN—TEMPEL, der 1. Tempel der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen —DER—LETZTEN—TAGE (Mormonen) in EUROPA, wird geweiht.
19560128—19560129    HENRY—LOUIS—MENCKEN (b. 19560911—18800912    ), author, critic and journalist, † in his sleep in BALTIMORE.
19610911             Der World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) wird unter dem Namen World Wildlife Fund in der SCHWEIZ gegründet.
19610911             Der bewaffnete AUFSTAND—IN—SÜD—KURDISTAN unter MUSTAFA—BARZANI beginnt, der nach und nach zu einer Volksbewegung der nationalen Befreiung wird.
19610911             —BEGINNT, Die IRAKISCHE—LUFTWAFFE, mit massiver Bombardierung kurdischer Dörfer.
19610911             1. Ausgabe des VERBRAUCHERMAGAZIN—DM erscheint.
19610911             Warentests wecken das Interesse an der neuen Zeitschrift.
19610911             Über den Bremer Automobilhersteller Borgward wird das Konkursverfahren eröffnet, —NACHDEM—IM—JULI beantragte Vergleichsverfahren scheitern.
19610926             [see 19610411             .19610911             ]
19620911             THE—BEATLES nehmen ihre 1. Single Love Me Do auf.
19660906             1—RACE—RIOT took place in the Summerhill neighborhood of ATLANTA—GEORGIA, 19660906—19660911    —FROM—TO.
19700504             At 12:20 p.m., 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—GUARDSMEN suddenly wheeled and fired into 1—GROUP—OF—PROTESTERS—KILLING 4 and wounding 20010911             —OTHERS.
19700911             Mit der OPERATION—TAILWIND weiten DIE—USA den VIETNAM—KRIEG auf LAOS aus, um den Druck auf die VIETCONG—KÄMPFER auf dem HO—CHI—MINH—PFAD zu erhöhen.
19700911—19700913    —BIS—ZUM—DAUERT, Die OPERATION—TAILWIND
19710911             † NIKITA—CHRUSCHTSCHOW, SOVIET—POLITIKER, Parteichef der KPdSU, Regierungschef
19710911—19710829    —IN—THE, It was suspected that she had played 1—ROLE—BLACK—PANTHER attack at the Ingleside POLICE—STATION that left 1—OFFICER—DEAD.
19730713—19730911    —UNTIL—THE, CHILE, 1—STRIKE began that lasted coup.
19730911             —DANACH LINKS—AKTIVIST Jara wurde mit 5.000—ANDEREN Menschen im Fußballstadion von SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE gefangen gehalten
19730911             JARA wurde dort gefoltertt und schließlich mit 44—SCHÜSSEN getötet.
19730911             Jara gehörte der KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI an und war 1—ANHÄNGER—DER—ALLENDE—REGIERUNG.
19730911             —AM, CHILE, Mit Unterstützung der USA konnte sich GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PINOCHET an die MACHT putschen.
19730911             † CHILE—PRÄSIDENT—SALVADOR—ALLENDE, Der demokratisch gewählte, MARXISTISCH—SOZIALISTISCHE nahm sich, als DIE—PUTSCHISTEN auch in den PRÄSIDENTEN—PALAST vordrangen, das Leben
19730911             CHILE, findet unter Augusto Pinochet ein durch DIE—USA—REGIERUNG unterstützter Militärputsch gegen die Regierung SALVADOR—ALLENDES statt.
19730911             Der darauffolgenden Militärjunta fallen nach offiziellen Schätzungen CA—3000—CHILENEN zum Opfer.
19730911             Über 1—MILLION Menschen flüchten ins Exil.
19730911—20110719    —ANNOUNCED, COURT—OFFICIALS, that 1—SCIENTIFIC autopsy has confirmed that Allende committed suicide.
19740911             CHARLES—KOWAL entdeckt den Jupitermond Leda (Jupiter XIII).
19750620—19750626    TIME—OUT, 19750627—19750703   , 19750829—19750904   , 19750905—19750911.
19750905—19750911    TIME—OUT
19790911             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—16.
19790911             PAGE—16. Search by date and page at
19810119             20060406             20010911             tapes will be played in court (103)20010911             tapes will be played in court
19820119—20020000    —APPOINTED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, him as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION on Terrorist Attacks Upon THE—USA, widely known as 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, which was responsible for investigating the causes of 20010911             —THE attacks and providing recommendations to prevent future terrorist attacks.
19820911             Während der Mannheimer "Internationalen Luftschiffertage" stürzt 1—USA—MILITÄRHUBSCHRAUBER vom Typ Boeing CH-47 Chinook mit Fallschirmspringern aus FRANKREICH, WALES und DEUTSCHLAND auf die Autobahn MANNHEIM—HEIDELBERG.
19820911             Alle 46—INSASSEN kommen ums Leben.
19850909—19850911    THROUGH, BIRMINGHAM—ENGLAND, RACE—RIOTS took place and continued.
19850911             Beim Frontalzusammenstoß zweier Züge bei MOIMENTA—ALCAFACHE kommen MEHR—ALS—100—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
19850911             Es ist der schwerste Eisenbahnunfall in der Geschichte Portugals.
19850911             —PASSIERT, DIE—RAUMSONDE—ISEE—3/ICE, GIACOBINI—ZINNER – damit wird 1. 1—KOMET von einer Sonde erforscht.
19850911             ISEE-3/ICE
19860911             —SUFFERED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE (DJIA), its biggest —1—DAY—DECLINE TO—DATE, plummeting 86.61—POINTS to 1,792.89. 237.57—MILLION—SHARES were traded 19871019             —SEE.
19880623—19880911    THE—YELLOWSTONE—FIRE began and, BURNED,  some 1.6—MILLION—ACRES in IDAHO and MONTANA.
19880623—19880911    —BURNED, THE—YELLOWSTONE—FIRE began and, some 1.6—MILLION—ACRES in IDAHO and MONTANA.
19880911             Der Asteroid Polydoros aus der Gruppe der JUPITER—TROJANER wird von CAROLYN—SHOEMAKER entdeckt.
19880911             —NACHDEM die ursprünglich geplante Uraufführung 18691113             —AM nicht stattgefunden hat, wird die wiederentdeckte Messa per Rossini, 1—GEMEINSCHAFTSKOMPOSITION mehrerer ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONISTEN zum 1. Todestag Gioachino Rossinis, von der Gächinger Kantorei unter der Leitung von HELMUTH—RILLING beim Europäischen Musikfest STUTTGART uraufgeführt.
19880911             to 19881231             Former chair and current BOARD—MEMBER—OF—DYNCORP—HERBERT—PUG—WINOKUR is also chair of the Enron Finance Committee.
19890911             Die Sicherheitskräfte der DDR versuchen mit brutaler Gewalt und Verhaftungen weitere Montagsdemonstrationen in LEIPZIG zu verhindern.
19890911             UNGARN öffnet den Eisernen Vorhang, um Deutschen aus der DDR die Möglichkeit zur Ausreise in den Westen zu geben.
19890911             —OPENED, THE—AUSTRO—HUNGARY—BORDER would be fully, for EAST—GERMANS followed by
19891109             Jedenfalls wurden jene TERRORISTISCHEN—DIE Hauptverdächtigen in den terroristischen Angriffen[20010911             ] auf DIE—USA
19900000—19730911    PINOCHET, Mit seinem Regime, das massiv auf FOLTER setzte und 1—NICHT genau bekannte Zahl an Menschen "verschwinden"ließ, verbreitete —BIS zu seiner demokratischen Abwahl Schrecken weit über DIE—LANDESGRENZEN hinaus.
19900911             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH hält 1—REDE, in der er zum 1. Mal vor großem Publikum über die "neue Weltordnung" (new world order) spricht.
19910413             Founded the Financial Services Volunteer Corps... 20070409             Killtown's: 20010911             coincidences and oddities page! - 20010000             19910413—20070409    Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page! - 20010000.
19910413—20070409    Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page! - 20010000.
19910911             DIE—SOWJETUNION kündigt den vollständigen Abzug ihrer noch auf KUBA stationierten Militäreinheiten an.
19940911             † FRIEDRICH—SCHMIEDL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—RAKETENPIONIER, Erfinder der Raketenpost
19950209             THE—CELL: Inside 20010911             —THE—PLOT... Johnson, Kevin + KELLEY, Jack.
19950911             Die RMS QUEEN—ELIZABETH 2, das damalige Flaggschiff der CUNARD—LINE, wird von 1—KAVENTSMANN getroffen.
19950911             Der Vorfall verläuft glimpflich, führt jedoch dazu, dass Freakwaves oder Kaventsmänner nicht MEHR—ALS Seemannsgarn abgetan, sondern wissenschaftlich ernst genommen und erforscht werden.
19950911—20140212    —EXECUTED, Chavez was.
19951207             PTECH + 20010911             + USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART I :: 20010911             —CITIZENSWATCH 11Sep.2001 INDIRA—SINGH lays out the connections between the providers of this advanced software (derived from THE—PROMIS software stolen from the Inslaw corporation in...20000827             [SLASHDOT—MAILER] Slashdot Daily Report According to Inslaw INCORPORATED (original makers of Promis ), the American and ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES pirated this software package + resold a.
19960000             Topics: Federal (USA) Government, Government, Government, Military, 19960911             & Beyond Last updated 20041128             19961022—19961128    —ON, It was to be put up for referendum.
19960911             Bei Teutschenthal in SACHSEN—ANHALT ereignet sich in einem stillgelegten Kalibergwerk 1—GEBIRGSSCHLAG.
19960911             Seismographen auf der ganzen Welt zeichnen das ausgelöste Erdbeben der Stärke 5,5 auf der Richterskala auf.
19970210—20010911    —CONTACTED, INTERNATIONAL), SAUDI—ARABIA—SHEIKS of Khalid bin Mahfouz and SALEM
19970911             In einem Referendum stimmen die Bewohner Schottlands mehrheitlich für die Einrichtung eines SCHOTTISCHEN—REGIONALPARLAMENTS.
19980911             —RECOVERED, Divers off Nova Scotia, the cockpit voice recorder from Swissair Flight 111, which had crashed 19980902             , with 229—PEOPLE aboard.
19980911             The data recorder was found 19980906             .
19980911—19981106    —BY, BRAZIL, THE—BOVESPA index fell to 1—INTRADAY low of 4575. it moved back up to 8214.
19980911—20010911    —2—YEARS—EXACTLY—BEFORE—THE—ATTACKS, hijack 1—AIRLINER and dive bomb it into THE—PENTAGON or other GOVERNMENT—BUILDING.
19980911—20010911    "Suicide bomber(s).".
19980911—20010911    ".. described the suicide
19980911—20010911    —2—YEARS—EXACTLY—BEFORE—THE—ATTACKS, hijacking as 1—OF—SEVERAL possible retribution attacks AL—QAIDA might seek for the
19981010—20010911    —ON, As usual, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, its cronies + compatriots + the corporate media are all doing their level best to redirect AMERICA—ATTENTION away from the idea that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION might have had 1—INKLING—OR MORE—OF what was to come.
19990201             Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums > 20010911             CTist timeline
19990330             The 20010911             —HEROIN CONNECTION — THE—SALT—LAKE—TRIBUNE—TRIBTALK...
19990330             HuffmanAviation - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA
19990330             HuffmanAviation - 20010911             Encyclopedia THE—OWNER—OF—THE—FLIGHT—SCHOOL in REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD...
19990523             El coverup de 20010911             — 20011130             ;.
19990911             —GEWORDEN, FERNAU wäre —90—JAHRE alt.
19991130             Daily Kos: Why Sibel Edmonds will never talk (20010911             )
20000000             Restplätze: Hansa ROSTOCK wird Karten für DFB—POKAL nicht los
20000000             —20091231—ALMOST —2—YEARS—AFTER THE—IRAQ war resolution VOTE—IN fact, it TOOK—DIGGING by 20010911             —THE—COMMSSION (which Bush [BGW968] + Cheney didn't want snooping —AROUND in the 1. place) to reveal THE—IRAN—AL—QAEDA connection.
20000000             —20091231—DAMALS- hatten viele seiner engsten Sicherheitsberatern die Überprüfung zum Zeitpunkt der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, noch nicht abgeschlossen.
20000000—20010000    [WASHINGTON—POST, 20021022             ], ABC, 20021023             ]] 2—T op senators say that if STATE—DEPARTMENT—PERSONNEL had merely followed the law, 20010911             would not have happened.
20000421             Thanks to this separate list the hijackers of 20010911             , using domestic flights, and not listed among THE—12—NAMES, could BOARD the planes without difficulties.
20000421—20000911    —2—WEEKS—BEFORE—THE—LIST was expanded with 6—OTHER—NAMES, making it 1—TOTAL—LIST—OF—12—NAMES.
20000725—20010911    —AFTER, Manifest Raises Questions About SAUDI—ARABIA—FLIGHTS
20000811             :38 20010911             —COMMISSION—CHAIRMEN—ADMIT Whitewashing the Cause — IVAN—ELAND, Fri
20000811             :53 EXPOSED: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP 20010911             , IRAQ WAR Insiders! — Fight Big Media, Fri
20000909             Fish Wars on Cars: 20050300             "We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our... under GEORGE—W—BUSH—ESPECIALLY —SINCE the attacks of 20010911             .
20000911             † ENVER—?IM?EK, TÜRKISCHES—NSU—OPFER
20000912             Clarke has 20010911             —THEN—BOTH in 1—WHITE—HOUSE directed video conference
20000920             7 20010911             —THE—EVIDENCE that May Hang GEORGE—W—BUSH - - BARRIE—WALSH: THE—GREENSPAN—PUS.
20001024             WSJ Promotes 20010911             Govt Conspiracy Theory
20001024             THE—OFFICIAL—VERSION—OF—20010911              Is 1—HOAX
20001024—20010911    —BEFORE—EXACTLY—11—MONTHS, there was 1—MOCK terrorist incident at the Pentagon METRO stop + 1—CONSTRUCTION—ACCIDENT to name —JUST SOME—OF—THE—SCENARIOS that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents.
20001102             —ON his MULTI—STOP flight from FLORIDA to WASHINGTON 20000911             —ON.
20001103             —1— D, The article is, —SOME—10—MONTHS—PRIOR to THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—PENTAGON—OF—20010911             .
20001103—20010911    —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die Sängerin Enya, das Lied Only Time, das CA—1—JAHR—SPÄTER als musikalische Untermalung der Fernsehübertragungen zu den Terroranschlägen größere Bekanntheit erreicht.
20001113—19980000    —JAHR/20010911              CHILE and THE—USA: Declassified Documents Related to the Military Coup 19730911             —OF,
20001113—19980000    —JAHR/20010911              On 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHILEAN—COUP, Documents Detail Abuses by CHILE—MILITARY—USA—ROLE in CHILE
20001113—19980911    CHILE and THE—USA: Declassified Documents Related to the Military Coup of 19730911             20001113—19980911    On 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—CHILEAN—COUP, Documents Detail Abuses by CHILE—MILITARY—USA—ROLE in CHILE
20010109114506       BUSH, Abortion and Racial Eugenics: THE—REAL—STORY. by ROBERT—LEDERMAN.
20010201—20010911    —ON, Our ANTI—SOVIET—AFGHANISTAN—OPERATION Return to Haunt Us ?
20010304             Date attack and location fatalities injuries: 20010911             crashing of...
20010304—20010911    —ON, page is 1—CLEAR—STATEMENT—OF—PURPOSE: "The events were 1—TRAGIC, but decisive, reminder of...
20010423             20010911             — USS Greeneville COMMANDER.
20010611             BBC NEWSNIGHT—GREG—PALAST—FBI—AGENT—BLOWS—THE... Bush 's "Secret" FBI document 199I- WF213589 protected the 20010911             —TERROR—ISTS. www.
20010611             MANY—PEOPLE—KNOW...Our Govt Was Behind 20010911             —WF213589 " or "W199I " order) —BEFORE 20010911             ?
20010611             —LEAKED, Bush Had Prior Knowledge of 20010911             2) A, FBI document, 199I WF213589, outlined disgust at 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION directive that succeeded in blocking ANTI—TERROR—ISM...
20010611             —LEAKED, Bush Had Prior Knowledge of 20010911             2) A, FBI document, 199I WF213589, outlined disgust at 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION directive that succeeded in blocking ANTI—TERRORISM...
20010619             —CONFIRMED, The very same DANIEL—STEVENS also, on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              that the county's 911—CALL—CENTER received 1—CALL from 1—MAN aboard United Flight 93—OVER PITTSBURGH at
20010622             00.000. - 19—20010911              Woolsey knew exactly, what THE—USA could expect very soon.
20010622—20010911    Woolsey knew exactly, what THE—USA could expect very soon.
20010710             —BECAME, As 1—COUNSEL to the 20010911             —COMMISSION, I, very familiar with both THE—PDB and THE—PHOENIX—MEMO, as well as the tragic CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—FAILURE to detect and stop the plot.
20010710             Many, MANY—QUESTIONS need to be asked and answered about this revelation — questions that the 20010911             —COMMISSION would have asked, had the Commission been told about this significant meeting.
20010710             Suspiciously, the Commissioners and the staff investigating the administration's actions —PRIOR—TO 20010911             were never INFORMED—OF—THE—MEETING.
20010710             If such documents exist, the 20010911             —COMMISSION should have seen them.
20010710             The notion that both the 20010911             —COMMISSION and the Congressional Joint Inquiry that investigated the intelligence —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —DID not want to know about such essential information is simply absurd.
20010710             — PETER—RUNDLET—BUSH _Officials_May_Have_Covered_Up_Rice_Tenet_Meeting_From_20010911            _Commission">Digg It!
20010710             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks".
20010710             34-44511, GEORGE—TENET got into 1—CAR, and went over to THE—WHITE—HOUSE and tried to warn Condoleezza Rice about 20010911             20010710             They didn't listen to him, and that's because they didn't really trust GEORGE—TENET.
20010711             -post 20010911             even though he had 1—NEW—BOOK on bookstore shelves about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20010711             3. - THE—WEEK—OF—20010911            , THE—FAA sent 1—ALERT to all USA—AIRPORTS warning of 1—IMPENDING hijacking of 1—USA—PLANE.
20010711             JOHN—SOLOMON—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—EXACTLY —2—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks, 1—FEDERAL—REPORT warned the executive branch that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERROR—ISTS might hijack 1—AIRLINER and dive bomb it into the Pentagon or other GOVERNMENT—BUILDING.
20010711—20010911    —ON, 4. Then —WHEN 4—COMMERCIAL jetliners simultaneously left their flight paths and stopped communicating with air traffic control.
20010717             Despite the accumulating evidence that he failed to act on these pre-20010911             —WARNINGS, Ashcroft told NBC—TODAY—SHOW—EARLIER—THIS—WEEK that he had never received ANY—EVIDENCE—OF—1—DOMESTIC—THREAT:
20010717             ASHCROFT—CREDIBILITY surrounding the events of 20010911             has been repeatedly called into question.
20010717             Previously, THE—FORMER—ACTING DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FBI, THOMAS—PICKARD, testified to the 20010911             —COMMISSION that Ashcroft explicitly told him —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THAT he "
20010717             —NOW, criticism is being leveled against Ashcroft from 1—FORMER—REPUBLICAN MEMBER—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION, Slade Gorton.
20010720             —RELEASED, Leggett was, 20020104             .
20010720—20010911    THE—FOLLOWING—LINKS—POINT—TO—PDF—DOCUMENTS—OF—THE—LETTERS—FILED—WITH—THE—UNITED—NATIONS: 20060104             , February 3, 20060000             , February 6, 20060000             , 20060303             , 20060404             , 20060504             , 20060530             + 20060605             .
20010806             —JUST—5—WEEKS—BEFORE the 20010911             —ATTACKS, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, on vacation at his ranch in CRAWFORD—TEXAS, received 1 classified, presidential briefing entitled NEW—YORK—TIMES, "TEXT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT\'s Daily Brief for 20010806             ," 20040411             ', WIDTH, 300) " href="javascript:void(0) ">"OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Determined to Strike in USA"
20010806             —BIS—HEUTE ist das Briefing jedoch unter Verschluss.Für den POLITIK—WISSENSCHAFTLER Nafeez Ahmed, der kürzlich die gründliche Analyse "Geheimsache 20010911             " veröffentlichte,ist "die standhafte Weigerung der Regierung, diese Informationen freizugeben, 1—INDIZ dafür, daß das politische Establishment der USA sicherlich häufiger von den Angriffen gewarnt worden ist, als —BISHER zugegeben wird".
20010806—20010911    —JUST—5—WEEKS—BEFORE the —ATTACKS, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, on vacation at his ranch in CRAWFORD—TEXAS, received 1 classified, presidential briefing entitled NEW—YORK—TIMES, "TEXT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—DAILY—BRIEF for 20010806             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Determined to Strike in USA","
20010807             THE—COMPLETE 20010911             —TIMELINE, PART 1
20010808             4—OF—THE—NAMES are 20010911             hijackers; 1 is lead hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA.
20010811             :08 LOU—DOBBS—WAKES—UP to 20010911             —LIES — 20010911             —MOVIES:, Fri - :15 slamming MARY—KEYSTONE—STATE, Fri
20010813—20010806    —DATE20010911             Show me where in THE—SO—CALLED 20010806             PDB where Bush was warned of an "imminent threat.
20010813—20010806    —DATE20010813—20010806    —DATE20010911             Show me where in THE—SO—CALLED 20010806             PDB where Bush was warned of an "imminent threat.
20010813—20010911    —FROM, (—WHEN asked what THE—WHITE—HOUSE is like by 1—STUDENT at Morningside Primary School in EAST—LONDON ) - 20010723             —DAT TalkLeft: THE—POLITICS—OF—CRIME — 20040723             19561030             EST
20010816             —SUSPECTED, ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI was —LATER, as a 5. MEMBER—OF—1—OF 20010911             —THE—WTC attack teams.
20010816             —CHARGED, Agent Coleen Rowley —LATER, that senior officials fumbled 1—OPPORTUNITY to possibly prevent 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20010821—20010911    —COMMANDEERED, The 2 were among the hijackers who, the jet that hit the Pentagon.
20010900             —SIGNED, Scholars (08/08) Update: RICK—SIEGEL, as 11. 20010911             —SCHOLAR the...
20010900             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Family Could Profit From 1—JUMP—IN—DEFENSE—SPENDING—DUE to Ties to USA—BANK", by DANIEL—GOLDEN, JAMES—BANDLER + MARCUS—WALKER, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20010928             200109110928         —AM (02.28—IRELAND—TIME) United Airlines Flight 93—LAST—TRANSMISSION was at
20010900—20080111    —ON, SOME—JAPANESE—TV viewers had the privilege, to watch 1—SURPRISING live Senate Commission broadcast: 1—OF—THE—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMISSIONS' chairman turned to THE—PRIME—MINISTER, THE—MINISTER—OF—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS, Finance and Defense to have them acknowledge that —6—YEARS—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, they are still unable to explain the facts and confirm that the attacks were organized from 1—AFGHANISTAN—CAVE.
20010904             —STATED, Furthermore, the language specialist has repeatedly, in past interviews that investigations into pre-20010911             terrorist financing activities were blocked "per STATE—DEPARTMENT—REQUEST", leaving open the question whether it was MISTER—GROSSMAN, then UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—EUROPEAN—AFFAIRS, who actively hindered investigations into THE—TURKEY—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN link.
20010904—20010911    ISI Director LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MAHMOOD—AHMED visits WASHINGTON for 2. time (see 20000404             ).
20010904—20010911    —TRIGGERED, It says his visit has " speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL" as well as meetings with CIA Director Tenet, unspecified officials at THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the Pentagon + his "most important meeting" with MARK—GROSSMAN, USA Under SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS.
20010904—20010911    —AFTER, ISI CHIEF—GENERAL—MEHMOOD—AHMAD—MEHMOOD, who prematurely retired from the army —AFTER he was sidelined by Musharraf —FOLLOWING disclosures that he tried to persuade TALIBAN CHIEF—MULLAH—OMAR to not to give in to USA—PRESSURE, has —SINCE settled in LAHORE and was not available for comment, THE—NEWS reported.
20010905             1—CARD for Detectives Endowment ASSOCIATION—OF—NEW—YORK with 1—COMMEMORATION for 20010911             victims on it + 1—CHARTER membership card to Team Ford Racing.
20010905             THE—NEXT—LEVEL—FORUM—INDEX -> 20010911             3i Investigation
20010905—20010911    —ON, USSTRATCOM is where WARREN—BUFFET sat with SOME—OF—HIS favorite CEO—FROM THE—WTC
20010908             —ON THE—SARASOTA—HERALD—TRIBUNE announced BUSH—VISIT—TO—BOOKER Elementary, giving the 20010911             —PLANNERS—3—DAYS to include Bush as 1—TARGET for 1—DIVING jetliner.
20010909             Der offizielle 20010911             Report jedoch behauptet: flog er von BALTIMORE nach BOSTON.
20010909—20010911    —ON—THAT—DATE THROUGH,
20010909—20010911    PORTER—GOSS was in PAKISTAN—MEETING—WITH—PAKISTAN—GENERAL—AHMAD, "whose network had ties to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and directly funded, supported, and trained THE—TALIBAN"(ACCORDING—TO—WIKIPEDIA).
20010909—20010911    —AFTER, The directive, as described to NBC News, was essentially the same war plan as THE—1—PUT into action -.
20010909—20010911    —AFTER.----... MADRID bombings happen exactly —911—DAYS.
20010910             (CIA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT for WHITE—HOUSE—20010705              --60+ days —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , NEWSWEEK, 20030501             / THE—HILL, 20030501             )
20010910             —ON—THE—DAY—BEFORE 20010911             , ACCORDING—TO—VARIOUS—SOURCES, the mastermind told the lead hijacker "tomorrow is —0—HOUR" and gave final approval for the attacks.
20010910             —BEREITS—IM 1. Artikel der BiowaffenKonvention—von—19720000              ist die Entwicklung solcher Techniken zum Einsatz chemischer und biologischer Kampfstoffe "unter allen Umständen" verboten.20010911             "about an —HOUR—AFTER—THE—2. passenger jet struck the World Trade Centre in NEW—YORK" Moore,Jo 1—UK—GOVERNMENT—ADVISER, sent 1—E—MAIL to colleagues noting that it was "1—GOOD—DAY to get out anything we want to bury".THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON—REPORT" (PR Genius) 20010913             —BY—THEN, Abdullah and Omar were long gone from THE—USA.("199I FBI Document.What we did discover was serious enough.
20010910             —BY TOM—FLOCCO - "Approximately —2—MONTHS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             , I assumed duties as the Deputy for Command Center Operations in the J3 Directorate of the Joint Staff.
20010910             why 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION was not addressing the issue of 20010911             war GAMES—SPECIFICALLY Operation Vigilant GUARDIAN—WHEREIN fighters were already in the air —DURING—THE—ATTACKS,
20010910             —ON THE—DAY—BEFORE 20010911             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN also underwent secret kidney dialysis at 1—MILITARY—HOSPITAL in RAWALPINDI—PAKISTAN,[CBS ][Reuters]- CBS News claim that-
20010910             —MENTIONED, That story, as I, was buried under 20010911             —RUBBLE.
20010910             And we STILL don't know what Bush + Cheney told 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20010910             —THE—DAY—BEFORE 20010911             — the Cambria County Local Emergency Planning Committee, had their final "terror meeting" of many, which took place in the area —AROUND Shanksville....
20010910             Unknown News | Questions about 20010911             20010910             Eintrag vom-
20010910             —REQUESTED, Winfield had, Leidig to assume his watch at what turned out to be the very outset of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—BUT even —AFTER USA—FLIGHT 11 had already been determined to be hijacked —JUST minutes —BEFORE Winfield handed over his watch to Leidig.
20010910             which calls into question why Winfield handed over CONTROL—OF—COMMUNICATIONS to Leidig 20010911             —DURING, —THE—ATTACKS—WHEN Winfield knew CAPTAIN—LEIDIG had —JUST met the supervision qualifications to stand watch SOME— —30—DAYS—EARLIER:
20010910             All of which raises questions regarding why the experienced Winfield left his watch —AFTER THE—ATTACKS had begun, what prompted Winfield to request Leidig to assume his watch THE—NEXT—MORNING, why Winfield chose 20010911             —0830—AM to have Leidig relieve him, why 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION never addressed these issues + whether Winfield had access to intelligence from THE—CIA + FBI which foretold a "spectacular attack, designed to inflict mass casualties against USA—FACILITIES or interests.
20010910             Laura Brown, Public Affairs Director at THE—FAA, —INITIALLY told this writer at the 1. 20010911             —HEARING in WASHINGTON that the phone bridges started CA—08:20 or 08:25 am, which would be reasonable —SINCE American 11 was determined to be hijacked at 08:13, 08:20 or 08:24 am.
20010910             —SHIFTED, And —JUST as the spotlight has, his way once more, we have this story: THE—FORMER—INTER Services Intelligence CHIEF who conveyed USA—SECRETARY—RICHARD—ARMITAGE'S reported threat to "bomb PAKISTAN back to the Stone Age" if it failed to crackdown on TALIBAN 20010911             —AFTER to PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF has "vanished" to escape attempts by the media to get his version.
20010910             Unknown News | Questions about 20010911             20010910             Unknown News | Questions about 20010911             —
20010910             —CAPTAIN—LEIDIG 's 20010911             COMMISSION—STATEMENT was 1.25—TYPEWRITTEN—PAGES, large font + DOUBLE—SPACED—THE—SHORTEST written statement provided by any 20010911             Commission deponent as observed by this writer —SINCE THE—COMMENCEMENT—OF—THE—PROBE.
20010910             Unknown News | Questions about 20010911             20010910             LOS—ANGELES, Amr Elgindy, 1—LONGTIME—COLLEAGUE—OF—IRAN—CONTRA...
20010910             Unknown News | Questions about 20010911             —
20010910—20010705    —60 + days —PRIOR—TO—20010911            , (CIA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT for WHITE—HOUSE1, NEWSWEEK, 20030501             / THE—HILL, 20030501             )
20010910—20010911    —ON—THE—DAY—BEFORE, ACCORDING—TO—VARIOUS—SOURCES, the mastermind told the lead hijacker "tomorrow is —0—HOUR" and gave final approval for THE—ATTACKS.
20010910—20010911    —ASKED, Military Command Center Operations Director, NEWLY—QUALIFIED substitute to stand his watch at 08:30 am
20010910—20010911    —ON, 1—PORTION—OF his duty as Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC, on THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20010910—20010911    [ 20010911             ] I agreed + relieved BRIGADIER—GENERAL—WINFIELD at 08:30 ".
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, Die neu entwickelte GRANATE kann von gewöhnlichen Gewehren abgefeuert werden
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, Im USA—PATENT—NUMMER—6523478 wird neben anderen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten die Bestückung "mit biologischen und chemischen Stoffen" genannt.
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, THOMAS—WHITE verstieß damit BEWUSST gegen geltendes INTERNATIONALES—RECHT.
20010910—20010911    —ON, Did they all decide to tell the truth ?
20010910—20010911    —VOR—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN—01—TAG, mit denen —SPÄTER, der "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS" gerechtfertigt werden sollte.
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, Der weitgehend unbekannte, für DIE—ARMEE zuständige USA—STAATS—SEKRETÄR—THOMAS—WHITE,
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, Die neu entwickelte Granate kann Gase, feine Stoffe ausbringen("crowd control agents, biological agents, [and] chemical agents").
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, xplizit ist nur die Rede von NICHT—TÖDLICHEN Substanzen ("non lethal cargo dispenser"), doch DIE—GRENZEN sind fließend
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, - zumal DER—EINSATZ—VON—ANGEBLICH NICHT—TÖDLICHEN Waffen zur Geiselbefreiung in MOSKAU die möglichen Folgen sehr deutlich vor Augen geführt hatte
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, (Das Gespenst aus der Flasche befreit?).
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, —USA—PATENT—ANTRAG eingereicht
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG—VOR—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN, Im USA—PATENT—NUMMER 6523478 wird neben anderen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten die Bestückung "mit biologischen und chemischen Stoffen"genannt.
20010910—20010911    —01—TAG VOR DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN Der weitgehend unbekannte, für DIE—ARMEE zuständige USA—STAATS—SEKRETÄR THOMAS—WHITE,
20010911             —DES, auf frischer Tat ertappt.
20010911             Tatsächlich aber ließ DER—PRÄSIDENT längst für 1—KRIEG planen.
20010911             —VOM, DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE waren schließlich der Anlass, eineinhalb —JAHRE—SPÄTER, loszuschlagen.
20010911             —VOM, DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE der AL—QAIDA
20010911             —AM,
20010911             —VOM,
20010911             —NACH, den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN DES Der Boom der Mietspione BEGANN
20010911             —AFTER, Binney told me, as I reported in the piece, GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, who was then DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NSA, "reassured everyone that THE—NSA didn't put out dragnets, and that was true. It had no NEED—IT was getting EVERY—FISH—IN—THE—SEA".
20010911             Der Boom der Mietspione BEGANN —NACH—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN
20010911             —DES,
20010911             —MIT Verweis auf DEN es sei "jämmerlich, wie DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG versucht sich aus der Verantwortung zu stehlen", hieß es in 1—STELLUNGNAHME.
20010911             —AM, "benötigt um diesen Vorwurf zu formulieren.
20010911             —VOM, 30809             es wird höchste Zeit dieser Bande das Handwerk zu legen.
20010911             —AUSSPIONIERT, Nicht nur das DIE—BÜRGER, werden, —JETZT betätigt sich diese Verbrecherbande als Mordhelfer.
20010911             Wo bleibt DER—STAATS—SCHUTZ? Oder ist der auch —SCHON beteiligt?
20010911             DIE—POLITIKER sind ALLE—VERSAGER.
20010911             Nur gut, DIE—WAHL steht BEVOR, ich werde keinen dieser Versager wählen.
20010911             "Was an ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT zur Aufklärung 1—GRAUENHAFTEN Verbrechens notwendig war, hat nichts zu tun mit der lückenlosen und flächendeckenden Abschöpfung von DATEN unserer Bürgerinnen und Bürger", sagte STEINMEIER.
20010911             "—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—AMERIKA war UNS—ALLEN schlagartig klar, dass DER—INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS zu JEDER—ZEIT und an jedem Ort zuschlagen kann. es WAR—DAMALS, die wichtigste Pflicht DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG aus SPD und Grünen, einerseits DIE—SICHERHEIT DER—BÜRGER in DEUTSCHLAND zu gewährleisten und andererseits Freiheit und BÜRGER—RECHTE zu wahren. Dass dies gelungen ist, ist 1—BLEIBENDER Verdienst der Regierung SCHRÖDER".
20010911             "—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—AMERIKA war UNS—ALLEN schlagartig klar, dass DER—INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS zu JEDER—ZEIT und an jedem Ort zuschlagen kann. sah in den Äußerungen der Regierung auch THOMAS—OPPERMANN, PARLAMENTarischer Geschäftsführer DER—SPD—FRAKTION.
20010911             bebte DIE—WELT", heißt es weiter in der Erklärung STEINMEIERs. "—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—AMERIKA war UNS—ALLEN schlagartig klar, dass DER—INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS zu JEDER—ZEIT und an jedem Ort zuschlagen kann. es WAR—DAMALS, die wichtigste Pflicht DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG aus SPD und Grünen, einerseits DIE—SICHERHEIT DER—BÜRGER in DEUTSCHLAND zu gewährleisten und andererseits Freiheit und BÜRGER—RECHTE zu wahren.
20010911             —GELUNGEN, Dass dies, ist, ist 1—BLEIBENDER Verdienst der Regierung SCHRÖDER".
20010911             —SEIT—DEM
20010911             Der Mann, —MITTE 50—MIT belgischem Pass und IRANISCHEN—WURZELN, werde verdächtigt, für IRAN—REVOLUTION—GARDEN gearbeitet zu haben.
20010911             —NACH, DEM.
20010911             Selbst 1—EIGENEN Hashtag kreierte Matzzie, 1—BLOGGENDER KAPITALIST.
20010911             In Bezug auf den ACELA—ZUG, in dem sie saßen, verschlagwortete er seine Tweets unter #haydenacela.
20010911             (Hier lesen Sie die kompletten Tweets Matzzies in unserem Storify.)
20010911             —NACH, dem - hat dort[DEUTSCHLAND] die HAMBURG—VERSCHWÖRUNG begonnen, die zum geführt hat.
20010911             Mit ihm soll Binalshibh DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—DAS WORLD—TRADE—CENTER geplant haben.
20010911             Dem JEMENiten wurde jedoch vor dem ATTENTAT die Einreise in DIE—USA verweigert.
20010911             —VOM, RAMZI—BINALSHIBH, als 1—DER Planer der Anschläge
20010911             Der.
20010911             gilt gemeinhin als Stichtag für den —KRIEG—DER—USA und ihrer Verbündeten gegen den ISLAMISTEN—TERROR.
20010911             —DAMALS, hatten Anhänger des MITTLERWEILE—VON—DEN—USA getöteten QAIDA—CHEFS OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in NEW—YORK und WASHINGTON Attentate mit gekaperten Passagiermaschinen verübt
20010911             NEW—YORK, stürzten die Zwillingstürme des WORLD—TRADE—CENTER ein,
20010911             in WASHINGTON traf ein Flugzeug 1—FLÜGEL des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS.
20010911             —GETÖTET, Bei den Anschlägen wurden fast 3000—MENSCHEN.
20010911             Auch am in NEW—YORK und
20010911             Wo war GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH?
20010911             —NACH DEN ATTACKEN DES, flüchtete GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH an Bord der AIR—FORCE—1.
20010911             —KURZ—NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, Der 45-jährige Slahi, der in DUISBURG Elektrotechnik studiert und lange in DEUTSCHLAND gelebt hatte, kam in USA—GEFANGENSCHAFT.
20010911             —AM, Als TERRORISTEN—VON—AL—QAIDA—FLUGZEUGE ins WORLD—TRADE—CENTER und ins PENTAGON —STEUERTEN, war MUELLER gerade einmal 1.—WOCHE im Amt.
20010911             aid spent on debris removal, AMEC got $65.8—MILLION, Bovis $277.2—MILLION...
20010911             "It is 1—PAINFUL thought that in THE—USA—IN—THE 20010101—21001231     we might be turning away from THE—WORLD—OF—THE—ENLIGHTENMENT which inspired the Founding Fathers.
20010911             Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS and phone is the residential Manhattan... issued for 1—DENKO—MECHANICAL—LTD, 232—E 26. St. in Manhattan (ph 212-481-8226)... 20070101... with 1—LETTER from Denko Mechanical, Ltd, signed by 1—MISTER—SERGEI—DENKO... Denko Mechanical LTD—ADDRESS + phone is the residential Manhattan apartment...
20010911             Worse than 1—SEQUEL to their holocaustal 19010101—20001231   , there will not even be a 20010101—21001231    —IF AMERICA, ISRAEL + the war clique are allowed to have their way in IRAQ, the inevitable conclusion may be THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL—LIFE on this planet.
20010911             THE—ONLINE—INVESTOR... Information, click to retrieve filing, FLINT—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT, 20010101—21001231     HOLDING CO. FLINT...
20010911             Business Wire: 20010101—21001231     Holding Appoints WALLACE—HILLIARD as...  Holding Company (NASDAQ, NM: TCHC), 1—VERTICALLY—INTEGRATED insurance holding company, —TODAY announced that it has chosen WALLACE—J—HILLIARD to serve...
20010911             As we work with Congress in the coming —YEAR to chart 1—NEW—COURSE in IRAQ and strengthen our military to meet the challenges of the 20010101—21001231   , we must also work together to achieve important goals for THE—USA—PEOPLE here at home.
20010911             "—HEUTE fand das Pearl Harbor des 20010101—21001231     STATT—WIR glauben, es war OSAMA—BIN—LADEN ".
20010911             -die Geschehnisse DES—SIND ein herbeigeführtes Ereignis, mit dem der 1. Krieg des 20010101—21001231     legitimiert werden soll, der so genannte KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR.
20010911             BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231    —DEFINING—MOMENT | 911—BLOGGER_com
20010911             [SF Business Times, 20020102             ]]PRESIDENT—BUSH flies to this same base —THAT—DAY.
20010911             —OBSTRUCTED, Commission: Our investigation was "":
20010911             knives + - spraying gas - 91120010911200109112001091120010911             --
20010911             —FROM the Internationald Herald Tribune, 20030114             :
20010911             was an inside job says Shayler 20070122             by Paddy Shennan,
20010911             1995
20010911             —CACHED, References - 1. 20020127             []AMERICA—CHAOTIC—ROAD to War,WASHINGTON—POST,
20010911             Was Inside Government Job [Archive] - It's Happening Forums
20010911             family activst (DAN—WALLACE) found dead-
20010911             —THE terrorists did not target our culture.
20010911             24.20000202             1—POWELL Admits Saddam, "has not developed ANY—SIGNIFICANT—CAPABILITY with respect to WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION".
20010911             SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider DEALING—TO USA—INTERESTS.
20010911             [CBS, 20020203             ], WASHINGTON—POST, 20020203             ]
20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN speaks out.
20010911             —THE—NORTH—TOWER—AIR—SHOW
20010911             —THE—PENTAGON—ENGINE—STORY
20010911             Special - "Was 20010911             MORE—THAN—JUST 1—ATTACK?
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, 20030211             Milzbranderreger mit Briefen verschickt worden.
20010911             ReprintFINAL, 8/12 -
20010911             —THE specter will suffice, in their minds, at least.
20010911             —POST—RESTRICTIONS on Academic RESEARCH—HARVARD, MIT panelists decry FEDERAL—RULES—BY NATHAN—J—HELLER, THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON, 20030224             20010911             —POST—RESTRICTIONS on Academic RESEARCH—HARVARD, MIT panelists decry FEDERAL—RULES—BY NATHAN—J—HELLER, THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON, 20030224             20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20010911             is THE—PSYCHO logical sledgehammer that allows them to rule like 1—MONARCHY.
20010911             :Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise:
20010911             Questions Follow Obama Campaign Trail to AUSTIN-
20010911             Families of ;;09;; 11 Need to Get 1—CLUE
20010911             SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing
20010911             Campaigners:
20010911             —THE campaigners have 1—VAST—ARRAY—OF—FACTS much more convincing that mere bitching about the accuracty of 1—STAGED—BBC error.
20010911             Lead NIST Engineer lies on camera...
20010911             —OBSTRUCTED, Commission: Our investigation was "": Citizens' Watch - 911—TRUTH org...
20010911             —POST—SAFIR—BUSINESS—DEALINGS + whether he has profited from his connections with THEN—MAYOR—GIULIANI in... en.wikipedia_org/wiki/Howard_Safir 20080304             20010911             —POST—SAFIR—BUSINESS—DEALINGS + whether he has profited from his connections with THEN—MAYOR—GIULIANI in... en.wikipedia_org/wiki/Howard_Safir 20080304             20020304             —KILLED, At least 7—USA—SOLDIERS were, —WHILE trying to drop off reconnaissance teams in fighting in Paktia province.
20010911             (full story).
20010911             —FEATURED, Dad FD CHIEF—JIM—RICHES—, in IAFF VIDEO—RESPONDS to...
20010911             Dad FD CHIEF—JIM—RICHES— featured in IAFF VIDEO—RESPONDS to...
20010911             —THE conspiracy theories are 1—COWARD—CULT".
20010911             Doubts grow in MSM... polls betray increasing disbelief in Gubment bullshit
20010911             catholichistory... + fetched the carved image, the ephod + the teraphim + the molten image... Gregory 20010312             m. Steel Workers St... THE—2—BABYLONS";
20010911             AP—ES—20050312              0233EST
20010911             END—LT—GSCR]/[END—LU—GSCR] -
20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE: How Should Religious People Respond?
20010911             —BY DOCTOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN
20010911             ("UWS"), on behalf of itself + on behalf of Registrant, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD + RONALD—A—WEYERS, dated 19980401             .(2) 10.4 Consolidated FEDERAL—INCOME...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-12B/A, Received: 13 ... ("UWS"), on behalf of itself + on behalf of Registrant, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD + RONALD—A—WEYERS, dated 19980401             .(2) 10.4 Consolidated FEDERAL—INCOME...
20010911             Truth site Launches Entertainers Section - Prep (Alleged) Update-
20010911             media activists at YOUTUBE, confirmed that he will distribute the - and the Evidence
20010911             —POSTED—BY: ricksiegel —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20060405—20090000    :02 AM [ 4133—READS ] Topic 911—NEWS
20010911             News4Jax.COM—NEWS—FLORIDA Flight School Owner Accused Of... Dekkers, 47, was named in an 20010405             .---- complaint that also accuses Ambassador Aviation, Plane 1—LEASING Co. + Plane 1—DIRECTOR—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD of making...
20010911             Investigation Bookmark File... Satnews_com: re satellites new and old & USA—AID against chechnya... "FBIC: Fight Bad Faith Insurance Companies";
20010911             AP Wire | 20040414             | Flight school owner ACCUSED—OF—UNAUTHORIZED
20010911             AP Wire | 20040414             | Flight school owner ACCUSED—OF—UNAUTHORIZED... Dekkers, 47, was named in an 20010405             complaint that also accuses AMBASSADOR—AVIATION, Plane 1—LEASING Co. + Plane 1—DIRECTOR—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD of making...
20010911             TRUTH—BG—FROM - TRUTH—BG—FROM AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—PILOT and Instructor Comes Out for 20010911             Truth LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—GUY—S—RAZER
20010911             "Loose Change 2. Edition":
20010911             [Infos] L'ENTERAO EXTRAORDINARIO 20040422             ... y las implosiones de estructuras". La AFP le preguntó a Loizeaux sobre el... Reconoció que las había: "Yes, hot SPOTS—OF—MOLTEN steel in the basements". pero...
20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm... nur wenige der Betroffenen hätten sich über Blairs Artikel beschwert + BLAIR...
20010911             —WENIGE—TAGE—VOR den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM—ZUM CHEF—REDAKTEUR berufen.
20010911             Uhr • Wirtschaft
20010911             and Terrorist TRAVEL—FULL—3—SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS disembarked from the plane and were met by CAPTAIN—MARK—BARNARD—OF—THE—LEXINGTON—KENTUCKY, Police Department, the same person who...
20010911             DAN—RATHER: Bush Issued Fake Terror Alert To Cover 911—BUNGLE 20020524             Rense: it —JUST keeps getting better and better FBI Was WARNED—OF—SEPT.
20010911             SC 13G/1—CLICK to retrieve filing, FLINT—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020613             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP—STATEMENT... FLINT—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, 20020528             , SC 13G/1—AMENDED—OWNERSHIP...
20010911             —THE coverup —20011130              why would PAKISTAN engage INDIA, if... 20020531             installation of the nuclear warheads under THE—MANTLE—OF—THE—INSTALLATION—OF—THE "Patriots" to "defend" TURKEY—REPETITION—OF—CUBA 19620000             — 20030200             20010911—20041130    THE—SMOKE—CLEARS
20010911             TIME—LINE... future DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712             ]...              %20Information%2060.htm
20010911             johnson city forum: 20050601             — 20050630             The seized plane belonged to —70—YEAR—OLD—WALLACE—J—HILLIARD—OF—NAPLES, FL., MULTI—MILLIONAIRE businessman, SELF—STYLED Mormon...
20010911             TIME—LINE... future DEFENSE—SECRETARY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy DEFENSE—SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712             ]
20010911             —LOOSE Change 2. Edition Viewer Guide:
20010911             -Crystal —MORNING: - EVAN—COYNE—MALONEY... COMPILATION—OF—OPEN—SOURCE—VIDEO shows that the World Trade Center ( Twin Towers and Building...
20010911             —COVER UP GUIDE — Fran Shure,
20010911             [20010911             —COMMISSION, 20040617             ]
20010911             I know how it's supposed to work, but... it's still 1—LITTLE frustrating for me to understand how it actually did work on —THAT—DAY".[20010911             —COMMISSION, 20040617             ;
20010911             WARREN—BUFFETT, 2. richest man on Earth [BBC, 20010622             ], schedules 1—EVENT at Offutt AIR—FORCE—BASE in NEBRASKA.1—GROUP—OF—BUSINESS—LEADERS attend, including at least 1—WHO would otherwise have † in THE—WTC.
20010911             911—BOOKMARKS Volume 06 "'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" on Holocaust Remembrance —DAY.Media Alert 20050622             Suit Against RUMSFELD to Be Heard in FEDERAL—COURT in the..
20010911             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX 20070622             Air Cargo World Index Farhad Azima AVIATION LEASING GROUP, INCORPORATED ALG.
20010911             2004062426_Report 20040600             Interestingly, reporter DAN—HOPSICKER says the learjet was owned by multimillionaire businessman WALLACE—J—HILLIARD—OF—NAPLES, FLORIDA...
20010911             —STORY -- fiction or truth?
20010911             Silverstein | 1—KOMMENTAR (200609070821         ).
20010911             —COMMISSIONER BOB—KERREY:
20010911             (COMMITTEE—ON—SENATE—FOREIGN—RELATIONS, Hearings, 20040714             .
20010911             —SYNTHETIC—TERROR: Made in USA — 2. Edition Updates, Jan...
20010911             —FROM TalkLeft: THE—POLITICS—OF—CRIME — 20040723             19561030             EST
20010911             see WHITE—HOUSE—LETTER, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON to bin Zayid, 20010723             .----
20010911             THE—UAE, see WHITE—HOUSE—LETTER, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON to bin Zayid, 19990723             DOS...
20010911             —COMMISSION, 20040724             , pp.
20010911             Doku "Loose Change": —INTERNETFILM, über BRICHT ALLE—REKORDE
20010911             15—OF—THE 19—HIJACKERS Were Saudi;
20010911             [FORM 8-K. the "Merger Agreement") dated 19960731             by and between AMSG, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN ("BCBSUW"), UWS, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 8-K 0000912057-96-029345 ... the "Merger Agreement") dated 19960731             by and between AMSG, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN ("BCBSUW"), UWS, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—EMERGENCY—COUNTER—TERROR ism laws PASSED—SHOULD be urgently replaced because they are discriminatory, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—UK parliamentarians warned 20040804             —TODAY -.
20010911             —PERSUADED, THE—UK—PARLIAMENTARIANS also said they were "not " of the need UK to create 1—NEW—TERROR ism offence - 20040804             currently being considered by MISTER—BLUNKETT—WHICH would make it illegal to be involved in "acts preparatory to terror ism".
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, hatten Angehörige hier rund 2—MILLIONEN—$ (etwa 1,6 MILLIONEN—EURO) erhalten.
20010911             THE—COMPLETE—TIMELINE, PART 1
20010911             galvanized us against 1—COMMON—ENEMY.
20010911             1. liefen allen Planungen auf der Ebene von ganz stink normalen AKTIVITÄTEN—ZWEITENS war der "Effekt"des Einsturzes des WTC überhaupt nicht geplant, dieser war schlichtweg dem Pfusch am Bau, der falschen KONSTRUKTION—DER—TÜRME, dem Mangelden Brandschutz und unzähligen nicht implantierten SICHERHEITS—EINRICHTUNGEN zu verdanken!
20010911             —KONSTRUIERT, Das WTC war wie 1—KARTENHAUS, ist wie 1—KARTENHAUS ZUSAMMENGEFALLEN—WAS bei 1—GRÖSSEREN Etagenbrand auch passiert wäre und niemand hat den Architekt da vorher gefragt wie er auf so 1—SCHWACHSINN kommen KONNTE—ALSO konnte das auch keiner Planen!
20010911             [THOMAS—H—KEAN and LEE—H—HAMILTON, 20050812             ] - According to ANTHONY—SHAFFER,
20010911             Topics: 20010911             & Beyond, TERRORISM—LAST updated 20050812             20020812             It should never be forgotten that THE—USA—PEOPLE did not want to fight in either of the 19010101—20001231    —WORLD—WARS,
20010911             —COMMISSIONER: Terror Plot Shows Danger of Putting 'All Our Intelligence and Military Resources in IRAQ'
20010911             The raid was the 1. FULL—SCALE breach in the ceasefire between Israeli + Hezbollah forces in SOUTH—LEBANON which took effect —ON—MONDAY, 20060814             .
20010911             Was Inside Government Job [Archive] - It's Happening Forums "THE—BLACK—PAPA", ordered THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER (
20010911             —DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—DES, IN—DEN—USA und - durchgesetzt
20010911             WILLIAM R JOHNSON, Director, 16,000, 20010823             .
20010911             Was an Inside Job - 911—MAINSTREAM Media
20010911             (updated from original statement issued 20040826             )
20010911             Video: New to ME—SCREW Loose Change: This Is the Kind of Nonsense the Deniers Come Up With technorati tags:911, WTC
20010911             —ARRIVED, We, on —LATE—MONDAY—NIGHT [ Ed.note : 20010910             ]
20010911             Remembering 20010910             DICK—CHENEY, Terrorism TSAR
20010911             the night —BEFORE - 20010910             , that is AJ: And —NOW Mayor Giuliani, 1—FEW months ago in the 911 ...
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, Er kommt zu dem Schluss, daß TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE weit brutaler gefoltert wurden, als
20010911             —SEIT—DEM, zum 1.Mal etwas Zeit zum Durchatmen zu bekommenm, DIE—DROHNEN—PILOTEN hofften,
20010911             —SEIT—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, Er gilt als 1—DER wichtigsten Köpfe von AL—QAIDA, der IN—DEN—USA vor Gericht gestellt wird
20010911             whistleblower Singh on KEAN—SAUDI/Ptech connections
20010911             COVER—UP, Treason, and THE—BOMB -- DAVE—LINDORFF
20010911             —FROM the Internationald Herald Tribune, 20030114             : -tapes will be played in court
20010911             Atta Update and More- - THE—HEROIN—CONNECTION
20010911             Shuck & Jive at Shuckum's: MOHAMED—ATTA, Teetotaler?
20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, A 571-Page Lie - Have we been lied to?
20010911             Truth Seen at DC Peace Rally-
20010911             Received from 1—MEMBER—OF—NY911TRUTH 20070130             : "From Luke this —MORNING.
20010911             Aircraft Oddities-
20010911             and the subsequent acts of probable SELF—TERROR are the only prop of the preemptive attack doctrine.
20010911             [Reuters, 20011218             ]
20010911             -"Months —AFTER the-...
20010911             was blow back, IRAN has nukes, getting RID—OF—THE—CIA will help solve the problem (of USA overreach), we are headed the way of THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE....
20010911             —POST—RESTRICTIONS on Academic RESEARCH—HARVARD, MIT panelists decry FEDERAL—RULES—BY NATHAN—J—HELLER, THE—HARVARD—CRIMSON, 20030224             20010911             Miniseries is Bunk...
20010911             Commission - SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing-
20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY, on AMERICA—PSYCHE and on USA standing in the world.
20010911             —CHANGED, Tapes Reveal Ground Personnel Muffled ATTACKS—RUMMY, procedure
20010911             crashing of...
20010911             —POST—SAFIR—BUSINESS—DEALINGS + whether he has profited from his connections with THEN—MAYOR—GIULIANI in... en.wikipedia_org/wiki/Howard_Safir 20080304             20010911             Not 1. EXAMPLE—OF—MEDIA Scripting & Foreknowledge?-
20010911             —OWNED, Victim Compensation Fund BOLI Bank...
20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT
20010911             —THE—COMMISSION' s Report On Policy Coordination...
20010911             Whispers: WASHINGTON Defense Shield Deactivated
20010911             Plan 9—FROM SAUDI—ARABIA - in the Courts. Truth or Consequences
20010911             —THE commission said its executive director, PHILIP—ZELIKOW, and 3—OTHERS had met with Shaffer at Bagram Air Base in AFGHANISTAN, where he was on assignment,
20010911             —FOLLOW the Money
20010911             —THE—CATASTROPHE - 1—DERELICTION—OF—DUTY by Our COMMANDER—IN... - Can You Handle THE—TRUTH?
20010911             —TERRORIST attacks, THE—WASHINGTON region still lacks 1—STRATEGIC—PLAN to guide preparations for ANY—FUTURE—ATTACKS or to effectively spend HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—DOLLARS,
20010911             —TRUTH? I—DON'T Think SO—EARLY Warning
20010911             —CONSPIRACY theories: Information from Answers_com
20010911             —PANEL TOLD—OF—COVER—UPS —BEFORE ATTACKS—WITNESSES: USA suppressed warnings
20010911             —SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing-
20010911             —WIDOW Writes Scathing Article Regarding Upcoming Giuliani COURT—APPEARANCE
20010911             —TELEVISION Viewing Linked To Dreams And Stress
20010911             —CELL phone calls an overview
20010911             —IDENTIFIZIERUNGEN
20010911             A Side 1—AV 27—HISTORY News Network 20050420             <a href="http://hnn...
20010911             —COMMUNICATION failures still baffle FAA, Defense officials (6 ...
20010911             FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162639
20010911             FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162626        HENNING—MANKELL über die BILDER—DES—IRAK—KRIEGS, die wir nicht gesehen haben. versenden
20010911             FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162452        - Monitor+Video:
20010911             FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162431        - U$ -Regierung: FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162418
20010911             FELDPOLITIK.DE 20030426162357        - Ein Rückblick
20010911    20030426162431        - U$ -Regierung:
20010911             Inszenierung & POLITISCH—KRIMINELLE Planung
20010911             —FILM makes number 2 in USA United 93, the 1. HOLLYWOOD film dealing with 20010000             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS, enters THE—USA—MOVIE—CHART at number 2.
20010911             —REVIEW website.
20010911             in 3D 20010911             CNN_com —POSTED 1—VIDEO—OF—AERIAL VIEWS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—SITE taken by A—USA—COAST—GUARD—HELICOPTER—FLYING —AROUND lower Manhattan.
20010911             —EYEWITNESS—VIDEO by RICK—SIEGEL shows explosions going off in towers!... Within HOURS—OF—THE—ARRESTS, FBI agents seized documents and tapes from the...
20010911             —BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             —RELATED Alternative News All comments are welcome!
20010911             —DEBATE—PAGE—408 - eBaum's World Forum —BEFORE THE—COLLAPSE—OF—EITHER tower, evidence THE—STRUCTURES—OF—THE—WTC were... a 911—OPERATOR that 1—LOWER—FLOOR—THE "90-something floor"-was collapsing.
20010911             —RETROSPECTIVE: the —DAY Government sponsored terror went big...
20010911             —BUSH Was WARNED—OF—HIJACKINGS—BEFORE 20010911             ;
20010911             The final DOTS—TOP—20—LIHOP SUSPECTS—BY NICO—HAUPT—OF—OURDNA_org
20010911             —COMMISSION report is 1—LIE
20010911             —CHRONOLOGY—HUFFINGTON Post, AL—QUEDA and flight 77, but PETER—LANCE confirms that Flight 77—HIT the Pentagon ????
20010911             —INSIDER Trading
20010911             —ATTACK the televangelist owed over 1—MILLION—DOLLARS in unpaid loans to THE—OWNER—OF—THE—TERROR—FLIGHT—SCHOOL in FLORIDA which trained MOHAMED—ATTA and MARWAN—AL—SHEHHI, the MadCowMorningNews has learned.
20010911             Der Bote des Terrors
20010911             and Other False Flag Terrorism "Noordin M. Top, the fugitive for several bombings in INDONESIA has apparently...
20010911             —COMMISSION—DIRECTOR: IRAQ War Launched to Protect ISRAEL—BY...
20010911             Kein Agent im Hauptquartier der Aufklärer hat etwas von den Vorbereitungen für DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—DAS WORLD—TRADE Center + DAS—PENTAGON mitbekommen;
20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA Denko Mechanical port authority NEW—YORK sprinkler system sergei davidenko...
20010911             —MYTHS debunked...
20010911             —COVER UP GUIDE
20010911             —COUGH—MORE—THAN—JUST "Asthma" Indeed
20010911             —BOMBSHELL: WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Bui
20010911             —BOMBSHELL: WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Building Says bombs were going off in 7—BEFORE either tower collpased
20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS gather at LA conference
20010911             —SYNTHETIC Terror
20010911             —SYNTHETIC—TERRORISM—MADE IN USA—DOCUMENT numbered 199I WF213589 and emanating out of THE—FBI—WASHINGTON...
20010911             —CELL phone calls, CHICAGO ??
20010911             —L.A. Conference Highlights Special ALEX—JONES hosts 1—MEDLEY—OF—20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT—FIGUREHEADS at the recent L.A. 20010911             —SYMPOSIUM, including JIM—FETZER,
20010911             allowed THE—CHINA—AUTHORITIES to label the Uighur agitators Islamic fundamentalists and wage their own WAR—ON—TERROR.
20010911             —SYMPOSIUM: Professor JIM—FETZER
20010911             Commission Abschlussbericht: Kommission fordert ANTI—TERROR—ZENTRUM
20010911             Commission Abschlussbericht schont Bush [BGW968] + CLINTON
20010911             —TRUTH—ADVOCATES—LAUNCH—NATIONWIDE Congressional Candidate Poll- "Politics 911" Seeks Candidates Responsive to 70+ Million Voters Demanding New 20010911             —INVESTIGATION "KANSAS—CITY, MO (PRWEB) 20060722             -- In recognition of 2. anniversary and widening distrust of the 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, 911truth_org announces the launch of "Politics 911," 1—NATIONAL—CAMPAIGN to determine support for 1—NEW and truly independent 20010911             —INVESTIGATION among all 20060000             candidates for THE—USA—HOUSE and Senate. THE—3—MONTH—EFFORT—AIMS to poll all congressional hopefuls regarding their awareness of current evidence for USA—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT 20010911             —IN and the high LEVELS—OF—PUBLIC—SUPPORT for 1—FULL—REINVESTIGATION, as well as their personal willingness to back such 1—INQUIRY if they are elected in the fall. Zogby polls 20040800             —IN and 20060500             showed that 66—PERCENT—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY—RESIDENTS and 45—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS overall —NOW desire 1—NEW and broader investigation that explores all the evidence for government complicity. 20040000             4—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES-- MICHAEL—BADNARIK (Libertarian), DAVID—COBB (Green), JOHN—JOSEPH—KENNEDY (Democratic WRITE—IN) and RALPH—NADER (Independent)--all backed this demand, but no 1 has ever polled congressional candidates on this issue —BEFORE. Survey results will be —POSTED at sponsor websites as they come in —STARTING—IN—EARLY—AUGUST".
20010911             28t. - ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—USA—BACKED coup in CHILE BBC...which was,
20010911             WTC,Tania Head,RUDY—GIULIANI,ADNAN—KHASHOGGI,Bernie Kerik,STEVE—FORBES, Naked Securities Fraud --by TONY—RYALS—SUNDAY.
20010911             —INSIDER Trading Within —1—MONTH—OF—20010911            , THE—SEC, acting in concert with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE... transactions could not be traced —AFTER—THE—MAIN frames were destroyed.
20010911             —PANEL Suspected Deception by Pentagon
20010911             —RESCUERS found to suffer from severe lung damage
20010911             —BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News
20010911             a 7-Man Job I've updated this essay, called 20010911             : A 7-Man Job, to include the new revelations about the Norad COVER—UP and also the older revelations about the Able Danger COVER—UP.
20010911             scared 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE into obedience.
20010911             —TAPES expose flaws in military chiefs' testimony
20010911             —LIVE: THE—NORAD—TAPES—UCKED in 1—PINEY notch in the gentle folds of the Adirondacks' SOUTH—SKIRTS—JUST up from 1—DERELICT Mohawk, Adirondack & Northern rail SPUR—IS a —22—YEAR—OLD—ALUMINUM—BUNKER tricked out with antennae tilted skyward.
20010911             —EYEWITNESS — 20010911             —EYEWITNESS,
20010911             —LIVE: THE—NORAD—TAPES — VINNIE—S,
20010911             —MEDIA Articles in Various Publications
20010911             —AUTHOR—WEBSTER Tarpley discuss 20010911             —SYNTHETIC Terror
20010911             —NEWS & INFO—WIKIYOURRIGHTS
20010911             —FILM criticised by families Families of 20010911             —VICTIMS say film director OLIVER—STONE should do more to support 20010911             —RELATED charities.
20010911             —COMMISSION BEN—VENISTE
20010911             —TRANSCRIPTS and Police Reports
20010911             +++++++ 1—DATUM verändert DIE—WELT—POLITIK: tausende Tote - in der großen Rezession von 2008/2009.
20010911             there is 1—GOOD—CHANCE the Zionistas would have had 2. thoughts about going ahead with the operation. jmo
20010911             1—DATUM VERÄNDERT DIE—WELTPOLITIK: die Twins in NEW—YORK, ON BREMER unclear where was.
20010911             It is -  SHORTLY—AFTER THE—FBI—AGENTS had conducted the original interviews with SAUDI—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT—BASNAN, SAUDI—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT—AL—BAYOUMI,
20010911             Additional information on BLASTGARD CAN be found
20010911             —GEWESEN, An den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, sei er nicht beteiligt.
20010911             BlastWrap is 1—CONCEPT (not 1—CHEMICAL compound) from which blast protection products are built to save lives and reduce damage to valuable assets from explosions.
20010911             —BASED, BlastWrap is, upon WELL—DEFINED principles and suppresses blast pressures by 50 % or more.
20010911             —ARRANGED, BlastWrap products are made from 2—FLEXIBLE—FILMS, 1—OVER the other and joined by 1—PLURALITY—OF seams filled
20010911             CONSEQUENTLY ca.
20010911             $ 5.400.000.000—INTO the pockets of LOWY went and - CONSEQUENTLY ca.
20010911             $ 5.400.000.000—INTO the pockets of SILVERSTEIN.went
20010911             Cannot Be True Why the Official ACCOUNT—OF—
20010911             DIE—LISTE war —NACH—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, eingeführt worden.
20010911             DIE—LUFTRAUMÜBERWACHUNG NORAD der USA, so daß sie nicht mehr zwischen 1—REALEN oder 1—FIKTIVEN ANGRIFF unterscheiden konnte.
20010911             DIE—ZENTRALE Frage ist aber, auch bei 20010911             : Was sagen die Quellen?
20010911             DOCH —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, erlaubte auch DIE—USA—REGIERUNG DER—CIA bestimmte grausame Techniken.
20010911             Der Anschlag, bei dem DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER und 3—WEITERE Amerikaner getötet worden waren, war —SPÄTER, zum WAHL—KAMPFTHEMA geworden.
20010911             Der republikanische PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT Mitt ROMNEY warf OBAMA Fehleinschätzung und Irreführung im Fall Bengasi vor.
20010911             Diese Forderung vertraten schließlich auch zahlreiche Regierungen und NICHT—REGIERUNGS—ORGANISATIONENEN.
20010911             FOR THE—COMMERCIAL—SECTOR—GOVERNMENT—AGENCIES—THE—BLASTGARD—INTERNATIONAL—INC—COMPANY on blast effects mitigation core market focus is on
20010911             FOR THE—COMMERCIAL—SECTOR—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—THE—BLASTGARD—INTERNATIONAL—INC—COMPANY on blast effects mitigation core market focus is on blast effects mitigation
20010911             FOR THE—COMMERCIAL—SECTOR—MILITARY—THE—BLASTGARD—INTERNATIONAL—INC—COMPANY on blast effects mitigation core market focus is f
20010911             JOHN—COPENHAVER—THIS—PAST—FALL 1—KEY—ROLE PLAYED in THE ;;0911;;
20010911             Keine sardonische ANGST—VOR—DEM—UNAUFHALTSAMEN wie beim IRAK—KRIEG.
20010911             NUR WENIGE —TAGE VOR DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM RAINES, HOWELL wurde zum Chefredakteur berufen.
20010911             Other links between BUSH + Mahfouz can be found through
20010911             SKYTEL[002375827] 1—ALPHA—I'M at your home, Your parents are —JUST fine, very curious as to what is going on and what is going to happen next, but feeling safe.
20010911             SKYTEL[002375827] Roe and GARY, and DON—WADE and ROMA are ALL on the radio, weird.
20010911             Schnell wurde —NACH—DEM auch DIE—BEDROHUNG durch ANSCHLÄGE—MIT—BIOLOGISCHEN und chemischen Waffen an die Wand gemalt.
20010911             Sie sollten sich aber täuschen.
20010911             Tatsächlich handelte es sich aber um 1—GEPLANTEN TERROR—ANGRIFF.
20010911             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BUSH fordert Verschärfung des internationalen BIOWAFFEN—ABKOMMENS).
20010911             Wie sich —SPÄTER, herausstellte, handelte es sich aber um 1—GEPLANTEN TERROR—ANSCHLAG—VON—ISLAMISCHEN EXTREMISTEN am —JAHRES—TAG—DER—ANSCHLÄGE gegen DIE—USA
20010911             Wo war GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH? attacks.
20010911             auch der Zwischenfall, bei dem der Raumanzug des ITALIENISCHEN—ASTRONAUTEN LUCA—PARMITANO—WÄHREND 1—AUSSENEINSATZES
20010911             auf SADDAM—HUSSEIN schieben könne.
20010911             configurable (designed for EACH—APPLICATION) with 1—EXTINGUISHING coating that offers 1—REVOLUTIONARY—BLAST—PROTECTION—SYSTEM against Blast & Fire/burn threats.
20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm, war nicht zwangsläufig.
20010911             explizit VOR—1 Aufführung des Films gewarnt: "Wir werden Ihnen klar zeigen, welch' bitteres Schicksal jene erleiden, die Spaß am TERROR haben.
20010911             habe in Wahrheit DIE—CIA orchestriert.
20010911             hatte DIE—CIA PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA angeblich unzutreffend über die Hintergründe des ATTENTATs informiert.
20010911             in WTC—2—BREMER AND his BREMER—TEAM was
20010911             in WTC—2 on the floors at and above where 2. aircraft hit, BREMER —TEAM was
20010911             mit dem REICHS—TAG—BRAND und damit BUSH mit HITLER verglichen hat...
20010911             sei aus 1—SPONTANEN PROTEST—AKTION gegen 1—ISLAMFEINDLICHES Video erwachsen.
20010911             the security, safety concerns resulting from the, acts,
20010911             the subsequent DEVELOPMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY - verwickelt gewesen sei.
20010911             with attenuating filler material (volcanic glass bead or other suitable 2—PHASE—MATERIALS),
20010911             —AFTER, Binney told me, as I reported in the piece, GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, who was then DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NSA, "reassured everyone that THE—NSA didn't put out dragnets, and that was true.
20010911             —AM, "Was es 1—AUSRUTSCHER?
20010911             —AM, "den Leuten, die DIE—USA in NEW—YORK angegriffen haben, die das Flugzeug über PENNSYLVANIA abgeschossen haben und DAS—PENTAGON angegriffen haben".
20010911             —AM, Als 3—STRASSEN weiter das WORLD—TRADE—CENTER einstürzte, war hier nichts zu spüren.
20010911             —AM, Doch da ging es in den VERSCHWÖRER—FOREN IM—NETZ —SCHON längst hoch her.
20010911             —AM, 1—SPRECHER—DES—PENTAGON beeilte sich laut CNN, den Passus als Versprecher Rumsfelds abzutun.
20010911             —AM, In seinen Anmerkungen sprach RUMSFELD von:
20010911             —AM, It was the attacks on NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON that provided the neocons with the opportunity to turn dreams into reality..".
20010911             —AM, —MORGEN—DES, mehrere MILITÄR—ÜBUNGEN liefen, die unter anderem die Flugsicherheit und Luftabwehr betrafen.
20010911             —AM, NACH DER ATTACKE DIE—CIA hatte dem WEIßES—HAUS tagelang gesagt,
20010911             —AM, —NACH—DEM ANSCHLAG—AUF—DAS—USA—KONSULAT in der libyschen Stadt
20010911             —AM, Oder war es DIE—WAHRHEIT, die schließlich —3—JAHRE—NACH—DER Tragödie die Öffentlichkeit erreicht?", schrieb etwa jemand im
20010911             —AM, War es 1—IRRTUM?
20010911             —AM, an Bord DER—INTERNATIONALE—RAUM—STATION—ISS entstehen.
20010911             —AM, bei denen fast 3000—MENSCHEN ums Leben kamen.
20010911             —AM, die WORLD—TRADE—CENTER in NEW—YORK und DAS—PENTAGON in WASHINGTON attackierte.
20010911             —AM, habe die hauseigene FED—KLINIK Verwundete versorgt.
20010911             —AM,mehrere auf dem Gelände festgehaltene Milizionäre hätten befreien wollen.
20010911             —AM,mehrere auf dem Gelände festgehaltene Milizionäre hätten befreien wollen.PETRAEUS wisse das alles, er habe —BEREITS—24—STUNDEN nach der Attacke davon erfahren, ist BROADWELL in dem Video weiter zu hören.
20010911             —AMLIEß 3—HOCHHÄUSER in NEW—YORK einstürzen.
20010911             —AM—BEREITS, sei der Mann am internationalen Flughafen BEN—GURION gefasst worden, teilte der ISRAEL—GEHEIM—DIENST—DIENST—SCHIN—BET —AM—SONNTAG mit und hob damit 1—NACHRICHTEN—SPERRE teilweise auf.
20010911             —ATTACKE—AM—NACH—DER, DIE—CIA hatte dem WEIßES—HAUS tagelang gesagt, —DER—ANGRIFF, - bei dem unter anderem DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—LIBYEN getötet WURDE—SEI aus 1—SPONTANEN PROTEST—AKTION gegen 1—ISLAMFEINDLICHES Video erwachsen.
20010911             —BEREITS, WENIGE —WOCHEN—NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, Der REGIERUNGS—CHEF—WAR überzeugt, daß SADDAM—HUSSEIN gestürzt werden müsse
20010911             —DEN, neu.
20010911             —DER, daß, auch nur im Groben so stattgefunden hat, wie wir gebetsmühlenartig eingetrichtert bekommen, geht wirklich gegen 0,
20010911             —DER.
20010911             ALLE—INDIZIEN, ALLE—WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITEN und der informierte, GESUNDE—MENSCHEN—VERSTAND sprechen dafür, daß
20010911             —DER—ANGRIFF, - bei dem unter anderem DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—LIBYEN getötet wurde -
20010911             —DES, IN—DEN—USA und
20010911             —DIENSTAG, 20010911, 911, 20010911             , ;;09;; the ninth
20010911             —DIENSTAG, 911, 20010911             , ;;09;; the ninth
20010911             —DIE—ANSCHLÄGE—DES, auf World Trade Center und Pentagon vertieften die Krise.
20010911             —DIE—ATTENTÄTER—VOM, unterstützt zu haben.
20010911             —DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—DES, in NEW—YORK haben den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN in der Tat neue Legitimation verschafft, die gesamte Organisation bekam ein neues Ziel und einen neuen Fokus, den sie 1—STÜCK weit in den Neunzigerjahren verloren hatte.
20010911             —DIE—ZEIT, wäre also günstig gewesen, um das
20010911             —IN—POST- USA?
20010911             —LÄNGST FÜR 1—KRIEG PLANEN, Tatsächlich aber ließ DER—PRÄSIDENT.
20010911             —MIT—VERWEIS—AUF—DEN, es sei "jämmerlich, wie DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG
20010911             —NACH DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, in GEHEIMEN CIA—GEFÄNGNISSEN durchgeführt worden.
20010911             —NACH, den ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, bekamen FBI—AGENTEN Zugriff auf die elektronische Suche in der betroffenen Datenbank — mit der Begrenzung, dies nur in Verdachtsfällen nutzen zu dürfen, etwa bei Terrorismus und CYBERkriminalität.
20010911             —NACHHER, HERAUSSTELLTE SICH Auch bei 20010911             ja, daß man auch vieles hätte wissen können, die "NSU—ZELLE"war eigentlich auch so offensichtlich, daß es 1—WUNDER gleich kommt, daß man sie nicht sofort erwischt HAT—AM Ende hilft das aber halt alles nichts!
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, DIE—CIA habe mit der Verschleppung und der brutalen Befragung von TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN "vom 1.—TAG an"illegal gehandelt, sagte DER—USA—CHEF—DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION, STEVEN—HAWKINS.
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, DER—USA—SENAT—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSS hatte enthüllt, noch viel drastischer misshandelt wurden, als
20010911             —NUR WENIGE —TAGE VOR, Für seinen autokratischen Führungsstil und seine gutsherrenhafte Bevorzugung einzelner Journalisten wurde der 60—JÄHRIGE oft kritisiert.
20010911             —NUR WENIGE —TAGE VOR, MIT—ARBEITER charakterisierten ihren —CHEF—ALS unzugänglich und arrogant.
20010911             —NUR WENIGE —TAGE VOR, Raines' Regiment im berüchtigten Newsroom der Zeitung war hart.
20010911             —ON, -- and they did -- we must presume that their analysts received KONFLIKTing reports from their human and electronic sources.
20010911             —PRIOR—TO, FOR 1—SHORT—PERIOD—OF—TIME—IN—THE—SAME S—DIEGO—CALIFORNIA—APARTMENT complex, Parkwood Apartments, lived
20010911             —SHORTLY—AFTER, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH advised people not to TOLE—RATE "outrageous CONSPIRACY—THEORIES about the attacks of 11 ;;09;;" (BUSH, 20010000             .[2] PHILIP—ZELIKOW, who directed the work of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, has likewise warned against "outrageous CONSPIRACY—THEORIES" (Hansen, 20050000             .
20010911             —SINCE THE—ATTACKS—OF, even though half of the 205,000 Reserve members have been called to active duty
20010911             —SINCE, GHORBANIFAR has had 50—MEETINGS with MICHAEL—LEDEEN +
20010911             —TIME—LINE
20010911             —VOM, Damit haben DIE—ATTENTÄTER viel mehr —ZERSTÖRT, als das Leben ihrer Opfer und Familien.
20010911             —VOM, offenbARTIKEL Er sagte, er habe das Gefühl gehabt, daß dies den Menschen, die ihre Angehörigen verloren hatte, 1—TROST gewesen sei.
20010911             —VOM, —DIESES—JAHRES, vor dem Kongress gemacht habe.
20010911             —VOM,MEHR—ALS—700 GEWALT—TATEN gegen Sikhs IN—DEN—USA verzeichnet.
20010911             —VOM,nicht stimmen kann, dieser Mangel an Übereinstimmung für grösste Verunsicherung sorgt und —BIS zu seiner Beseitigung weiterhin sorgen wird.
20010911             —VOM,und bei der Bewertung des Waffenprogramms des IRAKISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN SADDAM—HUSSEIN sowie der FOLTERskandal im IRAK—KRIEG könnten sich für Morell —NUN nachteilig auswirken, hieß es.
20010911             —VOR DEM, im Auftrag 1—NAMHAFTEN NORD—AMERIKANISCHEN—BEHÖRDE angelegt wurde.
20010911             —VOR, DEM Das war in den 1.—MONATEN der Regierung.
20010911             —VOR, den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN—DES,
20010911             —VOR—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, hätten gerade einmal 16—MENSCHEN auf der NO—FLY—LISTE gestanden.
20010911             EPINICIA=SIEGESLIEDER.
20010911             Die Generalversammlung der Organisation AMERIKANISCHER—STAATEN verabschiedet in LIMA die Interamerikanische Demokratiecharta.
20010911             Terroranschläge in den USA: 4—PASSAGIERFLUGZEUGE werden auf Inlandsflügen entführt und davon 2—VON den Tätern in das World Trade Center und eines ins Pentagon gelenkt.
20010911             Das 4. Flugzeug stürzt bei SHANKSVILLE—PENNSYLVANIA in 1—FELD ab.
20010911             Es sterben insgesamt CA—3.000—MENSCHEN – "der 20010911             " wird in DEUTSCHLAND später Wort des Jahres 20010000             .
20010911             † ABDULAZIZ—AL—OMARI, SAUDI—ARABISCHER Terrorist
20010911             † BERRY—BERENSON, USA—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Fotografin und Model
20010911             † CHARLES—BURLINGAME, USA—PILOT
20010911             † DANIEL—M—LEWIN, USA—INFORMATIKER
20010911             † HANI—HANDSCHUR, SAUDI—ARABISCHER Terrorist
20010911             † JOHN—OGONOWSKI, USA—PILOT
20010911             † JONATHAN—BRILEY, USA—TONINGENIEUR im Restaurant Windows on the World im WTC 1
20010911             † MARK—BAVIS, USA—EISHOCKEYSPIELER, -trainer UND—SCOUT
20010911             † MARWAN—AL—SHEHHI, Terrorist aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten
20010911             † MOHAMMED—ATTA, ägyptischer islamistischer Terrorist
20010911             † TODD—BEAMER, Etatmanager für Oracle
20010911             † CA—3.000—MENSCHEN—BEI—DEN—TERRORANSCHLÄGEN—IN—DEN—USA, darunter:
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, hat die AMERIKANISCHE—REGIERUNG viel Geld für Forschungen ausgegeben,
20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, hat die AMERIKANISCHE—REGIERUNG viel Geld für Forschungen ausgegeben, die eine bessere Überwachung der elektronischen Kommunikationswege des INTERNET zum Ziel hatten.
20010911             transformed MISTER—BUSH by CRYSTALLIZING his life's purpose.
20010911             Citizens' Watch - 911—TRUTH org...
20010911             gegen DIE—USA führten nicht nur zu grundlegenden... Der USA Quadrennial Defense Review Report des Jahres 20010000             listete CHINA als einen der...
20010911             war games —BEFORE and —DURING—THE—ATTACKS—RUDOLPH—GIULIANI—TESTIMONY to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, 20040500             , biowar exercise in NEW—YORK—CITY scheduled for 20010912             ...
20010911             2. 20010916             [cached]Revealed: what really went on —DURING Bush's 'missing hours',Telegraph,
20010911             4. -Events OF—MISS—NBC, 20010922             20010922             —CONSULTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, at length with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN as THE—USA mustered 1—MILITARY—ASSAULT—ON—TERRORISM—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911             .
20010911             3. 20010923             [cached]Air ATTACK—ON—PENTAGON Indicates Weaknesses,Newsday,
20010911             200409261002
20010911             Press for TRUTH—BUILD the Buzz... Help this film help us all.
20010911             EDGAR—ONLINE — People... JULIE—WALLACE J—HILLIARD, 20021009             , S-3/1—AMENDED—REGISTRATION—STATEMENT, PERFICIENT INC, Real Time Quote, Delay ed Quote, Chart, Company Dossier, Financials, IPO...
20010911             —THE—SECRET in THE—CIA—BACK—POCKET
20010911             NORAD, FAA, Pentagon MADE It Happen by AMERICAOVERTHROWN.COM
20010911             passiert, in einem Hotel in der Gegend übernachtet ein Ägypter.
20010911             SurvivalForum_com 20011026             .---- Refer recent message at "AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
20010911             conscript them in 1—LAW—ENFORCEMENT mode;...
20010911             FitzSimonds, JAMES—R—THE—REVOLUTION in Military Affairs : Challenges for Defense Intelligence.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-026064 ... the Company pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER between AMS, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN, the Company, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4/A 0000912057-96-020447 ... with + into UWS pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER between AMSG, BLUE—CROSS & BLUE—SHIELD—UNITED—OF—WISCONSIN, UWS, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-K405 0000912057-97 ... voted to approve the merger of AMSG with and into UWS pursuant to 1—AGREEMENT and PLAN—OF—MERGER among AMSG, UWS, BCBSUW, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD and RONALD—A.
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-026064 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4 0000912057-96-019012 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: S-4/A 0000912057-96-020447 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-Q 0000912057-96-017600 ...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 8-K 0000912057-96-029345 ...
20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not do this directly, by explicitly addressing the motives alleged by those who endorse the alternative hypothesis.
20010911             WTC and HOOEY—MANIA-
20010911             [CNN, 20011209             ]
20010911             Panel Study Finds That C.I.A. Withheld Tapes
20010911             Bei den Fernsehübertragungen der EREIGNISSE—VOM- aus den USA erinnerte er sich an einen Fall, der im späten 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY Norddeutschland ähnlich erschüttert haben musste:
20010911             Weltpolitik am Scheideweg? Imperium Americanum, Staatenanarchie... Artikel über Entwicklungstrends der Weltordnung im 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20010911             Insiders... JAMES C HICKMAN, Director, 200, 19951229             .
20010911             Weltpolitik am Scheideweg? Imperium Americanum, Staatenanarchie... Artikel über Entwicklungstrends der Weltordnung im 20010101—21001231.
20010911             Panel Study Finds That C.I.A. Withheld Torture Interrogation Tapes
20010911             Commission Chairman THOMAS—KEAN and Vice Chairman LEE—HAMILTON discuss the final
20010911             Truth MANIFESTO—WE confront more than power elites.
20010911             There is psychological RESISTANCE—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS to painful 20010911             truth — 1—SHAMEFUL,
20010911             † 20041206             20011206—20010911    —DEDICATED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, the national Christmas tree to those who † and to GIs who, in THE—LINE—OF—DUTY.
20010911             —VIDEO.DE—NEWS Beweise für Folter von Gefangenen im IRAK und Guantánamo... Bush verteidigt CIA—VERHÖRMETHODEN als "sicher und nötig" 20071101             ...
20010911             Insiders... 19991105             .
20010911             WALLACE J—HILLIARD, Beneficial Owner of MORE—THAN—10—PERCENT—OF—1—CLASS—OF—SECURITY, 214,285, 19991105             .
20010911             See: Police State, by Kelly O'Meara, INSIGHT—MAGAZINE, 20011109             .
20010911             —POSTED 20051110             —ON—0233—PM |Permalink 20051113             200109111000         BUSH contacts DONALD—RUMSFELD,
20010911             DOS report,"Usama Bin Ladin Intelligence Update," 19991119             .
20010911             WALLACE J—HILLIARD, Director, 1,124,317, 19971119             .
20010911             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S ' Letter to AMERICA,'" Observer Worldview, 20021124             (trans... operative.
20010911             Investigation Bookmark File
20010911             Research: Insider Trading
20010911             Synthetic Terror, Made in THE—USA. 6:18 AM
20010911             group mulls ANTI—GIULIANI campaign
20010911             It's Time for AMERICA T..- -  was 1—INSIDE job to spur arms sales.
20010911             —VOR, den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN -DES,
20010911             —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks
20010911             Er gilt als 1—DER wichtigsten Köpfe von AL—QAIDA, der —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             IN—DEN—USA vor Gericht gestellt wird
20010911             —GESTORBEN, Afghanen seien in 1—KRIEG, "der nicht der unsere ist".
20010911             Er sei sich sicher, dass die Offensive —NACH—DEN Anschlägen in NEW—YORK 20010911             —VOM, aus Gründen gestartet worden sei, die "im Interesse der USA und des Westens"lägen.
20010911             —GETRAGEN, Die Solidarität VON, vom kollektiven Schock der Anschläge, ist längst zerronnen.
20010911             —NACH den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, habe sich —NUN einmal psychologisch etwas verändert, dozierte Kornblum und räumte immerhin ein, dass der GROßTEIL—DER—AMERIKANISCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG in puncto Vorbehalt gegen ÜBERWACHUNG eher wie DIE—DEUTSCHEN denke.
20010911             Er kommt zu dem Schluss, dass TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             weit brutaler gefoltert wurden, als
20010911             und Social Media: Mit 12—SCHRITTEN in DIE—VERSCHWÖRUNGSGALAXIE
20010911             —AMLIEß 3—HOCHHÄUSER in NEW—YORK einstürzen. In 2—RASTEN Flugzeuge.
20010911             Das 3. soll durch Feuer —ZERSTÖRT worden sein.
20010911             Wirklich? 1—REPORT—VON—FORSCHERN—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—ALASKA in Fairbanks stellt das offizielle Untersuchungsergebnis infrage und schürt dadurch Verschwörungstheorien.
20010911             1—DATUM VERÄNDERT DIE—WELTPOLITIK: die Twins in NEW—YORK,
20010911             +++++++ 1—DATUM verändert DIE—WELT—POLITIK: tausende Tote
20010911             the subsequent DEVELOPMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY
20010911             FOR THE—COMMERCIAL—SECTOR—THE—BLASTGARD—INTERNATIONAL—INCORPORATED Company on blast effects mitigation core market focus is
20010911             EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEam NEW—YORK—CITY.  ON BREMER unclear where was.
20010911             It is - Neverthless BREMER in his OFFICE—N'T [NOT] was it is clear that
20010911             in WTC 2—BREMER AND his Bremer TEam was
20010911             —VOR, Auch war über in EUROPA operierende AMERIKANISCHE—KONZERNE und FINANZ—INSTITUTE durch GELD—WÄSCHEAKTIVITÄTEN von in EUROPA generierten Drogengeldern in NEW—YORK 1—BETRÄCHTLICHER schwarzer Fonds, vorbei an Kongress und Haushaltskontrollen, DEM, im Auftrag 1—NAMHAFTEN NORD—AMERIKANISCHEN—BEHÖRDE angelegt wurde.
20010911011127       +0200—X—MAILER: KMail [version 19990101             ] CONTENT—TYPE:
200109110315         —PM—LA Cosa Nostra:
200109110315         —PM
200109110820         —AM (01.20—PM IRELAND—TIME) The 3. hijacked plane, USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77, had left Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport near WASHINGTON at.
200109110830         —AM: Rookie in COMMAND—OF—THE—NMCC—CAPTAIN—CHARLES—LEIDIG.
20010911083102       +0200: ROBERT—KRAENZLEIN schrieb am Tue..
200109110840         —AM—SHE took 1—CALL from BOSTON Center which said it had 1 hijacked airliner.
200109110842         —AM (01.42—PM IRELAND—TIME) United Airlines Flight 93 had taken off from NEWARK at.
20010911084630       UTC, per LDEO seismic data (National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology, 20050000             )
20010911084630       seismic event that occurred —10—SECONDS—BEFORE the actual air crash at
20010911084640       UTC, per FAA last primary radar contact (20010911             Commission Final Report, 20040000             )
200109110847         —AM (01.47—PM IRELAND—TIME) United Flight 175 changed its transponder code almost THE—SAME—TIME as Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Centre.
200109110854         —AM (01.54—PM IRELAND—TIME) The 3. hijacked plane, USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77 deviated from its flight plan.
200109110854         —AM (01.54—PM IRELAND—TIME) The 3. hijacked plane, USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77 deviated from its flight plan + was tracked by 1—INDIANAPOLIS—BASED controller, then UNAWARE—OF—THE—OTHER—HIJACKINGS.
200109110858         —AM (01.58—PM IRELAND—TIME) 1—CONTROLLER at THE—FAA—NEW—YORK—CENTRE told another NEW—YORK controller: "We might have 1—HIJACK over here, 2—OF—THEM".
200109110903         —AM (02.03—PM IRELAND—TIME) Flight 175—HIT THE—SOUTH—TOWER—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTRE at.
200109110904         BUSH enters the elementary school classroom to expound on the joys of READING.
200109110904         Having seen THE—2.—PLANE crash on TV, CHENEY and AIDES—IN—THE—WHITE—HOUSE suddenly realize through the power of deductive reasoning that the 1. crash wasn't 1—ACCIDENT
200109110904         Using the power of deductive reasoning, BUSH determines he should go hang out with the elementary school students.
200109110904         despite having received no information through official channels 1—FULL—40—MINUTES—AFTER MOHAMMED—ATTA 1. announced on 1—OPEN—MIKE that AMERICAN—11 had been hijacked.
200109110904         —LATER BUSH claims the crash he saw on TV —1—MINUTE—EARLIER was the 1. plane, but the video of the 1. crash did not air —UNTIL much —LATER in THE—DAY.
200109110910         —CA, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY learns not from 1—FANCY satellite monitor, or 1—SECURE—COM—SIG—INT intercept, but
200109110910         —CA, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY learns that AMERICA is under attack...
200109110910         —CA, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY learns that a 2. airplane has hit THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS and
200109110923         —CRASHED, AMERICAN—11 has ALREADY, into THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER. as PREVIOUSLY noted.
200109110923         NORAD scrambles fighters FROM—LANGLEY—AIR—FORCE—BASE to WASHINGTON on 1—MISSION to shoot down AMERICAN—11.
200109110924         —AM (02.24—PM IRELAND—TIME) Fighter jets were ordered scrambled from Langley AIR—FORCE—BASE at + headed toward WASHINGTON.
200109110924         —AM (02.24—PM IRELAND—TIME) —MEANWHILE FAA radar,had apparently been able to track Flight 77, but
200109110924         —AM (02.24—PM IRELAND—TIME) for what the commission said were technical reasons, the information was not —IMMEDIATELY displayed to controllers at THE—INDIANAPOLIS centre.
200109110924         —AM (02.24—PM IRELAND—TIME) eventually Flight 77—RE—EMERGED on radar, + by
200109110925         'Everybody —JUST Left THE—ROOM'
200109110925         At this point,
200109110925         —REPEATED, Despite, requests from NORAD, FAA—LEADERS were not available to brief THE—WHITE—HOUSE or THE—MILITARY on exactly what the hell was going on,
200109110925         Regional FAA—OFFICIALS tell FAA—HEADQUARTERS about THE—MISSING—AMERICAN—77,
200109110925         THE—FAA was THE—ONLY—AGENCY with ANY—INFORMATION that didn't come off of 1—TELEVISION set,
200109110925         but THE—FAA was MIA.
200109110925         specifically the crucial issue of which airplanes were accounted for and which were not.
200109110928         —AM (02.28—IRELAND—TIME) United Airlines Flight 93—LAST—TRANSMISSION was at
200109110930         —CA, 1—FULL—HOUR—AFTER MOHAMMED—ATTA announced his hijacking over 1—OPEN—MIKE.
200109110930         —CA, CIA—DIRECTOR—TENET has his breakfast interrupted,
200109110930         —CA, CIA—DIRECTOR—TENET, on hearing THE—NEWS, says, "I wonder if it has anything to do with this guy taking pilot training,""
200109110932         —AM (02.32—PM IRELAND—TIME) controllers at Dulles observed that Flight 77 was headed to WASHINGTON.
200109110934         —AM—09:38 am (02.34—PM 02.38—PM IRELAND—TIME) THE—CLEVELAND—BASED FAA controller observed United Airlines Flight 93—CLIMBING +
200109110934         —AM—09:38 am (02.34—PM 02.38—PM IRELAND—TIME) THE—CLEVELAND—BASED FAA controller moved several aircraft out of United Airlines Flight 93—WAY.
200109110938         —AM (02.38—PM IRELAND—TIME) THE—PILOT—OF—THAT unarmed military cargo plane reported to THE—WASHINGTON control tower that it "looks like that aircraft Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, sir".
200109110938         —AM (02:38 pm IRELAND—TIME) Then another transmission came from United Airlines Flight 93
200109110939         —AM—CONTEXT—OF—RUMSFELD Is Wanted at NMCC...
200109110953         1. MEDIA—REPORTS that 1—PLANE has hit THE—PENTAGON.
200109110953         ACCORDING—TO—BAMFORD.
200109110953         THE—NSA intercepts 1—MESSAGE from 1—AL—QAEDA operative in AFGHANISTAN indicating that at least 1—MORE—TARGET is going to be hit,
200109111000         BUSH contacts DONALD—RUMSFELD,
200109111000         BUSH does NOT convey ANY—SUCH shooting down CIVIL—PLANES—AUTHORIZATION to RUMSFELD.
200109111000         DONALD—RUMSFELD is technically 2. in THE—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND between BUSH and THE—ARMED—FORCES.
200109111000         —AM Diane Rehm show Veterans for 911—TRUTH—CHALLENGE—POPULAR—MECHANICS—MAGAZINE to Debate CNN: "...we may not have been told the truth..".
200109111003         —AM (03:03 pm IRELAND—TIME) United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in PENNSYLVANIA at near Johnstown.
200109111010         NORAD goes to DEFCON 3—ALERT status,
200109111205         —INDICATED, GEORGE—TENET outlining THE—NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept which, more targets were EXPECTED to be hit.
200109111205         GEORGE—TENET passes 1—NOTE to DONALD—RUMSFELD
200109111205         THE—INTERCEPT—IS—MORE—THAN—2—HOURS AND —10—MINUTES—OLD, and
200109111205         HAVE BEEN FINISHED FOR —JUST OVER —2—HOURS—THE—ATTACKS—OF, which NSA—AL—QAEDA intercept warns
200109111348         1—FEW reporters are allowed to remain on THE—AIR—FORCE—1—PLANE, sans cell phones.
200109111348         AIR—FORCE—1 ditching MOST—OF—THE—PRESS—CORPS.
200109111348         AIR—FORCE—1 takes off AGAIN,
20010911134938       —DIENSTAG, 911, 20010911             , ;;09;;
20010911134938       —DIENSTAG, 20010911, 911, 20010911             , ;;09;;
20010911134938#1     the ninth
200109111610         —HOUSED, THE—BUILDING—7—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—COMPLEX, among other things,
200109111610         reported to be on fire BUILDING—7—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—COMPLEX.
2001091120010911     12—FRAGEN zum- 11.9.
2001091120010911     —GELASSEN, Helden des- : TODKRANK—UND im Stich
2001091120010911     THE—TRUTH—ABOUT the-20010911             Attacks, Part II
2001091120010911     They Let it Happen: 1. —DAY JITTERS
200109112030         BUSH addresses THE—COUNTRY—FOR—7—MINUTES.
200109112030         FOR THE—VERY—1.—TIME—BUSH articulates the fateful BUSH Doctrine (but far from the last) :
20010911—11092001    _LOG.DAT MY SYSTEM LOGFILE
20010911—11092002    _Modified MY SYSTEM LOGFILE
20010911—19900911    —11—YEARS—PRIOR—TO—THE—DAY, "Out of these troubled times, our 5. objective - 1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER—CAN emerge" Skull & Bonesman, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH
20010911—19980000    JAMES C HICKMAN, Director, 200, 19951229             .
20010911—20000725    —ON, Blackwater Valley Environmental Justice Newsletter 20021200             1—LEARJET belonging to Huffman Aviation owner WALLACE—J—HILLIARD, confiscated with45 pounds of heroin onboard at ORLANDO—EXECUTIVE—AIRPORT.
20010911—20010116    —AM, Der verantwortliche Leiter der CIA—EINATZABTEILUNG, JOSÉ—RODRIGUEZ, muss zu einer Anhörung vor dem GEHEIM—DIENSTAUSSCHUSS des Repräsentantenhauses erscheinen.
20010911—20010817    —AM, Es erscheint im CARL—HANSER—VERLAG, München (180—SEITEN, 14,90 Euro)
20010911—20010822    —BY, "MISTER—AHMADINEJAD and his followers clearly believe that this time is —NOW + that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced.
20010911—20010822    —INDICATED, It may even have 1—DATE, by several references by THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT to giving his final answer to THE—USA—ABOUT nuclear development.
20010911—20010822    —REPORTED, This was at 1., as "by THE—END—OF—AUGUST," but MISTER—AHMADINEJAD—STATEMENT was more precise".
20010911—20010905    —ON, If not the sprinkler system, why was Hammad in THE—WTC + why did he claim to be working on...
20010911—20010910    —DEPLOYED, FEMA had, to NEW—YORK—CITY to.
20010911—20010911    —ON, 20060808             911tvfakery History TV fakery WING TV continues to oppose evidence 20010911             —ON TV Fakery (08/08)By ewing2001
20010911—20010911    —IN—THE, NEW—YORK, THE—WTC COMPLEX—BUILDINGS 1, 2, and 7—ALONG with Westfield Hotel were ruined attacks, and
20010911—20010911    —ON, Was DONALD—RUMSFELD psychic, or was he —JUST "spilling
20010911—20010911    —IN—THE, NEW—YORK, THE—WTC COMPLEX—BUILDINGS 1, 2, and 7—ALONG with Westfield Hotel were ruined attacks, and consequently about $5.4—BILLION went into the pockets of Lowy and SILVERSTEIN.
20010911—20010915    160—SAUDIS Flew from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—SHOW "...including but not limited to MEMBERS—OF—THE—HOUSE—OF—SAUD and/or MEMBERS—OF—THE—BIN—LADEN family".Via Covert History.
20010911—20010916    —ON, 1—SOURCE—OF—DATA is 1—THERMAL MAP—OF—GROUND 0 created from infrared data collected by 1—NASA plane that overflew the site.
20010911—20020310    —ON, —5—YEARS—AGO, CBS aired the documentary '20010911             ',
20010911—20020904    —REPORTED, As, by CBS News
20010911—20030300    IN THE—RUN—UP TO THE—WAR.- IRAQ—FAILURE to come up with paperwork proving THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ITS—BIOLOGICAL—ARSENAL was portrayed by THE—USA as EVIDENCE—OF—DECEPTION
20010911—20040214    —JAHR.
20010911—20040214    2—SENIOR—BIN Ladin associates have adamantly denied.
20010911—20040801    "For almost —3—YEARS—NOW, NORAD officials + FAA officials have been able to hide their critical failures that left this country USA defenseless —DURING 2—OF—THE—WORST—HOURS in USA—HISTORY, " DAYTON declared —DURING 1—USA—SENATE—GOVERNMENTAL—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE hearing.
20010911—20040802    -ohne UNTERBRECHUNG—SEIT der ZERSTÖRUNG—DES—WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS—AM—LIEGT auf dem zweithöchsten Niveau d ie offizielle Terror warnstufe für NEW—YORK, wurde nicht weiter erhöht.
20010911—20040917    MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—AFTER THE—ATTACKS, CIA remains SHORT—STAFFED, he _A senior CIA officer says.
20010911—20041016    —DATE 20010912             The 20010911             —COVERUP—20011130              why would PAKISTAN engage INDIA, if... 20020531             installation of the nuclear warheads under THE—MANTLE—OF—THE—INSTALLATION—OF—THE "Patriots" to "defend" TURKEY—REPETITION—OF—CUBA 19620000             — 20030200             20011016             —ARRESTED, Durst was, 20011130             , in Bethlehem, PENNSILVANIA, for shoplifting.
20010911—20041016    —DATE?
20010911—20041201    MANCHE—DIESER—FRAGEN sind in der Tat —BIS—HEUTE unbeantwortet,
20010911—20041201    Warum schossen beim Einsturz der Türme spitze Rauchwolken aus den Fenstern, wie bei einer kontrollierten Explosion?
20010911—20041201    D ie abstrusen, aber stets irgendwo ein paar Staubkörnchen Wahrheit enthaltenden Fabeln wuchern im INTERNET, im TALK—RADIO, auf dem "Sachbuch"-MARKT—ABER vor allem im geografischen Dunstkreis von Ground 0.
20010911—20041201    VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORIEN—DÄMMERZONE zwischen Wahn + Wissen
20010911—20041201    Hartnäckig halten sich Urteile
20010911—20041201    Die abstrusen, aber stets irgendwo ein paar Staubkörnchen Wahrheit enthaltenden Fabeln wuchern im INTERNET...
20010911—20050105    EX—FBI agent admits giving out 20010911             data ASSOCIATED PRESS
20010911—20051207    Running From the Truth:
20010911—20060308    What did THE—FBI know —BEFORE 20010911             ?
20010911—20060309    20010911             Commissions HAMILTON and Lehman Review Whats Happened —SINCE...
20010911—20060821    —IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of —MONDAY, 20010911             GI Special 4H21: Comment Unnecessary - 20060821             20010911             Silverstein | 1—KOMMENTAR (200609070821         ).
20010911—20070914    —SEIT DEM—IST auch das Geld in der Welt, sie wirklich zu ENTWICKELN—ZUMAL die Grundzüge der Technik vor bald —30—JAHREN gelegt wurden.
20010911—20130000    —VOM, -AM, der eigentliche Prozess wegen der Anschläge —ERST oder sogar —SPÄTER, beginnen wird.
20010911—20160116    —ATTACKED, Why are we supporting THE—PEOPLE who, us -ON
20010911—20160116    —ATTACKED, Why are we supporting THE—PEOPLE who, USA—ON
20010912             Diese verhängnisvolle Fehlentscheidung könnte auf "dem 20010101—21001231     noch schwerer lasten als das Verbrechen des 20010911             " (S. 127).
20010912             The 20010911             —COVERUP—20011130              why would PAKISTAN engage INDIA, if... 20020531             installation of the nuclear warheads under THE—MANTLE—OF—THE—INSTALLATION—OF—THE "Patriots" to "defend" TURKEY—REPETITION—OF—CUBA 19620000             — 20030200             20010912             The 20010911             —COVERUP—20011130              why would PAKISTAN engage INDIA, if... 20020531             installation of the nuclear warheads under THE—MANTLE—OF—THE—INSTALLATION—OF—THE "Patriots" to "defend" TURKEY—REPETITION—OF—CUBA 19620000             — 20030200             20011016             —ARRESTED, Durst was, 20011130             , in Bethlehem, PENNSILVANIA, for shoplifting.
20010912             was ALSO—SCHEDULED to begin 20010911             ,
20010912             —HOOKED, It looked like they're, in with this", the source told the Record, referring to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010912             For more news about 20010911             click here!
20010912             The 20010911             —COVERUP—20011130              why would PAKISTAN engage INDIA, if... 20020531             installation of the nuclear warheads under THE—MANTLE—OF—THE—INSTALLATION—OF—THE "Patriots" to "defend" TURKEY—REPETITION—OF—CUBA 19620000             — 20030200             20011016             —ARRESTED, Durst was, 20011130             , in Bethlehem, PENNSILVANIA, for shoplifting.
20010912—20010911    —ON, because ALL THESE OTHER wargames/exercises/drills took place ,
20010912—20010911    —ON, THE—USA began building 1—BROAD—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION for 1—POSSIBLE—MILITARY—RETALIATION against those responsible for the terrorist attacks.
20010913             10. - AKTIEN—BEWEGUNGEN 20010911             —VOR—DEM, 20010913             01.Verschwörungstheoretische Anmerkungen zu einem Terroranschlag — I—X —THE—WTC—CONSPIRACY
20010913             As 1—RESULT, these photos are —JUST about the only CLOSE—UPS ever TAKEN—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—SITE so soon —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010913             1—PRIVATE—LEAR jet with 3—SAUDI—ARABIA—PASSENGERS flew from TAMPA—FLORIDA, to LEXINGTON—KENTUCKY, as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to help prominent Saudis, who feared reprisals over 20010911             —THE attack by AL—QAIDA in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20010913             —COORDINATED, NEW—YORK—TIMES All these meetings, PAKISTAN—RESPONSE to 20010911             .
20010913—20010911    —IN—THE, terrorist attack, 18—HIJACKERS were identified as ticketed passengers.
20010914             —CALLED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, COLIN—POWELL, has, PAKISTAN 1—FRIEND because it has offered unstinted support to THE—USA in capturing the perpetrators of 20010911             —THE. atrocities.
20010914             —PACKED, Americans, churches and clogged public squares on —1—DAY—OF—REMEMBRANCE for the victims of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010914—20010911    —AM—3—TAGE—20010911—NACH, den Anschlägen auf das WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—NEW—YORK.
20010914—20010911    —IN—THE, THE—NUMBER—OF—HIJACKERS involved attacks was raised from 18 to 19 and their names were made public.
20010914—20010911    —PUBLISHED, Passenger lists were, for THE—4—AIRPLANES that were hijacked and crashed by terrorists.
20010915             —ORDERED, Bush, USA—TROOPS to get ready for war and braced Americans for 1—LONG, difficult assault against terrorists to avenge 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010915             —APPROVED, USA—CONGRESS, 1—RESOLUTION authorizing Bush to use "all necessary and appropriated force" against anyone associated with 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20010915—20010911    —AM, Die ERMORDUNG—DES—SIKH—BALBIR—SINGH—SODHI in ARIZONA im Nachgang der Anschläge ruft internationales Aufsehen hervor.
20010915—20010916    Several of 20010911             —THE hijackers, including lead hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA, may have had training at secure USA—MILITARY—INSTALLATIONS.
20010916             This article establishes the very close link, in 1—DEFENSE—PUBLICATION, of several outfits that were instrumental in THE—EXECUTION—OF—OPERATION 2—TOWERS (20010911             ).
20010916—20010911    —IN—THE, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH pledged 1—CRUSADE against terrorists, saying there was "no question" OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was the "prime suspect" attack.
20010917             —DEMANDED, AFGHANISTAN, Islamic clerics, proof from THE—USA—THAT—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was responsible for 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20010917—20010911    —AM, Die Terroranschläge führen zu einem schweren Einbruch der Börsenkurse im Land.
20010918             —1—WEEK—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said he hoped to "rally the world" in THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—TERRORISM and predicted that all "people who love freedom" would join.
20010918             —ESTIMATED, The number of dead in NEW—YORK—CITY was, at 1—PROBABLE 5,422 due to 20010911             —THE terrorist attack.
20010918—20010911    —REPORTED, It was, that MORE—THAN—4—PLANES may have been targeted by hijackers.
20010919             Imad Mughniyeh, LEBANON—HEAD—OF—HEZBOLLAH overseas operations, and DOCTOR—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, 1—SENIOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN aide, were named in 1—JANE'S—FOREIGN—REPORT as possible masterminds for 20010911             —THE attacks in addition to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20010919             Schlüsselgruppe der "PAUL—WOLFOWITZ—VERSCHWÖRUNG" die 18—MITGLIEDER umfassende Rat für VERTEIDIGUNGS—POLITIK diskutierte, wie SIE die Informationen so manipulieren könne, [PROPAGANDA] daß man die Angriffe des 20010911             auf Hussein, Saddam schieben könne.
20010920             Pictures of most of 20010911             —THE hijackers were published along with SOME—PERSONAL—DATA.
20010920             —REACHED, The total 20010911             death toll, 6,807.
20010920             In 1—REDE vor dem Kongress kündigt USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH als REAKTION—AUF—DIE Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, 1. den "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR" an.
20010920—20011120    —REACHED, The total 20010911             death toll, 6,807. the official count was reduced to —JUST below 3,900.
20010921             —HOSTED, USA entertainers, 1—NATIONAL telethon: "AMERICA: 1—TRIBUTE to Heroes," to raise money for the victims of 20010911             —THE attacks that was carried on MORE—THAN—30—NETWORKS.
20010921             -—10—DAYS—AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center + the Pentagon, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH was told in 1—HIGHLY classified briefing that THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY had no evidence linking THE—IRAQ—REGIME—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN to the attacks + that there was scant credible evidence that IRAQ had ANY—SIGNIFICANT collaborative ties with AL—QAEDA,
20010921             -20010911             —10—DAYS—LATER—BOOZ ALLEN—HAMILTON company, who received 1—CONTRACT—OF "Project Trailblazer ", worked in the attacked wing of the Pentagon was sold to Titan Corporation, 20000000—20091231    —RECENTLY—TITAN Corporation involved in THE—ABU—GHRAIB scandal.
20010923             —VOWED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, THE—USA would give allies evidence detailing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—CONNECTION to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010924             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 16—SYRIAN, Jordanian and LEBANON—CITIZENS were arrested in PARAGUAY —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS in THE—USA.
20010924             —EXPANDED, USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—ZOELLICK set the tone in 1—SPEECH that, the post- 20010911             McCarthyism to global justice activists:
20010927—20010911    —IN—THE, SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD displayed the new Medal for THE—DEFENSE—OF—FREEDOM to be awarded to all Defense DEPARTMENT—CIVIL—EMPLOYEES killed or wounded terrorist attacks.
20010928             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH told reporters THE—USA was in "hot pursuit" of terrorists behind 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010928             —RELEASED, THE—FBI, a 4-page document, handwritten in Arabic, that served as 1—SET—OF—FINAL—INSTRUCTIONS for 20010911             —THE. hijackers.
20010928             [ Sun Sentinel, Inside 20010911             : What Really Happened, by...
20010929             01—10—I—X—THE—WTC—CONSPIRACY—INDEX:MATHIAS—BRÖCKERS 20010913             20010929             01—10—I—X—THE—WTC—CONSPIRACY—INDEX:MATHIAS—BRÖCKERS 20010913             20010929             —JUST 1—FEW weeks —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE terrorist ATTACK—ON—THE...
20010929             —CANCELLED, The meeting was, —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20010929             01—10—I—X—THE—WTC—CONSPIRACY—INDEX:MATHIAS—BRÖCKERS 20010913             20010929             —JUST 1—FEW weeks —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE terrorist ATTACK—ON—THE...
20010930             Leaders of THE—TALIBAN said they had OSAMA—BIN—LADEN "under our control," but would release him to THE—USA—ONLY if shown proof that he plotted 20010911             —THE attacks.
20010930             Pashtun chiefs from both sides of THE—AFGHANISTAN—PAKISTAN border met in QUETTA to discuss the crisis brought on by 20010911             —THE attacks on THE—USA.
20010930             So kann man in einem Beitrag des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS in der Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR ) 20010911             —VOM, nachlesen: "Die Vereinigten Staaten...
200109ca—20010911    JAMES—WOOLSEY—BEWEISE zu sammeln, die SADDAM—HUSSEIN mit den Angriffen VOM verbinden.
20011001—20011002    THE—USA—GAVE Nato "clear and compelling" evidence that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN orchestrated 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20011002             —REPORTED, A—USA—TREASURY—DEPT official, that over $100—MILLION—OF suspected terrorist assets had been frozen in domestic and foreign banks —SINCE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20011002—20010911    —AM, DIE—NATO feststellt wegen der Terroranschläge den Bündnisfall.
20011004             —ESTIMATED, NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS, that 20010911             —THE disaster would cost as much as $105—BILLION over THE—NEXT—2—YEARS.
20011004             —SHIFTED, Depending on THE—NUMBER—OF—JOBS permanently, OUT—OF—THE—CITY, 20010911             —THE attacks could cost NEW—YORK—CITY as much as $83—95—BILLION dollars, though the financial loss could never compare to the horrendous loss of nearly 3,000 lives.
20011004             TEXAS, MARK—STROMAN (19690000             *), —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911            , went on 1—SHOOTING spree targeting PEOPLE—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN descent killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding a 3.
20011004             —RELEASED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, a 16-page document over THE—INTERNET that presented details on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—RESPONSIBILITY for 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20011004             Rove, Norquist + 20010911             Norquist was ALAMOUDI—MOST influential WASHINGTON facilitator...
20011006             —IDENTIFIED, USA and UK—INTELLIGENCE, MOHAMMED—ATEF, 1—FORMER—EGYPT—POLICEMAN and close aide to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, as the key planner of the of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20011006             In addition, sources have said Atta sent THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS -- believed to be excess funds from the operation -- back to Saeed in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES in the days —BEFORE 20010911             .
20011006             Even more telling: In his roughly —2—YEARS—OF—FREEDOM—BEFORE 20010911             ,
20011006             If you want to formulate 1—REAL 20010911             conspiracy theory, start here.
20011007             —SHOWED, THE—AL—JAZEERA—TV—NETWORK from QATAR, video footage of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN praising Allah for 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20011007             —FOLLOWING the attacks of 20010911             — THE—USA, backed by ALLIED—FORCES from —AROUND the world, invaded AFGHANISTAN to topple THE—TALIBAN government + root out AL—QAEDA.
20011007             —DIRECTED, WHAT—WORSE, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, who, 20010911             —THE attacks from AFGHANISTAN + TALIBAN leader MULLAH—OMAR, who harbored him, remain at large.
20011007             Despite AFGHANISTAN—DIRECT—LINKS to the attacks of 20010911             , THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has continued its policy of benign neglect toward AFGHANISTAN, instead directing essential resources and troops to the debacle in IRAQ.
20011007—20010911    —AFTER, to get rid of those silly TALIBAN folks + —IMMEDIATELY wanted to start planning to go kick Saddam really good".
20011007—20010911    —AM, DIE—USA und ihre Verbündeten beginnen mit der
20011007—20010911    —OPERATION—ENDURING—FREEDOM, dem
20011007—20010911    —KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE in AFGHANISTAN herrschenden TALIBAN, begründet als Folge der Terroranschläge in den USA.
20011011             —BERICHTET, Zeitungskette KNIGHT—RIDDER :,autorisiert wurde Woolsey 20010900             in geheimer Mission zu fliegen mit USA—REGIERUNGSFLUGZEUG nach LONDON in Begleitung von Beamten des USA Justiz-& des USA VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM,Beweise zu sammeln,die Hussein,Saddam mit den Angriffen 20010911             —VOM, verbinden.
20011012             UZBEKISTAN was the 1. among CENTRAL—ASIA—NATIONS to allow THE—USA to use its airspace and deploy troops on its TERRITORY—FOR—THE—ANTI—TERRORISM—WAR in AFGHANISTAN —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20011014             Der Bericht schenkte dem irren Gerede der "AMERIKANISCHEN—FALKEN" Glauben,welche sagen, daß es "einen wachsenden Haufen Beweise gibt, daß der irakische räsident Hussein,Saddam mit den Flugzeugentführungen 20010911             —VOM, — vielleicht INDIREKT—VERWICKELT sei. Wenn sich dies bestätigen würde", meinte der Observer, "dann würde der sich aufbauende Druck...für einen Angriff (auf den IRAK) unwiderstehlich werden".
20011014             —SURROUNDED, JALALABAD, long, by militant training camps including some... —WEEK—OF—STRIKES—AGAINST—ISLAMIC... 20010911             Historical 20010911             Videos USA
20011014             Their inquiries are adding to what USA hawks say is 1—GROWING MASS—OF—EVIDENCE that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was involved, possibly indirectly, with 20010911             —THE hijackers
20011014—20010911    mit den Flugzeugentführungen VOM DER—IRAK—PRÄSIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—VIELLEICHT INDIREKT—VERWICKELT sei.
20011021             —ENDED, Pacific Rim leaders, a —2—DAY—ECONOMIC—SUMMIT and condemned 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—AGAINST THE—USA and denounced terrorism in all its forms.
20011021             1—OF—THESE witnesses referred to 1—PRE- 20010911             program known as Able Danger, which was used to develop information about al Qaeda.
20011023—20010911    —FROM—THE, JOHN—ASHCROFT, USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL., said 3—MEN wanted by GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, Said Bahaji, Ramzi Binalshibh and ZAKARIYA—ESSABAR, were PART—OF—1—TERRORIST—CELL in HAMBURG that included 3—MEN—ATTACK—ON—THE—WTC.
20011028—20010911    —IN—THE, THE—FAMILIES—OF—PEOPLE killed terrorist attack gathered in NEW—YORK for 1—MEMORIAL service filled with prayer and song.
20011100             —REPORTED, NEWSWEEK has, 1—POSSIBLE—CONNECTION between THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT and SOME—OF—THE—HIJACKERS [NEWSWEEK, 20021122             ], and has —SINCE reported that "The possibility of 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—LINK to 20010911             is growing".
20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY—HERALD, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20011100             He did admit to his ties to Ansari, —JUST as Ansari —LATER admitted his ties to Saeed and THE—ISI, but both refused to discuss 20010911             .
20011100             [Cox News, 20020221             , Observer, 20020224             , Telegraph, 20020224             , NEWSWEEK, 20020225             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20020225             , USA—TODAY, 20020225             , National Post, 20020226             , BOSTON Globe, 20020228             , NEWSWEEK, 20020311             , NEWSWEEK, 20020313             , GUARDIAN, 20020405             , MISS—NBC, 20020405             ] But only 3—ARTICLES considered that Saeed could have been connected to both groups at THE—SAME—TIME [LONDON—TIMES, 20020225             , LONDON—TIMES, 20020421             , PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE—REVIEW, 20020303             ], and only 1—OF—THESE mentioned he could be involved in THE—ISI, AL—QAEDA and financing 20010911             all at THE—SAME—TIME.
20011100             —ADDED, He cryptically, "I know people in the government and they know me and my work".[NEWSWEEK, 20020313             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02] He did admit to his ties to Ansari, —JUST as Ansari —LATER admitted his ties to Saeed and THE—ISI, but both refused to discuss 20010911             .
20011100             [Gulf News, 20020325             ]FORMER—CIA—AGENT—ROBERT—BAER —LATER claimed he was working with Pearl on investigating 20010911             mastermind Khalid SHAIKH—MOHAMMED.
20011100             [WASHINGTON—POST—20020503             ]At THE—SAME—TIME he could eliminate THE—OVERLY—NOSY Pearl, Musharraf could punish Saeed for the deed to make sure he would keep quiet about THE—ISI—CONNECTIONS to 20010911             .
20011100             [UPI, 20010614             ]—BEFORE 20010911             THE—ASIA—TIMES reported that CROWN—PRINCE—ABDULLAH, the defacto RULER—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, is secretly 1—SUPPORTER—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20011100             [AP, 20020715             , AP, 20020715             , CBS, 20020715             , CNN, 20020715             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020715             , MISS—NBC, 20020715             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20020715             , Reuters, 20020715             , USA—TODAY, 20020715             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020715             , WASHINGTON—POST, 20020715             ] By comparison, in BRITAIN, articles connected Saeed to THE—ISI [GUARDIAN, 20020716             , GUARDIAN, 20020716             , Daily Mail, 20020716             ], AL—QAEDA [Independent, 20020716             ], 20010911             —THE attacks [Scotsman, 20020716             ], or SOME—COMBINATION—OF—THE 3 [LONDON—TIMES, 20020716             , Daily Mail, 20020716             , Telegraph, 20020716             ] (with 1—EXCEPTION: [BBC, 20020716             , BBC, 20020716             ]).
20011100             —BY comparison, in BRITAIN, articles connected Saeed to THE—ISI [GUARDIAN, 20020716             , GUARDIAN, 20020716             , Daily Mail, 20020716             ], AL—QAEDA [Independent, 20020716             ], 20010911             —THE attacks [Scotsman, 20020716             ], or SOME—COMBINATION—OF—THE 3 [LONDON—TIMES, 20020716             , Daily Mail, 20020716             , Telegraph, 20020716             ] (with 1—EXCEPTION: [BBC, 20020716             , BBC, 20020716             ]).
20011100             [NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20010913             , Reuters, 20010913             , Associated Press, 20010913             ] Isn't it strange that THE—TERMS—OF—PAKISTAN—COMMITMENT to fight AL—QAEDA were negotiated with the man who may have given orders to send $100,000 to 20010911             —THE hijackers?
20011100             [MIAMI Herald, 20010916             ]All these meetings coordinated PAKISTAN—RESPONSE to 20010911             .
20011100             [JANE—INTELLIGENCE—DIGEST, 20010920             ]CBS —LATER reported OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had emergency medical care in PAKISTAN THE—DAY—BEFORE 20010911             .
20011100             [LONDON—TIMES, 20010923             ]THE—NEXT—DAY, it was reported that 20010911             —THE "paymaster" had been found, using the alias "MUSTAFA—AHMED".
20011100             [Intelligence Online, 20011004             ]—WHILE such reports are very fragmentary and speculative, it is interesting to note that SENATOR—GRAHAM said "foreign governments" - plural, not SINGULAR—WERE behind 20010911             .
20011100             —MENTIONED, He was again, as 20010911             —THE paymaster THE—DAY—BEFORE the Mahmood story broke [CNN, 20011008             ], and then suddenly, all mention of him ceased (with 1—EXCEPTION [CNN, 20011028             ]).
20011100             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011013             ] What about PAKISTAN—SUPPORT—OF—TERRORISM, if not 20010911             , then the other terrorist attacks on INDIA —SINCE?
20011100             Someone in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES (UAE), using 1—ALIAS, periodically wired money to and from hijackers MOHAMED—ATTA and MARWAN—ALSHEHHI between 20000600             and THE—DAY—BEFORE 20010911             .
20011100—20010911    —IN, [LONDON—TIMES, 20020421             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02] SAEED—ROLE began to be reported in —LATE—SEPTEMBER and —EARLY—OCTOBER, but 1—INDIA—MAGAZINE would note, "Curiously, there seems to have been little INTERNATIONAL pressure on PAKISTAN to hand him over".
20011100—20010911    —AFTER, [Time, 20020804             ]—WHEN THE—USA attacked AFGHANISTAN, THE—ISI secretly supported THE—TALIBAN with military advisors and weapon shipments, despite promising THE—USA—NOT to.
20011100—20010911    —AFTER, [ASIA—TIMES, 20010822             ]Another secret meeting between MAHMOOD and CROWN—PRINCE—ABDULLAH may have taken place shortly.
20011100—20010911    —FROM—THE, Between 20010906             and 10, $26,315 was wired from the hijackers back to THE—UAE—LEFTOVER money plot.
20011100—20010911    —ON, [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , GUARDIAN, 20011001             ], in the hours —BEFORE the attacks, the paymaster transferred $40,871 from his UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—BANK—ACCOUNTS to his Visa card, and caught 1—PLANE—FLIGHT from THE—UAE to PAKISTAN.
20011100—20010911    —AFTER, [MISS—NBC, 20011211             ]Saeed —LATER claims to have met with OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in AFGHANISTAN 1—FEW days (but has said nothing about a 20010911             role).
20011100—20020100    —IN—EARLY, [UPI, 20011010             , PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE—REVIEW, 20020303             ], THE—FBI was interested in questioning Azhar + 1—PAKISTAN—OFFICIAL stated that, "THE—AMERICANS are aware Azhar met OSAMA—BIN—LADEN often + are convinced he can give important information about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—PRESENT whereabouts and even 20010911             —THE attacks".
20011100—20020518    [WASHINGTON—POST]Goss and Graham were —LATER the heads of the joint HOUSE—SENATE—INVESTIGATION into 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS + Goss in particular made headlines for saying there was no "smoking gun" indicating that the government had sufficient foreknowledge to prevent 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20011100—20021200    He couldn't have done it alone".[New Yorker, 20011001             , SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM, CO—HEAD—OF—THE—CONGRESSIONAL 20010911             inquiry and privy to documents censored from the general public, said he was "surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least SOME—OF—THE [20010911             ] terrorists in THE—USA.... To me that is 1—EXTREMELY significant issue and MOST—OF—THAT—INFORMATION is classified, I think OVERLY—CLASSIFIED.
20011101—20010911    —SINCE, NIGHTMARE—OF—FASCISM—SEEMS Too Real Attacks
20011109—20010911    —NACH—DEN—TERRORANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, beschließt der DEUTSCHE—BUNDESTAG das ANTI—TERROR—GESETZ, in dem unter anderem das Religionsprivileg im Vereinsrecht abgeschafft wird, um das Verbot radikaler, vor allem islamistischer Gemeinschaften zu ermöglichen.
20011118—20010911    —IN—THE, SPAIN, 8—MEN, Soldiers of Allah, detained —LAST—WEEK were reported to be MEMBERS—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA network and to have played 1—ROLE—ATTACKS.
20011123—20010911    —IN—THE, SPAIN set terms for extradition of 8—MEN charged with complicity attacks that included trial by 1—CIVIL—COURT.
20011128             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, Mounir El Motassadeq (27), on suspicion of funneling money to 20010911             —THE hijackers.
20011203             —USA—TODAY—TARGETING SADDAM : Was there 1—IRAQI 20010911             link?
20011209—20010911    —ON, 8. TOLEDO—AIR—GUARD called to defend USA ,TOLEDO Blade [cached]
20011209—20010911    —FROM—THE, THE—USA disclosed the existence of 1—VIDEOTAPE in which OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said he was pleasantly surprised by THE—EXTENT—OF—DAMAGE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS.
20011210             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH told reporters 1—VIDEOTAPE—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in which THE—AL—QAIDA leader talked happily about 20010911             —THE attacks "—JUST reminded me of what 1—MURDERER he is".
20011211—20010911    —FROM, In the 1. criminal indictment stemming, 1—USA grand jury in VIRGINIA charged Zacarias Moussaoui, 1—FRANCE—CITIZEN—OF—MOROCCO—DESCENT, with conspiring to murder thousands in the suicide hijackings.
20011213             in which OSAMA—BIN—LADEN confesses to prior knowledge of 20010911             has been a
20011213             —RELEASED, THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT, 1—VIDEOTAPE—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN talking about 20010911             —THE attacks.
20011213             And this is the only early video where he claimed responsability for 20010911             .
20011213             I always wondered why they didn't had the time yet to add 20010911             to THE—LIST—OF—CRIMES he's charged with.
20011213—20010911    —AFTER, Apart from this very convenient video confession found 1—COUPLE—OF—MONTHS, what are the real EVIDENCE that OBL was linked to 20010911             ?
20011218             —ANTI—TERRORISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011218             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—PHILADELPHIA threw out Mumia ABU—JAMAL—DEATH—SENTENCE for 19810000             —THE shooting of 1—PHILADELPHIA police officer and ordered 1—NEW sentencing hearing for THE—FORMER—BLACK—PANTHER alternately portrayed as 1—VICIOUS—COP—KILLER and 1—VICTIM—OF—1—RACIST—FRAME—UP.
20011218             ANTI—TERRORISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011219—20020000    —IN, 20010911             —THE—WTC death toll was reduced to 3,000. 1 revised tally put the total dead at 2,795.
20011218             ANTITERRORISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011218             —ANTI—TERRORISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011218             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—PHILADELPHIA threw out Mumia ABU—JAMAL—DEATH—SENTENCE for 19810000             —THE shooting of 1—PHILADELPHIA police officer and ordered 1—NEW sentencing hearing for THE—FORMER—BLACK—PANTHER alternately portrayed as 1—VICIOUS—COP—KILLER and 1—VICTIM—OF—1—RACIST—FRAME—UP.
20011218             ANTI—TERRORISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011218—20011118    —ON, He had won 45—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES in the 1. ROUND—OF—ELECTIONS and
20011218             —ANTI—TERROR—ISMUS—KOALITION älter als ihr Name u.d.20010911             20011218             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—PHILADELPHIA threw out Mumia ABU—JAMAL—DEATH—SENTENCE for 19810000             —THE shooting of 1—PHILADELPHIA police officer and ordered 1—NEW sentencing hearing for THE—FORMER—BLACK—PANTHER alternately portrayed as 1—VICIOUS—COP—KILLER and 1—VICTIM—OF—1—RACIST—FRAME—UP.
20011219—20020000    —IN, 20010911             —THE—WTC death toll was reduced to 3,000. 1 revised tally put the total dead at 2,795.
20011220             —MARKED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—100—DAY anniversary of 20010911             by freezing the assets of 2—PAKISTAN—BASED groups SUSPECTED—OF—TERROR—IST—SUPPORT.
20020000             —SAMSTAG, 20041127             20021127             —SELECTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, HENRY—KISSINGER to lead 1—INVESTIGATION into intelligence lapses —BEFORE 20020911             —THE attacks.
20020106—20021209    —SINCE, It was reported that MALAYSIA authorities had arrested 13 suspected MEMBERS—OF—EXTREMIST—GROUPS with possible links to 20020911             —THE attacks.
20020115             Operation 20010911             ... - | Community | Foren...
20020115             noch einmal EINIGE—KAPITEL—VON—WISNEWSKIS " Operation 20010911             20020115             für den Feldherren Preis: € 10,00 Operation 20010911             ...
20020115             —EMPFEHLENSWERT, Ebenfalls, zu diesem Thema: Operation 20010911             ... IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die GEHEIM—ORGANISATION—GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL...
20020115             für den Feldherren Die MOSSAD—AKTE Operation 20010911             ...
20020115             Operation 20010911             ...
20020115             ob die IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die Geheimorgan isation GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL—I.
20020115             TB—COMPUTER—ESTORE—IM Namen des Staates... ob die IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die Geheimorgan isation GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL—I.
20020115             Die MOSSAD—AKTE Preis: EUR 8,90 Operation 20010911             .
20020115             dpa-,eldung: Weiterer Todesstoß für die OV—WWW.ezboard_com... noch einmal EINIGE—KAPITEL—VON—WISNEWSKIS " Operation 20010911             ... s. GLADIO—BOMBEN in ÖSTERREICH und GLADIO oder die... Frohe Ostern, trotz allem, der PAPA wird wieder...
20020115             AUTO—ATTACK Im Namen des Staates... die IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die Geheimorgan isation GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL... für den Feldherren Preis: € 10,00 Operation 20010911             ...
20020115             GLOBAL—ONLINE—STORE (GERMANY): BÜCHER—KATEGORIEN—GEIST &... Ebenfalls empfehlenswert zu diesem Thema: Operation 20010911             ... IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die Geheimorgan isation GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL...
20020115             Verkauf VERSAND—IM Namen des Staates... die IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE, die Geheimorgan isation GLADIO oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL—I. für den Feldherren Die MOSSAD—AKTE Operation 20010911             ...
20020129             —ASKED, Bush, SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20010911             probes ! ! !
20020129             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—NORDKOREA, In seiner Rede zur Lage der Nation, der 1. —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN des 20020911             , rechnet, IRAN und IRAK zu einer Achse des Bösen.
20020129             BUSH ASKED SENAT—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE D personally to limit 20010911             probes ! ! !
20020129             reported that both THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VP personally phoned up SENAT—MAJORITY—LEADER—TOM—DASCHLE and threatened him about his INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—FAILURES that preceeded 20010911             .
20020130             —VISITED, Interim AFGHANISTAN—LEADER—HAMID—KARZAI, the World Trade Center site and placed 1—WREATH of yellow roses by 1—MEMORIAL wall as he surveyed the ruins of 20010911             —THE, terrorist attack.
20020131             DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—DONALD—RUMSFELD said in 1—SPEECH that THE—USA had to prepare for potential surprise attacks "vastly more deadly" than 20020911             —THE terrorist hijackings.
20020202             —APPROVED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, a $700—MILLION—GRANT to help rebuild lower Manhattan devastated by 20020911             —THE—TERROR—IST attacks.
20020202             —APPROVED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, a $700—MILLION—GRANT to help rebuild lower Manhattan devastated by 20020911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20020203             THE—ROAD to Ground 0, Part 5: 1—TRAIL—OF—MISSED—OPPORTUNITIES—THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—USA—AUTHORITIES failed to follow up numerous leads that could have stopped 20010911             —THE hijackers —BEFORE their deadly mission
20020204             Will the world ever get the real answer about 20010911             ?
20020208—20010911    —OPENED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, the 19. —WINTER Olympic Games as part of a —3-HOUR ceremony at RICE—ECCLES—STADIUM at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—UTAH campus, which included 1—EMOTIONAL tribute to AMERICA—HEROES, from THE—PIONEERS—OF—THE—WEST to past Olympic champions to the thousands who perished.
20020208—20010911    —SINCE, both the manner of his appointment + the role he will —NOW play have profound implications for 1—PART—OF—THE—WORLD often disregarded.
20020300             THE—NATION on 20010911             —CORPORATE—PROBES: 1—SCORECARD—BW—ONLINE | 20020610             | Political Links New
20020306             DIRECTOR—OF—CONGRESSIONAL probe into 20010911             terror attacks resigns
20020311             —OUTLINED, At THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESIDENT—BUSH, a "2. STAGE—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR" in 1—ADDRESS that marked the —6-MONTHS —SINCE 20020911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20020311             —UNVEILED, Bush also, 1—COMMEMORATIVE stamp to raise money to help 20020911             victims "get their lives —BACK—IN order".
20020311             2—COLUMNS—OF—LIGHT soared skyward from ground 0 in NEW—YORK as 1—TEMPORARY memorial to the victims of 20020911             —THE attacks.
20020314             "20010911             will forever be etched in our minds — 1—DATE—WHEN the world witnessed an horrific act, challenging the innocence or naivety of 'freedom' to the very core.
20020325             Global Misinformation Campaign was Used to Build Case for War 20010911             , terrorist attacks.
20020325—20010911    —TERRORIST—ATTACKS.
20020325—20010911    Intelligence officials said there is no
20020408             —RELATED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES won 7—PULITZER Prizes, 6—OF—THEM, to coverage of 20020911             —THE—ATTACKS;
20020422             —CHARGED, Zacarias Moussaoui (33), in connection with 20020911             —THE—TERRORISM, made a —50—MINUTE—STATEMENT and asked that his COURT—APPOINTED attorneys be replaced by 1—MUSLIM legal consultant.
20020501—20010911    —REFUSED, The strange CASE—OF—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI: FBI, to investigate man charged attacks
20020508             FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER told 1—SENATE—COMMITTEE—AN—FBI memo from PHOENIX warning that several Arabs were suspiciously training at A—USA—AVIATION—SCHOOL wouldn't have led officials to 20020911             —THE—HIJACKERS even if they'd followed up the warning with more vigor.
20020515             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that in the weeks —BEFORE 20020911             —THE—ATTACKS—PRESIDENT—BUSH was told by USA—INTELLIGENCE that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERRORIST—NETWORK might hijack USA—AIRPLANES, but that officials did not know that suicide hijackers were plotting to use planes as missiles.
20020515             boy was in office for 9—ENTIRE—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             + sat on 1—WARNING for —1—MONTH—PRIOR to that.
20020515             MEMBERS—OF—BUSH Gang Swore Under Oath SADDAM—WAS—BEHIND 20010911             ...
20020516             —DEFENDED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH for not disclosing intelligence —BEFORE 20020911             —THE—ATTACKS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN wanted to hijack USA—AIRPLANES, saying there had been no specific threat.
20020517—20010911    —SINCE, DAN—RATHER says that he and other journalists haven't been properly investigating.
20020522             THE—PROPRIETORS—OF—GENI were ADNAN—KHASHOGGI + Ramy EL—BATRAWI (both career criminals lurking behind their GENI blind would be instrumental in 1—WIDE—RANGING—DISINFOMATION—CAMPAIGN waged to confuse the public 20010911             —AFTER ).
20020523             —OPPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH says he is, to establishing 1—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION to probe 20010911             .
20020523—20010911    —ON, [CBS, 20020523             ]]VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY —EARLIER opposed ANY—PUBLIC—HEARINGS.
20020529             —ACKNOWLEDGED, FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER, that the bureau did not pursue "red flags" in the weeks —BEFORE 20020911             , and suggested for the 1. time that investigators might have uncovered the plot if they had been more diligent about pursuing leads.
20020530             FBI Agent Wright formally accuses THE—FBI—OF—DELIBERATELY curtailing investigations that might have prevented 20010911             .
20020604             —FAILED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said THE—CIA and FBI had, to communicate adequately —BEFORE 20010911             —THE, terror attacks;
20020605             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—INTELLIGENCE believed that Khalid SHAIKH—MOHAMMED—OF—KUWAIT, 1—KEY—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN LIEUTENANT, was the mastermind of 20020911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20020618—20020911    —SINCE, SAUDI—ARABIA announced its 1. AL—QAIDA—RELATED arrests and said it was holding 11—SAUDIS, 1—IRAQI and 1—SUDAN—MAN behind 1—PLOT to shoot down A—USA—MILITARY—PLANE taking off from 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—AIR—BASE.
20020625—20020911    —IN—THE, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA, refused to accept 1—NO—CONTEST plea from Zacarias Moussaoui, ACCUSED—OF—CONSPIRACY—ATTACKS, and instead entered 1—INNOCENT—PLEA on his behalf.
20020706             —ROUNDED, —JUST as the Justice Department, up some 1,000 alleged 20020911             suspects and failed to indict 1—SINGLE 1—OF—THEM for TERROR—IST activity, so it has made 1—BIG—SHOW—OF—ITS shaky Andersen conviction —WHILE failing to indict 1—SINGLE—ENRON executive or individual Andersen accountant.
20020718             Accused 20020911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui tried to plead guilty to charges that could have brought the death penalty, but 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA, insisted he take time to think about it.
20020725—20020911    —IN—THE, Zacarias Moussaoui declared he was GUILTY—OF—CONSPIRACY—ATTACKS, then dramatically withdrew his plea at his arraignment in ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA.
20020728             the bush nazi coke moonie connection 14. 20020129             Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20010911             probes ! ! !
20020802             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT had to reveal THE—NAMES—OF—PEOPLE detained in the investigation of 20020911             —THE terrorist attacks;
20020802             —FAILED, And that "FBI management, to take seriously THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM in THE—USA" Wright was careful not to illegally disclose ANY—CONFIDENTIAL—DETAILS about what he knew, but tears filled his eyes as he apologized to the families of 20010911             victims for THE—BUREAU—MISTAKES leading up to 20010911             20020802             —WHEN FBI COUNSEL COLLEEN ROWLEY DROPPED her bombshell, 1—NOW—FAMOUS—LETTER to the director, detailing how BUREAU—HIGHER—UPS thwarted attempts to investigate accused 20. hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks, she set off 1—FIRESTORM.
20020802             —NOW there's another whistle blower telling 1—SIMILAR pre-20010911             —TALE.
20020802             —FAILED, And that "FBI management, to take seriously THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM in THE—USA" Wright was careful not to illegally disclose ANY—CONFIDENTIAL—DETAILS about what he knew, but tears filled his eyes as he apologized to the families of 20010911             victims for THE—BUREAU—MISTAKES leading up to 20010911             20020802             He also made 1—TANTALIZING reference to his removal from 1—MONEY—LAUNDERING case that, he implied, had 1—DIRECT—CONNECTION to investigations into terrorism.
20020802—20010911    —BY, 1—NOTHER—FBI—AGENT—BLOWS—THE—WHISTLE—NEW—EVIDENCE that THE—FBI quashed another terror probe —BEFORE JIM—CROGAN
20020802—20010911    —ON, 1—OF—THE—MOST senior intelligence officers in THE—CIA—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN unit said
20020802—20020911    —SINCE, MICHAEL—SCHEUER, THE—AUTHOR—OF—1—BEST—SELLING book CRITICAL—OF—THE—AGENCY—FIGHT against terrorism, said that even though THE—NUMBER—OF—OFFICER assigned to the task has increased substantially, "the level of experienced officers is 1—LITTLE—LESS.
20020806             Moreover, all facts indicate that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH was well AWARE—OF—SUMMER—LONG—THREATS—CONSISTENT with hijacking planes via Presidential Daily Briefs and terrorist threat assessment reports, but also ANTI—AIRCRAFT—BATTERIES + closed ITALIEN—AIRSPACE at his G—8—SUMMIT in Genoa (—JUST—6—WEEKS—PRIOR to 20010911             ) to protect against hijacked Arab suicide planes, according to RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE.
20020812             —AFFECTED, Giuliani made terrible decisions that, the firefighters 20010911             —ON
20020812             New Video Critical of GIULIANI—20010911             —LEADERSHIP—CHANNEL '08 ...
20020812             Giuliani made 1—MOCKERY—OF—20010911              + made himself rich in the process.
20020812             "—PRIOR—TO 20020911             , 1 could frequently find articles which openly supported, or even called for, terrorist ATTACKS—AGAINST—THE—USA.
20020812             "—PRIOR—TO 20020911             , 1 could frequently find articles which openly supported, or even called for, terrorist ATTACKS—AGAINST THE—USA.
20020815             Some 600—FAMILIES—OF—20010911             —VICTIMS—FILES a $3—TRILLION lawsuit against SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCES, foreign banks, charities and the government of SUDAN for funding the terrorist networks that launched 20010000             —THE attacks.
20020900             -last —WEEK—20041005              —DURING—THEIR televised DEBATE—WHEN he accused THE—PRESIDENT—OF being vague about which "enemy" had been responsible for 20010911             ,
20020904             Understanding THE—HISTORY—OF—THIS young man may not only explain MANY—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911            , including solid EVIDENCE—OF—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT in the attacks,
20020904             To understand why Saeed is so important in understanding 20010911             , it is necessary to 1. understand THE—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, THE—INTER—SERVICES—INTELLIGENCE (ISI).
20020906             THE—COMPLETE 20010911             Timeline,[8]See PAUL—THOMPSON—WIDELY acclaimed online reference work,
20020906—18000000    —SINCE, Meeting outside WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, for only 2. time, Congress convened in NEW—YORK to pay homage to the victims and heroes of 20010911             .
20020910             —RAISED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the nationwide terror alert to yellow, its 2.—HIGHEST level, closed 9—USA embassies overseas and heightened security at FEDERAL—BUILDINGS and landmarks in AMERICA on the eve of 20020911             —THE anniversary.
20020919—20021207    20010911             Inquiry Recommends USA—INTELLIGENCE Changes
20020927—20010911    —ON, ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS say there is still no evidence to link MISTER—HUSSEIN directly to the attacks in THE—USA.
20020929             —RELEASED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN, 20010920             marks 1—SIGNIFICANT—DEPARTURE from previous approaches, 1—CHANGE that it attributes largely to the attacks of 20010911             .
20021005             —ATTEMPTED, Congressional investigators say THE—FBI, to block their 20010911             INQUIRY.
20021008             Darin verrate Bush seine geheimen Absichten mit dem IRAK—KRIEG und auch sein Vorauswissen bei den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20020911             .
20021028             —ON The 20010911             —RELATED CBE
20021117             —ACCUSED—OF, Tawfiq Fukra (23), 1—ISRAELI—ARAB, trying to hijack 1—EL—AL—AIRLINES—FLIGHT, wanted to copy 20020911             —THE suicide attacks on THE—USA and fly the aircraft into 1—PUBLIC building in Tel Aviv.
20021125             Website Reality Menus Pubs Search/ Links Site Map 20010911             News Matrix V
20021125—20010911    —AM, Als Maßnahme —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen wird in den USA das MINISTERIUM—FÜR—INNERE Sicherheit der USA gegründet.
20021202             WASHINGTON - (Reuters) 1—DRAFT—REPORT—OF—THE—CONGRESS ional inquiry into 20010911             —RELATED intelligence...
20021205154537       —GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSH, COMMAND—IN—CHIEF... 20060216             , 20010911             —TERRORIST—ATTACKS might have been prevented if THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20021207             0000—DATE 20010911             Inquiry Recommends USA—INTELLIGENCE Changes
20021207             THE—TERROR—CARD—FOLLOWING the tragedy of 20010911             , ISRAEL imMEDIA tely recast its —35—YEAR—OCCUPATION—OF—PALESTINE as 1—ESSENTIAL—FRONT in the "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20021207             IMHO—ISRAEL is blackmailing Bush with 20010911             .
20021211—20020911    —FROM—THE, 1—CONGRESSIONAL report found that intelligence agencies that were supposed to protect Americans hijackers failed to do so because they were poorly organized, poorly equipped and slow to pursue clues that might have prevented the attacks.
20021213             —RESIGNED, HENRY—KISSINGER, as HEAD—OF—THE—NEW—COMMISSION to investigate 20020911             —THE terror attacks.
20021216             —NAMED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, THOMAS—KEAN, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY, to replace HENRY—KISSINGER as HEAD—OF—20020911             —THE investigation panel.
20030108             —PRESSED, The events of 20010911             were, into service to provide the trigger.
20030108             —ORDERED, NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR—CONDOLEEZA—RICE, her staff to consider the opportunities 20010911             provided, as if the grim EVENTS—OF—THAT—DAY were 1—SLIVER lining that could justify the vigorous EXTENSION—OF—USA hegemony.
20030108             "1., they say there was no direct, conclusive proof that SADDAM—HUSSEIN aided 20030911             —THE terrorists".
20030108—20030911    —SINCE, In his book, Frum recounts how he spent —2—DAYS dreaming up 1—PRETEXT for "going —AFTER IRAQ," eventually hitting on the "axis of evil" idea, which he originally conceived of as the "axis of hatred" but which Gerson changed "to use the theological language that Bush" (mirroring OSAMA—BIN—LADEN) "had made his own ".
20030129             ".. katastrophale EREIGNIS—AM 20010911             — eingetreten war, sah Bush den rechten Zeitpunkt gekommen. WENIG—SPÄTER.".
20030204-20010911             What Aren't We Being Told?
20030204—20010911    —ON, committed.
20030204—20010911    - What Aren't We Being Told? Analysis by JOHN—JUDGE—THIS is 1—E—MAIL ARCHIVE—OF—JOHN—ANALYSIS + observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity
20030204—20010911    —ON, crimes against humanity committed.
20030207—20030911    —ON, I have produced 2—DOCUMENTARY films and written 1—BOOK about what really happened.
20030210             —JUST as 20010911             —ON, AMERICA was terrorized + Muslims were blamed, to create 1—PRETEXT for war.
20030210—20010911    —TERRORIZED, —JUST as, AMERICA was, + Muslims were blamed, to create 1—PRETEXT for war.
20030210—20010911    —ON, THE—THIEF in CHIEF admits it:, AMERICA FELT its vulnerability.... we are resolved —TODAY to confront EVERY—THREAT from ANY—SOURCE... "
20030210—20030911    —STARTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, taking the anthrax antidote Cipro.
20030211             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             20030223             In the 45. USA Grammy's in NEW—YORK—CITY—NORAH Jones won 3—AWARDS as did BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN for his 20010911             —INSPIRED album "THE—RISING".
20030223             In the 45. USA Grammy's in NEW—YORK—CITY—NORAH Jones won 3—AWARDS as did BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN for his 20010911             —INSPIRED album "THE—RISING".
20030226             Subject: 20010911             —POST- Restrictions on Academic Research
20030226             Subject: DEBUNKING 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS
20030301             See No EVIL—WHAT Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             20030301             See No EVIL—WHAT Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know
20030301             7. - See No EVIL—WHAT Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             2.
20030301             See No EVIL—WHAT Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             l
20030301             See No EVIL—WHAT Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             .
20030301             —ABOUT 20010911             20030301             PAKISTAN, 1—JOINT—RAID outside ISLAMABAD by CIA and PAKISTAN—AGENTS led to THE—ARREST—OF—KHALID—SHAIKH—MOHAMMED (Khaled Sheikh Mohammed), the suspected mastermind of 20010911             —THE terror attacks, along with 2—OTHERS.
20030301             See No EVIL—WHAT Bush [BGW968] Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             20030301             7. - See No EVIL—WHAT Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             2.
20030301             —ABOUT 20010911             20030301             Search: PORTER—GOSS/t_BLANK—FOX—NEWS... GEOMILITECH. homepage. oninet. pt//20041210.html...
20030301             —ABOUT 20010911             20030305             JFK Doodle Predicted "20010911             Conspiracy" - - CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide...
20030301—20010911    —AM, CHALID—SCHEICH—MOHAMMED, steht im Verdacht, Chefplaner der Terroranschläge gewesen zu sein.
20030305             JFK Doodle Predicted "20010911             Conspiracy" - - CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide...
20030310             gleich —NACH—DEM 20010911             . die Version verbreitet, [PROPAGANDA] die Attentäter seien vom IRAK... denkbar dubiosen Lebenslauf : Angehöriger einer Killertruppe im einstigen...
20030319             + others to claim it was "pretty well confirmed, " that IRAQ had contacts with 20010911             hijackers.
20030319             as he does —NOW, that IRAQ had "nothing" to do with 20010911             .
20030319             that IRAQ was not operationally linked to 20010911             .
20030319             NOBODY—EVER—SUGGESTED—THAT 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—OF, WERE ORDERED BY IRAQ.
20030319             —DOCUMENTED, As ThinkProgress has repeatedly, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY cited "evidence" cooked up by DOUGLAS—FEITH + others to claim it was "pretty well confirmed " that IRAQ had contacts with 20010911             hijackers.
20030319             —STATED, Bush never, then, as he does —NOW, that IRAQ had "nothing" to do with 20010911             .
20030319             Only —AFTER THE—IRAQ war began did Bush candidly acknowledge that IRAQ was not operationally linked to 20010911             .
20030319             " that IRAQ had contacts with 20010911             hijackers.
20030319—20010911    —IN, that Saddam had 1—ROLE.
20030319—20010911    —ON, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred.
20030319—20010911    —ON, that occurred.
20030319—20010911    —IN, encouraged the false impression that Saddam had 1—ROLE.
20030321—20010911    —AFTER, Blair 'restrained Bush from attacking IRAQ '
20030327             Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page!
20030330             THE—BLACKSTONE—GROUP, with 1—DIRECT—CONNECTION to the 20010911             —ATTACK s.
20030330             [KABAR—IRIAN] Irian NEWS—, THE—BLACKSTONE—GROUP, with 1—DIRECT—CONNECTION to 20010911             —THE attack s.
20030331             CIA Rejects Claim It Sought Osama Deal —BEFORE 20010911             :
20030331             Media failures —BEFORE 20010911             [Archive]-THE—CULT
20030331             —WAS—WARNED, THE—USA, about 20010911             —FROM at least 11—COUNTRIES.
20030331             Media failures —BEFORE 20010911             — THE—CULT
20030331             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was preparing for WAR—ON—IRAQ months —BEFORE 20010911             .
20030331             BUSH Was Warned of Hijackings —BEFORE 20010911             ;...
20030331             DIGG—BBC 20010911             —DOCUMENTARY Likely Hit Piece
20030331             THE—BRITISH 20010911             —TRUTH Campaign :: View topic - 7/7—BOMBINGS—WORK...
20030331             —WAS—WARNED, Specifically, the Administration, —BEFORE 20010911             —THAT AL—QAEDA was planning to use
20030331             DC Indymedia: BUSH Was Warned of Hijackings —BEFORE 20010911             ;
20030331             MICHAEL—MOORE, Fahrenheit 20010911             and THE—USA—INVASION—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA
20030331             —WAS—WARNED, SF Mayor WILLIE—BROWN, not to fly to NEW—YORK the night —BEFORE 20010911             .
20030331             WHITE—HOUSE says it was knew —BEFORE 20010911             —THAT AL—QAEDA would...
20030331             Subsequently, —JUST days —BEFORE the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CRIMES—OF—20010911             ... Conference sponsors 911 _org and Muslims, Jewish & Christians United for 20010911             20030331             11, NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR—CONDOLEEZZA Rice was warned that a... CIA Rejects Claim It Sought Osama Deal —BEFORE 20010911             : THE—CIA rejected as fantasy claims...
20030331             BUSH Was Warned of Hijackings —BEFORE 20010911             ; Lawmakers Want Public,
20030331—20030911    —BEFORE—BUSH said focusing on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was a...
20030403             Es steckt 1—MOMENT—VON—NEMESIS in dieser Situation: Die —NACH—DEM 20030911             20030411—20010911    —AM, "Auf der Grundlage dieser Tatsache und mit Rücksicht auf die traumatische Erfahrung, die AMERIKA gemacht hat, haben wir versucht, das Verhalten der Amerikaner nachzuvollziehen. Wenn aber absehbar werden sollte, dass DIE—USA auch Waffengänge gegen SYRIEN und IRAN vorbereiten, dann sieht die Sache anders aus".
20030403—20030911    —NACH—DEM, Die VOREILIG—GESPROCHEN haben, VON Krieg statt von Terror, müssen —JETZT zusehen, wie ihr sauberer Krieg von —TAG zu —TAG mehr vom Terror durchsetzt wird.
20030411—20010911    —AM, "Auf der Grundlage dieser Tatsache und mit Rücksicht auf die traumatische Erfahrung, die AMERIKA gemacht hat, haben wir versucht, das Verhalten der Amerikaner nachzuvollziehen. Wenn aber absehbar werden sollte, dass die USA auch Waffengänge gegen SYRIEN und IRAN vorbereiten, dann sieht die Sache anders aus".
20030411—20010911    —AM, "Auf der Grundlage dieser Tatsache und mit Rücksicht auf die traumatische Erfahrung, die AMERIKA gemacht hat, haben wir versucht, das Verhalten der Amerikaner nachzuvollziehen.
20030411—20010911    —AM, die AMERIKA gemacht hat,
20030414             Der Preis des OELS—DER —KRIEG—IM—IRAK Offene Fragen Die Wahrheit über den 20010911             Runterladen und weiterverbreiten!
20030414030216       Das Buch, das ursprünglich WENIGE—TAGE—NACH—DEM 20010911             hätte ausgeliefert werden sollen, wurde zurückbehalten.
20030414030216       Das Buch, das ursprünglich WENIGE—TAGE—NACH—DEM 20010911             hätte ausgeliefert werden sollen,
20030415             Darin verrate Bush seine geheimen Absichten mit dem IRAK—KRIEG und auch sein Vorauswissen bei den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20030911             .
20030417             Offene FRAGEN—DIE Wahrheit über den 20010911             — Runterladen und weiterverbreiten!
20030417             TONY—BLAIR, für den der 20010911             zu einem Erweckungserlebnis wurde,
20030417—20030324    -Versicherungsbetrug im Zusammenhang mit dem 20010911             ?
20030418             Und das aus 2—TRIFTIGEN Gründen: Erstens zahlen Ausländer volle Studiengebühren und pumpten der Austauschorganisation NAFSA zufolge im akademischen —JAHR 20010000             /2002 11,95 Milliarden Dollar in die kränkelnde USA—WIRTSCHAFT—AKTUELLERE Zahlen liegen nicht vor, die ASSOCIATION—OF—USA—COLLEGES and Universities (AAC&U) befürchtet jedoch, dass sich das Gebührenaufkommen aus ausländischen Einschreibungen in Folge von 20010911             —VERRINGERT haben dürfte.
20030422             —ABOUT THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DESIRE to get to the bottom of 20010911             .
20030422             THE—SILENCE about 20010911             By WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT t r u t h o u t | Perspective
20030422             "It has been almost —20—MONTHS—SINCE the attacks of 20010911             .
20030422             ABER—SADDAM—HUSSEINS—BÖSARTIGKEIT—WAR—LANGE vor dem - 20010911             20030422             dokumentiert, und war nicht der Hauptgrund, den die BUSH—REGIERUNG—DER—WELT als Argument für den Krieg genannt hat.
20030422             daß der IRAK etwas mit dem World Trade Center - 20010911             — zu tun habe.
20030422             ABER—SADDAM—HUSSEINS—BÖSARTIGKEIT—WAR—LANGE vor dem - 20010911             20030422             daß der IRAK etwas mit dem World Trade Center - 20010911             zu tun habe.
20030422—20010911    THE—ATTACKS are the principle reason, which justifies the war, according to THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20030422—20020129    —DATE Bush asked SENATOR—MAJ.Lead.T.DaschleD personally to limit 20030911             probes ! ! !
20030423             "We predicted it, " Hart SAYS—OF—TUESDAY'S 20010911             horrific events.
20030423131312       20030422165719        THE—SILENCE about 20010911             0911—DATE By WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT t r u t h o u t | Perspective
20030424             CHRISTIAN—PASTOR had 1—DOCUMENTED—VISION—OF—LOWER—MANHATTAN on Fire —WHILE he was Visiting NEW—YORK —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS
20030424             CLOSING, MISCELLANY—THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             —THE
20030424—20010911    —IN—THE, FBI Agents Coming Foward Revealing USA—GOVERNMENT—PRIOR—KNOWLEDGE and Complicity Attacks
20030427             USA preparing for 1—WAR with AFGHANISTAN —BEFORE 20010911             , increasing CONTROL—OF—ASIA —BEFORE and —SINCE
20030427             They Tried to Warn Us: Foreign Intelligence Warnings —BEFORE 20010911             20030427             (20030130             )
20030427             Alhazmi and Almihdhar: 20010911             —THE—HIJACKERS—WHO—SHOULD—HAVE—BEEN—CAUGHT
20030427             They Tried to Warn Us: Foreign Intelligence Warnings —BEFORE 20010911             20030427             Alhazmi and Almihdhar: 20010911             —THE—HIJACKERS—WHO—SHOULD—HAVE—BEEN—CAUGHT
20030427—20010911    —AROUND, SUGGESTIONS—OF—ADVANCED knowledge that 1—ATTACK would take place on or
20030427—20030911    —IN—THE, His actions prove THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—PAKISTAN—SECRET—SERVICE—ATTACKS + suggest 1—POSSIBLE—CIA—ROLE as well.
20030429             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE—6—MEN linked to AL—QAEDA, including 1—YEMEN—MAN—TAWFIQ Attash Khallad (Waleed bin Attash), wanted in connection with 20030911             —THE—ATTACKS and THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE.
20030501             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM 20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm...
20030506             Raines, Howell wurde nur WENIGE—TAGE—VOR den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             zum Chefredakteur berufen.
20030507             "in die Steinzeit zurückgebombt" werden SOLLTE—DAS habe der damalige USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER, der bullige RICHARD—ARMITAGE, —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN des 20010911             ...
20030507             Wider die Schere im Kopf " News —DER—WOCHE Der PAKISTAN—PRÄSIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF gab an, der ehemalige USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER Armitage habe ihm nach 20010911             —DAMIT gedroht, DIE—USA würde PAKISTAN...
20030512             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM 20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm, war nicht zwangsläufig.
20030512             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM 20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm, war nicht zwangsläufig. Sie hatte auch so genug zu tun. Doch sie kam zu der Erkenntnis, das die VERBINDUNG—VON—MASSENVERNICHTUNGSWAFFEN und weltweitem Terror das größte Problem darstellt. Diesem begegnet man am besten durch Regimewechsel. IRAK ist nur Teil eines großen Puzzle.Wir haben eine ganze Reihe von schwachen oder autoritären Staaten, die unfähig oder unwillig sind, Terrorismus zu bekämpfen".
20030513             dadurch zu verhindern sucht, dass die Öffentlichkeit erfährt, was DIE—CIA über den Organisator des 20010911             wusste + welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie vor den Terroranschlägen ergriff".
20030526—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, "Das ist es, worüber wir alle reden" sagte er.
20030527             Keine blanke, lähmende Angst wie —NACH—DEM 20010911             .Keine sardonische ANGST—VOR—DEM Unaufhaltsamen wie beim IRAK—KRIEG.
20030527—20010911    Keine blanke, lähmende Angst WIE —NACH—DEM
20030530             —GEWESEN, Es sei aber 1—FEHLER, dass EUROPA —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             die Bedrohung durch den internationalen Terrorismus nicht ausreichend wahrgenommen habe.
20030530—20010911    —NACH—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, AUßEN—MINISTER—FISCHER "es sei aber 1—FEHLER gewesen, daß
20030530—20010911    —NACH—DEN—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, EUROPA DIE—BEDROHUNG durch den INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS nicht ausreichend wahrgenommen habe.
20030530—20010911    Dies habe sich dann beim STREIT—MIT—DEN—USA um 1—KRIEGS—BETEILIGUNG im IRAK gezeigt.
20030601             dass "die Schuldigen 20010911             —VOM, immer noch nicht gefunden" sind.
20030601             der 20200911             0—IST nichts weiter als eine lüge... einen link zu einer DEUTSCHLAND—WEBSEITE bekommen, die beweist, dass der 20010911             eine lüge war.
20030601             von den abenteuerlichen Verschwörungen um dem 20010911             distanzieren.
20030603             Their case began —6—DAYS—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20030610             Für sie ist DER—KRIEG eher 1—ABLENKUNGSMANÖVER, um darüber hinwegzutäuschen, dass "die Schuldigen 20010911             —VOM, immer noch nicht gefunden" sind.
20030617             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, the government properly withheld names and other details about HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGNERS who were detained in the months —AFTER 20030911             —THE attacks.
20030711             Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life: Poll: —2—YEARS—20010911—AFTER...
20030717             But THE—CIA and FBI—INABILITY to prevent 20030911             —THE attacks was largely due to internal institutional weaknesses.
20030724             —ISSUED, THE—HOUSE—AND—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEES, their final report on —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             , citing countless blunders, oversights and miscalculations that prevented authorities from stopping the attackers.
20030724             THE—TELEGRAPH—FORUMS :: View topic - 31—ANOMALIES—OF—20010911              20030724             —WORKED, JOHN—SAMMARTINO—AND—LEONARD—TAYLOR, at XONTECH (MISSILE—DEFENSE)... THE—CIA—WAS—KEEPING 1—EYE on the men —AFTER—THE—2 had attended 1—AL—QAEDA...
20030724             Obsidian Forum Community -> 20010911             —DOCUMENTARY... people who SHOULD be investigating this have(FBI CIA etcetc) it takes longer.
20030724             — > 20010911             : Pentagon og WTC LEONARD—TAYLOR, 44, RESTON—VIRGINIA, technical group manager, XONTECH—INCORPORATED... er det flyselskapet som gir ut denne listen, ikke CIA.
20030808             There was SOME—HINT—OF—1—PARALLEL—POLICY—APPARATUS dating back —JUST—AFTER the terrorist attacks of 20010911             .
20030911             † SWEDEN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ANNA—LINDH —AFTER being stabbed 20030910             by 1—MYSTERY attacker.
20030911—20120803    —ON, 1—COURT—FOUND—THE—PAKISTANI—BORN couple GUILTY—OF—MURDERING their teenage daughter.
20030917—20030911    —IN—THE, SPAIN—LEADING investigating judge, Baltasar Garzon, issued the 1. known indictment against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN attacks.
20030918             G.W. Bush: "We've had no evidence that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was involved with 20010911             ".
20030930             Bush met with 20010911             Terrorists SAMI—AL—ARIAN & Abdulrahman al...
20031122             Debunking Conspiracy Theorists Paranoid Fantasies About 20010911             Distract From the Real Issues
20031123—20010911    —ON, Although Americans were taken unaware, MANY—OTHER—PEOPLES have long suffered from the murderous attention of domestic and foreign terrorists.
20031211             1—GERMANY—COURT freed 1—MOROCCAN accused of supporting 20030911             —THE—AL—QAIDA terror cell in HAMBURG, saying there was new evidence he did not know about the plot.
20031217             NEW—YORK, 1—FIREBALL explodes from 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS—AFTER 1 hijacked airliner crashed into the building, 20010911             .
20031217             THOMAS—KEAN, CO—CHAIR—OF—20010911              commission declared that 20010911             —THE attacks could have been PREVENTED.
20031222             1—FEDERAL—DEADLINE for 20030911             related injury claims was set —FOR—MIDNIGHT.
20040000             —ANFANG, EL—MASRI war für mehrere —MONATE in die Hände DER—CIA geraten.
20040000             Seine Gefangennahme hatte der jüngst veröffentlichte FOLTER—BERICHT—DES—USA—SENATS als 1—BEISPIEL für den fehlerhaften Umgang mit TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             angeführt.
20040112             —REFUSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to hear on appeal by civil liberties groups seeking access to basic DATA—OF—INDIVIDUALS detained indefinitely by the government —AFTER 20010911             —THE, attacks.
20040129             The official explanation of 20010911             is itself nothing MORE—THAN—1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY.
20040304—20010911    —IN—THE, Mounir el Motassadeq, the only person in the world convicted attacks, won 1—RETRIAL in 1—GERMANY—APPEALS—COURT.
20040312             for the Associated Press, reported that "RUMSFELD Kept 20010911             Souvenir", 1—ACT which BuzzFlash characterizes as both "macabre and disgusting".
20040321             —DISPUTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, assertions by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—FORMER—COUNTERTERRORISM—COORDINATOR, RICHARD—A—CLARKE, that the administration had failed to recognize the risk of 1—ATTACK by AL—QAIDA in the months leading up to 20040911             .
20040323             —OFFERED, DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD and SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, 1—STRONG—DEFENSE—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—PRE—20040911              actions as they testified —BEFORE 1—FEDERAL—COMMISSION reviewing 20010000             —ATTACKS.
20040324             Former top TERROR—ISM adviser RICHARD—CLARKE, testifying —BEFORE the federal 20010911             —COMMISSION, accused THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF scaling back the campaign against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —BEFORE the attacks and undermining the fight against TERROR—ISM by invading IRAQ.
20040330             —AGREED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, to do what he had insisted —FOR—WEEKS he would not: allow NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—CONDOLEEZZA Rice to testify publicly and under oath —BEFORE 1—INDEPENDENT—PANEL investigating 20040911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20040330—20010911    —SINCE, INTEL DUMP - -1—SAMPLING—OF—THE—MAJOR—TERROR—CONVICTIONS highlights the problem... The charges included adultery, mishandling classified information...
20040401             "1—REVIEW—OF—THE—RECORD, from testimony and interviews, suggests that MISS—RICE...was usually fixed on matters other than terrorism [—BEFORE 20010911             ], for reasons that had to do with her own background, her management style and the unusually close, personal nature of her relationship with MISTER—BUSH.... [T]he reality is that MISS—RICE has virtually no public utterances about AL—QAEDA to point to as evidence that she was as engaged in the issue as she was in MISTER—BUSH—OTHER—FOREIGN—POLICY—AGENDAS. " [NYT,
20040405             RICE—WAS—SET—TO—DELIVER 20010911             Speech On Missile Defense.
20040405—20040911    —ON., 20010000             , NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—CONDOLEEZZA Rice was scheduled to outline 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY that would address 'the threats and PROBLEMS—OF—TODAY and THE—DAY—AFTER, not THE—WORLD—OF—YESTERDAY' — but the focus was largely on missile defense, not terrorism from Islamic radicals.
20040405—20040911    —DESIGNED, The address was, to promote missile defense as the cornerstone of 1—NEW—NATIONAL—SECURITY—STRATEGY + contained no mention of al Qaeda, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN or Islamic extremist groups, according to FORMER—USA—OFFICIALS who have seen the text.
20040405—20040911    " [WASHINGTON—POST,
20040407—20010911    —IN—THE, GERMANY, 1—COURT—IN—HAMBURG released Mounir EL—MOTASSADEQ, —30—JAHRE—ALT, the only man convicted so FAR—OF—INVOLVEMENT, attacks.
20040408             —TESTIFIED, CONDOLEEZA—RICE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR, —BEFORE the National Commission on Terrorism Attacks and contended that that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH did not ignore THREATS—OF—TERRORISM in the months —BEFORE 20010911             .
20040410             —DECLASSIFIED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, and released 1—DOCUMENT sent to USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—BEFORE 20040911             —THE—ATTACKS which cited recent intelligence of 1—POSSIBLE—AL—QAIDA plot to strike inside THE—USA.
20040413—20010911    —PLACED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ASHCROFT, speaking at the hearings, much of the blame for terrorist successes on budgetary and investigatory constraints inherited from THE—CLINTON administration.
20040414             —RECOGNIZED, We, the technical problem well —BEFORE 20010911             + took steps to solve it.
20040414—20010911    USA_SENATE_COMISSION_STATEMENTS\tenet_statement.html
20040418             —JUST days —AFTER she testified —BEFORE the 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20040418             —PERPETUATED, Wallace, 1—SMEAR against 20010911             —COMMISSIONER and FORMER—CLINTON Deputy ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JAMIE—GORELICK, falsely claiming she was responsible for creating a "wall" between THE—FBI. and THE—CIA:
20040418             —REBUTTED, This smear was, by 20010911             —COMMISSION member Slade Gorton (R) who called the charge "
20040418             Wallace has been 1—SOURCE—OF—RIGHT—WING misinformation about 20010911             —FOR—YEARS.
20040428             1—SPAIN—JUDGE—INDICTED—AMER—AZIZI, 1—MOROCCO—FUGITIVE, on charges of helping to plan 20040911             —THE hijackings.
20040429             THE—USA 20040911             panel held 1—JOINT—INTERVIEW behind closed doors with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY.
20040507             I meet people who start quietly, asking me what I think about 20010911             .
20040507             "As for BARAKA—ASSERTION that both THE—USA and ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT had prior knowledge of 20040911             —THE—ATTACKS, there is clear, ample + documented evidence they most certainly did," I wrote + then listed the Odigo warning, the 4,744 put options on United Airlines stock, THE—WARNINGS—OF—IMMINENT—ATTACK issued by German, Jordanian + RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE.
20040507             "The reasons for the intense denial about 20010911             —THE /01—ATTACK inside the Left establishment appear to go much deeper than the fact that MANY—OF—ITS—INSTITUTIONS are funded by endowments like THOSE—OF—THE—FORD—FOUNDATION. The official myth appeals to political philosophies that condemn USA—IMPERIALISM by providing the supreme example of 'BLOWBACK'—THE proverbial chickens coming home to roost. Researcher —AUGUST—WEST speaks to this and other psychological underpinnings of the denial," notes the
20040507             —SEEMED, If the events of 20010911             were not what they, to be, this takes away the chance to promote these political programs, perhaps to even advance certain careers.
20040513             CHRIS—COX,SEC,Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp,20010911             ,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
20040513             Titan Corp, SKYWAY—COMMUNICATIONS, 20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and BUSH—BLOODY...
20040518             FORMER—NEW—YORK—CITY—FIRE—COMMISSIONER—THOMAS—VON—ESSEN and former police CHIEF—BERNARD—KERIK came under harsh criticism from SOME—MEMBERS—OF—20040911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20040522             Filmmaker MICHAEL—MOORE'S "Fahrenheit 20010911             ," 1—SCATHING—INDICTMENT—OF—WHITE—HOUSE actions —AFTER 20040911             —THE—ATTACKS, won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
20040603             —ANNOUNCED, Tenet, his resignation amid 1—CONTROVERSY over intelligence lapses about suspected WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ and 20040911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20040603             the unforeseen TESTING—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS by INDIA + PAKISTAN, 20010911             —THE attacks on NEW—YORK—CITY + the Pentagon,the assurances to THE—UN + WHITE—HOUSE—BEFORE the war that IRAQ was hiding WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20040603             It also could make THE—BLUNT—SPOKEN GREEK—USA—FROM Queens 1—HANDY scapegoat —WHEN reports are issued in coming weeks by the commission investigating 20010911             —THE attacks +
20040603             "This gives 1—CHANCE for THE—PRESIDENT to do something to suggest that we're moving ahead from the bad old days of 20010911             + IRAQ to something better".
20040607             JOHN—ASHCROFT vs. Sibel Edwards: Attempting to Silence a 20010911             —WHISTLEBLOWER
20040616             Rebuffing USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS, the independent commission investigating 20040911             —THE attacks said no evidence existed that AL—QAIDA had strong ties to SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20040617             THE—USA—BIPARTISAN commission investigating 20010911             —THE attacks released its final report.
20040617             —DISPUTED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 20040911             —THE commission's finding that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had no strong ties to AL—QAIDA, saying THE—FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER had had "numerous contacts" with THE—TERROR—IST network.
20040617             In addition, 1—NEW—FILM by documentary filmmaker + frequent Bush [BGW968] critic, MICHAEL—MOORE shows THE—PRESIDENT indecisive + clearly befuddled —WHEN he learned about THE—TERROR—IST attacks on the World Trade Center on 11 20010911             .
20040617             — 20040911             —THE commission found no "collaborative relationship" between IRAQ and AL—QAEDA and said there was "no cooperation" between 2. []
20040617             —TESTIFIED, Leidig, —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—SOZIALDEMOKRATEN—USA : Pleite droht.
20040617—20010911    —BLINDSIDED, The report found that officials, by TERROR—ISTS and beset by poor communications, were so slow to react, that the last of 4 hijacked planes had crashed by the time VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY ordered hostile aircraft shot down.
20040620—20040911    —FROM, The movie quotes AUTHOR—DAN—BRIODY claiming that THE—CARLYLE—GROUP "gained" because it owned United Defense, 1—MILITARY—CONTRACTOR.
20040629             —OWNED, Wally Hilliard, the terror flight school in CENTRAL—FLORIDA with Ruddi Dekkers that trained MOHAMED—ATTA, the 20010911             —LEAD—HIJACKER.
20040708—20040911    —SEIT—DEM, Süddeutsche ZEITUNG—DIE Außenpolitik der Bush [BGW968] -Regierung ist die "Fortsetzung und Radikalisierung" der Außenpolitik BILL—CLINTONS, entnimmt TIM—B—MÜLLER einem —HEUTE in den USA erscheinenden Buch: "AMERICA Alone: THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVES and the Global Order".
20040713             'I suppose it must be disconcerting to be told that the guys who did 20010911             were not lunatics from another planet, but were actually fairly normal.'
20040716             "You could use that KIND—OF—MATERIAL for 1—DIRTY—BOMB but it was probably lost 20010911             — long —BEFORE- + they Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation are 20040716             —JUST—NOW—ACCOUNTING for it,"
20040717             Die Behörden wurden von der 20010911             —KOMMISSION im Zusa mmenhang mit den Anschlägen —BEREITS scharf kritisiert.
20040717             WASHINGTON—MEHRERE der 19—ATTENTÄTER 20010911             —VOM, seien —IN—DEN—MONATEN vor den Anschlägen in IRAN gewesen, berichtet die Zeitschrift auf ihrer Webseite unter Berufung auf einen hohen USA—REGIERUNGSBEAMTEN.
20040717             Der Bericht enthalte allerdings keine Beweise dafür, dass die IRAN—REGIERUNG vorab von den Anschlägen des 20010911             wusste.
20040717220246       IRAN soll Terror piloten beherbergt HABEN—DIE USA—KOMMISSION zur Untersuchung der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, hat einem Magazinbericht zufolge intime Verbindungen zwischen der IRAN—REGIERUNG und AL—QAIDA aufgedeckt.
20040718             AL—QAIDA—ISSUES 20010911             —LIKE—ATTACKS—THREAT to ITALY : 1—AL—QAEDA—STATEMENT—POSTED on 1—WEBSITE has threatened ITALY with 20010911             —STYLE attacks if it kept PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI in power.
20040719             Probe 'reveals IRAN—20010911             —ROLE'
20040719             We can't prove  20010911             IRAN—LINK: CIA -"AFP" -- About 8—HIJACKERS passed through IRAN —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—ON—THE—USA, but WASHINGTON has no evidence that TEHRAN sanctioned the strikes, the acting DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY said.
20040720             "However, I would stop there and say we have no evidence that there is SOME—SORT—OF—OFFICIAL—SANCTION by the government of IRAN for this activity. We have no evidence that there is SOME—SORT—OF—OFFICIAL—CONNECTION between IRAN + 20010911             ," he said.
20040720             —EARLIER, IRAN acknowledged that suspected AL—QAEDA—MEMBERS—INVOLVED 20040911             —IN—THE—ATTACKS—MAY—HAVE—PASSED—THROUGH—ITS—TERRITORY, but insisted they would have done so "illegally".
20040720             —CONDEMNED, IRAN, 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, but has frequently been accused of harbouring and not cracking down on the group.
20040722             ".. ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20040911             , lässt Bush weiter nach Banden zwischen den Teheraner Mullahs und dem Terrornetz AL—QAIDA—SUCHEN.
20040722             ".. Yahoo legt zu und entdeckt das Einfache, 20040722             Editorial: Making USA Safer ) 20040722             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Fettbefreites Rippchen in USA—FRISCHHALTEFOLIE" 20040722             Medizin: Kindstod kann in den Genen lauern 20040722             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am.".
20040722             ".. Editorial: Making USA Safer ) 20040722             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Fettbefreites Rippchen in USA—FRISCHHALTEFOLIE" 20040722             Medizin: Kindstod kann in den Genen lauern 20040722             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK.".
20040722             ".. "Fettbefreites Rippchen in USA—FRISCHHALTEFOLIE" 20040722             Medizin: Kindstod kann in den Genen lauern 20040722             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK.".
20040722             ".. Kindstod kann in den Genen lauern 20040722             MANNESMANN—PROZESS: Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK Blair, TONY—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO.".
20040722             ".. Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK Blair, TONY—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO warns : USA Pentagon needs billions more in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN 20040723             USA.".
20040722             WASHINGTON—TROTZ des abschlägigen CIA—BERICHTS sagte GEORGE—W—BUSH mit Blick auf 1—PASSAGE im noch unveröffentlichten Abschlussbericht der unabhängigen Untersuchungskommission zu den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             : "Wir schauen uns die Fakten genau an, um zu sehen, ob IRAN darin verwickelt war".
20040722             Medienberichten zufolge heißt es in dem Abschlussbericht, der —AM—DONNERSTAG veröffentlicht werden soll, dass IRAN es mindestens 8—DER Flugzeugentführer 20040911             —VOM, erlaubt habe, von TERRORISTEN—AUSBILDUNGSLAGERN aus unbehelligt durch das Land zu reisen.
20040722             Die in LONDON ansässige Zeitung "Aschark AL—AUSAT" hatte berichtet, ein ranghoher IRAN—GENERAL habe mehreren Attentätern 20040911             —VOM, eine sichere Durchreise durch sein Land ermöglicht.
20040722             Obwohl DIE—CIA festgestellt hat, es gebe keine direkte Verbindung zwischen IRAN und den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20040911             , lässt Bush weiter nach Banden zwischen den Teheraner Mullahs und dem Terrornetz AL—QAIDA—SUCHEN.
20040722             Police are investigating whether 1—SUBWAY—BLAST—MONDAY that injured 1—POLICE—OFFICER might have been THE—WORK—OF—THE—OFFICER, who was —RECENTLY granted a 20010911             —RELATED psychological disability
20040722             "My translations of 20010911             —THE—INTERCEPTS—INCLUDED (terrorist) money laundering, detailed + DATE—SPECIFIC—INFORMATION...
20040722             2004072223_Report.html - ".. 2004072223_Report 20040723             20040722             ".. 2004072223_Report 20040723             20040722             ".. Freispruch für ALLE—ANGEKLAGTEN, 20040722             20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE: 4—ENTFÜHRER hatten am Flughafen Alarm ausgelöst, 20040722             Geschäfte mit dem IRAK—KRIEG: Neue Vorwürfe gegen Halliburton, 20040722             SUDAN: UK TONY—BLAIR—DEMENTIERT—GROSSBRITANNIEN—TRUPPENEINSATZ, 20040722             War funds dwindling, GAO warns : USA Pentagon needs billions more in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN 20040723             USA.".
20040722—20010911    —AM, Der namentlich nicht genannte Offizier habe etwa 9—DER 19—ATTENTÄTER, die die Anschläge auf das World Trade Center in NEW—YORK verübten, 1—DURCHREISE durch IRAN ermöglicht.
20040723             ANNAN—REJECTS—BUSH [BGW968] Claim That World Is Safer —NOW : THE—WORLD—IS—NO—SAFER—THAN—IT was 20010911             — —3—YEARS—AGO, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN—SAID 20040720             , countering USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's claims he had made the world 1—SAFER place.
20040723             THE—GOOD + Bad of 20010911             —THE—REPORT -
20040723             ACLU provides its take on 20010911             —THE—REPORT—RELEASED—TODAY.
20040723             Es war die heftige Gegenwehr der Passagiere, die die Terroristen dazu bewogen hat, das Flugzeug vor ihrem eigentlichen Ziel in 1—FELD stürzen zu lassen, heißt es —IM—GESTERN vorgelegten Bericht der Untersuchungskommission zu den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             .
20040723             Sollen wir es runterbringen?" -Die Untersuchungen des 20010911             —AUSSCHUSSES haben auch neue Erkenntnisse über den Absturz der UNITED—AIRLINES—MASCHINE über PENNSYLVANIA erbracht.
20040723             Video Shows 20010911             Hijackers : WASHINGTON Dulles Airport surveillance video shows 4—OF—THE—5—HIJACKERS being pulled aside to undergo additional scrutiny —AFTER setting off metal detectors.
20040723             THE—PAKISTAN—CONNECTION : There is EVIDENCE—OF—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE backing for 20010911             —THE—HIJACKERS.
20040723             there hasn't been ANY—SPECULATION about ADNAN—KHASHOGGI + 20010911             for the simple reason that nobody in THE—USA—GOVERNMENT ever issued 1—ORDER to round up all the "Usual Suspects".
20040723—20010911    —SCHEDULED, Report does not recommend that ANY—OF—THE—PROVISIONS, to sunset be made permanent.
20040723—20010911    THE—GOOD—NEWS: 20010911             report is CRITICAL—OF—USA—ADMINSTRATION—EXCESSIVE—SECRECY + of THE—USA—PATRIOT Act.
20040723—20010911    report does not recommend that ANY—OF—THE—PROVISIONS—SCHEDULED—TO...-->
20040723—20010911    —AM, Erstmals veröffentlichte Zitate aus den Cockpitaufnahmen bestätigen, dass die Maschine nicht von den Passagieren zum Absturz gebracht wurde.
20040723—20010911    0---- a.m.
20040723—20010911    —IN, Lately USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] has been making overtures about IRAN being involved ,thus furthering the master plan going back —SINCE the mid-19900000             s (Project for the New USA—CENTURY ).
20040724             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said in his weekly radio address that his administration was committed to relying on the recommendations of 20040911             —THE—COMMISSION—IN—WAGING—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20040724             —INFILTRATED, CIA official says agents have, AL—QAEDA: THE—CIA—HAS—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS—INSIDE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA—NETWORK—AS it did —BEFORE 20010911             —THE, ATTACKS—BUT they are not within the terrorist leader's inner circle where key information about ANY—FUTURE—ATTACK would be discussed, 1—SENIOR—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL said.
20040724             as USA—CIA did have agents inside OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA—NETWORK — —BEFORE 20010911             +—AFTER, attacks -
20040724             but USA—CIA having agents inside OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA—NETWORK — —BEFORE 20010911             +—AFTER are not within OSAMA—BIN—LADEN s inner circle where key information about ANY—FUTURE—ATTACK would be discussed,
20040725             IRAN says USA has only itself to blame for 20010911             attacks : "THE—BIG—QUESTION—WE—HAVE—TO—ASK USA is, assuming they (the hijackers) passed through IRAN, who put them in AFGHANISTAN + who supported them in the 1. place," he said.
20040725             ALABAMA Sen. focus of classified leak: SENATOR—RICHARD—SHELBY, R—ALABAMA, has —FOR—MONTHS been the focus of 1—INVESTIGATION into the leak of classified intelligence intercepts linked to 20010911             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS, according to current + former law enforcement officials.
20040725             —WHILE the top Democrat on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—PRAISED—THE—COMPREHENSIVENESS—OF—ITS—FINAL—REPORT—THURSDAY, experts said there were serious omissions in the document
20040725—20010911    —FROM, Most effective way to prevent terrorism is missing report, Libertarians say : THE—REPORT—BY 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—IS—MISSING 1—OBVIOUS—WAY THE—USA—GOVERNMENT could reduce the chance of another terrorist attack, Libertarians say: Quit meddling in foreign nations.
20040728             1—EXCUSE—SPOUTING Bush Is Busted by 20010911             —REPORT : Busted!
20040728             —INVADED, If we hadn't, IRAQ, perhaps vicious crazed Iraqis would be conducting suicide attacks on AMERICA as they were —BEFORE 20010911             , right?
20040728             —INTERRUPTED, Like 1—TEENAGER whose beer bash is, by his parents' early return home, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEARLY—3—YEARS—OF—BRAGGING about his "WAR—ON—TERROR" credentials has been exposed by the bipartisan 20010911             —COMMISSION as nothing more than empty posturing.
20040728             BUSH—20010911             —FARCE : —3—YEARS—AFTER—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             —- the biggest intelligence failure in USA—HISTORY -- and —AFTER his own administration went to war for reasons that did not exist, THE—PRESIDENT has ordered his crack staff to see which of 20040911             —THE commission's recommendations can be implemented fast and without congressional approval.
20040729             Faktencheck in "Fahrenheit 20010911             ": Moores vereinfachte Welt
20040729             Surftip: Der "20010911             "-Report
20040729             "Fahrenheit 20010911             "-Premiere: Die Wahrheit?
20040729             He used bogus and faulty intelligence to establish 1—CONNECTION between IRAQ + 20010911             20040729             He had his own agenda with the war in IRAQ (securing 1—USA—MONOPOLY on middle eastern oil with his pals in SAUDI—ARABIA).
20040730             —URGED, Leaders of 20040911             —THE commission, USA—SENATORS to embrace their proposals for massive changes to the nation's intelligence structure.
20040731             ': Fahrenheit 20010911             is 1—EMBARRASSING movie.
20040731             FEAR—OF—DEATH—WINS—MINDS and Votes, Study Finds : USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] may be tapping into solid human psychology —WHEN he invokes 20040911             —THE attacks —WHILE campaigning for the next election, USA—RESEARCHERS said —ON—THURSDAY.
20040801             —WHILE courageous SENATOR—DAYTON—CHALLENGE to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION +
20040801             —WHILE courageous SENATOR—DAYTON—CHALLENGE to to THE—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] himself should —JUST be the beginning of genuine scrutiny on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—FINDINGS (+ flawed process) --
20040801             there is —AT—THIS—TIME—FAR too much emphasis being placed on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS with 15—HEARINGS planned in 7—COMMITTEES in the House (none 1—SO far on the facts, omissions, discrepencies) rather than on the findings on which those recommendations are based.
20040801             Again, this rush to restructure is effectively serving as 1—SMOKE—SCREEN + distraction to the obvious need to examine the findings of 'facts + CIRCUMSTANCES'—TH e 20010911             Commission'full accounting' on which their findings are based.
20040801             CitizensWatch joins FORMER—CIA—ANALYSTS + FBI whistleblowers + others in demanding that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION be challenged for errors or ommissions in key areas.
20040801             01—23—PM 20010911             CitizensWatch
20040801             Marjorie COHN—UQ Wire: Bush [BGW968] Jumps on 20010911             —THE—BAND—AID—WAGON
20040801             RICHARD—S—EHRLICH: BANGKOK And 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS
20040801—20010911    —IN, 3) My Letters to DAYTON + Kennedy regarding need for balance hearings.
20040802             —PROPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, creating 1—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—DIRECTOR in line with 20040911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20040802             —VERÄRGERT, Fahrenheit 20010911             ": MICHAEL—MOORE, Zeitungsverleger
20040803             —REOPENED, THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY pedestal in NEW—YORK—CITY, to the public for the 1. time —SINCE 20040911             —THE attacks.
20040803             —PRESIDED, Bush and Cheney, over THE—2—WORST—INTELLIGENCE—FIASCOS in modern USA—HISTORY: 20010911             and IRAQ;
20040803             Allerdings soll der Berater nicht wie von der 20010911             Kommission gefordert im Weißen Haus arbeiten + keinen Kabinettsrang haben.
20040803             HOWARD—DEAN, der gescheiterte Präsidentschaftskandidat mit dem Hang zur Kompromisslosigkeit, äußerte den Verdacht, die republikanische Lärmmaschine nutze kühl die Gelegenheit und instrumentalisiere die ANGST—DER—AMERIKANER vor einer Wiederholung des 20010911             .
20040803             —VERÄRGERT, MICHAEL—MOORE, Zeitungsverleger "Fahrenheit—20010911             " ist die erfolgreichste Filmdokumentation aller Zeiten - + vermutlich auch die umstrittenste.
20040803             —WARNED—OF, ISRAEL—COMPANY "Odigo" says workers were, 20010911             attack
20040803             KUWAIT Bans 'Fahrenheit 20010911             ' : KUWAIT, 1—MAJOR—USA—ALLY in THE—PERSIA—GULF, has banned MICHAEL—MOORE'S "Fahrenheit 20010911             " because it deems the movie insulting to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIAN royal family and CRITICAL—OF—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, 1—OFFICIAL said —SUNDAY.
20040803             Computer Expert, Files Seized in PAKISTAN Reveal Terror Data : USA—OFFICIALS told THE—WASHINGTON—POST + THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—SUNDAY that the files found in MISTER—GHAILANI—HIDEOUT in PAKISTAN—EASTERN—CITY—OF—GUJRAT showed AL—QAIDA has been monitoring the institutions —SINCE—BEFORE 20010911             .
20040803             Bush verweist hingegen unter anderem auf die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, 20010000             und die Kosten für die KRIEGE—IN—AFGHANISTAN und im IRAK.
20040803—20010911    —AFTER, : Days, 1—SENIOR—USA Pentagon official proposed 1—USA—MILITARY—ATTACKS in SOUTH—AMERICA or SOUTH—EAST—ASIA as "1—SURPRISE to the terrorist s," according to 1—FOOTNOTE in the recent 20010911             Commission Report.
20040803—20010911    —GEÖFFNET, Die Freiheitsstatue wird wieder für Besucher, —NACHDEM sie —IN—DER—FOLGE der Terroranschläge geschlossen wurde.
20040804             He said MISTER—GERMAN—COMPLAINTS "reflect THE—KIND—OF—INSULARITY 20010911             —THE commission identified as 1—MAJOR—MANAGEMENT failing in USA—FBI—ANTITERRORISM—WORK".
20040804             "Fahrenheit 20010911             ", which won the top honor at MAY—CANNES—FILM—FESTIVAL, depicts THE—WHITE—HOUSE as asleep at the wheel —BEFORE 20010911             —THE, attacks in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20040804—20010911    -immedia tely —AFTER—THE—ATTACKS at 1—TIME—WHEN USA airspace had been closed to all commercial traffic.
20040804—20010911    THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY has taken issue with the "Fahrenheit 20010911             " movie for claiming that HIGH—RANKING SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS were allowed to flee THE—USA
20040804—20010913    —ON, 20010911             —THE commission investigating 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks found no evidence that ANY—FLIGHTS—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS took place —BEFORE the reopening of USA national airspace.
20040807             And, why does the left continually, + quite correctly, berate the Bush [BGW968] regime for obvious pathological lies regarding it's twisted excuses for 1—TOTALLY unwarranted INVASION—OF—1—SOVERIEGN country and yet seems to buy it's equally, if not more so, false explanation for 20010911             ?
20040807             —RECENTLY As 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION reported, there was "
20040807             —ACCUSED, SENATOR—ACCUSES—INVESTIGATORS—OF—ABUSE : SENATOR—RICHARD—SHELBY, FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS—OF—ABUSE—THURSDAY—AFTER 1—NEWSPAPER reported that FEDERAL—INVESTIGATORS had concluded he leaked to the media classified messages from the eve of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040807—20010911    —IN, Complacency ?
20040808             AL—QAEDA seeking to launch new USA—ATTACKS: : "They want something bigger than 20010911             , they want 1—CATASTROPHIC—ATTACK," FRANCES—TOWNSEND, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] 's homeland security adviser, told THE—FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY program.
20040808—20010000    —IN—EARLY, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Sent Suspect to USA, Officials Say : USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS—NOW believe that Issa AL—HINDI, the alleged Qaeda operative —NOW in UK custody, was dispatched to THE—USA by the mastermind of 20010911             —THE plot at the direction of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to case potential targets in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20040809             ISSUE NEWSWEEK — 20010911             —DAYS—AFTER - 1—SENIOR—USA Pentagon official lamented the lack of good targets in AFGHANISTAN and proposed instead USA—MILITARY—ATTACKS in SOUTH—AMERICA or SOUTH—EAST—ASIA as "1—SURPRISE to the terrorist s," according to 1—FOOTNOTE in the recent 20010911             Commission Report.
20040809—20010911    —AFTER, Superiors Hindered Terror Prosecutors : Prosecutors in the 1. major terror trial were hindered by superiors from presenting SOME—OF—THEIR most powerful evidence, including testimony from 1—AL—QAIDA leader and video footage showing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—EUROPEAN operatives casing USA—LANDMARKS, Justice Department memos show.
20040809—20010911    —BANDIED, Reasons for the invasion were, ABOUT—THEY had WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, they had 1—HAND they will welcome us as LIBERATORS—BUT
20040811             Research details use of religion to help sell WAR—ON—TERROR, IRAQ : As Bush [BGW968] makes his case for a 2. term, the research by DAVID—DOMKE documents how —DURING his 1. term THE—PRESIDENT effectively linked religious terminology with political goals in the turbulent months —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040811             USA Denies Key Witness At German 20010911             —RETRIAL : THE—USA—DECISION casts doubts on the new proceedings.
20040811             Defense cites 'USA—TORTURE' as German 20040911             RETRIAL begins : Defense lawyers for the only man convicted over 20010911             —THE attacks called on the opening —DAY—OF—HIS retrial for the case to be quashed on the grounds key witnesses had likely been tortured.
20040811             00.000.199—20040700              UNTER Tenet, GEORGE—FÜHRUNG war USA—CIA wegen mangelhafter Ermittlungen vor den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             UNTER Druck geraten.
20040811             Diese jedoch sind —BEREITS in einem USA—TERRORVERFAHREN eingebracht worden und stehen auch in dem umfangreichen Abschlussbericht der 20010911             —KOMMISSION.
20040811             Nicht einmal die 2—KURZ 20010911             —VOR—DEM, AUS DEUTSCHLAND geflohenen Verdächtigen Said Bahaji und ZAKARIYA—ESSABAR hätten demnach "Vorwissen von den Angriffen" gehabt.
20040811—20020000    —J—IM, Das Band aus SPANIEN soll gefunden worden sein, es enthält den Dokumenten zufolge 1—ANSPIELUNG auf den AL—QAIDA—FÜHRER Chalid SCHEICH—MOHAMMED, der maßgeblich an der Planung der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, BETEILIGT war.
20040815             I still find it incredible that no 1 in Congress or 20010911             —THE—COMMSSION (apparently) or in the news media is interested in finding out —WHEN USA—INTELLIGENCE...+ —THEREFORE the Bush [BGW968] administration...discovered that in 20000000—20010000     THE—YEAR—PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks over half 20010911             —THE hijackers got free passage though IRAN (note: not IRAQ).
20040815             I still find it incredible that no 1 in Congress or the 20010911             —COMMISSION (apparently) or in the news media is interested in finding out —WHEN USA—INTELLIGENCE...and —THEREFORE THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION...discovered that over half the 20010911             —HIJACKERS got free passage though IRAN (note: not IRAQ) in THE—YEAR—PRIOR—TO the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20040815             2) 20010911             —HIJACKERS transitting IRAN (note: not IRAQ) —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040815             It is my contention that —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—WAR—VOTE, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was aware of this little TIDBIT—OF—INFORMATION about IRAN—COMPLICITY (i.e. ACCESSORIES—BEFORE—THE—FACT) in their aiding and abetting of some 20010911             —HIJACKERS.
20040815             —RECEIVED, —SINCE our HUMINT wasn't so hot, we must have, this information through SIGINT...and we had broken THE—IRANIAN—SECRET—COMMUNICATION—CODE...(—WHEN?) It was —JUST that we couldn't put ANY—FACES to the names of the al Qaeda operatives transitting IRAN (note: not IRAQ) —BEFORE 20010911             —UNTIL SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —WHEN our intelligence agencies identified all the 20010911             —HIJACKERS.
20040815             In fact, it took digging by the 20010911             —COMMISSION (which Bush and Cheney didn't want snooping —AROUND in the 1. place) to reveal THE—IRAN—AL—QAEDA connection almost —2—YEARS—AFTER THE—IRAQ war resolution vote.
20040815             —LEAKED, And someone, this little TIDBIT—OF—INFORMATION to the press —1—WEEK or so —BEFORE the actual 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT was released.
20040815             Someone in the Bush WHITE—HOUSE didn't want this IRAN—AL—QAEDA revelation to be 1. discovered by people READING the report...there probably would have been 1—EVEN greater furor over what was definitive PROOF—OF—IRAN—CONTACTS with al Qaeda pre-20010911             —VERSUS the still tenuous connections al Qaeda may have had with IRAQ.
20040815             —BY leaking this information —PRIOR—TO the report's release, the Bush WHITE—HOUSE was able to have Bush answer with 1—NON—ANSWER that THE—IRAN—AL—QAEDA connection —BEFORE 20010911             was worth studying.
20040815             Because if Bush and his cohorts in THE—WHITE—HOUSE did know, —PRIOR—TO 20020000             —THE—IRAQ—WAR—VOTE in Congress, about SOME—OF—THE 20010911             —HIJACKERS going through IRAN (note: not IRAQ) in THE—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             , then I want to hear them explain why they kept this information from the full Congress, as well as we the citizens.
20040815             —BY leaking this information —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE—COMMSSION—REPORT'S—RELEASE, the Bush [BGW968] WHITE—HOUSE was able to have Bush [BGW968] answer with 1—NON—ANSWER that the
20040815—20010000    —IN—LATE, My guess would be that USA—INTELLIGENCE made this connection between over half the 20010911             —HIJACKERS and IRAN (note: not IRAQ) or 20020000             —IN—EARLY.
20040816             —ON my BBC television show, Newsnight, 1—USA—JOURNALIST confessed that, —SINCE the 20010911             —ATTACKS, USA—REPORTERS are simply too afraid to ask the uncomfortable questions that could kill careers:
20040816             —FROM THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—BEST—SELLER: See No Evil What Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 20010911             —
20040817             I.A. Officer Denounces Agency and 20040911             Report:
20040818             MANUEL—VALENZUELA : GODS—OF—WAR, Gods of Greed and PROFITEERS—OF—MISERY: Our 20010911             —BECAME their Pearl Harbor, 1—MOMENT in time needed to unleash already predetermined plans to expand power and control on 1—NOW easily manipulated and mobilized citizenry.
20040821             während USA angegriffen werde - 1—ANSPIELUNG auf den Schulbesuch Bush [BGW968] s während der Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM.
20040821             Nevertheless, the 20010911             —COMMISSION was swiftly closed down on-
20040822             Election 20010911             Surreal Political Theater
20040822             —FOLLOWED, Nor should it shock those who, events 20010911—20040823     -to USA unlawful INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20040901             —AFTER expressing 1—DESIRE to put his conscience at rest, Jenkins reported 20040911             —ON to Camp Zama in JAPAN.
20040902             POLL: 2—THIRDS—OF—NEW—YORKERS WANT 20010911             CASE RE—OPENED-
20040902             —TODAY as the Republican NATIONAL—CONVENTION kicks off in NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—MAJOR—NEW—POLL by Zogby INTERNATIONAL reveals that 66—PERCENT—OF—NEW—YORKERS want 20010911             —THE investigation reopened.
20040902             —WHILE THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY + the Bush [BGW968] Administration tout their response to 20010911             , the Zogby findings will show that THE—MAJORITY—OF—NEW—YORKERS doubt the official VERSION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             .
20040902             This is the 1. scientific poll of it kind —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911—THE—TRAGEDY.
20040902             1—COALITION—OF—RESEARCHERS + journalist + victim family supporters that sponsored the poll + is dedicated to full disclosure about 20010911             —THE attacks.
20040902             "Extraordinary numbers of Americans suspect elements of our own USA—GOVERNMENT were complicit in the attacks of 20010911             ," said Levis, NICK—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—CITY 20010911             Truth Alliance.
20040902             That is what you have with someone like MOHAMMED—ATTA', he says, referring to the reported ringleader of 20010911             —THE operation, who left EGYPT to study architecture in HAMBURG where he set up THE—HAMBURG cell that apparently coordinated much of 20010911             —THE attack.
20040902—20010911    —SINCE, 1—RECURRING scare story has involved those Islamic FUNDAMENTAL—SCHOOLS in PAKISTAN and elsewhere, which are said to be breeding new bin Ladens.
20040904—19930000    —IN, JAMES—BAMFORD conveys in his new book ('A Pretext for War') that USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL—BRUTAL oppression of the Palestinians is what contributed to the motivation for the tragic WTC World Trade Center attacks +20010911             .
20040908             Mzoudi war —IM—FRÜHJAHR vom Hanseatischen OBER—LANDES—GERICHT aus Mangel an Beweisen vom Vorwurf freigesprochen worden, den Attentätern des 20010911             bei der Vorbereitung der Anschläge geholfen zu haben.
20040908—20010911    —RESPONDED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, TO—BY exploiting 1—FORCE deeply rooted in USA thinking + behaviour: USA—NATIONALISM.
20040910             SOME—LAWMAKERS—QUESTION 20010911             Resolution : 15—DEMOCRATS and 1—REPUBLICAN, said linking 20010911             —THE—ACT—OF—TERRORISM to the war in IRAQ was "blatantly untrue" + had turned 1—RESOLUTION honoring the sacrifices of 20010911             victims into 1—POLITICAL—DOCUMENT.
20040910—20010911    —AFTER, Another frequent visitor was Gingrich, Newt THE—FORMER—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—LEADER who resurfaced as 1—PENTAGON "consultant" + 1—MEMBER—OF—ITS unpaid defence advisory BOARD, with influence far beyond his official title.
20040911             † PETROS—VII—PATRIARCH—VON—ALEXANDRIA, zypriotischer
20040915             Fahrenheit 20010911             20040801—20040831    was a hellish —MONTH.
20040918             It was doubtful that AMERICA would be considering military action if 20040911             —THE attacks had not occurred.
20040918             "The truth is that what has changed is not the pace of SADDAM—HUSSEIN—WMD programmes, but our tolerance of them post-20040911             .
20040918—20010911    BUSH an
20040923             —CRITICIZED, He also, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—FINAL—REPORT, saying the committee was comprised of political extremists who couldn't reach 1—CONSENSUS.
20040923             FORMER—CIA—AGENT says Bush to blame for 20010911             :
20040923             —STILL, the administration has made its case for 20010911             —THE terrorism and IRAQ connection with SOME—SOPHISTICATION.
20040923             Either THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE or THE—WHITE—HOUSE (I have been told it was both) directed that they —NOW be called "terrorist death squads" -- promoting the overarching message: IRAQ = terrorists = 20010911             .
20040923             —DELIVERED, From the very beginning, that message, both directly and subtly, has been constant and consistent: IRAQ = terrorists = 20010911             .
20040923             IRAQ = terrorists = 20010911             .
20040923             "To say that no 1 could prevent 20010911             WAS 1—BOLD—FACED lie.
20040923—20010911    —AROUSED, Appealing to the emotions, is classic psychological warfare.
20040924             >> Shelby, informed the group that 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK—OF—20010911              proportions was going to be carried out on USA—SOIL within THE—NEXT—6—WEEKS.
20040924             (Cont'd) 20040911             : THE—BIG—LIE... A 20020000             classified outbrief drafted to guide the Pentagon "calls for the creation of 1—SO—CALLED ' Proactive, PRE—EMPTIVE Operations Group ' ( P2OG ), to launch...
20040925             BUSH, s stump speech, which Bush repeats word for word across USA, Bush explains that Bush invaded IRAQ because of "the lesson of 20010911             ".
20040928             79 - Percentage of 20010911             —THE hijackers who came from SAUDI—ARABIA.
20040928             3 -Number of 20010911             HIJACKERS whose entry visas came through special USA—SAUDI "Visa Express" programme.
20040928—20010911    —AFTER, 140 -Number of Saudis, including MEMBERS—OF—THE—BIN—LADEN family, evacuated from USA almost —IMMEDIATELY.
20041002             —PLACED, Fate, in the form of 20010911             HAD, authority in his hands as 1—MAN—OF—DESTINY.
20041003             'Fahrenheit 20010911             ' opened our eyes to things we hadn't seen —BEFORE".
20041003             —ACCEPTED, As with his comrades, the marine, some of the most controversial claims of "Fahrenheit 20010911             ," which critics have called biased.
20041003             20010911             —911- was 1—GODSEND to the Likudniks + FAR—RIGHT—RELIGIOUS—PARTIES in ISRAEL.
20041004             —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR, 3—BRITISH released detainees, ASIF—IQBAL, Shafiq RASUL—RHUHEL—AHMED, revealed that they had all confessed to meeting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and MOHAMED—ATTA, leader of 20040911             —THE hijackers, at 1—CAMP in AFGHANISTAN 20000000             —IN.
20041006             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—INTELLIGENCE—REORGANIZATION—BILL endorsed by 20040911             —THE commission.
20041006             —ALMOST—IMMEDIATELY—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS, Cheney and his old crony RUMSFELD, Donald (—NOW SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE) began beating the war drums for 1—NEW—INVASION—OF—IRAQ, despite 1—COMPLETE—ABSENCE—OF—ANY—EVIDENCE that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had anything at all to do with 20040911             or al Qaeda in general.
20041006             —WHEN al Qaeda attacked the Pentagon and the World Trade Center 20040911             —ON, the official version had THE—VICE—PRESIDENT shuttled to 1—EMERGENCY—BUNKER in THE—BASEMENT—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20041007             His silence and refusal to speak under oath to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—FURTHER mocks our country.
20041007             —AFTER—THE—RELEASE—OF—FAHRENHEIT 20010911             , MICHAEL—MOORE received 1—FLOOD—OF—LETTERS + emails from disillusioned + angry USA—SOLDIERS serving in IRAQ.
20041007             Senate rejects oversight advice of 20010911             panel
20041007—20010911    —PANEL, Senate rejects oversight advice of
20041009             Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 20010911             Attacks
20041010             EGYPT's 20010911             20041010             THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—ENVIRONMENTAL—ORGANIZATION—SPOKESWOMAN Jenna Orkin is 1—WITNESS to the lingering TOXICITY—OF—THE—AREA surrounding what the media call "ground 0."
20041010             THE—LINGERING—CLOUD—OF—20010911              by Jenna Orkin, World Trade Center Environmental Organization
20041010             downtown NEW—YORK—CITY is 1—MORE—PLACE where people live + work —WHILE the damage of 20010911             continues to expand.
20041012             Baker Botts (which is currently defending them in a $1—TRILLION lawsuit filed by the families of 20040911             victims).
20041013             —VERBREITET, Der konservative Sender FOX—NEWS, —BIS—HEUTE die Lüge, dass SADDAM—HUSSEIN etwas mit den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             zu tun hatte
20041013             Sehr breiten Raum nehmen Verschwörungstheorien rund um den Anschlag 20010911             —VOM, ein.
20041013             Querfrontstrategien von der Linken sind eher selten, gewinnen aber —SEIT—DEM, terroristischen Anschlag 20010911             —VOM, im antiimperialistischen Milieu an Boden.
20041013             Asked to comment on 1—EARLIER—STATEMENT by HOWARD—DEAN regarding his alleged foreknowledge of 20010911             , Bush stumbles about the stage, clearly caught off guard by the question, then delivers the line: "It's 1—ABSURD—ASINUATION".
20041013             —SEEMED, HOWARD—DEAN —RECENTLY, to muse aloud whether you had advance knowledge of 20010911             .
20041014             1—CURSORY look both at the Bush [BGW968] administration's record + THE—NEO—CON agenda for the future reveals instead that Bush [BGW968] /Cheney are using 20010911             as 1—EXCUSE to attack weak states that interfere with 1—EXTREME—RIGHT—WING world view + with USA corporate interests
20041014             THE—MAN—WHO—WAS—UNCHANGED - Addicted to 20010911             20041014             WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, - THE—TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION—THIS—WEEK refused to release the texts or even the titles of 5—AVIATION—WARNINGS given to airlines —JUST—BEFORE 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks, even though the titles and substance of the warnings have been published in THE—BEST—SELLING 20010911             Commission report, according to 1—ANALYSIS—OF—THE—DOCUMENTS—POSTED—TODAY on the Web by THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ARCHIVE at GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY.
20041014             Government Censors Aviation Warnings Leading up to 20010911             ;
20041014—20010911    —ON, BEIJING Used OSAMA—BIN—LADEN To Assault USA—CLAIMS—AUTHOR -... with Tenet + that he briefed Tenet —THAT—DAY on the links between OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + CHINA.
20041015             Kurz —NACHDEM das katastrophale EREIGNIS—AM 20010911             — eingetreten war, Bush sah den rechten Zeitpunkt gekommen.
20041015             Dabei hatte Bush [BGW968] s Regierung —SCHON gleich —NACH—DEM 20010911             die Version verbreitet, [PROPAGANDA] die Attentäter seien vom IRAK unterstützt worden.
20041016             1—OF—HIS—MAIN—POINTS is that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION helped 142—SAUDIS including 2—DOZEN—MEMBERS—OF—BIN—LADEN—FAMILY fly out of THE—USA 20010911             —2—DAYS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS, even though commercial air space was closed.
20041016             1—RECENT 20010911             panel report states that the chartered flights took place —STARTING 20010914             ,once airspace had reopened.
20041016             Hijacking Catastrophe : 20010911             + Fear + the Selling of USA Empire : Hijacking Catastrophe is powerful, understated, straightforward + educational.
20041016—20010911    —IN—THE, "That's false + can be verified by anyone," said THE—SAUDI—BORN Binladin, who intentionally spells his name differently from Osama, the prime suspect attacks.
20041016—20010911    —SINCE, - UK has been warned of the 'inevitability' of catastrophic terrorist attack.
20041016—20010911    —AFTER, THE—WAR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Wanted : For MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—THINGS have generally been going his way, he could not have achieved this huge, improbable victory without indispensable USA—HELP.
20041016—20010911    —AROUND, THOMAS—L—FREIDMAN: Addicted to 20010911             — By exploiting THE—EMOTIONS—MISTER—BUSH [BGW968] took 1—FAR—RIGHT—AGENDA on taxes, the environment + social ISSUES—FOR which he had no electoral mandate - + drove it into a 20010912             world.
20041017             5) There are various other reports of this "ghost voice" —DURING press confernces including 1—POST 20010911             news story aired on channel 56—WLVI BOSTON... I'd love to see that video.
20041017             True, 20010911             had yet to happen, but already fixations with SADDAM—HUSSEIN were metastasizing —THROUGHOUT THE—SELF—RIGHTEOUS—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20041017             —AM ET WASHINGTON—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER under the 1. USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH (NEWS—WEB—SITES) says the current PRESIDENT acted contemptuously toward NATO (NEWS—WEB—SITES) + EUROPE 20010911             —AFTER + is —NOW trying to cooperate —NOW OUT—OF—DESPERATION to "rescue 1—FAILING venture" in IRAQ (NEWS—WEB—SITES) + AFGHANISTAN (news
20041017             Portuguese 20010911             20041017             EVIDENCE—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—GOVERNMENT—COMPLICITY
20041017             —RELATED, Interviews, to 20010911             & AFGHANISTAN
20041018             "20010911             , INDEPENDENCE —DAY for all Oppressed Peoples" -- Anonymous Graffiti sprayed on wall in Plaza Real, BARCELONA, SPAIN, 2003
20041018             —SHOWED, Amazingly, 1—RECENT—CNN/USA—TODAY—POLL, 62—PERCENT—OF—REPUBLICANS still believe IRAQ was behind 20010911             .
20041018             —DELIGHTED, They're, to see THE—USA—POUNDING Arabs in revenge for 20010911             .
20041021             ROBERT—SCHEER: 20010911             —THE—SECRET in THE—CIA—BACK—POCKET:
20041021             THE—PRESIDENT—FOUGHT—AGAINST the creation of 20040911             —THE commission, for example, agreeing only —AFTER enormous political pressure was applied by 1—GRASS—ROOTS movement led by the families of those slain.
20041021             Und natürlich waren die Republikaner —NACH—DEM 20010911             geschickt darin, JEDE—KRITISCHE—BERICHTERSTATTUNG unter einer Patriotismuswelle zu begraben.
20041021             ROBERT—SCHEER: 20010911             —THE—SECRET in THE—CIA—BACK—POCKET: The agency is withholding 1—DAMNING report that points at senior officials.
20041021             been held accountable," 20010911             widow Kristen Breit weiser told the paper.
20041021—20010911    —ON, "3000—PEOPLE were killed + no 1 has been held accountable," 20010911             widow Kristen Breitweiser told the paper.
20041022             —NOW 1—MAJOR—ZOGBY poll out — HALF—OF—NEW—YORKERS think the government was involved 20010911             —IN.
20041022             He represents HUNDREDS—OF—THE—VICTIMS—FAMILIES—OF—20010911              20041022             And joining us FOR—THE—NEXT—35—MINUTES, into THE—NEXT—HOUR, is STANLEY—HILTON.
20041022—20010911    —IN, He is suing BUSH for involvement.
20041022—20010911    —IN, —NOW 1—MAJOR—ZOGBY poll out — HALF—OF—NEW—YORKERS think the government was involved.
20041023             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LOCATION is known, official says : THE—PENTAGON knows exactly where OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is hiding in PAKISTAN, it —JUST can't get to him, JOHN—LEHMAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—20010911             —THE commission, said —THURSDAY.
20041023             —ON the lofty banner of USA—HUBRIS, unfurled —AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , are inscribed in black letters the words, 'THE—MUSLIMS hate our freedoms.' This is —NOW the accepted, formulaic substitute for all discourse, all questioning and probing into THE—HISTORY—OF—AMERICA—RELATIONS with the peoples of the Islamicate world over the past —57—YEARS.
20041023             JOHN—LEHMAN, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE 20010911—COMMISSION, said —THURSDAY.
20041023             —ON the lofty banner of USA—HUBRIS, unfurled —AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , are inscribed in black letters the words,
20041023—20010911    —AFTER, 1—SMALL—PENTAGON unit set up, to review raw intelligence —LATER exaggerated the relationship between AL—QAEDA and IRAQ,
20041023—20010911    —AFTER, SENATOR—SAYS—PENTAGON unit hyped terror tie : 1—SMALL—PENTAGON unit set up, to review raw intelligence —LATER exaggerated the relationship between AL—QAEDA and IRAQ, leading WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to make overblown or inaccurate comments in THE—RUN—UP to THE—IRAQ war, according to the Democratic STAFF—OF—THE—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE.
20041023—20020900    —TOUTED, Pentagon, link between Saddam and AL—QAIDA : Pentagon officials told THE—WHITE—HOUSE that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was linked to 20040911             —THE attacks, even though USA—INTELLIGENCE—EXPERTS couldn't verify the information and considered it dubious, SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN, D—MICHIGAN, said —YESTERDAY.
20041024             In 1—STATEMENT—YESTERDAY, the Pentagon said bipartisan reports have noted relationships between AL—QAIDA and IRAQ —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20041025             He said THE—USA is "winning THE—WAR—ON—TERROR" due to THE—CIA—EFFORTS to "capture or kill" 3—QUARTERS—OF—AL—QAIDA—LEADERS, pinpointed —BEFORE 20010911             .
20041025             Tenet : CIA made ERRORS—BENTON TOWNSHIP—ALTHOUGH he emphasized that CIA CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY boasts "tremendously talented men + women," FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET said it "did not live up to our expectations as professionals" regarding 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks and the search for nonexistent WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ.
20041025             that's 1—VERY—GOOD thing for 20010911             —THE—911—TRUTH—MOVEMENT.
20041025             Tenet : CIA made ERRORS—BENTON TOWNSHIP—ALTHOUGH he emphasized that CIA CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY boasts "tremendously talented men + women," FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET said it "did not live up to our expectations as professionals" regarding 20010911             —THE,
20041025             pinpointed —BEFORE 20010911             He expects to see Osama bin Ladin captured.
20041026             Was 20010911             Allowed to Happen?
20041026             For the 1. time THE—BULGE has been seen in another crucial situation where USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] could have benefitted from wearing a "wire"... 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—HEARINGS.
20041026             Bush [BGW968]exploits suffering of 20010911             , says Carter: Bush [BGW968] [BGW968] has exploited the suffering of 20040911             and turned back DECADES—OF—EFFORTS to make the world 1—SAFER place, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER says
20041026             This is 1—IMPORTANT—DEVELOPMENT for THE—WIRED—THEORY—FOR the 1. time THE—BULGE has been seen in another crucial situation where USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] could have benefitted from wearing a "wire"... 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—HEARINGS.
20041026             —HAPPENED, What really, 20010911             —ON, or in IRAQ? —NEXT—WEEK—ELECTION may determine whether we ever find out.
20041026             exploits suffering of 20010911             , says Carter:
20041026—20010911    —ON, -Last —WEEK—ROBERT—SCHEER—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES revealed the existence of 1—DEVASTATING but suppressed report by THE—CIA s inspector general intelligence failures.
20041026—20010911    —HAPPENED, What really, or in IRAQ?
20041027             Bush [BGW968] sorgte mit seinen endlosen TERROR—ALARMEN und einer schamlosen PARTEITAGS—SHOW dafür, dass die Wähler 20010911             ja nicht vergaßen.
20041027             Das war, wie der "New Yorker" in einer Analyse nachzeichnete, die direkte Folge der 3 "schwarzen Dienstage" in der jüngsten USA—GESCHICHTE: der 20001107             , als die MEHRHEIT—DER—WÄHLER—AL—GORE zum Präsidenten wählte, der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH [BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 20010911             , "der schwärzeste —DIENSTAG von allen".
20041027             Dann kam der 20010911             , drastische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, der IRAK—KRIEG und eine halbherzige NAHOST—POLITIK.
20041027             THE—CAPTURE—OF—BIN—LADEN would virtually guarantee THE—REELECTION—OF—BUSH [BGW968] JUNIOR, as it would confirm to THE—MILLIONS—OF—UNDECIDED—VOTERS—OF—THE—USA—THAT the war against terrorism was judstified —AFTER OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had authorized the attacks of 20010911             against NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20041027             Read Full STORY—COINTELPRO 20010911             20010911             — Peak Oil & 'THE—LEVEL—ABOVE—SAUDI'
20041027             FRED—MESSAGE ( 20010911             —THE—X—FILES - 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR) was enthusuatic, but 1—LITTLE stilted, like 1—BOOK—REVIEW in ENGLAND—CLASS.
20041027             "This is the by far best book I've seen on 20010911             —THE—COVER—UP," gushes Fred, about "THE—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR," by DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN 1—THEOLOGY professor at Claremont college.
20041027             THE—GRADUATES—OF—20010911              Clown College have —TODAY prompted us to add to Nelsen ALGREN—LIST.
20041027             "Never trust anyone trying to convince you Professors of Theology know ANY—HOT skinny at all about 20010911             —THE attack".
20041027             Because the most EXTRAORDINARILY—DAMNING fact that's been dredged up so far about 20010911             —THE attack is this 1, unearthed in FLORIDA:
20041027             —AFTER restricting access to evidence and witnesses with inconvenient knowledge about the attack + clamping down on the major media, "Keeping the lid on" probably required infiltrating Bush Crime Family operatives into independent citizen's investigations into 20010911             —THE attack.
20041027             —PLANTED, Like the Phony BOUGHT—OFF Left —BEFORE them, to divert and deflect the attention of the only medium which wasn't completely under control —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20010911—THE—ATTACK.
20041027             —HAPPENED, What really, on... 20010911             , or in IRAQ?
20041027             "Keeping the lid on" probably required infiltrating BUSH Crime Family operatives into independent citizen's investigations into 20010911             —THE attack.
20041027             1984000-2004000 -Exactly —20—YEARS—LATE, arrived in USA with 1—VENGEANCE on —THIS—MONTH—3. anniversary of 20010911             —THE attack.
20041027             Billing themselves as the "20010911             Truth Movement," 1—GROUP which has been aggressively spamming on THE—INTERNET for several years held 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in NEW—YORK—CITY on the 3. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20041027             COINTELPRO 20010911             20010911             — Peak Oil & 'THE—LEVEL—ABOVE—SAUDI'
20041027             FRED—MESSAGE ( 20010911             —THE—X—FILES - 1—REVIEW—OF—THE—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR) was enthusuatic, but 1—LITTLE stilted,
20041027             —MISSED, Here again we feel that maybe we've, something... Has FRED—BOSS (and prayer buddy!) BUSH [BGW968] suddenly changed course and come out for full DISCLOSURE—OF—THE—TRUTH about 20010911             ?
20041027             as it would confirm to THE—MILLIONS—OF—UNDECIDED—VOTERS—OF—THE—USA—THAT the war against terrorism was judstified —AFTER OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had authorized the attacks of 20010911             against NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20041027             dass die Wähler 20010911             ja nicht vergaßen.
20041027             der 20001212             , als die MEHRHEIT—DES—SUPREME—COURTS—BUSH [BGW968] zum Präsidenten machte und der 20010911             ,
20041027—20010911    —SEIT, "Die Lebenssituation in den USA hat sich für uns Muslime —SEIT BUSH [BGW968] s Wahl, vor allem aber DEM—ZIEMLICH verschlechtert",
20041027—20010911    —NACH, Denn diese —6—MONATE haben einem allerhand darüber gelehrt, wie AMERIKANISCHE—POLITIK in den Zeiten funktioniert.
20041027—20010911    —SEIT, "Die Lebenssituation in den USA hat sich für uns Muslime —SEIT Bush [BGW968] s Wahl, vor allem aber DEM—ZIEMLICH verschlechtert", sagt NABEEL—YOUSEF, Politikstudent an der GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITÄT.
20041028             —WORKED, WILL—BUNCH/PHILADELPHIA News -2—MEN who, extensively in THE—WRECKAGE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—CLAIM they helped FEDERAL—AGENTS find 3—OF—THE 4 "black boxes" from the jetliners that struck the towers on 20010911             — contradicting the official account.
20041028             1—FOOTNOTE to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT issued this —SUMMER flatly states: "THE—CVRS + FDRs from American 11 + United 175" - THE—2—PLANES that hit the Trade Center - "were not found".
20041028             Both the independent 20010911             Commission and FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES continue to insist that NONE—OF—THE—4—DEVICES - 1—COCKPIT voice recorder (CVR) and flight data recorder (FDR) from THE—2—PLANES—WERE ever found in the wreckage.
20041029             He claimed responsibility for 20040911             —THE attacks and claimed more violence is possible regardless of who wins THE—USA—ELECTIONS.
20041030             —WATCHED, In response to: I've, Fahrenheit 20010911             , FahrenHype 20010911             and more.
20041030             I'll agree that Fahrenheit 20010911             is worth watching;
20041030             —ALERTED, It is possible that Bush was, to 20010911             —THE attacks by this technology —WHILE READING to school children + that could account for his stare into space —WHILE listening;
20041030             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN warf Bush Selbstgefälligkeit während der Anschläge 20040911             —VOM, vor und verhöhnte ihn, weil er in einer Schule lieber Kindern zugehört habe, als sich um das Schicksal der Amerikaner in den Türmen des World Trade Center zu kümmern.
20041030             1., the Defense Department reminded us that OBL is still alive, and then THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN began pushing 20010911             in 1—BIG—WAY.
20041030             I won't be voting for BUSH and hope your readers won't either, but F-20010911             is hopefully not the basis for not doing so.
20041030—20040911    —SEIT—DEM, 1—JURISTEN—AUSSCHUSS stellt anlässlich der erfolgten Aufweichung des Folterverbots in den USA kategorisch fest: "Nichts hat dem AMERIKANISCHEN—RECHTSSTAAT so geschadet, wie die Legalisierung der Folter".
20041031             "USA will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead resulting from 1—ATTACK promised to dwarf 20010911             .
20041031             "And that Allah willing, the magnitude + ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about 20010911             .
20041031             —HAPPENED, HE—TRYING to explain why 20010911             , the idea and —WHEN it occurred to him + also telling THE—USA—PEOPLE—LOUD and clear that, unless they do something about it, AMERICA could be attacked again.
20041031             CARLSON: Octavia, you said that, in the tape, he explains why 20010911             happened.
20041031             What was his explanation for why 20010911             happened?
20041031             —COMPARED, HE—SAID to be fluent in English, and SOME—EXPERTS have, him to MOHAMMED—ATTA, considered 1—TOP—PLANNER—OF—20040911             —THE attacks.
20041031             Bush 'Told' Of Planned Strike —BEFORE 20010911             20041031             Impeach GEORGE—BUSH : Of course, I realize there's no chance Congress would impeach THE—PRESIDENT at this point or under almost ANY—CIRCUMSTANCE.
20041031             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: USA Can Avoid Another Attack : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, publicly injecting himself into the campaign —4—DAYS—AHEAD—OF—PRESIDENT—ELECTIONS, said in 1—VIDEOTAPE aired —FRIDAY that THE—USA can avoid another 20010911             attack if it stops threatening the security of Muslims.
20041031             Part of 20010911             Report Remains Unreleased; 1—INQUIRY—IS—BEGUN:
20041031             1—LAST—CHAPTER—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION by 20040911             —THE commission, 1—SUPPLEMENT completed MORE—THAN—2—MONTHS—AGO, has not yet been made public by they Justice Department + officials say it is unlikely to be released —BEFORE THE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION
20041031             the magnitude + ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about 20010911             .
20041031—20010911    —ON, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, that what took place was but the opening salvo of the global WAR—ON—USA,"
20041031—20010911    —ON, " People of USA, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + DOCTOR—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, that what took place was but the opening salvo of the global WAR—ON—USA,"
20041101             According to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT (p65) and AHMED—RASHID—TALIBAN, (p133), OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S 19960000             return to AFGHANISTAN was supported by the Nangarhar Shura in JALALABAD,
20041101             GEORGE—W—BUSH and THE—'POLITICS—OF—FEAR' : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH—RESPONSE to the terrorist attacks of 20010911             , has been 1—WORLD—WIDE—CAMPAIGN to kill or capture the Muslim ENEMIES—OF—AMERICA—HIS SO—CALLED "global WAR—ON—TERROR".
20041101             According to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT (p65) and AHMED—RASHID—TALIBAN, (p133), OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'S 19960000             return to AFGHANISTAN was supported by the Nangarhar Shura in JALALABAD, 1—LOCAL—COUNCIL—OF—ISLAM—LEADERS that was not aligned with either the Rabbani government in KABUL or THE—TALIBAN in KANDAHAR.
20041101             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH—RESPONSE to the terrorist attacks of 20010911             , has been 1—WORLD—WIDE—CAMPAIGN to kill or capture the Muslim ENEMIES—OF—AMERICA—HIS SO—CALLED "global WAR—ON—TERROR.
20041101             THE—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY—REDUX: Der 20040911             und die BUSH—DOKTRIN...
20041101—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Das Verhältnis zwischen indischen und USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN gilt als gespannt, weil die AMERIKANISCHEN—DIENSTE den Indern keinerlei Zugang zu ihren Informationen ERMÖGLICHTEN—SELBST wenn es um deren Belange ging, heißt es aus INDISCHEN—REGIERUNGSKREISEN.
20041101—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Das Verhältnis zwischen indischen und USA—GEHEIMDIENSTEN gilt als gespannt,
20041102             —ENDED, MISTER—SHELBY, this warning by saying that unless we get 1—BIT—OF "luck" + the attack can be detected + prevented, that another attack of 20010911             scale will be carried out.
20041102             Something is rising from the ashes of 20040911             : THE—SPECTRE—OF—QUESTIONS that will haunt our country —UNTIL answered.
20041103             P osted: 07:36 AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             1—SPAIN—JUDGE investigating suspected Islamic militants has drawn links between 20040911             —THE attacks, THE—MADRID train bombings and 1—PLOT to blow up the High Court.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             20041126—19990307    (19A) Smith,J. THE—IDEA—BROKERS.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030923         —AM USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival KERRY[KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030923         —AM USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival KERRY[KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030923         —AM USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] is preparing to declare RE—ELECTION—VICTORY even though Democratic rival KERRY[KFJ966] refused to concede as results in the key STATE—OF—OHIO remained uncertain.
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             20041110             Referring to the departing MISTER—ASHCROFT, McClellan said, "JOHN—ASHCROFT played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in hunting down abortion providers, medical marijuana smokers + euthanasia practitioners, all major threats to GOD—FEARING Americans. His failure to prevent or capture terrorists can be seen as all PART—OF—GOD—PLAN to allow 20010911             to happen, thus helping pave the way for USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] to be RE—ELECTED despite 1—OF—THE—MOST abysmal records in the last —CENTURY. Who knows, if JOHN—ASHCROFT had listened to whiners like RICHARD—CLARKE, 20010911             might have been averted and Kerry [KFJ966] or even AL—GORE might be PRESIDENT 20040120             ".
20041104             Während DIE—USA geschützt durch 2—OZEANE und gut organisierte POLIZEI—UND Sicherheitsdienste —NACH—DEM 20010911             weitere Terroranschläge erfolgreich abwehren konnten, gerät RUSSLAND mehr und mehr zu einem zentralen Schlachtfeld im KAMPF—GEGEN—MUSLIMISCHE Extremisten.
20041104—20010911    —SINCE, This charge has been fouling the atmosphere.
20041104—20010911    —SEIT, "Als sei AMERIKA als koloniales NEUENGLAND—DORF wieder aufgebaut worden".
20041106             —HEUTE MICHAEL—MOORE, POLIT—AKTIVIST + Satiriker ("Fahrenheit 20010911             "), veröffentlichte auf seiner
20041106             As 1—FINAL—NOTE, bush's strong point was 20010911             , why did 80—PERCENT—OF—NEW—YORK go against him?
20041106             Bush wasn't the hero of 20010911             like he claimed he was.
20041106—20010911    —IN, How to Vote for Peace, Against the Patriot Act + Win ELECTIONS—ONLY 1—USA—SENATOR had the courage + the commitment to civil liberties to vote against the Patriot Act THE—WEEKS—AFTER—THE—TERROR—ATTACKS—OF—POP quiz, quick, name that SENATOR!
20041108             And perhaps you could find out why Bush would wear 1—BULLET—PROOF vest —WHILE debating Kerry, testifying —BEFORE 20040911             —THE commission + lighting 1—MENORAH in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—EVEN though he wore —JUST 1—SHIRT (with ROLLED—UP sleeves) to address large crowds at 1—OUTDOOR—RALLY?
20041108             —AFTER THE—WTC and Pentagon lay in smoldering ruins, FBI agent Coleen Rowley wrote a 13—PAGE—LETTER to ROBERT—MUELLER chastising the agency for not arresting Moussaoui —PRIOR—TO 20010911             .
20041108             "Even —BEFORE 20040911             , the government was running COINTELPRO—STYLE—OPERATIONS against 1—COALITION—OF—RADICAL—LABOR, environmental, and human rights organizations opposed to corporate control of the global economy," writes JIM—REDDEN, author of
20041108             EX—BERATER—VON—BDOLE—RUMSFELD ) packte aus: die BUSH—CLIQUE ordnete den 20010911             ... RE: Das Projekt MKULTRA.— CIA—HABEN sie nichts anderes im Kopf?...
20041108—20010911    —SINCE, "We have increased the operational integration between THE—CIA and FBI ," noted Mueller in an FBI press release.
20041108—20010911    —SINCE, "From my daily —MORNING briefings with CIA officers and GEORGE—TENET to the widespread ASSIGNMENT—OF—EXECUTIVES, Agents, and analysts between THE—2—AGENCIES, THE—FBI and THE—CIA have become integrated at virtually EVERY—LEVEL—OF our operations".
20041109—20010911    —AM, Card war es auch, der dem Präsidenten die Nachricht über den Terroranschlag in NEW—YORK überbrachte.
20041110             Ashcroft, der als Vertreter der christlichen Rechten im Kabinett saß und als entschlossener Verfechter der umstrittenen ANTI—TERROR—MAßNAHMEN —NACH—DEM 20010911             bekannt wurde, erklärte in seinem handschriftlichen Rücktrittsgesuch, 1—GEWÄHRLEISTUNG—DER—SICHERHEIT vor Terror und Verbrechen sei erreicht worden.
20041110             Die späteren Piloten der entführten Flugzeuge 20010911             —VOM, um MOHAMMED—ATTA seien zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht eingeweiht gewesen, sondern waren laut Fromm nur allgemein zur Teilnahme am Dschihad entschlossen.
20041110             Dass die Anschläge nicht in DEUTSCHLAND geplant worden seien, habe mittlerweile aber auch der offizielle Untersuchungsbericht zum 20010911             festgestellt, betonte Fromm.
20041110             And in foolishly backing him, Americans have given THE—GO—AHEAD for more unilateral PRE—EMPTIVE strikes, more world instability and most probably another 20010911             .
20041110             Bush Watch Site, OSCAR—OPEN to Fahrenheit 20010911             , Snubs THE—PASSION—IN 1—MOVE that may incite the nation's evangelical core, Mel GIBSON—THE—PASSION—OF—THE—CHRIST will not be considered for 1—ACADEMY—AWARD—NOMINATION in the Foreign Language category.
20041110             Ashcroft, whose greatest claim to fame was the musical composition and rendition of "—WHEN the Eagle Soars" featured in Fahrenheit 20010911             failed to catch 1—SINGLE—AL—QAEDA terrorist in over —4—YEARS in office.
20041110             Referring to the departing MISTER—ASHCROFT, McClellan said, "JOHN—ASHCROFT played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in hunting down abortion providers, medical marijuana smokers + euthanasia practitioners, all major threats to GOD—FEARING Americans. His failure to prevent or capture terrorists can be seen as all PART—OF—GOD—PLAN to allow 20010911             to happen, thus helping pave the way for USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968] to be RE—ELECTED despite 1—OF—THE—MOST abysmal records in the last —CENTURY. Who knows, if JOHN—ASHCROFT had listened to whiners like RICHARD—CLARKE, 20010911             might have been averted and Kerry [KFJ966] or even AL—GORE might be PRESIDENT 20040120             "
20041110             Limbaugh: "Nobody ever said there was" 1—CONNECTION between IRAQ, 20010911             attacks
20041110—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, In den USA gilt ansonsten die Warnstufe gelb mit Ausnahme von NEW—YORK, wo vor vielen Gebäuden ein erhöhtes Aufgebot an Sicherheitskräften präsent ist.
20041113             "I've testified —BEFORE 20010911             —THE commission and THE—SHELBY—GOSS [congressional] commissions.
20041113             He criticized the administration for not —IMMEDIATELY responding against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks.
20041113             —NOW, Congress is debating the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission.
20041113—20010911    —AFTER, "I've presented this information to 2—INVESTIGATOR—GENERAL—STUDIES—BEFORE 20010911             and to 2—IG [Inspector GENERAL] studies inside our building ," Scheuer said in 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW.
20041113—20010911    —SINCE, MANY—RESPECTS, his MINI—REVOLT is —JUST the most visible sign of 1—TENSION that has existed between THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—CIA almost
20041122             —BY blocking legislation to reform USA—INTELLIGENCE in the light of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20041122             —FAILED, She had, at EVERY—IMPORTANT—TASK as NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER, pointedly neglecting TERROR—ISM —BEFORE 20010911             enthusiastically parroting the false claim that Saddam had 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME,
20041122—20010911    —ON, Republicans snub Bush [BGW968] reforms
20041127—20010000    —IN, As 1—REPUBLICAN congressman MISTER—GOSS was 1—FEROCIOUS—CRITIC—OF—THE—AGENCY, particularly for its failure to spot THE—19—AL—QAIDA hijackers who made their way into THE—USA —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks + for its inability to track down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20041128             But in the post-20010911             world, Lockheed has become more than —JUST the biggest corporate cog in what Dwight D. Eisenhower called THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX.
20041128             It contains SOME—FASCINATING 1.—HAND ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20040911              as recounted by operating engineers on the scene.
20041129             O'Rourke: Neocongress To 20010911             Widows: Drop Dead!
20041129             USA—DEFENCE—SALES—BOOM in SOUTH—ASIA : THE—USA—DEFENCE—SALES have shown robust growth in INDIA and PAKISTAN, 2—NUCLEAR armed rivals in SOUTH—ASIA, in the post 20010911             security environment.
20041129             2—NUCLEAR armed rivals in SOUTH—ASIA, in the post 20010911             security environment.
20041130             Such is the arrogance of double standards in the post-20040911             world.
20041130             —RECENTLY revealed documents, show that THE—FBI may have been 1—FEW phone calls away 20010911             —FROM—THE—PLOT 20010800             —IN late-.
20041130—20010911    —FROM—THE, 20041130             20010911             Phone Calls FBI Says It Never Made —RECENTLY revealed documents, show that THE—FBI may have been 1—FEW phone calls away plot 20010800             —IN late-.
20041201             Verschwörungstheorien um die Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, sind in den USA populärer denn je.
20041203             FALLUJAH's 20010911             : USA Used Weaponsof Mass Destruction Covering Up USA—WAR—CRIMES In IRAQ
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041203             DATE=20010911             /01
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041203             —VERHINDERT, Geheilte Hunde: Flüssiger Kunststoff, Querschnittslähmung
20041203             DANIEL + MEESE, EDWIN + WEYRICH, PAUL + WHITEHEAD, DATE=20010911             /01
20041203             FALLUJAH's 20010911             : USA Used Weaponsof Mass Destruction
20041203             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041203             INTERVIEW—MIT—FIRMENJÄGER—GUY—WYSER—PRATTE: INTERVIEW—WITH—MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN
20041204             The photo above is 1—SECTION—OF—1—LARGER photo taken on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              by Corporal JASON—INGERSOLL—OF—THE—MARINE—CORPS photo lab.
20041204             See section III of my article, "THE—4—RIDERS—OF—20010911             —THE—APOCALYPSE" at:
20041204             If ELIOT—SPITZER—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION—MOVES—FORWARD, THIS—THE—LORAL—SECRET—OF—20010911             — may turn out to be 1—OF—THE—CLUES.
20041204             —ROUSED, Our suspicion got, that there was missile guidance stuff on the roof of neighboring skyscrapers and this TELL—TALE equipment was —LATER on the afternoon of 20010911             blown up to destroy it.
20041204             THIS—THE—LORAL—SECRET—OF—20010911             — may turn out to be 1—OF—THE—CLUES.
20041204—20010911    —ON, p.m. info from E—MAILS):
20041204—20010911    —ON, Furthermore, Schwartz was and is 1—KEY—ADVISOR to the Blackstone Group who are main financiers of LARRY—SILVERSTEIN, THE—LEASEHOLDER—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER +
20041205             Kerik hatte bei den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             die Rettungsmaßnahmen am eingestürzten World Trade Center geleitet.
20041205             —SHOWED, The events of 20010911             , this nearly perfectly, uncovering the typical CIA modus operandi.
20041205             THE—LONG—TERM—AIM—OF—20010911              is to embark the world into 1—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20041205             —FROM Tchetchenya over SAUDI—ARABIA to MADRID spans 1—BIG—NET—OF—CIA—INDUCED terrorism and consequent media lies, —FOLLOWING the same recipe as 20010911             and all other historic CIA interventions.
20041205             —JUST like He did on20010911             + —JUST as He does over the thousands that are dying in IRAQ.
20041205             —FOLLOWING the same recipe as 20010911             and all other historic CIA interventions.
20041205—20010911    —ON, THE—BUILDER of our city and THE—AUTHOR—OF—OUR freedom has stood beside us, —JUST like He did + —JUST as He does over the thousands that are dying in IRAQ.
20041206             Energetic exploiter of 20010911             tragedy may be named —TODAY to take TOM—RIDGE—JOB as HEAD—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20041206             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041206             GIDEON—LEVY: Suffer the little children:
20041206             Kerik nomination is 1—TICKING time bomb : Energetic exploiter of 20010911             tragedy may be named —TODAY to take TOM—RIDGE—JOB as HEAD—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20041206             JFK, 20010911             + THE—REAL—AMERICA: Tying it All Together In EUROPE, however, THE—CIA—MOST deranged ANTI—LEFTIST—TERROR—TACTICS were actually implemented... Operation " Stay Behind ";
20041206             —RECENTLY revealed documents, show that THE—FBI may have been 1—FEW phone calls away 20010911             —FROM—THE—PLOT
20041206             Inside the Clouds of 20010911             20041206             20041206             20010911             Truth Factions
20041206—20010911    —FROM—THE..20041206             —RECENTLY revealed documents, show that THE—FBI may have been 1—FEW phone calls away plot
20041206—20010911    Phone Calls FBI Says It Never Made
20041206—20010911    Truth Factions
20041207—20010911    verdict favors leaseholder
20041210             Re: Foreign INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY attack warnings -- 20010911             20061210—20010911    —AM, aufgenommen ]
20041211—20010911    —AFTER, which was CREATED—TO improve coordination + protection against FUTURE terrorist attacks.
20041211—20010911    —AFTER, sent Bush —BACK—IN search of 1—NOMINEE to head the sprawling Homeland Security Department, which was CREATED—TO improve coordination + protection against future terrorist attacks.
20041215             Think of 20010911             —THE investigations.
20041215—20010911    —ON, 1 must acknowledged the evidence: it is impossible that THE—ATTACK—AGAINST—THE—PENTAGON killing 125—PERSONS, was carried out by 1—JET airliner.
20041216—20010911    —ON, Lucio, the infamous HEAD—OF—THE P2 masonic lodge... MORE—THAN—2,500° Celsius within the building + to have... impossible that THE—ATTACK—AGAINST—THE—PENTAGON
20041217             that is 20010911             —THE, COMMISSION—HEARINGS for ,
20041219—20010911    The remote control THEORY—OF—LOOKS 1—LITTLE—BETTER—EVERY—DAY.
20041221             Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF—20010911            , by Chaim Kupferberg THERE—SOMETHING—ABOUT—OMAR:
20041222             Post-20010911             Mergers Brought Problems (washingtonpost_com)... —AFTER THE—CANCELLATION—OF—THE—MERGER, THOMAS—J—JURKOWSKY, 1—LOCKHEED spokesman, said it was not 1—DECISION the company's executives took lightly.
20041222             Post-20010911             Mergers Brought Problems (washingtonpost com)...
20041225             —JUST weeks 20040809             /11—RESEARCHER—NICO—HAUPT released the long awaited final chapter in his exhaustive research into pre-20010911             —WARGAMES and terror drills.
20041226             —HEADLINES—RUMMY DISCUSSES SHOT DOWN PLANE—OF—20010911             .01
20041226             —JUST as WASHINGTON has lamented its failure to prevent the attacks of 20010911             , the attackers, too, likely feel pangs of regret.
20041226             They Tried to Warn Us: Foreign Intelligence Warnings —BEFORE 20010911             :
20041226             —FINISHED, THE—CONGRESSIONAL—JOINT—INQUIRY into 20010911             is —NOW, but the findings that have been released fail to mention ANY—WARNINGS from foreign governments.
20041226             —ASKED, But —WHEN, for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, "evidence linking these Israelis to 20010911             is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information".
20041226             HEADLINES—RUMMY DISCUSSES SHOT DOWN PLANE—OF—20010911              Surprise Trip for DONALD—RUMSFELD ;
20041226—20010911    —SINCE, "Everything has changed, so there is 1—DIFFERENT—CONTEXT in which this inauguration is being planned".
20041226—20010911    —IN—THE, There is no indication that the Israelis were involved attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance + not shared it.
20041228             much chatter was made on the net previous to + regarding 911 20010911             ,
20041228             —JUST 1—GUESS on my part but i would have to say that if this much chatter was made on the net previous to + regarding 20010911             , there is 1—GOOD—CHANCE the Zionistas would have had 2. thoughts about going ahead with the operation. jmo
20041228             —JUST 1—GUESS on my part but i would have to say that if this much chatter was made on the net previous to + regarding 20010911             ,
20041228—20010911    RUMSFELD liefert neues VERSCHWÖRUNGS—MATERIAL
20041229             Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF—20010911             ...
20041229—20010911    Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF.. CLINTON; + that the ISRAELis stole the sophisticated PROMIS—SOFTWARE, which eventually 1—BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Khalid bin Mahfouz, was reported.
20050101             PHILIP—ZELIKOW, der ehemalige DIREKTOR—DES—WICHTIGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Kongress über die Hintergründe des 20010911             20050101             Denn so, wie die Dinge —JETZT liegen, sagt Scheuer, hat "der KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS noch gar nicht richtig begonnen".
20050101—20010911    PHILIP—ZELIKOW, der ehemalige DIREKTOR—DES—WICHTIGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Kongress über die Hintergründe DES
20050102             PHILIP—ZELIKOW, der ehemalige DIREKTOR—DES—WICHTIGSTEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Kongress über die Hintergründe des 20010911             20050102             Für Scheuer gibt es keinen Weg zurück.
20050103             Professor DEWDNEY—ALTERNATIVE scenario suggests 20010911             was an...
20050103             TruthIsAll (3705—POSTS) Jan-20-03 The strange case of the missing 20010911             interceptors... The missing interceptors: It has been standard...
20050103             The strange case of 20010911             —THE cell phone calls. in Lobby/Latest GENERAL—DISCUSSION—FORUM (Protected).
20050108—20010911    —FROM, THE—LEFT—COASTER: —NOW We Know Why Kissinger Resigned...
20050110             What Do 20010911             & HEAVEN—GATE—HAVE—IN—COMMON?... - Political FRIENDSTER—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI
20050110             What Do 20010911             & HEAVEN—GATE—HAVE—IN—COMMON?
20050112             Klage gegen Motassadeq: 20010911             —HINTERBLIEBENE fordern Schadenersatz
20050113             POLAND, 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW that allows authorities to shoot down hijacked planes as 1—LAST—RESORT took effect, PART—OF—EFFORTS to protect the country from attacks similar to those of 20050911             .
20050113             Fiscal POR—USA, 20010911             : "NI RIRE NI PLEURER, MAIS
20050113             Actualites USA, 20010911             : "NI RIRE NI PLEURER, MAIS... ont été fabriquées par l'entreprise Expal, dont des... M.
20050113             Re: Foreign INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY attack warnings -- 20010911             Studley PRESIDENT—OF—GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION—BARBARA—G—FAST—SENIOR intelligence officer in IRAQ BARBARA—LEE—USA—HOUSE—REPRESENTATIVE...
20050113—20000900    —SINCE, Ghali Hassan: ISRAEL—FORGOTTEN—TSUNAMI : THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has killed more unarmed Palestinians civilians than Americans † 20010911             —IN attacks.
20050113—20010911    —ON.. impossible that THE—ATTACK—AGAINST—THE—PENTAGON 20050113             Spitting Image: 20040600             Archives -
20050114             —KRITISIERT, Die 1. Lady habe ihn etwa, als er 20050911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, versprach, den TOP—TERRORISTEN OSAMA—BIN—LADEN "tot oder lebendig" zu fassen.
20050115             HAMBURG—IM Hamburger TERRORPROZESS—GEGEN—DEN mutmaßlichen Mitverschwörer der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, hat das Hanseatische Oberlandesgericht nach Informationen des SPIEGEL im Computer des Angeklagten vielsagende Dateien gefunden.
20050118—20010911    8—TERRORANKLAGEN in SPANIEN
20050122             THE—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY—REDUX: Der 20050911             und die BUSH—DOKTRIN.
20050123             —JUST moments —BEFORE 1—VOTE, HOUSE—SPEAKER—DENNIS—HASTERT pulled THE—INTELLIGENCE—REFORM—BILL from the floor — this bill is the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission, our country's main response to 20010911             .
20050123             FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—JUDGE—MICHAEL—CHERTOFF—TIES to the financiers of 20050911             —THE attacks may prevent his confirmation as Homeland Security CHIEF.
20050123—20010911    —SINCE, In his inaugural speech, BUSH vowed to end tyranny —AROUND the world but has he forgotten that 1—OF—HIS—NEW—BEST—FRIENDS boils people alive?
20050123—20010911    —SINCE, Our Presidents New Best Friend Boils People Alive : In his inaugural speech, Bush vowed to end tyranny —AROUND the world but has he forgotten that 1—OF—HIS—NEW—BEST—FRIENDS boils people alive?
20050125             Blindsided? 20050911             and the Origins of Strategic Surprise
20050125             Details zum 20050911             : "Das muss die Hölle gewesen sein"
20050125             —FILED, GARZON—ORDER—ON—THURSDAY was in 1—RESPONSE to 1—REQUEST, with his court last 20040700             by SPAIN—ATTORNEY—JUAN—GARCES on BEHALF—OF—MANY—ALLEGED—VICTIMS—OF—PINOCHET—REGIME, from 19730911—19900000.
20050125—20010911    —AFTER, ".. of directive granting full or partial immunity to USA—INTERROGATORS—WHICH is 1—POSSIBLE—INTERPRETATION—OF what THE—CIA supposedly requested from THE—WHITE—HOUSE shortly :
20050125—20010911    —AFTER, ".. THE—FORMER—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said THE—CIA "was prepared to get more aggressive and RE—LEARN old skills, but only with explicit assurances from the top that they were doing so with the.".
20050126             MANY—TIMES over that PROMIS ' unique abilities > GUILTY FOR 20010911             911 20010911             ;;09;;.
20050126             —DOMINATED, The new BUSH cabinet is, to 1—EVEN greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 20010911             ,
20050126             the new head ´Homeland Security´, played 1—LEADING role in drafting USA ´ANTI—TERROR´ laws —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              that removed basic freedoms from THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20050126             Re: How THE—NSA, CIA and FBI uses Promis + Echelon stock... PROMIS from its developers, the Inslaw group, which... MANY—TIMES over that Promis ' unique abilities > GUILTY FOR 20010911             911 20010911             20110911             th of —SEPTEMBER : BUSH, RUMSFELD, MYERS ?
20050126             —DOMINATED, The new Bush cabinet is, to 1—EVEN greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 20010911             , the invasions of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ + the removal of basic human freedoms.
20050126             In the new ATTORNEY—GENERAL, ALBERTO—GONZALES, we have 1—MAN with 1—CRIMINAL disregard for human rights and civil liberties + MICHAEL—CHERTOFF, the new head ´Homeland Security´, played 1—LEADING role in drafting USA ´ANTI—TERROR´ laws —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              that removed basic freedoms from THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20050126             ".. N20041221             20050126             200312110124. - ".. N20041221             20050323             Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch, 20011221             ...+ the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ).
20050128             XASA—RE: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS...
20050128             "Our ILL—ADVISED presence in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and our —DECADE—LONG—BOMBING—OF—IRAQ served only to incite the suicidal attacks of 20010911             . " Continued
20050128             Re: 20050911             --Islamic Jihad or Another Northwoods?... that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA > GOVERNMENT—STAGED Hegelian dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:]-> 1. GLADIO was also known as Operation Stay Behind.
20050128             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS... the other that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED—HEGELIAN dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:) 1. GLADIO was also known as Operation Stay Behind.
20050128             UseNet Discussion Groups...the other that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED—HEGELIAN dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:] 1. GLADIO was also known as Operation Stay Behind.
20050130             Bush Officials to 'Reach Out' to 20010911             Terrorists
20050130             Bush Admin. met w/ 20010911             Conspirators —AFTER attack
20050130             Terrorist Who Trained Hijackers + Knew of 20010911             Plot Released by USA..
20050130             AP: FBI agent gave confidential details of 20010911             investigation to 20010911             suspect Amr Elgindy...
20050130             Possible Disciplinary action for CIA—TENET stemming from Pre-20010911             Efforts...
20050130             Our NATIONAL—SECURITY, global peace and stability + the defense and PROMOTION—OF—FREEDOM in the post-20010911             world require 1—LARGER—MILITARY—FORCE than we have —TODAY.
20050130             IMPORTANT—BUSH Officials to 'Reach Out' to 20010911             Terrorists > Bush Admin. met w/ 20010911             Conspirators —AFTER attack
20050130             Another 20010911             Suspect with ties to S—DIEGO—BASED—HIJACKERS released by USA..
20050130             NEO—CONS—CALLS—FOR—INCREASING—USA—GROUND—FORCES : Our NATIONAL—SECURITY, global peace and stability + the defense and PROMOTION—OF—FREEDOM in the post-20010911             world require 1—LARGER—MILITARY—FORCE than we have —TODAY.
20050130             War and GLOBALIZATION—THE—TRUTH—BEHIND 20050911             20050130             USA—ARMED, Promoted Accused 20050911             Terrorist Mastermind
20050131             TruthLiesBackdrop — 20010911             Review...
20050131             TruthLiesBackdrop — 20010911             Review... that the domestic aspect of this worldwide fraud would only singe the toes of 2—WELL—CONNECTED, designated PATSIES—CLARK—CLIFFORD + ROBERT—ALTMAN.
20050131             911 20010911             ... should ask Kean: 1) As 1—HESS—OIL—BOARD—MEMBER, —DURING—THE—HESS—DELTA—JOINT—VENTURE, what relationship did you have with Delta OIL—KHALID—BIN—MAHFOUZ +/or..
20050200             JUDGE—CONSIDERS—DECLASSIFYING 20010911             Report on THE—FBI.
20050201             hearing on the report of the National Commission on TERROR—ISM, which warned about THE—TERROR—IST threat we —NOW face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of which were adopted —PRIOR—TO 20010911             )
20050201             Among the most notable of those he missed is 20000608             —THE, hearing on the report of the National Commission on TERROR—ISM, which warned about THE—TERROR—IST threat we —NOW face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of which were adopted —PRIOR—TO 20010911             /01)
20050201             Among the most NOTABLE—OF—THOSE he missed is 20000608             —THE, hearing on THE—REPORT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION on TERROR—ISM, which warned about THE—TERROR—IST threat we —NOW face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of which were adopted —PRIOR—TO 20010911             )
20050201             hearing on the report of the National Commission on Terrorism, which warned about the terrorist threat we —NOW face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of which were adopted —PRIOR—TO 20010911             )
20050201             Among the most NOTABLE—OF—THOSE he missed is 20000608             —THE, hearing on THE—REPORT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION on Terrorism, which warned about the terrorist threat we —NOW face and recommended numerous steps to address that threat (few of which were adopted —PRIOR—TO 20010911             )
20050201—20050911    —GEWESEN, Zeugenaussage: TERROR—HELFER soll in AFGHANISTAN, sein
20050202             AL—QAEDA—PLAN to Crash Airplane into Pentagon - 20010911             AL—QAEDA—PLAN to Crash Airplane into Pentagon : Sociology and PSYCHOLOGY—OF—TERROR—ISM—REPORT... aircraft packed with explosives into the Pentagon.
20050202—20010911    —AM, KURZ—NACH—DEN TERROR—ANGRIFFEN auf das World Trade Center und das Pentagon schrieb CHURCHILL einen Essay, der sich
20050203             —CONTRACTED, Tully was, —AFTER 20050911             —THE tragedy to re move the debris from the site.
20050203—20050911    —ON, Seismographs at COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—LAMONT—DOHERTY—EARTH—OBSERVATORY in PALISADES—NEW—YORK, 21—MILES—NORTH—OF—THE—WTC, recorded strange seismic activity that has still not been explained.
20050204             WTC 19930000             +20010911             verantwortlich gemacht wird;
20050206             Joining Up THE—DOTS—TO 20010911             —THE—SUSPECTS
20050206             THE—DARK—KNIGHTS—OF—20010911             —THE—CLEANUP—JOB
20050206             Donahue Interview-- 20010911             FORBIDDEN Truth Author
20050210             As time passes it is beginning to appear that PROMIS is literally what made possible not only 20010911             but everything that has followed —SINCE + what is being planned.
20050211             Ward CHURCHILL : I mourn all 20010911             victims : The comments by Ward CHURCHILL came as the university backed off from canceling his —TUESDAY night speech.
20050211             Calls 20010911             world's biggest CONSPIRACY—SAYS it may not be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20050211             Court to decide access to 20010911             tapes : At issue —BEFORE THE—COURT—OF—APPEALS is access to tapes of 911—CALLS, Fire Department dispatches and TRANSCRIPTS—OF—INTERVIEWS with HUNDREDS—OF—FIREFIGHTERS who responded on THE—DAY—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20050211             —TRIED, Bush team, to suppress 20010911             —PRE—REPORT into AL—QAIDA : The report, withheld from the public —FOR—MONTHS, warned USA—AIRPORTS that if "THE—INTENT—OF—THE—HIJACKER is not to exchange hostages for prisoners but to commit suicide in 1—SPECTACULAR—EXPLOSION, 1—DOMESTIC hijacking would probably be preferable".
20050211—20010911    —FROM—THE, Report: USA—AVIATION—OFFICIALS Received Warnings About Hijackings —BEFORE 20010911             : In the months —BEFORE 20050911             —THE attacks, FEDERAL—AVIATION—OFFICIALS reviewed DOZENS—OF—INTELLIGENCE—REPORTS that warned about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and AL—QAIDA, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations, according to 1—PREVIOUSLY undisclosed report commission.
20050211—20010911    —IN—THE, Bungled Sting Operation 1—FACTOR—ATTACK?
20050211—20010911    —AM, KEINER—DER—HINWEISE deutete direkt auf die Anschläge hin.
20050213             Conspiracy : 20010911             — Alleged Coverups.
20050213             Northwoods To 20010911             ::: Was 20010911             THE—RESURFACING—OF—OPERATION..
20050214             Post Comment... —BEFORE that, the stock market crash from the faked "terrorist" attacks of 20010911             .—BEFORE that, the Savings & Loans scandal.
20050215             Mahmood Ahmed, extending his WASHINGTON visit because of 20010911             —THE attacks...
20050216             Tumbe Politiker zerstören die Erde.. 20020911             , Säbelrasseln: USA—ARMY verlegt PERSIEN—ZENTRALKOMMANDO—VON—FLORIDA nach KATAR.Auf den Spuren eines Milliardärs.
20050217             Die Schaffung des Postens war eine zentrale Empfehlung der Kommission zur Untersuchung der Anschläge vom 20010911             .
20050217             Die Schaffung des Postens war eine zentrale Empfehlung der Kommission zur Untersuchung der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM.
20050218             ROBERT—SCHEER: What We Don't Know About 20010911             Hurts Us:
20050218             He accurately relates THE—CRIMES—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT against defenceless people like THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE to the crimes of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20050218             —DIVIDED, The world has been, into 2—CAMPS—AFTER 20010911             —THE terror attacks on THE—USA—THOSE who fear global TERROR—ISM + those who fear THE—USA—EMPIRE,
20050218             Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in atomaren Anlagen wurden —NACH—DEN TERROR—ANGRIFFEN 20010911             —VOM, erhöht.
20050218             ROBERT—SCHEER: What We Don't Know About 20010911             Hurts Us : Not —SINCE—THE—SOVIETS 1. detonated 1—ATOMIC—BOMB—MORE than HALF—1—CENTURY—AGO has 1—SINGLE—EVENT so affected DECISION—MAKING in this country, yet the main questions as to how and why it happened remain mostly unanswered.
20050218             y - World caught between terror and USA empire' : The world has been divided into 2—CAMPS—AFTER 20010911             —THE terror attacks on THE—USA—THOSE who fear global TERROR—ISM + those who fear THE—USA—EMPIRE, says WELL—KNOWN JAPAN—PROFESSOR—KIICHI Fujiwara.
20050218—20010911    —ON, than fiction: 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION :
20050218—20010911    —ON, Authentic Journalism : Articles + Links... than fiction: 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION : ;... Does this Skynet Blog seem to violate the Terms and Conditions of this...
20050221—20050911    —AFTER, Transatlantic Relations ,
20050223             What THE—CIA—NAZI—FILES—CAN—TELL—USA—ABOUT—IRAQ : —SINCE the attacks of 20010911             , THE—USA—PUBLIC has endured 1—ASTOUNDING AVALANCHE—OF—OFFICIAL lies, half truths, PSEUDO—EVENTS and sheer balderdash that will surely enter the Guinness BOOK—OF—RECORDS.
20050223—20050911    —ON, THE—JUSTICE—OF—ROOSTING—CHICKENS: Ward CHURCHILL Speaks : Professor CHURCHILL, do you think that the World Trade Center was 1—ACCEPTABLE—TARGET ?
20050224             Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums -> 20010911             conspiracy/seismic...
20050224             —ASKED, COVER—UP: 20050911             AFP, Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
20050224             Lets Roll! 911—MADE Simple - 20010911             THE—EXPLOSIVE...
20050224             USA—FREE—PRESS—NEWS—FEBRUARY 20050000             Loizeaux said molten steel was also found at WTC 7, which collapsed mysteriously at about 5:20 in the afternoon of 20010911             .
20050224             (AFP) - Demolition, the truth of 20010911             .. Center.
20050224             —FIRED, Edmonds is suing THE—FBI, claiming she was, for bringing to light these PROBLEMS—WHICH have been identified by several inquiries as significant contributing factors to the success of 20050911             —THE plot.
20050224—20010911    —ON, Secret CIA Site in NEW—YORK Was Destroyed MARK—LOIZEAUX, PRESIDENT—OF—CONTROLLED—DEMOLITION, INCORPORATED (CDI) of PHOENIX, Md., said molten steel was also found at 7—WTC.
20050226             Die Orwellsche Vision zieht —SEIT—DEM, New Yorker 20010911             am Horizont auf + beginnt in den Gesellschaften,
20050226             But not ALL—OF—THE—EYE—WITNESSES to 20010911             —THE slaughter were so saddened.
20050226             —BEFORE we begin to piece together what really transpired 20010911             —ON ,
20050226             Die POLITIK—DES—STAATES ziehlt dann auf die Minimierung des Datenschutzes, der Privatsphäre und der informationellen Selbsbestimmung.
20050227             EIRNA—STUDIE: 20050911             : Die Lüge aus Staatsräson... 20010911             Lyndon H.
20050227—20010911    Lyndon H.
20050227—20010911    LaRouche Die Untersuchung planen 1—REIHE grundlegender
20050228             Seymour Hersh's "CHAIN—OF—COMMAND" is 1—STUNNING EXPOSE—OF—THE—MISMANAGEMENT, mendacity and misconduct behind THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + military in relation to 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks + the wars in AFGHANISTAN + IRAQ.
20050228             who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20010911             .
20050301             Torture : Post 20010911             , the interrogation methods THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION are using in their 'WAR—ON—TERROR' are said by human rights groups to be nothing short of illegal torture.
20050301             Or is anything and everything O.K. in post-20010911             AMERICA?
20050301             TP: Willkommen im BÜRO—VON—DONALD—RUMSFELD—IN dieselbe RICHTUNG—DROGEN, GELDWÄSCHE—DEUTET auch 1—DER—WHISTLEBLOWER—DES 20010911             ,die ehemalige FBI—ÜBERSETZERIN [extern] Sibel Edmonds, der vom...
20050301             —AM FALL—DER—EHEMALIGEN—FBI—ÜBERSETZERIN—SIBEL—EDMONDS, die ihre Behörde im Zusammenhang mit dem 20010911             wegen Inkompetenz.
20050301             Die AUSSAGEN—DER—EHEMALIGEN—FBI—ÜBERSETZERIN—SIBEL—EDMONDS, die —NACH—DEM 20010911             ...
20050301—20010911    —VOR, FBI—ÜBERSETZERIN—SIBEL—EDMONDS: USA—REGIERUNG hatte spezifische Warnungen!... KALLE—BACHMANN, Laut der FBI—ÜBERSETZERIN Sibel Edmonds verfügte das FBI über umfangreiche + zT spezifische Warnungen bezüglich Ort + Zeit + Methode...
20050302             THE—TESTIMONY—OF—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—SECURITY—ADVISOR—RICHARD—CLARKE to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION is —NOW thoroughly vindicated.
20050303             EXPRESSO Online...Ainda o 20010911             Coverup at Ground 0: Selling Out the Investigation by BILL—MANNING—FIRE—ENGINEERING—MAGAZINE, 20020100    25...
20050304             Microsoft POWERPOINT—ATAQUES terroristas de 20010911             ;
20050305             Whistleblower, Prior Knowledge of 20010911             ... SAM—COHEN, 1—USA nuclear weapons expert credited with inventing the neutron bomb.
20050305             WHY? THE—DEEPER—HISTORY behind 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks...the primary DESIGNERS—OF—POST—WWII. covert actions...
20050305             THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—RESPONSE to 20010911             was to push through the most repressive SERIES—OF—LAWS—SINCE the Alien and Sedition Acts, —STARTING with the "PATRIOT Act" + its successors — making it possible for USA—CITIZENS to be held without charges, without public evidence, without trial
20050305             —SHOWED, —LAST—MONTH 1—HARRIS poll, that 64—PER cent of Americans believe SADDAM—HUSSEIN had strong links to AL—QAEDA, that 47—PER cent believe Saddam helped plan and support 20010911             —THE attacks + that 44—PER cent believe several of 20010911             —THE hijackers were Iraqis
20050306             the post- 20010911             immigration crackdown on Mexicans...cannot justify widespread wiretaps + INTERNET surveillance without... We cannot justify 1—GOVERNMENT which takes..
20050306             Cowlix: WAR—ON—TERROR—ARCHIVES... the post- 20010911             immigration crackdown on Mexicans...cannot justify widespread wiretaps + INTERNET surveillance without... We cannot justify 1—GOVERNMENT which takes.. /
20050309             Page 1. 1 ...BUSH, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, 20010911             ... AMERICA BETRAYED
20050309             BUSH, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, 20010911             .....AIDs, ANTHRAX, IRAQ... Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. Page 2. 2—AMERICA BETRAYED...
20050309             Re: These facts about 20010911             —THE frameup ATTACK—ON—THE—PENTAGON can...
20050309             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS...
20050309             JFK, 20010911             + THE—REAL—AMERICA: Tying it All Together...
20050309             Darin hatte der ETHNOLOGIE—PROFESSOR aus Boulder die Opfer des 20010911             mit dem NAZI—VERBRECHER Eichmann verglichen.
20050309             AMERICA BETRAYED PAGE 1. 1 ...Bush, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, 20010911             ... AMERICA BETRAYED...BUSH, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, 20010911             .....AIDs, ANTHRAX, IRAQ... Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. Page 2. 2—AMERICA BETRAYED...
20050309             Re: These facts about 20010911             —THE frameup ATTACK—ON—THE—PENTAGON can... In EUROPE, however, THE—CIA—MOST deranged ANTI—LEFTIST > terror tactics were actually implemented... > > Operation " Stay Behind ";
20050309             Milli Gazete ONLINE—TOPLUM -... Ilk basta adi 'Geri Destek Operasyonu' ( Operation " Stay Behind ") olan bu gerilla ordulari sebekesi, bir Sovyet isgali durumunda cephe gerisinde... THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS...
20050309             the other that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED—HEGELIAN dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:) 1. GLADIO was also known as Operation Stay Behind.
20050309             Re: 20050911             --Islamic Jihad or Another Northwoods?
20050309             XASA—RE: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STAGED 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS... that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA > GOVERNMENT—STAGED Hegelian dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:) > > > 1. GLADIO was also known as Operation Stay Behind.
20050309             that 20010911             —THE attacks were 1—USA > GOVERNMENT—STAGED Hegelian dialectic/PsyOps from start to finish:) > > > 1. GLADIO was also known as OPERATION STAY BEHIND.
20050309—20010911    —AM, STEIN—DES—ANSTOSSES war 1—AUFSATZ, den CHURCHILL KURZ—NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen von NEW—YORK und WASHINGTON verfasst hatte.
20050311             MANY—PEOPLE—NOW considering the real possibillity that 20010911             —---- NO—757—HIT the Pentagon.
20050311             bizarre coincidence, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY was planning 1—EXERCISE last 20050911             in which 1—ERRANT aircraft would crash into 1—OF—ITS—BUILDINGS.
20050311             Snip... Adding to the coincidence, USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77 - the Boeing 767—THAT was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. On 20010911             — —50—MINUTES—BEFORE the exercise was to begin.
20050311             Newsletter... 20010911             —FORMER 20010911             Commissioners Seek Revised Aviation Security Report... + consultants should attend THE—USA—WATER—WORKS—ASSOCIATION 20050000             Water...
20050311—20010911    -Former 20010911             Commissioners Seek Revised Aviation Security Report
20050314             Justice DEPARTMENT—OPPOSES—BID to Revive Case Against FBI :: 20010911             20050315—20010911    —AFTER—EMMA BONINO—GLOBALIZATION, HUMAN RIGHTS + DEMOCRACY...
20050317             ParaPolitics FORUM—GOVT/Mil/Intel SHENANIGANS—WHAT do 911— 20010911             ...
20050317             ParaPolitics FORUM—GOVT/Mil/Intel SHENANIGANS—WHAT do 911— 20010911             ... involvement in Genesis Intermedia, 1—COMPANY incorporated by MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER,who was 1—LAWYER for USA—GOVERNMENT sanctioned drug smuggler BARRY—SEAL...
20050317             THE—MADCOW—MORNING—NEWS... story where it began...with attorney MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, who'd incorporated Genesis... We're almost to the fun PART—OF—MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER—LAWSUIT!... 20010911             911.. in involving Genesis Intermedia, 1—COMPANY incorporated by MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER... + MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, as already stated, is suing us for emotional...
20050317—20010911    911.
20050319             the Shah who already has his finger prints on part of 20010911             —THE conspiracy
20050319             FBI warns of 'special interest' aliens 20010911             Mueller made IMPROVEMENT—OF—THE—AGENCY—COMPUTER—SYSTEMS 1—PRIORITY... Oh yes, they have 1—COMPLETE set of my ass prints 1 the airport,
20050319             FORMER—IRAN—SHAH Official Warns USA—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACK... the Shah who already has his finger prints on part of 20010911             —THE conspiracy... NONE—OF—THIS ever stuck to Bush, low level operatives or outside play ers...
20050320             —SINCE- 20010911             .01 + PENTAGON—LAUNCH—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM,
20050320             —FROM OWNER—PEN— 20020929             ... 20010911             —SINCE- 20010911             .01 + PENTAGON—LAUNCH—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM... The trajectory of its PROPAGANDA WELL—SPUN connotation is 1—INFLECTION away from social democracy...
20050321             ANALYSIS—OF—EYEWITNESS—STMTS On 20010911             —CRASH AA Flight 77—INTO the...-
20050321             In that vein, there's little doubt that USA is extending its reach in this post-20010911             —WORLD.
20050321             —PROBED, CIA, for spying in USA, failing to share intelligence with FBI : The presidentially appointed WMD Commission was created to investigate THE—CIA—FAILURES on assessing IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, but surprised MANY—BY also probing the agency's post-20050911             intelligence gathering on USA—SOIL.
20050321—20010911    —ON, ANALYSIS—OF—EYEWITNESS—STMTS Crash AA Flight 77—INTO the... -... The flight attendant states that she went to the crash site —ON—FRIDAY...
20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes... Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by WAYNE—MADSEN, CorpWatch,
20050323             —REJECTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT has, 1—APPEAL by Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person charged in connection with 20010911             —THE attacks,
20050323             14: Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             — Footnotes.
20050323             Broadening Our Perspectives of 20010911             by David T..
20050323             Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF—20010911            , by Chaim Kupferberg, 20031021             -
20050323             Truth, Lies + THE—LEGEND—OF—20010911            , by Chaim Kupferberg, 20031021             -... Page 13. face, it was in the image of either DICK—CHENEY or RICHARD—PERLE.
20050325             definitive Tabukeule auszupacken: "Was für manchen Rechten die >Auschwitzlüge< ist, könnte für manchen... die 20010911             >Septemberlüge< werden.
20050325             made clear —BEFORE 20010911             that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was no THREAT—TO AMERICA, EUROPE or THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20050325             —BELIEVED, Further, MAJORITIES—OF—BUSH—SUPPORTERS, that USA—WEAPONS—INSPECTOR—CHARLES—DUELFER and the 20010911             —COMMISSION backed them up on these points.
20050325             Many on the left harbor their own fantasies that they consider FACT—ABOUT how BUSH knew of 20010911             in advance,
20050325             As for BUSH foreknowledge of 20010911             :
20050325             Many on the left harbor their own fantasies that they consider FACT—ABOUT how Bush knew of 20010911             in advance, or how he was coached —DURING 1—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATES—VIA 1—TRANSMITTER between his shoulder blades.
20050325             As for Bush foreknowledge of 20010911             : Is Milbank trying to convince us that THE—INFAMOUSA—PRESIDENTIAL—DAILY Briefing of 20050806             was imaginary?
20050325—20010911    -3—YEARS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS, AMERICA—POLITICIANS + media continue to gravely deceive the public about THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20050325—20010911    20010911             , Fear + the Selling of USA—EMPIRE.
20050325—20010911    —IN—THE, It also found that 75—PERCENT—OF—BUSH—VOTERS believed that IRAQ either gave al Qaeda "substantial support" or was directly involved, attacks.
20050326             former personal SECRETARY—TO—RICHARD—SECORD + the Delta Force covert the combustion monopoly (bombs to engines), WACKENHUT, 20050911             .----
20050326             PROFITS—OF—DEATH--INSIDER TRADING AND 20010911             ...
20050326             The 20010911             —EVIDENCE that May Hang GEORGE—W—BUSH..
20050326             Web Reference Links HIGH—LIGHTED by JOHN—JUDGE... former personal SECRETARY—TO—RICHARD—SECORD + the Delta Force covert the combustion monopoly (bombs to engines), Wackenhut, 20050911             .----
20050326             Casino bans Linda Ronstadt for praising ANTI—BUSH—FILM - 20040722             ... MICHAEL—MOORE—FILM 'Fahrenheit 20010911             ,' the casino said —TUESDAY... whose film bashes USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, —DURING 1—CONCERT—ON—SATURDAY night...
20050326             PROFITS—OF—DEATH--INSIDER TRADING AND 20010911             ... ever been GIVEN—OF—CIA 's alleged use of PROMIS software —PRIOR—TO the attacks... the valley as the creator of the "flight simulator" video game Falcon...
20050326             Part 28: Imperialist expansions and 20010911             20050326             20041021             ... - MADE IN ITALY... MARCONI SUPPLIES ACCESS HUB TO BULLDOG COMMUNICATIONS Milan, 20051209             (Adnkronos) - Bulldog Communications has awarded Marconi with 1—CONTRA ct for the...
20050326             MICHAEL—MOORE—FILM 'Fahrenheit 20010911             ,' the casino said —TUESDAY
20050326             Part 28: Imperialist expansions and 20010911             20050326             —ARGUED, Specifically, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, that 20010911             was 1—INDICATION—OF—USA—VULNERABILITY against 1—IMPLACABLE—ENEMY, hence confronting this "enemy" requires 1—RADICAL—APPROACH: war without borders against Arabs, Muslims, Islam + their entire history, all perceived as 1—EMBODIMENT—OF "terrorism".
20050326—20010911    —ON, UndergroundNYC FORUMS—MUST read article (long!)... "is the 1. —AND only— fire service, software application specifically...F—16: (Fighting Falcon ) From USAF Fact Sheet: "The F—16—FIGHTING Falcon is...
20050326—20010911    —SINCE, The central theme that is still dominating THE—USA—IDEOLOGICAL—DISCOURSE is that the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon were not like ANY—OTHER—ATTACKS.
20050326—20010911    —ON, UndergroundNYC FORUMS — MUST read article 20010911             (long!)...
20050327             EACLALS Abstracts -... narrative focused on terrorism (and begun long —BEFORE 20010911             ) Due Preparations for... "THE—MISSING—CHAPTER in JANET—FRAME—MISSING in the Maniototo"...
20050327             PTECH, 20010911             + USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART II.
20050327             relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech —FOR—2—YEARS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             ... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...
20050327             THE—CONVERSATIONALIST—LINKS to news, culture, debate... RAJAN—MENON reviews Imperial Hubris and 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT... HOWARD—ZINN: THE—MISSING—VOICES—OF—OUR—WORLD... /
20050327             PTECH, 20010911             + USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART II. of the same elites who planned 20010911             , prosecute the subsequent resource wars... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...
20050327             Salon_com News | How to remember 20010911             — + how not to... EDITOR—NOTE: Salon welcomes its newest columnist, KEITH—OLBERMANN.
20050327             relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech —FOR—2—YEARS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             ... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...www.fromthewilderness_com/free/ww3/012705_ptech _pt2.shtml
20050328             Der Verdacht ist —SCHON —JAHRE alt, doch —JETZT musste DIE—USA—REGIERUNG einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge bislang unbekannte Dokumente herausgegeben: Danach hat das FBI Dutzenden SAUDI—ARABERN —NACH—DEM 20050911             dabei geholfen, das Land zu VERLASSEN—DARUNTER Verwandten von Terrorfürst OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20050328             Allerdings bestand der Beamte auf Anonymität. die 2—FAMILIEN hatten den FBI—SCHUTZ beantragt, weil sie sich im Zuge der Attentate 20050911             —VOM, als Araber nicht sicher fühlten.
20050329             1—NEW—REPORT says USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES—HAVEN'T learned to share information, despite lessons of 20010911             .
20050329             Look WHO—NOT—TALKING—STILL : 1—NEW—REPORT says USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES—HAVEN'T learned to share information, despite lessons of 20010911             .
20050329—20010911    —AFTER, Records show more SAUDI—ARABIA—FLIGHTS homeward : Newly released government records reveal previously undisclosed flights from LAS—VEGAS and elsewhere + point to 1—MORE—ACTIVE—ROLE by FBI FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION in aiding SOME—OF—THE—SAUDIS in their departure.
20050330             THE—,—2—YEARS—BEFORE 20050911             —THE attacks, THE—NORTH—USA—AEROSPACE Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what THE—WHITE—HOUSE says was unimaginable —AT—THE—TIME: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.
20050331             1—GROWING number of 20010911             skeptics have realized the "no 757" story was spread to discredit/distract us.
20050331             CIA 20010911             CONSPIRACY JFK ASSASSINATION ecological devastation.
20050401             The same UPS store -- and the very same mail box -- is (was?) also used by another group called "TODD—FUND".This is 1—CHARITY established in THE—NAME—OF—CHRISTOPHER—TODD—PITMAN, 1—VICTIM—OF—20010911             —THE attack.
20050402             Berger bestritt —ZUNÄCHST, die Dokumente, mit denen er sich auf 1—ZEUGENAUSSAGE vor der unabhängigen Kommission zum 20010911             vorbereiten wollte, absichtlich mitgenommen zu haben.
20050402—20050310    —ON, PhyrephoxDown said @ 20010911             PRIME—MINISTER—GMT.[Score:1 Insightful]
20050402—20050310    —ON, PhyrephoxDown said @ 20010911             pm GMT.[Score:1 Insightful]... USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH appears courtesy of Halliburton Corporation, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—ROYAL...
20050403             PORTLAND imc - 20040000             .10.10 - THE—GRAND—COUP—OF—20050911             : Whole... To have FRITZ—KRAEMER—NAME twice in this 1—ARTICLE as being the kind... —NOW who is this FRITZ—KRAEMER ?
20050403—20050911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA... 4.1.1—MY Personal Concerns about THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT.
20050404             met de titel Al lang vóór 20010911             was IRAK een doelwit)
20050404             Blair loog om oorlog te kunnen voeren met IRAK — 1. met de titel Al lang vóór 20010911             was IRAK een doelwit)... The only real Humint (human intelligence from agents) that we had was from Iraqi...
20050404             PORTLAND imc - 20040000             .10.10 - THE—GRAND—COUP—OF—20050911             : Whole...
20050408             Not —JUST to talk about what (Condoleezza) Rice told 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION was something that the administration thought of as an historical recounting of old information.
20050408             20010911             Investigation Bookmark File... Satnews_com: re satellites new and old & USA—AID against chechnya... "FBIC: Fight Bad Faith Insurance Companies";
20050412             THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is behind the tragic events of 20010911             —THE.
20050412             The strange case of 20010911             —THE—CELL—PHONE—CALLS.
20050412             THE—ITEM—BELOW is —POSTED to demonstrate how successful the Bush Cabal has been in misleading THE—USA—PEOPLE into believing that IRAQ was responsible for, or associated with the tragedy of 20010911             .
20050412             or associated with the tragedy of 20010911             . - - Taking ADVANTAGE—OF—IGNORANCE:
20050412—20010911    —ON, in fact, than †.
20050412—20010911    —ON, Regime Change Was 1—IMMORAL—EXCUSE for War USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—TRUE—REASON for invading IRAQ — regime change — was 1—POOR + immoral excuse for initiating 1—CONFLICT that has killed + maimed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE — MANY—MORE—INNOCENT—PEOPLE, in fact, than †.
20050413             THE—COMMON—VIRTUE... Another question is whether 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—ADDRESSES this NON—ISSUE... + all you will hear is "This PRESIDENT did [insert SOME—BAD—OMAN ]...
20050414—20010911    —AFTER, You thought people went 1—LITTLE nutso ?
20050415             Expose': CHRISTIAN—MAFIA -- Part II :: 20010911             —CITIZENSWATCH :: We...
20050416             Re: Bush WAR—CRIMES from 20010911             —THE—MASS—MURDER...
20050416             Usenet Archive... more funding, power and military psychotronic weapons to... as PRESIDENT, they secretly allowed TERROR—ISTS to commit 20010911             .
20050416             Usenet Archive... more funding, power and military psychotronic weapons to... as PRESIDENT, they secretly allowed TERROR—ISTS to commit 20010911             ... GUN—RIGHTS—SUBJECT: VA: Arrests for guns...
20050416—20010911    —FROM—THE, Re: Bush WAR—CRIMES—MASS—MURDER... broke the story about massive arrests (number a... TERROR—ISTS fill power... level, including vacuum & psychotronic technologies...
20050417             THE—POST 20050911             TH TIMELINE—ARCHIVE...
20050417             THE—POST 20050911             TH TIMELINE—PROPAGANDA for the People, by...
20050417             AMERICA TORE out 8000—PAGES—OF—IRAQ dossier, Post 20010911             —TIMELINE, MANY—MISTAKENLY BELIEVE—USA—FOUND—WMDS in IRAQ, Post 20010911             —TIMELINE...
20050417             THE—USA, 20010911             TONY—BLAIR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN dossier : 1—PRETEXT instead of proof.
20050418             THE—POST 20050911             TIMELINE—PROPAGANDA for the People, by.. PIERRE—FALCONE, JEAN—CHRISTOPHE—MITTERRAND et ARCADI—GAYDAMAK sont notamment...
20050426             1—FEDERAL—JURY in VIRGINIA convicted Islamic scholar ALI—AL—TIMINI—OF—URGING followers to join THE—TALIBAN and fight THE—USA—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via FEDERAL—EXPRESS from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing restrictions on press freedom"(see... 20010911             20050429             High Country Citizens for Peace and JUSTICE—HIGH—COUNTRY... calls the black world to press the war... the growing government secrecy associated with the... it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group, ( P2OG ), to bring...
20050429             F: Würde es Sie wundern, wenn auch im Falle der ATTENTATe 20010911             —VOM, ganz andere Fakten ans Licht kämen?
20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via FEDERAL—EXPRESS from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing RESTRICTIONS—ON—PRESS—FREEDOM"(see... 20010911             20050916             —RULED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, out raising taxes to pay the massive costs of Gulf Coast reconstruction —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—HURRICANE Katrina, saying other government spending had to be cut to pay for the recovery effort.
20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via FEDERAL—EXPRESS from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing restrictions on press freedom"(see... 20010911             20050429             F: Würde es Sie wundern, wenn auch im Falle der ATTENTATe 20010911             —VOM, ganz andere Fakten ans Licht kämen?
20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via FEDERAL—EXPRESS from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing restrictions on press freedom"(see... 20010911             20050429             Center for Cooperative Research... sent via FEDERAL—EXPRESS from THE—AP bureau in... his general appearance is captured [AP, 20050916             .----... call for imposing RESTRICTIONS—ON—PRESS—FREEDOM"(see... 20010911             20050916             —RULED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, out raising taxes to pay the massive costs of Gulf Coast reconstruction —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—HURRICANE Katrina, saying other government spending had to be cut to pay for the recovery effort.
20050429—20010911    Die zentrale Frage ist aber, auch bei, : Was sagen die Quellen?
20050429—20010911    Es hat sich herausgestellt, daß es —AN—DIESEM—TAG NORAD Manöver der USA—STREITKRÄFTE gab.
20050429—20010911    Es sollte 1—TERRORANSCHLAG mit Hilfe eines Passagierflugzeuges simuliert werden, Soldaten schlüpften dabei in die Rolle von Terroristen.
20050501             —COINED, Given the fact that "terrorist" was, by THE—UK—PRESS to refer to THE—ISRAEL ies who dressed up as Arabs and bombed THE—KING—DAVID hotel, and given the long HISTORY—OF—MOSSAD and Zionists even turning against their own allies (USA—LIBERTY) for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—ISRAEL i State I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters + that ISRAEL i carried out 20010911             911—
20050501             I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters + that ISRAELi carried out 20010911             911
20050505             —ENGAGED, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are ISRAEL is again very much, in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us 20010911             —BEFORE-.
20050506             THE—CENTRE—RIGHT—JAN—PETER... Instructor who doubts 20010911             —COMPARES Bush to Hitler (2 ...
20050516             "OUT—OF—THESE troubled times, our 5. objective -- 1—NEW—WORLD—ORDER -- can emerge" -- Skull & Bonesman, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH—19900911              (—11—YEARS—PRIOR, to the —DAY)
20050516—20010911    —SINCE, 3) Ghorbanifar told me he has had 50—MEETINGS with MICHAEL—LEDEEN + that he has given Ledeen "4,000 to 5,000—PAGES—OF—SENSITIVE—DOCUMENTS" concerning IRAN + IRAQ + THE—MIDDLE—EAST, "material no 1—ELSE has received".
20050517             "Confronting the Evidence: 1—CALL to Reopen the 20010911             —INVESTIGATION"20010911             20050517             "Confronting the Evidence: 1—CALL to Reopen the 20010911             —INVESTIGATION"20010911             20050517             —ARRESTED, BILL—GODLEY - BOB—HERBERT agrees: It's Called Torture - Or is anything + everything O.K.
20050517             "Confronting the Evidence: 1—CALL to Reopen the 20010911             —INVESTIGATION"20010911             20050517—20010911    —IN, Or is anything + everything O.K. —POST—USA ?
20050517—20010911    —IN, Or is anything + everything O.K. —POST—USA ?
20050517—20010911    Investigation"
20050521             Unlike 20010911             —NOW their fight not only is being recognized by top Islamic scholars as legitimate, but they have also managed to capitalize on major blunders in the "WAR—ON—TERROR" to strengthen THE—ANTI—IMPERIALIST, ANTI—USA impulse among global, moderate Muslims.
20050523             Belief In AL—ARIAN—20010911             —LINK False Yet Not Uncommon : The poll, conducted by THE—FLORIDA—RESEARCH—SURVEY—CENTER at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—FLORIDA found 15—PERCENT—OF—AREA—RESIDENTS think Palestinians were behind the.
20050523—19980900    —IN, USA Silenced Information on TERROR—ISM Supplied by CUBA : PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO —ON—FRIDAY anounced that THE—USA kept silent about information supplied by CUBA on TERROR—IST attacks financed from FLORIDA, whose methods were —LATER repeated in detail 20010911             —IN—THE, 20010000             TERROR—IST attacks.
20050523—19980900    —IN, USA Silenced Information on Terrorism Supplied by CUBA : PRESIDENT—FIDEL—CASTRO —ON—FRIDAY anounced that THE—USA kept silent about information supplied by CUBA on terrorist attacks financed from FLORIDA, whose methods were —LATER repeated in detail 20010911             —IN—THE, 20010000             terrorist attacks.
20050526             Voxnyc: "Make No Mistake About It 20010911             Was 1—INSIDE—JOB".. —AFTER 1—COMMERCIAL—BREAK (+ terror warnings for Homeland " Security " + THE—TIPS... Public Relations," heavyweights like the Bechtel Group + Wackenhut + a... '>... —AFTER 1—COMMERCIAL—BREAK (And terror warnings for Homeland " Security " + THE—TIPS... Public Relations," heavyweights like the Bechtel Group, Wackenhut and a... +
20050527             —EVER—SINCE—THE—TERROR—ATTACK—OF—20010911              THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has gradually done away with all the nuclear brakes that characterized USA—POLICY—DURING—THE—COLD—WAR.
20050529             —PUBLISHED, Bush strategy lacks clarity, report asserts : 1—NEWLY, USA—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE—ASSESSMENT concludes that MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has failed to define the overall AIM—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—ISM.
20050529             —PUBLISHED, Bush strategy lacks clarity, report asserts : 1—NEWLY, USA—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE—ASSESSMENT concludes that MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911              THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has failed to define the overall AIM—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM.
20050529—20050911    —SINCE, Promoting Freedom Or Fueling Conflict: USA—MILITARY—AID and Arms Transfers : Perhaps no single policy is more at odds with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLEDGE to "end tyranny in our world" than THE—USA ' role as the world's leading arms exporting nation.
20050601—20050911    —FROM—THE, HERE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20050602             Lynch + 20010911             —THE 20010911             —WIDOWS, the path to true patriotism means confronting your government —WHEN it lies.
20050605             —LEARNED, FOX—NEWS has, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in + on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20050911             .
20050606—20050911    —SINCE, HIGH—FLYING—PROFESSOR—FACES—USA—TERROR—TRIAL : THE—PROFESSOR—OF—COMPUTER engineering goes on trial —TODAY in what is being billed as the most important terrorism case in THE—USA.
20050607             Critics: Pentagon in blinders : Long —BEFORE 20010911             , the military was warned about LOW—TECH—WARFARE, but it didn't listen.
20050607             THE—FREE—AMERICA—GUESTBOOK... of 20010911             + Radovan Karadzic (man behind creating Yogoslavian crimes against..
20050610             —ACQUITTED, GERMANY: 20010911             —TERROR—SUSPECT—MZOUDI, by high court : GERMANY—HIGH—COURT confirmed —ON—THURSDAY THE—ACQUITTAL—OF—ABDEL—GHANI Mzoudi, 32, who had been ACCUSED—OF—ASSISTING 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks on NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20050610—20010911    —VOR, FBI—ERMITTLUNGEN—CHRONOLOGIE des Versagens
20050611             Pre-20010911             —MISSTEPS By FBI Detailed:
20050611             Woodward: Administration had 'fever' to take down IRAQ: USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH asked for 1—PLAN to invade IRAQ 20011100             —ABOUT—3—MONTHS—AFTER 20010911             —THE terror attacks + at 1—TIME—WHEN USA—FORCES were still in THE—MIDST—OF—OUSTING THE—TALIBAN regime from AFGHANISTAN.
20050611—20000000    —IN, Memo on 20010911             —PLOTTERS Blocked: New disclosures show that CIA information about 2—AL—QAEDA operatives in S—DIEGO was squelched —BEFORE reaching THE—FBI.
20050615             —ERST kürzlich bescheinigte das Government Accountability Office (GOA), eine dem Bundesrechnungshof vergleichbare Behörde, ausgerechnet dem —NACH—DEM 20010911             gegründeten Heimatschutzministerium fast vollständiges Versagen auf dem GEBIET—DER—CYBER—SICHERHEIT.
20050615             —ARGUED, DANIEL—HOPSICKER has, that 20010911             —20010911—THE "truth movement" is 1—MISNOMER.
20050615             RETURN—OF—THE—NEPHILIM—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER and 20010911             —ATTACKS Analizing the probable conspiracy and coverup behind the events of 20010911             ...
20050615             ABLE—DANGER, 20010911             —REPORT, Gorelick + so much more...... 1—MULTITUDE—OF—REASONS... 20010911             —Y2K;
20050615             the 20010911             —ATTACK... to THE—OKC story than the "mainstream" press has... 1. 1-50, 51-100, 101- 150 ...
20050615             Fantastic FORUM—BRING All Your Best 20010911             —EVIDENCE Here
20050615             PORTLAND imc - 20030000             .12.03 - WTC1 20010911             —PLANE had BRIGHT FLASH...
20050615             ABLE—DANGER CIA (20060911             ... 46:JOHN—SAMMARTINO—XONTECH
20050615             Cannabis Culture Forums: 20010911             ON TRIAL SOME—SAY actual TERROR—ISTS guided and paid for by THE—CIA.
20050615—20010911    —IN, FBI inspector general's report: EVIDENCE—OF—GOVERNMENT complicity 20010911             —ATTACKS?
20050615—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG, die kontinuierlich im Namen der TERROR—BEKÄMPFUNG Gesetze verschärft und Bürgerreichte einschränkt, ist der neue GAO—BERICHT MEHR—ALS peinlich.
20050615—20010911    —IN... of government complicity 20010911             —ATTACKS ?...
20050616—20010911    —IN, Says Government Complicit.
20050617             —WORKED, FBI, hard to cover up a 20010911             —COVER—UP—AND then hide it SOME—MORE
20050620             —REAFFIRMED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, this commitment more —RECENTLY on the 5. anniversary of 20050911             .
20050621             Bush and Blair made secret pact for IRAQ war : - Decision came —9—DAYS—20010911—AFTER: - EX—AMBASSADOR reveals discussion.
20050621             Bush —NOW Says: USA is at war in IRAQ because of 20050911             attacks : THE—USA is at war in IRAQ because of 20010911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH said —YESTERDAY.
20050621             —ATTACKED, WE—IRAQ Because Of 20010911             : Is Clearly 1—LIE : Let us remind our PRESIDENT—OF—SOME—OF—HIS and his governments other statements on this issue.
20050621             Secret USA—PLANS—FOR IRAQ—OIL : THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION made plans for war and for IRAQ—OIL—BEFORE the 20010911             —ATTACKS sparking 1—POLICY—BATTLE—BETWEEN—NEO—CONS and Big Oil, BBC—NEWSNIGHT has revealed.
20050622             1—WAR—WAGED by Liars and MORONS—WHAT is BUSH—AGENDA in IRAQ? -By PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—IN his 20050618             weekly radio address last —SATURDAY, Bush again lied to THE—USA—PEOPLE—WHEN he told them that THE—USA was forced into invading IRAQ because of 20050911             —THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—WTC.
20050622             MEXICO Arrests Suspected 20010911             —GROUP—MEMBER : MEXICO said it has detained 1—MAN believed linked to the groups that carried out 20010911             —THE, TERROR—IST attacks in THE—USA.
20050623             NEW—YORK—TIMES—KARL—ROVE came to the heart of Manhattan to rhapsodize about THE—DECLINE—OF—LIBERALISM in politics, saying Democrats responded weakly to 20010911             .
20050623             —DEFENDED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, presidential adviser KARL—ROVE against Democratic demands he apologize or quit for saying "liberals saw the savagery of the 20010911             —ATTACKS and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers" —WHILE conservatives "saw the savagery of 20010911             and the attacks and prepared for war".
20050624             You bet it IS—DEMOCRATS Demand ROVE Apologize for 20010911             —REMARKS : Leading Democrats reacted furiously to remarks by KARL—ROVE that liberals had responded to 20010911             —THE attacks by wanting to "offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," with SOME—DEMOCRATS calling for him to apologize or resign as 1—WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER.
20050624             —FREED, Terror suspect, in MEXICO : MEXICO —ON—WEDNESDAY cleared 1—LEBANESE—BORN, UK—CITIZEN—OF—WRONGDOING, setting him free mere days —AFTER his arrest because of suspected links to 20050911             terror groups.
20050628             S. bars SPAIN—BID to question 1—QAEDA suspect : THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has refused to allow THE—SPAIN—AUTHORITIES to interview 1—MAN accused of being 1—QAEDA operative whose testimony could be crucial to the prosecution of 2—MEN on trial here charged with helping to plan THE—TERROR—IST attacks of 20010911             , SPAIN—OFFICIALS say.
20050628             Groups: USA Misuses Material Witness Law : THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has misused 1—FEDERAL—LAW to detain at least 70—TERROR—ISM—SUSPECTS—SINCE 20050911             —THE attacks, 2—ADVOCACY groups contend.
20050628—20010911    —AFTER, Preying on the average AMERICA RELATIVE IGNORANCE about other cultures and societies, ROVE whipped THE—USA—POPULACE into 1—FRENZY—OF—FEAR and lust for revenge
20050629             1—DEFEAT—BRED in Deceit : —WHEN Bush decided, —PRIOR—TO 20050911             , to attack IRAQ, he committed himself to lies and deceit.
20050629             —MENTIONED, Bush, "20050911             ".
20050704             Bush Is Right to Link 20010911             With IRAQ : USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH was correct in once again linking 20010911             with his invasion and OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ in his speech to the nation last night.
20050704             Why? Because the motivation behind the 20010911             —ATTACKS was the same as the motivation behind the insurgency in IRAQ: USA foreign policy.
20050707             Feels 1—BIT like 20010911             all over again here.
20050707             "This is not —JUST attributable to 20010911             , but it appears to be 1—CONTINUATION—OF—3—DECADES—OF—EFFORTS," he said.
20050707             "But it's perfectly reasonable in 1—POST—20010911             —WORLD for the government to be concerned about THE—SECURITY—OF—CIA—INFORMATION".
20050708             No more using the unrelated TERROR—IST attacks of 20010911             or TERROR—ISM in general as 1—CRUTCH to explain IRAQ.
20050708—20010911    —NACH, Reaktionen in USA: Normalzustand
20050709             Thus for MORE—THAN—1—YEAR THE—FAA has been in open dispute with NORAD on the issue of who informed whom and —WHEN about 20050911             —THE hijackings;
20050709             1—NORAD spokesman noted, however, that the drills might have helped the command gear up quickly to respond to 20010911             —THE attacks because its command posts were already staffed.
20050709             "The toughest thing for anyone is that we're using 20010912             eyes to dissect 20010911             ," he added.
20050709             "No 1 is using 20010911             eyes".
20050709             Investigators at 20010911             —THE commission confirm they are investigating whether NORAD—ATTENTION was drawn in 1—DIRECTION—TOWARD THE—NORTH—POLE—WHILE the hijackings came from 1—ENTIRELY different direction.
20050709             3) OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN: This exercise simulated hijacked planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 20010911             20050709             LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—DAWNE—DESKINS, NORAD unit's airborne control + warning officer, was overseeing the exercise.
20050709—20010911    —ON, I know from experience that traditional communications systems broke down —AFTER—THE—ATTACK.
20050709—20010911    —CONFIRMED, NORAD, 2—MOCK drills
20050709—20010911    —ON, I know from experience that traditional communications systems broke down —AFTER the attack.
20050709—20050911    —ON, ISRAEL strives to import AMERICA—WAR—ON—TERROR : THE—ISRAEL—POLITICAL—SECURITY—ESTABLISHMENT is coming to the conclusion that the terror attacks granted ISRAEL and advantage;
20050710—20010911    —ON, What KARL—ROVE told Time magazine 's REPORTER—ROVE Criticizes Liberals
20050710—20010911    —AM, In den USA sind Wissenschaftler —SEIT den Flugzeugattacken auf das World Trade Center fest eingespannt in den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN Terror.
20050712             LONDON Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at SAME—TIME as Real Attack Culpability cover scenario echoes 20010911             —WARGAMES ALEX—JONES & PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON | 20050709             20051106             THUNDERSTONE—WEBINATOR: Search: abstinence 11, 19990000             ) 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—VISION for the Next USA—CENTURY by THE—HONORABLE—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON ( Heritage Lecture #639, released 20050709             ...
20050712             LONDON Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at SAME—TIME as Real Attack Culpability cover scenario echoes 20010911             —WARGAMES ALEX—JONES & PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON | 20050709             20050712             THE—ANGLO—USA—ESTABLISHMENT that controls THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX—OF—THE—WEST has been caught over a 100—TIMES carrying out bombings and other TERROR—IST attacks —AROUND the world to further their corporate aims and to blame their enemies.
20050712             Of course there is 1—IRAQ—TERROR—LINK—AND it long predates 20010911             — Bush renews linking IRAQ war to 20010911             :
20050712—20010911    —HAPPENED, What, in LONDON did not recapitulate the "Vigilant GUARDIAN" exercise.
20050713             ASSOCIATED PRESS LONDON, 20050623             THE—BBC will introduce 1—TIME—DELAY on its live coverage of sensitive news events such as 20050911             and the school massacre in BESLAN—RUSSIA, the company said —ON—THURSDAY.
20050713             Er setzt u.a. fort: " —WHEN I was on the Labour Benches and spoke in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             , I said that I despise OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20050713             (Und denen sollen wir glauben, was den Terror in LONDON betrifft, werden sich wohl viele denken.) Den Effekt von Terror, der nicht mal die Ausmasse von 20010911             erreichen muss, sondern auch als Anschlagsdrohung existiert, beschreibt der AUTOR—SO:
20050713             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—VIDEOS zu 20010911             erinnert.... Die "Berliner Sicherheitskreise" meinen aber ungeachtet ihrer eigenen Einschätzung, dass AL—QAIDA dahinterstecke, wegen der "Umstände der Tat".
20050713             Wegen der intensiven Kontrollen an den GRENZEN—DER—EU würden diese —NACH—DEM 20050911             eher auffallen.
20050713—20010911    —ON, "Let there be no equivocation: the primary responsibility for this —MORNING'S bloodshed lies with the perpetrators of those acts. However, it would be crass to do other than what THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—DEFENCE in 1—WAY invited us to do. We cannot separate the acts from the political backdrop. They did not come out of 1—CLEAR—BLUE—SKY, ANY—MORE than those monstrous mosquitoes that struck the twin towers and other buildings in THE—USA 20010000             . THE—DEFENCE—SECRETARY said that we must look at the causal circumstances behind THE—PROBLEMS—OF—SECURITY and defence in the world. I insist that we do so".
20050713—20010911    —COVERED, If it had been in place the delay would have, REPORTING—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS—TRAGEDY in NEW—YORK, which was broadcast live by THE—BBC and MANY—OTHER broadcasters.
20050713—20050624    —AM, war nämlich zu lesen: "THE—BBC will introduce 1—TIME—DELAY on its live coverage of sensitive news events such as 20010911             + the school massacre in Beslan, RUSSIA, the company said —ON—THURSDAY. The time delay will last several seconds and will allow editors to cut ANY—SCENES they believe are too shocking for viewers".
20050714             1—REPLAY—OF—THE—PRISTINE 20010911             —PASSPORT : It turns out, if you believe THE—BROOKLYN—BRIDGE is for sale, that actual IDS—OF—BOMBERS were found in separate piles of rubble at THE—SITES—OF—THE—BLASTS.
20050714             As well as being DIRECTOR—OF—NEW—YORK—OVERALL—EMERGENCY—RESPONSE planning in THE—LEAD—IN to 20010911             ,
20050714             to 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS—THE—PLAN to attack AFGHANISTAN...—BEFORE 20010911             20050714             Sheirer himself was the city's ON—SCENE—COORDINATOR—OF—MULTIPLE—AGENCY—RESPONSES to the 20010911             —ATTACKS themselves.
20050714             FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor RUDI—GIULIANI, who was in office —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20010911—THE—ATTACKS, was, by sheer coincidence, in LONDON —WHEN the recent bombings took place.
20050714             Sheirer himself was the city's ON—SCENE—COORDINATOR—OF—MULTIPLE—AGENCY—RESPONSES to the 20010911             —ATTACKS themselves.
20050714             to 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS—THE—PLAN to attack AFGHANISTAN...—BEFORE 20010911             20050714             The cost...
20050716             pointed to MITRE—ROLE at THE—FAA 20010911             —DURING, —THE—CITIZENS'—COMMISSION hearings in NEW—YORK last —SEPTEMBER.
20050716             "Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of THE—FAA —FOR—2—YEARS—PRIOR to 20010911             ," Singh said.
20050716             "the deathly precision" and "the magnitude of planning" behind —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             would have needed "YEARS—OF—PLANNING".
20050716             Von Bülow told AFP that he believes that THE—ISRAEL i intelligence service, Mossad, is behind 20010911             —THE terror attacks.
20050716             who is "1—AIRPLANE—TERROR—SPECIALIST," was probably involved in —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             along with ABU—NIDAL.
20050716             —INVOLVED, The agent said that Nidal was " directly" in the events of 20010911             .
20050716             Expose the Seamless Lies of 20010911             , Endless War and Veteran Fraud
20050716—20010911    —ON, Shearman was unable to say why THE—MITRE technology apparently failed.
20050716—20010911    —WORKED, INDIRA—SINGH, an "IT KONSULtant" who previously, on 1—DEFENSE Advanced Research Project + who was employed by J.P. Morgan, in risk management,
20050716—20010911    —FROM, Although Ehmke had long expected "FUNDAMENTAL—ATTACKS," —WHEN he saw the televised images, he said it looked like a "HOLLYWOOD production".
20050720             —CHANGED, Unless that, 20010911             —ON (or 20001220             ).
20050720—20010911    —CHANGED, Unless that, (or 20001220             ).
20050721             - THE—OPINION—SAYS—THAT—CONGRESS—AUTHORIZED—THE—PRESIDENT to set up whatever military tribunal he deems appropriate —WHEN it authorized him to use "all necessary and appropriate force" to fight terrorism in response to 20010911             20050721             JUAN—COLE: THE—ROBERTS—NOMINATION: BUSH—WAR—ON—WOMEN : GEORGE—W—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—JOHN—ROBERTS, JUNIOR—IS 1—SETBACK for USA—WOMEN, —JUST has his policies in IRAQ have produced 1—SETBACK for women's rights in THE—ARABWORLD.
20050721             —NOW AMERICA accuses IRAN—OF—COMPLICITY in World Trade Center attac k: IRAN gave free passage to up to 10—OF 20050911             —THE—HIJACKERS—JUST months —BEFORE 20010000             —THE—ATTACKS—AND—OFFERED—TO—CO—OPERATE with AL—QA'EDA—AGAINST—THE—USA, 1—USA—REPORT will say —THIS—WEEK.
20050721             THE—OPINION—SAYS—THAT—CONGRESS—AUTHORIZED—THE—PRESIDENT to set up whatever military tribunal he deems appropriate —WHEN it authorized him to use "all necessary and appropriate force" to fight terrorism in response to 20010911             20050721             JUAN—COLE: THE—ROBERTS—NOMINATION: BUSH—WAR—ON—WOMEN : GEORGE—W—BUSH—NOMINATION—OF—JOHN—ROBERTS, JUNIOR—IS 1—SETBACK for USA—WOMEN, —JUST has his policies in IRAQ have produced 1—SETBACK for women's rights in THE—ARABWORLD.
20050721—20050911    —FROM, PAKISTAN analysts stress, however, that what has been dug up by various foreign intelligence agencies is scattered information that fails to focus on the broader PERSPECTIVE—OF—LONDON—BLASTS + how they were different.
20050722             "1—ATOMIC 20010911             : —WHEN Evil is Appeased" accusing IRAN—OF—PLANS to detonate a 150—KILOTON nuclear bomb in NEW—YORK City.
20050722             Bush vows to safeguard USA—TRANSIT against attack : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH pledged —ON—WEDNESDAY to boost PROTECTION—OF—USA—TRANSIT—SYSTEMS against 1—ATTACK in the aftermath of THE—LONDON bombings and urged Congress to renew provisions of 1—POST—20050911              ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW.
20050722             "1—ATOMIC 20010911             : —WHEN Evil is Appeased" accusing IRAN—OF—PLANS to detonate a 150—KILOTON nuclear bomb in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20050723             What Is the Plan If THERE—ANOTHER 20010911             ?
20050726             —HELPED, McKinney reopens 20010911             : Revisiting the issue that, spur her ouster from Congress —3—YEARS—AGO, REPRESENTATIVE—CYNTHIA—MCKINNEY led 1—CAPITOL Hill hearing —FRIDAY on whether the B ush administration was involved in the terrorist attacks of 20010911             .
20050726             Gonzales credits Patriot Act: USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES said —YESTERDAY that bombings in LONDON + EGYPT make 1—STRONG—CASE for renewing the post- 20010911             law that critics say infringes on civil liberties.
20050730             ETWA—1—JAHR—NACH—DEM—ABKOMMEN zu "SAFE—HARBOR" wurden die Grundsätze des Datenschutzes in den USA durch die Anschläge 20050911             —VOM, grundlegend geändert.
20050730             SUBCONTRACTOR—STORY—DETAILS 20010911             —POST—CHAOS : —3—YEARS—AGO, Sunnye L. Sims lived in a 2—BEDROOM apartment NORTH—OF—S—DIEGO, paying $1,025 in monthly rent.
20050730             Der Patriot Act war —NACH—DEN Anschlägen 20010911             —VOM, in den USA verabschiedet worden.
20050730             Der Patriot Act war 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, in den USA verabschiedet worden.
20050730—20010911    —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, DER—PATRIOT—ACT—VERABSCHIEDET war in den USA  worden.
20050801             USA Evicted From Air Base In UZBEKISTAN : UZBEKISTAN formally evicted THE—USA—YESTERDAY from 1—MILITARY—BASE that has served as 1—HUB for combat and humanitarian missions to AFGHANISTAN —SINCE SHORTLY—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , Pentagon and STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIALS said —YESTERDAY.
20050801             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN : 20010911             and the Mainstream Press : You might assume that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION would have played the role of 1—IMPARTIAL jury, simply evaluating the evidence for the competing conspiracy theories and deciding which 1 was more strongly supported.
20050801             Flawed Assumptions: 20010911             in Historical Perspective:
20050801             THE—WAR—ON—TRUTH: 20010911             , Disinformation and THE—ANATOMY—OF—TERRORISM.
20050802             THE—PENTAGON, acting under instructions from VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE, has tasked THE—USA—STRATEGIC—COMMAND (STRATCOM) with drawing up 1—CONTINGENCY—PLAN to be employed in response to another 20010911             —TYPE terrorist attack on THE—USA.
20050803—20010700    —IN, I was in agony' : Benyam Mohammed travelled from LONDON to AFGHANISTAN, but 20050911             —AFTER he fled to PAKISTAN.
20050804             Video: Hijacking Catastrophe : 20010911             , Fear + the Selling of USA—EMPIRE:
20050804—20010911    —CONDUCTED, As you no doubt know, similar exercises were being.
20050805             —NACH—DEN Anschlägen 20010911             —VOM, hatten Angehörige hier rund 2—MILLIONEN Dollar (etwa 1,6 Millionen Euro) erhalten.
20050806             "What you have seen in NEW—YORK, WASHINGTON and AFGHANISTAN, are only the initial losses and if you (USA ) continue the same hostile policies you will see what will make you forget those horrors," he said in reference to 20010911             —THE attacks
20050808             —SATURDAY :: 20040911             Mass arrests
20050808             —POSTED—BY—LEN 20040911             —ON—1248—AM Trackback PINGS—TRACKBACK URL for this entry:
20050808             The scandals that plague the War Party both in BRITAIN + THE—USA—ARE eclipsed + suddenly, with THE—PROSPECT—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS in THE—STREETS—OF—LONDON — and perhaps NEW—YORK — MARTIN—PERETZ—BATTLE—CRY uttered in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             is taken up once again: "We are all Israelis —NOW. " (Although, for good tactical reasons, Ariel Sharon is telling his diplomats not to say this too loudly.)
20050818             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—DEFENSE DEPARTMENT—DATA—MINING operation, Able Danger, had identified MOHAMED—ATTA and 3—OTHER 20050911             hijackers by name in mid-20000000             .
20050819             —ACCUSED—OF, GERMANY, Mounir El Motassadeq (31), 1—MOROCCO—MAN, helping 20050911             —THE hijackers was convicted, of membership in 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION but was ACQUIT—TED of direct involvement in the attacks on THE—USA.
20050900             Harvards Abschlussklasse : Generation 20010911             ...
20050906             20010911             —20010911—911-- POWERHOUSE DATA
20050906             The 20010911             —911- NORTH—TOWER—DEMOLITION Explained
20050906             THE—REST—OF—THE 20010911             —911- Flight 93—STORY
20050906             SOUTH—TOWER—EXIT Wounds Tell 20010911             —911- Tale Dirty Little 20010911             Secrets Exposed 2. Janitor Tells Of WTC BASEMENT Bombs
20050906             Cash Payoffs, Murder Linked To WHITE—HOUSE 20010911             —911- Finance
20050906—20050911    —FROM, More casualties ,2001 POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER reported in 1. responders
20050908             20010911             —911- in NEW—ORLEANS: The development patterns that destroyed LOUISIANA wetlands are being repeated —THROUGHOUT AMERICA, with the support of 1—ADMINISTRATION intent on removing all limits on private economic activity.
20050910             Companies Got Unneeded 20010911             Loans : From Dunkin' Donuts shops and florists to motorcycle dealers + chiropractors, businesses nationwide said they were unaware their banks had lent them money from THE—LOW—INTEREST, GOVERNMENT—GUARANTEED 20010911             loan program.
20050910             Cost to USA—ECONOMY could be 10—TIMES—GREATER than 20010911             : Hurricane Katrina will be by far the costliest disaster in USA—HISTORY, requiring $150bn (£81bn) to $200bn in relief, CLEAN—UP and reconstruction spending by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, and causing THE—SHORT—TERM—LOSS—OF some 400,000 jobs.
20050910             The new Ground 0 : Like 20050911             —THE—ATTACKS on NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON, whose 4. anniversary is this weekend, Hurricane Katrina is 1—EVENT whose consequences will extend far beyond the physical, into the very MIND—OF—AMERICA.
20050911             N.B.: This text has been delivered at the 63. Annual CONFERENCE—OF—THE—AMERICA—HUMANIST—ASSOCIATION—20040508            , LAS—VEGAS, NEVADA.
20050911             was not 1 unprovoked, gratuitous act.
20050911173428       THE—EDUCATION—OF—THE—NEGRO—PRIOR to 1861
20050913             BILL—MOYERS : 20010911             And THE—SPORT—OF—GOD : 1—LESSON about democracy stands above all others: BULLIES—POLITICAL bullies, economic bullies and religious BULLIES—CANNOT be appeased;
20050913             1—HISTORY—OF—TERROR: 20010911             / THE—VIEW—FROM—BAGHDAD : As I write this, Tel Afar, 1—SMALL—PLACE—NORTH—OF—MOSUL, is being bombed.
20050913             THE—COMING 20010911             for Dummies : According to PHILIP—GIRALDI, "THE—USA is developing 1—PLAN for the bombing of supposed military targets in IRAN, which would include the use of NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
20050913             THE—USA—STRIKE would take place —AFTER a 20010911             —TYPE terrorist ATTACK—ON—THE—USA.
20050913             Harvards Abschlussklasse: Generation 20010911             20050913             Die Behörden kündigten derweil an, mit dem Sprühen von Insektiziden über NEW—ORLEANS zu beginnen, um der Mückenplage Herr zu werden.
20050914             F.A.A. Alerted on Qaeda in '98, 20010911             Panel Said
20050914             —WARNED, USA—AVIATION—OFFICIALS were, as early as 19980000             that AL—QAEDA could "seek to hijack 1—COMMERCIAL—JET and slam it into A—USA—LANDMARK," according to previously secret portions of 1—REPORT prepared —LAST—YEAR by 20010911             —THE commission.
20050914             Flugangst im Kino: Neue Thriller gegen das 20010911             —TRAUMA
20050916             Senate kills Democratic attempt to establish independent Katrina commission : SENATE—REPUBLICANS —ON—WEDNESDAY scuttled 1—ATTEMPT by SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON to establish 1—INDEPENDENT, bipartisan panel patterned —AFTER 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION to investigate what went wrong with federal, state and local governments' response to Hurricane Katrina.
20050917             Pinochet war 19730911             IN CHILE durch einen Putsch an die Macht gekommen.
20050919             It lasted —JUST short of —4—YEARS, 20010911—20050829    —FROM—TO.
20050919             It lasted —JUST short of —4—YEARS, from 20010911—20050829.
20050920             IRAN—CONTRA CONNECTIONS TO 20010911             — PART 3 ... BCCI funded OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in AFGHANISTAN?s fight against THE—SOVIET—UNION + helped fund... PALESTINIAN—USA—BUSINESSMAN—SAM—BAMIEH says he was approached by PRINCE—BANDAR...
20050921—20010911    —JUST—DAYS—BEFORE Attack, "Was the Pentagon Tracking MOHAMED—ATTA?"
20050922             2—MILITARY—OFFICERS - 1—ACTIVE—DUTY—NAVY—CAPTAIN and 1—RESERVIST—ARMY—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—HAVE said publicly in recent weeks that they were involved with Able Danger and that the program's analysts identified MOHAMED—ATTA, THE—EGYPTIAN—BORN ringleader of 20010911             —THE, attacks, by name as 1—POTENTIAL—TERRORIST by 20000000             —EARLY.
20050922             "There are quite 1—FEW credible people who are prepared to testify that MOHAMED—ATTA was identified long —BEFORE 20010911             ," he said.
20050922             —BLOCKED, THE—PENTAGON said —TODAY that it had, 1—GROUP—OF—MILITARY—OFFICERS and intelligence analysts from testifying at 1—OPEN—CONGRESSIONAL hearing about 1—HIGHLY classified military intelligence program that, the officers have said, identified 1—RINGLEADER—OF—20050911             —THE attacks as 1—POTENTIAL—TERRORIST—MORE—THAN—1—YEAR—BEFORE the attacks.
20050926             —CONVICTED—OF—CONSPIRING to commit murder, He was, in connection with 20010911             —THE attacks in THE—USA, concluding EUROPE—BIGGEST trial of alleged MEMBERS—OF—THE—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20050926—20010911    —AFTER, Police blunder 'destroyed pilot's career' : SCOTLAND YARD responded to an FBI request for 1—DISCREET background check on 1 alleged terrorism suspect by smashing down his door at 3am and arresting him at gunpoint.
20050926—20010911    —ON, Galloway went on to remind people that the families of these who † did not suffer ANY—GREATER—PAIN than did the relatives of Iraqis and Afghans who † from American and UK—BOMBINGS.
20050927             "Ich habe niemals daran gezweifelt, dass unser Platz —NACH—DEM 20010911             AN der Seite Amerikas war + ich zweifle auch —JETZT nicht daran".
20050927—20010911    —FROM, For SOME—REASON, Europeans —JUST love THE—MISSILE—HIT—THE—PENTAGON fable, which may be the silliest conspiracy tale to emerge.
20050928             Andernfalls würde das Terrornetzwerk AL—QAIDA dort die Herrschaft übernehmen, "und dann hätten wir meiner Ansicht nach verloren + der nächste 20050911             würde auf uns warten, ganz bestimmt", sagte der GENERAL.
20051015             Sadly for USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLACE in history BUT—MUCH more IMPORTANT—OMINOUSLY for AMERICA—FUTURE, it has lately seemed as if that adroit phrase might be applicable to the policies pursued by THE—USA—SINCE the cataclysm of 20010911             .
20051015             And what about LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—TONY—SHAFFER, the man who revealed THE—DIA data mining operation which fingered MOHAMED—ATTA well —BEFORE 20010911             (and at 1—TIME—WHEN THE—FBI says Atta wasn't even in the country)?
20051020             1—VOCAL—HOUSE—REPUBLICAN is calling for 1—NEW—PROBE into what he says is a "WITCH—HUNT" by defense officials against a 20050911             intelligence whistleblower.
20051020             Hijacking Catastrophe: 20010911             , Fear & THE—SELLING—OF—AMERICA n Empire: Documentary"
20051020             Congressman wants new Able Danger probe : 1—VOCAL—HOUSE—REPUBLICAN is calling for 1—NEW—PROBE into what he says is a "WITCH—HUNT" by defense officials against a 20050911             intelligence whistleblower.
20051020             Hijacking Catastrophe: 20010911             , Fear & THE—SELLING—OF—AMERICA N Empire: Documentary "Hijacking Catastrophe: 20010911             Fear & THE—SELLING—OF—AMERICA N Empire" examines how THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION used 20010911             1 to transform AMERICA N foreign policy and enter 1—PHASE—OF—SO—CALLED preemptive warfare —WHILE rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home.
20051020             [Regarding 20010911             ] "it may appear that these airplanes came out of 1—CLEAR—BLUE—SKY, but I believe that these monsters emerged from 1—DEEP—SWAMP—OF hatred and bitterness and enmity which exists against us all over the world but particularly in the Muslim world BECAUSE—OF—THE—POLICIES—OF—INJUSTICE that we have visited upon them for so MANY—YEARS".
20051020—20010911    —REGARDING, "it may appear that these airplanes came out of 1—CLEAR—BLUE—SKY,
20051021             "SOME—OF—THE—SAME—NAMES in THE—ABRAMOFF scandal also surface in connection with MOHAMED—ATTA'S," we reported, in a 20050621             story headlined "THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—20010911              ".
20051021             FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             terror flight school attended by MOHAMED—ATTA.
20051021             Rice calls war PART—OF—POST—20010911              plan:
20051021             ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             terror flight school attended by MOHAMED—ATTA.
20051021             Rice calls war PART—OF—POST—20010911              plan : SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —YESTERDAY that it was always THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—INTENT to redesign THE—MIDDLE—EAST—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, which exposed a "deep malignancy growing" in the region + that THE—IRAQ war was PART—OF—THAT—PLAN.
20051021—20052106    in 1—STORY headlined "THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—20010911              ".
20051023             Favorable testimony deals notwithstanding, INTERNET controversy continues to rage because the 20010911—COMMISSION—CONDUCTS 90—PERCENT—OF—ITS—INVESTIGATION in secret,
20051023—20010911    —ON, failing to hear public testimony from boarding gate personnel, cleanup + catering crews with less security scrutiny, air traffic controllers, military pilots in the air +
20051025             The forgery conspiracy seems TO—DATE back to 19990000             -- which means the plot to foment war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST began well —BEFORE 20010911             .
20051025             Im Weißen Haus verglich er seine Bemühungen vor dem 20050911             , für den KAMPF—GEGEN—AL—QAIDA zu werben, mit Churchills Warnungen vor dem Aufstieg der Nazis.
20051025             —ZUGLEICH, beklagte er aber auch einen generellen Verfall der PRESSE—UND Meinungsfreiheit in den USA —SEIT den Terroranschlägen des 20050911             .
20051025             The forgery conspiracy seems TO—DATE back to 19990000             -- which means the plot to foment war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST began well —BEFORE 20010911             20051025             —FILLED, THE—SUB—HUMAN brutes who have, their SOUTHERN—FRIED brain cells with such whoppers as "intelligent design" and the Tim LaHaye interpretation of the Apocalypse are the same factophobes who still believe that Saddam engineered 20010911             and that Hillary is 1—PAGAN socialist.
20051026             The meaning of this shorthand is clear in retrospect: the administration would use the opportunity to link unrelated phenomena, most notably IRAQ (S.H. = SADDAM—HUSSEIN) and AL—QAEDA (U.B.L. = Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN), but also 20010911             with 1—WHOLE—RANGE—OF unfriendly forces that could be targeted in the new situation.
20051026             He tells La Repubblica: "I am 1—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF and my only institutional partner in conversation —FOLLOWING 20010911             was CIA Director GEORGE—TENET in WASHINGTON. Obviously, I held conversations solely with him".
20051026             The nation has to be kept on its toes: - This is why 20010911             was a 'gift' from heaven! - It put the country in the 'proper' mood.
20051026             "I am 1—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF and my only institutional partner in conversation —FOLLOWING 20010911             was CIA Director GEORGE—TENET in WASHINGTON.
20051026             but also 20010911             with 1—WHOLE—RANGE—OF unfriendly forces that could be targeted in the new situation.
20051026—20010911    —AFTER, Dialectics of the Plame Affair: THE—NEOCON—DOMINATED USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION opted for generalized SOUTH—WEST—ASIA—WAR.
20051029             FERDINAND—MARCOS—BUT anyway, THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—MARCOS regime is worth knowing... of Marcos + I'm not endorsing the theory that 20010911             was 1—CARLYLE—GROUP—CONSPIRACY...
20051029             of Marcos + I'm not endorsing the theory that 20010911             was 1—CARLYLE—GROUP—CONSPIRACY...
20051030             1—SURVIVOR Tells His Story: I went to fight in IRAQ to get revenge for 20010911             ... I found out Bush had led us into 1—WAR that was immoral + totally wrong
20051030—20050911    —AM, hatte er noch bei 42 % Zuspruch gefunden.
20051031             SOUTH—TOWER Exit Wounds Tell 911—TALE 20051031             Dirty Little 20010911             Secrets Exposed
20051101             Insider Trading —BEFORE 20050911             attacks Who Killed JOHN—O'NEILL?
20051102             —FIXED, Senate Intelligence chairman quietly '' intelligence: SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH issued 1—ORDER to THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT + his cabinet members that severely curtailed intelligence oversight by restricting classified information to —JUST 8—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS.
20051102             Die "Black Sites" waren demnach —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             konzipiert worden.
20051102             SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH issued 1—ORDER to THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY,
20051102             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that THE—CIA has been hiding and interrogating al Qaeda captives at 1—SECRET—FACILITY in EAST—EUROPE as PART—OF—1—COVERT—GLOBAL—PRISON—SYSTEM that has included sites in 8—COUNTRIES and was set up —AFTER 20010911             —THE, attacks.
20051105             WOLZEK—TERROR—TIMELINE: HISTORY—OF—THE—JEWISH—WAR—AGAINST—THE—WORLD 19000000—19990000     Terror Timeline: HISTORY—OF—THE—JEWISH—ASSAULT—ON—THE—WORLD 20051105             20010911             20110911             .
20051106             Demanding 1—CONGRESS ional Inquiry of 20010911             ... in criminal activities and its former chairman was —UNTIL recent ly, USA—PRESIDENT—HERBERT—PUG—WINOKUR, who was the recent CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—ENRON—FINANCE—COMMITTEE.
20051106             Capricorn Holdings - 20010911             ENCYCLOPEDIA...
20051106             Demanding 1—CONGRESS ional Inquiry of 20010911             ...
20051106             Dyncorp - 20010911             ENCYCLOPEDIA
20051106             ParaPolitics FORUM—GOVT/Mil/Intel Shenanigans - 20010911             Commission...
20051106             [RG] FTW - 20010911             — Peak OIL—WASHINGTON—POST AD—FULL—TEXT
20051106             PORTLAND imc - 20020000             .20010911             — THE—COMING—CORPORATE—RULE—OF—AMERICA
20051106             Dyncorp - 20010911             Encyclopedia 7) Back to ENRON s USA—PRESIDENT—HERBERT " PUG—WINOKUR (->) and 1—REPORT from Etherzone (URI—DOWBENKO >): " PUG—WINOKUR has...
20051106—19980000    —SINCE, Capricorn Holdings - 20010911             Encyclopedia... —WHEN independent investigators digged more on USA—PRESIDENT—HERBERT—S—PUG—WINOKUR...Winokur has served as 1—DIRECTOR—OF—CAPRICORN—HOLDINGS.
20051106—20010911    —ON, Investigative Reports by MICHAEL—C—RUPPERT and TOM—FLOCCO...
20051108             —INVOKED, Antiwar_com Blog 20010911             was, at least 5—TIMES as 1—JUSIFICATION for the invasion and CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ.
20051108             Excite ESPAÑA—FOROS—UK.CURRENT—EVENTS.terrorism 20010911             was invoked at least 5 > times as 1—JUSIFICATION for the invasion + CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ.
20051108             Bush Speech Sets 1—RECORD—RANT -N- Rave "UNCENSORED" Current... 20010911             was invoked at least 5—TIMES as 1—JUSIFICATION for the invasion + CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ.
20051108             Re: Deception, Denial + Demagoguery: Bush Speech Sets 1—RECORD 20010911             was invoked at least 5 > times as 1—JUSIFICATION for the invasion + CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ.
20051108             Deception, Denial + Demagoguery: Bush Speech Sets 1—RECORD 20010911             was invoked at least 5—TIMES as 1—JUSIFICATION for the invasion + CONQUEST—OF—IRAQ.
20051109             In the post-20010911             world, Drobny finds THE—BUSH—SAUDI—ARABIA—CONNECTION deeply troubling.
20051109             without 20010911             , GEORGE—BUSH would not have been able to declare himself a "war PRESIDENT" and there would have been no convincing reason to expand THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—POWER through legislation like THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT.
20051109             Mission improbable: Challenging the official story of 20010911             20051109             For MORE—THAN—4—YEARS, the public has repeatedly been urged to ignore "outrageous" conspiracies theories about 20010911             —THE, attacks that set in motion THE—SO—CALLED "WAR—ON—TERRORISM".
20051109             It took 1—SUSPICIOUS—EVENT (20010911             ), 2—BRUTAL WARS—OF—AGGRESSION (AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ ) + 1—HURRICANE (Katrina) to permanently unmask the nature, objectives + IDEOLOGY—OF—USA—IMPERIALISM.
20051110             1 classified report issued —LAST—YEAR by THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—INSPECTOR—GENERAL warned that interrogation procedures approved by THE—CIA—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks might violate SOME—PROVISIONS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—CONVENTION—AGAINST Torture, current + former intelligence officials say.
20051110—20050911    —REPORTED, THE—USA—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, that the deficit jumped to $66.1—BILLION.4 percent higher than the $59.3—BILLION imbalance recorded —IN—AUGUST.
20051112             Congressman: 20010911             is a 'COVER—UP'—SPLOID—GOT it.
20051112             BYU Forms New Theory About 20010911             Attacks
20051112—20010911    —ON, BYU Forms New Theory About 20010911             Attacks BYU professor has developed 1—NEW—THEORY about the terrorist attack in NEW—YORK.
20051112—20010911    —DEVELOPED, BYU professor has, 1—NEW—THEORY about the terrorist attack in NEW—YORK.
20051112—20010911    —ON, BYU Forms New Theory About 20010911             Attacks BYU professor has developed 1—NEW—THEORY about THE—TERROR—IST attack in NEW—YORK.
20051112—20010911    —DEVELOPED, BYU professor has, 1—NEW—THEORY about THE—TERROR—IST attack in NEW—YORK.
20051112—20050911    —ON, There are worries that even —AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS, THE—USA is still not convinced that INTERNATIONAL bodies such as THE—UNITED—NATIONS can help fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20051113             —OVERLOOKED, The fact that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, numerous warning signs in THE—RUN—UP to 20010911             —THE attacks is 1—OLD—STORY that is being used in 1—NEW—WAY in the Zacarias Moussaoui case.
20051113             The physics of 20010911             — including how fast and symmetrically 1—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—BUILDINGS fell — prove that offiCIA l EXPLANATIONS—OF—THE—COLLAPSES are wrong,
20051113             Unheeded warnings —BEFORE 20010911             could turn case in MOUSSAOUI—FAVOUR:
20051113—20010911    —SINCE, Jones said that models conducted in tests have not been able to duplicate what happened to the buildings.
20051114             Professor Has Theory About 20010911             Attacks:
20051114—20010911    —ON, 1—BYU professor has developed 1—NEW—THEORY about the terrorist attack in NEW—YORK.
20051114—20010911    —ON, Professor Has Theory About 20010911             Attacks: 1—BYU professor has developed 1—NEW—THEORY about the terrorist attack in NEW—YORK.
20051114—20060000    —EXPOSED, THE—FORMER—FBI agent who scathingly, the bureau's failure to uncover 20010911             —THE plot is running for 1—HOUSE—SEAT in MINNESOTA as 1—DEMOCRAT +
20051115             THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             .
20051115             THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             . - - Flash video
20051115—20010911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA.
20051115—20050911    —AFTER, ORWELL—OCEANIA and THE—USA : WILL—FICTION—BECOME—FACT?... of the 1. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231   , GEORGE—ORWELL in his novel 19840000             ...
20051116             Don't Miss the "The 5 Unanswered Questions About 20010911             ," by JAMES—RIDGEWAY—OF—THE—VILLAGE—VOICE.
20051116             1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—FAILINGS—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION to Fully Identify the Failings Leading to 20010911             .
20051116             Bush Gang Swore SADDAM—WAS—BEHIND 20010911             In Lawsuit : The debate over who was most responsible for convincing the nation that there was 1—LINK between Saddam and 20010911             will probably continue —FOR—YEARS but 1—IMPORTANT—PIECE—OF—THE puzzle can be found by zeroing in on 1—WOMAN by THE—NAME—OF—LAURIE—MYLROIE, that most people have probably never heard.
20051116             Bush Gang Swore SADDAM—WAS—BEHIND 20010911             In Lawsuit: But Rozen misses 1—KEY—POINT.
20051116             The debate over who was most responsible for convincing the nation that there was 1—LINK between Saddam and 20010911             will probably continue —FOR—YEARS but 1—IMPORTANT—PIECE—OF—THE puzzle can be found by zeroing in on 1—WOMAN by THE—NAME—OF—LAURIE—MYLROIE,
20051120—20010911    —AFTER, THE—CIA set up 1—NETWORK—OF—SECRET—JOINT—OPERATIONS—CENTRES with 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES to hunt down suspected terrorists in THE—YEAR s it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20051120—20010911    —AFTER, CIA bought foreign cooperation against terrorism, says report : THE—CIA set up 1—NETWORK—OF—SECRET—JOINT—OPERATIONS—CENTRES with 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES to hunt down suspected terrorists in the —YEAR s it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20051121             1—TIMELINE—SURROUNDING 20010911             ;;0911;; - IF CIA AND THE—GOVERNMENT—WEREN'T—INVOLVED—IN—THE ;;0911;;
20051121             Die strengen Kontrollen zeigen, wie die Nachwehen des 20010911             längst auch eher BESCHAULICH—WELTFREMDE Fachleute quälen.
20051121             —SEITDEM, aber die ANTHRAX briefe KURZ—NACH—DEM 20010911             die ANGST—VOR—BIOTERROR entfesselt haben,
20051121—20010911    THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, Part II
20051122—20010911    —AFTER, —10—DAYS, THE—CIA told Bush that IRAQ had nothing to do with 20010911             or AL—QAEDA, yet Bush Cheney insisted there WERE—AND —NOW Bush refuses to turn over THE—CIA briefing " bob fertik's blog
20051123             Bush Lies: Saddam & 20010911             : 1—SMOKING—GUN—AND—1—WARM—BODY : "We have no evidence that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was involved with 20010911             —THE "attacks".
20051123             "We have no evidence that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was involved with 20010911             —THE"attacks".
20051123             Bush Lies: Saddam & 20010911             : 1—SMOKING—GUN—AND—1—WARM—BODY:
2005112320051123     CONDOLEEZA—RICE and 20010911             —THE—COMMISION—CHEMTRAIL CENTRAL—FORUM...
20051123—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Die außergewöhnlichen Vollmachten, mit denen DIE—CIA operiert,
20051123—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Die außergewöhnlichen Vollmachten, mit denen DIE—CIA operiert, genehmigte nach Darstellung des Bestellerautors BOB—WOODWARD—BUSH persönlich.
20051125             Im Münchner Stadtmuseum wird 1—AUSSTELLUNG zum Werk THOMAS—HÖPKERS eröffnet, in der 1. das Foto Blick von Williamsburg, Brooklyn, auf Manhattan, 20010911             gezeigt wird.
20051127             —PRESENTED, The sole case, against OSAMA—BIN—LADEN & AL—QAEDA for 20010911             —THE bombings was 1—WHITE—PAPER entitled, "
20051127             Consider, for example, that neither 20010911             —THE commission nor ANY—COURT—OF—LAW has been able to directly take evidence from the key post-20010911             terror detainees held by USA.
20051127             —EXPANDED, WASHINGTON—POST THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT has, its programs aimed at gathering and analyzing intelligence within THE—USA, creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic SECURITY—ACTIVITIES in the post-20010911             world.
20051127             creating new agencies, adding personnel and seeking additional legal authority for domestic SECURITY—ACTIVITIES in the post-20010911             world.
20051127             Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity FEARS—OF—POST—20010911              TERROR—ISM Spur Proposals for New Powers By WALTER—PINCUS—WASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER
20051128—20010911    —IN, The name "ALI—MOHAMED" came up briefly Commission hearings,
20051128—20010911    —IN, THE—ALI—MOHAMED—FBI—BUNGLE: The name "ALI—MOHAMED" came up briefly Commission hearings, but his embarassing relationship with THE—FBI — + AL—QAEDA — was brazenly covered up.
20051130             MIKE—WHITNEY : BUSH—FASCIST—VALHALLA : The expanded powers of the Pentagon were presented in 1—PROPOSAL by 1—PRESIDENTIAL—COMMISSION headed by LAWRENCE—SILBERMAN and FORMER—SENATOR—CHARLES—ROBB, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations (CFR) and 20010911             —THE "whitewash" commission.
20051130             2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNCIL on Foreign Relations (CFR) and 20010911             —THE "whitewash" commission.
20051202             The courts were defending his executive privilege on energy policy + people were still buying all that smoke about SADDAM—BEING responsible for 20010911             + that drivel about how we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.
20051204             Members of the former 20050911             commission said THE—USA was at great risk for more terrorist attacks because Congress and THE—WHITE—HOUSE had failed to enact several strong security measures.
20051204—20010911    —SINCE, He has been granted access to all its top officials, including lengthy interviews with THE—PRESIDENT himself, to produce 2—BUSH—BEST—SELLERS.
20051205             20051205             20010911             Panel Cites Inadequate Security Steps former 20010911             commission gave dismal grades —MONDAY to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to shore up NATIONAL—SECURITY + prevent another terror ATTACK—ON—THE—USA.
20051205             "Was 20010911             MORE—THAN—JUST 1—ATTACK?
20051205             2—PROMINENT—EUROPEAN politicians, MICHAEL—MEACHER and ANDREAS—VON—BÜLOW, express their serious doubts about the official version of 20010911             —THE story".
20051205             FORMER 20010911             commission gave dismal grades —MONDAY to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—EFFORTS to shore up NATIONAL—SECURITY + prevent another terror ATTACK—ON—THE—USA.
20051205—20010911    Special Documentary - " THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—IS—BOGUS
20051206             —POINTED, As I, out in the Introduction, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT endorses the official CONSPIRACY theory,
20051206             Although 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not mention this alternative hypothesis,
20051206             Besides omitting THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFERENCE to 20010911             —THE attacks as "opportunities," it omitted ANY—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USA—SPACE—COMMAND,
20051206             Although CAPTAIN—INGLEDUE believes the official account of 20010911             ,
20051206             adding they were in perfect agreement with the government's official version of 20010911             .
20051206             1—GERMANY—MAN filed 1—LAWSUIT in VIRGINIA claiming he was held captive and tortured by USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENTS—AFTER being mistakenly identified as 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—20050911             —THE hijackers.
20051206             Although 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION did not mention this alternative hypothesis, it was clearly seeking to undermine its plausibility.
20051206             Besides omitting THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFERENCE to 20010911             —THE attacks as "opportunities," it omitted ANY—DISCUSSION—OF—THE—USA—SPACE—COMMAND, with its mission to solidify global dominance + of THE—PNAC document, with its suggestion that 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR would be helpful.
20051206             Although CAPTAIN—INGLEDUE believes the official account of 20010911             , he admitted it was "very strange and highly unusual" to find unblemished PAPER—THIN—EVIDENCE in 1—MELTDOWN—LIKE the Pentagon.
20051206             Strangely, in light of the miraculous discoveries, both Iskandar and Calley's loved one's did not question the return or AUTHENTICITY—OF—THE—ITEMS returned, adding they were in perfect agreement with the government's official version of 20010911             .
20051206             —NOTED, Investigators, there was no suicide note and the only thing found next to her body was 1—LETTER from then NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR—RUDOLPH—GIULIANI inviting her to 1—UPCOMING memorial service at Ground 0 to mourn 20010911             victims.
20051206             Strange Suicide of 1—FLIGHT—11—PASSENGER—WIFE—RAISES—MORE—DOUBT as to What Really Happened on the 4 20010911             Flights
20051206             according to which —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             were carried out solely by AL—QAEDA, under the direction of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20051206—20010911    —ON, Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC 20051206             Titan 's 'rivers' might flow as EARTH—DO
20051206—20010911    —ON, Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC
20051206—20010911    —ON, Police Found Suspected Bombs In WTC 20051206             1—GERMANY—MAN filed 1—LAWSUIT in VIRGINIA claiming he was held captive and tortured by USA—GOVERNMENT—AGENTS—AFTER being mistakenly identified as 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—20050911             —THE hijackers.
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, For example, 2—CALIFORNIA ID CARDS—OF—FLIGHT—77—PASSENGER, SUSANNE—CALLEY, were miraculously uncovered in the Pentagon wreckage by a 1. responder, CAPTAIN—JIM—INGLEDUE—OF—THE—VIRGINIA—BEACH—FIRE—DEPARTMENT —2—DAYS.
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, And even more miraculously than CALLEY—ID—1—YEAR, 4 unscathed credit cards were returned to the parents of Waleed Iskandar, 1—SUSPICIOUS—FLIGHT—11—PASSENGER also not on the original passenger list but included —1—YEAR—LATER on unofficial flight lists.
20051206—20010911    —AFTER, Prasanna Kalahasthi, 25, 1—USC dental student and oo to Pendyala Vamsikrishna, 1—FLIGHT—11—PASSENGER, killed herslf —1—MONTH in her LOS—ANGELES apartment even though friends say she was 'in good spirits and determined to finish dental school.'
20051207             "Die Schrecken, die AMERIKA CHILE" [19730911—20051207] "zufügte, können nie gesühnt + nie verziehen werden.
20051207             Den Angaben zufolge war der Vorfall —SEIT den erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Zuge der Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, das 1. Mal,
20051207             spokespersons in this 20010911             "truth"-movement, as represented in the activist group 911truth_org,
20051207             + —1—DAY—AFTER—THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—THE—CONTROVERSIAL 20010911             bill, has ties with 20010911             .
20051207             Den Angaben zufolge war der Vorfall —SEIT den erhöhten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Zuge der Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, das 1. Mal, dass 1—FLUGMARSCHALL einen tödlichen Schuss abgab.
20051207             debated —LAST—WEEK by USA—CONGRESS + —1—DAY—AFTER—THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—THE—CONTROVERSIAL 20010911             bill, has ties with 20010911             .
20051207             Panel gives USA 5 'F's in ATTACK—PREPARATION : Time, money and EVER—PRESENT—TERROR—THREATS have done little to close gaping holes in the nation's security system, the former 20050911             Commission said —MONDAY in accusing the government of failing to protect the country.
20051207             —5—DAYS—AFTER 20050911             —THE terrorist attacks, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY instructed the nation that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT would begin working "the dark side" to defeat its enemies in 1—NEW—GLOBAL—WAR.
20051208             GENERAL—HUGH—SHELTON, who was the military's top COMMANDER 20010911             —DURING, —THE, attacks, confirmed that —4—YEARS—BEFORE the tragedy he authorized 1—SECRET—COMPUTER DATA—MINING initiative to track down OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and operatives in the fugitive terrorist's AL—QAIDA network.
20051208—20010911    —SINCE, GERMAN—CASE 1. became public —LAST—YEAR, as he emerged as the latest in 1—STRING—OF—WHISTLE—BLOWERS at THE—FBI who said they had been punished and effectively silenced for voicing concerns about THE—HANDLING—OF—TERRORISM—INVESTIGATIONS.
20051209             MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks, USA—DIPLOMATS warned SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN might target CIVIL—AIRCRAFT, according to 1—NEWLY declassified STATE—DEPARTMENT—CABLE.
20051209             SOURCE—NEVERTHELESS, the report that police did find explosives in the World Trade Center —BEFORE THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TOWERS is another giant smoking gun to add to all the rest proving that THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—BUILDINGS and 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job.
20051209             —FILED, The report you're watching and hearing was, by an MISS—NBC news anchor RICK—SANCHEZ on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             .
20051209             20010911             —BEFORE, Warnings on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN -
20051213             All 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION says of this phantom threat is that it was the product of "1—MISUNDERSTOOD communication".
20051213             Open and Shut - 10—BIG—QUESTIONS about 20010911             .
20051213             Berkman Center Research Publication NUMBER 20050000—20080000              20051213—20010911    —AFTER, —WHEN Bush was criticized days for failing to return to WASHINGTON —UNTIL MORE—THAN—10—HOURS—AFTER—THE—1. attack, THE—WHITE—HOUSE claimed there had been 1—THREAT ("real and credible," in flack ARI—FLEISCHER—WORDS) to AIR—FORCE 1. There was none.
20051214             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN: 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—INCREDIBLE—TALES:
20051214             As Burns Weston, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—LAW, has said, we —NOW have "1—DISPARITY between official 20010911             'SPIN' and independently researched 20010911             —FACT so glaring as to suggest the possibility of 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CRISIS unlike anything our country has ever known".
20051214             This is why the 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT is in 1—RESPECT the most important movement in our country and even in our world —TODAY.
20051214             This conclusion has, of course, frightening implications, because it is hard to imagine why the Commission would have engaged in such deceit except to cover up the fact that —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             were orchestrated by forces within our own government, including our armed forces.
20051215             Auch die BRITISCHEN—BEHÖRDEN haben —NACH—DEM 20010911             hart durchgegriffen.
20051215             LONDON—DIE 3—ALGERIER und 1—PALÄSTINENSER wurden 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, auf Basis der verschärften BRITISCHEN—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE gemeinsam mit 12—WEITEREN Verdächtigen ohne Verfahren festgenommen und in 1—HOCHSICHERHEITSGEFÄNGNIS gebracht, wie die Zeitung "THE—INDEPENDENT" —HEUTE berichtete.
20051215             LONDON—DIE 3—ALGERIER und 1—PALÄSTINENSER wurden 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, auf Basis der verschärften BRITISCHEN—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE gemeinsam mit 12—WEITEREN Verdächtigen ohne Verfahren festgenommen und in 1—HOCHSICHERHEITSGEFÄNGNIS gebracht,
20051216             —AM—MITTWOCH hatte das Repräsentantenhaus einen Kompromiss verabschiedet, der die befristeten Teile der 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, beschlossenen 16—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE mit Änderungen dauerhaft in Kraft setzen würde.
20051216             Able Danger officials will testify —BEFORE Congres s : THE—PENTAGON, —AFTER WEEKS—OF—SILENCE, will allow participants in 1—INTELLIGENCE—CELL that —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20050911             —THE attacks may have identified some of the ringleaders to testify —BEFORE Congress.
20051216             Their testimony could shed light on information that 20050911             —THE commission did not include in its report.
20051216             der die befristeten Teile der 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, beschlossenen 16—ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE mit Änderungen dauerhaft in Kraft setzen würde.
20051217             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said —SATURDAY he has no intention of stopping his personal authorizations of 1—POST—20050911              secret eavesdropping program in THE—USA, lashing out at those involved in revealing it —WHILE defending it as crucial to preventing future attacks
20051217             —ACKNOWLEDGED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, he signed 1—SECRET—ORDER—AFTER 20010911             —THE, attacks to allow THE—SURVEILLANCE—OF—PEOPLE in THE—USA.
20051217             Months —AFTER 20050911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH secretly authorized THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside THE—USA to search for EVIDENCE—OF—TERROR—IST—ACTIVITY without THE—COURT—APPROVED warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials.
20051217             If Bush Claims He Needs the STALINist UnPatriot Act to Fight TERROR—ISM, Why Did He Let 20010911             Happen Despite Being Warned that AL—QAEDA—WAS—GOING to Hijack Planes in THE—USA?
20051217—20010911    —AFTER, There were actually reports on torture right from the start, right.
20051217—20010911    —AM, die —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN erlassen worden waren.
20051217—20010911    —AFTER, Torture and Empire: 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—LILA—RAJIVA : There were actually reports on torture right from the start, right.
20051217—20010911    —AM, Im Senat hatte sich —AM—FREITAG keine Mehrheit für die Beendigung einer Debatte über die Gesetze des "Patriot Act" gefunden, die —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN erlassen worden waren.
20051218             —REVEALED, The mass murders of 20010911             , deadly gaps in USA—INTELLIGENCE that needed to be closed.
20051218             THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY (NSA) 1. began to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on telephone calls and E—MAIL messages between THE—USA and AFGHANISTAN in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             —THE ,
20051218—20010911    —AFTER, USA—SPY—AGENCY—STARTS Eavesdropping Between USA, AFGHANISTAN :
20051218—20010911    —AFTER, USA—SPY—AGENCY—STARTS Eavesdropping Between USA, AFGHANISTAN : THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY (NSA) 1. began to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on telephone calls and E—MAIL messages between THE—USA—AND—AFGHANISTAN in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             —THE, attacks, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —SUNDAY.
20051218—20021017    —ON, NEW—YORK—TIMES " -- --, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, made 1—ELOQUENT plea to 1—JOINT—HOUSE—SENATE—INQUIRY on intelligence for 1—SOBER national discussion about whether the line between liberty and security should be shifted —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks + if so, precisely how far.
20051219             Our position is, is that the authorization to use force, which was passed by the Congress in the days —FOLLOWING 20050911             , constitutes that other authorization, that other statute by Congress, to engage in this KIND—OF—SIGNALS—INTELLIGENCE.
20051219             Die Abhöraktionen fanden demnach —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             statt.
20051220             Rudalevige asks: "—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks + again
20051220             Did THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—LIE to Congress and 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION?
20051220             "Congressional Democrats and SOME—REPUBLICANS have expressed outrage at THE—NSA program, saying it contradicts LONG—STANDING restrictions on domestic spying and subverts constitutional guarantees against unwarranted INVASIONS—OF—PRIVACY... ".Bush justified his order on his presidential powers as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF as well as his interpretation of the congressional resolution authorizing him to use force in response to 20050911             —THE attacks, passed days —AFTER—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER and the Pentagon were hit.
20051220—20021000    —IN, ".In our system, strong presidential leadership is essential -- but if unchecked and undebated it can also do damage to the soul of our SELF—GOVERNANCE. Our government is built on the presumption that (in JAMES—MADISON—PHRASE) 'ambition [will] counteract ambition.' But so far CONGRESS—AMBITION has largely manifested itself in 1—DESIRE to avoid the blame that can be associated with making difficult decisions".Rudalevige asks: "—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks + again, Congress granted THE—PRESIDENT—VERY—BROAD—AUTHORIZATIONS to use force -- in the 1. case, against opponents defined by THE—PRESIDENT himself. Should legislators revisit these 'blank check' resolutions in the light of additional information about the executive DECISION—MAKING process that led to THE—IRAQ war?"Froomkin WATCHTHE—WHITE—HOUSE gave reporters —JUST over —2—HOURS—NOTICE this —MORNING that Bush would hold 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE at 10:30 a.m. ET.I filed my column —TODAY—BEFORE the press conference began.
20051222             "Es ist kein Zufall, dass wir —4—JAHRE nicht mehr getroffen wurden", sagte er in Anspielung auf die Anschläge 20010911             —VOM.
20051222             It is —NOW 1—MATTER—OF—PUBLIC—RECORD that —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER—THE—TERRIBLE—TRAGEDY—OF—20010911             , USA—SECRETARY—OF—WAR—DONALD—RUMSFELD + his PRO—ISRAELI "Neoconservative" Deputy PAUL—WOLFOWITZ began to plot, plan, scheme and conspire to wage 1—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION against IRAQ by manipulating the tragic events of 20050911             in order to provide 1—PRETEXT for doing so
20051222             In confirming the existence of 1—TOP—SECRET—DOMESTIC spying program, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH offered 1—CASE as proof that authorities desperately needed the eavesdropping ability in order to plug 1—HOLE in THE—COUNTER—TERROR—ISM firewall that had allowed 20050911             —THE plot to go undetected.
20051222—20010911    —ON, It was 1—PROCEDURE that was in its infancy.
20051222—20010911    —AFTER, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH claimed at —YESTERDAY—PRESS—CONFERENCE that he did not have to secure warrants because THE—USA—CONGRESS also granted me additional authority to use military force against al Qaeda".
20051222—20010911    —AFTER, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH claimed at —YESTERDAY—PRESS—CONFERENCE that he did not have to secure warrants because THE—USA—CONGRESS also granted me additional authority to use military force against AL—QAEDA".
20051223             We must pledge allegiance to 1—CERTAIN—POST 20010911             Order, abandon THE—RULE—OF—LAW, compromise our values, turn against our neighbors, enlist in 1—CLASH—OF—CIVILIZATIONS, all in THE—NAME—OF—DEFEATING the terrorists.
20051223             —REQUESTED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, + Congress rejected, WAR—MAKING authority "in THE—USA" in negotiations over the joint resolution passed days —AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , according to 1—OPINION article by FORMER—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—THOMAS—A—DASCHLE (D—S.D.) in —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST.
20051223             We must pledge allegiance to 1—CERTAIN—POST 20010911             Order, abandon THE—RULE—OF—LAW,
20051223—20010911    —SINCE, In search of 1—TERRORIST—NUCLEAR—BOMB, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has run 1—FAR—REACHING,
20051223—20010911    —SINCE, In search of 1—TERRORIST—NUCLEAR—BOMB, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has run 1—FAR—REACHING, top secret program to monitor radiation levels at over a 100—MUSLIM sites in THE—WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, area, including mosques, homes, businesses + warehouses, plus similar sites in at least 5—OTHER—CITIES, USA—NEWS has learned.
20051227             As usual, he returned to the events of 20010911             .
20051227—20010911    —EXISTED, He ruined THE—AMERICA—THAT.
20051227—20010911    —SINCE, BUSH—LEGAL—ADVISERS have cleared the way for him to hold enemy combatants without trials;
20051231             TOTAL 911—INFO—OF—THE $458—MILLION in federal 20010911             aid spent on debris removal, AMEC got $65.8—MILLION, Bovis $277.2—MILLION, Tully $76—MILLION and Turner $39—MILLION.
20051231             USA—PROBES eavesdropping leak: THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT is investigating who disclosed 1—SECRET—DOMESTIC eavesdropping operation approved by USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—AFTER 20050911             —THE attacks, officials said —ON—FRIDAY.
20051231—20010911    —AFTER, The effort USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH authorized shortly, to fight AL—QAEDA has grown into the largest CIA covert action program —SINCE—THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—COLD—WAR, expanding in size and ambition despite 1—GROWING outcry at home and abroad over its clandestine tactics
20051231—20010911    —IN—THE, At THE—SAME—TIME, THE—USA—MAINSTREAM—PRESS hasn't exactly been acting... —AT—THE—END—OF—20050000              that Saddam was involved attacks... accused the program's FORMER—CHIEF—OF taking nearly $150,000 ...
20060101             Berichten zufolge hatte Bush den Lauschangriff 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, angeordnet.
20060103             Links do CRG acerca do 20010911             20060103             Em entrevista à CBC Radio MICHAEL—SPRINGMAN expõe ligações da CIA a OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, (Real Audio), 20060129             .
20060105             CHERTOFF—COUSIN—PENNED—POPULAR—MECHANICS 20010911             Hit Piece
20060105—20010911    —AFTER, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JAMES—RISEN 1. broke the story —2—WEEKS—AGO that THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY began spying on domestic communications soon.
20060105—20010911    —AFTER, Agency moved without directive from BUSH, declassified documents show
20060108             And that didn't make ANY—SENSE in the post-20010911             era.
20060108             EDWARD—BERNAYS - 160+ 20010911             'SMOKING Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media Last updated:
20060108             150+ 20010911             Smoking Guns
20060108             150+ 20010911             Smoking Guns Articles
20060108             150—ARTICLES relating to 20010911             found in the mainstream media!
20060108             Conspiracy Theories: Uncovering the facts behind the myths of 20010911             20060108             Army War College Criticizes IRAQ War
20060108             150+ 20010911             Smoking Guns 150+ Links all found in Mainstream Media!
20060108             150+ 20010911             Smoking Guns Articles 150—ARTICLES relating to 20010911             found in the mainstream media!
20060108             —FILED, STANLEY—HILTON—LAWSUIT—LAWSUIT, against high officials in the current USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for complicity in aiding and abetting and facilitating 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060108             Uncovering the facts behind the myths of 20010911             20060108             Army War College Criticizes IRAQ War THE—USA—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE in Carlisle has published 1—REPORT—CRITICAL—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20060108             Conspiracy Theories: Uncovering the facts behind the myths of 20010911             20060108             150+ 20010911             Smoking Guns 150+ Links all found in Mainstream Media!
20060108—20010911    —ON, THE—REPORT—OF—THE—CITIZENS—COMMISSION is the 24-page RESULT—OF—REVIEWING—HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF—GOVERNMENT—FINDINGS and details of independent investigation and analysis.
20060108—20010911    —ON, 1—MUST—SEE! Tested at the Pentagon /01, this lawn was shown to resist fire,
20060108—20010911    —ON, THE—REPORT—OF—THE—CITIZENS—COMMISSION THE—REPORT—OF—THE—CITIZENS—COMMISSION 20010911             —ON is the 24-page RESULT—OF—REVIEWING—HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF—GOVERNMENT—FINDINGS and details of independent investigation and analysis.
20060108—20010911    —ON, 1—MUST—SEE! Tested at the Pentagon /01, this lawn was shown to resist fire, skid marks, explosions and planes crashing into it!
20060109—20010911    —AFTER, —1—MONTH, BUSH showed up at 1—INTERNATIONAL—TECHNOLOGY—CONFERENCE in DUBAI where he was hunting for investors for Ignite!
20060109—20010911    —AFTER, NEIL—BUSH is no stranger to showing up at OUT—OF—THE—WAY—PLACES searching for business: —1—MONTH, Bush showed up at 1—INTERNATIONAL—TECHNOLOGY—CONFERENCE in DUBAI where he was hunting for investors for Ignite!
20060113             Bush Authorized Domestic Spying —BEFORE 20010911             20060113             THE—NSA—VAST DATA—MINING activities began SHORTLY—AFTER Bush was sworn in as PRESIDENT and the document contradicts his assertion that 20010911             —THE attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing 1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER authorizing THE—NSA to monitor 1—SELECT—NUMBER—OF—USA—CITIZENS thought to have ties to terrorist groups.
20060115             FEARS—OF—POST—20010911              Terrorism Spur Proposals for New Powers By WALTER—PINCUS—WASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER
20060115             Bush Authorized Domestic Spying —BEFORE 20010911             — Feel free?
20060117             What connects 1—HOLLYWOOD starlet with the attacks of 20200911             0 1 1—CONTINUING cascade of corporate scandals implicating several...
20060117             Enabling Danger: The press has —RECENTLY been reporting on THE—ISSUE—OF—SURVEILLANCE pertaining to 4 "key" 20010911             hijackers.
20060117             Specifically, Congressman CURT—WELDON (R—PENNSILVANIA) has gone public with accusations that the Pentagon had 4—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers under its surveillance in ;;12;;
20060117             FAILED AND COLLAPSED STATES IN THE—INTERNATIONAL—SYSTEM—WHAT connects 1—HOLLYWOOD starlet with the attacks of 20010911             1—CONTINUING cascade of corporate scandals implicating several...
20060117—20001200    —IN, Specifically, Congressman CURT—WELDON (R—PENNSILVANIA) has gone public with accusations that the Pentagon had 4—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers under its surveillance.
20060117—20010911    —ON, means that we may freely argue that they partnered up against us.
20060117—20010911    911—BOOKMARKS Volume 06
20060117—20010911    —ON, So, for example, the fact that SADDAM—HUSSEIN—BA'ATH Party and AL—QAEDA are both Arab movements + both Islamic (although only nominally so in THE—IRAQ—CASE), means that we may freely argue that they partnered up against us.
20060117—20060911    —AFTER, Spy Agency Data Led F.B.I. to Dead Ends : As the bureau was running down those leads, its director, ROBERT—S—MUELLER—III, raised concerns about the legal rationale for 1—PROGRAM—OF eavesdropping without warrants, 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said.
20060119             —NOW we are left holding the bag in 2—DESPERATE—COUNTRIES with bleak futures where perpetrators of 20010911             are reportedly thriving and guerilla warfare and terror bombings have continued to increase.
20060119             ROBERT—SCHEER: WHAT—UP—WITH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN? : —NOW we are left holding the bag in 2—DESPERATE—COUNTRIES with bleak futures where perpetrators of 20010911             are reportedly thriving and guerilla warfare and terror bombings have continued to increase.
20060119—20010911    —NEEDED, At 1—TIME—WHEN millions, to find solace and answers to the evil witnessed Christian extremism opened its doors.
20060121             Special REPORTS—HOW Cheney used THE—NSA for domestic spying —PRIOR—TO 20010911             20060121—20010911    —IN THE—MONTHS—BEFORE, THOUSANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS were inadvertently swept up in wiretaps, had their emails monitored + were being watched as they surfed THE—INTERNET by spies at THE—SUPER—SECRET—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, FORMER—NSA and counterterrorism officials said.
20060123—20010911    —IN, Held Net, Muslims Return to Accuse USA:
20060124             COMMENTARY—ANOTHER nuke exercise -- your next 20010911             ?
20060125             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , 20010911             few have been of as much interest to as broad 1—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE as THE—FATE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 7,
20060125             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , 20010911             few have been of as much interest to as broad 1—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE as the fate of
20060125             This is 1 red flag to people who harbor alternative theories of what 20010911             was all about.
20060125—20010911    —IN, How MANY—YEARS must go by —BEFORE we can start to accept(if ever) the fact that our GOVERNMENT had 1—MAJOR—ROLE + THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ALL 3—WTC bldgs. with preplanted explosives.
20060126             As it was on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911            , all eyes must remain locked on the guilty parties in WASHINGTON and the openly criminal
20060126             Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110             20060126             Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110             20060129             Deseret —MORNING News reports on upcoming paper by Professor Jones: Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110             20060129             Deseret —MORNING News reports on upcoming paper by Professor Jones: Deseret —MORNING News, 20051110             20060216             —CRASHED, Several leading seismologists agree that Flight 93, last 20060911100605        a.m., give or take 1—COUPLE—OF—SECONDS.
20060126—20010911    —SINCE, the world has changed dramatically due to THE—CLIMATE—OF—TREPIDATION instilled in Western society and the excessive USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE, which has not been as overt —SINCE THE—COLD—WAR—ERA.
20060128             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             ,
20060128             —BY JEREMY—BAKER—COPYRIGHT 20030800             by Darkprints In 1—STUNNING and belated development concerning the attacks of 20010911             , LARRY—SILVERSTEIN, the controller...
20060128             Of THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , few have been of as much interest to as broad 1—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE as THE—FATE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 7, the 47-story office building that was the last to fall and appears to have been the 1. STEEL—FRAMED skyscraper to collapse due solely to fire.
20060128—20010911    20010911             Research
20060129             Deseret —MORNING News reports on Scholars for 20010911             Truth:Deseret —MORNING News, 20060128             20060129             Scheduled for publication in THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             —2001, Research in Political Economy, Volume 23, P. Zarembka, editor, AMSTERDAM:
20060129             Thinking about "Conspiracy Theories": 20010911             and JFK
20060129             who has taken 1—LEADING role in exposing false claims about 20010911             , are accessible from the association's home page
20060129             "Scholars for 20010911             Truth" (S20010911             T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in NEW—YORK + WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060129             S20010911             T represents 1 concerted effort to uphold THE—STANDARDS—OF—TRUTH and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation,
20060129             which has taken 1—TERRIBLE hit in the aftermath of 20010911             , —WHEN "everything changed.
20060129             —DEDICATED, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS group are, to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 20010911             , "letting the chips fall where they may".
20060129             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS new NON—PARTISAN association, "Scholars for 20010911             Truth" (S20010911             T),
20060129             BYU professor's group accuses USA—OFFICIALS—OF lying about 20010911             :
20060129             Confronting THE—EVIDENCE—TRUTH & Lies of 20010911             20060129             Why doubt 20010911             ?
20060129             Scheduled for publication in THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911             —2001, Research in Political Economy, Volume 23, P. Zarembka, editor, AMSTERDAM: Elsevier, forthcoming in —SPRING 20060000             .
20060129             Press RELEASES—WHY doubt 20010911             ?
20060129             Thinking about "Conspiracy Theories": 20010911             and JFK by JAMES—H—FETZER, Ph.D.
20060129             20010911             : Have we been lied to?
20060129             GOOGLE video offers 1—LOT also, such as: THE—GREAT—CONSPIRACY—CONFRONTING the Evidence Truth & Lies of 20010911             20060129             Studies by the society's founders and by prominent theologian DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, who has taken 1—LEADING role in exposing false claims about 20010911             , are accessible from the association's home page,
20060129             Information for those who may want to join S20010911             T can also be found there.
20060129             —PERMITTED, They believe that the government not only, 20010911             to occur but may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda.
20060129             According to its spokesmen, S20010911             T represents 1 concerted effort to uphold THE—STANDARDS—OF—TRUTH and justice and to strengthen democracy in this nation, which has taken 1—TERRIBLE hit in the aftermath of 20010911             , —WHEN "everything changed".
20060129             Its function is to bring scientific rigor to the study of 20010911             phenomena.
20060129             Scholars Repudiate Official Version of 20010911             20060129             THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS new NON—PARTISAN association, "Scholars for 20010911             Truth" (S20010911             T), are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest with the nation about events in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060129             BYU professor's group accuses USA—OFFICIALS—OF lying about 20010911             : Last fall, Brigham Young University physics professor STEVEN—E—JONES made headlines —WHEN he charged that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "PRE—POSITIONED explosives".
20060129—20010911    —ON, 1—INFLUENTIAL—GROUP—OF—PROMINENT—EXPERTS and scholars have joined together alleging that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened.
20060129—20010911    —HAPPENED, What, ?
20060131             Hinterher stand da, USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH habe zwischen den Attentaten des 20010911             und dem IRAK "nie 1—VERBINDUNG suggeriert" + es sei stattdessen "als zwingend angesehen" worden,
20060131             Hinterher stand da, USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH habe zwischen den Attentaten des 20010911             und dem IRAK "nie 1—VERBINDUNG suggeriert" + es sei stattdessen "als zwingend angesehen" worden, "dass eine solche Verbindung bestanden habe".
20060201—20060911    —SINCE, : The wide scale dehumanization and racism pitted against Islamist movements across the world has been so successful that wide sections of THE—USA—LEFT will likewise fall prisoner to similar logic
20060202             A 20010911             Conspirator in KING—BUSH—COURT?
20060202             He is also a man that the families of more—than—600—VICTIMS—OF—20010911             —THE attacks believe was connected to their loved ones' deaths.
20060202             —NAMED, AL—FAISAL was also, in the $1—TRILLION lawsuit filed by hundreds of 20010911             victims' families, who accused him of funding OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—NETWORK.
20060202             Curiously, his tenure as HEAD—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTELLIGENCE came to 1—ABRUPT and unexpected end —10—DAYS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060204             —SUBPOENAED, Congressman, for 20010911             trial
20060204             The defense is seeking WELDON—TESTIMONY to try and show that the government knew more about 20010911             —THE attacks than Moussaoui did.
20060204             —MINED, Able Danger, computer data to identify 4—OF—THE—19—HIJACKERS, including leader MOHAMMED—ATTA, as al Qaeda operatives —1—YEAR + 1—HALF—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060204             "It is 1—IMPORTANT—ISSUE in understanding the full scope of 20010911             ," said WELDON—COMMUNICATIONS—DIRECTOR, JOHN—TOMASZEWSKI.
20060204             MANY—AMERICANS support THE—PRESIDENT—BECAUSE—OF—20010911              20060204             Stew Webb Breaking News BUSH—MILLMAN—CLINTON Crime Family... 20010911             WTC BUSH—CHENEY Attacked AMERICA...
20060205             Bush får brug for en ny 20060911             Både GEORGE—BUSH og JOHN—KERRY er fra YALE—UNIVERSITET og medlemmer af den samme bizarre LOGE—KALDET Skulls&BONES—ET af USA—MEST indflydelsesrige 'old...
20060205             To leave open the possibility that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has not come clean about 20010911             is not necessarily to enter into 1—LOONY HOUSE—OF—MIRRORS but rather to raise serious questions in 1—GRAND—AMERICA N tradition.
20060205             Has the conspiracy behind 20010911             been decoded?
20060205             In 1—NUTSHELL, in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH, Bush presented the official version of 20010911             .
20060205             —SINCE THE—PRESIDENT himself presents 1—REPUBLICAN conspiracy theory to explain 20010911             , SOME—CRITICS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT counter with 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY—OF—THEIR—OWN:
20060205             the possibility that the attacks of 20010911             were encouraged by ELEMENTS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, or that the government looked the other way, permitting al Qaida to carry out its ATTACK—ON—"the homeland".
20060205             —ENABLED, The attacks of 20010911             , Bush to define his rudderless presidency + to mount 1—INVASION—OF—IRAQ,
20060205             There ARE—OF—COURSE MANY—PUZZLING circumstances surrounding 20010911             —THE attacks, virtually ALL—OF—THEM compiled + analyzed in 1—RECENT—BOOK by 2—UK—AUTHORS,
20060205             The report said that only some 5,000 Americans had had their conversations recorded or E—MAILS read —SINCE the programme was launched —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20060205—19510000    —IN, But he uttered words that can be safely said —TODAY by honest CRITICS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—VERSION—OF—20010911             —THE attacks - 1—VERSION that is predicated on 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—PECULIAR lapses by otherwise capable government officials.
20060206             Der JEMEN arbeitet —SEIT den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             mit den USA zusammen.
20060206             (2) "STATEMENT—OF—THE—FAMILY—STEERING—COMMITTEE for 20010911             —THE—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION," 20040320             .
20060206             (6) As portals to THE—KINGDOM—OF—20010911              research + truth movement sites,
20060206             (7) TIMELINE—OF—REPORTS on allegations that ISI Director Mahmood Ahmed ordered a $ 100,000 wire transfer to MOHAMED—ATTA in the weeks —PRIOR—TO 20010911             20060206             (8) "Analyzing 20010911             —THE—REPORT, Chapter 1" by MICHAEL—KANE
20060206             (9) "SENATOR—DAYTON: NORAD lied about 20010911             ," —FOLLOWING up on
20060207             1—UK—JURY convicted firebrand Muslim cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI of inciting followers to kill NON—MUSLIMS in speeches at his LONDON mosque, which has been linked to 20060911             plotter Zacarias Moussaoui and "shoe bomber" RICHARD—REID.
20060207             —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, Mounir el Motassadeq (31), 1—MOROCCAN, belonging to 1—TERROR—IST—CELL that included 3 20060911             hijackers, was freed from prison —AFTER 1—FEDERAL—COURT ruled he shouldn't be jailed with appeals still pending.
20060209             View THE—RENSE article, 20010911             —THE—NORTH—TOWER—AIR—SHOW, for the complete photo sequence:
20060209             AND Positive ID - 20010911             —THE—SOUTH—TOWER—AIRLINER 'PODS':
20060209             2. 20010911             ST Airliner REMOTE CONTROL ANTENNA Verified:
20060209             More solid circumstantial evidence that CLINTON + GORE had foreknowledge of 20010911             + made quick trips to AUSTRALIA + AUSTRIA to set up their alibis.
20060209             DON'T MISS more 20010911             analysis + photos that THE—NEW—YORK Times finds NOT FIT TO PRINT:
20060209             Hunt THE—CHEROKEE - 20010911             —THE—PENTAGON—IMPACT
20060209             GERMANY—INTEL Agent Von Bulow Solves 20010911             20060209             SOUTH—TOWER Exit Wounds Tell 20010911             Tale
20060209             HOLLYWOOD—LIKE—FAKE Smoke Made 20010911             20060209             CBC 20010911             Video Secrets Revealed
20060209             NEW—YORK—CITY Photos, Flight 93—WITNESSES Identify 20010911             White Jet
20060209             express their serious doubts about the official version of 20010911             —THE story".
20060209             —BY—THE—WAY, Where Did 15—OF—THE 19 20010911             Hijackers Come From?
20060209             FBI Claims 84—VIDEOS Show NO FLIGHT—77—IMPACT www.rense_com/general67/fbi cl.htm 20010911             Flight 93—PASSENGERS 'Lost'
20060209             CBC 20010911             Video Secrets Revealed www.rense_com/general65/911—B.htm 911—CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
20060209             THE—REST—OF—20010911             —THE—STREET—ENGINE—STORY
20060209             Dirty Little 20010911             Secrets EXPOSED—BUSH—RESPONDS To 911—FIREWORKS
20060209—20010911    —ON, Photos supporting the case that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT Napalmed THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS can be seen in THE—RENSE article,
20060209—20010911    —ON, WTC 7—SMOKE & Mirrors
20060209—20010911    Flight 93—PASSENGERS 'Lost'
20060209—20010911    Timeline Missing Pieces
20060209—20010911    —ON, Photos supporting the case that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT Napalmed the World Trade Center Towers can be seen in THE—RENSE article, SOUTH—TOWER—EXIT Wounds Tell 911—TALE:
20060210             THIS IS THE—REASON—WHY THE—FBI—DID—NOT—SEARCH 20010911             —THE—CRIME—SCENE.
20060211             Even if you include 20010911             —THE casualties, the number of Americans killed by INTERNATIONAL terrorists —SINCE the late 19600000             S (which is —WHEN THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT began counting them) is about the same as that killed by LIGHTNING—OR by ACCIDENT—CAUSING deer,
20060211             Home Page (1—ASSORTMENT—OF—ARTICLES 20060911             —ON and Palestine).
20060211             —DESIGNED, WILLIAM—PFAFF : A 'long war', to perpetuate itself : Even if you include 20010911             —THE casualties, the number of Americans killed by INTERNATIONAL terrorists —SINCE the late 1960s (which is —WHEN THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT began counting them) is about the same as that killed by LIGHTNING—OR by ACCIDENT—CAUSING deer, or by severe allergic reactions to peanuts.
20060211             What made IRAQ possible was 20010911             .
20060211             What made IRAQ possible was 20010911             . - - CHENEY—DIRECTIVE from —LAST—YEAR,
20060211—20060911    —OCCURRED, IMPACTS—OF—THE—MAGNITUDE—OF those that, were considered by THE—DESIGNERS—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS and the towers were designed to survive them.
20060211—20060911    —ON, The possibility of 1—JET—FUEL—FIRES the size of those that occurred were considered by THE—DESIGNERS—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS and the towers were designed to survive them.
20060212             Der 20010911             ebnete nicht nur sein 47-stöckiges Gebäude WTC 7—EIN,
20060212             die Regierung nicht die nötigen Konsequenzen aus den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             gezogen habe.
20060212             Der 20010911             ebnete nicht nur sein 47-stöckiges Gebäude WTC 7—EIN, sondern machte auch noch die 2 110—STOCKWERKE hohen Zwillingstürme des World Trade Centers dem Erdboden gleich.
20060212             Seine Anwälte argumentieren, daß der 20060911             im Grunde genommen 2—VERSICHERUNGSFÄLLE darstelle, weil ja auch 2—FLUGZEUGE in die Türme eingeschlagen hätten.
20060212             Der Grund: Er habe die für den 20060911             —BEREITS ausbezahlten Versicherungsgelder zum Teil illegal verwendet.
20060212             Der Umgang mit dem Hurrikan zeige, dass die Regierung nicht die nötigen Konsequenzen aus den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             gezogen habe.
20060213             will succeed in doing something neither the Congressional Intelligence COMMITTEE—NOR 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—INVESTIGATION ever did:
20060213—20060911    —HAPPENED, He —JUST, to be on THE—BOARD—OF—SECURACOM (—SINCE renamed Stratesec), 1—COMPANY that had contracts to provide security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines + Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport (the airport from which USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, originated).
20060214             ATTA ASSOCIATE BEING DEPOSED —NEXT—WEEK—NEXT—WEEK the MadCowMorningNews will succeed in doing something neither the Congressional Intelligence COMMITTEE—NOR 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—INVESTIGATION ever did:
20060214             —SUCCEED, —NEXT—WEEK the MadCowMorningNews will, in doing something neither the Congressional Intelligence COMMITTEE—NOR 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—INVESTIGATION ever did: depose under oath 1—ASSOCIATE—OF—MOHAMED—ATTA'S in FLORIDA.
20060214             Bush WANTS 1—NEW—TERROR—ATTACK The 1. sentence of this AP story says it all: 1—COMPANY in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES is poised to take over significant operations at 6—USA—PORTS as PART—OF—1—CORPORATE—SALE, leaving 1—COUNTRY with ties to 20060911             —THE hijackers with influence over 1—MARITIME industry considered vulnerable to terrorism.
20060214             identified the major NEW—YORK cell of MOHAMED—ATTA —PRIOR—TO 20010911             ;
20060214             I have learned that, in fact, 1—OF—OUR—FEDERAL—AGENCIES had, in fact, identified the major NEW—YORK cell of MOHAMED—ATTA —PRIOR—TO 20010911             ;
20060215             USA 'let slip 20010911             hijacker 13—TIMES':
20060215             1—SECRET—PENTAGON unit had MOHAMMED—ATTA, 20010911             —THE ringleader, in its crosshairs 13—TIMES—BEFORE 20010000             —THE attacks,
20060215             Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll ringleader : Pre-20060911             intelligence conducted by 1—SECRET—MILITARY—UNIT identified terrorist ringleader MOHAMED—ATTA 13—DIFFERENT—TIMES, 1—CONGRESSMAN said —TUESDAY.
20060215             USA 'let slip 20010911             hijacker 13—TIMES': 1—SECRET—PENTAGON unit had MOHAMMED—ATTA, 20010911             —THE ringleader, in its crosshairs 13—TIMES—BEFORE 20010000             —THE attacks, 1—USA—CONGRESSMAN has claimed citing the unit's records.
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             Cheney Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented 20010911             By WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY, 20060104             ;
20060216             CHENEY cites justifications for domestic eavesdropping By JIM—VANDEHEI and DAN—EGGEN, WASHINGTON—POST—20060105              VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks might have been prevented if THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION h Post Date:20060105161553
20060216             The toothless investigation and media COVER—UP of this act of high treason closely parallel 20010911.
20060216             This was the discussion on 1—OLD "20010911             " thread... and I've talked to the controller who was actually at the scope —WHEN UAL93 crashed.
20060216             I'm also curious about your take on the meeting between THE—FAA & CLEVELAND ATCs that took place in the aftermath of 20010911             in which SOME—CLEVELAND—ATCS were reportedly threatened with disciplinary action.
20060216             However, you are absolutely correct that losing 1—TRANSPONDER from time to time isn't, by itself, 1—ODD thing or 1—CAUSE for concern (well, at least it wasn't —BEFORE 20010911             ).
20060216             47. Haven't seen 20010911             —THE/Military forum yet, then?
20060216             —EXHIBITED, With flying skills like they, 20010911             —ON, they must have 1—NATURAL—ABILITY to fly commercial airliners like tactical fighter jets.
20060216             I draw your attention to this because sometimes the official government explanations and accounts of 20010911             —ARE 1—LOT—MORE—ABSURD than the questions THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD are asking.
20060216             CRAP—OF—NOTE: "If we'd been able to do this —BEFORE 20010911             , we might have been able to pick up on 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS who flew 1—JET into THE—PENTAGON.
20060216             Cheney : Eavesdropping Might Have Prevented 20010911             20060216             —OFFERED, WILLIAM—BRANIGIN: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY —TODAY, 1—STAUNCH DEFENSE—OF—1—SECRET—GOVERNMENT eavesdropping program,
20060216             The only things WORTHY—OF—IMPEACHMENT are private sexual indiscretions and 1 stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-20010911             —THINKING.
20060216             Dies sei in der kritischen Zeit —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN des 20010911             passiert.
20060216             The toothless investigation and media COVER—UP of this act of high treason closely parallel 20010911             .
20060216             —CRASHED, Several leading seismologists agree that Flight 93, last 20060911100605        a.m., give or take 1—COUPLE—OF—SECONDS.
20060216             CRAP—OF—NOTE: "If we'd been able to do this —BEFORE 20010911             , we might have been able to pick up on 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS who flew 1—JET into the Pentagon. They were in THE—USA, communicating with al Qaeda associates overseas. But we didn't know they were here plotting —UNTIL it was too late".
20060216             Cheney : Eavesdropping Might Have Prevented 20010911             WILLIAM—BRANIGIN: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY —TODAY offered 1—STAUNCH DEFENSE—OF—1—SECRET—GOVERNMENT eavesdropping program, saying it might have been able to thwart 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks if it had been in place —AT—THE—TIME.
20060216             THE—PROGRESSIVE—DAILY—BEACON: The only things WORTHY—OF—IMPEACHMENT are private sexual indiscretions and 1 stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-20010911             thinking.
20060216             Post Date:20060104191510 - [WASHINGTON—POST].
20060216             Cheney : Eavesdropping Might Have Prevented 20010911             20060216             The only things WORTHY—OF—IMPEACHMENT are private sexual indiscretions and 1 stained blue dress, the rest is passe pre-20010911             —THINKING.
20060216—20010911    —ON, I was wondering your take on whether you think this tape accurately describes what THE—CLEVELAND—ATCS heard betwenn 9:35 and 9:40 EDT and who you think might have been leaked this to the press through what CHAIN—OF—COMMAND, if any.
20060216—20010911    —ON, Did we not conclude there was enough information floating in seperate organizations to alert us to THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—THE—SORT—OF—ATTACK that took place ?
20060216—20010911    —BY, CHENEY Says Eavesdropping Program Might Have Prevented WILLIAM—BRANIGINWASHINGTON—POST—STAFF—WRITER—WEDNESDAY,
20060219—20021028    —BESTOWED, The 20010911             —RELATED CBE was, by THE—UK—AMBASSADOR, SIR—CHRISTOPHER—MEYER, in 1—MOST touching ceremony at THE—UK—EMBASSY, in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20060220             cutting across the hierarchy, apparently 20010911             was not considered 1—EMERGENCY.
20060220             RUMSFELD—PERSONAL 20010911             timelines are —NOW severely in question,
20060220             as are the conflicting stories (from the original official story) from the 'unsworn' TESTIMONY—OF—NORAD officers to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20060220             Or that months —BEFORE 20010911             , the military RE—ISSUED 1—STRANGE, LITTLE—KNOWN administrative order (CJCSI 3610.01A) making all routine requests for domestic intercepts be routed directly across THE—DESK—OF—THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, DONALD—RUMSFELD himself.
20060220             —SUPPOSED, —WHILE emergencies were still, to be handled in the usual direct manner, cutting across the hierarchy, apparently 20010911             was not considered 1—EMERGENCY.
20060220             RUMSFELD—PERSONAL 20010911             timelines are —NOW severely in question, as are the conflicting stories (from the original official story) from the 'unsworn' TESTIMONY—OF—NORAD officers to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20060220             had access to THE—FAA?s entire computer system —FOR—2—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attack.
20060220—20010911    —IN—THE, But it s the unreported story that has the potential to lead to the explosive charge that THE—FBI—ROLE—INVESTIGATION itself needs investigation.
20060221             THE—SEEKERS: The birth and life of the '20010911             Truth movement' : Essentially, it's all about physics and common sense.
20060221             —RAISED, The ties, more concerns about the decision to give port control to 1—COMPANY owned by 1—NATION linked to 20010911             —THE hijackers.
20060221             "—NACH—DEM 20010911             hat das Amateurnetzwerk verantwortungsvoll gehandelt.
20060222             —AFTER YEARS—OF—PUMPING their fawning admirers FULL—OF—TRROR and working as hard as they can to blur the distinction between regimes in THE—MIDDLE—EAST that had nothing to do with 20010911             + the people who did,
20060222             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION shouldn't be surprised that their supporters are unwilling or unable to objectively whip out the analytical RAZOR—BLADE + expertly SPLIT hairs between 1—NATION with direct links to 20010911             + AL—QAEDA + 1—COMPANY owned by that nation's government.
20060222             ARTISTICALLY, THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911              WERE AN ACUTELY DIFFICULT ISSUE.
20060223             THE—VERY—IDEA—THAT THE—USA—GOVERNMENT WAS AWARE—OF—ATTA—PRESENCE—BEFORE 20010911             20060223             WAS NOT —JUST PREPOSTEROUS...
20060223             has been in place —SINCE SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks —WHEN BUSH issued Military Order No.
20060223             who said THE—USA had not identified MOHAMED—ATTA —PRIOR—TO 20010911             .
20060223             —FAILED, This is the administration that, to take warnings about AL—QUEDA seriously 20010911             —BEFORE- + THE—1—THAT screwed the pooch on Katrina.
20060223             have DETERMINED—THERE was no information about hijacker Atta resident in USA—DATABASES from —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060223             has been in place —SINCE SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks —WHEN Bush issued Military Order NUMBER 1 which empowered him to detain ANY—NON—CITIZEN as 1—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORIST or enemy combatant.
20060223             —RAISED, THE—USA, concerns with THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES —7—YEARS—AGO about possible ties between officials in that country and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, according to 1—SECTION—OF—20060911             —THE commission's report that details 1—POSSIBLE missed opportunity to kill THE—AL—QAIDA leader.
20060223             —CORNERED, So we're —NOW seeing 1, rat quality creep into their actions, as opposed to the once cocky SWAGGER—OF—POST—20010911         .
20060223             The current desperation and savage aggression are 1—SIGHT to behold, especially —WHEN compared to the milquetoast we've all forgotten that was georgie porgie —PRIOR—TO 20010911             .
20060223             Peace groups under watch : In the post-20010911             world, SOME—UNLIKELY—FIGURES have attracted the attention of local police and FEDERAL—AGENTS: the Raging Grannies, known for musical satire + Quaker peace activists, known for NON—VIOLENCE.
20060223             THE—VERY—IDEA—THAT THE—USA—GOVERNMENT WAS AWARE—OF—ATTA—PRESENCE—BEFORE 20010911             20060223             has been in place —SINCE SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks —WHEN BUSH issued Military Order No.
20060223             —CORNERED, So we're —NOW seeing 1, rat quality creep into their actions, as opposed to the once cocky SWAGGER—OF—POST—20010911          .
20060224             —COORDINATED, Although 1—MASSIVE, ATTACK—ON—THE—COUNTRY, making 20010911             look like a "footnote," is still possible,
20060225             MIKE—KRESS: 20010911             : Can the Truth Set Us Free?:
20060225             THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE + 20010911             Agent Smiley ISR stands for INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE + RECONNAISSANCE.
20060225             Video: 20010911             Revisited-
20060225             Blogger bares RUMSFELD—POST 20010911             orders:
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             PORTLAND%20imc%20-%20newswire%20archive.HTM—AGENT—SMILEY 200410060729
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             PORTLAND%20imc%20-%20newswire%20archive.HTM—AGENT—SMILEY 200410060729
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060426—20061006    —PLEADED, Corpsman Melson J. Bacos, —21—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to kidnapping and conspiracy and agreed to testify about what he saw.
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             —LAUNCHED, In 1—NUTSHELL: THE—NRO, 1—SATELLITE on 20010905             —6—DAYS—BEFORE SEVERAL—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES were engaged in an "exercise" that exactly simulated THE—EVENTS—OF—THAT—FATEFUL—DAY—THE—NGIS,
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             Agent Smiley
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060607             Und aus dem mittelalterlichen EUROPA kennen Wissenschaftler bislang nur ein paar Hinweise aus Klöstern, etwa aus S—GALLEN ("Ein neuer Stern von ungewöhnlichem Aussehen erschien".), auf den 10060501             .
20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060225             Agent Smiley 200410060729          - THE—MILITARIZATION—OF—SPACE and 20010911             20060619—20050729    —TESTIFIED, RICHARD—HAYES—PHILLIPS, PhD, at 1—ELECTION—ASSESSMENT—HEARING in HOUSTON—TEXAS and said, "I have investigated THE—OHIO election results, precinct by precinct + have found 3—CATEGORIES—OF—PROBLEMS: voter suppression, ballots cast but not counted + ALTERATION—OF—THE—VOTE—COUNT".
20060225—20010911    —ON, Memory Hole via Agent Smiley 200310011432          CIA—CONDUCTED Air Crash Simulation /01 (What are the chances?!?)
20060225—20010911    —ON, Allen + HAMILTON—AND USSTRATCOM is where WARREN—BUFFET sat with SOME—OF—HIS favorite CEO—FROM THE—WTC (BUFFET heads Mitre Corporation,
20060225—20010911    —ON, Conducted Air Crash Simulation /01 (What are the chances?!?)
20060226             A review of all those funny 20010911             coincidences.
20060226             has THE—USA—MEDIA never examined the "insider stock trading" THE—WEEK—BEFORE 20010911             that shorted AA and United Airlines stocks?
20060226             11: 20010911             Mitre Corp., WARREN—BUFFET ,
20060226             Global Hawk + 20010911             — (13 )
20060226             4: Mitre Corp., WARREN—BUFFET, Global Hawk + 20010911             — (8513—READS)
20060226             (ABC News, 20020911             , Telegraph, 20011216             ,
20060226             —REPORTED, FlightSafety INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED is, to have trained 1—OF—THE alleged 20010911             hijackers...Webfairy
20060226             ANTI—TERRORISM—TASK—FORCE takes out HUNDREDS—OF—ISLAMIC—WEBSITES—JUST days —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060226             (ABC News, 20020911             ,
20060226—20010911    —ON, According to USA—TODAY, THE—FAA operations manager, BEN—SLINEY gave the order to clear the skies.
20060226—20010911    —ON, 1 detailed REPORT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—DAY speak of this incidental meeting of BUFFET —EARLIER—THAT—DAY,
20060227             So where was WARREN—BUFFETT—THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              + what was he doing?...
20060227             MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—USA ,
20060227             particularly worthy in light of 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20060227             NATIONAL—SECURITY—ARCHIVE Releases Pre-20010911             Warning To Saudis:
20060227             MORE—THAN—3—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—USA, USA—OFFICIALS warned SAUDI—ARABIA that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN "might take the course of least resistance and turn to 1—CIVILIAN [aircraft] target," according to 1 declassified cable released by THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ARCHIVE
20060227             1—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ANALYST on Capitol Hill called the meeting 1—RESPONSIBLE—RESPONSE to new threats that confront THE—USA, particularly worthy in light of 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20060227—20010911    —ON, Killtown's: Where was WARREN—BUFFETT ?
20060228             USA 'settles 20010911             detainee's suit'
20060228             —ARRESTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT agrees to settle 1—LAWSUIT brought by 1—EGYPTIAN, —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, reports say.
20060228             SCHEDULED FOR ;;09;; 12TH 20010000             may become 1—OF—THE—SINGLE most important leads of 20010911             .
20060228             What was THE—VALUE—ADDED benefit for 20010911             —THE hijackers in turning off their transponder signals?
20060228             —SCHEDULED, Tripod biowar exercise at Pier 29, for 20010912             may become 1—OF—THE—SINGLE most important leads of 20010911             .
20060228—20010911    —ON, I can use that story to directly tie Bush and or Cheney directly into multiple war game exercises which I have —NOW established were used to paralyze fighter response.
20060228—20010911    —ON, I think the answer is found in the proliferation of wargames ,
20060301—20010911    —IN—THE, 85% said THE—USA—MISSION is mainly "to retaliate for SADDAM—ROLE—ATTACKS,"
20060301—20010911    —IN, SADDAM—HUSSEIN had -- need I repeat it? -- no role in.
20060307             Zu den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             äußerte er sich während der Befragung durch die Verteidigung nicht konkret.
20060307             Darüber hinaus sind kritische Meinungsäußerungen von Lehrern und Hochschulprofessoren in den USA besonders —SEIT den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20060911             ÄUß—ERST unbeliebt, konservative Aufpasser verfolgen sie mit nahezu kriminalistischen Methoden.
20060307             Die Aussagen Anticevs sind von Bedeutung, da —IN—DEM—MONTAG—AM eröffneten Verfahren die Frage im Mittelpunkt steht, wie viel DIE—USA—REGIERUNG —BEREITS vor den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20060911             von den AL—QAIDA—PLÄNEN wusste.
20060307—20010911    —IN—THE, An FBI agent testifies at the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui for his role attacks.
20060307—20010911    —IN—THE, Moussaoui jury hears FBI expert An FBI agent testifies at the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui for his role attacks.
20060308             MOUSSAOUI—LIES led to 20010911             deaths says prose...
20060308             Source: www.forbes_com Moussaoui could have stopped 20010911             , jury told The ;;09;;.
20060309             SECURITY—COUNCIL 20010911             :
20060309             FSO Editorials: "20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—PART 3" by DOCTOR—JOE—DUARTE 04 ...
20060309             QandO: 20010911             —THE commission interim report on "NATIONAL—POLICY... +
20060309             INFACT—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—485
20060309             InFact 20010911             Commission Report Index
20060309             THE—4—RIDERS—OF—20010911             —THE—APOCALYPSE
20060309             Further see Skolnick' s article on 20010911             —THE—MURDER—TRIANGLE
20060309             NYT-990521 - To my knowledge, CLINTON put 20010911             —THE mastermind in place, LEON—S—FUERTH (see below),
20060309             Let me put it this WAY—THE—GUNS—OF—20010911             — The difference it makes
20060309             "Give Me 1—GOOD—REASON" - TIA Was Ready —BEFORE 20010911             20060309             Another "Timely Alert" - Binge, Purge and REPEAT—REPORT: WTC Black Boxes Were Recovered
20060309             THE—COINCIDENCE—THEORIST—GUIDE to 20010911             20060309             To Reframe NATIONAL—SECURITY, Democrats Must 1. See How 'Message' And 'Frame' Are Different, by JEFFREY—FELDMAN.
20060309             THE—DEADLY—DELUSIONS—OF—AMERICA—TROOPS : If USA—TROOPS can be propagandized to believe such 1—TRANSPARENT lie about IRAQ—NON—EXISTENT connection to 20010911             — what can't they be manipulated into believing?
20060309             The logical suspicion for 20010911             —THE mastermind is the same who enabled THE—CHINA—NUCLEAR—ESPIONAGE, LEON—S—FUERTH.
20060309             CHRIS—FLOYD: Fighting for Their Lies: THE—DEADLY—DELUSIONS—OF—AMERICA—TROOPS : If USA—TROOPS can be propagandized to believe such 1—TRANSPARENT lie about IRAQ—NON—EXISTENT connection to 20010911             — what can't they be manipulated into believing?
20060309             "Give Me 1—GOOD—REASON" - TIA Was Ready —BEFORE 20010911             20060309             THE—COINCIDENCE—THEORIST—GUIDE to 20010911             20060309             THE—DEADLY—DELUSIONS—OF—AMERICA—TROOPS : If USA—TROOPS can be propagandized to believe such 1—TRANSPARENT lie about IRAQ—NON—EXISTENT connection to 20010911             — what can't they be manipulated into believing?
20060309             20010911             —BEFORE, THE—FBI did not ordinarily produce intelligence reports...
20060311             —HIRED, This was the law firm THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY, to defend them against the private suit field by families of 20010911             —THE victims.
20060311             Allen knows about the milieu that led to 20010911             .
20060311             —SINCE JAMES—BAKER is also the senior counsel to THE—CARLYLE—GROUP -- and thus to THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family interests in that group -- we can't help but wonder —JUST how much MISTER—ALLEN knows about the milieu that led to 20010911             .
20060312—20010911    —SINCE, nebaz writes "THE—AP has published 1—ARTICLE analyzing over 10000000             laws passed by state legislatures + discovered 1—DISTURBING trend.
20060312—20010911    —SINCE, nebaz writes "THE—AP has published 1—ARTICLE analyzing over 10000000             laws passed by state legislatures + discovered 1—DISTURBING trend. More and more information is being made unavailable to the public. SOME—OF—THIS information may seem reasonable, dealing with NATIONAL—SECURITY and all, but there are other things, such as safety plans at schools, medication errors at nursing homes + disciplinary actions against state employees, that are becoming restricted".
20060313             THE—PROOF of a 20010911             Frameup Is Right —BEFORE You
20060313             Der marokkanischstämmige Moussaoui hatte sich —BEREITS im Vorfeld des Verfahrens schuldig bekannt, in die Planungen für den 20060911             eingeweiht gewesen zu sein;
20060313             Es ist der einzige Prozess in den USA wegen der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, — und er droht für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG zum Desaster zu werden.
20060313             Der 37-jährige Franzose ist der bislang einzige Angeklagte in den USA, dem im Zusammenhang mit den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20060911             der Prozess gemacht wird.
20060313             Moussaoui war —1—MONAT 20010911             —VOR—DEM, festgenommen worden, —NACHDEM er an einer Pilotenschule im USA—BUNDES—STAAT MINNESOTA als verdächtig aufgefallen war.
20060313—20010911    WEGEN DER ANSCHLÄGE VOM, Es ist der einzige Prozess in den USA—UND er droht für DIE—USA—REGIERUNG zum Desaster zu werden.
20060313—20010911    USA—REGIERUNG droht schwere Schlappe im MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS
20060313—20060911    —AM, er selbst sollte nach eigener Aussage zwar nicht, jedoch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ein entführtes Passagierflugzeug in das Weiße Haus lenken.
20060314             War DIE—USA—REGIERUNG 20060911             —VOR—DEM, vorgewarnt?...
20060314             War DIE—USA—REGIERUNG 20060911             —VOR—DEM, vorgewarnt?... N ovember 20010000             , "Suicide Flights and Crop Dusters Considered Threats at '96 ... für DIE—SOWJETUNION als genauso schwächend erweisen würde wie VIETNAM für die...
20060315             said 1 frustrated former member of 20010911             —THE commission staff.
20060315             Commission members —NOW believe it is 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity, because military DATA—MINING programs —BEFORE 20010911             produced charts with the names and PICTURES—OF—OTHER AL—QAEDA members who were not PART—OF—THE—PLOT,
20060315             The trial of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui can continue despite ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT by the prosecution, 1—USA—JUDGE—RULES.
20060315             "How do you prove that pink elephants did not dance along your backyard last night?" said 1 frustrated former member of 20010911             —THE commission staff.
20060315             Contradicting Shaffer, 20010911             —THE commission said that —DURING this meeting, he never mentioned that Able Danger had identified Atta and other hijackers —BEFORE the plot, the commission said.
20060315             Commission members —NOW believe it is 1—CASE—OF—MISTAKEN identity, because military DATA—MINING programs —BEFORE 20010911             produced charts with the names and PICTURES—OF—OTHER AL—QAEDA members who were not PART—OF—THE—PLOT, but whose names and pictures resemble Atta's.
20060315             —CLEARED, Moussaoui trial, to resume The trial of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui can continue despite ALLEGATIONS—OF—MISCONDUCT by the prosecution, 1—USA—JUDGE—RULES.
20060315—20010911    —IN—THE, Other senior government officials and key players aftermath also have raised questions about WELDON—ACCOUNT.
20060315—20031000    —IN, 20010911             —THE commission said its executive director, PHILIP—ZELIKOW, and 3—OTHERS had met with Shaffer at Bagram Air Base in AFGHANISTAN, where he was on assignment, as PART—OF—ITS—PROBE.
20060316             In dem bislang einzigen USA—VERFAHREN um die Terroranschläge des 20010911             geht es nur noch um das Strafmaß,
20060316             In dem bislang einzigen USA—VERFAHREN um die Terroranschläge des 20010911             geht es nur noch um das Strafmaß, da Moussaoui —BEREITS gestanden hatte, von den Anschlagsplänen gewusst zu haben.
20060316             Sie will nachweisen, dass der —BEREITS—3—WOCHEN 20060911             —VOR—DEM, festgenommene Franzose mit einer rechtzeitigen Enthüllung des Komplotts den Behörden hätte helfen können, die Anschläge zu verhindern.
20060316             Is Another 20010911             in the Works?
20060316             Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These : Most Americans are critically AWARE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—SECURITY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911           .
20060316             20060316             But with best friends and partners like THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, THE—CARLYLE—GROUP + Halliburton controlling the house -- we have little time to worry about enemies at the gate.
20060316—20010911    : Ankläger erwägen Aufgabe im MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS
20060317             Most Americans are critically AWARE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—SECURITY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911        .
20060317             Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These : Most Americans are critically AWARE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—SECURITY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911        .
20060317             Unnamed Government Official, 20060911             : "We got 1—FELONY conviction.
20060317             Most Americans are critically AWARE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—SECURITY—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911           .
20060318             for 1 alleged 20010911             plotter has begun 1—COUNTER attack.
20060318             Humanity Suffers THE—SAVAGERY—OF—THE—USA—EMPIRE—POST 20010911             WORLDVIEW—BY JASON—MILLER
20060318             The real meaning of 20010911             :
20060318             THE—WOMAN who almost blew the government's chance to get the death penalty for 1 alleged 20010911             plotter has begun 1—COUNTER attack.
20060318             The real meaning of 20010911             : There is 1—RUSH to replace the World Trade Center with something or other but inaction to replace THE—HOUSES—OF—THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS who lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina.
20060321             Huge Reaction To Sheen 20010911             Story
20060321             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HUGE—REACTION—TO—SHEEN 20010911             Story Linked on Drudge, —LATER removed PAUL—JOSEPH
20060321             Mainstream Media Blackout On Sheen 20010911             Piece
20060321             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA—BLACKOUT—ON—SHEEN 20010911             Piece Controlled gatekeepers and
20060321             —FINALIZED, Concerning how THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had, AFGHANISTAN war plans —2—DAYS—BEFORE 20010911             with the massing of 44,000—USA—TROOPS and 18,000 UK—TROOPS in TAJIKISTAN + UZBEKISTAN + in addition the call for "SOME—CATASTROPHIC and catalyzing EVENT—LIKE 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR," as outlined in THE—PNAC documents,
20060321             —BY—REMAINING at 1—LOCATION where it was publicly known THE—PRESIDENT would be —BEFORE 20010911             ,
20060321             —DESCRIBED, Sheen, THE—CLIMATE—OF—ACCEPTANCE for serious discussion about 20010911             as being far more fertile than it was 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS—AGO.
20060321             —DESCRIBED, Sheen, his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS and building 7 on THE—DAY—OF—20010911        .
20060321             —REGARDED, Over the past —2—YEARS, scores of highly, individuals have gone public to express their serious doubts about 20010911             .
20060321             Actor CHARLIE—SHEEN—QUESTIONS—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story Actor CHARLIE—SHEEN has joined 1—GROWING ARMY—OF—OTHER highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 20010911             and calling for 1—NEW—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—ATTACK and the circumstances surrounding it.
20060321             "Bush falsely argued —TODAY in CLEVELAND that he never publicly linked SADDAM—HUSSEIN and 20010911             ".
20060321             18, 20010000             , less than —1—MONTH—BEFORE the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060321             FBI agent gave 70 20010911             warnings to WASHINGTON
20060321             —BY remaining at 1—LOCATION where it was publicly known THE—PRESIDENT would be —BEFORE 20010911             , he was not only putting his own life in danger, but THE—LIVES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—SCHOOLCHILDREN.
20060321             Actor CHARLIE—SHEEN—QUESTIONS—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story
20060321             —JOINED, Actor CHARLIE—SHEEN has, 1—GROWING ARMY—OF—OTHER highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 20010911             and calling for 1—NEW—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—ATTACK and the circumstances surrounding it.
20060321             —DESCRIBED, Sheen, his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS and building 7 on THE—DAY—OF—20010911          .
20060321—20010818    —QUESTIONED, Samit was, —TODAY about the memo, which he sent to FBI headquarters in WASHINGTON, less than —1—MONTH—BEFORE the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060321—20010911    —ON, BUSH—BEHAVIOR
20060322             Spike Lees "Inside Man": Der Finger auf der 20010911             —WUNDE
20060322             The only strategy left to them is to refuse to accept they've lost and hope the public is distracted by something like another 20010911             .
20060322             —REALIZED, But we, on the, 20010911             , that killers could destroy innocent life.
20060322             Exactly! ANY—PERSON who would dare to point out to THE—PRESIDENT—THAT—IRAQ had nothing to do with 20010911             must be dealt with in the most harshest manner possible.
20060322—20010800    —ARRESTED, THE—FBI agent who, Zacarias Moussaoui testified —MONDAY he spent almost —4—WEEKS trying to warn USA—OFFICIALS about the radical Islamic student pilot but ``criminal negligence'' by superiors in WASHINGTON thwarted 1—CHANCE to stop 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060322—20010911    —ON, but it's —JUST simply not true.
20060322—20010911    —CHANGED, My attitude about THE—DEFENSE—OF—THIS country.
20060323             Significant Pattern to 20010911             —REPORT—OMISSIONS & Distortions by DOCTOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN
20060323             The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT: A 571-Page Lie By DOCTOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN
20060323             Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 20010911             —ORAL—HISTORIES
20060323             Flights 11, 175, 77 + 93: The 20010911             —COMMISSION—INCREDIBLE—TALES by DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN
20060323             —SPECULATED, What is totally scary is that for MANY—OF—USA who, about 20010911             —TRUTH—ISSUES for the last several years,
20060323             There is 1—LOT—OF—BUZZ here in NEW—YORK—CITY, because major local media are actually beginning to take 20010911             —TRUTH—ISSUES seriously.
20060323             6. "There is 1—LOT—OF—BUZZ here in NEW—YORK—CITY, because major local media are actually beginning to take 20010911             —TRUTH—ISSUES seriously".
20060323—20010911    —ON, 1—THOROUGLY mainstream rag, ran 1—RESPECTFUL 20010911             —TRUTH—PIECE -- most importantly WRITTEN—BY—1—REPORTER who was at ground 0 and has been mystified —EVER—SINCE about the collapse of WTC7:
20060324             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—TRANSCRIPT—OF—ALEX—JONES—APPEARANCE on CNN—SHOWBIZ—TONIGHT—CNN | 20060324             20060324             CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             —STORY Goes Viral
20060324             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             —STORY Goes Viral ALEX—JONES appears on CNN, poll says
20060324             GOOGLE Caught Censoring CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             —STORY
20060324             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GOOGLE—CAUGHT—CENSORING—CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             —STORY Quickly RE—INDEXES pages
20060324             CNN Fairly COVER—SHEEN'S 20010911             —COMMENTS—MSM Attacks CHARLIE—SHEEN
20060324             CNN Fairly COVER—SHEEN'S 20010911             —COMMENTS Comment: We are amazed and
20060324             had MOUSSAOUI alerted the authorities, THE—FBI would have been able to stop 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060324             THE—MOUSSAOUI, sentencing case, where they'll decide if the government gets to execute him, the prosecution is asserting that, had Moussaoui alerted the authorities, THE—FBI would have been able to stop 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060324             CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             —STORY Goes Viral
20060324—20010911    —BY, Oh + —WHILE the administration 's claim renders THE—USAPATRIOT—ACT—IRRELEVANT, it does bail out the airlines who are being sued families.
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HANNITY & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments Prison Planet_com | 20060324             20060325             LOS—ANGELES, 20060324             (AP) — THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE across the country protested —FRIDAY against legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, with demonstrators in cities including LOS—ANGELES, PHOENIX and ATLANTA staging school walkouts, marches and work stoppages.
20060325             THE—NEO—CON—TOTAL—CONTROL—OF—THE—RELEASE—OF—20010911              info in THE—AMERICAN + BRITSH media will not succumb why this film.
20060325             hey can I produce something that follows the victims of 20010911             as they burn and fall to their deaths.
20060325             It's 1—DRAMA!!! You're the same fools that believed Farenhype 20010911             .
20060325             I think I'll believe that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job (do your own research), to get the wars the elite wanted.
20060325             Lies about 20010911             , lies about IRAQ, lies about wiretapping, lies about torture + they —JUST keep getting away with it.
20060325             Hannity & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments - Sea rise could be 'catastrophic'
20060325             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HANNITY & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments Prison Planet_com | 20060324             20060325             THE—NEO—CON—TOTAL—CONTROL—OF—THE—RELEASE—OF—20010911              info in THE—AMERICAN + BRITSH media will not succumb why this film.
20060325             Hannity & Colmes Piece on Sheen 20010911             Comments
20060325—20010911    —ON, The movie clearly shows the mindless madness of THE—NWO gang who took over.
20060325—20010911    Lawyer Won't Testify On Her Actions
20060326             FEDERAL + local law enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 20010911             .
20060326             They are actually drawn from official post- 20010911             USA—POLICY.
20060326             Government cracks down on dissent in NAME—OF—'ANTI—TERRORISM ': 2—RELEASES—OF—LOCAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—FILES in recent days have shed new light on —JUST how far THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, federal + local law enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 20010911             .
2006032720010911     : Letzte Hilferufe erreichen Angehörige —ERST—JETZT
20060327—20010911    —TESTIFIED, AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, at his FEDERAL—TRIAL that he was supposed to hijack a 5. airplane, and fly it into THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060327—20010911    —AM, Der Franzose Moussaoui erklärte vor Gericht, er sollte 1—FLUGZEUG ins Weiße Haus steuern.
20060328             —HOSTED, ED—BAGLEY, JUNIOR months ago, a 20010911             Truth Symposium in NEW—YORK City.
20060328             Er ist kein UNSC huldiger, VIELE—BEWEISE deuten darauf hin, dass er etwas mit den ANSC hlägen des 20010911             zu tun hat.
20060328             Moussaoui lies 'let 20010911             happen'
20060328             AL—QAEDA plotter Zacarias MOUSSAOUI tells 1—COURT he lied to USA—AGENTS to stop 20010911             —THE plot being discovered.
20060328             If you're looking for 1—REASON why Zacarias Moussaoui suddenly testified —TODAY to 1—VERSION—OF—THE 20010911             —PLOTLINE that sounds more like the Official story than even the official Whitewash Commission report, this video may have the answer <
20060328             57. 20010911—20010912     - Nearly a.
20060328             Timeline Surrounding 20060911             --If CIA and the Government...
20060328             Moussaoui lies 'let 20010911             happen' AL—QAEDA plotter Zacarias Moussaoui tells 1—COURT he lied to USA—AGENTS to stop 20010911             —THE plot being discovered.
20060328             —HOSTED, ED—BAGLEY, JUNIOR months ago, a 20010911             Truth Symposium in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20060328—20010911    —IN—THE, News Flash: THE—DAM is Breaking COVER—UP
20060328—20010911    —IN—THE, News Flash: THE—DAM is Breaking COVER—UP More Stars Go Public,
20060328—20010911    —ON, Asner and Sheen are —JUST 2—MORE—OF—MANY—CELEBRITIES who have already come forward to question the official story of what happened.
20060328—20010911    —AFTER, Actor JAMES—WOODS began questioning the official fable in the 1. weeks right.
20060328—20010911    —SINCE, Globalcorp The events have shown that FTW has been ahead of the... Energy investment banker MATT—SIMMONS —1—YEAR—AGO in BERLIN stated that he.. 20060328             views
20060328—20060911    —ON, CHARLIE—SHEEN—BOLD and brave stance calling for 1—REAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS, 20010000             as well as to raise his own questions.
20060329             InFact - 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—483—KARL—INDERFURTH interview (20040218             );
20060329             - 14. - InFact - 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—483—KARL—INDERFURTH interview (20040218             );
20060329             14. - InFact - 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—483—KARL—INDERFURTH interview (20040218             );
20060329             Bordering on Peace - INFACT—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—483
20060329             INFACT—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—480 - 15, 20040000             );
20060329             [IMC—UK] Letter to Daschle for public investigation of "20010911             "...
20060329             WTC-20010911             —THE—BASIC—QUESTIONS
20060329             Special Reports: 20010911             SUMMARY—OF—EVIDENCE
20060329             CNN—EXPLOSIVE Interviews zum 20010911             20060329             [IMC—UK] Letter to Daschle for public investigation of "20010911             "... CIA, Niaz Naik, TOMMY—THOMPSON, KARL—INDERFURTH, TOM—SIMMONS, LEE—COLDREN... (NC) VA Medical Center, DURHAM (NC) USDA laboratory and IOWA State...
20060329             und SHARON—STONE zu Wort, zusammnen mit Gegnern und Verteidigern der offiziellen VERSION—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE—DES 20010911             .
20060329             Special Reports: 20010911             SUMMARY—OF—EVIDENCE [GUARDIAN, 20010922             ] At the meeting, FORMER—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL—LEE—COLDREN passes on 1—MESSAGE from Bush officials.
20060329             INFACT—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT—PAGE—483
20060329             [IMC—UK] Letter to Daschle for public investigation of "20010911             "... CIA, Niaz Naik, TOMMY—THOMPSON, KARL—INDERFURTH, TOM—SIMMONS, LEE—COLDREN... (NC) VA Medical Center, DURHAM (NC) USDA laboratory and IOWA State...
20060329—20010911    —ZUM, Explosive Aussagen  auf CNN (USA) landesweit um 19.00—UND 23.00—UHR.
20060330             Bush Leaves AMERICA—GATES—DEFENSELESS: "NEARLY—5—YEARS—AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks, THE—WASHINGTON region still lacks 1—STRATEGIC—PLAN to guide preparations for ANY—FUTURE—ATTACKS or to effectively spend HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—DOLLARS, federal and local officials told A—USA—SENATE—PANEL—YESTERDAY".
20060331             in stating, "I became suspicious of 20010911             on the —DAY it happened".
20060331             —AGREED, Asner, that the official story of 20010911             and THE—KEAN—COMMISSION—INVESTIGATION was 1—FABLE and 1—FRAUD
20060331             Actor & Director ED—ASNER—SHARES 20010911             Concerns
20060331             1—GOOGLE—SUCHE —NACH—DEN Stichworten "CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             " ergab —GESTERN 795.000—FUNDSTELLEN,
20060331             eine nach " 20010911             conspiracy" sogar 15,5 Millionen.
20060331             Die Verschwörungstheorien um den 20010911             bekommen neuen Auftrieb:
20060331             —GEGANGEN, Er ist unter die Verschwörungstheoretiker, und hat sich dem wachsenden Chor der Zweifler an der offiziellen Version des 20010911             angeschlossen.
20060331             Actor & Director ED—ASNER—SHARES 20010911             Concerns Highlights STORY—OF—HIJACKERS
20060331             "Alles um den 20010911             herum ist verrückt", sagt Frau Andreacchio.
20060331             in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology + philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 20010911             ".
20060331             For you, we have the surprisingly compelling indie documentary " 20010911             Loose Change
20060331             I said I'd never do it -- say what I think about that terrible —MORNING—OF—20010911         .
20060331             VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT—TO—LAUNCH—INTERNATIONAL 20010911             Investigation
20060331             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—VENEZUELAN—GOVERNMENT—TO—LAUNCH—INTERNATIONAL 20010911             Investigation Truth
20060331             Ausgerechnet —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN, da sich QAIDA—ANHÄNGER Zacarias Moussaoui vor einem USA—GERICHT mit den abenteuerlichsten Geschichten über seine Rolle an den Anschlägen selbst das Grab schaufelt, scheinen immer mehr Amerikaner Gefallen an alternativen Versionen 20060911             —VOM, zu finden.
20060331             1—GOOGLE—SUCHE —NACH—DEN Stichworten "CHARLIE—SHEEN 20010911             " ergab —GESTERN 795.000—FUNDSTELLEN, eine nach " 20010911             conspiracy" sogar 15,5 Millionen.
20060331             Als Sheen seine Zweifel auf dem MAINSTREAM—SENDER CNN wiederholte, ließ sich dessen Publikum mitreißen: In einer CNN—BLITZUMFRAGE erklärten 34.692—ZUSCHAUER (84—PROZENT—DER—TEILNEHMER), auch sie glaubten, die Regierung verheimliche die Wahrheit über den 20060911             .
20060331             Die Verschwörungstheorien um den 20010911             bekommen neuen Auftrieb: —JETZT ist es der Schauspieler CHARLIE—SHEEN, der öffentlich über ein bizarres Komplott zwischen CIA, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und Bush spricht.
20060331             —JETZT aber hat Sheen Junior ein neues, publizitätssicheres Steckenpferd entdeckt: Er ist unter die Verschwörungstheoretiker gegangen und hat sich dem wachsenden Chor der Zweifler an der offiziellen Version des 20010911             angeschlossen.
20060331             Or maybe you should peruse 1—OF—THE—COUNTLESS 20060911             conspiracy sites, many of which link to relevant video and 1—OF which --
20060331             -- claims to be "1—NON—PARTISAN association of faculty, students + scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology + philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 20010911             ".
20060331             I said I'd never do it -- say what I think about that terrible —MORNING—OF—20010911           .
2006033120010911     —TONBÄNDER: Echo der verlorenen Stimmen
20060331—20010911    —ON, His public stance and his support of CHARLIE—SHEEN helps in the ongoing effort to encourage public figures with large media platforms to step forward and become prominent voices for 20010911             —THE truth movement.
20060331—20010911    —FROM, Asked who gained Asner answered, "Certainly the military has, Halliburton, Brown and Root, MISTER—CHENEY—OLD outfit....the oil COMPANIES—OF—COURSE—NOW with record highs + THE—WHITE—HOUSE IS—OF—COURSE involved with oil and the military and always has been".
20060401             Long Live 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY! :
20060401             if you don't know ALL—OF—THIS + if you fully + blithely accept the official 20010911             1—STORY,
20060401             Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers 20010911             —IN—THE—ORAL—HISTORIES:
20060401             How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui
20060401             I have to say I respect those who are lying about 20010911             (+ know they are lying) more than those like Taylor,
20060401             memeorandum Political Web, page A1 How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui...
20060401             CHARLIE—SHEEN—REINVIGORATES 20010911             Truth Movement
20060401             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN—REINVIGORATES 20010911             Truth Movement Average Americans defend
20060401             Long Live 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY! : Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing, unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?
20060401             Sheila Samples : 20010911             —- Eliminating THE—IMPOSSIBLE.
20060401             As 1—RESULT, 1—C.I.1—STATION—TODAY should be able to protect MOST—OF—ITS—SECRETS even in the middle of 1—CATASTROPHIC—DISASTER—LIKE 20060911             —THE attacks, said 1—FORMER—AGENCY—OFFICIAL.
20060401             How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui... (JEFF—A—TAYLOR/Reason) I have to say I respect those who are lying about 20010911             (+ know they are lying) more than those like Taylor, who seems more clueless than malicious. memeorandum Political Web, page A1 How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui...
20060401—20010911    —ON, NEW—YORK releases partial TAPES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS from the World Trade Center.
20060401—20010911    —HAPPENED, You probably already know that much of what exactly, remains deeply unsettling + largely UNSOLVED—OR to put another way,
20060401—20010911    —ON, NY releases 20010911             emergency calls NEW—YORK releases partial TAPES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS from the World Trade Center.
20060401—20010911    —ON, THE—GROUND 0—GRASSY Knoll : You probably already know that much of what exactly happened remains deeply unsettling + largely UNSOLVED—OR to put another way, if you don't know ALL—OF—THIS + if you fully + blithely accept the official 20010911             1—STORY, well, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
20060401—20010911    —IN—THE, Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers ORAL Histories:
20060402             WING TV on WOR AM Radio: The 20010911             —WORM is TURNING—GOOGLING THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY
20060402             Sheen 20010911             —FALLOUT: Mainstream Columnists Learn Valuable Lessons
20060402             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SHEEN 20010911             —FALLOUT:
20060402             WING TV on WOR AM Radio: 20010911             —THE—WORM is Turning Author:
20060402             Sheen 20010911             Fallout: Mainstream Columnists Learn Valuable Lessons Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SHEEN 20010911             Fallout: Mainstream Columnists Learn Valuable Lessons The world is...
20060403             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             —WIKIPEDIA
20060403             NY releases 20010911             —EMERGENCY calls:
20060403             Re: 20010911             — BANK—BUYS—BROKER for Concealed Demolition
20060403             —TITLED, In my E—MAIL to you, "CITIGROUP—AMEC 20010911             —INSURANCE fraud on LLOYD—OF—LONDON ?",
20060403             MISTER—DEUTCH is 1—DIRECTOR—OF—RAYTHEON where he helped to destroy 'Able Danger' COUNTER—INTELLIGENC e DATA—MINING evidence pointing at MOHAMMED—ATTA'S and the other AL—QAEDA cells in AMERICA —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             .
20060403             —CLAIMED, Post 20010911             , MISTER—SILVERSTEIN, damages for 2—BUILDINGS (WTC # 1 & 2) but the,
20060403             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             — Wikipedia... dass die Boeing 757—BEI der Explosion weitestgehend verpufft ist.
20060403             Die eingangs zitierten 20010911             —SKEPTIKER vertreten diese Behauptung jedoch nicht.
20060403             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             — Wikipedia Große TEILE—DER—EXPLOSION fanden außerhalb des Gebäudes oder in der... Die eingangs zitierten 20010911             —SKEPTIKER vertreten diese Behauptung jedoch nicht.
20060403             —CLAIMED, Post 20010911             , MISTER—SILVERSTEIN, damages for 2—BUILDINGS (WTC # 1 & 2) but the, together with his CITIGROUP—AMEC and GMAC advisors, must have concealed from the court their prior knowledge that at least 3—WTC buildings (#1, 2 & 7) had been rigged for demolition with explosives and/or incendiaries.
20060403             NY releases 20010911             emergency calls : THE—WORDS—OF—THE—OPERATORS—BUT not THE—CALLERS—WERE released —FOLLOWING 1—LAWSUIT filed by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and 1—GROUP—OF—VICTIMS' relatives.
20060403—20010911    —ON, in RESPECT—OF—THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—WTC #7 which with WTC #1 + WTC #2, became the 1. 3—STEEL—FRAMED buildings in history to collapse through fire.
20060403—20010911    20010911             —REVISITED:
20060403—20010911    —ON, became the 1. 3—STEEL—FRAMED buildings in history to collapse through fire.
20060404             20. 20010911             Hijacker Riddle Persists Mystery solved?
20060404             —1—DAY—EARLIER, 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told the jury there was no 20. hijacker because AL—QAIDA could get only 19—INTO THE—USA.
20060404             20. 20010911             Hijacker Riddle Persists
20060405             As unpalatable as it is I think that all FAMILIES—OF—USA—MILITARY—PERSONNEL need to consider that EVEN IF 20010911             —HAD NEVER HAPPENED
20060405             —OCCURRED, Had 20010911             —NOT, GEORGE would have still contrived SOME—WAY (ANY—WAY) to go to war.
20060405             FORMER—HEAD—OF—STAR—WARS—PROGRAM—SAYS—CHENEY—MAIN 20010911             —SUSPECT
20060405             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—HEAD—OF—STAR—WARS—PROGRAM—SAYS—CHENEY—MAIN 20010911             —SUSPECT Official version
20060405             —SINGLED, She was, out not for her race, but for her stance 20010911             —ON.
20060405—20010911    —SINGLED, She was, out not for her race, but for her stance.
20060406             Forgive me, but Giuliani is the person responsible for deciding to locate NEW—YORK—CITY—EMERGENCY—COMMAND—CENTER in the World Trade Center along with 1—DIESAL fuel tank (against the advice of certain FDNY officials) —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060406             How is 1—MAN who is responsible for such horrific and deadly judgments invited to give 1—VICTIM—IMPACT—STATEMENT as to how 20010911             —IMPACTED him?
20060406             "I failed to tell THE—FBI for —18—MONTHS that 2—KNOWN al Qaeda killers were living in S—DIEGO and planning the 20010911             —ATTACKS") + perhaps,
20060406             Giuliani describes 20010911             —HORRORS
20060406             THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—NEW—YORK recounts the aftermath of the 20010911             —ATTACKS at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060406             Inside Qaida: 20010911             —PLANER rechnet mit OSAMA—BIN—LADEN ab
20060406             MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS: Gericht lässt Tonband aus 20010911             —FLUGZEUG zu
20060406             DOCTOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN:"20010911             , THE—MYTH & THE—REALITY,":
20060406             Court to hear 20010911             —COCKPIT tape
20060406             —CRASHED, The cockpit audio from the 20010911             —FLIGHT which, in PENNSYLVANIA is to be played in public for the 1. time.
20060406             The commission set up to investigate the 20010911             —ATTACKS described the final MINUTES—OF—THE—FLIGHT in its report and released SOME—DETAILS—OF what was heard on the cockpit recording.
20060406             Prosecutors wants to use the recording to show the jury how passengers were treated by 20010911             —HIJACKERS.
20060406             Giuliani describes 20010911             horrors THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—NEW—YORK recounts the aftermath of 20010911             —THE attacks at the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060406             Durch seine Geschwätzigkeit habe dieser den Plot des 20060911             mehrmals massiv gefährdet.
20060406-20010911             —TAPES, will be played in court (103)
20060406—20010911    —HIJACKED, Flight 93 was 1—OF 4—PLANES.
20060406—20010911    —BY, Prosecutors wants to use the recording to show the jury how passengers were treated hijackers.
20060406—20010911    —FROM—THE, Court to hear 20010911             cockpit tape The cockpit audio flight which crashed in PENNSYLVANIA is to be played in public for the 1. time.
20060406—20010911    —ON, At the death penalty trial of AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, FORMER—NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR RUDOLPH—GIULIANI described his own harrowing experience in lower Manhattan.
20060407             —JUST as the 20010911             —ATTACKS in THE—USA—DESTROYED the fortunes of liberal politicians for several years.
20060407             —REPORTED, Secondly, the "Red Brigade " was, to be 1—COVERT—CIA—TERROR—OPERATION conducting "false flag" attacks in ITALY as 1—WAY to kill THE—POPULARITY—OF—LEFTIST—POLITICIANS, —JUST as 20010911             —THE attacks in THE—USA destroyed the fortunes of liberal politicians for several years.
20060408             1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE have noted the similarities between the tragedy of 20010911             and the finale of another ALAN—MOORE graphic novel, Watchmen.
20060408             MOUSSAOUI—PROZESS: EX—BÜRGERMEISTER—SCHILDERT—SCHRECKENSBILDER vom 20060911             20060408—20020300    —IN, BBC Video: 20010911             — THE—FALL—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER : 1. broadcast, this documentary looks at the factors that caused THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS, as investigated by professionally qualified structural engineers.
20060409             Who wants the hassle of trying to catch the guy who actually ordered 20010911             ?
20060409             Forensic Economist from CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY—ISSUES—OPEN—LETTER to Insurance COMMITTEE—BY dz 20010911             — BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION
20060409             has tasked THE—USA—STRATEGIC—COMMAND (STRATCOM) with drawing up 1—CONTINGENCY—PLAN to be employed in response to another 20010911             —TYPE terrorist ATTACK—ON—THE—USA.
20060409             Wait —UNTIL the Truth of 20010911             —SURFACES!
20060410             Jones is CO—CHAIRMAN, with JAMES—H—FETZER, 1 distinguished PROFESSOR—OF—PHILOSOPHY at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth,
20060410             Jones is CO—CHAIRMAN, with JAMES—H—FETZER, 1 distinguished PROFESSOR—OF—PHILOSOPHY at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth, 1—GROUP—OF—COLLEGE faculty members who believe conspirators other than PILOTS—OF—THE—PLANES were directly involved in bringing down NEW—YORK—TRADE—TOWERS.
20060410—20010911    —ON, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center ,
20060410—20010911    —ON, EPHRAIM — 1—BRIGHAM—YOUNG—UNIVERSITY—PHYSICIST said he —NOW believes 1—INCENDIARY substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse.
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—PULLING Out All the Emotional Stops on the Moussaoui 20010911             —TRIAL PSY—OP-
20060412             Jurors weighing the fate of 20010911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui were shown gruesome photographs —TUESDAY—OF—BODIES burned inside THE—PENTAGON +
20060412             Jurors shown 20010911             —IMAGES
20060412             TIM—HOWELLS—PULLING Out All the Emotional Stops on the Moussaoui 20010911             Trial PSY—OP—SPOOKED This is ridiculous: ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA (AP)
20060412             Jurors shown 20010911             images Pictures of dead Pentagon workers are shown to 1—COURT deciding the sentence for Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060412—20060911    —LISTENED, Jurors in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial, to 1—RECORDING of terrified shouts and cries in the cockpit as desperate passengers twice charged panicked hijackers —DURING—THE—FINAL—HALF—HOUR of doomed United Flight 93.
20060413             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, TERROR—ISTENPROZESS: Gericht, neue Bilder vom 20010911             20060413             Problems mount from 20010911             —FALLOUT There are —NOW at least 15,000—PEOPLE with medical problems linked to dust fallout from the 20010911             —ATTACKS, THE—BBC learns.
20060413             How much more clear does it need to be made -- BUSH + his administration lied THE—USA—PEOPLE to war in IRAQ using 20010911             as...
20060413—20010911    —FROM, Problems mount fallout There are —NOW at least 15,
20060413—20010911    —FROM—THE, 000—PEOPLE with medical problems linked to dust fallout attacks, THE—BBC learns.
20060413—20060911    —IN—THE, Confessed AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui expressed no remorse for his role attacks as he took the stand for 2. time in his DEATH—PENALTY—TRIAL in ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA.
20060414             Video: IRAQ No Threat : Both COLIN—POWELL, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE + Condoleezza Rice, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLOSEST—ADVISER, made clear —BEFORE 20010911             that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was no THREAT—TO AMERICA, EUROPE or THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060414             JOHN—GRAY—DOSSIER—MORE—INFORMATION continues to circulate among 20010911             researchers who have been —FOLLOWING THE—JOHN—GRAY—RAMY el BATRAWI—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI connection.
20060414—20060330    —ON, DOCTOR—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN: "20010911             , THE—MYTH & THE—REALITY,": Part 2 : In this definitive presentation given at the historic Grand LAKE—THEATER in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Griffin deconstructs official myths, given —THAT—DAY.
20060415             1—DEFIANT—SHEEN—CHALLENGES—OFFICIAL 20010911             —FABLE on National TV
20060415             1—DEFIANT—SHEEN—CHALLENGES—OFFICIAL 20010911             —FABLE on National TV Dares MILLIONS—OF—VIEWERS to "Do [their] own research" Prison Planet | Actor
20060415             Plunger: —JUST want to thank you for the succint and right on synopsis of what this is all about. isn't it incredible to consider that the majority of the bushbots, the mindless critons that they are, still BELIEVE that 20010911             was caused by hussein/IRAQ + that we have in fact found the wmd's ? !
20060415             LET—REVIEW: THE—PENTAGON, acting under instructions from VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE, has tasked THE—USA—STRATEGIC—COMMAND (STRATCOM) with drawing up 1—CONTINGENCY—PLAN to be employed in response to another 20010911             —TYPE terrorist ATTACK—ON—THE—USA.
20060415—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Sie sind einem Verdacht nachgegangen, der sich über —JAHRE, zumal ,
20060416—20010911    News_com — 20011000             Daily Timeline & Chronology of
20060416—20010911    —AFTER, THE—IMPERIAL—REPUBLIC
20060416—20010911    THE—IMPERIAL—REPUBLIC—AFTER 20010911             —DOWNLOAD File...
20060417             It could be 20010911             —ALL over again.
20060417             The 20010911             —COMMISSION—INCREDIBLE—TALES -
20060417             —PROVIDED, This explanation was, in the 1. chapter of The 20010911             —COMMISSION Report.
20060417             1—OF—THE complexities is the fact that the 20010911             —COMMISSION—ACCOUNT—OF why the military could not intercept the hijacked airliners is the 3. VERSION—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—ACCOUNT we have been given.
20060417             MOST—OF—THE—KEY neocon plans are still on track.] [Still waiting in the wings: 20010911             —PART II.].
20060417—20010911    —ON, To understand why 3—VERSIONS—OF this story have been deemed necessary, we need to review the standard operating procedures that are supposed to prevent hijacked airliners from causing THE—KINDS—OF—DAMAGE that occurred.
20060417—20010911    —IN—THE, 1—OF—THE—COMMISSIONERS, FORMER—ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—JIM—THOMPSON, once represented United and still counsels AMERICA THE—VERY—AIRLINES involved attack.
20060418             Fw: CHARLIE—SHEEN—SAYS—MEDIA—COMPLICIT—IN 20010911             —COVER—UP
20060418             CHARLIE—SHEEN—SAYS—MEDIA—COMPLICIT—IN 20010911             —COVER—UP Response to Kimmel appearance betrays unparalleled willful ignorance PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON & ALEX—JONES/Prison
20060418             USA DOKU—THEMA 20010911             — DEUTSCHLAND—UT
20060418             survivor's toxic clothing sparks cancer fear : THIS deadly 20010911             —SHIRT contains so much asbestos it is feared THOUSANDS—OF—THE—DISASTER—SURVIVORS could be hit with cancer.
20060418             This film purports to show direct connection between the attacks of 20010911             + THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20060418             ALEXANDRIA—IM Prozess um die Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, hat 1—PSYCHOLOGE den angeklagten Franzosen Zacarias Moussaoui —GESTERN als "Schizophrenen mit paranoiden Tendenzen" bezeichnet.
20060418—20010911    —UNPARALLELED, CHARLIE—SHEEN—SAYS—MEDIA—COMPLICIT COVER—UP Response to Kimmel appearance betrays, willful ignorance PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON & ALEX—JONES/Prison
20060419             —CONCERNED, —RECENTLY, librarians have been, about SCORES—OF—DOCUMENTS that have been reclassified at the National Archives + librarians have long been concerned about FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—SINCE THE—PASSAGE—OF—THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks.
20060419             It's funny we're —JUST hearing about the Rosetta stone bag —NOW, from 1—FORMER—FBI agent who was retired —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20010911            , who heard about it at John... Source: 20060419—20010911              SITE—OF—THE—DAY: CATHERINE—FITTS' fascinating story of DILLON—READ -
20060419             It's funny we're —JUST hearing about the Rosetta stone bag —NOW, from 1—FORMER—FBI—AGENT who was retired —AT—THE—TIME—OF—20010911            , who heard about it at John.
20060419             —IN order to believe the Official Story of 20010911             you have to believe that 1—MAN about to embark on 1—SUICIDE—MISSION would carry 1—BAG with him containing information on the entire TERROR—IST plot
20060419—20010911    20010911             —SITE—OF—THE—DAY: CATHERINE—FITTS' fascinating story of DILLON—READ -
20060420             Chronicle Forced To Issue Retraction On 20010911             —HIT Piece
20060420             Terrorprozess: 20010911             —HINTERBLIEBENE sagen AUS—FÜR Moussaoui
20060420             Barring 1—CATACLYSMIC—EVENT on THE—ORDER—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—OF—20060911              —AFTER which the public might rally —AROUND THE—WHITE—HOUSE once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to avoid being.
20060420             Er gestand, von der Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA als Attentäter für den 20010911             eingeplant gewesen zu sein.
20060420—20010911    —FÜR—DEN—EINGEPLANT gewesen zu sein, Er gestand, von der Terrororganisation AL—QAIDA als Attentäter.
20060420—20010911    —ON, Chronicle Forced To Issue Retraction Hit Piece
20060421             CANADA—CLAIMS—MISTREATMENT by U.S agents : Akhil Sachdeva, 1—ACCOUNTANT from INDIA who emigrated to CANADA, still wonders why he was seized at gunpoint by USA—AGENTS + held —FOR—MONTHS with HUNDREDS—OF—FOREIGNERS —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS.
20060422             No Moussaoui 'shoe bomber' link THE—FBI found no 20010911             —LINK between Zacarias Moussaoui and "shoe bomber" RICHARD—REID, A—USA—COURT hears.
20060422             —WELCOMED, How have THE—SPAIN—PRESS and the public opinion, your book about 20060911             and especially your assertion on THE—CRASHING—OF—NO—PLANE in the Pentagon?
20060422             In 1—CERTAIN—WAY, all this is true, especially in THE—USA, because, as filmmaker MICHAEL—MOORE, AUTHOR—OF—FAHRENHEIT 20010911             , has put it:
20060422—20060911    Film: IRAK—SCHAUSPIELER bangt um USA—VISUM
20060423             911info The place to find all the real cutting edge information, news + analysis on the terror attacks of 20010911             .
20060423             FORMER—GERMANY—MINISTER—SAYS—BUILDING 7—USED To Run 20010911             —ATTACK
20060423             FORMER—GERMANY—MINISTER—SAYS—BUILDING 7—USED To Run 20010911             —ATTACK Guide the planes in, then destroy the crime scene
20060423             "I never had 1—MOMENT—DOUBT about this. Because 20010911             for me was, "Right, —NOW I get it.
20060423             The 20010911             —COMMISSION Report didn't include ANY—INFORMATION about THE—PRESIDENT—BROTHER, MARVIN—BUSH either.
20060423             —REQUIRED, But the work, to wire a 47—STORY building for 1—CONTROLLED demolition would have had to begin SOME—TIME—BEFORE 20010911             and that points to MARVIN—BUSH—SECURITY—COMPANY.
20060423             FORMER—GERMANY—MINISTER—SAYS—BUILDING 7 Used To Run 20010911             Attack
20060423—20010911    —DESIGNATED, RICHARD—CLARKE was, "crisis manager" by Condoleezza Rice within minutes —AFTER—THE—" 2. jetliner hit the World Trade Center " (WASHINGTON—POST, 20040323             , Eggen and Pincus).
20060423—20010911    —ON, Perhaps that is why the 20010911             —COMMISSION Report made no MENTION—OF—THE—SUDDEN—COLLAPSE—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER Building 7—LATE in the —DAY.
20060423—20010911    —ON, MARVIN—BUSH was 1—PRINCIPAL—OWNER—OF—THE—SECURITY—FIRM, Securecom, aka Statesec, the company that held the contract to provide security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines and Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport.
20060423—20010911    —ON, In addition, MOORE—NEW—FILM, "Fareinheit 911", reiterates the propaganda that there were 19—HIJACKERS /01 and 15—OF—THEM were Saudis.
20060423—20060911    —AFTER, War in IRAQ tops Americans' concerns, according to Gallup poll : 4 and 1—HALF—YEARS, terror is no longer the issue on THE—TOP—OF—AMERICANS' minds, surpassed by the war in IRAQ, immigration, fuel prices and even anger at politicians, 1—NEW—POLL says.
20060424             Pentagon implements Global Military Policing 2. 20010911             to provide an "Opportunity" to INTERVENE—BY MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY
20060424             20010911             —1—YEAR—BEFORE, THE—PNAC called for "SOME—CATASTROPHIC and catalyzing event, like 1—NEW—PEARL Harbor," which would serve to galvanize USA—PUBLIC opinion in SUPPORT—OF—1—WAR—AGENDA.
20060424             Sonnenfeldt, 1—INVESTMENTBANKER aus NEW—YORK, hatte seinen Job —NACH—DEM 20010911             aufgegeben.
20060424             Top READING - 20010911             —SOMETHING smells in the air
20060424             ESSAYS—THE—AUTHORS do not necessarily endorse ALL—OF—THE—FINDINGS and opinions of 20010911             —RESEARCH.
20060424             Likewise, 20010911             —RESEARCH does not necessarily endorse ALL—OF—THEIR positions.
20060424             Popular Mechanics Attacks the "20010911             —LIES" Straw Man
20060424             Popular Mechanics ' Assault on 20010911             —TRUTH
20060424             Essays by 911Research Associates Revealed OR Concealed?: 1—CRITICAL—REVIEW—OF—20010911             —REVEALED by VICTORIA Ashley and JIM—HOFFMAN
20060424             Aber nicht nur: Jeden Sonntagabend treffen sich etwa die New Yorker 20010911             —ZWEIFLER—OFT Hunderte Leute -
20060424             zum Jahrestag des 20010911             —PROTESTIEREN sie an Ground 0.
20060424             Er glaubt, der 20060911             sei von der Regierung "orchestriert" worden, um die Amerikaner in den Krieg zu manipulieren.
20060424             We know the government lied about IRAQ—WMD, but we believe the government told the truth about 20010911             ".
20060424             Roberts' columns have been 1—CONSISTENT—SOURCE—OF—EXPERT—ANALYSIS and no holds barred commentary but he is yet to go this far in addressing the real culprits behind 20010911             .
20060424             Other readers write that 20010911             —SHIELDS Bush from accountability," - wrote Roberts.
20060424             They insist that there is no stopping war and 1—POLICE—STATE as long as the government's story on 20010911             —REMAINS unchallenged".
20060424             If we assume 20010911             was 1—MASSIVE—PSY—OPS campaign, then we can assume that nothing about 20010911             is really as it seems.
20060424             Previous POSTS—I'M Haunted by the Fact That 20010911             Was 1—INSIDE—JOB—FAKE—PLANES on Parade
20060424             Updated 20010911             —ODDS Charges in the Zebuhr KILLING—HUMINT Events Online
20060424             —FACILITATED, The 20010911             —HIJACKING attacks were very likely, by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created 1—ISLAM—TERRORIST "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060424             —UNPRECEDENTED, In 1—MERE—18—MONTHS we went from, LEVELS—OF—SUPPORT 20010911             — being 1—OF—THE—MOST hated countries...
20060424             Other readers write that 20010911             shields Bush from accountability,"
20060424             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 20010911             /01 + other ISSUES—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—RESPONSIBILITY.
20060424             THE—PENTAGON—NO—757—CRASH—THEORY: Booby Trap for 20010911             —SKEPTICS
20060424—20010911    —ON, Popular Mechanics ' Assault Truth
20060424—20010911    —ON, "They challenge me to explain why 3—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—BUILDINGS on —1—DAY collapsed into their own footprints at free fall speed, 1—EVENT outside THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS except under conditions of controlled demolition. They insist that there is no stopping war and 1—POLICE—STATE as long as the government's story remains unchallenged".
20060424—20010911    —AFTER, In 1—MERE—18—MONTHS we went from unprecedented LEVELS—OF— being 1—OF—THE—MOST hated countries...
20060425             GERMANY—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SAYS—BUILDING 7—USED To Run 20010911             —ATTACK
20060425             FORMER—HELMUT—SCHMIDT cabinet member, —25—YEAR—GERMANY—PARLIAMENTARIAN and global intelligence expert ANDREAS—VON—BULOW says that the 20010911             —ATTACK was run by the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—APPARATUS using WTC Building 7 as 1—COMMAND—BUNKER which was —LATER demolished in order to destroy the crime scene.
20060425             Links Between 20010911             —TERRORIST Leader MOHAMMED—ATTA, Anthrax, bin...
20060425—20010911    —SINCE, I believe this has been the case, particularly - 20010911             , in THE—TREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS under USA custody.
20060425—20010911    —ON, What hit the Pentagon
20060426             Salon reviews United 93, 1—MOVIE about the doomed 20010911             —FLIGHT that crashed in 1—FIELD in Pennsyvania.
20060427             —AM NEW—YORK—CITY—GROUND—0 wird der Grundstein für den an Stelle des bei den 20010911             —TERRORANSCHLÄGE—AM, —ZERSTÖRTEN WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS zur errichtenden 1—WORLD—TRADE—CENTERS (vormaliger Name des Entwurfs Freedom Tower) gelegt.
20060427—20010911    —ON, How did THE—SECRET—SERVICE know THE—PRESIDENT—WASN'T in danger ?
20060427—20010911    —ON, 1—INTERESTING—DAY: USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—MOVEMENTS and Actions
20060428             —STRUGGLED, The plaintiffs have, with the Transportation Security Administration to obtain pre-20060911             aviation security documents.
20060428             USA seeks to keep evidence from 20010911             —FAMILIES
20060428             —ASKED, Prosecutors, 1—JUDGE to rethink granting 20010911             —FAMILIES suing airlines access to evidence gathered for the criminal case against al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.
20060428             —SPECULATED, SOME—HAVE even, this issue is why Bush and Cheney took the unusual STEP—OF—TESTIFYING jointly to the 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20060428             But according to a 20040624             , article in NEWSWEEK, "SOME—ON—THE [20010911             ] commission staff were, in fact, highly SKEPTICAL—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—ACCOUNT and made their views clearer in 1—EARLIER—DRAFT—OF—THEIR—STAFF—REPORT. According to 1—KNOWLEDGEABLE—SOURCE, SOME—STAFFERS 'flat out didn't believe the call ever took place.' "
20060428—20010911    —FROM, USA seeks to keep evidence families
20060428—20010911    —ON, "Unfortunately, we have yet to have 1—SERIOUS and honest investigation into what happened ," said PAUL—THOMPSON, THE—AUTHOR—OF "THE—TERROR—TIMELINE: —YEAR by —YEAR, —DAY by —DAY, —MINUTE by —MINUTE".
20060429             I have questioned whether supposed 20010911             —HIJACKER—HANI Hanjour looks like HIS pictures: #—POSTED—BY—GEORGE—WASHINGTON
20060429             Pentagon steps up intelligence efforts inside USA—BORDERS : THE—USA—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT has stepped up efforts —SINCE 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS to gather intelligence within USA—BORDERS, aimed at both protecting military facilities and keeping 1—EYE out for ANY—THREAT on USA—SOIL—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reported —THURSDAY.
20060429             CNN COVER—20010911             —SKEPTICS and Misrepresents 911Truth_org
20060429             CNN COVER—20010911             —SKEPTICS and Misrepresents 911Truth_org By dz 5MB MOVCNN—THE—SITUATION—ROOM with WOLF—BLITZER briefly covered 20010911             20060429             Colbert shakes up BILL—KRISTOL over PNAC ties
20060429             Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail_com 20010911             BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News All are welcome!
20060429             CNN COVER—20010911             —SKEPTICS and Misrepresents 911Truth_org By dz 5MB MOVCNN—THE—SITUATION—ROOM with WOLF—BLITZER briefly covered 20010911             20060429             Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail_com 20010911             BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News All are welcome!
20060430             AOL NEWS—CONSPIRACY—FILM—REWRITES 20060911             What do you think of 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES?They're outrageous73%They're valid27% Total Votes: 124,714 Note on Poll Results
20060430             THE—BOOK—OF—THOTH—FORUMS—CONSPIRACY—THEORY - 20010911             — 1—INTERESTING twist is that
20060430             —FROM—2—YEARS to - —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —NORAD was...
20060430             informationliberation - 20010911             —WIDOWS blast USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over...
20060430             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             NORAD was...
20060430             THE—BOOK—OF—THOTH—FORUMS—CONSPIRACY—THEORY - 20010911             20060430—19510000    —IN, The same intelligence apparatus spun out BILL—BRIGHT—CAMPUS—CRUSADE for Christ + Pat ROBERTSON—CHRISTIAN...
20060430             AOL NEWS—CONSPIRACY—FILM—REWRITES 20060911             20060430             AOL NEWS—CONSPIRACY—FILM—REWRITES 20060911             What do you think of 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES?They're outrageous73%They're valid27% Total Votes: 124,714 Note on Poll Results
20060430             BUSH—ACTIONS on 20010911             —STILL—UNCLEAR—PAGE 3 - JREF Forum
20060430             1 20010911             —QUESTION answered: Ashcroft was warned that 1—ATTACK was...
20060430             1 20010911             —QUESTION answered:
20060430             —RECEIVED, RUMSFELD, Ashcroft, WARNING—OF—AL—QAIDA attack —BEFORE 20010911             ...
20060430             THE—BOOK—OF—THOTH—FORUMS—CONSPIRACY—THEORY - 20010911             20060430             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             NORAD was...
20060430—20000000    —IN, "THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—COURT, the same panel that signs off on applications for business records warrants, also approved 2,072—SPECIAL—WARRANTS—LAST—YEAR for secret wiretaps and SEARCHES—OF—SUSPECTED terrorists and spies. The record number is more than twice as many as were issued, the last full —YEAR—BEFORE the terrorist attacks of 20010911             ".
20060430—20010911    —QUESTION answered:             1
20060430—20010911    —WARNED, Ashcroft was, that 1—ATTACK was coming.......
20060430—20010911    —BEFORE—RECEIVED, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, WARNING—OF—AL—QAIDA attack..
20060430—20010911    —ON, BUSH—ACTIONS still UNCLEAR—PAGE 3 - JREF Forum
20060501             Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail_com Humint Events Online The 20010911             —HIJACKING—ATTACKS were very likely facilitated by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created 1—ISLAM—TERRORIST "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060501             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 20010911             , and other
20060501             Slate wonders whether Flight 93 + this 3. DRAMATIZATION—OF—IT, has been exploited as 20010911             'S "feel good" moment.
20060501             DAVE—VONKLEIST—EXPLORES—ANOTHER—SIDE—OF—20010911              20060501             At 1., DAVE—VONKLEIST seems like 1—OF—THOSE guys that sells salad spinners, ginsu knives or vacuum cleaners at THE—MISSOURI—STATE—FAIR in Sedalia.
20060501             But —WHEN she invoked HARRISON—FORD movies and STEPHEN—KING thrillers, said she believed in fairies and claimed to be 1—PSYCHIC who predicted 20010911             —THE, terror attacks, courtroom observers shook their heads and wondered if there would be ANY—END to her outlandish theories, absurd claims and odd courtroom antics.
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105             20060808             20060516             ("20060911             show the flaws with protocol," 20060508             ) Indeed!
20060501             —ON THE—MORNING—OF—20010911            , vonKleist and his wife, Joyce Reilly, were doing their 7-10 a.m. radio show from VERSAILLES—MONTANA.
20060501             DAVE—VONKLEIST—EXPLORES—ANOTHER—SIDE—OF—20010911              20060501             But —WHEN she invoked HARRISON—FORD movies and STEPHEN—KING thrillers, said she believed in fairies and claimed to be 1—PSYCHIC who predicted 20010911             —THE, terror attacks, courtroom observers shook their heads and wondered if there would be ANY—END to her outlandish theories, absurd claims and odd courtroom antics.
20060502             (This page collects tunnel reports.) We know that THE—WHITE—HOUSE has 1—UNDERGROUND—BUNKER -- remember Cheney 20010911             —DURING, ? -- and 1—MOMENT—THOUGHT will tell you why there must be MORE—THAN—1—WAY to enter and exit that bunker.
20060502             My opinion all along is that THE—NO—PLANE—THEORIES are 1—THREAT to the 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT simply because they are completely unproven, crackpot notions.
20060502             —BUSTED, THE—,—2—WEEKS—SINCE 1—AMERICA—DC9 airliner was, by MEXICO—TROOPS at 1—SMALL—AIRPORT in the Yucatan, carrying 5.5—TONNES—OF—COCAINE packed neatly into 128—IDENTICAL—BLACK suitcases (somewhat hilariously marked 'private') the search for the true OWNERS—OF—THE—PLANE has produced these startling new developments... 20010911             PM
20060502             ORWELL—WORDS aptly describe THE—SITUATION—OF—STEVEN—E—JONES—1—SOFT—SPOKEN professor at Brigham Young University (BYU) who has turned his attention to the unanswered questions of 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20060503             The official 20010911             —REPORTS are what Jones calls "pathological science," in which investigators ignore all evidence that contradicts the conclusion they have been asked to prove
20060503             —SUBMITTED, Zdenek P. BAZANT—OF—NORTH—WEST—UNIVERSITY, his FIRE—INDUCED collapse theory to THE—USA—SOCIETY—OF—CIVIL—ENGINEERS (ASCE) —2—DAYS—20010911—AFTER, without examining ANY—EVIDENCE.
20060503             Disenfranchised FBI translator and 20010911             whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, confirmed that Plame, working under her CIA front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, was very active in TURKEY up through THE—TIME—OF—HER outing, tracking 1—MULTINATIONAL NETWORK—OF—NUCLEAR—TECHNOLOGY—TRAFFICKING that involved not only TURKEY but PAKISTAN, DUBAI—SPAIN, SOUTH—AFRICA and others.
20060503—20010911    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JURY in ALEXANDRIA—VIRGINIA, rejected the death penalty for AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, deciding he should spend life in prison for his role ;
20060503—20010911    —SEIT, Brand in NEW—YORK: Größter FEUERWEHR—EINSATZ
20060503—20010911    —AFTER, Zdenek P. BAZANT—OF—NORTH—WEST—UNIVERSITY submitted his FIRE—INDUCED collapse theory to THE—USA—SOCIETY—OF—CIVIL—ENGINEERS (ASCE) —2—DAYS, without examining ANY—EVIDENCE.
20060503—20010911    —ON, The fact that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT does not even mention the collapse of WTC 7 "is 1—STRIKING OMISSION—OF—DATA highly relevant to the question of what really happened ," he said.
20060504             —REBUFFED, Jury, the government's appeal for death for the only person charged in this country for 20010911             —THE—DEATHS.
20060504             "Bullshit Artist: 20010911             —THE—LEADERSHIP—MYTH" (Paperback, by Ron Schalow.
20060504—20010911    —THE—LEADERSHIP—MYTH, "Bullshit Artist, Paperback, by Ron Schalow.
20060504—20010911    —IN—THE, VIRGINIA, USA—JUDGE—LEONIE—BRINKEMA sent Zacarias Moussaoui to prison for life, to "die with 1—WHIMPER," for his role, terrorist attacks.
20060504—20010911    —AFTER, Have you forgotten all those storm trooper stories from the months —JUST ?
20060504—20010911    —ON, Subtitled "AMERICA was under attack —FOR—102—MINUTES and —FOR—102—MINUTES—THE—PRESIDENT did nothing: How GEORGE—W—BUSH turned his pathetic performance into political gold," this book certainly caught our attention.
20060505             —WHILE I certainly don't see this as 1—REASON for celebration, and —WHILE as longtime readers know (and I will return to sometime in the near future) I'm 1—TEPID OPPONENT—OF—THE—DEATH—PENALTY, I'm inclined to agree with the Talking Dog: "As 1—RESULT—OF—THIS legally correct verdict, —FOLLOWING 1—GOVERNMENT—PROSECUTION rife with misconduct and 1—VIRTUALLY impossible burden given FBI agent testimony that no matter what Moussaoui said, Bureau chieftains could not be CONVINCED—OF—THE—MERITS—OF a 20010911             —PLOT, Moussaoui will be automatically sentenced to life in prison...LET—JUST say it's gratifying to see 1—JUDGE and jury do their job the way the law actually intended".
20060505             1—DEATH—PENALTY—CASE requires 1—LEVEL—OF—PROFESSIONALISM that the state manifestly failed to meet here, and given MOUSSAOUI—EXCEPTIONALLY TANGENTIAL—AT—BEST—CONNECTIONS to 20010911             I can't say it's 1—TRAGEDY....Lithwick:
20060505             This case was about 1—CONSPIRACY, about SOME—FACTUAL—CONNECTION, however attenuated, between Zacarias MOUSSAOUI—JIHADI heart and the events of 20010911             .
20060505             CNN—EXPLOSIVE Interviews zum 20060911             20060505             Heiner Buecker Explosive Aussagen zum 20060911             auf CNN (USA) landesweit um 19.00—UND 23.00—UHR.
20060505             JUDGE—SILENCES—MOUSSAOUI outburst 1—JUDGE—TELLS—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI he will "die with 1—WHIMPER" as the defiant 20010911             plotter is jailed for life.
20060505—20010911    —ON, And although the government has steadfastly stood by its legal claim that it was enough for Moussaoui to have wanted to be on those planes, enough for him to have delighted as those planes went down, the jurors recognized this afternoon that 1—CONSPIRACY to aid in 1—TERROR—PLOT requires MORE—THAN—JUST 1—BAD—HEART + more than mere willingness to participate in the next 1.
20060506             Senior USA—OFFICIALS are testifying —BEFORE THE—COMMITTEE—FOR—THE 1. time —SINCE 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20060506             —RECENTLY I watched 1—PROGRAM on THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL about how difficult it was to ground all the airliners in the air over + entering USA airspace 20010911             —ON.
20060506             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MAJOR—NEW 20010911             Truth Symposium Coming To L.A. Features ALEX—JONES, Professor STEVEN—JONES, FORMER—STAR Wars HEAD—BOB—BOWMAN, DYLAN—AVERY & Others PAUL—JOSEPH
20060506             —NEEDED, The last thing THE—SCANDAL—RIDDEN WHITE—HOUSE, was having half the country laugh at BUSH—IMPOTENT rage as 1—TELEVISION—PERSONALITY tore him to shreds for the disastrous war in IRAQ, 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, the Katrina outrage, CHENEY—DRUNKEN shotgun antics, the awful SEX—TORTURE ordered by the sick administration, $3—GASOLINE and the constant VIOLATION—OF—AMERICA—CONSTITUTION.
20060506             This amazing COLLECTION—OF—DETAILED new laws to return USA—INTELLIGENCE to its PRE—WATERGATE LEVELS—OF—DOMESTIC—ABUSES was ready for Congress so quickly that 1—FEW have even suggested the entire thing was prepared in advance of 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20060506             And —WHILE Goss was fiercely against ANY—INVESTIGATION into 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, once the investigation was in DANGER—OF—BECOMING—1—REALITY, the lifelong spy Goss conveniently became THE—CO—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE
20060506             Oddly enough, in this same 20-mile STRETCH—OF—FLORIDA gulf coast, MOST—OF—THE—NAMED 20010911             hijackers settled (including, notoriously, MOHAMMED—ATTA in Naples).
20060506             blunt refusal to investigate the pre-20010911             CRIMES—OF—HIS—AGENCY.
20060506             Dazu gehörte auch die so genannte Abhöraffäre, in der Bush 20060911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, zahlreiche Lauschangriffe durch die NATIONAL—SECURITY Agency (NSA ) genehmigte.
20060506             Goss hatte den Posten als CIA—CHEF—VON—GEORGE—TENET übernommen, der nach heftiger Kritik im Zusammenhang mit den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             aufgegeben hatte.
20060506             —CONDUCTED, But Bamford said it's possible THE—NSA may have, the type of spying —PRIOR—TO 20010911             that THE—FORMER—NSA officials described.
20060506             —DETAILED, This amazing collection of, new laws to return USA—INTELLIGENCE to its PRE—WATERGATE levels of domestic abuses was ready for Congress so quickly that 1—FEW have even suggested the entire thing was prepared in advance of 20060911             —THE attacks.
20060506             Major New 20010911             Truth Symposium Coming To L.A.
20060506             How Cheney used THE—NSA for domestic spying —PRIOR—TO 20010911             20060506             —NEEDED, The last thing THE—SCANDAL—RIDDEN WHITE—HOUSE, was having half the country laugh at BUSH—IMPOTENT rage as 1—TELEVISION—PERSONALITY tore him to shreds for the disastrous war in IRAQ, 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, the Katrina outrage, CHENEY—DRUNKEN shotgun antics, the awful SEX—TORTURE ordered by the sick administration, $3—GASOLINE and the constant VIOLATION—OF—AMERICA—CONSTITUTION.
20060506             Joint 20010911             —INTELLIGENCE—INQUIRY... with none other than BOB—GRAHAM.
20060506             He was in PAKISTAN weeks —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks, planning A—USA—WAR in AFGHANISTAN with PAKISTAN—ISI CHIEF—MAHMOUD—AHMAD --
20060506—20010911    —JOINT—INTELLIGENCE—INQUIRY... with none other than BOB—GRAHAM.
20060506—20010911    —AFTER, As busy as he was in the days —BEFORE +, he again showed remarkable personal strength by sponsoring the Patriot Act, 1—MASSIVE—PILE—OF—NEW—LAWS to strip AMERICANS—OF—CIVIL and financial rights.
20060506—20020000    —CREDITED, JAMES—RISEN, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER, with exposing THE—NSA—COVERT—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—ACTIVITIES that came as 1—RESULT—OF—1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER—PRESIDENT—BUSH issued, wrote in his —JUST—PUBLISHED book, STATE—OF—WAR, that the administration was very aggressive in its intelligence gathering activities 20010911             —BEFORE,
20060506—20020000    —CREDITED, JAMES—RISEN, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER, with exposing THE—NSA—COVERT—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—ACTIVITIES that came as 1—RESULT—OF—1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER—PRESIDENT—BUSH issued, wrote in his —JUST—PUBLISHED book, STATE—OF—WAR, that the administration was very aggressive in its intelligence gathering activities —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060506—20060506    —BY, How Cheney used THE—NSA for domestic spying —PRIOR—TO 20010911             JASON—LEOPOLD—ONLINE—JOURNAL—CONTRIBUTING—WRITER
20060510             Remember 20010911             and Flight 93 and give us 1—ROUSING myth we can cherish.
20060510—20010911    20010911             —BLOGGER - 20010911             —NEWS
20060511             "WRITTEN—BY—NEWSWEEK senior EDITOR—HOWARD—FINEMAN and WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT—MARTHA Brant, THE—PROFILE—OF—THE—BUSH es focuses relentlessly positive attention on the "1. Couple's" emotional responses to 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS. New details about atrocities by USA—BACKED forces in AFGHANISTAN are emerging daily, but the central question in THE—NEWSWEEK exclusive was: "From where does GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH — or Laura, for that matter — draw the strength for this grand mission, the ambitious aim of which is nothing less than to 'rid THE—WORLD—OF—EVILDOERS'?"
20060511             These numbers clearly indicate that the war industry has handsomely benefited from 20010911             —THE 20010911             —DESTRUCTION.
20060511             The fact that THE—USA ' war industry flourishes on war and destruction has also been reflected in the stock PRICES—OF—THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRY in the aftermath of 20010911             —THE 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060511             IRAN—PRESIDENT—LETTER—HIGHLIGHTS 20010911             —INSIDE Job Ahmadinejad answers 'warning to the world' challenge PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison Planet_com
20060511             Die NSA und sein FRÜHERER—DIREKTOR—MICHAEL—HAYDEN stehen —BEREITS in der Kritik: Wegen seiner umstrittenen Lauschangriffe auf USA—BÜRGER —NACH—DEM 20060911             besteht der Verdacht, gegen die Gesetze verstoßen zu haben.
20060512             —LAUNCHED, The program was, SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE
20060512             He charges THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION with orchestrating the 20010911             —ATTACKS as 1—PRETEXT for launching 1—PREPLANNED "long war" in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, rolling back our civil liberties, and massively increasing military spending.
20060512             1—LONG—LIST—OF—PROMINENT—AMERICANS have spoken out for 20010911             —TRUTH:
20060512             REVEREND—WILLIAM—SLOANE—COFFIN, SENATOR—BARBARA—BOXER, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—STAR—WARS—PROGRAM—COLONEL—ROBERT—BOWMAN, EX—REAGAN administration economics guru PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS, progressive Jewish AUTHOR—ACTIVIST—RABBI—MICHAEL—LERNER, FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—RAY—MCGOVERN, AUTHOR—ESSAYIST—GORE Vidal + MANY—OTHER respected names from across the political spectrum have gone on the record for 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060512             Overwhelming evidence, from the obvious AIR—DEFENSE—STAND—DOWN, to THE—NONPROTECTION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—IN—FLORIDA, to the blatant controlled DEMOLITION—OF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—BUILDING 7, proves that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job.
20060512             —NOTED, As, PHILOSOPH—THEOLOGIAN and 20010911             —REVISIONIST—HISTORIAN—DAVID—GRIFFIN writes: "It is already possible to know, beyond 1—REASONABLE—DOUBT, 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—THING: THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER was 1—INSIDE job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government".
20060512             1—GROWING—LIST—OF—SCIENTISTS has lined up behind BYU physicist STEVEN—JONES and MIT engineer JEFF—KING—IN—SUPPORT—OF—GRIFFIN—POSITION, as evidenced by THE—GROWTH—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             —TRUTH (st911_org) and Scientific Professionals Investigating 20010911             (physics911_net).
20060512             I do not understand the 20010911             —TRUTH—BLACKOUT.
20060512             It is time to break the 20010911             —TRUTH—BLACKOUT.
20060512             And come see PETER—PHILLIPS, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—MEDIA—WATCHDOG—GROUP—PROJECT—CENSORED, who will lead 1—STRATEGY—SESSION on breaking the blackout at the upcoming INTERNATIONAL 20010911             —TRUTH—CONFERENCE in CHICAGO: 20010911             : Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, to be held 20060602             —4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, CHICAGO—O'HARE Rosemont.
20060512             Titan Corp, Skyway Communications,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and BUSH—BLOODY—MURDER...
20060512—20010911    —SINCE, Phone Companies ACCUSED—OF—LETTING—GOVERNMENT—SPY on Consumers : THE—BELTWAY was abuzz —THURSDAY with fallout from a "USA—TODAY " report that THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY (NSA ) has been collecting phone data on MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS.
20060512—20010911    —AFTER, Report: USA Spies on Everyone Congress reacts angrily to 1—REPORT that THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY has built 1—ENORMOUS—DATABASE—CONTAINING—EVERY—PHONE—CALL made within the country —SINCE shortly 20010911             , with the information being provided by the nation's largest phone carriers.
20060513             1—BIBLIOGRAPHY—OF—MATERIAL related to 20010911             —EVENTS.
20060513             Voices ZONE—MARTIAL—LAW 20010911             : RISE—OF—THE—POLICE—STATE
20060513             >What convinced me that 20010911             was 1—FALSE—FLAG—INSIDE—JOB.
20060513             >To THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SCIENTIFIC—PANEL—INVESTIGATING 20010911             :
20060513             >the 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT is not complete and arguably 1—COVER—UP.
20060513             Laut der Zeitung "USA—TODAY" legte der Militärgeheimdienst —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             ein riesiges Archiv mit Millionen privater Telefonanrufe an.
20060513             In the dark days —AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—LAWYERS from THE—WHITE—HOUSE and the Justice Department began meeting to debate 1—NUMBER—OF—NOVEL—LEGAL—STRATEGIES to help prevent another attack.
20060513—20010911    —ON, > > I do not know what happened, I do not know how politics works in this country, I can not explain why the mainstream media does not report on the problems with the 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20060513—20010911    —SINCE, THE—USA—PUBLIC has been willing to rely on THE—ASSURANCES—OF—GOVERNMENT—LEADERS that they are preserving our privacy —WHILE fighting terrorism.
20060513—20010911    —ON, >>I would like to give you my input as to the events, and why it is 1—PHYSICALLY provable fact that SOME—OF—THE—DAMAGE done to the Pentagon could not have occurred from 1—BOEING—757—IMPACT, and —THEREFORE
20060513—20060911    Auch —NACH—DEM, gab es vereinzelt USA—ANGRIFFSFLÜGE auf den IRAK.
20060514             BOB—DYLAN—ISRAEL—NOW uses the legal definition of "illegal combatants"By Postman Ron DUDAI—OF—THE—SOAS—SCHOOL—OF—LAW at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LONDON writes for JURIST that THE—USA—RESPONSE to 20010911             has given ISRAEL 1—EXCUSE to engage in its own questionable practices, as
20060514             MORGAN—REYNOLDS—DIRECTOR—OF—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE bush 20010000             —2:Media hide truth: 20010911             was inside job
20060514             GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BLOG—TRUTH and Reconciliation By GEORGE—WASHINGTON—WHAT'S the end goal of THE—fight—for—20010911             —TRUTH and justice?
20060514             Why? Because the gentlemen who carried out 20010911             will
20060514             WHAT WAS THE—RUSH—TO—GET—RID—OF—20010911             —EVIDENCE?
20060514             The event will feature presentations from dozens of 20010911             —TRUTH luminaries, from scientists like STEVEN—JONES to INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—WHISTLE—BLOWERS like DAVID—SHAYLER, and promises to be 1—HISTORIC, watershed event.
20060514             KEVIN—BARRETT—OF—MADISON is 1—MEMBER—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             —TRUTH (st911_org) + SPINE: Scientific Professionals Investigating 20010911             (911—PHYSICS_net) and serves as COORDINATOR—OF—THE—MUSLIM—JEWISH—CHRISTIAN—ALLIANCE for 20010911             —TRUTH (mujca_com).
20060514             MORGAN—REYNOLDS—DIRECTOR—OF—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE bush 20010000             —2:Media hide truth: 20010911             was inside JOB—UNDERDOG—COLLECTIVE Bellaciao
20060514             Auch in der NSA—ABHÖRAFFÄRE soll Cheney 1—ROLLE gespielt haben: Wie die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" in ihrer Sonntagsausgabe berichtete, vertrat der Stellvertreter von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, die Haltung, der Geheimdienst NSA solle inländische Telefongespräche auch ohne richterliche Genehmigung abhören.
20060514             Ironically, PART—OF—THE—IMPETUS for THE—CREATION—OF—THE—NDI was the perceived "failures" of THE—CIA with respect to 20010911             and IRAQ.
20060514             Bushco Planned 20010911             —NOT Farfetched (0/5 ) -->
20060514             Die meisten Bundesländer haben 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, in Neufassungen ihrer POLIZEI—GESETZE die rechtlichen Grundlagen dafür geschaffen.
20060514             —EXPLAINED, As Nelson, "It's 1—QUESTION—OF—WHETHER 1—MAN can, as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, ride roughshod over all the protections in THE—CONSTITUTION. If this is our response to 20010911             , we've lost. If this KIND—OF—PRACTICE can occur because of 20010911             , Osama won".
20060516             ("20060911             show the flaws with protocol," 20060508             ) Indeed!
20060516             —RELEASED, THE—PENTAGON, the 1. video IMAGES—OF—USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—77—CRASHING into the military headquarters building and killing 189—PEOPLE 20010911             —ON.
20060516             Writing about 1—SPEECH by 1—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION, P—I columnist JOEL—CONNELLY claimed:
20060516             CNN_com - 20010911             —PENTAGON video goes public for 1. time -
20060516             CNN_com - 20010911             —PENTAGON video goes public for 1. time - 20060516             CNN_com - 20010911             —PENTAGON video goes public for 1. time.
20060516             —SPECIALIZED, Team8Plus- a, 20010911             —RESEARCH team: Forums / Public...
20060517             FBI Withholding 84—MORE—TAPES—OF—PENTAGON on 20010911             —FBI Withholding 84—MORE—TAPES—OF—PENTAGON on 20010911             —MAGICALLY Only 1—SHOWS—IMPACT so why not release the rest?
20060517             "THE—BBC is reporting that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has decided to release the videotape depicting THE—CRASH—OF—FLIGHT—77—INTO the Pentagon building, nearly—5—YEARS—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060517             RELEASE—OF—PENTAGON Images Direct —ASSAULT—ON—20010911—TRUTH—MOVEMENT
20060517             I know, THE—RULE—OF—LAW is such 1—PRE—20060911             —MENTALITY.
20060517             USA—GOVERNMENT releases new 20010911             —VIDEO footage
20060517             USA 'releases 20010911             —PENTAGON TAPE'—AND Sploid has 1—FEW comments.
20060517             Streit 20010911             —CA— Gedenkstätte: Der Fluch von Ground 0
20060517             USA Releasing 20010911             —FLIGHT 77—PENTAGON Crash Tape
20060517             RELEASE—OF—PENTAGON Images Direct Assault On 20010911             —TRUTH Movement
20060517—20010911    —STREIT—UM—GEDENKSTÄTTE: Der Fluch von GROUND—0
20060517—20010911    —RELEASED, Video OF—PLANE at Pentagon, - USA—SECURITY—MISS—NBC_com
20060517—20010911    —AFTER, BellSouth: No Call Data to NSA Disputing 1—USA—TODAY—REPORT that it gave the government access to customer phone records, BellSouth claims its own thorough REVIEW—OF—RECORDS came up clean.
20060517—20010911    —ON, USA—RELEASES 20010911             —PENTAGON video THE—USA—RELEASES the 1. video of 1—HIJACKED plane crashing into the Pentagon.
20060517—20010911    —ON, THE—USA—DEFENCE—DEPARTMENT is to release 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—PLANE crashing into the Pentagon, legal rights group Judicial Watch has said.
20060517—20010911    —RELEASED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has, 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—PLANE crashing into the Pentagon, for the 1. time.
20060517—20030300    —IN, Witness the ease with which THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was able to persuade 51—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS, that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was personally involved 20010911             —IN—THE—ATTACKS on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
20060518             CNN Secretly Seeks Guests To Attack CHARLIE—SHEEN—ON 20010911             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON & ALEX—JONES/Prison Planet_com
20060518             BBC: Pentagon video ignites debate : THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—VIDEO has ignited the debate over 20010911             conspiracy theories.
20060518             If, —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE 20010911             —HEARINGS (compromised as they were) the world knew that Judy knew because 1—WHITE—HOUSE—SOURCE knew -- the public would have pressured those committees to get this "source" on the record.
20060518             WTC survivor and truth activist WILLIAM—RODRIGUEZ was contacted by the Anderson Cooper show and asked if he would go on record as saying the new Pentagon footage dispelled all 20010911             —QUESTIONS.
20060518             —REQUESTED, They also, that he attack CHARLIE—SHEEN—PUBLIC—STANCE 20010911             —ON.
20060518—20010911    2—STRANGE—STORIES (Update: Make that 3) I must bring 2—STRANGE 20010911             —TALES to your attention:
20060518—20010911    —ON, CNN Secretly Seeks Guests To Attack CHARLIE—SHEEN
20060518—20010911    —AFTER, Why did he simply abandon (not sell: abandon ) that business right ?
20060519             —BY SEAN—WHEELER—WATCHING—AIR—FORCE—GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN speak at his confirmation hearing —TODAY, as commentators talk about INTELLIGENCE—GATHERING in a "post-20010911             —WORLD," I can't help but shake my head.
20060519             According to claims made by LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—ANTHONY—SHAFFER and confirmed by others, Able Danger had identified the 20010911             —ATTACK—LEADER—MOHAMED—ATTA, +...
20060519             Substitute Teacher Put on Leave for Voicing 20010911             —OPINIONS
20060519             Substitute Teacher Put on Leave for Voicing 20010911             —OPINIONS By dz YouTube Video Stream20010911             —OPINION Lands Teacher in Hot Water 1—SUBSTITUTE teacher...
20060519             2—STRANGE 20010911             —STORIES (Update: Make that 3) By Joseph
20060519             I must bring 2—STRANGE 20010911             —TALES to your attention: 1. Judy knew!
20060519             aangirfan: 20010911             ;
20060519             Titan Corporation; REPUBLIK—VENEDIG FLORIDA
20060519             aangirfan: 20010911             ; Titan Corporation;
20060519             REPUBLIK—VENEDIG FLORIDA—ABC News: New Tape Stirs Up 20010911             —CONSPIRACY Theories
20060519             ABC News: New Tape Stirs Up 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES
20060519             —COORDINATED, Represents, effort to debunk 20010911             —TRUTH movement PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON & ALEX—JONES/Prison
20060520             TOM—DELAY,Titan Corp,Skyway Communications, 20010911             ,Cocaine...
20060520             CHRISTOPHER—COX,SEC,Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp,20010911             ,Abhu Ghraib...
20060520             CHRISTOPHER—COX,SEC,Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp,20010911             ,Abhu Ghraib... -
20060520             KYC News INC—COMMUNITY Message BOARD—REPLY 3, Re: MCPAC and Republican penny stock fraud, Makram Chams + Titan Corp + 20010911             + etc.
20060520             NEW—MEXICO IMC - SENATOR—BENNETT : SAUDI—ARABIA, Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp,20010911             ,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
20060520             The 20010911             —QUIZ
20060520             This WEB—BASED quiz, from 1—MEMBER—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             —TRUTH, is 1—FUN—WAY for people to see how much or how little they know about 20010911             20060520             —EXPLOITED, Rather than answer the questions, Rumsfeld shamelessly, the tragedy of 20010911             to deflect them:
20060520             RUMSFELD : THINK—OF—WHAT 20010911             —COST us.
20060520             —HAPPENED, RUMSFELD : THINK—OF—WHAT, to the airlines here 20010911             —AFTER
20060520             Hayden 's 'Tap Phones To Catch Terrorists' Lie Doesn't Wash Massive Echelon snoop program did exist —BEFORE 20010911             , USA—GOVERNMENT knew LOCATION—OF—HIJACKERS Paul
20060520             —ON 1—SPECULATIVE note: Returning to the subject of 20010911             and DRUG—RUNNING, 1—READER made 1—COMMENT that provides at least SOME—FOOD for thought: Hopsicker has uncovered 1—LOT—OF—DIRT indicating that the alleged hijackers were involved in drug smuggling.
20060520             —WHILE intelligent questions need to be asked about what really happened at the Pentagon we feel that research in this context should come with the proviso that 1—POTENTIAL—TRAP is being laid to discredit all 20010911             —RESEARCH at 1—LATER date + that —TODAY—STORY is PART—OF—THAT—PROCESS.
20060520             —SUSPENDED, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—STEVE—BUTLER—OF—THE—MONTEREY—DEFENSE—LANGUAGE—INSTITUTE was, from duty —AFTER he accused BUSH—OF—ALLOWING 20010911             to happen.
20060520             And unfortunately, —WHEN it comes to 20010911             , the only thing we do know for sure is that THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS were still operating —THAT—DAY + that tells us 1—LOT about what did and didn't happen, especially with THE—WTC 7—BUILDING.
20060520             FORUMS—DID Bush Engineer 20010911             ??
20060520             emptywheel suggests that JUDITH—MILLER—SOURCE for the pre-20010911             —WARNING—OF—1—UPCOMING—TERROR—ATTACK is none other than RICHARD—CLARKE.
20060520             The argument is rather persuasive: Finally, we know that Clarke is close enough to J udy to have visited her in jail, along with 2—OF—HIS pre-20010911             —COUNTER—TERRORISM—STAFFERS
20060521             [20010911             —COMMISSION Report 20040324             ]
20060521             Inside 20010911             —RESOURCES :: Research Resources :: National Geographic...
20060521             In the —SUMMER leading up to the 20010911             —ATTACKS, we were fed 1—STEADY—DIET—OF—GARY—CONDIT +
20060521             USATODAY_COM, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN uses video, 20010911             —ANNIVERSARY to threaten USA—BY JACK—KELLEY, USA—TODAY.
20060521             —1—YEAR into THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—AL—QAEDA... 20010911             the beginning or end?
20060521             There are MANY—BIZARRE—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES floating —AROUND about 20010911             , which are spread either OUT—OF—IGNORANCE or for malicious purposes.
20060521             Think a 20010911             —CONSPIRACY would have been too big to keep secret?
20060521             Note: Read full article: '20010911             — BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION'
20060521             Randi Rhodes Has 20010911             —QUESTIONS
20060521             Randi Rhodes Has 20010911             —QUESTIONSBY reprehensor Randi Rhodes has questions.
20060521             Treasury DEPARTMENT—TO—REFUSE—SENATE 1—LIST—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—SUSPECTS [Archive... "It's 1—THING to say that information in the 20010911             —REPORT about the Saudis is classified for NATIONAL—SECURITY—REASONS," MISTER—SPECTER said, "but it's quite...
20060521             2., in the months —AFTER 20010911             —ALL—OF—THE—SURVIVING—NEW—YORK—CITY—FIRE—DEPARTMENT—PERSONNEL who were on the scene were interviewed.
20060521             Was 20010911             , in fact, 1—INSIDE job?"
20060521—20010911    —ON, And yet, somehow, Mayor RUDY—GIULIANI
20060521—20010911    —ON, As THE—ONSLAUGHT—OF—INFORMATION about THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—3—TOWERS the idea that the government is complicit becomes more apparent.
20060521—20010911    —CLAIMED, RUMSFELD, total ignorance of the inbound aircraft that attacked the Pentagon (on the opposite SIDE—OF—THE—BUILDING complex, where 1—CONSTRUCTION—PROJECT had been underway).*
20060521—20010911    In this manner, fighter planes were held up from —IMMEDIATELY responding to the hijacked commercial jets.
20060522             Titan Corp, Skyway Communications,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture + BUSH—BLOODY...
20060522             SDIMC—SANDIEGO SD, Titan Corp, Skyway Communications,20010911             —TONY—RYALS.
20060522             MAINE Indymedia: CHRIS—COX,SEC,Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp,20010911             ...
20060523             —PURPORTED, In 1—RECORDING—POSTED on THE—INTERNET, 1—VOICE, to be THAT—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN said neither Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted in THE—USA for 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS, nor anyone held at GUANTANAMO had anything to do with THE—AL—QAIDA operation.
20060523             Die Karlsruher Richter hatten entschieden, dass die bundesweite Rasterfahndung nach "Schläfern" in der Zeit 20010911             —NACH—DEM, verfassungswidrig war.
20060523             Zogby Poll: Over 70—MILLION—USA—ADULTS—SUPPORT—NEW 20010911             —INVESTIGATION : Less than HALF—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC—TRUSTS the official 20010911             —STORY or believes the attacks were adequately investigated.
20060523             —AFTER—THE—ORCHESTRATED 20010911             —ATTACK—ON—NEW—YORK—CITY and WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA + its FOLLOW—UP anthrax ATTACK—ON—DEMOCRATIC—LEGISLATORS, AMERICANS—OF—ALL—STRIPES rushed en masse to GEORGE—BUSH—FOOLS' Gate to trade their morality and compassion for empty PROMISES—OF—SECURITY.
20060523—20010911    —AM, NEW—YORK, wird mit einem großen Konzert das neue World Trade Center 7 an der Stelle des bei den Terroranschlägen —ZERSTÖRTEN alten World Trade Centers eröffnet.
20060524             less than HALF—OF—AMERICANS are convinced that that the events of 20060911             have been thoroughly investigated, RAW STORY has learned.
20060524             In the telephone survey of 1200—INDIVIDUALS, —JUST 47% agreed that "the 20010911             —ATTACKS were thoroughly investigated and that ANY—SPECULATION about USA—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT is nonsense".
20060524             —INDICATED, Almost as many, 45%, they were more likely to agree "that so MANY—UNANSWERED questions about 20010911             —REMAIN that Congress or 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL should RE—INVESTIGATE the attacks, including whether ANY—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS consciously allowed or helped facilitate their success".
20060524             —ATTEMPTED, The poll is the 1. survey that has, to gauge THE—LEVEL—OF—AMERICANS' doubts about 20010911             and was carried out for the "20010911             : Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future" conference to be held in CHICAGO in June.
20060524             —SATISFIED, Less than HALF—OF—AMERICANS, with 20010911             —INVESTIGATIONS
20060524             According to 1—NEW—ZOGBY poll, less than HALF—OF—AMERICANS are convinced that that the events of 20060911             have been thoroughly investigated, RAW STORY has learned.
20060524—20010911    —IN—THE, 'OSAMA—BIN—LADEN' denies Moussaoui role 1—MAN claiming to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says Zacarias Moussaoui was not involved attacks.
20060525             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says Moussaoui not part of 20060911             : tape?|?Reuters_com
20060525             YOUTUBE—MOLTEN Metal WTC Thermite - Justice and 20010911             20060525             IRAN Badge Story: More Neocon Propaganda
20060525             New Zogby Poll Frightens MASTERS—OF—TERROR Into Releasing 'OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Tape' Nearly HALF—OF—ENTIRE—COUNTRY sees 20010911             —COVER—UP, —24—HOURS—LATER 'OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape'
20060525             —SHOWED, THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—1. national poll, that 70—MILLION—AMERICANS support 1—NEW 20010911             20060525             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says Moussaoui not part of 20060911             : tape?|?Reuters_com
20060525             YOUTUBE—MOLTEN Metal WTC THERMITE—JUSTICE and 20010911             20060525             New Zogby Poll Frightens MASTERS—OF—TERROR Into Releasing 'OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Tape' Nearly HALF—OF—ENTIRE—COUNTRY sees 20010911             —COVER—UP, —24—HOURS—LATER 'OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape'
20060525—20010911    —AFTER, Shortly, I went to ground 0 + as I stood there smelling the charred flesh + seeing the smoke still rising, I knew I had to write this book + take responsibility for my past.
20060525—20010911    —SINCE, Unconstitutional explicitly reveals details of the shocking way that the civil LIBERTIES—OF—USA—CITIZENS and immigrants alike have been infringed upon, curtailed and rolled back and THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT.
20060527             IRAN/Contra Connections to 20010911             20060527             set up 1—TEAM including [Richard] Secord ;
20060527             —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             sind die Sicherheitskräfte im politischen WASHINGTON nervös.
20060527             This was —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060527             Zadroga stirbt nur WENIGE—TAGE, —NACHDEM BÜRGERMEISTER—BLOOMBERG bei seiner 2. Amtsvereidigung vor der City Hall ein neues, sorgenfreies Zeitalter ausrief und das Ende der 20010911             —DEPRESSION beschwor.
20060527             Dann fand der Doktor auch noch Spuren des hochgiftigen Schwermetalls Quecksilber in seinem Gehirn, ebenfalls 1—SPÄTFOLGE—VON—20010911         .
20060527             Zadroga, der 1—DRITTEL seines kurzen Lebens bei der NYPD verbrachte, ist das —BISHER letzte OPFER—DER—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, 20060527             Er trug winzige Reste von Ground 0 in sich —BIS hierher herüber, auf die andere Seite des HUDSON—RIVERS + starb einen langen, qualvollen Tod - 15750000             —TAGE später.
20060527             1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS -- It Gets Even More Bizarre: JUDITH—MILLER (Yeah, That 1) Knew 20010911             —MIGHT Happen, But Bush Didn't!
20060527             IRAN/Contra Connections to 20010911             20060527             Zadroga stirbt nur wenige —TAGE, —NACHDEM BÜRGERMEISTER—BLOOMBERG bei seiner 2. Amtsvereidigung vor der City Hall ein neues, sorgenfreies Zeitalter ausrief und das Ende der 20010911             —DEPRESSION beschwor.
20060527             Dann fand der Doktor auch noch Spuren des hochgiftigen Schwermetalls Quecksilber in seinem Gehirn, ebenfalls 1—SPÄTFOLGE—VON—20010911           .
20060527—20010911    —AM, blieb Zadroga auch —NACH—DEM Einsturz von 7—WTC noch lange am Ort des Grauens.
20060527—20060527    —SEIT, Zadroga, der 1—DRITTEL seines kurzen Lebens bei der NYPD verbrachte, ist das —BISHER letzte OPFER—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE vom 20010911             den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             sind die Sicherheitskräfte im politischen WASHINGTON nervös.
20060528             Die Finanzierung der "Hijacker" (d.h. die Hintermänner und Planer des Massenmords) sei nach wie vor "unklar", heißt es im 20010911             —ABSCHLUßBERICHT lapidar.
20060528             Und offenbar auch auf das Marketing von roten HERINGEN—DESINFORMATION—IN Sachen 20010911             20060528             Reportage über das "20010911             —TRUTH Movement":
20060528             Die Wargames des 20010911             ), so Hiltons These, seien dazu benutzt worden, die Tat durchzuführen.
20060528             —BISHER hat er allerdings nur in verschiedenen Interviews darüber geredet - + ist der Aufforderung u.a. des 20010911             —ENZYKLOPÄDISTEN NICO—HAUPT, seine Beweise offenzulegen, nicht nachgekommen.
20060528             —GEFUNDEN, Hopsicker glaubt, die Antwort, zu haben: die ALEX—JONES—SHOW ist TEIL—DES—GENESIS—COMMUNICATIONS—NETWORK, das auch THE—POWER—HOUR hosted, dessen Moderator DAVE—VON—KLEIST das —DERZEIT populärste Video mit der Pod-/FLASH—THEORIE erstellt hat: "20010911             in plane sight".
20060528             LEBANON:Wanted Makram MAJID—CHAMS,Titan Corp for 20010911             ,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
20060528             Even 'Poppy' BUSH—OLD pal + IRAN—CONTRA arms dealer ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA ran a $100—MILLION + fraud upon Americans called Genesis Intermedia from FLORIDA + CALIFORNIA using offshore accounts + may himself be connected to Jeb Bush + Wally HILLIARD—OF—THE—VENICE,FLORIDA Huffman Aviation where Atta hung out waiting for 20010911             !
20060528             Dass —SCHON hier, bei der 1. Frage JEDES—ERMITTLERS, Staatsanwalts, RICHTERS—NACH der Identität der Verdächtigen + ihrem UMFELD—DIE regierungsgesteuerte Vertuschung des 20010911             beginnt,
20060528             their Huffman Aviation connections in REPUBLIK—VENEDIG,FLORIDA where MOHAMED—ATTA trained + perhaps worked —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060528—20010911    —AM, Die stattfindenden Manöver (
20060530             THE—500—HOURS—OF—20010911              20060530             1—VAST—ARCHIVE—OF—IMAGES from 20060911             —THE—ATTACK and its aftermath, assembled by STEVEN—ROSENBAUM, 1—MANHATTAN PRODUCER—OF—DOCUMENTARIES, can be sampled on THE—INTERNET at
20060530             —ATTRIBUTED, The latest audio tape, to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN appears to be 1—MORE—INSTALLMENT in 1—SUCCESSION—OF—EVIDENCE fabricated by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to deceive THE—USA—PEOPLE, according to Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060530             THE—HALLIBURTON—CONNECTION—TO—VIKTOR—BOUT—POST 20010911             ...
20060530             MORE 20010911             —CANTOR FITZGERALD, GOLDMAN SACHS—FED.
20060531             —PREVENTED, Could THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES have, 20010911             ?
20060531             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 1—CONSTRUCTION—DRILL—PROVIDES—1—MARTIAL—LAW—DRILL—CAPITOL shutdown highlights manic PANIC—OF—POST—20010911             —MENTALITY
20060531—20010911    —ON, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is slashing ANTI—TERROR—FUNDS for NEW—YORK—CITY and WASHINGTON—DC — THE—2—PLACES hit by terrorists.
20060601             Yet, with all this unthinkable wealth, it has been INCAPABLE—OF—REDUCING—POVERTY, improving our schools, preventing 20010911             , catching those who perpetrated the attacks, making health care affordable, reducing crime + so on.
20060601—20060911    —IN—THE, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT acquitted the only person CONVICTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT—ATTACKS in 1—TRIAL—LAST—YEAR—OF suspected AL—QAEDA members.
20060602             — BlueBerry Pick'n, Fri 20060526             20060602             Grand jury eyes 20010911             —HERO Kerik - 20060526             200606020000 — DANIEL—E—MOORE, Fri 20060526             200606020000 — GREG—PALAST:, Fri 20060526             200606020000 — JERUSALEM Post, Fri 20060526             200606020000 — TOP_VIEW, Fri 20150526             :55
20060602             — BlueBerry Pick'n, Fri 20060526             20060602             Grand jury eyes 20010911             —HERO Kerik - 20060526             20060602             WW4/5 -the countdown continues... Analysis by ewing2001 20060529             20060602             —AGREED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and 5—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS, to pay $1.65—MILLION to WEN—HO—LEE—1—FORMER—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST, who claimed his privacy was violated by leaks that portrayed him as 1—SPY.
20060602             SPECTER—FISA bill includes 20010911             —LIES—NEOCONS in THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY BG <>
20060602             Opinion SPLIT over 20010911             —REPORT
20060602             —UNBIASED, Opinion SPLIT over 20010911             —REPORT By somebigguy Good, article, this is what we're —AFTER, let the facts speak for themselves.
20060602             MORE—THAN—40—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS believe that the 20010911             —COMMISSION Report that investigated 20010911             —THE, TERROR—IST attacks is 1—COVER—UP, according to 1—RECENT—POLL.
20060602             Arkin misses the boat on the truth about 20010911             .
20060602             There are several good books in print about 20010911             —THAT I would recommend as required READING.
20060602             1 is '20010911             —SYNTHETIC—TERROR' by Webster Tarpley.
20060602             2—OTHER—EXCELLENT—BOOKS are by DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN: 'New Pearl Harbor', and '20010911             —COMMISSION: Ommissions and Distortions'.
20060602             —CONVINCED, For THOSE—OF—YOU who are as, that there's no reason to doubt the official story of 20010911             , I comprehend the thought process, yet can't respect your LACK—OF—DILIGENCE in researching the facts.
20060602             7 (wtc7), which has been essentially ignored by MOST—OF—THE—MEDIA + was in fact completely ignored by the 20010911             —COMMISSION Official Report".
20060602             —QUASHED, Spanish 20010911             —CONVICTION, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT quashes 1—AL—QAEDA suspect's conviction for helping plan the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060602             SPECTER—FISA bill includes 20010911             —LIES—NEOCONS in THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY BG
20060602             Grand jury eyes 20010911             —HERO Kerik - 20060526             20060602             SPECTER—FISA bill includes 20010911             —LIES—NEOCONS in THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY BG
20060603             And DEBUNKING—OF—VARIOUS 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES—LAS—VEGAS, 1—PILOT pulls the trigger.
20060603—20010911    —BY, IRAN/Contra Connections to ALEX—CONSTANTINE "THE—PRESENCE—OF—SECORD in BEST—AZERBAIJAN—OIL—VENTURE ought to have raised blood red flags —AROUND the world..".
20060604             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS on the history and aftermath of 20010911             20060604             Hidden History of 20010911             20060604             Scholarly and independent analysis in contrast to 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20060604             CHICAGO — In the ballroom FOYER—OF—THE—EMBASSY—SUITES—HOTEL, THE—2—DAY—INTERNATIONAL—EDUCATION and Strategy Conference for 20010911             —TRUTH was off to 1—ROLLICKING—START.
20060604             Neue Taktik: Nato verdoppelt Truppenstärke in SÜDAFGHANISTAN—THE 20010911             —REPORT
20060605             the Muckraker Report contacted THE—FBI—HEADQUARTERS, (202) 324-3000, to learn why OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 20010911             20060605             THE—MUCKRAKER—REPORT spoke with Rex Tomb, CHIEF—OF—INVESTIGATIVE—PUBLICITY for THE—FBI.
20060605             —ASKED, —WHEN, why there is no mention of 20010911             on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED web page, Tomb said, "The reason why 20010911             is not mentioned on Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED page is because THE—FBI has no hard evidence connecting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             ".
20060605             —WHILE stressing that THE—MIHOP historical and political analysis of 20010911             is already conclusive, we urge that 20010911             —DEEP throats and whistleblowers come forward, both to testify and to produce additional written or recorded EVIDENCE—OF—COURTROOM quality on THE—SCALE—OF—THE—WATERGATE tapes that can put the —SEPTEMBER criminals behind bars.
20060605             And there was the inescapable fact that I would never again care to celebrate my birthday - 20060911             BECAUSE—OF—THE—MASS—MURDERS—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE that I witnessed on —THAT—DAY.
20060605             NEW—YORK—CITY Out to Cripple 20010911             —CLAIMS
20060605             "—ON—MONDAY, 20060619             , about 4,000—GOVERNMENT—WORKERS representing MORE—THAN—50—FEDERAL—AGENCIES will say goodbye to their families and set off for DOZENS—OF—CLASSIFIED emergency facilities stretching from THE—MARYLAND and VIRGINIA suburbs to THE—FOOTHILLS—OF—THE—ALLEGHENIES. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that sources describe as the largest "CONTINUITY—OF—GOVERNMENT" exercise ever conducted, 1—DRILL intended to prepare THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for 1—EVENT even more catastrophic than 20010911             —THE, attacks. The vast secret operation has updated THE—DUCK—AND—COVER—SCENARIOS—OF—THE 1950s with STATE—OF—THE—ART—TECHNOLOGY -- alerts and updates delivered by pager and PDA, wireless priority service, video teleconferencing, remote backups -- to ensure that "essential" government functions continue undisrupted in 1—EMERGENCY".
20060605             PORTLAND imc- 20010911             —WHISTLEBLOWER RICHARD—ANDREW...
20060605             the Muckraker Report contacted THE—FBI—HEADQUARTERS, (202) 324-3000, to learn why OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 20010911             20060605             —ASKED, —WHEN, why there is no mention of 20010911             on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED web page, Tomb said, "The reason why 20010911             is not mentioned on Usama OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—MOST—WANTED page is because THE—FBI has no hard evidence connecting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             ".
20060605—19820000    —FROM, " to 19920000             , it went from a "modest" 8% —YEAR—ON—YEAR—EXPANSION. However, 19920000             —FROM to 20020000             it moved into overdrive with THE—DEREGULATION—OF—GLOBAL—MARKETS with —1—YEAR—ON—YEAR—EXPANSION—OF—MORE—THAN—12%. —SINCE 20020000             —THE—POST 20010911             —CRASH, the money supply has been expanding at greater than 15%";
20060607             Important 20010911             —INFORMATION... - BILL—O'—RIELLY — Rich Sheridan,
20060607             The next attack here, officials predict, will bear no resemblance to 20060911             .
20060607             45% doubt 20010911             —STORY - I am shocked!
20060607             As 1—USA—CITIZEN + RESIDENT—OF—NEW—MEXICO, I encourage you, as my elected representatives, to urge Congress to RE—OPEN THE—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS leading up to 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20060607             —906—AM (PST) 20010911             — BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION
20060607—20010911    —AFTER, As 1—OBSERVER said right, the most shocking thing to Americans about THE—19—HIJACKERS is that they spent —1—YEAR living here, enjoying THE—FRUITS—OF—THE—USA—WAY + yet they still hated us.
20060608             —STOPPED, Citizenship and Immigration CANADA agents, ALEX—JONES, whose films include MARTIAL—LAW 20010911             : THE—RISE—OF—THE—POLICE—STATE + questioned him for NEARLY—4—HOURS—BEFORE letting him go with only 1—CHANGE—OF
20060609             september_11_vreeland Messages In This Digest (2—MESSAGES) 1. BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION From: norgesen 2. Global Domination Through Fractional Capitalization From: norgesen View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1. BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION —POSTED—BY: "norgesen" norgesen@yahoo_com norgesen Wed 20060607             —906—AM (PST) 20010911             — BANK—BUYS—BROKER for CONCEALED DEMOLITION
20060609             Coulter on 20010911             —WIDOWS: 'I—HAVE—NEVER—SEEN—PEOPLE—ENJOYING—THEIR—HUSBANDS' Death So Much'
20060609             In her new book, "Godless," RIGHT—WING—PUNDIT—ANN—COULTER—WRITES—OF—THE 20010911             —WIDOWS:
20060609             "The next attack here, officials predict, will bear no resemblance to 20060911             . The casualty toll will not be that high, the target probably not that big".
20060609             2. 20010911             —TRUTH—COALITION From: erik larson
20060609             Zogby Poll Finds Over 70—MILLION Voting Age Americans Support New 20010911             —INVESTIGATION (Less than half trust the "Official Story")
20060609             Makes 'Fahrenheit 20010911             ' look like 'Bambi.' —AFTER watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about AMERICA -- and about what it means to be 1—AMERICAN -- will be forever shattered.
20060609             Sploid: 45% doubt 20010911             —STORY
20060609             DANIEL—ELLSBERG—INTERVIEW: THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—NEXT 20010911             —OUR freedoms are gone.
20060609             Video WEBCAST—THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—NEXT 20010911             —OUR Freedoms are Gone
20060609             BCC—FBI : "No hard evidence connecting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             "
20060609             Making THE—CASE—LIKE THE—AUTHOR—OF—THIS blog, I regularly review all the evidence about 20010911             in my mind, looking for weaknesses in the case that it was 1—INSIDE job.
20060610             NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE on 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT
20060610             500—CONSPIRACY—BUFFS Meet to Seek the Truth of 20010911             20060610             FBI: Osama Not Wanted for 20010911             20060610             Former 20010911             —COMMISSIONER slams Coulter.
20060610             — the widows of 20010911             — reprehensible and undignified". Roemer urged people not to buy her book. "Americans shouldn't contribute to her profiting from these vicious remarks".
20060610             "SHADOW—GOVERNMENT" in the Case of a "2. 20010911             ": Back to the Bunker:
20060610             500—CONSPIRACY—BUFFS Meet to Seek the Truth of 20010911             20060610             Microsoft Misrepresenting WGA—FUNCTIONALITY?
20060610             FBI: Osama Not Wanted for 20010911             20060610             GO MAVS!!!
20060610             FBI: Osama Not Wanted for 20010911             20060610             Former 20010911             —COMMISSIONER slams Coulter.
20060610             500—CONSPIRACY—BUFFS Meet to Seek the Truth of 20010911             20060610             NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE on 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT
20060610—20060911    —IN—THE, † In NEW—YORK—CITY 1—FIREFIGHTER—MONUMENT was unveiled for THE—343—WHO attacks.
20060611             Deconstructing 1—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION—INTERVIEW: BYU Physicist STEVEN—JONES—BY culhavoc on News 20060607             by Culhavoc Deconstructing 1—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION—PROFESSOR—OF—PHYSICS—BRIGHAM Young University, CO—CHAIR—OF—S20010911             T and THE—CREATOR—OF—ITS—HOME—PAGE and its
20060611             FBI: Osama Not Wanted for 20010911             — KEVIN—BARRETT, FIGHTING VOTER FRAUD....
20060611             Matalin Defends COULTER—attack—on—20010911             —WIDOWS
20060611             "SHADOW—GOVERNMENT" in the Case of a "2. 20010911             ":
20060611             CANCER HITS 283—RESCUERS—OF—20010911             — Thousands to DIE within —20—YEARS!
20060611—20060410    —FROM, : "THE—USA—MILITARY is conducting 1—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN to magnify THE—ROLE—OF—THE—LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA in IRAQ, according to internal military documents and officers familiar with the program. The effort has raised his profile in 1—WAY that SOME—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS believe may have overstated his importance and helped THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tie the war to the organization responsible for 20010911             —THE, attacks".
20060612             post-20010911             —POLICIES have sown fear among the community.
20060612             Die Spuren der Maschine, die unter CIA—VERDACHT stand, führen tief in den Drogensumpf von FLORIDA, kurven um den Ausbildungsort für den 20010911             , man findet sie auf GUANTANAMO Bay genauso wie in DEUTSCHLAND wieder und sie lassen am Ende dennoch keine eindeutigen.
20060612             Note: The incredible 20010911             —TRUTH video "Loose Change" may be REMOVED—FROM—GOOGLE due to legal challenges.
20060612             To sign 1—PETITION calling for THE—RELEASE—OF—CRUCIAL 20010911             —DOCUMENTS and videos being withheld by the government:
20060612             And for excellent ideas on how we can both expose and change the corrupt system that led to the 20010911             —ATTACKS:
20060613             —APPEARED, Last —TUESDAY, ANN—COULTER, on NBC—TODAY—SHOW and defended her comments that several 20010911             —WIDOWS were "SELF—OBSESSED women...enjoying their husband's death".
20060613             Gathering To Demand THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             : "This was not incompetence," Bowman said, referring to THE—FAILURE—OF—MILITARY—COMMANDERS to order fighter jets to shoot down the airliners —BEFORE they hit the buildings, "this was treason".
20060613             —FROM DAN—ABRAMS we can expect systematic CENSORSHIP—OF—CRITICISM—OF—ISRAEL and THE—ISRAEL lobby, 1—TOTAL—BLACKOUT out on ANY—QUESTIONS about 20010911             , 1—SHRIEKING propaganda campaign to ignite 1—HOLY—WAR between THE—USA and ISRAEL—ENEMIES and 1—TOLERATION—OF—VICIOUS hate speech —WHEN it suits the interests of ISRAEL and THE—ISRAEL lobby.
20060614             McCain And Lieberman Failed To Defend 20010911             —WIDOWS Against Coulter...
20060614             Zarqawi, 20010911             and the Bogus WAR—ON—TERROR <>
20060615             HERE—1—QUICK summary: 1. Exploit 20010911             .
20060615             THE—2—PAGE—MEMO—MENTIONS 20010911             7—TIMES.
20060615             It describes debating IRAQ in the context of 20010911             as "imperative".
20060615             Boehner memo reveals GOP strategy: Exploit 20010911             , attack Dems 6/15
20060617—20010911    —AFTER, Border Security and THE—DHS—SURREAL story about 1—PERSON coming into THE—USA—FROM IRAQ who is held up at the border because he used to sell copyrighted images on T—SHIRTS: Homeland Security, the $40-billion-a-year agency set up to combat TERROR—ISM, has...
20060617—20070911    —ON, A 2. autopsy, performed by 1—COMMITTEE—OF—3—FORENSIC—MEDICAL—DOCTORS, concluded that his death was injury induced... from blows with 1—HARD, blunt OBJECT—OF—SOME—SORT.
20060618             Scholars for 20010911             Truth Petition to THE—USA—CONGRESS
20060618             —RAISED, The effort has, his profile in 1—WAY that SOME—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS believe may have overstated his importance and helped THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION tie the war to the organization responsible for 20010911             —THE, attacks.
20060618             FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             "
20060618             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has not been formally charged in connection to 20010911             ".
20060618             —BY ED—HAAS - "In the case of 19980000             —THE—USA—EMBASSIES being bombed, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has been formally indicted and charged by 1—GRAND—JURY. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 20010911             because THE—FBI has no hard evidence connected OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             ".
20060618             FBI : ?No hard evidence connecting OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to 20010911             ?
20060619             They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "CONTINUITY—OF—GOVERNMENT" exercise ever conducted, 1—DRILL intended to prepare THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for 1—EVENT even more catastrophic than 20010911             —THE, attacks.
20060619             Ehud OLMERT—TIES to 20010911             *PIC*
20060620             The number of blogs that mention "20010911             " and "conspiracy" EACH—DAY has climbed from 1—HANDFUL to over a 100.
20060620             "Frontline" documentary makes case that Cheney used 20010911             to go to war
20060620             But it does finger Cheney and DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—DONALD—RUMSFELD — through MORE—THAN—40—INTERVIEWS with CIA veterans, journalists, politicians and others — as the ones who ignored, suppressed and manipulated intelligence —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks to lead us into war with 1—COUNTRY that had nothing to do with our attackers.
20060620             die 2—FRANZOSEN Brisard und Dasquie, publizierten KURZ—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANSCHLAG 20010911             —VOM, das Enthüllungsbuch ?Die verbotene Wahrheit?
20060620             #15 -- that's THE—1—ABOUT 20010911             —- is not, in my view, 1—SIGNIFICANT—FACTOR, although in red state mythology, it will loom large as the Great Excuse once the brown stuff splatters against those infamous whirling blades.
20060620—20010911    —SINCE, This new film, written, directed and produced by Nonny de la Peña, details the shocking way that the civil LIBERTIES—OF—USA—CITIZENS and immigrants alike have been infringed upon, curtailed and rolled back and THE—USA—PATRIOT Act.
20060620—20010911    —FROM, THE—USA—ECONOMY still has not recovered.
20060620—20060911    —IN, Academics give 1—SCHOLARLY stamp to 20010911             conspiracy theories : In recent months, interest —CONSPIRACY theories has surged.
20060621             —DEFEATED, Zarqawi the scourge, Osama not wanted for 20010911             ?
20060621             JERRY—MAZZA, Online Journal Associate EDITOR—AS everyone and his brother, including JORDAN—INTELLIGENCE, rushes in to claim 1—PIECE—OF—THE—ZARQAWI kill, his FELLOW—AFGHANISTAN—MUJIHADEEN and SUPER—STAR—TERROR—MEISTER, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, fade into Not Wanted by FBI for 20010911             status, that is, the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, according to 1—ARTICLE by Enver Masud.
20060621             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—THE—0—TOLERANCE Militarized Police STATE—NAGIN—NATIONAL—GUARD—MANDATE—MODEL for post-20010911             cammo law enforcement
20060621             'AL—QAEDA video' of 20. hijacker 1—VIDEO said to be by AL—QAEDA shows 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—MAN it says was the "20. hijacker" for 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060622             Bush the Diplomat: 'For EUROPE, 20060911             Was 1—MOMENT.
20060622             —EXPLAINED, Bush, that Europeans didn't take 20010911             —THE attacks seriously.
20060622             "For EUROPE, 20060911             was 1—MOMENT. For us, it was 1—CHANGE—OF thinking".
20060622—20010911    —ON, THE—DARK—SIDE " which tells the story of how VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY seized to expand executive power + exert CONTROL—OVER—THE nation's intelligence functions.
20060623             No mention of 1—LARGE, COMMERCIAL—CLASS—AIRCRAFT loitering in the restricted airspace of lower Manhattan —DURING—THE—STRIKES on THE—WTC towers will be found in the 20010911             —COMMISSION Report.
20060623             It is largely unknown even in critical studies of 20010911             20060623             (NewsTarget) -- 1—SECRET—FINANCE—TRACKING program started by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —ALLOWS COUNTERTERROR—ISM officials access to MILLIONS—OF—USA—CITIZENS' private financial records in 1—EFFORT to trace funding for TERROR—IST activities.
20060623             THE—TRUTH—ABOUT the 20010911             —ATTACKS
20060623             WTC—7—TENANT did banking for 20010911             —PATSIES
20060623             Caesar - It is largely unknown even in critical studies of 20010911             20060623             Muslims 'Still in Denial' About 20010911             , Pew Survey FINDS—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20060623             Muslims 'Still in Denial' About 20010911             , Pew Survey FINDS—NEW—YORK—TIMES: "did not believe that Arabs carried out 20010911             —THE attacks in THE—USA".
20060623             HAMBURG—MAN habe 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, einer verbindlichen Anordnung aus dem USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM Folge geleistet, heißt es schlicht bei der Kommunikationsgesellschaft Swift, die den Datenverkehr zwischen Banken weltweit regelt und ihren Sitz in BELGIEN hat.
20060623             Man habe 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, einer verbindlichen Anordnung aus dem USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM Folge geleistet, heißt es bei Swift lapidar.
20060623             Ziel des —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             laufenden Verfahrens sei es gewesen, das Finanzgebaren von Verdächtigen mit möglichen Verbindungen zu AL—QAIDA zu durchleuchten.
20060623—20010911    —AFTER, Do you feel safer —TODAY about 1—POTENTIAL—TERROR—IST—ATTACK in THE—USA—THAN you did in the months ?
20060623—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, USA—ZEITUNGEN hatten aufgedeckt, dass DIE—USA—REGIERUNG systematisch MILLIONEN—VON—GELD—TRANSAKTIONEN durchwühlt und ausgewertet hat.
20060624—20010911    —SINCE, The 1 % Doctrine: Deep Inside "AMERICA—PURSUIT—OF—ITS—ENEMIES ," by Ron Suskind.
20060625             CIA—ERMITTLER verschafften sich —NACH—DEM 20010911             Zugang zur weltweit grössten Datenbank für Finanztransaktionen in Brüssel (SWIFT).
20060625             —DESCRIBED, According to the official 20010911             —STORYBOOK as, in the
20060625             Moussaoui indictment, Standard Chartered Bank had quite the role to play in 20010911             —PATSY funding:
20060626             —FROM what you know, do you have ANY—PROBLEMS with the Swift program, this tracking of financial records + what about the argument that if it — even if it was 1—EMERGENCY 20010911             —AFTER, that —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—FACT, this has become 1—PERMANENT—PROGRAM and that you should get approval from the courts and Congress?
20060626             Tall STORY—OF—TERROR 1—CHILLING warning : The alarming news flashed across television screens in THE—USA —ON—FRIDAY: Government agents had thwarted 1—AL—QAEDA plot, using HOME—GROWN USA—TERROR—ISTS, to blow up the Sears Tower in CHICAGO in 1—GHASTLY repeat of 20060911             .
20060627             COLORADO—1. Data Corp., the world's largest PROCESSOR—OF—CREDIT—CARD—TRANSACTIONS and wire transfers, gave THE—FBI and CIA unfettered access to data on MILLIONS—OF—CUSTOMERS—SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE, TERROR—IST attacks
20060627             L.A. 20010911             —TRUTH Conference Gets Fair Media Play
20060627             L.A. 20010911             —TRUTH Conference Gets Fair Media Play Conference a huge success, C—SPAN to air segments —THIS—WEEK PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison Planet_com
20060627             USA—SCHOLARS—SYMPOSIUM 1—HUGE—SUCCESS—ATTENDEES from —AROUND the globe attest to 'best 20010911             —TRUTH—CONFERENCE ever'
20060627             COLORADO—1. Data Corp., the world's largest PROCESSOR—OF—CREDIT—CARD—TRANSACTIONS and wire transfers, gave THE—FBI and CIA unfettered access to data on MILLIONS—OF—CUSTOMERS—SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks
20060628             CHARLIE—SHEEN at the 20010911             —L.A. Conference
20060628             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN at the 20010911             —L.A. Conference Prison
20060630             —ASKED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY, AT&T INCORPORATED to help it set up 1—DOMESTIC—CALL monitoring site —7—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks, lawyers claimed 20060623             in court papers filed in NEW—YORK FEDERAL—COURT.
20060630             Spy Agency Sought USA—CALL Records —BEFORE 20010911             , Lawyers Say (Bloomberg) -
20060630             NICO—FORMER 20010911             —COMMISSION—MEMBER—BOB—KERREY thinks so, as does REPRESENTATIVE—PETER—KING (R—NY) "to SOME—EXTENT".
20060630             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, that the Authorization for THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE — issued by Congress in the days —AFTER 20010911             — is not 1—BLANK—CHECK for the administration.
20060630             Blink 182—STAR—LATEST—CELEBRITY To Question 20010911             20060630             Blink 182—STAR—LATEST—CELEBRITY To Question 20010911             —ATTACK was "not perpetrated by 1—BUNCH—OF—PEOPLE who —JUST learned to fly planes" says pop icon on S—DIEGO—FM
20060630             CHARLIE—SHEEN—SAYS 20010911             —MOVEMENT "JUGGERNAUT—OF—TRUTH"
20060630             CHARLIE—SHEEN—SAYS 20010911             —MOVEMENT "JUGGERNAUT—OF—TRUTH" Sends mainstream media 1—WARNING —DURING speech at L.A. USA—SCHOLARS—SYMPOSIUM
20060630—20010911    —AFTER, "THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION asserted this became necessary ,'' plaintiff's lawyer CARL—MAYER said in 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW.
20060702             Spy Agency Sought USA—CALL—RECORDS—BEFORE 20010911             , Lawyers Say : THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY asked AT&T INCORPORATED to help it set up 1—DOMESTIC—CALL monitoring site —7—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks, lawyers claimed 20060623             in court papers filed in NEW—YORK FEDERAL—COURT.
20060702             —CONSPIRED, It only takes 2 for 1—CONSPIRACY + 19, to commit 1—UNLAWFUL—ACT 20010911             —ON, but only we are called conspiracy theorists.
20060702             Of what to believe about 20010911             , the choice is not between 1—WACKY conspiracy theory and 1—OFFICIAL—ACCOUNT, but between 2—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES.
20060702             —SINCE—THERE are 3—DIFFERENT—VERSIONS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—ACCOUNT (from the military, NORAD and the 20010911             —COMMISSION) and —SINCE—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION did everything in its power to distort the truth and exclude hard evidence and questions, my choice is government complicity.
20060702             Spy Agency Sought USA—CALL—RECORDS—BEFORE 20010911             , Lawyers Say
20060702—20010911    —ON, Don't call me crazy —JUST for seeking the truth about what really happened
20060703             This means that 20060911             was 1—HANDY excuse —WHEN the unit, to spy on the calls of ordinary Americans without 1—COURT—ORDER, was discovered.
20060703             —BY reprehensor 20010911             —STORY -- fiction or truth?
20060703             BLOW, the House Down, Baer gives us 1—FICTIONAL VERSION—OF—THE 20010911             —ATTACKS, suggesting that HIGH—LEVEL—CIA—OFFICIALS could have stopped THE—TERROR—ISTS but had other priorities.
200607030752         - WASHINGTON spooks were setting up 1—SNOOPING DEPARTMENT—WITHIN—AT&T —7—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE atrocities.
20060703—20010911    —AFTER, 1—OF—THE—LAWYERS in the case said that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION asserted THE—HI—TECH snooping unit in AT&T became necessary, however the evidence undermines that.
20060704             Please Vote in Poll to help DOCTOR—KEVIN—BARRETT, 20010911             —TRUTH Teller!
20060704             Refusing the 20010911             —EVIDENCE
20060704             WHY AMERICANS REFUSE TO BELIEVE—THE 20010911             —EVIDENCE!!!
20060704             —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             were so unthinkable that most Americans would refuse to believe the complicity of their own government, even if presented with 1—MOUNTAIN—OF—EVIDENCE.
20060704             Channel3000_COM—NEWS—LAWMAKER Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 20010911             —VIEWS
20060704             1—WISCONSIN lawmaker says that 1—PART—TIME UW instructor should be fired for his views that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT was behind 20010911             20060704             528 47% - Spy Agency Sought USA—CALL—RECORDS—BEFORE 20010911             , Lawyers Say Bloomberg_com: Worldwide
20060704             FORMER—REAGAN—CABINET—MEMBER and COLONEL—SAYS 20010911             "Dog That Doesn't
20060704             NSA Had Domestic Call Monitoring —BEFORE 20010911             ?
20060704             "Bloomberg is reporting that, according to documents filed in THE—BREACH—OF—PRIVACY—SUIT on behalf of Verizon and BellSouth, THE—NSA asked AT&T to set up its domestic call monitoring site —7—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks. Could it be that they were intending to monitor domestic calls (and INTERNET traffic) all along + the 'Global WAR—ON—TERROR' was —JUST 1—CONVENIENT excuse —WHEN they got caught?"  "...1 unnamed FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—THE—AT&T unit provided them with evidence that THE—NSA approached the carrier with the proposed plan. Afran said he has seen the worker's log book and independently confirmed the source's participation in the project. He declined to identify the employee".
20060704             5. WMR—BUSH to pull off another 20010911             —BEFORE Nov. election?
20060704             FORMER—REAGAN—CABINET—MEMBER and COLONEL—SAYS 20010911             "Dog That Doesn't Hunt" COLONEL—RONALD—D—RAY asks why half a trillion DEFENSE—BUDGET couldn't protect
20060705             Government "set up phone snooping" post —BEFORE 20010911             20060705             TERROR—ISM 1—HANDY—EXCUSE—BY NICK—FARRELL: —MONDAY
20060705             —FORMED, The decision is 1—MILESTONE for the agency, which, the unit —BEFORE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN became 1—HOUSEHOLD—NAME and bolstered its ranks —AFTER 20060911             —THE attacks, —WHEN USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH pledged to bring Mr.
20060705             —LEARNED, FOX—NEWS has, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20010911             FOX—NEWS—CORRESPONDENT—CARL—CAMERON has details in the 1. of a 4—PART—SERIES.
20060705             Government "set up phone snooping" post —BEFORE 20010911             20060705             —FORMED, The decision is 1—MILESTONE for the agency, which, the unit —BEFORE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN became 1—HOUSEHOLD—NAME and bolstered its ranks —AFTER 20060911             —THE attacks, —WHEN USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH pledged to bring Mr.
20060706             —IMPOSED, How MANY—OF—THEM thought about the deaths, by THE—USA—NOT only in dubious wars like VIETNAM and IRAQ, where millions †, but in the covert CIA wars, like THENIXON and Kissinger waged 20010911             —ON ?
20060706             —PIPED, Nass, up again —LAST—WEEK—AFTER he learned that 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN lecturer has been active in 1—MOVEMENT that raises questions about whether USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS rather than foreign TERROR—ISTS were responsible for SOME—OR—ALL—OF—THE—TRAGIC—EVENTS—OF—20010911             .
20060706             Indicted Likud treasurer had hand in 20010911             —AIRPORT—SECURITY
20060706             BLOGLINES—IS BUILDING 7 THE—SMOKING—GUN—OF—20010911              ?
20060706             flight 93 20010911             —PLANE maps Johnstown terror drill 911—HIJACK flight 93—PLANE map crash Johnstown hijack ATC airport PENNSYLVANIA NORAD flight CLEVELAND 757—RADAR shanksville UA...
20060706—19730911    that is!
20060706—20010000    —IN, GOOGLE CO—FOUNDERS Interviewed (Video) From: SEAN—MCBRIDE 7. SENATOR—STEVENS' INTERNET Ignorance Is Frightening From: SEAN—MCBRIDE 8. Bloglines - 20010911             —SCHOLARS find children, job under threat
20060707             Received from AUTHOR—BARBARA—HONEGGER:"As you probably know, C—SPAN videotaped 1—CRITICAL AND HISTORIC panel of 20010911             —EXPERTS -- JIM—FETZER, BOB—BOWMAN, STEPHEN—JONES + Webster Tarpley, 20060625             at THE—ALEX—JONES—CONFERENCE on "20010911             and THE—NEO—CON—AGENDA" in L.A. C—SPAN—INFORMATION—LINE has been so flooded with calls asking —WHEN the panel will be aired that the main operator
20060707             VERY STRANGE 20010911             —AIRCRAFT—REGISTRATIONS From: JOE—STOKES
20060707             C—SPAN sits on historic 20010911             —PANEL
20060707             Rush Limbaugh, 19881103             20010911             —L.A. Conference Highlights Special
20060707—20010911    —FROM, Re: MISS—NBC: KEITH—OLBERMANN reports NSA wiretaps —7—MONTHS—BEFORE : A.J.
20060708             REPRESENTATIVE—OF—LARGEST 20010911             —FAMILIES—GROUP—SAYS Government Complicit In Attack Blogged with Flock
20060708             "It always pays to be MINDFUL—OF—THE—FACT—ESPECIALLY —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20060911—THE—EVENTS—THAT there is 1—STRONG + tight.
20060709             WILLIAM—RODRIGUEZ: 20010911             —HERO
20060709             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WILLIAM—RODRIGUEZ: 20010911             —HERO 20010911             —HERO and truth activist WILLIAM—RODRIGUEZ was rescuing people from the burning towers —WHEN men twice his size were afraid to
20060709             REPRESENTATIVE—OF—LARGEST 20010911             —FAMILIES—GROUP—SAYS Government
20060709             REPRESENTATIVE—OF—LARGEST 20010911             —FAMILIES Group Says Government Complicit In Attack Tells radio host 20010911             —COMMISSION a sham, "COVER—UP beyond belief"
20060709             AL—QAEDA suspect held in GERMANY 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN ACCUSED—OF—TIES to 1 suspected 20010911             —PLOTTER and to IRAQ suicide attacks is held.
20060709             "THE—EFF continues to tackle issues like anonymity, electronic voting, patents and copyright, but 20060911             —THE attacks nearly —5—YEARS—AGO have forced THE—EFF to spend more time on surveillance. It has sought to require more evidence —BEFORE law enforcement can legally track people's locations by their cell phones + in January the group sued AT&T, saying THE—S—ANTONIO—BASED company violated USA—LAW and the privacy of its customers. AT&T and NSA officials declined comment for this article".
20060709—20010911    —AFTER, Inside THE—ANTI—USA—RESISTANCE : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is ill and invisible, but —5—YEARS, his AL—QAEDA movement has become the fulcrum of 1—GLOBAL, Islamic resistance against THE—USA.
20060711             If true + if ABC—FACT—CHECKERS are not diligent in verifying MISTER—CLARKE—STORIES + claims, THE—MINI—SERIES will be 20010911             —THE commission's dream come true:
20060711             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will be blamed for 20010911             ,
20060711             MISTER—CLARKE + MISTER—O'NEILL—IN my view, 2—PRINCIPAL—AUTHORS—OF—20010911             — will be beatified.
20060711             A 100—FIRECRACKERS 20010911             —BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News All comments are welcome!
20060711             —AFTER that, wouldn't you be inclined to become 1—BIT—OF a "20010911             —SKEPTIC" as well?
20060711             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will be blamed for 20010911             ,
20060711—20010911    —ON, What Changed ?
20060712             Phillpott told Snell he recalled seeing the name + photo of MOHAMMED—ATTA on an "analyst's notebook chart" involved in ABLE—DANGER—BEFORE 20010911             — in other words,
20060712             —FROM page 317: The arguments about 20010911             —DID not end with the publication of our report.
20060712             For instance, We dispute THE—FACTS—OF—CONGRESSMAN—WELDON—CHARGE—THAT—ABLE—DANGER identified MOHAMMED—ATTA —BEFORE 20010911             +
20060712             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HIT—MOVIE—DIRECTOR—SLAMS—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—LINKLATER says HOLLYWOOD stars, including BRUCE—WILLIS, having political paradigms changed by 20010911             —CONSPIRACY
20060712—20060911    —VERKÜNDET, Das Strafmaß sollte, werden.
20060713             Smoking Gun of Squibs? Killtown Questioning 20010911             —THE attacks...
20060713             MICHELLE—MALKIN—NEO—CON—BLOG—FEARS—BRUCE—WILLIS—NOW 20010911             Truther
20060714             Exposing the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—WINGNUTS : I began researching the mainstream media coverage of the controversy regarding —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             —WHEN READING 1—ARTICLE in THE—MILWAUKEE—JOURNAL—SENTINEL—NEWSPAPER, dated 20060629             .
20060714             The tentative agreement would mark 1—CONCESSION by the administration, which has insisted THE—PRESIDENT—HAS—THE—CONSTITUTIONAL—AUTHORITY to authorize the warrantless surveillance, initiated —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060714             GLENN—BECK—TRIES to Justify WW3 with 20010911             20060714             THE—GRAND—ILLUSION: THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI and 20010911             20060714             Preview of Upcoming Book That Roasts RUDY—GIULIANI -- Over 20010911             20060714             1—LONG—AWAITED RE—APPRAISAL—OF—NEW—YORK MAYOR—RUDY—GIULIANI—MUCH—HAILED actions surrounding the 20010911             —TERROR—IST attacks will be published —IN—SEPTEMBER to mark the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TRAGEDY.
20060714             —CALLED, It's, "THE—GRAND—ILLUSION: THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI and 20010911             ," WRITTEN—BY—WAYNE—BARRETT, the longtime Village Voice writer and AUTHOR—OF—1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—THE—FORMER mayor + DAN—COLLINS, 1—SENIOR—PRODUCER for CBSNews_com.
20060714             That was on 20010911             — Things haven't been as good for RUDY—GIULIANI —SINCE.
20060714             —CONTACTED, Also, you may recall that —WHEN I, STATE—REPRESENTATIVE, STEPHEN—NASS' office, his aide stated that they were aware of but not interested in and would not look at the physics facts provided by the website Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH, www.st911_org.
20060714             These politicians apparently assert SOME—WILD—CONSPIRACY—THEORY that MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS are questioning the events of 20010911             —BECAUSE they are "Bush haters" according to the aide at Nass' office.
20060714             —TITLED, It was, "20060911             claim stirs UW PROBE—INSTRUCTOR says USA planned the attacks to provoke war".
20060714—20010911    —FROM, 6. Who Benefited ?
20060715             1—FEW excerpts: I'm 1—FORMER—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER, —NOW retired in my 30's thanks to 20010911             20060715             I honestly believe GOVERNMENT complacency had 1—HAND in ALLOWING 20010911             to happen.
20060715             —DRESSED, CAMPOS, his smear attack up in 1—ARTICLE supposedly about JOE—LIEBERMAN, but the propaganda techniques were clearly aimed at discrediting 20060911             —THE truth seekers.
20060715             technorati tags: Flight_77, 20010911             , passengers Blogged with Flock
20060715—20010911    —ON, I was there that —MORNING, I heard it all +I saw it all, nuff said.
20060716—20010911    —SINCE, But in its explosive final ACT—THE—EXTRADITION—OF—THE—NATWEST 3 to AMERICA - 1—WITNESS has † +1—POLITICAL—STORM has arisen over THE—STATE—OF—BRITISH—USA—RELATIONS 7/17
20060718             —SINCE I get so MANY—EMAIL—DEATH—THREATS I can't keep track of them (among THE—10—PERCENT—OF—MY 20010911             —RELATED emails that are negative) this is 1—PRETTY inflammatory thing to say.
20060718             BILL—O'LEILLY, er I mean O'Reilly, said that he would like to see 20010911             —ACTIVIST—KEVIN—BARRETT—MURDERED—AND—THROWN—INTO—BOSTON—HARBOR.
20060718—20060911    —ON, RICE: Well, 1. of all, those hostilities were not very well contained as we found out, so the notion that policies that finally confront extremism are actually causing extremism, I find grotesque.
20060720             LEBANON—20010911             — Picture Album
20060720—20010911    —ON, Bush Has Killed More Americans Than Were Slaughtered
20060721             —OWNED, Wissam Hammoud, 1—CELL—PHONE—STORE in SARASOTA which supplied MOBILE phones to MOHAMED—ATTA... bragged of helping Hezbollah buy assault weapons and NIGHT—VISION goggles (the group needed them so they "could kill Jews at night")... was convicted in February in 1—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—TAMPA of soliciting the murder and beheading of 1—FEDERAL—AGENT...and suspected of having foreknowledge of the 20010911             —ATTACK.
20060722             In recognition of 2. anniversary and widening distrust of the 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, 911truth_org announces the launch of "Politics 911," 1—NATIONAL—CAMPAIGN to determine support for 1—NEW and truly independent 20010911             —INVESTIGATION among all 20060000             candidates for THE—USA—HOUSE and Senate.
20060722             Newsmax Insanity Strikes Again 'Fire 20010911             Conspiracy Prof.': WISCONSIN Lawmakers
20060722             —SPONSORED, AMERICA—WAR—ON—TERRORISM,'AL—QAEDA—IS 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—ASSET used to Justify War in THE—MIDDLE—EAST: INTERVIEW—WITH—MICHEL—CHOSSUDOVSKY—THE—USE—OF—20010911              as 1—PRETEXT to Wage War :: from :: news from occupied IRAQ—CH
20060722             Linda Ellman This looks like great 20010911             Untruth......20010911             documentary director wants truth to PREVAIL—YAHOO!
20060722             'My Personal 20010911             "Smoking Guns"'Humint Events Online: My Personal 20010911             "Smoking Guns"
20060722             —OWNED, THE—PORT—AUTHORITY—OF—NEW—YORK and NEW—JERSEY, which, the trade center and carted THOUSANDS—OF—TONS—OF—TRADE—CENTER—STEEL to 1—AIRPORT hangar for storage + cataloguing, —RECENTLY hired 1—STRUCTURAL engineering firm to determine what's left of the widely photographed facade. technorati tags: WTC, 20010911             , Truth
20060722             RadioActive sanDiego (20010911             Persuasion Psychology)20010911             Truth Persuasion Psychology : Indymedia Radio
20060722             FOX—COMMENTATOR—THREATENS 20010911             ACTIVIST
20060722             —BY Jonathan 20010911             —ON, "WAR—ON—TERROR"
20060722             BARRETT—LENGTHY, warm and compelling tour de force should be seen and studied by anyone facing civil questioning of their 20010911             beliefs.
20060722             Press Release technorati tags:Scholars_for_20010911            _Truth, Fetzer, Foxnews, O'Reilly, Death
20060722—20010911    —ON, SAMUEL—DANNER—SAW 1—AIRCRAFT apparently crash into the Pentagon and went to the scene to offer his help as 1 trained emergency medical technician.
20060722—20010911    —HAPPENED, BOB—HERBERT—STILL—DOESN'T—HAVE 1—CLUE about what, Fountainhead: Leading to Low Ground
20060723             —FAILED, Myers, to comment on MCKINNEY—QUESTION—OF who was actually in charge of managing the war games 20010911             —ON (Kane 20050301             ).
20060723             Current polls —NOW show that 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS believe the government is not telling them the truth about 20010911             20060723             That fact —NOW makes THE—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS "conspiracy theorists" regarding the issue.
20060723             It is —NOW 1—MINORITY—OF—THE—PUBLIC—WHO—BELIEVES—THEY—WERE—TOLD the truth by the Bush appointed 20010911             —COMMISSION, but such is not the case among THE—SO—CALLED "mainstream media".
20060723             1—MEDIA which sits in 1 unelected advisory capacity to THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA—THROUGH—THE—CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), innumerable "think tanks" funded by corporate interests all assuming 1—GLOBAL—MODEL is "inevitable" + directly attached special interests which include the world's biggest defense contractors raking BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in for share holders as they pursue the war profits of 20010911             20060723             People who point out the obvious are not wearing tin foil hats, they're simply...pointing out the obvious... Continued.
20060723             Officials from Across the Political Spectrum Question 20010911             20060723             I made - 1—CHART summarizing the high level officials who have questioned 20010911             + showing -- in 1—GRAPHIC format -- that this is not 1—PARTISAN issue.
20060723             - Meet JOHN—RENDON, BUSH—GENERAL in the propaganda WAR—BY JAMES—BAMFORD, published in THE—ROLLING—STONE 20051117             20060723             In the 1. weeks —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS, Rendon operated at 1—FRANTIC—PITCH... "We functioned [24] hours —1—DAY. We maintained situational awareness, in military terms, on all things related to terrorism. We were doing 195—NEWSPAPERS and 43—COUNTRIES in 14 or 15—LANGUAGES."..
20060723             PAKISTAN and 20010911             20060723             JON—GOLD—MADE a - new flyer on PAKISTAN and 20010911             :
20060723             3. —WEEKS—BEFORE, 20010911             , OMAR—SHEIKH, under THE—DIRECTION—OF—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—MAHMOUD—AHMAD, wire transfers $100,000 to MOHAMMAD—ATTA.
20060723             *** - 7. SENATOR—BOB—GRAHAM—AND—SENATOR—PORTER—GOSS—WERE—IN—CHARGE—OF—THE—JOINT—CONGRESSIONAL—INQUIRY—INTO 20010911             20060723             *** - 14.
20060723             —CONFRONTED, —WHEN, about the $100,000 wire transfer, 20010911             —COMMISSIONER—THOMAS—KEAN—DENIED—ANY—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—TRANSFER, even though it was on THE—LIST—OF—QUESTIONS submitted by the 20010911             —FAMILY Steering Committee".
20060723             Chossudovsky is 1—OF—THE—EARLIEST—AND—MOST—VOCAL—CRITICS—OF—THE "official story" of 20010911             + has lectured and written exhaustively on the topic.
20060723             JPG: Your research goes against THE—THESIS—OF—SOME—THINKERS—LIKE—NOAM Chomsky that 20010911             is principally 1—BLOWBACK operation.
20060723             Scholars' Press RELEASE—SCHOLARS—FOR 20010911             —TRUTH has a
20060723             * * * - "WHAT—STUNNING is that this man, who knows nothing about the events of 20010911             —APART from what the government has told him, nevertheless assumes unto himself THE—ROLE—OF—JUDGE, jury + (it even appears) executioner!" Fetzer added.
20060723             New 20010911             —FEATURE—FILM—PROBES—GOVERNMENT'S—VERSION—OF—THE—PENTAGON—ATTACK.
20060723             Killtown Analyzes Infamous 20010911             —PHOTO From Shanksville
20060723             Her photo, which she HAS—CALLED, "END—OF—SERENITY," has been cheered by 1—LOT—OF—20010911             —RESEARCHERS, including myself,
20060723             "20010911             —HALO" and it didn't work so well...
20060723             DeWine blunder adds fuel to controversial 20010911             ad
20060723             —LAMBASTED, THE—TELEVISION—SPOT, which has been, by critics as 1—POLITICAL—EXPLOITATION—OF—20060911             —THE, attacks Democrat challenger REPRESENTATIVE—SHERROD—BROWN for being weak on NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20060723             "This particular image is impossible," says W. GENE—CORLEY, 1—STUCTURAL engineer who led FEMA—BUILDING performance study on the World Trade Center —AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060723             911Truth_org has 1—BRIEF—NEW—ARTICLE about the "Military Exercises" that preceeded + took place on, 20010911             20060723             To give it SOME—CONTEXT, I'll post SOME—LINKS to SOME—OTHER, older articles, as well.
20060723             Exclusive Report: Did Military Exercises Facilitate the 20010911             —PENTAGON Attack? - 20060700             20060723             We can see that Pentagon training exercises —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —ROUTINELY involved the simulated crashing of 1—AIRCRAFT into the building.
20060723             —SCHEDULED, But might another such exercise have been, for THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              ?
20060723             —INVOLVED, Was LEWIN—MAYBE, in 1—PASSIVE—OBSERVATION or active participation of this drill?... The 20010911             —WAR—GAMES—CENSORED 2003
20060723             Whistleblower thinks 20010911             —INSIDE job
20060723             Whistleblower thinks 20010911             —INSIDE JOB—SPLOID—GOT it.
20060723             —STARTED, It all, 20060911             not 20010000             but 19220000             Jewish interests in THE—USA—MADE 1—DEAL with GREAT—BRITAIN, to get THE—USA—INTO the war against GERMANY in exchange for Palestine.
20060723             Meet JOHN—RENDON, BUSH—GENERAL in the propaganda WAR—BY JAMES—BAMFORD, published in THE—ROLLING—STONE 20051117             20060723             In the 1. weeks —FOLLOWING 20060911             —THE—ATTACKS, Rendon operated at 1—FRANTIC—PITCH... "We functioned [24] hours —1—DAY. We maintained situational awareness, in military terms, on all things related to terrorism. We were doing 195—NEWSPAPERS and 43—COUNTRIES in 14 or 15—LANGUAGES."..
20060723             THE—WAR—GAMES—OF—20060900              20051111             20060723—20010911    —ON, "THE—SMOKE—WAS—NEVER—IN 1—HALO like that," Corley says.
20060723—20010911    —ON, "THE—SMOKE—WAS—NEVER—IN 1—HALO like that," Corley says.
20060723—20010911    —HAPPENED, What really, at the Pentagon in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA ?
20060723—20010911    —REVEALED, THE—PENTAGON—INSIDER—WHO, the cynical lies behind THE—VIETNAM—WAR—DISASTER has concluded that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION probably orchestrated or at least allowed the horrific ATTACKS—AGAINST AMERICA.
20060723—20060911    —ON, In the video, the north tower, which was struck 1., is undamaged.
20060724             WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES have said they consider THE—LEBANON—CRISIS—TO—BE a "leadership moment" for MISTER—BUSH and 1—OPPORTUNITY to proceed with his post-20060911             plan to reshape THE—MIDDLE—EAST by building Sunni Arab opposition to Shia terrorism.
20060724             Hey friends, check this OUT—WANT to know your candidate's position on the official 20010911             —STORY and 1—NEW—INVESTIGATION?
20060724             INTRODUCING "POLITICS 911" (Still under CONSTRUCTION—CHECK back 20060725             ) - 1—NATIONAL—GRASSROOTS—CAMPAIGN to Illuminate 20060000             —THE—ELECTORAL—STAGE—WITH 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060724             Controversial Instructor Speaks About His 20010911             —VIEWS, UW Course 20010911             —BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News All comments are welcome!
20060724             Controversial Instructor Speaks About His 20010911             —VIEWS, UW Course By SOMEBIGGUY—LOTS—OF—GOOD quotes from KEVIN—HERE, check out the whole article by —FOLLOWING the link, 1—VIDEO is also available.
20060724             Controversial UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN—MADISON—LECTURER—KEVIN—BARRETT—APPEARED—ON—WISCONSIN—TV'S "For THE—RECORD," discussing his views on 20010911             —THE, attacks, Islamic studies and the class he is teaching this fall at UW—MADISON.
20060724             —RECENTLY, 61—STATE—LEGISLATORS signed 1—RESOLUTION calling for UW—MADISON—TO—FIRE—BARRETT—OVER—HIS—OUTSPOKEN views that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT orchestrated 20010911             —THE, attacks.
20060724             —ON, "For THE—RECORD," Barrett said his views are always evolving but explained how his current thoughts 20010911             —ON developed.
20060724             "I think 1—LOT sooner than most people realize, 20010911             is going blow wide open," he said.
20060724             Barrett said he is optimistic that 20010911             will ultimately be 1—CATALYST for Americans to take back the Constitution.
20060724             1—OTHER THING: if you view the video "Eyewitness 20010911             ", you will see indisputable evidence by scientific sound ANALYSIS—OF—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—WTC1 that shows massive explosions occurred —BEFORE the tower began to collapse;
20060724             THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT (your tax dollars wasted) states the —FOLLOWING:
20060724—20010911    —IN, THE—3—MONTH—EFFORT—AIMS to poll all congressional hopefuls regarding their awareness of current evidence for USA—GOVERNMENT—INVOLVEMENT and the high LEVELS—OF—PUBLIC—SUPPORT for 1—FULL—REINVESTIGATION, as well as their personal willingness to back such 1—INQUIRY if they are elected in the fall.
20060726             Controversial Instructor Speaks About His 20010911             —VIEWS, UW Course
20060726             How to Give a 20010911             —INTERVIEW—KEVIN—BARRETT—APPEARS—ON 'For THE—RECORD'—BY—ADAM—MALECEK, Staff Writer
20060726             Foremost 20010911             —WHISTLEBLOWER Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside
20060726             byPaul JOSEPH—WATSON—FOREMOST 20010911             —WHISTLEBLOWER Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside Job Edmonds agrees WEIGHT—OF—EVIDENCE leans towards criminal complicity Prison Planet_com
20060727             —FROM Rense... hmmmm 20010911             Controlled Demolition: New Evidence
20060727             —BY culhavoc on 20010911             —RESEARCH b y CULHAVOC—DECONSTRUCTING 1—FALSE—FLAG Operation
20060727             BTW, I can't find evidence anywhere on THE—INTERNET about the information contained herein this post, about THE—DISCREPANCY—OF—TIME—OF—PLANE—IMPACTS [LAMONT—DOHERTY vs the 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT].
20060727             In 1—HALF—HOUR—SPEECH to Congress —YESTERDAY, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI "embraced THE—STANCE—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH in calling IRAQ 1—KEY—FRONT in 1—WIDER—BATTLE—AGAINST—TERRORISM and in evoking the attacks of 20010911             ".
20060727             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has been "slow to implement"-AMANDA—MAJOR—CHANGES to intelligence sharing that were seen as critical to preventing another 20010911             , according to 1—BIPARTISAN report to be released —TODAY by the House Intelligence Oversight Subcommittee.
20060728             The company "shamelessly used the tragedy of 20010911             to conc20061001             —ELABORATE—SCHEME—OF—FRAUD designed to prey upon the vulnerable mind SET—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC," the lawsuit states.
20060728             —BY GEORGE—WASHINGTON—WHAT would it take to convince you that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job?
20060728             You might say that 20010911             is different.
20060728             If -- —JUST hypothetically -- 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job, then it was carried out by 1—GROUP—OF—VERY disciplined military type folks who know how to carry out 1—MILITARY—OPERATION and keep their mouths shut.
20060728             —CARRIED, Moreover, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—PEOPLE could have, out 20010911             20060728             And —WHEN you THINK—OF—CONFESSIONS, you're THINKING—OF—SMALL—TIME—CRIMINALS.
20060728             So can you at least consider the possibility that 20010911             —MIGHT -- —JUST possibly -- be 1—INSIDE job even if NONE—OF—THE—ACTUAL—PERPETRATORS have yet confessed?
20060728             So we can't assume, without looking at the facts of 20010911             , that this is not THE—KIND—OF—THING that our leaders would do.
20060728             So what would it really take for you to believe 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job?
20060728             Allahpundit has no idea that his post is another strike against the 20010911             —GOVERNMENT—STORY—HOT—AIR " Blog Archive " Good news: 20010911             —LINKED pilot goes missing Blogged with Flock
20060728             NEW—YORK—CITY is using 1—BIG slice of the $1—BILLION it got from the feds post-20010911             to fight 1. responders who claim they got sick on the site, 1—LAWYER who is suing the city charged —YESTERDAY.
20060728—20010911    —ON, ANY—EVENT,MANY—WITNESSES who are HIGH—LEVEL—OFFICIALS + firefighters, police and FBI have come forward to testify against THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL—STORY—OF how 3,000—PEOPLE were murdered
20060728—20060727    —LINKED, Good news: 20010911             — pilot goes missing —POSTED at 9:28 pm by Allahpundit
20060729             The neoconservative Bush regime has adroitly used 20010911             to create FEAR—OF—TERROR—ISM among Americans that blinds Americans to the Bush regime's ASSAULT—ON—OUR constitutional system.
20060729             (NewsTarget) - 1—SECRET—FINANCE—TRACKING program started by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —ALLOWS COUNTERTERROR—ISM officials access to MILLIONS—OF—USA—CITIZENS' private financial records in 1—EFFORT to trace funding for TERROR—IST activities.
20060729             —DUPED, The cluelessness of these neocon, 20010911             —OBL myth swallowing, bloggers is —JUST stupefying
20060729             C—SPAN Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 20010911             —TRUTH—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON C—SPAN Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 20010911             —TRUTH—FRESH—INJECTION—OF—CREDIBILITY—ADVANCES—MOVEMENT
20060729             TUMEKE!: —5—YEARS on - 101—QUESTIONS about 20010911             20060729             the mortgage of 7—WTC was held by the Blackstone Group, headed by PETE—PETERSON... Silverstein made the —FOLLOWING statement about Building 7:
20060729             Discussion about 20010911             : Blackstone buys Wyndham for $3.2 ...
20060729—20010911    —BREWED, But beneath the surface, 1—LOT—OF—RESENTMENT and anger that was manifested.
20060730             Doku "Loose Change": Internetfilm über 20010911             —BRICHT ALLE—REKORDE
20060731             THE—HIDDEN—HISTORY—OF—20010911              about AL—QAEDA;
20060731             Full 20010911             —DISCUSSION on Randi Rhodes —YESTERDAY
20060731             Already, the folks looking at it have found slopiness in the 20010911             —COMMISSION—FINDINGS regarding Flight 77 (though not very important so far).
20060731             Recent articles in corporate media examine deception and lying by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—RELATIVE to the attacks of 20010911             .
20060731             They shed light on 1—EFFECTIVE—COVER—UP by the 20010911             —COMMISSION in its refusal to bring Government deception to THE—USA—PEOPLE by way of their discredited 20010911             —REPORT.
20060731             The real and problematic confusion and fog is 1 which is seemingly preventing the corporate media from grappling with ANY—OF—THE—FOLLOWING pressing questions which have been advanced —FOR—YEARS by the 20010911             —FAMILIES, advocates and independent researchers.
20060731             (1) Who was responsible for scheduling multiple war games and terror exercises involving aircraft for 20010911             ?
20060731             (10) Why was there no reference to the pattern of 20010911             —COMMISSION—COVER—UP including that of Able Danger as revealed by CAPTAIN—SCOTT—PHILPOTT?
20060731             which the 20010911             —COMMISSION ignored is who, specifically, would have been responsible for creating the circumstances that led to the confusion or fog THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              +
20060731             Randi Rhodes INTERVIEW—WITH—COMPLETE 20010911             —TIMELINE author, PAUL—THOMPSON on Air AMERICA
20060731             The real and dangerous 'fog' here is that which prevents journalists from doing their jobs + asking + answering the hard questions about 20010911             —INCLUDING those posed above + those surrounding the growing evidence for controlled demolition of THE—WTC towers + WTC7. [GOOGLE DOCTOR—STEVEN—JONES & WTC ]"
20060731             —CALLED, WISCONSIN STATE—REPRESENTATIVE—STEVE—NASS has, for THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN to fire professor KEVIN—BARRETT for his belief that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job, but
20060731             hasn't looked at ANY—OF—THE—FACTS concerning 20010911             for himself.
20060731             TEXAS pastor TOBY—BROWN is attacking DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—NEWEST—BOOK, "CHRISTIAN—FAITH and the Truth Behind 20010911             ", but
20060731             Everyone who still believes the official story about 20010911             — but hasn't looked at the evidence for THEMSELVES—HAS —UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—MONTH to get up to speed on the subject.
20060731             —DURING National READING —MONTH, political, religious + other leaders cannot make ANY—ILL—INFORMED, HALF—BAKED statements about 20010911             —UNLESS they include references to the facts cited by Professors Barrett + Griffin + honestly explain what homework they still have to do + which facts they have not yet looked into.
20060731             (6) Who was "HANDS—ON" responsible for coordinating all the war games THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             ?
20060731             [NOTE: JOHN—FARMER—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION said to me personally that the 20010911             —COMMISSION was never able to identify the individual for this information--to resolve this anomaly.]
20060731             Center for Cooperative Research: Essay "USA—MILITARY—EXERCISES up to 20010911             "
20060731—20010911    —ON, Alex returns to the studio to discuss the increasing AMOUNT—OF—CREDIBLE + prominent whistleblowers speaking out ,
20060731—20010911    —ON, The evidence suggests that this was certainly the case.
20060731—20060802    —FROM—THE, here is the full 20010911             —SEGMENT—SHOW.
20060800             Memory LANE—MILESTONES in 20010911             —SKEPTICISM, 20010000—20050000     THE—HISTORY—OF—WTC 7 - headquarters to CIA + THE—SEC, compiled by JOHN—HORNE.
20060800—20010911    —IN, Memory LANE—MILESTONES—SKEPTICISM, 200100002005          THE—HISTORY—OF—WTC 7 - headquarters to CIA + THE—SEC ,
20060801             C—SPAN Firestorm: 20010911             —TRUTH Symposium Gains Momentum
20060801             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON C—SPAN Firestorm: 20010911             —TRUTH Symposium Gains Momentum Scholars symposium to RE—AIR again —ON—TUESDAY
20060801             —FOLLOWING Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to ISRAEL + 20010911             —BY JERRY—MAZZA
20060802             The " 20010911             —CHANGES Everything" mantra has been successfully used to justify:
20060802             Justice for 20010911             —COMPLAINT and Petition -- [www.justicefor911 _org]
20060802             IS BUILDING 7 THE—SMOKING—GUN—OF—20010911             ? - Forums powered by...
20060802             BUSH REFUSED TO LISTEN TO LOCAL FBI WARNINGS—COULD Have Stopped 20010911             —NOTHING must come in the way,no leaks,no mishaps.
20060802             Breaking: 20010911             —PANEL Suspected Deception by Pentagon.
20060802             —CONCLUDED, SOME—OFFICIALS on the 20010911             —COMMISSION have, that THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—CLAIMS that it scrambled jets to apprehend United Flight 93 were " PART—OF—1—DELIBERATE—EFFORT to mislead the commission " about its bungled response to the attacks + that the false statements may have "
20060802             The national survey of 1,010 adults 3. of Americans suspect 20010911             —GOVERNMENT conspiracy | ScrippsNews
20060802             A03 - SOME—STAFF—MEMBERS and commissioners of 20060911             —THE panel concluded that THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—STORY—OF how it reacted to the
20060802             SOME—STAFF—MEMBERS and commissioners of 20060911             —THE panel concluded that THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—STORY—OF how it reacted to 20010000             —THE terrorist attacks may have been PART—OF—1—DELIBERATE—EFFORT to mislead the commission and the public rather than 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE—FOG—OF—EVENTS on —THAT—DAY, according to sources involved in the debate.
20060802             "More than a 3. of THE—USA—PUBLIC—SUSPECTS that FEDERAL—OFFICIALS assisted in the 20010911             —TERRORIST attacks or took no action to stop them so THE—USA could go to war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST".
20060802             members and commissioners of 20010911             —THE panel concluded that THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—STORY—OF how it reacted to 20010000             —THE terrorist attacks may have been PART—OF—1—DELIBERATE—EFFORT to mislead the commission and the public rather than 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE—FOG—OF—EVENTS on —THAT—DAY, according to sources involved in the debate".
20060802             —DOCUMENTED, These revelations uphold what has been, regarding 20010911             in several carefully researched studies, which the mainstream media continues to identify as "conspiracy theories"...
20060802             Honest Discussion about 20010911             in Mainstream Media [Archive I] - IIDB.
20060802             DEUTSCHE—BANK building at Ground 0—FAMILY—MEMBERS Seeking Human Remains at Ground 0—RECEIVE Only Silence :: 20010911             —CITIZENSWATCH :: We are concerned citizens challenging the official story of 20010911             20060802             Bombs In OLIVER—STONE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—MOVIE?
20060802—20010911    —AFTER, DEUTSCHE—BANK building at Ground 0—FAMILY—MEMBERS Seeking Human Remains at Ground 0—RECEIVE Only Silence :: 20010911             —CITIZENSWATCH :: We are concerned citizens challenging the official story of 20010911             20060802             —EXPOSED, Lung damage seen in 20010911             —RESCUERS Emergency crews, to dust had substantial reduction in lung function.
20060802—20010911    —ON, Daily Kos: No Matter What Happened, Rational Questions Are...
20060803             MAXIM—MAGAZINE 20060217             20060803             PRE—PLANNING For 20060911             20060803             excerpts from: Newletter Vol.
20060803             8. Re: The 20010911             —PENTAGON Target Wall Story From: Dick Eastman
20060803             10. - Re: 36—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS suspect 20010911             —GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY—SCRIPPS From: JAMES—PATTON
20060803             11. - PENTAGON—VERSION—OF—20010911             —FAR from Truth, Panel Found From: JAMES—PATTON
20060803             —LAUNCHED, THE—GLOBAL—WAR—ON—TERROR, 20010911             —AFTER, provided 1—OPPORTUNITY to experiment with behavioral SCIENCE—BASED torture techniques.
20060803             This change is extremely significant, because MISTER—RUMSFELD claims to have been "out of the loop" nearly the entire —MORNING—OF—20010911              20060803             MUJCA—NET is 1—GROUP—OF—SCHOLARS, religious leaders and activists dedicated to uniting MEMBERS—OF—THE—JEW ish, Christian and Islamic faiths in pursuit of 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060803             We believe that the process of joining together in SEARCH—OF—THE—TRUTH about 20010911             will bring enormous benefits, regardless of what truths we may discover.
20060803             —WHILE our endorsers and supporters have different views about the probable LEVEL—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMPLICITY 20010911             —IN, ALL—OF—USA agree that 1—NEW, honest INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—OFFICIAL—COMPLICITY is 1—MATTER—OF—THE most urgent national and global importance.
20060803             2—PLUS 2—MAKE 4 - Exposing the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY Wingnuts
20060803             Your NICKNAME—DEPROGRAMMING the Bush Cult: Understanding 20010911             —ANXIETY, Avoiding 1—NATIONAL—JONESTOWN
20060803             Tarpley to be on Malloy 20060803             20010911             : a 7-Man Job Official Site for 20010911             : Press For Truth Launches Companion Article for Upcoming Stone Film WTC 911—EYEWITNESS—HOBOKEN Screening in AMSTERDAM Tomorrow Night Randi Rhodes Interviews PAUL—THOMPSON—OVER—RECENT—NORAD—NEWS—GUNS and Butter Interviews DOCTOR—STEVEN—JONES—SLIPKNOT—VOCALIST—COREY—TAYLOR—QUESTIONS 20010911             —RANDI Rhodes to interview PAUL—THOMPSON —TODAY Scapegoating Norad Gott in Himmel!
20060803             VANITY—FAIR—NORAD—STORY—KATIE goes PRIME—TIME for a 20010911             —SPECIAL—DOCTOR—BOB—BOWMAN—SPEECH at THE—DC—TRUTH—CONVERGENCE—WASHINGTON—POST: Government Lied about 20010911             20060803             Official Site for 20010911             : Press For Truth Launches
20060803             —APPEARED, The primary FOCUS—OF—THE—MOVIE, to be PAKISTAN—ISI ties to 20010911             based on PAUL—THOMPSON—TERROR—TIMELINE.
20060803             The 20010911             —RESEARCH companion to the film WTC -
20060803             Thermite: 1—CASE for 20010911             Controlled Demolition - 911—PODCASTS archive)
20060803             Slipknot Vocalist COREY—TAYLOR—QUESTIONS 20010911             20060803             I think it's because of 20010911             20060803             —HAPPENED, Then 20010911             , and everything got real serious.
20060803             Q: You bring up 20010911             — there are books, there are films like "Loose Change" that suggest that THE—USA was even complicit in letting it happen...
20060803             Previous Rhodes 20010911             —COVERAGE. Scapegoating Norad
20060803             This has been 1—BANNER—WEEK so far for 20010911             —COVERAGE in GERMANY.
20060803             For THE—NEADS crew, 20010911             was not 1—STORY—OF—4 hijacked airplanes, but 1—OF 1 heated chase —AFTER MORE—THAN—12—POTENTIAL—HIJACKINGS—SOME—REAL, SOME—PHANTOM —...
20060803             "The real story is actually better than THE—1—WE told," 1—NORAD general admitted to 20010911             —COMMISSION staffers —WHEN confronted with evidence from the tapes that contradicted his original testimony.
20060803             (The fact that there was 1—EXERCISE planned for THE—SAME—DAY as the attack factors into several conspiracy theories, though the 20010911             —COMMISSION dismisses this as coincidence.
20060803             WASHINGTON—POST: Government Lied about 20010911             THE—WASHINGTON—POST has 1—STORY—TODAY about how the Government lied about the military response to 20010911             (free subscription required).
20060803             NORAD Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 20010911             —OFFICIAL—STORY
20060803             —WHEN the 20010911             —COMMISSION was wrapped up, THE—FEDERAL—AVIATIATION—AGENCY (FAA) was blamed for failing to quickly relay information of the hijackings to the military.
20060803             SOME—STAFF—MEMBERS and commissioners of 20010911             —THE panel concluded that THE—PENTAGON—INITIAL—STORY—OF how it reacted to 20010000             —THE terrorist attacks may have been PART—OF—1—DELIBERATE—EFFORT to mislead the commission and the public rather than 1—REFLECTION—OF—THE—FOG—OF—EVENTS on —THAT—DAY, according to sources involved in the debate.
20060803             —DECEIVED, SENATOR—MARK—DAYTON—TESTIMONY to the 20010911             —COMMISSION that Norad intentionally, the Commission.
20060803             5 or more war games were being conducted by several USA—DEFENSE—AGENCIES, including: At least 1 "live fly" exercise using REAL planes At least 1 "plane into building" exercise Injection of false radar "blips" onto THE—SCREENS—OF—AIR—TRAFFIC controllers MONITORING—OF—THE—EXERCISES and the 20010911             —EVENTS by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20060803             —TESTIFIED, Indeed, SECRETARY—OF—TRANSPORTATION—NORM—MINETTA, to the 20010911             —COMMISSION that
20060803             authorized governmental agencies to lie about 20010911             20060803             Reinforcing the argument that Norad lied to cover up THE—ROLE—OF—THE—WAR—GAMES and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY in the military stand down on 20010911             —ARE 2—FACTS:
20060803             this book) - and - • It is beyond the statistical PROBABILITIES—OF—COINCIDENCE that the 20010911             —HIJACKERS got lucky by carrying out the attacks on THE—SAME—DAY that 5—MAJOR—WAR—GAMES (including live fly exercises, plane into building scenarios, false radar injects + Cheney at the helm) were taking place.
20060803             —POINTED, As Navy Historian BARBARA—HONEGGER has, out, either the hijackers had 1—MOLE inside the military, or the government itself orchestrated 20010911             20060803             —CHANGED, Norad has already, its story numerous times, apparently to address impossibilities with the official story pointed out by 20010911             —SKEPTICS.
20060803             See also this message from 20010911             —RESEARCHER PAUL—THOMPSON showing that NORAD—CURRENT "confession" is also incomplete.
20060803             And as to CLAIMS—OF—INCOMPETENCE in general regarding 20010911             , see this.
20060803             "At 1—TIME—WHEN American + ISRAEL—PUBLIC—OPINION—OF—THE—WAR diverge radically from the world opinion elsewhere, the emergence of 1—RIGHT—WING equivalent of 20010911             —THE conspiracy theories is worth noting".
20060803             PRE—PLANNING For 20200911             0 1 Controlled Demolition
20060803             "...the loose community that SOME—CALL—THE 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT has moved from the shadowy BASEMENTS—OF—THE—INTERNET out into the open.
20060803             —PLANNED, And that it either, or allowed 20010911             to happen as 1—PRETEXT for invading AFGHANISTAN + IRAQ + rolling back civil liberties at home".
20060803             IV, NUMBER 7 - Web Page for Randi Rhodes Show 8/2—INCLUDES 20010911             —DISCUSSION—LINK
20060803             NORAD Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 20010911             —OFFICIAL—STORY—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON— "These guys are smart," statement completely inconsistent with flight instructors description...
20060803             —HIJACKED, For THE—NEADS crew, 20010911             was not 1—STORY—OF—4, airplanes, but 1—OF 1 heated chase —AFTER MORE—THAN—12—POTENTIAL—HIJACKINGS—SOME—REAL, SOME—PHANTOM—THAT emerged from THE—TURBULENCE—OF—MISINFORMATION that spiked in the 1. —100—MINUTES—OF—THE—ATTACK + continued well into the afternoon + —EVENING.
20060803             It is the fog + FRICTION—OF—WAR—LIVE—THE—AUTHENTIC—MILITARY—HISTORY—OF—20010911             —
20060803             MORE—THAN—1—3. of Americans suspect FEDERAL—OFFICIALS assisted in the 20010911             —TERRORIST—ATTACKS or took no action to stop them so THE—USA could go to war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, according to 1—NEW—POLL.
20060803             Previously: USA—GOVERNMENT and 20010911             —COMMISSION are covering up - 42%
20060803             Guests MICHAEL—BRONNER, journalist + AUTHOR—OF "20010911             —LIVE: THE—NORAD—TAPES", VANITY—FAIR, 20060906             issue
20060803             Contact Popular Mechanics and tell them THE—VETERANS for 20010911             —TRUTH are looking for them.
20060803             To: Popular Mechanics Writers of "Debunking 20010911             —MYTHS"
20060803             We currently have 235—MEMBERS that don't believe 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES are 1—MYTH.
20060803             If your evidence, or facts as you call them, are so solid as to call 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES a "myth" then you should have no problem debating MEMBERS—OF—VETERANS for 20010911             —TRUTH on the events surrounding 20010911             /01.
20060803             The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, The 20010911             —INVESTIGATIONS—STAFF
20060803             Reports Of The 20010911             —COMMISSION—EXCERPTS from THE—HOUSE—SENATE—JOINT—INQUIRY
20060803             Report on 20010911             — Testimony from 14—KEY witnesses, including RICHARD—CLARKE, GEORGE—TENET + Condoleezza Rice,
20060803             ANY—OF—YOUR magazine articles on debunking 20010911             ...
20060803             We are so sure of our research into the events surrounding 20010911             —THAT we're challenging you to 1—DEBATE without even READING your paperback book "Debunking 20010911             —MYTHS".
20060803             HERE—MY reaction to Tucker CARLSON—STATEMENT that perhaps 1—NEW 20010911             —INVESTIGATION is needed.
20060803             The evidence is —NOW so strong that the 20010911             —COMMISSION was 1—WHITEWASH, that even imperial lapdog Tucker Carlson is saying we may need 1—NEW—INVESTIGATION.
20060803             I demand action —NOW + I'm not going to get distracted as 1—NEW 20010911             "investigation" drags on —FOR—YEARS.
20060803             I know that ANY—NEW—COMMISSION or panel will be made UP—OF—COVER—UP artists + hacks, —JUST like the original 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20060803             It is time for justice —NOW against ALL—OF—THE—PLANNERS + perpetrators of the 20010911             —ATTACKS (we won't accept 1—COUPLE—OF—LOW—LEVEL scapegoats or sacrificial lambs).
20060803             So bring ALL—OF—THE 20010911             —PERPS to justice —NOW, or you will have the opportunity to investigate what HUNDREDS—OF—MILLION—ANGRY—AMERICANS do —WHEN the People's will is ignored".
20060803             NANCY, It looks like you are doing 1—LOT—OF—GOOD—WORK and you are an honest advocate for truth about 20010911             20060803             Also, the article about the 20010911             —COMMISSION + the criminal referral published in the Wash Po. was 1—DISTRACTOR.
20060803             I would recommend —TODAY'S (8/3) audio commentary, as I believe VICTOR—THORN + Lisa Guiliani are 1—STRONG—VOICE for getting at the truth about 20010911             + other aspects of the Neocon regimes + it's INTERNATIONAL infrastructure.
20060803             /WASHINGTON—POST/ **20010911             —PANEL Suspected Deception by Pentagon * Allegations Brought to Inspectors GENERAL*
20060803             /VANITY—FAIR/> **20010911             —LIVE: THE—NORAD—TAPES**
20060803             1. *Who was responsible for scheduling multiple war games and terror > exercises involving aircraft for 20010911             th
20060803             6. Who was "HANDS—ON" responsible for coordinating all the war games the > —MORNING—OF—20010911             ?
20060803             [NOTE: JOHN—FARMER—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION said to me personally that the > 20010911             —COMMISSION was never able to identify the individual for this > information- -to resolve this anomaly.]*
20060803             Center for Cooperative Research: Essay -- "USA—MILITARY—EXERCISES up to 20010911             "*
20060803             *Randi Rhodes INTERVIEW—WITH—COMPLETE 20010911             —TIMELINE author, PAUL—THOMPSON on Air AMERICA*
20060803             The interview is WIDE—RANGING + covers 1—HEALTHY—PORTION—OF—TARPLEY—20010911             —RESEARCH + opinions, (as embodied in his book "Synthetic Terror")
20060803             polls — vinny, USA—POLL: 1/3—OF—PUBLIC—SUSPECT 20010911             —CONSPIRACY — FPF—FWD.
20060803             This change is extremely significant, because MISTER—RUMSFELD claims to have been "out of the loop" nearly the entire —MORNING—OF—20010911              20060803             He isn't on the record as having given ANY—ORDERS that —MORNING.
20060803             VANITY—FAIR—NORAD—STORY—KATIE goes PRIME—TIME for a 20010911             —SPECIAL—DOCTOR—BOB—BOWMAN—SPEECH at THE—DC—TRUTH—CONVERGENCE—WASHINGTON—POST: Government Lied about 20010911             20060803             Tarpley to be on Malloy 20060803             20060803             If there is 1—MORE—FEARLESS jock on Air AMERICA THAN Randi Rhodes, it's MIKE—MALLOY.
20060803             Slipknot Vocalist COREY—TAYLOR—QUESTIONS 20010911             20060803             COREY—TAYLOR: USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—IS—'A—TALKING—HEAD—WITH 1—LOT—OF—SMART, Devious People Behind Him'-
20060803             I think it's because of 20010911             20060803             —ELECTED, Back —WHEN Bush was, there was 1—TV—SHOW on Comedy Central called "That's My Bush ".
20060803             So THE—WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE completely misses the other HALF—OF—THE—STORY: that the dedicated RANK—AND—FILE—PERSONNEL at Norad were misled, intentionally, by the planners of 20010911             20060803             Specifically, the good and dedicated LOWER—LEVEL—MILITARY—PEOPLE were confused by the events of 20010911             —BECAUSE 20010911             occurred AT—THE—SAME—TIME as the multiple war games with their live fly exercises, plane into building scenarios, false radar inserts + apparent interference by Cheney.
20060803             —POINTED, As Navy Historian BARBARA—HONEGGER has, out, either the hijackers had 1—MOLE inside the military, or the government itself orchestrated 20010911             20060803             Indeed,
20060803             —TODAY on THE—DIANE—REHM—SHOW: 10:00am (EST) NORAD TAPES—GUEST host: SUSAN—PAGE—JOURNALIST—MICHAEL—BRONNER discussed AMERICA—MILITARY—RESPONSE on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              based on newly released audiotapes from THE—NORTH—USA—AEROSPACE—DEFENSE—COMMAND (NORAD ) Northeast headquarters.
20060803             NANCY, It looks like you are doing 1—LOT—OF—GOOD—WORK and you are an honest advocate for truth about 20010911             20060803             I have spent several hours considering whether I should send the —FOLLOWING post.
20060803             The bottom line question that corporate media refuse to answer + which the 20010911             —COMMISSION ignored is *who, specifically, would have been responsible for creating the circumstances that led to the confusion or fog THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              and who should have —IMMEDIATELY ceased any and all war gaming activity + deceptive radar data?*
20060803             The real + dangerous 'fog' here is that which prevents journalists from doing their jobs + asking and answering the hard questions about 20010911             —INCLUDING those posed above + those surrounding the growing evidence for controlled demolition of THE—WTC towers + WTC7. [GOOGLE DOCTOR—STEVEN—JONES & WTC ]
20060803—20010911    —FROM, 3. Re: FOX—NEWS—REPORT about ISRAEL and : KEVIN—HAMMOND
20060803—20010911    —ON, And it wasn't, either.
20060803—20010911    —ON, VANITY—FAIR—ARTICLE is that Norad lie to the Commission simply to cover up its incompetence
20060803—20010911    —ON, New Tapes Disclose Confusion Within the Military
20060803—20010911    —ON, "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described," JOHN—FARMER, 1—FORMER—NEW—JERSEY ATTORNEY—GENERAL who led the staff inquiry into events, said in 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW.
20060803—20010911    —ON, "There are indications that we may not have been told the truth about what happened " - JACK—CAFFERTY.
20060803—20010911    —ON, /THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES/ **New Tapes Disclose Confusion Within the Military **
20060803—20010911    —ON, 20010911             —LIVE: THE—NORAD—TAPES: How did THE—USA—AIR—FORCE respond ?
20060804             THE—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT & 20010911             —SYNTHETIC—TERROR
20060804             Check it out... Jersey Girls Open Fire on 20010911             —COMMISSION (again)Statement Regarding PENTAGON—ALLEGED—DECEPTION
20060804             Mandate of the 20010911             —COMMISSION
20060804             —ESTABLISHED, The 20010911             —INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION was, by law to "... ascertain, evaluate + report on the evidence developed by all relevant governmental agencies regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding the attacks;..".make 1—FULL and complete ACCOUNTING—OF—THE—CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the attacks + the extent of THE—USA ' preparedness for + immediate response to, the attacks..".
20060804             Recent stories in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, as well as THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—TRANSCRIPTS—OF—THE—NORAD tapes in VANITY—FAIR, clearly show that the 20010911             —COMMISSION failed in its duties.
20060804             im HOFFMAN—BOOBY Trap For 20010911             —TRUTH—SEEKERS
20060804             NORAD Tapes Expose Lax Military Attitude On 20010911             —AIR—DEFENSE
20060804             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NORAD—TAPES—EXPOSE—LAX—MILITARY—ATTITUDE—ON 20010911             —AIR—DEFENSE "We'll get back to you on that," Navy ATC told ground ops as they pleaded for fighter support
20060805             5. People who refuse to even consider that the neocons planned, financed, carried out the 20010911             —ATTACKS on THE—USA—JUSTIFY their position by proclaiming: "I —JUST refuse to believe ANY—AMERICAN would do something like that".
20060805             7. 20010911             was our fire in the Reichstag.
20060805             9. I do not personally have ANY—INFORMATION about ANY—AMERICANS being involved in planning, financing, carrying out the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20060805             —DENIED, THE—DAY 20010911             —AFTER, Osama, that he had anything to do with it.
20060805             This is essentially the same conclusion that the 20010911             —COMMISSION came to.
20060805             I believe we can overthrow the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY + bring peace + justice + better lives for all if we simply get these crucial findings to the public.
20060805             —SEEMED, MISTER—CHAMISH, quite surprised that I knew of this relationship and said that if, indeed, Atzmon was responsible for security at BOSTON—AIRPORT 20010911             —ON, then it was worthy of being followed up, because Olmert and Atzmon are truly very close political allies and CO—DEFENDANTS in old Likud crimes:
20060805             —REVIEWED, Having, the inconsistencies and CONTRADICTIONS—OF—REPORTS 20010911             —ON, I have concluded that THE—19—HIJACKERS were really PART—OF—WHAT they believed to be 1—AL—QAEDA funded operation.
20060805             FOX—NEWS—HOSTS—WEIGH in on Latest 20010911             —POLL and KEVIN—BARRETT
20060805             ALEX—JONES interviews Nafeez AHMED—FULL 20010911             —DISCUSSION on Randi Rhodes —YESTERDAY
20060805             Blogging 20010911             Related Alternative News - 6—NEW—ARTICLES
20060805             —UPDATED, Commission Admits: Too Soft on Giuliani False Flag News, Jersey Girls Open Fire on 20010911             —COMMISSION (again)
20060805             HERE—MY take 20010911             —COMMISSION CO—CHAIRS—KEAN + HAMILTON —NOW admit they were too soft on Giuliani.
20060805             "FOG—OF—WAR could explain why SOME—PEOPLE were confused on THE—DAY—OF—20010911            , but
20060805             it could not explain why ALL—OF—THE—AFTER—ACTION reports, accident investigations + public testimony by FAA + NORAD officials advanced 1—ACCOUNT—OF—20010911             —THAT was untrue," the book states.
20060805             "It proved difficult, if not impossible, to raise hard questions about 20010911             in NEW—YORK without it being perceived as CRITICISM—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL—POLICE + firefighters or of Mayor Giuliani," Kean + HAMILTON said.***
20060805             JFK, 20010911             , und die ZÜNFTIG AMERIKA Die CEO—ÜBER—SYSTEME—PLANUNG—INTERNATIONAL—ABTEILUNG, Dov Zakheim... Während Bush war still GOUVERNEUR—ÜBER—TEXANER, Zakheim wurde man seiner nächste...
20060805             —NOW They Tell Us: 20060911             th Panel Chairmen Reveal in 1—NEW—BOOK That "recounts obstacles the authors say were thrown up by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, internal disputes over USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—USE—OF—THE—ATTACKS as 1—REASON for invading IRAQ + the way the final report avoided questioning whether USA—POLICY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST may have contributed to the attacks".
20060805             Terrorexperte PETER—BERGEN, der 20060911             —VOR—DEM, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN interviewte, halte die Website dagegen für "sauber".
20060805—20010911    —ON, I followed that response with 1—QUESTION about the relationship between ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT + Menachem Atzmon, the man who oversaw passenger screening + airport security at BOSTON—LOGAN—AIRPORT, as owner of ICTS, the parent company of Huntleigh USA.
20060805—20010911    —ON, The writings of THE—NEO—CONS in the late 90s conform to the events + the necessity of a 2. "Pearl Harbor" to rally THE—USA—PEOPLE to support THE—PNAC plan.
20060805—20010911    —BY, 1—TERRIBLE thought occurs to ME—THAT there will be another ROBERT—FISK
20060807             Group of 20010911             —WIDOWS 'question the veracity of the entire Commission
20060807             4—WIDOWS instrumental in getting Congress to push USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH to create the 20010911             —INDEPENDENT—COMMISSION are insisting that it "failed in its duties" on the heels of 2—RECENT—NEWS—REPORTS which allege that SOME—COMMISSIONERS knew they were being "deceived" by NORAD officials + the widows are —NOW questioning "the veracity of the entire COMMISSION—REPORT," RAW STORY has found.
20060807             The movement claims to be drawing fresh energy and credibility from 1—RECENTLY formed group called Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH.
20060807             World Trade Center, 20010913             20060900             Terroranschläge von der Größenordnung des 20010911             vereitelt ?...
20060807—20010911    —ON, —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS, 1—COMMUNITY that believes widely discredited ideas about what happened, persists and even thrives.
20060808             Once the full, national scope of 20010911             —THE attacks had settled in, word spread quickly of MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY—PHOTOGRAPH + soon, everyone wanted to buy 1—COPY.
20060808             Taken THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             , seconds —AFTER United Airlines Flight 93 plunged into 1—NEARBY—FIELD, the eerie photo was + still is, according to THE—FBI, the closest thing it's got to 1—IMAGE—OF—THE—CRASH itself.
20060808             POLITIKFORUM—THEMA: Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             20060808             * BERICHTE AUS AMERIKA Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten ROBERT—BAER erzählte der BBC: "20010911             —BIS—ZUM, hat sich DIE—CIA von solchen Methoden ferngehalten.
20060808             —AFTER all, Bush and 1—REPUBLICAN congress have been in charge —FOR—5—YEARS 20010911             —SINCE + our border patrol remains ridiculously underfunded.
20060808             JOHN—MCCAIN on the 20010911             —DENIERS By PAT—IT—ONLY 1—PARAGRAPH, but it's 1—GOOD 1:
20060808             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN is gunning for 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS.
20060808             "Val McClatchey has made it unmistakably clear to us that she intends to milk her 20010911             —CLAIM to fame for all it's worth, truth be damned," writes Lisa Guliani, of WingTV (World Independent News Group), who traveled to Stoystown to interview MISTER—S—MCCLATCHEY.
20060808             Wrong - - Survey says SOME—ARE suspicious about 20010911             —RETURN to regular view Original Story
20060808             POLITIKFORUM—THEMA: Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             20060808             Kampf gegen den Terror Imperiale ANMAßUNG—AUSLAND— Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten, ROBERT—BAER, erzählte der BBC: "—BIS zum
20060808             * BERICHTE AUS AMERIKA Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten ROBERT—BAER erzählte der BBC: "20010911             —BIS—ZUM, hat sich DIE—CIA von solchen Methoden ferngehalten.
20060808             POLITIKFORUM—THEMA: Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             20060808             * BERICHTE AUS AMERIKA Der ehemalige Topagent der CIA im Nahen Osten ROBERT—BAER erzählte der BBC: "—BIS zum 20010911             hat sich DIE—CIA von solchen Methoden ferngehalten.
20060808—20010911    —ON, This IMAGE—OF—THE—SMOKE—CLOUD left by United Airlines Flight 93—AFTER it crashed into 1—FIELD in Somerset County, was taken by Val McClatchey from the porch of her home.
20060808—20060911    —ON, he was at the site shortly —AFTER the crash + knows THE—AMOUNT—OF—DEBRIS and other evidence that was gathered from the scene but was never made public.
20060808—20060911    —AFTER, Days, neighbors saw the image, still in her camera.
20060808—20060911    —ON, 20080000             —THE presidential hopeful has penned 1—SCATHING forward to "Debunking 20010911             —MYTHS," 1—NEW—BOOK from Popular Mechanics that uses science to blow away such FAR—FETCHED theories as that USA—AIR—DEFENSES were ordered to "stand down" and that the south tower was struck by 1—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT.
20060809             I have personally turned HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE onto Jeff's "THE—COINCIDENCE—THEORIST—GUIDE to 20010911             ," as well as THE—MIND—OPENING work of WILLIAM—BLUM + Wade Frazier + I hear back from these people that the word spreads further still.
20060809             But the insight 20010911             —NEW flesh gives us into AMERICA—UNNATURAL STATE—OF—AFFAIRS becomes debilitation, if nothing changes by it.
20060809             For almost ALL—OF—USA, 20010911             was only 1 televised event.
20060809             Area 20010911             — Important new Rigorous Intuition.
20060809             IVAN—ELAND: 20010911             —COMMISSION—CHAIRMEN—ADMIT Whitewashing THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ATTACKS : 1—NEW—BOOK by the Chairmen of the 20010911             —COMMISSION admits that the commission whitewashed the root cause of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—THAT—SAME—INTERVENTIONIST—USA foreign policy.
20060809             1—ELECTION—DAY—REPORT on the neoconservative cable channel featured 1—IMAGE—OF—THE neoconservative SENATOR—ANTI—WAR—CHALLENGER in —TODAY—CONTEST for CONNECTICUT—DEMOCRATIC—SENATE—NOMINATION, Ned Lamont, above the line: "HAVE THE—DEMOCRATS—FORGOTTEN—THE—LESSONS—OF—20010911              ".
20060809             THE—RELEASE—OF—VANITY—FAIR 's "NORAD tapes", bringing at last into mainstream discourse NORAD—COINCIDENT gaming of hijacked aircraft THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             :
20060809—20010911    —ATTACKED, Did you mean: why IRAQ, USA—WEB—RESULTS 2004090204_Sep_2004 ...
20060809—20010911    —AFTER, BUSH—DISASTROUS 'democratic FUNDAMENTALISM'—BY PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN—IN the ideology of "democratic fundamentalism" to which GEORGE—W—BUSH converted, we are simply in 1—ROUGH—PATCH on the glory road to 1—DEMOCRATIC—MIDDLE—EAST and "THE—END—OF—TYRANNY on this earth".
20060809—20010911    —IN—THE, 1—FULL 3. of Americans —NOW, according to 1—POLL this past —WEEK, suspect FEDERAL—OFFICIALS either "assisted terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so THE—USA could go to war in THE—MIDDLE—EAST".
20060809—20010911    —ON, 1 - 10—OF—ABOUT 1,090 for why IRAK attacked USA
20060810             TONY—SNOW: 1—VOTE—FOR—LAMONT—IS—1—VOTE—FOR Another 20010911             20060810             That is the same approach, he said, that led OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to the conclusion "that Americans were weak and wouldn't stay the course and that led to 20010911             ".
20060810             —DEBUNKED, Popular Mechanics, By Wendell Grassroots InfoMedia debunks Popular MECHANIC—EXPERTS + their false 20010911             —CLAIMS, with evidence.
20060810             MISS—NBC_com Article: 1—FIGHT against terrorism _ and disorganization - 1—FIGHT against terrorism _ and disorganization —5—YEARS—AFTER 20060911             —THE attacks, homeland security efforts continued to be plagued by turf battles and missed deadlines.
20060810             As both THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and its client government in ISRAEL, with their invasions of Arab states in IRAQ and LEBANON respectively, make THE—USA—EVER more hated in the Islamic world, 1—NEW—BOOK by the Chairmen of the 20010911             —COMMISSION admits that the commission whitewashed the root cause of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—THAT—SAME—INTERVENTIONIST—USA foreign policy.
20060810             FORMER—GOVERNOR—TOM—KEAN and FORMER—CONGRESSMAN—LEE—HAMILTON, chairmen of the 20010911             —COMMISSION—THE—PUBLICITY hounds that they ARE—WANT to keep the long retired, but much celebrated, panel in the public mind.
20060810             Despite the commission's disastrous RECOMMENDATIONS—WHICH led to 1—REORGANIZATION—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY that worsened its original defect —PRIOR—TO 20010911             (1—SEVERE—COORDINATION—PROBLEM caused by bureaucratic bloat)—AND apparent whitewashing of the most important single issue that it examined, the chairmen are trying their best to write another best seller.
20060810             —UNIDENTIFIED, Apparently, commissioners wanted to cover up the fact that USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL was 1—OF—THE—MOTIVATING factors behind al Qaeda's 20010911             attack.
20060810             —WANTED, SOME—COMMISSIONERS, to cover up the link between 20010911             —THE attack and USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL because this might imply that THE—USA should alter policy and lessen its support for ISRAEL—ACTIONS.
20060810             Average USA—CITIZENS might attenuate their support for ISRAEL if the link between 20010911             —THE attacks and unquestioning USA—FAVORITISM for ISRAEL—EXCESSES were more widely known.
20060810             Innocent Israelis and Americans have been + will likely continue to be, THE—VICTIMS—OF—POLICIES that have been sold by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH on the basis of making the citizens of both countries safer and more secure, —WHILE the 20010911             —COMMISSION obediently has covered the administration's tracks.
20060810             —FORCED, But —NOW THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PARROT has been, to descend deeper into the circles of illogical defense-- showing the forced hand in trying to suppress information about the truth of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060810             I have run into so much "debunking 20010911             —TRUTH" propoganda lately that I felt obliged to begin transcribing what I feel to be the most compelling EVIDENCE—OF—1—GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY.
20060810             Look for more excerpts from DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—BOOK "The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT: Omissions and Distortions"on this page soon.-
20060810             Finally — to get to THE—PART—OF—SCHIPPERS' claim that is most relevant to our present concern — he reported that —6—WEEKS—PRIOR to 20010911             , he tried to warn ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ASHCROFT about the attacks, but that Ashcroft would not return his calls.
20060810             —WHEN 1 does 1—SEARCH for THE—NAME—OF—DAVID—SCHIPPERS in The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, however, 1—FINDS not 1—SINGLE—REFERENCE.
20060810             FOX furiously ridiculing 20010911             — USA—GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES
20060810             —RELEASED, Scripps Howard, poll findings —LAST—WEEK that 36—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS believe it is at least somewhat likely that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT was involved in or took no action to prevent the attacks of 20010911             , FOX news talking heads have been ridiculing and dismissing the possibility.
20060810             Lying By SPOOKED—THE—QUESTION really is NOT whether the government and the media are lying about 20010911             .
20060810             drug smugglers, dirty contractors, 20010911             —STRANGENESS, political hackjobs + stolen elections.
20060810             THE—ANGLO—USA—EMPIRE—NEXT 20010911             will set up final war; 'foiled ?
20060810             report of 1—SPECTACULAR foiled UK—BASED SUPER—TERROR—PLOT, 1 alleged Operation Bojinka variation, has sparked 1 unprecedented round of 20010911             —STYLE fear and panic mongering —THROUGHOUT the world.
20060810             The former 20010911             —COMMISSION gave the administration "dismal" grades on homeland security in its latest report card, including an "F" for failures to improve aviation security.
20060810—20010911    —ON, 20060807             , Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ATTACKS—BY—JASON—MILLER " Qaeda committed the heinous strike ] BECAUSE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL" by IVAN—ELAND—THE—INDEPENDENT—INSTITUTE
20060810—20010911    —ON, 20060807             20010911             Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—ATTACKS—BY—JASON—MILLER " Qaeda committed the heinous strike ] BECAUSE—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and USA—SUPPORT for ISRAEL" by IVAN—ELAND—THE—INDEPENDENT—INSTITUTE
20060810—20010911    —ON, Proof that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION planning the next 20010911             20060810             —DECLARED, DICK—CHENEY —RECENTLY : "The enemy that struck is fractured and weakened, yet still lethal, still determined to hit us again".
20060810—20010911    —ON, But like the original 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH regularly obscures this important reality by saying that AMERICA was attacked because of its freedoms, making no MENTION—OF—USA—INTERVENTIONIST—FOREIGN—POLICY as the root cause.
20060810—20010911    —AFTER, —2—DAYS, Attorney DAVID—SCHIPPERS publicly declared that over —6—WEEKS—PRIOR to 20010911             , FBI agents had given him information about attacks planned for "lower Manhattan".
20060811             —IDENTIFIED, UK—OFFICIALS, 19—OF—THE—SUSPECTS accused of planning to blow up USA—BOUND aircraft in the biggest terrorist plot to be uncovered 20010911             —SINCE, —WHILE investigators probed their movements, background and finances.
20060811             Thread: WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 20010911             —STORY'.
20060811             WTC Hero janitor blows 'Official 20010911             —STORY' Sky High! - Above Top...
20060811             Foo Fighters Postboard - 20010911             : Towers of Lies + Deceptions
20060811             TWW - 20010911             : 1—ZIONIST—ORCHESTRATED GOVERNMENT INSIDE JOB
20060811             CNN—AMANPOUR—LINKS 20010911             —TRUTHERS With Sky Terrorists
20060812             —ACCORDING—TO, the new book's preface, Griffin was originally working on 1—HISTORY—OF—20010911              and "blowback" -- the theory that USA—IMPERIAL actions produce hatred for THE—USA as well as violence against Americans.
20060812             Griffin writes that he only began to reject the official 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—AFTER studying 1—DISTURBING timeline of 20010911             —EVENTS compiled from newspapers, wire service articles and television news.
20060812             CHRISTIAN—FAITH and the Truth behind 20010911             , 1—CALL to Reflection and Action" is the new book by theologian DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN.
20060812             Like his previous underground bestseller, "THE—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR," GRIFFIN—LATEST—BOOK explores THE—COVER—UPS and myths of 20010911             .
20060812             "USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seized on 1 foiled LONDON airline bomb plot to hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks," AFP noted this afternoon.
20060812             —CRITICIZED, TOLEDO—OHIO—PRESIDENTIAL—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDER for 1—IMMEDIATE—END to the government's warrantless surveillance program, saying —WEDNESDAY such 1—PROGRAM might have prevented 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20060812             Rove said the government should be free to listen if al Qaeda is calling someone within THE—USA "Imagine if we could have done that —BEFORE 20010911             20060812             What Rove is giving voice to here is nothing less than the new blood libel of our age: that those who oppose THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions are opening the door to 1—NEW 20010911             20060812             Rove said the government should be free to listen if al Qaeda is calling someone within THE—USA "Imagine if we could have done that —BEFORE 20010911             20060812             It might have been 1—DIFF!
20060812             What Rove is giving voice to here is nothing less than the new blood libel of our age: that those who oppose THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions are opening the door to 1—NEW 20010911             20060812             The implication is clear: anyone who speaks up for the Constitution is working for THE—DEATH—OF—INNOCENT—AMERICANS.
20060812             Rove said the government should be free to listen if al Qaeda is calling someone within THE—USA "Imagine if we could have done that —BEFORE 20010911             20060812             What Rove is giving voice to here is nothing less than the new blood libel of our age: that those who oppose THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions are opening the door to 1—NEW 20010911             20060812—20010911    —ON, Bush Fails AMERICA on NATIONAL—STECURITY: NYT, "FOCUSED—USA Is Seen to Lag on New Threats" 8/13
20060812—20010911    —ON, Bush Fails AMERICA on NATIONAL—STECURITY: NYT, "Focused, USA Is Seen to Lag on New Threats" 8/13
20060813             —ATTACKED, The fact is that we were, on 20010911             —BY AL—QAEDA and its affiliates and its sympathizers, not by SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20060813             —ATTACKED, We have to focus on those that, us 20010911             —ON + get away from this very mistaken policy in IRAQ.
20060813             It's amazing that almost —5—YEARS—20010911—AFTER, where still having TO—DEAL with these huge holes in security.
20060813             NSA ARCHIVE—GOVERNMENT—RELEASES Detailed Information on 20010911             —CRASH
20060813             2. - Fwd: Revealing News: 20010911             —COMMISSIONERS Backpedal, Electric Car
20060813             6. - cnn to question 20010911             ?
20060813             13. - PLEASE you can keep 20010911             on 1—BUSY—FORUM if you go —NOW.. SPREAD THE
20060813             14. - Check Out This 20010911             —SITE !!!
20060813             More 20010911             —INFO than ANY—OTHER—SITE !!!!
20060813             15. - 20010911             —UPDATE - 8/12—TVNL news
20060813             KARL—ROVE—TINGLER; "it's name is 20010911             , ready to be loosed upon THE—USA—SUBCONSCIOUS at ANY—TIME"
20060813             Der 29-jährige mutmaßliche Anführer Matiur Rehman habe 5—JAHRE20060911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, einen "spektakulären Anschlag" geplant, berichtete der USA—FERNSEHSENDER ABC unter Berufung auf PAKISTANISCHE—ERMITTLER.
20060813             —ADMITTED, But as WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS have, — and news reports have verified — THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION apparently had little to do with foiling the potential "2. 20060911             ".
20060813             This —MORNING on CNN, former 20010911             —COMMISSIONER—TIM—ROEMER argued that the recent terror plot in BRITAIN illustrated why we need to direct resources from IRAQ to the global terrorist threat.
20060813             He concludes:Jewish USA—LEADERS—WORK—MOSSAD: THE—ISRAEL—CONNECTION to 20010911             20060813             —IGNORED, USA—INVESTIGATORS and the controlled media have, 1—PREPONDERANCE—OF—EVIDENCE pointing to ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, the Mossad, being involved in the terror attacks of 20010911             20060813             RINF: News Politics War 20010911             —CONSPIRACY PROPAGANDA—NEWSLETTER—RINF Alternative News Breaking News:
20060813             Essential: 20010911             —TRUTH Event LONDON: Was 20010911             an inside job?
20060813             Group of 20010911             —WIDOWS ?question the veracity of the entire Commission?s report?
20060813             UW lecturer?s 20010911             —TRUTH media blitz panned
20060813             Tower block fire aids 20010911             —DEBATE
20060813—20010911    —ON, Ned Lamont and I believe that we should refocus on those who attacked us and not simply try to cover our tracks because this was such 1—VERY—POOR—DECISION in terms of the overall BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—TERRORISTS who attacked us.
20060814             Union cites 1. death tied to 20010911             —CLEANUP
20060814             —PLANNED, Instructor says USA, the 20010911             —ATTACKS to provoke war
20060814             Autopsy Links COP—DEATH to 20010911             —WORK
20060814             "USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seized on 1 foiled LONDON airline bomb plot to hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks. [...] 'Weeks —BEFORE 20060911             , this is going to play big,' said another WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL. " [Agence FRANCE Presse,
20060814             Intersecting Facts and Theories on 20010911             —20010911—BLOGGER—BLOGGING 20010911             Related Alternative News
20060814             1—COMMON—REFRAIN heard from the left — less often from the right — in response to suspicions about the official 20010911             —STORY goes something like: "THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has demonstrated such incompetence on so MANY—FRONTS that it strains the imagination to think they could of have pulled off something so elaborate + kept it 1—SECRET".
20060814             3., the official 20010911             —STORY asks us to believe that only 1—COUPLE—OF—DOZEN poorly trained Islamic radicals deftly maneuvered through the world's most powerful intelligence gathering and military machine.
20060814             The historical association between Bush officials, government and private intelligence networks and clandestine operations argues against the notion that incompetence allowed 20010911             to occur + —THEREFORE this fact must raise suspicion...
20060814             Analysts say that IN—RECENT—YEARS, USA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS have become edgier than THE—BRITISH in such cases because of missed opportunities leading up to 20010911             20060814             In his —12—MINUTE—INTERVIEW—WITH—CHERTOFF, Gregory brought up the issue of "our coordination with UK—AUTHORITIES," asking, "What worked here?" But Gregory failed to question Chertoff regarding the reported disagreement, despite the fact that his own network had broken the story —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20060814             Taken together, we have 4—VIDEOS—OF—2. hit —NOW, that were shown early on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911            , that show the plane missing the towers and going off to the east.
20060814             —5—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—20010911             — Variety_COM—TV takes trip back to 20010911             20060814             THE—2—CO—CHAIRMEN—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT, THOMAS—KEAN + LEE—HAMILTON, have —JUST released 1—NEW—BOOK, "Without Precedent: THE—INSIDE—STORY—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION".
20060814             book by 20010911             —COMMISSION lies by THE—FAA, NORAD
20060814             GERMANY—INTEL:MOSSAD PLANNED & EXECUTED 20010911             —ATTACK—ON—USA
20060814             STOP BELITTLING THE—THEORIES—ABOUT 20060911             20060814             (Cont'd) THE—THEORIES—ABOUT 20060911             20060814             GUEST: World renown 20010911             —RESEARCHER—PAUL—THOMPSON
20060814             - "USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH seized on 1 foiled LONDON airline bomb plot to hammer unnamed critics he accused of having all but forgotten 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks. [...] 'Weeks —BEFORE 20060911             , this is going to play big,' said another WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL. " [Agence FRANCE Presse,
20060814             GERMANY—INTEL:MOSSAD PLANNED & EXECUTED 20010911             —ATTACK ON USA
20060814             Analysts say that IN—RECENT—YEARS, USA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS have become edgier than THE—BRITISH in such cases because of missed opportunities leading up to 20010911             20060814             Taken together, we have 4—VIDEOS—OF—2. hit —NOW, that were shown early on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911            , that show the plane missing the towers and going off to the east.
20060814—20010911    —ON, JOSEPH—P—FIRMAGE has written 1—EXCELLENT—INTRODUCTION and OVERVIEW—OF—THE—MULTITUDE—OF—FACTS and theories that challenge the official narrative of 20010911             20060814             —CALLED, The paper is, appropriately, " Intersecting Facts and Theories " and is freely downloadable at the Journal of 20010911             —STUDIES.
20060814—20010911    —ON, Intersecting Facts and Theories
20060814—20010911    —IN, THE—FBI has clearly said that it doesn't have ANY—EVIDENCE against Osama for his involvement
20060815             INTERVIEW: PRODUCER—OF—20010911             —LOOSE—CHANGE.. WOW!!
20060815             THE—ALEX—JONES—REPORT 20060815             20060815             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX discusses how coverage of 20010911             —INSIDE job evidence has exploded in the mainstream media —FOLLOWING the airing of the
20060815             Hello David, Not wishing to get into 1—DEBATE however your comment about "no innocent civilians in wartime".......does this mean the innocent victims of 20010911             were really guilty in your eyes and THE—AL—QAEDA terrorists were —THEREFORE entitled to kill them?
20060815             The official publishing HOUSE—OF—THE—PRESBYTERIAN—CHURCH (USA) has printed 1—NEW—BOOK about 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks that has outraged conservatives in the church and elsewhere.
20060815             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—UPDATE 20010911             —BOOK from church publishing house causes uproar
20060815             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DISTURBING growing trend of 'guilt by association' should concern 20010911             —TRUTHERS
20060815             CONT'D - 20010911             — Pitch Black VOID—BORDER—GUARDS get the shaft
20060815             The book, "CHRISTIAN—FAITH and the Truth Behind 20010911             ," WRITTEN—BY—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, 1—PROFESSOR emeritus at Claremont School of Theology in CALIFORNIA, accuses THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OF carrying out the attacks as 1—PRETEXT for expanding AMERICA's "demonic" imperial power.
20060815             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DISTURBING growing trend of 'guilt by association' should concern 20010911             —TRUTHERS
20060815—20010911    —SINCE, Well, how come there are HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSDANDS—OF—TERRORISTS fighting our soldiers and ISRAEL—SOLDIERS and UK—SOLDIERS and they have not managed to blow up 1—AIRPLANE ?
20060816             —RELEASED, NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS, new TAPES—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—HEART—WRENCHING phone calls from the World Trade Center 20010911             —ON, along with other emergency transcripts.
20060816             —RELEASED, TMH Exclusive: Withheld by the authorities, because of 1—LAWSUIT + insanely expensive to purchase, these are the 20010911             —DOCUMENTS that the Port Authority fought to keep under wraps.
20060816             TMH Exclusive: THE—FIRE—DEPARTMENT—OF—NEW—YORK—RADIO dispatches from the —MORNING and —EARLY—AFTERNOON—OF—20010911              20060816             The contents of all 21—AUDIO CDs are available online for free.
20060816             —CONTAINED, FEMA—REPORT, 1—APPENDIX disclosing EVIDENCE—OF—MYSTERIOUS—HIGH—TEMPERATURE—CORROSION—OF—STEEL due to 1—COMBINATION—OF—OXIDATION and sulfidation (DOCTOR—JONES found Thermate on iron samples from the 20010911             —WTC crime scene.
20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108    20060911             THE—PENTAGON—MASS—CASUALTY—EXERCISE, as the crash was called, was —JUST 1—OF—SEVERAL scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to 20061024—20261024     in THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARIES—OF—DEFENSE—CONFERENCE—ROOM".
20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108    20060816             STRATCOM Global Strike nuclear exercise Global Lightning 07 scheduled 20061024—20061108     20060911             THE—PENTAGON—MASS—CASUALTY—EXERCISE, as the crash was called, was —JUST 1—OF—SEVERAL scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to 20061024—20261024     in THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—SECRETARIES—OF—DEFENSE—CONFERENCE—ROOM".
20060816             TMH Exclusive: THE—FIRE—DEPARTMENT—OF—NEW—YORK—RADIO dispatches from the —MORNING and —EARLY—AFTERNOON—OF—20010911              20060816             —CONTAINED, FEMA—REPORT, 1—APPENDIX disclosing EVIDENCE—OF—MYSTERIOUS—HIGH—TEMPERATURE—CORROSION—OF—STEEL due to 1—COMBINATION—OF—OXIDATION and sulfidation (DOCTOR—JONES found Thermate on iron samples from the 20010911             —WTC crime scene.
20060816—20010911    —FROM, All Available NY Fire DEPARTMENT—DISPATCH—TAPES
20060816—20010911    —FROM, It took 1—BITTERLY fought lawsuit brought by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES to get the Fire DEPARTMENT—OF—NEW—YORK to release SOME—OF—ITS dispatch tapes
20060816—20060911    —FROM, NEW—YORK—CITY to release 911—CALLS
20060817             As I show in my book, 20010911             —SYNTHETIC—TERROR: Made in USA,
20060817             Other counterpoints: "20010911             in Historical Perspective: Flawed Assumptions"
20060817             Make no mistake, 20010911             was + continues to be, 1—WAR upon THE—USA—PEOPLE,
20060817             4—IRAN—BROTHERS who were detained —FOR—41—MONTHS—DURING an FBI terrorism investigation —AFTER 20010911             —THE, terror attacks filed 1—LAWSUIT—MONDAY in FEDERAL—COURT, claiming they were held on false pretenses and were "CASUALTIES—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR".
20060817             —JUST—2—DAYS—20010911—AFTER, I learned from congressional staffers that Republicans on Capitol Hill were already exploiting the atrocity, trying to use it to push through tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.
20060817             What we know and don't know about 20010911             —
20060817             MORE—THAN—1—3. of THE—USA—PUBLIC—NOW disbelieve the official account of 20010911             —DESPITE the Bush regime's propaganda faithfully trumpeted by THE—USA—MEDIA.
20060817—20010911    —ON, NY releases new 20010911             —PHONE calls New TAPES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS made from the World Trade Center are heard —AFTER relatives sued.
20060817—20060818    —FROM, IRAQ—RESISTANCE—REPORT for events of 20060815             20060818             EDITOR—NOTE, 20060817             : In paragraph 4—OF—THIS column, THE—AUTHOR—MAKES 1—ASSERTION about professor STEVEN—JONES' remarks at a 20010911             —SYMPOSIUM broadcast by C—SPAN.
20060818             —ISSUED, —YESTERDAY, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—MICHIGAN, "1—SWEEPING REBUKE—OF—THE—ONCE—SECRET—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE effort THE—WHITE—HOUSE authorized —FOLLOWING the terrorist attacks of 20010911             ".
20060818             This latest example of ineptitude on THE—PART—OF—MOSELEY and World Net Daily only brings their other claims about 20010911             —UNDER further scrutiny.
20060818             If they can't even ascribe the correct statements to the right people, yet use false allegations to try and smear the characters of respected professionals, how can we trust their assertions that 20010911             —SKEPTICS are wrong?
20060818             World Net Daily Forced To Issue 20010911             —HIT Piece Retraction
20060818             —FOLLOWING 1—RADIO—SHOW—DEBATE—YESTERDAY in which a 20010911             —HIT piece article WRITTEN—BY—JONATHON—MOSELEY for World Net Daily was
20060818             1—OF—THE—MOST glaring INACCURACIES—OF—THE—ARTICLE was MOSELEY—CLAIM that Professor STEVEN—JONES—OF—THE 20010911             —TRUTH Scholars, —DURING 1—CONFERENCE aired on C—SPAN, called "for the violent OVERTHROW—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT".
20060818             EDITOR—NOTE, 20060817             : In paragraph 4—OF—THIS column, THE—AUTHOR—MAKES 1—ASSERTION about professor STEVEN—JONES' remarks at a 20010911             —SYMPOSIUM broadcast by C—SPAN.
20060818             The last major instance where 1—RETRACTION to a 20010911             —HIT piece was issued was in the case of
20060818             UK frames 20010911             —RESEARCHER for shampoo terror
20060818             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—JONATHON—MOSELEY—WORLD—NET—DAILY hit piece on the 20010911             —TRUTH movement, which contained salacious personal
20060818             "I have EVERY—REASON to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 20010911             .
20060818             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FALSE—FLAG—PROVOCATION—LIKELY to occur within months, 20010911             & truth activists targeted for elimination
20060818             —SELECTED, He was vice CHAIRMAN—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION + was, to CO—CHAIR the
20060818—20010911    —ON, Cinnamon STILLWELL—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE article in which she claimed that the "whole country witnessed the horrific SIGHT—OF—PLANES flying into the....Pentagon," 1—OBVIOUSLY fraudulent claim given that no clear footage of whatever hit the Pentagon was shown or to THIS—DAY.
20060819             —COINED, OLIVER—STONE, 20010911             + the Big Lie : THE—BIG—LIE, 1., by ADOLF—HITLER in his 19250000             autobiography Mein Kampf,was made famous by JOSEPH—GOEBBELS, propaganda MINISTER—FOR—THE 3. Reich.
20060819             TEACHER—RADICAL 20010911             —VIEWS raise red flag: MISTER—BARRETT is not 1—RADICAL—ANARCHIST or 1—TEENAGER peddling conspiracy theories;
20060819             —DETAILED, This site promotes books by this author, among them 1, critique of "The 20010911             —COMMISSION Report".
20060819             The site features 1—TIMELINE tracing the origins of 20010911             —THE attacks + 1—COPY—OF a
20060819—20010911    —SINCE, doubled ,
20060819—20060911    —IN—THE, Caught and forgotten in USA—20010911             —DETAINEE limbo : Of the estimated 1,200 mostly Arab and Muslim men detained nationwide as potential suspects or witnesses investigation, Benatta would earn 1—DUBIOUS—DISTINCTION: Human rights groups say THE—FORMER—ALGERIA—AIR—FORCE—LIEUTENANT was locked up the longest.
20060820—20010911    —ON, FRANK—RICH: "As the election campaign quickens, genuine nightmares may well usurp the last gasps of Rovian FEAR—BASED politics. It's hard to ignore the tragic reality that USA—TROOPS are caught in THE—CROSS—FIRE—OF—1—SECTARIAN bloodbath escalating daily, that botched USA—POLICY has strengthened IRAN and Hezbollah and undermined ISRAEL + that our DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is as ILL—EQUIPPED —NOW to prevent explosives (liquid or otherwise) in cargo as it was ".
20060821             Bush —NOW Says What He Wouldn't Say —BEFORE War: IRAQ Had 'Nothing' To Do With 20010911             20060821             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH was in the midst of explaining how the attacks of 20010911             inspired his "freedom agenda" and the attacks on IRAQ —UNTIL 1—REPORTER, KEN—HERMAN—OF—COX—NEWS, interrupted to ask what IRAQ had to do with 20010911             .
20060821             (NewsTarget) Arguably the most CONTROVERSIAL—OF—THE—POST—20060911              antiterrorist measures was USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—NSA—RUN "Terrorist Surveillance Program," which has been under fire as "warrantless surveillance" —EVER—SINCE its 20051200             exposure by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20060821             —DETAILED, Government releases, 20010911             —HIJACKING information
20060821             World Net Daily Forced To Issue 20010911             —HIT Piece RETRACTION—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON— "No such comments made by Jones," admits website as another attack exposed for baseless allegations.
20060821             What He Wouldn't Say —BEFORE War : IRAQ Had 'Nothing' To Do With 20010911             — Faiz...
20060821—20010911    —IN, SIDE—JOB—THEORY—CREEPS into Mainstream
20060821—20010911    —ON, FOCUSED—USA Is Seen to Lag on New Threats
20060821—20010911    —ON, that our DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is as ILL—EQUIPPED —NOW to prevent explosives (liquid or otherwise) in cargo as it was ".
20060822             —MEANWHILE, ABC has ordered 1—SCRIPT for "Class 11," a 20060911             —THEMED drama based on TJ—WATERS' upcoming book "Class 11:
20060822             Inside THE—CIA—1. Post-20010911             ...
20060822             —NOW He Tells Us: At Bizarre News Conference Where Bush Actually Blurts Out the Truth for 1—CHANGE, Bush Admits IRAQ War Had "Nothing" to Do with 20010911             .
20060822             He predicts 20010911             + by sheer coincidence the Pentagon is hit by 1—REMOTE controlled jet (Zakheim 's ' SPC ' corporation is the premier company in the field).
20060822             Zakheim also CO—AUTHORED the Heritage FOUNDATION—INFAMOUS tract, "Rebuilding AMERICA—DEFENSES," in which THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ENTIRE—DESIGN for renewed global conquest was laid down 1—FULL—YEAR—PRIOR to 20010911             .
20060822             —INFORMED, You seem reasonably well, about the details of 20010911             ...would you happen to have ANY—OTHER—LINKS to information about THE—REMOTE—CONTROL capabilities of the 757s and 767s that I referenced here?
20060822             Dov Zakheim was THE—PENTAGON—COMPTROLLER + CFO 20010911             —DURING.
20060822             —PERFORMED, MANY—TAKEOFF and lending tests were, using this system on 1—COMMERCIAL—SIZE Boeing aircraft under the supervision of Raytheon in the days —PRIOR—TO 20010911             .
20060822             Bush: IRAQ Had 'Nothing' To Do With 20010911             : Bush —NOW Says What He Wouldn't Say —BEFORE War.
20060823             Discussion about 20010911             20060823             Title: 20010911             —TRUTH: Alleged Hijackers Were ASSETS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT
20060823             —LEARNED, Apparently, Lance has, 3—OF—THE 20010911             —HIJACKERS obtained fake IDs at the same place —10—YEARS—LATER, 20010000             .
20060823             Stop Belittling the Theories About 20060911             20060823             However horrendous the crimes of 2—OF—THE—WORLD—GREAT liars + terrorists in GAZA + LEBANON, it is imperative that we not let the deeds of Ehud Olmert + GEORGE—W—BUSH distract us from another recent event.
20060823             1 ) - MEMORIAM, - NEW—YORK—CITY, 20010911             /01 (20020000             ), HBO Home Video,
20060823             6 )Abundant CameraPlanet clips filmed by live witnesses (including their movies " —7—DAYS—IN—SEPTEMBER " + " Witness 20010911             "),
20060823             7 ) - 20010911             — THE—FILMMAKERS'—COMMEMORATIVE—EDITION (20020000             ) ,
20060823             9 ) History Channel, A&E 's " - THE—ANATOMY—OF—20060911              20060823             10 ) 911—EYEWITNESS, by RICK—SIEGEL:
20060823             —UNEDITED, Historical/Research 20010911             —VIDEO, 68—MIN, (20010000             ) :
20060823             15 ) - What We Saw : THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911            , in Words, Pictures + Video, by CBS News, DAN—RATHER (narrator).
20060823             Discussion about 20010911             TITLE: -
20060824             INDIA—NEWSPAPER highlights suspicious patterns, 20010911             and 7/7 were also preceded by insider trading
20060824             Tarnishing RUDY—GUILIANI—AURA on 20010911             — Blogger Thoughts: This is only THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG, of course.
20060824             Hold on tight, —NOW! 1—OF—THE—MOST carefully guarded myths of 20010911             is about to be shattered for good".Grand Illusion," the book is called.
20060824             "THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—RUDY—GIULIANI and 20010911             ".
20060824—20010911    —IN, Discussion about 20010911             Title: - THE—COVER—UP of Pre TELLIGENCE: WHAT—GOING—ON?
20060824—20010911    —ON, Tarnishing RUDY—GUILIANI—AURA
20060824—20060824    —BY, Bush _knew.htm#Pipelines to 20010911             ">Pipelines to 20010911             Rudo de Ruijter, Independent Researcher NETHERLANDS
20060825             " Arab and Muslim men saw their wages and weekly earnings drop by 10 % —AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks".
20060825             Most Americans don't feel safer from terror : Most Americans do not believe THE—USA is safer —NOW from terrorism than —BEFORE 20010911             —THE terror strikes, 1—NEW—POLL found.
20060825             E.P.A. WHISTLE—BLOWER Says USA Hid 20010911             —DUST—DANGER-
20060825—20010911    —IN, Under Fire! USA—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST Targeted For Suggesting New Independent VESTIGATION
20060826             Advocates of this racist Zionist ideology are driving our USA foreign policy... There is never ANY—MENTION in mainstream USA—MEDIA—OF—THE—ISRAEL—CONNECTION to 20010911             , to THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ, to THE—SO—CALLED "WAR—ON—TERROR" + to the subject of ISRAEL—QUEST for oil.... Another EXAMPLE—OF—THE—ISRAELIZATION—OF—AMERICA: have you been to the airports lately?... ISRAEL's "WAR—ON—TERROR" has SOMEHOW become AMERICA's "WAR—ON—TERROR" and how it directly impacts the lives of Americans.
20060826             KEN—BIGLEY; 20010911             20060826             THE—OUTLAW—WORLD
20060826             (And 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job). - - Zarqawi successor 'in EGYPT jail'
20060828             So let's get right to it: Is it really baseless idiocy that drives people to question the official account of 20010911             ?
20060828             Are THE—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS (including Senators, FBI agents, Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Scientists, Engineers, etc.) all paranoid loons for suggesting we need 1—TRULY independent investigation of 20010911             ?
20060828             WASHINGTON—POST Doesn't Answer Why No OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 20010911             Indictment
20060828             —YEAR—AFTER Katrina, Bush Still Fights for 20010911             IMAGE—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PUBLIC persona remains that of 1—WARTIME PRESIDENT flying by as desperate and vulnerable Americans suffered.
20060828             Notice Headline: "—YEAR—AFTER Katrina, Bush Still Fights for 20010911             Image".
20060828             Pipelines to 20010911             20060828             —WHEN the military was ready to strike, the terrorists of 20010911             gave Bush the pretext to start this war and obtain support from Congress, THE—USA—POP!
20060828             This is the latest in 1—LONG string of very suspicious deaths connected with 20010911             and the anthrax attack that hit only people on 1—SHORT—LIST—OF—PEOPLE—BUSH wanted to intimidate or kill.
20060828             Pipelines to 20010911             20060828             Rudo de Ruijter, POAC This article is about BACKGROUNDS—OF—THE—USA—WAR against AFGHANISTAN.
20060828             —WHEN the military was ready to strike, the terrorists of 20010911             gave Bush the pretext to start this war and obtain support from Congress, THE—USA—POP!
20060829             Cheney Chooses CHIEF—PROPAGATOR—OF—FALSE—IRAQ 20010911             —LINK To Be Official Biographer
20060829             —ENTITLED, Hayes wrote 1—ARTICLE, "DICK—CHENEY Was Right " about THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—EFFORT to connect Saddam to 20010911             .
20060829             But even USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said most —RECENTLY that IRAQ had "nothing " to do with 20010911             .
20060829             Each + EVERY—1—OF—HAYES' attempts to link IRAQ to 20010911             —HAVE been thoroughly discredited, but he continues to push the argument.
20060829             The evidence for 1—CONSPIRACY to use 20010911             to invade IRAQ is long.
20060829             THOMAS—PACKARD acting FBI director: —SUMMER—BEFORE 20010911             —ASHCROFT told him he didn't want to hear anything more about terrorist threats.
20060829             —WANTED, RICHARD—CLARKE : Bush, to connect IRAQ and 20010911             .
20060829             Invading IRAQ for 20010911             is like CHINA attacking us and we invade MEXICO.
20060829             But another more infamous date -- 20010911             —- is nowhere to be found on the same FBI notice.
20060829—20010911    —IN, WASHINGTON—POST Doesn't Answer Why No OSAMA—BIN—LADEN DICTMENT
20060829—20030904    THE—NEOCONS'—NEW—ENEMY: THE—CIA—LAURIE—MYLROIE—CRAZY—IDEAS about 20010911             by DAVID—CORN.
20060830             The new SERIES—OF—SPEECHES begins tomorrow at the annual USA—LEGION convention in UTAH and will continue through the 20010911             —ANNIVERSARY.
20060830             —ON the 20010911             —PROBLEM specifically,
20060831             —JAHRESTAG 20010911             20060831             —DECLARED, Another lie on IRAQ : —WHEN USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, —LAST—WEEK that "nobody has ever suggested in this administration that SADDAM—HUSSEIN ordered" the 20010911             —TERRORIST attacks, 1—LARGE—SEGMENT—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC must have been very surprised.
20060831             What the hell is our obsession with remembering 20060911             ?
20060831             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: As he travels the nation to commemorate Katrina and 20010911             , THE—PRESIDENT is only highlighting the tragedy of his own incompetence.
20060831             Dunlop?s Account of the Beaulieu Meeting?s Purpose: The ?Russian 20010911             ?19990000             / Part IV
20060831             and Scholars for 20010911             —TRUTH
20060831             The other is the no less fraudulent story that the terrorist crimes of 20010911             were perpetrated by 1—GANG—OF—ISLAMIST—FANATICS led by 1 bearded Saudi in 1—AFGHANISTAN—CAVE?rather than being organized (and subsequently covered up) by civilian and military officials at the highest LEVELS—OF—THE—BUSH—REGIME.
20060831             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORCED to issue response to 20010911             —TRUTH movement questions on official website PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison Planet_com
20060831             Discussion about 20010911             : new articles on APFN
20060902             —INTERESTED, Apparently, ABC is no longer, in hosting 1—DISCUSSION about Path to 20010911             .
20060902             I agree with the principles you espouse + applaud your entertaining of the hypothesis that the evil acts of 20010911             were perpetrated by 1—NON—PNAC cabal (though the Bush cists OBSTRUCTION—OF—THE—INVESTIGATIONS + the destruction and SUPPRESSION—OF—EVIDENCE certainly looks like guilty acts to me).
20060902             He let 20010911             happen.
20060902             Your belief that 20010911             —THE attacks went smoothly is another bad buy.
20060902             TOLEDO Blade Editorial: "So for MISTER—BUSH to —NOW claim that "nobody has ever suggested" that 20060911             —THE attacks were ordered by IRAQ, as he did —LAST—WEEK, is yet another lie in THE—CHAIN—OF—MENDACITY that shackles the Bush presidency".
20060903             TIME —SUNDAY,- By LEV GROSSMAN Why The 20010911             —CONSPIRACIES Won't Go Away
20060903             Although the 20010911             —TRUTH Movement, as MANY—CONSPIRACY—BELIEVERS refer to their passion, has been largely ignored by the mainstream media, it is flourishing on THE—INTERNET.
20060903             As the film points out--and this is 1—TENT—POLE—ISSUE among 20010911             —CONSPIRACISTS--the crash site doesn't look right.
20060903             Rowe and his collaborator, DYLAN—AVERY, 22, actually started writing Loose Change as 1—FICTIONAL screenplay--"loosely based —AROUND us discovering that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job," Rowe says--before they became convinced that THE—EVIDENCE—OF—CONSPIRACY was overwhelming.
20060903             —THEREFORE 1—GRAND—DISASTER—LIKE 20060911             needs 1—GRAND—CONSPIRACY behind it.
20060903             And as divisive as they are, conspiracy theories are PART—OF—THE—PROCESS by which Americans deal with traumatic public events like 20060911             .
20060903—20010911    —DESIGNED, It's, to pick apart, point by point, the conventional narrative of what happened.
20060903—20010911    —ON, They'll be with us as long as we fear lone gunmen + feel THE—PAIN—OF—LOSSES—LIKE THE—1—WE suffered + as long as the past, even the immediate past, is ultimately unknowable.
20060903—20060911    —ON, As 1—NARRATIVE, the official story that the government--echoed by the media--is trying to sell shows 1—ALMOST embarrassing lack of novelistic flair, whereas the story the conspiracy theorists tell about what happened is positively DAN—BROWNESQUE in its rich, exciting complexity.
20060904             Terrorism prosecutions have fallen back to pre-20010911             levels.
20060904             Articles :: Reply To A 20010911             SKEPTIC—FROM
20060904             Subject: Reply To A 20010911             SKEPTIC—POSTED 20060904             —1141—AM (GMT 1)
20060904             Nila Sagadevan tells of 1—HARDCORE skeptic who absolutely refuses to believe that 20010911             was 1—HOAX despite his READING books on the subject and watching DVDs.
20060904             Please do 1—SIMPLE—MIND—CALCULATION and estimate how MANY—PEOPLE would be involved with all aspects of 20010911             —THE scheme as you describe it.
20060904             There is almost no calculation involving 20010911             that is simple, so our skeptic asks for what is impossible + is merely urging agreement with his own (unsupported) view.
20060904             SEE—OF these 30 at least half would not have known what was really going on and could easily be disposed of —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER (or even —BEFORE) 20010911             , along with other LOW—LEVEL—OPERATIVES.
20060904             So, apart from the public figures who knew in advance that 20010911             would occur (even if they were not involved in the detailed planning), there may be only 20—30—OPERATIVES who remain alive.
20060904             But the main thing here is that for such 1—STORY to appear in TIME means that, as the writer says, 20010911             —THE truth movement is no longer ?1—FRINGE phenomenon.
20060904             Articles :: Reply To A 20010911             Skeptic
20060904             Die Welt ohne 20010911             : Als USA—PRÄSIDENT—KERRY ins World Trade Center bat
20060904—20010911    —SINCE, —THE hoax was crucial to THE—NWO plan to dominate the world, it is likely that the best and most committed operatives from the secret government were involved, not your ordinary FEDERAL—EMPLOYEES.
20060904—20010911    Die Welt ohne, Als USA—PRÄSIDENT—KERRY ins WORLD—TRADE—CENTER bat
20060905             Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 20010911             Docudrama
20060905             —DESIGNED, MINITER: Absolutely, this is, for 20010911             —THE anniversary.
20060905             Writer of ABC's 20010911             'DOCUDRAMA' Is Avowed Conservative Activist
20060905             —CALLED, ABC will air a "docudrama" next weekend, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060905             WHICH—BLAMES USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON for 20010911             —THE attacks —WHILE praising USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20060905             The problem is that Nowrasteh and ABC are representing "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060905             —BASED, Promos for the movie say it is " on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT".
20060905             —WANTED, Nowrasteh claims he " to match THE—JUST—THE—FACTS—TONE—OF—THE—REPORT," + describes the project as "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             ".
20060905             New ABC Docudrama Blames CLINTON For 20010911             , Praises Bush
20060905             TIME MAGAZINE COVER - 20010911             Truth ACTIVISTS—THANK Yourselves —FOR—THIS—TIME—MAGAZINE—COVER—MESSAGE—LIST
20060905             —AFTER 5—LONG—YEARS, the topic of 20010911             truth has grown so large that it finally made the front COVER—OF—TIME—MAGAZINE.
20060905             This particular TIME writer fully cooperates with the keepers of 20010911             —THE "official story" by delving into the psychology of why 20010911             truth activists make the claims they do in order to hold onto such "comforting" concepts such as a "malevolent controlling force orchestrating global events".
20060905             Talk about 1—BASS ackwards explanation of why 20010911             truth activists do what we do!
20060905             —JUST go ahead and ask ANY—PERSON who has woken up to the fact that 20010911             is 1—INSIDE job if s/he has been "comforted" by this research + see what KIND—OF—LOOK you get.
20060905             —FROM someone who has spoken to countless numbers who have woken up to 20010911             truth, I know with great certainty that had he bothered to actually ask?
20060905             If Grossman had done his homework, instead of using the word "comforting" to describe THE—REALITY—OF—THE—TRUTH behind 20010911             , he would have chosen 1—WORD such as shock, outrage, horror, nauseating disgust - +
20060905             Father of 20010911             Victim: 20010911             was 1—INSIDE—JOB
20060905             Another 20010911             family member has gone public to rubbish the conspiracy theory that the attacks were planned + executed by 19—INCOMPETENT Arabs with box cutters
20060905             —MEANWHILE, hit pieces against 20010911             —THE truth movement continue in the lead up to the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—EVENT.
20060905             1—FAMILIAR—EMOTIONAL shell game on the part of the debunkers is to proclaim that questioning ANY—ASPECT—OF—20010911              disgraces THE—MEMORY—OF—THE—VICTIMS.
20060905             This tactic is clearly not working anymore especially in LIGHT—OF—THE—FACT that BILL—DOYLE, representative of the largest group of 20010911             family members -
20060905             Jewish USA—ADAM—YEHIYE—GADAHN to propagandize the reality of THE—AL—QAEDA myth, Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical of 20010911             + if the recent rash of hit pieces against 20010911             —THE truth movement are anything to go by, the establishment is stricken with concern.
20060905             There were another 2—MAJOR 20010911             SEMI—DEBUNKING pieces over the weekend, 1 in THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE +1 in Reuters.
20060905             CHRIS—FLOYD—TED—RALL speaks 1—HARD—TRUTH here, 1—THAT goes unspoken across the political spectrum, including among innumerable ANTI—WAR—DISSIDENTS: "The war against AFGHANISTAN is no different, no more justifiable + no more winnable than the war against IRAQ. Both were underfunded, poorly planned and based on lies. Neither had anything to do with 20010911             ".
20060905             More USA dead in IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN than 20010911             20060905             Born at the Crest of the Empire Not much of 1—PEEP about this in "the news".
20060905             Bush says IRAQ had nothing to do with 20010911             : Tell that to the Troops
20060905             (Both False: Saddam had no ties to AL—QAEDA, no role 20010911             —IN ).
20060905             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition Theories is
20060905             Security Tech Booms Post-20010911             Established security players profit from the rush to look for bad things in luggage and spot faces of EVIL—DOERS in crowds -- without real technology breakthroughs.
20060905             Übrigens: Laut einer Umfrage vom —MAI dieses Jahres glauben 42 % DER—AMERIKANER, dass DIE—USA—REGIERUNG und die 20010911             —KOMMISSION Dinge im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen verbergen.
20060905             Report Urges F.A.A. to Act Regarding False 20010911             Testimony:
20060905             MICKEY—Z : THE—OTHER 20010911             :
20060905             This shift is particularly obvious —WHEN examining the "other 20010911             ".
20060905             Terror prosecutions falling back to pre-20010911             levels : THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has fallen back to prosecuting INTERNATIONAL terrorists at about the same rate it did —BEFORE 20010911             , according to 1—STUDY based on Justice Department data.
20060905             THE—QUESTION—OF—GOVERNMENTAL foreknowledge of 20010911             can be demonstrated to 1—REASONABLE—PROBABILITY solely by our preparations in advance of THE—AFGHANISTAN war, supported by THE—HISTORY—OF—SYNTHETIC—TERRORISM perpetrated by THE—WESTERN—ALLIANCE—POWERS in THE—GLADIO program 'terror' attacks (which see)the long history of propagandized pretexts for this country's going to war.
20060905             —UNMENTIONED, What goes, in much of 20010911             —THE skeptic commentary is that USA—OFFICIALS briefed Japanese and INDIA—OFFICIALS
20060905             ERINNERUNGS—PSYCHOLOGIE: Der ganz eigene Film vom 20060911             20060905—20010911    —DRUGGED, How FEMA, Pentagon WITNESSES—TOTAL—INFORMATION—ANALYSIS
20060905             —DRUGGED, How FEMA, 20010911             Pentagon WITNESSES—TOTAL—INFORMATION—ANALYSIS
20060905             ERINNERUNGS—PSYCHOLOGIE: Der ganz eigene Film 20060911             —VOM, 20060905             —BELASTET, Überwachungsaffäre: Schlammschlacht, Brandenburgs CDU
20060905—20010911    —ON, Uncovering What Really Happened
20060905—20010911    —DEVOTED, McIlvaine has —SINCE, his life to educating others on what really happened.
20060905—20010911    —IN, The most incongruous sentence from the Chronicle piece is where CIA involvement is characterized as "the epitome of preposterous beliefs that start with 1—CONCLUSION + work backward to find evidence".
20060905—20010911    —IN, insufficient to federally indict OSAMA—BIN—LADEN for involvement
20060905—20010911    —IN—THE, JEFF—THOMAS—BLOG, ALASKA Free Press... 1—OVERWHELMING majority of 72—PERCENT—OF—USA—TROOPS serving in IRAQ think THE—USA should exit the country within THE—NEXT—YEAR + MORE—THAN—1 in 4—SAY the troops should leave —IMMEDIATELY, 1—NEW—LE—MOYNE—COLLEGE/Zogby INTERNATIONAL survey shows.... —WHILE 85% said THE—USA—MISSION is mainly "to retaliate for SADDAM—ROLE—ATTACKS," 77% said they also believe the main or 1—MAJOR—REASON for the war was "to stop Saddam from protecting al Qaeda in IRAQ".
20060905—20010911    —IN—THE, dedicated to proving that the controlled demolition believers Denial Movement are EVERY—BIT as wacky as THE—NO—PLANERS.
20060905—20010911    —AFTER, BUSH—PERFORMANCE has been poor, but his packaging is exemplary: and Katrina, reality intruded on THE—PRESIDENT—FINELY honed IMAGE—AND both times he was missing in action
20060905—20010911    —NACH, Glaube : "Gott war im World Trade Center, Gott war in den Flugzeugen"
20060905—20060911    —SINCE, 20010000             , there has been 1 marked increase in the comfort with which those in power openly discuss military interventions and pending.
20060906             Kean on Key Scene from Path to 20010911             : 'I—DON'T Think THE—FACTS—ARE—CLEAR,' 'It Could Have Happened ANY—NUMBER—OF—WAYS'
20060906             Former 20010911             Commission CO—CHAIR—GOVERNOR—THOMAS—KEAN (R—NJ) served as a "senior consultant" for ABC—THE—PATH to 20010911             and "
20060906             KEAN: Well, I think it made its way into the movie because they do base this not —JUST on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, but they base it on ANY—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—SOURCES.
20060906             "PRESIDENT—BUSH to announce that detainees held at secret CIA prisons, including alleged 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE and
20060906             ABC has been aggressively advancing its inaccurate and politically slanted miniseries, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ," to the right wing.
20060906             In fact, 20010911             —THE commission reports states (page 117),
20060906             Write ABC and tell them to tell the truth about 20010911             .
20060906             —FROM the Daily Mail (UK)- Fury as academics claim 20010911             was 'inside job' | the Daily Mail
20060906             Top Bush Counterterrorism Official: ABC—PATH to 20010911             Is 'Shameful,' 'Straight Out of Disney and Fantasyland'
20060906             — blasted ABC—DOCUDRAMA "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060906             If you read 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, it makes it very clear.
20060906             Nationalism, not Islam, motivates most suicide terrorists: Placing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—TROOPS in the Arabian Peninsula 19900000—20010000    —BETWEEN was the pivotal factor accounting for 20060911             —THE attacks.
20060906             —REGAINED, THE—TALIBAN have, CONTROL—OVER—THE—SOUTH—HALF—OF—AFGHANISTAN and their frontline is advancing daily, warned THE—SENLIS—COUNCIL on the release of 1—EVALUATION—REPORT—OF—THE—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—AFGHANISTAN marking THE—5—YEAR anniversary of 20010911             20060906             Full report: AFGHANISTAN —5—YEARS—LATER—THE—RETURN—OF—THE—TALIBAN:
20060906             —ABOUT that ABC 20010911             shlockudrama:
20060906             ABC—PATH to 20010911             blog returns,- Judd - —2—DAYS—AFTER it was taken down without explanation.
20060906             —ON the 2. NIGHT—OF—PATH to 20010911             , 1—CIA—ANALYST makes the —FOLLOWING complaint:
20060906             Not only is the scene inconsistent with 20010911             —THE commission report, it's perpetuating 1—URBAN myth.
20060906             ABC Planning Massive Free Distribution of 20010911             DOCUDRAMA—NICO -
20060906             THE—PATH to 20010911             , including sending letters to 100,000 high school teachers encouraging them to have their students watch the series.
20060906             Most USA—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS weren't even teenagers —WHEN 20010911             —THE attacks occured.
20060906             blames PRESIDENT—CLINTON for 20010911             —WHILE whitewashing THE—FAILURES—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060906             —ADVANCED, ABC provides RIGHT—WING bloggers with, COPIES—JUDD - of Path to 20010911             .
20060906             RICHARD—CLARKE—BLASTS—KEY—SCENE—IN—ABC 's 20010911             DOCUDRAMA—JUDD -
20060906             Fringe Theories Harming 20010911             Truth Movement
20060906             Father Of 20010911             Victim Says Government Ran Attack As Media Hit Pieces
20060906             RICHARD—CLARKE—BLASTS—KEY—SCENE—IN—ABC 's 20010911             DOCUDRAMA—JUDD
20060906             THE—PATH to 20010911             Blog It seems that people keep referring to this movie as a "documentary ".
20060906             RICHARD—BEN—VENISTE, 1—MEMBER—OF—20010911             —THE commission rips ABC over their many [false representation] of 20010911             —THE commission report and the use of it to market their 20010911             MINI—SERIES as the definitive account of 20010911             —THE tragedy.
20060906             MOORE—LAST documentary -- which came out quite 1—FEW months —BEFORE 20040000             —THE election -- was 1—FEATURE—FILM that never promised to present 1 unbiased view of 20010911             .
20060906             ABC 's 20010911             docudrama, on the otherhand, reportedly tries to play itself as 1 unbiased VIEW—OF—THE—EVENTS + it being aired —2—MONTHS—BEFORE the election on 1—OF—THE—3—ORIGINAL—MAJOR—NETWORKS.
20060906             MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS write Walt Disney CEO—ROBERT—IGER—JUDD—OBJECTING to THE—ABC docudrama, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060906             ABC Refuses to Provide COPIES—OF—PATH to 20010911             to CLINTON, Albright, Berger
20060906             —REGAINED, THE—TALIBAN have, CONTROL—OVER—THE—SOUTH—HALF—OF—AFGHANISTAN and their frontline is advancing daily, warned THE—SENLIS—COUNCIL on the release of 1—EVALUATION—REPORT—OF—THE—RECONSTRUCTION—OF—AFGHANISTAN marking THE—5—YEAR anniversary of 20010911             20060906             —ABOUT that ABC 20010911             shlockudrama:
20060906             (Be polite.) - "It's 1—TOTAL—FABRICATION. It did not happen".- AMANDA—CLINTON NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—SAMUEL—R—BERGER, responding to 1—KEY—SCENE in ABC—THE—PATH to 20010911             .
20060906             (via CQ) - ABC 's 20010911             Docudrama Mangles Facts, Smears WASHINGTON—POST—JUDD—ABC 's planned docudrama THE—PATH to 20010911             contains numerous inaccuracies and misrepresentations.
20060906             —RECOUNTED, This story is, in both THE—AGE—OF—SACRED—TERROR (20020000             ), which I—CO—WROTE with my NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL colleague STEVEN—SIMONTHE 20010911             Commission Report.
20060906             blames USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON for 20010911             —WHILE whitewashing THE—FAILURES—OF—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060906             —ADVANCED, ABC provides RIGHT—WING bloggers with, COPIES—JUDD—OF—PATH to 20010911             .
20060906—20010911    —NACH, New Yorker Wirtschaft : Dem Schatten entkommen
20060906—20010911    —AFTER, 1. Responder Networks —5—YEARS
20060906—20010911    —AFTER, "—5—YEARS, you'd think all of the nation's 1. responders would be on 1—STATE—OF—THE—ART—WIRELESS—NETWORK that would enable police, fire and other emergency personnel to talk to EACH—OTHER in CASE—OF—1—DISASTER. But they're NOT—YET. Network World ran 1—INVESTIGATIVE piece sketching why progress has been so slowdescribing the progress that has been made".
20060906—20010911    —FROM—TO spread the word about "Path to 20010911             ," ABC is sending 100,000 high school educators 1—LETTER—COMMISSION CO—CHAIR—TOM—KEANE informing them of the various platforms on which the mini is available.
20060906—20060911    —FROM, Across THE—MIDDLE—EAST, wave upon WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE engulfed the region and paid testament to the new, bloody reality —5—YEARS on.
20060907—20010911    —AFTER, On 20060905             —THE—EDITION—OF—CNN—THE—SITUATION—ROOM, Henry said, "PRESIDENT—BUSH—TODAY... taking the extraordinary step of quoting [Osama] OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—OWN—WORDS in letters to followers, as well as what he called grisly AL—QAEDA manuals, to dramatize —JUST how potent the terror group is right —NOW... [which] may help shake Americans OUT—OF—ANY—COMPLACENCY they may feel almost —5—YEARS ".
20060907—20060911    —RECOVERED, Rescuers, the bodies of the last of 25—MINERS.
20060908             " is being considered at ABC : "Sources close to the project say the network, which has been in 1—MEDIA maelstrom over the pic, is mulling the idea of yanking [THE—PATH to 20010911             ] altogether ".
20060908             —EXPLODED, This Path to 20010911             story has, like 1—NOVA.
20060908             —EMPHASIZED, The various promotions have, that the show is based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT + on fact.
20060908             CLEAN—UP workers feel effects of 20010911             : Nearly 7—OUT—OF—10—GROUND 0—WORKERS have suffered lung problems —DURING or —AFTER their work at the site, according to 1—STUDY—OF—HEALTH—EFFECTS related to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060908             BYU places '20010911             truth' professor on paid leave : Brigham Young University placed physics professor STEVEN—JONES on paid leave —THURSDAY—WHILE it reviews his involvement in THE—SO—CALLED "20010911             truth movement" that accuses unnamed government agencies of orchestrating 20010911             —THE, attacks on the World Trade Center.
20060908             —BY PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—THE—REASON so MANY—PEOPLE—DOUBT 20010911             —THE story is not because they have psychological needs for conspiracies, but because 20010911             —THE story is not
20060908             Is a "spooky" CULT behind "THE—PATH to 20010911             "?
20060908             More Disney outrage Disney/ABC probably did not expect this LEVEL—OF—OUTRAGE against their lying schlockudrama, THE—PATH to 20010911             .
20060908             Some of the most insidious work is being done by Scholastic, INCORPORATED These are the folks who are going to impress the "Path to 20010911             " lies into THE—NOGGINS—OF—CHILDREN—ALL across AMERICA—CLASSROOMS.
20060908             —FROM THINK—PROGRESS: Over 50,000 ThinkProgress readers have written ABC in the last —48—HOURS about "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060908             We need to remind him that 20010911             was 1—NATIONAL—TRAGEDY + that politicizing and flagrantly misrepresenting the facts about 20010911             is wrong.
20060908             1—LICENSE to Lie -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITORIAL (If You Were Writing a 20010911             Script, What 3—ACTUAL—HISTORICAL—SCENES—WOULD You Definitely Include?)
20060908             Disney Urged to Pull ABC 's 'Path to 20010911             ';
20060908             A 20010911             Path to Publicity Nightmares or Dreams? - THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by STEVEN—C—DAY
20060908             JOE—CONASON: 20060911             —THE that never was;
20060908             ABC—DOCUDRAMA "THE—PATH to 20010911             " is 1—FALSE—VERSION—OF—HISTORY.
20060908             CBS zeigt mit "20010911             " zum 3. Mal die preisgekrönte Dokumentation der Gebrüder Gedeon und JULES—NAUDET, die in den Strudel der Ereignisse gerissen wurden, als sie 1—DOKU über das 1. —JAHR eines jungen New Yorker Feuerwehrmanns dreht.
20060908             ABC bringt mit "THE—PATH to 20010911             " 1—DOKUDRAMA—VERSION zum Bericht der 20010911             —KOMMISSION, die sich auf die Versäumnisse der Regierungen CLINTON + Bush bei der Terrorbekämpfung konzentriert und —SCHON im Vorfeld stark umstritten war.
20060908             Auf HBO läuft mit "In Memoriam NEW—YORK—CITY" die offizielle Dokumentation der Stadt zum 20010911             .
20060908             PBS zeigt mit "NEW—YORK Voices" wie der 20060911             das Leben ganz normaler New Yorker veränderte.
20060908             Und TED—KOPPEL wirft im Discovery Channel einen Blick auf das delikate Wechselverhältnis zwischen öffentlicher Sicherheit und persönlicher Freiheit —NACH—DEM 20010911             .
20060908             Neues Video: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und die 20010911             — Attentäter
20060908             —CONCLUDED, Fact 3: Postwar findings, the report, "confirm that no such meeting occurred" between 20010911             hijacker and MUHAMMAD—ATTA and 1—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in PRAGUE".
20060908134651       -0400—5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—20010911—ATTACKS, There Are Few Explanations About Why He Has Not Been Caught
20060908—20010911    —SINCE, THE—WAGES—OF—WAR: Global terrorism up attacks : THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues to argue the virtues of staying the present course.
20060908—20010911    —ON, "Fabricating history: ABC docudrama jettisons accuracy in favor of fictional sensationalism" 9/8
20060908—20010911    —IN—THE, RICE: And we know that in TESTIMONY—OF—THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AT—THE—TIME and as 1—MATTER—OF—FACT even report that contacts between AL—QAIDA and IRAQ had been going on, going back for MORE—THAN—1—DECADE.
20060909             [O'Reilly radio show, 20060809             20060909             FLASHBACK: ABC Said Path to 20010911             Was 'Locked and Ready To Air'
20060909             [OpinionJournal,20060709             20060909             [CAPTAIN—QUARTER—BLOG,20060709             20060909             [GLENN—GREEWALD—BLOG,20060709             20060909             [CNN,20060709             20060909             [CNN, 20060709             20010911             —COMMISSIONER BOB—KERREY:
20060909             Top Historians Demand ABC Yank 20010911             Film
20060909             Conservatives are lining up against Path to 20010911             20060909             What aggravates me the most about THE—ABC miniseries is not how they've attacked their critics, how they've distorted CLINTON—ANTI—TERRORISM—EFFORTS (and the Republicans' efforts to block them), or how they build Bush up to be 1—HERO instead of 1—BUMBLING incompetant who was too busy playing golf and clearing brush to read 1—BRIEFING entitled "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Determined To Strike Within USA" + sat —FOR—7—MINUTES—AFTER he knew the nation was under attack to be whisked away and make the command decisions.
20060909             Director Defends ACCURACY—OF—PATH to 20010911             : 'We Have Our CIA Consultants and CLINTON Has His'
20060909             ABC is defending the multiple inaccuracies in Path to 20010911             by stressing parts are fictionalized and not entirely based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060909             Gatekeeper ALEX—COCKBURN—ATTACKS 20010911             "Conspiracy Nuts"
20060909             Compare this to 20010911             —THE incident: THE—REICHSTAG fire
20060909             AMERICAblog: 1—GREAT nation deserves the truth about deceitful 20010911             Movie
20060909             —RELEASED, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE —TODAY, 1—STATEMENT criticizing THE—PATH to 20010911             for presenting numerous historical inaccuracies.
20060909             —BY all accounts, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060909             is riddled with inaccuracies and contains material that directly contradicts the factual findings of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20060909             Path to 20010911             Produced By Evangelical Activists Who Sought To 'Transform HOLLYWOOD'
20060909             THE—PATH to 20010911             is 1—MOVIE rife with historical inaccuracies that
20060909             —CONDUCTED, Research, by 1—READER at Democratic Underground has revealed that the Path to 20010911             was THE—RESULT—OF—1—PROJECT hatched out by 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—EVANGELICAL—ACTIVISTS who sought to "transform HOLLYWOOD from the inside out".
20060909             —CONTRACTED, DAVID—CUNNINGHAM was, by ABC to direct Path to 20010911             .
20060909             BREAKING: Albright and Berger Call On ABC To 'Withdraw' Path to 20010911             20060909             —OBTAINED, THINK—PROGRESS has, 1—NEW—LETTER from FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT and FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—SAMUEL—BERGER.
20060909             The letter calls on THOMAS—KEAN, 20010911             Commission Chairman and CO—EXECUTIVE—PRODUCER—OF—PATH to 20010911             , to exert his "influence to persuade ABC to withdraw the broadcast".
20060909             Amidst alarming reports that irresponsible theories about the events of 20010911             have begun to gain currency with THE—USA—PEOPLE, you should not want to lend your personal reputation to 1—PRODUCTION which seems likely to instigate new and dangerous falsehoods.
20060909             Conservatives On THE—PATH to 20010911             : 'Unacceptable,' 'Defamatory,' 'Strewn With 1—LOT—OF—PROBLEMS,' 'Zero Factual Basis'
20060909             The criticism against ABC—DOCUDRAMA THE—PATH to 20010911             isn't isolated simply to CLINTON aides.
20060909             Look, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060909             Ok, we're talking about the run up to 20010911             and this movie that they're RE—CUTTING —NOW — and they should because it puts words in the mouth of real people, actors playing real people that they didn't say and its wrong.
20060909             ABC —NOW is blasting CRITICS—OF—PATH to 20010911             , saying the movie isn't complete.
20060909             I followed up on ANDY—CORNER—POST this —MORNING by calling ABC + was told by 1—SPOKESWOMAN that the "Path to 20010911             " miniseries is "locked and ready to air," and that she hadn't heard anything about 1—PRESSURE—CAMPAIGN to reopen the editing process.
20060909             Look, "THE—PATH to 20010911             " is strewn with 1—LOT—OF—PROBLEMS and I think there were problems in THE—CLINTON administration.
20060909             CLINTON On Path To 20010911             : Film Contradicts 'THE—FACTUAL—FINDINGS—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION'
20060909             event in LITTLE—ROCK—YESTERDAY, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON offered 1—EXPLANATION about his views of ABC—DOCUDRAMA "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060909             CLINTON said the film should not have "scenes which are directly contradicted by the factual findings of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION".
20060909             CLINTON : I think they ought to tell truth, particularly if they are going to claim it's based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060909             —CONTRADICTED, They shouldn't have scenes which are directly, by the factual findings of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20060909             KEAN—HASN'T—TALKED—TO—CLINTON—ABOUT—PATH to 20010911             Because 'He Was Out Campaigning Against My Son —YESTERDAY'
20060909             TOM—KEAN, FORMER—CO—CHAIR—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, is under fire for his association with ABC—PATH to 20010911             .
20060909             —MARKETED, Kean dug in and defended the docudrama, which ABC, as "based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT," as "reasonably accurate".
20060909             As 20010911             Commissioner BOB—KERREY said —YESTERDAY, 20010911             is "is 1—STORY that's of great importance to EVERY—SINGLE—AMERICAN".
20060909             NYT Falsely Claims 20010911             Commission Concluded Lewinsky Distracted CLINTON Admin From Terrorism
20060909             What 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION actually says ( - pg.
20060909             This is what happens —WHEN people learn about 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION by watching Path to 20010911             .
20060909             Conservative AUTHOR—RICHARD—MINITER: 'THERE—0—FACTUAL—BASIS' For Key Scene In Path To 20010911             20060909             —TODAY on CNN—SITUATION—ROOM, RICHARD—MINITER — conservative AUTHOR—OF "Losing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN: How BILL—CLINTON—FAILURES—UNLEASHED—GLOBAL—TERROR" — confirmed that scenes in ABC—PATH to 20010911             are based on "INTERNET myth".
20060909             BLITZER: You've heard other 20010911             commission members saying it wasn't SANDY—BERGER who pulled the trigger, it was GEORGE—TENET—THE—CIA—DIRECTOR.
20060909             We —JUST never had eyes on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in the pre-20010911             situation.
20060909             written ABC in the last —48—HOURS about "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060909             Scholastic drops Path To 20010911             support.
20060909             THE—PATH—TO 20010911             Is THE—PATH—TO—DISTRACTION
20060909             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PHONY—LEFT—RIGHT backbiting deliberately overshadows 20010911             truth PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison | 20060909             20060909             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Tape Betrays 'Phony Hijacker' Contradiction
20060909             —28—YEAR Career CIA Official Says 20010911             An Inside Job
20060909             —MISLED, IN—RECENT—YEARS, THE—USA—PUBLIC has felt, over false claims that there were WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ + that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was connected to 20010911             .
20060909             Was 20010911             1—INSIDE job? Surprisingly EVEN—HANDED.
20060909             —WHEN 1—GROUP—OF—LEADING—SENATE—DEMOCRATS sent 1—LETTER to ABC CEO—ROBERT—IGER urging him to cancel THE—PATH to 20010911             because of its glaring factual errors and distortions, Apuzzo launched 1—RETALIATORY campaign to paint the Democrats as foes of free speech.
20060909             In fact, "THE—PATH to 20010911             " is produced and promoted by 1—WELL—HONED propaganda operation consisting of 1—NETWORK—OF—LITTLE—KNOWN—RIGHT—WINGERS working from within HOLLYWOOD to counter its supposedly liberal bias.
20060909             —ON this project, he is working with 1—SECRETIVE evangelical religious right group founded by THE—PATH to 20010911             —DIRECTOR DAVID—CUNNINGHAM that proclaims its goal to "transform HOLLYWOOD" in line with its messianic vision.
20060909             —BEFORE THE—PATH to 20010911             entered the production stage, Disney/ABC contracted DAVID—CUNNINGHAM as the film's director.
20060909             CLINTON aides attack 20010911             drama 1—MINI—SERIES about 20010911             —THE attacks is called "terribly wrong" by 1—GROUP—OF—BILL—CLINTON—EX—OFFICIALS.
20060909             Path to 20010911             writer/producer CYRUS—NOWRASTEH "has ties to 1—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN group whose goals include 'transform[ing] HOLLYWOOD from the inside out,' according to research by readers of prominent blogs," JUSTIN—ROOD reported for
20060909             Nope, according to their advertising campaign, "THE—PATH to 20010911             " is "Based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT" and features "The years that led up to it. Everything that might have prevented it".
20060909             Leaked Pitch to ABC : "THE—PATH to 20010911             "(9—COMMENTS ) READ MORE: 20010911             , IRAQ, TONY—SNOW, AFGHANISTAN, Disney, GEORGE—W—BUSH
20060909             I know you've been looking for 1—FIC—DOC piece that really flips that whole "20010911             happened —WHILE GEORGE—BUSH nappened" meme + I think I have it.
20060909             Based totally on my recollection of a 20010911             report I saw somewhere.
20060909             Who Does the Writer/Producer of the Infamous ABC "Path to 20010911             " Fiction MINI—SERIES—GIVE His Major Interview to?
20060909             Key Scenes of ABC 's "THE—PATH to 20010911             " Shot in CANADA, Including WTC Attack.
20060909             LOSS—OF—JOBS to NEW—YORK—CITY and Symbolic of the Partisan Fictionalization of 20010911             .
20060909             1—AVALANCHE—OF—PRESSURE hits ABC to cancel 20010911             —THE series.
20060909             BILL—CLINTON calls scenes from THE—ABC 20010911             movie 'indisputably wrong.' 9/9
20060909             Purported: Qaeda video shows September11 attackers training: TV : AL—JAZEERA aired —ON—THURSDAY 1—VIDEO—TAPE that showed al Qaeda leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN meeting what it said were perpetrators of 20060911             —THE attacks on USA—CITIES, days ahead of the 5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—STRIKES.
20060909             DEMOCRATIC—PARTY outlines PRO—WAR—AGENDA for USA—ELECTIONS: : Over the past several weeks, top USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS have given 1—SERIES—OF—SPEECHES marking the 5. anniversary of 20060911             —THE attacks.
20060909             —MARKETED, How Path to 20010911             is being, in EUROPE.
20060909             Another EXAMPLE—OF—PATH to 911—CONTRADICTING 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060909             Video of 1—PATH to 20010911             —PROTEST outside of Disney headquarters.
20060909             THE—PATH to 20010911             ...has something not —JUST to offend everyone but also to depress them".
20060909             Bush Plans Prime Time 20060911             Address — -- Seymour Hersh
20060909             Secret RIGHT—WING Network Behind ABC 's 20010911             Deception
20060909             Path to 20010911             will cost ABC bigtime
20060909             More 20010911             Media Articles
20060909             — 20010911             skeptics
20060909             The identities of 20010911             suspects are in question....
20060909             5. Anniversary of 20010911             /01...What to do?
20060909             [CNN, 20060709             20010911             —COMMISSIONER BOB—KERREY:
20060909             WASHINGTON—POST—THE—DISBELIEVERS: WASHINGTON—POST does 1—SERIOUS—ARTICLE about 20010911             Truth
20060909             JONATHAN—MORENO—GORE—ON—PATH to 20010911             : 'It Would Be Fundamentally Irresponsible To Air Such Distortions'
20060909             1—EXCERPT: Whether your broadcast purports to be based on 20010911             —THE—REPORT in WHOLE—OR only in PART—IS increasingly beside the point.
20060909             —FROM THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REVIEW—OF—PATH to 20010911             :
20060909             —EXPOSED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS and agencies knowingly, 20010911             rescuers to deadly air and then tried to cover
20060909             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—TARGET is "USA—HOME—AUDIENCE," as with fake AL—ZARQAWI propaganda campaign, to reinforce 20010911             myth as
20060909             Post-20010911             privacy and secrecy: 1—REPORT—CARD—CALLS for more details on CIA prisons:
20060909             Historians speak out against Path to 20010911             . - - - - JUDD—READ the letter here.
20060909—20010911    —SINCE, MINI—SERIES "THE—PATH to 20010911             " are easily the gravest and most brazen and damaging governmental attacks on the civil liberties of ordinary Americans ," Horowitz
20060909—20010911    —KILLED, Widowed oo DISNEY executive, writes to ABC—IGER: I "urge you not to air this film".
20060909—20060909    —ON, VIDEO: BILL—BENNETT—SAYS—ABC—SHOULD 'Correct Those Inaccuracies' in Path to 20010911             CNN USA—MORNING, conservative talk radio host BILL—BENNETT told SOLEDAD O'Brien that there is "no reason to falsify the record" or "falsify conversations" in ABC 's "Path to 20010911             ".
20060909—20060911    —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS primetime ADDRESS—AMANDA - at 9:00 pm EST, THE—SAME—TIME—ABC plans to air THE—PATH—TO 20010911             (8:00 pm EST).
20060910             1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             .
20060910             SOME—EXCERPTS: +20060911             ABC will air a "docudrama" called "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060910             In the end, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ?
20060910             based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060910             1. NIGHT—OF—PATH to 20010911             has 1—DRAMATIC—SCENE where FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER—SANDY—BERGER.
20060910             Re: RED ALERT: 20010911             /06 ( CHICAGO, DETROIT & HOUSTON )
20060910             +20060911             ABC is planning to air a "docudrama" called "Path to 20010911             ," billed as "
20060910             —BILLED, But the movie is being, as " - based on The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060910             +20060911             ABC is planning to air a "docudrama " called "Path to 20010911             ," billed as "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911              ".
20060910             [RUMSFELD—CUBA, leaders of THE—NON—ALIGNED Movement (NAM) of 116—DEVELOPING nations began gathering for a —6—DAY—SUMMIT (20060911—20060916    ).
20060910             The show'. - - +20060911             ABC is planning to air a "docudrama " called Path to 20010911             , billed by writer CYRUS—NOWRASTEH as "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911              ".
20060910—20060911    —ON, close to or.
20060910—20060911    —CALLED, ABC is planning to air a "docudrama ", Path to 20010911             , billed by writer CYRUS—NOWRASTEH as "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911              ".
20060910—20060911    —ON, 1—FRIEND—OF—MINE [CYRUS—NOWRASTEH] out in CALIFORNIA has produced and filmed — I think it's a 2—PART—MINI—SERIES on 20010911             —THAT—ABC is going to run in PRIME—TIME over —2—NIGHTS, close to or.
20060911             But CBS News correspondent Lara Logan's 20060905             broadcast from the Ghazni province cast 1—DIFFERENT—PICTURE.
20060911             —DIENSTAG, 20010909             sfux HARALD—HAACK -
20060911             Bush marks 20010911             anniversary 20060000—20010911    —T00:00+00:00 PRESIDENT lays wreath at Ground 0—AHEAD—OF—5. anniversary.
20060911             Saddam trial HEARS—OF—GAS—ATTACK 20060000—20010911              T00:00+00:00 SADDAM—HUSSEIN—2. trial, in which IRAQ—FORMER—DICTATOR is charged with genocide, resumed —TODAY.
20060911             LEBANON—ACCUSE PRIME—MINISTER—OF being ISRAEL—PARTNER 20060000—20010911              T00:00+00:00 Hizbullah and 1—COALITION—OF—SECULAR—PARTIES have warned TONY—BLAIR that he is not welcome in LEBANON.
20060911             — The biggest shift IN—THE—MEDIA landscape post-20010911             was the explosion of blogs and online citizen journalists.
20060911             Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies --Story and Photos by DENNIS—RYAN—MDW—NEWS—SERVICE --WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 20001103             — " The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard.
20060911—20060821    —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, who must have known about THE—CIA—REVIEW and the Committee report, again claimed that SADDAM—HUSSEIN "
20060911—20061107    —ON, Make it out there.
20060912             It is —NOW seen as the central focal POINT—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR by the very people who mounted 20010911             th.
20060912             Rede zum Jahrestag des 20060911             : Bush verspricht Sieg im KRIEG—GEGEN—TERROR
20060912             —ACCOMPLISHED, The attacks of 20010911             were, through 1—AMAZING ORCHESTRATION—OF—LOGISTICS + personnel.
20060912             —INVOLVED, THE—NUMBERS—OF—PEOPLE, in both of those projects far exceeded THE—NUMBERS—OF—PEOPLE within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT required to execute 20010911             .
20060912             Kean has always known that 20010911             —THE report he helped to write is 1—COMPLETE whitewash of what actually occured > he is 1—ACCOMPLICE in lying to THE—USA—PEOPLE to COVER—UP 1—HEINOUS—CRIME that most likely was/is 1—GOVERNMENT instigated conspiracy, so —NOW Kean in conjunction with ABC is trying to brainwash baloney into THE—MINDS—OF—CHILDREN and adults who are SLOW—WITTED {meaning most Bush lovers}!
20060912             Road to 20010911             has cost 30,000,000 dollars to make, claims to be based on 20010911             —THE commission report, will be shown on ABC with no commercials + then offered as 1—FREE—DOWNLOAD on iTunes.
20060913             SNOW: And the - ABC 20010911             DOCUDRAMA—RIGHT—WING—ROOTS—YOUR liberal media in action.
20060913             Wenn die 20010911             —COMMISSION aus von der Regierung handverlesenen Politikern dies bewußt getan hat, dann muß sie schwerwiegende Gründe dafür gehabt haben.
20060913             Sie ist TEIL—DER—UNTERDRÜCKUNG—VON—INFORMATIONEN über die Wahrheit der Anschläge des 20010911             .
20060913             Sibel Edmonds: 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION: 1—PLAY on Nothing in 3—ACTS
20060913             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MEMBERS—OF—SHADOW government publicly swore to exploit 20010911             , destroy USA—SOVEREIGNTY
20060913             —AM  - Der Kommissionsbericht 20010911             : bewußte FÄLSCHUNG—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20060913             Die REGIERUNG—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN hat einen wesentlichen Anteil an der Täterschaft bei den Anschläge 20010911             —VOM.
20060913             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues to falsely link SADDAM—HUSSEIN with 20010911             —THE hijackers.
20060913             —ON—SUNDAY, TIM—RUSSERT, HOST—OF—NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS, asked VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY if he still believed 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA ever met with 1—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL in PRAGUE.
20060913             —YESTERDAY was THE—5—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—OF—20010911            , but House Speaker J. DENNIS—HASTERT had other priorities.
20060913             —PACKED, Moreover, Hastert has, 20010911             —THE—RESOLUTION—WITH partisan rhetoric :
20060913             The other 20060911             20060913             00.000.19 7. SOUTH—AMERICA had its own 20060911             —WHEN SALVADOR—ALLENDE was overthrown in 1—USA—INSPIRED coup by Augusto Pinochet.
20060913             —ASKED, NONE—OF—THE—RIGHT—PARTIES were being, the right questions nor were ANY—OF—THE—RIGHT—ISSUES addressed by the bogus 20010911             Commission that Bush appointed.
20060913             Bear in mind, these are 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—MEMBERS that keep holding press conferences urging THE—PRESIDENT + Congress to implement their plan + findings, with all urgency.
20060913             I respectfully disagree with Derek,who thinks that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is too incompetent to pull a 20010911             off.
20060913             We —JUST had him admitting that Saddam had nothing to do with 20010911             ,—AFTER they made 1—GREAT—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS believe that he WAS involved somehow.
20060913             We've had Bush laying wreaths + making solemn speeches about the victime of 20010911             — 20010911             —THE that he didn't want investigated.
20060913             Pepe Escobar : The other 20060911             : You don't need 1—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to pull a 20060911             .
20060913             Switch for 1—MOMENT to 4—MILITARY—PLANES bombing 1—PRESIDENTIAL—PALACE—AND replay 1—DIFFERENT 20060911             movie starring Dick and Henry.
20060913             AMERICA—WARRIOR NATION—THE—LEGACY—OF—20010911              20060913             —EXPOSED, THE—SHORTCOMINGS—OF—THE—USA—LEADER were alarmingly, on the —DAY the terrorists struck.
20060913             Is USA—DEMOCRACY—TOO Feeble To Deal With 20010911             ?
20060913             I would be more CONFIDENT—OF—THE—SURVIVAL—OF—DEMOCRACY and civil liberty in THE—USA—IF, on this 5. anniversary of 20010911             —THE attacks, 1—MAJORITY—OF—AMERICANS were READING DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—CHALLENGING new book, "CHRISTIAN—FAITH and the Truth Behind 20010911             ".
20060913             ANNALS—OF—LIBERATION: THE—NOBLE—FRUITS—OF—20010911              20060913             Let us turn our TEAR—FILLED eyes away from the noble LEADER—SENTIMENTAL journey through THE—3—SITES—OF—MASS—MURDER in which his greatness is firmly rooted + look for 1—MOMENT to Mesopotamia, to the great and ancient land of Babylon, where the noble Leader has bestowed — entirely unasked, 1—ACT—OF purest noblesse oblige — THE—BENEFITS—OF—LIBERATION, democracy and the free market.
20060913             EXCLUSIVE...20010911             Debate:
20060913             Loose Change Filmmakers vs. Popular Mechanics Editors of "Debunking 20010911             Myths"
20060913             THE—DAY—THAT—CHANGED—EVERYTHING—WASN'T 20010911             20060913             Yes, it changed everything -- not 20010911             , —WHEN the Twin Towers collapsed, but 19891109             , —WHEN THE—BERLIN—WALL fell and left THE—USA at sea, drifting without 1—ENEMY in 1—STRANGE—NEW—WORLD.
20060913             —DURING its coverage of 20010911             —THE anniversary —YESTERDAY and —TODAY, FOX—NEWS examined the question: "Are we safer —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS?" Their answer: 1—RESOUNDING yes.
20060913             FOX—NEWS—ANCHOR: THE—PRESIDENT says, as he has said repeatedly —THIS—WEEK, that we are safer than we were —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060913             — The campaign to block and obstruct the work of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION + the failure to carry out the commission's recommendations
20060913             ALEX—JONES : Most Police, Firefighters —NOW Believe 20010911             Inside Job
20060913             Yes, it changed everything -- not 20010911             , —WHEN the Twin Towers collapsed, but 19891109             , —WHEN THE—BERLIN—WALL fell and left THE—USA at sea, drifting without 1—ENEMY in 1—STRANGE—NEW—WORLD.
20060913—20010911    —AFTER, More Company News.Airlines still in upheaval, —5—YEARS...
20060913—20010911    —IN, [The resolution includes] language stating that "the nation is safer than it was back ," along with 5—PARAGRAPHS—OF—LANGUAGE referencing 1—HOST—OF—MEASURES approved by Congress + signed into law by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—SINCE the attacks, including the controversial USA PATRIOT Act...
20060913—20010911    —ON, it seems very likely he is in fact 1—KEY—FIGURE in the alleged terrorist attacks in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20060913—20010911    —ON, Giuliani: Cashing in :
20060913—20010911    —AFTER, - BUSH : MANY—AMERICANS look at these events and ask the same question, —5—YEARS, are we safer?
20060913—20010911    —SINCE, - FOX—NEWS—ANCHOR: 1—REMINDER, as Condi Rice said to FOX—YESTERDAY, that —WHILE we are much safer, we are not safe yet.
20060913—20010911    —ON, - FOX—NEWS—GUEST: And we do tend to forget what happened, but we do, I think, feel safer.
20060913—20010911    —SINCE, To mark THE—5—YEAR anniversary of 20010911             —THE attacks, ThinkProgress has created 1—COMPREHENSIVE timeline documenting the key events.
20060914             —ANNOUNCED, AL—QAIDA—NUMBER 2, AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHRI, the "blessed union" in 1—VIDEO—POSTED—THIS—WEEK on THE—INTERNET to mark the 5. anniversary of 20060911             —THE attacks in THE—USA.
20060915             nothing " to do with 20010911             .
20060915             Yet, capturing or killing the man responsible for 20010911             should remain 1—HIGH—PRIORITY.
20060915             That's 1—GAIN—OF—3—POINTS—SINCE our last poll in July, where it was 35. 1—SERIES—OF—SPEECHES, the commemorative events of 20060911             , seemed to have helped THE—PRESIDENT in 1—MODEST—WAY.
20060915             (More here and here.) PELOSI—WORDS, however, are no different from what THE—WHITE—HOUSE, MANY—FOREIGN—POLICY—EXPERTS + 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION have said consistently:
20060915             2—AXIOMS—OF—20010911              20060915             EVERY—DAY—MORE and more people from all WALKS—OF—LIFE, from all corners of the globe walk the giant path across the invisible BRIDGE—OF—TRUTH, displacing long held brainwashing and conditioning, long held chains and shackles that prevented freedom to think and analyze.
20060915             Here is the Quid Pro Quo that Disney May Have Wanted for Airing the Electioneering Ad "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20060916             —FROM : Nashid ABDUL—KHAALIQ—TO: aplacefortruth Sent: —THURSDAY, 20060914             —533—PMSUBJECT: [APFT] THE—FAKE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Video TapeThe Fake OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Video TapeYOU ARE LOOKING AT 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—LIE—1—VIDEOTAPE purportedly showing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN confessing to 20010911             —THE attacks was made public 20011213             —ON:The tape bore 1—LABEL indicating it was made 20061109             —ON.
20060916             Very Interesting (Did Bush —JUST Admit Bombs in WTC 20010911             —ON ?)
20060916             LONG—SOUGHT 20010911             videotape didn't capture attack
20060916             There are MANY—PROBLEMS with 20010911             —THE debate.
20060916             MANY—DIFFERENT—INTERESTS are using 20010911             to advance their agendas.
20060916             War pimp alert: USA had better be ready to raze IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES : In his televised 20010911             address, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said that we must not "leave our children to face 1—MIDDLE—EAST overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons".
20060916             Americans in Denial about 20010911             20060916             So, why did they hate us —AFTER all?
20060916             As with everything else in this country, our response to 20010911             was 1—HEROIC compendium of idiocy, cowardice, callow FLAG—WAVING, weepy sentimentality (coupled with 1—APPARENTLY bottomless capacity for SELF—PITY), sloth, laziness and partisan ignorance.
20060916             MATT—TAIBBI: Americans in Denial about 20010911             20060916             Blogger Thoughts: This KIND—OF—DISCUSSION—OF 20010911             is sick, destructive + 1—EMBARRASSMENT.
20060916             ERIC—BOEHLERT: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             ?
20060916             THE—HUFFINGTON—POST | Raw Feed THE—HUFFINGTON—POST—RAW—FEED—ERIC—BOEHLERT: Why Was Wolfowitz So Clueless On THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             ?
20060916             Numbskulls - Video: 20010911             ticket agent MICHAEL—TUOHEY
20060916             In the context of 20010911             it also needs to be pointed out that Rabbi Dov Zakheim was CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—SYSTEM—PLANNING—CORPORATION—INTERNATIONAL...
20060916             Federalist Society members in pursuit of 1—STRONGER—EXECUTIVE—USE 20010911             to justify concentrating power in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, power that violates THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS in THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20060916             Hot Air The world's 1., FULL—SERVICE—CONSERVATIVE—INTERNET—BROADCAST—NETWORK—VIDEO: 20010911             ticket agent MICHAEL—TUOHEY—BY—ALLAHPUNDIT on THE—BLOG—I was tipped to this by WILLIAM—BEUTLER—OF—BLOG—PI, who thinks it might help settle 1—SQUABBLE among lefty bloggers.
20060916             —AFTER READING this piece I'm still not sure how -- or if -- Bohringer fits into THE—911—PUZZLE, but NO—1 can deny that this fellow leads 1—LIFE that makes yours and mine seem comparitively dull: 1—OF—MOHAMED—ATTA—CLOSEST—ASSOCIATES in FLORIDA —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attack —TODAY carries 1—CHEST on his yacht filled with several million dollars in new bills, automatic weapons, passports from 1—HALF—DOZEN nations + works for 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—MOBSTER.
20060916—20010911    —AFTER, That's INCORRECT—ABOUT —1—MONTH, someone sent weaponized anthrax to 2—DEMOCRATIC—SENATORS and several news outlets.
20060916—20010911    —AFTER, MATT—TAIBBI: Americans in Denial about 20010911             By MATT—TAIBBI —5—YEARS, the country still hasn't asked what motives the terrorists may have had in their attacks.
20060916—20010911    —ON, By ERIC—BOEHLERT—DESPITE the exhaustive work of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION and its detailed final report, the number of oddities surrounding the events of 20010911             + particularly the government's botched attempt at defend 1—COUNTRY
20060916—20010911    —SINCE, Perhaps the single most common refrain from THE—WHITE—HOUSE and THE—PRESIDENT—ALLIES is that there have been no terrorist attacks on USA—SOIL.
20060916—20010911    —GENERATED, Security interests use fear, to erode civil liberties and establish the foundations of 1—POLICE—STATE.
20060916—20060911    —BY, 1—CONVENIENCE—STORE videotape LONG—SOUGHT conspiracy theorists does not actually show THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—PENTAGON.
20060917             Video: DOCTOR—GRIFFIN—BBC1 —SUNDAY 20060910             interview about 20010911             :
20060917             FORMER—NEW—YORK Mayor RUDY—GIULIANI has made millions from his 20060911             grandstanding and has positioned himself for 1—PRESIDENTIAL—RUN based on his 20010911             persona.
20060917             Widows of 20010911             : Press for Truth and THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ATTEMPTS to Cover It Up 9/17
20060917             Stock des WTC 7—ERRICHTEN, jenes Büroturms neben den Twin Towers, der —AM—ABEND des 20010911             einstürzen sollte.
20060917             "Wir haben weder harte Fragen gestellt noch ALLE—NÖTIGEN—INFORMATIONEN bekommen", schreiben die 2—VORSITZENDEN der 20010911             —UNTERSUCHUNGSKOMMISSION in ihrem soeben erschienenen Buch "Without Precedent" reumütig.
20060917             —BIS—HEUTE zehrt Giuliani von seinem 20010911             —RUHM.
20060917             Doch —NUN gerät der Mythos des Helden von 20010911             ins Wanken.
20060917             NEW—YORK—AM —MORGEN—DES 20010911             sahen die Amerikaner nicht nur die Türme des World Trade Center von ihren Fernsehschirmen verschwinden, sondern auch ihre Regierung.
20060917             1—INTERVIEW—WITH—GRIFFIN about 20010911             —THE attacks and discussions about how the buildings could have collapsed
20060917—20010911    —ON, AlterNet: Why RUDY—GIULIANI—CAN'T Stop Cashing in
20060917—20010911    —SINCE, : The massive and expensive homeland security apparatus erected may be persecuting some, spying on many, inconveniencing most + taxing all to defend THE—USA—AGAINST 1—ENEMY that scarcely exists.
20060917—20010911    —AM, Doch sein Auftreten ließ ihn wie den sprichwörtlichen PHOENIX aus der Asche von Ground 0—STEIGEN: QUEEN—ELIZABETH schlug "Amerikas BÜRGERMEISTER" zum Ritter, Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC adelte ihn zu "RUDY—THE—ROCK", das "Time"-Magazin erkor ihn zur "Person des Jahres 2001".
20060918             I am not a 20010911             conspiracy guy, but if the tape shows nothing, whay has it been classified for so long? #—POSTED—BY dermo : 2
20060919             —WHEN the truth is 1—STRANGER to fiction : Did Monica Lewinsky cause 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks in THE—USA ?
20060919             —WATCHED, Anyone who, THE—PATH to 20010911             , THE—ABC 2—PARTER about the events leading up to 20060911             , might be forgiven for thinking so.
20060919             Path to 20010911             Writer Slams Critics, Defends Movie As Totally Accurate
20060919             In —TODAY—WALL—STREET Journal, Path to 20010911             writer CYRUS—NOWRASTEH
20060919             I felt DUTY—BOUND from the outset to focus on 1—SINGLE—GOAL—TO represent our recent pre-20010911             history as the evidence revealed it to be.
20060919             —CLAIMED, ABC's, inaccurate material was included because Path to 20010911             was a "docudrama".
20060919             According to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, this never happened.
20060919             According to Condoleezza RICE—TESTIMONY—BEFORE 20010911             —THE commission,
20060919             ADVANCE—OF—PATH, to 20010911             he gave interviews to 1—VARIETY—OF—RIGHT—WING websites.
20060919             In short, NOWRASTEH—DEFENSE—OF—PATH to 20010911             is about as accurate as the film itself.
20060919             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ALEX—JONES, DYLAN—AVERY, KOREY—ROWE, JASON—BERMAS and LUKE—RUDOWSKI host the introduction to 20010911             —THE
20060920             And American has —NOW put out 1—STATEMENT saying their actions were justified because of 20060911             .
20060922             In 1—NEW—INTERVIEW—WITH—FOREIGN—POLICY magazine, RIGHT—WING "Path to 20010911             ?
20060922             They were wrong about THE—WMD, wrong about the connection to 20010911             .
20060922             Warning To THE—WORLD—HEEDED—AS—LEADERS—EXPOSE—STATE—TERROR—CHAVEZ, Ahmadinejad cite 20010911             in attempt to counter fake war provocations
20060922             JFK Doodle Predicted "20010911             Conspiracy"
20060922             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—JFK—DOODLE—PREDICTED "20010911             Conspiracy" Weird Associated Press report suggests unimaginable spooky coincidence
20060922             —EXPECTED, THE—PENTAGON—INSPECTOR—GENERAL will release 1—REPORT in the coming days that is, to refute claims that 1—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE—UNIT had information that could have thwarted 20060911             —THE attacks, officials said —ON—WEDNESDAY
20060922             He claimed he met 3—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers in SHREVEPORT —1—YEAR—BEFORE the attacks.
20060922             There would be no immunity from possible prosecution in the future for crimes relating to 20010911             .
20060922             —NACH—DEM 20060911             : USA drohten PAKISTAN mit Bombardierung
20060922—20010911    —AROUND, 2—MAJOR—POLLS—RECENTLY showed that 1—GROWING number of Americans doubt the official story.
20060922—20010911    —AFTER, Then, he saw their pictures among the hijackers.
20060922—20010911    —AFTER, PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said FORMER—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—RICHARD—ARMITAGE threatened to bomb PAKISTAN "back to the stone age" if it did not cooperate with THE—USA.
20060922—20060911    —ON, Pentagon to release report claims:
20060923             ABC—PATH to 20010911             . - - - CLINTON was having NONE—OF—IT.
20060923             Wallace repeats Path to 20010911             misinformation, CLINTON fights back :
20060923             I'm being asked this on THE—FOX network...ABC —JUST had 1—RIGHT wing conservative on the Path to 20010911             falsely claim that it was based on 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT with 3—THINGS asserted against me that are directly contradicted by 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20060924             and that the overall terrorist threat has grown —SINCE 20060911             —THE. attacks".
20060924             We FACT—CHECK—WALLACE—CLAIM that he asked USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS—TOUGH—QUESTIONS about their pre-20010911             efforts to combat terrorism here, here and here.
20060924             REPRESENTATIVE—WELDON: Pentagon Report a 'Whitewash' : REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON, R—PENNSILVANIA, called 1—PENTAGON report he had requested about pre-20010911             intelligence on AL—QAIDA operations in THE—USA "emphatically wrong" and a "whitewash," aimed at discrediting him as he faces the toughest RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN—OF his career.
20060924             Spy Agencies Say IRAQ War Worsens Terrorism Threat: 1—STARK ASSESSMENT—OF—TERRORISM trends by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES has found that THE—USA—INVASION and occupation of IRAQ has helped spawn 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—ISLAM—RADICALISM and that the overall terrorist threat has grown —SINCE 20060911             —THE. attacks.
20060924             LACK—OF—HEALTH—INSURANCE kills 6—TIMES as MANY—AMERICANS—EACH—YEAR as 20010911             did.
20060924             Over the past few years, ANY—NUMBER—OF—PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC myths about 20010911             have received massive publicity, yet the extremely telling events surround the escape of THE—AL—QAEDA/TALIBAN leadership have been allowed to slip down the memory hole.
20060924             —FROM the invaluable 20010911             Timeline:
20060924             You're probably closer to the truth about 20010911             than 99—PERCENT—OF—THOSE who think they understand it.
20060924             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, on the other hand, had —8—MONTHS—PRIOR to 20010911             /01 to respond to THE—USS—BOMBING and did nothing.
20060924             #—POSTED—BY 20010911             —CURIOUS : 11:02 AM
20060924—20010911    —ON, And where was Ahmad ?
20060924—20010911    —AFTER, FLASHBACK: Days Commission Testimony, WALLACE—DOESN'T—ASK—RICE—ABOUT—INFAMOUS—PDB
20060925             1—STARK ASSESSMENT—OF—TERRORISM trends by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES has found that THE—USA—INVASION and occupation of IRAQ has helped spawn 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—ISLAM—RADICALISM and that the overall terrorist threat has grown —SINCE 20060911             —THE. attacks...The report "says that THE—IRAQ war has made the overall terrorism problem worse," said 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL.
20060925             [T]he USA—INVASION and occupation of IRAQ has helped spawn 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—ISLAM—RADICALISM and that the overall terrorist threat has grown —SINCE 20060911             —THE. attacks...The report "says that THE—IRAQ war has made the overall terrorism problem worse," said 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL.
20060925—20060911    —AFTER, AMERICA is less safe —TODAY than it was., 20010000             , because the conflict is creating more extremists.
20060926             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PRE 20010911             Focus Was Missile Defense, Not TERRORISM—FAIZ -
20060926             In her INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—NEW—YORK—POST, Condoleezza Rice falsely claimed that USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—PRE—20010911              ANTI—TERROR—EFFORTS were "at least as aggressive" as USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON'S.
20060926             In fact, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—DISPUTES that account.
20060926             RICE—FALSELY—CLAIMS—BUSH—PRE 20010911             ANTI—TERROR—EFFORTS Were 'At Least As Aggressive' As CLINTON's
20060926             —ACCUSED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—YESTERDAY, BILL—CLINTON of making "flatly false" claims that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION didn't lift 1—FINGER to stop terrorism —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060926             according to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT :
20060926             [p. 260] - We have found no INDICATION—OF—ANY—FURTHER—DISCUSSION—BEFORE 20060911             among THE—PRESIDENT and his top ADVISERS—OF—THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—1—THREAT—OF—1—AL—QAEDA attack in THE—USA.
20060926             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Rice, that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT is the authoratative source on this debate: "I think this is not 1—VERY—FRUITFUL—DISCUSSION.
20060926             Bush _s_Pre_20010911            _Anti_Terror_Efforts_Were_As_Aggressive_As_Clinton">Digg It!
20060927             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, MILITARY whistleblower comes forward with key information STEVE—WATSON / Infowars | 20060926             20060927             FORMER—GOVERNOR—JESSE—VENTURA—QUESTIONS—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story
20060927             THE—ABC/Disney movie Path to 20010911             brought 1—ENTIRELY unintended consequence: it was interpreted as 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR.
20060927             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FORMER—GOVERNOR—JESSE—VENTURA—QUESTIONS—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story Goes further than ever —BEFORE, cites Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, NORAD stand down, staged war
20060928             Ground 0—HERO DAVID—MILLER—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON— was a 1. responder in his as PART—OF—1—NATIONAL—GUARD—UNIT that helped the victims of 20060911             —THE attack.
20060928             FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor RUDY—GIULIANI said —YESTERDAY, "The idea of trying to cast blame on USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON [for 20010911             ] is —JUST wrong for many, MANY—REASONS, not the least of which is
20060928             here, where he is described as "quite possibly the most taboo suspect of all 20010911             suspects".
20060928—20010911    —REPORTED, DAVID—DASTYCH—THERE were also 2, connections between THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—FAILURE relating to the terrorist attacks and unauthorized derivatives...
20060929             —IGNORIERT, Geheimdiensthinweise 20060911             —VOR—DEM, 20060929             RUMSFELD stand allerdings weiter in der Kritik, auch im Militär. Woodward zitiert JOHN—ABIZAID, Kommandat des IRAK—EINSATZES: —IM—HERBST 20050000             soll er gesagt haben, RUMSFELD habe "keinerlei Glaubwürdigkeit mehr", 1—SIEGESSTRATEGIE für das Land zu entwerfen.
20060929             In dem Buch weist Woodward auch nach, dass es an der Spitze der Regierung Bush —SCHON bald nach ihrem Amtsantritt Spannungen GAB—UND gerade auch 20010911             —VOR—DEM.
20060929—20010911    —AFTER, Driving —WHILE Muslim : —5—YEARS, MUSLIM—USA—MEN are still being arrested on flimsy charges and accused of being terrorists.
20060930             — HANNITY—DEFENDED ANN—COULTER—ATTACK—ON—THE widows of 20010911             victims,
20060930             "THE—CIA—TOP—COUNTERTERRORISM—OFFICIALS—NICO—FELT they could have killed OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in the months —BEFORE 20010911             , but got the 'brushoff' —WHEN they went to the Bush WHITE—HOUSE seeking the money and authorization," BOB—WOODWARD reports in his new book.
20061001             [Our guest blogger, PETER—RUNDLET, was a Counsel to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.]
20061001             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             , 1—URGENT—WARNING to Rice:
20061001             Focus: Chilling message of 20010911             —THE pilots:
20061001—20010911    —FROM, Bush Officials May Have Covered Up RICE—TENET—MEETING—COMMISSION—GUEST -
20061001—20010911    —SINCE, Rather than reining in the formidable presidential powers MISTER—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY have asserted, the law gives SOME—OF—THOSE powers 1—SOLID—STATUTORY—FOUNDATION.
20061002             1—NICE—ARTICLE running in very high priority on THE—WASHINGTON—POST, right up there on page 17—OF—THE—PRINT edition, where it's revealed that THE—CIA—DIRECTOR warned Rice about OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             .
20061002             —MENTIONED, And strangely, the meeting was never, —DURING all 20010911             —THE commission reports making you really question what exactly they were actually hearing that was more important than THE—CIA—DIRECTOR telling THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was going to attack Americans.
20061002             Watch "20010911             : Press for Truth".
20061002             The book reportedly has particularly harsh words for SOME—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20061002—20010700    —IN, Members of 20060911             —THE commission said —TODAY that they were alarmed that they were told nothing about 1—WHITE—HOUSE meeting at which GEORGE—J—TENET, then THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE, warned Condoleezza Rice about 1—IMMINENT—AL—QAEDA attack
20061002—20010911    —FROM—THE, You hear that accusation often Turthiness types, because eyewtnesses to the Pentagon crash included MANY—USA—TODAY—EMPLOYEES.
20061003             —RECEIVED, DONALD—RUMSFELD and JOHN—ASHCROFT " the same CIA briefing about 1—IMMINENT—AL—QAIDA strike on 1—USA—TARGET that was given to THE—WHITE—HOUSE —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20060911             —THE, 20010000             , attacks".
20061003             THERE—1—SIMPLE—RESPONSE to CONDI—ASSERTIONS that She Did Take THE—THREATS—OF—TERRORISM—SERIOUSLY —BEFORE 20010911             .
20061003             It's Quite Simple: Condi, Tell Us What You Did —BEFORE 20010911             to Prevent 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, Particularly Considering that You Received 1—INTELLIGENCE—DOCUMENT that Said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Was Determined to Attack in THE—USA—AND a 4—ALARM—MEETING—WITH—THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CIA.
20061003—20010911    —IN—THE, Are you asking yourself "Omar who?" I should hope not -- he's 1—OF—THE—MOST important and fascinating characters mystery, 1—FIGURE intimately connected with THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—PAKISTAN—INTELLIGENCE, Mehmood AHMAD—MEHMOOD + with Khaled SHEIK—MUHAMMED, the accused MASTERMIND—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—ATTACK.
20061004             —COMMITTED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE may have, perjury in her testimony —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION 20040500             .
20061004             —RECEIVED, RUMSFELD, Ashcroft, warning of al Qaida attack —BEFORE 20010911             : DEFENSE—SECRETARYY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD and FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT received the same CIA briefing about 1—IMMINENT—AL—QAIDA strike on 1—USA—TARGET that was given to THE—WHITE—HOUSE —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20060911             —THE, 20010000             , attacks.
20061004             THE—PNAC gang had their eyes on AFGHANISTAN + its oil —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , as seen in R. M. Gerecht's (
20061004             THE—FATHER—OF—MOHAMMED—ATTA, the leader of 20060911             —THE hijackers, says 1—VIDEO published by THE—UK—DAILY THE—SUNDAY—TIMES, showing Atta —20—MONTHS—BEFORE the Twin Towers attacks, is false.
20061004             —WARNED, Ashcroft was, that 20010911             attack was coming...
20061004—20010911    —SINCE, But, you know, this is 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE in itself, too + what we've tried to do as THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is make 1—BETTER—ECONOMY, protect this country against terrorism — and we've worked at it ever, worked with THE—PRESIDENT on it — and there are SOME—PEOPLE that try to tear us down.
20061005             --> Great New WTC Science Film: 20010911             Mysteries - Watch it —NOW at GOOGLE Video!
20061005             THE—DOUBLE—STANDARD—OF—THE—REICH—WING The news —TODAY that PROFESSOR—STEVEN—JONES has been put on "paid leave" by BYU, —WHEN compared with the current ABC propaganda piece, illustrates the double standard employed by the Reich wing in THE—USA with regard to 20010911             .
20061005             LET—START with PROFESSOR—JONES, who has fought 1—TREMENDOUS—BATTLE to force AMERICA to consider alternate hypotheses to 20010911             + in the process has pretty much rubbed the official story line into the dirt:
20061005             In looking at their success, we must acknowledge how their 20010911             stunt converted 1—AWOL cokehead who had —JUST stolen THE—USA—PRESIDENCY into the most powerful man on the planet + how they swiftboated JOHN—KERRY to keep THE—POS—POTUS in power, we should understand that they don't have to play by the same rules: THEY MAKE THE—RULES !!!
20061005             War, Peace + SUBVERSION—OF—DEMOCRACY—STOP The 4. Reich maebrussell_com... www. maebrussell_com. www.newsmakingnews_com. www.nomorefakenews_com... Bush & 20010911             .
20061005             GOOGLE Again Censors, Stifles 20010911             FILM—GROWTH
20061006             pre- 20010911             intelligence conducted by 1—SECRET—MILITARY—UNIT identified terrorist ringleader MOHAMED—ATTA 13—DIFFERENT—TIMES.
20061006             How are we to compare THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—COVER—UP—OF—1—MEMBER—EFFORTS to corrupt young pages with the same party's conspiracy to cover up THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—INEPTNESS and possible foreknowledge of 20010911             —THE attacks + of the campaign of lies and misinformation it used to drum up hysteria for 1—ILLEGAL and totally unwarranted INVASION—OF—IRAQ?
20061006—20010911    —VOR, Nicht nur dass die Leiter des Able Danger Programmes noch immer darauf beharren, dass sie dreizehnmal MOHAMED—ATTA identifiziert hätten: "Weldon said that
20061006—20061001    —AM, Was als —OKTOBERÜBERRASCHUNG der Bush Regierung angefangen hat, könnte wohl bald als —OKTOBERÜBERRASCHUNG der 20010911             Skeptiker gehandelt werden.
20061007             —BECAME, FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT —THIS—WEEK, the 1. CABINET—LEVEL—BUSH—OFFICIAL to attack 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, writing in his NEWLY—RELEASED memoirs that it "seemed obsessed with trying to lay the blame for the terrorist attacks
20061007—20010911    —ON, Ashcroft Launches Attack Commission
20061007—20010911    —ON, Given his record, Ashcroft is the last 1—WHO should be lobbing attacks on others.
20061009             It's BUSH—VALERIE—PLAME, Katrina, 20010911             Commission Rovian Strategy of Dealing with 1—CRISIS—THROUGH—1—CONTOLLED—SHAM—INVESTIGATION with PRE—DETERMINED Political Results.
20061010             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BUT claims "error" and not censorship for 2. successive time as 20010911             film enters top 100
20061010—20010911    —VOR, Terror: "AL—QAIDA ist gefährlicher als "
20061011             1—INDEPENDENT—50—MINUTE documentary on peak oil, 20010911             and THE—WAR—ON—TERROR.
20061011             Ashcroft Responds To 20010911             Foreknowledge Charges
20061011             —RECENTLY—RELEASED court documents from the trial of ZACHARIAS—MOUSSAOUI show clear EVIDENCE—OF—THE—FBI attempt to COVER—UP the whereabouts and ACTIVITIES—OF—LEAD 20010911             hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA in FLORIDA between January and 20010500             , confirming reports which have appeared exclusively in the MadCowMorningNews.
20061011—20010911    —ON, "AL—QAIDA is More Dangerous Than it Was ";
20061011—20010911    —AFTER, —5—YEARS, "
20061012             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HYSTERICAL—REACTIONS invoke 20010911             as baseball star confirmed as pilot, passport found on street
20061013             —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , you had —8—MONTHS to respond to THE—AL—QAEDA—ATTACK—ON—THE—USAS—COLE.
20061014             O'REILLY—EQUATES 20010911             Scholars With Terrorists
20061015—20010911    —SINCE, It's the 20FOURTH time Rice has been on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY without being asked about THE—USAS—COLE.
20061016             —FACED, The people who should have been red, bankrupts as 1—RESULT—OF—20010911              are —NOW swimming in money and power thanks to the perfect COLLAPSE—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS.
20061016             AND EXAMINES THE '20010911             TRUTH MOVEMENT'
20061016             —JUST meeee and THE—PRESIDENT—NOOOOOBODY else.
20061016             20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061016             Paramount Hires Path to 20010911             Writer For Movie On 'THE—HUNT—FOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'
20061016             CYRUS—NOWRESTEH wrote ABC—DOCUDRAMA "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20061016             —MAINTAINED, Norwresteh, the movie was "1—OBJECTIVE—TELLING—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911             ".
20061016             —NOW Paramount Pictures and OLIVER—STONE have signed up Norwresteh to write another movie about 20010911             .
20061016             Pic will focus on AMERICA—RESPONSE to the terrorist attacks with THE—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN and hunt for 20010911             mastermind OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20061016             CYRUS—NOWRASTEH, whose most recent credit was the controversial ABC miniseries "THE—PATH to 20010911             ," is set to write a 2. draft of "Jawbreaker".
20061016             1—EXCERPT: "—ON—TUESDAY, lawyers representing TRIPOLI and the National Association of Rocketry and officials of the firearms BUREAU—WILL—HEAD—TO—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—WASHINGTON to resolve THE—7—YEAR—OLD—DISPUTE over the hobbyists' use of 1—FLAMMABLE propellant, ammonium perchlorate composite, or APCP. The chemical is the main ingredient on the space shuttle's solid rocket boosters.... The firearms BUREAU—CLASSIFIES—APCP as 1—EXPLOSIVE and, amid post-20060911             security concerns, requires that anyone who uses MORE—THAN—2—OUNCES of propellant undergo FEDERAL—BACKGROUND—CHECKS".
20061016             —CAPTURED, Seems —1—YEAR—AGO, THE—USA, in PAKISTAN 1—MAN with direct ties to the planning of 20010911             , SPANISH—BORN MUSTAFA—SETMARIAN.
20061016             Startling 20010911             Poll by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and CBS: "Only 16—PER cent of respondents say the government headed by USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH is telling the truth on what it knew —PRIOR—TO the terrorist attacks".
20061016             "[We] believe that the government not only permitted 20010911             to occur but may even have orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda".
20061016             Paramount Hires Path to 20010911             Writer For Movie On 'THE—HUNT—FOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'
20061016             THE—PENTAGON—NO—757—CRASH—THEORY: Booby Trap for 20010911             Skeptics
20061016             " — TONY—SNOW, on why he likes being WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY, 20061015             20061016             Paramount Hires Path to 20010911             Writer For Movie On 'THE—HUNT—FOR—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN'
20061016—20010911    —REMAINED, If the twin towers had, standing (as they were supposed to) they would have been monuments to THE—INACTION—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and military.
20061016—20010911    —ATTACKED, So THAT'S why the world trade center was, /01, huh.
20061016—20010911    —ON, "The 'Official Story' of what actually took place is 1—LIE.
20061016—20060911    —AFTER, Bush eviks Turning the Great Lakes Into the Machine Gun Lakes: For the 1. time, Coast Guard officials want to mount machine guns routinely on their cutters and small boats here and —AROUND all 5—OF—THE—GREAT—LAKES as PART—OF—1—PROGRAM addressing THE—THREATS—OF—TERRORISM.
20061017             Time For THE—SLEEPING 20010911             Giant To AWAKEN—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—WILL 84% Of Americans remain content with 1—LYING, exploitative and criminal government?
20061017             Certainly more powerful than the repeated conjuring of "the victims of 20010911             ," to whom Bush actually had the unmitigated gall to dedicate THE—SIGNING—OF—THE—MILITARY—COMMISSIONS—ACT.
20061018             JUDGE—ALLOWS 20010911             Lawsuits to Go Forward : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ON—TUESDAY refused to toss out claims by THOUSANDS—OF—EMERGENCY—WORKERS who sued NEW—YORK—CITY and about 150—PRIVATE—CONTRACTORS—AFTER—THE—WORKERS were sickened by dust at the World Trade Center site.
20061018             16 %. - - - AMANDA—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who "believe THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is telling the truth about what they knew —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks on THE—USA ".
20061020             —FROM—THINK—PROGRESS : —AFTER steering clear of political controversy with 20010911             heroism tale "World Trade Center," OLIVER—STONE and Paramount Pictures are venturing into edgier territory with "Jawbreaker".
20061020             THE—TRUTH—OF—THE—MATTER can be found in MANY—PLACES, not least among them the fine documentary 20010911             : Press for Truth.
20061020—20010911    —AM, Zuletzt war es soweit.
20061020—20010911    —NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen wollte der SECRET—SERVICE den Präsidenten aus Sicherheitsgründen unbedingt dorthin schaffen.
20061021             Anger as new 20010911             remains found - Apocalypse This is the news.
20061021             Relatives of 20010911             victims demand 1—NEW—SEARCH—OF—GROUND 0—AFTER more human remains are found.
20061021             Anger as new 20010911             remains found Relatives of 20010911             victims demand 1—NEW—SEARCH—OF—GROUND 0—AFTER more human remains are found.
20061022             Workers find more human remains at Ground 0 as 1—NEW—SEARCH for victims of 20010911             —THE attacks gets under way.
20061022             More remains found at Ground 0—WORKERS find more human remains at Ground 0 as 1—NEW—SEARCH for victims of 20010911             —THE attacks gets under way.
20061023             titled "DEFENDING USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—REGARDING—KNOWLEDGE—OF—20010911             ".
20061023             But what they did, MISTER—SPEAKER, they did 1—PROFILE—OF al Qaeda —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             .
20061023             MISTER—SPEAKER, here is the chart, the unclassified chart of what special forces command had —1—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             .
20061023             'No building halt' at Ground 0—BUILDING at Ground 0 will not stop, despite recent finds of human remains at 20010911             —THE site, NEW—YORK—MAYOR says.
20061023             EINIGE—VORFÄLLE: EX—CIA and Marine Intel Officer: 20010911             Was An Inside Job
20061023             Die Anschläge 20060911             —VOM, haben die Gewichte zugunsten der christlichen Fundamentalisten verschoben.
20061023             Nur 1—TAG20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, machte sich SAM—HARRIS, 1—DOKTORAND—DER—NEUROWISSENSCHAFT an der UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA in LOS—ANGELES, daran, ein ketzerisches Buch zu schreiben: Die großen Weltregionen seien miteinander schlichtweg nicht zu vereinen, sie würden unweigerlich —KONFLIKTE schüren und "das Aufkommen einer brauchbaren WELT—ZIVILISATION verhindern".
20061023             Building at Ground 0 will not stop, despite recent finds of human remains at 20010911             —THE site, NEW—YORK—MAYOR says.
20061023             EX—CIA and Marine Intel Officer: 20010911             Was An Inside Job
20061023—20010911    —AFTER, He recalled that shortly, —WHEN he 1. saw photographs identifying MOHAMMED—ATTA as 1—OF—THE—TERRORISTS,
20061023—20010911    —AFTER, 1—OF—THE—WITNESSES (names redacted by the report writers) to the infamous chart thus recalls the image of MOHAMMED—ATTA: He recalled that shortly, —WHEN he 1. saw photographs identifying MOHAMMED—ATTA as 1—OF—THE—TERRORISTS, he recognized him.
20061023—20010911    —ON, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said she cannot recall THEN—CIA—CHIEF—GEORGE—TENET warning her of 1—IMPENDING—AL—QAIDA attack in THE—USA, as 1—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS he did —2—MONTHS—BEFORE the attacks.
20061024             —ALLOWED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—LITERARY—GIANT says 20010911             , to happen, slams USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COUP de 'TAT—OF—USA—FREEDOM
20061024             —PASSED, Strict laws, —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks prevent people who have provided "material support" to armed groups from resettling in THE—USA.
20061024             —WARNED, UK, against invasion : On THE—DAY—AFTER 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks, senior UK—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS told their USA—COUNTERPARTS that they would not support retaliatory action against IRAQ, 1—NEW—BOOK—CLAIMS.
20061025             Geheimsache 20010911             ...berichtet der AMERIKANISCHE—RECHTS anwalt und FRÜHERE—STAATSANWALT—IM—JUSTIZ... einreisen + in FLORIDA 1—FLUGSCHULE... Terror, Geld + Macht...
20061025             Geheimsache 20010911             ...berichtet der AMERIKANISCHE—RECHTS anwalt und frühere STAATSANWALT—IM—JUSTIZ
20061026             —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACIES, There Was THE—OKLAHOMA—BOMBING
20061026             Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies 20010911             —THE conspiracies are REPEATS—OF—THE—THEORIES that abounded in TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH—OKLAHOMA—CITY bombing.
20061026             The vote on THE—CIA—INTERROGATION—BILL -- where, again, over 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS in the House and Senate voted against 1—PROGRAM—OF—THE—CIA interrogating HIGH—VALUE—TARGETS—LIKE—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 20010911             —THE.
20061026             Senior Military, Intelligence + Government Officials Question 20010911             Commission Report
20061026             "It's 1—NO—BRAINER for me, the mastermind of 20010911             —THE.
20061026             Much of the faulty logic and circumstancial evidence that justifies 20010911             —THE...
20061026—20010911    —AFTER, She understands the critical implications that failures on THE—PART—OF—BOTH—THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and THE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESSIONAL leadership have had on our border communities and in making our country less safe even —5—YEARS.
20061027             BRENT—BUDOWSKY: KEN—MEHLMAN—DEMEANS—GAYS, Rush Limbaugh Ridicules Parkinsons, RNC Goes Racist and ANN—COULTER—CALLS 20010911             Widows
20061028             DENVER/Boulder: Jones, Barrett & Ryan, "THE—SCIENCE—OF—20010911            , the Suppression of Dissent + 1—NATION in Crisis"
20061028             Airport screeners fail to see most test bombs : Screeners at NEWARK Liberty INTERNATIONAL Airport, 1—OF—THE—STARTING points for 20060911             —THE hijackers, failed 20—OF 22—SECURITY tests conducted by undercover USA—AGENTS—LAST—WEEK, missing concealed bombs and guns at checkpoints —THROUGHOUT the major air hub's 3—TERMINALS, according to FEDERAL—SECURITY—OFFICIALS.
20061028—20010911    —ON, - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—STEELE also sounds off doubts
20061029             He is completing 1—BOOK on "THE—ROAD to 20010911             ". - - - - Visit HIS—WEB—SITE.
20061029             "Almost certainly this is preparation for 1—ROUNDUP —AFTER—THE—NEXT 20010911             for MID—EASTERNERS, Muslims and possibly dissenters," says DANIEL—ELLSBERG, 1—FORMER—MILITARY—ANALYST who 19710000             released the Pentagon Papers, THE—USA—MILITARY—ACCOUNT—OF—ITS—ACTIVITIES in VIETNAM.
20061029             or - "Almost certainly this is preparation for 1—ROUNDUP —AFTER—THE—NEXT 20010911             for MID—EASTERNERS,
20061029             ROCKEFELLER Predicted "Event" To Trigger War —11—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             20061029             Rather than having everyone load 1—HUGE—BILL... here is THE—TEXT—OF—THE—SECTION:
20061030             —ORDERED, EX—WHITE—HOUSE—ANTI—TERROR—ADVISER—RICHARD—CLARKE tells that MISTER—BUSH, him to look for 1—LINK between IRAQ + 20010911             — despite being told there didn't seem to be 1.
20061031             —DENIED, REPRESENTATIVE—LORETTA—SANCHEZ (D—CA) said she was briefly, access to 1—UNITED—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—LAST—WEEK because her name appeared on a "no fly list" set up —AFTER 20060911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20061103             Help Poll All 20060000             Candidates on Their Support for 20010911             Truth
20061103             —ENDORSED, THE—FOLLOWING campaigns have fully, the need for new criminal probe into 20010911             supervised by victim families.
20061103             KNOW—OF—OTHER 20010911             Truth candidates?
20061103             Best New 20010911             Documentary for Awakening Middle AMERICA 20010911             : Press for Truth
20061103             Best New Book for Legitimating 20010911             Skepticism 20010911             and USA—EMPIRE: Intellectuals Speak Out
20061103             GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BLOG—YBBS 20010911             Truther Forum - 911—BLOGGER_com - 911—PODCASTS_com
20061104             —SHUTTERED, Chams, who, the store —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, was witnessed interacting in very odd ways with Atta.
20061104—20010911    —SINCE, BRITAIN condoning torture :, BLAIR—GOVERNMENT has at least once sought to use evidence extracted under torture in legal proceedings, has signed agreements to deport prisoners to countries where they may be tortured + has turned 1—BLIND—EYE to USA—MISTREATMENT—OF—PRISONERS and secret MOVEMENT—OF—SUSPECTS to countries where they could be abused, Human Rights Watch states.
20061105             He talks about running into EX—SECRETARY—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—TRANSPORTATION—NORMAN—MINETA and confronting him regarding his testimony —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20061105             EX—CIA—ANALYST—RAY—MCGOVERN—TALKS—ABOUT 20010911             :
20061105—20010911    —SINCE, 0000—DATE, BLAIR—GOVERNMENT has at least once sought to use evidence extracted under torture in legal proceedings,
20061107             —DISTRIBUTED, House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH), a memo urging colleagues to exploit 20010911             to defend BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061107             How much is finding the truth about 20010911             worth to you? - sfux DANIEL—HOPSICKER -
20061107             —4—YEARS—AGO we moved to REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, FL and began poking —AROUND ON—SCENE at the site of the biggest 20060911             crime scene that wasn?t reduced to rubble.
20061107             How much is finding the truth about 20010911             worth to you?-
20061107             46. House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) distributed a memo urging colleagues to exploit 20010911             to defend BUSH—IRAQ policy.
20061107—20010911    —FROM—THE, Congress received a "dismal" report card Commission — 5—F'S,
20061107—20010911    —FROM—THE, 100. Congress received a "dismal" report card Commission — 5—F'S, 12—DE—S, 9—C'S, and only 1 A—MINUS — for failing to enact the commission's recommendations.
20061108             Pentagon 20010911             Video Being Held Back by FBI
20061109             Internationale Presseschau: "DIE—USA befreien sich aus der 20010911             — Starre"
20061109             Haupt finds SAIC "most obvious," and "some of the real perpetrators of 20010911             are also hiding at SAIC".
20061109             Rigorous Intuition: THE—COINCIDENCE—THEORIST—GUIDE to 20010911             ... BOARD—THE—LEAR—JET owned by Wally Hilliard, THE—OWNER—OF—ATTA—FLIGHT—SCHOOL...
200611091140         —AM—PST Category: CURRENT EVENTS Rumsfeld replacement ( ROBERT—GATES ) was DIRECTOR—OF—VOTING company Gates was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—VOTEHERE, 1—STRANGE—LITTLE—COMPANY that was the biggest elections industry lobbyist for the Help AMERICA—VOTE—ACT (HAVA).
20061110             Scrapbook Terrorist's 20010911             Foreknowledge?
20061112             TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE am 11. 20010900             in den USA—WIKIPEDIA—TO the People: 20060514—20061112—20010911    —TERRORANSCHLÄGE am, in den USA—WIKIPEDIA TO the People: 20060514—20060520              20070100             Progressive INDEPENDENT—VIEWING—MESSAGE... its clients include such prominent NEO—CONS such as JAMES—WOOLSEY... #11: War Pimp ALERT—KNESSET Member: Strike IRAN —NOW, chlamor, 20060520             ...
20061112—20010911    —TERRORANSCHLÄGE am, in den USA—WIKIPEDIA TO the People: 20060514—20060520              20080514             Der "20. Attentäter" von 20010911             —WIRD nicht angeklagt
20061112—20010911    —AM, TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE in den USA—WIKIPEDIA
20061113—20010911    —ON, GW Bush Conspiracy Theories
20061115             THE—NY—TIMES—PUTS 20010911             QUESTIONS IN THE—GRAVE
20061115             Help Terror Storm Reach Amazon Number 1 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061115             Help Terror Storm Reach Amazon Number 1 - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061115             —PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON, DVD rankings zeitgeist for online consumers, give them 1—TASTE—OF—20010911              truth!
20061116—20010911    —IN—THE, GERMANY, Mounir El Motassadeq, 1—MOROCCO—MAN, was convicted of acting as 1—ACCESSORY to murder terror attacks by 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT that ruled that he played 1—DIRECT—ROLE in the plot.
20061118             Ne... - BG—RATTUBE_com 20010911             , LOU—DOBBS—KNOWS—BG
20061118             1—FOREIGN—STUDENT who was swept up in an FBI dragnet —AFTER 20010911             —THE theorist attacks was acquitted —FRIDAY of lying to 1—GRAND—JURY to obscure his connections to 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS.
20061118             FBI Dragnet —AFTER 20010911             —
20061118—20010911    —AFTER, FBI Dragnet
20061119             Church PUBLISHER —NOW critical of 20010911             conspiracy book it printed
20061119             I cannot see how this story fits with ANY—OF—THE—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES advanced by 20010911             —THE—DENIERS.
20061119             Graeme, you have written 1—EXTREMELY insightful essay on 1—OF—THE—MOST important events of 20010911             20061119             118—WITNESSES: THE—FIREFIGHTER—TESTIMONY to Explosions in the Twin Towers ).
20061119             Graeme, you have written 1—EXTREMELY insightful essay on 1—OF—THE—MOST important events of 20010911             20010911             whoever planned it, was 1—SOPHISTICATED—FALSE—FLAG—OPERATION.
20061119—20010911    —INVOLVED, If there were no hijackers, there was no Atta.
20061119—20010911    —AFTER, Airlines still in upheaval, —5—YEARS.
20061119—20010911    —ON, Thanks for the question about what was going on with the "hijackers".
20061119—20010911    —IN, Can you tell us how you came to be interested and why you chose to write this paper?
20061119—20050000    —IN—LATE, GRAEME—MACQUEEN : Sometime I had 1—CONVERSATION—QUITE—1 heated 1, ACTUALLY—WITH 1—USA—DISSIDENT who said that 20010911             was obviously carried out by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20061120             —GRILLED, SENATOR, red on 20010911             — BG
20061120             FOXNews_com - 20010911             Autopsy Guidelines Plan Abandon... - BG
20061120             Powerful 20010911             Info Hits PRIME—TIME TV for 1. Time-
20061122             FBI / CIA KNEW—OF—PLOT—BEFORE 20010911             [Archive] - AppleInsider THE—FBI + THE—CIA—KNEW—OF—KEY—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—PLOT but they clearly...
20061122             —ENCOUNTERED, Scott points out similarities that he has, as 1—RESEARCHER studying JFK and 20010911             +covers 1—WIDE—ASSORTMENT—OF anomalies and evidence in this —1—HOUR—PRESENTATION.
20061122             how "AL—QAEDA" is linked to this drug traffic, how it was dismissed by 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION + THE—RELEVANCE—OF—THE—CASE—OF—SIBEL—EDMONDS as well as that of INDIRA—SINGH.
20061122             Scott focuses on CHENEY—ACTIVITIES on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             ,
20061122             conflicting accounts of his actions —THAT—DAY+offers 1—AVENUE—OF—RESEARCH for dedicated data hounds that relates to both JFK and 20010911             — archived LOGS—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—COMMUNICATIONS that are kept by a
20061122             —DURING—THE—TALK, Scott mentions THE—MARY—FERRELL—FOUNDATION — this name may be unfamiliar to 20010911             researchers,
20061122             so here is 1—LINK to THE—FOUNDATION—WEBSITE which may offer 1—MODEL—OF—SORTS for future 20010911             archiving activities.
20061122             THE—ROAD to 20010911             .
20061122             Scott focuses on CHENEY—ACTIVITIES on the —MORNING—OF—20010911             ,
20061122—20010911    —PULVERIZED, THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER (WTC) towers did not "collapse" /01, they were, (
20061122—20010911    —ON, Due to be published —NEXT—YEAR is SCOTT—LATEST ;
20061122—20010911    —ON, (As 1—MATTER—OF—CONTINUITY, note that Scott refers to the order to ground all commercial flights as a "stand down" order, please don't confuse this with 1—ORDER to "stand down" fighter response on
20061123             Tags: IRAN 20061123             The real 20010911             smoking GUN—BG THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, incriminated by its own facts, the perfect EVIDENCE—HOW ironic.
20061123             Summary: News Tip: The real 20010911             smoking gun no 1 can debunk (these are facts, not theory).
20061123             Airplane "Impact" Times: Incriminating Evidence of 20010911             Coverup & Complicity
20061123             "Seismic Proof — 20010911             Was 1—INSIDE—JOB (Updated Version II)"
20061123             —BY CRAIG—T—FURLONG & GORDON—ROSS, Scholars for 20010911             Truth:
20061123             —FROM both 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION +
20061123             1—WORLD—TRADE, 20010911             — USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 11 "impact" time:
20061123             Conclusion: In conclusion, THE—EXPLANATIONS—OF—THE—COLLAPSE that have been given by 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT and NIST are not physically possible.
20061123—20010911    —ON, 1—NEW—INVESTIGATION is needed to determine the true cause of what happened to these buildings.
20061126             —WARNED, EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA, —BEFORE 20010911             20061126             sfux CATHERINE—RAMPELL—FROM
20061126             [WarOnFreedom] HANK—KING—OF—THE—HILL'S 20010911             Tr...
20061126             Hank Hill a 20010911             Truther!?
20061126             "And that reminds me, all you people better do SOME—MORE investigating into 20010911             because its not what you think it was, your damn future depends on it.
20061126             Look it up if you don't believe me, 20010911             was our Reichstag fire.
20061126             911 _truth_DFW : Message: JFK and 20010911             — Insights G.
20061126             JFK and 20010911             — Insights Gained From Studying Both
20061126             911 _truth_DFW : Message: JFK and 20010911             — Insights G.- - 1—MEASURE—OF—TRUTH
20061126             —WARNED, EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA, —BEFORE 20010911             —
20061126             1. of all, Follow the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission?
20061126             I am done researching 20010911             .
20061126             research independent of ANY—ONLINE umbrella group and independent of 1—BUSH—ADMINSTRATION provided lead (that 19—ARABS pulled off the events of 20010911             ),
20061126             several YEARS—OF—INDEPENDENT 20010911             investigation,
20061126             Nasiri told Newsnight that months —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks and THE—USA—INVASION...
20061126—20010911    —AFTER, Yeah I voted for that goofball ,
20061127             EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA—WARNED—BEFORE 20010911             20061127             MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN—ANSWER To Bush On Viet Name
20061127             EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA—WARNED—BEFORE 20010911             20061127             —STEPPED, EX—SPY—DEATH—INQUIRY, up
20061127             EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA—WARNED—BEFORE 20010911             20071127             Although this is at odds with the official account, which says the plane was flown by another hijacker, it is plausible and might answer 1—OF—THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911             .
20061128             —WARNED, EX—EMPLOYEE—SAYS—FAA, —BEFORE 20010911             20061128             —WARNED, The team repeatedly, THE—FAA—OF—THE—POTENTIAL for security breaches and hijackings but was told to cover up its findings, Dzakovic says.
20061128             FLORIDA connection and thus 1—ROUND about 20010911             connection by way of.
20061128             VIRGINIA:MARVIN—BUSH,Securacom,20010911             ,USA—SENATOR—GEORGE—ALLEN...
20061128             JOHN—DEUSS—OF—HOLLAND and IRAN Contra and oil to apartheid SOUTH—AFRICA FAME was... FLORIDA connection and thus 1—ROUND about 20010911             connection by way of.
20061129             DANIEL—ELLSBERG—WARNING that another 20010911             event "or 1—MAJOR—WAR in THE—MIDDLE—EAST involving A—USA—ATTACK—ON—IRAN...will be 1—EQUIVALENT—OF—1—REICHSTAG fire decree," involving massive detention of both Middle Easterners + CRITICS—OF—THE—POLICY, the latter deemed terrorist sympathizers.
20061129             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—STANDS by the Constitution: FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down BUSH—AUTHORITY to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-20060911             executive order was unconstitutionally vague, according to 1—RULING released —TUESDAY.
20061129             Is THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE—PART—OF—THE—COVER—UP for 20010911             ?
20061129             BOTH—THE—KENNEDY assassination + 20010911             were effectively COUPS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20061129             in THE—CASE—OF—BOTH 20010911             + the Kennedy assassination,
20061129             -post-20010911             executiveorder allowing USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH to create 1—LIST—OF specially designeated global terrorist groups is unconstitutionally vague.
20061129             aangirfan (Coverage of 20010911             in FRANCE)-
20061129—20010911    —ON, "20010911             and USA—EMPIRE" assess THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RESPONSIBILITY for the attacks ,
20061201             More Ground Gained for 20010911             Truth Advocates |
20061201             TOP 10—THINGS—YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT 20010911             —THE—ATTACK
20061201             With THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ALMOST total clampdown on real news —AFTER 20010911             —THE terrorist attack, there was PLENTY—OF—QUESTIONS that had everyone scratching their heads.
20061201             The real secrets of 20010911             —THE attack have nothing at all to do with planes with no Arab hijackers aboard being flown by remote control, or missiles.
20061201             —PREDICTED, They, 20010911             — what else does Debkafile know?
20061201             —EMERGED, New details have, about how 1—AL—QAEDA spy named ALI—MOHAMED penetrated THE—CIA, the Green Berets and THE—FBI —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20061201             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—AUTHORITY to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-20060911             executive order was unconstitutional and vague, according to 1—RULING released —TUESDAY
20061201—20010911    —ON, plainly visible in photographic an video evidence from THE—WTC buildings.
20061202             Investigative reporter PETER—LANCE discusses his newest book Triple Cross on 1—USA—ATTORNEY and the road to 20010911             .
20061203             THE—MADCOW—MORNING—NEWS ''THE—HERCULES aircraft in LIBYA are doing deadly work. to 20010911             : notorious LEBANON—WEAPONS merchant Sarkis Soghanalian, also 1—KEY—FIGURE in BCCI.
20061205             Blogger Thoughts: LARRY—JOHNSON fails to touch on the true nature of 20010911             and the true errors of PETER—LANCE
20061205             WTC 7 - BG Tags: 911, WTC 7, 20010911             20061205             —ABOUT THOSE IMAMS By RICHARD—MINITER—NEW—YORK Post Online Edition: 7 - BG "It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to get kicked off the flight," Pauline said.
20061205             Sister_Toldjah, Promises_made, promises_broken_a retrospective on Pelosi's 20010911             Commission PROMISES—BG
20061205             PORTLAND imc- - Titan Corp,Skyway Communications,20010911             ...
20061205—20010911    —FROM, and 7/7,
20061205—20010911    —FROM, and 7/7, spy poisoning, to war for profit, i must say, "by GEORGE i think he's got it".
20061206             "THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES is running 1—VERY—LENGTHY but amazingly interesting article on the short HISTORY—OF—OPEN—SOURCE—SOFTWARE and information on THE—INSIDE—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY. The article discusses THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY from fighting THE—COLD—WAR with traditional information exchange to fighting TERROR—ISM —TODAY utilizing things like wikis & blogs. From THE—END—OF—THE—ARTICLE, '—TODAY—SPIES exist in 1—AGE—OF—CONSTANT—INFORMATION—EXCHANGE, in which everyday citizens swap news, dial up satellite pictures of their houses and collaborate on distant Web sites with strangers. As JOHN—ARQUILLA told me, if the spies do not join THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD, they risk growing to resemble the rigid, unchanging bureaucracy that they once confronted —DURING—THE—COLD—WAR. "—15—YEARS—AGO we were fighting THE—SOVIET—UNION," he said. "Who knew it would be replicated —TODAY in the intelligence community?"' You may recall that THE—CIA—NOW has their own classified Wiki. I think it's interesting that 20010911             —THE—REPORT recommended that USA—AGENCIES such as the DoD, CIA & FBI learn to share information more freely to overcome TERROR—ISM and —NOW they're turning to INTERNET community applications to accomplish that".
20061206             but, ultimately, al Qaeda + 20010911             ".
20061206             Hero of 20010911             Won't Stop Speaking Out Against BUSH -
20061206             —TRANSFORMED, It was THE—START—OF—1—DAY that, MISTER—RODRIGUEZ from 1—MAINTENANCE—MAN to the hero of 20010911             20061206             I think it's interesting that 20010911             —THE—REPORT recommended that USA—AGENCIES such as the DoD,
20061206             —HIRED, Update: 20010911             : FEMA's, gun: "Towers columns 'sunk'''==== Structural engineer describes COLLAPSE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS
20061206             Total media blackout suggests new strategy may be to ignore 20010911             questions
20061206             —PRODUCED, GATES is thus PART—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE that, the patsies of 20010911             ..".
20061206             FakeTerror - 20010911             REVIEW
20061206             —TRANSFORMED, It was THE—START—OF—1—DAY that, MISTER—RODRIGUEZ from 1—MAINTENANCE—MAN to the hero of 20010911             .
20061206             Why THE—QUIET—RELEASE—OF—THE—DOUBLETREE 20010911             Video?
20061206             20061206             20010911             WTC and HOOEY—MANIA—BG Update: 20010911             : FEMA's hired gun: "Towers columns 'sunk'''=== Structural engineer describes COLLAPSE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS 20061206             20061206             NIGERIA Transworld Tries Again
20061206             "Most damning of all is the fact that Gates was 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—AL—QAEDA, THE—CIA—ARAB—LEGION which was assembled to attack THE—SOVIET—S in AFGHANISTAN. Gates is thus PART—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE that produced the patsies of 20010911             ..".
20061206             It was the "realist" ELEVATION—OF—STABILITY—ABOVE—ALL—OTHER—STRATEGIC—FACTORS...gave us not only the radical regime in IRAN, but, ultimately, AL—QAEDA + 20010911             ".
20061206             20061206             20010911             WTC and HOOEY—MANIA—BG Update: 20010911             : FEMA's hired gun: "Towers columns 'sunk'''=== Structural engineer describes COLLAPSE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS 20061206             20061206             "Most damning of all is the fact that Gates was 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—AL—QAEDA, THE—CIA—ARAB—LEGION which was assembled to attack THE—SOVIET—S in AFGHANISTAN.
20061207             Apparently, the only official report that gives 1—DURATION for either of the "collapses" is 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT,
20061207             Apparently, the only official report that gives 1—DURATION for either of the "collapses" is 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, which states that THE—SOUTH—TOWER collapsed in —10—SECONDS in Chapter 9, Section 2: At
20061207—20060911    —ON, MISS—BURLINGAME was THE—DAUGHTER—OF—CHARLES—F—BURLINGAME—III, a —25—YEAR—NAVY—VETERAN who was THE—CAPTAIN—OF—AMERICA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77, which slammed into the Pentagon., 20010000             , killing 189—PEOPLE.
20061208             1. ISRAEL (or Zionist Influcences) are wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20061208             2. - THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER (NWO) is wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20061208             4. Drug Running INTERNATIONAL Gangsters are wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20061208             5. WALL—STREET and INTERNATIONAL Bankers are wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20061208             —WHILE I reject all of the above arguments, I think there can be 1—FAIR—ARGUMENT made that all of the above have preferred (and supported in SOME—CASES) the cover UP—OF—THE—TRUTH—OF—20010911              +
20061208             Summary: DISCUSSION—OF—TRUTH—OF 20010911             THE—LEGEND—OF—911—TRUTH:
20061208             Actor JAMES—BROLIN—LATEST—CELEBRITY—TO—PUBLICLY—DOUBT 20010911             20061208             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FOLLOWS in footsteps of DAVID—LYNCH on SAME—DAY
20061208             DAVID—LYNCH—GOES—PUBLIC—WITH 20010911             Questions
20061208             1—REASON—RUSSIA, our once and future global antagonist who undoubtedly knows the truth about 20010911             ,
20061208             Let me start by listing the major "red herrings" that exist 20010911             —IN—THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT
20061208             1. ISRAEL (or Zionist Influcences) are wholly responsible for 20010911             20061208             2. - THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER (NWO) is wholly responsible for 20010911             20061208             3. Cheney (or THE—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY) are wholly responsible for 20010911             20061208             4. Drug Running INTERNATIONAL Gangsters are wholly responsible for 20010911             20061208             5. WALL—STREET and INTERNATIONAL Bankers are wholly responsible for 20010911             20061208             Investigative Reporter Breaks Israeli 20010911             Foreknowledge-
20061208             Actor JAMES—BROLIN—LATEST—CELEBRITY—TO—PUBLICLY—DOUBT 20010911             —
20061208—20010911    —ON, may not spill the beans is because RUSSIA has its own dirty secrets that THE—USA knows about.
20061208—20010911    —ON, You paid for that
20061208—20010911    —ON, Dam Breaks Truth-
20061208—20010911    —ON, 1—REASON—RUSSIA, our once and future global antagonist who undoubtedly knows the truth about 20010911             , may not spill the beans is because RUSSIA has its own dirty secrets that THE—USA—KNOWS about.
20061208—20010911    —IN—THE, Let me start by listing the major "red herrings" that exist Truth Movement
20061208—20010911    —ON, Dam Breaks TRUTH—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -Lynch and Brolin RE—FOCUS—ATTENTION, will more HOLLYWOOD personalities follow in their footsteps?
20061209             JOHN—LEHMAN, 20010911             Commissioner and FORMER—NAVY—SECRETARY, Calls this... JOHN—LEHMAN, 20010911             Commissioner and FORMER—NAVY—SECRETARY, Calls this 1—RELIGIOUS—WAR—AGAINST "Violent, Islamic Fundamentalism"...
20061209             JOHN—LEHMAN, 20010911             Commissioner and FORMER—NAVY—SECRETARY, Calls this 1—RELIGIOUS—WAR—AGAINST "Violent, Islamic Fundamentalism"...
20061210—20010911    —AM, aufgenommen ]
20061211             making him a... 20010911             ,
20061211             —SIGNED, GEORGE—BUSH, top secret document W-199I, making him a... 20010911             ,
20061211             Business as usual -- 20010911             and THE—FALL—OF—AMERICA
20061212             Not long —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, 1—FEW published reports accused him of materially aiding OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERROR—NETWORK.
20061212             —CONCLUDED, But THE—BOARD, that it could not proceed without WHITE—HOUSE—APPROVAL, which was not forthcoming... [*] Congress —AFTER all was 1—THING created —BEFORE 20010911             , back —WHEN democracy was thought to be 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20061213             USA—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ Hits 2,939 -- Within 34—OF 20010911             Toll
20061213             Pentagon 20010911             Attack SIMULATION—UUU2 Conspiracy theory...
20061213             DIGG—SCIENTIFIC—AMERICA—DEBUNKING—OF—20010911              Conspiracies
20061213             Kicked Out of CCU for 20010911             /ANTI—WAR—STANCE | 911—BLOGGER_com... I stood in the cold —EVENING displaying 1—SIGN on 1—PUBLIC sidewalk which stated "... religious symbols oppenly used by the ruling elite, see the below...
20061213             VISIT—FOR latest analysis into the events of 20010911             .
20061213             Tags: Air Traffic Controllers, 911, 20010911             20061213             —ALS AM—DAS Obergericht von BOTSWANA das Urteil in Sachen Buschmänner gegen die REGIERUNG—VON—BOTSWANA verkündete, da hatte 1—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR —BEREITS voreilig gemeldet,
20061213             Tags: Air Traffic Controllers, 911, 20010911             20071213             "—WHEN THE—CIA destroyed those prisoner interrogation videotapes, were they also destroying the truth about 20010911             ?
20061214             Newly Released FBI Documents Disclose Grave Deficiencies in THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM : THE—NATIONAL—WHISTLEBLOWER—CENTER, 1—NATIONALLY recognized FBI Watchdog group, has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning THE—FBI—ACTUAL—RESPONSE to the attacks of 20010911             .
20061214             —CONNECTED, WOLFGANG—BOHRINGER, the shadowy GERMANY—PILOT, to lead 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA.
20061214             has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning THE—FBI—ACTUAL—RESPONSE to the attacks of 20010911             .
20061214             the shadowy GERMANY—PILOT connected to lead 20010911             —HIJACKER MOHAMMED—ATTA.
20061214             Newly Released FBI Documents Disclose Grave Deficiencies in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—ISM : THE—NATIONAL—WHISTLEBLOWER—CENTER, 1—NATIONALLY recognized FBI Watchdog group, has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning THE—FBI—ACTUAL—RESPONSE to —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             .
20061214             has released to the public extensive sworn and documentary evidence concerning THE—FBI—ACTUAL—RESPONSE to —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             .
20061215             We do have 1—REAL—CHANCE to bring the truth of 20010911             into the full LIGHT—OF—DAY.
20061215             1—REASON we shouldn't count our chickens —BEFORE they hatch is because there's political AND spiritual value in doing everything 1 can to expose the truth about 20010911             .
20061215             Leaflet for "FROM 20010911             —TRUTH TO 20010911             JUSTICE" in DC —ON—SATURDAY ;;11;;
20061215             11—INFORMATION IS NOT ENOUGH 20010911             ACTIVISTS MUST SHOW COURAGEFor 20010911             activists who ask —WHEN we'll reach critical mass,
20061215—20010911    —FROM, Leaflet for TRUTH TO 20010911             JUSTICE" in DC —ON—SATURDAY 20061111             INFORMATION IS NOT ENOUGH 20010911             ACTIVISTS MUST SHOW COURAGEFor 20010911             activists who ask —WHEN we'll reach critical mass, aren't you suggesting we've already won?
20061216             1—FORMER—BOSTON—CENTER—AIR—TRAFFIC controller has gone public on his assertion that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job and that DONALD—RUMSFELD and the Pentagon tracked 3—OF—THE—4—FLIGHTS from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.
20061216             Testimony Helps Detail CIA—POST 20010911             REACH—WASHINGTONPOST_com
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Pelosi, that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION had provided multiple options for intel reform + " if they are giving you different alternatives, then implicit in that is that you can't do them all ".
20061216             pledge to enact all of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             PETER—KING (R—NY), the outgoing House Homeland Security Committee chairman, issued 1—STATEMENT claiming Pelosi had "admitted she won't be able to enact all 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS," + called it a "direct CONTRADICTION—OF—STATEMENTS—MISS—PELOSI has made in the past".
20061216             —REFERENCED, Outgoing House Majority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH), PELOSI—QUOTE and said he "appreciate[s] the candor she has demonstrated" with respect to her "promise of enacting all of the remaining unresolved recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION".
20061216             PELOSI—INTELLIGENCE—PROPOSAL is in line with 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             Already, 20010911             Commissioner TIMOTHY—ROEMER has said PELOSI—PLAN would "achieve the commission's 2—MAJOR—GOALS," calling it "1—MAJOR—STEP—FORWARD".
20061216             BOSTON Air Traffic Controller Says 20010911             An Inside Job
20061216             The squibs out the windows, the extreme damage at the ground floor levels, the exact diagonal cut lines on large steel girders + the evidently so inexplicable WTC 7—COLLAPSE that 20010911             —THE commission chose not to address it whatsoever + THE—FEMA (or was it THE—NIST?) report stated that the only mechanisms thought possible were unlikely to explain it, all suggest THE—CD hypothesis may be correct.
20061216             More people will see Loose Change than will watch 20010911             : Press for Truth.
20061216             ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20010911             ... feedback@israelnationalnews_com> Subject: ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20060911             , 20010000             ...
20061216             I've tried to summarize SOME—OF—THIS for the residents of THE—DU 20010911             dungeon and dropped 1—NAME—CHECK for you over there.
20061216             Blogger Thought: I haven't seen commentary on this blog (cannonfire) that gets within 1—MILE—OF—THE—TRUTH about 20010911             .
20061216             THE—NEW—USA—COVERS '20010911             Press for Truth' | 911Blogger_com
20061216             THE—NEXT—DAY he announced that he was stepping down as chairman of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, the post to which USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH had named him 1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS—EARLIER.
20061216             —INVITED, THE—DAY—BEFORE his resignation, DOCTOR—KISSINGER, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—20010911              family members to THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—KISSINGER—ASSOCIATES, the premier global consulting service to presidents, princes, potentates + corporate executives.
20061216             Kristen Breitweiser, another 20010911             widow who was there, gives this ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MEETING: "Kissinger told us to trust him. We told him we couldn't.... Kissinger seemed stunned.... He didn't understand the fuss about his client list — they were all reputable people, he said. Kissinger seemed stricken and became unsteady. In reaching for his CUP—OF—COFFEE he bobbled, knocked the pot, spilled his own cup and nearly fell off the couch".
20061216             UNIVERSITY—OF—ILLINOIS—PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—FRANICS—A—BOYLE—QUESTIONS—USA—INVOLVEMENT in Anthrax and 20010911             Attacks
20061216             —COVERED, DOCTOR—FRANICS—A—BOYLE says THE—FBI, up these facts and has also quite clearly stated that he doubts the official government story that 19—ARABS with boxcutters perpetrated the attacks of 20010911             .
20061216             —ON his assertion that 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job and that DONALD—RUMSFELD and the Pentagon tracked 3—OF—THE—4—FLIGHTS from the point of their hijacking to hitting their targets.
20061216             Boehner, DISTORT—PELOSI—QUOTE—KING—OF—, Falsely Claim She Has Broken 20010911             Commission Pledge-
20061216             —EXPLAINED, Pelosi, that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION had provided multiple options for intel reform + " if they are giving you different alternatives,
20061216             —JUMPED, The right wing has —NOW, on this quote, claiming it is evidence that Pelosi has abandoned her pledge to enact all of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS.
20061216             issued 1—STATEMENT claiming Pelosi had "admitted she won't be able to enact all 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS," + called it a "direct CONTRADICTION—OF—STATEMENTS—MISS—PELOSI has made in the past".
20061216             the exact diagonal cut lines on large steel girders + the evidently so inexplicable WTC 7—COLLAPSE that 20010911             —THE commission chose not to address it whatsoever + THE—FEMA (or was it THE—NIST?) report stated that the only mechanisms thought possible were unlikely to explain it,
20061216             ARUTZ—7—NEWS: —TUESDAY, 20010911             0000—DATE... - For All TIME—WWII (parts 1-34)...
20061216             THE—NEXT—DAY he announced that he was stepping down as chairman of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION,
20061216             —INVITED, THE—DAY—BEFORE his resignation, DOCTOR—KISSINGER, 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—20010911              family members to THE—NEW—YORK OFFICE—OF—KISSINGER—ASSOCIATES,
20061216             Kristen Breitweiser, another 20010911             widow who was there, gives this ACCOUNT—OF—THE—MEETING:
20061216—20010911    —ON, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—ATTACK ?
20061216—20010911    —SINCE, But NONE—OF—THESE connections has been looked at —DURING—THE—EXTENSIVE—INVESTIGATIONS.
20061216—20010911    —ON, Why, did this AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEM uniquely — repeatedly — fail,
20061218             —DESCRIBED, Remember this was 1—PLOT, by the authorities as "Mass murder on 1—UNIMAGINABLE—SCALE" and "Bigger than 20010911             ".
20061218             Despite naming him as the "mastermind" behind somethng "bigger than 20010911             ", THE—UK—GOVERNMENT made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on CHARGES—OF—TERRORISM.
20061218             But the incredible disruption to the travelling public, THE—WAR—ON—SHAMPOO + the "Bigger than 20010911             " hype is unravelling.
20061218             Despite naming him as the "mastermind" behind somethng "bigger than 20010911             ", THE—UK—GOVERNMENT made no attempt to extradite Rashid Rauf on CHARGES—OF—TERROR—ISM.
20061219             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition THEORIES—BG—THIS guy's work is hooey.
20061219             Journal Of Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories
20061219             Good Science and 20010911             Demolition Theories-
20061220             See also 1—BALLAD—OF—DRUGS and 20010911             20061220             (I wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance in the preparation of this essay from N, 1—RUSSIA—WHO for the time being prefers to remain anonymous.) TAJIKISTAN—AUTHORITIES have claimed repeatedly that neither THE—USA nor NATO exerts ANY—PRESSURE on the drug warlords inside AFGHANISTAN.
20061220             Drugs, META—GROUPS and the Compradorial Revolution The "Russian 20010911             "
20061220             Muslim Insurrectionism + Drug Trafficking ALLEGATIONS—OF—DRUG—TRAFFICKING and Far West, Ltd Far West, Ltd, Halliburton, Diligence LLC, New Bridge + NEIL—BUSH—THE—USA—CONTRIBUTION to THE—AFGHANISTAN—KOSOVO—DRUG—TRAFFIC—HOW—THE—USA—RESTORED NARCO—BARONS to Power in AFGHANISTAN, 20010000             20061220             THE—META—GROUP, THE—WAR—ON—TERROR + 20010911             20061220             USA Geostrategic Goals and Chechnya THE—META—GROUP—GEOSTRATEGIC—GOAL:
20061220             THE—META—GROUP and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT THE—FALSE—DILEMMAS—OF—20010911              Theories
20061220             gone are the widows of 20010911             stories.
20061220             This makes Jews or people very sensitive to ANTI—SEMITISM—VERY—SKITTISH about 20010911             skepticism in general.
20061220             —THINK—PROGRESS " 20010911             Commission Vice Chair: Path to 20010911             Is 'Not...
20061220             CBC News: —SUNDAY - 20010911             : TRUTH, LIES AND CONSPIRACY
20061220             CBC News: —SUNDAY—EVAN—SOLOMON interviews LEE—HAMILTON, 20010911             Commission CO—CHAIR and CO—AUTHOR...
20061220             Online NewsHour: Newsmaker: Former 20010911             Commissioner LEE—HAMILTON...
20061220             —SERVED, LEE—HAMILTON, as Vice Chairman of 20010911             Commission.
20061220             Drugs, Managed Violence + the Russian 20010911             20061220             See also 1—BALLAD—OF—DRUGS and 20010911             (I wish to acknowledge the invaluable assistance in the preparation of this essay from N, 1—RUSSIA—WHO for the time being prefers to remain anonymous.) TAJIKISTAN—AUTHORITIES have claimed repeatedly that neither THE—USA—NOR—NATO exerts ANY—PRESSURE on the drug warlords inside AFGHANISTAN.
20061220             TABLE—OF—CONTENTS THE—META—GROUP, the Russian 20010911             + KOSOVO
20061220             THE—META—GROUP, THE—WAR—ON—TERROR + 20010911             20061220             USA Geostrategic Goals and Chechnya THE—META—GROUP—GEOSTRATEGIC—GOAL: Maintain THE—WAR—OF—TERROR Concluding Question: THE—META—GROUP and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—THE—FALSE—DILEMMAS—OF—20010911              Theories
20061220             Online NewsHour: Newsmaker: Former 20010911             Commissioner LEE—HAMILTON... 20010911             Commission Chairman THOMAS—KEAN and Vice Chairman LEE—HAMILTON discuss the final... LEE—HAMILTON served as Vice Chairman of 20010911             Commission.
20061220             See also 1—BALLAD—OF—DRUGS and 20010911             20061220             Drugs, META—GROUPS and the Compradorial Revolution The "Russian 20010911             "
20061220             Muslim Insurrectionism + Drug Trafficking ALLEGATIONS—OF—DRUG—TRAFFICKING and Far West, Ltd Far West, Ltd, Halliburton, Diligence LLC, New Bridge + NEIL—BUSH—THE—USA—CONTRIBUTION to THE—AFGHANISTAN—KOSOVO—DRUG—TRAFFIC—HOW—THE—USA—RESTORED NARCO—BARONS to Power in AFGHANISTAN, 20010000             20061220             THE—META—GROUP, THE—WAR—ON—TERROR + 20010911             20061220             THE—META—GROUP and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT THE—FALSE—DILEMM20010911             —AS—OF, Theories
20061220             LEE—H—HAMILTON, THE—VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—NATIONAL—COMMISSION on TERROR—IST Attacks upon THE—USA (also known as 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION), says "I would...
20061220—19990000    —IN, Violence and the Political Requirements of the Global Drug Traffic 1—DIGRESSION: Drugs, META—GROUPS and the Compradorial Revolution The "Russian 20010911             " : Bombings and Plans for War THE—MEETING in KHASHOGGI—VILLA, 19990700             KHASHOGGI—INTEREST in Chechnya DUNLOP—REDACTIONS—OF—HIS—SOURCE—YASENEV—THE—KHASHOGGI—VILLA—MEETING, Drugs + KOSOVO
20061220—20010911    —SINCE, HAMILTON : In —5—YEARS, USA Is 'Safer But...
20061221             —BY—WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             ,
20061221             Dead On ARRIVAL—THE—NIST 20010911             Report on THE—WTC—COLLAPSE—BY MARK—H—GAFFNEY
20061221             Unhappy Holiday: USA—DEATHS in IRAQ Could Top 20010911             Toll On Christmas
20061221             THE—NIST 20010911             Report on THE—WTC—COLLAPSE—BY MARK—H—GAFFNEY
20061221             New paper on NIST—WTC investigation at Journal of 20010911             Studies-
20061221             —BY WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—TERROR—IST attacks of 20010911             , "Islamophobia" -- intensified by THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ and USA—GOVERNMENT actions at home — has left MILLIONS—OF—AMERICA—MUSLIMS FEARFUL—OF—HARASSMENT, discrimination + questionable prosecutions + confused about their place in USA—SOCIETY.
20061221             —BY—WILLIAM—FISHER 20061219             —5—YEARS—AFTER—THE—TERROR—IST attacks of 20010911             ,
20061222             "At the current rate —THIS—MONTH, 20010911             —THE figure could be eclipsed —JUST—BEFORE or on Christmas —DAY.
20061222—20010911    —ON, The death toll of 2,959 "is —NOW—JUST 14—SHY—OF—THE commonly accepted TOTAL—OF—DEATHS in THE—USA".
20061223             JFK + 20010911             Webb on Bush /Chatham House
20061223             If THE—USA—PEOPLE knew more about THE—EPA—LIES about THE—SAFETY—OF—NEW—YORK—AIR—POST—20010911              + the emerging damage to rescuers' health that has resulted, they might be even more DIS—ILLUSIONED.
20061223             —ON the other hand, it could be that rational suspicion about 20010911             is independently contributing to the anger that shows up in Scripps polls.
20061223             —BELATED, Citizens', realization they are being lied to + their growing willingness to question these lies. may be due to the wearing off of the trauma of 20010911             and the lifting of its chilling effect on free speech and free thought.
20061223             SELL—OUT Democrats Have Walked into 1—BUSH—TRAP on IRAQ- - JFK + 20010911             —
20061223             I question whether your "disillusionment" theory is applicable at all to questions about 20010911             .
20061223             If THE—USA—PEOPLE knew more about THE—EPA—LIES about THE—SAFETY—OF—NEW—YORK—AIR—POST—20010911              + the emerging damage to rescuers' health that has resulted,
20061223             may be due to the wearing off of the trauma of 20010911             and the lifting of its chilling effect on free speech and free thought.
20061223—20010911    —SINCE, European authorities have disrupted DOZENS—OF—TERRORIST—ATTEMPTS—SINCE the bombings and have far more suspected radicals under surveillance than at ANY—POINT, THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS.
20061223—20010911    —ON, Cleaned up comments rescuer interview
20061223—20010911    —ON, THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS † + thousands more Americans + HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HUMAN—BEINGS have been killed + maimed BECAUSE—OF—THE—POST—20010911              "WAR—ON—TERROR," which is not over yet.
20061223—20010911    —ON, shows no plane Cleaned up comments rescuer interview YouTube axes 4—OF—MY—WTC 7—VIDEOS—NEW 20010911             site and forum: StudyOf911_com If the Shanksville dirt was hard FBI delaying Doubletree video release
20061223—20010911    —IN, You suggest that there is no rational basis for belief in government complicity + that these beliefs are driven only by "disillusionment".
20061226—20010911    —KILLED, USA—MILITARY—DEATHS in IRAQ tops number, attacks : THE—USA—MILITARY—DEATH—TOLL in IRAQ has reached at least 2,
20061226—20010911    —IN—THE, 974, 1—MORE than THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS—ATTACKS in THE—USA, according to 1—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—COUNT—ON—TUESDAY.
20061228             —JUST as with 20010911             —THE investigation, THE—FBI and other authorities hampered ROHRABACHER—SUB—COMMITTEE—2—YEAR—EFFORT.
20061228             —NOW it's time we call upon REPRESENTATIVE—DENNIS—KUCINICH (CHAIR—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY—SUB—COMMITTEE—UNDER—WAXMAN) to open 1—INVESTIGATION—OF his own into THE—COVER—UP—OF—20010911             —THE attacks using ROHRABACHER—INVESTIGATION as 1—MODEL, except with THE—ADDITION—OF—PUBLIC—HEARINGS which will bring tremendous public support to the effort to learn more about what really happened and hopefully build the case for criminal prosecutions.
20061229             OK City BOMBING—OK City Bombing :: 20010911             CitizensWatch :: We are concerned citizens challenging the official story of 20010911             House member says 'unanswered questions' remain re.
20061231             Why does Noam Chomsky, defender of progressive issues + seeming whistleblower on the imperialistic WAYS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, deny the the fact that 20010911             was 1—SET—UP?
20061231             You decide: ZNet Sustainer: Dear Noam, There is much documentation observed and uncovered by THE—911—FAMILIES themselves suggesting 1—CRIMINAL—CONSPIRACY within THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to COVER—UP 20010911             —THE attacks (see DVD, 20010911             : Press for Truth).
20061231             This has come in part from PAUL—THOMPSON, 1—ACTIVIST who has creatively established 20010911             —THE—TIMELINE, 1—FREE 20010911             investigative database for activist researchers, which —NOW, according to THE—VILLAGE—VOICE—JAMES—R.
20061231             links Operation Große Hochzeit warnings of 20010911             ?
20061231—20010911    —AFTER, He must have seen more proof that Allah was on his side as THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ turned to chaos and cost THE—INTERNATIONAL goodwill we gained.
20061231—20010911    —IN, COPWATCH_com FORUM—RUPPERT names Cheney prime suspect
20070100             This Has To End! This isn't about 20010911             or protection from terrorist attacks.
20070103             Goode: ELLISON—ELECTION—SHOWS—WE—ARE 'Vulnerable To Infiltration' By Those Who Want Another 20010911             20070103             In 1—LETTER to constituents, REPRESENTATIVE—VIRGIL—GOODE (R—VA) blasted REPRESENTATIVE—KEITH—ELLISON (D—MN), the 1. Muslim elected to Congress, for using 1—KORAN in 1—PRIVATE, unofficial swearing in ceremony.
20070103             In 1—OP—ED in this —MORNING—USA—TODAY, Goode writes that ELLISON—ELECTION is 1—INDICATION that we are at risk of "infiltration" by Islamic extremists who want another 20010911             .
20070103             "Only - 6—OF 75—USA metropolitan areas won the highest grades for their emergency agencies' ability to communicate —DURING 1—DISASTER, —5—YEARS—AFTER 20070911             —THE terrorist attacks," according to 1—NEW—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—REPORT.
20070103             Goode: ELLISON—ELECTION—SHOWS—WE—ARE 'Vulnerable To Infiltration' By Those Who Want Another 20010911             —
20070103—20010911    —ATTACKED, Let us remember that we were not, by 1—NATION ;
20070105             DOUCHEBAG—OF—THE—WEEK! 20070105             Is THE—WHITE—HOUSE using Pat ROBERTSON to prepare us for another 20010911             or is ROBERTSON 1—CRAZY—OLD—MAN who hears voices?
20070105             With map.
20070106             Nurse Assaulted for Passing out 20010911             DVDs at Library —AFTER Letter to THE—EDITOR—BROUGHT—ATTENTION to Her Activism-
20070106—20010911    —ON, The detainee was living in BUFFALO, NY, and left THE—USA —3—WEEKS—LATER,
20070107             Pennsylvannia and DC Many 20010911             researchers pray it all over again:
20070107             Why do all the people who make critics on THE—SO—CALLED " 20010911             conspiracy
20070107             Likewise, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—JUSTIFICATIONS for 20010911             are continually moulded and shaped
20070107             Pentagon, 20010911             : THE—7—MINUTE—FIRE—SO there is 1—PROBLEM with CONSISTENCY.
20070107             —PROVIDED, NORAD had the means +, the opportunity, for making 20010911             happen.
20070107             AN ALTERNATIVE 20010911             REPORT by SAM—SMITH
20070107             In short, with psychotic CONSISTENCY, our leaders have made matter worse... to 20010911             , already lost much of what we are or strove to be as Americans.
20070107             eSkeptic: 20010911             Conspiracy Theories
20070107             Of course, this question assumes 1—STANDARD—OF—LOGICAL—CONSISTENCY that 20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT seems to lack.
20070107             6. For more on THE—CONSISTENCY—OF—PERSONNEL involved in the various official investigations, see. my presentation from THE—CHICAGO 20010911             Truth Conference...
20070107             Team8 + Article - 20010911             Something smells in THE—AIR—THE—NAUDET video
20070107             Journal of 20010911             —STUDIES 20060801             /Volume 2—WHAT is 20010911             —TRUTH.
20070107             Many 20010911             researchers pray it all over again: "There were lots of warnings".
20070107             Rolling Stone National Affairs Daily " Blog Archive " THE—HOPELESS... Why do all the people who make critics on THE—SO—CALLED " 20010911             conspiracy... but it still lacks the consistency, common sense + factuality that are...
20070107             SPIKED—ESSAYS | Essay | OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—SCRIPT: GHOST—WRITTEN in THE—WEST—LIKEWISE, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—JUSTIFICATIONS for 20010911             are continually moulded and shaped... too many on the left read meaning and consistency into his statements...
20070107             It's hard enough to believe the... NORAD had the means + provided the opportunity, for making 20010911             happen.
20070107             AN ALTERNATIVE 20010911             REPORT by SAM—SMITH—IN short, with psychotic consistency, our leaders have made matter worse... to 20010911             , already lost much of what we are or strove to be as Americans.
20070107             eSkeptic: 20010911             Conspiracy THEORIES—OF—COURSE, this question assumes 1—STANDARD—OF—LOGICAL—CONSISTENCY that 20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT seems to lack.
20070107             ROGER—L—SIMON: THE—SMOKING—GUN—OF—SMOKING—GUNS—LOOK—IT—THE 3. anniversary of 20010911             , the Presidential race is going ballistic... My 911—TRIBUTE will be doing what I can to stick it to the arrogant...
20070107             Team8 + Article - 20010911             Something smells in the air
20070107             —SCHEDULED, 1—ADDITIONAL—PRE—TRIAL hearing has been, for 20070729             .
20070107             20070107             Journal of 20010911             —STUDIES 20060801             /Volume 2—WHAT is 20010911             —TRUTH.
20070107             20070107             6. For more on THE—CONSISTENCY—OF—PERSONNEL involved in the various official investigations, see. my presentation from THE—CHICAGO 20070809             /11—TRUTH—CONFERENCE.
20070107             Final rule/policy fully effective 20050400             .
20070108             —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, Mounir el Motassadeq, 1—MOROCCO—MAN, aiding 3—OF—THE—4—SUICIDE—PILOTS who committed 20070911             —THE attacks, was sentenced to the maximum of —15—YEARS—IN—PRISON for his role in the terror plot.
20070108—20010911    —IN—THE, 32—PER cent of respondents think IRAQ gave substantial support to AL—QAEDA + 18—PER cent think THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT was directly involved terrorist attacks.
20070109             The new congress ional leadership's "—100—HOUR—AGENDA" begins —TODAY as the House votes on 1—BILL to enact several 20010911             Commission recommendations.
20070109             Mit anderen Worten: Der Luftschlag ist eher 1—PARADEBEISPIEL für die Umsetzung der —NACH—DEM 20010911             beschlossenen USA—DOKTRIN, Terroristen immer dort zu anzugreifen und zu töten, wo es möglich ist.
20070110             to enact several 20010911             Commission recommendations.
20070110             Privacy proposals in the Democratic bill revisiting 20010911             —THE commission's recommendations both expand privacy officials' powers and require them to report to CONGRESS.
20070110             Did 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION receive all the documents it requested? (DAVID—MARIN/
20070110             Did 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION receive all the documents it requested?
20070110             Democrats Beef Police STATE—WITH 20010911             Commission Bill
20070112             Yet ANOTHER Training Exercise Predicts 20010911             20070112             THE—TRUE—LIES—OF—20010911             (Part I) THE—TRUE—LIES—OF—20010911             (Part 2) Bali BOMB—INSIDE job.
20070112             Our 20010911             Ambassadors take MALAYSIA b... Source:
20070112             Yet ANOTHER Training Exercise Predicts 20010911             | 911Blogger_COM—BG -
20070112—20010911    —ON, They didn't attack us or 9/12 or ANY—TIME at all.
20070115             Blogger Thoughts: How MANY—PEOPLE read something like this, or watch "24" + know that the official story of 20010911             is 1—MYTH?
20070117             provide universal preschool, carry out the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission,
20070117             provide universal preschool, carry out the recommendations of 20010911             —THE commission, double cancer research funding, increase funding to Gulf Coast reconstruction + enact a "global immunization campaign to save MILLIONS—OF—CHILDREN—LIVES".
20070118             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S 20010911             Story is 1—CONSPIRACY—THEORY
20070118             Watch "Interview w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911             " on GOOGLE Video
20070118             — BG—INTERVIEW w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911             20070118             BG—AUTHOR—BLAMES 20010911             On 'Cultural Left' -
20070118             the program "never produced 1—CHART with MOHAMMED—ATTA—PHOTOGRAPH or name —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks".
20070118             THE—CULTURAL—LEFT and Its Responsibility for 20010911             ".
20070118             How did the liberals plan 20010911             ?
20070118             Prominent conservative intellectual Dinesh D'Souza is releasing 1—BOOK—TODAY titled, "THE—ENEMY at Home: THE—CULTURAL—LEFT and Its Responsibility for 20010911             ".
20070118             dass ein umstrittenes Abhörprogramm, das 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, eingeführt wurde,
20070118             —INTERVIEW w/FORMER—BOSTON Center Air Traffic Controller regarding 20010911             29—MIN 50—SEC -
20070118             Unbelievable... almost as bad as Ward CHURCHILL—BG—AUTHOR—BLAMES 20010911             On 'Cultural LEFT'—INSTEAD, AMERICA—ENEMIES are right beneath our noses.
20070118             contrary to claims advanced by FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON and others, the program "never produced 1—CHART with MOHAMMED—ATTA—PHOTOGRAPH or name —PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks".
20070118             D'Souza: F.D.R. 'Indirectly Responsible' For 20070911             20070118             —CALLED, Okay, It's, "THE—ENEMY at Home: THE—CULTURAL—LEFT and Its Responsibility for 20010911             ".
20070118             'Cultural left responsible for 20010911             .'
20070118             Unterdessen gab USA—JUSTIZMINISTER ALBERTO—GONZALES in einem Brief an den USA—SENAT bekannt, dass ein umstrittenes Abhörprogramm, das 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, eingeführt wurde, nicht verlängert werde.
20070118             eSpeed : Investor Info LEE—AMAITIS, eSpeed's Global CHIEF—OPERATING—OFFICER said, "The events of 20070911             tested THE—LIMITS—OF—BOTH our systems and survivors.
20070118—20010911    —ON, That's why, he says, he was emboldened to strike.
20070119             Claim: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Told HAMZA—AL—QAEDA—NOT—BEHIND 20010911             —
20070120             —BY harping on IRAQ's alleged complicity 20010911             —IN and the "terrorist threat" posed by that nation, the Bush WHITE—HOUSE has left our troops seething with rage and HELL—BENT on vengeance
20070120             "I think CHENEY—BEEN at the center of cooking up farcical estimates of national risks, WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and 20010911             —THE connection to IRAQ".
20070120             —RECENTLY disbanded domestic spying program as 1—CRITICALLY important post-20010911             change in intelligence practices.
20070121             so we can expect to be reminded of it nearly as often as 20010911             .
20070121             MEDIEN—ETHIK: 20070911             Wackenhut and THE—CIA
20070121             It's 1—CRITICAL—PART—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION—RATIONALE for the occupation of IRAQ, so we can expect to be reminded of it nearly as often as 20010911             .
20070121—20000000    —SINCE, the WTC7 mortgage + Peterson, like MANY—OF—HIS—FRIENDS, —NOW play 1—KEY—ROLE in rebuilding Lower Manhattan —AFTER 20010911             —THE attack.
20070122             Does this explain the Neocons and 20010911             —THE—INSIDE—JOB?-
20070122             —LEARNED, VENICE—FLORIDA, where 3—OF—THE—4—TERRORIST—PILOTS, to fly, is the biggest 20010911             crime scene that wasn't reduced to rubble.
20070122             3. CHENEY (or THE—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY) are wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20070122             I think there can be 1—FAIR—ARGUMENT made that all of the above have preferred (and supported in SOME—CASES) the cover UP—OF—THE—TRUTH—OF—20010911              + will fare poorly if the complete truth is revealed.
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people would find it odd that key videos of 2. WTC attack have such 1—STRONG—BLUE coloring:
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people might be surprised that there is no exit hole in the north face of WTC2,
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people might think it very strange how... Source:
20070122             Field Activity ( CIFA ), 1—POST—20010911              PENTAGON creation that has. been accused of domestic spying,
20070122             Does this explain the Neocons and 20010911             —THE—INSIDE—JOB? - BG—WHEN Lying, Cheating + Manipulating is Okay
20070122             Bogus Eyewitnesses (20010911             )
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY—BUT 20010911             .
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             20070122—20010911    —IN—THE, Let me start by listing the major "red herrings" that exist Truth Movement
20070122—20010911    —ON, Bush gets caught off guard prior knowledge question
20070122—20010911    —FROM, We know : Press for Truth (and other sources) that THE—USA—MILITARY deliberately allowed AL—QAEDA fighters to escape -- by plane!
20070122—20010911    —FROM, We know : Press for Truth (and other sources) that THE—USA—MILITARY deliberately allowed AL—QAEDA fighters to escape -- by plane! -- from AFGHANISTAN to the wilder areas of PAKISTAN.
20070123             MATHIAS—BROECKERS has written 1—COMPELLING work questioning the mainstream media account of 20010911             that has been trumpeted by the incumbent Republican Administration.
20070123             —JOINED, MEMBERS—OF—NEW—YORK—CONGRESSIONAL delegation -, by ailing World Trade Center WORKERS—WILL urge USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH to include funding for treatment of sick 20010911             1. responders in his budget....
20070123             Political Cortex: 20010911             Chronicles: Broeckers Breaks Through Media 20010911             Blitz
20070123             NY Delegation: 20010911             Workers Getting SICKER—AT THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS,
20070124             THE—ECHO has 1—READERSHIP—OF—400,000. 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job says Shayler 20070122             by Paddy Shennan, LIVERPOOL Echo EX—MI5 officer DAVID—SHAYLER, who will be in LIVERPOOL to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about THE—NEW—YORK terror attacks FORMER spy DAVID—SHAYLER doesn't have 1—STORY to tell.
20070124             Whatever our views of DAVID—SHAYLER are, this surely counts as 1—MAJOR—BOOST for 20010911             Truth.
20070124             —AFTER hiding the truth that he knows about ISI—INVOLVMENT in operation 20010911             , Musharraf is coming out with select, partial truth to blackmail THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION.
20070124             —BY—CAROLYN—BAKER 20010911             And USA—EMPIRE: Intellectuals Speak Out, 1—REVIEW
20070124             Below is 1—LINK to 1—WEB—PAGE that has interesting investigations by DANIEL—HOPSICKER on Atta and other 20010911             related background.
20070124             Why Hopsicker is so clueless that 20010911             —THE hijacking story is 1—FRAUD is beyond me.
20070124             RELATIVE—OF—TUNNEL—BOMB—RINGLEADER Had Foreknowledge of 20010911             Attack
20070124             5.5—TON Coke Bust Reveals New Details of 20010911             Attack
20070124             Was Pentagon Tracking Atta Days —BEFORE 20010911             Attack?
20070124             MOHAMED—ATTA—SENIOR in USA —2—WEEKS—BEFORE 20010911             Attack
20070124             TERRORISTS' HOMETOWN PAPER DISCOVERS 20010911             20070124             S—DIEGO 20010911             WITNESS DEATH THREAT—THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF
20070124             THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—20010911              20070124             UK—2. biggest —EVENING paper has full page on '20010911             was 1—INSIDE—JOB'
20070124             This isn't about 20010911             or protection from terrorist attacks.
20070124—20010911    —ON, 1—REVIEW—OF—1—OF—THE—MOST important books
20070125             HR 1, "Implementing the recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION" goes 1—LONG—WAY toward creating 1—POLICE—STATE.
20070125             —BY CAROL—WOLMAN—PELOSI—APPROVES 20010911             —THE—COVERUP—WITH H. R. 1
20070125             PELOSI—1. move was to "implement the recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION".
20070125             Pelosi Approves 20010911             —THE—COVERUP—WITH H. R. 1—PELOSI—1. move was to "implement the recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION".
20070126             ABLE DANGER CIA (20060000             /20010911              46:JOHN—SAMMARTINO—XONTECH
20070126             Cannabis Culture Forums: 20010911             ON TRIAL
20070126             —FROM ABC—CONTROVERSIAL miniseries 'THE—PATH to 20010911             ' that was edited out of the docudrama amid criticism that it inaccurately portrayed THE—CLINTON administration's response to the terrorism threat". It will be aired —SUNDAY night on "HANNITY—AMERICA".
20070126             CIA officer is 1. USA combat casualty - 20011129             20070717             O'Rourke... 20070717             Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories and Controlled DEMOLITION—REAL.
20070126             None † 20010911             20070127             20010911             Was Inside Government Job [Archive] - It's Happening Forums "THE—BLACK—PAPA", ordered THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER (
20070126—20080126    —SEIT, None † 20010911             Yassir Arafat unmittelbar 20010911             —NACH—DEM, vor laufenden Kameras Blut für die bei den Anschlägen Verletzten spendete,
20070127             20010911             Was Inside Government Job [Archive] - It's Happening Forums "THE—BLACK—PAPA", ordered THE—ATTACK—ON—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER (
20070128—20010911    —ATTACKED, The terrorists who, us.
20070129             Note the "20010911             Truth —NOW" placard in the background.
20070129             LA Times Asks: Was 20010911             really that bad? (Outrageous Disinfo)-
20070129             —REPORTED, However, it has been, that THE—ORGANIZERS—OF—THE—RALLY barred any 20010911             truth speakers at the podium.
20070129             "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20070129             Demand that he tell the truth about 20010911             .
20070129             "I wonder if I'm alone in this — you know it took me about —1—YEAR to start hating 20010911             —THE victims' families ?
20070129             Under the headline "CHILLING PLOT FOR 20010911             II" NEW—YORK Post readers found out that AL—QAEDA terrorists in IRAQ planned to sneak into THE—USA with student visas and carry out 1—DEVASTATING new round of 20010911             —STYLE attacks [...]Whoa!
20070129             However, with Hillary and Bill being part of 20010911             —THE—COVERUP and supporting THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN myth, it couldn't happen to 1—BETTER—PERSON.
20070129             LA Times Asks: Was 20010911             really that bad? (Outrageous Disinfo) - BG—BLOGGER thoughts:
20070129             Chuck Norris Fact: Fabricated Path to 20010911             Scene 'Should Not Have Been In THE—FILM'
20070129             —COMMENTED, Norris, on HANNITY—PLANS to broadcast the fictitious scenes that ABC cut from its controversial docudrama, "THE—PATH to 20010911             ".
20070129             Demand that he tell the truth about 20010911             . - - - Full transcript: (more...)
20070129             DAVID—LYNCH—QUESTIONS 20010911             On National USA—RADIO
20070130             Welcome to Terrorland -- MOHAMED—ATTA & 20010911             —THE—COVER—UP in...
20070130             " 1—POWER—GOVERNMENTS—CANNOT—SUPPRESS" critiques AMERICA—RESPONSE to 20010911             ,
20070130             THE—MADCOW—MORNING—NEWS—OPERATING out of CHARLOTTE County Airport, DIETRICH—REINHARDT—CARIBE—AIR, was called 1—CIA proprietary airline in 1—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT... Welcome to Terrorland -- MOHAMED—ATTA & 20010911             —THE—COVER—UP in... DIETRICH—REINHARDT—NAME, which could have been lifted straight OUT—OF—TRANSCRIPTS—OF—THE—IRAN... and 1—EX—CIA—PILOT who used to fly U-2s over RUSSIA
20070130             " 1—POWER—GOVERNMENTS—CANNOT—SUPPRESS" critiques AMERICA—RESPONSE to 20010911             , examines the current STATE—OF—DEMOCRACY and government responsibility in AMERICA and cites examples of —WHEN government has overstepped —THROUGHOUT USA—HISTORY.
20070131             and What is 20010911             Truth? — THE—1.—STEPS,
20070131             But what this person was protesting was he said that SENATOR—LIEBERMAN needs to do more and should do more to lead 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—RESPONSE to Hurricane Katrina similar to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—HEARINGS.
20070131             wtc 11.9 - Scripps HOWARD—NEWS—SERVICE 20060803             3. of Americans suspect 20010911             20070131             wtc 11.9—SCRIPPS HOWARD—NEWS—SERVICE 20060803             3. of Americans suspect 20010911             ... Bush droht IRAN und SYRIEN, Offensive in ANBAR—PROVINZ angekündigt...
20070131             ALEX—SAID—KEVIN—RYAN (Links: KEVIN—RYAN on GOOGLE Video and What is 20010911             Truth? — THE—1.—STEPS, MANUEL—GARCIA—SEES—PHYSICS—THAT—DON'T Exist) was THE—HEAD—OF—1—SIGNIFICANT—DIVISION with access with confidential info or secret tests, which is 1—CRUDE and misleading description of Kevin, his position and his knowledge.
20070131—20010911    —ON, Alex mixes together KEVIN—INFO with STEVEN—JONES' thermate theories to form 1—OVERALL imprecise broad BRUSH—OF—THE—ISSUES relating to Controlled Demolition and explosions of WTC1, 2 + 7.
20070200             20010911             — It Controls Our Lives
20070201             Keep in mind the 1. 20010911             plane struck the World Trade Center at 8:46, 2. at 9:03 and the 3., which bombed the Pentagon, rained down at 9:37.
20070201             According to 20010911             researcher PAUL—THOMPSON, here are 1—HANDFUL—OF—EVENTS that unfolded between 9:03,
20070201             (Taken from THOMPSON—INVALUABLE—RESEARCH—TOOL, the Complete 20010911             Timeline):
20070201             Paula Zahn 20010911             Loose Change Review
20070201             BG—BLOGGER—THOUGHTS: SENATOR—SCHUMER has been useless in exposing the the truth about 20010911             .
20070201             Propping Up THE—WAR—ON—TERROR: Lies about THE—WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories KEVIN—RYAN/Scholars for 20010911             Truth (undated) 30mar2006
20070201             Our government really has nothing else to offer us but protection from another 20010911             .
20070201             SOME—OF—USA remain hopeful that we can still achieve 1—CRITICAL—MASS—AWARENESS—OF—THE need for truth + in doing so pull the support out from under what JOHN—MCMURTRY calls "20010911             —THE—WARS.
20070201             [29] But if we cannot, even as the hopes for peace fade and the number of 20010911             families continues to grow,
20070201             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT: Omissions and Distortions ( NORTHAMPTON:
20070201             Griffin summarizes the omissions and distortions in "20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT:
20070201             JOHN—MCMURTRY, "20010911             and 20010911             —THE—WARS: Understanding THE—SUPREME—CRIMES.
20070201             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, and PETER—DALE—SCOTT, eds., 20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE:
20070201             Sound 1—LOT like 20010911             ? Yeah.
20070201             Keep in mind the 1. 20010911             plane struck the World Trade Center at 8:46, 2. at 9:03 and the 3., which bombed the Pentagon, rained down at 9:37. Also keep in mind that —AFTER—THE—2. plane struck THE—WTC, even TV anchor people, let alone senior defense officers, who reaching the obvious conclusion;
20070201             According to 20010911             researcher PAUL—THOMPSON, here are 1—HANDFUL—OF—EVENTS that unfolded between 9:03, —WHEN Wolfowitz saw 2. plane hit THE—WTC + 9:37 —WHEN his own Pentagon was struck.
20070201             Complete 20010911             Timeline ):
20070201             SOME—OF—USA remain hopeful that we can still achieve 1—CRITICAL—MASS—AWARENESS—OF—THE need for truth + in doing so pull the support out from under what JOHN—MCMURTRY calls "20010911             —THE—WARS".[29] But if we cannot, even as the hopes for peace fade and the number of 20010911             families continues to grow, we should remember how we got this story and how it was propped up despite all the evidence against it.
20070201             2—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT: Omissions and Distortions ( NORTHAMPTON: Interlink Books, 20050000             ).
20070201             Griffin summarizes the omissions and distortions in "20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT: A 571-Page Lie," 911—VISIBILITY—PROJECT, 20050522             (
20070201             13—ERIC—HUFSCHMID, Painful Questions: 1—ANALYSIS—OF—20070911             —THE—ATTACK ( GOLETA—CALIFORNIA: Endpoint Software, 20020000             ), 27.
20070201             29—JOHN—MCMURTRY, "20010911             and 20010911             —THE—WARS: Understanding THE—SUPREME—CRIMES".
20070201             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN, and PETER—DALE—SCOTT, eds., 20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE: Intellectuals Speak Out ( NORTHAMPTON: Interlink Books, 20060000             ).
20070201             "Lost" And "20070911             ": 1—TALE—OF—2 Rigged Plane Crashes?
20070201             SENATOR—CHARLES—E—SCHUMER: Positively AMERICA BG BLOGGER THOUGHTS: SENATOR—SCHUMER has been useless in exposing the the truth about 20010911             .
20070201—20010911    —ON, Propping Up THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—LIES about THE—WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories KEVIN—RYAN/Scholars for 20010911             Truth (undated) 30mar2006 [More
20070201—20010911    —IN, This paper will appear AND THE—USA—EMPIRE: INTELLECTUALS SPEAK OUT, DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN and PETER—DALE—SCOTT, eds.
20070201—20010911    —ON, So...UL has, in fact, been involved in NIST—PROGRAM to find out what really happened in THE—WTC.
20070201—20010911    —ALLUDED, In his letter, Ryan also, to government employees who had come forward at risk to themselves and their jobs---to tell the truth about THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—WTC.
20070201—20010911    —ON, Propping Up THE—WAR—ON—TERROR: Lies about THE—WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories KEVIN—RYAN/Scholars for 20010911             Truth (undated) 30mar2006 Propping Up THE—WAR—ON—TERROR—LIES about THE—WTC by NIST and Underwriters Laboratories KEVIN—RYAN/Scholars for 20010911             Truth (undated) 30mar2006 [More | World Trade Center]
20070201—20070911    —REPORTED, NIST, this in its 20041000             update, in 1—TABLE—OF—RESULTS that clearly showed that the floors did not fail and that, —THEREFORE, pancaking was not possible.[14] NIST more succinctly stated this —AGAIN—IN its 20050600             draft report, saying: "The results established that this TYPE—OF—ASSEMBLY was capable of sustaining 1—LARGE—GRAVITY load, without collapsing, for 1—SUBSTANTIAL—PERIOD—OF—TIME—RELATIVE to THE—DURATION—OF—THE—FIRES in ANY—GIVEN location ".[15]
20070204             Student Scholars for 20010911             TRUTH—BG - 20070127             :-Student Scholars for 20010911             Truth featured on!
20070204             Mataró (BARCELONA—SPAIN), 20030326             SPAIN—COPY Back to THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911              20070326   
20070204             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON—PLANET—WEDNESDAY, 20070131             1—WAVE—OF—20010911              truth and other alternative
20070204             THE—VILLAGE—VOICE: Power PLAYS—OF—THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             ,
20070204             BG—CAPTAIN—ED can't see the Lies of "Homeland" Security, the heinous "Patriot Act" and Military Commissions Act + false flag operations such as 20010911             are clearly Propaganda coups even more powerful overall than tactics of the 3. Reich.
20070204             This fits 1—GROWING perception of 1—POST—20010911              world in which innocent Muslims are demonised + the terror threat manufactured to suit the dark DESIGNS—OF—THE—WEST—JUDAEO—CHRISTIAN elite.
20070204             —VISITED, As USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, NEW—YORK —YESTERDAY, advocates for ill 1.—RESPONDERS to the attacks of 20010911             ,
20070204             He also denies 20010911             conspiracies as 1—TOOL—OF clamping down on power-- yet claims systemic racism is THE—REAL—PROBLEM perpetrated by the 'Ruling Class' who seek to divide the people and play them against 1—ANOTHER.... How can 1—ACKNOWLEDGE the role of 'Ruling Elites' seeking to divide us yet reject exposed GROUPS—OF—RULING elites such as THE—BILDERBERG—GROUP
20070204             Student Scholars for 20010911             Truth-
20070204             BG - ;;01;; 27., 20070000             :-Student Scholars for 20010911             Truth featured on!
20070204             Back to THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911              20070204             THE—VILLAGE—VOICE: Power PLAYS—OF—THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , few have been of as much interest to... How MANY—AMERICANS have to die ?
20070204             Mataró (BARCELONA—SPAIN), 20030326             SPAIN—COPY Back to THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911              20070204             GEORGE—SOROS: AMERICA—NEEDS 'DE—NAZI FICATION'—BG—CAPTAIN—ED can't see the Lies of "Homeland" Security, the heinous "Patriot Act" and Military Commissions Act + false flag operations such as 20010911             are clearly Propaganda coups even more powerful overall than tactics of the 3. Reich.
20070204             —VISITED, As USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, NEW—YORK —YESTERDAY, advocates for ill 1.—RESPONDERS to the attacks of 20010911             , called for greater funding for the health care for the workers.
20070204             —ANNOUNCED, —ON—TUESDAY, MISTER—BUSH, 1—ADDITIONAL $25—MILLION in FEDERAL—FUNDING for 20070911             —RELATED health care, and...Source:
20070204             Carlyle Changes Its STRIPES—BG - 1. there were the terrorist attacks of 20070911             .
20070204             He also denies 20010911             conspiracies as 1—TOOL—OF clamping down on power-- yet claims systemic racism is THE—REAL—PROBLEM perpetrated by the 'Ruling Class' who seek to divide the people and play them against 1—ANOTHER....
20070204             ABC NEWS_com: 20070911             Voices Rally for Health CARE—BG -
20070204             Director DAVID—LYNCH: 20010911             & Clips From Barnes & Noble Appearance
20070204             Who WILL—BE—THE—NEXT 20010911             Truth Superhero?
200702041201         —AM—EST, ANTIWAR Activist: Problem is Racism, Not 20010911             or Bilderberg
20070204—20010911    Aircraft ODDITIES—BG—LOOKING for THE—LOGIC—APPENDAGE on Flight 175
20070204—20070911    —ON, The selected images are FRAGMENTS—OF—PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—ATTACK and 1—BOEING 767-300.
20070205             Labels: cheney, Comments: NEWSWEEK—ARTICLE "1—SHOT—HEARD—ROUND the World" of 20060227             fires 1—MAINSTREAM shot across THE—BOWS—OF—THE—SS—OFFICIAL—STORY in that it challenges the timeline of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION with respect to CHENEY—SHOOTDOWN order on the "letsroll" flight 93.
20070205             Labels: cheney, conspiracy, IRAN Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH : 11:25 PM 3—COMMENTS—COMMENTS: NEWSWEEK—ARTICLE "1—SHOT—HEARD—ROUND—THE—WORLD" of 20060227             fires 1—MAINSTREAM shot across THE—BOWS—OF—THE—SS—OFFICIAL—STORY in that it challenges the timeline of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION with respect to CHENEY—SHOOTDOWN order on the "letsroll" flight 93.
20070205             Minstrel Boy: 20050417             MISS—DRUYUN cut 1—DEAL to minimize her jail time and to end the public REVIEW—OF—CORRUPTION in AIR—FORCE... —POSTED—BY—MINSTREL—BOY at 20010911             AM 0—COMMENTS...
20070205             Proceedings: AIR—FORCE 4. Aging Aircraft Conference, 20010911             ;;07;;
20070205             —POSTED by Minstrel Boy at 20010911             AM 0—COMMENTS...
20070205             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that 1—POST 20010911             focus on public corruption has paid
20070205             —BELIEVED, None of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—STAFFERS, CHENEY—STORY, the article says, but —AFTER 1—BATTLE—WITH—GONZALES, the draft reports's skepticism was "toned down".
20070205             You have to be familiar with the facts and with arcana of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT to recognize the serious implications of NEWSWEEK—INNUENDO,
20070205             AIR—FORCE Logistics Management Agency 19940000             , Darleen Druyun, Principal Deputy Assistant SECRETARY—OF—AIR... Proceedings: AIR—FORCE 4. Aging Aircraft Conference, 20010911             Jul 96—USAFA...
20070205             IEC Journal: News THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that 1—POST 20010911             focus on public corruption has paid... Sears' plea is related to his secret NEGOTIATIONS—WITH—DARLEEN Druyun to...
20070205             You have to be familiar with the facts and with arcana of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT to recognize the serious implications of NEWSWEEK—INNUENDO, which is disguised as psychological background on Cheney.
20070205             1—SCRIPPS—HOWARD/UNIVERSITY—OF—OHIO survey found that more than a 3. of the people polled believed top Bush officials knew of the impending 20010911             attacks and allowed them to happen to create 1—PRETEXT for war.
20070205—20010911    —SINCE, In ;;07;;, the Post reported that the company's profits have tripled.
20070205—20010911    —AROUND, 1—ZOGBY poll shows that over 40—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS —NOW think there has been a "coverup".
20070206             simply for saying 20010911             was 1—INSIDE job and possessing firearms registered legally in KENTUCKY.
20070206             aide about 20010911             being 1—INSIDE job as well as telling the aide he legally possessed firearms, including a 45—CALIBER pistol locked safely away in glove box of his car. full article: Arcticbeacon com
20070206             —OWNED, THE—HEARST—POPULAR—MECHANICS targeted 20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT (without ever... Well, we did not have ANY—DIFFICULTY finding pilots who disagreed.
20070207             it is safe to say I will no longer read Monbiot or THE—GUARDIAN —UNTIL they start to analyse the scientific claims of 20010911             —THE community,
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change is sharp and swift, with 1—THUMPING soundtrack, slick graphics and 1—CALM and authoritative voiceover.
20070207             THE—GUARDIAN—PUBLISHES—OPINION—PIECE—ATTACKING 20010911             Skeptics Via Loose Change 'Disease'-
20070207             A 20010911             conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in fact -
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change
20070207             Senate Democrats "may use the pending bill on the recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION as 1—VEHICLE" to restart the debate over funding for troops that was derailed by conservatives —THIS—WEEK.
20070207             "SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION— a 'good opportunity' to bring up his proposal
20070207             MUCH—OF—TODAY—POLITICAL—DIALOGUE is not only ideological but dogmatic with 1—MASS—MINDEDNESS that is REFLECTIVE—OF—THE—HYSTERIA which impelled THE—USA—TO—WAR—AFTER—THE—TRAUMA—OF—20010911             .
20070207             911—CEREMONY, speeches, education on the frauds surrounding 20070911             .
20070207             THE—LONGBOW—PAPERS—ALL—YEAR the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of TEXAS, have been working —DAY and night to prevent THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—20070911             —THE attack...
20070207             But instead THE—GUARDIAN chose to equate the entire movement with 1—MOVIE made by college kids which has already been labeled by 20010911             —THE truth movement as heavily flawed on several more serious 20010911             research websites, most notably
20070207             —FOLLOWING this distasteful DISPLAY—OF—CHARACTER—ASSASSINATION, it is safe to say I will no longer read Monbiot or THE—GUARDIAN —UNTIL they start to analyse the scientific claims of 20010911             —THE community, such as THE—COLLAPSE—OF—BUILDING 7 or the molten metal at ground 0.
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change... Source:
20070207             "SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—
20070207             A 20010911             conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in FACT—THERE is 1—VIRUS sweeping the world.
20070207—20010911    —ON, There are plenty of more reputable sources from which to gather evidence.
20070207—20010911    —FROM, Seymour HERSH—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND: 1 detailed look at THE—BLUNDERS—OF—USA—POLICY in
20070207—20010911    —FROM, Seymour HERSH—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND: 1 detailed look at THE—BLUNDERS—OF—USA—POLICY in... 20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN speaks out.
20070208             Whatch the video and ignore all 20010911             —THE crap in the comments...
20070208             YouTube: JET HITTING 1—CONCRETE—WALL—AT 500MPH, atch the video and ignore all 20010911             —THE crap in the comments...
20070211             1—SYRIA—COURT—SENTENCED—MOHAMMED—HAYDAR—ZAMMAR, 1—MAN believed to have known 20070911             —THE hijackers, to —12—YEARS—IN—PRISON for membership in the banned Muslim Brotherhood organization.
20070211             RUDY—GIULIANI: Aus den Trümmern von 20010911             ins Weiße Haus?
20070211             In 1—POST 20010911             threat environment, it is reasonable and prudent to provide military aircraft to the Speaker for official travel between WASHINGTON and her district.
20070211             that THE—USA—AIR—FORCE had made 1—AIRPLANE—AVAILABLE to Speaker Hastert" —FOLLOWING 20010911             , Livingood wrote + "I offered to call THE—USA—AIR—FORCE and DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE
20070211             "I advised Speaker Pelosi that THE—USA—AIR—FORCE had made 1—AIRPLANE—AVAILABLE to Speaker Hastert" —FOLLOWING 20010911             , Livingood wrote + "I offered to call THE—USA—AIR—FORCE and DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE to seek clarification of the guidelines [which governed Speaker HASTERT—USE—OFPLANE]".
20070211—20070212    20010911             Widows Keep on Asking the Tough Questions--
20070212             Several MEMBERS—OF—STUDENT—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth attended the event in hopes of being able to ask the former 1. Lady 1—QUESTION or 2—ABOUT 20010911             .
20070212             —SUPPORTED, Student Scholars for 20010911             Truth is, by FRANKLIN—PIERCE—COLLEGE—MARLIN—FITZWATER—CENTER for Communication,
20070212             —SUPPORTED, Student Scholars for 20010911             Truth is, by FRANKLIN—PIERCE—COLLEGE—MARLIN—FITZWATER—CENTER for Communication, which is 1—VERY well known and respected center in THE—STATE—OF—NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20070212             —ATTEMPTED, However, —WHEN the Student Scholars, to get in through the press entrance, they were asked 1—SERIES—OF—QUESTION about their legitimacy —AFTER 1—VOLUNTEER noticed that 1—OF—THE—STUDENT—SCHOLARS was wearing 1—SHIRT that read "Investigate 20010911             ".
20070212—20010911    —AFTER, PAUL—LEVENTHAL -- PRESIDENT—OF—THE "Nuclear Control Institute," 1—ANTI—IRAN/LIBYA/NORTH—KOREA group which was active —IMMEDIATELY in trying to rouse FEARS—OF—TERRORIST—ATTACKS on nuclear plants
20070213             HuffmanAviation - 20010911             Encyclopedia
20070214             Veterans for 20010911             Truth:
20070214—20010911    —AFTER, Note the numbers in the new TPM story on THE—CIA—TRAVAILS in EUROPE... At least 1,245 undeclared flights operated by THE—CIA flew into European airspace or stopped over at European airfields.
20070214—20080000    —ACCLAIMED, FORMER—NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR RUDOLPH—GIULIANI, for his leadership —AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks, confirmed he is running for USA—PRESIDENT, eliminating ANY—LINGERING doubt about his candidacy.
20070215             Source: THE—NEW 20010911             Hijackers (This guy elevates JUDY—WOOD to Sainthood)-
20070215             THE—NEW "20010911             Hijackers"?
20070215             The article starts by discussing 1—WOMAN, Cinnamon Stillwell, who switched from being liberal to being quite conservative because of 20010911             .
20070215             Why We Need 1—NEW 20010911             Commission-
20070215             KENTUCKY Teacher Placed In Psych Ward For Declaring 20010911             Was An 'Inside Job'-
20070215             THE—EXCUSE—OF—LAST—RESORT for SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story, Part 2-
20070215             discredited report from 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT that said 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA had 1—MEETING—WITH—1—TOP—IRAQ—DIPLOMAT in PRAGUE —5—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             .
20070215             Source: THE—NEW 20010911             Hijackers (This guy elevates JUDY—WOOD to Sainthood)- BG—BLOGGER—THOUGHTS: Don't know...
20070215             ANDREW—JOHNSON, 20070200             20010911             — It Controls Our Lives
20070215             Giuliani 20010911             actions may fuel campaign DEBATE—POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com
20070215             —GAINED, NEW—YORK—FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor and presidential hopeful RUDOLPH—GIULIANI, fame for his performance —AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks,
20070215             THE—EXCUSE—OF—LAST—RESORT for SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             Story, Part 2 - BG—WELL, no 1 has ever seen 1—BOEING 767—GOING 500—GAZILLION miles per —HOUR hitting a 110-story building —BEFORE, so who knows what it should look like!!!... Source:
20070215             1—EXPLOSION—DES—UNGLAUBENS - 20010911             : 3—VIERTEL der USA—BÜRGER glauben nicht mehr...
20070215             The most glaring distortion was FEITH—INDEFENSIBLE—RELIANCE on 1—SHAKY, discredited report from 1—CZECH—REPUBLIC—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT that said 20010911             hijacker MOHAMMED—ATTA had 1—MEETING—WITH—1—TOP—IRAQ—DIPLOMAT in PRAGUE —5—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             .
20070215             Source: BBC 20010911             Documentary Likely Hit Piece
20070215—20010911    —AM, sie glaubten nicht (mehr) an die offizielle VERSION—DER—USA—REGIERUNG über die Vorgänge.
20070215—20010911    —AM, sagen —NUN 3—VIERTEL aller USA—AMERIKANER, sie glaubten nicht (mehr) an die offizielle VERSION—DER—USA—REGIERUNG über die Vorgänge.
20070216             —JUST as 20010911             has been used to justify the enhanced powers of the "unitary" PRESIDENT,
20070216             With the 20010911             —TRUTH—CAMPAIGN, he insists that both towers were subject to 1 controlled explosion;
20070216             Understanding the full truth about 20010911             —REQUIRES 2—STAGES—OF—1—INTELLECTUAL—PROCESS.
20070216             1. STEP—REALIZING the fraudulence of the "official 20010911             —STORY" which requires study and logic.
20070216             is that Ron Paul is not even planning to bring up the subject of 20010911             and investigations —WHEN he is allowed on as 1—OFFICIAL—PRESIDENT.
20070216             This raises the question: what's THE—USE—OF—STANDING up for 20010911             —TRUTH if you won't even address it with those who we are supposed to consider our best hope for changing our corrupt government?
20070216             —SUCCEED, Alex may think Ron Paul actually has 1—CHANCE to, as 1—CANDIDATE + realize that bring up 20010911             would hurt his chances.
20070216             Obama Addresses 20010911             —GOVERNMENT Complicity-
20070216             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—OBAMA—ADDRESSES 20010911             —GOVERNMENT Complicity Possible PRESIDENT—RESPONDS to an Infowars reader
20070216             "Within days of 20010911             —CLOONAN... interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection + demanded to know THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—PLOT.
20070216             1. 1—KEY—PLANNER—OF—THE 20010911             —PLOT + trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously 1—INFORMANT for THE—FBI.
20070216             THE—NEW—YORK landmarks plot + finally 20010911             , as well as THE—ATTACKS—AGAINST Americans in SOMALIA and KENYA.
20070216             THE—IDIOCY—BEHIND the '20010911             —TRUTH' Movement
20070216             Dov ZAKHEIM + the 20010911             —CONSPIRACY.
20070216             —BY—TOTAL From 20010911             —ACTIVIST—ATTORNEY—JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS com :
20070216             —JUST as 20010911             has been used to justify the enhanced powers of the "unitary" PRESIDENT, the evisceration of civil liberties + 1—PERMANENT—STATE—OF—WAR;
20070216             ALEX—JONES—WATCH #9: Avoiding the Issue of 20010911             with Ron Paul
20070216             —STATED, What is not, clearly here, is the fact, (which was probably evident —WHEN the post was made + is even more evident —AFTER THE—ALEX—JONES—INTERVIEW—WITH—RON—PAUL—TODAY on ALEX—SHOW), is that Ron Paul is not even planning to bring up the subject of 20010911             and investigations —WHEN he is allowed on as 1—OFFICIAL—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE at 1—DEBATE to be held live on.
20070216             CALLER: I want 1—COMPLETE, impartial + totally independent INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911       .
20070216             "Within days of 20010911             Cloonan... interviewed Ali, whom the Feds had allowed to slip into witness protection + demanded to know THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—PLOT. At that point Ali wrote it all OUT—INCLUDING details of how he'd counseled WOULD—BE hijackers on how to smuggle box cutters on BOARD aircraft and where to sit, to effect the airline seizures".(9) So let us sum up what we know so far about ALI—MOHAMED: 1. 1—KEY—PLANNER—OF—20010911             —THE plot + trainer in hijacking, was simultaneously 1—INFORMANT for THE—FBI.
20070216             2. This operative trained the members for ALL—OF—THE—CHIEF—ISLAMIST—ATTACKS inside THE—USA -- the 1. WTC bombing, THE—NEW—YORK landmarks plot + finally 20010911             , as well as THE—ATTACKS—AGAINST Americans in SOMALIA and KENYA.
20070216             The title of 1—OF—SCOTT—PIECES tells the most basic truth about this individual: 20010911             —TRAINER in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant.
20070216             WhatReallyHappened_com: 20040700             Archives Dov Zakheim + 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY.
20070216             CALLER: I want 1—COMPLETE, impartial + totally independent INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911          .
20070216   0070216   CALLER: I want 1—COMPLETE, impartial + totally independent INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911      .
20070216—20010911    —SINCE, he has gone from being 1—ESTABLISHMENT—FIGURE, taken into THE—BOSOM—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and even groomed for political office,
20070216—20010911    —AFTER, allegations that Saeed Sheikh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (whose capture reamins 1—OF—THE—GREAT lingering MYSTERIES—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR) had links to USA—INTELLIGENCE: Shortly, in
20070216—20010911    —SINCE, Regardless of whether you believe him, RODRIGUEZ—VOYAGE is 1—EXTRAORDINARY 1., he has gone from being 1—ESTABLISHMENT—FIGURE, taken into THE—BOSOM—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and even groomed for political office, to 1—WHO is —NOW considered 1—MAVERICK in these same quarters.
20070216—20010911    —ON, Arianna spouts nonsense with respect to AFGHANISTAN, etc.
20070217             —IGNORED, BRITAIN, WARNINGS—WHICH began —BEFORE 20070911             —THE—ATTACKS—FROM half 12—FRIENDLY—GOVERNMENTS about ABU—QATADA—LINKS with terrorist groups + refused to arrest him.
20070217             SENATOR—CHARLES—E—SCHUMER: Positively AMERICA BG Blogger Thoughts: SENATOR—SCHUMER has been useless in exposing the truth about 20010911             20070217             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CRANE claims 2—DIFFERENT—VERSIONS exist, FORMER—FOX exec demanding attack dogs released to prevent harm to American
20070217             "About 50 invited guests and 1—FEW gatecrashers gathered —FOR—8—HOURS last —SUNDAY at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown TORONTO to pose questions to the city's top RCMP and CANADA—SECURITY—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—COUNTERTERRORISM—OFFICIALS. It did not begin well. The 1. speaker, AHMED—MOTIAR, started off by sharing his curious theories of 20010911             —THE attacks, claiming that "Muslims were not involved and 7—OF—THE alleged 19—HIJACKERS are alive and well!" Then Cheryfa Jamal complained about 1—CANADA—MILITARY—EXERCISE she said was held outside her children's Islamic school. (Her husband is 1—OF—THE—18—MEN charged with belonging to 1—AL—QAEDA—INSPIRED terrorist group that was allegedly plotting truck bombings in downtown TORONTO.) "You're asking us here to have 1—DI.
20070217             BBC Pressured to Air 20010911             Hit Piece?
20070218             More proof the Israelis were shadowing 20010911             —THE hijackers
20070218             —BROADCASTED, THE—BBC, an —HOUR—LONG—EPISODE which it claimed would examine and answer the questions of 20010911             —THE truth movement.
20070218             aangirfan 20010911             : THE—CONSPIRACY—FILES, BBC2.
20070218             —ORDERED, Police, to stop taping public events: 1—REBUKE—OF—1—SURVEILLANCE—PRACTICE greatly expanded by THE—NEW—YORK Police Department —AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULED—THURSDAY that the police must stop the routine VIDEOTAPING—OF—PEOPLE at public gatherings unless there was 1—INDICATION that unlawful activity may occur.
20070218             —LEARNED, FOX—NEWS has, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are Israelis engaged in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20010911             .
20070218             BBC vs 20010911             Truth: THE—SMEAR—GOOGLE—READER—BBC—VS—911—TRUTH.html
20070218             —WONDERED, We, what kind of documentary THE—BBC was making about 20010911             + it's becoming clearer by the —DAY.
20070218             —REPLIED, Your nearly frozen correspondent, with "BBC vs 20010911             Truth: THE—SMEAR—BEGINS".
20070218             that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was not in ANY—WAY connected to 20010911             —THE attacks + finally
20070218—20010911    —ON, GUY—SMITH, producer of the upcoming BBC "Conspiracy Files" episode, laid the groundwork in 1—PIECE called "We're all conspiracy theorists at heart" which was published by THE—BBC —ON—FRIDAY.
20070221             "ILLUSIONS—OF—SECURITY: Global Surveillance and Democracy in the Post-20010911             World:
20070221             Sander Hicks is 1—AUTHOR—OF—THE—BIG—WEDDING: 20010911             , THE—WHISTLE—BLOWERS and THE—COVER—UP,
20070221             The real cutting edge of 20010911             Truth is 1—INTERNET—SEARCH for SHAFFER—48—PAGE—STATEMENT.
20070221             ILLUSIONS—OF—SECURITY: Global Surveillance and Democracy in the Post-20010911             World : Love letters, bank transactions, library books, scuba diving lessons?can the government actually use your personal information to predict whether you might be 1—TERRORIST?
20070221—20010911    —AFTER, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among ANTI—TERROR—CASES in THE—4—YEARS even though no evidence linked them to terror activity,
20070221—20010911    —AFTER, Audit: ANTI—TERROR—CASE—DATA FLAWED—BY LARA JAKES JORDAN—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS counted immigration violations, marriage fraud and drug trafficking among ANTI—TERROR—CASES in THE—4—YEARS even though no evidence linked them to terror activity, 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT audit said —TUESDAY.
20070223             Tracing a 20010911             Truth Rumor-
20070223             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PROFESSOR says there is no doubt infamous OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape is fake, being used to deflect 20010911             20070223             INDONESIEN—GOLDRAUSCH killt Klima-
20070223             Tracing a 20010911             Truth RUMOR—BG—WHO has claimed that BEN—CHERTOFF is related to MICHAEL—CHERTOFF?
20070223             GUARDIAN Unlimited | | 20010911             fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns
20070223             Debunking THE—BBC 's 20010911             Conspiracy Files
20070223             Expert Goes On Record: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 20010911             Confession Is Bogus
20070223             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PROFESSOR says there is no doubt infamous OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape is fake, being used to deflect 20010911             20070223             INDONESIEN—GOLDRAUSCH killt KLIMA—ONLINEREDAKTION—MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER ?
20070223             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PROFESSOR says there is no doubt infamous OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape is fake, being used to deflect 20010911             20070223             Tracing a 20010911             Truth RUMOR—BG—WHO has claimed that BEN—CHERTOFF is related to MICHAEL—CHERTOFF?
20070223             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PROFESSOR says there is no doubt infamous OSAMA—BIN—LADEN tape is fake, being used to deflect 20010911             20070223—20010911    —ON, INTERVIEW—WITH—AARON—RUSSO—DISCUSSING—ADMISSIONS—OF—NICK—ROCKEFELLER, WAR—ON—TERROR, Microchips and More
20070223—20010911    —AFTER, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS counted immigration violations, marriage fraud + drug trafficking among ANTI—TERROR—CASES in THE—4—YEARS
20070223—20010911    —ON, BBC Discredited; Retractions Hit Piece Forthcoming?
20070224             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH —MINUTE for 20070223             20070224             Wolfowitz may bring World Bank back to IRAQ -- GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for 20070223             20070225—20070223    20010911             was blow back, IRAN has nukes, getting RID—OF—THE—CIA will help solve the problem (of USA overreach),
20070224             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             (Sammelstrang) - Seite 20180000             ...
20070224—20010911    —SINCE, The cruel methods USA—INTERROGATORS have used to "break" prisoners are finally being put on trial.
20070225             running covert operations, using money that was not authorized by Congress, supporting groups indirectly that are involved with the same people that did 20010911             ".
20070225             She continues to insist that there is 1—LINK between 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks and IRAQ,
20070225             despite 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—CONCLUSION that there was "no credible evidence
20070225             GENERAL MYERS REPEATED IT TO 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20070225             —AFTER READING THE—JUST—RELEASED 20010911             COMMISSION Report accused THE—PENTAGON of
20070225             According to DAYTON, the generals "lied to THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE, they lied to Congress + they lied to your 20010911             COMMISSION ".[liv]
20070225             Debunkers, of course, had 1—FIELD—DAY trying to discredit both Vialls + his 20010911             scenario.
20070225             Bohringer was hanging out with MOHAMED—ATTA all over SOUTH—WEST—FLORIDA in THE—YEAR—BEFORE 20010911             —WHILE serving as the personal pilot of fugitive financier,
20070225             CONTINUE—WILL—AMERICA—FACE—THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             ?-
20070225             We should draw strength from the knowledge that 20010911             —THE nightmare, bad as it was, might have been even worse.
20070225—20010911    —IN—THE, What if the generals lied to conceal their complicity ATTACK—OR their guilty role in staging it?
20070225—20010911    —ON, who surreptitiously used the remote channel.
20070225—20010911    —ON, Crucially, not 1—OF—THE—8—COMMERCIAL—PILOTS and copilots sent the standard signal alerting FAA authorities that 1—HIJACKING was in progress.[x]
20070225—20010911    —TRANSMITTED, The fact that NONE—OF—THE—PILOTS or copilots, this standard SOS was suspicious, the 1. indication to Vialls that the planes were being flown by remote means.
20070225—20010911    —SINCE, According to the doctrine of PRE—EMPTIVE strike which THE—USA has adopted ,
20070225—20070223    20010911             was blow back, IRAN has nukes, getting RID—OF—THE—CIA will help solve the problem (of USA overreach),
20070226             —BY—TOTAL 20010911             —FROM activist attorney JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS com 20070216             :
20070226             "20010911             : THE—CONSPIRACY—FILES: THE—BBC—JOINS—THE—RANKS—OF—THE—UNTRUSTWORTHY—USA—MEDIA | 911—BLOGGER com-
20070226             THE—BRITISH 20010911             Truth Campaign :: View topic - Hijack Suspects Still Alive & Well
20070226             —AIRED, Last —SUNDAY THE—BBC, 1—DOCUMENTARY specifically designed to debunk 20010911             conspiracy theories.
20070226             Subject: Statement regarding 20010911             —THE bill
20070226—20010911    —FROM, Leaphart launches FOIA volley at NIST from TIA by Total activist attorney JERRY—LEAPHARDT via 911—RESEARCHERS_com 20070216             :
20070226—20010911    —ON, Woman Remembers Taking Call From Flight 93
20070226—20010911    —ON, CBC News (CANADA) Reports Truth-
20070227             —VOTED, THE—CANADA—PARLIAMENT, to end 2—ANTI—TERROR—MEASURES adopted —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20070911—THE—TERROR—ATTACKS, 1—THAT allowed for preventive arrests and another that permitted forced testimony.
20070227             —AFTER This Fiasco, How Can We Trust Anything They Told Us About 20010911             20070227             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—THE—BBC—BUILDING 7—FARCE lends about as much credibility to the official story of 20010911             as 20070227             BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed —20—MINUTES—BEFORE It Fell
20070227             Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Lieberman is making it clear he does not want IRAQ—RELATED amendments attached to 1—BILL scheduled for floor action —THIS—WEEK that would implement unfulfilled recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20070227             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—THE—BBC—BUILDING 7—FARCE lends about as much credibility to the official story of 20010911             as
20070227             Interview THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—20070911              20070227             A - rchaeologists and clergymen in the Holy Land derided claims in 1—NEW documentary produced by JAMES—CAMERON that contradict major Christian tenets, but THE—OSCAR—WINNING director said the evidence was based on sound statistics.
20070227             Aktenzeichen 20010911             — Geschrieben von mattin in Film/Video
20070227             —DONNERSTAG, 20060907             20070227             Die einzige kritische TV—REPORTAGE aus DEUTSCHLAND über über 20010911             —VON—20030000              wurde von der Kritik zerrissen und der WDR distanzierte sich davon.
20070227             Link zum Film Aktenzeichen 20010911             —VON—WILLY—BRUNNER und GERHARD—WISNEWSKI
20070227             von STEVEN—HUTCHINGS - 200609110053
20070227             THE—RANDI—RHODES—SHOW > Why were Atta and 20010911             muslim hijackers on
20070227             Die einzige kritische TV—REPORTAGE aus DEUTSCHLAND über über 20010911             —VON—20030000              wurde von der Kritik zerrissen und der WDR distanzierte sich davon.
20070227             Interview THE—UNTOLD—STORY—OF—20070911              20070227             Aktenzeichen 20010911             Geschrieben von mattin in Film/Video
20070227—20010911    —FROM, Lieberman Seeks To Block IRAQ Provisions Bill-
20070227—20010911    —SINCE, UK : Secret report: Terror threat worst :
20070227—20010911    —FROM, Lieberman Seeks To Block IRAQ Provisions BILL—NICO—COMMENTS
20070227—20010911    —SINCE, UK : Secret report: Terror threat worst : The terrorist threat facing BRITAIN from HOME—GROWN AL—QAEDA agents is higher than at ANY—TIME—SINCE 20070911             —THE attacks 20010000             , secret intelligence documents reveal.
20070227—20070911    —ON, But, 20010000             , he overslept and was half an —HOUR late for work.
20070228             Neocon Imperialism, 20010911             + the Attacks on AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ-
20070228             —DEMONSTRATED, AMERICA, 1—NATIONAL—PREDILECTION for war and domestic violence long —BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks,
20070228             Claim 20010911             Tapes Lost-
20070228             CANADA—PARLIAMENT—VOTES against renewing ANTI—TERROR—MEASURES brought in —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20070301             BBC Has Lost Tapes Of 20010101—21001231    —DEFINING—MOMENT—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -20010911             coverage gone due to "cock up".
20070301             Part II—BILLIONS in Pre-20010911             Insider Trading Profits Leaves 1—HOT—TRAIL:
20070301             Scoop: UQ Wire: 1—CITIZENS'—CRITIQUE—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISS.
20070301             Leading CIA—RUN 20010911             Fake websites are running hard with the story that THE—BBC announced THE—COLLLAPSE—OF—WORLD TRACE—CENTER—BUILDING 7
20070301             Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; GOOGLE, Digg Censor 20010911             Truth
20070301             the largest —SINCE 20070911             —THE terrorist attacks
20070301             Common Ground Common Sense > 20010911             + related topics merged here
20070301             20010911             SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing
20070301             BBC is Pulling Our Leg (RE: WTC 7) - BG For THOSE—OF—USA who have followed closely THE—DETAILS—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911            , THE—BBC chicanery fails the smell test.
20070301—20010911    —SINCE, Of all the terrifically bad ideas implemented by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, probably the worst have involved torture.
20070301—20010911    —AFTER, "THE—CANADA—PARLIAMENT has voted against renewing ANTI—TERROR—LAWS that had been introduced. The rejected laws included provisions to hold terror suspects indefinitely + to compel witnesses to testify + were in SOME—SENSE—CANADA—VERSION fo the Patriot Act. The laws were voted down in THE—FACE—OF—CLAIMS from the minority Conservative government that the Liberal Party was soft on terror + despite the fact that CANADA has faced active terrorist cells in their own country. THE—ANTI—TERROR—LAWS have never been used + it was viewed that they are neither relevant, nor needed, in dealing with terrorist plots. Hopefully more countries will come to the same conclusion".
20070302             —STACKED, It's as, 1—DECK as the mainstream media, due to the vast army of WELL—FUNDED CIA Fake 20010911             websites.
20070302             But at least the ordinary 20010911             truth campaigners can articulate 1—MORE balanced view in forums and on blogs.
20070302             In truth, the numbers are vast who are deeply suspicious about the official tale of 20010911             .
20070302             —PASSED—OF, Where even as I write 1—TRAVESTY—OF—FACT is being, as 1—LEGITIMATE 20010911             controversy + 1—ELABORATE farce is being played out to try hold
20070302             the line on the crumbling EDIFICE—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—ACCOUNT—OF—20010911             .
20070302             —ON—SUNDAY, it will have been 2,—000—DAYS—SINCE 20010911             —THE terror attacks — 2,—000—DAYS that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has spent on the loose, living in freedom.
20070302             that 20010911             commissioner RICHARD—BEN—VENISTE had been SEAL—ATTORNEY
20070302             —BIS diese im USA—GEFÜHRTEN Feldzug —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN des 20010911             gestürzt wurde.
20070302             1—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS 20010911             Truth student organization called
20070302—20010911    —INVESTIGATED, REPORT s are false, because THE—SEC, and found only respectable investors who will remain nameless involved + no terrorists,
20070303             BBC Propaganda Dismisses 20010911             Evidence.
20070303             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             (Sammelstrang) - Seite 15560000             ...
20070303             BBC NEWS | Programmes | Conspiracy Files | 20010911             —THE conspiracy...
20070303             Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; GOOGLE, Digg Censor 20010911             Truth - > Why the towers fell:
20070303             particularly the section "THE—CONJURATION—OF—THE—WATCHER," may have influenced... 20010911             and the "WAR—ON—TERROR";
20070303             This change is extremely significant, because MISTER—RUMSFELD claims to have been "out of the loop" nearly the entire —MORNING—OF—20010911         .
20070303             Politblog_net " Patriots Question 20010911             — Hochrangige 20010911             —ZWEIFLER
20070303             denksprit Der Kampf um die Meinungshoheit: 20010911             , die BBC, ALEX—JONES & Co.
20070303             Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; GOOGLE, Digg Censor 20010911             Truth - > Why the towers fell: 2—THEORIES... ALEX—JONES at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS—UNION—BALLROOM...
20070303             1—STARK ASSESSMENT—OF—TERRORISM trends by USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES has found that THE—USA—INVASION and occupation of IRAQ has helped spawn 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—ISLAM—RADICALISM and that the overall terrorist threat has grown —SINCE 20070911             —THE attacks...The report "says that THE—IRAQ war has made the overall terrorism problem worse," said 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL.
20070303             Rigorous Intuition: Weird Tales... particularly the section "THE—CONJURATION—OF—THE—WATCHER," may have influenced... 20010911             and the "WAR—ON—TERROR";
20070303             This change is extremely significant, because MISTER—RUMSFELD claims to have been "out of the loop" nearly the entire —MORNING—OF—20010911           .
20070303—20010911    —ON, Command Ops Center
20070304             more BBC video from THE—DAY—OF—20010911              has been unearthed
20070304             tyranny alert - 20010911             the fairy tale from hell
20070304             more BBC video from THE—DAY—OF—20010911              has been unearthed in which 1—CORRESPONDENT,
20070304—20010911    —AFTER, WESLEY—CLARK:, I saw 1—MEMO planning for INVASION—OF—7—COUNTRIES in —5—YEARS
20070304—20010911    —ON, Eyewitness & Media ACCOUNTS—OF—BOMBS At THE—WTC
20070305             Change blindness occurs —WHEN people do not notice changes in visible... PROCEEDINGS—OF—INFORMATION—VISUALIZATION 20000000             , OCTOBER 20010911             , SALT—LAKE—CITY, UT...
20070305             [6] And: Similar ALLEGATIONS—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE and DERELICTION—OF—DUTY have been reported here in THE—USA, where —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks FBI agent ROBERT—WRIGHT and other MEMBERS—OF—HIS—UNIT claimed that their investigation into YASIN—AL—QADI had been repeatedly blocked by higher ups at THE—FBI.
20070305             Philosophy at Union College Change Blindness : Where Philosophy and Psychology Intersect... Current DISCUSSIONS—OF—MILITARY action began with the events of 20010911             .
20070305             THE—PERSECUTION—OF—SAMI—AL—ARIAN: 1—OF—THE 1. big show trials here in the post-20010911             homeland was of 1—MUSLIM professor from FLORIDA, —NOW 49, SAMI—AL—ARIAN.
20070305             —SEIZED, According to Agent Wright, who, $1.4—MILLION directly linked to AL—QADI 19980000             [15], it is very likely that 20010911             would have been prevented if he had simply been allowed to do his job.
20070305             —OWNED, AL—QADI, 1—MASSACHUSETTS—BASED technology firm and defense contractor known as Ptech, which, according to USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS who spoke to 20010911             whistleblower INDIRA—SINGH, was a "CIA clandestine op on the level of IRAN—CONTRA ".
20070305             —AFTER investigating spatial cognition and the... THE—FEAR—OF—TERRORISM set out by the event of 20010911             made it 1—MORE.
20070305             Change blindness occurs —WHEN people do not notice changes in visible... PROCEEDINGS—OF—INFORMATION—VISUALIZATION 20000000             , OCTOBER 20010911             , SALT—LAKE—CITY, UT... dl=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=11111111&CFTOKEN=2222222
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20070306             —BECAME, The women, ill 20070224             and were being treated at MOSCOW—SKLIFOSOVSKY clinic.
20070306             FL financier WALLY HILLIARD, owner of 20010911             ...
20070306             figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier WALLY HILLIARD, owner of 20010911             terror flight school attended by MOHAMED—ATTA.
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070306             Technische UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNCHEN—DEUTSCHLAND, Technical UNIVERSITY—OF...
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20051200             GOP Seeks Quick PASSAGE—OF—ANTI—CONSTITUTION, Imperial Presidency...
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20070306   
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20070306             FL financier WALLY HILLIARD, owner of 20010911             ...
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070306             "Nazi's in the family tree " 20031007             ...
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070321             20051200             GOP Seeks Quick PASSAGE—OF—ANTI—CONSTITUTION, Imperial Presidency...
20070306             NEW MOB LINKS IN ABRAMOFF F SCANDAL ADAM—KIDAN—NEWLY—UNCOVERED link to 1—SICILIAN—MAFIA figure sheds light on the activities of secretive Naples, FL financier Wally Hilliard, owner of 20010911             ... 20051218             20070307             —INSTALLED, Chip that was illegally, 20000000             could have been utilized to execute 20010911             attacks
20070307             —INSTALLED, Chip that was illegally, 20000000             could have been utilized to execute 20010911             attacks
20070307             remote control connection to 20010911             tantalizing
20070307             IRAN—CONTRA CONNECTIONS TO 20010911             — PART 3
20070307             —ADMITTED, PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—BOEING VP, fact in speech, remote control connection to 20010911             tantalizing
20070307             BBC 's 20010911             Yellow Journalism Backfires
20070307             ALEX—CONSTANTINE—IRAN—CONTRA—CONNECTIONS—TO 20010911             — PART 3—THU
20070308             '—WHILE I believe Madam Speaker would serve tea to 20010911             —THE hijackers,
20070308             Continue - What Did ISRAEL—KNOW in Advance of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS?-
20070308             1—ARRAY of circumstantial evidence + the reported acknowledgment by THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT -­ to believe that in the months —BEFORE 20010911             ,
20070308             GEORGE—MONBIOT accuses members of 20010911             —THE truth movement of being "morons" + "idiots" who believe in "magic".
20070308             "A 20010911             conspiracy virus is sweeping the world," GUARDIAN, ;;02;;
20070308             6---called me this movement's "high priest," he —NOW describes my 20010911             writing as a "concatenation of ILL—ATTESTED nonsense".
20070308             1—EXPLOSION—OF—DISBELIEF—FRESH—DOUBTS over 20010911             — By SUE REID -
20070309             "THE—UK—EVENING—STANDARD is reporting that Boeing plans to roll out aircraft remote control systems in 1—BID to eliminate THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORIST—HIJACKINGS + prevent ANY—REPETITION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911        .
20070309             GUANTANAMO to hold key hearings Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged 20010911             mastermind + 13—OTHER—KEY—GUANTANAMO inmates face hearings.
20070309             COUNTERPUNCH—HANGOUT on 20010911             —THE—ISRAEL—SPY—STORY
20070309             "THE—UK—EVENING—STANDARD is reporting that Boeing plans to roll out aircraft remote control systems in 1—BID to eliminate THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORIST—HIJACKINGS + prevent ANY—REPETITION—OF—THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911           .
20070310             See... Critique Of Griffin's "THE—AMERICA—EMPIRE & 20010911             "
20070310             & Did Cheney Allow 20010911             Plane To Strike Pentagon ?
20070310             Officials told to 'back off' on Saudis —BEFORE 20010911             20070310             GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB had offices across the hall from CHARLES—KEATING.
20070310             —PLANNED, Bush & Co., to ELIMINATE THE—1—THING that would have prevented 20010911             — an... with JOHN—HALL + GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB —DURING—THE 1980s-1990s.
20070310             Officials told to 'back off' on Saudis —BEFORE 20010911             20070310             —PLANNED, Bush & Co., to ELIMINATE THE—1—THING that would have prevented 20010911             — an... with JOHN—HALL + GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB —DURING—THE 1980s-1990s.
20070310—20010911    —HAPPENED, THE—I am 1—AGNOSTIC on the question of what.
20070310—20010911    —ON, I would not be surprised to learn that SOME—BRANCH—OF our government conspired either actively to promote or passively to allow the attack.
20070310—20010911    —IN, MORE: Sherwood ROSS—UQ—WIRE: Illegalities Suggests Bush Role
20070310—20010911    —IN, MORE: Sherwood ROSS—UQ—WIRE: Illegalities Suggests Bush Role & Did Cheney Allow 20010911             Plane To Strike Pentagon ?
20070311             Kennedy Rails Into Conservatives Trying To Block 20010911             BILL—TO—HURT—WORKERS
20070311             And, it focuses not on ISRAEL—ART—STUDENTS and 20010911             , but THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL—TODAY.
20070311             threatened to veto 1—CRITICAL 20010911             Commission security bill if it includes legislation giving FEDERAL—AIRPORT screeners collective bargaining rights and WHISTLE—BLOWER protections.
20070311—20010911    —CONVINCED, The administration once, more than half THE—USA—PUBLIC that IRAQ had WMDs, that Saddam supported AL—QAEDA + that he was 1—THREAT to USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20070311—20010911    —SUBJECTED, Americans are being, to con job: The administration once convinced more than half THE—USA—PUBLIC that IRAQ had WMDs, that Saddam supported AL—QAEDA + that he was 1—THREAT to USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20070313    " —4—YEARS—BEFORE 20010911             , plan was set
20070313             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 6:44 AM—IF not for 20010911             .
20070314             —RELEASED, THE—PENTAGON, the transcript of 1—MILITARY hearing in which Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said he "was responsible for 20010911             —THE operation from 1—TO—Z"
20070314             the time of 20010911             ) being run by 1—WOMAN called Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES ?...
20070314             DIGG—BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed —20—MINUTES—BEFORE It Fell... the time of 20010911             ) being run by 1—WOMAN called Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES ?...
20070314             —VOTED, THE—SENATE, 60-38 to approve legislation "to implement many of the remaining reforms suggested by 20070911             —THE commission ".
20070314             Secret hearing for 20010911             suspect
20070314             Firefighters Urge "Peeling Of Giuliani's 20010911             Onion"
20070314             Newly Unearthed Footage Betrays 20010911             Media Scripting
20070314—20010911    —ON, Senate Moves to Declassify CIA Report
20070315             1 revised transcript was released by THE—USA—MILITARY that said suspected 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to THE—BEHEADING—OF—USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL and 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in 30—OTHER—ATTACKS and plots in THE—USA and worldwide that killed THOUSANDS—OF—VICTIMS.
20070315             —CONFESSED, KHALID SHEIK—MOHAMMED, to mastermind ing 20010911             20070315             and "MORE—THAN—30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots
20070315             claimed " responsibility for 20010911             —THE—OPERATION from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES
20070315             —BEHEADED, Key 20010911             figure ' Pearl'
20070315             SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Das Hirn des 20010911             20070315             Erneuerbare Energien: Öko JA—NUR nicht bei MIR—CO2- Quiz: Sind Sie 1—KLIMAEXPERTE?
20070315             —RELEASED, According to 1—PENTAGON transcript, —YESTERDAY, Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED confessed to mastermind ing 20010911             and "MORE—THAN—30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots " at 1—MILITARY hearing held in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20070315             —CLAIMED, AL—QAEDA mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, " responsibility for 20010911             —THE operation from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES—OF—TRANSCRIPTS released from Gitmo by the Pentagon —YESTERDAY.
20070315             —BEHEADED, Key 20010911             figure ' Pearl' Key AL—QAEDA suspect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says he killed USA—JOURNALIST—DANIEL—PEARL, the Pentagon says.
20070315             Le Monde diplomatique 20010911             entwickelt.
20070315             -What if THE—FBI—HIRED—SOMEONE—HONEST to Look into 20010911             ? -By DAVID—SWANSON
20070315             With the Incorrect Details of 20010911             Provided by the Military, - BG—ISN'T THE—KSM confession subject to judicial review?
20070315             Is There 1—SECRET—TO 20010911             —THE—INSURANCE—BATTLE?
20070315             Key 20010911             suspect 'admits guilt' The alleged 20010911             mastermind admits to 30—OTHER—TERROR—PLOTS in 1—CLOSED—DOOR hearing at GUANTANAMO, THE—USA—SAYS.
20070315             —CONFESSED, KHALID SHEIK—MOHAMMED, to mastermind ing 20010911             20070315             claimed " responsibility for 20010911             —THE—OPERATION from 1 to Z," according to 26—PAGES
20070315             SCHEICH—MOHAMMED : Das Hirn des 20010911             20070315             —RELEASED, According to 1—PENTAGON transcript, —YESTERDAY, Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED confessed to mastermind ing 20010911             and "MORE—THAN—30—OTHER—TERROR—ATTACKS or plots " at 1—MILITARY hearing held in GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA.
20070316             Fahrenheit 20010911             | Library + Resources Book
20070316             Alleged Architect Of 20010911             Confesses To MANY—ATTACKS:
20070316             the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—20010911             —THE attacks,
20070316             2—YOUNG—SONS—OF—KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED, the suspected MASTERMIND—OF—20010911             —THE attacks,
20070316             [Admits he met Elvis in 1—NIGHTCLUB in AFGHANISTAN (Humor) ]: Khalid SHEIK—MOHAMMED, the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE attacks, confessed at 1—GUANTANAMO—BAY military hearing that he planned and funded that AL—QAEDA operation and said he was involved in MORE—THAN—2—DOZEN—OTHER—TERRORIST—ACTS—AROUND the world
20070316             —CAPTURED, CIA holds young sons of, AL—QA'EDA—CHIEF : 2—YOUNG—SONS—OF—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of 20010911             —THE attacks, are being used by THE—CIA to force their father to talk.
20070317             Officials say 20010911             —THE—MASTERMIND was key to SOME—PLOTS but 1—BIT—PLAYER in others.
20070317             Officials say 20010911             —THE mastermind was
20070320             LP: DC 9—CARRYING 5.5—TONS—OF—COCAINE—WAS—CIA—PLANE [Goss, Negroponte, 20010911             Plot]
20070320             Examining 20010911             — Who did it?
20070320             The confessed "mastermind" of 20010911             —THE attacks—"from 1—TO—ZED"—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) has —NOW confessed to SCORES—OF—OTHER—CRIMES committed over the past 2—MILLENNIA.
20070320             Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—CONFESSES: "I—KILLED—JESUS!" : The confessed "mastermind" of 20010911             —THE attacks—"from 1—TO—ZED"—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) has —NOW confessed to SCORES—OF—OTHER—CRIMES committed over the past 2—MILLENNIA.
20070323             Killtown's: 250+ 20010911             'SMOKING Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media...
20070323             UK—2. - biggest —EVENING paper has full page on '20010911             was 1—INSIDE—JOB'—BG...
20070323—20010911    —ON, REPRESENTATIVE—CURT—WELDON, LIWA Information Dominance Center
20070323—20070911    DONALD—RUMSFELD predicts terrorist attack in USA —2—MINUTES—BEFORE 1. WTC plane...
20070324             FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—SUPPORTS—PROFESSOR—CLAIM that official 20010911             —ISLAMIST conspiracy theory are lies:
20070324             Although the 20010911             —TRUTH movement was long ignored by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + the mainstream media,
20070324             "Why the Facts of 20010911             Must Be Suppressed:
20070324             911—TRUTH_ORG—THE 20010911             —TRUTH Movement
20070324             MISTER—KING: We challenge you to ask Giuliani THE—HARD—HITTING, specific questions related to 20010911             —THAT are —NOW being sent to you.
20070324             Although 20010911             —THE truth movement was long ignored by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT + the mainstream media, recent polls have shown that (as Time magazine has acknowledged) THE—REJECTION—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—THEORY has become "1—MAINSTREAM—POLITICAL—PHENOMENON".
20070324             SOURCE—REMEMBER how Bush and Cheney wouldn't go under oath or even On the Record for 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION?
20070324—20060411    —20010911              Discussion about
20070325             News from Last Night (—FRIDAY 20070323             )- BG—SOURCE—CANADA—ENGINEER and Scholar Question 20010911             20070325             —FRIDAY—EVENING, 20070323             , approximately 65—VISITORS crowded into the SkyDragon in HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA to attend THE—HAMILTON 20010911             Truth Symposium which featured 1—VIEWING—OF—911—MYSTERIES followed by 1—TALK with engineer DOCTOR—BOB—KOROL and Scholars for 20010911             Truth and Justice member GRAEME—MACQUEEN.
20070325             POLS 20070323             -- 1—FEDERAL—LAW that would reopen 20070911             —THE victims compensation fund to aid THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE sickened from breathing Ground 0—DUST was proposed —YESTERDAY by NEW—YORK lawmakers.
20070325             Pilots For 20010911             —TRUTH—PRESS—RELEASE—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
20070325             1) Defends NIST gibberish - 2) Attacks 20010911             —SKEPTICS unreasonably
20070325             —ORCHESTRATED, The whole truth involves the details of 1—CAREFULLY, hoax with regard to what happened 20010911             —ON.
20070325             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELEVATION—OF these 3—WORDS into 1—NATIONAL mantra —SINCE the horrific events of 20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY,
20070325             This Will be Fun to WATCH—BG—SOURCE—PILOTS—FOR 20010911             TRUTH—PRESS—RELEASE
20070325             BRZEZINSKI—ESSAY seems to serve the same perverse purpose as THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—LEADERSHIP—SUPPORT for making sure 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—RECOMMENDATIONS become implemented into law.
20070325             THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELEVATION—OF these 3—WORDS into 1—NATIONAL mantra —SINCE the horrific events of 20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY, on AMERICA—PSYCHE and on USA standing in the world.
20070325             HAROLD—ICKES, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF - 19940728             20070325             JOHN—PODESTA, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—STAFF—SECRETARY - 19940805             20070325             SAMUEL—BERGER, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AFFAIRS - 20010911             /97
20070325             —FROM 911—BLOGGER_COM—BG—SOURCE 20010911             —THE—LIE is in Critical Condition 20010911             Press For Truth
20070325             —BY JOE—PLUMMER—THERE was 1—TIME, not LONG—AGO, —WHEN daring to question the official account of 20010911             was risky business.
20070325             At this point, less than 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION—BELIEVES they were given the full truth regarding 20010911             .
20070325             —CAUSED, No, it was 1—THING and 1—THING only that, HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—USA—CITIZENS to openly question the official account of 20010911             ;
20070325             questioning 20010911             is like "holocaust denial".
20070325             that anyone who speaks out about 20010911             is also ANTI—SEMITIC!
20070325             —RETIRED, Korol and MacQueen, both, professors from McMaster University, discussed the topic of controlled demolition primarily focusing on 1—ARTICLE authored by GRAEME—MACQUEEN entitled 118—WITNESSES: THE—FIREFIGHTER—TESTIMONY to Explosions in the Twin Towers published in PDF format at the Journal of 20010911             Studies.
20070325             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—BG—SOURCE THE—USA—EMPIRE and 20010911             20070325             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—EDITOR—NOTE: Because we at Tikkun are aware of extensive arguments that have appeared elsewhere against the perspective presented by THE—AUTHOR—OF—THIS piece, we debated long and hard about whether to present DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—ARGUMENT here.
20070325             —ACCEPTED, —AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , I, the blowback thesis, according to which the attacks were revenge for USA.
20070325             See THE—EXCELLENT—ANIMATION at the Linked SITE—BG—SOURCE 20010911             Investigation & Commentary
20070325             The justification for CANADA—DRACONIAN anti terrorism laws is the official story of 20010911             — that THE—USA was attacked by Islamic terrorists led by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070325             Of course 20010911             was 1—BUSH thing..look at the facts!
20070325             —JUST Ran ACROSS—BG—SOURCE Unanswered Questions of 20010911             :
20070325             —RELEASED, According to 1—TRANSCRIPT, —ON—THURSDAY by the Pentagon, suspected AL—QAIDA leader + 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed made FAR—REACHING confessions that he was "responsible for 20010911             —THE operation from 1 to Z," and that he personally beheaded kidnapped WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL with his own knife.
20070325             Source O'Donnell, Sheen Back 20010911             Conspiracy Theories Stars Cite Movie As EVIDENCE—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY
20070325             (CBS) NEW—YORK - 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—FILM about 20010911             is raising eyebrows, not only for its content, but also for the people involved in the project: Rosie O'Donnell and CHARLIE—SHEEN.
20070325             JOHN—PODESTA, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—AND—STAFF—SECRETARY - 19940805             20070325             SAMUEL—BERGER, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AFFAIRS - 20010911             /97
20070325             SAMUEL—BERGER, Assistant to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AFFAIRS - 20010911             /97
20070325             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—BG—SOURCE THE—USA—EMPIRE and 20010911             20070325             —ACCEPTED, —AFTER—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , I, the blowback thesis, according to which the attacks were revenge for USA.
20070325             physics911 . - - WTC Health AID—BG—SOURCE REOPEN 20010911             FUND: NEW—YORK.
20070325—20010911    —ON, Why did she wait in the street —BEFORE 5:20 pm, looking directly at WTC-7???
20070325—20010911    —ON, However, there is 1—UNACCEPTABLE lie underneath this essay: The essay completely RE—ENFORCES the lies of what really happened.
20070325—20010911    —ORCHESTRATED, The whole truth involves the details of 1—CAREFULLY, hoax with regard to what happened.
20070325—20010911    —AFTER, It is the wellspring for watch lists distributed to airlines, law enforcement, border posts and USA consulates, created to close 1—OF—THE—KEY—INTELLIGENCE—GAPS revealed : THE—FAILURE—OF—FEDERAL—AGENCIES to share what they knew about AL—QAEDA operatives.
20070325—20010911    —ON, The problem with this justification is that the official story of what happened is physically impossible as 1—HIGHLY qualified team of Canadian, American and INTERNATIONAL scientists, engineers and investigators demonstrate at their website
20070325—20010911    —ON, Articles
20070325—20010911    —CREATED, The fund was originally, by Congress 20010000             to provide financial assistance to THE—FAMILIES—OF—PEOPLE killed.
20070325—20070911    —ON, It takes months to design 1—IMPLOSION yet it was done in hours. marvin bush?
20070326             And he sealed his fate with THE—D.O. by... - Bush 's 20010911             —SECRETS
20070326             STATE—DEPARTMENT—QUASHED 20010911             —LINKS To Global Drug Trade
20070326             Pilots for 20010911             —TRUTH, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION—OF—PILOTS and aviation professionals,
20070326             PILOTS FOR 20010911             —TRUTH—CONTACT: ROBERT—BALSAMO
20070326             Bush 's 20010911             Secrets
20070326             Pilots for 20010911             Truth, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION—OF—PILOTS and aviation professionals, petitioned the National Transportation and Safety BOARD (NTSB) via THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT to obtain their 20020000             report, "Flight Path STUDY—USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT 77," consisting of 1—COMMA—SEPARATED—VALUE (CSV) file and Flight Path Animation, allegedly derived from Flight 77's Flight Data Recorder (FDR).
20070326             PILOTS FOR 20010911             TRUTH
20070326—20010911    —IN, BUSH—RECORD—SUGGESTS—POSSIBLE—ROLE—WTC, Pentagon... In addition THE—WELL—CONNECTED Burge owned the light planes used by the...
20070327             "ICH " --- Professor DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN is THE—NEMESIS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             —CONSPIRACY theory.
20070327             In his latest book, Debunking 20010911             —DEBUNKING, Griffin destroys the credibility of the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports,
20070327             Without question, the book is the most thorough presentation and examination of all known facts about the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20070327             —FAVORED, BUSH by being made the most, beneficiary of 1—NEW—POST—20010911             —PROGRAM that the Defense Department informally refers to as the Coalition Support Funds (CSF).
20070327             —PRECEDED, According to the report, in THE—3—YEARS that, 20010911             , PAKISTAN received $9.1—MILLION in MILITARY—AID.
20070327             THE—,—3—YEARS—AFTER 20010911             —IT received $4.2—BILLION in MILITARY—AID.
20070327             —BEFORE 20010911             —PAKISTAN received less MILITARY—AID than ESTONIA or PANAMA.
20070327             —HAS—RECEIVED, —SINCE 20010911             —PAKISTAN, more than $10—BILLION in overall aid including MILITARY—AID.
20070327             Cutting Through THE—FOG—BG—SOURCE->20010911             : Can You Handle THE—TRUTH?
20070327             More 20010911             Truth EXPOSURE—BG—SOURCE->20010911             Truth is the Key to Ending this war and the next 1 (IRAN)
20070327             In his latest book, Debunking 20010911             Debunking, Griffin destroys the credibility of the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports, annihilates his critics + proves himself to be 1—BETTER—SCIENTIST and engineer than THE—DEFENDERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—STORY.
20070327             -In 1—REPORT released ON—IT was disclosed that PAKISTAN has been rewarded for its warm friendship with MISTER—BUSH by being made the most favored beneficiary of 1—NEW—POST—20010911              program that the Defense Department informally refers to as the Coalition Support Funds (CSF).
20070327             —RECEIVED, —BEFORE 20010911             PAKISTAN, less MILITARY—AID than ESTONIA or PANAMA.
20070327             They Can't Release the Truth About 20010911             For the Same REASON—BG—SOURCE->NEW—YORK—CITY asks court not to unseal RNC spy files
20070327—20010911    —ON, ABC News COVERAGE—OF—MAJOR breaking stories including the war in IRAQ, the attacks the ongoing THREAT—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISM and the global WAR—ON—TERRORISM,
20070327—20010911    —AFTER, "MISS—NBC is running 1—STORY about yet another government database designed to thwart terrorists and drug dealers that is having impact on people with similar names. Like 1—NO—FLY list for businesses, THE—OFFICE—OF—FOREIGN—ASSET—CONTROL—LIST—OF 'specially designated nationals' has been used in the past by banks and other financial institutions to block financial TRANSACTIONS—OF—DRUG—DEALERS and other criminals. USE—OF—THE—LIST was expanded and —NOW includes almost ANY—FINANCIAL—TRANSACTION. Moreover, there is no minimum AMOUNT—OF—MONEY attached to penalties for selling to someone on the list: selling 1—SANDWICH to a 'specially designated national' can have 1—FINE for up to '$10—MILLION and 10 to —30—YEARS—IN—PRISON.' The article goes on: 'Businesses have used it to screen applicants for home and car loans, apartments and even exercise equipment, according to interviews and 1—REPORT by the Lawyers' COMMITTEE—FOR—CIVIL—RIGHTS—OF—THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY area to be issued —TODAY.'"
20070327—20010911    —AFTER, In THE—3—YEARS it received $4.2—BILLION in MILITARY—AID.
20070327—20010911    —SINCE, PAKISTAN has received more than $10—BILLION in overall aid including MILITARY—AID.
20070328             BLACKWORKERSIN GREATMIGRATION,- - I 2. a 20010911             —SHOW.
20070328             TIME MAGAZINE ran 1—SYMPATHETIC but dismissive review of the popular 20010911             —FILM "Loose Change.
20070328             Titan Corp, SKYWAY—COMMUNICATIONS,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and BUSH—BLOODY—MURDER—TONY—RYALS 20060513             554—PM DANIEL—HOPSICKER continues his...
20070328             ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, Titan Corp, Skyway Communications,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,and Bloody Murder...
20070328             News | Big Muddy IMC Titan Corp, Skyway Communications,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and BUSH—BLOODY—MURDER.
20070328             JAPAN Indymedia: RIGHT—WING POLITICS—TITAN—CORP, SKYWAY—COMMUNICATIONS,20010911             ,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and BUSH—BLOODY—MURDER.
20070329             RUMSFELD "Deserted His Post" On —MORNING—OF—20010911              : RUMSFELD was 1—LYING, insidious propagand ist, who okayed and encouraged THE—USE—OF—TORTURE by the military in IRAQ and THE—USA, who ignored the sexual torture of ABU—GHRAIB —UNTIL confronted with it by the media, who played down THE—STRENGTH—OF—THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY—FOR—YEARS—WHILE THOUSANDS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS †,
20070330             Giuliani faces questions about 20010911             .
20070330             LP: 20010911             : Debunking THE—MYTHS—THANK you GOVERNOR—HOEVEN.
20070330             Easter Surprise: ATTACK—ON—IRAN, New 20010911             ... or Worse
20070330             Giuliani faces questions about 20070911             20070330             INDIRA—SINGH—TIES in Bohemian Grovers and Aquino to 20010911             20070330             I had not noticed —EARLIER and introduced me to his girlfriend, Linda Issel,
20070330             Giuliani faces questions about 20070911             20070330             INDIRA—SINGH—TIES in Bohemian Grovers and Aquino to 20010911             20070331             The 20010911             —TRUTH Domino Effect-
20070331             The 20010911             —TRUTH Domino Effect-
20070331             O'Donnell 20010911             —RANT Reaches 30—MILLION Viewers-
20070331             —NEEDED, —WHEN THE—PENTAGON, someone to prosecute 1—GUANTANAMO—BAY prisoner linked to 20010911             , it turned to LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—V—STUART—COUCH.
20070331             years —BEFORE he would be suspected of indirectly helping to round up future hijackers for the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20070331             Global GUARDIAN 20070911             wargames
20070331             STEF—911—PAGE—THE—TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS
20070331             —ATTRACTED, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, THE—ATTENTION—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE as early as 19980000             , years —BEFORE he would be suspected of indirectly helping to round up future hijackers for 20010911             —THE attacks.
20070331             Do you believe there is 1—USA—GOVERNMENT—COVER—UP surrounding 20010911             ...
20070331—20010911    —ON, 1—PERSONAL—CONNECTION to the job: His old Marine buddy, Michael "Rocks" Horrocks, was CO—PILOT on United 175, 2. plane to strike the World Trade Center.
20070401             MADISON, WI (PRWEB) 20070330             — SOME—MEMBERS—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth, 1—NON—PARTISAN ORGANIZATION—OF—STUDENTS, experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing truths about 20010911             , have filed complaints against the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology for legal defects in its STUDIES—OF—EVENTS—OF 20010911             involving the Twin Towers and Building 7. JAMES—H—FETZER, the society's founder, believes these actions have the potential to break THE—BACK—OF—THE—COVER—UP that has enveloped these events.
20070401             —AWAKENED, BUSH will not allow himself to be easily, from his imperial DREAM—STATE or willingly step down from the phony throne he fashioned for himself atop THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—RUBBLE—OF—DEBRIS and humanity from the attacks of 20010911             ;
20070401             Easter Surprise: ATTACK—ON—IRAN, New 20010911             20070401             a 20010911             Truth Movement website, —TODAY launched 1—NEW—SECTION featuring statements from MORE—THAN—70—LEADING entertainment and media professionals that question the official account of 20010911             20070401             Or at least, that was the official view —BEFORE 20010911             20070401             Not all of the crashes are entirely comparable in TERMS—OF—IMPACT and fuel load,
20070401             —WHILE the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post-20010911             leadership_"Churchillian" was 1—ADJECTIVE,
20070401             ALEX—JONES is saying the getting behind the Rosie [O'Donnell] truth telling is essential for exposing the truth about 20010911             20070401             LET—TALK about 1—ASPECT—OF—20010911              that we've all glossed over: sound.
20070401             BG Is JIM—FETZER 1—EFFECTIVE—AGENT for Exposing the Truth of 20010911             ?
20070401             MADISON, WI (PRWEB) 20070330             — SOME—MEMBERS—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth,
20070401             1—NON—PARTISAN ORGANIZATION—OF—STUDENTS, experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing truths about 20010911             ,
20070401             have filed complaints against the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology for legal defects in its STUDIES—OF—EVENTS—OF 20010911             involving the Twin Towers and Building 7. JAMES—H—FETZER,
20070401             Is it Really Possible Brzezinski Does Not Know the Bogus Nature of 20010911             ?-
20070401             Study This- 20010911             Loose Change I —III—SCAM from the Start?
20070401             this didn't make ANY—MAINSTREAM—NEWS yet, which are usually quick to belittle 20010911             —THE 'truth' movement.
20070401             Predictable- - THE—AMERICA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—ATTACKS 20010911             Truth
20070401             of 20010911             —THE—RESEARCH blueprints page.
20070401             It's all about 20010911             Bootstrapping ANDREW—SULLIVAN
20070401             —ON LARRY—KUDLOW—SHOW tonight, Giuliani remarked that: It's not —1—DAY that goes by that I do not think about the events of 20010911             20070401             I'm hazarding that both Giuliani and BUSH share the same tidbit of remorse or guilt about 20010911             and whether they could have done more to prevent, mitigate or deal with it.
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             Hearing Opens
20070401             THE—DECIDER'S in Denial Over DEMOCRACY—BUSH will not allow himself to be easily awakened from his imperial DREAM—STATE or willingly step down from the phony throne he fashioned for himself atop THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—RUBBLE—OF—DEBRIS and humanity from the attacks of 20010911             ;
20070401             All 4—JUST happen to have been 20070911             —THE planes.
20070401             20070401             20010911             Prep (Alleged) UPDATE—BG Alleged 20070911             Financier Tells Tribunal He Knew LITTLE—OF—PLOT—WASHINGTONPOST_com
20070401             —CLIPPED, Exposing 1—TINY—PORTION—OF—THE—GIULIANI—CRIME—BG, from Giuliani Faces Questions About 20070911             20070401             NEW—YORK -- RUDY—GIULIANI—WHITE—HOUSE—ASPIRATIONS are inescapably tied to 20010911             _for better and for worse.
20070401             —WHILE the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post—20010911              leadership_"Churchillian" was 1—ADJECTIVE, "AMERICA—MAYOR" was OPRAH Winfrey's assessment_city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance —BEFORE and —AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20070401             5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—WAR—ON—TERRORISM has emerged as 1—WASTEFUL, misguided exercise that poses its own threat to USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY, experts say.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Read It and WEEP—BG, from Commentary: 20010911             and the Evidence By PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20070401             He is saying the getting behind the Rosie [O'Donnell] truth telling is essential for exposing the truth about 20010911             .
20070401             See What You THINK—BG Is JIM—FETZER 1—EFFECTIVE—AGENT for Exposing the Truth of 20010911             ?
20070401             I submit to the reader that the fact that the Fetzer based Scholars for 20010911             Truth is connected (right below the masthead) to CLG is significant.
20070401             Does anyone realize what Fitrakis' record has been on raising 20010911             Truth issues?
20070401             Is it Really Possible Brzezinski Does Not Know the Bogus Nature of 20010911             ? - BG http:/wcpo_com/specials/2001 /americaattacked/news_local/story14.html clipped from THE—DAILY—SHOW
20070401             Answer: They all try to control and CO—OPT the official story of 20010911             ,
20070401             —CLIPPED, PREDICTABLE—BG, from THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—ATTACKS 20010911             Truth
20070401             Time, Look at THE—TRUTH—BG, from CALGARY 20010911             Truth
20070401             The drawings go 1—LONG—WAY towards answering the call for RELEASE—OF—BUILDING blueprints publicized in —EARLIER versions of 20010911             —THE—RESEARCH blueprints page.
20070401             Think about the Personal Story Bush Told of His 20010911             Experience
20070401             It's all about 20010911             20070401             Bootstrapping ANDREW—SULLIVAN has the evidence and does the analysis:
20070401             —ON LARRY—KUDLOW—SHOW tonight, Giuliani remarked that: It's not —1—DAY that goes by that I do not think about the events of 20010911             .
20070401             Do we really want 4—MORE—YEARS—OF "We must not forget the lessons of 20010911             "?
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             Hearing Opens... His book is the 1. by 1—FORMER—ADMINISTRATION—MEMBER to challenge THE—PRESIDENT directly on what...
20070401             It's all about 20010911             20070401—20010911    —ON, Breaking my silence Truth
20070401             Or at least, that was the official view —BEFORE 20010911             20070401             THE—DECIDER'S in Denial Over DEMOCRACY—BUSH will not allow himself to be easily awakened from his imperial DREAM—STATE or willingly step down from the phony throne he fashioned for himself atop THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—RUBBLE—OF—DEBRIS and humanity from the attacks of 20010911             ;
20070401             —WHILE the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post—20010911              leadership_"Churchillian" was 1—ADJECTIVE, "AMERICA—MAYOR" was OPRAH Winfrey's assessment_city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance —BEFORE and —AFTER the terrorist attack.
20070401             LET—TALK about 1—ASPECT—OF—20010911              that we've all glossed over: sound.
20070401             —CLIPPED, For 10000000             —THE.
2007040120010911     THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism + MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her MAJESTY—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE...
20070401—20010911    —ON, Scholars file challenges to NIST reports
20070401—20010911    —BY, of the Twin Towers —EARLIER made Research on THE—BASIS—OF—CONSTRUCTION photographs and descriptions in contemporaneous issues of the Engineering News Record.
20070401—20010911    THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism +
20070401—20010911    —CLIPPED, Getting THE—TRUTH—BG, from Scholars file challenges to NIST reports
20070401—20010911    —FROM, Study THIS—BG clipped Loose Change I —III—SCAM from the Start?
20070401—20010911    —BY, The drawings corroborate inferences about the core STRUCTURES—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS—EARLIER made Research on THE—BASIS—OF—CONSTRUCTION photographs and descriptions in contemporaneous issues of the Engineering News Record.
20070401—20010911    —ON, Breaking my silence Truth
20070401—20070401    —ON, It's all about 20010911             LARRY—KUDLOW—SHOW tonight, Giuliani remarked that: It's not —1—DAY that goes by that I do not think about the events of 20010911             .
20070402             —FRIDAY, 20070330             Rosie O'Donnell breaks open 20010911             on network TV ABC—THE—VIEW has about 3 or 4—MILLION viewers EACH—DAY.
20070402             —TITLED, In my E—MAIL to you, " CITIGROUP — AMEC 20010911             —INSURANCE FRAUD on LLOYD—OF—LONDON?", I suggested that "LLOYD—CONVERT its civil action in respect of.
20070402             specific WARNINGS — WHAT —WHEN where - 20010911             was not 1—INTELLIGENCE
20070402             —GENERATED, Her theory has, 1—LOT—OF—INTEREST and commentary within the 20010911             —TRUTH Movement that relies primarily upon THE—INTERNET as its media source.
20070402             post 20010911             /01, as well as 1—MAJOR—CONTRACTOR for NIST in the preparation of THE—NCSTAR 1—REPORT—SERIES,
20070402             RICE—SLAMS—BACK at CLINTON in 20010911             —FALLOUT — THE—CAUCUS — POLITICS
20070402             AlterNet: 20010911             : THE—CASE—ISN'T—CLOSED—USC Trojan Family MAGAZINE — —AUTUMN
20070402             "—BEFORE 20070911             , banks didn't care much about THE—LACK—OF—AVAILABILITY—OF—COVERAGE for sabotage and terrorism.
20070402             Mainstream print and broadcast media do not cover 20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT, but may need to take heed of this administrative action filed by DOCTOR—WOOD, according to Attorney Leaphart.
20070402             —DISCOVERED, You have, that Applied Research Associates, INCORPORATED (ARA) is not only 1—MAJOR—NIST contractor in THE—CLEAN—UP—OF—THE—WTC site, post 20010911             /01, as well as 1—MAJOR—CONTRACTOR for NIST in the preparation of THE—NCSTAR 1—REPORT—SERIES, that your RFCs pertain to, there's more.
20070402             Discussion about 20010911             :
20070402             Discussion about 20010911             : 20060422             . - -
20070402             —FRIDAY, 20070330             0000—DATE Rosie O'Donnell breaks open 20010911             on network TV
20070402             Discussion about 20010911             : 20060422             20070402             Discussion about 20010911             : 20060422             .
20070402—20010911    SCIENCE REPORT, Appendix D, Insider Dealing -
20070402—20010911    —ON, How & Why the World Trade Center fell
20070402—20010911    —FILED, You, the supplement in order to call attention to 1 undisclosed apparent CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST that has 1—DIRECT bearing upon your assertions that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) were 1—CAUSAL—FACTOR in THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER (WTC).
20070403             "Yet, we're not ANY—SAFER than we were —BEFORE 20010911             , in my opinion".
20070403             Reopen 20010911             — Catch the Real Terrorists ::
20070403             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL: 20070911             , 20050000             ...
20070404             "EX—BUSH—OFFICIAL—EXPOSES 20010911             As Inside Job
20070404             Discuss EX—BUSH—OFFICIAL—EXPOSES 20010911             As Inside Job in the forum!
20070404             EX—BUSH Official Busts 20010911             —PERPS at U.W. Historical Society...
20070404             —DIVIDED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—PANEL investigating the 20010911             —ATTACKS, along partisan lines as they questioned...
20070404             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             —HEARING Opens by E Bumiller & J—MILLER
20070404             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             Hearing Opens by E Bumiller & J—MILLER... ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS repeatedly warned members of the incoming Bush...
20070404             HARD—BOILED DREAMS—OF—THE—WORLD " Blog Archive " 20070911             —THE...
20070404             Hollow MANTRAS—OF—VISION: 20010911             put option trading with Prior Knowledge Nora Slatkin -- This retired CIA Executive Director also sits on Citibank's....
20070404—20070911    USA—GOVERNMENT plot? [Archive I] - IIDB
20070406             They Let it Happen: 20010911             —COMMISSION...
20070406             They Let it Happen: 20010911             Commission... explaining the new ONP, which Bush asked FEMA Director JOE—ALLBAUGH to create.
20070407             The 20010911             —COMMISSION Report doesn't even mention it­­?1—OF—MANY—GRAVE—OMISSIONS.
20070407             CHERTOFF : Next 20010911             could be launched by Europeans :
20070407—20010911    —ON, It seems that —DURING—THE—EVACUATION—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE 1—WOMAN captured 1—AMAZING PHOTO—OF—THE—MYSTERY plane.
20070407—20010911    —ON, To THIS—DAY THE—USA—MILITARY—CLAIMS that it knows nothing about 1—LARGE—PLANE circling over WASHINGTON.
20070407—20010911    —ON, The sighting of 1—LARGE—WHITE—PLANE—ABOVE THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Capitol was very strange,
20070407—20010911    —ON, Was this the mystery plane?
20070407—20010911    —PICKED, ABC, NBC and FOX—NEWS, up the story.
20070407—20010911    —PICKED, ABC, NBC and FOX—NEWS, up the story. actually filmed the mysterious plane as it flew over the Capitol, but, unfortunately, it was too far away to identify.
20070407—20070911    —ON, 10—JOE—DEJKA, "Inside STRATCOM : Offutt exercise took REAL—LIFE twist," OMAHA WORLD—HERALD, February 27, 20020000             .
20070407—20070911    —ON, 14—JOE—DEJKA, "Inside STRATCOM : Offutt exercise took REAL—LIFE twist," OMAHA WORLD—HERALD, February 27, 20020000             .
20070407—20070911    —ON, The sighting of 1—LARGE—WHITE—PLANE—ABOVE THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Capitol, 20010000             was very strange, because the airspace over WASHINGTON is probably the most restricted on the planet.
20070408             JEROME—HAUER, - 20010911             Encyclopedia
20070408             War PIMP—IRANIANS Behind 20070911             Attack s: RUDY—GILIANI—BY MARC—SANTORA—GIULIANI—SAYS—NATION at War Requires Him Continue
20070408             Hauer,Jerome - 20010911             Encyclopedia
20070409             Killtown's: 20010911             coincidences and oddities page! -
20070409             Meet JEROME—HAUER, 20010911             —SUSPECT Awaiting Indictment...
20070409             "20010911             —WHISTLEBLOWER: RICHARD—ANDREW—GROVE (Transcript)
20070409             Meet JEROME—HAUER, 20010911             —SUSPECT Awaiting Indictment --Winter Patriot...
20070410             TUMEKE!: —5—YEARS on - 101—QUESTIONS about 20010911             20070410             the mortgage of 7—WTC was held by THE—BLACKSTONE—GROUP, headed by Pete...
20070410             " Staging 20010911             as 1—INSIDE job is going to work best (in fact, is likely to work only) if there actually exists 1—ACTIVE—NETWORK—OF—ANTI—USA—TERRORISTS who are deeply committed to killing Americans in response to USA—POLICY.
20070410             " The most robust way for insider masterminds to stage 20010911             and get away with it is to arrange for their agents to infiltrate among "real foreign terrorists". Let them come up with their own plots (or plant plots among them), choose 1—PLOT that will produce the results desired by the masterminds + see that through to fruition. At SOME—POINT, the masterminds and their agents will hijack the plot from THE—WOULD—BE—HIJACKERS, to make sure it happens. You won't risk the whole game on the ability of amateurs to get away with it, you will help them along or even replace them (with 1—REMOTE—CONTROL hijacking, for example). But it's best to have "real terrorists" in play. They leave 1—MORE—SOLID—TRAIL—OF—EVIDENCE internationally. Cops and agents and academics of 2—DOZEN—COUNTRIES can honestly confirm the existence of 1—AL—QAEDA network. That way there is less need to initiate outside observers into the plot and you don't have to hope they are all stupid, as they would have to be to fall for 1—COMPLETE—FABRICATION—OF "Qaeda".
20070410             " The best result would be for 1—WHOLE—BUNCH—OF—ISLAMIST—EXTREMISTS running —AROUND believing that their crew pulled off 20010911             all by themselves (how inspiring for them!).
20070410             TUMEKE!: —5—YEARS on - 101—QUESTIONS about 20010911             20070410             Daily Kos: Why Sibel Edmonds will never talk (20010911             )
20070410—20010911    —ON, Previously unseen huge explosion at the Pentagon
20070410—20010911    —ON, 2. —WHEN the stakes are as high as the ones involved, 1—CONSPIRATOR would take NO CHANCES on doing anything that might seem to implicate themselves.
20070413—20010911    —AFTER, THE—GOP in 1—GRACIOUS—ACT—OF "looking out" for their political rivals, warned the Dems that eliminating "security" measures that BUSH "secured" could "backfire".
20070414             • Statement to this website 20070325             : "—AFTER 4+ YEARS—OF—RESEARCH—SINCE retirement 20020000             , I am 100% convinced that THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911              were planned, organized + committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government.
20070414             That must be 1—OF—THE—REASONS why few people seem to be willing to argue in DEFENSE—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—THEORY—OF—20010911         .
20070414             EVERY—DAY, additional military and government people come out for 20010911             —TRUTH.
20070414             "Despite the best efforts of the Jersey Girls, leaders of the 20010911             —FAMILY Steering Committee, no MEMBER—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION this afternoon asked FBI CHIEF—ROBERT—MUELLER embarrassing questions about 2—FORMER—FBI translators who claim to have knowledge bearing on THE—ATTACKS. 1—OF—THEM says she is being suppressed and can't talk because ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT has placed 1—GAG order on her".
20070414             and here ) has compiled in 1—PLACE what we know about what Sibel Edmonds knows about 20010911             .
20070414             —ASKED, Scott, Scheuer about THE—PRE—911—WARNING that Sibel speaks OF—AND Scheuer said that he'd never HEARD—OF—IT... 20070512             Sibel 20010911             —ON : HERE—WHAT we know lukery ( here and here) has compiled in 1—PLACE what we know about what Sibel Edmonds knows about 20010911             .
20070414             That must be 1—OF—THE—REASONS why few people seem to be willing to argue in DEFENSE—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—THEORY—OF—20010911           .
20070414             AIR—FORCE—FIGHTER—PILOT and Instructor Comes Out for 20010911             —TRUTH LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—GUY—S—RAZER
20070414             20010911             TRUTH—BG—FROM
20070414—20010911    —ON, The above image consists of 2—SHOTS—OF—BUILDING—WTC—7—TAKEN.
20070414—20010911    —FROM, If the photo was taken with 1—DIGITAL—CAMERA as other helicopter shots were, then
20070414—20010911    —ON, Sibel : HERE—WHAT we know lukery ( here
20070415             MOORE'S 'SICKO' STUNT TAKES 20010911             —WORKERS TO CUBA
20070415             Background - Science Daily — Dream journals being kept by students in 1—COLLEGE psychology class have provided researchers with 1—UNIQUE—LOOK at how people experienced the events of 20010911             , including the influence that television COVERAGE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—ATTACKS had on people's LEVELS—OF—STRESS.
20070415             FORMER—BUSH—SPEECHWRITER—HINTS at 20010911             —INSIDE Job
20070415             O'Donnell Pledges Allegiance To 20010911             —TRUTH
20070415             blog post repeating a 20010911             —CONSPIRACY theory.
20070415             NEW—YORK Post; Exposing THE—LIES—BG (The title of this post is TONGUE—IN—CHEEK, of course.) clipped from MOORE'S 'SICKO' STUNT TAKES 20010911             WORKERS TO CUBA
20070415—20010911    —ON, Disclaimer: This post in no way supports that idea that Jones' research addresses all the effects that happened. clipped from
20070415—20010911    —FROM, BACKGROUND—BG clipped Television Viewing Linked To Dreams And Stress
20070415—20070911    —IN—THE, Citigroup says SOME—INFORMATION that the committee is seeking [about WorldCom] was destroyed terror ATTACK—ON—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER.
200704160929         —PM CIA told of AL—QAEDA hijack plot —BEFORE 20010911             — From correspondents in PARIS Agence FRANCE—PRESSE
20070417             JOSEPH—CHURBA—WASHINGTON—TIMES 19870000—20010911 (5)... WASHINGTON—TIMES 19860414             (7)... 19930000             (102).
20070417             —2—MONTHS—BEFORE 20010911             , 1—URGENT—WARNING to Rice : Tenet called Condoleezza Rice, then NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER, from the car and said he needed to see her right away.
20070417             —WARNED, There are fresh ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—CIA being, about 20010911             —BY THE—FRENCH in the news —TODAY.
20070417             Bush eviks were Warned About 20010911             : "FRANCE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE learned as early as 20010100             that AL—QAIDA was preparing 1—HIJACKING plot likely to involve A—USA—AIRPLANE, former intelligence officials SAID—MONDAY, confirming 1—REPORT that also said THE—CIA received the warning".
20070419             —PENETRATED, THE—FRANCE—HAD, AL—QAEDA —BEFORE 20010911             !
20070419             —DECIDED, Their eyes and ears are there —WHEN it is, months —BEFORE 20010911             to hit USA—AIRLINES and United Airlines.
20070420             The 3. Stage : Video: 1—COLLECTION—OF—SHORT—MAINSTREAM—MEDIA and independent film clips on the evolution of 20010911             —SKEPTICISM
20070420             —RESPONDED, The right, to 20010911             —BY asserting USA—HEGEMONY over INTERNATIONAL law and by permitting the executive branch to waive aside civil liberties.The political left went along with these developments, perhaps thinking to use the enhanced POWER—OF—GOVERNMENT for its own purposes —LATER.
20070421             extended to include the victims of 20010911             —THE and ANY—OTHER—VICTIMS—OF—THE...
20070421             THE—COLUMBIA—TEENSCREENSM—STATE—1—HEALTH—SURVEY, 20010911             .
20070421             Klar, —NACH—DEM 20010911             musste man etwas tun, sonst wären alle...
20070421             "Abi 2547" (buddhistisch), oder mit "Abi 02" (20010911             —VOM—AN, gerechnet.
20070421             Kann das denn wirklich wahr sein? - Hintergründe zum 20010911             ...
20070421             THE 20010911             —COMMISSION REPORT, Source: 196.
20070421             —SERVED, Select CHARLES—LEIDIG, who, as THE—NMCC—DEPUTY—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS 20010911             —ON.
20070421             20010911             The truth of, will certainly not be given to us on 1—SILVER platter.
20070421             —CONDUCTED, Cahill had, 1—STUDY—OF—THE—PARTICLES in the thin bluish smoke that rose from the rubble for NEARLY—4—MONTHS 20010911             —AFTER.
20070421—20010911    —ON, Complete 911—TIMELINE: DONALD—RUMSFELD—ACTIONS
20070421—20010911    —IN, EVIDENCE—OF—PENTAGON and military officials complicity...
20070421—20010911    —AFTER, Cahill had conducted 1—STUDY—OF—THE—PARTICLES in the thin bluish smoke that rose from the rubble for NEARLY—4—MONTHS.
20070424             As THE—COVER—UP unravels and Congress steps up its confrontation over the war's endgame, our desperate PRESIDENT is reverting to his old FEAR—MONGERING HABIT—OF—INVOKING 20010911             —INCESSANTLY in EVERY—SPEECH.
20070425             "Alarming 20010911             —CLAIM is found baseless,"
20070425             Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page! - 20030000             Over —1—YEAR—AGO, USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE—EMMET—SULLIVAN ordered the White...
20070427             RUDY—GIULIANI is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK: "Rudy claimed 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago that ANY—REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE would prevent another 20010911             , —WHILE ANY—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE would not.
20070427             —BEYOND being plain stupid, as KEITH—OLBERMANN noted, 20010911             —HAPPENED—DURING—THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH, 1—REPUBLICAN, in 1—CITY where the Mayor, RUDY—GIULIANI, was 1—REPUBLICAN".
20070428             200500001321—IRAN—CONTRA CONNECTIONS TO 20010911             — PART 3 -Research by ALEX—CONSTANTINE
20070428             RUDY—GIULIANI is the BuzzFlash GOP HYPOCRITE—OF—THE—WEEK: "Rudy claimed 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS ago that ANY—REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE would prevent another 20010911             , —WHILE ANY—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE would not. Beyond being plain stupid, as KEITH—OLBERMANN noted, 20010911             —HAPPENED—DURING—THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH, 1—REPUBLICAN, in 1—CITY where the Mayor, RUDY—GIULIANI, was 1—REPUBLICAN".
20070428             See the film 20010911             : Press for Truth.
20070429             "By the time the government finds out, you`ll be in the hole —30—DAYS" 20010911             —TRUTHER is Told By Officer Who Admits to False ACCUSATION—OF—HAVING—1—BOMB
20070429             WAR—CRIMINAL admits: Cheney had eye on IRAQ long —BEFORE 20010911             :
20070429             Cheney had eye on IRAQ long —BEFORE 20010911             :
20070502             Does the Truth Scare 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—BUFFS [Archive] - NoPC Forums
20070510             —REINFORCED, The conclusion that no such records exist is, Morgan and Henshall have pointed out,[10]by the fact that, according to The 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT—THE—FBI—REPORT on the issue, "USA—AIRLINES—AIRPHONE [sic] Usage," makes no MENTION—OF—DOJ records.
20070510             —COMMENTED, The 20010911             —COMMISSION : "The records available for the phone calls from American 77—DO not allow for 1—DETERMINATION—OF which of [these 4—CALLS] represent THE—2—BETWEEN Barbara and TED—OLSON, although THE—FBI and DOJ believe that all 4—REPRESENT communications between BARBARA—OLSON and her husband's office".[11]
20070510             —3—DAYS—20010911—AFTER, Olson suggested on 1—TV—SHOW that the call was made on 1—SEAT—BACK—PHONE.
20070510—20010911    —ON, at —AROUND about 09—20—AM ".
20070512             THERE—MORE here: Follow this trail + you will see why the right has secretly funded what I call the "tranny" movement -- which was designed to place all NON—OFFICIAL—VIEWS—OF—20010911             —BEHIND what we may call a "laughter curtain".
20070513             Zitat: This has never struck us as 1—IDEA that made much sense, especially if you believe THE—USA—GOVERNMENT were behind 20010911             .
20070515             Einen Aufschrei der Empörung löste Falwell aus, als er die Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, als Reaktion Gottes auf die Fehlentwicklung in den USA bezeichnete.
20070516             DISH—ANTENNAS on the C RING—OF—THE—PENTAGON that don't appear in overhead views —PRIOR—TO 20010911             .
20070516             "Stop Belittling the Theories About 20010911             20070516             Although the official 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT (CR) said USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—CHENEY did not arrive at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center(PEOC) under THE—WHITE—HOUSE—UNTIL "shortly —BEFORE 10 a.m." that tragic —DAY,
20070516             (no MENTION—OF—THIS in the 20010911             —COMMISSION—REPORT.) and see page 2
20070516             "Stop Belittling the Theories About 20010911             20070516             1—AIRLINER almost certainly did not hit the Pentagon.
20070517             "As someone who lived through the attack of 20010911             —- that we invited the attack because we were attacking IRAQ -
20070517             —MENTIONED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, despite his antipathy for Saddam, THE—EMBARGO—OF—IRAQ in PLENTY—OF—SPEECHES, both —BEFORE and 20010911             —AFTER.
20070517             The 20010911             —CONNECTION: This last bit is very mysterious and very haunting.
20070517             Issue Number 41 - 20010911             : THE—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN—CONNECTION
20070517             I don't think I've ever heard that —BEFORE + I've heard SOME—PRETTY—ABSURD—EXPLANATIONS for 20010911             " he said.
20070518             JOE—R—ARTICLES OUTSIDE—OF—PEHI - 20010911             —BIG—PICTURE
20070524             Menschenrechte —NACH—DEM 20010911             —
20070525             —SCARED, Claims of 20010911             —CONSPIRACY have suspect running, 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—EMERGENCY—MANAGEMENT—AGENCY videographer ACCUSED—OF—KILLING his wife in DENVER is seeking political asylum in ARGENTINA, claiming THE—USA—GOVERNMENT wants him silenced for what he saw in the smoldering RUINS—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS 20010911             —AFTER.
20070525             THE—FOUNDATION for DEFENSE—OF—DEMOCRACIES (FDD), 1—NEO—CONSERVATIVE—GROUP created —2—DAYS—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS on NEW—YORK and the Pentagon, is holding what it calls "1—POLICY workshop" —DURING Congress' Memorial —DAY recess, no doubt to plot strategy for moving USA—POLICY toward IRAN in 1—DIRECTION—COMPATIBLE with its confrontational views.
20070526             7—INSURANCE—COMPANIES—PAY—SILVERSTEIN Properties $2—BILLION As Settlement For 20010911             —INSURANCE—CLAIMS ;
20070527             Apocalyptic Manifesto : With JERRY—FALWELL —RECENTLY departing planet earth, ostensibly off to meet his maker, —NOW is the time to examine the role Christian fundamentalism has played in USA—HISTORY—SINCE 20010911             — particularly on THE—POLICIES—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070528             BOSTON Globe: "In defending THE—IRAQ war, leading REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENTIAL contenders are increasingly echoing words and phrases used by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH in THE—RUN—UP to the war that reinforce the misleading impression that IRAQ was responsible for 20010911             —THE, attacks".
20070530             PHILIP—D—ZELIKOW is best known as the executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20070530             Professeur de Sécurité nationale dans des académies militaires et... 911—INVESTIGATIONS—INFORMATION—BASE about the 20010911             —TH attacks...
20070530             THE—PROJECT for the New USA—CENTURY, 20010911             + THE—SO—CALLED "WAR—ON—TERROR"...
20070530             JOHN—YOO; ROBERT—B—ZOELLICK ; 20010911             . bush opedia_com/entries.html
20070530             20010911             —IN the aftermath of HE pushed Congress for 'fast track' authority on...
20070530             THE—GLOBAL—DOMINANCE—GROUP: 20010911             —PRE—WARNINGS & Election.
20070530             20010911             —BEFORE, THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—STRATEGIC—GLOBAL—DOMINANCE—POLICIES were likely... Zoellick, Robert;
20070530             Within DAYS—OF—THE 20010911             —TERRORIST—ATTACKS, THEN—USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—ZOELLICK announced that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION would be "countering terror...
20070530             —STRESSED, To the contrary, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has, that the terrible experience of 20010911             has...
20070530             Total Information Awareness: 20010911             —CHANGED...What Exactly?
20070530             " 20010911             —CHANGED everything" is 1—PHRASE that THE—USA—PEOPLE have heard...
20070530             —REMAINED, That policy, constant, even in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—20010911             —THE...
20070530             Removing Terrorist Sanctuaries: The 20010911             —COMMISSION... -
20070530             The 20010911             —COMMISSION Report, p.378-79;
20070530             Debunking 20010911             —CONSPIRACY—THEORIES and Controlled Demolition...
20070530             The evidence for 1—CONSPIRACY to use 20010911             to invade IRAQ is significant.
20070530             Zoellick is, —AFTER all, the man who shamelessly declared barely —1—WEEK—AFTER 20010911             —THAT the administration would be 'countering terror with trade' + then...
20070530             Zakheim fits THE—ROLE—OF—MASTERMIND of 20010911             , more so than ANY—OTHER—PERSON...
20070530             Aside from his position at the 20010911             —COMMISSION—ZELIKOW is —NOW also DIRECTOR—OF—THE...
20070530             Hijacking Catastrophe! How Bush Took Advantage Of 20010911             To Take...
20070530             Although there could have been MANY—RESPONSES to the tragedy of 20010911             ...
20070530             Crackdown: AZIZ—CHOUDRY on the post-20010911             —CHILL that is undermining...
20070530             Zoellick wants to use the 20010911             —ATTACKS as 1—PRETEXT for congress to grant Bush THE—SO—CALLED—FAST—TRACK—AUTHORITY, which will allow him to freelance trade...
20070530             TOM—BARRY: ROBERT—ZOELLICK : a Bush Family Man THE—EPA + a Dirty Bomb: 20010911             —DISASTROUS—PRECEDENT.
20070530             AlterNet: 20010911             : —1—YEAR—LATER: CORPORATE FOCUS: 20010911             —OPPORTUNISTS These are SOME—OF—THE "solutions" and responses to 20010911             —OFFERED by corporate...
20070530             Interactivist Info Exchange | Making the Most of 20010911             20070530             Zoellick boldly thrust himself onto the post- 20010911             —STAGE with 1—PROPOSAL to fight terrorism's appeal by opening THE—USA—MARKET to 3. world countries +...
20070530             20010911             — Right —AFTER—ZOELLICK began insisting that defeating the terrorists required WASHINGTON to create opportunities for 3. world countries to grow by...
20070530             —REPEATED, In the speech, THE—PRESIDENT, ZOELLICK—CHARACTERIZATION—OF—20010911              as 1—OPPORTUNITY to spread free trade and free markets.
20070530             Interactivist Info Exchange | Making the Most of 20010911             20070530             Strategic and Economic Blunders Litter ZOELLICK—RECORD
20070530             Zoellick boldly thrust himself onto the post- 20010911             —STAGE with 1—PROPOSAL to fight terrorism's appeal by opening THE—USA—MARKET to 3. world countries +...
20070530             shortly—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS: "The terrorists deliberately chose the...
20070530—20010911    —AFTER, THE—USA—TRADE—REPRESENTATIVE—ROBERT—ZOELLICK wrote 1—ARTICLE—IMMEDIATELY, arguing that the war against terror is 1—WAR for free trade.14 In...
20070531             —ZOOMED, The price, up nearly 37 % to $34.04—DURING—THE 1. —WEEK—AFTER post 20010911             —TRADING.
20070531             New Book "Debunking 20010911             —DEBUNKING"
20070531—20010911    —NACH, Improvisieren
20070601             Activists Confront Giuliani Over 20010911             :
20070603             Crystal —MORNING: 20010911             — EVAN—COYNE—MALONEY... COMPILATION—OF—OPEN—SOURCE—VIDEO shows that the World Trade Center ( Twin Towers and Building...
20070603             THE—BRITISH 20010911             —TRUTH—CAMPAIGN :: View TOPIC—AWESOME Library of...
20070603             JAKOB—20010911             —RESEARCH " 20060000             " —AUGUST
20070605             —SPECIALIZED, Team8Plus- a, 20010911             —RESEARCH team: Forums/Public forums...
20070605             Involved as 1—OF—THE plaintiffs in 1—TRILLION dollar 20010911             —LAWSUIT...
20070605             ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, GCN, the Protocols, ALEX—JONES, and 20010911             —THE...
20070605—20010911    —AFTER, It would be terribly embarrassing if the administration allowed 1—MAN with connections to Jamaat AL—MUSLIMEEN to work as 1—BAGGAGE—HANDLER.
20070605—20070911    Who Signed Sakher HAMMAD—WTC—BASEMENT—LEVEL—PASS?
20070609             EX—SPY thinks whole story about 20010911             —HASN'T been told;
20070609             —CONFIRMED, Secret CIA prisons, by Polish and ROMANIA—OFFICIALS : Despite denials by their governments, senior security officials in POLAND and ROMANIA have confirmed to investigators for THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE that their countries were used to hold SOME—OF—AMERICA—MOST important prisoners captured 20010911             —AFTER in secret.
20070609             THE—TRUTH—ABOUT the 20010911             —ATTACKS, Part II. AL—QAEDA + the royal HOUSE—OF—SAUD, as disclosed in FBI document 199I WF213589 ordered by Bush, JUNIOR (see THE—FRONT—PAGE—OF—THIS website)--lost his...
20070610             Revolution_20010911              20080610             "It is my belief that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was fixated on IRAQ, and used the 20010911             —ATTACKS by al QAIDA as justification for overthrowing SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20070611             BUREAU—OF—PRISONS can suspend ATTORNEY—CLIENT privileges : —1—MONTH—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE issued 1—INTERIM—RULE that gave its BUREAU—OF—PRISONS the right to scrap traditional NOTIONS—OF—ATTORNEY—CLIENT privilege in order to monitor conversations between inmates SUSPECTED—OF—TERROR—ISM and their lawyers.
20070613             THE—HIGH—COST—OF—SUBSERVIENCE to ISRAEL : AMERICA—SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—BRUTALITY was the main motivation for 20010911             20070613             It was the ultimate EXPRESSION—OF—ARAB fury over AMERICA—DOUBLE—STANDARD that routinely ignores ISRAEL i VIOLATIONS—OF—ARAB human rights.
20070613             THE—HIGH—COST—OF—SUBSERVIENCE to ISRAEL : AMERICA—SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—BRUTALITY was the main motivation for 20010911             20070613             Royal College;
20070613             THE—HIGH—COST—OF—SUBSERVIENCE to ISRAEL : AMERICA—SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—BRUTALITY was the main motivation for 20010911             20070615             The "Official" Operative Clique For THE—NEXT 20010911             ? - CHAIM...
20070615             The "Official" Operative Clique For THE—NEXT 20010911             ? - CHAIM...
20070615             —RESEARCHED, Prominent attorney ROSS—GETMAN, the facts surrounding the biological terror attacks using anthrax shortly 20010911             —AFTER, and has published his...
20070620             Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page! - 20010911             20070620             —BACKED, EXCLUSIVE: EX—DIPLOMAT: 'Blair, Bush to stop 20010911             —KNEEJERK reaction'
20070620             The most recent edition of DANIEL—HOPSICKER—WELCOME to TERROR—LAND includes 2—NEW—CHAPTERS 1—NEW—CHAPTER entitled "LATE—BREAKING News: THE—RUSSIA—MOB and 20010911             ".
20070620—20010911    —AFTER, they are those people that, they -- mentally they are same like TALIBAN, but physically they changed.
20070620—20070911    —LOCATED, ANN—TATLOCK, 1—CEO—AT—FIDUCIARY—TRUST, in THE—SOUTH—WTC... including JACKIE—CHAN, who was excused from 1—EARLY —MORNING film shoot on the...
20070621             17. - - Another [recurrent] POINT—OF—INFORMATION is that there has been 1—ACTIVE—COVER—UP by THE—FBI and other FEDERAL—INSTITUTIONS—OF—MOHAMED—ATTA—PRECISE whereabouts and activities in THE—RUN—UP to the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20070621             —ARRANGED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN may have, family's USA exit: FBI docs : OSAMA—BIN—LADEN may have chartered 1—PLANE that carried his family members and SAUDI—ARABIA—NATIONALS out of THE—USA—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks, said FBI documents released —WEDNESDAY.
20070621             New Study from Pilots for 20010911             —TRUTH: No Boeing 757—HIT the Pentagon
20070621             —OBTAINED, Pilots for 20010911             —TRUTH, black box data from the government under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT for AA FLIGHT—77, which The 20010911             —REPORT—CLAIMS hit the Pentagon.
20070621             —INVOLVED, Bush was not, in planning 20010911             20070621             Corrupt or incompetent?
20070621             MICHAEL—MOORE—HAS—SERIOUS—QUESTIONS—ABOUT 20010911             20070621             —APPROACHED, MICHAEL—MOORE—HAS—SERIOUS—QUESTIONS—ABOUT 20010911             —SAYS firefighters, him, TALKED—OF—EXPLOSIONS, demands new investigation and release of Pentagon videos
20070621             He would then launch into 1—SPEECH using the attack and the aftermath of 20010911             to illustrate his "6—PRINCIPLES—OF—LEADERSHIP".
20070621             —INVOLVED, Bush was not, in planning 20010911             20070621             MICHAEL—MOORE—HAS—SERIOUS—QUESTIONS—ABOUT 20010911             20070621             —APPROACHED, MICHAEL—MOORE—HAS—SERIOUS—QUESTIONS—ABOUT 20010911             —SAYS firefighters, him, TALKED—OF—EXPLOSIONS, demands new investigation and release of Pentagon videos
20070621             Corrupt or incompetent? No WHITE—HOUSE—PLAN would ever have made Bush seem as inept and ILL—PREPARED to defend AMERICA as the events of 20010911             —HAVE.
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070621—20070000    —IN, his BOB—EVANS—FARMS—RESTAURANT—CHAIN,
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070623—20070719    —ON, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were charged with his murder.
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070623—20070719    —ON, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were charged with his murder.
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070623—20070719    —ON, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were charged with his murder.
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI—WAS—1. TO—GRAB—ME—BY—THE—HEART, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070623—20070719    —ON, 2—USA—SOLDIERS were charged with his murder.
20070621—20050719    —ON, Fireman LOU—CACCHIOLI was the 1. to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 20010911             20070623             DIGG—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says AL—QAEDA had nothing to do with 20010911             20070623             destroying the headquarters'archives of THE—SEC—WORLDCOM + Enron... SkyWay said it's patented technology promised to protect airplanes from... says_Al_Qaeda_had_nothing_to_do_with_20010911              20070624             HERE—1 for the 20010911             —RESEARCHERS (and please note that I did not say "Trannies, start your engines"): Previous accounts have described CHENEY—ADRENALINE—CHARGED evacuation to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center that —MORNING, 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT on EACH—ARM.
20070623             DIGG—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says AL—QAEDA had nothing to do with 20010911             20070623             destroying the headquarters'archives of THE—SEC—WORLDCOM + Enron... SkyWay said it's patented technology promised to protect airplanes from... says_Al_Qaeda_had_nothing_to_do_with_20010911              20070623             DIGG—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN says AL—QAEDA had nothing to do with 20010911             20070623             destroying the headquarters'archives of THE—SEC—WORLDCOM + Enron... SkyWay said it's patented technology promised to protect airplanes from... says_Al_Qaeda_had_nothing_to_do_with_20010911              20070623#1           HE—NO—JUDGE + he's not 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS.
20070624             HERE—1 for the 20010911             —RESEARCHERS (and please note that I did not say "Trannies, start your engines"): Previous accounts have described CHENEY—ADRENALINE—CHARGED evacuation to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center that —MORNING, 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT on EACH—ARM.
20070625             THE—USA—MEDIA consensus is that "THE—USA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—THREAT—OF—1—TERROR—IST—ASSAULT—SINCE 20070911             —THE attacks" (USA—TODAY, 12—FEBRUARY 20060000             ) THE—USA—HOMELAND is threatened by " Islamic TERROR—ISTS", allegedly supported by TEHRAN and DAMASCUS.
20070626             months with AL—QAEDA leaders in FRANKFURT—GERMANY had kept accounts with... States —BEFORE 20010911             and documented by THE—DEA, THE—FBI + THE—CIA.
20070627             THE—RAW—STORY | Number of Americans who believe Saddam -20010911             —TIE rises to 41 %.
20070627             The number of Americans who believe Saddam was behind 20010911             has —NOW gone up!
20070627             Number of Americans who believe Saddam -20010911             —TIE rises to 41 %.
20070627             Number of Americans who believe Saddam-20010911             —TIE rises to 41 % : 1—NEW—NEWSWEEK poll out this weekend exposed "gaps" in AMERICA—KNOWLEDGE—OF—HISTORY and current events.
20070627             —WHEN NORTH—COM was established 20010911             —AFTER to be the military counterpart to THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, within its headquarters staff
20070627             —WHEN NORTH—COM was established 20010911             —AFTER, it established 1—COMPARTMENTED Planning and Operations Cell (CPOC) responsible for planning and directing 1—SET—OF "compartmented" and "sensitive" operations on USA, Canadian and MEXICO—SOIL.
20070628             EXCERPTS—OF—PRESENTATION, VANCOUVER 20010911             —TRUTH—CONFERENCE
20070628             —NACH—DEM 20010911             eingesetzt worden ist, aufgefordert.
20070628             foreknowledge of the 20010911             —ATTACKS: ANTHONY—ELGINDY and ADNAN—KHASHOGGI link... STEPHEN—TAUB referred RAKESH—SAXENA, the man who embezzled $88M from an...
20070629             —CONDENSED, PROFESSOR—PETER—DALE—SCOTT presents 1, VERSION—OF—THE—2—CHAPTERS from his forthcoming book, "THE—ROAD to 20010911             ", that deal with the actions of DICK—CHENEY on THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              + 1—HOST of troubling contradictions on —THAT—DAY, in lecture form.
20070630             We spend way too much money on THE—CIA and its dumb BRAND—OF—GAMES--techniques which cannot stop TERROR—IST attacks from happening anyway ( witness 20010911             —IF...
20070702             VERGANGENE—WOCHE hielten nur noch 28—PROZENT der befragten jungen Amerikaner zu ihrem PRÄSIDENTEN—NACH den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             waren es 80—PROZENT.
20070702             Pmcs - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA
20070702—20070911    —SHELVED, The sentence was, due his deteriorating health.
20070703             —RIDICULED, Bradley said he's been, by people for his questions about 20070911             —THE attacks.
20070703             Local filmmaker offers 'Proof' of 20010911             —CONSPIRACY
20070703             —WHEN asked who perpetrated 20070911             —THE—TERROR—IST attacks, most people point to the shadowy figure of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and THE—AL—QAIDA network.
20070703             "People are realizing that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has lied about the election, they've lied about the war + maybe they haven't been honest about 20010911             ," Bradley said.
20070704             Cannabis Culture Forums: Online video regarding 20010911             — "In Plane...
20070704             Common Ground Common Sense > New Independent 20010911             —VIDEO, or "How...
20070705             —CAUSED, The damage, by TERROR—ISTS on 20010911             —BEGINS to pale against the havoc wreaked upon AMERICA by AMERICA itself.
20070705             ++ 20010911             : Conspiracy THEORISTS—OF—THE—WORLD—UNITE... ++ Carousel fraud laundering: JOHN—DEUSS to face prosecution 20061023             20070705             Verfassungsgericht: ARGENTINIEN muss Anleihen AUSZAHLEN—AUCH bei Staatsnotstand
20070705             COINTELPRO 20010911             "Let me remind all that RAMY—ELBATRAWI + ADNAN—KHASHOGGI go back 1—LONG, long way," researcher Lois Battuello wrote, ".
20070705             ++ 20010911             : Conspiracy THEORISTS—OF—THE—WORLD—UNITE... ++ Carousel fraud laundering: JOHN—DEUSS to face prosecution 20061023             20070728             AAI, Giat Team For New MOBILE 105mm Gun (20071023             ) "AAI Corporation is excited about this initiative with Giat Industries, 1—OUTSTANDING defense systems company," said FREDERICK—M
20070706             And yet subsequent investigation by the 20010911             —COMMISSION -- which did accomplish SOME—THINGS -- proves that it did happen.
20070708             Do you believe 20010911             was an "Inside Job"? [Archive] - Page 6 - IIDB
20070708             "CHRISTINE—BOUTIN snared by her controversial suggestions about 20070911             ," Le Monde newspaper said in 1—HEADLINE.
20070708             For Iraqis, it's 20010911             —EVERY—DAY.
20070708             Report of the 20010911             —COMMISSION: Notes
20070708             Another major source for our investigation were THE—THOUSANDS—OF—INTERVIEWS conducted by THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION —DURING its investigation of the 20010911             —ATTACKS, which it refers to as "Penttbom".
20070708             Our investigation built on THE—WORK—OF—MANY—OTHERS, including the Joint INQUIRY—OF—THE—SENATE—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE and the House Permanent SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE into Intelligence Community Activities —BEFORE and —AFTER—THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—OF—20010911             , which we refer to as the "Joint Inquiry".
2007070820010911     —ATTACKS—GEORGE—BUSH was BEHIND—SAYS politican:
20070712             In dem Film werfen Feuerwehrleute und Angehörige der 343—EINSATZKRÄFTE, die bei den Attentaten des TERROR—NETZWERKS AL—QAIDA ihr Leben verloren, Giuliani vor, bei der Bewältigung der Ereignisse des 20010911             s versagt zu haben.
20070714             Bush _delusional_in_connecting_Iraq Edwards: BUSH—IRAQ/20070911             .2001 remarks 'border on the delisonal' :
20070714             DANIEL—HOPSICKER has 1—CHARACTERISTICALLY amazing story (which I should discuss at greater length in 1—SHORT—WHILE) about 1—OF—THE—JETS hired to ferry prominent Saudis —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              20070714             Turns out the owner of 1—OF—THE—JET charter companies was 1—FELLOW by THE—NAME—OF—FRANK—ZAMMIELLO, who appears to have close contacts with -- ahem! -- da boys.
20070714—20010911    —SLAMMED, Democratic PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE—JOHN—EDWARDS, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CONNECTING—OF—INSURGENTS in IRAQ with THE—TERROR—ISTS who attacked THE—USA, saying THE—PRESIDENT—REMARKS "border on the delusional" and accusing him of ignoring his role in allowing AL—QAEDA to gain strength in IRAQ.
20070716             theunjustmedia_COM—ON Barak's prepared speech, 20010911             —DURING, attacks.
20070716             "It is horrific," said Cabot of 20070911             —THE catastrophe.
20070716             Es wird immer klarer: beim Fall 20010911             handelt es sich um einen INSIDE—JOB". schreiben die Arbeiterfotografen ". und dann viel Wichtiges und viel Richtiges.
20070716—20010911    —ON, How is it that THE—USA—MILITARY could get 1—E 4B National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC) 747 and 1—C—130—OVER the Pentagon, both flying at low...
20070716—20010911    —ON, I was on the 30. floor of 1—BUILDING in Crystal City with 1 unobstructed view of the Pentagon
20070717             Terror 20010911             —VOM, : Kranke Ground- 0- Arbeiter klagen auf Entschädigung
20070717             Giuliani habe die Tragödie des 20010911             s zum eigenen Vorteil ausgenutzt.
20070717             —PROVOKED, AMERICA—1. Muslim congressman has, outrage by apparently comparing USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush to ADOLF—HITLER + hinting that he might have been responsible for 20010911             —THE attacks.
20070717             NORTH—OLIVER L 806. O'Rourke... 20070717             Debunking 20010911             Conspiracy Theories and Controlled DEMOLITION—REAL.
20070718—20010911    —VOR—UND dem IRAK—KRIEG gar nicht gab, stellt —HEUTE 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—GEFAHREN—DER—SICHERHEIT—DER—USA—DAR—AUF diese Aussage konzentriert, werten sie den Bericht als endgültigen Beweis für Bush s Inkompetenz.
20070718—20010911    —VOR, Memos wie
20070719             1—WAKE—UP CALL—THIS is 1—WAKE—UP call that we are about to have another 20010911             —WMD experience.
20070720             "THE—ADMINISTRATION—FIGURES—THEMSELVES + prominent Republican propagandists... are preparing us for another 20010911             —EVENT or SERIES—OF—EVENTS," Roberts continued.
20070720             THE—REPUBLICANS—ARE—PRAYING—FOR—ANOTHER 20010911             ".
20070721             WHITE—HOUSE preparing to stage new 20070911             REAGAN—OFFICIAL : 1—FORMER—REAGAN—OFFICIAL—HAS—ISSUED 1—PUBLIC warning that THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is preparing to orchestrate 1 staged terrorist attack in THE—USA, transform the country into 1—DICTATORSHIP and launch 1—WAR with IRAN within —1—YEAR.
20070724—20070911    —ON, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, speaking at CHARLESTON AIR—FORCE—BASE in SOUTH—CAROLINA, sought to justify THE—IRAQ—WAR—BY—CITING—INTELLIGENCE—REPORTS he said showed 1—LINK between AL—QAIDA—OPERATION in IRAQ and the terror group that attacked THE—USA.
20070726             —FIRED, Controversial 20010911             —PROFESSOR, : CHURCHILL, 1—ETHNIC—STUDIES—PROFESSOR at THE—STATE—FUNDED university, said in 1—INTERVIEW that the allegations were 1—PRETEXT to remove him because of his unpopular views.
20070726             Or, to put it numerically, —JUST how does 1—PRESIDENT descend from a 92 % approval rating —1—MONTH—AFTER 20010911             —THE—HIGHEST—OF—ANY—PRESIDENT—SINCE modern polling BEGAN—TO THE—2—THIRDS disapproval score that has stalked him through THE—LAST—YEAR, thanks to THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE, without getting the message?
20070726             NEWSVINE—WHY Is 20010911             —BUSH—ACE—OF—TRUMP?
20070726             —BOOED, GEORGE W BUSH And USA—SENATOR—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON—WAS, —WHEN she stood up to... THE—OFFICIALS—IN—CHARGE—AT—BOTH—NMCC and NORAD also acted incompetently 20010911             —ON...
20070726             THE, Pink TEXAS " 20060000             "—AUGUST—EARLE—THEN—INDICTED—KAY—BAILEY—HUTCHISON, TOM—DELAY—AND T. chilling article in VANITY—FAIR concerning the 20010911             —NORAD tapes (you can listen to excerpts...
20070726             —ORDERED, If NORAD was, to stand down THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              /01, then someone gave...
20070727             —BETEUERT, —NUN, die UNIVERSITÄT, mit dem abstrusen 20010911             —NAZI—VERGLEICH habe die Entlassung nichts zu tun.
20070727             —INSISTIERT, Churchills Anwalt DAVID—LANE dagegen, —BEREITS—SEIT —JAHREN, der Kommentar zum 20070911             sei die treibende Kraft hinter der Untersuchung von Churchills QUELLENGENAUIGKEIT—LANE hält die ganze Untersuchung für eine schlecht inszenierte Farce.
20070727             —ENTFACHT, CHURCHILL hatte in den USA hitzige Debatten : KURZ—NACH—DEN TERRRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20070911             schrieb der Professor einen verworrenen Essay.
20070727—20070911    NAZI—VERGLEICH: Uni feuert SKANDAL—PROFESSOR
20070728             THE—REVEREND—CHUCK—CURRIE: 20010911             20070728             80—2—PERCENT—OF—THE—EXPERTS expect another 20010911             —SCALE ATTACK—ON—THE—UNITED...
20070730             Everything in the 20010911             —NARRATIVE traces back to this 1—REPORT from TED—OLSON + his ?investigation, interview?
20070730             15—OF—THE 19 20010911             —HIJACKERS Were Saudi;
20070801             THE—TELEGRAPH :: View topic - 31—ANOMALIES—OF—20010911              20070801             THE—TELEGRAPH :: View topic - 31—ANOMALIES—OF—20010911              20090801             The new USA—POST—20010911             —GI Bill took effect to reimburse veterans for their full undergraduate tuition at public colleges.
20070801             THE—TELEGRAPH :: View topic - 31—ANOMALIES—OF—20010911              20070802             PORTLAND imc - 20020000             .09.16 - 20010911             : burying the evidence?
20070802             PORTLAND imc - 20020000             .09.16 - 20010911             : burying the evidence?
20070803             It also, no doubt, has roots in the shock of 20010911             + the need to understand THE—DIMENSIONS—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ.
20070803             Booman Tribune ~ Comments ~ 11—QUESTIONS re 20010911             20070803             Booman Tribune ~ Comments ~ 11—QUESTIONS re 20010911             20070803             Armstrong Ranch - 1—SEC—SEARCH—OF—COMPANIES shows that Farhad Azima + THE—MOHAMMED—ATTA flying school owner...
20070803             Booman Tribune ~ Comments ~ 11—QUESTIONS re 20010911             20070807—20070911    Frame the Arabs + steal their oil Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium's CEO, told me that —WHEN Baker was named envoy in December, Carlyle was "very clear with us...
20070807—20070911    Frame the Arabs + steal their oil Shahameen Sheikh, the consortium's CEO, told me that —WHEN Baker was named envoy in December, Carlyle was "very clear with us...
20070808             Verschwörungstheorien zum 20010911             Teil I (Sammelstrang) [Archiv...
20070808—20010911    —AFTER, Decades —LATER, 1—SINGLE—CONGRESS—WOMAN stood up and voted against the gathering madness.
20070809             Comparing flashbulb memories of 20070911             and the death of...
20070809             —DEFENDED, BEN—VENISTE who, BARRY—SEAL —DURING—THE—MENA drug running (IRAN/Contra) was PART—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20070809             IRAN/Contra Connections to 20010911             20070809             BOB—FLETCHER, another figure on the periphery of IRAN—CONTRA, claims that
20070809—20010911    —ON, 3. Fact: Genesis Intermedia was making LOTS—OF—MONEY
20070810             REPUBLICAN—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFUL—RUDY—GIULIANI said —FRIDAY that he misspoke —WHEN he said he spent as much time, if not more, at ground 0 exposed to the same health risks as workers combing the site —AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks.
20070810             So viel wie —SEIT den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             nicht mehr.
20070810             CHRIS—FLOYD: Bush, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, BCCI and the 20010911             —COMMISSION
20070810             Bush, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN + BCCI + the 20010911             —COMMISSION. by CHRIS—FLOYD.
20070810             —WHEN GEORGE—W—BUSH—1. choice to head an "independent" probe into 20010911             —THE...
20070810             village voice > news > The 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT tells 1—STORY—AND...
20070810             The 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT tells 1—STORY—AND is 1—STORY—ABOUT what happens —WHEN the government lies.: THE—ABC—OF—20010911              : What Really Happened.
20070810             For 2. ATTACK—ON—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER 20010000             , see 20010911             attacks.
20070810—20010911    —IN, Zogby Poll: HALF—OF—NEW Yorkers BELIEVE—GOVERNMENT—COMPLICITY
20070811             In 1—TELEVISION documentary, AMERICA REBUILDS, MISTER—LARRY—SILVERSTEIN made 1—STATEMENT which has been the source of great fascination for 20010911             —RESEARCHERS:
20070812             Der FELDZUG—GEGEN—AL—QAIDA und Co gilt den meisten Amerikanern als die einzig denkbare, geradezu natürliche REAKTION—AUF—DEN Anschlag 20010911             —VOM.
20070813             Er startete eine finanzielle Hilfsaktion, wie es sie —SEIT den Terror ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             nicht gegeben hatte.
20070813             Die EZB bot den Banken sogar mehr Geld an als —NACH—DEM 20010911             20070813             Es war eine konzertierte Aktion der Hochfinanz.
20070815             Total Info Radio: CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST in NIST 20010911             20070815             Total Info Radio: CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST in NIST 20010911             20070815             How Rating Firms' Calls Fueled Subprime Mess AARON—LUCCHETTI and SERENA NG WSJ,
20070815             Total Info Radio: CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST in NIST 20010911             20070817—20010911    —SEIT den Terror attacken DES—DER höchste TAGESVERLUST—DER Nikkei verlor 841—PUNKTE.
20070817—20010911    —SEIT den Terror attacken DES—DER höchste TAGESVERLUST—DER Nikkei verlor 841—PUNKTE.
20070818             ASIA—MARKET—SELL—DOWN continues : ASIA Pacific shares —POSTED SOME—OF—THEIR—WORST—INTRA—DAY—FALLS—THIS—YEAR, with SOME—MARKETS faring as badly as in the days —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE terror ist attacks.
2007082120010911     CIA wirft EX—CHEF—TENET—VERSAGEN vor
20070822             —1—WEEK—OF—EVENTS... Police Commissioners Safir and Kerik, Fire CHIEF—VON—ESSEN, Police and Fire... 20070000             /PERILS—RUDYS—20010911             —STRATEGY
20070822             Kerik a 20010911             —HERO?
20070822             Why, he was 1—HERO—OF—20010911              !
20070823             den Anschlägen von AL—QAIDA auf das World Trade Center 20010911             .
20070823             —AIRED, THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL 20010911             —SPECIAL that, last night was by far the worst hit piece we have ever witnessed,
20070823             Framing ALEX—JONES as 1—DEMON and making out that he is causing pain to 20010911             —FAMILIES, —WHEN in fact —DURING our last VISIT—TO—GROUND 0—MOST—OF—THE—FIREFIGHTERS and police personally thanked us, is 1—VERY—SERIOUS—ALLEGATION and
2007082320010911     AL—QAEDA strongest —SINCE..SignOnSanDiego Forums -
20070825             SEATTLE security alert highlights post 20010911             —BALANCING act :
20070825             No wonder they left it out of the 20010911             —OMISSION Report.
20070825             Patriots Question 20010911             — Responsible Criticism of 20010911             —THE...
20070825             This website provides responsible criticism of the 20010911             —COMMISSION Report by... Concepts for the Future (20030000             , Foreword by Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, UK).
20070825             THE—BRITISH (UK) 20010911             —TRUTH Campaign portal, website and forums.
20070825             THE—UK 20010911             —SKEPTICS—GROUP will be conducting a 20010911             —WORKSHOP at the European...
20070825             What information did they give to the 20010911             —COMMISSION and the Joint Intelligence... Recruiting Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—JOINT...
20070825—20010911    —ON, AUDIO—AVIATION—REALITY : 1—CHAT with FORMER—BOSTON Air traffic... Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, 1—BBC GOVERNOR, emerged as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FIGURES...
20070826             THE—FULL—STORY—OF—20010911              20070826             Fisk thinks THE—WTC drama was not the criminal WORK—OF—THE—USA/UK junta with ISRAEL—HELP + finishes as usual with SOME—QUESTIONS:
20070826             ''I would like to know the full story of 20010911             , not least because it was the trigger for the whole lunatic, meretricious "WAR—ON—TERROR" which has led us to disaster in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN and in MUCH—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070826             He wants to excuse himself with the old "I can't buy that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT could orchestrate a 20010911             and coverup, —SINCE they're too incompetent at everything else" then citing 1—PROPAGANDA—STATEMENT as 'proof' of this assertion.
20070826             I can't help but wonder if Fisk is engaging in 1—KIND—OF "damning with faint praise" the 20010911             —MOVEMENT people, limiting his PRAISE—OF—CRITICS to "2—PROMINENT—USA—PROFESSORS—OF—MECHANICAL engineering" who have filed 1—LAW—SUIT.
20070826             But like everyone else, I would like to know the full story of 20010911             , not least because it was the trigger for the whole lunatic, meretricious "WAR—ON—TERROR" which has led us to disaster in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN +
20070826             Why, if you believe you're 1—FREE—JOURNALIST, don't you report what you really know about 20010911             ?
20070826             Why don't you reveal the secrets behind 20010911             ?
20070826             ROBERT—FISK : Even I—QUESTION—THE 'Truth' About 20010911             20070826             I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 20010911             .
20070826—20010911    —ON, so how on earth could it successfully bring off THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMES against humanity in THE—USA ?
20070827             Like 20010911             , for example?
20070827             Lazlo Toth is presenting the 20010911             —MYSTERY series in the tradition of Sherlock Holmes at:
20070827             IRAQ is the —STARTING point, we must not lose track that 20010911             , like the Richstag in GERMANY, is the fuse to brainwash THE—USA—PEOPLE and acquire supreme powers by THE—PRESIDENT.
20070827—20070911    —AM, KOMMENDE—WOCHE dürfte eine besondere Spielart dieser Debatte mit neuer Bitterkeit über das Land hereinbrechen: Genau —1—WOCHE BEVOR—AUSGERECHNET—DER AMERIKANISCHE—OBERBEFEHL—HABER im IRAK, GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, seine Bilanz des IRAK—KRIEGS aufmachen wird, erscheint in den USA (und gleichzeitig auch in DEUTSCHLAND) 1—BUCH von einiger Sprengkraft*.
20070829             RUSSIA—MOB—LINK—TO 20010911             —HIJACKERS
20070829             RELATIVE—OF—TUNNEL—BOMB ' Ringleader in SARASOTA Had 20010911             —FOREKNOWLEDGE...
20070903             Die größte FINANZ—KRISE —SEIT—DEM, Crash der New Economy und den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             fordert immer neue Opfer:
20070903             Who Killed JOHN—O'NEILL? THE—TWISTED... - 20010911             —TRUTH Movement...
20070905             Noch immer glauben etwa VIELE—AMERIKANER, SADDAM—HUSSEIN sei in die Planung der Anschläge 20070911             —VOM, verwickelt gewesen, obwohl es dafür keinerlei Beweise gibt.
20070905             THE—TRUTH & Lies Of 20010911             :
20070905             Video: Expose of 20010911             20070905             Who Put the Lie in Lieberman?
20070905—20010911    —GESEHEN, Das hat man auch gut an, wo das ja auch Binnenflüge innerhalb der USA waren, und die Daten ausgetauscht waren.
20070905—20010911    —THE—TRUTH & Lies Of :
20070905—20010911    —VIDEO: Expose of
20070906             911blogger COLONEL—JENNY—SPARKS has emailed other signers, to confirm that this is 1—ATTACK on the credibility of 20010911             —THE truth movement.
20070906             Who gains to benefit from this absurd attempt to discredit 20010911             —THE truth movement?
20070906             Certainly not those who want the truth about 20010911             , like the family members who demand answers to their MANY—QUESTIONS.
20070906             911blogger COLONEL—JENNY—SPARKS has emailed other signers, to confirm that this is 1—ATTACK—ON—THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—20010911             —THE truth movement.
20070906             Cointelpro and 20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT—WHO is Lyndon LaRouche ?
20070907             —RELEASED, In 1—NEW—VIDEO, ahead of the 6. anniversary of 20070911             —THE attacks, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN made no overt threats but lectured Americans on THE—IRAQ war and criticized global capitalism, calling its leaders the real terrorists.
20070907             NEWSWEEK, "BAGHDAD—NEW—OWNERS," by Babak Dehghanpisheh and LARRY—KAPLOW, 20070910             20070910             SCHADENSERSATZZAHLUNGEN—USA bankrott RICHTER—SPRICHT—VIETNAMESISCHEN—ANGEHÖRIGEN 14—BILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR zu 20070910—20070909    —AM, 20070910             20010911             —FILMMAKER arrested in NEW—YORK—CITY 1—BEITRAG zum Themengebiet Geheimpolitik, geschrieben von MONA—LISA
20070908             in July for pending home sales, taking the index down to the lowest level —SINCE the —MONTH that included 20010911             —THE terrorist attack.
20070908—20040000    —SUMMER—OF, In the, 20010911             —THE commission recommended that Congress create "1—SINGLE, principal point of oversight and review" for homeland security.
20070909             FRANK—RICH: It will be all 20010911             all the time —THIS—WEEK, as THE—WHITE—HOUSE yet again synchronizes its drumbeating for THE—IRAQ war with THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—ATTACK that had nothing to do with IRAQ.
20070910             SCHADENSERSATZZAHLUNGEN—USA bankrott RICHTER—SPRICHT—VIETNAMESISCHEN—ANGEHÖRIGEN 14—BILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR zu 20070909             20070910—20070909    —AM, 20070910             20010911             —FILMMAKER arrested in NEW—YORK—CITY 1—BEITRAG zum Themengebiet Geheimpolitik, geschrieben von MONA—LISA
20070910             "Only 1—ACT—OF—TERRORISM akin to 20010911             —- within THE—NEXT—4—WEEKS -- could make these options valuable," writes 1—POSTER in the TickerForum chat room.
20070910             —ARRESTED, Media activist ALEX—JONES was, by NEW—YORK Police Department officers —WHILE filming 1—DOCUMENTARY about the 6. anniversary of.20070911             and joining THE—PROTEST—AGAINST—THE—OFFICIAL—VERSION—OF—WHAT happened 20010911             —ON.
20070910—20070909    —AM, 20070910             20010911             —FILMMAKER arrested in NEW—YORK—CITY 1—BEITRAG zum Themengebiet Geheimpolitik, geschrieben von MONA—LISA
20070911             The statue was built —AROUND THE—1—CENTURY, —DURING—THE—GANDHARA era.
20070911             kann er nicht mit Gnade rechnen", sagte Westerwelle in BREMEN.
20070911             —COMPLAINED, Syria, to THE—UN about Israeli "aggression and violation of sovereignty" —AFTER what 1—USA—OFFICIAL said was 20070906             airstrike deep in Syria.
20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             JONES report, CSIS, 20070906             20080820—20080823    —ON, The toll rose to 154—LEAVING 18—SURVIVORS.
20070911             —ARRESTED, SHAH—BROTHER said "He was, by the army 20070910             —WHEN he was on his way to attend 1—FUNCTION at his aunt's place".
20070911             Das Weltraumobservatorium SOHO entdeckt seinen 1. nachweislich periodischen Kometen 322P/SOHO, dessen Umlaufbahn von SEBASTIAN—HOENIG vorherberechnet worden ist.
20070911             RUSSLAND testet den Vater aller Bomben, die angeblich zu diesem Zeitpunkt stärkste konventionelle Bombe der Welt.
20070911             Big Brother IS Watching You, —STARTING 20071001             :
20070911             The situation resembles the infamous "MISSISSIPPI bubble" which occurred in FRANCE —IN—THE—EARLY 17010101—18001231    —CENTURY under JOHN—LAW.
20070912             The chair and vice chair of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, respectively THOMAS—KEAN + LEE—HAMILTON, assert in their book,Without Precedent, that they were "set up to fail " + were STARVED—OF—FUNDS to do 1—PROPER—INVESTIGATION.
20070912             not 1—SINGLE—PERSON has ever been charged, tried, or even reprimanded, for lying to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20070912             20010911             —1—YEAR—BEFORE, THE—PNAC called for "SOME—CATASTROPHIC and catalyzing event, like 1—NEW—PEARL—HARBOR," which would serve to galvanize USA—PUBLIC...
20070912             20010911             —1—YEAR—BEFORE, the Project for 1—NEW—AMERICA—CENTURY ( PNAC ) called... which would serve to galvanize USA—PUBLIC opinion in support of 1—WAR—AGENDA.
20070912             THE—GRAND—FACADE—OF—20010911             | 20010911             Was 1—INSIDE—JOB: Here Is The...
20070912—20010911    —AFTER, GUARDIAN " -- -- —6—YEARS, THE—USA—PUBLIC have still not been provided with 1—FULL + truthful account of the single greatest terror attack in USA—HISTORY.
20070912—20010911    —MANAGED, It never, to ascertain the whole truth of what happened.
20070912—20010911    —BY, Despite THE—MANY—PUBLIC—STATEMENTS—COMMISSIONERS + staff members
20070913             1—DRITTEL—DER—AMIS glaubt immer noch daran, daß Saddam an 20010911             beteiligt war.
20070913             It would, Salla hints darkly, have come through the back channel set up —SINCE even —BEFORE 20010911             by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, who is known to be pushing for 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN + who would like nothing better than to use nuclear weapons to disable IRAN—NUCLEAR processing facilities.
20070913             THE—RESPECTED—ZOGBY polling organisation —LAST—WEEK found that 51—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS want Congress to probe USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH + VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY regarding the truth about 20010911             —THE attacks;
20070913             67% are also critical of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION for not investigating the bizarre, unexplained collapse of the 47-storey World Trade Centre building 7 (WTC7).
20070913             But even amid the hype, SOME—OF—THESE 20010911             groups raise valid and important questions that were never even considered, let alone answered, by the official investigation.
20070913             20010911             — THE—BIG—COVER—UP? - BY—PETER—TATCHELL - Even the chair of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—NOW admits that the official evidence they were given was 'far from the truth'.
20070914             Mhh, Kampfflugzeuge bleiben am Boden, erinnert das noch jemanden an 20010911             ?
20070914             The fact —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—DAY is that you'll never explain EVERY—SINGLE thing about 20010911             .
20070914             What About That 20010911             Mystery Plane?
20070914             See also: 20010911             — the big COVER—UP? —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070914             Was 20010911             1—TERRORIST—ATTACK? :: 10, Elgindy contacted his broker at SALOMON—SMITH—BARNEY and asked him to sell the...
20070915             So hätten die vergangene —WOCHE vereitelten Terroranschläge "vielleicht sogar eine ähnliche Dimension" wie die Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, in den USA erreichen können.
20070915             —JETZT kommt er —SCHON mit 20010911             . - - - Seufz.
20070915—20010911    —SINCE, Democracy is Dead, It's Movement Time : The rightwing SEIZURE—OF—POWER has effectively strangled the remaining INSTITUTIONS—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY.
20070919             Der Weltbürger als Untertan? 20031102             (Friedensratschlag)2002 ,(19) begrüßt er einschließlich der Ermächtigung zu Prävention oder Präemption nachdrücklich als die richtige Antwort auf die Weltlage —NACH—DEM 20010911             .
20070919             Es gibt Berichte, daß der KRIEG—GEGEN—AFGHANISTAN keine Reaktion der USA auf den Terror 20010911             —VOM, ist, sondern —BEREITS vorher geplant war.
20070919             Das Grauen des 20070911             ist 1—GAU der AMERIKANISCHEN—DIENSTE.
20070920             Münchens 20070911             : —MINUTEN vor dem Abschuss
20070922             911Blogger_com | Paying Attention to 20010911             Related Alternative News
20070924             —DEFENDED, Ahmadinejad, Holocaust revisionists and raised questions about who carried out 20070911             —THE attacks in 1—TENSE showdown at COLUMBIA University.
20070924             NORTHAMPTON even has its own group, Valley Truth 20010911             , in which local residents discuss their conspiracy views.
20070924             UMass professor supports 20010911             conspiracy theory
20070924             —BEYOND her role as a 20070911             doubter, Margulis has had 1—SUCCESSFUL—CAREER in geosciences.
20070926             If there's another 20010911             under this regime... it means that they switch on full extent all the apparatus of 1—POLICE—STATE that has been patiently constructed, largely secretly at 1. but eventually leaked out and known and accepted by the Democratic people in Congress, by the Republicans and so forth.
20070926—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, "Beständig wurde der Druck erhöht; mal sprach CIA—CHEF—MICHAEL—V. Hayden in der Sache in BERLIN vor, mal der AMERIKANISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—WILLIAM—R—TIMKEN. Chertoff persönlich reiste —ANFANG—JUNI nach Gengenbach, in WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE s Heimatort. (...) Spontan berief das Kanzleramt die sogenannte Sicherheitslage zusammen, in dieser Besetzung 1. ".
20070927             Der "20070911             " hat diese Entwicklung dann beschleunigt.
20070928             SEARCHING FOR MISTER—BIGSKI: RUSSIA—MOB LINKED TO 20010911             HIJACKERS...
20070929             Spätestens —SEIT den Ereignissen des 20010911             merkten sie, "das irgend etwas nicht in Ordnung ist mit unserer Welt", so Alexandra, die zuletzt eine eigene Outsourcingfirma besass.
20070930             Hope it was a "10" for the Il Duce of 20010911             .
20071001             Re: Foreign INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY attack warnings- 20010911             20071001             Studley PRESIDENT—OF—GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION—BARBARA—G—FAST—SENIOR intelligence officer in IRAQ BARBARA—LEE—USA—HOUSE—REPRESENTATIVE...
20071003             Discussion about 20010911             /2001 : 20051130             Issue 11: Tales From the Grassy Knoll by EVA—SION.
20071003             Discussion about 20010911             /2001 : Daily Dissent: Lies and Payola Caller" and 20010911             ;
20071005             lawnorder: Daily Kos :: Why Sibel Edmonds will never talk (20010911             )
20071006             Highly Recommended, Important Expose of the "Dark Side" of Our Government: "THE—ROAD to 20010911             : Wealth, Empire + THE—FUTURE—OF—AMERICA" (Hardcover)
20071008             —6—YEARS—AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks in THE—USA, the "WAR—ON—TERROR" is failing and instead fueling 1—INCREASE in support for extremist Islamist movements, 1—BRITISH—THINK—TANK said —ON—MONDAY.
20071010             Last 20010911             Families Settle Lawsuit, But Can't Disclose What They Found Out About Culpability.
20071015             PTECH, 20010911             , and USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART I
20071015             Complete 911—TIMELINE And it is dramatically changing the way people think about 20010911             .
20071015—20010911    —AFTER, Subsequently moved to THE—USA, AL—TAQWA was shut down...
20071015—20010911    —AFTER, He was still doing business in THE—USA, and —AFTER suspected AL—QAEDA operatives were found aboard his ships.
20071015—20010911    —SINCE, NYT Editorial: "Ever, we have watched Republican lawmakers help MISTER—BUSH shred the Constitution in THE—NAME—OF—FIGHTING terrorism. We have seen Democrats acquiesce or retreat in fear. It is time for that to stop".
20071016             Was 20010911             An Inside Job?
20071019             —REACHED, LEADERS—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, 1—TENTATIVE agreement —ON—WEDNESDAY with THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION that would give telephone carriers legal immunity for ANY—ROLE they played in THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program approved by USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—AFTER 20070911             —THE terrorist attacks,
20071020             No proof that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was behind 20010911             20071020             —ASSURED, Intelligence services, us that more and more evidence pointed to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20071020—20010911    —SEIT, den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM—IST kaum noch etwas privat.
20071021             Call for 1—EMERGENCY—JOINT congressional hearing to end this farce, give us SOME—TRANSPARENCY about what our government will do if we suffer another 20010911             .
20071023             1—COMBINATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ACT—OF—19470000              and THE—CIA—ACT—OF—19490000              20071023             1—HAT tip to KEVIN—DRUM, —TODAY and —YESTERDAY, for drawing attention in 3—POSTS, to 2—SIMILAR—STORIES on the repercussions of 20010911             + THE—BUSH ies zeal to rein in,
20071023             Der Kölner Spezialversicherer wurde —NACH—DEN Terrorangriffen 20010911             —VOM, von der DEUTSCHEN—VERSICHERUNGSWIRTSCHAFT gegründet.
20071023             1—HAT tip to KEVIN—DRUM, —TODAY and —YESTERDAY, for drawing attention in 3—POSTS, to 2—SIMILAR—STORIES on the repercussions of 20010911             + the Bush ies zeal to rein in, prosecute + if need be railroad whomever fits the...
20071023—20010911    —INCLUDING SOME—WHO were not even expected of having terrorist ties, according to 1—JUST—PUBLISHED book.
20071025             Doris Lessing: 20010911             "not that bad".
20071025             (Danke, Gerald) - (Danke, Erik) - Dem Platter rutscht raus, worum es ihm mit dem ganzen Terror wirklich geht: Um "illegale Immigration", weil, und das weiss doch jeder, ohne illegale Immigranten hätten wir keine Kriminalität. Doris Lessing: 20010911             "not that bad".
20071025—20010911    —ON, ' THE—FBI interviewer allegedly gave ABDALLAH—HIGAZY 1—CHOICE: Admit to having 1—SPECIAL—PILOT—RADIO in 1—HOTEL—ROOM—NEAR the World Trade Center, or the security service in his native EGYPT would give his family "hell".
20071027—20040000    —IN, In private testimony —BEFORE 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, Rudy gave 1—VERY—DIFFERENT—VERSION—OF—HOW much he knew about terrorism —WHEN the World Trade Center was attacked.
20071028             —BY taking his claim to the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE—MASRI can shed additional light on THE—SELF—DEFEATING post-20010911             tactics employed in THE—USA—AND—EUROPE.
20071028—20010911    —IN—THE, THE—FBI—THREAT—OF—TORTURE : 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT has concluded that an FBI agent must go to trial on charges he coerced 1—FALSE—CONFESSION out of 1—PRIME—SUSPECT—ATTACKS.
20071028—20010911    —SINCE, This is the 5. time RUMSFELD has been charged with direct involvement in torture.
20071029             Why were numerous warnings of 20010911             by foreign officials ignored, and how does this relate to 20010911             profiteering?
20071101             Weren't most of 20010911             —THE hijackers from — er — SAUDI—ARABIA?
20071102             Dumb legislation or part of 20010911             —THE commission recommendations? #
20071102             7—CIA Veterans Challenge 20010911             Commission Repor.
20071102             Dumb legislation or part of 20010911             —THE commission recommendations? #—POSTED—BY—CLAYTON
20071102             —BY LEE—IACOCCA 7—CIA—VETERANS—CHALLENGE 20010911             Commission Repor.
20071104             Edmonds, Sibel JAMES—HOGUE, "manager" of former 20010911             truth candidate CRAIG—HILL (VERMONT) is still
20071104             Contact: Apocryphon Productions,Edmonds, Sibel JAMES—HOGUE, "manager" of former 20010911             truth candidate CRAIG—HILL (VERMONT) is still...
20071105             Als PRÄSIDENT wolle er die "20010911             —GENERATION" mobilisieren für den "langen Krieg, der vor uns liegt".
20071108             NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—COMMISSIONER—BERNARD—KERIK talks about 20010911             , Ground 0, his troubling past, heroic career + new book.
20071114             krilefiles.wordpress_com/2007 /11/14/ 20080527             BushAdministrationLinksToPre911 InsiderTrading.htm">AttackOnAmerica_NET—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Links To Pre-20010911             .
20071114             —ERRED, THE—CIA, in twice telling 1—COURT in the case of 20070911             conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui that it did not have ANY—RECORDINGS—OF—INTERROGATIONS—OF "enemy combatants," —WHEN in fact it had 3—VIDEO or audio tapes 11/14
20071114—20070910    —DEPLOYED, FEMA had, to NEW—YORK—CITY to... Tripod II and FEMA: Lack of NORAD Response 20010911             —ON Explained...
20071115             —ASKED, The question Americans, in the immediate aftermath of the horror of 20010911             was "Why do they hate us?" And in MANY—USA—MINDS the "they" of the question were not only the violent Islamic fundamentalists who, according to the official VERSION—OF—EVENTS, were solely responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers, but Arabs and Muslims EVERYWHERE—ABOUT 1—QUARTER—OF humankind.
20071116             —PUMPED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—ON—THURSDAY, its biggest temporary daily infusion into THE—USA—BANKING system —SINCE—JUST—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks as SHORT—TERM lending rates rose on both sides of the Atlantic.
20071116             Fed makes biggest temporary injection —SINCE '01 : THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—ON—THURSDAY pumped its biggest temporary daily infusion into THE—USA—BANKING system —SINCE—JUST—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks as SHORT—TERM lending rates rose on both sides of the Atlantic.
20071117             Dictator - IN—AND, linking 20010911             to Pearl Harbor, he said, "20010911             — —3—MONTHS and 1—LONG—TIME—AGO—SET another dividing line in our lives and in the life of our nation".
20071118             Das USA—GEHEIMPROGRAMM wurde dem Bericht zufolge —NACH—DEM 20070911             ins Leben gerufen.
20071118             In 1—PROMOTION for speaker JOHN—FULTON, 1—CIA—OFFICER assigned as CHIEF—OF—NRO—STRATEGIC gaming division, the announcement says, "On THE—MORNING—OF—20010911            , MISTER—FULTON and his team... were running 1—PRE—PLANNED simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if 1—PLANE were to strike 1—BUILDING. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in 1—DRAMATIC—WAY—THAT—DAY".
20071118             Begonnen hatte die seltsame Freundschaft KURZ—NACH—DEM 20010911             .
20071118—19500911    —ON, Adding to the coincidence, USA—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—77 -- the Boeing 767—THAT was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from DULLES at 8:10 a.m. minutes —BEFORE the exercise was to begin.
20071119             NORMAN—SIEGEL, 1—ORGANIZER—OF—20010911             —THE group and 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—THE—NEW... HOWARD—SAFIR, who served as NEW—YORK—CITY—FIRE and police...
20071119—20010911    —ON, NEW—YORK firefighters and families who lost relatives ,
20071121             the journal Stratfor reported —ON—MONDAY that the "USA delivered 1—VERY—CLEAR ultimatum to Musharraf —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              :
20071121—20010911    —SINCE, The recipient of nearly $11—BILLION—OF—USA—AID, Musharraf will cover for his benefactor BUSH to keep him from losing face in LIGHT—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—STRONGMAN—BLATANT and tyrannical power grab.
20071126             —BY endlessly repeating the baseless mantra that AL—QAEDA had nothing to do with 20010911             , the infantile CD—ERS have successfully diverted journalists and the public from inquiring about the complicated links between AL—QAEDA and various factions within western intelligence.
20071126             Factions within the intelligence SERVICES—OF—AMERICA, GERMANY, TURKEY and -- 1—PRESUMES -- FRANCE were all protecting a 20010911             plotter —BEFORE and —AFTER—THE—EVENT.
20071126             —TRAINED, SAKKA—CLAIM to have, 20010911             hijackers has appeared —BEFORE.
20071126             Factions within the intelligence SERVICES—OF—AMERICA, GERMANY, TURKEY and -- 1—PRESUMES -- FRANCE were all protecting a 20010911             plotter —BEFORE and —AFTER the event.
20071127             Although this is at odds with the official account, which says the plane was flown by another hijacker, it is plausible and might answer 1—OF—THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911          .
20071128             Pentagon Attack Legend 20010911             Review
20071128             MISTER—LEE—EVEY, Pentagon Renovation Manager, 20070911             conspiracy said on
20071130             DIe besten Bankerwitze KOSTENLOS—DJ 20010911             TV Fakery:
20071130             It will solidify THE—SLOW—MOTION coup d'état that has been under way —SINCE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20071130             DJ 20010911             TV Fakery: What about —NOW?
20071201             Pat "We Deserved 20010911             " Robertson Has Gotten "THE—WORD—FROM—GOD" to "Help Out" SCANDAL—RIDDEN ORAL Roberts University 12/1
20071203—20010911    —SINCE, "Thousands" Illegally Rendered By USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for Interrogation, Torture : In violation of INTERNATIONAL and USA—LAW, "thousands" of alleged terrorists have been victims of "extraordinary rendition" by THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, 2—LEGAL—SCHOLARS say.
20071204             EX—ITALIEN—PRESIDENT: Intel Agencies Know 20010911             An Inside Job", BOSTON —NOW
20071204             EX—ITALIEN—PRESIDENT: Intel Agencies Know 20010911             1—INSIDE—JOB—MAN who blew the whistle on GLADIO tells ITALIEN—LARGEST—NEWSPAPER—ATTACKS were run by CIA, Mossad
20071204             EX—ITALIEN—PRESIDENT: Intel Agencies Know 20010911             An Inside Job-
20071204             THE—LINCH—PIN—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR has been 20010911             ,
20071204             THE—LINCH—PIN—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERROR has been 20010911             , and the pin itself has always been OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20071204             THE—CIA—DESTROYED—INTERROGATION—TAPES and THE—SAUDI—PAKISTANI 20010911             Connection
20071204—20010911    —AFTER, In Part 3—WE looked further into the video tapes right up to our 1. glimpse of the pivotal OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Confession Tape.
20071205             Here is my description of what my wife and I saw on FOX/ —DURING—THE opening act of 20010911             :
20071208—20010911    —IN, Were the Torture Tapes Destroyed to Cover Up Revelations of Saudi and Pakistanit Complicity ?
20071208—20010911    —ON, Moreover, he stunned his interrogators, by charging that 2—OF—THE—MEN, THE—KING—NEPHEW, and THE—PAKISTAN—AIR—FORCE—CHIEF, knew 1—MAJOR—TERROR—OPERATION was planned for AMERICA.
20071209             Der USA—KONGRESS und auch die "20010911             "-Kommission, die das Geheimdienstversagen vor den Anschlägen untersuchte,
20071209             Empört reagierten auch Vertreter einer unabhängigen Kommission, die zur Untersuchung der Fehler und Versäumnisse im Vorfeld und 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, eingesetzt worden war.
20071209             Der USA—KONGRESS und auch die "20010911             "-Kommission, die das Geheimdienstversagen vor den Anschlägen untersuchte, fühlen sich von CIA und dem Weißen Haus unzureichend informiert.
20071209—20010911    —IN, Were They Revealing THE—COMPLICITY—OF—TOP—SAUDIS and Pakistanis ?
20071212             —FAILED, He said THE—CIA, to produce tapes for 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, which had requested all materials regarding interrogation.
20071212             eg, the Jedda 'visa express'/20010911              attack team misidentification;
20071212             Those faces or accents would give the game away and reveal THE—DEPTH—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—COMPLICITY with the Saudis, eg, the Jedda 'visa express'/20010911              attack team misidentification;
20071212—20010911    —AFTER, the 'escape flights' to RIYADH ;
20071213             "—WHEN THE—CIA destroyed those prisoner interrogation videotapes, were they also destroying the truth about 20010911             ?
20071213             —AFTER all, according to 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, the basic narrative of what happened on —THAT—DAY—AND THE—NATURE—OF—THE—ENEMY in this WAR—ON—TERROR that Bush launched in response to THE—TRAGEDY—COMES from THE—CIA—ACCOUNT—OF what those prisoners told their torturers.
20071213             "On THE—MATTER—OF—THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—TAPES, we know THE—CIA deliberately lied, not only to 20010911             —THE commission, but to Congress as well.
20071213—20010911    —AFTER, What THE—CIA—TORTURE—TAPES—WOULD Have Shown : We learned that 20050000             , despite —EARLIER warnings from Congress, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, and the Justice Department, THE—CIA destroyed 2 videotaped interrogations of AL—QAEDA operatives who had been captured shortly.
20071220             CONTINUE—USA Warrantless Wiretapping Predates 20010911             —
20071220             —BY—JOHN—LEYDEN—FRESH—EVIDENCE has emerged that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program predates 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20071220             CONTINUE—USA Warrantless Wiretapping Predates 20010911             — By JOHN—LEYDEN—FRESH—EVIDENCE has emerged that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program predates 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20071220             Überwachungsgesetz: Lauter Protest fürs Recht zu Schweigen (20010911             .2007 )
20071220             —BY—JOHN—LEYDEN—FRESH—EVIDENCE has emerged that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program predates 20010911             —THE—TERROR—IST attacks.
20071220             Continue - USA Warrantless Wiretapping Predates 20010911             — By JOHN—LEYDEN—FRESH—EVIDENCE has emerged that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WARRANTLESS wiretapping program predates 20010911             —THE—TERROR—IST attacks.
20071220             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: So stimmten die BUNDESTAG—ABGEORDNETEN ab (20010911             .2007 )
20071222             —ON the other hand, they did not turn over the videotapes because 20010911             —THE commission did not specifically ask to see VIDEOTAPES—OF—PRISONER—INTERROGATIONS.
20071229             Und auch nach der 20010911             —KATASTROPHE, als sich Musharraf auf massiven Druck aus dem Weißen Haus auf die Seite der Amerikaner schlug,
20071229             Die Versäumnisse Musharrafs begannen —SCHON 20010911             —VOR—DEM.
20071229             Und auch nach der 20010911             —KATASTROPHE, als sich Musharraf auf massiven Druck aus dem Weißen Haus auf die Seite der Amerikaner schlug, blieb sein KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS TERROR—ÜBEL in Wahrheit halbherzig.
20071230             der SAUDI—ARABISCHE GRÜNDER—DES—NETZWERKS und Drahtzieher der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, nimmt aber wahrscheinlich vor allem die Rolle eines ideologischen Impulsgebers ein.
20080102             Former 20010911             Commission CO—CHAIRMAN—THOMAS—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON write in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—TODAY that THE—CIA "obstructed our investigation" —WHEN it destroyed interrogation videotapes and "failed to respond to our lawful requests
20080102             Former 20010911             Commission CO—CHAIRMAN—THOMAS—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON write in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—TODAY that THE—CIA "obstructed our investigation" —WHEN it destroyed interrogation videotapes and "
20080102—20010911    —AM, Musharraf habe zu Beginn seiner Herrschaft 19990000             —BIS zu den Anschlägen in den USA mit den islamischen Extremisten kooperiert.
20080103             * 1—ISI CHIEF financed 20010911             —THE hijackers, who murdered over 3000—AMERICANS.
20080103             —AFTER all, she was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS for Lockheed Martin right up to 20010911             .
20080103             —AFTER all, he was helping out with the F16 issue —BEFORE 20010911             .
20080103—20010911    —COMMISSION leaders blast CIA on interrogation tapes:
20080104             THE—BI—PARTISAN CO—CHAIRMEN—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, TOM—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON,
20080104             The recent revelations that the C.I.A. destroyed videotaped interrogations of Qaeda operatives leads us to conclude that the agency failed to respond to our lawful requests for information about 20010911             —THE plot.
20080104             whether THE—CIA violated ANY—LAWS or obstructed congressional inquiries such as the 1 led by 20080911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20080104—20010911    —IN—THE, Constitutional expert JONATHAN—TURLEY told KEITH—OLBERMANN that as many as 6—CRIMINAL—OFFENSES could be involved Commission charge alone,
20080104—20010911    —IN—THE, Expert: CRIME—OF—TORTURE could only have been ordered by THE—PRESIDENT : Constitutional expert JONATHAN—TURLEY told KEITH—OLBERMANN that as many as 6—CRIMINAL—OFFENSES could be involved Commission charge alone, including OBSTRUCTION—OF—CONGRESS, OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE, perjury, and conspiracy.
20080105             NIST found no evidence that any of the recovered core columns had reached even this minimal temperature.[37] The startling fact is that NIST—OWN—DATA failed to support its conclusion that the fires of 20010911             heated up the steel columns, causing them to weaken and buckle.
20080105             "The tragic consequences of 20010911             —THE attacks were directly attributable to the fact that terrorists flew large JET—FUEL laden commercial airliners into THE—WTC towers.
20080105             Interestingly, —1—WEEK—BEFORE 20080911             —THE attack, SKILLING—PARTNER, Leslie Robertson, spoke at 1—CONFERENCE in FRANKFURT—GERMANY.
20080105             Curiously, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT also briefly mentions this episode, but, likewise, fails to discuss its possible significance, no doubt, for the same reason.[55]
20080105             NIST found no evidence that ANY—OF—THE—STEEL—SAMPLES, including those from the impact areas and FIRE—DAMAGED floors, had reached temperatures exceeding 1,110ºF (600ºC).[35] 16 recovered perimeter columns showed EVIDENCE—OF—HAVING been exposed to fire, but even so, out of 170—AREAS examined on these columns only 3—LOCATIONS had reached temperatures in excess of 250ºC (450ºF).[36] Moreover, NIST found no evidence that any of the recovered core columns had reached even this minimal temperature.[37] The startling fact is that NIST—OWN—DATA failed to support its conclusion that the fires of 20010911             heated up the steel columns, causing them to weaken and buckle.
20080105             "The tragic consequences of 20010911             —THE attacks were directly attributable to the fact that terrorists flew large JET—FUEL laden commercial airliners into THE—WTC towers. Buildings for use by the general population are not designed to withstand attacks of such severity; building codes do not require building designs to consider aircraft impact".[4]
20080105             —STILL Dead On ARRIVAL—BY—MARK—H—GAFFNEY—IT is high time that Americans face the shocking reality that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center 20010911             —ON.
20080105             Quiet flames. No roaring inferno.
20080105             20080105             Curiously, 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT also briefly mentions this episode, but, likewise, fails to discuss its possible significance, no doubt, for the same reason.[55]
20080105—20010911    —ON, It is high time that Americans face the shocking reality that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center.
20080107             She approached THE—SUNDAY—TIMES—LAST—MONTH—AFTER READING about 1—AL—QAEDA terrorist who had revealed his role in training SOME—OF—20010911             —THE hijackers —WHILE he was in TURKEY.
20080107             — "I don't know of anyone predicting 1—RECESSION".
20080107             20080107             [Fratto,] 20080107—19690000    —IN, Agee quit THE—CIA—AFTER—12—YEARS working mostly in Latin AMERICA at 1—TIME—WHEN leftist movements were gaining prominence and sympathizers.
20080107—20010911    —AROUND, He met with GENERAL—AHMED on or !
20080107—20010911    —AROUND, Not only that: He met with GENERAL—AHMED on or !
20080108             1—REAL 20010911             COVER—UP? —BY—DAVE—LINDORFF
20080108             a —37—YEAR—OLD—FORMER—TURKEY—LANGUAGE—TRANSLATOR for THE—FBI, we have not only solid EVIDENCE—OF—PRIOR—KNOWLEDGE—OF—20010911              by high up USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS,
20080108             CONTINUE—NUKES, Spooks, and the Specter of 20010911             —
20080108             —PUBLISHED, If 1—NEW—ARTICLE—JUST, —SATURDAY in the Times of LONDON based upon information provided by USA—GOVERNMENT whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, a —37—YEAR—OLD—FORMER—TURKEY—LANGUAGE—TRANSLATOR for THE—FBI, we have not only solid EVIDENCE—OF—PRIOR—KNOWLEDGE—OF—20010911              by high up USA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, but EVIDENCE—OF—TREASONOUS—ACTIVITY by MANY—OF—THOSE same officials involving efforts to provide USA nuclear secrets to AMERICA—ENEMIES, even including AL—QAEDA.
20080108             Musharraf names 20010911             suspect as possible UK—ASSET Fails to mention links to 20010911             , ISI, CIA
20080108—20010911    —BY, Nukes, Spooks, and the Specter OF—JUSTIN—RAIMONDO—WE'RE in big trouble if even HALF—OF—WHAT—SIBEL—EDMONDS says is true... Continue
20080108—20010911    —ON, PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—NEW—BOOK identifies OMAR—SHEIKH, the alleged 20010911             'PAYMASTER', as 1—POSSIBLE—ASSET—OF—THE—UK—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—MI6. Omar reportedly financed 20010911             —THE attacks under orders from GENERAL—MAHMUD, THE—HEAD—OF—PAKISTAN—ISI who was in WASHINGTON, 1—FACT omitted from MUSHARRAF—BOOK.
20080111             JOHN—PILGER describes how THE—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN, which was widely supported in THE—WEST as a 'good war' and justifiable response to 20010911             ,
20080111             was actually planned months —BEFORE 20010911             and is the latest instalment of 'a great game'.
20080111             JOHN—PILGER describes how THE—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN, which was widely supported in THE—WEST as a 'good war' and justifiable response to 20010911             , was actually planned months —BEFORE 20010911             and is the latest instalment of 'a great game'.
20080114             This is the story of 20010911             —THE truth movement + perhaps the story of how all great movements for truth + justice are deliberately sabotaged by those powers who have 1—INTEREST in keeping truth from the mass public.
20080114             Signed, BILL—DOUGLAS, average citizen who got thrown into nearly —7—YEARS—OF—WHAT is —NOW called 20010911             truth activism,
20080114             because the official government story of 20010911             , —JUST does not add up.
20080114             His past essays include, "Exposing 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY—WINGNUTS," "THE—EXPLOSION—OF—20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT -- USA—MEDIA—DIRTY—LITTLE—SECRET," "Good Night + Good LUCK—WMD,
20080114             NIST, Popular Mechanics, 20010911             and Media Crimes" and also "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 20010911             Truth".
20080114             So from the beginning 1—LUNATIC fringe, or worse, blasts the media with ANTI—SEMETIC—MESSAGES + they claim to be "20010911             truth activists" thereby not only turning the media off from looking at 20010911             physics and engineering facts + disturbing AIR—FORCE—STAND down issues of 20010911             .
20080114             which eventually leads to 1—CONGRESSIONAL—HEARING on Homeland Security that ties 20010911             truth seekers.
20080114             What Do 1—RENOWNED 20010911             Physicist and 1—NEW—YORK.
20080114             Signed, BILL—DOUGLAS, average citizen who got thrown into nearly —7—YEARS—OF—WHAT is —NOW called 20010911             truth activism, because the official government story of 20010911             , —JUST does not add up.
20080114             His past essays include, "Exposing 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY—WINGNUTS," "THE—EXPLOSION—OF—20010911             —THE—TRUTH—MOVEMENT -- USA—MEDIA—DIRTY—LITTLE—SECRET," "Good Night + Good LUCK—WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 20010911             and Media Crimes" and also "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 20010911             Truth".
20080115             Noch ein 20010911             .
20080115             Oh Yeah, Remember Which Airport 2—OF—THE—HIJACKED 20010911             Planes Took off from,
20080115             Oh Yeah, Remember Which Airport 2—OF—THE—HIJACKED 20010911             Planes Took off from, the Ones that Went Into THE—WTC?
20080120—20080911    —AFTER, But the grumbling stopped, which provided the opening for RUMSFELD and his allies in the administration to make intelligence the centerpiece of their new "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20080121—20010911    —VERLIERT, Der DAX, auch aufgrund der zunehmenden ANGST—VOR—EINER Rezession in den USA im Tagesverlauf 523,98 Punkte oder 7,2 %, was den prozentual größten Verlust —SEIT den Terroranschlägen (damals mit einem Minus von 8,5 %) darstellt.
20080121—20010911    —SEIT, FINANZ—KRISE, Dax stürzt AB—GRÖßTER Kursrutsch
20080122             —MISUSED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the post-20010911             goodwill of its allies to obtain 1—SAFE—ROUTE for the newly liberated oil reserves and install 1—PUPPET—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT composed of the same collection of warlords and drug runners who filled the vacuum left by the departing Russians
20080122—20010911    —SINCE, Crash! Biggest fall in shares :
20080124             der unmittelbar —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             in den USA ins Visier des Geheimdienstes geriet.
20080124             —ISSUED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH and other top officials, almost 1000—FALSE—STATEMENTS about THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—THREAT from IRAQ —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks,
20080124             Damit blieb die Klage eines islamistischen Terroristen MOHAMAD—ABU—D erfolglos, der unmittelbar —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             in den USA ins Visier des Geheimdienstes geriet.
20080124             —ISSUED, GEORGE—BUSH and WHITE—HOUSE, 935—FALSE—STATEMENTS : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush and other top officials issued almost 1000—FALSE—STATEMENTS about THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—THREAT from IRAQ —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks, according to 1—STUDY by 2—NOT—FOR—PROFIT—ORGANISATIONS.
20080124             But the federal 20010911             Commission concluded that the city's failure to...
20080125             Börsianern zufolge hatten massive Positionsauflösungen des Finanzinstitutes den größten Kurssturz des Dax —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             mit ausgelöst.
20080125             20010911             — Terrorist Moussaoui: 5—MILLIONEN Belohnung für Fluglehrer
20080126             Fast —7—JAHRE—NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             erhielt 1—ZEUGE 5—MILLIONEN—$ Belohnung:
20080126             —SEIT Yassir Arafat unmittelbar —NACH—DEM 20010911             vor laufenden Kameras Blut für die bei den Anschlägen Verletzten spendete,
20080126             NATÜRLICH—EINEN schöneren FALL—VON—DESINFORMATION und Propaganda hat es nicht mehr gegeben, —SEIT Yassir Arafat unmittelbar —NACH—DEM 20010911             vor laufenden Kameras Blut für die bei den Anschlägen Verletzten spendete, um die Bilder von den jubelnden und tanzenden Palästinensern zu konterkarieren.
20080126—20010911    —AM, Moussaoui sagte in seinem Prozess 20060000             aus, er habe 1—MASCHINE in das Weiße Haus lenken sollen.
20080127             die die Lage in PAKISTAN —BEREITS mit dem Zustand 20010911             —VOR—DEM, vergleichen.
20080127             —ZITIERT, Die NYT, USA—GEHEIMDIENSTLER, die die Lage in PAKISTAN —BEREITS mit dem Zustand 20010911             —VOR—DEM, vergleichen.
20080201             —FROM  "protected drug operations" to THE—OWNER—OF—TERROR—FLIGHT—SCHOOLS, 20010911             —FROM to 10—TONS—OF—COKE seized from planes used in CIA "ghost flights"...
20080201             Revealed: ROLE—OF—EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION in Setting Up Condoleezza RICE—NSC—THAT—IGNORED—WARNINGS—ABOUT—AL—QAEDA—HIJACKINGS—PRIOR to 20010911             Reconfirms That THE—COMMISSION—FINDINGS are Highly Dubious.
20080201—20010911    —FROM—TO 10—TONS—OF—COKE seized from planes used in CIA "ghost flights"...
20080202             False Pretenses —FOLLOWING 20010911             , USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH and 7—TOP—OFFICIALS—OF his administration waged 1—CAREFULLY orchestrated CAMPAIGN—OF—MISINFORMATION about the threat posed by SADDAM—HUSSEIN—IRAQ.
20080202—20010911    —ON, drawn from both primary sources (such as official transcripts) and secondary sources (chiefly major news organizations) over THE—2—YEARS beginning.
20080202—20010911    —ON, This fully searchable database includes the public statements, drawn from both primary sources (such as official transcripts) and secondary sources (chiefly major news organizations) over THE—2—YEARS beginning.
20080204             She also reminds us that THE—FBI says it has no hard evidence that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was responsible for 20010911             .
20080204             MANY—AMERICANS are content with 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT,
20080204             MANY—AMERICANS are content with 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT, but THE—2—CHAIRMEN—OF—THE—COMMISSION, THOMAS—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON are not.
20080204—20010911    —AFTER, Investigative reporter Kristina Borjesson reminds us that "—6—DAYS ,
20080204—20010911    —FROM—THE, 1—USA—SENATOR who resigned Commission, telling THE—BOSTON—GLOBE (
20080204—20010911    —AFTER, Investigative reporter Kristina Borjesson reminds us that "—6—DAYS, reported that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had sent 1—STATEMENT to AL—JAZEERA denying that he had been involved".
20080204—20010911    —FROM—THE, Neither was commission member MAX—CLELAND, 1—USA—SENATOR who resigned Commission, telling THE—BOSTON—GLOBE (
20080205             How THE—WHITE—HOUSE Snookered 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION -- 1—BUZZFLASH—REVIEW
2008021020010911     —ANSCHLÄGE VOM—GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGE sollen vor Gericht
20080211             Pentagon charges 20010911             suspects:
20080211             Pentagon charges 20010911             suspects: THE—PENTAGON has charged 6—DETAINEES at GUANTANAMO Bay with murder and WAR—CRIMES in connection with 20080911             —THE attacks.
20080212—20010911    —IN, USA—CHARGES 6 With Key Roles Attacks
20080213—20010911    —SINCE, - + seemingly without the notice of most Americans,
20080214             Sham courts: Diplomats told to defend seeking death penalty for 20010911             detainees:
20080215             He predicted 20010911             —THE attacks on the World Trade Center on CNBC —6—MONTHS—BEFORE they occurred,
20080215             He predicted 20010911             —THE attacks on the World Trade Center on CNBC —6—MONTHS—BEFORE they occurred, said the terrorists would drop both towers + that Osama...
20080217             Jeppesen INTERNATIONAL Trip Planning: a "FULL—SERVICE" company for our post-20010911             world where neither laws nor human rights pose ANY—OBSTACLE to the naked EXERCISE—OF—STATE—POWER.
20080217             20010911             ReprintFINAL, 8/12 -
20080218             —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE, attacks, THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY set up 12—BOGUS companies in EUROPE and other PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD in the hope of penetrating Islamic organizations, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES reported
20080218             —RULED, —LAST—WEEK, THE—COURT—OF—APPEAL, that Lotfi Raissi could claim compensation for his arrest and imprisonment —AFTER being wrongly ACCUSED—OF—TRAINING 20010911             pilots.
20080218—20010911    —AFTER, CIA set up 12—BOGUS companies mostly in EUROPE : report:
20080218—20010911    —SINCE, AMERICA has certainly turned into 1—TOP—DOWN police state, but true POST—MODERN—FASCISM requires 1—POPULAR—MOVEMENT to usher it into power.
20080220             Katherine Smith 20010911             Encyclopedia
20080221             —GREETED, Nonetheless, 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—SHOCK and criticism, THE—PENTAGON—ANNOUNCEMENT on February 11—THAT it was charging 6—GUANTÁNAMO detainees, including alleged 20010911             mastermind Khalid SHAIKH—MOHAMMED, with WAR—CRIMES--and seeking the death penalty for ALL—OF—THEM.
20080223             EUROPA eu | 20010911             — der AMERIKANISCHE—REICHSTAGSBRAND | 1120
20080223             l | 20010911             — der AMERIKANISCHE—REICHSTAGSBRAND | 11200000             20080223             THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT and its Impact on Nonprofit Organizations... - IN—KILL THE—MESSENGER
20080223             l | 20010911             — der AMERIKANISCHE—REICHSTAGSBRAND | 11200000             20080223—20010911    —SINCE, + seemingly without the notice of most Americans, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has assumed the authority to institute MARTIAL—LAW,
20080223—20010911    —SINCE, + seemingly without the notice of most Americans, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has assumed the authority to institute MARTIAL—LAW,
20080223—20010911    —SINCE, + seemingly without the notice of most Americans, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT has assumed the authority to institute MARTIAL—LAW, arrest 1—WIDE—SWATH—OF—DISSIDENTS (citizen and noncitizen alike) + detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of "1—EMERGENCY—INFLUX—OF—IMMIGRANTS in THE—USA, or to support the rapid DEVELOPMENT—OF—NEW—PROGRAMS".
20080225             Controlled Cleanup - 20010911             Encyclopedia
20080225—20010911    —SINCE, The entire process of going through airline security for domestic/INTERNATIONAL and going through customs upon arrival has drastically changed
20080227—20010911    —IN, USA—CONTROLLLED PAKISTAN—SECRET—SERVICES (ISI), for instance, were involved, which is no longer 1—SECRET
20080229             —OBTAINED, NEWLY—RELEASED records, through 1—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—REQUEST contradict 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT on the
20080229             In a - recent REVIEW—OF—SHENON—BOOK, FORMER—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR and 20010911             Commission member BOB—KERREY called on Congress to investigate alleged SAUDI—ARABIA—TIES.
20080229             All the evidence connecting the alleged hijackers to 20010911             comes from the same sources that gave us evidence that Saddam was building WMDs to kill Americans.
20080229             FBI documents contradict 20010911             Commission report
20080229             Reconstructing 20010911             .
20080229—20010911    —COMMISSION—REPORT, FBI—DOCUMENTS contradict Reconstructing.
20080229—20010911    —AFTER, "We know it's Bayoumi," said Thompson, "because, THE—FINLAND—GOVERNMENT mistakenly released 1—CLASSIFIED—FBI LIST—OF—SUSPECTS that showed Bayoumi living in apartment #152—OF—PARKWOOD—APARTMENTS".
20080303             Verschwörungstheorie zum 20080911             : OSCAR—SIEGERIN—COTILLARD vergrätzt AMERIKA
20080304             McClatchy WASHINGTON Bureau | 20071119             | 20010911             group blasts GOP...
20080304             "FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GEORGE—TENET gave the independent 20080911             Commission...
20080304             Khashoggi, Part 35: Fear and Loathing at THE—NSA—ADNAN—KHASHOGGI—LINKED to 20010911             Terrorists NSA space trailblazer booz allen HAMILTON...
20080304             —LINKED, Adnan khashoggi, to 20010911             NSA CIA google SAIC IRAN.
20080304             THE—PERILS—OF—RUDY'S 20010911             Strategy | THE—NEW—YORK Observer
20080304             TOTAL 911—INFO—THE chinks in Giuliani's 20010911             ARMOR—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES...
20080304             —FOLLOWING SAFIR—QUOTE, the "Research Briefing" lists over 12. The reality is, RUDY—GIULIANI wasn't 1—GREAT—LEADER 20010911             —ON ;
20080304             FATHER—OF—FALLEN fire fighter JIMMY—RICHES—JUNIOR, FDNY 20010911             :
20080304             —JUST as Cohen feared Kelly, Safir feared Giuliani who, —WHEN he became mayor... —1—YEAR—AGO, he pulled out of a 20010911             anniversary CONFERENCE—ON—TERRORISM—WHEN...
20080304             More reactions to 20010911             response More reactions to 20010911             response.
20080304             —REPORTED, THE—DAILY—NEWS has also, on SAFIR—HIGHLY profitable line in 20010911             —RELATED endorsements (despite the fact that he wasn't even commissioner at the...
20080304             The chinks in Giuliani's 20010911             ARMOR—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES...
20080304             —ASSERTED, Media MATTERS—TIME—PROFILE, that 20010911             gave Giuliani "automatic standing" on terrorism... Giuliani had listened to Safir + Anemone + placed his command center...
20080304             20010911             Dad FD CHIEF—JIM—RICHES— featured in IAFF VIDEO—RESPONDS to...
20080304—20010911    —AFTER, BBTF—NEWSBLOG—DISCUSSION :: Salon: Koppelman:
20080304—20010911    —SINCE, -- security is no longer 1—OPTION".
20080304—20010911    —AFTER, Because it was less than —2—MONTHS that SAFIR—ROSSETTI became PART—OF—OMNICOM, a "global leader in marketing and communications.
20080307             Topics: Deregulation 20010911             Victim Compensation Fund BOLI Bank owned... (see also GENERAL—ELECTRIC).
20080308             trafficker linked to known 20010911             CO—CONSPIRATOR and arms trafficker VIKTOR—BOUT.
20080313             " from THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, in 1—ATTEMPT to tie Hussein to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20080313             backdated, handwritten letter " from THE—HEAD—OF—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE to SADDAM—HUSSEIN, in 1—ATTEMPT to tie Hussein to 20010911             —THE attacks.
20080318             Die geplatzte Technologieblase und der 20080911             rissen auch die DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT mit nach unten.
20080319             Drogin, Bob, 'USA—TELLS—OF—COVERT—AFGHANISTAN—PLAN—BEFORE 20010911             ,' LOS—ANGELES—TIMES,
20080319             Cheney again links IRAQ invasion to 20010911             attacks:
20080319             VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY told soldiers in IRAQ that 20010911             —THE attacks spurred the decision to invade IRAQ.
20080319             Cheney again links IRAQ invasion to 20010911             attacks: VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY told soldiers in IRAQ that 20010911             —THE attacks spurred the decision to invade IRAQ.
20080322             HARD—BOILED DREAMS—OF—THE—WORLD " Blog Archive " 20080911             —THE...
20080322             WORLD—WATER—DAY - FBI documents contradict 20010911             —COMMISSION REPORT—SOME—POSTS that may be related UQ Wire:
20080404             CONTINUE—MUKASEY Hints USA Had Attack Warning —BEFORE 20010911             —
20080404             or —JUST someone with bad memories of 20010911             , you should make 1—EFFORT to view THE—REFLECTING—POOL,
20080404             It is not about 20010911             .
20080404             It is about THE—CREDIBILITY—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—GOVERNMENT—STORY about 20010911             .
20080404             Whether you see yourself as 1—TRUTH—SEEKER, patriotic American, independent thinker or voter, or —JUST someone with bad memories of 20010911             , you should make 1—EFFORT to view THE—REFLECTING—POOL, 1—NEW—INDEPENDENT—MOVIE.
20080404             Mukasey Hints USA Had Attack Warning —BEFORE 20010911             20080404             Whether you see yourself as 1—TRUTH—SEEKER, patriotic American, independent thinker or voter, or —JUST someone with bad memories of 20010911             , you should make 1—EFFORT to view THE—REFLECTING—POOL, 1—NEW—INDEPENDENT—MOVIE.
20080404—20080404    —BY, Mukasey Hints USA Had Attack Warning —BEFORE 20010911             DAVID—EDWARDS and MURIEL—KANE
20080408             Ahmadinejad: USA used 20080911             as 'pretext' for invasions:
20080410             USA—SECURITY—CHIEF: CYBER—THREATS 'on par' with 20010911             :
20080410             1—OF—AMERICA—MOST senior security officials has said that the threat posed by CYBER—CRIME is "on 1—PAR" with the attacks of 20010911             .
20080410             —ASKED, Gallup 1., this "greatest enemy" question in the pre-20010911             , PRE—IRAQ war environment at the
20080410             USA warrantless wiretapping predates 20010911             | THE—REGISTER
20080410             USA—SECURITY—CHIEF: CYBER—THREATS 'on par' with 20010911             : 1—OF—AMERICA—MOST senior security officials has said that the threat posed by CYBER—CRIME is "on 1—PAR" with the attacks of 20010911             .
20080410—20010911    —AFTER, THE—NEXT—HURRAH: Did THE—NSA—ASK for Data Mining —BEFORE or ?
20080414             TERROR—ISM: 20010911             —PROSECUTIONS
20080415             200109111558         ... 20080415             STOCK—CHANNEL_NET—DAS FINANZPORTAL—SPIONAGE & KOMPLOTTE—DIE.
20080416             Außerdem wird der PAPA am "Ground 0" in NEW—YORK für die OPFER—DER—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, beten.
20080418             GEN—IDENTIFIKATION der 20010911             —ATTENTÄTER hält keiner Gerichtsverhandlung stand.
20080419             Ahmadinejad casts doubt over 20010911             : IRAN—HARD—LINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has cast doubt over THE—USA—VERSION—OF—20080911             —THE—ATTACKS, calling it 1—PRETEXT to invade AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20080419             WASHINGTON 'speechless' —AFTER Ahmadinejad 20010911             —COMMENT:
20080419             Report: Netanyahu says 20010911             —TERROR attacks good for ISRAEL:
20080419             No USA—PLAN to fight terror in PAKISTAN tribal belt :: - MORE—THAN—6—YEARS—AFTER 20080911             —THE—ATTACKS, THE—USA—STILL does not have 1—COHERENT—PLAN to destroy 1—KEY staging area for terrorist attacks into the country, according to 1—INDEPENDENT—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG.
20080420             —LATER, in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—NCR, he added: "20080911             —ON, planes became bombs in NEW—YORK + we call this terrorism. In IRAQ, in AFGHANISTAN, planes bring bombs upon innocent people. This is not terrorism?"
20080420—20010911    "If, had happened anywhere else, would it have had the same impact?"
20080420—20080911    —ON, —LATER, in INTERVIEW—WITH—NCR, he added:, planes became bombs in NEW—YORK + we call this terrorism.
20080420—20080911    IRAQ, in AFGHANISTAN, planes bring bombs upon innocent people.
20080420—20080911    This is not terrorism?"
20080422             —LEARNED, Video: —NOW FOX—NEWS has, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20080911             .
20080422             To the public, these men are MEMBERS—OF—1—FAMILIAR—FRATERNITY, presented TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TIMES on television and radio as "military analysts" whose long service has equipped them to give authoritative and unfettered judgments about the most pressing ISSUES—OF—THE—POST—20080911              world.
20080429             PRIME—MINISTER—CS - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA
20080429             PRIME—MINISTER—CS - 20010911             Encyclopedia - 911—REVIEW_org/Sept11Wiki/Pmcs.shtml
20080507             —3—WEEKS—AFTER—the—20010911             —TERROR—ATTACKS—FORMER—USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD established 1—OFFICIAL—MILITARY—OBJECTIVE—OF—NOT only removing the Saddam Hussein regime by force but overturning the regime in IRAN, as well as in Syria and 4—OTHER—COUNTRIES in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080507—20010911    —AFTER, Pentagon Targeted IRAN for Regime Change
20080507—20080911    —CARRIED, My own review Unnamed exercise, out by THE—CIA + NRO :
20080508             —QUESTIONED, They also, whether Elgindy had FOREKNOWLEDGE—OF—THE 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20080512             —ACQUIRED, Were these images all, 20010911             —ON, ?
20080512             For example, to represent THE—MORNING—OF—20010911              /01—WE see breakfast on the firehouse griddle, 1—SMILING—CHIEF—ENJOYING—1—QUIET—MOMENT and firemen putting on their protective gear and exiting the firehouse.
20080512             —ACQUIRED, Were these images all, 20010911             —ON /01?
20080514             Der "20. Attentäter" von 20010911             —WIRD nicht angeklagt
20080514—20080911    —IN—THE, THE—PENTAGON has dropped CHARGES—AGAINST—1—SAUDI at GUANTANAMO who was alleged to have been THE—SO—CALLED "20. hijacker" attacks, his USA—MILITARY—DEFENSE—LAWYER said —MONDAY
20080518             For THE—RECORD—RECORDED REALAUDIO Beginning with DISCUSSION—OF—THE—NAZI origins of 20010911             , the program highlights HITLER—PLAN for the "Amerikabomber"—1—GIANT...
20080519             1—NEWLY released audiotape by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—OF a 20061212             Luncheon taped RUMSFELD telling 1—GROUP—OF—MILITARY—ANALYSTS that THE—USA—PUBLIC—NEEDS another 20010911             —ATTACK to wake up.
20080519—20010911    —ON, ABC AUSTRALIA: Unanswered 20010911             —QUESTIONS: THE—COLLAPSE—OF—NEW—YORK—WORLD—TRADE—CENTRE is arguably 1—OF—THE most well documented events in human history.
20080522             Yes the same 20010911             —TERRORIST GROUP—THE—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY.
20080527             Petraeus hatte vor kurzem vor dem USA—SENAT erklärt, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN bereite im PAKISTAN—STAMMESGEBIET einen neuen Anschlag im Ausmaß des 20080911             vor.
20080527             Title Index - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA
20080527             DON—LIVINGSTON, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP, Presenting the Employer... 20010911             —COMMISSION;
20080528             Unschuldsvermutung? That is pre-20010911             —THINKING! ( - via)
20080601             Re: Foreign INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—ATTACK—WARNINGS -- 20010911             — BILL—CLINTON... USA Abram Shulsky Employ EE—OF—THE—RAND—CORPORATION—DIRECTOR—OF...
20080605             Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused mastermind of 20080911             —THE terrorist attacks, said he welcomed martyrdom at USA—HANDS, as he and 4—CODEFENDANTS faced trial for WAR—CRIMES without THE—BENEFIT—OF—LAWYERS.
20080605             Selbst nach 20010911             —DAUERTE es noch —1—JAHR, —BIS ihr klar wurde, welchen Anteil KSM an den Monsterattacken gehabt hatte.
20080605—20080911    Prozess in GUANTANAMO : Der Gerichtsaal als Verlängerung des Schlachtfelds
20080609             Arraigned, 20010911             —DEFENDANTS—TALK—OF—MARTYRDOM : MISTER—MOHAMMED, the former senior operations CHIEF—FOR—AL—QAEDA, said he would represent himself and dared the Guantánamo tribunal to put him to death.
20080609             According to Glynn, in the aftermath of 20080911             almost 1—TRILLION dollars was wiped OUT—OF—THE—ECONOMY, and we are still reeling as 1—RESULT—OF—IT.
20080610—20010911    —IN, To accomplish this, top ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS made repeated statements that falsely linked IRAQ and al QAIDA as 1—SINGLE—THREAT and insinuated that IRAQ played 1—ROLE
20080611             JUNE—NEW—YORK—CITY 20010911             * Griffin * Star Wars * Pot
20080614             "20010911             —WAR wie 1—WECKRUF", sagt Gould.
20080619             —WHILE we are remembering TIM—RUSSERT and his years as moderator of "Meet the Press," we would do well to recall his INTERVIEW—WITH—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY at Camp David 20010916             —ON, —JUST—5—DAYS—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20080619—20010916    —ON, TIM—RUSSERT, DICK—CHENEY, and 20010911             20080619             —WHILE we are remembering TIM—RUSSERT and his years as moderator of "Meet the Press," we would do well to recall his INTERVIEW—WITH—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY at Camp David, —JUST—5—DAYS—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20080620             Der USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA hatte 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, in aller Welt Verdächtige festgenommen und sie mit Flugzeugen in geheime Gefängnisse oder Drittländer verschleppt.
20080621             —WHILE SOME—LABEL that claim "wacky" and label CRITICS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             —STORY "conspiracy theorists," Fujita has impressive company.
20080621             JAPAN—LAWMAKER—TAKES 20010911             —DOUBTS Global
20080621—20010911    —ON, Fujita, along with 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—INDIVIDUALS — including European and USA—POLITICIANS — are leading 1—CHARGE to conduct 1—THOROUGH, independent investigation of what happened.
20080622             Inside a 20010911             —MASTERMIND—INTERROGATION
20080623             —REFUSED, THE—FBI, to allow THE—FBI informant to testify —BEFORE the 20010911             —COMMISSION.
20080623             Like the congressional 20010911             —COMMITTEE—THE—USA—INSPECTOR—GENERAL did not interview the landlord, but relied on 2. hand information gathered from FBI Agents.
20080623             JS Online: Web site provides 'a people's history' of 20080911             tragedy
20080629             Fahrenheit 20010911             WOCHE nach Vergabe der Goldenen Palme gibt Disney bekannt, dass die MIRAMAX—CHEFS Bob und HARVEY—WEINSTEIN—ALLE—RECHTE an dem Fahrenheit 20010911             ...
20080630             If you are 1—LONG—TIME—READER—OF this blog, you already know what Hopsicker says about Khashoggi and the 20010911             —CROWD.
20080704             THE—BUS—SPOTTER, officially known as 1—OMNIBOLOGIST, said: "—SINCE—THE 20010911             —ATTACKS there has been 1—CRACKDOWN.
20080705             —HAPPENED, But NIST argues that what, 20010911             —ON was unique.
20080705             Islamic TERROR—ISTS do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 20010911             20080705             IRAQ Hall of Shame —BEFORE beginning his role as 1—CIVIL—FIREFIGHTER working for Wackenhut Services LLC, Wood spent —2—WEEKS at Camp Victory near BAGHDAD—IRAQ...
20080705             Islamic terrorists do exist and I detest them as much as I detest the true perpetrators of 20010911             20080705—20010911    —IN, Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies, as PART—OF—1—HIGHLY organized covert operation by 1—GROUP affiliated with THE—USA—GOVERMENT and USA—MILITARY.
20080705—20010911    —IN, Most likely Islamic terrorists were used as patsies, as PART—OF—1—HIGHLY organized covert operation by 1—GROUP affiliated with THE—USA—GOVERMENT and USA—MILITARY.
20080708             The reader should pay close attention to the 20010911             —INVESTIGATION between no and the election.
20080709             —WINTER Patriot: Meet JEROME—HAUER, 20010911             —SUSPECT Awaiting Indictment
20080709             THE—TELEGRAPH, 31—ANOMALIES—OF—20010911             —JOHN—SAMMARTINO and LEONARD—TAYLOR worked at XONTECH (MISSILE—DEFENSE), another company connected to the...
20080710—20010911    —SEIT den TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM—DAS Gesetz legitimiert die gängige Abhörpraxis der Regierung weitgehend:
20080716—20080911    —BEHINDERT, Planer: Pannenserie, GUANTANAMO—PROZESSE
20080718             Levitt,Arthur - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA
20080718             Levitt,Arthur - 20010911             —ENCYCLOPEDIA—INSIDER TRADES—LEVITT ARTHUR—JR—YAHOO!
20080718             —HAPPENED, But I can't help think of what would have, to MOHAMMED—ATTA—HAD—HE—SOMEHOW—WOUND—UP—ALIVE—ON 1—LOWER—MANHATTAN street 20010911             —ON
20080723             THE—SECRETIVE—NATURE—OF—THE—PROGRAM—IS—SO—HIGHLY—SENSITIVE, Shorrock reports, that —WHEN 1—FORMER—SENIOR—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL mentioned Main Core to 1—INTELLIGENCE—ANALYST stationed inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE—AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS "he turned white as 1—SHEET".
20080729             —REDEFINED, They've, the term "torture" so that what was torture —BEFORE 20010911             —THEY say has not been torture —SINCE.
20080729             So 1—OF—THE—WITNESSES there, DOUG—FEITH in particular, who was the number 3 in the Pentagon, argued right —AFTER 20010911             —THAT THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION should no longer apply to anybody that was picked up in THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, that was 1—TERROR—IST—SUSPECT.
20080731             —GEHOLFEN, Hamdan wird vorgeworfen, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN dabei, zu haben, sich —NACH—DEN TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             dem Zugriff der USA—BEHÖRDEN zu entziehen.
20080731             —REALISED, MISTER—GIULIANI never even, that supposed WTC survivor and activist Tania Head was a 20010911             —FRAUD—JUST like himself !
20080731             —WHILE Tanya Head practiced for MANY—YEARS at being 1—WTC survivor her leading rival in post 20010911             —FAME or infamy as the case may be,was RUDY—GIULIANI, 1—UNPOPULAR NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR who had made 1—MIRACULOUS—POST 20010911             —COMEBACK
20080802             Mayo said it would be better to say something like, "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was the only person responsible for 20010911             —THE attacks" -- + not mention Hussein at all.
20080802             —DESCRIBED, FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—JAMES—WOOLSEY, in THE—GUARDIAN story as trying to "firm up" EVIDENCE—OF—IRAQ—INVOLVEMENT 20010911             —IN on behalf of Pentagon hawks, was
20080802             reported that DONALD—RUMSFELD and PAUL—WOLFOWITZ were discussing THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—WAR with IRAQ as early as the afternoon of 20080911             .
20080802             Their inquiries are adding to what USA hawks say is 1—GROWING MASS—OF—EVIDENCE that SADDAM—HUSSEIN was involved, possibly indirectly, with 20010911             —THE hijackers".
20080802—20010911    —ADDED, They, that, "It was confirmed —YESTERDAY that JIM—WOOLSEY, CIA director 19930000—19960000    —FROM—TO, —RECENTLY visited LONDON on behalf of the hawkish Defence Department to 'firm up' other EVIDENCE—OF—IRAQ—INVOLVEMENT.
20080804             SAUDI—ARABIA—BINLADIN—GROUP—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—FAMILY—HALLIBURTON cheney Iridium Construction... Hadron - 20010911             —ANALEX Corporation 20010911             Advanced Biosystems BIO—WARFARE and... 911—REVIEW_org/brad_com/links2.html
20080805             —EDUCATED, Siddiqui was, at Brandeis and MIT and fled to PAKISTAN —AFTER 20010911             —BECAUSE—OF—ANTI—MUSLIM sentiment.
20080805             Siddiqui is THE—WIFE—OF—AMMAR—AL—BALUCHI, 1—NEPHEW—OF—KHALID Sheikh Mohammed, who was believed to be THE—CHIEF—PLANNER—OF—20010911             —THE, attacks.
20080805             —IMMEDIATELY 20010911             —AFTER, the Daily News reports,
20080805—20030300    —DROPPED, She and her children, OUT—OF—SIGHT, —AFTER 20010911             —MASTERMIND Khalid sheikh Mohammed mentioned her name —DURING 1—INTERROGATION.
20080805—20080911    —AFTER—WHITE—HOUSE Told FBI To Blame Anthrax Attacks On AL—QAEDA
20080806             MER - 20010911             and all the Growing Doubt, Skepticism, Disbelief... and Marie," to speculation about the role of JERRY—HAUER, GIULIANI—FORMER—OEM guy...
20080806             My Complete 20010911             —TIME—LINE—HAROLD—A—FEIVESON, SENIOR Research Scientist Princeton University... (in 1—JOB arranged for him by JERRY—HAUER ) (O'Neill had complained that the White...
20080806             Auslandsberichterstattung —NACH—DEM 20010911             —  - Das 5. ANTHRAX—OPFER stirbt.
20080806             LET—JUSTIFY the last 5+ YEARS—OF—DEATH and destruction by lumping the violent REACTION—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE to 1—OCCUPATION—OF—THEIR—LAND into the same category as those who orchestrated and carried out 20010911             20080806             Home Truths You'll Never Read in the Press - - WHO—REALLY—RUNNING—IRAQ?
20080806             LET—JUSTIFY the last 5+ YEARS—OF—DEATH and destruction by lumping the violent REACTION—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE to 1—OCCUPATION—OF—THEIR—LAND into the same category as those who orchestrated and carried out 20010911             20080807             TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS "The 1. journalist granted access to the 20010911             —NORAD tapes -- the... —WEDNESDAY,
20080807             TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS "The 1. journalist granted access to the 20010911             —NORAD tapes -- the... —WEDNESDAY,
20080808             —BUNGLED, They, 20010911             , THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE, capturing OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, Ruby Ridge, WACO, VIETNAM, IRAN, and —NOW this anthrax case.
20080808             —ORDERED, Suskind: Bush, fake letter linking IRAQ to 20010911             20080808             Law Professor: Counter Terrorism TSAR—TOLD—ME—THERE—IS—GOING—TO—BE—AN i-20010911             And 1—I—PATRIOT—ACT
20080808             Sie warten nur auf ein "INTERNET-20010911             ", um ihre Faschistengesetze zu installieren.
20080810             —CLAIMED, The bogus memo, that 20010911             —HIJACKER MOHAMMED—ATTA had received training in BAGHDAD but also discussed the arrival of a "shipment" from NIGER,
20080810             —CITED, THE—SUNDAY—TELEGRAPH, the main source for its story on IRAQ—20010911             —INVOLVEMENT as Ayad Allawi, 1—FORMER—BAATHIST who rebelled against Saddam and was appointed 1—GOVERNMENT—POSITION—AFTER THE—USA—OCCUPATION.
20080810             Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge IRAQ-20010911             —LETTER came on WHITE—HOUSE stationery Oddly enough, current WHITE—HOUSE stationary is actually ripped out pages of the Necronomicon.
20080810             Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge IRAQ-20010911             —LETTER came on WHITE—HOUSE stationery
20080810             In damning transcript, EX—CIA—OFFICIAL says Cheney likely ordered letter linking Hussein to 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20080810             Picasso Dreams: 20010911             —MISTER—PRATT represents Singtel Optus Limited as THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—GSM—ASSOCIATION and is 1—DIRECTOR—OF—BREK Energy Corporation, 1—NASDAQ—QUOTED company.
20080822             The directive uses 20010911             as 1—ALL encompassing justification to wage 1—WITCH hunt against dissenting citizens, establishing at THE—SAME—TIME 1—ATMOSPHERE—OF—FEAR and intimidation across the land.
20080826             POLAND was the "black site" where 8 "HIGH—VALUE—DETAINEES (HVDs)" were interrogated, including Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—ALLEGED mastermind of 20080911             —THE attacks on THE—USA 20010911             .
20080829             THE—FINANCIAL—TIMES and the "SELF—CONFESSED Mastermind of 20010911             "
20080909             —RELEASED, AL—QAEDA video rounds on IRAN : The new footage, —3—DAYS—BEFORE the 7. anniversary of 20010911             —THE attacks on THE—USA, also attacked Lebanese, Pakistani and AFGHANISTAN—LEADERS.
20080911—20080914    —ON, he adjusted his comments saying owners who broadcast immoral content should be brought to trial and sentenced to death if other penalties do not deter them.
20080911—20081202    —CONVICTED—OF, Dantas was, trying to bribe police officers.
20080912             "Die Welt hat sich —NACH—DEM 20080808             verändert. Für RUSSLAND ist der 20080808             so wie der 20080911             für DIE—USA", sagte Medwedew.
20080912             what we do know is THAT—IN the months, weeks AND—DAYS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             ,
20080912             —VERGLEICHT, —KONFLIKT—MIT—GEORGIEN: Medwedew, KAUKASUS—KRIEG mit 20010911             20080912             JOHN—LENNON: Neue Biographie versetzt McCartney in Rage
20080912             Interview an 20010911             ESTAG: SARAH—PALIN durchkreuzt WAHLKAMPF—PAUSE
20080912—20080808    —AM, Den Angriff Georgiens auf die abtrünnige Region Südossetien verglich er mit den Terroranschlägen in den USA 20010911             —VOM.
20080913             Die Amis haben anläßlich des 7. Jahrestages zu 20010911             ihre Meinung geändert: —JETZT ist nicht mehr OSAMA—BIN—LADEN der Fiesling hinter 20010911             sondern Khalid SCHEICH—MOHAMMED.
20080913             Das hat Heise aber schön zum 20080911             getimed, —12—MINUTEN nach —MITTERNACHT: EU—INNENPOLITIKER wollen sämtliche digitalen Nutzerspuren überwachen.
20080914             Aber —JETZT, wo 20010911             wieder in aller Munde ist, kann unser Innenausschuss das ja auch mal offen fordern, dass man die BIOMETRIE—DATEN bei Personenkontrollen mit Fahndungsdaten abgleicht.
20080914             WHITE—HOUSE—CLAIMS—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Was Not The 'Mastermind' of 20080911             20080914             —ASKED, In 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE, 1—REPORTER, WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—DANA—PERINO about the administration's ongoing efforts to find OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, calling him the "mastermind" of 20010911             .
20080914             Olbermann Slams Republicans For Exploiting 20010911             Video On THE—EVE—OF—THE 7. anniversary of 20010911             , KEITH—OLBERMANN delivered 1—SPECIAL—COMMENT slamming Republicans for their exploitation of 20010911             for political purposes.Continue
20080914             1—INVESTIGATION—INTO 20010911             20080914             This brand new feature documentary from ITALIEN—PRODUCTION—COMPANY—TELEMACO explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony, which directly conflicts with THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNT.
20080914             Palin Links IRAQ to 20080911             Attack
20080914             —LINKED, GOVERNOR—SARAH—PALIN, the war in IRAQ with 20080911             —THE terrorist attacks, telling 1—IRAQ—BOUND BRIGADE—OF—SOLDIERS that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in THE—DEATH—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICANS".
20080914             —ON the 35. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—MILITARY overthrow of SALVADOR—ALLENDE in CHILE 19730911             —ON, which had the overt support of THE—USA, the presidents of BOLIVIA and VENEZUELA have asked THE—USA—AMBASSADORS accredited to their countries to leave.
20080914—20010911    —ON, 0: 1—INVESTIGATION into 20010911             , has 1—CENTRAL—THESIS—THAT the official VERSION—OF—THE—EVENTS surrounding the attacks can not be true.
20080914—20010911    —ON, Does killing AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS keep us safe?: —THIS—WEEK, as we remember the nearly 3,000 USA—CITIZENS who † in THE—RUBBLE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER and the Pentagon or in 1—REMOTE—FIELD in PENNSYLVANIA, we also should think about the civilians who are still dying in AFGHANISTAN.
20080915             Pagina di stampa - 20010911             and apartment of MOHAMMED—ATTA and 4—OTHER—HIJACKERS.
20080915             —DISMISSED, Der Spiegel, 20010911             conspiracy theories as a "panoply of the absurd"...
20080915             Dem 20010911             der Weltwirtschaft.
20080915—20010911    : Der Dow Jones schloss —AM—MONTAG bei 10.917—PUNKTEN.
20080915—20010911    —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem VERLUST—VON—MEHR—ALS—500—PUNKTEN oder 4,42 % - und ist
20080915—20010911    —ON, [How NORAD Radar Operators Identified Aircraft Flying Over USA—AIRSPACE And Its Implications For THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             Narrative
20080916             —35—YEARS—AFTER Original 20010911             20080916             New TRANSCRIPTS—OF—KISSINGER—ROLE in CHILE—COUP
20080916—19730911    —NOW, on the 35. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CIA—BACKED military coup in CHILE, phone transcripts that Kissinger made of his talks with USA—PRÄSIDENT—NIXON + THE—CIA—CHIEF among other top government officials reveal in the most CANDID—OF—LANGUAGE the imperial MINDSET—OF—THE—NIXON—ADMINISTRATION as it began plotting to overthrow PRESIDENT—SALVADOR—ALLENDE, the world's 1. democratically elected Socialist.
20080916—20080917    —BY 3—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth Alliance to 8—HOUSE—MEMBERS in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—AND the director and STAFF—OF—THE—HOUSE—SCIENCE and Technology committee.
20080918             Coup d'etat and ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—FRIAS was scheduled for last —THURSDAY as VENEZUELA—OWN 20010911             20080918             [THE—VENEZUELA—CONSPIRACY was foiled —WHEN Chavez decided to modify the regional military command structure and the retired military WOULD—BE coupsters found they did NOT have the critical support or STRENGTH—OF—FORCE—NECESSARY to enact 1—SUCCESSFUL—COUP.
20080920             Cramer: Black —MONDAY Could Have Been "Financial Terrorism" CNBC host compares crash to pre-20010911             SHORT—SELLING—OF—AIRLINE—STOCKS as SEC enforces ban to fight
20080921             ANOTHER 20010911             ?
20080922—20080911    —NACH, Rückversicherer: Münchener Rück sieht Krise wie
20080923             Bild einer scheinbar juristischen sauberen Abrechnung für die ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             20080923             Am Ende schien es, dass niemand die Verantwortung für Gewalt übernehmen wollte.
20080924             Cheney Likely Ordered Fake Letter Linking IRAQ to 20010911             ...
20080925             Without another major terrorist attack like those of 20010911             , Homeland Security Research, the industry tracker,
20080926             Amy Kudwa, spokeswoman for THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, said the new policies reflect "THE—REALITIES—OF—THE—POST—20010911              environment".
20080929             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE lost 777.68—POINTS, its biggest SINGLE—DAY—FALL ever, easily beating THE—684—POINTS it lost on the 1. —DAY—OF—TRADING—AFTER 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks.
20081002—20010000    —SINCE, Manufacturing shrinks to lowest level : 1—MEASURE—OF—USA manufacturing activity contracted more than expected —LAST—MONTH, hitting the lowest level —SINCE the aftermath of 20080911             —THE attacks, as new orders slowed dramatically.
20081005             [Because of 20010911             , THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY has decided to not allow online public access to documents that ironically are drawn up to adhere to 1—FEDERAL—ENVIRONMENTAL—ACT that heavily encourages public participation.
20081006             THE—BUSH—DOCTRINE & 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT: Both Authored by PHILIP—ZELIKOW
20081008             RUMSFELD Updated ARMY—CONTINUITY—OF—OPERATIONS—PLAN—BEFORE 20010911             20081008             1—FACT is abundantly clear from the mass of conflicting evidence and assertions made by proponents of various theories surrounding 20010911             —THE events:
20081008             'Economic 20010911             ' exacting grim psychological toll in USA:
20081008—20010911    —IN, USA—COURT—RULES—SAUDI—ARABIA immune case [20082108             ]... Death of ' DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Madam' Becomes Rich Ground for Conspiracy Theory...
20081009             THE—ULTIMATE 20010911             'TRUTH' SHOWDOWN—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN vs. MATT—TAIBBI.
20081011             [At 1—TIME, fearmongering was the best thing that ever happened to GEORGE—W—BUSH and the NeoCons, as they cynically exploited 20010911             to advance their agenda.
20081018             —LEARNED, FOX—NEWS has, SOME—USA—INVESTIGATORS believe Israelis are engaged in spying in and on THE—USA, who may have known things they didn't tell us —BEFORE 20080911             .
20081023             Under 1—LITTLE known post-20010911             power, border agents can stop and question people up to 100—MILES from the border without ANY—CAUSE.
20081025             [20010911             ] THE—AA flights and other assumptions
20081025             140.158.149 Special 20010911             Don't Take My Word For It "The... events of 20010911             ...
20081026             13542). - - KARL—ROVE - "sometimes history sends you things and 20010911             came our way".
20081026—20010911    —ON, Scholars for 20010911             Truth and Justice Misrepresented in Draft BILL—SENT to 8—HOUSE—MEMBERS [Scholars for 20010911             Truth and Justice rejects association with recent draft bill presented to MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS and published at OpEdNews, due to the promotion of discredited theories, namely "Directed Energy Weapons" and "MINI—NUKES" theories regarding the World Trade Center destruction.
20081027—20010911    —SINCE, "The 1 % Doctrine: Deep Inside AMERICA—PURSUIT—OF—ITS—ENEMIES "
20081101             Stevens On Whether SADDAM—AND—IRAQ—HAD 20010911             Role: 'I—BELIEVE—THEY—DID'—ALI—FRICK—COMMENTS
20081101             taking 1—CUE from Cheney in doubling down on insisting 1—LINK existed between IRAQ and 20010911             .
20081101—20010911    —IN—THE, played 1—ROLE—ATTACKS :
20081101—20010911    —IN—THE, MODERATOR: Knowing what you know —NOW, do you think that the country of IRAQ and SADDAM—HUSSEIN played 1—ROLE—ATTACK—ON—THE—USA?
20081102             95k11 Retter und Helfer haben gestohlen und geplündert, Betrüger steckten gesammelte Spenden in die eigene... NEW—YORK, 20010911             , von G. R. und S. G. v.P.
20081102             1—JUDGE has ordered the Justice Department to produce WHITE—HOUSE—MEMOS that provide the legal basis for THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POST 20080911             warrantless wiretapping program.
20081102             "THE—CASE for Rage and Retribution," TIME, 20010911             .
20081102             —ORDERED, JUDGE—ORDERS—WHITE—HOUSE to produce wiretap memos: : 1—JUDGE has, the Justice Department to produce WHITE—HOUSE—MEMOS that provide the legal basis for THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POST—20080911              warrantless wiretapping program.
20081102             LANCE—MORROW, "THE—CASE for Rage and Retribution," TIME, 20010911             .
20081103             1—INFAMOUS—PIECE even suggested that Saddam might have aided 20010911             —THE attack.
20081105             —RELATED, MEMBERS—OF—ISRAEL—SPY ring ' to 20010911             hijacker':
20081105—20010911    —AFTER, High tide arrived with the unlikeliest occupant of the Oval Office in our history, THE—BEADY—EYED, smirking, TONGUE—TIED, counterfeit cowboy GEORGE—W—BUSH, and 1—CONGRESS that was run by runaway Republicans who were too busy enriching themselves and their friends to care what their PRESIDENT was doing to the country, THE—CONSTITUTION and even their own party
20081107—20010911    —NACH, "Dramatisch wie ": 500.000—VERLIEREN in USA ihren Job
20081112             WARNING—OF—NEW—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN attack: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is planning 1—ATTACK—AGAINST—THE—USA—THAT will "outdo by far" 20080911             , 1—ARAB newspaper in LONDON has reported.
20081112—20080911    —AFTER, "It's —JUST like. Back then no 1 wanted to be seen as not patriotic, and —NOW no 1—WANTS to be seen as not doing all they can to save the financial system," said LEE—A—SHEPPARD, 1—TAX—ATTORNEY who is 1—CONTRIBUTING editor at the trade publication Tax Analysts.
20081120             Entführung des Supertankers "Sirius Star": "Das ist der 20080911             der See"
20081124             —RELEASED, MALAYSIA, suspected TERROR—IST Yazid Sufaat, 1 alleged biological WEAPONS—EXPERT who was also linked to 20080911             —THE attacks in THE—USA.
20081127             "CHRISTINE—FAIR, 1—EXPERT at RAND Corporation says Mumbai attacks are not INDIA's 20010911             and it is their domestic problem. Oh yeah, expertise!..".
20081203             Die parteiübergreifende Spezialkommission (Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism) ist ein Ergebnis des 20010911             —AUSSCHUSSES.
20081203             "Es wäre hinsichtlich der Menschen, die dabei umkämen, 20010911             mal 10—ODER 100".
20081208             —CHARGED, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 4—CO—DEFENDANTS, with plotting 20080911             —THE attacks, told 1—MILITARY—JUDGE that they want to —IMMEDIATELY confess at their WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20081212—20010000    —INVOLVED, They including 1—WOMAN whose husband was, in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—AFGHANISTAN—THAT killed ANTI—TALIBAN warlord AHMED—SHAH—MASSOUD, shortly —BEFORE 20080911             —THE attacks.
20081218—20010911    —ON, he was aboard AIR—FORCE 1 with USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20081221             Former 20010911             commissioner JOHN—LEHMAN and UTAH GOVERNOR—JON—HUNTSMAN sat in solidarity —WHILE McCain delivered chilling warnings about "ISLAMO—FASCISM"...
20081221             QUOTE—OF—THE—MOMENT......: 20071100             Former 20010911             commissioner JOHN—LEHMAN and UTAH GOVERNOR—JON—HUNTSMAN sat in solidarity —WHILE McCain delivered chilling warnings about "ISLAMO—FASCISM"...
20081231             Alternative Theory of 20010911             20081231             JOEL—BRINKLEY: Does His Article on RICHARD—FALK—DEMONSTRATE—THE—RIGHT "FRAME—OF—MIND" to Teach Journalism at Stanford ? —BY—ELIZABETH Woodworth
20090105             3—MEN—INCLUDING the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—GO on trial in FRANCE for THE—BOMBING—OF—1—TUNISIA—SYNAGOGUE.
20090105             FRANCE tries Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 3—MEN—INCLUDING the alleged mastermind of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—GO on trial in FRANCE for THE—BOMBING—OF—1—TUNISIA—SYNAGOGUE.
20090107             GOOGLE grab bag: CHINA—LAWSUIT, 20010911             ASCII art
20090108             you better not read even 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION
20090108             "If you look at the order in its strictest language, you better not read even 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT in 1—COURT—IN—GUANTANAMO".
20090113             —ENSURED, But the key fact remains it was their ideas that, that THE—USA—RESPONSE to 20010911             would go bey ond AFGHANISTAN.
20090114             Report: Bush Official Say s Suspected 20010911             CO—CONSPIRATOR Tortured
20090115             especially in the aftermath of 20010911             , was 1—TERROR—SPONSORING state so designated by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20090115             —AIRED, In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—BRIT—HUME that, on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH admitted that he personally authorized the torture of 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
20090115             —BELIEVED, CHENEY : Because I, —AT—THE—TIME what SADDAM—HUSSEIN represented was, especially in the aftermath of 20010911             , was 1—TERROR—SPONSORING state so designated by THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20090119             2 20010911             suspects make defiant appearances at PRE—TRIAL—HEARINGS at GUANTANAMO Bay, on THE—EVE—OF—BARACK—OBAMA—INAUGURATION.
20090119             GUANTANAMO pair defiant in court 2 20010911             suspects make defiant appearances at PRE—TRIAL—HEARINGS at GUANTANAMO Bay, on THE—EVE—OF—BARACK—OBAMA—INAUGURATION.
20090121             1—JUDGE—SUSPENDS—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY trials of 5—MEN accused over 20010911             —THE attacks, in line with 1—REQUEST by USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090121             Judge halts 20010911             GUANTANAMO trial
20090121             Judge halts 20010911             GUANTANAMO trial 1—JUDGE—SUSPENDS—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY trials of 5—MEN accused over 20010911             —THE attacks, in line with 1—REQUEST by USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090205—20010911    —FROM, Bush Officials May Have Covered Up RICE—TENET—MEETING—COMMISSION' thinkprogress.
20090205—20010911    —FROM, Bush Officials May Have Covered Up RICE—TENET—MEETING—COMMISSION "
20090213—20010911    —SINCE, 'Because of the slow erosion of our civil liberties ,
20090213—20010911    —SINCE, 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "Citing privacy concerns, THE—CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS City Council has voted 9-0 to remove security cameras scattered —THROUGHOUT the city. 'Because of the slow erosion of our civil liberties, it is important to raise questions regarding these cameras,' said Marjorie Decker, 1—CAMBRIDGE city councilor. Rather than citing privacy, WCBVTV is running the story under the headline 'CITY—MOVE—TO—NIX—SECURITY—CAMS—MAY—COST—THOUSANDS.'"
20090214             | AFRICA 20010911             widow dies in NY plane CRASH—ANGER as raid kills children
20090218             der Cousin eines der 20010911             —HIJACKER war Spion für den Mossad.
20090218             Und hier ist mal wieder einer fürs BIZARRO—ARCHIV: der Cousin eines der 20010911             —HIJACKER war Spion für den Mossad.
20090218             1—OF—MISTER—JARRAH—COUSINS, Ziad AL—JARRAH, was among THE—19—HIJACKERS who carried out THE—TERROR—IST attacks of 20010911             , though the men were —20—YEARS apart in age and do not appear to have known EACH—OTHER well.
20090222             agreed to be 1—PAID advisor to ABC—MYTH—MAKING docudrama " - THE—PATH to 20010911             ...
20090302—20010911    deren langes Nachspiel und dann der Einmarsch in den IRAK;
20090305             Hollow MANTRAS—OF—VISION: 20010911             put option trading with Prior Knowledge
20090305             FUGATE—DEPARTMENT was held up as 1—NATIONAL—MODEL—AFTER 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20090307             Rescue and recovery effort —AFTER 20090911             —THE attacks...
20090311             Mossad Link Found to 1—OF—KEY 20010911             Hijackers:
20090311             Report: Detainees Say They Planned 20090911             : THE—5—DETAINEES at Guantánamo Bay charged with planning 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks have filed 1—DOCUMENT with the military commission at THE—USA—NAVAL—BASE there expressing pride at their accomplishment and accepting full responsibility for THE—KILLING—OF—NEARLY 3,000—PEOPLE.
20090311—20090219    —ON, Mossad Link Found to 1—OF—KEY 20010911             Hijackers : Buried in 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY was THE—EYE—OPENING revelation that 1—LEBANON—WHO has been taken into custody by THE—LEBANON—WHICH has accused him of being 1—SPY for SOME— —25—YEARS for ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—JUST happens to be 1—COUSIN—OF—1—OF—THE—MEN alleged to have been 1—OF 20010911             —THE hijackers.
20090312—20010911    —AFTER, I haven't written about this yet,
20090312—20010911    —AFTER, I haven't written about this yet, but THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be ENEMIES—OF—THE—STATE.
20090315             Silver won 1—TONY—AWARD as 1—TAKE—NO—PRISONERS—HOLLYWOOD producer in DAVID—MAMET'S "SPEED—THE—PLOW" and did 1—POLITICAL—ABOUT—FACE from loyal Democrat to Republican activist —AFTER 20090911             —THE attacks.
20090401             —SUSPECTED—OF, MALAYSIA, Mas Selamat Kastari, 1—ISLAM—MILITANT, plotting a 20090911             —STYLE air attack, was arrested in Johor state, MORE—THAN—1—YEAR—AFTER his dramatic escape from 1—HIGH—SECURITY—JAIL in SINGAPORE.
20090404             Tatsächlich wurde mit Rasterfahndungen —NACH—DEM 20090911             kein Terrorist gefunden
20090407—20010911    —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM— BEI denen entführte Passagiermaschinen als Bomben eingesetzt wurden,
20090407—20010911    —SEIT, den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM—BEI denen entführte Passagiermaschinen als Bomben eingesetzt wurden, lösen Vorfälle wie der vom —MONTAG in den USA höchste Alarmbereitschaft aus.
20090420             I was reviewing classified CIA cables [about the 20010911             —PLOT], and I was READING cables about rendition -- people going off to SAUDI—ARABIA or EGYPT or wherever -- and the implicit understanding was that they were being sent there to be tortured.
20090424             Der Luftraum über der USA—HAUPTSTADT wird —SEIT den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             besonders strikt überwacht.
20090424—20010911    —SEIT den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM-
20090425             The 20010911             —FBI whistleblower makes 1—GUEST—APPEARANCE on BradBlog —TODAY, and her piece is a
20090511             Captured by USA—LED forces in PAKISTAN in THE—WEEKS—AFTER 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS—FAKHIRI—LATER made up 1—STORY about links between al Qaeda and IRAQ to avoid torture —WHILE in THE—CUSTODY—OF—EGYPT, according to a 20060000             USA—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE—REPORT.
20090515             PLUS, Zelikow & Friends (MEMBERS—OF—THE 20010911             —COMMISSION) relied upon and requested additional torture sessions to flesh out their report:
20090517             —HAPPENED, Seems hard to believe, but so is everything that, 20010911             —ON and —SINCE.
20090517             At least 99.9999—PERCENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE who saw the South tower explode on 20010911             —SAW it on TV with 1—PLANE—GOING into it.
20090521             Bemerkenswert: Alle 4—FESTGENOMMENEN sind USA—BÜRGER—ANDERS als bei den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             .
20090521—20010911    —SEIT DEM—IRONIE des Zufalls: Es war, zumindest von den avisierten Dimensionen her, der 1. große mutmaßliche Anschlagsplan.
20090521—20090521—20010911    —BERICHTET, Cheney, ausführlich von seinen —STUNDEN im ATOM—BUNKER unter dem Weißen Haus
20090530—20010911    —NACH—DEM—WURDEN VIELE—MENSCHEN abgestempelt.
20090530—20010911    Meine MUTTER—SIE trägt das arabische Kopftuch, den HIJAB—WURDE wie 1—TERRORISTIN behandelt.
20090602—20010911    —AM, IRAK—KRIEG: Cheney spricht SADDAM—VON—BETEILIGUNG frei
20090610             Feinberg sollte schätzen, wie viel die Regierung an Angehörige der OPFER—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, zahlen sollte, um Gerichtsprozesse zu vermeiden.
20090623             Wie macht man Ufologen und das 20010911             —TRUTH—MOVEMENT mundtot?
20090703             —KILLED, Think about it: over 200x more Americans have been, —SINCE 20010911             —BY being fat than were killed by TERROR—ISTS.
20090703             —KILLED, Think about it: over 200x more Americans have been, —SINCE 20010911             —BY being fat than were killed by terrorists.
20090722             —REPORTED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, that SAUDI—ARABIA is holding MORE—THAN—3,000—PEOPLE in secret detention and has used torture to extract confessions in its ANTI—TERRORISM—CRACKDOWN—SINCE 20010911             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS.
20090723             —2—DAYS—20010911—AFTER, Engineering NEWS—RECORD (ENR) reported that 1—ASBESTOS abatement and demolition company called LVI had done extensive asbestos abatement work in the World Trade Center:
20090723—20090720    —ON, WAR—ON—YOU—FORUMS—CONSPIRACY & Alternative News => 20010911             —RESEARCH => Topic started by: Raven, 10000007             PM
20090726             Der USA—GEHEIMDIENST CIA greift —SEIT den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             auf diese Daten zu.
20090727             They have chosen to place the decision to create 1—NEW 20010911             —INVESTIGATION - 1—REAL 20010911             —INVESTIGATION—EXACTLY where it belongs: —BEFORE THE—VOTERS—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY this —NOVEMBER.
20090728             "—JUST as the 20010911             —ATTACKS were 1 unprecedented attack with unconventional weapons, so too could 1—MAJOR cyber attack," it says.
20090801             [l] Sibel Edmonds erklärt in 1—INTERVIEW, das OSAMA—BIN—LADEN —BIS 20010911             —FÜR DIE—USA gearbeitet hat.
20090801             The new USA—POST—20010911             —GI Bill took effect to reimburse veterans for their full undergraduate tuition at public colleges.
20090804             Although the F.B.I. and —LATER the 20010911             —COMMISSION ultimately stated that the money was not intentionally being routed to fund terrorists, investigators were surprised to see how lax the safeguards at Riggs Bank were.
20090808             —12—MINUTEN hat es gedauert, die Daten auf dem "unfälschbaren" neuen BRITISCHEN—AUSWEIS zu fälschen.
20090814             The "waterfront" he covers includes Fascism, Corporatism, genocide, THE—COLD—WAR, 5. column movements, INTERNATIONAL banking scandals, the Kennedy assassination, Nixon, Watergate, the Muslim Brotherhood, 20010911             , the Bush family and its business connections to THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family, and to the 3. Reich as well (through GEORGE—THE—ELDER—DADDY, SENATOR—PRESCOTT—BUSH ), the P—2—LODGE, disinformation, mind control and cults.
20090903             —SIGNED, MISTER—JONES has, 1—PETITION alleging THE—USA—GOVERNMENT was partly or wholly responsible for 20010911             .
20090904—20010911    —AFTER, 1—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT has ruled that FORMER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT can be sued by people who claim they were wrongfully detained as material witnesses, and called the government practice "repugnant to the Constitution".
20090906             Court: Ashcroft can be sued over post- 20010911             POLICY—JAKARTA POST—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE
20090906—20010911    —IN, COURT—RULES—ASHCROFT can be held liable case
20090906—20010911    —IN, APPEALS—COURT rules against Ashcroft case
20090911             der USA—GESANDTE für AFGHANISTAN und PAKISTAN, RICHARD—HOLBROOKE, vor einem Machtvakuum durch weitere Verzögerungen bei der Auszählung der PRÄSIDENTEN—UND Provinzwahlen 20090820             —VOM.
20090911             Clashes began 20090910             —ON—AFTER—THE—GOVERNMENT prevented 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—TRADITIONAL—RULER—OF—THE—BUGANDA kingdom from traveling to 1—REGION NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL for 1—POLITICAL—RALLY.
20090911             † JUAN—ALMEIDA, KUBANISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR und Politiker
20090911—20090913    —ON, the justice MINISTER asked 1—PUBLIC—PROSECUTOR to file "apology for terrorism" CHARGES—AGAINST—CRESPO.
20090913             —DESCRIBED, AL—QAIDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA as "powerless" to stop the war in AFGHANISTAN and threatened to step up guerrilla warfare there in 1—NEW audiotape released to mark the anniversary of 20090911             —THE attacks in THE—USA.
20090914             Cut to 20010911             .
20090917             So let's set the record straight, VAN Jones was not alone in his misgivings about the government's actions cA—20010911             —THE attacks + most certainly it's response ~ as alluded to in the obviously deeply flawed 20010911             Commission report.
20090917             Here are 40—EXPERTS, including the Chairman, 20010911             Commission, THOMAS—H—KEAN, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY and Vice Chairman, 20010911             Commission, LEE—HAMILTON, Permanent SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE, Homeland SECURITY—ADVISORY—COUNCIL ~ sounding off in short quotes about their misgivings with 20010911             —THE commission and the far too MANY—QUESTIONS that are still UNANSWERED.
20090917             TOO MANY 20010911             COMMISSION QUESTIONS STILL UNANSWERED
20090917             —WHEN PANDORA—BOX is finally fully opened on the deceptions and ABUSES—OF—POWER by the Cheney/USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION ~ 20010911             —THE conspiracy and COVER—UP will stand alone as the most treasonous act in USA—HISTORY.
20090927             PAUL—MOREIRA, Bearden made those comments —DURING 1—LATE 20010000             interview, SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20091001—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Die theoretische Möglichkeit eines gezielten CYBER—TERRORISMUS gegen kritische Infrastrukturen wurde immer wieder diskutiert.
20091002             H. soll unter anderem Dokumentationen über die Terroranschläge des 20010911             produziert haben.
20091007—20010911    —IN—THE, According to THE—FBI—OFFICIAL—STORY, repeated Commission Report,
20091007—20010911    —IN—THE, the fact that 3—OF—THE—4—TERRORIST—PILOTS at the controls of hijacked airplanes attack all attended flight school at THE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG Municipal Airport is little more than happenstance.
20091008—20010911    —CRASHED, Interestingly, the vacancy rate on all 4—FLIGHTS that, was high.
20091009             Das war weit 20090911             —VOR—DEM.
20091016             Blick in das Leben des Extremisten 20010911             —VOR—DEM, 20091016             Bottom line: If you are in the market, pull out —NOW.
20091016—20090911    —GRANTED, However, the secret gag order against the report, remains in effect, and entirely prevents THE—REPORTING—OF—THE—REPORT—CONTENTS.
20091121—20030306    —ON, For example, in Bush ' s press conference about IRAQ, —2—WEEKS—BEFORE the war in IRAQ started, he invoked 20010911             and AL—QAEDA
20091122             —ARRESTED, Faghoul Abdelli and MOHAMED—TERARI were, in PAKISTAN —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks in THE—USA and transferred to GUANTANAMO Bay where they were held without trial —BEFORE being sent home to ALGERIA —LAST—YEAR.
20091122             which then killed them and dozens —AROUND them (—JUST as NORAD was also doing scheduled ANTI—TERROR—ISM—EXERCISES 20010911             —ON ).
2009112420091124     CRÓNICA—DE—LA—BATALLA en DEFENSA—DE—LA—EDUCACIÓN pública en la Universidad de CALIFORNIA
20091125             The intercepts cover a —24—HOUR—PERIOD surrounding 20010911             —THE attacks in NEW—YORK and WASHINGTON.
20091126             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Textnachrichten von 20010911             : "Das World Trade Center ist getroffen worden. PS: Die Möbel sehen toll aus"
20091130             The statement was Bush admin most expansive yet in trying to articulate 1—VISION—OF—DETERRENCE for post-20090911             world.
20091207—20010911    —AM, Denn für AL—QAIDA begann dieser Krieg nicht, wohl aber für DIE—USA
20091207—20010911    —AM, steuerten Terroristen gekaperte Flugzeuge in das World Trade Center und ins Pentagon.
20091207—20010911    —NACH, Neugeburt : Wie NEW—YORK das Trauma des Terrors überwand (Politik)
20091208             sprach nur —TAGE—NACH—DEM 20010911             vor, als das ganze Viertel noch abgesperrt und von Rauchschwaden verhangen war.
20091209             Zuvor HATTE—HOLBROOKE DIE—USA—POLITIK —NACH—DEM 20090911             als "Riesenfehler" bezeichnet.
20091209             AFGHANISTAN: Holbrooke nennt USA—POLITIK —NACH—DEM 20090911             "Riesenfehler"
20100212—20120911    —PLEADED, BISHOP, guilty to killing her colleagues.
20100304             Bedell apparently left behind INTERNET postings RESENTFUL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT and airing suspicions about 20010911             —THE attacks.
20100304             1—GERMANY—COURT jailed 4—ISLAM—MILITANTS who dreamed of "mounting a 2. 20100911             " for 1 thwarted plot to attack USA—SOLDIERS and civilians in GERMANY.
20100325             —THREATENED, AL—QAIDA leader OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, in 1—NEW audio recording released to kill ANY—CAPTURED—AMERICANS if THE—USA—EXECUTES—THE—SELF—PROFESSED mastermind of 20100911             —THE attacks or ANY—OTHER—AL—QAIDA suspects.
20100524             Obama gedenkt der Opfer des 20100911             Verschwörungstheorien...
20100527             This is the new PHASE—OF—THE—TERROR—IST—THREAT, no longer limited to coordinated, sophisticated, 20010911             —STYLE attacks," MISTER—BRENNAN said.
20100706             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GOVERNMENT also, it will pay compensation to detainees found to have been mistreated in the global PURSUIT—OF—TERROR—ISTS—AFTER 20100911             —THE attacks.
20100806             —REPORTED, It was, that ADNAN—SHUKRIJUMAH, —35—JAHRE—ALT, 1 suspected AL—QAIDA operative who lived for MORE—THAN—15—YEARS in THE—USA, has taken over as CHIEF—OF—THE—TERROR—NETWORK'S—GLOBAL—OPERATIONS, 1—POSITION once held by 20010911             —MASTERMIND Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
20100904             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—INDONESIAN—MUSLIMS, outside THE—USA—EMBASSY in JAKARTA to denounce 1—USA—CHURCH—PLAN to mark the anniversary of 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks by burning copies of the Quran.
20100904—20100911    —ON, THE—DOVE—WORLD—OUTREACH—CENTER in GAINESVILLE—FLORIDA, has said it will burn the Islamic holy book, the ninth ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—TERROR—ATTACKS.
20100908—20100911    —ON, THE—LEADER—OF—1—SMALL—FLORIDA church that espouses ANTI—ISLAM philosophy said he was determined to go through with his plan to burn copies of the Quran, despite pressure from THE—WHITE—HOUSE, religious leaders and others to call it off.
20100909             THE—REVEREND—TERRY—JONES from the Dove Outreach Center in GAINESVILLE—FLORIDA, said he has decided to hold off 1—BURNING of the Koran on the anniversary of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20100909—20100911    —ON, Jones said he won't follow through with the burning if he's able to meet with the organizers behind 1—MOSQUE planned near ground 0 in NEW—YORK.
20100910             200500001234         : 11—PM EDT t r u t h o u t || Exploiting 20010911             .
20100910—20100911    —ON, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—RAMIN Mehmanparast told ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—PRESS TV that SARAH—SHOURD, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—3—USA—HIKERS currently held in IRAN for MORE—THAN—1—YEAR, will be released.
20100911—20101026    —RETURNED, The fisherman, home —AFTER 1—ORDEAL that included —1—MONTH—OF—DETENTION by CHINA and —1—WEEK lost on stormy seas.
20100923             —STAGED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said most people believe THE—USA—GOV—ERNMENT, 20100911             —THE attacks, setting off 1—WESTERN—WALK out at THE—UN.
20101119             —EXPOSED, NEW—YORK—CITY—OFFICIALS said over 10,000 workers, to toxic dust —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE—FALL—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER, have ended 1—LEGAL fight with the city and joined 1—SETTLEMENT worth at least $625—MILLION.
20110101—20010911    —BIS—SEIT—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VON, IN—DEN—USA 250.000—TOTE durch SCHUß—WAFFEN gab es
20110102             PRESIDENT.Obama signed a $4.3—BILLION measure covering the cost of medical care for rescue workers and others sickened by toxic fumes —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attack in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20110117             —SEIT den Terroranschlägen des 20010911             und den darauf folgenden Konflikten in AFGHANISTAN und IRAK, NEW—YORK—TIMES: USA—ARMEE
20110119—20100911    —SINCE, His personal blog has not been updated.
20110119—20110818    —ON, "ZDNet is reporting that —0—DAY—BLOGGER and malware researcher Dancho Danchev has gone missing —SINCE—AUGUST—OF—LAST—YEAR. Dancho, who was relentless in his pursuit of CYBER—CRIMINALS, last blogged here. His personal blog has not been updated 20100911             —SINCE. 'At ZDNet, we made multiple attempts to contact him, to no avail. Telephone numbers are going to BULGARIA—LANGUAGE—VOICEMAILS and our attempts to reach him via 1—SNAIL mail address also came up empty. —JUST—RECENTLY, 1 trusted MEMBER—OF—THE—MALWARE research community reached out to us to say he had received 1—TROUBLING letter from Dancho 20100909             —ON, about THE—THREAT—OF—PERSECUTION in BULGARIA.'"
20110126             Also on THE—EVENING—BEFORE 20010911             , THE—USA—MILITARY lowered its "Infocon" threat level to the lowest possible level.
20110126             "USA—MILITARY Lowered Its Computer Security Level the Night —BEFORE 20010911             ".
20110126—20010911    —ON, Backup Communications System Was 'Miraculously' Switched on for 'Exercise Mode' and Ready for Use
20110127             Es gibt kaum noch einen Menschen auf dieser Welt, der der USA—REGIERUNG zum 20010911             Glauben schenkt.
20110127—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Spätestens wüssten die Menschen, dass es hundertprozentige Sicherheit nirgendwo auf der Welt geben kann, sagen sie.
20110129             —MIRRORED, Under 'emergency' —FOR—DECADES, EGYPT—SPECIAL—POWERS, in post-20010911             USA
20110130             —BLINDSIDED, This is his 20010911             — the —DAY Arabs, 1—PRESIDENT.
20110131             Of course, in the aftermath of 20010911             , USA—OFFICIALS claimed otherwise.
20110131—19980910    —SINCE, That is not likely, —SINCE he had been in FEDERAL—CUSTODY — almost —3—YEARS to THE—DAY—PRIOR—TO 20010911             —THE attacks.
20110131—19980910    —SINCE, That is not likely, —SINCE he had been in FEDERAL—CUSTODY — almost —3—YEARS to THE—DAY—PRIOR—TO the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, time, and flight numbers of the airliners used attacks?
20110131—20010911    —SINCE, to 1—GREATER—EXTENT, than was previously assumed.
20110131—20010911    —OBTAINED, Using documents, through EFF—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT (FOIA) litigation, the report finds: EVIDENCE—OF—DELAYS—OF 2.—5—YEARS, on average, between the occurrence of 1—VIOLATION and its eventual reporting to the Intelligence Oversight BOARD;
20110131—20010911    reports of serious misconduct by FBI—AGENTS including lying in declarations to courts, using improper evidence to obtain grand jury subpoenas, and accessing PASSWORD—PROTECTED files without 1—WARRANT;
20110131—20010911    and indications that THE—FBI may have committed upwards of 40,000—POSSIBLE—INTELLIGENCE—VIOLATIONS in THE—9—YEARS ".Read more of this story
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, Did ALI—MOHAMED know EACH—OF—THE—HIJACKERS and the precise date, time, and flight numbers of the airliners used attacks?
20110131—20010911    —IN—THE, Nevertheless, it boggles the mind that THE—FBI—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—UNIT, the outfit claiming the greatest expertise on the world's "most wanted terrorist," could have failed to have asked the talkative and boastful ALI—MOHAMED the logical leading questions that would have drawn out the hijacking details —BEFORE they were employed plot.
20110202             LONDON — THE—USA is conducting 1—MANHUNT for 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown group believed to be involved in the planning of 20010911             —THE attacks,
20110202             USA hunting previously unknown 20010911             gang: cable
20110202             LONDON — THE—USA is conducting 1—MANHUNT for 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown group believed to be involved in the planning of 20010911             —THE attacks, according to 1—USA—CABLE published in —WEDNESDAY—TELEGRAPH newspaper.
20110203             —RESIGNED, Gul, from THE—TALIBAN—MORE—THAN—1—YEAR—BEFORE —THE—ATTACKS—OF, 20010911             , because he considered them "corrupt and abusive".
20110204             Dass der nicht gerade vertrauenswürdige "Telegraph" das Kabel —JETZT veröffentlicht könnte insofern dem zielgerichteten Anfüttern der zum Jubiläum anstehenden 20010911             —DISKUSSION und von PSEUDO—SENSATIONELLEN Stories über eine "5. HIJACKER—ZELLE" dienen.
20110207             —VISITED, As Habib had, AFGHANISTAN shortly —BEFORE 20010911             ,
20110207             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Recall, BUSH has, giving authorization to waterboard 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (waterboarding is 1—TORTURE—TACTIC that violates both USA statute and INTERNATIONAL treaties
20110207             Filmmaker MICHAEL—MOORE sued Harvey and BOB—WEINSTEIN, accusing the brothers of "HOLLYWOOD accounting tricks" and "financial deception" that cheated him out of at least $2.7—MILLION in profits from the hit documentary "Fahrenheit 20010911             " (20040000             ).
20110209             Bush schoss sich nach Rumsfelds Darstellung —SCHON—KURZ—NACH dem 20010911             auf den IRAK ein.
20110209             Aus ÄGYPTEN stammen einige der bekanntesten QAIDA—MITGLIEDER, darunter MOHAMMED—ATTA, der die Attentäter 20010911             —VOM, anführte.
20110209—20010911    —NACH, war er die Stimme der Vernunft in der Regierung
20110210             —GRANTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—BLOCKS 1—BILL to extend surveillance powers, by the Patriot Act, passed —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20110210             —HEIGHTENED, THE—USA is facing "" THREATS—OF—ATTACKS from extremists, possibly the highest —SINCE the attacks of 20010911             , THE—HEAD—OF—USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY told lawmakers —WEDNESDAY.
20110210—20010911    —NACH, Der "Patriot Act" wurde in aller Eile beschlossen und schränkt DIE—USA—BÜRGERRECHTE erheblich ein.
20110210—20010911    —SINCE, USA—THREAT 'at highest ' THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM in THE—USA is in SOME—WAYS "at its most heightened state" —SINCE 20010911             —THE attacks, THE—USA—HOMELAND—SECURITY—SECRETARY says.
20110210—20010911    —SINCE, "There is no question that we have made MANY—IMPORTANT strides in securing our country from terrorism, but the threat continues [...]
20110212003521       The attacks, WEEKS—AFTER 20010911             —THE terror attacks, killed 5, including 2—POSTAL workers in WASHINGTON.
20110212—20110911    —AFTER, Anthrax Letters Attacks: National Research Council Not Sure DOCTOR—BRICE—IVINS—WAS—SOLE—SOURCE
20110213—19710911    —AM, setzt Neuwahlen INNERHALB—6—MONATEN an und die beschlossene Verfassung der MUBARAK—DIKTATUR außer Kraft.
20110213—19710911    —AM, Der Oberste Militärrat löst nur —MINUTEN nach einem geschwätzigen Auftritt von Mubaraks altem Premier AHMED—SHAFIQ beide Kammern des ÄGYPTISCHEN—PARLAMENTES auf, setzt Neuwahlen INNERHALB—6—MONATEN an und die beschlossene Verfassung der MUBARAK—DIKTATUR außer Kraft.
20110213—19710911    —AM, setzt Neuwahlen INNERHALB—2—TAGEN6—MONATEN an und die beschlossene Verfassung der MUBARAK—DIKTATUR außer Kraft.
20110213—19710911    —AM, Der Oberste Militärrat löst nur —MINUTEN nach einem geschwätzigen Auftritt von Mubaraks altem Premier AHMED—SHAFIQ beide Kammern des ÄGYPTISCHEN—PARLAMENTES auf, setzt Neuwahlen INNERHALB—2—TAGEN6—MONATEN an und die beschlossene Verfassung der MUBARAK—DIKTATUR außer Kraft.
20110215             with," defense officials, congressional aides, and analysts insist that the proposal "will make clear that THE—POST—20010911              MILITARY—SPENDING spree has ended".
20110215—20050000    —IN, In the aftermath of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, MORE—THAN—50,000—GUARD—MEMBERS were called to help, and —FOLLOWING Hurricane Katrina, MORE—THAN—50,000
20110301             —FOUNDED, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, that was, SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks to promote 1—AGGRESSIVE "WAR—ON—TERROR" and help defend democratic countries from the purportedly existential threat posed by "radical Islamism".
20110301             —FOUNDED, FDD is 1—OF—SEVERAL hawkish pressure groups, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20010911              that helped play 1—ROLE in building support for THE—USA—MILITARY—INTERVENTION in IRAQ and other "WAR—ON—TERROR" policies.
20110301             Right Web has this to say about the Foundation: THE—FOUNDATION for DEFENSE—OF—DEMOCRACIES (FDD) is 1—NEOCONSERVATIVE think tank based in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, that was founded SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks to promote 1—AGGRESSIVE "WAR—ON—TERROR" and help defend democratic countries from the purportedly existential threat posed by "radical Islamism".
20110502             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN (19570000             *), THE—FACE—OF—GLOBAL—TERRORISM and architect of 20010911             —THE, attacks, was killed in 1—EARLY—MORNING—FIREFIGHT in ABBOTABAD—PAKISTAN, with elite USA—FORCES.
20110502             —SEARED, The images of 20010911             —ARE, into our national memory.
20110502             "Ich will Gerechtigkeit", sagte Obamas Vorgänger GEORGE—W—BUSH kurz nach 20010911             —UND zitierte den alten WILDWEST—SLOGAN: "WANTED—TOT oder lebendig".
20110503             ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             auf die Trümmer der Wolkenkratzer am Ground 0 in NEW—YORK kletterte,
20110503—20010911    —SEIT, Und durch diesen Fakt seiner Flucht hat er den Amerikanern vermutlich mehr geschadet als durch alles andere.
20110504             Obama will in NEW—YORK 1—DENKMAL zur Erinnerung an die OPFER—DER—TERRORANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, eröffnen, wie BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG —DIENSTAG—AM ankündigte.
20110504             —VERGESSEN, Nicht zu, seien 20010911             —VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORIEN—ANHÄNGER, die behaupten, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN habe als Geheimagent für DIE—CIA gearbeitet.
20110504—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, 20110504             [...]Das Material könnte sich als größter Datenfund erweisen, als DIE—USA islamistischen Extremisten den Krieg erklärten.
20110526             Minutes —BEFORE 1—MIDNIGHT deadline, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA signed into law a —4—YEAR—EXTENSION—OF—POST 20110911             powers to search records and conduct roving wiretaps in PURSUIT—OF—TERRORISTS.
20110620             He allegedly supports the radical Islamist GERMANY—TALIBAN—MOVEMENT and considered a 20110911             —STYLE attack that would involve flying 1—PLANE into THE—REICHSTAG—GERMANY—PARLIAMENT in BERLIN.
20110817             —APPROVED, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—CABINET, a —4—YEAR—EXTENSION for 1—PACKAGE—OF—TERRORISM—FIGHTING measures enacted —AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20110906—20110909    —ON, union HEAD—WILSON—SOSSION said the union accepts the terms but will formally endorse them 20110911             —ON.
20110909—20110911    —ON, 7—OF—THE—10—OIL—WORKERS were found alive 51—MILES (82—KM) off the coast of the gulf STATE—OF—CAMPECHE.
20110910             —ARRESTED, SWEDEN—POLICE, 4—PEOPLE on suspicion of preparing 1—TERROR—ATTACK and evacuated 1—ARTS—CENTER in GOTEBORG—SWEDEN—2. largest city on THE—EVE—OF—THE 20010911             —ANNIVERSARY.
20110911             —KILLED, Tsarnaev was, by police in the aftermath of 20130415             —THE, BOSTON Marathon bombing.
20110911—20110828    —DISAPPEARED, The men had, under suspicious circumstances.
20110911—20110919    —CHARGED, KENYA—ALI—BABITU—KOLOLO was, with robbery with violence and kidnapping with intention to murder in the northern coastal TOWN—OF—LAMU.
20110911—20110921    —CHARGED, Issa Sheikh Said was also, with robbery with violence and kidnapping with intention to murder.
20110914—20110911    —SINCE, † KENYA police said 2—WOMEN and 15—MEN have in different bars in Nyahururu town —AFTER ingesting 1—LOCALLY brewed alcoholic drink.
20111228—20110911    —IN—THE, 1—SPOKESWOMAN said THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison has signed 1—ORDER that would require 1—SECURITY—REVIEW—OF—LEGAL mail to prisoners facing WAR—CRIMES—CHARGES, rejecting arguments the new rule would violate ATTORNEY—CLIENT privilege and undermine LONG—DELAYED tribunals for 5—MEN charged attacks.
20120321—20110911    —CAPTURED, UK—HOSTAGE—JUDITH—TEBBUTT (57), in KENYA, ago by gunmen who killed her husband, was released in CENTRAL—SOMALIA and flown out to NAIROBI.
20120505—20010911    5—ACCUSED—PLOTTERS, including SELF—CONFESSED mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, appeared —BEFORE 1—MILITARY—COURT—ON—CHARGES—OF—PLANNING the deadliest ATTACK—ON—USA—SOIL.
20120717—20010911    ARD—DOKUDRAMA "MÜNCHEN 72": "es war das 20010911             der Siebziger"
20120805—20010911    —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—IN—WASHINGTON ansässigen SIKH—COALITION wurden IN—DEN—USA
20120805—20010911    —SEIT—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, EINIGE—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—AKTIVISTEN verweisen darauf, daß Sikhs wegen ihrer Bärte und Turbane oft mit Muslimen verwechselt werden.
20120810             DIE—FRAGE ist doch: Würde man —HEUTE damit den 20010911             abwehren?
20120820             —ACCUSED, Raub, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—OF—LYING about 20010911             AND spoke of "—STARTING 1—REVOLUTION".
20120821—20010911    And yet THE, Commission, in preparing its 571-page report, did not devote 1—SINGLE—SENTENCE to this historic event.
20120821—20010911    THE—NUMBER—OF—CONTRADICTIONS in the official version of...
20120821—20010911    is so overwhelming that... it simply cannot be believed.
20120821—20010911    Yet...the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to 1—GOVERNMENT—CONSPIRACY—OF `X—FILES' proportions and insidiousness.[79]
20120822             —ACCORDING—TO—THE—OFFICIAL—THEORY, BUILDING-7 demonstrated, contrary to THE—UNIVERSAL—CONVICTION—PRIOR to 20010911             , that large STEEL—FRAME buildings could collapse from fire alone, even without having been hit by 1—AIRPLANE.
20120908—20120911    —IDENTIFIED, He was, as ADNAN—LATIF—OF—YEMEN, 1—MAN with 1—HISTORY—OF—MENTAL—ILLNESS who battled guards inside the prison and challenged his confinement all the way to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20120911             —AM, Bei der Attacke hatten EXTREMISTEN
20120911             —ALLEGED, FORMER—CIA—DIRECTOR—GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS may have told his, mistress PAULA—BROADWELL what really happened in BENGHAZI—LIBYA
20120911—20120919    —ON, the Labor government banned the ship —FOR—2—YEARS.
20120911—20161202    —SUSPECTED—OF, ABDUL—REHMAN, —46—JAHRE—ALT, —STARTING THE—KARACHI fire, was arrested in THAILAND.
20120921             —ATTACKED, Protesters, THE—BASE—OF—THE—JIHADIST—MILITIA known as Ansar AL—SHARIA, which was responsible for 20120911             —THE attack that killed USA—AMBASSADOR—CHRIS—STEVENS.
20121003             —ARRESTED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, ALI—HARZI for reported links to 20120911             —THE—ATTACK—ON—1—USA consulate in LIBYA.
20121024             —LINKED, THE—LIBYA—NATIONAL, to 20120911             —THE deadly ATTACK—ON—THE—USA—CONSULATE, had turned his rented apartment into 1—SMALL—WEAPONS cache —BEFORE he †.
20121109             —HEUTE, ist der 20010911             .!
20121109             richtig oder nicht? der 20010911             .ist 1—DEUTSCHER schicksaltag?
20121109             richtig oder nicht? 20010911             ist —DER—TAG DES—ANSCHLAGES auf NEW—YORK?
20121113             DIE—CIA hatte dem WEIßES—HAUS nach der Attacke20010911—AMtagelang gesagt, —DER—ANGRIFF, - bei dem unter anderem DER—USA—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—LIBYEN getötet WURDE—SEI aus 1—SPONTANEN PROTEST—AKTION gegen 1—ISLAMFEINDLICHES Video erwachsen.
20121113             Bei den ganzen LÜGEN—GESCHICHTEN, die wir —SEIT—DEM, 20010911             , ins Hirn reingeblasen bekommen,ist diese BETT—GESCHICHTE einfach nur noch Langweilig....
20121113             Mit Hilfe anonymer E—MAIL—ACCOUNTS und nicht abgeschickter, sondern nur im ENTWÜRFE—ORDNER gespeicherter Nachrichten sollen auch AL—QAIDA—TERRORISTEN wie 20010911             —CHEFPLANER Khaled Sheikh MOHAMMED mit ihren GEFOLGS—LEUTEN kommuniziert haben.
20121122             Hat DIE—USA—REGIERUNG in Sachen 20010911             jemanden für schuldig erklärt oder haben das die VTler ("wir") getan?
20121128             The alleged "mastermind" 20010911             —OF,said that he and AL—QAEDA had nothing to do with 20010911             —THE, attack.
20121128—20010911    —ON, No, ON—THE—CONTRARY, Shayler was, instead, "stung"by DISINFO—CONMAN Willie, who has used his phony "Last Man Out"narrative to get CLOSE—TO several HIGH—PROFILE 20010911             truthers who, in turn, were getting uncomfortably close (in THE—MOSSAD—VIEW) to uncovering what really happened.
20121213             GUANTANAMO—ANHÖRUNG: RICHTER—ERLAUBT—ZENSUR im 20010911             —VERFAHREN
20121217             NANGARHAR, province 1—BRITISH—MADE—ANTI—TANK—MINE, left over from THE—TIME—OF—THE—SOVIET—INVASION, killed 10—GIRLS—AGES 20010911             .
20121227—20120911    —SINCE, Menendez said she has hated Muslims and thought he was 1.
20130325             —REVEALED, ABU—ZUBAYDAH, 1—GUANTANAMO detainee who allegedly, valuable information about 20010911             —MASTERMIND Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, sued POLAND.
20130501             If we didn't impeach BUSH for 20010911             , why do you conservatives think it's reasonable to impeach OBAMA for this?
20130502             THE—USA—PEOPLE made 1—PACT with the devil in the weeks and months —FOLLOWING 20010911             —WHEN, they bought THE—BUSH—ERA—ARGUMENT that by surrendering liberty they could buy safety.
20130502             THE—USA—STATE—CRUEL—PERSECUTION—OF—THIS woman epitomises the general DESTRUCTION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS and THE—RISE—OF—DRACONIAN police powers across AMERICA in the aftermath of 20010911             and the fraudulent "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20130502—20010911    USA—SUPPORT for SYRIEN—REBELS—MAY—LEAD to more attacks on USA—SOIL—LIKE those of
20130502—20010911    said 1—SENIOR—SYRIA—OFFICIAL who warned that ISLAMist fighters would spread "THE—FIRE—OF—TERRORISM"—AROUND THE—WORLD.
20130505—20010911    —SEIT—NACH, des VÖLKER—RECHT—NEU—INTERPRETATION hätte er auch DAS—RECHT DEUTSCHLAND anzugreifen, da man dort TERRORISTEN beherbergt und Ausbildet.
20130507—20120911    Untersuchung des ANGRIFF—VON—TERRORISTEN
201305090509112847   IE 8.0
20130522—20110911    —ON, FLORIDA, Ibragim Todashev (27), 1—CHECHEN immigrant, was shot dead by an FBI agent in ORLANDO—EARLY—TODAY as he was "about to sign 1—STATEMENT" admitting to 1—ROLE, along with BOSTON Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, in 1 unsolved triple murder in MASSACHUSETTS.
20130604             You might think this law was PART—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT or created —AFTER—20010911              to fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR — it wasn't.
20130604—20010911    —AFTER, You might think this law was PART—OF—THE—PATRIOT—ACT or created to fight THE—WAR—ON—TERROR – it wasn't. It's called the The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 19860000             (ECPA) and it predated THE—WORLD—WIDE—WEB by almost —1—DECADE.
20130605             1 leaked document laid bare the monumental SCOPE—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—SURVEILLANCE—OF—AMERICANS' phone records — HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—CALLS — in the 1. hard EVIDENCE—OF—1—MASSIVE—DATA—COLLECTION—PROGRAM aimed at combating terrorism under powers granted by Congress —AFTER—the—20010911             —ATTACKS.
20130609             I mean, —WHEN all this KIND—OF—THING was 1. shoved through post-20010911             —IT sucked but to SOME—EXTENT maybe there would be SOME—LIMITS.
20130611             —VOR, allem mit dem sogenannten PATRIOT—ACT, der nur WENIGE—TAGE 20010911             —NACH gesetzgeberisch auf den Weg gebracht wurde, verschob sich das SPANNUNGS—VERHÄLTNIS von Freiheit und Sicherheit zu Lasten von Freiheit.
20130611—20010911    —SEIT—SCHON, DER—KRIEG hat auf allen Kanälen stttgefunden.
20130611—20010911    —NACH, [ZITAT—VON—SYSOP]Vor allem mit dem sogenannten PATRIOT—ACT, der nur WENIGE—TAGE gesetzgeberisch auf den Weg gebracht wurde
20130611—20010911    —NACH, Wir wussten  20010000             —BEREITS, dass die AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTE ALLE—AUSLÄNDISCHEN—VERTRETUNGEN bei DER—UN— natürlich auch DIE—DEUTSCHE— aushorchen und bespitzeln.
20130613             Letztendlich bewegt sich DIE—USA —SEIT den 20010911             Anschlägen zweifellos in die gleiche Richtung wie der DDR—ÜBERWACHUNGSSTAAT.
20130613—20010911    —VOR, Oder hat irgend 1—EUROPÄISCHE Regierung gehandelt als DIE—USA —JAHRE 1—GESETZ verabschiedet hatte um Personen überall auf der Welt Entführen zu dürfen?
20130614             Siehe 20010911             20130614             1.
20130614             Siehe 20010911             Aber 1—IST immer klar: der USA—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT mit DEUTSCHLAND ist so eng wie mit keinem anderen Land auf der Welt.
20130618             GENERAL—WESLEY—CLARK, FORMER—SUPREME—ALLIED COMMANDER—OF—NATO, says that it has been planned —SINCE about —10—DAYS—AFTER—20010911              happened, though they got the timing and order wrong:
20130620             —GEWONNEN, DIE—ATTENTÄTER—VON—20010911             —HABEN.
20130620             —GEWONNEN, DIE—ATTENTÄTER—VON—20010911              haben.
20130620             159. 20010911             — pontypool —HEUTE, 12:54 Uhr
20130621             MAFIA—PROZESS in PALERMO: "Feindseligkeiten, Hindernisse, Verzögerungstaktik"(Panorama, 20010911             )
20130625             —NUN, die meisten AMERIKANISCHEN—JOURNALISTEN und NACHRICHTEN—SENDER haben 20010911             —SEIT, bzw.
20130805             122. Ich 8. sehr - discprojekt —HEUTE, 20010911             Uhr - kluge Menschen.
20130805             JOSEPH—MARGULIES is THE—AUTHOR—OF "What Changed —WHEN Everything Changed: 20010911             and THE—MAKING—OF—NATIONAL—IDENTITY," released —THIS—SUMMER by YALE—UNIVERSITY—PRESS.
20130805—20130500    —IN, OBAMA spoke about "who we are" and challenged the nation to reflect on whether we still needed our post-20010911             —MACHINERY.
20130807             STEINMEIER reagierte kurze Zeit —SPÄTER. es sei "jämmerlich, wie DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG mit Verweis auf den 20010911             20010911             "AM
20130807             STEINMEIER reagierte kurze Zeit —SPÄTER. es sei "jämmerlich, wie DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG mit Verweis auf den 20010911             20130807             LUNY
20130807—20010911    —NACH, Hallo Hohenstaufen45, haben sehr VIELE—STAATEN—DEN—USA ihre UNEINGE—SCHRÄNKTE Solidarität erklärt.
20130807—20010911    —AM, "bebte DIE—WELT", heißt es weiter in der Erklärung STEINMEIERs.
20130807—20010911    —"—NACH—DEM TERROR—ANGRIFF—AUF—AMERIKA war UNS—ALLEN schlagartig klar, daß DER—INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS zu JEDER—ZEIT und an jedem Ort zuschlagen kann.
20130807—20010911    —ES WAR—DAMALS, die wichtigste —PFLICHT DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG aus SPD und Grünen, einerseits DIE—SICHERHEIT DER—BÜRGER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND zu gewährleisten und andererseits Freiheit und BÜRGER—RECHTE zu wahren.
20130808             Dabei vergisst er allerdings unter welchen Eindrücken STEINMEIER als damaliger AUßEN—MINISTER stand. es ging um DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             in NEW—YORK.
20130808             and comparing them to 20010911             —THEHIJACKERS.
20130808             Under HAYDEN, THE—NSA began to collect, among other things, the phone records and INTERNET data of Americans without warrants —AFTER—20010911             , 1—DRASTIC—DEPARTURE from its traditional mission of collecting FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE.
20130810—20010911    "20010911             WAR der Auslöser", sagt 1—EHEMALIGER MIT—ARBEITER der NSA.
20130810—20010911    —SEIT klar war, dass DIE—ATTENTÄTER aus HAMBURG kamen, betreibe DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST neben klassischer Regierungsspionage auch die Telefon—, INTERNET— ÜBERWACHUNG—VON—TEILEN DER—DEUTSCHEN—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20130810—20010911    —HEUTE—BIS
20130811—20010911    wäre auch mit der NSA und anderem DATEN—SCHUTZ nicht zu verhindern gewesen.
20130911             ARBEITS—MARKT: DEUTSCHER—AUFSCHWUNG geht an Ausländern vorbei
20130911             EX—USA—FINANZ—MINISTER—HENRY—PAULSON warnt vor neuer FINANZ—KRISE
20130911             Offengelegte Dokumente: NSA verletzte massiv PRIVAT—SPHÄRE von Bürgern
20130911             Verizon: USA—TELEKOMRIESE plant größten Anleiheverkauf aller Zeiten
20130911             FORSA—UMFRAGE zur BUNDES—TAGS—WAHL: Grüne nur noch einstellig
20130911             FACH—KRÄFTEMANGEL: BUNDES—REGIERUNG wirbt im Ausland um Pflegekrte
20130911             Gemüse ESSEN heißt, sich DIE—WELT—GESCHICHTE einzuverleiben
20130911             WASHINGTON, DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA hat nach —JETZT freigegebenen Dokumenten massiv DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE—VON—USA—BÜRGERN verletzt.
20130911             Sie zeigen, dass DIE—NSA fast 17.800—USA—TELEFONANSCHLÜSSE überwachte - nur etwa 18000000             seien aber im ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF möglicherweise von Interesse gewesen, sagte 1—RANGHOHER GEHEIM—DIENSTVERTRETER.
20130911             DIE—VERSTÖßE gegen den SCHUTZ—DER—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE wurden den Dokumenten zufolge von der NSA an das zuständige Gericht FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE Surveillance Court (FISC) gemeldet, mit dem sich DER—GEHEIM—DIENST zahlreiche Auseinandersetzungen lieferte.
20130911             Tausende Telefonate seien "auf 1—WEISE"überprüft worden, die den Anweisungen für 1—ÜBERWACHUNG "direkt widersprechen", schrieb etwa RICHTER—REGGIE—WALTON.
20130911             —GEBLIEBEN, DAS—PROBLEM sei ungelöst, weil niemand in der NSA volles technisches Verständnis dafür gehabt habe, wie DAS—SYSTEM arbeite, schrieb DIE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20130911             DIE—NSA habe auch ihre eigenen internen DIE—RICHTLINIEN verletzt, hieß es beim TV—SENDER—CNN.
20130911             26. Nicht vermeidbare Unterlagen - NorbertHirsch —HEUTE, 09:26 Uhr
20130911             DIE—NSA gibt nur Einsicht in Unterlagen, die nicht vermeidbar sind.
20130911             In DEUTSCHLAND ist das Verhältnis der "Anlässe für TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—ÜBERWACHUNG"auch kein anderes, wie auf dieser Website sehr schön in 1—GRAFIK des BUNDES—AMTES für —JUSTIZ sehr schön zu erkennen ist: Die ANTI—TERROR—LÜGE | G!
20130911             gutjahrs blog ( - 42. Proportionen - Einfacher Bürger —HEUTE, 10:11 Uhr
20130911             Wer meint, dass 17.000—WIDERRECHTLICH abgehörte Anschlüsse im Verhältnis zu den existierenden nicht viel sei, mag sich daran erinnern, dass 1.400—GIFT—GAS—OPFER im Verhältnis zur GESAMT—BEVÖLKERUNG auch nicht viel ist.
20130911             Worüber nochmal regt sich DIE—WELT auf? - Ich bin —SCHON der Meinung, dass JEDES—EINZELNE—TODES—OPFER zuviel ist —, auch jeder widerrechtlich abgehörte Telefonanschluss.
20130911             Palmstroem, versuchen SIE—DOCH nur EINMAL ! Kleine Hilfestellung :
20130911             Sie müssen ins Verhältnis setzen die (ziemlich geheimen, da weitgehend unbekannten) Kosten der PRODUKTION—DER—1—FIRMA (Öffentlicher GEHEIM—DIENST)
20130911             zu den Kosten der anderen "Firma"(PRIVAT—AGENT der demokratischen GESELLSCHAFT, Angestellter 1—PRIVAT—BANK)
20130911             DIE—KOSTEN des BÜRGER—AGENTEN sind annähernd 0.
20130911             Der MEHR—WERT für die demokratische BÜRGER—GESELLSCHAFT ist mindestens GRÖSSER 0.
20130911             sei es Ihnen, Palmstroem, überlassen, diesen Ansatz weiterzuführen.
20130911             in Betracht gezogen.
20130911             Sie werden sicherlich 1—FEHLER finden in diesen Gedanken.
20130911             Allerdings bezahlt mich auch niemand für NACHHILFE—UNTERRICHT.
20130911             —WÄHREND die von Ihnen gern entlohnten "öffentlichen"Dienste gerne mal die teuer erkauften Privatisierten
20130911             Erkenntnisse gegen allzu demokratische "Mit"-Bürger VER—WENDET.
20130911             "Besteht die Gefahr 1—ERNEUTEN FINANZ—KRISE?
20130911             Ich fürchte, dass DIE—ANTWORT darauf 'Ja' lautet", schreibt der LANG—JÄHRIGE —CHEF—DER—INVESTMENT—BANK—GOLDMAN—SACHS in 1—GASTBEITRAG für das "HANDELS—BLATT".
20130911             PAULSON - PAULSON schlägt mit Blick auf die systemrelevanten GROß—BANKEN vor: "Das 'Too big to FAIL'—PHÄNOMEN ist inakzeptabel und muss aus der Welt geschafft werden.
20130911             "Daher hat der STAATS—SCHULD—AKKUMULATION keinen unfehlbareren Gradmesser als das sukzessive Steigen der Aktien dieser BANKEN, deren volle Entfaltung von der BANK—OF—ENGLAND—GRÜNDUNG datiert"
20130911             —GLEICHZEITIG, DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND war vom PARLAMENT ermächtigt, aus demselben KAPITAL GELD zu münzen, indem DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND es dem Publikum NOCHMALS in FORM—VON—BANKNOTEN lieh.
20130911             es dauerte nicht lange, so wurde dies von ihr BANK—OF—ENGLAND selbst fabrizierte KREDIT—GELD die MÜNZE, worin DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND dem STAAT ANLEIHEN machte
20130911             Nicht genug, daß DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND mit 1—HAND gab, um mit der andern Hand mehr zurückzuempfangen;
20130911             —ALLMÄHLICH DIE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND wurde der unvermeidliche Behälter der Metallschätze des Landes und das GRAVITATION—ZENTRUM—DES—GESAMTEN—HANDELS—KREDITS.
20130911             UM—DIESELBE—ZEIT, wo man in ENGLAND aufhörte, Hexen zu verbrennen, fing man in ENGLAND an, BANKNOTEN—FÄLSCHER zu hängen.
20130911             Welchen Effekt auf DIE—ZEIT—GENOSSEN das plötzliche Auftauchen dieser Brut von Bankokraten, FINANZIERS, Rentiers, Maklern, Stockjobbers, BÖRSEnwölfen machte, beweisen die Schriften JENER ZEIT, z.B. des BOLINGBROKE.
20130911             BARACK—OBAMAS—GHOSTWRITER waren nicht zu beneiden.
20130911             —BEGONNEN, Hatten sie doch, 1—SCHLACHTRUF zu schreiben - nur um mittendrin wieder umsatteln zu müssen.
20130911             Die —48—STUNDEN vor OBAMA—REDE waren 1—EINZIGES DIPLOMAtisches Chaos gewesen, und selbst als DER— USA—PRÄSIDENT—IM—WEISSES—HAUS schließlich vor die TV—KAMERA trat, blieb vielen unklar, was wirklich los war.
20130911             "Ich habe die Führer des Kongresses gebeten, 1—VOTUM zur Autorisierung 1—EINSATZES aufzuschieben".
20130911             Seine Truppen stünden aber weiter bereit, "um den DRUCK—AUF—ASSAD zu wahren", warnte OBAMA ZUGLEICH.
20130911             DIE—USA seien nicht DIE—WELTPOLIZEI, "aber wenn man Kinder davor schützen kann, vergast zu werden, sollte man es tun".
20130911             Der horrende GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF vom  ;;0821;; : "Wir wissen, dass DAS—ASSAD—REGIME verantwortlich war".
20130911             Amerikas Pflicht: "Dies ist keine Welt, die wir akzeptieren sollten".
20130911             Der MILITÄR—SCHLAG: "Das ist mein Urteil als OBER—KOMMANDIERENDER".
20130911             —ENTPUPPT, Doch —SCHON—JETZT, sich der Ausweg als neue Falle.
20130911             Die Debatte wurde an DIE—UNO verwiesen - doch dort fuhr sie prompt wieder GEGEN—DIE—BEKANNTE Betonwand.
20130911             FRANKREICH, GROß—BRITANNIEN und DIE—USA suchen 1—BINDENDE UNO—RESOLUTION gegen SYRIEN, untermauert von militärischem Druck.
20130911             —AKZEPTIERT, RUSSLAND dagegen, nur 1—SCHWÄCHERE "Erklärung"des SICHERHEITS—RATS und fordert obendrein, dass DIE—USA darin 1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG vollends "abschwören".
20130911             Er zog 1 "ROTE—LINIE". Er beschloss 1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG.
20130911             Er bat um den Segen des Kongresses.
20130911             Er sagte, er könne auch ohne den Kongress handeln.
20130911             Er distanzierte sich von der "roten Linie".
20130911             Er begrüßte RUSSLAND—VORSTOß. - Er reklamierte den Vorstoß für sich.
20130911             Er rief DIE—UNO an. Und —NUN schickt er Kerry nach Genf.
20130911             Was sagt DIE—SOZIALISTISCHE—INTERNATIONALE oder deren PRÄSIDENT—MARTIN—SCHULZ ueber den EUROPAeischen Kriegstrommler ?
20130911             Kann man das allein dem PAPA ueberlassen ? - Wie gross muss das Erschrecken sein, wenn 1—KRIEGSHUND vor der eigenen Huette durchzudrehen beginnt ?
20130911             55. Verluste für DIE—USA—RÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE - mickiskippi —HEUTE, 10:07 Uhr - n...]
20130911             Das war 1—TRAURIGER —TAG für DIE—USA—HOCHRÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE.
20130911             Enorme Summen entgangener, sicher geglaubter Gewinne: JOHN—KERRY—COSTS—USA—DEFENSE Industry $400—BILLION | THE—ONION - AMERICA—FINEST—NEWS—SOURCE (
20130911             Offener Brief von Franziskus: DER—PAPA und die "Ungläubigen" - Mammuts: Mit der Wärme kam der Tod
20130911             VORWAHLEN—IN—NEW—YORK: SKANDALpolitiker Weiner scheitert als BÜRGER—MEISTER—KANDIDAT
20130911             KASACHSTAN: 3—RAUMFAHRER auf DIE—ERDE zurückgekehrt
20130911             Um 4.58—UHR DEUTSCHER—ZEIT landete die Kapsel "Sojus TMA-08M"in der zentralasiatischen Graslandschaft.
20130911             Weiner belegte bei der Vorwahl der DEMOKRATEN nach Auszählung von 97—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN den letzten Platz der 5—DEMOKRATISCHEN Kandidaten und darf bei der endgültigen BÜRGER—MEISTERWAHL
20130911             Weiner kam laut der letzten Hochrechnungen auf gerade einmal 5 %.
20130911             Womöglich um diesen Satz zu untermauern, griff Weiner nach seiner Rede zu 1—BESONDEREN Geste.
20130911             —KURSIERT, AUF—TWITTER und in AMERIKANISCHEN—MEDIEN, 1—FOTO, das Weiner nach seinem Auftritt zeigen soll.
20130911             Auf dem Bild zeigt der Politiker 1—REPORTER den Mittelfinger.
20130911             Anhand der Analyse des ERB—GUTS von Mammuts konnten schwedische und ENGLISCHE—FORSCHER —JETZT belegen, dass sich der Bestand in wärmeren Perioden verringerte und aufsplittete.
20130911             es habe sich 1—EIGENER europäischer Zweig gebildet, der dann jedoch vor etwa 33.—000—JAHREN vom sibirischen Typ verdrängt wurde und verschwand, berichten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—ROYAL—SOCIETY B".
20130911             IN DER 2. HÄLFTE—DER—JÜNGSTEN—EIS—ZEIT seien also nicht nur Populationen ausgestorben - andere Mammutbestände seien expandiert.
20130911             Zum Ende dieser Kälteperiode sank DIE—ZAHL—DER—TIERE dann jedoch dramatisch.
20130911             Drogenkartelle in MEXIKO : Ranghoher "TEMPEL—RITTER"festgenommen
20130911             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: UNO—EXPERTEN werfen SYRISCHEN—KRIEG—PARTEIEN Massaker vor
20130911             SYRIEN—KRISE, —EXPERTEN halten C—WAFFEN—ÜBERWACHUNG für unrealistisch
20130911             Manipulierter SICHERHEITS—STANDARD: USA—BEHÖRDE sucht Spuren der NSA—SABOTEURE
20130911             URZEIT—RAUBTIERE: Riesige MOSA—SAURIER schwammen wie Haie
20130911             EX—MOSSAD—AGENT: ISRAEL zahlt Schweigegeld an FAMILIE—VON—HÄFTLING X
20130911             Drogendealer im Görlitzer Park: Das grüne Experiment
20130911             BANKEN—AUFSICHT der EZB: EUROPA—PARLAMENT erkämpft Kontrollrechte
20130911             Bergoglios Antwort ist subtil: Gottes Barmherzigkeit kenne keine Grenzen.
20130911             All jene, die nicht glaubten, müssten einzig ihrem Gewissen gehorchen.
20130911             "Sünde ist, wenn man gegen das Gewissen handelt, auch für die, die nicht glauben".Der Glaube erwachse für ihn aus der Begegnung mit Jesus", schreibt Bergoglio.
20130911             Ohne die Kirche aber habe er Jesus nicht —TREFFEN können, betont der PONTIFEX.
20130911             Genf - DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN—MENSCHEN—RECHT—RAT geht davon aus, dass im SYRISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG beide Seiten Massaker begehen.
20130911             REBELLEN wie REGIERUNGS—TRUPPEN verüben laut der unabhängigen —EXPERTEN schwerste VERBRECHEN—AN—ZIVILISTEN.
20130911             Jedoch hätten auch DIE—REBELLEN "KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN"wie Morde, AUSSER—GERICHTLICHE HINRICHTUNGEN, FOLTER und GEISEL—NAHMEN begangen, erklärte die Kommission.
20130911             —SEIT;;03;; sei es demnach zu 9—MASSAKERN gekommen.
20130911             8. krasmatthias —HEUTE, 11:41 Uhr - n...]
20130911             Andere Medien berichten, dass DIE—USA —HEUTE erklärten, dass sie mit den WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN an die kämpfenden REGIERUNG—GEGNER beginnen.
20130911             —NUN wird wieder leiser gemordet in SYRIEN, abseits der Headlines. es ist einfach schrecklich, was in SYRIEN passiert.
20130911             27. mesopotamien00 —HEUTE, 12:44 Uhr
20130911             In —1—JAHR haben die "REBELLEN"mindestens genau soviel Menschenleben auf dem gewissen als die assad Armee in 2 1/—2—JAHREN.
20130911             Das ganze Land weißt das.. Außerdem gehen diese "REBELLEN"gezielt GEGEN—DIE—ZIVIL—BEVÖLKERUNG vor WÄHREND es auf assad Seite mehr oder weniger kollateral Schaden durch die unpräzise Arbeit Luftwaffe.
20130911             FOLTERungen wie Vergewaltigungen das meist unter Drogenkonsum (geosponsort samt waffen von TR und saudi) gibt es nur noch von Seiten dieser TERROR Banden !!
20130911             35. adonisdeluxe —HEUTE, 13:29 Uhr
20130911             Diese kämpfen nicht für irgendwelche Ideale, sondern folgen nur dem Willen ihrer jeweiligen Auftraggeber.
20130911             6. Klima im Wandel - gsma —HEUTE, 10:20 Uhr
20130911             war dieser KLIMA—WANDEL auch "menschgemacht", weil DIE—NEANDERTALER zuviel Holz verheizt haben um ihr Mammutsteak zu grillen? (Ironiemodus aus) Oder wen könnte man sonst für den KLIMA—WANDEL —AM—ENDE—DER—LETZTEN—EIS—ZEIT und damit für das Aussterben der Mammuts haftbar machen?
20130911             Die umfassenden Interaktionsmöglichkeiten der mobilen elektronischen Medien werden aus seiner Sicht nicht ausreichend genutzt.
20130911             DATIERUNGen belegen demnach, dass die untersten Bereiche der Probe um die 100.—000—JAHRE dort lagen.
20130911             Verblüffend sei die hohe Biomasse und die große Diversität der Organismen: "es ist das 1. Mal, dass lebende Mikroben im Sediment 1—SUBGLAZIALEN Sees der ANT—ARKTIS GEFUNDEN wurden", sagt DAVID—PEARCE, Hauptautor der Studie.
20130911             "Das ist 1—INDIKATOR dafür, dass Leben existieren und womöglich auch gut gedeihen kann in Umgebungen, die wir eigentlich für zu extrem halten".
20130911             Zygier wurde in der Hochsicherheitsanstalt Ajalon im ISRAELISCHEN—RAMLE in Einzelhaft unter Videoüberwachung gehalten.
20130911             Das Gefängnispersonal kannte weder seinen Namen noch den Grund für seine Haft.
20130911             Trotz der ÜBERWACHUNG konnte er sich
20130911             "Ihr werdet schweigen, wir werden bezahlen"
20130911             DIE—SAURIER lebten vor 98—BIS 66.000.—000—JAHREN im URZEIT—OZEAN Neotethys, dessen Ränder das heutige ASIEN, EUROPA, AFRIKA und AUSTRALIEN berührten.
20130911             DIE—USA—BEHÖRDE—NIST beschließt Standards, unter anderem GRUND—LAGEN für Verschlüsselung.
20130911             —NUN warnt sie vor dem —EINSATZ 1—SEIT—JAHREN, etablierten Verfahrens: es gibt Hinweise auf 1—SCHWERE SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE, eingebaut von der NSA.
20130911             DAS—USA—NORMUNGS—INSTITUT—NIST (NATIONAL—INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology) warnt VOR—1 eigenen Standard.
20130911             In 1—ÖFFENTLICHEN Erklärung raten DIE—EXPERTEN dringend davon ab, 1 20060000             genormtes Verfahren für 1—ZUFALLSZAHLENGENERATOR zu nutzen.
20130911             Die Methode wird vor allem bei Verschlüsselungsverfahren genutzt.
20130911             Aus den von EDWARD—SNOWDEN offengelegten Geheimunterlagen geht laut NEW—YORK—TIMESHERVOR, dass DIE—NSA den Standard SP 800-90A mit dem Ziel sabotierte, 1—FÜR DIE—NSA—EXPERTEN nachvollziehbares Muster in scheinbar zufällige Zahlen zu schmuggeln.
20130911             1—SOLCHES Muster in 1—NICHT ganz zufälligen Zufallsgenerator könnte es der NSA ermöglichen, darauf aufbauende VERSCHLÜSSELUNGS—STANDARDS zu knacken.
20130911             DAS—USA—NORMUNGS—INSTITUT—NIST erwähnt in 1—STELLUNGNAHME zwar DIE—NSA, geht aber überhaupt nicht auf DIE—VORWÜRFE ein.
20130911             Man arbeite mit der NSA wegen der weithin anerkannten Expertise der FACH—LEUTE dort zusammen.
20130911             —VERPFLICHTET, Zudem sei das Nist dazu, DIE—NSA zu konsultieren.
20130911             Unabhängige —EXPERTEN sehen den Vorgang kritischer.
20130911             Green: "DAS—VERTRAUEN wurde missbraucht".
20130911             2. OB1—WAN—KENOBI —HEUTE, 13:40 Uhr - n...]
20130911             GEHEIM—DIENSTE arbeiten eben im Geheimen und sammeln Informationen und weil sie das tun können auch SIE in Wohlstand und Freiheit leben.
20130911             Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat auch nichts zu befürchten.
20130911             Im übrigen hat DER—CHEF—DES—BUNDES—KANZLER—AMTES, Pofalla, DIE—NSA Affäre —BEREITS für beendet erklärt.
20130911             Mir ist deshalb nicht ganz klar, was sie mit dieser späten Diffamierung bezwecken wollen außer DIE—USA in schlechtes Licht zu rücken.
20130911             SCNR 🙂 - Was taugt das neue Vermittlungsangebot in der SYRIEN—KRISE?
20130911             DAS—ASSAD—REGIME bietet an, seine CHEMIE—WAFFEN offenzulegen und sogar teils zu zerstören.
20130911             Doch —EXPERTEN haben Bedenken: Zu riskant wäre die Mission für Beobachter, zu gut versteckt sind die Arsenale, zu komplex wäre deren Vernichtung.
20130911             —GEWÄHRT, SYRIEN, internationalen Beobachtern den Zugang zu seinen CHEMIE—WAFFENBESTÄNDEN und vernichtet große Teile DER—KAMPFSTOFFE.
20130911             —VERZICHTET, Im Gegenzug, DER—WESTEN, angeführt durch DEN—USA, —VORERST auf 1—MILITÄR—EINGREIFEN in dem BÜRGER—KRIEG—LAND.
20130911             Was sich einfach liest, dürfte laut —EXPERTEN in der Umsetzung größte Probleme mit sich bringen.
20130911             DER—WESTEN, angeführt durch DEN—USA, —VORERST
20130911             "DAS—KLEIN—GEDRUCKTE in dieser Abmachung macht mir große Sorgen", sagte Amy E. Smithson der NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20130911             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLERIN forscht am Monterey INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL Studies zum Thema CHEMIE—WAFFEN.
20130911             "es ist 1—GIGANTISCHE Herausforderung für die Inspektoren. Sie müssten die Produktion stilllegen, Fabriken schließen und 1—LISTE DER—KAMPFSTOFFE sowie der Trägerwaffen erstellen. Dann müsste 1—GROSSE MENGE—DER—WAFFEN —ZERSTÖRT werden - mitten in 1—KRIEGSGEBIET".
20130911             —VON, 1 "Alptraum"spricht 1—NAMENTLICH nicht genannter —EXPERTE—DER—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION laut NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20130911             1—BEISPIEL ist die Anlage in Safira vor den Toren von ALEPPO.
20130911             —BETREIBT, Dort, DIE—ARMEE 1—STRENG gesicherte —FABRIK zur PRODUKTION—VON—NERVENGAS.
20130911             Das Areal und die umliegenden Straßen wurden —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT wiederholt Ziel von Attacken durch DIE—REBELLEN.
20130911             1—EINSATZ—VON—INSPEKTOREN wäre in der aktuellen SICHERHEITS—LAGE nur unter größten Risiken und mit entsprechendem Schutzaufwand möglich.
20130911             Ihrer Meinung nach wäre 1—SOLCHER Prozess —ERST in "einer halbwegs stabilen NACH—KRIEG—SITUATION möglich"und sicherlich nicht —WÄHREND—DES, laufenden BÜRGER—KRIEG.
20130911             Auch C—WAFFEN—EXPERTIN Amy E. Smithson sieht keinen Anlass für zügellosen Optimismus: "Diese Abmachung klingt gefährlich verlockend. Sie ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen".
20130911             makjti —HEUTE, 12:02 Uhr - Und was ist die Alternative dazu?
20130911             1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG wird sie mit Sicherheit nicht vernichten, sondern die chemischen Kampfstoffe freisetzen.
20130911             NATÜRLICH wird das Vernichten DER—KAMPFSTOFFE kein Zuckerschlecken, DER—SPIEGEL ist aber wieder kräftig am Trommeln für den MILITÄR—SCHLAG.
20130911             Warum?
20130911             3. Alternativlos - ruediger —HEUTE, 12:03 Uhr - n...]
20130911             Denn nur so 1—UNKONTROLLIERTE Verbreitung in dem BÜRGER—KRIEG—LAND wirksam verhindert werden.
20130911             Auch 1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG der USA würde DAS—PROBLEM ja nicht lösen (da die im ganzen Land verteilten C—WAFFEN aus der Luft wohl nicht einfach unschädlich gamacht werden können (ohne 1—UNKONTROLLIERTE Freisetzung zu riskieren)), sondern bestenfalls DIE—GRUND—LAGE für die Vernichtung schaffen.
20130911             11. KRIEG—TREIBER geben nicht auf - ihawk —HEUTE, 12:18 Uhr
20130911             DIE—KRIEG—TREIBER geben nicht auf und beschwören, dass nur KRIEG Frieden schaffen kann.
20130911             —NUN, diese KRIEG—TREIBER haben es auch leichter - sie haben DIE—FINANZMAFIA hinter sich und verfügen über DIE—GELD—MITTEL die dem Friedensprozess entzogen werden - DIE—MANIPULATION der Presse eingeschlossen.
20130911             15. Mies! Beobachter123 —HEUTE, 12:21 Uhr
20130911             —GELESEN, Selten so 1—SCHLECHTEN ARTIKEL–.
20130911             31. und was ist mit den TERRORISTENunterstützern??
20130911             unwichtig23 —HEUTE, 12:36 Uhr - 1—SEHR interessanter Beitrag:
20130911             38. Wer will... - noalk —HEUTE, 12:41 Uhr
20130911             findet 1 1—WEG, wer nicht will, findet Ausreden.
20130911             Mir scheint, dass DIE—USA unbedingt 1—MÖGLICHKEIT suchen, trotz aller DIPLOMAtischer Bemühungen 1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG zu führen.
20130911             50. Sarin - Beobachter123 —HEUTE, 12:49 Uhr
20130911             DER—VERFASSER des Artikels hat anscheinend noch nie etwas von Binären Kampfstoffen gehört oder sich von AMERIKANISCHEN—EXPERTEN informieren lassen.
20130911             Bei den meisten Waffen im Arsenal von ASSAD handelt es sich um solche.
20130911             Auch bei dem Kampfstoff Sarin der angeblich zum —EINSATZ gekommen sein soll.
20130911             Die einzelnen Komponenten dieser Binären Kampfstoffe sind im Vergleich zum END—PRODUKT relativ handhabungssicher und ungefährlich.
20130911             —BOMBADIERT, Gerade aus diesem Grund dürfen die Lager ASSAD—NICHT, werden und es kann nur 1—GEORDNETE Abrüstung geben.
20130911             94. Entaeuschung - Steeevyo —HEUTE, 13:34 Uhr - n...]
20130911             Hierzu Titanic Magazin: "Redaktion "SPIEGEL—ONLINE", HAMBURG: —SEIT—WOCHEN ist alles bereitet: Im Newsroom steht die Cola kalt, der Kaffee ist aufgewärmt, "JOEY—PIZZA"auf Wahlwiederholung gelegt – wenn es —NACH—DEN Redakteuren geht, hätten DIE—AMERIKANER längst losgelegt. Doch die HAMBURGer geben die Hoffnung NOCH NICHT auf: —IM—MOMENT werden die schönsten Alliterationen für den Liveticker erdacht ("BOMBEN—BLUTBAD", "KOLLATERAL—KNALL"), die Onlinearchive nach Bildern von USA—FLUGZEUGTRÄGERN —BEI—SONNENUNTERGANG durchforstet und SYRISCHE—REGIME—BLOGGER bei Twitter getrollt".
20130911             Das ist mit Abstand der schlechteste Artikel, den ich je auf SPON gelesen habe.
20130911             Er lässt mich darüber nachdenken, SPON zukünftig als regelmäßige Nachrichtenquelle zu meiden.
20130911             139. Schief gegangen - jws1 —HEUTE, 14:24 Uhr
20130911             Trotzdem ist 1—MEHRHEIT dafür nicht sicher.
20130911             Da musste man sich irgend 1—AUSWEG einfallen lassen.
20130911             Der eigentliche Coup von OBAMA war, dass er den Kongress an der —ENTSCHEIDUNG teilhaben lassen wollte.
20130911             Das war nicht im Sinne der AIPAC und diese tobt.
20130911             Man war es gewohnt, dass Kriegsentscheidungen im kleinen Kreis von den Falken getroffen werden.
20130911             159. Die Richtung - zookie —HEUTE, 14:54 Uhr
20130911             Klingt ja so als würde DER—SPIEGEL zu den Favorisierern des Krieges gehören.
20130911             Warum nur? KRIEG macht mehr Schlagzeilen und Frieden ist langweilig?
20130911             Bei mir ist DER—SPIEGEL —JETZT nicht mehr Startseite, ich hab das Gefühl N—TV schreibt wesentlich objektiver.
20130911             182. Gehen Sie davon aus, Anstossgebender —HEUTE, 15:34 Uhr - igen...]
20130911             dass die Chefstrategen in den Presseredaktionen möglicherweise alles andere sind, aber nicht dumm.
20130911             Das hat Methode.
20130911             Denken Sie an Sun Tzu: Er sagte sinngemäß, dass man den KRIEG, den man gegen äußere Feinde beabsichtigt zu führen, 1. gegen das eigene Volk führen und gewinnen muss.
20130911             Neue Flugzeugträger: Amerikas verwundbare Giganten
20130911             DIE—ERMITTLER werfen dem 55—JÄHRIGEN vor,
20130911             "Ich bin mir in 2—PUNKTEN ganz sicher", sagte Evans.
20130911             "1., dass ich unschuldig bin. Zweitens, dass meine Unschuld bewiesen wird".
20130911             —JETZT—SCHON LIEGE der geschätzte Preis für die "GERALD—R—FORD"bei 12,8—MILLIARDEN $ - 22 % MEHR—ALS URSPRÜNGLICH vorgesehen.
20130911             Dass die "GERALD—R—FORD"noch wie geplant
20130911             —JAHR—ZEHNT elang galten die Riesenschiffe militärpolitisch als sakrosankt, doch —INZWISCHEN stellen immer mehr FACH—LEUTE und sogar aktive Marineoffiziere ihren Sinn offen in Frage.
20130911             DIE—USA und CHINA etwa seien ökonomisch —INZWISCHEN so eng miteinander verflochten, dass 1—VERITABLER KRIEG auch auf lange Sicht extrem unwahrscheinlich sei.
20130911             Flugzeugträger, schrieb Hendrix kürzlich in 1—BEITRAG für den THINK—TANK CENTER—FOR—A New AMERICA—SECURITY, drohten auf dem Schrottplatz der GESCHICHTE zu landen - wie vor ihnen die Schlachtschiffe: Sie seien "groß, teuer, verwundbar und überraschend irrelevant für die —KONFLIKTE ihrer Zeit".
20130911             2. Rationeller töten! leonhardt221066 —HEUTE, 15:30 Uhr
20130911             wenn man das ganze Geld das für KRIEG und Waffen ausgegeben wird und wurde für 1—LEBENSWERTERE Welt eingesetzt hätte, wir hätten das Paradies auf Erden.
20130911             Stattdessen heißt die Devise wieviel Zerstörung bekomme ich für mein Geld. daran könnte man verzweifeln.
20130911             33. In der Tat, moelln56 —HEUTE, 16:43 Uhr - große, stolze Zielscheiben.
20130911             Das Foto welches 1—DEUTSCHES—U—BOOT neuester Baureihe über das Sehrohr von 1—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER der Nimitz Klasse machte,wurde —SPÄTER, dem Kommandanten des Flugzeugträgers vorgelegt.
20130911             DIE—AMIS konnten es nicht fassen, denn das U—BOOT blieb unentdeckt.
20130911             2—GUT gesetzte Torpedos und die MILLIARDEN wären unverrichteter Dinge 5000—METER tiefer aufgeschlagen.
20130911             "Dann siegt mal schön".
20130911             TIBETISCHES—HOCHLAND: CHINA eröffnet höchstgelegenen Flughafen der Welt
20130911             MAYA—STADT Uxul: Massaker am Wasserbecken
20130911             —10—JAHRE—ALT  STAATS—ANLEIHEN: DEUTSCHLAND zahlt höchsten ZINS —SEIT fast —2—JAHREN
20130911             —PROTESTE—IN—POLEN: C&A stoppt Verkauf von CHE—GUEVARA—SHIRTS
20130911             Umfrageabsturz der Grünen: TRITTINs falsche STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG
20130911             Die Künstlerin war zeitweise MITGLIED—DER—KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI MEXIKOs, hatte 1—AFFÄRE mit dem STALIN—GEGNER LEO—TROTZKI und wurde wegen ihrer selbstbestimmten Lebensweise —SPÄTER, zu 1—IKONE der Frauenbewegung.
20130911             Die Mexikanerin lebte
20130911             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Gefährlicher Trend: ZOLL, Millionen gefälschte Pillen
20130911             [l] BERLIN kauft die Wasserwerke aus der Privatisierung zurück.
20130911             [l] Überraschung des Tages: Auch SCHWEDEN—GEHEIM—DIENST ist außer Kontrolle, legt Regeln "sehr großzügig aus".
20130911             [l] DIE—NSA ist selbst intern völlig außer Kontrolle.
20130911             Zufall? Aber nicht doch! "Intelligent"Design!
20130911             THE—NSA—SURVEILLANCE—APPARATUS, —FOR—YEARS, was so complex and compartmentalized that no single person could comprehend it.
20130911             Dementsprechend sind dann natürlich auch Anforderungen von außen nicht oder nur partiell erfüllbar.
20130911             Z.B. die Anforderung, dass man für das Abhören von Amerikanern in der Lage sein muss, 1—PAAR Verdachtsmomente angemessen artikulieren zu können.
20130911             Das fand jedenfalls das GEHEIM—GERICHT.
20130911             Offensichtlich hatten DIE—RICHTER da doch noch sowas wie Selbstwertgefühl übrig.
20130911             —ALLOWED, THE—COURT had told THE—NSA they were only, to query numbers that had "reasonable articulable suspicion (RAS)"of being involved in terrorism.
20130911             Und wie VIELE—VERDACHTSMOMENTE konnte DIE—NSA artikulieren?
20130911             So um die 10 %. - [l] Andere Länder, andere Sitten: JORDANISCHER—ABGEORDNETER schießt im PARLAMENT mit 1—KALASCHNIKOW auf 1—KOLLEGEN.
20130911             WAR—WEARY USA—WON'T follow OBAMA
20130911             AARON—DAVID—MILLER says despite his d...
20130911             —12—YEARS—AGO terrorists attacked..
20130911             UNO—BERICHT: 1—VIERTEL der Nahrung landet im Müll
20130911             Und nach 1—AKTUELLEN BERICHT—DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN sorgt diese massive Verschwendung nicht nur für enorme Wirtschaftseinbußen, sondern richtet auch riesige UMWELT—ZERSTÖRUNG an.
20130911             werden 28 % des gesamten weltweiten Ackerlandes genutzt, um Nahrung zu produzieren, die nie gegessen wird.
20130911             Die direkten finanziellen Einbußen beliefen sich PRO—JAHR auf 565.000.000.000—EURO - weggeworfener Fisch und Meeresfrüchte NOCH NICHT einmal mitgerechnet.
20130911             Die PRODUKTION—VON—LEBENS—MITTELN, DIE—SPÄTER, nicht verzehrt werden, verbrauche PRO—JAHR etwa 250—KUBIKKILOMETER Wasser.
20130911             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, dem fünffachen Volumen des BODENsees und ist dem Report zufolge dreimal MEHR—ALS PRO—JAHR durch die RUSSISCHE—WOLGA fließt. Zudem entstünden bei der Herstellung PRO—JAHR TREIB—HAUS—GASE, die der Wirkung von 3,3—MILLIARDEN Tonnen Kohlendioxid entsprächen.
20130911             "Wir ALLE—LANDWIRTE und Fischer, LEBENS—MITTELPRODUZENTEN und Supermärkte, lokale und nationale Regierungen sowie die Verbraucher - müssen in jedem Glied DER—MENSCHLICHEN Nahrungsmittelkette etwas ändern, um LEBENS—MITTELVERSCHWENDUNG IN 1.  LINIE zu vermeiden und andernfalls Nahrungsmittel wiederzuverwerten", sagte FAO—GENERALDIREKTOR JOSÉ—GRAZIANO—DA—SILVA.
20130911             Menschenkette: 100.000e Katalanen demonstrieren für eigenen STAAT
20130911             USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—NSA gibt ROH—DATEN an ISRAEL weiter
20130911             Das geht aus neuen Dokumenten aus dem Fundus von EDWARD—SNOWDEN hervor, die der britische "GUARDIAN"—AM—MITTWOCH veröffentlichte.
20130911             Erstaunlich konkret wird dann aufgelistet, wer mit "Regierungsbeamten"gemeint ist:
20130911             "Angehörige der Exekutive (einschließlich des WEIßES—HAUSES, DER—MINISTERIEN und unabhängiger Behörden);
20130911             Außerdem werden "zivile und MILITÄR—BEDIENSTETE und Angestellte, die im Auftrag dieser Regierungsorgane handeln", genannt.
20130911             DIE—NSA hält es also für möglich, dass sie ROH—DATEN an ISRAEL übergibt, DIE—INFORMATIONEN über all diese PERSONEN—GRUPPEN enthalten können.
20130911             —ZITIERT, DER—GUARDIAN, aus weiteren, nicht im Volltext veröffentlichten Dokumenten, in denen das ambivalente Verhältnis zwischen den GEHEIM—DIENSTEN ISRAEL—UND—DER—USA beschrieben wird: "1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—BEDROHUNGEN—DER—NSA kommt tatsächlich von befreundeten GEHEIM—DIENSTEN wie dem ISRAELs", wird 1—BEAMTER zitiert.
20130911             "es gibt Parameter, die wir mit ihnen teilen, aber der Austausch ist so robust, dass wir manchmal mehr teilen als beabsichtigt".
20130911             ISRAEL—GEHEIM—DIENST sei "der drittaggressivste gegen DIE—USA ".
20130911             —ARRESTED, POLLARD was, tried, and convicted by THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION—HE claims he did what he did because THE—USA—WAS not sharing sufficient intelligence with ISRAEL.
20130911             —AGREED, THE—DISCLOSURE that THE—NSA, to provide raw intelligence data to 1—FOREIGN—COUNTRY—CONTRASTS with assurances from THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION that there are rigorous safeguards to protect THE—PRIVACY—OF—USA—CITIZENS caught in the dragnet.
20130911             THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—CALLS this process "minimization", but the memorandum makes clear that THE—INFORMATION shared with THE—ISRAELIS would be in its PRE—MINIMIZED state.
20130911             The memorandum of understanding, which THE—GUARDIAN is publishing in full, allows ISRAEL to retain "ANY—FILES containing THE—IDENTITIES—OF—USA—PERSONS"for up to —1—YEAR.
20130911             THE—AGREEMENT—REQUESTS—ONLY that THE—ISRAELIS should consult THE—NSA—SPECIAL liaison adviser —WHEN such data is found.
20130911             Notably, 1—MUCH stricter rule was set for USA—GOVERNMENT—COMMUNICATIONS found in the raw intelligence.
20130911             —REQUIRED, THE—ISRAELIS were, to "destroy upon recognition"ANY—COMMUNICATION "that is either to or from 1—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20130911             —INCLUDED, Such communications, those of "OFFICIALS—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH (including THE—WHITE—HOUSE, cabinet departments, and independent agencies), THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and SENATe (member and staff) and THE—USA—FEDERAL—COURT—SYSTEM (including, but not limited to, THE—SUPREME—COURT)".
20130911             "In the last —DECADE, it arguably tilted heavily in FAVOR—OF—ISRAEL—SECURITY—CONCERNS. 20010911             came, and went, with NSA—ONLY—TRUE 3. Party [COUNTER—TERRORISM] RELATION—SHIP being driven almost totally by THE—NEEDS—OF—THE—PARTNER".
20130911             DIE—MENSCHENKETTE reichte über 1—STRECKE—VON—400—KM von den Pyrenäen durch DIE—STÄDTE Gerona, BARCELONA und TARRAGONA hindurch —BIS an DIE—GRENZE zur Nachbarregion VALENCIA.
20130911             Mit dieser Uhrzeit sollte an DAS—JAHR 17140000             erinnert werden, in dem BARCELONA
20130911             nach 1 14-monatigen BELAGERUNG—VON—DEN Truppen des SPANISCHEN—KÖNIGS PHILIPP—V. eingenommen wurde.
20130911             DER—MONARCH nahm den Katalanen —SPÄTER, ihre SELBST—VERWALTUNGS—RECHTE.
20130911             Zum Gedenken der EINNAHME BARCELONAs erklärte das katalanische PARLAMENT den 20010911             20130911             Vorbild war
20130911             Das ist 1—BISSCHEN merkwürdig, weil ISRAEL in den Top 5—DER dringensten COUNTER—TERRORISMUS—LÄNDER ist.
20130911             Nanu? Oder ist das 1—BESONDERS innovative Methode, ISRAEL—VON—DER—COUNTER—TERRORISMUS—LISTE zu tilgen?
20130911             Indem man ihnen einfach so DIE—DATEN gibt, die sie FRÜHER rausspionieren mussten?
20130911             "Balancing the Sigint exchange equally between USA and ISRAEL—NEEDS has been 1—CONSTANT—CHALLENGE,"states THE—REPORT, titled 'HISTORY—OF—THE—USA — ISRAEL—SIGINT—RELATION—SHIP, POST—1992'.
20130911             "BÜRGER—KRIEG"suggeriert ja, daß Bürger auf beiden Seiten kämpfen: wie —BEREITS bekannt, ist dem aber nicht mehr so, die [SOGENANNT]Opposition wurde —BEREITS—VON—NENNEN wir sie MAL—AUSLÄNDISCHEN Söldnern (um das Wort "TERRORISTEN"zu vermeiden) ersetzt.
20130911             "DAS—KLEIN—GEDRUCKTE in dieser Abmachung macht mir große Sorgen", sagte Amy E.
20130911             "DIE—VOLLSTÄNDIGE Abrüstung SYRIENs würde —JAHRE dauern und wohl —ERST in 1—HALBWEGS stabilen SICHERHEITS—LAGE in ANGRIFF genommen werden können", sagt deshalb DIE—DEUTSCHE—EXPERTIN Una BECKER—JACOB, die beim Peace RESEARCH—INSTITUTE in FRANKFURT über CHEMIE—WAFFEN forscht.
20130911             "FRANZISKUS beschäftigt sich nicht mit Politik, das hat er nie gemacht, weder in ARGENTINIEN als BISCHOF noch im VATIKAN als PAPA", erklärte Scalfari.
20130911             "Ich glaube nicht, daß er mir antworten wird", schrieb der 89-jährige Journalist, der FRANZISKUS als "unschuldig wie 1—TAUBE, aber auch schlau wie 1—FUCHS"charakterisiert.
20130911             "Wir ALLE—LANDWIRTE und Fischer, LEBENS—MITTELPRODUZENTEN und Supermärkte, lokale und nationale Regierungen sowie die VERBRAUCHER—MÜSSEN in jedem Glied DER—MENSCHLICHEN Nahrungsmittelkette etwas ändern, um LEBENS—MITTELVERSCHWENDUNG IN 1.
20130911             1—SEHR interessanter Beitrag:
20130911             ANT—ARKTIS: BRITEN finden 1.Mikroben in See unter dem Eis
20130911             Auch C—WAFFEN—EXPERTIN Amy E.
20130911             BERLIN/NEW—YORK—JEDES—JAHR landen weltweit rund 1.300.000.000—TONNEN LEBENS—MITTEL auf dem Müll.
20130911             —BERICHTET, DER—GRUND für diese Warnung ist pikant: DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, unter Berufung auf NSA—UNTERLAGEN, daß DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST den Standard sabotiert hat, um Verschlüsselungen zu knacken.
20130911             DIE—AIPAC hat gedroht, den Abgeordneten (SENAToren und Repräsentanten) die Zuwendungen zu streichen, die gegen 1—MILITÄR—SCHLAG stimmen.
20130911             DIE—ELECTRONIC—FRONTIER—FOUNDATION (EFF), die sich für digitale BÜRGER—RECHTE einsetzt, hatte mit 1—KLAGE die Freigabe der Dokumente erreicht und sprach von 1 "Sieg"für die Transparenz.
20130911             DIE—ENTTÄUSCHUNG über den —VORERST verschobenen Waffengang trieft bei gewissen Medien zwischen JEDER—ZEILE heraus.
20130911             DIE—FRONTEN im SICHERHEITS—RAT sind nämlich unverändert.
20130911             —ÜBERRASCHT, DIE—INSZENIERUNG Wagenknechts, DIE—WAHL Kahlos ist aber stimmig.
20130911             DIE—KRITIK des Rechnungshofs kommt für DIE—ANHÄNGERR der großen Flugzeugträger zu 1—UNGÜNSTIGEN ZEIT—PUNKT.
20130911             DIE—MITVERANTWORTUNG des PARLAMENTs: "Unsere Demokratie ist stärker, wenn DER—PRÄSIDENT—MIT—DER—UNTERSTÜTZUNG—DES—KONGRESSES handelt".
20130911             —VERZEHRT, DIE—PRODUKTION—VON—LEBENS—MITTELN, DIE—SPÄTER, nicht, werden, verbrauche PRO—JAHR etwa 250—KUBIKKILOMETER Wasser.
20130911             DIE—RICHTUNG - DIE—SICHERUNG und Vernichtung mag schwierig und riskant sein, aber sie ist "alternativlos".
20130911             DIE—AM Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) veröffentlichten Dokumente beziehen sich auf das Sammeln der METADATEN—VON—TELEFONATEN IN—DEN—USA 20060000—20090000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, für das es oftmals keine juristische GRUND—LAGE gab.
20130911             DIE—GROßE Rede blieb klein und war in —16—MINUTEN vorbei: "Danke schön, Gott schütze Sie, und Gott schütze DIE—USA".
20130911             DIE—TRAUEN sich ja auch innerhalb der NSA gegenseitig nicht über den Weg.
20130911             —BEZIFFERT, DIE—TÄGLICHEN Betriebskosten 1—SOLCHEN Flotte, USA—MARINEKAPITÄN HENRY—HENDRIX gar mit 6.500.000—DOLLAR PRO—TAG.
20130911             DIE—VON—4 Juristen geleitete UNTERSUCHUNGS—KOMMISSION erklärte, DIE—REGIERUNGS—TRUPPEN  hätten ihre großangelegten ANGRIFFE—GEGEN—DIE ZIVIL—BEVÖLKERUNG fortgesetzt und sich dabei des Mordes, der FOLTER, der Vergewaltigung und der Entführung schuldig gemacht, die als "VERBRECHEN—GEGEN—DIE—MENSCHLICHKEIT"eingestuft würden.
20130911             Damit ich IHREN—IMMERHIN MÖGLICHEN—LERNERFOLG überprüfen kann,
20130911             Das Geläut von Kirchenglocken markierte um 1714—UHR das Zeichen zum Schließen DER—MENSCHENKETTE.
20130911             Dass die "Gerald R.
20130911             Der KOMMISSION liegen nach eigenen Angaben umfangreiche Aussagen, Indizien und Beweise vor.
20130911             Doch das Szenario 1—KRIEGES zwischen GROß—MÄCHTEN halten Kritiker für nicht mehr ZEITGEMÄß—SCHON allein wegen der Globalisierung.
20130911             EU—PARLAMENT—EUROPA soll —EINSATZ—VON—BIOSPRIT begrenzen
20130911             —BEKANNT, Ebenso, ist aber, daß OBAMA diese Unterstützung eben nicht HAT—WEDER im Kongress noch bei den USA—WÄHLERN, die 1—NEUES MILITÄRabenteuer mehrheitlich ablehnen.
20130911             Entäuschung - Er zog 1 "ROTE—LINIE".
20130911             GIFT—GAS—ANGRIFF, USA reagieren zurückhaltend auf MOSKAU—SYRIEN—VORSCHLÄGE
20130911             Gehen Sie davon aus, Gemüse ESSEN heißt, sich DIE—WELT—GESCHICHTE einzuverleiben
20130911             In der Tat, In der späten KREIDE—ZEIT waren MOSA—SAURIER die wohl gefährlichsten Räuber der Urzeitmeere.
20130911             Incredibly, INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS said —TODAY that no 1 at THE—NSA fully understood how its own SURVEILLANCE—SYSTEM worked —AT—THE—TIME so they could not adequately explain it to THE—COURT.
20130911             Keine Ursache.. - Kleine Hilfestellung :
20130911             Klima im Wandel - LIBOR—ZINS—SKANDAL, DEUTSCHE—BANK—MUSS—EX—MIT—ARBEITER entschädigen
20130911             Liebe ANTI—AMERIKANISTEN und USA—BASHER—DER—NIST, alles in Ordnung.
20130911             MAYA—STADT Uxul: Massaker am Wasserbecken - Mammuts: Mit der Wärme kam der Tod
20130911             Menschenkette: 100.000e Katalanen demonstrieren für eigenen STAAT - Mies!
20130911             NORD—KOREA—BUSINESS—PARK KAESONG soll kommende —WOCHE wieder öffnen
20130911             Nicht vermeidbare Unterlagen
20130911             Niclas BAUERMEISTER hat sich in seinem BACHELOR—ABSCHLUSS—SEMESTER umfassend mit der Gestaltung von NACHRICHTEN—APPS beschäftigt und dabei festgestellt, daß DIE—VERLAGE die Inhalte der gedruckten Zeitungen und Magazine häufig vom analogen auf das digitale Medium lediglich herüberkopiert haben.
20130911             Offener Brief von FRANZISKUS: DER—PAPA und die "Ungläubigen"
20130911             —ARRESTED, POLLARD was, tried, and convicted by THE—REAGAN—ADMINISTRATION.
20130911             PS.: Damit es nicht zu schwierig wird, habe ich die Frage DES—MÖGLICHERWEISE KÜNSTLICHEN MARKT—WERTES von Geheimnissen mal nicht
20130911             Palmstroem, versuchen SIE—DOCH nur EINMAL !
20130911             Proportionen - Rationeller töten!
20130911             STEIGENDE—TEMPERATUREN zum ENDE—DER—EIS—ZEITEN haben sich erheblich auf die Populationen der Wollmammuts AUSGEWIRKT—BIS die ELEFANTEN—VORFAHREN schließlich ausstarben.
20130911             SYRIEN—KRISE, —EXPERTEN halten C—WAFFEN—ÜBERWACHUNG für unrealistisch - Sarin
20130911             —GEGANGEN, Schief
20130911             Selten so 1—SCHLECHTEN ARTIKEL—GELESEN.
20130911             So um die 10 %.
20130911             —REACHED, The deal was, in principle in
20130911             UNO—BERICHT: 25—PROZENT—DER—NAHRUNG landet im Müll
20130911             USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—KOORDINATOR—JAMES—CLAPPER erklärte nach der Veröffentlichung der zuvor GEHEIMEN Dokumente, diese zeigten, daß "DIE—REGIERUNG außerordentliche MAßNAHMEn beschlossen hat, um diese Fehler auszumachen und zu korrigieren [...]und 1—PROZESS—IN—GANG zu setzen, damit sie sich nicht wiederholen".
20130911             Um 0458—UHR DEUTSCHER—ZEIT landete die Kapsel "Sojus TMA-08M"in der zentralasiatischen Graslandschaft.
20130911             Umfrageabsturz der Grünen: TRITTINs falsche STEUER—ERKLÄRUNG - Und was ist die Alternative dazu?
20130911             Verizon, USA—TELEKOMRIESE plant größten Anleiheverkauf aller Zeiten - Verluste für DIE—USA—RÜSTUNG—INDUSTRIE
20130911             Vorbild war - Vorstandsumbau: COMMERZ—BANK—MANAGER fordern 7.000.000—EURO Abfindung
20130911             WASHINGTON/DAMASKUS—ES klingt wie 1—GUTER Deal, zumindest auf dem Papier.
20130911             Welchen Effekt auf DIE—ZEIT—GENOSSEN das plötzliche Auftauchen dieser Brut von Bankokraten, FINANZIERS, Rentiers, Maklern, Stockjobbers, BÖRSEnwölfen machte, beweisen die Schriften JENER ZEIT, z.B.
20130911             Wer will... - Winogradow ist mit —60—JAHREN—NUN der ÄLTESTE aktive RUSSISCHE—KOSMONAUT.
20130911             ZUSAMMEN—MIT—KOLLEGEN wies DIE—FORSCHERIN nach, daß sich die Wollmammutpopulation (Mammuthus primigenius) —BEREITS in 1—WARMEN Periode vor etwa 120.—000—JAHREN aufteilte.
20130911             Zufall?
20130911             [l] DIE—NSA mitteilt ISRAEL abgehörte DATEN.
20130911             es enthält detaillierte Angaben darüber, wie mit INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—ANGEHÖRIGE DER—USA—REGIERUNG oder von USA—BEHÖRDEN zu verfahren sei: Wenn entdeckt würde, daß INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—"Regierungsbeamte"in den DATEN enthalten seien, müssten sie "zerstört"werden.
20130911             große, stolze Zielscheiben. hat - in Betracht gezogen.
20130911             in die die ARTIKEL—DES Spiegels zeigen ist sehr merkwürdig und wird mir von —TAG zu —TAG unsympathischer.
20130911             und was ist mit den TERRORISTENunterstützern??
20130911             war dieser KLIMA—WANDEL auch "menschgemacht", weil DIE—NEANDERTALER zuviel Holz verheizt haben um ihr Mammutsteak zu grillen?
20130911             —ALTERNATIVLOS
20130911             —DANN, lieber kaputtbomben
20130911             —JETZT—SCHON LIEGE der geschätzte Preis für die "Gerald R.
20130911             —KRIEG—TREIBER geben nicht auf
20130911             —LAUT, dem UNO—BERICHT gehen 54—PROZENT—DER—VERSCHWENDETEN—NAHRUNGSMITTEL —BEREITS WÄHREND der Produktion, der Nachernte und der Lagerung verloren.
20130911             —UNTER—DEM, Slogan "Der KATALANIEN—WEG zur Unabhängigkeit"forderten sie —AM—MITTWOCH die GRÜNDUNG 1—EIGENEN Staates in der wirtschaftsstärksten Region SPANIENs.
201309110710         —AM.Wait and see, worse than SPITZER or WEINER"
201309110911125932   IE 8.0—WINXP 1024x768 MINISTERio, ARAGÓN, SPAIN MINISTERio De Defensa (
201309110911125937   IE 8.0—WINXP 1024x768 MINISTERio, ARAGÓN, SPAIN MINISTERio De Defensa ( (No referring link)
20130911—19150000    —J—IM, Die MASSAKER—AN—DEN ARMENIERn schlagen —HEUTE—NOCH, tsunamiartige Wellen.
20130911—19920000    —SEIT, Der Waliser sitzt für DIE—KONSERVATIVEN im BRITISCHEN—PARLAMENT.
20130911—20010911    —ON, 2,977 † He was 1.
20130911—20010911    —ON, 2,977 †
20130911—20090000    —IN, Apparently, out of THE—MORE—THAN—17.000—NUMBERS on this list, THE—NSA only had RAS for 1,800—OF—THEM.
20130911—20090300    —REACHED, The deal was, in principle, ACCORDING—TO—THE undated memorandum, which lays out the ground rules for THE—INTELLIGENCE sharing.
20130917             —NACHDENKLICHER meint: (20130911             UM 17:13) AntwortenReply to this comment
20130920             —INVOLVED, Except for —WHEN it was, in the 1960s in investigating "racial matters" or "student agitation" by activists in CO—OPERATION with THE—CIA and MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20130920             Except for —WHEN it engaged in warrantless wiretapping, most —RECENTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE attacks.
20130920             —WÄHREND, unter SCHRÖDER, in dessen AMTS—ZEIT 20010911             FIEL, das Paket DER—TERRORISMUS—BEKÄMPFUNGSGESETZE mit 20—GESETZEN, die EINSTWEILEN, also zeitlich befristet, meherere GRUND—RECHTSEINGRIFFE vorsahen, verabschiedet wurde, gab es aber auch AUFLAGEN—AN—DIE—DIENSTE dazu.
20130920             es ging um DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             IN NEW—YORK.
20130920             ohne das traumata von 20010911             IN bezug auf die amerikanische seele entsprechend miteinfließen zu lassen erscheint das handeln der amerikaner natürlich paranoid, wenn man es tut dann müßte sich die erkenntnis durchsetzen, das jede nach 20010911             —USA—FÜHRUNG wesentlich mehr angst hat vor den konsequenzen 1—NEUEN 20010911             WELCHES aus datenschutzgründen nicht verhindert werden konnte als vor konsequenzen die aus übermäßiger ausweitung der ausspähung in anderen staaten zu erwarten sind.
20130920             galube kaum das DIE—DEUTSCHE—ZUSTIMMUNG "abgepresst"wurde, es war —NACH—DEM—ANSCHLAG 20010911             —VOM, GEARDE für DIE—DEUTSCHEN, die nur durch DIE—AMERIKANER davor bewahrt wurden vollständig unter das SOVIET—BEGLÜCKUNGSREGIME zu fallen.
20130920             1—OF—THE—CHAIRS—OF—20010911             —THECOMMISSION AGREES
20130920             —INVOLVED, We don't have THE—RIGHT to know whether 1—MAN, with 20010911             —THEHIJACKERS was 1—GOVERNMENT—OPERATIVE.
20130920             —UNTER—DEM, Stichworten, wer wusste was wann, gibt es Hinweise auf Countergang und Framing und protektives Cover und gab es 1—ANDERE Mission, die BIN—LADEN plante, WÄHREND ihm 20010911             NUR untergeschoben wurde.
20130920—20010911    —NACH, 1. Punkt die politische GLEICH—SCHALTUNG im Kongress IN der "SICHERHEITS—FRAGE".
20130920—20010911    —NACH, Dabei hat keine Regierung enger mit den USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN zusammengearbeitet als RotGrün, was ich ihr NICHT einmal vorwerfe.
20130920—20010911    —NACH, Und speziell nach 1—BUSH—ÄRA und IST der Apparat so mächtig und so undurchschaubar vielfältig, daß man eigentlich sicher sein kann, daß DIE—HARD—LINER alles daran setzen und gesetzt haben, an den "Sch...DEMOKRATEN", die DAS—LAND ja sowieso nur zugrunde richten wollen und werden, vorbei starke und höchst geheime Strukturen zu erhalten, um die vermeintlich vitalen Interessen der AMERIKANISCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT zu schützen und zu erhalten.
20130920—20010911    came, and went, with NSA—ONLY—TRUE 3. Party [COUNTER—TERRORISM] RELATION—SHIP being driven almost totally by THE—NEEDS—OF—THE—PARTNER".
20130920—20010911    war dann dieses Ereignis, dessen folgende ENTWICKLUNGEN—VON—LANGER—HAND vorbereitet und geplant waren.
20130920—20010911    Except for —WHEN it engaged in warrantless wiretapping, most —RECENTLY—AFTER—THE—ATTACKS.
20130927             The chairs of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION say that NSA—SPYING has gone way too far
20130930—20130911    —REMANDED, 1—ISRAEL—COURT, in custody —FOR—8—DAYS—ALI—MANSOURI, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1 alleged IRAN—SPY, arrested carrying photographs of THE—USA—EMBASSY in Tel Aviv.
20131024             GUANTANAMO: ARZT—BERICHT bestätigt Misshandlung von 20010911             —ANGEKLAGTEM
20131027             Wie lange wird von unsren Medien eigentlich noch das Bild verteidigt, dass der 20010911             als GENERALbevollmächtigung für ALLE—FEHLENTWICKLUNGEN der letzten —12—JAHRE taugt?
20131027             es geht wirklich gegen 0, dass der 20010911             auch nur im Groben so stattgefunden hat, wie wir gebetsmühlenartig eingetrichtert bekommen.
20131027             ALLE—INDIZIEN, ALLE—WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITEN und der informierte, GESUNDE—MENSCHEN—VERSTAND sprechen dafür, dass der 20010911             20010911             —VOM,
20131027             Legenden, DES—INFORMATION, Glaubhafte Abstreitbarkeit, und sollte doch einmal etwas hochkommen wird es aus Gründen nationaler Sicherheit geheim gehalten oder Akten geschreddert.
20131027             Sorry Spiegel.
20131027             Ohne DIE—BISHERIGEN Verbrechen DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE anzugehen und aufzuklären und statt dessen auf deren Brettspiel "Verschwörungstheorie"zu spielen (von DER—CIA in Sachen Kennedy erdacht) kommt ihr GEGEN—DIE—AUCH mit SNOWDEN nicht an.
20131027             Entlarvt endlich deren Inkompetenz SELBSCHUTZ—THEORIE als Unsinn und untersucht den  20010911             neu.
20131027             Wir insistieren nicht zu UNRECHT—AUF—1 NEU—UNTERSUCHUNG!
20131027—20010911    "Was DEUTSCHLAND angeht, sohat dort[DEUTSCHLAND] die HAMBURG—VERSCHWÖRUNG begonnen, die ZUM geführt hat.
20131027—20010911    Seine VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—DEUTSCHLAND setzen —ZUNÄCHST voraus, daß 1—TERROR—ANSCHLAG und keine SELBST—INSZENIERUNG war.
20131030             —NACH—DEM, GEHEIM—DIENSTDEBAKEL um die 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE—DIE offenbart hatten, daß die 16—USA—SPIONAGEÄMTER kaum miteinander REDETEN—SCHUF USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH DAS—AMT des DNI, quasi als OBER—AUFSEHER.
20131104             —QUESTIONED, Joseph sharply, the administration's response to 20120911             —THE—TERRORIST—ATTACK—ON—1—USA—DIPLOMATIC outpost in BENGHAZI—LIBYA, which was THE—SUBJECT—OF—INTENSE—REPUBLICAN criticism —DURING—THE—FINAL—WEEKS—OF—OBAMA—REELECTION—CAMPAIGN.
20131104             "What's with THE—DOMINATRIX—LIKE—BLACK—SUIT—SUSAN—RICE is wearing at this announcement?" @natsecwonk tweeted —WHEN Rice was chosen to replace Donilon on ;;06;;05
20131106             GIULIANI —STEUERTE DIE—STADT durch den 20010911             —HORROR.
20131109             es war HAYDEN, der ohne richterliche Genehmigung und allein auf Anordnung von —PRÄSIDENT—UND—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—NACH—DEN 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGEN auch USA—BÜRGER abhören und Millionen ihrer TELEFON—DATEN speichern ließ.
20131111             1—TOTAL—OF—246.000—POST—20010911              vets are looking for jobs.
20131213             —HINTED, It was, that she knew the full, ghastly TRUTH—ABOUT 20010911             ;
20131227             MILITÄRtribunal: Richter zweifelt an Geisteszustand von 20010911             —PLANER Binalshibh
20131227—20010911    gilt, RAMZI—BINALSHIBH, ist möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, dem Prozess zu folgen.
20140107             —ESTIMATED, The scheme was, TO—DATE back to 19880000             with some connected to 20010911             —THE, attacks.
201402190219194000   IE 10.0—WIN7 1024x819 CANADA Flag OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA GOVERNMENT Telecommunications And Informatics Serv (
20140224             Begründung: Das richtet sich ja nicht wegen eurer RELIGION gegen euch, und das hättet ihr mal nachweisen müssen, sondern das richtete sich gegen Moslems, weil bei 20010911             halt DIE—TERRORISTEN Moslems waren.
20140308             Das einstürzende WORLD—TRADE—CENTER von oben und 1—ASTRONAUT, der nach weiteren Anschlägen Ausschau hält: es sind spektakuläre Bilder, die 20010911             AM, an Bord der INTERNATIONALE—RAUM—STATION—ISS entstehen.
20140308             1—BRITISCHER—TV—SENDER strahlt sie —JETZT 1. vollständig aus.
20140308             Zu sehen ist in der Sendung außer den Aufnahmen vom 20010911             auch der Zwischenfall, bei dem der Raumanzug des ITALIENISCHEN—ASTRONAUTEN LUCA—PARMITANO—WÄHREND 1—AUSSENEINSATZES
20140308—20010911    —BILDER aus dem All: "Was wir sahen, war des WTC—II—TURM—EINSTURZ"
20140308—20010911    —LONDON, "Frank, wir haben hier unten keinen besonders guten —TAG"- mit diesen Worten informierte das Flugkontrollzentrum der NASA den USA—ASTRONAUTEN FRANK—CULBERTSON über DIE—ANSCHLÄGE vom.
20140308—20010911    —BILDER aus dem All: "Was wir sahen, war der Einsturz des 2. Turms"
20140325—20010911    —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—IN—NEW—YORK—VOM, Er sei sich sicher, daß DIE—OFFENSIVE aus Gründen gestartet worden sei, die "im Interesse der USA und des Westens"lägen.
20140403             Wir erinnern uns noch, was mit der damaligen Bundesministerin der —JUSTIZ Frau HERTA—DÄUBLER—GMELIN passierte, als sie den 20010911             mit dem REICHS—TAGSBRAND und damit BUSH mit HITLER verglichen hat...
20140430             Um daraus KAPITAL zu schlagen, benannte Fernandes laut "GUARDIAN"seine Bar kurz        —20010911—NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, um.
20140430             Um daraus KAPITAL zu schlagen, benannte Fernandes laut "GUARDIAN"seine Bar kurz —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             um.
20140430             So war es in der ASIENKRISE—VON—19970000             , —NACH—DEM NEW—ECONOMY—CRASH und dem 20010911             , in der großen Rezession von 2008/2009.
20140430—20010911    —KURZ—NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN—VOM, Um daraus KAPITAL zu schlagen, benannte Fernandes laut "GUARDIAN"seine Bar um.
20140510             Doch wie alles, was mit der Aufbereitung des 20010911             —TRAUMAS zu tun hat, verläuft auch dieser Akt nicht ohne Streit und neues Drama.
20140510             Doch DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN widersprechen: Die meisten Hinterbliebenen seien dafür, erklärte 20010911             —MUSEUMSDIREKTOR JOE—DANIELS.
20140510             Überführung der 20010911             —OPFER: Letzte Unruhe
20140510—20010911    —VON, Die Solidarität, getragen vom kollektiven Schock der Anschläge, ist längst zerronnen.
20140510—20010911    —BIS—HEUTE Von den 2.753—MENSCHEN, die im WORLD—TRADE—CENTER umkamen, wurden 1.115—EINDEUTIG identifiziert.
20140510—20010911    Überführung DER—OPFER: Letzte Unruhe
20140510—20010911    —HEUTE Für VIELE—USA—AMERIKANER ist 20010911             nur noch 1—ERINNERUNG, 1—ALLJÄHRLICHER patriotischer Reflex.
20140511             Opalsucher in MEXIKO: Hammer schlägt Hightech (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 20010911             )
20140520             Oder die haarsträubende Konstruktion des "Kollektiven VERTEIDIGUNGS—FALLS"anlässlich des 20010911             —TERROR—ANGRIFFS?
20140523             CIA secrecy over detention —PROGRAM threatens 20010911             prosecu...
20140530             —NACH, Kritik von Hinterbliebenen: NEW—YORKER 20010911             —MUSEUM überarbeitet Souvenirshop
20140530—20010911    —NACH, Man muss sich nur mal vor Augen halten, daß die Falken, also die Neokonservativen zwar —SEIT den 60ern ihr UN—WESEN treiben, aber —ERST so richtig stark wurden.
20140603             —NACH, den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             wurden diese Pläne geändert.
20140708             Ganz im Gegenteil: In Folge der 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE sei der Apparat wie aufgeputscht gewesen —, das habe sich —BIS—HEUTE so fortgesetzt.
20140708             es ist aber —SCHON 1—KRIMINALISTISCHEN Wunder, dass die ganzen amerikansichen Dienste ja tootal überrascht waren, man aber —BEREITS—AM—ABEND—DES, 20010911             ALLE—TÄTER identifiziert hatte, um nur mal 1—DER vielen Kontroversen anzusprechen... JEDER—MENSCH, dessen Kognitive Fähigkeit zu mehr in der Lage sind, als gerade eben die vegetativen Eigenschaften des Körpers aufrecht zu erhalten, MUSS DIE—OFFIZIELLE—VERSION geradezu als Beleidigung für den eigenen VERSTAND empfinden und vor diesem Hintergrund muss man schlicht alles, was —NACH—DEM 20011109             stattfand, betrachten!
20140708—20010911    —SEIT, Haben sie —SCHON mal was von Echolon gehört?
20140708—20010911    Ziemlich aufschlussreich.
20140708—20010911    Wenn man hier in EUROPA irgendwo auch nur das allerkleinste an Krtitik an der [SOGENANNT]offiziellen Version von sich gibt, wird man unmittelbar TOT Diffamiert.
20140708—20010911    IN—DEN—USA selber sieht das ganz anders aus.
20140708—20010911    Weit MEHR—ALS—50 % DER—USA—AMERIKANER glauben DIE—OFFIZIELLE—VERSION nicht mal ansatzweise und fordern 1—NEUUNTERSUCHUNG!
20140708—20010911    es ist aber —SCHON 1—KRIMINALISTISCHEN Wunder, daß die ganzen amerikansichen Dienste ja tootal überrascht waren, man aber —BEREITS—AM—ABEND—DES, 20010911             ALLE—TÄTER identifiziert hatte, um nur mal 1—DER vielen Kontroversen anzusprechen... JEDER—MENSCH, dessen Kognitive Fähigkeit zu mehr in der Lage sind, als gerade eben die vegetativen Eigenschaften des Körpers aufrecht zu erhalten, MUSS DIE—OFFIZIELLE—VERS
20140708—20010911    —SEIT, DIE—USA praktizieren das nicht —ERST und btw empfehle ich zu 20010911             sich einmal die Kontroverse dazu IN—DEN—USA selber anzusehen.
20140711             —IM, USA—MAGAZIN "THE—DAILY—BEAST"argumentiert JAMES—KIRCHICK unter der Zeile "Warum wir DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—AUSSPIONIEREN müssen"mit BERLINs Verbindungen zu RUSSLAND, mit den IRANISCH—DEUTSCHLAND—HANDELS—BEZIEHUNGEN oder damit, dass schließlich DEUTSCHLAND Heimat der HAMBURGer Zelle war, also der 20010911             —ATTENTÄTER.
20140712             Sensenbrenner war —NACH—DEN 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGEN 1—DER Schöpfer des "USA—PATRIOT—ACT"- also jenes Gesetzespakets, auf das sich DIE—NSA unter anderem bei der Sammlung von Metadaten beruft.
20140718             —GEWESEN, DIE—MASCHINE dürfte um die 10—11—KM hoch, sein, was 1—ABSCHUSS mit 1—TRAGBAREN FlaRak SYSTEM wie Stinger/ SA—18—AUSSCHLIEßT. Technische Details waren aber bei 20010911             auch nicht so wichtig;)
20140718             Das Faible für VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN ist keine RUSSLAND—BESONDERHEIT, auch im Westen glauben viele, DIE—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, habe in Wahrheit DIE—CIA orchestriert.
20140721             —RELEASED, THE—LENGTHY—REPORT, —ON—MONDAY by HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH, raises questions about THE—USA—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE—SYSTEM—ABILITY to respect CIVIL—RIGHTS and due process in post-20010911             —TERRORISM—CASES.
20140721—20010911    —SINCE, Nearly ALL—OF—THE—HIGHEST—PROFILE—DOMESTIC—TERRORISM—PLOTS IN—THE—USA—FEATURED—THE "direct involvement"of GOVERNMENT agents or informants, 1—NEW—REPORT says.
20140725—20010911    —SEIT, Das ist besonders beeindruckend, weil sie da mit 1—TERROR—ANSCHLAG rechnen und das dauerhaft totalüberwachen.
20140725—20010911    —SEIT, [l] 1—SCHERZKEKS hat auf der BROOKLYN—BRIDGE—IN—NEW—YORK USA—FLAGGEN gegen weiße Fahnen ausgetauscht.
20140725—20010911    Wenn sich da jemand unerkannt ranschleichen und Flaggen austauschen kann, ist das 1—ECHT peinliche Nummer für die zuständigen Behörden.
20140802             —TORTURED, OBAMA SAYS—OF—CIA—AFTER—20010911—ATTACKS, "We, SOME—FOLKS".
20140806—20090000    —ANFANG—SEIT—DEM AMTSANTRITT—VON—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—DIE—ZAHL—DER—NAMEN auf dieser Liste MEHR—ALS verzehnfacht und LIEGE bei 47.000, berichtete "THE—INTERCEPT".
20140908—20140911    Museum: Elitesoldat stiftet Uniform aus Todesnacht von BIN—LADEN
20140911             javascript:togglecomments('c6798950474471205181')
20140911             "Aber in Alpha Centauri lagen doch —JAHRE—LANG die Einspruchmöglichkeiten gegen CETA aus, und da hättet ihr ja Einspruch einlegen können!1!!"
20140911             "Das ist in KASACHSTAN vom Laster gefallen!"
20140911             "—HEUTE lassen wir 1—GIGANTEN aus längst vergangenen Zeiten wiederaufleben"- mit diesen Worten präsentierte Nizar Ibrahim seine spektakulären Ergebnisse auf 1—PRESSE—KONFERENZ.
20140911             "Hey, wo hast du denn das radioaktive CAESIUM—137 her?"
20140911             "Wir wollten 1—DIGITALES Skelett des Spinosaurus erstellen, das so genau und detailgetreu wir irgendmöglich ist", sagt Ibrahim.
20140911             "es gab —AM—MITTWOCH 1—GEWALTIGE Explosion auf der Sonne", berichtet Berger, 1—SOGENANNTE X—CLASS—FLARE, die stärkste Kategorie von Sonneneruptionen.
20140911             (Incidentally, both Graham and Hayden are predicting 1—ISIS strike on the American "homeland"-- even though such 1—STRIKE would be of 0—TACTICAL—ADVANTAGE to ISIS.
20140911             ANTI—IS—STRATEGIE: OBAMA kündigt Ausweitung der LUFT—ANGRIFFE—AUF—SYRIEN an
20140911             ANTI—TERROR—STRATEGIE: OBAMAs ALLIANZ gegen das Böse
20140911             Aber es ist natürlich im Kontext "SCHENGEN—ROUTING"ganz besonders schön.
20140911             1—EBOLA—INFECTED ISIS terrorist could easily motorboat across Lake ERIE and reach OHIO from CANADA, ACCORDING—TO—AN AMERICA—CONSERVATIVE filmmaker who videotaped 1 fictionalized 1—JIHADI incursion across Lake ERIE and released the footage —MONDAY.
20140911             And as far as I can tell, the only ORGANIZATION to vouch for their AUTHENTICITY is SITE.
20140911             —BEFÜRCHTET, Anders als —ZUNÄCHST, werden die Auswirkungen auf der Erde wohl nicht zu spüren sein.
20140911             At very high energy levels, the Higgs boson could cause space and time suddenly COLLAPSE—AND 'we wouldn't see it coming', THE—FORMER—CAMBRIDGE PROFESSOR—OF—MATHEMATICS says.
20140911             Aufgaben zum Thema
20140911             Aus 1—INTERNEN Papier zu CETA geht —NUN jedoch hervor, daß die Haltung seines MINISTERiums intern 1—ANDERE ist: Auf der Sitzung des HANDELpolitischen Ausschusses in BRÜSSEL bedankt sich der Vertreter Deutschlands bei der KOMMISSION für das "positive"ERGEBNIS—DER—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—KANADA.
20140911             Bemerkenswerterweise fehlt —DIESMAL das übliche "keine GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG".
20140911             CHRISTIAN—ULMEN über seine WEB—STRATEGIE: "Das alte Modell wird immer zäher"
20140911             —GEWINNT, CARSHARING—GERICHTS—URTEIL: Wer teilt,
20140911             Checking with Whois 1 can easily find IP addresses, so having the same IP number as another MOSSAD asset, well, let's say that SOME—MIGHT find that 1—BIT—MORE—CONVENIENT than necessary.
20140911             —STOPPED, CLAPSON—BENEFITS had been, as 1—RESULT—OF—MISSING 1—MEETING at the jobcentre.
20140911             DAS—ERGEBNIS ist beeindruckend: Das rekonstruierte Modell zeigt, daß der gefundene Spinosaurus von der Schnauze —BIS—ZUM—SCHWANZ—BIS zu 15—METER maß.
20140911             DER—CIA—DIREKTOR so zur USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSICHT: Sagen wir nicht!
20140911             DICK—CHENEY!
20140911             DIE—5—LÄNDER waren: POLEN, NORWEGEN, USA, ITALIEN und FRANKREICH.
20140911             —VERRIET, DIE—KÖRPERANATOMIE, den Forschern dann auch, daß der DINO—SAURIER viel im Wasser gelebt haben muss.
20140911             DIE—POLIZEI—VON—BERLIN hat 1—WASSERWERFER für Kinder.
20140911             DIE—RESSORTS Beschäftigung, Soziales und Mobilität soll DIE—BELGIERIN MARIANNE—THYSSEN übernehmen, 1—KARRIEREJURISTIN, die ihr Leben in Parteien und Verwaltungen verbracht hat.
20140911             DIE—AUSTRALISCHE—POLIZEI hat am Flughafen SYDNEY 1—KOFFER mit 230—GRAMM Plastiksprengstoff stehengelassen.
20140911             DIE—HABEN ALLE—SOWAS—VON—1—ARSCHTRITT verdient, das geht ja wohl auf keine Kuhhaut, was die da abziehen.
20140911             DIE—RELATIV wenig geschwärzten Akten der Einstufung "nur für den Dienstgebrauch"bestehen demnach vor allem aus alten Zeitungsartikeln.
20140911             Endlich sind dort Demokratie und MENSCHEN—RECHTE eingekehrt und man kann wieder ohne Angst über die Straße gehen!
20140911             Da sieht man mal, wie wertlos 1—DEMOKRATIE ohne unabhängige RICHTER—UND—GERICHTE ist.
20140911             Daher haben DIE—BRITEN —JETZT ihre Zäune vom NATO—GIPFEL—IN—WALES nach FRANKREICH geschickt, damit DIE—FRANZOSEN damit in Calais DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE aufhalten.
20140911             Damit sind mehrere Meter Meeresspiegelanstieg und der Untergang von Küstenstädten und ganzen Inselstaaten vorprogrammiert und praktisch unausweichlich geworden.
20140911             Das Tragische: Fast ALLE—FOSSILIEN überstanden im WWII den ANGRIFF—DER—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE nicht, die DIE—STAATSSAMMLUNG zerbombte und die Funde für immer —ZERSTÖRTE.
20140911             Das ist halt DER—UNTERSCHIED zwischen 1—REGIERUNG, die an sich denkt, und DIE—POLIZEI aufrüstet, und 1—REGIERUNG, die an DAS—LAND denkt, und die Probleme angeht.
20140911             Das ist ja an sich —SCHON mal großartig, denn das S in RBS steht für SCOTLAND.
20140911             Das ist ja bedauerlich, tragisch gar!
20140911             Das ist wie 1—AUTOUNFALL auf der anderen Spur der Autobahn.
20140911             —VERGESSEN, Der Praktikant hat auch den Hinweis, daß keine GEFAHR—FÜR—NIEMANDEN besteht.
20140911             Did you like THE—IRAQ War?
20140911             EBOLA, ZAHL—DER—EBOLA—FÄLLE steigt auch im KONGO rasch
20140911             Einmal mit Profis arbeiten!
20140911             Energiekosten: Haushalte zahlen mehr für Strom, Industrie spart
20140911             Erarbeiten Sie aus M1, wieso es sich beim RUSSISCHEN—ENGAGEMENT IN—DER—UKRAINE um 1 "schleichende" KRIEGS—BETEILIGUNG handelt.
20140911             Eruption: Sonne schleudert Sturm ins All
20140911             —INTERESSIERT, Falls sich jemand dafür, was Hawking wirklich gesagt haben könnte, wäre der Googlebegriff übrigens vacuum decay, nicht delay.
20140911             —CONSULTED, For example, 1—EXPERT, by THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON has said that the Foley video was "staged".
20140911             For the 1.time in my life, no representatives of the Palestinians are ever allowed near 1—AMERICAN—TV—CAMERA or microphone.
20140911             Furadouro in PORTUGAL: Die KÜSTE—DER—KABELJAUE - Furchtbar.
20140911             GAZA—KRIEG: HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH wirft ISRAEL "Massaker"vor
20140911             Given this background, 1 must ask: Are these beheading videos simply the latest version of the "yellowcake from NIGER"story?
20140911             GROßMANÖVER—IN—SIBIRIEN: PUTIN lässt Gefechtsbereitschaft der Armee prüfen
20140911             Here's the evidence (and please note that these words, written 20080000             —IN, are rhetorically addressed to Rita Katz herself):
20140911             Herzschrittmacher ohne Batterie: Wenn das Herz rattert wie 1—UHRWERK
20140911             Hey, wisst ihr, wer sonst noch diese Ausrede benutzt?
20140911             However, there is no concern at this point in the investigation that the attack is PART—OF—1—BIGGER—THREAT
20140911             Ich kriegte ja erstmal 1—BROWSER—FEHLER bei der NATO—WEBSEITE, die Verbindung sei resettet worden.
20140911             Ich verstehe ja das Aufhebens nicht.
20140911             Ich weiß gar nicht, welcher Teil daran gruseliger ist.
20140911             In short: Those videos are of supreme political importance.
20140911             Inflation auf 5—JAHRES—TIEF: VERBRAUCHER—PREISE in DEUTSCHLAND steigen kaum
20140911             Ja was ist denn da nicht geschwärzt, werdet ihr euch fragen?
20140911             Ja wie —JETZT, da hat man doch 2—VON!
20140911             KIEWs MAUERBAU—PLÄNE: Grenzwertige Kalkulation
20140911             Kamerawagen unterwegs: BERLIN lässt sich scannen - Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
20140911             Körpereigene Antibiotika: Was die Bakterien in unserem Innern anstellen
20140911             LUFT—SCHLÄGE—GEGEN—IS: 1.Unionspolitiker bringt BUNDESWEHR—BETEILIGUNG ins Spiel
20140911             Lassie und Co.: Filme beeinflussen Popularität von Hunderassen
20140911             Letzte TROIKA—MISSION—IN—GRIECHENLAND: "Was sollen wir ohne die Barbaren tun?"
20140911             MEMRI is 1—MAIN—ARM—OF—ISRAEL—PROPAGANDA.
20140911             —ESTABLISHED, MEMRI was, by "former"Mossad members to provide intelligence and translation services directed against...well, anyone who might have 1—GRUDGE against ISRAEL, and anyone from the ISLAMic world.
20140911             MEMRI—DIRECTORS and advisory boards are TOP—HEAVY with neoconservatives and other supporters of hawkish USA—AND ISRAEL—POLICIES.
20140911             MEMRI—LIST—OF—ADVISERS reads like NEO—CON central.
20140911             Man kloppt 1—MILLIARDE für AUFSTÄNDE—UNTERDRÜCKEN—EQUIPMENT für DIE—POLIZEI raus.
20140911             Man muss sie kriegen, solange sie noch jung sind!
20140911             Massendemo für Unabhängigkeit: "DIE—KATALANEN fühlten sich erniedrigt"
20140911             Mission auf Golanhöhen: UNO bestätigt Freilassung von Blauhelmsoldaten - Na klar!
20140911             Na?
20140911             Neue Fossilfunde: Gigantischer RAUB—SAURIER lebte im Wasser
20140911             Neues Personal in BRÜSSEL—EU—ABGEORDNETE prangern JUNCKERs Kommissare an
20140911             Nicht dass ich 1—FREUND der Öloligarchen wäre, aber das ist selbst für EU—IDIOTENTRAMPEL—VERHÄLTNISSE auffallend inkompetent.
20140911             Nicht nur ISIS und 1—TERRORIST!
20140911             Nein! Auch noch mit EBOLA infiziert!
20140911             Und kommt aus KANADA! Das muss man erstmal toppen auf der nach oben offenen BULLSHIT—SKALA.
20140911             NORMAN—FINKELSTEIN has had at least 1—UNHAPPY—RUN—IN with MEMRI...
20140911             —NUN, was soll ich euch sagen, SIGMAR—GABRIEL macht der Verräterpartei ALLE—EHRE.
20140911             OMGWTF - Obwohl 1—DEUTSCHER—PALÄONTOLOGE 1.Fossilien des Giganten —SCHON vor über —100—JAHREN in ÄGYPTEN entdeckte.
20140911             1—MORE—SUGGESTION: It might make your latest INCARNATION—OF—SITE—MORE—BELIEVABLE if THE—IP address wasn't the same as another MOSSAD asset, MEMRI.
20140911             —CHALLENGED, Only a 6. of the seizures were legally, in part BECAUSE—OF—THE—COSTS—OF—LEGAL—ACTION—AGAINST—THE—GOVERNMENTT.
20140911             PUTINs Telefonate mit DEM—WESTEN: Hallo?
20140911             —GEWASCHEN, RAZZIA—IN—LA: Modegeschäfte sollen Geld für Drogenkartelle, haben
20140911             —BEFÜRCHTET, REFERENDUM—IN—SCHOTTLAND: IWF, Turbulenzen nach Abspaltung
20140911             REFERENDUM—ÜBER—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT: BANKEN drohen Schotten mit Umzug nach LONDON
20140911             Rückkehr von ISS: 3—RAUMFAHRER landen sicher auf der Erde
20140911             SICHERHEITS—ALARM, Mann klettert über Zaun am WEIßES—HAUS
20140911             SYDNEY—POLIZEI vergisst Koffer mit Plastiksprengstoff am Flughafen
20140911             Schließlich geben verschiedene Asservate Rätsel auf.
20140911             Sehr ihr?
20140911             Solche Risse seien auch —SCHON in USA—N Kernanlagen festgestellt worden.
20140911             —CONFIRMED, THE—CIA has not, that they are real, although we are continually assured that THE—AGENCY is working on the issue.
20140911             TV—LEGENDE: JOACHIM—FUCHSBERGER ist tot
20140911             TAXI—APP: Gericht verhängt 1.Verbot gegen UBER—FAHRER
20140911             THAILAND: Mönch darf sich nicht zu Tode meditieren
20140911             THE—AIR—MARSHAL flew back to THE—USA —AFTER the attack and "felt fine"the entire —12—HOUR—FLIGHT, 1—USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIAL told CNN.
20140911             THE—GOD—PARTICLE, which gives shape and size to everything that exists, could cause a 'catastrophic vacuum delay' if scientists were to put it under extreme stress.
20140911             —QUOTED, THE—ORGANIZATION—TRANSLATIONS are regularly, by major INTERNATIONAL newspapers, and its work has generated strong criticism and praise.
20140911             The question —BEFORE us is simple: Can anyone prove -- prove -- that the beheading videos had ANY—EXISTENCE—BEFORE Rita KATZ—ORGANIZATION delivered them to THE—WORLD?
20140911             THE—RANGE—OF—PERMISSIBLE—DISCOURSE in this country has narrowed.
20140911             TIERQUÄLER—VIDEO: Hetzkampagne nach Katzentötung
20140911             UNO—MISSION auf Golanhöhen: ISLAMISTEN lassen offenbar Blauhelmsoldaten frei
20140911             UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—SPANIEN: Katalanen demonstrieren für eigenen STAAT
20140911             Und die alten Risse?
20140911             Und hey, welches DATUM würde man auch sonst für sowas nehmen als 20010911             !
20140911             Und wem das zu unwissenschaftlich ist: STEPHEN—HAWKING warnt davor, weitere Experimente mit dem Higgs boson könnten das Universum vernichten.
20140911             Und, der Hinweis sei mir erlaubt: DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN laufen selbstredend hinter verschlossenen Türen ab.
20140911             Update: Oh, —JETZT ist es nur noch 1—MILLION.
20140911             Update: Zumindest bei der RBS scheint das 1—NEBELKERZE zu sein.
20140911             —VOR—ALLEM die Dokumente mit der Einstufung "geheim"und "streng geheim"seien so umfassend geschwärzt, daß sie keine Hilfe seien.
20140911             Vacuum Delay! Das ist ja noch geiler als der Doomsday Technobabble aus Star Trek!
20140911             Da können das OMEGA—MOLEKÜL und Thetabandstrahlung nicht mithalten.
20140911             WASHINGTON, Nach 1—HEFTIGEN Sonneneruption könnte 1—GEWALTIGER Magnetsturm in der Nähe der Erde entstehen.
20140911             We agree that CYBER—ATTACKS can reach 1—LEVEL that threatens the prosperity, security and stability of our countries, and THE—EURO—ATLANTIC—AREA.
20140911             We don't know the identities of the uploaders.
20140911             Welche Ergebnisse sind denn das so, werdet ihr euch vielleicht fragen?
20140911             What, then, of the beheading videos?
20140911             Wie sich rausstellt, haben DIE—RUSSEN genau so viel nicht zusätzlich geliefert, wie DIE—POLEN angesagt hatten, daß SIE—AN—DIE—UKRAINE weiterverkaufen wollen.
20140911             Wieso?
20140911             Wurmser, who has taught at JOHNs Hopkins UNIVERSITY—AND—THE—USA—NAVAL—ACADEMY, has played 1—ROLE in several neoconservative and LIKUD—ALIGNED policy initiatives.
20140911             [l] 18—USA—HUBSCHRAUBER haben sich über POLEN verflogen.
20140911             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: Der Abriss des AKW Stade verzögert sich 1—BISSCHEN.
20140911             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist die Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: Neue Risse im SCHWEIZER—AKW Mühleberg entdeckt.
20140911             [l] BAYERN verhängt 1—AUFNAHMESTOPP für ASYL—BEWERBER.
20140911             [l] CAMERON hat in Edingburgh 1—TRÄNENREICHE Abschiedsrede an die Schotten gehalten.
20140911             [l] DER—BND macht übrigens auch 1—GCHQ—TEMPORA—PROGRAMM.
20140911             [l] DER—CIA—FOLTER—REPORT wird wohl deutlich unangenehmer als —BISHER, angenommen.
20140911             [l] DER—PREMIER—MINISTER versucht, GLENN—GREENWALD und seine Enthüllung über Neuseelands 5—EYES—MITWIRKUNGEN zu diskreditieren, indem er GREENWALD als Kimbles kleinen Handlanger verunglimpft.
20140911             [l] DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG kann leider das Papier "Handlungsvorschläge Handy"des INNEN—MINISTERIUMS nicht im Rahmen 1—INFORMATIONSFREIHEITSAN—FRAGE rausrücken, weil das die Freundschaft zu den Amerikanern und den BRITEN gefährden würde.
20140911             [l] DIE—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUFSICHT so zur CIA: Wer hat DIE—SPIONAGE—GEGEN—UNS genehmigt?
20140911             [l] Da war wohl der Aufpasser pinkeln: DIE—UKRAINE—REGIERUNG sagt stolz an, 5—NATO—STAATEN hätten ihnen Waffen geliefert.
20140911             [l] Das Kaliber der SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND, mit denen wir uns gerade selbst in den Fuß schießen, wurde gerade nochmal verdoppelt: EU und USA wollen westliche ÖL—FIRMEN an Ölquellenexploration in RUSSLAND hindern.
20140911             [l] Das LIBYEN—PARLAMENT tagt auf 1—GRIECHISCHEN—FÄHRE.
20140911             [l] Die BERLIN—POLIZEI hatte —GESTERN—DEN—TAG—DER—OFFENEN—TÜR.
20140911             [l] Die Schwärzungen bei den Akten, die DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG großzügig dem NSA—AUSSCHUSS überlassen hat, haben STAND—UP—COMEDY—AUSMAßE erreicht.
20140911             [l] Die Westantarktis hat den KIPP—PUNKT überschritten.
20140911             [l] Die neue Laserkanone DER—USA—ARMY wird mit 1—XBOX—CONTROLLER bedient.
20140911             [l] —ERST sagten sie, DIE—USA machen keine WIRTSCHAFT—SPIONAGE.
20140911             [l] GREG—PALAST erklärt die Hintergrundgeschichte zu ARGENTINIENs STAATS—PLEITE, und die überraschende Verbindung zur GENERAL—MOTORS—PLEITE.
20140911             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, EUGH—URTEIL: Bibliotheken dürfen Bücher digitalisieren und die Digitalversion an Leseplätzen bereitstellen.
20140911             [l] Hey, was könnte man als "Konservativer"zum JAHRES—TAG—VON—20010911              tun, um mal so richtig raushängen zu lassen, was für 1—WIDERLICHER Vollpfosten diese "Bewegung"ist?
20140911             [l] In GROß—BRITANNIEN gab es 1—FALL von "Tod durch HARTZ—IV", der —JETZT erfreulicherweise 1—BISSCHEN Aufsehen erregt.
20140911             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der NATO:
20140911             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—KISSINGER: Vergesst mal den ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, die können wir managen, DER—IRAN ist der wahre Feind hier!1!!
20140911             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20140911             [l] Kurzes POLIZEI—UPDATE: DIE—POLIZEI—VON—FERGUSON nimmt —JETZT die Fingerabdrücke der Kinder, aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN.
20140911             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES:
20140911             [l] LG BERLIN: GOOGLE muss per Email an die Adresse aus dem Impressum tatsächlich erreichbar sein.
20140911             [l] Leseempfehlung: BYUNG—CHUL Han philosophiert über Gott und DIE—WELT.
20140911             [l] NSA und GCHQ haben offenbar Zugriff zu TELEKOM—NETZEN.
20140911             [l] Oha! Laut 1 "Times of LONDON"—UMFRAGE ist 1.die MEHRHEIT—DER Schotten für die Unabhängigkeit.
20140911             [l] USA—AIR—MARSHAL—IN—NIGERIA—VON—UNBEKANNTEM angegriffen, per Spritze unbekannte Substanz injiziert.
20140911             [l] WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN: LIBERIA und SIERRA—LEONE sind so gut wie tot!1!!
20140911             [l] Was passiert eigentlich mit dem ganzen Kriegsgerät, das die MACHT—HABER so bei NATO—GIPFELN ODER—HEILIGENDAMM installieren?
20140911             [l] Was tut man als Regierung 1—LANDES wie sagen wir SPANIEN, hochverschuldet, immense JUGEND—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT, —SEIT—JAHR—10. blubbert 1—IMMOBILIEN—BLASE vor sich hin, und als Seiteneffekt ist das Wasser knapp geworden, weil es zum Bewässern unbenutzter Golfplätze abgezweigt wird (denn das steigert den Wert der leerstehenden BLASEN—IMMOBILIEN daneben)?
20140911             [l] Wisst ihr, wer 1—NEUEN IRAK—KRIEG 1—TOTAL dufte Idee findet?
20140911             [l] Wollt ihr mal sehen, wie zukünftige Schulbücher den Kindern den UKRAINE—KONFLIKT erklären werden?
20140911             [l] YAHOO hat sich offenbar ernsthaft gegen DIE—NSA zu wehren versucht, aber hat —AM—ENDE verloren.
20140911             [l] das für GEHEIM—DIENSTE zuständige GEHEIM—GERICHT—FISC, verlängert dann mal die "Metadaten"—SCHNÜFFEL—ERLAUBNIS für DIE—NSA.
20140911             [l] es sieht so aus, als würde DAS—VERFAHREN zum —OKTOBER—FEST—ATTENTAT neu aufgerollt.
20140911             o_O - unter anderem mit Fragmenten 1—BEI der Explosion abgetrennten Hand.
20140911             wussten die Meteorologen der NOAA noch nicht genau, wann und ob die P—ARTIKEL des Sonnensturms uns erreichen werden, und auch nicht, welche REGION—DER—ERDE betroffen sein wird.
20140911             "Für den kommenden BETRIEBS—ZYKLUS stellen die neuen Risse sicherheitstechnisch kein Risiko dar", sagte ENSI—SPRECHER ANTON—TREIER
20140911             —PROTEST von HAMBURGer AMATEUR—KLUB: Wir spielen nicht gegen NAZIs
20140911             —PROTEST—GEGEN—ABKOMMEN: EU—KOMMISSION lehnt Bürgerinitiative von TTIP—GEGNERN ab
20140911             —AM, Of course, we are all ANTI—TERROR.
20140911             —BIS—JETZT, 1—INTERNATIONALES FORSCHER—TEAM um IBRAHIM—IN—DER—KEM—KEM—REGION im SÜDEN—VON—MAROKKO auf 1—UNGLAUBLICHE Fülle vollständig erhaltener Fossilien STIEß—DARUNTER TEILE—DES—SCHÄDELS, der Wirbelsäule, des Beckens und der Extremitäten.
20140911             —DANN, sagten sie, DIE—USA spionieren ökonomische Ziele aus, aber geben DIE—DATEN nicht an USA—FIRMEN weiter.
20140911             —DANN, wurden sie dabei erwischt.
20140911             —HEUTE würden die Kippen dank neuer Labormethoden wohl Aufschluss geben über Mitfahrer und Kontakte Köhlers.
20140911             Furadouro in PORTUGAL: Die KÜSTE—DER—KABELJAUE
20140911             PUTINs Telefonate mit DEM—WESTEN: Hallo? Angela?
20140911             S.P.O.N. - Im Zweifel links: Dümmer als die "SCHARIA—POLIZEI"erlaubt
20140911             KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, Die 3—LÜCKEN in Obamas Strategie
20140911             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, Gewinn von GAZPROM bricht 1
20140911             Laut Warschauer Energiekonzern: GAZPROM soll Lieferung an POLEN halbiert haben
20140911             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: RUSSLAND sieht mögliche USA—LUFTSCHLÄGE in SYRIEN als Aggression
20140911             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: CDU und SPD streiten über möglichen BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ
20140911             Kamerawagen unterwegs: BERLIN lässt sich scannen
20140911             Mission auf Golanhöhen: UNO bestätigt Freilassung von Blauhelmsoldaten
20140911             STREIT—UM—CASTOREN: DEUTSCHER—ATOM—MÜLL bleibt länger in FRANKREICH
20140911             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, Verirrte USA—PILOTEN fragen in POLEN —NACH—DEM Heimweg
20140911             KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS: SYRIEN warnt USA vor eigenmächtigen LUFT—ANGRIFFEN
20140911             WASHINGTON, Nach 1—HEFTIGEN Sonneneruption könnte 1—GEWALTIGER Magnetsturm in der Nähe der Erde entstehen. es könnte zu Stromausfällen führen, warnten WELT—RAUMWETTER—EXPERTEN—DES—SPACE—WEATHER—PREDICTION—CENTERS der AMERIKANISCHEN—WETTER—BEHÖRDE (NOAA) in Boulder (COLORADO).
20140911             es sei —SCHON EINIGE—JAHRE her, dass DIE—ERDE 1—BEGEGNUNG dieser Größenordnung ausgesetzt war, sagt TOM—BERGER, DIREKTOR—DES—WELT—RAUMWETTERINSTITUTS.
20140911             "Elektrisch aufgeladene Teilchen —STEUERN direkt auf uns zu und kommen dem Magnetfeld der Erde sehr nah. es könnte vorrübergehend zu Problemen mit den Stromnetzen kommen".
20140911             DIE—FORSCHER berichteten, dass Satellitenmessungen von zahlreichen Sternen der Milchstraße ergeben hätten, dass solare Superstürme viel häufiger vorkämen als LANGE—ZEIT gedacht.
20140911             —ÜBERTREIBT, Und er, damit nicht: Den Forschern um den DEUTSCH—MAROKKANISCHEN—PALÄONTOLOGEN von der UNIVERSITY—CHICAGO ist es gelungen, 1—DIGITALES Modell des größten bekannten Raubsauriers zu erstellen.
20140911             Gingen Paläontologen —BISHER, davon aus, dass DINO—SAURIER reine Landlebewesen waren, die nur gelegentlich im Wasser wateten, müssen sie —JETZT umdenken.
20140911             In seinem krokodilähnlichen Maul steckten lange Zähne, und auch sein Rückenkamm beeindruckt.
20140911             "Hüft—, Beinknochen waren verkürzt - etwas, das wir von Tieren kennen, die einst zurück ins Wasser gingen - wie DIE—VORFAHREN der heutigen Wale",
20140911             Über "AFGHANISTAN, SOMALIA und den NAHER—OSTEN".
20140911             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? DIE—POLIZEI stoppt euch auf der Straße, nimmt euch euer BAR—GELD weg, und ihr müsst dann beweisen, dass das aus legalen Quellen kam?
20140911             Das ist nicht nur —SEIT MIAMI—VICE—ZEITEN GESETZ—GEBUNG IN—DEN—USA sondern wird auch zunehmend so gemacht.
20140911             o_O
20140911             —CHALLENGED, Only a 6. of the seizures were legally, in part BECAUSE—OF—THE—COSTS—OF—LEGAL—ACTION—AGAINST—THE—GOVERNMENTT—BUT in 41—PERCENT—OF—CASES — 4,455 — where there was 1—CHALLENGE, THE—GOVERNMENTT agreed to return money.
20140911             Das ist DIE—ANTWORT der Sherriffs darauf, dass die Kommunen pleite sind.
20140911             Nicht mal DIE—USA liefern DER—UKRAINE Waffen!? Das wäre ja echt erbärmlich.
20140911             —JETZT, wurden sie offenbar auch dabei erwischt.
20140911             Da war für all was dabei, auch für die Kinder!
20140911             Nein, nicht der Kinderwasserwerfer, ihr Zyniker!
20140911             das Durchsuchungszimmer für Kinder, die Stimmerkennungsstelle und natürlich die KINDERPOLIZEI—AUSWEISSTELLE.
20140911             Und die alten Risse? Naja, die sind ja alt, die kennen wir ja —SCHON.
20140911             Solche Risse seien auch —SCHON in USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—KERNANLAGEN festgestellt worden.
20140911             OMGWTF - [l] Was passiert, wenn Kinder mit Bildschirmen statt mit Eltern aufwachsen, die mit ihnen reden?
20140911             Das hier: Fewer children —STARTING school can speak in sentences, prompting 1—INVESTIGATION by education chiefs.
20140911             Die teuren Spezialzäune! Das wäre doch schade, wenn die schlecht würden!
20140911             Furchtbar.
20140911             [l] DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG kann leider das Papier "Handlungsvorschläge Handy"des INNEN—MINISTERIUMS nicht im Rahmen 1—INFORMATIONSFREIHEITSANFRAGE rausrücken, weil das die Freundschaft zu den Amerikanern und den BRITEN gefährden würde. es geht um das KANZLERINNEN—HANDY.
20140911             Wieso? Ich fand, das war 1—STARKES Indiz für die Einzeltätertheorie!1!!
20140911             —ZUGEORDNET, DIETRICH sagt, dass die Hand nie, werden konnte.
20140911             "Wenn jemand 1—HAND verliert und sich nicht meldet, spricht das ebenfalls GEGEN—DIE—EINZELTÄTERTHESE".
20140911             Sehr ihr? Was kann da —SCHON passieren.
20140911             Na klar!
20140911             [l] PAYPAL macht —JETZT in Bitcoin".1 klareres Zeichen, dass das Ende naht, gab es lange nicht mehr.
20140911             Na? Kommt ihr NIE drauf! DICK—CHENEY!
20140911             —GERECHT, Du weißt, dass dein IRAK—KRIEG, und gut ist, wenn DICK—CHENEY ihn befürwortet!
20140911             Update: Hier gehen der Reine nach Hinweise ein, dass die DAILY—MAIL Hawking falsch zitiert haben könnte.
20140911             [l] Hat sich jemand von euch darauf verlassen, dass SIGMAR—GABRIEL—CETA verhindern wird?
20140911             CETA ist das Testbett für TTIP, 1—ABKOMMEN—MIT—KANADA mit im Wesentlichen den gleichen furchtbaren Paragraphen wie bei TTIP.
20140911             DIE—IDEE ist, das bei CETA unter dem Radar —IN—NACHT und Nebel durchzuwinken und dann bei TTIP 1—AUF HITCHHIKER—GUIDE zu machen.
20140911             Na keine erwähnenswerten.
20140911             Da kann man doch nur sagen: 1—GLÜCK, dass DIE—USA und ihre westlichen Verbündeten dieses Land von dem TERROR—REGIME GADDAFI befreit haben!
20140911             [l] RBS und Lloyds sagen an, dass sie im Falle von SCHOTTISCHER—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT aus SCHOTTLAND nach LONDON abziehen wollen.
20140911             "Der BODENbereich ist flächendeckend kontaminiert", musste WERNER—FIEBER einräumen.[...] Im Beton seien Werte von —BIS zu 164.000—BECQUEREL pro Kilogramm gemessen worden.
20140911             —GEGLAUBT, Und wem wir sie auch nicht, haben? 🙂
20140911             In 1—DER Erstaufnahmestellen sind auch noch die Masern ausgebrochen.
20140911             Hier legt 1—DIE Messlatte sehr hoch.
20140911             Na 1—GLÜCK, dass DIE—AMERIKANER sich  —SEIT—JAHREN, auf die ZOMBIE—APOKALYPSE vorbereiten!
20140911             Aber es ist natürlich im Kontext "SCHENGEN—ROUTING"ganz besonders schön. Ich habe ja damals, als die Telekom 1. mit dem Argument kam, argumentiert, dass man durch Zentralisierung des Netzes das Abhören eher einfacher macht.
20140911             Und BEVOR sich das hier wie TELEKOM—BASHING anhört: Ich glaube für nicht —1—SEKUNDE, dass die anderen Netze weniger angezapft sind.
20140911             Da sieht man mal, wie wichtig unabhängige Gerichte und Richter für 1—DEMOKRATIE sind!
20140911             They are THE—MAIN—REASON for the turnaround in public opinion on THE—QUESTION—OF—INTERVENTION—IN—SYRIA and IRAQ.
20140911             In fact, such 1—ATTACK could only do harm to what they claim is their cause.
20140911             See, you both have the same—IP address.
20140911             —LOCATED, Its headquarters is, in WASHINGTON—DC, with branch offices in JERUSALÉM—BERLIN, LONDON, ROME, SHANGHAI, BAGHDAD, and TOKYO.
20140911             Did you like THE—IRAQ War? The same people who gave you that war are behind MEMRI -- and SITE.
20140911             1—OF—THE—CO—FOUNDERS—OF—THE—ORGANIZATIONS was Meyrav Wurmser.
20140911             (In the old days, TED—KOPPEL would let THE—PALESTINE—VIEWPOINT to be heard on his show EVERY—SO often.) Teevee talking heads are not allowed to criticize outright censorship on our campuses.
201409110902060259   Chrome 37.0 8.0—WIN7 1600x900 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—CENTRAL—POINT, OREGON, UNITED—STATES Infostructure (
201409110910105300   Firefox 28.0—LINUX 1920x1080 NETHERLANDS Flag ENSCHEDE, OVERIJSSEL—NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITY—TWENTE ( l(No referring link)
201409110910142423   IE 8.0 8.0—WIN7 1280x1024 INDIA Flag INDIA DEUTSCHE—BANK—AG—INDIA INTERNET (,John_.html
201409110910223634   IE 10.0 8.0—WIN7 1243x994 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, UNITED—STATES—MILWAUKEE County Federated Library SYSTEM ( Unavailable)
201409110911214050   Unknown Unknown CANADA Flag TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA Brandprotect ( Unknown (No referring link)
201409110914155940   Safari on iOS Apple iPad 768x1024 SWITZERLAND Flag SWITZERLAND Politische Gemeinde Gaiserwald ( (
20140911—20010911    Kommentar zum 20010911             ES—TAG, Fürchtet euch nicht
20140911—20010911    —SINCE, There have been 61,998 cash seizures made on highways and elsewhere without search warrants or indictments through the Equitable Sharing Program, totaling more than $2.5—BILLION.
20140911—20140923    —ON, PRESIDENT—ERDOGAN said his country was ready to give necessary support to attacks on THE—IS.
20140911—20141003    —ON, 1—NEW—BOKO Haram video showed the beheading of 1—MAN identified as the pilot of the missing NIGERIA—AIR—FORCE—JET and burnt out parts of 1—PLANE.
20140913—20010911    Frau findet nach —13—JAHREN Besitzer 1—HOCHZEITS—FOTOS
20140913—20010911    Frau findet nach —13—JAHREN Besitzer 1—HOCHZEITSFOTOS O'Neill selbst hat sich zudem nach eigenen Angaben —BEREITS—IM vergangenen —SOMMER spontan bei 1—REDE vor Familienangehörigen der OPFER—DER—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, offenbart.
20140920—20140911    —ARRIVED, They had, at Camp Edwards and were last seen at the Cape Cod Mall in Hyannis —DURING 1—OFF —DAY from 1—TRAINING exercise.
20140923             NEW—YORK—CITY, Sulaiman ABU—GHAITH, —48—JAHRE—ALT, THE—SON—IN—LAW—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, was sentenced to life in prison for acting as the spokesman of AL—QAIDA —AFTER 20010911             —THE, terror attack.
20141106             And at ANY—RATE—AS 20010911             —THE—COMMISION—REPORT reminds USA— looking into ANY—OF—THE—MANY—ODD—FINANCIAL—ASPECTS—OF—20010911              is 1—WASTE—OF—TIME.
20141106             Was ALEX—BROWN 1—CIA—FRONT—WHEN—IT—WAS "Innocuously" Shorting 20010911             ?
20141106             Which would mean that —WHEN ALEX—BROWN was shorting United and USA—STOCKS IN—THE—DAYS—BEFORE 20010911             , it didn't —JUST have 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—AT—THE—CIA.
20141106             "TO—DATE, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has not been able to determine THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—MONEY used for 20010911             —THE, attacks. Ultimately the question is of little practical significance".
20141110—20010911    —AM, [l] Aus der Kategorie "die können doch nicht WIRKLICH so doof sein bei der CDU", —HEUTE: CDU plante.1 Fackel, äh... KERZENZUG—GEGEN—ROT—ROT—GRÜN. NATÜRLICH haben sich da sofort AfD und NPD angehängt, ist ja klar, an so 1—DATUM, da wächst zusammen, was zusammen gehört.
20141112             GENF, DIE—USA haben sich vor den VEREINTE—NATIONEN erneut zum —EINSATZ—VON—FOLTER—NACH—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             bekannt.
20141112             "INFOLGE der 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGE sind wir unseren eigenen Werten aber bedauerlicherweise nicht immer treu geblieben", fügte sie hinzu.
20141112             "Wir haben 1—GRENZE überschritten und übernehmen DIE—VERANTWORTUNG", sagte DIE—USA—REGIERUNGSBERATERIN MARY—MCLEOD vor dem UNO—AUSSCHUSS gegen FOLTER im SCHWEIZERISCHEN—GENF.
20141112             DIE—CIA habe mit der Verschleppung und der brutalen Befragung von TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN —NACH—DEN ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             "vom 1. —TAG an"illegal gehandelt, sagte DER—USA—CHEF—DER—MENSCHEN—RECHTS—ORGANISATION, STEVEN—HAWKINS.
20141112—20010911    —NACH, VERSTOß—GEGEN—MENSCHEN—RECHTE: USA bekennen sich vor UNO zu FOLTER 20141112             VIRUSerkrankung: Die wichtigsten Fakten zu EBOLA
20141116             Ich sage euch, ohne diesen fiesen SNOWDEN, da hätte DIE—NSA die ISIS—LEUTE genau so topp im Griff wie —DAMALS, AL—KAIDA bei 20010911             , oder die ISLAMISTEN beim BOSTON MARATHON.
20141208             —CLOSED, AFGHANISTAN, THE—USA—AND—NATO, their combat command, MORE—THAN—13—YEARS—AFTER invading the country —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—20140911—THE—TERROR—ATTACKS.
20141209             —RELEASED, THE—USA—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, its report on THE—CIA—HARSH—INTERROGATION—TECHNIQUES at secret overseas facilities —AFTER 20010911             —THE terror attacks.
20141210             —AM, häufigsten wurde 20010911             —DRAHTZIEHER Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—DEM—WATERBOARDING unterzogen: 183—MAL.
20141211             Bedauern darüber, daß etwa 20010911             —CHEFPLANER Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED 183—MAL dem sogenannten Waterboarding unterzogen wurde, ließ CHENEY nicht erkennen.
20141211             Das sieht CHENEY, der —DAMALS, an der Seite von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH in der Verantwortung stand, komplett anders: "Wir taten —DAMALS, exakt das, was notwendig war, um DIE—SCHULDIGEN für 20010911             zu schnappen und 1—WEITEREN Anschlag zu verhindern", sagte er FOX—NEWS.
20141213             —HEADED, Talpes, who, ROMANIA—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE 20000000—20040000    —FROM—TO, said BUCHAREST and WASHINGTON discussed, —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS, "sites that THE—ROMANIANS would place at THE—DISPOSAL—OF—CIA—REPRESENTATIVES, where they could organize the activities that they wanted to carry out in other countries".
20141214             DER—BERICHT kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die VERHÖR—METHODEN —NACH—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             brutaler waren als —BISHER, bekannt.
20141216             —REVEALED, Do you recall —WHEN USA—NEWSFOLK, that 20010911             aviation enthusiast MOHAMMED—ATTA had met 1—IRAQ—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER in PRAGUE —BEFORE the attacks?
20141219             —GEWESEN, Sie soll dafür verantwortlich, sein, daß DIE—CIA vor den ANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             INFORMATIONEN—ÜBER—DIE späteren Attentäter nicht ans FBI weitergab.
20141219             —GEFANGEN, Mehrfach war sie dabei, als der, genommene 20010911             —CHEFPLANER Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—IN 1—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—POLEN dem sogenannten Waterboarding und anderen FOLTER—METHODEN unterzogen wurde.
20141219             BTW: "1 need only 1—CURSORY understanding of the large 20010911             Commission Report to know that 1—LARGE—PORTION—OF—THE—REPORT regarding the planning and carrying out of 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS was collected and based upon Khalid Sheikh MOHAMMED—INTERROGATIONS.
20141219             dare we ask how much of 20010911             —THE, COMMISSION—FINAL—REPORT is based on total bullshit?
20141219             1—GRUPPE, die sich selbst "Die Friedenswahrer"nennt, hatte unter Berufung auf DIE—ANSCHLÄGE vom 20010911             explizit VOR—1 Aufführung des Films gewarnt: "Wir werden Ihnen klar zeigen, welch' bitteres Schicksal jene erleiden, die Spaß am TERROR haben.
20150107             right —BEFORE 20010911             ..
20150121—20010911    —SINCE, Tonight, for the 1.time, our combat MISSION—IN—AFGHANISTAN is over.
20150126             —QUALIFIED, DOCTOR—ZELIKOW—EXPERTISE in effective "public myth"made him supremely, to serve as EXECUTIVE—DIRECTOR—OF—20010911             —THE—COMMISSION.
20150130—20010911    —GEHABT, Tja, hätten sie das nur —SCHON, !1!!
20150130—20010911    Da hätten DIE—TERRORISTEN aber alt ausgesehen!!1!
20150210             [l] In den üblichen VERSCHWÖRUNGS—KREISEN kursiert gerade DIE—MELDUNG, PUTIN habe so langsam die Schnauze voll und wolle mal 1—PAAR Details aus dem 20010911             —KOMPROMATKOFFER leaken.
20150224             —JAILED, SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWSPAPERS said 1—COURT has, at least 13—MEN on counts including the recruitment of al Qaeda militants for 20010911             —THE attacks on THE—USA and sheltering OSAMA—BIN—LADEN in PAKISTAN.
20150304             [l] Die 20010911             —, UKRAINEgestählte Westpresse wirft den Griechen VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORETIKERTUM vor.
20150312             —EXCISED, And what about THE—28—PAGES, from CONGRESS' inquiry into 20010911             ?
20150405—20150911    —ON, suspect MIGUEL—ANGEL—MUNOZ, —39—JAHRE—ALT led police to her body and was arrested in Asturias.
20150408             [l] Eines der großen Argumente für DIE—DATENSTAUBSAUGER—PROGRAMME DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE ist ja 20010911             .
20150408—20010911    —NACH, haben wir das eingeführt, damit das nie wieder passiert.
20150408—20010911    —VOR—SCHON, Wie sich rausstellt, haben DIE—USA—BUNDES—BEHÖRDEN 1—DATEN—BANK von internationalen Telefonaten.
20150408—20010911    —VERHINDERT, Und die haben, nicht.
20150424—20010911    —SEIT, hat DAS—KANZLER—AMT nicht versagt, sondern es istalles henau so gewollt.
20150424—20010911    Und es ist Aufgabe DER—DEUTSCHEN—MEDIEN,dies auch so darzustellen.
20150426             So vereinbarten BERLIN und WASHINGTON —NACH—DEN verheerenden TERROR—ATTACKEN vom 20010911, dass DIE—AMERIKANER auch DATEN aus der gerade im NAHER—OSTEN sehr gut aufgestellten elektronischen Aufklärung des DEUTSCHLAND—DIENSTES erhalten sollte.
20150505             —CERTIFIED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY (DHS) has, the 1.CYBER—SECURITY—PRODUCTS ever under THE—SAFETY—ACT, 1—POST—20010911              program that provides 1—LEVEL—OF—LIABILITY—PROTECTION to companies that use certain products to enhance their security.
20150513             Als der AFGHANISTAN—KRIEG ENDETE, herrschte 1.optimistische Stimmung in der Luftwaffe.
20150513             DIE—DROHNEN—PILOTEN hofften, 20010911             —SEIT—DEM, zum 1. Mal etwas Zeit zum Durchatmen zu bekommen.
20150514—20010911    —NACH, Der USA—FREEDOM Act soll das erlassene ANTI—TERROR—GESETZ—PAKET, DEN—USA—PATRIOT—ACT, reformieren und gleichzeitig dessen Geltungsdauer verlängern.
20150518—20010911    The important documentary : Press for Truth (included below) offers good evidence that MANY—AL—QAEDA fighters were allowed to escape to PAKISTAN -- or were actually flown to PAKISTAN.
20150520             BIN—LADEN besaß 1—BUCH über VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN rund um DIE—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, 20150520             DIE—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, sowie über die Illuminaten.
20150520             Dürfte man genauso behandeln/ansehen wie den ABSCHLUSS—BERICHT zu20010911             HIER darf —NUN jeder selbst wieder denken.
20150530             Another mystery: Why'd ZACHARIAS—MOUSSAOUI (SO—CALLED 20. 20010911             hijacker) have #BLACKWATER—NUMBER in his notebook?
20150606             Er greift VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN zum 20010911             auf und stellt sie als diskutable wissenschaftliche Erklärungen dar.
20150617             Die Gesetzesverschärfung ist 1.Folge des CIA—FOLTER—BERICHTS.
20150617             DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—AUSSCHUSS des USA—SENATS hatte enthüllt, dass mutmaßliche QAIDA—MITGLIEDER 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, noch viel drastischer misshandelt wurden, als
20150622             —RELEASED, She was, 20150911             .
20150626             "There would have not been a 20010911             if DOUG—CIR [CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT] on AL—MIHDHAR was sent,"he told NEWSWEEK in 1—EMAIL.
20150705             —AFTER his directorship of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION, he was appointed COUNSELOR—OF—THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—FOR—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDALEEZA—RICE.
20150717             RETIRED—ARMY—GENERAL—MIKE—FLYNN, 1—TOP—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL in THE—POST—20010911             —WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, says in 1—FORTHCOMING interview on AL—JAZEERA—ENGLAND—THAT the drone war is creating more TERROR—ISTS than it is killing.
20150728—20010911    —SINCE, "I've been at this —NOW for 6 and 1—HALF—YEARS, and we have I believe come 1—LONG—WAY in THE—LEVEL—OF—SOPHISTICATION—OF our INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY and their ability to track and detect potential threats to our homeland from overseas," Johnson said at THE—ASPEN—SECURITY—FORUM in COLORADO.
20150728—20010911    —DIRECTLY—AFTER, people said, 'if you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about.'
20150804             —BURIED, ANY—PLANS for limiting MASS—SURVEILLANCE were, with the victims of 20010911             , and never formally published.
20150807             der 20010911,
20150807             —DANN kamen GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH, der 20010911, der ewige KRIEG—ZUSTAND,
20150826             Wie den Schrecken vermitteln, der sich an jenem 20010911             in NEW—YORK abspielte,
20150826             In zahlreichen Interviews schilderte sie, wie schwer —DIE—JAHRE—NACH—20010911              für sie waren: Sie litt unter Depressionen, fing an zu trinken, später kamen Drogen hinzu.
20150826             20010911             —ÜBERLEBENDE: "Staubfrau"Marcy Borders stirbt an Krebs
20150826             In "Sicko"bringt MICHAEL—MOORE—EINIGE—OPFER des 20010911             —STAUBS nach HAVANNA, wo ihnen umstandslos medizinisch geholfen und dieselben Medikamente für 1.SPOTT—PREIS zur Verfügung gestellt werden, für die sie IN—DEN—USA Hunderte $ PRO—WOCHE ausgeben mussten (was sie nur selten von den Krankenkassen bezahlt bekamen).
20150826—20010911    Googlen Sie mal nach DEBRIS—AN INVESTIGATION—OF—GROUND 0" von MATT—NELSON und es gibt 1 1. Überblick über DIE—BISHER, nicht erklärten Anomalien.
20150826—20010911    —NACH, Dann: Unterstützung IRAKs im von Zaun gebrochenen KRIEG IRAKs gegen IRAN, dann Support für die AFGHANISCHEN—MUDJAHEDDIN GEGEN—DIE—RUSSISCHE—INVASÃON, INTERVENTION—IN—AFGHANISTAN, der siinnlose FELD—ZUG im IRAK mit Sturz und TOD—DES—EINSTIGEN—VERBÜNDETEN—SADDAM, STURZ—TATKRÄFTIG unterstütz von F und GB —, Tod des neuen plötzlich geläuterten "Freundes* Ghaddafi, Förderung des sogenannten arabischen "—FRÜHLINGS", und —JETZT ist der einzige stabile STAAT SYRIEN auf der Interventionsliste mit den bekannten Folgen.
20150826—20010911    —SEIT, Borders sei 1—KRANKHEIT erlegen, die ihren Körper beherrscht habe.
20150829—20010911    —NACH, REAKTION—AUF—QAIDA—ATTACKEN: USA erwogen ATOM—SCHLAG 20150829             Das sagte der EHEMALIGE—AUßENPOLITISCHE BERATER—VON—KANZLER—GERHARD—SCHRÖDER, MICHAEL—STEINER, der in 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH 1. von seinen geheimen Unterredungen mit DER—USA—REGIERUNG berichtete.
20150911             VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ: Salafisten buhlen um FLÜCHTLINGE
20150911             ZDF—GALA "Auf der Flucht - DEUTSCHLAND hilft!": Die Verteddybärisierung DER—FLÜCHTLINGE
20150911             TÜRKEI: Dutzende TOTE—BEI—KÄMPFEN in abgeriegelter STADT—CIZRE
20150911             Diplomatische Aufwertung: PALÄSTINENSER dürfen ihre Flagge bei der UNO hissen
20150911             Asyl in SKANDINAVIEN: Fähren bringen Hunderte FLÜCHTLINGE nach SCHWEDEN
20150911             UNGARN: Tretende Kamerafrau bittet um Entschuldigung
20150911             Streit in der Union: CSU keilt gegen Merkels FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK
20150911             RASSISMUS auf FACEBOOK: Hass bitte melden
20150911             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE,: MERKEL zieht mit KONRAD—ADENAUER gleich
20150911             —BEREICHERT, KORRUPTION—VERDACHT: CONTINENTAL—MANAGER in CHINA sollen sich, haben
20150911             —GEHÖRT, HASS—POSTS gegen GÖRING—ECKARDT: "Ihr, alle am nächsten Baum aufgehängt"
20150911             MINI—INFLATION —IM—AUGUST : Deutsche sparen noch mehr beim Heizen und Tanken
20150911             "—TAG DER—DEUTSCHEN—PATRIOTEN": POLIZEI fürchtet Gewaltexzesse in HAMBURG
20150911             DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE scheint den Hass MANCHER—MENSCHEN besonders zum Vorschein zu bringen.
20150911             DAS—VIDEO soll, so GÖRING—ECKARDT, nicht nur 1—AUFRUF an DIE—SCHREIBER der HASS—BOTSCHAFTEN sein, sondern auch an FACEBOOK.
20150911             DAS—UNTERNEHMEN weigert sich
20150911             —AM—MONTAG will sich JUSTIZ—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS mit Vertretern von FACEBOOK treffen, um über die Richtlinien des sozialen Netzwerks zu sprechen.
20150911             FACEBOOK habe 1.Verpflichtung, rassistische Inhalte zu löschen, sagt DER—SPD—POLITIKER - was aber
20150911             [l] EuGH: Bei Angestellten im Außendienst zählt auch die Fahrt zum Kunden als Arbeitszeit.
20150911             [l] Umfrage des Tages: 43—PERCENT—OF—REPUBLICANS could imagine supporting 1—MILITARY—COUP IN—THE—USA.
20150911             [l] Wasser auf die Mühlen der FULL—DISCLOSURE—FRAKTION bei SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN: Der JEEP—HACK neulich wurde noch gefixt, bevor er überhaupt öffentlich gemacht wurde.
20150911             Aber vor —5—JAHREN gab es 1—ÄHNLICHEN Angriff, gegen GENERAL—MOTORS, und den haben DIE—FORSCHER nicht öffentlich gemacht damals.
20150911             Ergebnis: GENERAL—MOTORS brauchte —5—JAHRE für den Fix.
20150911             1—HALBES —JAHRZEHNT lang waren deren Kunden angreifbar und sie wussten es!
20150911             Besonders perfide: DIE—FORSCHER —DAMALS, hatten das auch an die VERKEHRS—BEHÖRDEN geschickt, und die haben auch nicht dafür gesorgt, dass das schneller geht!
20150911             Das einzige, was gegen solche Hersteller hilft, ist wenn man gefundene Lücken schlicht öffentlich macht.
20150911             Man kann ihnen ja EIN—2—WOCHEN für 1.Reaktion geben, und dann von mir aus ein paar —WOCHEN/—MONATE für 1—FIX, je nach Größe des Problems.
20150911             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Aber dann muss das einfach, werden, und zwar mit Ansage von —ANFANG an.
20150911             Damit da gar nicht —ERST irgendwelche Missverständnisse auftreten.
20150911             GENERAL—MOTORS dachte anscheinend, sie können DAS—PROBLEM aussitzen, und die verwundbaren Modelle natürlich rausaltern lassen.
20150911             DER—KAPITALISMUS, wie er stinkt und kracht.
20150911             DER—TITEL ist: Data is not an asset, it's a liability.
20150911             Data is not 1—ASSET, it's 1—LIABILITY
20150911             [l] Übrigens, wo wir gerade bei Hacks waren.
20150911             Eine interessante Frage war ja auch noch, was bei ASHLEY—MADISON eigentlich mit den Passwörtern war.
20150911             Die waren nämlich mit bcrypt gehasht.
20150911             Das ist eigentlich, wie man das richtig macht.
20150911             1—ORDENTLICHES Verfahren, die hatten da auch 1—GROSSEN Work Factor eingebaut.
20150911             —GEHOLFEN, Aber, hat es nicht, denn die Passwörter waren trotzdem knackbar.
20150911             Da sieht man mal wieder, dass man alles richtig machen muss, nicht nur "das meiste"oder "die wichtigen Punkte".
20150911             —WHEN 1—PAIR—OF—SECURITY—RESEARCHERS showed they could hack 1—JEEP over THE—INTERNET—EARLIER—THIS—SUMMER to hijack its brakes and transmission, the impact was swift and explosive: Chrysler issued 1—SOFTWARE fix —BEFORE the research was even made public.
20150911             —LAUNCHED, THE—NATIONAL—HIGHWAY—TRAFFIC and Safety Administration, 1—INVESTIGATION.
20150911             —ISSUED, Within days Chrysler, a 1.4—MILLION—VEHICLE recall.
20150911             —WHEN another GROUP—OF—RESEARCHERS quietly pulled off that same automotive magic trick —5—YEARS—EARLIER, their work was answered with exactly NONE—OF—THOSE reactions.
20150911             chose not to publicly name the make and MODEL—OF—THE—VEHICLE they tested, which has —SINCE been revealed to be GENERAL Motors' 20090000             CHEVY—IMPALA.
20150911             —LEARNED, The result, WIRED has, is that GENERAL—MOTORS took nearly —5—YEARS to fully protect its vehicles from the hacking technique, which THE—RESEARCHERS privately disclosed to the auto giant and to THE—NATIONAL—HIGHWAY—TRAFFIC—SAFETY—ADMINISTRATION—IN —THE—SPRING—OF—20100000             .
20150911             For nearly half —1—DECADE, MILLIONS—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—CARS and trucks were vulnerable to that privately known attack, 1—REMOTE exploit that targeted its OnStar dashboard computer and was capable of everything from tracking vehicles to engaging their brakes at high speed to disabling brakes altogether.
20150911             "We basically had complete CONTROL—OF—THE—CAR except the steering," says KARL—KOSCHER, 1—OF—THE—SECURITY—RESEARCHERS who helped to develop the attack.
20150911             Savage also notes that he's seen no evidence that the attack was discovered by ANY—HACKERS in THE—5—YEARS that it remained secretly viable.
20150911             He admits, however, that it could have been stealthily exploited by sophisticated STATE—SPONSORED hackers.
20150911             —BRIEFED, Savage says his —TEAM, 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—GOVERNMENT and even MILITARY agencies about their WORK—THOSE interested in "both defense and offense," he SAYS—THOUGH they were careful not to disclose THE—IMPALA—MAKE or model even in those private meetings.
20150911             NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM Galileo: "Alba"und "Oriana"sind am Ziel
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, Außenamt startet Kampagne gegen DES—INFORMATION
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGE: ÖSTERREICH sperrt A4 an der GRENZE—ZU—UNGARN
20150911             THÜRINGEN: Unbekannte zünden geplantes FLÜCHTLINGS—HEIM an
20150911             Kunstraub: Dieb tauscht Warhols durch Kopien aus —, keiner merkt's
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, VON—DER—LEYEN versetzt 4000—SOLDATEN in Rufbereitschaft
20150911             Rockstar KEITH—RICHARDS: Töchter, schnupft meine Asche
20150911             Globale —KONFLIKTE: SCHÄUBLE fordert bessere ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT zwischen EUROPA und DEN—USA
20150911             Kindeswohl: Jugendämter kontrollieren immer mehr Familien
20150911             Geplante Mission: CHINA will auf der RÜCK—SEITE des Mondes landen
20150911             Interview zum GEORGIEN—KONFLIKT, "RUSSLAND ist unberechenbar"
20150911             Studenten unter IS—TERROR—IN—MOSSUL: "Sie behandeln uns wie Tiere"
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE—IN—DEN Medien: Durch Gefühle ändert sich nichts
20150911             STREIT—ÜBER—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK: SEEHOFER wettert gegen MERKEL —, lädt Orbán ein
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGE: MENSCHEN—RECHTLER nennen Zustände in UNGARNs Grenzlagern "entsetzlich"
20150911             WEIßES—HAUS: Siri unterbricht Journalisten
20150911             ZDF—UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT ist mit FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK einverstanden
20150911             —BESUCHT, Treffen in RUSSLAND: BERLUSCONI, PUTIN AUF—DER—KRIM
20150911             INNEN—MINISTER—TREFFEN: EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—PLAN droht zu scheitern
20150911             FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, EU—FÖRDERBANK will EUROPAs Kommunen unterstützen
20150911             Länderinnenminister: "Sie öffnen DIE—GRENZEN und lassen uns im Stich"
20150911             Bundessozialministerium: Wechsel in DIE—PRIVATE Krankenversicherung wird schwerer
20150911             VOLK—VERHETZUNG und RASSISMUS: MAAS fordert von FACEBOOK Kontrollen wegen HASS—BOTSCHAFTEN
20150911             Große Moschee: Mindestens 65—MENSCHEN sterben bei Unglück in MEKKA
20150911             LABOUR—KANDIDAT JEREMY—CORBYN: 500-mal gegen DIE—PARTEI —, bald ihr CHEF?
20150911             Eisfreie ANT—ARKTIS: DIE—WELT—UNTERGANGS—PROGNOSE
20150911             Der Eispanzer der ANT—ARKTIS ist die gefrorene Sintflut.
20150911             Sein —BIS zu 4800—METER dickes Eis birgt 3—VIERTEL des SÜß—WASSERS auf der Erde.
20150911             Würde es schmelzen, stiege der Meeresspiegel um Dutzende Meter, weite TEILE—DES—FESTLANDS würden im Wasser versinken.
20150911             —SIMULIERT, KLIMA—FORSCHER haben den WELT—UNTERGANG —NUN am Computer.
20150911             Sie benötigten 1.einzige Zutat: gigantische Mengen Treibhausgase.
20150911             Würde DIE—MENSCHHEIT alles an Kohle, Öl und Erdgas verbrennen, also sämtliche
20150911             DIE—OZEANE würden —DARAUFHIN, Jahrtausende lang um gut 3—ZENTIMETER PRO–—JAHR steigen, zehnmal so schnell wie —DERZEIT, berichten DIE—FORSCHER um Ricarda Winkelmann und Anders Levermann vom POTSDAM—INSTITUT—FÜR—KLIMA—FORSCHUNG (PIK) im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science Advances".
20150911             Laut VEREINTE—NATIONEN lebt —DERZEIT, fast jeder 2. Mensch näher als 150Km zum Meer.
20150911             10.000—MILLIARDEN Tonnen Kohlenstoff, die in Form fossiler Brennstoffe im Boden liegen.
20150911             Der Eispanzer habe —FORTAN mehrere Wärmeschübe ziemlich unbeschadet überstanden, sagt HEINZ—MILLER vom ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUT—FÜR—POLAR—, Meeresforschung: "Zumindest —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—11—MILLIONEN—JAHREN war die ANT—ARKTIS stets komplett vereist; und zwar sogar in solchen KLIMA—PHASEN, als es auf der Erde MEHR—ALS—5 Grad wärmer war als —HEUTE".
20150911             16. es wird keine —50—JAHRE dauern - JPnyc —HEUTE, 22:07 Uhr
20150911             —BEVOR ein noch viel schrecklicheres szenario eintritt: das —SOMMEREIS des polarmeers ist —BEREITS fast komplett abgeschmolzen, in spätestens —3—JAHREN wird das polarmeer —IM—SOMMER komplett eisfrei sein. dann wird dieses nördlichste aller meere für —6—MONATE täglich 24h der sonne ausgesetzt sein und von —DERZEIT, 10% absorbierung/90% abstrahlung der sonnenwärme auf das genaue gegenteil umschwenken, denn das weisse eis reflektiert die sonne, das schwarze meer saugt sie geradezu auf.
20150911             —DARAUFHIN, werden die im sibirischen polarmeer gelagerten methanhydrate schmelzen und aufblubbern, dies geschieht —HEUTE—SCHON. methan ist ein hundertmal stärkeres treibhausgas als co2, und es sind ca.
20150911             100—TRILLIONEN tonnen im sibirischen arktikmeer gelagert, nur wenige grad erwärmung genügen um diese kettenreaktion in gang zu setzen. sollte dies geschehen, und hierfür ist es nur noch 1.frage der zeit, dann wird die atmosphäre der tundra binnen weniger —TAGE komplett umkippen und entflammbar. das 1. gewitter wird dann die gesamte nördliche polkappe in 1—FEUERBALL verwandeln, die folgen werden für DIE—MENSCHHEIT und die gesamte natur wie wir sie kennen fatal sein. die von menschenhand verursachte erderwärmung wird im vergleich harmlos erscheinen. dieses unfassbar schreckliche szenario wird wegen seiner ausweglosigkeit wenig publiziert, man darf zu recht fragen, ob man es überhaupt sinn macht, darauf —JETZT noch hinzuweisen. denn wir sind —BEREITS über den POINT—OF—NO return hinaus, die kettenreaktion wurde —BEREITS gestartet. lesen sie selbst über DAS—THEMA: ARCTIC death spiral and the methane time bomb.
20150911             19. zu #17 - STEfAN_G —HEUTE, 22:24 Uhr - n...]
20150911             Die genannten Effekte sind nicht von der Hand zu weisen, DIE—ZEIT—SCHIENE ist aber 1.andere.
20150911             In ca.
20150911             20—30—JAHREN wird die ARKTISCHE—MEEREISKAPPE in einzelnen —JAHREN kurzzeitig (1—2—WOCHEN) völlig verschwinden, —BIS in ca.
20150911             50—60—JAHREN wird dies jeden —SOMMER—BIS zu —2—MONATE—DER—FALL sein.
20150911             Die Erwärmung der Tiefsee, die 1.Freisetzung von Methanhydrat begünstigt, wird sich über ähnliche oder längere Zeiträume hinziehen, in keinem Fall wird es INNERHALB—2—TAGENTAGEN, —WOCHEN oder —MONATEN passieren.
20150911             —NUN steht JEREMY—CORBYN kurz davor, DER—NEUE Vorsitzende zu werden.
20150911             stimmte gegen DIE—PARTEILINIE und für sozialistische Ideale.
20150911             Und tatsächlich deuten Umfragen darauf hin, dass der linke Außenseiter bei der internen Abstimmung weit vorn liegt.
20150911             Doch mit Prognosen haben DIE—BRITEN ja zuletzt schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht.
20150911             Auch vor den UNTERHAUS—WAHLEN —IM—MAI hatten DIE—WÄHLERBEFRAGUNGEN auf 1—KOPF—AN—KOPF—RENNEN zwischen dem PREMIER—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON und seinem Herausforderer ED—MILIBAND hingedeutet.
20150911             —REGIERT, Es kam anders: —HEUTE, CAMERON mit 1—ABSOLUTEN Mehrheit, DIE—LABOUR—PARTEI liegt am Boden.
20150911             —NUN liegt CORBYN vorn - ein radikaler Sozialist.
20150911             Auch seine Botschaft klingt wie aus den Achtzigern:
20150911             Er fordert 1—SCHWENK nach links, den KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—SPAR—POLITIK und —DAS—ENDE—DES—ATOM—PROGRAMMS "Trident".
20150911             bleibt er sich treu: —BEREITS mit 16—ENGAGIERTE er sich für nukleare Abrüstung.
20150911             Dass CORBYN —NUN auf einmal DIE—FÜHRUNG—VON—LABOUR übernehmen soll, kommt überraschend.
20150911             —32—JAHRE—LANG hatte er es sich in den hinteren REIHEN—DES—PARLAMENTS gemütlich gemacht und von dort aus seine Prinzipien vertreten.
20150911             gemütlich
20150911             —NUN steht er plötzlich vorn und verkündet große Ziele: "
20150911             "Wir verändern DIE—POLITIK GROß—BRITANNIENS, wir stellen die Darstellung infrage, dass nur das Individuelle zählt und sagen stattdessen, dass das Allgemeinwohl unser aller Streben ist".
20150911             —PROFITIERT, Neben seiner Beliebtheit, CORBYN auch von dem neuen Urwahlverfahren: Für 3—PFUND konnten NICHT—MITGLIEDER zum "registrierten Anhänger"werden und an der Wahl zum Vorsitzenden teilnehmen.
20150911             Es waren vor allem CORBYNisten, die diese Gelegenheit nutzten.
20150911             Auch online findet er Unterstützung:
20150911             Alle —25—SEKUNDEN werde das Hashtag #JezWeCan AUF—TWITTER verwendet, schrieb DER—GUARDIAN
20150911             —ANFANG—AUGUST.
20150911             MEHR—ALS—70.000-mal wurde es im vergangenen —MONAT genutzt.
20150911             Und was wäre die Alternative zur CORBYNmania?
20150911             —WÄHREND Burnham, Cooper und Kendall dem wirtschaftsfreundlichen "New LABOUR"nahestehen, das BLAIR 20070000             —BIS als REGIERUNGS—CHEF vertrat, hat CORBYN nie 1—HEHL daraus gemacht, dass er diese —POLITIK verachtet.
20150911             Symbolische Abstimmung: USA—ABGEORDNETEN—HAUS lehnt IRAN—DEAL ab
20150911             Engagement für FLÜCHTLINGE: Hessischer Landrat erhält Morddrohungen
20150911             Demo für Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens: FAHNEN—MEER in BARCELONA
20150911             Rund —2—WOCHEN—VOR der umstrittenen REGIONALWAHL—IN—KATALONIEN haben 100.000e für die ABSPALTUNG—DER—REGION—VON—SPANIEN demonstriert.
20150911             Die örtliche POLIZEI sprach laut NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR dpa sogar von 1,4—MILLIONEN Teilnehmern.
20150911             DIE—ZEITUNG—LA—VANGUARDIA bilanzierte: "Die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung hat erneut ihre Stärke gezeigt".
20150911             —IM—VORIGEN—JAHR war bei der 20120000             —SEIT PRO–—JAHR am ;;0911;;, dem katalanischen Nationalfeiertag, veranstalteten Demonstration die REKORD—ZAHL von rund 1,8—MILLIONEN auf die Straßen gegangen.
20150911             Katalonien - [l] Pünktlich zum 20010911             ES—TAG sagt das Bayerische LANDESAMT—FÜR—VERFASSUNG—SCHUTZ, dass DIE—SALAFISTEN an Bahnhöfen und FLÜCHTLINGS—UNTERKÜNFTEN Nachwuchsanwerbung betreiben.
20150911             [l] THE—NATION hat ein bisschen Hintergrund zu dem IRAN—DEAL—VON—OBAMA.
20150911             DIE—REPUBLIKANER und AIPAC hatten da ja ALLE—STEINE in Bewegung gesetzt, um das zu verhindern, aber sind —JETZT (endgültig?) gescheitert.
20150911             Der AUTOR—DIESES—ARTIKELS glaubt, dass damit AIPACs MACHT und Einfluss stark geschwächt sind.
20150911             [l] AL—QAEDA—LEADER—AL—ZAWAHIRI Declares WAR—ON—ISIS 'Caliph' AL—BAGHDADI
20150911             [l] Na, dachtet ihr, nach Pofalla wird es besser im KANZLER—AMT?
20150911             1—SCHWERER Irrtum.
20150911             "Wir sind der abgestimmten Meinung, dass 1.konkrete Eingriffsbefugnis rechtlich nicht erforderlich ist", führte Heiß dazu aus.
20150911             Die "GENERALklausel"im BND—GESETZ reiche für solch weit gefasste MAßNAHMEn aus.
20150911             Und deshalb ist auch keine Reform des BND—GESETZES nötig!
20150911             —GEBROCHEN, Denn die haben ja nie DAS—GESETZ !
20150911             Wie auch, wenn wir DAS—GESETZ im Nachhinein immer schön interpretatorisch zurechtbiegen.
20150911             [l] FNORD—DES—TAGES, JOSCHKA—FISCHERS verschollene POLIZEIakte ist —JETZT in 1—HERRENLOSEN Koffer am FLUGHAFEN—FRANKFURT gefunden worden.
20150911             Und ich muss sagen: Hut ab! Das ist mal 1.geniale Idee, wie man etwas heißes leaken kann, so dass die Behörden es finden, aber ohne dass klar ist, wer das da —JETZT hingetan hat.
20150911             Wenn man der Videoüberwachung entgehen kann, versteht sich.
20150911             Zollbeamte in FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN haben nach —30—JAHREN DIE—POLIZEIAKTE des ehemaligen BUNDES—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOSCHKA—FISCHER gefunden.
20150911             Das Schriftstück sei am Flughafen in 1—HERRENLOSEN Koffer entdeckt worden und dokumentiert die Verstrickung Fischers in die LINKS—RADIKALE Szene, berichtet Bild.
20150911             So wurde Fischer 19760000             bei 1—DEMONSTRATION für DIE—RAF—TERRORISTIN ULRIKE—MEINHOF festgenommen.
20150911             —DAMALS, wurde gegen Fischer wegen Landfriedensbruchs, versuchten Mordes und der Bildung 1—KRIMINELLEN Vereinigung ermittelt.
20150911             FLORIDA, UNITED—STATES—COMCAST Cable ( -
20150911             —NACH einem Sturm kippt 1—BAUKRAN in Mekka in unmittelbarer Nähe der AL—MASDSCHID—AL—HAR?m um und tötet mindestens 107—MENSCHEN, 238—WEITERE werden verletzt.[1]
20150911—19850000    —SEIT, Die Akte galt als verschollen.
20150911—20010000    —SEIT, ANDY—BURNHAM sitzt im Unterhaus und inszeniert sich als Durchschnittsbürger.
20150911—20060712    —IN—THE, INDIA, 12 suspected Islamic militants were convicted, bombings of 7—MUMBAI commuter trains that killed 188—PEOPLE and wounded MORE—THAN—800.
20150911—20150908    —TRAVELED, Boats carrying 21—INDIA—NATIONALS had been hit as they, across the Red Sea to THE—YEMEN—PORT of Mokha.
20150916             —CLAIMED, He also, to have video footage indicating the government knew 20010911             —THE, terrorist attacks would happen.
20150917—20020911    —J—IM, DER—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—AUF—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER und PENTAGON, Sein Sohn WARGERADE—ERST zur Welt gekommen.
20151008             #40 —HEUTE, 20010911             von borba - Russofobie und wie weiter....?
20151016             DIE—NEUEN Dokumente beweisen, wie sehr sich der DROHNEN—KRIEG verselbständigt hat, —JETZT,—CA—14—JAHRE—NACH—20010911             .
20151016             DIE—NEUEN Dokumente beweisen, wie sehr sich der DROHNEN—KRIEG verselbständigt hat, —JETZT,—CA—14—JAHRE—NACH—20010911         .
20151017—20010911    —ATTACKED, AL—QAEDA -- the same force that, us, is —NOW considered a "good guy"group.
20151105             Seine aggressive REAKTION—AUF—DEN 20010911             werde —HEUTE—NOCH, von vielen Menschen gutgeheißen.
20151105             [l] Lahme Ausrede des Tages: BUSH—SENIOR findet, CHENEY und RUMSFELD und co hätte seinen armen Sohn nach 20010911             —TOTAL falsch beraten!1!!
20151105—20010911    KRITIK—AN—20010911             —REAKTION, BUSH—SENIOR rechnet mit CHENEY und RUMSFELD ab
20151114—20010911    —NACH, Für mich fühlt sich dieser Moment ein bisschen so an wie, als ich vor dem Fernseher saß und mir dachte, dass AB—JETZT die Dinge anders werden würden, weil Zurückhaltung und humanistische Werte weniger Gewicht haben würden.
20151114—20010911    —NACH, Selbst bei BUSH 20010911—    —UND, stellt sich —JETZT raus, dass —DER—JAHRE—LANG recht konkrete und apokalyptische Warnungen ignoriert hat, und —ERST hat er den ganzen PATRIOT—ACT—SCHEIß gemacht.
20151115             Oder BEGANN dieser KRIEG doch 20010911             AM,?
20151115—20010911    —ON, Let this sink in...sold
20151116             [l] Ich weiß nicht, ob ihr euch daran erinnert, dass 20010911             —AM—MORGEN—DES, mehrere MILITÄR—ÜBUNGEN liefen, die unter anderem die Flugsicherheit und Luftabwehr betrafen.
20151117             2. question: Isn't this SORT—OF—THING awfully REMINISCENT—OF—THE—MEDIA—MISINFORMATION—CAMPAIGN which convinced so MUCH—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC that SADDAM did 20010911             ?
20151123—20010911    —CONDUCTED, It is WELL—KNOWN that NORAD was, 1—TEST called VIGILANT—GUARDIAN.
20151124—20010911    —ON, WHATREALLYHAPPENED—OPENING sentence is very telling: "1—MOSSAD surveillance —TEAM made quite 1—PUBLIC spectacle of themselves ".—SINCE—WHEN do Mossad agents go —AROUND making 1—SPECTACLE of themselves?
20151126             Doch für TRUMP ist das egal, er legte sogar noch mehrmals nach und behauptet: "Ich habe es gesehen".
20151126             —SEIT, den ANSCHLÄGEN—VON—PARIS hetzt DER—USA—REPUBLIKANER am liebsten gegen Muslime: "Abertausende"hätten 20010911             —AM, von NEW—JERSEY aus den Einsturz der Twin Towers "bejubelt"- ein altes, widerlegtes islamophobes Märchen.
20151212             It is 1—ASTONISHING admission that goes to THE—HEART—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—OF—MUSLIM communities in AMERICA in —THE—YEARS—AFTER—20010911             .—WHILE police and FBI leaders have insisted they are acting to defend AMERICA FROM 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK, CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUPS have insisted they have repeatedly gone too far and treated 1—ENTIRE—RELIGIOUS—GROUP as suspicious.
20160311             [l] Wisst ihr, wer an 20010911             Schuld war?
20160330—20010911    —SEIT, ist dies auch das Mantra von —POLITIK und Behörden.
20160331             [50] WASHINGTON—POST, 19390911             , SEITE—19.
20160413             Well, yes it's kind of hard to say 20010911             —2001 was 1—SPECIFCIALLY—JEWISH—PLOT—WHEN SAUDI—ARABIA is in alliance with ISRAEL, its media trying to frame IRAN for it, and THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and ISRAEL both complicit in hiding and diverting from THE—TRUTH.
20160419             DONALD—TRUMP—FAUXPAS: 20010911             oder 7/11, ist doch egal
20160419             [l] Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen 20010911             und 7/11?
20160512—20010911    [l] Wenn man AN und DIE—JUSTIZ IN—DEN—USA denkt, dann ist der wichtigste Name der von KHALID—SCHEICH—MOHAMMED.
20160518             TERROR, USA—SENAT will 20010911             —KLAGEN gegen SAUDI—ARABIEN zulassen
20160518             EINIGE—ANGEHÖRIGE der 20010911             —OPFER werfen SAUDI—ARABIEN 1—VERWICKLUNG vor.
20160518—20010911    —GESTIMMT, DER—USA—SENAT hat für 1—GESETZ—ENTWURF, der Klagen wegen der Anschläge VOM, gegen SAUDI—ARABIEN ermöglicht.
20160524             In the popular imagination, at least for 1—WHILE, SADDAM—HUSSEIN ordered 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS.
20160610—20200911    —ON, Hubbard began serving his prison sentence.
20160617             TRAUER—FEIER—IN—NEW—YORK: Feuerwehrmann wird —15—JAHRE—NACH—20010911              bestattet
20160617—20010911    —NACH, Trauerfeier in NEW—YORK: Feuerwehrmann wird —15—JAHRE bestattet
20160627             MINDEST—LOHN: Ver.DI—CHEF—KRITISIERT—BLOCKADE—HALTUNG—DER—ARBEITGEBER (Wirtschaft, 20010911             )
20160706             Beides erfundene Gründe, wie die meisten             —DAMALS—SCHON, wussten.
20160706             Das genau das, was Sie oben schreiben, passieren würde, hätte JEDER—KENNER—DER—IRAKISCHEN—VERHÄLTNISSE den politischen Entscheidungsträgern um BUSH, CHENEY und RUMSFELD vorher sagen können.
20160706             Und ich bin sicher, dass es kundige CIA—ANALYSTEN ebenso wussten und auch mitgeteilt haben.
20160706             Nur waren diese Erkenntnisse im obersten Entscheidungsgremium weder erwünscht noch hilfreich.
20160706             Die gesamte KRIEGS—VORBEREITUNG basierte auf Lügen.
20160706             AUßEN—MINISTER—POWELL hat es später den ?Schandfleck seiner Karriere?
20160706             genannt.
20160706             Wer das —DAMALS, publik machte, lebte gefährlich.
20160706             Erinnern Sie sich noch an Valerie Plame?
20160706             Man versuchte auf Gedeih und Verderb 1.VERBINDUNG—ZWISCHEN—20010911              und IRAQ HERZUSTELLEN—NICHTS wahr zu laecherlich.
20160706             Bliar hat in seiner Rede —HEUTE wieder 1—BOGEN zwischen 20010911             und IRAQ gespannt.
20160706             —EINMARSCHIERT waren DIE—AMERIKANER und ihre Verbündeten ganz offiziell nicht, um IRAKer zu "befreien", sondern um SADDAM—HUSSEIN wegen des angeblichen BESITZ—VON—MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN und seiner UNTERSTÜTZUNG—FÜR—DIE Attentate 20010911             —VOM, zu bestrafen.
20160708—20010911    —SEIT, Es war das schlimmste POLIZEI—MASSAKER
20160715             —RELEASED, THE—USA, once top secret pages from a 20030000             congressional report into the 20010911             —ATTACKS that questioned whether Saudis, who were in contact with hijackers, knew what they were planning.
20160723             1—INSZENIERUNG wie bei 20010911             DAS Wort AMOK—LAUF wird im vorauseilenden Gehorsam vermieden, genauso wie 1.objektive BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG über die wahren Vorkommnisse bei den angeblichen ANTI—IS 1ätzen.
20160820—20011000    —IN—THE, Admittedly, the timing could not have been worse, with the article appearing EDITION—OF—THE—MAGAZINE, released in the immediate aftermath of 20010911             —THE attacks, but t
20160821             DIE—TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —DES, IN—DEN—USA und
20160823             —AFTER CLINTON, it took the combined EFFORTS—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT, 20010911             AND THE—IRAQ war to get and keep 1—REPUBLICAN in THE—OVAL—OFFICE.
20160825160911       IE 11.0—WIN7 1440x900 UNITED—STATES—FLAG—S—LOUIS,
20160904             [l] OBAMA verlängert dann mal den AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND wegen 20010911             um ein weiteres —JAHR.
20160904             EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL : TÜRKEI bei Visafreiheit zu Zugeständnissen bereit (Politik, 20010911             )
20160909             USA: REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS stimmt 20010911             —KLAGEN gegen SAUDI—ARABIEN zu
20160909             Übrigens liegt OBAMA gerade 1—GESETZ—ENTWURF vor, damit DIE—FAMILIEN der 20010911             —OPFER SAUDI—ARABIEN verklagen können.
20160909             THE—USA—CONGRESS sent USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA 1—BIPARTISAN bill that would allow families of 20160911             victims to sue the government of SAUDI—ARABIA.
20160910             AMERICA could have had no better ally on 20010911             —THAN RUSSIA and PUTIN".
20160910—20010911    1—JOURNALIST hat —JETZT die dramatischen —STUNDEN in DER—PRÄSIDENTEN—MASCHINE rekonstruiert.
20160910—20010911    —BISLANG, darüber war wenig bekannt.
20160910—20010911    Und
20160910—20010911    AUTOR—GARRETT—M—GRAFF hat DIE—GESCHEHNISSE anhand der GESPRÄCHS—PROTOKOLLE rekonstruiert.
20160910—20010911    Aus den Erinnerungen dieser Begleiter entsteht ein genauso gespenstisches wie lebendiges Bild —JENER—STUNDEN.
20160910—20010911    DIE—RIEGE derjenigen, die sich von AUTOR—GRAFF haben interviewen lassen, ist beeindruckend.
20160910—20010911    - STABS—CHEF—ANDY—CARD,
20160910—20010911    sein VIZE—KARL—ROWE,
20160910—20010911    Pressesprecher ARI—FLEISCHER
20160910—20010911    - standen dem Journalisten die Protagonisten dieses seltsamen FLUGE—REDE und Antwort.
20160910—20010911    —BIS—JETZT, war 1—DER wenig ausgeleuchteten Aspekte dieses Tages, der DIE—WELT veränderte, wo sich BUSH dann aufhielt,
20160910—20010911    DAS—USA—MAGAZIN—POLITICO hat —DIE—STUNDEN—NACH—DEN ATTACKEN—AUF—DIE Twin Towers, wie DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT sie fern NEW—YORKS erlebte, minutiös nachgezeichnet.
20160910—20010911    —VOM—F—16—KAMPF—JET—PILOTEN, der die AIR—FORCE—1—ESKORTIERTE, —BIS hin zum innersten Zirkel der MACHT
20160910—20010911    füllen so Stück für Stück, Erinnerung für Erinnerung, 1—DER letzten Lücken in der GESCHICHTS—SCHREIBUNG dieses Ereignisses.
20160910—20010911    —VOR—ALLEM diese hochrangigen Gesprächspartner ermöglichen durch ihre Erinnerungen auch 1—GENAUEREN Blick darauf, was den Präsidenten —IN—JENEN—STUNDEN bewegte.
20160910—20010911    —ON, AMERICA could have had no better ally THAN RUSSIA and PUTIN".
20160911             [l] Krass: In NORTH—DAKOTA ist 1—HAFTBEFEHL auf Amy Goodman ausgestellt worden.
20160911             Das ist die Produzentin von Democracy —NOW, 1.sehr bekannte Journalistin und geradezu 1.Institution.
20160911             Sie hatte vor Ort über PROTESTE—GEGEN—EINEN Pipelinebau berichtet.
20160911             Ihr wird "criminal trespassing"vorgeworfen, das ist wohl DAS—USA—ÄQUIVALENT von "Schwerer Landfriedensbruch"und hüben wie drüben der STANDARD—BULLSHIT—VORWURF—DES—UNTERDRÜCKUNGS—STAATES gegen unbescholtene Bürger.
20160911             —GEMACHT, Denn wenn sie irgendwas, hätten, das man ihnen vorwerfen könnte, würde man sie wegen WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—DIE—STAATS—GEWALT oder Körperverletzung oder so zu belangen versuchen.
20160911             [l] Stellt euch die Überraschung der POLIZEI vor, als sie bei 1—HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG beim —CHEF—DER—ANTIKORRUPTIONS—BEHÖRDE umgerechnet 120.000.000 $ in BAR—GELD finden!
20160911             Bonus: In RUSSLAND.
20160911             —BERICHTET, Punchline: Das, RT.
20160911             The double —STANDARD for honesty.
20160911             —ATTENDED, Daly, many 20010911             funerals and memorial services in that period and never saw TRUMP -- and never heard of TRUMP attending ANY—OTHER—FUNERALS.
20160911             Obviously, TRUMP—STATEMENT about "HUNDREDS—OF—FRIENDS"is questionable -- unless his definition of "friend"differs from THE—USUAL.
20160911             No Democrat would be permitted to tell such 1—FIB.
20160911             —PERMITTED, But Republicans are.
20160911             How can we reverse this double standard?
20160911             the bizarre beliefs of 1—HIGHLY motivated, ROCK—SOLID voting bloc of between 40—MILLION and 70—MILLION—AMERICA—VOTERS who believe that
20160911             —ZUKUNFT—DER—G20: 20—MÄCHTE sind 15—ZU viel
20160911             BREXIT—BRITEN erwägen Arbeitsvisa für EU—BÜRGER
20160911             Zuwanderungsdebatte: KARDINAL nennt CSU—PLÄNE unsinnig
20160911             Kreislaufprobleme: HILLARY—CLINTON bricht Auftritt bei 20010911             —FEIER ab
20160911             KOALITIONS—GIPFEL: Sie sprachen über alles - nur nicht über FLÜCHTLINGE
20160911             —VOM—RADIKALEN zum Realisten: DER—NEUE TSIPRAS
20160911             Südchinesisches Meer: RUSSEN und Chinesen starten MILITÄRmanöver
20160911—20010911    —IN—THE, In the clip embedded above, MICHAEL—DALY—OF—THE—DAILY—BEAST examines TRUMP—CLAIM that he lost "HUNDREDS—OF—FRIENDS attacks.
20160911—20010911    15. JAHRES—TAG—VON—20010911             : LET—GO shopping
20160911—20010911    Gedenken an, 1—LAND in Trauer
20160911—20010911    Gedenkfeier, Wie der Schwächeanfall CLINTON schaden kann
20160913             Zudem vertrat WOOLSEY die Position, dass IRAKs MACHT—HABER SADDAM—HUSSEIN in DIE—ANSCHLÄGE vom 20010911             verwickelt gewesen sei.
20160922             —KAMPF—GEGEN—POPULISMUS: Darum sollte GESCHICHTE Hauptfach werden (Leben und Lernen, 20010911             )
20160923             —VETOED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—BILL that would allow families of 20160911             victims to sue the government of SAUDI—ARABIA for the kingdom's alleged BACKING—OF—THE—TERRORISTS who killed nearly 3,000—PEOPLE.
20160924             —SEIT—EIN—PAAR—MONATEN blubbert ja IN—DEN—USA 1—STREIT darüber, ob die 20010911             —OPFER SAUDI—ARABIEN verklagen können sollten oder nicht.
20160928             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE and Senate, decisively to override USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA—VETO and allow families of 20010911             —THE, victims to sue SAUDI—ARABIA in USA—COURTS for its alleged backing of the attackers.
20160930             DAS—GESETZ soll es Angehörigen der Opfer ermöglichen, Entschädigungsklagen gegen andere STAATEN einzureichen.
20160930             —GERICHTET, Es ist vor allem gegen SAUDI—ARABIEN : Aus dem erzkonservativen KÖNIG—REICH stammten 15—DER 19—ATTENTÄTER 20010911             —VOM.
20160930             —NACH, USA—VOTUM zum 20010911             —GESETZ: SAUDI—ARABIEN WARNT—VOR—"katastrophalen Folgen"
20161003             [l] Die 20010911             —GESETZ—GESCHICHTE eskaliert gerade lustig weiter IN—DEN—USA.
20161003             Wo wir gerade bei 20010911             UND Wiedergutmachung waren:
20161003             What escapes the minds of many is that 20010911             VICTIMS have ALREADY had their take to court, and 1—FUND was established based on the rulings.
20161015             —CONDUCTED, City Controller SCOTT—STRINGER, 1—REVIEW—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF previously sealed records of THE—2—MAIN 20010911             charities at THE—REQUEST—OF—THE—DAILY—NEWS, and found that DONALD—TRUMP and his charity hadn't donated 1—DIME in the months —AFTER—20010911              20181015             Motassadeq hat immer bestritten, daß er Teil des tödlichen 20010911             —PLANS war.
20161113             Stoltenberg erinnerte außerdem daran, dass der einzige Bündnisfall der GESCHICHTE nach 1—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—USA ausgerufen wurde - —NACH—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN 20010911             —VOM.
20161113             MEHR—ALS—1000—EUROPÄISCHE Soldaten hätten dafür in AFGHANISTAN mit dem Leben bezahlt.
20161115             This is the greatest OUTPOURING—OF—SUPPORT for THE—ACLU in our NEARLY—100—YEAR—HISTORY, greater than THE—DAYS—AFTER—20010911             .ALL—OF—THIS support will be put to good use protecting the rights of all Americans.
20161115—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Video über Muslime IN—DEN—USA: " war es nicht mehr so schlimm wie —JETZT"
20161115—20010911    —SEIT—DEM, Video über Muslime IN—DEN—USA: " war es nicht mehr so schlimm wie —JETZT" 20:45)
20161209111014       Unknown CANADA Flag Montréal, QUEBEC, CANADA Brandprotect ( Label IP Address Unknown (No referring link)
20161222             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION said it is officially scrapping 1—POST—20010911              requirement for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries to register with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20170201             Hey, wie wäre es mit 20010911             oder WMD als Ausrede?
20170206             —PLEADED, FLORIDA, EX—CONVICT JOSEPH—SCHREIBER, —32—JAHRE—ALT, no contest to torching the Islamic Center of FORT—PIERCE last 20170911             .
20170326             IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK said it will appeal LUXEMBOURG—DECISION to freeze $1.6—BILLION of its assets, which THE—USA is claiming as compensation for victims of 20010911             —THE attacks.
20170401             [l] Unter den 20010911             —VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN war ja immer eines der Hauptmotive, daß der Einschlag im PENTAGON irgendwie nicht so aussah, wie man sich sowas vorstellen würde, und DAS—PENTAGON hat ja auch erstmal die meisten Bilder beschlagnahmt und GEHEIM gehalten.
20170410             —ERST USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—SEIN Sohn 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN noch ÜBER—TREFFEN würde.
20170410             —ERST sein Sohn —NACH—DEN 20010911             —ANSCHLÄGEN noch ÜBER—TREFFEN würde.
20170522             —GEHÖRT, Und er hat sogar —SCHON, dass DIE—SAUDIS hinter 20010911             stecken.
20170715—20010911    —ON, CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: 'We Blew Up BUILDING—WTC—7 '
20170802             —BELIEVED, THE—GERMANY—MAN is, to have provided logistical support to THE—HAMBURG—BASED 20170911             hijackers.
20170824—20170911    —RELEASED, Mehman Aliyev was, but 1—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—ALLEGATIONS continued.
20170911             —SEIT, PUTSCH—VERSUCH: Hunderte TÜRKISCHE—AMTSTRÄGER beantragten Asyl in DEUTSCHLAND
20170911             ARBEITS—MARKT: "Vollbeschäftigung so realistisch wie nie"
20170911             Verfolgung der Rohingya: UNO wirft Burma ethnische Säuberung vor
20170911             Investitionsstopp: GRIECHENLANDs Goldtraum droht zu platzen
20170911             EUROPA: Wie warme —WINTER Braunbären quälten
20170911             "Faktische Nichterreichbarkeit": Bundesnetzagentur tadelt O2 wegen schlechter Hotline
20170911             Trotz —KONFLIKT—MIT—DER EU: TÜRKEI—WIRTSCHAFT boomt
20170911             BGH—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Künftig Schmerzensgeld nach POLIZEIirrtum möglich
20170911             Verzicht von 19530000             VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIG: Gutachten bestätigt POLNISCHE—FORDERUNG nach Reparationen von DEUTSCHLAND
20170911             Social Bots AUF—TWITTER: CSU wirft Meinungsroboter aus der Gefolgschaft
20170911             Jagd auf JOSEF—MENGELE: "Dus is er!
20170911             Mir haben ihm gefunen, dem kleine Dreck!"
20170911             Es kam —DAMALS, anders.
20170911             DIE—ZENTRALE in ISRAEL gab keine Erlaubnis für den Zugriff: Man könne nichts tun, weitere Nachforschungen in der Nähe der Farm sollten unterbleiben, schreibt Bergman in der ISRAELISCHEN—TAGES—ZEITUNG "Yedioth Ahronoth".
20170911             Für die beteiligten Agenten in SÜD—AMERIKA 1.Enttäuschung.
20170911             ÄGYPTEN war —DAMALS, Hauptfeind ISRAELs;
20170911             es wurde bekannt, dass DEUTSCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER für die Ägypter an der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—KURZSTRECKENRAKETEN arbeiteten.
20170911             —GEMACHT, Sie sollten ausfindig, und getötet werden.
20170911             ARGENTINIEN, lebte MENGELE als Geschäftsmann
20170911             DIE—DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT vor Ort unternahm nichts gegen ihn.
20170911             Und stellte ihm, als er sich von seiner 1. Frau scheiden ließ, sogar DIE—URKUNDE aus - unter seinem echten Namen.
20170911             —ERST als MENACHEM Begin 19770000             PREMIER—MINISTER wurde, kümmerte sich der Mossad wieder stärker um den Fall MENGELE.
20170911             Mengeles Sohn Rolf in BERLIN.
20170911             Der 19830316             GEMEINSAME—GEBURTS—TAG—VON—VATER und Sohn, sollte zum Schlüsseldatum werden.
20170911             [l] Die Preise pro MWh für Windfarmen sind —JETZT bei 60% von ATOM—ENERGIE in UK.
20170911             Und das ist so, obwohl bei der NUKLEAR—OPTION die Entsorgungskosten nicht eingepreist sind sondern separat auf den STEUER—ZAHLER zukommen.
20170911             Auf der anderen Seite gibt es Subventionen für die Windfarm.
20170911             —GERECHNET, Aber mit so niedrigen Preisen hatte niemand.
20170911             [l] Hey, das MAUT—SYSTEM war teuer und hat unsere GRUND—RECHTE verletzt, aber wenigstens funktioniert es halbwegs, oder?
20170911             —NUN, äh, nein.
20170911             LAUT—INFORMATIONEN der SÜDDEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG fließen privaten Autobahnbetreibern —SEIT fast —2—JAHREN zu hohe EINNAHMEN aus der LKW—MAUT zu.
20170911             Dem Bundeshaushalt sind den Angaben aus Regierungskreisen zufolge —BEREITS Mittel in zweistelliger Millionenhöhe entgangen, weil das ABRECHNUNGS—SYSTEM nicht zwischen kleinen 7,5-Tonnen—, großen 12—TONNEN—LKW unterscheiden kann.
20170911             [l] Gute Laune? Da kann ich abhelfen!
20170911             —GEBRACHT, DIE—PARTEI, die uns die Agenda 20100000             , hat, vom Arbeitsamt verhängte ZWANGS—ARBEIT und Gängelei der Schwächsten der GESELLSCHAFT, DIE—PARTEI, die es gleichzeitig IMMER—NOCH wagt, im WAHL—KAMPF soziale Gerechtigkeit zu versprechen, DIESE Partei hat DIE STIRN, uns —JETZT zu erzählen, die AfD sei verfassungsfeindlich?!
20170911             Der Mann, der unser Zeitalter der Aufklärung und Presse—, MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT mit seinem "NETZ—WERK—DURCH—SETZUNGS—GESETZ"in ein dunkles Zeitalter nicht nur der INTERNET—ZENSUR, sondern der privatisierten INTERNET—ZENSUR zurückwerfen will.
20170911             DER erzählt uns —JETZT hier 1—VOM Pferd, wie verfassungsfeindlich die AfD ist?
20170911             Ich bin ja kein Freund der AfD, aber die mussten —BISHER, noch nicht wegen ihrer VERFASSUNGS—FEINDLICHKEIT vom VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT zurückgepfiffen werden.
20170911             Ganz im Gegenteil zu den honorigen "VERFASSUNGS—BEWAHRERN"von CDU und SPD.
20170911             Update: Oh, und:
20170911             —VOR, den freiheitlichen BÜRGER—RECHTEN, die sich aus dem Grundgesetz ergeben, hat die AfD wenig Respekt.
20170911             Ihre Forderung, dass Untersuchungshaft gegen VERDÄCHTIGE auch ohne Vorliegen von Haftgründen verhängt werden soll, verstößt GEGEN—DIE—VERFASSUNGSMÄßIGE Unschuldsvermutung und DAS—RECHTSSTAATLICHE Verhältnismäßigkeitsprinzip.
20170911             Ja! Der Mann mit der VORRATS—DATEN—SPEICHERUNG wirft —JETZT anderen vor, DIE—UNSCHULD—VERMUTUNG und das Verhältnismäßigkeitsprinzip zu untergraben!
20170911             Update: Auch 1—HINWEIS auf die unendliche Haft in BAYERN passt an dieser Stelle gut.
20170911             [l] Was für 1—GLÜCK, dass wir es nur mit 1—WAFFEN—NARREN zu tun haben, nicht etwa mit 1—ISLAMISTEN!
20170911             Ach komm, des REICH—BÜRGER, die wollen doch bloß spielen!
20170911             Da muss man nicht mit SEK die Tür eintreten und die erstmal —5—JAHRE in SICHERHEITS—VERWAHRUNG nehmen!
20170911             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES:
20170911             FLORIDA sheriff's office warns people not to shoot at Hurricane Irma
20170911             News aus BOSTON: Warum DEMOKRATEN den Begriff "KLIMA—WANDEL"meiden
20170911             Weltkriegsreparationen: Muss DEUTSCHLAND —JETZT MILLIARDEN an POLEN zahlen?
20170911             KEITH—SCHILLER: TRUMPs Türsteher verlässt DAS—WEIßE—HAUS
20170911             UNO—RESOLUTION: USA legen abgeschwächten Sanktionskatalog zu NORD—KOREA vor
20170911             MONCHIQUE - BARCELONA: 100.000e demonstrieren für Unabhängigkeit
20170911             Hurrikan Irma richtet großflächig Schäden in FLORIDA an.
20170911             1—GROUP—OF—GERMANY—WOMEN—ORGANIZATIONS wrote to CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL demanding more support for their goals of equal participation, equal pay and better monitoring of gender policies —AFTER 20170924             —THE election.
20170911—20170605    —IMPOSED, QATAR has been hit by 1—LAND and air embargo, by SAUDI—ARABIA and its allies, who cut ties with DOHA accusing it of backing extremists.
20170911—20170909    06:12 37,32 -8,49 11 1,8 E MONCHIQUE
20170911—20170911    18:09 37,20 -8,60 21 3,6 NW PORTIMÃO IV PORTIMÃO Consultar mais informação, shakemap evento
20170913—20170911    —ON, 1—COMMITTEE—OF—SENIOR—OFFICIALS declared that she was the only candidate eligible to become PRESIDENT.
20170929—20170911    —ON, Hun SEN—RULING CAMBODIA—PEOPLE—PARTY (CPP) has 1—SLIM—MAJORITY in the 123-member PARLIAMENT, which voted to allow the prosecution of Kem Sokha in 1—VOTE boycotted by opposition members.
20171027—20170911    —ON, The late THE—PHILIPPINES—DICTATOR—FERDINAND—MARCOS was commemorated with 1—NATIONAL stamp to mark the 100. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS—BIRTH, as PART—OF—1—SERIES—OF—STAMPS marking presidents' 100. birthdays.
20171030—20170911    —IN—THE, Police in EAST—INDONESIA killed 2 suspected militants believed to have been involved shooting of 2—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICERS who had —JUST taken their children to school in Bima.
20171101             —INCLUDED, These, a 19-page AL—QAIDA report in Arabic that appears to bolster USA—CLAIMS that IRAN supported the extremist network leading up to 20170911             —THE terror attacks.
20180503             Mit Freunden wie Rudi "20010911             "GIULIANI braucht man keine Feinde mehr ?
20180521             Hell, there are people out there who can't recall the date —WHEN 20010911             happened.
20180527             KENNEDY—ARTICLE, he explains how long —BEFORE 20030000             —THE—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ by THE—USA (which was justified 20010911             —BY), THE—USA—GOVERNMENT triggered the Sunni uprising which has —NOW become THE—'ISLAM—STATE.' "THE—CIA had nurtured violent Jihadism as 1—COLD—WAR—WEAPON and freighted USA/SYRIA—RELATIONSHIPS with toxic baggage," explains Kennedy.
20180528             Die FESTUNG—DER—NEW—YORKER Fed umfasst 1—GANZEN Straßenblock, 19—ETAGEN, davon 5—UNTERIRDISCHE.
20180528             Der tiefste Keller, den man über 1—ENGEN Aufzug erreicht, erinnert an 1—ATOM—BUNKER—DER—BETONBODEN verschluckt jeden Laut, er ruht auf dem Grundstein, 15—METER unter dem Meeresspiegel.
20180628—20010911    —NACH, [l] DIE—BRITEN versuchen gerade 1.zaghafte Aufklärung ihres Beitrags zur CIA—FOLTER von Menschen
20180628—20010911    —NACH, [l] DIE—BRITEN versuchen gerade 1.zaghafte Aufklärung ihres Beitrags zur CIA—FOLTER von Menschen Und es sieht nicht gut aus.
20180628—20010911    —ON, 1—UK—COMMITTEE—OF—LAWMAKERS reported that UK—SPIES were complicit in THE—MISTREATMENT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF suspected militants by THE—USA and involved in DOZENS—OF—CASES—OF—THEIR—ILLEGAL—TRANSFER —FOLLOWING the attacks in THE—USA.
20180710             Helfer von 20010911             : Das LEIDEN hat kein Ende
20180711             DONALD—TRUMP solle bei seinem TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN daran denken, wie sehr EUROPA —NACH—DEN 20010911             —TERROR—ANSCHLÄGEN an der Seite der USA gestanden habe, mahnte EU—RATS—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TUSK.
20180802             Auch behauptete er, dass der AMOK—LAUF an der SANDY—HOOK—HIGH—SCHOOL—VON—SCHAUSPIELERN inszeniert worden oder dass DER—KLIMA—WANDEL 1—MYTHOS sei.
20180802—20010911    —VERBREITET, ALEX—JONES hatte —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT unter anderem, daß DIE—USA—REGIERUNG an den Anschlägen, in NEW—YORK beteiligt gewesen sei.
20180902             MARKT—BEHERRSCHUNG, Altmaier will INTERNET—KONZERNE mit neuem Kartellrecht bremsen (Wirtschaft, 20010911             )
20180909             —REFUSED, VIETNAM, entry to THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION for Human Rights, Debbie Stothard, to attend the World Economic Forum on ASEAN to be held in the country on 20180911—20130911 .
20180911             —BEFÜRCHTET, Bootsflüchtlinge: MEHR—ALS—100 TOTE—BEI—UNGLÜCK im MITTELMEER
20180911             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN: DEUTSCHE—POLITIKER offen für Beteiligung an MILITÄR—SCHLAG
20180911             ATACAMA—GRABEN im Pazifik: Unbemanntes U—BOOT spürt neue TIEFSEE—FISCHARTEN auf
20180911             Knappes Angebot: Preise für Salatgurken steigen um 130 %
20180911             Studie: 175—MEXIKANISCHE—POLITIKER innerhalb eines Jahres ermordet
20180911             Neues Enthüllungsbuch über TRUMP: "Alles ist verrückt hier"
20180911             —DEMONSTRIERT, Gemeinsames MILITÄRmanöver: PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN, MACHT mit CHINA
20180911             Demos zum katalanischen Nationalfeiertag: Die Spalter sind gespalten
20180911             "Wille Gottes": Sekte besetzt Fußballstadion in LIMA
20180911             KRAWALLE—IN—CHEMNITZ: Niedersachsens INNEN—MINISTER—WIRFT—MAASSEN "politische Einflussnahme" vor
20180911             DDR—DISSIDENT zu CHEMNITZ: "In der Regierung sitzen Brandstifter"
20180911             —NACH EUGH—URTEIL: FACEBOOK nimmt Seitenbetreiber in die Pflicht
20180911             Wichtige Abstimmung im EU—PARLAMENT: Ab —HEUTE geht es um DIE—ZUKUNFT des Netzes
20180911             KLIMA—POLITIK: TRUMP lockert Auflagen für Öl- und Gasgiganten
20180911             Trockenheit: K+S unterbricht Produktion in zweitem Werk
20180911             UNO—BERICHT: Weltweit hungern 821—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN
20180911             GRUNDWERTE—ABSTIMMUNG im EU—PARLAMENT: In Orbáns Falle
20180911             RUSSLAND—PUTINS EX—BODYGUARD will "Kotelett" aus Nawalny machen
20180911             Zeitzeugen des 20010911: —TAG—DES—HORRORS
20180911             Wintereinbruch in SÜD—AFRIKA: Giraffen im Schnee
20180911             —BERICHTET, VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ und AfD: Gauland, von 3—GESPRÄCHEN mit MAAßEN
20180911             REBELLEN in Idlib: Jeder gegen jeden - und ALLE—GEGEN—ASSAD
20180911             SICHERHEITS—LÜCKE: Hacker klonen TESLA—AUTOSCHLÜSSEL in 1,—6—SEKUNDEN
20180911             —GEFUNDEN, ITALIEN—GOLD—SCHATZ unter leerem Theater
20180911             MACHT—KAMPF—UM—DIE "Cumhuriyet": DIE—REPUBLIK rückt nach rechts
20180911             Großmanöver Wostok: 300.000—RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN üben IM—OSTEN des Landes
20180911             VATIKAN: ERZ—BISCHOF—NENNT—MISSBRAUCHSSKANDALE 20010911             der Kirche
20180911             Schokoladenhersteller: Cadbury hortet Zutaten wegen BREXIT
20180911             —ZWANGSPENSIONIERT, UM—BAU der Justiz: 7—WEITERE oberste RICHTER—IN—POLEN
20180911             REKORD—EINSATZ: Armee und BUNDES—POLIZEI müssen öfter gegen WALD—BRÄNDE ran
20180911             BARCELONA: 100.000e Katalanen demonstrieren für Unabhängigkeit
20180911             HURRIKAN—FLORENCE[FLORENZ]" in USA: 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN sollen sich in Sicherheit bringen
20180911             Bizarre Gespräche zwischen CLINTON und Jelzin: "Gib EUROPA an RUSSLAND"
20180911—20180913    —ORDERED, SOUTH—CAROLINA GOVERNOR—HENRY—MCMASTER, as many as 1—MILLION—COASTAL—RESIDENTS to leave their homes ahead of the projected arrival of Hurricane FLORENCE.
20181005             DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE (Esa) veröffentlichte —NUN ein eindrucksvolles Bild 20140911             —VOM.
20181005—20140911    —VOM, DIE—EUROPÄISCHE—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE (Esa) veröffentlichte —NUN ein eindrucksvolles Bild.
20181103             —BUSTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 1—CRIME ring that cloned credit cards and was headed by 1—ALGERIA—MAN, —49—JAHRE—ALT man who had previously been found GUILTY—OF—HELPING finance 20010911             —THE attacks.
20190227             Fall Mounir AL—MOTTASSADEQ: 1—BÜNDEL Cash für den 20010911             —TERROR—HELFER
20190227             Allen voran die Angehörigen der 20010911             —OPFER dürften an einem solchen Verfahren interessiert sein.
20190523             Lindh war der 1. USA—AMERIKANER, der in dem von den USA —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGEN 20010911             —VOM, ausgerufenen "KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN Terror" gefangen genommen wurde.
20190525             Daher —JETZT DROHNEN—VORWÄRTSSELBST—VERTEIDIGUNG—GEGEN—SYRIEN, denn da kamen 0—DER 20010911             —TERRORISTEN her.
20190601             —STREIT—UM—EU—SPITZENÄMTER: Übler Rückfall (SPIEGEL+, 20010911             )
20190612             —UMGANG—MIT, 20010911             —ERSTHELFERN: Wie JON—STEWART—USA—ABGEORDNETEN ins Gewissen redete
20190728             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said DAN—COATS, 1—LONG—TIME fixture of the Republican intelligence establishment, would be standing down as DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE, 1—POSITION created in THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—ATTACKS—OF—20010911              to coordinate THE—17—USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20190801             —NACH den Anschlägen 20010911             —VOM, und der folgenden USA—GEFÜHRTEN Militäroperation in AFGHANISTAN war er mit Familienangehören nach IRAN geflüchtet.
20190818             Ich habe gerade 20010911             —DEJAVU.
20190818—20010911    —DEJAVU, Ich habe gerade.
20190826—20190911    —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—MARSHALS—SERVICE in ARIZONA, that Blane and SUSAN—BARKSDALE were in custody but provided no details.
20190902—20190911    —ON, divers recovered the body of the last missing victim.
20190907             —CALLED, He " off" the talks and asserted that 1 planned secret meeting between him and TALIBAN leaders at Camp David, set for 20190908             —JUST days —BEFORE 20010911             —THE anniversary, is —NOW canceled.
20190910             Apropos 20010911             : Die "20010911             —TRIBUTE Lights" in NEW—YORK, 2—GROßE Scheinwerfer, die in den Himmel strahlen, verwirren offenbar Vögel auf ihrer Migration.
20190910             Trump hatte pünktlich zum 20010911             —JUBILÄUM DIE—TALIBAN zu Gesprächen in Camp David eingeladen.
20190911             BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON lost 1—SCOTLAND—COURT ruling on THE—SUSPENSION—OF—PARLIAMENT, throwing the deadlocked UK—POLITICAL—SYSTEM into even greater confusion ahead of 20191031             —THE—BREXIT date.
20190911             Sohn eines NS—VERBRECHERS über AFD—RHETORIK: Da spricht ja mein Vater!
20190911             Forschung an neuen Batterien: 1—AKKU aus Apfelschalen
20190911             NORDKOREA: Diktator Kim überwachte Test von "supergroßem" Raketensystem
20190911             ISRAEL: Netanyahu will bei Wahlsieg Jordantal annektieren - und erntet heftige Kritik
20190911             —NACH ONLINE—ANGRIFF: Wikipedia erhält Millionenspende für IT—SICHERHEIT
20190911             Die USA zogen 20170000             einen Topspion aus RUSSLAND ab, meldete —AM—MONTAG zuerst CNN.
20190911             Dem Bericht zufolge beschloss man nach einem Treffen von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP mit dem RUSSISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow und dem damaligen RUSSISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER—SERGEJ—KISLJAK —IM—MAI, den Agenten aus RUSSLAND abzuziehen und in Sicherheit zu bringen.
20190911             beschloss man - man
20190911             nach einem Treffen von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP mit dem RUSSISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow und dem damaligen RUSSISCHEN—BOTSCHAFTER—SERGEJ—KISLJAK —IM—MAI,
20190911             den Agenten aus RUSSLAND abzuziehen und in Sicherheit zu bringen
20190911             Grund dafür war offenbar, dass Trump dem RUSSISCHEN—CHEFDIPLOMATEN streng geheime Informationen über die Terrormiliz "ISLAM—STAAT" (IS) weitergegeben hatte.
20190911             —GEHABT, Man habe damals Angst, Trump könne den Russen noch andere Geheimnisse verraten.
20190911             Tatsächlich tauschte er sich nur wenige —WOCHEN—SPÄTERR, auf dem G20-Treffen in HAMBURG, allein mit dem RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN aus.
20190911             —BERICHTET, Wie die "NEW—YORK Times", versorgte der Spion den USA—GEHEIMDIENST mit wichtigen Informationen über die RUSSISCHE—EINFLUSSNAHME auf die USA—WAHLEN 20160000             , unter anderem wohl auch darüber, dass PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN selbst involviert war.
20190911             Laut CNN—QUELLEN im Weißen Haus arbeitete der Russe MEHR—ALS —10—JAHRE für den AMERIKANISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENST.
20190911             —OPERIERT, Er habe in DER—KREML—VERWALTUNG auf höherer Ebene, dabei auch Kontakt zu Putin gehabt, aber nicht dem engsten Kreis des Präsidenten angehört.
20190911             Dennoch habe er Dokumente auf dem Schreibtisch des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN abfotografieren können.
20190911             Die "NEW—YORK Times" nennt den Agenten "eine wertvolle Quelle", die "über —JAHRZEHNTE" Informationen aus Moskau lieferte.
20190911             Mit fortschreitender Karriere des Mannes seien diese immer wertvoller geworden.
20190911             —NACH einem Bericht der Internetseite "Daily Storm" reiste S. —BEREITS 20170600             —IM mit seiner Ehefrau, ebenfalls Regierungsbeamtin, und seinen 3—KINDERN nach MONTENEGRO in den Urlaub, dafür benötigten sie kein Visum.
20190911             ort verschwanden die 5—SPURLOS.
20190911             Auch S., selbst wenn er durch die USA—BEHÖRDEN geschützt wird, dürfte gefährdet sein, wie zuletzt der GIFTANSCHLAG—AUF—DEN ehemaligen Doppelagenten Sergej Skripal in GROSSBRITANNIEN zeigte.
20190911             Das Weiße Haus und DIE—CIA widersprechen der Darstellung der USA—MEDIEN.
20190911             USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP sagt, er wisse nichts von dem Agenten.
20190911             —VERSUCHT, MOSKAU, man die Berichte als Erfindung abzutun, "Pulp Fiction" nannte Kremlsprecher Dmitrij Peskow AM—DIENSTAGDIE Veröffentlichungen.
20190911             Die Arbeit der Spionageabwehr in RUSSLAND funktioniere, betonte er.
20190911             Peskow bestätigte aber, dass S. in DER—KREML—VERWALTUNG tätig gewesen sei.
20190911             Er habe jedoch keine führende Position innegehabt und auch keinerlei Kontakt zu Putin.
20190911             S. sei vor 2—BIS—3—JAHREN entlassen worden.
20190911             Den Grund dafür nannte der Sprecher nicht.
20190911             WilhelmMeister —GESTERN, 21:20 Uhr - 4. Gespannt wäre ich
20190911             auf einen Artikel von SPON, wenn Rußland, pardon, natürlich Putin, einen Spion im Weißen Haus in der Nähe des Präsidenten plaziert hätte.
20190911             Das wäre 1—GESCHREI, Zeter und Mordio, ein weiterer Versuch der Einflußnahme und Destabilisierung usw usf.
20190911             Aber die friedliebenden USA dürfen das, da geht das für SPON glatt als vertrauensbildende Maßnahme durch.
20190911             Ich finde jedenfalls kein Wort der Kritik in obigem Artikel.
20190911             IRAK: Massenpanik unter Pilgern - mindestens 31—TOTE und 100—VERLETZTE - FOTO—REVOLUTIONÄR: ROBERT—FRANK ist tot
20190911             —ANALYSIERT, JP Morgan : So bewegen Trumps TWITTER—TIRADEN den Finanzmarkt
20190911             BREXIT—STUDIE: PARIS wird LONDON als wichtigsten EU—FINANZPLATZ beerben
20190911             Wegen PRÄSIDENTEN—BELEIDIGUNG : Grünenpolitiker in der TÜRKEI angeklagt
20190911             —VERBIETET, Immobilienkredite: BGH, Bankgebühr für Umschuldung
20190911             USA—REGIERUNG: Trump feuert Sicherheitsberater BOLTON
20190911             [l] BARCELONA hat sich das mit der Luftverschmutzung mal genau angeschaut und tut, was sich sonst niemand zu trauen scheint: Einfach mal ein paar Straßenblocks autofrei machen.
20190911             Und es stellt sich raus: Kommt super an bei der Bevölkerung.
20190911             —REDUZIERT, Senkt die Luftverschmutzung, Verkehrstote, erhöht die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung um —200—TAGE (wenn sie alle 503—GEPLANTEN "Superblocks" umwandeln, im Moment sind es nur ein paar Testblöcke).
20190911             [l] Netanjahus Wahlversprechen: Annexion des Jordantals.
20190911             Wow, Bibi! Nicht kleckern, klotzen!
20190911             [l] Trump feuert JOHN—BOLTON—GRUND: Inhaltliche Differenzen.
20190911             Was genau sagen sie nicht, aber ich habe 1—VERMUTUNG.
20190911             Der möchte wirklich ganz doll gerne als PRÄSIDENT in die Geschichte eingehen mit irgendeinem ausgehandelten Frieden.
20190911             —VERSUCHT, Den PALÄSTINA—KONFLIKT hat er ja gar nicht —ERST, NORDKOREA läuft irgendwie nicht so, daher —JETZT: TALIBAN.
20190911             Wobei, eigentlich gar nicht so wichtig, Hauptsache es sieht presidential aus.
20190911             Daher auch Camp David.
20190911             Die (und auch Insekten und Fledermäuse) werden von dem Licht angezogen und gefangen und verlieren dann ihre Orientierung und auch die Kraft, die sie gebraucht hätten, um ihre Migration zu beenden.
20190911             Enthüllung über CIA—AGENT im Kreml: Sie nannten ihn Oleg
20190911             "ADRIAN—DARYA—1": IRANISCHER—TANKER soll Öl in SYRIEN abgeliefert haben
20190911             Amazonas: Forscher entdecken REKORD—ZITTERAAL
20190911             Rücktritt von JOHN—BERCOW: Alles in Order
20190911             —VOR, Parlamentswahlen: Wahlkampfrede Netanyahus durch Raketenangriff unterbrochen
20190911             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: Fremdenfeindlichkeit erinnert FRANZISKUS—PAPA an Hitler
20190911             —KASSIERT, Negativrekord bei YouTube: PRO—PUTIN—RAPPER, 1,48 Millionen Dislikes
20190911             USA—REGIERUNG: Was hinter dem Abgang von JOHN—BOLTON steckt
20190911             Rassistische Aktion: Holzkreuz abgebrannt - —11—JAHRE Haft für USA—AMERIKANER
20190911             —BERICHTET, Die "NEW—YORK Times", dass Trump sich in vertraulichen Gesprächen —BEREITS mehrfach beklagt hat, dass BOLTON zu willig sei, die USA in einen weiteren Krieg zu verwickeln.
20190911             BOLTON hatte nicht nur zum Präsidenten ein umstrittenes Verhältnis, sondern auch zu USA—AUßENMINISTER MIKE—POMPEO.
20190911             BREXIT—STREIT: Gericht erklärt Zwangspause des BRITISCHEN—PARLAMENTS für unrechtmäßig
20190911             Erfolg für Trumps Partei: Republikaner gewinnen Nachwahl in NORTH—CAROLINA
20190911             —15—JAHRE "Man darf nicht gleich den Untergang der Demokratie verkünden"
20190911             CHINESISCHE—EXPANSION: Hongkonger Börse bietet 35—MILLIARDEN Euro für Londoner LSE
20190911             Soldatenfliege statt Sojamehl: Geflügelkonzern will Tiere mit Insekten mästen
20190911             GENERAL—DEBATTE im BUNDESTAG: Dobrindt sieht Chance auf Wirtschaftswunder durch KLIMA—SCHUTZPOLITIK
20190911             Betrugsversuche: Kriminelle nutzen Verwirrung um Änderungen beim Onlinebanking
20190911             Erosion an der ELFENBEINKÜSTE: Meer frisst Dorf
20190911             GENERAL—DEBATTE im BUNDESTAG: Merkel will wieder KLIMA—KANZLERIN sein
20190911             EXZENTRIKER—KOMMUNE von Fiume 19190000             Nackte Helden für den "Duce"
20190911             Nordkoreas "supergroßes" Raketensystem: "Es geht vor allem um Prahlerei"
20190911             —GESCHLAGEN, RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Bundespolizist soll Festgenommenen, und getreten haben
20190911             Gedenkfeiern für 20010911             : Trump droht Terroristen mit verheerender Vergeltung
20190911             —BEZEICHNET, Neue Angriffe gegen die Fed: Trump, Zentralbanker als "Dummköpfe"
20190911             Rückkehr der FARC—GUERILLA: "KOLUMBIEN ist wieder im Krieg"
20190911             —GESUCHT, DONALD—TRUMPS nächster Sicherheitsberater: Jasager
20190911             Abgang von Trumps Sicherheitsberater BOLTON: 1—HARDLINER weniger
20190911             Supererde: Forscher finden erstmals Wasser auf K2-18b
20190911             HANDELSKRIEG—MIT—DEN USA: CHINA besorgt sich Soja in ARGENTINIEN
20190911             Kritik am EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER: Trump tritt gegen BOLTON nach
20190911             Zahlreiche SCIENCE—FICTION—FILME haben es —BEREITS durchgespielt: Wenn die Menschheit die Erde —ERST unbewohnbar gemacht hat, muss sie umziehen.
20190911             Zum 1. Mal haben Astronomen —NUN Wasser auf einem Exoplaneten außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems nachgewiesen, der gleichzeitig lebensfreundliche Temperaturen bietet.
20190911             Die sogenannte Supererde K2-18b kreist um einen Zwergstern im Sternbild Löwe, gut 110—LICHTJAHRE von der Erde entfernt.
20190911             Er hat die achtfache Masse und MEHR—ALS den doppelten Durchmesser der Erde,
20190911             Exoplanet K2-18b ist —BEREITS 20150000             entdeckt worden.
20190911             —JETZT trifft es EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER JOHN—BOLTON.
20190911             es
20190911             —VOR, Journalisten zählte der USA—PRÄSIDENT auf, welche Fehler BOLTON begangen habe.
20190911             So sei BOLTON mit "wichtigen Mitgliedern" seiner Administration im Weißen Haus nicht gut ausgekommen, sagte Trump.
20190911             Während der VENEZUELA—KRISE habe sich BOLTON unangemessen verhalten, zudem habe der Sicherheitsberater Nordkoreas Machthaber KIM—JONG—UN brüskiert, indem er diesem mit dem "LIBYEN—MODELL" gedroht habe, wenn er sein ATOM—WAFFENPROGRAMM nicht aufgebe - das nordafrikanische Land hatte seine ATOM—WAFFEN 20040000             an die USA übergeben, —7—JAHRE—SPÄTER beteiligten sich die USA an einer NATO—MISSION in LIBYEN, die zum STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG—VON—MUAMMAR—AL—GADDAFI führte.
20190911             [l] Erinnert ihr euch damals, als es DIE—DDR noch gab?
20190911             Wie bankrott die waren? Pleite!
20190911             Verschuldet, gar! Die sind ja praktisch untergegangen, weil sie ihre Schulden nicht mehr zahlen konnten!
20190911             Stimmt gar nicht.
20190911             Hat nur dem Westen prima in die Propaganda gepasst.
20190911             Die Westbehrden dazu:
20190911             Dazu die DEUTSCHE—BUNDESBANK: "Ende 19890000             lagen die Liquiditätsreserven der DDR immer noch bei 29—MILLIARDEN Valutamark und deckten 59,3—PROZENT—DER—VERSCHULDUNG ab".
20190911             Die Bayerische Landesbank hatte 19880000             bestätigt: "DIE—DDR hat ihren 19830000             aufgenommenen MILLIARDEN—KREDIT (STRAUß—KREDIT) voll zurückgezahlt".
20190911             Die Treuhand erklärte: "Die KOKO—MILLIARDEN—VON—SCHALCK—GOLODKOWSKI sind fast vollständig gefunden worden, 20—MILLIARDEN gleich bei der Wende, 1,5—MILLIARDEN —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN".
20190911             HANS—MODROW stellte fest: "DIE—DDR war nicht pleite und brauchte kein Geld, um Löhne, Gehälter und Renten zu zahlen und den Betrieb des Staates aufrecht zu erhalten".
20190911             Auf der anderen Seite stimmt es —SCHON, dass DIE—DDR pleite ging, nur halt nach der Wende.
20190911             Und wenn man die offenen Verbindlichkeiten anderer Länder, denen DIE—DDR (oft auf Geheiß Moskaus) Waren geliefert hatte, auch wenn die nicht zahlen konnten, dann bleiben gar keine Schulden übrig.
20190911             Gegen mögliches Leben auf dem Exoplaneten sprechen die Eigenschaften seiner Sonne: Der rote Zwergstern ist sehr aktiv und der Planet dadurch wahrscheinlich erhöhter Strahlung ausgesetzt.
20190911             —NACH HURRIKAN—DORIAN": BAHAMAS melden 2500—VERMISSTE
20190911             NO—DEAL—BREXIT: BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG gibt "Yellowhammer"-Dokument frei
20190911             [l] CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS hat mal erforscht, wie sich MARIJUANA—LEGALISIERUNG auf den Lebensmittelmarkt auswirkt.
20190911             Ergebnis: Alkoholkonsum geht runter, JUNKFOOD—UMSATZ geht hoch.
20190911             [l] Leserbrief zur Frage, ob DIE—DDR pleite war:
20190911             Zu der Frage, ob DIE—DDR pleite war, gibt es viel propagandageschwängerte Polemik.
20190911             Einigermaßen einig ist man sich wohl, —NUN mit eineigem Abstand auf die Historie, dass mit der Einführung der D—MARK zum unrealistischen Wechselkurs sämtliche, —BIS—DAHIN einigermaßen liquide Betriebe der DDR—VON—HEUTE auf —MORGEN zahlungsunfähig wurden.
20190911             Buchtipp dazu: EDGAR—MOST "Sprengstoff Kapital"
20190911             Das Einbrechen der Binnennachfrage sowie des Exports in den ehem.
20190911             Ostblock taten ihr übriges.
20190911             Die unklaren Eigentumsverhältnisse und die fragliche Liquiditätslage sorgten dafür, dass es keine Kredite an OST—UNTERNEHMEN mehr gab.
20190911             Weitere Rolle spielte die Treuhand, die gigantische Vermögenswerte mit ein paar Federstrichen abwertete, um sie schnellstmöglich an Investoren zu verscherbeln.
20190911             Recherchierenswerte, üble Geschichte dazu ist die der TLG Immobilien.
20190911             Da passte dann die Mär vom abgewirtschafteten PLEITE—STAAT gut ins Bild.
20190911             Geschichte schreiben eben die "Sieger". Siehe auch:
20190912             THE—USA said that it will disclose THE—NAME—OF—1—SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIZEN sought by lawyers for victims of 20190911             —THE attacks who want to link the kingdom to the terrorist plot.
20191002             —DUBBED, GIULIANI was, "AMERICA—MAYOR" because of his NEW—YORK—CITY perch in THE—DAYS—AFTER—20010911            , but —LATER he built 1—LUCRATIVE career in the private sector as 1—FOREIGN—SECURITY consultant.
20191009—20010911    DIE—AGENTEN.
20191009—20010911    DIE—AGENTEN suchten ohne ersichtlichen Grund zehntausende Personen.
20191009—20010911    DIE—FBI—AGENTEN liefert sich mit großen IT—UNTERNEHMEN wie GOOGLE, FACEBOOK und Co.
20191009—20010911    —IMMER—WIEDER, 1—ART—CRYPTO—WAR, in dem sie HINTER—TÜREN in verschlüsselter Software fordern.
20191009—20010911    Strafverfolger wollen Zugang zu möglichst vielen Daten.
20191009—20010911    1—ENDE—ZU—ENDE—VERSCHLÜSSELUNGEN auf Mobilgeräten etwa führe sonst zu einem "Going Dark", einer Blindheit im digitalen Zeitalter.
20191129             Hassoun wrote all but 1—OF—THOSE checks —BEFORE 20010911             .Unschuldig?
20191219             —DEPLOYED, USA—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—FORCES who, to 1—MILITARY—SITE in UZBEKISTAN SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE—ATTACKS found pond water that glowed green,
20200104—20010911    —NACH, Hat mit den Amis zusammen die TALIBAN bekämpft.
20200201             —HEUTE, sind DIE—USA aus dem Menschenrechtsrat der Uno ausgetreten, und weder das "Collateral Murder"-Massaker, DIE—CIA—FOLTERUNGEN 20010911             —NACH oder der AGGRESSIONS—KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK haben zu strafrechtlichen Untersuchungen geführt.
20200201—20010911    —NACH, weder DIE—CIA—FOLTERUNGEN oder
20200309—20010911    —SEIT, BÖRSE—DAX schließt mit größtem Tagesverlust, Börsenbeben (19:30 Wirtschaft
20200309—20010911    —SEIT, BÖRSE—DAX schließt mit größtem TAGES—VERLUST, BÖRSEN—BEBEN
20200331             [l] DAS—CORONA—VIRUS hat —JETZT in den USA mehr Menschen umgebracht als 20010911             .
20200408             Er verglich DIE—SITUATION mit den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911, bei denen in NEW—YORK etwa 2.800—MENSCHEN starben.
20200418             "20010911             —FAMILIES have lost all hope that THE—PRESIDENT is going to step up and do the right thing. HE—TOO beholden to the Saudis".
20200418—20010911    —FAMILIES have lost all hope that THE—PRESIDENT is going to step up and do the right thing.
20200418—20010911    HE—TOO beholden to the Saudis".
20200513             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—FBI inadvertently revealed 1—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—MOST sensitive secrets about 20010911             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS: the identity of 1—MYSTERIOUS—SAUDI—ARABIA—EMBASSY official in WASHINGTON who agents suspected had directed crucial support to 2—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA hijackers.
20200519             —SUSPECTED—OF, ACCIDENTALLY—REVEALS NAME—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIAL, directing support for 20010911             hijackers
20200519             reveals NAME—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIAL—SUSPECTED—OF—DIRECTING—SUPPORT for 20010911             —HIJACKERS
20200519             In court filing, FBI accidentally reveals NAME—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIAL—SUSPECTED—OF—DIRECTING—SUPPORT for 20010911             hijackers
20200519             —ACCORDING—TO, 1—SPOKESMAN for 20010911             —THEVICTIMS' families,
20200519             DAS—FBI hat versehentlich in Gerichtsunterlagen den Namen des SAUDI—FUNKTIONÄRS genannt, den sie als Drahtzieher hinter 20010911             verdächtigen.
20200519—20010911    —ACCORDING—TO, 1—SPOKESMAN for THEVICTIMS' families,
20200524             So 1—AKTION gab es —SCHON früher, aber das waren dann immer Kriege oder 20010911             .
20200524             So 1—AKTION gab es —SCHON früher, aber das waren dann immer Kriege oder 20010911             20060525             —SHOWED, THE—DAY—AFTER—THE—1. national poll, that 70—MILLION—AMERICANS support 1—NEW 20010911             20060525             NEW—YORK Daily NEWS—WORLD & National Report - 2 in CIA to testify Libby lied on leak
20200601             Während der TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, wurden beispielsweise der damalige VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY und andere hochrangige Regierungsmitglieder in Sicherheit gebracht,
20200621             Erinnert ihr euch noch an 20010911             ?
20200621             Erinnert ihr euch noch an 20010911             ? ~5.000—TOTE.
20200800             wurde auch Effendi Buhing, ein traditioneller Führer vom VOLK—DER—DAYAK—TOMUN, von der Polizei abgeführt.
20200819             —DONNERSTAG, 20200820             20200819             —DONNERSTAG, 20200820             20200820             0- Corruption in 20010911             —DNA firm revealed.
20200820             0- Corruption in 20010911             —DNA firm revealed.
20200820             From NEW—YORK Daily News :
20200910—20200911    —ON, The film is to open in local theatres.
20200911             terror attacks:
20200911             —FREITAG, 20200911
20200911             Bevorstehende Friedensgespräche: Trump kündigt Truppenabbau in AFGHANISTAN an
20200911             Waldbrände an USA—WESTKÜSTE: "Nur noch Skelette von Schornsteinen oder verkohlten Haushaltsgeräten"
20200911             Bergbaukonzern: Heilige Stätten in AUSTRALIEN GESPRENGT—CEO—VON—RIO—TINTO tritt zurück
20200911             Parteiübergreifender Pakt: Altmaier will "historischen Kompromiss" zur KLIMA—RETTUNG
20200911             —PROFITIERT, Hersteller von Fitnessgeräten für zu Hause, von der Krise
20200911             Das Vertrauen in Impfungen ist einer Studie zufolge in EUROPA geringer als in anderen Teilen der Welt, etwa in AFRIKA.
20200911             Beeinflusst werde das Vertrauen in Impfungen etwa von der politischen Stabilität eines Landes und von Falschinformationen im INTERNET.
20200911             Was einen Impfstoff gegen das neue CORONA€”VIRUS angehe, seien VIELE—MENSCHEN besorgt über die Schnelligkeit der Entwicklung, sagte Studienleiterin Heidi Larson von der LONDON School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
20200911             "Aber die Öffentlichkeit ist nicht wirklich an Geschwindigkeit interessiert, sondern an Sorgfalt, Effektivität und Sicherheit".
20200911             Für die Studie wurden im vergangenen —JAHR MEHR—ALS—284.000—PERSONEN befragt.
20200911             BRASILIEN meldet MEHR—ALS—40.000—NEUE Fälle an einem —TAG
20200911             Der BRASILIANISCHE—BUNDES—STAAT Bahia wird das umstrittene RUSSISCHE—CORONA€”VIRUS—VAKZIN "Sputnik V" testen und plant 50—MILLIONEN Dosen des Impfstoffs zu kaufen.
20200911             Westliche Wissenschaftler zweifeln an der Sicherheit der Impfung und kritisierten die RUSSISCHE—ZULASSUNG scharf.
20200911             "Panikmodus aus" - Kassenärzte plädieren für Lockerung der CORONA—REGELN
20200911             Bei genauerem Blick auf das Infektionsgeschehen gebe es —DERZEIT keine explosionsartigen CORONA—HOTSPOTS.
20200911             Auch gebe es auf den Intensivstationen erhebliche freie Kapazitäten.
20200911             Die ZAHL—DER—INTENSIVPATIENTEN und Sterbefälle sei weiterhin auf niedrigem Niveau.
20200911             —VERHAFTET, KINIPAN, auf Borneo hat DIE—POLIZEI 6—INDIGENE Männer, die sich gegen Landraub und Kahlschlag wehren.
20200911             —AM 26.
20200911             1—DORFBEWOHNER hat die brutale Festnahme mit seinem Handy gefilmt: 1—KOMMANDO von rund einem Dutzend teils schwer bewaffneter Polizisten zwingt den sich wehrenden Effendi Buhing in 1—AUTO, offenbar ohne Haftbefehl.
20200911             Dorfbewohner weinen und schreien.
20200911             Sie versuchen ihn zu schützen, doch vergebens.
20200911             Es ist zu befürchten, dass die Distriktverwaltung und die Firma den Widerstand mit der Festnahme des traditionellen Führers endgültig brechen wollen.
20200911             Effendi Buhing ist wieder in Kinipan, muss aber für weitere Verhöre bereitstehen.
20200911             Das Dorf Kinipan in den BERGEN Borneos ist eines der letzten, dessen Wälder noch intakt sind.
20200911             Mit Ihrer Unterschrift unterstützen Sie Effendi Buhing und die Menschen von Kinipan.
20200911             ZUR PETITION - NIEDERSACHSEN: MEHR—ALS—80 Aktivisten offenbar ohne Ticket im Zug - 200—POLIZISTEN im Einsatz
20200911             —VERHINDERT, EU—MISSION: DEUTSCHE—MARINE, Verstoß gegen Waffenembargo in LIBYEN
20200911             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSWAHLEN 20200000             : Twitter trifft Vorkehrungen gegen Falschinformationen am Wahlabend
20200911             Auszug aus WOODWARD—BUCH:  USA—PRÄSIDENT soll mit Schutz für saudischen Kronprinzen geprahlt haben
20200911             —NACH BRAND—KATASTROPHE in Moria: 10—DEUTSCHE—STADTOBERHÄUPTER wollen Flüchtlinge aufnehmen
20200911             Folgen der CORONA—KRISE, MIET—PREISE in Manhattan fallen deutlich
20200911             ABSATZ—KRISE, MAN will —BIS zu 9500—STELLEN streichen
20200911             Medienbericht: VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM plant weibliche Dienstgrade bei der Bundeswehr
20200911             —NACH ÖL—KATASTROPHE, Reederei sagt MAURITIUS Millionenhilfe zu
20200911             CORONA—WARN—APP: Fehler in iOS 13.7—KANN Risikobewertung verfälschen
20200911             Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier über seine neue KLIMA—STRATEGIE: "Ich setze auf die Genialität unserer Ingenieure" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—GERALD—TRAUFETTER und PHILIPP—WITTROCK
20200911             Welthandel: GROSSBRITANNIEN und JAPAN beschließen Freihandelsabkommen
20200911             Intuitiv ESSEN, —WOCHE 1: Auf die eigenen Körpersignale hören
20200911             Vergifteter REGIERUNGS—KRITIKER: RUSSLAND will im Fall Nawalny Ermittler nach DEUTSCHLAND schicken
20200911             DEUTSCHER—PRESSERAT: "Bild" für Artikel über DROSTEN—STUDIE gerügt
20200911             DORTMUND: Mann hortete offenbar WAFFEN—POLIZEI führt 2—SPRENGUNGEN durch
20200911             Rechter Terror in DEUTSCHLAND: —100—JAHRE Mord
20200911             Altmaier über KLIMA—POLITIK: "Vieles hätte schneller und früher geschehen können"
20200911             Geldwäsche: PHILIPPINISCHE—BEHÖRDEN überprüfen im Fall Wirecard 57—VERDÄCHTIGE
20200911             Enthüllte CORONA—LÜGEN des  USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: Diese 18—INTERVIEWS könnten Trump das Amt kosten
20200911             Trendwende in den USA: Verkäufe von Vinylplatten überholen CDs
20200911             Beckenbauer wird 75: Immer 1—KAISER
20200911             Skandalfirma: Guttenberg lobbyierte in CHINA für Wirecard
20200911             Vergifteter KREML—KRITIKER: Berliner Ermittler sollen RUSSLAND im Fall Nawalny Rechtshilfe leisten
20200911             Trump über die WOODWARD—ENTHÜLLUNGEN: "Natürlich habe ich nicht gelogen"
20200911             Afrikanische Schweinepest: Preis für Schweinefleisch fällt um 14 %
20200911             CORONA€”VIRUS—DIE —WOCHE: Nehmt das, Impfgegner
20200911             Umfrage in CORONA—ZEIT: 71—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN würden gern wieder öfter Freunde treffen
20200911             —STATIONIERT, CORONA—ABSCHOTTUNG: NORDKOREA, Soldaten mit Schießbefehl an Grenze zu CHINA
20200911             Eklat vor Reichstagsgebäude: Seehofer bietet BUNDESTAG Schutz durch Bundespolizei an
20200911             EZB: Macht Notenbanker zu KLIMA—KÄMPFERN 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200911             COVID—19 weltweit: Mädchen stärker von PANDEMIE—AUSWIRKUNGEN betroffen
20200911             Griechenlands Flüchtlingspolitik: Kalkulierte Härte
20200911             Einschränkung der Pressefreiheit: Ungarns Medienbehörde stellt oppositionelles Klubradio ein
20200911             —NACH EXPLOSIONS—KATASTROPHE, Neuer Großbrand in BEIRUT —ZERSTÖRT Hilfsgüter
20200911             AFD—KLAGEN in KARLSRUHE: Bundesregierung entfernt Merkels Bemerkungen zu Thüringen von Internetseite
20200911             —BEGINNT, Elektrischer Hoffnungsträger: VW, Auslieferung des ID.3
20200911             Der Fall Nawalny und NORD—STREAM 2: Kann man RUSSLAND bestrafen, ohne sich selbst zu schaden?
20200911             Ermittlungen zum Giftanschlag: Nawalny sollte im Flugzeug sterben - Neuer CORONA—TEST: Gurgeln statt würgen
20200911             "SHADOW—BANNING": TikTok unterdrückt LGBTQ—HASHTAGS in mehreren Sprachen
20200911             "Beeinträchtigung der Briefwahl in Kauf genommen": DEUTSCHE—POST verärgert über Warnstreiks vor NRW—KOMMUNALWAHL
20200911             MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—DIE Afrikanische Schweinepest: "Wir müssen intelligenter jagen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SUSANNE—GÖTZE
20200911             Comeback der Heizpilze: Am CORONA—LAGERFEUER 1—KOLUMNE—VON—ALEXANDER—NEUBACHER
20200911             EUROPE—MORAL—BANKRUPTCY: GERMANY Must Set a Positive Example in Latest Refugee Crisis A DER SPIEGEL Editorial By KATRIN—ELGER
20200911             Opposition in BELARUS: EU—DIPLOMATEN besuchen Nobelpreisträgerin, um sie vor Verschleppung zu schützen
20200911             —ATTACKIERT, Untersuchungsausschuss beantragt: Opposition, Finanzminister Scholz wegen WIRECARD—SKANDAL
20200911             BUNDESTAG streitet über Moria: "Ihr Agieren ist unmenschlich, Herr Seehofer"
20200911             [l] 1—LESERBRIEF erklärt, wieso das Sirenennetz so kaputt ist: Update: Ein anderer Leser widerspricht:
20200911             selbstverständlich gab es "im Beitrittsgebiet" einen zentralen Warndienst: Alle 11.000—SIRENEN der DDR konnten zentral gesteuert werden.
20200911             Das Ganze befand sich im ZGS-14, dem zentralen Gefechtsstand der Luftstreitkräfte der NVA, bei Fürstenwalde.
20200911             Die Abschaltung der Sirenen auf DDR—GEBIET hat einen anderen Hintergrund: Mit der Wende glaubte man, dass der ewige Friede ausgebrochen sei, das Bundesamt für Zivilschutz wurde dann langsam kaputtgespart.
20200911             Die Sirenen wurden den Ländern übergeholfen, diese wieder den GEMEINDEN—JETZT kommts: Da hingen langfristige und teure Wartungsverträge dran, VIELE—GEMEINDEN haben abgewunken.
20200911             VIELE—SIRENEN kamen weg.
20200911             Aber auch nicht überall: In HOCHWASSER—ODER waldbrandgefährdeten Gemeinden entschieden die Gemeindevertreter, dass die Sirene bleibt.
20200911             Mit dem Elbehochwasser 20020000             änderte sich die Situation in der Elberegion: DRESDEN schaffte sich eine neue Sirenenanlage an.
20200911             Landkreise bauten den Durchgriff von der Leitstelle auf ALLE—LANDKREISSIRENEN wieder auf.
20200911             [l] Ransomware macht inzwischen 41—PROZENT—DER—CYBER—VERSICHERUNGS—CLAIMS aus.
20200911             Bald ist das nicht mehr versicherbar schätze ich.
20200911             [l] Angeblich haben ein paar NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—CYBERKRIMINELLE DONALD—TRUMPS—TWITTERACCOUNT übernommen.
20200911             Das Passwort war "Yourefired", sagen sie.
20200911             INDIEN meldet MEHR—ALS—96.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN an einem —TAG
20200911             Rekordzahl von CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in FRANKREICH
20200911             Lockdown in ISRAEL für kommende —WOCHE erwartet
20200911             Nutzer der CORONA—WARN—APP bekommen auf IPHONE—MODELLEN mit der neuesten BETRIEBSSYSTEM—VERSION iOS 13.7—UNTER Umständen ein höheres Risiko angezeigt, als sie tatsächlich hatten.
20200911             Darauf haben die Entwickler der App in einem Blogeintrag hingewiesen.
20200911             Das Problem hätten Entwickler bei regelmäßigen Tests der App entdeckt.
20200911             Nutzer der Anwendung auf ANDROID—GERÄTEN sowie auf iPhones mit einem älteren iOS (—BIS einschließlich Version 13.6.1) seien davon nicht betroffen.
20200911             SPANISCHE—INDUSTRIE wächst weiter, VERBRAUCHER—PREISE stagnieren
20200911             —GEWACHSEN, Zum Vormonat sei die gesamte Herstellung um 9,3 %
20200911             "Die Zahlen geben Anlass, CORONA—MAßNAHMEN zu überdenken, ohne leichtsinnig zu werden", s
20200911             "Mir leuchtet nicht ein, warum in einem Stadion für —BIS zu 60.000—MENSCHEN nicht Veranstaltungen mit 5000—BIS 8000—MENSCHEN stattfinden können".
20200911             Auf der Berliner Waldbühne habe das bei Konzerten mit —BIS zu 5000—ZUSCHAUERN —BEREITS sehr gut funktioniert.
20200911             Es gebe —DERZEIT keine explosionsartigen CORONA—HOTSPOTS, und die ZAHL—DER—INTENSIVPATIENTEN und Sterbefälle sei weiterhin auf niedrigem Niveau,
20200911             erklärte Gassen.
20200911             Deshalb könne man "den Panikmodus ausschalten".
20200911             Der Rückversicherer MUNICH Re hat den Verkauf von Policen mit einem Versicherungsschutz für den Fall künftiger Pandemien vorerst gestoppt.
20200911             "Wir überprüfen —DERZEIT, ob wir im SCHADEN—UND Unfallgeschäft neue Verträge anbieten, die im FALL—VON—PANDEMIEN greifen", sagte der für den Bereich zuständige Vorstand TORSTEN—JEWORREK in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—BLOOMBERG.
20200911             Dies betreffe etwa Versicherungsschutz gegen den Ausfall von Großveranstaltungen.
20200911             Im 1. Halbjahr hatte der Rückversicherer infolge der CORONA—KRISE Schäden von 1,5 Milliarden Euro verbucht.
20200911             Der Großteil davon entfiel auf den Ausfall und die Verschiebung von Veranstaltungen wie den OLYMPISCHE—SPIELEN in JAPAN, gegen die sich die Veranstalter versichert hatten.
20200911             Hinzu kamen Versicherungsschäden durch Betriebsausfälle in Unternehmen, aber auch durch eine gestiegene ZAHL—VON—TODESFÄLLEN etwa in den USA.
20200911             Der Nettogewinn brach dadurch im 1. Halbjahr um MEHR—ALS die Hälfte auf 800—MILLIONEN—EURO ein.
20200911             Der Netto - gewinn - auf 800—MILLIONEN—EURO ein-
20200911             brach - Der mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infizierte ITALIENISCHE—EX—REGIERUNGSCHEF Silvio Berlusconi wäre nach Ansicht seines Arztes bei einer ähnlichen CORONA—INFEKTION —IM—MÄRZ oder —APRIL an der Krankheit gestorben.
20200911             "Die Viruslast beim NASEN—RACHEN—ABSTRICH von Berlusconi war dermaßen erhöht, dass das —IM—MÄRZ oder —APRIL sicherlich nicht so einen glücklichen Ausgang wie —JETZT gehabt hätte", sagte Professor ALBERTO—ZANGRILLO im TV—SENDER La7.
20200911             "Ob es ihn umgebracht hätte?
20200911             Absolut ja, sehr wahrscheinlich ja, und er weiß das".
20200911             ITALIEN war im Frühjahr besonders stark von der CORONA€”VIRUS—PANDEMIE getroffen worden.
20200911             Die Intensivstationen im Norden des Landes hatten weder genug Betten noch Beatmungsgeräte.
20200911             Der 83-jährige Berlusconi wird —SEIT gut einer —WOCHE wegen einer Infektion mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS im Mailänder Krankenhaus S—RAFFAELE behandelt.
20200911             "Es ist die schlimmste Erfahrung meines Lebens", sagte er.
20200911             Wieder VIELE—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Tschechien
20200911             —AM—DONNERSTAG wurden 13820000             weitere Fälle verzeichnet, rund 220—MEHR—ALS AM—VORTAG.
20200911             Das Land hat knapp 10,7 Millionen Einwohner.
20200911             MEHR—ALS—95.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in INDIEN
20200911             Auf den PHILIPPINEN sind rund 4000—MENSCHEN neu erkrankt
20200911             Der Pflegebevollmächtigte der Bundesregierung, ANDREAS—WESTERFELLHAUS, hat vor einer weiteren Isolation der Menschen in ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen gewarnt.
20200911             Dass 1—TEIL—DER—EINRICHTUNGEN immer noch vorrangig auf die Isolation der Bewohner setze, "kann —6—MONATE—NACH—BEGINN der Pandemie einfach nicht mehr sein",
20200911             Für die Bewohner von Pflegeeinrichtungen stelle 1—INFEKTION mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS fraglos ein großes Risiko dar.
20200911             Pauschale Besuchsverbote könnten aber "nur in Ausnahmefällen und vor allem nur für begrenzte Zeiträume 1—LÖSUNG sein",
20200911             In den vergangenen —MONATEN hätten Besuchsverbote zu Situationen geführt, "die für Pflegebedürftige und ihre Angehörigen kaum auszuhalten waren".
20200911             Die Lage in den Pflegeheimen sei sehr unterschiedlich.
20200911             Während sich EINIGE—EINRICHTUNGEN gut auf möglicherweise wieder steigende Infektionszahlen —IM—HERBST und —WINTER vorbereitet und kreative Lösungen entwickelt hätten, um Besuche, Spaziergänge und auch Einkäufe zu vernünftigen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen, setzten andere primär auf Isolation.
20200911             Die Heimbewohner benötigten aber nicht nur SCHUTZ—VOR—INFEKTIONEN, sondern auch Nähe, soziale Kontakte und die Gewissheit, Einfluss auf ihre Lebensbedingungen nehmen zu können,
20200911             —BIS—ZUM—FREITAG standen rund 500—BEWOHNER in der Aufnahmeeinrichtung für Asylbewerber (AfA) in Hermeskeil —2—WOCHEN lang unter Quarantäne.
20200911             —NUN sei das generelle Ausgehverbot wieder aufgehoben worden,
20200911             Nur 21—PERSONEN blieben weiter vorläufig in Quarantäne.
20200911             Dabei handele sich um 8—AKUTE Fälle plus deren enge Kontaktpersonen, sagte 1—SPRECHERIN.
20200911             CORONA—KRISE lässt Ausbildungsmarkt schrumpfen - ÖSTERREICH verschärft Maskenpflicht
20200911             FRANKREICH plant schärfere CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20200911             "Es wird Zeit und Arbeit brauchen, um den Schaden rückgängig zu machen, den die Krise verursacht hat", sagte Eurogruppenchef Paschal Donohoe nach Beratungen in BERLIN.
20200911             Wirtschaftskommissar PAOLO—GENTILONI warnte davor, die europäischen Hilfen zu früh zurückzufahren.
20200911             Die Wirtschaftsleistung der meisten europäischen Staaten werde Prognosen zufolge auch Ende 20210000             noch nicht wieder auf VOR—KRISEN—NIVEAU sein.
20200911             "Ein vorzeitiger Entzug der Unterstützung würde die fragile Erholung gefährden",
20200911             Großdemo an Kataloniens Nationalfeiertag fällt aus
20200911             gibt es an Kataloniens Nationalfeiertag in BARCELONA diesmal nur kleinere Kundgebungen.
20200911             Selbst von diesen hatte die Vereinigung der Ärzte Barcelonas wegen der hohen Zahl an CORONA—INFEKTIONEN abgeraten.
20200911             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER hat sich über zu viel Unvernunft in der Bevölkerung im Umgang mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS beklagt.
20200911             "Meine Sorge ist, ehrlicherweise, dass wir zwar medizinisch besser gewappnet sind, aber dass wir uns im Moment tatsächlich mit mehr Unvernunft umgeben", sagte Söder beim Besuch des Nürnberger Südklinikums.
20200911             "Ich mache mir —SCHON Sorgen".
20200911             CORONA bleibe beherrschbar, solange das Infektionsgeschehen lokal eingedämmt werden könne, s
20200911             Frühes und schnelles Testen biete deshalb 1—CHANCE, die Verbreitung der Infektion zu verhindern.
20200911             Eine exponentielle Kurve müsse auf ALLE—FÄLLE vermieden werden, um einen weiteren Lockdown zu vermeiden.
20200911             sagte Söder: "Es gibt das Recht, auch absurde Theorien zu vertreten.
20200911             Aber was nicht geht, ist, wenn die Demokratie als Ganzes infrage gestellt wird".
20200911             —GELOCKERT, FINNLAND hat seine Einreiseregeln für Besucher : Touristen aus Ländern mit geringen CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN wie DEUTSCHLAND dürfen —NUN—BIS zu —3—TAGE ins Land,
20200911             Bürger können das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) laut einer Gerichtsentscheidung nicht zu Änderungen an seinen täglichen CORONA—LAGEBERICHTEN zwingen.
20200911             Mit dem Eilbeschluss wies das Berliner Verwaltungsgericht laut Mitteilung vom —FREITAG 1—FRAU ab, die die RKI—ANGABEN zum Infektionsgeschehen für übertrieben hält.
20200911             Sie wollte dem RKI bestimmte Äußerungen verbieten lassen, weil ihre Menschenwürde "mit Füßen getreten" werde.
20200911             Das RKI bestimme "faktisch —SEIT—MONATEN das Schicksal des Landes und seiner Bürger", beklagte die Frau.
20200911             Das Gericht wies ihren Eilantrag als unzulässig zurück.
20200911             Beispielsweise setze 1—VERLETZUNG—DER—MENSCHENWÜRDE voraus, dass der Einzelne zum Objekt staatlichen Handelns gemacht werde.
20200911             Im Gegenteil ziele das Informationshandeln des RKI gerade auf den subjektiven Schutz der Bürger ab, befand das Gericht.
20200911             Die Frau hatte auch bemängelt, die Berichte könnten sie potenziell traumatisieren.
20200911             —GEMACHT, Das habe sie jedoch nicht glaubhaft, beschieden die Richter.
20200911             Die EU—FINANZMINISTER haben die schwierige Debatte über die Rückzahlung der Schulden aus dem milliardenschweren CORONA—HILFSFONDS begonnen.
20200911             Die EU nehme "sehr hohe Schulden" auf, um die WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE zu bekämpfen, sagte Bundesfinanzminister OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) beim Treffen mit seinen EU—KOLLEGEN in BERLIN.
20200911             —BESCHLOSSEN, Es müssten —NUN neue EU—STEUERN und Abgaben, werden, um diese zurückzuzahlen.
20200911             FRANKREICH forderte vor allem Tempo bei einer Steuer auf große Digitalkonzerne.
20200911             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat in EUROPA zum schwersten Wirtschaftseinbruch —SEIT dem —WWII, geführt.
20200911             Die Gelder werden dabei durch die EU—KOMMISSION als gemeinsame Schulden aufgenommen, für die ALLE—LÄNDER haften.
20200911             Hinzu kommt 1—AUSWEITUNG—DES—EMISSIONSHANDELS etwa auf LUFT—UND Schifffahrt und 1—STEUER auf Finanzgeschäfte.
20200911             VIELE—ANGESTELLTE im öffentlichen Dienst in BERLIN sollen 1—PRÄMIE für ihren Einsatz während der Hochphase der Pandemie erhalten.
20200911             Weil die WACHTMEISTER—AM—AMTSGERICHT—TIERGARTEN in der Zeit des Lockdowns jedoch deutlich weniger arbeiteten, verzichten sie laut "Berliner Morgenpost"auf diese Zahlung.
20200911             "Wir hatten an manchen —TAGEN 15—STATT 300—HAUPTVERHANDLUNGEN", zitiert die Zeitung 1—JUSTIZSPRECHERIN.
20200911             Für weniger Arbeit noch mehr Geld bekommen sei dem Steuerzahler nicht vermittelbar.
20200911             Zuvor hatte es laut Sender RBB —BEREITS von freien Trägern Kritik an den Prämien für Angehörige des öffentlichen Dienstes gegeben.
20200911             Verwaltungsgericht: Einschränkungen für Münchner CORONA—DEMO rechtens
20200911             "Querdenken 089" hatte 1—DEMONSTRATION mit 5000—TEILNEHMERN auf dem Münchner Odeonsplatz angemeldet unter dem Motto "Frieden, Freiheit und Gesundheit".
20200911             DIE—STADT—UNTERSAGTE diese.
20200911             Stattdessen erlaubte sie die Demo unter strikten Auflagen auf der THERESIENWIESE—ALLERDINGS aus Infektionsschutzgründen nur mit 10000000             Teilnehmern.
20200911             Ein geplanter Demonstrationszug durch DIE—STADT—WURDE ebenfalls untersagt.
20200911             Zu Recht, wie —NUN das Verwaltungsgericht entschieden hat.
20200911             Eilanträge der Veranstalter gegen die Auflagen lehnte das Gericht ab.
20200911             Die Demo kann —NUN nicht so stattfinden wie von den Veranstaltern geplant.
20200911             Gegen die Beschlüsse des Verwaltungsgerichts sind Beschwerden beim BAYERN—VERWALTUNGSGERICHTSHOF möglich.
20200911             HANNOVER, hat der DEUTSCHE—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND unter dem Motto "Für Gesundheitsschutz und gegen Verschwörungstheorien" 1—GEGENDEMONSTRATION geplant.
20200911             LITAUEN und ESTLAND lockern Einreisebeschränkungen
20200911             Angesichts steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN hat der PREMIER—MINISTER—DES—LANDES, JEAN—CASTEX, besonders schwer getroffene Regionen aufgefordert, —BIS—MONTAG neue Maßnahmen vorzulegen.
20200911             Dazu zählen die Städte MARSEILLE und BORDEAUX sowie das Überseegebiet GUADELOUPE, wie er nach einer Sitzung des VERTEIDIGUNGS—RAT sagte.
20200911             —ZUGLEICH, mahnte Castex, Abstandsregeln einzuhalten.
20200911             "Das Virus zirkuliert mehr und mehr in FRANKREICH.
20200911             Das —MORGEN hängt von Ihnen ab, von uns".
20200911             Noch soll es in FRANKREICH vorerst keine "allgemeinen Ausgangsbeschränkungen" geben.
20200911             FRANKREICH hatte zuletzt einen Höchststand von fast 10.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN INNERHALB—2—TAGEN24 —STUNDEN verzeichnet.
20200911             Homem de "mais de 60—ANOS" residente em ALBUFEIRA é a nova vítima mortal de COVID—19 no Algarve
20200911             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200911             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—153—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—144—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—09—(=)
20200911             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—153—(+2)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—125—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(+1)
20200911             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—15—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200911             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—36—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—24—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+1)
20200911             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—209—(+1)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—162—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—45—(=)
20200911             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—69—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—53—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(-2)
20200911             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—257—(=)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—162—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—88—(-1)
20200911             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—142—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—112—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—29—(=)
20200911             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—44—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—34—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(=)
20200911             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—53—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—48—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(=)
20200911             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—25—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20200911             193_DGS_BOLETIM_20200911—1—20200911—EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—710—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—368,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—2,1—TODESFÄLLE—27—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200911             Aktualisierung 202009110000         —UHR
20200911             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—905—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—343,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—4,2—TODESFÄLLE—41—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200911             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS—KREIS—FÄLLE—1.536—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—326,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—6,2—TODESFÄLLE—78—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20200911             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.971—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—365,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—17,0—TODESFÄLLE—113—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200911             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.530—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—464,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—20,9—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200911             ROSENHEIM—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—676—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—1.067,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—60,0—TODESFÄLLE—23—EINWOHNERZAHL—63.324
20200911             UNTERALLGÄU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—373—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—259,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,5—TODESFÄLLE—15—EINWOHNERZAHL—144.041
20200911             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—9.620—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—653,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—39,3—TODESFÄLLE—223—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200911             FREISING—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.213—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—677,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,8—TODESFÄLLE—46—EINWOHNERZAHL—179.116
20200911             PASSAU—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—197—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—375,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,6—TODESFÄLLE—18—EINWOHNERZAHL—52.469
20200911             TÜBINGEN—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—1.464—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—644,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,4—TODESFÄLLE—60—EINWOHNERZAHL—227.331
20200911             STUTTGART—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—2.321—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—365,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,1—TODESFÄLLE—65—EINWOHNERZAHL—634.830
20200911             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—662—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—525,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,0—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200911             NÜRNBERG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—1.758—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—339,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—38,4—TODESFÄLLE—53—EINWOHNERZAHL—518.365
20200911             WÜRZBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—631—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—493,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—57,9—TODESFÄLLE—52—EINWOHNERZAHL—127.880
20200911             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—917—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—334,0—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,5—TODESFÄLLE—15—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20200911             SOLINGEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—540—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—338,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—34,5—TODESFÄLLE—13—EINWOHNERZAHL—159.360
20200911             GLOBAL—CASES—28.287.928—GLOBAL—DEATHS—911.591
20200911             Die Beamten der Bundespolizei ermahnen pro —TAG bundesweit zwischen 3.000—UND 4.000—REISENDE zum Tragen eines MUND—NASE—SCHUTZES.
20200911             "Die Bundespolizei unterstützt die zuständigen Gesundheitsämter —SEIT—WOCHEN in großem Umfang bei der Durchsetzung der Maskenpflicht auf Bahnhöfen und in Zügen", sagte BUNDESPOLIZEI—PRÄSIDENT—DIETER—ROMANN.
20200911             In den allermeisten Fällen stoße sie bei den Reisenden auf Verständnis.
20200911             Rekordanstieg an Infektionen in SPANIEN
20200911             Die ZAHL—DER—TÄGLICHEN—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN ist in SPANIEN auf den Rekordwert von 12.183—GEKLETTERT.
20200911             Es handle sich um den höchsten Anstieg binnen eines Tages —SEIT—BEGINN der Pandemie,
20200911             Karneval in RHEINLAND—PFALZ soll stattfinden
20200911             Landkreis GARMISCH—PARTENKIRCHEN: Neue Beschränkungen wegen hoher Infektionszahlen
20200911             —NACH Zwischenfällen an der Grenze: CHINA und INDIEN wollen Truppen zurückziehen
20200911             —DIAGNOSTIZIERT, Tropenkrankheit: 10—FÄLLE—VON—WEST—NIL—FIEBER in DEUTSCHLAND
20200911             KOLUMBIEN: 11—TOTE bei Protesten gegen Polizeigewalt
20200911             Gemeinsame Stellungnahme mit den USA: BAHRAIN will diplomatische Beziehungen zu ISRAEL aufnehmen
20200911             Umstrittene Pipeline: Schwesig dringt auf Bekenntnis des Bundes zu NORD—STREAM 2
20200911             —JAHRESTAG 20200911             : Trump und BIDEN gedenken der Opfer
20200911—20200901    —AM, "Unter der von Apple veröffentlichten neuen IOS—VERSION kann es bei einer geringen ZAHL—VON—NUTZERN zu irreführenden Risikoberechnungen kommen".
20200911—20200911    —AM, Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Wo waren Sie VOR—19 —JAHREN?
20200911—20200912    —SCHOCKIERT, Gedenken und CORONA—KRISE, Wenn der Tod nicht mehr
20200911—20210000    —AB, Der EU—GIPFEL vom —JULI hatte mehrere Möglichkeiten genannt, um die Rückzahlung ohne höhere Beiträge der Mitgliedstaaten zu organisieren: 1—ABGABE auf Plastikmüll sowie 1—DIGITALSTEUER und
20200911—20230000    —AB, 1—EINFUHRGEBÜHR auf bestimmte Produkte aus Drittstaaten mit geringeren Umweltauflagen.
20200912             — WENDY—SIEGELMAN (@WendySiegelman) 20200911             20200912             —FRIDAY, 20200911             20210912             20. Jahrestag des 20210911             : Tränen, Trauer, Zwietracht
20200913—20010911    —FROM—TO 'THE—GREAT—RESET'
20200915—20010911    —IN, SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIALS must testify lawsuit, says USA—JUDGE: Among those to be questioned is FORMER—SAUDI—ARABIA—AMBASSADOR to USA and MEMBER—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA—ROYAL—FAMILY
20200915—20010911    —AFTER, NEARLY—2—DECADES, MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX is stronger than ever
20201111             Imagine it: No W, no IRAQ war -- and perhaps no 20010911             20201111             Imagine it: No W, no IRAQ war -- and perhaps no 20010911             20201111             And no DICK—CHENEY.
20201111             Imagine it: No W, no IRAQ war -- and perhaps no 20010911             20010911011127       +0200—X—MAILER: KMail [version 19990101             ] CONTENT—TYPE:
20201122             Wir Gotteskinder und der Wirklichkeitsschock Die Generation der 50-Jährigen in DER—CORONA—KRISE Wir Gotteskinder und der Wirklichkeitsschock Das CORONA—VIRUS schafft, was kein Mauerfall, kein 20010911             und auch kein KLIMA—WANDEL zuvor vermocht hat: Es stellt unser Lebensmodell infrage.
20201209—20010911    —VOR, WÄHRENDDESSEN, ist die tägliche Todesrate in den USA über Pearl Harbor und kurz
20201210             Das ist MEHR—ALS bei 20010911             starben.
20201211             Biden über CORONA—OPFERZAHLEN: "Mehr Tote an einem einzelnen —TAG, als wir an 20010911             oder in Pearl Harbor hatten"
20210131             "THE—POWER—OF—NIGHTMARES," his series on the ideological codependency of AL—QAEDA and the neoconservative movement in THE—USA—1—KIND—OF—HIGH—BROW companion piece to MICHAEL—MOORE'S "Fahrenheit 20010911             ".
20210315             Mehr Opfer als durch Kriege und 20010911             : NEW—YORK gedenkt seiner MEHR—ALS—30.000—CORONA—TOTEN
20210413             Neuer Stichtag: BIDEN will Truppen zum 20210911             aus AFGHANISTAN abziehen
20210420—20010911    Zum 20. Jahrestag: Dokumentarfilm über              —KINDER geplant
20210420—20010911    —KINDER, Zum 20. Jahrestag: Dokumentarfilm über geplant
20210615             PROZESS—GEGEN—BUNDESWEHROFFIZIER Franco A.: "Sie haben kein deutsches 20010911             geplant?"
20210624             Theorien über 20010911             sind brandgefährliche verschwörungstheoretische Kackscheiße und wer da mitmacht sollte sich was schämen.
20210624             Vermutlich weil bei 20010911             die Amis die Bösewichte wären und bei WUHAN die Chinesen.
20210630—20010911    —AM, In seine 2. Amtszeit fielen die Anschläge auf das World Trade Center in NEW—YORK und auf das USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM in WASHINGTON, die der Auslöser des USA—EINSATZES in AFGHANISTAN waren.
20210725—20010911    —VOR, Aber mit dem TOD—DES—SYMPATHIETRÄGERS—HOLLAND—KURZ—UND—DEM—DANN—FOLGENDEN—ZEITALTER der Überwachungsgesetze endet auch der Erzählfluss des Films.
20210810             Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, : USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM prüft Veröffentlichung bislang geheimer Dokumente
20210810             Die Aufforderung der Angehörigen kam einer Drohung gleich: Wenn JOE—BIDEN nicht endlich dafür sorge, dass Dokumente freigegeben werden, die die mutmaßliche Verbindung SAUDI—ARABIENS zu den 20010911             —ATTENTÄTERN beleuchten — dann brauche er nicht an den Feierlichkeiten zum 20. Jahrestag teilzunehmen.
20210810             —AM—MONTAG gab das Justizministerium dann bekannt, dass das FBI "vor Kurzem" einen Teil seiner Ermittlungen zum 20210911             eingestellt habe und mit der Überprüfung zuvor geheimer Dokumente beginnen werde,
20210810             Aus SAUDI—ARABIEN stammten 15—DER 19—ATTENTÄTER 20010911             —VOM.
20210810—20040000    —J—IM, Die 20010911             —KOMMISSION, die die Anschläge aufarbeiten sollte, hatte in ihrem Abschlussbericht bekannt gegeben, es gebe "keine Beweise dafür, dass die saudische Regierung als Institution oder hochrangige saudische Beamte die AL—QAIDA, die die Anschläge durchführte, individuell finanzierten".
20210819             Protokoll des DEUTSCHEN—VERSAGENS in AFGHANISTAN: "Übernahme Kabuls 20210911             —VOR—DEM, eher unwahrscheinlich"
20210820             "Takeover of KABUL Unlikely —BEFORE 20010911             ": 1—CHRONICLE—OF—GERMAN—FAILURES in AFGHANISTAN
20210820             "Es gibt keine Präsenz, die so bedeutend ist, dass sie 1—BEDROHUNG für unser Land darstellt, wie es 20210911             —AM—VOR—20—JAHREN der Fall war",
20210822             Er war —2—TAGE—VOR den TERRORANSCHLÄGE—VOM 20010911             ermordet worden.
20210822             Dieses sei 20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, nötig gewesen.
20210822—20010911    —2—TAGE—VOR—DEN TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, ACHMAD—SCHAH—MASSUD war ermordet worden.
20210822—20010911    —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, Dieses sei nötig gewesen.
20210827—20010911    —NACH, Wegen Interviews mit Verschwörungstheoretikern: Spike Lee kürzt Serie über NEW—YORK
20210831—20010911    —NACH, —20—JAHRE :
20210903             —ORDERED, USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE to review documents from THE—FBI—PROBE into 20010911             —THE, attacks for declassification and release.
20210903—20210911    —UNTIL, THE—CONGRESS will run.
20210904—20010911    —NACH, —20—JAHRE : BIDEN lässt Freigabe geheimer Dokumente prüfen
20210908—20210911    Fotos in NEW—YORK: "Es sah aus wie ein zerlaufener Schokoladekuchen mit einer weißen Zuckerschicht"
20210909             Streit in den USA zum 20210911             : "JOE—BIDEN hat bei den Trauerfeiern nichts zu suchen"
20210911             —SAMSTAG, 20210911
20210911             Gedenken an die Terroranschläge vom 20010911             : PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN ruft DIE—USA zur Einheit auf
20210911             —GEZWUNGEN, Chipmangel: Skoda ist, 100.000—FAHRZEUGE weniger zu bauen als geplant
20210911             Fall JEFFREY—EPSTEIN: Klageschrift wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs an PRINZ—ANDREW überstellt
20210911             BITCOIN—PANNE: Warum SCHWEDEN—JUSTIZ 3—DROGENDEALER reich machen muss
20210911             REKORD—PREISE für Energie: Strom und Gas werden —IM—WINTER noch teurer
20210911             Langsame Energiewende: —ERST 120—KILOMETER neue Stromleitungen 2021
20210911             Erinnerungen an 20010911             : "Wo war Gott —AM—DIENSTAG?"
20210911             1—VIDEO—VON—ANNE—MARTIN, Leonie Voss und JONATHAN—MISKE (Animationen)
20210911             Generalsekretär JENS—STOLTENBERG: Nato leitet Untersuchung zu Afghanistaneinsatz ein
20210911             —NACH Razzia im Finanzministerium: Laschet wirft Scholz unangemessenes Verhalten vor
20210911             Entdeckung in der ATACAMA—WÜSTE: 1. bestätigter FLUGSAURIER—FUND in Südamerika
20210911             —NACH dem Fund in der CHILENISCHEN—ATACAMA—WÜSTE konnten Archäologen von der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—CHILE —NUN bestätigen, dass die fliegenden Saurier vor rund 160—MILLIONEN —JAHREN auch auf dem prähistorischen Superkontinent Gondwana lebten.
20210911             Dieser bildet —HEUTE unter anderem die Landmasse von Lateinamerika.
20210911             Der Fund zeige, dass "die Verbreitung dieser Gruppe größer war als —BISHER bekannt",
20210911             —NACH CHAOS—EVAKUIERUNG: MEHR—ALS—250 Ausländer aus KABUL ausgeflogen
20210911             Sat 20210911             - [l] Hahaha, geil!
20210911             Wisst ihr, wer für die beschissenen Umfragewerte der Grünen die Verantwortung trägt?
20210911             Ratet mal!
20210911             Na die Grünen und Annalena Baerbock jedenfalls schonmal nicht!1!!
20210911             Despite having 1—FEMALE—CHANCELLOR for almost —2—DECADES, women still face tougher scrutiny and sometimes outright sexism in GERMANY—POLITICS.
20210911             Die Baerbock ist hier das Opfer, yo!
20210911             Das ist Sexismus, der sie zurückhält!
20210911             "In SOME—WAYS, what I've experienced is similar to what happened in THE—USA—WHEN Hillary CLINTON ran," she added.
20210911             "I stand for renewal, the others stand for the status quo, AND—OF—COURSE, those who have 1—INTEREST in the status quo see my candidacy as 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR.
20210911             Oh aber natürlich, Frau Baerbock!
20210911             Wenn jemals jemand für Aufbruch und gegen das Establishment stand, dann ja wohl Hillary CLINTON, die mit dem einen Establishment verheiratet ist, dann unter dem anderen Establishment —8—JAHRE lang die Außenpolitik verkackt hat und Journalisten wegdrohnen wollte.
20210911             Mit einer Sache hat sie allerdings Recht.
20210911             CLINTON stand genauso wenig für Erneuerung wie sie es —JETZT tut.
20210911             Hey, wenn die —JETZT—SCHON so überhaupt gar nicht kritikfähig ist, wie soll denn das —ERST werden, wenn sie mal in IRGENDEIN—WICHTIGES—AMT reinrutscht?
20210911             Ich glaub ja den Grünen ihr Umweltschutzgefasel nicht, solange die dieses Opfergestammel nicht ablegen.
20210911             Wir suchen hier Führungspersonal, das unsere Zukunft gestalten soll.
20210911             Kämpfer, nicht Opfer!
20210911             Und, äh, haben die Grünen mal geguckt, was über den Laschet so gesagt und geschrieben wurde?!
20210911             Daneben sie die Kritik an der Baerbock geradezu handzahm aus.
20210911             Ist ja auch klar, dass es da weniger Kritik gibt.
20210911             —GELEISTET, Die hat ja noch nichts.
20210911             Was soll man da groß kritisieren außer ihrer Erfahrungslosigkeit und ihrer Anspruchshaltung?
20210911             An ihre Befähigung scheint sie ja selbst nicht zu glauben, wenn sie ihren Lebenslauf schönen lässt.
20210911             [l] Ich lese gerade einen WIRED—ARTIKEL über 1—RUSSIN (wohnt —JETZT in Kalifornien), die auf Wikipedia NAZI—GLORIFIZIERUNGEN wegräumt.
20210911             NAZI—GLORIFIZIERUNGEN? Auf Wikipedia?
20210911             Ich meine, ich wusste ja, dass Wikipedia keine Enzyklopädie sondern Beschäftigungstherapie für Bullys ist, die sich da gegenseitig im Kreis das Leben zur Hölle machen.
20210911             Aber NAZI—GLORIFIZIERUNGEN?
20210911             Das ist ja —SCHON ein bisschen krass.
20210911             Hier sind 2—ABSÄTZE, die mich gerade echt umgehauen haben.
20210911             Es geht um den Artikel zu ARTHUR—NEBE, einem der Putschisten vom 19450720             .
20210911             Ihr werdet ja hoffentlich in der Schule gelernt haben, dass das keine guten Menschen waren, die Hitler aus Humanismusgründen weghaben wollten.
20210911             Apart from his role in the plot, NEBE—MAIN—CLAIM to notability is that he came up with the idea of turning vans into MOBILE gas chambers by piping in exhaust fumes.
20210911             The article acknowledges both of these facts, along with the detail that Nebe tested his system on the mentally ILLINOIS
20210911             But it also says that he worked to "reduce the atrocities committed," going so far as to give his bloodthirsty superiors inflated death totals.
20210911             1—MASSENMÖRDER mit einem Herz aus Gold!!1! She checks the footnotes.
20210911             Coffman knows the book is legit, because she happens to have 1—COPY on loan from the library.
20210911             —WHEN she goes to the cited page, she finds 1—PARAGRAPH that appears to confirm all the Wikipedia article's wild claims.
20210911             But then she reads the 1. sentence of the next paragraph: "This is, of course, nonsense".
20210911             München: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Automesse IAA
20210911             USA:  USA—PRÄSIDENTEN gedenken der Toten des 20210911             — außer Trump
20210911             Umstrittene Ostseepipeline: NORD—STREAM 2—IST —NUN 1—TATSACHE
20210911             —20—JAHRE—NACH—20010911             : AL—QAIDA veröffentlicht neues Video von Anführer AL—SAWAHIRI
20210911             Dumawahlen: RUSSLAND wirft USA Einmischung in bevorstehende Parlamentswahl vor
20210911             EU—JUSTIZKOMMISSAR über Strafen gegen POLEN: "Es geht um den Kern der gemeinsamen Rechtsordnung"
20210911             —PROTESTE—IN—BARCELONA: Katalanen demonstrieren für die UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—SPANIEN
20210911—19950000    —ATTRIBUTED, The claim is, to WAR—OF—EXTERMINATION, 1—COMPENDIUM of academic essays originally published.
20210912             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, BIDEN—DEKRET: FBI, geheim gehaltenes Memo zu 20010911             —ERMITTLUNGEN
20210918             Das Verfahren gegen den mutmaßlichen Drahtzieher der Anschläge vom 20010911             , Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, im USA—GEFANGENENLAGER Guantánamo ist erneut unterbrochen worden.
20210919—20210911    —ON, her family had reported her missing to THE—NORTH—PORT, FLORIDA, police department.
20211006—20010911    —AFTER, 3—USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES proposed that ABU—ZUBAYDAH, the 1. detainee THE—CIA subjected to brutal interrogation, be allowed to testify about his treatment.
20211019—20210911    —IN—THE, The bank was investigated for several money laundering scandals, including going to great lengths to allow FORMER—CHILE—DICTATOR—AUGUSTO Pinochet to hide his fortune —AFTER his accounts were subjected to asset freezing and for unknowingly allowing the hijackers involved attacks to transfer money due to lax controls at the bank.
20211103             —RELEASED, THE—FBI, HUNDREDS—OF—PAGES—OF newly declassified documents about its long effort to explore connections between THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT and 20210911             —THE attacks, revealing the scope of 1—STRENUOUS but ultimately fruitless investigation whose outcome MANY—QUESTION to THIS—DAY.
20211210             Terrorverdacht im 20010911             —UMFELD: Ermittler in HAMBURG verhinderten offenbar Anschlag
20220215             Strafe für 20010911             : Wie Biden AFGHANISTAN bluten lässt
202203091130         NORD—STREAM 2—READY for use, situation on global energy markets turbulent, SOURCE  DMITRY—PESKOV
20220323             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—9953—(+113)—ÓBITOS—43—RECUPERADOS—20010911—1—CASOS—ATIVOS—899—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2133
20220324             —ERST20010911             —NACH—DEN—ANSCHLÄGE—VOM, ordnete USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH die weitere Erforschung von Hyperschallwaffen an.
20220324             Letztlich haben die Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, also 1—REIHE überstürzter —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN nach sich gezogen, auf die hin die 3—SUPERMÄCHTE USA, RUSSLAND und CHINA —HEUTE aus unterschiedlichen Gründen und mit verschiedenen technologischen Ansätzen um einsatzfähige HYPERSCHALL—LENKFLUGKÖRPER ringen.
20220325—20010911    —NACH, Zum Vergleich: Die GITMO—MCDONALD'S—FAHNE auf Halbmast
20220428—20010911    —NACH, Gut, bei den Amis ja eigentlich auch nicht, die haben ja auch unversehrte Pässe der im Feuerball atomisierten Entführer auf der Straße gefunden.
20220608             Karen Donfried über die "Zeitenwende": USA—DIPLOMATIN nennt Ukrainekrieg "Deutschlands 20220911             "
202207270911         —UHR
20220802—20110000    —IN, ERTOOK 1—PRECISION—COUNTERTERRORISM—OPERATION in KABUL—AFGHANISTAN, at THE—PRESIDENT—DIRECTION," the official said, adding that the operation "targeted and killed" the current LEADER—OF—AL—QAEDA—AYMAN—AL—ZAWAHIRI, who was OSAMA—BIN—LADEN deputy 20220911             —DURING, —THE attacks and his successor.
20220910—20220911    —AM, wählen die SCHWEDEN ein neues Parlament.
20220911             Moreover, THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—ATTACKS on the Twin Towers is coming up soon," the expert said.
20220911             —SONNTAG, 20220911
20220911             Rückzug RUSSISCHER—TRUPPEN: DIE—UKRAINER schreiben Geschichte — DEUTSCHLAND muss seinen Kurs ändern
20220911             Vorbereitung auf —HERBST und —WINTER: Wie Sie noch an Brennholz kommen — und welche Fehler Sie nicht machen sollten
20220911             Harmloser Achtbeiner: NOSFERATU—SPINNE breitet sich in DEUTSCHLAND aus
20220911             —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—NATURSCHÜTZERN hat die eigentlich aus dem Mittelmeerraum stammende Spinne auch NIEDERSACHSEN erreicht.
20220911             Es gebe Meldungen aus HANNOVER, Göttingen und Osnabrück, aber auch in OLDENBURG und Ostfriesland sei die Spinne mehrfach gesichtet worden, teilte der Naturschutzbund (Nabu) NIEDERSACHSEN mit.
20220911             Die zur FAMILIE—DER—KRÄUSELJAGDSPINNEN zählende Art (Zoropsis spinimana) hat 1—KÖRPERLÄNGE von ein —BIS 2—ZENTIMETERN und 1—BEINSPANNWEITE von etwa 5—ZENTIMETERN.
20220911             "Bei den 1. in DEUTSCHLAND aufgefundenen NOSFERATU—SPINNEN handelt es sich vermutlich um Urlaubsmitbringsel, die sich dann im Schutz der Häuser vermehrt haben",
20220911             Der Betreiber des umkämpften ATOM—KRAFTWERKS—SAPORISCHSCHJA hat den Betrieb von Europas größtem AKW gestoppt.
20220911             Das teilte das Unternehmen Energoatom auf Telegram mit.
20220911             hieß es dort.
20220911             "Die Vorbereitungen für die Abkühlung und Überführung in den Kaltzustand sind im Gange".
20220911             MOSCOW, 20220910             . - /TASS/.
20220911             —BANNED, MEDIA—REPORTS claiming that RUSSIA—TOURISTS were, from entering THE—EU are false, the embassy of FINLAND in MOSCOW told TASS —SATURDAY.
20220911             —EARLIER, the media reported citing European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson that entry to THE—EU will be allowed to RUSSIA—CITIZENS traveling for family and humanitarian reasons as well as to RUSSIA—JOURNALISTS.
20220911             The reports did not specify if they were talking about the already negotiated suspension of the simplified visa regime or SOME—ADDITIONAL—RESTRICTIONS.
20220911             "This information is false.
20220911             The reports talk about the suspension of the simplified visa regime, not total PROHIBITION—OF—TOURISM or entry ban," THE—FINLAND—EMBASSY said.
20220911             —EARLIER, authorities of POLAND and Baltic States negotiated entry restrictions for RUSSIA—CITIZENS with active Schengen visas, which must enter into effect —BEFORE 20220919             .
20220911             —MEANWHILE, FINLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PEKKA—HAAVISTO said that HELSINKI will not restrict entry for RUSSIA—CITIZENS—UNTIL proper explanations are provided by the European Commission.
20220911             BRUSSELS expects that this decision will be approved by the European Council and will enter into effect —BEFORE 20220912             .
20220911             —EXPECTED, Visa costs and provision timeframe are, to increase significantly, with tourist visas being put at lowest priority.
20220911             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION also calls on EU member states to check the visa applicants for "security risks".
20220911             TOKYO, 20220911             . - /TASS/.
20220911             The shift to solid fuel is 1—OF—THE—MAIN—ACHIEVEMENTS as it complicates satellite surveillance, according to the report.
20220911             Liquid fuel tanks take longer to fill, allowing satellites to detect preparations for launch.
20220911             Also, liquid fuel missiles can't be stored ready for launch for 1—LONG—TIME once their tanks are filled.
20220911             Solid fuel missiles can be launched unexpectedly, the report said.
20220911             1—ANALYSIS—OF—DPRK—MISSILE launches showed solid fuel missiles made up 13—PERCENT—OF—THEM in 20160000—20170000    , —WHILE that proportion climbed to MORE—THAN—70% —AFTER.
20220911             PYONGYANG is —NOW using the new models KN-23 and KN-24 that are similar to ones that are in use by THE—USA—AND—RUSSIA.
20220911             —DEVELOPED, In addition, THE—DPRK has, technology that allows missiles to maneuver —DURING flight, which makes them harder to intercept.
20220911             —BEFORE 20170000             all missiles flew 1—PARABOLIC trajectory, but 40—PERCENT—OF—THEM followed 1—MORE—COMPLEX trajectory 20190000             —AFTER, changing altitude —DURING flight, and sometimes maneuvering left or right.
20220911             SOME—ESTIMATES suggest THE—DPRK spent about 2—PERCENT—OF—ITS—GDP on launches so far —THIS—YEAR.
20220911             Analysts said have THE—DPRK is developing tactical nuclear weapons.
20220911             According to THE—USA, JAPAN and SOUTH—KOREA, PYONGYANG may conduct a 7. NUCLEAR—TEST as PART—OF—THE—DEVELOPMENT—PROCESS.
20220911             BELGRADE, 20220911             .
20220911             /TASS/. - SERBIA—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDAR—VUCIC—ON—SATURDAY said leading EU countries are demanding that Serbia make 1—CHOICE between RUSSIA and THE—WEST.
20220911             He made the statement —FOLLOWING talks with EU, German and FRANCE—ENVOYS.
20220911             —SUPPORTED, According to THE—SERBIA—PRESIDENT, "major Western forces, by THE—USA—AND—TURKEY" said EUROPE must defend itself in the current standoff and that required everybody to pick their side.
20220911             "Which side of the curtain: where economy is vanishing and nonexistent or THE—SIDE—OF—SUCCESS, which is where they are," THE—SERBIA—LEADER said, without disclosing how he answered.
20220911             —PREDICTED, Vucic —EARLIER, that EUROPE would face power outages due to the global energy crisis.
20220911             —PREDICTED, THE—PRESIDENT, that the gas price at the exchange —DURING—THE—COMING—WINTER could reach $6,000 per 1,000 cubic meters.
20220911             —SAVED, He said that only timely PURCHASES—OF—RUSSIA—GAS, Serbia from disaster and power outages.
20220911             —STATIONED, THE—RUSSIA—TROOPS, at Balakleya and Izyum have been regrouped and redeployed to THE—DONETSK direction in order to step up efforts there, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—IGOR—KONASHENKOV told reporters —ON—SATURDAY.
20220911             "In order to achieve the declared goals of the special MILITARY—OPERATION for the liberation of Donbass, it was decided to regroup THE—RUSSIA—FORCES stationed near Balakleya and Izyum to boost efforts in THE—DONETSK direction," Konashenkov said.
20220911             According to THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN, for that purpose, 1—OPERATION—OF reorganizing and redeploying THE—IZYUM—BALAKLEYA grouping to THE—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC (DPR) has been carried out in the past —3—DAYS.
20220911             Simultaneously, distractive and demonstration activates indicating troops' real actions were taken.
20220911             "1—POWERFUL—FIRE—ATTACK, with THE—AIR—FORCE, missile and artillery troops engaged, was conducted against the enemy to prevent harm to RUSSIA—TROOPS," he added.
20220911             —ON—FRIDAY, THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY released 1—VIDEO showing RUSSIA—TROOPS' redeployment to the Kharkov direction.
20220911             —ARMORED, Footage features 1—MILITARY—CONVOY consisting of BTR-82A, personnel carriers and D-20 towed GUN—HOWITZERS.
20220911             —INSCRIBED, Besides the Z and V symbols, 1—NEW—SYMBOL - 1—CIRCLE, in 1—TRIANGLE—PAINTED on military vehicles can be seen in the video.
20220911             DONETSK, 20220911             .
20220911             /TASS/. - DENIS—PUSHILIN, HEAD—OF—THE—DONETSK—PEOPLE'S—REPUBLIC, —ON—SUNDAY said the situation along the combat line in THE—DONETSK PEOPLE—REPUBLIC is tense but THE—FORCES—OF—THE—PEOPLE—MILITIA hold it under control.
20220911             "The situation of the frontline is tense but under control," he told TASS.
20220911             MANY—AREAS, he said, THE—DPR forces are advancing, although with difficulty.
20220911             —UNCHANGED, The situation in THE—AREA—OF—DONETSK is, with DPR forces still in CONTROL—OF—THE—AIRPORT, Pushilin said.
20220911             He described SOME—UKRAINE—REPORTS that KIEV—FORCES took the airport as false.
20220911             —DESTROYED, According to Pushilin, DPR forces, 1—UKRAINE—COMMAND—POST in Dobrovolye and SOME—MILITARY—EQUIPMENT—NEAR—UGLEGORSK.
20220911             "Near Uglegorsk, the enemy's NATO—SUPPLIED equipment was destroyed, including 1—POLISH—MADE AHS Krab 155-millimeter SELF—PROPELLED artillery," he said.
20220911             —UNTRAINED, Pushilin said UKRAINE—COMMANDERS send, personnel to battle and —THEREFORE UKRAINE—FORCES are suffering heavy losses.
20220911             20210900             —AS—OF, there are MORE—THAN—26,000 known NEAR—EARTH asteroids and a 100—SHORT—PERIOD—NEAR—EARTH comets.
20220911             1 will inevitably crash into the Earth.
20220911             —UNDETECTED, Millions more remain, and SOME—MAY be headed toward the Earth —NOW.
20220911             Share SAUDI—ARABIA—STONE—CAMELS are older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge on LinkedIn
20220911             The ancient rock sculptures of SAUDI—ARABIA serve as reminders of 1—DISTANT—TIME—WHEN the desert region we know —TODAY consisted MOSTLY—OF—LAKES and grasslands.
20220911             —SUSTAINED, This lush ecosystem, by the excessive rainfall it received —DURING 1—HUMID spell in the Holocene epoch, became the home of both our human ancestors and the wildlife whose likenesses they carved into the cliffsides.
20220911             Unable to detect ANY—ORGANIC—MATTER to sample and study, the archaeologists based their estimates on similar reliefs found in THE—CITY—OF—PETRA.
20220911             —BELIEVED, As 1—RESULT, these ancient stone camels were, to be —AROUND 2,—000—YEARS—OLD.
20220911             1—MORE—RECENT—STUDY suggests something very different.
20220911             Studying such things as erosion patterns, tool marks, and animal bones excavated at 1—NEARBY—SITE, 1—TEAM—OF—EUROPEAN and Middle Eastern researchers concluded the camel sculptures were much older than previously thought.
20220911             —PUBLISHED, Their research, in the Journal of Archeological Science —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, claims the sculptures could be anywhere between 7,000 to 8,—000—YEARS—OLD.
20220911             —LAST—YEAR, GUILLAUME—CHARLOUX, THE—FRANCE—ARCHAEOLOGIST who originally found the sculptures in AL—JAWF, suggested they could be PART—OF—1—OLDER and more widespread tradition of Neolithic rock art characterized by naturalistic and LIFE—SIZE—DEPICTIONS—OF—CAMELS.
20220911             The only difference here was that those from AL—JAWF were 1—LITTLE—MORE 3—DIMENSIONAL.
20220911             The bounds were ultimately set at 7,000 and 8,—000—YEARS.
20220911             1—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS in ITALY discovered the intact brain cells of 1—YOUNG—MAN who † in THE—MOUNT—VESUVIUS eruption in A.D. 79. The brain's cell structure was visible to researchers (who used 1—ELECTRON microscope) in 1—GLASSY, black material found inside the man's skull.
20220911             —PRESERVED, The material was likely the victim's brain, through THE—PROCESS—OF—VITRIFICATION in which the intense heat followed by rapid cooling turned the organ to glass.
20220911             —PRESERVED, According to Petrone they were "incredibly well, with 1—RESOLUTION that is impossible to find anywhere else".
20220911             In the ancestors of both Neanderthals and humans, 1—DRAMATIC—INCREASE in the size of the neocortex likely paved the way for many of the advanced neurological capabilities that separate us from THE—REST—OF—THE—ANIMAL—KINGDOM — including 1 enhanced spatial awareness, which lets us envisage changes to our surroundings.
20220911             —PLAYED, These changes likely, 1—CRUCIAL—ROLE in THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—LANGUAGE, which transformed our ability to communicate with EACH—OTHER and was ultimately key to THE—EMERGENCE—OF—COMPLEX—SOCIETIES.
20220911             —AFTER Homo sapiens SPLIT from Neanderthals, —AROUND 100—AMINO acids were swapped out for other molecular groups — 1—SUBSTITUTION that didn't take place in our evolutionary cousins.
20220911             —ALTERED, These changes profoundly, THE—STRUCTURES—OF—THE—PROTEINS carried by our ancestors.
20220911             So far, however, their biological significance has largely eluded researchers.
20220911             —BEFORE the war, targeting civilians was considered OFF—LIMITS.
20220911             —STARTED, But as the fighting, moral compasses soon went haywire.
20220911             Under the guise of 'demoralizing the enemy', killing large numbers of civilians became 1 accepted military objective.
20220911             19410000             —BY—EARLY, THE—GERMANY—AIR—WAR—ON—BRITAIN had claimed 41,000 lives and caused widespread destruction.
20220911             LONDON lost more than 1—MILLION—BUILDINGS in the war;
20220911             the center of COVENTRY was wiped out in —1—NIGHT;
20220911             and 95—PERCENT—OF—HOUSES in Hull were damaged or destroyed.
20220911             Then came the Butt Report (sic).
20220911             That shocking statistic eventually led to 1—CHANGE—OF—STRATEGY: In February 19420000             , under the new LEADERSHIP—OF—AIR—MARSHAL—RICHARD—HARRIS, RAF Bomber Command switched to 'area bombing' a.k.a. carpet bombing.
20220911             Harris' tenacious PURSUIT—OF—THE—NEW—STRATEGY, sometimes in the face of contrary evidence, would earn him the nicknames "Bomber Harris" and "Butcher Harris".
20220911             Cologne was the 1. major GERMANY—CITY to get 'area bombed': On the night of 19420530             , over 1,000 RAF aircraft dropped —AROUND 1,500 TONS—OF—BOMBS, causing LARGE—SCALE—DESTRUCTION and over 2,000 large fires.
20220911             —THROUGHOUT 19430000             into early 19440000             , THE—3—MAJOR—OPERATIONS—OF—THE—AIR—WAR were:
20220911             THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—RUHR (March to 19430700             ): Targeting the major cities of this industrial heartland;
20220911             Operation Gomorrah (20220724             to 19430803             ): THE—ROUND—THE—CLOCK BOMBING—OF—HAMBURG, aimed at its total destruction (see also #1015);
20220911             and - THE—BATTLE—OF—BERLIN (19431100             to 19440300             ): Destroying the industrial MUSCLE—OF—THE—GERMANY—CAPITAL.
20220911             —FROM February 19440000             to 19440600             , that average fell to about 9,500 houses per —MONTH;
20220911             but 19440700—19450100    —FROM—TO, it shot up to —JUST over 25,000 units per —MONTH.
20220911             Sun 20220911             - [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20220911             So schlimm: CDU führt Frauenquote ein.
20220911             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig. Die CDU! Eine Frauenquote!
20220911             [l] Aufgepasst, liebe Leser, es droht eine neue Drogenepidemie.
20220911             Es ist eine neue Droge aufgetaucht!
20220911             Die bricht 1—SCHNEISE—DER—VERWÜSTUNG durch die bayerische Bevölkerung.
20220911             MARKUS—SÖDER hat darauf hingewiesen. Crystal Mett!
20220911             Energiewende: Bahn will in großem Stil Wasserstoff transportieren
20220911             —VERZICHTET, Berühmte USA—UNIVERSITÄT: Princeton, auf Gebühren — wenn Eltern weniger als 100.000—USA—DOLLAR verdienen
20220911             Letzte Reise von ELIZABETH II.: An der Straße verneigen sich die Schotten vor der QUEEN — in absoluter Stille
20220911             ANGST—VOR—DEM Absturz: Wie schlimm wird die DEUTSCHE—REZESSION?
20220911             Debatte über Burning Man: "Sie sollten das Festival 'Burning the Planet' nennen"
20220911             Trotz Rechtsstaatsproblemen: VON—DER—LEYEN sucht den Deal mit Autokrat Orbán
20220911             Überführung in den Kaltzustand: ATOM—KRAFTWERK—SAPORISCHSCHJA soll heruntergefahren werden
20220911             Landwirtschaft in BRASILIEN: Mehr Kühe, aber weniger Methan — (wie) geht das?
20220911             Folgen des Reisechaos: Flughafen BERLIN BRANDENBURG meldet 3000—GESTRANDETE Koffer
20220911             Kardinal Woelkis Führungsstil: "Schweigen, taktieren und gegeneinander ausspielen"
20220911             Der Konsum von Fisch und Meeresfrüchten ist nicht nur klimaschonender, sondern auch noch gesünder als 1—ERNÄHRUNG auf Fleischbasis.
20220911             —BERICHTET, Das, ein internationales Forschungsteam nach einer umfassenden Vergleichsstudie.
20220911             Dafür wurden nicht nur Dutzende Meerestierarten ausgewertet, sondern den Daten auch solche von Zuchttieren wie Schweinen, Rindern und Hühnern gegenübergestellt.
20220911             enthalten Meerestiere nicht nur viel Protein, sondern auch Omega-3-Fettsäuren sowie Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Selen, Iod, Eisen, Zink und Phosphor.
20220911             Die Gruppe um Ziegler setzte bei ihren Analysen die klimaschädlichen TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN nicht in Bezug zur Masse eines Lebensmittels in Kilogramm, sondern zur Nährstoffdichte.
20220911             Gemittelt, so schreiben Ziegler und Kollegen, hätten Meerestiere eine bessere Nährstoffdichte als Schweine-, RIND—UND Hühnerfleisch und eine bessere KLIMA—BILANZ als zumindest Schwein und Rind.
20220911             Allerdings variierten gerade bei den Emissionen die Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen GRUPPEN—VON—MEERESTIEREN um MEHR—ALS den Faktor 10.
20220911             Die Emissionen bei wild gefangenen Fischen hängen demnach vor allem vom Treibstoffverbrauch ab, der wiederum mit der ART—DES—FISCHENS und der Größe der Bestände schwankt.
20220911             Das beste Verhältnis zwischen Nährstoffeinheit und Emissionen haben demnach wild gefangene Lachsfische (Salmonidae) — etwa Buckellachs und Rotlachs —, kleinere fettreiche Fische wie Heringe, Makrelen und Sardellen sowie kultivierte Muscheln.
20220911             Dies seien aber nicht die meistkonsumierten Meeresbewohner,
20220911             Im Gegensatz dazu wiesen etwa Krebstiere wie Krabben und Garnelen oder Kopffüßer wie Kraken eine geringere Nährstoffdichte auf und gingen mit hohen Emissionen einher.
20220911             Planungschaos unter Söder: BAYERN soll Kostenexplosion bei Münchner S—BAHN verschwiegen haben
20220911             GROSSBRITANNIEN weist Äußerungen des RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN zurück, wonach nur 1—BRUCHTEIL der UKRAINISCHEN—GETREIDELIEFERUNGEN an arme Länder gehe.
20220911             PUTIN sagte —AM—MITTWOCH, dass nur 2—VON 87—SCHIFFEN 60.000—TONNEN Getreide in arme Länder geliefert hätten.
20220911             Dazu erklärt das BRITISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM unter Berufung auf UN—ZAHLEN, dass rund 30—PROZENT—DES—EXPORTIEREN—GETREIDES an Länder mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen in AFRIKA, ASIEN und im Nahen Osten geliefert worden seien.
20220911             Prorussische Separatisten haben gallig auf die Darstellung des RUSSISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUMS zum Truppenrückzug in der UKRAINE reagiert.
20220911             1—DER—FÜHRER—DES—AUFSTANDES 20140000             in der Ostukraine, IGOR—GRIKIN, kommentierte die Behauptung, es handle sich um 1—UMGRUPPIERUNG—VON—TRUPPEN zur Befreiung des Donbass auf Telegram mit den Worten: "Brillante Operation (eindeutig im Rahmen der Pläne und sogar früher als geplant) um die Städte Isjum, Balaklija und Kupjansk an angesehene UKRAINISCHE—PARTNER zu übergeben".
20220911             Der SPRECHER—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM in Moskau IGOR—KONASCHENKOW sagte, die Soldaten würden von Balaklija und Isjum ins Donbass umgruppiert, "um die gesetzten Ziele der MILITÄR—SPEZIALOPERATION zur Befreiung des Donbass zu erreichen".
20220911             Mit ähnlichen Worten hatte RUSSLAND im Frühjahr —SCHON den Rückzug seiner Verbände aus dem Gebiet um die UKRAINISCHE—HAUPTSTADT—KIEV zu erklären versucht.
20220911             Die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE setzt LAUT—ANGABEN aus KIEV ihre Rückeroberung russisch besetzter Gebiet im Osten der UKRAINE fort".
20220911             Die Befreiung von Ortschaften in den Distrikten Kupjansk und Isjum ist im Gang",
20220911             Die UKRAINISCHEN—SOLDATEN haben laut USA—EXPERTEN INNERHALB—2—TAGENFÜNF —TAGEN mehr Gelände zurückgewonnen als die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN insgesamt —SEIT—APRIL besetzt haben".
20220911             Die Befreiung von Isjum wird der größte MILITÄR—ERFOLG der UKRAINE —SEIT dem Sieg in der Schlacht vor KIEV —IM—MÄRZ",
20220911             urteilte das Institute for THE—STUDY—OF—THE—WAR (ISW) in seiner Lageanalyse.
20220911             Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—KIEW, Vitali Klitschko, bittet DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG um die Lieferung von LEOPARD—PANZERN".
20220911             Um unsere Soldaten besser zu schützen und auszustatten, braucht DIE—UKRAINE gerade —JETZT dringend weitere Waffenlieferungen",
20220911             sagt Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—KIEW, Vitali Klitschko der "Bild"-Zeitung.
20220911             Die VORSITZENDE—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGS—AUSSCHUSSES, MARIE—AGNES—STRACK—ZIMMERMANN, fordert schnelle weitere Waffenlieferungen an DIE—UKRAINE zur Unterstützung des Vormarsches".
20220911             DEUTSCHLAND muss umgehend seinen Teil zu den Erfolgen der UKRAINE beitragen und geschützte Fahrzeuge, den Schützenpanzer Marder und den Kampfpanzer Leopard 2—LIEFERN",
20220911             DEUTSCHLAND stehe damit an der Seite des UKRAINISCHEN—VOLKES und übernehme eine "führende Rolle in EUROPA im Kampf für Demokratie in Frieden und Freiheit".
20220911             Die FDP—POLITIKERIN forderte auch, keine Zeit zu verlieren.
20220911             —NACH den MILITÄR—ERFOLGEN der UKRAINE plädiert der SPD—AUßENPOLITIKER MICHAEL—ROTH dafür, das Land rasch mit neuen Waffen zu unterstützen".
20220911             In dieser neuen Phase des Krieges braucht DIE—UKRAINE Waffen, die sie befähigen, von RUSSLAND besetzte Gebiete zu befreien und dauerhaft unter Kontrolle zu halten",
20220911             Die Erfolge der UKRAINISCHEN—ARMEE ließen es immer realistischer erscheinen, dass DIE—UKRAINE den Krieg gewinnen könne".
20220911             Dies wäre ohne die Lieferung von modernen westlichen WAFFEN—AUCH aus DEUTSCHLAND—NICHT möglich gewesen".
20220911             Die UKRAINISCHEN—TRUPPEN haben bei ihrer Offensive südöstlich von Charkiw nach eigenen Angaben etwa 3000—QUADRATKILOMETER Land zurückerobert.
20220911             EINIGE—VERBÄNDE befänden sich noch etwa 50—KILOMETER von der RUSSISCHEN—GRENZE entfernt,
20220911             —NACH erfolgreichen UKRAINISCHEN—GEGENANGRIFFEN ziehen sich die RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN offenbar auch aus dem nördlichen TEIL—DES—CHARKIWER—GEBIETS zurück.
20220911             Die VERTEIDIGUNGS—EXPERTIN—DER—GRÜNEN, Agnieszka Brugger, wirbt für mehr Waffenlieferungen an DIE—UKRAINE".
20220911             Gerade in den Bereichen Luftverteidigung, geschützter Transport, Artillerie und Schutzausrüstung sollten wir alles nur Mögliche tun",
20220911             FRANZISKUS—PAPA hat seinen Kardinal KONRAD—KRAJEWSKI als Zeichen der Nähe und Hoffnung in DIE—UKRAINE geschickt".
20220911             Krajewski ist in meinem Auftrag in der UKRAINE, um den Menschen dort Hoffnung zu schenken",
20220911             Das war nicht die einfachste —NACHT, das war nicht der einfachste —MORGEN",
20220911             sagte der GOUVERNEUR—DER an DIE—UKRAINE grenzenden RUSSISCHEN—REGION BELGOROD, Wjatscheslaw Gladkow, per Video im Onlinedienst Telegram.
20220911             Die meisten Menschen, die in der Region BELGOROD die Grenze überquert hätten, seien "in ihren eigenen Fahrzeugen zu ihren Verwandten" in RUSSLAND gefahren, sagte Gladkow.
20220911             Aktuell seien 1342—MENSCHEN in 27—PROVISORISCHEN Unterkünften in der Region untergebracht.
20220911             —INZWISCHEN, Anders als —IN—DER—NACHT gebe es, keine langen Warteschlangen mehr an der Grenze.
20220911             Die RUSSISCHE—FÜHRUNG hat kurz nach einer schweren Niederlage des eigenen Militärs in der UKRAINE —VERHANDLUNGEN mit KIEV in Aussicht gestellt".
20220911             RUSSLAND lehnt —VERHANDLUNGEN mit der UKRAINE nicht ab, doch je länger der Prozess hinausgezögert wird, desto schwerer wird es, sich zu einigen",
20220911             sagte AUßEN—MINISTER—SERGEJ—LAWROW im Staatsfernsehen.
20220911             Die —VERHANDLUNGEN, die kurz NACH—BEGINN des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFS—KRIEGS gegen das Nachbarland begannen, sind —SEIT—MONATEN ausgesetzt.
20220911             LAWROW rechtfertigte im Fernsehen einmal mehr das RUSSISCHE—VORGEHEN.
20220911             LAWROW sprach von einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem ganzen Westen.
20220911             Dieser versuche, unter allen Umständen seine Vormachtstellung zu bewahren.
20220911             Doch die Menschheit bewege sich auf eine gerechtere Weltordnung mit multipolaren Machtzentren zu, prognostizierte RUSSLAND—CHEFDIPLOMAT.
20220911             Die RUSSISCHEN—BESATZER haben zahlreiche Ortschaften im Gebiet Charkiw aufgegeben und dabei immer wieder MILITÄR—GERÄT zurückgelassen.
20220911             Das Militärblog Oryx zählte in den vergangenen —TAGEN allein 15—RUSSISCHE—PANZER  und Dutzende Truppentransporter, die an DIE—UKRAINE fielen, das ist nur 1—VON—ZAHLREICHEN—BERICHTEN.
20220911             Wie viel Munition und Militärfahrzeuge genau in UKRAINISCHE—KONTROLLE kamen, ist nicht klar.
20220911             Überschattet von Manipulationsvorwürfen steht in RUSSLAND —AM—SONNTAG der 3. und —LETZTE—TAG—VON—REGIONAL—UND Kommunalwahlen an.
20220911             Bei den 1. Abstimmungen —SEIT—BEGINN des Krieges GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE werden in MEHR—ALS—80 REGIONEN—DES—RIESENLANDES—GOUVERNEURE örtliche Parlamente und Stadtteilvertretungen neu bestimmt.
20220911             Unabhängige Wahlbeobachter beklagen, dass kaum von einer freien politischen Willensbekundung die Rede sein kann, weil echte Oppositionelle von vornherein ausgeschlossen worden seien.
20220911             Der UKRAINISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Denys Schmyhal hat dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) mangelnde Unterstützung vorgeworfen.
20220911             Im Unterschied zu den USA und der EUROPÄISCHE—UNION, die bei der Unterstützung der UKRAINE führend seien, "beobachten wir beim IWF eine ziemlich passive Haltung",
20220911             sagte Schmyhal —AM—SAMSTAG beim internationalen Forum Yalta European Strategy (YES) in KIEV.
20220911             sagt er der "Bild"-Zeitung.
20220911—19390900    —BLITZED, THE—GERMANS, WARSAW, ROTTERDAM 19400500             —IN, and LONDON soon thereafter.
20220911—19410800    —IN, Published, it revealed that only 1 in 3—RAF bombers that managed to drop their payload over GERMANY did so within 5—MILES (8—KM) of its target.
20220911—20050000    —J—IM, sei die Art 1. in DEUTSCHLAND nachgewiesen worden, seither habe sie sich stark verbreitet.
20220911—20170000    —J—IM, Der Verzehr von Meerestieren machte etwa 17—PROZENT—DES—MENSCHLICHEN—KONSUMS an tierischem Protein aus.
20220911—20180000    —IN, This particular story in ARABIA—PREHISTORY begins, —WHEN archeologists discovered 1—SERIES—OF—GIANT—STONE—CAMEL sculptures in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—AL—JAWF.
20220911—20190000    —SINCE, THE—DPRK has sharply improved the specifications of its missiles by shifting to solid fuel and making them harder to intercept, the Nikkei newspaper reported —ON—SUNDAY.
20220911—20190000    —LAUNCHED, In the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR, THE—DPRK, at least 28—MISSILES, 1—NEW—HIGH—FOR—6—MONTHS, which beats the previous RECORD—OF—25 launches set.
20220911—20220529    —ON, Vucic said that —DURING telephone talks with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN he agreed on the main clauses of 1—GAS—SUPPLY—CONTRACT.
20220911—20220906    —ON, the European Commission approved the proposal on total SUSPENSION—OF—THE—AGREEMENT on simplified visa regime with RUSSIA.
20220911—20220911    —AM, "—HEUTE, —NACHTS um 03:41—UHR, wurde der Block 6—DES AKW Saporischschja vom Stromnetz getrennt",
20220912             Elections were held in 82—RUSSIA—REGIONS on —SEPTEMBER 20010911             19700911—19700913    —BIS—ZUM—DAUERT, Die OPERATION—TAILWIND
20220917             RUSSIA held elections for 15—TOP—REGIONAL—OFFICIALS on —SEPTEMBER 20010911             (14—OF—THEM were direct elections, —WHILE THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ADYGEYA—REPUBLIC was elected by its legislature).
20221012—20010911    —NACH, [l] Wisst ihr noch damals, ?
20221107             Das Land wurde zu einem Zufluchtsort für dschihadistische Gruppen, darunter OSAMA—BIN—LADEN und das Terrornetzwerk AL—KAIDA, die Urheber der Anschläge 20010911             —VOM, in den USA.
20221204             Anschläge 20010911             — VOLKER—PISPERS, —BIS neulich (20070000             )
20230227             "—NACH—DEN Terroranschlägen des 20010911             kündigten DIE—USA den ABM—VERTRAG, um neue Raketenabwehrsysteme entwickeln zu können".
20230628             Im Rahmen eines Stipendiums des Studiengangs Wissenschaftsjournalismus der Technischen UNIVERSITÄT—DORTMUND führte Hardinghaus 20110000             zum zehnjährigen Gedenktag der Terroranschläge 20010911             —VOM, 1—STUDIE unter Deutschen durch, um die Verbreitung von Verschwörungstheorien um den 20010911             zu analysieren.
20230728             UNO—GEHEIMVERFAHREN in NEW—YORK: Hamburger 20010911             —VERSCHWÖRER kämpft gegen Eintrag auf Terrorliste
20230728             Secret UN Proceedings in NEW—YORK: HAMBURG 20010911             —CONSPIRATOR Fights Entry on Terror List
20230810—20010911    —NACH, Als der Flugverkehr für 1—PAAR—TAGE wegbrach, konnte man das auf der Erde in mehr Wärme und mehr Wasserverdunstung sehen.
20230910—20010911    —KURZ—VOR—JAHRESTAG: Überreste 2—OPFER identifiziert
20230911             —MONTAG, 20230911
20230911             Treffen mit Putin: NORDKOREANISCHER—DIKTATOR—KIM auf dem Weg nach RUSSLAND
20230911             Riss in Tunneldecke: GOTTHARD—STRAßENTUNNEL beidseitig gesperrt
20230911             VERIVOX—BERECHNUNG: Bürgergelderhöhung gleicht Stromkosten nicht aus
20230911             Konjunkturprognose: EU—KOMMISSION sieht DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT in der Rezession
20230911             Mutierter Subtyp H3N8: Vogelgrippevirus passt sich dem Menschen gefährlich an
20230911             —RELATIVIERT, Internationaler Haftbefehl: Lula, Sicherheitsgarantie für Putin in BRASILIEN
20230911             Triebwerksmängel: Hunderte AIRBUS—MASCHINEN müssen in die Werkstatt
20230911             Katastrophengebiete im Osten des Landes: Tausende Tote nach Unwetter und Überschwemmungen in LIBYEN befürchtet
20230911             MEHR—ALS—2800 Tote: —NACH—DEM schweren ERDBEBEN—IN—MAROKKO schwindet die Hoffnung auf Überlebende
20230911             Mon 20230911
20240428—20010911    —MILITÄRJUSTIZ in GUANTANAMO—BAY, Wo der, nie endet
20240801—20010911    —VOM—ANGRIFFE—AUF die USA, Drahtzieher  stimmt Deal zu — wohl, um Todesstrafe zu entgehen
20240803             "Mit sofortiger Wirkung": USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER AUSTIN widerruft Deal mit Drahtzieher vom 20240911
20240803             USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER LLOYD—AUSTIN hat —AM—FREITAG (Ortszeit) 1 getroffene Vereinbarung mit dem mutmaßlichen ARCHITEKTEN—DER—ANSCHLÄGE 20010911             —VOM, Chalid SCHEICH—MOHAMMED, sowie 2—SEINER Komplizen außer Kraft gesetzt.
20240828             The alliance's SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG said 20240809—20240911    —AHEAD—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—NATO—SUMMIT that there was no unanimity regarding UKRAINE—ADMISSION to the alliance.
20240911             —MITTWOCH, 20240911
20240911             Impfkampagne in GAZA: UNO—KONVOI an israelischem Kontrollpunkt beschossen und von Bulldozer gerammt
20240911             Gefahr durch Extremwetter: Fast 400.000—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND in den kommenden —JAHREN von Hochwasser bedroht
20240911             Über 100—METER: TEILE—DER—CAROLABRÜCKE in DRESDEN eingestürzt
20240911             Attacken auch auf russischem Gebiet?: USA erwägen Freigabe von Langstreckenwaffen für UKRAINISCHE—ANGRIFFE
20240911             Neue Sitzungsperiode: Erstmals PALÄSTINA—VERTRETER in UNO—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG
20240911             Nach Manöver der UKRAINE: RUSSLAND startet Gegenoffensive im Gebiet KURSK
20240911             Überwachter Pressekontakt: Abhöraktion gegen Letzte Generation — Journalisten legen Verfassungsbeschwerde ein
20240911             Europäische Haftbefehle erlassen: 5—SCHWERVERBRECHER aus portugiesischem Gefängnis ausgebrochen
20240911             Die Justizministerin räumte schwere Fehler ein.
20240911             Medienkommentatoren beklagten unisono ein "komplettes Versagen des Staates",
20240911             die Gewerkschaft der Gefängniswächter machte "Sparwut" und Personalmangel für die Flucht verantwortlich.
20240911             Gedenkzeremonie mit Biden, Harris und Trump: Ein bisschen Frieden
20240911             immobilienkrise, Überproduktion, Arbeitslosigkeit: Long Covid in CHINA
20240911             Mängel bei der Post: USA—WAHLBEAMTE fürchten Probleme bei der Briefwahl
20240911             Bürgerinitiative in der Westukraine: Ukrainische "Sprachpatrouillen" sollen gegen Russisch vorgehen
20240911             [l] Old and busted: Firmen werden in der Cloud abgezockt, Anleger werden von BLOCKCHAIN—BETRÜGERN abgezockt.
20240911             New hotness: Gartner warnt Firmen vor "KI"-Abzocke.
20240911             —BIS zu 1000—PROZENT mehr: GARTNER—CONSULTANTS warnen vor teuren KI—RECHNUNGEN
20240911             Aber aber aber das ist doch die Zukunft?!
20240911             Und —JETZT ist es zu spät, wir haben die Mitarbeiter —SCHON gefeuert!1!!
20240911             [l] NEVADA benutzt —JETZT Google-"KI" für die —ENTSCHEIDUNG, ob jemand Abeitslosengeld kriegt.
20240911             Der Standard ist natürlich, den Leuten alles zu verweigern.
20240911             Wer dagegen klagt, dessen Transkript vor Gericht wird von Googles Schrott-"KI" zusammengefasst und die spricht dann auch 1—EMPFEHLUNG aus für den menschlichen "Entscheider".
20240911             Ich denke mal, wir müssen uns da gar nicht groß in die Tasche lügen, wie oft der "Entscheider" von der Empfehlung der "KI" abweichen wird.
20240911             BERLIN, 20240911             /TASS/. -
20240911             GERMANY—FEDERAL—CHANCELLOR—OLAF—SCHOLZ has said that another conference on resolving the conflict in UKRAINE is needed with RUSSIA taking part.
20240911             "I will say this again.
20240911             This is the moment, this is the time —WHEN we need to explore what possibilities exist.
20240911             It is right —WHEN THE—PRESIDENT—OF—UKRAINE [VLADIMIR—ZELENSKYY] says, and I will say it again, that we need another peace conference with RUSSIA present at the negotiating table," Scholz said".
20240911             This is the task we have to deal with —NOW to find out what is going on".
20240911             —REITERATED, THE—HEAD—OF—GOVERNMENT, that "peace that respects UKRAINE—INTEGRITY and sovereignty must be —JUST, and not imposed or achieved by capitulation".
20240911             "We have done MANY—THINGS to make this possible with the peace conferences that have taken place —AROUND the world: in DENMARK, in SAUDI—ARABIA, in MALTA, in SWITZERLAND," Scholz said".
20240911             This should not stop, even if we know that SOME—OF—THOSE who voted for RIGHT—WING populist parties did so because they disagreed with our support for UKRAINE," Scholz concluded, referring to THE—RESULTS—OF—LAND—ELECTIONS in Saxony and Thuringia in EAST—GERMANY.
20240911             The conference on UKRAINE was held in Buergenstock on 20240615—20160615   .
20240911             —ORGANIZED, SWITZERLAND, which, it by agreement with the authorities in Kiev, did not invite RUSSIA.
20240911             Delegations from 1—NUMBER—OF—STATES, including CHINA, were absent from the forum.
20240911             —SUPPORTED, NONE—OF—THE—BRICS—MEMBER—COUNTRIES, the final communique.
20240911             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY spokeswoman MARIA—ZAKHAROVA said that the conference turned out to be 1—COMPLETE—FIASCO: "such gatherings cannot serve as 1—BASIS for sustainable peace".
20240911             NOVO—OGARYOVO, 20240911             . - /TASS/.
20240911             —INVITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the government to consider the possibility of restricting SUPPLIES—OF—SOME—STRATEGIC—RAW—MATERIALS, such as uranium, titanium or nickel, to foreign markets, but not to the country's own detriment.
20240911             "They are restricting supplies of 1—NUMBER—OF—GOODS to us.
20240911             Well, maybe we should also impose certain restrictions [for them]?"
20240911             Putin said at 1—MEETING with the government.
20240911             He noted that this concerns certain types of goods that RUSSIA supplies to the world market in large quantities.
20240911             "Uranium, titanium, nickel.
20240911             —JUST let's not do anything to our own detriment," he said.
20240911             —REITERATED, Putin, that the government should "think about certain restrictions on supplies to the foreign market" of these and 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER—GOODS.
20240911             —RECALLED, THE—HEAD—OF—STATE, that RUSSIA is among global leaders in TERMS—OF—RESERVES—OF—STRATEGIC—RAW—MATERIALS: it accounts for almost 22—PERCENT—OF—NATURAL—GAS, almost 23—PERCENT—OF—GOLD, and about 55—PERCENT—OF—DIAMONDS.
20240911             "In SOME—COUNTRIES, strategic reserves are being created, and SOME—OTHER—MEASURES are being taken.
20240911             In general, if this does not harm us, then we could think (I am not saying that this needs to be done tomorrow, but we should think) about certain restrictions on supplies to the external market not only of the goods that I named, but ALSO—OF—SOME—OTHERS," he told the government.
20240911             Putin said he would not speak in detail about the reasons for this decision.
20240911             "I think that my colleagues in the government understand perfectly well the importance of these TYPES—OF—RUSSIA—RAW—MATERIALS that I named.
20240911             This is —JUST what came to mind: uranium, titanium, nickel.
20240911             But there are also others [important types of raw materials]," he said.
20240911—20210200    —SEIT, Rückgang auf 2,5 Prozent: USA—INFLATIONSRATE sinkt auf niedrigsten Stand
20240911—20240908    —ON, Scholz told THE—ZDF television channel in 1—INTERVIEW that time was ripe to discuss how to achieve peace and again advocated RUSSIA—PARTICIPATION in 1—NEW meeting to resolve the crisis.
20240911—20400000    —BIS, Schwund : Experten sehen Gletscher an der Marmolata im "irreversiblen Koma"