Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 23. August ?

Ereignisse an einem 23. August

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_02370823            —TEMPEL—VON—EDFU, PHARAO—PTOLEMAIOS—III. BAUEN—LÄSST, nach 1—VON ihm festgelegten Grundriss .
02170823             —AM—VULCANALIA—TAG, 1—BRAND ausbricht im KOLOSSEUM in ROM durch Blitzschlag, der zur einzigen längeren Unterbrechung in der fast —450—JAHRE währenden Nutzung als Arena führt.
04060823             † OST—GOTEN—HEER—FÜHRER—RADAGAISUS,
04760823             —DER—GERMANEN—FÜHRER—ODOAKER erhebt sich gegen den RÖMER—HEERMEISTER—ORESTES und dessen Sohn, den letzten WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—ROMULUS—AUGUSTULUS.
06340823             † AB?—BAKR—KALIF—DER—MUSLIME 1.
06340823             —NACH des Ab?—BAKR—TOD wird ?UMAR—IBN—AL—CHATT?B—KALIF.
06730823             † ZIY?D—IBN—AB?—SUFY?N, arabischer STATTHALTER—IN—BASRA
09920823             † VOLKOLD—BISCHOF—VON—MEISSEN
11060823             † MAGNUS—HERZOG—VON—SACHSEN
11220823             † CHRONIST—ROBERT—DER—MÖNCH, Kleriker und
11760823             † ROKUJ?, JAPANISCHER—KAISER
11760823             † JAPANISCHER—KAISER—ROKUJ?,
12180823             Man beschloß, DIE—STADT—DAMIETTE im NIL—DELTA anzugreifen, womit man den alten Plan wiederaufnahm, des ISLAM—MACHT—ZENTRUM in ÄGYPTEN zu vernichten,
12180823             um JERUSALÉM dann desto leichter erobern zu können.
12180823             —VOR, der STADT—DAMIETTE war die einzig befahrbare Rinne des Nils mit 1—KETTE, die vom Ostufer zu dem sogenannten Kettenturm im Fluß lief, versperrt.
12180823             Nur von diesem Turm aus ließ sich die Kette absenken, um den Schiffsweg nach KAIRO freizugeben.
12180823             —AM, GELANG des TURM—EROBERUNG
12440711—12440823    —JERUSALEM, RAZED, THE—KHWAREZMIAN—TURKS completely.
12440711—12440823    —BY, THE—KHWAREZMIAN—TURKS left JERUSALEM in ruins useless to both Christians and Muslims.
12440711—12440823    —RAZED, THE—KHWAREZMIAN—TURKS completely, JERUSALEM and
12440823             —DECIMATED, THE—KHWAREZMIAN—TURKS, ruthlessly, the population, leaving only 2,000—PEOPLE, Christians and Muslims, still living in THE—CITY—JERUSALEM.
12440823             —TRIGGERED, This KHWAREZMIAN—TURKS—ATTACK, THE—EUROPEANS to respond with the 7. Crusade.
12440823             —JERUSALEM—EROBERN, Choresmische Söldner im Dienst der Ayyubiden, von den Kreuzfahrern und plündern die Stadt.
12680823             Des KARL—VON—ANJOUS Sieg in der
12680823             —SCHLACHT—BEI—TAGLIACOZZO
12680823             —BESIEGELT des letzter STAUFER—KÖNIG—KONRAD—IV—UNTERGANG
12980823             † HEINRICH—DER—JÜNGERE, ältester Sohn und Mitregent von HEINRICH—I—LAND—GRAF—VON—HESSEN
13050823             —HANGED, SCOTLAND—PATRIOT WILLIAM—WALLACE was, drawn, beheaded, and quartered in LONDON.
13050823             Der SCHOTTISCHE—NATIONALHELD—WILLIAM—WALLACE wird in Smithfield bei LONDON öffentlich mittels grausamster Martern zu Tode gequält.
13061112—13070823    JOHANN—VON—ZÜLPICH ist erwähnt vom (SUB—I—214—217).
13070823             —AM, HEINRICH—VON—ZÜLPICH, Bruder des im vorhergehenden Eintrag erwähnten MÖNCH,erscheint
13280823             —SCHLACHT—VON—CASSEL werden aufständische Flamen von 1—FRANZÖSISCHEN—HEER besiegt.
13340823             † SYRGIANNES—PALAIOLOGOS, BYZANZ—ARISTOKRAT und Feldherr
13490823             † † —MASSACRE—OF—JEWS—AT—MAYENEE[MAINZ]..
13530823             LE—CHAPITRE approuve l'emploi fait par ses commissaires DE—LEGALO—FACTO ipsi ECCLESIE per dnnj PETRUM—AGAPILI de Colunma, prepositum ECCLESIE supra dicte.
13530823             ERHALTEN—COMES Luffus/ - ANECHINus Rubeus,^
13530823             Cariscius de Bpocch,^ - Duule und - 1—LAMBERTONUS,*
13530823             conestabiles communis CIVITATIS PERUSII existentes IN PROVINCIA—PATRIMONII in servitium ROMANE—ECCLESIE,
13530823             PRO—PROVISIONE eis facta, quia debellaverant et per bellum obtinuerunt Roccham Abbatie ad Pontem,
13530823             que detinebatur per IOHANnem de Vico, (59—FLORENI—PRO qualibet banderia): 295—FLORENI
13531221             DOMINUS—HENRICUS miles/ NICOLAUS—COMES—DE—URBINO COMES Luifus etc. conestabiles equites COMMUNIS—PERUSII;13540823             —DIE—ANNO, cujus JOHANNIS—DE—HAECH—DE—BRABANTIAM, beneficia DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE erant reservata.
13540823             —ANNO, DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE erant reservata.
13540823             Decanus enim et capitulum dictae ECCLESIAE qui hujus reservationis ignari eandem [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDAM—HUGONI jam
13540823             —DIE—ANNO, cujus JOHANNIS—DE—HAECH—DE—BRABANTIAM, beneficia DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE erant reservata.
13670823             (sic) i) soluti —MANDATO—PAPA—FERRANDO—DE—PETRABONA, —ISPANIA, qui inire duellum debebat cum quodam ALAMANNO,
13720823             quod duellum fuit dimissum ad MANDATUM PAPA, pro 230—DUCATIS—AURI
13720823             (DUCATIS quam lanuensibus pro 27—S. 10—D. et FLORINI—DE—CAMERA pro 28—S. computatis)
13720823             pro dono SPECIALITER—DICTO—FERRANDO per PAPA[M] facto 229—FLORINI
13720823             soluti fuerunt DE—MANDATO—PAPA FERRANDO—DE—PETRABONA, SCUTIFERO—DE—ISPANIA, qui inire duellum debebat cum quodam ALAMANNO,
13880823             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DÖFFINGEN
13920823             —KONRAD—VON—DER—ARKEN
14360823             —AM, ARNOLD—VON—STRIFFEN wird erwähnt als MÖNCH,
14610600—14610823    —IM, —VON—DEM gedachter GEMEINDE—TOLFA zukommenden Ertrage aber die Mauern hergestellt, armen Mädchen Mitgift ausgesetzt werden sollte.
14610600—14610823    —IM, des wurde BIAGIO—SPINOLA auf —20—JAHRE zum obersten Verwalter der TOLFA—ALAUN—WERKE bestellt,
14610823             —AM, bestätigte PIUS—II—PAPA den von De CASTRO mit der Kammer, der STADT—COMETO abgeschlossenen Vertrag,
14610823             —AM, bestätigte PIUS—II—PAPA den durch DE—CASTRO abgeschlossenen VERTRAG—MIT—DER—STADT—COMETO—KAMMER, der STADT—COMETO,
14610823             gemäss welchem VERTRAG DE—CASTRO PRO 1.000—PFUND—ALAUN der Kammer 2—GOLD—GULDEN entrichten,
14720823             KÖLN, a GERART—ZEUWELGYN verkauft den von seinen Eltern ARNOult und LYSBETH—ZUWELGYN ererbten Anteil des BIERBUYSCHS—10., von altersher der JÜLICHer (Gulcher) 10. genannt und aus Wein, Früchten und anderem bestehend, bei und um ZÜLPICH  gelegen,
14720823             an die Herren und Brüder des HAUS—WEIDENBACH gegenüber S—PANTALEON BINNEN—KÖLN, die auch —BISHER—SCHON die LEHN—HERREN des 10. gewesen sind,
14810823             † THOMAS—LITTLETON, ENGLISCHER—JURIST und Verfasser eines wichtigen Rechtstextes
14900823             diese am begonnen, wobei leider die Reste 1—ANTIKEN Bogens abgetragen wurden an welchen sich die frühere KIRCHEnfassade lehnte,
15170823             * FRANZ—I—HERZOG—VON—LOTHRINGEN
15180823             —DAMALS, LAZARUS—TUCHER bevollmächtigte 1—AUS LEIPZIG stammenden KAUF—MANN Namens WOLFGANG—BUCHER zur Einkassierung von Ausständen, Führung von Prozessen usw.
15180823             —J—IM, (/) LAZARUS—TUCHER in den ANTWERPEN—SCHÖFFEN—BÜCHERN begegnet uns [ANTWERP,ANVERS]
15190823             † PHILIBERT—BERTHELIER, Genfer Politiker
15240823             * FRANCISCUS—HOTOMANUS, FRANZÖSISCHER—RECHTSGELEHRTER, Philologe und calvinistischer Theologe
15350823—15590000    —BIS, JOHANNES—CALVIN vollendet die 1. Ausgabe der INSTITUTIO—CHRISTIANAE—RELIGIONIS, seines fortlaufend erweiterten theologischen Hauptwerks.
15410823             —LANDED, JACQUES—CARTIER, near QUEBEC on his 3. voyage to NORTH—AMERICA and
15410823             —ESTABLISHED, JACQUES—CARTIER, 1—SHORT—LIVED community near QUEBEC.
15460000             —BEREITS, erdachte Girolamo Fracastoro, 1—ARZT, Dichter, Philosoph und Universalgelehrter aus VERONA,
15530823             † ENGLAND—LORD—ADMIRAL—JOHN—DUDLEY—DUKE—OF—NORTHUMBERLAND, premier, was beheaded on Tower Hill in front of 10,000 onlookers.
15530823             —ET LA—FLOTTE—TURQUE—DE—DRAGUT, alliée à LA—FLOTTE—DE—HENRI—II. s'empare d'AJACCIO
15530823             —ET LA—FLOTTE—TURQUE—DE—DRAGUT, alliée à LA—FLOTTE—DE—HENRI—II. s'empare même de BONIFACIO la GÉNOISE[GENUA,GENOA].
15530823             et LA—FLOTTE turque de Dragut, alliée à celle DE—HENRI—II. s'empare de Bastia
15560823             —LETTRES—DE—DON de qimtre eeiis 20—HUICL LIVRES pour luessire l'Idlipe de tu (Jrennerie, ablié de Bette Es toi Ile.
15560823             —VERZICHTET, KAISER—KARL—V., zugunsten seines Sohnes PHILIPP—II. auf den SPANISCHEN—THRON und
15560823             —VERZICHTET, KAISER—KARL—V., zugunsten seines Bruder FERDINAND—I. auf die Kaiserwürde im HEILIGES—RÖMISCHES—REICH.
15560823—15580226    —AM, Letzterem wird diese durch den KUR—FÜRSTENTAG übertragen.
15580226—15560823    —AM—BEREITS, FERDINAND—I—SEIN—BRUDER—KARL—V. hatte hierauf verzichtet.
15730823             * THEOBALD—HOCK, DEUTSCHER—AGENT und Lyriker
15780823             —SEITDEM, LAUT ELZE ALLE—DIE—BEZEICHNUNG ,consoli' anwendete.
15910823             † LUIS—DE—LEÓN, SPANISCHER—DICHTER
15930823             * FULVIO—TESTI, ITALIEN—POET (Pianto d'Italia).
16050823             * PAUL—MARQUARD—SCHLEGEL, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Botaniker
16170823             LONDON, wird die 1. Einbahnstraße eingerichtet.
16170823             1. 1—WAY—STREETS, in LONDON, OPENED.
16280823             † GEORGE—VILLIERS—DUKE—OF—BUCKINGHAM—1., Günstling und leitender MINISTER unter den ENGLISCHEN—KÖNIGEN
16330823—16540329    —GENANNT, JOHANN—GEORG—VON—LISUR, wird als PROPST—VON—HIRZENACH vom
16360823             (SIEGBURG, URKUNDE 965—VON ).
16360823             Als PROPST—VON—REMAGEN erscheint JAKOB—MEINHARD—VON—HORRIG vom —BIS zu seinem Tod am
16360823—16370131    als PRIOR vom
16420807—16420823    the Royalists were forced to retreat to WORCESTER.
16420807—16420823    —LIFTED, The siege was, —WHEN the garrison was relieved by the forces of ROBERT—DEVEREUX—EARL—OF—ESSEX, 3., and
16420807—16420823    —LIFTED, The siege was, —WHEN the garrison was relieved by the forces of ROBERT—DEVEREUX, 3. EARL—OF—ESSEX, and the Royalists were forced to retreat to WORCESTER.
16420807—16420823    —LIFTED, The siege was, —WHEN the garrison was relieved by the forces of ROBERT—DEVEREUX, 3. EARL—OF—ESSEX, and
16450823             —FRIEDE—VON—BRÖMSEBRO
16450823             —EINIGEN sich DÄNEMARK und SCHWEDEN gegen Ende des 30—JÄHRIGER—KRIEGES über 1—EINSTELLUNG ihrer Kampfhandlungen im TORSTENSSON—KRIEG.
16450823             GOTLAND wird Teil Schwedens.
16710823             * CAI—BURCHARD—VON—AHLEFELDT, Gutsherr der Adligen Güter Bystorp, Gut Eschelsmark, Ornum und Stubbe
16720114—16730823    —VOM, Als PRIOR ist PHILIPP—JAKOB—VON—HARFF nachzuweisen;
16790823             † JOHANN—GEORG—VON—GÖTZEN, Landeshauptmann der GRAFSCHAFT—GLATZ
16850823             —BERICHTET, VALCKENIER, Als FUCHS —NACH—DEM Haag abreiste, habe DERSELBE renommirt, seine Mission könne keinen Erfolg haben, da vorgebaut sei;
16850823             —BERICHTET, VALCKENIER, als man von dem glücklichen Fortgang der —VERHANDLUNGEN Nachricht erhalten, habe sich Verjus gewaltig moquirt:
16850823             —BERICHTET, VALCKENIER, FUCHS sei 1—SCHÖNER Negotiant, daß er für die geforderten 1,400.000—REICHS—TALER bloss 400.000 in Terminen zahlbar von den Staaten erlangt habe,
16850823             —BERICHTET, VALCKENIER, DER—STAAT habe sich dadurch für insolvent erklärt, man könne in den NIEDERLANDEN nicht mehr einig leben, sondern habe 1—VOGT nötig u. dgl. m.
16850823             —IM—VERTRAG—VOM, die Regelung des Streits zwischen der HOLLÄNDISCHEN—WESTINDISCHE—COMPAGNIE und der BRANDENBURGischen AFRIKANISCHEN—COMPAGNIE vorbehalten worden war.
16850823             —AM, BERICHTET VALCKENIER—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER aus REGENSBURG folgendes über des Verjus Verhalten dabei:
16850823             —AM, BERICHTET VALCKENIER, "dewelcke (onder reverentie) geen halfF jaer konden parole houden;"
16850823             —AM, BERICHTET VALCKENIER, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG könne unmöglich mit dem Accord zufrieden sein;
16850823             Compagnie übrig, die im —VERTRAG—VOM, vorbehalten worden war.
16970823             † PEDRO—ABARCA, SPANISCHER—THEOLOGE und Historiker
17020823             † NICOLAUS—VON—GERSDORF, sächsischer Jurist und Diplomat
17090823             † DOMENICO—MANUEL—CAETANO, ITALIENISCHER—HOCHSTAPLER, Alchemist und angeblicher Goldmacher
17110823             —FAILED, 1—UK—ATTEMPT to invade CANADA by sea.
17220823             * JOST—CHRISTIAN—ZU—STOLBERG—ROßLA—JUNIOR, Hochadeliger in verschiedenen Militärdiensten
17230823             † INCREASE—MATHER—PRÄSIDENT—DER—HARVARD—UNIVERSITÄT, puritanischer Pfarrer und
17240823             * ABRAHAM—YATES, USA—JURIST und Politiker
17240823             † FRANZÖSISCHER—LEXIKOGRAPH—SÉBASTIEN—RASLES,  und JESUITEN—MISSIONAR bei den Abenaki in Nordamerika
17350823             Die —PREMIERE, der Oper Les Indes galantes von JEAN—PHILIPPE—RAMEAU findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt.
17350823             1. Oper Les Indes galantes von JEAN—PHILIPPE—RAMEAU findet an der Grand Opéra PARIS statt.
17350823             † MATWEI—CHRISTOFOROWITSCH—SMAJEWITSCH, RUSSISCHER—SCHIFFBAUER und Admiral der Baltischen Flotte
17400823             * IWAN—VI—ZAR—VON—RUSSLAND, 17400000             —BIS 17410000
17410823             * JEAN—FRANÇOIS—DE—LA—PÉROUSE, FRANZÖSISCHER—SEEFAHRER—, Weltumsegler und Geograph
17500823             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—KRÜGER, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Schauspieler und Dramatiker
17510823             * NIKOLAUS—SIMROCK, Beethovenfreund und Waldhornist am kurfürstlichen Hof
17540823—17930000    * † LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH,  à VERSAILLES du futur LOUIS—XVI.
17540823—17930000    —DURING—THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION—LOUIS—XVI—KING—OF—FRANCE—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH met his fate at the guillotine.
17620823             * JOHANN—SAMUEL—GÖBEL, Kursächsischer Finanzsekretär und Historiker
17660000—18130823    * † ALEXANDER—WILSON, SCOTTISH—BORN poet and naturalist, in PHILADELPHIA.
17660823             * JOHANN—CENTURIUS—VON—HOFFMANNSEGG, DEUTSCHER—BOTANIKER, Entomologe und Ornithologe
17670823             † MATHÄUSA—SPANGLER.
17680823             † Sie starb als letzte des ganzen GESCHLECHT—VON—MILENDONKS, —77—JAHRE—ALT".
17690823             * KARL—GEORG—MAAßEN, PREUSSISCHER—JURIST, Politiker und Mitinitiator des DEUTSCHEN—ZOLLVEREINS
17690823             Die Malerin ADÉLAÏDE—LABILLE oo im Alter von —20—JAHREN den Steuerbeamten Guiard.
17750823             —REFUSED, GEORGE—III—KING—OF—BRITAIN, THE—USA—COLONIES' OFFER—OF—PEACE and proclaimed THE—USA—COLONIES in 1—STATE—OF "open and avowed rebellion".
17760823             * JOSEF—HOËNÉ—WRONSKI, POLNISCHER—PHILOSOPH und Mathematiker
17810823             * FRIEDRICH—TIEDEMANN, DEUTSCHER—ANATOM und Physiologe
17840823             KAISER—JOSEPH—II. verfügt in der Zeit des Josephinismus das Schließen aller innerörtlichen Friedhöfe in ÖSTERREICH aus Hygienegründen.
17840823             Für Bestattungen soll ferner 1—KLAPPSARG eingesetzt werden, doch die Bevölkerung sträubt sich nach kurzer Gültigkeitszeit erfolgreich dagegen.
17840823             —DECLARED, EAST—TENNESSEE—SETTLERS, their area 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE and named it Franklin;
17840823             —1—YEAR—LATER the Continental Congress rejected it.
17850823             * FRIEDRICH—AMMENSDÖRFER, fränkischer Bierbrauer, Gastwirt und Politiker
17850823             1. Dampfmaschine nach Bauart von JAMES—WATT wird in DEUTSCHLAND auf dem KÖNIG—FRIEDRICH—SCHACHT bei HETTSTEDT offiziell in Betrieb genommen.
17900823             Die —PREMIERE, der Oper Les Rigueurs du cloître von Henri Montan Berton findet an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS statt.
17900823             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—DIETERICI, DEUTSCHER—STATISTIKER und Nationalökonom
17910823             † JEANNE—DE—SAINT—RÉMY, FRANKREICH—ADEL und Drahtzieherin der sogenannten Halsbandaffäre
17920823             —CAPITULATION—DE—LONGWY
17930823             —TAGUNG im SALLE—DU—MANÈGE
17930823             Der FRANZÖSISCHE—NATIONALKONVENT ordnet die Einführung 1—ALLGEMEINEN Wehrpflicht (Levée en masse) an.
18000823             * ADOLF—ASHER, DEUTSCHER—BUCHHÄNDLER, Antiquar, Verleger und Bibliograph
18000823             * EVANGELOS—ZAPPAS, GRIECHISCHER—KAUFMANN und Mäzen
18100823             Während des BRITISCHER—MAURITIUS—FELDZUG kommt es zur
18100823             —SEE—SCHLACHT—VON—GRAND—PORT.
18110823             * AUGUSTE—BRAVAIS, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHYSIKER, Mitbegründer der Kristallographie
18130823             —BATTLE—OF—GROSSBEEREN, PRUSSIANS under VON—BÜLOW repulsed THE—FRENCH.
18130823             —COMPLETED, ALEXANDER—WILSON had, 7—VOLUMES—OF "USA—ORNITHOLOGY" and was working on an 8. volume —WHEN he †.
18130823             OUDINOT—BATTU—À—GROOS—BEEREN
18130823             * DEUTSCHER—HISTORIKER—RUDOLF—KÖPKE,  und Journalist
18130823             —SCHLACHT—BEI—GROSSBEEREN im Rahmen der BEFREIUNGS—KRIEGE
18130823             † ALEXANDER—WILSON, BRITISCHER—ORNITHOLOGE und Dichter
18180823             * JOHANN—GEORG—ECCARIUS, DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—AKTIVIST und Gewerkschafter
18180823             * WILHELM—RUDOLF—KUTTER, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR für Wasserbau und Kanalsysteme
18190823             † OLIVER—HAZARD—PERRY, NAVAL—HERO, on his 34. birthday.
18200823             * ADOLF—KIEPERT, DEUTSCHER—ÖKONOM und Politiker
18210823             —AFTER—11—YEARS—OF—WAR,
18210823             —MEXIKO—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—SPANIEN erlangt seine .
18290823             * VIKTOR—BÖHMERT, DEUTSCHER—JOURNALIST, Freihändler und Volkswirt
18330823             —SKLAVEREI—ABGESCHAFFT, In den BRITISCHEN—KOLONIEN wird die .
18330823             —TREATY—OF—CORDOBA, would free SOME—700,000—SLAVES, including those in THE—WEST—INDIES.
18330823             —THE—IMPERIAL—EMANCIPATION—ACT—ALLOWED,  also, blacks to enjoy greater equality under the law in CANADA as opposed to THE—USA.
18330823             SOME—46,000—PEOPLE were paid 1—TOTAL—OF—20—MILLION—POUNDS in compensation for freeing their slaves.
18330823             —ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY in UK—EMPIRE.
18330823             —ADOPTED, PARLIAMENT, 1—GRADUAL—EMANCIPATION—PLAN, providing compensation to slave owners + establishing 1—APPRENTICESHIP—PLAN to prepare nearly 800,000 slaves for freedom
18330823             * JAMES—DE—MILLE, KANADISCHER—PROFESSOR für klassische Literatur und Schriftsteller
18330823             —SKLAVEREI—ABGESCHAFFT, wird  In den BRITISCHEN—KOLONIEN.
18330823—18340801    THE—UK—PARLIAMENT—ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY in its colonies, ORDERED.
18330823—18340801    —SLAVERY—ABOLITION—ACT verbietet GROSSBRITANNIEN die Sklaverei im gesamten BRITISCHEN—EMPIRE.
18330823—18340801    —ORDERED, THE—UK—PARLIAMENT, THE—ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY in its colonies.
18330823—18340801    —ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY in its colonies, ORDERED, THE—UK—PARLIAMENT.
18380823             1—OF—THE 1. colleges for women, MOUNT—HOLYOKE—FEMALE—SEMINARY in SOUTH—HADLEY, MASSACHUSETTS, graduated its 1. students.
18390823             DIE—BRITEN besetzen HONGKONG, um 1—OPERATIONSBASIS für einen KRIEG—MIT—DEM Kaiserreich CHINA zu haben.
18390823             —CAPTURED, British, HONG—KONG from CHINA.
18480323—18490823    —BIS—ZUM, DIE—REPUBBLICA—DI—S—MARCO[VENEDIG] sich halten kann.
18480823             1—ARBEITER—KONGRESS in BERLIN zusammentritt
18480823—18480903    —GEGRÜNDET, 1—ORGANISATION "ARBEITER—VERBRÜDERUNG" Die meisten ARBEITER—VEREINE schließen sich an.
18480823—18480903    Auf ihrem Programm stehen der —10—STUNDEN—TAG, PRODUKTIV—ASSOZIATIONEN, Unterstützungskassen, Arbeitsnachweisbüros
18490823             —MARKIERT den abschließenden Sieg ÖSTERREICH über —DIE—MÄRZ—REVOLUTION in seinen VASALLEN—STAATEN.
18500823             1. national women's rights convention, in WORCESTER—MASSACHUSETTS, CONVENED.
18500823             findet Kapitän Erasmus Ommanney von der "Assistance" die 1. Spuren der FRANKLIN—EXPEDITION.
18500823             Auf Cape Riley, am Südwestufer von DEVON—ISLAND,
18500823             * HEINRICH—GOGARTEN, DEUTSCHER—LANDSCHAFTSMALER und Vertreter des Symbolismus
18510823             —VOM, den BUNDES—BESCHLUß zur Ausführung zu bringen,
18510823             * ALOIS—JIRÁSEK, TSCHECHISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Historiker
18510823             den Bundesbeschluß VOM, zur Ausführung zu bringen,
18540823             * MORITZ—MOSZKOWSKI, DEUTSCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18550823             * HEINRICH—BECKURTS, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Hochschullehrer
18570823             † CARL—LUDWIG—KOCH, DEUTSCHER—FORSTMANN, Entomologe und Arachnologe
18580823             "—10—NIGHTS in 1—BAR—ROOM," 1—PLAY about the tragic consequences of consuming alcohol, opened in NEW—YORK.
18590823             * FRANZ—PORTEN, DEUTSCHER—OPERNSÄNGER und Filmregisseur
18610823             —PLACED, UNION—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF—ALLAN—PINKERTON, ROSE—O—NEAL—GREENHOW (1813/18140000—18640000    ) under house arrest for working as 1—SOUTHERN—SPY working in WASHINGTON—DC.
18610823             1—WASHINGTON socialite with MANY—FRIENDS in high government circles, ROSE—O—NEAL—GREENHOW was perfectly placed to gather intelligence about FEDERAL—TROOP—STRENGTHS and movements.
18610823—18610000    —RECRUITED, ROSE—O—NEAL—GREENHOW, a —44—YEAR—OLD widow with 4—DAUGHTERS, was, to be the operating HEAD—OF—THE—CONFEDERACY—1. spy ring.
18610823—18640930    † ROSE—O—NEAL—GREENHOW, drowned in 1—SHIPWRECK.
18610823—18640930    —ON, She drowned in 1—SHIPWRECK.
18610823—19630500    —BANISHED, ROSE—O—NEAL—GREENHOW was sent to the Old Capitol Prison and then was, to RICHMOND—VIRGINIA.
18630823             —CEASED, Union batteries, their 1. bombardment of Fort Sumter, leaving it 1—MASS—OF rubble but still unconquered by the Northern besiegers.
18630823             * CARL—WERCKSHAGEN, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Pastor, Schriftsteller und Redakteur
18640823             —OCCUPIED, Union troops and fleet, Fort MORGAN—ALABAMA.
18650823             † ERNST—SCHALCK, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Karikaturist
18650823             † FERDINAND—GEORG—WALDMÜLLER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—MALER und Kunstschriftsteller
18660823             —AKZEPTIERT, ÖSTERREICH, darin die Auflösung des DEUTSCHEN—BUNDES.
18670823             * EDGAR—VON—WAHL, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Lehrer, Schöpfer der Plansprache Occidental
18680823             * PAUL—OTLET, DEUTSCHER—PIONIER der Informationsmanagements
18680823—18680826    7. GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG—DES—ADAV in HAMBURG.
18680823—18680826    36—DELEGIERTE vertreten ca.
18680823—18680826    7.200—MITGLIEDER aus 83—ORTEN.
18680823—18680826    HAUPT—PUNKT der Beratungen bildet die Stellung des VEREIN zur STREIK—BEWEGUNG.
18680823—18680826    Mit Mehrheit nimmt DIE—VERSAMMLUNG —1—ANTRAG an, —NACHDEM STREIKs zwar nicht geeignet seien, DIE—GRUND—LAGEN der heutigen PRODUKTION zu ändern und somit die Lage DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE durchgreifend zu verbessern,
18680823—18680826    aber sie seien 1—MITTEL, um der ARBEITER—KLASSEN—BEWUßTSEIN zu fördern, DIE—POLIZEI—BEVORMUNDUNG zu durchbrechen und unter Voraussetzung richtiger Organisation einzelne soziale Mißstände drückender Art aus der heutigen GESELLSCHAFT zu entfernen.
18680823—19500000    * † EDGAR—LEE—MASTERS, poet, novelist, in GARNETT—KANSAS.
18720000—19390823    * † ZANE—GREY, USA—NOVELIST.
18720823             1. JAPAN—COMMERCIAL—SHIP, SF—VISITED, carrying tea.
18730823—18730827    EISENACH, tagt DER—DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHE—ARBEITER—PARTEI—KONGREß, der für NÜRNBERG verboten worden war.
18730823—18730827    70—DELEGIERTE vertreten 9.224—MITGLIEDER aus über 130—ORTEN.
18730823—18730827    —TAGES—ORDNUNG—BERICHT—ÜBER den "Volksstaat" (A. GEIB).
18730823—18730827    Da DIE—EINIGUNG—MIT—DEM ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] nach dessen KONGREß wieder schwieriger geworden sei, verlangt DER—KONGREß, jeden EINIGUNGS—VERSUCHEINZUSTELLEN.
18730823—18730827    —DER—KONGREß—ERKLÄRT, daß DIE—PARTEI DIE—REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN nur als Agitationsmittel und als Prüfstein für die Verbreitung ihrer Prinzipien betrachte.
18730823—18730827    —DER—KONGREß—ERKLÄRT, DIE—PARTEI ablehne jeden Kompromiß mit anderen Parteien.
18730823—18730827    —DER—KONGREß empfiehlt den PARTEI—MITGLIEDERN, DIE—PARTEIPRINZIPIEN nach Kräften durch Wort und Schrift unter der LAND—BEVÖLKERUNG zu verbreiten, um dadurch möglichst auch 1—GEWERKSCHAFTLICHEN Organisation der LAND—ARBEITER Bahn zu brechen.
18730823—18730827    —DER—PARTEI—AUSSCHUß wird beauftragt, sobald die —VERHÄLTNISSE es gestatten, 1—BELLETRISTISCHE ParteiZEITSCHRIFT (Unterhaltungsblatt) zu —GRÜNDEN.
18730823—18730827    Zum "Vorort" wird HAMBURG, zum Sitz der KONTROLL—KOMMISSION FRANKFURT—AM—MAIN gewählt.
18730823—18730827    In den PARTEI—AUSSCHUß gewählt: TH—YORCK (Schriftführer).
18730823—18730827    In den PARTEI—AUSSCHUß gewählt: E. Prey (1. VORSITZENDER);
18760819—18760823    (W. Liebknecht, W. Hasselmann).
18760819—18760823    Auf dem PARTEI—KONGREß in GOTHA, er wurde —NACH—DEM Verbot in PREUßEN als ALLGEMEINER—SOZIALISTEN—KONGREß einberufen -
18760819—18760823    Auf dem PARTEI—KONGREß in GOTHA vertreten 98—DELEGIERTE 38.254—MITGLIEDER aus 291—ORTEN.
18760819—18760823    —PARTEI—KONGREß—GOTHA Für den WAHL—KAMPF hat DIE—PARTEI 145—GESCHULTE Redner und Wahlgelder IN—HÖHE—VON—30.000—BIS 40.000—MARK zur Verfügung.
18760819—18760823    DIE—PARTEI besitzt 38—PERIODISCHE Zeitungen und ZEITSCHRIFTen, darunter 21—LOKALBLÄTTER, die mehrmals PRO—WOCHE erscheinen,
18760819—18760823    —PARTEI—KONGREß—GOTHA BESCHLIEßT, die 2—ZENTRAL—ORGANE "Neuer SOCIAL—DEMOKRAT" und "Volksstaat" zu verschmelzen.
18760819—18760823    Von der Partei sind 8—VOLL—, 14—TEILBESOLDETE Agitatoren und 46—VOLLBESOLDETE Redakteure, Expedienten u. a. angestellt.
18760819—18760823    Zur permanenten Leitung DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN WAHL—AGITATION, PARTEI—AGITATION wird 1—STÄNDIGES ZENTRAL—WAHL—KOMITEE, bestehend aus 5—MENSCHEN, gewählt.
18760819—18760823    Diesem Komitee ist in allen AGITATIONS—ANGELEGENHEITEN, PARTEI—ANGELEGENHEITEN diktatorische Gewalt übertragen.
18760819—18760823    Dieses KOMITEE tritt an die Stelle des Vorstandes.
18760819—18760823    DIE—REVISIONS—KOMMISSION sitzt in BREMEN, DAS—ZENTRAL—WAHL—KOMITEE in HAMBURG, mit L Auer und K. Derossi als Sekretäre, A. GEIB als Kassierer, H. Brasch und G.W. HARTMANN als Beisitzer.
18760819—18760823    —DER—KONGREß spricht sich für die Übernahme der PRIVAT—EISENBAHNEN in STAATS—BESITZ aus.
18760819—18760823    Den Auseinandersetzungen über die Frage, ob SCHUTZ—ZOLL oder FREI—HANDEL, steht DER—KONGREß fremd gegenüber.
18760819—18760823    In der nächsten REICHS—TAG—SESSION müsse 1—ARBEITER—SCHUTZ—GESETZ durch DIE—ABGEORDNETEN DER—SOZIALISTISCHEN Wähler beantragt werden.
18760819—18760823    IM—KLASSEN—STAAT könne keine FORM—DER—GERICHTS—VERFASSUNGS RECHT und Gerechtigkeit verbürgen, darum seien freie VOLKS—GERICHTE, auf DER—GRUND—LAGE des allgemeinen und gleichen WAHL—RECHTS gebildet, anzustreben.
18760819—18760823    Zum 1. Mal erhält 1—DEUTSCHER—PARTEI—KONGREß EINIGE—ZUSCHRIFTEN ausländischer sozialistischer Organisationen, in denen DIE—PARTEI zu ihrer tapferen Haltung beglückwünscht wird.
18830823             * USA—GENERAL—JONATHAN—WAINWRIGHT, who FOUGHT—AGAINST the Japanese on Corregidor in THE—PHILIPPINES and was forced to surrender.
18840823             * JULES—FOURNIER, KANADISCHER—JOURNALIST, Zeitungsverleger, Übersetzer und Essayist
18840823             Die Zahnradbahn STUTTGART–Degerloch, —HEUTE Deutschlands einzige im regulären ÖPNV verkehrende Zahnradbahn, wird eröffnet.
18870823             "Made in GERMANY" entsteht.
18870823             * ERICH—KÜHN, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Journalist, Theatermann und Politiker
18870823             GROSSBRITANNIEN verlangt im parlamentarisch verabschiedeten MERCHANDISING—MARKS—ACT auf allen importierten Industrieprodukten künftig die ANGABE—DES—URSPRUNGSLANDES;
18880823             * ERICH—GLOEDEN, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und Widerstandskämpfer
18890823             —RECEIVED, THE—1.—SHIP—TO—SHORE wireless message was, in USA in SF.
18890823             * ALFRED—LICHTENSTEIN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Schriftsteller des Expressionismus
18910000—19390823    * † SIDNEY—COE—HOWARD, USA—PLAYWRIGHT and short story writer.
18910823             * FREDERICK—LEE—HISAW, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ZOOLOGE und Endokrinologe
18910823             * ARNOLD—AGATZ, DEUTSCHER—HAFENBAUINGENIEUR und Hafenbaudirektor
18910823             * FREDERICK—LEE—HISAW, USA—ZOOLOGE und Endokrinologe
18930823             † MICHA?—ELWIRO—ANDRIOLLI, POLNISCHER—MALER und Architekt
18960823             * JACQUES—RUEFF, französischer politischer Theoretiker und Wirtschaftsexperte
18970823             † DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER—ALEXANDER—DUNCKER,  und Buchhändler
18980823             * DEUTSCHER—KAPITALIST—ADOLF—AHRENS,  und Politiker
18990823—19740000    —WON, ALBERT—CLAUDE, THE—NOBEL for his work on THE—SUB—STRUCTURE—OF—THE—CELL.
18990823—19830000    * † ALBERT—CLAUDE, biologist, in BELGIUM.
19000823             —FORMED, Booker T. WASHINGTON, the National Negro Business League in BOSTON—MASSACHUSETTS.
19020823             FANNY—FARMER, among the 1. to emphasize THE—RELATIONSHIP—OF—DIET to health, opened her School of Cookery in BOSTON.
19020823             —DISCOVERED, Gold was, in Goldfield, Nv., near Tonopah.
19020823—19070000    —BY, Goldfield grew to 20,000 residents.
19030823             * WILLIAM—PRIMROSE, violist (Method for Violin & Viola), in GLASGOW—SCOTLAND.
19030823             Auf ihrem 2. Parteitag in Brüssel und LONDON bilden sich in der Sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei RUSSLAND—DIE Fraktionen der Bolschewiki und Menschewiki heraus.
19040823             Der USA—AMERIKANER HARRY—D—WEED erhält 1—PATENT auf die von ihm erfundenen Schneeketten für Autos.
19060823             * JOHANNES—THÜMMLER, DEUTSCHER—SS—OBERSTURMBANNFÜHRER und Oberregierungsrat
19090823             * LISA—FITTKO, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN und Widerstandskämpferin
19100000—19900823    * † DAVID—ROSE, composer (Holiday for Strings, Stripper).
19100823             1. offizielle Passagierfahrt eines Luftschiffs in DEUTSCHLAND findet statt.
19120823             * —STARRED, GENE—KELLY, dancer and actor who, in "1—AMERICAN in PARIS" and "Singing in the Rain," in PITTSBURGH—PENNSYLVANIA, as EUGENE—CURAN.
19120823—19380000    —DEBUTED, GENE—KELLY, on Broadway musical "Pal Joey" and in the film "For Me and My Gal" —4—YEARS—LATER
19130823             Die Kleine Meerjungfrau
19130823             Im Kopenhagener Hafen wird die Kopie der Skulptur Die Kleine Meerjungfrau des Bildhauers EDVARD—ERIKSEN aufgestellt.
19140822—19140823    —ON—THE, 2—GERMANY—ARMIES forcing GENERAL—CHARLES—LANREZAC to retreat.
19140823             † FELIX—FIVET, —3—WEEKS—OLD—BELGIUM—BABY, was among those executed by GERMANY—GENERAL—VON—HAUSEN—TROOPS.
19140823             —SIDED, THE—EMPEROR—OF—JAPAN, with THE—ALLIES and
19140823             THE—BEF near MONS is struck by the full weight of KLUCK—GERMAN 1. Army.
19140823             leaving the outnumbered British with 1 unprotected left flank and forcing them to withdraw —DURING—THE—NIGHT.
19140823             JAPAN declares WAR—ON—GERMANY and
19140823             —SOON, JAPAN besieges Tsingtao, the only GERMANY—BASE on THE—CHINA—COAST.
19140823             HINDENBURG and LUDENDORFF arrive to take command on THE—EAST—FRONT.
19140823             —JAPAN erklärt dem DEUTSCHEN—REICH den Krieg.
19140823—19140831    —SCHLACHT—BEI—TANNENBERG
19140823—19140923    In the Galician Battles, RUSSIA—FORCES under GENERAL—NIKOLAI—IVANOV repelled 1—AUSTRIA—OFFENSIVE,
19140823—19140923    RUSSIA—FORCES under GENERAL—NIKOLAI—IVANOV, seizing ALL—OF—AUSTRIA—GALICIA except the key fortress of Przemysl.
19140823—19140923    —THE—GALICIAN—BATTLES,
19150000—19210823    —ON, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT set up 1—SELF—PROCLAIMED "mandate"... and, —2—MONTHS—AFTER his arrival in BAGHDAD, SELF—STYLED high commissioner (SIR—PERCY) Cox, named FORMER—KING—FAISAL—OF—SYRIA as HEAD—OF—1—PUPPET regime in Basra.
19150000—20080823    * † DOCTOR—THOMAS—WELLER—CO—WINNER—OF—19540000             —THE—NOBEL—PRIZE in Medicine, in MASSACHUSETTS.
19160823             —VERURTEILT, DAS—OBER—KRIEGS—GERICHT—BERLIN, KARL—LIEBKNECHT in der BERUFUNGS—VERHANDLUNG zu —4—JAHREN und —1—MONAT ZUCHT—HAUS, zur Entfernung aus dem Heer und zur Aberkennung DER—BÜRGERLICHEN Ehrenrechte auf die Dauer von —6—JAHREN.
19160823             Der verhaftete KARL—LIEBKNECHT wird wegen Hochverrats zu —4—JAHREN und —1—MONAT Zuchthaus verurteilt.
19160823—19160501    —AM, Er hat in BERLIN 1—ANTI—KRIEGSDEMONSTRATION angeführt.
19160823—19160501    —AM, KARL—LIEBKNECHT hat in BERLIN 1—ANTI—KRIEGS—DEMONSTRATION angeführt.
19200823             M.R. Rinehart and A. Hopwood's "Bat," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19210714—19270823    † † SACCO—AND—VANZETTI, were put to death in THE—ELECTRIC—CHAIR.
19210823             —CONTINUED, In the great BATTLE—OF—SAKARYA, which, without interruption 19210823             —FROM—THE to 19210913             —THE—TURKEY defeated THE—GREECE—ARMY.
19230823             * RICHARD—ADLER, composer, songwriter (Damn Yankees, Pajama Game).
19230823             * WOLFGANG—SAWALLISCH, conductor (VIENNA Symph 19600000—19700000    ), in MUNICH—GERMANY.
19260823             —CAUSED, THE—DEATH—OF—SILENT—FILM—ACTOR—RUDOLPH—VALENTINO, 1—WORLDWIDE frenzy among his fans.
19260823             SILENT—FILM—ACTOR—RUDOLPH—VALENTINO, who APPEARED, in only 14—MAJOR—FILMS —DURING his brief —7—YEAR—MOVIE—CAREER, was idolized by countless women as the "Great Lover" of the 1920s.
19260823             —MESMERIZED, In films like 1921's THE—SHEIK, SILENT—FILM—ACTOR—RUDOLPH—VALENTINO, female fans with his sex appeal and exotic good looks.
19260823             —CAUSED, SILENT—FILM—ACTOR—RUDOLPH—VALENTINO—DEATH, worldwide hysteria, with several women reportedly committing suicide and riots breaking out in NEW—YORK as THOUSANDS—OF—FANS tried to view the body.
19260823             † SILENT—FILM—ACTOR—RUDOLPH—VALENTINO, of peritonitis.
19260823—18950000    —IN, Born in CASTELLANETA—ITALY,
19260823—19130000    —IN, Rodolfo di Valentina D'Antonguolla came to AMERICA and worked as 1—GARDENER, dishwasher and vaudeville dancer —UNTIL he moved to HOLLYWOOD and obtained his 1. important film role 19210000             —IN.
19260823—19260815    —ON, In NEW—YORK for 19260000             —THE—PREMIERE—OF—SON—OF—THE—SHEIK, THE—31—YEAR—OLD—VALENTINO became ill and
19270000—20050823    * † BROCK—PETERS, who gave 1—HEARTBREAKING performance as the black man falsely accused of rape in "To Kill 1—MOCKINGBIRD,".
19270823             In the national CLIMATE—OF—SUSPICION—OF—ANARCHISTS, communists and foreigners in general, Sacco and Vanzetti, 2 admitted radicals, were arrested for the crime and convicted on flimsy circumstantial evidence in 1—TRIAL presided over by the openly prejudiced JUDGE—WEBSTER—THAYER.
19270823             —FOR—6—YEARS, the 2 gained support as they attempted to obtain 1—NEW—TRIAL, but their request was denied even —AFTER 1 convicted killer confessed to 19200000             —THE murders.
19270823             Die unter der Anklage des Raubmords zu Unrecht verurteilten SACCO—UND—VANZETTI werden in den USA auf dem elektrischen Stuhl hingerichtet (und 19770700             —IM rehabilitiert).
19270823—19200415    —ON, 1—PAYMASTER and his guard at 1—SHOE factory in BRAINTREE—MASSACHUSETTS, were killed in 1—ROBBERY.
19270823—19210000    —IN, ITALIAN—BORN anarchist immigrants Nicola Sacco (right) and BARTOLOMEO—VANZETTI, CONVICTED—OF—MURDER, were executed in BOSTON in spite of worldwide protests.
19270823—19270400    —SENTENCED, JUDGE—THAYER, Sacco and Vanzetti to die in the electric chair.
19270823—19770000    —VINDICATED, Sacco and Vanzetti were, —WHEN MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR—MICHAEL—DUKAKIS established 1—MEMORIAL in the victims' honor.
19270823—20070000    —AUTHORED, BRUCE—WATSON, "Sacco & Vanzetti".
19290823             —BEGINNT, HEBRON, DAS—MASSAKER—VON—HEBRON, bei dem insgesamt 67—JUDEN getötet werden.
19290823             1. ÖSTERREICHISCHE—TONFILM, G'schichten aus der Steiermark, hergestellt mit dem OTTOTON—SYSTEM des Regisseurs HANS—OTTO—LÖWENSTEIN, wird in GRAZ uraufgeführt.
19290823             —BEGINNT, HEBRON, DAS—MASSAKER—VON—HEBRON, bei dem insgesamt 67—JUDEN von Arabern ermordet werden.
19300823             † RUDOLF—GORSLEBEN, dies and
19300823             WERNER—VON—BÜLOW takes over THE—EDDA—SOCIETY—PERIODICAL,
19310823             * HAMILTON—O—SMITH, molecular biologist, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19310823             —CREDITED, HAMILTON—O—SMITH is, with helping 'open the door' on genetic engineering.
19320823             DOCTOR—C—B—DAVENPORT, suggests Professor Fischer as his successor as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—FEDERATION—OF—EUGENIC—ORGANIZATIONS.
19320823             Professor Fischer declines, due to other commitments, and
19320823             —ELECTED, DOCTOR—RÜDIN (in MÜNCHEN) is. (Science)
19330823—18700000    † * ADOLF—LOOS, Austrian and CZECH—REPUBLIC—ARCHITECT and influential European theorist of modern architecture, † in VIENNA.
19330823—19330829    JEWISH—ATHELETES from 14—COUNTRIES participate in THE—WORLD—MACCABEE—GAMES held in PRAGUE.
19340823             * SONNY (Christian) Jurgensen, professional football player and sports announcer, in NORTH—CAROLINA.
19350823             THE—USA—BANKING Act of 19350000             REVISED, THE—OPERATION—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—SYSTEM.
19360823             THE—GERMAN—EVANGELICAL—CHURCH publishes its manifesto.
19360823             † JULIETTE—ADAM, FRANZÖSISCHE—SCHRIFTSTELLERIN, Polemikerin, republikanische Salonnière und Frauenrechtlerin
19390823             ZANE—GREY—BEST known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented 1 idealized image of the rugged Old West.
19390823             —PUBLISHED, He authored over 90—BOOKS, some, posthumously and/or based on serials originally published in magazines.
19390823             Grey was 1—OF—THE 1. millionaire authors.
19390823             —ADAPTED, SIDNEY—COE—HOWARD, "Gone With the Wind" into 19390000             —THE film.
19390823             "HALF—OF—KNOWING what you want is knowing what you have to give up to get it".
19390823             GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOACHIM—VON—RIBBENTROP and SOVIET—COMMISSAR for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav M. Molotov signed 1—TREATY—OF—NON—AGGRESSION, THE—MOLOTOV—RIBBENTROP Pact freeing Hitler to invade POLAND and STALIN to invade FINLAND.
19390823             Secret protocols, made public years —LATER, were added that assigned FINLAND, ESTONIA, LATVIA and Bessarabia to be within THE—SOVIET—SPHERE—OF—INFLUENCE.
19390823             —PARTITIONED, POLAND was, along the rivers Narev, Vistula and San.
19390823             —RETAINED, GERMANY, LITHUANIA enlarged by the inclusion of VILNIUS.
19390823             —INVADED, —JUST days —AFTER—THE—SIGNING, GERMANY, POLAND, and by THE—END—OF—SEPTEMBER, both powers had claimed sections of POLAND.
19390823             Eines der umstrittensten Dokumente der Geschichte RUSSLANDS—DER NICHTANGRIFFSVERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—DER UdSSR und DEUTSCHLAND—WURDE unterzeichnet.
19390823             Dem MOLOTOW—RIBBENTROP—PAKT bzw.
19390823             —HITLER—STALIN—PAKT lag ein geheimes Zusatzprotokoll bei, das im Falle einer "territorialen Umgestaltung" die sowjetische Einflusssphäre in OST—EUROPA von der deutschen abgrenzte.
19390823             —HITLER—STALIN—PAKT vom als Ursache des SOVIET—VORGEHENS.
19390823             —THE—GERMAN—SOVIET—NON—AGGRESSION—PACT, is signed in MOSCOW.
19390823             —AGREED, Both parties, that
19390823             if either became involved in 1—WAR, the other would give no help to THE—ENEMY;
19390823             nor would either join ANY—GROUP—AGAINST—THE—OTHER.
19390823             —ALLOWED, There was no clause stating that withdrawal was, if 1—SIGNATORY attacked a 3. party, although this was customary in such treaties.
19390823             A "secret protocol" to THE—AGREEMENT provided for THE—PARTITION—OF—POLAND along THE—LINE—OF—THE—RIVERS—PISA, Narew, Vistula and S—IN—THE—EVENT—OF what was referred to as a "territorial transition" taking place in POLAND.
19390823             —ALLOCATED, THE—SOVIET—UNION was, all the Byelorussian and UKRAINE—PROVINCES—OF—POLAND, as well as THE—PROVINCE—OF—LUBLIN and PART—OF—THAT—OF—WARSAW.
19390823             GERMANY was to take THE—WEST—PART—OF—POLAND, though the possibility of retaining 1—SMALL remnant of 1—POLAND—STATE was kept open.
19390823             THE—USA was to have 1—FREE—HAND in FINLAND, ESTONIA and LATVIA; and GERMANY in LITHUANIA.
19390823             —RECOGNISED, SOVIET—INTEREST in the Rumanian PROVINCE—OF—BESSARABIA was, by GERMANY.)
19390823             —DELIGHTED, HITLER is.
19390823             —HANDED, HITLER believes STALIN has —JUST, him the perfect opportunity to restore THE—REICH'S "rightful possessions" without having to fight 1—WAR on 2—FRONTS.
19390823             HITLER is certain that this new TREATY—WITH—THE—SOVIET—RUSSIA will allow him to safely reclaim Danzig and take back THE—POLAND—CORRIDOR.
19390823             BRITAIN and FRANCE, HITLER tells his staff, without other major allies, will not go to war in such 1—SITUATION...
19390823             "especially over what everyone knows are, by all rights, GERMANY—TERRITORIES anyway".
19390823             —ORDERS are issued to confiscate all radios belonging to GERMAN—JEWS.
19390823             —ADVISED, FRANCE—CITIZENS are, to leave PARIS.
19390823             CHURCHILL leaves FRANCE AND—CHURCHILL returns to LONDON.
19390823             Daladier asks THE—PERMANENT—COMMITTEE—FOR—NATIONAL—DEFENCE whether they can stand by and watch the disappearance of POLAND and Rumania;
19390823             THE—PERMANENT—COMMITTEE—FOR—NATIONAL—DEFENCE agree that they cannot.
19390823             BRITISH—AMBASSADOR—TO—ROME—SIR—PERCY—LORAIN, informs his government that he is confident the Italians will not fight.
19390823             MUSSOLINI declares himself ready to mediate.
19390823             —PREPARED, HITLER writes to NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN: "GERMANY was, to settle the questions of Danzig and of the Corridor by THE—METHOD—OF—NEGOTIATIONS on the basis of 1—TRULY unparalleled magnanimity, but
19390823             HITLER writes to NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN: the allegations put forth by ENGLAND regarding 1—GERMANY—MOBILIZATION against POLAND,
19390823             HITLER writes to NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN: the assertion of aggressive designs toward ROMANIA, HUNGARY, etc. as well as THE—SO—CALLED—GUARANTEE—DECLARATIONS which were subsequently given had dispelled ANY—POLAND—INCLINATION to negotiate on 1—BASIS which would have also been tolerable for GERMANY...
19390823             HITLER writes to NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN: THE—GERMAN—REICH government has received information to the effect that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT has the intention to carry out MEASURES—OF—MOBILIZATION which, according to the statements contained in your own letter, are clearly directed against GERMANY alone...
19390823             HITLER writes to NEVILLE—CHAMBERLAIN: I —THEREFORE inform your Excellency that in THE—EVENT—OF these military announcements being carried into effect, I shall order the immediate MOBILIZATION—OF—THE—GERMAN—ARMED—FORCES".
19390823             BELGIUM proclaims its neutrality AND—BELGIUM mobilizes its army for defense.
19390823—19390826    0430—AM, HITLER sets the date for THE—INVASION—OF—POLAND as: —SATURDAY.
19390823—19410622    —AM, Trotz des unterzeichneten Vertrags überfielen die DEUTSCHEN—TRUPPEN DIE—SOWJETUNION.
19390824—19390823    —DER—AUF—DEN—DATIERTE—VERTRAG wird wegen längerer Verhandlungsdauer —ERST nach —MITTERNACHT mit den Unterschriften der AUßENMINISTER—MOLOTOW und AUßENMINISTER—VON—RIBBENTROP versehen.
19390928             —BOUNDARY—AND—FRIENDSHIP—TREATY—BETWEEN—USSR—GERMANY, was supplemented by secret protocols to amend the secret protocols of 19390823             .
19400823             GERMANY—LUFTWAFFE began night bombing on LONDON.
19400823—19400824    12—GERMAN—BOMBERS, unable to locate their targets —DURING 1—UNUSUAL—NIGHT—ATTACK,
19400823—19400824    12—GERMAN—BOMBERS, scatter their bombs aimlessly on SOUTH—LONDON despite strict orders from HITLER forbidding ATTACKS—ON—CIVIL—TARGETS, especially THE—CITY—OF—LONDON.
19400823—19400824    † 9—CIVILIANS, are killed.
19400823—19400824    —DURING—THE—FOLLOWING—WEEKS, In retaliation UK—BOMBERS will attack BERLIN several times.
19410823             —QUESTIONED, Note: BORMANN, —WHEN, about the continuing seizures, excuses them by saying they had been decided—BEFORE—HITLER—ORDER—OF—19410730             .)
19410823             HITLER orders a halt to Aktion T-4, the euthanasia program, in GERMANY.
19410823             —THE—EUTHANASIA—PROGRAM will quietly continue to operate under THE—CODE—NAME: 14f13.
19410823             † † † THOUSANDS—OF—POLITICAL—PRISONERS, are certified insane and put to death in CONCENTRATION—CAMPS—GAS chambers.
19410823             † † † THOUSANDS—OF—JEWS are certified insane and put to death in CONCENTRATION—CAMPS—GAS chambers. and
19410823             † † † THOUSANDS—OF—OTHERS too sick to work are certified insane and put to death in CONCENTRATION—CAMPS—GAS chambers.
19410823             (Lewy) - HANNS—KERRL complains to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—REICH—CHANCELLERY that
19410823             because of the continuing CONFISCATIONS—OF—CHURCH—PROPERTY, which are taking place without his being consulted or even informed beforehand,
19410823             HANNS—KERRL his continuation as MINISTER—OF—ECCLESIASTICAL—AFFAIRS is becoming "increasingly unbearable".
19410823—19410803    —SERMON—OF, BISHOP—GALEN, was probably the single most important reason HITLER is forced to abandon THE—EUTHANASIA—PROGRAM, although
19420823             * PATRICIA—MCBRIDE, ballerina (NEW—YORK—CITY Ballet Co), in TEANECK—NEW—JERSEY.
19420823             —LANDED, THE—1.—USA—FLIGHTS, on Guadalcanal.
19420823             —RENAMED, Stalingrad has —SINCE been, to VOLGOGRAD.
19420823             THE—GERMAN in charge was GENERAL—FRIEDRICH—PAULUS.
19420823             600—LUFTWAFFE bombers killed some 40,000—PEOPLE in the 1. —WEEK of fighting.
19420823             GERMANY—TROOPS—REACH the Volga above Stalingrad.
19420823             THE—LUFT—WAFFE begins heavy BOMBING—OF—THE—CITY—OF—STALINGRAD with high explosives and incendiaries,
19420823             —WITHIN 1—FEW HOURS, THE—LUFT—WAFFE causing 40,000 casualties.
19420823             1—SWASTIKA—BANNER is said to have been planted atop MOUNT—ELBRUS in THE—CAUCASUS—MOUNTAINS by 1—SPECIAL SS detachment.
19420823             —PLANTED, THE—1—SWASTIKA—BANNER—FLAG they, was allegedly blessed according to the secret, mystical rites of THE—SS inner circle.
19420823             MOUNT—ELBRUS, the highest peak in THE—CAUCASUS—MOUNTAINS, as well as ALL—OF—EUROPE,
19420823             —SACRED, MOUNT—ELBRUS, was also known as the " hill of the Aryans," 1—SEAT—OF—ANCIENT—CIVILIZATIONS, and
19420823             —CALLED, MOUNT—ELBRUS, was also known as the magic peak of 1—SECT, by some the "Friends of Lucifer".
19420823             MOUNT—ELBRUS has 2—CONES rising to 18,510 ft. and 18,481 ft. in altitude.
19420823             —RECORDED, The name Caucasia, which was 1., by the ancient Greeks, has 1 disputed derivation.
19420823             The name Caucasia, which gave its name to the white RACE—OF—HUMANKIND, has long served as 1—CENTER—OF—HUMAN—SETTLEMENT distinguished by ethnic complexity.
19420823             —ABOUT 40—LANGUAGES are still spoken in the region, MANY—OF—THEM in THE—SO—CALLED—CAUCASIAN GROUP—OF—LANGUAGES.) (Grolier)
19420823—19430200    —BATTLE—OF—STALINGRAD, 600—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—MOSCOW, was fought and
19420823—19430200    —BATTLE—OF—STALINGRAD, ended with the encirclement and DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—GERMAN 6. Army Group.
19420823—19980000    —PUBLISHED, ANTONY—BEEVOR, "Stalingrad: THE—FATEFUL—SIEGE".
19430816—19430823    —JEWISH—REVOLT—AT—BIALYSTOK is crushed by THE—GERMANS with tanks and artillerY.
19430823             THE—SOVIET—RUSSIANS capture Kharkov.
19430823             THE—ALLIES—LAUNCH the heaviest Allied air raid TO—DATE against BERLIN.
19430823             Large parts of THE—FRIEDRICHSTRASSE—BERLIN and WILHELMSTRASSE—BERLIN are destroyed, including several ministries, hotels, despartment stores and other landmarks.
19440823             —WWII, 2. WELT—KRIEG.
19440823             —CAPTURED, Allied troops, MARSEILLES—FRANCE.
19440823             —CRASHED, A—USA—B—24, into 1—SCHOOL in FRECKELTON—ENGLAND, and 76 were killed.
19440823             GERMANY—SS engineers began placing explosive charges —AROUND the Eiffel Tower in PARIS.
19440823             —DECREED, ADOLF—HITLER had, that PARIS should be left 1—SMOKING ruin, but DIETRICH—VON—CHOLTITZ thought better of his FUEHRER—ORDER.
19440823             —DISMISSED, ROMANIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ION—ANTONESCU was, by MICHAEL—KING—OF—, paving the way for ROMANIA to abandon the Axis in FAVOR—OF—THE—ALLIES.
19440823             —KIDNAPPED, ION—ANTONESCU and his FOREIGN—MINISTERS are, in the palace and
19440823             —DELIVERED, ION—ANTONESCU and his FOREIGN—MINISTERS are, to 1—COMMUNIST—AGENT named Bodnaras.
19440823             MICHAEL—KING—OF—ROMANIA makes 1—RADIO—BROADCAST announcing that 1—ARMISTICE has been signed with THE—RUSSIA—COMMAND and
19440823             MICHAEL—KING—OF—ROMANIA orders THE—ROMANIA—ARMY to cease all resistance.
19440823             —SIGNED, No armistice has been, and 16—ROMANIAN—DIVISIONS are deceived into surrendering.
19440823             16—ROMANIAN—DIVISIONS are quickly transported to prison camps in RUSSIA and Siberia.
19440823             —NACH 1—VON KÖNIG—MICHAEL—I. angeführten Staatsstreich und der Entmachtung von "Staatsführer" ION—ANTONESCU schließt RUMÄNIEN mit den Alliierten 1—WAFFENSTILLSTAND.
19440823—19450000    —ORGANIZED, MICHAEL—KING—OF—, 1—COUP against THE—PRO—NAZI dictator, MARSHAL—ION—ANTONESCU, but was DOUBLE—CROSSED by JOSEPH—STALIN and betrayed by THE—ALLIES who ceded the country to the Russians at the Yalta summit.
19460823             Die Militärregierung der BRITISCHEN—BESATZUNGSZONE löst die PREUSSISCHEN—PROVINZEN in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich auf und gründet die Länder NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, HANNOVER und SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN.
19460823             Der BRITISCHE—BESATZUNGSZONE—MILITÄRREGIERUNG auflöst die PREUSSISCHEN—PROVINZEN in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich und
19460823             In den Kinos der USA läuft der HOWARD—HAWKS—FILM Tote schlafen fest mit HUMPHREY—BOGART als Detektiv PHILIP—MARLOWE an.
19460823             Die Verfilmung eines Romans von RAYMOND—CHANDLER lässt 1—FILM noir entstehen.
19470823             1—AUDIENCE at THE—HOLLYWOOD—BOWL heard USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMAN—DAUGHTER, Margaret, give her 1. public concert as 1—SINGER.
19480810—19480823    Es werden Grundzüge des Grundgesetzes erarbeitet
19480810—19480823    Die Materialien dienen dem Parlamentarischen Rat als Grundlage.
19480823             —GEGRÜNDET, Der Weltkirchenrat wird.
19480823             —ASKED, Count Bernadotte, for aid for fugitives to Palestine.
19480823             —FORMED, THE—WORLD—COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES (WCC) was, in AMSTERDAM to help reconcile differences among Christians.
19480823             —ASSEMBLED, Delegates of 147—CHURCHES, to merge the Faith and Order Movement and Life and Work Movement.
19480823             —ESTABLISHED, Headquarters were —LATER, in GENEVA.
19480823—19370000    —AGREED, Church leaders had, to establish 1—WORLD—COUNCIL—OF—CHURCHES, based on 1—MERGER—OF—THE—FAITH and Order Movement and Life and Work Movement organizations.
19480823—19480917    —SEE
19490823             * LESLIE—VAN—HOUTEN, USA—KRIMINELLE, Mitglied der "MANSON—FAMILY"
19500823             —VERURSACHT, Der SUBANSIRI—DAMMBRUCH, in INDIEN eine 7—METER hohe Flutwelle, die in mehreren Dörfern insgesamt 532—MENSCHEN in den Tod reißt.
19500823             Up to 77,000 MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—ARMY Organized Reserve Corps were called involuntarily to active duty to fight THE—KOREA—WAR.
19520823             Arab League security pact went into effect.
19530823             * ART?RAS—PAULAUSKAS, LITAUISCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Parlamentsvorsitzender
19540823             —BECAME, The small community of CHARLESTON—ARKANSAS, the 1. in the South to end segregation in its schools.
19540823—19540517    This was in response to —THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—RULING on Brown vs. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION.
19560823             THE—MARTIN—P4M—1Q Mercator in which Deane and 15—OTHER—MEN were flying was shot down over THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA.
19560823             —ACKNOWLEDGED, CHINA —LATER, that its jet fighters attacked the Mercator as it scooped up electronic intelligence on military radars and other sensitive CHINA—SYSTEMS.
19560823             —RECOVERED, The remains of 4—CREW members were, 2—BY THE—CREW—OF—A—USA—SEARCH—VESSEL and 2—BY CHINA, which returned the bodies through UK—AUTHORITIES in SHANGHAI.
19560823             The other 12 were never found.
19580823             —TAIWAN—KONFLIKT
19580823             —RESUMED, CHINA, fire on Quemoi and Matsu.
19580823             Im TAIWAN—KONFLIKT bricht die 2. QUEMOY—KRISE aus: Die CHINESISCHE—VOLKSBEFREIUNGSARMEE beginnt erneut mit 1—BOMBARDEMENT der dem Festland vorgelagerten und von der REPUBLIK—CHINA kontrollierten Inseln Quemoy und Matsu, das —44—TAGE währen wird.
19580823             in den USA entsteht nach mehreren schweren Kollisionen im Flugverkehr die Luftfahrtbehörde FEDERAL—AVIATION—AGENCY.
19600823             WORLD—LARGEST frog (3.3—KG) was caught in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
19600823             † Broadway librettist OSCAR—HAMMERSTEIN—II, —65—JAHRE—ALT in Doylestown, PENNSILVANIA.
19610823             —IMPOSED, EAST—GERMANY, new curbs on travel between West and EAST—BERLIN.
19620823             1—COLOMBIA—DC 3—PLANE crashed in the Choco jungle killing 2—AMERICANS, the 1. Peace Corps volunteers to die in service, as well as 36—COLOMBIANS.
19620823             Die Regierung in DAMASKUS erlässt DAS—GESETZES—DEKRET—NUMBER—93, wonach 1—AUSSERORDENTLICHE Volkszählung in der PROVINZ—DJAZIRA zulässig ist.
19620823             —IN—DER—FOLGE werden 120.000—KURDEN in SYRIEN zu "Fremden" erklärt.
19620823—19621005    —AM, Sie wird durchgeführt.—IN—DER—FOLGE werden 120.000—KURDEN in SYRIEN zu "Fremden" erklärt.
19620823—19621005    —AM, 1—AUSSERORDENTLICHE Volkszählung in der PROVINZ—DJAZIRA wird durchgeführt.
19630823             —RELEASED, Beatles, "She Loves You" in UK.
19660823             1. Blick zur Erde
19660823             Das 1. BILD—VON—DER—ERDE, die über dem Mond aufgeht, wird von der Mondsonde Lunar Orbiter 1—ZUR terrestrischen Bodenstation gefunkt.
19700000—20040823    —CHANGED, THE—WORLD, and we changed with it.
19700000—20040823    THE—WORLD—CHANGED—OF—COURSE, much of what we think of as the '60s was still waiting to happen.
19710823             † SHAMU—THE—WHALE, the 1. of 1—NUMBER—OF—SHAMUS, at Sea World in S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, —AFTER—6—YEARS in captivity.
19710823             1—FILM titled "Silmido" was released 20031224             .
19710823—19680000    —ORGANIZED, SOUTH—KOREA—SILMIDO—UNIT, to kill NORTH—KOREA—KIM—IL—SUNG, rebelled and murdered 18—OF—ITS 24—TRAINERS.
19730823             Augusto Pinochet wird vom CHILENISCHEN—PRÄSIDENT—SALVADOR—ALLENDE als OBERBEFEHL—HABER des Heeres eingesetzt.
19730823             —LAUNCHED, THE—INTELSAT 4—F—7—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITE was, at Cape Canaveral.
19730823             —BY the time the crisis ended, THE—4—HOSTAGES had come to empathize with their captors, 1—OCCURRENCE that came to be known as "STOCKHOLM—SYNDROME".
19730823             Die Kreditbanken, 1—BANK—AM—NORRMALMSTORG, im ZENTRUM—DER—SCHWEDISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—STOCKHOLM, wird überfallen und 4—DER Angestellten als Geiseln genommen: die Geburtsstunde des Begriffs STOCKHOLM—SYNDROM.
19750823             —SENTENCED, GREECE—COLONEL—PAPADOPOULOS, was, to death for insurrection and high treason.
19750823             —REFUSED, GREECE—COLONEL—PAPADOPOULOS had, to testify: "let history judge my action".
19750823             —LATER, The sentence WAS—COMMUTED to life in prison.
19750823             LAOS, Communists took over the administration of VIENTIANE city.
19760823             Die Spuren sind etwa 250—MILLIONEN —JAHRE alt.
19760823             STAUSEE—LAC—DU—VIEUX—EMOSSON im KANTON—WALLIS werden gut erhaltene Fußabdrücke von Dinosauriern entdeckt.
19760823             Bei 1—ERDBEBEN—IN—CHINA werden mehrere 1.000—MENSCHEN getötet.
19770823             In der DDR wird der Dissident RUDOLF—BAHRO festgenommen.
19770823             THE—GOSSAMER—CONDOR 2—FLEW the 1. FIGURE—OF—8, 1—DISTANCE—OF—2,172 meters winning the 1. Kremer prize at Minter Field in SHAFTER—CALIFORNIA.
19770823             It was built by DOCTOR—PAUL—B—MACCREADY and piloted by amateur cyclist and HANG—GLIDER pilot BRYAN—ALLEN.
19770823             —IMPRISONED, Marxist PHILOSOPH RUDOLF—BAHRO was, in GERMANY—DR.
19770823             Das Hamburger Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel hat am Vortag 1—AUSZUG aus Bahros regimekritischen Buch Die Alternative veröffentlicht.
19770823—19780630    —AM, Er wird vom MINISTERIUM—FÜR—STAATSSICHERHEIT festgenommen und zu —8—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
19780823             Student Leadership Conference Speech, Seneca Falls... CHURCH—OF—THE—EPHIPHANY—NEW—YORK—CITY—UNIVERSITY—OF—HOUSTON at CLARK—LAKE...
19780823             Blog for AMERICA... Dean in 1—PENDLETON blanket in recognition of his leadership + courtesy... NEW—MEXICO + worked with SOME—FOLKS from SANTA—CLARA + S—ILDELFONSO...
19780823             Lonewacko: 20040300             ARCHIVES... LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE—ON—CIVIL RIGHTS (LCCR) MOARK LLC... CA STATE—SENATOR—JOHN—VASCONCELLOS, D- SANTA—CLARA, wants to give partial votes to those 14 ...
19780823             Chapter 1. Introduction —... technologies of SANTA—CLARA.
19780823             (EFF 19980000             , Markoff 19980000             ).
19780823             Chapter 1 ... CHRISTIAN—LEADERSHIP—CONFERENCE (SCLC), an organization set up to promote in-.
19790823             —DEFECTED, SOVIET—DANCER—ALEXANDER—GODUNOV, —WHILE the Bolshoi Ballet was on tour in NEW—YORK.
19820823             —SCHEDULED, His inauguration was, for 19820923             .
19820914—19820823    † BACHIR—GEMAYEL, der demokratisch von der MEHRHEIT—DES—PARLAMENTS zum Präsidenten des LIBANON gewählt worden ist, wird ermordet.
19821223—19490603    —FROM, The original Dragnet starring JACK—WEBB as SERGEANT—FRIDAY ran on radio to, 19570226             AND on television 19511216—19590823    —FROM—TO, and 19670112—19700416    —FROM—TO.
19860823             —EMPLOYED, Gennadiy Zakharov, 1—SOVIET—PHYSICIST, at THE—UN—SECRETARIAT, was arrested as he handed classified documents to 1—USA—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR.
19870823             7—DEMOCRATIC—PRESIDENTIAL—HOPEFULS traded gentle barbs at 1—DEBATE in DES—MOINES, IOWA, with MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR—MICHAEL—S—DUKAKIS repeatedly called upon to defend his claims of economic revival in his state.
19870823             2—TEENAGERS in ALEXANDER—ARKANSAS, KEVIN—IVES and DON—HENRY were run over by 1—TRAIN.
19870823             —RULED, Fahmy Malak, the medical examiner of GOVERNOR—CLINTON, 19870823             —THE—DEATHS—OF—THE—TEENAGERS as accidental.
19870823             —INVESTIGATED, Malak was, and cleared of improprieties.
19870823             —INDICATED, —LATER investigations, that they were murdered —PRIOR—TO being run over.
19880823             —ENDED, SOME—STRIKING workers in POLAND, 1—WALKOUT that had begun —1—WEEK—EARLIER, but 125—MINERS barricaded themselves in 1—UNDERGROUND shaft, vowing to stay —UNTIL they'd won their demands.
19880823             Drug Rings Wage War For Control COLOMBIA—COCAINE Cartels...
19890823             —INFLAMED, In 1—CASE that, racial tensions in NEW—YORK—CITY, YUSUF—HAWKINS, 1—BLACK—TEEN—AGER, was shot dead —AFTER he and his friends were confronted by white youths in 1—BROOKLYN neighborhood.
19890823             —JOINED, Approximately 2—MILLION—PEOPLE, their hands to form 1—OVER 600—KM (373—MI) long human chain across THE—3—BALTIC—STATES: ESTONIA, LATVIA, and LITHUANIA.
19890823             —ORGANIZED, This original demonstration was, to draw the world's attention to the common historical fate which these 3—COUNTRIES suffered.
19890823             —REMOVED, HUNGARY, its physical border defenses with AUSTRIA, and —IN—SEPTEMBER MORE—THAN—13,000—EAST—GERMANY—TOURISTS in HUNGARY escaped to AUSTRIA.
19890823             Von VILNIUS —BIS nach TALLINN wird genau —50—JAHRE—NACH—DEM STALIN—HITLER—PAKT 1—MENSCHENKETTE gebildet, um den Willen der baltischen Staaten zur UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—DER Sowjetunion zu demonstrieren (Baltische Kette).
19890823—19390823    It marked the 50. anniversary, —WHEN THE—SOVIET—UNION and GERMANY in the secret protocol of THE—MOLOTOV—RIBBENTROP Pact divided SPHERES—OF—INTEREST in EAST—EUROPE, which led to the occupation of these 3—STATES.
19900823             Die DDR—VOLKSKAMMER in BERLIN (Ost) beschließt mit 294—ZU 62—STIMMEN (bei 2—ENTHALTUNGEN) den Beitritt der DDR zur BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND gemäß Artikel 23—DES Grundgesetzes zum 19901003             .
19900823             Das Parlament folgt in der dramatischen Nachtsitzung einem Antrag von CDU/DA, SPD, FDP und DSU.
19900823             —DECLARED, ARMENIA, INDEPENDENCE.
19900823             —SHOWED, IRAQ—STATE—TELEVISION, PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN meeting with 1—GROUP—OF—ABOUT 20—WESTERN—DETAINEES, telling THE—GROUP—WHOM he described as "guests"—THAT they were being held "to prevent THE—SCOURGE—OF—WAR".
19900823             —ANNOUNCED, East and WEST—GERMANY, that they would unite 19901003             .
19900823—19901003    —ANNOUNCED, EAST—GERMANY and WEST—GERMANY, that they would unite.
19920823             —SLAMMED, Hurricane Andrew, into THE—BAHAMAS with 120—MPH winds.
19930823             FORMER—DETROIT police officers LARRY—NEVERS and WALTER—BUDZYN were convicted of 2.—DEGREE murder in the fatal beating of black motorist Malice Green.
19930823             —OVERTURNED, Both convictions were —LATER.
19930823             —CONVICTED—OF, On retrial, Budzyn was, involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to time served;
19930823             —CONFIRMED, LOS—ANGELES police, that pop star MICHAEL—JACKSON was the subject of 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION.
19930823             Prosecutors began investigating MICHAEL—JACKSON —AFTER a —13—YEAR—OLD—BOY said JACKSON had sex with him.
19930823             —REACHED, 1—OUT—OF—COURT—SETTLEMENT was, for $15—20—MIL.
19930823             —FILED, The boy's father —LATER, suit against JACKSON for violating 1—PROMISE not to discuss the settlement.
19930823             respondent Sandiganbayan denied petitioner's "Motion for Leave to Take Deposition of Rolando C. Gapud Upon ORAL...
19930823             G.R. NUMBER 112710
19930823             0005—DENYING petitioner's "Motion for Leave To Take the Deposition of Rolando C. Gapud Upon ORAL Examination In the Crown Colony of HONGKONG".
19930823             Into the Light
19930823—20000400    —CONVICTED—OF, Nevers was, involuntary manslaughter, but had that conviction reversed by 1—APPEALS—COURT 20030300             —IN.
19940823             —THREATENED, Republican senators, to thwart a $30—BILLION ANTI—CRIME—BILL—UNLESS—DEMOCRATS accepted changes in THE—HOUSE—PASSED measure;
19940823             —APPEALED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, for bipartisan cooperation.
19950823             † ALFRED—EISENSTAEDT, —96—JAHRE—ALT, "Life" magazine photographer, on MARTHA—VINEYARD.
19960823             —IMPOSED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, limits on peddling cigarettes to children as he unveiled Food and Drug Administration regulations declaring nicotine 1—ADDICTIVE drug.
19960823             THE—SAME—DAY, 1—JURY in INDIANAPOLIS found cigarette companies were not responsible for the lung cancer death of a —52—YEAR—OLD—LAWYER who began smoking at age 5.
19960823             —REPORTED, It was, that UK—PETROLEUM signed a —3-YEAR agreement with the defense ministry of COLUMBIA for $60—MIL. for 1—BATTALION—OF—SOLDIERS to protect expansion and CONSTRUCTION—OF—NEW drilling sites.
19960823             —END, FULL—SCALE—COMBAT—OPERATIONS in Chechnya.
19970823             In his weekly radio address, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON said he would ask Congress to renew his authority for speedy NEGOTIATION—OF—TRADE—AGREEMENTS, saying the "fast track" approach would make USA—COMPANIES—MORE—COMPETITIVE—WORLDWIDE.
19980823             Retailers began marketing computers with the new 450—MHZ Intel Pentium II.
19980823             —APPEARED, CONGO, rebels, to have seized KISANGANI —WHILE government soldiers recaptured Kitona, 1—MILITARY—BASE—NEAR the coast.
19980823             Troops from ZIMBABWE fought rebels advancing on KINSHASA.
19980823             THE—CAPTURE—OF—KISANGANI effectively splitting CONGO and cut off commerce with GOVERNMENT—HELD TERRITORY—AND—KINSHASA, the capital 900—MILES downriver.
19980823             —REPORTED, NORTH—KOREA, heavy flooding was, with 5—TIMES the annual rainfall.
19980823             —EXPECTED, The rice crop was, to decrease by 60%.
19980823             —DISMISSED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, the government.
19980823             He fired PRIME—MINISTER—KIRIYENKO (19620000             *) and replaced him with VIKTOR—CHERNOMYRDIN—THE—SOVIET—STYLE—LEADER he'd fired —5—MONTHS—EARLIER.
19980823             —ORCHESTRATED, The move was said to have been, by BORIS—BEREZOVSKY, 1—WEALTHY financier.
19980823             YELTSIN sacks entire government,
19980823             YELTSIN appoints Chernomyrdin INTERIM—PRIME—MINISTER.
19990823             Ehemaliges DDR—STAATS­rats­gebäude
19990823             —SOARED, THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE, 199.15 to 1—NEW—RECORD—OF—11,209.84.
19990823             —KILLED, USA and UK—WARPLANES, 2—PEOPLE in NORTH—IRAQ —AFTER being fired upon by 1—IRAQ—MILITARY—RADAR—STATION.
19990823             —CLAIMED, THE—PENTAGON —LATER, that THE—2—CIVILIANS were killed by IRAQ—OWN—ANTI—AIRCRAFT artillery.
19990823             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA was training a 950-man COLOMBIA—ARMY counter narcotics battalion to regain CONTROL—OF—GUERRILLA controlled territory.
19990823             —REPORTED, BOLIVIA, fires were, to have destroyed 350,000 ACRES—OF—FARMLAND, at least 500—HOMES and MUCH—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—ASCENCION de Guarayos.
19990823             THOUSANDS—OF—RESIDENTS were left homeless.
19990823             JORDAN—THE—NATIONAL—POPULAR—CAMPAIGN, for Ending SO—CALLED Honor Crimes began efforts to get rights for women and harsher laws against men who kill female relatives for family honor.
19990823             —CROSSED, Militants from TAJIKISTAN, into KYRGYZSTAN taking hostages and claiming CONTROL—OF—SEVERAL villages.
19990823             Some 1,000 religious fighters took 1—SWATH—OF—LAND and 13—HOSTAGES that included 1—KYRGYZ general and 4—JAPAN—GEOLOGISTS.
19990823             —REGIERT, DEUTSCHLAND wird wieder von BERLIN aus : BUNDESKANZLER—GERHARD—SCHRÖDER nimmt seine Arbeit am neuen PARLAMENTS—UND Regierungssitz auf (—BIS zur Fertigstellung des neuen Kanzleramtes im ehemaligen Staatsratsgebäude der DDR).
20000628—20100823    —ARRESTED, Her boyfriend NICK—MCGUFFIN was, and charged with murder.
20000823             Während des Landeanflugs stürzt GULF—AIR—FLUG 072, 1—AIRBUS A320 der Gulf Air, etwa 3—KM vor der START—UND Landebahn von BAHRAIN ab.
20000823             Alle 143—MENSCHEN an Bord sterben.
20000823             —RELEASED, THE—CLINTON administration, guidelines for federally funded scientists to conduct research on human embryonic stem cells.
20000823             —ORDERED, USA—PRESIDENT—CLINTON, millions in relief funds for electricity users in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA and 1—INVESTIGATION into the state's power market.
20000823             The final winner of the "Survivor" TV contest set on Pulau Tiga ISLAND was broadcast to as many as 40—50—MILLION viewers.
20000823             RICHARD—HATCH, —39—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CORPORATE trainer from NEWPORT, R.I., won the $1—MILLION—GRAND prize.
20000823             Negotiators for Verizon and MORE—THAN—35,000—TELEPHONE—WORKERS reached tentative agreement on 1—NEW—CONTRACT, ending an —18—DAY—STRIKE.
20000823             Boeing made the 1. successful LAUNCH—OF—ITS—DELTA—III rocket.
20000823             —CRASHED, BAHRAIN, 1—GULF Air Airbus A320, on approach to MANAMA and all 143—PEOPLE aboard were killed including 36—CHILDREN.
20000823             1—BOAT from INDONESIA capsized in the Strait of Malucca and MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES rescued 7—OF—100—PASSENGERS.
20000823             RUSSIA, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN took responsibility for THE—KURSK nuclear submarine disaster.
20000823             † 1—BOAT capsized on THE—BLUE—NILE near Sinja and 35—PEOPLE, mostly schoolchildren.
20000823             50—STUDENTS drowned —WHEN their wooden barge overturned 350—KM—SOUTH—EAST—OF—KHARTOUM.
20000823             New : Police SCANNER—BIGGEST scanner resource on THE—INTERNET >>>New.
20000823—20060000    —CONVICTED, Hatch was, on 3—COUNTS related to tax evasion and was sentenced to —51—MONTHS in FEDERAL—PRISON plus —3—YEARS—OF supervised probation.
20010808—20010823    : ISRAEL—MOSSAD—AGENTS go to WASHINGTON and warn THE—FBI and CIA that up to 200—TERRORISTS have slipped into THE—USA and are planning 1—MAJOR—ASSAULT there.
20010823             Democratic REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—CONDIT—OF—MODESTO, CALIFORNIA, acknowledged on 1—TV—INTERVIEW—WITH—CONNIE—CHUNG that he had made mistakes but that he had nothing to do with the disappearance of Chandra Levy.
20010823             —RETIRED, BRIAN—REGAN, —38—JAHRE—ALT, USA—AIR—FORCE—MASTER—SERGEANT and cryptanalyst, was arrested by THE—FBI at Dulles INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT on charges of spying.
20010823             was found GUILTY—OF—2—COUNTS—OF—ATTEMPTED—ESPIONAGE related to attempts to sell information to IRAQ and CHINA, BRIAN—REGAN and
20010823             —ACQUITTED—OF, BRIAN—REGAN was, attempting to provide USA secrets to LIBYA.
20010823             THIERRY—DEVAUX, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FRANCE—STUNTMAN, got snagged on THE—STATUE—OF—LIBERTY—ARM—WHILE trying to land there using 1—MOTOR—DRIVEN parachute.
20010823             —RESCUED, THIERRY—DEVAUX was, and arrested.
20010823             † BOYD—JEFFERIES, —70—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—THE—JEFFERIES—GROUP (19620000             ) investment bank, in Aspen COLORADO.
20010823             † PETER—MAAS, novelist and NON—FICTION—WRITER, at age 72.
20010823             —INCLUDED, PETER—MAAS—WORK, "THE—VALACHI—PAPERS" (19690000             ), "Serpico," "THE—KING—OF—GYPSIES," and "Underboss: Sammy the Bull GRAVANO—STORY—OF—LIFE in the Mafia".
20010823             † FRANK—EMILIO—FLYNN, blind pianist and Latin jazz pioneer, at age 80 in HAVANA.
20010823             † BRAZIL, FRANCISCO—DE—ASSIS—SANTANA, —56—JAHRE—ALT, a Xukuru INDIA—LEADER aka Chico Quele, was killed in an ambush near Pe de SERRA in Penambuco state.
20010823             —REPORTED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT, that some 600,000—PEOPLE have been infected with AIDS with nearly as MANY—FROM selling their blood as from sexual contact.
20010823             —SUSPECTED, COLOMBIA, 1, ELN car bomb killed 1—WOMAN and wounded over 20—PEOPLE in Marinilla.
20010823             —SUSPECTED, Separately 15-20, ELN members were killed —WHEN explosives in their truck went off in SANTANDER state.
20010823             † 1—PALESTINIAN was reported killed and 12—PALESTINIAN wounded.
20010823             † MAHMOUD—ZOURAB, —11—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—BOY throwing stones, In GAZA, ISRAEL—FORCES, —KILLED.
20010823             —FEATURED, JAPAN—NOVELIST—RYU—MURAKAMI was, in THE—WSJ and quoted to say:
20010823             JAPAN—NOVELIST—RYU—MURAKAMI "Who cares about fitting into the system?
20010823             Think for yourself".
20010823             —STREAMED, NATO—SOLDIERS, into MACEDONIA as PART—OF—1—MISSION to help end —6—MONTHS—OF—ETHNIC hostilities by collecting and destroying rebel weapons.
20010823             —ESTABLISHED, THE—NORWAY—GOVERNMENT, THE—ABEL—PRIZE in mathematics in honor of the Niels Henrik Abel (18020000—18290000    ).
20010823             2—NAMES, —LATER published as being 2—OF—THE—HIJACKERS, had been added to the official TID—LIST, which counted 60,000 suspects, but was discarded for domestic flights.
20010823             2: Frustrations and solutions
20010823—20020000    —ACCUSED—OF, BRIAN—REGAN was, trying to spy for IRAQ, LIBYA and CHINA.
20010823—20030220    —ATTEMPTED, BRIAN—REGAN was found GUILTY—OF—3—CHARGES—OF, espionage.
20010823—20030320    —SENTENCED, BRIAN—REGAN was, to life in prison without parole.
20010911             WILLIAM R JOHNSON, Director, 16,000, 20010823             .
20011100             [Observer, 19980823             , New Yorker, 20000124             ]
20020815             —CANCELLED, Their show was, 20020823             .
20020815—20020823    —CANCELLED, Their show was.
20020823             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, symbolic SANCTIONS—ON—1—NORTH—KOREA—COMPANY and THE—NORTH—KOREA—GOVERNMENT for exporting medium or LONG—RANGE—MISSILE components.
20020823             —ENDED—UP NEW—YORK—PUBLICIST—LIZZIE—GRUBMAN, serving —37—DAYS—OF a —60—DAY—SENTENCE at the Suffolk COUNTY—NEW—YORK, Jail, with time off for good behavior.
20020823             —CONFIRMED, CANADA, prairie farmers' worst fears in 1—REPORT that slashed crop production forecasts —AFTER 1—OF—WORST growing seasons —SINCE the dust bowl of the 1930s.
20020823             —VEERED, SOUTH—COLOMBIA, 1—BUS, off 1—MOUNTAIN—ROAD in Papagayo —AFTER 1—OF—ITS tires burst, plunging 1,000 feet and killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20020823             1—ANTI—GRAFT—COURT—IN—THE—PHILIPPINES froze THE—ASSETS—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—ESTRADA in connection with charges that he illegally amassed over 4—BILLION pesos ($76.48—MILLION) —DURING his —31—MONTH—RULE.
20020823             1—PERSON was reported killed.
20020823             —CAPPED, NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL, his 2. VISIT—TO—RUSSIA in —1—YEAR with 1—LONG meeting with RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and 1—TASTE—OF—THE—CONSUMER delights that are in short supply in his country.
20020823             —PRESSED, PUTIN, NORTH—KOREA —ON—FRIDAY to forge 1—NEW—ASIA—EUROPE freight route by extending RUSSIA—TRANS—SIBERIAN railway across the Korean peninsula to bypass CHINA.
20020823             —BATTLED, RUSSIA—TROOPS, rebels for the 4. straight —DAY outside 1—CHECHEN village, —WHILE 8—SOLDIERS were killed in the last —24—HOURS.
20020823             —WALKED, VENEZUELA, subway and bus workers in CARACAS unexpectedly, off the job, forcing MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—PEOPLE to find other ways to work.
20020823             —GATHERED, YUGOSLAVIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS, in PRISTINA to protest the recent ARRESTS—OF—REBEL—LEADERS who fought —DURING KOSOVO's 19980000—19990000     war.
20020823             Hintergründe zur HOCHWASSER—KATASTROPHE!!
20020823             ANGOLA, wird 1—ÜBEREINKOMMEN zwischen der Regierung und der oppositionellen Rebellenorganisation UNITA getroffen, das LUSAKA—PROTOKOLL INNERHALB—45—TAGEN umzusetzen.
20030213             MIB—MONTAG, 20040823—20090000    :36. ihr WOLLT das nicht verstehen, ne? - die gesicherten Reserven sind niedriger als angesetzt;...
20030213             Diskussionsforum der STW—BOERSE mib —MONTAG, 20040823—20090000    :36. ihr WOLLT das nicht verstehen, ne? - die gesicherten Reserven sind niedriger als angesetzt;...
20030823             † GOVERNOR—HAFIZULLAHKHAN said 5—SOLDIERS and 3—TALIBAN were killed.
20030823             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—GUERRILLA—ATTACK, 3—UK—SOLDIERS and seriously wounded 1 in the southern port CITY—OF—BASRA.
20030823             † KENYA—8. VICE—PRESIDENT—MICHAEL—KIJANA—WAMALWA, —58—JAHRE—ALT, of 1 undisclosed illness —AFTER several MONTHS—OF—TREATMENT in 1—HOSPITAL—NEAR—LONDON.
20030823             —NOTED, MARION—HARGROVE was, for the bestselling —WWII comedy novel "See Here, Private Hargrove," which was made into a 19440000             MOVIE with ROBERT—WALKER as Hargrove and DONNA—REED as his love interest.
20030823             "Over THE—COURSE—OF—THE—PAST —2—YEARS, the Commission accomplished.
20030823             NATIONAL—SECURITY Archive Update, 20030828             (HR...
20030823             Bei 1—ANGRIFF von Untergrundkämpfern in der SÜD—IRAK—STADT—BASRA werden 3—ANGEHÖRIGE der BRITISCHEN—MILITÄRPOLIZEI getötet.
20030823             Der UKKUSIKSALIK—NATIONALPARK wird als 4. Nationalpark des Territoriums Nunavut in KANADA gegründet.
20030823—20030501    —SEIT—DEM, Damit wurden 11—BRITISCHE—SOLDATEN im Kampf getötet.
20030823—20030820    —DISCOVERED, Emergency officials, the wreckage of 1—HELICOPTER that crashed in THE—RUSSIA—FAR—EAST.
20030823—20030820    Among the dead were IGOR—FARKHUTDINOV, GOVERNOR—OF—THE—OIL—RICH—SAKHALIN—REGION, and top regional officials and business leaders.
20030823—20030820    † † † All 20—PEOPLE aboard WERE—KILLED.
20030823—20060000    † Former priest JOHN—GEOGHAN, —IN, —67—JAHRE—ALT, 1 convicted child molester, —AFTER being attacked by JOSEPH—L—DRUCE, —37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FELLOW—INMATE, at THE—SOUZA—BARANOWSKI state prison in SHIRLEY—MASSACHUSETTS Druce was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20040822             —FOLLOWED, Nor should it shock those who, events 20010911—20040823     -to USA unlawful INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20040822—20040823    —DATE 20040822—20060000    —RECOVERED, Police, both painting.
20040823             Deserves As Much TV Air Time As JOHN—O—NEILL, by Evelyn Pringle - -—index—20040725-UPDATED
20040823             —CRITICIZED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—COMMERCIAL that had accused Democrat JOHN—KERRY of inflating his own VIETNAM War record, MORE—THAN—1—WEEK—AFTER—THE—AD stopped running, and said broadcast attacks by outside groups had no place in the race for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20040823             New USA—RULES on overtime pay went into effect.
20040823             Under the new FairPay rules, workers earning less than $23,660 per —YEAR, or $455—PER —WEEK, were guaranteed overtime protection.
20040823             —PRESENTED, Researchers, results on genetically engineered mice capable of running farther and longer than those bred naturally.
20040823             —ARRIVED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, in PAKISTAN for talks with his PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF on eradicating AL—QAEDA and Taliban fighters from their common border.
20040823             Electricity went out across BAHRAIN, snarling rush —HOUR traffic and leaving residents without air conditioning as temperatures climbed toward 130—FAHRENHEIT.
20040823             —REPORTED, It was, that CHINA recorded its 1. ever agricultural trade deficit, $3.73—BILLION, for the 1. HALF—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20040823             Azarias Ruberwa, prominent Tutsi and 1—OF—CONGO—4—VICE—PRESIDENTS, announced that he and his party (RCD—GOMA) were walking out of the transitional government.
20040823             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, plans for MORE—THAN—500—NEW housing units in THE—WEST—BANK, —FOLLOWING 1—APPARENT—USA—POLICY—SHIFT on Jewish settlements that has infuriated the Palestinians.
20040823             —BECAME, ATHENS, JEREMY—WARINER, the 6. consecutive American to win the Olympic title in THE—400—METERS, leading 1—USA—SWEEP—OF—THE medals.
20040823             THE—USA—SOFTBALL team won its 3. straight gold medal with a 5—1—VICTORY over AUSTRALIA.
20040823             20040824             SOLLEN 4—VON 7—SOLDATEN—CHARLES—GRANER + Megan Ambuhl + IVAN—FREDERICK + Javal DAVIS—IN einer Militäreinrichtung in der Stadt in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG befragt werden.
20040823             Ihnen werden unter anderem Misshandlungen, tätliche Angriffe, Nötigung + Verschwörung vorgeworfen.
20040823             ALLE—WEITEREN—PHASEN—DES—VERFAHRENS zu ABU—GHUREIB sollen vorerst in Bagdad bleiben, hieß es in der Mitteilung.
20040823             Internationaler —TAG—DER—ERINNERUNG an Sklavenhandel + dessen Abschaffung (UNESCO)
20040823             NIEDERSACHSEN: Spuren deuten auf DINOSAURIER—KAMPF
20040823             the Bush [BGW968] ADMINISTRATION—DEPARTMENT—OF—LABOR eliminated the right to TIME—AND—A—HALF—PAY for overtime work
20040823             for MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS in what amounted to the biggest pay cut in USA—HISTORY.
20040823             The facts that should have made that statement 1—HEADLINE in EVERY—PAPER in the country were easily obtainable.
20040823             Reporters had had months in which to review the changes.
20040823             Experts had written helpful analyses.
20040823             The specific ways in which various CATEGORIES—OF—WORKERS were being stripped of their rights
20040823             would have been no secret to a 6. grader with INTERNET access writing 1—REPORT for school.
20040823             Citizens for Honest Fighter Pilots Say JERRY—CORSI—DESERVES—AS—MUCH—TV—AIR—TIME—AS—JOHN—O'NEILL
200408230936         ihr WOLLT das nicht verstehen, ne? - die gesicherten Reserven sind niedriger als angesetzt;...
20050401             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED... "Terrorist Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... Without entertaining broad conspiracy theories, current events...
20050402             Diesem 20050823             folgte ein 20051005             . - - - Geschrieben von KARL—MARX.
20050402—20050823    —AM, Die letzten Vorfälle in BERLIN erinnern an die ebenfalls von der Kamarilla hervorgerufenen Wiener STREITIGKEITEN—ZWISCHEN Bürgerwehr und Volk.
20050412             His citation reads in part... 20050412             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED... Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... patients and the terminally ill + bombarded monkeys with microwaves.
20050822—20050823    —IN—DER—NACHT—VOM auf den trifft die SCHWEIZ, besonders BERN und das Berner Oberland, eine große FLUT—KATASTROPHE.
20050823             —CLAIMED, IRAQ—AL—QAIDA wing, responsibility for 20050819             —THE rocket attack that barely missed USA—WARSHIPS docked in THE—JORDAN—PORT—OF—AQABA.
20050823             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH said he understood THE—ANGUISH—OF—WAR—PROTESTER—CINDY Sheehan, but said fulfilling demands like hers for withdrawal from IRAQ would weaken THE—USA.
20050823             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, new rules for the corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, 1. created in the 1970s.
20050823             NEW—YORK—CITY said it will install 1,000 surveillance cameras and 3,000 motion sensors in its subways and rail stations in 1—NEW—DEAL with LOCKHEED—MARTIN.
20050823             BROCK—PETERS began his HOLLYWOOD career in the landmark productions of "Carmen Jones" and "Porgy and Bess".
20050823             —GUNNED, ARIZONA, 2—EMPLOYEES were, down outside 1—WAL—MART store in GLENDALE, 1—PHOENIX suburb.
20050823             Liu was ACCUSED—OF—SHOOTING PATRICK—GRAHAM, —35—JAHRE—ALT and ANTHONY—SPANGLER, —18—JAHRE—ALT as they collected shopping carts.
20050823             RICHMOND—CALIFORNIA, GLENN—WILSON, —17—JAHRE—ALT shot and killed Terence LIONEL—MARTIN, 1—MAINTENANCE—WORKER for THE—WEST—CONTRA Costa School District, —AFTER Martin tried to break up 1—FIGHT between Wilson and his pregnant girlfriend.
20050823             ARUBA, 1—COURT—RULED, that lesbian couple has the right to register their marriage rejecting 1—GOVERNMENT—APPEAL in 1—CASE that has exposed 1—CULTURAL—RIFT between HOLLAND and its former colony.
20050823             Australians who take drugs into ASIA are stupid and should not expect to be bailed out by THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT, PRIME—MINISTER—JOHN—HOWARD said —AFTER another 2—AUSTRALIANS were detained in INDONESIA over drugs.
20050823             —PLEDGED, AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT and moderate Muslim leaders, to join forces in the fight against terrorism and blend AUSTRALIA—VALUES with Islamic teachings at mosques and schools.
20050823             1—UK—WOMAN who can only move her head, eyes and mouth sailed across THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL and into the record books on BOARD 1 modified boat she controlled by sucking or blowing into straws.
20050823             —SUBMITTED, CHINA, legislation to cut income taxes on its poorest workers.
20050823             —VOWED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, to work towards 1—LONG—ENVISAGED free trade agreement with THE—USA as he called for stronger economic ties with WASHINGTON.
20050823             —1—WEEK—OF—HEAVY flooding in Western and CENTRAL—EUROPE left at least 26—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20050823             —APPROVED, INDIA—LOK—SABHA, legislation which seeks to guarantee —100—DAYS—OF—EMPLOYMENT —1—YEAR to EVERY—RURAL—HOUSEHOLD across the country.
20050823             INDIA, 1—APARTMENT building collapse in downtown Bombay, killed 11—PEOPLE, injured 17 and left MORE—THAN—12 trapped under the rubble.
20050823             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER, 1—USA—CONTRACTOR and 5—IRAQIS were, —WHEN 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—EXPLOSIVE device in 1—CITY—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20050823             —CLEARED, ISRAEL—SOLDIERS, 2—MILITANT—STRONGHOLDS without major violence, completing the country's historic evacuation of 25—SETTLEMENTS in THE—GAZA—STRIP and WEST—BANK.
20050823             JAPAN—ELECTRONICS—GIANTS—SONY and Toshiba said they would go ahead with incompatible formats for NEXT—GENERATION—DVDS —AFTER talks to reach 1—COMMON—STANDARD failed.
20050823             —STARTED, Stores across JAPAN, taking orders for the Roborior, 1—WATERMELON—SIZED eyeball on wheels that glows purple, blue and ORANGE.
20050823             Roborior can function as 1—VIRTUAL—GUARD—DOG that can sense BREAK—INS using infrared sensors, notify homeowners by calling their cellular phones, and send the owner's cell phone videos from its digital camera.
20050823             Officials said NEPAL—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES will hold talks with Maoists on forming 1—BROAD—FRONT against GYANENDRA—KING—OF— provided the rebels keep to their promise to stop killing civilians.
20050823             TANS PERU Flight 204, 1—BOEING 737-200 with 100—PEOPLE on BOARD, SPLIT in 2—AFTER 1—EMERGENCY landing —DURING 1—FIERCE—STORM, killing at least 41—PEOPLE.
20050823             —TRIED, The pilot, to land in 1—MARSH to soften the impact but the landing SPLIT the aircraft in 2.
20050823             The plane was enroute from LIMA to PUCALLPA and landed 20—MILES from PUCALLPA.
20050823             —CALLED, UN officials, on AFRICA—MINISTERS meeting in MOZAMBIQUE to declare TB and emergency in the area.
20050823—20070000    —CONVICTED—OF, Wilson was, 2. degree murder and faced up to —40—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20050823—20090000    —COMMITTED, ED—LIU, the accused gunman, was, to 1—MENTAL—HOSPITAL instead of 1—TRIAL on murder charges.
20060300             THE—WAR—LOVERS—BY JOHN—PILGER...
20060406             Sending prisoners overseas to extract information through water torture, removal of toenails and fingernails, beatings, and electrocution at THE—REQUEST—OF—USA—OFFICIALS is inhumane and must be stopped.- USA—CONGRESSMAN—EDMUND—MARKEY, 20050312             20060406             Sending prisoners overseas to extract information through water torture, removal of toenails and fingernails, beatings, and electrocution at THE—REQUEST—OF—USA—OFFICIALS is inhumane and must be stopped.- USA—CONGRESSMAN—EDMUND—MARKEY, 20050312             20060823             Hardball, 20030312             :
20060619—20060823    —ON, he was sentenced to —20—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20060726             —AFTER that, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—STARTS his vacation in CRAWFORD—TEXAS, which is expected to last 20060803—20140803    —FROM—TO and 20060823—20270823.
20060822—20060821    20060823             GI Special 4H21B: Prisoner Needs Your Action —NOW -
20060822—20060821    —DATE20060822—20060821    —DATE20060823             GI Special 4H21B: Prisoner Needs Your Action —NOW - 20060821             20060824             [CNN, 20060821             ]
20060822—20060821    —DATE20060823             GI Special 4H21B: Prisoner Needs Your Action —NOW - 20060821             20060824             [CNN, 20060821             ]
20060823             Hardball, 20030324             : MATTHEWS: Do you think it's working?
20060823             2 )PBS NOVA "Why the Towers Fell," originally broadcast —ON—TUESDAY, 20020430             , Also available at Amazon,
20060823             —ENTKOMMT, Die 18-jährige Natascha Kampusch, nach achteinhalb —JAHREN Gefangenschaft ihrem ENT—FÜHRER—WOLFGANG P?iklopil in NiederÖSTERREICH.
20060823             —UNCRITICISED, AMERICA PALESTINE NEW GENERATION Emboldened by its, DESTRUCTION—OF—GAZA—ELECTRICITY—POWER—PLANT in the 1. DAYS—OF—THE—ASSUALT on GAZA—ISRAEL almost —IMMEDIATELY attacked LEBANON—INFRASTRUCTURE including the airport, bridges, roads, powerplants + unbelievably, OCEANSIDE power station oil storage tanks in Jiyeh, about 19—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BEIRUT on 20060713—20150713   , 20060000             .
20060823             GI Special 4H21B: Prisoner Needs Your Action —NOW -
20060823             "Nothing short of 1—MIRACLE".- Judd - — SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE (R—OK) on the "incredibly successful" USA—EFFORTS in IRAQ, 20060822             (HT: SMP)
20060823             In their latest effort to beat the war drums and undermine diplomacy, they are attaching great significance to 20060822             — the date IRAN said it would respond to 1—INCENTIVES—PACKAGE from THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL plus GERMANY.
20060823             "What is the significance of 20060822             ? [...] This might well be deemed 1—APPROPRIATE—DATE for the apocalyptic ending of ISRAEL and if NECESSARY—OF—THE—WORLD. It is far from certain that MISTER—AHMADINEJAD plans ANY—SUCH cataclysmic events precisely for 20060822             . But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind".
20060823             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON 20060822             ND said to be '—DAY—OF—RECKONING' for Ahmadinejad
20060823             GI Special 4H21B: Prisoner Needs Your Action —NOW - 20060821             20060823             THOMAS—F—BARTON—STANLEY—HOWARD, ORGANIZER—OF—PRISONERS—AGAINST THE—WAR, Needs Your Help
20060823             —FINISHED, ALASKA, Republican GOVERNOR—FRANK—MURKOWSKI, last in a —3—DAY—PRIMARY—ELECTION.
20060823             SARAH—PALIN, 1—FORMER—WASILLA mayor, won with over 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20060823             —PLEADED, Annie Donnelly (38) of Long ISLAND, NY, guilty to stealing $2.3—MILLION (1.2—MILLION—POUNDS) from her employers.
20060823             She spent the money on lottery tickets, buying as much as $6,000 WORTH—OF—TICKETS —1—DAY in 1—BID to hit the jackpot.
20060823             —RELEASED, THE—CITADEL, the results of 1—SURVEY in which almost 20—PERCENT—OF—FEMALE cadets reported being sexually assaulted —SINCE enrolling at THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA military college.
20060823             † MAYNARD—FERGUSON, —78—JAHRE—ALT, CANADIAN—BORN jazz trumpeter, in VENTURA—CALIFORNIA.
20060823             —AGREED, THE—AFGHAN and PAKISTAN—ARMIES, to conduct coordinated and simultaneous patrols with THE—USA—ALONGSIDE their volatile border.
20060823             —REACHED, The accord was, —DURING—THE 17. meeting of Tripartite Commission.
20060823             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 18—TALIBAN rebels and 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER were killed in 1—CLASH that erupted —AFTER—THE—MILITANTS attacked 1—ARMY—POST in Zabul province.
20060823             —ANNOUNCED, ARGENTINA, 1—AMBITIOUS—PLAN to expand its nuclear program to meet rising energy demands, including extending the life of existing plants and possibly resuming uranium mining.
20060823             Vytautas Pociunas, 1—TOP—LITHUANIA—SPY —POSTED to BELARUS, was found dead in BREST.
20060823             —LINKED, Some, his death to feuds within THE—LITHUANIA—SECURITY—SERVICE (VSD) over freight contracts.
20060823             1—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMITTEE called for Arvydas Pocius, THE—VSD—CHIEF, to go.
20060823             —CONFIRMED, THE—CANADA—FOOD—INSPECTION—AGENCY, that 1—MATURE beef cow in the Prairie province Alberta tested positive for mad cow case.
20060823             —KILLED, WEST—INDIA, 17—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—TRUCK overturned and fell into 1—DEEP ditch.
20060823             Victims were sitting on top of sacks of salt that the truck was transporting —WHEN it overturned into 1—DITCH flooded from recent monsoon rains.
20060823             —URGED, IRAN, EUROPE to pay attention to what it called "positive" signals in its counterproposal to 1—NUCLEAR—INCENTIVES—PACKAGE aimed at persuading TEHRAN to roll back its nuclear program.
20060823             —BACKED, RUSSIA and CHINA, IRAN—CALL for negotiations to end the standoff.
20060823             1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded in BAGHDAD and narrowly missed the interior MINISTER—CONVOY, killing 2—CIVILIANS and wounding several traffic policemen.
20060823             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up outside 1—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS in MOSUL, killing at least 1—PERSON.
20060823             1—IRAQ—ARMY—OFFICER, 1. LIEUTENANT—HASSANEIN—SAADI—AL—ZERJAWI, —29—JAHRE—ALT was gunned down in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in AMARAH.
20060823             1—ROADSIDE bomb missed 1—USA—MILITARY—CONVOY in FALLUJAH, 40—MILES—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 2—PEDESTRIANS and injuring 12.
20060823             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed —DURING 1—RAID to capture "foreign terrorists".
20060823             2—MILITANTS also were killed.
20060823             —CROWDED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir 1, bus swerved off 1—STEEP—MOUNTAIN—ROAD and plunged into 1—GORGE, killing at least 16—PEOPLE and injuring 35—OTHERS.
20060823             1—LEADER—OF—KURDISH—REBELS battling TURKEY—GOVERNMENT said in 1—RARE—INTERVIEW that his guerrillas will not give in to USA—PRESSURE to disarm without a "political project" that fulfills their calls for autonomy.
20060823             PKK party officials met with 1—GROUP—OF—JOURNALISTS in the rugged, isolated Qandil Mountain in IRAQ—NORTHEAST corner where the group is based.
20060823             —KILLED, SOUTH—LEBANON, 3—LEBANON—SOLDIERS were, —WHILE they dismantled 1 unexploded missile.
20060823             —KILLED, 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER was, and 3—OTHERS wounded in SOUTH—LEBANON —WHEN their tank drove over 1—LAND—MINE.
20060823             Assailants threw grenades at the offices of 1—NEWSPAPER in the resort CITY—OF—CANCUN in the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS on news outlets across MEXICO.
20060823             OSLO, Villa Grande, 1—SPRAWLING mansion used by NORWAY—NAZI collaborator Vidkun Quisling —WWII—DURING, opened as 1—CENTER to oppose the intolerance, hatred and treachery he represented.
20060823             1—PREVIOUSLY unknown PALESTINE—GROUP released the 1. video of 2 kidnapped FOX—NEWS—JOURNALISTS and demanded that Muslim prisoners in USA—JAILS be released within —72—HOURS in exchange for the men.
20060823             Correspondent STEVE—CENTANNI and cameraman OLAF—WIIG were —LATER freed.
20060823             —REOPENED, SOMALIA—SEAPORT in MOGADISHU, for the 1. time in —11—YEARS, the latest sign that the city's Islamic FUNDAMENTAL—RULERS are trying to restore confidence —AFTER MORE—THAN—1—DECADE—OF—ANARCHY.
20060823             —REJECTED, SUDAN—RULING party, 1 proposed SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION to transfer peacekeeping duties in CONFLICT—WRACKED Darfur to 1—UN—FORCE, saying it would violate national sovereignty.
20060823             —OPPOSED, Syria, deployment of 1—INTERNATIONAL—FORCE along its border to prevent arms shipments to Hezbollah, and ISRAEL called the situation in LEBANON "explosive".
20060823             —DECIDED, TAIWAN—CABINET, to increase military spending by nearly 30% —NEXT—YEAR as PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN warned of rival CHINA—CONTINUING hostility towards THE—ISLAND.
20060823             opinion: For Bush, science is 1—DIRTY—WORD
20060823             —ALLOWED, AMERICA—RIGHT—TO—DIE, controversy the facts were not, to get in the way of evangelical populism Tristram Hunt
20060823             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION using propaganda tactics MACON Area Online
20060823             Has Goldman Sachs taken over USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20060823             Entwurf für Gesundheitsfonds: Kassenbeiträge drohen auf 15,7 % zu steigen
20060823             Rekord: Museum stellt zweiköpfige Tiere aus
20060823             Die Vorwürfe gegen den Präsidenten reihen sich in 1—SERIE—VON—SKANDALEN und ERMITTLUNGEN—GEGEN—RANGHOHE Politiker in ISRAEL ein.
20060823             So trat Justizminister Haim Ramon —AM—SONNTAG zurück, —NACHDEM die Generalanwaltschaft gegen ihn Anklage wegen sexueller Belästigung einer Mitarbeiterin erhoben hatte.
20060823             —INZWISCHEN, Gegen Ramon wurde, Anklage erhoben.
20060823             Der 56-Jährige soll eine 18-jährige Soldatin auf einer Feier in seinem Ministerium zu einem Kuss gezwungen haben.
20060823             Zudem prüft die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft die Kaufbedingungen einer Wohnung von Ministerpräsident Ehud Olmert für 1,2 Millionen $ in JERUSALEM.
20060823             Ferner steht Militärchef DAN—HALUZ in der Kritik, weil er —MITTE—JULI wenige —STUNDEN nach der Entführung zweier ISRAELISCHER—SOLDATEN durch die LIBANESISCHE—HISBOLLAH sein Aktienportfolio verkauft hatte.
20060823             Auf die Entführung folgte der fünfwöchige Krieg Israels gegen die Hisbollah. phw/AP/dpa
20060823             THE—APOCALYPSE will have to wait.
20060823             In response to 1—INCENTIVES—PACKAGE from EUROPE + THE—USA, IRAN said it was ready for "
20060823             serious negotiations " about its nuclear program,
20060823             but " - did not agree to suspend the enrichment of uranium
20060823             36 %.
20060823             —UNCHANGED, BUSH—APPROVAL rating, from —1—WEEK—AGO, according to a - NEW—YORK—TIMES/CBS poll.
20060823             51—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS see "no link between the war in IRAQ and the broader antiterror effort" +
20060823             62 % said efforts to stabilize IRAQ were going " - somewhat or very badly.
20060823             "1—FEDERAL—JUDGE ruled —TUESDAY that 1—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN to allow commercial logging inside the Giant Sequoia National Monument
20060823             violates environmental laws.
20060823             74—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS "are more convinced —TODAY that GLOBAL—WARMING is 1—REALITY than they were —2—YEARS—AGO".
20060823             —POLLED, THE—MAJORITY—OF—THOSE, believe GLOBAL—WARMING has influenced THE—SUMMER—HEAT—WAVE (
20060823             65 % ), severe hurricanes (68 %), wildfires (58 %),
20060823             droughts (69 %) + - decreased snowfall (68 %).
20060823             SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS (R—MT), who is pressing for tighter immigration rules, —RECENTLY referred to his house painter as "
20060823             a NICE little GUATEMALA—MAN " who might be in the country illegally.
20060823             "The other —DAY, the little fella who does our maintenance work —AROUND the house, he's from GUATEMALA + I said, 'Could I see your green card?'" Burns said.
20060823             "And Hugo says, 'NUMBER' I said, 'Oh gosh.'" - Discontent among Afghans is "boiling".
20060823             "—AFTER MONTHS—OF—WIDESPREAD—FRUSTRATION with corruption, the economy + 1—LACK—OF—JUSTICE + security, doubts about PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI—OF—AFGHANISTAN + by extension the
20060823             AMERICA LED effort to rebuild that nation, have led to 1—CRISIS—OF—CONFIDENCE".
20060823             80 %. - - - Number of small businesses on the Gulf Coast that
20060823             have not yet received loans promised by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—AFTER Hurricane Katrina.
20060823             —SPONSORED, —THIS—WEEK is Clean Elections —WEEK, by
20060823             1—COALITION—OF—REFORM—GROUPS including Public Campaign, Common Cause, Public Citizen + USA PIRG.
20060823             Contact your representatives + demand support for meaningful campaign finance reform.
20060823             And finally: Pardon me if I repeat myself.
20060823             Spike LEE—NEW—KATRINA—DOCUMENTARY
20060823             answers the question "why the guy who famously redirected DICK—CHENEY—1—TIME—SENATE—FLOOR imperative to PATRICK—LEAHY -
20060823             'Go f*** YOURSELF'—BACK at Cheney —DURING 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE said it twice".
20060823             "Well," the man thought to himself, "I better say it again
20060823             —JUST to make sure that he heard it.
20060823             Discussion about 20010911             20060823             Title: 20010911             —TRUTH: Alleged Hijackers Were ASSETS—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT
20060823             PETER—LANCE on KGO 810—AM tonight By TopDog08 Via 1115_org:
20060823             If you are on the west coast, Lance will be on KGO 810—AM tonight at 7—PM PDT with everyone's favorite Libertarian GENE—BURNS.
20060823             They should HAVE—AUDIO on their site if you can't get the signal.
20060823             UPDATE: Lance was on for the full —3—HOURS.
20060823             He cited HUNDREDS—OF—FACTS and references from memory and covered 1—LOT—OF—MATERIAL.
20060823             —LEARNED, Apparently, Lance has, 3—OF—THE 20010911             —HIJACKERS obtained fake IDs at the same place —10—YEARS—LATER, 20010000             .
20060823             —STAKED, Obviously, if THE—FBI had, the place out, they might have disrupted the plot, considering that I believe the same hijackers were also on their terror watch lists.
20060823             He mentioned RORY—O'CONNOR and SCOTT—MALONE, to include their work on the subject.
20060823             —SOUNDED, In 1—STRANGE—TWIST at the end, it almost, to me like ALI—MOHAMMED—WIFE—WHO Lance said lives in the Bay AREA—CALLED in using the name Lydia and made 1 veiled threat, asking if he feared being killed.
20060823             Anyway, it was 1—VERY interesting interview.
20060823             I will check if I can get audio.
20060823             MALAGA air duo 'understand' fears 2—STUDENTS who were taken off 1—FLIGHT over fears they were terrorists say they are not angry.
20060823             THE—BUSH—POWER—GRAB Scorecard
20060823             —THURSDAY—RULING against THE—NSA—WARRANTLESS—ELECTRONIC—SURVEILLANCE—OF—AMERICANS is 1—BLOW to the administration's claim that the law doesn't apply in TIME—OF—WAR.
20060823             —AFFORDED, But other cases have, THE—PRESIDENT—MORE latitude + SOME—ARE still winding through the courts.
20060823             —BY KIM—ZETTER. 1—NATION Divided Over Piracy
20060823             THE—PIRATE—BAY survives + politicians + entertainment lawyers confront 1—YOUTH—MOVEMENT that embraces file sharing.
20060823             Who would have thought SWEDEN would end up THE—INTERNET—FREE—CONTENT—HAVEN?
20060823             Part 2—OF—1—SERIES by QUINN—NORTON, reporting from STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN.
20060823             See Also: Secrets of the Pirate Bay
20060823             —ACCUSED, ISRAEL, over 'WAR—CRIMES'
20060823             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL accuses ISRAEL of committing WAR—CRIMES by targeting LEBANON—CIVILIAN—INFRASTRUCTURE.
20060823             —JAILED, Australian, for bomb plots
20060823             CHILE student rally turns violent MORE—THAN—200—PEOPLE are arrested and dozens injured as CHILE—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS hold protests.
20060823             Inactive USA—MARINES face CALL—UP
20060823             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH gives 1—OPEN—ENDED authorisation for THE—USA—MARINE—CORPS to call up inactive reservists.
20060823             2q.20060800             —PROTESTER shot in MEXICO clashes 1—MAN is shot in THE—SOUTH—MEXICO—CITY—OF—OAXACA, as striking teachers continue their protests.
20060823             —VERHÖRT, SEX—VORWÜRFE: Polizei, Israels Präsidenten Kazaw
20060823             DIESEL—REKORDFAHRT: Triumph der Baggermotoren
20060823             Lassen sich mit dem neuen SCHWEIZER—PASS auch Leute sprengen? - sfux STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20060823             RFID Pässe kommen unweigerlich und sind unbeliebt.
20060823             Die Bundeswehr ? Europas WECHSELBALG—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20060823             Neue Panzer, FAHR—UND Flugzeuge sowie Hubschrauber ?
20060823             die Bundeswehr rüstet sich für die Schlachten der Zukunft.
20060823             —VOLLZOGEN, Der Wandel zur HIGHTECH—ARMEE ist fast.
20060823             Ein paar Beispiele:
20060823             Stop Belittling the Theories About 20060911             20060823             However horrendous the crimes of 2—OF—THE—WORLD—GREAT liars + terrorists in GAZA + LEBANON, it is imperative that we not let the deeds of Ehud Olmert + GEORGE—W—BUSH distract us from another recent event.
20060823             THE—USA—ALLIANCE with ISRAEL + THE—POWER—OF—THE—LOBBY... - THE—911—SKIES - 911—STEALTH
20060823             If you want to be a " History Detective ", 1—EXPERT in 911—STUDIES, it is prioritary for you to do 1—CAREFUL—ANALYSIS—OF—THE
20060823             original sources to slowly track THE—911—SKIES.
20060823             You may want to see EVERY—DOCUMENTARY and newscast containing original footage of 911—PORTRAYING its sky.
20060823             Apart of the original NEWSCASTS—OF—THE—DAY, we, for example suggest the next documentaries that show THE—911—SKY (of course, there are more):
20060823             1 ) - MEMORIAM, - NEW—YORK—CITY, 20010911             /01 (20020000             ), HBO Home Video,
20060823             3 ) - WTC: The 1. —24—HOURS (20011109             ) (Widescreen), Clamshell, NTSC,
20060823             4 ) PBS—USA—EXPERIENCE, NY episode 8: "NEW—YORK: V8 CENTER—OF—THE—WORLD" ,
20060823             5 ) - CNN TRIBUTE—AMERICA REMEMBERS,
20060823             6 )Abundant CameraPlanet clips filmed by live witnesses (including their movies " —7—DAYS—IN—SEPTEMBER " + " Witness 20010911             "),
20060823             7 ) - 20010911             — THE—FILMMAKERS'—COMMEMORATIVE—EDITION (20020000             ) ,
20060823             8 ) THE—LEARNING—CHANNEL documentary
20060823             World Trade Center ANATOMY—OF—THE—COLLAPSE
20060823             9 ) History Channel, A&E 's " - THE—ANATOMY—OF—20060911              20060823             10 ) 911—EYEWITNESS, by RICK—SIEGEL:
20060823             911—EYEWITNESS—WEBSITE" (link to SOME—SAMPLES) - 11 ) Compilations of 911—NEWSCASTS:
20060823             —UNEDITED, Historical/Research 20010911             —VIDEO, 68—MIN, (20010000             ) :
20060823             Index to multilanguage videos: Etc... - 12 ) Loose Change V. 2:
20060823             13 ) How the Twin Towers Collapsed, Discovery Channel (check there min.
20060823             14 )THE—FALL—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER, HORIZON—UKTV, BBC—WGBH (check there min.
20060823             15 ) - What We Saw : THE—EVENTS—OF—20010911            , in Words, Pictures + Video, by CBS News, DAN—RATHER (narrator).
20060823             16 ) THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER: Rise And Fall Of 1—USA—ICON.
20060823             THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL. Etc., etc.
20060823             —COMPELLED, And, if you are, to, to take action according to it ( - like signing DOCTOR—JONES' petition ).
20060823             JUDGE—DROPS—PADILLA terror CHARGE—CNN
20060823             CNN JUDGE—DROPS—PADILLA terror charge CNN - —2—HOURS—AGO
20060823             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—MIAMI has dismissed the lead terror count against JOSE—PADILLA, THE—USA—CITIZEN once identified as a "dirty bomb" suspect + detained —FOR—3—YEARS without charges as an "enemy combatant.
20060823             1—CHARGE thrown out against suspected AL—QAIDA operative
20060823             all 115 RELATED—ASTRONOMERS in a Quandary Over PLUTO—STATUS
20060823             1—NEW—DEFINITION—OF—1—PLANET offered —TUESDAY would set the number of "planets" at 8 and would put Pluto in 1—GROUP—OF "dwarf planets".
20060823             Involuntary recalls expose military recruitment woes
20060823             Why aren't more Bush supporters lining up to volunteer?
20060823             Isn't the 2. IRAQ—WAR worth fighting?
20060823             It seems not enough people feel strongly enough about it to volunteer to go into harm's way, so he has to force soldiers to return.
20060823             —URGED, Talks, on IRAN nuclear issue CHINA and RUSSIA stress only talks will solve the crisis over IRAN—NUCLEAR—WORK, —AFTER TEHRAN offers negotiations.
20060823             USA—FLIGHT turns back to AMSTERDAM A—USA—NORTH—WEST—AIRLINES flight to INDIA returns to AMSTERDAM airport, escorted by 2—FIGHTER jets.
20060823             Labour 'no longer getting loans' Loans to the Labour Party have dried up in the past —3—MONTHS, the party has confirmed.
20060823             Inactive USA—MARINES face CALL—UP USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH gives 1—OPEN—ENDED authorisation for THE—USA—MARINE—CORPS to call up inactive reservists.
20060823             Firefighters BATTLE—GREECE—BLAZE Firefighters in NORTH—GREECE struggle to control forest fires raging for 3. —DAY.
20060823             —ACCUSED, ISRAEL, over 'WAR—CRIMES' Amnesty accuses ISRAEL of committing WAR—CRIMES by targeting LEBANON—CIVILIAN—INFRASTRUCTURE.
20060823             Metals boom drives profits at BHP The world's largest mining firm, BHP Billiton, posts record profits of $10.5BN—BUOYED by high metals prices.
20060823             Ozone hole stable, say scientists USA—SCIENTISTS express optimism that the large hole in the ozone layer over ANTARCTICA has stopped widening.
20060823             How roughage 'keeps you regular' A—USA—TEAM discovers how cells in the body benefits from FIBRE—RICH—FOODS.
20060823             EVER—HAPPY—MOUSE Sheds Light on Depression
20060823             "Scientists have bred 1—STRAIN of mouse that's permanently cheerful, in hopes of better understanding + treating depression in people.
20060823             —BY breeding mice lacking THE—TREK—1—GENE, which is involved in serotonin transmission, researchers were able create 1—DEPRESSION—RESISTANT strain.
20060823             They say it's the 1. time depression has been eliminated through genetic alteration of 1—ORGANISM".
20060823             NANJING ruling opens new rift CHINA—COURT—ORDERS—JAPAN—HISTORIANS to compensate survivor for accusing HER—OF—FABRICATION.
20060823             —BOLSTERED, USA—INTERVENTION 'boosts IRAN''WAR—ON—TERROR' has, IRAN—POWER + influence across THE—MIDDLE—EAST, thinktank says.
20060823             —CITED, SWAZILAND—MEN—FAVOUR—CIRCUMCISION—RESEARCH, by CLINTON suggests procedure reduces chances of contracting HIV.
20060823             LEBANON facing 'security vacuum'
20060823             UN warns fragile peace may face MONTHS—OF—DELAY -
20060823             ITALY will not send troops if ISRAEL 'keeps SHOOTING'—GERMANY threatens enlargement timetable
20060823             EU entry for BULGARIA + ROMANIA could be DELAYED—CONCERNS grow over INFLUX—OF—MIGRANT—WORKERS
20060823             Boom threatens to push CHINA—ECONOMY OUT—OF—CONTROL 1—GLUT of villas, shopping malls, steel mills and car plants is raising fears of 1—CRASH.
20060823             —EVACUATED, THOUSANDS—OF—TOURISTS, in GREECE GERMANY—FATHER drowns —WHEN fleeing forest fires believed to have been started deliberately.
20060823             BOLIVIA appeals for new BREED—OF—DIPLOMATS as PONY—TAILED journalist goes to USA—PRESIDENT asks public to nominate people they feel would make good ambassadors for country.
20060823             Sarkozy woos FRANCE—VOTERS with FLIP—FLOPS and signed condoms
20060823             NICOLAS—SARKOZY, FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER and presidential hopeful, is trying something new.
20060823             Crimewave may mean the party is over for Ibiza More + more Britons are becoming disillusioned with IBIZA—HIGH—PRICES + rising crime.
20060823             12 charged with trying to buy weapons for Tamil Tigers Men arrested in USA as RESULT—OF—FBI sting operation also charged with trying to bribe USA—OFFICIALS.
20060823             —CALLED, Marines, up to cover lack of volunteers
20060823             USA—MARINE—CORPS is having to recall soldiers to serve on active duty in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20060823             —RAIDED, PRESIDENT—HOME, in sex harassment inquiry Police raid the official RESIDENCE—OF—ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—AS—PART—OF—1—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT—INVESTIGATION.
20060823             —SEABED, Oil slick has sunk to, says Greenpeace Oil slick off LEBANON—COAST creates 10cm (4in) CARPET—OF—OIL suffocating marine life.
20060823             —IDENTIFIED, Juarez slaying suspects
20060823             —CONFIRMED, Mexican + USA—OFFICIALS, —MONDAY that at least 3—MEN, 2—OF—THEM in THE—USA, are PERSONS—OF—INTEREST in connection with THE—MURDERS—OF—WOMEN in Juarez.
20060823             I'm not implying that Schlesinger has the disease that infected Giordano, but it does seem odd that CONNECTICUT Republicans have shown very little interest in fielding 1—STRONG—CANDIDATE to take away LIEBERMAN—SENATE—SEAT.
20060823             I wonder why? —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at
20060823             Usefuls Idiots THERE—1—LOT—OF—INTEREST in CONNECTICUT politics these days.
20060823             Democratic nominee Ned Lamont is playing the usurper to SENATOR—AND—FORMER—PRESIDENT—CANDIDATE—JOE—LIEBERMAN, who is —NOW running as 1—INDEPENDENT.
20060823             —MEANWHILE, the Republicans have nominated ALAN—SCHLESINGER, 1—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—THE—CITY—OF—DERBY and a 6—TERM—STATE—REPRESENTATIVE.
20060823             Despite the nomination of his party, Schlesinger has had little support from Republican power brokers.
20060823             He seems to be merely 1—PLACEHOLDER.
20060823             —REFUSED, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH has, to endorse his candidacy as have other GOP bigwigs.
20060823             Schlesinger HAS—GAMBLED extensively in the past and lost MANY—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS.
20060823             —ON the surface this might make him 1—LIABILITY, but that doesn't seem to have hurt
20060823             WILLIAM—BENNETT—STANDING among the party faithful.
20060823             SCHLESINGER'S—WEB—SITE is amateurish and the Latest News links on the front page haven't been updated —SINCE—APRIL.
20060823             What KIND—OF—CANDIDATE is he?
20060823             4—AREA—RESIDENTS under investigation for alleged sex crimes surrender to authorities.
20060823             —51—YEAR—OLD Reverend RAYMOND—LAMBERT,
20060823             his wife —49—YEAR—OLD—PATTY Lambert along with 2—DEACONS in their church,
20060823             —51—YEAR—OLD TOM—EPLING + —53—YEAR—OLD PAUL—EPLING turned themselves over to McDonald County Sheriff`s deputies —TODAY.
20060823             More details can be FOUND—HERE, including this:
20060823             In 1—TELEPHONE—INTERVIEW—TUESDAY night, Le Sueur said several former church members had come forward in the past —6—MONTHS, claiming they had been molested for several years.
20060823             —INVOLVED, The deputy said incest was, adding he understood that this was the 3. GENERATION—OF—CHURCH—OFFICIALS who participated in child sexual abuse.
20060823             #—POSTED—BY—SAM: 12:22 AM It's about time they caught him.
20060823             1—PITY they didn't catch him —WHILE he was still working for the state department.
20060823             I wrote more about him in my blog.
20060823             #—POSTED—BY—SAM: 12:31 AM I agree with Atrios, WTF was armitage meeting with the scientology wigs about?
20060823             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS : 12:38 AM
20060823             THE—NARCOSPHERE : Copublishers Introductions... ?Presente!
20060823             * en MEXICO? es decir, en la economia dolarizada de CANCUN?
20060823             (User Info)Hello folks, I in the past from ECUADOR and VENEZUELA, I've also done reporting
20060823             AMSTERDAM: USA—FLIEGER muss wegen Alarm umkehren
20060823             Streit: Iraner besetzen RUMÄNISCHE—ÖLPLATTFORM
20060823             Ehrensenf: Rauchverbot für Tom und Jerry
20060823             —GERÄUMT, Nach Drohanruf: ICE wegen Bombenalarm
20060823             Kofferbomber: Ermittler prüfen Spur zu AL—QAIDA
20060823             Angst vor Terror: Bosbach will Einreisende stärker kontrollieren lassen
20060823             Abschlag von der ISS: Nasa erlaubt Golf im All
20060823             UNO—TRUPPE im LIBANON: FRANKREICH will Blauhelme ALLE—GRENZEN sichern lassen
20060823             —VERFALLEN, PREPAID—URTEIL: Vodafone darf Guthaben nicht, lassen
20060823             ATOM—STREIT: Zurückhaltung gegenüber Irans Verhandlungsangebot
20060823             —1—JAHR nach "Katrina": Leben im endlosen Albtraum
20060823             USA—MILITÄREINSÄTZE: Bush genehmigt Zwangseinberufung
20060823             Statistiken: Die Mär von den aussterbenden Deutschen
20060823             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Schäuble will INTERNET schärfer kontrollieren
20060823             Terroralarm: Hatten Ermittler frühe Hinweise auf Anschläge?
20060823             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Fatwa der Plastiktüten"
20060823             —GESCHEITERTE Anschläge: Zentralrat der Muslime warnt vor Generalverdacht
20060823             CHINA: Liebeskranker Fluggast droht mit Bombe
20060823             Umfrage: Große Koalition weiter im TIEF—FDP auf Jahreshoch
20060823             Einschnitte: SPD—EXPERTE will weniger Sozialleistungen für Frauen
20060823             NAHOST—KRISE: SYRIEN lehnt internationale Truppen an seiner Grenze ab
20060823             Gesundheitsreform: Ärzte warnen vor Versorgungsengpässen
20060823             Wurden im LIBANON radioaktive Bomben eingesetzt?
20060823             —ZITIERT, Wie IsraelNN_com einen LIBANESISCHEN—FORSCHER, soll ISRAEL in der LIBANON Offensive auch mit radioaktiven Bomben gearbeitet haben.
20060823             MOHAMED—ALI—QOBEISSI sagte gegenüber der Zeitung, dass Hisbollah Ziele mit radioaktivem Material angegriffen worden seien.
20060823             Laut seiner Aussage soll ein rund 3.5—METER tiefer Bombenkrater hohe Dosen radioaktiven Materials aufweisen.
20060823             —VERMUTET, Er, dass EINIGE—ISRAELISCHE—BOMBEN hohe Mengen an Uranium enthalten haben.
20060823             In der eigenen Falle GEFANGEN—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20060823             —KAMPF—GEGEN—AIDS: Gesundheitsministerin bevorzugt Gemüse statt KONDOME—SFUX DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
20060823             Das wirtschaftlich stärkste Land Afrikas, SÜDAFRIKA, mit seiner ausgezeichneten Infrastruktur, das tatsächlich zu den Schwellenländern gezählt werden kann, präsentierte sich auf der internationalen AIDS—KONFERENZ—IN—TORONTO/KANADA.
20060823             Die von weit her angereisten Reporter, die ansonsten nur wenig Erfreuliches zu berichten haben, kamen dank der SÜDAFRIKANISCHEN—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIN.
20060823             Marine Corps begins involuntary troop recalls. "THE—USA—MARINE—CORPS will
20060823             start ordering what could be THOUSANDS—OF—INACTIVE service members to return to duty
20060823             in the coming months to counter 1—STEADY—DECLINE in the number of such troops who volunteer, the service said —ON—TUESDAY".
20060823             Right Wing Reacts To Terrorist Plot With Calls For Radical Ethnic PROFILING—THINK—PROGRESS—SINCE UK—AUTHORITIES revealed 1—TERRORIST—PLOT to blow up UK—PLANES headed to THE—USA, the right wing has increasingly called for radical profiling of Muslims.
20060823             SOME—LOWLIGHTS: McCain Faults Admin.
20060823             For Painting IRAQ As 'SOME—KIND—OF—DAY At the Beach,' Ignores Own Rosy Rhetoric
20060823             —FAULTED, THE—AP reports that SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN " THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION for misleading Americans into believing the conflict would be '
20060823             SOME—KIND—OF—DAY at the beach.
20060823             [McCain] said the administration had failed to make clear the challenges facing the military.
20060823             —CONTRIBUTED, McCain said that talk "has, enormously to the frustration that Americans feel —TODAY because they were led to believe this could be SOME—KIND—OF—DAY at the beach, which MANY—OF—USA fully understood from the beginning would be 1—VERY, very difficult undertaking. "
20060823             McCain appropriately criticizes the administration for painting 1—UNREALISTIC—PICTURE—OF—THE—SITUATION in IRAQ, but he conveniently neglects to mention his own rosy assessments as he was cheerleading the nation to war.
20060823             —WHILE McCain hopes the public will see this as another example of his "
20060823             straight talk," here are SOME—QUOTES that McCain wants you to forget:
20060823             MATTHEWS: Are you 1—OF—THOSE who holds up 1—OPTIMISTIC—VIEW—OF—THE—POST—WAR—SCENE?
20060823             Do you believe that the people of IRAQ or at least 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF them will treat us as liberators?
20060823             MCCAIN: Absolutely. Absolutely.
20060823             MATTHEWS: And you think the Arab world will come to 1—GRUDGING recognition that what we did was necessary?
20060823             I mean by that the modern Arab leaders, the people that we have to deal with.
20060823             MCCAIN: Not only that, they'll be relieved that he's not in the neighborhood because he has invaded his neighbors on several occasions.
20060823             Do you think we'll shake them — shake them to the roots so they will give up eventually and avoid 1—HUGE—BLOODBATH—OF—PEOPLE?
20060823             MCCAIN: I don't know how long they'll hang out.
20060823             It doesn't take 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE to cause difficulties in house to house fighting we've —JUST seen that in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20060823             But there's no doubt in my mind that we will prevail and there's no doubt in my mind, once these people are gone, that we will be welcomed as liberators.
20060823             These guys are the real bad guys and they're telling everybody, we're going to shoot you and so, of course, we're not being welcomed cause they've got people that will kill them if they do.
20060823             Once that's done, I'm confident.
20060823             Buchanan Argues For Immigration Moratorium To Preserve White Dominance
20060823             In his new book, STATE—OF—EMERGENCY, Pat Buchanan argues for "1—IMMEDIATE—MORATORIUM on all immigration".
20060823             Why? To preserve THE—DOMINANCE—OF—THE—WHITE—RACE in AMERICA.
20060823             Buchanan explains on pg. 11: AMERICA—FACES 1—EXISTENTIAL crisis.
20060823             No nation has ever undergone so radical 1—DEMOGRAPHIC—TRANSFORMATION and survived.
20060823             Indeed, Buchanan argues quite explicitly that only whites have the appropriate "genetic endowments" to keep AMERICA FROM collapsing.
20060823             —FROM pg. 164: Involuntary recall.
20060823             THE—KURDISH—PUBLIC—RELATIONS CAMPAIGN—AMANDA—THANKING AMERICA for overthrowing SADDAM—HUSSEIN is run by 1—TOP—CONSERVATIVE—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—FIRM that also founded the "Stop MICHAEL—MOORE" campaign + "Move AMERICA FORWARD," which brought together parents of dead USA—SOLDIERS to be COUNTER—PROTESTERS at peace demonstrations.
20060823             Kristol: 'We Could Be In 1—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION With IRAN Much Sooner Than People Expect'
20060823             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, Weekly Standard EDITOR—BILL—KRISTOL
20060823             continued to beat the war drums for 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN.
20060823             Watch it: Kristol is attempting to hype THE—IRAN—SITUATION as 1—CRISIS.
20060823             As Retired Army LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—ROBERT—G—GARD said —RECENTLY, "To call THE—IRAN—SITUATION a 'crisis' connotes you have to do something right —NOW,
20060823             like bomb them.
20060823             The truth is there is very little good intelligence on IRAN—CAPABILITIES.
20060823             HERE—WHAT the experts are saying: Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN
20060823             Pat ROBERTS—WARNED that "we have not made the progress on our oversight of IRAN intelligence, which is critical".
20060823             Roberts' Intel COMMITTEE—STAFF—DIRECTOR—BILL—DUHNKE
20060823             said, "There is no organized commit­tee staff effort to look at IRAN right —NOW".
20060823             "I continue to believe that our sources are stale and our case is thin," said
20060823             (D—CA), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee
20060823             " USA—INTELLIGENCE on the ground is quite poor, especially as it relates to understanding how decisions are made and who controls the power centers in IRAN," said CSIS expert
20060823             JON—WOLFSTHAL.
20060823             —STOPPED, Faulty intelligence hasn't, Kristol in the past.
20060823             Why would he start —NOW?
20060823             Bush _Will_Decide_to_Strike_Iran_Next_Year">Digg It!
20060823             I don't think this is 1—ISSUE that's going to wait 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS—UNTIL USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH leaves the presidency.
20060823             I think he will decide at SOME—POINT—NEXT—YEAR — 20070000             — he'll have to make SOME—VERY—TOUGH—DECISIONS about what THE—USA + the world can tolerate in terms of this regime — this apocalyptic, messianic regime — which has made clear that it would use — would feel free to use weapons if it had them, that has very deep ties with terrorist groups, what we could accept in terms of their nuclear program.
20060823             QUESTION: What does that mean, what we can accept, does that mean going over and doing something about whatever they've got?
20060823             KRISTOL: It could mean that.
20060823             I hope we're doing things covertly to try to slow down their nuclear progress and I hope we can do much more perhaps + get SOME—ALLIES to do more, but I don't think 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN is at all OUT—OF—THE—QUESTION.
20060823             If you saw THE—PRESIDENT—PRESS—CONFERENCE—YESTERDAY, he said he hoped diplomacy would work, but I was struck by his words.
20060823             I hope diplomacy would work, it would be helpful if the world spoke with 1 united voice against IRAN, but he's said over + over, you cannot allow this regime to have nuclear weapons + I think we may come to 1—REAL—SERIOUS—CHOICE—NEXT—YEAR.
20060823             BRITAIN may cut its force in IRAQ—AMANDA—IN half by THE—MIDDLE—OF—NEXT—YEAR.
20060823             —AFTER USA—TODAY Issues Correction, FOX—HOST—REPEATS—SMEARS—AGAINST—GORE
20060823             —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, PETER—SCHWEIZER published 1—HIT piece on AL—GORE—ENVIRONMENTAL habits.
20060823             (Schweizer works at the Hoover Institute which has received nearly $300,000 from Exxon MOBILE 19980000             —SINCE.)
20060823             It was 1—OBVIOUS—ATTEMPT to discredit GORE—EFFORTS to combat THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060823             The problem was the piece was inaccurate and USA—TODAY was FORCED—TO print 1—CORRECTION.
20060823             That didn't stop Rich Lowry, filling in for SEAN—HANNITY, to repeat SCHWEIZER—FALSE—CLAIMS on FOX—AFTER—THE—CORRECTION was printed.
20060823             Lowry also took the liberty to add SOME—NEW smears.
20060823             Watch it: Here are the facts:
20060823             1. Gore does not receive royalties from 1—ZINC mine.
20060823             —FROM THE—USA—TODAY—CORRECTION:
20060823             —REACHED, Opposition among Americans to THE—IRAQ—WAR—FAIZ—HAS, 1—NEW—HIGH.
20060823             1—CNN poll found —JUST 35 % favor the war in IRAQ; 61 % say they oppose it.
20060823             Bush Pledges $230—MILLION To LEBANON, Less Than —1—DAY—OF—SPENDING In IRAQ — Amanda -
20060823             USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH,
20060823             —TODAY  :
20060823             —TODAY, I'm announcing that AMERICA will send more aid to support humanitarian and reconstruction work in LEBANON, for 1—TOTAL—OF—MORE than $230—MILLION.
20060823             These funds will help THE—LEBANON—PEOPLE rebuild their homes and return to their towns and communities.
20060823             AMERICA is making 1—LONG—TERM—COMMITMENT to help the people of LEBANON because we believe EVERY—PERSON deserves to live in 1—FREE, open society that respects the rights of all.
20060823             —WHILE Bush made sure to hype the increase in THE—USA—COMMITMENT to LEBANON (from the original $50—MILLION), this amount still pales in comparison to USA spending in IRAQ.
20060823             $230—MILLION is less than what the administration spends EACH—DAY in IRAQ ($267—MILLION).
20060823             1—RECENT—STUDY by Foreign Policy/CGD also shows that OUT—OF—THE—WORLD—21—RICHEST—COUNTRIES, THE—USA—RANKS —JUST 19. in foreign aid.
20060823             IRAN, on the other hand, has reportedly said that it would provide Hezbollah with an "unlimited budget " for reconstruction.
20060823             —FAILED, Bush —TODAY said he understands that " states in THE—MIDDLE—EAST are 1—DIRECT—THREAT to our country's security," but in reality, the administration is too bogged down in IRAQ to seriously commit aid to other states.
20060823             Neoconservatives Predict THE—APOCALYPSE—STARTS—TOMORROW
20060823             —FOR—MONTHS, neoconservatives have been pushing for regime change in IRAN.
20060823             —PUSHED, HERE—1—LOOK at the rhetoric being, by neocons to scare THE—USA—PEOPLE into supporting military action:
20060823             [BERNARD—LEWIS—OP—ED, WALL—STREET Journal,
20060823             VIRGINIA Asks GLOBAL—WARMING Skeptic To Stop Calling Himself 'STATE—CLIMATOLOGIST'
20060823             PATRICK—J—MICHAELS — 1—PROMINENT—CRITIC—OF—MAINSTREAM—GLOBAL—WARMING science — bills himself as the "state climatologist " of VIRGINIA to bolster his credibility.
20060823             THE—STATE—OF—VIRGINIA has had enough.
20060823             THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICE has sent 1—LETTER to THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—VIRGINIA requesting that PATRICK—J—MICHAELS not use his TITLE—OF—STATE—CLIMATOLOGIST—WHEN conducting his private consulting business.
20060823             —CONCERNED, The state is, that the U.VIRGINIA professor's controversial views on GLOBAL—WARMING could be mistaken for the state's views...THE—GOVERNOR—OFFICE has repeatedly said that Michaels does not represent the state with his opinions about GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060823             In fact, it seems that "STATE—CLIMATOLOGIST" is not even 1—REAL—POSITION:
20060823             [The] letter also addressed the question of whether Michaels' position as state climatologist is 1—APPOINTMENT—OF—THE—GOVERNOR—OR—OF—UVIRGINIA—HANLEY does acknowledge that Michaels was originally appointed state climatologist by GOVERNOR—JOHN—DALTON 19800000             .
20060823             However, she said the code of VIRGINIA " does not provide for THE—GOVERNOR to appoint 1—STATE—CLIMATOLOGIST ".
20060823             —RESEARCHED, Charlottesville City Councilor KEVIN—LYNCH, the topic and concluded that Dalton's "appointment" does "
20060823             not appear to have been legitimate ".
20060823             —COLLECTED, On THE—BASIS—OF—DALTON—LETTER, Michaels has, 1—GOVERNMENT paycheck for the last —26—YEARS and is currently earning $91,530.
20060823             THE—STATE—NOW has nothing to do with the title or the office, which is administered by THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—VIRGINIA, where Michaels teaches.
20060823             Much more AT—CVILLENEWS_com. THE—USA—ROLE in SADDAM—TRIAL
20060823             —QUESTIONED, Roads to IRAQ —WHEN Human Rights Watch, THE—FAIRNESS—OF—SADDAM—TRIAL, they kept their statement short, but for MANY—TIMES we heard people saying this is not 1—IRAQ—COURT, it is 1—USA—COURT, even Saddam said it —TODAY.
20060823             —STILL we don?t have ANY—DETAILS about THE—USA—ROLE in SADDAM—COURT.
20060823             Here is the only document available from Bush ra Khalil 1—MEMBER in the defense team explaining USA—ROLE the court, I managed to get 1—COPY—OF—THE—DOCUMENT.
20060823             "This paper never! published —BEFORE".
20060823             ISRAEL—APARTHEID: Segregation, Control and the Creation of Bantustans in the Occupied PALESTINE—TERRITORIES (OPT).
20060823             Bethlehem Bloggers: Voices from the Bethlehem Ghetto The question of ISRAEL as 1—APARTHEID state has received increasing attention over the last years as ISRAEL has continued colonial expansion in THE—WEST—BANK—WHILE simultaneously attempting to diverge itself from the Palestinians.
20060823             THE—PURPOSE—OF—THIS post is to highlight the growing systemization of apartheid in THE—OPT with particular referenc!
20060823             e to ISRAEL—POLICY—OF unilateral disengagement.
20060823             —HIGHLIGHTED, The need for this debate is, by the effective OUTCOMES—OF—DISENGAGEMENT which has already resulted in THE—SEGREGATION—OF—PALESTINE—COMMUNITIES and delineation of exclusive Jewish space by MEANS—OF—THE—SEGREGATION—BARRIER.
20060823             Furthermore THE—CREATION—OF—PALESTINE—ENCLAVES or ghettos in THE—OPT bears 1—STRIKING resemblance to THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICIES—DURING—THE apartheid era which sought the establishment Bantustans as 1—MEANS to facilitate segregation and to secure privileges for 1—ETHNIC—MINORITY.
20060823             More Free Mazuma Sent to Small Criminal State
20060823             —TICKLED, Hirchson is, because, once again, THE—USA—TAXPAYER, 1—ROYAL chump, has come through.
20060823             "20030000             , THE—USA approved 1—USD 9—BILLION aid package to ISRAEL in the form of!
20060823             loan guarantees which allow ISRAEL to borrow money on THE—INTERNATIONAL—MARKET for low interest rates".
20060823             AIPAC, the Religious Right and USA—FOREIGN—POLICY
20060823             Rodrigue Tremblay, THE—NEW—USA—EMPIRE—NOBODY can understand what's going on politically in THE—USA—WITHOUT being aware that 1—POLITICAL—COALITION—OF—MAJOR—PRO—LIKUD groups, PRO—ISRAEL neoconservative intellectuals and CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS is exerting 1—TREMENDOUSLY powerful influence on THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and its policies.
20060823             —SPEARHEADED, Over time, this large PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY, by THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC), has extende!
20060823             d its comprehensive grasp over large SEGMENTS—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, including THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE, the Pentagon and THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT, besides controlling the legislative APPARATUS—OF—CONGRESS.
20060823             —ASSISTED, It is being, in this task by powerful allies in THE—2—MAIN—POLITICAL—PARTIES, in major corporate media and by SOME—RICHLY financed SO—CALLED "THINK—TANKS", such as THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE, the Heritage Foundation, or THE—WASHINGTON—INSTITUTE for Near EAST—POLICY.
20060823             Sectarian clashes in BAGHDAD
20060823             Zeyad, Healing IRAQ 1—MASSIVE—WAVE—OF—SECTARIAN—VIOLENCE engulfed several districts of BAGHDAD —YESTERDAY.
20060823             —SPARKED, The violence was, by news REPORTS—OF—SNIPER—ATTACKS—AGAINST Shi?ite pilgrims heading to the shrine of Imam MUSA—AL—KADHIM in Kadhimiya to commemorate his death anniversary.
20060823             —ARMED, —WHEN the news had spread, members of 'popular committees? (militias) accompanying the pilgrims opened fire against residences in SOME—SUNNI districts surrounding Kadhimiya.
20060823             Others took over Sunni m! osques in Sulaikh, Dola?I + Palestine Street + reprisals were reported from several areas of BAGHDAD.
20060823             For SOME—REASON, Western news agencies have completely missed these serious developments, highly reminiscient of the confessional violence that followed THE—SAMARRA shrine attack, but both THE—IRAQ—AL—SHARQIYA and BAGHDAD satellite channels aired video footage of the clashes.
20060823             —CORROBORATED, The events were, by DOZENS—OF—EYEWITNESS—ACCOUNTS.
20060823             In the Dola?I neighbourhood, —JUST SOUTH—OF—KADHIMIYA, gunmen occupied the Du?at AL—ISLAM mosque and kidnapped the Imam, Sheikh HASSAN—ALI—YASSIN + 2—GUARDS who were in the mosque.
20060823             —BATTERED, Their, corpses were found —LATER.
20060823             Campaign for Accountability for USA/ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMES—RAMSEY—CLARK
20060823             For instance, the Muslim Brotherhood in EGYPT, collaborating with British and —LATER USA—INTELLIGENCE, challenged the secular government of the Wafd Party and, —LATER, NASSER—GOVERNMENT.
20060823             Even —LATER, in Palestine, Hamas evolved from cells of the Muslim Brotherhood + this was supported by ISRAEL as "1—DIRECT—ATTEMPT to divide + dilute support for 1—STRONG, secular PLO," according to 1—FORMER—SENIOR—CIA—OFFICIAL cited by
20060823             RICHARD—SALE—OF—UPI.
20060823             RALPH—PETERS: Ethnic Cleansing as Benefaction
20060823             —BY Administrator on Uncategorized
20060823             According TO—RALPH—PETERS, writing for the Armed Forces Journal, there is a "dirty little secret from 5,—000—YEARS—OF—HISTORY: Ethnic cleansing works," never mind this technique, offered by Peters as 1—PANACEA for ethnic division in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, falls under the definitions for genocide or crimes against humanity.
20060823             "—WHILE THE—MIDDLE—EAST has far more problems than dysfunctional borders ALONE—FROM cultural stagnation through scandalous inequality to deadly religious EXTREMISM—THE—GREATEST taboo in striving to understand the region's comprehensive failure isn't Islam but THE—AWFUL—BUT—SACROSANCT INTERNATIONAL boundaries worshipped by our own diplomats".
20060823             In order to address this "scandalous inequality" and realize "1—MORE—PEACEFUL—MIDDLE—EAST," Peters proposes "borders RE—IMAGINED," that is to say the forced MIGRATION—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE.
20060823             —RETIRED, Said like 1, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL given to writing fiction.
20060823             —PRESENTED, Peters' fictional "characters are often, as military mavericks who have the clairvoyance and courage to tackle problems others can't or won't," according to a
20060823             WIKIPEDIA—WRITE—UP.
20060823             "His novels progressed from futuristic scenarios involving the Red Army to contemporary terrorism and failed state issues".
20060823             If not for British and FRANCE—COLONIALISM, culminating in the secret 19160000             SYKES—PICOT Agreement to partition THE—MIDDLE—EAST + the plot to hand 1—RELIGIOUSLY charged bit of real estate over to conniving European Zionists, chances are good things would be different, even less culturally stagnate and rife with inequality, the defeated Ottoman Empire not withstanding.
20060823             Neolib Vultures Perch Over LEBANON
20060823             Discussion about 20010911             TITLE: -
20060823             Restarting THE—34—DAY—WAR—MIKE—WHITNEY—ISRAEL is in 1—STATE—OF—POST—WAR trauma.
20060823             —ACHIEVED, Its —34—DAY pounding of LEBANON, none of the stated goals and has left the public furious at the incompetence of the Olmert government.
20060823             118—SOLDIERS were killed in the conflict and ISRAEL's celebrated "power of deterrents" has been smashed to smithereens.
20060823             —GAINED, Nothing was.
20060823             In the north, industry was brought to 1—COMPLETE standstill —WHILE the local people were shunted off to fallout shelters —FOR—WEEKS on end.
20060823             What for? Hezbol! lah hasn?t been "disarmed" and the 2 captured ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—HAVEN?t been returned.
20060823             The whole travesty was 1—DEAD—LOSS.
20060823             —ENDED, The war, as abruptly as it started.
20060823             —CALLED, It was suddenly, off —WHEN Olmert couldn't bear the rising DEATH—TOLL, 1—FACT that was not lost on HEZBOLLAH—LEADER, HASSAN—NASRALLAH.
20060823             Nasrallah said from the very beginning that the only way to beat ISRAEL was by "killing soldiers and destroying weapons".
20060823             OLMERT—RETREAT—JUST proves that that Nasrallah was right.
20060823             Terror Against Nature
20060823             The intentional TARGETING—OF—OIL—STORAGE—TANKS and the implicit UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—DEVASTATION that the re!
20060823             leased heavy fuel oil would inflict on the Mediterranean coast is entirely consistent with brazen statements by THE—ISRAEL—THROUGHOUT the war, boasting that they would set LEBANON back to PRE—ELECTRICITY—DAYS.
20060823             "I—WAS a Propaganda Intern in IRAQ" - Fmr.
20060823             Democracy —NOW!...Well, I arrived in BAGHDAD airport and was taken to 1—VILLA in the Green Zone via Camp Victory.
20060823             —AFTER about —1—WEEK—OF twiddling my thumbs and not really doing 1—LOT, I became rather impatient and emailed people —BACK—IN DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, saying, you know, "What am I doing here?
20060823             I thought I was going to be doing SOME—WORK".
20060823             And within —1—DAY or 2, I was!
20060823             taken to lunch by another employee + he explained to me in detail what exactly it was THE—LINCOLN—GROUP was doing.
20060823             And I was going to take over his position, because he was going on holiday, so -- on vacation, I should say.
20060823             And what he was doing was receiving ENGLISH—WRITTEN articles by soldiers in 1—CERTAIN—UNIT inside Camp Victory, the major USA—BASE—JUST SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060823             He was choosing which of those articles would be published in IRAQ—NEWSPAPERS.
20060823             —TRANSLATED, He was sending them to IRAQ—EMPLOYEES, getting them, into Arabic, getting them okayed by the command back at Camp Victory and then having other IRAQ—EMPLOYEES—RUN them down to IRAQ—NEWSPAPERS, where they would pay editors, SUB—EDITORS, commissioning editors to run them as news stories in THE—IRAQ—NEWSPAPERS.
20060823             And that was the role, you know, —AFTER about —1—WEEK or —10—DAYS—OF—ME being there, that I took over.
20060823             —NOW
20060823             —DURING—THE—FALL—OF—20050000             , acting inside Statesville Prison in JOLIET—ILLINOIS, STANLEY—HOWARD brought together 1—GROUP—OF—INMATES to found Prisoners Against THE—WAR, the 1. such organization in USA—HISTORY.
20060823             [The original announcement is reproduced inside.]
20060823             This is 1—APPEAL to bring pressure to get him OUT—OF—PRISON.
20060823             —SEPTEMBER, his case goes —BEFORE THE—GOVERNOR—OF—ILLINOIS, Rod Blagojevich, who has the power to order his release.
20060823             Hezbollah Singes SAMSON—LOCKS
20060823             K Gajendra Singh Writing in 'Foreign Policy In Focus', Prof STEPHEN—ZUNES said " THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and 1—OVERWHELMING bipartisan MAJORITY—OF—CONGRESS have gone on record defending ISRAEL—ASSAULT—ON—LEBANON—CIVILIAN—INFRASTRUCTURE as 1—MEANS—OF attacking Hezbollah "terrorists".
20060823             Unlike the major PALESTINE—ISLAMIST—GROUPS, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah forces haven't killed ANY—ISRAEL—CIVILIANS for MORE—THAN—1—DECADE.
20060823             Indeed, a 20020000             CONGRESSIONAL Research Service r!
20060823             The most recent STATE—DEPARTMENT—REPORT on INTERNATIONAL terrorism also fails to note ANY—ACTS—OF—TERRORISM by Hezbollah —SINCE that time except for unsubstantiated claims that 1—HEZBOLLAH member was 1—PARTICIPANT in a
20060823             Only 20% Of Britons BELIEVE—BLAIR—ON—TERROR—THREATS
20060823             PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—NEO—FASCISTS need to stage real attack to reclaim credibility and obedience
20060823             Apocalypse Tomorrow: NEO—CONS—HYPE Y2K-Style Fearmongering
20060823             Nanotechnology policy game for public shows bias
20060823             Dietram Scheufele writes of 1—EVENT at THE—UK—DANA—CENTRE — whose website says "THE—DANA—CENTRE is sexing up science for the masses" — using 1—NANOTECHNOLOGY—BASED card game to get the general public thinking about nanotechnology.
20060823             Dietram concludes: "Using.
20060823             VC funding for individual blogs?
20060823             Several high profile blogs have taken VC money —RECENTLY.
20060823             Om Malik, FORMERLY—OF—BUSINESS 2.0 and writer of Giga Om, has struck off on his own with VC money from 1—STARTUP VC, True Ventures.
20060823             —INVESTED, SoftBank Capital, $5—MILLION in HuffingtonPost_com, 1—BLOG WRITTEN—BY—ARIANNA—HUFFINGTON.
20060823             Hmmm...what.
20060823             Verizon and the other telcos have 1—LONG HISTORY—OF—MISLEADING doublespeak —WHEN they try to explain their actions -- and we have yet another example —TODAY.
20060823             —MENTIONED, —EARLIER, we, how Verizon seemed to be taking its pricing cues from THE—ONION, with their decision to add in 1—NEW "supplier.
20060823             Ants found using jaw movements to ward off enemy
20060823             1—SPECIES—OF—TINY ants are found as having the fastest jaw movement among animals -- at speeds exceeding 75—MILES per —HOUR or in other words quicker than the blink of 1—EYE.
20060823             Terror suspects' deadline nears Police still holding 11—PEOPLE over 1 alleged airline bomb plot are to decide whether to seek custody extensions.
20060823             IRAN offers West 'serious' talks IRAN—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR—ALI—LARIJANI says his country is ready to start "serious talks" with world powers.
20060823             —WELCOMED, Dalai Lama, in MONGOLIA THOUSANDS—OF—MONGOLIANS turn out to greet the Dalai Lama, despite CHINA—ANGER over his visit.
20060823             N KOREA condemns USA—SOUTH drills NORTH—KOREA threatens to take PRE—EMPTIVE action in response to USA—SOUTH—KOREAN—MILITARY exercises.
20060823             Saddam trial HEARS—OF—GAS—ATTACKS—WITNESSES at the genocide TRIAL—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—LEADER—SADDAM—HUSSEIN describe chemical weapons attacks.
20060823             PAKISTAN atomic expert has cancer Disgraced nuclear scientist ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN has prostate cancer, says THE—PAKISTAN government.
20060823             System 'failing children in care' The education system fails children in care and most leave with no qualifications, BARNARDO—SAYS.
20060823             Maths genius declines top prize Grigory Perelman, THE—RUSSIA—WHO claims to have solved 1—OF—THE—HARDEST—PROBLEMS in mathematics, declines the prestigious Fields Medal.
20060823             Airport rules 'costing musicians' UK security measures are having a "devastating impact" on travelling musicians, THE—BBC—NEWS—WEBSITE learns.
20060823             NHS 'in illegal immigrants mess' The system to ensure illegal immigrants do not receive free NHS care is unworkable, doctors and lawyers say.
20060823             Biobank set for national roll out The largest ever study into the genetic and environmental CAUSES—OF—DISEASE is to be rolled out across THE—UK.
20060823             —LINKED, Climate, to plague increase 1—WARMER and wetter world could lead to more outbreaks of the deadly bubonic plague, 1—STUDY suggests.
20060823             Cooling 'relieves chronic pain' Chemicals that prompt FEELINGS—OF—COOLNESS can relieve chronic pain, 1—STUDY on rats suggests.
20060823             Early schizophrenia clue is found The level of glucose in the brain and spinal fluid could be 1—EARLY diagnosis for schizophrenia, scientists claim.
20060823             Smoking cut from TV cartoons CHILDREN—CHANNEL—BOOMERANG remove smoking from Tom and Jerry cartoons —FOLLOWING 1—VIEWER complaint.
20060823             THOMSON—FINANCIAL: Who needs human reporters?
20060823             —DESCRIBED, Correction: 1—EARLIER—VERSION—OF—THIS story incorrectly, what Thomson's automated reporting system can produce.
20060823             DIY Nuke Detector Patrols SF Bay Volunteer researchers develop 1—MOBILE—RADIATION—SCANNER that can pick out 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB in 1—CONTAINER ship at sea.
20060823             MARK—RUTHERFORD reports from S—FRANCISCO.
20060823             IPod Factories: No Unions APPLE—INVESTIGATION—OF—ITS—CHINA—IPOD factories isn't 1—WHITEWASH, but the most important issue isn't even mentioned: THE—ABILITY—OF—WORKERS to organize.
20060823             BOB—DYLAN: Technology Sucks The iconic rocker says the music industry has no right to bitch about piracy —WHEN its modern recording technology only screws up good music anyway.
20060823             Quattrone Beats the Rap 2—TRIALS (and 1—CONVICTION) —LATER, the slate is wiped clean for THE—FORMER—DOT—COM investment banker accused of impeding FEDERAL—INVESTIGATIONS into his business practices.
20060823             Not only does FRANK—QUATTRONE get off scot free, he is free to resume his career with no restrictions.
20060823             —DISCONNECTED, Russian: 'Nyet' to Math Prize Saying he feels, from his mathematics colleagues and has no desire to be anybody's "figurehead," 1—RECLUSIVE RUSSIA—TURNS down math's equivalent of the Nobel Prize.
20060823             Perpetual Motion Claim Probed History offers 1—DISCOURAGING guide for 1—IRELAND—COMPANY hoping to demonstrate 1—EXCEPTION to the 1. LAW—OF—THERMODYNAMICS.
20060823             —POSITIONED, Can cleverly, magnets create more than hot air?
20060823             "—RECENTLY in THE—UK, 1—BIOBANK project has been rolled out to 'unpick' the genetic BASIS—OF—DISEASES such as cancer on half 1—MILLION volunteers. This is based on the success of a —3—MONTH—PILOT—PHASE conducted on 3,800—PARTICIPANTS.  'Over THE—NEXT—4—YEARS, blood and urine samples will be collected from volunteers aged 40 to 69, to help scientists unravel the genetic foundations of common diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and joint problems. If you live in THE—UK, agreeing to this survey may involve 1—LITTLE—MORE than you would expect".
20060823             E—PASSPORT In the Works
20060823             "In 1—ATTEMPT to curb FALSIFICATION—OF—PASSPORTS, THE—USA has placed 1—ORDER for MILLIONS—OF—EMBEDDED—ID chips. 'The chips carry 1 encrypted digital PHOTOGRAPH—OF—THE—PASSPORT—HOLDER. The chip is designed to be read by 1—SPECIAL—DEVICE that will be used by USA—GOVERNMENT—WORKERS who check passports —WHEN travelers come through border crossings. THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT began issuing what are being called E—PASSPORTS to tourists —LAST—WEEK and will gradually increase production. STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESWOMAN—JANELLE—HIRONIMUS said existing passports will remain valid —UNTIL they expire but, eventually, all USA—PASSPORTS — about 13—MILLION will be issued 20060000             — will contain such chips.'"
20060823             Execs at AOL Approved Release of Private Data?
20060823             "THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES has published 1—REPORT providing further details about the release of private AOL search queries to the public.
20060823             —WORKED, According to the report: 'DOCTOR—JENSEN, who said he had, closely with MISTER—CHOWDHURY on projects for AOL—SEARCH—TEAM, also said he had been told that THE—POSTING—OF—THE—DATA had been approved by all appropriate executives at AOL, including Ms.
20060823             [Maureen] Govern.' The report also identifies the other 2—PEOPLE whom AOL management fired: they are ABDUR—CHOWDHURY and his immediate supervisor.
20060823             Chowdhury is the employee who did the actual public distribution of the private search queries.
20060823             —RETAINED, He, apparently, has, 1—LAWYER".
20060823             Business news provider is breaking ground by turning to computers to write business stories.
20060823             Thomson plans to expand PC—ROLE as journalist.
20060823             "THE—CIA recruited and trained the jihadists"
20060823             Center for Research on GLOBALIZATION—SCIENTISTS solve cocktail party problem
20060823             CIA secret banking probe 'broke EU law'
20060823             UNISON—IE—IRAN Offers Talks but Few Concessions
20060823             —PREPARED, IRAN said —TODAY that it was, to enter "serious talks" over its nuclear program, even as it refused to suspend enrichment of uranium.
20060823             —ARRESTED, UK—PLOT—SUSPECTS—ARE—ARRAIGNED in Court 11—SUSPECTS who were, in connection with 1—TERRORIST—PLOT appeared in COURT—FOR—THE 1. time —TODAY.
20060823             Kurds Describe Chemical Attacks at Hussein Trial The genocide trial of SADDAM—HUSSEIN heard testimony describing bombing + poison gas attacks 19870000             .
20060823             New PAKISTAN—TERROR—PLOT—FOILED, INDIA—POLICE—SAY—THE—INDIA police said —TODAY that they had shot and killed 1—PAKISTAN—TERRORIST—ON—MONDAY night.
20060823             Wann ist 1—BEWEIS 1—BEWEIS? (FORSCHUNG—TECHNIK, NZZ Online)
20060823             Damit erhielte der Beweis, an dem der RUSSISCHE—MATHEMATIKER Grigory Perelman —8—JAHRE—LANG gearbeitet hatte, —NACH—3—JAHREN endlich den offiziellen...
20060823             Google Answers: Arabs + JEWS—FOR 1—SHARED Humanity -I am interested in compiling 100—DEEP—LINKS to pages in which 1—ARAB or 1—JEW... il/ CO—DIRECTORS: Yehezkel Landau MICHAIL—FANOUS, PALESTINE—CHRISTIAN + on...
20060823             Molly Ivins: Let THE—TRUTH—TELLING Begin Truthdig BUSH—UN—LIES—CNN—ROVE—POLITICAL—STRATEGIST
20060823             INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER said —WEDNESDAY the country would retain its right to carry out future NUCLEAR—TESTS despite 1—CIVILIAN—NUCLEAR—DEAL with THE—USA, 1—NEWS—REPORT said.
20060823             " There is no scope for capping of our strategic (nuclear) program.
20060823             It will be decided by the people, government + PARLIAMENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY + not by ANY—OUTSIDE—POWER," Press Trust of INDIA quoted PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH as saying in 1—STATEMENT in PARLIAMENT.
20060823             —WHILE IRAN—REFUSAL to guarantee that it will not proceed with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM has elicited calls from Bush for
20060823             tough SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THAT—COUNTRY, INDIA—REFUSAL to make 1—SIMILAR—GUARANTEE has not elicited 1—RESPONSE from the administration.
20060823             IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, who has
20060823             called for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—ISRAEL, is undoubtedly 1—GREATER—IMMEDIATE—SECURITY—THREAT to the world than THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT.
20060823             But THE—USA—CONTRADICTORY message undermines the argument against THE—IRAN—THREAT.
20060823             ATOM—STREIT: USA geht Irans Antwort nicht weit genug
20060823             Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Überschuss von über 8—MILLIARDEN EURO—TERRORANGST: Köhler warnt vor Hysterie
20060823             Flugzeuge und Blitze: Tödliche Gefahr im Gewitter
20060823             Teure Markenrechte: Imperial Tobacco zahlt halbe Milliarde Euro für Davidoff
20060823             Bankrotterklärung: Moskauer Gericht verwirft JUKOS—BERUFUNG
20060823             5—RESPONSES to "Nanotechnology DESIGN—OF—THE—MONTH—REACHES 25,000—PRECISELY—PLACED atoms" bob snyder Says:
20060823             at 1:18 am If nanotechnology can produce the perfect magnetic shield, you will own the world!!
20060823             —WONDERED, MATT—ARNOLD—SAYS: at 7:59 am I've frequently, which colors traditionally represent which chemical elements in images and animations such as these.
20060823             —TURNED, But so far my web searches haven't, up 1—LIST.
20060823             CHRISTINE—PETERSON—SAYS: at 2:43 pm Here is 1—SHORT—LIST from
20060823             carbon (black),hydrogen (yellow),chlorine (green),nitrogen (blue),oxygen (red),bromine (ORANGE),iodine (purple)Hope this helps!
20060823             Maybe someone else will dig up 1—LONGER—VERSION.
20060823             —CHRISTINE—OF—1—VERY—SERIOUS—CASE—OF—TYPHOID which led to 1—PARTIAL—PARALYSIS—OF his internal organs".
20060823             —STAMPED, The report, which was, with a "confidential defense" label and THE—INITIALS—OF—THE—FRANCE—SECRET—SERVICE, said SAUDI—ARABIA 1. heard the information on
20060823             —BY KIM—ZETTER.
20060823             1—NATION Divided Over Piracy... Racial profiling won't make our nation safer.
20060823             Terrorists come in all shapes, sizes + colors.
20060823             This may be 1—GOOD—TIME to look at the last CONNECTICUT REPUBLICAN—PARTY nominee for JOE—LIEBERMAN—SENATE—SEAT, PHILIP—GIORDANO.
20060823             the criminal GEORGE W Bush regime and THE—CIA and DEA,etc. that it has... and BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS Strip club KAPITALIST with a...
20060823             STUDY—OF—THE—FAILURE—OF—MJK Clearing, the Securities Lending... -
20060823             10—SEE ESSAY: "You've Got Jail": Current Trends in Civil and Criminal Enforcement... Ultimate Holdings, Ltd., ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, BRADFORD Keiller and John...
20060823             WAYNE—BREEDON: ZoomInfo Business People Information... company Ultimate Holdings Ltd., BRADFORD Keiller and JOHN—DOES 1-10.
20060823             He certainly forgot to add, that criminal stockbrokers and arms dealers are...
20060823             CREW,Yahoo!'s CHINA,us Government Agents JERRY—YANG,CARL—ICAHN...
20060823    - "In 1—COLUMN that appeared
200608231222         —AM—IT—ABOUT time they caught him.
200608231330         22:50, 29:18, 30:20, 31:17, 36:45...) Real Player (Transcript)
200608231800         22:40-24:50, 33:00-34:20... ) - RealPlayer
20060823—19910000    —FROM, 1—THING that caught my ear was new evidence, apparently related to the Kahane murder which relates to 1—STORE—NEAR THE—AL—FAROOQ mosque in Brooklyn.
20060823—19940000    —SINCE, eport noted, in its analysis of Hezbollah, that "no major terrorist attacks have been attributed to it ".
20060823—19950000    —IN, incurred —DURING wars that ended, were not met.
20060823—20030000    —SINCE, It was the 8. case.
20060823—20060921    —ON, The deadline for getting in the petition and letters is.
20060823—20061001    —THREATENED, RUSSIA—GAZPROM, to cut off gas exports to Bosnia if strides toward repaying $104.8—MILLION in debts,
20060823—20110000    —UNTIL, "THE—USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has agreed to 1—ISRAEL demand that 1—LOAN—GUARANTEE—DEAL be extended by 1—ADDITIONAL —3—YEARS," reports Ynet.
20060823—20500000    —BY, If we do not get CONTROL—OF—OUR borders, Americans of European descent will be 1—MINORITY in the nation their ancestors created and built.
20060824             [CNN, 20060823             ]
20060824             [CNN, 20060821             ] - [CNN, 20060823             ]
20060913             1—LETTER from THE—OFFICE—OF—IAEA—CHIEF—MOHAMED—ELBARADEI, sent to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES'—SELECT—COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE, said an 20060823             committee report contained serious distortions of IAEA findings on IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITY.
20060923—20060823    —ON, † 1—FRANCE—NEWSPAPER reported that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had in PAKISTAN of typhoid fever.
20060923—20060823    —VERSCHLECHTERT, Sein Zustand habe sich stark.
20060924—20060823    —AM, "L'Est Républicain" hatte berichtet, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN sei in PAKISTAN an einer schweren FORM—VON—TYPHUS erkrankt, die zu einer Lähmung seiner Beine geführt habe.
20070800             USA—EXPERTS see more dangerous world for Americans: 1—MAJORITY—OF—TOP—USA foreign policy experts say the world is 1—MORE—DANGEROUS—PLACE for...
20070823             —CALLED, THE—UN—CHIEF, on THE—SUDAN—MILITARY to remove troops remaining in SOUTH—SUDAN, expressing disappointment that a 20070709             DEADLINE was not met as called for in a 20050000             PEACE deal.
20070823             —FLOODED, OHIO—GOVERNOR—TED—STRICKLAND said MORE—THAN—1,000—PEOPLE were, out of their homes —AFTER heavy rain that swamped communities across the Midwest sent OHIO—RIVERS spilling over their banks.
20070823             —ANNOUNCED, UNIVERSITY—OF—MINNESOTA astronomers, that they have stumbled upon 1—TREMENDOUS—HOLE in the universe.
20070823             The cosmic blank spot has no stray stars, no galaxies, no sucking black holes, not even mysterious dark matter.
20070823             —REPRESENTED, THE—1—BILLION light years across of nothing, 1—EXPANSE of nearly 6—BILLION trillion MILES—OF—EMPTINESS.
20070823             —DROPPED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, by 1—USA—FIGHTER—JET was believed to have killed 3—UK—SOLDIERS in Helmand province.
20070823             2—OTHER—SOLDIERS were injured.
20070823             —RELAXED, BANGLADESH—ARMY—BACKED interim government briefly, 1—CURFEW, allowing RESIDENTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL the chance to stock up on essentials and those stranded at airports and elsewhere to return home.
20070823             † IN—PONTE—NOVA, BRAZIL, at least 25—PRISONERS—AFTER inmates broke out of 1—CELLBLOCK and 20070901             —FIRE in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to settle scores with 1—RIVAL—GANG.
20070823             —ENDURED, THE—MONTREAL—WORLD—FILM—FESTIVAL, which, 1—NEAR—DEATH—EXPERIENCE —2—YEARS—AGO—WHEN key government subsidies were suspended, kicked off its 31. edition with 1—NEW—LEASE on life.
20070823             —DESIGNED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—CHAD said it will adhere to 1—PROGRAM, to put pressure on countries to be open about revenues from EXPORTS—OF—OIL, natural gas and minerals.
20070823             —REVEALED, THE—BANK—OF—CHINA, that it held a $9.6—BILLION exposure to securities backed by USA—SUBPRIME mortgages.
20070823             —ESTIMATED, THE—UN, that about 3—MILLION—COLOMBIANS have been driven from their homes by violence without leaving the country, making it the largest internal refugee population in the world —AFTER SUDAN.
20070823             A shootout in CHECHNYA—CAPITAL left 2—POLICEMEN and 1—REBEL dead.
20070823             1—GROUP—OF—ABOUT 30—CAMOUFLAGE—CLAD gunmen set on fire the houses of 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and the local administration building in the Chechen village of Yandi.
20070823             —AMBUSHED, DAGESTAN—RUSSIA, gunmen, security forces, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 17.
20070823             —TORCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—RAMPAGING youths, DOZENS—OF—HOUSES and clashed across EAST—TIMOR, leaving at least 2—PEOPLE—DEAD, in violence sparked by THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—INDEPENDENCE hero Xanana Gusmao as PRIME—MINISTER.
20070823             —REPORTED, STATE—RUN TV, that IRAN has developed 1—NEW 2,000-pound "smart" bomb, the latest in 1—RECENT—SERIES—OF—ANNOUNCEMENTS heralding new weapons systems.
20070823             —ATTACKED, Suspected AL—QAIDA fighters, the Sunni IBRAHIM—AL—YAHYA village EAST—OF—BAQOUBA and killed 1—LEADER who had led the community in 1—UPRISING against the terrorist organization.
20070823             1—NEARBY—SHIITE village came under attack, again by suspected AL—QAIDA fighters, and 1—TOTAL—OF—17—PEOPLE, including 7—WOMEN, were killed.
20070823             7—PEOPLE were kidnapped.
20070823             2—OF—THE abducted men were —LATER found shot in the head on 1—ROAD leading OUT—OF—TOWN.
20070823             The rest of the captives were women, and their fate was unknown.
20070823             10—ATTACKERS were killed as villagers fought back.
20070823             1—POLICE—VEHICLE rushing to the attack scene crashed and 2—POLICEMEN were killed.
20070823             60 suspected AL—QAIDA in IRAQ fighters hit national police facilities in 1 coordinated attack in SAMARRA, sparking —2—HOURS—OF fighting that saw 3—PEOPLE killed and MORE—THAN—12—INSURGENTS captured.
20070823             1—CLUSTER—BOMB left over from —LAST—YEAR—HEZBOLLAH—ISRAEL war exploded in SOUTH—LEBANON, killing 1—LEBANON—MINE—CLEARING expert and wounding 3—OTHERS who were trying to dismantle it.
20070823             —DUMPED, The remnants of Hurricane Dean, heavy rain across CENTRAL—MEXICO, drenching MUDSLIDE—PRONE—MOUNTAINS as it pushed its way inland —AFTER slamming into the nation's Gulf Coast as 1—CATEGORY 2—STORM.
20070823             THOUSANDS—OF—MAYAN Indians lost homes as Hurricane Dean blew through the Yucatan peninsula, but their real wealth was the trees, —NOW scattered and broken in the storm's wake.
20070823             —CARPETED, Village —AFTER village is, with fallen mangoes, oranges, guanabanas and mameys that will never be harvested.
20070823             † Across MEXICO at least 10—PEOPLE, from the storm.
20070823             MYANMAR, defiant PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS took to the streets for the 3. time —THIS—WEEK, forming 1—HUMAN—CHAIN to try to prevent officers from dragging them into waiting trucks and buses.
20070823             1—RUSSIA—SCIENTIST said that fresh test results back his country's legal bid to take CONTROL—OF—THE—ARCTIC.
20070823             —ESTIMATED, RUSSIA—GEOLOGISTS have previously, THE—ARCTIC seabed has at least 9 to 10—BILLION TONS—OF—FUEL—EQUIVALENT, about the same as RUSSIA—TOTAL—OIL—RESERVES.
20070823             —EXILED, RWANDA's, opposition groups dismissed as insulting THE—APPOINTMENT—OF—GENERAL—KERENZI—KARAKE, 1—RWANDA—GENERAL, as deputy CHIEF—OF—1 planned peace force for SUDAN—WAR—TORN—DARFUR region.
20070823             —SUMMONED, SUDAN, the envoy of the European Commission and THE—CANADA—CHARGE d'affaires and informed them they were considered persona non grata because they interfered in SUDAN—AFFAIRS.
20070823             —NEGOTIATED, DOKUMENTE—UNO +ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CEASEFIRE + security plan, by CIA director GEORGE—TENET.
20070823             Geologie: Älteste Diamanten der Welt entdeckt
20070823             Konjunktur: DEUTSCHLAND erzielt wieder Haushaltsüberschuss
20070823             USA: "Schwerste Überschwemmungen —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN"
20070823             Netzbetrieb: EU greift ENERGIE—KONZERNE an
20070823             USA: TEXAS vollstreckt Todesstrafe trotz Protesten
20070823             Jungle World 31 :Die EU bemüht sich um IRAN, aber dort herrscht ein
20070823             so die Einschätzung des USA—JEWISH—CONGRESS in NEW—YORK... - die Geheimdienste.
20070823             —ORGANISIERT, Einst oft gar in Kaderstrukturen, damit sich Agenten nicht gegenseitig verraten konnten, lernen die gerade, miteinander zu reden.
20070823             —JETZT wird ihnen laut "Financial Times" von der USA—REGIERUNG ein eigenes s ocial network spendiert: "A—SPACE", 1—ART—FACEBOOK oder MySpace für GEHEIMNISKRÄMER—UND die Chefs der ERFOLGS—COMMUNITYS sollen mitwirken.
20070823             Für kommenden —MONAT sind sie laut "FT" von dem zuständigen DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL Intelligence (DNI), MIKE—MCCONNELL, zu einer Diskussionrunde über das Projekt eingeladen.
20070823             Die reden notorisch wenig miteinander, was zwar mitunter Leben schützt, der Arbeit und den gemeinsamen Zielen aber nicht unbedingt zuträglich ist.
20070823             Zumal in einem Land wie den USA, wo sich noch die hinterletzte Behörde einen eigenen Geheimdienst leistet.
20070823             Allein in DER—EINE SPRECHERIN—DES—USA—OFFICE—OF—SCIENCE and Technology Policy sagte, die Regierung prüfe das Urteil noch.
20070823             Sie erklärte zudem, dass die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen eingehalten würden.
20070823             —GEARBEITET, DAS—USA—CLIMATE Change Science Program, an dem —DERZEIT, werde, umfasse 21—EINZELBERICHTE zu Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung auf DIE—USA.
20070823             Außerdem werde ein neuer Forschungsplan vorbereitet, sagte die Behördensprecherin.
20070823             KYOTO wird KANADA zu teuer
20070823             Richterin Armstrong setzte der Regierung —AM—DIENSTAG 2—FRISTEN:
20070823             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—UNTERSTÜTZERWEBSITE einstellung.so36_net stützt die Bundesanwaltschaft ihre Anschuldigungen gegen Andrej H. lediglich auf Indizien.
20070823             So könnte er aufgrund seiner wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit in der Lage gewesen sein, Bekennerschreiben der "militanten gruppe" zu verfassen.
20070823             Andrej H. arbeitet an der HUMBOLDT—UNIVERSITÄT und forscht dort unter anderem zum Thema Gentrifikation, der Aufwertung innerstädtischer Wohngebiete.
20070823             H. saß —4—WOCHEN in U- Haft.
20070823             Er war Ende —JULI gemeinsam mit 3—ANDEREN Verdächtigten aus BERLIN festgenommen worden.
20070823             Die Bundesanwaltschaft wirft den Männern im Alter von 35—BIS —46—JAHREN die Mitgliedschaft in der "militanten gruppe" vor, die für
20070823             zahlreiche Brandanschläge verantwortlich gemacht wird.
20070823             3—VON ihnen waren bei dem Versuch festgenommen worden, in BRANDENBURG BUNDESWEHR—FAHRZEUGE anzuzünden.
20070823             Vergangene —WOCHE hatten mehr als 100—WISSENSCHAFTLER aus dem IN—UND Ausland in offenen Briefen an die Bundesanwaltschaft die Freilassung des Soziologen gefordert.
20070823             Laut Field kann man aus den Ergebnissen aber keine Rückschlüsse daraufziehen, wie VIELE—MENSCHEN—DROGEN konsumierten.
20070823             Das Team um FRITZ—SÖRGEL vom Nürnberger IBMP konnte aus seinen Messungen in DEUTSCHLAND und den USA immerhin ableiten, welche Gesamtmenge konsumiert wird.
20070823             Knapp 11—TONNEN reines Kokain verbrauchten demnach jährlich allein die rund 38,5 Millionen Menschen, deren Abwässer der Rhein bei Düsseldorf führt.
20070823             Aus der Untersuchung des HUDSON—RIVERS berechneten die Forscher, dass in NEW—YORK—CITY 16,4 Tonnen Kokain PRO—JAHR konsumiert werden.
20070823             ein internes Handbuch der Regierung, das darlegt, wie mit Protestlern umzugehen ist.
20070823             Wenn die Demonstranten aber Schilder tragen, versuchen, den Präsidenten niederzuschreien oder das Ereignis in größerem Ausmaß beeinträchtigen können,
20070823             müssen die Gegenmaßnahmen umgehend ergriffen werden, um die Wirkung der Protestler zu minimieren".
20070823             Das Dokument weist die MITARBEITER—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES an, die lokale Polizei bei großen Veranstaltungen aufzufordern,
20070823             "Bereiche zu kennzeichnen, in denen protestierende Demonstranten platziert werden KÖNNEN—VORZUGSWEISE nicht in Sichtweite des Events oder der Autokolonne".
20070823             Außerdem legt es fest, dass nur solche Bürger in den VIP—BEREICH gelangen sollen, die der Regierung " extrem positiv gegenüberstehen".
20070823             Während der Geheimdienst dafür Sorge trage, dass die Menschen keine gefährlichen Gegenstände mit zur Veranstaltung schmuggelten,
20070823             sollten freiwillige Helfer —SCHON vor den Sicherheitsschleusen versuchen, die Protestler aus der Masse zu filtern.
20070823             "Das Dokument zeigt, wie das Weiße Haus versucht, abweichende Meinungen zu ersticken", sagte der Rechtsanwalt der USA—BÜRGERRECHTSORGANISATION ACLU, JONATHAN—MILLER, der "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20070823             "Die Menschen müssen das Recht haben, ihre Meinung gegenüber dem Präsidenten zu ÄUßERN—AUCH wenn sie ihn nicht befürworten".
20070823             1—SPRECHER—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES wollte sich nicht zu dem Papier äußern, da noch 2—WEITERE Verfahren anhängig sind.
20070823             Korruptionsskandal: Siemens räumt Unregelmäßigkeiten in CHINA ein
20070823             Wetter: Überschwemmungen in NRW und NIEDERSACHSEN
20070823             DEMONSTRATIONS—HANDBUCH: Wie Bush seine Gegner in Schach halten lässt
20070823             Spuren im Abwasser: USA—BÜRGER koksen meist am Wochenende
20070823             Militante Gruppe: Haftverschonung für Berliner SOZIOLOGEN—TERROR verdacht bleibt
20070823             IRAKISCHE—REGIERUNG: WASHINGTON schießt sich auf Premier MALIKI ein
20070823             Genitalverstümmelung in DEUTSCHLAND: Tausenden Mädchen droht die Beschneidung
20070823             Geheimdienst 2.0: USA—BEHÖRDEN basteln an MySpace für Spione
20070823             FINANZMARKT—KRISE, EZB hält an Zinserhöhung fest
20070823             INDISCHE—MEDIEN: "Wir werden den Osten Deutschlands beobachten" - 911—TRUTHBURN at Burning Man
20070823             TruthBurn to use Thermite to Destroy the Steel Letters Spelling "Truth"
20070823             —THIS—YEAR at Burning Man, Architect RICHARD—GAGE, AIA, founder of ae911 truth_org will speak at the thermite destruction of a 3—TON steel sign bearing the word "Truth".
20070823             —CONCEIVED, The art project, by ae911 truth member, JOHN—PARULIS, is designed to call attention to 1—OF—THE—PROBABLE—METHODS put forth to explain the likely controlled demolitions of all 3—WORLD—TRADE—BUILDINGS +
20070823             THE—PATH—TOWARDS—WAR—WITH—IRAN
20070823             What is the true reason for existing USA—POLICIES towards IRAN?
20070823             There may be 1—NUMBER—OF motivating influences, but we may again learn from the lesson of IRAQ to make 1 educated guess about the answer.
20070823             In that case, it was clear that SADDAM—HUSSEIN had for too long successfully defied THE—USA and thus threatened USA—CREDIBILITY as the global superpower.
20070823             1—EXAMPLE had to be made of IRAQ + the consequences for THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE were simply not 1—CONSIDERATION.
20070823             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN
20070823             In einem kleinen, lesenswerten Buch mit dem Titel "Zwischen Profit und Moral" aus —DEM—JAHR
20070823             Kreditausfälle und Bankenzusammenbrüche haben die Wirtschaftswelt immer —SCHON in regelmäßigen Abständen erschüttert, sie gehören zum kapitalistischen System.
20070823             Anstand und Spielregeln gibt es in diesen Kreisen nicht mehr.
20070823             —KOLPORTIERT, Keiner bezweifelt, was in der Frankfurter Bankenszene, wird und worüber die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" —DIESER—TAGE berichtet hat:
20070823             —GESTEUERT, Dass die DEUTSCHE—BANK, von ihren Londoner Investmentbankern, —ERST das zweifelhafte Kreditportefeuille an die IKB verkauft + treuhändisch verwaltet habe, alsdann die Kreditlinie gesperrt sowie die Finanzaufsicht informiert habe und schließlich als eine der 1. "zu Ramschpreisen" zugriff.
20070823             Was wir —IN—DIESEM—SOMMER verschreckt registrieren, ist das Resultat einer Radikalisierung in der Unternehmenswelt.
20070823             Der Wettbewerb um die guten PLÄTZE—ZWISCHEN den Unternehmen und innerhalb der UNTERNEHMEN—HAT kriegerische Ausmaße erreicht + im Krieg gibt es bekanntermaßen nur Sieger und Verlierer.
20070823             Hier die Korruptionsaffäre, dort gerade noch mal abgewendete BANKENCRASHS—BEIDE Ereignisse haben auf den 1. Blick nichts miteinander gemein.
20070823             Solche Unfälle sind —NUN mal, könnte man meinen, unvermeidlich im realen Wirtschaftsleben, das schließlich von Menschen mit all ihren Defiziten gestaltet wird.
20070823             —GESPRUNGEN, Doch das ist zu kurz.
20070823             Es drängt sich Verbindendes auf: Die SIEMENS—AFFÄRE wie die BEINAHE—CRASHS in der Bankenszene erscheinen als Indiz für eine zunehmende Verrohung der Sitten im Geschäftsleben;
20070823             für eine wachsende Neigung im Management, KAPITALISTische Ergebnisse mit Mitteln zu erzielen, die jenseits —BISHER allgemein akzeptierter Standards liegen.
20070823             Performance um jeden Preis
20070823             Performance heißt das neudeutsche SCHLÜSSELWORT—PERFORMANCE muss gezeigt werden, um beinahe jeden Preis.
20070823             Entscheidend ist nur noch das Ziel, eine immer bessere Rendite, nicht mehr der Weg dorthin.
20070823             Die Verwendung der "Tragödie Vietnams, um die gescheiterte Politik im IRAK zu verteidigen, ist unverantwortlich und ignorant gegenüber den Realitäten beider Kriege", empörte sich SENATOR—KERRY.
20070823             Der VIETNAM—VETERAN kritisierte vor allem Bush s Vergleich zwischen den USA—ERFOLGEN beim Aufbau einer funktionstüchtigen Demokratie in JAPAN sowie dem Einsatz im IRAK.
20070823             Bush habe dabei übersehen, dass JAPAN damals nicht, wie der IRAK —HEUTE, mit internen Konflikten zu kämpfen hatte.
20070823             "Wenn der PRÄSIDENT—DIE—LEHREN aus VIETNAM beherzigen will, dann sollte er den Kurs ändern und zwar —JETZT", sagte Kerry.
20070823             SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY kritisierte Bush s Vergleich zwischen dem Angriff der Japaner auf den USA—STÜTZPUNKT in Pearl Harbor 19410000             +
20070823             den Anschlägen von AL—QAIDA auf das World Trade Center 20010911             .
20070823             Auch der ehemalige USA—BRIGADEGENERAL JOHN—JOHNS bemängelte im "WALL—STREET Journal" die historischen Interpretationen Bush s.
20070823             "Was ich von VIETNAM gelernt habe, ist, dass DIE—USA—TRUPPEN nicht in der Lage waren, die Operation gegen Aufständische zu führen. Je länger wir blieben, desto schlimmer wurde es".
20070823             —BIS zu 10 % DER—BEVÖLKERUNG erfahren irgendwann im Leben wenigstens einmal eine "OUT—OF—BODY experience" (OBE), wie Fachleute die Sinnestäuschung nennen.
20070823             —JETZT berichten Forscher in gleich 2—BEITRÄGEN für das Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science" (Bd.
20070823             317), wie sie bei kerngesunden Versuchspersonen ähnliche Illusionen hervorgerufen HABEN—GANZ ohne mystisches Tamtam.
20070823             Videokameras und eine 3D-Brille genügten.
20070823             Ehrsson, der am UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE in LONDON und dem renommierten Stockholmer KAROLINSKA—INSTITUT forscht, filmte seine Versuchspersonen von einem Punkt etwa 2—METER hinter ihrem Rücken aus.
20070823             Er übertrug die Bilder in Echtzeit auf die Videobrillen vor den Augen der Probanden.
20070823             Das rechte und das linke Auge erhielten dabei leicht versetzte Ansichten, sodass der räumliche Eindruck entstand, die Person betrachte den eigenen Körper von hinten.
20070823             Klausur in Meseberg: Bundesregierung beschließt FACHKRÄFTE—ZUZUG und KLIMA—SCHUTZPAKT
20070823             Neue Analyse: USA—GEHEIMDIENSTE stellen irakischem Premier düstere Prognose
20070823             BEWUSSTSEINS—TEST: Forscher lassen Menschen aus dem eigenen Körper fahren
20070823             —GERATEN, DRUSCHBA—PIPELINE: Öllieferungen aus RUSSLAND ins Stocken
20070823             —DISKUTIERT, Unliebsame Investoren: Bundesregierung, über Schutzfonds
20070823             IRAK—KRIEG: Bush s VIETNAM—VERGLEICH empört Demokraten und EX—MILITÄRS
20070823             FINANZ—KRISE, Londons TOP—BANKER bangen um Jobs und Boni
20070823             Umfrage: Rechtsextremes Wählerpotenzial bei 13 % - Beck fordert NPD—VERBOT
20070823             Zwangsstörung: Manipulierte Mäuse mit Putzfimmel
20070823             Faule Kredite: SACHSENLB—VORSTAND fristlos abberufen
20070823             Dow Jones im Plus: Anleger bauen auf 1—ENDE—DER—HYPOTHEKEN—KRISE
20070823             Rechtsextremismus: "Lokalpatriotische Blindheit"
20070823             G- 8-Gipfel: Junge Grüne klagen gegen TORNADO—EINSATZ
20070823             —NIEDERLAGE für Musharraf: Pakistans Oppositionsführer darf aus Exil zurückkehren
20070823             Umfrage: SACHSEN als MENETEKEL—FINANZ—SKANDALE: Profit ohne Moral
20070823             —INVESTIERT, SUBPRIME—KREDITE: Auch HSH Nordbank hat Milliarden
20070823             Kontrolle: USA unterziehen Hilfsorganisationen einem TERROR—CHECK
20070823             —GESTIEGEN, Teure Wärme: HEIZ—PREISE um mehr als 10 %
20070823             Nasse Aussichten: Norddeutschland versinkt im Regen
20070823             Forschungsförderung: Millionenhilfe für Großkonzerne
20070823             The real story behind BRAD—DAVIS, NBC, Popular Mechanics and the History CHANNEL—MEDIA—WHORE stooges who engaged in deliberate deception, manipulation and chicanery to please their corporate bosses.
20070823             —AIRED, THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL 20010911             —SPECIAL that, last night was by far the worst hit piece we have ever witnessed,
20070823             1—COMPLETELY savage, dishonest and deceptive abomination, replete with dirty tricks, malicious lies + 1—LEVEL—OF—JOURNALISTIC—FRAUD that goes way beyond simple bias.
20070823             BRADLEY—DAVIS, THE—PRODUCER—OF—THE—SHOW, is 1—PAID liar and 1—HIT piece specialist who deceives people by gaining their confidence and then attacking them behind their back.
20070823             He is famous for the smear job documentary on MICHAEL—JACKSON and makes 1—CAREER out of conning people and then stabbing them in the back.
20070823             His tongue is so smooth, that even the Loose Change crew were prepared to give him THE—BENEFIT—OF—THE—DOUBT on his impartiality —BEFORE last night's hit piece was aired, with Davis having tricked them into believing he was 1—FRIEND.
20070823             In comparison, THE—HISTORY—CHANNEL makes FOX—NEWS—LOOK—FAIR and balanced!
20070823             Framing ALEX—JONES as 1—DEMON and making out that he is causing pain to 20010911             —FAMILIES, —WHEN in fact —DURING our last VISIT—TO—GROUND 0—MOST—OF—THE—FIREFIGHTERS and police personally thanked us, is 1—VERY—SERIOUS—ALLEGATION and
20070823             we are waiting to see what KIND—OF—DAMAGES will accrue as 1—RESULT—WHILE we consider our next step.
20070823             —EXPECTED, As we, all along, BRAD—DAVIS and the rest of the charlatans at NBC, the History Channel and Popular Mechanics, have pleased their corporate masters by unleashing the most twisted, distorted, dishonest and savage hit piece in television history.
20070823             They have shown their hand by deliberately abandoning ANY—PRETENSE at ethical journalism and delivering exactly what their Hearst "yellow journalism" Publishing and GE bosses demanded - 1—BIAS, malicious, deceptive + manipulative tissue of lies and another reason for Americans to disengage from 1—ESTABLISHMENT—MEDIA empire that continues to hemorrhage viewers on 1—DAILY—BASIS due to its ceaseless lies and propaganda.
20070823             2—CASUALTIES—OF—USA—MORTGAGE—MELTDOWN racked 1 combined $1.8bn in losses : THE—NINTH—LARGEST—USA—BANK by market value, Capital 1 + 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—USA—CREDIT—CARD—PROVIDERS, which bought mortgage provider GreenPoint in —LAST—YEAR'S $13.2—BILLION PURCHASE—OF—NORTH—FORK Bancorp, of MELVILLE—NEW—YORK, —ON—MONDAY announced THE—CLOSURE—OF—THE—UNIT with the loss of 1,900 jobs.
20070823             SunTrust Banks to shed 2,400 jobs in restructuring : Regional banking group SunTrust Banks said —MONDAY it would shed some 2,400 jobs by the end of 20080000             AS PART—OF—1—RESTRUCTURING program aimed at trimming costs and improving shareholder value.
20070823             Global Warning: Brutal lessons from 1—ANTARCTIC—SUMMER:
20070823             Here is climate change in action, ANTARCTICA as 1—LIVING experiment
20070823             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20070823             —HAPPENED, Operation Northwoods: ACTS—OF—TERRORISM that never, : In the early 1960s, AMERICA—TOP—MILITARY—LEADERS reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit ACTS—OF—TERRORISM in USA—CITIES to create public support for 1—WAR against CUBA.
20070823             —ACKNOWLEDGED, CHENEY—OFFICE—SAYS—IT—HAS—WIRETAP—DOCUMENTS : VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—OFFICE, for the 1. time —YESTERDAY that it has DOZENS—OF—DOCUMENTS related to the administration's warrantless surveillance program, but it signaled that it will resist efforts by congressional Democrats to obtain them.
20070823             National ID? How about 1—GLOBAL ID?:
20070823             The cultural gap with the public in general is still too wide," said DOCTOR—MIKE—MESTROVICH, PRESIDENT—OF—FIXS. "I think there would have to be 1—PUBLIC consensus to move us in that direction and I don't see that happening —UNTIL at least 20090000             OR beyond".
20070823             Summit prompts SUPER—GOVERNMENT—FEARS : USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—2—DAY—SUMMIT with the leaders of CANADA and MEXICO, in nearby Montebello, is raising fears among SOME—CONSERVATIVES that THE—3—GOVERNMENTS are planning 1—EUROPEAN—UNION—STYLE—SUPER—GOVERNMENT.
20070823             USA pushing ISRAEL to attack Syria' : The paper said that recent moves made by THE—USA—INCLUDING supplying ISRAEL with weapons and agreeing to a $30—BILLION AID—PACKAGE are methods the country was implementing to push the Jewish state to wage WAR—ON—DAMASCUS.
20070823             IRAQ Progress Report: 1—TIME to Assess and Reflect
20070823             We're —NOW "losing 2—WARS and creating 1—VAST arc of profound strategic and political instability from the Mediterranean Sea to SOUTH—ASIA".
20070823             —REIGNITED, In addition, we, the arms race in EUROPE, turned 1—FRIENDLY—RUSSIA into 1—FOE + are heading the country toward possible bankruptcy through reckless fiscal policy.
20070823             Back to School —DURING Wartime
20070823             You didn't carve up the earth with man made borders, subjugate whole peoples, drive millions from their families and homelands in 1—DESPERATE—SEARCH for work in the leaner and meaner globalized ECONOMY—BUT you can't escape the fact that the clothes on your back, the food you eat, the roads you drive on, the computers you use were all made through this global SYSTEM—OF—CAPITALIST—EXPLOITATION and plunder, INCLUDING—OF—MILLIONS—OF—CHILDREN literally chained to machines working 12, 14, —16—HOURS —1—DAY.
20070823             THE—ROVE—LEGACY —4—MINUTE Video: BILL—MOYERS bids farewell to KARL—ROVE - "Greed and God won 4—ELECTIONS in a row".
20070823             A Debt Culture Gone Awry
20070823             —VIEWED, THE—USA—ECONOMY, once THE—ENVY—OF—THE—WORLD, is —NOW, across the globe with suspicion.
20070823             —SHACKLED, AMERICA has become, by 1—IMMOVABLE—MOUNTAIN—OF—DEBT that endangers its prosperity and threatens to bring THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD—ECONOMY crashing down with it.
20070823             THE—AUTHORITY to Abuse the Constitution - - THE—FBI—NEW—POWER
20070823             What We Chose To Ignore - —5—MINUTE—VIDEO - 1—BRIEF summary of presidential directives, executive orders + congressionally approved bills that where signed into law over the last —40—YEARS or so.
20070823             IRAN has REMOTE—CONTROLLED launch pads: Preparing for 1—POSSIBLE—AMERICAN or ISRAEL—STRIKE on its nuclear installations, IRAN has developed 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED launch system that can be used to operate DOZENS—OF—UNMANNED—SHIHAB ballistic missile launchers in underground bunkers
20070823             IAEA welcomes UN—IRAN nuclear deal : The source said that —AFTER 3—ROUNDS—OF—TALKS, THE—2—SIDES underscored the importance of implementing 1—WORK—PLAN to settle all pending issues concerning IRAN—NUCLEAR dossier topped by its undeclared nuclear activities —DURING—THE—PAST —2—DECADES.
20070823             —ACCUSED, USA—ATTACKS—IRAN over nuclear pact: IRAN has been, by THE—USA of trying to manipulate THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY —FOLLOWING the signing of 1—NUCLEAR—PACT.
20070823             USA—CRITICISM—OF—IAEA—IRAN deal unhelpful, diplomats say:
20070823             —JUDGED, IAEA Deputy Director GENERAL—OLLI—HEINONEN had, —TUESDAY—AGREEMENT with IRAN a 'milestone,' 1—DIPLOMAT said, so it was 'disingenuous to discourage it, partly —BEFORE even knowing the details of what it contains.'
20070823             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA steps up military expansion: VLADIMIR—PUTIN, ambitious plans to revive RUSSIA—MILITARY—POWER and restore its role as the world's leading PRODUCER—OF—MILITARY—AIRCRAFT—YESTERDAY.
20070823             —SCRAMBLED, RAF jets, to intercept RUSSIA—BOMBER: As military posturing goes, it has all the echoes of 1—CLASSIC—COLD—WAR contretemps.
20070823             High above THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC, an RAF fighter jet offers 1—NONE—TOO—GENTLE—REMINDER to 1—RUSSIA—AIRCRAFT that it is fast approaching UK—AIRSPACE.
20070823             BELARUS introduces visa restrictions for USA—OFFICIALS : "In response to visa restrictions against certain Belarusian officials, BELARUS is forced to take commensurate measures against 1—NUMBER—OF—USA—OFFICIALS," the Belarusian ministry said, without indicating who would be blacklisted.
20070823             Congress backs Chavez's 'reforms' : —AFTER—6—HOURS—OF—DEBATE—ON—TUESDAY, Cilia Flores, THE—NATIONAL—ASSEMBLY—LEADER, said Chavez's proposed charter changes, including lifting presidential term limits, received "majority approval".
20070823             Facts and Fascism:
20070823             —NAMED, The real FASCISTS—OF—AMERICA ARE never, in the commercial press.
20070823             It will not even hint at the fact that there are MANY—POWERFUL—ELEMENTS working against 1—GREATER—DEMOCRACY
20070823             USA—HOME foreclosures leap 93% in —1—YEAR: THE—NUMBER—OF—DEFAULT—NOTICES and bank repossessions totalled 179,599.
20070823             Across THE—USA, there is —NOW 1—FORECLOSURE—OF—1 in every 693—HOMES.
20070823             NEW—YORK Arab school under fire : Opponents claim it is really attempting to promote radical Islam and they are trying to stop it from opening —IN—SEPTEMBER.
20070823             TEHRAN gets ready for potential USA—STRIKES: HIGH—RANKING sources stated that THE—IRAN—LEADERSHIP is taking USA—THREATS to strike its nuclear sites very seriously.
20070823             —NOTED, The sources also, that IRAN was currently weighing 3—OPTIONS to respond to ANY—POTENTIAL—USA—MILITARY—STRIKES and that THE—3—OPTIONS included targets within the Gulf region.
20070823             FORMER—CIA officer says U.S ready to strike IRAN within —6—MONTHS:
20070823             "We won't see USA—TROOPS—CROSS the border," said Baer.
20070823             "If this is going to happen, it is going to happen very quickly and it is going to surprise 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE".
20070823             ISRAEL—BANS—SCHOOL—SUPPLIES to GAZA:
20070823             PALESTINE—CHILDREN will attend the classrooms —IN—SEPTEMBER without their pens, pencils, books and more if the military command withholds the entry of 5—SUPPLY—TRUCKS to the region
20070823             At IRAQ—FRONT—LINE—USA Puts EX—FOES On Payroll
20070823             Slowly but deliberately, USA—FORCES are enlisting groups of armed men -- MANY—PROBABLY former insurgents -- and paying cash, 1—STRATEGY they say has dramatically reduced violence in SOME—OF—IRAQ—MOST dangerous areas in —JUST weeks.
20070823             "IRAQ Does Not Exist Anymore" - - Democracy —NOW! Audio and Transcript.
20070823             FRANCE Invades USA -
20070823             —FOLLOWING Us Home...
20070823             Nearly halfway through its 5. —YEAR, THE—FRANCE—MISSION to bring democracy to THE—USA, free THE—USA—PEOPLE from THE—TYRANNY—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and rid THE—WORLD—OF—AMERICA—STOCKPILE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION has entered yet another phase, as blame, finger pointing and the "D" word (defeat) have —NOW crept into the dialogue.
20070823             USA—IRAN Policy Dynamics
20070823             IN CRUDE and brutal societies, the Party Line is publicly proclaimed + it must be obeyed, or else.
20070823             What you believe is your own business, of lesser concern.
20070823             In societies where the state has lost the capacity to control by force, the Party Line is not proclaimed.
20070823             —PRESUPPOSED, Rather, it is, + then vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy.
20070823             How to Survive at the Pentagon on $2—BILLION —1—DAY - - THE—WARFARE—STATE—IS—PART—OF—USA
20070823             —WHILE THE—BUSH—CHENEY administration is the most dangerous of our lifetimes -- and ousting Republicans from THE—WHITE—HOUSE is imperative -- such truths are apt to smooth the way for progressive evasions.
20070823             We hear that "the people must take back the government," but how can "the people" take back what they never really had?
20070823             And —WHEN rhetoric calls for "returning to 1—FOREIGN—POLICY based on human rights and democracy," we're encouraged to be nostalgic for good old days that never existed.
20070823             Impeachment: Comments on the Concept dr. elsewhere here
20070823             Bush Rebuked by His Puppet, as the Tragedy of THE—IRAQ War is Compounded Daily: IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI —ON—WEDNESDAY strongly rebuked USA—POLITICIANS for threatening to withdraw support from his government, suggesting —WHILE on 1—TRIP to Syria that he could "find friends elsewhere" if he was abandoned by THE—USA.
20070823             THE—BUZZFLASH—MEDIA—PUTZ—OF—THE—WEEK—ARGUES That We Shouldn't Bother CHINA About Poisonous Lead Toys and Food Because It Could Hurt WAL—MART!
20070823             Erin Burnett Represents the Entire Corporate Mainstream Media That Puts Globalization Profiteering Above Our Health and Safety.
20070823             (Sign up for weekly announcements of the BuzzFlash Media Putz.)
20070823             $20,030.00—CALIFORNIA legislator Laura Richardson, outspoken Bush critic, wins open congressional seat 8/23
20070823             Bush Betrays THE—SAFETY—OF—OUR Troops Yet Again:
20070823             THE—PENTAGON will fall far short of its goal of sending 3,500 lifesaving armored vehicles to IRAQ by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20070823             Instead, officials expect to send about 1,500. - 8/23
20070823             Caught in the Act: WHITE—HOUSE—WEB—SITE contradicts USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIM that OFFICE—OF—ADMINISTRATION is not subject to FOIA requests.
20070823             1—USA—BASED workers' rights group said it found "brutal conditions" and labor violations at 8—CHINA—PLANTS that make toys for big multinationals + called on the companies to take steps for better standards.
20070823             Crisis in the Green Zone: Nuri AL—MALIKI—OUTBURST against USA—CRITICISM is bad news for GEORGE—BUSH, whose political project for IRAQ —NOW looks more fragile than ever.
20070823             STEPHEN—COLBERT'S "I—AM—AMERICA (And So Can You!)" (Hardcover) Advance Order (20071009             RELEASE)
20070823             "Wir wissen, dass die DEUTSCHEN—BANKEN unter Druck stehen, aber ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNGEN können Auswirkungen auf unsere Geschäftsbeziehungen haben", sagte Modscharrad.
20070823             Geldinstitute aus ASIEN, RUSSLAND und der Golfregion stünden bereit, um für die Deutschen einzuspringen.
20070823             "Ich rate unseren Freunden, das Geschäft nicht der Konkurrenz zu überlassen".
20070823             Modscharrad sagte, sein Land könne die Restriktionen verkraften.
20070823             "Wir passen uns an".
20070823             —INZWISCHEN, So sei der Handel, fast vollständig von Dollar auf Euro sowie andere Währungen umgestellt.
20070823             Der Zentralbanker sagte weiter, es gebe keine Rechtsgrundlage für den Druck der Amerikaner.
20070823             "Das Bankensystem wird für MILITÄR—ZWECKE missbraucht".
20070823             "Das sind die schwersten Überschwemmungen für die meisten Gemeinden hier —SEIT 30—ODER —40—JAHREN;
20070823             VIELE—MENSCHEN werden ihre Häuser und ihr Leben komplett neu aufbauen müssen", erklärte Sprecher TOM—HUNTER vom KATASTROPHEN—SCHUTZ OHIO.
20070823             "Möglicherweise hat die Abkühlung der Erde und damit die Entstehung einer festen Kruste viel früher begonnen als bislang gedacht", sagte Geisler
20070823             Wenige Felsen der Erdkruste seien älter als 3,7 Milliarden —JAHRE und keine älter als 4,03 Milliarden —JAHRE, schreibt der AUSTRALISCHE—GEO—WISSENSCHAFTLER IAN—WILLIAMS in einem Begleitartikel in "Nature".
20070823             Der ZUFALLSFUND—EIGENTLICH untersuchen Geisler, Menneken und ihr Team ja ZIRKONE—IST wegen seines ungeheuren Alters überaus bedeutsam für die Erforschung der Erdgeschichte.
20070823             "Die früheste Periode der planetaren Geschichte zwischen der Entstehung der Erde vor rund 4,5 Milliarden —JAHREN + der Bildung der ältesten bekannten Gesteine 500—MILLIONEN —JAHRE später
20070823             ist die geologische Entsprechung des Mittelalters", schreibt Williams.
20070823             Unterdessen hat die BANK—OF—AMERICA BEKANNTGEGEBEN, 2—MILLARDEN Dollar in die ins Schlingern geratene USA—HYPOTHEKENBANK Countrywide Financial zu investieren.
20070823             Die derzeitige KRISE—IN—DER Branche täusche über den tatsächlichen Wert von Countrywide hinweg, begründete die zweitgrößte USA—BANK —GESTERN ihren Aktienkauf.
20070823             —NACH Bekanntwerden der Nachricht stiegen die Papiere von Countrywide im elektronischen Handel um rund 20 %.
20070823             "Wir hoffen, dass dieses Investment zu einer Rückkehr zu normaleren Liquiditätsbedingungen auf den Hypothekenmärkten führt", teilte Firmenchef KENNETH—LEWIS weiter mit.
20070823             Die BANK—OF—AMERICA IST selbst 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—HYPOTHEKENGEBER in den USA;
20070823             Countrywide ist der Marktführer in dem Segment.
20070823             Wegen der Krise auf dem USA—HYPOTHEKENMARKT war Countrywide zuletzt in ernste Liquiditätsprobleme geraten.
20070823             Erinnerungen eines DDR—GRENZSOLDATEN: "Wir waren doch keine schießwütigen Killer"
20070823             —VERWAHRT, Kritik aus den USA: IRAKISCHER—REGIERUNGSCHEF, sich gegen Bush s Schelte
20070823             USA—KREDIT—KRISE, SachsenLB mit 3,5 Milliarden Euro im SUBPRIME—MARKT
20070823             Bizoffshore_com :: JOHN—DEUSS—ARRESTED and Questioned in HOLLAND—JOHN—DEUSS—ARRESTED and Questioned in HOLLAND...
20070823             For 1—UNSENTIMENTAL PROFILE—OF—THE—MAN by DAVID—MARCHANT (as published in BERMUDA—ROYAL—GAZETTE) see...
20070823             Bizoffshore_com :: Main Page For 1—UNSENTIMENTAL PROFILE—OF—THE—MAN by DAVID—MARCHANT (as published in...
20070823             —ARRESTED, THE—ROYAL—GAZETTE reports that JOHN—DEUSS has been, in BERMUDA
20070823             Oil tycoon Deuss at CENTRE—OF—FRAUD—PROBE—INDEPENDENT—ONLINE...
20070823             "JOHN—DEUSS has long been 1—OF—BERMUDA—MOST intriguing, fascinating and reclusive residents," said DAVID—MARCHANT, of THE—MIAMI—OFFSHORE—ALERT newsletter...
20070823             insgesamt 73—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN allein in Zusammenhang mit Vertragsbetrug.
20070823             Offenbar geht es dabei um gefälschte Dokumente und Korruption zwischen Angehörigen der USA—ARMY und SUB—KAPITALISTN.
20070823             Es gebe auch Fälle in KUWAIT und AFGHANISTAN, zitierte die "NEW—YORK—TIMES " einen SPRECHER—DER—USA—ARMEE.
20070823             Die Untersuchungen beträfen 1—VERTRAGSVOLUMEN von insgesamt 5—MILLIARDEN Dollar und 15—MILLIONEN—$ an gezahlten Schmiergeldern.
20070823             Insgesamt 20—PERSONEN, darunter Zivilisten wie Armeeangehörige, würden entsprechende Vergehen vorgeworfen.
20070823             —BEREITS—AM sei die umgebaute Boeing 747-400F von der Edwards AIR—FORCE Base in Kalifornien gestartet und habe mit ihren Infrarotsensoren 1—ZIEL erfasst, das an einem anderen Testflugzeug befestigt war.
20070823             Daraufhin sei das Ziel von dem Lasersteuersystem kontuinierlich verfolgt worden.
20070823             2—HERKÖMMLICHE Festkörperlaser hätten auf das Ziel "gefeuert", wie es in der Pressemiteilung heißt, und Messungen der Atmosphäre vorgenommen.
20070823             Stinnes, Hugenberg, Thyssen and other MULTI—MILLIONAIRE owners of GERMANY... NET NEWS GLOBAL Verfassungsschutz als Wahlhelfer für die CDU in HESSEN?
20070823072930       Rückzug IRAN droht DEUTSCHE—BANKEN.htm
2007082320010911     AL—QAEDA strongest —SINCE..SignOnSanDiego Forums -
20070823—20060700    —FROM, July Foreclosures Up 9—PERCENT From June : The number of foreclosure filings reported in THE—USA—LAST—MONTH jumped 93—PERCENT and rose 9—PERCENT from June, the latest sign that homeowners are having trouble making payments and finding buyers —DURING—THE—NATIONAL housing downturn.
20070823—20070809    —SINCE, USA Fed pumps $3.75—BLN into financial system :, the Fed has injected 1—TOTAL—OF—101.25—BILLION dollars into the financial system to ease tightening credit stemming from the troubles in THE—USA—HIGH—RISK subprime mortgage market, which offers loans to people with lower credit and income.
20070824             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH—MINUTE for 20070823             ,2007
20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             JONES report, CSIS, 20070906             20080820—20080823    —ON, The toll rose to 154—LEAVING 18—SURVIVORS.
20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             Jones report, CSIS, 20070906             20070911             GAO report, 20070904             NIE report, 20070823             Jones report, CSIS, 20070906             20070911             —COMPLAINED, Syria, to THE—UN about Israeli "aggression and violation of sovereignty" —AFTER what 1—USA—OFFICIAL said was 20070906             airstrike deep in Syria.
20080823             This is 1—AGREEMENT that, of course, will establish 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE here in POLAND, 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SITE that will help us to deal with the new threat to the 20010101—21001231    —OF—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE—THREATS from countries like IRAN or from NORTH—KOREA.
20080823             WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - - WolliGL.
20080823             200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - WolliGL.
20080823             200607112319. - "Don't do it", USA told GEORGIA on EVE—OF—ASSAULT: THE—USA warned GEORGIA against trying to retake rebel SOUTH—OSSETIA by force, including on the very eve of 20080807             —THE attack that drew 1—CRUSHING response from RUSSIA, THE—USA—ENVOY—TO—NATO said —ON—THURSDAY.
20080823             "Don't do it", USA told GEORGIA on EVE—OF—ASSAULT: THE—USA warned GEORGIA against trying to retake rebel SOUTH—OSSETIA by force, including on the very eve of 20080807             —THE attack that drew 1—CRUSHING response from RUSSIA, THE—USA—ENVOY—TO—NATO said —ON—THURSDAY.
20080823             WolliGL.
20080823             200607112319. - 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080823             —CRASHED, UTAH, 1—SMALL—PLANE, and burned SHORTLY—AFTER takeoff from Canyonlands Field airport.
20080823             All 10—ABOARD, including 9—EMPLOYEES—OF—1—CEDAR City dermatology company, who traveled to remote areas to provide medical treatments.
20080823             —SHARED, DOCTOR—THOMAS—WELLER—CO—WINNER—OF—, the Nobel Prize with 2—CO—WORKERS for their DISCOVERY—OF—THE—ABILITY—OF poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissue.
20080823             Azizabad villagers threw stones at AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS who tried to give them food and clothes.
20080823             —FIRED, The soldiers, into the crowd and wounded 8—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD critically wounded.
20080823             This was the village in HERAT province where THE—DAY—BEFORE 1—USA—AFGHANISTAN—OPERATION took place leaving MANY—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20080823             —LINKED, Public health officials in CANADA said they have, 1—DEADLY bacterial outbreak to recalled meat products from Maple Leaf Foods.
20080823             —CONFIRMED, At least 12—PEOPLE † out of 26, CASES—OF—FOOD poisoning.
20080823             BEIJING, ANGEL—MATOS, 1—CUBA—TAEKWONDO athlete, and his coach Leudis Gonzalez were banned for life —AFTER Matos kicked the referee in the face —FOLLOWING his BRONZE—MEDAL match disqualification.
20080823             —RELEASED, THE—USA—MILITARY, AHMED—NOURI—RAZIAK, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CAMERAMAN for Associated Press Television News, without charges —AFTER detaining him for NEARLY—3—MONTHS.
20080823             —KILLED, Gunmen in Basra, HAIDER—AL—SAYMARI, —38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SHIITE cleric and outspoken CRITIC—OF—SECTARIAN—MILITIAS, in 1—AMBUSH on 1—CAR that also carried his wife, mother and sister, who were not harmed.
20080823             ITALY, 1—GANG—OF—MEN badly beat 1—HOLLAND—COUPLE and raped the woman —WHILE they camped in 1 isolated field outside ROME —DURING 1—CYCLING tour of EUROPE.
20080823             The attackers also stole SOME—USA$2,200. - 2—ROMANIA—MEN were soon arrested.
20080823             Environmental experts said NIGERIA and SOUTH—AFRICA ARE the main EMITTERS—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES in AFRICA, accounting for almost 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—EMISSIONS in the continent.
20080823             —POUNDED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, Islamic militants in the volatile northwest, killing 37 in retaliation for suicide attacks that have put pressure on the new government to counter 1—GROWING extremist threat.
20080823             2—SOLDIERS were killed.
20080823             1—CIVILIAN and her 4—CHILDREN were killed —WHEN security forces fired 1—MORTAR that accidentally hit 1—HOME in Khar, near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20080823             1—CAR packed with explosives rammed into 1—POLICE—STATION in Swat, 1—FORMER—TOURIST—DESTINATION, killing 6—OFFICERS and injuring several others.
20080823             1—ROADSIDE bomb in the nearby village of BARI Kot killed 1—CIVILIAN and injured 4.
20080823             2—BOATS carrying DOZENS—OF—INTERNATIONAL—ACTIVISTS sailed into THE—GAZA—STRIP in defiance of 1—ISRAEL—BLOCKADE, receiving 1—JUBILANT welcome from THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS.
20080823             ISRAEL said it would permit the boats to dock in GAZA —AFTER determining the activists did not pose 1—SECURITY—THREAT.
20080823             —DELIVERED, The group, 1—SYMBOLIC—SHIPMENT—OF hearing aids and balloons.
20080823             THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT said at least 48—SOLDIERS and civilians and scores of Muslim rebels have been killed in THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES in —1—WEEK—OF fighting triggered by the collapse of 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20080823             —URGED, Muslim rebels, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT to halt 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE they say threatens —1—YEARS—LONG—PEACE—PROCESS and escalates violence in the archipelago's troubled south.
20080823             1—TOP—RUSSIA—GENERAL said his country's forces will keep patrolling the key GEORGIA—BLACK—SEA port of Poti even though it lies outside the areas where RUSSIA claims it has the right to station soldiers in GEORGIA.
20080823             —FIRED, Pirates, on 1—JAPANESE—OPERATED cargo ship off SOMALIA and attempted to BOARD the vessel but failed to seize it.
20080823             —KIDNAPPED, SOMALIA, 2—WESTERN—REPORTERS were, near MOGADISHU.
20080823             —MORTGAGED, BRENNAN—FAMILY, their house to raise his ransom.
20080823             —STAGED, SRI—LANKA, local elections under tight security as troops pushed deeper into Tamil Tiger territory, closing in on the rebel CAPITAL—IN—THE—WAR—RAVAGED north.
20080823             The defense ministry said 1—TOTAL—OF—28—REBELS and 2—SOLDIERS were killed in clashes over the last —24—HOURS across THE—ISLAND—NORTH.
20080823             THE—TIBETAN spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, left PARIS on 1—FLIGHT bound for NEW—DELHI —AFTER concluding a —12—DAY—VISIT that fuelled tensions between PARIS and BEIJING.
20080823             1—TUNISIA—COURT convicted 13—ISLAM—MILITANTS on charges linked to plots to carry out attacks in THE—NORTH—AFRICA—COUNTRY.
20080823             Life under the laser Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NOTTINGHAM have developed 1—UNIQUE—TECHNOLOGY that will allow scientists to look at microscopic activity within the body's chemical messenger system for the very 1. time, live as it happens.
20080823             —NEEDED, HIGH—TECH—INNOVATIONS, to help prevent economic crisis in health care and improve quality
20080823             THE—USA should develop 1—COMPREHENSIVE—STRATEGY on the growing need for technological innovations to help prevent the impending economic crisis in health care and to improve the quality and CONVENIENCE—OF—CARE, according to a
20080823             Action research helps people make positive changes
20080823             Certain KINDS—OF—RESEARCH can help improve social problems, according to 1—NEW—STUDY in THE—JOURNAL—OF—CONSUMER—RESEARCH.
20080823             Participatory action research is THE—SUBJECT—OF—THE—STUDY by authors JULIE—L—OZANNE and Bige Saatcioglu (VIRGINIA Tech).
20080823             What is the carbon FOOTPRINT—OF—MCCAIN—HOMES?
20080823             Climate Progress' JOE—ROMM wonders how big is the carbon FOOTPRINT—OF—JOHN—MCCAIN—NUMEROUS—HOUSES.
20080823             "I'd estimate it's about 150—TONS—OF—CARBON dioxide,some 10—TIMES THAT—OF—THE—AVERAGE—AMERICAN," writes Romm, 1—CLIMATE—RESEARCHER who has 1—PH.D. in physics.
20080823             The right wing is often quick to criticize AL—GORE for his household energy consumption, despite the fact that Gore has taken numerous steps to reduce his carbon footprint.
20080823             A. Siegel asks, "Should we wait with bated breath for someone in the McCain campaign's media entourage to ask John the question as to whether he (actually, Cindy... —SINCE she pays the bills) is purchasing 100 % renewable power?"
20080823             —NEEDED, Rice: Missile defense in POLAND, to block missiles from IRAN, NORTH—KOREA.
20080823             Over at Attackerman, SPENCER—ACKERMAN notes that SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TODAY that THE—USA is constructing 1—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SHIELD in POLAND to protect from "LONG—RANG missile threats" from IRAN and NORTH—KOREA, not RUSSIA:
20080823             As Ackerman notes, NORTH—KOREAN—MISSILES cannot reach POLAND, and "even if they someday could,they never never would; and IRAN—ANTIPATHY to the Poles does not exist".
20080823             Yglesias has more.
20080823             20—SOLDIERS who spoke to USA—TODAY said that their" complaints about mold and other problems went unheeded —FOR—MONTHS, and they were "
20080823             ordered not speak about the conditions.
20080823             McCain Jokes About His Definition Of THE—RICH: 'How About $5—MILLION?'
20080823             Last night, —DURING his Saddleback Church presidential forum, Pastor RICK—WARREN asked both SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) and SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL) to "define rich".
20080823             With regard to tax brackets, "where do you move from middle class to rich?" WARREN asked.
20080823             Obama said, "if you are making $150,000—1—YEAR or less, as 1—FAMILY, then you're middle class".
20080823             —DISMISSED, McCain, however, WARREN—QUESTION, asking in jest, "How about $5—MILLION?"
20080823             WARREN: Everybody talks about, you know, taxing the rich, but not the poor, the middle class.
20080823             At what point, give me 1—NUMBER, give me 1—SPECIFIC—NUMBER.
20080823             Where do you move from middle class to rich? [...]
20080823             MCCAIN: How about $5—MILLION? No, but seriously, I don't think you can, I don't think seriously that the point is I'm trying to make, seriously, and I'm sure that comment will be distorted but the point is...that we want to keep people's taxes low, and increase revenues.
20080823             So, it doesn't matter really what my definition of rich is because I don't want to raise anybody's taxes.
20080823             McCain is right — millionaires are rich.
20080823             In fact, those making $5—MILLION per —YEAR or more are wealthier than 99.99—PERCENT—OF—ALL—AMERICANS.
20080823             All but the nation's wealthiest 5 %, have household incomes of less than $174,000 per —YEAR.
20080823             But —WHILE McCain —NOW says "it doesn't matter really what my definition of rich is,"
20080823             DEUTSCHES—KRIEGSSCHIFF hat doch keine Babywindeln an BORD—SFUX World Content News -
20080823             —HEUTE hat sich die DEUTSCHE—MARINE mit einer umfangreichen Gegendarstellung von der Front zurück gemeldet.
20080823             Die Fregatte "Lübeck" beteiligt sich demnach nicht an angeblichen Hilfstransporten nach GEORGIEN, sondern trainiert im Schwarzen Meer mit dem Eingreifverband der NATO u. a. das Morsen, Funken und Flaggen.
20080823             Und: Der Verband fährt nicht nach GEORGIEN.
20080823             Klar Schiff: NATO—MANÖVER im Schwarzen MEER—SFUX World Content News -
20080823             WCN stellt die KRIEGS—SCHIFFE vor, die zur Zeit " mit Hilfsgütern beladen " in das Schwarze Meer unterwegs sind, um an einem " —SEIT—LANGEM geplanten Manöver " teilzunehmen, darunter auch die DEUTSCHE—FREGATTE FGS Lübeck.
20080823             Es gibt offenbar einen Beweis, dass die Aktion —ERST—NACH—DEM Überfall auf Zchinvali angeordnet.
20080823             Taktische Kriegsmanöver der NATO im Schwarzen MEER—SFUX World Content News -
20080823             Autsch, —JETZT geht es wirklich ans Eingemachte: DIE—NATO will auf dem Höhepunkt der KAUKASUS—KRISE seelenruhig geplante Marineübungen im Schwarzen Meer abhalten.
20080823             Außerdem könnte DIE—USA versuchen, mit Hilfslieferungen für die GEORGISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG zu tricksen, die praktischerweise 1—KRIEGSSCHIFF dabei hat.
20080823             3—KRIEGSSCHIFFE der NATO sind zu einer Übung im Schwarzen...
20080823             Die Geschäfte laufen GUT—SFUX THOMAS—MITSCH -
20080823             Das SIPRI—JAHRBUCH 20080000             ÜBER Rüstung und internationale Rüstungsexporte.
20080823             Das Stockholmer Institut zur Internationalen Friedensforschung (SPIRI) hat —ANFANG—AUGUST sein Jahrbuch 20080000             VORGESTELLT.
20080823             1—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG kann hier heruntergeladen werden.
20080823             Die Geschäfte laufen gut
20080823             Wurden DEUTSCHE—WAFFEN durch DIE—CIA nach GEORGIEN geschmuggelt? - sfux World Content News -
20080823             —NACH—DEM Aufsehen erregenden Beitrag des ARD—MAGAZINS "Report MAINZ" über DEUTSCHE—STURMGEWEHRE in GEORGIEN haben Rüstungsexperten bestätigt, dass diese Waffen trotz Exportverbot —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN in GEORGIEN im Einsatz sind.
20080823             Auf welchem Wege aber gelangten sie dort hin? World.Content.News...
20080823             —SOLVED, Black hole star mystery '' Astronomers shed light on how stars can form —AROUND 1—MASSIVE—BLACK—HOLE, defying conventional wisdom.
20080823             PERU throws out Amazon land laws PERU—CONGRESS—VOTES to repeal 2—CONTROVERSIAL—LAND—LAWS aimed at opening up Amazonian tribal areas to development.
20080823             Bernanke warning on USA—INFLATION—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—BERNANKE says the inflation outlook for the nation is "highly uncertain".
20080823             Group Suing AT&T for Spying WILL—SUE—GOVERNMENT, Too
20080823             1—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—GROUP suing AT&T for allegedly spying on Americans on BEHALF—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT is not giving up, despite Congress' vote to give amnesty to the tlelecoms that helped.
20080823             Instead, the group says it will —NOW sue the government, too.
20080823             Riding the Wind Into the Record BOOK—CHUCK Squatriglia - 1—UK—ENGINEER—HOPES to pilot his land yacht to 1—NEW—LAND speed record for WIND—POWERED vehicles.
20080823             Fatal flaws found in terrorism database Congressional investigation reveals 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST important terrorism databases is suffering from mismanagement and technical flaws.
20080823             Schmiergeldaffäre: USA—ERMITTLER kommen bei Siemens nur schleppend voran
20080823             POLIT—PROFI BIDEN als Partner: Obama scheut das Risiko
20080823             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 100—VON ungefähr 35.500—FÜR "Defense Research Establishment".
20080823             ( 0,—44—SEKUNDEN)
20080823             Bauern dürften nur noch Geld für das bekommen, "was einen positiven Effekt auf Natur und Umwelt hat".
20080823             Außerdem will Gabriel im Rahmen eines ÖKO—CHECKS durchsetzen, dass nur noch Futtermittel importiert werden dürfen, die nicht von Regenwaldflächen stammen.
20080823             In einem internen Papier seines Ministeriums heißt es, 40—MILLIARDEN Euro Agrarsubventionen seien nur dann noch zu rechtfertigen, wenn dies nicht dem Klima schade.
20080823             "Wir brauchen eine radikale Umschichtung der Fördermittel"
20080823             Foodwatch folgert: Um die Landwirtschaft klimaverträglicher zu machen, müssten Rindfleisch und Milchprodukte drastisch reduziert werden.
20080823             "Wir müssen zurück zum Sonntagsbraten", fordert Thilo Bode, CHEF—DER—VERBRAUCHERSCHUTZORGANISATION.
20080823             konventionellen und ökologischen Landwirtschaft in DEUTSCHLAND vor.
20080823             Die überraschende Schlussfolgerung der Verbraucherschutzorganisation nach Informationen des SPIEGEL: "Der Ökolandbau an sich ist kein KLIMA—RETTER".
20080823             Doping bei Olympia: "So viel Chemie war nie"
20080823             GEORGIEN—KRISE: DEUTSCHLAND drängt RUSSLAND zu Komplettabzug
20080823             Datenschutz: Besorgte Bürger klagen gegen einheitliche Steuernummern
20080823             BULGARISCHES—AKW: Reaktor soll mit dubiosen Brennstäben laufen
20080823             Vorstoß gegen CO2: Verbraucherschützer brandmarken Viehzucht als KLIMA—KILLER
20080823             "I've never found 1—LOCALE where we had so much evidence" to reconstruct 1—ANCIENT—ECOSYSTEM, Cumbaa said, adding THE—DEVON—ISLAND—SITES could offer scientists "1—GREAT—OPPORTUNITY" for research —FOR—DECADES to come.
20080823             That's because THE—POST—ROLE here has been and continues to be what the establishment media's role generally is -- to serve government sources and amplify their claims, not to investigate their veracity.
20080823             That's how it was SADDAM—HUSSEIN who was the original anthrax culprit, followed by STEVEN—HATFILL, and —NOW BRUCE—IVINS.
20080823             It's how Jessica Lynch heroically fought off IRAQ—GOONS in 1—FIREFIGHT, how Pat Tillman stood down AL—QAEDA monsters —UNTIL they murdered him, how IRAQ possessed mountains of WMDs, and —NOW, how RUSSIA has assaulted the consensus VALUES—OF—THE—WEST—WORLD by invading 1—SOVEREIGN country and occupying parts of it for 1—WHOLE—WEEK, etc. etc.
20080823             ALL—OF—THOSE narratives came from the Government directly into the pages of
20080823             —CONVEYED, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, which then uncritically, them, often (as in THE—CASE—OF—THE—JESSICA—LYNCH lies and WMD claims) playing 1—LEADING role in doing so.
20080823             —BASED, Thus, on THE—FBI—OWN—FACTS, it would be physically impossible for Ivins -- as THE—FBI claimed to the Post -- to have driven to NEW—JERSEY —AFTER taking administrative leave in the —MORNING in order to mail the anthrax letters, —SINCE he returned —THAT—DAY to MARYLAND for a 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. meeting, and thus could not have dropped the letters in the mailbox —AFTER 5:00 p.m.
20080823             "Investigators said they did consider certain SO—CALLED 'conspiracy theories,' reported. "But none held up".
20080823             "Was it diesel fuel in the building?
20080823             —CONTROLLED, Or planted explosives, 1, DEMOLITION—OF—GOVERNMENT—OFFICES as conspiracy theorists allege in films like Loose Change ?"
20080823             —DIRECTED, No, says DOCTOR—SHYAM—SUNDER, who, NIST—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS in the investigation.
20080823             —TRIGGERED, Fire, a "new phenomenon" -- thermal expansion of structural steel, which caused 1—CASCADE of collapsing floors, ultimately bringing the building down symmetrically, into its own footprint.
20080823             "This is the 1. time that we're aware of, that 1—BUILDING over 15—STORIES—TALL has collapsed primarilly due to fire," said DOCTOR—SUNDER —DURING—THURSDAY—NIST press conference.
20080823             Had the city's water main not been cut, and WTC 7's sprinkler systems been active, the building may still stand, he said.
20080823             Doubts over the anthrax case intensify -- except among MUCH—OF—THE—MEDIA
20080823             A must read.
20080823             —SWAYED, Conspiracy theorists 'not ' by WTC7 EXPLANATION—THAT ought to settle it.
20080823             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—ARCTIC—FOSSIL—FIELD—YIELDS—SEA serpents, shark teeth
20080823             1—FRESHLY excavated SET—OF—FOSSIL—BEDS found in THE—CANADA—ARCTIC, described by scientists as a "unique window" on polar life some 70—MILLION—YEARS—AGO, has yielded 1—STUNNING array of extinct creatures -- including at least 2—THAT were previously unknown -- and 1—TREASURE TROVE—OF—DINOSAUR—AGE—SEA serpents, ancient shark teeth and piles upon piles of petrified poop.
20080823             —TERRIFIED—OF, Mexicans, kidnap splash out on UNDER—SKIN—CHIP implants so satellites can locate them if abducted
20080823             Middle class Mexicans are spending THOUSANDS—OF—POUNDS to have tiny transmitters implanted under their skin because they are terrified of being kidnapped.
20080823             the ignorance of electric utility suppliers to innovate on tesla's principles required them to build 300—MILLION—MILES—OF—POWER—LINES across AMERICA. had they innovated, much like had HENRY—FORD innovated on portable electric storage, we might have had wireless power transmission to our houses on 1—FREQUENCY that wouldn't disrupt human civilization, and wouldn't be dependant on oil or ANY—LUBRICATION—WHAT—SO—EVEN to drive our automobiles. the world is 1—FUBAR place sometimes ?
20080823             PARENT—INDEED. This has been 1—LONG—TIME coming.
20080823             With appropriate ABUNDANCE—OF—ELECTRICITY, electric cars could be run on 1—ROAD with 1 scaled up VERSION—OF—THIS tech in years to come.
20080823             Similar to how 1—MONORAIL works.
20080823             —DEMOED, MISTER—SMITH also, how the technology could improve THE—FIELD—OF—ROBOTICS.
20080823             Sensors using the power transmission and reception technologies could use electric fields to detect objects, similar to how SOME—FISH detect objects in water.
20080823             In 1—DEMO the robot used these sensors to neatly grasp 1—APPLE, which it then loyally delivered to 1—WAITING human hand.
20080823             Intel Demos Bizarre TESLA—ESQUE Wireless Power Transmission SYSTEM—COOL.
20080823             BILL—MOYERS—IS 1—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY destroying what AMERICA—STANDS for?
20080823             BILL—MOYERS sits down with history and INTERNATIONAL relations expert and FORMER—USA—ARMY—COLONEL—ANDREW—J—BACEVICH who identifies 3—MAJOR—PROBLEMS facing our democracy:
20080823             Homes McCain doesn't remember having worth nearly $14—MILLION : Even though JOHN—MCCAIN can't remember how MANY—HOUSES he and his wife own, his political opponents have been keeping track of THE—MULTI—MILLIONARES' holdings.
20080823             MOSCOW Is Likely to Recognize Breakaway Republics in GEORGIA : RUSSIA moved closer to recognizing THE—INDEPENDENCE—OF—2—BREAKAWAY republics that helped spark the current conflict in GEORGIA and outlined plans for 1—MAJOR—MILITARY—PRESENCE in and —AROUND the contested territories.
20080823             Bush says breakaway provinces are PART—OF—GEORGIA : USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH, pushing back against claims by RUSSIA, said —WEDNESDAY the breakaway REGIONS—OF—SOUTH—OSSETIA and Abkhazia are PART—OF—PRO—WEST—GEORGIA and that WASHINGTON will work with allies to insure GEORGIA—INDEPENDENCE and territorial integrity.
20080823             Bush calls GEORGIA 'under siege': USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH declared —WEDNESDAY that "GEORGIA—YOUNG—DEMOCRACY" has "come under siege" by RUSSIA, and he connected the conflict in the Caucuses with the battle against terrorists and USA—EFFORTS to aid the rise of free societies.
20080823             —KILLED, FRANCE—TROOPS ' by Nato jets' : Reports that 10—FRANCE—SOLDIERS who were killed in AFGHANISTAN —AFTER being mistakenly attacked by Nato aircraft are to be "looked into," officials for the military alliance have said.
20080823             Did NATO Friendly Fire kill FRANCE—SOLDIERS in AFGHANISTAN?
20080823             —WOUNDED, According to 1, soldier, THE—NATO—AIRSTRIKES meant to enable soldiers OUT—OF—THE—AMBUSH have missed their target and hit FRANCE—SOLDIERS, along with fire from AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS in positioned downstream.
20080823             —QUOTED, Friendly Fire May Have Killed French : THE—FRANCE—TROOPS, by Le Monde claimed that once they fell into the ambush they had to hold up —FOR—4—HOURS for assistance.
20080823             —ARRIVED, NATO—AIRCRAFT finally, they said, but SOME—OF—THE—BOMBS missed the enemy and hit the troops.
20080823             —AIDED, Documents: USA—STRIKE, OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—TALIBAN ties:
20080823             THE—USA—CRUISE—MISSILE—STRIKE on 1—AL—QAIDA training camp in AFGHANISTAN
20080823             MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS spent on bribes EVERY—YEAR' : "EACH—AFGHANISTAN—FAMILY spends about $100 in bribes EVERY—YEAR," he said.
20080823             "Corruption in AFGHANISTAN is endemic, it hurts the poorest people disproportionately, pushes people away from the state and undermines our joint efforts to build peace, stability and progress for AFGHANISTAN—PEOPLES".
20080823             —ABOUT 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION—LIVE on $1—1—DAY, he said.
20080823             —ANNOUNCED, Eide, that 1—NEW—ANTI—CORRUPTION—COMMISSION will be set up to counter official corruption.
20080823             Bush thanks Musharraf in phone call : - USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ON—THURSDAY thanked outgoing PAKISTAN—LEADER—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF for his help in the fight against AL—QAEDA, 1—WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN said.
20080823             THE—ROMANTIC and the Realist
20080823             —RECENTLY, —WHILE discussing THE—STATE—OF—THE—WAR in AFGHANISTAN with military personnel, USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH remarked, "I must say, I'm 1—LITTLE—ENVIOUS. If I were slightly younger... I think it would be 1—FANTASTIC—EXPERIENCE to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed.... It must be exciting for you... in SOME—WAYS—ROMANTIC, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks".
20080823             —MISSED, In case you, it -
20080823             What Price ISRAEL? (19530000             )
20080823             FBI May Start Spying On Americans "Without ANY—BASIS—FOR Suspicion"-
20080823             New Guidelines Would Give F.B.I. Broader POWERS—BY—ERIC—LICHTBLAU
20080823             1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—PLAN would loosen restrictions on THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION to allow agents to open 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY or criminal investigation against someone without ANY—CLEAR—BASIS for suspicion, Democratic lawmakers briefed on the details said —WEDNESDAY.
20080823             At JFK Airport, Denying Basic Rights Is —JUST Another —DAY at THE—OFFICE—BY—EMILY—FEDER—I was —RECENTLY stopped by Homeland Security as I was returning from 1—TRIP to Syria.
20080823             —FOLLOWED, What I saw in the hours that, shocked and disturbed me.
20080823             McCain On Reinstituting 1—MILITARY—DRAFT—'I—DON'T DISAGREE'—BY—THINK—PROGRESS
20080823             —PRAISED, At 1—TOWN—HALL meeting, 1—AUDIENCE—MEMBER, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) for his vow to "follow OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to THE—GATES—OF—HELL".
20080823             —AFTER 1—LONG—QUESTION about veterans' care, the questioner said she believed we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain seemed to readily agree.
20080823             —MISSED, In case you, it: Why I—WILL—NOT—VOTE for JOHN—MCCAIN: Fellow PRISONER—OF—WAR
20080823             I can verify that John has 1—INFAMOUS—REPUTATION for being 1—HOT—HEAD.
20080823             —EXPERIENCED, He has 1—QUICK and explosive temper that MANY—HAVE, 1. hand.
20080823             Folks, quite honestly that is not the finger I want next to that red button.
20080823             Collecting More Data on Foreign Travelers : THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is studying how best to implement 1—LITTLE—NOTICED congressional mandate to gather, search, and store biometric data from all foreign visitors leaving the country.
20080823             The objective is to collect better data on foreigners who violate the law —WHILE in the country or who overstay their visas.
20080823             —PLACED, Mihkail Saakashvili was deliberately, in power in 1—OF—THE—MOST sophisticated USA—REGIME—CHANGE—OPERATIONS, using ostensibly private NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) to create 1—ATMOSPHERE—OF—POPULAR—PROTEST against the existing REGIME—OF—FORMER—SOVIET—FOREIGN—MINISTER—EDOUARD—SHEVARDNADZE, who was no longer useful to WASHINGTON —WHEN he began to make 1—DEAL with MOSCOW over energy pipelines and privatizations.
20080823             GEORGIA—CRISIS—IS 1—TRAP for USA—LEADERSHIP
20080823             This may sound strange, —SINCE most people consider USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—FOREIGN—POLICY to be extremely ideological.
20080823             —AFTER all, the global ADVANCEMENT—OF—DEMOCRACY has been his principal credo for NEARLY—8—YEARS.
20080823             In practice, however, exporting democracy is less 1—IDEOLOGY than it is realpolitik at its core -- 1—INSTRUMENT for attaining geopolitical dominance —AROUND the globe.
20080823             Bush to PUTIN, "Get out —NOW!".
20080823             PUTIN to Bush, "Nyet!" - Bush isn't going to send USA—TROOPS in SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20080823             No way.
20080823             This is 1—MAN who won't peep his HEAD—OUT—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE without 8,000 armed guards shadowing his EVERY—MOVE and 1—SMALL squadron of Apache Helicopters flying overhead.
20080823             1—GUY—LIKE that isn't about to take on THE—RUSSIA—ARMY.
20080823             Forget about it.
20080823             Bush will do all his fighting from THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—MEDIA—CENTER where he can duck behind the Presidential podium if 1—CAR backfires on PENNSYLVANIA Ave.
20080823             That's his kind of fighting.
20080823             CONTINUE—RUSSIA—SUCCESS in Caucasus is Bad News for WASHINGTON
20080823             —DEMONSTRATED, MOSCOW has, to WASHINGTON that it remains master of its destiny;
20080823             that it remains UNAFRAID—OF—THE—HYPER—POWER—OF—THE—USA, which is allied to GEORGIA.
20080823             THE—RUSSIANS did not hesitate to point out that THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has no moral lessons whatsoever to give to RUSSIA.
20080823             'AMERICA—OUTRAGEOUS—WAR—ECONOMY!'
20080823             Pentagon can't find $2.3—TRILLION, wasting trillions on 'national DEFENSE'—BY—PAUL—B—FARRELL
20080823             Yes, AMERICA—ECONOMY is 1—WAR—ECONOMY.
20080823             Not a "manufacturing" economy.
20080823             Not an "agricultural" economy.
20080823             Nor a "service" economy. Not even a "consumer" economy.
20080823             ISRAEL warns activists against sailing to GAZA:
20080823             —ISSUED, ISRAEL—ON—FRIDAY, 1—TOUGH—THREAT against 1—GROUP—OF—ACTIVISTS who hope to sail to THE—GAZA—STRIP this weekend with 1—DELIVERY—OF—HUMANITARIAN—SUPPLIES, calling the mission 1—UNACCEPTABLE "provocation" and saying "all options" were under consideration
20080823             —JEOPARDIZED, Diplomatic effort on IRAN nukes, by USA—RUSSIA crisis : The crisis between THE—USA and RUSSIA has led to the suspension of diplomatic efforts to draft 1—NEW—RESOLUTION imposing harsher SANCTIONS—ON—IRAN.
20080823             POLAND and USA toast ANTI—RUSSIA pact with GEORGIA—WINE: THE—POLES and Americans added insult to injury —THIS—WEEK, as far as RUSSIA was concerned.
20080823             —AFTER signing 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DEAL to install 1—USA—ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENCE—SHIELD on POLAND—TERRITORY, only 1—FEW days —AFTER RUSSIA—SHORT—WAR with GEORGIA, THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE and her POLAND—COUNTERPART sat down to dinner in WARSAW and toasted the pact with GEORGIA—WINE, it emerged —YESTERDAY.
20080823             USA: 'Very Concerned' Over Planned RUSSIA—WEAPONS—SALE—TO—SYRIA : "We have always said to the Russians that these sales should not go forward, they don't contribute to regional stability and, again, I urge them not to go through with these sales if there is 1—INTENT to go through with them," he told reporters.
20080823             Syria denies accepting RUSSIA—MISSILE—DEPLOYMENT: SYRIA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY (SANA) said deployment of Iskander missiles, which MOSCOW says are capable of defying ANY—MISSILE—DEFENCE, was not on THE—AGENDA—OF—TALKS—BETWEEN—ASSAD and RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV at 1—BLACK—SEA—RESORT—ON—THURSDAY.
20080823             "There is no truth to MEDIA—REPORTS that Syria had agreed to deploy Iskander missiles on its territory," SANA said.
20080823             We won't place missiles in Syria ': RUSSIA has no intention of placing the advanced Iskander missile system in Syria, acting Ambassador Anatoly Yurkov told THE—JERUSALEM—POST—ON—THURSDAY.
20080823             RUSSIA says NATO—NEEDS—ITS—HELP on AFGHANISTAN : RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TOLD—NATO —ON—THURSDAY that both sides benefited from joint cooperation and he pointedly raised THE—ISSUE—OF—RUSSIA—TRANSIT—SUPPORT for Alliance forces in AFGHANISTAN.
20080823             USA refuses to hold joint naval antiterrorism drill with RUSSIA : THE—USA has refused to participate with RUSSIA in NATO—OPERATION—ACTIVE—ENDEAVOUR naval antiterrorism exercise, 1—SOURCE in THE—RUSSIA—BLACK—SEA—FLEET said —FRIDAY.
20080823             NATO: RUSSIA Halts Military Cooperation:
20080823             —RECEIVED, Alliance spokeswoman Carmen Romero said NATO had, notification through military channels that RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY had taken 1—DECISION "to halt INTERNATIONAL military cooperation events between RUSSIA and NATO—COUNTRIES—UNTIL further instructions".
20080823             —STARTED, RUSSIA—TROOPS withdraw from Gori: RUSSIA—FORCES said they had, withdrawing from GEORGIA—ON—FRIDAY, but insisted they would keep HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS inside 1—BUFFER—ZONE in THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLIC.
20080823             RUSSIA to keep CONTROL—OF—KEY—GEORGIA—HIGHWAY: GENERAL: RUSSIA will retain control over 1—KEY—HIGHWAY linking THE—GEORGIA—CAPITAL to the sea even —AFTER completing 1—TROOP—PULLOUT, maps shown to journalists by 1—TOP—GENERAL indicated —ON—FRIDAY.
20080823             RUSSIA to keep 500—TROOPS in GEORGIA buffer zon e: RUSSIA intends to keep 500—TROOPS in a security zone surrounding GEORGIA—BREAKAWAY—SOUTH—OSSETIA region, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEI—LAVROV said —ON—THURSDAY.
20080823             MOSCOW Says SOME—TROOPS to Stay Put: RUSSIA—SOLDIERS were at work digging positions outside GEORGIA—MAIN—BLACK—SEA port CITY—OF—POTI —ON—THURSDAY at THE—SAME—TIME—MOSCOW maintained that its soldiers were on schedule to pull OUT—OF—THE—COUNTRY—PROPER by —FRIDAY.
20080823             GEORGIA set for military ACTION—RUSSIA—GENERAL—STAFF: GEORGIA is preparing for military action in its breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and SOUTH—OSSETIA, 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—MILITARY—OFFICIAL warned —FRIDAY.
20080823             "We have registered 1—INCREASE in [GEORGIA's] reconnaissance activities and preparations for armed actions in THE—GEORGIAN—SOUTH—OSSETIAN conflict zone," COLONEL—GENERAL—ANATOLY—NOGOVITSYN, deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY'S—GENERAL—STAFF, told 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20080823             RUSSIA WARNS—OF—CORPSE—PROVOCATION : GEORGIA—AUTHORITIES are preparing a "mass provocation" as early as —THURSDAY, using corpses to create 1—IMPRESSION—OF—DEATHS among civilians, the military said —THURSDAY in 1—STATEMENT distributed by the Kremlin.
20080823             USA—AMBASSADOR to MOSCOW: RUSSIA Was Justified in Responding to GEORGIA—ATTACKS: THE—FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to BULGARIA JOHN—BEYRLE, who is already in charge of THE—USA—EMBASSY in MOSCOW, said RUSSIA was justified in responding to THE—GEORGIA—ATTACKS on THE—RUSSIA—PEACEKEEPERS in SOUTH—OSSETIA.
20080823             —ASKED, Saakashvili, THE—USA to send him 1—PLANE in THE—HEAT—OF—THE—CONFLICT:
20080823             —WHEN the news began to spread, Klimiashvili writes, the opposition started to panic.
20080823             Despite their MANY—DIFFERENCES, Saakashvili was maintaining control over the situation and "without him at the helm the country would sink into chaos".
20080823             —CAUSED, SOUTH—OSSETIA says GEORGIA—ATTACK, $4—BILLION damage:
20080823             SOUTH—OSSETIA—DEPUTY—SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT, Tarzan Kokoity, SPEAKING—OF—THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—LOCAL—FACTORIES, said: "—TODAY it is senseless to SPEAK—OF—THE—REPUBLIC having its own industries".
20080823             If I—WERE—ONCE 1—DEMOCRAT Again, this is What I'd Tell Obama
20080823             THE—DEMOCRATS are wondering why their candidate's numbers are slowly circling the drain.
20080823             How stupid is that? Could it be that the man chosen by the mainstream corporate media and the corporate political party is behaving like 1—CORPORATIST?
20080823             This entire drama between THE—2—POLITICAL—PARTIES has got to be the most expensive con job that this world has ever seen.
20080823             Crunch TIME—THE impending global recession has nothing to do with crafty mortgage lenders, opportunistic loan applicants, dodgy rating agencies, or crooked home appraisers.
20080823             That's like blaming Lindy ENGLAND for ABU—GHRAIB.
20080823             THE—SOURCE—OF—THE—TROUBLES is THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE and monetary policies that are designed to rob people of their life savings.
20080823             'Tossed Out Like 1—DOG' -
20080823             In the lawless SOUTH—HEBRON Hills, things are wild as usual: The settlers continue to attack shepherd children with clubs and stones, to steal their sheep and to make their lives miserable, —WHILE THE—ISRAEL—POLICE continue to abuse anyone who tries to file 1—COMPLAINT against the settlers.
20080823             CASE, You Missed It - - Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land-
20080823             Through THE—VOICES—OF—SCHOLARS, media critics, peace activists, religious figures, and MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERTS, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land carefully analyzes and explains how--through THE—USE—OF—LANGUAGE, framing and context--THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA remains hidden in the news media, and ISRAEL—COLONIZATION—OF—THE occupied terrorities appears to be 1—DEFENSIVE—MOVE rather than 1—OFFENSIVE 1.
20080823             Land and Freedom
20080823             For the past —60—DAYS or so, —SINCE about THE—END—OF—JUNE, the people of Kashmir have been free.
20080823             Free in the most profound sense.
20080823             —SHRUGGED, They have, off the terror of living their lives in THE—GUN—SIGHTS—OF—HALF 1—MILLION heavily armed soldiers, in the most densely militarised zone in the world.
20080823             MCCAIN—NEOCON—WARMONGER—AND none dare call it treason.
20080823             —BY—PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN
20080823             Who is Randy Scheunemann? He is the principal foreign policy adviser to JOHN—MCCAIN and potential successor to HENRY—KISSINGER and Zbigniew Brzezinski as NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER to THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
20080823             But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role.
20080823             He is 1—DUAL—LOYALIST, 1—FOREIGN—AGENT whose assignment is to get AMERICA committed to spilling the blood of her sons for client regimes who have made this moral mercenary 1—RICH—MAN.
20080823             USA Combat Troops Out of IRAQ 'by 2011' - THE—SAAKASHVILI—EXPERIMENT
20080823             The fact is that RUSSIA will fight to break away from THE—PRO—USA—RING—OF—FORMER—SOVIET—STATES that promise to undermine its influence in 1—EURASIA, and THE—USA will do its utmost to maintain 1—LEVEL—OF—TENSION, if not hostilities in the region, for without it neither 1—MISSILE—SHIELD nor THE—270—BILLION BARRELS—OF—OIL in the Caspian basin can be brought within WASHINGTON—REACH.
20080823             Under MOSCOW—WING
20080823             Events in GEORGIA have had SOME—SURPRISING repercussions in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, leaving Syria looking perkier than USUAL—BY—JAMES—DENSELOW
20080823             —OVERLOOKED, ISRAEL—INVOLVEMENT with THE—GEORGIA—MILITARY has been somewhat, in light of more blatant USA—SUPPORT, such as the airlift of some 2,000 GEORGIA—TROOPS from IRAQ at THE—START—OF—THE—CONFLICT.
20080823             —SPOTTED, However Misha Glenny, it, writing in the New Statesman that PRIME—MINISTER—PUTIN warned PRESIDENT—SHIMON—PERES to "pull out your trainers and weapons or we will escalate our CO—OPERATION with Syria and IRAN" — —AFTER which ISRAEL dutifully complied.
20080823             Peak profts and empty pockets at the pump - - It's Time to Revolt Against Big Oil!-
20080823             As gas climbs to $5 1—GALLON, the pain is evident everywhere.
20080823             —PACKED, Buses are. GENERAL—MOTORS is closing factories.
20080823             The airlines are laying off pilots and flight attendants.
20080823             Independent truckers are going bankrupt.
20080823             Real wages slide down and inflation shinnies skyward.
20080823             Israels neuer Krieg [Archiv] - Thiazi Forum
20080823             Es ist —SCHON—WIEDER in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen, daß ISRAEL einen KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—PALÄSTINENSER führt.
20080823             THE—CIA—COVENANT: Nazis In WASHINGTON by GREGORY—DOUGLAS—THEY remind me of our WAFFEN—SS in this way.
20080823             blog von mattin Und dass DIE—CIA auch Waffen und Drogen im großen Stil schmuggelt, wissen wir spätestens —SEIT der IRAN—CONTRA—AFFÄRE.
20080823             Bekannte CIA—FLÜGE nach GEORGIEN:
20080823             —VERLOREN, Diebold muß zugeben, dass ihre Wahlcomputer Stimmen "" haben.
20080823             SPITZEL—AFFÄRE: ARBEITNEHMER—ANWÄLTE werfen Telekom Verharmlosung vor
20080823             KAUKASUS—KONFLIKT: Merkel fordert GEORGIEN—GIPFEL ohne RUSSLAND
20080823             Konjunktur: IFW—CHEF rechnet mit langer Flaute
20080823             Kontenplünderer: Banken scheuen Investitionen in sichere Geldautomaten
20080823             Neue Prognose: Forscher warnen vor ERDBEBEN—IN—NEW—YORK
20080823             Händler unter Druck: Schäuble lädt zu DATENKLAU—KRISENTREFFEN
20080823             Er ist auch in der Arbeiterklasse verwurzelt
20080823             Rattner erzählte in S—FRANCISCO auch von frühen Forschungen zu Elektrogeräten, die aus Millionen winziger Roboter bestehen und dadurch ihre Form verändern können.
20080823             So könnte ein und dasselbe Gerät zum Beispiel die Form eines Telefons annehmen und sich für die INTERNET—NUTZUNG zu einem größeren Bildschirm mit Tastatur entfalten, erläuterte er.
20080823             —NOMINIERT, USA—WAHLKAMPF: Obama, BIDEN als Vizekandidaten - - WolliGL.
20080823             200607112319.
20080823             † THOMAS—HUCKLE—WELLER, USA—BAKTERIOLOGE, Virologe und Parasitologe
20080823             200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080823             200607112319. - 200607112319. - - WolliGL. 200607112319. - - WolliGL.
20080823—19660000    —SEIT, Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA—GATES ist 1—DER—TREUESTEN—MITARBEITER—DER—BUSH s: er arbeitet für DIE—CIA, war an den IRAN—CONTRA—DEALS beteiligt, sass im NATIONAL—SECURITY...
20080823—20080826    —ON, 6—MORE were convicted for establishing 1—MILITARY—CAMP in TUNISIA—NORTH—EAST—KEF region designed to train fighters to be sent to IRAQ.
20080823—20091125    —RELEASED, Both were, —AFTER—15—MONTHS and arrived in KENYA.
20080823—20110000    —BY, THE—USA to withdraw combat troops from IRAQ—CITIES and towns by —NEXT—JUNE and from the rest of IRAQ.
20080823—20290823    ) that additionally, 3,000 more centrifuges are in THE—STAGE—OF—INSTALLATION.
20080827—20080823    —SINCE, PARTS—OF—EAST—ORISSA state have been rocked by HINDU—CHRISTIAN clashes, —WHEN 1—HARDLINE Hindu holy leader and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE were shot dead by unknown assailants.
20080919             Typical in this respect is an 20080823             COMMENT by the Spiegel editor, HANS—JÜRGEN—SCHLAMP, on GERMANY—RADIO.
20090728—20090823    —ON, 5—MEMBERS—OF—IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES charged in the bank robbery went on trial.
20090814—20090823    —ON, the death toll from Typhoon Morakot was raised to at least 650.
20090815—20090823    —ON, Jenkins was found dead of apparent suicide in 1—MOTEL in Hope, UK—COLUMBIA.
20090819—20090823    —ON, 1—OF—THE suspected masterminds said in 1—CONFESSION—BROADCAST that attackers paid $10,000 to get 1—BOMB—LADEN truck past checkpoints and next to the Finance Ministry.
20090823             Logo der FRAUEN—FUßBALL—EM
20090823             —BEGINNT, Mit dem Auftaktspiel UKRAINE gegen die NIEDERLANDE, im eigens umbenannten TURKU—STADION in TURKU—FINNLAND, die 10. FUßBALL—EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT der Frauen, die —BIS zum 20090910             dauern wird.
20090823             1. nehmen 12—STATT wie —BISHER 8—MANNSCHAFTEN an der FUßBALL—EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT der Frauen teil.
20090823             THE—IRAQ—MILITARY—BROADCAST the confession of 1—SUNNI man, Wisam ALI—KHAZIM—IBRAHIM, —57—JAHRE—ALT, identified as THE—MASTERMIND—OF—1—OF 2 20090819             SUICIDE truck bombings targeting GOVERNMENT—BUILDINGS in BAGHDAD.
20090823             —POSTED—BY: bornean | 20090819             | 4:26 pm
20090823             AFGHANISTAN—FORMER—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH, PRESIDENT—KARZAI—MAIN—CHALLENGER, said he had evidence —LAST—WEEK—ELECTION had been widely rigged by the incumbent and that he had lodged MORE—THAN—100—COMPLAINTS.
20090823             —RECEIVED, THE—ELECTION—COMPLAINTS—COMMISSION (ECC) said it had, 225—COMPLAINTS—OF which 35 had been labeled 1—PRIORITY.
20090823             † An USA—SERVICE member, in 1—INSURGENT attack.
20090823             2—ESTONIA—SOLDIERS were killed —AFTER their unit stumbled on 1—ROADSIDE bomb in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20090823             NATO—MILITARY—COMMANDERS told USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—ENVOY on that they needed more troops and other resources to beat back 1—RESURGENT Taliban, particularly in EAST—AFGHANISTAN near THE—PAKISTAN border.
20090823             THE—BAHAMAS, STEFANIA—FERNANDEZ (18), Miss VENEZUELA, was the fairest of them all once again, winning 20090000             —THE—MISS—UNIVERSE—CROWN for the 2. —YEAR straight and the 6. time —SINCE the pageant's creation.
20090823             1—CHINA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY reported that 1—DROUGHT in the north has left nearly 5—MILLION—PEOPLE—SHORT—OF drinking water and damaged crops, —WHILE dry weather in the south could cause more shortages.
20090823             GREECE, 1—RAGING fire bore down on ATHENS' northern suburbs, prompting panicked residents to battle the flames with tree limbs and buckets, and police to order 10,000—PEOPLE to evacuate 1—TOWN—IMMEDIATELY.
20090823             —BY—TODAY they were reported across 1—AREA—MORE—THAN—25—MILES (40—KILOMETERS) wide.
20090823             —ATTACKED, In NORTH—IRAQ gunmen, 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in MOSUL, killing 1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20090823             —DESCRIBED, Prosecutors, him as 1—LEADING MEMBER—OF—THE—VIOLENT—LA—FAMILIA drug cartel.
20090823             1—TEAM—OF—TOP—USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS began a —3—DAY—VISIT—TO—MEXICO to explore ways to improve efforts against arms smuggling into MEXICO as PART—OF—JOINT—EFFORTS to combat drug gangs.
20090823             PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bombing on the outskirts in THE—NORTH—WEST—CITY—OF—PESHAWAR killed 3—PEOPLE and wounded 15—OTHERS.
20090823             —ARRESTED, Police in KARACHI, 7—MEMBERS—OF—THE banned LASHKAR—E—JHANGVI movement in 1—RAID.
20090823             —BLAMED, THE—AL—QAIDA—LINKED movement is, for 2 failed assassination attempts against FORMER—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF and THE—BEHEADING—OF—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL reporter DANIEL—PEARL.
20090823             —COLLAPSED, ZIMBABWE, 1—CABINET—RETREAT by the unity government, this weekend as PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—MINISTERS walked out —AFTER—THE—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER said —LAST—YEAR—POLLS were fraudulent.
20090823             Somos Pelos CÃES—AS guloseimas para cães podem ser utilizadas para...
20090823             Os treinos deverão continuar até o cão conseguir ouvir e...
20090823             Se ele ladrar, procure saber porquê e aborde a causa.
20090823             —KAMPF—GEGEN——DIE Taliban: NATO—BEFEHLSHABER fordern mehr Truppen für AFGHANISTAN
20090823             excellent training exercise.
20090823             NICHOLAS—M—LEGASPI, the lead F.B.I. special agent on the bogus biolaboratory case, said he had no regrets about the effort devoted to the false alarm, which he said had served as 1—EXCELLENT training exercise.
20090823             Lawyer: FBI Paid RIGHT—WING Blogger Charged With Threats
20090823             VIA—LAWYER: FBI Paid RIGHT—WING Blogger Charged With Threats | Threat Level | Wired_com.
20090823             How the hell can anyone say with 1—STRAIGHT face that "... he has not stepped over the line" ?
20090823             It's not like there isn't enough RIGHT—WING nuts spewing HATE—SPEECH, the government feels the need to manufacture them ?!?!
20090823             —INVOLVED, His handlers and anyone, should also be prosecuted as well, but this time I will settle for ruin and public ridicule.
20090823             1. we're told the up to 30—PERCENT—OF—THE—FBI. is busy spying on Americans believed tied to terrorist, with no clear success rate (
20090823             ) and —NOW we know that they also pay right wing extremist to disseminate propaganda !
20090823             Who is the real enemy here?
20090823             and why has the F.B.I. declared WAR—ON—THE—USA—POPULOUS?
20090823             Is the F.B.I. nothing but 1—TENTACLE—OF—THE—ELITE to mold public opinion and intimidate dissenters?
20090823             If so the F.B.I. is nothing MORE—THAN—1 polished up gestapo.
20090823             I find that USE—OF—INFORMANTS to run 1—SITE—LIKE this is to defend human lives.
20090823             And that's more of 1—PROVEN thing.
20090823             In einer Kaserne der Streitkräfte nördlich von Athen wurden Flugabwehrraketen in Sicherheit gebracht.
20090823             "Athen hatte 1—GRÜNFLÄCHE, die —JETZT weg ist".
20090823             12.000—HEKTAR Wald und Buchland seien verbrannt.
20090823             —BISHER hat sich KEINE—DER—THEORIEN als stichhaltig erwiesen.
20090823             Dass die Seeleute von der Öffentlichkeit abgeschirmt würden, sei "in so einer Situation normal", sagte NATO—BOTSCHAFTER—ROGOSIN—DEM—SPIEGEL.
20090823             Sie müssten wegen der laufenden Ermittlungen "—ERST einmal isoliert werden".
20090823             "Wenn wir nichts gesagt haben, dann heißt das nicht, dass wir nichts wussten", wurde EU—KOMMISSIONSSPRECHER MARTIN—SELMAYR—VON—DER—RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNGSZEITUNG "Rossijskaja Gaseta" zitiert.
20090823             Mit dem Fall "ARCTIC Sea" seien Geheimdienste aus 20—LÄNDERN beschäftigt gewesen.
20090823             "Gerät 1—LAND wie unseres in solche Probleme, dann wird schnell der größte Unfug angenommen", sagte Rogosin.
20090823             "Niemand kann fordern, dass die SCHWEDISCHE—REGIERUNG gegen ihre eigene Verfassung verstößt", sagte Ministerpräsident FREDERIK—REINFELDT.
20090823             Die Meinungsfreiheit sei ein unentbehrlicher Bestandteil der SCHWEDISCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT.
20090823             Allerdings: Ungeachtet aller PROTESTE—IN—DER ARABISCH—ISLAMISCHEN Welt gegen die umstrittenen MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN in der größten DÄNISCHEN—TAGESZEITUNG "JYLLANDS—POSTEN"
20090823             blieb der damalige DÄNISCHE—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT + heutige NATO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Anders Fogh Rasmussen bei seiner harten Linie.
20090823             Aus ISRAELISCHER—SICHT erinnert der Vorwurf des ORGAN—DIEBSTAHLS an antisemitische Stereotype aus dem Mittelalter, wonach Juden das Blut von Christen für rituelle Zwecke benutzt haben sollen.
20090823             Die Forderung: Die SCHWEDISCHE—REGIERUNG soll den Beitrag als Antisemitismus verurteilen.
20090823             Allein die linksliberale "Haaretz" appellierte, dass ISRAEL—DAS—THEMA schnell von der Tagesordnung nehmen sollte.
20090823             Tel AVIV—INZWISCHEN beschäftigt sich selbst die Regierungsebene mit dem Zeitungsartikel, in dem es über den angeblichen Diebstahl von Organen toter Palästinenser geht.
20090823             Netanjahu bezeichnete den Artikel —AM—SONNTAG als "Blutlüge" und verlangte, dass die SCHWEDISCHE—REGIERUNG den Bericht öffentlich verurteilt.
20090823             Flankiert wurde die Forderung Netanjahus durch die ISRAELISCHE—PRESSE.
20090823             —EVAKUIERT, Schwere Waldbrände: Vorort ATHENS muss, werden
20090823             Gewalt und Manipulationen: Wahlbeobachter beklagen massive Fälschungen in AFGHANISTAN
20090823             ARCTIC—SEA—PIRATEN: "Das ist doch Ljocha aus dem Nachbarhaus!"
20090823             Krisengewinner: Rezession macht Aldi in AMERIKA stark
20090823             Absatzstudie: Autobauer weltweit bremsen ihre Talfahrt
20090823             —PROVOZIERT, Diplomatische Krise: ORGANHANDEL—VORWURF, Eklat zwischen ISRAEL und SCHWEDEN
20090823             Abgesagtes "Tribunal"mit 68ern: Springer hat die Idee einer Aussprache selbst begraben
20090823             "Ich nehme das, was in Darfur passiert, sehr persönlich".
20090823             Über 3—VIERTEL der Shareholder haben gegen den Ausstieg aus Fonds gestimmt, die an Firmen wie Petrochina oder Sinopec beteiligt sind.
20090823             TIM—BRENNAN, Finanzchef der "Unitarian Universalists", 1—DER—ÄLTESTEN—KIRCHEN—DER—USA, deren Gründer mit den Pilgrim Fathers ins Land gekommen sind
20090823             "Würde jemand in 1—UNTERNEHMEN investieren wollen, das ZYKLON—B an die Nazis oder Macheten nach RUANDA lieferte?"
20090823             —GENOMMEN, Dennoch wird die überschaubare Gruppe sehr ernst.
20090823             —GESICHERT, Der fensterlose Konferenzraum ist, Besucher müssen wie beim Security Check am Flughafen 1—METALLSCHLEUSE passieren, Kameras und Kassettenrekorder am Eingang abgegeben werden.
20090823             Drinnen bekommen die Anleger nicht einmal Mineralwasser angeboten - 1—GESTE, die man nicht missverstehen kann.
20090823             ist MARY—HASKELL auch an Petrochina beteiligt, einer CHINESISCHEN—FIRMA, die das SUDANESISCHE—ERDÖL vermarktet.
20090823             "Die Einnahmen aus diesem Geschäft dienen der SUDANESISCHEN—REGIERUNG dazu, den Völkermord in Darfur zu finanzieren", sagt sie.
20090823             Frage.
20090823             "Warum darf Exxon, 1—AMERIKANISCHE—FIRMA, keine Geschäfte im SUDAN machen, und warum darf Fidelity in Fonds investieren, die ihrerseits Anteile an Firmen haben,
20090823             die mit der Regierung im SUDAN verbandelt sind, wie zum Beispiel Petrochina?"
20090823             Aktionäre mit Herz Wie Kapitalisten den Völkermord im SUDAN stoppen wollen
20090823             —BERICHTET, Aus Lexington, HENRYK—M—BRODER
20090823             Tatsächlich sind die Vereinigten Staaten die einzige Nation im Kreis der Industriestaaten, die keine umfassende Gesundheitsversorgung für ALLE—BÜRGER bieten.
20090823             Millionen weitere sind unterversichert, ihnen droht beim kleinsten ungeplanten LEIDEN nicht nur die medizinische Katastrophe, sondern finanzieller Bankrott.
20090823             Faktisch trifft also das bestehende System die —ENTSCHEIDUNG, wer behandelt und geheilt wird und wer nicht.
20090823             Das Leben und LEIDEN der italienischen 1. Lady.
20090823             Der Tenor des Artikels ist wenig überraschend:
20090823             GRÜNEN—FRAKTIONSCHEFIN RENATE—KÜNAST nährt im Wahlkampf —NUN den Verdacht, hier könnte 1—FALL—VON—SIPPENWIRTSCHAFT vorliegen.
20090823             Im Grunde kann man hierauf nur noch mit Humor antworten", sagte er dem Berliner "Tagesspiegel"
20090823             "Und wer Einfluss auf Podien und Medien hat, sollte das Stiften von Spaltungen vermeiden und Schritte zur Beförderung der Einheit unternehmen".
20090823             Doch als das Magazin "Öko Test" —LETZTES—JAHR 16—MARKTÜBLICHE Modelle untersuchen ließ, kam es zu einem vernichtenden Urteil:
20090823             —VERSPROCHEN, KEINE—DER—LAMPEN hielt so lange wie vom Hersteller.
20090823             Keine war so hell wie die vergleichbare Glühlampe, die sie ersetzen sollte.
20090823             Und ohne Ausnahme wurde die Qualität des Lichts mit der Note "mangelhaft" bewertet.
20090823             Außerdem empfahlen die Tester, die Leuchtmittel nicht in Körpernähe, beispielsweise in Schreibtischlampen einzusetzen, da ihre Strahlung gängige Grenzwerte um 1—VIELFACHES übertrafen.
20090823             Um ihre Energiesparlampen an den Mann zu bringen, operieren ALLE—GROSSEN—HERSTELLER mit Zahlen, die an Verbraucherbetrug grenzen.
20090823             Dabei müsste man eigentlich nur etwas genauer hinschauen.
20090823             "Die Verbraucher denken nicht langfristig", erklärt Ferran Taradellas Espuny, energiepolitischer SPRECHER—DER—EU—KOMMISSION gegenüber SPIEGEL TV.
20090823             "Sie bezahlen im Supermarkt doch lieber einen Euro für 1—GLÜHLAMPE anstatt 6—FÜR 1—ENERGIESPARLAMPE, obgleich sie das am Ende 50—EURO mehr an Strom kostet!
20090823             Und weil der Markt so etwas nicht von selbst regelt, mussten wir 1—VERORDNUNG erlassen.
20090823             Damit stellen wir sicher, dass ALLE—LAMPEN vom Markt verschwinden, die zu viel Energie verbrauchen".
20090823             Doch tatsächlich schießt die EU dabei mit Kanonen auf Spatzen.
20090823             Denn die Kosten für Beleuchtung machen gerade mal 1,5 % DES—ENERGIEBEDARFS eines privaten Haushalts AUS—SELBST mit den energieuneffizienten Glühbirnen, die —JETZT verbannt werden.
20090823             Auch der Umgang mit den Insassen der Strafanstalten wird —JETZT untersucht.
20090823             —AM—MONTAG wird DIE—CIA einen kritischen Bericht über Missbrauch in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN veröffentlichen.
20090823             —GEKOMMEN, In den Lagern sei es zu Scheinhinrichtungen, in mindestens einem Fall sei 1—GEFANGENER mit einer Waffe und einer Bohrmaschine bedroht worden.
20090823             Angst unter Anwohnern: Brände vor Athen außer Kontrolle
20090823             Wandel unter Obama: USA—MILITÄR gibt 1. Namen von Geheimgefangenen an Rotes Kreuz
20090823             Schwere Waldbrände: Feuersbrunst erreicht Vororte ATHENS
20090823             Staatsbesuch: NORD—KOREA und SÜDKOREA führen wieder Gespräche
20090823             Wegen der hohen Temperaturen von rund 40—GRAD und starken Sommerwinden wird GRIECHENLAND immer wieder von schweren Waldbränden heimgesucht.
20090823             —INZWISCHEN, Der GRIECHISCHE—ZIVILSCHUTZ hat, den Notstand für die gesamte Region ausgerufen.
20090823             Das Feuer wütete —ZUNÄCHST rund 40—KILOMETER nördlich von Athen in der REGION—DER—HISTORISCHEN—ORTSCHAFT—MARATHON und der Dörfer Grammatiko und Varnavas.
20090823             FINANZ—KRISE, USA—BANK—GUARANTY ist pleite
20090823—19480000    —SEIT,  HABEN sich 6—PRÄSIDENTEN an dem Versuch verhoben, das System zu reformieren, und —HEUTE sind 48—MILLIONEN Amerikaner ohne JEDE—KRANKENVERSICHERUNG.
20090823—19870000    —SEIT, DAS konservative "Giornale" ist im Besitz der Familie Berlusconi.
20090823—19870000    Als
20090823—20090821    —IGNITED, The fires, late ;
20090914             Letter to the editor, RENO—GAZETTE—JOURNAL 20070823             : "Terrorism supplants communism as the enemy our government uses to justify military intervention abroad.
20091012             ISRAEL—ALARMED by REPORT—OF—AID to COLOMBIA Drug Assassins By DANIEL—WILLIAMS, Times Staff Writer | 19890824             20100823—20100824    —FROM, other Arab states, said it is to suspend services due to financial problems.
20100823             —ISSUED, A—USA—DISTRICT—COURT, 1—PRELIMINARY—INJUNCTION stopping FEDERAL—FUNDING of human embryonic stem cell research, in 1—SLAP to THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—NEW guidelines on the sensitive issue.
20100823             CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JERRY—BROWN sued Roni Deutch for $34—MILLION for allegedly swindling THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20100823             —BILLED, Deutch, who, herself as the "tax lady," has appeared in nationwide TV ads to help people with tax problems.
20100823             —CROWNED, LAS—VEGAS, MEXICO—JIMENA—NAVARRETE, —22—JAHRE—ALT was, Miss Universe in 1—UPSET—VICTORY that stunned 1—PAGEANT world which had predicted 1—WINNER to emerge from IRELAND, VENEZUELA or THE—USA.
20100823             —FIRED, USA—TROOPS, warning shots to disperse 1—PROTEST—NEAR—BAGRAM air base over THE—ARREST—OF—1—RELIGIOUS—LEADER suspected of 1—ROCKET—ATTACK.
20100823             GARETH—WILLIAMS, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EMPLOYEE—OF—CODE—BREAKING agency GCHQ, was found dead at 1—FLAT—NEAR the agency's headquarters in the upmarket Pimlico AREA—OF—LONDON.
20100823             —NAKED, His, and decomposing body was found inside 1 padlocked sports bag.
20100823             † Williams was working on attachment for BRITAIN—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—MI6 —WHEN he.
20100823             CHINA cut 13—NON—VIOLENT—CRIMES from the list of 64—OFFENCES—PUNISHABLE by death.
20100823             —FORCED, State media said flooding has, the evacuation of MORE—THAN—1—QUARTER—MILLION—PEOPLE in NORTH—CHINA along its border with NORTH—KOREA.
20100823             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—RAUL—CASTRO, MAX—MARAMBIO, 1—CHILE—BUSINESSMAN, to return to CUBA for questioning about bribery and fraud at RIO—ZAZA, which was shut down —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.
20100823             —ENJOYED, —FOR—YEARS the company had, 1—NEAR monopoly on sales of packaged fruit juice and milk.
20100823             —DECLINED, Marambio, the offer.
20100823             —WOUNDED, DAGESTAN, at least 3—PEOPLE were, in other attacks, —WHILE 4 suspected militants † when explosives they were transporting by car unexpectedly blew up.
20100823             —REPORTED, IRAN media, the suspension of 3—SENIOR judiciary officials over —LAST—YEAR—TORTURE—DEATHS—OF—3 imprisoned ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20100823             —KICKED, IRAN, off mass production of 2—HIGH—SPEED MISSILE—LAUNCHING assault boats, warning its enemies not to "play with fire" as it boosts security along its coastline.
20100823             IRAQ, unknown attackers in 1—SPEEDING car threw 1—GRENADE in the mixed SUNNI—SHIITE EAST—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—NEW—BAGHDAD.
20100823             —KILLED, The blast, 1—POLICEMAN and wounded another.
20100823             MEXICO—POLICE in the border CITY—OF—TIJUANA found 2—BODIES on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—TOWN and were searching for more.
20100823             —ARRESTED, Baja CALIFORNIA state prosecutors said —RECENTLY, suspects told authorities at least 4—MORE—BODIES had been buried in the same area.
20100823             1—JUDGE ordered the released of 13—TIJUANA city police officers who were arrested by soldiers and sent to prison MORE—THAN—1—YEAR—AGO on charges of protecting drug traffickers.
20100823             —RULED, The judge, there wasn't enough evidence.
20100823             —CHEERED, THE—NETHERLANDS, the monumental chestnut tree that, ANNE—FRANK—WHILE she was in hiding from the Nazis in AMSTERDAM was toppled by wind and heavy rain.
20100823             —GRANTED, Officials said THE—USA has, NIGERIA—AIRLINES—PERMISSION for direct USA—FLIGHTS.
20100823             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 3—BOMB—ATTACKS in the northwest, at least 36—PEOPLE.
20100823             1—BOMB exploded inside 1—SCHOOL —DURING 1—MEETING of elders in Kurram tribal region, killing 7—PEOPLE.
20100823             —KILLED, 1—ATTACK—ON—THE outskirts of PESHAWAR, THE—LEADER—OF—1—ANTI—TALIBAN militia, Israr Khan, and 2—AIDES as he passed through 1—MARKET in the village of Matni.
20100823             The deadliest blast was 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK at 1—MOSQUE inside 1—RELIGIOUS—SCHOOL in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN that killed 26—PEOPLE and injured 40—MORE.
20100823             —STORMED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE, 1—BUS in downtown MANILA —AFTER shots were heard from THE—HOSTAGE—TAKER—OF—15—CHINA—TOURISTS.
20100823             —ARMED, FORMER—SENIOR—INSPECTOR—ROLANDO MENDOZA (55), with 1—M16 rifle, had seized the busload of HONG—KONG tourists to demand his reinstatement in the force.
20100823             8—TOURISTS were killed along with MENDOZA.
20100823             —KILLED, KEN—LEUNG † trying to subdue the gunman, who then, his 2—DAUGHTERS, Doris (21) and Jessie (14).
20100823             The only survivors were the mother, Amy, and son Jason (18), who fell into 1—COMA —AFTER suffering 1—HEAD wound.
20100823             Jason awoke from his coma —AROUND mid October.
20100823             —AIMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA flew to CHINA on a —3—DAY—TRIP, at strengthening business ties.
20100823             —ACCOMPANIED, Zuma was, by 1—DELEGATION—OF over 370—BUSINESS—REPRESENTATIVES—THE biggest ever for 1—SOUTH—AFRICA—LEADER—VISIT abroad.
20100823             —DEPLOYED, SOUTH—AFRICA, soldiers to 37—HOSPITALS to help keep basic health services running, as 1—NATIONWIDE strike by MORE—THAN—1—MILLION—PUBLIC—WORKERS entered its 6. —DAY.
20100823             2—SPAIN—AID—WORKERS held by al QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICA—WING were freed in MALI, ending 1—KIDNAPPING that lasted NEARLY—9—MONTHS, the longest PERIOD—OF—CAPTIVITY in THE—SAHARA desert.
20100823             AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) said it seized ALBERT—VILALTA and Roque Pascual —WHILE they were traveling through MAURITANIA with 1—RELIEF—AID—CONVOY last —NOVEMBER.
20100823             THE—SOUTH—SUDAN finance MINISTER said the fledgling economy is being "deliberately" weakened by FORMER—CIVIL—WAR—ENEMIES in the north who are paying JUBA—SHARE—OF—OIL—REVENUES in local currency.
20100823—20070000    —LAUNCHED, SAUDI—ARABIA—LOW—COST—PRIVATE—AIRLINE—SAMA, to serve Gulf and
20100823—20100824    —FROM, other Arab states, said it is to suspend services due to financial problems.
20100823—20100830    —ON, they were identified as former prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi and 2—JUDGES.
20100823—20101216    —ON, MANILA said it will pay compensation to the families of 8—HONG—KONG tourists killed —DURING—THE botched hostage rescue.
20100823—20120000    —IN, 1—CORONER concluded at 1—INQUEST that another person was probably involved in WILLIAMS—DEATH.
20100829             —ESTIMATED, HONG—KONG, 1, 80,000—PEOPLE marched in honor of 8—LOCALS killed 20100823             IN 1—BUS hijacking in MANILA, denouncing THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT for botching the rescue operation and demanding justice for the dead.
20101214—20110823    —SENTENCED, Carleo was, to at least —3—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20110819—20110823    —ON, He went missing —AFTER failing to appear in court on 1—SHOPLIFTING charge.
20110823             Dinorah Giron, DIRECTOR—OF—SEXTO Poder, was accused of committing the crimes by allowing 20110820             —THE publication of photo montage that ridiculed several female public officials by likening them to cabaret dancers.
20110823             The most powerful earthquake to strike THE—EAST—COAST in —67—YEARS—SHOOK—BUILDINGS and rattled nerves from SOUTH—CAROLINA to MAINE.
20110823             —SPILLED, Frightened office workers, into the streets in NEW—YORK, and PARTS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Capitol and Pentagon were evacuated.
20110823             —CENTERED, The magnitude 5.8—EARTHQUAKE and was, 40—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.
20110823             —CLOSED, THE—WASHINGTON—MONUMENT obelisk, indefinitely due to earthquake damage.
20110823             1—NEW—YORK—CITY—JUDGE ordered the dismissal of all sexual assault charges against FORMER—IMF CHIEF—DOMINIQUE—STRAUSS—KAHN.
20110823             —STAYED, The order was, —UNTIL 1—APPELLATE court decides whether 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR should be appointed.
20110823             —CITED, The judge, credibility issues with Nafisssatou Diallo (33), the hotel housekeeper who had filed the initial charges.
20110823             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORCYCLE, at 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—NAWA district council in Lashkar Gah, the provincial CAPITAL—OF—HELMAND province.
20110823             —RUSHED, The councilman was, to 1—HOSPITAL but † of his wounds.
20110823             † 2—AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN, —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE mine in Chimtal DISTRICT—OF—BALKH province.
20110823             —KILLED, CHINA, at least 15—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—BLAZE ripped through 1—DORMITORY building belonging to 1—CERAMICS—FACTORY in the Shengfeng Ceramics Factory in FOSHAN city.
20110823             —DAMAGED, CHINA, 15—PEOPLE were hurt and cars were, —AFTER MORE—THAN—30—RELATIVES—OF—1—PATIENT who † at the hospital in Jiangxi province forced their way inside the building.
20110823             † Relatives said he, on the operating table.
20110823             —BURNED, GERMANY—POLICE said 11—MORE—CARS were, overnight in BERLIN, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS that have seen MORE—THAN 300—CARS damaged —SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—YEAR.
20110823             —OPENED, THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT, talks with aides to fasting ANTI—GRAFT—ACTIVIST—ANNA—HAZARE, as Premier MANMOHAN—SINGH offered concessions to persuade THE—74—YEAR—OLD to end his hunger strike.
20110823             LIBERIA—1. constitutional referendum in —25—YEARS was marred by error —AFTER—THE—NATIONAL—ELECTION—COMMISSION said it had distributed defective ballot papers.
20110823             It failed to achieve the required 2—THIRDS—OF—VOTES cast in 1—POLL in which only 34—PERCENT of registered voters showed up and MANY—BALLOTS were invalid.
20110823             —ERUPTED, LIBYA, fierce fighting, —AROUND Moammar GADHAFI—MAIN—MILITARY compound in TRIPOLI, hours —AFTER THE—LIBYA—LEADER—SON and heir apparent turned up free to thwart LIBYA—REBEL—CLAIMS he had been captured and rally supporters.
20110823             64—NATO—AIRSTRIKES turned the Bab AL—AZIZYA military compound to rubble.
20110823             1—REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—SIRTE on the rebels' National Transitional Council said that the situation in the city was extremely volatile because Gadhafi brigades had retreated to the city —AFTER fleeing the Brega oil terminal.
20110823             —OPENED, Loyalist guards in TRIPOLI, fired at some 130—CIVILIAN—DETAINEES in 1—LOCKUP, 1—HANGAR, and fired again —WHEN prisoners tried to flee.
20110823             MEXICO, gunmen hung 1—MAN from 1—PEDESTRIAN bridge over 1—BUSY—AVENUE in THE—CITY—OF—MONTERREY and shot him to death in FRONT—OF—DOZENS—OF—MOTORISTS.
20110823             ACAPULCO, 2—TEENAGE—BOYS—OF about —15—YEARS—OF—AGE were shot to death by unidentified assailants.
20110823             —DISMEMBERED, Police also found 1—MAN'S, body in 1—CAR in another ACAPULCO neighborhood.
20110823             NORTH—NIGERIA, THE—FLOOD—RELATED death toll rose to 15 as 1—RIVER in THE—TOWN—OF—NUMAN overflowed —DURING a —5—HOUR rainstorm.
20110823             —STEPPED, PAKISTAN—POLITICIANS, industrialists and citizens, up calls for the army to intervene to quell violence destabilizing KARACHI, where MORE—THAN—100—HAVE been killed in —1—WEEK.
20110823             THE—PHILIPPINES' largest Muslim rebel group, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, rejected 1—GOVERNMENT—PROPOSAL for autonomy in the country's south as inadequate but said they will continue talks.
20110823             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—INVESTIGATORS, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—DMITRY—PAVLYUCHENKOV, 1 retired police officer, on suspicion of organizing 20060000             —THE—KILLING—OF—JOURNALIST—ANNA—POLITKOVSKAYA, who was gunned down in the elevator of her MOSCOW apartment building.
20110823             SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—EXPLOSION—OF—OLD—AMMUNITION at the Ashuluk military base in THE—ASTRAKHAN region killed 6—SOLDIERS and wounded 12.
20110823             —ATTENDED, THOUSANDS—OF—SOMALIS, 1—RALLY to celebrate THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—ISLAMIST—REBELS from bases in MOGADISHU, AL—SHABAB militants executed 2—MEN and a —16—YEAR—OLD—BOY by firing squad —AFTER accusing them of spying in 1—DE facto court.
20110823             —RENOWNED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—NEW—STUDY on the country's, wine and fruit farms said workers face unfit housing and exposure to pesticides and are blocked from forming labor unions.
20110823             —CRITICIZED, Industry groups, HRW—RESEARCH—METHODS, accusing THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—BIAS.
20110823             —CARRIED, SRI—LANKA police, out mass arrests in THE—NORTH—JAFFNA region —AFTER residents clashed with troops alleged to have protected SO—CALLED "grease devil" sex offenders.
20110823             —DECLARED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, a —2—WEEK—CEASEFIRE in SOUTH—KORDOFAN state which has been rocked —SINCE—JUNE by violent clashes between THE—SUDAN—ARMY and Nuba rebels.
20110823             —ASKED, MISS—WATI—III—KING—OF—SWAZILAND, his Cabinet for a $57—MILLION cut from 1—RESCUE loan SOUTH—AFRICA has extended to his country in exchange for his efforts to secure the funds.
20110823             —FACED, —WHILE the national budget, drastic cuts, THE—KING—BUDGET was boosted in March from $24—MILLION to $30—MILLION.
20110823             THE—GENEVA—BASED Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria said it is lifting the freeze on funding to CHINA to ensure AIDS work in the country continues —WHILE it works with government officials, representatives from UNITED—NATIONS' agencies and private groups to resolve the dispute.
20110823             —SUSPECTED, TURKEY—MILITARY said air strikes on, Kurdish rebel targets in NORTH—IRAQ —THIS—WEEK have killed 1 estimated 90 to 100—GUERRILLAS and warned that it would press ahead with offensives against the group both inside TURKEY and across the border.
20110823             —VOTED, THE—UN—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY, overwhelmingly to demand that Syria end its crackdown and cooperate with 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBE into possible crimes against humanity.
20110823             The opposition took steps toward forming 1—NATIONAL—COUNCIL, but serious divisions and mistrust among the members have prevented them from presenting 1 unified front against ASSAD—REGIME.
20110823             —ORDERED, VENEZUELA, 1—JUDGE, 1—WEEKLY—NEWSPAPER strongly CRITICAL—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ and his allies to temporarily stop publishing —WHILE prosecutors proceed with slander charges against its director.
20110823             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, the body of 1, suicide bomber was torn into pieces —WHEN 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED motorbike he was riding exploded in Lawder.
20110823—20090000    —IN, 401—CARS were torched and
20110823—20100000    —IN, 250.
20110823—20110819    —ADMITTED, Patient Fan Runyin was, to the hospital —AFTER suffering 1—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE.
20111004             Officials at THE—WASHINGTON—NATIONAL—CATHEDRAL said they need to raise at least $15—MILLION for initial repairs to 20110823             —THE earthquake damaged edifice.
20120818—20120823    —ON, IRAQ, Maryam Rajavi, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—RESISTANCE—OF—IRAN, which includes THE—PEOPLE—MUJAHEDEEN—ORGANIZATION—OF—IRAN (PRIME—MINISTER—OI), said: "As 1—GESTURE—OF goodwill, the residents of Ashraf will commence the 6. convoy of 400—RESIDENTS from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty ".
20120820—20120823    —ON, he was sentenced to —10—YEARS—IN—PRISON.
20120823             —UNPRECEDENTED, THE—USA—ANTI—DOPING Agency said it will strip LANCE—ARMSTRONG of his, 7—TOUR de FRANCE titles —AFTER he dropped his fight against drug charges that threatened his legacy as 1—OF—THE—GREATEST—CYCLISTS—OF—ALL—TIME.
20120823             ILLINOIS, authorities in WASHINGTON Park, 1—VILLAGE—NEXT to EAST—S—LOUIS, raided 1—HOUSE where 1—TEENAGE—GIRL, —17—JAHRE—ALT had been held captive and repeatedly sexually assaulted for over —2—YEARS.
20120823             Police took into custody a —24—YEAR—OLD man and his mother.
20120823             —RECOVERED, They also, the teen's young child, which the girl said was THE—RESULT—OF—RAPE by her captor.
20120823             † JAMES—FOGLE, AUTHOR—OF "Drugstore Cowboy," in prison in WASHINGTON state.
20120823             JAMES—FOGLE—AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL crime novel led to a 19890000             FILM starring MATT—DILLON.
20120823             —KIDNAPPED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, 3—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and another man from 1—BUS and killed all 4 in Paktia province.
20120823             6—CIVILIANS were killed —WHEN their vehicle hit 1—ROADSIDE bomb as they traveled in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—KANDAHAR.
20120823             1—BAHRAIN APPEALS—COURT acquitted activist NABEEL—RAJAB, —48—JAHRE—ALT, who had been sentenced to —3—MONTHS in jail for alleged insults issued via Twitter, but he must still serve a —3—YEAR—TERM for taking part in protests.
20120823             —SETTLED, CHILE—STATE—OWNED copper company Codelco and UK—FIRM—ANGLO USA—PLC, their LONG—RUNNING conflict over CONTROL—OF—1—PROMISING copper mine with 1—MULTI—BILLION dollar deal that includes major new JAPAN—INVESTMENTS in CHILE.
20120823             1—CAIRO COURT—ORDERED—ISLAM—AFIFI, THE—CHIEF—EDITOR—OF—THE—PRIVATELY—OWNED—EL—DUSTOUR daily newspaper, detained pending trial on charges of insulting EGYPT—PRESIDENT and "spreading lies".
20120823             —RELEASED, Afifi was, from jail —JUST hours —LATER—AFTER PRESIDENT—MORSI issued 1—LAW banning THE—IMPRISONMENT—OF—JOURNALISTS ACCUSED—OF—MEDIA—RELATED offenses.
20120823             —RAIDED, GERMANY, MORE—THAN—900—POLICE—OFFICERS, homes and clubhouses of suspected NEO—NAZIS in 1—CRACKDOWN in NORTH—RHINE—WESTPHALIA, seizing FAR—RIGHT—PROPAGANDA—MATERIAL, computer hard drives and 1—WIDE—VARIETY—OF—WEAPONS.
20120823             1—CHOLERA epidemic in GUINEA and SIERRA—LEONE has left 250—300—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120823             846—DEATHS were reported —THIS—YEAR in THE—14—COUNTRIES—OF—WEST and CENTRAL—AFRICA.
20120823             —REACHED, SIERRA—LEONE—HEALTH—MINISTRY said that deaths from 1—CHOLERA outbreak had, 220.
20120823             —KILLED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said heavy rains over the past —2—DAYS have, at least 27—PEOPLE and left thousands homeless in WEST—RAJASTHAN state.
20120823             —SUMMONED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, SOUTH—AFRICA—ENVOY—TO—FORMALLY protest PRETORIA—DECISION to place "Occupied PALESTINE—TERRITORY" labels on goods from Jewish settlements.
20120823             ITALY, 1—GUNMAN shot and killed GAETANO—MARINO (48), 1—BOSS from the Neapolitan Camorra, clad in 1—SWIMSUIT as he walked from 1—BEACH to join his family at 1—HOTEL in 1—RESORT—TOWN—SOUTH—OF—ROME.
20120823             Marino had lost both hands in 1—EXPLOSION—WHILE planting 1—BOMB in the 1990s.
20120823             JORDAN—PARALYMPIC—COMMITTEE said it has withdrawn 3—MEMBERS from 1—PRE—GAMES training camp in NORTH—IRELAND over CHARGES—OF—SEX—OFFENCES.
20120823             KENYA—GOVERNMENT said it will conduct 1—COUNTRYWIDE operation to disarm all communities with illegal weapons.
20120823             —ERUPTED, LEBANON, fresh fighting, in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TRIPOLI leaving 1—DEAD and 2 wounded, despite 1—TRUCE to halt DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE between PRO—AND ANTI—DAMASCUS gunmen.
20120823             1—LIBYA—SECURITY—OFFICIAL said 1—CONFLICT between 2 armed tribes in ZLITAN left 12—PEOPLE—DEAD and dozens injured.
20120823             MEXICO, 1—FALLING out between the leaders of THE—HYPER—VIOLENT—ZETAS cartel appears to have put the gang in the hands of MIGUEL—ANGEL—TREVINO—MORALES.
20120823             —BLAMED, The brutal and feared gangster has been, for 1—ERUPTION—OF bloodshed in the once relatively calm central states.
20120823             —KILLED, NIGER, at least 44—PEOPLE have been, by severe flooding that has affected the country —SINCE MID—JULY, according to THE—UN—HUMANITARIAN—AFFAIRS—OFFICE.
20120823             —TRIGGERED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said heavy monsoon rains that, flooding in the country's north have caused at least 26—DEATHS.
20120823             —ARRESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—POLICE said they, MORE—THAN—350—PEOPLE over 1—MAJOR—TELEPHONE—SCAM that swindled people OUT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in TAIWAN and mainland CHINA.
20120823             SLOVENIA, 1—HOT—AIR—BALLOON carrying 32—PEOPLE, including children, was swept up in 1—STORM and crashed in 1—FIREBALL outside LJUBLJANA.
20120823             6—PEOPLE † and 26—OTHERS were injured.
20120823             SRI—LANKA—EDUCATION—MINISTER shut down indefinitely the country's state universities and institutes —FOLLOWING recent strikes.
20120823             Academics were angry that the country spent only 1.9—PERCENT—OF—GDP on schools and universities.
20120823             SWITZERLAND, the Green Climate Fund, which aims to channel $100—BILLION —1—YEAR in aid to poor countries, selected as leaders Zaheer Fakir, HEAD—OF—INTERNATIONAL—RELATIONS for SOUTH—AFRICA—ENVIRONMENT—AGENCY, and EWEN—MCDONALD, deputy HEAD—OF—AUSTRALIA—INTERNATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT—AGENCY.
20120823             —CROSSED, SYRIA—MILITARY—PLANES, into IRAQ—AIRSPACE in order to carry out air STRIKES—AGAINST—THE—BORDER—TOWN—OF—ALBU Kamal, which is held by REBEL—FORCES.
20120823             —WAGED, Rebels, fierce battles with regime troops in 1—TOWN along THE—IRAQ—BORDER, capturing 1—STRING—OF—SECURITY—POSTS and the local police headquarters despite heavy government shelling and bombing runs by warplanes.
20120823             —RECAPTURED, THE—SYRIA—ARMY, Christian areas in ALEPPO.
20120823             —HAMMERED, Artillery and helicopters, the Sunni Muslim TOWN—OF—DARAYA —FOR—24—HOURS, killing 15—PEOPLE and wounding 150, —BEFORE soldiers moved in and raided houses.
20120823             1—TOTAL—OF—149—PEOPLE were killed across the country, including 14—CHILDREN.
20120823             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that Kurdish rebels have ambushed 1—MILITARY—CONVOY in the southeast, setting off clashes that killed 16—MILITANTS and 5—SOLDIERS.
20120823             ROH—STOFFE in DEUTSCHLAND: Schatzsucher heben das RHEIN—GOLD
20120823             Aufkauf von STAATS—ANLEIHEN: EZB—INSIDER planen geheime Zinsobergrenze
20120823             EURO—KRISE, Rösler lehnt Aufschub für GRIECHENLAND ab
20120823             Großrazzien in NRW: POLIZEI durchsucht 120—GEBÄUDE der RECHTE—SZENE
20120823             STAATS—HAUSHALT—DEUTSCHLAND erzielt MILLIARDENüberschuss
20120823             SYRIEN: UNO ruft zur HILFE—FÜR—MILLIONEN FLÜCHTLINGE auf
20120823             Meeresschnecken: Brutaler Sex bringt mehr Nachwuchs
20120823             STEUERSTREIT—MIT—DEUTSCHLAND: DIE—SCHWEIZ hat sich verzockt
20120823             —GELÖSCHT, BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Mappus soll vor Amtsübergabe DATEN, haben
20120823             TREFFEN—MIT—MERKEL: Hollandes heißer —HERBST
20120823             SYRIEN—ASSAD schürt TERROR—IN—DEN Nachbarländern
20120823             Air BERLIN: Großaktionär will Mehdorn rauswerfen
20120823             STIMM—TECHNIK, Gibbons singen wie Sopranistinnen
20120823             NRW: RAZZIA—BEI—NEONAZIS—FAHNDER decken Verbindung zur NPD auf
20120823             ABSATZ—KRISE, Opel schickt Tausende in KURZ—ARBEIT
20120823             kannten —SCHON DIE—KELTEN VOR—CA—2.—000—JAHREN die wundersame Fracht des RHEIN, desgleichen DIE—RÖMER:
20120823             Wer über das Gold aus dem RHEIN spricht, kommt an 1—GROßEN Mythos nicht vorbei: es geht um DAS—NIBELUNGEN—RIED, 1—HELDEN—GESCHICHTE, DIE—OBWOHL —HEUTE vor allem durch die WAGNER—OPERN BEKANNT—MITTEL—ALTER—SEIT—DEM, existiert.
20120823             "Würden ALLE—TAGEBAUE an Gold führenden Flüssen in DEUTSCHLAND das EDEL—METALL aus dem Kies holen, könnten sie so insgesamt 1—TONNE Gold PRO—JAHR fördern", glaubt HARALD—ELSNER—VON—DER—BUNDESANSTALT für Geowissenschaften und ROH—STOFFE.
20120823             DIE—FORSCHER gehen davon aus, daß die Häufigkeit des traumatischen SCHNECKEN—SEXES durch die Balance zwischen negativen Auswirkungen und Vorteilen mehrfacher Befruchtung bestimmt wird.
20120823             Dienstleistungsjobs Die Rückkehr der Proletarier
20120823             REINIGUNGS—KRÄFTE bekommen wenig Geld -, wenig Anerkennung
20120823             DPA—GEBÄUDEREINIGER, Altenpfleger, PAKETFAHRER—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN können von ihrer Arbeit kaum leben.
20120823             Anerkennung finden Dienstleister ebenfalls wenig.
20120823             Soziologen sprechen von 1—NEUEN PROLETARIAT, das an an DIE—ZEIT VOR—100—G der anderen noch Geld machen können,wird daran auch nix geändert.
20120823             Dass unser Fleischfresswahn das ganze Verschärft, weil für FLEISCH—GEWINNUNG eben vieles andere —ZERSTÖRT wird - v.a.
20120823             mögliche NAHRUNGS—MITTEL für MENSCHEN—SEI nur am Rande erwähnt.
20120823—20090000    —SINCE, SRI—LANKA, the rusting 15,000-ton Thmothrmopolyseara, 1—CYPRUS—FLAGGED carrier, went down —AFTER remaining anchored outside 1—COLOMBO harbor —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE over its CARGO—OF—STEEL.
20120823—20120825    —REACHED, 1—OIL slick from the vessel, THE—COAST—OF—COLOMBO and threatened 1—BEACH—RESORT—POPULAR with foreign tourists.
20130611             "PETER 'Powder Keg' Beinart is disinvited from gig at ATLANTA Jewish book festival", by Annie Robbins, Mondoweiss, 20121105             20130823             —CONVICTED, TEXAS, 1—JURY—OF—MILITARY—OFFICERS, Major Nidal Hasan (42) for the deadly 20091105             , shooting rampage at Fort Hood.
201308010823         —HEUTE, MONTEVIDEO—IN LATEIN—AMERIKA wird heftig über die Legalisierung von MaSharoun
20130808—20130823    —ON, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT began releasing Trinity River water into the lower Klamath to protect spawning salmon —FOLLOWING a —9—DAY—DELAY.
20130823             —CONVICTED, TEXAS, 1—JURY—OF—MILITARY—OFFICERS, Major Nidal Hasan (42) for the deadly 20091105             , shooting rampage at Fort Hood.
20130823             —ALLOWED, THOUSANDS—OF—BAHRAINIS were, to march peacefully outside MANAMA calling for democratic reforms, —10—DAYS—AFTER police cracked down on scattered protests organized by 1—ONLINE group inspired by recent demonstrations in EGYPT.
20130823             THE—BELGIUM—PROSECUTOR—OFFICE said a 3—NATION investigation (BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, POLAND) has led to 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST seizures of synthetic drugs in EUROPE, 1—HAUL—OF—CORE—PRODUCTS to create Ecstasy pills with 1—STREET—VALUE—OF—1.3—BILLION euros ($1.75—BILLION).
20130823             —RELEASED, He was held and tortured —FOR—20—DAYS—BEFORE being, —DURING his abduction 4—POLICEMEN who tried to squash the kidnappers' mission were killed in 1—GUN—BATTLE.
20130823             —KILLED, BOLIVIA, 30—PEOPLE were, many burned to death, in 1—BATTLE among rival gangs for CONTROL—OF—PART—OF—THE overcrowded, MAXIMUM—SECURITY—PALMASOLA prison outside THE—CITY—OF—SANTA—CRUZ.
20130823             † Another inmate, THE—NEXT—DAY raising the toll to 31.
20130823             —KILLED, CHINA—SECURITY—FORCES, at least 12—MEN and wounded 20—OTHERS —DURING 1—RAID on 1 alleged terrorist facility in Jigdejay village near Kashgar in the far WEST—XINJIANG region.
20130823             —JOINED, EGYPT, several 1000—DEMONSTRATORS, at least 3—MARCHES in different parts of CAIRO to protest THE—OUSTER—OF—ISLAMIST—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—MORSI.
20130823             —KILLED, IRAQ, violence, 37—PEOPLE.
20130823             —INCLUDED, This, 1—SUICIDE bombing that killed 25—PEOPLE in 1—BAGHDAD park.
20130823             —KILLED, LEBANON, twin explosions outside 2—MOSQUES, at least 47—PEOPLE and wounded hundreds in apparently coordinated attacks in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—TRIPOLI.
20130823             —ARRESTED, Suspect SHEIK—AHMAD—AL—GHAREB was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20130823             —CAPTURED, THE—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT said its troops, 1—TRUCK carrying gas masks near THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20130823             —KILLED, LIBYA, gunmen, 1—ARMY—COLONEL in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting —AFTER he left 1—MOSQUE in BENGHAZI.
20130823             PHILIPPINES' PRESIDENT—AQUINO said leaks will be plugged in 1—CONTROVERSIAL—FUND set aside for legislators' pet projects.
20130823             4—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—HELICOPTER carrying 16—OIL—WORKERS and 2—CREW crashed off SCOTLAND—SHETLAND islands, the 4. incident in the area involving different models of the widely used aircraft in —JUST over —4—YEARS.
20130823             THE—SUPER—PUMA L2, made by EADS unit Eurocopter, was operated by CHC Helicopter for FRANCE—TOTAL.
20130823             —CLASHED, SYRIA—TROOPS and opposition fighters, —DURING fierce battles in suburbs of DAMASCUS.
20130823             TUNISIA—SECULAR—OPPOSITION said that the governing Islamists must quit power —BEFORE they would join negotiations to resolve the country's worst crisis —SINCE its Arab —SPRING revolt, declaring otherwise the talks would be 1—WASTE—OF—TIME.
20130823             —KILLED, EAST—YEMEN, 1—SUICIDE bombing, 2—SOLDIERS and wounded 6—OTHERS.
20130823             —BLAMED, AL—QAEDA militants were, for the attack.
20130823             —CONVICTED, TEXAS, 1—JURY—OF—MILITARY—OFFICERS, Major Nidal Hasan (42) for the deadly 20091105             , shooting rampage at FORT—HOOD.
20130823—20130828    —SENTENCED, Hasan was, to death.
20140823             —CENTERED, It was, about 10—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—USA—CANYON, about 6—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—NAPA.
20140823             MICHAEL—PIMENTE, the police CHIEF—OF—ELMENDORF, TEXAS, was shot dead —DURING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20140823             JOSHUA—MANUEL—LOPEZ, 24, was taken into custody on CHARGES—OF—CAPITAL—MURDER—OF—1—POLICE—OFFICER.
20140823             —PROTESTED, BAHRAIN, THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITES, against what they say are attempts by the Sunni authorities to tip the kingdom's demographic balance in their favor by naturalizing foreigners.
20140823             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, the execution of 8—PEOPLE convicted on terrorism charges in the restive WEST—REGION—OF—XINJIANG, including 3—MEN—AUTHORITIES say were behind 1—DEADLY—ATTACK in the heart of BEIJING in which an SUV plowed through 1—CROWD.
20140823             —BLOCKED, CHINA—AUTHORITIES, the annual BEIJING Independent Film Festival from opening, seizing documents and films from organizers and hauling away 2—EVENT—OFFICIALS in 1—SIGN that BEIJING is stepping up its already tight ideological controls.
20140823             —CALLED, EGYPT, on ISRAEL and the Palestinians to halt fire and resume peace talks, but violence continued unabated with ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES in THE—GAZA—STRIP and Hamas militants firing rockets at the Jewish state.
20140823             —FIRED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said PALESTINE—GUNMEN had, almost 500—ROCKETS at ISRAEL—SINCE the talks broke down and GAZA health officials said 65—PALESTINIANS had been killed in ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKES—SINCE—THEN.
20140823             ISRAEL took THE—GAZA war to 1—NEW—LEVEL by flattening a 13-storey apartment tower.
20140823             —FORMED, Several 1000—PEOPLE, 1—HUMAN—CHAIN across THE—GERMAN—POLAND—BORDER to protest the expansion of mining for brown coal, aka lignite, in the region.
20140823             ICELAND said its Bardarbunga volcano has begun erupting under the ice of EUROPE—LARGEST glacier, prompting the country to close the airspace over the volcano.
20140823             ICELAND THE—NEXT—DAY said no eruption took place, but that 1 remained imminent —FOLLOWING increased seismic activity.
20140823             —TRADED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, gunfire in the disputed Kashmir region, killing 2—VILLAGERS on EACH—SIDE and wounding several others.
20140823             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER hit 1—INTERIOR—MINISTRY building in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing at least 11—PEOPLE.
20140823             —ROCKED, Explosions, THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, killing at least 42—PEOPLE and injuring dozens.
20140823             1—ROCKET fired from LEBANON—TERRITORY—HIT—THE—UPPER—GALILEE in NORTH—ISRAEL on the 47.
20140823             —DAY—OF—1—WAR against the Islamist movement Hamas in and —AROUND GAZA.
20140823             —UNIDENTIFIED, LIBYA, war planes attacked positions of 1 armed faction in TRIPOLI.
20140823             —IDENTIFIED, They were —LATER, as aircraft based in EGYPT and flown by pilots from THE—UAE.
20140823             15—FIGHTERS were reported killed and dozens wounded.
20140823             Islamist fighters in the Fajr LIBYA (LIBYA—DAWN) coalition said they have captured TRIPOLI's battered INTERNATIONAL airport.
20140823             —ERUPTED, Fighting, between renegade general Khalifa HAFTAR—TROOPS and allied army special forces with Islamists in 2—BENGHAZI suburbs, killing 8—SOLDIERS and wounding 35.
20140823             —DENIED, EGYPT, ANY—AIR—OPERATIONS in LIBYA.
20140823             17—PEOPLE, including his wife and THE—SPOUSES—OF—OTHER—POLITICIANS, were arrested in June as PART—OF—1—POLICE—INVESTIGATION.
20140823             THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT said that it would bring home its 331—PEACEKEEPING forces from the Golan Heights amid the deteriorating security in the region and withdraw its 115—TROOPS from LIBERIA because of the Ebola outbreak.
20140823             —DISPUTED, HUNDREDS—OF—TRUCKS from 1, RUSSIA—AID—CONVOY to REBEL—HELD EAST—UKRAINE rolled back across the border into RUSSIA but questions about alleged RUSSIA—ARTILLERY in UKRAINE still remained.
20140823             —SEIZED, SYRIA, jihadists from THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP, Tabqa military airport.
20140823             † 346—ISLAM—STATE—FIGHTERS were killed and more some 200—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES, in —5—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING over the base.
20140823             —OFFERED, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT, to resign within —1—MONTH and to review 1—UNPOPULAR decision to cut fuel subsidies, in 1—ATTEMPT to end protests by the Shi'ite Houthi movement.
20140823             —KILLED, Separate bomb attacks by AL—QAEDA suspects, 1—SENIOR—ARMY—OFFICER and 3—SOLDIERS across the south and southeast.
20140823             Hochbegabte im Job: Bei 1—IQ—VON—130—FANGEN die Probleme an
20140823             DAX—GEFLÜSTER: Das nahende ENDE—DES—NOTEN—BANKEN—BOOMS
20140823             —VOR, MERKEL—REISE—NACH—KIEW: RUSSISCHER—KONVOI beginnt Rückfahrt aus DER—UKRAINE
20140823             "Wie tollwütige Hunde niedermachen": POLIZISTEN in FERGUSON suspendiert
20140823             Moderne Arbeitswelt: Immer mehr BÜRGER suchen ZWEIT—JOB für die Freizeit
20140823             NAVIGATIONS—SYSTEM Galileo: Europäische Satelliten in falscher Umlaufbahn ausgesetzt
20140823             BEIJING Independent Film Festival: BEHÖRDEN—IN—CHINA verbieten Filmfest
20140823             OSZE—BERICHT, RUSSISCHER—KONVOI hat —GEBIET DER—UKRAINE verlassen
20140823             —BESUCH—IN—KIEW: MERKEL verspricht UKRAINE 500.000.000—EURO Aufbauhilfe
20140823             —KAMPF—GEGEN—EBOLA, ELFENBEINKÜSTE macht Grenzen dicht
20140823             UM—FRAGE vor Landtagswahl: SPD liegt in BRANDENBURG klar vor der CDU
20140823             MERKEL—BESUCH IN—DER—UKRAINE: Hoffnungsträgerin für —1—TAG
20140823             Kinoleinwand abgefilmt: —3—JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—1—RAUB—KOPIE
20140823             —BEREITS, —NACHT—ZUM—IN—DER—SCHON, —FREITAG waren an dem Vulkan Bárdarbunga Erschütterungen mit 1—STÄRKE—VON—4,8 gemessen worden.
20140823             Innerhalb weniger —STUNDEN waren —NACH—DEN damaligen ANGABEN—DES—METEOROLOGISCHEN—INSTITUTS auf ISLAND 400—ERDBEBEN registriert worden.
20140823             Auf ISLAND sind gut 30—VULKANE aktiv.
20140823             DIE—INSEL—ISLAND mit IHREN—CA—317.000—BEWOHNERN erlebt im Durchschnitt alle —5—JAHRE 1—VULKANAUSBRUCH.
20140823             Wenn Sie Veröffentlichungen aus der GALILEO—VORPHASE lesen um DAS—JAHR
20140823             [l] Hey, bei diesem LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT... da geht es doch im Kern darum, daß GOOGLE seine markbeherrschende Stellung ausnutzt, um mit der Leistung von Verlagen Geld zu verdienen.
20140823             Für das Ausnutzen 1—MARKTBEHERRSCHENDEN Stellung ist doch ans ich das —KARTELL—AMT zuständig.
20140823             Was sagt denn das —KARTELL—AMT zum LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT?
20140823             Das hier: DAS—BUNDES—KARTELL—AMT hat 1—BESCHWERDE DEUTSCHER—VERLAGE gegen GOOGLE in Sachen LEISTUNGS—SCHUTZ—RECHT scharf zurückgewiesen.
20140823             "Die ANKNÜPFUNGS—PUNKTE für 1—EVENTUELL kartellrechtsrelevantes Verhalten von GOOGLE beruhen teilweise nur auf Mutmaßungen", heißt es in 1—BRIEF des Kartellamts, der FAZ_net vorliegt.
20140823             "Das eigentliche Beschwerdeziel bleibt unklar".
20140823             [l] Kurze Gegenüberstellung von 2—PRESSEBERICHTEN.
20140823             Nummer 1: RUSSLAND kämpft angeblich IN—DER—UKRAINE auf Seiten der REBELLEN mit.
20140823             Tonfall:
20140823             —ACCUSED, THE—WEST has long, RUSSIA
20140823             THE—RUSSIA—MOVE represents 1—SIGNIFICANT—ESCALATION
20140823             Nummer 2: USA—AMERIKANER kämpfte IN—DER—UKRAINE auf Seiten der PUTSCHISTEN—JUNTA mit.
20140823             Tonfall: He said he decided to take up arms AGAINST—THE—SEPARATIST—RUSSIA—BACKED REBELLION because of his family's UKRAINE—BACKGROUND,
20140823             as well as the frustration and helplessness that came with watching news reports on UKRAINE—DETERIORATING—SITUATION—AFTER MOSCOW—ANNEXATION—OF—CRIMEA.
20140823             1—HELDENHAFTER Held, der im Kampf gefallen ist!
20140823             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—DE—MAIZIÈRE: Wenn wir FLÜCHTLINGE aus dem IRAK aufnehmen, haben DIE—TERRORISTEN gewonnen!1!!
20140823             Ich bin ja immer wieder beeindruckt von der Nächstenliebe und den anderen christlichen Werten der VorzeigeCHRISTEN aus den Christlichen UNIONS—PARTEIEN.
20140823             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: In BELGIEN geht nach Kernkraftwerksmängeln das Licht aus.
20140823             Jedenfalls rechnen sie für —DEN—WINTER damit.
20140823             Zahlreiche Gemeinden könnten —WINTER—IM — zumindest stundenweise — ohne Strom dastehen.
20140823             INDUSTRIE—ANLAGEN müssen für —TAGE heruntergefahren werden, um Energie einzusparen.
20140823             In den öffentlichen Gebäuden sollen die Lichter auf Notbeleuchtung umgestellt werden.
20140823             BELGIEN hatte ja in ihrem 1—REAKTOR heruntergefahren, weil Haarrisse im Beton gefunden wurden.
20140823             Und zwar so Größenordnung: Tausende.
20140823             Ach was, hieß es damals, keine GEFAHR—FÜR—UMWELT und Bevölkerung.
20140823             DIE—RISSE SIND—ABER dann hat mal jemand mit aktueller Technik nachgeguckt.
20140823             Doch mit neuartigen ULTRASCHALL—TESTGERÄTEN habe man —IM—FRÜHJAHR das ganze Ausmaß des Schadens aufgedeckt und die sofortige Abschaltung veranlasst
20140823             —JETZT, sind die 1.ERGEBNISSE—DER—UNTERSUCHUNG geleakt.
20140823             Und die sehen wohl so aus, daß die 2—REAKTOREN nie wieder ans Netz gehen können.
20140823             Hach naja, BELGIEN, nicht so schlimm, denkt sich —JETZT vielleicht der 1—ODER andere.
20140823             Ist weit weg, und die Reaktoren sind ja abgeschaltet.
20140823             Ist doch alles gut —JETZT. Leider nicht.
20140823             Weitere 22—KESSEL in anderen europäischen Meilern wurden aus dem gleichen Material in der gleichen Weise gefertigt, darunter auch DEUTSCHE—ANLAGEN.
20140823             Ich würde —JETZT gerne mit 1 "keine GEFAHR—FÜR—MIT—ARBEITER und Anwohner"schließen, aber stattdessen steht in dem ARTIKEL das hier:
20140823             immer mehr EU—LÄNDER, die auf Kernkraft setzen, ringen mit gravierenden Schwierigkeiten an ihren Meilern.
20140823             —UPDATE, Das ist natürlich haltlose Panikmache mit dem "Licht aus".
20140823             Genau wie bei uns als es an das Abschalten der KERNKRAFTWERKE—ALTLASTEN ging.
20140823             [l] Die schlechte Nachricht: Den BRITEN sind mal wieder PATIENTEN—DATEN verloren gegangen.
20140823             DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: DIE—DATEN sind sicher.
20140823             DIE—SPEICHERTECHNIK ist so antik, daß das niemand lesen können wird.
20140823             Mit tollem Foto des coolen 5¼"-WORM—MEDIUMS
20140823             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, USA ziehen auch LUFT—SCHLÄGE—IN—SYRIEN in Betracht
20140823             —KÄMPFE—IN—DER—UKRAINE: DONEZK—STADION schwer beschädigt
20140823             Rücknahme von Ramschpapieren: GOLDMAN—SACHS muss 1,2—MILLIARDEN $ bezahlen
20140823             DIE—USA haben Galileo letztlich nur zugelassen, weil es so konstruiert wurde, dass DIE—USA es stören können, es aber die MILITÄR—GPS Variante nicht stört.
20140823             He said he decided to take up arms against the separatist RUSSIA—BACKED rebellion because of his family's UKRAINE—BACKGROUND, as well as the frustration and helplessness that came with watching news reports on UKRAINE—DETERIORATING —SITUATION—AFTER MOSCOW—ANNEXATION—OF—CRIMEA.
20140823             Da kann man sogar ohne ehrenrührige Nachteile erwähnen, dass der Mann INVESTMENT—BANKER war, so 1—HELD war das!
20140823             Aber dann hat mal jemand mit aktueller Technik nachgeguckt.
20140823             Leider nicht.
20140823—20000000    —UM—DAS—JAHR, Wenn Sie Veröffentlichungen aus der GALILEO—VORPHASE lesen finden Sie wüste DROHUNGEN—DER—USA gegen DAS—SYSTEM.
20140907             —SENTENCED, 1—AFGHANISTAN—JUDGE, 7—MEN to death for 20140823             —THE—GANG—RAPE—OF—4—WOMEN in 1—CASE that sparked nationwide outrage and highlighted the violence women face despite reforms —SINCE the Taliban era.
20150112—20160823    —ON, 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—COURT—SENTENCED—PERMYAKOV to life in prison.
20150823             GEWALT—GEGEN—FLÜCHTLINGE: DE—MAIZIÈRE kündigt "gesamte Härte des RECHTS—STAATES"an
20150823             Fachkräftemangel: Konzernboss will abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER in DEUTSCHLAND halten
20150823             —FUNKTIONIERT, DER—KAPITALISMUS, wie wir ihn kennen, nicht mehr.
20150823             Eigentlich ist KAPITALISMUS 1.tolle Sache.
20150823             Eines seiner Grundprinzipien lautet: DAS—GELD der Sparer, die für DIE—ZUKUNFT etwas zurücklegen, wird Unternehmen zur Verfügung gestellt, die in GESCHÄFTE—MIT—ZUKUNFT investieren.
20150823             Dort wird DAS—GELD gebündelt, neu verpackt und dann verliehen.
20150823             Eine große finanzielle Umwälzpumpe, die Wohlstandszuwächse ermöglicht wie kein anderes real existierendes Wirtschaftssystem.
20150823             Leider scheint dieses Modell nicht mehr zu funktionieren:
20150823             DIE—UNTERNEHMEN investieren immer weniger in neue Anlagen und Produkte.
20150823             Stattdessen schütten sie große Teile ihrer Gewinne an die Aktionäre aus.
20150823             Wohlstandszuwächse für die große MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER gibt es kaum noch.
20150823             Wundert es da irgendjemanden, dass DIE—BÖRSEN WELT—WEIT einbrechen?
20150823             Außerdem dürfte die AMERIKANISCHE—NOTEN—BANK—FED noch —DIESEN—HERBST den LEIT—ZINS anheben,
20150823             Was ist die tiefer liegende Ursache?
20150823             DIE—KAPITALISTISCHE—GELDUMWÄLZPUMPE, so sieht es aus, hat sich im Leerlauf überhitzt.
20150823             Offenkundig - DAS—SYSTEM vergrätzt seine Jünger.
20150823             Wie gesagt: Eigentlich ist KAPITALISMUS 1.tolle Sache.
20150823             Aber —DERZEIT, ist er dabei, sich selbst zu zerstören.
20150823             12. DER—KAPITALISMUS, rolandjulius —HEUTE, 12:05 Uhr
20150823             Der Krug geht zum Brunnen —BIS er bricht.
20150823             102. Die Realwirtschaft selbst ist DAS—PROBLEM - Pulam Arunachal —HEUTE, 13:03 Uhr
20150823             Der ständige FALL—DER—PROFITRATEN liegt gerade an der Produktivität der Realwirtschaft und gehört zum KAPITALISMUS wie das Amen in die Kirche.
20150823             Was soll —NUN noch kommen? - Doch auch ohne diese Krisendynamik, ohne die DER—KAPITALISMUS nicht denkbar ist, wäre dieser Lobgesag hier fehl am Platz.
20150823             Trotz der gewaltigen Produktivkräfte untergräbt unser WIRTSCHAFTS—SYSTEM die Möglichkeiten für den größten Teil DER—MENSCHHEIT und produziert Hunger und Elend!
20150823             Private Handybilder: "Das ultimative Freiheitsgefühl"
20150823             —BESTREITET, Gestopptes Attentat im Zug: THALYS—ANGREIFER, TERRORabsicht
20150823             MUSLIM—UND jüdische Ärzte waren Vorreiter in ihrem Beruf.
20150823             Muslime wachsen in 1—WELT der unterschiedlichsten Abhängigkeiten auf.
20150823             DIE—FRAUEN in der ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—MÄNNERN, DIE—JUGENDLICHEN in der ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—ÄLTEREN, die gesamte ISLAM—WELT in der Abhängigkeit der restlichen überlegenen Welt.
20150823             DIE—MUSLIME aber empfinden diese Abhängigkeiten als Unterordnung, fühlen sich immer in der Defensive und erfahren KONTROLL—VERLUST.
20150823             1—KRANKHEIT, die das Denken erfasst hat, macht nicht halt vor den vermeintlichen Schutzräumen der Intellektuellen.
20150823             Im Gegenteil: Sie sucht sich gerade dort 1—NÄHRBODEN, wo Ideen produziert und kommuniziert werden.
20150823             GEWALT—GEGEN—FLÜCHTLINGE: SPD fordert klare Worte von MERKEL
20150823             Welterbestätte in SYRIEN—IS—TERRORISTEN sprengen BAALSCHAMIN—TEMPEL in Palmyra
20150823             Die schlimmsten Befürchtungen der Archäologen haben sich bewahrheitet: TERRORISTEN des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"(IS) haben eines der wichtigsten antiken Bauwerke in der SYRISCHEN—RUINENSTADT Palmyra —ZERSTÖRT: den BAALSCHAMIN—TEMPEL, der im 01000101—01991231    n. Chr. errichtet worden war.
20150823             Baalschamin war Altertum in der LEVANTE verehrte Gottheit.
20150823             —VERZIERT, Der Tempel war reich, und —BIS zum Ausbruch des BÜRGER—KRIEGS 1.der wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in SYRIEN.
20150823             —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE hatten die DSCHIHADISTEN Khaled AL—ASAAD, den CHEF—ARCHÄOLOGEN von Palmyra, enthauptet.
20150823             Der 82—JÄHRIGE hatte sich für den Erhalt der antiken Stätte eingesetzt.
20150823             "Satan worshipers drown women with milk in Planned Parenthood COUNTER—PROTEST"
20150823             Satan worshipers drown women with milk in Planned Parenthood COUNTER—PROTEST
20150823             I'm not going to pretend that this is 1—IMPORTANT—STORY.
20150823             —DISCOVERED, All I'm going to say is that we have, —THIS—MONTH—BEST headline of all time.
20150823             "Satan worshipers drown women with milk in Planned Parenthood COUNTER—PROTEST".Say it loud and there's music playing.
20150823             Say it soft and it's almost like Satan.
20150823             If so, why?
20150823             Den Angeklagten drohen einfach so immense Kosten, dass die Ärmeren lieber 1.Tat gestehen, die sie nicht begangen haben, als von den Gerichtskosten erdrückt zu werden.
20150823             Wenn sie gestehen, müssen nur sie in den Knast.
20150823             Die Gerichtskosten ziehen auch noch die ganze Familie mit runter.
20150823             —BEWAHRHEITET, DIE—SCHLIMMSTEN Befürchtungen der Archäologen haben sich : TERRORISTEN des "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT"(IS) haben eines der wichtigsten antiken Bauwerke in der SYRISCHEN—RUINENSTADT Palmyra —ZERSTÖRT: den BAALSCHAMIN—TEMPEL, der im 01000101—01991231    n.
20150823             1—AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIAL said the bodies of 3—BORDER—POLICE—OFFICERS, abducted —LAST—WEEK in Paktika province, have been found by local residents.
20150823             —KILLED, Militants firing from AFGHANISTAN—TERRITORY, 4—PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS along the border at the Akhandwala Pass.
20150823             —REOPENED, BRITAIN—FOREIGN—SECRETARY, his country's embassy in TEHRAN in 1—LONG—AWAITED step signaling better relations —4—YEARS—AFTER 1—MOB stormed the compound, forcing its closure.
20150823             —KILLED, IRAQ, 17—SOLDIERS and 6—SUNNI militia fighters were, in 1—ATTACK by IS militants in the rural DISTRICT—OF—JARAMSHAH, NORTH—OF—ANBAR—PROVINCIAL—CAPITAL, Ramadi.
20150823             —FIRED, LEBANON—SECURITY—FORCES, water cannon at protesters demonstrating against the government near PRIME—MINISTER—TAMMAM—SALAM—OFFICES in BEIRUT as protesters mobilized over the government's failure to resolve 1—CRISIS over rubbish disposal.
20150823             —SUSPECTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE said that they have found 24—MORE—BODIES—OF, human trafficking victims —THIS—WEEK in jungles bordering THAILAND.
20150823             106—BODIES had been found —EARLIER.
20150823             MALDIVES police took FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—NASHEED back to jail even though his —13—YEAR—SENTENCE was commuted to house arrest —LAST—MONTH.
20150823             —RESUMED, NORTH—KOREA and SOUTH—KOREA, TOP—LEVEL—TALKS on avoiding 1 threatened military clash, even as SEOUL accused PYONGYANG of undermining the process with provocative naval and land deployments.
20150823             Typhoon Goni blew OUT—OF—THE—NORTH—PHILIPPINES —AFTER leaving at least 15—PEOPLE—DEAD and several others missing, including 12—MINERS whose work camps were buried by 1—HUGE mudslide in 1—MOUNTAIN—VILLAGE.
20150823             —COLLIDED, SWITZERLAND, 2—LIGHT—PLANES, in flight at 1—AIR—SHOW in Dittingen, killing 1—OF—THE—PILOTS.
20150823             —KILLED, SYRIA, separate rocket attacks, 11—PEOPLE in THE—REGIME—HELD, EAST—GHOUTA neighborhood NORTH—EAST—OF—DAMASCUS.
20150823             † 1—PERSON was killed in the capital itself.
20150823             Airstrikes hit THE—TOWN—OF—ARBIN, killing 4—CIVILIANS.
20150823             —FAMED, SYRIA, THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP blew up 1, temple in Palmyra, in 1—ACT THE—UN condemned as 1—WAR—CRIME and an "immense loss" for humanity.
20150823             —ARMED, TURKEY, Kurdish militants, with assault rifles attacked 1—HYDROELECTRIC—POWER—STATION—NEAR THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—DIYARBAKIR, killing 1—SOLDIER and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20150823             —FREED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES said that its military, UK—HOSTAGE—ROBERT—DOUGLAS—SEMPLE, —64—JAHRE—ALT who was kidnapped —18—MONTHS—AGO by AL—QAIDA in YEMEN.
20150823             THE—UAE has military forces in ADEN and is PART—OF—1—SAUDI—LED coalition of mostly Arab countries that has been bombing the Houthis and their allies —SINCE—LATE—MARCH.
20150823             VENEZUELA, GOVERNOR—JOSE—GREGORIO—VIELMA—MORA—OF—TACHIRA state said that 791—COLOMBIANS living in VENEZUELA illegally had been handed over to COLOMBIA—AUTHORITIES as 1—RESULT—OF—1—NOW —5—DAY—CRACKDOWN against smugglers and criminal gangs operating along the 1,400 mile (2,200 km) border.
20150823             VENEZUELA, fire broke out at 1—PRIVATE—SENIOR—FACILITY in the upscale neighborhood of La Castellana on the east side of CARACAS, leaving 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150823             —BOMBED, YEMEN, THE—SAUDI—LED coalition, rebel positions near the Bab EL—MANDEB strait to weaken them in preparation for 1—GROUND—OFFENSIVE there.
20150823             13—HOUTHI fighters reported were killed in the airstrikes.
20150823             4 suspected AL—QAEDA militants were killed overnight in 1—APPARENT—USA—DRONE—STRIKE in MUKALLA.
20150823             —FIRED, YEMEN, IRAN—BACKED Houthi rebels, rockets into 1—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICT—OF—TAEZ, killing 14—CIVILIANS, mostly women and children.
20150823             IRAN: BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFT in Teheran wiedereröffnet
20150823             —ZWISCHEN Sparern und Unternehmen wiederum stehen BANKEN und BÖRSEn:
20150823             DIE—GROßE kapitalistische Umwälzpumpe läuft leer.
20150823             —VON, SHANGHAI —BIS NEW—YORK fallen DIE—AKTIEN—KURSE:
20150823             Allein in der abgelaufenen —WOCHE verlor der SHANGHAI SE Composite mehr als 11 %, DER—DAX fast 8 %, der Dow fast 6 %, der Nikkei mehr als 5 %.
20150823             DIE—ÜBLICHE Begründung für den Sinkflug lautet: Durch die allgemeine Schwächephase der Schwellenländer, insbesondere CHINAs, trübten sich die Absatzerwartungen für DIE—UNTERNEHMEN ein.
20150823             DIE—IM DAX zusammengefassten DEUTSCHEN—KONZERNE kosteten —AM—FREITAG im Schnitt das 15-Fache ihres —JAHRESGEWINNS, weniger als im Durchschnitt der vergangenen —30—JAHRE,
20150823             DIE—KOMPLEXEREN Analysen des BÖRSEN—BLASEN—GURUS ROBERT—SHILLER, NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER von der YALE—UNIVERSITY—UND—ERFINDER—DES—AUSDRUCKS "irrationaler Überschwang", zeigen zwar, dass Aktien im historischen Vergleich nicht gerade billig sind.
20150823             Wenn die Manager —SCHON nicht wissen, wo sie ihr Geld investieren sollen, warum sollten ANLEGER ihnen dann Geld zum Investieren zur Verfügung stellen?
20150823             Offenkundig haben wir es mit 1—GRUNDLEGENDEN VERTRAUENS—KRISE zu tun.
20150823             OFFENKUNDIG—DER leerlaufende KAPITALISMUS macht —INZWISCHEN seinen eifrigsten Protagonisten Sorgen.
20150823             BANK—OF—ENGLAND—VORDENKER Haldane stellt gar die heutige ART—DER—UNTERNEHMENSFÜHRUNG ("Corporate Governance") in Frage.
20150823             rolandjulius 1205—HEUTE—DER Krug geht zum Brunnen —BIS er bricht.
20150823             DIE—REAL—WIRTSCHAFT selbst ist DAS—PROBLEM—PULAM Arunachal 1303—HEUTE
20150823             Nicht DIE—FINANZ—WIRTSCHAFT, sondern die REAL—WIRTSCHAFT ist DAS—PROBLEM: WELT—WEIT sind keine profitablen Investitionsmöglichkeiten mehr übrig.
20150823             war die HEIL—KUNST im MITTEL—ALTER—IM Orient zu Hause.
20150823             DIE—UNHEILBARKEIT der muslimischen Psyche hängt unmittelbar mit dem VERLUST—DER—KREATIVEN—KRÄFTE—DER—ISLAMISCHEN—KULTUR zusammen.
20150823             DIE—UNHEILBARKEIT ist 1.Folge der permanenten Unterlegenheit gegenüber 1—AUF allen Ebenen überlegenen fremden Kultur.
20150823             —GEHÖRT, Zur Unheilbarkeit des muslimischen Komplexes, der feste Glaube an 1.VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE.
20150823             DIE—ERREGER der Krankheit sitzen im Denkapparat und haben längst die Strukturen des Denkens kontaminiert.
20150823             —FRÜHER, oder später, mit mehr oder weniger Verlusten, wird DIE—FREIHEITLICHE Welt auf den ZIVILISATIONsbruch in DER—ISLAMISCHEN Welt reagieren müssen, ähnlich wie DIE—USA 19410000             auf NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND reagiert haben.
20150823             "Machtarroganter GAUNER": FDP will FRANZ—JOSEF—STRAUSS—FLUGHAFEN umbenennen
20150823             LIBANON: Mehr als 70—VERLETZTE bei MÜLL—PROTESTEN
20150823             I don't have much to add here.
20150823             —AT—1—POINT—IF you live outside THE—USA, I have to ask: Does anyone in your country still take THE—USA seriously?
20150823             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Frauen dürfen —JETZT in SAUDI—ARABIEN wählen.
20150823             DIE—SCHLECHTE Nachricht: SAUDI—ARABIEN ist 1.Monarchie, keine parlamentarische Demokratie.
20150823             [l] DIE—BRITEN haben 1.tolle Methode zur GERICHT—VERFAHRENSÖKONOMIE gefunden.
20150823             [l] In der Science FICTION—LITERATUR ist genetisches Gedächtnis ein gerne verwendetes Trope von ALIEN—RASSEN oder irgendwelchen HYPER—FORTSCHRITTLICHEN Technologien, aber —JETZT konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDE ihr Trauma über die Gene an ihre Kinder weitergegeben haben.
20150823—19730000    —SEIT dem ENDE—DER—NACH—KRIEGS—PROSPERITÄT konnte DIESE—KRISE immer nur kurzfristig durch die Ausdehnung des KAPITALISMUS auf neue Märkte und die Erschließung der letzten Winkel des Planeten abgemildert werden.
20150902—20150823    —VIOLATED, MACHAR—REBELS also, the —AUGUST ceasefire by launching attacks in Unity state.
20151213—20150823    —SENTENCED, Roberts was, to —18—YEARS to life in prison.
20160823             E—MAIL—AFFÄRE: HILLARY—CLINTON droht neuer Ärger
20160823             USA—POLIZIST erschießt gehörlosen Temposünder
20160823             Höhenkrankheit: Alpenaufenthalt soll auf MARS—MISSION vorbereiten
20160823             "Mulholland Drive"von Regisseur DAVID—LYNCH ist der beste Film des 20000101—20991231    ..
20160823             Zumindest wenn man nach der Meinung von professionellen Kinogängern geht.
20160823             Hier kann man das ganz gut sehen.
20160823             Modell Klingelbeutel mit 1—PACKUNG FUD ala "wenn das Freiwillige machen, wird das eh nichts und birgt Risiken".
20160823             Daher lieber als KOMMERZ—SERVICE mit Industriepartnern aus den 5—EYES!
20160823             [l] Deal des Tages:
20160823             —NUN hat BUNDES—KANZLERIN—MERKEL in 1—ZEITUNGSINTERVIEW von allen türkischstämmigen Bürgern Loyalität eingefordert.
20160823             Im Gegenzug will sie "versuchen, ein offenes Ohr zu haben".
20160823             Das Schlüsselwort ist "versuchen", ja?
20160823             So sieht DIE—MERKEL ihren Job!
20160823             [l] Benutzt ihr ALLE—ADBLOCKER? Solltet ihr.
20160823             DER—NEUESTE Trend aus DEN—USA ist, dass Webseiten ihre Besucher per E—MAIL zuspammen.
20160823             Nein, nicht Webseiten, auf denen man 1—ACCOUNT eingerichtet und denen man seine E—MAIL—ADRESSE gesagt hat.
20160823             Werbenetzwerke können ja Benutzer seitenübergreifend zuordnen.
20160823             Das ist genau deren Funktion.
20160823             Und wenn man —JETZT irgendwo innerhalb des NETZ—WERKS seine E—MAIL—ADRESSE hinterlegt hat, dann kann man von jedem anderen Teilnehmer mit Spam bespritzt werden.
20160823             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Anrufbeantworter.
20160823             NEW—HOTNESS: Abmahnbeantworter! Win7 INDIA Flag Ahmedabad,
20160823             Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design
20160823             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 2:38 PM
20160823             Missy Vixen : 6:26 PM
20160823             CLINTON—E—MAIL—AFFÄRE—AFFÄRE: HILLARYs Mails und Bills Stiftung
20160823             Kauflust nach BREXIT—VOTUM: Aldi und Lidl gewinnen stark in GROß—BRITANNIEN hinzu
20160823             WhatsApp, Telegram und Co.: DE—MAIZIÈRE fordert Grenzen für Verschlüsselung
20160823             OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—DEN—IS: TÜRKEI ordnet Evakuierung von Grenzstadt an
20160823             Denn wenn, —NACHDEM DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST, den man immer fragt, wenn die eigenen Leute zu inkompetent sind, wenn DENEN ihre HINTERTÜR—SCHLÜSSEL geklaut werden, wie kann man sich dann vor 1—MIKROFON stellen und so tun, als wären UNSERE Hintertüren —SCHON sicher.
20160823             Die wären nicht mal vor GCHQ und NSA sicher!
20160823             Vermutlich nicht mal vor Jugend Forscht.
20160823             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: "Rote Flora: POLIZEI übermalt ERMITTLER—PORTRÄTS".
20160823             "Mulholland Drive"von Regisseur DAVID—LYNCH ist der beste Film 20000101—20991231    —DES..
20160823             1.Liste der "100—GREATEST Films of the 20010101—21001231     so far"
20160823             PALESTINE—AHMED—HALAWA, the alleged leader of 20160818             —THE—ATTACK—ON—SECURITY—POLICE, was arrested by police overnight and taken to the city's Jneid prison.
20160823             —VISITED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, LOUISIANA to assess flood damage there, days —AFTER he was criticized for not cutting short his vacation on MARTHA—VINEYARD to view the devastation in the Gulf Coast state.
20160823             THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—EMPIRE STATE—REALTY—TRUST—INCORPORATED, which manages the 102-story, 1,454-foot (443-meter) -tall building, announced that THE—QATAR—INVESTMENT—AUTHORITY has purchased a 9.9-percent stake in the company for $622—MILLION.
20160823             —SHOUTED, AUSTRALIA, visiting Frenchman Smail Ayad (29), "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) as he stabbed 1—UK—WOMAN to death and wounded 2—PEOPLE at 1—BACKPACKERS' hotel in in Home Hill, Queensland state.
20160823             —IDENTIFIED, The dead woman was, as MIA—AYLIFFE—CHUNG, —21—JAHRE—ALT from THE—ENGLAND—COUNTY—OF—DERBYSHIRE.
20160823             Shamim is 1—KEY organizer of the banned group Ansarullah Bangla Team.
20160823             —REIMPOSED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, ANTI—DUMPING duties on 3—CHINA—EXPORTERS of solar modules and cells citing breaches to terms of 1—AGREEMENT they had reached with BRUSSELS not to sell below 1—MINIMUM—PRICE.
20160823             —KILLED, FRANCE, 1—SUDAN—MIGRANT was, overnight and another injured in clashes with AFGHANISTAN—MIGRANTS outside the port of Calais.
20160823             —FIRED, Government forces in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir, bullets and shotgun pellets to break up protests demanding 1—END to INDIA—RULE in the disputed region, injuring at least 14—PEOPLE.
20160823             —AIMED, IRAQ—SPECIAL—FORCES led 1—OPERATION, at retaking THE—JIHADIST—HELD TOWN—OF—QAYYARAH, 1—KEY staging base for operations to attack MOSUL.
20160823             —ABANDONED, ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS, Qayyarah —AFTER setting fire to MANY—OF—THE—REGION—OIL wells.
20160823             —UNCOVERED, ISRAEL, 1—ILLEGAL—PALESTINE—WEAPONS manufacturing network in THE—WEST—BANK overnight in 1—OF—ITS—LARGEST—RAIDS —DURING —1—MONTHS—LONG—CRACKDOWN on illicit arms.
20160823             Palestinians believe 1—ISLAM—CLERIC, Sheikh Yussef Dweikat, was buried there —2—CENTURIES—AGO.
20160823             MYANMAR, 1—STATEMENT by THE—OFFICE—OF—STATE—COUNSELOR—AUNG—S—SUU—KYI said 1—AGREEMENT will be signed between her OFFICE—AND—THE—KOFI—ANNAN—FOUNDATION to set up a 9—MEMBER—ADVISORY—COMMISSION to resolve protracted issues in the conflict in Rakhine state.
20160823             NEW—ZEALAND police said former pharmaceutical executive WILLIAM—YAN, —47—JAHRE—ALT, who CHINA—AUTHORITIES accuse of embezzling money and fleeing to NEW—ZEALAND, has settled his case for $31—MILLION in 1—DEAL that represents 1—UNUSUAL—LEVEL—OF—COOPERATION between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20160823             Police said the money would be SPLIT between THE—NEW—ZEALAND and CHINA—GOVERNMENTS, with the amount each would get still to be determined.
20160823             —SHUTTERED, PAKISTAN—PARAMILITARY—RANGERS, the offices of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement in the port CITY—OF—KARACHI, HYDERABAD and elsewhere in the country —AFTER overnight clashes in KARACHI left 1—PERSON—DEAD and 8 wounded.
20160823             † Once there, he was severely beaten by security personnel, lost conciousness and.
20160823             THE—PHILIPPINES' national police CHIEF said about 300—OF—HIS—OFFICERS were suspected to be involved in the drugs trade, warning these personnel will be removed and charged in court if found guilty.
20160823             The police CHIEF—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES told 1—SENATE hearing that CHINA, TAIWAN and HONG—KONG were major sources of illegal drugs, and CHINA—TRIADS were involved in trafficking.
20160823             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA—YONHAP news agency, that NORTH—KOREA has laid landmines in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between THE—2—KOREAS, —AFTER THE—START—OF—ANNUAL—USA—SOUTH—KOREAN—MILITARY—EXERCISES.
20160823             —CHARGED, SWITZERLAND—PROSECUTORS said they've, 3—PEOPLE accused of illegally obtaining data on at least 133,600 credit cards with computer fraud —FOLLOWING their extradition from THAILAND.
20160823             1—THAILAND—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL indicted 8—PEOPLE with sedition for running 1—FACEBOOK page that mocked the kingdom's junta CHIEF, making them the latest VICTIMS—OF—THE—REGIME—CRACKDOWN on dissent.
20160823             1—THAILAND—MILITARY—COURT rejected allegations by 2—UIGHUR defendants that they were tortured in custody to confess to bombing 1—POPULAR—HINDU shrine in BANGKOK —LAST—YEAR that left 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160823             —POSTPONED, The court then, the rest of the hearing to —NEXT—MONTH because no UIGHUR—LANGUAGE—TRANSLATOR was available.
20160823             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 2—BOMBS, near 1—HOTEL in Pattani, killing 1—EMPLOYEE and wounding 29—PEOPLE.
20160823             —REPORTED, TURKEY—MEDIA, that 1—MILITARY—VEHICLE was hit by 1 improvised explosive device in SOUTH—EAST—SIRNAK province, killing 2—SOLDIERS.
20160823             —SHELLED, TURKEY—ARTILLERY, ISLAM—STATE—GROUP—TARGETS across the border in Syria for a 2. consecutive —DAY.
20160823             2—MORTAR shells fired from Syria hit the border TOWN—OF—KARKAMIS.
20160823             3—ROCKET shells fired from Syria hit the border TOWN—OF—KILIS.
20160823             DONALD—TRUMP—EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK, Hart statt menschlich
20160823             Integration: MERKEL ruft türkischstämmige DEUTSCHE zu Loyalität auf
20160823             —DEBATTE um Vollverschleierung: Der Wahrheit ins Gesicht schauen
20160823             BUNDES—REGIERUNG: ZIVIL—SCHUTZ—KONZEPT spielt Aktivierung der WEHR—PFLICHT durch
20160823             —VON, KURDEN erobertes Manbidsch: DER—IS ist geflohen, DIE—ANGST bleibt
20160823             ABGAS—AFFÄRE: REGIERUNGS—BERICHT soll heikle Details zu Renault unterschlagen haben
20160823             FACEBOOK—AKTIEN verkauFT, Zuckerbergs Weltverbesserungsdings erlöst 95.000.000—DOLLAR
20160823             GEWERKSCHAFT, Verschleierte Mädchen nicht vom Unterricht ausschließen
20160823             NEU—DELHI: Ärzte holen 40—TASCHENMESSER aus PATIENTEN—BAUCH
20160823             FLÜCHTLINGE über ihr —JAHR in DEUTSCHLAND: "Hier kann ich sein, wer ich sein will"
20160823             [l] Wo geht bei Tor die Reise hin, —JETZT, wo die ganzen Freiwilligen sich distanzieren?
20160823             1 3. Einsender verweist auf dieses EU—PAPIER für mehr Toleranz, das, aus dem entsprechenden Blickwinkel gelesen, wie DIE—EINFÜHRUNG 1—INDOKTRINATIONSMASCHINERIE klingt (besonders Sektion 8—UND 9).
20160823             [l] Benutzt ihr ALLE—AD—BLOCKER?
20160823    - Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design
20160823             —AFTER CLINTON, it took the combined EFFORTS—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT, 20010911             AND THE—IRAQ war to get and keep 1—REPUBLICAN in THE—OVAL—OFFICE.
20160823             NAZI—KUNST—RAUB, CRANACH—BILDER bleiben IN—DEN—USA
20160823             —KAMPF—GEGEN—ANWALTSMASCHE: WEB—DIENST soll bei unberechtigten Abmahnungen helfen
20160823             GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG: Forscher überlisten Apps per 3D-Modell
20160823             SYRISCHE—STADT Hasaka: KURDEN und ASSAD—REGIME einigen sich auf Waffenpause
20160823             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—DER WissenschaFT, Neue Freunde, neue Erfahrungen, neue Hoffnung
20160823             —FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER in GRIECHENLAND: 40—GRAD—CELSIUS im ZELT—DRAUßEN ist es schlimmer
20160823             USA—GEFÄNGNISSE: Instantnudeln verdrängen Zigaretten als Knastwährung
20160823             PARISer Hoteliers: Mit Rabatten gegen DIE—TERROR—ANGST
20160823             —NACH, knapp —2—JAHREN: NASA hat wieder Kontakt zu SONNEN—SATELLIT "Stereo B"
20160823             Schneller als DIE—DEUTSCHEN: SCHWEIZER—POST testet selbst fahrende Roboter
20160823             —BESTÄTIGUNG aus WASHINGTON: ANKARA stellt AUSLIEFERUNGS—ANTRAG für Gülen
20160823             [l] DE—MAIZIÈRE hofft inständig, daß keiner von euch die SHADOWBROKER—GESCHICHTE MITGE—KRIEGT hat.
20160823             Abgesehen davon, daß ich nicht in 1—LAND leben möchte, in dem DER—STAAT glaubt, er müsse mein Tagebuch entschlüsseln können.
20160823—20160930    —ON, UK—BACKPACKER THOMAS—JACKSON, —30—JAHRE—ALT † of his wounds.
20160823—20161031    —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH—POLICE, Moinul Islam Shamim, suspected of killing PUBLISHER—AREFIN—DEEPAN in his OFFICE—IN—DHAKA, as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on radicals blamed for violent attacks on foreigners, liberals and minorities.
20170526—20170823    —ON, 1—LAWYER for Ricks filed 1—LAWSUIT seeking over $100—MILLION.
20170811—20170823    —ON, police confirmed that DNA tests of the torso matched Wall.
20170823             —CALLED, A—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—REPORT, for incentives to boost COAL—FIRED and nuclear power plants —FOLLOWING 1—SLEW of closures that it said undermined reliable SOURCES—OF—ELECTRICITY.
20170823             —DISMISSED, THE—USA—NAVY, ADMIRAL—SCOTT—SWIFT, THE—COMMANDER—OF—THE—ASIA—BASED 7. Fleet, —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—WARSHIP—ACCIDENTS raised questions about its operations in the Pacific.
20170823             —RESIGNED, UC BERKELEY energy Professor DANIEL—KAMMEN, from his envoy position with THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, citing THE—PRESIDENT'S "HATE—FILLED—RALLY" in PHOENIX the night —BEFORE.
20170823             Kammen used the 1. letter in EACH—OF—7—PARAGRAPHS in his resignation letter to spell out I—M—P—E—A—C—H.
20170823             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SAN—FRANCISCO (USF), that philanthropist GORDON—GETTY will give it $15—MILLION to establish 1—COLLEGE, to be called the Honors College, for top students to study the arts, sciences and humanities.
20170823             —ANNOUNCED, In THE—SF—BAY—AREA S—LEANDRO—BASED—MEMPHIS—MEATS, that it has raised $17—MILLION in funding to create SLAUGHTER—FREE—MEAT.
20170823             The new ROUND—OF—INVESTMENT was led by venture CAPITAL—FIRM—DFJ and included agribusiness giant Cargill.
20170823             —SENTENCED, IOWA, computer programmer EDDIE—TIPTON was, to up to —25—YEARS—IN—PRISON for rigging computers to make lottery numbers predictable.
20170823             Tipton gave the numbers to ROBERT—RHODES—OF—TEXAS and others who won $2.2—MILLION in 4—STATE jackpots.
20170823             2—HARVARD University researchers in 1—STUDY published —TODAY said they had collected scientific data proving Exxon Mobil Corp made "explicit factual misrepresentations" in newspaper ads it purchased to convey its views on the oil industry and climate science.
20170823             AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber targeting AFGHANISTAN—POLICEMEN and soldiers collecting their pay killed at least 7—PEOPLE and wounded MORE—THAN—40 in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province.
20170823             —VOTED, Angolans, in 1—ELECTION marking THE—END—OF—PRESIDENT—JOSE—EDUARDO dos SANTOS—38—YEAR—REIGN, with his MPLA party set to retain power despite 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS.
20170823             Joao Lourenco (63), 1—RULING—PARTY—LOYALIST and former general who endured several years out of favor, was poised to win.
20170823             —OUTLINED, BRITAIN, several escape routes from the "direct jurisdiction" of the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE—AFTER Brexit, 1—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY—KEY—AIMS in talks to unstitch —40—YEARS—OF—EU membership.
20170823             2—INDEPENDENT—CAMBODIA—RADIO—STATIONS that allowed rare CRITICISM—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT said they are being forced to shut down, further limiting opportunities for political activity and expression AHEAD—OF—NEXT—YEAR—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20170823             —ANNOUNCED, The closures were, THE—SAME—DAY the foreign ministry ordered foreign staff MEMBERS—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—BASED National Democratic Institute to leave the country within —1—WEEK and halt operations.
20170823             CHAD—GOVERNMENT says it is closing QATAR—EMBASSY there and accuses the Gulf nation of trying to destabilize THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—COUNTRY—VIA neighboring LIBYA.
20170823             —RECAPTURED, IRAQ—FORCES, several districts and advanced towards the center of Tal Afar, 1—OF—THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP—LAST—STRONGHOLDS in the country.
20170823             —VISITED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, RUSSIA to voice concern about IRAN—EFFORTS to expand its foothold in Syria.
20170823             JAMAICA, SEAN—O'CALLAGHAN, —62—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—IRA assassin and police informant, drowned in 1—POOL—WHILE visiting his daughter.
20170823             —KILLED, LEBANON, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—GROUP—FATAH were, in worsening clashes with Islamist groups in the Ain EL—HILWEH camp PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP, bringing the number of dead to 6 in NEARLY—1—WEEK—OF fighting.
20170823             —BEHEADED, LIBYA, at least 11—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—ATTACK—ON—1—CHECKPOINT controlled by military strongman Khalifa Haftar SOUTH—OF—TRIPOLI.
20170823             † Typhoon Hato left 5—DEAD in the gambling hub of MACAU as it brought chaos and destruction to the enclave —AFTER sweeping through neighboring HONG—KONG, where 1—MAN also.
20170823             —APPEARED, THOUSANDS—OF—COCKROACHES, to flee the typhoon by marching along 1—SEAWALL.
20170823             MACEDONIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—ZAEV and SERBIA—PRESIDENT—ALEKSANDAR—VUCIC spoke on the phone and agreed to work to improve bilateral relations.
20170823             1—HOLLAND—COURT sentenced a —47—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN to —40—HOURS—OF—COMMUNITY—SERVICE for threatening the country's PRIME—MINISTER in 1—FACEBOOK post.
20170823             The woman from LEIDEN —POSTED 1—IMAGE—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—MARK—RUTTE with 1—NOOSE —AROUND his neck.
20170823             —ENTERED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram fighters, villages in the Nganzai area, slitting throats and using guns to kill at least 15—PEOPLE—WHILE injuring 2—OTHERS.
20170823             —ATTACKED, Suspected Boko Haram fighters also, in the Guzamala local council area, killing 12—PEOPLE and injuring at least 4.
20170823             POLAND—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said 1—ADDITIONAL—200—BILLION zlotys ($55—BILLION) will be allocated on defense over THE—NEXT—15—YEARS to modernize the army amid signs of growing aggression from RUSSIA.
20170823             —RESTORED, QATAR, full diplomatic relations with IRAN and promised to send its ambassador back to TEHRAN, 1—MOVE counter to the demands of Arab nations trying to isolate DOHA as PART—OF—1—REGIONAL—DISPUTE.
20170823             1—MOSCOW court put revered theater director Kirill Serebrennikov (47) under house arrest on charges of embezzling $1.1—MILLION, the latest step in 1—CASE widely seen as PART—OF—1—CRACKDOWN on FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION in RUSSIA.
20170823             —OPENED, SOUTH—AFRICA—1. legal auction of rhino horns, for bids and 264—HORNS went on sale —AFTER THE—OWNER—OF—THE—WORLD—BIGGEST private rhino herd won 1—COURT—CASE against the government.
20170823             SWITZERLAND, up to 14—PEOPLE including Germans, Austrians and SWITZERLAND—WENT missing —AFTER 1—LANDSLIDE struck the eastern canton of Grisons near THE—ITALIEN—BORDER.
20170823             —RESURFACED, VENEZUELA—FUGITIVE former top prosecutor Luisa Ortega (59), in BRAZIL claiming to possess "1—LOT" of PROOF—OF—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—CORRUPTION and to warn that her life remains in danger.
20170823             YEMEN, at least 41—PEOPLE, including civilians, were reported killed in air raids on the outskirts of SANAA, where 1—SAUDI—LED coalition has been bombing IRAN—BACKED Huthi rebels.
20170823—19980000    —PUBLISHED, His popular memoir "THE—INFORMER" was.
20170823—20170825    —PLEADED, Rhodes, guilty to fraud in IOWA and 1—COMPUTER—CRIME in WISCONSIN and was sentenced to YEARS—OF—PROBATION and —6—MONTHS—OF—HOME—CONFINEMENT.
20170824—20170823    —FROM—THE, It said another opposition group, CASA—CE, has 9—PERCENT in the partial count election.
20170825             ANGOLA—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION said the ruling MPLA party convincingly won 20170823             —THE general election citing provisional results, but the main opposition rejected the outcome.
20170915—20170823    —SINCE, THE—CLEVELAND—INDIANS had their AL record run stopped at 22—STRAIGHT—GAMES as they were beaten 4—3—BY THE—KANSAS—CITY—ROYALS, who became the 1. team to conquer the defending league champions.
20180705—20180823    —ON, authorities arrested JOHN—COLIN—EAGLE—SKODA, —32—JAHRE—ALT on suspicion of —STARTING the Klamathon fire.
20180823             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES had coerced DOZENS—OF—PARENTS separated from their children at the border to sign documents they did not understand.
20180823             —ANNOUNCED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—SUPERIOR—COURT, that it has started waiving administrative fees going back to —EARLY—AUGUST.
20180823             † MISSISSIPPI inmate NICOLE—RATHMANN (33) —AFTER suffering a "massive" stroke and bleeding on the brain.
20180823             —ATTACKED, She had been, —2—DAYS—EARLIER by another inmate as she lay on her bunk at THE—CENTRAL—MISSISSIPPI Correctional Facility.
20180823             1—LAWSUIT—LATER claimed guards did not intervene —WHILE she was being beaten with 1—SOCK filled with bars of soap.
20180823             USA—COMPOSER—GEORGE—WALKER was the 1. black composer to win the Pulitzer Prize for music (19960000             ).
20180823             —RAIDED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 3—VILLAGES on the outskirts of Ghazni —LATE—TODAY, destroying SOME—NEWLY built checkpoints and cutting off power to SOME—PARTS—OF—THE—CITY.
20180823             —COLLIDED, SOUTH—BOSNIA, 2—FREIGHT trains, HEAD—ON —EARLY—TODAY, killing 2—PEOPLE and seriously injuring 1—MORE in THE—TOWN—OF—JABLANICA.
20180823             —PUBLISHED, BRITAIN, 25—SO—CALLED—TECHNICAL—NOTICES advising companies and people how to prepare for ANY—DISRUPTION that might arise from 1—DISORDERLY Brexit where there is no deal with THE—EUROPEAN—UNION.
20180823             —CALLED, THE—GOVERNMENT, for drug makers to build 1—ADDITIONAL —6—WEEKS of medicines stockpiles to cope with potential supply disruption in the event of 1—NO—DEAL—BREXIT - 1—TARGET the industry said would be challenging.
20180823             UK—AIRWAYS said it is suspending flights between LONDON and TEHRAN because they are not commercially viable.
20180823             —PLEDGED, CHECHNYA—LEADER—RAMZAN Kadyrov, to ban human rights activists from THE—RUSSIA—REGION, —AFTER being repeatedly accused of overseeing systematic rights abuses.
20180823             —UNVEILED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, a 1. tranche of 18—MILLION—EUROS ($21—MILLION) to help bolster IRAN—FLAGGING economy — 8—MILLION for the private sector, 8—MILLION to cope with environmental problems and 2—MILLION for drug abuse.
20180823             THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS (ECHR) said HUNGARY must provide food to asylum seekers held in detention camps on its border with Serbia whose applications have been rejected by BUDAPEST but who are appealing the decision.
20180823             Europol, the European law enforcement agency, said police in Mallorca have seized —AROUND 1,100 turtles and 750—EGGS, including specimens of 14—OF—THE—50—MOST endangered species in the world.
20180823             Europol also said SPAIN—POLICE have shut down what they believe to be EUROPE—BIGGEST illegal turtle farm, selling endangered species worth 10,000 euros ($11,500) each.
20180823             —STABBED, FRANCE, 1—MAN, —36—JAHRE—ALT, his mother and sister to death and seriously injured another person in 1—TOWN—NEAR—PARIS —BEFORE being shot dead by police.
20180823             —FORCED, GERMANY, 1—WILDFIRE SOUTH—WEST—OF—BERLIN, the evacuation of residents in 3—VILLAGES.
20180823             INDIA, the ruling party in Kerala state, run by THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—OF—INDIA (Marxist), protested the central government's refusal to accept $100—MILLION in relief offered by foreign governments.
20180823             IRAN, BRITISH—IRAN—CHARITY—WORKER—NAZANIN ZAGHARI—RATCLIFFE left the Evin prison for a —3—DAY furlough, 1—BREAKTHROUGH in the case that her family hopes will lead to permanent freedom.
20180823             —ARRIVED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, in LITHUANIA for 1—BALTIC—SUMMIT saying he hoped to deepen ties with EAST—EU nations as BRUSSELS blasted ISRAEL—PLANS for fresh settlements in THE—WEST—BANK.
20180823             WEST—LIBYA, militants SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the extremist ISLAM—STATE—GROUP killed at least 4—PEOPLE, including security forces, at 1—CHECKPOINT outside THE—TOWN—OF—ZLITEN.
20180823             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 1—SOLDIER and wounded another 3 in the northwest near Dand Kalay in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20180823             RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SECRETARY—NIKOLAI—PATRUSHEV said he and his USA counterpart JOHN—BOLTON have broadly agreed to RE—OPEN—COMMUNICATION—LINES between their respective foreign and defense ministries.
20180823             —ROARED, MOUNT—ETNA in Sicily, back into spectacular volcanic action, sending up plumes of ash and spewing lava.
20180823             —RECOVERED, TUNISIA—COAST—GUARD, the bodies of 5—MIGRANTS whose boat sank as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to THE—ITALIEN—ISLAND—OF—LAMPEDUSA.
20180823             Kyagulanyi Ssentamu (36), also known as Bobi Wine, 1—UGANDA—POP STAR—TURNED—LAWMAKER who opposes the longtime PRESIDENT, was charged with treason in 1—CIVILIAN—COURT, minutes —AFTER 1—MILITARY—COURT dropped weapons charges.
20180823             —CALLED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS refugee and migration agencies, on Latin USA—COUNTRIES to ease entry for VENEZUELA—NATIONALS fleeing economic hardship and 1—DEEPENING political crisis.
20180823             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, AN—FÜHRER DER—TERROR—MILIZ—IS, angebliche Audiobotschaft von BAGHDADi
20180823             —GESTARTET, Satellit "Aeolus": Der teuerste Windmesser aller Zeiten
20180823             —STREIT—UM—USA—PASTOR: TÜRKEI wirft USA gezielten WIRTSCHAFTS—KRIEG vor
20180823             USA—PRÄSIDENT—UNTER—DRUCK: Wie sich DONALD—TRUMP in der COHEN—AFFÄRE verteidigt
20180823             Vermeintliches Superfood: Wie (un)gesund ist Kokosfett?
20180823             Pöbelnder LKA—MITARBEITER—BEI—DEMO: "DIE—VORGÄNGE in SACHSEN sind wirklich besorgniserregend"
20180823             —HANDELS—STREIT—USA und CHINA setzen neue STRAF—ZÖLLE in Kraft
20180823             REVOLTE—IN—DER eigenen Partei: AUSTRALIENs PREMIER—MINISTER vor dem politischen Aus
20180823             —VOR, Kongresswahlen, USA—DEMOKRATEN wehren HACKER—ANGRIFF ab
20180823             Zum ;;0901, EU macht Schluss mit HALOGENLAMPEN—LINKE in BERLIN: Die AVOCADO—GENOSSEN
20180823             EX—WAHL—KAMPFMANAGER: DONALD—TRUMP erwägt Begnadigung von MANAFORT
20180823             DENISOVA—HÖHLE: Knochen belegt ungewöhnlichen STEIN—ZEIT—SEX
20180823             UM—BAU zu Speichern: KOHLE—MEILER könnten bei ENERGIE—WENDE helfen
20180823             Rat an Regierung: —EXPERTEN fordern ENDE—DES—SOZIALEN—WOHNUNGSBAUS
20180823             Das kleine Knochenfragment, das RUSSISCHE—ARCHÄOLOGEN 20120000             in der DENISOVA—HÖHLE entdeckten, hat es in sich.
20180823             DIE—UNTERSUCHUNG zeige unter anderem, daß die 2—GRUPPEN—VON—FRÜH—MENSCHEN sich häufiger miteinander vermehrten als —BISLANG, angenommen.
20180823             "NEANDERTALER und DENISovaner hatten vielleicht nicht VIELE—GELEGENHEITEN, einander zu treffen.
20180823             DIE—NEANDERTALER bevölkerten vor allem den westlichen Raum, DENISovaner den östlichen.
20180823             Überreste von letzteren fanden sich —BISHER, ausschließlich in der DENISOVA—HÖHLE im russischen ALTA1—GEBIRGE, wo auch Spuren von NEANDERTALERn gefunden worden sind.
20180823             Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, daß es von 1—ZUM ZEIT—PUNKT des Todes mindestens, —13—JAHRE—ALT Mädchen stammt.
20180823             Rothaarige gab es unter den NEANDERTALERn wohl nicht.
20180823             PAUL—MANAFORT: 1—EINZIGES Jurymitglied verhinderte Schuldspruch in 10—PUNKTEN
20180823             Wegen DATEN—SAMMLUNG: APPLE drängt FACEBOOK—APP Onavo aus dem App Store
20180823             —INVESTIERT, Übernahmen geplant: VW, MILLIARDEN in digitale Dienste
20180823             Akademisierung in DEUTSCHLAND: Immer mehr Menschen erreichen Hochschulabschluss CORONA—VIRUS
20180823             FAHR—VERBOTE in STUTTGART  : Dieselstinker zahlen 80—EURO Bußgeld
20180823             Drogenfund: Rekordmenge Kokain im BELGISCHEN—HAFEN GENT entdeckt
20180823             Einsparungen in der Zentrale: SIEMENS—CHEF—JOE—KAESER peilt ABBAU—VON—20.000—STELLEN an
20180823             BRASILIEN: Drohne filmt abgeschottete UR—EINWOHNER
20180823             BREXIT ohne Einigung: BRITEN könnten Zugang zu BANK—KONTEN verlieren
20180823             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN (nein, —DIESMAL wirklich!): In den letzten —35—JAHREN sind WELT—WEIT netto sogar Bäume dazugekommen.
20180823             Despite ongoing deforestation, fires, DROUGHT—INDUCED DIE—OFFS, and insect outbreaks, THE—WORLD—TREE—COVER actually increased by 2.24—MILLION—SQUARE—KILOMETERS—AN area the size of TEXAS and ALASKA COMBINED—OVER THE—PAST—35—YEARS, finds 1—PAPER published in THE—JOURNAL—NATURE.
20180823             Inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Thesen? [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20180823             Stattdessen empfehlen die Gutachter zusätzliche Anreize für den Neubau, etwa durch 1.Lockerung von Bauvorschriften und 1.Senkung DER—GRUNDERWERB—STEUER.
20180823             —INTERESSIERT, Wer sich für den Themenkomplex, für den könnte Alternativlos #40 was sein.
20180823             [l] Aktuelle ERGEBNISSE—DER—GENDER—FORSCHUNG: "Female Sexualization on SOCIAL—MEDIA"kommt nicht von männlicher Unterdrückung sondern von ökonomischer Ungerechtigkeit.
20180823             Our findings have important implications: Sexualization manifests IN—RESPONSE to economic conditions but does not covary with female subordination.
20180823             BAYERN, Kameras am ARBEITS—PLATZ: Bundesarbeitsgericht lockert Regeln für Videoüberwachung
20180823             "Durch Grüne ersetzt": Söder schreibt SPD als politischen Gegner ab
20180823             DONALD—TRUMP zu möglicher AMTS—ENTHEBUNG: "Wenn ich je des Amtes enthoben werden sollte, würde DER—MARKT zusammenbrechen"
20180823             PEGIDA—PÖBELEI in DRESDEN: Maik G.
20180823             —GEMACHT, BETRUGS—ERMITTLUNGEN in NEPAL: Veranstalter sollen Touristen krank, haben
20180823             —VOR, MERKEL—BESUCH: Weiler fordert Konsequenzen für ASERBAIDSCHAN
20180823             EU—VERBOT—VON—HALOGENLAMPEN: Die Letzte macht das Licht aus
20180823             —KONZENTRIERT, Teure Häuser und Wohnungen: "DIE—BAU—BRANCHE, sich auf Gutverdiener"
20180823             Videokolumne: Finger weg vom Kokosfett
20180823             —POLIZEI—EINSATZ—GEGEN—JOURNALISTEN: MERKEL schaltet sich in Debatte um LKA—MIT—ARBEITER ein
20180823             Unterlassungsbrief: STEVEN—TYLER will AEROSMITH—SONGS bei DONALD—TRUMP—AUFTRITTEN verbieten
20180823             —UMSTRITTENE Technik: Volkswagens Hagelkanonen sorgen für Streit
20180823             Gewaltexzess in Connewitz: 1—GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFEN nach RECHTS—EXTREMEN Krawallen
20180823             Sächsische POLIZEI und RECHTS—POPULISTEN: Freund und Helfer?
20180823             MASSEN—MORD—IN—KÖLN: Es geschah in der BARTHOLOMÄUSA—NACHT
20180823             Trotz WAFFEN—RUHE : UKRAINE—REGIERUNGSSOLDATEN bei Gefechten mit REBELLEN getötet
20180823             Regierungsdokumente zum EU—AUSTRITT: BRITEN blicken in den BREXIT—ABGRUND
20180823             Archäologie in PERU: Miniroboter entdeckt 1. CHAVÍN—GRÄBER
20180823             "Aeolus"gestartet: REVOLUTIONiert dieser Satellit den Wetterbericht?
20180823             Alyssa MILANo zum Fall Argento: "Menschen, die missbraucht wurden, können auch zu Tätern werden"
20180823             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Anleitung für Gleichberechtigung: SCHWEDEN, Handbuch für feministische AUSSEN—POLITIK
20180823             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—POLIZEI—EINSATZ—GEGEN—ZDF—TEAM: 1—PÖBELT, alle streiten
20180823             Vorfall bei PEGIDA in DRESDEN: Was dürfen Journalisten auf Demos?
20180823             Forst bei Tiefenbrunnen: Dörfer südwestlich von BERLIN wegen Waldbrand evakuiert
20180823             —NACH, Twitter und FACEBOOK: GOOGLE sperrt FAKE—NUTZERKONTEN aus IRAN
20180823             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: DONALD—TRUMP warnt, daß der Aktienmarkt zusammenbrechen würde, wenn man ihn des Amtes zu entheben versuchte.
20180823             Everybody would be very POOR—OH Nein!
20180823             "I don't know how you can impeach somebody who's done 1—GREAT—JOB,"THE—PRESIDENT tells "Fox & Friends".
20180823             [l] Es wird immer schwieriger, Satire und Realität auseinanderzuhalten.
20180823             BOUFFIER wird den Vorsitz des Gremiums übernehmen. BOUFFIER!
20180823             Hochrangige Vertreter aus GESELLSCHAFT, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft wie der BISCHOF—VON—LIMBURG GEORG—BÄTZING
20180823             Jawohl ja, der BISCHOF—VON—LIMBURG!
20180823             Aber wartet, das war IMMER—NOCH—NICHT die Punchline!
20180823             Dazu kommen auch die INTERNET—STARS ROMAn und HEIKO—LOCHMANN ("Die Lochis").
20180823             —REAGIERT, Und wie, VW? Nein, wirklich!
20180823             —ACCUSED, Local groups have, THE—GERMAN—AUTOMAKER—OF causing 1—DRY spell with HAIL cannons that shoot sonic booms into the air to prevent the formation of HAIL.
20180823             —FOLLOWING the complaints, Volkswagen has promised to reduce its USE—OF—THE—CANNONS at its PUEBLA factory.
20180823             o_O
20180823             —UPDATE, Übrigens ist das Konzept der akustischen Hagelkanone —SCHON im Kinderfernsehen als BAUERnfängerei entlarvt worden.
20180823             Neue ERB—GUTANALYSEN zeigen, dass "DENISova 11", so die schlichte Katalognummer des Fundes, von 1—MÄDCHEN stammt, dessen Mutter NEANDERTALERin und dessen Vater DENISOVA—MENSCH war.
20180823             "NEANDERTALER und DENISovaner hatten vielleicht nicht VIELE—GELEGENHEITEN, einander zu treffen. Aber wenn sie aufeinandergetroffen sind, müssen sie relativ häufig Kinder miteinander gezeugt HABEN—VIEL öfter, als wir —BISHER, dachten"
20180823             Dies zeige, dass sich DIE—NEANDERTALER vor ihrem Verschwinden zwischen West—, Osteurasien bewegten.
20180823             Es gab zwar krass viel Abholzung in BRASILIEN, aber anderswo entsprechend mehr Neuwuchs.
20180823             Despite ongoing deforestation, fires, DROUGHT—INDUCED DIE—OFFS, and insect outbreaks, THE—WORLD—TREE—COVER actually increased by 2.24—MILLION—SQUARE—KILOMETERS—AN area the size of TEXAS and ALASKA COMBINED—OVER THE—PAST—35—YEARS, finds 1—PAPER published in the journal Nature.
20180823             But the research also confirms LARGE—SCALE—LOSS—OF—THE—PLANET—MOST biodiverse ecosystems, especially tropical forests.
20180823             Ich möchte deine Stimmung nicht trüben und es ist auch generell 1.gute Entwicklung, dass mehr Bäume hinzukommen.
20180823             Als Klima—, UMWELTwissenschaftler muss ich bei der CO2/KLIMA—BILANZ jedoch beachten, dass Bäume in borealen und polaren Regionen, aufgrund der klimatischen Gegebenheiten bei weitem weniger Biomasse und somit CO2 umsetzen als Bäume in tropischen Regionen.
20180823             Man benötigt demnach mehr Bäume in diesen Regionen, als sie in den Tropen nötig wären.
20180823             1—ANDERER Leser vermutet, dass das vor allem die Aufholzungsprojekte in CHINA sind, die DIE—WELTWEITE Statistik so aussehen lassen.
20180823             Dann wäre das das 2. Mal nach der 1—KIND—POLICY, dass CHINA der Welt den Arsch rettet.
20180823             Achtet auch darauf, dass die auch Palmölplantagen als Bewaldung zahlen.
20180823             [l] Ich muss ja sagen, dass mich die Kaltschnäuzigkeit der Hit Pieces über das AUFSTEHEN—PROJEKT—VON—SAHRA—WAGENKNECHT und co doch schockiert.
20180823             Hier ist ein repräsentatives Beispiel.
20180823             1—EINZIGES ASSOZIATIONS—KAPUTTSCHREIBEN, mit nur 1—ZIEL: So zu tun, als steckten irgendwie DIE—RUSSEN dahinter und wollten UNS—ALLE abmurksen.
20180823             —BERICHTET, RT, darüber! Es muss also schlecht sein!
20180823             Inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Thesen? Fehlanzeige.
20180823             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Sozialer Wohnungsbau und Mietpreisbremse helfen nicht gegen Wohnungsknappheit.
20180823             Stattdessen soll man das lieber den freien Markt regeln lassen.
20180823             Der hat nämlich diese unsichtbare Hand, müsst ihr wissen.
20180823             Den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat bilden rund 3—DUTZEND Hochschullehrer aus Wirtschafts—, Rechtswissenschaften.
20180823             —FUNKTIONIERT, Und wenn sich jemand damit auskennt, dass DER—MARKT, dann sind das ja wohl Wirtschafts"wissenschaft"ler!1!!
20180823             Also —JETZT in der GESELLSCHAFT, nicht im Individuum.
20180823             These results raise the possibility that sexualization may be 1—MARKER of social climbing among women that track THE—DEGREE—OF—STATUS—COMPETITION in the local environment.
20180823             BAYERN, GERMANY / DE—DE Muenchener Rueckversicherungs Ag (
20180823             (No referring link)
20180823             PEGIDA—PÖBELEI in DRESDEN: Maik G. arbeitet als Buchprüfer für das LKA
20180823             5—STERNE—CHEF—DI—MAIO: ITALIEN will EU—ZAHLUNGEN stoppen, wenn FLÜCHTLINGE nicht verteilt werden
20180823             Everybody would be very poor - Oh Nein! Nicht auch noch DAS!
20180823             Aktuell: HESSEN gründet 1 "Rat für Digitalethik".
20180823             Und wer ist da so drin? Festhalten!
20180823             Bouffier wird den Vorsitz des Gremiums übernehmen.
20180823             Bouffier! Wenn ich an Ethik denke, fällt mir sofort der Bouffier ein!!1!
20180823             Hochrangige Vertreter aus GESELLSCHAFT, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft wie der LIMBURGer BISCHOF—GEORG—BÄTZING
20180823             Jawohl ja, der LIMBURGer BISCHOF!
20180823             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? VW wird in MEXIKO beschuldigt, den BAUERn mit WETTER—MANIPULATIONSMASCHINEN die Ernte kaputtzumachen.
20180823             —REAGIERT, Und wie, VW? Mit "Völliger Blödsinn WTF"?
20180823             Nein! Mit "OK, werden wir dann etwas weniger einsetzen".
20180823             Nein, wirklich!
20180823             —PARKED, The devices are used to protect cars, outside the factory from dents caused by hailstones.
20180823124958       IE 11.0—WIN7 [GERMANY] MUNICH,
20180823—20160000    —SINCE, The man had serious mental health problems and had been on 1—TERROR watch list.
20180823—20160000    —SINCE, THE—RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK said it will halt foreign currency purchases, 1—MOVE that helped the ruble to recover from its lowest level against the dollar.
20180823—20160400    —ARRESTED, ZAGHARI—RATCLIFFE was, —DURING 1—HOLIDAY with her toddler daughter.
20190818—20190823    —VOWED, TURKEY—RULING party, to tackle violence against women and children.
20190823             —REACTED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, furiously —AFTER FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIR—JEROME—POWELL linked the trade war with CHINA to risks to THE—USA—ECONOMY, asking whether the man he handpicked to run THE—USA—CENTRAL—BANK was 1—GREATER "enemy" than CHINA—LEADER Xi Jinping.
20190823             —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that WASHINGTON will impose 1—ADDITIONAL 5% duty THE—CHINA—GOODS, hours —AFTER BEIJING announced its latest retaliatory tariffs on about $75—BILLION WORTH—OF—USA goods.
20190823             —AGREED, THE—USA and JAPAN, on 1—BROAD—FRAMEWORK for 1—TRADE—DEAL that will keep USA tariffs on JAPAN—AUTOMOBILES in place for —NOW, —WHILE removing barriers to beef and pork exports to JAPAN.
20190823             —AVOWED, CALIFORNIA, Gustavo Araujo Lerma (64), 1, Republican activist and SUPPORTER—OF—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, was found guilty in SACRAMENTO—OF—IDENTITY—THEFT and 5—COUNTS—OF—ALIEN—VOTER—FRAUD.
20190823             * —LIVED, Lerma in MEXICO but, in THE—USA—ILLEGALLY for MORE—THAN—20—YEARS.
20190823             —SURROUNDED, Police, the home and arrested 3—PEOPLE.
20190823             † Hopkins soon, at 1—HOSPITAL.
20190823             INDIANA, —16—YEAR—OLD—NICHOLAS—NELSON and his —15—YEAR—OLD—SISTER, Ashlynn Nelson were shot and killed by a —15—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20190823             —KILLED, MISSOURI, 1—GIRL, —8—JAHRE—ALT was, and 3—OTHERS injured in 1—SHOOTING near 1—S—LOUIS high school, bringing THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN killed by gunfire in the city to at least 12—SINCE June.
20190823             —DETAINED, Several people were, for questioning.
20190823             † USA billionaire industrialist DAVID—KOCH, —79—JAHRE—ALT in SOUTHAMPTON—NEW—YORK.
20190823             He was 1—DRIVING force behind conglomerate Koch Industries and as 1—OF—THE—WORLD—RICHEST—PEOPLE became 1—MAJOR financier of conservative causes and political candidates.
20190823             —ESTIMATED, DAVID—KOCH and his brother Charles each had 1, net worth of $50.5—BILLION.
20190823             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO said the army may be enlisted to help combat fires sweeping through the Amazon rainforest, as INTERNATIONAL condemnation and calls for tough action to quell the unfolding crisis continued to mount.
20190823             1—LONDON judge ordered the confiscation of bitcoin and other digital currencies worth nearly $1—MILLION from 1—PROLIFIC—COMPUTER hacker, in the 1. CASE—OF—ITS—KIND for BRITAIN—BIGGEST police force.
20190823             —UNVEILED, CHINA, retaliatory tariffs against about $75—BILLION WORTH—OF—USA goods, marking the latest escalation of 1 protracted trade dispute between the world's 2—LARGEST—ECONOMIES.
20190823             Tariffs of 5% or 10% on 1—TOTAL—OF—5,078—PRODUCTS originating from THE—USA included agricultural products, crude oil, small aircraft and cars.
20190823             —TURNED, THE—FORMER—CHINA—DIPLOMAT, online journalist and blogger has been held in CHINA —SINCE—JANUARY amid growing diplomatic tension between CANBERRA and BEIJING.
20190823             CHINA—TECHNOLOGY—GIANT—HUAWEI said THE—IMPACT—OF—USA—TRADE—RESTRICTIONS on its business will be less than what it —INITIALLY feared, though the curbs could push its smartphone unit's revenue lower by about $10—BILLION —THIS—YEAR.
20190823             —RAISED, FINLAND, which currently holds the presidency of THE—EU, the idea of banning BRAZIL—MEAT imports in response to BOLSONARO—LAX stewardship of the Amazon.
20190823             AIDS—OF—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON said FRANCE will —NOW block the Mercosur (Free Trade Agreement with THE—EU.
20190823             —ACCUSED, Macron has, his BRAZIL—COUNTERPART Jair Bolsonaro of lying to him at the G20 summit —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR on BRAZIL—STANCE on climate change.
20190823             —DELAYED, FRANCE, the planned signing of 1—PLEDGE by INTERNET platforms to fight hate speech online amid pressure from THE—USA.
20190823             1—FRANCE—MINISTER said that he was still hopeful THE—USA will join the initiative.
20190823             FRANCE, major fashion companies from —AROUND the world said they had signed 1—PACT which they would present at —THIS—WEEK'S G7 summit to help protect the environment.
20190823             GERMANY, —40—YEAR—OLD—VICTIM from GEORGIA was shot by 1—CYCLIST, who was captured shortly afterward and identified as a —48—YEAR—OLD—RUSSIA—MAN.
20190823             —JOINED, THOUSANDS—OF—CHANTING HONG—KONG protesters, peaceful "Baltic Chain" LINKS—OF—HANDS, with almost —3—MONTHS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS showing no sign of LET—UP across THE—CHINESE—RULED territory.
20190823             —SWITCHED, THE—IRANIAN—FLAGGED ADRIAN—DARYA 1, its destination to THE—TURKEY—PORT CITY—OF—MERSIN, located —JUST 150—KM from the border with Syria this —EVENING.
20190823             —STATED, The ship had previously, its destination as being Kalamata in GREECE, 1—PORT that is too small to accommodate 1—SHIP—OF—THAT—SIZE.
20190823             IRAN—BASED Grand Ayatollah Kazim AL—HAERI, 1—LEADING Shiite Muslim cleric followed by SOME—IRAQ—MILITANTS, issued 1—PUBLIC—RELIGIOUS edict forbidding THE—PRESENCE—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20190823             —RIGGED, IRAQ, 1—MOTORCYCLE, with explosives went off near 1—SHIITE mosque SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD this —EVENING, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 34.
20190823             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAM—STATE—GROUP, responsibility for the attack.
20190823             1—EXPLOSION at the Ein Bubin water —SPRING near the Dolev WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT killed Rina Schnerb (17), 1—ISRAEL—GIRL, and wounded her brother (21) and father (46).
20190823             ISRAEL said this was 1—PALESTINE—ATTACK.
20190823             —LAUNCHED, Shin Bet, 1—MASSIVE—MANHUNT —FOLLOWING the attack.
20190823             —IDENTIFIED, THE—SHIN—BET —LATER, Samer Arbeed (44) as THE—MASTERMIND—OF—THE—ATTACK and the bombmaker.
20190823             It said Qassem Barghouti (22) took part in the bombing and other attacks, and that WALID—HANATSHEH, —51—JAHRE—ALT was 1—SENIOR—COMMANDER in the group's armed wing.
20190823             ARBEED—INTERROGATORS beat him —FOR—36—HOURS, leaving him with kidney failure and 11—BROKEN rib.
20190823             Lawyers and family MEMBERS—OF—THE—3—MAIN—SUSPECTS said they were tortured to the point of being hospitalized.
20190823             —INTENSIFIED, Authorities, patrols in INDIAN—CONTROLLED KASHMIR—MAIN—CITY—AFTER posters appeared calling for 1—PUBLIC—MARCH to 1—UNITED—NATIONS office to protest NEW—DELHI'S tightened grip on the disputed region.
20190823             —CALLED, NORTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—MIKE—POMPEO a "poisonous PLANT—OF—USA—DIPLOMACY" and vowed to "shutter the absurd dream" that sanctions will force 1—CHANGE in PYONGYANG.
20190823             —KILLED, NORTH—MACEDONIA, 1—MIGRANT from BANGLADESH (20) was, and 12—OTHERS injured —WHEN 1—VAN packed with migrants collided with 1—TRUCK—LATE—TODAY on the main highway in the south.
20190823             THE—VAN—DRIVER ran away from the scene.
20190823             —ORDERED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, disciplinary action against 1—JUDGE who convicted former premier Nawaz Sharif, effectively giving 1—BOOST to SHARIF—APPEAL against a —7—YEAR—JAIL—TERM for corruption.
20190823             —ORDERED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, THE—RUSSIA—MILITARY to work out 1—QUID pro quo response —AFTER—THE—TEST—OF—1—NEW—USA—MISSILE banned under 1—NOW—DEFUNCT arms treaty.
20190823             —FREED, Kremlin critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY was, from prison where he had served —30—DAYS for encouraging 1—PROTEST calling for free elections.
20190823             His 1. statement upon release was to predict that opposition to RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and protests against the authorities would only grow.
20190823             1—MOSCOW court ruled to keep USA—PAUL—WHELAN, suspected of spying, in prison for 2—MORE—MONTHS.
20190823             —COMPLAINED—OF, Whelan has publicly, poor prison conditions and has said his life is in danger.
20190823             —LOOKED, Whelan, pale and sick —WHEN his prison guards brought him to Lefortovo court.
20190823             He said he had been beaten and is suffering from 1—HERNIA.
20190823             —OPENED, RUSSIA, 1—SHOWROOM selling its 1. POST—SOVIET—LUXURY limousine under the Aurus brand, 1—TYPE—OF—CAR used by RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN at his inauguration —LAST—YEAR.
20190823             —PRICED, It was, at 18—MILLION rubles ($274,000).
20190823             SCOTLAND—UNIVERSITY—OF—GLASGOW said it would spend 20—MILLION—POUNDS ($24.4—MILLION) to make amends for the historic financial support it received from people who profited from the slave trade.
20190823             SOUTH—KOREA said it will share military intelligence with JAPAN through THE—USA—AFTER terminating 1—PACT that enabled THE—2—KEY—WASHINGTON allies to exchange such information directly.
20190823             —CONSIDERED, TUNISIA, Nabil Karoui, 1—MEDIA magnate, to be 1—LEADING candidate in presidential elections, was jailed along with his brother on ALLEGATIONS—OF—TAX—EVASION and money laundering.
20190823             —ACCUSED, Supporters of Karoui, PRIME—MINISTER—YOUSSEF—CHAHED of plotting against the tycoon.
20190823             1—TURKEY—OFFENSIVE entered its 3. phase in which troops aimed to destroy PKK caves and shelters in THE—SINAT—HAFTANIN REGION—OF—IRAQ
20190823             —BLOCKED, UGANDA said it had, online access to RWANDA—MAIN—STATE—OWNED newspaper on NATIONAL—SECURITY—GROUNDS, —2—DAYS—AFTER—THE—COUNTRIES signed 1—PACT to end tensions that closed their busiest border crossing —FOR—6—MONTHS.
20190823             —CHALLENGED, UN special rapporteur PHILIP—ALSTON, MALAYSIA—CLAIM to have nearly ended poverty, saying there was "significant poverty" with 1 estimated 1 in 6—PEOPLE in THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRY considered poor.
20190823             —CLOSED, UNICEF said MORE—THAN—9,000—SCHOOLS have, and MORE—THAN—1.9—MILLION—CHILDREN in West and CENTRAL—AFRICA HAVE been forced OUT—OF—SCHOOL because of increasing violence in the region and attacks specifically targeting education facilities.
20190823             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION—EMERGENCIES—CHIEF said the ongoing Ebola outbreak in CONGO is approaching a "stark" milestone with nearly 2,000—PEOPLE killed by the virus in THE—YEAR—LONG—EPIDEMIC.
20190823             —RECOGNIZED, YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said forces loyal to YEMEN—INTERNATIONALLY, government have taken full CONTROL—OF—ATAQ, 1—KEY—SOUTHERN—CITY, —AFTER overnight clashes with separatists there.
20190823             —DIVIDED, Ataq was previously, between the government forces of SAUDI—BACKED PRESIDENT—ABED—RABBO—MANSOUR—HADI and 1—SEPARATIST—MILITIA, trained and armed by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20190823             —AM, jährt sich zum 80. Mal der Abschluss des STALIN—HITLER—PAKTS.
20190823             ANGST—VOR—GEWALT—IN—MYANMAR: Busse bleiben LEER—ROHINGYA—FLÜCHTLINGE verweigern Rückkehr
20190823             UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT,USA und RUSSLAND werfen sich gegenseitig Wettrüsten vor
20190823             Mutmaßlich CHINESISCHE—PROPAGANDA: YouTube löscht 210—KANÄLE mit Verbindung zu HONG—KONG
20190823             Feuer im Regenwald: Macron ruft "Notfall" AUS—BOLSONARO wittert "kolonialistische Mentalität"
20190823             Ungewöhnliche Hilfsaktion: Kot von Artgenossen rettet hungernde Koalas
20190823             —DIE—LAGE—AM—FREITAG, Nimmt die SPD die Fünfprozenthürde?
20190823             Macron vor dem G7—GIPFEL: "Seien wir doch ehrlich..".
20190823             Wiedereinführung: SPD will —BIS zu 10—MILLIARDEN mit Vermögensteuer einnehmen
20190823             Bewerbung für SPD—VORSITZ: SCHOLZ und Geywitz offen für BÜNDNIS—MIT—LINKEN
20190823             ZIMMERMÄDCHEN—STREIK in SPANIEN: "Bei uns sorgt DER—TOURISMUS nur für Ausbeutung"
20190823             Umfrage, BÜRGER geben Lobbygruppen Mitschuld am KLIMA—VERSAGEN
20190823             Innerparteiliche Kritik: REPUBLIKANER—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP
20190823             —GESETZENTWURF zu höheren Strafen: Wirtschaftsbosse attackieren Justizministerin
20190823             Brennender Regenwald: IRLAND droht BRASILIEN mit BLOCKADE—VON—FREIHANDELSABKOMMEN
20190823             Weltgesundheitsorganisation: Nachtarbeit könnte Krebs fördern
20190823             Erinnerung an HITLER—STALIN—PAKT: "Schmerz und Ungerechtigkeit werden niemals in Vergessenheit geraten"
20190823             Bolsonaro und die Feuer in BRASILIEN: Der Brandbeschleuniger
20190823             —VERBREITET, DISZIPLINAR—VERFAHREN, KÖLNer Polizist soll antisemitisches Bild, haben
20190823             —BILANZ, BAUERN—VERBAND meldet unterdurchschnittliche Ernte
20190823             MAAßEN—DEBATTE in der CDU: Konservative WERTE—UNION meldet Hunderte neue Mitglieder
20190823             MIT—ARBEITER verbinden KERN—KRAFTWERK mit dem INTERNET, damit sie Cryptocurrency minen können?
20190823             Was kann DA —SCHON passieren!1!!
20190823             [l] RUSSLAND—SCHWIMMENDES KERN—KRAFTWERK ist in See gestochen.
20190823             Es ist auf dem Weg zu einer Kleinstadt in Ostsibirien.
20190823             Was kann da —SCHON schiefgehen!
20190823             DIE—DEUTSCHE—WELLE hat 1—FOTO des Maschinenraums.
20190823             Konjunktur: Kanzleramt rechnet mit Rezession
20190823             SCHWARZE —LISTE, EU traut sich nicht, USA als STEUER—OASE zu bezeichnen
20190823             Waldbrände im AMAZONAS: Bolsonaro erwägt EINSATZ—DER—ARMEE
20190823             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Apokalypse am AMAZONAS: Der BRASILIANISCHE—REGENWALD brennt
20190823             ABSCHIED—VON—DEUTSCHLAND: Ai Weiwei zieht nach CAMBRIDGE
20190823             Rindfleisch, Soja, Holz: Die Milliardengeschäfte mit BRASILIENs Ressourcen
20190823             Wegen Waldbränden am AMAZONAS: Macron will Handelsabkommen stoppen
20190823             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA: DONALD—TRUMP kündigt Erhöhung der Strafzölle an
20190823             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20190823—19890000    —IN, 1 estimated 2—MILLION—PEOPLE joined arms across THE—3—BALTIC—STATES—OF—LITHUANIA, LATVIA and ESTONIA in 1—PROTEST against SOVIET—RULE that became known as the "Baltic Way" or "Baltic Chain".
20190823—20110000    —SINCE, GERMANY—BASED Volkswagen AG said it is recalling 679,000—USA—VEHICLES sold that could roll away because of 1—ELECTRICAL—ISSUE.
20190823—20120000    —SINCE, SYRIA—STATE—TV said PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—TROOPS have seized CONTROL—OF—1—STRING—OF—VILLAGES in the northern countryside of Hama province, completing their takeover of the formerly REBEL—HELD region —JUST SOUTH—OF—IDLIB province for the 1. time.
20190823—20180000    —REPORTED, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—EXPERTS have, 1—RECORD—NUMBER—OF wildfires across the country —THIS—YEAR, up 84—PERCENT over the same period.
20190823—20190901    —ON, Tariffs on SOME—PRODUCTS would take effect and
20190823—20191215    —ON, others.
20200511—20200823    —THE—ATTACK—CARRIED—OUT, ISRAEL says Qassem Barghouti (22), , which killed ISRAEL—RINA—SHNERB, —17—JAHRE—ALT and wounded her father and brother.
20200810             —IMPOSED, THE—GREECE—GOVERNMENT, 1—MIDNIGHT closing time on bars, cafes, clubs and restaurants 20200811—20200823    —FROM—TO to help stem increasing CORONA—VIRUS—CASES.
20200823             —SONNTAG, 20200823
20200823             Verantwortlich für die Todesfälle sei eine skrupellose Geschäftsperson.
20200823             "Das muss der Gewissheit gegenübergestellt werden, dass VIELE—KINDER und junge Menschen langfristige Schäden erleiden werden, wenn sie nicht in die Schule gehen".
20200823             Die Unterbringung der Menschen werde mit dem kürzlich vorgestellten Gesetzentwurf nicht verbessert, stattdessen werde das Gegenteil erreicht,
20200823             Timoschenko kämpfe, hieß es.
20200823             Auch weitere Familienmitglieder der Politikerin sind Berichten zufolge infiziert.
20200823             als Grund nennt der Politiker die Sorge vor CORONA—INFEKTIONEN.
20200823             Die befürchtete Insolvenzwelle sei aber bislang ausgeblieben.
20200823             "Es sieht —DERZEIT nicht nach einer Pleitewelle aus",
20200823             EU—HANDELSKOMMISSAR PHIL—HOGAN hat sich nach Rücktrittsforderungen für seine Teilnahme an einem Abendessen unter Missachtung von CORONA—REGELN entschuldigt.
20200823             "Ich möchte mich voll und ganz für meine Teilnahme entschuldigen", erklärte der IRISCHE—EU—KOMMISSAR
20200823             [l] Pipelines eignen sich nicht nur für Flüssigkeitstransport.
20200823             —GETESTET, Kontaktpersonen von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN werden oft nicht
20200823             Trump and his minions will do anything, absolutely anything, to pervert our governmental and civil institutions and if we are to beat them, we need to learn to think like them and be ready for whatever it is they are —NOW planning to throw at us.
20200823             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20200823             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—144—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—131—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(=)
20200823             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—135—(=)—ÓBITOS—3—(=)—RECUPERADOS—106—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—26—(=)
20200823             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—15—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—13—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(-1)
20200823             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—24—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—18—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(=)
20200823             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—54—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—38—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(=)
20200823             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—179—(+3)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—134—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(+3)
20200823             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—197—(+1)—ÓBITOS—7—(=)—RECUPERADOS—129—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—61—(+1)
20200823             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—125—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—94—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—30—(=)
20200823             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—37—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—29—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200823             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—51—(=)—ÓBITOS—0—(=)—RECUPERADOS—43—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(=)
20200823             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—20—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(-1)
20200823             174_DGS_BOLETIM_20200823—1—20200823—EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—668—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—346,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—7,8—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200823             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—832—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—315,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—6,8—TODESFÄLLE—40—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200823             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.446—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—317,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—12,6—TODESFÄLLE—113—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200823             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.348—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—408,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—16,4—TODESFÄLLE—43—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200823             EBERSBERG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—600—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—422,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—33,1—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.142
20200823             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—8.090—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—549,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,3—TODESFÄLLE—223—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200823             NEU—ULM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—542—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—311,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,8—TODESFÄLLE—26—EINWOHNERZAHL—174.200
20200823             ULM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—406—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—321,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—27,7—TODESFÄLLE—5—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.329
20200823             KELHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—562—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—459,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—31,9—TODESFÄLLE—35—EINWOHNERZAHL—122.258
20200823             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—540—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—428,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—28,6—TODESFÄLLE—17—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200823             GERMERSHEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—260—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—201,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—25,6—TODESFÄLLE—6—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.075
20200823             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—772—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—281,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—29,5—TODESFÄLLE—15—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20200823             WIESBADEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—752—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—270,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—35,2—TODESFÄLLE—22—EINWOHNERZAHL—278.342
20200823             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.351—FÄLLE/100.000—EW—471,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—26,3—TODESFÄLLE—66—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20200823             Cancel Culture: Die Bigotterie rechter Denkweisen
20200823             Trotz der steigenden Zahlen warnen BRITISCHE—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTEN eindringlich vor erneuten Schulschließungen.
20200823             "Ich gehe daher davon aus, dass dieser Bereich gut geregelt ist und es dort wirksame Schutzkonzepte gibt".
20200823             Der NRW—MINISTER reagierte damit auf Äußerungen von CDU—CHEFIN Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER.
20200823             Irreführende Gesundheitsbehauptung: Twitter verpasst TRUMP—TWEET Warnhinweis
20200823             0- —VOM—TYPISCH ist 1—KOMMENTAR—DES—SPIEGEL—REDAKTEURS HANS—JÜRGEN—SCHLAMP im Deutschlandfunk.
20200823             Er endet mit den Worten: "Gefährliche Zeiten.
20200823             —VERBOT der App: TikTok kündigt Klage gegen Erlass von Trump an
20200823             —CORONA—KONZERT mit TIM—BENDZKO: Noch kurz die Welt retten Aus LEIPZIG berichtet JULIA—MERLOT
20200823             —STREIT—ÜBER Briefwahl: USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS stimmt für Milliardenhilfen für staatliche Post
20200823             Psychiater MANFRED—LÜTZ im Interview: "Keiner meiner Patienten ist jemals so 'verrückt' gewesen wie DONALD—TRUMP" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JÖRG—BLECH
20200823             BELARUS: Nato weist Behauptungen über TRUPPEN—AUFMARSCH zurück
20200823             GELE—AKTE Aufnahmen: TRUMP—SCHWESTER fällt vernichtendes Urteil über Bruder DONALD
20200823             —EINWEIHUNG des neuen Nationaldenkmals: des ORBÁN—SEHNSUCHT nach einem neuen GROß—UNGARN
20200823             Illegale Party in PERU: Feier wegen CORONA—AUFLAGEN aufgelöst - 13—TOTE nach Massenpanik in Diskothek
20200823             —VERDACHT—AUF—VERGIFTUNG: Kremlnahe Zeitung veröffentlicht Nawalnys Überwachungsprotokoll
20200823             —PROTESTE—GEGEN—DIKTATUR in BELARUS: 10—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN demonstrieren in MINSK
20200823             Rassismus gegen Strandverkäufer in ITALIEN - "Wollt ihr lieber, daß ich Drogen verkaufe?" Aus CAVALLINO—TREPORTI berichten MARIA—STÖHR und CLAUDIA—CORRENT (Fotos)
20200823             —ZIRKULIERT, FRANKREICH, DAS—CORONA—VIRUS —NACH—DEN Worten von GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—OLIVIER—VERAN viermal häufiger in der Bevölkerungsgruppe unter —40—JAHREN als bei den über —65—JAHRE—ALTEN.
20200823             Auch unter den Älteren und Risikogruppen sei DAS—VIRUS jedoch auf dem Vormarsch,
20200823             "Wir sind in einer riskanten Situation".
20200823             Mehr als 60.000—CORONA—TOTE in MEXIKO - 782—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20200823             Knapp ein halbes —JAHR —NACH—DEN Beschlüssen über das 1. CORONA—RETTUNGSPAKET sind die —STAAT—HILFS—PROGRAMME für Unternehmen bei Weitem nicht ausgeschöpft,
20200823             Von dem 25—MILLIARDEN Euro, die der Bund für Direktzahlungen an kleine und mittlere Unternehmen vorgesehen hat, seien bislang —ERST 14.300.000.000—EURO in Anspruch genommen worden.
20200823             SÜD—KOREA, gelten von —HEUTE an strengere Vorgaben zur Bekämpfung der CORONA—VIRUS—AUSBREITUNG.
20200823             Versammlungen in Kirchen sind —NUN nicht nur in der HAUPTSTADT—SEOUL, sondern auch in anderen Landesteilen verboten.
20200823             Ebenfalls regional ausgeweitet wird etwa die Schließung von Nachtklubs und Internetcafés.
20200823             Angesichts der aktuellen Probleme mit den CORONA—TESTS in DEUTSCHLAND fordert Ärztepräsident KLAUS—REINHARDT einen verstärkten EINSATZ—VON—SCHNELLTESTS.
20200823             Außerdem seien die Arztpraxen in der ERKÄLTUNGS—UND Grippezeit absehbar AUSGELASTET—CORONA—REIHENTESTS sollten daher nur noch in ausgelagerten TEST—ZENTREN oder in eigens darauf spezialisierten Arztpraxen gemacht werden,
20200823             Als die Beamten eintrafen, versuchten die Partygäste den Angaben zufolge, durch den einzigen Ausgang zu fliehen.
20200823             —ÜBERRANNT, Dabei hätten sie einander, und seien zwischen der Tür und einer Treppe eingequetscht worden.
20200823             3—POLIZISTEN und 3—FEIERNDE seien verletzt worden.
20200823             DAS—MINISTERIUM wies Medienberichte zurück, wonach die Polizisten in dem Lokal Tränengas eingesetzt hätten und die Opfer daran erstickt sein sollen.
20200823             Linkenparteichefin KATJA—KIPPING forderte zur Verhinderung von CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in Schulen die Bereitstellung von geeigneten Luftfiltern.
20200823             "Schulen, Büros und Gastronomiebetriebe müssen vor —DEM—WINTER Luftfilter zur Verfügung haben, die Aerosole mit CORONA—VIREN sicher aus der Luft filtern können",
20200823             "Für die Gastronomie, die vielfach —BEREITS um ihre Existenz kämpft, brauchen wir 1—LEASING—PROGRAMM,damit sich auch kleine Gastwirte Luftfilter leisten können",
20200823             Karneval sei für VIELE—MENSCHEN "auch 1—FEST gegen die Obrigkeit", bei dem sie gerade das machten, "was der STAAT nicht will", sagte LASCHET.
20200823             "Wenn dann am 11. 11. ALLE—AUF—DIE—STRASSE gehen und trotzdem feiern, ist es ganz schwer, das durchzusetzen".
20200823             Deshalb sei 1—KONSENS mit den Karnevalisten nötig.
20200823             ITALIEN, wird es nach Worten von GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—ROBERTO—SPERANZA trotz steigender POSITIV—TESTS keinen weiteren Lockdown geben.
20200823             "Wir werden keinen neuen Lockdown haben",
20200823             Die aktuelle Situation könne nicht mit der —IM—FEBRUAR und —MÄRZ verglichen werden, als die AUSBREITUNG—DER—KRANKHEIT außer Kontrolle gewesen sei.
20200823             "Ich bin optimistisch, wenn auch vorsichtig. Unser heimisches GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM ist viel stärker geworden".
20200823             Wegen verschärfter CORONA—GRENZ—KONTROLLEN in ÖSTERREICH steckten Reisende am Wochenende mehr als —12—STUNDEN in SLOWENIEN fest.
20200823             Betroffen waren auch VIELE—DEUTSCHE—URLAUBER auf der Rückreise aus KROATIEN.
20200823             Um DIE—SITUATION zu entschärfen, lockerten DIE—BEHÖRDEN am Sonntagmorgen die Kontrollen.
20200823             ZAHL—DER—REGISTRIERTEN—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in INDIEN steigt auf mehr als 3—MILLIONEN
20200823             GROSSBRITANNIEN, warnen führende Gesundheitsexperten eindringlich vor erneuten Schulschließungen.
20200823             "Wenn überhaupt werden nur sehr wenige Kinder oder Teenager langfristige Schäden durch COVID—19—ERLEIDEN allein dadurch, daß sie in die Schule gehen",
20200823             RUSSLAND will —BIS zu 6—MILLIONEN IMPFSTOFF—DOSEN —IM—MONAT produzieren
20200823             GEWERKSCHAFTEN und Kirchen kritisieren REGIERUNGS—PLÄNE für Schlachthofmitarbeiter
20200823             "Zum 1. Mal wird eine zeitliche Kopplung von Arbeiten und Wohnen legitimiert: Wer seinen Arbeitsplatz verliert, wird aus der Unterkunft gewiesen, landet obdachlos auf der Straße", KRITISIERTEN—CA—30—VERTRETER von Sozialverbänden, DGB und Kirchen
20200823             "Wir fordern die BUNDESTAG—ABGEORDNETEN dringend auf, den horrenden Bettpreisen von in der Regel 300—BIS 400—EURO —IM—MONAT durch einen Kostendeckel endlich einen Riegel vorzuschieben".
20200823             "Leiharbeit darf in dieser Branche nicht mehr stattfinden. VIELE—SUBUNTERNEHMEN, DIE—MENSCHEN in Werkverträgen drangsalieren, zusammenpferchen, ausbeuten, sind auch als Leiharbeitsunternehmen zugelassen",
20200823             Künftig müsse gelten, daß es —AUF—1—BETRIEBSGELÄNDE auch nur einen Betrieb und 1—STAMMBELEGSCHAFT gebe.
20200823             —NACH, einer Hochzeitsfeier im Kreis GROß—GERAU sind 33—MENSCHEN positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS getestet worden.
20200823             Die Personen hätten zum Teil selbstständig einen Test veranlasst,
20200823             Der Gesundheitszustand der —59—JAHRE—ALTEN sei ernst.
20200823             "Leider ist das DIE—WAHRHEIT",
20200823             SIZILIENs PRÄSIDENT—WILL—MIGRANTEN wegen CORONA—RISIKEN ausweisen
20200823             Musumeci veröffentlichte —AM—SONNTAG ein entsprechendes Dekret auf FACEBOOK.
20200823             —ZUNÄCHST war unklar, ob diese drastische Maßnahme überhaupt umgesetzt werden kann.
20200823             Quellen im ITALIENISCHEN—INNEN—MINISTERIUM wiesen Musumecis Vorstoß in der Zeitung "Corriere della Sera" zurück: "DIE—STEUERUNG der Migrationsströme fällt nicht in die regionale Zuständigkeit, sondern wird durch nationale Gesetze geregelt, sodass es schwer zu verstehen ist, wie Musumecis Dekret funktionieren könnte",
20200823             In dem Dekret heißt es, daß SIZILIENs Aufnahmezentren für Migranten —BIS—MITTERNACHT—AM—MONTAG geräumt und DIE—MENSCHEN an andere Orte in ITALIEN ODER—EUROPA verlegt werden sollten.
20200823             Zuspruch erhielt Musumeci vom CHEF—DER—RECHTEN Lega, MATTEO—SALVINI.
20200823             Das Dekret sei "beispielhaft", twitterte dieser.
20200823             Kritik kam dagegen von —MITTE—LINKS—POLITIKERN.
20200823             "DIE—JAGD—AUF—MIGRANTEN ist nicht nur barbarisch. Sie schützt Sizilianer auch nicht vor dem Virus und verunsichert und ängstigt in einer Zeit, in der Klarheit und Vorsicht geboten sind", sagte FAUSTO—RACITI—VON—DER—DEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEI.
20200823             Die Fitnessstudios haben in der CORONA—KRISE VIELE—KUNDEN verloren.
20200823             Verglichen mit dem Vorjahreszeitraum sei die MITGLIEDER—ZAHL um 15—BIS 20—PROZENT gesunken,
20200823             Hogan hatte 1—ENTSCHULDIGUNG —ZUNÄCHST VERWEIGERT—IHM sei versichert worden, die Veranstaltung erfülle ALLE—CORONA—RICHTLINIEN.
20200823             1—BRAUT wirft inmitten einer Traube von Menschen ihren Brautstrauß in den blauen Himmel
20200823             —STREIT—UM—PRIVATE Feiern: "150—TEILNEHMER sind nicht zuviel"
20200823             MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—LASCHET will private Feiern nicht weiter beschränken, auch wenn andere Bundesländer wegen der CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN eine bundeseinheitliche Begrenzung fordern.
20200823             1—LABORANT arbeitet an Proben und untersucht diese auf CORONA—VIREN
20200823             —NACH, WDR—RECHERCHEN gibt es große Lücken beim Test von Kontaktpersonen in NRW.
20200823             VIELE—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER sind zudem unterbesetzt: in 2—VON 3—BEHÖRDEN fehlen noch immer Ärzte.
20200823             —CONFIRMED, DONALD—TRUMP—SISTER—MARYANN (not to be confused with his niece) has, that DONALD—TRUMP cheated his way into, and through, college.
20200823             Maryanne, 1—JUDGE, says that she did her brother's homework and that someone else sat for the entrance exams.
20200823             She also says that DONALD is 1—LIAR with "no principles".
20200823             And it is all on tape.
20200823             In 1—SHORT excerpt from his upcoming book, FORMER—TRUMP fixer, attorney and dirty trickster MICHAEL—COHEN wrote, "Trump and his minions will do anything...and I mean anything," to cover up his crimes and misdeeds and keep himself in office.
20200823             —NOTED, As Cohen and countless others have, Trump knows that he needs to do this because the —DAY he leaves THE—WHITE—HOUSE is the —DAY his TRIP—TO—THE—BIG—HOUSE inevitably begins.
20200823             1—OF—THE—BIGGEST problems faced by THOSE—OF—USA on the progressive side of the aisle, however, is that we tend to believe in the basic GOODNESS—OF—HUMANITY and that THE—ARC—OF—HISTORY does indeed bend towards justice.
20200823             We fail to recognize —JUST how ruthless and amoral people like Trump and his enablers can actually be and are constantly caught OFF—GUARD and end up bringing butter knives to battles being fought by our foes with hand grenades and SEMI—AUTOMATIC—WEAPONS.
20200823             DONALD—TRUMP has made it clear that there is no line he will not cross —WHEN it comes to preventing as MANY—PEOPLE as possible from voting by mail.
20200823             Nothing threatens DONALD—TRUMP—POWER—NOW more than THE—CORONA—VIRUS and the economic and societal —CHAOS it has caused.
20200823             In classic Trump form, however, rather than trying to listen to the experts and develop 1—NATIONAL—STRATEGY that might actually minimize the damage and death, from the beginning, DONALD—STRATEGY has been to deny, deflect, change the subject, blame others, avoid all responsibility and insist that he knows everything about EVERY—ASPECT—OF—THE—ISSUE—BETTER than anyone.
20200823             Unfortunately for Trump, THE—VIRUS is 1—VIRUS, and couldn't care less about ANY—OF—THIS.
20200823             "Slow the testing down, please!" says Trump — and for reasons no 1 can seem to explain, that seems to be happening.
20200823             "Our schools need to be open!" "We need to have our football!" Everything is on 1—GOOD—TRACK, right?
20200823             NUMERO—1 has done 1—BETTER—JOB than Trump.
20200823             And the Trump vaccine will be ready (to announce that is...not actually to deliver) —JUST in time for the election.
20200823             —ABOUT the author: —NOW SEMI—RETIRED, LONG—TIME—BELIEVER in progressive causes DAVID—JAY—MORRIS is 1—FORMER—INTERNATIONAL—NEWS—EDITOR and columnist for THE—GUAM—DAILY—POST and has worked for THE—NEW—YORK Daily News and Long ISLAND Business Review.
20200823             Holding BRITISH—USA—DUAL—NATIONALITY, he —NOW lives in THE—UK with his wife and dogs and works PART—TIME as 1—ONLINE educator, JAPANese — ENGLAND—TRANSLATOR and editor.
20200823             DGS reporta 14—NOVOS casos de COVID—19—NO ALGARVE
20200823             Já no Alentejo, foram contabilizados apenas mais 2—NOVOS casos,
20200823             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—668—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—346,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—7,8—TODES—FÄLLE—26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200823             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—832—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—315,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—6,8—TODES—FÄLLE—40,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200823             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—3.446—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—317,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—12,6—TODES—FÄLLE—113,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200823             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—1.348—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—408,9—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—16,4—TODES—FÄLLE—43,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200823             EBERSBERG—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—600—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—422,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—33,1—TODES—FÄLLE—5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—142.142
20200823             MÜNCHEN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—8.090—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—549,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—27,3—TODES—FÄLLE—223,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.471.508
20200823             NEU—ULM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—542—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—311,1—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—25,8—TODES—FÄLLE—26,—EINWOHNERZAHL—174.200
20200823             ULM—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—406—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—321,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—27,7—TODES—FÄLLE—5,—EINWOHNERZAHL—126.329
20200823             KEL—HEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—562—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—459,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—31,9—TODES—FÄLLE—35,—EINWOHNERZAHL—122.258
20200823             HEILBRONN—STADTKREIS—FÄLLE—540—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—428,7—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—28,6—TODES—FÄLLE—17,—EINWOHNERZAHL—125.960
20200823             GERMERS—HEIM—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—260—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—201,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—25,6—TODES—FÄLLE—6,—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.075
20200823             GROSS—GERAU—LANDKREIS—FÄLLE—772—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—281,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—29,5—TODES—FÄLLE—15,—EINWOHNERZAHL—274.526
20200823             DUISBURG—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.351—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—471,5—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—26,3—TODES—FÄLLE—66,—EINWOHNERZAHL—498.590
20200823             Leiharbeit unter Druck: 1—KRISE im Zeitraffertempo
20200823             DEUTSCHLAND—KONJUNKTUR: Von diesen Menschen hängt der künftige Erfolg unserer Gesellschaft ab 1—KOLUMNE von Henrik Müller
20200823             —ERNEUT, PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS: "Wollen die Gerechtigkeit wiederherstellen"
20200823             Der Fall Amthor: Was GEHT—UND was man trotzdem nicht tut 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—JOACHIM—BEHNKE
20200823             Mehr als 1.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20200823             Statistiken zufolge gingen nur rund 6 % DER—CORONA—NEUANSTECKUNGEN auf den Arbeitsplatz zurück,
20200823             SCHOLZ lobt EU—SCHULDENAUFNAHME: "Vielleicht die größte Veränderung —SEIT EURO—EINFÜHRUNG"
20200823             "Der WIEDERAUFBAU—FONDS ist ein echter Fortschritt für DEUTSCHLAND und EUROPA, der sich nicht mehr zurückdrehen lässt",
20200823             Die EU nehme 1. gemeinsame Schulden auf, setze diese gezielt gegen DIE—KRISE ein und verpflichte sich, bald mit der Rückzahlung zu beginnen:
20200823             FRANKREICH meldet fast 4.900—NEU—INFEKTIONEN — höchster Anstieg —SEIT Lockdown
20200823             —CORONA—VIRUS und USA—WAHL: TRUMP—ZEITDRUCK bei Impfstoffsuche alarmiert Experten
20200823             —PROTESTE—IN—BELARUS—LUKASCHENKO tritt demonstrativ mit Gewehr auf
20200823             Serie vermisster und getöteter Soldaten in TEXAS: "Er ist ein guter Junge, er würde niemals einfach verschwinden"
20200823             Explosion in Natanz: IRAN bestätigt 1. Sabotageakt in ATOM—ANLAGE
20200823             Unwetter in Nordamerika: Mindestens 8—TODES—OPFER durch TROPEN—STURM "Laura"
20200823—20040000    —DAMALS, Bekannt wurde sie INTERNATIONAL noch mit geflochtenem HAARKRANZ—ALS Gesicht der prowestlichen Orangenen REVOLUTION.
20200823—20201103    THROUGH, Look for this to continue...unless too MANY—PEOPLE in the red states are dying, however.
20200823—20201103    —AM, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG unter PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erwägt einem Medienbericht zufolge eine beschleunigte Zulassung eines IMPFSTOFF—KANDIDATEN, der vom BRITISCHEN—KONZERN AstraZeneca zusammen mit der UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD entwickelt wird.
20200823—20201103    Das Vakzin könnte damit noch vor den USA—WAHLEN den USA—AMERIKANERN zur Verfügung stehen, berichtet die "FINANCIAL—TIMES" (FT).
20200823—20201103    Es bestehe die Option, daß die zuständige USA—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE FDA 20201001             —IM—NOTFALLGENEHMIGUNG für den möglichen Impfstoff erteile.
20200823—20210000    —IN, FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS said they would not file charges against Officer Rusten Sheskey.
20200824—19400823    —AM, Von den mehr als 62.000—DURCHGEFÜHRTEN Tests waren 8—POSITIV,
20210105—20210823    —IN—THE, 1—WISCONSIN prosecutor said that police officers involved KENOSHA—WISCONSIN, shooting that left JACOB—BLAKE paralyzed will not face charges.
20210823             —REPORTED, CHINA, no new locally transmitted cases of COVID—19 for the 1. time —20210701—SINCE—SIGN the current outbreak may be waning amid BEIJING's 'ZERO—TOLERANCE' stance and tough ANTI—VIRUS—MEASURES across the country.
20210823             —IMPOSED, THE—USA, SANCTIONS—ON—FILIPOS Woldeyohannes, THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—ERITREA—DEFENSE—FORCES (EDF), for being engaged in serious human rights abuse in the conflict in ETHIOPIA—TIGRAY region.
20210823             —RECOMMENDED, THE—USA—PENTAGON, that THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION—STICK with 20210831             —THE—AFGHANISTAN withdrawal deadline based on concerns about security risks to USA—FORCES.
20210823             Leaders of several House Democratic committees said THE—GAO, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG, had found multiple problems with the construction, manufacture and design of the Keystone XL pipeline, validating PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—DECISION to revoke its permit.
20210823             —GRANTED, THE—USA—DRUG—REGULATOR, full approval to the Pfizer Inc/BioNTech SE COVID—19—VACCINE, making it the 1. to secure such Food and Drug Administration validation as health authorities struggle to win over vaccine skeptics —DURING 1—RELENTLESS—PANDEMIC.
20210823             —REACHED, Total USA COVID—19—CASES, over 37,741,620 with the death toll at 718,408.
20210823             —CONTAINED, NORTH—CALIFORNIA—CALDOR—FIRE was 9%.
20210823             —DESTROYED, The blaze has, 447—HOMES and threatened the lake Tahoe basin.
20210823             THE—CHICAGO—POLICE—DEPARTMENT least 7—PEOPLE were killed and 37 were wounded from gun violence in CHICAGO over the weekend.
20210823             —SPARKED, Outgoing NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO, outrage —AFTER he pardoned 6—PEOPLE, including 1—CONVICT in a 19810000             truck robbery which killed 3, in his last few hours in office.
20210823             —IMPRISONED, DAVID—GILBERT, —76—JAHRE—ALT was, for his role as 1—GETAWAY driver in the $1.6m armed robbery and is among the last surviving convicts in the case.
20210823             The septuagenarian's case was fought by his son, S—FRANCISCO—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—CHESA—BOUDIN.
20210823             Mayor BILL—DE—BLASIO said NEW—YORK—CITY—PUBLIC—SCHOOL—TEACHERS and staff will be required to get vaccinated against COVID—19.
20210823             Cryptocurrency platform Poly Network said that almost all of the $610—MILLION stolen —THIS—MONTH in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST crypto heists had —NOW been returned by the unknown person or persons behind the attack.
20210823             PayPal Holdings Inc said it will allow customers in THE—UK to buy, sell and hold bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies —STARTING—THIS—WEEK.
20210823             Synopsys Inc said 1—OF—ITS—CUSTOMERS used artificial intelligence software to get a 26% gain in the power efficiency of 1—COMPUTER—CHIP, 1—LEAP that usually has to wait for 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—CHIP manufacturing technology.
20210823             —ERUPTED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—FIREFIGHT involving Western forces, at KABUL airport —WHEN AFGHANISTAN—GUARDS exchanged fire with unidentified gunmen, adding to the evacuation chaos as WASHINGTON faces pressure to extend its deadline to withdraw.
20210823             † 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER was killed.
20210823             1—TALIBAN spokesman said its forces have recaptured 3—DISTRICTS in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN that fell to local militia groups —LAST—WEEK.
20210823             Forces loyal to AHMAD—MASSOUD, SON—OF—THE—ANTI—SOVIET—MUJAHIDEEN—COMMANDER—AHMAD—SHAH—MASSOUD, have established themselves in the Panjshir valley.
20210823             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU said 1—RE—ELECTED Liberal government would ban foreigners from buying CANADA—HOMES—FOR—THE—NEXT—2—YEARS and make house purchases more transparent in 1—BID to address rapid price gains.
20210823             ETHIOPIA—STATE—COMMUNICATIONS—SECURITY—AGENCY said it has begun developing its own social media platform to rival Facebook (FB.O), Twitter (TWTR.N) and WhatsApp, though it does not plan to block the global services.
20210823             —WALKED, GERMANY, MANY—TRAIN—DRIVERS with the national railway, off the job as their union embarked on its 2. —2—DAY—STRIKE—THIS—MONTH in 1—BITTER—DISPUTE with the company.
20210823             † INDIA—POLICE in Kashmir said the top COMMANDER—OF—1—MILITANT—GROUP and his deputy, allegedly involved in DOZENS—OF—TARGET—KILLINGS, have, in 1—SHOOTOUT.
20210823             —REPORTED, INDIA, 25,072 new CORONA—VIRUS—INFECTIONS in the last —24—HOURS, the lowest in —160—DAYS.
20210823             PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO said INDONESIA will start reopening restaurants, malls and PLACES—OF—WORSHIP in SOME—AREAS including THE—CAPITAL—JAKARTA, as new CORONA—VIRUS—CASES have fallen sharply from their peak and vaccinations rise.
20210823             IRAN—OIL, Gas and Petrochemical Products Exporters' Union said it restarted exports of gasoline and oil to AFGHANISTAN 1—FEW days ago, —FOLLOWING 1—REQUEST from the Taliban.
20210823             —REPORTED, ITALY, 44—CORONA—VIRUS—RELATED deaths, compared with 23 THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20210823             The daily TALLY—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS fell to 4,168 from 5,923.
20210823             School principal ABUBAKAR—GARBA—ALHASAN said 6—OF—THE—136—STUDENTS kidnapped from 1—ISLAM—SCHOOL in THE—NORTH—CENTRAL—NIGERIA—STATE—OF—NIGER have †—OF—ILLNESS.
20210823             —REPORTED, THE—PHILIPPINES health ministry, 1—RECORD 18,332 COVID—19—INFECTIONS and for the 1. time acknowledged community transmission of the highly contagious Delta VARIANT—OF—THE—VIRUS in its capital region.
20210823             The country's vaccine procurement CHIEF said emergency USE—OF—RUSSIA—SPUTNIK—LIGHT—COVID—19—VACCINE has been approved, making it among the 1. countries in ASIA to approve THE—SINGLE—DOSE vaccine.
20210823             POLAND said it will build 1—FENCE along its border with BELARUS to halt 1—FLOW—OF—MIGRANTS THE—EUROPEAN—UNION says is being driven by Belarusian PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO in retaliation for EU sanctions.
20210823             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the construction of 2—NEW—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINES and other warships in SEVERODVINSK.
20210823             SWEDEN—HEALTH—AGENCY said the country is likely to see COVID—19—INFECTIONS—GAIN momentum in the coming months —WHILE the current curbs to limit the spread will need to be maintained —UNTIL 1—HIGHER—PROPORTION—OF—THE—ADULT—POPULATION is vaccinated.
20210823             SWEDEN—BASED AB Volvo said it had struck 1—DEAL to buy 1—HEAVY—DUTY—TRUCK subsidiary of Jiangling Motors Corp (JMC) (000550.SZ) for about 1.1—BILLION SWEDEN—CROWNS ($125.7—MILLION) to make trucks in the world's biggest vehicle market.
20210823             —WARNED, INTERNATIONAL aid groups, that MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in Syria and IRAQ are at risk of losing access to water, electricity and food amid rising temperatures, record low water levels due to lack of rainfall and drought.
20210823             —VACCINATED, PRESIDENT—TSAI—ING—WEN got, with TAIWAN—1. domestically developed COVID—19—VACCINE, giving her personal STAMP—OF—APPROVAL as THE—ISLAND begins rolling out the shot whose approval critics say has been rushed.
20210823             —APPROVED, The health ministry —LAST—MONTH, the emergency use of Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp's (6547.2) COVID—19—VACCINE.
20210823             —DISCUSSED, The energy ministers of UKRAINE, THE—USA—AND—GERMANY, in KYIV guarantees for UKRAINE about its future as 1—TRANSIT—COUNTRY—AFTER THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—RUSSIA'S—NORD—STREAM 2—GAS pipeline.
20210823             —DEPLOYED, VIETNAM, soldiers to help enforce 1—STRICT—COVID lockdown in Ho CHI—MINH—CITY, its biggest urban area and current epicenter of its worst CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK TO—DATE.
20210823             —MONTAG, 20210823
20210823             Salvar as Alagoas Brancas de LAGOA, Algarve
20210823             As Alagoas Brancas no concelho de LAGOA, necessitam ser salvas da voragem urbanística que as ameaça.
20210823             A associação Almargem identificou uma riqueza ecológica que justifica a sua classificação de acordo com a convenção RAMSAR.
20210823             Nas Alagoas foram identificadas 114—ESPÉCIES de aves, 1% da população regional de Í—BIS—PRETA,
20210823             1% da população nacional de carraceiro e uma zona que a Almargem concluiu como sendo uma zona húmida temporária.
20210823             Contrariamente ao que seria de esperar, o Município de LAGOA continua insistindo em permitir a destruição de uma zona húmida,
20210823             ignorando o seu valor ecológico e permitindo a construção em zona inundável.
20210823             É preciso parar este processo.
20210823             Mas isso só pode ser feito com a sua ajuda.
20210823             Ajuda para cobrir despesas judiciais;
20210823             ajuda para preparar materiais informativos sobre zonas húmidas em especial sobre as Alagoas;
20210823             ajuda para preparar uma exposição sobre a história das Alagoa;
20210823             ajuda na preparação de materiais de divulgação.
20210823             ALABAMA: Trump empfiehlt Coronaimpfung — und wird von Fans ausgepfiffen
20210823             —PLÄDIERT, Bundesregierung: Drogenbeauftragte, für 6—GRAMM—GRENZE bei Cannabis
20210823             Hoffnung auf Wachstum: CHINA führt 3—KIND—POLITIK per Gesetz ein
20210823             "Ordentlich Rückenwind" vor Bundestagswahl: Grüne melden Mitgliederrekord
20210823             Gemeinsamer Appell: Arbeitgeber und Gewerkschaften rufen zu mehr Impfungen auf
20210823             Unwetter in den USA: Mehr als 20—MENSCHEN kommen bei Überschwemmungen in TENNESSEE um
20210823             Zwischenfall am Kabuler Flughafen: Bundeswehr liefert sich Schusswechsel mit Unbekannten
20210823             —NACH Fehleinschätzungen zu AFGHANISTAN: Grüne fordern unabhängige "Task Force Lagebild"
20210823             Lockdown in SYDNEY: Hohe Bußgelder gegen Teilnehmer eines illegalen Gottesdienstes verhängt
20210823             Pekings Interessen in AFGHANISTAN: Wie CHINA auf den Siegeszug der Taliban reagiert 1—INTERVIEW—VON—GEORG—FAHRION
20210823             Kurswechsel in Coronapolitik: Spahn will 50ER—INZIDENZ aus Gesetz streichen
20210823             Statistisches Bundesamt: Kein Babyboom durch Coronamaßnahmen
20210823             Berechnung dauerte —108—TAGE: 12,8 Billionen neue Nachkommastellen von Pi
20210823             7817924264 — diese Zahlenfolge markiert einen neuen Weltrekord.
20210823             Die 10—ZIFFERN sind die letzten von 62,8 Billionen Nachkommastellen der Kreiszahl Pi, die Wissenschaftler an der Fachhochschule Graubünden in der SCHWEIZ berechnet haben.
20210823             —GELUNGEN, Damit ist die Berechnung die genaueste, die jemals, ist.
20210823             Den bislang bestehenden Rekord übertrifft die neue Rechnung LAUT—ANGABEN—DER—FACHHOCHSCHULE—GRAUBÜNDEN um 12,8 Billionen Stellen.
20210823             Näherungswerte waren —SCHON im antiken GRIECHENLAND und in Babylon bekannt.
20210823             Zur Berechnung der 62,8 Billionen Stellen brauchten die SCHWEIZER—FORSCHER —108—TAGE und —9—STUNDEN — und betonen:
20210823             —GEWESEN, Sie seien damit rund 3,5-mal schneller, wie die Beteiligten am letzten Weltrekord aus —DEM—JAHR 20200000             .
20210823             Die genauste Berechnung der Kreiszahl Pi gelte als inoffizielle Richtgröße im Hochleistungsrechnen.
20210823             Genutzt wurde in Graubünden ein Hochleistungsrechner am Zentrum für Data Analytics, Visualization and Simulation.
20210823             Vergleichbare Hardware wird beispielsweise auch bei der RNA—ANALYSE eingesetzt, bei Strömungssimulationen oder Textanalysen.
20210823             "Die Berechnung hat uns gezeigt, dass wir für den DATEN—UND rechenleistungsintensiven Einsatz in der Forschung und Entwicklung vorbereitet sind.
20210823             —INVESTIERT, Elektromobilität: Sixt, 50—MILLIONEN—EURO in Ladesäulen
20210823             —GESTORBEN, Radiomoderator PHIL—VALENTINE: USA—IMPFSKEPTIKER an CORONA
20210823             BND—ANALYSEN über AFGHANISTAN: SPD macht Druck auf Kanzleramtschef Braun
20210823             Aufklärung der FLUT—KATASTROPHE, Opposition in NRW fordert Telefondaten von Ministern
20210823             Tiefdruckgebiet "Manfred": Wetterdienst warnt vor Dauerregen und Gewittern im Osten
20210823             Tschechien: PRÄSIDENT—ZEMAN fühlt sich vom eigenen Geheimdienst beschattet
20210823             Angesichts des Chaos in AFGHANISTAN ist eine große MEHRHEIT—DER—AMERIKANER einer Umfrage zufolge unzufrieden mit dem Verlauf des von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN angeordneten Truppenabzugs.
20210823             74 % DER—BEFRAGTEN gaben an, DIE—USA hätten den Rückzug schlecht gehandhabt,
20210823             obwohl 63—PROZENT einen Abzug der AMERIKANISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE an sich befürworteten.
20210823             Nur noch 50—PROZENT zeigten sich zufrieden damit, wie BIDEN seinen Job macht.
20210823             Im vergangenen —MONAT waren es noch 58—PROZENT, —IM—MÄRZ sogar 62—PROZENT.
20210823             BRITISCHER—PREMIER Johnson fordert späteren USA—TRUPPENABZUG
20210823             Es müsse jedoch klar sein, dass auch die Taliban in die Gespräche einbezogen werden müssen fuhr Heappey fort.
20210823             Die MILITANT—ISLAMISTISCHE Gruppe habe die Wahl,
20210823             entweder mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft zusammenzuarbeiten,
20210823             oder sich auf den Standpunkt zu stellen, dass es keine Möglichkeit für 1—VERLÄNGERUNG gebe.
20210823             1—SPRECHER—DER—TALIBAN in der HAUPTSTADT—KATARS—DOHA sagte Sky News,
20210823             1—VERLÄNGERUNG—DER—FRIST zu Evakuierung käme einer Verlängerung der MILITÄR—BESATZUNG seines Landes gleich.
20210823             Das sei weder notwendig noch werde man sich darauf einlassen.
20210823             Sollten sich DIE—USA dazu entscheiden, werde das Konsequenzen haben, so der Sprecher weiter.
20210823             —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 56,4
20210823             —VERLÄNGERT, Maskenpflicht in öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in USA erneut
20210823             Trotz Einschränkungen für die Menschen ohne CORONA—IMPFUNG im Alltag verzeichnen Impfzentren und Arztpraxen in DEUTSCHLAND —DERZEIT keine generelle Trendwende hin zu mehr Impfungen.
20210823             EINIGE—BUNDESLÄNDER meldeten aber wieder ein leichtes Anziehen des zuletzt stark nachgelassenen Impftempos.
20210823             CORONA—INZIDENZ in NRW bei über 100: Höchster bundesweiter Wert
20210823             1. wieder keine lokale Übertragung von COVID—19 in CHINA
20210823             Unverändert gelten strenge Einreisebeschränkungen:
20210823             Wer überhaupt einreisen darf, muss —3—WOCHEN in 1—QUARANTÄNE—EINRICHTUNG — unabhängig von Impfung und negativen Coronatests.
20210823             Bislang kein großes Kinosterben wegen CORONA
20210823             "Das vielbefürchtete Kinosterben hat —BISHER nicht stattgefunden",
20210823             —NACH der bewussten Verletzung des CORONA—LOCKDOWNS in der AUSTRALISCHEN—METROPOLE SYDNEY
20210823             hat DIE—POLIZEI die INTERNATIONAL verbreitete Freikirche Christ Embassy und mehrere Gläubige zu deftigen Strafzahlungen verdonnert.
20210823             Christ Embassy mit Hauptsitz im NIGERIANISCHEN—LAGOS ist bekannt dafür, Verschwörungstheorien zur CORONA—PANDEMIE zu verbreiten.
20210823             AUSTRALISCHE—MEDIEN zitierten aus einer auf Facebook veröffentlichten Predigt während des Gottesdienstes, wonach
20210823             die Freikirche "ALLE—LOCKDOWNS im Namen Jesu für beendet" erklärt.
20210823             Die Videos auf der FACEBOOK—SEITE von Christ Embassy SYDNEY sind inzwischen gelöscht,
20210823             die Kirche war für 1—STELLUNGNAHME —ZUNÄCHST nicht zu erreichen.
20210823             Trabalhadores de hotel de ALBUFEIRA que exigiram melhoria de condições foram suspensos
20210823             OSTUKRAINE—KONFLIKT: ZELENSKYY sperrt prorussische Websites
20210823             —ÜBERNIMMT, USA—NAVY: 1., 1—FRAU—DAS—KOMMANDO auf einem Flugzeugträger
20210823             GRIECHENLAND: Erneut große Waldbrände bei Athen und auf Euböa ausgebrochen
20210823             AFGHANISTAN—KRISE: Maas strebt zivilen Weiterbetrieb des Kabuler Flughafens an
20210823             Extremwetter auf GRÖNLAND: Der gefährlichste Regen der Welt 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CHRISTOPH—SEIDLER
20210823             —AM Flughafen in KABUL: Taliban fordern Afghanen zum Bleiben auf
20210823             Wenige —JAHRE später begannen Behörden in ganz EUROPA, 1. Impfpässe auszustellen.
20210823             as stand im offenen Gegensatz zur Lehre der Kirche, die Epidemien nicht als ansteckende Krankheiten deutete, sondern zur Strafe Gottes erklärte
20210823             — wofür auch immer.
20210823             15010101—16001231    —MITTE—DES, aus der, Noch Pestordnungen nannten darum stets als wichtigste und 1. Maßnahme gegen die Krankheit das mehrmals —AM—TAG auf Knien abzuleistende Gebet sowie eifrige Buße.
20210823             "Die Isolation der Kranken, die Quarantäne für krankheitsverdächtige Personen,
20210823             die Reinigung (Purga) verdächtiger Waren,
20210823             die absolute Passagesperre (Bando) für Kaufleute aus infizierten Orten,
20210823             ALLE—DIESE—EINRICHTUNGEN sind im Wesentlichen in Oberitalien während des 14010101—15001231    —CENTURY entwickelt worden",
20210823             1. eine wissenschaftliche These, wie sich die Verbreitung solcher Krankheiten physisch erklären ließ:
20210823             über die Weiten RUSSLAND—DURCH Mitteleuropa und von GROSSBRITANNIEN aus nach Nordamerika.
20210823             diese 1. als global empfundene Pandemie tötete mindestens Hunderttausende, wenn nicht MILLIONEN—VON—MENSCHEN
20210823             — über die Opferzahlen gibt es nicht einmal seriöse Schätzungen.
20210823             allein RUSSLAND bezifferte die Zahl seiner Opfer auf mindestens 1,1 Millionen.
20210823             Die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG will härter gegen zweifelhafte Geschäftspraktiken von privaten Anbietern für CORONA—TESTS vorgehen.
20210823             wie das Gesundheitsministerium in LONDON mitteilte, wurden Dutzende Firmen von einer Liste auf der Regierungswebseite entfernt, weil sie gar nicht existierten oder nicht die geforderten Tests im Angebot hatten.
20210823             utzende weitere seien wegen irreführender Preisangaben ermahnt worden.
20210823             Man wolle damit dem "COWBOY—VERHALTEN" in der Branche Einhalt gebieten, sagte Gesundheitsminister SAJID—JAVID.
20210823             Massive CORONA—WELLE in FRANZÖSISCH—POLYNESIEN
20210823             AstraZeneca liefert 61—MILLIONEN Impfdosen nach THAILAND
20210823             Vollständige USA—ZULASSUNG für Impfstoff von Biontech/Pfizer
20210823             Gegner von Coronamaßnahmen stürmen Zentrale von TV—SENDER in LONDON
20210823             —PRODUZIERT, ITN, die Nachrichtenprogramme der BRITISCHEN—SENDER ITV, Channel 4—UND Channel 5.
20210823             "Die Beschimpfung von Journalisten wegen ihrer Berichterstattung über das CORONA—VIRUS ist eine besorgniserregende Entwicklung, die ITN genau beobachtet"  teilte der Sender mit.
20210823             Kanadas PREMIER—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU hat sich vor dem G7-Gipfel zur Lage in AFGHANISTAN für SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—DIE radikalislamischen Taliban ausgesprochen.
20210823             "Wir sind dabei, weitere Sanktionen in Betracht zu ziehen"
20210823             Pentagon: Bemühen uns um Abschluss der Evakuierungen —BIS Ende —AUGUST
20210823             Zu der Ankündigung der Taliban, sie würden einer potenziellen Verlängerung der Evakuierungsmission westlicher Staaten aus AFGHANISTAN keinesfalls zustimmen,
20210823             wagte Kirby, man habe die öffentlichen Äußerungen der Taliban gesehen und sei sich bewusst, dass dies ihr Wunsch sei.
20210823             NATO—VERTRETER: Tempo der Abflüge aus KABUL hat sich fast verdoppelt,
20210823             schrieb der zivile Repräsentant der Nato in AFGHANISTAN, STEFANO—PONTECORVO, auf Twitter.
20210823             der zivile Repräsentant der Nato
20210823             GROSSBRITANNIEN kann sich auch SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—TALIBAN vorstellen
20210823             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4883—(+33)—ÓBITOS—49—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3788—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10460000—1—(+27)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1186
20210823             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—201—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—175—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(-2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—482
20210823             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—5635—(+31)—ÓBITOS—69—(=)—RECUPERADOS—4889—(+23)—CASOS—ATIVOS—677—(+16)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—659
20210823             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1444—(+6)—ÓBITOS—15—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1247—(+10)—CASOS—ATIVOS—182—(-4)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—783
20210823             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2881—(+25)—ÓBITOS—30—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2331—(+13)—CASOS—ATIVOS—520—(+11)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1434
20210823             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—7120—(+30)—ÓBITOS—80—(=)—RECUPERADOS—6204—(+50)—CASOS—ATIVOS—836—(-20)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—865
20210823             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3031—(+12)—ÓBITOS—33—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2812—(+11)—CASOS—ATIVOS—186—(+1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—349
20210823             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4944—(+17)—ÓBITOS—38—(=)—RECUPERADOS—4217—(+14)—CASOS—ATIVOS—689—(+3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—982
20210823             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2080—(+4)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1824—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—244—(-3)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—417
20210823             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1921—(+2)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1787—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—105—(-1)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—412
20210823             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—334—(+3)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—270—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—58—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1088
20210823             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—37.664—(+165)—|—ATIVOS:—4.739—(+29)—|—ÓBITOS:—415—(+1)—|—RECUPERADOS:—32.510—(+135)—INTERNADOS:—74—(-2)—|—EM—UCI:—17—(+1)—|—VENTILADOS:—8—(+2)—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL—/—HAB.:—753—(+)
20210823             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 310,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210823             Continente: 314,6casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210823             R(t) Nacional: 0,98 Continente: 0,98
20210823             Total Cases 212.401.184 Total Deaths 4.439.161 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 4.954.157.829
20210823             —VERURTEILT, Rechtsradikale Gruppe in den USA: Gericht, "Proud Boys"-Anführer zu Gefängnisstrafe
20210823             Mon 20210823
20210823             [l] Die BUNDESREPUBLIK—DEUTSCHLAND, meine Damen und Herren!
20210823             Die nach KABUL gebrachten Helikopter der Spezialkräfte (KSK) werden wohl vorerst nicht eingesetzt.
20210823             Das sagte 1—BUNDESWEHR—OFFIZIER dem "Focus".
20210823             Der Einsatz sei zu gefährlich, da die Taliban von den Helikoptern wüssten, hieß es.
20210823             Wie —JETZT.
20210823             Woher wissen denn die fiesen Taliban, dass die KSK Hubschrauber nach AFGHANISTAN gebracht hat?!
20210823             Ganz einfach!
20210823             Die Bundeswehr hatte den Transport der Helikopter selbst fotografiert und in den sozialen Netzwerken verbreitet.
20210823             Du kannst gar nicht so VIELE—RAUSSCHMEISSEN, wie da mal rausgeschmissen werden müssten.
20210823             Ich schlage daher vor: Einfach ganz zumachen.
20210823—13470000    —AB, die ITALIENISCHEN—STADTSTAATEN Mailand und VENEDIG hatten —SCHON damit begonnen, sich effektive Maßnahmen auszudenken, um den grassierenden "schwarzen Tod" durch Unterbrechung der Kontaktketten einzudämmen.
20210823—17960514    —AM, infizierte EDWARD—JENNER einen Achtjährigen mit Kuhpocken — und erfand die moderne Impfung.
20210823—18370000    —BIS, kam es in INDIEN zu einem Choleraausbruch, und die Krankheit verbreitete sich über CHINA nach JAPAN,
20210823—18510000    —ZEITGLEICH zur 1. industriellen Weltausstellung in LONDON, bei der sich eine als globalisiert erkennende Wirtschaft feierte,
20210823—18510000    —TAGTEN in PARIS die Delegierten der 1. internationalen Sanitätskonferenz gegen die Globalisierung der Krankheit.
20210823—18510000    Ihr Ziel: eine internationale Koordination von QUARANTÄNE—UND anderen Eindämmungsmaßnahmen, um "die Verbreitung ansteckender und exotischer Krankheiten" zu erschweren.
20210823—20210821    —CLOSED, EGYPT—SECURITY, THE—RAFAH crossing on its border with THE—GAZA—STRIP —UNTIL further notice —FOLLOWING 1—ESCALATION between ISRAEL and Hamas.
20210823—20210827    —AFTER, NEW—ZEALAND said it is extending 1—NATIONWIDE lockdown —UNTIL at least health authorities reported 35—NEW—CORONA—VIRUS—CASES.
20210823—20210901    —FROM, OMAN said it will allow anyone holding 1—COVID 19—VACCINE—CERTIFICATE to travel to the country.
20220823             —DIENSTAG, 20220823
20220823             —KAMPF—GEGEN——GELDWÄSCHE: Lindner will Bundesfinanzkriminalamt schaffen
20220823             —KRIEG—IN—OST—EUROPA, USA warnen vor Attacken auf zivile Infrastruktur, UKRAINE—SOLDATEN beklagen Folter
20220823             Studie aus JAPAN: Hunde können vor Glück weinen
20220823             —REGISTRIERT, CORONA—VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND: RKI, 60.411—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz bei 288,5
20220823             Hohe ENERGIE—PREISE, FDP—POLITIKERIN STRACK—ZIMMERMANN ruft zu Opferbereitschaft auf
20220823             Speicher nicht voll genug: TRADING—HUB—EUROPE—CHEF warnt vor Gasmangel —IM—WINTER
20220823             "Aus dieser Solidarität sollte sich DEUTSCHLAND nicht herausstehlen": IW—CHEF—HÜTHER warnt vor ENDE—DER—SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND
20220823             ENERGIE—KRISE und Arbeitsmarkt: Wärmepumpen sind gefragt wie nie, Fachkräfte aber auch
20220823             "Der junge Häuptling Winnetou": Ravensburger zieht Kinderbuch zurück
20220823             Düstere Stimmung: Wirtschaft der EURO—ZONE schrumpft auch —IM—AUGUST
20220823             Die FDP—POLITIKERIN MARIE—AGNES—STRACK—ZIMMERMANN hat an die Deutschen appelliert, in der Auseinandersetzung mit RUSSLAND zu Opfern bereit zu sein.
20220823             "Wir müssen PUTIN und den Diktatoren dieser Welt, die unser demokratisches Leben hassen und zerstören wollen, entschlossen entgegenstehen",
20220823             sagte die VERTEIDIGUNGS—EXPERTIN den Zeitungen der FUNKE—MEDIENGRUPPE.
20220823             "Das wird von uns allen auch persönlich Opfer erfordern, schwach sollten wir trotz alledem nicht werden".
20220823             Aber es geht nicht nur um uns, sondern, ich bin —JETZT auch mal pathetisch: Es geht auch um das zukünftige Leben unserer Kinder und Enkelkinder, die auch das Recht haben, so wie wir —JAHRZEHNTE lang, in einem freiheitlichen und friedlichen DEUTSCHLAND zu leben".
20220823             —NACH—DEM UKRAINE—BESCHUSS strategisch wichtiger Brücken über den Fluss Dnipro arbeitet RUSSLAND nach BRITISCHER—EINSCHÄTZUNG an einer Behelfsbrücke.
20220823             —BEGONNEN, RUSSISCHE—TRUPPEN hätten am Wochenende vermutlich damit, Lastkähne in Position zu bringen, um direkt neben der beschädigten ANTONIWSKYJ—BRÜCKE 1—PONTONBRÜCKE zu errichten,
20220823             Tausenden UKRAINE—FLÜCHTLINGEN in GROSSBRITANNIEN droht ein Ende ihrer Unterkunft in privaten Haushalten.
20220823             Wie das nationale Statistikamt ermittelt hat, will oder kann etwa jeder 4. Gastgeber die für ein halbes —JAHR zugesagte Unterbringung nicht mehr fortsetzen.
20220823             FLÜCHTLINGS—STAATSSEKRETÄR—RICHARD—HARRINGTON fordert deshalb, die Hilfszahlungen der Regierung von —DERZEIT 350—PFUND (415—EURO) —IM—MONAT zu verdoppeln.
20220823             Harrington verwies auf die explodierenden Kosten für Strom und Gas.
20220823             Die staatlichen Zuschüsse seien ein sehr wichtiger Beitrag für Haushaltsausgaben, sagte der konservative Politiker der Zeitung "Telegraph".
20220823             Die BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG hatte —NACH—DEM RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFF—AUF—DIE—UKRAINE das Programm "Homes for UKRAINE" (1—HEIM für DIE—UKRAINE) ins Leben gerufen.
20220823             Dabei verpflichten sich Privatleute, UKRAINE—FLÜCHTLINGE für mindestens ein halbes —JAHR bei sich zu Hause aufzunehmen.
20220823             —DERZEIT leben 81.700—UKRAINERINNEN und Ukrainer in etwa 25.000—HAUSHALTEN, wie die Zeitung "Times"  berichtet.
20220823             Sollte 1—VIERTEL—DER—GASTGEBER sich —NUN zurückziehen, wären etwa 19.000—UKRAINERINNEN und Ukrainer betroffen.
20220823             "Das Außenministerium hat Informationen, dass RUSSLAND seine Anstrengungen verstärkt, —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—TAGEN in der UKRAINE zivile Ziele und Regierungseinrichtungen anzugreifen",
20220823             Tue 20220823
20220823             [l] Was ist die dämlichste Inkompetenz in Sachen Verschlüsselung, von der ihr je gehört habt?
20220823             Ich glaube, Hyundai hat da gerade die neue Referenz gesetzt.
20220823             1—DEVELOPER says it was possible to run their own software on the car infotainment hardware —AFTER discovering the vehicle's manufacturer had secured its system using keys that were not only publicly known but had been lifted from programming examples.
20220823             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig !
20220823             Die haben mit Schlüsseln aus Programmierbeispielen "verschlüsselt"!
20220823             Und nicht nur das.
20220823             Sie haben die Keys auch noch auf ihre Webseite hochgeladen.
20220823             Das merken wir durchaus: Wir haben mehr Vorfälle, so wie wir das nennen",
20220823             sagte der GENERAL—INSPEKTEUR der DEUTSCHEN—LUFTWAFFE, INGO—GERHARTZ, im gemeinsamen Morgenmagazin von ARD und ZDF.
20220823             RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRFLUGZEUGE näherten sich dabei dem NATO—LUFTRAUM und würden daraufhin von NATO—FLUGZEUGEN begleitet.
20220823             —SEIT—ANFANG—AUGUST sichert die Luftwaffe gemeinsam mit Luftstreitkräften aus UNGARN und ITALIEN den NATO—LUFTRAUM über dem Baltikum.
20220823             —STATIONIERT, Im ESTNISCHEN—ÄMARI sind 5—EUROFIGHTER, die rund um die Uhr einsatzbereit sind.
20220823             Sie sollen laut Luftwaffe künftig noch durch SPANISCHE—KAMPFJETS verstärkt werden.
20220823             Eine weitere sogenannte Alarmrotte der Luftwaffe zur Verteidigung des deutschen und des NATO—LUFTRAUMS steht —DERZEIT in NIEDERSACHSEN bereit.
20220823             —ERST—AM—FREITAG sei ein von Kampfflugzeugen begleitetes Aufklärungsflugzeug vom RUSSISCHEN—KALININGRAD aus in den Ostseeraum geflogen, sagte Gerhartz".
20220823             Dann steigen wir auf".
20220823             Allerdings blieben DIE—NATO—MASCHINEN dabei "auf Abstand".
20220823             RUSSISCHE—FLUGMANÖVER im internationalen Luftraum seien "völlig in Ordnung".
20220823             —SIGNALISIERT, Zugleich werde, dass der NATO—LUFTRAUM eine "rote Linie" sei, die von RUSSISCHEN—FLUGZEUGEN nicht überschritten werden dürfe.
20220823             DIE—NATO sei ein "starkes Bündnis",
20220823             mit dem man sich besser nicht anlegen solle.
20220823             BRUSSELS, 20220823             .
20220823             "Cumulatively, 64—PERCENT—OF—EUROPE is under warning or alert, which is also contributing to spread widely THE—AREAS—OF—FIRE—DANGER across THE—EU," JRC said.
20220823             Dry and warm weather in certain western regions and the Mediterranean will last —UNTIL—NOVEMBER, experts said".
20220823             According to JRC experts, the current drought still appears to be the worst —SINCE at least —500—YEARS," the statement reads.
20220823             "The combination of 1—SEVERE—DROUGHT and heatwaves has created 1 unprecedented stress on water levels in the entire EU.
20220823             We are currently noticing 1—WILDFIRES season sensibly above the average and 1—IMPORTANT—IMPACT on crops production," EU Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth Mariya Gabriel said in 1—COMMENT.
20220823             VIENNA, 20220823             .
20220823             He held talks on energy in THE—RUSSIA—CAPITAL, which will hopefully be successful," Gulyas said.
20220823             He said HUNGARY—INTENTION to purchase 1—ADDITIONAL—700—MILLION—CUBIC—METERS—OF—GAS is dictated by the need to ensure THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ENERGY—SUPPLY in the coming months.
20220823             THE—MINISTER said that THE—HUNGARY—GOVERNMENT—NOW sees its most important task in ensuring the necessary VOLUMES—OF—ENERGY—SUPPLIES for the national industry and THE—POPULATION—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20220823             —IN—SEPTEMBER—LAST—YEAR, THE—HUNGARY—COMPANY—MVM concluded 2—LONG—TERM—CONTRACTS with Gazprom, which provide for the supply of 1—TOTAL—OF—4.5—BILLION cubic METERS—OF—FUEL per —YEAR through pipelines that go across Serbia and AUSTRIA, bypassing UKRAINE.
20220823             THE—AGREEMENT is to last —FOR—15—YEARS and can be revised —10—YEARS—AFTER THE—START—OF—ITS—IMPLEMENTATION.
20220823             Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock hat der UKRAINE die weitere Unterstützung Deutschlands mit der Lieferung moderner Waffen zugesichert.
20220823             Ein halbes —JAHR NACH—BEGINN des RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEGES gegen DIE—UKRAINE sagte Baerbock, es gebe nach —DIESEM—TAG kein Zurück mehr, sondern DEUTSCHLAND und seine Verbündeten müssten sich dieser "bitteren Realität" stellen.
20220823             [l] Das JAMES—WEBB—SPACE—TELESCOPE hat ein paar wirklich sehenswerte BILDER—VON—JUPITER gemacht.
20220823             Man sieht beide Polarlichter und sogar die Ringe
20220823             [l] Old and busted: Übergewinnsteuer auf Energiespekulanten.
20220823             New hotness: Übergewinnsteuer auf Nahrungsmittelspekulanten.
20220823             —HAPPENED, He said —THIS—YEAR—FOOD—PRICE surge, despite what are thought to be abundant global grain reserves, but there was insufficient transparency from the companies to show how much grain they hold and no way to force them to release stocks in 1—TIMELY way.
20220823             Finde ich alles super.
20220823             —AM besten gleich noch was gegen Immobilienspekulanten tun Und gegen Scalper.
20220823             —BERICHTET, Das, das FRANZÖSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIUM nach einem Telefonat zwischen Außenministerin CATHERINE—COLONNA und ihrem RUSSISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN SERGEJ—LAWROW.
20220823             Colonna habe erklärt, FRANKREICH unterstütze eine rasche Entsendung einer IAEA—EXPERTENMISSION.
20220823             Sie habe die Bestätigung der grundsätzlichen Zustimmung RUSSLAND—ZU diesem Punkt zur Kenntnis genommen.
20220823             RUSSLAND habe außerdem zugesagt, alles zu unterlassen, was die Sicherheit dieser Mission gefährden könne.
20220823             Zuletzt hatte —BEREITS RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN sich für eine solche Mission ausgesprochen.
20220823             RUSSLAND besetzt das größte ATOM—KRAFTWERK—EUROPAS —BEREITS—SEIT—MÄRZ.
20220823             Maue Ernte in DEUTSCHLAND: Bauern bekommen KLIMA—WANDEL deutlich zu spüren
20220823             Schlecht für Mais, Sojabohnen und Sonnenblumen: Fast halb EUROPA hat 1—DÜRREPROBLEM
20220823             NATURSCHUTZBUND—RANKING: HURTIGRUTEN—POSTSCHIFFE sind die saubersten Kreuzfahrtschiffe
20220823             —PROTESTE—IN—OSTDEUTSCHLAND: Haseloff findet Aufruf zu Montagsdemos "unanständig"
20220823             Richtung GROSSBRITANNIEN: Fast 1300—MIGRANTEN überqueren INNERHALB—24—STUNDEN den Ärmelkanal
20220823             Fischsterben in der Oder: POLEN meldet 282—ILLEGALE Abwasserleitungen
20220823             Angebliche Schwachstellen: EX—MANAGER wirft Twitter mangelnde IT—SICHERHEIT vor
20220823             GROSSBRITANNIEN ist das einzige europäische Land, das von UKRAINISCHEN—FLÜCHTLINGEN 1—VISUM verlangt.
20220823             —ZUGLEICH, werde signalisiert, dass der NATO—LUFTRAUM eine "rote Linie" sei, die von RUSSISCHEN—FLUGZEUGEN nicht überschritten werden dürfe.
20220823             /TASS/. - EUROPE is probably facing the most severe drought over the last —500—YEARS, the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission said —ON—TUESDAY.
20220823             VIENNA, 20220823             . - /TASS/.
20220823             —SIGNALISIERT, RUSSLAND hat, einer Expertenmission der Internationalen ATOM—ENERGIE—ORGANISATION (IAEA) Zugang zum besetzten UKRAINISCHEN—ATOM—KRAFTWERK—SAPORISCHSCHJA gewähren zu wollen.
20220823—20220729    —ON, PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said that HUNGARY expects to conclude 1—DEAL this —SUMMER to purchase 1—ADDITIONAL—700—MILLION—CUBIC—METERS—OF—RUSSIA—GAS.
20220823—20220821    —ON, Gergely Gulyas, THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—OF—THE—HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER, said the country's Economic Development MINISTER—MARTON—NAGY traveled to MOSCOW to discuss energy supplies, THE—HUNGARY—NEWS—OUTLET—INDEX reported —ON—TUESDAY.
20220823—20220824    —AM, DIE—USA rufen ihre Bürger 1—TAG vor dem UKRAINE—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT—TAG erneut auf, DIE—UKRAINE zu verlassen.
20220823—20220918    —AM, Das Programm endet.
20220825—20220823    —ON, THE—DEMOLITION—OF—MONUMENT to the soldiers of the Red ARMY—THE—LIBERATORS—OF—SOVIET—LATVIA and RIGA from the Nazi INVADERS—BEGAN.
20230823             —MITTWOCH, 20230823
20230823             Drohnen auf Moskau: USA: Keine Unterstützung für Angriffe in RUSSLAND
20230823             Überbevölkerung: 8—MILLIARDEN – sind wir bald zu VIELE—MENSCHEN auf der Erde?
20230823             Angespannte Lage: Feuer in GRIECHENLAND breiten sich aus
20230823             Stärker als bei Konkurrenten: Containerumschlag in Hamburger Hafen bricht ein
20230823             —GELANDET, Chandrayaan-3: INDISCHE—SONDE auf Mond
20230823             Erasing the Existence of 1,500—PEOPLE: BRITAIN—ONGOING—COLONIAL—CRIME in THE—INDIA—OCEAN
20230823             —VERMELDET, RUSSLAND: WAGNER—KANAL, Prigoschins Tod
20230823             Gerhart Baum im SPIEGEL—TALK: "Die AfD ist viel gefährlicher als die RAF"
20230823             Der Wagner nahestehende TELEGRAM—KANAL "Grey Zone" schrieb um 21.27—UHR DEUTSCHER—ZEIT, dass Prigoschin tot sei und durch "Taten von Verrätern an RUSSLAND" starb.
20230823             Um 22.05—UHR veröffentlichte Ria 1—LISTE mit 10—NAMEN, die an Bord des Fluges gewesen sein sollen, inklusive Prigoschin.
20230823             Laut der Luftfahrtbehörde selbst handelt es sich dabei jedoch nur um die Passagierliste.
20230823             Offen bleibt: Waren alle 10—PERSONEN wirklich an Bord?
20230823             —AM—ABEND sorgte für Verwirrung, dass laut dem Portal Flightradar24 2—PRIVATJETS am Mittwochabend rund um Moskau in der Luft waren, die dem Söldnerchef zugeordnet werden.
20230823             Berichten zufolge ist es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass Prigoschin möglicherweise aus Angst vor Angriffen mehrere Fährten bei seinen Reisen legt.
20230823             —BEREITS—AM—ABEND, WAGNER—NAHE—TELEGRAM—KANÄLE implizieren , dass es sich um einen Racheakt des Kreml für den "Marsch auf Moskau" gehandelt haben könnte.
20230823             "Die ERMORDUNG—VON—PRIGOSCHIN wird katastrophale Folgen haben.
20230823             Die Leute, die den BEFEHL—GEGEBEN, haben, verstehen die Stimmung und die Moral in der Armee überhaupt nicht" heißt es etwa in einem Kommentar.
20230823             Ein anderer Kanal schreibt: "Möge dies 1—LEHRE für alle sein.
20230823             Es ist immer notwendig, —BIS zum Ende zu gehen".
20230823             Damit bezieht er sich offenbar darauf, dass Prigoschin den Aufstand seiner WAGNER—SÖLDNER noch vor Moskau stoppte.
20230823             Wed 20230823
20230823             [l] Hier fällt jemandem auf, dass Streaming —JETZT genau so teuer und scheiße wie KABEL—TV ist, dass Uber —JETZT genau so teuer wie Taxifahren ist, und dass die Cloud auch nicht mehr billiger als selberhosten ist.
20230823             Ach. Ach was.
20230823             —BESTIMMT, Das hat, DIE—CIA herausgefunden!
20230823             [l] Old and busted: Russe stürzt aus Fenster.
20230823             New hotness: Russe stürzt mit Fenstern ab.
20230823             Wobei noch nicht bestätigt ist, dass Prigoshin wirklich an Bord war.
20230823—20220000    Trotz Rekordgewinn: Ölkonzerne investierten nur einen Bruchteil in erneuerbare Energien
20230823—20230823    —AM, UKRAINE—NEWS : RUSSISCHER—HUBSCHRAUBERPILOT läuft über
20240823             —FREITAG, 20240823
20240823             Maduros umstrittener Sieg bestätigt: Venezuelas Oberstes Gericht spricht von angeblichem Cyberangriff auf Wahlsystem
20240823             —BEFÜRCHTET, Zerstörte Infrastruktur: UKRAINE, härtesten —WINTER ihrer Geschichte
20240823             6. Vulkanausbruch in —9—MONATEN: Auf ISLAND sprudelt es wieder
20240823             Treffen mit WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY: Indiens Premier Modi in Kiew eingetroffen
20240823             Klimakrise: ZAHL—DER—HITZETOTEN in EUROPA könnte sich —BIS 2100—VERDREIFACHEN
20240823             NATO—STÜTZPUNKT in NRW: Vorsichtige Entwarnung nach Sabotageverdacht in Geilenkirchen
20240823             Studie: Jeder 3. AFD—WÄHLER billigt Gewalt gegen Politiker
20240823             Diskussion um Artenschutz: SCHWEDEN lässt fast 500—BÄREN in kurzer Zeit erschießen
20240823             Nachrichtendienste auf der Gamescom: Wie Sicherheitsbehörden unter Gamern nach Nachwuchs suchen
20240823             Nach Monsunregen: Mindestens 30—MENSCHEN bei Überschwemmungen in BANGLADESCH und INDIEN gestorben
20240823             Negativer Einfluss auf soziales Klima: Forscher fordern Handyverbot an Schulen
20240823             Langwierige Beratungen mit Macron: Linke erheben Anspruch auf Regierungsbildung in FRANKREICH
20240823             Volle Gefängnisse nach Ausschreitungen: BRITISCHE—GERICHTE sollen Urteile aufschieben
20240823             Fri 20240823
20240823             [l] Die Regierung will nach über —200—JAHREN staatliche Leistungen an die Kirchen einstellen.
20240823             Diffamierungen im USA—WAHLKAMPF: "Trump gibt sich keine Mühe, seinen Rassismus zu verbergen"
20240823             Mutmaßlicher Wahlbetrug in VENEZUELA: USA erkennen Urteil zu Maduros Wahlsieg nicht an
20240823             Täter auf der Flucht: 3—TOTE bei Angriff auf Solinger Stadtfest