Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 7. September ?

Ereignisse an einem 7. September

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_8.000—20180207      CHEDDAR—MAN, Der "1. Brite"hatte dunkle Haut und blaue Augen
_8.000—20180207      DER—CHEDDAR—MAN—SKELETT war vollständig erhalten
_8.000—20180207      † DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, ca
_8.000—20180207      1—GEN—ANALYSE brachte —NUN 1—ÜBERRASCHUNG zutage: DER—CHEDDAR—MAN hatte dunkelbraune —BIS schwarze Haut, strahlend blaue Augen, dunkle gelockte Haare.
_8.000—20180207      —CA, GEWANDERT nach EUROPA, des CHEDDAR—MAN—VORFAHREN, vom NAHER—OSTEN.waren
_8.000—20180207      —NACH—CA—300—GENERATIONEN, Ca 10 % der heutigen weißen BRITEN abstammen —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—EXPERTEN—VON—DIESER—GRUPPE.
_8.000—20180207      Das Beispiel CHEDDAR—MAN, zeige aber, "Wir ALLE—SIND—IMMIGRANTEN".
_8.000—20180207      † DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, 1,66 METER—GROß, gut ernährt, in seinen Zwanzigern.
_8.000—20180207      † DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, ca der BRITEN—INSEL dauerhafte Besiedlung Start markiert, Forschern zufolge, deswegen gilt er ALS 1. Brite.
_8.000—20180207      † DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, ca DIE—VORFAHREN aus dem NAHER—OSTEN nach EUROPA eingewandert waren
_8.000—20180207      —VOR—cA—10.—00—JAHREN existierte das heutige GROß—BRITANNIEN natürlich noch nicht.
_8.000—20180207      DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, Das Beispiel zeige aber: "Wir sind ALLE—IMMIGRANTEN".
_8.000—20180207      † DER—CHEDDAR—MAN, ca markiert Forschern zufolge den START—DER—DAUERHAFTEN—BESIEDLUNG auf der Insel, deswegen gilt er ALS 1. Brite.
_8.000—20180207      CHEDDAR—MAN, Der "1. Brite"hatte dunkle Haut und blaue Augen (Wissenschaft, 15:23)
_8.000—20180207      Ca 10 % der heutigen weißen BRITEN stammen —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—EXPERTEN—VON—DIESER—GRUPPE ab — nach etwa 300—GENERATIONEN.
_8.000—20180207      —CA—VOR—10.—00—JAHREN, existierte noch nicht, DAS—HEUTIGE—GROß—BRITANNIEN.natürlich.
01200207             * VETTIUS—VALENS, GRIECHISCHER—ASTRONOM und Astrologe
03550907             †, RÖMER—GEGEN—KAISER—SILVANUS
03990207             † JAPAN—KAISER—NINTOKU, 16.
04570207             1—THRACIAN officer by THE—NAME—OF—LEO was proclaimed as EMPEROR—OF—THE—EAST by the army general, Aspar, on THE—DEATH—OF—THE—EMPEROR—MARCIAN.
04570207             —NACH—DES MARKIANUS Tod
04570207             —ERHOBEN wird, vom MAGISTER—MILITUM—ASPAR, zu des OST—RÖMER—REICH—KAISER—LEO—I.
04570207             1. Des KAISER—LEO—I—KRÖNUNG durchführt.
05600907             † MEROWINGER—PRINZ—S—CHLODOALD, Heiliger
05790000—05900207    PELAGIUS—II—PAPA,
05900207             † PELAGIUS—II, Gothic PAPA (05790000—05900000    ), from plague.
05900207             † PELAGIUS—II—PAPA, GOTHIC—PAPA, from PLAGUE.
07010907             † SERGIUS—I—PAPA
07370907             † FUJIWARA—NO—UMAKAI, JAPANISCHER—STAATSMANN und Dichter
07860907             * SAGA—TENN?—VON—JAPAN, 52.
08570207             † SAMUEL—BISCHOF—VON—WORMS
08780907             LUDWIG—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH. wird durch JOHANNES—VIII—PAPA. in TROYES gekrönt.
09230907             * SUZAKU, 63. Tenn? von JAPAN
09490907             † RICHOWO—BISCHOF—VON—WORMS
09620907             † GAUZLIN—BISCHOF—VON—TOUL
09990207             † BOLESLAV—II—HERZOG—VON—BÖHMEN
10450207             † GO—SUZAKU, 69. KAISER—VON—JAPAN
11010907             —1. —SCHLACHT—VON—RAMLA,
11010907             das KÖNIGREICH—JERUSALEM gegenüber 1—HEER—DER—FATIMIDEN, —NACHDEM KÖNIG—BALDUIN—I überraschend in die zuvor für die Kreuzritter ungünstig verlaufene Schlacht eingegriffen hat.
11010907             † WALDEMAR—CARPENEL, okzitanischer Kreuzritter und HERR—VON—HAIFA im KÖNIGREICH—JERUSALEM
11020207             * ,des HEINRICH—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND Tochter Matilda oo DEUTSCHER—KAISER—HEINRICH—V.
11270207             † 1. namentlich bekannte deutschsprachige Dichterin AVA—VON—GÖTTWEIG,
11340907             † ALFONS—I—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGON
11590907             Bei der WAHL—PAPA im Petersdom kommt es zu tumultartigen Szenen.
11590907             ORLANDO—BANDINELLI wird von den Kardinälen mehrheitlich als Nachfolger des HADRIAN—IV—PAPA. zum PAPA gewählt und
11590907             —13—TAGE—SPÄTER als ALEXANDER—III—PAPA—ORLANDO—BANDINELLI inthronisiert.
11590907             1—KAISERFREUNDLICHE Minderheit wählt demgegenüber OCTAVIANO—DE—MONTICELLI, der anschließend als GEGEN—PAPA—VIKTOR—IV—PAPA—ANTI—PAPA amtiert.
11910907             Während des 3. Kreuzzuges besiegt RICHARD—LÖWENHERZ—SULTAN—SALADIN in der
11910907             —SCHLACHT—VON—ARSUF.
11910907             † JAKOB—VON—AVESNES, FRANZÖSISCHER—ADLIGER und Kreuzfahrer
12380207             —MONGOLEN—STÜRME—ZEIT,
12380207             —EROBERN, eingedrungene MONGOLEN unter BATU—KHAN, die von ihnen belagerte RUSSLAND—FÜRSTENTUM—WLADIMIR—SUSDAL—HAUPT—STADT—WLADIMIR, MONGOLEN unter BATU—KHAN,
12490207             —TURNED, THE—GERMANY—ORDERS then, to LITHUANIA.
12490207             —1—FRIEDENS—VERTRAG—GESCHLOSSEN, in CHRISTBURG, wird,
12490207             —REGELT, 1—FRIEDENS—VERTRAG, das Verhältnis von PRUßEN und siegreichem DEUTSCHER—ORDEN.
12490207             —WITHIN—CA—50—YEARS, THE—TEUTONIC—KNIGHTS and KNIGHTS—OF—THE—CROSS had overcome MOST—OF—PRUSSIA and established German as the dominant culture and language.
13030907             —ATTENTAT—VON—ANAGNI.
13030907             ANAGNI, wird auf BONIFATIUS—VIII—PAPA 1—ATTENTAT verübt.
13030907             —NACH—2—TAGEN blutiger Auseinandersetzungen, Der gefangene BONIFATIUS—VIII—PAPA kommt wieder frei.
13110207             † QUTB—AD—DIN—ASCH—SCHIRAZI, persischer Wissenschaftler
13110207             —CROWNED, EDWARD—OF—CAERNARION was, EDWARD—II.
13120907             † FERDINAND—IV—KÖNIG—VON—KASTILIEN und León
13170207             † ROBERT—DE—CLERMONT, des HAUS—BOURBON königliche Linie Stammvater
13270207             THE oo contract between "RUPRECHT—GREUE—VAN—VIRNEMBOURGH unde HEINRICH sin elste sun"and
13340207             THEODERICUS—ABBAS—EGMUNDENSIS solvit censum duorum annorum.
13530207             A. PETRO—DE—VELDE CLERICO—TRAJECTENSI, LICENTIATO—IN—DECRETIS v conferendum reservatur BENEFICIUM—SPECTANS ad disjwsitionem decani et CAPITULI—S—MARIAE
13540207             EUERARDO—DE—USEN/* CONESTABILI—EQUITI, conducto IN—URBE pro manutentione status Urbis,'^ PRO—STIPENDIIS 24—POSTARUM vivarum et 5—RONZINORUM (;;0210;;— ;;0310;;) AD—RATIONEM 8—FLORENI
13540907             † ANDREA—DANDOLO, DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
13570207             —1— D, "...JOHANNE greuen zu Seyne unsen suager, hern Wilhem greuen zu Wede onsen sun,
13570207             —1— D, heren ARNOLDE herren zu BLANCKENHEYM,
13570207             —1— D, heren JOHANNE herren zy RYFERSCHEIT,
13570207             —1— D, heren WALRAUEN—VAN—SALMEN,
13570207             —1— D, heren REYNARDE herren zu SCHONENUORST,
13570207             —1— D, heren OISTEN—VAN—ELTZLO..".
13570207             —1— D, were named among THE—GUARANTORS—OF—THE oo contract, (presumably O.S.)
13570207             —1— D, between "PHILIPPEn doychter uns hertzogen ind suster unss GREUEN—VAN—DEN Berge" oo "GOEDARDE—VAN—HEYNSBERG herren zu DALENBROYCH, broyder sun unss GREUE—VAN—LOEN"
13570207             "GODEVAERT—VAN—LOEN HERE—ZU—HEYNSBERCH"acknowledged "EDUWAERT—HERTOG—VAN—GELRE" as his suzerain for "onse BORCH—VAN—HEYNSBERCH... die borch tot GEYLENKERKEN...
13570207             DALENBROICH", naming "[onse] vrouw PHILIPPE—VAN—GUYLCHE—VROUW—VAN—HEYNSBERG",
13580207             —AFTER, [WALRAM—VON—SALM.
13630207             REYNERO—MODDE intuitu JOHANNIS—DE—ARKEL—EPISCOPI—TRAIECTENSIS pro domestico suo familiari supplicantis CONFERTUR—CANONICATUS et reservatur [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA
14460207             HERMAN—REMPLEN—SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH, die ERB—RENTE—VON—10—SCHILLING aus dem Haus des t DANIEL—BRUWER bekam,
14460207             Das Haus des t DANIEL—BRUWER dicht neben dem Haus des genannten COENTZ—UP—DER—KEMENADEN ind up der KYRCH—GASSEN—ECKE liegt,
14460207             —FÄLLIG, ist DIE—RENTE auf S—REMIGIUS—TAG.
14460207             —ES—SIEGELT, DER—AUSSTELLER selbst sowie
14460207             SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, die auch bekunden, daß des HERRNAN oo KATHERINGEN dem Verkauf zugestimmt hat,
14460207             —RUBRUMVERMERK, das Haus gehörte später WILLAM—VAN—DER—BURCH, den man auch KYRCHMEYSTER nennt.)
14570907             * STEPHANA—QUINZANI, seliggesprochene Terziarin im DOMINIKANERINNEN—ORDEN
14580207             —ON,—AT—OXFORD, where SELLYNG supplicated for THE—DEGREE—OF—BACHELOR—OF—DIVINITY.3435
14780207             * THOMAS—MORUS, ENGLISCHER—JURIST, Staatsmann und Lordkanzler, Philosoph, Humanist und Autor, Märtyrer
14780207—15350000    * † SIR—THOMAS—MOORE, ENGLAND—HUMANIST, statesman and writer, in LONDON.
14780207—15350000    SIR—THOMAS—MOORE was best friend of Erasmus, and called by Erasmus: "1—MAN for all seasons".
14780207—15350000    He studied law and rose to THE—POST—OF—LORD—CHANCELLOR—AFTER the fall of Cardinal Wolsey.
14780207—15350000    More would not accept HENRY—VIII—DIVORCE from CATHERINE—OF—ARAGON nor his subsequent marriage to ANNE—BOLEYN.
14780207—15350000    19660000             —THE film "1—MAN for All Seasons" was based on his life.
14780207—15350000    SIR—THOMAS—MOORE is famous for "Utopia".
14780207—15350000    —STUDIED, SIR—THOMAS—MOORE, law and rose to THE—POST—OF—LORD—CHANCELLOR, —AFTER the fall of Cardinal Wolsey.
14780207—15350000    19660000             —THE film "1—MAN for All Seasons" was based on SIR—THOMAS—MOORE his life.
14780207—15350706    —FILED, THE—KING had charges of treason, and More was beheaded.
14780207—15350706    —FILED, HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—ENGLAND had CHARGES—OF—TREASON, and SIR—THOMAS—MOORE was beheaded.
14780207—15350706    SIR—THOMAS—MOORE was best friend of ERASMUS, and called by ERASMUS:
14780207—19350000    —CANONIZED, SIR—THOMAS—MOORE was.
14920907             * GIACOMO—ACONCIO, ITALIENISCHER—HUMANIST, Philosoph, Theologe, Jurist und Ingenieur
14920907             * MICHAEL—CAELIUS, deutscher lutherischer Theologe und Reformator
14970207             TOM—WOLFE'S 19970000             novel, "THE—BONFIRE—OF—THE—VANITIES," makes reference to the original event, but is not 1—RETELLING—OF—THE—STORY.
14970207             Nach 1—FLAMMENDEN GIROLAMO—SAVONAROLA—PREDIGT, in FLORENZ, unzählige Luxusgegenstände, Kulturgüter, verbrannt werden.
14970207             —ÜBERGIBT, SANDRO—BOTTICELLI, EINIGE—SEINER—BILDER eigenhändig den Flammen, in FLORENZ.
14970513             FLORENCE, THE—DOMINICAN—MONK—GIROLAMO—SAVONAROLA (14520000—14980000    ) had led 14970207             —THE—BURNING—OF—MUSICAL—INSTRUMENTS—BOOKS and priceless WORKS—OF—ART.
14990207             Le bruit court que c'est BURCHARD qui a été assassiné.
15150207             —AFTER [KAISER—KARL—V]CHARLES spending THE—NIGHT—OF—THE, at BERCHEM,
15180207             * JOHANN—FUNCK, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15190907             * MATTHÄUSA—VOGEL, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
15210207             DATEE—DU LETTRE—PERDUE, CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL priait instamment BEMBO de juger sa METHODE—DE—ETUDES.
15210207             DATEE—DU LETTRE—PERDUE,
15220207             TREATY—OF—BRUSSELS: Habsburgers SPLIT into Spanish and AUSTRIA—BRANCHES.
15240907             * THOMAS—ERASTUS, Schweizer reformierter Theologe
15250907             † MATTHIAS—WAIBEL, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE der Reformation und Märtyrer während der BAUERN—KRIEGE
15290207             † BALDASSARE—CASTIGLIONE, ITALIENISCHER—HÖFLING, Diplomat und Schriftsteller
15330907             * ELISABETH—I—KÖNIGIN—VON—ENGLAND
15340907             † LAZARUS—SPENGLER, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER geistlicher Lieder
15380207             † OLAV—ENGELBREKTSSON—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—, letzter katholischer, in NORWEGEN
15430907             —NACH—DEM gewonnenen Geldrischjen ERBFOLGE—KRIEG
15430907             Das HERZOGTUM—GELDERN muss zusammen mit der GRAFSCHAFT—ZÜTPHEN an den KAISER—KARL—V. abgetreten werden.
15480907             † CATHERINE—PARR, 6. und letzte oo HEINRICH—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND.
15500207             Kardinal GIOVANNI—MARIA del Monte, Konzilspräsident in Trient und BOLOGNA, wird auf dem Konklave in Rom zum PAPA gewählt und nimmt den Namen JULIUS—III. an.
15500207             —NACHDEM, des GOEDERT—VAN—MYLENDONK—ZU—GHOIR ältester Bruder, DIETRICH—HERR—ZU—MILENDONK, auf ALLE—ANSPRÜCHE an dasselbe verzichtet hat.
15500907             † NICCOLÒ—TRIBOLO, ITALIENISCHER—BILDHAUER, Architekt und Gartengestalter
15550207             It was [KAISER—KARL—V]CHARLES his intention to preside in person over the chastisement of ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS] as he had done over that of GHENT,
15550207             but THE—GOUT held [KAISER—KARL—V]CHARLES 1—PRISONER at BRUSSELS
15550207             —AND [KAISER—KARL—V]CHARLES sent MARY—THE—REGENT instead.^
15550207             —ARRIVED, MARY—THE—REGENT, accompanied by THE—CHANCELLOR—OF—BRABANT
15550207             —ARRIVED, MARY—THE—REGENT, accompanied by several MEMBERS—OF—THE—PRIVY—COUNCIL.
15550207             THE—AUTHOR—OF—TH—CHRONYK—VAN—ANTWERPEN, speaks of THE—MERCENARIES as "vileynige ende bloede Boeven Hoochduytsche Knechten".
15550207—15540710    All the Conçessions made, —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—RIOTS, were annulled and all went back to its former state, but
15710207             * HARTGER—HENOT, Kölner Domherr, Jurist und Doktor beider Rechte
15730907             * ELIAS—EHINGER, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE, evangelischer Theologe und Philologe
15750207             † ANNE—MARIE—VON—ZIEGLER, DEUTSCHE—ADELIGE, Betrügerin und Alchimistin
15770907             † MARIA—VON—PORTUGAL, Erbprinzessin von PARMA und Piacenza
15890207             * JACOB—DE—WITT, Stadtregent und BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—DORDRECHT
15890907             * AUGUST—VON—SACHSEN, Verweser des Bistums Naumburg
15910907             Während den meisten Schiffen die Flucht gelingt, wird des RICHARD—GRENVILLE—SCHIFF—REVENGE von der Übermacht in 1—MEHR als 12—STÜNDIGEN Schlacht überwältigt und aufgebracht.
15910907             —WENIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, Der KAPITÄN—RICHARD—GRENVILLE stirbt, an seinen Verletzungen.
15910907             † HEINRICH—SUDERMANN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und 1. Syndikus der Hanse
15940207             —SE—RÉVOLTE, LYON, contre LA—LIGUE et ouvre les portes aux royaux.
15970207             † FRANCESCO—PATRIZI—DA—CHERSO, venezianischer Humanist, Philosoph, Schriftsteller, Literatur-, STAATS—UND Geschichtstheoretiker, Militärwissenschaftler und Dichter KROATISCHER—ABKUNFT
16000907             * JOHANN—ANDREAS—VON—ROSENBERG, bedeutender Vertreter des katholischen Adels in Kärnten
16030207             † BARTHOLOMÄUSA—SASTROW, deutscher autobiographischer Schriftsteller
16030207             † HERMANN—WILKEN, DEUTSCHER—HUMANIST und Mathematiker
16050207             † SALOMON—GESNER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16070907             * KURT—REINICKE—VON—CALLENBERG, DEUTSCHER—SOLDAT, Verwaltungsbeamter, Standesherr
16090207             † FERDINAND—I, cardinal, ruler of Tuscany.
16100907             1. Reformierte Generalsynode statt findet, In der SALVATOR—KIRCHE—DUISBURG die.
16100907—16100911    —BIS, Reformierte Generalsynode  dauert und gilt als EVANGELISCHE—KIRCHE—RHEINLAND—GEBURTSSTUNDE.
16120207             * THOMAS—KILLIGREW, ENGLAND—HUMORIST, playwright, leader (KINGS—MEN).
16130207             * JOHANNES—MUSAEUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16190907             * JOHN—LAMBERT, ENGLISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker
16200207             * PETER—MUSAEUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe, Logiker und Metaphysiker
16260207             † WILHELM—V—HERZOG—VON—BAYERN
16310907             KAISER—TRUPPEN unter DON—BALTASAR—VON—MARRADAS erleiden im 3ßigjährigen Krieg nahe Breslau 1—NIEDERLAGE gegen SCHWEDISCHE—TRUPPEN unter HANS—GEORG—VON—ARNIM.
16340907             Mit dem Einzug kaiserlicher Truppen nach deren Sieg in der Schlacht des Vortages endet die —BELAGERUNG—VON—NÖRDLINGEN im 3ßigjährigen Krieg.
16400907             * JOHANN—JACOB—SCHÜTZ, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Pietist
16510207             —FUITE—DE—MAZARIN hors de PARIS.
16590907             † HANS—JAKOB—ZÖRNLIN, SCHWEIZER—OFFIZIER in fremden Diensten und Beamter
16610207             † GEORG—PAULI—STRAVIUS, Weihbischof in Köln
16620207             PARIS, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Der verliebte Herkules von FRANCESCO—CAVALLI statt.
16660207             —DATUM—HAAG, Da er aus seinem —SCHREIBEN—VOM 16660206             .^) nicht ersehen könne, ob ihm das ;;0207;;
16680207             —DANCED, WILLIAM—III—KING—OF—ENGLAND, in the premiere of "BALLET—OF—PEACE".
16720207             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16720207             —DATUM—BERLIN
16720207             —BERATUNGEN über DIE—ALLIANZ im GEHEIMER—RAT.
16720207             —GETEILTE Meinungen.
16720207             —GROSSE GELD—FORDERUNGEN sind zu erwarten.
16720207             —WEGEN der voraussichtlichen Verspätung der brandenburgischen Hilfe DIE—REPUBLIK auf sich selbst angewiesen.
16720207             —DIE LAND—GRÄFIN—VON—HESSEN.
16720207             —ORSOY gegen RUHRORT und DUISBURG zu vertauschen.]
16720207             —DIE—BEIDEN Entwürfe (1—DEFENSIV—ALLIANZ und eines ASSISTENZ—VERTRAGS) kann er NOCH NICHT übersenden, da
16720207             —SIE wegen der neuen Erkrankung des KUR—FÜRST—AM—PODAGRA—NOCH—NICHT vollständig beraten worden sind.
16720207             —SOO veel ick uijt eenige Ministers verstae, hebben de voorsz. twee
16720207             —SONNTAG
16760207             * ORDENS—GRÜNDERMECHITAR—VON—SEBASTEIA, armenischer
16840207             * GEORG—JAKOB—SCHWINDEL, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Historiker
16930128—16930207    —SEE
16930207             * ANNA—IVANOVA—ROMANOVA, empress of RUSSIA (17300000—17400000    ) [NS].
16930207             * ANNA—KAISERIN—VON—RUSSLAND
16960907             † PAUL—PHILIPP—RÖBER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17010907             Weitere Teilnehmer treten in der Folge dem Bündnis bei.
17050907             * MATTHÄUSA—GÜNTHER, bayerischer Maler und Graphiker
17060907             PRINZ—EUGEN—VON—SAVOYEN und sein Cousin, HERZOG—VIKTOR—AMADEUS—II. von Savoyen, bezwingen mit ihren Truppen die Franzosen in der
17060907             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TURIN.
17060907             Damit endet die größte Schlacht auf italienischem Boden im SPANISCHEN—ERBFOLGEKRIEG.
17100207             † JOHANN—SIGISMUND—KÜFFNER, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Ratsherr
17110000—17990207    * † CHINA—EMPEROR—QIANLONG.
17110000—17990207    CHINA—EMPEROR—QIANLONG was the 6. emperor of THE—MANCHU—LED Qing Dynasty, and the 4. Qing emperor to rule over CHINA (17350000—17960000    ).
17120207             † MATTHIAS—ALBAN, Tiroler GEIGEN—UND Lautenbauer
17120207             † RUPERT—IGNAZ—MAYR, bayerischer Violinist, KOMPONIST—UND—HOFKAPELLMEISTER
17120907             † TROELS—ARNKIEL, DEUTSCHER—PASTOR und Altertumsforscher
17140907             Des RASTATTER—FRIEDEN—BESTÄTIGUNG beim
17140907             —FRIEDENSKONGRESS in Baden im Aargau
17150207             * JOHANN—ANWANDER, DEUTSCHER—ROKOKOMALER und Freskant
17190907             † JOHN—HARRIS, BRITISCHER—GEISTLICHER und Mathematiker
17210207             † NICOLAS—JOSEPH—FOUCAULT, FRANZÖSISCHER—VERWALTUNGSBEAMTER und Sammler von Antiquitäten
17220907             † CARL—GRAF—VON—AHLEFELDT, DEUTSCHER—STAATSMANN, Lehnsgraf, Landrat
17220907             † GERHARD—WOLTER—MOLANUS, evangelischer ABT—DES—KLOSTERS—LOCCUM
17230907             * JACQUES—PIERRE—ABBATUCCI, korsischer GENERAL
17250207             —AM Theater am Gänsemarkt in HAMBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung des Singspiels Bretislaus, oder Die siegende Beständigkeit von REINHARD—KEISER.
17310907             † JEWDOKIJA—FJODOROWNA—LOPUCHINA, Zarina von RUSSLAND, 1. Frau Peters des Großen
17390207             * JOSEPH—POUTEAU, composer.
17400207             * ADAM—PHILIPPE—CUSTINE, FRANCE—EARL, general, MP.
17410907             † BLAS—DE—LEZO, SPANISCHER—GENERALLEUTNANT der Flotte
17430207             † LODOVICO—GIUSTINI, —57—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17430907             † JOHANN—PETER—VON—LUDEWIG, Historiker
17460207             † JAN—ALBERTSZ—VAN—DAM, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom, Landvermesser und Dichter
17490207             † ANDRE—CARDINAL—DESTOUCHES, —76—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17490207             † JOSEPH—RUFFINI, DEUTSCHER—MALER
17490907             † JOHANN—JACOB—HEIDEGGER, Zürcher Impresario in LONDON
17520207             Mgr de BEAUMONT fait interdire la vente et la détention de l'Encyclopédie.
17520207             —PUBLICATION, sale and distribution of the 1. 2—VOLUMES—OF—THE—ENCYCLOPEDIE were summarily forbidden BY—ORDER—OF—KING—LOUIS—XV.
17520207             Publication, sale and distribution of the 1. 2—VOLUMES—OF—THE—ENCYCLOPEDIE were summarily forbidden by ORDER—OF—KING—LOUIS—XV—CHRETIEN—DE—MALESHERBES, THE—FRANCE—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLICATIONS, managed to broker 1—COMPROMISE that included 1—LAYER—OF—CENSORSHIP and a 3. volume was published by the end of 17530000             .
17560207             † SEPÉ—TIARAJU, Führer der Guaraní in Südamerika gegen die portugiesische und SPANISCHE—KOLONIALHERRSCHAFT
17570207             —NACH—DEM, Brande vom der ganz WEILERSWIST[WYLRE] einäscherte,
17570907             Im SIEBENJÄHRIGEN KRIEG besiegt ÖSTERREICH unter Führung von KARL—ALEXANDER—VON—LOTHRINGEN und GRAF—DAUN die Preußen unter GENERAL—WINTERFELDT in der
17570907             —SCHLACHT—VON—MOYS.
17580207             * BENEDIKT—SCHACK, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—SÄNGER und Komponist
17590907             CLEMENS—XIII—PAPA. weist auf Gefahren hin, die durch Skandale und Korruption der Kirche drohen.
17590907             In der Enzyklika Cum primum ermahnt der BISCHÖFE—PAPA und Priester zum Einhalten der kanonischen Rechte und Pflichten.
17610207             † BALTHASAR—WÜST, DEUTSCHER—AUGUSTINER—PATER, Musiker und Komponist
17640907             wird zum STANISLAUS—II—AUGUST—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN gewählt.
17640907             STANISLAUS—II—AUGUST—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN wird der letzte Herrscher über das LAND—POLEN sein.
17650207             * CASPAR—HILT, DEUTSCHER—JURIST
17660207             * FREDERICK—NORTH, 5. EARL—OF—GUILFORD, BRITISCHER—POLITIKER und Kolonialbeamter
17670207             † CHRISTIAN—CRUSIUS, DEUTSCHER—RHETORIKER und Historiker
17670907             † CHRISTOPH—FRIEDRICH—GEIGER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Hochschullehrer
17730907             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—VON—JARIGES, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
17760907             1. 1—U—BOOT zum Einsatz gebracht, Im AMERIKANISCHEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEITSKRIEG wird.
17760907             Der Versuch der AMERIKANISCHEN—REVOLUTIONÄRE, mit der Turtle 1—SCHIESSPULVER—ZEITBOMBE an einem BRITISCHEN—KRIEGSSCHIFF zu befestigen, scheitert aber.
17770207             * DINICU—GOLESCU, RUMÄNISCHER—POLITIKER und Schriftsteller
17770207             * SEVERIN—LØVENSKIOLD, NORWEGISCHER—POLITIKER und Unternehmer
17770207             † GOTTHILF—TRAUGOTT—ZACHARIAE, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17790207             † WILLIAM—BOYCE, —67—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17790724—17830207    —LIFTED, THE—SIEGE—OF—GIBRALTAR was finally.
17790724—17830207    —LIFTED, The siege was finally.
17790907             † JOHN—ARMSTRONG, SCHOTTISCHER—ARZT und Dichter
17830207—17790724    —SINCE, THE—SIEGE—OF—GIBRALTAR, pursued by SPAIN and FRANCE, was finally lifted.
17840207             —CEASED, ICELAND, the Lakagicar (Laki) volcano, its eruptions.
17840207             —CAUSED, Smoke from THE—8—MONTHS—OF—ERUPTIONS, 1—OF—THE—LONGEST and coldest winters in EUROPE.
17840207             —CEASED, ICELAND, THE—LAKAGICAR—VOLCANO[LAKI], its eruptions.
17850207             Der DEUTSCH—BRITISCHE—ASTRONOM WILHELM—HERSCHEL entdeckt im Sternbild Rabe die ANTENNEN—GALAXIEN.
17860207             Die komische Oper Prima la musica e poi le parole von ANTONIO—SALIERI wird in der Orangerie von Schloss Schönbrunn in WIEN uraufgeführt.
17860207             Bei gleicher Gelegenheit wird auch das Singspiel Der Schauspieldirektor von WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART—NACH—DEM Libretto von JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—STEPHANIE zur Uraufführung gebracht, das ein ähnliches Thema behandelt.
17860207             Salieris Werk erhält vom Publikum den Vorzug.
17910207             * ERNST—ALBAN, DEUTSCHER—AUGENARZT, Maschinenbauer und Pionier des Dampfmaschinenbaus
17910207             † NICOLAS—FRANÇOIS—GILLET, FRANZÖSISCHER—BILDHAUER und Hochschullehrer
17910907             Als Antwort auf die Erklärung der MENSCHEN—RECHTE und BÜRGER—RECHTE während der FRANZÖSISCHEN—REVOLUTION 17890000             , die sich nur auf Männer bezieht,
17910907             —VERÖFFENTLICHT OLYMPE—DE—GOUGES ihre Erklärung der Rechte der Frau und Bürgerin, die
17910907             1. wirklich umfassende Formulierung der Menschenrechte.
17910907—17930000    Diese und andere systemkritische Schriftstücke werden der Grund für OLYMPE—DE—GOUGES ihre Hinrichtung auf der Guillotine sein.
17920207             —PREMIERED, CIMAROSA—OPERA "Il Matrimonio Segreto,", in VIENNA.
17920207             Il matrimonio segreto (Die heimliche Ehe), eine komische Oper in 2—AKTEN—VON—DOMENICO—CIMAROSA, ist bei der Uraufführung am Wiener Hofburgtheater so erfolgreich, dass sie noch am selben —ABEND neuerlich aufgeführt werden muss.
17920207             1—BÜNDNISS—GEGEN—DIE bestehende HERRSCHAFT—IN—FRANKREICH für den KÖNIG—LUDWIG—XVI. schloß;
17950207             —RATIFIED, The 11. AMENDMENT—TO—USA—CONSTITUTION.was
17950907             * JOHN—POLIDORI, ENGLISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Reisebegleiter des Dichters Lord Byron
17970000—18710207    * † HENRY—STEINWAY, GERMAN—USA—PIANO maker.
17980207             gli antichi Priori vi furono sostituiti da 1—AMMINISTRAZIONE—CENTRALE e
17990207             † QIANLONG, KAISER—VON—CHINA
17990907             † JAN—INGENHOUSZ, HOLLÄNDISCHER—ARZT und Botaniker
18000000—18650207    * † JOHN—HENRY—WINDER, USA CONFEDERATE—BRIG—GEN and provost MARSHAL.
18000207             * THEODOR—VON—ZWEHL, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, bayerischer Staatsminister, Regierungspräsident
18010207             * JOHN—RYLANDS, merchant, philanthropist, in ENGLAND.
18010207             † DANIEL—CHODOWIECKI, DEUTSCHER—GRAFIKER und Illustrator
18010907             * SAREL—ARNOLDUS—CILLIERS, burischer Prediger und VOORTREKKER—ANFÜHRER
18040207             * JOHN—DEERE, farm equipment manufacturer.
18050207             * LOUIS—AUGUSTE—BLANQUI, französischer, revolutionärer und sozialistischer Theoretiker
18060907             † JOHANN—WILHELM—CHRISTIAN—BRÜHL, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
18070207             —BEGINNT, Im 4. Koalitionskrieg, die zweitägige —SCHLACHT—BEI—PREUSSISCH—EYLAU zwischen der FRANZÖSISCHEN—ARMEE auf der einen und PREUßISCH—RUSSISCHEN—EINHEITEN auf der anderen Seite.
18070207             Sie endet tags darauf ohne Sieger.
18070907—18070905    —BIS, Der DÄNISCHE—GENERAL—ERNST—PEYMANN kapituliert in der 2. Seeschlacht von Kopenhagen gegenüber den Engländern unter JAMES—GAMBIER—WÄHREND der vorangegangenen BOMBARDIERUNG—DER—STADT durch die BRITISCHE—FLOTTE vom 2. wird Kopenhagen zu ungefähr 30—PROZENT zerstört, etwa 2.000—ZIVILISTEN finden den Tod.
18090907             † CAROLINE—SCHELLING, DEUTSCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, femme de lettres
18090907             † RAMA—I, siamesischer KÖNIG
18120207             [see 18121215—18111216    , 19120123             ]
18120207             —REFLECTED, CHARLES—DICKENS—STORIES, life in Victorian ENGLAND.
18120207             —CONFRONTED, In his novel "Dombey & Son," Dickens, THE—SUBJECT—OF—MONEY, and its use as 1—MEASURE—OF—SUCCESS.
18120207             —INCLUDED, CHARLES—DICKENS—WORK also, "Master HUMPHREY—CLOCK," published in installments like MOST—OF—HIS—NOVELS.
18120207             A 3. major earthquake shook New MADRID—MISSOURI, and for 1—FEW hours reversed THE—COURSE—OF—THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER.
18120207             —NACH—DEN 3—ERDBEBEN ist etwa die HÄLFTE—DER—STADT—NEW—MADRID—MISSOURI völlig zerstört.
18120207             † Ägidius Maria vom Heiligen Joseph, ITALIENISCHER—FRANZISKANER und Heiliger
18120207             LORD—BYRON made his maiden speech in HOUSE—OF—LORDS.
18120207             The closing line of 1—CHRISTMAS—CAROL: "And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God Bless Us, Every 1!" SOME—OF—HIS—MORE—FAMOUS—NOVELS include "OLIVER—TWIST" and "1—TALE—OF—2—CITIES".
18120207—18121216    —NACH—DEM—DES Vorjahres, und dem 18120123             kommt es zum 3. Mal bei NEW—MADRID—MISSOURI, zu 1—SCHWEREN Erdbeben der Stärke 7—AUF der Richterskala.
18120907             Während Napoleons Russlandfeldzug erringt die Grande Armée unter schwerwiegenden Verlusten einen taktischen Sieg gegen die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE unter MARSCHALL—KUTUSOW in der —SCHLACHT—VON—BORODINO, 1—DER—BLUTIGSTEN—SCHLACHTEN—DES 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY.
18120907             Der Weg nach Moskau ist für NAPOLEON—BONAPARTE damit frei.
18160207             * JEAN—FRÉDÉRIC—FRENET, FRANZÖSISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom und Meteorologe
18180207             THE 1. successful USA—EDUCATIONAL—MAGAZINE, Academician, began publication in NEW—YORK City.
18190907             * THOMAS—A—HENDRICKS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Vizepräsident
18200207             † SAMUEL—ADAMS—HOLYOKE (57/58), composer.
18200207             † ZAMOR, FRANZÖSISCHER—REVOLUTIONÄR bengalischer Herkunft
18210207             Der AMERIKANISCHE—ROBBENJÄGER JOHN—DAVIS betritt laut eigenen Angaben, die jedoch vielfach angezweifelt werden, als 1. Mensch antarktischen Boden.
18220907             BRASILIEN erklärt seine Unabhängigkeit von PORTUGAL.
18230207             * RICHARD—GENÉE, DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICHISCHER—LIBRETTIST, Bühnenautor und Komponist
18240907             * Claes ADOLF—ADELSKÖLD, SCHWEDISCHER—EISENBAHNBAUMEISTER, Architekt, Major, Reichstagsabgeordneter und Schriftsteller
18250207             * KARL—AUGUST—MÖBIUS, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Ökologe
18270207             —INTRODUCED, Ballet (Deserter) was, to USA at Bowery Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18270207             † FRANZ—ANTON—DIMMLER, —73—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18270907             * WILHELM—HOSÄUSA, DEUTSCHER—BIBLIOTHEKAR, Schriftsteller und Theologe
18280907             * ERNST—JULIUS—MEIER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18290907             * AUGUST—KEKULÉ, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Naturwissenschaftler
18300907             —AUFSTAND im HERZOGTUM—BRAUNSCHWEIG auf Grund von Hungers wegen der vorangegangenen Missernte
18300907             wird der als "Diamantenherzog" bekannte KARL—II. vertrieben und das 1. Braunschweiger Schloss niedergebrannt.
18310207             —RATIFIED, THE—1.—BELGIUM—CONSTITUTION.
18310907             * ALEXANDRE—FALGUIÈRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Bildhauer
18320207             TURIN, findet die Uraufführung der Oper I—NORMANNI a Parigi von Saverio Mercadante statt.
18330907             * KARL—WEYSSER, badischer LANDSCHAFTS—UND Architekturmaler
18340207             * ESTANISLAO—DEL—CAMPO, ARGENTINISCHER—DICHTER und Journalist
18360207             —PUBLISHED, The essays "Sketches by Boz" were, by CHARLES—DICKENS.
18360907             * AUGUST—TOEPLER, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER, Entwickler der Schlierenfotografie
18360907             FERDINAND—I. empfängt in Prag die Krone von Böhmen.
18370207             * ~ CARRIE—MELINE (Jansdotter) (Karin) F SVENNEBY—FRYKSANDE—VARMLAND—SCHWEDEN
18370907             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—POLARFORSCHER JULES—DUMONT—DE—URVILLE bricht mit den Schiffen Astrolabe und Zèlée zum Südpol auf.
18390207             —DECLARED, HENRY—CLAY, in Senate "I had rather be right than PRESIDENT".
18410207             * HERMANN—MENGE, DEUTSCHER—ALTPHILOLOGE, Pädagoge und Bibelübersetzer (MENGE—BIBEL)
18420207             * ALEXANDRE—RIBOT, FRANZÖSISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident
18450907             * MAX—SCHREYER, sächsischer Förster und Dichter (Dar Vuglbärbaam)
18480207             * ADOLF—WEIL, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER
18480907             Die so genannte Erbuntertänigkeit, einer Leibeigenschaft ähnelnd, wird im Kaisertum ÖSTERREICH durch 1—PATENT—FERDINANDS—I aufgehoben.
18490207             * JOSEPH—BELLI, DEUTSCHER—ORGANISATOR sozialdemokratischer Literaturverteilung und Schriftsteller
18490207             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—215—KÖLN.
18500907             † JULIUS—MINDING, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Schriftsteller
18530207             —AM, wurde mit der Herstellung des MARTINUS—V—PAPA Tabernakel und Erbauung der jetzigen Confession in letztere versetzt
18530207             —AM, Zum Erstaunen der Anwesenden fand man unter dem Deckel des Grabmals keiw Totenlade, sondern
18530207             —AM, nur unter dem aus unregelmässig aneinandergefügte Steinfragmenten zusammengesetzten FUSS—BODEN 1—SKELETT ohne irgendeine Spur von des MARTINUS—V—PAPA oder anderen Ornamenten.
18530907             Der DEUTSCHE—AFRIKAREISENDE HEINRICH—BARTH betritt Timbuktu.
18540207             † THOMAS—FITZPATRICK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PELZHÄNDLER, Trapper, Scout und Mountain Man
18550207             —GESCHLOSSEN, Zwischen RUSSLAND und JAPAN wird der VERTRAG—VON—SHIMODA.
18550207             Neben der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen und der Öffnung dreier JAPANISCHER—HÄFEN für die Versorgung der RUSSISCHEN—FLOTTE wird die gemeinsame Grenze bei den Kurilen festgelegt.
18550207             Im Kurilenkonflikt spielt dieser Vertrag noch —HEUTE 1—ROLLE.
18550907             * WILLIAM—FRIESE—GREENE, BRITISCHER—FOTOGRAF und Erfinder
18560207             —AM, teilte —NUN ÖSTERREICH DER—BUNDES—VERSAMMLUNG die bisherigen Erfolge mit,
18560207             lud sie ein, diesen Grundlagen des abzuschließenden Friedens beizutreten, u.
18560207             sprach die Hoffnung aus, daß ganz DEUTSCHLAND bei dieser Gelegenheit im Verein mit ÖSTERREICH diese Grundlagen aufrecht erhalten werde.
18570000—19180207    * † SINGAPORE businessman Ong SAM—LEONG.
18570000—19180207    He made 1—FORTUNE out of his monopoly on the supply of coolie labor from CHINA to phosphate mines on CHRISTMAS—ISLAND.
18570207             1—FRANCE—COURT—ACQUITTED—AUTHOR—GUSTAVE—FLAUBERT—OF—OBSCENITY for his serialized novel "Madame Bovary".
18570207             GUSTAVE—FLAUBERT wird von einem Pariser Gericht in einem Strafprozess von der Anklage freigesprochen, mit Schilderungen im ROMAN—MADAME—BOVARY gegen Moral und Religion verstoßen zu haben.
18590207             Der Codex Sinaiticus, 1—BIBEL—MANUSKRIPT 03010101—04001231    —AUS—DEM, wird von KONSTANTIN—VON—TISCHENDORF im Katharinenkloster auf dem Sinai entdeckt.
18600207             WARSCHAU, wird die Oper Hrabina (Die GRÄFIN) von Stanis?aw Moniuszko uraufgeführt.
18600907             GIUSEPPE—GARIBALDI erobert im Zuge des Risorgimento mit seinen Rothemden Neapel.
18610207             —ADOPTED, The general council of the Choctaw INDIA—NATION, 1—RESOLUTION declaring allegiance with the South "in the event 1—PERMANENT—DISSOLUTION—OF—THE—USA—UNION takes place".
18610207             † BORYS—HALPERT, POLNISCHER—THEATERLEITER, Librettist und Musiker
18620207             —ATTACKED, FEDERAL—FLEET, Roanoke ISLAND, NC.
18620207             † FRANCISCO—MARTÍNEZ—DE—LA—ROSA, SPANISCHER—DICHTER, Dramenautor, Diplomat, Politiker und Ministerpräsident Spaniens
18620207—19570000    * † BERNARD—MAYBECK, architect, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18620207—19570000    —DESIGNED, BERNARD—MAYBECK, the Palace of Fine Arts in SF and the 1. CHURCH—OF—CHRIST—SCIENTIST in BERKELEY.
18630207             Das AUSTRALISCHE—FLAGGSCHIFF HMS Orpheus sinkt vor NEUSEELAND.
18630207             189—DER 259—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER kommen bei dem schlimmsten Schiffsunglück in NEUSEELÄNDISCHEN—GEWÄSSERN ums Leben.
18640207             * RICARDO—CASTRO—HERRERA, MEXIKANISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18640207             † CHRISTIAN—GOTTLOB—HAMMER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Kupferstecher
18640907             * CARL—ZIMMERMANN, PREUSSISCHER—OFFIZIER, Kommandeur der Schutztruppe KAMERUN
18640907             * GIOVANNI—TEBALDINI, ITALIENISCHER—KOMPONIST, Musikwissenschaftler und Organist
18650207             JOHN—HENRY—WINDER was in charge of all Union prisoners EAST—OF—THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER.
18670207             * LAURA—INGALLS—WILDER, author.
18670207             LAURA—INGALLS—WILDER wrote "Little House in the Big Woods" which was basis for television's "Little House on the Prairie".
18690207             * JIND?ICH—ŠIMON—BAAR, tschechischer katholischer Priester und Schriftsteller
18700207             * ALFRED—ADLER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PSYCHOLOGE und Nervenarzt
18700207             * ALFRED—ADLER, psychiatrist (Inferiority Complex) in AUSTRIA.
18710207             * KARL—WILHELM—EUGEN—STENHAMMER, composer.
18710207             JAMES—BEALL—MORRISON, 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ZAHNARZT, lässt sich seine Tretbohrmaschine patentieren.
18710207             Sie erleichtert Dentisten das Behandeln kariöser Defekte —BIS zur Einführung des Doriotgestänges in die Arztpraxis.
18710207             * WILHELM—STENHAMMAR, SCHWEDISCHER—KOMPONIST, Pianist und Dirigent
18720207             —OPENED, Alcorn A & M College.
18720907             Das 3—KAISER—TREFFEN in BERLIN zwischen Kaiser WILHELM—I., Kaiser FRANZ—JOSEPH—I. und ZAR—ALEXANDER—II. zur Unterdrückung revolutionärer Bewegungen in EUROPA bereitet das Dreikaiserabkommen von 18730000             vor.
18730207             * THOMAS—ANDREWS, BRITISCHER—ERFINDER und Schiffskonstrukteur (Titanic)
18750907             * MAX—WINKLER, BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—GRAUDENZ, Reichstreuhänder und Reichsbeauftragter für die DEUTSCHE—FILMKUNST
18770207             * JULIUS—CURTIUS, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdR, Reichsminister
18770207             * RICHARD—STEIFF, DEUTSCHER—UNTERNEHMER und Erfinder
18780207             † PIUS—IX—PAPA (18460000—18780000    ), GIOVANNI—FERRETTI, —85—JAHRE—ALT.
18780207             —TRIED, REVENGE—SEEKING ITALY—LIBERALS, to dump his body into the Tiber River.
18780207             —SERVED, PIUS—IX—PAPA, —31—YEARS, —7—MONTHS and —22—DAYS
18780207             * MAGNUS—FREIHERR—VON—BRAUN, DEUTSCHER—VERWALTUNGSJURIST, Politiker, Reichsminister
18780207             † PIUS—IX—PAPA
18780207             † PIUS—IX—PAPA (18460000—18780000    ), GIOVANNI—FERRETTI (85).
18780907             * KARL—ROOS, elsässischer Lehrer und Politiker
18780907             * LAURA—SCHRADIN, DEUTSCHE—POLITIKERIN, eine der 1. weiblichen Landtagsabgeordneten
18800207             * RUDOLF—SCHETTER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdR
18820207             Die Berliner Stadtbahn nimmt ihren Betrieb auf, —ZUNÄCHST nur im Nahverkehr.
18820207             —BECAME, USA—PUGILIST—JOHN—L—SULLIVAN, the last of THE—BARE—KNUCKLE world heavyweight champions with his defeat of Patty Ryan in MISSISSIPPI City.
18820907             * AUGUST—THIENEMANN, DEUTSCHER—ZOOLOGE und Ökologe
18820907             WILLIAM—HENRY—FINLAY entdeckt den Großen Septemberkometen.
18830207             * EUBIE—BLAKE, ragtime composer, pianist (Memories of You).
18830207             † EDMUND—J—DAVIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—OFFIZIER und Politiker, GENERAL der Union im Sezessionskrieg
18850207             Der Geestemünder Fischgroßhändler FRIEDRICH—BUSSE stellt in seinem Unternehmen den 1. DEUTSCHEN—FISCHDAMPFER Sagitta in Dienst, der bald zum Trawler ausgerüstet wird.
18850207             Mit dessen Fängen setzt die DEUTSCHE—HOCHSEEFISCHEREI ein.
18850207             * MICHAEL—GAMPER, ÖSTERREICHISCH—ITALIENISCHER—PRIESTER und PUBLIZIST—AUS—SÜDTIROL, Widerstandskämpfer gegen Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus
18850207             * SINCLAIR—LEWIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Nobelpreisträger
18850207             His books include "Arrowsmith" and "Elmer Gantry.
18850207—19510000    SINCLAIR—LEWIS—BOOKS include "Arrowsmith" and "Elmer Gantry".
18850207—19510000    "There are 2—INSULTS which no human will endure: the assertion that he hasn't 1—SENSE—OF—HUMOR, and the doubly impertinent assertion that he has never known trouble".
18850207—19510000    "—WINTER is not 1—SEASON, it's 1—OCCUPATION".
18850207—19510000    * † SINCLAIR—LEWIS, USA—NOVELIST—OF satire and realism, in Sauk CENTRE—MINNESOTA.
18850907             * ELEONORE—BAUR, SS—OBERFÜHRERIN im Konzentrationslager Dachau
18870207             * EUBIE—BLAKE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18870207             † FERDINAND—LAEISZ, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Reeder
18880000—19610207    * † IMMANUEL—OLSVANGER, POLISH—BORN Jewish folklorist, in ISRAEL.
18880907             Das Baby EDITH—ELEANOR—MCLEAN wird als 1. Kind in den Vereinigten Staaten in einen Brutkasten gelegt.
18910000—19670207    —SERVED, HENRY—MORGENTHAU, under PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT 19340101—19450722    —FROM—TO.
18910207             USA Great Blizzard of 18910000             began.
18920907             * OSCAR—O—BRIEN, KANADISCHER—KOMPONIST, Arrangeur, Organist, Pianist und Musikpädagoge
18920907             † JOSEPH—REID—ANDERSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—INGENIEUR, Brigadegeneral und Unternehmer
18930207             † JOHANNES—AUGUST—SPELTZ, Frankfurter Jurist und Politiker
18930207             † FERDINAND—VON—STEINBEIS, DEUTSCHER—WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIKER und Förderer der Industrialisierung in Württemberg
18930907             * HANNA—BEKKER—VOM—RATH, DEUTSCHE—MALERIN, Sammlerin und Kunsthändlerin
18940207             † ADOLPHE—SAX, BELGISCHER—INSTRUMENTENBAUER und Saxophonist
18950207             * IRVING—A—AARONSON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JAZZ—PIANIST und Bandleader
18950207             * FRITZ—LATTKE, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18950907             SÃO—PAULO wird das an den Parque da Independência angrenzende Museu PAULISTA feierlich eröffnet.
18970207             * RICHARD—HAMMER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT und Politiker, MdL, MdB
18970207             † GALILEO—FERRARIS, ITALIENISCHER—INGENIEUR und Physiker
18980207             ÉMILE—ZOLA wird aufgrund seines offenen Briefes vom 18980113             an den FRANZÖSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENT—FÉLIX—FAURE, in dem er der Justiz Irrtümer bei der VERURTEILUNG—VON—ALFRED—DREYFUS vorgeworfen und die DREYFUS—AFFÄRE ins Rollen gebracht hat, wegen Verleumdung angeklagt.
18980207             * KURT—KOLLE, DEUTSCHER—PSYCHIATER und Autor
18980907             * JITZCHAK—KADOURI, orthodoxer Rabbi in ISRAEL
18990207             —GEGRÜNDET, Der USA—RÜSTUNG—KONZERN—GENERAL—DYNAMICS wird, unter dem vorläufigen Namen ELECTRIC—BOAT—COMPANY.
18990907             * ISIDORE—SOUCY, KANADISCHER—FIDDLESPIELER und Komponist
18990907             * WLADISLAW—GRIBOWSKI, sowjetischer Pilot und Flugzeugkonstrukteur
19000907             Nach der Einnahme Pekings macht KAISERIN—WITWE—CIXI DIE—BOXER für die militärische Niederlage verantwortlich und
19000907             KAISERIN—WITWE—CIXI, erteilt den Provinzgouverneuren die Anweisung, erneut Regierungstruppen gegen DIE—BOXER einzusetzen.
19000907             Gleichzeitig führen alliierte Truppen "Strafexpeditionen" gegen "Boxernester" durch.
19010207             KÖNIGIN—WILHELMINA oo HERZOG—HEINRICH—ZU—MECKLENBURG, in den Niederlanden, den deutschen.
19010907             —BEENDET, Die Unterzeichnung des Boxerprotokolls, den Boxeraufstand.
19020207             * WILHELM—KLING, deutscher kommunistischer Funktionär
19040207             1—FIRE in BALTIMORE raged for about —30—HOURS and destroyed more than 1,500 buildings over 80—BLOCKS.
19040207             —CAUSED, The fired, 1 estimated $80—MILLION in damages.
19040207             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE—BALTIMORE wird von einem Großbrand heimgesucht, der weite TEILE—DER—STADT einäschert.
19040207             Unmittelbare Personenschäden beim Brand selbst sind nicht zu beklagen, doch entsteht ein auf 150—MILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR geschätzter Sachschaden.
19040207—18710309    † * E. Rosenow, geboren in KÖLN, KAUF—MANN und JOURNALIST,
19040207—18980000    —AB, † * E. Rosenow, geboren in KÖLN, KAUF—MANN und JOURNALIST, MdR, DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN—DICHTER DER—SOZIALEN Bühnenstücke "Kater Lampe" und "Die im SCHATTEN leben", in BERLIN gestorben.
19050207             —GRANTED, Congress, statehood to OKLAHOMA.
19050207             NEW—MEXICO and ARIZONA were the only remaining territories.
19050207             —SIGNED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, 1—TREATY turning over customs collection to USA.
19050207             PIUS—X—PAPA erneuert den CHRISTUS—ORDEN, den höchsten VERDIENST—ORDEN des Heiligen Stuhls.
19050207             —AM, muß DER—STREIK aus finanziellen Gründen abgebrochen werden.
19050907             SIEGFRIED—JACOBSOHN gründet in BERLIN die Wochenzeitung Die Weltbühne (noch unter dem Titel Die Schaubühne).
19060000—20010207    * † ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH, WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, at age 94. 19550000             —IN she authored "Gift From the Sea," 1—MEDITATION on women's lives in the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
19060000—20010207    * † ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH, WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, at age 94.
19060207             * AISINGYORO—HENRY—PUYI, the last EMPEROR—OF—CHINA, in BEIJING.
19060207             * PUYI, letzter KAISER—VON—CHINA und KAISER—VON—MANDSCHUKO
19060207             † OLEG—KONSTANTINOWITSCH—ANTONOW in Moskau, 4 ...
19060907             † JOHANN—NEPOMUK—VON—APPEL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GEHEIMER Rat und Militär, Kommandierender GENERAL im Banat, Landeschef von BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA
19070907             Der BRITISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—RMS—LUSITANIA der BRITISCHEN—REEDEREI Cunard Line beginnt seine Jungfernfahrt von LIVERPOOL nach NEW—YORK.
19070907             † SULLY—PRUDHOMME, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, 1. Nobelpreisträger für Literatur
19100207             —PREMIERED, EDMOND—ROSTAND'S "Chanticleer,", in PARIS.
19110907             * TODOR—SCHIWKOW, BULGARISCHER—POLITIKER, Ministerpräsident, Staatsratsvorsitzender
19110907             HAMBURG, wird der Elbtunnel, der 1. Flusstunnel auf dem europäischen Kontinent, eröffnet.
19120207             † EDWARD—WILMOT—BLYDEN, LIBERIANISCHER—STAATSMANN und Panafrikanist
19120207             † DMITRI—ALEXEJEWITSCH—MILJUTIN, SOVIET—KRIEGSMINISTER, Generalfeldmarschall und Militärschriftsteller
19130207             Turks lost 5,000—MEN in 1—BATTLE—WITH—THE—BULGARIA—ARMY in Gallipoli.
19130207             * RAMÓN—MERCADER, SPANISCHER—KOMMUNIST, Attentäter auf LEO—TROTZKI
19140207             —DEBUTED, CHARLIE—CHAPLIN, "THE—TRAMP" in "KID—AUTO—RACES at Venice".
19140207             —COMPLETED, Steel work was, on Exposition (Civic) Auditorium, SF.
19140207             Die Filmkomödie Seifenkistenrennen in Venice, in der CHARLIE—CHAPLIN erstmals in der Rolle des Tramps zu sehen ist, wird uraufgeführt.
19140907             —SCHLACHT—VON—GRÓDE—OSTGALIZIEN während des
19140907             —WWI, zwischen ÖSTERREICH—TRUPPEN und RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN geht mit einer verheerenden Niederlage für ÖSTERREICH aus.
19150207             —MOVED, Fieldmarshal PAUL—VON—HINDENBURG, on Russians at Masurian Lakes.
19150207             —WWI—IM beginnen die DEUTSCHEN—TRUPPEN 1—OFFENSIVE an der Ostfront.
19150207             —WINTER—SCHLACHT—IN—MASUREN
19150207             —ENTGEHT, die 10. SOVIET—ARMEE nur knapp der Vernichtung, da sie den DEUTSCHEN—ANGRIFF stark unterschätzt.
19150207             1. WIRELESS—MESSAGE sent from 1—MOVING train to 1—STATION was received.
19180907             Einer Bekanntmachung des Reichsministeramts zufolge muss sich die DEUTSCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG darauf einstellen, aufgrund der Kriegssituation —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—MONATEN kaum frisches Obst auf den Märkten zu finden.
19181200             -0 19190207             SPD. geb.
19190907             1. Waldorfschule wird in STUTTGART eröffnet.
19200207             —CONDEMNED, He was, in SOVIET—LAW as 1—COUNTERREVOLUTIONARY.
19200207             ADMIRAL—ALEXANDER—KOLCHAK (b.1874), COMMANDER—OF—THE—WHITE—ARMY in Siberia —DURING the civil war that followed 19170000             —THE—BOLSHEVIK—REVOLUTION,
19200207             * OSCAR—BRAND, folk vocalist (Draw Me a Laugh) in WINNIPEG—CANADA.
19200207             ADMIRAL—ALEXANDER—KOLCHAK (18740000             *), COMMANDER—OF—THE—WHITE—ARMY in Siberia —DURING the civil war that followed 19170000             —THE—BOLSHEVIK—REVOLUTION, was executed by 1—FIRING squad in IRKUTSK about —1—MONTH—AFTER relinquishing COMMAND—OF—ANTI—BOLSHEVIK—FORCES.
19200207—20040000    —IN, efforts began to exonerate him.
19210907             —BEGINNT, Als Atlantic City Pageant, zum 1. Mal ein zweitägiger Schönheitswettbewerb in Atlantic City, aus dem sich die Wahl zur Miss AMERICA entwickelt.
19210907             —GRÜNDUNG der LEGIO—MARIAE, einer Laienbewegung der katholischen Kirche, durch FRANK—DUFF
19220207             —PREMIERED, JOHN—WILLARD'S "Cat & the Canary,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19230907             DER—INTERNATIONALE—POLIZEI—KONGRESS in WIEN beschließt, die Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Kommission zu gründen, 1—VORLÄUFERORGANISATION—DER—INTERPOL.
19230907             die Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Kommission soll die Verbrechensbekämpfung über Grenzen hinweg verbessern
19240207             —EXCHANGED, Mussolini government, diplomats with USSR.
19260000—20090207    * † BLOSSOM—DEARIE, jazz pianist, singer and songwriter, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19260000—20190207    * † FORMER—MICHIGAN USA REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—DINGELL, at his home in Dearborn.
19260207             —DECLARED, The 2. —WEEK in February was, Negro History —WEEK.
19260207             —ORIGINATED, Negro History —WEEK, by CARTER—G—WOODSON, was observed for THE 1. time.
19260907             VIETNAM, stiftet Ngô V?n Chiêu die Religion des Caodaismus.
19280207             AUSTRALIA—BERT Hinkler took off from LONDON in a 2—SEAT—AVRO 581E Avian biplane on THE 1. leg of his solo flight from ENGLAND to AUSTRALIA.
19280207             —ON February 22, —AFTER flying —128—HOURS in less than —16—DAYS, HINKLER—11,250-mile adventure ended in DARWIN—AUSTRALIA.
19290907             Auf dem Binnensee Näsijärvi kentert der FINNISCHE—PASSAGIERDAMPFER—KURU bei Windstärke 8—AUF der Beaufortskala, 136—MENSCHEN sterben.
19310207             —PREMIERED, USA—OPERA, "PETER—IBBETSON," by Deems Taylor, at Met Opera NEW—YORK—CITY.
19310207             oo Amelia Earhart (33), aviatrix, GEORGE—PALMER—PUTNAM, —45—JAHRE—ALT, divorced heir to 1—PUBLISHING empire in NOANK—CONNECTICUT.
19320207             * GAY—TALESE, author (Honor Thy Father).
19330207             —CHEERED, At 1—SOCIAL—DEMOCRAT meeting in BERLIN thousands, as Marxism was pronounced dead.
19340207             1. contract for TVA power was in TUPELO—MISSISSIPPI.
19340207             —IDOLIZED, She said the leader was, everywhere as the people's rescuer.
19340207             —BASED, KATHLEEN—NORRIS, 1—SF—BAY—AREA—NOVELIST, in Palo Alto, summed up 1—TRIP to GERMANY saying Hitler has virtually solved PROBLEMS—OF—UNEMPLOYMENT and poverty.
19340207             KATHLEEN—NORRIS said THE—LEADER—WAS—IDOLIZED, everywhere as the people's rescuer.
19350207             —NACH—MEHREREN—JAHREN—UNTERWEGS in der MONGOLEI und der Wüste Gobi kommt die CHINESISCH—SCHWEDISCHE—EXPEDITION unter der Leitung von SVEN—HEDIN auf der südlichen Route der Seidenstraße in Xi'an an.
19360000—20190207    —INCLUDED, His films, "2 for the Road" (19670000             ), "Wolfen" (19810000             ), "Shoot the Moon" (19820000             ) and "Erin Brockovich" (20000000             ).
19360000—20190207    His 4—BEST—ACTOR—ACADEMY—AWARD—NOMINATIONS were for "TOM—JONES" (19630000             ), as Poirot in "Murder on the Orient Express" (19740000             ), "THE—DRESSER" (19830000             ) and "Under the Volcano" (19840000             ).
19360000—20190207    —APPEARED, Finney also, and sang in "Scrooge" (19700000             ) and "Annie" (19820000             ), in which he played tycoon Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks.
19360907—19360906    Benjamin, der letzte lebende Beutelwolf (auch Tasmanischer Wolf), stirbt —IN—DER—NACHT vom 6. auf den im Beaumaris Zoo in HOBART—AUSTRALIEN.
19400207             Walt Disneys 2. abendfüllender Zeichentrickfilm Pinocchio hat in den Vereinigten Staaten Premiere.
19400207             Walt DISNEY—2. FEATURE—LENGTH movie, "Pinocchio," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19400907             —BEGINNT, In der
19400907             —LUFTSCHLACHT um ENGLAND, während des 2. Weltkriegs die DEUTSCHE—LUFTWAFFE mit ihren —TAG—UND Nachtangriffen auf LONDON und andere BRITISCHE—STÄDTE.
19410207             —RECORDED, FRANK—SINATRA and TOMMY—DORSEY—ORCH, "Everything Happens to Me".
19420207             KROATISCHE—USTASCHA—ANGEHÖRIGE ermorden in Drakulici bei BANJA—LUKA innerhalb weniger —STUNDEN 2300—SERBISCHE—ZIVILISTEN, darunter 551—KINDER.
19430207             —ANNOUNCED, The government, that shoe rationing would go into effect in —2—DAYS, limiting EACH—PURCHASER to 3—PAIRS for THE—REMAINDER—OF—THE—YEAR.
19440207             —RECORDED, Bing Crosby and THE—JOHN—SCOTT—TROTTER—ORCHESTRA, "Swinging on 1—STAR" for Decca Records in LOS—ANGELES.
19440207             —LAUNCHED, THE—GERMANS, a [counteroffensive] 2. attack against the Allied beachhead at ANZIO—ITALY.
19440207             —HOPED, They, to push the Allies back into the sea.
19450000—20170207    * † RICHARD—HATCH, FORMER—STAR—OF—THE—TV—SERIES "Battleship Galactica" (19780000—19790000    ), in LOS—ANGELES.
19450000—20180207    —IN—DEN—JAHREN AB, Gerade die Kindheitsperspektive sei —ERST spät von den GESCHICHTS—WISSENSCHAFTLERN als wichtiges Thema entdeckt worden.
19450207             USA 76. and 5. Infantry divisions began crossing Sauer.
19450207             † HEINRICH—BOCKELMANN, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Diplomat
19450907             Das DEUTSCHE—THEATER BERLIN wird mit Lessings NATHAN—DER—WEISE eröffnet.
19460207             —BEGINNT, BERLIN, der DIAS (Drahtfunk im AMERIKANISCHEN—SEKTOR), Vorgänger des RIAS, über Telefonleitungen zu senden.
19460207             Der Sender ist als Gegenprogramm zum Berliner Rundfunk gedacht, der sich unter sowjetischer Kontrolle befindet.
19460207             —SEE—THE—ISSUE.
19470207             —REJECTED, Arabs and Jews, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—PROPOSAL to SPLIT Palestine.
19470207             —REJECTED, Arabs and Jews, 1—UK—PROPOSAL to SPLIT Palestine.
19480207             —RESIGNED, GENERAL—DWIGHT—D—EISENHOWER, as Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF and was succeeded by GENERAL—OMAR—BRADLEY.
19490207             —BECAME, JOE—DIMAGGIO—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Yankees, the 1. $100,000/—YEAR baseball player.
19490907             Die DEUTSCHE—BUNDESPOST gibt ihre 1. Briefmarke heraus.
19490907             Thema: "Eröffnung des 1. DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAGES".
19490907             BONN, treten der 1. DEUTSCHE—BUNDESTAG sowie der Bundesrat zur konstituierenden Sitzung zusammen.
19490907—19490912    —AM, 1. Bundesratspräsident wird KARL—ARNOLD, der somit —BIS zur Wahl des 1. Bundespräsidenten auch amtierendes Staatsoberhaupt ist.
19500000—19900207    * † JUDITH—CLANCY, SF artist, —OF—CANCER.
19500207             —RECOGNIZED, THE—USA, VIETNAM under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—EMPEROR—BAO Dai, not Ho CHI—MINH who was recognized by THE—SOVIETS.
19500907             Auf Weisung der Führung der DDR wird mit der Sprengung des Berliner Schlosses begonnen.
19500907             Die Operettenverfilmung Schwarzwaldmädel mit Sonja Ziemann und RUDOLF—PRACK in den Hauptrollen hat in STUTTGART Premiere.
19510907             Das Bundesverdienstkreuz wird von BUNDESPRÄSIDENT—THEODOR—HEUSS per Stiftungserlass eingeführt.
19530907             In der Sowjetunion NIKITA—CHRUSCHTSCHOW ablöst GEORGI—MALENKOW als 1. Sekretär der KPdSU.
19540614—19540207    —ATTENDED, Eisenhower had, 1—SERVICE where REVEREND—GEORGE—M—DOCHERTY (20080000             † age 97), 1—SCOTLAND—BORN PASTOR—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Avenue Presbyterian Church, in WASHINGTON, DC, repeated his 19520000             sermon saying the pledge should acknowledge God.
19540907             —GEGRÜNDET, Die UNIVERSIDAD—AUSTRAL—DE—CHILE wird.
19540907             Die UNIVERSITÄT—IN—VALDIVIA ist —HEUTE eine der 7—TRADITIONELLEN Universitäten Chiles.
19540907             In der DDR werden die Medizinischen Akademien MAGDEBURG, DRESDEN und ERFURT gegründet.
19550907             Das ÖSTERREICHISCHE—BUNDESHEER wird unter Einführung der Allgemeinen Wehrpflicht für Männer gegründet.
19550907             Überschwemmungen in INDIEN machen etwa 45—MILLIONEN Menschen obdachlos, die ANZAHL—DER—TOTEN ist unbekannt.
19560207             * GARTH—BROOKS, country vocalist (No Fences), in TULSA—OKLAHOMA.
19590207             —PROCLAIMED, Castro, 1—NEW—CUBA—CONSTITUTION.
19600207             Old handwriting was found in at QUMRAN—JORDAN, near the Dead Sea.
19600907             † WILHELM—PIECK, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Mitbegründer und führenden Funktionär der KPD, einziger PRÄSIDENT—DER—DDR
19610207             JANE—FONDA made her acting debut in THE—NBC drama "1—STRING—OF—BEADS".
19610907             Bei der DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAGSWAHL verlieren CDU/CSU ihre absolute Mehrheit.
19620207             PRESIDENT—KENNEDY began the blockade of CUBA.
19620207             Beim Grubenunglück von Luisenthal im saarländischen Völklingen kommen bei einer Kohlenstaubexplosion 299—BERGLEUTE ums Leben.
19620907             † GEORG—ULRICH—HANDKE, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Parteifunktionär, MINISTER—FÜR—INNERDEUTSCHEN—HANDEL und Außenhandel der DDR
19630207             —UNVEILED, The "MONA—LISA" was, at the Metropolitan MUSEUM—OF—ART in NEW—YORK.
19640207             —INTRODUCED, BASKIN—ROBBINS, Beatle Nut ice cream.
19640207             Die Beatles landen auf ihrer 1. AMERIKA—REISE auf dem New Yorker JOHN—F—KENNEDY—AIRPORT, wo sie auf dem Rollfeld von 5.000—FANS und 200—JOURNALISTEN empfangen werden.
19640207             THE—UK—BAND THE—BEATLES began their 1. USA—TOUR as they arrived at NEW—YORK—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT,
19640207             THE—UK—BAND THE—BEATLES began their 1. USA—TOUR as they arrived at NEW—YORK—JOHN—F—KENNEDY—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, where they were greeted by 25,000 screaming fans.
19640907             1—ANORDNUNG—DES—NATIONALEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSRATES—DER—DDR soll einen waffenlosen Militärdienst als Bausoldat ermöglichen.
19640907—19640901    —AB, Sie tritt rückwirkend in Kraft.
19650207             —BECAME, Cassius Clay, 1—MUSLIM and adopted the name MUHAMMAD—ALI.
19650207             USA—JETS hit DON—HOI guerrilla base in reprisal for THE—VIET—CONG raids.
19670303—19740207    —ON, Full INDEPENDENCE came.
19680207             —PREMIERED, THE—ARTHUR—MILLER play "Price", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19680207             NORTH—VIETNAMESE used 11—SOVIET—BUILT light tanks to overrun THE—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—CAMP at LANG—VEI —AT—THE—END—OF an —18—HOUR—LONG—SIEGE.
19690907             † EVERETT—DIRKSEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Abgeordneter im Repräsentantenhaus und SENATOR—FÜR—ILLINOIS
19700000             1—RAND—CORPORATION—SCIENTIST reported that.
19710207             —VOTED, SWITZERLAND, to introduce female suffrage at THE—FEDERAL—BUT not the cantonal level.
19710207             In der SCHWEIZ wird in einer Volksabstimmung bei einer Stimmbeteiligung von 58 % mit 66 % JA—STIMMEN die Einführung des STIMM—UND Wahlrechts für Frauen auf Bundesebene gebilligt.
19710207             In den Kantonen FREIBURG, Zug, Schaffhausen und Aargau wird das Frauenstimmrecht in KANTONS—UND Gemeindeangelegenheiten von den Stimmbürgern ebenfalls angenommen.
19740207             —OPENED, Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles", in movie theaters.
19740207             THE—ISLAND nation of GRENADA won INDEPENDENCE from BRITAIN.
19740207             —INCLUDED, This, the northern islands of Carriacou and Petite MARTINIQUE.
19740207             GRENADA erhält seine UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN innerhalb des COMMONWEALTH—OF Nations, erhält gleichzeitig 1—NEUE Flagge.
19740207             GRENADA—PREMIER—MINISTER—ERIC—M—GAIRY, wird.
19780207             —MOUNTED, ETHIOPIA, 1—COUNTER attack against SOMALIA.
19780907             Beim Regenschirmattentat auf der Londoner WATERLOO—BRIDGE wird dem BULGARISCHEN—DISSIDENT—GEORGI—MARKOW 1—PLATINKÜGELCHEN in den Unterschenkel injiziert.
19780907             DIESES—PLATINKÜGELCHEN setzt in der Folge kontinuierlich das Gift Rizin frei, woran Markow —3—TAGE—SPÄTER stirbt.
19780907             1—GENERALSTREIK im IRAN legt die Erdölproduktion lahm.
19780907             PREMIERMINISTER—DSCHAFAR—SCHARIF—EMAMI ausdehnt das Kriegsrecht auf ALLE—STÄDTE.
19790207             —BURIED, He was secretly, in another man's grave in BRAZIL.
19790207             (
19790207             Aufgrund seiner exzentrischen Umlaufbahn eintritt, der Zwergplanet Pluto in 1 19990211             —BIS—ZUM—WÄHRENDE—ZEIT—PHASE, in der er der Sonne näher ist als der Planet Neptun.
19790207             † JOSEF—MENGELE, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, verantwortlich für Selektionen und Menschenversuche, Kriegsverbrecher (TODESENGEL—VON—AUSCHWITZ)
19790207             † JOSEF—MENGELE, beim BADEN mit Freunden gestorben.
19790207             —BURIED, JOSEF—MENGELE was secretly, in another man's grave in BRAZIL.
19790207             (en.wikipedia_org/wiki/Josef_Mengele)
19790207—19110000    † * JOSEF—MENGELE, Nazi concentration camp doctor and medical experimenter, accidentally drowned in BERTIOGA—BRAZIL.
19790207—19850000    —IN, 19850606             —SEE his identity was confirmed by DNA.
19790207—19850000    —IN, 19850606             —SEE JOSEF—MENGELE his identity was confirmed by DNA.
19790907             Der nur Sportprogramme ausstrahlende Fernsehsender ESPN startet im Kabelfernsehnetz in den USA seine 1. Sendung.
19790907             Neues geistliches Oberhaupt der anglikanischen Kirche ist ROBERT—RUNCIE, vormals BISCHOF—VON—ST—ALBANS.
19800207             1—FIRE in Brooklyn killed ELIZABETH Kinsey (27) and her 5—CHILDREN.
19800207—19810000    —IN, 3—MEN were —LATER convicted of arson and 6—MURDERS.
19800207—19890000    —IN, a 3. † in prison.
19800207—20120000    —IN, 2—OF—MEN had been paroled and
19800207—20150000    —IN, the convictions were overturned.
19810207             † HERMANN—ESSER, DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST, früher Gefolgsmann von ADOLF—HITLER, Parteifunktionär
19810207             † PAUL—MATTICK, DEUTSCHER—ÖKONOM, Rätekommunist und Schriftsteller
19820907             —VERABSCHIEDET, Das ITALIENISCHE—PARLAMENT, 1—GESETZ gegen das organisierte Verbrechen.
19820907             Die Zugehörigkeit zur Mafia wird strafbar.
19821203—20110207    —CHARGED, Ridgeway, already serving 48—LIFE—TERMS, was, with her murder.
19830207             —OPENED, IRAN, 1—INVASION in THE—SOUTH—EAST—OF—IRAQ.
19830207             ELIZABETH H. Dole was sworn in as THE 1. female SECRETARY—OF—TRANSPORTATION by Justice SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR,
19830207             ELIZABETH H. Dole was sworn in as the 1. female SECRETARY—OF—TRANSPORTATION by Justice SANDRA—DAY—O'CONNOR, the 1. woman to sit on THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
19840207             Space shuttle astronauts BRUCE—MCCANDLESS—II and ROBERT—L—STEWART went on the 1. untethered space walk.
19840207             Bei der Mission STS-41-B des Space Shuttle Challenger führt der ASTRONAUT—BRUCE—MCCANDLESS erstmals einen Außenbordeinsatz mit einem Düsenrucksack — einer sogenannten Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) — durch.
19850207             "NEW—YORK, NEW—YORK" became the official ANTHEM—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY.
19850207             —TORTURED, USA—DRUG—AGENT—ENRIQUE "Kiki" Camarena Salazar was, and killed at 1—HOUSE in GUADALAJARA in the presence of 1—HALF—DOZEN—TOP—MEXICO—OFFICIALS.
19850207             —OPENED, VIENNA Convention on THE—LAW—OF—TREATIES, for signature 19850523             ...
19850207             Jose: SAN—JOSE cleaners upholstery jose malhoa "SAN—JOSE mercury...
19850207             Jose luis SANTANDER mp3 jose in "johnny got his gun " SAN—JOSE...
19850207             Biografía de jose figueres ferrer SAN—JOSE marriot rafael caro quintero jose luis parra...
19850207             DEA History Book part 2 -
19850207             labs was the use of Dupont GUN—CLEANING solvent in the. extraction process as well as the use of an...
19850207             It was led by RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, known as the...
19850207             + killed at 1—RESIDENCE then owned by RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO and located at 881—LOPE de...
19850207             DEA—PUBLICATIONS - THE—SUPPLY—OF—ILLICIT—DRUGS to the United...
19850207             —EVOLVED, THE—FEDERATION, from THE—GUADALAJARA cartel, which was formed in the 1980s by RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO and MIGUEL—FELIX—GALLARDO in order to ship heroin...
19850207             He testified that he had been present —WHEN 2—OF—THE—PARTNERS—OF—MATTA—BALLESTEROS and RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, met with USA—PILOTS working out of...
19850207             RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO and Ernesto Fonseca, met with USA—PILOTS working...
19850207             This is 1—OLD—TACTIC, known as "the hunt for the smoking gun.
19850207             1—OF—MEXICO—MOST celebrated criminal cases, RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, the...
19850207             THE—SUPREME—COURT—OF—THE—USA.. case, the informant carried 1—GUN in VIOLATION—OF—AGENCY...
19850207             00.000.
19850207—19850306    —ON, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES found his body at 1—RANCH EAST—OF—GUADALAJARA.
19850207—19890000    —ARRESTED, MIGUEL—ANGEL—FELIX—GALLARDO was, for complicity in the murder along with drug charges and sentenced to —40—YEARS in prison.
19850207—19920000    —IN, RUBEN—ZUNO—ARCE, THE—BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—LUIS—ECHEVERRIA, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
19850207—20000000    —RECEIVED, Gallardo, a 2. —40—YEAR—SENTENCE for smuggling and bribery.
19860207             He fled to FRANCE with his wife and mother.
19860207             —BECAME, HENRI—NAMPHY, LEADER—OF—HAITI.
19860207             —EMBEZZLED, Duvalier and his cronies reportedly, some $500—MILLION —DURING his last —DECADE—OF—RULE.
19860207             —DEFEATED, CORAZON—AQUINO, incumbent dictator FERDINAND—MARCOS but fraudulent returns gave the election to Marcos.
19860207             Auf den PHILIPPINEN finden vorgezogene Präsidentschaftswahlen statt.
19860207             Wichtigste Gegenkandidatin von PRÄSIDENT—FERDINAND—MARCOS ist CORAZON—AQUINO, die Witwe des —3—JAHRE—ZUVOR ermordeten Benigno Aquino JUNIOR—DURCH massiven Wahlbetrug gewinnt Marcos die Wahl.
19860207             Nach dreimonatigen Protesten flieht der HAITIANISCHE—DIKTATOR "Baby Doc" JEAN—CLAUDE—DUVALIER aus HAITI und geht ins Exil nach FRANKREICH.
19860207             Betty Mahmoody und ihre Tochter kommen in MICHIGAN (USA) an, nach einer anderthalbjährigen Geiselnahme durch ihren Mann und Vater in Teheran (IRAN).
19860207             —SPÄTER, erscheint ihr Bestseller Nicht ohne meine Tochter und der gleichnamige Film mit SALLY—FIELD.
19860207             USA female Figure Skating championship was won by Debi THOMAS.
19860207             —OUSTED, HAITI—PRESIDENT—FOR—LIFE—JEAN—CLAUDE "Baby Doc" Duvalier was, from power and fled his country, ending —28—YEARS—OF—FAMILY—RULE.
19870000             Hurt, Ahmanson, and CNP member PRESTON—HAWKINS, a developer...
19870907             Das Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel meldet, dass der SPD—SPITZENKANDIDAT für die SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE Landtagswahl, BJÖRN—ENGHOLM, von Detektiven beschattet worden ist.
19870907             Der Staatsratsvorsitzende der DDR, ERICH—HONECKER, trifft zu 1—OFFIZIELLEN Besuch der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND in BONN ein.
19870907—19870912    —AM, Weitere Recherchen des Nachrichtenmagazins lösen die BARSCHEL—AFFÄRE aus.
19880207             Leslie Manigat was sworn in as HAITI—PRESIDENT—HOWEVER, he lost power the —FOLLOWING June.
19880207             Leslie Manigat was sworn in as HAITI—PRESIDENT.
19880207             However, he lost power the —FOLLOWING June.
19890207             —VOTED, Bowing to public outrage, both USA—HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS, to kill their scheduled 51—PERCENT pay increase.
19890207             —CAUSED, ARGENTINA, devaluation, 1—WILD—PANIC in the financial DISTRICT—OF—BUENOS—AIRES.
19900207             PAKISTAN, riots broke out between rival political parties and 22—PEOPLE were hurt.
19900207             —AGREED, THE—SOVIET—UNION—COMMUNIST—PARTY, to let other political parties compete for CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY, thereby giving up its monopoly on power.
19900207             —AGREED, THE—SOVIET—UNION—COMMUNIST—PARTY, to let other political parties compete for CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY,
19910207             THE—REVEREND—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE was sworn in as HAITI—1. democratically elected PRESIDENT.
19920207             —TESTIFIED, Former heavyweight boxing champion MIKE—TYSON, at his rape trial in INDIANAPOLIS that his accuser, 1—MISS—BLACK—AMERICA—CONTESTANT, had consented to having sex with him.
19920207             TEXAS, ROBERT—MORENO—RAMOS used 1—HAMMER to kill his —42—YEAR—OLD—WIFE—LETICIA, their —7—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER—ABIGAIL and —3—YEAR—OLD—SON—JONATHAN at their home in Progreso.
19920207             He remarried —3—DAYS—LATER.
19920207             MAASTRICHT, wird vom Europäischen Rat der VERTRAG—VON—MAASTRICHT unterzeichnet.
19920207             —BEGRÜNDET, VERTRAG—VON—MAASTRICHT, die Europäische Union, und deren "3—SÄULEN" festgelegt, die Europäischen Gemeinschaften, die Gemeinsame AUßEN—UND Sicherheitspolitik und die polizeiliche und justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen.
19920207             Der MAASTRICHT—VERTRAG über die Europäische Union wird unterzeichnet und sieht 1—WIRTSCHAFTSUNION vor.
19920207             —TESTIFIED, Former heavyweight boxing champion MIKE—TYSON, at his rape trial in INDIANAPOLIS that his accuser,
19920207             —SIGNED, THE—MAASTRICHT—TREATY to integrate EUROPE was, in MAASTRICHT by the Foreign and Finance MINISTERS—OF—THE—MEMBER—STATES.
19920207             É assinado o Tratado da União Europeia, na cidade holandesa de MAASTRICHT.
19920207             Spitire INFOTECH—DAVE—EMORY - For THE—RECORD #485 - Interview...
19920207             —PRESENTED, Robert encapsulates the information, in the stories presented below.
19920207             counties might be explained by the greater APPEAL—OF—SON—OF—THE—SOUTH—AL...
19920207             7-Feb-19920000             . - - PIERRE—LAMONTAGNE, QC VS.
19920207             counties might be explained by the greater APPEAL—OF—SON—OF—THE—SOUTH—AL...
19920207—19930000    —CONVICTED, Ramos was, and sentenced to death.
19920207—19931101    —ON, Upon its entry into force —DURING the Delors Commission, it created THE—3—PILLARS STRUCTURE—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and led to the creation of the single European currency, the euro.
19920207—20181114    —EXECUTED, Ramos was.
19930207             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Commerce SECRETARY—RON—BROWN, on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he'd failed to pay Social Security taxes for 1—DOMESTIC—WORKER.
19940207             PRESIDENT—CLINTON sent Congress his $1.5—TRILLION budget plan, declaring cuts in HUNDREDS—OF—PROGRAMS would achieve 1—DEFICIT—REDUCTION—RECORD unequaled —SINCE PRESIDENT—TRUMAN—ADMINISTRATION.
19940907             —BESTIMMT, Der Wahlausschuss des DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESTAGES, JUTTA—LIMBACH zur Präsidentin des Bundesverfassungsgerichts.
19950207             Ramzi Yousef, the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER bombing, was arrested in ISLAMABAD—PAKISTAN, —AFTER—2—YEARS as 1—FUGITIVE.
19950207             —FESTGENOMMEN, in ISLAMABAD, wird RAMZI—AHMED—YOUSEF.
19950207             —VERDÄCHTIGT—WIRD, RAMZI—AHMED—YOUSEF, 1—DER—DRAHTZIEHER beim Bombenanschlag auf das WORLD—TRADE—CENTER[WTC] 19930000             gewesen zu sein.
19950207             PAKISTAN liefert ihn deshalb später an die Vereinigten Staaten aus, wo er zu —240—JAHREN Haft verurteilt wird.
19950907             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—KERNWAFFENTEST vom Vortag auf dem MURUROA—ATOLL löst auf Tahiti schwere Unruhen aus.
19960207             —KILLED, They, 11 and lost 15—OF—THEIR—OWN—FIGHTERS.
19960207             —KILLED, THE—COLOMBO suicide BOMBING—OF—LAST—WEEK, 83.
19960207             —DURING 1—CENTRAL—AMERICA—TOUR, JOHN—PAPA—PAUL—THE 2. received 1—WARM—WELCOME in NICARAGUA, his 1. visit there 19830000             —SINCE.
19960907             Auf den Rapper Tupac Shakur wird in LAS—VEGAS 1—ATTENTAT in seinem Auto verübt.
19960907—19960913    —AM, stirbt der Rapper Tupac Shakur an seinen Verletzungen.
19970207             —AGREED, MINDFUL—OF—BORIS—YELTSIN—AILMENTS, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, to shift their March summit meeting from THE—USA—TO—HELSINKI, FINLAND.
19970207             —ENDED, THE—YEAR—OF—THE—RAT, and the —YEAR of the ox, 4695, began.
19970207             —SUSPENDED, THE—AIR—FORCE, all its flights in restricted training areas on THE—EAST—COAST—AFTER 2—CLOSE—CALLS between National Guard jets and CIVIL—AIRLINERS.
19970207             THE 1. —DAY—OF—THE—CHINESE—NEW—YEAR.
19970907             Der Prototyp des Jagdflugzeugs LOCKHEED—MARTIN—F—22—RAPTOR wird beim Erstflug getestet.
19980128             —FROM SWITZERLAND 3—BALLOONISTS set out to circle the globe in the Breitling Orbiter 2. They failed to get clearance from flying over CHINA in time and were forced down in Burma 19980207             —ON—AFTER traveling 1—RECORD 4,730 miles.
19980207             —REPORTED, It was, that the Axial Seamount undersea volcano off THE—COAST—OF—THE—PACIFIC—NORTHWEST was erupting 5,000 feet below sea level.
19980207             —REPORTED, It was, that the 8,000 Sq. mile Larsen B ice sheet in ANTARCTICA was breaking up due to rising global temperatures.
19980207             † Novelist LAWRENCE—SANDERS at age 78. His debut thriller "THE—ANDERSON—TAPES" launched his career, and his 38. book was due —LATER—THIS—MONTH.
19980207             † FALCO (40), AUSTRIA—BORN pop singer, —WHILE on vacation in 1—AUTO crash in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC.
19980207             —INCLUDED, His hits, "Der Kommissar," "Rock Me Amadeus," and "VIENNA Calling".
19980207             † Novelist LAWRENCE—SANDERS, at age 78.
19980207             AUSTRALIA, over 10000000             defense force personnel were called to help clean up PARTS—OF—THE—NORTH—TERRITORY where the worst floods in —40—YEARS resulted from the overflowing Katherine River.
19980207             † It was reported that over 12000000             HOOKER—SEA—LION pups had in THE—SUB—ANTARCTIC—ISLANDS—SOUTH—OF—NEW—ZEALAND from 1—UNKNOWN—DISEASE.
19990207             —AGREED, Delegates at THE—KOSOVO peace talks, on principles that would keep the province within YUGOSLAVIA for at least 3—MORE—YEARS.
19990207             GERMANY, THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS won elections in Hesse state elections putting the Schroeder government short of 1—MAJORITY in the Bundesrat upper house.
19990207             INDONESIA, 1—PASSENGER ship sank between Borneo and Sumatra with 332—PEOPLE aboard.
19990207             19 were reported rescued.
19990207             † HUSSEIN—KING—OF—IN—JORDAN, —63—JAHRE—ALT officially from HODGKIN—LYMPHOMA.
19990207             MEXICO, the state governorship election in Baja CALIFORNIA SUR elected Leonel Cota of THE—PRD to 1—LANDSLIDE victory.
19990207             THE—PRD lost in Guerrero and clamed fraud and campaign spending violations.
19990207             —SEIZED, SERBIA—POLICE, ICN Pharmaceuticals in BELGRADE.
19990207             —SUGGESTED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, that the supreme court resign.
19990207             —ARRESTED, He defended THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—ARMY which had, and tortured 2—JOURNALISTS.
19990207             —ENTBRENNT, Zwischen ERITREA und ÄTHIOPIEN, 1—NEUER GRENZ—STREIT, der
19990207             —NACH des HUSSEIN—KÖNIG—VON—JORDANIEN Tod, nachfolgt, sein Sohn ABDULLAH—II—KÖNIG—VON—JORDANIEN.
19990207             Die NASA—SONDE Stardust wird zur Erforschung von Kometen mit einer DELTA—II—7426—TRÄGERRAKETE von der Cape Canaveral AIR—FORCE Station gestartet.
19990207             HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDAN, (63) officially † from HODGKIN—LYMPHOMA.
19990207—20080000    —SUCCEEDED, HUSSEIN—KING—OF—IN—JORDAN was, by his eldest son, who takes the throe as ABDULLAH—II. "LION—OF—JORDAN: THE—LIFE—OF—KING—HUSSEIN in War and Peace," by AVI—SHLAIM was published.
19990907             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 6,0 fordert in GRIECHENLAND 143—MENSCHENLEBEN.
20000124             1—RUNOFF was set for 20000207             .
20000207             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, a $1.84—TRILLION budget and called for using 1 projected surplus to strengthen Medicare and health insurance.
20000207             † DOUG—HENNING, CANADIAN—BORN magician, in LOS—ANGELES at age 52—FROM liver cancer.
20000207             —ELECTED, CROATIA, Stipe Mesic (65) was, PRESIDENT—OVER—DRAZEN—BUDISA, —51—JAHRE—ALT by a 56.2 to 43.8% margin.
20000207             —RELEASED, ENGLAND, AFGHANISTAN—HIJACKERS at Stansted, 8—PASSENGERS with 157—STILL trapped on the plane.
20000207             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL—JETS, air attacks deep into LEBANON.
20000207             —KNOCKED, Power was, out at Baalbek, headquarters of the Hezbollah, and at BEIRUT and TRIPOLI.
20000207             18—CIVILIANS were injured.
20000207             —VOTED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to expand the peacekeeping force in SIERRA—LEONE from 6,000 to 11,100.
20000207             1—REPORT from THE—CIA—NON—PROLIFERATION—CENTER says that that IRAQ is
20000207             NORA SLATKIN + general counsel, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, despite instructions from...
20000207             (DV) Hall: Globalizing Homeland Security, Part 1
20000207             Cybersecurity TSAR urges more spending to protect IT infrastructure...
20000207             of INTERNET security," said MICHAEL—O'NEILL, 1—PARTNER—AT—THE—SEATTLE—BASED law firm PRESTON—GATES & ELLIS—LLP + former general counsel to THE—CIA.
20000207             Here SOME—INTERESTING tidbits
20000207             THE—LEADING—LAWYERS in AMERICA- - WEST—WING WEB—REGULAR Characters
20000207             With 1—ASTONISHING comeback to win the Pebble Beach National PRO—AM,
20000207             1—APPARENT—TEAM—OF—COMPUTER hackers shut the —YAHOO web site down with a "DENIAL—OF—SERVICE" attack that mimicked MILLIONS—OF—PHANTOM users.
20000207             —REPORTED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—FORCES, that HUNDREDS—OF—REBELS had been killed over the last —2—DAYS—NEAR the villages of KATYR—YURT and SHAAMI—YURT.
20000207             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 7—PEOPLE were, in Aceh province in clashed between REBELS and security forces.
20000207             —KNOCKED, Power was, out at Baalbek, MAFIABOY—MOMENT
20000207             —GUNNED, YUGOSLAVIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—PAVLE—BULATOVIC, —51—JAHRE—ALT was, down in 1—BELGRADE soccer club restaurant and † —LATER in 1—HOSPITAL.
20000207             1—REPORT from THE—CIA—NON—PROLIFERATION—CENTER says that that IRAQ is... Nora Slatkin + general counsel, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, despite instructions from...
20000207             Illustrating the vague QUALITY—OF—THE—USA—PERSPECTIVE, MICHAEL—O'NEILL, former general counsel to the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee...
20000207             Cybersecurity TSAR urges more spending to protect IT infrastructure... of INTERNET security," said MICHAEL—O'NEILL, 1—PARTNER—AT—THE—SEATTLE—BASED law firm PRESTON—GATES & ELLIS—LLP + former general counsel to THE—CIA.
20000207             According to his attorney, FORMER—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL—MICHAEL—O'NEIL "will decline to answer questions about his role in 1—SECURITY—INVESTIGATION—OF—FORMER...
20000207             THE—LEADING—LAWYERS in AMERICA -
20000207             Shortlist of Most Coveted GENERAL—COUNSEL, THE—PLAINTIFFS'—LAWYERS... MICHAEL—O'NEILL.
20000207             Senate Judiciary Committee (WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA) THE—CHIEF.
20000207             Ron Butterfield, 1—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT, is played by MICHAEL—O'NEILL.
20000207             MAFIABOY—MOMENT—SEVERAL major websites are brought down by the largest DENIAL—OF—SERVICE—ATTACKS ever staged.
20000207             Compiled by TONY—LONG.
20000207             —POSTED; 20040324             RE—POSTED 20041017             - [Portuguese]
20000207             —POSTED; CrimProf Blog:
20000207—19480000    —IN, With 1—ASTONISHING comeback to win the Pebble Beach National PRO—AM, Tiger Woods gained his 6. straight PGA Tour victory, becoming the 1. player —SINCE BEN—HOGAN to win 6 in 1—ROW.
20010207             BERNARD—FRAHI, 1—FRANCE—EXPERT on narcotics and organized crime who led the survey teams in AFGHANISTAN 20010201             —FROM—4, said in 1—REPORT that his mission visited farmland known to include about 2,000 major pockets of opium production.
20010207             UNITED—NATIONS, 20010206             - Initial results from 1—SURVEY—OF—OPIUM—GROWING areas of AFGHANISTAN in recent days indicate that the Taliban may have succeeded in sharply reducing the annual poppy crop, astonished UNITED—NATIONS NARCOTICS—CONTROL—OFFICIALS say.
20010207             —VOTED, THE—SENATE, to release $582—MILLION in dues owed THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20010207             † DALE—EVANS (born 19120000             —IN as FRANCES—OCTAVIA—SMITH), singer and WIFE—OF—ROY—ROGERS, at age 88. DALE—EVANS—COMPOSITIONS included "Happy Trails" and "THE—BIBLE—TELLS—ME—SO".
20010207             TALIBAN Seem to Be Making Good on OPIUM—BAN, UNITED—NATIONS Says
20010207             Bush should delay missile defense plan —UNTIL questions considered
20010207             Shield Would Give USA—ALTERNATIVE to Nuclear ARMS—BUSH Won't Seek Defense Increases
20010207             "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and his GLOBAL—NETWORK—OF—LIEUTENANTS and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat," TENET said.
20010207             —EMERGED, NEW—YORK—TIMES — 1—SECRET—GOVERNMENT—WITNESS, —YESTERDAY to tell 1 hushed FEDERAL—COURTROOM in Manhattan how he helped THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—EXILE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN move money and arms to terrorist groups in AFRICA and THE—MIDDLE—EAST as PART—OF—1—CONSPIRACY aimed at THE—USA.
20010207             WASHINGTON 1—MEMO sent —THIS—WEEK by Fort HOOD—TEXAS, the Army installation with the largest population, says soldiers are suffering 1—WORLDWIDE—SHORTAGE—OF—9—MM ammunition.
20010207             Congressional sources said —YESTERDAY the Army shortages of such 1—BASIC combat tool as bullets is evidence that Congress needs to pass 1—DEFENSE—BILL this —SPRING to supplement the current PENTAGON budget.
20010207             —SUBMITTED, THE—ARMY has, a $2.9—BILLION request.
20010207             The sources say the Bush WHITE—HOUSE is cool toward additional defense spending —THIS—YEAR.
20010207             But the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, who already have sent 1—SUPPLEMENTAL spending request to Congress,
20010207             are adamant in saying the services need emergency money to shore up readiness accounts for spare parts,
20010207             fuel, building repairs and ammunition.
20010207             SOME—STAFFERS are working to keep the bill no higher than $7—BILLION.
20010207             But they fear 1—RUSH by lawmakers to add "pork" projects would prompt THE—WHITE—HOUSE and congressional leaders to kill the legislation.
20010207             That gives WASHINGTON the chance to prepare for the new KINDS—OF—CONFLICTS the country is likely to face in the 20010101—21001231.
20010207             RUSSIA to Blame for USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE, CANBERRA SAYS—NEWS, on missile defense systems:
20010207             Cell phones are SAFE—JOINT—USA—RUSSIA exercises heighten FEARS—OF—ESPIONAGE
20010207             Powell backs plan for European FORCE—CANADA sets ties to NORTH—KOREA
20010207             UK—LEADER Pushes Defense TALKS—CHINA—QIAN plans early USA—VISIT
20010207             Putin Presses Diplomacy as the Best Defense
20010207             ASIA—STOCK—MARKETS—CLOSE MIXED—MISSILE Defense Test Planned
20010207             Raytheon : May Miss 20020000             Earnings FORECAST—BUSH Won't Seek Defense Increases
20010207             Serious about missile defense Helle Bering
20010207             —BOMBED, ABM may get
20010207             —TAINTED, USEC says government may owe it for, uranium inventory
20010207             GOP Senators to pitch energy BILL—COLOMBIA—REBEL to meet PRESIDENT
20010207             Taliban Seem to Be Making Good on Opium Ban, UNITED—NATIONS SAYS—SPACE—SHUTTLE—LAUNCH successfu
20010207             Senate approves payment of UNITED—NATIONS DUES—SMART—START on Defense Budgeting
20010207             Bush Adminis tration Holds to Clinton Budget for Pentagon 20020000             0 2.
20010207             USA—ARMY is running out of bullets.
20010207             02. - nian judges reject Jews' appeal CIA
20010207             CHIEF—CITES—PROLIFERATION, Terrorism Among Top Threats Ex-
20010207             Aide to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Describes Terror Campaign Aimed at USA FOR—MER Terrorist Says He Warned USA Wit
20010207             e years ago, AL—FADL reached 1—DEAL with prosecutors to plead guilty to terrorism charges, in particular for moving weapons and explosives.
20010207             —AFTER—18—MONTHS to —2—YEARS living in FBI custody,
20010207             he is —NOW in THE—FEDERAL—WITNESS—PROTECTION—PROGRAM and still awaiting sentencing.
20010207             —ASKED, He told the court he had, for 1—REWARD for his information but was giving nothing more than a $20,000 loan to help resettle his family in THE—USA.
20010207             The alleged effort to obtain nuclear and chemical weapons and their components,
20010207             —WHILE supported by AL—FADL—PUBLIC—TESTIMONY, has long been alleged in the government's indictment.
20010207             —UNTIL—NOW, he was known only in court documents as "CS-1," for "confidential source number 1.
20010207             His main value to the government's case has been to provide 1—INSIDER—HISTORY on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—ORGANIZATION,
20010207             He will face cross examination beginning —NEXT—TUESDAY, —WHEN the trial resumes.
20010207             —WANTED, THE—EMBASSY bombings trial witness says OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, to buy uranium
20010207             PHIL—HIRSCHKORN and Correspondent Deborah Feyerick - the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—THE—BOMBINGS.
20010207             —DESCRIBED, The witness, JAMAL—AHMED—MOHAMED—AL—FADL, a 19940000             effort to buy uranium for AL—QAEDA,
20010207             the organization led by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, for whom AL—FADL said he worked —FOR—9—YEARS.
20010207             Uranium is 1—KEY component in nuclear weapons.
20010207             AL—FADL said he was told the price for the uranium, which came in a 2—TO—3—FOOT—CYLINDER, was $1.5—MILLION.
20010207             —INDICATED, He said engravings on the cylinder and documents, the uranium's source was SOUTH—AFRICA.
20010207             —HAPPENED, What, to the uranium and whether the —TRANSACTION was completed was left unanswered.
20010207             The witness' last information on the deal was that AL—QAEDA sought to test and verify the contents with 1—MACHINE being sent from KENYA.
20010207             —TURNED, Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD then, to another subject.
20010207             —NOW PRESIDENT—BUSH mus t turn that slogan into coherent policy and strategy with full attention to the technological challenges,
20010207             the potential consequences for arms control + the concerns of our allies.
20010207             —BEFORE going ANY—FURTHER, the adminis tration mus t consider these questions:
20010207             Whom shall the system protect + against what?
20010207             MUNICH HENRY—KISSINGER put it starkly here last weekend to 1—AUDIENCE—OF—EUROPEANS and REPRESENTATIVES—OF—JAPAN and CHINA:
20010207             No USA—PRESIDENT can neglect 1—ALTERNATIVE to using nuclear weapons against 1—SMALL nation poised to launch 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE at THE—USA.
20010207             T he alternative, he said, is missile defense, whose technologies for intercepting incoming missiles promise —NOW to be able to offer SOME—PROTECTION against limited nuclear attacks.
20010207             —WHEN Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD—LAT er argued that it was "1—MORAL—ISSUE" for THE—USA to try to build 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM,
20010207             even the skeptical Europeans, who were numerous among the defense minis ters and experts at THE—MUNICH—CONFERENCE on INTERNATIONAL Security,
20010207             understood that the new adminis tration would not easily be swayed from the controversial plan.
20010207             was partly responsible for THE—PROLIFERATION—OF—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY to "rogue states", which made the system worth developing.
20010207             "1—LOT—OF—THE—DEBATE here is directed at THE—USA," D owner said in his 1. comments on THE—NMD program —SINCE PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH cam e into office.
20010207             "I frankly think 1—AWFUL—LOT—OF—THE—DEBATE should instead be directed not only towards those countries that have got or are developing these missile systems,
20010207             but the countries that have been transferring that missile technology to thosecountries," he told ABC TEL evision —ON—TUESDAY night.
20010207             "For example, RUSSIA expresses concern... But RUSSIA is 1—COUNTRY that has been involved in THE—PROLIFERATION—OF—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY.
20010207             If there were no missiles there would be no need for 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM.
20010207             1—TRANSCRIPT—OF—THE—INTERVIEW was issued —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20010207             OPPOSITION DISMAYED
20010207             —REACTED, The opposition Labor party, with dismay to what it deemed as 1—HARDENING—OF—PRIME—MINIS ter JOHN—HOWARD—BACKING—OF—USA—PLANS to develop NMD,
20010207             which is opposed not only by RUSSIA but also by CHINA and MANY—OF—WASHINGTON'S—EUROPEAN allies.
20010207             CIA: WASHINGTON (AP) -- IRAN and IRAQ are likely to pose major security challenges to the new Bush adminis tration in their illicit pursuit of nuclear,
20010207             chemical and biological weapons and in IRAN—GROWING support for terrorism, THE—CIA—DIRECTOR told Congress —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20010207             Summarizing THE—CIA—ASSESSMENT—OF—SECURITY—THREATS—AROUND the world,
20010207             GEORGE—TENET said INTERNATIONAL terrorism is the most immediate worry,
20010207             and foremost among the threats is the Mus lim extremist network of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, the exiled SAUDI—ARABIA—WHO has declared holy WAR—ON—AMERICA.
20010207             —WANTED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is, by THE—FBI in connection with 19980000             —THE bombings of USA embassies in KENYA and TANZANIA,
20010207             which killed 224—PEOPLE + he is suspected of having 1—HAND in —LAST—YEAR—TERRORIST—ATTACK on THE—USS—COLE in YEMEN that killed 17—USA—SAILORS and nearly sank the $1—BILLION ship.
20010207             —ADDRESSED, Tenet also, other global threats, including:
20010207             IRAN: It has 1—OF—THE—LARGEST and most capable ballistic missile programs in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and could test 1—INTERCONTINENTAL—RANGE—MISSILE—CAPABLE—OF delivering 1—SMALL—WEAPON to THE—USA—IN "the next few years," he said.
20010207             —INCREASED, Over the past —2—YEARS, IRAN has, its SUPPORT—OF—TERRORIST—GROUPS opposed to THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS + prospects for positive political change in IRAN are fading.
20010207             IRAQ: "We are likely to see greater assertiveness" by PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN over the —NEXT—YEAR,
20010207             Tenet said, as THE—IRAQ—LEADER—ATTEMPTS to wriggle FREE—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ECONOMIC—SANCTIONS and finance the rebuilding of his military.
20010207             INDIA and PAKISTAN: Relations between THE—SOUTH—ASIA rivals are volatile, "making THE—RISK—OF—WAR between THE—2—NUCLEAR—ARMED adversaries unacceptably high.
20010207             Tenet said there is a "good prospect" of another round of nuclear tests by INDIA and PAKISTAN + —FOLLOWING INDIA—TEST—OF—1—AGNI—MEDIUM—RANGE—MISSILE—LAST—MONTH, "PAKISTAN may respond in kind.''
20010207             RUSSIA: Its future under PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN looks dim.
20010207             "There can be little doubt that PRESIDENT—PUTIN wants to restore SOME—ASPECTS—OF—THE—SOVIET—PAST," he said,
20010207             including its status as 1—WORLD—POWER.
20010207             NORTH—KOREA: —AFTER nearly —10—YEARS—OF—DECLINE in capability, THE—NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY has stabilized.
20010207             Tenet, who has been CIA director
20010207             "Terrorists are also becoming more operationally adept and more technically sophisticated in order to defeat counterterrorism measures," he said.
20010207             —STRENGTHENED, As THE—USA—HAS, security —AROUND government buildings and fixed military facilities,
20010207             terrorists are seeking out "softer" targets such as private businesses.
20010207             "We continue to face ballistic missile threats from 1—VARIETY—OF—ACTORS beyond RUSSIA and CHINA -- specifically NORTH—KOREA, probably IRAN and possibly IRAQ," he said.
20010207             The overall challenge to USA—SECURITY is more complex than ever, Tenet said.
20010207             Never have we had to deal with such 1—HIGH quotient of uncertainty.''
20010207             New Associated Press Here are excerpts from editorials in newspapers in THE—USA—AND abroad:
20010207             THE—PENTAGON is conducting joint missile defense exercises with THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY in COLORADO,
20010207             raising concerns among defense analysts that MOSCOW will gain valuable information on USA—WAR—FIGHTING tactics.
20010207             1—PENTAGON official said the computer simulation exercises at the National Training Facility in Schriever AIR—FORCE—BASE—COLORADO, grew out of a
20010207             —WHILE they downplayed differences over missile defense.
20010207             —DISCUSSED, MISTER—COOK, with MISTER—POWELL at THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—THE—EUROPEAN plan to set up a 60,000-man RAPID—REACTION—FORCE—INDEPENDENT—OF—NATO - 1—PLAN that was criticized —LAST—WEEK by Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD as potentially weakening NATO.
20010207             Cook in 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE with MISTER—POWELL.
20010207             MISTER—POWELL said the Bush adminis tration has "1—VERY—GOOD understanding of what the European Security and Defense Initiative is all about - 1—EFFORT on THE—PART—OF—OUR—EUROPEAN friends to increase their capability for rapid reaction in EUROPE and wherever else the need might ARISE—AND we support that goal".
20010207             MISTER—POWELL said the new force would allow EUROPE to act —WHEN NATO or THE—USA decided not to engage.
20010207             —ON the Bush adminis tration plan to develop and deploy 1—ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—SYSTEM, MISTER—COOK voiced SOME—CONCERNS.
20010207             —ESTABLISHED, OTTAWA—CANADA said —YESTERDAY it has, diplomatic ties with NORTH—KOREA, the isolated impoverished communist state that is slowly opening up to the outside world.
20010207             —LAUNCHED, ITALY and BRITAIN—TO recognize the state, which has, 1—DIPLOMATIC—OFFENSIVE—AFTER—5—DECADES—OF—SELF—IMPOSED isolation.
20010207             —BELIEVED, Foreign Minis ter JOHN—MANLEY said that CANADA, forging closer relations with PYONGYANG is the best way to contribute to security,
20010207             nonproliferation and humanitarian challenges in the region.
20010207             Foreign SECRETARY—ROBIN—COOK told reporters over breakfast at THE—UK—EMBASSY that the adminis tration needs time for talks with RUSSIA and also to decide on THE—KIND—OF—MISSILE—PROGRAM to be built.
20010207             "It should be possible to persuade RUSSIA that this is not in ANY—WAY destabilizing to RUSSIA and should go ahead on the basis of 1—ACCOMMODATION with RUSSIA," Cook said.
20010207             —REFUSED, He cautiously, to endorse the program directly.
20010207             CRITICS—OF—THE—ANTI—MISSILE—IDEA say such 1—SYSTEM could touch off 1—DEADLY—ARMS—RACE,
20010207             will cost TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and probably won't work.
20010207             Cook said "there is no perception" in BRITAIN—OF—1—THREAT from NORTH—KOREA,
20010207             —CITED, IRAN and IRAQ, states often, by ADVOCATES—OF—THE—PROGRAM as threatening THE—USA with at tack by LONG—RANGE—NUCLEAR—MISSILES.
20010207             Bush adminis tration officials have said A—USA—ANTI—MISSILE—SHIELD would be available to defend allies and friendly governments as well as THE—USA.
20010207             Having met with SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and Condoleezza RICE ,
20010207             PRESIDENT—BUSH—NATION al security adviser, Cook said he did not get "ANY—SENSE—OF—HOW long" it would take the adminis tration to choose 1—PROGRAM.
20010207             —ON—MONDAY, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—FOREIGN—POLICY—CHIEF, Javier Solana,
20010207             said THE—USA—CANNOT be deterred from deploying 1—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE despite misgivings among the allies and RUSSIA.
20010207             "THE—USA has the right to deploy," Solana told reporters —BEFORE meetings with Powell and RICE.
20010207             —ON another touchy issue, EUROPE—DETERMINATION to create its own military corps to respond to crises,
20010207             Cook said, "At EVERY—STEP, this force will be linked to NATO.''
20010207             —LATER, —AFTER he met with RICE, Cook told reporters outside THE—WHITE—HOUSE that UK—RELATIONS with th e new government were "off to 1—FLYING start.''
20010207             —DESIGNED, COOK—VISIT was, to prepare for Prime Minis ter TONY—BLAIR—FEB.
20010207             23—24—TRIP to WASHINGTON to see PRESIDENT—BUSH at Camp David in MARYLAND—CATOCTIN—MOUNTAINS.
20010207             —COMMITTED, Cook said both countries are, to working together to ensure that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN "does not emerge as
20010207             1—MENACE" with renewed capability to produce WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20010207             He said RUSSIA should not be threatened by BUSH—PLANS to build 1—MISSILE d efense system and echoed THE—PRESIDENT—VIEWS on the Ariel Sharon election as ISRAEL—PRIME minis ter.
20010207             "We respect the choice they made and will work with Sharon to take forward the peace process," Cook said.
20010207             —MOVED, Bush, into THE—WHITE—HOUSE—LAST—MONTH.
20010207             But only —2—WEEKS in office, the adminis tration is still mulling its own policy toward PYONGYANG,
20010207             including exactly how to follow through on initiatives inherited from the Clinton adminis tration.
20010207             And Lee told reporters he had Powell's "full support" for SEOUL's "sunshine" POLICY—OF—ENGAGEMENT with the North,
20010207             which won SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG the Nobel Peace Prize.
20010207             Briefing reporters —LATER, STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—RICHARD—BOUCHER said the pair didn't talk in detail about how the new adminis tration might proceed with its own policy toward the North -- specifically on THE—QUESTION—OF—NEGOTIATIONS on PYONGYANG—MISSILE—PROGRAM.
20010207             RUSSIA—OFFICIALS say, as PART—OF—HIS—CAMPAIGN to demonstrate to Western leaders that diplomacy + arms control may go 1—LONG—WAY toward eliminating the ballistic missile threat that is driving the Bush adminis tration to develop 1—ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM.
20010207             —AFTER 1—WEEKEND in which senior Bush adminis tration officials made 1—SERIES—OF—APPEARANCES on television and at 1—EUROPEAN security conference in MUNICH to reaffirm their intention to press forward with testing and deployment of 1—ANTI missile system,
20010207             —RESPONDED, RUSSIA, —MONDAY with 1—WARNING that it was prepared along with other NATIONS—CHINA presumably among THEM—TO resort to 1—ARMS—RACE to ensure that its own strategic deterrent force would not be weakened.
20010207             And MISTER—PUTIN, by signaling his plans to meet the leaders of 2—OF—THE 3 "rogue" nations that most concern WASHINGTON,
20010207             is positioning RUSSIA to play a constructive, if also SELF—INTERESTED,
20010207             role in addressing THE—POST—COLD—WAR—SECURITY—ISSUES on which the Bush adminis tration has centered its national security strategy.
20010207             At the same time, MISTER—PUTIN is playing on the deep skepticism in EUROPE over WASHINGTON—DETERMINATION to rearrange the strategic landscape.
20010207             The deployment of 1—MISSILE—SHIELD would violate 19720000             —THE—ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY.
20010207             RUSSIA is promoting its own proposal to make further deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals —WHILE cooperating with EUROPE and THE—USA to develop regional missile defenses that could be brought to bear against threatening nations.
20010207             THE—RUSSIA—CAMPAIGN will play out over several months in ADVANCE—OF—THE—SUMMIT—MEETING—OF—LEADERS from the largest industrial countries,
20010207             who will convene in ;;07;; in Genoa, where MISTER—BUSH will make 1—DIPLO matic debut.
20010207             PRESIDENT—MOHAMMED—KHATAMI—OF—IRAN is due in MOSCOW —NEXT—MONTH for discussions on trade and military cooperation.
20010207             THE—AGE—BY PATRICK—TYLER -
20010207             —2—DAYS—AFTER USA—OFFICIALS told their European counterparts that THE—USA—INTENDS to push ahead with the deve lopment of 1—NATIONAL—MISSILE—SHIELD—BUT only —AFTER extensive consultations -
20010207             —RESPONDED, RUSSIA, —YESTERDAY with 1—WARNING that it would resort to 1—NEW—ARMS—RACE to insure its strategic rocket forces will not be undermined.
20010207             At the same time, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN was said to be preparing 1—DIPLOMATIC—OFFENSIVE to meet the leaders of 2—OF—THE—SO—CALLED rogue nations whose ballistic missiles are of most concern to THE—USA.
20010207             Diplomats here and in Teheran said the leaders would discuss ways to control THE—SPREAD—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY.
20010207             —EXPRESSED, THE—USA has long, concerns about RUSSIA—ASSISTANCE to IRAN—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—PROGRAM.
20010207             —PUBLISHED, The policy paper, last ;;09;;
20010207             —BY the private Atlantic Council of THE—USA, WAS CO—AUTHORED by STEPHEN—CAMBONE, —NOW 1—CLOSE—ADVISER to Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD, and STEPHEN—J—HADLEY, the deputy national security adviser to PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20010207             He did not elaborate.
20010207             Europeans doubt, however, that THE—USA is willing to exchange enough missile defense technology with European governments to enable them to build 1—DEFENSIVE—SHIELD—OF—THEIR—OWN, the report said.
20010207             BOSTON (Reuters) - RAYTHEON Co., (RTNa.N) (RTNb.N) THE—NUMBER 3—USA—DEFENSE contractor, said —ON—WEDNESDAY its prompting 1—SELL—OFF—OF—THE—COMPANY—STOCK.
20010207             THE—NUMBER 1—USA—MISSILE maker also forecast slight declines —THIS—YEAR in operating income and revenue at its key defense electronics systems unit.
20010207             This despite RAYTHEON Chairman DANIEL—BURNHAM telling reporters,
20010207             "I think it is highly likely, if not certain, that there will be 1—INCREASE in defense spending...
20010207             1—INCREASE in the procurement and R&D (research and development) accounts that are so important to us and to other contractors.''
20010207             —ABOUT HALF—OF—THE—13—ANALYSTS who follow RAYTHEON had expected earnings of $1.94—PER share
20010207             RAYTHEON—CLASS 1—STOCK fell $1.66, or 4.72 %, to end —WEDNESDAY at $33.50 in NEW—YORK Stock Exchange trade,
20010207             —WHILE its Class B stock slid $1.58, or 4.46 %, to close at $33.81.
20010207             —AFFIRMED, Burnham, the company's guidance in ;;12;;
20010207             for 20010000             earnings of $1.55 to $1.70—PER share.
20010207             —ESTIMATED, Lexington, MASS—BASED RAYTHEON, it would generate operating income of $1.72—BILLION
20010207             "The earnings guidance was unexpected," Deutshe Banc Alex, Brown analyst CHRISTOPHER—MECRAY said.
20010207             "I think the overall communication was that they were not intending to downgrade the guidance
20010207             I regard it as overly conservative.''
20010207             —EXPECTED, With earnings growing faster than revenue, RAYTHEON, to reduce its net debt to $8.7—BILLION by the end of 20010000             from about $9.1—BILLION —AT—THE—END—OF ;;12;;.
20010207             The goal is to reduce RAYTHEON—DEBT—RATIO to less than 40—PERCENT—OF—CAPITAL—DIVESTITURES
20010207             RAYTHEON said it will continue to divest noncore businesses, —AFTER selling off its engineering and construction unit to Morrison Knudsen,
20010207             which has been renamed WASHINGTON Group INTERNATIONAL (WNG.N) + its flight simulation and training business to L—3—COMMUNICATIONS—HOLDINGS INCORPORATED (LLL.N).
20010207             It also sold $800—MILLION—OF—AIRCRAFT—LOANS and leases to debis CAPITAL—SERVICES, 1—UNIT—OF—DAIMLERCHRYSLER—AG (DCXGn.DE)(DCX.N), in the past —YEAR.
20010207             RAYTHEON expects to book about $250—MILLION from additional sales —DURING 20010000             ,
20010207             including —LAST—MONTH—SALE—OF—ITS recreational marine unit for $108—MILLION.
20010207             Caine said the company will use proceeds from the sales to pay investor dividends —THIS—YEAR.
20010207             1—OF—RAYTHEON 's "imperatives" is to get final USA—FEDERAL—AVIATION and Administration certification for its Premier I business jet by the end of the 2. quarter.
20010207             The plane is more than —1—YEAR behind schedule.
20010207             RAYTHEON said it is also working through some $676—MILLION worth of old defense contracts that are in the cash consuming stage but that Caine said would become "growth programs.''
20010207             C3I, which books surveillance and intelligence contracts, will help RAYTHEON achieve growth in its total defense revenue of 5 %
20010207             "It's theFIRS t —YEAR of higher defense growth for us in many, MANY—YEARS," Burnham told reporters.
20010207             The company said THE—USA—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE—PROGRAM has the potential to generate $5.3—BILLION in revenue over a —5—YEAR—SPAN.
20010207             JSA Research INCORPORATED analyst PAUL—NISBET said RAYTHEON ''certainly has 1—BETTER handle on what they're doing —NOW than they had in the past...There were no real surprises.''
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- PRESIDENT—BUSH will propose no immediate major increase in THE—PENTAGON budget but probably will seek more money —BEFORE the fall,
20010207             —AFTER Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD completes REVIEWS—OF—THE—SERVICES, administration officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20010207             WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—ARI—FLEISCHER said Bush has no immediate plan to add to the defense budget for the fiscal —YEAR ending
20010207             —LAUNCHED, With impeccable timing, the Bush adminis tration, the issue of national missile defense the very same —WEEK RONALD—REAGAN was in the news again, celebrating his 90. birthday.
20010207             (Or no PRESIDENT—EXCEPT—BILL—CLINTON, 1—MIGHT ad, for that was precisely the status quo he allowed to exist —DURING THE—8—YEARS—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY.
20010207             in return for European support on NMD.
20010207             It is also 1—FACT that opinions in EUROPE have been fragmenting for SOME—TIME.
20010207             THE—BRITISH—CONSERVATIVES, whose foreign policy spokesman IAN—DUNCAN—SMITH will be discussing the subject in WASHINGTON —NEXT—WEEK,
20010207             are in favor of NMD, as are conservatives elsewhere on the continent.
20010207             1—HIGH—RANKING European diplomat in WASHINGTON even suggested —RECENTLY that the problem with national missile defense may be mainly semantic.
20010207             If the name were nuclear missile defense, the concept might be more palatable, he suggested.
20010207             Particularly interesting has been THE—REACTION—OF—NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—GEORGE—ROBERTSON, who suddenly has become 1—CONVERT to NMD, provided it is done within 1—NATO—CONTEXT.
20010207             —ITTED, MISTER—ROBERTSON even adm, there is 1—MISSILE—THREAT, so far unacknowledged by Europeans, that needs to be dealt with.
20010207             Well. What 1—DIFFERENCE—1—ELECTION makes.
20010207             —BOMBED, ABM may get, 20010207             20010207             Excite NEWS—MICHAEL—J—HARRISON—BADGER—HERALD—U—WISCONSIN -
20010207             —WHILE THE—USA—OUTSPENT—THE—SOVIET—UNION, we enjoyed 1—PERIOD—OF—ECONOMIC—PROSPERITY (even though we were heading further and further into debt) rivaled only by 19200000             —THE S.
20010207             Nearly EVERY—DIME we spent went to government defense contractors, as will nearly EVERY—DIME of the estimated $60—BILLION NMD will cost to deploy.
20010207             If the Russians want another arms race, Rumsfeld and Bush are ready to give it to them + defense con tractors like LOCKHEED Martin,
20010207             RAYTHEON and BOEING will return to receiving billions in government cash as they did —DURING THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—ARMS—RACE.
20010207             What frightens me most is not RUMSFELD—BRASH disregard for USA and global policies that kept the Cold War from turning hot.
20010207             What frightens me most is that if THE—USA—DEPLOYS—NMD, it will be putting MILLIONS—OF—LIVES in THE—HANDS—OF—TECHNOLOGY that is questionable at best.
20010207             So, to the Coalition to Protect Americans —NOW, take heart.
20010207             Rumsfeld and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION may make your fears of nuclear att ack very real very soon.
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- The company running the nation's 2—URANIUM enrichment plants wants the government to replace any contaminated uranium inherited in a 19980000             TRANSFER—OF—OPERATIONS.
20010207             THE—USA—ENRICHMENT—CORP. was given government uranium inventories as PART—OF—THE—DEAL to privatize the nation's uranium enrichment operations.
20010207             THE—2—PLANTS are in PIKETON—OHIO + PADUCAH—KENTUCKY.
20010207             —NOTIFIED, The company, the Energy Department in ;;12;;
20010207             that testing on "limited samples" of that uranium found SOME—CONTAMINATION with radioactive technetium.
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican energy legislation to be introduced —NEXT—WEEK will focus on boosting clean coal technology,
20010207             revitalizing the nuclear industry and finding new SOURCES—OF—OIL and natural gas including drilling in 1—ARCTIC wildlife refuge, accor ding to 1—DRAFT—OF—THE—BILL.
20010207             SENATOR—FRANK—MURKOWSKI, R—ALASKA, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COMMITTEE that will take up the legislation,
20010207             discussed the measure —DURING an —HOUR—LONG meeting —TUESDAY with VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, who heads 1—PRESIDENTIAL—TASK—FORCE on energy.
20010207             —REVOLVED, Murkowski said the meeting " —AROUND the realization that we have 1—ENERGY—CRISIS in this country" and that ways mus t be found to produce more energy and rely less on oil imports.
20010207             But it is clear congressional Republicans and THE—WHITE—HOUSE are moving aLONG PARALL el lines on the energy package,
20010207             its importance magnified in recent weeks by the electricity supply problems in CALIFORNIA and soaring natural gas prices nationwide.
20010207             —WHILE THE—GOP legislation will include SOME—MEASURES aimed at boosting renewable energy sources and energy conservation its focus will be on boosting energy production.
20010207             "It's 1—BLANK—CHECK to the oil, gas and nuclear industry," said ERICH—PICA,
20010207             Among the bill's most controversial provisions will be opening THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge to oil and gas development.
20010207             Most Democrats and 1—HANDFUL—OF—MODERATE—REPUBLICANS oppose drilling in THE—ALASKA refuge which is viewed by environmentalists as 1—NATIONAL treasure needing protection.
20010207             "THE—CHINA—PRESENCE in THE—PANAMA—CANAL has been written about and spoken of, but it isn't.
20010207             I have not found that THE—SO—CALLED 'presence' in the form of shipping companies and the like have created ANY—DANGER to THE—PANAMA—PEOPLE,
20010207             THE—PANAMA—GOVERNMENT, or to the canal itself," MISTER—POWELL said at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20010207             —ADDED, MISTER—POWELL : "Our interests are served.
20010207             I don't see anything that should cause me ANY—GREAT distress".
20010207             —ASKED, THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE was, about 1—RECENT—VISIT to BEIJING by 1—SENIOR—COLOMBIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL who was seeking CHINA—ASSISTANCE in agricultural development aid for NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA.
20010207             MISTER—POWELL said he was UNAWARE—OF—THE—REQUEST.
20010207             —OFFERED, MISTER—POWELL, this advice to COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT: "PRESIDENT [Andres] Pastrana is free to seek advice where he finds it most useful.
20010207             1—ALWAYS has to be careful that you're getting the advice you sought and nothing more + I'm sure he will be careful".
20010207             He spoke to reporters —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with UK—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—ROBIN—COOK.
20010207             Concerns about Chinese
20010207             influence in PANAMA were raised by the leasing of 2—PORTS near both ends of the canal by 1—HONG—KONG—BASED conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa 00.0097.
20010207             —INTERESTED, ARGENTINA isn't, in 1—TOP—GUN—ARMS—RACE with CHILE, Argentine Foreign Minis ter Adalberto Rodriguez Giavarini said —YESTERDAY.
20010207             His country won't try to buy F-16C/D jets from LOCKHEED MARTIN—CORP.
20010207             even if 1 proposed $600—MILLION—SALE—OF—THE—PLANES to CHILE goes through.
20010207             "We don't want to spend money we need for social welfare and better macroeconomic figures on such military gadgets," he told WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTERS an D EDITORS.
20010207             he'll face 1—SHREWD and BATTLE—HARDENED adversary.
20010207             Sitting across the table from Pastrana will be —70—YEAR—OLD—MANUEL "Sureshot" Marulanda,
20010207             THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—REVOLUTIONARY—ARMED—FORCES—OF—COLOMBIA (FARC), who has been confounding COLOMBIA—GENERALS and presidents —FOR—DECADES.
20010207             astonished UNITED—NATIONS NARCOTICS—CONTROL—OFFICIALS say.
20010207             —LAST—YEAR, AFGHANISTAN was the world's largest producer of opium, which is derived from poppies and is the material from which heroin is made.
20010207             Poppies are —NOW in bloom in THE—AFGHANISTAN—FIELDS, allowing aerial and ground surveys to be done across large areas to test the ban on opium production by the Taliban,
20010207             —ANNOUNCED, The ban was, —LAST—YEAR to skeptical response from narcotics experts.
20010207             —ON—MONDAY, THE—UNITED—NATIONS OFFICE—FOR—DRUG—CONTROL and Crime PREVENTION—REGIONAL—OFFICE—FOR—AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN said that surveys in the northern provinces of Nangarhar,
20010207             Laghman and Kunar, which together contain more than 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—LAND that had been devoted to the poppy crop,
20010207             found no significant SIGNS—OF—CULTIVATION—THIS—YEAR.
20010207             Similar reports are beginning to come in from Helmand,
20010207             which had 52—PERCENT—OF—THE—LAND devoted to the crop —LAST—YEAR.
20010207             BERNARD—FRAHI, 1—FRANCE—EXPERT on narcotics and organized crime who led the survey teams in AFGHANISTAN from Feb.
20010207             1-4, said in 1—REPORT that his mission visited farmland known to include about 2,000 major pockets of opium production.
20010207             The inspection was done by ALL—TERRAIN vehicles and on foot.
20010207             "Although it is hard to believe," Mr.
20010207             Frahi, the regional director, wrote to his headquarters in VIENNA,
20010207             where THE—UNITED—NATIONS drug program is based, "No poppy field has been identified in the area".
20010207             —ACCOMPANIED, MISTER—FRAHI said he was, on his inspection tour by drug officers from CANADA and NORWAY and 1—PAKISTAN—AGRICULTURAL—EXPERT attached to the narcotics affairs section of THE—USA—EMBASSY in ISLAMABAD.
20010207             The narcotics experts found that AFGHANISTAN—FARMERS were trying to grow wheat, onions, garlic and other crops.
20010207             Afghans told the inspection team,
20010207             however, that they were very fearful about their livelihoods.
20010207             Alternate crops require 1—STEADY—SUPPLY—OF seeds,
20010207             fertilizer and WATER—ALL—OF which are in short supply + AFGHANISTAN under the Taliban gets almost no foreign aid.
20010207             —SUFFERED, Moreover, in THE—LAST—YEAR—AFGHANISTAN has, the worst drought in HALF—1—CENTURY.
20010207             —WARNED, THE—WORLD—BANK, —TODAY that the country was headed for 1—MAJOR famine.
20010207             Up to 1—MILLION—PEOPLE are in danger of starving, aid agencies say.
20010207             —ISSUED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 1—URGENT—APPEAL—TODAY to governments for clothing,
20010207             blankets and tents for the 100,000 Afghans who have fled to THE—WEST—CITY—OF—HERAT to escape the drought and fighting between the Taliban and 1—OPPOSITION—FORCE that is clinging to about 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20010207             —ABOUT 500—PEOPLE have frozen to death —AROUND HERAT in recent weeks, UNITED—NATIONS officials say.
20010207             THE—USA, which under THE—CLINTON adminis tration led 1—CAMPAIGN in THE—UNITED—NATIONS to impose sanctions on the Taliban for their refusal to hand over OSAMA—BIN—LADEN,
20010207             THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER of Islamic militancy, said —TODAY that it would fly relief goods to the battered country.
20010207             —EXPECTED, Tents, blankets and SOME—WATER—SUPPLIES are, to be flown by THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL DE velopment to PAKISTAN,
20010207             where more than 150,000 new refugees need help, as well as to AFGHANISTAN, USA—DIPLOMATS said in ISLAMABAD.
20010207             —SCHEDULED, The plane is, to reach HERAT by —FRIDAY.
20010207             PHOTO: Space shuttle Atlantis. (NASA—TV)
20010207             —SOARED, Atlantis and its crew of 5, into 1—CLEAR—SKY at 6:13 p.m.
20010207             with 1—RISING full moon in the background and the setting sun turning the exhaust trail 1—BEAUTIFUL—GOLD and peach.
20010207             At the moment of Atlantis'
20010207             liftoff, the space station and its 3—RESIDENTS were soaring more than 220—MILES—ABOVE—THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—JUST EAST—OF—NEWFOUNDLAND.
20010207             Atlantis should catch up —ON—FRIDAY.
20010207             —UNTIL the very last —HOUR, NASA feared rain and clouds at the overseas emergency landing strips might force 1—DELAY.
20010207             —IMPROVED, But the weather in SPAIN and MOROCCO, clearing the way for the flight.
20010207             PRESIDENT—BUSH is right to defer ANY—MAJOR—INCREASES in military spending —UNTIL his administration has 1—CHANCE to review AMERICA—REAL—DEFENSE—NEEDS.
20010207             —BY declining to load new weapons programs into the coming —YEAR—BUDGET,
20010207             MISTER—BUSH creates the opportunity for 1—WISER, more COST—EFFECTIVE—USE—OF—FUTURE—DEFENSE—DOLLARS.
20010207             Whether he makes good USE—OF—THAT—OPPORTUNITY will become apparent —LATER—THIS—YEAR, once the review has been completed and his 1. defense budgets are prepared.
20010207             MISTER—BUSH and his defense SECRETARY, DONALD—RUMSFELD, should resist pressure from the uniformed service chiefs and their Congressional allies to buy unneeded weapons systems.
20010207             —PROJECTED, Even in 1—ERA—OF, surpluses, money for military modernization and pay increases will have to compete with other administration priorities.
20010207             not to mention domestic priorities like education.
20010207             Military leaders and their Congressional supporters have been calling for adding TENS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to —NEXT—YEAR—DEFENSE—BUDGET to replace aging planes, ships and other equipment.
20010207             But MISTER—BUSH wisely said —YESTERDAY that he would leave that budget essentially unchanged at $310—BILLION.
20010207             It makes little sense to move ahead with weapons that may no longer fit AMERICA—NEEDS.
20010207             THE—USA—TODAY has clear technological superiority over ANY—CONCEIVABLE—MILITARY—RIVAL.
20010207             The adminis tration should look hard at expensive weapons systems whose rationale may have disappeared with the cold war.
20010207             Particularly deserving of scrutiny are THE—AIR—FORCE'S $64—BILLION F—22—TACTICAL—FIGHTER—PROGRAM,
20010207             the Marine Corps's troubled V—22—TILT—ROTOR Osprey aircraft, which is expected to cost $30—BILLION if it goes into full production + THE—NAVY—DD—21—STEALTH destroyer.
20010207             The price —TAG for 1—FLEET—OF—32—SHIPS is $24—BILLION.
20010207             —DURING the campaign MISTER—BUSH called for raising defense spending by about $4.5—BILLION —1—YEAR.
20010207             That sets 1—REALISTIC—OVERALL spending target.
20010207             The adminis tration mus t —NOW find the political will to use the upcoming review to weed out unnecessary weapons projects and to invest the savings in modernization and pay increases.
20010207             —SENTENCED, HAWAII HONOLULU - 2—HONOLULU police officers have been, for their roles in the beating of 1—PRISONER 19950000             .
20010207             6—OFFICERS were indicted in the beating of RICHARD—DOOLIN.
20010207             the patrol said.
20010207             Investigators don't believe the suicide attempt was WORK—RELATED.
20010207             2. LIEUTENANT—TOM—QUINN is recovering at 1—WICHITA hospital from wounds to the face, neck and chest.
20010207             He was found
20010207             —CHARGED, KENTUCKY Oak Grove - 1—OAK—GROVE police officer has been, with driving under the influence of ALCOHOL—TWICE in —2—DAYS.
20010207             the department said.
20010207             —STOPPED, The —NEXT—MORNING he was, again for DUI, accor ding to jail records.
20010207             Moore is on adminis trative leave.
20010207             RHODE—ISLAND—PROVIDENCE - 2—WHITE patrolmen who accidentally shot 1—OFF—DUTY—BLACK—OFFICER —1—YEAR—AGO have been cleared by the Justice DEPARTMENT—OF—ANY—CIVIL—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
20010207             1—STATE—GRAND—JURY—LAST—YEAR cleared the officers of criminal wrongdoing.
20010207             SPYING—IRAN—JUDGES reject Jews' appeal
20010207             —REJECTED, TEHRAN—IRAN (AP) - 3—JUDGES have, the final appeal of 10—IRAN—JEWS convicted of spying for ISRAEL,
20010207             —REPORTED, STATE—RUN—TEHRAN radio, —WEDNESDAY.
20010207             The prosecutor general's OFFICE—IN—TEHRAN said the judges who studied the appeal had decided against it, the radio said.
20010207             No reason was given.
20010207             —CONVICTED, The ruling means the Jews, who were, —LAST—YEAR in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SHIRAZ, have no further appeal.
20010207             —APPEALED, THE—JEWS had, their initial trial's verdicts and sentences.
20010207             The appeal court upheld their convictions on the charge of cooperating with ISRAEL, but found THE—10—MEN—INNOCENT—OF belonging to 1—ILLEGAL—SPY ring and recruiting new agents.
20010207             —REDUCED, The appeal court, their sentences, sentencing them to between 2 and —13—YEARS in prison.
20010207             —DISAPPOINTED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT said it was, the court did not overturn ALL—OF—THE—CONVICTIONS.
20010207             —DENIED, ISRAEL, the convicted men were its agents and criticized their prosecution, conviction and sentencing.
20010207             Countries such as THE—USA—AND—FRANCE, as well as human rights organizations and Jewish groups,
20010207             had urged IRAN to ensure justice in 1—CASE seen as 1—SHOW—OF—POWER by HARD—LINE—CLERICS jostling with reformists in this Mus lim country.
20010207             IRAN has no diplomatic ties and bans ANY—CONTACT with ISRAEL, which it considers 1—ARCH—FOE.
20010207             CIA CHIEF—CITES—PROLIFERATION, Terrorism Among Top Threats
20010207             WASHINGTON—POST—BY Vernon Loeb and WALTER—PINCUS -
20010207             CIA Director GEORGE—J—TENET said —TODAY that RUSSIA—DEFENSE—FIRMS supplied ballistic missile technology to IRAN,
20010207             INDIA, CHINA and LIBYA and remained 1—KEY—SUPPLIER to IRAN—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM in ways that "could be used to advance its weapons programs as well".
20010207             "RUSSIA—STATE—RUN—DEFENSE and nuclear industries are still strapped for funds + MOSCOW looks to them to acquire badly needed foreign exchange through exports," Tenet told the Senate SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE.
20010207             Delivering THE—CIA—ANNUAL—ASSESSMENT—OF—WORLDWIDE—THREATS, Tenet also said RUSSIA—ENTITIES have supplied IRAN with "dual use" biotechnology and chemical production means — information sought by various nations and terrorist groups as 1—MEANS—OF producing biological and technical weapons.
20010207             He offered 1—SIMILARLY bleak assessment of trends in neighboring IRAN,
20010207             saying that "prospects for NEAR—TERM—POLITICAL—REFORM are —NOW fading" due to resistance from the nation's fundamentalist religious establishment despite the overwhelming POPULARITY—OF—REFORMIST—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMAD—KHATAMI.
20010207             —NOTED, Tenet, that IRAN has also "increased its support to terrorist groups opposed to the [MIDDLE—EAST] peace process over the past —2—YEARS".
20010207             —LIMITED, But THE—CIA—CONCERNS about the region were hardly, to IRAQ, IRAN and the breakdown in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS.
20010207             Tenet said leaders —THROUGHOUT THE—MIDDLE—EAST will face in the coming years extraordinary pressure from restive populations in the face of economic decline that has left large NUMBERS—OF—PEOPLE OUT—OF—WORK.
20010207             "Over the past —25—YEARS, Middle Eastern economies have averaged only 2.8 % GDP growth — far less than ASIA and only slightly more than SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA," Tenet said,
20010207             adding that populations in the region are surging in the face of such economic collapse.
20010207             "1FOURTH of Jordanians, for example, are unemployed + annual economic growth is well below the level needed to absorb some 60,000—NEW—LABOR—MARKET entrants EACH—YEAR," Tenet said.
20010207             Propelled by these trends, Tenet said, 1—NEW—VOLATILITY is readily apparent —THROUGHOUT the region.
20010207             "The recent popular demonstrations in several Arab countries — including EGYPT,
20010207             SAUDI—ARABIA, OMAN and JORDAN — in support of THE—PALESTINE—INTIFADA demonstrate the changing NATURE—OF—ACTIVISM—OF—THE—ARAB street," Tenet said.
20010207             "Through access to THE—INTERNET and other MEANS—OF—COMMUNICATION,
20010207             1—RESTIVE public is increasingly capable of taking action without ANY—IDENTIFIABLE—LEADERSHIP or organizational structure".
20010207             Hopscotching the globe, Tenet began his threat listing with the rise of "transnational" Islamic terrorist groups,
20010207             with "decentralized leadership that makes them harder to identify and disrupt".
20010207             —INCLUDED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, which prosecutors say, 19980000             —THE bombings of THE—USA—EMBASSIES in KENYA and TANZANIA.
20010207             —KILLED, The blasts, 224—PEOPLE and wounded thousands.
20010207             MISTER—AL—FADL—IDENTITY has been 1—CLOSELY kept secret —DURING the government's long investigation of Mr.
20010207             —REFERRED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, —WHEN he was, to in court papers only as CS-1, for confidential source.
20010207             Underscoring the potential danger to the witness, the judge, LEONARD—B—SAND—OF—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MANHATTAN,
20010207             ordered 1—GROUP—OF—ILLUSTRATORS seated in the heavily guarded courtroom not to sketch MISTER—AL—FADL.
20010207             —AFTER 1—FULL—DAY—OF—TESTIMONY—YESTERDAY by MISTER—AL—FADL, only the barest personal details had been revealed about him.
20010207             * He said he 00.0063 in THE—SUDAN—TOWN—OF—RUFA'A, w hich is SOUTH—OF—KHARTOUM.
20010207             He came to THE—USA 00.0086 on 1—STUDENT visa, spending —2—YEARS in this co untry, MUCH—OF—THAT—TIME in Brooklyn.
20010207             —AFTER that, he said, he went to AFGHANISTAN to fight THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20010207             —LATER, he went to work for Mr.
20010207             —ON—MONDAY, 1—PROSECUTOR said that MISTER—AL—FADL had stolen money from Mr.
20010207             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, been caught and escaped.
20010207             "And in 1—ATTEMPT to save himself and his family," the prosecutor said,
20010207             "he approached THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and offered to provide information".
20010207             For the last —5—YEARS, MISTER—AL—FADL has been under THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT in 1 undisclosed location —AFTER pleading guilty to 1—TERRORISM—CHARGE in 1—SECRET proceeding in FEDERAL—COURT—IN—MANHATTAN.
20010207             —OCCURRED, MISTER—AL—FADL—TESTIMONY did not deal with the embassy bombings, which, —2—YEARS—AFTER he left the group.
20010207             —EXPECTED, But prosecutors are, to use his ACCOUNT—OF—THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—MR.
20010207             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—GROUP to show how the terrorism
20010207             Rom- —6—JAHRE—SPÄTER sagte MARIO—PLACANIA, er sei damals während der Straßenschlachten in Genua in seinem Polizeiauto angegriffen worden und habe Angst bekommen.
20010207             "Da habe ich meine Pistole genommen und habe 2—SCHÜSSE in Richtung auf die kaputte Autoscheibe abgegeben", sagte er vor Gericht.
20010207             Dort sind 25—GLOBALISIERUNGSKRITIKER wegen schwerer Sachbeschädigung angeklagt.
20010207             —GEBLIEBEN, Das Verfahren gegen Placania war ohne Folgen : —VOR—4—JAHREN hatte die ITALIENISCHE—JUSTIZ die Ermittlungen eingestellt.
20010207             —GEGRIFFEN, Placania habe damals aus Notwehr zur Waffe.
20010207             The space shuttle Atlantis took off with the Destiny module, 1—LABORATORY—COMPARTMENT, for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20010207             PRESIDENT—ARISTIDE took power in HAITI for a 2. term and offered 1—SERIES—OF—NATIONAL—REFORMS with plans for new schools,
20010207             —SIGNALED, ISRAEL—ARIEL—SHARON, 1—END to the peace process begun
20010207             IRAN, IRAQ Pose CHALLENGES—LEADER Pushes Defense TALKS—MEETS S. KOREA Counterpart
20010207             Qian plans early USA—VISITS, on missile defense systems: sets ties to NORTH—KOREA
20010207             PRESIDENT—ARISTIDE took power in HAITI for a 2. term and offered 1—SERIES—OF—NATIONAL—REFORMS with plans for new schools, roads, electricity systems and 1—INDEPENDENT—COURT—IN—EACH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—565—TOWNSHIPS.
20010207             NucNews- - Shield Would Give USA—ALTERNATIVE to Nuclear Arms
20010207             RUSSIA to Blame for USA—MISSILE Defense, CANBERRA SAYS—CIA : IRAN, IRAQ Pose Challenges
20010207             Joint USA—RUSSIA exercises heighten FEARS—OF—ESPIONAGE
20010207             CANADA sets ties to NORTH—KOREA—UK—LEADER Pushes Defense Talks
20010207             CHINA—QIAN plans early USA—VISIT—POWELL Meets S. KOREA Counterpart
20010207             RUSSIA ready for arms race over MISSILES—ASIA—STOCK Markets Close Mixed
20010207             Powell: CHINA poses no danger in CANAL—ARGENTINA Won't Compete in Arms Race
20010207             COLOMBIA—REBEL to meet PRESIDENT
20010207             Senate approves payment of UNITED—NATIONS dues
20010207             Bush Adminis tration Holds to Clinton Budget for Pentagon 20020000             0 2. THE—USA—ARMY is running out of bullets.
20010207             02. Ira nian judges reject Jews' appeal CIA CHIEF—CITES—PROLIFERATION, Terrorism Among Top Threats EX—AIDE to OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Describes Terror Campaign Aimed at USA For mer Terrorist Says He Warned USA Wit ness: I worked for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN 02. Fiv e years ago, AL—FADL reached 1—DEAL with prosecutors to plead guilty to terrorism charges, in particular for moving weapons and explosives.
20010207             —AFTER—18—MONTHS to —2—YEARS living in FBI custody, he is —NOW in THE—FEDERAL—WITNESS—PROTECTION—PROGRAM and still awaiting sentencing.
20010207             The alleged effort to obtain nuclear and chemical weapons and their components, —WHILE supported by AL—FADL—PUBLIC—TESTIMONY, has long been alleged in the government's indictment.
20010207             —UNTIL—NOW, he was known only in court documents as "CS-1," for "confidential source number 1." His main value to the government's case has been to provide 1—INSIDER—HISTORY on OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—ORGANIZATION, which he joined as 1—OF—ITS 1. members in the late 1980s.
20010207             The
20010207             —DESCRIBED, The witness, JAMAL—AHMED—MOHAMED—AL—FADL, a 19940000             effort to buy uranium for AL—QAEDA, the organization led by OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, for whom AL—FADL said he worked —FOR—9—YEARS.
20010207             Wed nesday, Pioneer PLANET—SENATOR—JOSEPH—R—BIDEN—COMMENTATOR
20010207             —DEMANDED, —FOR—YEARS, Republicans have, a ``robust'' national missile defense.
20010207             —NOW PRESIDENT—BUSH mus t turn that slogan into coherent policy and strategy with full attention to the technological challenges, the potential consequences for arms control + the concerns of our allies.
20010207             —REPRESENTED, THE—FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—PLEA was perhaps the most emotional in 1—WEEKEND that, the Bush adminis tration's 1. real effort to sell EUROPE—AND perhaps sway critics in RUSSIA and CHINA—ON its plan for 1—EXPENSIVE—SYSTEM to defend against missile attacks.
20010207             —WHEN Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD lat er argued that it was "1—MORAL—ISSUE" for THE—USA to try to build 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM, even the skeptical Europeans, who were numerous among the defense minis ters and experts at THE—MUNICH—CONFERENCE on INTERNATIONAL Security, understood that the new adminis tration would not easily be swayed from the controversial plan.
20010207             Feb RUSSIA —TODAY
20010207             —DISMISSED, CANBERRA -- (Reuters) AUSTRALIA has, CHINA—CONCERNS about USA—PLANS for 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM and blamed RUSSIA for making the project necessary.
20010207             AUSTRALIA—FOREIGN—MINIS ter ALEXANDER—DOWNER said MOSCOW, 1—FIERCE—CRITIC—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE (NMD) program, was partly responsible for THE—PROLIFERATION—OF—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY to "rogue states", which made the system worth developing.
20010207             "I frankly think 1—AWFUL—LOT—OF—THE—DEBATE should instead be directed not only towards those countries that have got or are developing these missile systems, but the countries that have been transferring that missile technology to thosecountries," he told ABC tel evision —ON—TUESDAY night.
20010207             "For example, RUSSIA expresses concern... But RUSSIA is 1—COUNTRY that has been involved in THE—PROLIFERATION—OF—MISSILE—TECHNOLOGY. If there were no missiles there would be no need for 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM".
20010207             —REACTED, The opposition Labor party, with dismay to what it deemed as 1—HARDENING—OF—PRIME—MINIS ter JOHN—HOWARD—BACKING—OF—USA—PLANS to develop NMD, which is opposed not only by RUSSIA but also by CHINA and MANY—OF—WASHINGTON—EUROPEAN allies.
20010207             Associated Press
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- IRAN and IRAQ are likely to pose major security challenges to the new Bush adminis tration in their illicit pursuit of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and in IRAN—GROWING support for terrorism, THE—CIA—DIRECTOR told Congress —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20010207             Summarizing THE—CIA—ASSESSMENT—OF—SECURITY—THREATS—AROUND the world, GEORGE—TENET said INTERNATIONAL terrorism is the most immediate worry, and foremost among the threats is the Mus lim extremist network of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, the exiled SAUDI—ARABIA—WHO has declared holy WAR—ON—AMERICA.
20010207             ``OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat,'' Tenet told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
20010207             He said OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—ORGANIZATION is developing surrogates to carry out attacks ``to avoid detection, blame and retaliation.''
20010207             —WANTED, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN is, by THE—FBI in connection with 19980000             —THE bombings of USA embassies in KENYA and TANZANIA, which killed 224—PEOPLE + he is suspected of having 1—HAND in —LAST—YEAR—TERRORIST—ATTACK on THE—USS—COLE in YEMEN that killed 17—USA—SAILORS and nearly sank the $1—BILLION ship.
20010207             --IRAQ: ``We are likely to see greater assertiveness'' by PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN over the —NEXT—YEAR, Tenet said, as THE—IRAQ—LEADER—ATTEMPTS to wriggle FREE—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ECONOMIC—SANCTIONS and finance the rebuilding of his military.
20010207             Saddam has grown more confident of his ability to hold onto power, although USA—UK—ENFORCEMENT—OF ``no fly'' zones over IRAQ has constrained his military.
20010207             --INDIA and PAKISTAN: Relations between THE—SOUTH—ASIA rivals are volatile, ``making THE—RISK—OF—WAR between THE—2—NUCLEAR—ARMED adversaries unacceptably high.'' Tenet said there is a ``good prospect'' of another round of nuclear tests by INDIA and PAKISTAN + —FOLLOWING INDIA—TEST—OF—1—AGNI—MEDIUM—RANGE—MISSILE—LAST—MONTH, ``PAKISTAN may respond in kind.''
20010207             ``There can be little doubt that PRESIDENT—PUTIN wants to restore SOME—ASPECTS—OF—THE—SOVIET—PAST,'' he said, including its status as 1—WORLD—POWER.
20010207             1—OF—HIS—GOALS is to improve ties with CHINA and other regional partners to check USA—INFLUENCE.
20010207             It also is expanding its SHORT—AND MEDIUM—RANGE—MISSILE—ARSENAL, ``putting our allies at greater risk.''
20010207             ``Terrorists are also becoming more operationally adept and more technically sophisticated in order to defeat counterterrorism measures,'' he said.
20010207             —STRENGTHENED, As THE—USA has, security —AROUND government buildings and fixed military facilities, terrorists are seeking out ``softer'' targets such as private businesses.
20010207             ``We continue to face ballistic missile threats from 1—VARIETY—OF—ACTORS beyond RUSSIA and CHINA -- specifically NORTH—KOREA, probably IRAN and possibly IRAQ,'' he said.
20010207             ``Never in my experience,'' he said, ``has USA—INTELLIGENCE had to deal with such 1—DYNAMIC SET—OF—CONCERNS affecting such 1—BROAD—RANGE—OF—USA—INTERESTS.
20010207             Never have we had to deal with such 1—HIGH quotient of uncertainty.''—NEW s, on missile defense systems:
20010207             THE—PENTAGON is conducting joint missile defense exercises with THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY in COLORADO, raising concerns among defense analysts that MOSCOW will gain valuable information on USA—WAR—FIGHTING tactics.
20010207             UK—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—ROBIN—COOK and SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL stood shoulder to shoulder —YESTERDAY in support of the proposed European defense plan and sanctions on LIBYA, —WHILE they downplayed differences over missile defense.
20010207             "We both agreed that 1—INCREASE in EUROPE—RAPID—REACTION—CAPABILITY could strengthen NATO + we are both determined that this new European capacity should be firmly anchored in NATO," said MISTER—COOK in 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE with MISTER—POWELL.
20010207             CANADA - s to NORTH—KOREA
20010207             WASHINGTON TIMES—WORLD—SCENE Combined dispatches and staff reports -
20010207             CANADA becomes the 4. MEMBER—OF—THE—GROUP—OF—8—POWERFUL—NATIONS—AFTER RUSSIA, ITALY and BRITAIN—TO recognize the state, which has launched 1—DIPLOMATIC—OFFENSIVE—AFTER—5—DECADES—OF—SELF—IMPOSED isolation.
20010207             —BELIEVED, Foreign Minis ter JOHN—MANLEY said that CANADA, forging closer relations with PYONGYANG is the best way to contribute to security, nonproliferation and humanitarian challenges in the region.
20010207             Associated Press -
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- BRITAIN—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—URGED—THE—BUSH adminis tration —WEDNESDAY to talk to the Russians —BEFORE taking 1—DECISION on 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM.
20010207             ``It should be possible to persuade RUSSIA that this is not in ANY—WAY destabilizing to RUSSIA and should go ahead on the basis of 1—ACCOMMODATION with RUSSIA,'' Cook said.
20010207             CRITICS—OF—THE—ANTI—MISSILE—IDEA say such 1—SYSTEM could touch off 1—DEADLY—ARMS—RACE, will cost TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and probably won't work.
20010207             Cook said ``there is no perception'' in BRITAIN—OF—1—THREAT from NORTH—KOREA, IRAN and IRAQ, states often cited by ADVOCATES—OF—THE—PROGRAM as threatening THE—USA with at tack by LONG—RANGE—NUCLEAR—MISSILES.
20010207             Having met with SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and Condoleezza Rice, PRESIDENT—BUSH—NATION al security adviser, Cook said he did not get ``ANY—SENSE—OF—HOW long'' it would take the adminis tration to choose 1—PROGRAM.
20010207             —ON—MONDAY, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—FOREIGN—POLICY—CHIEF, Javier Solana, said THE—USA—CANNOT be deterred from deploying 1—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE despite misgivings among the allies and RUSSIA.
20010207             —ON another touchy issue, EUROPE—DETERMINATION to create its own military corps to respond to crises, Cook said, ``At EVERY—STEP, this force will be linked to NATO.''
20010207             —SUGGESTED, Critic s have, 1—INDEPENDENT—EUROPEAN force would undercut NATO and could set in motion the dissolution of THE—USA—LED military alliance.
20010207             —DESIGNED, COOK—VISIT was, to prepare for Prime Minis ter TONY—BLAIR'S 20010223—20240223     trip to WASHINGTON to see PRESIDENT—BUSH at Camp David in MARYLAND—CATOCTIN—MOUNTAINS.
20010207             —IDENTIFIED, Cook said his own visit ``has, the common interests of THE—USA—AND—ENGLAND and our common approach'' on world trouble spots like THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20010207             —COMMITTED, Cook said both countries are, to working together to ensure that IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN ``does not emerge as... 1—MENACE'' with renewed capability to produce WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20010207             ``We respect the choice they made and will work with Sharon to take forward the peace process,'' Cook said.
20010207             The visit by Vice PRIME—MINISTER—QIAN, 1—VETERAN who oversees CHINA—POLICIES toward TAIWAN, was seen as 1—KEY—GESTURE by CHINA in maintaining continuity in bilateral ties —AFTER MISTER—BUSH moved into THE—WHITE—HOUSE—LAST—MONTH.
20010207             —EXPECTED, MISTER—BUSH is not, to meet his CHINA—COUNTERPART, Jiang Zemin, —UNTIL October, —WHEN CHINA hosts 1—INFORMAL—SUMMIT—OF—ASIA Pacific leaders in SHANGHAI.
20010207             Hanging over bilateral ties, however, are 1—HOST of perennially thorny issues, including TAIWAN and human rights, as well as USA—PLANS to build 1—ANTI—MISSILE—SHIELD in the face of strident opposition by CHINA, RUSSIA and others.
20010207             POWELL—WASHINGTON (AP) -- THE—BUSH adminis tration said —WEDNESDAY it supports SOUTH—KOREA—POLICY—OF—RECONCILIATION toward communist NORTH—KOREA.
20010207             But only —2—WEEKS in office, the adminis tration is still mulling its own policy toward PYONGYANG, including exactly how to follow through on initiatives inherited from the Clinton adminis tration.
20010207             SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL and SOUTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINIS ter LEE—JOUNG—BINN said —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING—WEDNESDAY that they had agreed to continue ``close coordination'' on their policies for the Stalinis t state.
20010207             And Lee told reporters he had Powell's ``full support'' for SEOUL's ``sunshine'' POLICY—OF—ENGAGEMENT with the North, which won SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG—THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE.
20010207             MOSCOW—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN plans to play host to THE—PRESIDENTS—OF—NORTH—KOREA + IRAN in MOSCOW this —SPRING, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS say, as PART—OF—HIS—CAMPAIGN to demonstrate to Western leaders that diplomacy + arms control may go 1—LONG—WAY toward eliminating the ballistic missile threat that is driving the Bush adminis tration to develop 1—ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM.
20010207             —AFTER 1—WEEKEND in which senior Bush adminis tration officials made 1—SERIES—OF—APPEARANCES on television and at 1—EUROPEAN security conference in MUNICH to reaffirm their intention to press forward with testing and deployment of 1—ANTI missile system, RUSSIA responded —MONDAY with 1—WARNING that it was prepared along with other NATIONS—CHINA presumably among THEM—TO resort to 1—ARMS—RACE to ensure that its own strategic deterrent force would not be weakened.
20010207             And MISTER—PUTIN, by signaling his plans to meet the leaders of 2—OF—THE 3 "rogue" nations that most concern WASHINGTON, is positioning RUSSIA to play 1—CONSTRUCTIVE, if also SELF—INTERESTED, role in addressing THE—POST—COLD—WAR—SECURITY—ISSUES on which the Bush adminis tration has centered its national security strategy.
20010207             THE—RUSSIA—CAMPAIGN will play out over several months in ADVANCE—OF—THE—SUMMIT—MEETING—OF—LEADERS from the largest industrial countries, who will convene in July in Genoa, where MISTER—BUSH will make 1—DIPLO matic debut.
20010207             RUSSIA—READY for arms race over MISSILES—THE—AGE - By PATRICK—TYLER -
20010207             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—MOHAMMAD—KHATAMI—OF—IRAN is, here —NEXT—MONTH for discussions on trade and military cooperation.
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Bush adminis tration offer to help European allies field their own defense against missile attack reflects ideas in a LITTLE—NOTICED report outlining ways to overcome skepticism abroad over USA—MISSILE defense plans.
20010207             —PUBLISHED, The policy paper, last —SEPTEMBER by the private Atlantic Council of THE—USA, was CO—AUTHORED by STEPHEN—CAMBONE, —NOW 1—CLOSE—ADVISER to Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD, and STEPHEN—J—HADLEY, the deputy national security adviser to PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20010207             At 1—EU ropean security conference last —SATURDAY in GERMANY, Rumsfeld sought to ease European concerns about USA national missile defense.
20010207             —PREPARED, He said the administration is, to ``assist friends and allies threatened by missile attack to deploy such defenses.'' He did not elaborate.
20010207             In the Atlantic Council report, Cambone and Hadley said interviews with 1—BROAD—RANGE—OF—EUROPEAN officials made clear ``there is 1—GROWING recognition'' that as THE—THREAT—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILES spreads this —DECADE ``the case for 1—MORE robust missile defense capability of EUROPE will become more compelling.''
20010207             —BY REUTERS - - BOSTON (Reuters) - Raytheon Co., (RTNa.N) (RTNb.N) THE—NUMBER 3—USA—DEFENSE contractor, said —ON—WEDNESDAY its
20010207             —IATED, Assoc, Press
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) -- PRESIDENT—BUSH will propose no immediate major increase in the Pentagon budget but probably will seek more money —BEFORE the fall, —AFTER Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD completes REVIEWS—OF—THE—SERVICES, administration officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20010207             Helle - Echoing MISTER—RUMSFELD—ARGUMENT that building 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE is a "moral issue" for THE—PRESIDENT, MISTER—KISSINGER remarked that no USA—PRESIDENT—TODAY can allow 1—SITUATION in which "extinction of civilized life is one's only strategy" —WHEN faced with 1—SMALL—NUCLEAR—ATTACK from 1—ROGUE nation.
20010207             It even appears that Europeans are reluctantly coming on BOARD, as the Bush team always predicted they wo uld —WHEN faced with the firm determination by the Americans to proceed.
20010207             At THE—MUNICH—CONFERENCE on INTERNATIONAL Security, realists were talking about possible tradeoffs such as USA—SUPPORT for the planned European rapid reaction force, in return for European support on NMD.
20010207             THE—UK—CONSERVATIVES, whose foreign policy spokesman IAN—DUNCAN—SMITH will be discussing the subject in WASHINGTON —NEXT—WEEK, are in favor of NMD, as are conservatives elsewhere on the continent.
20010207             His predecessor, Javier Solana, amazingly adm itted that THE—ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY "is not the Bible".
20010207             If the Russians want another arms race, Rumsfeld and Bush are ready to give it to them + defense con tractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing will return to receiving billions in government cash as they did —DURING THE—HEIGHT—OF—THE—ARMS—RACE.
20010207             —NOTIFIED, The company, the Energy DEPARTMENT—IN—DECEMBER that testing on ``limited samples'' of that uranium found SOME—CONTAMINATION with radioactive technetium.
20010207             0 20010207             InfoBeat News
20010207             WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican energy legislation to be introduced —NEXT—WEEK will focus on boosting clean coal technology, revitalizing the nuclear industry and finding new SOURCES—OF—OIL and natural gas including drilling in 1—ARCTIC wildlife refuge, accor ding to 1—DRAFT—OF—THE—BILL.
20010207             SENATOR—FRANK—MURKOWSKI, R -ALASKA, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COMMITTEE that will take up the legislation, discussed the measure —DURING an —HOUR—LONG meeting —TUESDAY with VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, who heads 1—PRESIDENTIAL—TASK—FORCE on energy.
20010207             But it is clear congres sional Republicans and THE—WHITE—HOUSE are moving along parall el lines on the energy package, its importance magnified in recent weeks by the electricity supply problems in CALIFORNIA and soaring natural gas prices nationwide.
20010207             "It's 1—BLANK—CHECK to the oil, gas and nuclear industry," said ERICH—PICA, 1—ECONOMIC—POLICY—ANALYST for FRIENDS—OF—THE—EARTH
20010207             Washin gton TIMES—BY BILL—GERTZ -
20010207             "THE—CHINA—PRESENCE in THE—PANAMA—CANAL has been written about and spoken of, but it isn't... I have not found that THE—SO—CALLED 'presence' in the form of shipping companies and the like have created ANY—DANGER to THE—PANAMA—PEOPLE, THE—PANAMA—GOVERNMENT, or to the canal itself," MISTER—POWELL said at 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE.
20010207             —ADDED, MISTER—POWELL : "Our interests are served.... I don't see anything that should cause me ANY—GREAT distress".
20010207             —OFFERED, MISTER—POWELL, this advice to COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT: "PRESIDENT [Andres] Pastrana is free to seek advice where he finds it most useful. 1—ALWAYS has to be careful that you're getting the advice you sought and nothing more + I'm sure he will be careful".
20010207             —RAISED, Concerns about CHINA—INFLUENCE in PANAMA were, by the leasing of 2—PORTS near both ends of the canal by 1—HONG—KONG—BASED conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa 00.0097.
20010207             A
20010207             —BY Nora Boustany -
20010207             His country won't try to buy F-16C/D jets from Lockheed MARTIN—CORP. even if 1 proposed $600—MILLION—SALE—OF—THE—PLANES to CHILE goes through.
20010207             InfoBeat NEWS—BOGOTA—COLOMBIA (AP) - —WHEN PRESIDENT—ANDRES—PASTRANA flies into guerrilla TERRITORY—THURSDAY for 1—SUMMIT aimed at salvaging COLOMBIA—PEACE—PROCESS, he'll face 1—SHREWD and BATTLE—HARDENED adversary.
20010207             Sitting across the table from Pastrana will be —70—YEAR—OLD—MANUEL "Sureshot" Marulanda, THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—REVOLUTIONARY—ARMED—FORCES—OF—COLOMBIA (FARC), who has been confounding COLOMBIA—GENERALS and presidents —FOR—DECADES.
20010207             -------- drug war Taliban
20010207             Seem to Be Making Good on Opium Ban, UNITED—NATIONS SAYS—NEW—YORK—TIMES - By BARBARA—CROSSETTE
20010207             Poppies are —NOW in bloom in THE—AFGHANISTAN—FIELDS, allowing aerial and ground surveys to be done across large areas to test the ban on opium production by the Taliban, THE—HARD—LINE—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT that rules MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20010207             —ON—MONDAY, THE—UNITED—NATIONS OFFICE—FOR—DRUG—CONTROL and Crime PREVENTION—REGIONAL—OFFICE—FOR—AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN said that surveys in the northern provinces of Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar, which together contain more than 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—LAND that had been devoted to the poppy crop, found no significant SIGNS—OF—CULTIVATION—THIS—YEAR.
20010207             Similar reports are beginning to come in from Helmand, which had 52—PERCENT—OF—THE—LAND devoted to the crop —LAST—YEAR.
20010207             "Although it is hard to believe," MISTER—FRAHI, the regional director, wrote to his headquarters in VIENNA, where THE—UNITED—NATIONS drug program is based, "No poppy field has been identified in the area".
20010207             Afghans told the inspection team, however, that they were very fearful about their livelihoods.
20010207             Alternate crops require 1—STEADY—SUPPLY—OF seeds, fertilizer and WATER—ALL—OF which are in short supply + AFGHANISTAN under the Taliban gets almost no foreign aid.
20010207             —ISSUED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 1—URGENT—APPEAL—TODAY to governments for clothing, blankets and tents for the 100,000 Afghans who have fled to THE—WEST—CITY—OF—HERAT to escape the drought and fighting between the Taliban and 1—OPPOSITION—FORCE that is clinging to about 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20010207             THE—USA, which under the Clinton adminis tration led 1—CAMPAIGN in THE—UNITED—NATIONS to impose sanctions on the Taliban for their refusal to hand over OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER of Islamic militancy, said —TODAY that it would fly relief goods to the battered country.
20010207             —EXPECTED, Tents, blankets and SOME—WATER—SUPPLIES are, to be flown by THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL De velopment to PAKISTAN, where more than 150,000 new refugees need help, as well as to AFGHANISTAN, USA—DIPLOMATS said in ISLAMABAD.
20010207             USA—TODAY
20010207             —BLASTED, CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) - Space shuttle Atlantis, off —WEDNESDAY with the most expensive and pivotal PIECE—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION: a $1.4—BILLION science laboratory.
20010207             —SOARED, Atlantis and its crew of 5, into 1—CLEAR—SKY at 6:13 p.m., with 1—RISING full moon in the background and the setting sun turning the exhaust trail 1—BEAUTIFUL—GOLD and peach.
20010207             At the moment of Atlantis' liftoff, the space station and its 3—RESIDENTS were soaring more than 220—MILES—ABOVE—THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC—JUST EAST—OF—NEWFOUNDLAND.
20010207             1—LAST—MINUTE problem with 1—CIRCUIT BOARD also went away.
20010207             —BY declining to load new weapons programs into the coming —YEAR—BUDGET, MISTER—BUSH creates the opportunity for 1—WISER, more COST—EFFECTIVE—USE—OF—FUTURE—DEFENSE—DOLLARS.
20010207             —PROPOSED, MISTER—BUSH'S, $1.6—TRILLION tax cut and his desire to develop 1—MISSILE—SHIELD that could cost as much as $100—BILLION will cut deeply into funds that are available for other military programs, not to mention domestic priorities like education.
20010207             Particularly deserving of scrutiny are THE—AIR—FORCE'S $64—BILLION F—22—TACTICAL—FIGHTER—PROGRAM, the Marine Corps's troubled V—22—TILT—ROTOR Osprey aircraft, which is expected to cost $30—BILLION if it goes into full production + THE—NAVY—DD 21—STEALTH destroyer.
20010207             NEW—YORK T imes By JAMES—DAO—NEW—YORK T IMES—WORLD Briefing -
20010207             —ACTED, The assembly, —AFTER the arrest in January of 1—MARINE corporal for lifting 1—GIRL—SKIRT to photograph her underwear.
20010207             (Reuters) - WASHINGTON TIMES—BY ROWAN—SCARBOROUGH -
20010207             But the Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, who already have sent 1—SUPPLEMENTAL spending request to Congress, are adamant in saying the services need emergency money to shore up readiness accounts for spare parts, fuel, building repairs and ammunition.
20010207             USA—TODAY 0102/07—STATES—HAWAII
20010207             —SENTENCED, USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—ALAN—KAY, JESSE—NOZAWA to —26—MONTHS in prison and BRIAN—PUNZAL to —6—MONTHS in jail.
20010207             —PLEADED, All, guilty. KANSAS
20010207             —WOUNDED, Pratt - 1—KANSAS—HIGHWAY—PATROLMAN found, —LAST—MONTH shot himself 4—TIMES with his own.45-caliber pistol, the patrol said.
20010207             He was FOUND—KENTUCKY
20010207             Randy Moore, 30, was intoxicated —WHEN he crashed his police cruiser —15—MINUTES—AFTER leaving 1—PARTY at 1—COUNTY—POLICE—OFFICER'S—HOME, the department said.
20010207             —HIRED, SERGEANT—CORNEL—YOUNG—JUNIOR—MOTHER has, O.J. Simpson lawyer JOHNNIE—COCHRAN to file a $20—MILLION civil suit against the city.
20010207             -------- SPYING—IRAN—JUDGES reject Jews' APPEAL—USA—TODAY -
20010207             —REJECTED, TEHRAN—IRAN (AP) - 3—JUDGES have, the final appeal of 10—IRAN—JEWS convicted of spying for ISRAEL, STATE—RUN—TEHRAN radio reported —WEDNESDAY.
20010207             Countries such as THE—USA—AND—FRANCE, as well as human rights organizations and Jewish groups, had urged IRAN to ensure justice in 1—CASE seen as 1—SHOW—OF—POWER by HARD—LINE—CLERICS jostling with reformists in this Mus lim country.
20010207             CIA Director GEORGE—J—TENET said —TODAY that RUSSIA—DEFENSE—FIRMS supplied ballistic missile technology to IRAN, INDIA, CHINA and LIBYA and remained 1—KEY—SUPPLIER to IRAN—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM in ways that "could be used to advance its weapons programs as well".
20010207             Dwelling on THE—MIDDLE—EAST as 1—PARTICULARLY volatile region, Tenet said IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN "has grown more confident in his ability to hold on to his power".
20010207             He offered 1—SIMILARLY bleak assessment of trends in neighboring IRAN, saying that "prospects for NEAR—TERM—POLITICAL—REFORM are —NOW fading" due to resistance from the nation's fundamentalist religious establishment despite the overwhelming POPULARITY—OF—REFORMIST—PRESIDENT—MOHAMMAD—KHATAMI.
20010207             "Over the past —25—YEARS, Middle Eastern economies have averaged only 2.8 % GDP growth — far less than ASIA and only slightly more than SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA," Tenet said, adding that populations in the region are surging in the face of such economic collapse.
20010207             "In EGYPT the disproportionately young population adds 600,000—NEW—JOB applicants —1—YEAR in 1—COUNTRY where unemployment is already near 20 %".
20010207             "The recent popular demonstrations in several Arab countries — including EGYPT, SAUDI—ARABIA, OMAN and JORDAN — in support of THE—PALESTINE—INTIFADA demonstrate the changing NATURE—OF—ACTIVISM—OF—THE—ARAB street," Tenet said.
20010207             "Through access to THE—INTERNET and other MEANS—OF—COMMUNICATION, 1—RESTIVE public is increasingly capable of taking action without ANY—IDENTIFIABLE—LEADERSHIP or organizational structure".
20010207             Hopscotching the globe, Tenet began his threat listing with the rise of "transnational" Islamic terrorist groups, with "decentralized leadership that makes them harder to identify and disrupt".
20010207             NEW—YORK—TIMES -
20010207             The witness, JAMAL—AHMED—AL— F adl, was the 1. person called in the trial of 4—MEN charged with participating in 1—TERRORISM—CONSPIRACY led by Mr.
20010207             Underscoring the potential danger to the witness, the judge, LEONARD—B—SAND—OF—FEDERAL—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MANHATTAN, ordered 1—GROUP—OF—ILLUSTRATORS seated in the heavily guarded courtroom not to sketch MISTER—AL—FADL.
20010207             "And in 1—ATTEMPT to save himself and his family," the prosecutor said, "he approached THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and offered to provide information".
20010207             JAPAN: THE—COMMANDER—OF—UNITED—STATES—FORCES on THE—ISLAND—OF—OKI nawa aplogized for calling local officials "nuts" and "wimps" in E—MAIL sent to 13—FELLOW—OFFICERS that was leaked to JAPAN—MEDIA.
20010207             LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—EARL—HAILSTON was reportedly responding to 1—CALL by OKINAWA—LOCAL—ASSEMBLY for 1—REDUCTION in AMERICA—TROOPS.
20010207             —ACTED, The assembly, —AFTER the arrest in ;;01;;
20010207             of 1—MARINE corporal for lifting 1—GIRL—SKIRT to photograph her underwear.
20010207             RUSSIA to Blame for USA—MISSILE—DEFENSE, CANBERRA Says
20010207             CIA : IRAN, IRAQ Pose Challenges - News, on missile defense systems:
20010207             Cell phones are safe - Powell backs plan for European force
20010207             Missile Defense Test Planned
20010207             Raytheon : May Miss 20020000             Earnings Forecast
20010207             Bush Won't Seek Defense Increases - GOP Senators to pitch energy bill
20010207             Space shuttle launch successfu - Smart Start on Defense Budgeting
20010207             Wed nesday, INTERNATIONAL Herald TRIBUNE—JOSEPH—FITCHETT
20010207             CIA: Joi - WASHINGTON TIMES—BY BEN—BARBER - - CANADA - British
20010207             Powell - Putin P - resses Diplomacy as the Best Defense
20010207             RUSSIA - Raytheo - n : May Miss 20020000             Earnings Forecast
20010207             InfoBeat News
20010207             NEW—YORK T imes
20010207             USA—TODAY 0102/07—STATES - HAWAII - KENTUCKY - s to NORTH—KOREA
20010207—19550000    —IN, ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH (19060000             *), WIFE—OF—CHARLES—LINDBERGH, † at age 94. she authored "Gift From the Sea," 1—MEDITATION on women's lives in the 19010101—20001231 .
20010207—19800000    —IN—THE—LATE, which he joined as 1—OF—ITS 1. members S.
20010207—19930000    —SIGNALED, ISRAEL—ARIEL—SHARON, 1—END to the peace process begun in OSLO and planned something in the spirit of OSLO on 1—INTERIM—LEVEL.
20010207—19960000    —UNTIL, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, and stayed with him.
20010207—19970000    —SINCE, Tenet, who has been CIA director and has been asked by the Bush adminis tration to remain in the post, said terrorist groups are becoming more decentralized, which makes them harder to identify.
20010207—19980000    —IN—THE, NEW—YORK  -- In his 2. —DAY—OF—TESTIMONY, 1—KEY—GOVERNMENT—WITNESS in the trial of 4—MEN ACCUSED—OF—CONSPIRACY bombings of 2—USA embassies in EAST—AFRICA SAID —WEDNESDAY he had once attempted to purchase uranium for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—THE—BOMBINGS.
20010207—19990000    —AUTHORED, SUSAN—HERTOG, her biography "ANNE—MORROW—LINDBERGH".
20010207—20010210    —ON, The survey ends and 1—FINAL—REPORT will be issued sometime —LATER.
20010207—20020000    —EARNINGS—FORECAST—RAYTHEON, may Miss
20010207—20020000    earnings could fall as much as 12 % below current WALL—STREET estimates,
20010813—20010207    —DATE 20010813—20010207    —DATE20010813—20010813—20010313    —DATE 20010813—20010813—20010604    20011100             —COMPLICATED, The story is too, to greatly detail here, but THE—FBI and media have variously filled Saeed SHEIKH—SHOES with 1—EGYPTIAN named Shaykh Saiid [SYDNEY —MORNING Herald, 20010928             , NEW—YORK—TIMES, 20011015             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20011020             ], 1—SAUDI named Sa'd AL—SHARIF, said to be OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—BROTHER—IN—LAW [NEWSWEEK, 20011111             , AP, 20011218             ], 1—KENYAN named SHEIK—SAYYID—EL—MASRY [CNN, 20011016             , Trial Transcript, 20010220             , Trial Transcript, 20010221             ], 1—MUSTAFA—AHMED—AL—HAWSAWI or AL—HISAWI (suggesting no alias was used) [MISS—NBC, 20011211             , WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20020617             ], 1—SHAIKH—SAIID—AL—SHARIF [AP, 20020604             ], 1—ALI—ABDUL—AZIZ—ALI (for SOME—OF—THE—MONEY—TRANSFERS) [Congressional Intelligence Committee, 20020926             ], and so on.
20010813—20010207    —DATE
20010907—20020000    —AB, In der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) beschließen die Mitgliedsländer einstimmig, den 20010921             als Weltfriedenstag zu begehen.
20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN speaks out.
20011004             0 20030207             MISTER—GROVER—G—NORQUIST—CHAIRMAN—EMERITUS—ISLAMIC...
20011100             [ABC News, 20020207             ]THE—ISI paid his legal fees, but he was nonetheless sentenced to 1—LONG—PRISON—TERM in 1—INDIA—JAIL.
20011100             [BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02] For the —NEXT—WEEK, Saeed and THE—ISI worked "out 1—DEAL for how little he would say about THE—ISI—SUPPORT for terrorist groups in Kashmir and PAKISTAN in exchange for not being extradited to THE—USA.
20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911             [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20011100             [ABC News, 20020207             ]
20011100             [BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02] For THE—NEXT—WEEK, Saeed and THE—ISI worked "out 1—DEAL for how little he would say about THE—ISI—SUPPORT for terrorist groups in Kashmir and PAKISTAN in exchange for not being extradited to THE—USA. Neither THE—PAKISTAN—POLICE nor THE—USA—EMBASSY nor THE—FBI who were in ISLAMABAD investigating the kidnapping were informed that Saeed was being 'held' by THE—ISI —DURING this period".[PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE—REVIEW, 20020303             ]—DURING—THIS—TIME, PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF was traveling in THE—USA.
20011100—19940000    —IN, [ABC News, 20020207             , Saeed began training at 1—TRAINING camp in AFGHANISTAN.
20020207             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON and said he would continue to press THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY to crack down on terrorism.
20020207             —REBUFFED, Bush, 1—PLEA to sever ties with Arafat.
20020207             —ALLOWED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, GENEVA accords to cover Taliban fighters but not MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAEDA.
20020207             —INSISTED, FORMER—ENRON CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—JEFFREY—SKILLING, to skeptical lawmakers that he knew of nothing improper about the complex WEB—OF—PARTNERSHIPS that brought down the company.
20020207             —CAPTURED, Authorities in OKLAHOMA, the last of 4 escaped prison inmates from TEXAS who'd been on the run for more than —1—WEEK.
20020207             NUCLEAR. Missile Conference Opens in PARIS.
20020207             New Twist on PHYSICIST—ROLE in NAZI Bomb.
20020207             NEW—HAMPSHIRE seeks radiation sickness pills.
20020207             Health Departments to Oversee DISTRIBUTION—OF—ANTI—RADIATION PILLS—WURDE Kriegsgeschichte geschrieben.
20020207             Erstmals wurde mittels einer Hellfire Rakete aus einer speziell dafür entwickelten Drohne 1—AUTOKONVOI zerstört, in dem OSAMA—BIN—LADEN vermutet wurde.
20020207             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN war, wie sich herausstellte, freilich nicht dabei.
20020207             Der Name der Drohne lehnt sich an ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGER?s Filmwelt an: Predator.
20020207             Abschussverantwortlich: Der Geheimdienst.
20020207             —JETZT soll der.
20020207             -in-"The failure of Superior Bank was directly attributable to THE—BANK—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS and executives ignoring sound risk management principles," said FDIC Inspector GENERAL—GASTON—GIANNI—JUNIOR in 1—REPORT.
20020207             —AM, verfügt BUSH, daß weder TALIBAN—KÄMPFER noch QAIDA—KÄMPFER unter die GENFER—KONVENTION fallen.
20020207             1—USA—FEDERAL—COURT ruled that it is unconstitutional to sentence 1—FELON to —25—YEARS to life for shoplifting,
20020207             LIBERIA, rebel forces, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy, attacked Klay Junction 25—MILES—NORTH—OF—MONROVIA.
20020207             G8 are rightly seen AS—GLOBAL—CAPITALISM.
20020207             —JUST 1—FINAL objective.
20020207             single hostile entity); talks naturally.
20020207             1—USA—FEDERAL—COURT ruled that it is unconstitutional to sentence 1—FELON to —25—YEARS to life for shoplifting, which was allowed under THE—CALIFORNIA "3—STRIKES—LAW".
20020207             THE—STARTING point —TODAY MASTER.html
20020207             Health Departments to Oversee DISTRIBUTION—OF—ANTI—RADIATION—PILLS
20020207             everybody. talks naturally. of global capitalism.
20020207             +. the G8 are rightly seen as 1—SINGLE—HOSTILE—ENTITY); +—JUST 1—FINAL—OBJECTIVE.
20020207    More on this.
20020207             The —STARTING point —TODAY MASTER.htm - N ucNews - - INDEX—OF—ARTICLES.
20030207             2) A 20010101—21001231     COMPARISON—OF—THE—ENABLING—ACT and THE—PATRIOT—ACT
20030207             Problem mit den Massenvernichtungswaffen
20030207             —COURTED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the leaders of FRANCE and CHINA in 1—UPHILL struggle to win UNITED—NATIONS backing for war with IRAQ.
20030207             —MOVED, THE—USA, its terror alert status to ORANGE, the 2. highest level.
20030207             —PLAYED, GARRY—KASPAROV, —39—JAHRE—ALT, chess master, to a 3—3—TIE against the Deep Junior computer program.
20030207             † TOM—CHRISTERSON, —71—JAHRE—ALT, THE—LONGEST—LIVING recipient of 1—FULLY—SELF—CONTAINED artificial heart, at Jewish Hospital in LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY, —AFTER—512—DAYS on the AbioCor.
20030207             —KILLED, Chechen rebel attacks and land mines, 10—SOLDIERS and police over the last —24—HOURS.
20030207             —ISSUED, ORANGE TERROR alert was, by USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY on general information,
20030207             the Center for Public Integrity, 1—NON—PARTISAN public interest THINK—TANK in DC,
20030207             revealed THE—FULL—TEXT—OF—THE "DOMESTIC SECURITY ENHANCEMENT ACT" OF 20030000             .
20030207             —LEAKED, The classified document had been, to them by 1 unnamed source inside THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20030207             —CONSISTED—OF, The document, a 33—PAGE—SECTION by section analysis of the accompanying 87—PAGE—BILL.
20030207             —STAMPED, The bill itself is, "CONFIDENTIAL—NOT for Distribution".
20030207             —STUNNED, Upon READING the analysis and bill, I was, by the scientifically crafted tyranny contained in the "legislation".
20030207             (R—IL) and THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, Dick Cheney as well as the executive HEADS—OF—FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCIES.
20030207             It is important to note that no MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS was allowed to see the 1. "Patriot Act" —BEFORE its passage + that no debate was tolerate by the House and Senate leadership.
20030207             THE—INTENTIONS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Speaker Hastert concerning "Patriot Act II" appear to be 1—CARBON—COPY—REPLAY—OF—THE—EVENTS that led to the unprecedented passage of the 1. "Patriot Act".
20030207             There are 2—GLARING areas that need to be looked at concerning this new "legislation":
20030207             The secretive tactics being used by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Speaker Hastert to keep even the existence of this legislation secret would be more at home in Communist CHINA than in THE—USA.
20030207             —MANAGED, The fact that Dick Cheney publicly, the steamroller passage of the 1. Patriot Act,
20030207             ensuring that no 1 was allowed to read it and publicly threatening MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS that if they didn't vote in favor of it that they would be blamed for the next terrorist attack,
20030207             The move to clandestinely craft and then bully PASSAGE—OF—ANY—LEGISLATION by the Executive Branch is clearly 1—IMPEACHABLE—OFFENSE.
20030207             —GUTTED, Whereas the 1. "Patriot Act" only, the 1., 3., 4. and 5. Amendments,
20030207             and seriously damaged the 7. and the 10.
20030207             the 2. Patriot Act reorganizes the entire FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT
20030207             THE—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—ENHANCEMENT—ACT 20030000             , also known as the 2. Patriot Act is by its very structure THE—DEFINITION—OF—DICTATORSHIP.
20030207             I challenge all Americans to study the new Patriot Act and to compare it to the Constitution, BILL—OF—RIGHTS and DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20030207             90—PERCENT—OF—THE—ACT has nothing to do with terrorism and is instead 1—GIANT—FEDERAL—POWER—GRAB with tentacles reaching into EVERY—FACET of our society.
20030207             It strips USA—CITIZENS—OF—ALL—OF—THEIR—RIGHTS and grants the government and its private agents total immunity.
20030207             Here is 1—QUICK thumbnail sketch of —JUST some of the draconian measures encapsulated within this tyrannical legislation:
20030207             SECTION 501 (EXPATRIATION—OF—TERRORISTS) expands THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION'S "enemy combatant" definition to all USA—CITIZENS who "may" have violated ANY—PROVISION—OF—SECTION—802—OF—THE—1.—PATRIOT—ACT.
20030207             (Section 802 is the new DEFINITION—OF—DOMESTIC—TERRORISM, and the definition is "ANY—ACTION that endangers human life that is 1—VIOLATION—OF—ANY—FEDERAL—OR—STATE—LAW".)
20030207             Section 501—OF—THE 2. Patriot Act directly connects to Section 125—OF—THE—SAME—ACT.
20030207             unlimited DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM is needed.
20030207             SECTION 106 is BONE—CHILLING in its straightforwardness.
20030207             This section throws out the entire 4. Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures.
20030207             This sections annihilate the last vestiges of the 5. Amendment.
20030207             —AFTER ALL, THE—MEDIA—HAS—TOLD—USA:
20030207             —ANNOUNCED, SECTION 122—RESTATES the government's newly, power of"SURVEILLANCE WITHOUT 1—COURT—ORDER".
20030207             SECTION 123—RESTATES that the government no longer needs warrants and that the investigations can be 1—GIANT—DRAGNET—STYLE—SWEEP described in press reports about the Total Information Awareness Network.
20030207             —ANNOUNCED, Of course the government has already, in Section 802—OF—THE—1.—USA—PATRIOT act that ANY—CRIME—IS—CONSIDERED—DOMESTIC—TERRORISM.
20030207             As you can —NOW see,YOU ARE GUILTY —UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.
20030207             See how this is like BILL—CLINTON—SPECIAL—MEDICAL—EXAMINER he had in ARKANSAS that ruled that people had committed suicide —WHEN their arms and legs had been cut off.
20030207             —SUSPECTED, SECTION 303—SETS up national DNA database of, terrorists.
20030207             It will share the information with state, local and foreign agencies for the same purposes.
20030207             SECTION 311—FEDERALIZES your local police DEPARTMENT—IN—THE—AREA—OF—INFORMATION sharing.
20030207             It goes on to say thatTHESE ARE ALL PREVENTATIVE MEASURES—HAS anyone seen Minority Report?
20030207             This is the access hub for THE—TOTAL—INFORMATION—AWARENESS—NETWORK.
20030207             SECTION 321—AUTHORIZES foreign governments to spy on THE—USA—PEOPLE and to share information with foreign governments.
20030207             SECTION 322—REMOVES Congress from the extradition process and allows OFFICERS—OF—THE—HOMELAND—SECURITY—COMPLEX to extradite USA—CITIZENS anywhere they wish.
20030207             —TITLED, SECTION 402 is, "Providing Material Support to Terrorism".
20030207             SECTION 403—EXPANDS THE—DEFINITION—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION to include ANY—ACTIVITY that affects interstate or foreign commerce.
20030207             SECTION 404—MAKES IT 1—CRIME—FOR—1—TERRORIST—OR "OTHER CRIMINALS" TO USE ENCRYPTION in the commission of 1—CRIME.
20030207             SECTION 410—CREATES no STATUTE—OF—LIMITATIONS for anyone that engages in terrorist actions or supports terrorists.
20030207             SECTION 411—EXPANDS crimes that are punishable by death.
20030207             SECTION 421—INCREASES—PENALTIES for terrorist financing.
20030207             This section states that ANY—TYPE—OF—FINANCIAL—ACTIVITY connected to terrorism will result to time in prison and $10-50,000 fines per violation.
20030207             SECTION 427—SETS up asset forfeiture provisions for anyone engaging in terrorist activities.
20030207             There are MANY—OTHER—SECTIONS that I did not cover in THE—INTEREST—OF—TIME.
20030207             —FROM snatch and grab operations to warantless searches, Patriot Act II is 1—ADOLF—HITLER—WISH—LIST.
20030207             I have produced 2—DOCUMENTARY films and written 1—BOOK about what really happened on ;;09;;
20030207             11. - THE—BOTTOM—LINE IS THIS:
20030207             —FROM that point on, if anyone criticizes tyranny they will be shouted down by the paid talking head government mouthpieces in the mainstream media.
20030207             You have to admit, its 1—BEAUTIFUL script.
20030207             —PLAYED, Unfortunately, it's being, out in the real world.
20030207             If we don't get the word out that government is using terror to control our lives —WHILE doing nothing to stop the terrorists, we will deserve what we GET—TYRANNY.
20030207             But our children won't deserve it.
20030207             4) BILL—MOYERS'—NOW—COMMENTS on the Patriot Act ~~Please tell your congress and senators to repeal the Patriot Act and to throw out current legislation advocating a 2. act.
20030207             Citizens for Legitimate GOVERNMENT—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION
20030207             11—22—4—DEAR—JEFF, —AFTER READING excerpts from the —POSTED article on the Patriot Act-2, I can only say this is the the most Draconian piece of filth I have ever read.
20030207             ANY—USA—POLITICIAN who would give ANY—THOUGHT whatsoever to attempting to make this THE—LAW—OF—THE—LAND is committing Constitutional Heresy.
20030207             Patriot Act 2 is the most vile obtrusive document to ever go —BEFORE the Legislative branch of our Government.
20030207             Jeff get ready for the Concentration Camp, because that's where all FREE—THINKING and FREEDOM—LOVING Americans' destinies are vested under THE—JACK—BOOT—OF—PUPPET—ACT 2.
20030207             May God have mercy on us all.
20030207             "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last.
20030207             It could last —6—DAYS, —6—WEEKS.
20030207             I doubt —6—MONTHS ". - - Problem mit den Massen Vernichtung s [W BUSH.
20030207             TOM—CHRISTERSON (71), THE—LONGEST—LIVING recipient of 1—FULLY—SELF—CONTAINED artificial heart,
20030207             BOGOTA—COLOMBIA, 1—CAR—BOMB tore through the El Nogal social club, killing 36—PEOPLE, wounding 162. FARC REBELS were blamed.
20030207             3—TAMIL Tiger REBELS blew up their boat, killing themselves, National Lawyers Guild
20030207             —RECEIVED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT said the government had, intelligence information, corroborated by multiple sources, that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TERROR—ORGANIZATION sought to attack Americans at home or abroad —DURING the annual hajj pilgrimage to the holy SAUDI—ARABIA—CITY—OF—MECCA.
20030207             3—TAMIL Tiger rebels blew up their boat, killing themselves, —AFTER they were found trying to smuggle 1—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—GUN and HUNDREDS—OF—ROUNDS—OF—AMMUNITION into SRI—LANKA.
20030207             —ISSUED, ORANGE terror alert was, by USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY on general information, throwing POWELL—POOR—PERFORMANCE the previous —DAY OFF—OF—THE—FRONT—PAGES—OF—MAJOR—NEWSPAPERS.
20030207             the Center for Public Integrity, 1—NON—PARTISAN public interest THINK—TANK in DC, revealed the full text of the "Domestic Security Enhancement Act" of 20030000             .
20030207             1. - The secretive tactics being used by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Speaker Hastert to keep even the existence of this legislation secret would be more at home in Communist CHINA than in THE—USA.
20030207             —MANAGED, The fact that Dick Cheney publicly, the steamroller passage of the 1. Patriot Act, ensuring that no 1 was allowed to read it and publicly threatening MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS that if they didn't vote in favor of it that they would be blamed for the next terrorist attack, is by THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OWN—DEFINITION—TERRORISM.
20030207             as well as MANY—AREAS—OF—STATE—GOVERNMENT under the dictatorial CONTROL—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT,
20030207             THE—OFFICE—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY and THE—FEMA—NORTHCOM military command.
20030207             THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT boldly claims that the incredibly broad Section 802—OF—THE—1.—USA—PATRIOT—ACT isn't broad enough and that 1—NEW, unlimited DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM is needed.
20030207             These sections also set up 1—NATIONAL—DNA database for anyone on probation or who has been on probation for ANY—CRIME, and orders State governments to collect THE—DNA for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20030207             SECTION 102—STATES clearly that ANY—INFORMATION gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for 1—FOREIGN—POWER.
20030207             *Note: Over and over again, in subsection —AFTER subsection, the 2. Patriot Act states that its new SOVIET—TYPE—POWERS will be used to fight INTERNATIONAL terrorism, domestic terrorism and other TYPES—OF—CRIMES.
20030207             The database will also be used to "stop other unlawful activities".
20030207             SECTION 313—PROVIDES liability protection for businesses, especially big businesses that spy on their customers for Homeland Security, violating their privacy agreements.
20030207             —CONSIDERED, Remember: ANY—CRIME is —NOW, terrorism under the 1. Patriot Act.
20030207             —SHOCKED, THE—USA—PEOPLE were, by the despotic nature of the 1. Patriot Act.
20030207             You can understand why PRESIDENT—BUSH/Dick Cheney & DENNIS—HASTERT want to keep this legislation secret not —JUST from Congress, but THE—USA—PEOPLE as well.
20030207             BILL—ALLISON, Managing EDITOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Public Integrity, the group that broke this story, stated on my radio show that it was obvious that they were —JUST waiting for another terrorist attack to opportunistically get this new bill through.
20030207             —CARRIED, THE—MILITARY—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX, the attacks out as 1—PRETEXT for control.
20030207             —LOOKED, Anyone who doubts this —JUST hasn't, at the mountains of hard evidence.
20030207             —RELEASED, Because, —AFTER all, —WHEN smallpox gets, OR—MORE—BUILDINGS—START blowing up,
20030207             AT—YOU can read the —FOLLOWING 4—ARTICLES: Thank You, for your support! Source:
20030207             additional resources: Citizens for Legitimate Government
20030207             USA—CIVIL Liberties Union Electronic Frontiers Foundation National Lawyers Guild
20030207             Comment From Scott T Davis
20030207             Only 1—DEGENERATE megalomaniacal mind could conceive such 1—PIECE legal excrement.
20030207             070403antiwarblogg.html
20030207             "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last —6—DAYS, —6—WEEKS. I doubt —6—MONTHS ".
20030207             Problem mit den Massen Vernichtung s [W Bush...
20030207             The bottom line is this:
20030207—20030911    —ON, I have produced 2—DOCUMENTARY films and written 1—BOOK about what really happened.
20040206—20040207    G7 finance ministers met in Boca RATON—FLORIDA, and agreed that more flexibility is desirable for currencies that "lack such flexibility".
20040207             —KILLED, At least 7—POLICE and 2—MILITANTS were.
20040207             —WOUNDED, The attack, 10—PALESTINIANS, 3—OF—THEM critically.
20040207             NORTH—KENYA, tribal fighting between cattle rustlers and herdsmen killed at least 13—PEOPLE, including 3—CHILDREN.
20040207             —RESIGNED, Nearly 400—MEMBERS—OF—YASSER—ARAFAT—RULING—FATAH—PARTY, to protest what they call corruption and bad leadership within the group.
20040207             —DISSOLVED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT, PARLIAMENT, paving the way for elections nearly —3—YEARS ahead of schedule.
20040207             HAITI, police reinforcements fought bloody battles with gunmen as they tried to retake Gonaives from REBELS who seized it.
20040207             1—ISRAEL—HELICOPTER fired 1—MISSILE into 1—CAR traveling in 1—CROWDED—GAZA—CITY—STREET,
20040207             1—ISRAEL—HELICOPTER fired 1—MISSILE into 1—CAR traveling in 1—CROWDED—GAZA—CITY—STREET, killing AZIZ—MAHMOUD—SHAMI, 1—LEADER—OF—THE—MILITANT—ISLAMIC—JIHAD group and a —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY on his way to school.
20040814             † Oleg, Konstantinowitsch Antonow (19060207             * in Moskau, 4 ...-
20040814             † Oleg, Konstantinowitsch Antonow (19060207             * in Moskau, 4 ... - 9k - 20040812             - Im CACHE—ÄHNLICHE Seiten
20040907             —ZERSTÖRT, Der HURRICANE—IVAN trifft auf GRENADA und, 85—PROZENT—DER—HÄUSER auf der Insel.
20040907             39—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
20040907             —GESTARTET, Die LOGO—WIKIMEDIA—COMMONS werden, 1—AUFBEWAHRUNGSORT für freie Bilder, Musik, Videos und gesprochene Texte.
20041228             USA—ARMY—TIMELINE—OF—TERRORISM.. KIDNAPPING—OF—USA—OFFICIALS in MEXICO, 19850207             Under THE—ORDERS—OF—NARCOTRAFFICKER—RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique...
20050118—20050207    —PUBLISHED, CUBA—NATIONAL—GAZETTE, 1—NEW—RESOLUTION by the Commerce Ministry that beginning, smoking will be prohibited in theaters, stores, buses, taxis and other enclosed public areas.
20050131—20050207    —EXPECTED, Real time for virtually all corporate bond prices was.
20050206             4—EGYPTIANS working for 1—MOBILE—PHONE—COMPANY were abducted by gunmen in BAGHDAD, and Islamic militants threatened to kill 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST 20050207             unless ITALY agrees to withdraw its troops.
20050207             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $2.57—TRILLION budget that would slash domestic programs including entitlements such as Medicaid, farm subsidies and veterans benefits.
20050207             The budget would worsen FEDERAL—DEFICITS by $42—BILLION over the next —5—YEARS.
20050207             Defrocked priest PAUL—SHANLEY, the most notorious figure in the sex scandal that rocked THE—BOSTON—ARCHDIOCESE, was convicted of repeatedly raping and fondling 1—BOY at his church —DURING the 1980s.
20050207             —SENTENCED, Shanley was, to 12 to —15—YEARS in prison.
20050207             CUBA began 1—ISLAND—WIDE—BAN on smoking in public places such as stores, theaters, and office buildings.
20050207             ENGLAND, and WALES new laws came into effect that allow pubs, clubs and other drinking venues to apply to stay open —24—HOURS —1—DAY.
20050207             —COMPLETED, Ellen MacArthur (28) of BRITAIN, her solo sail —AROUND the world in —JUST over —71—DAYS and —14—HOURS, shaving —32—HOURS off the previous record.
20050207             —CALLED, THE—EU head office, for closer coordination among all member governments to hunt down and prosecute those illegally spreading unsolicited E—MAILS, or spam, across the 25-nation bloc.
20050207             USA—TROOPS manning 1—CHECKPOINT found 4—EGYPT—TECHNICIANS who had been kidnapped the previous —DAY in BAGHDAD, freeing them and arresting some of the abductors.
20050207             —STEPPED, JOHN—GITHONGO, KENYA PRESIDENT—ADVISER on corruption, down.
20050207             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMAN was beheaded —AFTER she was convicted of murdering her MOTHER—IN—LAW.
20050207             Noura bint Khalaf AL—HARBI was found GUILTY—OF—SETTING her MOTHER—IN—LAW, Noura bint SALEM AL—HARBI, on fire as she slept —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE.
20050207             —EXPECTED, As many as 80,000 new residency permits were.
20050207             † In SRI—LANKA E. Koushalyan, THE—LTTE—POLITICAL wing leader for the eastern province, was killed in 1—AMBUSH along with 4—OTHER—SENIOR—REBELS and FORMER—TAMIL legislator Chandra Nehru.
20050207             —SUSPECTED, Military officials said they, the attack was carried out by 1—BREAKAWAY faction of the Tamil Tigers led by the former number 2 in the leadership, known as Karuna.
20050207             Faure Gnassingbe was sworn in as PRESIDENT—OF—TOGO, —2—DAYS—AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—HIS—FATHER.
20050207             The freighter M/V Joekulfell sank in THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC off the Faeroe Islands, killing 4—CREWMEMBERS and leaving 2—OTHERS missing.
20050207             5 were rescued by helicopter.
20050207             —OWNED, THE—SAMSKIP company, THE—ISLE—OF—MAN—FLAGGED vessel.
20050207             —DEPARTED, The vessel, from THE—LATVIA—PORT of Liepaja and was headed to ICELAND.
20050207             Nürnberger Prozesse: Half USA—SOLDAT—GÖRING beim Selbstmord?
20050207             —VERBIETET, NEPAL: KÖNIG, jegliche Kritik
20050207             Physik: USA—MILITÄR löst Polarlichter aus
20050207             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Die wahren Geschichten werden nicht erzählt"
20050207             MICHAEL—SCHEUER, 1—FORMER—CIA counter terrorism agent, told THE—NEW—YORKER magazine "all we've done is create 1—NIGHTMARE," with regard to the top secret PRACTICE—OF—RENDITIONS.
20050207             —FROM Information Clearing House Starmail-
20050207             AFNORTHWEST—ALLIED Forces NORTH—WEST—EUROPE ( disbanded ) - AFNW—ALLIED
20050207             —GUIDED, ATGM—ANTI—TANK, missile
20050207             ATGW—ANTI... COLLECTION—OF—LINKS to sites relating to...
20050207             OFFICERS—IAN M CUMMING—THOMAS E MARA—JOSEPH S Steinberg
20050207             Stuart A TASHLIK—GLENN E GRAY—THOMAS F Boland
20050207             + USAF Planning, conducted within the Strategy + Doctrine PROGRAM—OF—RAND—PROJECT—AIR
20050207             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB, USA—ARMY—RET.: The world is plagued by 1—GROWING... - THE—CONTROLLERS  - disorganization[74].
20050207             Microwaves could be used to promote insomnia, fatigue, irritability, memory.
20050207             Geometry NET—CELEBRITIES: Buchanan Jensen...
20050207             HENRY 17—JOHN—JOHNSON—HOMER 15 19170000             JOHNSON—HILDER 19—DC RAND Jamestown 1
20050207             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in THE—PHILIPPINES as...
20050207             JOHN—JUDGE is independent investigator, author + historian...
20050207             —STUDIED, But there are populations, RAND Corporation, them In '68, they did a
20050207             `PRE—EMPTIVE' study of IRAN data started:
20050207             as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to avoid the problems that plagued AMERICA—PREWAR assessments on IRAQ.
20050207             —TURNED, Condoleezza RICE, WASHINGTON—RHETORIC on IRAN up another notch —YESTERDAY,
20050207             telling Iranians they would have to "live up to their INTERNATIONAL obligations" to avoid 1—CONFLICT with ISRAEL.
20050207             WMD official cautions USA over IRAN:
20050207             —DECLARED, THE—USA—OFFICIAL who, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—HUNT for illicit weapons in IRAQ to be 1—FAILURE driven by faulty intelligence has warned THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION against repeating its mistakes in the current WAR—OF—WORDS with IRAN.
20050207             1—NUCLEAR—IRAN is not the problem:
20050207             —HAPPENED, Whatever, to the theory of mutually assured destruction?
20050207             Better to demonise Islam further by shivering over 1—ISLAMIC—BOMB.
20050207             Elections' Aftermath: Not Worth My SON—SACRIFICE:
20050207             The average USA—NEEDS to hear from people who have been devastated by the arrogance and ignorance of 1—ADMINISTRATION that doesn't even have the decency or compassion to sign our "death" letters.
20050207             Breaking Ranks to Shun War:
20050207             —CALLED, His SERGEANT, him 1—COWARD to his face.
20050207             —ASHAMED—OF, His chaplain sent him 1—E—MAIL saying he was, him.
20050207             —CHARGED, His commanders had him formally, with desertion.
20050207             —PUBLICIZED, Most shootings aren't :
20050207             The shootings rarely make news -- outside the towns where they occur.
20050207             The military does not make 1—PRACTICE—OF publicizing cases of "collateral damage" unless by chance reporters are embedded with units and write about the events they witness.
20050207             Deadly cases of mistaken IDs:
20050207             —ON 3—OCCASIONS, troops shot and killed civilians: 1—DUMP truck driver, 1—MOTHER + father + 1—YOUNG—GIRL.
20050207             In 2—INCIDENTS, the cars sped away, leaving their passengers' fates unknown.
20050207             Unqualified medics 'did amputations':
20050207             —STATIONED, UNQUALIFIED USA—MILITARY—MEDICS, at IRAQ—ABU—GHRAIB prison reportedly carried out amputations and recycled used chest tubes.
20050207             1—TIME—MAGAZINE—REPORT—TODAY said staffy also lacked medical supplies to treat inmates account, to cover up 1—HOMICIDE inside the jail.and that 1—MEDIC was ordered, by 1
20050207             —AMOUNTED, In what, to 1—PERVERSION—OF—THE—TRADITIONAL—DOCTOR'S creed of "1.
20050207             do no harm," the medical system at the prison became 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—ABUSE, by design and by neglect.
20050207             The whole process made us wonder whether this election was to serve the Iraqi or THE—USA—PURPOSE.
20050207             —DECLARED, Even —BEFORE the results were, USA—LEADERS started claiming the credit for THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—ELECTION.
20050207             REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL: Democracy Is Not Freedom:
20050207             GEORGE—ORWELL wrote about "meaningless words" that are endlessly repeated in the political arena.
20050207             Words like "freedom," "democracy," and "justice," Orwell explained,
20050207             have been abused so long that their original meanings have been eviscerated
20050207             Oh Lord, ain't it hard
20050207             —DARED, Only 1—FEW have, to approach him with even 1—TENTATIVE suggestion that perhaps the public deserves 1—EXPLANATION for the heinous torture,
20050207             abuse and even MURDER—OF—THOSE unfortunate enough to be scooped up + detained in prisons such as ABU—GHRAIB or GUANTANAMO Bay.
20050207             And, sadly, nobody seems to notice the growing daily death TOLL—OF—USA—CITIZENS in IRAQ.
20050207             It isn't only 1—QUESTION about the moral CULPABILITY—OF—USA—TROOPS, their commanders or their political leaders.
20050207             —WHILE they bear moral responsibility for their actions,
20050207             we as citizens in 1—DEMOCRACY—SHARE—RESPONSIBILITY for actions undertaken in our name.
20050207             —DIMINISHED, That responsibility is not, by the fact that IRAQ—INSURGENTS are committing horrific crimes against their own people.
20050207             Did we know? Did we care? Did we speak out?
20050207             —LECTURED, Professor Tully has, spoken and written on the struggles of Indigenous Peoples for SELF—DETERMINATION and 1—PARTNERSHIP based on equality + NON—SUBORDINATION with NON—INDIGENOUS—PEOPLES in NORTH—AMERICA, EUROPE + AUSTRALIA.
20050207             He has been 1—ADVISOR to THE—CANADA—ROYAL—COMMISSION on Aboriginal Peoples + the B.C. Treaty Commission.
20050207             He is currently working on THE—DAY—TO—DAY—PRACTICES—OF—FREEDOM + NETWORKS—OF—SOLIDARITY with NON—INDIGENOUS—PEOPLES that have the potential to transform the prevailing RELATIONSHIP—OF—DEPENDENCY from within + lead towards SELF—DETERMINATION + equality as peoples.
20050207             Snohomish County : This new analysis
20050207             has implications that go far beyond the region under scrutiny.
20050207             —SERVED, The authors are PAUL—R—LETO, 1—ATTORNEY who, on THE—BOARD—OF—GOVERNORS of his state's Bar Association + JEFFREY—HOFFMAN, Ph.D., 1—PHYSICIST.
20050207             Neither writer is 1—STATISTICIAN (1—FACT which rightists will no doubt seize upon),
20050207             although Hoffman seems to have 1—GOOD—GRASP—OF—THAT—DISCIPLINE and they had input from 1—PROFESSIONAL—MATHEMATICIAN.
20050207             Their argument speaks for itself.
20050207             Analysis of voting pattern show that Sequoia TOUCH—SCREEN—VOTES heavily favored 1—PARTY (guess which) —WHILE optical scan votes favored the other;
20050207             no other variable seems to account for the discrepancy.
20050207             —ACCUSED, SEQUOIA—MANAGERS, you will recall, have been, (and in 1—CASE, convicted) of BRIBERY—OF—PUBLIC—OFFICIALS.
20050207             THE—LETO/Hoffman paper makes 1—NUMBER—OF—OTHER pertinent points
20050207             Dot Commies: Skeptical articles by Arabic writers on THE—IRAQ "election" have described THE—IRAQ—COMMUNIST—PARTY as "1—LACKEY organization of THE—USA—INVADERS".
20050207             This story, for example, alleges that IRAQ—CP members functioned as "extras" in propaganda footage of gleefully teeming polling stations.
20050207             McLaughlin —RECENTLY said on his program that BUSH won OHIO by 70,000 votes.
20050207             Which leads to this simple question:
20050207             —HANDED, Who, McLaughlin that number, which differs from the official tally?
20050207             Shelley: People are —STARTING to catch on to the possibility that CALIFORNIA SECRETARY—OF—STATE—KEVIN—SHELLEY was railroaded OUT—OF—OFFICE because of his staunch opposition to Diebold and touch screen voting.
20050207             (If you haven't read the post below, you may want to do so —NOW.)
20050207             It's 1—LITTLE too LONG—WINDED (not that I'm in 1—POSITION to carp about such 1—THING!), but it makes SOME—EXCELLENT—POINTS
20050207             Sequoia requires -- for no reason I can discern -- that its machines have their power cords daisy chained.
20050207             Is it possible to transmit data through the power line?
20050207             In 1—WORD: Yes.
20050207             SEQUOIA—ENIGMATIC—INSISTENCE on plugging the machines into the juice in 1—CERTAIN—WAY may indicate the presence of 1—HIDDEN network.
20050207             Der Wahrheitsgehalt von Stivers Darstellung ließ sich von unabhängiger Seite nicht klären.
20050207             Laut dem Bericht geht aus Militärakten jedoch hervor, dass Stivers während der Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozesse als Wachmann abgestellt war.
20050207             Das Pentagon wollte sich zu dem Bericht nicht äußern.
20050207             Stivers sagte, er sei auf Drängen seiner Tochter —JETZT mit der Geschichte an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen.
20050207             1—MILITÄRUNTERSUCHUNG konnte damals nicht klären, wie der schwer bewachte Göring an das Gift gekommen ist.
20050207             EINIGE—HISTORIKER vertreten die Ansicht, dass er das Gift während des elfmonatigen Prozesses in Nürnberg die ganze Zeit bei sich hatte.
20050207             Unter anderem wurde gemutmaßt, das Gift sei in einer Zahnkrone versteckt gewesen.
20050207             USA—CIA will NAZI—AKTEN freigeben
20050207             Auf Druck des AMERIKANISCHEN—SENATS hat die CIA —NUN im Grundsatz der Offenlegung weiterer Dokumente aus dem Archiv des Geheimdienstes zugestimmt.
20050207             Sie sollen Aufschluss über die Zusammenarbeit der USA mit NAZI—SPIONEN während des Kalten Krieges geben.
20050207             WASHINGTON—WIE —GESTERN aus CIA—KREISEN verlautete, hat der Geheimdienst auf Druck des USA—SENATS eingeräumt,
20050207             dass die Akten FRÜHERER—NAZIS, denen keine Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen werden, ebenfalls unter 1—GESETZ aus —DEM—JAHR 19980000             fallen.
20050207             Das Gesetz sieht die Offenlegung von Akten über Kriegsverbrechen der Nazis vor.
20050207             —GEWEIGERT, Bislang hatte sich der USA—GEHEIMDIENST, Dokumente über Nazis freizugeben, denen keine Kriegsverbrechen zur Last gelegt werden.
20050207             Die Akten umfassen CIA—KREISEN zufolge Hunderttausende Seiten,
20050207             darunter Material über Vereinbarungen des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES mit FRÜHEREN—MITGLIEDERN—DER—SS oder der NSDAP über 1—SPIONAGETÄTIGKEIT in der Sowjetunion.
20050207             Die CIA hat —BEREITS rund 1,25 Millionen Seiten an Dokumenten über NAZI—KRIEGSVERBRECHER freigegeben.
20050207             Das Naturschauspiel künstlich anzuregen ist Forschern der USA—LUFTWAFFE gelungen, wie sie —JETZT im BRITISCHEN—WISSENSCHAFTSMAGAZIN "Nature" berichten.
20050207             In einer eisigen —NACHT im vergangenen ;;03;;
20050207             sendeten die Wissenschaftler derart energiereiche Radiowellen in den Himmel Alaskas,
20050207             dass die Luft sichtbar grün aufleuchtete.
20050207             Schalteten sie ihre Anlage ab, verschwand die Erscheinung;
20050207             knipsten sie ihr Gerät wieder an, kam auch das Leuchten wieder.
20050207             1—GEDANKE, der —SCHON länger in den Köpfen der Menschen am Polarkreis spukt,
20050207             kam den Atmosphärenforschern —NACH—DEM Experiment wieder in den Sinn:
20050207             Straßenlampen durch künstliche Nordlichter zu ersetzen.
20050207             Kranker PAPA: Vatikan schließt Rücktritt nicht mehr aus
20050207             USA—DROHUNGEN gegen IRAN: Waffenexperte warnt Bush vor Wiederholung der IRAK—FEHLER
20050207             "Öl für Lebensmittel": Annan feuert CHEF—DER—UNO—HILFE für IRAK
20050207             Parteien: Staatszuschuss an die NPD wird verdoppelt
20050207             Patriotismus: SPD—GENERAL hält DEUTSCHE—BANK für undeutsch
20050207             Flutkatastrophe: Finanzielle Hilfe läuft nur schleppend an
20050207             Nahost: Israelis und Palästinenser kündigen Waffenstillstand an
20050207             USA—HAUSHALT 20060000             : Nur das Militär kriegt mehr
20050207             Terraforming: Treibhausgas soll Mars auftauen
20050207             Veraltetes Arsenal: Pentagon plant neue ATOMWAFFEN—GENERATION
20050207             PONTIFEX—PLAYBACK: Kam der Segen des Papstes vom Tonband?
20050207             —VERSCHIEBT, Teurer Euro: MERCEDES, B—KLASSE—START in den USA
20050207             Carnaval in Rio: Auftakt zur größten Party der Welt
20050207             Einzeller unter Druck: Leben wimmelt in 11—KILOMETERN Tiefe
20050207             —BESTREITET, Italienische "Zeit"-Journalistin: Sarkawis Terrorgruppe, Entführung
20050207             USA: eBay senkt Auktionsgebühren
20050207             ÖKO—AKTIE Whole Foods: Biotempel als Börsenhit
20050207             Furcht vor Kerosinsteuer: Airlines zeichnen Horrorszenario
20050207             ISRAEL—BESUCH: Rice fordert Unterstützung für Abbas
20050207             USA—HAUSHALT: Cheney wehrt sich gegen Kahlschlagkritik
20050207             BKA: Gefahr von Anschlägen in DEUTSCHLAND eher gering
20050207             —GESTALTET, Internetportal zu innovativen ENERGIE—PROJEKTEN neu
20050207             Ökoenergiefonds: New Energy Fund legt um 35,1 % %punkte zu
20050207             IWR—INDEX: Positive Stimmung in der Branche der erneuerbaren Energien
20050207             Terraforming: Treibhausgas - 23:13 - Rubrik: FOLTER—TORTURE.
20050207             —INCLUDED, THOMSON—FINANCIAL, the financial data company, has, the £80billion corporate restructuring of Shell in its mergers and acquisition...
20050207             Hunger for deals gives cause for CELEBRATION—TELEGRAPH
20050207             Defrocked priest PAUL—SHANLEY, the most notorious figure in the sex scandal that rocked THE—BOSTON—ARCHDIOCESE,
20050207             —DISCLOSED, IBM, Toshiba and Sony, the architectural design of 1—NEW, jointly developed, MULTI—CORE—PROCESSOR called the Cell.
20050207             —WARNED, AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK, that interest rates, stable at 5.25—PERCENT
20050207             —COMPLETED, Ellen MacArthur (28) of BRITAIN, her solo sail —AROUND the world in —JUST over —71—DAYS and —14—HOURS,
20050207             Insurgents struck at IRAQ—POLICE—FORCES with 1—SUICIDE—BOMB, 1—CAR—BOMB and mortars in the cities of MOSUL and Baqouba, killing 31—PEOPLE.
20050207             USA—TROOPS manning 1—CHECKPOINT found 4—EGYPT—TECHNICIANS who had been kidnapped the previous —DAY in BAGHDAD,
20050207             —JAILED, THE—PHILIPPINES, HUNDREDS—OF—ARMED—FOLLOWERS—OF—1, FORMER—MUSLIM rebel leader attacked government troops and occupied at least 1—ARMY—DETACHMENT on violent SOUTH—JOLO ISLAND,
20050207             SRI—LANKA, E. Koushalyan, THE—LTTE—POLITICAL wing leader for THE—EASTERN—PROVINCE,
20050207             —SUSPENDED, THE—USA in response quickly, $2.5—MILLION in funding for ANTI—CORRUPTION—WORK.
20050207             PAKISTAN, as PART—OF—1—PEACE—DEAL in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, paid 4—TRIBAL—MILITANTS 1—TOTAL—OF $842,000 so they could pay back money received from al Qaeda to fight PAKISTAN—TROOPS.
20050207             —ARMED, In THE—PHILIPPINES hundreds of, followers of 1 jailed FORMER—MUSLIM rebel leader attacked government troops and occupied at least 1—ARMY—DETACHMENT on violent SOUTH—JOLO ISLAND, sparking clashes that killed at least 12—SOLDIERS.
20050207             —FROM Information Clearing House Starmail - - 23:13 - Rubrik: FOLTER—TORTURE
20050207             INTERNATIONAL Relations and Security Network ISN—ACRONYMS +
20050207             JOHN—K—SINGLAUB, USA—ARMY—RET.: The world is plagued by 1—GROWING...
20050207             THE—CONTROLLERS -... disorganization[74].
20050207             Geometry_NET—CELEBRITIES: Buchanan Jensen... HENRY 17—JOHN—JOHNSON—HOMER 15 19170000             JOHNSON—HILDER 19—DC RAND Jamestown 1 ... JOHN—K—SINGLAUB to arm and train evangelical Christian groups in THE—PHILIPPINES as...
20050207             Rice warns IRAN against provoking ISRAEL :
20050207             —TURNED, Condoleezza Rice, WASHINGTON—RHETORIC on IRAN up another notch —YESTERDAY, telling Iranians they would have to "live up to their INTERNATIONAL obligations" to avoid 1—CONFLICT with ISRAEL.
20050207             1—NUCLEAR—IRAN is not the problem : Whatever happened to the theory of mutually assured destruction?
20050207             —DESIGNED, Elections' Aftermath : The elections were, to establish sectarianism in IRAQ, not democracy.
20050207             Not Worth My SON—SACRIFICE : This war was sold to THE—USA—PEOPLE by 1—SLIMY leadership with 1—MANIACAL zeal and phony sincerity that would have impressed snake oil salesmen 1—CENTURY ago.
20050207             —CALLED, Breaking Ranks to Shun War : His SERGEANT, him 1—COWARD to his face.
20050207             —PUBLICIZED, Most shootings aren't, : The shootings rarely make news -- outside the towns where they occur.
20050207             Deadly cases of mistaken IDs : On 3—OCCASIONS, troops shot and killed civilians: 1—DUMP truck driver, 1—MOTHER + father + 1—YOUNG—GIRL.
20050207             Unqualified medics 'did amputations' : UNQUALIFIED USA—MILITARY—MEDICS stationed at IRAQ—ABU—GHRAIB prison reportedly carried out amputations and recycled used chest tubes.
20050207             —AMOUNTED, THE—ABU—GHRAIB—SCANDAL—YOU—DON'T Know : In what, to 1—PERVERSION—OF—THE—TRADITIONAL—DOCTOR'S creed of "1., do no harm," the medical system at the prison became 1—INSTRUMENT—OF—ABUSE, by design and by neglect.
20050207             —DISAPPOINTED, THE—SIEGE—OF—DEMOCRACY : The election in IRAQ has, the vast MAJORITY—OF—ARAB people.
20050207             REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL: Democracy Is Not Freedom : GEORGE—ORWELL wrote about "meaningless words" that are endlessly repeated in the political arena.
20050207             Words like "freedom," "democracy," and "justice," Orwell explained, have been abused so long that their original meanings have been eviscerated
20050207             Oh Lord, ain't it hard Most Americans seem hesitant to question BUSH—GRAND—SCHEME to fight terror by creating even more terror with his "doctrine" of assassination and collateral damage.
20050207             —DARED, Only 1—FEW have, to approach him with even 1—TENTATIVE suggestion that perhaps the public deserves 1—EXPLANATION for the heinous torture, abuse and even MURDER—OF—THOSE unfortunate enough to be scooped up + detained in prisons such as ABU—GHRAIB or GUANTANAMO Bay.
20050207             —WHILE they bear moral responsibility for their actions, we as citizens in 1—DEMOCRACY—SHARE—RESPONSIBILITY for actions undertaken in our name.
20050207             In years to come, the world community will likely ASK—OF—USA: Did we know?
20050207             Snohomish County : This
20050207             new analysis has implications that go far beyond the region under scrutiny.
20050207             Neither writer is 1—STATISTICIAN (1—FACT which rightists will no doubt seize upon), although Hoffman seems to have 1—GOOD—GRASP—OF—THAT—DISCIPLINE and they had input from 1—PROFESSIONAL—MATHEMATICIAN.
20050207             (THE—BUSH ites used such HOLLYWOOD trickery —BEFORE, —WHEN the statue fell.)
20050207             —HANDED, Which leads to this simple question: Who, McLaughlin that number, which differs from the official tally?
20050207             WASHINGTON—WIE —GESTERN aus CIA—KREISEN verlautete, hat der Geheimdienst auf Druck des USA—SENATS eingeräumt, dass die Akten FRÜHERER—NAZIS, denen keine Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen werden, ebenfalls unter 1—GESETZ aus —DEM—JAHR 19980000             fallen.
20050207             Die Akten umfassen CIA—KREISEN zufolge Hunderttausende Seiten, darunter Material über Vereinbarungen des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES mit FRÜHEREN—MITGLIEDERN—DER—SS oder der NSDAP über 1—SPIONAGETÄTIGKEIT in der Sowjetunion.
20050207             In einer eisigen —NACHT im vergangenen —MÄRZ sendeten die Wissenschaftler derart energiereiche Radiowellen in den Himmel Alaskas, dass die Luft sichtbar grün aufleuchtete.
20050207             1—GEDANKE, der —SCHON länger in den Köpfen der Menschen am Polarkreis spukt, kam den Atmosphärenforschern —NACH—DEM Experiment wieder in den Sinn: Straßenlampen durch künstliche Nordlichter zu ersetzen.
20050207             Umzug des BND: Geheimdienst verteidigt Superbau in BERLIN
20050207             ISTANBUL: Airbus aus FRANKFURT blieb im Schnee stecken
20050207             Rice in Ramallah: "1—MOMENT—DER—HOFFNUNG"
20050207             —DEGRADIERT, SCHLAMM—CATCHEN: USA—SOLDATIN wegen Entblößung
20050207             USA—HAUSHALT: Cheney wehrt sich gegen KAHLSCHLAGKRITIK—USA: CIA will NAZI—AKTEN freigeben
20050207             Terraforming: Treibhausgas...—OMEGA—NEWS-
20050207             115—KV—756—KV power transmission lines can show a 5—MG readings at ranges from 100- 20000000             feet.
20050207             Hunger for deals gives cause for CELEBRATION—TELEGRAPH 20060701             ... According to Thomson, M&1—ACTIVITY there has hit 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH so far —THIS—YEAR.
20050207             —DEVELOPED, Whether in, countries such as FRANCE.
20050207             More executives at FNVG - TERRORISM—WHAT happens —NOW?
20050207             JOHN—JUDGE is independent investigator, author + historian... But there are populations, Rand Corporation studied them In \'68, they did a... League + the World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE, ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONt which is GENERAL—SINGLAUB \'s group.
20050207             CIA RENDITIONS—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS are 'OUT—OF—CONTROL:' report :
20050207             Did we care? Did we speak out?
20050207             This story, We —NOW have 1—SAMPLE—LETTER—OF—PROTEST, which contains 1—DEFENSE—OF—SHELLEY.
20050207             Parteienzwist: JEDER—GEGEN—JEDEN—KEINER gegen die NPD - USA: CIA will NAZI—AKTEN freigeben
20050207             Terraforming: Treibhausgas...
20050207             OMEGA—NEWS- - 5 0207/
200502072314         - Rubrik: Is IRAN next
20050207—20031200    —SINCE, AUSTRALIA—CENTRAL—BANK warned that interest rates, stable at 5.25—PERCENT, may be raised within months amid signs of renewed inflationary pressures.
20050207—20060701    According to Thomson, M&1—ACTIVITY there has hit 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH so far —THIS—YEAR.
20050325             Human Dignity and Humiliation STUDIES—NEWS... 20050207             - Nonviolent Peaceforce CANADA and S—PAUL—UNIVERSITY... Email : acydfsecretariat@ yahoo. com ;...
20050325—20050207    Nonviolent Peaceforce CANADA and St.
20050417             historical documents, information on THE—50—STATES, news, commentary.. 19850207             : Under THE—ORDERS—OF—NARCOTRAFFICKER—RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO..
20050630             20050000             Video: BUSH—WAR: IRAQ In THE—NAME—OF—FREEDOM... touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by ITALY—DICTATOR...
20050916             1—LIST—OF—CALLS from NEPTUNE—CELL—PHONE showed that he had spoken for at least —350—MINUTES with the alleged perpetrators of the killings 20050207—20050213    —FROM—TO, —WHEN the killings were either being organized or taking place at S—MARC.
20051012—20120207    —SENTENCED, Anderson was, to —27—YEARS in prison.
20051023             Goodman, NEW—YORK—TIMES, 19840207             .
20051106             Questions for HERBERT—S "Pug " Winokur : Drugwar_com MISTER—HERBERT—S (" Pug ") Winokur Chairman, Finance Committee, Enron in response to his Congress ional testimony [20020207             ]:
20060131—20060207    —AM, Beisetzung : Ehrengrab für JOHANNES—RAU in BERLIN
20060203             RUSSELL—L—DEBUSK—JUNIOR, who only took part in the 1. burnings, was sentenced to —7—YEARS 20060207             —SEE.
20060207             —REPORTED, ALABAMA state officials, 4—MORE—RURAL—BAPTIST—CHURCHES —FOLLOWING rash of suspected arsons that burned 5—OTHERS—SOUTH—OF—BIRMINGHAM —LAST—WEEK 20060203             —SEE.
20060207             This was over 7% more than for FY 20060000             .
20060207             —CHARGED, PHOENIX—COYOTES assistant coach RICK—TOCCHET was, with financing 1—NATIONWIDE gambling ring based OUT—OF—NEW—JERSEY.
20060207             NEVADA—STATE—GAMING—CONTROL—BOARD sent 1—LETTER to casinos expressing concern about "gangster rap".
20060207             GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP., under shareholder pressure to return to profitability, announced it is cutting in half its yearly dividend to $1 1—SHARE and reducing the salaries of its chairman and senior leadership team.
20060207             WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TURKEY—ENGINEER, 1—INDIA—NATIONAL and their driver were killed —WHEN 1—BOMB struck their vehicle.
20060207             —EXCHANGED, NATO—PEACEKEEPERS, fire with protesters who attacked their base in the 2. straight —DAY—OF—VIOLENT—DEMONSTRATIONS in AFGHANISTAN over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
20060207             —CALLED, Indians from BRAZIL and 4—OTHER—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES, for the "resurrection" of 1—INDIA—NATION, the 250. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—KILLING—OF—1—TRIBAL—CHIEF—BY—EUROPEAN soldiers.
20060207             COSTA—RICA—ELECTORAL—OFFICIALS began counting votes by hand in 1—LABORIOUS—EFFORT to determine the winner of 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CLOSEST—PRESIDENTIAL—RACES in history.
20060207             —JAMMED, Haitians, polling stations as UN peacekeepers fanned out to guard the country's 1. presidential election in nearly —6—YEARS.
20060207             1—PROMINENT—IRAN—NEWSPAPER said it would hold 1—COMPETITION for cartoons on the Holocaust to test whether the West extends THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION to the Nazi genocide as it did to the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
20060207             —ASSASSINATED, Masked gunmen, 1—SUNNI—ARAB cleric who headed the city council in ONCE—RESTIVE CITY—OF—FALLUJAH, and 2—BOMBS exploded minutes apart near 1—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD square, killing at least 7—PEOPLE and wounding 20.
20060207             —TURNED, KUWAIT—NEW—EMIR—SHEIK—SABAH—AL—SABAH—AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH, —76—JAHRE—ALT, to his brother, SHEIK—NAWWAF—AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH, —68—JAHRE—ALT, as the new CROWN—PRINCE and successor to the throne.
20060207             —APPOINTED, SHEIK—NASSER—AL—MOHAMMED—AL—SABAH, —65—JAHRE—ALT was, PM and directed to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20060207             Government troops were given orders to shoot anyone who tries to disrupt municipal elections.
20060207             1—SHIP with 2,000 tons of donated rice from INDIA arrived in NORTH—KOREA.
20060207             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, that it would pay off 1—BIG chunk of its sovereign debt ahead of schedule —THIS—YEAR.
20060207             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA also, plans to forgive $668—MILLION owed to MOSCOW by 16—OF—THE—WORLD—HIGHLY indebted countries.
20060207             SOUTH—KOREA—CONGLOMERATE Samsung Group said it would donate more than $800—MILLION in corporate and private assets to charity as PART—OF—1—APOLOGY for several recent scandals.
20060207             Despite his administration's growing concerns about preventing THE—COLLAPSE—OF—STATES in strategic PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD,
20060207             —PROPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has, cuts in development + disaster assistance —WHILE increasing the defence budget by almost 7 %.
20060207             Lab unveils gun to scare off terrorists:
20060207             GEORGE—MONBIOT: Exposed: the secret corporate funding behind health research
20060207             The total AMOUNT—OF—FEDERAL—DEBT AS—OF—THIS—MONTH is 1—STAGGERING $ 8.2—TRILLION, 1—NUMBER that is almost incomprehensible.
20060207             The effects of this debt, however,
20060207             will be felt by ALL—OF—USA in THE—FORM—OF—INFLATION, higher interest rates + 1—WEAKENED—USA—ECONOMY.
20060207             Mayor: NEW—ORLEANS will seek aid from other nations:
20060207             Shortcomings in aid from THE—USA—GOVERNMENT are making NEW—ORLEANS Mayor RAY—NAGIN look to other nations for help in rebuilding his HURRICANE—DAMAGED city.
20060207             War Costs, Defense Budget Rising
20060207             The country's 2—OVERSEAS—WARS + its homeland defense could cost as much as $ 10—BILLION —1—MONTH—THIS—YEAR—NEARLY 50 % more than —LAST—YEAR, THE—WHITE—HOUSE estimates.
20060207             Guns Over Butter, Abroad and at Home:
20060207             —CAPTURED, Most, —WHEN, were INNOCENT—OF—ANY—TERRORIST—ACTIVITY, were Taliban foot soldiers at worst + were often far less than that
20060207             'Free the forgotten prisoners':
20060207             Kate Allen, DIRECTOR—OF—AMNESTY'S—UK—WING, said the government's reluctance to act on behalf of UK—RESIDENTS was "shameful".
20060207             Who Is at GUANTANAMO Bay:
20060207             —ARRESTED, Most are from Arab countries + most were, in PAKISTAN by PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES.
20060207             Ron Fullwood: Suppression and Liberty:
20060207             Guantánamo: 1—LIFE—SENTENCE—OF suffering and stigmatization:
20060207             —PUBLISHED, In 1—NEW—REPORT, —TODAY, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL revealed how THE—USA—DETENTION—CENTRE at Guantánamo Bay,
20060207             CUBA is condemning thousands across the world to 1—LIFE—OF suffering, torment and stigmatization.
20060207             ?: That seems to be 1—OF—THE—STRATEGIES being considered by the lawyers defending Dick CHENEY—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF,
20060207             who was indicted by special counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE for lying to FBI investigators and grand jurors to cover up his (and possibly CHENEY 's) participation in THE—OUTING—OF—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE Wilson (nee Plame).
20060207             —UNMANNED, USAF to spend $ 2bn on next, bomber:
20060207             THE—USA—AIR—FORCE has set aside $ 2—BILLION over the next several years to launch the accelerated development of 1—NEXT—GENERATION bom­ber that is almost certain to be unmanned and unlike anything on the ramp —TODAY.
20060207             Global strike concept raises hopes and fears:
20060207             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, a —14—YEAR—PROJECT to develop 1—NEW—CONVENTIONAL—WEAPON that can defeat 1—HEAVILY—DEFENDED major target,
20060207             such as 1—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—SITE, without warning + within hours or potentially even minutes of receiving 1—INITIAL—COMMAND.
20060207             Gilad ATZMON—JEWISH Secular Fundamentalism:
20060207             We all remember, or should, the project that THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE has in mind for 1—GREATER—MIDDLE—EAST.
20060207             It's 1—PROJECT that on the surface talks about 'exporting democracy', but
20060207             rather seeks to CONTROL this area +
20060207             impose its market, military, influence + - VALUES.
20060207             USA, EU diplomats meet with SO—CALLED "terrorists":
20060207             —INTIMATED, The sources, that AMERICA N, BRITISH ,
20060207             French + Scandinavian diplomats met lately with Hamas leaders, including NEWLY—ELECTED lawmakers, in THE—WEST—BANK + GAZA Strip.
20060207             Masked ISRAEL i squatters stone PALESTINE—INFANTS:
20060207             According to the report the children, aged between 6 + 8, were stoned by the men as they were making their way home from school.
20060207             Church votes to sell off shares in Caterpillar:
20060207             THE—CHURCH—OF—ENGLAND—GENERAL SYNOD—INCLUDING the Archbishop of Canterbury -
20060207             voted last night to disinvest church funds from companies profiting from ISRAEL—ILLEGAL—OCCUPATION—OF—PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20060207             —ENCOURAGED, USA '' by INDIA—IRAN vote:
20060207             Describing THE—INDO—USA civil nuclear deal as "1—VERY—IMPORTANT—ARRANGEMENT for future," THE—USA has said it was working with INDIA to make it 1—WIN—WIN for both countries.
20060207             —1— JAPAN the sushi in sandwich between THE—USA—AND—TEHRAN:
20060207             JAPAN is in 1—BAD jam over IRAN and if, as —NOW seems likely, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CAMPAIGN against TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM—PROGRESSES to economic sanctions,
20060207             the Japanese will find themselves uniquely under pressure from both sides.
20060207             IRAN—INDIA pipeline uncertain:
20060207             NORMAN—SOLOMON: THE—IRAN—CRISIS - "Diplomacy" as 1—LAUNCH—PAD for Missiles:
20060207             Air attacks on targets in IRAN are very likely.
20060207             Yet MANY—ANTIWAR—AMERICA NS seem eager to believe that won't happen.
20060207             Partners in War: THE—HILLARY and GEORGE—SHOW:
20060207             —ELECTED, There aren't many, officials in WASHINGTON who want to throw the gantlet down on IRAN more than Hillary CLINTON.
20060207             THE—NEW—YORK—SENATOR—BELIEVES—THE—PRESIDENT has been too soft on the militant Islamic country, claiming that BUSH has played down THE—THREAT—OF—1—NUCLEAR—ARMED—TEHRAN.
20060207             —UNCHANGED, RUSSIA—POSITION on IRAN remains, - Rosatom CHIEF:
20060207             RUSSIA will support ANY—COUNTRY—RIGHT—OF—ACCESS to cheap nuclear energy on the condition that it observes the nonproliferation regime, he said.
20060207             War pimp alert: Hawks have warplanes ready if the nuclear diplomacy fails:
20060207             USA—FORCES virtually surround IRAN with military air bases to the west in AFGHANISTAN, to THE—EAST in IRAQ, TURKEY + QATAR + the south in OMAN + DIEGO—GARCIA.
20060207             —ARMED, THE—USA—NAVY also has 1—CARRIER—GROUP in the Gulf, with attack aircraft + Tomahawk cruise missiles.
20060207             B2 stealth bombers flying from mainland AMERICA could also be used.
20060207             Peace Takes Courage:
20060207             Lies fuel fear, fear fuels THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION: Flash presentation.
20060207             Requires broadband.
20060207             EX—PRESIDENT—CARTER : Eavesdropping ILLEGAL—KATHLEEN HENNESSEY Associated Press
20060207             —CRITICIZED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DOMESTIC eavesdropping program —MONDAY and said he believes THE—PRESIDENT has broken the law.
20060207             According to the review, a "LARGE—SCALE, potentially long duration,
20060207             irregular warfare campaign including COUNTER—INSURGENCY and security, stability, transition and reconstruction operations" is necessary and unavoidable.
20060207             —PRECEDED, Gone is the talk of swift victories that, 20030000             —THE—IRAQ invasion.
20060207             This will be 1—WAR—OF—ATTRITION, it says, fought on MANY—FRONTS.
20060207             —FOLLOWING Orders Is No Excuse
20060207             "1—HOAX on THE—AMERICA N people, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY + THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council".
20060207             —REFUSED, If Powell had, —3—YEARS—AGO to deliver the Speech of Lies, we would not —NOW be watching 1—IDENTICAL—DUPLICITY being rolled out against IRAN.
20060207             —PRACTICED, The ultimate COST—OF—THE—DECEPTION being, on THE—AMERICA N people will dwarf the terrible price that has already been paid.
20060207             Beware THE—IDES—OF—MARCH
20060207             —REGARDED, If Julius -, as 1—OF—THE—GREATEST—CAESARS—COULDN'T take note, the leader of the current superpower should.
20060207             This March, his actions may spark off 1—CONFLICT from which the world might never recover.
20060207             RUSSIA—ULTRANATIONALIST Leader Expects USA to Attack IRAN in —LATE—MARCH -
20060207             "It will all end with European countries thanking THE—USA + paying + giving soldiers," he said.
20060207             EX—UNITED—NATIONS Inspector: Decision Already Made To Attack IRAN
20060207             Ritter said, THE—USA will drop 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB on IRAN—BY BRANDON—GARCIA
20060207             —DESCRIBED, Ritter, how THE—USA—GOVERNMENT might justify war with IRAN in 1—SCENARIO—SIMILAR to the buildup to THE—IRAQ invasion.
20060207             Eine gänzlich unerwartete Erkenntnis über die aus normaler Materie bestehende Welt lieferte das Projekt nebenher:
20060207             Unsere Milchstraße ist die schwerste Galaxie der lokalen Gruppe.
20060207             Bislang galt Andromeda als Schwerste in der näheren Nachbarschaft.
20060207             Die präzise Gewichtsmessung zeigte —NUN: Unsere Heimatspirale bringt mehr auf die Waage.
20060207             Hinweise zur Detektion der unsichtbaren Masse
20060207             "Diese Ergebnisse werden uns natürlich helfen, direkte DETEKTIONS—EXPERIMENTE zu verfeinern, die nach jedweder Interaktion zwischen dunkler + normaler Materie fahnden", sagte Gilmore.
20060207             Die Ergebnisse fordern teilweise die bislang geltenden Vermutungen über die dunkle Materie heraus oder widersprechen ihr gar:
20060207             Dunkle Materie kommt demnach in einer Art kleinster möglicher Menge vor.
20060207             Und die ist ziemlich groß.
20060207             Die Autoren sprechen von Blasen mit rund 10000000             Lichtjahren Durchmesser.
20060207             Kleiner lasse sich 1—ANSA mmlung dieses Stoffs nicht komprimieren.
20060207             Astrophysiker haben aus den Missverhältnissen abgeleitet, dass die Gesamtmasse des Universums zu etwa 75 % aus dunkler Energie + rund 20 % aus dunkler Materie + 5 % aus normaler Materie besteht.
20060207             Das war's bislang.
20060207             GERARD—GILMORE, stellvertretender DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTE—OF—ASTRONOMY in CAMBRIDGE + 7—KOLLEGEN der Universitäten BASEL,
20060207             CAMBRIDGE und Honululu glauben —NUN, die Kosmologie einen Schritt voran gebracht zu haben.
20060207             Eine detaillierte, bislang unveröffentlichte Studie über das interne Spiel der Kräfte in 12—KLEINEN Spiralgalaxien der lokalen Gruppe ist die Grundlage ihrer Berechnungen.
20060207             "Wie wir hoffen, ist das ein nützlicher Hinweis bezüglich des am weitesten verbreiteten Materietyps im Universum", sagte Gilmore zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20060207             "1—SCHRITT in Richtung eines Verständnisses der Realität.
20060207             Nur ein kleiner natürlich, aber 1—SCHRITT".
20060207             Dunkle Materie macht 4—FÜNFTEL der Materie des Universums AUS—KONNTE aber —BISHER noch nie direkt nachgewiesen werden.
20060207             Forscher glauben —NUN, 1. Eckdaten der geheimnisvollen Substanz zu BESITZEN—NACHDEM sie 12—GALAXIEN gewogen haben.
20060207             —VERMUTET, Ihre Teilchen sind viel beweglicher als.
20060207             Sie kommt in minimal 10000000             Lichtjahre durchmessenden Blasen vor.
20060207             —GEDACHT, Und viel heißer als, ist der geheimnisvolle Bestandteil des Universums auch noch, folgern Forscher aus ihren Messungen.
20060207             Es ist das 1. Mal, dass Astronomen Kenngrößen der dunklen Materie berechnet haben.
20060207             Der bisherige Wissensstand der Forschergemeinde war schlicht, dass es sie geben muss:
20060207             Bestünde das Universum bloß aus der sichtbare Materie, dann würden fundamentale physikalische Gleichungen nicht aufgehen.
20060207             Zum Beispiel rotieren die Galaxien so schnell, dass sie auseinanderfliegen MÜSSTEN—HIELTE sie nicht eine große,
20060207             unbekannte Kraft zusammen: die der dunklen Materie.
20060207             Das Ziel der Expedition, unter anderem von CI und der National Geographic Society finanziert, war aber nicht nur, neue Arten zu entdecken.
20060207             "Näher kommt man auf der Erde nicht an den Garten Eden heran", sagte Beehler.
20060207             Er verwies auf den Wert der Region als Reservat für die Artenvielfalt.
20060207             Mit über einer Million Hektar stelle der Wald von Foja den größten ursprünglichen tropischen Regenwald Asiens dar.
20060207             300.000—HEKTAR in den BERGEN—VON—FOJA seien von Menschen gänzlich unberührt.
20060207             Diese Feststellung hat eine politische Dimension.
20060207             —MITTE der neunziger —JAHRE gab es in INDONESIEN Pläne, den Fluss Mamberamo aufzustauen.
20060207             —GEFLUTET, Der Damm hätte die gesamte Talsenke, die zu dem wertvollen Gebiet gehört.
20060207             —ERST die Finanzkrise in Ostasien stoppte diese Pläne.
20060207             Trauer um Bürgerrechtlerin: Tausende erweisen Coretta SCOTT—KING die letzte Ehre
20060207             Atomprogramm: DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT warnt vor IRAN—EMBARGO
20060207             (Wirtschaft, Deutliche Worte: Putin will Terroristen wie Ratten vernichten
20060207             —VERMUTET, GROSSBRITANNIEN: Polizei, TERROR—CAMPS im eigenen Land
20060207             —VERFALLEN, Gerichtsurteil: O2 darf HANDY—GUTHABEN nicht, lassen
20060207             (Wirtschaft, Terrorprozesse: Haftverschonung für Motassadeq
20060207             INSEL—EXPEDITION: Forscher finden verborgenes Paradies
20060207             Angst vor Übergriffen: Dänen holen weltweit ihre Flagge ein
20060207             Neuer Etat: Nasa kappt Mittel für Suche nach Leben im All
20060207             Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Weiter Proteste gegen Speicherung von Telefondaten
20060207             NESTLÉ—ANZEIGE in SAUDI—ARABIEN: Wir sind Schweizer, keine Dänen
20060207             —VERFALLEN, Gerichtsurteil: HANDY—GUTHABEN dürfen nicht
20060207             Elektronische Fußfesseln: Die 10000000             Augen des Doktor Schwitzgebel
20060207             (Panorama, Geheimnisvoller Stoff: 1. Eckdaten der dunklen Materie gefunden
20060207             (WISSENSCHAFT—IRAN: Zeitung plant KARIKATUR—WETTBEWERB über Holocaust
20060207             —GELÜFTET, BILDER—TEST: Geheimnis um Shakespeares Aussehen
20060207             KARIKATUREN—STREIT: Demonstranten attackieren NORWEGISCHE—NATO—SOLDATEN
20060207             KARIKATUREN—STREIT: Proteste weiten sich aus
20060207             In brief, —WHILE GUARANTY TRUST + 1.—RANK AMERICA N firms were assisting THE—FORMATION—OF—THE—SOVIET—BUREAU—IN—NEW—YORK,
20060207             AMERICA N troops were in conflict with SOVIET—TROOPS in NORTH—RUSSIA.
20060207             Further, as we shall see in chapter 10, the financial circlesthat were supporting THE—SOVIET—BUREAU—IN—NEW—YORK
20060207             New High Speed Wireless Chipset from IBM
20060207             YesSir writes to tell USA IBM scientists are reporting that they have created 1—NEW—LOW—COST—WIRELESS chipset that could allow devices to communicate up to 10—TIMES—FASTER than current technology.
20060207             "Using THE—IBM—PIONEERED CHIP—MAKING technology called silicon germanium, the chipset is able
20060207             to send + receive information in 1—PORTION—OF—THE—RADIO spectrum that is both unlicensed +
20060207             can carry 1—MUCH higher VOLUME—OF—DATA, 1—KEY—ADVANTAGE as DATA—INTENSIVE—DIGITAL—MEDIA formats, such as HDTV, become more pervasive".
20060207             Toshiba to Pay $ 5.4—BILLION for Westinghouse
20060207             Philip writes "Busines electronics firm Toshiba is bidding for 100% CONTROL—OF—WESTINGHOUSE—FAMOUS for making blenders + LCD televisions,
20060207             but principally in THE—BUSINESS—OF—BUILDING nuclear reactors.
20060207             Toshiba CEO—NISHIDA said at 1—LONDON news conference.
20060207             'Toshiba is responding to this challenge by acquiring Westinghouse.'" - Solar Energy Becoming More Pervasive
20060207             TheUploader writes "RenewableEnergyAccess is reporting that Solatec LLC has released 1—STICK—ON solar panel kit that charges your hybrid —WHILE parked.
20060207             —RELATED, In, news, the world's largest photovoltaic system will be built,
20060207             not on the roofs of Priuses, but on the ground of NEVADA + will provide clean energy for THE—USA—MILITARY".
20060207             7.5—MICRON Thick RFID —TAG
20060207             YesSir writes "THE—EETIMES is reporting that HITACHI has 1—BREAKTHROUGH in RFID technology that they are planning to show at this years ISSCC (INTERNATIONAL SOLID—STATE—CIRCUITS—CONFERENCE).
20060207             The new RFID chip is their newest MU—CHIP that, measuring in at 7.5—MICRONS,
20060207             is 10 or more times thinner than 1—SHEET—OF—PAPER and comes complete with 128-bit identifying goodness".
20060207             Tracking the Cracks
20060207             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "ISRAEL i physicists from the Weizmann Institute have used 1—NEW—APPROACH to study how materials break.
20060207             —TITLED, In 1—SHORT—NEWS—RELEASE, brilliantly, "Breaking news", they explain their new method for analyzing the progression of 1—FORMING crack.
20060207             The news release even says that it could have help engineers predict 'exactly how much pressure the levees protecting NEW—ORLEANS could withstand —BEFORE giving way.'
20060207             This method could be used by engineers and material scientists in 1—VAST—VARIETY—OF—APPLICATIONS".
20060207             Operation 'Cyber Storm' Starts Tomorrow
20060207             cyberbian writes "FEDERAL—COMPUTING —WEEK reports that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY have moved up their rescheduled cyber security exercise,
20060207             designed to test enterprise and private sector alike.
20060207             —EXPECTED, The tests are, to run from ;;02;;
20060207             6-10 + are intended to gauge THE—STATE—OF—READINESS for 1—CYBER attack on critical infrastructure.
20060207             FCW also reports that the scope of the fake attacks will be global + they are coordinating with partners in AUSTRALIA, CANADA and THE—UK ".
20060207             Blog world growing by leaps and bounds
20060207             According to blog watchers at Technorati, 27—MILLION blogs are —NOW online, with more than 1—MILLION—POSTS —1—DAY.
20060207             Gonzales: NSA may tap 'ordinary' AMERICA NS' E—MAIL
20060207             —DURING Senate hearing, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—DECLINES to offer reassurances about 1—SECRET—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM.
20060207             —GEFUNDEN, Geheimnisvoller Stoff: 1. Eckdaten der dunklen Materie
20060207             —SUBMITTED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, 1—BUDGET—REQUEST for $439.3—BILLION for FY 20070000             .
20060207             —PENALIZED, USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—KATHRYN—FERGUSON, the law firm of GILBERT,
20060207             GENERAL—MOTORS—CORP., under shareholder pressure to return to profitability,
20060207             Microsoft said it will offer 1—NEW—SECURITY—SERVICE to PC users for $49.95—PER —YEAR.
20060207             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1, suicide bomber blew up 1—GUARD—POST outside police headquarters in KANDAHAR, killing 13—PEOPLE and wounded 11.
20060207             MARIO—CONDELLO (53), an AUSTRALIA—UNDERWORLD figure due to face court on incitement to murder charges,
20060207             —ASKED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, THE—USA to reconsider 1 proposed cut in ANTI—DRUG—AID,
20060207             —CALLED, Indians from BRAZIL and 4—OTHER—SOUTH—USA—COUNTRIES, for the "resurrection" of 1—INDIA—NATION,
20060207             1—UK—JURY convicted firebrand Muslim cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI of inciting followers to kill NON—MUSLIMS in speeches at his LONDON mosque,
20060207             1—APPARENT—GAS—EXPLOSION destroyed a 2—STORY—MILITARY barracks in Chechnya, killing at least 2—PEOPLE and injuring 32.
20060207             1—AID—GROUP that provides food to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in WAR—RAVAGED Chechnya suspended its operations —AFTER Chechen officials banned all DENMARK—ORGANIZATIONS—BECAUSE—OF—THE—PUBLICATION—OF—PROPHET Muhammad cartoons.
20060207             Ramon Isaza (65), 1—FOUNDER—OF—COLOMBIA—ANTI—REBEL—PARAMILITARY—MOVEMENT, laid down his weapon, ending nearly —3—DECADES—OF outlawed, jungle warfare.
20060207             —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, Mounir el Motassadeq (31), 1—MOROCCAN, belonging to 1—TERRORIST—CELL that included 3 ;;09;;.
20060207             —ISOLATED, INDONESIA, scientists exploring 1, jungle in remote Papua province reported THE—DISCOVERY—OF—DOZENS—OF—NEW—SPECIES—OF frogs,
20060207             —ASSASSINATED, Masked gunmen, 1—SUNNI—ARAB cleric who headed the city council in ONCE—RESTIVE CITY—OF—FALLUJAH,
20060207             IVORY—COAST, THE—UN was due to enforce sanctions on 3—POLITICAL—LEADERS judged to have blocked 1—PEACE—PROCESS.
20060207             The owner of 1—MEXICO—NEWSPAPER in NUEVO—LAREDO said there will be no more investigative COVERAGE—OF—DRUG—GANGS,
20060207             —KILLED, NEPAL, Communist REBELS, at least 7—SECURITY—FORCES and wounded 15 in 2—OVERNIGHT attacks.
20060207             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA—YUKOS oil company, which says it owes $6.3—BILLION in back tax claims,
20060207             Chandrika Kumaratunga, SRI—LANKA—FORMER—PRESIDENT (199400002005         ),
20060207             —PENALIZED, USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—KATHRYN—FERGUSON, the law firm of GILBERT, Heintz & Randolph $13—MILLION for CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST—WHILE working on the Congoleum asbestos bankruptcy, —WHILE at the same time representing some 10,000—PEOPLE with asbestos claims against THE—NEW—JERSEY flooring manufacturer.
20060207             † 1—DEMONSTRATOR was killed and dozens wounded.
20060207             —ASKED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, THE—USA to reconsider 1 proposed cut in ANTI—DRUG—AID, and called on the world to strengthen DRUG—FIGHTING alliances.
20060207             1—UK—JURY convicted firebrand Muslim cleric ABU—HAMZA—AL—MASRI of inciting followers to kill NON—MUSLIMS in speeches at his LONDON mosque, which has been linked to 20060911             plotter Zacarias Moussaoui and "shoe bomber" RICHARD—REID.
20060207             —ANNOUNCED, Officials in CANADA, 1—AGREEMENT to close 5—MILLION—ACRES in UK—COLUMBIA—GREAT—BEAR—RAIN—FOREST to logging.
20060207             Loggers will be guaranteed 1—RIGHT to selectively cut in 10—MILLION—ACRES—OF—THE—FOREST.
20060207             —JOINED, Isaza was, by 990—FIGHTERS from his Medio Magdalena Bloc of the United SELF—DEFENSE—FORCES—OF—COLOMBIA, or AUC, handing over 754—WEAPONS, 15—VEHICLES and abundant munitions.
20060207             —CONVICTED—OF, GERMANY, Mounir el Motassadeq (31), 1—MOROCCAN, belonging to 1—TERRORIST—CELL that included 3 20060911             hijackers, was freed from prison —AFTER 1—FEDERAL—COURT ruled he shouldn't be jailed with appeals still pending.
20060207             —ISOLATED, INDONESIA, scientists exploring 1, jungle in remote Papua province reported THE—DISCOVERY—OF—DOZENS—OF—NEW—SPECIES—OF frogs, butterflies and plants, as well as mammals hunted to near extinction elsewhere.
20060207             The owner of 1—MEXICO—NEWSPAPER in NUEVO—LAREDO said there will be no more investigative COVERAGE—OF—DRUG—GANGS, —1—DAY—AFTER the paper's offices were sprayed with bullets and 1—REPORTER hospitalized with 5—GUNSHOTS.
20060207             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA—YUKOS oil company, which says it owes $6.3—BILLION in back tax claims, has sold a 49—PERCENT stake in SLOVAKIA—PIPELINE—OPERATOR—TRANSPETROL for $105—MILLION, to RUSSIA—RUSSNEFT oil company.
20060207             Chandrika Kumaratunga, SRI—LANKA—FORMER—PRESIDENT (19940000—20050000    ), returned her expensive retirement gift, a 1.5—ACRE (0.68—HECTARE) AREA—OF—LAND—NEAR the national PARLIAMENT to the state, —AFTER legal action was filed against her.
20060207             Ron Paul: A Real WASHINGTON Scandal :
20060207             The total AMOUNT—OF—FEDERAL—DEBT AS—OF—THIS—MONTH is 1—STAGGERING $ 8.2—TRILLION,
20060207             1—NUMBER that is almost incomprehensible.
20060207             will be felt by ALL—OF—USA in THE—FORM—OF—INFLATION,
20060207             higher interest rates + 1—WEAKENED—USA—ECONOMY.
20060207             Despite his administration's growing concerns about preventing THE—COLLAPSE—OF—STATES in strategic PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has proposed cuts in development + disaster assistance —WHILE increasing the defence budget by almost 7 %.
20060207             GUANTANAMO: Empty Evidence:
20060207             'Free the forgotten prisoners' : Kate Allen, DIRECTOR—OF—AMNESTY—UK—WING, said the government's reluctance to act on behalf of UK—RESIDENTS was "shameful".
20060207             Who Is at GUANTANAMO Bay : Most are from Arab countries + most were arrested in PAKISTAN by PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES.
20060207             Ron Fullwood: Suppression and Liberty : It's in keeping with the regressive character of this administration that they would have the gall to throw Wilson's repudiated actions against AMERICA NS —DURING WWI at THE—WALL—OF—OPPOSITION to their own warrantless spying on AMERICA NS, hoping the revisionism would stick.
20060207             Guantánamo: 1—LIFE—SENTENCE—OF suffering and stigmatization : In 1—NEW—REPORT published —TODAY, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL revealed how THE—USA—DETENTION—CENTRE at Guantánamo BAY—CUBA is condemning thousands across the world to 1—LIFE—OF suffering, torment and stigmatization.
20060207             DAVID—CORN: WILL—SCOOTER—LIBBY—GRAYMAIL—THE—CIA ?: That seems to be 1—OF—THE—STRATEGIES being considered by the lawyers defending Dick CHENEY—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, who was indicted by special counsel PATRICK—FITZGERALD in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE for lying to FBI investigators and grand jurors to cover up his (and possibly Cheney 's) participation in THE—OUTING—OF—CIA—OFFICER—VALERIE Wilson (nee Plame).
20060207             —UNMANNED, USAF to spend $ 2bn on next, bomber : THE—USA—AIR—FORCE has set aside $ 2—BILLION over the next several years to launch the accelerated development of 1—NEXT—GENERATION bom­ber that is almost certain to be unmanned and unlike anything on the ramp —TODAY.
20060207             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, a —14—YEAR—PROJECT to develop 1—NEW—CONVENTIONAL—WEAPON that can defeat 1—HEAVILY—DEFENDED major target, such as 1—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—SITE, without warning + - within hours OR—POTENTIALLY even MINUTES—OF receiving 1—INITIAL—COMMAND.
20060207             ISRAEL 'too soft ' on Jewish militants :
20060207             USA, EU diplomats meet with SO—CALLED "terrorists" : The sources intimated that AMERICA N, British, French + Scandinavian diplomats met lately with Hamas leaders,
20060207             including NEWLY—ELECTED lawmakers, in THE—WEST—BANK + GAZA Strip.
20060207             Masked ISRAEL i squatters stone PALESTINE—INFANTS : According to the report the children, aged between 6 + 8, were stoned by the men as they were making their way home from school.
20060207             —ENCOURAGED, USA '' by INDIA—IRAN vote: Describing THE—INDO—USA civil nuclear deal as "1—VERY—IMPORTANT—ARRANGEMENT for future," THE—USA has said it was working with INDIA to make it 1—WIN—WIN for both countries.
20060207             JAPAN the sushi in sandwich between THE—USA—AND—TEHRAN: JAPAN is in 1—BAD jam over IRAN and if, as —NOW seems likely, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CAMPAIGN against TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM—PROGRESSES to economic sanctions, the Japanese will find themselves uniquely under pressure from both sides.
20060207             IRAN—INDIA pipeline uncertain : INDIA—DECISION to vote to report IRAN to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL puts into doubt the future of 1—GAS—PIPELINE THE—2—COUNTRIES were looking to build through PAKISTAN.
20060207             NORMAN—SOLOMON: THE—IRAN—CRISIS - "Diplomacy" as 1—LAUNCH—PAD for Missiles : Air attacks on targets in IRAN are very likely.
20060207             Partners in War: THE—HILLARY and GEORGE—SHOW : There aren't many elected officials in WASHINGTON who want to throw the gantlet down on IRAN more than Hillary Clinton.
20060207             —UNCHANGED, RUSSIA—POSITION on IRAN remains, - Rosatom CHIEF : RUSSIA will support ANY—COUNTRY—RIGHT—OF—ACCESS to cheap nuclear energy on the condition that it observes the nonproliferation regime, he said.
20060207             War pimp alert: Hawks have warplanes ready if the nuclear diplomacy fails: USA—FORCES virtually surround IRAN with military air bases to the west in AFGHANISTAN, to the east in IRAQ, TURKEY + QATAR + the south in OMAN + DIEGO—GARCIA.
20060207             U.S GENERAL: USA—FORCES—WILL—BE—IN—IRAQ for 10 - —15—YEARS
20060207             USA—PLANS—20—YEAR—WAR—ON—TERROR : THE—PENTAGON has laid out 1—NEW—20—YEAR—MILITARY—STRATEGY for USA—TROOPS to be deployed,
20060207             Peace Takes Courage: Lies fuel fear, fear fuels THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION: Flash presentation.
20060207             EX—PRESIDENT—CARTER : Eavesdropping illegal
20060207             WASHINGTON digs in for a 'long war' as Rumsfeld issues global call to arms -
20060207             According to the review, a "LARGE—SCALE, potentially long duration, irregular warfare campaign including COUNTER—INSURGENCY and security, stability, transition and reconstruction operations" is necessary and unavoidable.
20060207             Die Ergebnisse fordern teilweise die bislang geltenden Vermutungen über die dunkle Materie heraus oder widersprechen ihr gar: Dunkle Materie kommt demnach in einer Art kleinster möglicher Menge vor.
20060207             GERARD—GILMORE, stellvertretender DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTE—OF—ASTRONOMY in CAMBRIDGE + 7—KOLLEGEN der Universitäten BASEL, CAMBRIDGE und Honululu glauben —NUN, die Kosmologie einen Schritt voran gebracht zu haben.
20060207             "1—SCHRITT in Richtung eines Verständnisses der Realität. Nur ein kleiner natürlich, aber 1—SCHRITT".
20060207             Zum Beispiel rotieren die Galaxien so schnell, dass sie auseinanderfliegen MÜSSTEN—HIELTE sie nicht eine große, unbekannte Kraft zusammen: die der dunklen Materie.
20060207             (Panorama,
20060207             —REPORTED, Moreover, these conflicts were daily, in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Further, as we shall see in chapter 10,
20060207             the financial CIRCLES—THAT were SUPPORTING—THE—SOVIET—BUREAU—IN—NEW—YORK
20060207             also formed in NEW—YORK—THE "United AMERICA NS" —
20060207             a VIRULENTLY—ANTI -Communist [ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT] organization
20060207             can carry 1—MUCH higher VOLUME—OF—DATA, 1—KEY—ADVANTAGE as DATA—INTENSIVE—DIGITAL—MEDIA formats,
20060207             such as HDTV, become more pervasive".
20060207             Toshiba to Pay $ 5.4—BILLION for WESTINGHOUSE—AUTHOR: ScuttleMonkey 155—COMMENTS
20060207             Author: ScuttleMonkey 400—COMMENTS
20060207             —RELATED, In, news, the world's largest photovoltaic system will be built, not on the roofs of Priuses, but on the ground of NEVADA + will provide clean energy for THE—USA—MILITARY".
20060207             7.5—MICRON Thick RFID —TAG—AUTHOR: ScuttleMonkey 140—COMMENTS
20060207             The new RFID chip is their newest MU—CHIP that, measuring in at 7.5—MICRONS, is 10 or more times thinner than 1—SHEET—OF—PAPER and comes complete with 128-bit identifying goodness".
20060207             Author: CmdrTaco 115+ Comments
20060207             cyberbian writes "FEDERAL—COMPUTING —WEEK reports that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY have moved up their rescheduled cyber security exercise, designed to test enterprise and private sector alike.
20060207             —EXPECTED, The tests are, to run from February 6-10 + are intended to gauge THE—STATE—OF—READINESS for 1—CYBER attack on critical infrastructure.
20060207             Blog world growing by leaps and bounds According to blog watchers at Technorati, 27—MILLION blogs are —NOW online, with more than 1—MILLION—POSTS —1—DAY.
20060207             Gonzales: NSA may tap 'ordinary' AMERICA NS' E—MAIL —DURING Senate hearing, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—DECLINES to offer reassurances about 1—SECRET—SURVEILLANCE—PROGRAM.
20060207             The country's 2—OVERSEAS—WARS +
20060207             its homeland defense could cost as much as $ 10—BILLION —1—MONTH—THIS—YEAR -
20060207             nearly 50 % more than —LAST—YEAR, THE—WHITE—HOUSE estimates.
20060207             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—MILITARY has, a —14—YEAR—PROJECT to develop 1—NEW—CONVENTIONAL—WEAPON
20060207             that can defeat 1—HEAVILY—DEFENDED major target, such as 1—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—SITE,
20060207             without warning + - within hours OR—POTENTIALLY even MINUTES—OF receiving 1—INITIAL—COMMAND.
20060207             KATHLEEN HENNESSEY Associated Press
20060207             —BY PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20060207             —BY MATHEW—MAAVAK
20060207             —REPORTED, Moreover, these conflicts were daily, in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES,
20060207             presumably read by THESE—BANKERS + businessmen.
20060207             Author: ScuttleMonkey 33—COMMENTS - Author: ScuttleMonkey 155—COMMENTS - Author: ScuttleMonkey 140—COMMENTS
20060207—19950000    —SINCE, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT has donated humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, to NORTH—KOREA on 9—OCCASIONS.
20060207—19980000    —IN, MARIO—CONDELLO, —53—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AUSTRALIA—UNDERWORLD figure due to face court on incitement to murder charges, was shot dead in his driveway overnight, bringing the toll in 1—GANGLAND war to 28. MELBOURNE—GANG—WAR began —WHEN SELF—STYLED "Godfather" ALPHONSE—GANGITANO, 40, was shot dead in his laundry.
20060207—20200000    —BY, the market for nuclear power generation is expected to grow 50 % compared to 20050000             ,'
20060513             INTERNET Edition, 20010207             ,
20060513             INTERNET Edition, 20010207             , Page 1 ... ROY—GUTMAN has been named diplomatic correspondent in THE—NEWSWEEK—WASHINGTON, DC.
20061114             peacepalestine: 20050601—20050630              20070207             20050630             20050000             Video: BUSH—WAR: IRAQ In THE—NAME—OF—FREEDOM... touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by ITALY—DICTATOR...
20070000             This article appeared in THE—GUARDIAN on
20070000             AFGHANISTAN had more land growing drugs than COLOMBIA, BOLIVIA and PERU combined.
20070207             THE—LONE—VOICE: 20070101—20070201     Also, 1—OF—THE—REASONS—MANY—PEOPLE resisted PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN... Bush SENIOR, —WHILE JAMES—A—BAKER—III is the current Baker in Baker Botts.
20070207             PARIS, 20070202             20070207             6.2—MAG...(published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             - BELOW—0—TEMPS Close Schools... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             - Bitter Cold Grips NORTH—STATES... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             - Earthquake rattles CUBA, no injuries... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             What to do about IRAN (published 20070205             —ON)Fears of stumbling towards confrontation with IRAN
20070207             - Why there will be no effective global gas cartel (published 20070205             —ON)RUSSIA—TALK—OF—1—GAS—CARTEL may worry EUROPE
20070207             Investors are moving into timber (published 20070205             —ON)The returns are good and the environment benefits
20070207             Bush wants $700bn for military 20070205             PRESIDENT [sic] GEORGE W Bush on... that their contracts would be cancelled shortly —AFTER 1—TORY—ELECTION—WIN.
20070207             See MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—AND—STEVE—FREEMAN—TUESDAY, 20070206             In NEW—YORK—CITY
20070207             (20070206             /ac/a/u) - Cognizant Technology "overweight" - (20070206             /ac/a/u)
20070207             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, that PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has approved plans for THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT to block USA commercial bank transactions connected to SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, including those involving oil revenue.
20070207             The 1. diet pill for over the counter sale hit stores 20070615             .
20070207             SF, Mayor GAVIN—NEWSOM met with LITHUANIA—PRESIDENT—VALDAS—ADAMKUS at the Fairmont Hotel —FOLLOWING 1—ADDRESS at the World Affairs Council.
20070207             —BLAMED, Blowing snow and intense cold was, for 2—MORE—DEATHS, 1—TOTAL—OF—13—NATIONWIDE —SINCE the cold settled in, and kept schools closed for a 2. and in SOME—CASES a 3. —DAY across much of OHIO and WEST—VIRGINIA.
20070207             1—TWIN—ENGINE plane crashed in BRAZIL—AMAZON jungle, killing all 6—PEOPLE aboard.
20070207             ARON—GROISS, DIRECTOR—OF—RESEARCH at the Center for Monitoring THE—IMPACT—OF—PEACE, presented 1—STUDY in LONDON saying textbooks used in IRAN—SCHOOLS are instilling students with hatred toward the West, especially THE—USA, and urging them to become "martyrs" in 1—GLOBAL—HOLY—WAR against countries perceived to be enemies of Islam.
20070207             —OVERCROWDED, CENTRAL—CHINA, 1, passenger vehicle returning from 1—WEDDING party plunged off 1—CLIFF, killing 16—MEMBERS—OF—1 extended family.
20070207             —RULED, COLOMBIA—TOP—COURT, that gay couples, who have lived together for more than —2—YEARS, should have the same rights to shared assets as heterosexual couples.
20070207             The decision by the Constitutional COURT—MARKED—THE 1. recognition of gay couples' rights in COLOMBIA.
20070207             1—SEA—KNIGHT—CH 46—HELICOPTER went down NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, the 5. helicopter lost in IRAQ in —JUST over —2—WEEKS.
20070207             —KILLED, All 7—ABOARD were.
20070207             4—USA—MARINES were killed in fighting in Anbar province from wounds sustained due to enemy action in 2—SEPARATE—INCIDENTS.
20070207             —KILLED, Another 3—USA—SOLDIERS were, in fighting Anbar province.
20070207             † MICHEL—NIAUCEL, 1—FRANCE—DIPLOMAT with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION in IVORY—COAST, was shot to death in his home overnight.
20070207             —PLEDGED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, to regain 4 disputed northern islands from RUSSIA, saying it was time to end the bickering between TOKYO and MOSCOW over the prime fishing grounds.
20070207             —SEIZED, Kidnappers there also, 1—WOMAN from THE—PHILIPPINES.
20070207             SAUDI—ARABIA, rival PALESTINE—LEADERS began OPEN—ENDED talks in MECCA optimistic that they could reach 1—AGREEMENT to end their bloody street battles and resume the peace process with ISRAEL.
20070207             —KILLED, SOMALIA, doctors said 1—CHOLERA outbreak has, more than 115—PEOPLE and hospitalized 724 in towns where people were forced to use contaminated water from 1 flooded river.
20070207             —PROMISED, SOUTH—AFRICA CHIN—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, to increase imports from AFRICA, responding to fears about the trade deficit that increased as CHINA pumped unprecedented aid, investment and loans into the poor but RESOURCE—RICH—CONTINENT.
20070207             —ARRESTED, THE—SPANISH—CIVIL—GUARD said authorities have, 52—PEOPLE in 1—MAJOR—CRACKDOWN on 1 suspected ring of antiquities looters from DOZENS—OF—SITES in SOUTH—SPAIN.
20070207             —BLAMED, THE—LIBERATION—TIGERS—OF—TAMIL—EELAM (LTTE), 1—BREAKAWAY group allegedly linked to government forces.
20070207             —CONFIRMED, Officials in VENEZUELA, that VENEZUELA will buy whatever legal products BOLIVIA can make from coca leaf as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to wean farmers from the cocaine industry.
20070207             ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, under mounting pressure over 1—WORLD—RECORD—BUSTING inflation rate and escalating strike action in the public sector, sacked his finance MINISTER.
20070207             KLIMASCHUTZ—KOMPROMISS: EU will erlaubten Durchschnittswert auf 130—GRAMM festlegen
20070207             Demenz: Einsamkeit verdoppelt ALZHEIMER—RISIKO
20070207             HENRY—WAXMAN: 'Who in their right mind would send 363—TONS—OF—CASH into 1—WAR—ZONE?
20070207             But that's exactly what our government did.'
20070207             Be the 1. to know.
20070207             Does Your Inbox Buzz? Click here for free daily updates.
20070207             Tell your friends and relatives to sign up and be the 1. to get Buzzed everyday.
20070207             —UNPARALLELED, Cheney saw Wilson as, threat and plotted daily against him,
20070207             jury hears from Libby in audiotapes 2/7
20070207             5. Helicopter Downed in as MANY—WEEKS in IRAQ.
20070207             Bush is Sending More GIs to Die: 7—DEAD in This Helicopter Attack.
20070207             But, mainstream news media have shown little interest in the subject, leaving the public to guess at the truth —UNTIL it becomes too obvious for even THE—MSM to ignore".
20070207             "At least in VIETNAM Bush Had 1—EXIT strategy" Bumper Sticker Size Car Magnet
20070207             SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN:
20070207             "What emboldens the enemy is the almost —4—YEARS' presence of Western troops in the middle of 1—MUSLIM country's capital,
20070207             which causes over 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—RESIDENTS—OF—THAT—COUNTRY to oppose our presence".
20070207             Dann ist auch das am —ANFANG der Nahrungskette stehende pflanzliche Plankton wegen der Sonneneinstrahlung so weit entwickelt,
20070207             dass die Dorschlarven ausreichend Nahrung finden.
20070207             "Die spannende Frage ist —NUN, ob es —DIESES—JAHR zu einem sogenannten Mismatch, einer zeitlichen Versetzung zwischen dem Laichen und der Planktonentwicklung kommt", sagte Bleil.
20070207             Der Biologin zufolge werden OSTSEE—DORSCHE neben der Überfischung dann möglicherweise auch noch von der Erderwärmung bedroht.
20070207             Der Dorsch steht als Räuber weit oben in der Nahrungskette der Ostsee.
20070207             —GESTÖRT, Das Gleichgewicht könnte womöglich für —JAHRZEHNTE, werden, fürchtet Bleil.
20070207             Dies sei im Atlantik vor KANADA —BEREITS der Fall.
20070207             Dort brach der Dorschbestand wegen massiver Überfischung in den achtziger —JAHREN zusammen + hat sich seitdem trotz Fangverboten nicht mehr erholt.
20070207             Eine bestimmte Krabbenart nahm so überhand, dass sie seitdem einen GROßTEIL—DES—DORSCHLAICHS und der Larven auffrisst.
20070207             Bei lediglich bewölktem Himmel reiche der Polarisationsgrad des Lichts zur Orientierung aus,
20070207             schreiben Hegedüs und seine Kollegen im Fachmagazin "Proceedings of the Royal Society A" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20070207             Dies gelte zwar nicht für dichten Nebel.
20070207             Doch werde die Nebelschicht von der Sonne beschienen, bestehe wieder 1—CHANCE, mit einem Sonnenstein die Richtung zu bestimmen.
20070207             Auf Messungen des Sonnenlichts sollen —NUN praktische Tests mit echten Kristallen folgen.
20070207             Denn trotz dieser Ergebnisse ist noch immer unklar, ob die Verwendung von Sonnensteinen praktikabel war und die Wikinger auf ihren Reisen tatsächlich auf diese Kristalle zurückgriffen.
20070207             —GEFUNDEN, Bislang wurde noch kein solcher Stein bei Ausgrabungen.
20070207             —BEFÜRCHTET, Flutkatastrophe: Experten schlagen ALARM—SEUCHENAUSBRUCH - Patente: CHINA steigt in die Top 10—AUF
20070207             Streit um Spekulanten: USA torpedieren globale HEDGEFONDS—POLIZEI
20070207             Jahresstatistik: Mehr Europäer erkranken an Krebs
20070207             —GEWORDEN, Klimaschutz: "DEUTSCHLAND ist zum Bremser "
20070207             SGRENA—ENTFÜHRUNG: ITALIEN will USA—SOLDATEN Prozess machen
20070207             Vereitelter Terroranschlag in BIRMINGHAM: 2—VERDÄCHTIGE wieder auf freiem Fuß
20070207             ÖSTERREICH: Einbruch in Parlamentsbüro der Grünen
20070207             Rekorderlöse bei Christie's: KUNST—KAUFRAUSCH hält an
20070207             Warmes Wetter: Dorsche laichen früher als je zuvor
20070207             CO2- Ausstoß: Welche Autos sind die größten Umweltsünder?
20070207             ÖSTERREICH: Polizei zerschlägt KINDERPORNO—RING mit 2360—VERDÄCHTIGEN
20070207             Klimaschutz: EU—KOMMISSION beschließt abgeschwächte CO2- Strategie für Autos
20070207             Navigation: Wikinger könnten Sonnensteine genutzt haben
20070207             euromayday006 | HAMBURG | "bezahlt wird nicht" - Superhelden im...
20070207             Of all THE—GERMANY—CITIES, it has the highest number of millionaires and at the same time there is 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who don't share in this wealth.
20070207             podster.DE—PODCAST: Handelsblatt Audio
20070207             Der Anwalt des offenbar von USA—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN nach AFGHANISTAN entführten DEUTSCHEN—KHALED el Masri,
20070207             MANFRED—GNJIDIC, plant nach derzeitigem Stand keine... - KARL—WEISS—JOURNALISMUS: AbbauRechte
20070207             Sie zwangen mich, Sex mit meinem Vater und meinem Bruder zu haben... wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts MANFRED—GNJIDIC vom 28....
20070207             blog von MATTIN—EINTRÄGE für 20061200             20070207             Dies gilt natürlich auch weiter für AL—MASRI, wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts MANFRED—GNJIDIC vom 20070828             hervorgeht.
20070207             blog von mattin...
20070207             wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts MANFRED—GNJIDIC vom 28.... Zeugen, obwohl man ja auch einfach beim 'Großen Bruder ' nachfragen könnte.
20070207             Als der Rückkehrer den Ulmer Anwalt MANFRED—GNJIDIC anrief,
20070207             Defense Policy BOARD—UNTER—GW—BUSH ), Jeb BUSH ( GW BUSH—BRUDER + USA—GEORGE—W—BUSH ist
20070207             Der Anwalt Masris, MANFRED—GNJIDIC, erwägt zudem eine Zivilklage in den USA.
20070207             da er seinen Bruder begleitete habe, als dieser die Uniform bei einem
20070207             MASRI—LAWYER, MANFRED—GNJIDIC, said THE—ISSUING—OF—THE—ARREST—WARRANTS was the 1. sign that GERMANY—AUTHORITIES were —NOW prepared to back his client
20070207             Der vom Schriftsteller GEORGE—ORWELL als "Großer Bruder " beschriebene Überwachungsstaat
20070207             Bitte lesen Sie das Gespräch mit Rechtsanwalt MANFRED—GNJIDIC... - JOHN—RUSSELL (1° E. Bedford)-
20070207             —OBTAINED, John, Lord Russell and his wife, Anne, the wealthy lands of Tavistock Abbey + they renewed the lease to the Drakes
20070207             DEA Fugitives, LOS—ANGELES Fugitives, AVILES—PEREZ
20070207             photo of FRANCISCO—AVILES—PEREZ DEA Fugitive: AVILES—PEREZ, Francisco.
20070207             NAME:, AVILES—PEREZ, Francisco.
20070207             FUGITIVE NCIC#:, W154251921. WANTED FOR: DEA Fugitives, LOS—ANGELES Fugitives
20070207             Brookings Institution Press, Coming Together?, MEXICO—USA—RELATIONS
20070207             —PUSHED, Although Operation Condor, SOME—PROMINENT—TRAFFICKERS OUT—OF—THE—BUSINESS such as PEDRO—AVILES—PEREZ—OF—SINALOA it also tended to strengthen the...
20070207             Articles: Reconceptualizing the Illegal Narcotics Trade and Its...
20070207             Plaza Overstretch: PEDRO—AVILES—PÉREZ and PABLO—ACOSTA.
20070207             —EMERGED, PEDRO—AVILES—PÉREZ, from Sinaloa 19600000             —IN—THE—LATE S as 1—MAJOR transporter of more.
20070207             It would stop 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF funding for suicide...civilian were killed to
20070207             —REVEALED, Gladio oder die Rache Moros MI6 officer LEIGH—TRACEY, that Neave
20070207             Gladio oder die Rache Moros
20070207             In fact WEST—EUROPE has been THE—THEATRE—OF—CIA—UNDERTAKINGS—OF—MAJOR
20070207             —REVEALED, FORMER—MI6 officer LEIGH—TRACEY, that Neave plotted to organise a...
20070207             4600 185725 DENSE—PAC Microsystems, Inc 4600 37806 (a) Digital Microwave Corp.
20070207             —AGREED, Separately, Bankers Trust has, to pay a $3.5—MILLION—FINE to the...
20070207             SEC INFO—FIDELITY—CONCORD Street Trust - N-30D - For 19990228             20070207             —DETERMINED, Gains and losses on securities sold are, on the basis of
20070207             (a) 700 10325 Cordant Technologies, INCORPORATED 11000000             42831 CURTISS—WRIGHT Corp...
20070207             RJ—NDICE Geral 23 - Ação cominatória.
20070207             Pedido formulado contra ótica a fim de que esta se ABSTENHA—TUTELA antecipada.
20070207             Requerimento em momento posterior ao da petição...
20070207             DJ 11825 - adiantaria o instituto da tutela antecipada, diante. da demora na realização das perícias.
20070207             poluição sonora e ao desconforto causado aos. Moradores.
20070207             elaboração do laudo técnico de poluição sonora... - TRIBUNAL 20052707             20070207             ASSUNTO: INVESTIGAR A PRATICA DE POLUIÇÃO SONORA CAUSADO—AÇÃO : Pedido de Tutela Antecipada.
20070207             AA.: Sindicato dos Servidores do Ministério. tutela.
20070207             Meras alegações. Impossibilidade.
20070207             TRATANDO—SE de ação de indenização e
20070207             Perturbação de sossego, poluição sonora e outros transtornos...
20070207             Levick Strategic Communications is a global leader in HIGH—STAKES communications,
20070207             directing the media on THE—HIGHEST—PROFILE—LITIGATION and crisis matters
20070207             We are chosen by more law firms to manage legal media, marketing + public relations
20070207             for HIGH—PROFILE—CASES than ANY—OTHER—PR firm in the world.
20070207             for 1—ENERGY—PROGRAM in which over time the general public will have the faith
20070207             prescription for 1—RE—CREATION—OF—PUBLIC—TRUST and confidence in the actions and...
20070207             compiled by JOHN—HORNE—VAROVÁNÍ: Toto je verejné diskusní fórum.
20070207             Provozovatel si.
20070207             FRED—BURKS—SERVED for MANY—YEARS as 1—LANGUAGE—INTERPRETER for presidents and other dignitaries,
20070207             TACRIMSP—EMENTÁRIO nº 2
20070207             Para que os latidos de cachorro durante a noite configurem o delito previsto no art.
20070207             42, IV, da LCP, é necessário fazer prova de que várias pessoas se... - Prefeitura de VILA—VELHA—SITE Oficial
20070207             Tem gente que denuncia o canto do galo ou o latido do cachorro do vizinho;
20070207             É considerada poluição sonora 55—DECIBÉIS durante o dia e 50—À noite ;...
20070207             Vizinhos de danceterias, bares... Se um cachorro latir por mais de cinco minutos à noite, o dono pagará 50.
20070207             Bairro de Vila Maria
20070207             Se não houver solução rapida, é porque tem algo errado com a fiscalização.
20070207             Enfim, nada disso se compara ao latido constante de vários.
20070207             addition deletion institution city aacngb21 abn amro corporate...
20070207             Sustainable Practices and TECHNOLOGY—TOPICS—TRIBE—NET
20070207             The company proposes putting small hydraulic generators in floors to capture
20070207             to know about his Patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (THE—MEG).
20070207             Electricity.CRISIS—UPDATE on the patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator
20070207             the St Helena olive tree the latest to be declared extinct —AFTER the last remaining seedling...
20070207             Cosmic IGUANA—VOICE—OF—THE—EVIL—DOERS: 20031200             Archives
20070207             All —YEAR the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of TEXAS... that he will discuss with PRIME—MINISTER—CHINNAWAT—THAKSIN the possibility of withdrawing...
20070207             Baker & Botts is 1—OF—THE—TOP 10—CONTRIBUTORS to THE—BUSH—CAMPAIGN
20070207             —AGGRIEVED, Thaksin, friend becuz USA criticized his human rights record on a/c of...
20070207             Thaksin and PRESIDENT—BUSH—SENIOR have both held BOARD seats at THE—HIGH—POWERED
20070207             Baker & Botts. Lobby Registrations
20070207             Registrant:, Baker Botts LLP, Lobbying Issue Codes (if provided):
20070207             political issues that confront DOCTOR—THAKSIN as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—COUP—OF ;;09;;
20070207             19.... - THE—LONGBOW—PAPERS
20070207             All —YEAR the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of TEXAS, have been working —DAY and night to prevent THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—THE ;;09;;
20070207             11—ATTACK... - the lone voice
20070207             1—OF—THE—GROUP—DIRECTORS is FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—SENIOR, —WHILE JAMES—A—BAKER—III is the current Baker in Baker Botts.
20070207             Baker was a. - Thaksin Shinawatra faxes resignation from. his LONDON home;
20070207             encourages all OTHER—BRETT—BOTTS.
20070207             Pulse Editor: Havalyn Nestler. World News: Nat Fondell.
20070207             Editorials from HELL—LEADING daily newspaper, THE—DIS—BRIMSTONE...
20070207             PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA—OF—THAILAND seems to be 1—MAN without a
20070207             THE—GOP has brought in James 1—BAKER—III to try to convince the world that the...
20070207             PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA says THAILAND—TROOPS will be brought home sooner
20070207             law firm of Baker Botts, which has close ties to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070207             Registrant Name, Registrant ID, LD—1—FORM.
20070207             BAKER BOTTS L.L.P., 30816, Download Form... THAKSIN SHINAWATRA, 308160026, Download Form.
20070207             FEATHERLITE INCORPORATED.
20070207             (Registrant ID: 30816)... THAKSIN SHINAWATRA, 30816026. FEATHERLITE INCORPORATED 30816025. HALLIBURTON COMPANY, 30816021.
20070207             Larroca, Baker Botts LLP WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—PRACTICING in Criminal.
20070207             Other recipients are LECH—WALESA, GEORGE—H—W—BUSH, and Thaksin Shinawatra.
20070207             Baker is presently 1—PARTNER—WITH—BAKER—BOTTS and senior counselor to The...
20070207             DREAM—END
20070207             —YESTERDAY, —WHILE THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA... He also works for 1—LAW—FIRM, Baker Botts, which has offices in only 1—OTHER—COUNTRY......
20070207             WASHINGTON Center
20070207             Thaksin Shinawatra, PRIME—MINISTER. of the Kingdom of THAILAND—BAKER Botts L.L.P.
20070207             - ChevronTexaco. EMBASSY—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—KOREA. FannieMae.
20070207             USA—SENATE: Legislation & Records Home > Lobbying Disclosure...
20070207             PERRspectives Blog: Foreign Policy Archives
20070207             —WHEN BUSH ran afoul of THE—SEC
20070207             Oil, Gas & Mining updates from JAKARTA—KERRY B. Collison
20070207             Thaksin must be tried for deaths about Killings return to haunt Thaksin
20070207             YEPC attorney MICHAEL—GOLDBERG, of HOUSTON—BASED firm Baker Botts LLP, said...
20070207             Alacra STORE—KEYWORD Search Results: NATIONAL HERITAGE ACADEMIES
20070207             NJ, #####EGBERT, WALTER—MARTIN, III, ####, BAKER BOTTS LLP...
20070207             "Es ist ein außergewöhnlicher Fall", sagte Elena Menotti, die die Ausgrabungen nahe der norditalienischen Stadt Mantua leitet.
20070207             Sie kenne keine Doppelgräber mit eng umschlungenen Personen aus der Jungsteinzeit.
20070207             "Und diese umarmen sich wirklich".
20070207             REUTERS—ENG umschlungen: In Norditalien entdecktes Doppelgrab Die Experten schätzen, dass das Paar vor 5000—BIS 6000—JAHREN bestattet wurde.
20070207             Ein größeres Vertrauen in die Polizei dürfte direkten Einfluss auf die Anzeigebereitschaft, etwa bei sexuellen Übergriffen, haben.
20070207             Nirgendwo wurden mehr Einbrüche verübt als im BRITISCHEN—KÖNIGREICH—UND nirgendwo gibt es mehr Alarmanlagen.
20070207             Neben IRLAND und GROSSBRITANNIEN zählen ESTLAND, DÄNEMARK und die NIEDERLANDE zu den Kriminalitätshochburgen in der EU.
20070207             Im Gegensatz zu den gängigen POLIZEI—STATISTIKEN, die naturgemäß nur behördlich erfasste Fälle darstellen können,
20070207             fließen in das Forschungsprojekt "European Crime and Safety Survey" (EU ICS) zusätzlich auch jene Straftaten ein,
20070207             bei denen die Opfer darauf verzichtet haben, Anzeige zu erstatten.
20070207             Die gefährlichsten Länder in der EU
20070207             Raub, Diebstahl, VERGEWALTIGUNGEN—EINE neue Umfrage zeigt, welches die sichersten, welches die gefährlichsten Länder der EU sind.
20070207             Die Deutschen werden vergleichsweise selten OPFER—VON—KRIMINELLEN.
20070207             Allerdings: Die ZAHL—DER—SEXUALDELIKTE ist erschreckend hoch.
20070207             BRÜSSEL—WURDEN Sie OPFER—VON—RAUB, Diebstahl oder Einbruch?
20070207             Für den aktuellen Opferreport wurden insgesamt rund 35.000—REPRÄSENTATIV ausgewählte Menschen aus den 15—ALTEN EU—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN sowie aus POLEN,
20070207             UNGARN und ESTLAND über ihre Erfahrungen mit "gewöhnlichen Straftaten" befragt.
20070207             Das Konsortium unter Beteiligung des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Gallup und des MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTS für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht befragte auch 20000000             DEUTSCHEN—BÜRGER.
20070207             UNTERWASSER—DUELL: "Caesars" giftige Fracht bedroht NORWEGEN
20070207             YEN—VERFALL: HEDGEFONDS—ZOCKER bedrohen das Weltwährungssystem
20070207             GROSSBRITANNIEN: 3. Briefbombe in —3—TAGEN - 1—VERLETZTE
20070207             CO2- Debatte: Umweltschützer fordern klimafreundlichere Autowerbung
20070207             Musikverkauf ohne Kopierschutz: STEVE—JOBS drängt Plattenfirmen, DRM abzuschaffen
20070207             Grab in ITALIEN: Paar umarmt sich —SEIT 5000—JAHREN
20070207             ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNGEN: "Ein schnelles Gesetz ist nicht in Sicht"
20070207             KRIMINALITÄTS—RANKING: Die gefährlichsten Länder in der EU
20070207             Sexuelle Diskriminierung: WAL—MART droht Sammelklage von 1,6 Millionen Frauen
20070207             Rechtsextremismus: Ausländerfeindliche Straftaten auf Höchststand - "who this guy really is"
20070207             ~WILLIAM—COLBY, FORMER—CIA director
20070207             I would encourage everyone to write THE—GUARDIAN 1—LETTER to the editor detailing your dissatisfaction with the paper and with Monbiot.
20070207             Here is 1—COPY—OF my letter to the editor:
20070207             Shame on Monbiot and THE—GUARDIAN for the hit piece on Loose Change published Feb.
20070207             6, 20070000             .
20070207             This dreadful piece of swill stinks of 1—SIDED viewpoints and loose journalistic standards.
20070207             THE—GUARDIAN—INTENTION in doing this is all too obvious.
20070207             Like it is not 1—POSSIBILITY that killing them will only attract more attention to the issue and provide more suspicious evidence for the movement.
20070207             I guess by —FOLLOWING this logic 1 can conclude that Watergate never happened —SINCE BOB—WOODWARD and CARL—BERNSTEIN were never killed.
20070207             I have purchased and enjoyed MANY—MONBIOT books, most especially Captive State:
20070207             —FOLLOWING this distasteful DISPLAY—OF—CHARACTER—ASSASSINATION,
20070207             it is safe to say I will no longer read Monbiot or THE—GUARDIAN —UNTIL they start to analyse the scientific claims of 20010911             —THE community,
20070207             such as THE—COLLAPSE—OF—BUILDING 7 or the molten metal at ground 0.
20070207             —PORTRAYED, Isn't it lovely how the 911Truth movement is usually, as VICTIMS—OF—MAGICALLY clever amature PROPAGANDA ?
20070207             —DOUBTED, As if we NEVER, the official story —UNTIL we saw Loose Change and BAM!
20070207             had 1—SAUL—LIKE epiphany on the road to Damascas?
20070207             And if these lads are THAT clever at manipulating people cold, who have no other doubts, why aren't they rich advertising gits?
20070207             I smell desperation in the air... - Impeachment.
20070207             Accountability. A better world.
20070207             You said that the films greatest flaw is that the filmmakers are still alive,
20070207             well I will tell you this much anybody with half 1—BRAIN would realize what happens —WHEN someone with 1—POWERFUL—MESSAGE is assassinated,
20070207             said person and message is immortalized, engraved into the history books forever.
20070207             So yes in essence if anything were to happen to those young filmmakers.
20070207             Sure you can blow out the flame of 1—CANDLE successfully,
20070207             however you are not dealing with 1—CANDLE, you are dealing with 1—FOREST—FIRE
20070207             —CALLED, The disease is, Loose Change.
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change is sharp and swift, with 1—THUMPING soundtrack, slick graphics and 1—CALM and authoritative voiceover.
20070207             —WATCHED, Its makers claim that it has —NOW been, by 100—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20070207             The film's greatest flaw is this: the men who made it are still alive.
20070207             If THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is running 1—ALL—KNOWING, ALL—ENCOMPASSING conspiracy, why did it not snuff them out long ago?
20070207             There is only 1—POSSIBLE—EXPLANATION.
20070207             —EMPLOYED, They are in fact AGENTS—OF—THE—BUSH—REGIME, to distract people from its real ABUSES—OF—POWER.
20070207             —INCLINED, This, if you are, to believe such stories, is surely 1—MORE—PLAUSIBLE—THEORY than the 1 proposed in Loose Change.
20070207             Follow the link above for the full article and to post comments in response.
20070207             onlineredaktion ? 58—STAATEN verpflichteten sich zum Abschluß ihrer internationalen KONFERENZ—IN—PARIS,
20070207             den EINSATZ—VON—MINDERJÄHRIGEN als Soldaten in Konflikten strafrechtlich zu verfolgen.
20070207             Weltweit, so wird schätzt, gibt es circa 250.000—BIS 300.000—KINDERSOLDATEN.
20070207             —IN—DEM—GESTERN verabschiedeten Schlußdokument des zweitägigen Treffens hieß es, Verantwortliche für den EINSATZ—VON—KINDERSOLDATEN dürften nicht mehr straffrei bleiben.
20070207             VIENNA busts huge child porn ring
20070207             AUSTRIA uncovers 1—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY—NETWORK involving more than 2,360 suspects in 77—COUNTRIES, authorities say.
20070207             Clashes as BOLIVIA miners protest
20070207             THOUSANDS—OF—BOLIVIA—MINERS march on LA—PAZ, throwing dynamite on their way, to protest against tax plans.
20070207             —GEARED, EU money, to smart future
20070207             EUROPE launches its 50.5BN—EURO (£33bn) programme for research and technological development.
20070207             Fake Holograms a 3-D Crime Wave
20070207             —EMBOSSED, Counterfeiters learn to make convincing copies of the shiny, stickers that certify everything from software to baseball cards.
20070207             Compiled by TONY—LONG. 1—NEW—TWIST—ON—SKYWRITING
20070207             "THE—ADVENT—OF—INTERNET—BASED flight tracking technology enables 1—ENTIRELY new kind of skywriting.
20070207             Gulfstream Aerospace sent up 1—OF—THEIR $50M business jets —TODAY on an 8.—5-HOUR test flight spanning 11—STATES for the sole PURPOSE—OF—LEAVING their mark on the Net in the form of 1—FLIGHT—TRACK that spells out 'GV' (the nickname of the Gulfstream V aircraft being flown) —WHEN viewed online".
20070207             —FORCED, Nearly 60—NATIONS—BUT not USA—SIGN—TREATY to ban, disappearances-
20070207             USA Doesn't Sign Ban on Disappearances
20070207             RUDY—GIULIANI discusses candidacy on H&C-
20070207             —APPEARED, AMERICA—MAYOR—RUDY—GIULIANI, on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss his candidacy for PRESIDENT.
20070207             The war in IRAQ, terrorism, gun rights and gay marriage were —JUST SOME—OF—THE—TOPICS—HANNITY and Giuliani talked about.
20070207             Part 1: Part 2: Bush and CHENEY—DIRTY—SECRETS-
20070207             1—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICIAL—BLOWS the whistle on bogus intelligence, covert kidnappings and the alleged TORTURE—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.... Source:
20070207             Mister Thorne: THE—BUSINESS—CASE—FOR—DIVERSITY
20070207             raises 1—INTERESTING question: do the preferences that prestigious law schools and large law firms give to certain minorities (i.e.
20070207             GERMANY—PAST Haunts Gamers' Future
20070207             'GERMANY, ever mindful of its troubled history, keeps as close 1—EYE on its past as it does its present and future.
20070207             And that may spell trouble for certain video games.
20070207             BELOW—0—TEMPS Close Schools... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             Bitter Cold Grips NORTH—STATES... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             Earthquake rattles CUBA, no injuries... (published 20070205             —ON)
20070207             Why there will be no effective global gas cartel (published 20070205             —ON)RUSSIA—TALK—OF—1—GAS—CARTEL may worry EUROPE
20070207             Death Toll in INDONESIA—FLOODING at 36—JAKARTA, INDONESIA (AP) -- Overnight downpours sent storm waters coursing back into SOME—LOW—LYING areas —TUESDAY,
20070207             as authorities WARNED—OF—THE—THREAT—OF—DISEASES and anger mounted at the government's response to the disaster that has killed at least 36—PEOPLE in the capital..
20070207             IRAQ—GUNMEN—SEIZE IRAN—DIPLOMAT—BAGHDAD—IRAQ (AP) -- Gunmen wearing IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS seized 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT as he drove through CENTRAL—BAGHDAD,
20070207             officials said —TUESDAY.
20070207             —CONDEMNED, TEHRAN, the abduction and blamed U.
20070207             Paper Releases Video of USA Friendly Fire
20070207             —LEAKED, LONDON (AP) -- 1, video in which 1—USA—PILOT is heard saying "we're in jail, dude," —AFTER USA.
20070207             The vote left in doubt the fate of 1—BIPARTISAN resolution opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROOP buildup in IRAQ.
20070207             IRAN—DIPLOMAT Kidnapped in BAGHDAD by Iraqis With Official ID
20070207             —RAISED, Serious questions were, about whether IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—FORCES were involved in the abduction.
20070207             PUBLIC, View, Saudis Counter IRAN in Region
20070207             With civil wars looming in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, SAUDI—ARABIA is taking 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in reshaping the region's conflicts.
20070207             Jury Hears Libby's "Disembodied Voice" On Tapes In Leak Trial Prosecutors in the perjury trial of I. LEWIS—LIBBY—JUNIOR.
20070207             REID—TO—GOP: "You Can Run But You Can't Hide"
20070207             —BLOCKED, Republicans —ON—MONDAY, Senate debate on 1—BIPARTISAN resolution opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROOP buildup in IRAQ,
20070207             leaving in doubt whether the Senate would render 1—JUDGMENT on what lawmakers of both parties described as the paramount ISSUE—OF—THE—DAY.
20070207             The decision SHORT—CIRCUITED what had been building as the 1. major Congressional challenge to PRESIDENT—BUSH over his HANDLING—OF—THE—WAR—SINCE Democrats took CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS—LAST—MONTH + left EACH—PARTY blaming the other for frustrating debate on 1—TOPIC that is likely to influence 20080000             —THE presidential and Congressional races.
20070207             JEFF—STRAHL, Mechanical Engineer Believes THE—WTC was brought down by demolition.
20070207             He brings up the interesting concept of the "resistance paradox":
20070207             Interesting that you note the towers disintegrating, but do not note,
20070207             or pretend to not note, the contradiction between the lower portions offering no resistance to the falling debris if you wish to explain the short collapse time,
20070207             vs the top portions disintegrating as if encountering massive resistance.
20070207             So, which is it, MISTER—PARTRIDGE?
20070207             Did the lower portions offer 0—RESISTANCE to explain the short collapse time (videos show the lower portions offering no more resistance than the nearby air),
20070207             or did they offer high resistance, to account for the upper portions disintegrating ABOVE THE—COLLAPSE—ZONE,
20070207             IN MID—AIR? The fact that the towers collapsed top to bottom,
20070207             where the only thing that APPEARS—WATADA Lawyer Rebukes Judge-
20070207             —WHEN WATADA—ATTORNEY, ERIC—SEITZ, excoriated the proceedings as an "atrocity" and accused the judge of judicial misconduct,
20070207             the court's response was almost sheepish.
20070207             THE—REAL—TRAITORS—THESE are not the genuine claims of selfless patriots.
20070207             it will never become the truth.
20070207             What truly comforts the enemy is the callous WILLINGNESS—OF—LEADERS who have never known battle to send our fellow citizens into hell on earth,
20070207             to serve as little more than human targets in their imperial shell game.
20070207             The blueprint for BUSH—ERA—GOVERNANCE was laid out in a 20010100             manifesto from the Heritage Foundation,
20070207             titled "Taking CHARGE—OF—FEDERAL—PERSONNEL". with the message, that the professional civil service should be regarded as THE—ENEMY—OF—THE—NEW—ADMINISTRATION'S—CONSERVATIVE—AGENDA.
20070207             —DEMANDED, Heritage, that politics take precedence over KNOW—HOW...
20070207             appointment decisions based on loyalty 1. and expertise 2.".
20070207             Caught On Video: USA—TROOPS—KILL Brits With Friendly Fire
20070207             USA seems to be hiding story, protecting murderers who violated 6—RULES to kill allies.
20070207             Fossilised Dinosaur Eggs FOUND—CHENEY—FUND—MANAGER—ATTACKS... Cheney
20070207             1—FUND—MANAGER who invests MUCH—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—MONEY—RECENTLY sent 1—LETTER to clients blasting administration energy policy.
20070207             Police Spy Drone Plane Draws Fire In FLORIDA
20070207             but not because it is spying from above without court order...
20070207             Fitzgerald Targets Cheney In Libby Tapes
20070207             jury will listen to —9—HOURS—WORTH—OF—TESTIMONY on TAPE—WANTED: 1—BRAVE—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR
20070207             —JUST 1—IDEA how 1—BRAVE—DEMOCRATIC—SENATOR could change THE—COURSE—OF—HISTORY and show the world that there is at least 1—BRAVE—DEMOCRAT
20070207             In response to 1—QUESTION from FIREDOGLAKE—SMITH,asking how bloggers and citizens might help in his fight,Feingold urged folks to call their Cong.
20070207             Members to demand tough action in hopes that it might give them the backbone to do the right thing.
20070207             Call your members and demand 1—TIMELINE to withdraw the troops and withhold funding —AFTER that.
20070207             I can't go home knowing that there are Wisconsans who are going to die unnecessarily"
20070207             Study: Exxon And Big Oil Manipulated ELECTION—TIME—GAS—PRICES - then lying about the cause.
20070207             The kicker? They've been gouging us all along, most notably last —SUMMER—WHEN prices hit $3—PER gallon.
20070207             Moreover, BUSH—INCREASE—OF—THE—STRATEGIC—RESERVE was 1—DIRECT payback, causing 1—PRICE spike greater then Katrina.
20070207             Are you boycotting ExxonMobil & Shell yet?
20070207             Morality Play - Is the concept of nation slipping?
20070207             1—MIGHT think so with 1—UN blueprint for the future status of KOSOVO.
20070207             THE—BALKAN enclave has been UN—RUN
20070207             FL-13: FLORIDA Lied About "Investigative Team" In STATE—REPORT—ON—VOTING—MACHINE—AUDIT
20070207             So the state is relying on 1—INVESTIGATION which does not have access to the actual voting machines they are supposed to be investigating and has lied about who is actually participating in the investigation.
20070207             EUROPE 'ripe' For Our Ideas, Says Far Right
20070207             The "Identity, Tradition + Sovereignty" caucus, is constituted inside THE—EU—PARLIAMENT.
20070207             —PUBLISHED, It includes the "Attack" party from BULGARIA, which, lists of BULGARIA—JEWS on its website;
20070207             the party of ALEXANDRA—MUSSOLINI,
20070207             GRAND—DAUGHTER—OF—ITALY—WWII fascist leader;
20070207             who faced trial in LYON this fall for Holocaust denia
20070207             IRAN—WEAKENED—HARD—LINERS Crave 1—USA—ATTACK
20070207             —FROM THE—RHETORIC—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH to his dispatch of Patriot AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEMS and a 2. carrier battle group to the Persian Gulf,
20070207             there are growing signs that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is showing its willingness to solve THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—CRISIS with 1—PREEMPTIVE military attack.
20070207             The already tense USA—IRAN relationship is —NOW 1—TINDERBOX.
20070207             —NAILED, THE—NEOCONS were —JUST, in ARIZONA; kicked OUT—OF—POWER.
20070207             I do not know this guy but the article appears on 1—AZ site, www.azconservative org.
20070207             Looks like SOME—REPUBLICANS are about to take action.
20070207             —BY—DAVE—LINDORFF—BORAT Goes To WASHINGTON: Don't Experiment With THE—USA—ECONOMY?
20070207             We have 1—BORAT government in WASHINGTON + we are the unwitting extras in this production.
20070207             Using 1—RIGHT—WING piece claiming liberals hate Christians as 1—EXAMPLE,
20070207             this post discusses how conservatives tie current events into 1—LARGER—STRATEGIC narrative to influence the public.
20070207             Progressive should learn from this.
20070207             They should learn to "always add the 'because.'"
20070207             —BY—CAROL—WOLMAN—SUPER—SUPER—BOWL—PATRIOTS Vs. Pirates -
20070207             The weapons of the Pirates are shock and awe, lies + massive firepower of all sorts.
20070207             The weapons of the Patriots are truth, justice + numbers.
20070207             The game is not over. Go Patriots! Impeachment —NOW!
20070207             —BY—GATTO—DEMOCRATS: Weak And Spineless -
20070207             I can't believe there are this MANY—SPINELESS—PEOPLE congregated in 1—SPOT in WASHINGTON DC.
20070207             Moore and Freeman examine the outrageous events surrounding 20000000             —THE and 20040000             presidential elections from different perspectives.
20070207             highlights the influence of Jeb BUSH and THE—FOX—NETWORK
20070207             Zbigniew Brzezinski has seen it all and is more than willing to share his truth ~ which is always extremely insightful and accurate.
20070207             Any "motion to consider" made —DURING the 1. —2—HOURS—OF—THE—LEGISLATIVE—DAY is NON—DEBATABLE and —THEREFORE cannot be filibustered.
20070207             Why the Dems Won't Save USA—WIDESPREAD—DEMANDS for POLLARD—RELEASE
20070207             With massive CALL—INS to PRESIDENT—BUSH, hunger strikes and street protests all over the world, supporters of JONATHAN—POLLARD refuse to accept the injustice of his continued incarceration.
20070207             Full Story BELOW—HEADLINES: 1. Widespread Demands for POLLARD—RELEASE
20070207             USA: 'Insurgents' Killed in Airstrike Were Innocent Civilians-
20070207             All Talk and No TALK—THE—SENATE dithers on THE—IRAQ troop surge.
20070207             In the Senate, debates can be like rabbits: They multiply.
20070207             So, —BEFORE senators could debate PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for 1—TROOP—INCREASE in IRAQ,
20070207             they had to have 1—DEBATE about the debate.
20070207             To go forward with that debate, the senators had to debate THE—ORDER—OF—DEBATING the debate.
20070207             —AFTER all the debate, the Senate debated nothing.
20070207             The nonbinding resolution on IRAQ,
20070207             which would not actually stop the deployment of 21,500 or more additional troops, will not be voted on for the moment.
20070207             —AFTER —1—DAY—OF—SPEECHES and wrangling, the Democrats and Republicans could not reach 1—AGREEMENT on how to proceed.
20070207             —BY—LARRY C JOHNSON—UNTIL—THE—START—OF—THE—LIBBY trial,
20070207             —BASED, But, on the timeline emerging from the Libby trial the real culprit is WALTER—PINCUS, THE—WIFE—OF—AMBASSDOR—JOE—WILSON and 1—UNDERCOVER—CIA—OFFICER.
20070207             THE—NICK—KRISTOF piece was the 1. major shot across THE—BOW—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION on its fabricated case for going to war, but did not generate the reaction that the Pincus piece garnered.
20070207             —DEVOTED, Kristoff--whose piece only, 2—PARAGRAPHS to Joe... Source:
20070207             THE—GUARDIAN—PUBLISHES—OPINION—PIECE—ATTACKING 20010911             Skeptics Via Loose Change 'Disease'-
20070207             A 20010911             conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in fact -
20070207             There is 1—VIRUS sweeping the world.
20070207             It infects OPPONENTS—OF—THE—BUSH—GOVERNMENT, sucks their brains out through their eyes and turns them into gibbering idiots.
20070207             1. cultivated in 1—LABORATORY in THE—USA, the strain reached these shores 1—FEW months ago.
20070207             In the past fortnight, it has become 1—EPIDEMIC.
20070207             —POSSESSED, Scarcely —1—DAY—NOW passes without someone, by this sickness,
20070207             eyes rolling, lips flecked with foam, trying to infect me.
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change
20070207             Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could KICK—START IRAN War-
20070207             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—TOP—GLOBALIST warns CONGRESS—OF—PROVOCATION or terrorist attack inside USA.
20070207             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MEDIA—HOAX fools parents into thinking Merck shots are mandatory,
20070207             big pharma laughs as obscene profits roll
20070207             or else have their marriage annulled". AUTHORS—OF—THE—MEASURE acknowledged the initiative was "absurd" but hoped the idea prompts "discussion about the many misguided assumptions
20070207             Senate Democrats "may use the pending bill on the recommendations of 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION as 1—VEHICLE" to restart the debate over funding for troops that was derailed by conservatives —THIS—WEEK.
20070207             "SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION— a 'good opportunity' to bring up his proposal
20070207             for 1—BINDING funding cutoff for future deployments to IRAQ".
20070207             " for IRAQ. Previously, PRO—ESCALATION Sens. MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY)
20070207             —VOTED, —LAST—MONTH, the House, to require the government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries,
20070207             overturning a 20030000             law that left DRUG—PRICE—NEGOTIATIONS "to the private insurers
20070207             that offer GOVERNMENT—SUBSIDIZED drug plans for seniors in EACH—STATE".
20070207             Government interference impedes competition, limits access to LIFE—SAVING drugs,
20070207             reduces convenience for beneficiaries + ultimately increases costs to taxpayers, beneficiaries + all USA—CITIZENS alike.
20070207             —ADVANCED, The argument that THE—WHITE—HOUSE, for refusing to allow the negotiation of Medicare drug prices has been undercut by THE—WHITE—HOUSE itself.
20070207             —ON page 59—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services' "Budget in Brief," under section "FY 20080000             Proposed Legislation" and subsection "Medicaid Pharmacy Reforms," PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUDGET—REQUESTS the —FOLLOWING:
20070207             "Allow Optional Managed Formulary: Allows States to use private sector management techniques to leverage greater discounts through negotiations with drug manufacturers".
20070207             Commenting on the administration's inconsistent approach, REPRESENTATIVE—PETE—STARK (D—CA),
20070207             CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—WAYS and Means Subcommittee, said, "WHAT—GOOD enough for states should be good enough for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT — and for THE—MILLIONS—OF—SENIORS and people with disabilities currently being overcharged for necessary drugs.
20070207             I applaud THE—PRESIDENT—CHANGE—OF—HEART and look forward to joining him in the Rose Garden for the signing of the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act".
20070207             —ARMORED, Pace said the military has about 41,000, vehicles in IRAQ — fewer than will be needed 'to cover ALL—OF—THE—TROOPS that are deploying.'
20070207             Popular Teen TV Show To Claim —MORNING—AFTER Pill Can Cause 1—MISCARRIAGE
20070207             Tonight, THE—CW network will air 1—EPISODE—OF—VERONICA—MARS that is based on misleading RIGHT—WING claims about contraception.
20070207             —NAMED, The show is about 1—YOUNG—WOMAN, VERONICA—MARS, who is both 1—COLLEGE—STUDENT and 1—PART—TIME—PRIVATE—INVESTIGATOR.
20070207             —HIRED, —THIS—WEEK, Veronica is, by Bonnie, "1—PROMISCUOUS classmate,
20070207             to find out who secretly slipped her THE—MORNING—AFTER pill, causing her to have 1—MISCARRIAGE
20070207             The basis for tonight's VERONICA—MARS episode is more than —JUST 1—INNOCENT—FACTUAL—ERROR.
20070207             It dangerously confuses the facts on women's health and furthers incorrect RIGHT—WING claims.
20070207             THE—MORNING—AFTER pill — also known as Plan B — is not 1—ABORTION—DRUG.
20070207             " It cannot cause 1—MISCARRIAGE.
20070207             Plan B works only —WHEN taken —BEFORE 1—WOMAN becomes pregnant.
20070207             —WHILE Plan B is —NOW available over the counter to women ages 18 and older, it comes —AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—POLITICAL stonewalling by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070207             [of Plan B] for all ages".
20070207             —INTERFERED, But THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, and blocked Plan B sales
20070207             in 1—PANDER to the right wing, which argues that the drug increases promiscuity.
20070207             (See the real facts here.)
20070207             VERONICA—MARS is extremely popular among young women,
20070207             the very women who need accurate health information., CW—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLICITY + tell him that CW needs to correct its information on emergency contraception.
20070207             UPDATE: In tonight's episode, Bonnie makes clear that 1—FRIEND slipped her RU-486, the abortion pill.
20070207             Members of the "EPA—SCIENCE—ADVISORY—PANEL on air pollution voiced strong concerns —TODAY about THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RECENT directive to expand the power of political appointees over the panel's work.
20070207             The new policy essentially strips the panel of its fundamental advisory role with EPA staff scientists as they compile and disseminate the latest findings on pollutants — like ozone,
20070207             particulate matter or lead — and human health".
20070207             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY refuses to cooperate on oversight activities,
20070207             according to testimony offered —TODAY by GAO Comptroller GENERAL—DAVID—WALKER and Homeland Security Inspector GENERAL—RICHARD—SKINNER.
20070207             and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY'S—SON—IN—LAW
20070207             — as the major stumbling block in their investigations.
20070207             Walker said THE—DHS strategy in dealing with investigations is to "delay, delay, delay".
20070207             "[Homeland Security] has been 1—OF—OUR persistent access challenges," GAO Comptroller GENERAL—DAVID—WALKER told the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee.
20070207             Walker said the problem is "systemic" and not THE—FAULT—OF—ANY—SINGLE—INDIVIDUAL.
20070207             But he complained that GAO has had to go through THE—OFFICE—OF—CHIEF—COUNSEL—PHILIP—PERRY.
20070207             Walker said it is his understanding that PERRY—OFFICE has to review documents GAO seeks —BEFORE they are released and that Perry selectively sits in on interviews with department employees.
20070207             —HINDERED, THE—GAO—SKINNER "said his investigations have also been ":
20070207             "We're experiencing the same problem," said Skinner, who added his office is "oftentimes" told who they can interview and that it sometimes takes weeks to get documents.
20070207             The news is another in 1—SERIES—OF—BLACK—EYES for the agency.
20070207             In 1—RECENT—FEDERAL—SURVEY,
20070207             —SCORED, DHS employees " last or almost last in job satisfaction,
20070207             leadership and workplace performance". The latest semiannual report from Inspector GENERAL—SKINNER highlighted "1—LITANY—OF—STAFF—MISCONDUCT:
20070207             immigration officials demanding sex in exchange for visas, airport screeners stealing money from tourists' luggage,
20070207             FEDERAL—AIR—MARSHALS smuggling drugs + employees from various DHS agencies committing sex crimes".
20070207             —YESTERDAY, 1—COALITION—OF—BRITISH—NGOS, THINK—TANKS + trade unions published 1—NEW—REPORT that assesses 1—ATTACK on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would be "highly dangerous.
20070207             —ENTITLED, The document, "Time To Talk: THE—CASE—FOR—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTIONS—ON—IRAN,
20070207             " warns that PRESIDENT—BUSH "feels DUTY—BOUND to stop IRAN—NUCLEAR program.
20070207             With little faith in diplomacy, THE—USE—OF—USA—MILITARY—FORCE remains 1—POSSIBILITY,
20070207             —SINCE BUSH believes it unlikely that a...successor will have the 'political courage' to undertake 1—MILITARY—STRIKE". There will likely be "great pressure on THE—PRESIDENT either to contemplate military action —BEFORE he leaves office or to give the green light to ISRAEL—STRIKES," the report states.
20070207             The consequences of 1—USA or ISRAEL—STRIKE are "potentially so serious that complacency about the possible outcomes of 1—MILITARY—STRIKE could be perilous".
20070207             —TARGETED, The report attacks "the assumption that, military strikes against IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS would effectively set back IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM in THE—MID—TO—LONG—TERM".
20070207             The underlying message is that, —WHILE the threat from IRAN is serious and negotiations are difficult,
20070207             "it cannot be said that the potential for diplomacy has been explored fully —WHEN direct talks
20070207             between IRAN and THE—USA—HAVE not taken place".
20070207             "With THE—SENATE—DEBATE on 1—IRAQ resolution stalled by partisan division,
20070207             —PLEDGED, House Democratic leaders, —TODAY to begin debate —NEXT—WEEK in their chamber on 1—SIMILAR nonbinding resolution opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more USA—TROOPS into the war,
20070207             " THE—AP reports. "Democratic leaders are considering the highly unusual step of holding 1—JOINT meeting of the foreign affairs and armed services committees —LATER—THIS—WEEK to debate 1—RESOLUTION".
20070207             But instead of exlusively focusing on why the remarks were condescending to AFRICA AMERICANS,
20070207             he said blacks should "feel sorry for us white folks here, because I'm telling you —NOW I'm afraid to say anything.
20070207             —TERRIFIED, White Americans are ".
20070207             —HOSTED, My 2—SENSE—POINTS out that 's GLENN—BECK, 1—SIMILAR—DISCUSSION last night,
20070207             —DURING which he said, "I don't have 1—LOT—OF—AFRICA—USA—FRIENDS + I think PART—OF—IT is because I'm afraid that I would be in 1—OPEN—CONVERSATION + I would say something that somebody would take wrong + then it would be 1—NIGHTMARE".
20070207             Such 1—SUBTEXT is inherently offensive because it suggests that the recipient of the 'compliment' is notably different from other black people".
20070207             For the 1. time —SINCE the war began, House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) is holding aggressive oversight hearings
20070207             into the billions in waste, fraud + ABUSE—OF—USA—FUNDS in IRAQ.
20070207             "1—LINE—ITEM buried in THE—PRESIDENT—BUDGET reveals THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is gearing up for emboldened legal challenges from Gitmo detainees.
20070207             1—BRIEF paragraph in PRESIDENT—BUSH 's 20080000             budget request shows he plans to hire nearly 2—DOZEN—NEW—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYERS to fight suits brought by GUANTANAMO detainees challenging their imprisonment".
20070207             —BLOCKED, Last night, Senate conservatives successfully, debate
20070207             —ON 1—BIPARTISAN—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION. They include Sen.
20070207             in question — and SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) — who has aggressively demanded that EVERY—USA—SENATOR take 1—POSITION on IRAQ.
20070207             —VOTED, HERE—1—FULL—LIST—OF—THE—SENATORS who, to protect PRESIDENT—BUSH and block debate on IRAQ,
20070207             along with their public DISAPPROVALS—OF—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN:
20070207             — SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA): "SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) will introduce 1—RESOLUTION—TODAY 'making clear that he does not support THE—PRESIDENT on increasing the troop levels in IRAQ' and calling escalation 'a mistake,'.
20070207             — SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE): "It's Alice in Wonderland.
20070207             I'm absolutely opposed to sending ANY—MORE—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070207             It is folly". (Cosponsored Warner resolution.)
20070207             — SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR): "This is THE—PRESIDENT—HAIL—MARY pass.
20070207             (Cosponsored Warner resolution.)
20070207             — SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU (R—NH): "SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU told —TUESDAY he will not support PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 1—ADDITIONAL 21,000—USA—TROOPS to IRAQ,
20070207             although he hasn't yet decided whether to back 1—DEMOCRATIC—RESOLUTION opposing the move".
20070207             — SENATOR—OLYMPIA—SNOWE (R—ME): "We should not place more USA—SERVICEMEN and women in harm's way
20070207             to instill 1—PEACE that the Iraqis are not willing to seek for themselves".
20070207             — SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS): "I do not believe that sending more troops to IRAQ is the answer.
20070207             — SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER (R—PA): "We're all looking for 1—PLAN that will work.
20070207             It's not going to work. Notably, Sens.
20070207             Norm Coleman (R—MN) and SUSAN—COLLINS (R—ME),
20070207             who say they oppose escalation, resisted partisan pressure and voted against the conservative filibuster.
20070207             As for SENATOR—HAGEL, who said —RECENTLY, "We need to put the Congress on record here
20070207             " — he is —NOW "on record," in SUPPORT—OF—BUSH—ESCALATION.
20070207             —NOTICED, UPDATE: Commenters have, that Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) is listed as having opposed debate on IRAQ.
20070207             —CHANGED, In fact, Reid, his vote to "no" —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—VOTE simply as 1—PROCEDURAL move so he could —LATER move to reconsider the motion (i.e.
20070207             revote) — 1—RIGHT reserved only for those voting with the majority.
20070207             Es sei noch zu früh, um zu behaupten CHINA erlebe —DERZEIT den wärmsten —WINTER—SEIT je,
20070207             doch die ?4. größte Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt?
20070207             erleide definitiv die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels,
20070207             der globalen Erwärmung, soll —JETZT laut der CHINESISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Xinhua ein älterer, amtlicher Meteorologe in Peking gesagt haben.
20070207             Traditionell genießen ältere Männer in CHINA ein hohes Ansehen.
20070207             —VERSPOTTET, Wenn sie nicht als Trottel, werden, gelten sie als weise.
20070207             Rede von Staatspräsident JACQUES—CHIRAC zur Eröffnung der Konferenz für eine globale Umweltordnung ?BÜRGER—DER—ERDE?
20070207             JACQUES—CHIRAC—DER Planet ist krank: Die VIELZAHL—VON—EXTREMEN—REAKTIONEN,
20070207             Orkane, Überschwemmungen, Dürren, sind die besten Symptome dafür, wenn ich so sagen darf.
20070207             Die Natur ist krank: Die Artenvielfalt nimmt in einem alarmierenden Tempo ab.
20070207             Wir haben den Beweis dafür. - Deadly bird flu found in PAKISTAN
20070207             The deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU is found close to THE—PAKISTAN—CAPITAL—OFFICIALS say it is 1 isolated case.
20070207             —LINKED, Anaesthetic, to Alzheimer's
20070207             1—COMMON—ANAESTHETIC could cause changes in the brain linked to ALZHEIMER—DISEASE, 1—STUDY has suggested.
20070207             EGYPT teenager DIES—OF—BIRD flu
20070207             A —17—YEAR—OLD—GIRL is the latest victim of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza to DIE—OF—THE—VIRUS in EGYPT, THE—WHO says.
20070207             Loneliness link with Alzheimer's
20070207             People who are lonely are twice as likely to develop ALZHEIMER—DISEASE, 1—LARGE—USA—STUDY has suggested.
20070207             —ISSUED, Dengue alert, in S AMERICA
20070207             1—HEALTH—ALERT is declared in BRAZIL, PARAGUAY and BOLIVIA —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF dengue fever.
20070207             —TRIALLED, ANTI—MISTER—SA silver pyjamas
20070207             Pyjamas and bed linen made with silver cloth are to be used in hospitals to help fight THE—MISTER—SA superbug.
20070207             Car firms facing pollution curbs
20070207             —PRODUCED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION is to seek 1—CUT—OF—18% in CO2, by the average new car within —5—YEARS.
20070207             BRAZIL scolds rich on environment
20070207             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LULA says rich nations are not doing enough to fight global warming.
20070207             UK police free 2 in terror probe
20070207             2—OF—THE—9—MEN arrested —DURING ANTI—TERROR—RAIDS in BIRMINGHAM are released without charge.
20070207             USA to get AFRICA—COMMAND—CENTRE
20070207             PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH approves Pentagon plans for 1—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND—CENTRE for AFRICA.
20070207             —SUSPENDED, Top Rio policeman
20070207             1—TOP—BRAZIL—POLICE—OFFICIAL is suspended over alleged links to militias formed from renegade security forces.
20070207             —SEIZED, IRAN envoy ' in BAGHDAD'
20070207             —KIDNAPPED, IRAN says 1—OF—ITS—DIPLOMATS has been, by gunmen in IRAQ, accusing THE—USA—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
20070207             Work starts by JERUSALEM shrine
20070207             Work begins on 1—ANCIENT mound near JERUSALEM—HOLIEST—SITE, 1—MOVE expected to raise tensions.
20070207             Booming INDIA expects 9.2% growth
20070207             INDIA—ECONOMY is set to grow by 9.2% in the current financial —YEAR, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT says.
20070207             Letter bomb injures DVLA worker
20070207             1—WOMAN is injured —WHEN 1—LETTER—BOMB explodes at THE—DVLA centre in WALES, the 3. attack of its kind in —3—DAYS.
20070207             Science backs nuclear burial plan
20070207             There are no major scientific or technological barriers to burying UK nuclear waste underground, scientists say.
20070207             Warning over ePassport microchips
20070207             Microchips in BRITAIN—NEW—ELECTRONIC—PASSPORTS—ONLY have a —2—YEAR warranty, the National Audit Office says.
20070207             Net Traffic Computers Attacked
20070207             3—OF—THE—13—COMPUTERS used to manage global INTERNET traffic are hit overnight.
20070207             It's 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—ATTACKS—BUSH—BUDGET—FUNDS—NASA, Cuts EPA - Maybe we can move to Mars.
20070207             LUKE—O'BRIEN reports from WASHINGTON.
20070207             Bacteria Swarm on Average Arms
20070207             Scientists analyze germs on people's skin and discover that we're literally crawling with the little buggers.
20070207             Tesla Motors hits up state governments for money
20070207             Blog: Electric car specialist Tesla Motors is on 1—CROSS—COUNTRY—ROAD—TRIP + its asking MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from state legislatures....
20070207             Jailed blogger hits record as supporters rally
20070207             Journalists, politicians and others demonstrate on steps of S.F. City Hall as JOSH—WOLF becomes LONGEST—JAILED journalist for contempt.
20070207             GOP revives ISP—TRACKING legislation
20070207             New "law and order agenda" proposes data retention requirements.
20070207             Also, owners of racy Web sites would have to post labels or go to prison.
20070207             Data breach bills resurface in Congress
20070207             2—BILLS take different approaches toward the tricky concept of how to regulate what happens if 1—COMPANY has 1—DATA—LEAK.
20070207             Scientists come up with test for string theory
20070207             Blog: Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN say they have come up with 1—WAY to test string theory, 1—THEORY that postulates that...
20070207             GOOGLE—SCHMIDT pitches 'SELF—GOVERNING' Net
20070207             CEO says nightmare scenario would be 1—ONLINE environment subject to tight regulations, policing of digital identities.
20070207             "1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS at Purdue University have created 1—PORTABLE—REFINERY that efficiently converts food,
20070207             paper + plastic trash into electricity.
20070207             —DESIGNED, The machine, for THE—USA—MILITARY, would allow soldiers in the field to convert waste into power.
20070207             It could also have widespread CIVIL—APPLICATIONS in the future.
20070207             —TESTED, Researchers, the 1. tactical biorefinery prototype in ;;11;;
20070207             and found that it produced approximately 90 % more energy than it consumed".
20070207             "Myria at pagetable com, among others, noticed that Skype reads the machine's BIOS code on startup.
20070207             —UNNOTICED, This probably would've gone, if the operation didn't fail on 64-bit windows.
20070207             —FROM the post: 'It's dumping your system BIOS, which usually includes your motherboard's serial number + pipes it to the Skype application.
20070207             I have no idea what they're using it for, or whether they send anything to their servers, but I bet whatever they're doing is no good given their track record... If they hadn't been IGNORANT—OF—WIN64'S lack of NTVDM,
20070207             nobody would've noticed this happening.'"
20070207             Jobs Favors DRM—FREE Music Distribution-
20070207             —KDAWSON—584 -Another anonymous reader tips 1—ESSAY by STEVE—JOBS on the Apple site about DRM,
20070207             iTunes, and the iPod.
20070207             —PROMPTED, Perhaps it was, by the uncomfortable pressure THE—EU has been putting on Apple to open up the iPod.
20070207             Jobs places the blame for the existence and continuing reliance on DRM squarely on the music companies.
20070207             Quoting: "MUCH—OF—THE—CONCERN over DRM systems has arisen in European countries.
20070207             Perhaps those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM—FREE.
20070207             For Europeans, 2 and 1—HALF—OF—THE—BIG 4—MUSIC—COMPANIES are located right in their backyard.
20070207             The largest, Universal, is 100% owned by Vivendi, 1—FRANCE—COMPANY.
20070207             —OWNED, EMI is 1—UK—COMPANY + Sony BMG is 50%, by Bertelsmann, 1—GERMANY—COMPANY.
20070207             Convincing them to license their music to Apple and others DRM—FREE will create 1—TRULY interoperable music marketplace.
20070207             Apple will embrace this wholeheartedly".
20070207             "Photographers from 1—CANADA—COMPANY are going house to house, shooting PICTURES—OF—EVERY—HOUSE in AMERICA,
20070207             in HOPES—OF—BUILDING 1—GIANT database that can be sold to banks, insurance companies, and appraisal firms.
20070207             —WHILE this activity is legal (as long as the photographers don't trespass on private property to get their shots),
20070207             there are obviously concerns about security and privacy.
20070207             Considering that 1—INDIVIDUAL can be detained and questioned by THE—FBI for photographing 1—BRIDGE in this country,
20070207             why should this CANADA—COMPANY get 1—FREE pass?
20070207             Tinfoil hat aside, something seems very, very fishy here".
20070207             —FROM THE—ARIZONA—STAR—ARTICLE about the photographing of TUCSON:
20070207             "'The [handout given to people who complain] made it sound like they're doing it for law enforcement,
20070207             —WHEN in reality they're doing it for sales and marketing,' said [1—CITY—COUNCIL—AIDE], who received several calls about the company".
20070207             —DIRECTED, Movie review: Idiocracy starring LUKE—WILSON, by MIKE—JUDGE
20070207             EVERY—ONCE in 1—WHILE, 1—REALLY smart movie comes along that shows you —JUST how stupid modern society is by shoving it in your face.
20070207             "Idiocracy" is precisely such 1—FILM.
20070207             Filled with purposeful profanity (it actually drives the storyline) and brilliant parody,
20070207             Idiocracy manages to cough up nearly 90... - Cognizant Technology "buy"
20070207             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten der BANC—OF—AMERICA BEWERTEN die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272) nach wie vor mit dem Rating "buy" ein.
20070207             Das Kursziel werde von 97—USD auf 106—USD angehoben.
20070207             Cognizant Technology "overweight"
20070207             RATING—UPDATE: NEW—YORK ( AG) - Die Analysten von Prudential Financial bestätigen ihr "overweight"-Rating für die Aktie von Cognizant Technology (ISIN US1924461023/WKN 915272).
20070207             Das Kursziel erhöhe man von 80—AUF 116—USD.
20070207             —PUBLISHED, LONDON (Reuters) - 1—UK—NEWSPAPER, transcripts —ON—TUESDAY—OF—1—COCKPIT video recording from A—USA—JET at the center of 1—INQUEST into "friendly fire" in IRAQ in which 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed.... Source:
20070207             " THE—HEATHLANDER—SENT Using Google Toolbar-
20070207             Outrageous!: 1—BBC—JOURNALIST—ALMOST—CRITICISES—ISRAEL.
20070207             Burn THE—WITCH! " THE—HEATHLANDER
20070207             JEREMY—BOWEN, the BBCs MIDDLE—EAST—EDITOR (1—POSITION he's held —SINCE it was created
20070207             entitled, ' Mini briefing on the Israeli [sic] and Palestinians ':
20070207             At 1—TIME—WHEN MANY—STATES are backing away from capital punishment,
20070207             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is aggressively pursuing -- and winning -- more death sentences, including in jurisdictions that traditionally oppose them.
20070207             WAR—ON—IRAQ: It's Way Too Late For Nonbinding Resolutions On IRAQ
20070207             this is no time for 1—NONBINDING resolution -- 1—RESOLUTION filled with loopholes,
20070207             I should add -- that expresses THE—DISPLEASURE—OF—CONGRESS to 1—PRESIDENT who's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't give 1—DAMN what Capitol Hill thinks.
20070207             Embracing FAILURE—THE—TASK for Congress regarding IRAQ?
20070207             Get THE—PRESIDENT to accept failure as 1—OPTION.
20070207             THE—BLAME—GAME—BUSH—CAMPAIGN to pin THE—IRAQ quagmire on IRAN—MEDDLING won't WASHINGTON.
20070207             Rendering Unto God
20070207             —DEVELOPED, The obscure National CHRISTIAN—FOUNDATION has, 1—WHOLE—NEW—WAY to collect from Christians and dispense to the cause.
20070207             Bernie Sanders: 1—BUDGET—FOR—THE—MIDDLE—CLASS
20070207             Bernie Sanders (I—VT) demands 1—FINANCIAL—PLAN for AMERICA—THAT rolls back tax cuts for the wealthy and stands up for the middle class and working poor.
20070207             in —THIS—MONTH—FELA decision, Roberts reached 1—PRO—CORPORATE—DEFENDANT—RESULT, but eschewed adopting broader PRO—CORPORATE—DEFENDANT reasoning.
20070207             THE—USA—MILITARY—DRIVE to train and equip IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES has unwittingly strengthened ANTI—USA—SHIITE Muslim cleric Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY—MILITIA,
20070207             which has been battling to take over MUCH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—CITY as USA—FORCES are trying to secure it.
20070207             Conyers House Panel Probing BUSH—RECORD—ON—SIGNING—STATEMENTS—MAUREEN Dowd: No Way Out
20070207             Even —AFTER releasing parts of 1—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT so pessimistic that it may as well have been titled "IRAQ:
20070207             We're Cooked," BUSH officials clung to their alternate reality,
20070207             using nonsensical logic and CHERRY—PICKING whatever phrases they could find in the report that they could use to sell the Surge.
20070207             NYPD Frisked Blacks At 5—TIMES—RATE—OF—WHITES
20070207             —CONFIRMED, JAPAN—AUTHORITIES—ON—SATURDAY, the country's 4. outbreak of the virulent H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS at 1—POULTRY—FARM in the country's south.
20070207             SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD: How To End THE—WAR
20070207             SENATOR—CLINTON, Pandering To AIPAC, Says She Won't Rule Out USE—OF—FORCE To Stop 'PRO—TERRORIST' IRAN
20070207             THE—RAW—STORY | NYT: Pentagon Altered Casualty Figures On Website
20070207             —ALTERED, Pentagon has, how nonfatal casualties are tallied on its website, thus resulting in lower casualty totals.
20070207             GOP Fears War Could Help Dems —FOR—YEARS
20070207             With no end in sight to the nearly —4—YEAR—OLD—WAR, there is widening concern among Republicans that losing what was described widely
20070207             Your Sins WILL—FIND—YOU—OUT
20070207             That was 1—GENTLE—MORAL warning my grandmother was fond of quoting,
20070207             meaning no matter how clever, secret, or private you consider your misdeeds, at SOME—POINT they will come to light.
20070207             She was right. Read on.
20070207             Affiliated Computer Services, INCORPORATED (ACS) is 1—WORLDWIDE—DATA—MANAGEMENT—COMPANY whose contracts include county clerk offices across AMERICA.
20070207             BANGLADESH Generals Plan ANTI—CORRUPTION Drive
20070207             —AFTER 16—NIGHTMARISH—YEARS, western governments' attempt to bring "freedom" and "democracy" to BANGLADESH ends in 1—RETURN to military RULE—AMID great public rejoicing.
20070207             Bush Says Budget WILL—LIMIT—NON—DEFENSE Spending
20070207             bush fiscal plan: -cut domestic SPENDING—MAKE tax cuts PERMANENT—FOCUS spending on IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN Great plan for AMERICA!
20070207             Harry, It's Time To Do What Your Nation Wants You To Do
20070207             Harry, get off your ass and act like 1—LEADER.
20070207             Remember why you are the Senate Majority Leader and do what you were mandated to do.
20070207             Save Our Land Records - Please join us in sending 1—MESSAGE.
20070207             I'm Not Drunk + You're No Cop
20070207             The traffic cones diverting traffic into 1—LANE—OF—HIGHWAY1431 in Round ROCK—TEXAS looked real enough.
20070207             So did the flashing red and blue lights on the black and white cruiser.
20070207             —PARKED, The unmarked car, nearby looked official.
20070207             McCain Hypocrisy; His Advisers Once Made Ads That DREW—HIS—IRE
20070207             —CRITICIZED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—TEAM includes political bruisers whose work he has, as stepping over the line in the past.
20070207             Doubts Run Deep On Reforms Crucial To BUSH—IRAQ—STRATEGY
20070207             THE—SUCCESS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMIN'S—NEW—IRAQ strategy depends on 1—SERIES—OF—RAPID and dramatic political and economic reforms that even the plan's authors have little confidence will work.
20070207             Black Hawk Down: THE—TRUE—COST—OF—IRAQ—WAR—NEWSWEEK THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ
20070207             FORMER—MILITARY—CHIEFS: Military Action Would Have "Disastrous Consequences"-- Urge Talks With IRAN -
20070207             3—FORMER—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS warn that ANY—MILITARY action against IRAN would have "disastrous consequences" and urged WASHINGTON to hold immediate and unconditional talks with TEHRAN.
20070207             Urges the left to take 1—MORE—ACTIVE—PART in the fight against human chauvinism manifested in MIND—BOGGLING abuses against all NON—HUMAN—SPECIES
20070207             —BY—SHERWOOD ROSS—WILD—USA—SPENDING—AGAINST—BIOTERROR—ATTACK May Not Actually Be "Defensive" As Claimed
20070207             The stunning $43-billion PRESIDENT—BUSH is pouring into biotech labs is creating offensive germ warfare capability for the Pentagon.
20070207             JIMMY—CARTER is THE—PRESIDENT most responsible for the rise of Islamic Fanaticism.
20070207             —NEGOTIATED, He also, 1—PEACE—ACCORD—THAT—NOW on reflection has only exacerbated THE—PROBLEMS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—LEAVING the Palestinians out.
20070207             He —THEREFORE has no credibility to comment on ANY—ISSUE—OF our —DAY!
20070207             MUCH—OF—TODAY—POLITICAL—DIALOGUE is not only ideological but dogmatic with 1—MASS—MINDEDNESS that is REFLECTIVE—OF—THE—HYSTERIA which impelled THE—USA—TO—WAR—AFTER the trauma of 20010911             .
20070207             In 1—SITUATION where 1—RATIONAL—HISTORICAL—PERSPECTIVE is called for AMERICA BEHAVES like 1—SLUMBERING giant tied down by Lilliputs.
20070207             It may well take another shock to THE—USA—PSYCHE to bring the discussion back down to earth.
20070207             We have to grow up, learn SELF—CONTROL and cooperation, work for peace and survival.
20070207             —NOW the task is to get rid of the warmongers in power, who will lead us to nuclear war.
20070207             THE—YEAR is 20100000             , the mideast is in turmoil and TONY—BLAIR is slowly cracking emotionally from guilt over being sucked into the Cheney/BUSH neocon agenda of institutionalized revenge and regime change ~ which has left HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS dead.
20070207             Hillary Clinton is PRESIDENT.
20070207             —SUFFERED, GEORGE—W—BUSH has left office in disgrace and has, 1—MASSIVE—STROKE.
20070207             —BY—JANE—STILLWATER—UGLY—BETTY: What Would Happen If GWB Ran Mode Magazine?
20070207             What if GWB ran Mode magazine the way he is running THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ?
20070207             "Ugly Betty" fans would understand this question in 1—INSTANT!
20070207             Like the evil Alexa, BUSH would lie, slander and manipulate —UNTIL Mode was in bankruptcy and destroyed.
20070207             UNLESS—OF—COURSE—UGLY—BETTY -- or THE—USA—PEOPLE -- came to the rescue!
20070207             —BY—MISSY Comley Beattie Stop Bush —NOW! No rebukes or resolutions.
20070207             —BY—W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill) - Why Is It OK To Challenge THE—AMERICA—RIGHT—WING, But Never THE—ISRAELI—RIGHT—WING?
20070207             In the - "My priority right —NOW is to clear my name," said Maher Arar —DURING his 1. public appearance
20070207             —AFTER nearly —4—YEARS, it looks as if THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will be declaring victory in IRAQ 1—LITTLE—WHILE longer.
20070207             Contact FDA
20070207             —NEEDED, Action is urgently, to stop unlabeled marketing of cloned livestock milk and meat.
20070207             It is time for progressives to focus their energies collectively on stopping 1—ATTACK on IRAN —BEFORE it starts,
20070207             as well as rejecting the demonization of 70—MILLION—OF our brothers and sisters on our planet.
20070207             —BY—ROSA Schmidt Azadi - 6—LIES You Shouldn't BELIEVE—ABOUT—IRAN, Especially —SINCE, Hey, THERE—PEOPLE—DOWN—HERE.
20070207             1—USA—LIVING in IRAN describes 6—LIES that are being used to convince THE—USA—PUBLIC that it is necessary to attack IRAN.
20070207             I am 1—NEVADAN battling the use of Sequoia Voting Systems here in NEVADA.
20070207             Based on my knowledge and experience with HARRY—REID and the Nevadan DEMOCRATIC—PARTY I am sorry to say that I find it improbable to believe that HARRY—REID will be interested in challenging the performance and or accuracy of electronic voting machines and here's why... 20070207             By PETER—MICHAELSON—NEXT—TIME We March--Dance!
20070207             BARBARA—EHRENREICH—SOBERING new book tells the story of how, over the centuries,
20070207             the authorities clamped down on public rituals of collective joy and stole from the people the ancient source of human solidarity.
20070207             If THE—USA were THE—SORT—OF—DEMOCRACY it affects to be, the war would be OVER—EXCEPT for reparations,
20070207             INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping and impeachment.
20070207             —RECOGNIZED, Instead, the end is —JUST beginning, dimly, and commented upon: Hmm, the ;;11;;
20070207             elections may have indicated voter anger.
20070207             1—NEW manifest destiny is —JUST—AROUND the corner;
20070207             the greatest uncertainty is who will define it.
20070207             WASHINGTON, Contractors Take On Biggest Role Ever
20070207             Under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, PRIVATIZATION—OF—GOVERNMENT—SERVICES has proceeded rapidly.
20070207             —OUTSOURCED, The volume of, government work has doubled in —5—YEARS.
20070207             Far more people work as contractors to the government than work for the government + the cost of outsourced work far exceeds the cost of performing the same tasks with government employees.
20070207             "The taxpayer is being taken to the cleaners," said HENRY—WAXMAN.
20070207             Clear Evidence UK—SPECIAL—FORCES are recruiting, TRAINING—THE—REVEREND—TED—HAGGARD
20070207             —EMERGED, Nico - " from —3—WEEKS—OF—INTENSIVE counseling convinced he is ' completely heterosexual
20070207             ' and told 1—OVERSIGHT BOARD that his sexual contact with men was limited to his accuser".
20070207             Retired generals call IRAN war 'disastrous.'-
20070207             Nico - "3—FORMER—HIGH—RANKING USA—MILITARY officers have called for BRITAIN to help defuse the crisis over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM,
20070207             saying military action against TEHRAN would be 1—DISASTER for the region
20070207             In 1—LETTER to the —SUNDAY Times newspaper, THE—3—FORMER—OFFICERS urged PRESIDENT—BUSH to open talks,
20070207             "without preconditions," with THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT in 1—BID to find 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION.
20070207             DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA; and Vice Adm.
20070207             JACK—SHANAHAN, FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Defense Information.
20070207             The officers said 1—ATTACK "would have disastrous consequences for security in the region, coalition forces in IRAQ and would further exacerbate regional and global tensions".
20070207             "The current crisis must be resolved through diplomacy," they said.
20070207             Ein krimineller FALL—VON—BEWEISUNTERSCHIEBUNG—DAS BKA wollte Löcher bohren ?
20070207             in Firewalls von am INTERNET angeschlossener Computer, darunter auch private ?Rechenknechte?
20070207             Alles zur Überwachung und angeblich zur Verbrechensbekämpfung.
20070207             Denn Bundesbürger sind für Fahnder immer verdächtig und offenbar von Grund auf schlecht.
20070207             Von der Geschichte eingeholt-
20070207             —PASSIERT, Was, wenn ein sehbehinderter HIV—POSITIVER von einem pöbelnden Jugendlichen mit rassistischen Beschimpfungen angegriffen und verprügelt wird und sich mit Beissen wehrt,
20070207             erfuhr der 57-jährige DENNIS—MILHOLLAND:
20070207             Den Schläger lief die Justiz laufen und erhob Klage gegen Milholland wegen Körperverletzung.
20070207             Der Vorstand des Berliner Vereins ?Kommunikultur?, ANDREAS—WEISS, schilderte DENNIS—MILHOLLAND in seiner PROZESS—ZUHÖRER...
20070207             —STILL No Habeas Rights for You-
20070207             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is asserting that GEORGE—W—BUSH is the only 1—WHO can decide if you will be granted habeas corpus rights to 1—FAIR—TRIAL or be locked away indefinitely as an "enemy combatant".
20070207             Google Earth: Wenn Bilder lügen...-
20070207             Kaum hat sich die Aufregung über die Manipulation von Suchergebnissen...
20070207             Cholera reaches CONGO—CAPITAL
20070207             1—CHOLERA epidemic in CONGO which has killed more than 80—PEOPLE—THIS—YEAR, claims its 1. victims in the capital.
20070207             IRAN strike 'would be disastrous'
20070207             1—COALITION—OF—UK organisations warns TONY—BLAIR that military action against IRAN would be disastrous.
20070207             Khodorkovsky to face new charges
20070207             —JAILED, RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS are to file new charges against, oil tycoon MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY, his lawyers say.
20070207             "The "creator" of the Dance move known as the electric slide has filed 1—DMCA based takedown notice for videos he deems to infringe and because they show "bad dancing".
20070207             He is also seeking compensation from THE—USE—OF—THE—DANCE—MOVE at 1—WEDDING celebration shown on the Ellen Degeneres Show.
20070207             Next up, the Funky Chicken, the moonwalk + the Hustle?
20070207             More seriously, does THE—DMCA have ANY—LIMIT on it's scope?"
20070207             "The accumulation and FOCUSING—OF—KNOWLEDGE may be the noblest use or PURPOSE—OF—THE—INTERNET.
20070207             There are plenty of open or unsolved problems left for this generation.
20070207             Why not spend SOME—OF—YOUR time in the dark of this —WINTER working on 1—OF—THE—BIG—PROBLEMS facing humanity?
20070207             Open problems exists in almost EVERY—FIELD—OF—STUDY.
20070207             —CRACKED, Which problem do you want to see, 1.?
20070207             Are you already working on 1—OF—THESE big issues?
20070207             Whether we all realize it or not, we currently live in " Vichy AMERICA" --- and although this is a
20070207             we will very soon be faced with confronting the fact that we no longer live in either a
20070207             THE—CANADIAN—NATIONAL—NEWSPAPER: CANADA—SOCIALLY progressive... - No comment on Obama, Gore etc.
20070207             —HOLLOWED, Empire behind such, out NATION—STATES as " Vichy AMERICA".
20070207             which has taken over THE—USA, as operating 1—VIRTUAL " Vichy AMERICA" — of which THE—USA—PEOPLE are...
20070207             BIBLIOTECA DE HUMANIDADES BOLETÍN DE NOVEDADES DICIEMBRE 20060000             20060000             ...-
20070207             Masrah AL—SHARI`: AL—ADA'—AL—TAMTHILI jariy AL—MASRAH/ALAN—MACDONALD...
20070207             Komnetare: 03.2007 - Vojtech Filip není sám, kdo hovorí o revoluci.
20070207             Jsou takoví iv Americe.
20070207             Napríklad nejaký ALAN—MACDONALD : (" Vichy AMERICA", by ALAN—MACDONALD, ;;02;;
20070207             26... - "TruthIsAll ," THE—NOMME—DE—NET—OF—1—POSTER on the Democratic Underground,
20070207             TruthIsAll then asks:
20070207             —INTENDED, This analysis by INTERNET poster TruthIsAll is, to provide 1—SET—OF focal points and formulae to look for fraud.
20070207             —OFFERED, Itâ s, in the spirit of.
20070207             Potential election fraud and certain confusion at polls threaten public will.
20070207             MICHAEL—COLLINS and TruthIsAll "Scoop" Independent News WASHINGTON, DC..
20070207             —STATED, In the report below, we wrongly, that the oil trader JOHN—DEUSS has been charged with money laundering and running 1—CRIMINAL...
20070207             1—RARELY sees such a clearcut warnings from a major asset gatherer.
20070207             Source: Merrill sounds alarm on global liquidity
20070207             —FILED, Indictments were, in NEW—JERSEY against 3—USA—ARMY—RESERVE—OFFICERS for taking part in 1—BID—RIGGING scam that steered MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for IRAQ reconstruction to 1—CONTRACTOR in exchange for cash, luxury cars and jewelry.
20070207             —BLAMED, Blowing snow and intense cold was, for 2—MORE—DEATHS,
20070207             CHICAGO, Equity OFFICE—PROPERTIES (EOP), AMERICA—LARGEST commercial landlord,
20070207             —UNCOVERED, AUSTRIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY ring involving more than 2,360 suspects from 77—COUNTRIES,
20070207             6—PEOPLE were hurt by a 3. letter bomb in —3—DAYS aimed at UK—MOTORING—RELATED organizations and police are investigating if the attacks are part of 1 coordinated campaign.
20070207             ARON—GROISS, DIRECTOR—OF—RESEARCH at the Center for Monitoring THE—IMPACT—OF—PEACE,
20070207             CANADA—NORTEL—NETWORKS—CORP. said it will slash 2,900 jobs,
20070207             —OVERCROWDED, CENTRAL—CHINA, 1, passenger vehicle returning from 1—WEDDING party plunged off 1—CLIFF,
20070207             —RULED, COLOMBIA—TOP—COURT, that gay couples,
20070207             —SIGNED, GEORGIA, 1—REGIONAL—COOPERATION—AGREEMENT with AZERBAIJAN and TURKEY which included plans for 1—RAILWAY connecting THE—3—COUNTRIES.
20070207             —KILLED, At least 15—PEOPLE were, in attacks across IRAQ, including 2—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—FUNDED IRAQ—MEDIA—NETWORK in BAGHDAD.
20070207             —ISSUED, THE—USA—EMBASSY, 1—TRAVEL—ADVISORY saying violent crime was on the increase in KENYA.
20070207             —KILLED, THE—MOZAMBIQUE government said floods have, 29—PEOPLE and wrecked THOUSANDS—OF—HOMES—AFTER torrential rain and hurricanes swept through the country in the past —2—WEEKS.
20070207             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER laid out 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN for building new intercontinental ballistic missiles,
20070207             —PROMISED, SOUTH—AFRICA CHIN—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, to increase imports from AFRICA,
20070207             —WELCOMED, SRI—LANKA, Selliah Parameswar, 1—HINDU priest who, PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSE to 1—FORMER—GUERRILLA—BASTION,
20070207   —LONG, but worth the read RK
20070207             and Lindsey Graham R—SC—HAD said this is the "last chance".
20070207             of our time. " about SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20070207   — -
20070207             SEC INFO—MCDONALD & Co Investments INC—DEF 14A - For 19970730             3000(5) * JAMES—A—KARMAN(3).... 8000(5) * DAVID—W—KNALL (2)...117991 1.31—DAVID—N.
20070207             —ACCOMPANIED, PRESIDENT—ADAMKUS, by 1—LITHUANIA—BUSINESS—DELEGATION, was here for a —1—WEEK—VISIT seeking USA—TRADE—OPPORTUNITIES and potential investors.
20070207             CHICAGO, Equity OFFICE—PROPERTIES (EOP), AMERICA—LARGEST—COMMERCIAL landlord, accepted 1—CASH—OFFER from THE—BLACKSTONE—GROUP, 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM that valued the company at nearly $39—BILLION (including debt).
20070207             —UNCOVERED, AUSTRIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY ring involving more than 2,360 suspects from 77—COUNTRIES, including hundreds in THE—USA, who paid to view videos of young children being sexually abused.
20070207             CANADA—NORTEL—NETWORKS—CORP. said it will slash 2,900 jobs, or 8.5—PERCENT of its workforce, over the next —2—YEARS and shift another 1,000 employees to LOWER—COST—LOCATIONS—LIKE—CHINA, INDIA and MEXICO as NORTH—AMERICA—BIGGEST MAKER—OF—TELEPHONE—EQUIPMENT—STRUGGLES to shore up its profits.
20070207             † 1—FEMALE census worker was shot to death —WHILE she was riding to work with her husband in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20070207             Niaucel was in CHARGE—OF—WEST—AFRICA—SECURITY—OPERATIONS for THE—EU.
20070207             —RELEASED, Kidnappers, 1—BRITISH—OIL—WORKER—AFTER the man taken in 1—RAID—LAST—MONTH fell ILLINOIS PRESIDENT—OLUSEGUN—OBASANJO called for 1—HIGH—LEVEL meeting to address the violence.
20070207             RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER laid out 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN for building new intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear submarines and possibly aircraft carriers.
20070207             —WELCOMED, SRI—LANKA, Selliah Parameswar, 1—HINDU priest who, PRESIDENT—MAHINDA—RAJAPAKSE to 1—FORMER—GUERRILLA—BASTION, was dragged out of his house in Batticaloa district and killed by 1—GROUP—OF unidentified gunmen.
20070207             1—UNION—CHIEF said 60—ZIMBABWE—JUNIOR—DOCTORS have been sacked from HARARE—MAIN—HOSPITAL—AFTER going on strike in December demanding salary hikes.
20070207             IRAK: IRAN wirft USA DIPLOMATEN—ENTFÜHRUNG vor
20070207             —UNPARALLELED, Cheney saw Wilson as, threat and plotted daily against him, jury hears from Libby in audiotapes 2/7
20070207             Someone in the Civil War Has Shoulder Launched Missiles or.50 Caliber Sniper Rifles.
20070207             7—DEAD in This Helicopter Attack.
20070207             2/8 - THE—BUSH evik PARAGUAY Mystery:
20070207             "What emboldens the enemy is the almost —4—YEARS' presence of Western troops in the middle of 1—MUSLIM country's capital, which causes over 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—RESIDENTS—OF—THAT—COUNTRY to oppose our presence".
20070207             AFGHANISTAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS fight amnesty for warlords ->more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH —FOR—FEBRUARY 7, 20070000             20070207             Die vergangenen —HERBST—WINTERMONATE gehörten
20070207             zu den wärmsten —SEIT Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnung in Mitteleuropa.
20070207             Dann ist auch das am —ANFANG der Nahrungskette stehende pflanzliche Plankton wegen der Sonneneinstrahlung so weit entwickelt, dass die Dorschlarven ausreichend Nahrung finden.
20070207             Bei lediglich bewölktem Himmel reiche der Polarisationsgrad des Lichts zur Orientierung aus, schreiben Hegedüs und seine Kollegen im Fachmagazin "Proceedings of the Royal Society A" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20070207             AFGHANISTAN—DEBATTE: Wer Krieg führt, soll auch Krieg sagen
20070207             Delle im Datenstrom: Hacker attackieren INTERNET—ROOTSERVER
20070207             GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING: Schily hält Kurnaz für unglaubwürdig
20070207             euromayday006 | HAMBURG | "bezahlt wird nicht" - Superhelden im... Of all THE—GERMANY—CITIES, it has the highest number of millionaires and at the same time there is 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who don't share in this wealth.
20070207             podster.DE—PODCAST: Handelsblatt Audio Der Anwalt des offenbar von USA—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTEN nach AFGHANISTAN entführten DEUTSCHEN—KHALED el Masri, MANFRED—GNJIDIC, plant nach derzeitigem Stand keine...
20070207             KARL—WEISS—JOURNALISMUS: AbbauRechte Sie zwangen mich, Sex mit meinem Vater und meinem Bruder zu haben... wie aus einer Pressemitteilung seines Anwalts MANFRED—GNJIDIC vom 28....
20070207             DEA Fugitives, LOS—ANGELES Fugitives, AVILES—PEREZ photo of FRANCISCO—AVILES—PEREZ—DEA—FUGITIVE: AVILES—PEREZ, Francisco.
20070207             FUGITIVE NCIC#:, W154251921. WANTED FOR:
20070207             Brookings Institution Press, Coming Together?, MEXICO—USA—RELATIONS—ALTHOUGH Operation Condor pushed SOME—PROMINENT—TRAFFICKERS OUT—OF—THE—BUSINESS such as PEDRO—AVILES—PEREZ—OF—SINALOA it also tended to strengthen the...
20070207             Articles: Reconceptualizing the Illegal Narcotics Trade and Its... Plaza Overstretch: PEDRO—AVILES—PÉREZ and PABLO—ACOSTA.
20070207             Gladio oder die Rache Moros In fact WEST—EUROPE has been THE—THEATRE—OF—CIA—UNDERTAKINGS—OF—MAJOR... FORMER—MI6 officer LEIGH—TRACEY revealed that Neave plotted to organise a...
20070207             SEC INFO—FIDELITY—CONCORD Street Trust - N-30D - For 20000229             4600 185725 DENSE—PAC Microsystems, Inc 4600 37806 (a) Digital Microwave Corp.. Separately, Bankers Trust has agreed to pay a $3.5—MILLION—FINE to the...
20070207             SEC INFO—FIDELITY—CONCORD Street Trust - N-30D - For 19990228             Gains and losses on securities sold are determined on the basis of... INCORPORATED (a) 700 10325 Cordant Technologies, INCORPORATED 11000000             42831 CURTISS—WRIGHT Corp..
20070207             Engrailed Cross The dragon or sea SERPENT—BISTEA neptunis - (as seen on PRINCE—HENRY—SINCLAIR—COAT—OF—ARMS) has always represented the ultimate SYMBOL—OF—SOVEREIGNTY...
20070207             Levick Strategic Communications is 1—GLOBAL—LEADER in HIGH—STAKES—COMMUNICATIONS, directing the media on THE—HIGHEST—PROFILE—LITIGATION and
20070207             crisis matters of our time.
20070207             We are chosen by more law firms to manage
20070207             legal media, marketing + public relations for HIGH—PROFILE—CASES than ANY—OTHER—PR firm in the world.
20070207             for 1—ENERGY—PROGRAM in which over time the general public will have the faith... prescription for 1—RE—CREATION—OF—PUBLIC—TRUST and confidence in the actions and...
20070207             911—CEREMONY, speeches, education on the frauds surrounding 20070911             .
20070207             VAROVÁNÍ: Toto je verejné diskusní fórum. Provozovatel si.
20070207             TACRIMSP—EMENTÁRIO nº 2—PARA que os latidos de cachorro durante a noite configurem o delito previsto no art.
20070207             42, IV, da LCP, é necessário fazer prova de que várias pessoas se.
20070207             Prefeitura de VILA—VELHA—SITE—OFICIAL Tem gente que denuncia o canto do galo ou o latido do cachorro do vizinho;... É considerada poluição sonora 55—DECIBÉIS durante o dia e 50—À noite ;...
20070207             Vejinha ON—LINE A fiscalização de barulho na cidade é uma piada.
20070207             Bairro de Vila MARIA—SE não houver solução rapida, é porque tem algo errado com a fiscalização.
20070207             cachorros num espaço muito pequeno e o barulho dos latidos dos cachorros são.
20070207             Julgados A faculdade existente no local não causa transtornos todo o tempo, toda a noite, todo o ano.
20070207             Sustainable Practices and TECHNOLOGY—TOPICS—TRIBE_net The company proposes putting small hydraulic generators in floors to capture... to know about his Patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (THE—MEG).
20070207             Electricity.crisis Update on the patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator... the St Helena olive tree the latest to be declared extinct —AFTER the last remaining seedling...
20070207             Cosmic IGUANA—VOICE—OF—THE—EVIL—DOERS: 20031200             Archives All —YEAR the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of TEXAS... that he will discuss with PRIME—MINISTER—CHINNAWAT—THAKSIN the possibility of withdrawing...
20070207             Bush ">Political FRIENDSTER—GEORGE—W—BUSH - Connections Baker & Botts is 1—OF—THE—TOP 10—CONTRIBUTORS to the Bush campaign... Thaksin aggrieved friend becuz USA criticized his human rights record on a/c of...
20070207             Bush">Political FRIENDSTER—GEORGE—H—W—BUSH - Connections Thaksin and PRESIDENT—BUSH—SENIOR have both held BOARD seats at THE—HIGH—POWERED... Baker & Botts.
20070207             —DESTINED, THE—BUSH—LIEDTKE Zapata Oil relationship also was.
20070207             Lobby Registrations Registrant:, Baker Botts LLP, Lobbying Issue Codes (if provided):
20070207             THE—LONGBOW—PAPERS—ALL—YEAR the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of TEXAS, have been working —DAY and night to prevent THE—FAMILIES—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—20070911             —THE attack...
20070207             Baker. Baker was a. - pg. 5—PG. 4—PG.
20070207             8—HTML Thaksin Shinawatra faxes resignation from. his LONDON home; encourages all other... BRETT—BOTTS.
20070207             Editorials from HELL—LEADING daily newspaper, THE—DIS—BRIMSTONE... PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA—OF—THAILAND seems to be 1—MAN without a... THE—GOP has brought in JAMES—1—BAKER—III to try to convince the world that the...
20070207             Forms & Software Registrant Name, Registrant ID, LD—1—FORM.
20070207             Find Your House ID Number BAKER BOTTS L.L.P.
20070207             Im Gegensatz zu den gängigen POLIZEI—STATISTIKEN, die naturgemäß nur behördlich erfasste Fälle darstellen können, fließen in das Forschungsprojekt "European Crime and Safety Survey" (EU ICS) zusätzlich auch jene Straftaten ein, bei denen die Opfer darauf verzichtet haben, Anzeige zu erstatten.
20070207             Für den aktuellen Opferreport wurden insgesamt rund 35.000—REPRÄSENTATIV ausgewählte Menschen aus den 15—ALTEN EU—MITGLIEDSSTAATEN sowie aus POLEN, UNGARN und ESTLAND über ihre Erfahrungen mit "gewöhnlichen Straftaten" befragt.
20070207             Bundeswehr: Kabinett schickt TORNADO—FLUGZEUGE nach AFGHANISTAN
20070207             TEXAS: Touristen verlieren Interesse an Bush s Ranch
20070207             TORNADO—EINSATZ in AFGHANISTAN: Experten warnen vor erhöhter TERROR—GEFAHR
20070207             Neues AFRIKA—KOMMANDO: USA wollen ANTI—TERROR- Kampf von STUTTGART aus führen
20070207             The email address for letters to the editor is:
20070207             But instead THE—GUARDIAN chose to equate the entire movement with 1—MOVIE made by college kids which has already been labeled by 20010911             —THE truth movement as heavily flawed on several more serious 20010911             research websites, most notably
20070207             I am appalled that THE—GUARDIAN has sunk so low as to use arguments like "they can't be telling the truth because they haven't been killed yet".
20070207             I have purchased and enjoyed MANY—MONBIOT books, most especially Captive State: THE—CORPORATE—TAKEOVER—OF—BRITAIN.
20070207             —FOLLOWING this distasteful DISPLAY—OF—CHARACTER—ASSASSINATION, it is safe to say I will no longer read Monbiot or THE—GUARDIAN —UNTIL they start to analyse the scientific claims of 20010911             —THE community, such as THE—COLLAPSE—OF—BUILDING 7 or the molten metal at ground 0.
20070207             Et tu, GUARDIAN?
20070207             You said that the films greatest flaw is that the filmmakers are still alive, well I will tell you this much anybody with half 1—BRAIN would realize what happens —WHEN someone with 1—POWERFUL—MESSAGE is assassinated, said person and message is immortalized, engraved into the history books forever.
20070207             —EGGED, THE—VIRUS—OF—TRUTH will spread like 1—FOREST—FIRE being, on by 1—HEAVY breeze.
20070207             Sure you can blow out the flame of 1—CANDLE successfully, however you are not dealing with 1—CANDLE, you are dealing with 1—FOREST—FIRE
20070207             Likewise you can find the contact information for THE—AUTHOR—VIA his website
20070207             onlineredaktion ? 58—STAATEN verpflichteten sich zum Abschluß ihrer internationalen KONFERENZ—IN—PARIS, den EINSATZ—VON—MINDERJÄHRIGEN als Soldaten in Konflikten strafrechtlich zu verfolgen.
20070207             VIENNA busts huge child porn ring AUSTRIA uncovers 1—CHILD—PORNOGRAPHY—NETWORK involving more than 2,360 suspects in 77—COUNTRIES, authorities say.
20070207             Clashes as BOLIVIA miners protest THOUSANDS—OF—BOLIVIA—MINERS march on LA—PAZ, throwing dynamite on their way, to protest against tax plans.
20070207             —GEARED, EU money, to smart future EUROPE launches its 50.5BN—EURO (£33bn) programme for research and technological development.
20070207             Fake Holograms a 3-D Crime Wave Counterfeiters learn to make convincing copies of the shiny, embossed stickers that certify everything from software to baseball cards.
20070207             1—NEW—TWIST—ON—SKYWRITING
20070207             "THE—ADVENT—OF—INTERNET—BASED flight tracking technology enables 1—ENTIRELY new kind of skywriting. Gulfstream Aerospace sent up 1—OF—THEIR $50M business jets —TODAY on an 8.—5-HOUR test flight spanning 11—STATES for the sole PURPOSE—OF—LEAVING their mark on the Net in the form of 1—FLIGHT—TRACK that spells out 'GV' (the nickname of the Gulfstream V aircraft being flown) —WHEN viewed online".
20070207             —FORCED, Nearly 60—NATIONS—BUT not USA—SIGN—TREATY to ban, DISAPPEARANCES—BG - USA Doesn't Sign Ban on Disappearances
20070207             RUDY—GIULIANI discusses candidacy on H&C - BG—AMERICA—MAYOR—RUDY—GIULIANI appeared on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss his candidacy for PRESIDENT.
20070207             Bush and CHENEY—DIRTY—SECRETS—BG - 1—FORMER—TOP—CIA—OFFICIAL—BLOWS the whistle on bogus intelligence, covert kidnappings and the alleged TORTURE—OF—TERROR—SUSPECTS.... Source:
20070207             Death Toll in INDONESIA—FLOODING at 36—JAKARTA, INDONESIA (AP) -- Overnight downpours sent storm waters coursing back into SOME—LOW—LYING areas —TUESDAY, as authorities WARNED—OF—THE—THREAT—OF—DISEASES and anger mounted at the government's response to the disaster that has killed at least 36—PEOPLE in the capital..
20070207             - IRAQ—GUNMEN—SEIZE IRAN—DIPLOMAT—BAGHDAD—IRAQ (AP) -- Gunmen wearing IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS seized 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT as he drove through CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, officials said —TUESDAY.
20070207             G.O.P. Senators Block Debate on IRAQ Policy
20070207             - REID—TO—GOP: "You Can Run But You Can't Hide"
20070207             —BLOCKED, Republicans —ON—MONDAY, Senate debate on 1—BIPARTISAN resolution opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—TROOP buildup in IRAQ, leaving in doubt whether the Senate would render 1—JUDGMENT on what lawmakers of both parties described as the paramount ISSUE—OF—THE—DAY.
20070207             JEFF—STRAHL, Mechanical Engineer
20070207             He brings up the interesting concept of the "resistance paradox": Interesting that you note the towers disintegrating, but do not note, or pretend to not note, the contradiction between the lower portions offering no resistance to the falling debris if you wish to explain the short collapse time, vs the top portions disintegrating as if encountering massive resistance.
20070207             Did the lower portions offer 0—RESISTANCE to explain the short collapse time (videos show the lower portions offering no more resistance than the nearby air), or did they offer high resistance, to account for the upper portions disintegrating ABOVE THE—COLLAPSE—ZONE, IN MID—AIR?
20070207             —COLLAPSED, The fact that the towers, top to bottom, where the only thing that appears... Source:
20070207             Watada Lawyer Rebukes JUDGE—BG - —WHEN WATADA—ATTORNEY, ERIC—SEITZ, excoriated the proceedings as an "atrocity" and accused the judge of judicial misconduct, the court's response was almost sheepish.
20070207             These are not the genuine claims of selfless patriots.
20070207             They're the shameful tactics of desperate warmongers who don't seem to understand that no matter how MANY—TIMES 1—LIE is told, it will never become the truth.
20070207             What truly comforts the enemy is the callous WILLINGNESS—OF—LEADERS who have never known battle to send our fellow citizens into hell on earth, to serve as little more than human targets in their imperial shell game.
20070207             The blueprint for BUSH—ERA—GOVERNANCE was laid out in a 20010100             manifesto from the Heritage Foundation, titled "Taking CHARGE—OF—FEDERAL—PERSONNEL". with the message, that the professional civil service should be regarded as THE—ENEMY—OF—THE—NEW—ADMINISTRATION—CONSERVATIVE—AGENDA.
20070207             —DEMANDED, Heritage, that politics take precedence over KNOW—HOW..".appointment decisions based on loyalty 1. and expertise 2.".
20070207             CHENEY—FUND—MANAGER—ATTACKS... Cheney 1—FUND—MANAGER who invests MUCH—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—MONEY—RECENTLY sent 1—LETTER to clients blasting administration energy policy.
20070207             Police Spy Drone Plane Draws Fire In FLORIDA but not because it is spying from above without court order...
20070207             Feingold Excoriates Fellow Dems For Failing To "play Hardball" To End IRAQ War
20070207             Members to demand tough action in hopes that it might give them the backbone to do the right thing".Call your members and demand 1—TIMELINE to withdraw the troops and withhold funding —AFTER that. I can't go home knowing that there are Wisconsans who are going to die unnecessarily"
20070207             Senate Republicans Successfully Block Debate On IRAQ Resolution
20070207             —AFTER being assailed by Democratic Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID for being "driven by 1—DESIRE to provide political cover for PRESIDENT—BUSH," the Republican Leadership in the Senate succeeded in preventing debate on 1—RESOLUTION that criticized PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN for IRAQ.
20070207             THE—FOUNDATION for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights shows how Big Oil dropped profits to lull voters —DURING the run up to the midterm election, then lying about the cause.
20070207             —DEPRAVED, Morality Play Are humans really, as so MANY—THINK or is depravity 1 learned behavior?
20070207             Nation Fiction | Csmonitor_COM—IS the concept of nation slipping?
20070207             Not granting it freedom would fit 1—GLOBAL trend.
20070207             the party of ALEXANDRA—MUSSOLINI, GRAND—DAUGHTER—OF—ITALY—WWII fascist leader;
20070207             and is led by BRUNO—GOLLNISCH—OF—JEAN—MARIE—LE—PEN—FAR—RIGHT—FRANCE—PARTY, who faced trial in LYON this fall for Holocaust denia
20070207             IRAN—WEAKENED—HARD—LINERS—CRAVE—A—USA—ATTACK | Csmonitor_com
20070207             —FROM THE—RHETORIC—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH to his dispatch of Patriot AIR—DEFENSE—SYSTEMS and a 2. carrier battle group to the Persian Gulf, there are growing signs that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is showing its willingness to solve THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—CRISIS with 1—PREEMPTIVE military attack.
20070207             —BY DAVID—DIEGO—MARTINEZ—DE—LOPEZ -
20070207             Requiem For 1—NATION, Or 1—CALL—TO—REBIRTH? - THE—NEOCONS were —JUST nailed in ARIZONA;
20070207             kicked OUT—OF—POWER.
20070207             Borat Goes To WASHINGTON: Don't Experiment With THE—USA—ECONOMY?
20070207             —BY DAVE—JOHNSON - - LONG—TERM—STRATEGIC—NARRATIVE: Liberals Hate Christians
20070207             Using 1—RIGHT—WING piece claiming liberals hate Christians as 1—EXAMPLE, this post discusses how conservatives tie current events into 1—LARGER—STRATEGIC narrative to influence the public.
20070207             Super Super BOWL—PATRIOTS Vs. PIRATES—THE—WEAPONS—OF—THE—PIRATES are shock and awe, lies + massive firepower of all sorts.
20070207             —BY Gatto - - Democrats: Weak And Spineless - I can't believe there are this MANY—SPINELESS—PEOPLE congregated in 1—SPOT in WASHINGTON DC.
20070207             —BY DAVID—SIROTA -
20070207             Progressive Senators Learn How To Use BEN—NELSON—ISM—FOR—THEMSELVES
20070207             —BY Press Release - - 7pm: MCNALLY—ROBINSON Booksellers 52—PRINCE—ST.
20070207             (at PRINCE & LAFAYETTE) NEW—YORK—CITY
20070207             Here is his recent testimony to Senate Foreign Relations committee along with his recommendations.
20070207             —BY REVEREND—BILL—MCGINNIS -
20070207             Under Senate Rules, Democrats Can Force CONSIDERATION—OF—ANY—RESOLUTION—WITH 1—SIMPLE 51-Vote Majority
20070207             1—SIMPLE—MAJORITY is all that it needs to pass.
20070207             —BY JOSHUA—FRANK—CLINTON, Edwards And Obama: Strike IRAN - Politics: All Talk and No Talk
20070207             —BY JOHN—DICKERSON
20070207             So, —BEFORE senators could debate PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN for 1—TROOP—INCREASE in IRAQ, they had to have 1—DEBATE about the debate.
20070207             The nonbinding resolution on IRAQ, which would not actually stop the deployment of 21,500 or more additional troops, will not be voted on for the moment.
20070207             Pincus Lit the Fuse on the Plamegate Bomb
20070207             —BY Larry C JOHNSON—UNTIL—THE—START—OF—THE—LIBBY trial, most folks and chroniclers assumed that THE—NICK—KRISTOF piece 20030500             —IN spurred THE—WHITE—HOUSE to go —AFTER Joe and Valerie Wilson.
20070207             A 20010911             conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in FACT—THERE is 1—VIRUS sweeping the world.
20070207             —POSSESSED, Scarcely —1—DAY—NOW passes without someone, by this sickness, eyes rolling, lips flecked with foam, trying to infect me.
20070207             Unlike the other 20010911             conspiracy films, Loose Change... Source:
20070207             Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could KICK—START—IRAN WAR—PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON -Top globalist warns CONGRESS—OF—PROVOCATION or terrorist attack inside USA.
20070207             No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine
20070207             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—MEDIA—HOAX fools parents into thinking Merck shots are mandatory, big pharma laughs as obscene profits roll
20070207             A WASHINGTON state initiative
20070207             filed by 1—SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE advocacy group "would require heterosexual couples to have kids within —3—YEARS or else have their marriage annulled".
20070207             —ACKNOWLEDGED, AUTHORS—OF—THE—MEASURE, the initiative was "absurd" but hoped the idea prompts "discussion about the many misguided assumptions " about SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE.
20070207             Senate plans new strategy for IRAQ votes.
20070207             "SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) said —YESTERDAY that 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—
20070207             a 'good opportunity' to bring up his proposal - "Not the last chance".
20070207             In testimony —BEFORE the Senate —TODAY, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES argued that THE—SO—CALLED surge is "not the last chance " for IRAQ.
20070207             Previously, PRO—ESCALATION Sens.
20070207             MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY)and Lindsey Graham (R—SC)had said this is the "last chance".
20070207             WHITE—HOUSE—UNDERCUTS Its Own Rationale For Opposing Medicare Price Negotiations
20070207             —VOTED, —LAST—MONTH, the House, to require the government to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries, overturning a 20030000             law that left DRUG—PRICE—NEGOTIATIONS "
20070207             to the private insurers
20070207             Government interference impedes competition, limits access to LIFE—SAVING drugs, reduces convenience for beneficiaries + ultimately increases costs to taxpayers, beneficiaries + all USA—CITIZENS alike.
20070207             requests the —FOLLOWING : Pace: Not enough equipment for escalation.
20070207             "USA—MARINE—GENERAL—PETER—PACE admitted to the Senate Armed Services COMMITTEE—TUESDAY equipment will be 1—PROBLEM—WHEN USA—FORCES in IRAQ are increased.
20070207             —ARMORED, Pace said the military has about 41,000, vehicles in IRAQ —
20070207             fewer than will be needed 'to cover ALL—OF—THE—TROOPS that are deploying.'
20070207             Pace said it will be July —BEFORE enough equipment is in place".
20070207             —HIRED, —THIS—WEEK, Veronica is, by Bonnie, "1—PROMISCUOUS classmate, to find out who secretly slipped her THE—MORNING—AFTER pill,
20070207             causing her to have 1—MISCARRIAGE ":
20070207             It is 1—FORM—OF—EMERGENCY—CONTRACEPTION that —WHEN "taken within —72—HOURS—OF unprotected sex, THE—2—PILL—SERIES can lower the risk of pregnancy by up to 89 %".
20070207             —INTERFERED, But THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, and blocked Plan B sales in 1—PANDER to the right wing, which argues that the drug increases promiscuity.
20070207             (See the real facts here.) - VERONICA—MARS is
20070207             extremely popular among young women, the very women who need accurate health information., CW—DIRECTOR—OF—PUBLICITY + tell him that CW needs to correct its information on emergency contraception.
20070207             Scientists protest INFLUENCE—OF—BUSH—POLITICAL—APPOINTEES.
20070207             —VOICED, MEMBERS—OF—THE "EPA—SCIENCE—ADVISORY—PANEL on air pollution, strong concerns —TODAY about THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—RECENT directive to expand the power of political appointees over the panel's work.... The new policy essentially strips the panel of its fundamental advisory role with EPA staff scientists as they compile and disseminate the latest findings on pollutants — like ozone, particulate matter or lead — and human health".
20070207             (VIA—GREENWIRE, tion required)
20070207             THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY refuses to cooperate on oversight activities, according to testimony offered —TODAY by GAO Comptroller GENERAL—DAVID—WALKER and Homeland Security Inspector GENERAL—RICHARD—SKINNER.
20070207             —HIGHLIGHTED, The investigators, THE—ROLE—OF—PHILIP—PERRY—CHIEF—COUNSEL—OF—THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—SON—IN—LAW — as the major stumbling block in their investigations.
20070207             Skinner said he prepared 1—DOCUMENT last —SUMMER to inform all DEPARTMENT—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—IG—RESPONSIBILITIES and authorities and encouraging them to cooperate with investigations.
20070207             "That letter has been sitting up in counsel's OFFICE—AT—DHS —SINCE I believe June or July of '06," Skinner said.
20070207             —SCORED, In 1—RECENT—FEDERAL—SURVEY, DHS employees " last or almost last in job satisfaction, leadership and workplace performance".
20070207             The latest semiannual report from Inspector GENERAL—SKINNER highlighted "1—LITANY—OF—STAFF—MISCONDUCT: immigration officials demanding sex in exchange for visas, airport screeners stealing money from tourists' luggage, FEDERAL—AIR—MARSHALS smuggling drugs + employees from various DHS agencies committing sex crimes".
20070207             New Report Spells Out Catastrophic CONSEQUENCES—OF—MILITARY—ACTION Against IRAN
20070207             highly dangerous.
20070207             —ENTITLED, The document, "
20070207             With little faith in diplomacy, THE—USE—OF—USA—MILITARY—FORCE remains 1—POSSIBILITY, —SINCE Bush believes it unlikely that a...successor will have the 'political courage' to undertake 1—MILITARY—STRIKE". There will likely be "great pressure on THE—PRESIDENT either to contemplate military action —BEFORE he leaves office or to give the green light to ISRAEL—STRIKES," the report states.
20070207             The underlying message is that, —WHILE the threat from IRAN is serious and negotiations are difficult, "it cannot be said that the potential for diplomacy has been explored fully —WHEN
20070207             direct TALKS—BETWEEN IRAN and THE—USA—HAVE not taken place".
20070207             House to take up IRAQ resolution.
20070207             "With THE—SENATE—DEBATE on 1—IRAQ resolution stalled by partisan division, House Democratic leaders pledged —TODAY to begin debate —NEXT—WEEK in their chamber on 1—SIMILAR nonbinding resolution
20070207             opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more USA—TROOPS into the war,
20070207             O'REILLY—AND—BECK—AGREE: We're 'Afraid' To Have 'A LOT—OF—AFRICA—AMERICA—FRIENDS'
20070207             Last night on FOX—NEWS, BILL—O'REILLY led 1—DISCUSSION about SENATOR—JOE—BIDEN'S (D—DE)
20070207             RACIALLY—INSENSITIVE remarks toward SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL).
20070207             But instead of exlusively focusing on why the remarks were condescending to AFRICA AMERICANS, he said blacks should "feel sorry for us white folks here, because I'm telling you —NOW I'm afraid to say anything.... White Americans are terrified".
20070207             —HOSTED, My 2—SENSE—POINTS out that 's GLENN—BECK, 1—SIMILAR—DISCUSSION last night, —DURING which he said, "I don't have 1—LOT—OF—AFRICA—USA—FRIENDS + I think PART—OF—IT is because I'm afraid that I would be in 1—OPEN—CONVERSATION + I would say something that somebody would take wrong + then it would be 1—NIGHTMARE".
20070207             As THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LYNETTE—CLEMETSON notes, "—WHEN whites use the word [articulate] in reference to blacks, it often
20070207             carries 1—SUBTEXT—OF—AMAZEMENT, even bewilderment.
20070207             Waxman: Top IRAQ Reconstruction Official Flown To BAGHDAD To Avoid Oversight Hearing
20070207             aggressive oversight hearings into the billions in waste, fraud + ABUSE—OF—USA—FUNDS in IRAQ.
20070207             WHITE—HOUSE lawyers up.
20070207             "1—LINE—ITEM buried in THE—PRESIDENT—BUDGET reveals THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is gearing up for
20070207             emboldened legal challenges from Gitmo detainees.
20070207             'ANTI—ESCALATION' Senators Vote For Escalation
20070207             Last night, Senate conservatives successfully
20070207             blocked debate on 1—BIPARTISAN—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION.
20070207             At least 8—SENATORS who claim to oppose sending more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ voted the wrong way, supporting the conservative filibuster.
20070207             They include SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) — who actually introduced THE—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION in question — and SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) — who has aggressively demanded that EVERY—USA—SENATOR take 1—POSITION on IRAQ.
20070207             HERE—1—FULL—LIST—OF—THE—SENATORS who
20070207             voted to protect PRESIDENT—BUSH and block debate on IRAQ, along with their public DISAPPROVALS—OF—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN:
20070207             calling escalation 'a mistake,'.
20070207             — SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU (R—NH): "SENATOR—JOHN—SUNUNU told —TUESDAY he
20070207             will not support PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 1—ADDITIONAL 21,000—USA—TROOPS to IRAQ,
20070207             — SENATOR—OLYMPIA—SNOWE (R—ME): "
20070207             We should not place more USA—SERVICEMEN and women in harm's way
20070207             — SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS): "
20070207             I do not believe that sending more troops to IRAQ is the answer.
20070207             IRAQ requires 1—POLITICAL rather than 1—MILITARY—SOLUTION".
20070207             Norm Coleman (R—MN) and SUSAN—COLLINS (R—ME), who say they oppose escalation, resisted partisan pressure and voted against the conservative filibuster.
20070207             As for SENATOR—HAGEL, who said —RECENTLY, "
20070207             We need to put the Congress on record here " — he is —NOW "on record," in SUPPORT—OF—BUSH—ESCALATION.
20070207             —CHANGED, In fact, Reid, his vote to "no" —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—VOTE simply as 1—PROCEDURAL move so he could —LATER move to reconsider the motion (i.e., revote) — 1—RIGHT reserved only for those voting with the majority.
20070207             Zön walm in CHINA? - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK ?
20070207             Es sei noch zu früh, um zu behaupten CHINA erlebe —DERZEIT den wärmsten —WINTER—SEIT je, doch die ?4. größte Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt?
20070207             erleide definitiv die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, der globalen Erwärmung, soll —JETZT laut der CHINESISCHEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Xinhua ein älterer, amtlicher Meteorologe in Peking gesagt haben.
20070207             Der Planet ist krank
20070207             JACQUES—CHIRAC—DER Planet ist krank: Die VIELZAHL—VON—EXTREMEN—REAKTIONEN, Orkane, Überschwemmungen, Dürren, sind die besten Symptome dafür, wenn ich so sagen darf.
20070207             Wir haben den Beweis dafür.
20070207             Deadly bird flu found in PAKISTAN The deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU is found close to THE—PAKISTAN—CAPITAL—OFFICIALS say it is 1 isolated case.
20070207             —LINKED, Anaesthetic, to ALZHEIMER—1—COMMON—ANAESTHETIC could cause changes in the brain linked to ALZHEIMER—DISEASE, 1—STUDY has suggested.
20070207             EGYPT teenager DIES—OF—BIRD—FLU A —17—YEAR—OLD—GIRL is the latest victim of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza to DIE—OF—THE—VIRUS in EGYPT, THE—WHO says.
20070207             Loneliness link with ALZHEIMER—PEOPLE who are lonely are twice as likely to develop ALZHEIMER—DISEASE, 1—LARGE—USA—STUDY has suggested.
20070207             —ISSUED, Dengue alert, in S AMERICA 1—HEALTH—ALERT is declared in BRAZIL, PARAGUAY and BOLIVIA —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF dengue fever.
20070207             —TRIALLED, ANTI—MISTER—SA silver pyjamas, Pyjamas and bed linen made with silver cloth are to be used in hospitals to help fight THE—MISTER—SA superbug.
20070207             Car firms facing pollution curbs THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION is to seek 1—CUT—OF—18% in CO2 produced by the average new car within —5—YEARS.
20070207             BRAZIL scolds rich on environment BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—LULA says rich nations are not doing enough to fight global warming.
20070207             —ARRESTED, UK police free 2 in terror probe 2—OF—THE—9—MEN, —DURING ANTI—TERROR—RAIDS in BIRMINGHAM are released without charge.
20070207             USA to get AFRICA—COMMAND—CENTRE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush approves Pentagon plans for 1—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND—CENTRE for AFRICA.
20070207             —SUSPENDED, Top Rio policeman, 1—TOP—BRAZIL—POLICE—OFFICIAL is suspended over alleged links to militias formed from renegade security forces.
20070207             —SEIZED, IRAN envoy ' in BAGHDAD' IRAN says 1—OF—ITS—DIPLOMATS has been kidnapped by gunmen in IRAQ, accusing THE—USA—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
20070207             Work starts by JERUSALEM shrine Work begins on 1—ANCIENT mound near JERUSALEM—HOLIEST—SITE, 1—MOVE expected to raise tensions.
20070207             Booming INDIA expects 9.2% growth INDIA—ECONOMY is set to grow by 9.2% in the current financial —YEAR, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT says.
20070207             —INJURED, Letter bomb injures DVLA worker 1—WOMAN is, —WHEN 1—LETTER—BOMB explodes at THE—DVLA centre in WALES, the 3. attack of its kind in —3—DAYS.
20070207             Science backs nuclear burial plan There are no major scientific or technological barriers to burying UK nuclear waste underground, scientists say.
20070207             Warning over ePassport microchips Microchips in BRITAIN—NEW—ELECTRONIC—PASSPORTS—ONLY have a —2—YEAR warranty, the National Audit Office says.
20070207             Net Traffic Computers Attacked 3—OF—THE—13—COMPUTERS used to manage global INTERNET traffic are hit overnight.
20070207             —BY the Associated Press.
20070207             —PROPOSED, Bush Budget Funds NASA, Cuts EPA THE—PRESIDENT'S, $2.9—TRILLION spending plan includes 1—NICE—BOOST for the space program, but cuts environmental protection.
20070207             Bacteria Swarm on Average Arms Scientists analyze germs on people's skin and discover that we're literally crawling with the little buggers.
20070207             BODYHACK.
20070207             Tesla Motors hits up state governments for money Blog: Electric car specialist Tesla Motors is on 1—CROSS—COUNTRY—ROAD—TRIP + its asking MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from state legislatures....
20070207             Jailed blogger hits record as supporters rally Journalists, politicians and others demonstrate on steps of S.F. City Hall as JOSH—WOLF becomes LONGEST—JAILED journalist for contempt.
20070207             GOP revives ISP—TRACKING legislation New "law and order agenda" proposes data retention requirements.
20070207             Data breach bills resurface in Congress 2—BILLS take different approaches toward the tricky concept of how to regulate what happens if 1—COMPANY has 1—DATA—LEAK.
20070207             Scientists come up with test for string theory Blog: Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN say they have come up with 1—WAY to test string theory, 1—THEORY that postulates that...
20070207             GOOGLE—SCHMIDT pitches 'SELF—GOVERNING' Net CEO says nightmare scenario would be 1—ONLINE environment subject to tight regulations, policing of digital identities.
20070207             Purdue Makes Trash To Electricity Generator
20070207             "1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS at Purdue University have created 1—PORTABLE—REFINERY that efficiently converts food, paper + plastic trash into electricity. The machine, designed for THE—USA—MILITARY, would allow soldiers in the field to convert waste into power. It could also have widespread CIVIL—APPLICATIONS in the future. Researchers tested the 1. tactical biorefinery prototype —IN—NOVEMBER and found that it produced approximately 90 % more energy than it consumed".
20070207             Why Does Skype Read THE—BIOS?
20070207             "Myria at pagetable_com, among others, noticed that Skype reads the machine's BIOS code on startup. This probably would've gone unnoticed if the operation didn't fail on 64-bit windows. From the post: 'It's dumping your system BIOS, which usually includes your motherboard's serial number + pipes it to the Skype application. I have no idea what they're using it for, or whether they send anything to their servers, but I bet whatever they're doing is no good given their track record... If they hadn't been IGNORANT—OF—WIN64'S lack of NTVDM, nobody would've noticed this happening.'"
20070207             Jobs Favors DRM—FREE—MUSIC—DISTRIBUTION—KDAWSON 584 -Another anonymous reader tips 1—ESSAY by STEVE—JOBS on the Apple site about DRM,
20070207             Quoting: "MUCH—OF—THE—CONCERN over DRM systems has arisen in European countries. Perhaps those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM—FREE. For Europeans, 2 and 1—HALF—OF—THE—BIG 4—MUSIC—COMPANIES are located right in their backyard. The largest, Universal, is 100% owned by Vivendi, 1—FRANCE—COMPANY. EMI is 1—UK—COMPANY + Sony BMG is 50% owned by Bertelsmann, 1—GERMANY—COMPANY. Convincing them to license their music to Apple and others DRM—FREE will create 1—TRULY interoperable music marketplace. Apple will embrace this wholeheartedly".
20070207             Your House Is About To Be Photographed
20070207             "Photographers from 1—CANADA—COMPANY are going house to house, shooting PICTURES—OF—EVERY—HOUSE in AMERICA, in HOPES—OF—BUILDING 1—GIANT database that can be sold to banks, insurance companies, and appraisal firms.
20070207             —WHILE this activity is legal (as long as the photographers don't trespass on private property to get their shots), there are obviously concerns about security and privacy.
20070207             Considering that 1—INDIVIDUAL can be detained and questioned by THE—FBI for photographing 1—BRIDGE in this country, why should this CANADA—COMPANY get 1—FREE pass?
20070207             —FROM THE—ARIZONA—STAR—ARTICLE about the photographing of TUCSON: "'The [handout given to people who complain] made it sound like they're doing it for law enforcement, —WHEN in reality they're doing it for sales and marketing,' said [1—CITY—COUNCIL—AIDE], who received several calls about the company".
20070207             Filled with purposeful profanity (it actually drives the storyline) and brilliant parody, Idiocracy manages to cough up nearly 90.
20070207             (20070206             /ac/a/u) - Cognizant Technology "overweight"
20070207             UK—PAPER reveals video of USA "friendly fire"
20070207             6—LIES You Shouldn't BELIEVE—ABOUT—IRAN, Especially —SINCE, Hey, THERE—PEOPLE—DOWN—HERE.
20070207             THE—DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN—INTERVIEW—DRG Answers Your Questions
20070207             JEREMY—BOWEN, the BBCs MIDDLE—EAST—EDITOR (1—POSITION he's held —SINCE it was created 20050000             —IN) is in trouble with some for 1—RECENT—INTERNAL—MEMO he sent to colleagues regarding THE—ISRAEL/Palestine conflict.
20070207             —ENTITLED, Here is the offending document, ' Mini briefing on the Israeli [sic] and Palestinians ':
20070207             At 1—TIME—WHEN MANY—STATES are backing away from capital punishment, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT is aggressively pursuing -- and winning -- more death sentences, including in jurisdictions that traditionally oppose them.
20070207             this is no time for 1—NONBINDING resolution -- 1—RESOLUTION filled with loopholes, I should add -- that expresses THE—DISPLEASURE—OF—CONGRESS to 1—PRESIDENT who's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't give 1—DAMN what Capitol Hill thinks.
20070207             The task for Congress regarding IRAQ?
20070207             THE—USA—MILITARY—DRIVE to train and equip IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES has unwittingly strengthened ANTI—USA—SHIITE Muslim cleric Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY—MILITIA, which has been battling to take over MUCH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—CITY as USA—FORCES are trying to secure it.
20070207             Conyers House Panel Probing BUSH—RECORD—ON—SIGNING—STATEMENTS
20070207             Even —AFTER releasing parts of 1—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT so pessimistic that it may as well have been titled "IRAQ: We're Cooked," Bush officials clung to their alternate reality, using nonsensical logic and CHERRY—PICKING whatever phrases they could find in the report that they could use to sell the Surge.
20070207             NYPD Frisked Blacks At 5—TIMES—RATE—OF—WHITES—JAPAN—CONFIRMS Deadly Bird Flu Outbreak
20070207             There is plenty of precedent for Congress exercising its constitutional authority to stop USA—INVOLVEMENT in armed conflict.
20070207             That was 1—GENTLE—MORAL warning my grandmother was fond of quoting, meaning no matter how clever, secret, or private you consider your misdeeds, at SOME—POINT they will come to light.
20070207             FT_com/World/ASIA—PACIFIC - BANGLADESH Generals Plan ANTI—CORRUPTION Drive
20070207             Bush Says Budget WILL—LIMIT—NON—DEFENSE—SPENDING | Top News | Reuters_com bush fiscal plan: -cut domestic SPENDING—MAKE tax cuts PERMANENT—FOCUS spending on IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN Great plan for AMERICA!
20070207             Harry, It's Time To Do What Your Nation Wants You To Do Harry, get off your ass and act like 1—LEADER.
20070207             —GREED, Save Our Land Records We can't let, filled folly, thievery, incompetence and lack of foresight destroy the land record system or the integrity of the real estate —TRANSACTION.
20070207             Please join us in sending 1—MESSAGE.
20070207             I'm Not Drunk + You're No Cop The traffic cones diverting traffic into 1—LANE—OF—HIGHWAY1431 in Round ROCK—TEXAS looked real enough.
20070207             —LOOKED, THE—2—MEN claiming to be police officers, like cops.
20070207             McCain Hypocrisy; His Advisers Once Made Ads That DREW—HIS—IRE—SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN—TEAM includes political bruisers whose work he has criticized as stepping over the line in the past.
20070207             Doubts Run Deep On Reforms Crucial To BUSH—IRAQ—STRATEGY—THE—SUCCESS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMIN'S—NEW—IRAQ strategy depends on 1—SERIES—OF—RAPID and dramatic political and economic reforms that even the plan's authors have little confidence will work.
20070207             FORMER—MILITARY—CHIEFS: Military Action Would Have "Disastrous Consequences"-- Urge Talks With IRAN - 3—FORMER—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS warn that ANY—MILITARY action against IRAN would have "disastrous consequences" and urged WASHINGTON to hold immediate and unconditional talks with TEHRAN.
20070207             —BY Sherwood Ross -
20070207             Wild USA Spending Against Bioterror Attack May Not Actually Be "Defensive" As Claimed The stunning $43-billion PRESIDENT—BUSH is pouring into biotech labs is creating offensive germ warfare capability for the Pentagon.
20070207             —BY MIKE—ADAMS -
20070207             Mainstream Media Criticizes Wikipedia Because It Decentralizes Their Information Monopoly
20070207             —BY CAROL—WOLMAN—HAVE We Forgotten THE—LESSON—OF—HIROSHIMA?
20070207             —TURNED, The world has, against Blair and only GORDON—BROWN can save him.
20070207             —BY TIMOTHY—COOPER - - GEORGE—ORWELL & DC Voting Rights
20070207             —BY Missy Comley BEATTIE—STOP Bush —NOW!
20070207             —BY W. CHRISTOPHER—EPLER (Bill) -
20070207             Why Is It OK To Challenge THE—USA—RIGHT Wing, But Never THE—ISRAEL—RIGHT—WING?
20070207             —SINCE then, the "agendas" of PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, RICHARD—PERLE + company became the dog which wags THE—TAIL—OF—AMERICA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20070207             But these unAmerican policies have NOTHING to do with the well being and national SECURITY—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA -- as the sewer they have dragged us into conclusively proves.
20070207             CANADA—AND USA—ANTI—TERROR—PRACTICES On Trial: Maher Arar SAGA Not Over Yet
20070207             which came —AFTER MONTHS—OF—NEGOTIATIONS -- —LAST—WEEK go 1—LONG—WAY in helping Arar fulfill his 1. wish.
20070207             —BY ANNE—MENDENHALL - - Cloned Animals In Our Food Supply?
20070207             —BY MAC—MCKINNEY - - Set Your Intention To Stop 1—ATTACK—ON—IRAN
20070207             It is time for progressives to focus their energies collectively on stopping 1—ATTACK on IRAN —BEFORE it starts, as well as rejecting the demonization of 70—MILLION—OF our brothers and sisters on our planet.
20070207             —BY Rosa Schmidt Azadi -
20070207             Next Time We March--Dance!
20070207             BARBARA—EHRENREICH—SOBERING new book tells the story of how, over the centuries, the authorities clamped down on public rituals of collective joy and stole from the people the ancient source of human solidarity.
20070207             If THE—USA were THE—SORT—OF—DEMOCRACY it affects to be, the war would be OVER—EXCEPT for reparations, INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping and impeachment.
20070207             —RECOGNIZED, Instead, the end is —JUST beginning, dimly, and commented upon: Hmm, the —NOVEMBER elections may have indicated voter anger.
20070207             Who Are THE—REAL—TERRORISTS—IN—IRAQ?
20070207             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—STEVE—WATSON—INFOWARS_net —MONDAY, February 5, 20070000             a.. Clear Evidence UK—SPECIAL—FORCES are recruiting, training
20070207             —EMERGED, THE—REVEREND—TED—HAGGARD—NICO - " from —3—WEEKS—OF—INTENSIVE counseling convinced he is ' completely heterosexual ' and told 1—OVERSIGHT BOARD that his sexual contact with men was limited to his accuser".
20070207             Retired generals call IRAN war 'disastrous.'- Nico - "3—FORMER—HIGH—RANKING USA—MILITARY officers have called for BRITAIN to help defuse the crisis over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, saying military action against TEHRAN would be 1—DISASTER for the region ":
20070207             In 1—LETTER to the —SUNDAY Times newspaper, THE—3—FORMER—OFFICERS urged PRESIDENT—BUSH to open talks, "without preconditions," with THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT in 1—BID to find 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION.
20070207             —RETIRED, The signatories were, LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—ROBERT—G—GARD, 1—SENIOR—MILITARY—FELLOW at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA;
20070207             and Vice ADMIRAL—JACK—SHANAHAN, FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CENTER for Defense Information.
20070207             Ein krimineller FALL—VON—BEWEISUNTERSCHIEBUNG
20070207             - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK - - Das BKA wollte Löcher bohren ?
20070207             ?Alles Käse?, werden sich —NUN RICHTER—AM—BUNDESGERICHTSHOF gedacht haben und haben —NUN NICHT—OFFIZIELLE DURCHSUCHUNGEN—VON—IM—ONLINE—ZUSTAND befindlicher Computer verboten: Die Strafprozessordnung.
20070207             Von der Geschichte EINGEHOLT—ONLINEREDAKTION HARALD—HAACK ?
20070207             —PASSIERT, Was, wenn ein sehbehinderter HIV—POSITIVER von einem pöbelnden Jugendlichen mit rassistischen Beschimpfungen angegriffen und verprügelt wird und sich mit Beissen wehrt, erfuhr der 57-jährige DENNIS—MILHOLLAND: Den Schläger lief die Justiz laufen und erhob Klage gegen Milholland wegen Körperverletzung.
20070207             —STILL No Habeas Rights for YOU—SFUX ROBERT—PARRY -
20070207             Google Earth: Wenn Bilder lügen... - sfux World Content NEWS—KAUM hat sich die Aufregung über die Manipulation von Suchergebnissen...
20070207             Cholera reaches CONGO—CAPITAL—1—CHOLERA epidemic in CONGO which has killed more than 80—PEOPLE—THIS—YEAR, claims its 1. victims in the capital.
20070207             IRAN strike 'would be disastrous' 1—COALITION—OF—UK organisations warns TONY—BLAIR that military action against IRAN would be disastrous.
20070207             Khodorkovsky to face new charges RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS are to file new charges against jailed oil tycoon MIKHAIL—KHODORKOVSKY, his lawyers say.
20070207             Dance Copyright Enforced by DMCA
20070207             Want to Take On 1—OPEN/Unsolved Problem?
20070207             Wikipedia maintains 1—SMALL—LIST—OF them and at least 1—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP called the Union of INTERNATIONAL Associations maintains 1—DATABASE—OF—OPEN—PROBLEMS".
20070207             oo WASHINGTON initiative would require, couples to have kids
20070207             Under the initiative, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children.
20070207             Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get 1—MARRIAGE—LICENSE + if they did not have children within —3—YEARS, their marriage would be subject to annulment.
20070207             Thinking With THE—SPINAL—CORD?
20070207             2—SCIENTISTS from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—COPENHAGEN have demonstrated that the spinal cord use network mechanisms similar to those used in the brain.
20070207             Via Technoccult.
20070207             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070207             —AIDED, Crystals may have, Viking sailors Vikings may have used special crystals called sunstones to ensure gloomy weather did not come between them and 1—OUTING to sack UK—VILLAGES or discover new lands to the west, scientists have discovered.
20070207             Via the Anomalist. That PARAGUAY perplexity
20070207             Cannonfire takes 1—CLOSER lok at the "Bush buys land in PARAGUAY" story.
20070207             USA should weigh WAR—ON—TERRORISM—TAX—LIEBERMAN : SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN said —ON—TUESDAY that Congress should consider 1—TAX to fund THE—USA—DECLARED WAR—ON—TERRORISM and reduce the need to cut domestic programs to pay for security spending.
20070207             Bush Slashes Aid to Poor to Boost IRAQ War Chest : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is proposing to slash medical care for the poor and elderly to meet the soaring cost of THE—IRAQ war.
20070207             —BLOCKED, Republicans Block Senate Debate on IRAQ: Republicans, 1—FULL—FLEDGED—SENATE—DEBATE over IRAQ —ON—MONDAY, but Democrats vowed they would eventually find 1—WAY to force PRESIDENT—BUSH to change course in 1—WAR that has claimed the lives of more than 3,000—USA—TROOPS.
20070207             —TRAUMATISED, CHILDREN—OF—WAR: the generation, by violence in IRAQ:
20070207             Growing up in 1—WAR—ZONE takes its toll as young play GAMES—OF—MURDER and mayhem
20070207             SENATOR to propose surveillance of illegal images : 1—FORTHCOMING BILL—IN—THE—USA—SENATE lays the groundwork for 1—NATIONAL—DATABASE—OF—ILLEGAL—IMAGES that INTERNET service providers would use to automatically flag and report suspicious content to police.
20070207             THE—CRIMINALIZATION—OF—USA Foreign Policy
20070207             THE—WORLD is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history.
20070207             —EMBARKED, THE—USA has, on 1—MILITARY adventure, "1—LONG—WAR", which threatens THE—FUTURE—OF—HUMANITY.
20070207             Branding Enemies; Creating Battlefields
20070207             —DURING the Cold War, THE—2—SUPER—POWERS realized that there was no logic in engaging militarily given that each had the benefit of resorting to nuclear weapons, thus, with the exception of 1—FEW proxy wars, their 'war' became 1—WAR—OF—PROPAGANDA to win over minds and hearts.
20070207             —TODAY, the Bush WHITE—HOUSE is —FOLLOWING the same PATTERN—OF—WARFARE replacing communism with Islam.
20070207             However, much like everything else this administration embarks on, the disastrous consequences of this war have not been deliberated.
20070207             We are going to witness within the few coming days and weeks the unfolding of 1—PLAY authored by PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION about the immediate FUTURE—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070207             A Prize For Truth
20070207             THE—NOBEL—COMMITTEE is experiencing difficulty in finding suitable candidates for the Peace Prize.
20070207             Perhaps the solution is to consider candidates over 1—BROADER—RANGE—OF—PEOPLE.
20070207             Bush Gave Us War — —NOW Give Him Hell For IT—THIS was Molly Ivins' last column.
20070207             —BY Molly IVINS—THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS—OLD—FASHIONED—NEWSPAPER crusade to stop the war is not to make GEORGE—W—BUSH—LOOK—LIKE the dumbest PRESIDENT ever.
20070207             People have done dumber things.
20070207             What were they thinking —WHEN they bought into the Bay of Pigs fiasco?
20070207             How dumb was THE—EGYPT—SUEZ war?
20070207             How massively stupid was the entire war in VIETNAM?
20070207             Even at that, the challenge with this misbegotten adventure is that we simply cannot let it continue.
20070207             Reflections On THE—CONNECTIONS—BETWEEN the War in IRAQ and Hawai'i:
20070207             In refusing deployment to IRAQ LIEUTENANT—WATADA is serving the country with his conscience + in so doing, is giving the highest service.
20070207             If LIEUTENANT—WATADA goes to prison, as seems —NOW very likely, he will be 1—POWERFUL—SYMBOL—OF—THE—INJUSTICE—OF—THE nation and its shame in ignoring the judgement at Nuremberg and refusal to remember Justice JACKSON—COUNSEL.
20070207             THE—USA—WAY—OF—LIFE
20070207             —WHILE most Americans have no difficulty reciting the flattering components of the "USA—WAY" — the routine stuff of political speeches such as life, liberty, justice — far fewer seem willing to identify as "American" unflattering, complementary components of our national ethos.
20070207             What 'ISRAEL—RIGHT to Exist' Means to Palestinians
20070207             To talk of Hamas "recognizing ISRAEL" is simply to use sloppy, confusing + deceptive shorthand for the real demand being made of the Palestinians.
20070207             C - ONTINUE—AND What About THE—PALESTINE—CAUSE?
20070207             —ASKED, THE—PALESTINE—ACTIVIST—REEM Abdehadi, —WHEN, for her opinion about Jewish ANTI—ZIONIST—CAMPAIGNERS, said sarcastically: "they are very NICE, all 15—OF—THEM..".
20070207             Silencing Critics Not Way To MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE
20070207             Last —SUNDAY in S—FRANCISCO, THE—ANTI—DEFAMATION—LEAGUE sponsored "Finding Our Voice," 1—CONFERENCE designed to help Jews recognize and confront the "new ANTI—SEMITISM".
20070207             For me, it was ironic.
20070207             —10—DAYS—BEFORE, my own voice was silenced by fellow Jews.
20070207             1—CONFERENCE in PARIS sponsored by UNICEF and FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTRY highlighted THE—PLIGHT—OF—CHILDREN (both boys and girls) soldiers, unwilling actors in wars ravaging their countries.
20070207             "Taking 1—GUN and shooting someone was as easy as drinking 1—GLASS—OF—WATER," told Ishmael Beah, —NOW 26, to the participants at the congress.
20070207             —RECRUITED, He was, —WHEN he was 13 to fight in his native SIERRA—LEONE.
20070207             THE—GREAT—DOLLAR—CRASH—OF '07
20070207             The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—DOLLAR by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted TRILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain.
20070207             The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it —NOW poses 1—DIRECT—THREAT to our increasingly fragile democracy.
20070207             How To Fix Campaign Financing Forever For $50 -By Farhad MANJOO—1—RADICAL—PROPOSAL by 2—YALE professors goes far beyond ANY—REFORM envisaged by Feingold or McCain.
20070207             Pigs at the trough: Clinton pimps for dollars
20070207             New bid for 'open debate' on ISRAEL : 1—BREAKAWAY group from AUSTRALIA—MAINSTREAM—JEWISH—ORGANISATIONS—AIMS to encourage "open debate" within the Jewish community on THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070207             Foreign spies should stay out: For at least —3—DECADES, ISRAEL—SPY—AGENCIES have had 1—UNHEALTHY predilection for forging or stealing CANADA—PASSPORTS.
20070207             USA fails to sign treaty banning secret prisons: Nearly 60—COUNTRIES signed 1—TREATY—ON—TUESDAY that bans governments from holding people in secret detention, but THE—USA and SOME—OF—ITS—KEY—EUROPEAN allies were not among them.
20070207             —DESTROYED, USA wants NICARAGUA missiles : THE—USA—INSISTED—MONDAY that NICARAGUA destroy HUNDREDS—OF—SOVIET—MADE—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES—AFTER PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA said the weapons were needed for the country's defense.
20070207             USA moving ahead with plans to train "security" forces: THE—USA is planning to spend MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to train PALESTINE—SECURITY—FORCES as part of 1 renewed effort to strengthen PALESTINE—AUTHORITY—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20070207             Muslim protests as ISRAEL digs at holy site: ISRAEL—ARCHAEOLOGISTS began digging up 1—STONE ramp near THE—DOME—OF—THE—ROCK in JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY—YESTERDAY, bringing immediate protests from Palestinians and condemnation from THE—KING—OF—JORDAN.
20070207             ITALY tells CANADA, other allies, to butt out of its AFGHANISTAN—POLICY—DECISIONS : - Foreign MINISTER—MASSIMO—DE—ALEMA sent 1—PROTEST—LETTER to 6 allied countries —TUESDAY, accusing them of interfering in ITALY—AFFAIRS with their public appeal for ROME to keep its troops in AFGHANISTAN.
20070207             IRAN test fires RUSSIA—MISSILES—NEAR—STRAIT of Hormuz : IRAN—ELITE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—TEST fired its new RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MISSILE—SYSTEM—WEDNESDAY near the strategically important Strait of Hormuz, state radio reported.ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT called —WEDNESDAY on world leaders to impose sanctions on IRAN even if they have to do so without THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council.
20070207             Mahathir fires war crimes volley at Bush : MALAYSIA—FORMER—PREMIER and outspoken CRITIC—OF—THE—WEST—MAHATHIR MOHAMED—YESTERDAY slammed USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush and UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR as war criminals and murderers.
20070207             HIROSHIMA, the pictures they didn't want us to see : THE—ATOMIC—BOMBINGS—OF—HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI killed about 250.000—PEOPLE and became the most dreadful slaughter of civilians in modern history.
20070207             However, for MANY—YEARS there was 1—CURIOUS—GAP in the photographic records.
20070207             War pimp alert: ISRAEL calls for sanctions on IRAN that bypass UN Security Council:
20070207             Slaughter and Spin in THE—BATTLE—FOR—NAJAF:
20070207             It has been cast as 1—FEROCIOUS—BATTLE against 1—MIGHTY opponent: 1—FANATICAL "apocalyptic cult" storming the holy CITY—OF—NAJAF with HUNDREDS—OF—WARRIORS led by 1—SELF—PROCLAIMED—ISLAMIC—MESSIAH, their frenzy quelled only at the last moment by 1—MASSIVE—INTERVENTION—OF—USA—FIREPOWER
20070207             USA refusenik officer calls IRAQ war illegal : 1—ARMY—LIEUTENANT who said he refused to be deployed to IRAQ because he believed the war was illegal will take the stand in his own defence, his lawyer said.
20070207             Occupation Protest Project Rolls Into McCains Office: The arrests started —JUST—5—MINUTES—AFTER people entered SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN'S (R—AZ) OFFICE—IN—THE—SENATE—OFFICE—BUILDING.
20070207             —PLANNED, The 1. of 1, —3—MONTH—SERIES—OF—OCCUPATIONS—OF—USA—LEGISLATORS' offices was designed to demand specific action to quickly end THE—USA—WAR in and occupation of IRAQ.
20070207             —QUIZZED, Billions missing: Bremer, over cash for IRAQ : PAUL—BREMER told 1—CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE—INVESTIGATING—ALLEGATIONS—OF—WASTE and fraud that he had done his best to KICK—START—IRAQ—ECONOMY.
20070207             - MUCH—OF—THE—MONEY went missing and critics say there was no system to track how it was used.
20070207             $12—BILLION Missing: Waste in War: Where Did All THE—IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION—MONEY—GO?
20070207             —CLAIMED, In his opening statement, REPRESENTATIVE—WAXMAN, $12—BILLION dollars were sent to IRAQ 20030500—20040600    —BETWEEN and is unaccounted for by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070207             —INDICTED, USA—SOLDIERS, in IRAQ kickback probe: 3—ARMY—RESERVE—OFFICERS and A—USA—CONTRACTOR were indicted —WEDNESDAY as PART—OF—1—BID—RIGGING scam that steered MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—IRAQ reconstruction projects to 1—CONTRACTOR in exchange for cash, luxury cars, jewelry and other pricey goods.
20070207             EL—PASO Corp. to pay $7.7—MILLION UNITED—NATIONS OIL—FOR—FOOD—FINE:
20070207             HOUSTON—BASED EL—PASO Corp. will pay more than $7.7—MILLION to settle claims it purchased oil knowing SOME—OF—THE—MONEY went for illegal kickbacks to THE—FORMER—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT through 1—UNITED—NATIONS—SPONSORED humanitarian program
20070207             4—HELD over IRAN—DIPLOMAT kidnapping : 4—IRAQ—MILITARY—OFFICERS have been detained over the kidnapping of 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT in BAGHDAD, IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER—HOSHYAR—ZEBARI says.
20070207             - "But there is SOME—QUESTIONING about their affiliations and who is ordering them to do these things.
20070207             —ABDUCTED, IRAN says diplomat in IRAQ, under USA—SUPERVISION : IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—MOHAMMAD—ALI—HOSSEINI—TUESDAY condemned the kidnapping of 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT in IRAQ, saying it was operated under THE—SUPERVISION—OF—USA—FORCES there, the state media reported.
20070207             AMERICA—SECRET—AIR—WAR in IRAQ
20070207             —UNTIL—NOW, USA—AIR—POWER in IRAQ has been 1—NON—STORY -- if you weren't 1—IRAQI.
20070207             In the coming months, however, it may force its way onto the front pages of our papers and onto the nightly TV news -- but not if the Pentagon has anything to say about it.
20070207             It Is No Use Blaming IRAN For THE—INSURGENCY—IN—IRAQ
20070207             —FROM Mega Surge to Dual ollback
20070207             THE—USA will not leave IRAQ without 1. militarily weakening IRAN.
20070207             —SCUTTLED, WASHINGTON has, EVERY—INITIATIVE that could have provided 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION to the troubles with TEHRAN.
20070207             The sins of THE—USA—ARE quite well known.
20070207             —FEARED, Acting on the advice of ALBERT—EINSTEIN, who, that Nazi GERMANY might obtain nuclear weapons, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT authorized 1—CRASH—PROGRAM, the Manhattan Project, to develop the bombs that would be dropped at HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.
20070207             PRE—EMPTIVE Strike Against Chirac
20070207             For 1—LONG—TIME, there has been 1—UNWRITTEN law that only Jews (at risk of being called "SELF—HATING") may criticize Zionism.
20070207             But things have gone too far.
20070207             This aggressive paranoia of ISRAEL is not —JUST a "Jewish question", it is dragging the whole world into disaster.
20070207             CHIRAC—NUCLEAR—TALK—FALLOUT
20070207             Maybe CHIRAC—GAFFE was not as accidental as it seemed.
20070207             Maybe he wanted people to RE—EXAMINE all the lies and HALF—TRUTHS we are told about IRAN as WASHINGTON seems to be gearing up for another attack.
20070207             CIA—SPONSORED Kidnappings And Torture Undermine ANTI—TERROR—EFFORTS
20070207             Imagine agents of 1—FOREIGN—GOVERNMENT — say, RUSSIA or CHINA — deciding that certain Americans might be plotting against their country.
20070207             Imagine those agents seizing the Americans —WHILE they're on vacation abroad.
20070207             Imagine those agents then secretly transporting the Americans for interrogation to a 3. country notorious for its USE—OF—TORTURE in interrogations, where they are — no surprise — tortured.
20070207             BAGDAD—RUND 30—BEWAFFNETE Männer in Uniformen der IRAKISCHEN—ARMEE haben in Bagdad den 2. Sekretär der IRANISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT entführt.
20070207             CIA and Operation PHOENIX in VIETNAM Corn, D. (19940000             ), Blond Ghost: TED—SHACKLEY and THE—CIA—CRUSADES, 193.... and Helms in 70 arranged to keep CIA from being implicated in My Lai massacres.
20070207             - 43 - Know your BFEE: Know your BFEE: OLIVER—NORTH, USA—GOVERNMENT—DRUG
20070207             Is it possible that somehow he never heard of the My Lai Massacre?)... OLIVER—NORTH, ELLIOTT—ABRAMS, JOHN—NEGROPONTE, TED—SHACKLEY, to name 1—FEW.
20070207             PROBE From the —NOVEMBER—19971200              issue (Vol.
20070207             5—NUMBER 1) The... Hersh then wrote 2—BOOKS on this atrocity: My Lai 4 and Cover Up.
20070207             There... of THE—EXPOSURE—OF—THE—BILL—COLBY/TED—SHACKLEY directed PHOENIX—PROGRAM: the.
20070207             PHOENIX programme THE—ULTIMATE—COLD—WAR—APPARATCHIK, TED—SHACKLEY was the notorious... THE—PHOENIX—PROGRAM, My Lai and the "Tiger Cages" excerpt from THE—PHOENIX—PROGRAM...
20070207             THE—PHOENIX—PROGRAM [Archive] - Military Photos
20070207             Blond Ghost: TED—SHACKLEY and THE—CIA—CRUSADES, 193.... told how Shackley + Helms in
20070207             I aint God.....Yet: 03.05—SHACKLEY and other CIA veterans coordinated with Bush in monitoring...
20070207             And —WHILE SOME—THINGS, like the My Lai massacre and "4—DEAD in OHIO" left an...
20070207             mparent7777: THE—SECRET—HISTORY—OF—RICHARD—L—ARMITAGE
20070207             1—INTERNATIONAL—GUIDE to CIA Death Squads by RALPH—MCGEHEE operations such as My Lai use PHOENIX intelligence.
20070207             ARTICLE—JOURNICAL_com Parker, then by TED—SHACKLEY + his deputies, including THOMAS—CLINES... Cover up +the+Army+secret+investigation+of+the+massacre+at+ My + Lai +
20070207             THE—PHOENIX program 1—RETROSPECTIVE assessment -
20070207             —CONNECTED, No 1—EVER convincingly, THE—PHOENIX program to the My Lai massacre... Shackley, Theodore.
20070207             The 3. Option: 1—AMERICA—VIET—OF—COUNTER.
20070207             USA Révélation de massacres américains au VIETNAM peu avant My Lai (—LUNDI... la mort récente de l'espion le plus célèbre de la CIA, TED—SHACKLEY... =
20070207             Citizens for Legitimate GOVERNMENT—INDEX - For Mother Earth: Latest News GEORGE W.
20070207             Bush MASTER—OF—CEREMONY for IRAQ—KILLING fields in BELGIUM.
20070207             (20042805             )... all corporate sponsors of THE—GEORGE W. - Bush election campaign.
20070207             Boycott call against Exxon Mobil Petition Exxon Mobil is the power behind GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070207             Exxon Mobil was 1—LARGE donor of.
20070207             They spent 7—MILLION dollars on this campaign. Exxon Mobil was also a.
20070207             527s:, 20060000             Election Cycle "part of a $2.5—MILLION ad campaign ".
20070207             GEORGE W. - Bush (R).
20070207             Negative... "Pfizer", "Halliburton", "Fox", "GE" + " Exxon " to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070207             GEORGE—W—BUSH—NEWS—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - Narrowed by 'STRATEGIC...
20070207             Your search for STRATEGIC PETROLEUM RESERVE in GEORGE—W—BUSH returned 30—ARTICLES... and favoring oil companies;
20070207             Bush RE—ELECTION campaign blames Kerry
20070207             Bush, GEORGE W - Exxon, big contributor to Bush campaign, may beg Bush to revive KYOTO protocol (M).
20070207             Bush ">Political FRIENDSTER—GEORGE—W—BUSH - Connections -
20070207             Racicot chairs the Bush /Cheney RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN... Donated $2000 to GEORGE W.
20070207             Bush 's 20040000             campaign for reelection.
20070207             (He has not donated to ANY—OTHER.
20070207             BushAdmin.html">Oil and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20070207             Of course, GEORGE W Bush 's was not the only SET—OF—CAMPAIGNS that benefited from THE—LARGESS—OF—THE—OIL—COMPANIES.
20070207             Exxon/Mobil Corp. spent $3280216 to.
20070207             GEORGE—W—BUSH—RESUME—GEORGE W.
20070207             Bush (Dubya) THE—WHITE—HOUSE—1600—PENNSYLVANIA—AVE., NW.
20070207             1. PRESIDENT—IN—USA—HISTORY to refuse UNITED—NATIONS election inspectors (—DURING...
20070207             Lobby Registrations Registrant:, Baker Botts LLP, Lobbying Issue Codes (if... YEPC attorney MICHAEL—GOLDBERG, of HOUSTON—BASED firm Baker Botts LLP.. 20070207.html
20070207             2: Labor Blog | Sources | GENERAL—LABOR—NEWS | IWW News | Industrial... oversight + enforcement under the present administration is 1—SCANDAL.
20070207             himself: Principial s company, QTC Management, administers medical exams to veterans...
20070207             Hearing... - REED—ARMY—MEDICAL—CENTER—SCANDAL because of his experience as... has served as CHIEF medical director and CHIEF operating officer of QTC Management INCORPORATED.
20070207             But that's exactly what our government did.';_ylt=Av7gdHW2aTiIYET3IakldLPMWM0F;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-
20070207             Bush is Sending More GIs to Die:
20070207             "Clearly, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is not coming clean about plans for PARAGUAY, whatever they may be.
20070207             JOHN—RUSSELL (1° E. Bedford)- [Traduire cette page]John, Lord Russell and his wife, Anne, obtained the wealthy lands of Tavistock Abbey + they renewed the lease to the Drakes 15460000             —IN.—RUSSEL l(1EBedford).htm
20070207             *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES...E..DOS DONOS...
20070207             FRED—BURKS—SERVED for MANY—YEARS as 1—LANGUAGE—INTERPRETER for presidents and other dignitaries,—INFORMATION.
20070207             Baker was a. - pg. 5—PG. 4—PG.
20070207             here. Kindersoldaten bleiben illegal
20070207             —BY MARTY—GRAHAM.
20070207             Part 1: Part 2: Good Review of Various Theories for Why WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 COLLAPSED—BG - Source:
20070207             THE—REAL—TRAITORS - Fossilised Dinosaur Eggs Found
20070207             Nation Fiction |
20070207             EUROPE 'ripe' For Our Ideas, Says Far Right |
20070207             USA: 'Insurgents' Killed in Airstrike Were Innocent CIVILIANS—BG - Source:
20070207             To continue READING, click here.
20070207             It is 1—FILM made by 3—YOUNG—MEN that airs MOST—OF—THE—STANDARD—CONSPIRACY—THEORIES about the attacks of —SEPTEMBER.
20070207             —THREATENED, In 1—WRITTEN statement, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, TO—VETO the bill :
20070207             CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—WAYS and Means Subcommittee, said, "WHAT—GOOD enough for states should be good enough for THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT — and for THE—MILLIONS—OF—SENIORS and people with disabilities currently being overcharged for necessary drugs.... I applaud THE—PRESIDENT—CHANGE—OF—HEART and look forward to joining him in the Rose Garden for the signing of the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act".
20070207             Pace said the military has about 41,000 armored vehicles in IRAQ —
20070207             Among the scenarios THAT—THE—REPORT lays out :
20070207             direct talks - carries 1—SUBTEXT—OF—AMAZEMENT, even bewilderment.
20070207             Digg It! Transcripts below: (more...)
20070207             For the 1. time —SINCE the war began, House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) is holding
20070207             We ARE—EXTENDING 1—INEFFECTIVE tactic - to further the status quo".
20070207             The current plan is not working, and 21,500 additional troops — it's 1—SNOWBALL in July.
20070207             Cognizant Technology "buy" - (20070206             /ac/a/u)
20070207             Burn THE—WITCH! " THE—HEATHLANDER - Embracing Failure
20070207             Maureen Dowd: No Way Out - JAPAN Confirms Deadly Bird Flu Outbreak
20070207             Black Hawk Down: THE—TRUE—COST—OF—IRAQ—WAR—NEWSWEEK THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ — MISS—
20070207             —BY Patrice Greanville - - He Who Says Speciesism Says Fascism-
20070207             —BY Allen L Roland - 1—SUPER—TREAT/THE—TRIAL—OF—TONY—BLAIR - No rebukes or resolutions.
20070207             —BY FAISAL—KUTTY
20070207             —BY LEE—SHELTON - - Our Escalating "Victory" In IRAQ
20070207             —BY ROBERT—KOEHLER - - 1—NEW—MANIFEST—DESTINY
20070207             —BY SCOTT—SHANE—AND—RON—NIXON -
20070207             "The accumulation and FOCUSING—OF—KNOWLEDGE may be the noblest use or PURPOSE—OF—THE—INTERNET—THERE are plenty of open or unsolved problems left for this generation.
20070207             Via the Anomalist.
20070207             That PARAGUAY perplexity - Bush Gave Us War — —NOW Give Him Hell For It
20070207             This was Molly Ivins' last column.
20070207             Whether we all realize it or not, we currently live in " Vichy AMERICA" --- and although this is a...—THE—LAST—CHANCE/feed
20070207             CQ Politics | Bush Picks Peake as Veterans Affairs SECRETARY; Hearing... - tion required)
20070207—15460000    —IN, JOHN—RUSSELL (1° E. Bedford)- [Traduire cette page]John, Lord Russell and his wife, Anne, obtained the wealthy lands of Tavistock Abbey + they renewed the lease to the Drakes.
20070207—19730000    —BY, PHOENIX... Blond Ghost: TED—SHACKLEY and THE—CIA—CRUSADES, p. 175—VIETNAM, 1966000071        .
20070207—19750400    —UNTIL, late 19730000             , THEODORE—SHACKLEY, THOMAS—CLINES and... who got his start by trying to cover up the My Lai massacre in VIETNAM)...
20070207—19990000    —SINCE, THE—BALKAN enclave has been UN—RUN—WHEN NATO freed its mainly ALBANIA—POPULATION from SERBIA—RULE.
20070207—20000000    —IN, Moore, —AT—THE—TIME—SENIOR—EDITOR—FOR—THE—GALLUP—POLL, highlights the influence of Jeb Bush and THE—FOX—NETWORK.
20070207—20000000    —YEAR, In the, Bush sold AMERICA—SOUL to the neocon lobby (but lobbying for what country?).
20070207—20010000    La protection sociale sous le régimen de Vichy/Sous la direction de
20070207—20010911    —FROM, Seymour HERSH—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND: 1 detailed look at THE—BLUNDERS—OF—USA—POLICY in
20070207—20010911    —ON, There are plenty of more reputable sources from which to gather evidence.
20070207—20010911    —FROM, Seymour HERSH—CHAIN—OF—COMMAND: 1 detailed look at THE—BLUNDERS—OF—USA—POLICY in... 20010911             and THE—USA—EMPIRE DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN speaks out.
20070207—20020000    —SINCE, It's 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST attacks.
20070207—20020000    —IN—LATE, Remote POLAND—AIRSTRIP holds clues to secret CIA flights : and 20030000             , there was 1—FLURRY of unusual activity at MAZURY—SZCZYTNO INTERNATIONAL Airport, 1—FORMER—MILITARY—FACILITY that happens to be near 1—POLAND—INTELLIGENCE training complex where European investigators suspect THE—CIA maintained 1—SECRET—INTERROGATION and detention facility.
20070207—20030000    —IN, 1—PANEL—OF—INDEPENDENT—ADVISERS told THE—FDA that it "overwhelmingly backed nonprescription sales [of Plan B] for all ages".
20070207—20030000    —IN, With no end in sight to the nearly —4—YEAR—OLD—WAR, there is widening concern among Republicans that losing what was described widely as "the biggest gamble of the modern presidency'' could hurt their party's electoral prospects for 1—GENERATION to come.
20070207—20030000    —IN, "My priority right —NOW is to clear my name," said Maher Arar —DURING his 1. public appearance upon his return —AFTER being tortured for over —1—YEAR in Syria.
20070207—20030500    —IN, most folks and chroniclers assumed that THE—NICK—KRISTOF piece —DATE spurred THE—WHITE—HOUSE to go —AFTER Joe and Valerie Wilson.
20070207—20030612    —ON, the legendary warhorse reporter at THE—WASHINGTON—POST, whose work on 1—ARTICLE that appeared set in motion the events that eventually produced the "outing" of Valerie Plame,
20070207—20030612    —BASED, But, on the timeline emerging from the Libby trial the real culprit is WALTER—PINCUS, the legendary warhorse reporter at THE—WASHINGTON—POST, whose work on 1—ARTICLE that appeared set in motion the events that eventually produced the "outing" of Valerie Plame, THE—WIFE—OF—AMBASSDOR—JOE—WILSON and 1—UNDERCOVER—CIA—OFFICER.
20070207—20040500    —IN, Zbig was at his best —DATE demanding that we face reality in IRAQ ~ and —NOW
20070207—20040500    —IN, Zbig was at his best demand
20070207—20040700    : This Far and No Further
20070207—20050000    —IN, ITALY to try USA—SOLDIER for agent's death: 1—ROME JUDGE—ON—WEDNESDAY ordered A—USA—SOLDIER to stand trial on homicide charges for shooting dead 1—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT in IRAQ as he was escorting 1—NEWLY freed hostage to safety, prosecutors said.
20070207—20050304    —ON, 1—ITALY—JUDGE—ORDERED—A—USA—SOLDIER to stand trial in absentia for the fatal shooting of 1—ITALY—INTELLIGENCE—AGENT at 1—CHECKPOINT in BAGHDAD.
20070207—20060500    —IN—THE, '"THE—RACIAL—PARADOX of the Corporate Law Firm," 1—ARTICLE—WRITTEN—BY—UCLA law professor RICHARD—SANDER and published EDITION—OF—THE—NORTH—CAROLINA Law Review,
20070207—20060500    —IN—THE, '"THE—RACIAL—PARADOX of the Corporate Law Firm," 1—ARTICLE—WRITTEN—BY—UCLA law professor RICHARD—SANDER and published EDITION—OF—THE—NORTH—CAROLINA Law Review, raises 1—INTERESTING question: do the preferences that prestigious law schools and large law firms give to certain minorities (i.e.
20070207—20070000    —IN, ing that we face reality in IRAQ ~ and —NOW, Brzezinski continues to call THE—IRAQ war and occupation 1—HISTORIC, strategic and moral calamity.
20070207—20070208    AFGHANISTAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS fight amnesty for warlords ->more in GLORIA—R—LALUMIA—WORLD—MEDIA—WATCH for 20070207             20070207             Die vergangenen —HERBST—WINTERMONATE gehörten zu den wärmsten —SEIT Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnung in Mitteleuropa.
20070207—20080000    —IN, Confrontation with IRAN, diverting attention from the fiasco in IRAQ, may be their best chance of holding THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070207—20120000    LONDON Olympics: Police STATE—OPENING—CEREMONY
20070208—2007020720080207             USNRC Press Release NRC proposes $3,250 fine for NJ company over violation associated with theft of portable nuclear gauge
20070215             —WEDNESDAY, 20070207             20070407             —TODAY in History February 8 (HN, 19970207             )
20070626—20080207    —ON, 3—WRESTLERS and 1—FORMER trainer were arrested for SAITO—DEATH.
20070907             Im PASCAL—PROZESS spricht das LANDGERICHT—SAARBRÜCKEN 12—ANGEKLAGTE vom Vorwurf des Mordes und des sexuellen Missbrauchs in zahlreichen Fällen frei.
20070907             Das Urteil wird später vom Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt.
20071003             Dulles_20040207              20080130             Police in INDIA said they broke up 1—ILLEGAL—ORGAN—TRANSPLANT ring spanning 5—INDIA—STATES and involving at least 4—DOCTORS, several hospitals, 2—DOZEN—NURSES and paramedics and 1—CAR outfitted as 1—LABORATORY (see 20080207             ).
20080207             Während des 19010101—20001231     hat der Konsum von Tabak demnach insgesamt 100—MILLIONEN Menschenleben gekostet.
20080207             —ARRESTED, NEPAL—AUTHORITIES, Amit Kumar, the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—1—SHADOWY organ transplant operation in INDIA that illegally removed HUNDREDS—OF—KIDNEYS, sometimes from unwilling donors, at 1—JUNGLE resort in SOUTH—NEPAL (see 20080130             ).
20080207             —INDICATED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, he would sign the measure.
20080207             —SUSPENDED, Mitt Romney, FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—MASSACHUSETTS, his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.
20080207             USA—PROSECUTORS said Merck will pay $671—MILLION to settle claims it overcharged government health programs for 4—DRUGS and gave doctors fees and gifts to induce them to prescribe the drugs.
20080207             —KILLED, Randall Simmons (51) was the 1. SWAT officer, in THE—LINE—OF—DUTY in the unit's —41—YEAR—HISTORY.
20080207             PORT, WENTWORTH—GEORGIA, 1—EXPLOSION and fire at 1—SUGAR—REFINERY owned by Imperial Sugar, based in Sugar LAND—TEXAS, left 11—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080207             —DOUBLED, The acquisition, THE—SIZE—OF—THE—COMPANY, making it the largest processor and REFINER—OF—SUGAR in THE—USA.
20080207             —CLAIMED, He had, in the past city leaders stifled and harassed him.
20080207             —STABBED, PORTSMOUTH—OHIO, WILLIAM—MICHAEL—LAYNE, —56—JAHRE—ALT, his estranged wife in front of her 5. grade class and girl friend in 1—ALLEY behind her home and then shot himself dead in 1—STANDOFF with police.
20080207             Both women were in critical condition.
20080207             1 bungled suicide attack hurt 2—CIVILIANS in SOUTH—WEST—NIMROZ province.
20080207             —KILLED, In 1—SEPARATE —MORNING attack, another officer was, and 1 injured in the village of Boukalfa.
20080207             BELIZE—OPPOSITION United DEMOCRATIC—PARTY won 1—LANDSLIDE victory in general elections, ending PRIME—MINISTER—SAID—MUSA—10—YEARS in office.
20080207             UDP leader DEAN—BARROW was to be sworn in as the country's 1. black PRIME—MINISTER the —NEXT—DAY.
20080207             BOLIVIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that the world has 1—OBLIGATION to send aid to FLOOD—RAVAGED areas, linking 1—DISASTER that has killed 49—PEOPLE to global climate change.
20080207             —ISSUED, CHAD—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY—ITNO, a "solemn call" for 1—EUROPEAN peacekeeping force for Darfur refugees, to deploy as soon as possible.
20080207             —ANNOUNCED, CHILE, it will try to head off power rationing by cutting electrical voltage, distributing efficient light bulbs and extending daylight savings time.
20080207             EGYPT, at least 29—PEOPLE, including children, were killed and 16 injured in 1—TRAFFIC pileup blamed on —EARLY—MORNING fog SOUTH—EAST—OF—CAIRO.
20080207             —ELECTED, GREECE, senior clergy, Metropolitan BISHOP—IERONYMOS—OF—THEBES as the new leader of the powerful Orthodox Church to succeed the late Archbishop Christodoulos.
20080207             —DEVELOPED, Experts said IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROJECT has, its own version of 1 advanced centrifuge to churn out enriched uranium much faster than its previous machines.
20080207             1—ROADSIDE bomb killed 3—AWAKENING council members and wounded 8—OTHERS—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080207             —ENTERED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, THE—TOWN—OF—QABATIYA —BEFORE dawn to arrest 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD militant.
20080207             —DISABLED, Soldiers shot 1—MENTALLY, man, Taysir Nazal (56), as he emerged from his home, in his legs.
20080207             A 169-page indictment in THE—USA—WENT back —3—DECADES and included at least 7—MURDERS.
20080207             —SIGNED, LIBYA—NATIONAL—OIL—CORP and INDONESIA, 1—DEAL for THE—NORTH—AFRICA—STATE to supply the world's most populous Muslim nation with crude oil for the next —20—YEARS.
20080207             —AGREED, FRANCE, to help CANADA in fighting the Taliban in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20080207             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 2—SUSPECTS in the suicide attack that killed opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.
20080207             1—TEAM from SCOTLAND Yard returned to PAKISTAN to report the conclusions of their probe into the assassination.
20080207             3—MEN were killed and 13—OTHERS wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded in SOUTH—WEST—BALUCHISTAN province.
20080207             —ATTACKED, SRI—LANKA, government troops, rebel bunkers along the northern front lines, triggering gunbattles that killed 34—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER.
20080207             —DISSOLVED, PRESIDENT—JAKAYA—KIKWETE, the entire Cabinet as 1—RESULT.
20080207             —VOTED, TURKEY—LAWMAKERS, to approve 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT allowing female students to enter universities wearing Islamic head scarves, 1—MOVE that MANY—SECULAR—TURKS view as 1—ATTEMPT to impose religion on their daily lives.
20080207             —WARNED, THE—WHO, in 1—NEW—REPORT that the "tobacco epidemic" is growing and could claim 1—BILLION lives by THE—END—OF—THE—CENTURY unless governments dramatically step up efforts to curb smoking.
20080207             † ANDREW—BERTIE, BRITISCHER—WIRTSCHAFTSJOURNALIST, 78. Großmeister des Malteserordens
20080207             —TRANSPIRED, THE—END is what, as we drank our beers, focused on Britney Spears or praised the lord and revoted for GWB.
20080207             Bring on Blackwater and we are all Iraqis —NOW.
20080207             Energy Business REVIEW—AREVA wins nuclear fuel supply contracts from USA—UTILITIES—FRANCE—NUCLEAR—POWER—GROUP—AREVA has won major commercial nuclear fuel contracts with USA—BASED utility companies,
20080207             Constellation ENERGY—TENNESSEE Valley Authority, PPL Corporation and AmerGen Energy Company.
20080207             —COMBINED, THE—4—CONTRACTS have 1, market value of over E200 million.
20080207             —PLACED, Constellation Energy, 1—ORDER for 10—RELOAD BATCHES—OF—FUEL for Unit-1 and UNIT—2—OF—ITS—CALVERT—CLIFFS nuclear power plant.
20080207             IAEA Press RELEASE—GLOBAL Nuclear Response Network Launches;
20080207             4—COUNTRIES Are 1. to Lend Support to RANET Preparedness Initiative - 1—IAEA—BASED INTERNATIONAL nuclear emergency response network has become operational through receipt of its 1. PLEDGES—OF—ASSISTANCE from 4—MEMBER—STATES.
20080207             —STEPPED, FINLAND—MEXICO, SRI—LANKA and THE—USA—HAVE, forward to make the initial commitments to the Response Assistance Network (RANET),
20080207             1—GLOBAL—RESPONSE—ARRANGEMENT designed to coordinate INTERNATIONAL assistance in CASE—OF—1—RADIATION—INCIDENT or emergency.
20080207             "With these initial registrations, we have successfully launched the 1. phase of RANET," said WARREN—STERN,
20080207             HEAD—OF—THE—IAEA´s Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC). - - "—WHEN designing the system,
20080207             we worked with 1—GROUP—OF—COUNTRIES to make sure that RANET was interoperable and responsive to 1—STATE´s needs in the event of 1—EMERGENCY.
20080207             —PLEASED, We´re, with the breadth of capabilities we´ve received thus far and look forward to further registrations from Member States.
20080207             The backbone of RANET´s capabilities CONSISTS—OF—TECHNOLOGY and trained experts which could be made available for ON—SITE—EMERGENCY—RESPONSE—ASSISTANCE.
20080207             In the event of 1—SERIOUS—RADIOLOGICAL—INCIDENT, 1—MEMBER—STATE can request support from RANET —WHEN the event's consequences exceed its domestic response capabilities.
20080207             RANET—EMERGENCY—RESPONSE would be coordinated by matching the affected STATE—NEEDS to the network's resources.
20080207             OPEDNEWS—HAWAIIANS prove that activism still works! - Upset Hawaiians who love their land and PEOPLE—AND object to military BOMBINGS—REMIND us all —JUST what dedicated activism can still accomplish!
20080207             I —JUST learned something that is far too rich, far too juicy to keep to myself!
20080207             1—CONTACT in HAWAII working on the demilitarization of the Aloha islands has shared SOME—REALLY great news!
20080207             Well, actually it's better than awesome news for HAWAII.
20080207             But rotten luck for another ISLAND... As word has it,
20080207             THE—AIR—FORCE'S B2 stealth bombers, that had been dropping 2,000 lb.
20080207             bombs EACH—MONTH—SINCE ;;09;; —DURING "training" exercises into Depleted Uranium contaminated soils at the Pohakuloa Training Area,
20080207             did not take place in the —MONTH of ;;01;;.
20080207             —MOVED, Instead, it appears the B2 bombings exercises were, —LAST—MONTH to the Kwajalein Atoll,
20080207             1—OF—THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—OF—GUAM.
20080207             KWAJALEIN—REAGAN—TEST—SITE has been 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—DEVELOPMENT and "test" site for THE—USA—ARMY for over —40—YEARS.
20080207             THE—RELOCATION—OF—BOMB—DROPS out of HAWAII —JUST goes to show that the actions of dedicated,
20080207             vocal activists with respect for their land, environment + HEALTH—OF—THEIR—PEOPLE can and do make 1—DIFFERENCE!
20080207             Stories like this Hawaiian victory remind us all that we are far more powerful than we even realize.
20080207             It kind of makes you wonder what we all could do if we were to really work together on the things most important to us (think health and WELL—BEING of our citizens for starters).
20080207             Imagine what we could accomplish if we were to actually make our heartfelt opposition to the military's rampant environmental degradation and toxic and radioactive contamination of our country be known!
20080207             THE—USA said it was barring 10—LEADING KENYA—POLITICIANS from entering THE—USA,
20080207             —BARRICADED, LOS—ANGELES, 1—MAN, himself in 1—HOUSE—AFTER telling police he had killed 3—RELATIVES,
20080207             PORT, WENTWORTH—GEORGIA, 1—EXPLOSION and fire at 1—SUGAR—REFINERY owned by Imperial Sugar,
20080207             —STORMED, KIRKWOOD—MISSOURI, 1—GUNMAN, 1—COUNCIL meeting,
20080207             AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB targeting 1—NATO—CONVOY left 3—SOLDIERS lightly wounded in EAST—KHOST province.
20080207             —SUSPECTED, EAST—ALGERIA, Islamist militants gunned down 8—POLICE—OFFICERS in 1—LATE—NIGHT—AMBUSH outside the village of Ain R'Ghiya.
20080207             1—NEW—SECURITY—PACT between AUSTRALIA and INDONESIA came into force at 1—CEREMONY in PERTH attended by THE—FOREIGN—MINISTERS—OF—THE—AT—TIMES testy neighbors.
20080207             BELIZE—OPPOSITION United DEMOCRATIC—PARTY won a landslide victory in general elections,
20080207             BOLIVIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER said that the world has 1—OBLIGATION to send aid to FLOOD—RAVAGED areas,
20080207             —LOWERED, THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—MONETARY—POLICY—COMMITTEE (MPC), interest rates from 5,75% to 5.5%.
20080207             WEST—INDIA, Dynaneshwar Sathawane,
20080207             —STORMED, IRAQ, gunmen, 1—HOUSE—NEAR—BAQOUBA, separated out the women and children inside and killed 3—BROTHERS,
20080207             —BACKED, ISRAEL—GROUND—FORCES, by warplanes exchanged fire with Hamas gunmen in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip,
20080207             —CONDUCTED, Authorities in ITALY and THE—USA, raids targeting DOZENS—OF—ALLEGED—MEMBERS—OF—MAFIA clans who controlled drug trafficking between THE—2—SIDES—OF—THE—ATLANTIC.
20080207             —SEIZED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS, nearly 10—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA, 1—MACHINE—GUN, SCORES—OF—ASSAULT—RIFLES and 3—GRENADES in 1—RAID—JUST across the border from TEXAS.
20080207             NATO—DEFENSE—MINISTERS held talks on AFGHANISTAN in LITHUANIA.
20080207             —ARRESTED, NEPAL—AUTHORITIES, Amit Kumar, the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—1—SHADOWY organ transplant operation in INDIA that illegally removed HUNDREDS—OF—KIDNEYS,
20080207             THE—OSCE—ELECTION monitoring organization said that it will not observe RUSSIA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—NEXT—MONTH because of the "severe restrictions" imposed by the Kremlin.
20080207             —VOTED, TURKEY—LAWMAKERS, to approve 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT allowing female students to enter universities wearing Islamic head scarves,
20080207             —PASSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, 1—EMERGENCY—PLAN that rushed rebates of $600 to $1,200 to most taxpayers and $300—CHECKS to disabled veterans, the elderly and other LOW—INCOME—PEOPLE.
20080207             THE—USA—SAID it was barring 10—LEADING KENYA—POLITICIANS from entering THE—USA, the 1. time WASHINGTON has blamed them for the postelection violence that has brought THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY to THE—BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE.
20080207             —BARRICADED, LOS—ANGELES, 1—MAN, himself in 1—HOUSE—AFTER telling police he had killed 3—RELATIVES, then opened fire on 1—SWAT team, killing 1—OFFICER and wounding another.
20080207             —STORMED, KIRKWOOD—MISSOURI, 1—GUNMAN, 1—COUNCIL meeting, yelled "Shoot the mayor!" and opened fire, critically wounding Mayor MIKE—SWOBODA, —69—JAHRE—ALT, killing 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and 3—CITY—OFFICIALS.
20080207             CHARLES—LE "Cookie" Thornton, who had lost 1—FREE—SPEECH—LAWSUIT against THE—S—LOUIS suburb —10—DAYS—EARLIER, was fatally shot by law enforcers.
20080207             THE—PRESIDENT also said he was "ready to pardon" 6—FRANCE—AID—WORKERS convicted in December of trying to kidnap more than 100—CHILDREN they said were orphans from Darfur.
20080207             WEST—INDIA, Dynaneshwar Sathawane, 1—LOCAL—LEADER—OF—THE—RULING—CONGRESS—PARTY, was stripped, stoned and beaten to death by 1—MOB —DURING 1—RALLY—OF nearly 500—PEOPLE in Maharashtra state.
20080207             —STORMED, IRAQ, gunmen, 1—HOUSE—NEAR—BAQOUBA, separated out the women and children inside and killed 3—BROTHERS, all MEMBERS—OF—1—USA—BACKED neighborhood watch group.
20080207             1—TRUCKLOAD—OF—WEAPONS, ammunition and explosives were seized at 1—IRAQ—POLICE—CHECKPOINT at the entrance to KARBALA.
20080207             —CAPTURED, USA—TROOPS, 1—ALLEGED—SHIITE militia leader and 3—OTHER—SUSPECTS in 1—RAID—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080207             † 15 suspected militants were detained in sweeps through Sadr City, and 1—PERSON was killed.
20080207             —BACKED, ISRAEL—GROUND—FORCES, by warplanes exchanged fire with Hamas gunmen in THE—NORTH—GAZA Strip, killing 1—TEACHER and 6—MILITANTS in escalating violence that is hobbling peace efforts.
20080207             —INCLUDED, The main targets in NY, 3—OF—THE "5—FAMILIES" controlling organized crime in AMERICA: the Genovese, Bonanno and Gambino families.
20080207             beginnt, mit rund 178,6 Millionen Reisenden gerechnet.
20080207             Für VIELE—ARBEITER ist es die einzige Gelegenheit —J—IM, um zurück zu ihren Familien zu fahren.
20080207             Folterdebatte: CIA—CHEF zweifelt an Waterboarding
20080207             Political Biographies —WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, GE CAPITAL—FOUND—GUILTY in Fraud Suit
20080207             NEW—YORK—DIE Zahlen, die die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) —AM—DONNERSTAG vorgelegt hat, sind erschreckend:
20080207             Jährlich sterben 5,4 Millionen Menschen an den Folgen des TABAKKONSUMS—DAS ist einer alle —6—SEKUNDEN.
20080207             Und im - DEUTSCHLAND zählt dem
20080207             Bericht zufolge zu den 10—LÄNDERN mit den in absoluten Zahlen meisten Rauchern weltweit.
20080207             MICHIGAN and FLORIDA: WILL—1—OBSCURE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—COMMITTEE—END up Deciding Who Gets the Nomination? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20080207             —TRAILED, Mitt Romney suspends presidential campaign, McCain by over 400—DELEGATES despite outspending everyone;
20080207             Not much bang for the buck, huh, Mitt?
20080207             BuzzFlash Premium: What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New FACE—OF—USA—POLITICS (Paperback)
20080207             What 1—LOAD—OF—HORSE... 'ATTORNEY—GENERAL—MICHAEL—B—MUKASEY said this —MORNING that waterboarding was deemed legal by the Justice Department —AT—THE—TIME it was used by THE—CIA on 3—AL—QAEDA captives + as 1—RESULT—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT "cannot possibly" investigate whether 1—CRIME occurred.' 2/8
20080207             Shouldn't the voters know how MANY—DELEGATES do Obama and Clinton have? -- BE—ELECTED
20080207             Heil to THE—CHIEF -- 1—BUZZFLASH—CAPTION—THIS—CHALLENGE
20080207             1—LIBERAL—DEFINITION by JOHN—F—KENNEDY: Acceptance SPEECH—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Liberal Party Nomination 2/8
20080207             Go to the Bottom of this Page and Watch the Latest BuzzFlash Enhancement: Daily Video Newsfeeds
20080207             y - SENATOR—JOE—LIEBERMAN (I—CT) will be disqualified as 1—SUPERDELEGATE at the Democratic convention "under what is informally known as the Zell Miller rule".
20080207             Angst in LUDWIGSHAFEN: "Dann gibt es hier Krieg auf den Straßen"
20080207             SHUTTLE—START: "Atlantis" mit deutschem Astronauten im All
20080207             VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ—STUDIE: Rechte Schläger greifen zunehmend Linke an
20080207             NATO—STREIT um AFGHANISTAN—TRUPPE: Lächeln nur fürs Gruppenbild
20080207             —SABOTIERT, Terrorprozess: Kofferbomber will Anschlag absichtlich, haben
20080207             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Oberhaupt der Anglikaner rät zur Einführung der Scharia
20080207             Ultimatum: Gasprom droht UKRAINE mit neuem Lieferstopp
20080207             Immunsystem: Besser impfen mit der Tätowiernadel
20080207             Studie: Firmen haben knapp 200.000—JOBS ins Ausland verlagert
20080207             Internationaler Fahndungserfolg: 80—HAFTBEFEHLE gegen Mafiosi
20080207             WELT—TABAK- Bericht: Zigaretten töten im Sekundentakt
20080207             Noch rabiater gehen die Behörden auf Sansibar vor: Wer dort Plastiktüten einführt oder verteilt, zahlt —BIS zu 1560—EURO.
20080207             --> Meeresforscher Thompson, gestrandete Container in Südengland: Verheerender noch wirkt der Unrat, wenn er unsichtbar wird -->
20080207             Selbst wenn die Menschheit —MORGEN damit aufhörte, Plastik zu PRODUZIEREN—DIE vielen Millionen Tonnen, die bislang in die Ozeane gelangt sind, werden noch Jahrtausende mit den Strömungen um die Welt treiben.
20080207             "Das Zeug lässt sich ja nicht rausfiltern", sagt Thompson.
20080207             großer pazifischer Müllstrudel.
20080207             An der Oberfläche kommen hier auf 1—KILOGRAMM—PLANKTON mittlerweile 6—KILOGRAMM Plastik.
20080207             Und in mehreren weiteren Wirbeln im Südpazifik, im Atlantik und im INDISCHEN—OZEAN fahren ebenfalls Abfälle Karussell, wenngleich in etwas geringeren Mengen.
20080207             Zwischen Kalifornien und HAWAII hat sich ein rund 3—MILLIONEN Tonnen schwerer Plastikteppich gebildet, der etwa so groß ist wie Mitteleuropa.
20080207             Kreisende Strömungen von Wind und Wasser sorgen dafür, dass der Müllstrom hier niemals versiegt.
20080207             Die Meeresschutzorganisation Oceana schätzt, dass weltweit JEDE—STUNDE rund 675—TONNEN Müll direkt ins Meer geworfen werden, die Hälfte davon ist aus Plastik.
20080207             Bundeswehreinsatz in Südafghanistan: Nato macht DEUTSCHLAND DRUCK—MERKEL schmettert USA—VORSTOß ab
20080207             —ROTIERT, PLASTIK—MEER: Gigantisches MÜLL—KARUSSELL, im Pazifik
20080207             Stahlindustrie: 10.000—ARBEITER im Warnstreik
20080207             Der eine oder andere hat ja sicher —SCHON von diesem Plastikhaufen im Pazifik gehört, wo Kreisströmungen im Ozean dafür sorgen, dass hinzu kommender Platikmüll eine riesige Suppe gebildet hat.
20080207             Das Zeug ist knapp unter der Wasseroberfläche und daher aus Satelliten nicht sichtbar.
20080207             Der wächst, und zwar schnell.
20080207             Aktuell ist er ungefähr doppelt so groß wie die USA.
20080207             Die USA! 1—MÜLLHAUFEN zweimal so groß wie die USA schwimmt im Pazifik herum.
20080207             Toll, wie wir mit der Erde umgehen.
20080207             Lacher —DER—WOCHE: Die Briten wollten doch für die Taliban 1—TERROR—TRAININGSLAGER aufbauen.
20080207             Gut, an sich —SCHON eine harte Meldung.
20080207             Aber —JETZT—KOMMEN da noch ein paar Details ans Licht : The camp would also have provided vocational training, including farming and irrigation techniques, to offer people a viable alternative to growing opium.
20080207             Hierbei handelt es sich meines Erachtens um einen Übertragungsfehler der PR—ABTEILUNG.
20080207             Ich korrigiere das mal kurz:
20080207             —PROVIDED, The camp would also have, vocational training, including farming and irrigation techniques, to offer people 1—VIABLE—ALTERNATIVE to improve growing opium.
20080207             Die USA richten ihre Kritik auch an DEUTSCHLAND.
20080207             Unterstützung bekommen die USA—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20080207             Grenzbeamte schalten Laptops und Handys nicht nur AN—SIE durchforsten auch die Festplatten, kopieren sogar Dateien.
20080207             —JETZT haben 2—USA—BÜRGERRECHTSORGANISATIONEN Klage eingereicht.
20080207             —BERICHTET, Die "WASHINGTON—POST ", von mehreren Unternehmen, die ihre Mitarbeiter —BEREITS angewiesen hätten, keine vertraulichen Daten mehr auf Flugreisen in die USA mitzunehmen.
20080207             1—ANWALTSKANZLEI aus KANADA lasse ihre Partner nur noch mit leeren Rechnern reisen, mit denen sie dann vor Ort über das Firmennetzwerk an ihre Daten kommen könnten,
20080207             weil "die HACK—RISIKEN" geringer seien, als die "DURCHSUCHUNGS—RISIKEN".
20080207             Die Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE) hat —BEREITS im vergangenen —JAHR 1—ANFRAGE an die USA—REGIERUNG gestellt, um zu erfahren, was mit beschlagnahmten Daten und Rechnern eigentlich geschieht.
20080207             MANCHE—ACTE—MITGLIEDER mussten ihren Laptop abgeben und bekamen ihn nie ZURÜCK—KATASTROPHAL, wenn darauf wertvolle Daten oder auch nur BANK—UNTERLAGEN hinterlegt waren.
20080207             Doch
20080207             —BIS—HEUTE—SEI die, wenn auch geringe, Möglichkeit, dass einem Geschäftsreisenden etwas Derartiges zustoße, vielen nicht bekannt.
20080207             Man rate seinen Mitgliedern nicht, vor Behördenvertretern Daten zu verstecken, so ACTE—DIREKTORIN SUSAN—GURLEY, und Besitzer von Kinderpornographie beispielsweise verdienten eine gerechte Strafe.
20080207             Es sei aber wichtig, USA—REISENDE auf die Möglichkeit hinzuweisen, dass ihnen ihr Rechner jederzeit abgenommen werden KÖNNTE—AUCH wenn das selten geschehe.
20080207             Sie sollten daher "nur das nötigste Minimum an Daten auf ihren Laptops transportieren".
20080207             Im Dienste der Sicherheit müssten eben gelegentlich Unannehmlichkeiten in Kauf genommen werden.
20080207             FRANKFURT am MAIN—JEAN—CLAUDE—TRICHET ist für vorsichtige Formulierungen bekannt.
20080207             Umso erstaunlicher ist das, was der CHEF—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—ZENTRALBANK (EZB) —HEUTE auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ in aller Offenheit sagte: "Neueste Daten bestätigen Risiken für die Konjunktur.
20080207             Es gibt ungewöhnlich hohe Unsicherheiten über die Auswirkungen der Finanzmarktturbulenzen auf die Realwirtschaft".
20080207             Die wirtschaftliche Abkühlung in den USA werde auch das Wachstum in EUROPA dämpfen.
20080207             Datenschutzalarm: USA—ZÖLLNER durchstöBERN Laptops und Handys
20080207             Festnahme: NPD—SCHATZMEISTER soll 627.000—EURO aus Parteikasse abgezweigt haben
20080207             —JETZT auch in EUROPA: Zentralbank warnt offiziell vor Abschwung
20080207             Tiefrote Zahlen: INFINEON—AKTIE stürzt ab - 18 % im Minus
20080207             —GEFÄHRDET, Schlechtes Wetter: SHUTTLE—START erneut
20080207             Studie: Kliniken droht Milliardendefizit
20080207             Trotz Rezessionssorgen: EZB belässt Leitzins bei 4 %
20080207             Milliardengewinn: Hohe Strompreise füllen VATTENFALL—KASSE
20080207             —GERECHT, FINANZ—CRASH: Milliardär Buffett hält Bankenkrise für ""
20080207             WÄRME—REKORD: Alpengletscher erneut geschrumpft
20080207             Streit über AFGHANISTAN—MISSION: Gates warnt vor Spaltung der NATO—JUNG widerspricht
20080207             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Japans Jagd auf Meeressäuger: AUSTRALIEN, schockierende WALFANG—BILDER
20080207             Geheime CIA—FLÜGE: Dauergast im DEUTSCHEN—LUFTRAUM—POLITIK... - SaudiDebate_COM—ARCHIVE
20080207             THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—WAR in our region are going to be catastrophic," PRINCE—TURKI—AL—FAISAL... THE—MAYO—CLINIC in ROCHESTER, where HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDAN received treatment in the...
20080207             "Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including THE—USA—PUBLIC, " it goes on.
20080207             The document's authors acknowledge that USA—NEWS—MEDIA should not unwittingly broadcast military propaganda.
20080207             "Specific boundaries should be established," they write.
20080207             But they don't seem to explain how.
20080207             "In this —DAY and age it is impossible to prevent stories that are fed abroad as PART—OF—PSYCHOLOGICAL—OPERATIONS—PROPAGANDA from blowing back into THE—USA—EVEN though they were directed abroad," says KRISTIN—ADAIR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ARCHIVE.
20080207             Credibility problem
20080207             —EXPOSED, BBC News has, PLANS—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY to "provide maximum control" of THE—INTERNET,
20080207             Extract: " WASHINGTON continues to support — through CIA covert operations — the development of Islamic fundamentalism, —THROUGHOUT THE—MIDDLE—EAST, in THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION as well in CHINA and INDIA.
20080207             "—THROUGHOUT the developing world, THE—GROWTH—OF—SECTARIAN, fundamentalist and other such organizations tends to serve USA—INTERESTS.
20080207             These various organizations and armed insurgents have been developed, particularly in countries where state institutions have collapsed under the brunt of THE—IMF—SPONSORED economic reforms.
20080207             "These fundamentalist organizations contribute by destroying and displacing secular institutions.
20080207             "Islamic fundamentalism creates social and ethnic divisions.
20080207             It undermines THE—CAPACITY—OF—PEOPLE to organize against THE—USA—EMPIRE.
20080207             These organizations or movements, such as the Taliban, often foment "opposition to Uncle Sam" in 1—WAY which does not constitute ANY—REAL—THREAT to AMERICA—BROADER—GEOPOLITICAL and economic interests".
20080207             IntelliBriefs: CLINTON—ROGUES—GALLERY:
20080207             —WHEN PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in SOUTH—AFRICA, 20080327             —ON had voiced his hopes for... On
20080207             Nafeez AHMED—THE—WAR—ON—FREEDOM. How and Why AMERICA was.
20080207             "THE—USA engineered 1—PUNISHING—IRAQ—STYLE—EMBARGO—OF—WAR—RAVAGED... JOHN—DEUTCH — This retired CIA Director from the Clinton Administration currently...
20080207             —TRANSLATED, Sibel Edmonds, Farsi TURKMENISTAN is 1—OFFSHOOT—OF—RUSSIA, right?
20080207             where the oil pipeline, Pallas180 ...
20080207             MARC—RICH was illegally buying oil from IRAN —DURING THE—USA—TRADE—EMBARGO and hid the $200—MILLION in trading (and over $10 0—MILLION in profits) with IRAQ
20080207             La formula de Hillary.. socialismo a ultranza !! - Política y...
20080207             CNPC is 1—CHINESE—ARMY—OWNED firm that currently operates 1—OIL—PIPELINE... "CANADA—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS—MINISTRY—RECENTLY found that the oil pipeline that...
20080207             allusion & deceptions
20080207             —NOW Rich, among other things, was 1—NOTORIOUS—EMBARGO—BREAKER.
20080207             He was the poster child for the ugly FACT—OF—USA—IMPORTATION—OF—IRAQ—OIL.
20080207             Det danske Fredsakademis kronologi over fredssagen og...
20080207             1—MILLION kann man nicht ins Arbeitslager stecken.
20080207             Die KP hat —IM—LETZTEN—JAHRZEHNT wirtschaftlich tatsächlich 1—MENGE bewegt.
20080207             Panzer wurden eingesetzt, um das Eis auf Autobahnen zu knacken, und Soldaten hätten die Order bekommen, auf vereiste Überlandleitungen zu schießen, damit das Eis abfalle.
20080207             Denn der Bahnhofsvorplatz war für GUANGZHOU das gleiche wie der Superdom für NEW—ORLEANS: ein riesiger Abfallhaufen, wo man nicht sehr geschätzte Menschen sich selbst und ihrem Schicksal überließ.
20080207             sagte Wang.
20080207             Es war nicht das lange Warten, das ihn störte, vielmehr, dass die Beamten vor Ort "jegliche Nachrichten unterdrückten" und "uns nicht als Menschen behandelten".
20080207             900.000—WARTENDE Menschen, das sind 13-mal mehr, als maximal Zuschauer in die Münchner ALLIANZ—ARENA passen.
20080207             Mit dem Unterschied, dass die Wanderarbeiter von GUANGZHOU auf einer Fläche zusammengepfercht waren, die kleiner als das Fußballstadion der BAYERN ist.
20080207             All das ohne nennenswerte sanitäre Anlagen, ohne Wasser und ohne genug zu ESSEN.
20080207             Denn Wang wartete —LETZTE—WOCHE mit gut 900.000—LEIDENSGENOSSEN vor dem Bahnhof von GUANGZHOU.
20080207             Fast —1—WOCHE vergebens.
20080207             FOLGE, der schwersten Winterstürme, die CHINA —SEIT mehr als —50—JAHREN heimgesucht hatten, war das Eisenbahnnetz der 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnernation zusammengebrochen.
20080207             Ganze Landstriche waren ohne Strom.
20080207             CHINA, die aufstrebende Großmacht versank im Schnee.
20080207             Und außer Wang warteten in ganz CHINA VIELE—MILLIONEN.
20080207             "With no breakout winner in —TUESDAY?s Democratic primaries, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA —ON—WEDNESDAY began fortifying for 1—DRAWN—OUT nomination fight, with MISTER—S—CLINTON disclosing that she had lent her campaign $5—MILLION—WHILE MISTER—OBAMA raised $3—MILLION online in 1—SINGLE—DAY and rejected calls for more debates".
20080207             For reporting that is 1—EMBARRASSMENT to THE—PROFESSION—OF—JOURNALISM + for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than THE—CITIZENS—OF—AMERICA, REVEREND—MOON'S "WASHINGTON Times" is the BuzzFlash Media PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK
20080207             —MANAGED, Republicans, —WEDNESDAY—EVENING to block 1—RELATIVELY expansive and expensive economic stimulus package championed by Senate Democrats, who could not muster THE—60—VOTES needed to advance their plan to 1—FINAL—VOTE.
20080207             "Super —TUESDAY'S mixed outcome has set up at least —4—WEEKS—OF frenzied delegate hunting for Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA, pitting his WELL—FINANCED ALL—TERRAIN campaign against her BIG—STATE—STRATEGY".
20080207             Democracy reborn in 1—ICE—STORM -- from the Last Chance Democracy Cafe.
20080207             Whether you are for Obama or Clinton, the Passion is Back for the Dems.
20080207             1—MIGHT reasonably ask, what has BECOME—OF—THE—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in "development" aid doled out by USA, Asian and European taxpayers?
20080207             According to ANTHONY—FONTENOT and Ajmal Maiwandi, —JUST about what 1 would expect from 1—USA—MILITARY and CIA "liberation" racket:
20080207             Amid the ruined MUD—BRICKED buildings of 1—CITY that has been devastated by war + neglect, divided into sinister, heavily fortified, military compounds + occupied by armed local and foreign mercenaries, stand randomly dispersed EXTRAVAGANZAS—OF—GLASS—AND—TILE palaces: symbols of the plunder that currently provides the economic base for the "reborn" KABUL.
20080207             1—RESULT—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR in AFGHANISTAN is that vast AMOUNTS—OF—MONEY are —NOW pouring into luxury real estate.
20080207             ["Capitol of Chaos: THE—NEW—AFGHANISTAN—OF—WARLORDS and Infidels," in Evil PARADISES—NEW—YORK: THE—NEW—PRESS, 20070000             , p. 69]
20080207             USA—MILITARISM & the Drug Trade: THE—AFGHANISTAN—DOSSIER Antifascist Calling...
20080207             THE, Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, whose
20080207             Writing in —TODAY—GUARDIAN, PATRICK—WINTOUR informs us:
20080207             AFGHANISTAN—OPIUM economy will take up to —20—YEARS to eradicate and require a £1bn investment from world leaders, according to 1—GOVERNMENT—STUDY published —YESTERDAY.
20080207             —PRODUCED, Its conclusions came as THE—UN, fresh figures on the opium trade.
20080207             THE—UN—OFFICE—ON—DRUGS and Crime (UNODC) believes —THIS—YEAR—CROP will be similar to, or slightly lower than, —LAST—YEAR—RECORD harvest.
20080207             CHINA im Wetterchaos: Auch Schnee kann einen Kaiser stürzen
20080207             Künstliche Befruchtung: EIZELLEN—TÜV steigert Chance auf Kinder
20080207             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Liebäugeln mit dem Nationalsozialismus"
20080207             DEUTSCHE—MISSION in AFGHANISTAN: Kampfstimmung auf dem NATO—GIPFEL
20080207             USA: KILLER—TORNADOS fordern immer mehr Opfer
20080207             Jahresbilanz 20070000             : DEUTSCHE—BANK—MACHT—REKORDGEWINN—TROTZ Finanzkrise
20080207             Streit über NATO—MISSION: Blitzbesuch von Rice und Miliband in AFGHANISTAN
20080207             Schlechtes Omen: Cisco warnt vor schwächerem WACHSTUM—AKTIE stürzt ab
20080207             —GEWESEN, Die Regierung sei der Meinung, dass es weitere Anschläge wie die Terrorangriffe vom
20080207             AFP—CIA—DIREKTOR MICHAEL—HAYDEN —AM—DIENSTAG vor dem Senat: "Waterboarding" in 3—FÄLLEN Der UN—SONDERBERICHTERSTATTER für Folter, MANFRED—NOWAK, verurteilte die Haltung der USA—REGIERUNG.
20080207             "Das ist —NACH—DEN internationalen Gesetzen zum Schutz der Menschenrechte völlig inakzeptabel", sagte Nowak.
20080207             Es sei an der Zeit, dass das Weiße Haus diese Methode nicht länger verteidige.
20080207             Die USA—REGIERUNG müsse endlich zugeben, dass sie etwas Falsches gemacht habe, forderte Nowak.
20080207             - Energy Business REVIEW—AREVA wins nuclear fuel supply contracts from USA—UTILITIES—FRANCE—NUCLEAR—POWER group Areva has won major commercial nuclear fuel contracts with USA—BASED utility companies, Constellation ENERGY—TENNESSEE Valley Authority, PPL Corporation and AmerGen Energy Company.
20080207             THE—BLEU project is 1—PARTNERSHIP between Areva, TVA, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—ENERGY and Nuclear Fuel Services of ERWIN—TENNESSEE.
20080207             THE—FRANCE—FIRM currently provides nuclear fuel to Browns Ferry Unit-2 and Unit-3 as PART—OF—THE—BLEU project.
20080207             - IAEA Press RELEASE—GLOBAL Nuclear Response Network Launches;
20080207             —STEPPED, FINLAND—MEXICO, SRI—LANKA and THE—USA—HAVE, forward to make the initial commitments to the Response Assistance Network (RANET), 1—GLOBAL—RESPONSE—ARRANGEMENT designed to coordinate INTERNATIONAL assistance in CASE—OF—1—RADIATION—INCIDENT or emergency.
20080207             "With these initial registrations, we have successfully launched the 1. phase of RANET," said WARREN—STERN, HEAD—OF—THE—IAEA´s Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC).
20080207             "—WHEN designing the system, we worked with 1—GROUP—OF—COUNTRIES to make sure that RANET was interoperable and responsive to 1—STATE´s needs in the event of 1—EMERGENCY. We´re pleased with the breadth of capabilities we´ve received thus far and look forward to further registrations from Member States".
20080207             - OPEDNEWS—HAWAIIANS prove that activism still works! - Upset Hawaiians who love their land and PEOPLE—AND object to military BOMBINGS—REMIND us all —JUST what dedicated activism can still accomplish!
20080207             But rotten luck for another ISLAND... As word has it, THE—AIR—FORCE'S B2 stealth bombers, that had been dropping 2,000 lb. bombs EACH—MONTH—SINCE —SEPTEMBER—DURING "training" exercises into Depleted Uranium contaminated soils at the Pohakuloa Training Area, did not take place in the —MONTH of January.
20080207             —MOVED, Instead, it appears the B2 bombings exercises were, —LAST—MONTH to the Kwajalein Atoll, 1—OF—THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—OF—GUAM.
20080207             THE—RELOCATION—OF—BOMB—DROPS out of HAWAII —JUST goes to show that the actions of dedicated, vocal activists with respect for their land, environment + HEALTH—OF—THEIR—PEOPLE can and do make 1—DIFFERENCE!
20080207             Karma is 1—BOOMERANG |- 3:45 pm |
20080207             Well, Zell was good for 1—THING, wasn't he.
20080207             Re: La formula de Hillary...Back to THE—PAST—POLÍTICA y Elecciones...
20080207             He was the poster child for the ugly FACT—OF—USA—IMPORTATION—OF—IRAQ—OIL.
20080207             Read BuzzFlash Original Commentary and News on!
20080207—19970000    —ACQUIRED, Imperial had, SAVANNAH Foods & Industries, the producer of Dixie Crystals.
20080207—20010000    —TRIGGERED, The case was, —WHEN 1—SALES—MANAGER filed suit and 1—LOUISIANA doctor exposed overcharging.
20080207—20080208    AUßENPOLITIK—KONZEPT: McCain will "revanchistisches RUSSLAND" aus G8 verbannen
20080207—20080214    —ON, Nazal † from his wounds.
20080207—20080906    —ON, Swoboda †.
20080207—20120000    THROUGH, Areva will also supply TENNESSEE Valley Authority's (TVA's) Browns Ferry Unit-1 with 2—RELOAD batches of blended low enriched uranium (BLEU) with fuel delivery beginning 20100000             and continuing.
20080207—20260000    —BIS, AIRBUS—PROGNOSE: ANZAHL—DER—FLUGZEUGE verdoppelt sich
20080207—21000000    —BIS zum —JAHR—OHNE Eindämmung des zunehmenden Tabakkonsums befürchtet die WHO 1—MILLIARDE—TOTE durch Rauchen.
20080208             USNRC Press Release (20080207             ) - NRC proposes $3,250 fine for NJ company over violation associated with theft of portable nuclear gauge
20080208             - USNRC Press Release (20080207             ) - NRC proposes $3,250 fine for NJ company over violation associated with theft of portable nuclear gauge
20080215             - Salt Lake TRIBUNE—ENERGYSOLUTIONS' EXPLOITS—THE—TRIBUNE—EDITORIAL, "Speak —NOW... or forever hold ITALY—NUCLEAR—WASTE" (Our View, 20080207             ), should be required READING for all MEMBERS—OF—THE—UTAH—RADIATION—CONTROL—BOARD.
20080907             die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde wendet damit den drohenden Bankrott dieser Hypothekenbanken FANNIE—MAE, FREDDIE—MAC—KREDITINSTITUTE ab.
20080907—20070000    —AB, In den USA übernimmt die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde die Kontrolle über die beiden größten, von der Finanzkrise erfassten Hypothekenbanken FANNIE—MAE, FREDDIE—MAC.
20090127—20090207    —RELEASED, RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES, all 10—JAPAN—CREW members seized —AFTER allegedly straying into RUSSIA—WATERS.
20090207             In the 20010101—21001231    , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change,
20090207             In the 20010101—21001231    , people power remains 1—HUGE and exciting and largely untapped force for change, but it is nothing without truth.
20090207             It renamed THE—FORMER—REPUBLIC—THE "Plurinational STATE—OF—BOLIVIA," effective as of 20100122             .
20090207             Isabel dos SANTOS From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search
20090207             Isabel dos SANTOS is partners with Lev Leviev through the Ascorp diamond company.
20090207             Capítulo Vigésimo GENIO Y ESTUPIDEZ GALOIS Contra la estupidez los... -
20090207             GALOIS.
20090207             Contra la estupidez los mismos dioses luchan inútilmente.
20090207             SCHILLER—FUE elegido alcalde de la aldea, y después de Waterloo conservó su cargo... su historia : el desprecio por Galois y el ruin tratamiento concedido a Abel.
20090207             Evariste Galois " se hallaba donde no le era posible iniciar una revolución.
20090207             Rex NUTTING—MARKETWATCH, 12:42 p.m. EST 20090206             20090207             —CREATED, AUSTRALIA, searing temperatures and wind blasts, 1—FIRESTORM that swept across 1—SWATH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—VICTORIA state.
20090207             BOLIVIA, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES and THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS celebrated the new constitution as it took effect, saying the new document will enshrine indigenous rights and end CENTURIES—OF—OPPRESSION.
20090207             —ORDERED, ECUADOR, PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA, the expulsion of 1—TOP—USA—DIPLOMAT he accused of suspending $340,000 in annual aid because ECUADOR would not allow THE—USA to veto appointments to THE—ANTI—SMUGGLING police.
20090207             † In ETHIOPIA BRIAN—ADKINS, —25—JAHRE—ALT was killed in his home in ADDIS—ABABA.
20090207             He was serving as 1—CONSULAR officer at THE—USA—EMBASSY there.
20090207             —ISSUED, Arrest warrants were, the —NEXT—DAY for those deemed responsible for the political violence.
20090207             —CLAIMED, Officials in MOROCCO said heavy rains have, 24—LIVES and forced 2,000—PEOPLE to be evacuated over the past —WEEK.
20090207             —MASKED, GAZA, HASAN—AL—HIJAZI, who was shot by 3, men.
20090207             —ISSUED, Hamas —LATER, 1—STATEMENT calling the killing a "mistake".
20090207             —BUSCHFEUER in VICTORIA, Beginn der.
20090207             † † ?  173—MENSCHEN—MINDESTENS, sterben, in der —BISHER größten Brandkatastrophe Australiens.
20090207             Isabel dos SANTOS is partners with Lev LEVIEV—SHE is THE—DAUGHTER—OF—ANGOLA—PRESIDENT
20090207             New business interests —JUST bought by Isabel dos SANTOS includes the Vale do Lobo golf resort in THE—ALGARVE—PORTUGAL,
20090207             this was bought at 1—PRICE—OF—350—MILLION—EUROS—CASH, through different obscure offshore banks.
20090207             SCHILLER—FUE elegido alcalde de la aldea, y después de Waterloo conservó su cargo
20090207             su historia : el desprecio por Galois y el ruin tratamiento concedido a Abel.
20090207             —EXPELLED, USA—DIPLOMAT, from ECUADOR
20090207             The new USA special envoy to AFGHANISTAN says winning the conflict there will be "much tougher" than in IRAQ.
20090207             RUSSIA 'positive' on USA—APPROACH
20090207             RUSSIA—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—SERGEI—IVANOV welcomes THE—USA—PROMISE to "press the reset button" in their relationship.
20090207             —EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA was, to "formally approve additional deployments" to AFGHANISTAN —LAST—WEEK.
20090207             But on
20090207             —FRIDAY, ABC News reported that Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES was deferring 1—DECISION on whether to send more more troops "—UNTIL PRESIDENT—OBAMA decides what force levels he wants".
20090207             —PRESENTED, THE—PENTAGON has, 1—PROPOSAL to send 3—ADDITIONAL—BRIGADES — 17,000 troops.
20090207             THE—UK—SUNDAY Times reports:
20090207             THE—PENTAGON was set to announce the deployment of 17,000 extra soldiers and marines —LAST—WEEK but ROBERT—GATES,
20090207             the defence SECRETARY, postponed the decision —AFTER questions from Obama.
20090207             the secure conference room in the Pentagon.
20090207             He asked: "What's the endgame?" and did not receive 1—CONVINCING answer.
20090207             LARRY—KORB, 1—DEFENCE—EXPERT at the Center for USA—PROGRESS, 1—WASHINGTON think tank, said: "Obama is exactly right.
20090207             —BEFORE he agrees to send 30,000 troops,
20090207             he wants to know what the mission and the endgame is".
20090207             Obama and Gates seem to be leaning towards a "more modest approach, defining the mission as limited solely to stabilizing AFGHANISTAN".
20090207             Das Palais Montgelas auf dem Promenadeplatz in München ist TEIL—DES—LUXUSHOTELS—BAYERISCHER—HOF.
20090207             LATIN AMERICA—POVERTY 'MAY SOAR'
20090207             1—SENIOR—UN—OFFICIAL says the world's economic crisis could cause poverty in Latin AMERICA to rise by 15% —THIS—YEAR.
20090207             —VIEWED, Photosynthesis, in 1—FLASH
20090207             Using ULTRA—SHORT—LASER pulses, scientists hope to understand how plants harvest THE—SUN—ENERGY.
20090207             USA seeks to rework foreign ties - Temperatures set to drop further
20090207             The coldest snap —FOR—20—YEARS shows no sign of letting up, with temperatures expected to plummet overnight.
20090207             THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—POUND will put the Foreign Office under "serious financial pressures" in the coming —YEAR, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—REPORT warns.
20090207             Maternity units 'shut to mothers'
20090207             —TURNED, More hospitals in ENGLAND, away women in labour 20080000             because they were full, figures obtained by the Tories suggest.
20090207             Government plans travel database
20090207             The government is compiling 1—DATABASE to track and store THE—INTERNATIONAL—TRAVEL—RECORDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BRITONS.
20090207             Treasury orders probe into banks
20090207             THE—TREASURY is to order 1—INDEPENDENT—PROBE into how banks are managed, CHANCELLOR—ALISTAIR—DARLING says.
20090207             Where were these KEEPERS—OF—THE—CASH—WHEN billions went missing in IRAQ?
20090207             And what is the real story behind Rumsfeld revelation of $2—TRILLION missing at the Pentagon on ;;09;;
20090207             10. 20010000             ?
20090207             Team Obama, let's start digging?
20090207             Mit der Demonstration —AM—FREITAG wollte er zusammen mit Aktivisten aus SPANIEN, GROSSBRITANNIEN, den USA und POLEN, auf die Lage im GAZA—STREIFEN aufmerksam machen.
20090207             "Unser Demonstrationszug ist 1—ERINNERUNG an das andauernde LEIDEN in PALÄSTINA", zitierte ihn die INTERNET—SEITE der Zeitung "Daily News EGYPT" —AM—FREITAG.
20090207             1—BESTÄTIGUNG dafür gibt es —BISHER nicht.
20090207             ihm lägen keine Berichte zu der Festnahme vor.
20090207             —UNTERDESSEN, Das Auswärtige Amt in BERLIN bestätigte, dass der Fall bekannt und die Botschaft vor Ort eingeschaltet sei.
20090207             "Wir bemühen uns um Aufklärung", sagte 1—SPRECHER.
20090207             PHILIP—RIZK ist DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTER, er hat die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft.
20090207             Sein Vater stammt aus ÄGYPTEN, seine Mutter aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20090207             Geboren ist er auf ZYPERN, aufgewachsen in Kairo, wo er die DEUTSCHE—SCHULE besuchte.
20090207             nach Wheaton.
20090207             —JETZT studiert er MIDDLE—EAST—STUDYS an der USA—UNIVERSITY—IN—KAIRO.
20090207             Momentan schreibt er an seiner MASTER—ARBEIT, auch darin beschäftigt er sich mit dem GAZA—KONFLIKT.
20090207             "Wir wussten —ERST nicht, wo Philip ist", sagte seine Schwester SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20090207             Es gebe —BISHER auch keine formale Anklage, ihm sei nichts zur Last gelegt worden.
20090207             "Aber wahrscheinlich ist er zu laut und unbequem geworden", sagt sie.
20090207             Mittlerweile sei er zum "Hauptsitz des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes" gebracht worden,
20090207             sagt sie, "das haben wir —HEUTE aus inoffiziellen Quellen des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes erfahren".
20090207             —BEKOMMT, SCHOELLER—SPENDE: CDU, großzügige Zuwendung aus ZYPERN
20090207             Bundestagsgutachten: Große Zweifel an geplanter SPERRUNG—VON—KINDERPORNO—SEITEN im INTERNET
20090207             Bekannter Blogger: DEUTSCH—ÄGYPTISCHER—STUDENT in Kairo festgenommen
20090207             Steueroase: LIECHTENSTEIN klagt über Milliardenschaden durch ZUMWINKEL—AFFÄRE
20090207             —MASSAKRIERT, MADAGASKAR: Militär, Demonstranten
20090207             Discounter: LIDL—KUNDEN sollen Prospektausträger überwachen
20090207             Sicherheitskonferenz: Das Orakel von München
20090207             Umstrittene Thesen: Neuer Linzer BISCHOF—HÄLT—HOMOSEXUALITÄT für heilbar
20090207             Haftbefehl vollstreckt: Polizei fasst mutmaßliches DEUTSCHES—AL—QAIDA—MITGLIED
20090207             Das ist der Abschied vom unipolaren Weltbild der BUSH—REGIERUNG.
20090207             Das also sei die gute Neuigkeit, sagt Biden:
20090207             dass AMERIKA in Zukunft gemeinsam mit anderen handeln werde.
20090207             Biden geht gleich in die Vollen.
20090207             Obamas Administration sei entschlossen, "einen neuen Ton anzuschlagen".
20090207             Statt Denken in "Nullsummenmentalitäten" und Ideologien müssten die Völker einander zuhören.
20090207             Kein Land, betont Biden, könne die gegenwärtigen Bedrohungen allein bewältigen, egal wie mächtig es sei.
20090207             Man erwartet eine historische Wende der AMERIKANISCHEN—POLITIK, 1—ART feierliche Spannung hat sich der rund 300—TEILNEHMER der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz bemächtigt.
20090207             Was wird Biden sagen, hier im prunkvollen Saal des "Bayerischen Hofs"?
20090207             KATHOLIKEN—KRISE: DEUTSCHE—BISCHÖFE verlangen erneuten Ausschluss des HOLOCAUST—LEUGNERS
20090207             Landesbanken: WestLB macht dank Bad BANK—GEWINN
20090207             Kongressentscheidung: Fahrplan für USA—KONJUNKTURPAKET steht
20090207             Ausspähaffäre: Telekom beschäftigt —SEIT—10—JAHREN umstrittene Detektei
20090207             SPIONAGE—UND Hackerabwehr: Bundeswehr baut geheime CYBERWAR—TRUPPE auf
20090207             3—USA—BANKS—SHUT by Regulators as Financial Crisis Deepens
20090207             —SPEED, Obama chides Republicans, demands, on stimulus
20090207             —POUNDED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, Republicans —ON—SATURDAY for policies that fueled THE—USA—ECONOMIC—CRISIS,
20090207             —WHILE welcoming 1—SENATE—DEAL on his stimulus bill that ideologically SPLIT lawmakers hope to finish by
20090207             Obama pushes stimulus plan —WHILE GOP pushes back
20090207             Money is only important in 1—SOCIETY—WHEN certain resources for survival must be rationed and the people accept money as 1—EXCHANGE—MEDIUM for the scarce resources.
20090207             Money is 1—SOCIAL—CONVENTION, 1—AGREEMENT if you will.
20090207             It is neither 1—NATURAL—RESOURCE nor does it represent 1.
20090207             It is not necessary for survival unless we have been conditioned to accept it as such
20090207             Our only shortage is the lack of creative thought and intelligence in ourselves and our elected leaders to solve these problems.
20090207             —UNTAPPED, The most valuable, resource —TODAY is human ingenuity.
20090207             —BASED, As we outgrow the need for professions, on the monetary system,
20090207             for instance lawyers, bankers, insurance agents, marketing and advertising personnel, salespersons, and stockbrokers, 1—CONSIDERABLE—AMOUNT—OF—WASTE will be eliminated.
20090207             Considerable AMOUNTS—OF—ENERGY would also be saved by eliminating the duplication of competitive products such as tools,
20090207             eating utensils, pots, pans and vacuum cleaners.
20090207             In a RESOURCE—BASED economy ALL—OF—THE—WORLD—RESOURCES are held as the common HERITAGE—OF—ALL—OF—EARTH—PEOPLE,
20090207             thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people.
20090207             This is the unifying imperative.
20090207             We must emphasize that this approach to global governance has nothing whatever in common with the present aims of 1—ELITE to form
20090207             1—WORLD—GOVERNMENT with themselves and large corporations at the helm, and the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION subservient to them.
20090207             Our VISION—OF—GLOBALIZATION empowers EACH—AND—EVERY—PERSON on the planet to be the best they can be,
20090207             not to live in abject subjugation to 1—CORPORATE governing body.
20090207             Our proposals would not only add to the well BEING—OF—PEOPLE, but they would also provide the necessary information that would enable them to participate in ANY—AREA—OF—THEIR—COMPETENCE.
20090207             THE—MEASURE—OF—SUCCESS would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than THE—ACQUISITION—OF—WEALTH, property and power.
20090207             LET—FIND that extra whatever it has to be so that we can cross the ridge and we are free.
20090207             And so forth and so on.
20090207             So, I am going to keep working on that and I hope that you will too.
20090207             We are rising up —NOW as into THE—DAWNING—OF—THE—AGE—JUST the same way that you turn the page and it is being written EVERY—MOMENT we are here.
20090207             We are writing it.
20090207             It is being written on us; by us, for us, against us, BECAUSE—OF—USA, in SPITE—OF—USA, without us or I don't know... it —JUST goes on.
20090207             sind Sie bei uns Mitglied! Um das Projekt zu unterstützen, sollten
20090207             Sie jedoch einen Link ZU—IRGENDWO auf Ihrer Webseite ausbringen oder etwas spenden.
20090207             Interessant ist übrigens die Tatsache, daß wenn ALLE—PROVIDER unsere 4—SCHRITTE gegen Mailabuse
20090207             umsetzen würden, weltweit weder 1—SPAMPROBLEM, noch 1—VIRENPROBLEM existieren könnte.
20090207             Copyright: SEBASTIAN—PANWITZ—LEBENSDATEN. Geboren: in VESZPRÉM—UNGARN.
20090207             Gestorben: in BUDAPEST—UNGARN. Religion: jüdisch.
20090207             LONDON LUXEMBOURG—MAJORCA; Mamroth, Paul; Management, Supply; Mandelbaum,
20090207             Jakob; Mannheimer, Fritz; Manovil, Alfred;
20090207             Manovill, Alfred ; Marcos, FERDINAND—MAKSHTAS, AP;
20090207             MALIKI—REGIERUNG; Manor, Roke; Manovill, Alfred ;
20090207             Council for National Policy (CNP) - H - Member Biographies...
20090207             Stewardship Journal, Editorial Review BOARD; member, CALIFORNIA STATE—BAR;
20090207             Alex has been wrongly predicting more big domestic terror attacks for the last —8—YEARS, yet still repeatedly asserts that he can predict the future.
20090207             —APPELLIERT, KONRAD—FREIBERG, VORSITZENDER—DER—GEWERKSCHAFT der Polizei, an die Gerichte,
20090207             bei der Genehmigung von Demonstrationen die Belange der Polizei zu berücksichtigen:
20090207             "Die GRENZEN—DER—BELASTBARKEIT sind überschritten".
20090207             Zeitgleich sind zahlreiche Demonstrationen angemeldet, zusätzlich finden sogenannte HIGH—RISK—FUßBALLSPIELE der unteren Ligen statt.
20090207             Außerdem droht der Verkehr auf der A5 zusammenzubrechen, weil in 9—BUNDESLÄNDERN die Osterferien beginnen.
20090207             HAMBURG—DER NATO—GIPFEL vom 3. —BIS 4. ;;04;;
20090207             in Straßburg, BADEN—BADEN und Kehl stellt die Polizei vor nahezu unlösbare Aufgaben.
20090207             —BIS—JETZT sind —BEREITS 14.000—POLIZISTEN zum Schutz der Politiker und Veranstaltungsorte eingeplant,
20090207             Experten rechnen damit, dass ihre Zahl auf 20.000—STEIGEN könnte.
20090207             Die LISTE—DER—ARTENSCHUTZ—PROJEKTE ist lang: Mit Malaria befallene Pinguine müssen behandelt, der Lebensraum von LAND—UND WASSER—LEGUANEN geschützt und Feuerameisen ausgerottet werden.
20090207             Trotz aller Herausforderungen und Rückschläge arbeiten die Naturschützer unermüdlich.
20090207             —SEIT RAFAEL—CORREA —VOR—2—JAHREN PRÄSIDENT—ECUADORS wurde, setzt sich auch die Regierung klar für den Erhalt der Artenvielfalt auf Galápagos ein.
20090207             "Ich glaube, dass wir eine bessere Zukunft vor uns haben".
20090207             fangen Fischer die Tiere noch immer, schneiden ihnen die Flossen ab und werfen sie blutend wieder ins Meer.
20090207             Kilometer vor der KÜSTE—VON—ECUADOR liegt.
20090207             Dazu kommen 27.000—EINWOHNER auf den 5—BESIEDELTEN Inseln.
20090207             Und die Invasion des Menschen hat Spuren hinterlassen.
20090207             Die Hälfte aller endemischen Tierarten und jede 5. einheimische Pflanze ist bedroht.
20090207             Das größte Problem sind die fremden Pflanzen, Insekten und Säugetiere, die der Mensch einschleppt.
20090207             Mittlerweile gibt es auf den Inseln mehr eingeführte Sträucher und Gewächse (rund 720—ARTEN) als einheimische (rund 500),
20090207             und auch fast jedes 4. Insekt ist fremd, wie die Unesco 20060000             über Galápagos berichtete.
20090207             Schröder schreibt, er sei überzeugt, dass der Bundeswehreinsatz in AFGHANISTAN noch weitere —10—JAHRE dauern wird.
20090207             "1—WESTMINSTER—DEMOKRATIE mit RIESTER—RENTE und Mülltrennung für AFGHANISTAN ist unrealistisch".
20090207             Als Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Mission nannte er: "AFGHANISTAN darf nie wieder 1—ZUFLUCHTSORT für Terroristen werden,
20090207             die Regierung muss Sicherheit und Stabilität aus eigener Kraft gewährleisten können, und
20090207             die elementaren Menschenrechte müssen gewahrt sein.
20090207             Dann können wir unsere Soldaten abziehen.
20090207             Auf die Frage nach einem Datum dafür antwortete er:
20090207             "Wir reden nicht über —JAHRZEHNTE, sondern über —JAHRE".
20090207             —AM härtesten könnte es die nordamerikanischen Küsten treffen.
20090207             Doch —NUN wird das Bild klarer: Kürzlich konnten Forscher um ERIC—STEIG anhand von Satellitendaten und WETTERSTATIONS—MESSUNGEN zeigen:
20090207             Zwar sind die Temperaturanstiege noch relativ gering;
20090207             die Westantarktis hat sich pro Dekade im Schnitt um 0,17 Grad erwärmt, der Osten um 0,1 Grad.
20090207             Aber der Trend nach oben ist eindeutig.
20090207             25—MILLIONEN Kubikkilometer gefrorenes Wasser liegen am Südpol.
20090207             ZEITEN, des Klimawandels ist die ANTARKTIS damit ein entscheidender Faktor für die Zukunft der ERDE—DENN auch auf dem südlichen Kontinent wird es immer wärmer.
20090207             In ungewöhnlich scharfer Form forderte er eine zügige Verabschiedung durch den Kongress:
20090207             Die Zeit für parteitaktische Spielchen sei vorbei, sagte er.
20090207             "Wenn wir nicht schnell zu einer Unterzeichnung des Rettungspakets kommen, wird sich 1—WIRTSCHAFT, die ohnehin in einer Krise ist, einer Katastrophe gegenübersehen".
20090207             "Das AMERIKANISCHE—VOLK möchte, dass wir zusammenarbeiten", sagte die wichtige gemäßigte Republikanerin SUSAN—COLLINS nach Bekanntwerden der Einigung.
20090207             Ihr Parteifreund SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTOR sagte: "Wir müssen handeln, und unter den gegebenen Umständen ist dies das Beste, was wir tun können".
20090207             "Wenn dieses Gesetz verabschiedet wird, wäre das ein sehr schlechter —TAG für AMERIKA",
20090207             kritisierte dagegen SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, der unterlegene Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner.
20090207             Der Investitionsplan bürde den künftigen Generationen enorme Schulden auf, ohne das er wirklich die Wirtschaft ankurbeln werde.
20090207             "Wir haben 1—EINIGUNG", sagte der demokratische SENATOR—SHERROD—BROWN.
20090207             Das Weiße Haus begrüßte die Einigung.
20090207             wird das Land brauchen, um seine Staatsfinanzen wieder auf den Stand zu bringen, den es hatte, bevor die Finanzströme einfroren.
20090207             Streit mit SPD: Unionspläne für DATEN—GROßREGISTER provozieren Widerstand
20090207             —ÜBERFORDERT, Personalnot: NATO—GIPFEL, Polizei
20090207             Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: KANZLERIN—FORDERT—ENDE—DER—USA—ALLEINGÄNGE
20090207             KATHOLIKEN—KRISE: HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Williamson lehnt Widerruf vorerst ab
20090207             Durchbruch: USA—SENAT stutzt Obamas Konjunkturpaket
20090207             The system is struggling to cope with the human TIDE—OF—UNEMPLOYMENT.
20090207             Despite the thick snow on the sidewalks, the labour and training centre in WEST—WARWICK,
20090207             —JUST 1—FEW miles from Cranston, is packed with job SEEKERS—AT computer screens, in 1—ON—1—INTERVIEWS, in big groups doing tests.
20090207             Es sei offensichtlich, dass Wirtschaftskrise, nukleare Abrüstung und Klimaschutz eine gemeinsame globale Politik erforderten, mahnte Steinbrück.
20090207             Eine neue Studie[1] der UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNSTER gibt den Asketen —NUN Auftrieb:
20090207             Sie zeigte, dass ältere Erwachsene, die ihre Kalorienzufuhr —3—MONATE lang freiwillig reduzierten,
20090207             besser bei Gedächtnistests abschnitten als 2—KONTROLLGRUPPEN.
20090207             Die Ergebnisse könnten ein 1. Hinweis darauf sein, dass weniger Kalorien auch im späteren Leben altersbedingte Probleme wie Demenz vorbeugen könnten.
20090207             Das Fundament des MAASTRICHT—VERTRAGS wankt.
20090207             Ganz zu schweigen von den Problemen Großbritanniens und der SCHWEIZ,
20090207             ihre übermäßig gewachsenen Banken zu schützen.
20090207             Das sozial Gerechte ist —HEUTE tatsächlich auch das einzig wirtschaftspolitisch Vernünftige.
20090207             "Allmählich verliert man das Gefühl für die Größe der Zahlen..". sorgt sich —SCHON das Handelsblatt.
20090207             Die Verrücktesten unter ihnen sahen sogar ein neues "DEUTSCHES—WIRTSCHAFTSWUNDER" erblühen.
20090207             Sicherheitskonferenz in München: Steinmeier wünscht "—JAHR—DES—AUFBRUCHS
20090207             Die Realität ist schlimmer als die Prognosen
20090207             Demografie: Nächste Volkszählung ohne Frage zur Religion
20090207             Einkommensverluste: Deutschlands Ärzte wollen 1—MILLIARDE—EURO mehr
20090207             Hoffnung treibt die Banken: Dickes Plus in den USA
20090207             Senators Close to Reaching Accord on Stimulus BILL—MARKETS—UP—SHARPLY—DESPITE—REPORT
20090207             Steinmeier will eine Welt ohne Atomwaffen
20090207             Finanzen: Ausblick: Gute Zeichen für DAX—ERHOLUNG
20090207             Unternehmen: AUTO—KRISE verschärft sich weiter
20090207             Gastkommentar: GEORGE—SOROS—WAS vor uns liegt
20090207             Bundesbehörden handhaben Informationsfreiheit zunehmend restriktiv
20090207             Pläne zur Novelle des Datenschutzrechts entzweien die Länder
20090207             Stern: Zünderlieferant der KILLER—KONVERTITEN war Kontaktmann der CIA—SEEHOFER geht gegen Bankenskandale vor
20090207             "Das Fenster der Geschichte ist geöffnet"
20090207             Napolitano stoppt Notverordnung gegen Sterbehilfe
20090207             Deutsche mögen den PAPA nicht MEHR—HORRORZAHLEN alarmieren OBAMA—SCHNEECHAOS in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20090207             Italiens Streit um Sterbehilfe spitzt sich dramatisch zu
20090207             UBS behält Vermögensverwaltung in den USA
20090207             Verstaatlichung Washingtons Tanz ums Schreckgespenst
20090207             Le chômage américain au plus haut depuis dix-;;09;;
20090207             ANS—LE—EUTHANASIE au coeur d'une crise politique en Italie - "Face à la crise" : Sarkozy a convaincu
20090207             Pouvoir d'achat : l'autre plan de Sarkozy
20090207             Les syndicats veulent maintenir la pression
20090207             Cinco detenidos por corrupción urbanística en alcaldías del PP
20090207             Sarkozy attacks Brown on ECONOMY—OBAMA: stimulus delay INEXCUSABLE—WIE viel sind Manager wert?
20090207             Piusbrüder auf Konfrontation: Juden als CHRISTUS—MÖRDER
20090207             DEUTSCHLAND zieht die SCHULDENBREMSE—VATIKAN räumt Kommunikationsmängel ein
20090207             Traditionalisten geben keine Ruhe: Piusbrüder auf Konfrontationskurs
20090207             —NEGIERT, Existenzrecht, - Versickernde Geldflut
20090207             —IMPOUNDED, ISRAEL deports passengers from, GAZA—BOUND ship:
20090207             10—ACTIVISTS + journalists detained —THURSDAY by THE—ISRAEL—NAVY on 1—CARGO ship carrying humanitarian supplies to THE—GAZA—STRIP have returned to LEBANON, security officials + activists said.
20090207             Arab nations appeal to UNITED—NATIONS to stop Israeli 'piracy':
20090207             "My government condemns THE—ISRAEL—ACTIONS and considers them 1—BLATANT and flagrant breach to INTERNATIONAL law and INTERNATIONAL humanitarian law," she wrote.
20090207             EGYPT holds Hamas money bound for GAZA:
20090207             —DEPOSITED, Hamas official AYMAN—TAHA, more then $11—MILLION (7.5—MILLION—POUND) in cash in 1—BANK—IN—THE—EGYPT—TOWN—OF—EL—ARISH—ON—THURSDAY—AFTER EGYPT—AUTHORITIES stopped him taking it home to GAZA, police sources said.
20090207             Obama Endorses 2—STATE—SOLUTION for ARAB—ISRAEL—CONFLICT:
20090207             "Lasting peace requires more than 1—LONG—CEASE—FIRE, and that's why I will sustain 1—ACTIVE—COMMITMENT to seek 2—STATES living side by side in peace and security," Obama said.
20090207             The super diplomat's biggest challenge, as he wraps up his 1. trip and lays plans for future journeys,
20090207             lies in coming to terms with 1—GRIM and unavoidable fact:
20090207             —DEATHBED, THE—2—STATE—SOLUTION is on its. Talk to Hamas: Blair:
20090207             calling for including Hamas into THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS.
20090207             Abbas says ISRAEL should pay for war crimes:
20090207             MISTER—ABBAS, on 1—TOUR—OF—EUROPE to speak to governments about aid and reconstruction in GAZA, said ISRAEL had committed war crimes —DURING its offensive in GAZA.
20090207             Hamas' popularity soars —AFTER GAZA war, poll shows; ISRAEL—HEADS—RIGHT:
20090207             Led by Avigdor Liberman, ISRAEL—BEITEINU has actually overtaken the once powerful Labour party of Ehud Barak and is fast closing the gap on the top 2—CONTENDERS,
20090207             —COMPARED, BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—RIGHT—WING Likud, which opinion polls give 26—29—SEATS, to 24—27—SEATS for Tsipi LIVNI—CENTRE—RIGHT—KADIMA
20090207             Netanyahu: Lieberman campaign against ISRAEL—ARABS is 'legitimate':
20090207             —BRANDED, Likud chairman BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU —ON—THURSDAY, as "legitimate" rival prime ministerial candidate Avigdor LIEBERMAN—ELECTORAL—CAMPAIGN against ISRAEL—ARABS.
20090207             TURKEY prosecutor to probe whether IDF GAZA op was 'genocide':
20090207             including THE—PRESIDENT, PRIME—MINISTER and foreign MINISTER.
20090207             Long Friendship with ISRAEL in Peril:
20090207             —AFTER ISRAEL—ASSAULT—ON—GAZA, that friendship is in doubt.
20090207             —RATED, Majorities in 19—OUT—OF—THE—21—COUNTRIES, ISRAEL—NEGATIVELY—THE—2—EXCEPTIONS being THE—USA (47 % positive,
20090207             34 % negative) and RUSSIA (24 % positive, 21 % negative).
20090207             Views about ISRAEL were most negative in EGYPT (87 %), SPAIN (71 %),
20090207             TURKEY (70 %), AUSTRALIA (67 %), and GERMANY (65 %), according to the survey, which was completed —BEFORE ISRAEL—WIDELY criticised military campaign against GAZA.
20090207             Panetta Open to Tougher Methods in SOME—C.I.A—INTERROGATION:
20090207             —ON—THURSDAY left open the possibility that the agency could seek permission to use interrogation methods more aggressive than the limited menu that PRESIDENT—OBAMA authorized under new rules issued —LAST—MONTH.
20090207             —LIMITED, Obama CIA pick may back "" abuse prosecution:
20090207             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—CHOICE to HEAD—THE—CIA said —ON—THURSDAY he would support "limited" PROSECUTION—OF—ANY—AGENTS who deliberately violated the law in interrogating terrorism suspects.
20090207             Key Bush Gitmo Advisers Still On Job At Pentagon:
20090207             1—SENIOR—JUDGE who has not followed PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—ORDER to halt military trials at GUANTANAMO Bay is among BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—APPOINTEES still overseeing how the Pentagon deals with terror captives.
20090207             Protests as USA—WARSHIP docks in NAGASAKI:
20090207             1—USA—WARSHIP docked —THURSDAY in NAGASAKI to the protests of residents and 1—BOYCOTT by local leaders who said the visit was in poor taste in 1—CITY obliterated by 1—USA atomic bomb.
20090207             UK: Peers warn surveillance state is threat to freedom:
20090207             The vast GROWTH—OF—SURVEILLANCE and data collection risks undermining freedoms vital to THE—UK—WAY—OF—LIFE,
20090207             1—GROUP—OF—EMINENT peers is warning —TODAY.
20090207             —ABANDONED, MANY—AMERICANS think electroconvulsive therapy has been.
20090207             —RESPECTED, But USA—PSYCHIATRY still regards it as 1, treatment, even for kids.
20090207             Toyota warns of big annual loss:
20090207             —WARNED, Toyota Motor, the world's biggest automaker, —FRIDAY it expects 1—ANNUAL operating loss of 4.9—BILLION dollars,
20090207             its 1. ever, as the economic crisis sends car sales plunging.
20090207             UK: BAIL—OUT bankers rush through bonuses to thwart Government crackdown:
20090207             Bush overpaid banks in bailout, watchdog says:
20090207             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION overpaid TENS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for stocks + other assets in its massive bailout —LAST—YEAR—OF—WALL—STREET—BANKS + financial institutions,
20090207             1—NEW—STUDY by 1—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG says.
20090207             LIST—OF—BANKS Receiving Funds From $700B TARP:
20090207             This list includes all the banks receiving funds from the Treasury's $700B Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).
20090207             USA—COMPANIES that make and supply AUTO—PARTS to major carmakers are pleading for 1—BAILOUT from WASHINGTON,
20090207             as MANY—ARE —NOW on the verge of declaring bankruptcy.
20090207             AUTO—PARTS—COMPANIES may seek between $10—BILLION and $12—BILLION in cash and guarantees from THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT as soon as —THIS—WEEK.
20090207             USA jobless claims hit —26—YEAR high:
20090207             The latest data confirms that THE—USA—ECONOMY is continuing to contract at 1—ACCELERATING pace.
20090207             Broad LAYERS—OF—THE—POPULATION are being hit with mounting layoffs, wage cuts, and worse working conditions.
20090207             Senate approves $15,000 tax credit for homebuyers:
20090207             —OFFERED, The homebuyer tax credit, by GOP SENATOR—JOHNNY—ISAKSON would apply to ANY—HOME purchased as 1—MAIN—RESIDENCE and would cost taxpayers $19—BILLION.
20090207             —APPROVED, Senators, it by 1—VOICE—VOTE, adding the idea to PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY—BILL.
20090207             Revolt brews in counties:
20090207             Counties in CALIFORNIA say they've had enough — and they aren't going to take it anymore.
20090207             In what amounts to 1—BOSTON—TEA—PARTY—STYLE revolt against THE—STATE—CAPITOL, they're threatening to withhold money.
20090207             TURKEY—WARPLANES Bomb NORTH—IRAQ:
20090207             —BOMBED, BRIGADIER—GENERAL—METIN—GURAK, the military spokesman, says AIR—FORCE—JETS, the Hakurk area —ON—WEDNESDAY and —THURSDAY.
20090207             Gurak made the announcement —DURING 1—WEEKLY—NEWS—CONFERENCE—ON—FRIDAY.
20090207             Military IRAQ withdrawal plans include 19-, —23—MONTH options:
20090207             Responding to 1—REQUEST by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, top military and diplomatic advisers on IRAQ have submitted 1—REPORT to THE—WHITE—HOUSE that spells out the risks of drawing down USA—FORCES in IRAQ over periods as long as —23—MONTHS, 2—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS told McClatchy.
20090207             Pentagon Spends $4.7—BILLION On PR Propaganda:
20090207             As it fights 2—WARS, the Pentagon is steadily and dramatically increasing the money it spends to win what it calls "the human terrain" of world public opinion.
20090207             In the process, it is raising concerns of spreading PROPAGANDA at home in VIOLATION—OF—FEDERAL—LAW.
20090207             Pentagon clashes with media over CONTROL—OF—INFORMATION:
20090207             "You want to make sure you edit it in the right way," Conway said.
20090207             "You have to go through the steps.
20090207             Is this something that is going to make Joe 6—PACK look up from his TV dinner or his FAST—FOOD—MEAL and look up at THE—TV and say,
20090207             'Wow, THE—USA—TROOPS are kicking butt in IRAQ?'"
20090207             USA—MILITARY—SUICIDE—RATE at record high:
20090207             RUSSIA plans to start up IRAN nuclear plant:
20090207             RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV has repeatedly said MOSCOW does not want IRAN to be armed with nuclear weapons but that RUSSIA sees no evidence TEHRAN is seeking to build atomic bombs.
20090207             Tough language on IRAN continues under Obama:
20090207             THE—USA says it seeks to work more with RUSSIA to end TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES —1—DAY—AFTER MOSCOW offered to help begin direct USA—IRAN talks.
20090207             IRAN ready to welcome USA 'real changes':
20090207             USA—THREATS against IRAN Foiled by Armed Forces:
20090207             —ARMED, Military Official: IRAN's, forces have foiled 1—SCENARIO by WASHINGTON to complete its CHAIN—OF—THREATS to the region by opening 1—FRONT against IRAN —FOLLOWING THE—USA—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ,
20090207             ISRAEL to OBAMA—HOLD IRAN—FEET to fire:
20090207             ISRAEL will go along with USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—IRAN diplomacy,
20090207             but try to shorten the deadline for results by signalling its willingness to attack IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES if need be.
20090207             Tribesmen in S Waziristan protest against drone attacks:
20090207             The tribesmen of Gangi Khel tribe in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN Agency —ON—THURSDAY took out protest demonstration and staged 1—SIT—IN against USA—DRONES' attacks in the Tribal Areas.
20090207             Taliban hold upper hand in Swat Valley:
20090207             Despite the police and military action, local MEDIA—REPORTS reveal that control over the Swat Valley has essentially fallen into THE—HANDS—OF—THE—INSURGENCY.
20090207             INDIA links PAKISTAN ISI to Mumbai raid planners:
20090207             —ACCUSED, INDIA has for the 1. time directly, PAKISTAN—ISI spy AGENCY—OF—LINKS to THE—PLANNERS—OF—LAST—YEAR—DEADLY—MILITANT—ATTACKS on Mumbai.
20090207             Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—BAKIYEV—ANNOUNCEMENT—OF his intention to shut down THE—USA—BASE followed 1—MEETING in MOSCOW —TUESDAY with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV in which MOSCOW promised 1—AID—PACKAGE to KYRGYZSTAN worth over $2—BILLION.
20090207             Exclusive: Gates Delays Troop Decision:
20090207             —DEFERRED, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES has, 1—MUCH—ANTICIPATED decision on sending additional troops into AFGHANISTAN —UNTIL PRESIDENT—OBAMA decides what force levels he wants.
20090207             RUSSIA offers aid on AFGHANISTAN—WITH strings:
20090207             Saying MOSCOW and its allies "are ready for FULL—FLEDGED, comprehensive cooperation," THE—RUSSIA—LEADER seemed to imply that MOSCOW—HELP on AFGHANISTAN is contingent on 1—BROADER—LIST—OF—CHANGES it wants from the new USA—ADMINISTRATION.
20090207             All THE—COMFORTS—OF—HOME—REPUBLICANS Destroy, Democrats Serve Cookies-
20090207             —LAUNCHED, Could the little project, 1—FEW centuries back, and affectionately referred to as 'AMERICA',
20090207             possibly be in 1—MORE—PRECIPITOUS—FREE—FALL than it is right —NOW Continue
20090207             It is time the Obama lovers grew up.
20090207             It is time those paid to keep the record straight gave us the opportunity to debate informatively.
20090207             but it is nothing without truth.
20090207             "In the time of universal deceit," wrote GEORGE—ORWELL, "telling the truth is 1—REVOLUTIONARY—ACT".
20090207             OBAMA—CIA—MAN—AFSHIN Rattansi Interviews Retired CIA Man, RAY—MCGOVERN—VIDEO
20090207             Afshin Rattansi talks to FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—RAY—MCGOVERN about the consequences for the new HEAD—OF—THE—CIA and for THE—USA—AFTER—LEON—PANETTA condemns torture,
20090207             extraordinary rendition and those that were involved in it all.
20090207             Also, will Cheney go to jail and what about DAVID—MILLIBAND who denies that THE—UK—SECRET—SERVICES do not engage in torture despite evidence to the contrary —FOR—DECADES—OF—UK—ILLEGAL—ACTIVITY, from IRELAND to GIBRALTAR?
20090207             —BY—JOHANN—HARI—THIS is the man calling for THE—RE—OCCUPATION—OF—GAZA to 'liquidate' its elected government.
20090207             "... Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In THE—NAME—OF—GOD, go!" Continue
20090207             SOMEHOW—WASHINGTON has lost ANY—SENSE—OF—WHAT'S at STAKE—OF—THE—REALITY that we may well be falling into 1—ECONOMIC—ABYSS,
20090207             and that if we do, it will be very hard to get out again.
20090207             —BELIEVED, As Plato, and taught, "Follow the evidence wherever it leads".
20090207             Cows With Names Yield More Milk, UK—STUDY—FINDS
20090207             "By giving 1—COW—1—NAME and treating her as 1—INDIVIDUAL, farmers can increase their annual milk yield by almost 500—PINTS," said the university's CATHERINE—DOUGLAS and PETER—ROWLINSON in 1—NEWS—RELEASE.
20090207             —GEHALTEN, TONY—BLAIR hat in einer flammenden Rede pro Religion.
20090207             TONY—BLAIR gave 1—EXTRAORDINARY—SPEECH about the global importance of religion —YESTERDAY,
20090207             telling 1—AUDIENCE which included THE—NEWLY—INAUGURATED PRESIDENT,
20090207             BARACK—OBAMA, that faith should be restored "to its rightful place, as the guide to our world and its future".
20090207             Wie konnte so 1—CRACKPOT jemals PREMIERMINISTER
20090207             —USHERED, S—FRANCISCO, in the —YEAR of the Ox with its annual CHINA—NEW—YEAR—PARADE.
20090207             BOLIVIA, PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES and THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS celebrated the new constitution as it took effect,
20090207             —CRASHED, BRAZIL, 4—PEOPLE at the rear of 1—PLANE that, in 1—MUDDY—AMAZON river managed to open 1—EMERGENCY—DOOR and swim to safety as the aircraft sank, dragging 24—OTHERS to their death.
20090207             —KILLED, ANTANANARIVO—MADAGASCAR, at least 28—PEOPLE were, by security forces —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20090207             "Mutter aller Krisen" - JOSÉ—EDUARDO dos SANTOS. OBWOHL ES
20090207             —SEIT—DIAMOND company.
20090207             through the Ascorp - -18610000             ). - - Hensel, Wilhelm (
20090207             —DESTROYED, On "Black —SATURDAY" some 2298—HOMES were, with 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—173. THE—TOWN—OF—MARYSVILLE and several hamlets in the Kinglake district, both about 50—MILES (100—KM) NORTH—OF—MELBOURNE, were utterly devastated.
20090207             † 1—BOLIVIA—WOMAN from 1—INJECTION—OF urine allegedly administered by her friend as 1—FORM—OF—HEALTH—THERAPY.
20090207             † Investigating prosecutor OSCAR—FLORES —LATER said that Gabriela Ascarrunz (35), of an "infection caused by urine that was injected by fashion designer Monica Schultz".
20090207             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, BRIAN—ADKINS, —25—JAHRE—ALT was, in his home in ADDIS—ABABA.
20090207             —1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENCE left up to 100—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090207             ECUADOR—LEFT—WING—PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA expels A—USA—CUSTOMS attache in an argument over ANTI—DRUG policies.
20090207             Rex NUTTING—MARKETWATCH, 12:42 p.m. EST
20090207             Obama reconsidering AFGHANISTAN surge? - Faiz Shakir
20090207             THE—PENTAGON was set to announce the deployment of 17,000 extra soldiers and marines —LAST—WEEK but ROBERT—GATES, the defence SECRETARY, postponed the decision —AFTER questions from Obama.
20090207             —CONCERNED, THE—PRESIDENT was, by 1—LACK—OF—STRATEGY at his 1. meeting with Gates and THE—USA—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—LAST—MONTH in "the tank", the secure conference room in the Pentagon.
20090207             LARRY—KORB, 1—DEFENCE—EXPERT at the Center for USA—PROGRESS, 1—WASHINGTON think tank, said: "Obama is exactly right. —BEFORE he agrees to send 30,000—TROOPS, he wants to know what the mission and the endgame is".
20090207             THE—USA—SEEKS 1—NEW—TONE in its foreign policy and wants to "reset" ties with MOSCOW, VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN says.
20090207             1—SPRECHER—DES ÄGYPTISCHEN—INNENMINISTERIUMS sagte, ihm lägen keine Berichte zu der Festnahme vor.
20090207             Um Philosophie zu studieren, ging er für 1—SEMESTER nach FREIBURG und dann mit einem Stipendium in die USA, nach Wheaton.
20090207             Mittlerweile sei er zum "Hauptsitz des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes" gebracht worden, sagt sie, "das haben wir —HEUTE aus inoffiziellen Quellen des Nationalen Sicherheitsdienstes erfahren".
20090207             Das also sei die gute Neuigkeit, sagt Biden: dass AMERIKA in Zukunft gemeinsam mit anderen handeln werde.
20090207             Und lächelnd fügt er an: "Die schlechte Nachricht ist, dass die Amerikaner —NUN auch mehr Hilfe von ihren Partnern erbitten".
20090207             "Es ist mir 1—EHRE, eine neue Regierung zu vertreten und hoffentlich auch ein neues Zeitalter".
20090207             Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Biden schlägt die Brücke nach EUROPA - REUTERS—BY JEFF—MASON—WASHINGTON
20090207             —BASED, As we outgrow the need for professions, on the monetary system, for instance lawyers, bankers, insurance agents, marketing and advertising personnel, salespersons, and stockbrokers, 1—CONSIDERABLE—AMOUNT—OF—WASTE will be eliminated.
20090207             Considerable AMOUNTS—OF—ENERGY would also be saved by eliminating the duplication of competitive products such as tools, eating utensils, pots, pans and vacuum cleaners.
20090207             In 1—RESOURCE—BASED economy ALL—OF—THE—WORLD—RESOURCES are held as the common HERITAGE—OF—ALL—OF—EARTH—PEOPLE, thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people.
20090207             Our VISION—OF—GLOBALIZATION empowers EACH—AND—EVERY—PERSON on the planet to be the best they can be, not to live in abject subjugation to 1—CORPORATE governing body.
20090207             —RECALLED, This process, Forbes, began
20090207             Sobald Sie eine oder mehrere unserer BLACKLISTEN auf Ihrem Mailserver benutzen, sind Sie bei uns Mitglied!
20090207             Um das Projekt zu unterstützen, sollten
20090207             Interessant ist übrigens die Tatsache, daß wenn ALLE—PROVIDER unsere
20090207             4—SCHRITTE gegen Mailabuse umsetzen würden, weltweit weder 1—SPAMPROBLEM, noch 1—VIRENPROBLEM existieren könnte.
20090207             Council for National Policy (CNP) - H - Member Biographies... Stewardship Journal, Editorial Review BOARD;
20090207             member, CALIFORNIA STATE—BAR;... 19870000             , Hurt, Ahmanson, and CNP member PRESTON—HAWKINS, a developer...
20090207             Lefever CALIFORNIA Independent Business PAC ~ HOWARD—AHMANSON, JUNIOR, EDWARD—G—ATSINGER—III, ROLAND—HINZ and Lila Hinz, RICHARD—A.
20090207             —APPELLIERT, KONRAD—FREIBERG, VORSITZENDER—DER—GEWERKSCHAFT—DER—POLIZEI, an die Gerichte, bei der Genehmigung von Demonstrationen die Belange der Polizei zu berücksichtigen: "Die GRENZEN—DER—BELASTBARKEIT sind überschritten".
20090207             Im Einsatzraum zwischen KARLSRUHE und FREIBURG sind zahlreiche Hotels allein für die Polizei ausgebucht.
20090207             —BIS—JETZT sind —BEREITS 14.000—POLIZISTEN zum Schutz der Politiker und Veranstaltungsorte eingeplant, Experten rechnen damit, dass ihre Zahl auf 20.000—STEIGEN könnte.
20090207             die 27—HAIARTEN zu jagen, fangen Fischer die Tiere noch immer, schneiden ihnen die Flossen ab und werfen sie blutend wieder ins Meer.
20090207             Die Hälfte aller endemischen Tierarten und
20090207             jede 5. einheimische Pflanze ist bedroht.
20090207             Mittlerweile gibt es auf den Inseln mehr eingeführte Sträucher und Gewächse (rund 720—ARTEN) als einheimische (rund 500), und auch fast jedes 4. Insekt ist fremd, wie die
20090207             Unesco 20060000             über Galápagos berichtete.
20090207             Steinmeier sagte, das "Ziel unseres Engagements" in AFGHANISTAN müsse klar definiert werden.
20090207             Als Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Mission nannte er: "AFGHANISTAN darf nie wieder 1—ZUFLUCHTSORT für Terroristen werden, die Regierung muss Sicherheit und Stabilität aus eigener Kraft gewährleisten können, und
20090207             Dann können wir unsere Soldaten abziehen". Auf die Frage nach einem Datum dafür antwortete er: "Wir reden nicht über —JAHRZEHNTE, sondern über —JAHRE".
20090207             Die gesamte ANTARKTIS erwärmt SICH—UND das —SCHON—SEIT—50—JAHREN.
20090207             In ungewöhnlich scharfer Form forderte er eine zügige Verabschiedung durch den Kongress: Die Zeit für parteitaktische Spielchen sei vorbei, sagte er.
20090207             "Dieser Kompromiss hat das Gesetz deutlich verbessert. Es wird uns helfen, uns von dieser gefährlichen Rezession zu erholen".
20090207             "Wenn dieses Gesetz verabschiedet wird, wäre das ein sehr schlechter —TAG für AMERIKA", kritisierte dagegen SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN, der unterlegene Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner.
20090207             Despite the thick snow on the sidewalks, the labour and training centre in WEST—WARWICK, —JUST 1—FEW miles from Cranston, is packed with job SEEKERS—AT computer screens, in 1—ON—1—INTERVIEWS, in big groups doing tests.
20090207             AUSTRALIA announces economic boost
20090207             Eine neue Studie[1] der UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNSTER gibt den Asketen —NUN Auftrieb: Sie zeigte, dass ältere Erwachsene, die ihre Kalorienzufuhr —3—MONATE lang freiwillig reduzierten, besser bei Gedächtnistests abschnitten als 2—KONTROLLGRUPPEN.
20090207             —DERZEIT stemmen sich Regierung und Notenbank gegen die KRISE—ALLER Krisen"
20090207             Ganz zu schweigen von den Problemen Großbritanniens und der SCHWEIZ, ihre übermäßig gewachsenen Banken zu schützen.
20090207             DEUTSCHE—KONJUNKTUR: Die Realität ist schlimmer als die Prognosen
20090207             USA fordern mehr zivile Hilfe für AFGHANISTAN
20090207             Stern: Zünderlieferant der KILLER—KONVERTITEN war Kontaktmann der CIA
20090207             CHINA droht Ländern, die Uiguren aus GUANTANAMO aufnehmen wollen
20090207             Deutsche mögen den PAPA nicht MEHR—IRAN hält an Atomprogramm fest
20090207             Le chômage américain au plus haut depuis DIX—SEPT ans - "Face à la crise" : Sarkozy a convaincu
20090207             Abstimmung im INTERNET: Grundeinkommen für alle
20090207             Arab nations appeal to UNITED—NATIONS to stop Israeli 'piracy ': "My government condemns THE—ISRAEL—ACTIONS and considers them 1—BLATANT and flagrant breach to INTERNATIONAL law and INTERNATIONAL humanitarian law," she wrote.
20090207             EGYPT holds Hamas money bound for GAZA: Hamas official AYMAN—TAHA deposited more then $11—MILLION (7.5—MILLION—POUND) in cash in 1—BANK—IN—THE—EGYPT—TOWN—OF—EL—ARISH—ON—THURSDAY—AFTER EGYPT—AUTHORITIES stopped him taking it home to GAZA, police sources said.
20090207             Obama Endorses 2—STATE—SOLUTION for ARAB—ISRAEL—CONFLICT : "Lasting peace requires more than 1—LONG—CEASE—FIRE, and that's why I will sustain 1—ACTIVE—COMMITMENT to seek 2—STATES living side by side in peace and security," Obama said.
20090207             GEORGE—MITCHELL and THE—END—OF—THE—2—STATE—SOLUTION : The super diplomat's biggest challenge, as he wraps up his 1. trip and lays plans for future journeys, lies in coming to terms with 1—GRIM and unavoidable fact: THE—2—STATE—SOLUTION is on its deathbed.
20090207             Abbas says ISRAEL should pay for war crimes : MISTER—ABBAS, on 1—TOUR—OF—EUROPE to speak to governments about aid and reconstruction in GAZA, said ISRAEL had committed war crimes —DURING its offensive in GAZA.
20090207             Fatah declines : The %AGE—OF—INDIVIDUALS who would vote for Hams if parliamentary elections were held —TODAY rose to 28.6% compared with 19.3% —IN—APRIL.
20090207             —DECLINED, The popularity of Fatah, from 34% last —APRIL to 27.9% in the poll.
20090207             Led by Avigdor Liberman, ISRAEL—BEITEINU has actually overtaken the once powerful Labour party of Ehud Barak and is fast closing the gap on the top 2—CONTENDERS, BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—RIGHT—WING—LIKUD, which opinion polls give 26—29—SEATS compared to 24—27—SEATS for Tsipi LIVNI—CENTRE—RIGHT—KADIMA
20090207             Netanyahu: Lieberman campaign against ISRAEL—ARABS is 'legitimate' : Likud chairman BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU —ON—THURSDAY branded as "legitimate" rival prime ministerial candidate Avigdor LIEBERMAN—ELECTORAL—CAMPAIGN against ISRAEL—ARABS.
20090207             TURKEY prosecutor to probe whether IDF GAZA op was 'genocide' : THE—ANKARA—CHIEF—PROSECUTOR'S—OFFICE—SAID—FRIDAY that the investigation was opened —AFTER 1—ISLAMIC—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ORGANIZATION filed 1—OFFICIAL—COMPLAINT against ISRAEL—LEADERS, including THE—PRESIDENT, PRIME—MINISTER and foreign MINISTER.
20090207             —ISOLATED, Long Friendship with ISRAEL in Peril : —FOR—DECADES, ISRAEL could count on TURKEY as its only Muslim friend, if not ally, in the tumultuous MIDDLE—EAST.
20090207             ISRAEL, IRAN, PAKISTAN WORLD—LEAST—POPULAR—NATIONS : Majorities in 19—OUT—OF—THE—21—COUNTRIES rated ISRAEL—NEGATIVELY—THE—2—EXCEPTIONS being THE—USA (47 % positive, 34 % negative) and RUSSIA (24 % positive, 21 % negative).
20090207             Views about ISRAEL were most negative in EGYPT (87 %), SPAIN (71 %), TURKEY (70 %), AUSTRALIA (67 %), and GERMANY (65 %), according to the survey, which was completed —BEFORE ISRAEL—WIDELY criticised military campaign against GAZA.
20090207             Panetta Open to Tougher Methods in SOME—C.I.A—INTERROGATION : LEON—E—PANETTA, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PICK to lead THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, —ON—THURSDAY left open the possibility that the agency could seek permission to use interrogation methods more aggressive than the limited menu that PRESIDENT—OBAMA authorized under new rules issued —LAST—MONTH.
20090207             —LIMITED, Obama CIA pick may back "" abuse prosecution : PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—CHOICE to HEAD—THE—CIA said —ON—THURSDAY he would support "limited" PROSECUTION—OF—ANY—AGENTS who deliberately violated the law in interrogating terrorism suspects.
20090207             Key Bush Gitmo Advisers Still On Job At Pentagon : 1—SENIOR—JUDGE who has not followed PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—ORDER to halt military trials at GUANTANAMO Bay is among BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—APPOINTEES still overseeing how the Pentagon deals with terror captives.
20090207             —DOCKED, Protests as USA—WARSHIP docks in NAGASAKI: 1—USA—WARSHIP, —THURSDAY in NAGASAKI to the protests of residents and 1—BOYCOTT by local leaders who said the visit was in poor taste in 1—CITY obliterated by 1—USA atomic bomb.
20090207             UK: Peers warn surveillance state is threat to freedom: The vast GROWTH—OF—SURVEILLANCE and data collection risks undermining freedoms vital to THE—UK—WAY—OF—LIFE, 1—GROUP—OF—EMINENT peers is warning —TODAY.
20090207             Psychiatry's 'Shock Doctrine': Are We Really OK With Electroshocking Toddlers?
20090207             Toyota warns of big annual loss : Toyota Motor, the world's biggest automaker, warned —FRIDAY it expects 1—ANNUAL operating loss of 4.9—BILLION dollars, its 1. ever, as the economic crisis sends car sales plunging.
20090207             UK: BAIL—OUT bankers rush through bonuses to thwart Government crackdown : Politicians —TODAY condemned 1—RUSH by THOUSANDS—OF—BANKERS to pick up BONUSES—OF—MILLIONS—OF—POUNDS—BEFORE 1—GOVERNMENT—CRACKDOWN.
20090207             Bush overpaid banks in bailout, watchdog says: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION overpaid TENS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for stocks + other assets in its massive bailout —LAST—YEAR—OF—WALL—STREET—BANKS + financial institutions, 1—NEW—STUDY by 1—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG says.
20090207             LIST—OF—BANKS Receiving Funds From $700B TARP : This list includes all the banks receiving funds from the Treasury's $700B Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP).
20090207             —ON THE—BRINK—OF—BANKRUPTCY, USA—AUTO—PARTS—COMPANIES—SEEK Bailout : USA—COMPANIES that make and supply AUTO—PARTS to major carmakers are pleading for 1—BAILOUT from WASHINGTON, as MANY—ARE —NOW on the verge of declaring bankruptcy.
20090207             USA jobless claims hit —26—YEAR—HIGH: The latest data confirms that THE—USA—ECONOMY is continuing to contract at 1—ACCELERATING pace.
20090207             Senate approves $15,000 tax credit for homebuyers: The homebuyer tax credit offered by GOP SENATOR—JOHNNY—ISAKSON would apply to ANY—HOME purchased as 1—MAIN—RESIDENCE and would cost taxpayers $19—BILLION.
20090207             Revolt brews in counties: Counties in CALIFORNIA say they've had enough — and they aren't going to take it anymore.
20090207             TURKEY—WARPLANES—BOMB—NORTH—IRAQ: BRIGADIER—GENERAL—METIN—GURAK, the military spokesman, says AIR—FORCE—JETS bombed the Hakurk area —ON—WEDNESDAY and —THURSDAY.
20090207             Military IRAQ withdrawal plans include 19-, —23—MONTH options: Responding to 1—REQUEST by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, top military and diplomatic advisers on IRAQ have submitted 1—REPORT to THE—WHITE—HOUSE that spells out the risks of drawing down USA—FORCES in IRAQ over periods as long as —23—MONTHS, 2—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS told McClatchy.
20090207             Pentagon Spends $4.7—BILLION On PR Propaganda : As it fights 2—WARS, the Pentagon is steadily and dramatically increasing the money it spends to win what it calls "the human terrain" of world public opinion.
20090207             "You have to go through the steps.... Is this something that is going to make Joe 6—PACK look up from his TV dinner or his FAST—FOOD—MEAL and look up at THE—TV and say, 'Wow, THE—USA—TROOPS are kicking butt in IRAQ?'"
20090207             Tough language on IRAN continues under Obama: THE—USA—SAYS it seeks to work more with RUSSIA to end TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES —1—DAY—AFTER MOSCOW offered to help begin direct USA—IRAN talks.
20090207             IRAN ready to welcome USA 'real changes' : IRAN says it is ready to cooperate with THE—USA to tackle problems facing the world if it sees 'true and correct changes' in USA—POLICIES.
20090207             USA—THREATS against IRAN Foiled by Armed Forces : Military Official: IRAN's armed forces have foiled 1—SCENARIO by WASHINGTON to complete its CHAIN—OF—THREATS to the region by opening 1—FRONT against IRAN —FOLLOWING THE—USA—INVASION—OF—AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, 1—SENIOR—MILITARY—ADVISOR to THE—IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER said here —WEDNESDAY.
20090207             ISRAEL to OBAMA—HOLD IRAN—FEET to fire : ISRAEL will go along with USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—IRAN diplomacy, but try to shorten the deadline for results by signalling its willingness to attack IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES if need be.
20090207             Tribesmen in S Waziristan protest against drone attacks: The tribesmen of Gangi Khel tribe in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN Agency —ON—THURSDAY took out protest demonstration and staged 1—SIT—IN against USA—DRONES' attacks in the Tribal Areas.
20090207             Taliban hold upper hand in Swat Valley : Despite the police and military action, local MEDIA—REPORTS reveal that control over the Swat Valley has essentially fallen into THE—HANDS—OF—THE—INSURGENCY.
20090207             INDIA links PAKISTAN ISI to Mumbai raid planners : INDIA has for the 1. time directly accused PAKISTAN—ISI spy AGENCY—OF—LINKS to THE—PLANNERS—OF—LAST—YEAR—DEADLY—MILITANT—ATTACKS on Mumbai.
20090207             Exclusive: Gates Delays Troop Decision : Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES has deferred 1—MUCH—ANTICIPATED decision on sending additional troops into AFGHANISTAN —UNTIL PRESIDENT—OBAMA decides what force levels he wants.
20090207             RUSSIA offers aid on AFGHANISTAN—WITH strings : Saying MOSCOW and its allies "are ready for FULL—FLEDGED, comprehensive cooperation," THE—RUSSIA—LEADER seemed to imply that MOSCOW—HELP on AFGHANISTAN is contingent on 1—BROADER—LIST—OF—CHANGES it wants from the new USA—ADMINISTRATION.
20090207             —LAUNCHED, Could the little project, 1—FEW centuries back, and affectionately referred to as 'AMERICA', possibly be in 1—MORE—PRECIPITOUS—FREE—FALL than it is right —NOW
20090207             THE—POLITICS—OF—BOLLOCKS—IT is time the Obama lovers grew up.
20090207             USA—RUSSIA Tensions Escalate Over CLOSURE—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SUPPLY Base
20090207             Afshin Rattansi talks to FORMER—CIA—OFFICIAL—RAY—MCGOVERN about the consequences for the new HEAD—OF—THE—CIA and for THE—USA—AFTER—LEON—PANETTA condemns torture, extraordinary rendition and those that were involved in it all.
20090207             Obama CIA Choice Nets $700,000 From Rescued Banks
20090207             —BY CHRISTINE—SEIB in NEW—YORK
20090207             The revelations about LEON—PANETTA—FINANCES highlight the difficulty the new administration faces in finding experienced advisers that do not violate THE—PRESIDENT—BAN on hiring lobbyists.
20090207             THE—NIGHTMARE—OF—NETANYAHU—RETURNS—BY- JOHANN—HARI—THIS is the man calling for THE—RE—OCCUPATION—OF—GAZA to 'liquidate' its elected government.
20090207             'It May Be Time For MISTER—CHENEY—TO—LEAVE—THIS—COUNTRY'
20090207             "With damnable words you protect no American, you serve no American and you aid and abet those who would destroy this nation from within or without. "... Depart, I say, and let us have done with you.
20090207             —ON THE—EDGE—SOMEHOW—WASHINGTON has lost ANY—SENSE—OF—WHAT'S at STAKE—OF—THE—REALITY that we may well be falling into 1—ECONOMIC—ABYSS, and that if we do, it will be very hard to get out again.
20090207   —BLAIR hat in einer flammenden Rede pro Religion gehalten.
20090207             telling 1—AUDIENCE which included THE—NEWLY—INAUGURATED PRESIDENT, BARACK—OBAMA, that faith should be restored "to its rightful place, as the guide to our world and its future".
20090207             Source: Biggest job loss ever for retail sector - AFGHANISTAN 'tougher than IRAQ'
20090207    1/hi/world/EUROPE/7877415.stm
20090207             PEACE—FEBRUARY 7., 20090000             —1010—AM - _themes_/_abramoff_http
20090207             "—JETZT arbeiten der private Sektor, Naturschützer und die internationale Gemeinschaft zusammen", sagt Felipe Cruz.
20090207             —DERZEIT stemmen sich Regierung und Notenbank gegen die Krise
20090207             ABC 24D0E82A6266/Doc~EC915FBEC8A0B4A30926019B7F444EFAB~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html" target=_blank>DEUTSCHE—KONJUNKTUR: Die Realität ist schlimmer als die Prognosen
20090207             Senators Close to Reaching Accord on Stimulus Bill
20090207             Markets Up Sharply Despite Report - Seehofer geht gegen Bankenskandale vor
20090207             Deutsche mögen den PAPA nicht mehr - Horrorzahlen alarmieren Obama
20090207             Schneechaos in GROSSBRITANNIEN - IRAN hält an Atomprogramm fest
20090207             Le chômage américain au plus haut depuis DIX—SEPT ans
20090207             L'euthanasie au coeur d'une crise politique en Italie
20090207             "Face à la crise" : Sarkozy a convaincu - Sarkozy attacks Brown on economy
20090207             Obama: stimulus delay inexcusable - Wie viel sind Manager wert?
20090207             —NEGIERT, Existenzrecht - Piratenakt vor GAZA - Versickernde Geldflut
20090207             THE—POLITICS—OF—BOLLOCKS
20090207             THE—NAME—OF—GOD, go!"
20090207             —ON THE—EDGE - Thanks again Scott! —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX - aller Krisen"
20090207—18110000    -18580000             Dirichlet, Rebecka, geb.
20090207—18110000    Mendelssohn Bartholdy
20090207—18800000    -19440000             ).
20090207—18800000    Manovill, Alfred.
20090207—18890000    -19560000             ).
20090207—18890000    Kempner, Paul (
20090207—19800000    —SINCE records began to be KEPT—USA—TROOPS are taking their own lives in the largest numbers.
20090207—19940000    —SEIT auf den GALÁPAGOS—INSELN verboten ist, die 27—HAIARTEN zu jagen,
20090207—19940000    —SEIT—AUF den GALÁPAGOS—INSELN verboten ist,
20090207—20010910    —ON, And what is the real story behind Rumsfeld revelation of $2—TRILLION missing at THE—PENTAGON ?
20090207—20060000    ist ISABELA—FREI—VON—ZIEGEN, kurz darauf folgten die Inseln Floreana und SANTIAGO.
20090207—20070000    —SEIT—STEHEN die GALÁPAGOS—INSELN auf der Roten LISTE—DES—BEDROHTEN—WELTERBES—DER—UNO—ORGANISATION für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (Unesco).
20090207—20090000    RUSSIA plans to start up IRAN nuclear plant: RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV has repeatedly said MOSCOW does not want IRAN to be armed with nuclear weapons but that RUSSIA sees no evidence TEHRAN is seeking to build atomic bombs.
20090207—20090211    —ON, 1—SUSPECT was arrested.
20090207—20090404    —BIS, HAMBURG—DER NATO—GIPFEL vom 3. in Straßburg, BADEN—BADEN und Kehl stellt die Polizei vor nahezu unlösbare Aufgaben.
20090207—20120000    —JAILED, JAMES—SOKALUK was, for at least —14—YEARS for —STARTING 1—BLAZE that killed 10—PEOPLE and destroyed more than 150—HOMES at CHURCHILL.
20090207—20120000    —BIS, Prognose: Finanzministerium erwartet hohe Haushaltsdefizite
20090207—20300000    -Mindestens —BIS zum —JAHR—SO hat 1—THINK—TANK gerade ausgerechnet,
20090207—20300000    -Mindestens —BIS zum —JAHR—SO hat 1—THINK—TANK gerade ausgerechnet, wird das Land brauchen, um seine Staatsfinanzen wieder auf den Stand zu bringen, den es hatte, bevor die Finanzströme einfroren.
20090212—20110207    —PLEADED, MUZZAMMIL—HASSAN, who, that he was 1—VICTIM—OF—SPOUSAL abuse, was convicted.
20100117             Analysts said YANUKOVICH—35.4% to 25% lead over Tymoshenko, with 97.7—PERCENT—OF—VOTES counted, is misleading, because she is likely to pick up MOST—OF—THE—VOTES—OF—16—ALSO—RANS in a 20100207             runoff.
20100207             —CAPPED, THE—NEW—ORLEANS—SAINTS, off 1—OUTSTANDING season with 1—UPSET over THE—INDIANAPOLIS—COLTS, 31-17, in Super Bowl XLIV.
20100207             DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA, 1—FIGHT at the Little Caesars Pizza near AND—CALLAN—KING—OF— left Jessy Wiley (21) of SOUTH—S—FRANCISCO dead.
20100207             The 620-megawatt plant was being built to produce energy primarily using natural gas.
20100207             —CHARGED, He was also, in the sexual assaults of 2—OTHER—WOMEN.
20100207             —CHARGED, In —LATE—APRIL Williams was also, with 82—COUNTS of burglary.
20100207             † ANDRE—KOLINGBA, —73—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC general and coup leader (19810000—19930000    ), in PARIS.
20100207             COSTA—RICA held elections and elected its 1. woman PRESIDENT.
20100207             She served as VICE—PRESIDENT under current PRESIDENT—OSCAR—ARIAS.
20100207             He and the other main rival, Libertarian OTTO—GUEVARA, quickly conceded defeat.
20100207             CHINCHILLA—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—PARTY was the largest in congress, but held only 24—OF 57—SEATS.
20100207             Newspapers said Toyota will recall 300,000 Prius hybrid vehicles because of brake flaws.
20100207             Toyota said that it will soon announce plans to deal with braking problems in its prized Prius hybrid amid reports it has decided to issue 1—RECALL for the latest model in JAPAN, 1—POSSIBLE—NEW—EMBARRASSMENT for the world's biggest automaker.
20100207             INDIA again successfully TEST—FIRED 1—NUCLEAR—CAPABLE—MISSILE that can hit targets across much of ASIA and THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20100207             It was the 4. test of the Agni III missile.
20100207             —ORDERED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, his country's atomic agency to begin enriching uranium to 1—HIGHER—LEVEL, 1—MOVE that's likely to deepen INTERNATIONAL suspicion over the country's intentions for its nuclear program.
20100207             1—LIBYA—COURT dropped 1—CASE against Rashid Hamdani, 1—SWITZERLAND—BUSINESSMAN for alleged illegal business activities, clearing the way for him to go home —AFTER—19—MONTHS stuck in the country.
20100207             —VOTED, Ukrainians, between 2—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES in 1—RUN—OFF between PRIME—MINISTER—YULIA—TYMOSHENKO and opposition leader VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH which could push the country into 1—FRESH—BOUT—OF—INSTABILITY.
20100207             CONNECTICUT, 1—EXPLOSION —DURING 1—TEST—OF—NATURAL—GAS—LINES at the Kleen Energy Systems plant in Middletown killed at least 5—WORKERS.
20100207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2 2—UK—SOLDIERS were, by 1—EXPLOSION in Sangin in Helmand Province,
20100207             —ORDERED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, his country's atomic agency to begin enriching uranium to 1—HIGHER—LEVEL,
20100207             —ARRESTED, IRAN—STATE—MEDIA said TEHRAN has, 7—PEOPLE linked to THE—USA—FUNDED Radio Farda and accused SOME—THEM of working for USA—SPY—AGENCIES.
20100207             1—LIBYA—COURT dropped 1—CASE against Rashid Hamdani, 1—SWITZERLAND—BUSINESSMAN for alleged illegal business activities,
20100207             —WATCHED, THE—SAINTS' victory over INDIANAPOLIS was, by more than 106—MILLION—PEOPLE, surpassing 19830000             —THE finale of "M—A—S—H" to become THE—MOST—WATCHED program in USA—TELEVISION—HISTORY.
20100207             —RAISED, This, BRITAIN—DEATH—TOLL to that of the Falklands war.
20100207             —ARRESTED, CANADA, AIR—FORCE—COLONEL—RUSSELL—WILLIAMS, —46—JAHRE—ALT was, in OTTAWA and charged with 1. degree murder in the deaths of 2—WOMEN.
20100207             Laura Chinchilla (50), 1—MOTHER and 1—SOCIAL—CONSERVATIVE, who opposed abortion and gay marriage, won 47—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE—AFTER campaigning to continue free market policies.
20100207             Otton SOLIS—OF—THE—CITIZENS—ACTION Party, got 25—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES.
20100207             —ENDED, Yanukovich, with 48.95% to TYMOSHENKO—45.47%, 1—LEAD—OF—3.48—PERCENTAGE—POINTS or some 888,000 votes.
20100207—20010000    —SINCE, AFGHANISTAN, 2 2—UK—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—EXPLOSION in Sangin in Helmand Province, taking the death toll in AFGHANISTAN to 255.
20100207—20101018    —PLEADED, Williams, guilty to more than 80—CRIMES over more than —2—YEARS, including murder, sexual assault and burglary.
20100207—20120000    —IN, 3 suspected Norteno gang members were convicted in relation to WILEY—DEATH.
20100210             —CALLED, UKRAINE—OPPOSITION—LEADER—VIKTOR—YANUKOVICH, on defeated rival Yulia Tymoshenko to resign as PRIME—MINISTER, turning up the pressure even as her camp contested the result of 20100207             —THE presidential election.
201102020720         Welcome to THE—BBC—LIVE—COVERAGE—OF—UNREST on EGYPT,
201102020725         THE—BBC—JON—LEYNE in CAIRO says PRESIDENT—MUBARAK is gambling that enough ordinary Egyptians will accept his decision to stay on —UNTIL the —AUTUMN elections.
201102020728         —RESPONDED, And USA—PRESIDENT—OBAMA, to MISTER—MUBARAK—SPEECH by saying that ANY—ORDERLY transition must be meaningful,
201102020733         THE—BBC—JIM—MUIR in CAIRO says up to 2,000 protesters spent the night in Tahrir SQUARE—THE—EPICENTRE—OF—THE—PROTESTS.
201102020736         But JIM—MUIR also reports that there were SOME—QUIETER voices among those in Tahrir Square last night who were saying that this is the time to step back,
201102020741         —APPEASED, Not all the demonstrators may have been,
20110207             Das hinduistische Bauwerk aus dem 10010101—11001231     zählt neben Angkor Wat zu den schönsten Tempelanlagen ganz Südostasiens.
20110207             Filmmaker MICHAEL—MOORE sued Harvey and BOB—WEINSTEIN, accusing the brothers of "HOLLYWOOD accounting tricks" and "financial deception" that cheated him out of at least $2.7—MILLION in profits from the hit documentary "Fahrenheit 20010911             " (20040000             ).
20110207             He underwent multiple amputations and was flown back to BRITAIN for further treatment.
20110207             —BATTLED, WEST—AUSTRALIA, firefighters, 2—WILDFIRES, water bombing them from above as they tried to stop their spread.
20110207             1 on the outskirts of PERTH destroyed at least 40—HOMES and left 1—FIREFIGHTER injured.
20110207             —FIRED, In other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, police, tear gas and arrested protesters.
20110207             —CONSUMED, BRAZIL, 1—MASSIVE—FIRE, the warehouses where RIO—DE—JANEIRO—SAMBA groups store the props and costumes for BRAZIL—LARGEST—CARNIVAL parade.
20110207             —REPORTED, BRITAIN—GUARDIAN newspaper, that scientists in BRITAIN have successfully tested 1—VACCINE which could work against all known flu strains.
20110207             —EMBATTLED, EGYPT's, regime announced a 15% increase in salaries and pensions in the latest attempt to defuse popular anger amid protests demanding PRESIDENT—MUBARAK—OUSTER.
20110207             —APPEARED, The regime, confident in its ability for the moment to ride out the unprecedented STORM—OF—UNREST, and maintain its grip on power, at least —UNTIL—SEPTEMBER elections.
20110207             MUBARAK—NEW—CABINET held its 1. full meeting —SINCE 1—UPRISING started nearly —2—WEEKS—AGO.
20110207             EGYPT, Wael Ghonim (30), 1—GOOGLE—INCORPORATED marketing manager, was released from —12—DAYS—OF—DETENTION and gave 1—EMOTIONALLY charged television interview, sobbing at times over those who have been killed.
20110207             He dubbed the protests "THE—REVOLUTION—OF—THE—YOUTH—OF—THE—INTERNET".
20110207             —SERVED, The tribal CHIEF, as PRESIDENT 20000000—20090000    —FROM—TO and backed 20060000             —THE military TAKEOVER—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110207             COMMANDER—MOHAMMAD—ALI—JAFARI said IRAN is MASS—PRODUCING 1—BALLISTIC missile which can travel at more than 3—TIMES THE—SPEED—OF—SOUND and hit targets on the high seas.
20110207             —PUSHED, ISRAEL—JERUSALEM, officials, forward plans to build new Jewish housing in 1—ARAB neighborhood in the city's eastern sector, drawing swift condemnation from Palestinians who see it as encroaching on land they seek for 1—FUTURE—STATE.
20110207             JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN led 1—LARGE—RALLY demanding THE—RETURN—OF—THE—SOUTH—KURIL islands held by RUSSIA —SINCE THE—END—OF—WORLD—WAR—II and calling the recent visit there by RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—1—OUTRAGE.
20110207             —ALLEGED, Josefina had led protests against, abuses by MEXICO—SOLDIERS in the valley.
20110207             "I want to say that I repent and fully admit my guilt," Anikin said in his final comments to THE—COURT—IN—NOVOSIBIRSK in Siberia, where he was charged with theft.
20110207             —LAUNCHED, SPAIN, Basque separatists, 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY they say rejects violence by the armed group ETA, in 1 unprecedented step designed to move the troubled region toward peace.
20110207             The final results of the historic INDEPENDENCE referendum showed that 98.83—PERCENT had voted for secession.
20110207             —SUSPENDED, TUNISIA—MINISTRY—OF—INTERIOR, the Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD), the former ruling party.
20110207             Zimbabweans chanting slogans from PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—PARTY trashed stalls owned by hawkers from elsewhere in AFRICA at 1—FLEA market in the capital, looting MOBILE phones, electrical goods and clothing.
20110207             —PRIOR—TO the protests, LONDON—BASED AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL accused EGYPT—AUTHORITIES—OF silencing critics in the runup to parliamentary elections last ;;11;;
20110207             and said Egyptians have faced arrest,
20110207             detention, criminal charges and THE—THREAT—OF—DETENTION without charge or trial under the emergency law.
20110207             —WHEN asked why the country will hold the "imminent" auction —DURING unrest,
20110207             Radwan said he believes there is 1—INTERNATIONAL appetite for the bills because their monetary fundamentals are still strong.
20110207             Dieser ÄGYPTISCHE—VIZEPRÄSIDENT war nicht nur für das FOLTER—OUTSOURCING der Amis zuständig,
20110207             der hat auch 20050000             den Israelis versprochen,
20110207             dass es im GAZA—STREIFEN keine demokratischen Wahlen geben würde.
20110207             Damals ging es darum, dass da keinesfalls Hamas gewinnen sollte.
20110207             Gut, haben sie am Ende doch.
20110207             Die Geschichte —JETZT kommt aus einer WIKILEAKS—DEPESCHE.
20110207             Oh und: der neue AOL—CHEFREDAKTEUR kommt von FOX—NEWS.
20110207             Unruhen in ÄGYPTEN: Fast 300—TOTE in —2—WOCHEN
20110207             So hat die ROT—GRÜNE Bundesregierung Mubarak über —JAHRE gewähren lassen.
20110207             "Wir wussten, dass dort die Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten wurden", sagt Kerstin Müller selbstkritisch,
20110207             damals grüne Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt unter Joschka Fischer.
20110207             Was tun also im Umgang mit den Autokraten?
20110207             sicherheitspolitische Kooperation.
20110207             Das heikle Geschäft ging lange GUT—MIT den Revolten der arabischen Bevölkerungen aber wird es zum Fluch
20110207             Die Renditen erhöhten sich bei den Titeln mit der geringsten Laufzeit um etwa 1,5 Prozentpunkte auf inzwischen fast 11—PROZENT.
20110207             Die Notenbank versteigerte Papiere im Volumen von insgesamt nur 13—MILLIARDEN ÄGYPTISCHEN—PFUND,
20110207             umgerechnet rund 1,6 Milliarden Euro.
20110207             Geplant waren 15—MILLIARDEN Pfund. Krise.
20110207             Dem Finanzmarkt allerdings nützt die Annäherung zwischen dem Regime und der —SEIT—2—WOCHEN demonstrierenden Opposition vorerst wenig.
20110207             —UNRUHEN, Die, erschweren und verteuern für das Land die Kreditaufnahme.
20110207             —UNRUHEN, ÄGYPTEN:, verteuern Kreditaufnahme, schaden der Landeswährung
20110207             Südsudan: 98,8 Prozent stimmen für Abspaltung vom Norden
20110207             Clare MONTGOMERY vom Crown Prosecution Service,
20110207             die für die SCHWEDISCHE—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT agiert,
20110207             widersprach den Anwälten Assanges in allen Punkten.
20110207             Sie gab sich KÄMPFERISCH—DER europäische Haftbefehl gegen Assange sei richtig,
20110207             zudem könne der WIKILEAKS—AKTIVIST in SCHWEDEN gegebenenfalls mit einem fairen Verfahren rechnen.
20110207             wofür es —BISHER keine öffentlichen Belege gibt.
20110207             Boomjahr 20100000             :
20110207             DAX—RIESEN bauten 12.000—JOBS in DEUTSCHLAND ab
20110207             Anhörung in LONDON: 4—PUNKTE—PLAN soll Assanges Auslieferung STOPPEN—BUSHS Immunität aufheben
20110207             Foltervorwürfe: Menschenrechtler wollen BUSH s Immunität aufheben (Politik, 19:34)
20110207             —CONCERNED, Clinton, over early exit for EGYPT—PRESIDENT
20110207             —PLEDGED, Under pressure from mass protests, Mubarak has, to step down —AFTER ;;09;;
20110207             polls but MANY—PROTESTERS—DEMAND his immediate departure and USA—NEWS—REPORTS [...] Iraqis protest government for more services, water, food-
20110207             —SCATTERED, BAGHDAD — HUNDREDS—OF—IRAQIS took part in, demonstrations —ON—SUNDAY,
20110207             calling for 1—IMPROVEMENT in basic services and the resignation of local government officials as unrest sweeps much of the Arab world.
20110207             —DETAINED, TEHRAN — The delayed trial of 3—AMERICANS, in IRAN on spying charges held its 1. session —ON—SUNDAY,
20110207             more than —18—MONTHS—AFTER their arrest on the unmarked border with IRAQ —DURING 1—HIKING trip.
20110207             The prosecution of SARAH—SHOURD, SHANE—BAUER and JOSH—FATTAL began at 1—TIME—WHEN ANTI—USA—RHETORIC is [...]
20110207             —ARRESTED, WASHINGTON — 2—MEN were, and charged with murder —AFTER they allegedly fired into 1—UNIVERSITY—FRATERNITY—PARTY in OHIO,
20110207             killing 1—STUDENT and wounding 11—OTHERS, police said.
20110207             The men had been thrown OUT—OF—THE—EARLY—MORNING party near the campus of YOUNGSTOWN STATE—UNIVERSITY—AFTER 1—FIGHT, but returned 1—SHORT [...]
20110207             CAIRO — EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK came under fresh pressure —ON—MONDAY to step down as opponents said concessions made in landmark talks were not enough to halt 1—REVOLT against his —30—YEAR—RULE.
20110207             or Liberation Square, which over 2 [...]
20110207             —CHANGED, Obama says EGYPT forever -
20110207             —CALLED, WASHINGTON — USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, —SUNDAY for a "representative government" in EGYPT and said that regardless of —WHEN PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK steps down the country had changed forever.
20110207             "THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE want freedom, free and fair elections, they want 1—REPRESENTATIVE—GOVERNMENT,
20110207             —CRITICIZED, WASHINGTON — NEW—YORK City Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG sharply, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—SUNDAY for what he described as its unwillingness to clamp down on illegal gun sales on THE—USA—MEXICO—BORDER.
20110207             —DENIED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—RECENTLY, 1—REQUEST by THE—BUREAU—OF—ALCOHOL, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) for 1—EMERGENCY—RULE that [...]
20110207             Torture complaints HIT—BUSH on ninth ANNIVERSARY—OF—KEY—DECISION-
20110207             —9—YEARS—AGO—TODAY, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION decided that INTERNATIONAL law does not apply to PRISONERS—OF—WAR.
20110207             —WATERSHED, It was 1, moment in USA—HISTORY, resulting in 1—POLICY—OF—TORTURE that pervaded and darkened THE—BUSH—YEARS, and inflamed ANTI—USA—SENTIMENT abroad.
20110207             To mark that grim anniversary, 2—MEN who claim to have [...]
20110207             —INFILTRATED, The online GROUP—OF—HACKTIVISTS known as "Anonymous", the network and websites of 1—INTERNET—SECURITY—COMPANY—AFTER learning the company planned to sell information about the group to THE—FBI.
20110207             The website of WASHINGTON DC—BASED HBGary Federal was hijacked —SUNDAY along with the Twitter account of CEO—AARON—BARR.
20110207             The company's website was [...]
20110207             Concessions made by EGYPT—VICE—PRESIDENT—SUNDAY haven't been enough to clear CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS.
20110207             —PROMISED, VICE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN has, to allow FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS, to release detained protesters and eventually lift the country's emergency laws,
20110207             but demonstrators have pledged not to leave —UNTIL PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK steps down.
20110207             —CALLED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, —MONDAY for new strategies to help secure 1—STABLE—SUPPLY—OF—FOOD amid growing concerns about 1—GLOBAL—FOOD—CRISIS.
20110207             "The likelihood of 1—GLOBAL—FOOD—CRISIS is rising due to climate change.
20110207             We need to set up national strategies and research to tackle the issue," LEE—SPOKESMAN quoted [...]
20110207             brindafella writes "Look out, Stonehenge, here come the Wurdi Youang rocks in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—VICTORIA.
20110207             —EXAMINED, THE—SEMI—CIRCLE—OF—STONES has been, by 1—ASTROPHYSICIST from AUSTRALIA—PREMIER—RESEARCH—GROUP, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO),
20110207             who says this ARRANGEMENT—OF—ROCKS is 1—CAREFULLY aligned solar observatory that may be 10,—000—YEARS—OLD.
20110207             —CREATED, It would have been, by local Aborigines, the Wathaurong people, who have occupied the area for some 25,—000—YEARS".
20110207             4phun found 1 wired story that talks about the military options —WHEN 1—DICTATORSHIP decides to cut off INTERNET to its population.
20110207             "THE—USA—MILITARY does have a 20110902             of options, if it ever wants to force connectivity on 1—COUNTRY against its ruler's wishes.
20110207             THERE—JUST 1—WRINKLE. 'It could be considered 1—ACT—OF—WAR,'"
20110207             Hopefully the same options will be available for us —WHEN our government gets —AROUND to implementing our own kill switch.
20110207             Read more of this STORY—NASA Releases 1. 3D IMAGES—OF—THE—SUN
20110207             "For the 1. time ever, we can watch solar activity in its full 3-dimensional glory," says Angelos Vourlidas,
20110207             1—MEMBER—OF—THE—STEREO science team at the Naval Research Lab in WASHINGTON,
20110207             —RELEASED, DC. NASA, a '1. light' 3D movie on, naturally, Super Bowl —SUNDAY".
20110207             Read more of this story
20110207             1—GOOGLE executive who has been missing in EGYPT for over —1—WEEK is to be released Momday, according to family members and friends who say they've been contacted by EGYPT—AUTHORITIES.
20110207             In addition to being the top Google marketing executive in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Wael Ghonim is also 1—INTERNET—ACTIVIST who had been CRITICAL—OF—EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK in the days leading up to the violence that has paralyzed EGYPT.
20110207             THE—DISASTROUS—LEGACY—OF—RONALD—REAGAN in Charts
20110207             The last —3—DECADES have seen 1—MONUMENTAL decline in virtually EVERY—QUALITATIVE measurement in AMERICA.
20110207             Droughts, Floods And Food
20110207             World PRICES—OF—FOOD are surging, and 1—MAJOR—FACTOR is the disruption caused by extreme weather.
20110207             —INTENDED, Anonymous takes out security firm, to pursue Anonymous
20110207             but instead are cutting taxpayer social programs?
20110207             Seize the terrorist's assets or — IT IS TIME FOR REVOLT.
20110207             I remember 1—RONALD—REAGAN who broke the Air Traffic Controllers Union, increased THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET—DEFICIT by 1—STAGGERING 3—TRILLION dollars, increased government s
20110207             pending, illegally sold arms to IRAN and used the proceeds to fund death squads in NICARAGUA
20110207             Attempts to return EGYPT to normality —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS have suffered 1—NUMBER—OF—SETBACKS, with protesters on Tahrir Square forming 1—HUMAN—CHAIN—AROUND 1—KEY building.
20110207             RUSSIA—VOLCANO in fresh eruption
20110207             1—VOLCANO in RUSSIA has begun erupting, spurting ash up to 4—KILOMETRES into the sky.
20110207             Anonymous hack hits security firm
20110207             Online activist group Anonymous hacks 1—USA—SECURITY—FIRM that claimed to know THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THE—GROUP—LEADERS.
20110207             Computer problems hit Nationwide
20110207             Customers of Nationwide have been unable to access the building society's website — the gateway to its online banking operation.
20110207             HOLLAND—RECALL envoy in IRAN—ROW
20110207             THE—NETHERLANDS recalls its TEHRAN ambassador and formally protests over the "sudden burial" of executed DUTCH—IRAN—SAHRA Bahrami.
20110207             KUWAIT—MINISTER quits over death
20110207             KUWAIT—INTERIOR—MINISTER—STEPS down over torture allegations, amid rising political tensions that include calls for the 1. major Gulf street protests.
20110207             Police evict Easter ISLAND clan
20110207             CHILE—POLICE—END the occupation of 1—HOTEL by 1—GROUP—OF—INDIGENOUS—RAPA—NUI, who say the land on which it was built was stolen from their ancestors.
20110207             FRANCE—MINISTER—IN—TUNISIA gaffe
20110207             FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MICHELE—ALLIOT—MARIE, facing calls to resign, admits she was wrong to fly on 1—TUNISIA—BUSINESSMAN'S—PLANE.
20110207             AUSTRALIA—FIRES rage near PERTH
20110207             BUSH fires raging on the outskirts of PERTH in WEST—AUSTRALIA destroy more than 60—HOMES, with the area declared 1—NATURAL—DISASTER—ZONE.
20110207             Bus chiefs not told of Tube bombs - Protests thwart EGYPT authorities
20110207             Attempts to return EGYPT to normality —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—DEADLY—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS suffer 1—NUMBER—OF—SETBACKS as protesters stand firm.
20110207             Assange 'would be denied justice'
20110207             There is 1—RISK—OF "flagrant DENIAL—OF—JUSTICE" if Wikileaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE is tried for rape in SWEDEN, his lawyer tells 1—UK extradition hearing.
20110207             The latest RELEASE—OF—USA embassy cables from whistleblower website WikiLeaks shows that THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—STATE ordered its diplomats to actively report on the personal LIVES—OF—UK—FOREIGN—OFFICE—OFFICIALS.
20110207             —ON several instances, USA—DIPLOMATS in LONDON appear to have reported on the personal LIFE—OF—IVAN—LEWIS,
20110207             1—LABOUR—PARTY—POLITICIAN who served as MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—FOREIGN and Commonwealth Affairs —DURING the closing DAYS—OF—GORDON—BROWN—GOVERNMENT.
20110207             Opinion: How THE—USA—CAME to embrace realpolitik-
20110207             HDS Greenway THE—USA has 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—PRACTICAL compromises in THE—MIDDLE—EAST. read more
20110207             —ATTENDED, BIANCA—JAGGER and Jemima Khan were among those who, 1—COURT hearing for Wikileaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE, fighting extradition to SWEDEN over sex crime charges. read more
20110207             Mubarak cabinet meets, protests continue-
20110207             JON—JENSEN—STOCK—MARKET to reopen as SENSE—OF—NORMALCY begins to return to CAIRO. read more
20110207             FRANK—WISNER ' s law firm, Patton Boggs, has advised THE—EGYPT—MILITARY-
20110207             News DESK—FRANK—WISNER, A—USA—ENVOY sent to CAIRO, draws questions over his employment by 1—LAW—FIRM that has advised THE—EGYPT—MILITARY. read more
20110207             —AM heutigen —MONTAG um 10—UHR Ortszeit — also 11—UHR DEUTSCHER—ZEIT — wird in GROSSBRITANNIEN die Auslieferungsverhandlung gegen WIKILEAKS—SPRECHER JULIAN—ASSANGE beginnen.
20110207             Gegen Assange wird in SCHWEDEN aufgrund angeblicher Sexualverbrechen ermittelt.
20110207             —BEFINDET, Momentan, er sich im Hausarrest in der Nähe von LONDON.
20110207             Stand by der Enterprise Carrier Strike Group im Mittelmeer — dringliche USA—REISEWARNUNG nach ÄGYPTEN
20110207             "OUT—OF—AREA" USA—EINGREIFTRUPPEN und Expeditionsstreitkräfte an ÄGYPTISCHER—KÜSTE stationiert — erweiterte USA—KRIEGSFLOTTE wartet für unvorhergesehene Zwecke in Bereitschaft
20110207             Dümmer als die USA erlaubt
20110207             Obwohl in den USA der Anbau genmanipulierter Zuckerrüben —BEREITS—GEORDNETER Übergang
20110207             BERLIN wolle dabei "helfen", einen "geordneten Übergang" zu ermöglichen.
20110207             Gemeint ist die westliche Kontrolle über den ÄGYPTISCHEN—VERFASSUNGSPROZESS, der auf den Kairoer Straßen von der Bevölkerung beansprucht wird.
20110207             Die Ankündigungen in München und die Rolle WISNER s lassen eines der größten Geheimdienstmanöver
20110207             Das STUXNET—VIRUS und der Siedlungsbau im Westjordanland
20110207             2—NACHRICHTEN kamen —HEUTE über den Ticker, die nur auf den 1. Blick gar nichts miteinander zu tun haben.
20110207             Was hat das Computervirus Stuxnet mit dem ENDE—DES—ISRAELISCHEN—BAUSTOPPS im Westjordanland zu tun?
20110207             Wut, Wut auf die Konterrevolution
20110207             Islamophoben aller Länder, haltet die Schnauze und hört auf den Klang der Macht des Volkes.
20110207             Eure künstliche NAHOST—DICHOTOMIE — entweder unsere Diktatoren oder Jihadismus — war niemals mehr als ein billiger Trick.
20110207             Politische Unterdrückung, Massenarbeitslosigkeit und steigende Lebensmittelpreise sind tödlicher als 1—ARMEE—VON—SELBSTMORDBOMBERN
20110207             —GESTARTET, Geheimer USA—SPIONAGESATELLIT
20110207             —GEHÖRT, Der Satellit, NROL-66, wahrscheinlich zum Rapid Pathfinder Program und soll neue Technologien testen, die auf späteren Spionagesatelliten eingesetzt werden sollen.
20110207             Weitere Infos sind aufgrund der militärischen Geheimhaltung nicht bekannt
20110207             Viva LAS—VEGAS: DEUTSCHE—BANK verzockt sich
20110207             Wenn sich Zocker mit einer Zockerbude verzocken:
20110207             —INVESTIERT, Die DEUTSCHE—BANK, 4—MILLIARDEN Dollar in 1—CASINO in Vegas, mietet sich "THE—KILLERS" — und hat —NUN 1—PROBLEM
20110207             —PROFITIERT, USA knicken vor Monsanto ein: DEUTSCHE—FIRMA
20110207             Der USA—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTER erlaubt manipulierte Zuckerrüben, trotz Verbots durch einen Richter.
20110207             Für die USA—GENTECHNIK—LOBBY ist das der 2. Erfolg binnen einer —WOCHE
20110207             Volksherrschaft in aller Munde: Das unerträgliche Geschwätz über ÄGYPTEN
20110207             bei einem Preisniveau wie bei uns.
20110207             —VERSUCHT, Er, sich und seine Familie mit Privatunterricht durchzubringen, mit Geschäftchen und Artistik.
20110207             In der Schule schlafen Lehrer wie Schüler, wenn sie überhaupt hingehen.
20110207             Kurz: Er und seine Familie kümmern vor sich hin
20110207             —ESKALIERT, Streit um Tempel
20110207             Im Streit um einen Tempel an der Grenze zwischen THAILAND und KAMBODSCHA haben sich Soldaten beider Länder —AM—MONTAG erneut Gefechte geliefert.
20110207             "Die Schüsse haben —HEUTE—MORGEN zum 4. Mal begonnen", sagte der KAMBODSCHANISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT Hun Sen —AM—MONTAG in PHNOM—PENH
20110207             —GESPROCHEN, Investigative ISRAELISCHE—JOURNALISTIN Anat Kam schuldig
20110207             —GESTERN wurde die ISRAELISCHE—JOURNALISTIN Anat Kam wegen Spionage in einem Geheimprozess schuldig gesprochen.
20110207             Die Journalistin hatte während ihrer Dienstzeit beim Militär in den von ISRAEL besetzten Gebieten Palästinas Dokumente fotokopiert, aus denen hervorging, dass die ISRAELISCHE—ARMEE,
20110207             wie 1—TODESSCHWADRON, Palästinenser erschießt, die verdächtig sind, Terrorakte zu planen oder ausgeführt zu haben
20110207             Ägypter geben nicht auf
20110207             ÄGYPTEN, haben sich —AM—SONNTAG erstmals Vertreter der Opposition mit Vizepräsident OMAR—SULEIMAN getroffen.
20110207             um Gesprächsbereitschaft zu signalisieren
20110207             —EXPORTIERT, VENEZUELA, kein Benzin an IRAN
20110207             VENEZUELA hält sich an die vom UN—SICHERHEITSRAT verhängten Sanktionen gegen IRAN und liefert —DERZEIT kein Benzin an den Bündnispartner in Vorderasien.
20110207             Das erklärte der VENEZOLANISCHE—MINISTER—FÜR—ENERGIE und Erdöl, RAFAEL—RAMÍREZ—ICH bin so bewegt von den Männern und Frauen, die hier für Freiheit und Demokratie kämpfen
20110207             —BERICHTET, Eine DEUTSCHE—ZEITZEUGIN, — Ich erinnere mich daran, wie ich vor dem Parlament stand und —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE hinter 1—SÄULE sprang,
20110207             als die Polizei mit Gummigeschossen auf die Demonstranten schoss.
20110207             Ein junger Ägypter, er trug einen grauen Kapuzenpullover, griff meine Hand und zog mich hinter sich.
20110207             Er stellte sich schützend vor mich "Ducke dich, ducke dich", rief er mir zu
20110207             IG Metall: Weitere Ausschlußverfahren
20110207             Die IG—METALL—SPITZE geht weiterhin mit administrativen Maßnahmen gegen linke Aktivisten vor.
20110207             —NACH—DEM Berliner DAIMLER—WERK sind auch Gewerkschafter am Kasseler Standort des Autobauers von Ausschlußverfahren betroffen, weil sie mit einer eigenen Liste zur letztjährigen Betriebsratswahl angetreten sind
20110207             Wir müssen mal über Krieg reden
20110207             Die Nato will zukünftig sogar den Bündnisfall im Falle einer "CYBER—ATTACKE" ausrufen.
20110207             Sicherheitspolitiker aller Länder drehen langsam frei und entblöden sich nicht einmal, "INTERNET—NOTAUSKNÖPFE" zu fordern.
20110207             Die Aufregung ist groß, der Untergang des Abendlandes steht kurz bevor.
20110207             Alle möglichen und unmöglichen Experten äußern sich gefühlt im Minutentakt zum Thema
20110207             Rüstungsschmiede kauft sich Professur
20110207             An der UNIVERSITÄT—BREMEN regt sich Protest gegen die zunehmende ökonomische Durchdringung von Wissenschaft und Lehre.
20110207             Auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ am 1. ;;02;;
20110207             warnten die Bremer Professoren RUDOLPH—BAUER und HANS—JÖRG—KREOWSKI eindringlich vor einem Wissenschaftssponsoring durch Rüstungsschmieden
20110207             —RUINIERT, Wie IRLAND, wurde
20110207             IRLAND, noch vor wenigen —JAHREN zu den reichsten Ländern der Erde zählend, ist pleite, und die Regierung wird am 25.
20110207             ;;02;; abgewählt. Das steht fest.
20110207             Aber es könnte ein juristisches Nachspiel geben.
20110207             Die Regierung hat sich offenbar des betrügerischen Bankrotts schuldig gemacht
20110207             Aus dem Inneren eines Überwachungsstaates
20110207             Ein junger Mann erfährt durch 1—PANNE bei seinem Mobilfunkbetreiber, dass er von Verfassungsschutz und BKA abgehört wird.
20110207             In einer Zeitung, der Polizisten die Abhörprotokolle verkauft haben, liest er 1—GESPRÄCH seiner Freundin im Wortlaut
20110207             —GESPERRT, BEN—ALIS—GELDER
20110207             Das Eidgenössische Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten hat den Anhang der Verordnung über Massnahmen gegen gewisse Personen aus TUNESIEN geändert
20110207             Tausende harren auf TAHRIR—PLATZ in Kairo aus
20110207             DEUTSCHLAND, wird weiter über die richtige Position gegenüber Kairo gestritten.
20110207             Der GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSCHEF JÜRGEN—TRITTIN warf Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL einen "unerträglichen Schlingerkurs" vor.
20110207             "Man muss in dieser Umbruchsituation ganz klar Partei ergreifen für das ÄGYPTISCHE—VOLK", sagte er der "Hannoverschen Allgemeinen Zeitung".
20110207             "Alles andere wird von den Machthabern als Ermunterung verstanden, sich davonzustehlen".
20110207             ÄGYPTEN Ticker: Volksaufstand —TAG 14
20110207             1—ZELTSTADT ist entstanden, um es im sich im Machtkampf mit dem Diktator wenigsten den Umständen entsprechend bequem zu machen.
20110207             —GESTERN war —DER—TAG des 3. offensive Versuchs von OMAR—SULEIMAN, dem faktischen Machthaber in ÄGYPTEN, die Demokratiebewegung in den Griff zu bekommen und den Status Quo der Machtarchitektur zu retten.
20110207             "Das ist ja auch keine Revolution, sondern 1—ART—REFORM, die von den Menschen ausgeht", rechtfertigt Hewedy das Vorgehen der Protestierer.
20110207             "Wir haben Ausdauer, und wir brauchen auch keine Ratschläge aus dem Ausland, —SCHON gar nicht aus den USA.
20110207             —GEHOLFEN, Die haben uns in der Vergangenheit nicht, sondern nur missbraucht.
20110207             Ohne die hätte Mubarak nie —30—JAHRE im Amt überstanden".
20110207             Das Fehlen einer einigenden Führungsfigur, die die Menschen hinter sich scharen und machtvoll einen Wechsel in ÄGYPTEN einleiten könnte, schwächt die Protestbewegung.
20110207             nicht nachlasse.
20110207             "Denn dann gehen die hier gnadenlos gegen uns vor".
20110207             Uniform und Meinungsfreiheit, das passt in dieser Situation nicht zusammen.
20110207             Bild.
20110207             SOLDAT, Frau und Kind LACHEN—EBEN noch Schauplatz von Gewalt, —JETZT Freizeitparkstimmung.
20110207             "Die versuchen, ein paar Meter Land zu gewinnen.
20110207             Jeden —TAG fahren sie ein paar Meter weiter Richtung TAHRIR—PLATZ, —BIS sie ihn irgendwann eingenommen haben.
20110207             Aber wir haben gelernt, uns zu wehren.
20110207             Wir lassen nicht zu, dass sie auch nur einen Zentimeter weiter vorankommen".
20110207             "Die Armee will, dass wir hier verschwinden", sagt MOHAMMED—ALWAR, der gleich neben dem ÄGYPTISCHEN—NATIONALMUSEUM am TAHRIR—PLATZ vor einem Panzer hockt.
20110207             Die Stimmung war angespannt, im Laufe —DES—MONTAGS beruhigt sie sich wieder.
20110207             In verschiedenen Zufahrtsstraßen fordern Menschen in Sprechchören den Abtritt Mubaraks und freie Wahlen.
20110207             Die vom Aussterben bedrohten
20110207             Schopfgibbons leben in dichten Regenwäldern in SÜDCHINA—LAOS, KAMBODSCHA und VIETNAM.
20110207             Die zierlichen Affen kommunizieren über Gesänge,
20110207             die akustisch optimal der Regenwaldumgebung angepasst sind.
20110207             Bei fast allen SCHOPFGIBBON—ARTEN singen Pärchen Duette, um ihre Bindung zu festigen.
20110207             Zum Teil singen sowohl Männchen als auch Weibchen allein,
20110207             um ihr Revier zu markieren und um Partner zu finden.
20110207             Die Gesänge sind darauf ausgerichtet, über weite Strecken gehört zu werden, und heben sich nach ANGABEN—DER—FORSCHER deutlich von allen anderen MENSCHENAFFEN—LAUTEN ab.
20110207             Sie erinnerten eher an die Lieder, die im Regenwald heimische Vogelarten singen, schreiben die Forscher im Fachblatt "BMC Evolutionary Biology".
20110207             —PRÄSENTIERT, Die Uni Zürich, EINIGE—GESÄNGE auf der Website des GIBBON—FORSCHUNGSLABORS.
20110207             Streit um Preismodell: Europäische Verleger fordern freien Zugang zum iPad
20110207             Schlagabtausch auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ: Ägyptens Opposition kämpft um jeden Meter
20110207             SCHWELLENLÄNDER—HYPE: "Wie heißt das Land?
20110207             —UNRUHEN, Egal, wir sind dabei" -, in ÄGYPTEN: Verhafteter GOOGLE—MANAGER wieder frei
20110207             Menschenaffen: Gibbons singen in Dialekten
20110207             Elterngeld: Regierung bevorzugt Zinsmillionäre
20110207             " Jamming is something we think about in THE—CONTEXT—OF—SHOOTING wars," says Arquilla, but "it may have its place in social revolutions as well".
20110207             And it might give teeth to THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—DEMAND that foreign governments consider INTERNET access 1—INVIOLABLE—HUMAN—RIGHT.
20110207             ROBERT—FISK writes in LONDON—INDEPENDENT that WISNER—WORK for 1—LAW—FIRM
20110207             NORDAFRIKA—UNRUHEN: Mallorca und TÜRKEI erwarten deutlich mehr Touristen
20110207             Ermittlungen gegen GADDAFI—SOHN: Einmal PARIS und retour
20110207             Alternative Energien: "Wir brauchen das Prinzip 'Think Big'"
20110207             EU—STUDIE: 31—PROZENT—DER—EUROPÄISCHEN—NETZ—NUTZER sind Virenopfer
20110207             Wohlwollende Beobachter sagen, Obama habe sich —NACH—DEM PREDIGER—TON der BUSH—JAHRE klug zurück GEHALTEN—SO dass sich eine ÄGYPTISCHE—OPPOSITIONSBEWEGUNG formen konnte,
20110207             die daheim nicht gleich als Agenten Amerikas denunziert wurden.
20110207             Katulis hat über —MONATE Regierungsmitarbeiter auf die drohende Ägyptenkrise hingewiesen.
20110207             Doch es sei schwer, dafür Gehör zu finden, "es gibt zu viele andere aktuelle Krisen".
20110207             —GEHÖRT, Er, der Generation des FRÜHEREN—USA—AUßENMINISTERS HENRY—KISSINGER an und warnt —NUN besorgt:
20110207             "Wir erleben die größte Veränderung —SEIT dem —WWII".
20110207             Diplomat WISNER war auch nach Kairo geschickt worden, weil er diesen Nutzen klar erkannte.
20110207             Der erfahrene Diplomat und Geschäftsmann, dessen Vater den Geheimdienst CIA mitgründete, gilt als Vertrauter von Mubarak.
20110207             WISNER, 72 - Vor allem europäische BOTSCHAFTER riefen bei ihrer USA—KOLLEGIN MARGARET—SCOBEY an, die nur wenige Meter vom TAHRIR—PLATZ, dem Herzen des politischen Aufruhrs, residiert
20110207             "Inspirierend" nannte Obama die Protestbewegung, von Mubarak sprach er beinahe in der Vergangenheitsform.
20110207             Die KOMMENTARE—VON—WISNER, das ist der Brand, den Kerry austreten will.
20110207             "Die USA—POSITION ist kristallklar", beharrt der Demokrat.
20110207             Immer sei es um einen neuen Kurs am Nil und einen Abgang des ÄGYPTISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Husni Mubarak gegangen, wenn auch einen würdevollen.
20110207             Sieht das denn auch Diplomat FRANK—WISNER so,
20110207             den Obama gerade zu —VERHANDLUNGEN mit Mubarak nach Kairo geschickt hat?
20110207             Da wird Kerry kühl: "Die KOMMENTARE—VON—HERRN—WISNER geben nicht wieder, was diese Regierung vom 1. —TAG—DER—KRISE an kommuniziert".
20110207             —GEWORDEN, Lebensmittel sind sogar um 5—PROZENT teurer.
20110207             Das ist vor allem für die arme Landbevölkerung in CHINA 1—PROBLEM, da die Menschen nahezu ihr gesamtes Einkommen für Nahrung aufwenden müssen.
20110207             —UNRUHEN, Damit steigt das Risiko politischer.
20110207             Laut "Financial Times" haben Investoren in der vergangenen —WOCHE Aktien aus BOOM—UND Schwellenländern im Wert von mehr als 7—MILLIARDEN Dollar verkauft.
20110207             Das sei der größte Mittelabfluss —SEIT—3—JAHREN.
20110207             —GEÄNDERT, Das Gesetz wurde —BEREITS 20080000             , doch —ERST—JETZT entfaltet es seine volle Wirkung:
20110207             ALLE—IN—ENGLAND und WALES neu entdeckten menschlichen Knochen stehen der Forschung nur noch —FÜR—2—JAHRE zur Verfügung.
20110207             —BESTATTET, Danach müssen sie, WERDEN—UNABHÄNGIG von ihrem Alter.
20110207             Die Folgen für die Archäologie dürften gravierend sein:
20110207             So könnten etwa bei Stonehenge ausgegrabene Skelette
20110207             ebenso wie die Überreste von Wikingern bei Weymouth unter die Regelung fallen.
20110207             Es bleibe nicht genug Zeit, wichtige Funde zu untersuchen, durch die geforderte erneute Beerdigung werde wichtiges Material zerstört,
20110207             neue Untersuchungsmethoden, die mehr Aufschluss über alte Funde geben, könnten im Nachhinein nicht mehr angewandt WERDEN—DA die wieder bestatteten Knochen für die Forschung verloren wären.
20110207             —BEHINDERT, Das Gesetz " die wissenschaftliche Forschung, es verhindert, dass neu Entdecktes in die Museen kommt,
20110207             und es ist nicht im Interesse der Öffentlichkeit",
20110207             schreiben die Forscher, zu denen unter anderem NEANDERTALER—EXPERTE CHRIS—STRINGER und die Leiterin der archäologischen Abteilung der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD,
20110207             Helena Hamerow, zählen. als es die Zweijahresfrist erlaubt.
20110207             Die Anträge seien extrem bürokratisch und zeitraubend, beklagen Wissenschaftler.
20110207             Außerdem änderten die Verlängerungen nichts an der Tatsache,
20110207             dass die wertvollen Funde irgendwann wieder vergraben werden müssten.
20110207             Das BRITISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM teilte in einer Stellungnahme fest, dass die Gesetzesänderung 20080000             nötig gewesen sei,
20110207             da das zugrundeliegende Bestattungsgesetz von 18570000             niemandem das Recht auf Exhumierungen und die längere Aufbewahrung von Knochen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke gebe.
20110207             —INTERPRETIERT, Ursprünglich wurde die Richtlinie so, dass sie nur für neuere menschliche Überreste gilt, nicht aber für archäologische Funde von hohem Alter.
20110207             Es stelle sich binnen weniger —JAHRE auf ein neues Klima ein.
20110207             Das Eis kann sich also schnell ERHOLEN—NICHT jedoch bei weiterer Erwärmung.
20110207             Setze sich der Klimawandel wie erwartet fort, werde "die ARKTIS in einigen —JAHRZEHNTEN —IM—SOMMER eisfrei sein", sagt Marotzke.
20110207             —ERST wenn die Erwärmung gestoppt sei,
20110207             werde sich das Meereis in der ARKTIS erholen.
20110207             Das Arktische Meer gebe —IM—WINTER mehr Wärme ab, als es —IM—SOMMER AUFNEHME—SELBST wenn das Meer nur zu kleinen Teilen mit Eis bedeckt sei.
20110207             Die neue Studie zeigt, dass das arktische Meereis "eng an das herrschende Klima gekoppelt" sei, berichten die Forscher.
20110207             allerdings nur, wenn es wieder kühler wird.
20110207             beweist das Vorgehen, dass die Machthaber die Kontrolle über die Medien behalten WOLLEN—GENAU so
20110207             Besonders betroffen sind ÄGYPTISCHE—REPORTER.
20110207             Dutzende von ihnen, teils von lokalen Zeitungen, teils Mitarbeiter internationaler Medienhäuser, wurden in den vergangenen —TAGEN verhaftet oder zu endlosen Verhören einbestellt.
20110207             Auch in der Stadt nehmen die Drangsalierungen wieder zu.
20110207             Angeblich wegen des Bruchs der Ausgangssperre, die —BISHER nicht kontrolliert worden war,
20110207             wurden am Sonntagabend 2—DEUTSCHE—REPORTER der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" und ein AUSTRALISCHER—JOURNALIST für mehrere —STUNDEN vom Militär festgehalten.
20110207             Die Reporter wurden mit verbundenen Augen und gefesselt mehrere —STUNDEN durch die Stadt gefahren, —BIS das Militär sie schließlich frei ließ.
20110207             Auch am Flughafen bekommen Journalisten die Einschränkungen zu spüren.
20110207             Mehr als 30—FOTOGRAFEN mussten direkt bei der Einreise ihre gesamte Technik abgeben.
20110207             Es gibt am Airport keine Möglichkeit, sich als Journalist anzumelden, die Kontrollen erschienen völlig willkürlich.
20110207             Manchen Fotografen wurde gesagt, sie müssten absurd hohe Gebühren von —BIS zu 90.000—DOLLAR pro Ausrüstung bezahlen.
20110207             Anderen wurden die Kameras einfach abgenommen.
20110207             Ob die Reporter ihr Gerät je wieder sehen, ist unklar.
20110207             Die Praxis dürfte so manchen freien Fotografen von einem Trip nach ÄGYPTEN abschrecken.
20110207             Die Propaganda folgt offenkundig der Linie des neuen starken Manns, dem GEHEIMDIENST—CHEF—SULEIMAN.
20110207             —GEFEIERT, Vom Westen als 1—ART—ERLÖSER,
20110207             wiederholt auch er bei jedem Interview die These, Ausländer seien für die Gewalt in ÄGYPTEN verantwortlich.
20110207             So schürt SULEIMAN Aggressionen.
20110207             —ÜBERNIMMT, Das Staatsfernsehen, ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle:
20110207             —BERICHTET, Den ganzen —TAG, der gleichgeschaltete Sender, die Unruhen seien durch ausländische Kräfte und nicht durch Ägypter ausgelöst worden.
20110207             Die "Eindringlinge", so der Sprachgebrauch, seien auch für die schlechte Versorgungslage der Bevölkerung, die Gewalt und die Plünderungen verantwortlich.
20110207             Als Illustration zu diesen absurden Behauptungen werden BILDER—VON—JOURNALISTEN GEZEIGT—DAS zeigt Wirkung.
20110207             Mehrere Kamerateams wurden in den vergangenen —TAGEN überfallen, mit Messern bedroht, übel zusammengeschlagen.
20110207             die einen Ausweis beantragen.
20110207             Mehrere Reporter wurden dabei —AM—MONTAG gezielt auf kritische Berichte ihrer Zeitungen oder TV—SENDER angesprochen.
20110207             —BEGONNEN, Das beweist, dass die Botschaften im Ausland wieder, haben, die Presse systematisch auszuwerten und Zusammenfassungen nach Kairo zu schicken.
20110207             Ob die betroffenen Reporter am Ende ihre "Press Card" bekommen werden, ließen die MITARBEITER—DES—MINISTERIUMS —NACH—DEN Gesprächen in manchen Fällen offen.
20110207             Ausländische Reporter sollen —JETZT meist durch symbolische Aktionen eingeschüchtert werden.
20110207             das letztlich die staatliche Zensur betreibt.
20110207             —SEIT Montagmorgen lassen die Soldaten plötzlich keine Ausländer ohne diese Akkreditierung mehr durch die Checkpoints.
20110207             Da die Anmeldung mindestens einen —TAG dauert, hat das Ministerium die internationale Berichterstattung damit zumindest stark gebremst.
20110207             Presse im Vergleich zu anderen arabischen Ländern als relativ frei
20110207             SULEIMAN, der CHEF—DES gefürchteten Geheimdienstes war, hatte in vielen Interviews zugesagt, ÄGYPTEN werde eine freie Berichterstattung über die Proteste und die Demokratiebewegung nicht behindern.
20110207             bei ihrer Arbeit schützen.
20110207             Mittlerweile haben sich die Schlägereinheiten aus dem Zentrum zurückgezogen.
20110207             Doch in vielen Stadtteilen agieren sie weiter mit den bewährten Mitteln gegen ägyptische wie ausländische Berichterstatter:
20110207             Einschüchterung durch grundlose Festnahmen, das Konfiszieren von Kameraausrüstungen und die DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—MEDIEN—BÜROS gehören zum klassischen Repertoire des Kontrollregimes in ÄGYPTEN.
20110207             Die Maßnahmen des Regimes illustrieren, wie wenig die Aussagen des frisch ernannten VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN OMAR—SULEIMAN wert sind.
20110207             Innerhalb der vergangenen —24—STUNDEN setzte das Informationsministerium VIELE—ALTE—REGELN wieder in Kraft, vor allem die Pflicht zur Akkreditierung von ausländischen Journalisten.
20110207             Das Militär wurde angewiesen, Reporter ohne die sogenannte "Press Card" nicht mehr durch Kontrollposten zu lassen,
20110207             deswegen wurde am Montagmorgen den meisten ausländischen Reportern auch der Zugang zum TAHRIR—PLATZ verweigert,
20110207             wo die Widerstandsbewegung demonstriert.
20110207             Vergessen sind die Versprechungen des Vizepräsidenten.
20110207             —GEÖFFNET, VIELE—LÄDEN haben wieder, die Banken AUCH—NUN wird in Ägyptens HAUPTSTADT—KAIRO auch der alte Kontrollapparat des Regimes zur KONTROLLE—DER—MEDIEN wieder aktiviert.
20110207             "1—ARMEECHEF, der versichert, er plane keinen Umsturz, ist im politischen Umfeld Thailands ebenso glaubwürdig wie 1—FUSSBALLSTAR, der sagt, er sei seinem Verein zu 100—PROZENT verpflichtet".
20110207             Erbitterter Streit
20110207             Die Unesco hat die heilige Stätte zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt.
20110207             Erinnert ihr euch noch an die ganze ANTI—DDR—RHETORIK?
20110207             Von wegen das war 1—UNRECHTSSTAAT, weil die so VIELE—SPITZEL gegen ihr eigenes Volk eingesetzt haben?
20110207             Auch bei uns sind mal wieder 2 "verdeckte Ermittler" aufgeflogen.
20110207             Aber das ist natürlich was völlig anderes bei uns, da bin ich mir sicher.
20110207             Weil, äh... bei uns deckt das die CDU mit.
20110207             Oh, warte, nein, das war ja in der DDR auch.
20110207             Fällt jemandem ein substanzieller Unterschied ein?
20110207             Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen:
20110207             Internetzensur —JETZT via EU—KOMMISSION.
20110207             Und unsere armen Politiker müssen das dann umsetzen und können gar nichts dafür!
20110207             Genau wie wir ausländische Polizisten anfordern, wenn uns 1—EINSATZ zu dreckig ist, fordern wir eben auch die EU—KOMMISSION an,
20110207             wenn 1—GESETZ zu dreckig ist, um bei uns direkt 1—CHANCE zu haben.
20110207             Und dann können unsere Politiker schön die Schuld von sich weisen und uns ins Gesicht lügen, sie hätten —BIS zuletzt dagegen gekämpft.
20110207             "So wie man nicht erwarten würde, die Funktion unseres Hirns zu verstehen, wenn man nur einen kleinen Teil davon untersucht,
20110207             ist eine globale Erforschung unseres Sterns als Ganzes nötig, um zu verstehen, wie er funktioniert".
20110207             ein ständiges RUNDUM—PANORAMA der kompletten SONNE—UNERREICHBAR.
20110207             —GEÄNDERT, Das hat sich —JETZT :
20110207             Dank der beiden "Stereo"-Satelliten der USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa
20110207             gibt es —JETZT erstmals 1—RUNDUMBILD der Sonne.
20110207             Die Untersuchung zeige, dass die Bedenken rund um die Gesundheitsgefährdung durch den Ofenfeinstaub berechtigt seien, resümieren STEFFEN—LOFT—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—IN—KOPENHAGEN und seine Kollegen.
20110207             Größte Gefahr durch kleinste PARTIKEL—I—TOLD you not to trust Arianna!
20110207             Huffington Post, the allegedly "LEFT—WING" site run by FORMER—RIGHT—WING nutcase Arianna Huffington, has literally sold out to AOL.
20110207             Wie bitte? Hochachtung? Ich glaube, Sie verwechseln da die Personen.
20110207             Oder ist die KONRAD—ADENAUER—STIFTUNG links oder etwas Westerwelle?
20110207             DIe Lobeshymnen auf die Regimes in TUNESIEN und ÄGYPTEN kamen aus dieser Ecke.
20110207             "Der ÄGYPTISCHE—DESPOT sei ein "Mann mit enormer Erfahrung, großer Weisheit und die Zukunft fest im Blick",
20110207             hatte Westerwelle etwa noch vor weniger als einem —JAHR gesagt":
20110207             Vielleicht sollten wir mal wieder sowas wie "Neosozialismus" diskutieren?
20110207             Und dann ganz einfache Überlegungen wie "herrscht Pressefreiheit, herrscht Meinungsfreiheit, finden regelmäßig freie,
20110207             gleiche und geheime Wahlen statt?" anstellen und falls nicht, über Handelsboykott usw. nachdenken.
20110207             "Ich will euch die Party nicht verderben", sagte O'Reilly zum Abschied.
20110207             Keine Sorge.
20110207             "Bill, ich kenne mich mit Football aus, Mann", schoss der eisig lächelnd zurück.
20110207             Er zitierte das "WALL—STREET Journal" und handelte sich damit nur 1—GRINSEN ein.
20110207             Müssten die USA ihn nicht beseitigen?
20110207             "Was wir tun können, ist, dass wir sagen:
20110207             —GEKOMMEN, Die Zeit ist —JETZT, in diesem Land den Wandel einzuleiten".
20110207             "Marxisten" wie Obama wollten —JETZT gemeinsam mit den radikalen Islamisten ein muslimisches "Kalifat" errichten,
20110207             das von ASIEN über EUROPA —BIS in die USA reiche.
20110207             Mit solcher "Hysterie", schrieb da selbst der konservative Kommentator BILL—KRISTOL,
20110207             habe sich Beck endgültig ins Abseits getrieben.
20110207             Aus solchen Fetzen können DIE—REPUBLIKANER kein Wahlkampfthema für 20120000             schmieden.
20110207             "Und keiner hat —BISHER, keiner hat dem AMERIKANISCHEN—VOLK —BISHER erklärt,
20110207             was sie wissen, und sie wissen sicher mehr,
20110207             als der Rest von uns weiß, wer es sein wird,
20110207             der die Stelle von Mubarak einnehmen wird,
20110207             und nein, nicht, nicht wirklich begeistert darüber,
20110207             was es ist, das auf der nationalen Ebene und aus WASHINGTON getan wird,
20110207             um die ganze Situation da in ÄGYPTEN zu verstehen".
20110207             Und GLENN—BECK, "Bislang hat der PRÄSIDENT—DIE—KRISE gut gemeistert",
20110207             sagte er im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL—IMMERHIN handle es sich um die "größte Krise der USA—AUßENPOLITIK —SEIT dem ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES".
20110207             —VERKANNT, Obama habe nur, wie sehr sich auch die Menschen im Nahen Osten nach Freiheit und Demokratie sehnten:
20110207             "Er scheint das —JETZT eingesehen zu haben, aber er hat lange dafür gebraucht".
20110207             TAHRIR—PLATZ—DIE—REPUBLIKANER haben ihm —DIESER—TAGE wenig entgegenzusetzen.
20110207             O'Reilly, Sprachrohr der rechten Wut, wurde plötzlich handzahm.
20110207             und ertränkte O'Reilly stattdessen in Floskelsirup.
20110207             Obama ließ sich nicht anmerken, dass er gerade auf dem schmalsten aller Drahtseile balancierte.
20110207             der Marathon des Super Bowls beginnen,
20110207             bei dem mehr als 100—MILLIONEN Amerikaner vor dem Triptychon von Football, Fernsehen und Konsum niederknien.
20110207             Dies werde "das am meisten gesehene Interview in der Geschichte",
20110207             war O'Reillys großmäulige Prophezeihung gewesen.
20110207             "Mehr Leute werden dieses Interview sehen als sonst 1—INTERVIEW in der Menschheitsgeschichte".
20110207             "Man wird sich nirgendwo verstecken können,
20110207             wenn die Dinge schief laufen", hatte O'Reilly zuvor —SCHON geahnt.
20110207             Und —ERST das 3. Mal überhaupt, dass sich Obama mit FOX—NEWS abgab,
20110207             dem im WEST—WING so verhassten Ziehkind des Medienmoguls RUPERT—MURDOCH.
20110207             "Ich habe am SUPER—BOWL—SONNTAG 1—JACKET an", nörgelte BARACK—OBAMA
20110207             auf die Frage, was ihm an seinem Job im Moment am wenigsten gefalle.
20110207             NATÜRLICH—DIE USA stehen eigentlich immer am Pranger,
20110207             wenn es sich zu empören gilt, da kann man nie falsch liegen.
20110207             ISRAEL natürlich AUCH—TRITTIN nannte dieses Äußerungen "unpassend".
20110207             Sie zeigten "in erschreckender Weise die Unentschlossenheit der Europäer" und "ermunterten das Regime von Mubarak,
20110207             das Spiel auf Zeit einfach fortzusetzen", sagte Trittin.
20110207             Eine mögliche Ausreise Mubaraks zu medizinischen Untersuchungen nach DEUTSCHLAND,
20110207             über die in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" spekuliert wurde, lehnte Trittin entschieden ab.
20110207             "Die Ägypter erwarten von uns Hilfe beim Übergang zur Demokratie.
20110207             Sie erwarten ganz sicher nicht von uns,
20110207             dass wir Fluchthilfe leisten für einen gestürzten Despoten", sagte Trittin.
20110207             "Die Bundesregierung muss —JETZT klar sagen: Wir wollen einen friedlichen Übergang.
20110207             Deshalb wollen wir, dass Herr Mubarak zurücktritt",
20110207             sagte Trittin —AM—SONNTAG am Rande der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz der "Berliner Zeitung".
20110207             GEORGE—BUSH s linke ERBEN—VON—JAN—FLEISCHHAUER
20110207             Er warnte davor, zu sagen, "dass unsere einzigen beiden Optionen die Muslimbruderschaft und die Unterdrückung des ÄGYPTISCHEN—VOLKES sind".
20110207             "Ich möchte eine repräsentative Regierung in ÄGYPTEN",
20110207             sagte Obama —AM—SONNTAG dem Fernsehsender Fox.
20110207             Dann sei er zuversichtlich, dass die USA weiter mit ÄGYPTEN zusammenarbeiten könnten.
20110207             —FORDERUNGEN, Die Regierung sei auf die meisten, nicht eingegangen,
20110207             beklagte die Muslimbruderschaft —NACH—DEM Treffen.
20110207             Man könne bislang nicht von —VERHANDLUNGEN sprechen,
20110207             erklärte einer ihrer Vertreter im TV—SENDER AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110207             —AM—MONTAG wolle man über das weitere Vorgehen beraten.
20110207             Zwar wurde nach ANGABEN—VON—OPPOSITIONSVERTRETERN—EINIGUNG erzielt,
20110207             dass die jüngsten Versprechen Mubaraks umgesetzt werden sollten.
20110207             Dazu zählten eine Verfassungsänderung,
20110207             mehr Pressefreiheit und 1—ENDE—DES—AUSNAHMEZUSTANDS—SOBALD dies die Sicherheitslage zulasse.
20110207             Zudem solle die Jugend eine größere Rolle in der Politik bekommen und Korruption bekämpft werden.
20110207             —VERHÄRTET, Aber die Fronten bleiben trotzdem.
20110207             Als die Protestler nicht wichen, gaben die Truppen das Vorhaben auf.
20110207             "Der Feigling ist ein Feigling und der Mutige ist ein Mutiger und wir werden den Platz nicht verlassen",
20110207             sagte der 20-Jährige Demonstrant Sameh Ali.
20110207             Mordfall Bhutto: Polizisten belasten EX—PRÄSIDENT—MUSHARRAF
20110207             Unruhen in ÄGYPTEN: Regime fährt Kontrollapparat wieder hoch
20110207             Proteste in Rom: BERLUSCONI—GEGNER behängen Denkmäler mit Protestplakaten
20110207             Hoffnung fürs Arktiseis: Klimasimulation widerlegt Kollapstheorie
20110207             AL—QAIDA: Frankreichs Geheimdienst warnt vor Terrorgefahr
20110207             Ägyptens PRÄSIDENT: DEUTSCHE—LUXUSKLINIK als MUBARAK—EXIL im Gespräch
20110207             BRITISCHES—GESETZ: Archäologische Funde müssen zurück in die Erde
20110207             Mit —86—JAHREN: JOHN—F—KENNEDYS—KOCH ist tot
20110207             Buschfeuer: Waldbrände lodern in Westaustralien
20110207             WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER—VOR—GERICHT: Verfolgen Sie Assanges Anhörung im LIVE—TWEET
20110207             Zweifel an Aufschwung: Anleger ziehen Milliarden aus Boomstaaten ab
20110207             Zu lange Wartezeiten: SPD droht Ärzten mit Geldstrafe
20110207             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Inszenierung im Zeichen des Pokerface
20110207             Streit um Preismodell: Zeitungsverleger beraten Verteidigung gegen Apple
20110207             —TORPEDIERT, Aufstand in ÄGYPTEN: USA—DIPLOMAT, Amerikas KAIRO—KURS
20110207             Schießerei an USA—UNI: Studentenparty endet in Blutbad
20110207             Streit um Hinrichtung : NIEDERLANDE rufen BOTSCHAFTER—AUS—IRAN zurück
20110207             Astronomie: Raumsonden liefern Rundumbild der Sonne
20110207             Kamine: Holzfeuer setzen gefährlichen Feinstaub FREI—BUSHS linke Erben
20110207             S.P.O.N. - Der Schwarze Kanal: GEORGE—BUSH s linke Erben (Politik, 09:03)
20110207             Für 315—MILLIONEN Dollar: AOL kauft Nachrichtenseite "Huffington Post"
20110207             ÄGYPTEN im Umbruch: Grüne fordern mehr Druck auf Mubarak
20110207             Trotz Vollzeitjob: Zigtausenden Leiharbeitern droht die Armut
20110207             PRÄSIDENT bei "FOX—NEWS": Wie Obama seinen TOP—KRITIKER austrickste
20110207             Demonstrationen in Kairo: Militär bläst Räumung des TAHRIR—PLATZES ab
20110207             "Denkwürdige Schlachttheater " - Bildende KUNST—
20110207             VIELE—DER—VON—BARON—GEORG—LEOPOLD—VON—REISWITZ entwickelten Elemente finden sich noch —HEUTE in populären Rollenspielen wie "World of
20110207             PSY—OPS experts will be doing their level best job for hire, Brotherhood 'to join EGYPT talks'
20110207             EGYPT—INFLUENTIAL—MUSLIM Brotherhood says it will join other opposition groups in talks with officials —FOLLOWING WEEKS—OF—PROTEST against PRESIDENT—MUBARAK—RULE.
20110207             —DOUBLED, Study: Global obesity nearly
20110207             —DOUBLED, The global PREVALENCE—OF—OBESITY has almost
20110207             —APPEARED, EGYPT—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—SHAFIQ, to feign surprise —SUNDAY—WHEN he was told that journalists and human rights activists had been arrested at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS in his country.
20110207             "Why are you detaining them?" 's Candy Crowley asked.
20110207             "Oh, frankly speaking, it's not intended at all my dear," Shafiq replied.
20110207             "I insist to assure all [...]
20110207             Fresh off 1—RECENT controversy about his potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST in the Citizens United decision,
20110207             —FACED, SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—CLARENCE—THOMAS, new questions —THIS—WEEK about his judicial impartiality.
20110207             VIRGINIA.
20110207             Critics say VIRGINIA THOMAS' activities at Liberty Consulting could [...]
20110207             CAIRO — Rights watchdog AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said —SUNDAY that 1—EGYPT—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—GOOGLE software giant who was snatched from the street —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RIOTS—FACES 1—SERIOUS—RISK—OF—TORTURE.
20110207             —ARRESTED, Wael Ghoneim was, by EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES —DURING protests —ON—FRIDAY and his whereabouts are unknown,
20110207             Amnesty said, adding he "is facing [...] - THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK warns.
20110207             1—DRAFT—OF—1—ADB report obtained by AFP over the weekend and confirmed by bank officials cautioned that failure to make preparations [...]
20110207             —SLAMMED, WASHINGTON — EGYPT—OPPOSITION—FIGURE MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, fledgling negotiations on EGYPT—FUTURE—ON—SUNDAY and said he was not invited to the talks.
20110207             THE—NOBEL—PEACE laureate said weekend talks with EGYPT—VICE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN were managed by the same people who had ruled the country —FOR—30—YEARS and lack credibility.
20110207             —REITERATED, WASHINGTON — USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, his call —SUNDAY for an "orderly" and "meaningful" transition in EGYPT and said he wanted to see a "representative government" emerge.
20110207             "THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE want freedom,
20110207             free and fair elections, they want 1—REPRESENTATIVE—GOVERNMENT, they want 1—RESPONSIVE government.
20110207             We've said, you have to start 1—TRANSITION [...]
20110207             Cannabis Advocates To GOP: Why Not Cut THE—DEA—BUDGET?
20110207             With Republicans in the House claiming they want to cut down on spending for the next fiscal —YEAR,
20110207             marijuana advocates are suggesting they should start with the Drug Enforcement ADMINISTRATION—BUDGET.
20110207             GERMANY Recycles 70—PERCENT—OF—ITS—WASTE; USA Only Gets 33%
20110207             Image: Facops Read it and weep: "GERMANY leads the European nations in recycling,
20110207             with —AROUND 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—WASTE the country generates successfully recovered and reused EACH—YEAR.
20110207             To put that figure into perspective, consider this:
20110207             How To Stop Domain Names Being Seized By THE—USA—GOVERNMENT
20110207             As THE—USA—AUTHORITIES continue with their domain name seizure policy,
20110207             FILE—SHARING, streaming and link site operators —AROUND the world are looking for ways to mitigate this aggressive action.
20110207             To this end, 1—INTERNET—ENGINEER and website operator has put together 1—GUIDE that might —JUST help site owners avoid 1—WHOLE—HEAP—OF—INCONVENIENCE in the future.
20110207             Bush ' s SWITZERLAND—VISIT off —AFTER complaints on torture | Reuters
20110207             where he was to address 1—JEWISH—CHARITY gala,
20110207             due to the risk of legal action against him for alleged torture,
20110207             rights EGYPT—PROTESTER in ALEXANDRIA walks up to riot police raising his hand in surrender,
20110207             takes of his jacket, and opens his chest in defiance....Police shoot him down in cold blood!
20110207             I asked an old friend here in CAIRO,
20110207             1—WOMAN with Western tastes that include 1—OCCASIONAL—GLASS—OF whiskey,
20110207             whether the Muslim Brotherhood might be bad for peace.
20110207             She thought for 1—MOMENT and said:
20110207             "Yes, possibly. But, from my POV, in AMERICA THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is bad for peace as well".
20110207             Zum 11. Mal treffen sich ab —HEUTE Zehntausende als Gegenöffentlichkeit zum Weltsozialforum.
20110207             machen sich —HEUTE Ermüdungserscheinungen bemerkbar.
20110207             Aus PORTO—ALEGRE GERHARD—DILGER - 8—PUNKTE—PLAN für Seltene Erden
20110207             Studie zeigt auf, wie ein nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement für Neodym,
20110207             Terbium, Lanthan und Co. aussehen KANN—EX—ISRAEL—SOLDIER admits leaks
20110207             A FORMER—ISRAEL—SOLDIER admits leaking secret military information to a newspaper,
20110207             but more serious spying charges are dropped.
20110207             Satellites sit either SIDE—OF—SUN
20110207             2—USA—SPACECRAFT move either SIDE—OF—THE—SUN to establish observing positions that should return remarkable new information about our star.
20110207             TUNISIA suspends EX—RULING party
20110207             TUNISIA—FORMER governing party, THE—RCD,
20110207             is to be suspended and its offices closed, the interior ministry announces.
20110207             Students 'mutiny' on SPAIN flight
20110207             SPAIN—POLICE remove more than 100—BELGIUM—STUDENTS from 1—RYANAIR plane due to fly from Lanzarote, —AFTER 1—ROW over 1—HAND—LUGGAGE—FEE.
20110207             EGYPT opposition wary —AFTER talks
20110207             EGYPT—OPPOSITION — including the banned Muslim Brotherhood — says government offers on ending the political crisis do not go far enough.
20110207             ;;01;; 29, —5—DAYS into massive PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS that shook the nation of EGYPT,
20110207             —APPOINTED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, his " close personal friend and confidante
20110207             " OMAR—SULEIMAN as his VICE—PRESIDENT, the 1. in the nation's modern history.
20110207             —WHILE SULEIMAN ' s appointment likely was an attempt to appease the protest movement,
20110207             demonstrations did not cease, as MANY—SAW the move as little more than 1—RESHUFFLING
20110207             There are —NOW signs, including statements by SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON,
20110207             that point to WASHINGTON and other Western capitals endorsing SULEIMAN as 1—POSSIBLE transitional PRESIDENT to replace Mubarak and broker 1—COMPROMISE with protesters that could possibly lead to democratic reforms.
20110207             —WHILE there may be 1—NUMBER—OF—BENEFITS to having SULEIMAN lead the transition — such as his stature as 1—HIGH—LEVEL—MILITARY—OFFICIAL and HISTORY—OF—NEGOTIATION with foreign powers — there are also 1—NUMBER—OF troubling facts about his history as EGYPT—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF,
20110207             particularly related to his complicity in human rights abuses.
20110207             —SERVED, In this capacity, he also, as the country's CHIEF liaison to THE—USA—CIA—RENDITION—PROGRAM,
20110207             which shuttled terror suspects to countries,
20110207             such as EGYPT, where they could be tortured.
20110207             AUSTRALIA—JOURNALIST—RICHARD—NEVILLE recounts the story
20110207             of how, in THE—CASE—OF—DETAINEE—MAMDOUH—HABIB,
20110207             1—AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN, SULEIMAN ordered brutal torture:
20110207             —INTERROGATED, Habib was, by the country's Intelligence Director, GENERAL—OMAR—SULEIMAN.
20110207             SULEIMAN took 1—PERSONAL—INTEREST in anyone SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS with AL—QAEDA.
20110207             —VISITED, As Habib had, AFGHANISTAN shortly —BEFORE 20010911             ,
20110207             he was under suspicion.
20110207             —ZAPPED, Habib was repeatedly, with HIGH—VOLTAGE—ELECTRICITY, immersed in water up to his nostrils,
20110207             beaten, his fingers were broken and he was hung from metal hooks.
20110207             —ORDERED, To loosen HABIB—TONGUE, SULEIMAN, 1—GUARD to murder 1—GRUESOMELY shackled Turkistan prisoner in front of Habib — and he did, with 1—VICIOUS karate kick.
20110207             —WHILE the reaction in WASHINGTON to SULEIMAN ' s ascension has been somewhat positive — Sen.
20110207             —CALLED, JEANNE—SHAHEEN (D—NH), him a " charming man
20110207             " — the reaction amongst EGYPT—CIVIL—SOCIETY has been much less positive.
20110207             FORMER—IAEA CHIEF—AND—NOBEL—LAUREATE—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI said it would be a " major setback
20110207             " if SULEIMAN or Mubarak were tasked with leading 1—TRANSITIONAL government,
20110207             and said that it would " come down like lead
20110207             —ON the people who have been demonstrating" if THE—USA and THE—REST—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY were to endorse SULEIMAN to lead the transition.
20110207             "Mubarak and SULEIMAN are the same person," said EMILE—NAKHLEH, 1—CIA—ANALYST.
20110207             "They are not 2—DIFFERENT—PEOPLE
20110207             THE—POSITION—OF—OPPOSITION—GROUPS in the country on SULEIMAN being 1—TRANSITIONAL leader is mixed.
20110207             —OPENED, SOME—GROUPS, like the Muslim Brotherhood, have, themselves up - to talks with THE—EGYPT—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20110207             Others are calling for 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION to be WRITTEN—BY—PARLIAMENT—BEFORE ANY—SUCH talks begin.
20110207             Whatever one's opinion of SULEIMAN is,
20110207             it is important to view him in light of his entire record, which includes complicity
20110207             in 1—WHOLE host of human rights abuses.
20110207             If he is to serve as 1—TRANSITIONAL leader,
20110207             —MARCHED, THE—MILLIONS—OF—EGYPTIANS who have, in the streets will likely not rest —UNTIL the transition is complete and those,
20110207             like SULEIMAN, who were 1—KEY—PART—OF—MUBARAK—REGIME,
20110207             would only remain in power if 1—FREE and fair election put them there.
20110207             BILL—KRISTOL—SLAMS—CONSERVATIVE 'Hysteria' On EGYPT,
20110207             Calls Out BECK—DELUSIONAL 'Caliphate' Theory
20110207             But in 1—SURPRISING move, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL used his column —THIS—WEEK to scold his conservative brethren
20110207             for refusing to support democracy.
20110207             Kristol takes special note to call out Beck as 1—JOHN—BIRCHER who is "marginalizing himself,
20110207             —JUST as his predecessors did —BACK—19600000—IN—THE—EARLY S": [H]ysteria is not 1—SIGN—OF—HEALTH.
20110207             —WHEN GLENN—BECK rants about the caliphate taking over THE—MIDDLE—EAST from MOROCCO to THE—PHILIPPINES,
20110207             and lists (invents?) the connections between CALIPHATE—PROMOTERS and THE—USA—LEFT,
20110207             he brings to mind no 1—SO much as ROBERT—WELCH and THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY.
20110207             HE—MARGINALIZING himself, —JUST as his predecessors did —BACK—19600000—IN—THE—EARLY S.
20110207             Nor is it 1—SIGN—OF—HEALTH—WHEN other USA—CONSERVATIVES are so fearful of 1—POPULAR awakening that they side with the dictator against the democrats.
20110207             Rather, it's 1—SIGN—OF—FEARFULNESS unworthy of Americans,
20110207             LET—HOPE that as talk radio hosts find time for reflection,
20110207             and commentators step back to take 1—DEEP—BREATH ,
20110207             they will recall that 1—OF—THE—MOST hopeful aspects of the current conservative revival is its RECLAMATION—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTIONALIST—TRADITION.
20110207             —ANCHORED, That tradition is, even beyond the Constitution,
20110207             of course, in THE—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20110207             And that document, let's not forget,
20110207             proclaims that, "—WHENEVER ANY—FORM—OF—GOVERNMENT becomes destructive of these ends [life,
20110207             liberty, and THE—PURSUIT—OF—HAPPINESS],
20110207             it is THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—PEOPLE to alter or to abolish it".
20110207             Over at the conservative National Review,
20110207             EDITOR—RICH—LOWRY approvingly quotes Kristol,
20110207             noting, "[h]e takes 1—WELL—DESERVED SHOT—AT GLENN—BECK—LATEST—WILD theorizing".
20110207             —THRILLED, Kristol would probably be less than, with SARAH—PALIN—CONTRIBUTION—TODAY to the public discourse on EGYPT.
20110207             —RENOWNED, Employing her, wit, Palin slammed Obama for apparently missing 1—PHONE—CALL at 3—AM,
20110207             and said she doesn't trust the protesters
20110207             because they could be involved with the Muslim Brotherhood.
20110207             Palin said —WHILE she "want[s] to be able to trust those who are screaming for democracy there in EGYPT," she has no way to "verify" what they actually want.
20110207             " HE—AVOIDING the handcuffs,
20110207             " REED—BRODY, counsel for Human Rights Watch, told Reuters.
20110207             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Recall, BUSH has, giving authorization to waterboard 20010911             mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (waterboarding is 1—TORTURE—TACTIC that violates both USA statute and INTERNATIONAL treaties
20110207             to which THE—USA is 1—SIGNATORY): BUSH Said He Was Personally Involved.
20110207             BUSH : "I'm in the Oval Office and I am told that we have captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the professionals believe he has information necessary to secure the country.
20110207             So I ask what tools are available for us to find information from him and they gave me 1—LIST—OF—TOOLS,
20110207             and I said are these tools deemed to be legal?
20110207             And so we got legal opinions —BEFORE ANY—DECISION was made".
20110207             [ Link] - BUSH Said He Approved Torture.
20110207             BUSH : "Yes, I'm aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved".
20110207             [ Link] - BUSH Has No Regrets.
20110207             "Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
20110207             I'd do it again to save lives".
20110207             [ Link] - Are Afghans being kept in the dark on EGYPT?-
20110207             where popular uprisings make MANY—NERVOUS. read more
20110207             ÄGYPTISCHE—PROTESTBEWEGUNG legt Scheinheiligkeit westlicher Kommentatoren offen
20110207             Das ist 1—DER—BRILLIANTEN—FACETTEN der begeisternden Volkserhebung in ÄGYPTEN:
20110207             diese hat nicht nur die Unrechtmäßigkeit des MUBARAK—REGIMES ans Licht gebracht,
20110207             sondern auch die Verlogenheit hinter den Kampagnen des Westens,
20110207             in den Mittleren Osten "die Demokratie zu bringen".
20110207             Genau die Politiker und Presseleute,
20110207             die über die "Demokratisierung" des IRAK geredet haben,
20110207             starren —JETZT schreckerfüllt mit offenem Mund auf die ÄGYPTISCHEN—MASSEN,
20110207             die ihre demokratischen Rechte fordern.
20110207             Das liegt daran, dass diese angstgebeutelten Beobachter nicht verstehen, was wirkliche Demokratie ist
20110207             An der EURO—FRONT ist im Moment alles ruhig,
20110207             vom üblichen Gegacker der EURO—POLITIK—HÜHNER einmal abgesehen.
20110207             Das wird aber sicher nicht so bleiben.
20110207             Denn es braut sich in der Welt etwas Gewaltiges zusammen.
20110207             1—WELLE—VON—REVOLUTIONEN und Umstürzen baut sich auf.
20110207             Vorerst einmal in Nordafrika
20110207             Öl, der IWF und Wahlbetrug: Staatsstreich an der ELFENBEINKÜSTE
20110207             Neu entdeckte Ölreserven, 1—HANDLANGER des IWF und ein guter alter Wahlbetrug sind die Zutaten beim jüngsten Staatsstreich durch die Wahlurne;
20110207             dieses Mal traf es das westafrikanische Land ELFENBEINKÜSTE.
20110207             Der Versuch des Westens, seine eigene Marionette einzusetzen,
20110207             bildet einen wesentlichen Bestandteil der westlichen Politik des "Krisenmanagements",
20110207             das dazu benutzt wird, AFRIKA zu kontrollieren und seine Ressourcen auszubeuten
20110207             Bush hat Angst: AI zeigt den Foltermeister an
20110207             Seine geplante Reise in die SCHWEIZ hatte sich GEORGE—BUSH — der selbst geoutete Foltermeister — wohl anders vorgestellt.
20110207             Die SCHWEIZER—BUNDESANWALTSCHAFT sah zwar keinen Grund,
20110207             BUSH zu verhaften — doch —NUN hat AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL offiziell Anzeige gegen BUSH eingereicht und wird dies in allen Ländern tun,
20110207             welche die ANTI—FOLTER Konvention unterschrieben haben.
20110207             BUSH steht damit faktisch unter USA Hausarrest - 5000—PROTESTIEREN gegen SiKo in München
20110207             Ungefähr 5000—MENSCHEN zogen aus Protest gegen die "NATO—SICHERHEITSKONFERENZ",
20110207             einem Treffen hochrangiger Militärs,
20110207             Politiker und VertreterInnen der Rüstungsindustrie, durch die Münchner Innenstadt.
20110207             Begleitet von einem massiven Polizeiaufgebot samt USK—SCHLÄGERINNEN zog der Protestumzug von Marienplatz in die Nähe des "Hotels Bayrischer Hof" in dem das Spitzentreffen der Kriegstreiber stattfindet
20110207             Aggressive Allianz: Das neue strategische Konzept der NATO
20110207             Was in dem Neuen Strategischen Konzept der NATO vor allem fehlt, ist 1—STRATEGIE.
20110207             Hier kann man allerdings anmerken, daß das keineswegs etwas Neues ist.
20110207             Die NATO hatte noch nie ihre eigene, sondern bekam stets 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHE—STRATEGIE übergestülpt
20110207             Proteste auch in Saudiarabien
20110207             —NACH—DEN Demonstrationen in TUNESIEN und ÄGYPTEN regt sich auch im autoritären Saudiarabien Widerstand — wenn auch in einem überschaubaren Rahmen
20110207             Väterlich in die Wangen KNEIFEN—STATT die Zügel aus der Hand zu geben,
20110207             organisiert sich das "System Mubarak" neu und konsolidiert,
20110207             dabei vom Westen unterstützt, seine Macht.
20110207             Zwar feierte 1—VIERTELMILLION—MENSCHEN am TAHRIR—PLATZ, beschützt vom Militär, 1—VOLKSFEST.
20110207             Aber die "Revolution" wird langsam müde
20110207             Noam Chomsky: Dies ist der bemerkenswerteste regionale Aufstand, an den ich mich erinnere
20110207             Amy Goodman im INTERVIEW—MIT—NOAM—CHOMSKY — Analyse zu den Ereignissen in ÄGYPTEN und zu deren Bedeutung für die Region Naher/Mittlerer Osten:
20110207             was hier passiert, ist absolut spektakulär.
20110207             Der Mut, die Entschlossenheit und das Engagement der Demonstranten ist bemerkenswert.
20110207             —GESCHEHEN, Was immer, wird — diese Momente werden nicht in Vergessenheit geraten.
20110207             Und sie werden mit Sicherheit langfristige Folgen haben
20110207             ÄGYPTEN, ALEXANDRIA: Unbewaffneter Mann gezielt durch Polizei erschossen
20110207             ÄGYPTEN, ALEXANDRIA. Es ist —FREITAG, 28.;;01;;,
20110207             —TAG 4—IM Volksaufstand in ÄGYPTEN.
20110207             Schüssen hallen durch die Gassen der alten Stadt. Schüsse der Polizei.
20110207             Menschen brechen auf der Straße zusammen.
20110207             Ein junger Mann geht auf die Polizisten zu.
20110207             Er hebt die Arme, öffnet seine Jacke, zum Zeichen dass er unbewaffnet ist.
20110207             Er steht direkt vor den Polizisten und spricht mit ihnen.
20110207             Als er sich umdreht und entfernt, wird er von den "Sicherheitskräften" des Diktators Husni Mubarak gezielt erschossen.
20110207             ÄGYPTEN Ticker: Volksaufstand —TAG 13 - Philosophische Grundlagen: Verfassung:
20110207             1—VERTRAG, der sich effektiv selbst beschützt vor denjenigen,
20110207             die ihn ausführen und vor denen, die er beschützt.
20110207             Diktatur: Die Herrschenden machen was sie wollen.
20110207             Real existierende Demokratie: Die Beherrschten machen, was die Herrschenden wollen.
20110207             Reale VERFASSUNGS—DEMOKRATIE:
20110207             Es gibt keine Herrschenden, sondern nur zu hoch bezahlte Fuzzies,
20110207             die die Schnauze zu halten und zu tun haben, was das Volk will.
20110207             Neue Gewaltakte beunruhigen TUNESIEN
20110207             Bei Protesten gegen die Polizei sind in der TUNESISCHEN—STADT Kef mindestens 4—DEMONSTRANTEN getötet worden.
20110207             Gerade —ERST hatte sich die Übergangsregierung bemüht,
20110207             wieder mehr Touristen ins Land zu locken. Protest der Unzufriedenen
20110207             Zehntausende gehen in Belgrad gegen Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut auf die Straße.
20110207             —BELAGERT, Notfalls soll das Parlament, werden.
20110207             Doch die EU ist nicht länger der Bösewicht.
20110207             Dutzende demonstrierten in Riad für inhaftierte Angehörige
20110207             Wie Augenzeugen berichteten, waren vor allem verschleierte Frauen unter den Demonstranten,
20110207             aber auch Kinder und Männer waren zu sehen.
20110207             SAUDI—ARABIEN, sind öffentliche Demonstrationen eigentlich verboten.
20110207             BUSH—IN—DER—SCHWEIZ Anzeige gegen GEORGE—W—BUSH in der SCHWEIZ—GEORGE—W—BUSH droht 1—KLAGEWELLE.
20110207             Eine 1. Anzeige hat AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL in der SCHWEIZ —BEREITS gemacht.
20110207             Es sollen VIELE—ANDERE—LÄNDER folgen.
20110207             here are 1—COUPLE—PICS—OF—EGYPT—EPIC gear
20110207             Die Hauptforderung bleibt UNERFÜLLT—DER Protest geht weiter......?...??
20110207             —FORDERUNGEN, Die Regierung geht den, des Volkes aus dem Weg...?...........
20110207             —REALISED, In THE—MIDST—OF—BATTLE, the protesters, they needed someone to act as 1—LEADER.
20110207             —INCLUDED, The nominees, those who had showed the most calm —DURING tough situations and those who displayed the best tactical sense... 1—MAN,
20110207             curiously, nominated himself.
20110207             —NOMINATED, MOST—OF—THE—OTHERS, Mohammed.
20110207             —AFTER it was clear that Mohammed would win,
20110207             the man grabbed a metal pipe and tried to attack,
20110207             declaring that he was actually 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—STATE—SECURITY—FORCES.
20110207             —SUBDUED, The protesters quickly, him and dragged him off to 1—MAKESHIFT—PRISON that had been established at 1—METRO—STATION in THE—CENTRE—OF—THE—SQUARE.
20110207             Wasted YOUTH—YOUTH—UNEMPLOYMENT affects THE—UK as well as NORTH—AFRICA - UK 'should cut EUROPE court link'
20110207             The government should consider cutting its ties with the European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS,
20110207             says 1—REPORT by THE—RIGHT—LEANING THINK—TANK Policy Exchange.
20110207             THE—INTERNET is for revolution
20110207             This will become more obvious over time.
20110207             It's why we must develop systems that are equal to Twitter and Facebook, but that aren't so easy to block.
20110207             We must make it so that 1—COUNTRY, if it wants to turn off INTERNET—ENABLED revolution,
20110207             must turn off THE—INTERNET itself.
20110207             Research Finds That Electric Fields Help Neurons Fire-
20110207             "'[T]he brain is enveloped in countless overlapping electric fields,
20110207             generated by the neural circuits of scores of communicating neurons.
20110207             New work... suggests that the fields do much MORE—AND that they may,
20110207             in fact, represent 1—ADDITIONAL—FORM—OF neural communication.
20110207             "In other words," says Anastassiou,
20110207             the lead AUTHOR—OF—1—PAPER about the work appearing in the journal Nature Neuroscience (abstract),
20110207             "—WHILE active neurons give rise to extracellular fields,
20110207             the same fields feed back to the neurons and alter their behavior," even though the neurons are not physically CONNECTED—1—PHENOMENON known as ephaptic (or field) coupling.
20110207             "So far, neural communication has been thought to occur almost entirely via traffic involving synapses,
20110207             the junctions where 1—NEURON connects to the next 1.
20110207             Our work suggests 1—ADDITIONAL—MEANS—OF neural communication through the extracellular space independent of synapses".' If this work is replicated,
20110207             it could reveal that the brain is even more complicated and sophisticated than we thought — and raise new concerns about whether our cellphones and other electronic gizmos are affecting brain activity and memory.
20110207             This is truly PARADIGM—BUSTING work".Read more of this STORY—ANONYMOUS—ISN'T Anonymous Anymore-
20110207             "Apparently SOME—SMALL—SECURITY—FIRM has been able to determine the real identities of several key Anonymous hackers which is resulting in 1—TON—OF—ARRESTS.
20110207             '1—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION into CYBER—ACTIVISTS who attacked businesses hostile to WikiLeaks is likely to yield arrests of senior MEMBERS—OF—THE—GROUP—AFTER they left clues to their real identities on Facebook and in other electronic communications,
20110207             it is claimed.'"Read more of this story
20110207             NEW—MEXICO BILL—TO—PROTECT—ANTI—SCIENCE Education-
20110207             "From the Wired article: 'If educators in NEW—MEXICO want to teach evolution or climate change as a "controversial scientific topic," 1—NEW—BILL seeks to protect them from punishment.
20110207             —CALLED, House Bill 302, as it's, states that public school teachers who want to teach "scientific weaknesses" about "controversial scientific topics" including evolution,
20110207             climate change, human cloning and — ambiguously — "other scientific topics" may do so without FEAR—OF—REPRIMAND.
20110207             —INTRODUCED, The legislation was, to THE—NEW—MEXICO HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES on Feb.
20110207             1—BY Republican REPRESENTATIVE—THOMAS—A—ANDERSON.
20110207             —DESIGNED, SUPPORTERS—OF—SCIENCE—EDUCATION say this and other bills are, to spook teachers who want to teach legitimate science and protect other teachers who may already be customizing their curricula with ANTI—SCIENCE lesson plans.'"Read more of this story
20110207             Climate science is a 'religion,' - WASHINGTON—POST—COLUMNIST—CLAIMS-
20110207             1—WASHINGTON—POST—COLUMNIST—RECENTLY attacked 1—NOBEL—PRIZE winner by claiming that the scientific consensus that backs climate change is essentially 1—RELIGIOUS—INSTITUTION.
20110207             "Look, if Godzilla appeared on the Mall this afternoon,
20110207             AL—GORE would say it's global warming," CHARLES—KRAUTHAMMER said on PBS—INSIDE—WASHINGTON —SATURDAY.
20110207             He continued, "Look, everything is — [...]
20110207             Pollutants threaten giant aquifer under MEXICO-
20110207             WASHINGTON — Pharmaceuticals, pesticides,
20110207             chemical RUN—OFF from highways and MANY—OTHER pollutants infiltrate the giant aquifer under MEXICO's "Riviera Maya," 1—NEW—STUDY shows.
20110207             —PUBLISHED, The report, in the journal Environmental Pollution argues that the waste contaminates 1—VAST—LABYRINTH—OF—WATER—FILLED caves under the popular tourist destination on the Yucatan Peninsula.
20110207             The polluted water [...] - Mubaraks Versprechen sollen eingelöst werden
20110207             Bei 1. Gesprächen haben sich Vizepräsident OMAR—SULEIMAN und Vertreter der Opposition laut ÄGYPTISCHEN—STAATSMEDIEN darauf geeinigt,
20110207             Mubaraks jüngste Versprechen umzusetzen:
20110207             — Die Verfassung soll geändert werden.
20110207             — Die Presse soll mehr Freiheit bekommen.
20110207             — Der Ausnahmezustand soll beendet werden.
20110207             — Eine größere Beteiligung der Jugend an der Politik.
20110207             — Kampf der Korruption.
20110207             POLIZEI SOLL DIENSTLEISTER DER BÜRGER WERDEN Sie gelten als korrupt und gewalttätig.
20110207             Die Lage in ÄGYPTEN bleibt brisant: Auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ in Kairo fielen am Sonntagabend nach mehrtägiger Ruhe erstmals wieder Schüsse.
20110207             Geary and his colleagues used population density as 1—MEASURE—OF—SOCIAL—COMPLEXITY,
20110207             with the hypothesis that the more humans are living closer together,
20110207             the greater the exchanges between group,
20110207             THE—DIVISION—OF—LABOR and the rich and varied interactions between people.
20110207             You need this global view to really piece the jigsaw puzzle together
20110207             A FEDERAL—JURY in BATON—ROUGE, LOS—ANGELES, convicted WEN—CHYU—LIU (74),
20110207             INTERNET company AOL INCORPORATED said it is buying news hub Huffington Post in a $315—MILLION—DEAL that represents 1—BOLD bet on the future of online news.
20110207             FOUNDED—FILMMAKER MICHAEL—MOORE sued Harvey and BOB—WEINSTEIN,
20110207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—PERSON and wounded 5—OTHERS in KANDAHAR city,
20110207             —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA—AUTHORITIES, they have banned 1—OPPOSITION—RALLY set for the capital on ;;02;;
20110207             12 to call for 1—END to PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA—RULE.
20110207             —RAIDED, BANGLADESH authorities, THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—PARTY in the capital as they tried to end the group's strike to protest spiraling commodity prices and crime.
20110207             —CLASHED, CAMBODIAn and THAILAND—TROOPS, for a 4. straight —DAY as THE—UN—CHIEF called for "maximum restraint" in 1—BORDER—DISPUTE that has claimed 7—LIVES and displaced thousands.
20110207             EGYPT, Wael Ghonim (30), 1—GOOGLE—INCORPORATED marketing manager,
20110207             —SERVED, The tribal CHIEF, as PRESIDENT
20110207             —UNVEILED, FRANCE—BASED ALCATEL—LUCENT, technology that reduces the filing cabinet size of 1—WIRELESS—BASE—STATION to that of RUBIK—CUBE.
20110207             HAITI, PRESIDENT—RENE—PREVAL—CHIEF—OF—STAFF said Preval will stay in office for 3—MORE—MONTHS as his country chooses 1—SUCCESSOR in 1 delayed election.
20110207             —UNVEILED, IRAN, 4—NEW domestically produced "research" satellites as PART—OF—1—SPACE—PROGRAM that's worrying other nations.
20110207             IRAN and TURKEY said they plan to triple 2—WAY—ANNUAL—TRADE to $30—BILLION
20110207             —PUSHED, ISRAEL—JERUSALEM, officials, forward plans to build new Jewish housing in 1—ARAB neighborhood in the city's eastern sector,
20110207             † In MEXICO 3—PEOPLE related to Josefina Reyes, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST who was assassinated —LAST—YEAR in the Juarez valley,
20110207             —SIGNED, THE—PHILIPPINES, PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO—III, 1—PROCLAMATION granting amnesty to rebel soldiers who participated in military uprisings
20110207             —REPORTED, RIA News, that a RUSSIA—MAN, Yevgeny Anikin (27),
20110207             —LAUNCHED, SPAIN, Basque separatists, 1—NEW—POLITICAL—PARTY they say rejects violence by the armed group ETA,
20110207             —ACCEPTED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, 1—SOUTHERN—VOTE for INDEPENDENCE in 1—REFERENDUM that is set to create AFRICA—NEWEST—STATE and open up 1—FRESH—PERIOD—OF uncertainty in the increasingly volatile region.
20110207   —AOL kauft die Huffington Post - Human chain causes chaos in CAIRO
20110207             Ihre Argumente: in TERMS—OF—IDEOLOGY and reform". of the old government.
20110207             1—FEDERAL—JURY in BATON—ROUGE, LOS—ANGELES, convicted WEN—CHYU—LIU, —74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—DOW—CHEMICAL—RESEARCH—SCIENTIST, of conspiracy to commit trade secret theft and perjury.
20110207             The site attracts 25—MILLION—MONTHLY—VISITORS.
20110207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 1—PERSON and wounded 5—OTHERS in KANDAHAR city, hours —AFTER attackers gunned down 1—LOCAL—GOVERNMENT—CHIEF in the country's volatile eastern borderlands.
20110207             —RETIRED, DAVID—HILLMAN, 1, customs officer who had worked for THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—FOR—30—YEARS, † in the blast at the Inland Customs Warehouse in KANDAHAR.
20110207             Giles Duley (39), UK—PHOTOGRAPHER, was severely injured in 1—ROADSIDE bombing —DURING 1—FOOT—PATROL in KANDAHAR province.
20110207             PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS said they will go ahead with the planned march.
20110207             1—EMERGENCY—LAW passed by MEMBERS—OF—PREVAL—FORMER—PARTY in 1—EXPIRING—SENATE allowed him to remain in office for up to 3—MORE—MONTHS because his 20060000             inauguration was delayed.
20110207             —ISSUED, THE—HAITI—GOVERNMENT, 1—NEW—PASSPORT to FORMER—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE, enabling him to end his exile in SOUTH—AFRICA and return to HAITI.
20110207             —RELATED, MEXICO, 3—PEOPLE, to Josefina Reyes, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST who was assassinated —LAST—YEAR in the Juarez valley, were forced from their car SOUTH—EAST—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110207             —PRIOR—TO the protests, LONDON—BASED AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL accused EGYPT—AUTHORITIES—OF silencing critics in the runup to parliamentary elections last —NOVEMBER and said Egyptians have faced arrest, detention, criminal charges and THE—THREAT—OF—DETENTION without charge or trial under the emergency law.
20110207             —WHEN asked why the country will hold the "imminent" auction —DURING unrest, Radwan said he believes there is 1—INTERNATIONAL appetite for the bills because their monetary fundamentals are still strong.
20110207             Dieser ÄGYPTISCHE—VIZEPRÄSIDENT war nicht nur für das FOLTER—OUTSOURCING der Amis zuständig, der hat auch 20050000             den Israelis versprochen, dass es im GAZA—STREIFEN keine demokratischen Wahlen geben würde.
20110207             "Wir sollten auch die Perspektive einer aufgeklärten Militärdiktatur mit mehr Rechtssicherheit nicht ausschließen".
20110207             "Denn wir wussten natürlich von den Menschenrechtsverletzungen dort".
20110207             "Wir wussten, dass dort die Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten wurden", sagt Kerstin Müller selbstkritisch, damals grüne Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt unter Joschka Fischer.
20110207             Der öffentliche Dienst ist 1—DER—SÄULEN—DER—MACHT—MUBARAKS.
20110207             Die Notenbank versteigerte Papiere im Volumen von insgesamt nur 13—MILLIARDEN ÄGYPTISCHEN—PFUND, umgerechnet rund 1,6 Milliarden Euro.
20110207             Clare MONTGOMERY vom Crown Prosecution Service, die für die SCHWEDISCHE—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT agiert, widersprach den Anwälten Assanges in allen Punkten.
20110207             Sie gab sich KÄMPFERISCH—DER europäische Haftbefehl gegen Assange sei richtig, zudem könne der WIKILEAKS—AKTIVIST in SCHWEDEN gegebenenfalls mit einem fairen Verfahren rechnen.
20110207             Boomjahr 20100000             : DAX—RIESEN bauten 12.000—JOBS in DEUTSCHLAND ab
20110207             Anhörung in LONDON: 4—PUNKTE—PLAN soll Assanges Auslieferung stoppen
20110207             WASHINGTON — THE—TIMETABLE—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—DEPARTURE lies with THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE but his early departure could raise electoral complications, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON said —SUNDAY.
20110207             —PLEDGED, Under pressure from mass protests, Mubarak has, to step down —AFTER—SEPTEMBER polls but MANY—PROTESTERS—DEMAND his immediate departure and USA—NEWS—REPORTS [...]
20110207             Iraqis protest government for more services, water, food
20110207             —SCATTERED, BAGHDAD — HUNDREDS—OF—IRAQIS took part in, demonstrations —ON—SUNDAY, calling for 1—IMPROVEMENT in basic services and the resignation of local government officials as unrest sweeps much of the Arab world.
20110207             —GATHERED, In BAGHDAD, —AROUND 250—PEOPLE, in the impoverished DISTRICT—OF—BAB—AL—SHAM to protest against 1—LACK—OF—SERVICES.
20110207             "It [...] - USA 'spies' put on trial in IRAN
20110207             —DETAINED, TEHRAN — The delayed trial of 3—AMERICANS, in IRAN on spying charges held its 1. session —ON—SUNDAY, more than —18—MONTHS—AFTER their arrest on the unmarked border with IRAQ —DURING 1—HIKING trip.
20110207             2—HELD for fatal shooting at OHIO frat party
20110207             —ARRESTED, WASHINGTON — 2—MEN were, and charged with murder —AFTER they allegedly fired into 1—UNIVERSITY—FRATERNITY—PARTY in OHIO, killing 1—STUDENT and wounding 11—OTHERS, police said.
20110207             Renewed pressure on Mubarak to quit as talks fail
20110207             THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS spent —SUNDAY night under blankets and tarpaulins in CENTRAL—CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE, or Liberation Square, which over 2 [...]
20110207             —CHANGED, Obama says EGYPT forever
20110207             "THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE want freedom, free and fair elections, they want 1—REPRESENTATIVE—GOVERNMENT, they want 1—RESPONSIVE government.
20110207             —CONCERNED, Bloomberg: Obama not, about illegal gun sales
20110207             Torture complaints hit Bush on ninth ANNIVERSARY—OF—KEY—DECISION—STEPHEN—C—WEBSTER
20110207             'Anonymous' hacks security firm that probed its membership?
20110207             Despite concessions, thousands continue to protest in EGYPT
20110207             —PROMISED, VICE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN has, to allow FREEDOM—OF—THE—PRESS, to release detained protesters and eventually lift the country's emergency laws, but demonstrators have pledged not to leave —UNTIL PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK steps down.
20110207             SOUTH—KOREA must prepare for food crisis: PRESIDENT
20110207             "The likelihood of 1—GLOBAL—FOOD—CRISIS is rising due to climate change. We need to set up national strategies and research to tackle the issue," LEE—SPOKESMAN quoted [...]
20110207             Aboriginal Sundial PRE—DATES Stonehenge
20110207             brindafella writes "Look out, Stonehenge, here come the Wurdi Youang rocks in THE—AUSTRALIA—STATE—OF—VICTORIA. THE—SEMI—CIRCLE—OF—STONES has been examined by 1—ASTROPHYSICIST from AUSTRALIA—PREMIER—RESEARCH—GROUP, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), who says this ARRANGEMENT—OF—ROCKS is 1—CAREFULLY aligned solar observatory that may be 10,—000—YEARS—OLD. It would have been created by local Aborigines, the Wathaurong people, who have occupied the area for some 25,—000—YEARS".
20110207             Read more of this STORY—USA Has Secret Tools To Force INTERNET On Dictatorships
20110207             "THE—USA—MILITARY does have a 20110902             of options, if it ever wants to force connectivity on 1—COUNTRY against its ruler's wishes. THERE—JUST 1—WRINKLE. 'It could be considered 1—ACT—OF—WAR,'"
20110207             NASA Releases 1. 3D IMAGES—OF—THE—SUN
20110207             Reports: EGYPT to Release Missing Google Exec Wael Ghonim —MONDAY
20110207             Stagnant wages, rising costs, decreasing benefits, ballooning national debt, and 1—LOSS—OF—FREEDOMS have been THE—KEYNOTE—OF—THE—REAGAN—ERA.
20110207             RUSSIA—VOLCANO in fresh eruption 1—VOLCANO in RUSSIA has begun erupting, spurting ash up to 4—KILOMETRES into the sky.
20110207             Anonymous hack hits security firm Online activist group Anonymous hacks 1—USA—SECURITY—FIRM that claimed to know THE—IDENTITIES—OF—THE—GROUP—LEADERS.
20110207             Computer problems hit Nationwide Customers of Nationwide have been unable to access the building society's website — the gateway to its online banking operation.
20110207             HOLLAND—RECALL envoy in IRAN—ROW THE—NETHERLANDS recalls its TEHRAN ambassador and formally protests over the "sudden burial" of executed DUTCH—IRAN—SAHRA Bahrami.
20110207             KUWAIT—MINISTER quits over death KUWAIT—INTERIOR—MINISTER—STEPS down over torture allegations, amid rising political tensions that include calls for the 1. major Gulf street protests.
20110207             Police evict Easter ISLAND clan CHILE—POLICE—END the occupation of 1—HOTEL by 1—GROUP—OF—INDIGENOUS—RAPA—NUI, who say the land on which it was built was stolen from their ancestors.
20110207             FRANCE—MINISTER—IN—TUNISIA gaffe FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MICHELE—ALLIOT—MARIE, facing calls to resign, admits she was wrong to fly on 1—TUNISIA—BUSINESSMAN—PLANE.
20110207             AUSTRALIA—FIRES rage near PERTH Bush fires raging on the outskirts of PERTH in WEST—AUSTRALIA destroy more than 60—HOMES, with the area declared 1—NATURAL—DISASTER—ZONE.
20110207             Bus chiefs not told of Tube bombs Bus controllers were not told there had been explosions on 3—TUBE trains —BEFORE a 4. bomb went off, the inquest into the 7/7—ATTACKS has heard.
20110207             Protests thwart EGYPT authorities Attempts to return EGYPT to normality —AFTER—2—WEEKS—OF—DEADLY—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS suffer 1—NUMBER—OF—SETBACKS as protesters stand firm.
20110207             Assange 'would be denied justice' There is 1—RISK—OF "flagrant DENIAL—OF—JUSTICE" if Wikileaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE is tried for rape in SWEDEN, his lawyer tells 1—UK extradition hearing.
20110207             —SPIED, Embassy cables show USA, on UK Foreign Office
20110207             —ON several instances, USA—DIPLOMATS in LONDON appear to have reported on the personal LIFE—OF—IVAN—LEWIS, 1—LABOUR—PARTY—POLITICIAN who served as MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—FOREIGN and Commonwealth Affairs —DURING the closing DAYS—OF—GORDON—BROWN—GOVERNMENT.
20110207             Opinion: How THE—USA—CAME to embrace REALPOLITIK—HDS Greenway THE—USA has 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—PRACTICAL compromises in THE—MIDDLE—EAST. read more
20110207             Celebrities attend court hearing for JULIAN—ASSANGE, facing sex crime charges (VIDEO)
20110207             Mubarak cabinet meets, protests CONTINUE—JON—JENSEN - Stock market to reopen as SENSE—OF—NORMALCY begins to return to CAIRO. read more
20110207             FRANK—WISNER ' s law firm, Patton Boggs, has advised THE—EGYPT—MILITARY—NEWS—DESK—FRANK—WISNER, A—USA—ENVOY sent to CAIRO, draws questions over his employment by 1—LAW—FIRM that has advised THE—EGYPT—MILITARY. read more
20110207             Anmelder ist die Monsanto Agrar DEUTSCHLAND GMBH—GEORDNETER Übergang
20110207             Wenn sich Zocker mit einer Zockerbude verzocken: Die DEUTSCHE—BANK investiert 4—MILLIARDEN Dollar in 1—CASINO in Vegas, mietet sich "THE—KILLERS" — und hat —NUN 1—PROBLEM
20110207             Ein ÄGYPTISCHER—LEHRER, also einer mit einem ähnlichen Beruf wie ich, bekommt von der ÄGYPTISCHEN—SCHULBEHÖRDE den Gegenwert von 38—EURO —IM—MONAT, bei einem Preisniveau wie bei uns.
20110207             Die Journalistin hatte während ihrer Dienstzeit beim Militär in den von ISRAEL besetzten Gebieten Palästinas Dokumente fotokopiert, aus denen hervorging, dass die ISRAELISCHE—ARMEE, wie 1—TODESSCHWADRON, Palästinenser erschießt, die verdächtig sind, Terrorakte zu planen oder ausgeführt zu haben
20110207             Anders allerdings, als die meisten Agenturen —GESTERN berichteten, ging es dabei nicht um —VERHANDLUNGEN, sondern lediglich um 1—ZUSAMMENTREFFEN, um Gesprächsbereitschaft zu signalisieren
20110207             Das erklärte der VENEZOLANISCHE—MINISTER—FÜR—ENERGIE und Erdöl, RAFAEL—RAMÍREZ
20110207             Ich bin so bewegt von den Männern und Frauen, die hier für Freiheit und Demokratie kämpfen
20110207             —BERICHTET, Eine DEUTSCHE—ZEITZEUGIN, — Ich erinnere mich daran, wie ich vor dem Parlament stand und —IN—LETZTER—MINUTE hinter 1—SÄULE sprang, als die Polizei mit Gummigeschossen auf die Demonstranten schoss.
20110207             Das steht fest.
20110207             —MONTAG, 20110207             , —TAG 14. In Kairo haben sich die Ägyter auf dem Tahrir Platz mittlerweile häuslich eingerichtet.
20110207             "Wir haben Ausdauer, und wir brauchen auch keine Ratschläge aus dem Ausland, —SCHON gar nicht aus den USA. Die haben uns in der Vergangenheit nicht geholfen, sondern nur missbraucht. Ohne die hätte Mubarak nie —30—JAHRE im Amt überstanden".
20110207             In die Proteste gegen Mubarak mischt sich zunehmend auch Verärgerung über WASHINGTON
20110207             Er hoffe nur, dass das Interesse der Welt an den Ereignissen in ÄGYPTEN nicht nachlasse.
20110207             "Die versuchen, ein paar Meter Land zu gewinnen. Jeden —TAG fahren sie ein paar Meter weiter Richtung TAHRIR—PLATZ, —BIS sie ihn irgendwann eingenommen haben. Aber wir haben gelernt, uns zu wehren. Wir lassen nicht zu, dass sie auch nur einen Zentimeter weiter vorankommen".
20110207             "Die haben versucht, uns einzuschüchtern".
20110207             Die vom Aussterben bedrohten Schopfgibbons leben in dichten Regenwäldern in SÜDCHINA—LAOS, KAMBODSCHA und VIETNAM.
20110207             Die zierlichen Affen kommunizieren über Gesänge, die akustisch optimal der Regenwaldumgebung angepasst sind.
20110207             Zum Teil singen sowohl Männchen als auch Weibchen allein, um ihr Revier zu markieren und um Partner zu finden.
20110207             And it might give teeth to THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—DEMAND that foreign governments consider
20110207             INTERNET access an inviolable human right.
20110207             ROBERT—FISK writes in LONDON—INDEPENDENT that
20110207             WISNER—WORK for 1—LAW—FIRM appears to pose 1—CONFLICT—OF—INTEREST because that firm -- not specifically Wisner -- has advised THE—EGYPT—MILITARY and handled litigation on the government's behalf.
20110207             Wohlwollende Beobachter sagen, Obama habe sich —NACH—DEM PREDIGER—TON der BUSH—JAHRE klug zurück GEHALTEN—SO dass sich eine ÄGYPTISCHE—OPPOSITIONSBEWEGUNG formen konnte, die daheim nicht gleich als Agenten Amerikas denunziert wurden.
20110207             —GEHÖRT, Er, der Generation des FRÜHEREN—USA—AUßENMINISTERS HENRY—KISSINGER an und warnt —NUN besorgt: "Wir erleben die größte Veränderung —SEIT dem —WWII".
20110207             In 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—SENDER—FOX—NEWS erklärte er gerade, in ÄGYPTEN werde nichts mehr so sein wie vorher.
20110207             Sieht das denn auch Diplomat FRANK—WISNER so, den Obama gerade zu —VERHANDLUNGEN mit Mubarak nach Kairo geschickt hat?
20110207             —GEÄNDERT, Das Gesetz wurde —BEREITS 20080000             , doch —ERST—JETZT entfaltet es seine volle Wirkung: ALLE—IN—ENGLAND und WALES neu entdeckten menschlichen Knochen stehen der Forschung nur noch —FÜR—2—JAHRE zur Verfügung.
20110207             bei Stonehenge ausgegrabene Skelette ebenso wie die Überreste von Wikingern bei Weymouth unter die Regelung fallen.
20110207             40—WISSENSCHAFTLER protestieren in einem offenen Brief an Justizminister KENNETH—CLARKE gegen das Gesetz.
20110207             Ihre Argumente: Es bleibe nicht genug Zeit, wichtige Funde zu untersuchen, durch die geforderte erneute Beerdigung werde wichtiges Material zerstört, neue Untersuchungsmethoden, die mehr Aufschluss über alte Funde geben, könnten im Nachhinein nicht mehr angewandt WERDEN—DA die wieder bestatteten Knochen für die Forschung verloren wären.
20110207             —BEHINDERT, Das Gesetz " die wissenschaftliche Forschung, es verhindert, dass neu Entdecktes in die Museen kommt, und es ist nicht im Interesse der Öffentlichkeit", schreiben die Forscher, zu denen unter anderem NEANDERTALER—EXPERTE CHRIS—STRINGER und die Leiterin der archäologischen Abteilung der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD, Helena Hamerow, zählen.
20110207             Der Brief ging —JETZT beim MINISTER ein, weil Forscher 1. Sondergenehmigungen einholen müssen, um Fundstücke länger untersuchen zu können, als es die Zweijahresfrist erlaubt.
20110207             Außerdem änderten die Verlängerungen nichts an der Tatsache, dass die wertvollen Funde irgendwann wieder vergraben werden müssten.
20110207             Das BRITISCHE—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM teilte in einer Stellungnahme fest, dass die Gesetzesänderung 20080000             nötig gewesen sei, da das zugrundeliegende Bestattungsgesetz von 18570000             niemandem das Recht auf Exhumierungen und die längere Aufbewahrung von Knochen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke gebe.
20110207             Laut einem Bericht des britischen "GUARDIAN" gibt es zudem keine Regelungen dafür, wo oder wie die Knochen wieder bestattet werden sollen und in welcher Weise dies dokumentiert werden könnte. wbr/Reuters
20110207             —GESTOPPT, —ERST wenn die Erwärmung, sei, werde sich das Meereis in der ARKTIS erholen.
20110207             - allerdings nur, wenn es wieder kühler wird.
20110207             Die ARKTIS erwärmt sich rapide.
20110207             —SEIT LANGEM—ANGEBLICH wegen des Bruchs der Ausgangssperre, die —BISHER nicht kontrolliert worden war, wurden am Sonntagabend 2—DEUTSCHE—REPORTER der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" und ein AUSTRALISCHER—JOURNALIST für mehrere —STUNDEN vom Militär festgehalten.
20110207             —GEFEIERT, Vom Westen als 1—ART—ERLÖSER, wiederholt auch er bei jedem Interview die These, Ausländer seien für die Gewalt in ÄGYPTEN verantwortlich.
20110207             —ÜBERNIMMT, Das Staatsfernsehen, ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle: Den ganzen —TAG berichtet der gleichgeschaltete Sender, die Unruhen seien durch ausländische Kräfte und nicht durch Ägypter ausgelöst worden.
20110207             Die Gespräche im Ministerium variieren zwischen kurzen Fragen über den Werdegang und mehrstündigen Verhören über die politische Richtung der Medien, die einen Ausweis beantragen.
20110207             So ließ das Informationsministerium in den großen Hotels Flugblätter verteilen, auf denen die Medienvertreter dringend aufgefordert werden, sich umgehend beim Informationsministerium anzumelden, das letztlich die staatliche Zensur betreibt.
20110207             Vielmehr werde das Militär die ausländischen Journalisten, die in den vergangenen —TAGEN massiv von Schlägertrupps der PRO—MUBARAK—PARTEI NDP attackiert und teils schwer verletzt worden waren, bei ihrer Arbeit schützen.
20110207             Doch in vielen Stadtteilen agieren sie weiter mit den bewährten Mitteln gegen ägyptische wie ausländische Berichterstatter: Einschüchterung durch grundlose Festnahmen, das Konfiszieren von Kameraausrüstungen und die DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—MEDIEN—BÜROS gehören zum klassischen Repertoire des Kontrollregimes in ÄGYPTEN.
20110207             Und, wie wenig sie sich von denen des NOCH—AMTIERENDEN Präsidenten Husni Mubarak unterscheiden.
20110207             Das Militär wurde angewiesen, Reporter ohne die sogenannte "Press Card" nicht mehr durch Kontrollposten zu lassen, deswegen wurde am Montagmorgen den meisten ausländischen Reportern auch der Zugang zum TAHRIR—PLATZ verweigert, wo die Widerstandsbewegung demonstriert.
20110207             Doch —SEIT —JAHREN streiten sich THAILAND und KAMBODSCHA erbittert um den Zugang.
20110207             —BEGINNT, Länderdomino: Die nächste Revolution, anscheinend gerade in... *KARTE—AUS—DEM—UMSCHLAG—HOL*... THAILAND!
20110207             Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen: Internetzensur —JETZT via EU—KOMMISSION.
20110207             Genau wie WIR—AUSLÄNDISCHE Polizisten anfordern, wenn uns 1—EINSATZ zu dreckig ist, fordern wir eben auch die EU—KOMMISSION an, wenn 1—GESETZ zu dreckig ist, um bei uns direkt 1—CHANCE zu haben.
20110207             "So wie man nicht erwarten würde, die Funktion unseres Hirns zu verstehen, wenn man nur einen kleinen Teil davon untersucht, ist eine globale Erforschung unseres Sterns als Ganzes nötig, um zu verstehen, wie er funktioniert".
20110207             —GEÄNDERT, Das hat sich —JETZT : Dank der beiden "Stereo"-Satelliten der USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa gibt es —JETZT erstmals 1—RUNDUMBILD—DER—SONNE.
20110207             Sie stellen ihre Arbeit im Fachblatt - "Chemical Research in Toxicology" vor.
20110207             I—TOLD you not to trust Arianna!
20110207             "Der ÄGYPTISCHE—DESPOT sei ein "Mann mit enormer Erfahrung, großer Weisheit und die Zukunft fest im Blick", hatte Westerwelle etwa noch vor weniger als einem —JAHR gesagt":
20110207             Und dann ganz einfache Überlegungen wie "herrscht Pressefreiheit, herrscht Meinungsfreiheit, finden regelmäßig freie, gleiche und geheime Wahlen statt?" anstellen und falls nicht, über Handelsboykott usw. nachdenken.
20110207             "Was wir tun können, ist, dass wir sagen: Die Zeit ist —JETZT gekommen, in diesem Land den Wandel einzuleiten".
20110207             "Marxisten" wie Obama wollten —JETZT gemeinsam mit den radikalen Islamisten ein muslimisches "Kalifat" errichten, das von ASIEN über EUROPA —BIS in die USA reiche.
20110207             Mit solcher "Hysterie", schrieb da selbst der konservative Kommentator BILL—KRISTOL, habe sich Beck endgültig ins Abseits getrieben.
20110207             "Und keiner hat —BISHER, keiner hat dem AMERIKANISCHEN—VOLK —BISHER erklärt, was sie wissen, und sie wissen sicher mehr, als der Rest von uns weiß, wer es sein wird, der die Stelle von Mubarak einnehmen wird, und nein, nicht, nicht wirklich begeistert darüber, was es ist, das auf der nationalen Ebene und aus WASHINGTON getan wird, um die ganze Situation da in ÄGYPTEN zu verstehen".
20110207             Und GLENN—BECK, "Bislang hat der PRÄSIDENT—DIE—KRISE gut gemeistert", sagte er im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL—IMMERHIN handle es sich um die "größte Krise der USA—AUßENPOLITIK —SEIT dem ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES".
20110207             —VERKANNT, Obama habe nur, wie sehr sich auch die Menschen im Nahen Osten nach Freiheit und Demokratie sehnten: "Er scheint das —JETZT eingesehen zu haben, aber er hat lange dafür gebraucht".
20110207             der Marathon des Super Bowls beginnen, bei dem mehr als 100—MILLIONEN Amerikaner vor dem Triptychon von Football, Fernsehen und Konsum niederknien.
20110207             Dies werde "das am meisten gesehene Interview in der Geschichte", war O'Reillys großmäulige Prophezeihung gewesen.
20110207             "Man wird sich nirgendwo verstecken können, wenn die Dinge schief laufen", hatte O'Reilly zuvor —SCHON geahnt.
20110207             Und —ERST das 3. Mal überhaupt, dass sich Obama mit FOX—NEWS abgab, dem im WEST—WING so verhassten Ziehkind des Medienmoguls RUPERT—MURDOCH.
20110207             "Ich habe am SUPER—BOWL—SONNTAG 1—JACKET an", nörgelte BARACK—OBAMA auf die Frage, was ihm an seinem Job im Moment am wenigsten gefalle.
20110207             NATÜRLICH—DIE USA stehen eigentlich immer am Pranger, wenn es sich zu empören gilt, da kann man nie falsch liegen.
20110207             ISRAEL natürlich auch
20110207             Sie zeigten "in erschreckender Weise die Unentschlossenheit der Europäer" und "ermunterten das Regime von Mubarak, das Spiel auf Zeit einfach fortzusetzen", sagte Trittin.
20110207             Eine mögliche Ausreise Mubaraks zu medizinischen Untersuchungen nach DEUTSCHLAND, über die in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" spekuliert wurde, lehnte Trittin entschieden ab.
20110207             "Die Ägypter erwarten von uns Hilfe beim Übergang zur Demokratie. Sie erwarten ganz sicher nicht von uns, dass wir Fluchthilfe leisten für einen gestürzten Despoten", sagte Trittin.
20110207             "Die Bundesregierung muss —JETZT klar sagen: Wir wollen einen friedlichen Übergang. Deshalb wollen wir, dass Herr Mubarak zurücktritt", sagte Trittin —AM—SONNTAG am Rande der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz der "Berliner Zeitung".
20110207             Fest stehe: "ÄGYPTEN wird nicht zu dem zurückkehren, was es war".
20110207             "Ich möchte eine repräsentative Regierung in ÄGYPTEN", sagte Obama —AM—SONNTAG dem Fernsehsender Fox.
20110207             —FORDERUNGEN, Die Regierung sei auf die meisten, nicht eingegangen, beklagte die Muslimbruderschaft —NACH—DEM Treffen.
20110207             Man könne bislang nicht von —VERHANDLUNGEN sprechen, erklärte einer ihrer Vertreter im TV—SENDER AL—DSCHASIRA.
20110207             Zwar wurde nach ANGABEN—VON—OPPOSITIONSVERTRETERN—EINIGUNG erzielt, dass die jüngsten Versprechen Mubaraks umgesetzt werden sollten.
20110207             Dazu zählten 1—VERFASSUNGSÄNDERUNG, mehr Pressefreiheit und 1—ENDE—DES—AUSNAHMEZUSTANDS—SOBALD dies die Sicherheitslage zulasse.
20110207             "Der Feigling ist ein Feigling und der Mutige ist ein Mutiger und wir werden den Platz nicht verlassen", sagte der 20-Jährige Demonstrant Sameh Ali.
20110207             " Denkwürdige Schlachttheater " - Bildende KUNST— - Brotherhood 'to join EGYPT talks'
20110207             —PUBLISHED, Those are the findings of 3—PAPERS, in the Lancet, looking at global heart disease risk factors 19800000—20080000    —BETWEEN.
20110207             —INTENDED, EGYPT—PRIME—MINISTER: ARREST—OF—JOURNALISTS 'not, my dear'
20110207             SUPREME—COURT justice's wife brands self 'ambassador to tea party movement'
20110207             Fresh off 1—RECENT controversy about his potential CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST in the Citizens United decision, SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—CLARENCE—THOMAS faced new questions —THIS—WEEK about his judicial impartiality.
20110207             —RAISED, This time, legal ethicists, questions about the lobby group launched —RECENTLY by Thomas' wife, VIRGINIA.
20110207             Google exec in EGYPT faces RISK—OF—TORTURE: Amnesty
20110207             ASIA faces CLIMATE—INDUCED migration 'crisis': report
20110207             SINGAPORE — ASIA must prepare for MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE to flee their homes to safer havens within countries and across borders as weather patterns become more extreme, THE—ASIA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK warns.
20110207             —LACKED, EGYPT talks, credibility, opposition figure states
20110207             He [...] - Obama calls for 'representative government' in EGYPT
20110207             With Republicans in the House claiming they want to cut down on spending for the next fiscal —YEAR, marijuana advocates are suggesting they should start with the Drug Enforcement ADMINISTRATION—BUDGET.
20110207             GERMANY—POLICIES—FORCE—COMPANIES to be much more WASTE—CONSCIOUS than THE—USA does (surprise, surprise).
20110207             As THE—USA—AUTHORITIES continue with their domain name seizure policy, FILE—SHARING, streaming and link site operators —AROUND the world are looking for ways to mitigate this aggressive action.
20110207             I asked 1—OLD—FRIEND here in CAIRO, 1—WOMAN with Western tastes that include 1—OCCASIONAL—GLASS—OF whiskey, whether the Muslim Brotherhood might be bad for peace.
20110207             She thought for 1—MOMENT and said: "Yes, possibly. But, from my POV, in AMERICA THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY is bad for peace as well".[link]2. Supermacht Weltsozialforum
20110207             Geary and his colleagues used population density as 1—MEASURE—OF—SOCIAL—COMPLEXITY, with the hypothesis that the more humans are living closer together, the greater the exchanges between group, THE—DIVISION—OF—LABOR and the rich and varied interactions between people.
20110207             07. </B></FONT></FONT>20110200             20110207             AOL kauft die Huffington Post
20110207             LMAO - Krise.
20110207             Bushs Immunität aufheben - We've said, you have to start [...]
20110207             USA Has Secret Tools To Force INTERNET On Dictatorships
20110207             So let me get this right... they KNOW defense contractors stole billions from us, still are, and we are NOT going to recoup these billions by seizing these company's assets, but instead are cutting taxpayer social programs?
20110207             pending, illegally sold arms to IRAN and used the proceeds to fund death squads in NicaraguaHuman chain causes chaos in CAIRO
20110207             Riddle wird nicht beurteilen, ob die Vorwürfe der SCHWEDISCHEN—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT gegen Assange gerechtfertig Frage kommen vor allem Formfehler oder humanitäre Gründe — gegen 1—AUSLIEFERUNG sprechen.......
20110207             Egal, wir sind dabei" - Unruhen in ÄGYPTEN: Verhafteter GOOGLE—MANAGER wieder frei
20110207             Wisner, 72 - Strategiewechsel der Investoren
20110207             Die Folgen für die Archäologie dürften gravierend sein: So könnten etwa
20110207             Ihre Argumente: Die ARKTIS erwärmt sich rapide.
20110207             —SEIT langem - Größte Gefahr durch kleinste Partikel
20110207             Trittin nannte dieses Äußerungen "unpassend".
20110207             Kamine: Holzfeuer setzen gefährlichen Feinstaub frei
20110207             Bushs linke Erben - Brotherhood 'to join EGYPT talks'
20110207             —ARRESTED, Wael Ghoneim was, by EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES —DURING protests —ON—FRIDAY and his whereabouts are unknown, Amnesty said, adding he "is facing [...]
20110207             Read more about how they do it in Trash Planet: GERMANY, on Earth911.... - Read the full story on TreeHugger
20110207             —CANCELED, GENEVA (Reuters) — FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has, 1—VISIT to SWITZERLAND, where he was to address 1—JEWISH—CHARITY gala, due to the risk of legal action against him for alleged torture, rights EGYPT—PROTESTER in ALEXANDRIA walks up to riot police raising his hand in surrender, takes of his jacket, and opens his chest in defiance....Police shoot him down in cold blood!
20110207—18550000    —DESIGNATED, JAPAN has, 20110207             as "NORTH—TERRITORIES —DAY," saying that 1—TREATY dating back to —THAT—DAY—SUPPORTS—ITS—CLAIM to the islands.
20110207—19480000    —SEIT, Die Ankündigungen in München und die Rolle Wisner s lassen eines der größten Geheimdienstmanöver erwarten, um die westliche Kontrolle über ÄGYPTEN und die arabische Welt aufrecht zu erhalten
20110207—19800000    —LINKED, This can be directly, to the conservative political paradigm that was ushered into dominance —STARTING with the election of RONALD—REAGAN.
20110207—19800000    —SINCE, Study: Global obesity nearly doubled
20110207—19800000    —SINCE, The global PREVALENCE—OF—OBESITY has almost doubled, —WHILE SOME—INROADS have been made in dropping global cholesterol and high blood pressure rates.
20110207—19890000    - Callboys in BUSH SR—WHITEHOUSE 19890000             - Callboys in BUSH Sr's
20110207—20030000    —SIGNED, In THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—BENIGNO—AQUINO—III, 1—PROCLAMATION granting amnesty to rebel soldiers who participated in military uprisings and 20060000             .
20110207—20030000    noch als "2. Supermacht" gehandelt,
20110207—20050000    —OWNED, Founded, Huffington Post is, by Arianna Huffington, KENNETH—LERER and 1—GROUP—OF—OTHER—INVESTORS.
20110207—20070000    —IN, Image: Facops Read it and weep: "GERMANY leads the European nations in recycling, with —AROUND 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—WASTE the country generates successfully recovered and reused EACH—YEAR. To put that figure into perspective, consider this:, THE—USA was able to recover only about 33—PERCENT—OF—THE—WASTE generated —THAT—YEAR".
20110207—20080000    —REPORTED, RIA News, that 1—RUSSIA—MAN, Yevgeny Anikin (27), has pleaded guilty in court to stealing $10—MILLION from FORMER—ROYAL—BANK—OF—SCOTLAND division World Pay by hacking into accounts.
20110207—20080000    —VOR, Die Wissenschaftler fordern, wieder die geltende Regelung einzuführen.
20110207—20080000    —SCHON, hatte die Regierung bei Arbeitsprotesten im öffentlichen Dienst die Gehälter um 30—PROZENT angehoben und damit die Lage beruhigt.
20110207—20100000    —MITTE, Obwohl in den USA der Anbau genmanipulierter Zuckerrüben —BEREITS verboten wurde, ist in DEUTSCHLAND wieder 1—FREISETZUNGSVERSUCH beantragt worden.
20110207—20110000    —DAS—JAHR—DER—REVOLUTIONEN
20110207—20110125    —SPARKED, He was 1—KEY organizer of the online campaign that, the 1. protest.
20110207—20110201    —AM, Auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ warnten die Bremer Professoren RUDOLPH—BAUER und HANS—JÖRG—KREOWSKI eindringlich vor einem Wissenschaftssponsoring durch Rüstungsschmieden
20110207—20110206    —MOVED, NASA—TWIN—STEREO probes, into position on opposite SIDES—OF—THE—SUN, and they are —NOW beaming back uninterrupted images of the entire STAR—FRONT and back.
20110207—20110206    "For the 1. time ever, we can watch solar activity in its full 3-dimensional glory," says Angelos Vourlidas, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—STEREO science team at the Naval Research Lab in WASHINGTON, DC. NASA released a '1. light' 3D movie on, naturally, Super Bowl —SUNDAY".
20110207—20110212    —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA—AUTHORITIES, they have banned 1—OPPOSITION—RALLY set for the capital to call for 1—END to PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA—RULE.
20110207—20110225    —AM, IRLAND, noch vor wenigen —JAHREN zu den reichsten Ländern der Erde zählend, ist pleite, und die Regierung wird abgewählt.
20110207—20110406    —ON, THE—LONDON—BASED Cluster Munition Coalition said THAILAND—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS in GENEVA confirmed the army had fired 155mm cluster shells into CAMBODIA.
20110207—20150000    —BY, IRAN and TURKEY said they plan to triple 2—WAY—ANNUAL—TRADE to $30—BILLION, ahead of 1—VISIT by TURKEY—PRESIDENT—ABDULLAH—GUL to the Islamic republic.
20110220             THE—PHILIPPINES—REBELS said police officer Jerwel Montecillo Tugade has been ordered released —AFTER being abducted 20110207             in DAVAO Oriental province.
20110220             A 4. captive, army soldier BRYAN—CANEDO, was still being held and questioned —AFTER he was seized 20110207             in Compostela Valley Province.
20110225—20110207    —SINCE, MEXICO—POLICE discovered the bodies of 3—PEOPLE, missing, related human rights activist Josefina Reyes, who was killed —LAST—YEAR in CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20110907             Beim Absturz von YAK—SERVICE—FLUG 9633—NAHE Jaroslawl kommen 44—MENSCHEN ums Leben, darunter nahezu die gesamte Mannschaft des Eishockeyclubs Lokomotive Jaroslawl.
20120128—20120207    —ON, all 29—CHINA—WORKERS were released and flown to KENYA.
20120207             RICK—SANTORUM won 3—VICTORIES in the race for the Republican presidential nomination by winning caucuses in COLORADO and MINNESOTA and 1—PRIMARY in MISSOURI.
20120207             Mitt Romney came in 3. in MINNESOTA with 17—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20120207             The 9. Circuit COURT—IN—CALIFORNIA struck down as unconstitutional the state's VOTER—PASSED ban on gay marriage, ruling 2—1—THAT it violates the rights of gay Californians.
20120207             THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control said smokers have twice THE—NUMBER—OF—PROBLEMS with their teeth than nonsmokers.
20120207             —ACCUSED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, BRITAIN of "militarizing THE—SOUTH—ATLANTIC" and said she would complain to THE—UN, as tension rises ahead of the 30. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—FALKLANDS war.
20120207             —IMPOSED, AUSTRALIA, new travel bans and financial sanctions on SYRIA—LEADERS on as it stepped up actions to force 1—END to violence against SYRIA—CIVIL—POPULATION.
20120207             —1—WEEK—LONG—RALLY called for by THE—SHIITE—LED opposition was concluded.
20120207             Swollen rivers in BULGARIA and GREECE burst their banks, leaving DOZENS—OF—HOMES underwater.
20120207             THE—MARITSA—RIVER to overflow its banks, leaving DOZENS—OF—HOMES under water in THE—CITY—OF—SVILENGRAD near THE—GREECE—BORDER.
20120207             GREECE, the river Evros burst its banks near the country's northeastern border with BULGARIA.
20120207             —DECIDED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, to summon PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD for questioning over 1—LONG—LIST—OF—ACCUSATIONS, including that he mismanaged the nation's economy.
20120207             —ENDED, Ministers from IRAQ—SUNNI—BACKED bloc, their BOYCOTT—OF—THE—CABINET.
20120207             —EXECUTED, IRAQ, 14—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM—AL—QAEDA members, bringing to at least 65 THE—NUMBER—OF—EXECUTIONS so far —THIS—YEAR.
20120207             —MELTED, JAMAICA, roughly 2,000 firearms were, down in 1—BLAZING furnace as PART—OF—1—EFFORT designed to combat gun trafficking and corruption —WHILE reducing violent crime.
20120207             —ELECTED, THE—MALDIVES' 1. democratically, PRESIDENT, MOHAMED—NASHEED, —44—JAHRE—ALT, resigned —AFTER 1—POLICE mutiny described by his office as 1 attempted coup, capping weeks of political upheaval in the holiday PARADISE.
20120207             He confessed to being 1—HEAD lookout for the Zetas and mentioned 2—SITES at local ranches that the Zetas allegedly used to DISPOSE—OF—BODIES.
20120207             —INSPECTED, The navy, the sites and over the next —24—HOURS found the buried, badly decomposed remains of 15—PEOPLE.
20120207             —PLEDGED, SAUDI—ARABIA, to ensure 1—STABLE—SUPPLY—OF—OIL to SOUTH—KOREA.
20120207             —RENEWED, SYRIA—FORCES, their assault on the flashpoint CITY—OF—HOMS as RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER stressed the need for reform and dialogue —DURING talks in DAMASCUS with PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD about the country's escalating violence.
20120207             —REPORTED, Activists, that at least 15—PEOPLE, including a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY, were killed in violence across the country.
20120207             THE—6—NATION Gulf Cooperation Council said it is pulling its ambassadors from Syria.
20120207             FRANCE said it is recalling its ambassador to Syria for consultations.
20120207             Other Western powers including BRITAIN, THE—USA—AND—ITALY have called back their top envoys —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—NEW—VIOLENCE.
20120207             The 9. Circuit COURT—IN—CALIFORNIA struck down as unconstitutional the state's VOTER—PASSED ban on gay marriage,
20120207             —ACCUSED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, BRITAIN of "militarizing THE—SOUTH—ATLANTIC" and said she would complain to THE—UN,
20120207             —THREATENED, BOLIVIA—OFFICIALS, to prosecute leaders of coca growers who used whips —1—DAY—EARLIER to drive away 4 unarmed MEMBERS—OF—1—GOVERNMENT coca eradication team.
20120207             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE, 2—MEN on allegations they were spying on SYRIA—OPPOSITION—GROUPS in GERMANY.
20120207             —ELECTED, THE—MALDIVES' 1. democratically, PRESIDENT, MOHAMED—NASHEED (44),
20120207             —DETAINED, MEXICO—NAVY—PERSONAL, suspect FRANCISCO—ALVARADO—MARTAGON as he attempted to drive past 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—ACAYUCAN in 1—VEHICLE without license plates.
20120207             THE—MEXICO—ARMY found 73—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS in 3—HOUSES—NEAR THE—USA—BORDER and troops arrested 4—MEN suspected of planning to smuggle the people into TEXAS.
20120207             —ROCKED, NIGERIA, explosions, 1—ARMY barracks, 1—BRIDGE and 1—AIR—BASE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KADUNA amid 1—WAVE—OF—ATTACKS blamed on Islamist group Boko Haram.
20120207             —ARRIVED, SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, in RIYADH at the start of a —2—DAY—VISIT to THE—OPEC kingpin which comes as SEOUL seeks to diversify its oil sources.
20120207             —ANNOUNCED, SWITZERLAND—MATERIALS—GIANT—GLENCORE and mining firm Xstrata, 1—VAST—MERGER, creating a $90—BILLION (€69—BILLION) group and the world's 4. largest mining company.
20120207             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, 1—NEW—INITIATIVE with regional players to halt the violence in Syria,
20120207             —ENDED, Jailed BAHRAIN—ACTIVISTS, 1—HUNGER—STRIKE —AFTER—8—DAYS—OF—REFUSING to eat in protest at 1—NEW—CRACKDOWN on demonstrations.
20120207             —FACED, Nasheed has, —3—WEEKS—OF—STREET—PROTESTS stemming from THE—ARREST—OF—1—SENIOR—JUDGE.
20120207             —CLASHED, VICE—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—WAHEED, who had, with Nasheed over THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE'S—DETENTION, was sworn in as the new HEAD—OF—STATE and he urged the population of 300,000 Sunni Muslims to remain calm.
20120207             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER was reported killed.
20120207             They were held hostage by pirates —FOR—8—MONTHS—UNTIL 1—PAYMENT—OF $2.3—MILLION was made in ransom.
20120207             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, 1—NEW—INITIATIVE with regional players to halt the violence in Syria, saying the veto of 1—UN—RESOLUTION had given PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD a "license to kill".
20121017—20130207    —PLEADED, Nafis, guilty to terrorism charges.
20130131—20130207    —ON, 2—SUSPECTS were arrested.
20130202—20130207    —ARRESTED, Police said they have, a 2. suspect for THE—GANG—RAPE.
20130207             THE—USA—IRS said that the government took action in January against 389—PEOPLE suspected of committing tax fraud through identity theft.
20130207             —INCLUDED, This, 109—ARRESTS and 189—INDICTMENTS.
20130207             Hernandez was shot in the back and Carranza had minor injuries.
20130207             —CRASHED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—NATO—HELICOPTER, in Kapisa province, but no crew members were seriously injured.
20130207             —RELATED, Leduc was already in custody facing 11—CHARGES, to 1 alleged sexual assault of a —19—YEAR—OLD—OTTAWA woman last —NOVEMBER.
20130207             COLOMBIA, over 5,000 workers at the Cerrejon coal mine went on strike.
20130207             MALI, FRANCE—TROOPS began to withdraw from Timbuktu —AFTER securing the fabled city as they ramped up their mission in Gao, searching for Islamic extremists who may be mixing among the local population.
20130207             —ATTACKED, Pirates, THE—MV—ESTHER C some 80—MILES (130—KM) off NIGERIA—COAST.
20130207             1—YEMEN—MILITARY—OFFICIAL said 1—EXPLOSION at 1—MILITARY—WEAPONS depot in NORTH—YEMEN has killed 10—CIVILIANS and 5—SOLDIERS.
20130207             —OPERATED, ZAMBIA, 1—BUS, by the postal service, carrying passengers toward its CAPITAL—LUSAKA, smashed into 1—SEMI—TRUCK and another car killing at least 53—PEOPLE in 1—OF—THE—WORST—TRAFFIC crashes in the nation in recent history.
20130207             THE—USA—IRS said that the government took action in ;;01;;
20130207             against 389—PEOPLE suspected of committing tax fraud through identity theft.
20130207             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Margie Carranza and her —71—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER, Emma Hernandez, were delivering papers —AROUND 5 a.m. —WHEN LAPD officers guarding THE—TORRANCE—HOME—OF—1—TARGET named in 1—ONLINE—DORNER manifesto blasted at least 100—ROUNDS at their pickup.
20130207             1—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT—REPORT said doping was widespread among professional and amateur athletes and demanded investigators name offenders to protect clean athletes' reputations.
20130207             —RECALLED, UK authorities said beef lasagna products, from UK—SUPERMARKETS by frozen food company Findus had tested positive for more than 60% horsemeat.
20130207             —MURDERED, PAMELA—KOSMAC, 39, was found
20130207             —CONDEMNED, EGYPT—PRIME—MINISTER—HESHAM—KANDIL, religious edicts by hardline Muslim clerics calling for THE—KILLING—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADERS and said the government is considering legal action against them.
20130207             MALI, FRANCE—TROOPS began to withdraw from Timbuktu —AFTER securing the fabled city as they ramped up their mission in Gao,
20130207             TUNISIA, the Islamist Ennahda party, dominating the ruling coalition,
20130207             —OPERATED, ZAMBIA, 1—BUS, by the postal service,
20130207             —REACHED, —IN—APRIL THE—CITY—OF—LOS—ANGELES, a $4.2—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with 1—MOTHER and daughter.
20130207             —CHARGED, OTTOWA—CANADA, police said MARC—LEDUC, —56—JAHRE—ALT has been, with 2—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder in connection with the killing of 2—LOCAL—SEX—WORKERS.
20130207             —FACED, Kandil, uproar, derision and even lawsuits —AFTER he blamed health PROBLEMS—OF—BABIES in impoverished villages on nursing mothers who "OUT—OF—IGNORANCE" don't clean their breasts and TALKED—OF—VILLAGE—WOMEN getting raped in the fields.
20130207             —URGED, EGYPT, 1—ISLAMIC—SUMMIT, SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FORCES and MEMBERS—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME, whose hands are not tainted by violence, to hold talks to try to resolve the nation's civil war.
20130207             —DISSOLVED, IRELAND, 1—OF—ITS "bad banks", THE—IRELAND—BANK—RESOLUTION—CORP (IBRC), in 1—EMERGENCY—MEASURE designed to pave the way for 1—NEW—DEBT—REPAYMENT—DEAL with the European CENTRAL—BANK.
20130207             —CLASHED, SYRIA—TROOPS and rebels, —AGAIN—IN THE—CAPITAL—DAMASCUS, —1—DAY—AFTER what activists described as the heaviest fighting in months in PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—SEAT—OF—POWER.
20130207             TUNISIA, the Islamist Ennahda party, dominating the ruling coalition, rejected PRIME—MINISTER—HAMADI—JEBALI—DECISION to replace the government to try to appease critics, signaling that the political crisis brought on by THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—1—PROMINENT—LEFTIST—POLITICIAN is far from over.
20130207—20080000    —MURDERED, PAMELA—KOSMAC, 39, was found, near 1—BICYCLE path, —WHILE Leanne Lawson, 23, was found in 1—PARKING lot in 1—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—CITY.
20130207—20130226    —ON, Negotiations began.
20130207—20130311    —ON, Carisbrooke Shipping Ltd. of THE—UK—SAID 3 captured sailors have been freed.
20131016—20130207    THROUGH, THE—USA—CONGRESS, with hours to go —BEFORE the government reached its $16.7—TRILLION debt limit, approved 1—DEAL to end 1—GOVERNMENT shutdown, but only permits the Treasury to borrow and
20140127—20140207    —ARRESTED, Lee was, and accomplice KIRK—BILLS was arrested in INDIANA.
20140205—20140207    —ON, 1—BOY, —13—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CITY—YOUTH—FIRE—DEPARTMENT, admitted to setting the fire.
20140207             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, into law 1—AGRICULTURE spending bill that will spread benefits to farmers —WHILE trimming the food stamp program.
20140207             —CRASHED, ARGENTINA, 1—TRUCK driving on the wrong side of 1—HIGHWAY, head on with passenger bus killing at least 18—PEOPLE on National Hwy 7 in MENDOZA province.
20140207             Protesters in Bosnia set fire to government buildings and fought with police as anger over unemployment and political inertia fuelled a 3. —DAY of the worst civil unrest in the country —SINCE its 19920000—19950000     war.
20140207             † In CAMBODIA 1—BOY, —8—JAHRE—ALT of H5N1 bird flu, the country's 1. case —THIS—YEAR.
20140207             CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIMS, fled for their lives from BANGUI, with Christian crowds cheering as truckloads of Muslim families made their way OUT—OF—TOWN.
20140207             1—MAN who fell off 1—TRUCK was subsequently killed and his body mutilated, highlighting the savagery faced by those Muslims who stayed behind.
20140207             —SMASHED, CHINA, villagers of Baha in Yunnan province, the offices and equipment of 1—LOCAL metalwork factory and clashed with police —AFTER the boss refused to meet with them over smoke and pollution concerns.
20140207             —INVOLVED, Xinhua News —LATER said police were arresting people, and had identified 16—SUSPECTS.
20140207             —WOUNDED, EGYPT, 6—POLICEMEN were, in double bombing attack in CAIRO, hours —BEFORE clashes between police and Islamist protesters in several cities killed 3—PEOPLE.
20140207             —CLAIMED, Ajnad Misr, Arabic for EGYPT—SOLDIERS, responsibility for the bomb attack.
20140207             —TARGETED, —LATE—DAY—AIRSTRIKES, hideouts of "terrorist, extremely dangerous takfiri" militants in the eastern border TOWN—OF—SHEIKH—ZUWEYID.
20140207             16—MILITANTS were reported killed.
20140207             —EXPRESSED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, outrage over 1 leaked phone conversation in which VICTORIA Nuland, 1—TOP—USA—DIPLOMAT, used THE—F—WORD regarding THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—HANDLING—OF—THE—CRISIS in UKRAINE.
20140207             1—ANGRY—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT pointed the finger at RUSSIA for allegedly bugging the diplomats' phones.
20140207             Aid agencies working in the occupied WEST—BANK—AND—EAST—JERUSALEM expressed alarm at 1—SPIKE in ISRAEL—DEMOLITIONS—OF—PALESTINE—PROPERTY coinciding with renewed USA—BACKED peace negotiations.
20140207             —KILLED, MALI—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENSE said —AROUND 30—ETHNIC—TUAREGS have been, in THE—NORTH—GAO region in local fighting with ethnic Peuls.
20140207             —SUFFERED, PAKISTAN—FLEDGLING peace talks with the Taliban, 1—FRESH—BLOW as 1—NEGOTIATOR for the militants said he would take no further part —UNTIL the agenda included the imposition of Islamic sharia law.
20140207             —OPENED, RUSSIA, the —WINTER Olympics in SOCHI.
20140207             —ARRESTED, Police, 4—GAY—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS protesting in S—PETERSBURG.
20140207             —APPROVED, SPAIN—CABINET, 1—BILL amending previous legislation that granted nationality by naturalization to Sephardic Jews who chose to apply for it.
20140207             The reform will allow dual nationality, enabling people who can prove Sephardic ancestry to also retain their previous citizenships.
20140207             —CAUSED, In central and SOUTH—URUGUAY flooding, by torrential rains forced THE—EVACUATION—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from their homes.
20140207             † CAMBODIA, 1—BOY (8), of H5N1 bird flu, the country's 1. case —THIS—YEAR.
20140207             —EXPRESSED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, outrage over 1 leaked phone conversation in which VICTORIA Nuland,
20140207             —VEERED, In THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES 1—BUS, off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD and fell into 1—RAVINE, killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20140207             —CLASHED, SOUTH—AFRICA STRIKING, miners, with police —AFTER using rocks and burning tires to block 1—ROAD leading to Anglo USA—PLATINUM—UNION—MINE—NEAR—NORTHAM town.
20140207             —BESIEGED, Famished and traumatized Syrians were able to leave, parts of HOMS for THE 1. time in more than —1—YEAR as PART—OF—1—POTENTIALLY ground breaking agreement between THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20140207             YEMEN, Fresh clashes between Shiite REBELS and tribesmen backed by Sunni Islamists erupted near SANAA.
20140207             † His sister (2) also, the same —DAY.
20140207             1—CONVOY—OF some 500—CARS, trucks and motorcycles was guarded by armed soldiers from CHAD.
20140207             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said nearly 9,000—PEOPLE, mainly Muslims, have fled to CAMEROON in —JUST over —1—WEEK to escape communal bloodshed in THE—CAR.
20140207             —INDICTED, PUERTO—RICO—PEDRO—RODRIGUEZ—COLONDRES, was, on accusations that he ran 1—FRAUD—SCHEME obtaining at least half 1—MILLION—DOLLARS in veteran's benefits under 1—FALSE—NAME 19840000—20110000    —FROM—TO.
20140207             † 1—PROTESTER was killed.
20140207             TURKEY—NEWSPAPER—TODAY—ZAMAN said 1—OF—ITS—JOURNALISTS, Mahir Zeynalov (27) from AZERBAIJAN, has been ordered to leave the country for criticizing PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN on Twitter.
20140207—20120000    —ACCEDED, INDIA, to ITALY—REQUEST and said it won't invoke 1—ANTI—PIRACY—LAW carrying the death penalty —WHEN it tries 2—ITALY—MARINES accused of killing 2—INDIA—FISHERMEN.
20140215—20140207    —ARRESTED, He had been, on 1—MISDEMEANOR tresspassing charge for sleeping in 1 enclosed stairwell.
20150205             —LIFTED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, —1—DECADE—OLD, MIDNIGHT—TO—5 a.m. curfew in BAGHDAD, ordered that LONG—BLOCKED streets in the capital be opened up and declared SOME—NEIGHBORHOODS—OF—THE—CITY—WEAPONS—FREE—ZONES—EFFECTIVE 20150207             .
20150207             Workers at refineries in INDIANA and OHIO went on strike against 2—BP plants in 1—EXTENSION—OF—STRIKES that began 20150201             .
20150207             GEORGIA, USA, CEDRIC—PRATHER, —33—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed 4—PEOPLE, including his EX—WIFE and several children, and wounded 2—OTHERS at 1—HOME in Douglasville —BEFORE fatally shooting himself.
20150207             Residents in MONTANA began finding dead horses.
20150207             —ESTIMATED, Financial help, at some $32—BILLION, has helped keep EGYPT afloat —AFTER YEARS—OF—INSTABILITY.
20150207             —INJURED, EGYPT, 3—POLICEMEN were shot dead and 2—OTHERS, —WHEN they came under fire —WHILE conducting 1—RAID against 1—GROUP—OF—CRIMINALS—NEAR THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—MINYA.
20150207             —WARNED, GERMANY—ANGELA—MERKEL, that sending arms to help UKRAINE fight PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS would not solve the crisis there, drawing 1—SHARP rebuke from 1—LEADING—USA—SENATOR who accused BERLIN of turning its back on 1—ALLY in distress.
20150207             —MARCHED, HAITI, at least 6,000 protesters, through the capital to demand lower gas prices and THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY.
20150207             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 40—PEOPLE were, in 3—BOMBINGS—AROUND BAGHDAD.
20150207             BAGHDAD—DECADE—OLD nightly curfew was set to end at midnight.
20150207             † KENJI—EKUAN, —85—JAHRE—ALT, JAPAN—INDUSTRIAL designer, in TOKYO.
20150207             —MASKED, KENYA, 1, gunman shot and killed 1—KENYA—LAWMAKER on 1—STREET in NAIROBI.
20150207             Only Brega port was still open, but it is used to supply the 120,000 BPD—ZAWIYA refinery with crude.
20150207             —RULED, The judge, that Avila already had been tried for the same crime in MEXICO and THE—USA.
20150207             —FAILED, NATO and RUSSIA, to narrow their differences over THE—UKRAINE crisis in talks but agreed they would keep talking to EACH—OTHER.
20150207             9—TARGETS in Syria centered —AROUND the border CITY—OF—KOBANI.
20150207             —VOTED, Slovaks, in 1—NATIONWIDE—1—REFERENDUM that would bar gay marriages and adoptions, and allow parents to decide whether their children attend sex education classes.
20150207             The votes won't count unless at least half of the eligible voters turn out.
20150207             —VOTED, Voters overwhelmingly, "yes" — 95, 92 and 90—PERCENT, respectively — to THE—3—QUESTIONS.
20150207             —REACHED, But turnout, only 21.4—PERCENT, far less than THE—50—PERCENT needed.
20150207             —DISCOVERED, SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE, the frozen corpses of 4—NEWBORN babies in 2—FREEZERS at 1—HOUSE in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—MTHATHA.
20150207             —ARRESTED, TUNISIA—AUTHORITIES said they have, 32—EXTREMISTS over the last several days and thwarted 1—AMBITIOUS—PLOT to attack civilian and military sites —AROUND the country, including the Interior Ministry.
20150207             —ESTIMATED, Some 3,000 Tunisians were, to have left for jihad, mainly with the Islamic State group, in Syria and IRAQ.
20150207             —ORDERED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it has, 1—SQUADRON—OF—F—16—FIGHTERS to JORDAN, which would participate in airstrikes on the Islamic State group —AFTER THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—EARLIER suspended its involvement.
20150207             GEORGIA, USA, CEDRIC—PRATHER (33) shot and killed 4—PEOPLE,
20150207             Somebody had shot up to 2—DOZEN—HORSES and dumped their bodies in 1—HAY field about 1—MILE—WEST—OF—LODGE Grass on the Crow INDIA—RESERVATION.
20150207             1 alleged audiotape aired on 1—BROTHERHOOD—ALLIED TV station in which EGYPT—PRESIDENT.
20150207             —WARNED, GERMANY—ANGELA—MERKEL, that sending arms to help UKRAINE fight PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS would not solve the crisis there,
20150207             —REPORTED, Air pollution in DELHI—INDIA, was, to be the worst in the world with levels of smaller particulates routinely 15—TIMES—ABOVE—LEVELS deemed safe by the World Health Organization (WHO).
20150207             † Kenji Ekuan (85), JAPAN—INDUSTRIAL designer, in TOKYO.
20150207             —CARRIED, JORDAN, out a 3. straight —DAY—OF—AIR—STRIKES on Islamic State targets.
20150207             LIBYA—EASTERN—OIL—EXPORT port Hariga shut down due to 1—STRIKE—OF—SECURITY—GUARDS, closing the country's last functioning export port apart from 2—OFFSHORE fields.
20150207             1—MEXICO—FEDERAL—JUDGE threw out a —5—YEAR,
20150207             —LAUNCHED, USA—LED forces, 15—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and 11 in Syria over the last —24—HOURS.
20150207             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—ELECTION—BODY—CHAIRMAN—ATTAHIRU Jega, that the presidential and parliamentary polls would be postponed from ;;02;;
20150207             14 to 20150328             ,
20150207             —KILLED, PUNTLAND, at least 2—PEOPLE were, —WHEN SOMALIA—MILITANTS al Shabaab attacked THE—HOUSE—OF—1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICIAL in THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS region.
20150207             —BRANDISHED, UKRAINE PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO, in FRONT—OF—WORLD—LEADERS several passports taken from RUSSIA—SOLDIERS in what he said was proof of MOSCOW's "presence" in his country.
20150207             —ORDERED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said it has, 1—SQUADRON—OF—F—16—FIGHTERS to JORDAN,
20150207             —BESTIMMT, Nudeln mit toskanischer Wildschweinsauce: Das Schwein, das BEWUSSTSEIN
20150207             SATELLITENBILD—DER—WOCHE: Das Muster der Schützengräben
20150207             Altersvorsorge: Wenn VERSICHERUNGS—VERTRETER Klartext sprächen
20150207             —SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—MIT—ÄGYPTEN—PRÄSIDENT: Sisi fordert entschlossenen KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—IS
20150207             Großeinsatz: ÄGYPTENs ARMEE tötet VIELE—ISLAMISTEN auf SINAI—HALBINSEL
20150207             USA—TOURISTINNEN festgenommen: NACKTFOTO—FAUXPAS in Tempel von ANGKOR Wat
20150207             Steigende Dividenden: Aktien sind die neuen ANLEIHEN
20150207             IRAKs INNEN—MINISTER: "Eine konventionelle ARMEE kann den IS nicht besiegen"
20150207             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, NATO—GENERAL will MILITÄR—OPTION nicht ausschließen
20150207             Chaos mit NH90-Staffel: BUNDESWEHR setzt Routineflüge von Hubschraubern aus
20150207             GRIECHENLAND: Ratingagenturen setzen ATHEN unter Druck
20150207             Volker Kauder über Kritik aus ATHEN: "DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN wurde herabgewürdigt"
20150207             Wenige —STUNDEN—NACH—DEN —VERHANDLUNGEN—VON—MOSKAU verschärft der höchste europäische NATO—MILITÄR erneut den Ton: OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER GENERAL—BREEDLOVE
20150207             MÜNCHEN—DER NATO—OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER—IN—EUROPA, GENERAL—PHILIP—BREEDLOVE, hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, DER—UKRAINE im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—PRORUSSISCHEN Separatisten IM—OSTEN des Landes mit Waffen und militärischer Ausrüstung zu helfen.
20150207             DIE—VORSCHLÄGE des RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN zur Beendigung des Konflikts IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE nannte BREEDLOVE "vollkommen inakzeptabel".
20150207             —KRIEG—TREIBER und VERBRECHER—OLDJERK 1055—HEUTE
20150207             jagen und einsperren sollte man diese Generäle ALLESAMT—DEN—HAAG ruft !
20150207             DSCHIHADistinnen im IRAK und in SYRIEN: 100—FRAUEN aus DEUTSCHLAND im KAMPF—GEBIET
20150207             UKRAINE—KRISE, LAWROW gibt DEN—USA DIE—SCHULD
20150207             Zu jedem ZEIT—PUNKT der Auseinandersetzung hätten DIE—USA und DIE—EU Schritte unternommen, um DIE—KRISE weiter zu eskalieren, sagte er —AM—SAMSTAG, in München.
20150207             Insbesondere DIE—USA sind LAWROW zufolge schuld an den Spannungen zwischen DEM—WESTEN und RUSSLAND.
20150207             MERKEL hatte in 1—REDE auf der SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ zuvor nochmals deutlich gemacht, dass sie keine Konfrontation mit RUSSLAND will.
20150207             fritze_bollmann 1356—HEUTE
20150207             Als LAWROW mit seinem Auftritt an der Reihe war, hat PHOENIX die Übertragung von der MÜNCHNER—SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ beendet.
20150207             Tubus 1415—HEUTE
20150207             DIE—USA—AMERIKANISCHE—POLITIK folgt zeilengenau dem Buch des ehemaligen SICHERHEITS—BERATER Brzezinski.
20150207             DER—PAPA in Zeiten von Twitter: Von Schäfchen und Followern
20150207             Vermittlerin IN—DER—UKRAINE—KRISE—MERKEL zwischen den Fronten
20150207             NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS: Wie 1—NEWS—STAR über seine Kriegslüge stolperte
20150207             JIM—MESSINA: Obamas CHEF—WAHLKÄMPFER soll der SPD helfen
20150207             Dass DER—KRIEG—GEGEN—SADDAM—HUSSEIN auf 1—GROSSEN Lüge über dessen angebliche MASSEN—VERNICHTUNGS—WAFFEN beruhte, wollte IN—DEN—USA —DAMALS, kaum jemand hören.
20150207             Doch nicht nur Politiker und MILITÄRs biegen sich die Wahrheit zurecht, —BIS sie passt.
20150207             —VERSUCHT, Auch Reporter sind immer, das 1—ODER andere Detail hinzuzudichten, damit 1—STORY noch besser wird.
20150207             Als wohl prominentester GESCHICHTEnerfinder im USA—FERNSEHEN musste sich —NUN NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS outen.
20150207             Seine Erzählungen von 1—HUBSCHRAUBER—EINSATZ im IRAK 20030000             waren teils falsch, wie er einräumte.
20150207             —GEMELDET, Doch —NUN haben sich Soldaten zu Wort, die NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS—SCHILDERUNGEN zur bloßen Erfindung erklären.
20150207             —DARAUFHIN, gab NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS zu, dass er gelogen hat.
20150207             —GEMACHT, Er habe 1—FEHLER.
20150207             Für den BBC—KOMMENTATOR NICK—BRYANT ist DIE—AFFÄRE "DIE—GESCHICHTE 1—NACHRICHTENMODERATORS, der den Kompass verloren hat".
20150207             NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS muss sich —NUN 1—INTERNEN Untersuchung stellen.
20150207             —BIS—ZUM, Bekanntwerden der LÜGEN—GESCHICHTE aus dem IRAK—KRIEG galt NBC—MODERATOR—BRIAN—WILLIAMS als 1—DER glaubwürdigsten Personen der USA.
20150207             Im Celebrity Index der Firma THE—MARKETING—ARM belegte der Moderator zuletzt Rang 23—UND stand damit in Puncto Glaubwürdigkeit auf 1—STUFE mit DENZEL—WASHINGTON und WARREN—BUFFETT.
20150207             MILITÄRisch ist das nicht zu gewinnen, mahnt MERKEL
20150207             Mit ihrer gut 30-minütigen Rede in München versuchte MERKEL, den europäischen Kurs der Diplomatie IN—DER—UKRAINE—KRISE zu verteidigen.
20150207             MERKEL hingegen stellte sich gegen jegliche Pläne zur Aufrüstung 1—KONFLIKT—PARTEI.
20150207             "DIE—AMERIKANER sind nicht eingeschritten beim Mauerbau, aber —AM—ENDE haben wir gewonnen", so DIE—KANZLERIN.
20150207             Der Gast aus KIEW wurde vom Publikum vor der Rede Merkels mit demonstrativem Applaus begrüßt.
20150207             —AM, die Spengung einiger STROMMASTEN—WÄRE 1—TERRORISTISCHER Akt.
20150207             Kein Problem für die symmetrische Moderation, wenn hier dazu aufgefordert wird, obwohl grundgesetzmässig sowas eigentlich nicht durchgehen dürfte.
20150207             UKRAINE—KRISE, USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN warnt RUSSLAND vor ökonomischen Kosten
20150207             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES:
20150207             Für Heiterkeit in Industriekreisen sorgt beispielsweise DER—UMSTAND, dass im INNEN—RAUMDES Schützenpanzers Puma nach Maßgabe der Arbeitsstättenverordnung so gute Klimabedingungen herrschen müssen, dass selbst für hochschwangere Soldatinnen die Beförderung bei 1—GEFECHTS—EINSATZ noch möglich ist.
20150207             Na dann ist ja alles gut.
20150207             —UPDATE, DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG dementiert, dass Panzer Arbeitsstätten im Sinne der Arbeitsstättenverordnung seien.
20150207             [l] Die GCHQ—TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG war —7—JAHRE—LANG, illegal, hat —JETZT das zuständige Tribunal befunden.
20150207             [l] Die neue Ausrede, wieso wir keine GEFANGENENMISSBRAUCHS—FOTOS mehr zu sehen kriegen:
20150207             THE—GOVERNMENT said that THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—MADE—USE—OF—PAST—USA—ABUSES—WHEN it executed hostages on camera, depicting them "in 1—ORANGE jumpsuit — 1—SYMBOL commonly associated with detainees housed at GUANTANAMO—BAY," and that AL—QAEDA wrote about GUANTANAMO in 1—RECENT—ISSUE—OF—ITS—MAGAZINE—INSPIRE.
20150207             Both groups could exploit the photos "to encourage supporters and followers to attack USA—MILITARY and GOVERNMENT personnel," THE—GOVERNMENT argued in the motion.
20150207             Wenn wir zu unseren Greueltaten stehen, dann könnten TERRORISTEN sich auf die Greueltaten berufen, die wir begangen haben, und unsere Greueltaten, also die Greueltaten, die wir begangen haben, nutzen, um unter Verweis auf unsere Greueltaten mit TERROR zu drohen.
20150207             [l] Was würdet ihr sagen?
20150207             —GESTELLT, Wenn die Frage —SCHON so, ist, könnt ihr euch DIE—ANTWORT WAHRSCHEINLICH—SCHON denken ?
20150207             —BERICHTET, DIE—"DEUTSCHE—APOTHEKER Zeitung" AUCH—THE—DE—FACTO USA—AL—QAEDA partnership
20150207             Reobert Parry outlines THE—NOT—SO—SECRET—PARTNERSHIP -- SAUDI—ARABIA, ISRAEL and AL—QAEDA -- which is visible to everyone with the eyes to see it, and thus remains invisible to pretty much everyone in our MAIN—STREAM—MEDIA
20150207             POROSCHENKOs Hilferuf in München: "Wie VIELE—BEWEISE braucht DIE—WELT noch?"
20150207             † JOHN—WHITEHEAD, BANKER und Politiker, GOLDMAN—SACHS—IKONE, gestorben
20150207             Kollegenschelte: ARD—MANN Fröhder geißelt "TAGESSCHAU"und "Tagesthemen"
20150207             —VERSCHIEBT, BOKO—HARAM—TERROR: NIGERIA, Wahlen
20150207             TREFFEN—MIT—PUTIN: MERKEL soll auf Schließung der RUSSISCHEN—GRENZE bestanden haben
20150207             München/MOSKAU—BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) soll in ihrem GESPRÄCH—MIT—DEM RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN —FREITAG—AM—ABEND, darauf bestanden haben, dass RUSSLAND DIE—GRENZE zur UKRAINE schließt, berichtet die "FRANKFURTer Allgemeine SONNTAGszeitung"("FAS").
20150207             habe MERKEL —SCHON zuvor klargemacht, dass die Erfüllung des MINSKer Abkommens, insbesondere die Schließung der Grenze zur UKRAINE, der Schlüssel dafür sei, um die Isolation RUSSLANDs aufzuheben.
20150207             MERKEL und HOLLANDE seien für die ;;0900—IM, in MINSK festgelegte Linie, PUTIN für den aktuellen Frontverlauf gewesen.
20150207             —SEIT, DER—VEREINBARUNG—VON—MINSK haben DIE—SEPARATISTEN—CA—1.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER zusätzlich erobert
20150207             MERKEL, PUTIN und HOLLANDE sollen auch die Versorgung der Bevölkerung in der umkämpften Region und 1—POLITISCHE—LÖSUNG, insbesondere WAHLEN—IN—DEN Separatistengebieten, erörtert haben.
20150207             DIE—EU und DIE—UKRAINE wollen, dass Wahlen unter internationaler Beobachtung stattfinden.
20150207             RUSSLAND will, dass möglichst VIELE—FRAGEN in direkten Gesprächen KIEWs mit den "Volksrepubliken"Donezk und LUHANSK geregelt werden.
20150207             1 alleged audiotape aired on 1—BROTHERHOOD—ALLIED—TV—STATION in which EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI and 1—TOP—AIDE purportedly banter about how rich Persian Gulf Arabs are and add up the billions they intend to seek.
20150207             —RANGED, KENJI—EKUAN—WORKS, from 1—BULLET train to THE—RED—CAPPED Kikkoman soy sauce dispenser as familiar as the classic COCA—COLA bottle.
20150207             —KILLED, GEORGE—MUCHAI, was, alongside his 2—BODYGUARDS and 1—DRIVER—AFTER they stopped to buy 1—NEWSPAPER.
20150207             1—MEXICO—FEDERAL—JUDGE threw out a —5—YEAR, MONEY—LAUNDERING sentence for SANDRA—AVILA—BELTRAN, ordering the immediate release of the "QUEEN—OF—THE—PACIFIC" for her alleged role as 1—LIAISON between Mexican and COLOMBIA—DRUG—CARTELS.
20150207—19610000    —IN, 1—FORMER monk, Ekuan crafted 1—TABLETOP bottle for Kikkoman Corp., winning INTERNATIONAL popularity both for the handy, FLASK—SHAPED dispenser.
20150207—20150209    —CALLED, EL—SISSI, leaders of SAUDI—ARABIA, KUWAIT and THE—UAE, praising their wisdom and saying relations won't be undermined by "nefarious attempts" to do so.
20150207—20150411    —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—ELECTION—BODY—CHAIRMAN—ATTAHIRU Jega, that the presidential and parliamentary polls would be postponed from February 14 to 20150328             , —WHILE gubernatorial and state assembly elections would be held.
20160205—20160207    —ARRESTED, Princep was, in CAMBODIA and returned to THAILAND.
20160207             —CONDUCTED, THE—UNITED—STATES and its allies, 10—STRIKES against Islamic State militants in IRAQ and Syria.
20160207             —HOSTED, THE—SF—BAY—AREA, the 50. edition of the Super Bowl.
20160207             —UNIDENTIFIED, LIBYA, aircraft attacked THE—CITY—OF—DERNA —EARLY—TODAY, killing at least 4—PEOPLE including 1—WOMAN and her child.
20160207             —LAUNCHED, NORTH—KOREA, 1—LONG—RANGE—ROCKET carrying what it called 1—SATELLITE, but its neighbors and THE—USA denounced the launch as 1—MISSILE—TEST, conducted in DEFIANCE—OF—UN—SANCTIONS and —JUST weeks —AFTER 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB—TEST.
20160207             —ASKED, SRI—LANKA—ETHNIC—TAMIL leaders have, the top UN human rights official to help determine the fate of more than 4,000 civilians reported missing in the country's long civil war amid the new government's assertion that MOST—OF—THEM are probably dead.
20160207             —ENTERED, Aid trucks and ambulances, Syria from TURKEY to deliver food and supplies to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE fleeing 1—ESCALATING government ASSAULT—ON—ALEPPO, as air strikes targeted villages on the road north to THE—TURKEY—BORDER.
20160207             1—TOP—OFFICIAL in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said that his country is prepared to send ground troops to Syria to fight Islamic State militants as PART—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION.
20160207             —WOUNDED, At least 7—MILITANTS were left dead and another 9.
20160207             FLÜCHTLINGE auf der Balkanroute: 40—PROZENT—DER—NEUANKÖMMLINGE offenbar ohne Chance auf Asyl
20160207             —BRÜSKIERT, Weltgemeinschaft : KIM—JONG—UN lässt Langstreckenrakete abfeuern
20160207             USA—WAHL—KAMPF—DONALD—TRUMP will "höllisch schlimmere"Methoden als Waterboarding
20160207             TSCHECHIEN: BRAND—ANSCHLAG—AUF—LINKES Sozialzentrum in Prag
20160207             [l] Auch bei den USA—AMERIKANERN ist ja bekanntlich die Kernkraft sicher: Das AKW INDIA—POINT (NEW—YORK) hat 1.Familienpackung Tritium in das Grundwasser geleckt.
20160207             "—YESTERDAY I learned that radioactive TRITIUM—CONTAMINATED water leaked into the groundwater at THE—INDIA—POINT—NUCLEAR—FACILITY.
20160207             [l] 1—SACHE, die man immer und immer wieder sehen kann: WAHL—BETRUG funktioniert nicht bei Wahlen oder Aspekten 1—WAHL, in denen nur 1.Stimme abgegeben wurde.
20160207             —AKTUELL: Der 1.Typ hat für BERNIE—SANDERS gestimmt, aber der Bezirk wurde HILLARY zugeschlagen.
20160207             Rubio is acting like 1—OF—THOSE Star Trek robots that go all explodey —WHEN presented with 1—SIMPLE—CONTRADICTION in logic".
20160207             You think MARCO—RUBIO is robotic?
20160207             THE—SYRIA—CITY—OF—ALEPPO has been under THE—CONTROL—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA branch known as AL—NUSRA.
20160207             I remember —WHEN 1—ANALYSIS—OF "manufacturing consent"- how these narratives are shaped by THE—MEDIA—WOULD require books of several 100—PAGES (i.e.
20160207             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 0255—PM
20160207             Leading public and private INSTITUTION—IN—THE—S UK and THE—USA have been captured by the hard Right.
20160207             THE—PROBLEM with the progressives and the Left is that they mistakenly believe that if they name the process and call it out then public clamor will force 1—RETURN to sanity.
20160207             —ENDORSED, THE—IMF has, UKRAINE—DECISION to default on RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT—LOANS.
20160207             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 0543—PM
20160207             RAKETEN—TEST—IN—NORD—KOREA: DIE—EMPÖRUNG ist verlogen
20160207             —BEREITET, SÜD—KOREAS GEHEIM—DIENST: NORD—KOREA, offenbar neuen NUKLEAR—TEST vor
20160207             BAR—GELD—OBERGRENZEN im Ausland: Die Scheinlösung
20160207             VATIKAN: Päpstliche KINDERSCHUTZ—KOMMISSION wirft kritischen Aufklärer raus
20160207             IRAN—ROHANI macht sich für DIE—FRAUEN stark
20160207             —ZUKUNFT—DER—EU: DIE—BREXIT—FALLE
20160207             FLÜCHTLINGE aus ALEPPO: TÜRKEI hält DIE—GRENZE—ZU—SYRIEN verschlossen
20160207             Kontaminiertes Wasser: ZWISCHEN—FALL—IN—NEW—YORKER ATOM—KRAFT—WERK
20160207             Verfolgte CHRISTEN in CHINA: Behörden verhaften evangelischen Pfarrer
20160207             DER—KAPITALISMUS siegt sich zu Tode —, alle schauen betreten weg.
20160207             Aber wenn sogar die Superkapitalisten von GOLDMAN—SACHS daran zweifeln, daß DER—KAPITALISMUS in der gegenwärtigen Form besonders gut funktioniert, weil er in den westlichen Industriestaaten vor allem wachsende Ungleichheit PRODUZIERT—SIND dann auch DIE—FINANZMILLIONÄRE POPULISTEN?
20160207             Auch DONALD—TRUMP, heißt es, sei gegen "das Establishment", 1—WORT übrigens, das als Schimpfwort in den späten sechziger —JAHREN geboren wurde und —NUN als Trutzburg "des SYSTEMs"in umgekehrtem Sinn gebraucht wird.
20160207             1—ZEICHEN unserer Epoche: —POLITIK ohne Politik.
20160207             "Diese jungen Menschen", schreibt OWEN—JONES im "GUARDIAN", "sehen 1—LEBEN entgegen, das schlechter ist als das ihrer Eltern.
20160207             Es ist DAS—PRINZIP der LINKS—RECHTS—ARGUMENTATION, so wie sie im KALTER—KRIEG entstanden ist, als im Zuge 1—KRUDEN FASCHISMUStheorie gezeigt werden sollte, daß KOMMUNISMUS und NATIONAL—SOZIALISMUS im Grunde das Gleiche sind.
20160207             Das war 1.Analyse, die weder historisch noch politisch funktionierte, was aber nichts daran änderte, daß sie gern wiederholt wurde, in Feuilletons und bei SONNTAGsreden.
20160207             DIE—ZUKUNFT gehörte —SCHON immer DER—LINKEN. 1—KOLUMNE—VON—GEORG—DIEZ
20160207             HAUSHALT—GRIECHENLANDS Migrationsminister: "DEUTSCHLAND ist die Stimme der VERNUNFT in EUROPA"
20160207             Sturmwarnung: Karnevalsverein sagt MAINZer Rosenmontagszug ab
20160207             MERKEL bei ERDOGAN: Sie mag ihn nicht, sie braucht ihn aber
20160207             RASSISMUS beim Fasching: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT ermittelt wegen PANZER—MOTIVWAGEN
20160207             [l] Bleivergiftung ist IN—DEN—USA anscheinend ein viel größeres Problem und betrifft nicht bloß FLINT—MICHIGAN.
20160207             [l] 1—STÄDTCHEN in Südtexas, nahe der GRENZE—ZU—MEXIKO, hat mal eben praktisch ihre gesamte Regierung in den Knast geworfen.
20160207             That leaves —JUST 1—COUNCILMAN not facing FEDERAL—CHARGES in Crystal City, 1—TOWN—OF—ABOUT 7,100—PEOPLE about 50—MILES from THE—USA—MEXICO border.
20160207             Ich begrüße das.
20160207             [l] Die Bildqualität BRITISCHER—ÜBERWACHUNGS—KAMERAS kann man hier eindrucksvoll beobachten.
20160207             [l] DIE—USA—REPUBLIKANER sind ja traditionell "Law&Order"und "strong against crime"und so weiter, da verwundert es dann auch nicht weiter, wenn die sich im WAHL—KAMPF gegenseitig zu überbieten versuchen.
20160207             —ADOPTED, ALGERIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—PACKAGE—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFORMS that authorities say will strengthen democracy,
20160207             JAMAICA, gunfire left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD as ANDREW—HOLLNESS, leader of the oppositon JAMAICA Labour Party, spoke to supporters in Montego Bay.
20160207             —ARRESTED, MALDIVES police, 1—JUDGE and 1—FORMER—PROSECUTOR—GENERAL for issuing 1—ARREST—WARRANT for the country's PRESIDENT without the police requesting 1.
20160207             —LAUNCHED, NORTH—KOREA, 1—LONG—RANGE—ROCKET carrying what it called 1—SATELLITE,
20160207             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 6 suspected MEMBERS—OF—1—JIHADI cell linked to Islamic STATE—AND—JABHAT—AL—NUSRA militants —DURING raids in THE—EASTERN—PROVINCES—OF—VALENCIA and Alicante and in SPAIN—NORTH—AFRICA—ENCLAVE—OF—CEUTA.
20160207             —ENTERED, Aid trucks and ambulances, Syria from TURKEY to deliver food and supplies to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE fleeing 1—ESCALATING government ASSAULT—ON—ALEPPO,
20160207             —BATTLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants, EACH—OTHER in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ZINJIBAR controlled by the group,
20160207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said 1—POLICEMAN was, in 1—ROADSIDE bomb explosion in Puli Alim, THE—CAPITAL—OF—LOGAR province.
20160207             8—OTHERS were wounded in the attack including head provincial judge, Haqiq Rahman, and THE—HEAD—OF—THE—CITY—APPEALS—COURT, ABDUL—RAHMAN, as well as 2—OTHER—JUDGES and 4—CIVILIANS.
20160207             —ADOPTED, ALGERIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—PACKAGE—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—REFORMS that authorities say will strengthen democracy, but opponents doubt it will bring real change.
20160207             —LIMITED, The new constitution, presidents to —10—YEAR—TERMS.
20160207             —STABBED, ISRAEL—,1—SUDAN—MIGRANT, and wounded 1—SOLDIER in 1—APPARENT—ACT—OF—SOLIDARITY with Palestinians and was shot dead.
20160207             45—PRO—REGIME—FIGHTERS killed by gunfire and another 31 killed —WHEN landmines were detonated —DURING clashes near DAMASCUS.
20160207             —BATTLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, AL—QAIDA militants, EACH—OTHER in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ZINJIBAR controlled by the group, in what appeared to be 1—INTERNAL—POWER—STRUGGLE that erupted —AFTER 1—SENIOR—MILITANT was killed in 1—USA—DRONE—STRIKE.
20160803—20160207    —ON, he was sentenced to be detained indefinitely at 1—MENTAL—HOSPITAL.
20161205—20160207    —DECLARED, OPS, that he had been unfairly forced from OFFICE—BY—SASIKALA.
20170202—20170207    —ON, his wife said he suffered from "acute poisoning" by 1—UNKNOWN—SUBSTANCE, —2—YEARS—AFTER 1 suspected poisoning nearly killed him.
20170207             USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said Jermine Prosper (39), native of GUYANA, was sentenced —LAST—WEEK to —5—YEARS in FEDERAL—PRISON—AFTER pleading guilty to smuggling DOZENS—OF—GUNS.
20170207             —PURCHASED, He had legally, about 50—GUNS in THE—ATLANTA and smuggled them in shipping barrels to GUYANA, where they were sold on the streets.
20170207             —STOPPED, RELEASE—OF—WATER was, and engineers found 1—MASSIVE crater in the spillway.
20170207             —REBUKED, MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR—ELIZABETH—WARREN (D) was, by the Senate for 1—READING a 19860000             letter by Coretta SCOTT—KING that dated to ALABAMA SENATOR—JEFF—SESSIONS' failed judicial nomination.
20170207             THE—SENATE was debating Sessions' nomination for ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20170207             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE soon, responsibility.
20170207             BRAZIL—FEDERAL—TROOPS began to reestablish control over THE—STATE—OF—ESPIRITO—SANTO, where SCORES—OF—PEOPLE are reported to have been killed —SINCE the police went on strike.
20170207             Brexit MINISTER—DAVID—JONES told THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS that PARLIAMENT would get to approve the deal "—BEFORE it is concluded" and —BEFORE the European PARLIAMENT votes on it.
20170207             —APPOINTED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 19—INTERNATIONAL—JUDGES to 1—SPECIAL—COURT that will prosecute ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS for crimes —DURING and —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER KOSOVO—WAR for INDEPENDENCE (19980000—20000000    ).
20170207             THE—KOSOVO—SPECIALIST—CHAMBERS judges come from 12—EU countries and THE—USA—AND—CANADA.
20170207             —APPEARED, They, to be angling for 1—DEAL with the government along the lines of 1—STRUCK with mutinous soldiers in January that offered SOME—OF—THEM large 1—OFF lump sum payments.
20170207             —ADOPTED, USA superstar Madonna, twin girls in MALAWI, raising to 4 the total NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN she has adopted from THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION.
20170207             —SAVED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, the life of 1—YOUNG—WOMAN strapped with explosives and killed another suicide bomber, apparently primed by Boko Haram Islamic extremists to attack THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20170207             —CALLED, PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS, 1—NEW—ISRAEL—LAW legalizing DOZENS—OF—JEWISH outposts built on private PALESTINE—LAND an "attack against our people".
20170207             —ANNOUNCED, PERU—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, he would seek THE—ARREST—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALEJANDRO—TOLEDO (20010000—20060000    ) on CHARGES—OF—LAUNDERING—OF—ASSETS and influence trafficking.
20170207             —BERATED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, 228—POLICEMEN accused of 1—VARIETY—OF—OFFENSES, threatening on national television that he would send them to 1—SOUTHERN—ISLAND to fight militants dreaded for beheading captives.
20170207             —KILLED, SYRIA, air strikes on AL—QAEDA—FORMER affiliate, 26—PEOPLE including 16—CIVILIANS in Idlib city.
20170207             The headquarters of Fateh AL—SHAM—FRONT and the surrounding neighborhood were battered by at least 10—STRIKES at dawn.
20170207             —TITLED, The damning report was, "Human Slaughterhouse: Mass hanging and extermination at Saydnaya prison".
20170207             —APPROVED, THAILAND—CABINET, measures worth $1—BILLION to help farmers in its FLOOD—HIT south.
20170207             1—THAILAND—COURT—SENTENCED—AUSTRALIAN—ANTONIO—BAGNATO, —28—JAHRE—ALT to death for THE—MURDER—OF—1—COUNTRYMAN who was 1 alleged confederate in 1—DRUG smuggling gang.
20170207             [l] 1—GLÜCK, daß Petitionen ZEITVERSCHWENDUNGS—BULLSHIT sind.
20170207             Declare ANTIFA a TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION
20170207             Und hey, wieso sollten BULLSHIT—PETITIONS—SITES nicht auch von Idioten aus dem rechten Spektrum "genutzt"werden.
20170207             Fiona Quintero startete diese Petition mit 1—EINZELNEN Unterschrift und hat —NUN 60.794—UNTERSTÜTZER/innen.
20170207             Fiona QUINTERO—THE—LONG, long con
20170207             DONALD—TRUMP has made the astounding claim that the major media are covering up terror events in order to protect ISLAM.
20170207             —DECLARED, Incidentally, ALEX—JONES has, his willingness to die for DONALD—TRUMP.
20170207             DONALD—TRUMP is so FIRE—BREATHING, so energetic, so cunning, so real, and he's having results so amazing that it —JUST makes me endeared to DONALD—TRUMP — I'm ready to die for DONALD—TRUMP, at this point.
20170207             Jones is channeling RUDOLF—HESS in Triumph of the Will: "HITLER is GERMANY as GERMANY is HITLER!"
20170207             "Hart aber fair"zu DONALD—TRUMP: "Der ANGST—FORSCHER hat Angst"
20170207             —STREIT—UM—EINREISE—DEKRET: Berufungsgericht setzt Anhörung an
20170207             —KAMPF—GEGEN—SOZIAL—BETRUG: BAMF—CHEFIN fordert Fingerabdrücke von allen FLÜCHTLINGEn
20170207             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, USA—WEIßES—HAUS, Liste angeblicher DES—INFORMATION
20170207             MASSEN—PROTEST—GEGEN—DIE—REGIERUNG: Den Rumänen reicht's
20170207             BRASILIEN: UR—EINWOHNER rodeten Wald für PALMEN—PFLANZEN
20170207             —AFFÄRE—UM—WAHL—KAMPFFINANZEN: SARKOZY muss vor Gericht
20170207             SIGN THIS: Declare ANTIFA 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION | Claps News
20170207             —VOR, —1—TAG—IN wake of THE—BERKELEY riots, Fiona Quintero, has started 1—PETITION on Change org to ask THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, DONALD—TRUMP...
20170207             Konjunktur: PRODUKTION sinkt so stark wie —SEIT—DER—FINANZ—KRISE nicht mehr
20170207             Dunkelflaute: Ist —DER—WINTER wirklich zu düster für den Ökostrom?
20170207             250—BEAMTE im Einsatz: GROß—RAZZIA—GEGEN—"REICHS—BÜRGER"in mehreren BUNDES—LÄNDERN
20170207             SCHWEIZER—ALPEN: Der Permafrost taut
20170207             In den SCHWEIZER—ALPEN wird der Permafrost genannte Dauerfrostboden immer wärmer.
20170207             —AM, Gipfel des Stockhorns bei Zermatt auf 3400—METERN Höhe sei die Bodentemperatur in der Tiefe von minus 2,6 Grad
20170207             Angesichts der MEHRHEIT—DER REPUBLIKANER im Kongress sind die Möglichkeiten der DEMOKRATEN, DONALD—TRUMP—POLITIK zu beeinflussen, begrenzt.
20170207             —VOR, der Wahl HATTEN—CA—400.000—MENSCHEN IN—DEN—USA 1—MITGLIEDSAUSWEIS, PRO—JAHR nahm DIE—ORGANISATION über ihre Website zwischen dreieinhalb und 5.000.000—DOLLAR Spenden ein.
20170207             Mittlerweile sind es eigenen Angaben zufolge mehr als 1.000.000—MITGLIEDER.
20170207             Allein an dem Wochenende, —NACHDEM DONALD—TRUMP das umstrittene EINREISE—VERBOT erließ, gingen 24.000.000—DOLLAR an Zuwendungen ein.
20170207             Der GROßTEIL—DER—SPENDER hat noch nie zuvor an DIE—ACLU gespendet.
20170207             Unternehmen wie GOOGLE und GRÜNDER—AUS—DEM—SILICON—VALLEY spendeten, die ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION kündigte offiziell finanzielle Unterstützung an.
20170207             —SEIT—GRÜNDUNG 19200000             hat sie sich so für die Rechte von Homosexuellen und Indigenen eingesetzt.
20170207             "VERFASSUNGS—RECHTE müssen selbst den unpopulärsten Gruppen zustehen, wenn sie für alle bewahrt werden sollen".
20170207             Das führte dazu, daß sie auch für die Rechte umstrittener Gruppen wie des RECHTS—RADIKALEN KU—KLUX—KLAN oder AMERIKANISCHER—NEONAZIS vor Gericht zog.
20170207             MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT, die Rechte von Immigranten und Muslimen, und die ABTREIBUNGS—POLITIK—ALL dies werde auf einmal angegangen.
20170207             Als sich im vergangenen —SOMMER abzeichnete, daß DONALD—TRUMP—DER—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT DER—USA—REPUBLIKANER würde, fingen ACLU—MIT—ARBEITER an, seine Statements und politischen Vorhaben zu untersuchen.
20170207             "Unsere MIT—ARBEITER und AKTIVISTen in allen STAATEN, Tausende Freiwillige und Millionen Unterstützer sind bereit, gegen jeden EINGRIFF—IN—UNSERE geschätzte Freiheit und Rechte zu kämpfen".
20170207             Kanye West und DONALD—TRUMP: Es war einmal
20170207             Journalismus: "Okay, FRAU—MERKEL, das schreib ich so!"
20170207             LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: POLENs schwarze ZUKUNFT
20170207             Telefonat mit MERKEL: PUTIN will neue UKRAINE—GESPRÄCHE
20170207             Devisenreserven: CHINAs Währungsschatz fällt unter 3—BILLIONEN $
20170207             Rückstellungen für ATOM—AUSSTIEG: Vattenfall macht MILLIARDEN—VERLUST
20170207             —REAKTION—AUF—GEFAHR: Gecko macht sich nackig
20170207             STEUERärger: DEUTSCHE—BANK—MANAGER in ISRAEL festgenommen
20170207             DONALD—TRUMP und das #Bathrobegate: "NATÜRLICH hat DONALD—TRUMP 1—BADEMANTEL"
20170207             BUNDES—AMT—FÜR—NATUR—SCHUTZ, Windräder im Wald gefährden Fledermäuse
20170207             GOOGLE—VERSUS—DONALD—TRUMP—AMERIKA: Wenn Demokratien kippen
20170207             DROGEN—HANDEL in Burma : Buddhistischer Mönch mit 4.500.000 METH—PILLEN erwischt
20170207             Zugeständnis: PARLAMENT darf vor EU über BREXIT abstimmen
20170207             Kind durch LUFTDRUCK—WAFFE verletzt: Unbekannter schießt auf dreijährigen FLÜCHTLINGsjungen
20170207             USA—NEWSBLOG, Patt im SENAT—PENCE macht DeVos zur BILDUNGS—MINISTERIN
20170207             HILLARY—CLINTON in Videobotschaft: "DIE—ZUKUNFT ist weiblich"
20170207             [l] DIE—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT wird wohl diese —WOCHE ANKLAGE—GEGEN—EINEN NSA—CONTRACTOR erheben.
20170207             —CLASSIFIED, Myers said Martin took "MANY—THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES" of, material as well as 50?terabytes of digital data, much of which has "special handling caveats".
20170207             50—TB?
20170207             SOME—USA—OFFICIALS said that Martin allegedly made off with MORE—THAN—75?—PERCENT—OF—TAO—LIBRARY—OF hacking tools — 1—ALLEGATION which, if true, would be 1—STUNNING BREACH—OF—SECURITY.
20170207             Au weia, was für 1—TOTALSCHADEN.
20170207             [l] Auf Harvard sollte man wohl in Wirtschaftsdingen lieber nicht mehr hören, speziell wenn es um Investmentitionen geht.
20170207             —RAISED, HARVARD—UNIVERSITY, $1.2::00.000.000—FROM donations, 1—RECORD for THE—WORLD—RICHEST—COLLEGE.
20170207             [l] CHINA hat so große ANGST—VOR—1—HANDELS—KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—USA, daß sie —JETZT—SCHON die KALTER—KRIEG—GEGENSEITIGE—ABSCHRECKUNG—RHETORIK aus dem Giftschrank holen.
20170207             Irgendwie fühlt sich DIE—BEDROHUNG ja —BISHER, wenig substantiell an.
20170207             [l] Ich bin ja ein großer Freund von Euphemismen, besonders so BÜROKRATIE—TARNNAMEN.
20170207             Aber was DER—BND kann, können DIE—BRITEN natürlich auch:
20170207             1—INQUIRY into THE—KONFLIKT, stability and security fund (CSSF) described it as "opaque" and said THE—GOVERNMENT had failed to provide enough evidence to scrutinise the fund effectively.
20170207             —GEGANGEN, Hahaha, du weißt, daß du zu weit, bist mit deinem Bullshit, wenn dich das "joint COMMITTEE—ON—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY strategy"wegen mangelnder Transparenz kritisiert ?
20170207             [l] Nur nur DER—BND hat DDR—WITZE gesammelt, auch DIE—CIA hat RUSSENwitze gesammelt!
20170207             [l] BELGISCHE—BEHÖRDEN verscheuern alte Rechner, ohne vorher die Platten genullt zu haben.
20170207             —PASSIERT, Ist gerade in BELGIEN wieder, es geht um das für FLÜCHTLINGE und STAATENlose zuständige Amt (Commissariat Général aux Réfugiés et aux Apatrides (CGRA)).
20170207             [l] DONALD—TRUMP hat OBAMA und BUSH geschlagen — auf dem Rennen zum Golfplatz.
20170207             BESUCH—IN—WARSCHAU: MERKEL hält EU—RÜCKBAU für unrealistisch
20170207             —NEUE— USA—BILDUNGS—MINISTERIN: Betsy DeVos schafft es nur mit HILFE—VON—MIKE—PENCE
20170207             Umstrittenes Gesetz: RUSSLAND lockert Strafen für häusliche Gewalt
20170207             —KASSIERT, PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN—IN—FRANKREICH: Fillons Frau soll noch mehr Geld, haben
20170207             VICE—PRESIDENT—THOMAS—PENCE cast his vote to confirm charter school advocate Betsy DeVos as USA—EDUCATION—SECRETARY breaking a 50—50—SENATE tie.
20170207             USA—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said Jermine Prosper (39), native of GUYANA,
20170207             THE—USA—ARMY said that it will allow the $3.8—BILLION DAKOTA—ACCESS—OIL—PIPELINE to cross under 1—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER reservoir in NORTH—DAKOTA.
20170207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 22—PEOPLE were, in 1—BOMB—BLAST outside THE—SUPREME—COURT in the center of KABUL,
20170207             BRAZIL—FEDERAL—TROOPS began to reestablish control over THE—STATE—OF—ESPIRITO Santo,
20170207             COLOMBIA opens peace talks with its last active rebel group,
20170207             —ORDERED, FORMER—FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY was, to stand trial in 1—INQUIRY into alleged campaign finance fraud —DURING his failed 20120000             RE—ELECTION—BID.
20170207             —TORCHED, GANGS—OF—FRANCE—YOUTHS, cars and bins in 1—SHOWDOWN with police in 1—NORTH—PARIS suburb overnight in 1—GRIM—REMINDER—OF—THE simmering tension that sparked weeks of more serious rioting in the area —1—DECADE—AGO.
20170207             Jovenel Moise (48) was sworn as HAITI—58. PRESIDENT,
20170207             —FIRED, IVORY—COAST—SPECIAL—FORCES—TROOPS, in the air in towns in the north and SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY,
20170207             —SAVED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, the life of 1—YOUNG—WOMAN strapped with explosives and killed another suicide bomber,
20170207             ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS told lawmakers the country is in a "FULLY—FLEDGED" political crisis,
20170207             —ORDERED, TANZANIA—DEPUTY—MINISTER—OF—HEALTH said he has, the arrest of 3—MEN accused of promoting homosexuality.
20170207             † His predecessor,
20170207             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 22—PEOPLE were, in 1—BOMB—BLAST outside THE—SUPREME—COURT in the center of KABUL, in what appeared to be the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS on the judiciary.
20170207             COLOMBIA opens peace talks with its last active rebel group, THE—ELN, seeking to replicate its historic accord with THE—FARC guerrillas and deliver "complete peace" —AFTER—53—YEARS—OF—WAR.
20170207             Jovenel Moise (48) was sworn as HAITI—58. PRESIDENT, ending 1 protracted electoral crisis that had created 1—VACUUM—OF—POWER in the impoverished, DISASTER—PRONE—CARIBBEAN nation.
20170207             —FIRED, IVORY—COAST—SPECIAL—FORCES—TROOPS, in the air in towns in the north and SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, weeks —AFTER soldiers and security forces mutinied over pay in THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION.
20170207             ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS told lawmakers the country is in a "FULLY—FLEDGED" political crisis, —AFTER HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS demonstrated against 1—GOVERNMENT—MEASURE that would weaken the country's ANTI—CORRUPTION—DRIVE.
20170207             —ACCUSED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—OF hanging up to 13,000—PEOPLE at 1—NOTORIOUS—PRISON over —5—YEARS in a "POLICY—OF—EXTERMINATION", 20110000—20150000    —BETWEEN.
20170207—20130000    —IN, His predecessor † at age 100.
20170207—20151100    —IN, He was found GUILTY—OF—KILLING—FORMER—HELLS—ANGELS member WAYNE—SCHNEIDER —AFTER he and accomplices beat and kidnapped the victim from his luxury villa in the Pattaya resort area.
20170207—20170202    —ON, It was the 3. NIGHT—OF—TENSION—SINCE 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were suspended pending 1—INQUIRY into accusations they had used excessive force —WHILE arresting a —22—YEAR—OLD—MAN there, including shoving 1—BATON into his anus.
20170207—20170204    —STOPPED, Police, patrolling and criminals quickly ran amok.
20180207             She held the floor for more than —8—HOURS.
20180207             CALIFORNIA officials sent 1—FORMAL—LETTER to THE—BUREAU—OF—OCEAN—ENERGY—MANAGEMENT demanding that the Pacific coast be removed from 1—PROGRAM to vastly increase offshore oil drilling in THE—USA.
20180207             LOS—ANGELES biotech entrepreneur DOCTOR—PATRICK—SOON—SHIONG, —65—JAHRE—ALT agreed to buy the L.A. Times from CHICAGO—BASED Tronc INCORPORATED for $500—MILLION.
20180207             —REVERSED, The decision, a 20170000             court ruling legalizing gay marriage.
20180207             —LAUNCHED, LONDON—BASED AON—SECURITIES said the World Bank has, a $1.4—BILLION catastrophe bond covering Latin USA—EARTHQUAKES, the largest earthquake catastrophe bond on record.
20180207             THE—MULTI—TRANCHE bond would provide earthquake relief for CHILE, COLOMBIA, MEXICO and PERU.
20180207             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL, police and military forces said they have, 23—PEOPLE in 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS over the last —2—DAYS in VIOLENCE—PLAGUED parts of RIO—DE—JANEIRO —2—DAYS—BEFORE the city's famed Carnival celebrations.
20180207             —ADMITTED, JON—VENABLES, 1—OF—BRITAIN—MOST notorious killers, to having more than a 1000—INDECENT IMAGES—OF—CHILDREN.
20180207             1—COURT—IN—CAMBODIA allowed the release on bail of 7—WESTERNERS who were arrested —LAST—MONTH for allegedly posting photos on social media of themselves engaged in sexually suggestive dancing.
20180207             3—OTHER—PEOPLE remained in detention.
20180207             Officials said THE—RAFAH crossing point would operate —FOR—3—DAYS on 1—HUMANITARIAN—BASIS.
20180207             —REJECTED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LAWMAKERS, 1—PROPOSAL for PAN—EU LISTS—OF—CANDIDATES for seats in the European PARLIAMENT, but FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said he would continue to press for such transnational lists.
20180207             —RULED, The judge, that policeman TITUS—MUSILA should have arrested KENNETH—MWANGI, whom he believed had stolen 1—MOBILE—PHONE, INSTEAD—OF—SHOOTING him 3—TIMES in the head.
20180207             Embattled MALDIVES PRESIDENT—ABDULLA—YAMEEN sent envoys to friendly nations such as CHINA, PAKISTAN and SAUDI—ARABIA to brief them on 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS in THE—INDIA—OCEAN nation that spurred the imposition of 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20180207             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES, JOSE—MARIA—GUIZAR—VALENCIA, the alleged leader of the zetas drug cartel.
20180207             Guizar VALENCIA, 1—DUAL—USA—MEXICO—CITIZEN, was arrested in MEXICO—CITY.
20180207             1—PAKISTAN—COURT sentenced 1—MAN to death and convicted 30—OTHERS over the lynching of a —23—YEAR—OLD—UNIVERSITY—STUDENT who was falsely accused of blasphemy.
20180207             —ARRESTED, Police in PAKISTAN said they have, 2—TEENAGERS suspected in the murder of a —4—YEAR—OLD—GIRL—LAST—MONTH.
20180207             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 2—WORKERS were, —AFTER 1—SECTION—OF—SIBANYE—STILLWATER—KLOOF gold mine collapsed.
20180207             SOUTH—KOREA, a 229-member strong, ALL—FEMALE cheering section arrived from NORTH—KOREA for the Pyeongchang —WINTER Olympics.
20180207             Sources —LATER said about 100—RUSSIA—MILITARY—CONTRACTORS were killed in the Deir AL—ZOR battle.
20180207             —ACKNOWLEDGED, RUSSIA —LATER, that at least 5—OF—ITS—CITIZENS may have been killed.
20180207             —RECRUITED, THE—KREMLIN—LINKED private military organization that, the fighters returned bodies more than —7—WEEKS—AFTER the battle and with official documents bearing details that people who knew them say were incorrect.
20180207             —ACQUITTED, Another 100—DEFENDANTS were.
20180207             1—SENIOR—TURKEY—OFFICIAL said that the country has fulfilled all 72—REQUIREMENTS set by THE—EU to secure VISA—FREE—TRAVEL for TURKEY—CITIZENS to the 28-nation bloc.
20180207             —CALLED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS top human rights official, on THE—MALDIVES government to —IMMEDIATELY lift THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY imposed —2—DAYS—AGO, calling it to "1—ALL—OUT ASSAULT—ON—DEMOCRACY".
20180207             [l] EX—CIA—DIREKTOR Brennan arbeitet —JETZT für CNBC
20180207             —BESTIMMT, Das wird, voll fair and balanced, seine BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG.
20180207             Übergangsphase nach BREXIT: EU will GROß—BRITANNIEN abstrafen können
20180207             JULIAN—ASSANGE: BRITISCHE—JUSTIZ hält Haftbefehl aufrecht
20180207             Anweisung ans PENTAGON: DONALD—TRUMP gibt eigene MILITÄR—PARADE in Auftrag
20180207             —GERECHNET, KRITIK—AN—BUNDES—REGIERUNG: "Arme Familien wurden reicher, als sie sind"
20180207             Verwaltungsrichter: Bewältigung der Asylklagen wird noch —JAHRE dauern
20180207             HAUSHALTS—STREIT IN—DEN—USA: Einigung im SENAT greifbar, doch USA—PRÄSIDENT fabuliert über "Shutdown"
20180207             Elon Musks "Falcon Heavy"-Rakete: Willkommen in der ZUKUNFT
20180207             NIEDERSACHSENs JUSTIZ—MINISTERIN Havliza: "Präventivhaft ist mit dem GRUND—GESETZ vereinbar"
20180207             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ISRAEL greift Ziel nahe DAMASKUS an
20180207             USA—SHERIFF nach tödlicher Verfolgungsjagd: "Ich liebe diesen Scheiß, da blühe ich richtig auf"
20180207             —INTERVIEW—MIT—VIRGINIE Despentes: "Alles Körperliche ist schmutzig geworden, man schämt sich dafür"
20180207             USA—MEDIEN: AUFRUHR beim Magazin "NEWSWEEK"
20180207             —10—JAHRE RAUM—LABOR "COLUMBUS": Wie ASTRONAUT—SCHLEGEL seinen wichtigsten —EINSATZ verpasste
20180207             Vergleich: DONALD—TRUMP zahlt 25.000.000—DOLLAR an Absolventen seiner "UNIVERSITÄT"(Leben und Lernen, 12:39)
20180207             Emeritierter PAPA BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA: "Langsames Schwinden der Körperkräfte"
20180207             NORD—KOREA, USA—VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—PENCE kündigt "härteste und aggressivste Sanktionen"an
20180207             QUENTIN—TARANTINO über ROMAN—POLANSKI: "Das ist keine Vergewaltigung, Sie wollte es auch"
20180207             —ZEITZEUGEN im Gespräch: "DIE—TRÜMMER waren 1—ABENTEUERSPIELPLATZ"
20180207             USA—ARMUTSFOTOGRAFIN Danna Singer: AMERIKA—GANZ unten
20180207             SÜD—SUDAN: REBELLEN lassen 250—KINDERSOLDATEN frei
20180207             INDONESIEN: ORANG—UTAN mit 130—SCHÜSSEN niedergestreckt
20180207             "Es war völlig widersinnig: Wenn uns da 1 1.Panzerfaust in die Hand gedrückt hätte, wären wir losmarschiert
20180207             1—WICHTIGER Bestandteil dieser Erinnerungen: die Ruinen der zerbombten Städte als Ort, an dem DIE—KINDER den größten Teil ihrer Freizeit verbrachten
20180207             —VERBRACHT, JEDE—FREIE—MINUTE hätten sie und ihre Freundinnen dort : "Wir haben alles Mögliche gesammelt und uns aus Kacheln 1.Küche gebaut
20180207             ALLE—MÖGLICHEN—SCHÄTZE habe man —DAMALS, finden können, sagt SCHULZ
20180207             —BEGEHRT, Gefundene Munition war bei den Kindern, —, gefährlich.
20180207             NATÜRLICH—SIE starben aber aus.
20180207             mit dem Start der "Falcon Heavy"hat tatsächlich ein neues Kapitel der Raumfahrt begonnen.
20180207             Bei dem 90-minütigen TREFFEN—MIT—MITARBEITERN behauptete Davis laut Zeugenaussagen, nichts davon gewusst zu haben, dass
20180207             BOB—ROE und KENNETH—LI 1—TEAM—VON—REPORTERN und Redakteuren damit beauftragt hatten, mögliche finanzielle Verbindungen zwischen 1—CHRISTLICHEN Kirche und dem Verlag zu untersuchen.
20180207             Davis, auch Miteigentümer der NMG, ist selbst Mitglied besagter Kirche.
20180207             WELT—RAUMWETTER: Forscher lösen Rätsel der Sonnenstürme
20180207             —GEHÖRT, SCHULZ über Nahles: "An die Spitze der SPD, nach —153—JAHREN 1.Frau"
20180207             —VERLIERT, Vorwürfe häuslicher Gewalt: DONALD—TRUMP, engen MIT—ARBEITER
20180207             [l] DIE—POLIZEI, dein Freund und Helfer:
20180207             Also, äh, mit kriminellen Cops, um genau zu sein.
20180207             [l] DATEN—REICHTUM—BEI—DER Swisscom!
20180207             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, indictments against 36—PEOPLE accused of being active in the Infraud Organization — founded
20180207             —RESIGNED, ROB—PORTER, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—STAFF—SECRETARY, —FOLLOWING allegations of domestic abuse by 2—OF—HIS—EX—WIVES.
20180207             —MOUNTED, USA—HOUSE—MINORITY—LEADER—NANCY Pelosi, a 1—WOMAN filibuster on the House floor demanding that Republicans allow 1—OPEN—DEBATE on legislation to protect young immigrants and potentially derailing GOP efforts to pass 1—BIPARTISAN deal on spending.
20180207             —BY the Senate and HOUSE—OF—ASSEMBLY.
20180207             —LAUNCHED, LONDON—BASED AON—SECURITIES said the World Bank has, a $1.4—BILLION catastrophe bond covering Latin USA—EARTHQUAKES,
20180207             —CONFIRMED, BRAZIL—HEALTH—MINISTRY, more than 350—CASES—OF—YELLOW fever as infections pick up steam in the state at the center of the last outbreak.
20180207             —FACED, UK—SUPERMARKET chain Tesco, legal claims that it is paying women less than men for work of equal value,
20180207             COLOMBIA—ELN rebel group said it would hold a —3—DAY—NATIONAL blockade beginning over the weekend to protest the government's SUSPENSION—OF—PEACE—NEGOTIATIONS, and urged Colombians to avoid travel.
20180207             —OPENED, EGYPT—OFFICIALS, the border with THE—GAZA—STRIP for THE 1. time —THIS—YEAR.
20180207             —VOTED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, to dismiss 1—OF—ITS—VICE—PRESIDENTS,
20180207             FRANCE said THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—LIKELY used chlorine gas in its latest attacks on REBEL—HELD areas.
20180207             —PROTESTED, ISRAEL, THOUSANDS—OF—AFRICA—ASYLUM—SEEKERS, outside THE—RWANDA—EMBASSY, calling on THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY not to cooperate with 1—ISRAEL—PLAN to deport them.
20180207             —DEPORTED, KENYA—AUTHORITIES overnight, lawyer Miguna Miguna,
20180207             1—KENYA—COURT convicted 1—POLICEMAN—OF murdering 1 suspected thief
20180207             LEBANON—HIGHER—DEFENCE—COUNCIL gave orders to prevent ISRAEL from building 1—BORDER—WALL on LEBANON—LAND,
20180207             Embattled MALDIVES PRESIDENT—ABDULLA—YAMEEN sent envoys to friendly nations such as CHINA,
20180207             —LAUNCHED, SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said new airstrikes, by Russian and SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES on 1—BESIEGED—REBEL—HELD region EAST—OF—DAMASCUS killed 23—CIVILIANS including 5—CHILDREN.
20180207             —SIGNED, BERMUDA—UK—APPOINTED—GOVERNOR, JOHN—RANKIN, into law legislation replacing SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE with domestic partnerships passed in December by the Senate and HOUSE—OF—ASSEMBLY.
20180207             —FACED, UK—SUPERMARKET chain Tesco, legal claims that it is paying women less than men for work of equal value, in 1—CASE that lawyers estimate could ultimately cost it as much as 4—BILLION pounds ($5.6—BILLION) in compensation payments.
20180207             —VOTED, THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT, to dismiss 1—OF—ITS vice presidents, RYSZARD—CZARNECKI—OF—POLAND, —AFTER he compared 1—RIVAL—POLAND—PARLIAMENT—MEMBER to 1—NAZI collaborator.
20180207             —HANDED, Merkel, her Social Democrat (SPD) coalition partners CONTROL—OF—THE—FINANCE—MINISTRY, giving them license to spend 1—RECORD—BUDGET—SURPLUS, and embracing their demands for European reform.
20180207             —DEPORTED, KENYA—AUTHORITIES overnight, lawyer Miguna Miguna, charged with treason for attending the symbolic presidential INAUGURATION—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—RAILA Odinga, prompting 1—RARE rebuke from THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE who accused the government of defying court orders.
20180207             LEBANON—HIGHER—DEFENCE—COUNCIL gave orders to prevent ISRAEL from building 1—BORDER—WALL on LEBANON—LAND, amid rising tensions over land and maritime boundaries.
20180207             LIBYA, 1—MILITARY—SOURCE said that LIBYA—COMMANDER—MAHMOUD—AL—WERFALLI, sought by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC) over the alleged summary EXECUTION—OF—DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, has handed himself in to the military police in EAST—LIBYA.
20180207             SYRIA, about 300—MEN working for 1—KREMLIN—LINKED—RUSSIA—PRIVATE—MILITARY—FIRM were either killed or injured near Deir AL—ZOR as USA—LED coalition forces attacked forces aligned with MOSCOW—ALLY.
20180207—19930000    —IN, he murdered —2—YEAR—OLD—JAMES—BULGER—WHEN he was only 10—HIMSELF.
20180207—20100000    —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, indictments against 36—PEOPLE accused of being active in the Infraud Organization — founded and operated under the slogan "In Fraud We Trust" — which was 1—ANONYMOUS online forum that the department described as a "1—STOP shop for cybercriminals".
20180207—20130000    —IN, 1—KENYA—COURT convicted 1—POLICEMAN—OF murdering 1 suspected thief in 1—RARE—VICTORY for the independent police watchdog that brought the case.
20180207—20160000    —IN, 1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced 64—MILITARY—ACADEMY—OFFICERS and trainees to life in prison for involvement in 1 failed military coup.
20180207—20160400    —KILLED, MOHAMMAD—MASHAL—KHAN was, by 1—MOB on his university campus over rumors, which —LATER proved to be unfounded.
20180207—20180202    —ON, LIBYA, 1—EMBASSY official said about 20—PEOPLE, including 8—PAKISTANIS, feared to have drowned on 1—BOAT that sank off LIBYA were brought back to shore by smugglers and were being held at 1—UNKNOWN—LOCATION.
20180207—20400000    —BY, 1—FEASIBILITY—STUDY by ESTONIA and FINLAND said the world's longest undersea rail tunnel (103—KMS) between THE—2—COUNTRIES could cost up to 20—BILLION euros ($24.7—BILLION) and be opened for traffic.
20190207             —REBUKED, THE—UNITED—STATES sharply, GERMANY for deporting Adem Yilmaz, 1—WANTED—ISLAMIC—MILITANT, to TURKEY instead of extraditing him to NEW—YORK to stand trial on TERROR—RELATED charges.
20190207             —CHARGED, He has been, by 1—USA—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY with conspiring to carry out a 20080303             , suicide bombing in AFGHANISTAN, which left 2—USA—SOLDIERS—DEAD and 11—OTHERS injured.
20190207             —VOTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 5-4 to stop LOUISIANA from requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
20190207             —PUBLISHED, The tabloid had, 1—STORY—OF his extramarital affair —LAST—MONTH.
20190207             THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—BOSNIA—AUTONOMOUS—SERBIA—REPUBLIC set up panels to RE—EXAMINE THE—NUMBER—OF—VICTIMS in Srebrenica and SARAJEVO —DURING Bosnia's 19920000—19950000     war, 1—MOVE—WESTERN—COUNTRIES viewed as 1—PUSH to revise history.
20190207             —KILLED, BRAZIL, torrential downpours and strong winds, at least 5—PEOPLE and left 1—TRAIL—OF—DESTRUCTION in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20190207             † UNITED—KINGDOM—WRITER—ROSAMUNDE Pilcher (94) overnight in SCOTLAND.
20190207             UNITED—KINGDOM—WRITER wrote more than 12—NOVELS including the family SAGA "THE—SHELL—SEEKERS" (19870000             ), which sold MILLIONS—OF—COPIES—AROUND the world.
20190207             CHAD—PRESIDENT—IDRISS—DEBY said 1—COLUMN—OF—REBELS which had sought to cross into the country from LIBYA had been "destroyed" in 1—SERIES—OF—STRIKES carried out by FRANCE—WARPLANES.
20190207             THE—FRANCE—MILITARY has said Mirage 20000000             jets struck 1 armed convoy on —3—DAYS—THIS—WEEK, destroying about 20—OF—ROUGHLY 50—PICKUP trucks.
20190207             —GRABBED, THE—FORMER—MISS—COSTA—RICA said he "" her head and pulled her close to him —BEFORE "he touched my breasts over my clothes and then gave me 1—KISS against my will".
20190207             1—DENMARK—COURT sentenced a —36—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN to —4—YEARS in jail for having drained 500—MILLILITERS (more than 1—PINT) of blood from her young son as often as once —1—WEEK over a —5—YEAR—PERIOD.
20190207             1—PSYCHIATRIC—REPORT said she suffers from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, 1—MENTAL—CONDITION where caregivers make 1—CHILD—ILL in order to attract attention to themselves.
20190207             —EXECUTED, EGYPT, 3—MUSLIM Brotherhood members sentenced to death —FOLLOWING torture and beatings to extract confessions.
20190207             —CONVICTED, The 3 were, —LAST—YEAR for 20140000             —THE—KILLING—OF—1—JUDGE—SON in the Nile Delta TOWN—OF—MANSOURA.
20190207             FRANCE said its defense cooperation with CAMEROON was continuing —1—DAY—AFTER THE—USA—SAID it was halting SOME—MILITARY—ASSISTANCE to THE—WEST—AFRICA—COUNTRY over allegations of human rights violations by its security forces.
20190207             —ANGERED, Salvini and De Maio have, Macron in particular by publicly supporting the "yellow vest" protesters who have taken to the streets to denounce high living costs and 1 perceived indifference by the government to rural and SMALL—TOWN—FRANCE.
20190207             —RULED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES, that Facebook should not be allowed to use customer data from other apps and websites to help target advertisements shown on their Facebook pages without their explicit consent, saying it was exploiting its dominant position in social media.
20190207             Facebook said it rejected the decision, and would appeal within THE—1—MONTH frame —BEFORE it becomes final.
20190207             —ARRESTED, Reporters Without Borders said that IRAN—AUTHORITIES, jailed and sometimes executed 1.7—MILLION—PEOPLE—AROUND THE—CAPITAL—TEHRAN alone in the 1. —30—YEARS—AFTER 19790000             —THE—ISLAMIC—REVOLUTION.
20190207             —ARRESTED, At least 860—JOURNALISTS were, imprisoned or executed over the same period.
20190207             —AWARDED, ISRAEL—PRESTIGIOUS $1—MILLION—DAN—DAVID—PRIZE was, to CANADA—AUTHOR—MICHAEL—IGNATIEFF and Reporters Without Borders for their work in promoting democracy.
20190207             THE—BODY—OF—ISRAEL—TEENAGER—ORI—ANSBACHER (19) was found in the woods near JERUSALEM with stabbing wounds.
20190207             —ARRESTED, Police soon, ARAFAT—ERFAIYEH, —29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—SUSPECT in the killing.
20190207             JORDAN, 1—FORMER—CUSTOMS—CHIEF, 1—EX—MINISTER and 1—TOP—BUSINESSMAN were among 29—SUSPECTS charged with corruption in 1—CASE involving fake cigarettes.
20190207             MEDIA—REPORTS have said the "tobacco case" had cost JORDAN—TREASURY—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in lost revenues.
20190207             —CALLED, KOSOVO, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, on authorities to jail 1—POLICE—OFFICER accused of sexually abusing 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT.
20190207             —APPROVED, LEBANON—NEW—GOVERNMENT, 1—POLICY—STATEMENT committing to reforms that are seen as critical to putting the heavily indebted state's finances on 1—SUSTAINABLE—PATH.
20190207             LEBANON—PARLIAMENT—SPEAKER said 1—ISRAEL—MOVE to license energy exploration near 1 disputed maritime boundary threatened to drain LEBANON—OIL—WEALTH—BEFORE its own drilling had started.
20190207             —ARRESTED, MYANMAR police, 36—PEOPLE outside the headquarters of Suu KYI—NATIONAL—LEAGUE for Democracy party in the Kayah STATE—CAPITAL—OF—LOIKAW —AFTER police broke up the latest protest against 1—STATUE—OF—AUNG—SAN.
20190207             —ARRESTED, Another 10—PEOPLE were, THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20190207             —SKIPPED, In THE—NETHERLANDS—THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, classes to march for action on climate change, —FOLLOWING the example of young demonstrators in BELGIUM and other countries for the 1. time.
20190207             —ANNOUNCED, PORTUGAL—HEALTH—MINISTER—MARTA—TEMIDO, that the government has decided to order 1—SO—CALLED—CIVIL—REQUISITION, whereby workers in essential services are required by law to report for duty in "exceptionally serious" circumstances.
20190207             THE—COUNCIL—OF—SCOTLAND—CAPITAL—EDINBURGH said it will become the 1. UNITED—KINGDOM—CITY to introduce 1—TOURIST—TAX to try to better manage the impact of swelling visitor numbers and booming hotel occupancy.
20190207             —DEVOLVED, The idea needs 1—FINAL—SIGN—OFF by SCOTLAND's, PARLIAMENT.
20190207             —DECLARED, SIERRA—LEONE—PRESIDENT—JULIUS—MAADA—BIO, 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY over rape and sexual violence, saying perpetrators are getting younger and their acts more violent.
20190207             —TARGETED, SOMALIA, USA, airstrikes against suspected extremists killed 4—MORE—FIGHTERS in the vicinity of Bariire, Lower Shabelle region.
20190207             —RALLIED, SUDAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in KHARTOUM in support of fellow demonstrators detained in THE—WEEKS—OF—RALLIES against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—IRON—FISTED rule.
20190207             —ARRESTED, SYRIA, 1—KURDISH—LED force, 63 suspected militants in THE—CITY—OF—RAQA —DURING 1—OPERATION against jihadist sleeper cells.
20190207             —ARRESTED, UGANDA—POLICE, 1—TEAM—OF—BBC journalists overnight for illegal POSSESSION—OF—PRESCRIPTION—DRUGS.
20190207             The country's government spokesman said the reporters had been helping to expose corruption, and demanded their immediate release.
20190207             —GATHERED, URUGUAY, European and Latin USA—LEADERS, in MONTEVIDEO to discuss 1—PLAN to solve the deepening crisis in VENEZUELA, —WHILE urging the global community to back away from direct intervention.
20190207             UZBEKISTAN, businessman Halemubieke Xiaheman (41) 1—ETHNIC—KAZAKHSTAN—CITIZEN—OF—CHINA'S—XINJIANG province, said in 1—VIDEO apparently recorded inside TASHKENT airport building that he had been harassed by CHINA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS to 1—POINT where his Russian and KAZAKHSTAN—CLIENTS were scared to work with him.
20190207—19730000    —ARRESTED, Police in CHILE, retired GENERAL—JUAN—EMILIO—CHEYRE, 1—FORMER—ARMY—CHIEF, on charges of torturing 24—PEOPLE, shortly —AFTER the coup that brought dictator Augusto Pinochet to power.
20190207—20140000    —IN, Dingell had 20140901             —RECORD for serving —59—YEARS in THE—USA—HOUSE—BEFORE retiring.
20190207—20150000    —ACCUSED, COSTA—RICA, a 2. woman, FORMER—PRESIDENT—AND—NOBEL—PEACE laureate OSCAR—ARIAS, —78—JAHRE—ALT of sexual assault.
20200207             —OUSTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—ALEXANDER—VINDMAN, the decorated soldier and national security aide who played 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in the Democrats' impeachment case.
20200207             Next came word that GORDON—SONDLAND, TRUMP—AMBASSADOR to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, also was out.
20200207             More than 300,000 homes and businesses were without power —EARLY—TODAY as 1—WEATHER—SYSTEM blamed for 5—DEATHS in the South moved into THE—NORTH—EAST—USA.
20200207             —CONFIRMED, Authorities, 5—STORM—RELATED fatalities, in ALABAMA, SOUTH—CAROLINA, NORTH—CAROLINA and TENNESSEE.
20200207             1—JUDGE—IN—BOSTON ordered DOUGLAS—HODGE, —62—JAHRE—ALT of Laguna Beach to spend —9—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON for paying bribes to get 4—OF—HIS—CHILDREN into THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTHERN—CALIFORNIA and GEORGETOWN as fake athletic recruits.
20200207             —SERVED, Hodge onece, as THE—HEAD—OF—PIMCO, 1—BOND—MANAGEMENT—COMPANY.
20200207             Vance Pearson, 1—FORMER—SENIOR—OFFICIAL—OF—THE United Auto Workers based in S—LOUIS, pleaded guilty to 1—CORRUPTION—SCHEME that used union cash for vacation villas, golf, cigars and booze.
20200207             NEW—HAMPSHIRE, 1—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—DEBATE was held ahead or the upcoming primary in the state.
20200207             JOE—BIDEN had 1—STRONG—MOMENT —DURING the debate —WHEN he called on the audience to "stand and give COLONEL—VINDMAN 1—SHOW—OF how much we supported him," adding that Trump "should be pinning 1—MEDAL on Vindman and not on Rush Limbaugh".
20200207             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA—AIR—FORCE had 84—SUICIDES among ACTIVE—DUTY—MEMBERS—LAST—YEAR, up from 60 THE—YEAR—BEFORE.
20200207             THE—WORLD—METEOROLOGICAL—ORGANIZATION (WMO) said the Esperanza base on the northern tip of THE—ANTARCTIC peninsula has recorded 1—TEMPERATURE—OF—18.3—DEGREES—CELSIUS (64.94—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT), the highest on record.
20200207             —LASHED, Heavy rains, parts of the wildfire and DROUGHT—STRICKEN AUSTRALIA—EAST—COAST, bringing SOME—FLOODING in SYDNEY and relief to firefighters still dealing with DOZENS—OF—BLAZES in New SOUTH—WALES.
20200207             There were still 42—FIRES burning in the state, with 17—OF—THOSE not contained.
20200207             —SHOWED, Government data, that aggressive deforestation is —STARTING—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR in BRAZIL—AMAZON rainforest, with destruction doubling in January compared with —1—YEAR—AGO.
20200207             —REPORTED, It was, that BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO has signed into law quarantine rules for Brazilians who will be brought back from THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—WUHAN, the epicenter of 1—CORONA€”VIRUS outbreak.
20200207             —CONFIRMED, CHINA, 31,161 cases and 636—DEATHS on the mainland.
20200207             DOCTOR—LI—WENLIANG, —34—JAHRE—ALT † overnight due to THE—CORONA€”VIRUS at WUHAN CENTRAL—HOSPITAL.
20200207             —REPRIMANDED, Police in December had, 8—DOCTORS including ophthalmologist Li for warning friends on social media about the emerging threat.
20200207             —QUESTIONED, Independent scientists, research that suggested that THE—OUTBREAK—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS disease spreading from CHINA might have passed from bats to humans through the illegal traffic of pangolins.
20200207             SOUTH—CHINA—AGRICULTURAL—UNIVERSITY had led the research.
20200207             —FREED, EGYPT, PRO—DEMOCRACY activist Ramy Sayed (31).
20200207             He had spent over —4—YEARS in prison and rose to local prominence as 1—OF—THE—FACES—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S 20110000             uprising.
20200207             —CALLED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, for European nations to play 1—MORE—DIRECT—ROLE in halting 1—NEW—NUCLEAR—ARMS—RACE, saying they "cannot remain spectators" against 1—THREAT to the continent's collective security.
20200207             —KILLED, FRANCE—AIR—STRIKES, 20—MILITANTS in the Sahel region where MALI, NIGER and BURKINA—FASO meet.
20200207             —EARLIER in the —WEEK commando operations killed about 10—OTHERS in the border area.
20200207             —CALLED, IRAQ—GRAND—AYATOLLAH—ALI—AL—SISTANI, for security forces to protect ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS in 1—SERMON, —AFTER WEEKS—OF—VIOLENCE in BAGHDAD and SOUTH—IRAQ, and amid seething tensions between demonstrators and followers of cleric Muqtada AL—SADR.
20200207             —INFORMED, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—ISRAEL—CROSSINGS, all exporters and all relevant parties that all PALESTINE—AGRICULTURE products would be banned from export to world markets through THE—JORDAN—CROSSING —STARTING 20200209             .
20200207             THE—HEAD—OF—IVORY—COAST—COTTON and cashew council said production of cashews fell 17% to 634,641 tons 20190000             —IN—AFTER as much as 200,000 tons were smuggled OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20200207             SOUTH—KAZAKHSTAN, ethnic clashes between ethnic Kazakhs and Dungans, 1—MINORITY—GROUP with CHINA—ROOTS, left 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20200207             The total NUMBER—OF—CASUALTIES soon rose to 10. DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were detained as police established their roles in the incident.
20200207             —ANNOUNCED, NORWAY, WEST—EUROPE—LARGEST—OIL and gas producer, it was increasing its ambition to cut carbon emissions and would put 1—IMPLEMENTATION—PLAN—BEFORE PARLIAMENT —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20200207             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, payments to be made to RUSSIA—WWII veterans in RUSSIA and the Baltic States as well as to those who were held in Nazi concentration camps.
20200207             THE—1—TIME—PAYMENTS—OF—50,000 rubles to 75,000 rubles ($790-$1,200) will also go to the widows or WIDOWERS—OF—VETERANS in RUSSIA as well as RUSSIA—CITIZENS in LITHUANIA, LATVIA and ESTONIA.
20200207             † Airat Khairullin, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LOWER—HOUSE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—PARLIAMENT, was killed in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH in Tatarstan, about 850—KM (500—MILES) EAST—OF—MOSCOW.
20200207             2—SURVIVORS suffered serious injuries.
20200207             SOUTH—AFRICA TAZNE, VAN Wyk (7) went missing.
20200207             —SUSPECTED, Her body was found —2—WEEKS—LATER—AFTER her, murderer led police to the storm drain where he said he had disposed of it.
20200207             —RELEASED, The suspect, 1—VIOLENT—MULTIPLE—OFFENDER had been, on parole.
20200207             He was in prison for the kidnapping and MURDER—OF—ANOTHER child.
20200207             —REACHED, SUDAN, 1—SETTLEMENT with FAMILIES—OF—THE—VICTIMS—OF—20000000             —THE—BOMBING—OF—THE—USS—COLE in YEMEN, as PART—OF—ITS—CAMPAIGN to persuade THE—USA to remove its designation as 1—STATE—SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM.
20200207             The settlement for about $30—MILLION would be SPLIT between the families of THE—17—SAILORS killed.
20200207             —FIRED, TUNISIA, Moncef Baati, its ambassador to THE—UN, accusing him of failing to consult the foreign ministry on key issues that diplomatic sources said included WASHINGTON—CONTROVERSIAL—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PLAN.
20200207             —ARMORED, Several Turkish, vehicles and tanks entered REBEL—CONTROLLED NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, the latest reinforcements sent in by ANKARA amid 1—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE that —THIS—WEEK brought THE—2—COUNTRIES' troops into 1—RARE—DIRECT—CONFRONTATION.
20200207             THE—UN said people are fleeing 1—SURGE—OF—ATTACKS in NORTH—MOZAMBIQUE where witnesses have described beheadings, mass kidnappings and villages burned to the ground.
20200207             1—UN—POVERTY—EXPERT said SPAIN is depriving its poor of basic rights, even as its businesses recover from the economic crisis.
20200207             —REPORTED, It was, that BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO has signed into law quarantine rules for Brazilians who will be brought back from THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—WUHAN,
20200207             Den Forschern zufolge gleicht das Erbgut der neuartigen Coronaviren 20190000             —NCOV zu 99—PROZENT dem Erbgut von Coronaviren, die sie in Pangolinen entdeckt haben.
20200207             Schuppentier könnte CORONA—VIRUS— auf Mensch übertragen haben
20200207             CORONA—VIRUS— Wie es eine DEUTSCHE—STUDENTIN aus WUHAN nach KIEL schaffte
20200207             CORONA—VIRUS— WHO—CHEF—WARNT—VOR—WELTWEITER Knappheit an Schutzausrüstung
20200207             TEMPERATUR—REKORD Wetterstation meldet 18,3 Grad in der ANT—ARKTIS
20200207             DIE—ANT—ARKTIS—REGION gilt als 1—DER sich am schnellsten erwärmenden Gegenden der Erde.
20200207             In der ARGENTINISCHEN—ANT—ARKTIS war —AM—DONNERSTAG—DER—WÄRMSTE—TAG —SEIT Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen.
20200207             Wie der ARGENTINISCHE—WETTER—DIENST auf Twitter mitteilte, stieg das Thermometer auf der Forschungsstation Esperanza auf 18,3—GRAD—CELSIUS
20200207             Geheimes Immobilienvermögen: Die neue Finanzaffäre der CDU
20200207             RUSSLAND wirft ISRAEL —NUN vor, mit seinen Angriffen das PASSAGIER—FLUGZEUG mit 172—MENSCHEN an Bord gefährdet zu haben.
20200207             Nach Darstellung Moskaus soll sich der Vorfall —AM—DONNERSTAG ereignet haben, 1—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT nannte das Ministerium in Moskau nicht.
20200207             Der Airbus 320—SEI nach RUSSISCHEN—ANGABEN im Landeanflug auf Damaskus beinahe abgeschossen worden.
20200207             Zeitgleich mit dem Zwischenfall sollen ISRAELISCHE—KAMPF—FLUGZEUGE in der Nähe BODENZIELE—IN—EINEM Vorort angegriffen haben.
20200207             Industrie Produktion bricht ein — stärkster Rückgang —SEIT Finanzkrise
20200207             Im FRÜHEREN—EURO—KRISENLAND PORTUGAL ist ein historischer Staatshaushalt verabschiedet worden.
20200207             —SHOWED, Government data, that aggressive deforestation is —STARTING—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR in BRAZIL—AMAZON rainforest,
20200207—19610000    —SEIT—DER—MESSUNGEN—BEGINN, die höchste jemals auf dem antarktischen Kontinent gemessene Temperatur.
20200207—19740000    —SEIT, DAS—PARLAMENT in Lissabon genehmigte —AM—DONNERSTAG für 20200000             den 1. ÜBERSCHUSS—ETAT.
20200207—20150000    —IN, Shamima Begum (20), 1—UK woman who as 1—TEENAGER ran away to join the Islamic State group, lost 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE—FRIDAY aimed at restoring her citizenship, which was revoked on national security grounds.
20200207—20200000    —IN—THE, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY—RICHARD—V. Spencer endorsed Democratic presidential candidate MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG, making him the 1. HIGH—LEVEL—FORMER—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL to back 1—DEMOCRATIC—HOPEFUL—ELECTION.
20210117—20210207    —UNTIL, AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ said THE—CORONA€”VIRUS lockdown will be extended and that social distancing rules will be toughened.
20210126—20210207    —AM, Die Lieferungen sollten beginnen und
20210128—20210207    —BIS, Wer aber kein negatives Testergebnis vorweisen kann, darf nicht einmal mehr zur Arbeit gehen.
20210129             Moderna habe soeben mitgeteilt, dass —IN—DER—WOCHE—NACH—DEM 20210207             nur 132.000—EINHEITEN eintreffen würden — 20—PROZENT weniger als verabredet,
20210207             —SONNTAG, 20210207
20210207             Laschets Außenpolitik: Zwischen Pott und Putin
20210207             Frauenstimmrecht in der SCHWEIZ: Mein Leben als Nummer 2
20210207             Madeira: Das CORONA—EXIL - Ausländische Gutverdiener zieht es zunehmend nach Madeira.
20210207             Die PORTUGIESISCHE—INSEL wirbt intensiv um sie, doch vom Hype profitieren bislang nur wenige.
20210207             Das PORTUGIESISCHE—EILAND wirbt —SEIT einigen —MONATEN ganz gezielt um Gäste, die in der Ferne arbeiten wollen und können.
20210207             —GENANNT, Madeira werde oft "Europas Antwort auf HAWAII", erklärte kürzlich CNN
20210207             PORTUGAL gilt —SCHON—SEIT Längerem als Ziel für Menschen, die im Ausland arbeiten und nebenbei noch etwas urlauben möchten.
20210207             Hall gilt als Erfinder des "Digital Nomad Village".
20210207             Im Küstenort Ponta do Sol im Südwesten der Insel sollen die neuen Gäste —JETZT so arbeiten und leben, als wäre der Alltag im Rest der Welt weit weg.
20210207             "Local Experience" nennt Hall das Angebot.
20210207             PORTUGAL gilt —BIS—HEUTE als ärmstes Land Westeuropas.
20210207             —VERZEICHNET, Kein anderes Land in EUROPA, aktuell so VIELE—CORONAFÄLLE pro Einwohner wie PORTUGAL.
20210207             Die —7—TAGE—INDIZENZ pro 100.000—EINWOHNER betrug vergangene —WOCHE 820— in DEUTSCHLAND lag sie im selben Zeitraum bei 95.
20210207             Zu rasche Lockerungen und die Mutation B.1.1.7—HABEN vermutlich dafür gesorgt, dass die Lage innerhalb kürzester Zeit fast außer Kontrolle geriet.
20210207             Ausschluss vom Handel: TAIWAN bestraft DEUTSCHE—BANK—WEGEN—WÄHRUNGSATTACKE
20210207             EU—GESETZ gegen Internetgiganten: "Soziale Netzwerke sind ein systemisches Risiko für die Demokratie"
20210207             Debatte über "Impfprivilegien": Die Reichen dürfen —SCHON längst mehr
20210207             CORONA—PANDEMIE: RKI meldet rund 8600—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210207             Strom, Benzin, Heizöl: Energiepreise in DEUTSCHLAND ziehen deutlich an
20210207             Verschlüsselt telefonieren: Kein Abhören unter dieser Nummer Von "c't"-Redakteur RONALD—EIKENBERG
20210207             Reformschritt: KUBA öffnet Wirtschaft weiter für Privatisierungen
20210207             WINFRIED—KRETSCHMANN: "Der Lockdown light —IM—NOVEMBER war falsch"
20210207             Extremes Winterwetter: Schneeverwehungen und Eisregen
20210207             MYANMAR: Zehntausende Menschen demonstrieren gegen Militärputsch
20210207             —BEFÜRCHTET, Nordindien: Mehr als 100—TOTE nach Gletscherbruch
20210207             Jeder 2. Bürger ist gegen 1—LOCKERUNG—DES—LOCKDOWNS.
20210207             Nach einer Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts YouGov im Auftrag sind 37—PROZENT für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG der bisherigen Einschränkungen über den 20210214             hinaus, weitere 13—PROZENT sind sogar für 1—VERSCHÄRFUNG.
20210207             Dagegen sind 30—PROZENT für 1—LOCKERUNG und 13—PROZENT für eine komplette Rückkehr zur Normalität.
20210207             7—PROZENT machten keine Angaben.
20210207             —ANFANG—JANUAR — vor der letzten Verlängerung des Lockdowns — waren noch fast 2—DRITTEL (65—PROZENT) für 1—BEIBEHALTUNG oder Verschärfung der Maßnahmen.
20210207             Bei den Wählern der Grünen ist die Akzeptanz der geltenden Einschränkungen am größten.
20210207             Nur von den Wählern der Linken (49—PROZENT) und der AfD (33) sind weniger als die Hälfte für eine unveränderte Verlängerung oder Verschärfung des Lockdowns.
20210207             Die Zahl der binnen —7—TAGEN gemeldeten Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER (—7—TAGE—INZIDENZ) lag laut RKI am Sonntagmorgen bei 75,6.
20210207             Der vom RKI geschätzte bundesweite —7—TAGE—R—WERT lag Samstagabend bei 0,95 (Vortag 0,93).
20210207             Deutschlands Kassenärzte fordern, dass sie schneller als geplant bei der CORONA—IMPFUNG zum Zug kommen.
20210207             "Diejenigen, die andere jeden —TAG behandeln, medizinisch versorgen und schützen, müssen auch selbst geschützt sein", sagte der VORSITZENDE—DER—KASSENÄRZTLICHEN—BUNDESVEREINIGUNG (KBV), ANDREAS—GASSEN.
20210207             "Aber die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den Praxen mit ihren Teams gehören unbedingt zum Kreis der vorrangig zu Impfenden".
20210207             "Die HAUS—UND Fachärzte bilden den 1. Schutzwall bei der CORONA—BEKÄMPFUNG".
20210207             9—VON 10—COVID—PATIENTEN würden ambulant behandelt.
20210207             Es wäre fatal, wenn die Niedergelassenen diese Aufgabe nicht mehr im erforderlichen Umfang erfüllen könnten, weil sie selbst infiziert werden.
20210207             Österreichs KANZLER—KURZ: Die kommenden —MONATE werden extrem heftig
20210207             Die Lockerungen nach einem sechswöchigen Lockdown trotzt weiterhin hoher CORONA—FALLZAHLEN begründete Kurz mit der sinkenden Bereitschaft der Bevölkerung mitzumachen.
20210207             "Sollten die Zahlen demnächst stark ansteigen, müssen wir wieder mit schärferen Maßnahmen reagieren",
20210207             ISRAEL lockert 3. CORONA—LOCKDOWN trotz hoher Infektionszahlen
20210207             Mehrere BÜRGERMEISTER—DEUTSCHER—GROSSSTÄDTE versichern, dass ihre Gesundheitsämter sehr wohl in der Lage seien, auch bei Inzidenzwerten von über 50—KONTAKTE nachzuverfolgen.
20210207             KÖLN, etwa seien die Behörden trotz Werten von über 50—SEIT—MONATEN in der Lage, sowohl die positiv Getesteten als auch die Kontaktpersonen "innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN zu kontaktieren und Quarantäneanordnungen zu verhängen",
20210207             RUSSLAND meldet rund 16.000—NEUE CORONA—FÄLLE - Rund 107.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den USA
20210207             Der ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF zeigt neuen Studienergebnissen zufolge wohl lediglich eine recht begrenzte Wirkung gegen die in SÜDAFRIKA entdeckte CORONA€”VIRUS—VARIANTE.
20210207             die Vakzine bei der Variante B.1.351—WOHL weiterhin wirksam gegen schwere Verläufe ist, leichte Erkrankungen aber weniger verhindert.
20210207             Allerdings ist die Aussagekraft der Daten dem Bericht zufolge begrenzt, da der Großteil der 20000000             Probanden der Studie jung und gesund waren.
20210207             Die in SÜDAFRIKA aufgetauchte Variante B.1.351, die mittlerweile auch in vielen anderen Ländern vorkommt, hatte sich auch in den Tests anderer Impfstoffhersteller als resistenter erwiesen.
20210207             —KRITISIERT, CSU—GENERALSEKRETÄR MARKUS—BLUME, die Lockerungen bei den Kontaktbeschränkungen in ÖSTERREICH und Tschechien.
20210207             Die beiden Länder würden mit ihrer "unverantwortlichen Öffnungspolitik" den Erfolg in DEUTSCHLAND bei der Eindämmung der Pandemie gefährden,
20210207             ROBERT—HABECK: "PANDEMIE—IMPFSTOFFE sollten öffentliches Gut sein"
20210207             Das Sambodrom in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, in dem im Karneval die berühmten Umzüge der Sambaschulen für Trubel sorgen, hat sich in der CORONA—PANDEMIE in 1—DRIVE—THRU—IMPFZENTRUM für Ältere verwandelt.
20210207             hat sich - Das Sambodrom - verwandelt.
20210207             —BEGINNT, IRAN, —AM—DIENSTAG mit seinem Impfprogramm gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210207             —ZUNÄCHST werden Ärzte und Pflegepersonal geimpft, dann folgen Menschen über —65—JAHRE,
20210207             GROSSBRITANNIEN plant keine speziellen CORONA—AUSWEISE
20210207             Er möchte, "dass sich die Menschen freiwillig impfen lassen und sich nicht durch einen Ausweis gezwungen fühlen würden".
20210207             Er rechnet zudem mit einer regelmäßigen Auffrischung der CORONA€”VIRUS—IMPFUNG.
20210207             "Wir sehen sehr wahrscheinlich eine jährliche oder 1—AUFFRISCHUNGSIMPFUNG —IM—HERBST und dann eine jährliche (Impfung)", sagte Zahawi
20210207             Kretschmer: Vorsichtige Öffnung ist verantwortbar
20210207             —PLÄDIERT, Thüringens ROT—ROT—GRÜNE Landesregierung, für ein bundesweit einheitliches Szenario für einen Ausstieg aus dem CORONA—SHUTDOWN.
20210207             EINIGE—LÄNDER, darunter BAYERN, sehen einen Stufenplan allerdings skeptisch.
20210207             Vorgeschlagen werden 4—STUFEN.
20210207             Angeregt wird eine flächendeckende CORONA—TESTSTRATEGIE.
20210207             —PLÄDIERT, Ramelow, in dem Papier dafür, Abgabebeschränkungen für Antigentests "insgesamt deutlich zu lockern".
20210207             Der Ratsvorsitzende der Evangelischen Kirche in DEUTSCHLAND (EKD), HEINRICH—BEDFORD—STROHM, und der katholische Kardinal REINHARD—MARX fordern mehr staatlichen Druck bei der Herstellung eines CORONA—IMPFSTOFFES in DEUTSCHLAND.
20210207             Der STAAT müsse dafür sorgen, dass möglichst viel Impfstoff produziert und möglichst vielen Menschen zugänglich gemacht werde,
20210207             Der Münchner Kardinal Marx sagte der Zeitung, er hoffe, dass dies ohne Zwang funktioniere.
20210207             "Aber wir müssen in der Frage, wie wir die CORONA—IMPFUNG schneller und gerechter vorantreiben, —SCHON zu einer Lösung kommen".
20210207             Zur Not und mit guter Begründung könnte der STAAT Hersteller um des Gemeinwohls willen auch zur Impfstoffproduktion verpflichten.
20210207             "Gegen Bezahlung, versteht sich",
20210207             BEDFORD—STROHM appellierte zudem an die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Pharmaindustrie.
20210207             "Es darf jedenfalls nicht sein, dass privater Profit gemacht wird — auch noch staatlich gefördert —, aber keine soziale Verantwortung übernommen wird", sagte der bayerische Landesbischof.
20210207             Arbeitnehmer in GROSSBRITANNIEN, die trotz CORONA—PANDEMIE nicht zu Hause arbeiten können, sollen von der Regierung regelmäßige Schnelltests zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen.
20210207             Betriebe mit mehr als 50—BESCHÄFTIGTEN sollen —NUN Zugang zu Schnelltests bekommen,
20210207             Die neue Impfverordnung, die —AN—DIESEM—MONTAG in Kraft treten soll, sieht EINIGE—ÄNDERUNGEN bei der Einstufung der Bevölkerung in 3—VORRANGIG zu impfende Gruppen vor.
20210207             Zudem kann von der Reihenfolge künftig in Einzelfällen abgewichen werden, etwa wenn dies "zur kurzfristigen Vermeidung des Verwurfs von Impfstoffen notwendig ist",
20210207             Der Tourismusbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, THOMAS—BAREISS (CDU), rechnet damit, dass die meisten DEUTSCHEN—URLAUBER —IN—DIESEM—JAHR im eigenen Land verreisen werden.
20210207             "Die meisten werden in DEUTSCHLAND bleiben",
20210207             ÖSTERREICH hat verschärfte Grenzkontrollen zu DEUTSCHLAND und seinen anderen Nachbarländern angekündigt.
20210207             —REDUZIERT, Ab —MONTAG sollen die Reisebewegungen auf 1—MINIMUM, werden,
20210207             "Wir ziehen das NETZ—DER—KONTROLLEN an den Grenzen —JETZT deutlich dichter und verschärfen damit den Kontrolldruck, um die Einhaltung der COVID—MAßNAHMEN zu überwachen",
20210207             UNGARN genehmigt RUSSISCHEN—CORONA—IMPFSTOFF Sputnik V
20210207             Das Zentrum für Nationale Volksgesundheit (NNK) habe nach ENDE—DER—NOTWENDIGEN—PRÜFUNG die Genehmigung erteilt,
20210207             GROSSBRITANNIEN, haben mehr als 12—MILLIONEN Menschen eine 1. Impfung gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS erhalten.
20210207             Wegen des frühzeitigen und umfangreichen Einkaufs bei verschiedenen Herstellern ist GROSSBRITANNIEN weniger stark von Lieferengpässen bei Impfstoffen betroffen als etwa die EU—LÄNDER.
20210207             fordert - DEUTSCHLAND, nutzen —DERZEIT 151—DER 376—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER die CORONA—SOFTWARE "Sormas"
20210207             Mit "Sormas" sollen die Gesundheitsämter Kontakte von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN effizienter identifizieren und nachverfolgen können.
20210207             Sun 20210207
20210207             [l] Böhmermann bringt erstmals ordentlichen Journalismus über Frontex.
20210207             Und gucke mal einer schau: Glock, Airbus, Heckler & Koch.
20210207             Kataloge mit Handfeuerwaffen wurden herumgereicht und in bunten POWERPOINT—PRÄSENTATIONEN die Vorzüge von Überwachungsdrohnen erklärt.
20210207             Das ist doch genau, was ihr vor Augen hattet, wofür eure Steuergelder eingesetzt werden sollten, oder?
20210207             Frontex hat auch keinen Bock mehr auf Schiffe im Mittelmeer und setzt —JETZT auf Drohnen.
20210207             Denn Drohnen können keine Flüchtlinge retten, das ist juristisch weniger offensichtlich illegal, wenn Frontex dann Menschen absaufen lässt.
20210207             Mais 10—VÍTIMAS mortais da COVID—19 no Algarve, apesar de baixarem os novos casos
20210207             COVID—19: Alentejo tem hoje menos casos e mortes, tal como no resto do país
20210207             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2104—(+14)—ÓBITOS—34—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1712—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—358—(+14)
20210207             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—63—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—41—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—18—(=)
20210207             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—61—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—39—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(=)
20210207             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—342—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—243—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—98—(-6)
20210207             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2833—(+15)—ÓBITOS—28—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—2182—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—623—(+13)
20210207             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—559—(+3)—ÓBITOS—10—(=)—RECUPERADOS—446—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—103—(+3)
20210207             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1268—(+9)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1023—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—226—(+9)
20210207             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3419—(+26)—ÓBITOS—47—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2657—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—715—(+22)
20210207             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—158—(+6)—ÓBITOS—2—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—51—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—105—(+5)
20210207             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1547—(+18)—ÓBITOS—17—(+2)—RECUPERADOS—1209—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—321—(+16)
20210207             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1853—(+9)—ÓBITOS—23—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1422—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—408—(+8)
20210207             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1123—(+10)—ÓBITOS—12—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—851—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—260—(+9)
20210207             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1413—(+4)—ÓBITOS—27—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1244—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—142—(+3)
20210207             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1103—(+16)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—813—(+12)—CASOS—ATIVOS—275—(+4)
20210207             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—121—(+1)—ÓBITOS—5—(=)—RECUPERADOS—106—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+1)
20210207             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—949—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—87,2—FÄLLE—GESAMT—31.552—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—2.900,4—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—460—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210207             Brexit und Pandemie: BRITISCHE—EU—EXPORTE brechen um 68—PROZENT ein
20210207             —GESTOPPT, Boot : MEXIKANISCHE—MARINE beschlagnahmt Drogen im Millionenwert
20210207             Schneeberge in Ostwestfalen, Eisregen im Ruhrgebiet:
20210207             STÄDTEN, wie BIELEFELD waren zahlreiche Straßen nicht passierbar.
20210207             Autos blieben in tiefen Schneewehen stecken.
20210207             Zwischen HAMBURG und NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN sowie zwischen HAMBURG und HANNOVER verkehrten keine Züge — zwischen HAMBURG und BERLIN komme es zu Einschränkungen,
20210207             Der Fernverkehr zwischen DEUTSCHLAND und den Niederlanden wurde eingestellt.
20210207             Die meisten Menschen hätten sich an die Empfehlung des DEUTSCHEN—WETTERDIENSTES gehalten und seien zu Hause geblieben.
20210207             "Hotspots sind der Niederrhein, das Münsterland, Ostwestfalen, das nördliche Thüringen, das südöstliche NIEDERSACHSEN und das südliche SACHSEN—ANHALT".
20210207             — 10—SATTELZÜGE hatten sich festgefahren.
20210207             hatten sich - Besonders schutzlos der Kälte ausgesetzt sind Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz.
20210207             —GERÄUMT, Auch in BERLIN wurde ein großes Obdachlosencamp, was allerdings auch auf Kritik stieß.
20210207             Linke Gruppen hatten —AM—SAMSTAG zum Protest aufgerufen und gefordert, dass die ehemaligen Bewohner des Camps dorthin zurückkehren dürfen
20210207             Grundsatzurteil zu Rüstungsexporten: Waffenbauer Heckler & Koch scheitert vor Gericht
20210207             CHILE: Ausschreitungen nach tödlichem Polizeieinsatz gegen Straßenkünstler
20210207             —BEHARRT, Rückkehr zu Atomabkommen: Chamenei, auf Aufhebung von USA—SANKTIONEN gegen IRAN
20210207             Umstrittene Asylregel: USA stoppen Migrationsabkommen mit mittelamerikanischen Ländern
20210207             † GEORGE—SHULTZ, Ehemaliger USA—AUßEN—MINISTER,Im Alter von —100—JAHREN, gestorben
20210207             IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN gegen Trump: Die Akte Putschversuch Aus WASHINGTON berichtet ALEXANDER—SAROVIC
20210207             JOE—BIDEN über CHINA—AUßENPOLITIK: "Extremer Wettbewerb" statt Handelskrieg
20210207             Laut Regierungsangaben: Sicherheitskräfte verhindern offenbar Staatsstreich in HAITI
20210207             KUWAIT lässt —BIS auf wenige Ausnahmen keine Ausländer mehr einreisen.
20210207             Behörden teilen per Twitter mit, das Einreiseverbot gelte nicht für Diplomaten, MITARBEITER—DES—STAATLICHEN—GESUNDHEITSSYSTEMS sowie Ärzte im privaten Gesundheitssektor.
20210207             Nach starken EINREISE—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN im Kampf gegen die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat sich in FRANKREICH in der vergangenen —WOCHE im Vergleich zur Vorwoche das Aufkommen der Flugpassagiere halbiert.
20210207             Der Wintereinbruch in Teilen Deutschlands stoppt —AM—MONTAG auch die Arbeit in einem CORONA—IMPFZENTRUM in SACHSEN—ANHALT.
20210207             Es könne nicht sichergestellt werden, dass angesichts der Wetterverhältnisse genügend Personal für die Impfungen gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS ins Impfzentrum Sangerhausen kommen könne,
20210207             Biden: wohl keine HERDEN—IMMUNITÄT vor ENDE—DES—SOMMERS
20210207             Hunderte demonstrieren in München gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210207             —AM—FRÜHEN—ABEND fuhr 1—AUTOKORSO durch mehrere Innenstadtteile, wie die Polizei mitteilte.
20210207             In den 95—WAGEN saßen demnach rund 200—MENSCHEN.
20210207             Eine 2. Versammlung mit —BIS zu 250—TEILNEHMERN fand den Angaben zufolge später am GESCHWISTER—SCHOLL—PLATZ statt.
20210207             12—GEGENDEMONSTRANTEN waren ebenfalls vor Ort.
20210207             500—POLIZISTEN waren bei den Protesten im Einsatz.
20210207             Nach einem CORONA—AUSBRUCH nehmen die Kliniken Calw vorerst keine Patienten mehr stationär auf.
20210207             Lediglich die ambulante NOTFALL—UND Erstversorgung vor Ort bleibt bestehen,
20210207—20190000    —BIS, Die Teilnehmerliste der 16—LOBBY—TREFFEN der EU—GRENZSCHUTZAGENTUR Frontex —IN—DEN—JAHREN 20170000             liest sich wie das WHO—IS—WHO der Rüstungsindustrie.
20210207—20210215    —AB, Autoindustrie fordert Öffnung der Autohäuser
20210221             Final results from a 20210207             presidential election in ECUADOR confirmed that former banker GUILLERMO—LASSO came 2. behind leading candidate Andrés Arauz, meaning the 2 will contest 1—RUNOFF—VOTE—IN—APRIL.
20210503             —DECLARED, CONGODRC—MINISTRY—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH, 1—END to the latest Ebola outbreak that began 20210207             in THE—TOWN—OF—BUTEMBO.
20211230—20200207    —ON, †.
20220204—20220207    —ON, 2—INMATES were "confirmed deceased" in Wilmington —AFTER they were involved in 1 armed robbery at 1—CONVENIENCE—STORE and
20220207             —MONTAG, 20220207
20220207             KANADA: OTTAWA ruft nach Truckerprotesten Notstand aus
20220207             CORONA€”VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 1426
20220207             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Ein guter —TAG, um Krieg zu verhindern
20220207             Immobilien: Baubranche prophezeit steigende Preise
20220207             Spannungen in Osteuropa: Baerbock reist nach Kiew, Macron nach Moskau
20220207             GROSSBRITANNIEN und SÜDKOREA unterzeichnen Handelsabkommen
20220207             Illegale Glücksspielautomaten sind einer Feldstudie des Arbeitskreises gegen Spielsucht zufolge auf dem Vormarsch.
20220207             In 44,5 Prozent der 14080000             bundesweit von ihm aufgesuchten Spielstätten habe er illegale Geräte, sogenannte Fun Games, vorgefunden, sagte der Geschäftsführer des Arbeitskreises, JÜRGEN—TRÜMPER.
20220207             Demnach war jedes 3. vorgefundene Geldspielgerät nicht in DEUTSCHLAND zugelassen — 32,8 Prozent von insgesamt 3337.
20220207             —FINANZIERT, Die Studie wurde, vom Verband der DEUTSCHEN—AUTOMATENINDUSTRIE, die laut Trümper jedoch keinen Einfluss genommen hat.
20220207             Nutzer seien zumeist problematische oder pathologische Spieler, "die dann auch bereit sind, Haus und Hof an den Geräten zu verlieren".
20220207             Zur Lösung des Problems fordert die Automatenwirtschaft 1—LOCKERUNG—DER—VORGABEN für ihre legalen Geräte, um diese attraktiver zu machen.
20220207             Die FUN—GAME—AUTOMATEN stammten zumeist aus dem Ausland, aus CHINA oder Osteuropa,
20220207             Im INTERNET könne man sie für Preise zwischen 17000000             und 3000—EURO kaufen — ganz legal.
20220207             "Lediglich das Aufstellen ist nach Paragraf 6a der Spielverordnung 1—ORDNUNGSWIDRIGKEIT".
20220207             —INZWISCHEN, Allerdings sei die Rechtsprechung, dahin gelangt, dass bei Aufstellung immer auch der Tatverdacht auf illegales Glücksspiel gegeben ist.
20220207             In der Bevölkerung macht sich laut dem Hausärzteverband Nordrhein CORONA—MÜDIGKEIT breit.
20220207             "Insgesamt ist wohl in der Bevölkerung 1—TESTMÜDIGKEIT aufgekommen.
20220207             Viele, die als Kontaktperson in Quarantäne sein sollten, sind es nicht",
20220207             Auch die jüngste STIKO—ENTSCHEIDUNG für eine 4. Impfung hätten die Patienten gleichmütig aufgenommen.
20220207             "Die Patienten überrascht fast nichts mehr.
20220207             Die Frage —NACH—DEM 2. Booster haben VIELE—BEI—DER—AUFFRISCHIMPFUNG —SCHON gestellt.
20220207             Einen erneuten Run auf die Praxen erwarten wir nicht".
20220207             Der Immunologe CARSTEN—WATZL fordert die Bundesregierung auf, nachgewiesene OMIKRON—INFEKTIONEN rechtlich mit einer BOOSTER—IMPFUNG gleichzustellen.
20220207             "Eine klar dokumentierte Infektion sollte für jeden Betroffenen mit einer einzelnen Impfdosis gleichgestellt werden",
20220207             —GEBOOSTERT, Dass Geimpfte nach einer Infektion nicht als, gelten, sei wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar.
20220207             "Es gibt sehr gute Daten, dass auch hier Genesene gleichgestellt werden sollten".
20220207             Allerdings reiche 1—INFEKTION nicht für einen vollen Impfschutz.
20220207             "Wer noch nie geimpft wurde, erhält mit einer durchgemachten OMIKRON—INFEKTION den Schutz einer Einfachimpfung.
20220207             Wichtig sind 3—DOSEN, egal ob durch Infektion oder Impfung".
20220207             Die GRÜNEN—OBFRAU im Gesundheitsausschuss, Saskia Weishaupt, spricht sich für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG einzelner CORONA—SCHUTZ—MAßNAHMEN durch den BUNDESTAG über —DEN—MÄRZ hinaus aus.
20220207             "Wir haben die Verantwortung, die Gesundheit und das Leben aller Menschen zu schützen, dazu gehört auch, nicht einfach voreilige Öffnungen und Lockerungen anzukündigen",
20220207             Söder wirft Bundesregierung "wirre Debattenlage" vor
20220207             Bundesgesundheitsminister KARL—LAUTERBACH (SPD) hält Lockerungen der Coronamaßnahmen —ERST in einigen —WOCHEN für möglich.
20220207             Voraussetzung sei allerdings, dass —MITTE—FEBRUAR wie erwartet die OMIKRON—WELLE ihren Höhepunkt erreicht.
20220207             "Man darf das Fell des Bären nicht verteilen, bevor er erschossen ist",
20220207             Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt ist Lauterbach strikt gegen Lockerungen: Er halte es "für verrückt",
20220207             wenn bei Höchstzahlen von Infizierten und einer funktionierenden Strategie die Maßnahmen gelockert würden.
20220207             Der MINISTER fragte: "Was wäre in DEUTSCHLAND, wenn wir vorgehen würden wie in ENGLAND?"
20220207             Seine Antwort: "Dann hätten wir pro —TAG über den Daumen gepeilt vielleicht 300—TOTE.
20220207             Wir haben aber deutlich weniger, nämlich 60—BIS 80".
20220207             Mit den Maßnahmen "retten wir jeden —TAG Leben"
20220207             Bericht über Greenwashing bei Unternehmen: Große Klimaversprechen und nichts dahinter?
20220207             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE unter 16- —BIS 29-Jährigen: Back to Biedermeier
20220207             Studie: Klimaumbau der Industrie könnte —BIS zu 40—MILLIARDEN Euro kosten
20220207             UNO—BERICHT: NORDKOREA soll Raketenprogramm mit KRYPTO—RAUBZÜGEN finanzieren
20220207             USA—REGIERUNG vor SCHOLZ—VISITE: "DEUTSCHLAND ist wichtiges Mitglied des transatlantischen Bündnisses"
20220207             Gericht stoppt Regierungsentscheidung: SPD—POLITIKERIN Morsch darf nicht Vizepräsidentin am Bundesfinanzhof werden
20220207             Unmut im Erzbistum: RAINER—MARIA—WOELKI kommt zurück — Kölner Katholiken fordern GLÄUBIGEN—BEFRAGUNG
20220207             Pandemie trübt Konsumlaune weiter
20220207             Der Handelsverband HDE teilt mit, dass sein Konsumbarometer —IM—FEBRUAR—BEREITS den 3. —MONAT in Folge sinkt.
20220207             Zurückhaltend zeigen sich demnach Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher vor allem bei geplanten Anschaffungen und ihren Konjunkturerwartungen.
20220207             "1—TRENDUMKEHR ist —ERST mit Auslaufen der aktuellen CORONA—WELLE und nachlassendem Infektionsgeschehen zu erwarten"
20220207             Immunologische Gesellschaft fordert Impfempfehlung auch für Schulkinder
20220207             "Mit diesen hohen Inzidenzen wird fast JEDES—KIND irgendwann mit dem Virus konfrontiert",
20220207             Der Nutzen der Impfung sei aber auch bei Kindern deutlich höher als die Risiken.
20220207             Trotz Rekordzahlen bei den Schwerkranken in der OMIKRON—WELLE entfällt in ISRAEL weitgehend die Pflicht für den sogenannten "Grünen Pass".
20220207             Der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHE Ministerpräsident HENDRIK—WÜST (CDU) hat sich gegen übereilte Öffnungsschritte bei den Coronamaßnahmen ausgesprochen.
20220207             "Wir sollten uns vorbereiten, die Grundrechtseingriffe Stück für Stück zurückzunehmen, wenn der Scheitelpunkt, wenn der Höhepunkt dieser Welle erreicht ist, und wir sehen, dass das Gesundheitssystem sowohl in den Krankenhäusern stabil ist",
20220207             Das sei aber —DERZEIT noch nicht der Fall.
20220207             Die Inzidenzahlen stiegen noch an.
20220207             "Der Höhepunkt ist offensichtlich noch nicht erreicht".
20220207             GRIECHENLAND schafft Testpflicht für geimpfte Reisende ab
20220207             Der Vorstandsvorsitzende der DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT (DKG), GERALD—GASS, hat klare und verlässliche Öffnungsperspektiven in der Coronapandemie gefordert.
20220207             "Es braucht eine glasklare Strategie, die den Bürgern, der Wirtschaft, Kultur und Bildung auch 1—PERSPEKTIVE für die kommenden —MONATE aufzeigt",
20220207             Denn ob der OMIKRON—SUBTYP BA.2 oder vielleicht sogar eine neue Variante die Lage erneut verändere, lasse sich —DERZEIT seriös nicht beantworten.
20220207             "Lockerungen kann es —ERST geben, wenn der Scheitelpunkt der OMIKRON—WELLE überschritten ist und deutlich wird, dass den Krankenhäusern keine Überlastung mehr droht,"
20220207             Trotz anhaltender Staus in der Containerschifffahrt legt der Welthandel dem IFW—INSTITUT zufolge zum Jahresstart 20220000             zu.
20220207             Ungeachtet der verschärften Coronalage und globaler Lieferengpässe habe der Welthandel —IM—JANUAR zum Vormonat an Schwung gewonnen und übertreffe mittlerweile sogar das Vorkrisenniveau,
20220207             "Die Omikronwelle ist mit Blick auf den Warenhandel bislang in 1. Linie 1—GEFAHR für CHINA".
20220207             Gegenwärtig steckten rund 11—PROZENT aller weltweit verschifften Waren in Staus fest.
20220207             Zudem seien im Roten MEER—DER wichtigsten Handelsroute zwischen EUROPA und ASIEN—RUND 11—PROZENT weniger Waren unterwegs als sonst.
20220207             "Die harte 0—COVID—POLITIK Pekings ist für die dortige Wirtschaft 1—RISIKO",
20220207             erklärte Fachmann VINCENT—STAMER, der beim IfW für das Barometer KIEL Trade Indicator zuständig ist.
20220207             Es sei zu befürchten, dass Verzögerungen in Chinas Containerumschlag auch Europas Handel in Mitleidenschaft ziehen würden.
20220207             "Das CHINESISCHE—NEUJAHRFEST und die Ausrichtung der Olympischen Spiele sind 1—BEWÄHRUNGSPROBE für CHINA, dass sich die pandemische Situation und damit auch der wirtschaftliche Ausblick nicht verschlechtert".
20220207             PORTUGAL erleichtert Einreise für CORONA—GEIMPFTE
20220207             Bei Geimpften reicht —NUN die Vorlage eines in der Europäischen Union anerkannten Nachweises über die vollständige Impfung.
20220207             Die Einreise ohne Test ist auch dann möglich, wenn 1—ZERTIFIKAT über eine nicht länger als —6—MONATE zurückliegende Genesung von COVID—19 vorgelegt wird.
20220207             Der CORONA—NOTSTAND ist noch mindestens —BIS zum 20220322             in Kraft.
20220207             HOTELS, Restaurants und anderen Einrichtungen gilt 3G.
20220207             PORTUGAL ist trotz einer sehr hohen Impfquote von der Pandemie weiterhin stark betroffen und wird von DEUTSCHLAND als Hochrisikogebiet eingestuft.
20220207             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen —7—TAGEN betrug zuletzt gut 2800.
20220207             Zum Vergleich: In DEUTSCHLAND lag dieser Wert —AM—MONTAG bei 14260000             , im Nachbarland SPANIEN bei 824. Die Lage in den Krankenhäusern Portugals ist nach ANGABEN—DER—BEHÖRDEN aber relativ entspannt.
20220207             VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN in DEUTSCHLAND planen auch nach der Pandemie hybride Arbeitsmodelle und wollen Beschäftigten damit 1—MISCHUNG aus Homeoffice und Präsenz ermöglichen.
20220207             Der Anteil der Menschen, die künftig mehrmals pro —WOCHE von zu Hause arbeiten dürften, falle deutlich größer aus als vor der Coronapandemie,
20220207             —GEBOOSTERT, Mehr als 45—MILLIONEN Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND sind
20220207             Damit haben —NUN 61,9 Millionen Menschen oder 74,4 PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG einen Grundschutz, für den meist 2—SPRITZEN nötig sind.
20220207             Mindestens 45,2 Millionen Personen (54,3 Prozent) hätten —JETZT zusätzlich 1—AUFFRISCHUNGSIMPFUNG.
20220207             Eine große Gruppe von 20—MILLIONEN Menschen bleibt aber weiterhin ungeimpft.
20220207             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, 24—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20220207             Für 4—MILLIONEN von ihnen (4,8 Prozent) ist allerdings —BISHER kein Impfstoff zugelassen, weil sie —4—JAHRE oder jünger sind.
20220207             BAYERN will CORONA—SPERRSTUNDE in Gastronomie aufheben
20220207             Europäische Krisendiplomatie: "DEUTSCHE—AUSSENPOLITIK ist von einem ausgeprägten Egoismus"
20220207             Spannungen in Osteuropa: Scholz lädt Macron und Duda zu UKRAINE—GESPRÄCHEN ins Kanzleramt ein
20220207             Großeinsatz in Coburg: Polizei löst illegales Treffen von "Reichsbürgern" in RUDOLF—STEINER—SCHULE auf
20220207             Schulleitung, Vorstand und Geschäftsführung der Schule distanzierten sich "im Namen der Schulgemeinschaft" von der "Reichsbürgerbewegung",
20220207             ein Krisenstab wurde eingerichtet.
20220207             Die Schule verwies auf die von allen Waldorfschulen in DEUTSCHLAND unterstützte "Stuttgarter Erklärung" gegen Rassismus und Nationalismus.
20220207             —ÜBERWACHT, NSO—SPIONAGESOFTWARE Pegasus: Israels Polizei soll unerlaubt Handys, haben
20220207             Nach der Tötung von 2—POLIZISTEN in RHEINLAND—PFALZ hat die Ermittlungsgruppe "Hate Speech" 399—FÄLLE—VON—HASS und Hetze im INTERNET im Zusammenhang mit der Tat festgestellt.
20220207             102—BEITRÄGE davon seien nach vorläufigem Stand strafrechtlich relevant, sagte der RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHE Innenminister ROGER—LEWENTZ (SPD) in MAINZ.
20220207             —GEFEIERT, MANCHE—MENSCHEN hätten die Tat im INTERNET regelrecht, oder die Opfer verhöhnt.
20220207             —BEREITS—IN—DER—NACHT zu —FREITAG hatte die Polizei in der Verbandsgemeinde HERRSTEIN—RHAUNEN (Kreis Birkenfeld) einen Mann festgenommen, der im INTERNET Hasskommentare gegen Polizisten verbreitet und zur Gewalt aufgerufen haben soll.
20220207             Der 55-Jährige soll in seinem öffentlichen FACEBOOK—PROFIL 2—VIDEOS hochgeladen haben, in denen er unter anderem Anleitung dazu gab, Polizeibeamte auf einen Feldweg zu locken und aus dem Hinterhalt zu beschießen.
20220207             Der PRÄSIDENT—DES—RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHEN Landeskriminalamtes (LKA), JOHANNES—KUNZ, sagte —AM—MONTAG, es gebe Hinweise, "die für 1—ZUORDNUNG zum Reichsbürgerspektrum sprechen".
20220207             Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz: Keine Hinweise auf erhöhtes HIRNTUMOR—RISIKO durch Handys
20220207             400—ARTEN ausgewertet: VIELE—PFLANZEN blühen deutlich früher
20220207             "1—GRAD—ERDERWÄRMUNG ist schwer vorstellbar, aber dass die Maiglöckchen einen —MONAT früher blühen, das ist greifbar":
20220207             Laut einer neuen Studie blühen EINIGE—PFLANZEN angesichts des Klimawandels inzwischen mehr als einen —MONAT früher als noch vor —JAHRZEHNTEN.
20220207             Dafür hat das Team um Ulf Büntgen von der UNIVERSITÄT—CAMBRIDGE insgesamt fast 420.000—DATEN zum Blühbeginn von mehr als 400—PFLANZENARTEN ausgewertet.
20220207             —BEGINNT, Die Baumblüte, demnach im Schnitt —15—TAGE—FRÜHER und die der Sträucher —10—TAGE.
20220207             Weil die krautigen Pflanzen kürzere Lebenszeiten und damit einen schnelleren Generationswechsel haben, können sie sich nach ANGABEN—DER—FORSCHER evolutionär schneller anpassen.
20220207             "Sie haben in —70—JAHREN vielleicht 60—GENERATIONEN, 1—BAUM nur ein —BIS 2",
20220207             "Dennoch wissen wir nicht, ob die Evolution den Populationen erlauben wird, schnell genug ein neues Optimum zu erreichen, um mit dem Klimawandel Schritt zu halten",
20220207             Sie führen den FRÜHEREN—BLÜHBEGINN allein auf die Temperaturerhöhung zurück, denn Niederschlag oder Schneeschmelze hätten keine Auswirkungen gezeigt.
20220207             —BEGINNT, Die Haselblüte, das Zeichen für den Vorfrühling, demnach im VERGLEICH—DER—BEIDEN—ZEITRÄUME —17—TAGE—FRÜHER.
20220207             Die FORSYTHIEN—UND die Apfelblüte sind um —11—TAGE vorgezogen.
20220207             Bei der Blüte der Sommerlinde, die den Hochsommer anzeigt, sind es —10—TAGE.
20220207             —MITTE—BIS ENDE—DER—ACHTZIGERJAHRE, als es einen großen Temperatursprung für den Zeitraum —JANUAR—BIS —APRIL in GROSSBRITANNIEN gab.
20220207             In der Folge startete auch die Blüte dort sprunghaft früher.
20220207             Grund war die Umkehrung der Nordatlantischen Oszillation — 1—LUFTDRUCKSYSTEM, das auch das Klima in DEUTSCHLAND beeinflusst.
20220207             Dieser markante Sprung sei auch in DEUTSCHLAND zu beobachten,
20220207             "Die Veränderung der Atlantischen Oszillation ist 1—AUSPRÄGUNG—DES—KLIMAWANDELS, der in diesem Fall nicht stetig sondern sprunghaft stattgefunden hat".
20220207             Wenn Pflanzen in GROSSBRITANNIEN weiterhin immer früher blühen und wenn die Frequenz, Intensität und Dauer der Klimaextreme weiter steigen, ist die Funktion und Produktivität der biologischen, ökologischen und landwirtschaftlichen Systeme einem bislang nicht dagewesenen Risiko ausgesetzt,
20220207             Die ökologisch aufeinander abgestimmten Arten reagierten unterschiedlich auf den Klimawandel und passten damit nicht mehr zusammen,
20220207             Bäume, die früher blühen, könnten zudem häufiger durch Spätfröste ihre Blüten verlieren und fruchtlos bleiben.
20220207             "—JETZT wollen wir das gesamte Ökosystem anschauen".
20220207             Dazu sollen auch DATEN—VON—TIERE einfließen.
20220207             UKRAINE—RUSSLAND—KONFLIKT: Mit dem Holzgewehr gegen Putin
20220207             —BIS zu 1,30 Euro je Pfund: Tchibo erhöht die Kaffeepreise
20220207             Angebliche Reaktion auf "Partygate": Johnson beantwortete Frage zu seiner politischen Zukunft mit "I will survive"
20220207             —ATTACKIERT, Union, Grünenchefin Lang: "Autobahnen zu blockieren, ist kein Kavaliersdelikt"
20220207             —1—JAHR nach DEUTSCHLAND: FRANKREICH verbietet Kükenschreddern
20220207             Nach Sendeverbot in RUSSLAND: Rundfunkrat der DEUTSCHEN—WELLE fordert Rückgabe der Akkreditierungen
20220207             UKRAINE—RUSSLAND—KONFLIKT: Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht schickt zusätzliche Soldaten nach LITAUEN
20220207             Elektrostimulation: Gelähmte gehen nach Therapie wieder kurze Strecken - Doch das wird wohl 1—AUSNAHME bleiben.
20220207             Folgen des Klimawandels: Gletscherschmelze trägt wohl weniger zum Meeresspiegelanstieg bei
20220207             Aber weil Daten zur Gletschergröße und der Verteilung der Eisdicke rar und mit Unsicherheiten behaftet sind, war —BISHER unklar, wie viel Wasser in den Eisriesen eigentlich insgesamt gespeichert ist.
20220207             Eine neue Analyse zeigt —NUN: Es könnte weniger sein als —BISHER gedacht.
20220207             Wenn ALLE—GLETSCHER schmelzen würden, könnten sie rund 257—MILLIMETER zum globalen Meeresspiegelanstieg beitragen — das sind rund 20—PROZENT weniger als —BISHER angenommen.
20220207             Während es im Himalaja 37—PROZENT mehr Eis in den Gletschern gibt als —BISHER angenommen, sind es in den Anden in Südamerika 27—PROZENT weniger.
20220207             "Wenn die Eisvolumen wesentlich geringer sind als —BISHER angenommen, kann das erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Frischwasserressourcen haben.
20220207             Nach Antisemitismusvorwürfen: DEUTSCHE—WELLE trennt sich von 5—MITARBEITERN
20220207             Besuch in Kiew: Baerbock sichert UKRAINE Unterstützung zu
20220207             Mon 20220207             - [l] Habt ihr vom Freiheitsfonds gehört?
20220207             Die sammeln Spenden und kaufen damit Gefängnisinsassen frei, die wegen Schwarzfahrens im Knast sitzen.
20220207             —JETZT erzählen die auf Twitter, dass sie von Gefängnissen angerufen werden, wenn es mal wieder jemanden freizukaufen gibt.
20220207             Von Gefängnissen!
20220207             Weil das eine groteske und völlig sinnlose Geldverschwendung ist, das wissen auch die Gefängnisse.
20220207             Der einzige, der es nicht weiß, ist der Justizminister, denn der beschäftigt sich lieber mit Hassrede.
20220207             Wie seine Vorgänger misst der seinen Erfolg nicht daran, wie VIELE—MENSCHEN in die Gesellschaft reintegriert werden konnten, sondern wie viele er zusätzlich einbuchten konnte.
20220207             Dann kann man sagen, dass Kriminalität 1—PROBLEM ist.
20220207             Und das sichert dann die eigene berufliche Existenz.
20220207             Überlegt euch mal in Ruhe, wie im Arsch 1—RECHTSSYSTEM sein muss, dass die Gefängnisse eine zivile Rettungsorganisation anrufen, damit die Insassen freikaufen.
20220207             Wo ist da eigentlich der substanzielle Unterschied zu TOURISTEN—KIDNAPPING—GANGS in ÄGYPTEN?
20220207             Update: Auf deren Webseite findet ihr übrigens noch das Detail, dass sie keine Spendenquittungen ausstellen können, weil das Finanzamt sie nicht für gemeinnützig hält.
20220207             [l] Wo sind eigentlich die ganzen Grafikkarten hin?
20220207             Heise hat mal nachgerechnet:
20220207             Gleicht man die Rechenleistung im ETHERUM—NETZ mit der Leistung von Grafikkarten ab, kann man sich grob 1—BILD machen, wie VIELE—GPUS die Kryptowährung minen.
20220207             —OPTIMIERT, Nvidias Topmodell GeForce RTX 3090—ETWA schafft, —BIS zu 120—MEGAHASHES pro —SEKUNDE — für 1—PETAHASH/s bräuchte es mehr als 8,5 Millionen Modelle.
20220207             Die haben gerade die PETAHASH—SCHALLMAUER durchbrochen bei Ethereum.
20220207             [l] Kurze Durchsage von BORIS—JOHNSONS neuem Pressesprecher:
20220207             BORIS—JOHNSON is "not 1—COMPLETE clown", his new communications director has said, as he revealed that THE—PRIME—MINISTER initiated 1—DEFIANT rendition of GLORIA—GAYNOR—I WILL—SURVIVE —WHEN the pair met —LAST—WEEK.
20220207             Oh, nicht?
20220207             —FOOLED, Could have, me!
20220207             Putins Privatjacht liegt in HAMBURG neben deutschem Kriegsschiff - Und zwar neben der "Emden", sagen sie.
20220207             Wikipedia weiß mehr zur F266 Emden.
20220207             —BESTELLT, Die wurde 20170000             , und soll 20230000             in den Dienst gestellt werden.
20220207             —GESEHEN, Technisch, liest sich das wie ein attraktives Ausspähziel.
20220207             Reduzierter RADAR—FOOTPRINT, elektronische Gegenmaßnahmen, etc.
20220207             Gut, wer weiß, ob die —JETZT—SCHON an Bord sind.
20220207             [l] Es gibt da gerade gehäuft Abstürze von Terminals bei Einlegen der eGK.
20220207             Ausgelöst wird das Problem nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand durch eine elektrostatische Aufladung der eGK (eGK 2.1, NFC—FÄHIG) und im Folgenden einer Entladung im Kartenterminal.
20220207             Ist das nicht ein —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN gelöstes Problem?
20220207             Bankkarten bringen ja auch GELD—ODER Fahrkartenautomaten nicht zum abstürzen.
20220207             [l] Wisst ihr, die TELEFON—APP—BRANCHE ist ja praktisch komplett von der Telefonnummer als AUTHENTISIERUNGS—INSTRUMENT abhängig.
20220207             Praktisch alle greifen erstmal deine Telefonnummer ab und ankern deinen Account daran fest.
20220207             Das ist auch —SEIT vielen —JAHREN 1—KRITIKPUNKT an Signal.
20220207             Die haben —JETZT 1—FEATURE, dass sich Telefonnummern ändern können.
20220207             Whoa, dude!
20220207             —BIS zum —JAHRE 20220000             hat das gebraucht?
20220207             THE—FUTURE—IS—NOW!!1!
20220207             Ich erwähne das, um eine andere Sache zu erwähnen.
20220207             NFTs auf Telefonnummern ist eine total offensichtlich und fundamental schlechte Idee.
20220207             Und ihr könnt sie —JETZT nicht mehr in den USA patentieren, weil ich hier Prior Art publiziert habe.
20220207             Fuck you, CRYPTO—BROS. Update: Well fuck me.
20220207             DEUTSCHE—WELLE im Kalten Krieg: Wie KGB und Co. den Auslandssender bekämpften
20220207             Urteil gegen Anbindehaltung: Landwirt muss Rindern —IM—SOMMER Auslauf gewähren
20220207             Ökogefahr Hund: Alarmstufe Kot
20220207             Rechtswidriger Umgang mit Dokumenten: Trump soll Briefe von KIM—JONG—UN mit nach MAR—A—LAGO genommen haben
20220207             Pflegeausfälle durch Impfpflicht: Notfalls soll der Nachbar einspringen
20220207             Biden empfängt Scholz: "Zusammen im Kampf gegen die RUSSISCHE—AGGRESSION"
20220207             _a_O_:Vodafone PORTUGAL ist down.
20220207             Scholz im Weißen Haus: Biden droht RUSSLAND mit Aus für NORD—STREAM 2
20220207             —GESTARTET, Coronaimpfungen in Apotheken
20220207             Grüne lehnen Aussetzung der Impfpflicht ab
20220207             Die NRW—LANDESREGIERUNG plant für die Karnevalstage "räumlich abgegrenzte Brauchtumsgebiete innerhalb der Städte".
20220207             In diesen Zonen, in denen größere Menschenansammlungen zu erwarten seien, würden höhere Schutzmaßnahmen gelten als außerhalb der Gebiete, teilte —AM—MONTAG das Gesundheitsministerium in Düsseldorf mit.
20220207             Gesundheitsminister KARL—JOSEF—LAUMANN (CDU) hatte sich zuvor mit den Oberbürgermeisterinnen und dem Oberbürgermeister der Karnevalshochburgen Köln, Düsseldorf, BONN und AACHEN über die anstehenden Karnevalstage ausgetauscht.
20220207             Es sei ihr Ziel, das Schutzniveau in den Bereichen, in denen der Karneval stattfinden werde, zu erhöhen, teilte das Ministerium mit.
20220207             Merz fordert Aussetzung der einrichtungsbezogenen Impfpflicht - MAROKKO öffnet Grenzen wieder
20220207             Chiles PRÄSIDENT—SEBASTIÁN—PIÑERA hat seine 4. Impfdosis gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS erhalten.
20220207             Der 72-Jährige - Der traditionsreiche Karneval in Dunkerque, 1—DER—BEDEUTENDSTEN—KARNEVALSHOCHBURGEN in FRANKREICH, fällt erneut aus.
20220207             Angesichts der weiter angespannten Coronalage habe die Präfektur zu einer Absage sämtlicher Karnevalsfestivitäten geraten,
20220207             Die Inzidenz, der Wert der Neuinfektionen pro 100.000—EINWOHNER und —WOCHE, LIEGE in der Region —DERZEIT bei 3600.
20220207             Deshalb werde es keinerlei Karnevalsumzüge in Städten der Region geben.
20220207             ALLE—KARNEVALISTEN wurden aufgerufen, sich an die Coronaregeln zu halten.
20220207             BERLIN und BRANDENBURG wollen 2G-Regel im Einzelhandel aufheben
20220207             COVID—19: Algarve não regista óbitos, incidência desce e R(t) abaixo de 1
20220207             707_DGS_boletim_20220207
20220207             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 6901,0 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220207             Continente: 6953,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220207             R(t) Nacional: 0,97 Continente: 0,97
20220207—19860000    —BIS, Die Forscher unterteilten ihre Daten, die ALLE—AUS—GROSSBRITANNIEN stammen, in den Zeitraum und die Zeit danach.
20220207—19900000    —BIS, Der DEUTSCHE—WETTERDIENST vergleicht jedoch die Zeiträume 19610000             und
20220207—20190000    —BIS, EINIGE—DER—ANGABEN  17530000             —BIS ins —JAHR zurückreichen, generell wurde aber der ZEITRAUM—VON—BEGINN—DER—FÜNFZIGERJAHRE analysiert.
20220207—20190000    —BIS, Insgesamt korrelierte der Blühbeginn sehr gut mit der ENTWICKLUNG—DER—MAXIMALTEMPERATUREN im Zeitraum —JANUAR—BIS —APRIL—VON—19520000             .
20220207—20210000    —BIS, 19910000             für jeweils einzelne Arten.
20220207—20220000    —ANFANG, sei daher mit eher verhaltenem privaten Konsum zu rechnen.
20220207—20220221    —AB, AUSTRALIEN öffnet Grenzen
202205020709         JAPAN: Diskussion über Verfassung durch UKRAINE—KRIEG 20070207.html