_HEUTE_0627 :

_12130627            † ALT—ÄGYPTEN—PHARAO—RAMSES—II.
03610000—03630627    JULIEN[KAISER—JULIANUS]
03630627             —ROMAN—EMPEROR—JULIAN—DEATH, brought 1—END to THE—PAGAN—REVIVAL.
03630627             † KAISER—JULIANUS[JULIEN], im Kampf (angeblich durch DAS—SCHWERT 1—CHRISTLICHER—OFFIZIER) tödlich verwundet Wird
04440627             † HEILIGER—KYRILL—VON—ALEXANDRIA—PATRIARCH—VON—ALEXANDRIA, Kirchenvater und Kirchenlehrer,
06780627             —DONUS—PAPA—NACHFOLGER—S—AGATHO—PAPA—INTHRONISIERT,  wird als  von began his reign as CATHOLIC—PAPA
06960627—20110000    —FOUND—IN, 1—MAYA—BALLCOURT at TONINA was dedicated and sculptures, were created to commemorate THE—DEDICATION.
08500627             * AB?—ISH?Q—IBR?H?M—II—EMIR—DER—AGHLABIDEN—IN—IFR?qiya, 9.
10520627             † HALINARD—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—LYON
10660627             † HEILIGER—ARIALDUS, Diakon in der Region um Mailand,  der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN Kirche
11190627             † HERWIG—BISCHOF—VON—MEISSEN
11510627             † BERTHOLD—II—GRAF—VON—ANDECHS
11690627             † GERHOCH—VON—REICHERSBERG, bayerischer Kirchenreformer und Theologe
11940627             † SANCHO—VI—KÖNIG—VON—NAVARRA
12140627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BOVINES—AM, OTTO—IV. verlor aber die entscheidende  und
12140627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BOVINES—AM, OTTO—IV. verlor damit ALLE—HOFFNUNG, sich zu behaupten.
12140627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BOVINES—AM, OTTO—IV. zog sich in seine altsächsischen Erblande zurück,
12950627             —LETTRE—DE—BONIFACIUS—VIU—PAPA ven. frairi •• EPISCOPO MASSILIENSI.
12950627             Specialis dilectio// l'autorise à se.¦servir des
12960627             † FLORENS—V—GRAF—VON—HOLLAND
13190627             —VOM, handelte ES—SICH bei SIEGBURG—URKUNDEN—BUCH—I—246—UND
13190627             handelte es sich bei SUB—I—246 und 268—VOM und
13190627—13270503    —RÜCK—GEWINNUNG entfremdeten SIEGBURG—BESITZES eventuell auch mit kirchlichen Zensuren zu betreiben
13190627—13270503    es versteht sich fast von selbst, daß bei 1—BENEDIKTINER—ORDEN—KLOSTER päpstliche Provisionen kaum 1—ROLLE spielten,
13190627—13270503    trotz der —INZWISCHEN eingetretenen Auflösung der strengen MÖNCHischen Lebensformen.
13190627—13270503    bei SUB—I—246—UND 268—VOM und —VOM, handelte es sich Um Mandate an andere Geistliche,
13370627             —DANN, MÖNCH
13370627             —DANN, JAKOB—VON—NEKIM, MÖNCH
13480627             ARNOLDO—DOMINO—DE—ISELSTEINE—MILITI—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS indulgetur, quod IN—LOCIS—INTERDICTO suppositis Missam et alia DIVINA—OFFICIA privatim celebrari facere valeat.
13480627             (ENGEJHERTO—EPISCOPO—LEODIENSI commititur^ ut ad sedandum dimicationes mortalissimas ^ qui diu inter ipsorum progenitores viguerunt^ cum Willelmo
13500627             * MANUEL—II—KAISER—VON—BYZANZ
13520627             AVINIONE, JACOBUS—MONASTERIO—S—LAURENTIO in Oosfbroek^ cujus abbatia dudum DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE reservata NUNC—VACAT PER—OBITUM—CRUNTERI quondam abbatiS praeficitur in abbatem.
13520627             —OUJUS nominationis conventus et vassalli certiores redduntur atque de obedientia et reverentia eidem JACOBo praestandis admonentur.
13520627             Officii nostri. DATUM—AVINIONE, V EL;;07— UNDECIMO.
13520627             REGESTE—AVINIONE—BAND—66—FOLIA—96. - j;;y Avenumia.
13540627             ) WILHELM—GRAF—VON—ISENBURG—WIED, son of ---
13580627             —BESTRAFUNG genannter DEUTSCHer, WEGEN Diebstahls.
13580627             —MENSE—DIE, Nota quod intrante per judices de proprio predictus fuit sententiatus idem MAGISTER—NICOLAUS—DIMICATOR ad frustandum et bullandum et d(ominus) BERTUCIUS—BOCASSIO protulit sententiam.
13750627             qui curtes et mansos MONASTERII Assindensis indebite TENET occupata.
13750627             Exhibita nobis etc. verbotenus fere^ sed mutatis mutandis ut supra NUMERO—2075—USQUE PAGINA—221:
13750627             etiam diversas excommunicacionis, suspensionis et interdicti sentencias continentes;
13750627             quodque POSTMODUM prefatus EPISCOPUS premissis ligatus sententiis, quas per plures ANNOS sustinuerat animo indurato et etiam excommunicatus publice nunciatus,
13750627             extitit vita functus et ejus corpus per nonnullos IN—ECCLESIA—TRAJECTENSI traditum fuit ECCLESIAstice sepulture,
13750627             propter quod ipsa ECCLESIA juxta canonicas sanctiones est ECCLESIAstico supposita interdicto quodque ARNOLDUS—EPISCOPUS—TRAIECTENSIS,
13750627             de cujus PERSONA POST ejusdem JOHANNIS—EPISCOPI obitum eidem ecclesie TRAJECTENSI per SEDEM—APOSTOLICAM provisum exstitit,
13750627             eidem JOHANNi EPISCOPO scienter succedens in vicium, non obstantibus premissis diffinitivis sententiis, curtes, mansos, MANCIPIA, servos,
13750627             jura et pertinentias supradicta occupavit, propter quod contra eundem ARNOLDum EPISCOPUM auctoritate nostra processum extitit;
13750627             quodque, licet idem ARNOLDUS—EPISCOPUS,
13750627             propterea legitime excommunicatus extitit, in partibus illis fuerit excommunicatus publice nuntiatus, tamen ab occupatione premissorum non cessat,
13750627             quinimo curtes et bona alia predicta plerisque personis laicalibus donat atque dissipat et distrahit,
13750627             ac etiam possessoribus et incolis dictorum bonorum impositiones et tallias graves et inconsuetas imponit sub pretenso nomine advocati,
13750627             quamvis super hujusmodi advocatia quo ad possessorium judicium per dictas 3—DIFFINITIYAS sententias silentium impositum fuerit quondam JOHANNi EPISCOPO supradicto.
13750627             Quare pro parte dictarum abbatisse et capituli, que, ut asserunt,
13750627             longe litis dispendiis, que viginii annis, ut asserunt, duravit, bonorumque predictorum carentia,
13750627             cum fere fuit tertia pars reddituum ecclesie Assindensis predicte, adeo sunt consumpte et depauperate, quod respirare nequeunt,
13750627             nisi per nos eis de deffensionis auxilio KONSULatur, quatinus consideratis omnibus supradictis et ne etiam nervus ECCLESIAstice censure contempnatur
13750627             et ne culpabiles de sua malitia glorientur, contra sepelientes eundem JOHANNem EPISCOPUM procedi eosque declarari propterea penas juris incidisse dictamque ECCLESIAM,
13750627             in qua DICTUS JOHANNES—EPISCOPUS—SEPULTUS extitit, ECCLESIAstico interdicto fore suppositam et alias contra prefatum ARNOLDum EPISCOPUM
13750627             et quoscunque alios occupatores, detentores curtium et aliorum bonorum predictorum,
13750627             donec rei judicate realiter cum effectu paritum fuerit, etiam procedi et alias eis in premissis provideri de benignitate apostolica dignaremur.
13750627             Nos itaque, hujusmodi supplicacionibus inclinati, discretioni tue per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus
13750627             Vocatis qui fuerint evocandi et auditis hinc inde propositis quod justum fuerit auctoritate nostra,
13750627             appellatione remota, decernas faciens quod decreveris auctoritate predicta firmiter observari.
13750627             Testes autem, qui fuerint nominati, si se gratia, odio vel timore subtraxerint, PER—CENSURAM—ECCLESIASTICAM appellatione cessante, compellas veritati testimonium perhibere.
13750627             Ceterum si forsan ARNOLDI—EPISCOPI et aliorum prefatum quondam JOHANNem EPISCOPUM sepelientium presentia pro monitione seu citatione de ipsis faciendis secure vel commode haberi nequiret,
13750627             tibi monitiones et citationes quaslibet per edicta publica in locis circumvicinis affigenda publicis,
13750627             de quibus sit verisimilis conjectura, quod ad notitiam citatorum et monitorum hujusmodi pervenire valeant,
13750627             faciendi plenam concedimus tenore presentium potestatem et volumus, quod perinde ipsos citatos et monitos,
13750627             ut premittitur, artent ac si eis facte et insinuate presentialiter et PERSONAliter extitissent;
13750627             non obstantibus constitutionibus apostolicis de personis ultra certum numerum ad judicium non vocandis et aliis contrariis quibuscumque;
13750627             seu si eisdem ARNOLDO—EPISCOPO vel quibusvis aliis communiter vel divisim a dicta sit sede indultum, quod interdici,
13750627             suspendi vel excommunicari non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto hujusmodi mentionem.
13750627             Autographum nonmhU corrupium IN—ARCHIVIO Statu* Dusseldorpiano s ngUUm et ligatura X desunt;
13750627             in plica inferiori ad dext,: Registrata etc. JO—GRASSI etc.j ad sinittrum: x " M^Y"nardi;
13750627             a tergo: TNCAS—DE—LUNEUBOORG, et paullo inferiue: R. BuU. et pro tantis Jo.—DE—KRUZWILREC?)
13750627             Fragmentum apud Niclas Kindlinger Qeschichte DER—DEUTSCHEN—BIFRIGHEIT {BERLIN 18190000             )
13750627             483. n^ 129, secundum autographum. ^ APUD—VILLAMNOVAM.
13750627             DECANO ECCLESIAE—S—LUDGERI MONASTERIENSIS mandatur^ ut procedat contra Anagniae. GUIDOni tit.
13770627             per obitum WILHELMI—DICTI—CARDINAEL et
13770627             DIE—;;0127;.;, proxime elapso collationi SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE reservata.
14410627             * JOHANN—III, Mitregent in der GRAFSCHAFT—NASSAU—WEILBURG
14580627             † ALFONSO—V—KÖNIG—VON—ARAGON.
14580627             † KÖNIG—ALFONS—VON—ARAGÓN Da starb, Ohne rechtmässige Kinder hatte IN seinen SPANIEN—REICHEN und in SICILIEn seinen Bruder DON—JUAN zum Nachfolger,
14580627             Der CALIXTUS—III—PAPA beschloss die von KÖNIG—ALFONS—VON—ARAGÓN getroffene Verfügung nicht anzuerkennen.
14580627             Sei es daß  CALIXTUS—III—PAPA wirklich hoffte SÜD—ITALIEN mit dem KIRCHEN—STAAT zu vereinigen,
14580627             sei es daß CALIXTUS—III—PAPA, wie man ihm vorgeworfen hat, DIE—ABSICHT hegte seinem CALIXTUS—III—PAPA—NEFFE, dem er auch DAS—HERZOGTUM—BENEVENT und DIE—GRAFSCHAFT—TERRACINA vergeben hatte, die NEAPEL—KRONE zu verschaffen:
14580627             —WÄHREND KÖNIG—ALFONS—VON—ARAGÓN die von ihm selber zugebrachte Krone NEAPEL seinem legitmierten SOHN—FERRANTE liess.
14970627             † NIKOLAUS—II—HERZOG—VON—OPPELN
15190627             —AFTER—WHICH the actors and spectators moved, in solemn procession, to the castle.
15190627             —THE existence or THE—NON—EXISTENCE—OF—THAT which had HITHERTO been THE—DOCTRINE—OF—THE—CHURCH and the prescribed WAY—OF—SALVATION.
15190627             2—PULPITS had been erected —IN—THE—SALOON facing EACH—OTHER.
15190627             And —NOW for the disputation itself!
15190627             —AT—6—O'CLOCK IN THE—MORNING—IN order to the worthy OPENING—OF—THIS—MOMENTOUS—BUSINESS, mass was celebrated at LEIPSIC[LEIPZIG] S—THOMAS' CHURCH,
15190627             —AT—THE—CLOSE—OF this discourse, music resounded through the hall, and whilst the whole assemblage knelt, THE—ANCIENT hymn Veni Sancte Spiritus was chanted.
15190627             —AT—THIS—MOMENT, THE—1—BOND—OF—THE—CHURCH that had endured so long stills holds all together;
15190627             but continually to keep their eyes fixed upon THE—TRUTH as the prize of the contest.
15190627             —STATIONED, Here 1—NUMEROUS watch was, to ensure order.
15190627             I cannot do away with the impression which the recital of these formalities has ever made upon me.
15190627             Let others, if they will, regard these as empty ceremony, 1—REMNANT of mediaeval formalism.
15190627             Let us recollect that MANY—OF—THOSE present brought 1 agitated and anxious heart to the ground where earnest battle was to be made, and
15190627             Let us recollect that the thought, "What will the end be ?
15190627             "doubtless passed through the mind of more than 1 in that great company.
15190627             —REMINDED, PETER—MOSELLANUS—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—ASSEMBLAGE, in 1—FINE—LATIN oration, the disputants of their duties, admonishing them not to let the debate DEGENE—RATE into 1—VAIN—WAR—OF—WORDS,
15190627             prayer to THE—LORD—OF—THE—CHURCH, to the common FATHER—OF—ALL, still ascends as from 1—MOUTH;and
15190627             Such, at least, may have been the feelings of SOME—WHO had secretly reflected on the turn which THE—TIMES might take.
15190627             The lots were cast, the point at issue was no mere Scholastic fancy, but 1—VITAL—QUESTION-*
15190627             —THE—PUBLIC—DEBATE began.
15190627             though with MANY—IT might be only 1—PRAYER—OF—THE lips, doubtless here and there 1 troubled heart was throbbing with anxiety and grief, and praying fervently for THE—COMING—OF—THE—SPIRIT—OF—TRUTH and love.
15190627             —GLIDED, Thus the forenoon, away in the introductory solemnities.
15190627             Leipziger Disputation
15190627             —WITTENBERG—THEOLOGE—MARTIN—LUTHER bestreitet die DES—PAPA—PRIMAT—BEGRÜNDUNG aus göttlichem Recht und wird von INGOLSTADT—THEOLOGE—JOHANNES—ECK deshalb der HUSSITEN—KETZEREI bezichtigt.
15220627             —CETTE—LETTRE ne fut remise a SADOLET que le :
15420627—15420928    —SEE
15510627             —EDIT—DE—CHÂTEAUBRIANT codifiant les mesures à prendre CONTRE—LES—HÉRÉTIQUES[HAERETIKER]
15700627             —BATAILLE—DE—ARNAY—LE—DUC
15740627             † GIORGIO—VASARI, FLORENZ—ARCHITEKT und Hofmaler der Medici, Künstlerbiograph
15800627             —PORTUGAL—OCCUPIED—DUKE—OF—ALBA—ARMY, .
15830627             * CHRISTOPH—VON—DOHNA, Politiker und Gelehrter zur Zeit des 30—JÄHRIGER—KRIEGES
15850627             † BARTHOLOMÄUSA—SCHÖNBORN, DEUTSCHLAND—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom, Physiker, Philologe und Mediziner
16110627             † BARTHOLOMÄUSA—SPRANGER, flämischer Maler
16200627             —AM, als der er auch erscheint.
16200627—16220609    —VOM—BEZEUGT, WERNER—VON—PALANDT als KANTOR.
16260627             * DEUTSCHLAND—HISTORIKER—JOHANN—ANDREAS—BOSE,  und Philologe
16290627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—STUHM während des SCHWEDEN—POLEN—KRIEG 16000000–16290000             —ERLEIDEN die SCHWEDEN unter GUSTAV—ADOLF—KÖNIG—VON—SCHWEDEN 1 schwere Niederlage gegen POLEN—UND KAISER—TRUPPENUNTER Hetman Stanis?aw Koniecpolski.
16380627             * SAMUEL—FRISCHING, Schultheiss der STADT—BERN und REPUBLIK—BERN
16540627             † JOHANN—VALENTIN—ANDREAE, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Mathematiker und Theologe
16560627             —SPINOZA—EXCOMMUNICATED, .
16670627             * IGNACE—JACQUES—PARROCEL, FRANKREICH—MALER und Kupferstecher
16740627             —DATUM—BERLIN,
16740627             —GEARBEITET, Er hat SEITDEM daran, ihre Bedingungen zur Annahme zu bringen.
16740627             Doch DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN den SUBSIDIEN—PUNKT anders auffassen als die BRANDENBURGischen MINISTER, und
16740627             er wird daher Mühe haben, die Mehrforderungen der Letzteren abzulehnen.
16740627             Diese verlangen nämlich ausser den Rückständen selbst noch 260.000—REICHS—TALER an WERBE—GELD und
16740627             SUBSIDIEN für die überzähligen Truppen, namentlich die lothringischen, welche man auf besonderen Wunsch des AMERONGEN angenommen,
16740627             so daß ihre ganze Forderung noch 630.000—REICHS—TALER beträgt.]
16740627—16740616    Ihre RESOLUTION—VOM, hat er VORGESTERN bekommen.
16770627             —VOM, JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT—SCHREIBEN.
16770627             VON—DER—TOCHT an den GRIFFIER.
16770627             —DATUM—BERLIN, - Beschwerde SCHWERIN—UND GLADEBECK—ÜBER den Entwurf eines SEPARAT—FRIEDENS zwischen FRANKREICH und den Staaten, JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT entschuldigt sich mit Unkenntniss
16770627             —DATUM—BERLIN/ —DATUM—HELSINGÖR ;;0617;;/ 16820627             20220112200627
16780627             —DATUM
16820627             MOERINGH—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16820627             —DIE—VERTRÄGE—ZWISCHEN—DÄNEMARK und BRANDENBURG und Beider mit FRANKREICH sind geschlossen:
16820627             —DIE—VERTRÄGE bezwecken Erhaltung des Friedens, damit man ungestörter zur Ausführung seiner projectirten Unternehmungen schreiten könne.
16820627             —DIE—VERTRÄGE Sobald daher 1—GENERAEL—ACCOMMODEMENT geschlossen sein wird,
16820627             werden DÄNEMARK und BRANDENBURG "all'storten en t' zeijl gaen", um die Früchte ihrer Nachgiebigkeit gegen FRANKREICH zu ernten
16820627             Es ist nach seiner Ansicht DIE—PFLICHT der GENERAL—STAATEN, diesen Plänen kräftigst entgegenzutreten und ihre Verwirklichung zu verhindern.
16820627/16820617    —DATUM—HELSINGÖR,
16830627             —DUQUESNE—BOMBARDE—ALGER
16860627             GENERAL—VIKAR fordert Bericht
16930627             1. WOMAN—MAGAZINE "THE—LADIES'—MERCURY" was published in LONDON.
16940627             * JOHANN—HILDEBRAND—WITHOF, DEUTSCHLAND—PROFESSOR für Beredsamkeit und Geschichte
16970627             Der zum katholischen Glauben konvertierte sächsische KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—I. wird als —AUGUST—II—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN gewählt.
17040627             † JAKOB—POTMA, bayerischer Hofmaler und Kammerdiener
17090627             —BATTLE—OF—POLTAVA.
17150627             —KRIEG—MIT—VENEDIG, landen CA—40.000—OSMAENN—REICH—SOLDATEN auf dem PELOPONNES.
17170627             Elisabetta, cons(orte) di STEFANO—SMIT (Schmit?), BASTASO—DI—FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI, aus 23;
17170627             * EMANUEL—WITZ, SCHWEIZ—MALER
17171030             JOHANN—WILHELM—EMUNDS aus ALDENHOVEN oo ANNA—THERESIA—BARDENHEWER, aus LOHN, Tochter vom CHRISTIAN, DISPENS—VOM—AUFGEBOT, wenn die Anfechtung der Verlobung durch Catharina Schmitz abgelehnt wird 17420627             17400627             FRANZ—VON—SERAING wurde —AM, geboren.
17400627             * FRANZ—VON—SERAING,  wurde —AM.
17410627             * MARIE—MADELEINE—JODIN, FRANKREICH—SCHAUSPIELERIN, Philosophin und Feministin
17420627             * JOSÉ—DE—ITURRIGARAY—VIZE—KÖNIG—VON—NEU—SPANIEN, SPANIEN—OFFIZIER und Kolonialverwalter,
17430627             —CELEBRATED, This event was, by Handel in his composition "DETTINGEN Te Deum".
17430627             —DÉFAITE—FRANÇAISE à Dettingen contre l'armée ANGLO—HANOVRIENNE.
17430627             —DÉFAITE—FRANÇAISE à DETTINGEN face aux anglo hollandais
17430627             —DÉFAITE—DE—NOAILLES à DETTINGEN en Franconie
17430627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—DETTINGEN im ÖSTERREICH—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG besiegen die verbündeten Österreicher und Briten die Franzosen.
17440627             † JEAN—FRÉDÉRIC—BERNARD, FRANKREICH—BUCHHÄNDLER, Autor, Übersetzer, Drucker und Verleger
17510627             * JOHANN—HEINRICH—VOIGT, DEUTSCHLAND—MATHEMATIKER, Astronom und Physiker
17580627             † MICHELANGELO—UNTERBERGER, Südtiroler Maler
17590627             —BEGINNT, Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—GENERAL—JAMES—WOLFE, im Zuge des nordamerikanischen FRANZOSEN—UND INDIANER—KRIEGS mit der erfolgreichen Belagerung des FRANKREICH—QUEBEC.
17650627             Die komische Oper Le Faux Lord von FRANÇOIS—JOSEPH—GOSSEC hat ihre —PREMIERE, an der Comédie Italienne in PARIS.
17760627             † THOMAS—HICKEY, PLOTTED to hand GEORGE—WASHINGTON over to British, was hanged.
17780627             —AFTER—THE—UK—LEFT, THE—LIBERTY—BELL came home to PHILADELPHIA.
17870627             * THOMAS—SAY, USA—ENTOMOLOGE
17890627             [LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]LOUIS—XVI. ordonne aux REPRÉSENTANTS—DE—LA—NOBLESSE et du clergé de se rallier au TIERS—ÉTAT
17940627             Der FRANKREICH—SCHRIFTSTELLER—SIMON—NICOLAS—HENRI—LINGUET wird in PARIS hingerichtet, weil er den Tyrannen zu LONDON und WIEN geschmeichelt habe.
17950627             —DÉBARQUEMENT—DE—ÉMIGRÉS soutenus par les Chouans
18010627             Der andere Teil hält vorerst die HAFENSTADT—ALEXANDRIA.
18050627             * NAPOLÉON—COSTE, FRANKREICH—GITARRIST, Gitarrenlehrer und Komponist
18060627             —CAPTURED, BUENOS—AIRES, by British.
18060627             —EROBERN, Die Briten, in diesem Zusammenhang das SPANIEN—REGIERT—BUENOS—AIRES.
18160627             * FRIEDRICH—GOTTLOB—KELLER, DEUTSCHLAND—ERFINDER (Papier aus Holzschliff)
18240627             † WENZEL—EDLER—VON—ANKERBERG, Schachspieler, Beamter und Numismatiker
18290627             † JAMES—SMITHSON, Englishmen scientist, GROSSBRITANNIEN—MINERALOGE und Chemiker
18290627             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—AUGUST—HEYSE, DEUTSCHLAND—PÄDAGOGE, Grammatiker und Lexikograf
18290627—19260000    —STATED, JAMES—SMITHSON'S will, that should his nephew die without heirs, the estate should go to THE—USA—OF—AMERICA to found at WASHINGTON, under THE—NAME—OF—THE—SMITHSONIAN—INSTITUTE, 1—ESTABLISHMENT for the increase and DIFFUSION—OF—KNOWLEDGE among men.
18330627             PRUDENCE—CRANDALL, 1—WHITE—WOMAN, was arrested for conducting 1—ACADEMY for BLACK—WOMEN in CANTERBURY—CONNECTICUT.
18330627             —CLOSED, THE—ACADEMY was eventually.
18380627             * BANKIM—CHANDRA—CHATTERJEE, Bengali novelist (Anandamath).
18390627             —KIDNAPPED, CINQUE[SENGHBE], and over 50—OTHER—AFRICANS had been, in SIERRA—LEONE and sold into slavery in CUBA.
18390627             —CARRIED, CINQUE[SENGHBE], and over 50—OTHER—AFRICANS were, on 1—SPAIN—SHIP—THE—TECORA, to CUBA.
18390627             —PLACED, Cinque and 49—OTHER—SLAVES and 4—CHILDREN were, on the ship La AMISTAD destined for HAITI.
18390627             —REVOLTED, CINQUE[SENGHBE], and over 50—OTHER—AFRICANS, killed THE—CAPTAIN, and
18390627             —ORDERED, CINQUE[SENGHBE], and over 50—OTHER—AFRICANS, the crew back to AFRICA BUT the ship sailed north and ran aground.
18390627             1—LEGAL—BATTLE ensued in NEW—LONDON—CONNECTICUT, that went to THE—SUPREME—COURT—WHERE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS argued for their freedom and won.
18390627             —LATER, BARBARA—CHASE—RIBAUD wrote "ECHO—OF—LIONS," 1—NOVEL based on THE—AMISTAD.
18390627             † RANJIT—SINGH, 1. Herrscher des geeinigten Punjab
18390627—18390826    —CAPTURED, THE—SLAVE—SHIP—LA—AMISTAD was, by THE—USA—NAVY.
18390627—18550000    1—NOVELLA by Herman Melville, "Benito Cereno" looked at the rebellion through the eyes of 1—USA—INTERLOPER.
18390627—19960000    —ANNOUNCED, STEVEN—SPIELBERG, plans to direct 1—FILM based on the incident titled "AMISTAD".
18390627—19970000    1—OPERA—PRODUCTION, "AMISTAD," by ANTHONY—DAVIS premiered in CHICAGO.
18390627—19970000    —BASED, THE—FILM, on the incident titled "AMISTAD" was to be released.
18410627             † WILLIAM—AUSTIN, USA—RECHTSANWALT, Politiker und Schriftsteller
18440627             —AGAIN—IMPRISONED, MORMON—JOSEPH—SMITH, —38—JAHRE—ALT and his brother, HYRAM, were.
18440627             1—MOB stormed THE—CARTHAGE—ILLINOIS—PRISON and
18440627             † † the brothers MORMON—JOSEPH—SMITH, HYRAM—SMITH, were killed.
18440627             —SEEJAMES—STRANG then began evangelizing in THE—MID—WEST and East with SOME—SUCCESS.
18440627             — —LATER, —SEEJAMES—STRANG His followers were CALLED, "Strangites".
18440627             JOSEPH—SMITH - JOSEPH—SMITH, Gründer und 1. Prophet der Mormonen sowie USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDAT, wird zusammen mit seinem älteren Bruder Hyrum bei einem Fluchtversuch aus dem Gefängnis von Carthage, BBUNDES—STAAT ILLINOIS, durch Schüsse aus einer aufgebrachten Menschenmenge getötet.
18440627             Smith ist der 1. während einer Wahlkampagne ermordete PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDAT in den USA.
18440627             † JOSEPH—SMITH, USA—GRÜNDER und 1. Prophet der Mormonen
18440627—18460000    —SEEJAMES—STRANG laid claim to being his rightful successor but Brigham Young soon took CONTROL—OF—THE—CHURCH—OF—JESUS CHRIST—OF—LATTER—DAY—SAINTS.
18450627             */~ALICE—MELLEN F Nauvoo, HANCOCK—ILLINOIS <USA>
18460627             —LINKED, NEW—YORK—CITY and BOSTON were, by telegraph wires.
18480627             † HEINRICH—ZSCHOKKE, DEUTSCH—SCHWEIZ—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Pädagoge und Politiker
18480627             —AM, wurde DAS—GESETZ über die PROVISORISCHE—CENTRALGEWALT (Reichsverweser mit verantwortlichen MINISTERn) angenommen und
18500627             * IVAN—VAZOV, poet, novelist, playwright (Under the Yoke), in BULGARIA.
18500627—19040000    * † LAFCADIO—HEARN, IRISH—USA—JOURNALIST, author, in GREECE.
18520627             † LEMUEL—H—ARNOLD, USA—POLITIKER
18530627             * PETER—VON—BRADKE, DEUTSCHLAND—LINGUIST und Sanskritist
18540627             Der KANADA—GEOLOGE ABRAHAM—GESNER erhält für seine Erfindung des Kerosins in den USA Patentschutz.
18570627             H. Goldschmidt discovered asteroid #45, Eugenia.
18570627             —MASSAKER—AM—SATI—CHOWRA—KANPUR, kommt es beim INDIEN—AUFSTAND zum .
18570627             Die TRANSVAAL—REPUBLIK im SÜD—AFRIKAS erklärt sich für unabhängig.
18580627             —VERTRAG—VON—TIANJIN wird CHINA zur Öffnung weiterer Häfen für den Handel durch GROSSBRITANNIEN und FRANKREICH gezwungen.
18590627             Der Basler Grossrat beschließt mit seinem Gesetz zur Stadterweiterung den Abriss der Basler Stadtmauer.
18620627             * MAY—IRWIN, USA comedienne, singer (1—HOT—TIME in the Old Town).
18620627             CONFEDERATES broke through the Union lines at —BATTLE—OF—GAINES' Mill on the 3. —DAY—OF—THE—7—DAYS—BATTLE—IN—VIRGINIA.
18620627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—GAINES Mill, die 3. Schlacht der —7—TAGE—SCHLACHT während des HALBINSEL—FELDZUGES der Union unter GEORGE—B—MCCLELLAN im SEZESSIONS—KRIEG, endet mit einem Sieg der Konföderierten unter ROBERT—EDWARD—LEE.
18640627             —REPULSED, GENERAL—SHERMAN was, by CONFEDERATES at
18640627             —SCHLACHT—AM—KENNESAW—MOUNTAIN, Die Konföderierten SIEGEN in der
18650627             * JOHN—MONASH, AUSTRALIEN—INGENIEUR und Offizier
18660627             —BATTLE—OF—LANGENSALZA was fought near BAD—LANGENSALZA in what is —NOW modern GERMANY, between THE—KINGDOM—OF—HANOVER (Hanoverians) and THE—PRUSSIANS.
18660627             —SURROUNDED, THE—HANOVERIANS won THE—BATTLE—OF—LANGENSALZA but were then, by 1—LARGER and reinforced PRUSSIA—ARMY, and, unable to link up with their BAVARIA—ALLIES to the south, they surrendered.
18660627             —AFTER losing 1—WAR with PRUSSIA, HANOVER—ANNEXED,  was,
18660627             —SCHLACHT—BEI—LANGENSALZA im DEUTSCHLAND—KRIEG gewinnt das KÖNIGREICH—HANNOVER gegen PREUßEN, kann diesen Sieg jedoch nicht ausnutzen.
18660629—18660627    —AM, Trotz gewonnener SCHLACHT—BEI—LANGENSALZA muss das KÖNIGREICH—HANNOVER aus militärischer Erschöpfung im DEUTSCHLAND—KRIEG—GEGENÜBER PREUßEN kapitulieren.
18670627             —BANK—OF—CALIFORNIA—OPENED, doors.
18690627             * EMMA—GOLDMAN, LITHUANIA—BORN—USA—ANARCHIST, feminist and birth control advocate, USA—ANARCHISTIN und Friedensaktivistin
18690627             —DEPORTED, EMMA—GOLDMAN was, to THE—SOVIET—UNION for inciting —WWI draft RIOTS—IN—NEW—YORK.
18690627             JAPAN, hört nach einem halben —JAHR—DES—BESTEHENS die abgespaltene REPUBLIK—EZO zu existieren auf.
18690627             * HANS—SPEMANN, DEUTSCHLAND—BIOLOGE und Zoologe
18700627             * JAIME—DE—BORBÓN, carlistischer Thronprätendent in SPANIEN und FRANKREICH
18710627             —BECAME, The yen, the new FORM—OF—CURRENCY in JAPAN.
18710627             * JUSTUS—KÖBERLE, DEUTSCHLAND—EVANGELISCHER Theologe und Hochschullehrer
18720627             * HEBER—DOUST—CURTIS, USA—ASTRONOM
18730627             BRAUHAUS—BECK[BRAUEREI—BECK] wird in BREMEN von LÜDER—RUTENBERG, BRAUMEISTER—HEINRICH—BECK und dem Buchhalter THOMAS—MAY als Kaiserbrauerei Beck & May gegründet.
18740627             † ANSELM—SOLOMON—VON—ROTHSCHILD, financier, VIENNA[WIEN] <banker>
18760627             * ARTUR—DINTER, DEUTSCHLAND—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Politiker, MdL
18770627             —RUSSLAND—TÜRKEI—KRIEG—GEGEN—DAS—OSMANEN—REICH—BEGINNT, Mit der Überquerung der Donau durch RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN, ein weiterer .
18790627—20190000    —CANONIZED, BEATA—MARGARIDA—BAYS was, as 1—CATHOLIC saint.
18800000—19750627    * † ROBERT—STOLZ, AUSTRIA—COMPOSER (Freuhling im Prater).
18800627             HELEN—ADAMS—KELLERLEN—ADAMS—KELLERLEN—ADAMS—KELLERLEN—ADAMS—KELLERLEN—ADAMS—KELLER lost her sight and hearing at —19—MONTHS—OF—AGE from scarlet fever.
18800627             —RECEIVED, HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER, 1—COLLEGE—DEGREE and became 1—AUTHOR (Let us Have Faith) and lecturer despite being blind and deaf MOST—OF—HER—LIFE.
18800627             "No matter how dull, or how mean, or how wise 1—MAN is, he feels that happiness is his indisputable right".HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER
18800627             "There is no KING who has not had 1—SLAVE among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had 1—KING among his".HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER
18800627—19680601    * † HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER (87) author, social reformer, educator, lecturer, in TUSCUMBIA—ALABAMA.
18810627             —TAG—AN—DIESEM, tritt der von der SACHSEN—REGIERUNG auf Drängen von PREUßEN über DIE—STADT und die AMTSHAUPT—MANNSCHAFT LEIPZIG verhängte kleine BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTAND —ZUNÄCHST für —1—JAHR in Kraft, doch wird dieser "Zustand" regelmäßig verlängert.
18810627             —AUGUST—BEBEL, WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT, WALTER—HASENCLEVER und weitere MITGLIEDER—DER—PARTEI, darunter einige, die —BEREITS BERLIN verlassen mußten, werden sofort ausgewiesen.
18810627             * PAUL—FAUCHET, FRANKREICH—ORGANIST und Komponist
18820627             * EDUARD—SPRANGER, DEUTSCHLAND—PHILOSOPH und Pädagoge
18840627             J. Palisa discovered asteroid #237, Coelestina.
18840627             † ANDREAS—MUNCH, NORWEGEN—DICHTER
18880627             * ANTOINETTE—PERRY, actress and director, namesake of the "Tony" Awards.
18890627             † WHITNEY—EUGENE—THAYER, USA—ORGANIST und Komponist
18910627             * WLADIMIR—MICHAILOWITSCH—PETLJAKOW, SOVIETischer Flugzeugkonstrukteur
18930627             —NEW—YORK—STOCK—MARKET—CRASHED, .
18930627             —WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE 18930000–18950000             —KOMMT es in NEW—YORK—CITY zum Zusammenbruch der dortigen Börse.
18950424—18980627    —ON, He ended, at NEWPORT—RHODE—ISLAND.
18980627             —BECAME, JOSHUA—SLOCUM (18440000—19090000    ), the 1. person to sail SINGLE—HANDEDLY —AROUND the world.
18980627             V. v. Podbielski, STAATS—SEKRETÄR des Reichspostamt erläßt 1—BESTIMMUNG gegen das Eindringen DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE in DIE—BEAMTENSCHAFT.
18980627             Des V. v. Podbielski, STAATS—SEKRETÄR des Reichspostamt Erlaß soll sämtlichen neu eintretenden Beamten offiziell bekanntgegeben werden.
18980627—18950424    —ON, His voyage began in BOSTON and ended on this —DAY at NEWPORT—RHODE—ISLAND.
18990627             THE—PLAGUE came ashore in S—FRANCISCO.
18990627             Political leaders overrode health officials and denied THE—PLAGUE—PRESENCE.
18990627             —DECLARED, THE—GOVERNOR, it 1—FELONY to publish THE—PLAGUE—EXISTENCE.
18990627—19040000    —BY, more than 100—PEOPLE had † of "syphilitic septicemia," the official PSEUDONYM—OF—THE—PLAGUE.
19000627             * OTTO—E—PASSMAN, REP—D—LA,
19020627—19680000    * † USA—AUTHOR—JOHN—STEINBECK,
19020627—19680000    "1—MAN, —AFTER he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean question: Was it good or was it evil?
19020627—19680000    Have I done well -- or ill?"
19040627             —COMPLETED, The 2. Fastnet Lighthouse was, OFF—OF—SOUTH—WEST—IRELAND.
19050627             Auf dem RUSSLAND—LINIENSCHIFF—KNJAS—POTJOMKIN—TAWRITSCHESKI kommt es aufgrund der schlechten Versorgung zu 1 Meuterei der Mannschaft.
19050627             Das Ereignis ist später Grundlage für den Film PANZERKREUZER—POTEMKIN.
19050627             —BEGINNT, Vor dem LANDGERICHT—ALTONA, unter großer Anteilnahme der Öffentlichkeit der PROZESS—GEGEN—MPONDO—AKWA aus KAMERUN, in dem der Strafverteidiger MOSES—LEVI einen Freispruch erwirkt.
19080622—19080627    324—DELEGIERTE vertreten 1 888 670—ORGANISIERTE Arbeiter.
19080622—19080627    DIE—STAATLICHE Unterstützung der Privatversicherung (P, Lange);
19080622—19080627    die gewerbsmäßige STELLENVERMITTLUNG (H. Poetzsch);
19080622—19080627    DER—BOYKOTT als gewerkschaftliches KAMPF—MITTEL (0. Allmann);
19080622—19080627    DIE—ORGANISATION zur ERZIEHUNG—DER—JUGEND (K. Schmidt).
19080622—19080627    1. wird die soziale GESETZ—GEBUNG in 1—BESONDEREN Referat behandelt,
19080622—19080627    1—EINHEITLICHES ARBEITS—RECHT gefordert und
19080622—19080627    1 15—PUNKTE umfassendes sozialpolitisches Programm aufgestellt, darunter
19080622—19080627    Arbeiterkammern,
19080622—19080627    volle KOALITIONS—FREIHEIT,
19080622—19080627    gesetzliche GRUND—LAGE für kollektive Arbeitsverträge,
19080622—19080627    achtstündiger ARBEITS—TAG,
19080622—19080627    1—UNUNTERBROCHENE Ruhepause von mindestens —36—STUNDEN—IN—DER—WOCHE,
19080622—19080627    durchgreifende gewerbliche Hygiene,
19080622—19080627    Unfallverhütung sowie
19080622—19080627    Vereinheitlichung und Ausdehnung DER—ARBEITER—VERSICHERUNG unter der SELBST—VERWALTUNG DER—VERSICHERTEN.
19080622—19080627    Der von der Regierung vorgelegte Entwurf von Arbeitskammern wird abgelehnt.
19080622—19080627    DER—BOYKOTT wird vom KONGREß als gewerkschaftliches Hilfsmittel bezeichnet, das DIE—ARBEITERSCHAFT als Konsument zur UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—ARBEITS—KÄMPFEN benutzen solle.
19080622—19080627    —DER—KONGREß hält die Förderung der Bildungsbestrebungen der jugendlichen —ARBEITER und ARBEITER—INNEN, insbesondere DIE—EINFÜHRUNG in die politische und gewerkschaftliche Tätigkeit, für 1—WICHTIGE Aufgabe im EMANZIPATIONSKAMPF—DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE.
19080622—19080627    Diese Aufgabe werde erreicht durch Veranstaltungen, die von 1—KOMMISSION aus dem GEWERKSCHAFT—KARTELL, —DER—PARTEI—ORGANISATION und einigen Vertretern der jugendlichen —ARBEITER und ARBEITER—INNEN organisiert werden.
19080622—19080627    PARTEI—VORSTAND und GENERAL—KOMMISSION hatten sich nach Inkrafttreten des VEREINgesetzes auf diese Form geeinigt.
19080622—19080627    —DER—KONGREß stimmt dem Übereinkommen zwischen GENERAL—KOMMISSION und PARTEI—VORSTAND über den;;0501;;zu, wonach beide Organisationen gemeinsam für 1—WÜRDIGE Feier sorgen sollen unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen örtlichen und beruflichen Verhältnisse.
19080622—19080627    Die UNTERSTÜTZUNGS—FRAGE bei Aussperrungen soll indessen noch einmal überprüft werden.
19080622—19080627    DIE—MITGLIEDER—DER—GENERAL—KOMMISSION werden bestätigt, G. BAUER und C. Hübsch als neue Mitglieder gewählt.
19110627             Appsley CHERRY—GERRARD, 1—ENGLAND—ARISTOCRAT and the youngest MEMBER—OF—THE—ROBERT—FALCON—SCOTT—SOUTH—POLE—EXPEDITION, began a —5—WEEK—EXPEDITION, lit by —5—HOUR—DAYS—OF—TWILIGHT, hauling 1—SLEDGE on 1—HUNT for pelican eggs that Scott wanted.
19110627             The author was —LATER PART—OF—THE—RESCUE party that eventually found the frozen bodies of Scott and 3—MEN who had accompanied Scott on the final push to the Pole.
19110627             —DIE—SPD ruft darauf zu PROTEST—VERSAMMLUNGEN auf.
19110627—19220000    —ACCOMPANIED, He was, by LIEUTENANT—HENRY—BOWERS and ornithologist DOCTOR—EDWARD—WILSON he authored "THE—WORST—JOURNEY in the World".
19120627             In 1—SITZUNG der BAYERISCHE—ABGEORDNETEN—KAMMER erklärt DER—MINISTER—DES—INNERN M. G. Soden, —IN—ZUKUNFT, werde nicht mehr wie —BISHER, 1—PRÜFUNG von Fall zu Fall eintreten, sondern DIE—STAATS—REGIERUNG werde grundsätzlich und ausnahmslos jedem zielbewußten SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN die Bestätigung für 1—GEMEINDEAMT versagen.
19130627             * RICHARD—BISSELL, novelist and playwright.
19130627             * WILLIE—MOSCONI, professional billiards player and world champion (19410000—19570000    ).
19140000—20010627    * † Tove Jansson, writer and creator of the Moomin FAMILY—OF—TROLLS, in FINLAND.
19140000—20080627    * † INDIA, FIELD—MARSHAL—SAM—MANEKSHAW.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN in MÜNCHEN.
19140622—19140627    448—DELEGIERTE vertreten 2.556.251—MITGLIEDER.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN TAGES—ORDNUNG, Die "Volksfürsorge" (G. BAUER);
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Arbeitswilligenschutz und UNTERNEHMER—TERROR—ISMUS (A. Schlicke);
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Arbeitslosenfürsorge (A. Winnig);
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN der Einfluß der LEBENS—MITTEL—TEUERUNG auf die ökonomische Lage DER—ARBEITER—KLASSE (J. Timm).
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN  C, Legien berichtet, daß das Vermögen der 47—GROßEN ZENTRAL—VERBÄNDE 19130000             88.051.570—MARK betragen hat.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Aus dem STREIK—, AUSSPERRUNGS—FONDS wurden in den letzten —3—JAHREN 1.573.185—MARK—UNTERSTÜTZUNGEN,
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN C, Legien geht ausführlich darauf ein, daß der BERLIN—POLIZEI—PRÄSIDENT—DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN zu "politischen" Vereinen erklärt hat.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Zweck dieser Aktion sei es, daß beim geltenden VEREINS—RECHT jugendliche Werktätige nicht mehr der GEWERKSCHAFT beitreten könnten.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN würden aber 1—ANDERE Organisationsform für DIE—JUGENDLICHEN zu finden wissen.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Die Handhabung des REICHS—VEREINS—GESETZES
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN DAS—GESETZ selbst würde die Anforderungen an 1—FREIES VEREINS—RECHT, VERSAMMLUNGS—RECHT nicht erfüllen.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN 1—GESETZLICHE Regelung des Tarifvertrages anzustreben, wird vom KONGREß abgelehnt, da der BODEN dafür NOCH—LANGE—NICHT geebnet sei.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird C, Legien (Vorsitzender),
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird H. Kube;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird E. Döblin;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird C. Hübsch;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird A. Knoll;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird G. Sabath;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird H. Sachse;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird J. Sassenbach;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird 0. Schumann;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION gewählt wird H. Silberschmidt.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In der FRAGE—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN—VERSICHERUNG hätten DAS—REICH und die Einzelstaaten restlos versagt.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN ALLE—ORGANISATIONEN—DER—ARBEITER und Angestellten werden aufgefordert, in den MITTEL—PUNKT ihrer Agitation die Forderung der öffentlichen ORGANISATION—DER—ARBEIT—ORGANISATIONSLOSENVERSICHERUNG zu stellen und ihren ganzen Einfluß im öffentlichen Leben für sie einzusetzen.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN C.
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN Die Handhabung des REICHS—VEREINS—GESETZES—VON—19080000              wird als SCHIKANÖS—ARBEITERFEINDLICH und illoyal gekennzeichnet;
19140622—19140627    9. KONGREß—DER—GEWERKSCHAFTEN In DIE—GENERAL—KOMMISSION werden gewählt: C.
19150627             —RECORDED, FOR—YUKON—ALASKA, 1—STATE—RECORD—100° F (38° C) was.
19160000—20050627    * † Shelby Foote, novelist and historian, in MEMPHIS.
19170627             —BECAME, Hank Gowdy, the 1. baseball player to enter —WWI military service.
19170627             GREECE enters THE—WAR—ON—THE—SIDE—OF—THE—ALLIES.
19180627             1. time, saved by parachutes, 2—GERMANY—PILOTS.
19180627             Das DEUTSCHLAND—U—BOOT U 86—TORPEDIERT im Nordatlantik das deutlich als Hospitalschiff gekennzeichnete GROSSBRITANNIEN—SCHIFF Llandovery Castle.
19180627             Von den 258—MENSCHEN an Bord überleben nur 24, da U 86—DIE Rettungsboote rammt und auf die Schiffbrüchigen schießt.
19190000—20070627    * † WILLIAM—M—JENKINS, FORMER—CEO—OF—SEATTLE—1. National Bank, on Bainbridge ISLAND, WASHINGTON.
19200627             * IAL—DIAMOND, screenwriter.
19220000—20090627    * † Gale Storm (as JOSEPHINE—OWAISSA—COTTLE), singer and former film and TV star.
19220627             * GEORGE—WALKER, composer (In PRAISE—OF—LILLIES), in WASHINGTON—DC.
19220627             —PRESENTED, THE—NEWBERRY—MEDAL was 1., for kids literature to HENDRIK—VAN—LOON.
19230627             * PAUL—F—CONRAD, cartoonist, in CEDAR—RAPIDS, IOWA.
19230627             1. IN—FLIGHT refueling, over S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA.OCCURRED.
19250000—20010627    * † JACK—LEMMON, film actor, in LOS—ANGELES.
19260627—19660000    * † FRANK—O'HARA, USA—POET, in BALTIMORE.
19270627             * BOB—KEESHAN, USA—TELEVISION actor.
19270627             BOB—KEESHAN is best known as "CAPTAIN—KANGAROO," the longest running children's show, and Clarabelle on the "Howdy Doody Show".
19270627             —ADOPTED, THE—USA—MARINES, THE—ENGLAND—BULLDOG as their mascot.
19290000—19820627    * † JACK—MULLANEY, actor (My Living Doll, It's About Time).
19290627             —REVEALED, Scientists at Bell Laboratories in NEW—YORK, 1—SYSTEM for transmitting television pictures.
19300627             * H—ROSS—PEROT, TEXAS billionaire.
19300627             —DISCOVERED, P. Parchomenko asteroid #1166, Sakuntala.
19320627             —ENDED, The absolute POWER—OF—THAILAND—KINGS, and 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—MONARCHY began.
19320627—20080000    —BY, THAILAND had gone thru 17—PERMANENT or TEMPORARY—CONSTITUTIONS.
19330627             * GARY—CROSBY, SON—OF—BING, actor (Which Way to the Front).
19330627             1—ANTI—NAZI demonstration at QUEEN—HALL in LONDON is addressed by THE—ARCH—BISHOP—OF—CANTERBURY, COSMO—GORDON—LANG.
19340627             * ANNA—MOFFO, soprano (Lucia, Traviata), in WAYNE—PENNSYLVANIA.
19340627             —BANNED, Hitler calls 1—HALT to plans that would have, Stahlhelm.
19340718—19950627    —ON, scheduled for PBS.
19350627—19340000    † THE, EVA—COO, 1—INFAMOUS—ONEONTA brothel owner, was executed at Sing Sing Prison for her role MURDER—OF—1—MAN in her care in exchange for 1—PORTION—OF—1—INSURANCE—PAYOUT.
19350627—19970000    —AUTHORED, Niles Eggleston, "EVA—COO, Murderess".
19350627—20210000    —IN, 1—INDEPENDENT—FILM about the murder and trial was produced.
19350627—20210000    —PRODUCED, 1—INDEPENDENT—FILM about the murder and trial was.
19360627             GERMANY declares its support for DANZIG—INDEPENDENCE.
19361112             83—REICHSGERICHT, 19360627             [Seufferts Archiv, Bd.91, S. 65) - - 84—IB., S. 68.
19370627             * JOSEPH—P—ALLEN—IV, PhD, astronaut (STS-5, STS 51A), in CRAWFORDSVILLE—INDIANA.
19370627             —RECORDED, ROBERT—JOHNSON, blues guitarist, "Traveling RIVERSIDE Blues and 10—OTHER—SONGS in DALLAS for THE—USA—RECORD—CORP. He also did "Come On in My Kitchen".
19380627             * BRUCE—E—BABBITT (GOV—D—AL).
19400627             —RETURNED, USSR, to THE—GREGORIAN—CALENDAR.
19410627             Das DEUTSCHLAND—POLIZEI—BATAILLON 309—BRENNT in Bia?ystok die Große Synagoge nieder, in der etwa zweitausend zusammengetriebene Juden eingesperrt sind.
19420627             * BRUCE—JOHNSTON, rocker (BEACHBOYS—IN My Room).
19420627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FBI, THE—CAPTURE—OF—8—NAZI saboteurs who had been put ashore from 2—SUBMARINES, 1—OFF NEW—YORK—LONG—ISLAND and the other off of FLORIDA.
19420627             —TRIED, The men were, by 1—MILITARY—COURT and 6 were secretly executed in 1—DC jail.
19420627             —SENTENCED, ERNEST—BURGER and GEORGE—DASCH were, to —30—YEARS in prison for their help in revealing the plot.
19420627             —LEFT ICELAND for MURMANSK and Archangel, THE—ALLIED—CONVOY—PQ—17.
19420627             —AS their escorts TURNED away, the ships of the doomed THE—ALLIED—CONVOY—PQ—17 followed orders and began to disperse in THE—ARCTIC—WATERS.
19420627—19480000    —PARDONED, THE—ALLIED—CONVOY—PQ—17 were, by PRESIDENT—TRUMAN.
19440000—20140627    * † BOBBY—WOMACK, soul songwriter and musician aka the Preacher.
19440627             USA—INFANTRY captures Cherbourg, giving the Allies 1—MAJOR port for THE—FLOW—OF—MEN and supplies.
19450627             * NORMA—KAMALI, dress designer (Costumes for the Wiz), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19470000             wurde in Bühlertal in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG 38,5 Grad gemessen.
19480000—20150627    * † CHRIS—SQUIRE, rock bassist for THE—UK—BAND—YES, in PHOENIX.
19490627             —DISCOVERED, asteroid #1566, Icarus W. Baade.
19500627             * JULIA—DUFFY, actress (STEPHANIE—NEWHART, Baby Talk), in MINNEAPOLIS—MINNESOTA.
19500627             —ORDERED, USA—PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, THE—AIR—FORCE and Navy into the KOREA—CONFLICT —FOLLOWING 1—CALL from THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL for member nations to help SOUTH—KOREA repel 1—INVASION from the North.
19500627             —REACHED, NORTH—KOREANS troop, SEOUL.
19500627             —CALLED, UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, on members for troops to aid SOUTH—KOREA.
19500627             USA sent 35—MILITARY—ADVISERS to SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19500627             —AS a 1—OF—FEW women ever EXECUTED in CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MILADA—HORAKOVA—CZECHOSLOVAK—POLITICIAN is regarded as 1—SYMBOL—OF—ANTI—COMMUNIST—RESISTANCE for her firm and courageous stance —DURING her trial.
19510627             * SIDNEY—M—GUTIERREZ, MAJOR—USAF, astronaut (STS 40), in ALBUQUERQUE, NM.
19510627             —DISCOVERED, asteroid #1588, Descamisada, M. Itzigsohn.
19530627             * ALICE—MCDERMOTT, writer (That Night, At Weddings and Wakes).
19530627             * HANS—RECKERS, DEUTSCHLAND—JURIST, Vorstandsmitglied der DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDESBANK, Gründungsvorsitzender des Verbandes Kritischer Schüler
19530627             Ausgliederung der DEUTSCHEN—GRENZPOLIZEI aus dem Ministerium für Staatssicherheit in das Ministerium des Inneren.
19540627             GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ARBENZ, spent much of his exile in CUBA.
19540627             1. kommerzielle Kernkraftwerk der Welt, Das nahe Moskau gelegene KERNKRAFTWERK—OBNINSK, beginnt mit dem Einspeisen von Strom in das SOVIET—STROMNETZ.
19540627—19970000    —DISCLOSED, It was, to have been motivated by USA economic interests with 58—GUATEMALA—POLITICIANS put on 1—LIST—OF—POTENTIAL—TARGETS for political killing.
19540627—20110000    —ACKNOWLEDGED, GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ALVARO—COLOM, the state's responsibility in overthrowing GUATEMALA—PRESIDENT—ARBENZ and apologized to his family.
19550627             * ISABELLE—ADJANI, actress (Story of Adele H, Driver, Ishtar), in PARIS.
19550627             1. automobile seat belt legislation was enacted in ILLINOIS.
19550627             JOACHIM—WIEBACH wird wegen Kontakten zum Westberliner RUNDFUNKSENDER—RIAS vom Obersten Gericht zum Tode verurteilt und am 0914—HINGERICHTET.
19560627             MARTIN—LUTHER—KING was the featured speaker at THE—NAACP convention held at THE—SF—CIVIC—AUDITORIUM.
19560627             Der Spielfilm Moby Dick von JOHN—HUSTON mit GREGORY—PECK in der Hauptrolle hat Premiere in den USA.
19560627             Das Drehbuch stammt von RAY—BRADBURY —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—HERMAN—MELVILLE.
19560627             Der Film ist zwar kein Erfolg an den Kinokassen, gilt aber —HEUTE als herausragendes Werk der Filmgeschichte.
19570627             —KILLED, More than 500—PEOPLE were, —AFTER HURRICANE—AUDREY slammed through coastal LOUISIANA and TEXAS.
19570627             MALCOLM—LOWRY is best known for his novel "Under the Volcano" (19470000             ).
19570627             1—ERDBEBEN unbekannter Stärke in RUSSLAND führt zu etwa 12000000             Toten.
19570627             500—MENSCHEN fallen dem HURRIKAN—AUDREY in LOUISIANA und TEXAS zum Opfer.
19580627—19580718    —UNTIL, CUBA—REBEL—FORCES kidnapped 29—USA—SAILORS and Marines and held them.
19590627             —CLOSED, The play, "WEST—SIDE—STORY", at —WINTER Garden Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 732—PERFORMANCES.
19590627             Der Musiktitel What'd I—SAY wird von Atlantic Records veröffentlicht.
19590627             Mit ihm hat RAY—CHARLES seinen 1. Millionenseller.
19620627             NASA CIVIL—PILOT—JOSEPH—WALKER took the X-15 to 6,606 kph, 37,700 m.
19630627             USA—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY spent his 1. FULL—DAY in IRELAND.
19630627             —REACHED, USAF Major ROBERT—A—RUSHWORTH, 1—ALTITUDE—OF—53.9—MILES in the X-15.
19660627             1. SCI—FI soap opera, "Dark Shadows," premiered.
19660627             —ÜBERNIMMT, Mit einem unblutigen STAATS—STREICH, das Militär in ARGENTINIEN die Macht.
19670627             There was 1—RACE—RIOT in BUFFALO, NY, and 200 were arrested.
19670627             1. Geldautomat der Welt in Betrieb genommen, ENFIELD—TOWN, —HEUTE TEIL—VON—LONDON, wird durch die Barclays Bank der
19680627             —ABOLISHED, THE—CZECHOSLOVAK—PARLIAMENT, censorship and provided for rehabilitation of political prisoners.
19690627             —3—DAY—DENVER—POP—FESTIVAL—OPENED,  ESTIMATED, The peak attendance was, at 50,000.
19690627             HONDURAS and EL—SALVADOR broke diplomatic relations due to soccer match.
19690627             EL—SALVADOR and HONDURAS fought a —4-DAY "SOCCER—WAR" —WHEN fans brought out LONG—SIMMERING—TENSIONS —DURING World cup qualifying matches.
19690627             † Some 3,000—PEOPLE, in THE—4—DAY—SOCCER—WAR—CONFLICT.
19710000—20080627    * † MICHAEL—TURNER, comic book artist, in SANTA—MONICA—OF—COMPLICATIONS related to cancer.
19710429—19710627    —ON, The final concert at Fillmore East took place.
19710627             T. Smirnova, RUSSIA—BORN astronomer, discovered asteroid #2121, Sevastopol.
19710627             Das vom gebürtigen Berliner BILL—GRAHAM gegründete Musiktheater Fillmore East in NEW—YORK—CITY wird aufgrund der steigenden Gagenforderungen der Musiker kurzerhand geschlossen.
19710627             Mit dem Fall Lisa Murnau sendet der DEUTSCHLAND—FERNSEHFUNK als Gegenstück zum westdeutschen Tatort den 1. Kriminalfilm der Reihe POLIZEI—RUF 110—MIT PETER—BORGELT als OBERLEUTNANT—PETER—FUCHS und Sigrid Göhler als LEUTNANT—VERA—ARNDT.
19730627             —VETOED, NIXON, 1—SENATE—BAN on CAMBODIA—BOMBING.
19730627             FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—JOHN—W—DEAN told THE—SENATE—WATERGATE—COMMITTEE about an "enemies list" kept by the Nixon WHITE—HOUSE.
19730627             —DISSOLVED, URUGUAY, JUAN—MARIA—BORDABERRY (19280000             *), Congress and banned political parties at THE—BEHEST—OF—MILITARY—LEADERS.
19730627             —AM, 1.Demo.
19730627             —URUGUAY—MILITÄR—STAATS—STREICH in .
19740627             —ARRIVED, USA—PRESIDENT—NIXON, in MOSCOW for his 3. summit.
19750620—19750626    TIME—OUT, 19750627—19750703   , 19750829—19750904   , 19750905—19750911.
19750627             † † 2—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS, RAYMOND—DOUS and JEAN—DONATINI, who were investigating attacks on planes of ISRAEL—EL—AL—AIRLINE at Orly Airport, were killed by CARLOS—THE—JACKAL[ILICH—RAMIREZ—SANCHEZ].
19750627—19750703    TIME—OUT,
19760627             1—AIR—FRANCE—AIRBUS—FLIGHT—AF139, from Tel Aviv to PARIS, was hijacked SHORTLY—AFTER departing ATHENS and taken to UGANDA.
19760627             —REMAINED, FRANCE—PILOT—MICHEL—BACOS (20190000             †), with the hostages despite OFFERS—OF—RELEASE.
19760627             AIR—FRANCE—FLUG 139—WIRD auf dem Weg nach PARIS —NACH—DEM Zwischenstopp in Athen von TERROR—ISTEN der Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas gekapert und zum Flughafen Entebbe in UGANDA entführt.
19760627—19760703    —AM, sorgt die Operation Entebbe für das Ende dieses Aktes von Luftpiraterie.
19760704—19760627    —AM, Aus ISRAEL eingeflogene Eliteeinheiten befreien —IN—DER—NACHT vom 3. auf den 19760704             in Entebbe die Geiseln aus der entführten AIR—FRANCE—MASCHINE.
19770627             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT struck, in Bates v. STATE—BAR—OF—ARIZONA, down state laws and bar association rules that had prohibited lawyers from advertising their fees for routine services.
19770627             —REINSTATED, ILLINOIS, capital punishment.
19770627             H.E. LEE—KUAN—YEW, THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—SINGAPORE, formally opened the 4. MEETING—OF—THE—ASEAN—ECONOMIC—MINISTERS which was held in SINGAPORE on 27-19770629             .
19770627             KARDINAL—JOSEPH—RATZINGER, später BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA, wird von PAUL—VI—PAPA zum  ernannt.
19780221—19780627    —CONVICTED, Hall was, and sentenced to death.
19780627             SAM—SHEPARD—PLAY "Buried Child" had its world premier in S—FRANCISCO.
19780627             1. oceanographic satellite, USA Seasat 1, was launched into polar orbit.
19780627             —CARRIED, Soyuz 30, 2—COSMONAUTS (1—POLISH) to the Salyut 6—SPACE—STATION.
19780917             —ESTABLISHED, If 1—FOREIGN—BANK—OFFICE that was, or applied for —PRIOR—TO 19780627             , is 1—BRANCH as defined in THE—INTERNATIONAL—BANKING—ACT, then it is grandfathered as 1—BRANCH.
19790700—19460627    —ON, Contributors Earnest A. Franke was born in NORFOLK—VIRGINIA..
19800622—19800627    —ON, Her nude body was found floating in THE—S—JOAQUIN—RIVER.
19800627             —LEGISLATION reviving draft registration, SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—CARTER,
19800627             THE—S—FRANCISCO 133.
19800627             —INCLUDED, Police Academy graduating class, 2—GAY—MEN.
19800627             † CAREY—MCWILLIAMS, writer and EDITOR—OF—THE—NATION magazine, of cancer.
19800627             —INCLUDED, CAREY—MCWILLIAMS—BOOKS, "SOUTH—CALIFORNIA: 1—ISLAND on the Land" (19460000             ) and "Factories in the Field: THE—STORY—OF—MIGRATORY—FARM—LABOR in CALIFORNIA" (19390000             ).
19800627             —EXPLODED, Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870, 1—ITALY—DOMESTIC jetliner, in flight and crashed near THE—ISLAND—OF—USTICA.
19800627             81—PEOPLE were killed.
19800627             —PLANTED, Among theories for the jet's demise was 1—BOMB, by domestic TERROR—ISTS, or 1—ERRANT USA or FRANCE—MISSILE allegedly fired at 1—LIBYA—MIG streaking over the Mediterranean.
19800627             Beim Absturz von ITAVIA—FLUG 870—NÖRDLICH der ITALIEN—INSEL Ustica sterben alle 81 an Bord befindlichen Personen.
19800627             Als mögliche Ursache gelten 1—BOMBENEXPLOSION an Bord oder der Abschuss durch 1—LUFT—LUFT—RAKETE.
19800627—19990000    —IN, it was reported that 1—FIGHT by warplanes led to the crash and coverup charges were filed against ITALY—MILITARY—OFFICIALS.
19800627—20050000    —AUTHORED, PETER—RICHARDSON, "USA—PROPHET: THE—LIFE and Work of Carey McWilliams".
19800627—20130000    —RULED, ITALY—TOP—CRIMINAL—COURT, that there is "abundantly" clear evidence that 1—STRAY missile caused THE—ITALY—PASSENGER—JET to crash.
19810627             —PROHIBITED, Article 5—SPECIFICALLY, slavery.
19810627             It became effective as of 19861021             .
19820627             —CLOSED, THE—BROADWAY show "Dancin'", at the Ambassador Theater —AFTER 1,774 performances.
19820627             The 4. Space Shuttle, MISSION—COLUMBIA 4, was launched.
19820627             1. Friedenswerkstatt in der Berliner Erlöserkirche unter dem Motto "Hände für den Frieden" mit 3.000—TEILNEHMERN
19820627             Die Evangelische Kirche ist die Basis für VIELE—AKTIONEN—DER—OPPOSITION
19820627             Es gibt aber immer wieder auch Ärger zwischen unangepassten Jugendlichen und der staatshörigen Kirchenleitung.
19830627             † Maxie Anderson and DON—IDA in WEST—GERMANY —DURING 1—BALLOON—RACE.
19830627             —LAUNCHED, THE—RUSSIA—SOYUZ—T 9—SPACECRAFT, from Baikonur carrying 2—COSMONAUTS to the Salyut 7—SPACE—STATION.
19840627             —ENDED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—NCAA monopoly on college football telecasts, ruling such control violated antitrust law.
19850627             —STRETCHED, The legendary Route 66, which originally, from CHICAGO to Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, passed into history as officials decertified the road.
19850627             —VOTED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, to limit the use of combat troops in NICARAGUA.
19850627             A hotel strike in NEW—YORK—CITY took place.
19850627             It ended 19850627             . - - Route 66
19850627             —VERLIERT, In den USA, die berühmte Route 66—DEN Status als USA—HIGHWAY, bleibt jedoch 1—ANZIEHUNGSPUNKT für Touristen und Nostalgiker.
19860625—19860627    —STAATS—UND Parteichef ERICH—HONECKER trifft zu einem dreitägigen Staatsbesuch in SCHWEDEN ein
19860625—19860627    Vertreter beider Länder unterzeichnen Verträge zum Ausbau des Handels und zu Rechtsfragen.
19860627             —INFORMED, USA, NEW—ZEALAND it will not defend it against attack.
19860627             —RULED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—OF—JUSTICE at THE—HAGUE, that THE—USA had broken INTERNATIONAL law and violated the sovereignty of NICARAGUA by aiding the contras.
19860627             † DON—ROGERS—OF—THE—CLEVELAND—BROWNS—OF cocaine poisoning.
19860627             1—IRELAND—REFERENDUM upheld 1—BAN on divorce.
19860627             Der Internationale Gerichtshof in DEN—HAAG stellt in einem Urteil fest, dass DIE—USA durch die Verminung von Häfen in NICARAGUA 19840000             und durch die Unterstützung der antisandinistischen CONTRA—REBELLEN gegen internationale Verpflichtungen und bilaterale Abkommen verstoßen
19860627             Die Aufforderung des GERICHTS—NICARAGUA für die entstandenen Verluste zu entschädigen, wird von den USA nicht akzeptiert.
19870627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that 1—FINAL—ANALYSIS—OF—2—POLYPS removed from PRESIDENT—REAGAN—COLON showed they were benign.
19880627             —RETAINED, MIKE—TYSON, the undisputed heavyweight crown as he knocked out MICHAEL—SPINKS —91—SECONDS into the 1. round of 1—CHAMPIONSHIP fight in Atlantic CITY—NEW—JERSEY.
19880627             50—7—PEOPLE were killed in 1—TRAIN—COLLISION in PARIS.
19880627—19880628    Auf dem EG—GIPFELTREFFEN in HANNOVER beschließen die STAATS—UND Regierungschefs die Einsetzung einer Expertengruppe, die sich um konkrete Schritte in Richtung auf 1—WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Währungsunion bemühen soll.
19890627             PRESIDENT—BUSH, criticizing 1—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION upholding the right to desecrate THE—USA—FLAG as 1—FORM—OF—POLITICAL—PROTEST, called for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT to protect the Stars and Stripes.
19890627             † AUSTRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALOIS—MOCK (20170000             , ) and HUNGARY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—GYULA—HORN made headlines by cutting through fencing that represented the communist Iron Curtain separating THE—2—COUNTRIES.
19890627             THE—FOREIGN—MINISTERS—OF—AUSTRIA and HUNGARY, ALOIS—MOCK and Gyula HORN respectively,
19890627             personally cut the border fence near THE—HUNGARY—TOWN—OF—SOPRON.
19890627             —OBTAINED, THE—PEU then, 'official permission' to hold a "Paneuropean Picnic" on the same spot
19890627             In einem symbolischen Akt zerschneiden die Außenminister Österreichs und Ungarns, ALOIS—MOCK und Gyula Horn, den Grenzzaun zwischen ihren Ländern bei Sopron.
19890627             —ON, 1—ACT officialised —WHEN
19890627             Der UNGARISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Gyula Horn und sein ÖSTERREICHISCHER—KOLLEGE ALOIS—MOCK zerschneiden in einem symbolischen Akt bei Sopron den Stacheldrahtzaun an der gemeinsamen Grenze
19890627             Beseitigt werden nur die Grenzsperren, die Grenzkontrollen bleiben
19890627             In der DDR löst dies einen verstärkten URLAUBER—UND Flüchtlingsstrom nach UNGARN aus.
19890627—19890628    —STAATS—UND Parteichef ERICH—HONECKER besucht DIE—SOWJETUNION und wird von MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW zu Reformen gedrängt.
19900625—19900627    BUNDESTAGS—PRÄSIDENTIN Rita Süssmuth und Volkskammerpräsidentin SABINE—BERGMANN—POHL reisen nach ISRAEL
19900625—19900627    Die Präsidentinnen bekräftigen die Verantwortung Gesamtdeutschlands gegenüber dem jüdischen STAAT
19900625—19900627    Abschließend erklären sie, es gebe in ISRAEL keinen grundlegenden Widerstand gegen die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands.
19900627             —SIGNED, JOSE—CANSECO, 1—RECORD $4,700,000 per —YEAR baseball contract with THE—OAKLAND—A'S.
19900627             —ANNOUNCED, NASA, that 1—FLAW in the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope was preventing the instrument from achieving optimum focus.
19900627             —CONDEMNED, SALMAN—RUSHDIE, to death by IRAN, contributed $8600 to help THEIR—EARTH—QUAKE, victims.
19910627             USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—THURGOOD—MARSHALL, the 1. black to sit on the nation's highest court, announced his retirement.
19910627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that juries considering life or death for convicted murderers may take into account the victim's character and the suffering of relatives.
19910627             Cor Therapeutics went public and raised $15—MILLION.
19910627             —ATTACKED, YUGOSLAVIA—ARMY—TANKS and helicopters, SLOVENIA.
19910627             Fighting broke out between Serbian and CROATIA—MILITIAS.
19910627             —TRAPPED, THE—SLOVENIA—MILITIA, 1 armored column and captured 2,000 soldiers.
19910627             —RELEASED, The prisoners were, and 1—AGREEMENT was reached for SLOVENIA to control its own borders —AFTER a —90—DAY—PERIOD—OF—INTERNATIONAL—OBSERVATION.
19910627             and in TELEMOUSTIQUE, TELEMOUSTIQUE. and in Telemoustique;
19910627             Das jugoslawische Bundesparlament erkennt die Unabhängigkeitserklärungen von SLOWENIEN und KROATIEN nicht an
19910627             —BEGINNT, Mit dem EINSATZ—DER—JUGOSLAWISCHEN—BUNDESARMEE, ein langjähriger BÜRGER—KRIEG.
19910627—19980000    —IN, it received partial FDA clearance for Integrillin, 1—ANTI—CLOTTING—DRUG.
19920627             —KIDNAPPED, Authorities found the body of, Exxon executive SIDNEY—J—RESO buried in 1—MAKESHIFT—GRAVE in Bass River STATE—PARK in NEW—JERSEY.
19920627             —CONVICTED, Arthur and IRENE—SEALE, were —LATER, and sentenced to prison for the crime.
19930627             Actress JULIA—ROBERTS and singer LYLE—LOVETT were wed in MARION—INDIANA.
19930627             —ENDED, The marriage, in divorce.
19930627             —FIRED, USA—WARSHIPS, 24—TOMAHAWK cruise missiles at intelligence headquarters in BAGHDAD in retaliation for the assassination plot.
19930627             —CLAIMED, THE—IRAQIS, 8—DEAD.
19930627             —PULLED, Iraqis, their dead from THE—RUBBLE—OF—BUILDINGS wrecked by USA—MISSILES —DURING 1—EARLY—MORNING—RAID ordered by PRESIDENT—CLINTON in reprisal for 1 alleged assassination plot against FORMER—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
19930627             Laila AL—ATTAR, —48—JAHRE—ALT, painter and HEAD—OF—IRAQ—INSTITUTE for the arts, was 1—OF at least 6—CIVILIANS killed —WHEN 23—USA—TOMAHAWK cruise missiles hit BAGHDAD.
19930627             —PAINTED, She had, 1—UNFLATTERING—PORTRAIT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH on the floor of 1—HOTEL—LOBBY.
19930627             Bei einem GSG-9-Einsatz in Bad Kleinen zur Festnahme der RAF—TERROR—ISTEN WOLFGANG—GRAMS und Birgit Hogefeld gelingt die Festnahme von Hogefeld.
19930627             Der POLIZIST—MICHAEL—NEWRZELLA wird von WOLFGANG—GRAMS erschossen, Grams begeht Suizid.
19930627             † WOLFGANG—GRAMS, DEUTSCHLAND—TERROR—IST, Mitglied der Rote Armee Fraktion
19940627             —INTERCEPTED, USA—COAST—GUARD cutters, 1,330 HAITI—BOAT—PEOPLE on the high seas in 1—OF—THE—BUSIEST—DAYS—SINCE refugees began leaving HAITI —FOLLOWING a 19910000             military coup.
19950627             —BLASTED, The space shuttle "Atlantis", off on 1—HISTORIC—FLIGHT to link up with RUSSIA—SPACE—STATION "Mir" and bring home USA—ASTRONAUT—NORMAN—THAGARD.
19950627             —RECEIVED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, 1—MESSAGE from the Unabomber threatening to blow up 1—PLANE by 19950704             —THE. weekend.
19950627             —CALLED, THE—UNABOMBER —LATER, the threat 1—PRANK.
19950627             —ÜBERNIMMT, SCHEICH—HAMAD setzt seinen Vater ab und, die AMTS—UND STAATS—GEWALT in KATAR.
19960627             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and other GROUP—OF—7—LEADERS meeting in LYON—FRANCE, pledged solidarity against TERROR—ISM —FOLLOWING 1—TRUCK bombing in SAUDI—ARABIA that killed 19—AMERICANS.
19960627             1—DALLAS police officer was charged with trying to hire 1—HIT man to kill football star MICHAEL—IRVIN;
19960627             —PRODUCED, THE—GENERAL—MOTORS—NORTH—TARREYTOWN Assembly Plant, its last minivan —PRIOR—TO closure for the remaining 2,100 workers.
19960627             1—TEAM—OF—SCIENTISTS using the HUBBLE—SPACE—TELESCOPE believe that they have identified galaxies that were formed 14—7.5—BILLION—YEARS—AGO.
19960627             —CALLED, The images, the Hubble Deep Field, were made in Dec. and released in Jan.
19960627             D, Capano, 1—PROMINENT—LAWYER who had, Fahey, was —LATER accused of her murder based on testimony from his 2—BROTHERS, who had helped him dispose the body.
19960627             † ALBERT—R "Cubby" Broccoli (87), film producer.
19960627             —PRODUCED, Together with HARRY—SALTZMAN, Broccoli, THE—JAMES—BOND—SERIES—OF—FILMS.
19960627             —INVENTED, His forbears in ITALY, the broccoli vegetable by crossing ITALY—RABE with cauliflower.
19960627             1—REPORT from LONDON said that THE—UK—LIBRARY had acquired Buddhist texts that date back as early as the 2. cent AD.
19960627             —BELIEVED, The texts were, to be PART—OF—THE—CANON—OF—THE—SARVASTIVADIN sect, which dominated Gandhara, —NOW NORTH—PAKISTAN and EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
19960627             —LEGALIZED, Gay marriages were, in ICELAND.
19960627             1—REPORT from the World Health Organization said that SOUTH—AFRICA has the worst tuberculosis problem in the world and that DRUG—RESISTANT forms (XDR—TB) of the disease were spreading rapidly.
19960627             —VOTED, Ugandans, for 1—NEW—PARLIAMENT.
19960627             814—CANDIDATES ran as individuals.
19960627             —BY DAVID—PEREZ, in Workers World.—WHEN PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON signed THE—HELMS—BURTON Act into law, Sen.
19960627—19930000    —FROM, † MOLLIE—BEATTIE (19470000—19960000    ), HEAD—OF—THE—USA—FISH and Wildlife Service.
19960627—19980000    —SENTENCED, He was, to serve 2—CONCURRENT —6—YEAR—PRISON—TERMS, and was paroled.
19960627—19980000    —ADMITTED, Capano, that he disposed FAHEY—BODY but insisted that her death was 1—ACCIDENT.
19960627—19980000    —TESTIFIED, Capano, that Fahey was shot accidentally by former mistress Deborah MacIntyre, who denied the charge.
19960627—19990117    —CONVICTED, Capano was, by 1—JURY.
19960627—19990316    —SENTENCED, Capano was, to death.
19970627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, agreements with VIETNAM to expand ties.
19970627             THE—SUPREME—COURT threw out 1—KEY—PART—OF—THE—BRADY—GUN—CONTROL—LAW, saying THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT could not make local police decide whether people are fit to buy handguns.
19970627             However, the court left intact THE—5—DAY waiting period for gun purchases.
19970627             —REPORTED, It was, that researchers have discovered the 1. defective gene that causes PARKINSON—DISEASE.
19970627             The mutated gene produces 1—DEFECTIVE VERSION—OF—THE—BRAIN—PROTEIN alpha synuclein.
19970627             —REPORTED, It was, that some 42—DEAD seals were washed ashore at Point Reyes National Seashore in CALIFORNIA in a —10—DAY—WINDOW in —LATE—MAY and —EARLY—JUNE.
19970627             —SEEMED, CAUSE—OF—DEATH was unknown but new deaths, to have stopped.
19970627             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, that it would send 4,000 troops into HONG—KONG —6—HOURS—AFTER the former colony is handed over to CHINA—CONTROL.
19970627             CHINA, 1—MAJOR—FIRE at 1—PETROCHEMICAL—PLANT outside BEIJING caused MANY—DEATHS and injuries.
19970627             —RESTRICTED, NEWS—OF—THE—FIRE was, to maintain 1—OFFICIAL—TONE—OF—CELEBRATION for THE—HONG—KONG transfer.
19970627             —RELEASED, In THE—CONGO—ETIENNE—TSHISEKEDI was.
19970627             RUSSIA, 1—EXPLOSIVE device was set off on 1—TRAIN as it approached Torbino, 140—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—S—PETERSBURG, and 3—PEOPLE were killed.
19970627             1—TAJIKISTAN formal peace accord was signed in MOSCOW that was brokered by RUSSIA and IRAN.
19970627             1—POWER sharing arrangement was foreseen between PRESIDENT—EMOMALI—RAKHMANOV and opposition leader Said Abdullo.
19970627             The opposition led by the Islamic Renaissance Party (IRPT) was guaranteed 30—PERCENT—OF—GOVERNMENT—POSITIONS.
19970627             —KILLED, Up to 150,000—PEOPLE had been, in the —5-YEAR civil war.
19971223—19750627    —ON, FRANCE, "CARLOS—THE—JACKAL," aka Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, was convicted in THE—MURDER—OF—2—FRANCE—AGENTS and 1—LEBANON—INFORMANT.
19980627             PRESIDENT—CLINTON held 1—LIVE—NEWS—CONFERENCE with PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN in BEIJING that was broadcast across CHINA.
19980627             —OFFERED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON and PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN, 1 uncensored AIRING—OF—DIFFERENCES on human rights, freedom, trade and TIBET.
19980627             —KILLED, FLORIDA, VICKI—ROBINSON (49) was, in TAMPA Bay in 1—PLOT hatched by her daughter, Valessa (15), boyfriend ADAM—WILLIAM—DAVIS, —19—JAHRE—ALT and friend JON—WHISPEL.
19980627             —SERVED, Valessa, —13—YEARS in prison.
19980627             Heavy thunderstorms in the Northeast and Midwest left at least 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19980627             The annual Ben & JERRY—1—WORLD 1—HEART festival at SUGARBUSH—VERMONT, was cancelled.
19980627             BURMA, SOLDIERS—OF—THE—LIGHT—INFANTRY Battalion 246—SHOT and killed 23—VILLAGERS in Kaeng Tawn.
19980627             —INCLUDED, The dead, 7—CHILDREN and 2—WOMEN.
19980627             GERMANY, some 10,000 gays and lesbians took part in the 20.
19980627             COMMEMORATION—OF—CHRISTOPHER—S—DAY with 1—MARCH through BERLIN.
19980627             EAST—TIMOR, MANUEL—SOARES, —21—JAHRE—ALT was shot dead in Manatuto —WHEN troops opened fire to quell 1—CLASH between PRO—INDONESIA and PRO—INDEPENDENCE—SUPPORTERS.
19980627             3—EU envoys arrived on 1—FACT—FINDING mission.
19980627             MALAYSIA, the new $3.61—BIL airport at KUALA—LUMPUR was scheduled to open.
19980627             The new $2.25—BILLION INTERNATIONAL airport covered 25,000 acres and was opened by TUANKU—JAAFAR—KING—OF—.
19980627             SOUTH—TURKEY, a 6.3—EARTHQUAKE—AROUND ADANA and CEYHAN killed at least 144—PEOPLE and injured about a 1,000.
19980627             1—ERDBEBEN im Südwesten der TÜRKEI fordert ca. 130—TODESOPFER.
19980627—20190000    —RELEASED, Whispel, was, from prison.
19980627—20210000    —SENTENCED, Davis, who had been, to death, was RE—SENTENCED to life in prison.
19981105—20060627    —ON, He was finally brought to trial —AFTER several legal delays and was found GUILTY—OF—4—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder and
19990627             —JULI Inkster shot a 6-under 65 to win THE—LPGA—CHAMPIONSHIP, becoming the 2. woman to win the modern career Grand Slam.
19990627             The 1. was Pat Bradley.
19990627             THE—SEATTLE—MARINERS beat THE—TEXAS—RANGERS 5-to-2 in the final game at the Kingdome.
19990627             —RAISED, ALGERIA, THE—PRESIDENT, the death toll in the —7-YEAR civil war against rebel groups to 100,000.
19990627             —DEVALUED, COLOMBIA, its currency by lowering its trading band by 9%.
19990627             —INJURED, GERMANY, 1—BOMB in Merseburg, 16—PEOPLE.
19990627             —GUARDED, FORMER—GREECE—COLONEL—GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS †—OF—CANCER in 1, hospital in ATHENS at age 80.
19990627             GREECE—COLONEL—GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS led 19670000             —THE—TO—74—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP.
19990627             —BURNED, KOSOVO, ethnic Albanians, and looted the village of Belo Polje.
19990627             —RAPED, KLA men, and killed 1—MENTALLY ill SERBIA—WOMAN.
19990627             SRI—LANKA, an offensive against Tamil rebels left 16—GOVERNMENT soldiers and 41—GUERRILLAS dead.
19990627             † Georgios Papadopoulos, GRIECHENLAND—OFFIZIER und Politiker, führender Kopf der Militärdiktatur, STAATS—PRÄSIDENT
19991122—20150627    —CONVICTED—OF, Wong was, 1.—DEGREE murder.
20000627             1. time in —4—DECADES, USA—HOUSE—REPUBLICANS cut 1—DEAL to allow direct SALES—OF—FOOD to CUBA for the
20000627             CHECHNYA, —2—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING left 12—RUSSIANS dead and up to 60—REBELS killed according to RUSSIA—OFFICIALS.
20000627             —EXCLUDED, FRANCE alone, itself.
20000627             —PROMISED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—MUGABE, to work with the newly elected PARLIAMENT.
20000627             THE—MOVEMENT for Democratic Change made historic gains and won 57—SEATS vs. 62 for MUGABE—ZANU—PF party.
20010627             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE cut interest rates by 1—QUARTER percent. to 3.75%.
20010627             † Chico O'Farrill, AFRO—CUBA—JAZZ trumpeter, at age 79 in NEW—YORK.
20010627             —INCLUDED, His work, the film "THE—ODD—COUPLE," in which he played FELIX—UNGER.
20010627             —NOMINATED, KOFI—ANNAN was, for a 2. —5-YEAR term as UN Sec.-Gen.
20010627             —CONCLUDED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, a —3—DAY—SPECIAL—SESSION on HIV/AIDS —AFTER adopting a 16-page DECLARATION—OF—COMMITMENT which set tough targets for reducing infection rates and called for protecting the rights of infected people.
20010627             —INCLUDED, It also, 1—5—YEAR plan to boost spending in low and middle income nations to $7—10—BILLION
20010627             —REPORTED, It was, that Wang Guoqi, 1—CHINA—DOCTOR seeking political asylum, had presented 1—WRITTEN statement to USA—AUTHORITIES that he had taken part in harvesting body parts from executed prisoners in CHINA.
20010627             —DENIED, CHINA, the accusations.
20010627             (21.00) - How to disable your blocking software
20010627—19390000    —IN, She began her 1. Moomin book.
20010627—19660000    —RECEIVED, THE—SWEDISH—SPEAKING—FINLAND—NOVELIST, painter, illustrator and comic strip author, THE—HANS—CHRISTIAN—ANDERSEN—MEDAL.
20010627—20140000    —IN, Tuula Karjalainen's "Tove Jansson: Work and Love" became available in English.
20020510             —RESPONDED, The regime, with 1—COUNTER—REFERENDUM in which 8—MILLION—CITIZENS were persuaded to vote for a 20020627             CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that declared socialism "irrevocable".
20020627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to allow random drug searches in public schools on students who engage in extracurricular activities.
20020627             The court also upheld 1—CLEVELAND school voucher program in Zelman vs. SIMMONS—HARRIS.
20020627             —KILLED, A—USA—AIR—FORCE—PILOT was, —WHEN his A10 "Warthog" crashed —DURING 1—TRAINING—MISSION in EAST—FRANCE.
20020627             † JOHN—ENTWISTLE, —57—JAHRE—ALT, bassist for THE—WHO, in LAS—VEGAS.
20020627             —MARCHED, ARGENTINA, THOUSANDS—OF—GOVERNMENT opponents, in anger —AFTER 1—POLICE—CRACKDOWN on jobless protesters —1—DAY—EARLIER left 2—DEAD and 90 wounded.
20020627             —PICKED, Rescue helicopters from THE—SOUTH—AFRICA SHIP Agulhas, up 21—RUSSIA—SCIENTISTS from the Magdalena Oldendorff, trapped in ice near ANTARCTICA.
20020627             1,100—POUNDS—OF—FOOD was delivered to the remaining 86—PEOPLE.
20020627             —RESCUED, Another 48 were, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20020627             —SIGNED, BELGIUM—AUTHORITIES, agreements to pay about $55—MILLION to the country's Jewish community for property lost —DURING—THE—NAZI—OCCUPATION.
20020627             —REPELLED, BURUNDI—REBELS said they had, 1—MAJOR—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE against bases in the Kibera National Park, saying 35—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS had been killed in —5—DAY—OF—FIGHTING.
20020627             —SIGNED, CANADA, G—8—LEADERS, 1—AGREEMENT with AFRICA—LEADERS to support development.
20020627             —POINTED, It was, out that USA—FARM subsidies contradicted AFRICA—EXPORTS.
20020627             —BACKED, World leaders broadly, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PLAN by GEORGE—W—BUSH to end THE—MIDDLE—EAST—CRISIS, although they mostly stopped short of endorsing his insistence that PALESTINE—LEADER—YASSER Arafat quit.
20020627             —AGREED, They, to spend $20—BILLION over the next —10—YEARS to decommission weapons from THE—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS.
20020627             —DEFIED, COLOMBIA, more than 100—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, rebel death threats, withdrawing their resignations and agreeing to go back to work.
20020627             —CONFIRMED, Authorities, that Rigo Calvo, MAYOR—OF—LA Sierra, was abducted.
20020627             —ENGRAVED, CUBA—1—PARTY—SOCIALIST—STATE was, in THE—CONSTITUTION as "irrevocable" —AFTER Fidel CASTRO—COMMUNIST—PARLIAMENT followed his lead and rejected domestic and foreign efforts to introduce democratic reforms.
20020627             THE—MAYOR—OF—THE—BAVARIA—TOWN—OF—ROECKINGEN, who has been missing —SINCE—EARLY—MARCH, was found dead in 1—FOREST in THE—WEST—CZECH—REPUBLIC, police said —THURSDAY.
20020627             —URGED, ISRAEL—ARMY, Palestinians holed up under fire for a 3. —DAY in 1—WEST—BANK compound to surrender —THURSDAY, warning it will overrun the battered HEBRON government complex if those inside refuse to come out.
20020627             —FIRED, Helicopter gunships, missiles into THE—HEBRON complex.
20020627             INDIA—JAMMU—KASHMIR, 9—PEOPLE, including 3—SOLDIERS, were killed and 22 wounded in separate INCIDENTS—OF—VIOLENCE.
20020627             —KILLED, Muslim guerrillas, 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—ARMY—OFFICER and wounded 5—SOLDIERS in 1—GUN—BATTLE on 1—SOUTHERN—ISLAND where 3—INDONESIA—SEAMEN have been held hostage for more than —1—WEEK.
20020627             CENTRAL—SOMALIA, rival militias fought 1—FIERCE—BATTLE over the deaths of fellow clansmen, leaving 23—PEOPLE—DEAD and 40 wounded —JUST —1—DAY—AFTER 1—PEACE—DEAL was reached.
20020627             —PLEDGED, KHARTOUM—SUDAN, representatives of 57—MUSLIM nations, support for Palestinians in 1—RESOLUTION that made no MENTION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CALL for Palestinians to elect 1—NEW—LEADERSHIP.
20020627             In —21—MONTHS—OF—VIOLENCE, 1,739—PEOPLE have been killed on THE—PALESTINE—SIDE and 564—PEOPLE on THE—ISRAEL—SIDE.
20020627             —KILLED, UGANDA, GUERRILLAS—OF—THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, 7—RANGERS at Murchison Falls Nat'l. Park and abducted at least 10—OTHERS.
20020627             THE—NATIONAL... filed by National Security Archive staff member Tamara Feinstein.
20020627             THE—SCOUT—REPORT—VOL 8,Nr 3.
20020627             have been declassified in response to THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—REQUESTS filed by National Security Archive staff Lynda Davis +
20020627             Tamara Feinstein.
20020627             National Security Archive Update, [WWW.STOPNATO_org.UK]
20020627             —DECLASSIFIED, The documents were, in response to FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—REQUESTS filed by National Security Archive staff member Tamara Feinstein.
20020627—20020628    —EXPLODED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ARSENAL, at Spinbaldak and 19—PEOPLE were killed.
20020627—20020628    A 1. blast was called both 1 controlled explosion and THE—RESULT—OF—1—ROCKET—ATTACK.
20020811—20080627    —ANNOUNCED, Investigators, that the anthrax attacks had been carried out by another government scientist, BRUCE—EDWARDS—IVINS, whom they concluded had acted alone.
20030623—20030627    —ON, REPORTER—BOB—WOODWARD also spoke with Libby on this —DAY and and
20030627             —POURED, THE—USA—PUBLIC, 1—AVALANCHE—OF discontent into the new national DO—NOT—CALL—LIST (www.donotcall.gov), registering over 735,000 phone numbers on the 1. —DAY.
20030627             —GRANTED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—FORMER—PM fled —AFTER being, asylum in FRANCE, ending —5—MONTHS holed up in THE—FRANCE—EMBASSY —AFTER 1—COUP here.
20030627             † In INDIA THOUSANDS—OF—FISH in the Gomati River —WHEN monsoon rains sent 1—HUGE overflow of untreated sewage into the water, causing 1—DRASTIC—DROP in oxygen levels.
20030627             The fish were already ailing from the persistent flow of untreated sewage.
20030627             1—CLEANUP was important because LUCKNOW—2—MILLION—PEOPLE depend on the river for drinking water.
20030627             —AGREED, Israeli and PALESTINE—LEADERS, for ISRAEL to begin withdrawing forces from areas of THE—GAZA—STRIP and returning security control to PALESTINE—OFFICERS.
20030627             In —33—MONTHS—OF—THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT, 2,414—PEOPLE have been killed on THE—PALESTINE—SIDE and 806 on THE—ISRAEL—SIDE.
20030627             USA ROOSEVELT, Theodore
20030627             "To announce that there must be no CRITICISM—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, or that we are to stand by THE—PRESIDENT—RIGHT or wrong, is not only unpatriotic & servile, but is morally treasonable to THE—USA—PUBLIC".
20030627             GER [Propaganda] Goering, Herrmann, Nazi [ger]
20030627             " People can always be brought to THE—BIDDING—OF—THE—LEADERS. Tell them they are being attacked & denounce the pacifists for LACK—OF—PATRIOTISM".
20030627             "Those who manipulate the unseen MECHANISM—OF—SOCIETY constitute 1—INVISIBLE—GOVERNMENT which is the true ruling power of our country".
20030627             ADOLF—HITLER, 03:21: 55 [ propaganda ] : "I shall give 1—PROPAGANDIST—CAUSE for —STARTING the war,never mind whether it be true or not.
20030627             The victor shall not be asked —LATER on whether he told the truth or not.
20030627             In —STARTING & making 1—WAR, not the right is what matters, but victory the strongest has the right".
20030627             JOSEF—GÖBBELS, NAZI SCHOLAR—OF—EDWARD—L—BERNAYSFATHER—OF—PR = propaganda, USA—SPONSORED 03:21: 25: "The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political,economic &/or military consequences of the lie.It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use ALL—OF—ITS—POWERS to repress dissent,for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie,& thus by extension,the truth becomes the greatest ENEMY—OF—THE—STATE"
20030627             Einstein, Albert-"The minority,the ruling class —AT—PRESENT, has the schools & press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb.
20030627             This enables it to organize & sway THE—EMOTIONS—OF—THE—MASSES, & make its tool of them.
20030627             USA Nixon, Richard
20030627             "—WHEN THE—USA—PRESIDENT does it, that means it's not illegal".
20030627             "There ought to be limits to freedom".- Bush [BGW958](aka "THE—INHABITANT", "resident" )
20040625—20040627    —UNLEASHED, UGANDA—REBELS (LRA) in SOUTH—SUDAN, a —2—DAY—CAMPAIGN—OF arson, looting and murder, killing 100—VILLAGERS and forcing 15,000 others to flee their homes.
20040627             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that the alliance was poised to "meet the threats of the 20010101—21001231    ".
20040627             —THREATENED, Insurgents, to behead Cpl.
20040627             —VANISHED, Wassef ALI—HASSOUN, A—USA—MARINE who'd, in IRAQ, in 1—VIDEOTAPE that aired on Arab television.
20040627             —CONTACTED, However, Hassoun, USA—OFFICIALS in his native LEBANON THE—FOLLOWING—MONTH;
20040627             —AFTER being reunited with his family in UTAH, Hassoun disappeared in December.
20040627             LITHUANIA, Valdas Adamkus won the 2. ROUND—OF—ELECTIONS against CENTER—LEFT candidate Kazimira Prunskiene.
20040627             —STAGED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MEXICANS wearing white, 1—SILENT—MARCH through the heart of their nation's capital to protest kidnappings, violent crimes and THE—FAILURES—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT to curb them.
20040627             MONGOLIA, elections the renamed Communists lost their majority to 1—OPPOSITION—BLOCK.
20040627             THE—LEFT—LEANING—MPRP won 36—SEATS—WHILE THE—MDC took 34.
20040627             PALESTINE—MILITANTS blew up 1—ISRAEL—ARMY—POST with explosives in 1—TUNNEL—NEAR the Gush Katif settlement in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20040627             —KILLED, At least 1—SOLDIER was.
20040627             1—FIREFIGHT followed that left 2—PALESTINIANS dead.
20040627             Serbia held elections.
20040627             PRO—WEST—BORIS—TADIC led early polls over the ultranationalist candidate, Tomislav Nikolic.
20040627             BORIS—TADIC, won 53.5—PERCENT—OF—VOTES.
20040627             —REJECTED, TURKEY, the demands of Islamic militants who are threatening to behead 3—OF—ITS kidnapped citizens —DURING 1—VISIT by PRESIDENT—BUSH to TURKEY.
20040627             —DEMONSTRATED, Over 40 1000—TURKS chanting ANTI—BUSH slogans, against THE—PRESIDENT—VISIT to their country and 1—NATO—SUMMIT.
20040627             —CLOSED, NATO—LEADERS, ranks on 1—PLEDGE to take 1—BIGGER—MILITARY—ROLE in IRAQ;
20040627             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, on THE—EU to admit TURKEY as 1—MEMBER.
20040627             Published LP: MICHAEL—MOORE—LINKED to CARLYLE—GROUP... Title: MICHAEL—MOORE—LINKED to CARLYLE—GROUP—SOURCE: newsmax URL Source:
20040627             laws - laws
20040627             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that the alliance was poised to "meet the threats of the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY".
20040627             ... or PENTAGON—CHIEF—DONALD—RUMSFELD—FAULT for slighting the professional military... (which —LATER turned out to be fake ) to the resistance in FALLUJAH...
20040627145730       laws
20050308             S—ANTONIO—EXPRESS—NEWS 19980627             (19).
20050412—20050411    —DATE 20050627—20030411    —CONVICTED, 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—COURT, Wahid Taysir, 1—FORMER—ISRAEL—SOLDIER, of manslaughter in THE—KILLING—OF—TOM—HURNDALL, 1—PRO—PALESTINE—UK—ACTIVIST.
20050627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 5—4—THAT—KENTUCKY cannot display framed copies of THE—10—COMMANDMENTS in county courthouses, and allowed THE—TEXAS statehouse to keep the commandments as PART—OF—1—DISPLAY on its grounds.
20050627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT also, that CABLE—TV—COMPANIES are not required to share their HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—CONNECTIONS with rivals.
20050627             —PLEADED, KANSAS, BTK suspect DENNIS—RADER, —60—JAHRE—ALT, guilty to 10—COUNTS—OF—1.—DEGREE murder, admitting in 1—CHILLINGLY MATTER—OF—FACT—VOICE to 1—SERIES—OF—SLAYINGS that TERROR—IZED the city 19740000—19910000    —FROM—TO.
20050627             —RECEIVED, Rader —LATER, multiple life sentences.
20050627             —CRASHED, WAL—MART heir JOHN—T—WALTON, —58—JAHRE—ALT, and † —WHILE at the controls of 1—HOMEMADE, experimental aircraft near JACKSON—HOLE—AIRPORT, WYOMING.
20050627             His net worth was over $18—BILLION.
20050627             —SUPPORTED, Walton, efforts to educate LOW—INCOME—CHILDREN.
20050627             —INCLUDED, His books, THE—MULTI—VOLUME "THE—CIVIL—WAR: 1—NARRATIVE" (19580000—19740000    ).
20050627             —STAGED, BANGLADESH opposition parties led by the Awami League, 1—HUMAN—CHAIN—PROTEST in DHAKA against what they called 1—ANTI—PEOPLE—BUDGET taking effect —ON—FRIDAY.
20050627             —ARRESTED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—POLICE said they had, 11—PEOPLE on WAR—CRIMES charges.
20050627             NORTH—EAST—CONGO, militia fighters using women and children as human shields battled with UN peacekeepers SOUTH—OF—BUNIA.
20050627             —SPARKED, It was PART—OF—1—CRIMINAL—PROBE, by complaints filed by Rhodia investors Hughes de Lasteyrie du Saillant and Edouard Stern.
20050627             —CALLED, FRANCE, GERMANY, BRAZIL and CHILE, for 1—TAX on airline tickets to help finance the global fight against poverty.
20050627             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—IBRAHIM—AL—JAAFARI said that —2—YEARS would be "more than enough" to establish security in his country, 1—TASK—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD believes may take up to —12—YEARS.
20050627             THE—USA—MILITARY said it planned to expand its prisons across IRAQ to hold as many as 16,000 detainees.
20050627             —CRASHED, 1—USA—APACHE attack helicopter, NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing both pilots.
20050627             1—CAR—BOMB exploded between 1—MOVIE—HOUSE and mosque in EAST—BAGHDAD, killing at least 4—PEOPLE and injuring 16.
20050627             —CHARGED, Taysir, 1—MEMBER—OF—ISRAEL—BEDOUIN—ARAB minority, the army with racism, saying he was prosecuted because he is 1—ARAB and his victim was 1—FOREIGNER.
20050627             1—UNDERSEA cable carrying data between PAKISTAN and the outside world developed 1—SERIOUS fault, virtually crippling data feeds, including THE—INTERNET.
20050627             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—HEAT—WAVE across PAKISTAN has killed about 175—PEOPLE over the past —8—DAYS.
20050627             —STAGED, SOUTH—AFRICA—TRADE—UNIONS, a —1—DAY nationwide strike to protest high unemployment and job losses, with employers reporting 1 mixed response at job sites and TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS marching in major cities.
20050627             1—MEETING in ISTANBUL—OF—THE—WORLD—TRIBUNAL on IRAQ, the culmination of 20—MEETINGS—AROUND the world over the last —2—YEARS, called the invasion and occupation of IRAQ illegal.
20050627             The symbolic tribunal sought the immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—COALITION—FORCES from IRAQ and PAYMENT—OF—REPARATIONS for the damage caused —DURING the conflict.
20050627             THE—UN said it wanted to move HUNDREDS—OF—UZBEKISTAN—REFUGEES to 3. countries from camps in KYRGYZSTAN because there were fears UZBEKISTAN might try to snatch them and take them home by force.
20050627             Bunnatine Greenhouse, 1—SENIOR—CONTRACTING—OFFICIAL for THE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS, testified to 1—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—PUBLIC—COMMITTEE, alleging specific INSTANCES—OF—WASTE, fraud, and other abuses and irregularities by Halliburton with regard to its operations in IRAQ —SINCE—THE—IRAQ—WAR.
20050627             —DEMOTED, —IN—AUGUST she was, in what her lawyer called an "obvious reprisal" for her revelations about the Halliburton contracts.
20050627             USA—BESUCH: SCHRÖDER wirbt für HEDGEFONDS—STANDARDS
20050627             Vertrauensfrage: Müntefering regt Enthaltung der SPD—ABGEORDNETEN an
20050627             USA—BESUCH: SCHRÖDER fordert im Oval OFFICE—DEUTSCHE—RECHTE ein
20050627             Vertrauensfrage: SPD—ABGEORDNETE sollen sich enthalten
20050627             Rekordjagd: ÖL—PREIS nähert sich der 61—DOLLAR—MARKE
20050627             Expansion: Inder kaufen DEUTSCHLAND—PHARMA—FIRMA
20050627             Sozialdemokratie: SPD—MANN Maurer wechselt zur WASG
20050627             —ESKALIERT, Telegate: Streit um Telekom-"Mondpreise"
20050627             KRISE—BEI—MORGAN—STANLEY: "MACKIE—MESSERS" Comeback
20050627             LAFONTAINE—LESUNG: Roter Tribun im "Schwarzen Bock"
20050627             BERLIN: Mann geht mit Kettensäge auf Passantin los
20050627             Vereinte Nationen: Bush lehnt DEUTSCHLAND—SITZ im Sicherheitsrat nicht mehr generell ab
20050627             Voting Machine Fiasco: SAIC, VoteHere and DIEBOLD—VOTEHERE and Diebold.htm
20050627             ".. " writes AP correspondent ELLIOT—SPAGAT, in a 20030726             article.
20050627             STEPHEN—HATFILL, (ANTHRAX—ATTACK suspect.
20050627             JEROME—HAUER - (Organised Kroll Associates Security Job for EX—FBI anti terror agent JOHN—O'—NEILL.
20050627             —CONSTRUCTED, FORMER—OEM Director, NEW—YORK—CITY, Bunker in BUILDING—WTC—7.
20050627             Participant in Bio Terror Drills "Dark —WINTER" ('01), "Silent Vector" ('02) + "TOPOFF2" ('03).
20050627             Kay, David (POST—WAR Reconstruction IRAQ, FORMER—IAEA inspector in IRAQ, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—SAIC, probably CIA —SINCE 90s)
20050627             Mason, SIR—PETER (CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—AMEC, involved in renovation of the wedge of the Pentagon, which was —LATER hit.
20050627             Hired for Controlled CLEAN—UP of both Pentagon and WTC.
20050627             it will take sustained and inspired FEDERAL—LEADERSHIP -- of the kind that is lacking in WASHINGTON —TODAY.
20050627             Nevertheless, the movement is accelerating in MANY—STATES—BECAUSE—OF—ADVANCES in understanding of how very young children develop + of how profoundly their earliest years affect the rest of their lives.
20050627             1—IMPRESSIVE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES—STUDY led by DOCTOR—JACK—SHONKOFF at Brandeis University, From Neurons to Neighborhoods: THE—SCIENCE—OF—EARLY—CHILDHOOD—DEVELOPMENT, makes the case: If we fail to meet children's developmental needs —STARTING at birth, we shortchange our children and our society as well.
20050627             —LAUNCHED, That's the impetus for the newly, National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, chaired by Shonkoff.
20050627             We need to invest —IN—EARLY—EDUCATION if we are serious about improving student achievement, minimizing learning disabilities and emotional disorders + ensuring that children arrive ready to learn on the 1. —DAY—OF—SCHOOL, graduate from high school, attend college + excel in the workforce.
20050627             Brandeis University
20050627             ---- -This DATE—DURING his 20—4—YEARS on the high court, Associate Justice Marshall consistently challenged discrimination based on race or sex, opposed the death...
20050627             it will take sustained and inspired FEDERAL—LEADERSHIP -- of the kind that...
20050627             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA, gunman, THE—MV—SEMLOW, 1—SHIP carrying food aid, and held the vessel —FOR—100—DAYS—BEFORE it was released 20051004             .
20050627—19990000    —IN, FORMER—SAIC.)
20050627—19990000    —IN, Worked at SAIC—CENTER for COUNTERTERROR—ISM Technology and Analysis.
20050627—19990000    —SINCE, Among Clients: SAIC and Telcordia/ROBERT—W—LUCKY, MEMBER—OF—ANSER Institute for Homeland Security )
20050627—20010910    —ON, Started to work for THE—NIH under TOMMY—THOMPSON.
20060300             Bush Buddies At THE—CARLYLE—GROUP—MULL MULTI—BILLION Dollar IPO 20070627             /BUSH—BUDDIES—AT—THE—CARLY_n_5 4053.html
20060527—20060627    —ON, 2—PEACEKEEPERS were released.
20060613—20080627    —CONVICTED, CUA was.
20060627             14—GUANTANAMO Detainees Transferred to SAUDI—ARABIA : 14—DETAINEES have been transferred from GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, to SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE announced in a 20060624             press release.
20060627             ACLU Challenges Patriot Act Provision Used to Exclude Prominent SWITZERLAND—SCHOLAR from THE—USA (20060125             )...
20060627             Homepage von GUDRUN—EUSSNER—ACLU—CHALLENGES—PATRIOT—ACT—PROVISION—USED to Exclude Prominent SWITZERLAND—SCHOLAR from THE—USA (20060125             )...
20060627             which means you pass down the ability to command the resources of the nation based on heredity rather than merit".
20060627             † 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT to ban DESECRATION—OF—THE—USA—FLAG in 1—USA—SENATE cliffhanger, falling 1—VOTE—SHORT—OF—THE 67 needed to send it to states for ratification.
20060627             —ISSUED, USA Surgeon GENERAL—RICHARD—CARMONA, 1—REPORT that said secondhand smoke dramatically increases THE—RISK—OF—HEART—DISEASE and lung cancer in nonsmokers.
20060627             —SCHEDULED, WASHINGTON DC was, to begin 1—CAMPAIGN to screen EVERY—RESIDENT (14-84) for THE—AIDS—VIRUS.
20060627             DC was experiencing the highest RATE—OF—NEW—AIDS—CASES in THE—USA.
20060627             —AUTHORIZED, A—USA—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—HAWAII, partial compensation of $2,000 each to about 7,500 VICTIMS—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES under late THE—PHILIPPINES—DICTATOR—FERDINAND—MARCOS.
20060627             —PASSED, THE—CITY—COUNCIL—OF—OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, 1—MEASURE to ban Styrofoam food packaging for restaurant takeout food effective 20070100             .
20060627             —ARMED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UK, forces were killed in action in Helmand province.
20060627             2—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS and 11—INSURGENTS were killed in the fighting.
20060627             † 2—CIVILIANS, in 1—SUICIDE—BLAST aimed at 1—GERMANY—PATROL in the north.
20060627             —ABANDONED, NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL, a 2—STORY, building collapsed onto 3—HOUSES and 1—CONSTRUCTION—SUPPLY—STORE in RECIFE, killing 7—PEOPLE and injuring 7—OTHERS.
20060627             ARCH—BISHOP—ROWAN—WILLIAMS, HEAD—OF—THE—80—MILLION—MEMBER—ANGLICAN Communion, suggested the communion could break up into 1—CORE—OF—CONSTITUENT—CHURCHES willing to sign 1—DOCTRINAL covenant on homosexuality and other thorny issues.
20060627             —NAMED, CHECHNYA—NEW—SEPARATIST—LEADER, warlord Shamil Basayev, wanted by RUSSIA for 1—STRING of shocking TERROR—IST attacks, as his VICE—PRESIDENT in 1—MOVE that could signal 1—RADICALIZATION—OF—THE—CHECHEN rebel movement.
20060627             CHINA—GOVERNMENT said 1—LAW imposing fines on media that report emergencies such as riots and natural disasters without official approval could go into effect by October.
20060627             1—RIGHTS—GROUP urged BEIJING to scrap it.
20060627             —EXPLODED, Xinhua News said 1—CACHE of dynamite, in 1—HOUSE in NORTH—SHAANXI province, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and injuring 20.
20060627             —NAMED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead 2—MEN, as MEMBERS—OF—1—GROUP behind deadly bombings in Sinai tourist resorts.
20060627             —CLAIMED, ETHIOPIA, to have killed more than 110—REBELS allegedly sent by ARCH—FOE HORN—OF—AFRICA—NEIGHBOR—ERITREA to destabilize the country —SINCE—THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—MONTH.
20060627             —REJECTED, ERITREA flatly, the claim.
20060627             1—OF—IRAQ—LARGEST—SUNNI Arab groups endorsed THE—PRIME—MINISTER—NATIONAL—RECONCILIATION—PLAN, and the government announced new benefits to help freed detainees return to normal lives.
20060627             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB also struck 1—BUSY—GAS—STATION in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and wounding 17.
20060627             1—PROFESSOR at 1—TECHNOLOGY—UNIVERSITY—IN—BAGHDAD was gunned down in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in the upscale neighborhood of Mansour.
20060627             Police found THE—BULLET—RIDDLED bodies of 5—MEN, including 3—WHO were handcuffed, in 2—AREAS—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060627             —KILLED, A—USA—MARINE and 1—SOLDIER were, in separate attacks west and SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, —WHILE another USA—SOLDIER † THE—DAY—BEFORE in the volatile Anbar province.
20060627             —AGREED, ITALY—RULING—COALITION, to withdraw as many as 400—SOLDIERS from AFGHANISTAN, dealing another blow to USA—LED military efforts overseas.
20060627             1—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT—WHITE—PAPER on youth said THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILD—ABUSE—CASES reported in the —YEAR to 20050300             surged to 33,408 from 26,569 THE—YEAR—BEFORE, 1—RISE—OF—25.7—PERCENT.
20060627             —REVERSED, NETHERLANDS' Immigration MINISTER—RITA—VERDONK, 1—POLITICALLY divisive decision of —6—WEEKS—EARLIER, —WHEN she announced Hirsi Ali's 19970000             naturalization was invalid because she lied on her asylum application.
20060627             —AGREED, The rival Hamas and Fatah movements, on 1—PLAN implicitly recognizing ISRAEL, —AFTER weeks of acrimonious negotiations aiming to lift crippling INTERNATIONAL aid sanctions.
20060627             1—PALESTINE—MILITANT—LEADER said 1 captured ISRAEL—SOLDIER was being held in a "secure place," and he claimed that his group also seized 1—JEWISH settler in THE—WEST—BANK.
20060627             1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION demolished 1—CAR traveling near THE—RESIDENCE—OF—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS, killing 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE inside.
20060627             —SCATTERED, The blast, debris and body parts up to 200—YARDS away.
20060627             —INVOLVED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY said it was not, in the blast.
20060627             MOGADISHU—SOMALIA, MEMBERS—OF—1—ISLAMIC—MILITIA that controls MOST—OF—SOUTH—SOMALIA battled for 1—CLAN—HELD checkpoint, killing 5—PEOPLE—BEFORE declaring victory.
20060627             —KILLED, Renegade Tamil militants, at least 4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TAMIL—TIGER rebel group in EAST—SRI—LANKA.
20060627             —ASKED, THAILAND, prosecutors, THE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT to disband both the governing THAILAND—RAK—THAILAND (TRT) and the main opposition Democrats for gross misconduct in the —APRIL elections.
20060627             —KILLED, In SOUTH—THAILAND 7—PEOPLE were, by suspected Islamic insurgents in attacks, including 1—BOMBING that left 5—SECURITY—OFFICERS—DEAD.
20060627             —ELECTED, VIETNAM—LEGISLATORS, Nguyen Minh Triet (63), THE—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CHIEF—FOR—HO—CHI—MINH—CITY, as the country's new PRESIDENT in 1—LEADERSHIP shuffle.
20060627             —NOMINATED, Triet, in turn, Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—NGUYEN—TAN—DUNG, 56, to become the next PM.
20060627             Microsoft: HERE—HOW to halt WGA alerts
20060627             Along with 1—NEW—RELEASE—OF—WINDOWS—GENUINE—ADVANTAGE—NOTIFICATIONS, Microsoft shares how to remove the controversial antipiracy tool.
20060627             Whois data a key weapon in fraud fight, FTC says
20060627             The agency tells ICANN that the domain databases are critical to its fight against spyware and other INTERNET fraud.
20060627             NBC strikes deal with YouTube —JUST months —AFTER confronting YouTube about copyright material, NBC reverses its course and will upload SOME—CLIPS to the video site.
20060627             Scientists Blocking out the Sun
20060627             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES is running 1—ARTICLE about geoengineering in which MANY—SOLUTIONS to GLOBAL—WARMING include decreasing THE—AMOUNT—OF—SUNLIGHT that the planet sees.
20060627             The ideas are not new, MANY—HAVE been —AROUND for quite SOME—TIME, however they have been relegated to THE—FRINGES—OF—SCIENCE and MANY—HAVE never been published because of this.
20060627             "Geoengineering is no magic bullet, DOCTOR—CICERONE said. But done correctly, he added, it will act like 1—INSURANCE—POLICY if the world —1—DAY—FACES 1—CRISIS—OF overheating, with repercussions like melting icecaps, droughts, famines, rising sea levels and coastal flooding".
20060627             Encrypted Ammunition?
20060627             "1—PATENT has been filed for bullets with BUILT—IN encryption. Pulling the trigger sends 1—RADIO—SIGNAL to the cartridge in the chamber, but the charge only goes off if the right encryption key is sent. The aim is to improve CIVIL—FIREARM security".
20060627             Not sure I'm quite ready to trust the average TECHNO—GADGET—FAILURE—RATE on something like this —JUST yet.
20060627             EU Prepared to Fine Microsoft $2.5—MILLION—PER —DAY - Mother NATURE—DESIGN—WORKSHOP
20060627             "Scientists creating new surveillance and defense technologies are studying the insect world for inspiration. Biomimetic researchers working on devices ranging from 360—DEGREE—LENSES to MINE—DISABLING robots are using biological principals as the backbone of their work.  'THE—TRIED—AND—TRUE—DESIGNS—OF—MANY—INSECTS are THE—PRODUCT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—YEARS—OF—EVOLUTION. Even so, they are not perfect models. Natural selection isn't —JUST 1—MATTER—OF—PHYSIOLOGICAL—PERFECTION, but how 1—ORGANISM—TRAITS suit it for 1—PARTICULAR—ENVIRONMENT, scientists say. For this reason, Bandyopadhyay stresses it is important not to —JUST copy nature's work, but to take the best parts of it and apply it elsewhere.'"
20060627             SPIEGEL—ONLINE wirbt für indymedia
20060627             von autorin - 200606272216          xx 1—TEIL—DES—REDAKTIONELLEN—KOZEPTES—VON—SPIEGEL—ONLINE ist es, geschriebenen Artikeln oft ein kleines Kurzvideo beizufügen, in der Regel 20—120—SEC.
20060627             So auch bei einem Bericht über studentische Protesaktionen unter der Überschrift: "LI—LA—LISTENKLAU—ATTAKE der STÖRSTUDENTEN—GUERILLA"
20060627             Doch ist dieses Video nicht etwa vom spiegel(-tv) selber oder von der dpa produziert, wie meist, sondern als Quelle wird indymedia angegeben.
20060627             Schaut man sich —NUN das Video an, ist festzustellen, dass es scheinbar unbearbeitet und ungeschnitten übernommen wurde.
20060627             Interessanter Weise wurden auch der Abspann und die darin gezeigten links nicht entfernt.
20060627             Daher kann —NUN der geneigte SPIEGEL—ONLINE Leser folgende Hinweise lesen: und
20060627             Schön, dass der spiegel sich ?absichtlich?
20060627             so für die Sache der Studenten einsetzt?
20060627             Homepage:: Obwohl die Anbieter den globalen Zugang zu Netzinhalten erleichterten, hätten sie sich im gesellschaftlichen und medienpolitischen Bereich als "1—MEDIUM mit Informationsmacht" etabliert, erklärte etwa Veranstaltungsleiter Machill.
20060627             Vor allem die 3—GROSSEN USA—SUCHMASCHINEN Google, Yahoo und MISS—NSEARCH, die ein weltweites Oligopol beherrschten, seien bei der Aufbereitung von Inhalten "nur selten transparent".
20060627             Die 3—ANBIETER hätten dabei zusammen mehr als 90—PROZENT Marktanteil und seien so zum regelrechten Informationsfilter geworden.
20060627             Die Suchmaschinen seien von erheblichem öffentlichen Interesse und fielen daher "in den BEREICH—DER—MEDIENPOLITIK" und unter das Gesetz der Rundfunkfreiheit, betonte Machill.
20060627             Deshalb seien auch seitens der Politik neue Instrumente zur Selbstregulierung gefordert.
20060627             DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIEN hätten 20050000             einen Verhaltenskodex unterzeichnet, "um die Macht der Suchmaschinen nicht unbeobachtet zu lassen", sagte Machill.
20060627             Doch insgesamt sei der Suchmaschinensektor für die Medienpolitik in weiten Teilen noch unerschlossenes Gebiet.
20060627             Eigentlich erleichtern Suchmaschinen wie Google den Zugang zu Informationen, aber sie filtern sie eben auch.
20060627             Die Macht der Datenfinder werde vollkommen unterschätzt, warnen Experten deshalb —JETZT—UND fordern gesetzliche Regulierung.
20060627             BERLIN—MAN solle die "Macht der Suchmaschinen nicht unbeobachtet lassen", erklärte MARCEL—MACHILL—VON—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—LEIPZIG auf der Berliner Konferenz der FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG.
20060627             1—FAZIT, zu dem VIELE—WISSENSCHAFTLER auf dem Treffen kamen, bei dem es um den wachsenden Einfluss der INTERNET—DATENSEITEN ging.
20060627             Der Einfluss der ONLINE—SUCHMASCHINEN bei der Meinungsbildung wird nach ANSICHT—DER—EXPERTEN, die sich bei dem Treffen zusammenfanden, —BISHER völlig unterschätzt.
20060627             In der Bodenstation seien die Wissenschaftler in Sorge, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur dpa.
20060627             Das Objekt sei etwa 2,8 Kilometer von der ISS entfernt, teilte die RUSSLAND—FLUGLEITZENTRALE bei Moskau unter Berufung auf DIE—USA—WELTRAUMBEHÖRDE Nasa mit.
20060627             "Die Lage ist ziemlich ernst", sagte der RUSSLAND—FLUGBAHNSPEZIALIST ALEXANDER—KIREJEW.
20060627             Der zuständige RUSSLAND—VERANTWORTLICHE JEWGENI—MELNIKOW sagte der RUSSLAND—ZEITUNG "Trud", man habe der Nasa —BEREITS Vorschläge für verschiedene Ausweichmanöver der Weltraumstation geschickt.
20060627             —NACH seinen Angaben müsste dann aber auch der Start der "Discovery" gestoppt werden.
20060627             —GEZOGEN, Selbst das Weiße Haus wurde in Mitleidenschaft : Am Amtssitz von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH knickte unweit des Haupteinganges ein —100—JAHRE alter Baum um.
20060627             "Mein Auto schwamm einfach davon", zitiert die "WASHINGTON—POST" den Möbelverkäufer BOB—REIFENBERGER.
20060627             "Ich kletterte aus dem Fenster und habe ich mich festgeklammert".
20060627             —BERICHTET, Der Polizist MARK—BERGIN, dass er Sonntagnacht hüfthoch im Wasser stand + Menschen half, aus ihren Autos zu steigen: "Das war nicht nur Wasser, das war eine dunkle, rauschende Brühe. Umgedrehte Autos schwammen darin herum".
20060627             Kollegen berichteten ihm außerdem, dass sie Menschen und Babys auf Autodächern gesehen hätten.
20060627             "Es war unglaublich".
20060627             Mit Hilfe der Feuerwehr hätten aber schließlich ALLE—MENSCHEN gerettet werden können.
20060627             Fischer begründete die Aufgabe auch seines letzten verbliebenen politischen Postens mit der persönlichen Lebensentscheidung, noch einmal einen neuen —ANFANG auf einem anderen Feld als der Politik wagen zu wollen.
20060627             Ab —HERBST wird er 1—GASTPROFESSUR an der Princeton University annehmen.
20060627             Nahost: ISRAEL—LUFTWAFFE greift Gazastreifen an
20060627             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: PAKISTAN stockt Truppen auf
20060627             Get BUSTED on DVD Make a $19.99—CONTRIBUTION to Flex Your Rights —TODAY and receive your own copy of BUSTED: THE—CITIZEN—GUIDE to SURVIVING—POLICE—ENCOUNTERS.
20060627             Your support will help with our grassroots effort to promote the movie, which will teach more people how to flex their rights —DURING police encounters.
20060627             Glacier expert says EARTH—CLIMATE is changing abruptly Humans may not have the luxury of adapting slowly to the warming, scientist warns By DOUG—STRUCK
20060627             WASHINGTON—POST—COLUMBUS—OHIO—EARTH—CLIMATE is undergoing 1—ABRUPT change, ending 1—COOLER period that began with 1—SWIFT "cold snap" in the tropics 5,—200—YEARS—AGO that coincided with THE—START—OF—CITIES, THE—BEGINNING—OF—CALENDARS and the biblical great flood, 1—LEADING expert on glaciers has concluded.
20060627             The warming —AROUND EARTH—TROPICAL belt is 1—SIGNAL suggesting that the "climate system has exceeded 1—CRITICAL threshold," which has sent TROPICAL—ZONE glaciers in full retreat and will melt them completely "in the near future," said Lonnie G. hompson, 1—SCIENTIST who —FOR—23—YEARS has been taking core samples from the ancient ice of glaciers.
20060627             —PUBLISHED, Thompson, writing with 8—OTHER—RESEARCHERS in 1—ARTICLE, —MONDAY in the Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, said the ice samples show that the climate can and did cool quickly + that 1—SIMILARLY abrupt warming change started about —50—YEARS—AGO.
20060627             Humans may not have the luxury of adapting to slow changes, he suggests.
20060627             "There are thresholds in the system," Thompson said in 1—INTERVIEW in his lab at OHIO STATE—UNIVERSITY.
20060627             —WHEN they are crossed, "there is the risk of changing the world as we know it to SOME—FORM in which 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE on the planet will be put at risk".
20060627             "I think the temperature will continue to rise, the glaciers will continue to melt. Sea levels will continue to rise. I think there is 1—GOOD—INDICATION—NOW that the magnitude of severe storms will rise," he said.
20060627             Unseen for 2—MILLENNIA—HOW well does your family save water?
20060627             —BEYOND its weird pear shape, the enigma has 1—SINGLE "eye".
20060627             —OFFERED, Only this cryptic explanation was, on THE—NASA—JET—PROPULSION—LABORATORY—SITE
20060627             where the image appears : New sea spider species found in icy waters
20060627             More than 10—NEW—SPECIES—OF spiders from the sea have been identified, including some with legs spanning half 1—METRE.
20060627             Glacier expert says EARTH—CLIMATE is changing abruptly - What is it?
20060627             1—BIZARRE—PEAR—SHAPED object has been photographed zooming —AROUND Saturn by NASA—CASSINI spacecraft.
20060627             Limbaugh, Viagra + THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC
20060627             Cannonfire has SOME—QUESTIONS about LIMBAUGH—LATEST—MIS—ADVENTURE.
20060627             —PULLED, HOW TO protect yourself from cops —WHEN, over
20060627             RUSSIA rejects ultimatums that undermine UN AUTHORITY—PUTIN : In 1—APPARENT—REFERENCE to THE—LONG—RUNNING controversy —AROUND IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM, PUTIN told 1—MEETING in the Foreign Ministry:
20060627             "We do not intend to join ANY—FORM—OF ultimatum that lead to 1—DEAD—END + strike 1—BLOW against THE—AUTHORITY—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20060627             Boing Boing has the link to the video. Important stuff.
20060627             CIA secret flights: EU official admits terror suspects handed to U.S:
20060627             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TOP—JUSTICE—OFFICIAL—ON—TUESDAY, that terror suspects have been transferred to USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENTS on European territory.
20060627             EU urges all nations to sign global ANTI—TORTURE—CONVENTION : THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—TODAY urged all nations to sign 1—GLOBAL—ANTI—TORTURE—CONVENTION, calling the practice "cruel, inhuman and degrading" not only to victims but to perpetrators.
20060627             Pentagon Resists Ban on "Degrading Treatment":
20060627             As new reports detail further abuse by THE—USA—MILITARY—OF—ITS—PRISONERS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, 1—BEHIND—THE—SCENES—BATTLE is being fought between THE—USA—DEPARTMENTS—OF—STATE and defence about whether 1—KEY—SECTION—OF—THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS should be included in new rules governing Army interrogation techniques
20060627             UK refuses to help Hicks : THE—FATHER—OF—AUSTRALIA—TERROR—SUSPECT—DAVID—HICKS says BRITAIN has used 1—FLIMSY technicality to refuse to lobby for his son's release from GUANTANAMO Bay.
20060627             —UNCOVERED, POSADA—CIA—TIES, in papers: Details have emerged about CUBA—EXILE—MILITANT—LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES' CIA links —40—YEARS—AGO in SOUTH—FLORIDA.
20060627             1—REVELATION: his tie to the agency's MIAMI bureau.
20060627             CIA has access to SWITZERLAND—TRANSACTIONS : THE—USA has confirmed it has been monitoring INTERNATIONAL financial transactions, including those in and out of SWITZERLAND, for almost —5—YEARS.
20060627             1. Data gave feds records:
20060627             COLORADO—1. Data Corp., the world's largest PROCESSOR—OF—CREDIT—CARD—TRANSACTIONS and wire transfers, gave THE—FBI and CIA unfettered access to data on MILLIONS—OF—CUSTOMERS—SHORTLY—AFTER 20010911             —THE, TERROR—IST attacks
20060627             BUSH—CLAIMS he can ignore laws he signs: THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ON—TUESDAY defended PRESIDENT—BUSH—PROLIFIC—USE—OF—STATEMENTS that tend to limit THE—IMPACT—OF—BILLS he signs into law, saying they help him uphold THE—CONSTITUTION and defend the nation's security.
20060627             Relief' for aristocracy : If achieving one's goals is the measure of 1—SUCCESSFUL—PRESIDENCY, then GEORGE—W—BUSH is 1—OF—THE—MORE—SUCCESSFUL—PRESIDENTS in history.
20060627             —HELPED, He has, —AFTER all, transfer much of the nation's wealth into the hands of the already wealthy, which has long been 1—MAJOR—GOAL—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN right.
20060627             Nightmare scenario hangs over MEXICO election: MILLIONS—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS claiming vote fraud, chaos in the courts, financial markets collapsing, troops in the streets -- that's the nightmare scenario should MEXICO's 20060702             presidential election have 1 disputed finish.
20060627             Road to Map to Starvation: WHAT—NEXT for the Palestinians? : THE—ISRAELIS + their Hard Right Zionist supporters in THE—USA, should be put on notice that —1—DAY—OF—JUSTICE is coming.
20060627             Hamas, Fatah agree on plan implicitly recognizing ISRAEL : The rival Hamas and Fatah movements agreed on 1—PLAN implicitly recognizing ISRAEL, 1—TOP—PALESTINE—OFFICIAL said —TUESDAY—AFTER weeks of acrimonious negotiations meant to lift crippling INTERNATIONAL aid sanctions.
20060627             USA reacts cautiously to Hamas recognition of ISRAEL : THE—USA —ON—TUESDAY reacted cautiously to THE—PALESTINE—HAMAS groups recognition of ISRAEL to exist, saying it will await the formal VERSION—OF—THE—ANNOUNCEMENT.
20060627             Opponents of IRAQ war rally —AROUND LIEUTENANT—WATADA : —RECENTLY founded in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, Courage to Resist is 1—OF—SEVERAL organizations —AROUND the country trying to stop THE—IRAQ war by focusing on those ordered to wage it.
20060627             Refusing to Kill is Not 1—CRIME:
20060627             "I refuse to be silent ANY—LONGER. I refuse to be party to 1—ILLEGAL and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. My OATH—OF—OFFICE is to protect and defend AMERICA—LAWS and its people. By refusing unlawful orders for 1—ILLEGAL—WAR, I fulfill that oath —TODAY".
20060627             USA—ARMY 1. LIEUTENANT—EHREN—WATADA
20060627             Murtha says USA poses top threat to world peace:
20060627             USA—PRESENCE in IRAQ is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from NORTH—KOREA or IRAN, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA, D—PA
20060627             Wars Force Army Equipment Costs to Triple : The annual cost of replacing, repairing and upgrading Army equipment in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN is expected to more than triple —NEXT—YEAR to more than $17—BILLION, according to Army documents obtained by the Associated Press.
20060627             Soldier Who Killed Handcuffed IRAQ—IS—FREED:
20060627             —CONVICTED, 1—USA—SOLDIER, in the
20060627             —EXONERATED, USA—MARINE, for song about killing Iraqis : THE—USA—MILITARY will not punish 1—MARINE who performed 1—OBSCENITY—LACED song to 1—LAUGHING + cheering crowd of fellow troops in IRAQ making light of killing Iraqis, the Marine Corps said —ON—TUESDAY.
20060627             MOSCOW Blames USA for RUSSIA—HOSTAGES—DEATH in IRAQ : "EVERY—DAY—DOZENS—OF—INNOCENT—PEOPLE are dying + —NOW diplomats are geting killed, too.
20060627             The responsibility for what is going on in IRAQ lies upon those who sought mass destruction weapons here, but found nothing," she said.
20060627             Senate Hearing on PRE—WAR—IRAQ Intelligence, Points Finger at VICE—PRESIDENT : Watch the testimony.
20060627             Then judge for yourself whether this administration's machinations descended to the utterly condemnable.
20060627             —3—DAYS in ROME?
20060627             News: In which 1—NEOCONSERVATIVE JACK—OF—ALL—TRADES, 1—PAIR of Pentagon hawks + 1—IRAN—EXILE with 1—KNACK for tall tales try to outflank THE—CIA and conjure 1—COUP in TEHRAN.
20060627             Musings From TOM—JOAD—COUNTRY
20060627             Okies love AMERICA, they love their BORN—AGAIN idiot PRESIDENT + they are proud to be blind and brazen warriors in GOD—VERY—OWN—ARMY.
20060627             Together, they and Bush are proudly in lockstep -- insanely marching to Zion.
20060627             This paragraph from 1—RECENT—NEWS—RELEASE puts the Limbaugh incident in 1—INTERESTING light: —YESTERDAY officers from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—NATIONAL—POLICE led 1—RAID that resulted in the rescue of 24—CHILDREN who were being sold for commercial sexual exploitation.
20060627             —RESCUED, The youngest victim, is believed to be —7—YEARS—OLD.
20060627             —ARRESTED, In addition, fiveperpetrators were, for trafficking related offenses.
20060627             (Emphasis added.)
20060627             The use of viagra -- which may or may not have been legally prescribed -- indicates that THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—CHIEF—PROPAGANDIST traveled to THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC intending to have sex.
20060627             The question is: What KIND—OF—SEX?
20060627             This report on THE—EPIDEMIC—OF—CHILD—PROSTITUTION in THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC may be roughly —10—YEARS—OLD, but the situation remains unchanged:
20060627             Though there is + has always been, SOME—LOCAL—DEMAND for child prostitutes, it is tourism that has fuelled the rapid growth of this market for children bodies.
20060627             Congressional Preview: Bush Gopher to Justify Bush Continually Breaking the Law.
20060627             Bush Makes JOHN—DILLINGER—LOOK—LIKE 1—LAW Abiding Citizen.
20060627             "WATCHDOGS—OF—DEMOCRACY?: THE—WANING—WASHINGTON—PRESS—CORPS and How It Has Failed the Public," By HELEN—THOMAS.
20060627             This book deserves your attention.
20060627             Thomas is fighting a 1—PERSON trench war to maintain the standards of professional journalism, such as it used to exist.
20060627             She needs reinforcements. LET—GIVE her some.
20060627             Study shows USA electronic voting machines vulnerable
20060627             Post Your Comments on the Latest Rush Limbaugh Illegally Prescribed Drug ACTIVITY—VIAGRA or Bust!
20060627             GLENN—GREENWALD—EXPOSES—THE—LIES about BUSH—FINANCE—RECORD—SPYING: THE—BUSH lynch mob against the nation's free press;
20060627             "1—BOOK could and ought to be written about the corrupt reasoning and truly unparalleled dangers characterizing this ANTI—MEDIA lynch mob. But for —NOW, —FOLLOWING are what I believe are the most noteworthy points..".
20060627             GOP Threats to NY Times for Reporting on —TRANSACTION Monitoring Is Critical Threat to Free Press -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20060627             This time it allegedly was for -- and stop that snickering -- Viagra!
20060627             Must be Hard to Get It Up —WHEN You're 1—JUNKY, Riding High on Those Other Illegally Prescribed Drugs.
20060627             Call Ron Wyden and Thank Him.
20060627             He Promises to Block ANY—BILL—THAT—WOULD—HARM—PRO—DEMOCRACY "Net Neutrality".
20060627             Says Wyden, "I will do anything I can to block 1—MAJOR telecom rewrite that undermines what makes THE—INTERNET—SPECIAL. I will block it. I will do anything I can to derail it".
20060627             Call His DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA OFFICE—AND—THANK—HIM for Standing Up for "Net Neutrality".
20060627             POWELL—CHIEF—OF—STAFF and Others Confirm BUSH—LIES on IRAQ Intel -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20060627             Monica Schrack: SELF—CENSORED Press - 1—BUZZFLASH—READER—CONTRIBUTION
20060627             200407300802_und_Report 20040700             Marijuana smuggling case 1. local use of Patriot Act provision.
20060627             Zimmer mit Einsicht - 20060000             , —WEEK 5—NEW Patriot Act Provision Creates Tighter Barrier to Officials at Public EVENTS—USA—SENAT bestätigt Alito als Obersten Richter...
20060627             Nahost: Fatah und Hamas akzeptieren 2—STAATEN—LÖSUNG
20060627             Krankenkassen: Gesundheitsreform auf Kosten der Patienten
20060627             ATOM—STREIT mit IRAN: REVOLUTIONS—FÜHRER—CHAMENEI hält —VERHANDLUNGEN mit USA für nutzlos
20060627             Fischers Abschied: "Die Tür ist zu"
20060627             Google und Co: Experten warnen vor Informationsübermacht - MALTA: Tumulte in Flüchtlingslager
20060627             —BEZEICHNET, USA—UMWELTSCHUTZ: Bush, Klimawandel als "Problem"
20060627             INTERVIEW—MIT—FATAH—FÜHRER—FRANGI: "Die ISRAEL—BEDROHUNG schmiedet zusammen"
20060627             Als die Bombardierung Aghanistans am - Der USA—AUFSCHREI
20060627             EUROPA, unterliegen wir leicht der Illusion, daß das USA—VOLK in weiten Teilen mit der Politik ihrer Oberen überinstimmt.
20060627             Das ist nicht der Fall.
20060627             Es handelt um Minderheiten im Bereich von 20%, die tatsächlich auf BUSH—KURS sind.
20060627             1—ARTIKEL und seine Kommentare zeigt erneut, wie weit die Sensibilität der USA—AMERIKANER geht und wie kritisch die meisten gegen ihre Regierung eingestellt sind, trotz der EINHEITSBREI—GEHIRNWÄSCHE der USA—MEDIEN.
20060627             GUANTANAMO Häftlinge freigelassen sfux STEPHAN—FUCHS?
20060627             14—SAUDISCHE Gefangene wurden —LETZTE—WOCHE aus GUANTANAMO Bay entlassen.
20060627             Sie wurden mit der saudischen Boeing 747 ?Saudia?
20060627             mit der Kennung SVA7267 über den MAROKKO—FLUGPLATZ MOHAMMED—V in CASABLANCA nach Hause geflogen.
20060627             Neue Standortbestimmung: BND in Nöten sfux World Content News -
20060627             Heillose Verwirrung beim Bundesnachrichtendienst: Während des Prozesses gegen den Exagenten NORBERT—JURETZKO wegen Geheimnisverrats, der —ANFANG—JUNI mit einem Freispruch endete, sind die Decknamen der BND—RESIDENTUREN durch die Presse gewandert und somit künftig unbrauchbar geworden.
20060627             Damit gerät —JETZT die gesamte GEHEIM—LOGISTIK des Dienstes in Gefahr.
20060627             ANTI—TERROR—KRIEG steigert TERROR—GEFAHR
20060627             In einer Studie hat die Regierungsunabhängige GROSSBRITANNIEN—FORSCHUNGSGRUPPE ?OXFORD Research Group" herausgefunden, daß der ANTI—TERROR—KRIEG der BRITISCHEN—UND USA—REGIERUNG die TERROR—GEFAHR deutlich erhöht hat.
20060627             Ob das nicht beabsichtigt war?
20060627             Die Studie kommt zu dem Schluß, daß die Regierungen ihre Stellung in der Welt durch militärische Gewalt sichern wollen, ohne sich Gedanken über die Ursachen und Zusammenhänge der Bedrohungen...
20060627             Abteilung Späh und Horch - 1—FARCE?
20060627             Ich habe einen Bekannten von mir über seine Erfahrungen mit den (west)DEUTSCHLAND—SCHNÜFFELDIENSTEN interviewt, —NACHDEM das Thema —NUN mit der ?Oberaufsicht? über PETER—GROTTIAN, über Ramelow und über Lafontaine sowie die ganze Linksfraktion wieder ins Licht der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist.
20060627             Ich nenne den Interviewten Max.
20060627             Wie bist du in das Fadenkreuz der bundesdeutschen Späher und Schnüffler geraten?
20060627             50: Percentage of Americans who support redeploying USA—FORCES out of IRAQ "—IMMEDIATELY or within —12—MONTHS," according to 1—GALLUP poll.
20060627             1—WASHINGTON—POST—SURVEY shows 47—PERCENT backing 1—TIMELINE, up 8—POINTS—SINCE December.
20060627             150,000: Number of additional
20060627             displaced Iraqis —SINCE—THE—BOMBING—OF—1—PROMINENT—SHIITE shrine in February 20060000             .
20060627             Taxpayers lost $2—BILLION to fraud and waste in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, representing
20060627             11—PERCENT of the $19—BILLION spent by FEMA on those reconstructions.
20060627             —REITERATED, WARREN—BUFFETT, his support for the estate tax —YESTERDAY, saying he favored equality over "giving incredible head starts to certain people who were
20060627             very selective about the womb from which they emerged.
20060627             —ADVANCED, THE—PENTAGON is speeding up "plans to deploy, Patriot interceptor missiles on USA—BASES in JAPAN," in response to —LAST—WEEK—REPORT that NORTH—KOREA finished fueling 1—LONG—RANGE—BALLISTIC—MISSILE.
20060627             But Slate throws doubt on that report: " the missile could stay ready for only 1—FEW days —SINCE—THE—FUEL is corrosive stuff and eats through things like metal. It's —NOW been —1—WEEK".
20060627             1—STUDY done by the minority STAFF—OF—THE—HOUSE—GOVERNMENT—REFORM—COMMITTEE reported —YESTERDAY that there has been a "precipitous drop" in enforcement activity at THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration over the last —5—YEARS.
20060627             REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) said, "FDA can't do its job —WHEN its enforcement arm is tied behind its back".
20060627             $17—BILLION.
20060627             —NEXT—YEAR—COST—OF replacing, repairing and upgrading Army equipment in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN,
20060627             more than triple —THIS—YEAR—COST.
20060627             1—BALLOT—INITIATIVE to "establish full public financing for statewide elections "qualified —YESTERDAY in CALIFORNIA.
20060627             —PASSED, If, "candidates who collect 1—SET—NUMBER—OF—SMALL-$5-contributions and agree not to take more private money, qualify for 1—GRANT—OF—PUBLIC—MONEY to run their campaigns".
20060627             And finally: Time to rethink DUI laws?
20060627             "4—PELICANS suspected of being drunk on sea algae were being tested at 1—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA wildlife center —SATURDAY—AFTER 1—OF—THEM crashed headlong into 1—CAR," Reuters reports.
20060627             3—OTHERS " - were found wandering dazed - in THE—STREETS—OF—LAGUNA Beach".
20060627             WARREN—BUFFETT: Major Philanthropist and OPPONENT—OF—ESTATE—TAX—REPEAL
20060627             —ANNOUNCED, WARREN—BUFFETT, the world's 2.—RICHEST man, —THIS—WEEK that he plans to give away 85—PERCENT of his $44—BILLION fortune to charity.
20060627             —EXPLAINED, Buffett, his motivation in —TODAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES:
20060627             "I love it —WHEN I'm —AROUND the country club + I hear people talking about the debilitating effects of 1—WELFARE—SOCIETY," he said.
20060627             "At the same time, they leave their kids 1—LIFETIME and BEYOND—OF—FOOD—STAMPS. Instead of having 1—WELFARE—OFFICER, they have 1—TRUST—OFFICER. And INSTEAD—OF—FOOD—STAMPS, they have stocks and bonds".
20060627             It's hardly 1—SUPRISE, then, that Buffett also opposes repealing the Estate Tax (aka THE—PARIS—HILTON—TAX), a "graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes ":
20060627             "We have come closer to 1—TRUE meritocracy than anywhere else —AROUND the world," he said.
20060627             "You have mobility so people with talents can be put to the best use. Without the estate tax, you in effect will have 1—ARISTOCRACY—OF—WEALTH, which means you pass down the ability to command the resources of the nation based on heredity rather than merit".
20060627             [NYT, How is GENERAL—CASEY—IRAQ timeline
20060627             different from THE—IRAQ timeline proposed in THE—SENATE—LAST—WEEK?
20060627             TONY—SNOW offers a - crystal clear explanation.
20060627             Bush Ignores Science, Claims 'There Is 1—DEBATE'—OVER—THE—CAUSE—OF—GLOBAL—WARMING Faiz
20060627             —ASKED, This —MORNING, PRESIDENT—BUSH was, whether he believed GLOBAL—WARMING was a "real and significant threat to the planet".
20060627             —CLAIMED, Bush, there is still 1—REAL—DEBATE over the cause of GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060627             —REPEATED, Despite Bush 's, efforts to muddy the picture, there is no real scientific debate over whether GLOBAL—WARMING is manmade or NATURALLY—CAUSED.
20060627             Most —RECENTLY, the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES has unequivocally stated that natural causes cannot explain the unprecedented warmth over the last —400—YEARS.
20060627             Rather, "human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming," the report states.
20060627             The failure to acknowledge this scientific fact prevents Bush from taking the necessary actions to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, which he once pledged to do.
20060627             Full transcript below:
20060627             QUESTION: I know you've said you are not planning to see AL—GORE—NEW—MOVIE, but do you agree with the premise that GLOBAL—WARMING is 1—REAL and significant threat to the planet?
20060627             BUSH : I think it's — I have said consistently that GLOBAL—WARMING something is 1—SERIOUS—PROBLEM.
20060627             There is 1—DEBATE over whether it's manmade or naturally caused.
20060627             We ought to get beyond that debate and start implementing the technologies necessary to enable us to achieve 1—COUPLE—OF—BIG—OBJECTIVES.
20060627             1, be good STEWARDS—OF—THE—ENVIRONMENT + 2—BECOME less dependent on foreign SOURCES—OF—OIL for economic reasons and for national security reasons.
20060627             Snow Lashes Out at Media, Suggests NYT Has Undermined Americans' 'Right to Live'
20060627             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—TODAY, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY revealing the administration's MONITORING—OF—BANK—RECORDS "
20060627             disgraceful, " and said the decision to publish DETAILS—OF—THE—PROGRAM "does great harm to THE—USA—OF—AMERICA".
20060627             —FOLLOWED, Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, up with another attack at —TODAY—PRESS briefing:
20060627             [T]he NEW—YORK—TIMES and other news organizations ought to think long and hard about whether 1—PUBLIC—RIGHT to know in SOME—CASES might override somebody's right to live + whether in fact the publications of these could place in jeopardy THE—SAFETY—OF—FELLOW—AMERICANS.
20060627             Hamas 'implicitly accepts ISRAEL' PALESTINE—MILITANTS Hamas agree to a document backing a 2—STATE fix to THE—MID—EAST conflict, officials say.
20060627             —WANTED, Enron UK 3—FACE—TRIAL in USA 3—FORMER—NATWEST bankers, in THE—USA—OVER the Enron scandal fail in their attempt to avoid extradition.
20060627             CLARKE—DOUBTS over BLAIR—FUTURE—TONY—BLAIR may not be able to recover his authority —AFTER recent difficulties, EX—HOME—SECRETARY—CHARLES—CLARKE says.
20060627             Watchdog backs CIA flights report EUROPE—RIGHTS—BODY passes 1—RESOLUTION accusing European states of helping THE—CIA—TRANSFER—TERROR—SUSPECTS.
20060627             MOTHER—WOMB 'makes men gay' 1—MAN—SEXUAL—ORIENTATION may be determined by conditions in the womb, according to 1—STUDY.
20060627             Bush blasts 'terror funds' report THE—USA—PRESIDENT—ATTACKS—USA—PAPERS for publishing details of 1—SECRET—SCHEME to monitor terror funds.
20060627             Ukrainians protest over gas hike Tens of thousands rally in THE—UKRAINE—CAPITAL—KIEV against plans to sharply raise gas and electricity prices.
20060627             Talks with USA 'no benefit to IRAN' IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER says he sees "no use" in talking to THE—USA—ABOUT IRAN—NUCLEAR—ACTIVITIES, STATE—TV—REPORTS.
20060627             Nuclear accord faces USA scrutiny THE—USA—CONGRESS considers 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PLAN to share CIVIL—NUCLEAR—TECHNOLOGY with INDIA.
20060627             Snake displays changing colours A 'chameleon' snake with the ability to change its colours is discovered in the forests of Borneo.
20060627             WI—FI pioneers offer cheap router 1—SPAIN—FIRM is to sell cheap routers as PART—OF—1—PLAN to turn home WI—FI networks into public hotspots.
20060627             Police offer terror suspects help Police family liaison officers will help RELATIVES—OF—TERROR—IST—SUSPECTS cope with the aftermath of 1—ARREST or raid.
20060627             Tribal Curse Haunts Launch Pad In THE—40—YEARS—SINCE—THE—AIR—FORCE built its SLC—6—LAUNCH pad atop 1—INDIA—BURIAL ground in CALIFORNIA, the site has been dogged by failed launches and aborted missions.
20060627             —NOW, Boeing launches A—USA—SPY—SATELLITE from the pad.
20060627             Should THE—EPA regulate THE—LEVEL—OF—CARBON dioxide emissions in 1—EFFORT to reduce THE—THREAT—OF—GLOBAL—WARMING, or is THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POSITION favoring voluntary measures legal?
20060627             THE—SUPREME—COURT will decide.
20060627             JAPAN—PLAN to Bury CO2 —FOLLOWING the lead of 1—CANADA—EXPERIMENT, THE—JAPAN—HOPE to cut carbon dioxide emissions by turning factory waste into liquid form and pumping it into underground aquifiers.
20060627             Charge It Up, Please
20060627             THE—BRITS have come up with 1—VENDING machine sporting 24—DIFFERENT chargers -- perfect for charging your MOBILE gadgets in malls, airports or train stations.
20060627             —DEPLOYED, The boxes are being, in EAST—ASIA and —AROUND THE—UK.
20060627             Cell Phones Excite the Brain
20060627             1—ITALY—STUDY shows cell phone emissions affect the brain, but it's unclear whether or not the effects are harmful.
20060627             Plus: Congress finds that most people's personal information is for sale....
20060627             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE stops the government from offering free credit monitoring to veterans whose personal data was stolen.... and more.
20060627             —FEATURED, Stanford robot, at Smithsonian
20060627             Blog: Stanford UNIVERSITY—ROBOTIC—WONDER "Stanley" is 1—SOFTWARE—AND—SENSORS powered Volkswagen that drove autonomously for 136—DESERT...
20060627             FCC Commissioner Copps ponders Net neutrality.
20060627             $5—SOCIAL WI—FI Router
20060627             "BBC News is running 1—STORY about THE—SPAIN—FIRM—FON, selling subsidized Linksys WRT54GL WI—FI routers for $5, in exchange for the buyer agreeing to a —12—MONTH—CONTRACT—OF providing access to other Fon users within range.
20060627             With the financial backing of Google and Skype, their goal is to create WI—FI networks, street by street, across EUROPE and THE—USA.
20060627             Buyers of the subsidized routers can classify themselves as 'Linuses', whereby they also get free access to all other Fon hotspots, or 'Bills', where they receive 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—REVENUE made by ON—SELLING their WI—FI to other Fon users.
20060627             'Alien' users can buy —24—HOUR passes for 3—EURO.
20060627             To deter misuse, all Fon users must identify themselves by 1—USERNAME and password —BEFORE they can access the hotspot.
20060627             As long as the owner's personal LAN is not accessible, this could be 1—GOOD—WAY to offset THE—COSTS—OF—THE—AVERAGE geek's bandwidth bill".
20060627             Supercomputer Models SUN—CORONA—DYNAMICS
20060627             "Researchers from S—DIEGO are using supercomputers to accurately predict THE—SHAPE—OF—THE—SUN—CORONA, based on magnetic field data from the photosphere. It is hoped that this model will enable us to predict Coronal Mass Ejections. —WHEN CMEs reach the Earth, they produce geomagnetic storms and can wreak havoc with communcations, GPS + power networks. In the —DECADE or so, the researchers hope to be able to predict CME collisions with the Earth and determine their impact".
20060627             OpenOffice_org Newspaper Ad Mockup Released
20060627             "The volunteer effort raising $10,000 to place at least 2—BACKPAGE ads in NEW—YORK—CITY—FREE—DAILY—PAPER—METRO is —NOW entering its 2. full —WEEK. We've collected over 10—PERCENT—OF—OUR goal already and continue to find new pledge donors at 1—HEALTHY—PACE. Our project's purpose is to help 'cross the chasm' and bring awareness of OpenOffice_org 2.0 to the large NUMBER—OF—COMPUTER—USERS who stand to benefit from its broad feature set and range of useful capabilities. This is not the 1. time 1—OPEN—SOURCE—PROJECT has sought 1—HIGH—PROFILE—NEWSPAPER ad buy. In fact, our effort was directly inspired by the Firefox NEW—YORK—TIMES ad. FIREFOX—FAMOUS—EFFORT announcing its arrival on the world stage helped push it from about 10—MILLION—DOWNLOADS to its current tally of over 185—MILLION!"
20060627             CANADA—GOV'T Gives Big Bucks to Copyright Lobby
20060627             "THE—TORONTO—STAR is reporting that THE—CANADA—GOVERNMENT is providing HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS to 1—COPYRIGHT—LOBBY—GROUP that claims that education groups are 'devoted to abolishing creators' rights on THE—INTERNET.' Documents obtained under the Access to Information Act by Prof MICHAEL—GEIST reveal that government officials recognized that the funding established 1—BAD precedent, yet they still plan to pay big bucks 20080000             —UNTIL- ".
20060627             PGP & GPG - "PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), as most Slashdot readers know, is 1—OF—THE—MOST popular software encryption programs ever. It is so good and so effective that in the early 1990s THE—FBI launched 1—MULTI—YEAR—INVESTIGATION against PHIL—ZIMMERMAN, the creator of PGP, for possible VIOLATION—OF—FEDERAL—EXPORT—LAWS, especially ITAR (INTERNATIONAL Traffic in Arms Regulation). —AFTER MANY—YEARS—OF—INVESTIGATION, THE—FBI ultimately dropped its case against Zimmerman. Even though PGP is synonymous with END—USER—ENCRYPTION, there have only been 1—FEW books written on the subject. Jump to 20060000             + PGP & GPG: Email for the Practical Paranoid is 1—WELCOME—TITLE".
20060627             Read THE—REST—OF—BEN—REVIEW.
20060627             Interstate Highway System: 50. Anniversary
20060627             "—THIS—WEEK, CR4: THE—ENGINEER—PLACE for Discussion and News, celebrates the 50. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—EISENHOWER—INTERSTATE—HIGHWAY—SYSTEM, "1—GIANT nationwide engineering project" that transformed 1—NATION.
20060627             Nahost: Palästinenser EINIG—ISRAEL wird anerkannt
20060627             Im Tal der Gescheiterten: "Wie können sie Menschen fangen und in der SAHARA aussetzen?"
20060627             Feinstaub: EU—STAATEN wollen Richtlinie später einhalten
20060627             Neue Art: Giftschlange kann ihre Hautfarbe ändern
20060627             —ESKALIERT, EU gegen BRD: Streit um Sparkassen
20060627             Arbeitsbedingungen in EUROPA: Ver.di erhebt neue Vorwürfe gegen Lidl
20060627             Palästinenser: Hamas erkennt STAAT ISRAEL an
20060627             Private Daten online: USA—SCHULEN erwirken einstweilige Verfügung gegen Google
20060627             NORDKOREA: Kims Raketenpoker
20060627             Brand in Bahnstation: Chaos beeinträchtigt Londons Schienenverkehr
20060627             —BESCHWERT, Geheime Kontenüberwachung: Bush, sich über SWIFT—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG
20060627             Heftige Regenfälle: Land unter in WASHINGTON
20060627             GAZA—STREIFEN: PALÄSTINA—MILITANTE machen mobil
20060627             Drohende EU—STRAFE: Microsoft soll täglich Millionen zahlen
20060627             Sorge um ISS: Unbekanntes MÜLL—OBJEKT bedroht Raumstation
20060627             —BESTIMMT, Mathematik: Muttersprache, ZAHLEN—VERARBEITUNG
20060627             "São os donos do Universo TODO—SENHORES à FORÇA—MANDADORES sem LEI—ENCHEM os bolsos comem os pacóvios
20060627             dançam de alegria neste país sem roque ou rei".
20060627             —FOLLOWING the REVOLUTIONARY—WAR—PORTUGAL was the 1. neutral country to recognize THE—USA.
20060627             —ON 21.Feb1791 PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WASHINGTON opened formal diplomatic relations, naming COLONEL—DAVID—HUMPHREYS as USA—MINISTER.
20060627             Essay: "Warum —BIS—MORGEN warten, um zu erfahren, was —HEUTE geschehen ist?"
20060627             URI—AVNERY: ISRAEL uses World Cup as cover for murder : THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has exploited THE—FOCUS—OF—ATTENTION on the World Cup to murder more than 20—PALESTINIANS, including children, 1—PREGNANT—WOMAN, 1—DOCTOR and several paramedics.
20060627             Group Holding ISRAEL—SOLDIER—MAKES—DEMAND : 1—STATEMENT faxed —MONDAY by PALESTINE—GROUPS purporting to hold 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER demanded THE—RELEASE—OF—WOMEN and children under 18—HELD in ISRAEL—PRISONS.
20060627             Resistance in THE—USA—MILITARY to THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ : ACTS—OF—RESISTANCE, big and small, recognized nationally or never heard of by most, by military and civilians are all important elements of ending the illegal War, the WAR—CRIME, committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060627             PEOPLE—OF—CONSCIENCE—ALL over the country are refusing to be silent and are taking courageous steps to end the illegal WAR—ON—IRAQ.
20060627             What are you willing to sacrifice?" INTERVIEW—WITH—LIEUTENANT—EHREN—WATADA : A —10—MINUTE—INTERVIEW—WITH—LIEUTENANT—EHREN—WATADA, the 1. commissioned officer to refuse deployment to THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ.
20060627             Letter From MOTHER—OF—LIEUTENANT—EHREN—WATADA, Resister of Illegal War : —AFTER weighing the evidence, he came to the conclusion that he could no longer be silent —WHILE atrocities were committed in THE—NAME—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20060627             He could no longer be 1—TOOL—OF—1—ADMINISTRATION that used deception and lies to make the case for PRE—EMPTIVE war.
20060627             1—OATH—BETRAYED : It is 1—HARROWING documentation of how the military medical profession has been corrupted by THE—BUSH—RUMSFELD interrogation rules.
20060627             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20060627             Constant Conflict: USA—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE—QUARTERLY : There will be no peace.
20060627             —ARMED, The de facto ROLE—OF—THE—USA, forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault.
20060627             To those ends, we will do 1—FAIR AMOUNT—OF—KILLING.
20060627             War pimp alert: ISRAEL—NEEDS 1—PREEMPTIVE—NUCLEAR—STRIKE—AGAINST—IRAN : 1—OF—THE—BEST—WAYS to ensure the world doesn't get wobbly over IRAN, is to make it understand that although ISRAEL prefers to regard the rogue Islamic regime as 1—INTERNATIONAL—PROBLEM, we will, if necessary, do whatever it takes to ensure our survival, including 1—PREEMPTIVE nuclear strike.
20060627             Warnings on WMD 'Fabricator' Were Ignored, EX—CIA—AIDE—SAYS : The call amounted to 1—ADMISSION that ALL—OF—THE—CIA—CLAIMS—POWELL used in his speech about IRAQ—WEAPONS were wrong.
20060627             War is Still 1—RACKET
20060627             —ESPOUSED, The lies, by our so called leaders do not matter on the battlefield.
20060627             —OVERSIZED, They do not matter —WHEN the bodies come home in, cardboard boxes, hauled by fork lifts to airport curbs and deposited at the feet of GRIEF—STRICKEN families like 1—COMMODITY.
20060627             In 1—SENSE, that is what they are.
20060627             Continue - 3—IRAQ Myths That Won't Quit
20060627             IRAQ—MILITARY—POLICY is made by THE—USA.
20060627             —CONTROLLED, Its borders are, by THE—USA.
20060627             —CONTROLLED, Its economy is, largely by THE—USA.
20060627             In fact, there simply isn't 1—SINGLE—MAJOR—INDICATOR—OF—ACTUAL sovereignty in IRAQ —TODAY that can be said to be free of overwhelming USA—CONTROL.
20060627             Intelligence Officers, Learn From History - The truth will out.
20060627             If you fabricate, or acquiesce in the fabrication of, evidence used to "justify" launching 1—WAR—OF—CHOICE, you will have to live with that for the rest of your life.
20060627             IRAQ between genocide and coincidences
20060627             You could not make it up! —JUST 1—FEW days —AFTER IRAQ Body COUNT—NUMBERS have lost ANY—CREDIBILITY (1) THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES published "WAR—IRAQI—DEATH—TOLL—TOPS 50,000"
20060627             We're Bending THE—ARC—OF—THE—UNIVERSE—TOWARD—INJUSTICE
20060627             Shut Up, Go Shopping, Support the War...and Nobody Gets Hurt!
20060627             THE—IRON—WALL: Highly Recommended —60—MINUTE—DOCUMENTARY
20060627             This EYE—OPENING documentary exposes THE—ISRAEL—COLONIZATION—POLICY and follows the timeline, size, population of the "settlements," and their impact on the peace process.
20060627             This film also touches on the latest project to make the settlements 1—PERMANENT—FACT on the ground;
20060627             the annexation Wall that ISRAEL is building in THE—WEST—BANK + its impact on THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20060627             Pilger uncovers the shocking COMPLICITY—OF—THE—USA and GREAT—BRITAIN governments in THE—EAST—TIMOR GENOCIDE—THE—SAME—GOVERNMENTS who were willing to go to war with SADDAM—HUSSEIN for his invasion of KUWAIT, but who stood aside as INDONESIA broke the exact same UN regulations to rape and pillage EAST—TIMOR using Western arms.
20060627             Click here to watch - Der neue Patriotismus stimme ihn keineswegs "freudig".
20060627             Es sei wichtig, gerade in der Schule auf Kontroversen in der Geschichte hinzuweisen.
20060627             Zum Beispiel darauf, dass der Verfasser des Deutschlandliedes, Hofmann von Fallersleben, kein Demokrat, sondern Antisemit gewesen sei.
20060627             —DETAINED, Rush Limbaugh has been, at Palm Beach airport for possible possession of illegal prescription drugs.
20060627             —ANNOUNCED, The "reconciliation" plan, —ON—SUNDAY by IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—MALIKI is PART—OF—1—GRAND—STRATEGY by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to stabilise IRAQ—OR to stabilise the perception of IRAQ—IN ADVANCE—OF—THE—MID—TERM—ELECTIONS for Congress —IN—NOVEMBER.
20060627             —FROM THE—BBC.
20060627             Billions for RUPERT—MURDOCH or Dollars for BuzzFlash?
20060627             Your Choice.
20060627             DICK—CHENEY Makes a Rattle Snake Look Honorable -- A BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060627             Did Cheney know of Pentagon general's redeployment plan —WHEN he said redeployment was "worst possible thing we could do?" Of course he did.
20060627             Cheney makes 1—RATTLE snake look honorable.
20060627             JOHN—STAUBER: PRO—WAR "Vets for Freedom" Tied to BUSH—PR—TEAM - A BuzzFlash Guest Contribution
20060627             Evicted Gun Show is ?PARADISE?
20060627             for Gun Guys 6/27 - JIM—RIDOUT: Home Grown TERROR—ISTS?
20060627             Ann?
20060627             Blanched Democrats: Why preserving the estate tax is 1—OF—THE—MOST defining votes 1—DEMOCRAT can cast.
20060627             —ENDED, If I recall correctly, LIMBAUGH—MARRIAGE, -- which means that he intended to have sex in 1—WAY unapproved by Jesus.
20060627             If I had money, I'd offer 1—PRIZE to the person who best predicts how Rush will blame his equipment failure on BILL—CLINTON.
20060627             Handel mit Kleinwaffen: Deutschlands unrühmliche Spitzenposition
20060627             GUANTANAMO: Probleme bei der Freilassung von Häftlingen
20060627             GENERAL—MOTORS: 35.000—MITARBEITER wählen Abfindung oder Vorruhestand
20060627             —BEREITET, Naher Osten: ISRAEL, massiven Militärschlag vor
20060627             CNBC Anchor Argues 'Puny, Gnawing Little Humans' Can't Change THE—CLIMATE
20060627             CNBC anchor JOE—KERNEN used RICHARD—LINDZEN—GROSSLY inaccurate column in —TODAY—WSJ to repeatedly claim there is "no consensus" on whether GLOBAL—WARMING exists.
20060627             Kernen suggests that "as old as the planet is" there is no way "puny, gnawing little humans" could change the climate in "—70—YEARS".
20060627             WSJ Hit Piece on Gore Movie Relies on Grievously Flawed Study
20060627             In —TODAY—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, prominent climate skeptic RICHARD—LINDZEN tries to make the case that "
20060627             There Is No 'Consensus' On GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060627             MOST—OF—THE—ARTICLE is, typically, invective against AL—GORE + his movie,
20060627             An Inconvenient Truth.
20060627             Lindzen does acknowledge that THOUSANDS—OF—SCIENTISTS from 120—COUNTRIES have agreed, through the extraordinarily rigorous INTERNATIONAL Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process, that human activity is driving GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060627             He also acknowledges that this consensus was —RECENTLY confirmed by 1—REPORT prepared for Congress by the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENTISTS.
20060627             Here is LINDZEN'S—ONLY—SUBSTANTIVE—RESPONSE :
20060627             More —RECENTLY, 1—STUDY in the journal Science by the social scientist NANCY [ sic — Naomi ] Oreskes claimed that 1—SEARCH—OF—THE—ISI—WEB—OF—KNOWLEDGE—DATABASE for the years 19930000             to 20030000             under the key words "global climate change" produced 928—ARTICLES, ALL—OF—WHOSE abstracts supported what she referred to as the consensus view.
20060627             1—UK—SOCIAL—SCIENTIST, BENNY—PEISER, checked her procedure and found that only 913—OF—THE—928—ARTICLES had abstracts at all + that only 13—OF—THE—REMAINING 913—EXPLICITLY endorsed THE—SO—CALLED consensus view.
20060627             —OPPOSED, Several actually, it.
20060627             PEISER—WORK — and LINDZEN—RELIANCE on it — is 1—EMBARRASSMENT.
20060627             HERE—WHY: 1. Peizer misunderstands the point of Oreskes study.
20060627             The point was not that EVERY—ARTICLE about climate change explicitly endorsed THE—IPCC conclusions.
20060627             The point is that if there was real uncertainty there would be "
20060627             substantive disagreement in the scientific community " that would be reflected in peer reviewed literature.
20060627             There wasn't. - 2. Peiser didn't find ANY—PEER reviewed studies that oppose the scientific consensus.
20060627             —CLAIMED, Peiser, that 34—PAPERS "reject or doubt" the consensus view.
20060627             TIM—LAMBERT got Peiser to send him the abstracts of those 34—PAPERS.
20060627             The vast MAJORITY—OF—THESE papers express no doubt whatsoever about the consensus view.
20060627             Only 1—PAPER, by the Association of Petroleum Geologists, cited by Peiser actually rejects the consensus view and it "does not appear to have been peer reviewed outside that Association".
20060627             —ADMITTED, Peiser has, THAT—HIS—WORK included errors.
20060627             But ultimately, it doesn't make 1—DIFFERENCE.
20060627             THE—POINT—OF—ACTIVITY—LIKE this isn't to be right, it's simply to provide fodder to people like Lindzen to create the appearance of uncertainty.
20060627             Court strikes down VERMONT campaign finance law.
20060627             —VOTED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, 6-3 to strike down a 19970000             VERMONT law that put 1—SHARP ceiling on how much 1—CANDIDATE for state office could spend.
20060627             (Candidates for GOVERNOR could spend no more than $300k, candidates for LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR no more than $100k, etc.) 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT had previously upheld the law.
20060627             BluegrassReport_org: —DAY 5—NOEMAIL@noemail_org (BG) BluegrassReport_org: —DAY 5
20060627             —TODAY is —DAY 5—OF indicted GOVERNOR—FLETCHER'S (R) efforts to censor political speech by blocking access to BluegrassReport_org and the next few days promise to keep the state and national press interested.
20060627             L.A. 20010911             —TRUTH Conference Gets Fair Media Play
20060627             L.A. 20010911             —TRUTH Conference Gets Fair Media Play Conference a huge success, C—SPAN to air segments —THIS—WEEK PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON/Prison Planet_com
20060627             USA—SCHOLARS—SYMPOSIUM A Huge Success
20060627             USA—SCHOLARS—SYMPOSIUM 1—HUGE—SUCCESS—ATTENDEES from —AROUND the globe attest to 'best 20010911             —TRUTH—CONFERENCE ever'
20060627             ITALY resoundingly rejects reform
20060627             Over 60—PERCENT—OF—ITALY—VOTERS reject sweeping reforms that would have boosted THE—PM—POWERS
20060627             —TUNED, Lab, to gravity's 'ripples' The giant GEO 600—GRAVITATIONAL wave detector is put in 1—CONTINUOUS observational mode.
20060627             Kalashnikov backs gun control The inventor of THE—AK—47—RIFLE—BACKS—STRICTER—CONTROLS as 1—KEY—SMALL—ARMS—FORUM gets under way in NEW—YORK.
20060627             —WHEN Fluffy Catches the Bird Flu Public health officials are waking up to the fact that house pets could spread disease —DURING 1—EPIDEMIC.
20060627             The lovable little critters might need to be quarantined, or worse.
20060627             State governments push for Net neutrality laws Attorneys general in NEW—YORK and CALIFORNIA say they'd like 1—FEDERAL—LAW prohibiting network operators from offering a "fast lane" on THE—INTERNET.
20060627             —IM—MAI berichteten SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINISCHE Forscher von asiatischen Gespensterkrebsen (Caprella mutica) an Sylter Hafenmolen.
20060627             Wo die Nordsee an die Hafenmauern schwappte, wimmelte es nur so vor Fremdlingen.
20060627             Mehr als 3000—TIERE pro Quadratmeter wurden GEZÄHLT—ALS heimisch gelten sie auf Sylt nicht.
20060627             CHINA—MÜHLRAD—ALGEN fischten Wissenschaftler des dortigen Meeresforschungsinstituts aus dem Wasser vor Helgoland.
20060627             Das Plankton war 10—MAL so groß wie seine lokalen Verwandten.
20060627             —PROMISED, Senate Minority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) has, "to
20060627             block 1—CONGRESSIONAL pay hike " —UNTIL the minimum wage is raised.
20060627             1—NEW—CAMPAIGN—TARGETS—SENATOR—MIKE—DEWINE (R—OH) as the "
20060627             LEADER—OF—THE—APOLOGIST pack " in Congress trying to rubberstamp THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WARRANTLESS spying on Americans.
20060627             Conservative pundit/eyedrops spokesman BEN—STEIN pens 1—TOUCHING ode to KARL—ROVE, who is "amazingly fit and trim," "helps wash the dishes," and even agreed to drive Stein to 1—BOOKSTORE —AFTER their dinner.
20060627             —NOW, this is a great man.
20060627             Ratings for FOX—NEWS — particularly among the most important age demographic — are "
20060627             dropping precipitously.
20060627             Gristmill gives REPRESENTATIVE—HENRY—WAXMAN—SAFE—CLIMATE—ACT — the 1. bill ever to target GLOBAL—WARMING pollution — a rave review.
20060627             SALON—WAR—ROOM—POINTS to 1—NEW—CONGRESSIONAL Research Service report on spending in IRAQ + asks, "If we're making so much progress in IRAQ, how come the war keeps getting more expensive?"
20060627             And finally: A charming
20060627             computer SIMULATION—OF—EARTH being destroyed by a 100KM—WIDE asteroid.
20060627             Arab Lawyers call for Closure of GUANTANAMO Detention - End CANADA—OCCUPATION—OF—AFGHANISTAN!
20060627             Missile Mania: USA and JAPAN Threaten NORTH—KOREA
20060627             dort erschienener Text ist umso bemerkenswerter, weil Schuldiner —BISHER alles andere als 1—FREUND des bewaffneten PALÄSTINA—WIDERSTANDES oder der Hamas war.
20060627             —NOW, is the time for the Congress and THE—PRESIDENT to work together to reform Medicare and reform Social Security so we can leave behind 1—SOLVENT balance sheet for our next GENERATION—OF—AMERICANS.
20060627             If we can't get it done —THIS—YEAR, I'm going to try —NEXT—YEAR.
20060627             And if we can't get it done —NEXT—YEAR, I'm going to try THE—YEAR—AFTER that, because it is the right thing to do.
20060627             —ESTIMATED, An, $2—BILLION in fraud and waste — nearly 11—PERCENT of the $19—BILLION spent by FEMA on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita as of MID—JUNE.
20060627             [NEW—YORK—TIMES tally,]
20060627             —PASSED, CALIFORNIA, THE—BERKELEY—CITY—COUNCIL, 1—RESOLUTION to let the public vote on 20061107             —THE ballot for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
200606271315         . WURMSER—WIFE, Meyrav Wurmser, is 1—CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—MEDIA—WATCH website MEMRI (Middle...
20060627—19980000    —LINKED, Railroad Killer'' ANGEL—MATURINO—RESENDIZ, to 15—MURDERS, was executed in TEXAS for THE—SLAYING—OF—PHYSICIAN—CLAUDIA—BENTON.
20060627—20000000    —IN—THE, MISTER—BUFFETT said repealing the estate tax "would be 1—TERRIBLE—MISTAKE," the equivalent of "choosing 20200000             —THE—OLYMPIC—TEAM by picking the eldest SONS—OF—THE—GOLD—MEDAL winners Olympics".
20060627—20000000    —SEIT, Klimawandel: Tropengletscher so warm wie —JAHREN nicht mehr
20060627—20040000    —FROM, "THE—EUROPEAN—UNION is unsatisfied with MICROSOFT—COMPLIANCE with their ANTI—TRUST—COMPLIANCE + is preparing to fine them 2—MILLION—EUROS ($2.5m USA) per —DAY—UNTIL they comply. Under that ruling, Microsoft must open up parts of their operating system to competitors + change how they bundle Media Player".
20060627—20040300    —IN, "—ON—MONDAY, Microsoft said it had begun to provide the information BRUSSELS had demanded, but the Commission has signaled the company acted too late. In December, BRUSSELS informed the software giant that it had failed to comply with the original ruling it issued ".
20060802             News: 20040627             News Items On the Net.
20070105             Secrecy News 20020627             ...
20070105             Secrecy News 20020627             ... disgraced intelligence CHIEF—VLADIMIRO—MONTESINOS were published —TODAY by the National Security Archive in 1—BRIEFING book edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20070110—20070627    —ON, the Intermediate PEOPLE—COURT—OF—LINFEN city in Shanxi province convicted Hou Zhenrun, THE—HEAD—OF—1—SMALL unlicensed mine outside THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—DATONG, for organizing 1—GANG—OF—5—MEN to beat reporter.
20070510—20070627    —ON, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said he would step down.
20070518—20070627    —ON, Shoulder to shoulder at THE—WHITE—HOUSE for the last time —BEFORE Blair steps down, THE—2—LEADERS heaped praise on EACH—OTHER and defended themselves against critics of 1—WAR that is increasingly unpopular in both countries
20070627             —RULED, Hatshepsut, who, EGYPT in the 14010101—15001231     B.C., was known for dressing like 1—MAN and wearing 1—FALSE beard.
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20070501—20070601              20070627             percentage of Americans who believe " generally, things in the country are seriously off on the wrong track," 1—HIGHER—NUMBER "than at ANY—TIME—SINCE the...
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20070501—20070601              20070726             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DISCUSSION: 20050501—20050601              20070726             —STILL, if THE—BBC—INFORMATION proves correct, historians 20070501             —DAY be able to assert that 19330000             —THE "Business Plotters" acted HAND—IN—GLOVE with the Nazis.
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20070501—20070601              20070627             percentage of Americans who believe " generally, things in the country are seriously off on the wrong track," 1—HIGHER—NUMBER "than at ANY—TIME—SINCE—THE...
20070627             For example, the percentage of Americans who believe their. country should have 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with CHINA, INDIA. and SOUTH—KOREA was 34 %...
20070627             Under the banner, "If another world is possible, another USA is necessary," 10,000 civil society activists gathered in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, for the beginning of the 1. USA Social Forum (USSF).
20070627             DON—HARVEY and his wife, Joyce, of OKLAHOMA won a $105.8—MILLION—POWERBALL lottery.
20070627             They chose to receive a $33.3—MILLION lump sum —AFTER taxes instead of the full amount paid out over —29—YEARS.
20070627             —TELEVISED, In her 1., interview —SINCE being released from custody, 1—DEMURE PARIS Hilton told CNN—LARRY—KING she would never again drink and drive and that her time in jail was "1—TIME—OUT in life".
20070627             —REPORTED, It was, that the United Auto Group (UAG) will soon change its name to Penske Automotive Group.
20070627             —REPORTED, It was, that Salvia divinorum, 1—LEAFY hallucinogenic green plant from MEXICO, was readily available in THE—SF—BAY—AREA for $15-50 1—HIT.
20070627             The effect was said to be SHORT—LIVED and not in WIDE—SPREAD use.
20070627             NEVADA Solar 1, the 1. large CSP (concentrating solar power) plant built —SINCE—THE 1980s, went online with 1—CAPACITY to generate 64—MEGAWATTS.
20070627             —FLOODED, Torrential storms, parts of CENTRAL—TEXAS, stranding people on roofs, in trees and in vehicles.
20070627             —CLAIMED, Constant downpours, 11—LIVES in the last —11—DAYS.
20070627             —ENDED, His term, —AFTER the bank was forced into 1—MERGER due to bad loans —FOLLOWING 19820000             —THE—FAILURE—OF—OKLAHOMA—PENN—SQUARE—BANK.
20070627             —BACKED, BRAZIL, police, by helicopters raided RIO—NOTORIOUS—ALEMAO shantytown and killed 19 suspected drug traffickers in pitched gunbattles.
20070627             —BECAME, GORDON—BROWN, UK—PRIME—MINISTER, promising 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT with new priorities, —AFTER TONY—BLAIR resigned to end —1—DECADE in power.
20070627             —AGREED, Major Western powers, on the mandate for 1—NEW—MIDDLE—EAST—ENVOY and named TONY—BLAIR to the position —AFTER he stepped down as PRIME—MINISTER.
20070627             1—STATEMENT from the Quartet (USA, UN, EU—RUSSIA) said Blair will focus on mobilizing INTERNATIONAL support and assistance for the Palestinians.
20070627             CANADA—GOVERNMENT said it will ban all smoking in FEDERAL—PRISONS—NEXT—YEAR to improve THE—HEALTH—OF—PRISONERS, staff and visitors.
20070627             CHINA—INSPECTORS, —FOLLOWING a —6—MONTH—CRACKDOWN, said industrial oils, acid, CANCER—CAUSING—CHEMICALS and other dangerous ingredients have been found in THOUSANDS—OF—FOODS.
20070627             THE—GOVERNMENT said it closed 180—FOOD—MANUFACTURERS found to have used industrial chemicals and additives in food products.
20070627             1—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY quoted CHINA—CHIEF—AUDITOR saying auditors have found that officials stole or misused $1.9—BILLION in pension funds and other government money.
20070627             —STRETCHED, Cases in the latest investigations, back to —BEFORE 20000000             .
20070627             —SUFFERED, EGYPT—ARCHAEOLOGISTS said the mummy of 1—OBESE woman, who likely, from diabetes and liver cancer, has been identified as THAT—OF—QUEEN—HATSHEPSUT, EGYPT—MOST powerful female pharaoh.
20070627             —ENDED, But —WHEN her rule, all traces of her mysteriously disappeared, including her mummy.
20070627             † 1—EGYPT—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said Ashraf Marwan (62), the controversial SON—IN—LAW—OF—EGYPT—LATE—PRESIDENT—GAMAL—ABDEL—NASSER, has, in LONDON.
20070627             —SUSPECTED—OF, Marwan was, being 1—DOUBLE—AGENT for ISRAEL—DURING 19730000             —THE war.
20070627             Power blackouts hit 13—LOCATIONS in ATHENS and 95—FIRES were reported across GREECE amid 1—HEAT—WAVE that has killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE in SOUTH—EAST—EUROPE over the past —WEEK.
20070627             —TORCHED, IRAN, 2—GAS—STATIONS were, early in TEHRAN as angry Iranians protested fuel rationing measures suddenly enforced by the government, —WHILE MANY—OTHER—IRANIANS lined up to fill their tanks.
20070627             —PARKED, IRAQ, 1, car exploded near 1—SHIITE shrine in the Kazimiya DISTRICT—OF—BAGHDAD killing at least 14—PEOPLE.
20070627             —KILLED, Roadside bombs, 5—POLICEMEN in SAMARRA and another 5—CIVILIANS in BAGHDAD.
20070627             —KILLED, In Sadr City 2—PEOPLE were, in separate cars enveloped in 1—BARRAGE—OF—GUNFIRE.
20070627             —OPENED, Unknown gunmen, fire on 1—CIVILIAN—CAR in SOUTH—WEST—BAGHDAD, killing 1—MAN and wounding his son who was riding with him.
20070627             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on 1—MINIBUS in WEST—BAGHDAD, injuring 5—CIVILIANS—INCLUDING the driver.
20070627             —KILLED, In all at least 80—IRAQIS were, or found dead across the country.
20070627             3—UK—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—ROADSIDE bomb in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20070627             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed and 4 wounded in 1—ROADSIDE bombing in BAGHDAD.
20070627             —KILLED, ISRAEL—ATTACKS in THE—GAZA—STRIP, 13—PALESTINIANS, including a —12—YEAR—OLD—BOY, and wounded over 40—OTHERS.
20070627             ABIDJAN—IVORY—COAST, LIBYA—LEADER—MUAMMAR Gaddafi said his plan for 1—USA—OF—AFRICA should include creating a 2—MILLION—STRONG—ARMY to staunch recurrent conflicts which have ravaged MANY—OF—THE—CONTINENT—NATIONS.
20070627             1—KAZAKHSTAN court convicted 21—MEDICAL—WORKERS for their roles in infecting SCORES—OF—CHILDREN with the virus that causes AIDS in 1—CASE that has outraged the country.
20070627             Health officials said 118—CHILDREN and 14—MOTHERS have been confirmed as contracting HIV.
20070627             —SUSPENDED, THE—SHYMKENT district court gave, sentences to 5—SENIOR—HEALTH—OFFICIALS.
20070627             16—MEDICAL—WORKERS were sentenced to prison sentences of up to —5—YEARS.
20070627             —ANNOUNCED, MAPUTO—USA 1. lady Laura Bush, $507—MILLION in assistance would be approved for MOZAMBIQUE to build roads and boost its battle with malaria, which kills about 150—MOZAMBICANS EACH—DAY.
20070627             1—SPECIAL—COMMISSION—OF—POLAND—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH said that documents in secret police files showed "about 12" living bishops had ties to THE—COMMUNIST—ERA—SECRET—SERVICES.
20070627             —APPROVED, MOSCOW legislators, a 5. term for MAYOR—YURI—LUZHKOV, whom critics accuse of running the city like 1—PERSONAL fiefdom.
20070627             —FACED, SOUTH—AFRICA—MAIN—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, major disruption —AFTER 1—DEADLY—COLD snap which saw the heaviest snowfalls in JOHANNESBURG for more than —2—DECADES.
20070627             Majzub AL—KHALIFA, 1—CLOSE—ADVISER to SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BESHIR tasked with handling the Darfur crisis, was killed in 1—ROAD—CRASH.
20070627             1—SWITZERLAND—INVESTIGATOR said European governments have built a "WALL—OF—SILENCE" surrounding their complicity with 1—CIA—PROGRAM that included holding TERROR—IST suspects in secret jails.
20070627             —CARRIED, Officials said independent tests, out in ITALY have confirmed the presence for the 1. time of the deadly H5N1 STRAIN—OF—BIRD—FLU in poultry from TOGO.
20070627             Several 1000—POULTRY—BIRDS have been found dead in TOGO —RECENTLY, MOST—OF—THEM in the past —WEEK on THE—1—FARM in Sigbehoue.
20070627             —ASKED, GENERAL—YASAR—BUYUKANIT, TURKEY—MILITARY—CHIEF, his government to set political guidelines for 1—INCURSION into NORTH—IRAQ to fight Kurdish guerrillas.
20070627             Der PREMIER—MINISTER scheidet aus dem Amt.
20070627             Dear Reader: This report from THE—COMMITTEE—TO—STUDY—WAR and Peace... -
20070627             THE—PENTAGON—OFFICIAL—DEFINITION—OF—PREEMPTION is "1—ATTACK... in Society ( CCCiS ) taskforces on restorative justice, as well as the experience of...
20070627             ACTS—OF—SYNOD - the Twin TOWERS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER and the Pentagon focussed North... ( CCCiS ) taskforces on restorative justice, as well as the experience of...
20070627             the European Social CAPITAL—FOUNDATION—NEWS—SERVER
20070627             Pentagon ROBERT—KAGAN neocon neoconservative WHITE—HOUSE
20070627             del Consejo Cívico de Ciudadanos e Instituciones Sociales ( CCCIS ), EDUARDO—ALCALÁ—RUIZ, 20070627             20070627             Arabische Sprichworte und Weisheiten.
20070627             alchakimu la yaschba 'u minal aqwal AL—GAMILA
20070627             Der Weise wird nicht satt an schönen Sprüchen. AL—LISANU mutargim AL—QALB.
20070627             ThankYouTony_com: 1—SITE to thank PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for...
20070627             "We THE—UK—ARE 1—PEOPLE that stand by our friends in time of need, trial and tragedy + we do so without hesitation —NOW. "
20070627             Band 3—INDUSTRIE I.QXD—
20070627             Pollay R, Dewhirst T. The dark side of marketing... Altria means tobacco:
20070627             PHILIP—MORRIS—IDENTITY crisis. American.
20070627             JOURNAL—OF—PUBLIC—HEALTH 20030000             ;
20070627             www.tabakentwöhnung_org/pdf/Tabakindustriedokumente_I.pdf
20070627             INTERNET—SICHERHEIT: Wie Unternehmen Sie ausspähen
20070627             —ENDE—DER—ÄRA—BLAIR: QUEEN—ERNENNT—BROWN zum neuen Premier
20070627             USA—JUSTIZ: Rechtsdrall am Obersten Gerichthof
20070627             —VERSPRICHT, DOW—JONES—ÜBERNAHME: Medienzar Murdoch, Pressefreiheit
20070627             nast nach Urlaubsflirt: "Ich schubste ihn weg"
20070627             Hitzewelle in Südeuropa: DEUTSCHLAND—TOURISTEN fliehen vor Großbrand
20070627             UNO—REPORT: 20080000             lebt jeder 2. Mensch in der Stadt
20070627             BILLIGFLIEGER—BOOM: Flugreisen ins Ausland nehmen enorm zu
20070627             Untersuchungsbericht: Machtkampf zwischen Franzosen war Ursache für AIRBUS—KRISE
20070627             —ÜBERGIBT, Abschied des Premiers: Blair, QUEEN—RÜCKTRITTSERKLÄRUNG - Rücktritt von TONY—BLAIR: Bye Bye Pudel
20070627             TEMPERATUR—STATISTIK: Wärme in DEUTSCHLAND bricht historischen 12- MONATS—REKORD
20070627             G- 8-Kritiker rekonstruieren: Was geschah wirklich in Heiligendamm?
20070627             Blairs Abschied: Möbelpacker räumen Downing Street 10
20070627             ATOM—STREIT mit IRAN: Ringen um —DIE—STUNDE 0 - ÖKO—RANKING: Apple wird grüner
20070627             Nahost: ISRAEL greift im GAZA—STREIFEN AN—VIELE—TOTE
20070627             Große Koalition: Beck nennt Union "kalt und ideologisch"
20070627             —SEIT seiner Schaffung 19470000             hatte sich der Dienst gesetzeswidrig auch im Inland betätigt.
20070627             Einbrüche, ABHÖR—UND Beschattungsaktionen sowie die Verletzung des Briefgeheimnisses waren nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.
20070627             Die Erprobung "verhaltensändernder Drogen" an nichts ahnenden USA—BÜRGERN und Mordkomplotte zur Beseitigung ausländischer STAATS—UND Regierungschefs gehörten ebenfalls zum Repertoire.
20070627             Sie testeten Drogen an nichts ahnenden USA—BÜRGERN, beschatteten Friedensaktivisten + versuchten, ausländische Politiker zu töten:
20070627             Die Agenten des USA—GEHEIMDIENSTES CIA scherten sich im Kalten Krieg wenig um Gesetze, wie —JETZT veröffentlichte Dokumente belegen.
20070627             WASHINGTON—DER Gesetzestext ist eindeutig.
20070627             Die nachrichtendienstliche Tätigkeit der CIA beschränkt sich auf das Ausland.
20070627             Sie "hat keine POLIZEI—GEWALT" und ist "nicht für die innere Sicherheit" der USA zuständig.
20070627             AUSSTELLUNG—BERLIN ART—IN.DE—KUNST Portal Museum Ausstellung Literatur Newsletter Hatje Cantz, art.
20070627             Die neue Welt der ATOM—MÄCHTE: Das Recht, zu wissen
20070627             Andere Autoren haben Said verteidigt wie MUHAMMAD—SHAHID—ALAM...
20070627             Bände zur klassischen arabischen Literatur, zur islamischen Kunst + zu den Mamluken.
20070627             Das Recht, zu WISSEN—
20070627             wie MUHAMMAD—SHAHID—ALAM, Ziaud-. din Sardar und ZACHARY—LOCKMAN... islamischen Kunst und zu den MAMLUKEN.
20070627             Er hat in seinem neuesten Buch...
20070627             CIA—GEHEIMAKTEN: Als die Leichen aus dem Keller kletterten
20070627             BUSH—MIGHT—BE—WALKING n his father''s footsteps.(Commentary...
20070627             Or —WHEN 1—PRESIDENT is trying to justify 1—WAR —6—MONTHS—AFTER he declared it over and realizes that the number of Americans who believe him is dwindling.
20070627             Impartial Search For Truth, Avoiding Bias Survey: Fewer Americans... -
20070627             The percentage of Americans who believe Islam is more. likely than other religions to inspire violence has declined.
20070627             —IN—THE—PAST—2—YEARS, according to a.
20070627             Where You Live Affects What You Think about TRADE—
20070627             Notebook | TIME - 70—PERCENTAGE of all Americans who believe minorities get treated unfairly.
20070627             Sources: AP—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL—DEV./OFFICE—OF—USA Foreign Disaster.
20070627             11—RAMANA RAO— - percentage of Americans who believe that "MOST—OF—USA buy + consume far more. than we need": 82.
20070627             Amazon.co.UK: Shakespeare: THE—INVENTION—OF—THE—HUMAN: Books...
20070627             "1—SUBSTANTIAL—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS who believe they worship God actually worship 3—MAJOR—LITERARY—CHARACTERS: THE—YAHWEH—OF—THE—J—WRITER (earliest...
20070627             Pew Forum in the News - STATE—OF—THE—QUSAN
20070627             onegoodmove: I thought these things might be clues.
20070627             THE—RAW—STORY | Number of Americans who believe Saddam -20010911             —TIE rises to 41 %.
20070627             And we wonder why democracy isn't working. onegoodmove_org/1gm/ - BlondeSense
20070627             The number of Americans who believe Saddam was behind 20010911             has —NOW gone up!
20070627             How can it be possible that our fellow citizens are becoming even more...
20070627             What is NewsCloud?
20070627             Number of Americans who believe Saddam -20010911             —TIE rises to 41 %.
20070627             —POSTED—BY—BILLBAR from Rawstory.
20070627             —ANSWERED, Perhaps most alarmingly, 41—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS...
20070627             —JAILED, Irishman, for spying for ISRAEL :
20070627             —CHARGED, EGYPT—ENGINEER MOHAMMED—SAYED—SABER was, with giving stolen documents to Mossad
20070627             —CHARGED, MOHAMMED—SAYED—SABER (35) 1—EMPLOYEE—WITH—EGYPT—ATOMIC—AGENCY, was, with harming the country's national security by giving stolen documents to Mossad, THE—ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, in exchange for $17,000.
20070627             Marines to train at new ISRAEL—COMBAT center : Built by the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS and funded largely from USA—MILITARY—AID, the 7.4—SQUARE—MILE—GENERIC—CITY — balad, in Arabic, means village — consists of 1,100 basic modules that can be reconfigured by mission planners to represent specific towns.
20070627             UNITED—NATIONS Nuke Agency Invited To IRAN:
20070627             —INVITED, IRAN has, 1—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY—TEAM to TEHRAN to work on clearing up suspicions about its nuclear program, 1—IAEA spokeswoman said —MONDAY
20070627             Chavez warns major oil firms : HUGO—CHAVEZ said —LATE—ON—FRIDAY that if they did not accept the nationalisation deals AHEAD—OF—TUESDAY—DEADLINE, they would be told to leave.
20070627             Chavez rallies troops to 'prepare for war with USA' : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ has urged soldiers to prepare for 1—GUERRILLA—STYLE—WAR against THE—USA.
20070627             Pundits are asking whether THE—2—SIDES will sign new contracts for arms supplies, in particular, submarines.
20070627             —INTERESTED, THE—USA is particularly.
20070627             For SOME—REASON it thinks its opinion must be taken into account in THE—DECISION—MAKING process.
20070627             —SURPRISED, CHILE—LOST lake stuns scientists : "They were very, to see that the lake had disappeared," JUAN—JOSE—ROMERO, regional DIRECTOR—OF—THE—NATIONAL—FOREST—CORPORATION—OF—CHILE (Conaf), told CHILE—RADIO—COOPERATIVA.
20070627             Number of Americans who believe Saddam-20010911             —TIE rises to 41 % : 1—NEW—NEWSWEEK poll out this weekend exposed "gaps" in AMERICA—KNOWLEDGE—OF—HISTORY and current events.
20070627             THE—EMPIRE—OF—CLOWNS—CONTINUES on Its Murderous, Genocidal Path
20070627             At THIS—MOMENT in the monstrously bloody course of USA—EMPIRE, I suppose I might take the sardonically grateful POINT—OF—VIEW.
20070627             At least we —NOW have SOME—DIRECT—EXPERIENCE—OF how easy it was for nauseatingly corrupt Roman leaders to impose their will upon the ignorant hordes + literally to get away with murder.
20070627             —FABLED, Goodbye to the city upon 1—HILL and to its, economy
20070627             —DESTROYED, The U.S is being.
20070627             MANY—U.S citizens are unaware, others are indifferent + SOME—INTEND it.
20070627             The destruction is across THE—BOARD: the political and constitutional system, the economy, social institutions including the family itself.
20070627             THE—JOSE—PADILLA—CASE: Screenplay by Mel Brooks
20070627             I have followed THE—CASE—OF—JOSE—PADILLA —SINCE he was arrested in
20070627             —ACTED, Hamas, on 1—VERY—REAL—FEAR—OF—1—USA—SPONSORED coup
20070627             WASHINGTON—FINGERPRINTS are all over the chaos that has hit Palestinians.
20070627             —CALLED, The last thing they —NOW need is 1—ENVOY, Blair
20070627             —BY JONATHAN—STEELE
20070627             —PUSHED, Did they jump or were they ?
20070627             —UNPROVOKED, Was HAMAS—SEIZURE—OF—FATAH security offices in GAZA, or 1—PRE—EMPTIVE strike to forestall 1—COUP by Fatah?
20070627             —AFTER—LAST—WEEK—TURMOIL, it becomes increasingly important to uncover its origins.
20070627             Exxon, Conoco Nix Deals With Venezeul : VENEZUELA—STATE—OIL—COMPANY said Exxon Mobil Corp. and ConocoPhillips had refused to sign deals —TUESDAY that would allow them keep pumping oil under tougher terms in THE—SOUTH—AMERICA—COUNTRY.
20070627             Blair to resign as MP tomorrow:
20070627             MISTER—BLAIR is set to retire from UK—POLITICS altogether and will fly to his Sedgefield constituency in the afternoon to announce his resignation from PARLIAMENT with immediate effect
20070627             AFRICA—STATES oppose USA—PRESENCE : THE—PENTAGON—PLANS to create 1—NEW—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND based in AFRICA HAVE hit 1—WALL—OF—HOSTILITY from governments in the region reluctant to associate themselves publicly with THE—USA "global WAR—ON—TERROR".
20070627             —TIRED—OF, The fire this time: —AFTER—13—YEARS the poor grow, waiting: —13—YEARS—AFTER THE—END—OF—APARTHEID, the poverty gap in SOUTH—AFRICA REMAINS among the largest in the world - 2. only to BRAZIL by SOME—MEASUREMENTS.
20070627             More than 40—PERCENT—OF—SOUTH—AFRICANS live on less than 8—RAND (59p) —1—DAY.
20070627             More than 1 3. of THE—WORKING—AGE—POPULATION is unemployed.
20070627             New Secret Program:
20070627             THE—GOVERNMENT quietly began implementing the 1. stages of 1—SECRET—NEW—PROGRAM, the Communications Management Unit (CMU).
20070627             1—COMPLETELY—SELF—CONTAINED unit housing almost exclusively Arab and/or Muslim inmates, it eventually will hold approximately 85—PRISONERS
20070627             Another sick joke?
20070627             Mideast Quartet May Appoint BLAIR—AN—ENVOY : THE—QUARTET — THE—USA, EU, U.N and RUSSIA — is expected to name outgoing UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR as 1—SENIOR—PEACE—ENVOY to THE—MIDEAST—USA—OFFICIALS said, speaking on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY pending 1—FORMAL—ANNOUNCEMENT.
20070627             BRITAIN 'colluding' in ISRAEL oppression: BRITAIN is "colluding" with ISRAEL in oppressing the Palestinians by giving it privileged trade access, FORMER—UK—INTERNATIONAL—DEVELOPMENT—SECRETARY—CLARE—SHORT said —TODAY.
20070627             USA mayors want IRAQ PULL—OUT timeline : By a 51—47—VOTE, USA mayors attending 1—CONFERENCE in LOS—ANGELES want THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to 20070901             —TIMELINE for troop withdrawal from IRAQ.
20070627             IRAN oil exports at risk in UK ship sanctions plan : 1—UK—PROPOSAL to target IRAN—NATIONAL shipping lines under 1—DRAFT UNITED—NATIONS sanctions resolution could temporarily curb TEHRAN—ABILITY to export oil to world markets, maritime sources said —ON—TUESDAY.
20070627             War pimp alert: The "Oil Weapon" is Unleashed Against IRAN : —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, RIYADH fired the 1. shot in the war against IRAN, by knocking the price of crude oil to as low as $50—PER barrel.
20070627             The goal is to squeeze IRAN—BUDGET and wreck havoc on its economy, as much as possible
20070627             For GOD—SAKE, Tell Me Where To Begin?
20070627             JUNIOR—MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT in the Green Zone brothel makes 30'000 dollars —1—MONTH plus fringe benefits.
20070627             —NOW, do you want to know how much the matron makes?
20070627             No joke here.
20070627             Jalal Talabani makes 1—MILLION dollars A —MONTH plus fringe benefits.
20070627             —POCKETED, This heavy hooker has, in —2—YEARS, 24—MILLION—DOLLARS!
20070627             Whilst THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—IRAQIS don't have 1—PIECE—OF—BREAD.
20070627             The boycott by ISRAEL and THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY—OF—THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY finally blew up in their faces with Hamas' recent bloody takeover of GAZA.
20070627             Or so argues GIDEON—LEVY, 1—OF—THE—SANER voices still to be found in ISRAEL.
20070627             "Starving, drying up and blocking aid do not sear the consciousness and do not weaken political movements.
20070627             Which UNITED—NATIONS contingent in SOUTH—LEBANON will be next?
20070627             It is 1—GHOULISH, terrible question —AFTER the car bomb attack that killed 6—SPAIN—SOLDIERS—OF—THE 13,000-strong INTERNATIONAL army —ON—SUNDAY—EVENING, but 1 which THE—OFFICERS—OF—THE—UN—INTERIM—FORCE—UNIFIL—ARE asking at their intelligence meetings.
20070627             THE—MIND in Chains - - Why They Want to Fire Ward CHURCHILL -
20070627             —WHEN countries all over the world were ending slavery by peaceable means LINCOLN needed to kill 700000 Americans to do it.
20070627             1—OF—THE—MOST important myths coming OUT—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—SYSTEM is sustaining THE—LINCOLN—MYTHOS which underpins our Democracy Mythos.
20070627             openPR.DE—PRESSEMITTEILUNG—BERLINER Umsc HAU—KLIMA—SPEZIALIST... - Der Wissenschaftler, JAMES—E
20070627             Hansen, 63, war für VIELE—JAHRE—DER—CHEF—DES—GODDARD—INSTITUTS für Weltraumstudien der NASA.
20070627             ews ATTERY— - Er ist.
20070627             1—NEW—LOW—OF—30—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS say they support THE—USA—WAR in IRAQ and, for the 1. time, most Americans say they don?t believe it is morally justified, 1—POLL released —TUESDAY said.
20070627             He Sought No Fame as 1—BLOGGER, —JUST Advocacy for THE—PROMISE—OF—AMERICA.
20070627             —WORKED, Confirmed: THE—CIA, with 3—USA—MOBSTERS in 1 botched "GANGSTER—TYPE" attempt to assassinate CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro in the early 1960s, according to documents released by THE—CIA—ON—TUESDAY.
20070627             Must Watch and Listen! ELIZABETH Edwards Calls in to Hardball to Politely and Firmly Request that ANN—COULTER—STOP—PERSONALLY—ATTACKING—POLITICIANS.
20070627             Listen to COULTER—RESPONSE.
20070627             And Why Does CHRIS—MATTHEWS—EVEN—HAVE—THIS—DESPICABLE—SCUMBAG (Coulter) Who Makes Her Living Off of Uncivilized, Shock Statements on His Show?
20070627             THE—NEVILLE—BROTHERS: Gold (2-CD Set, Remastered)
20070627             New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left 6/27
20070627             GORE—OBAMA 20080000             Bumper Sticker at 1—SPECIAL—PRICE.
20070627             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20070627             In 1—SHARP rebuke to PRESIDENT—BUSH, House Republicans unveiled legislation —TUESDAY that would bar illegal immigrants from gaining legal status in THE—USA, require TAMPER—PROOF birth certificates for Americans and make English the nation's official language.
20070627             Special ops -- in THE—USA? Covert History directs our attention to SOME—RATHER ominous developments.
20070627             —ASKED, THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND in charge of protecting the homeland, the Pentagon —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR for 1—CONTINGENT—OF—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—OFFICERS to help with domestic ANTI—TERROR—ISM—MISSIONS.
20070627             Military sources told THE—EXAMINER that USA—NORTH ern Command, established at Peterson AIR—FORCE—BASE in COLORADO 20020000             , requested its own special operations command similar to ones assigned to overseas WAR—FIGHTING commands, such as USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND.
20070627             —RAISED, KEATING—REQUEST to the Pentagon, SOME—EYEBROWS—BECAUSE—OF—THE—SENSITIVITY—OF deploying commandos domestically.
20070627             Under USA Special Operations Command, covert warriors are playing 1—KEY—ROLE in fighting TERROR—ISTS in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and elsewhere overseas.
20070627             "Sensitivity" hardly covers the issue.
20070627             I don't mind seeing commandos operating on USA—SOIL if we are talking about ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER up on screen where he belongs.
20070627             At all other times, I'd like to know who is in charge, who is doing what + why they are doing it.
20070627             More FROM—WILLIAM—ARKIN :
20070627             The establishment of 1—DOMESTIC—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—MISSION + THE—PREPARATION—OF—CONTINGENCY—PLANS to employ commandos in THE—USA, would upend DECADES—OF—TRADITION.
20070627             Military actions within THE—USA—ARE THE—RESPONSIBILITY—OF—STATE—MILITIAS (the National Guard) + FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT is 1—FUNCTION—OF—THE—FBI.
20070627             Employing special operations for domestic missions sounds very ominous + NORTH—COM—REQUEST—EARLIER—THIS—YEAR should receive the closest possible Pentagon and congressional scrutiny.
20070627             THERE—ONLY 1—PROBLEM: NORTH—COM is already doing what it has requested permission to do.
20070627             —WHEN NORTH—COM was established 20010911             —AFTER to be the military counterpart to THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, within its headquarters staff
20070627             —WHEN NORTH—COM was established 20010911             —AFTER, it established 1—COMPARTMENTED Planning and Operations Cell (CPOC) responsible for planning and directing 1—SET—OF "compartmented" and "sensitive" operations on USA, Canadian and MEXICO—SOIL.
20070627             In other words, these are the very special operations that NORTH—COM is —NOW formally asking the Pentagon to beef up into 1—PUBLIC and acknowledged SUB—COMMAND.
20070627             Okay.
20070627             So —JUST what are these sensitive operations on NORTH—USA—SOIL?
20070627             Or don't we have 1—RIGHT to know?
20070627             —INVOLVED, According to NORTH—COM documents, CPOC is, in planning for 1—NUMBER—OF—DOMESTIC—MISSIONS, including:
20070627             -- NON—CONVENTIONAL assisted recovery - -- Integrated survey programs
20070627             -- Information operations/"special technical operations"
20070627             -- "Special activities" "Special activities" sounds like 1—CATCH—ALL phrase for covert mayhem.
20070627             "Information operations" -- hmm.
20070627             Are we talking about information collection or attempts to pollute the data stream through hacking, disinformation, communications disruption or WHAT—HAVE—YOU? (I'm REMINDED—OF—THE—CELL—PHONE—HARASSMENT discussed in 1—RECENT—POST.) "Integrated survey prgrams" sounds 1—BIT—LIKE—CODE—WORD for spying and infiltration.
20070627             "Assisted recovery" of what ?
20070627             Bombs, perhaps... CPOC—BASIC—MISSIONS include responding to INCIDENTS—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, support for CONTINUITY—OF—GOVERNMENT, PROTECTION—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, response to domestic TERROR—ISM and insurrection and (presumably) domestic intelligence collection.
20070627             We're all for the interception of WMDs, of course.
20070627             —SPEED, If that is what these guys are doing, then God, and more power to 'em.
20070627             But why weren't the traditional forces sufficient?
20070627             Why do we need special ops? Why did these guys ask for permission —AFTER the fact?
20070627             Who provides oversight? To whom do these forces answer?
20070627             Who watches the watchmen?
20070627             Learns HISTORY'S—LESSON - - Aldous Huxley -
20070627             What is this costing the American and IRAQ—CIVILIANS..
20070627             USA NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK.. var new_debt_img=new Image;
20070627             function debt_img_update{ var d=new Date;
20070627             setTimeout(update_debt_clock,1000); } function update_debt_clock{ var d=new Date;
20070627             document.images.iraqdebt_img.src=new_debt_img.src; }
20070627             COST—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ $438,234,327,814 - To see more details, click here.
20070627             CIVIL—DEATHS—LATEST updates:
20070627             —HIRED, Democrats_com Archive: Enron Hill and Knowlton was, by KUWAIT in THE—BUILD—UP to the GULF—WAR.
20070627             THE—IPO prospectus reads like 1—WHO—WHO of Enron insiders: The same auditors...
20070627             Disinformation :: The gateway to THE—UNDERGROUND—NEWS, politics...
20070627             "By God, we've kicked THE—VIETNAM syndrome once and for all," the 1. PRESIDENT—BUSH declared at the height of his seeming GULF—WAR triumph 19910000             .
20070627             WhatReallyHappened_com: 20050900             Archives "Suppose..".: Arguments for 1—IMPEACHMENT—RESOLUTION... GULF—WAR III: Why is Blackwater USA patrolling NEW—ORLEANS with M-16s?...
20070627             Edited Hansard * Number 002 (Official Version) MISTER—SPEAKER, it is time for the government to acknowledge the existence of GULF—WAR syndrome.
20070627             Watching from the visitors' gallery —TODAY are GULF—WAR.
20070627             COVE—SIMON—DALBY "THE—TECHNOLOGICAL—FIX Syndrome and the Arms Race" Paper for the J.S. Woodsworth...
20070627             "THE—GULF—WAR : THE—ROLE—OF—THE—MEDIA" VANCOUVER Community College...
20070627             Leading Edge INTERNATIONAL Research PUBLICATIONS and INFORMATION
20070627             Increase Social Control, GULF—WAR Syndrome and Other Biological Problems... Group on the Latest Global Scenarios 1—PROSPECTUS for Solar Activity...
20070627             Ergebnisse 1 - 1—VON 1—FÜR menschen auf den PHILIPPINEN+ wie viele.
20070627             SPRÜCHE—SAYINGS—DITADOS -
20070627             "Der STAATS—HAUSHALT muß ausgeglichen sein... alfatomega.com/conteudo3.html
20070627             Der TSCHEKO—SEE aber besitzt die Form eines Trichters.
20070627             Es sei "höchst unwahrscheinlich", dass der Fluss Kimtschu, der den TSCHEKO—SEE speist, durch normale EROSIONS—UND Umverteilungsprozesse ein 50—METER tiefes konisches Loch geschaffen habe, heißt es in der Studie.
20070627             Vielmehr entsprächen die Trichterform des Sees sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Tiefe und Durchmesser dem, was man bei einem Meteoriteneinschlag in einen weichen Untergrund erwarten würde.
20070627             Die leicht elliptische FORM—DES—SEES sei gut mit einer relativ geringen Aufprallgeschwindigkeit und einem flachen Winkel vereinbar, meint Gasperini.
20070627             Sein Team hat errechnet, dass der Asteroid einen Durchmesser von etwa 10—METERN besaß, —BIS zu 1500—TONNEN wog +
20070627             sich mit 3600—BIS 36.000—KILOMETERN pro —STUNDE in einem Winkel von etwa 45—GRAD in die Erde gebohrt hat.
20070627             Weicher Grund hat Aufprallenergie aufgenommen
20070627             "typisch in der Impaktforschung": "Es wird immer auf Modellrechnungen und bisherige Modelle und Befunde verwiesen, und nach denen darf das kein Impaktkrater sein", so Ernstson zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070627             "Auf die Idee zu kommen, dass ein —BISHER unbekannter Prozess auch zu —BISHER unbekannten Formen und Befunden führen kann, reicht es offenbar nicht".
20070627             Der DEUTSCHLAND—EINSCHLAGSKRATER—EXPERTE Kord Ernstson nannte Collins' Einwände dagegen "typisch in der Impaktforschung": "Es wird immer auf Modellrechnungen und bisherige Modelle und Befunde verwiesen + nach denen darf das kein Impaktkrater sein", so Ernstson zu SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20070627             Letztlich seien Messungen wichtiger als theoretische Berechnungen.
20070627             Das, was Collins als "EINSCHLAGSKRATER—FACHGEMEINDE" bezeichne, zeichne sich durch eine "rückwärts schauende Betrachtungsweise aus".
20070627             ITALIEN—FORSCHER glauben —NUN, zumindest die exotischen und bizarren Thesen entkräften zu können:
20070627             —GEFUNDEN, Sie wollen einen Einschlagskrater, haben, der 8—KILOMETER vom Epizentrum der TUNGUSKA—EXPLOSION entfernt liegt.
20070627             Das Loch, das —HEUTE vom TSCHEKO—SEE gefüllt ist, sei von einem Bruchstück jenes Asteroiden gerissen worden, der 19080000             die gewaltige Detonation ausgelöst hat,
20070627             schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Fachblatt "Terra Nova".
20070627             Reste des Asteroiden bleiben verschwunden
20070627             Es war eines der monumentalsten Feuerwerke, die je 1—MENSCH beobachtet hat.
20070627             Dann tauchte 1—BLITZ den Himmel in grelles Licht.
20070627             Eine unvorstellbar heftige Explosion ließ noch im 65—KILOMETER entfernten Handelsstützpunkt Wanawara Türen und Fenster splittern.
20070627             In der Taiga fielen der DRUCK—UND Hitzewelle rund 60—MILLIONEN Bäume auf einer Fläche von etwa 20000000             Quadratkilometern zum Opfer.
20070627             Augenzeugen in Hunderten Kilometern Entfernung sahen den Feuerschein oder berichteten von silbrig glühenden Wolken.
20070627             Sensoren in aller Welt registrierten DRUCK—UND Bebenwellen.
20070627             Die Biologen beobachteten: Trotz des für Ameisen langen Zeitraums zwischen den beiden Begegnungen reagierten die Tiere auf die vertraute KÖNIGIN deutlich weniger aggressiv als auf fremde Artgenossinnen.
20070627             Auch der zwischenzeitliche Kontakt zu anderen Königinnen beeinträchtigte die Erinnerung an die Bekanntschaft nicht.
20070627             Folglich müssen die Insekten ähnlich wie der Mensch in der Lage sein, 1—ART geistiges Abbild einzelner Tiere zu schaffen und es im Langzeitgedächtnis abzuspeichern, schreiben die Biologen.
20070627             Den Königinnen der beobachteten Ameisenarten verschafft diese Fähigkeit nach Meinung der Forscher eindeutig einen Vorteil: Sie müssen nur einmal die aufwendigen Kämpfe durchmachen, in denen die Hierarchie festgelegt wird.
20070627             Anschließend können sie sofort erkennen, ob eine ins Nest eindringende KÖNIGIN lediglich von der Futtersuche zurückkehrt oder ob sich 1—FREMDE Zutritt verschaffen will.
20070627             1. habe man —NUN zeigen können, dass daran 1—ART—LANGZEITGEDÄCHTNIS beteiligt ist, schreiben die Forscher.
20070627             Dünen auftauchen.
20070627             Sie ragen weit über die Wipfel des Waldes westlich des Ortes Leba am Slowinzischen Nationalpark.
20070627             —ENTSTANDEN, Die Dünen, vor mehreren 1000—JAHREN, als die Menschen an der Küste die Wälder rodeten, um Anbauflächen zu gewinnen.
20070627             Der Wind türmte auf den schutzlosen Flächen gigantische Sandberge auf, die landeinwärts wanderten und mehrere Dörfer "verschlangen".
20070627             SHANGHAI: Sprechende Autos sollen Hupverbot umgehen
20070627             Strenge Korallenfische: Wer beim Sex drängelt, fliegt raus
20070627             Finanzplatz SCHWEIZ: Sollen wir Ihnen 1—GEHEIMNIS verraten?
20070627             Historische Explosion: TUNGUSKA—RÄTSEL vor LÖSUNG—SPUR führt zum Krater
20070627             —BELASTET, Knast nach Urlaubsflirt: 13- Jährige, MARCO—WEISS
20070627             Zeitarbeit: Adecco fordert gleichen Lohn für gleiche Arbeit
20070627             —KONFLIKT mit Regierung: Aborigines wollen Ayers Rock für Touristen sperren
20070627             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "POLITIK—DES—HERZENS"
20070627             Umfrage: SPD stürzt auf 24 % ab, Mehrheit für SCHWARZ—GELB
20070627             Siemens: Löscher will Evolution statt Revolution
20070627             Erinnerung bei Insekten: Ameisen mit Elefantengedächtnis
20070627             —RATIONIERT, Energie: IRAN, Benzin für Privatautos
20070627             Geheimakten der Bundeswehr: Bundesregierung soll Datenpanne im Verteidigungsausschuss erklären
20070627             ARBEITSMARKT—STUDIE: Firmen drücken sich vor Neueinstellungen
20070627             —NOTED, REPRESENTATIVE—RAHM—EMANUEL, D—ILLINOIS, SPONSOR—OF—THE—AMENDMENT, that —5—YEARS—AGO Cheney claimed executive privilege in refusing to release details about his meetings with oil industry executives to discuss energy policy.
20070627             "—NOW—WHEN we want to know what he's doing as it relates to AMERICA—NATIONAL—SECURITY in THE—LEAD—UP to THE—WAR—IN—IRAQ and —AFTER the fact, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT has declared he is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—LEGISLATIVE—BRANCH".
20070627             6/28—OH, Those Funny Republicans!
20070627             Blog for Right Wing ILLINOIS GOP Commentator Attacks "Moderate" NORTH—SHORE Republican for Bizarre Idea of Giving Mexicans Condoms to Solve Immigration Problem.
20070627             Are the whole LOT—OF—THEM nutso?
20070627             SENATOR—GEORGE—VOINOVICH (R—OH) joins RICHARD—LUGAR (R—IN). - - - 6/27
20070627             —BY the way: Malkin drew her misidentification from this NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY.
20070627             —RELIED, HERE—THE—NYT—APOLOGIA: In this case, THE—TIMES, on 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—1—RESEARCHER for 1—NONGOVERNMENT—AGENCY that no longer operates within IRAN who said the photograph was EVIDENCE—OF—1—MORE—VISIBLE—POLICE—ROLE in public crackdowns on what the authorities consider immoral behavior.
20070627             —INTERPRETED, The reporter then wrongly, what the researcher said as applying to 1—CRACKDOWN on dress + incorporated the erroneous interpretation into THE—BODY—OF—THE—ARTICLE, without giving ANY—INDICATION—OF—THE—SOURCE for it.
20070627             The nongovernment agency is obviously THE—MEK, which others, including our own STATE—DEPARTMENT, label 1—TERROR—IST—GROUP.
20070627             —ALLIED, THE—MEK was, with SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20070627             In her update, Malkin makes clear that she considers the group credible.
20070627             Permalink #—POSTED—BY—JOSEPH
20070627             It turns out that Malkin has, for propaganda purposes, misidentified the photos on her site.
20070627             —VIOLATED, They do not depict Iranians who have, ANY—DRESS—CODE: But the man in the photograph, according to widespread IRAN—NEWS—REPORTS, was 1—OF—MORE than 100—PEOPLE arrested —RECENTLY on charges of being PART—OF—1—GANG that had committed rapes, robberies, forgeries and other crimes.
20070627             Of course, this post must not be taken as 1—APOLOGIA for THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT.
20070627             MICHELLE—MALKIN: HERE—WOOD in yer eye Larisa Alexandrovna draws our attention to 1—PIECE by noted reactionary MICHELLE—MALKIN.
20070627             In her blog, Malkin publishes SOME—PHOTOS—OF—IRAN—POLICE brutalizing 4—MEN + adds these comments: The innocent young men in the photos were beaten, humiliated + arrested for wearing Western clothing and hairstyles.
20070627             It is in the public interest to spread these photos far and wide.
20070627             The images should be seared onto the global conscience... Question: Will these photos be blared across the front PAGES—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—MEDIA with as much disgust and condemnation as the photos of ABU—GHRAIB or the manufactured Gitmo KORAN—FLUSHING riots?
20070627             Turns out she mischaracterized the photos.
20070627             Confused by THE—CONSTITUTION dr. elsewhere here
20070627             We really must get these robots and their evil masters OUT—OF—OFFICE!
20070627             —SUCCEEDED, They've, in "thoroughly confusing" themselves + they wonder why the public no longer takes them seriously.
20070627             What kind of 1—GOD is it, which says;
20070627             You are free to choose, as long as you choose to do what I tell you to do, otherwise you will be punnished, for all eternity, for your disobedience?
20070627             Good thoughts and ideals are often used in cults to lure in the unsuspecting victims, then THE—RULES—OF—OPPRESSION are instilled, cleverly disguised as good wholesome values to the unwary.
20070627             —PERPETUATED, The reality is, THE—CONDITIONING—OF—THE—MASSES, by religious organizations, has created and fed that great beast that has been so warned about.
20070627             CONTROL—OF—THE—POPULACE was priority 1, to the gods + GLIMPSES—OF—INTELLIGENCE, or too much FREE—THOUGHT were "THE—CRIME" + not likely to have been politely viewed.
20070627             But disloyalty to the jealos gods was absolutely forbidden.
20070627             You will work —FOR—6—DAYS and then have —1—DAY—OF—REST.
20070627             This will be 1—HOLY—DAY, set aside for WORSHIP—OF—THE—GODS.
20070627             Ritual and ceremony were to be observed + homage to be paid, refusal was forbidden, under PENALTY—OF—DEATH.
20070627             —ADVANCED, The technologically, Annunaki had no problem convincing the primitive creatures of their superiority.
20070627             In their role as the gods, their word was life or death, 1—OCCASIONAL—DISPLAY—OF—TECHNOLOGICAL—POWER or —JUST plain fear inducing events, easily kept the followers in line.
20070627             —SAVED, It was also EA[ENKI] that, humanity from the flood, which was brought on by ENLIL.
20070627             —DESTROYED, ENLIL also, Sodom and Gommorrah, which contrary to current precepts, were great CITYS—OF—FREEDOM and learning, not deserving of the jealous and controlling ENLIL—DESTRUCTIVE rage.
20070627             —PURPORTED, ENLIL is also, to have destroyed Babylon, confounded the languages (—AFTER the tower of Babel incident) + wreaked havoc upon THE—CITY—OF—UR.
20070627             It is extremely important to understand these original stories, as they were written in the Sumerian tablets + compare them to the 4000—YEAR lated adaptations in the Bible.
20070627             EA[ENKI], was the good guy.
20070627             It was EA[ENKI] who fed MAN—OF—THE—TREE—OF—KNOWLEDGE.
20070627             So why the need to flip this story completely upside down and condemn EA[ENKI] as the evil 1?
20070627             —TRANSLATED, In the Bible the word, as "serpent" is NAHASH[NHSH] which literally means to decipher, or to find out.
20070627             All —THROUGHOUT ancient times the serpent was known as THE—BRINGER—OF—KNOWLEDGE (hense the euphemism "be ye wise as serpents") and were THE—PRECIPITATORS—OF—ENLIGHTENMENT.
20070627             It is this precise thing that compels us to look further into the possibility that THE—GOOD—GUY is THE—1—THAT is condemned —THROUGHOUT religious writings, for teaching freedom and knowledge.
20070627             THE—FREEDOMS—OF—PLANT—USEAGE/taking for enlightenment, FREEDOM—OF—SEXUALITY + even the freedom to not be subservient to those oppressive gods who condemn these things as evil.
20070627             In the cuneiform symbolism it is the caduseus (the snake coiled —AROUND the staff) which is the representation for EA[ENKI], in fact is is his personal emblem.
20070627             —AFTER EA[ENKI] fed THE—HUMANS—OF—THE—TREE + was then effectively exiled, those who remained under THE—CONTROL—OF—ENLIL and the Annunaki were then CLAMPED—DOWN—UPON, in 1—HEAVIER—WAY.
20070627             —WORSHIPPED, It was ENLIL that was, through fear and in —LATER cultures named JEHOVA.
20070627             —OPPOSED, ENLIL, that old extraterrestrial who adamantly, the education, freedom + ENLIGHTENMENT—OF—HUMANITY in EVERY—ANCIENT—SUMERIAN myth.
20070627             1—FULL—SET—OF—LAWS would be adopted, the other humans were instructed not to associate with EA[ENKI] or the exiled.
20070627             —RECEIVED, So humanity, the 1. commandments.
20070627             1. Appell des Vorsitzenden Joao PEDRO—STÉDILE gegen den IRAK—KRIEG Das sind Fernsehlügen.
20070627             (PROPAGANDA). - - - Das Schlimmste ist, dass alle wissen. dass es ein großes Massaker geben wird - 1—GENOZID.
20070627             alfatomega.com/index_04.html
20070627             Partido Comunista Português - A responsabilidade da SIMRIA &mdash... A responsabilidade da SIMRIA — Saneamento Integrado dos Municípios da Ria, SA, na rede de saneamento do concelho de SANTA—MARIA—DA—FEIRA...
20070627             gulli: Who can you trust: 23. - Chaos Communication Congress in BERLIN
20070627             Wie auch das diesjährige Congressmotto steht Barlows Keynote unter dem Titel... MERLIN—BLOG " 23C3 -
20070627             Ramón García | Los cuadernos del once del septiembre (Terra Incognita)
20070627             estaban ya en MIAMI RICHARD—SECORD, TOM—CLINES, Félix Rodríguez... derrocar su régimen fue el desembarco en la Bahía de Cochinos, una derrota total.
20070627             granma.cu -... al lado del Teniente GENERAL—DE—AVIACIÓN retirado RICHARD—SECORD... llevaba a testimoniar "sobre DALLAS y Bahía de Cochinos, se desencadenaría el más...
20070627             Librínsula: La Isla de los libros.
20070627             El Boomeran(g), blog literario latinoamericano... del traficante de armas EDWIN—WILSON ;
20070627             en otros, la del general Secord.
20070627             para escuchar un plan que enmiende el desastre de la Bahía de los Cochinos.
20070627             Otro cómplice de Posada lleva secretos a la TUMBA—NOTICIAS—REVISTA...
20070627             Hace unos años dijo: "si digo lo que sé sobre DALLAS y Bahía de Cochinos...
20070627             RICHARD—SECORD, quien asistía al coronel North en lo que se convertirá en el...
20070627             Der Vaterschaftstest: HIGHTECH—GEHIRNSIMULATION wird Wirklichkeit
20070627             pressetext SCHWEIZ (Pressemitteilung) - SWITZERLAND... bedarf eines eigenen... entwickelt wird und auf IBM´s eServer BLUE—GENE—SUPERCOMPUTER beruht...
20070627             Das so genannte BLUE—BRAIN—PROJEKT soll ein komplexes, digitales 3D Model des Gehirns entwerfen, das anhand einer hoch komplizierten Technik die...
20070627             Medizin und Forschung : HIGHTECH—GEHIRNSIMULATION wird Wirklichkeit...
20070627             Das so genannte BLUE—BRAIN—PROJEKT soll ein komplexes, digitales 3D Model des...
20070627             GESUNDHEIT—IN—LUDWIGSHAFEN.de: News Region 20050600             20070627             HIGHTECH—GEHIRNSIMULATION wird Wirklichkeit... Das so genannte BLUE—BRAIN—PROJEKT soll ein komplexes, digitales 3D Model des Gehirns entwerfen...
20070627             —NEWS—READER *** Die Zukunft der Newsletter HIGHTECH—GEHIRNSIMULATION wird Wirklichkeit...
20070627             Du $ujet SOUS—MIS au SIGNIFIANT—PSYCHANALYSE—PARIS_com Pour imager les raisonnements que KURT—GÖDEL ( 19060000—19780000    ), Bertrand Russell (18720000—19700000    ), DAVID—HILBERT (18620000—19430000    ), PAUL—FINSLER (18940000—19700000    ) tinrent...
20070627             Wirbellose Meerestiere als Parasiten, Kommensalen oder Symbionten...
20070627             der Isopode offenbar an der Meduse frift und diese nach RUSSELL (19670000             ) durch... TATTERSALL, W. M., 19060000             .
20070627             The marine FAUNA—OF—THE—COAST—OF—IRELAND VIII.
20070627             Le fondateur des témoins de Jéhovah ÉTAIT—IL un homme intègre au... - CHARLES—RUSSELL[LORD—KILLOWEN]
20070627             Le journal américa20070000             .1906.
20070627             THE—WHITE—HOUSE had 1—SHAPE—OF—THE—TABLE—ANNOUNCEMENT—LAST—WEEK: NORTH—KOREA would participate in 6—SIDED talks with THE—USA, CHINA, RUSSIA...
20070627             (Hopsicker 20040000             40) ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT
20070627             Boing Boing: 1—DIRECTORY—OF—WONDERFUL—THINGS
20070627             —REPORTED, THE—BBC, "TONY—BLAIR is to become 1—MIDDLE—EAST—ENVOY working on BEHALF—OF—THE—USA, RUSSIA, THE—UN + THE—EU".
20070627             —CALLED, THE—LONDON—GUARDIAN, him "THE—QUARTET—5. horseman," 1—APPOINTMENT that "beggars belief".
20070627             SCHWEIZ—BANKGEHEIMNIS: Mythos vor dem Aus GESCHICHTE—DES—BANKGEHEIMNISSES: Als die SCHWEIZ weißer wusch
20070627             Das so genannte BLUE—BRAIN—PROJEKT soll ein komplexes, digitales 3D Model des... 19970000—20070000     Pressetext | AGBs | Impressum | DEUTSCHLAND | SCHWEIZ | EUROPA.
20070627             Beratungen über Urheberrechtsabgaben in der SCHWEIZ (Heise/Newsticker/INTERNET/Computer)...
20070627             inc_totals_at_rate100);
20070627             TONY—BLAIR, PREMIER—MINISTER—DES—VEREINIGTEN—KÖNIGREICHS, tritt —NACH—10—JAHREN von seinem Amt zurück.
20070627             Nachfolger wird GORDON—BROWN.
20070627             Der ÄGYPTEN—KULTUSMINISTER FAROuk Hosny teilt versammelten Medienvertretern mit, dass eine 19030000             entdeckte und unbeachtet gebliebene Mumie von Archäologen zweifelsfrei als jene der Pharaonin Hatschepsut identifiziert worden ist.
20070627—19030000    —IN, Discovered in THE—VALLEY—OF—THE—KINGS, the mummy was left on site —UNTIL—2—MONTHS—AGO, —WHEN it was brought to THE—CAIRO—MUSEUM for testing.
20070627—19080630    —AM, zudonnerte, ein gewaltiger Feuerball aus südöstlicher Richtung auf Sibirien.
20070627—19720600    —IM, Ungemütlich wurde es für den Dienst —ERST—NACH—DEM WATERGATE—EINBRUCH.
20070627—19720600    Denn 4—DER 5—VERHAFTETEN und später verurteilten "Klempner", die für das Komitee zur Wiederwahl PRÄSIDENT—RICHARD—NIXONS arbeiteten, hatten Verbindungen zur CIA.
20070627—20060000    —IN, The annual Merrill Lynch World Wealth Report said 9.5—MILLION—PEOPLE held at least $1—MILLION in financial assets, excluding the value of their primary home, for 1 combined value of $37.2—TRILLION.
20070627—20070627    EVA—LIDDELL
20070627—20070628    GOP IRAQ Fiasco Loyalists Start Yelling, "Abandon Ship": Another Republican USA—SENATOR says let's bring the troops home from IRAQ;
20070627—20070701    —ON, He was on his way to 1—AFRICA—UNION—SUMMIT—BEGINNING—IN neighboring GHANA—CAPITAL—ACCRA.
20070627—20080000    —PLANNED, The company, to become the sole USA distributor of DaimlerChrysler AG—SMART—CAR.
20070627—20080000    —IN—THE, USA—HOUSE—VOTES to deny all aid to SAUDI—ARABIA : The ban is contained in 1—LITTLE—PUBLICIZED amendment quietly slipped by 1—BIPARTISAN GROUP—OF—LAWMAKERS into a 34.2—BILLION—DOLLAR—BILL that finances USA foreign operations fiscal —YEAR.
20070630—20070627    —ON, STEPHEN—LENDMAN : Big Oil and Big Media V. HUGO—CHAVEZ :, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES and WALL—STREET—JOURNAL vied for attention with feature stories on oil giants ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips "walking away from their MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—INVESTMENTS in VENEZUELA" as the Journal put it or standing "Defiant in VENEZUELA" as the Times headlined.
20070713             —SEIT seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt 20070627             —AM müsse sein Fahrer vor roten Ampeln anhalten, was ihn wiederholt überrascht habe.
20070713—20070713    —SEIT, Only the British and the Special Operations forces had been fighting... nevadathunder_com/?m=20060313             seinem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt 20070627             —AM müsse sein Fahrer vor roten Ampeln anhalten, was ihn wiederholt überrascht habe.
20080205             —BY Larisa Alexandrovna, MURIEL—KANE - 20070627             ...
20080516             Here is the full TEXT—OF—ROBIN—COOK—RESIGNATION—SPEECH in THE—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS, which won applause from SOME—BACKBENCHERS in unprecedented Commons scenes._COM—FULL—TEXT: ROBIN—COOK speech - 20030318             20080516             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, he had suffered 1—ELECTORAL—DISASTER in losing a 1. round against arch rival MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, as the date for 1—RUN—OFF was fixed for 20080627             .
20080516             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, he had suffered 1—ELECTORAL—DISASTER in losing a 1. round against arch rival MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, as the date for 1—RUN—OFF was fixed for 20080627             .
20080607             —OVERTURNED, ZIMBABWE—HIGH—COURT, 1—POLICE—BAN on opposition rallies this weekend ahead of 20080627             —THE presidential RUN—OFF.
20080611—20080627    —ON, SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—THABO—MBEKI said LEVELS—OF—VIOLENCE in the approach to ZIMBABWE—RUN—OFF presidential election are 1—CAUSE for "serious concern".
20080612             —ARRESTED, THE—ZIMBABWE—OPPOSITION—SECRETARY—GENERAL—TENDAI—BITI was, at HARARE airport as he returned home from SOUTH—AFRICA to campaign for 20080627             —THE election.
20080612             —ARRESTED, ZIMBABWE—POLICE, opposition leader MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI —WHILE he was campaigning for THE—COUNTRY'S 20080627             presidential RUN—OFF election.
20080613             ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE said liberation war veterans would take up arms if he loses a 20080627             presidential RUN—OFF vote.
20080626-20080627             and he sailed to THE—NORTH—EAST—OF—DOVER to land on 1—OPEN—BEACH—NEAR—WALMER and Deal," according to TEXAS State physics professors...
20080627             —GESCHRIEBEN, Dessen Experten hatten in ihrem Bericht, die ARKTIS werde "im späteren Teil des 20010101—21001231    " eisfrei sein.
20080627             BARACK—OBAMA and Hillary CLINTON began their joint Democratic campaign In Unity, NH.
20080627             —ENDED, USA National Guard leaders, a —5—DAY—CONVENTION with their spouses in S—THOMAS as their equipment accounts tallied a $47.5—BILLION deficit.
20080627             —FILED, Settlement documents were, for STEVEN—HATFILL, 1—FORMER—FORT Detrick, Md., Army scientist.
20080627             He will receive $5.8—MILLION to settle his lawsuit against the Justice Department.
20080627             —CLAIMED, Hatfill, the Justice Department violated his privacy rights by speaking with reporters about the case.
20080627             —SICKENED, THE—USA—CDC said at least 810—AMERICANS have been, by the strain Salmonella Saintpaul in tomatoes.
20080627             The source of the tomatoes was made difficult due to the process of repacking tomatoes at distribution centers.
20080627             —SICKENED, As the number, reached nearly 10000000             CDC officials began to look at other possibilities for the outbreak, including cilantro and jalapeno and Serrano peppers.
20080627             —CELEBRATED, SF, city officials, the dedication of the Kroc Corps Community Center and Railton Place on turk Street.
20080627             The center and housing facility was the 2. to open with funds from philanthropist JOAN—KROC (20030000             †), WIDOW—OF—MCDONALD—BILLIONAIRE RAY—KROC.
20080627             She had left the Salvation Army some $1.5—BILLION.
20080627             Leaders of the Presbyterian Church in THE—USA, meeting in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, overturned 1—BAN on the ordination of gays and lesbians.
20080627             ARCH—BISHOP—RAYMOND—BURKE—OF—S—LOUIS, 1—CHURCH—LAW—EXPERT known for his tough stance that politicians who support abortion rights be denied Holy Communion, was named to HEAD—THE—VATICAN—SUPREME—COURT.
20080627             THE—MISSISSIPPI—RIVER burst 1—LEVEE inundating the small TOWN—OF—WINFIELD, MISSOURI.
20080627             —ENTERED, THE—USA—STOCK—MARKETS, bear territory as 1—DECLINE in the Dow Jones of 106.91 marked a 20% drop from 1—PEAK in October.
20080627             —CLOSED, Crude oil, at 140.21.
20080627             —CREATED, His company, Aspen MLT, online comic adaptations for THE—NBC series "Heroes" and published his own titles including Fathom.
20080627             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—UK—SOLDIER and 2—OTHERS were injured —WHEN their patrol vehicle rolled over.
20080627             —WOUNDED, 1—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—SOLDIER was fatally, by 1—BOMB —DURING 1—PATROL in KANDAHAR province.
20080627             —ALLOWED, CANADA—HIGHEST—COURT, 1—NATIVE—INDIAN—ONLY fisheries on 1—KEY—PACIFIC—COAST salmon river, rejecting 1—COMPLAINT the policy fostered racial discrimination.
20080627             CHECHNYA, 1—CLASH left 2—MILITANTS and 4—POLICE—DEAD, and 4—MORE—POLICE wounded.
20080627             —AGREED, EU and RUSSIA—LEADERS, meeting in Siberia, to launch formal negotiations on 1—NEW—STRATEGIC—AGREEMENT governing relations.
20080627             —RULED, FRANCE—HIGHEST—ADMINISTRATIVE—BODY, THE—COUNCIL—OF—STATE, that the woman, identified only as Faiza X, had "adopted 1—RADICAL—PRACTICE—OF—HER religion incompatible with the essential VALUES—OF—THE—FRANCE—COMMUNITY, notably with THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—EQUALITY—OF—THE—SEXES, and —THEREFORE she does not fulfill THE—CONDITIONS—OF—ASSIMILATION" listed in the country's Civil Code as 1—REQUIREMENT for gaining FRANCE—CITIZENSHIP.
20080627             † 1—RELATIVE—OF—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI was killed in Hindiyah, about 12—MILES—EAST—OF—KARBALA, in 1—RAID conducted by 60—USA—SOLDIERS supported by 4—HELICOPTERS and 1—FIGHTER—JET.
20080627             —HANDED, KARBALA is 1—OF 9—IRAQ—PROVINCES where THE—USA has, over security to local officials.
20080627             —REFUSED, ISRAEL, to fully open crossings with THE—GAZA—STRIP and PALESTINE—MILITANTS attacked ISRAEL with mortars, further testing 1—ALREADY fragile truce.
20080627             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot dead MOHAMMED—ALAMEH, —17—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WEST—BANK—TEENAGER who threw Molotov cocktails at 1—ARMY—PATROL.
20080627             —MURDERED, JAMAICA, 2—GUNMEN, Douggie Chambers, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JAMAICA urban Transit Company.
20080627             The former accountant and fraud investigator had —JUST finished redundancy terms for 485—WORKERS.
20080627             —WARNED, JAPAN, Group of 8 (G8) powers, they could take further action against SUDAN at THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unless it complies with demands to bring Darfur WAR—CRIMES suspects to justice.
20080627             INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—DEMONSTRATORS filled the streets, burning flags and EFFIGIES—OF—INDIA—LEADERS on the 5. —DAY—OF—PROTESTS against THE—TRANSFER—OF—LAND to 1—HINDU shrine in THE—MUSLIM—MAJORITY region.
20080627             PIEDRAS—NEGRAS, MEXICO, CHAD—FOSTER, THE—MAYOR—OF—EAGLE PASS—TEXAS, attended 1—TREE planting ceremony for the 1. of 400,000 trees which will form a "green wall" in PROTEST—OF—THE—FENCE—THE—USA is building along the border with MEXICO.
20080627             —CLASHED, NIGER government troops, with ethnic Tuareg rebels, leaving at least 17—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080627             —DESTROYED, NORTH—KOREA, the most visible SYMBOL—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM, blasting apart the cooling tower at its main atomic reactor in 1—SIGN—OF—ITS—COMMITMENT to stop making plutonium for atomic bombs.
20080627             1—GANG—OF—PAKISTAN—MILITANTS in the Bajur region executed 2—AFGHANISTAN—PRISONERS in FRONT—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHEERING—SUPPORTERS, beheading JAN—WALI, —36—JAHRE—ALT and shooting the other —AFTER accusing them of aiding 1—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE.
20080627             —KILLED, Celebratory gunfire then, 2—BYSTANDERS and wounded 6.
20080627             —APPROVED, SPAIN, the Basque PARLIAMENT, 1—PLAN for 1—REGIONAL—REFERENDUM on SELF—DETERMINATION, setting the stage for 1—CONFRONTATION with THE—CENTRAL—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT in MADRID which has condemned the poll as illegal.
20080627             —CAPTURED, SRI—LANKA, government troops, Andankulam town in Mannar —AFTER 1—BATTLE that killed 28—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER.
20080627             —KILLED, Other battles, 12—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER in the Welioya region, —WHILE in THE—NORTH—JAFFNA peninsula, 1—SOLDIER † in 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast blamed on the rebels.
20080627             —CRASHED, SUDAN, 1—SMALL—CARGO—PLANE, MID—FLIGHT, killing 7—CREW members, including 5—FOREIGNERS, in the 3. fatal aviation accident to blight THE—AFRICA—COUNTRY—IN—THE—PAST—2—MONTHS.
20080627             There was 1—SURVIVOR.
20080627             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—UGANDA—DRIVER contracted to deliver aid for the World Food Program in SUDAN, in the 7. such killing in the country in —3—MONTHS.
20080627             ZIMBABWE, marshals led voters to polling stations and BANDS—OF—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTERS harassed people in the street as the government held 1—INTERNATIONALLY discredited, 1—CANDIDATE—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF marked by intimidation.
20080627             1—FILM was taken by prison guard Shepherd Yuda using 1—CAMERA supplied by THE—GUARDIAN newspaper.
20080627             —SMUGGLED, It was, out of ZIMBABWE and showed prison staff being told by 1—WAR—VETERAN how to fill in their ballot papers for Mugabe.
20080627             Rare IRAQ—JEWISH books 'surface in ISRAEL'
20080627             —CONFISCATED, Some 300—RARE and valuable books, from IRAQ—JEWISH—COMMUNITY by SADDAM—HUSSEIN—REGIME have been secretly spirited into ISRAEL, 1—ISRAEL—NEWSPAPER reported —ON—FRIDAY.
20080627             —SCORED, SELF—INSTABLOGS Boeing, 1—MAJOR—VICTORY—WEDNESDAY in its battle to wrestle back a $35—BILLION AIR—FORCE—CONTRACT from NORTHROP—GRUMMAN and its European partner.
20080627             SELF—INSTABLOGS Army criminal investigators are looking into damage to 2—MILITARY—HELICOPTERS on 1—PRODUCTION—LINE at 1—BOEING Co. plant in suburban PHILADELPHIA...
20080627             Finanzwerte gehörten denn auch zu den größten Verlierern.
20080627             Die Aktien des größten JAPAN—KREDITINSTITUTS Mitsubishi UFJ sackten 3 % ab.
20080627             Ähnlich sah es zuvor in den USA aus, —NACHDEM die Investmentbank Goldman Sachs weitere Milliardenabschreibungen bei den Konkurrenten Citigroup und Merrill Lynch vorausgesagt hatte.
20080627             "Selbst die größten Optimisten haben erkannt, dass wir nicht wissen, wann sich die Wirtschaft wieder zum Besseren entwickeln wird", sagt ANDY—BROOKS—VON—T—ROWE—PRICE in der "Financial Times".
20080627             "Was für ein brutaler —TAG".
20080627             schloss bei einem Minus von mehr als 3 %.
20080627             Die Währungshüter stecken also in einer Zwickmühle.
20080627             Sie müssen mehr oder weniger tatenlos zusehen, wie die steigenden Preise den Bürgern immer mehr Kaufkraft entziehen.
20080627             So müssen die Verbraucher immer mehr Geld für Energie ausgeben und haben immer weniger für andere Ausgaben zur Verfügung.
20080627             Den Aktienkursen der allermeisten Unternehmen tut das überhaupt nicht gut.
20080627             Negativbeispiel in den USA ist GENERAL—MOTORS.
20080627             Die Anteilsscheine des USA—AUTOKONZERNS sanken —AM—DONNERSTAG auf ein 53—JAHRES—TIEF.
20080627             Je weiter die Visionen des Weltbibliothekars wucherten, desto weniger Verständnis erhielt er.
20080627             Offiziell sucht "PHOENIX" auf dem Wüstenplaneten nach Wassereis.
20080627             Daneben gibt es aber 1—ART—GEHEIMMISSION: Bei seinen Bodenuntersuchungen soll der Landeroboter auch nach Spuren von außerirdischem Leben Ausschau halten.
20080627             Den aufregenden Fahndungsplan hat DIRK—SCHULZE—MAKUCH, 44, von der WASHINGTON STATE—UNIVERSITY—IN—PULLMAN ausgeheckt.
20080627             "Der 1. Nachweis extraterrestrischen Lebens wäre die größte wissenschaftliche Entdeckung unserer Zeit", sagt der aus DEUTSCHLAND stammende Astrobiologe.
20080627             "Aber um keine übertriebenen Erwartungen zu wecken, hängt die Nasa das nicht an die große Glocke".
20080627             Einen Schritt zu mehr Klarheit hatte sich ein internationales TEAM—VON—WISSENSCHAFTLERN erhofft, als es mit einer Analyse des Erbguts von 169—VOGELARTEN begann.
20080627             —NUN liegen die Ergebnisse VOR—UND sie sind durchaus erstaunlich:
20080627             VIELE—VOGELARTEN, die aufgrund ihres Aussehens oder ihrer Verhaltensweise nahe verwandt zu sein scheinen, sind es nicht.
20080627             Auf einem Gipfel vor einem —MONAT in GRÖNLAND hatten sich die 5—POLARSTAATEN RUSSLAND, NORWEGEN, DÄNEMARK—KANADA und DIE—USA im Prinzip zu einem friedlichen Vorgehen verpflichtet.
20080627             Doch trotz aller öffentlichen Bekundungen, der —KONFLIKT bietet auch militärischen Zündstoff: —IN—DIESER—WOCHE hatten die RUSSLAND—STREITKRÄFTE erklärt, sie bereiteten sich gezielt auf einen —KRIEG—IN—DER ARKTIS vor.
20080627             Chefausbilder WLADIMIR—SCHAMANOW sagte der Militärzeitung "Krasnaja Swesda", man habe sich für 1—KONKRETISIERUNG solcher Szenarien entschieden, "zur Verteidigung nationaler Interessen".
20080627             Einheiten würden gezielt vorbereitet und Truppenteile zusammengelegt.
20080627             Schamanow verwies auf 1—MANÖVER der USA—STREITKRÄFTE, bei dem 5000—SOLDATEN ebenfalls den Kampf in der ARKTIS trainiert hätten.
20080627             Eines scheint immerhin klar zu sein: Die große Schmelze im hohen Norden findet in einem brutalen Tempo statt, viel schneller als vom Weltklimarat IPCC vorhergesagt.
20080627             —SCHON im vergangenen —SOMMER hatte sich abgezeichnet, dass die verwendeten Modelle viel zu konservativ waren.
20080627             Als TUNGUSKA—EREIGNIS ging es mittlerweile in die Annalen ein: der in der modernen Menschheitsgeschichte vermutlich heftigste Einschlag eines Objekts aus dem Weltraum auf der Erde.
20080627             Mittlerweile hat sich das FBI eingeschaltet.
20080627             SIMBABWE: DEUTSCHLAND—FIRMA soll kein Banknotenpapier mehr liefern
20080627             Kostenschock: Benzin und Diesel teuer wie nie
20080627             ITALIEN: Regierung beschließt Immunitätsgesetz
20080627             Sicherheit: Schäubles Entwurf fürs zentrale Melderegister entzweit Koalition
20080627             TUNGUSKA—EXPLOSION: —DER—TAG, an dem sich der Himmel teilte
20080627             Alternative zu Benzin und Diesel: Gasprom will EUROPA mit ERDGAS—TANKSTELLEN überziehen
20080627             Tauende ARKTIS: Nordpol könnte —IM—SOMMER 1. eisfrei sein
20080627             REKORD—ÖLPREIS: Inflation springt auf höchsten Stand —SEIT—15—JAHREN
20080627             "PHOENIX"-Mission: Nasa will Marsianer finden
20080627             —1—JAHR Downing Street: Brown erleidet schwere Niederlage zum Amtsjubiläum
20080627             KREDIT—VERKÄUFE: BUNDESTAG schützt Hausbesitzer vor Finanzinvestoren - INTERNET: VATER—DER—ZETTELSUCHMASCHINE
20080627             Abrüstung in ATOM—KONFLIKT: NORDKOREA sprengt Reaktorkühlturm
20080627             REKORD—ÖLPREIS: Stagflationsangst macht Anleger nervös
20080627             Chemische Analyse: Marsboden ist lebensfreundlich
20080627             BRADFORD Cornell, Corporate Valuation: Tools for Effective Appraisal +... Both the circuit and district courts accepted projections as 1—BASIS for...
20080627             hier haben Elektronik-, SOFTWARE—UND INTERNET—UNTERNEHMEN aus dem Nichts die Welt verändert
20080627             PAKISTAN: "Die Taliban verbreiten Angst und Schrecken in PESHAWAR"
20080627             Knapper Rohstoff: ÖL—DIEBE durchstreifen TEXAS
20080627             Kursrutsch: Angst vor Stagflation erfasst Börsen weltweit
20080627             —DEMOLIERT, VW—WERK Emden: Hagel, —BIS zu 30.000—NEUWAGEN
20080627             USA: Millionärin hält Hausmädchen wie SKLAVINNEN—11—JAHRE Haft
20080627             Einwohnerdaten: Schäuble plant zentrales Bundesmelderegister
20080627             Kongressentscheidung: USA—SENAT bewilligt Finanzspritze für Kriege im IRAK und AFGHANISTAN
20080627             Unterschiedliche Freibeträge: CSU will reiche Erben verschonen
20080627             Benzin aus Bakterien: Schwarzes Gold aus dem Silicon Valley
20080627             Illegale Preisabsprachen: LUFTFAHRT—RIESEN zahlen 500—MILLIONEN Dollar Strafe
20080627             COM—TOP Bush officials push case against SADDAM—SEPTEMBER...
20080627             National security adviser Condoleezza Rice said PRESIDENT—BUSH hasn't made 1—DECISION.
20080627             The tubes, Rice said, "are only really suited for nuclear weapons...
20080627             —INZWISCHEN, Die Situation ist, so prekär, dass Ministerpräsident AMIR—HAIDER—KHAN—HOTI mit hohen Militärs über den Ernstfall berät. Offenbar rechnen Politiker in Islambad mit einem direkten Angriff der Taliban auf PESHAWAR.
20080627             In der Provinzhauptstadt werden deshalb militärische Maßnahmen zur Verteidigung getroffen.
20080627             PAKISTAN—ZEITUNGEN bezweifeln allerdings, ob Militärs, Grenzschützer und Polizei in der Lage sind, die Stadt ausreichend zu schützen.
20080627             Dabei liegt dieser Annahme ein gemäßigtes Szenario zugrunde.
20080627             Verschärfe sich dagegen der —KONFLIKT um das IRAN—ATOMPROGRAMM, werde dies die Ölpreise weit stärker hochtreiben, sagte Chelil.
20080627             SCHLIMMSTENFALLS—WENN etwa die Ölproduktion im OPEC—MITGLIEDSTAAT IRAN zum Erliegen KOMME—KÖNNTE der ÖL—PREIS sogar "auf 200, 300—ODER 400—DOLLAR" steigen.
20080627             "Im Gegensatz zu solchen Elitemeinungen erkennt das Urteil —HEUTE Waffenbesitz als ein fundamentales Recht an, heilig wie die Meinungsfreiheit oder die Versammlungsfreiheit".
20080627             —KURSIERT, Im USA—KONGRESS, —DERZEIT 1—VORLAGE, wonach es dem Justizministerium erlaubt sein soll, OPEC—STAATEN zu verklagen.
20080627             Das USA—PRÄSIDIALAMT hat aber 1—VETO angekündigt.
20080627             —BEGONNEN, Das Rennen gegen die nächste Pleitewelle hat.
20080627             "Über CDS konnten Marktteilnehmer 1. ohne komplizierte Winkelzüge darauf wetten, dass 1—UNTERNEHMEN seinen Zahlungsverpflichtungen nicht nachkommt", sagt Experte Das.
20080627             "Esoterische Finanzinstrumente gefährden den Markt"
20080627             Insider FILINGS—LEVITT ARTHUR—JR, Last Updated : Declared Holdings.
20080627             Company/Relationship, Reported, Shares, Ownership...
20080627             "He was given instructions about the quantity, price and the time (of shares)," indicated in the complaint, TODD—D—BRODDY, 1—OFFICIAL—OF—THE—SEC.
20080627—19690000    —IN, He became the 8. CHIEF—OF—THE—INDIA—ARMY and
20080627—19710000    —IN, led INDIA—FORCES in the war with PAKISTAN that ended with the creation of BANGLADESH.
20080627—20020000    —NAMED, He had been, as 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST 20010000             —IN—THE anthrax attacks.
20080627—20060900    —SEIT, Der USA—DOW Jones Index rutschte —AM—DONNERSTAG so tief wie nicht mehr und
20080627—20080704    —ON, A 1. ROUND—OF—NEGOTIATIONS will be held in BRUSSELS.
20080627—20080728    in response to the illegal settlement, the identified (Curshen + Grossman) instructed the individual A (THE—FBI official) to buy shares of IBot (Industrial Biotechnology).
20090003             PM - Herkules­turm
20090626             —PUSHED, HONDURAS, leftist PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA, ahead with a 20090627             referendum on revamping THE—CONSTITUTION, risking his rule in 1—STANDOFF against Congress, THE—SUPREME—COURT and the military.
20090627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, 1—NEW—DRUG—POLICY for OPIUM—RICH—AFGHANISTAN, saying it was phasing out funding for eradication programs —WHILE significantly increasing its funding for alternate crop and drug interdiction efforts.
20090627             —KILLED, Insurgent bomb attacks in AFGHANISTAN, 1—PROVINCIAL—DEPUTY—POLICE—CHIEF and 2—CIVILIANS as Taliban militants stormed 1—CHECKPOINT overnight and killed 8—POLICEMEN.
20090627             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, on Taliban and other militants to "vote for THE—PRESIDENT they want" in AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, —WHILE 1—TALIBAN spokesman said militants would "disrupt" the vote without harming civilians.
20090627             —OPENED, LOS—ANGELES, County 1—GUNMAN, fire outside 1—RESTAURANT in Pico Rivera —DURING 1—FUNDRAISER by the motorcycle group know as the Old School Riders.
20090627             3—PEOPLE were killed and 7—OTHERS injured.
20090627             —RETIRED, ROANOKE—VIRGINIA, WILLIAM—RONALD—CARTER, —56—JAHRE—ALT, 1, tire factory worker, shot and killed his wife Bonnie (56) and 1—SON, —29—JAHRE—ALT and summoned home another son Timothy (22), who was shot but survived.
20090627             Carter then set the house on fire and killed himself.
20090627             Her wholesome appearance and perky personality made her 1—OF—EARLY—TELEVISION—BIGGEST stars on "My Little Margie" (19520000—19550000    ) and "THE—GALE—STORM—SHOW" (19560000—19600000    ).
20090627             —TITLED, Her 19800000             autobiography was, "I—AIN'T Down Yet".
20090627             —FINISHED, CHINA, 1—NEARLY, 13-story apartment building collapsed in SHANGHAI killing 1—WORKER.
20090627             —DETAINED, Authorities soon, 9—PEOPLE in 1—INVESTIGATION into the collapse.
20090627             DAGESTAN, Interior Ministry troops patrolling 1—VILLAGE—SOUTH—OF—MAKHACHKALA clashed with 1—GROUP—OF—10—GUNMEN who tried to hole up in village houses, but were driven into surrounding hillsides.
20090627             † 1—POLICE officer was killed.
20090627             —CALLED, Officials then, in helicopter gunships and armored vehicles to shell the forests where the gunmen hid out.
20090627             Troops sweeping the forest the —NEXT—MORNING found the bodies of 4—GUNMEN.
20090627             HONG—KONG—MICHAEL—MUDD, 1—STUDENT at CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, Chico, caused the crash of 1—TAXI and THE—DEATH—OF—ITS—DRIVER—BEFORE commandeering the vehicle and slamming it into another cab.
20090627             —MARCHED, IRELAND, some 12,000—PEOPLE, in —THIS—YEAR—GAY—PRIDE—PARADE in downtown DUBLIN.
20090627             —KILLED, KYRGYZSTAN security forces, 3 alleged MEMBERS—OF—1—TERROR—IST organization in 1—SHOOTOUT.
20090627             —IDENTIFIED, Authorities, the gunmen as Islamic militants and said 1—OF—THOSE killed was their leader, 1—KYRGYZ citizen who had received training at 1—TERROR—IST—CAMP in PAKISTAN.
20090627             Another of the dead was from Khanabad, 1—TOWN in neighboring UZBEKISTAN.
20090627             —BELONGED, The security ministry said they, to the Islamic Jihad Group (IJG), 1—OBSCURE—ORGANIZATION that UZBEKISTAN—AUTHORITIES have claimed is 1—SPLINTER GROUP—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT—OF—UZBEKISTAN.
20090627             —APPOINTED, LEBANON—PRESIDENT, parliamentary majority leader SAAD—HARIRI to become PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER his PRO—WESTERN—COALITION defeated 1—HEZBOLLAH—LED alliance in —THIS—MONTH—ELECTION.
20090627             MAURITANIA, more than —10—MONTHS—AFTER being overthrown in 1—MILITARY—COUP, PRESIDENT—SIDI—CHEIKH—OULD—ABDALLAHI, the country's 1. freely elected PRESIDENT, gave up his claim to power and officially resigned.
20090627             —OPENED, MEXICO—WESTERN, STATE—OF—MICHOACAN, gunmen, fire on 1—CAR carrying 2—FORENSIC—INVESTIGATORS in ZAMORA, killing 1—CHEMIST and wounding 1—DOCTOR.
20090627             In the Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ, 1—WOMEN and her —3—YEAR—OLD—SON were shot to death by unidentified assailants on 1—HIGHWAY.
20090627             —UNCOVERED, Police, 1—MASS—GRAVE in CENTRAL—MEXICO with the remains of 14 or 15—PEOPLE believed to have been executed by the Zetas drug gang.
20090627             —AGREED, NATO and RUSSIA, to resume military ties and agree to cooperate on AFGHANISTAN, COUNTERTERROR—ISM and ANTI—PIRACY—PATROLS at their 1. HIGH—LEVEL—MEETING —SINCE—LAST—YEAR—WAR between RUSSIA and GEORGIA.
20090627             —ANNOUNCED, NORTH—IRELAND—OLDEST paramilitary group, the Ulster Volunteer Force, its full disarmament, 1—LONG—SOUGHT peacemaking move that, if confirmed, would formally end THE—PRO—UK—GROUP—DECADES—OF—TERROR against IRELAND—CATHOLICS.
20090627             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, at least 12—MILITANTS were, and more than 12 wounded —WHEN government forces attacked suspected bases of Mehsud and his TEHREEK—E—TALIBAN PAKISTAN (TTP) in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090627             2—PAKISTAN—FIGHTER—JETS pounded Taliban militant hideouts in Makeen and Laddah, killing 10—TALIBAN and injuring 15—OTHERS.
20090627             —KILLED, Overnight, police, 5 suspected militants with links to Mehsud who were said to be plotting TERROR—IST attacks on the port CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20090627             —FIRED, Militants, 6—ROCKETS at 1—SECURITY—CAMP and 1—PARAMILITARY fort in Wana, the main TOWN—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090627             —SHELLED, Security forces in retaliation, the militants, killing 2 and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20090627             A resident said the shelling also killed 2—CIVILIANS and wounded 3—OTHERS.
20090627             —FIRED, Insurgents, rockets at PAKISTAN—FORCES at 1—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN paramilitary Frontier Corps camp, killing 1—OFFICER and injuring 3—SOLDIERS.
20090627             —SUSPECTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 2—SOLDIERS were shot dead by, ABU—SAYYAF members as they stepped outside of their camp to buy cigarettes in TIPO—TIPO town, Basilan ISLAND.
20090627             THAILAND, more than 18,000 "Red Shirt" protesters loyal to fugitive premier Thaksin Shinawatra gathered in BANGKOK for the biggest ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RALLY—SINCE bloody riots —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20090627             THOUSANDS—OF—VENEZUELANS held separate protests to support and condemn 1—OPPOSITION—ALIGNED TV station that PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—GOVERNMENT has threatened with closure.
20090627             Brüller des Tages: Europäische Kommission rügt CHINA wegen INTERNET—FILTERN.
20090627             Die Kommission, das ist nicht das SEMI—DEMOKRATISCHE Parlament, das die Leute gewählt haben, sondern das sind die MINISTER—DER—LÄNDER, die alle selber gerade Internetzensur einführen.
20090627             "Das Blockieren oder Filtern bestimmter INTERNET—INHALTE ist für die Europäische Union völlig inakzeptabel".
20090627             Diese Worte hat EU—MEDIENKOMMISSARIN Viviane Reding der CHINA—REGIERUNG ins Stammbuch geschrieben.
20090627             Die von Peking geplante Einführung eines INTERNET—FILTERS ziele darauf ab, das Netz zu zensieren und die Meinungsfreiheit einzuschränken, sagte Reding in Brüssel.
20090627             CHINA hat erklärt, der Filter richte sich gegen Seiten mit pornographischem Inhalt und diene dem Jugendschutz.
20090627             —AB - AFGHANISTAN: USA—ARMEE ändert Strategie im KAMPF—GEGEN—DROGEN—HANDEL
20090627             Irans EX—PRÄSIDENT—RAFSANDSCHANI: Ein Taktiker will Macht und Reichtum schützen
20090627             Export von Abhöranlage: Bundesregierung nicht in IRAN—DEAL eingebunden
20090627             ATOM—MÜLL: Forscher gibt Stoltenberg Verantwortung für ASSE—SKANDAL
20090627             Verbraucherschutz: Banken sollen Zinssenkungen an Kunden weitergeben
20090627             LIBANON: PRO—WESTLICHER Politiker Hariri ist neuer Ministerpräsident
20090627             Gesundheitsfonds: AOK will Geld für Verstorbene
20090627             AFGHANISTAN—STRATEGIE: Struck fordert Gespräche mit Taliban
20090627             Auslandseinsätze wie der in AFGHANISTAN sorgen dafür, dass solche Fälle auch unter Bundeswehrsoldaten immer wieder auftreten.
20090627             Solche Störungen erleiden Menschen, die Extremsituationen miterleben mussten,
20090627             Gutachten des Wissenschaftsrats.
20090627             Die Arbeit der BUNDESWEHR—EXPERTEN entspreche nicht dem Stand der Forschung.
20090627             Die CHINA—REGIERUNG begrüßte —AM—SAMSTAG die Verabschiedung des Klimaschutzgesetzes im USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS.
20090627             "Dies ist ein großer Schritt nach vorn", sagte der im Kabinett für den Klimaschutz zuständige stellvertretende MINISTER für nationale Entwicklung, Xie Zhenhua.
20090627             Das Ausmaß der angestrebten CO2-Drosselung sei aber noch zu gering.
20090627             "Wir hoffen, dass DIE—USA—REGIERUNG mehr tun kann", sagte Xie.
20090627             Die 15. - UNO—WELTKLIMAKONFERENZ will vom
20090627             Andere ärgerten sich über die Abschwächung des Gesetzes, —NACHDEM ursprünglich 1—REDUZIERUNG um 20 % geplant war.
20090627             Verantwortlich dafür war der Energieausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses.
20090627             Weiteres Tauziehen im Senat erwartet
20090627             WASHINGTON—IM KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE globale Erwärmung sind DIE—USA —JETZT einen 1. Schritt gegangen.
20090627             Ein halbes —JAHR vor der Weltklimakonferenz in Kopenhagen verabschiedete das Repräsentantenhaus —AM—FREITAG, mit 219—ZU 212—STIMMEN 1—GESETZ,
20090627             das zum 1. Mal in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA—GRENZWERTE für die Emission von Kohlendioxid und anderen Treibhausgasen festlegt.
20090627             Der Senat muss dem aber noch zustimmen.
20090627             USA: Madoffs Ehefrau muss Millionenvermögen abgeben
20090627             Wahljahr: Merkel streicht CDU—PARTEITAG—KEIN Forum für Kritiker
20090627             00.000. - Neue Chefredaktion: Die "taz" soll wieder linker werden
20090627             Pleiteversandhaus: Firmenkonten bei Quelle leergeräumt
20090627             —ABSPRACHE über Marktgebiete: E.on droht drastische Geldbuße der EU—KOMMISSION
20090627             "Es gibt 1—GEFÜHL bei manchen, dass derjenige, der nicht handelt, mit dem, was passiert, nichts zu tun hat", sagte der SPD—VORSITZENDE.
20090627             "Aber das ist nicht so. Wer nicht handelt, ist genauso verantwortlich".
20090627             Deshalb sei seiner Ansicht nach die wichtigste Erkenntnis in der Demokratie: "Es gibt kein Entrinnen. Jeder ist in der Verantwortung", sagte Müntefering.
20090627             DOROTHEE—BÄR, stellvertretende CSU—GENERALSEKRETÄRIN und medienpolitische SPRECHERIN—DER—UNIONSFRAKTION, fordert, ALLE—EINGEWEIHTEN auf einen "Kodex des Stillschweigens zu verpflichten".
20090627             Der SPD—INNENEXPERTE DIETER—WIEFELSPÜTZ hält es für angebracht, über "1—VERBOT der Wählerbefragungen nachzudenken".
20090627             "Es wäre der GAU, wenn die Wählerbefragungen vor Schließung der Wahllokale öffentlich bekannt würden", sagt Bundeswahlleiter Roderich Egeler.
20090627             —MOBILISIERT, Via INTERNET könnten dann Unentschlossene, werden.
20090627             Moderator: Das waren —90—MINUTEN LIVE—CHAT der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung zum "Mythos 1968".
20090627             Das CHAT—TEAM wünscht einen schönen —TAG und entschuldigt sich bei den vielen Usern, deren Fragen wir Herrn Langguth und Herrn Mohr aus Zeitgründen nicht stellen konnten.
20090627             —TAG—ARCHIV für 'REINHARD—MOHR' " Das geprüfte Argument
20090627             Der Autor, Herr REINHARD—MOHR, seines Zeichens EX—SPONTI und —NUN braver demokratischer und antikommunistischer STAATSBÜRGER—SOMIT die beste Voraussetzung...
20090627             SPIEGELblog | Kritische Analysen über ein deutsches...
20090627             REINHARD—MOHR über seinen "Golden Boy": "So kehrt mit Guttenberg auch ein frischer Hauch der guten alten Werte zurück in die Arena...
20090627             Die KOMMENTARE—DES—REINHARD—MOHR | SPD—ABWEICHLER machen Weg für... Die SPON—KOMMENTARE—DES—REINHARD—MOHR zeichnen sich durch wüsteste Polemik + Tatsachenverdrehung aus,
20090627             kann man eigentlich nur noch...
20090627             von Verschwörungsaposteln und anderen Wirrköpfen.
20090627             Eine merkwürdig ansteckende Schweigegrippe.
20090627             Die Zensur kappt die MEINUNGS—UND Pressefreiheit,
20090627             SPIEGEL: Herr Haußmann, wir danken Ihnen für dieses Gespräch
20090627             —ÜBERFORDERT, Wissenschaftsrat: Traumahelfer der Bundeswehr sind
20090627             CO2-Ausstoß der USA: Repräsentantenhaus beschließt Klimaschutzgesetz
20090627             Umstrittene Abstimmung: KOMMISSION—DES—WÄCHTERRATS soll IRAN—WAHLERGEBNIS prüfen
20090627             "Wenn in SYRIEN jemand verhaftet wird und keiner davon erfährt, dann ist er verloren".
20090627             Der Flüchtlingsexperte fordert, das Rücknahmeabkommen auszusetzen.
20090627             "Ein solcher Vertrag darf nur bestehen, wenn für die Sicherheit der Rückkehrer garantiert werden kann".
20090627             —AUTORISIERT, Besonders brisant: Das Abkommen, die DEUTSCHLAND—BEHÖRDEN, Informationen über Flüchtlinge an die SYRIEN—KOLLEGEN weiterzugeben.
20090627             "Das hat das Innenministerium unterschrieben", sagt Link, "1—SKANDAL".
20090627             Astrologie spielt in SRI—LANKA eine große Rolle.
20090627             VIELE—MENSCHEN—EGAL aus welcher SCHICHT—PLANEN ihre Hochzeiten oder andere wichtige Ereignisse —NACH—DEN Sternen.
20090627             Politiker nutzen positive Vorhersagen für ihre Karriere.
20090627             So hatten Astrologen in der Vergangenheit auch Einfluss auf den Ausgang von Wahlen.
20090627             Auch PRÄSIDENT—RAJAPAKSA glaubt nach eigenen Angaben an die Sternendeutung.
20090627             der Bürgerrechtsgruppe Electronic Frontiers AUSTRALIA geht die Regierung mit der SPIELE—ZENSUR endgültig zu weit: "Damit ist klar, dass die Zensur immer weiter voranschreiten wird".
20090627             laut "SYDNEY —MORNING Herald" ist der durchschnittliche AUSTRALIEN—COMPUTERSPIELER —30—JAHRE alt
20090627             unfair behandelt: Der Richter, der über die Befangenheit des erstinstanzlichen Richters urteilen sollte, sei selbst befangen gewesen.
20090627             Das machen die Piraten daran fest, dass der Gerichtsvorsitzende TOMAS—NORSTRÖM—MITGLIED in einer Lobbyorganisation sei, die sich für 1—STÄRKUNG des Urheberrechts einsetze.
20090627             Zudem verkehre der mit der Prüfung auf Befangenheit beauftragte RICHTER—ANDERS—EKA privat mit den Anwälten der Anklage in verschienen Organisationen.
20090627             Die hingegen erwägen —JETZT 1—KLAGE gegen die SCHWEDEN—JUSTIZ vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte.
20090627             Diesen Schritt kündigten die Verurteilten in ihrem Blog für —HEUTE, —FREITAG, an.
20090627             Der Herkulesturm, das Wahrzeichen der galicischen STADT—A Coruña und ältestes betriebenes Leuchtturmbauwerk, wird Bestandteil des UNESCO—WELTERBES.
20090627—20100000    —SENTENCED, Mudd (23) was, to —4—YEARS and —3—MONTHS in prison.
20090702             The killing spree began 20090627             , about 10—MILES from TYLER—HOME—CENTER, where peach farmer Kline Cash (63) was found shot in his living room.
20090706             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—CAROLINA, killer PATRICK—BURRIS, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CAREER—CRIMINAL paroled —JUST—2—MONTHS—AGO, was shot to death by officers investigating 1—BURGLARY complaint at 1—HOME in Gastonia, 30—MILES from Gaffney, SC, where the killing spree started 20090627             .
20090928—20130627    —ON, LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—CLAUDE—PIVI, 1—INFLUENTIAL—MEMBER—OF—THE—JUNTA —AT—THE—TIME and —NOW MINISTER for presidential security, was charged over his alleged role in 1—STADIUM—MASSACRE.
20100519—19670627    —ON, The 1. automatic teller machine, —NOW known as ATMs, was installed at 1—BRANCH—OF—BARCLAYS Plc in 1—NORTH—LONDON suburb.
20100627             JUNTA—RULED GUINEA held its 1. free election —SINCE INDEPENDENCE more than HALF—1—CENTURY 20100801             —HISTORIC—VOTE laden with hope the bedraggled WEST—AFRICA—NATION will finally end DECADES—OF—HARSH—MILITARY—RULE and launch 1—NEW—DEMOCRATIC—ERA.
20100627             —UNDETERRED, S—FRANCISCO held its 40. annual Gay Pride Parade, by 1—FATAL—SHOOTING the previous —EVENING in the Castro neighborhood.
20100627             —REPORTED, It was, that VIENNA residents have become VICTIMS—OF—BURGLARY in recent weeks.
20100627             The alleged local head, 1—RESTAURANT—OWNER in VIENNA, has been arrested.
20100627             —SUSPECTED, Police, the burglaries were PART—OF—PLAN to finance 1—COUP against GEORGIA—PRESIDENT—SAAKASHVILI.
20100627             † In AFGHANISTAN 4—NORWAY—SOLDIERS—AFTER 1—ROADSIDE bomb exploded near their vehicle in Faryab province.
20100627             NATO—FORCES killing 1—LOCAL—LEADER—OF—THE—HAQQANI group, 1—TALIBAN faction with close ties to AL—QAIDA, in 1—AIRSTRIKE in Khost province.
20100627             The leader, known only as Satar, was responsible for planting roadside bombs in the area.
20100627             THE—USA—LED operation, began in the region —AROUND Kunar province.
20100627             2—USA—TROOPS were killed in the operation.
20100627             —KILLED, Up to 150—TALIBAN insurgents were, in battles along the Kunar border.
20100627             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH security forces, over 200—ACTIVISTS as the main opposition party led 1—NATIONWIDE—DAWN—TO—DUSK general strike to protest alleged government misrule.
20100627             1—NEW—UN—REPORT cited political repression as 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FORCES preventing EGYPT—YOUTHS, who make up 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—POPULATION, from participating in the country's development.
20100627             ETHIOPIA, water MINISTER—OF—EGYPT and SUDAN said they will not be forced into signing 1—NEW—DEAL on THE—SHARING—OF—THE—NILE—WATERS.
20100627             A —2—DAY meeting concluded of regional water ministers concluded with EGYPT handing over the body's chair to ETHIOPIA.
20100627             Authorities in GEORGIA tore down another monument to SOVIET—DICTATOR and native son JOSEF—STALIN.
20100627             —COLLAPSED, GHANA, 1—ILLEGAL—MINE, trapping about 80—MINERS.
20100627             oo ICELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—JOHANNA—SIGURDARDOTTIR, —68—JAHRE—ALT, her partner under 1—NEW—LAW legalizing SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE in the country.
20100627             ISRAEL—ADMIRAL—MIKE—MULLEN, the top USA—MILITARY—OFFICER, held talks in Tel Aviv with Defense MINISTER—EHUD—BARAK and other MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY—TOP—BRASS.
20100627             —FOCUSED, MULLEN—MEETINGS, on IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM and the situation in Syria and LEBANON.
20100627             —KILLED, INDIA—KASHMIR, another man was, —WHEN paramilitary forces fired rubber bullets to disperse protesters who had defied 1—STRICT curfew.
20100627             KYRGYZSTAN held 1—REFERENDUM on 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION, amid deadly ethnic tensions.
20100627             —HOPED, The interim government, it would legitimize their hold on power —UNTIL new elections in October.
20100627             —APPROVED, Interim PRESIDENT—ROZA—OTUNBAYEVA said voters have, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that will allow the nation to form 1—LEGITIMATE—GOVERNMENT—AFTER MONTHS—OF—TURMOIL.
20100627             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN, USA—MISSILES struck 1—MILITANT compound in the northwest, killing at least 3—PEOPLE in 1—AREA teeming with Taliban and AL—QAIDA fighters.
20100627             —ATTACKED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, 1—COMMUNIST—REBEL—CAMP to rescue 1 abducted soldier and 1—MILITIAMAN in the country's south, killing at least 2—COMMUNIST—GUERRILLAS but failing to find the captives.
20100627             —REPORTED, It was, that THOUSANDS—OF—PUERTO Ricans have been caught up in 1—LUCRATIVE DOCUMENT—FRAUD—SCHEME to hide illegal immigrants in THE—USA.
20100627             —DENOUNCED, BENEDICT—PAPA, as "surprising and deplorable" raids by BELGIUM—POLICE on Church offices and the home of 1—CARDINAL —THIS—WEEK—DURING 1—INVESTIGATION into pedophilia by ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIESTS.
20100627             DÜREN, eröffnet das LEOPOLD—HOESCH—MUSEUM mit angrenzendem PEILL—FORUM.
20100627             THE—ISLAND—GOVERNMENT'S—ONLY—ANSWER so far is to void EVERY—PUERTO Rican birth certificate as of 20100701             and require about 5—MILLION—PEOPLE, including 1.4—MILLION on THE—USA—MAINLAND, to reapply for new ones with security features.
20100627—20100300    —IN, ETHIOPIA, TANZANIA, UGANDA, KENYA and RWANDA inked 1—FRAMEWORK, replacing a 19290000             COLONIAL—ERA—TREATY between EGYPT and BRITAIN which gave CAIRO veto power over upstream projects.
20100627—20100930    —BY, New birth certificates will be issued —STARTING 20100701             , and all old birth certificates will be annulled.
20100627—20160000    —AGREED, CANADA, G20 leaders, on 1—DEAL to cut national deficits in half within —3—YEARS and to stabilize THE—RATIO—OF—PUBLIC—DEBT to gross domestic product.
20101115—20110627    —ON, JAN—O, —26—JAHRE—ALT, whose last name was withheld in accordance with GERMANY—PRIVACY—LAWS, was convicted in Goettingen STATE—COURT—OF—2—COUNTS—OF—MURDER for the slayings and sentenced to life in prison.
20101212             Quase tão bom quanto uma noite de sono — Instituto Ciência Hoje 20030627             A novidade vem da equipe do neurocientista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard (EUA).
20101212—20030627    A novidade vem da equipe do neurocientista ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard (EUA).
20110623—20110627    —ON, THE—GAZA—BASED PALESTINE—CENTER for HUMAN—RIGHTS said it feared IBRAHIM—AARAJ might have been tortured —WHILE in custody at the Nusseirat refugee camp and called for 1—INQUIRY into his death.
20110627             —REFUSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to let CALIFORNIA regulate the sale or rental of violent video games to children, saying governments do not have the power to "restrict the ideas to which children may be exposed" despite complaints about graphic violence.
20110627             —BLOCKED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE temporarily, PARTS—OF—GEORGIA—STRICT—NEW—LAW targeting illegal immigration from taking effect, including 1—PROVISION that authorizes police to check the immigration STATUS—OF—SUSPECTS without proper identification and to detain illegal immigrants.
20110627             Rod Blagojevich, who won 2—TERMS as ILLINOIS GOVERNOR —BEFORE scandal made him 1—NATIONAL—PUNCH—LINE, was convicted in CHICAGO—OF—1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—CORRUPTION—CHARGES, including trying to sell PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—SENATE—SEAT.
20110627             1—ROCK, named asteroid 20110000             MD, zoomed by —JUST 7,500 miles (12,000 km) above Earth, making 1—SHARP—TURN forced by gravity —BEFORE winging off into space again.
20110627             —OCCURRED, The flyby, at about 1—P.m. EDT (17000000             GMT).
20110627             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SENIOR—LEADER—OF—1—LEADER—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT—OF—UZBEKISTAN was captured in Kunduz city dressed up like 1—WOMAN.
20110627             2—ASSOCIATES were also captured.
20110627             —LAUNCHED, AUSTRALIA, HONG—KONG—BASED—PHILIP—MORRIS—ASIA—LIMITED, legal action against the government over plans to strip company logos from cigarette packages and replace them with grisly images of cancerous mouths, sickly children and bulging, blinded eyes.
20110627             1—BOTSWANA—BUSHMEN spokesman said Bushmen plan to boycott the country's upcoming census in protest at the government's refusal to provide them with 1—POLLING—STATION —DURING the last election.
20110627             —REMAINED, Some 100,000 Bushmen, in SOUTH—AFRICA, spread across BOTSWANA, NAMIBIA and SOUTH—AFRICA.
20110627             1—BRAZIL—STATE—JUDGE approved what the court said is the nation's 1. gay marriage.
20110627             —RULED, SAO—PAULO—STATE—JUDGE—FERNANDO—HENRIQUE—PINTO, 2—MEN could convert their civil union into 1—FULL—MARRIAGE.
20110627             Nuon Chea, "Brother Number 2;" Ieng Thirith, social affairs MINISTER;
20110627             † and Ieng Sary, deputy PRIME—MINISTER) went on trial —BEFORE 1—TRIBUNAL aimed at finding justice for the estimated 1.7—MILLION—PEOPLE who, in CAMBODIA's "killing fields" of the 1970s.
20110627             —SIGNED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO and UK—PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, trade deals worth £1.4—BILLION at 1—SUMMIT as Wen faced questions over his country's rights record.
20110627             —PROCEEDED, Jiabao, to BERLIN for 1—VISIT that with CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL.
20110627             2—SWEDEN—FREELANCER journalists, JOHAN—PERSSON and MARTIN—SCHIBBYE, entered ETHIOPIA from SOMALIA to report about allegations of human rights violations in the region including torture and rape.
20110627             —TROUBLED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY said FRANCE—BANKS are ready to help, GREECE by accepting 1—SIGNIFICANT—DEBT rollover, 1—MOVE that could push other banks to pitch in to THE—EUROPE—WIDE—EFFORT to keep ATHENS from defaulting.
20110627             GERMANY—NATIONAL—DISEASE—CONTROL—CENTER said the death toll from the E. coli outbreak has risen to 47—INCLUDING—1—PERSON in SWEDEN.
20110627             —FLIPPED, HAITI, high waves, 1—FERRY over —AFTER it left La Gonave about 50—MILES (80—KM) WEST—OF—PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20110627             5—PEOPLE †, 7—PEOPLE were missing, and 5—PEOPLE were rescued.
20110627             —DROPPED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, 1—THREAT to issue lengthy deportation orders against journalists aboard 1—GAZA—BOUND flotilla.
20110627             —ORDERED, ISRAEL—SECURITY—CABINET, the navy to stop 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID flotilla from breaching 1—NAVAL blockade on THE—GAZA—STRIP but to avoid clashes with activists on BOARD.
20110627             —SERVED, IVORY—COAST—STATE—MEDIA said 15—EX—MINISTERS, who, under the arrested former strongman Laurent Gbagbo, were indicted over the weekend for crimes against the state, embezzlement and other offenses.
20110627             —FAILED, JORDAN—MPS, to impeach PRIME—MINISTER—MAARUF—BAKHIT for his alleged role in 1 suspected graft case about 1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL that his government singed with 1—BRITISH—BASED company to build 1—CASINO, 20050000—20070000    —BETWEEN—WHEN he 1. served as premier.
20110627             KENYA—PRIME—MINISTER—RAILA—ODINGA paid more than $37,000 in back taxes to abide by 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION that requires lawmakers to pay taxes on their hefty allowances.
20110627             KENYA—REVENUE—AUTHORITY—LAST—WEEK said lawmakers' properties will be auctioned if they don't EACH—PAY nearly $21,000 in back taxes.
20110627             —ENTERED, LIBYA, NATO—OPERATIONS, a 100. —DAY with airstrikes having eased THE—SIEGE—OF—KEY—REBEL—CITIES but with Moamer Kadhafi still in power and fears of 1—OPEN—WAR lingering.
20110627             —ADVANCED, Rebels SOUTH—OF—TRIPOLI, to within about 80—KM (50—MILES) of the capital and fought government troops for CONTROL—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—BIR AL—GHANAM.
20110627             MEXICO, gunmen burst into THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—POLICE—CHIEF—OF—SANTA—CATARINA, Nuevo LEON state, and shot him to death.
20110627             GERMANY—PEREZ was shot at least 8—TIMES his MONTERREY suburb.
20110627             7—BODYGUARDS and officers who were guarding THE—POLICE—STATION were placed under investigation.
20110627             The killing came —1—DAY—AFTER 3—SANTA Catarina police officers were detained on suspicion of spying on officers in 1—NEIGHBORING—TOWN for the Zetas drug cartel.
20110627             —ISSUED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT—IN—THE—NETHERLANDS, arrest warrants for Moammar Gadhafi, his son Seif, and his intelligence CHIEF for crimes against humanity in THE—LIBYA—LEADER—4—MONTH—BATTLE to cling to power.
20110627             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 2—GIRLS were, and 3—CUSTOMS—OFFICERS wounded from 1—BOMBING in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20110627             —TINTED, PAKISTAN, gunmen riding in 1—CAR with, windows near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER shot and killed Shakirullah Shakir, 1—SENIOR—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN—COMMANDER who helped train and deploy the group's suicide bombers.
20110627             1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE fired 2—MISSILES in the Dra Nishter AREA—OF—SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 12 suspected militants.
20110627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—MUTTAHIDA—QAUMI—MOVEMENT, 1—MEMBER—OF—PAKISTAN—RULING—COALITION, it was pulling OUT—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT at both the national level and in SOUTH—SINDH province BECAUSE—OF—DISPUTES over legislative assembly elections held in PAKISTAN—HELD Kashmir —1—DAY—EARLIER.
20110627             PUERTO—RICO—LUIS—CALDERON—RODRIGUEZ, SUB—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—WATER and sewer authority in THE—CITY—OF—CAROLINA, was arrested and removed from his post.
20110627             —CHARGED, He was, with conspiracy to commit bribery involving programs that use USA—FEDERAL—FUNDS.
20110627             Poteyev had reportedly fled to BELARUS and then on to GERMANY and, finally, THE—USA—USING—1—PASSPORT belonging to another person.
20110627             SENEGAL, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS took to THE—STREETS—OF—DAKAR to protest frequent power cuts.
20110627             —CLAIMED, People, they —NOW go regularly without electricity —FOR—24—HOURS or more.
20110627             —UNIONIZED, SOUTH—KOREA, workers at Standard Chartered bank went on strike over THE—ISSUE—OF—PERFORMANCE related pay.
20110627             Korean bank staff were typically paid and promoted according to age and time.
20110627             GENEVA, more than 80—STATES began meeting for the 1. —4—DAY intercessional meeting on THE—CONVENTION—ON—CLUSTER—MUNITIONS to advance their commitments to 1—WORLD—FREE—OF—CLUSTER—BOMBS.
20110627             —INDICATED, —DURING the meeting THAILAND and CAMBODIA, their intention to join in the near future.
20110627             SYRIA, nearly 200—CRITICS—OF—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD met in DAMASCUS for the 1. time —DURING THE—3—MONTH uprising against his rule, in 1—GOVERNMENT—SANCTIONED gathering SOME—ACTIVISTS complained would be exploited to give legitimacy to the regime.
20110627             URUGUAY—GOVERNMENT said it will remove obstacles to human rights prosecutions against some 80—CASES—OF—OFFICIALS—OF—THE—PAST—MILITARY—DICTATORSHIP (19730000—19850000    ).
20110627—20030000    —SUSPENDED, SOUTH—KOREA said it will resume imports of CANADA—BEEF, —AFTER 1—OUTBREAK—OF—MAD—COW—DISEASE, agreeing to allow meat from cows younger than —30—MONTHS—OLD.
20110627—20070000    —IN, 1—SWITZERLAND—MAN, —62—JAHRE—ALT appeared in court accused of drugging and sexually abusing some 50—GIRLS at 1—CAMP and 1—PRIVATE—BOARDING—SCHOOL between 19960000             and his arrest.
20110627—20110521    —ORDERED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, a 4,200-strong ETHIOPIA—PEACEKEEPING—FORCE to Abyei to monitor THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—NORTH—SUDAN—TROOPS who occupied the disputed border region.
20110627—20110701    —ON, the man was sentenced to —13—YEARS in prison and ordered to pay his victims 65,000 SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($77,000).
20120502—20120627    —ON, 1—COURT slapped an —8—MONTH suspended prison sentence and a 1,000-euro ($1,250) fine on 1—BLOGGER.
20120620—20120627    —CALLED, PRESIDENT—SANTOS, CONGRESS back into session urging it to reverse its vote.
20120624—20120627    —ON, 2—BODIES were recovered and 12—PEOPLE remained unaccounted for.
20120624—20120627    —ON, the Taliban released 1—VIDEO showing 17—HEADS displayed on 1—BLOODY—WHITE—SHEET.
20120624—20120627    —RELEASED, THE—TALIBAN, 1—VIDEO showing 17—HEADS displayed on 1—BLOODY—WHITE—SHEET.
20120627             —SIGNED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 1—ROUGHLY $92—BILLION state budget bill.
20120627             The budget kept MOST—OF—THE—STATE—PARKS—OPEN—THIS—YEAR.
20120627             —STRUGGLED, Firefighters, against THE—WALDO—CANYON—FIRE at THE—EDGE—OF—COLORADO—SPRINGS that forced 32,000—PEOPLE from their homes, prompted evacuations from THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY and consumed 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—HOMES.
20120627             —VOTED, THE—CHICAGO—CITY—COUNCIL, to decriminalize marijuana possession.
20120627             —GENERATED, The new law could, MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for the city.
20120627             —TORCHED, SOUTH—EAST—MONTANA, wildfires, over 125,000 acres.
20120627             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 4—POLICEMEN were, in THE—MUSA—QALA—DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province —WHEN 1—ROADSIDE bomb they were trying to defuse exploded.
20120627             —KILLED, Another roadside blast, 2—POLICEMEN and wounded 2—OTHERS in Kunduz province.
20120627             † 4—PEOPLE are believed to have and 130—OTHERS were rescued —AFTER 1 crowded boat carrying asylum seekers to AUSTRALIA capsized and sank between CHRISTMAS—ISLAND and the main INDONESIA—ISLAND—OF—JAVA.
20120627             —STOPPED, AUSTRIA—POLICE, 3 overloaded vans about to ross into HUNGARY and found them packed with 9.5—TONS—OF—STOLEN garlic, valued at $37,500, apparently coming from SPAIN.
20120627             —INJURED, BAHRAIN—POLICE, Zainab AL—KHAWAJA, 1—PROMINENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, by shooting her in the leg with 1—TEAR gas canister.
20120627             —SUSPENDED, BOTSWANA—COURT—OF—APPEAL temporarily, 1—COURT—ORDER for the government to reinstate some 566—WORKERS who were fired in 1—MASSIVE—STRIKE—LAST—YEAR.
20120627             —ANNOUNCED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—DILMA—ROUSSEFF, a new, $4—BILLION economic stimulus package to combat stagnant growth.
20120627             —REVEALED, Barclays bank, that it will pay fines of £290—MILLION ($452—MILLION, 362—MILLION—EUROS) to British and USA—AUTHORITIES over 1—PROBE into rate manipulation, and top staff will take 1—BONUS cut.
20120627             —ESCAPED, JOHN—MASSEY, —64—JAHRE—ALT 1—OF—BRITAIN—LONGEST—SERVING—PRISONERS, from Pentonville prison in Islington, NORTH—LONDON.
20120627             Eloge Niyonzima, 1—JOURNALIST for 1—PRIVATE—RADIO—STATION in Bubanza, was beaten up overnight by MEMBERS—OF—THE—RULING—PARTY—YOUTH wing militia.
20120627             1—CAMBODIA appeals court ordered the release of 13—WOMEN who were jailed for protesting being evicted from their homes without adequate compensation, in 1—CASE that had critics had highlighted as 1—EXAMPLE—OF—INJUSTICE.
20120627             20—4—ETHIOPIANS, including 1—LEADING—OPPOSITION—FIGURE and 1—PROMINENT—JOURNALIST, faced life in prison —AFTER 1—COURT found them guilty on CHARGES—OF—TERROR—ISM.
20120627             They were ACCUSED—OF—LINKS to USA—BASED group Ginbot 7, considered 1—TERROR—IST—GROUP under ETHIOPIA—LAW, and other outlawed groups.
20120627             GABON—PRESIDENT—ALI—BONGO set fire to 5—TONS—OF—IVORY worth —AROUND 10—MILLION—EUROS ($14—MILLION) to mark his government's commitment to battling poachers and saving elephants.
20120627             —REQUIRED, The stockpile and would have, THE—KILLING—OF—SOME 850—ELEPHANTS.
20120627             —CALLED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI, for early elections 1 released statement —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—POLITICAL—CRISES escalated into calls for his removal.
20120627             Bombs in BAGHDAD targeting the homes of Shiite cleric and 1—MEMBER—OF—1—SUNNI militia that fights AL—QAIDA killed at least 11—PEOPLE, including 4—TEENAGERS.
20120627             —CRIPPLED, TEPCO, THE—OPERATOR—OF—JAPAN'S, FUKUSHIMA nuclear plant, said record AMOUNTS—OF—RADIATION had been detected in THE—BASEMENT—OF—REACTOR—NUMBER 1, further hampering CLEAN—UP operations.
20120627             —CLAIMED, MALI, Islamists, CONTROL—OF—THE—KEY—TOWN—OF—GAO in the occupied NORTH—AFTER fierce clashes with Tuareg rebels left at least 21—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120627             1—GRAINY —3—MINUTE—VIDEO appeared on Mundonarco.com depicting 5—SHIRTLESS—MEN on their knees, their chests painted with large black "Z"s, surrounded by masked MEMBERS—OF—MEXICO—GULF cartel wielding machetes.
20120627             —SHOWED, The footage, MEMBERS—OF—THE—GULF cartel interrogating and then beheading at least 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ZETAS cartel.
20120627             —PLANTED, PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, under 1—TEA stall at 1—RAILWAY—STATION in the southwest killed 7—PEOPLE, including 1—CHILD, and wounded more than 12—OTHERS.
20120627             —ORDERED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—OVERHAUL—OF—THE—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT in 1—APPARENT—REACTION to criticism that the Federation Council is little more than 1—VACATION—RETREAT for officials.
20120627             SOUTH—KOREAN—ARCHAEOLOGIST—CHO MI—SOON, said that the nation's archeological agency has found the remains of 1—FARMING—FIELD from the Neolithic period on SOUTH—KOREA—EAST—COAST and that the site may be up to 5,—600—YEARS—OLD.
20120627             —REPORTED, SPAIN—SCIENTISTS, evidence that dinosaurs were WARM—BLOODED, despite being reptiles.
20120627             —RAIDED, SYRIA, gunmen, the headquarters of AL—IKHBARIYA, 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT TV station, killing 7—EMPLOYEES, kidnapping others and demolishing buildings in Drousha.
20120627             —DEFECTED, Some 30—MORE—SYRIA—SOLDIERS, to TURKEY with their families overnight.
20120627             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 10—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—AMBUSH in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR EL—ZOUR.
20120627             EAST—TURKEY, 1—EXPLOSION targeting 1—PIPELINE cut off IRAN—NATURAL—GAS—SHIPMENTS to the country.
20120627             —EXPECTED, The pipeline was, to be —BACK—IN operation within 4 to —5—DAYS.
20120627—19750000    —IN, He was serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for THE—MURDER—OF—1—MAN at 1—HACKNEY pub.
20120627—19990000    —SINCE, THE—USA—FDA approved Arena Pharmaceuticals' ANTI—OBESITY—PILL—BELVIQ, the 1. weight loss drug approved.
20120627—20050000    —IN, GERMANY, banker GERHARD—GRIBKOWSKY was found guilty in MUNICH of receiving corrupt payments from Bernie Ecclestone, the boss of the Formula 1—GROUP, as Formula 1 was sold to CVC Capital, 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM.
20120627—20110000    —IN, Lawyers representing Amazon rain forest residents in ECUADOR filed a 2. lawsuit in BRAZIL to seize assets of Chevron Corp. as PART—OF—THEIR—EFFORT to collect an $18.2—BILLION judgement they won in ECUADOR.
20120627—20120524    —ON, prison sentences were imposed on THE—13—WOMEN.
20120627—20120701    —PARDONED, BURUNDI PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA, "several 1000" prisoners in order to address prison overcrowding and celebrate the 50.
20120627—20120703    —REPORTED, The gas flow was, restored.
20120627—20120804    —FROM, police can issue tickets of $250-$500 for someone caught with 15—GRAMS or less of pot.
20130624—20130627    —ON, Starnes left THE—BEIJING factory —AFTER he and 1—LABOR—REPRESENTATIVE—SAID—THE—2—SIDES had reached agreement in 1—PAY—DISPUTE.
20130625—20130627    —RETURNED, It reopened —AFTER workers.
20130627             PRESIDENT—OBAMA began an —8—DAY—TRIP to AFRICA with 1—VISIT to SENEGAL.
20130627             —SUSPENDED, THE—USA, BANGLADESH from its Generalized SYSTEM—OF—PREFERENCES due to wretched conditions in its export industries.
20130627             —RETIRED, EUGENE—MALLORY, —80—JAHRE—ALT, 1, CALIFORNIA man, was shot and killed by police who raided his home based on 1—INCORRECT, anonymous tip that the senior citizen was housing 1—METHAMPHETAMINE—LAB on his residence, despite having no criminal record —PRIOR—TO the incident.
20130627             A 30-count FEDERAL—INDICTMENT was opened against BOSTON Marathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
20130627             —AMBUSHED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban fighters, 1—NATIONAL—POLICE—PATROL overnight, killing 1—COMMANDER and 4—OF—HIS—MEN in HERAT province.
20130627             —AMBUSHED, In Ghazni province police, 1—GROUP—OF—TALIBAN fighters and killed 5, including 1—LEADER believed to have been responsible for making roadside bombs and organizing suicide attacks in the area.
20130627             KEVIN—RUDD was sworn in as AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER —3—YEARS and —3—DAYS—AFTER he was ousted from the same job in 1—INTERNAL—GOVERNMENT showdown.
20130627             —BATTLED, BRAZIL, some 5,000 protesters, police in FORTALEZA.
20130627             —MARCHED, In Rio some 2,000—PEOPLE, without clashes.
20130627             Demonstrators were angry over corruption and poor public services despite high taxes.
20130627             —RAISED, THE—UN, the alarm about the recent rape of 9—GIRLS in EAST—CONGO.
20130627             † The youngest was —18—MONTHS—OLD and 2—OF—THE—GIRLS.
20130627             —THUMBED, ECUADOR—LEFTIST—GOVERNMENT, its nose at WASHINGTON by renouncing USA—TRADE—BENEFITS and offering to pay for human rights training in AMERICA in response to pressure over asylum for former intelligence contractor EDWARD—SNOWDEN.
20130627             —HASHED, Top EU officials, out 1—LAST—MINUTE—DEAL on a 960—BILLION euro ($1.3—TRILLION) budget for the bloc for the next —7—YEARS.
20130627             IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS—TARGETING soccer fans watching the Confederations Cup semifinal between SPAIN and ITALY in cafes in BAGHDAD, Jbala and Baqouba killed 36—PEOPLE.
20130627             —APPROVED, KOSOVO—PARLIAMENT, 1—EU—BROKERED agreement on creating normal ties with neighboring Serbia as protesters opposing the deal clashed with riot police in PRISTINA.
20130627             —KILLED, Security officials said at least 10 were, and dozens injured in the clashes.
20130627             MOROCCO, delegates at the World Intellectual Property Organization produced 1—DRAFT—TREATY—TEXT showing consensus.
20130627             600—NEGOTIATORS in MARRAKECH agreed to 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY to overcome "book famine" for world's 285M visually impaired.
20130627             —KILLED, SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, at least 2—PEOPLE in Kuchlak village, Baluchistan province, 1—AREA frequently hit by violence.
20130627             —HALTED, PORTUGAL—UNIONS, public transport in 1—PEACEFUL—1—DAY—STRIKE against austerity measures which have led to the worst economic slump —SINCE—THE 1970s and sent unemployment to record levels.
20130627             SYRIA, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER hit the central neighborhood of Bab Touma in DAMASCUS, killing 1—LEAST 4—PEOPLE with several more wounded.
20130706             Anonymous Coward, 20130627             —1215—PM—PEOPLE would be up in arms
20130706             Anonymous Coward, 20130627             —1232—PM
20140501—20140627    —ON, His body was found in the Red River, not far from where he attended school.
20140626—20140627    —AGREED, UKRAINE—SEPARATIST—REBELS, to take part in further peace talks to end the conflict in the eastern regions.
20140627             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, its intention to join 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY banning land mines, without setting 1—TIME frame —WHILE working through possible complications on the Korean Peninsula.
20140627             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA—GOLDEN—GATE—BRIDGE—HIGHWAY and Transportation District, $76—MILLION to install steel cable nets beneath the edges of THE—GG bridge to prevent suicides.
20140627             —RAIDED, COLORADO, police in DENVER, THE—MARYJANE—SOCIAL—CLUB, 1—OF—DOZENS—OF—PRIVATE pot smoking clubs operating in 1—LEGAL gray area.
20140627             —HANDCUFFED, Officers, smokers, seized drug paraphernalia and ticketed the owner for violating 1—STATE—LAW banning indoor cigarette smoking.
20140627             SOMERSET—KENTUCKY, CLINTON Inabnitt (40) shot and killed lawyer MARK—STANZIANO, —57—JAHRE—ALT—AFTER being turned down for help.
20140627             —COMMITTED, MISSISSIPPI, attorney and Tea Party official MARK—MAYFIELD, suicide —AFTER facing charges for taking PHOTOS—OF—USA—SENATOR—THAD—COCHRAN—AILING—WIFE inside 1—NURSING—HOME.
20140627             1—VERSION by the Rolling Stones became that group's 1. NUMBER 1—HIT single in BRITAIN.
20140627             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS, on THE—AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—PALACE in SUPPORT—OF—CANDIDATE—ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH—ALLEGATIONS that mass fraud had been committed —DURING the presidential election by organizers and state officials.
20140627             —CHARGED, 1—ARGENTINE judge, VICE—PRESIDENT—AMADO—BOUDOU with bribery and conducting business incompatible with public OFFICE—IN—THE—ACQUISITION—OF—THE—COMPANY that prints the country's currency and of —LATER benefiting from government contracts.
20140627             —ORDERED, UK—AUTHORITIES, Eurotunnel to stop running its ferry service to FRANCE on grounds of unfair competition.
20140627             —RATTLED, BULGARIA, depositors withdrew some $550—MILLION from THE—1.—INVESTMENT—BANK (FIB) in 1—MATTER—OF—HOURS.
20140627             —APPEALED, Authorities, for calm and arrested several people suspected of instigating the crises.
20140627             —STRANDED, Some 200,000 depositors and companies were left, without access to their funds.
20140627             —SENTENCED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA said 1—COURT has, 25—MEMBERS—OF—QUANNENGSHEN, or the Church of Almighty God, 1 banned religious, group to prison terms of up to —8—YEARS, the largest in 1—SERIES—OF—PROSECUTIONS against 1—GROUP that CHINA calls 1—ILLEGAL—CULT.
20140627             5—CHINA—FISHERMEN were missing —AFTER 1—TRAWLER sank in waters to THE—NORTH—OF—ISLANDS disputed with JAPAN in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA in what appeared to be 1—ACCIDENT.
20140627             —NOMINATED, EUROPEAN—UNION leaders, FORMER—LUXEMBOURG—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—CLAUDE—JUNCKER, —59—JAHRE—ALT to become the 28-nation bloc's new CHIEF executive.
20140627             He was chosen by 1—INDIRECT—SYSTEM known as Spitzenkandidaten (lead candidate).
20140627             —SIGNED, EUROPEAN—UNION—LEADERS, broad trade and economic deals with NON—MEMBER—COUNTRIES—UKRAINE, MOLDOVA and GEORGIA.
20140627             EU leaders —SEPTEMBER 20140630             as the deadline for THE—RELEASE—OF—PRISONERS in EAST—UKRAINE and for the terms of 1—LASTING—CEASEFIRE, warning MOSCOW they were ready to impose further sanctions.
20140627             GERMANY—TRAVEL—GROUP—TUI and its UK—SUBSIDIARY TUI Travel said that they had agreed to 1—TIE—UP that will create the world's biggest tourism operator.
20140627             —PROTESTED, HONG—KONG, more than 800—LAWYERS, over 1—REQUIREMENT for judges to be patriotic to CHINA.
20140627             —VEILED, In what was seen as 1—THINLY, threat ahead of a —10—DAY—REFERENDUM, BEIJING had released 1—POLICY—DOCUMENT that said, among other things, that HONG—KONG—AUTONOMY comes at the discretion of the central government and included 1—REQUIREMENT for judges to be patriotic to CHINA.
20140627             —KILLED, INDIA, 14—PEOPLE were, and 20 injured in 1—BLAST and fire at 1—GAS—PIPELINE in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—ANDHRA—PRADESH.
20140627             IRAQ—FORCES fought for a 2. —DAY to seize CONTROL—OF—1—STRATEGICALLY located UNIVERSITY—IN—MILITANT—HELD—TIKRIT ahead of 1—FULL—SCALE—ASSAULT on the city.
20140627             IRAQ—KURDISH—LEADER—MASSUD Barzani said there was no going back on autonomous Kurdish rule in oil city KIRKUK and other towns —NOW defended against Sunni militants by Kurdish fighters.
20140627             —KILLED, 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE on 1—CAR in THE—GAZA—STRIP, 2—PALESTINIANS, hours —AFTER 1—BOMB exploded near troops manning ISRAEL—SECURITY—FENCE.
20140627             ISRAEL—ERITREAN, and SUDAN—MIGRANTS left the open Holot detention center, saying ISRAEL has not processed their claims for asylum.
20140627             —CAMPED, They, out by the border —AFTER ISRAEL—ARMY prevented them from crossing into EGYPT.
20140627             —DETAINED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES, DOCTOR—JOSE—MIRELES, 1—OF—THE—MOST—WELL—KNOWN—LEADERS—OF vigilante groups that have been battling drug gangs in Michoacan state, for carrying illegal guns.
20140627             —DETAINED, He was, in Lazaro Cardenas with 82—OTHER—PEOPLE who also were allegedly carrying illegal firearms, as they planned to travel to THE—STATE—CAPITAL—OF—MORELIA.
20140627             —ARRESTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—S—LUIS—POTOSI, ROMAN—CATHOLIC—PRIEST—GUILLERMO—GIL—TORRES on suspicion of sexually abusing 1—MINOR, the 2. priest charged there in —1—WEEK.
20140627             —DEFUSED, NIGERIA, police acting on 1—TIP—OFF, 1—BOMB consisting of 13—CYLINDERS—OF explosives next to the Jumat Praying Ground in KANO.
20140627             —KILLED, Insurgents, 7—SOLDIERS in the village of Goniri, Yobe state.
20140627             PAKISTAN, 1—YOUNG—COUPLE were tied up and had their throats slit with scythes —AFTER they oo for love.
20140627             869—SO—CALLED "honor killings" were reported in the media —LAST—YEAR—SEVERAL —1—DAY.
20140627             But the true figure is probably much higher —SINCE MANY—CASES are never reported.
20140627             1—PANAMA—JUDGE acquitted and ordered the immediate release of the last 3—OF 35—NORTH—KOREANS detained —LAST—YEAR for trying to transport undeclared CUBA—WEAPONS through THE—PANAMA—CANAL.
20140627             —BASED, The decision was, on the fact that the incident "was of INTERNATIONAL character and outside PANAMA—JURISDICTION".
20140627             —CAUSED, PARAGUAY officials said floods, by torrential rains have forced the evacuation of some 200,000—PEOPLE living near THE—PARAGUAY and PARANA rivers.
20140627             UKRAINE, PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATIST—LEADERS and mediators for the Kiev government met in THE—CITY—OF—DONETSK in new KONSULtations on ending the fighting in UKRAINE—RUSSIAN—SPEAKING—EAST.
20140627             PRESIDENT—PETRO—POROSHENKO told EU leaders he was extending 1—CEASEFIRE in EAST—UKRAINE —FOR—3—DAYS.
20140627             —RELEASED, Rebels in the southeast, 4—OUT—OF—8—OSCE observers, captured over —1—MONTH—AGO.
20140627             —ARRESTED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 2—QATAR citizens, HAMAD—ALI—AL—HAMADI and Yousef Abdelsamad AL—MULLA, at the Ghweifat border crossing between SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UAE.
20140627             —DESCRIBED, Both were, as "spies" by Emirati media.
20140627             —AGREED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL, to set up —1—YEAR—LONG—INQUIRY into human rights in ERITREA, similar to previous HIGH—LEVEL—INVESTIGATIONS into Syria, NORTH—KOREA and SRI—LANKA.
20140627             THE—UN said some 110,000—PEOPLE have fled to RUSSIA from UKRAINE —SINCE—THE—START—OF—20140000             —WHILE more than 54,000 have been displaced inside THE—CONFLICT—TORN country.
20140627             THE—VATICAN said that ARCH—BISHOP—JOZEF—WESOLOWSKI, 1—FORMER—AMBASSADOR to THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP., was found guilty for sexually abusing boys and sentenced to laicization.
20140627             —KNOCKED, VENEZUELA, 1—POWER—PLANT—FAILURE, out electricity across 1—BIG—SWATH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, darkening the lights at 1—NATIONALLY televised presidential ceremony and forcing 1—SUSPENSION—OF—SUBWAY and train services —AROUND the country.
20140627             —PITTED, YEMEN, fierce clashes, government troops against Huthi militants in Amran province.
20140627             OST—UKRAINE—SEPARATISTEN lassen OSZE—TEAM frei
20140627             NORD—KOREA—KIM—JONG—UN lässt neue Rakete testen
20140627             Überraschungsfund:: Urzeitliches Riff in der Wüste
20140627             Gefährlicher Durchfall: NORO—VIREN verursachen fast 20 % aller MAGEN—DARM—INFEKTE
20140627             Folgen der NSA—AFFÄRE: BUNDES—REGIERUNG trennt sich von Verizon
20140627             ÖKO—STROM: Gegen den Willen BRÜSSELS—BUNDES—TAG beschließt ENERGIE—REFORM
20140627             Fusionen: Kirchenbanken verbünden sich
20140627             —WÄHREND, 1—WARMPHASE vor gut 400.—000—JAHREN war der SÜDEN GRÖNLANDs fast komplett eisfrei.
20140627             Das schließt 1—INTERNATIONALES FORSCHER—TEAM aus deder ANALYSE—VON—BOHRKERNEN aus der EIRIK—DRIFT - 1—MEERESAREAL vor der Südspitze GRÖNLANDs.
20140627             ließ DER—DAMALS, schmelzende südgrönländische Eisschild den MEERES—SPIEGEL um 4—BIS 6—METER ansteigen,
20140627             DIE—DAMALIGEN klimatischen Bedingungen seien jenen vergleichbar, die für Ende —DIESES—JAHRHUNDERTS vorhergesagt würden.
20140627             WEITERGABE—VON—NUTZER—DATEN: FACEBOOK legt sich mit den USA—BEHÖRDEN an
20140627             —UKRAINE—KRISE, OST—AUSSCHUSS befürchtet Verlust von 25.000—ARBEITSPLÄTZEN
20140627             —VORSTOß von PRÄSIDENT—POROSCHENKO—UKRAINE verlängert WAFFEN—RUHE
20140627             Verflogen: Wie Insekten der falschen Duftfährte folgen
20140627             HARVARD—PROFESSOR Rogoff: "KRISEN—LÄNDER sollten sich stärker VER—SCHULDEN können"
20140627             DIE—GESELLSCHAFT der ZUKUNFT, Stadt macht frei
20140627             —100—JAHRE—NACH—ERSTEM WELT—KRIEG: Serben errichten Denkmal für SARAJEVO—ATTENTÄTER
20140627             TREFFEN—MIT—LINKE—CHEFS: In der UNIONS—FRAKTION schwelt Ärger über GABRIEL
20140627             Ausgegraben: Kambyses verschwundene ARMEE - CYBER—DIALOG mit USA—AMERIKANERN: NSA?
20140627             War da was?
20140627             Ernährung: "VIELE—DEUTSCHLAND—KÖNNEN nicht mehr kochen"
20140627             ANSTURM—AUF—FI—BANK, Kunden räumen ihre Konten bei BULGARIEN—GROSS—BANK
20140627             EU—GIPFEL: MERKEL verlangt von PUTIN rasches Einlenken in UKRAINE—KRISE
20140627             Justizirrtum in FLORIDA: Gericht verwirft TODES—URTEIL nach —28—JAHREN
20140627             —KOOPERIERT, DEAL—MIT—ROSNEFT, PUTINs ÖL—KONZERN, mit BP und EXXON Mobil
20140627             IRAK—KONFLIKT—USA lassen bewaffnete Drohnen über BAGDAD kreisen
20140627             —VERGANGENE—WOCHE berichtete Kaper auf 1—INTERNATIONALEN KONFERENZ—IN—LEIDEN.
20140627             WEITERGABE—VON—TELEFON—DATEN: Linke fordert von STEINMEIER Erklärung zu BND—DATEN—SKANDAL
20140627             ABKOMMEN—MIT—DER EU: KREML droht UKRAINE mit "schweren Konsequenzen"
20140627             —BEFÜRCHTET, UKRAINE—KRISE, Ostausschuss, Verlust von 25.000—ARBEITSPLÄTZEN
20140627             BUNDESWEHR: Rechnungshof wirft Wehrressort —JAHRE—LANGE Vertuschung bei G36—GEWEHR vor
20140627             OBAMA zu illegaler Einwanderung: "Eure Kinder enden womöglich im Sexhandel"
20140627             Kritik von USA—ABGEORDNETEN: OBAMA soll designierten BOTSCHAFTER—IN—NORWEGEN zurückziehen
20140627—19140628    —UNVEILED, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS, 1—MONUMENT in their PART—OF—SARAJEVO to Gavrilo Princip, the man who ignited the war by assassinating THE—AUSTRO—HUNGARY—CROWN—PRINCE.
20140627—19640000    —IN, he recorded "It's All Over —NOW" with the Valentinos that included 4—OF—HIS—BROTHERS.
20140627—20140620    —SUSPENDED, Operations at the Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB) were, —FOLLOWING 1—RUN that took 20—PERCENT—OF—DEPOSITS.
20140627—20141101    —NEEDED, Juncker still, to be confirmed by the European PARLIAMENT —BEFORE taking office.
201406280627141248   Unknown
201412261225062724   Unknown Unknown UNITED—STATES—FLAG—DENVER—COLORADO—UNITED—STATES LOCKHEED—MARTIN—CORPORATION ( Unknown (No referring link)
20150627             —NACH REFERENDUM—ANKÜNDIGUNG: Griechen stürmen GELD—AUTOMATEN
20150627             Schlussakt im Schuldendrama: SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN wollen GRIECHENLAND im EURO halten
20150627             TSIPRAS' REFERENDUMsplan: Der Zocker
20150627             REFERENDUM—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Die verwirrte Nation
20150627             REFERENDUM—IN—GRIECHENLAND—TSIPRAS' gefährliches Kalkül
20150627             —NACH ANSCHLAG—IN—SOUSSE—TUNESIEN schließt Moscheen
20150627             GRIECHENLAND—VERHANDLUNGEN: Wenn Börsianer und Politiker Gefühle zeigen
20150627             —VERBIETET, Selbstporträts: Disney, SELFIE—STICKS
20150627             —NACH REFERENDUM—ANKÜNDIGUNG: EURO—GRUPPE bereitet sich auf GRIECHENLANDs Pleite vor
20150627             Modellstadt der SPD: Die Tragödie von Freital
20150627             —GETESTET, DIE—USA—ARMY hat an ihren eigenen Soldaten Senfgas.
20150627             Aber schön nach Rasse getrenne.
20150627             Die Schwarzen und Asiaten haben Senfgas abgekriegt, die Weißen dienten als "KONTROLL—GRUPPE".
20150627             Dazu der Pressefuzzy des PENTAGON:
20150627             "And I think we have probably come as far as ANY—INSTITUTION in AMERICA on race.... So I think particularly for us in uniform, to hear and see something like this, it's stark. It's even 1—LITTLE—BIT jarring".
20150627             Na das will ich ja wohl auch hoffen!
20150627             Der letzte FALL—VON—DIPHTERIE in SPANIEN war 19870000             .
20150627             Wie kommt es? Na dreimal dürft ihr raten! Nicht geimpft!
20150627              16:02:16 Chrome 43.0 - Win7 - 1366x768 GERMANY Flag DARMSTADT,
20150627             HESSEN, GERMANY Hochschule DARMSTADT ( - alfatomega.com/20081009.html
20150627             www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://ptrace.fefe.de/zuerich-bankenkrise-tram.jpg&imgrefurl=http://alfatomega.com/20081009.html&h=606&w=640&tbnid=i3w_QBvnKDeG7M:&zoom=1&docid=GMa36xUSW1TgaM&ei=37qOVeK1I4PfU6eYgKAN&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=391&page=1&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=0CGIQrQMwFAImage Search
20150627             Why is THE—BBC lying - Zufallsfund in PASSAU: BAU—ARBEITER finden GOLD—SCHATZ
20150627             [l] DER—GUARDIAN hat mal bei DONALD—TRUMP nach seiner GEBURTS—URKUNDE und seinen PASSPORT—DATEN—SÄTZEN gefragt, genau wie DONALD—TRUMP das bei OBAMA getan hatte (er war 1—DER lautesten Teilnehmer der BIRTHER—BEWEGUNG).
20150627             Ergebnis:
20150627             —KILLED, The number of civilians, —SINCE BANDS—OF—ELITE IS fighters infiltrated the town early 20150625             exceeded 200 and was likely to rise as the search for bodies continues.
20150627             SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA, 1—COUPLE searching for 1—DOG found 1—HEADLESS goat, dead chickens, 1—HEADLESS—RAT and 1 decapitated catfish, adding to the number of decapitated animals found in recent months.
20150627             Bree Newsome (30), 1—BLACK—WOMAN, and JAMES—IAN—TYSON, 1—WHITE—MAN, were charged with defacing 1—MONUMENT.
20150627             AFGHANISTAN, 1—USA—AIR—STRIKE took place in Paktika province, 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—HAQQANI network and other groups allied with the Taliban.
20150627             1—AL—QAIDA operative was reported killed.
20150627             ARGENTINA said Lilian Herraez, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—TIERRA del Fuego, has ordered THE—SEIZURE—OF—ASSETS—OF—OIL drilling companies operating in the Falklands Islands, including property held by USA—FIRM—NOBLE—ENERGY.
20150627             —SUSPENDED, ARMENIA—PRESIDENT—SERZH—SARKISIAN, 1—CONTROVERSIAL hike in electricity prices but the move failed to appease protesters who vowed to keep up with the largest ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS THE—EX—SOVIET—NATION has seen in years.
20150627             —REPORTED, BURUNDI, witnesses in Jabe neighborhood in of BUJUMBURA, intense gunfire —LATE—TODAY in 1—APPARENT—POLICE—CRACKDOWN on areas seen as hosting ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS.
20150627             2—PEOPLE were killed in attacks believed to have been carried out by police.
20150627             CHINA cut interest rates for 4. time in —6—MONTHS to boost sluggish national economy.
20150627             Angry eurozone ministers said GREECE—SHOCK—DECISION to hold 1—REFERENDUM on its bailout had closed the door on the chances of 1—DEAL to save ATHENS from default and 1—POSSIBLE—EURO exit.
20150627             —ORDERED, He had been, to leave the country —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH for unacceptable business practices that are detrimental to THE—GAMBIA—ECONOMY.
20150627             —BURNED, IRAN, 100—TONS—OF—DRUGS recovered from traffickers in 1—CEREMONY to coincide with 1—INTERNATIONAL—ANTI—DRUG—DAY meeting in TEHRAN.
20150627             —ANNOUNCED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, that security forces have arrested Abdel Baqi AL—SADUN, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL in the disbanded Baath Party.
20150627             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS killed 12—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD.
20150627             —STAGED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA and its allies, air strikes against ISLAMIC—STATE—POSITIONS with 10—STRIKES in IRAQ and 17 in Syria.
20150627             —DETAINED, KUWAIT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said it had, amongst others the owner of 1—VEHICLE which 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER used to get to 1—SHI'ITE Muslim mosque where he blew himself up, killing 27 and wounding 200.
20150627             —SUSPECTED, WEST—MALI, Islamist fighters attacked Nara town near the border with MAURITANIA —BEFORE dawn, 12—PEOPLE were killed, including 3—SOLDIERS and 4—ATTACKERS.
20150627             —CLAIMED, Ansar Dine —LATER, responsibility.
20150627             —KILLED, NIGERIA, at least 5—PEOPLE were, and 10 wounded —AFTER 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up outside 1—LEPROSY hospital on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20150627             1—PAKISTAN—OFFICIAL said the weeklong heat wave in the southern port CITY—OF—KARACHI has left 1,233—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20150627             —ANNOUNCED, PERU, that Neymer Keni Maldonado, the logistics CHIEF—OF—THE—SHINING—PATH—REBEL—GROUP, has been captured and that the government is lifting a —3—DECADE—LONG—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in 1—COCA—GROWING—REGION—OF—THE—ALTO—HUALLAGA jungle.
20150627             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—SUDAN, Malakal was, and captured by rebels led by EX—GOVERNMENT—GENERAL—JOHNSON—OLONY, accused by aid agencies of forcibly recruiting HUNDREDS—OF—CHILD—SOLDIERS.
20150627             † In SPAIN a —6—YEAR—OLD—BOY, the 1. child to contract diphtheria in SPAIN in —29—YEARS, from the disease in 1—BARCELONA hospital.
20150627             —VACCINATED, He had not been, against the disease because his parents had opted against inoculation.
20150627             SYRIA, Kurdish forces drove out ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS who had infiltrated THE—SYRIA—BORDER—TOWN—OF—KOBANI, but clashes continued outside the town.
20150627             TAIWAN, 1—FIRE spread into 1—CROWD—OF—SPECTATORS at 1—MUSIC—PARTY at 1—WATER—PARK—LATE—TODAY.
20150627             —SPARKED, The fire was, by 1—ACCIDENTAL explosion of 1 colored theatrical powder thrown from the stage in front of about 1,000—PEOPLE.
20150627             † 1—PERSON was killed and 498—PEOPLE suffered burns.
20150627             Le Quoc Quan, 1—OF—VIETNAM—MOST prominent dissidents, vowed to continue his ANTI—CHINA—ACTIVISM—AFTER being released from prison —AFTER serving 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS on tax evasion charges.
20150627             YEMEN—REBELS withdrew SOME—OF—THEIR—FORCES from THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ADEN to reinforce positions elsewhere.
20150627             —DEBATTE um Strafrecht: Mord soll nicht mehr automatisch zu lebenslang führen
20150627             Geschenke für STAATS—OBERHÄUPTER: Waffen, Welpen und geklaute Handys
20150627             —VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—GRIECHENLAND: SEEHOFER will den "Zirkus"beenden
20150627             SYRIEN—GRENZSTADT: Kurden vertreiben IS aus Kobane
20150627             —BEREITET, Nach REFERENDUM—ANKÜNDIGUNG: EURO—GRUPPE, sich auf GRIECHENLANDs Pleite vor
20150627             [l] Nicht nur DIE—DEUTSCHEN haben —WWII—IM, menschenverachtende Experimente an wehrlosen OPFERn durchgeführt.
20150627             "The 1.thing to be very clear about is that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE does not conduct CHEMICAL—WEAPONS testing ANY—LONGER,"he says.
20150627             [l] In GRIECHENLAND gibt es gerade 1—BANK—RUN.
20150627             [l] In SPANIEN gab es —JETZT den 1.DIPHTERIE—TOTEN.
20150627             Wie kommt es?
20150627             Das Kind hatte auch —SCHON 8—ANDERE angesteckt, aber die waren geimpft und bei denen ist die Krankheit nicht ausgebrochen.
20150627             TERROR—IN—TUNESIEN: Sehnsucht —NACH—DEM DIKTATOR
20150627             TAIWAN: Mehr als 400—VERLETZTE nach EXPLOSION—IN—FREIZEITPARK
20150627             —STREIT—ÜBER—HILFSPROGRAMM: Wie es —JETZT mit GRIECHENLAND weiter geht
20150627             —REFUSED, Presidential hopeful DONALD—TRUMP has, to release his LONG—FORM—BIRTH—CERTIFICATE and passport records, despite demanding the same from BARACK—OBAMA
20150627—19680000    —FORMED, The band, as 1—OF—THE 1. progressive rock groups.
20160627             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE,: Johnson verspricht weiter Privilegien - auch ohne EU—MITGLIEDSCHAFT
20160627             SPANIEN—WAHL: Konservative werden stärkste Kraft
20160627             IWF—CHEFIN—LAGARDE: Märkte haben BREXIT—VOTUM "erheblich unterschätzt"
20160627             WAHL—IN—SPANIEN: Alles beim Alten - BREXIT—VOTUM: Johnson spielt auf Zeit
20160627             "Es gab keine Panik", sagte LAGARDE.
20160627             —GEWESEN, DIE—NOTEN—BANKEN seien vorbereitet, und hätten ihren Job gemacht, die MARKT—SITUATION sei unter Kontrolle gewesen.
20160627             —IN—DEN—TAGEN vor dem Votum waren DIE—KURSE gestiegen, Anleger waren von 1—VERBLEIB der BRITEN in der EU ausgegangen.
20160627             —IM—MOMENT herrsche noch große Unsicherheit.
20160627             Politiker und Institutionen müssten —NUN zusammenarbeiten, um die Auswirkungen des BREXIT—VOTUMS zu bewältigen.
20160627             DAS—PFUND und DER—EURO gerieten —AM—MONTAG erneut unter Druck.
20160627             DAS—PFUND—STERLING verlor gegenüber dem USA—$ mehr als 2 % und wurde mit 1,3355—DOLLAR gehandelt.
20160627             —VERSUCHT, BREXIT: FINANZ—MINISTER—OSBORNE, Märkte zu beruhigen
20160627             Der schnelle Überblick
20160627             —PASSIERT, Das ist :
20160627             • 51,9—PROZENT—DER—BRITISCHEN—WÄHLER haben für den AUSTRITT des Landes aus DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION gestimmt.
20160627             DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG lag bei mehr als 70 %.
20160627             • PREMIER—DAVID—CAMERON hat seinen Rücktritt für ;;10;; angekündigt.
20160627             • Politiker aus SCHOTTLAND und NORD—IRLAND wollen in der EU bleiben.
20160627             • DAS—PFUND verliert dramatisch an Wert, AKTIEN—KURSE WELT—WEIT stürzten ab.
20160627             • RECHTS—POPULISTEN in ganz EUROPA freuen sich und fordern —NUN ebenfalls VOLKS—ABSTIMMUNGEN über DIE—EU.
20160627             DIE—REGIERUNG habe MAßNAHMEn vorbereitet, um damit fertig zu werden.
20160627             —NUN gehe es darum, sich mit den EU—LÄNDERN auf ein möglichst vorteilhaftes HANDELS—ABKOMMEN zu einigen.
20160627             Osborne schloss sich damit der Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds[IWF] an
20160627             —EXPLOITED, Immigration was, IN—THE—CAMPAIGN with consummate cynicism, not only by populist politicians from the lunar right, but by LABOUR politicians drawing on their own venerable tradition of promoting and nurturing racism, 1—SYMPTOM—OF—CORRUPTION not at the bottom but at the top.
20160627             —BEFORE that, there was the wilful DESTRUCTION—OF—YUGOSLAVIA.
20160627             its perfidious politicians and politicised civil servants.
20160627             —ON, 20160623             , THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—SAID no more.
20160627             1.6—MILLION are slipping into penury.
20160627             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Little of this social catastrophe is, in the bourgeois controlled media, notably the Oxbridge dominated BBC.
20160627             NATO—EXERCISES in POLAND were the biggest —SINCE THE—NAZI —INVASÃON;
20160627             —SIMULATED, Operation Anaconda had, 1—ATTACK on RUSSIA, presumably with nuclear weapons.
20160627             —SQUEEZED, The 99 % were, but "the economy" grew – in 1—WAY that concentrated growth in the hands of THE—1—PERCENT.
20160627             Killing the Host, to appear in ;;11;;, as Der Sektor: Warum die Globale FINANZ—WIRTSCHAFT uns Zerstört.
20160627             The morality of paying back all debts is not necessarily justice.
20160627             We need to take the overall consequences into account.
20160627             The morality of paying off THE—IMF and ECB is analogous to paying off the madman discussed by SOCRATES.
20160627             Shifting economic policy from voters to bankers ALREADY had led FRANK—SCHIRRMACHER to write 1—ARTICLE in THE—FRANKFURTER—ALLGEMEINE—ZEITUNG, "Democracy is Junk".
20160627             —GREED, Their, SOCRATES explains, inserts the parasitic "sting of their money into ANY—OF—THE—REMAINDER who do not resist".
20160627             " The effect is to burden MANY—ATHENIANS with debt, to suffer foreclosure on their land and disenfranchisement, fostering "the drone and pauper element IN—THE—STATE".
20160627             This leaves THE—PEOPLE (the demos) to "conspire against the acquirers of their estates and THE—REST—OF—THE—CITIZENS, and be eager for REVOLUTION".
20160627             The way to quench this disaster in the making, SOCRATES suggests, is to enact "1—LAW prohibiting 1—MAN from doing as he likes with his own, or in this way, by a 2. law that does away with such abuses".
20160627             "THE—LAW that is next best... commanding that most voluntary contracts should be at the contractor's risk. THE—PURSUIT—OF—WEALTH would be less SHAMELES—IN—THE—S state and fewer of the evils of which we spoke —JUST—NOW would grow up there".
20160627             —SPONSORED, ROMAN—EMPERORS, 1—MARKET—ECONOMY that aimed at producing 1—FISCAL—SURPLUS, which was used largely to pay mercenaries.
20160627             —CONCENTRATED, Wealth and political power were, IN—THE—IMPERIAL—BUREAUCRACY, army leaders, and their suppliers and provisioners.
20160627             enacted in 297, taxed the hitherto exempt wealthy landowners as well as THE—REST—OF—THE—ECONOMY.
20160627             His successor, CONSTANTINE (ruled 306-337), The effect was monetary deflation.
20160627             "Like the gold —STANDARD of the 19. and 20. centuries," PROFESSOR—WEISWEILER explained in his paper on the Late ROMAn economy, "THE—INTRODUCTION—OF—THE solidus was 1—GOLDEN—AGE for CAPITAL—OWNERS but 1—DARK—PERIOD for lower STRATA—OF—THE—POPULATION".
20160627             —SURVIVED, Yet MEDIUM—SIZED farms, without being reduced to serfdom, and
20160627             —ENSLAVED, THE—PROPORTION—OF—ITALY—POPULATION, is —NOW deemed to have been —AROUND 15 %.
20160627             There were no slave revolts, but
20160627             his forces were swollen by MANY—DEBTORS who left THE—IMPERIAL—CAPITAL to join his army".
20160627             —100—YEARS—LATER - peasant revolts against PERSIA—SASANIAN rulers
20160627             —URGED, All religious, mutual aid and warned about abusive WEALTH—SEEKING by the elites.
20160627             —SINGLED, Creditors were the typical class, out as oppressive and DESTRUCTIVE—OF—SOCIETY.
20160627             only to lose it within about —120—YEARS as
20160627             paving the way for their land to be conquered from without or taken over from within.
20160627             "Greed is good," and "There is no such thing as society".
20160627             Economics used to be called moral philosophy, but
20160627             it has succumbed to individualistic extremism.
20160627             —REPLACED, Homo economicus has, zoon politikon.
20160627             —SUPPOSED, Debts are, to be paid without concern for how this impoverishes the economy.
20160627             —PAVED, Excluding this intellectual legacy from the curriculum has, the way for inverting —TODAY—MORAL—ATTITUDE upholding creditor claims against THE—REST—OF—SOCIETY.
20160627             —DESCRIBED, ADAM—FERGUSON, how prosperity lay the groundwork for undermining the commercial stage:
20160627             —FORMED, The mighty engine which we suppose to have, society, only tends to set its members at variance, or to continue their intercourse —AFTER THE—BONDS—OF—AFFECTION are broken".
20160627             Lacking traditional royal authority, they must work outside or behind THE—SCENE—OF—POLITICS, as finance does —TODAY:
20160627             In gaining control, he does not plan to appropriate royal authority for himself openly, but only to appropriate its fruits, that is, the exercise of administrative, executive, and all other power.
20160627             He carefully refrains from using the attributes, emblems, or titles of royal authority.
20160627             We are back with the Thatcherite financial TALIBAN (THE—ARAB word for "students"):
20160627             There Is No Alternative.
20160627             —WRAPPED, That is the protective myth that elites have, —AROUND themselves and their privileges
20160627             in which the financial class takes the land, public infrastructure and government into its own hands.
20160627             THE—IMF staff protests and BOARD complaints about THE—GREECE—LOAN in Killing the Host (20150000             ), pp.
20160627             303-306, 310, 319f. and 335f.
20160627             Section IX: Of National Felicity, PAGE—105. - He adds (pp.
20160627             4f.): "both the earliest and the latest accounts collected from EVERY—QUARTER—OF—THE—EARTH, represent mankind as assembled in troops and companies; and the individual always joined by affection to 1—PARTY, —WHILE he is possibly opposed to another".
20160627             —PUBLISHED, MICHAEL—HUDSON—NEW—BOOK, Killing the Host is, in E—FORMAT by CounterPunch Books and in print by Islet.
20160627             He can be reached via his website, mh@MICHAEL—HUDSON.com
20160627             Erholung an ASIENs BÖRSEn nach BREXIT—ÜBERRASCHUNG
20160627             CHINA—PREMIER über WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE, "Keine harte Landung"
20160627             BREXIT—FOLGE: EASYJET—AKTIE bricht um 20 % ein
20160627             Haarige Reptilien: Warum es besser ist, —NACHTS nicht nackt zu sein
20160627             BREXIT: GABRIEL fordert von MERKEL mehr DRUCK—AUF—BRITEN
20160627             BUNDES—TAG beschließt "Zwangsbeglückung"mit intelligenten Stromzählern
20160627             —JETZT entscheidet EU—KOMMISSION
20160627             SCHÄUBLE will "Regionalisierung DER—SOZIALGESETZGEBUNG", d.h. DIE—LÄNDER entscheiden, wer wieviel Leistung wofür kriegt.
20160627             Auf der TAGES—ORDNUNG des BUNDES—TAGES stehen so Klopper wie die Änderung des Sexualstrafrechts, Entwurf eines Integrationsgesetzes, Prostitutionsgesetz.
20160627             —GELAUFEN, Was —SCHON, ist, sieht man hier schön (rechts auf "ALLE—ABSTIMMUNGEN"klicken).
20160627             NEW—HOTNESS: Strafmaßhilfe hilft beim Verurteilen!
20160627             [l] Lesetipp: Fleischhauer über BREXIT.
20160627             MONEY—QUOTE: Überall kann man —JETZT lesen, VIELE—BRITEN hätten gar nicht gewusst, wogegen sie stimmen und würden ihre —ENTSCHEIDUNG gerne rückgängig machen.
20160627             Doch das ist TEIL—DES—THERAPEUTISCHEN—PROGRAMMS, das DIE—MEDIEN hierzulande zur psychologischen Entlastung ihrer Leser anbieten.
20160627             Auch der Mythos, die Alten hätten den Jungen DIE—ZUKUNFT gestohlen, lässt sich leicht widerlegen.
20160627             Bei den 18- —BIS 24—JÄHRIGEN lag laut Sky Data DIE—WAHL—BETEILIGUNG bei 36 %.
20160627             —VERPENNT, Wenn überhaupt, dann haben die Jungen DIE—ZUKUNFT.
20160627             DER—FRÜHERE—LONDON—BÜRGER—MEISTER ist MITTLERWEILE 1.polarisierende Figur in GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20160627             BORIS—JOHNSON
20160627             —SEIT, er sich - "Ich bitte euch um 1.Sache, GROß—BRITANNIEN", schrieb er auf Instagram.
20160627             "Gebt mir BORIS—JOHNSON als Premier und ich bin raus. Mein Glaube an uns wäre auf ewig zerstört".
20160627             Oberste KORRUPTION—JÄGERIN: RUMÄNIENs Politiker zittern vor dieser Frau
20160627             —MANIPULIERT, BREXIT: Petition für 2. REFERENDUM mit Bots
20160627             —KASSIERT, USA—SUPREME—COURT, texanisches Abtreibungsrecht
20160627             MILLIARDEN Flaschen landen PRO—JAHR mit Produktrückständen im Müll.
20160627             LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: der TOTEN—ZAHL könnte auf 7,4—MILLIONEN steigen
20160627             Uno: DEUTSCHLAND will wieder in den SICHERHEITS—RAT
20160627             FINANZ—MÄRKTE nach BREXIT: BANK—AKTIEN brechen erneut ein, GOLD—PREIS steigt
20160627             BRITISCHE—KONSERVATIVE in der KRISE, Hurra, hurra - was tun?
20160627             Und wie zuvor CAMERON wies er die Forderung zurück, —NUN rasch den EU—AUSTRITT in BRÜSSEL zu beantragen.
20160627             Die BRITISCHEN—KONSERVATIVEN spielen auf Zeit - aus Mangel an Alternativen.
20160627             "Die 1.Seite will schnell loslegen und den EU—AUSTRITT beantragen. Das sind DIE—ANHÄNGERR von Johnson".
20160627             Es gehe —NUN darum, auf jene 16—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN zuzugehen, die für 1—EU—VERBLEIB gestimmt haben, schreibt Johnson im "Telegraph": "Sie sind unsere Nachbarn, unsere Brüder und Schwestern. Wir müssen sie erreichen, wir müssen Wunden heilen und Brücken bauen".
20160627             Was in GB abgeht ist 1—MUSTERSTÜCK für den Missbrauch "direkter Demokratie"durch INTERESSEN—GRUPPEN.
20160627             Herr CAMERON hat diese unverbindliche Meinungsumfrage auf die TAGES—ORDNUNG gehoben weil er es für 1.gute Idee hielt um sich gegen seine parteiinternen Widersacher durchzusetzen.
20160627             —ANGENOMMEN, Die haben das Angebot, und mitgespielt.
20160627             So ist DAS—VOLK aufgrund eines politischen MACHT—KAMPFES zu 1—WEITREICHENDEN —ENTSCHEIDUNG gedrängt worden.
20160627             Diese wurde dann noch mit viel Frust gegen "die daoben"und das "Establishment"aufgeladen und —SCHON hatte man 1—ERGEBNIS mit dem keiner so richtig gerechnet hat.
20160627             SCHÄUBLE zum BREXIT: "Das hätten sie sich vorher überlegen sollen"
20160627             —ON, 20160623             , THE—UK—SAID no more.
20160627             1. Lady MICHELLE—OBAMA landed in LIBERIA with her daughters and mother for 1—OVERSEAS—TRIP promoting education for girls.
20160627             The trip includes stops in MOROCCO and SPAIN.
20160627             —VOTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 5-3 to strike down TEXAS—WIDELY replicated rules that sharply reduced abortion clinics in the state.
20160627             —VOTED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, unanimously to overturn the bribery CONVICTION—OF—FORMER—VIRGINIA GOVERNOR—BOB—MCDONALD, sending the case back to lower courts to decide whether prosecutors have enough evidence to try McDonald again.
20160627             —VOTED, The court, to narrow the scope of 1—LAW that bars public officials from taking gifts in exchange for official action.
20160627             —SINGED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, a $122—BILLION budget plan that added $3.3—BILLION into the state's RAINY—DAY—FUND, bringing the reseve to $6.7—BILLION.
20160627             —VOTED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, the City Council, unanimously to block the handling of and STORAGE—OF—COAL effectively halting developer PHIL—TAGAMIO—PLANS to export coal from 1—TERMINAL—NEAR THE—EAST—END—OF—THE—BAY—BRIDGE.
20160627             CALIFORNIA, EX—LOS—ANGELES County Undersheriff PAUL—TANAKA was sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison as PART—OF—1—FEDERAL—CORRUPTION—INVESTIGATION.
20160627             Silicon VALLEY—Y Combinator, 1—STARTUP accelerator and investment firm, announced plans to eventually produce 1—PROTOTYPE city with reduced housing costs and simplified law codes.
20160627             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—AFGHANISTAN—WARLORD Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, that 1—MUCH—TOUTED peace deal between his militant group and THE—KABUL government was effectively "dead".
20160627             —CALLED, Hekmatyar, AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—ILLEGAL and said he would not recognize it.
20160627             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said the Taliban have, at least 5—PEOPLE from 1—GROUP—OF—8 abducted —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH from 1—BUS in NORTH—KUNDUZ province.
20160627             1—WAVE—OF—UK—LAWMAKERS from the opposition Labour Party resigned in protest from leader JEREMY—CORBYN—TEAM, including his most senior business policy CHIEF who said Corbyn was partly to blame for —LAST—WEEK—VOTE to leave THE—EU.
20160627             —STRIPPED, BAHRAIN—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY said 1—COURT has, 5—PEOPLE linked to radical Shiite GROUPS—OF—THEIR—CITIZENSHIP and ordered them jailed —AFTER convicting them on TERROR—ISM charges.
20160627             —BANNED, EGYPT, prominent female activist Mozn Hassan from travelling to 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—MEETING in BEIRUT, the latest step in 1—CRACKDOWN on free speech and dissent.
20160627             —WARNED, THE—PARIS—BASED INTERNATIONAL Energy Agency (IEA), that EACH—YEAR about 6.5—MILLION—DEATHS—WORLDWIDE are linked to air pollution, 1—NUMBER that could grow in coming decades unless the energy sector steps up its efforts to slash emissions.
20160627             —ABOLISHED, GEORGIA, conscription, becoming 1—OF—THE—1.—FORMER—SOVIET—REPUBLICS no longer to require men to serve in the military.
20160627             —CALLED, HONG—KONG, for 1—END to local ivory trading within —5—YEARS, 1—MOVE—ACTIVISTS hailed as significant given the financial hub's reputation as 1—WILDLIFE trafficking blackspot, —WHILE calling for this ban to be speeded up.
20160627             —DETONATED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, explosives at 1—SUNNI mosque in ABU—GHRAIB, killing at least 9—PEOPLE and wounding at least 28.
20160627             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, in 1—CRACKDOWN on the Lo Russo crime clan, 24—SUSPECTS in 1 alleged extortion scheme targeting bread sales in grocery stores, supermarkets and street vendors.
20160627             —DETONATED, NORTH—EAST—LEBANON, 8—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, their explosives' vests in the predominantly Christian village of Qaa near the border with Syria, killing 5—PEOPLE and wounding at least 15.
20160627             MOST—OF—THE—BOMBERS reportedly came over the border from Syria.
20160627             1—MOLDOVA—COURT—SENTENCED—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—VLAD—FILAT (20090000—20130000    ) to —9—YEARS in prison on charges of taking bribes and influence trafficking.
20160627             —CONNECTED, The sentence was, to alleged bribes he gave businessman and mayor Ilan Shor.
20160627             —ARRESTED, Filat was, last October in 1—SEPARATE—CASE which has not gone to trial.
20160627             She will take up her new position 20161001             .
20160627             —CLASHED, Palestinians and ISRAEL—POLICE, at JERUSALEM—AL—AQSA mosque compound for a 2. —DAY straight, with Islamic officials accusing ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES—OF breaking 1—TACIT agreement on access —DURING Ramadan.
20160627             THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—ELECT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said he would aggressively promote artificial birth control in the country even at the risk of getting in 1—FIGHT with the dominant Catholic church, which staunchly opposes the use of contraceptives.
20160627             RUSSIA said TURKEY—PRESIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN has written to RUSSIA—LEADER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN to apologize over the shooting down of 1—RUSSIA—AIR—FORCE—JET by TURKEY—MILITARY—LAST—NOVEMBER.
20160627             SOUTH—AFRICA—NATIONAL—TREASURY said PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA should pay back $500,000—OF—PUBLIC—FUNDS used to upgrade his private residence with facilities including 1—CHICKEN coop and swimming pool.
20160627             SPAIN—CARETAKER—PRIME—MINISTER—MARIANO—RAJOY said he would reach out to rivals in 1—BID to quickly form 1—GOVERNMENT—AFTER his conservative party strengthened its lead in elections, though still far short of 1—MAJORITY.
20160627             Negotiators said YEMEN—WARRING—PARTIES—PLAN to suspend talks on ending more than —1—YEAR—OF—CONFLICT—AFTER failing to reach 1—BREAKTHROUGH.
20160627             THE—2—SIDES were drafting 1—JOINT—STATEMENT to announce that they will return to talks MID—JULY, —FOLLOWING the Muslim holiday of Eid AL—IFTAR.
20160627             —DEFENDED, ZAMBIA—PRESIDENT—EDGAR—LUNGU, the tax collection agency's decision to shut down 1—NEWSPAPER—CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, saying the revenue service did so to recoup unpaid taxes.
20160627             THE—ZAMBIA—REVENUE—AUTHORITY (ZRA) shut down the Post newspaper —LAST—WEEK, demanding $6—MILLION in unpaid taxes.
20160627             —ACCUSED, Managing EDITOR—JOAN—CHIRWA, THE—ZRA of trying to silence it HEAD—OF—GENERAL—ELECTIONS—IN—AUGUST, and claimed that the outstanding bill was in dispute.
20160627             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, Wie "garstig"wird —JETZT mit den BRITEN verhandelt?
20160627             "1—STÄRKERES EUROPA": EU will ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT bei Verteidigung ausbauen
20160627             —DER—MORGEN—LIVE, JOHNSON verspricht weiter PRIVILEGIEN—AUCH ohne EU—MITGLIEDSCHAFT
20160627             FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA: "DIE—KIRCHE muss sich nicht nur bei Homosexuellen entschuldigen"
20160627             BREXIT—VOTUM: JOHNSON spielt auf Zeit - "Es gab keine Panik", sagte LAGARDE.
20160627             Einen —TAG nach der VOLKS—ABSTIMMUNG hatte DAS—PFUND um 11 % nachgegeben.
20160627             DER—IWF ist gefährlicher für Wohlstand, Frieden und Freiheit DER—BÜRGER als ALLE—TERROR—ISTEN zusammen.
20160627             —VERLIERT, DAS—PFUND, dramatisch an Wert, AKTIEN—KURSE WELT—WEIT stürzten ab.
20160627             "Unsere Wirtschaft ist so stark wie nötig, um sich der Herausforderung zu stellen, die auf unser Land —JETZT zukommt", sagte Osborne.
20160627             it was blackmail on 1—SHOCKING scale.
20160627             modern "globalisation", with its perverse SOCIALISM for the rich and CAPITALISM for the poor:
20160627             its freedom for CAPITAL—AND—DENIAL—OF—FREEDOM to labour;
20160627             —AM,;;0623;;, THE—UK—SAID no more.
20160627             BRITAIN, —TODAY, 63—PER cent of poor children grow up in families where 1—MEMBER is working.
20160627             MORE—THAN—600,000 RESIDENTS—OF—BRITAIN—2. city, Greater MANCHESTER, are, reports 1—STUDY, "experiencing the effects of extreme POVERTY"and
20160627             THE—WEEK—OF—THE—REFERENDUM—VOTE, no UK—POLITICIAN and, to my knowledge, no —JOURNALIST referred to VLADIMIR—PUTIN—SPEECH in S—PETERSBURG commemorating the 70—5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—NAZI—GERMANY—INVASION—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION on 22 ;;06;;, 19410000             .
20160627             —LIKENED, PUTIN, the current frenzied build UP—OF—NATO—TROOPS and war material on RUSSIA—WESTERN—BORDERS to THE—3.—REICH—OPERATION—BARBAROSSA.
20160627             NATO—EXERCISES in POLAND were the biggest —SINCE—THE—NAZI—INVASION;
20160627             —SIMULATED, Operation Anaconda had, 1—ATTACK—ON—RUSSIA, presumably with NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20160627             —AM, THE—EVE—OF—THE—REFERENDUM, the quisling SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—NATO, JENS—STOLTENBERG, warned Britons they would be endangering "peace and security"if they voted to leave THE—EU.
20160627             DAVID—GRAEBER—BOOK—DEBT: The 1. 5.—000—YEARS.
20160627             —COLLECTED, Doctoral fellow MORITZ—HINSCH from BERLIN, what SOCRATES (470—399—BC) and other ATHENians wrote about debt,
20160627             THE—NEW—VIEW—OF—LATE—IMPERIAL—ROME as being still 1—LONG—WAY from outright serfdom.
20160627             In due course this bred popular resentment that spread in the form of debtor revolts, not only in THE—ROMAN—EMPIRE but that of IRAN as well, leading to religious reforms to —LIMIT THE—CHARGING—OF—INTEREST and SELF—INDULGENT greed in general.
20160627             BOOK—I—OF—PLATO—REPUBLIC, (380—BC), SOCRATES discusses the morality of repaying debts.
20160627             SOCRATES replies that it would not be —JUST to return weapons to 1—MAN who has turned into 1—LUNATIC.
20160627             BECAUSE—OF—THE—CONSEQUENCES, paying back the debt would be the wrong thing to do.
20160627             —AT—ISSUE is what should be saved: wealthy creditors from loss (and the morality that all debts should be paid), or the overall economy from UN—EMPLOYMENT and misery leading to emigration, worse health and shorter lifespans.
20160627             —WHEN, THE—GREECE—PEOPLE voted
20160627             —LATER, in THE—REPUBLIC (BOOK—VIII, 555d-556b), SOCRATES talks with Glaucon, pointing to the "negligence and ENCOURAGEMENT—OF—LICENTIOUSNESS in oligarchies".
20160627             "What law?" asks Glaucon.
20160627             "THE—LAW that is next best... commanding that most voluntary contracts should be at the contractor's risk.
20160627             THE—PURSUIT—OF—WEALTH would be less SHAMELES—IN—THE—S state and fewer of the evils of which we spoke —JUST—NOW would grow up there".
20160627             The tax —REFORM—OF—KAISER—DIOCLETIANUS (ruled 284-305),
20160627             enacted 1—MONETARY—REFORM in the 310's, basing THE—MILITARY—FISCAL—STATE on the gold solidus.
20160627             wage —LABOR was available for hire at harvest time.
20160627             —NOW, THE—PROPORTION—OF—ENSLAVED—ROMAN—ITALY—POPULATION is deemed to have been 15 % ca.
20160627             There were no ENSLAVED—ROMAN—ITALY—POPULATION—REVOLTS, but
20160627             debtors rebelled or defected to invaders, as they had done —EARLIER in antiquity.
20160627             —REJECTED, THE—NEW—MORALITY—OF—ECONOMIC—BALANCE, silk garments, silver wine vessels and other status SYMBOLS—OF—THE—ELITES.
20160627             —CONDEMNED, Interest was, as it had been under CHRISTIANITY and would be UNDER—ISLAM.
20160627             —OCCURRED, What, culturally was 1—REVULSION against luxury and hubris — 1—GREECE—WORD that connoted not only arrogance, but arrogance that took the form of injuring others.
20160627             Their SELF—CENTERED wealth addiction was seen as stripping society to serve their own compulsive drives.
20160627             —IBN—KHALDUN'S "rise and fall" VIEW—OF—HISTORY in THE—MUQADDIMAH
20160627             All this teaches THE—OPPOSITE—OF—TODAY—2—GUIDING economic premises:
20160627             for THE—PAST 2 1000—YEARS
20160627             It was to resist personal GAIN—SEEKING at THE—EXPENSE—OF—THE—BODY—POLITIC and group solidarity that THE—WORLD—MAJOR—PHILOSOPHIES and religions
20160627             urged SELF—CONTROL, generosity, care for the weak and poor, and rules to —LIMIT the luxurious SELF—INDULGENCE and ANTI—SOCIAL—EGOTISM it bred in RULING—ELITES.
20160627             It should not be surprising that modern financial elites are fighting back against democratic moves to —LIMIT their wealth, adopt progressive taxation, write down debts by BANKRUPTCY reform, and shift CONTROL—OF—GOVERNMENT away from landed aristocracies and banking centers
20160627             —VESTED, These, interests are behaving exactly AS—IBN—KHALDUN described the terminal decadent GENERATION—OF—DYNASTIES as acting with ANTI—SOCIAL—SELFISHNESS.
20160627             "man is sometimes found a detached and a solitary being:
20160627             he has found 1—OBJECT which sets him in competition with his fellow creatures, and he deals with them as he does with his cattle and his soil, for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—PROFITS they bring.
20160627             The financial TAKEOVER—OF—GOVERNMENT is not new.
20160627             —IBN—KHALDUN described how what —TODAY is called the "DEEP—STATE" (often run by foreigners or other interlopers) gains CONTROL—OF—DYNASTIES.
20160627             He gives THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—DYNASTY the impression that he merely acts for the ruler and executes the latter's decisions from behind the curtain.
20160627             He avoids throwing ANY—SUSPICION upon himself in this respect, even though he exercises full control.
20160627             He disguises his EXERCISE—OF—CONTROL under the form of acting as the ruler's representative.
20160627             —TODAY—TREASURY—SECRETARIES, CENTRAL—BANK—HEADS, IMF economists and client academics serve THE—WORLD—COSMOPOLITAN financial ideology that money and credit, debt and taxes are purely technocratic, and hence beyond THE—SPHERE—OF—VOTERS or the politicians they elect to "interfere" with.
20160627             —FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL
20160627             —SUCCEED, To, it must erase KNOWLEDGE—OF—HISTORY and - live in 1—HIGHLY—CENSORED "present"
20160627             —HAPPENED, It has all, —BEFORE — and so have revolts by debtors and other exploited VICTIMS—OF—SUCH "economism".
20160627             Plato, Republic, 331c-d.
20160627             INSEL—HAINAN: CHINA eröffnet neuen WELT—RAUMBAHNHOF mit Raketenstart
20160627             —ZEITMANAGEMENT—TRAINING: Mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche
20160627             SPANIEN—FINANZMARKT atmet nach Wahlergebnis auf
20160627             Klar ist aber auch, daß DIE—BANK—INDUSTRIE GROß—BRITANNIENS sehr geschwächt wird.
20160627             GROß—BRITANNIEN wird wohl kaum ZENTRUM—DER—EU in Sachen BANKEN bleiben.
20160627             —AUSTRITT—AUS—DER EU: BERLIN will nach BREXIT—VOTUM keine "Hängepartie"
20160627             Griechen zum BREXIT—VOTUM: MACHT es wie TSIPRAS—IGNORIERT DAS—REFERENDUM!
20160627             —PROFITIERT, BREXIT: INVESTOR—SOROS will nicht vom PFUND—CRASH, haben
20160627             ENGLAND—UND—DE Gründe: Ist MERKEL schuld am BREXIT?
20160627             Kundendaten IM—NETZ aufgetaucht: Telekom rät zum PASSWORT—WECHSEL
20160627             Treffen zweier Popstars: DALAI—LAMA empfiehlt LADY—GAGA, noch mehr Geld zu machen
20160627             [l] Die radikalen MARXISTEN in der FINANCIAL—TIMES erklären GLOBALISIERUNG
20160627             MERKEL: Bei Rüstung "werden sich DEUTSCHLAND und USA annähern müssen"(VERTEIDIGUNGS—AUSGABEN erhöhen)
20160627             SCHÄUBLE will "Regionalisierung DER—SOZIALGESETZGEBUNG", d.h.
20160627             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE des PAPA (auf die Frage, ob DIE—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE sich bei Homosexuellen entschuldigen müsse):
20160627             "I think THE—CHURCH must not only apologize... to 1—GAY—PERSON it offended, but we must apologize to the poor, to women who have been exploited, to children forced into labor, apologize for having blessed so MANY—WEAPONS"and for having failed to accompany families who faced divorces or experienced other problems.
20160627             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Einparkhilfe hilft beim AUTO—EINPARKEN.
20160627             —NACH—BREXIT—REFERENDUM: BORIS—JOHNSON und der Stinkefinger
20160627             —AM—MONTAG meldete sich auch Promikoch JAMIE—OLIVER zu Wort und warnte davor, JOHNSON zum PREMIER—MINISTER zu machen.
20160627             "Ich bitte euch um 1.Sache, GROß—BRITANNIEN", schrieb er auf Instagram.
20160627             MATERIAL—FORSCHUNG, So wollen Forscher Shampooflaschen —BIS auf den letzten Tropfen leeren
20160627             LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG: der TOTEN—ZAHL könnte auf 7.400.000 steigen
20160627             —KAMPFJET—ABSCHUSS: ERDOGAN spricht RUSSLAND—PILOTEN—FAMILIE Beileid aus
20160627             GROSSBRITANNIEN—KONSERVATIVE in der —KRISE, Hurra, HURRA—WAS tun?
20160627             DAS—BREXIT—REFERENDUM hat die politischen Karrieren der 2—FÜHRENDEN Politiker GROß—BRITANNIENS abrupt beendet.
20160627             Neben dem konservativen PREMIER—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON, —DER—FREITAG—AM, seinen Rückzug ankündigte, steht auch sein PARTEI—FREUND, FINANZ—MINISTER—GEORGE—OSBORNE, vor dem Aus.
20160627             "Nur DAS—VEREINIGTE—KÖNIG—REICH kann ARTIKEL 50—AUSLÖSEN", sagte Osborne.
20160627             —DENN, nicht nur die "Remain"—ANHÄNGER um CAMERON und Osborne, auch die "Leave"—SEITE hat keine Idee, wie es weitergehen soll.
20160627             —GETAN, CAMERON hat seinem Gegenspieler JOHNSON 1—GEFALLEN, indem er sich weigerte, den AUSTRITT zu beantragen.
20160627             setzte CAMERON 1—MACHT—KAMPF—IN—DER—KONSERVATIVEN Partei in Gang.
20160627             2—VERFEINDETEN Lagern bei den Tories:
20160627             "DIE—1.Seite will schnell loslegen und den EU—AUSTRITT beantragen.
20160627             Für die spielt es offenbar auch keine große Rolle, daß nicht einmal JOHNSON selbst zu wissen scheint, wie genau man —NUN vorgehen sollte.
20160627             Auf der anderen Seite stünden die CAMERON—UNTERSTÜTZER, die LONDON—EX—BÜRGER—MEISTER für unzuverlässig und unseriös halten.
20160627             "Ihr Problem ist, daß sie keinen starken Kandidaten haben, der gegen JOHNSON antreten kann",
20160627             BORIS, wie DIE—BRITEN den Mann mit den hellblonden Haaren nennen, arbeitet —BEREITS an 1—IMAGEWANDEL.
20160627             JOHNSON erwartbar —, typisch: "DIE—WANDLUNGSFÄHIGKEIT ist BORIS' größte Stärke und zugleich seine größte Schwäche".
20160627             Wenn DIE—BRITEN sich —JETZT—2—MONATE Zeit nehmen um intern "auszufechten"was DAS—REFERENDUM bedeutet und was —JETZT zu tun ist, dann wird die GROSSBRITANNIEN—WIRTSCHAFT in 1.veritable —KRISE stürzen, denn DIE—UNTERNEHMENEN werden —JETZT keinen Penny mehr investieren bevor sie nicht wissen wie es weitergehen soll.
20160627             DIE—KONDITIONEN für die Partnerschaft sind —NACH—DEM AUSTRITT zu verhandeln, nicht vorher.
20160627             EU nach BREXIT—VOTUM: JUNCKER und SCHULZ, das unbelehrbare Duo
20160627             ÄRGER—IN—BERLIN: Genossen halten MERKELs BREXIT—KURS für "total blauäugig"
20160627             Wegen BREXIT: RATING—AGENTUR S&P stuft GROß—BRITANNIEN herab
20160627             EM—SENSATION: ISLAND wirft ENGLAND aus dem Turnier
20160627             [l] 1—USA—AMERIKANERIN hat vor Gericht 10000—DOLLAR—VON—MICROSOFT erstritten, wegen dem ungewollten Windows-10-Upgrade.
20160627             KALIFORNIEN: 10—VERLETZTE nach Messerangriff bei NEO—NAZI—AUFMARSCH - "Es gab keine Panik", sagte LAGARDE.
20160627             —GESTIEGEN, —IN—DEN—TAGEN vor dem Votum waren DIE—KURSE, Anleger waren von 1—VERBLEIB der BRITEN in der EU ausgegangen.
20160627             —BEFORE that, there was the theft of PALESTINE and the imposition of ISRAEL.
20160627             Cephalus, 1—BUSINESSMAN living in the commercial Piraeus district, states the typical ethic that it is fair and —JUST to pay back what 1 has borrowed or received.[1]
20160627             —WHEN THE—GREECE—PEOPLE voted 20150000             —IN to reject these demands, THE—ECB and EUROPEAN—UNION insisted that referendums didn't matter.
20160627             —WHEN 1—GOTHIC—ARMY defeated that of ROME at Adrianople (EAST—TURKEY) in 378,
20160627             —WHEN in 408 THE—ROMANO—GOTHIC—MILITARY—LEADER—ALARIC for the 1. time besieged THE—CITY—OF—ROME,
20160627             RICHARD—PAYNE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO gave 1—PAPER explaining how
20160627             sought to "restore" 1—EGALITARIAN—ZOROASTRIAN order as 1—PROTEST against the extreme polarization that widened the gap between luxury and POVERTY.
20160627             It was to praise moderation and even to prefer 1—POVERTY—OF—EQUALITY to indulgence in luxury that Christianity, ISLAM and other religious movements of the —EARLY, 1. —MILLENNIUM AD took root.
20160627             Plato, Republic, 331c-d. The term for justice is dikaiosyne, meaning "right behavior," from dike, cognate to dexterous.
20160627             303-306, 310, 319f. and 335f. - - He adds (pp.
20160627             Starker Nationalismus und DIE—IDEE, dass es am besten ist, "allein zu gehen", ist etwas, was nicht zu VIELE—GUTE—KAPITEL in den Geschichtsbüchern hinterlassen hat.
20160627             —AM—MONTAG meldete sich Osborne 1. —NACH—DEM BREXIT—SCHOCK zu Wort.
20160627             Statt den AN—FÜHRER—DER "Leave"—KAMPAGNE, die mit falschen Zahlen und wilden Versprechen WAHL—KAMPF machte, gibt er —SEIT—MONTAG den Versöhner.
20160627             MINDEST—LOHN: Ver.DI—CHEF—KRITISIERT—BLOCKADE—HALTUNG—DER—ARBEITGEBER (Wirtschaft, 20010911             )
20160627—19410622    —ON, In THE—WEEK—OF—THE—REFERENDUM—VOTE, no UK—POLITICIAN and, to my knowledge, no journalist referred to VLADIMIR—PUTIN—SPEECH in S—PETERSBURG commemorating the 70—5. ANNIVERSARY—OF—NAZI GERMANY—INVASÃON—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20170627             —PROMISED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20170501             —INVESTIGATION into the use of cladding on UK—HIGH—RISE—BUILDINGS —FOLLOWING the deadly Grenfell Tower fire, —AFTER safety tests on 95—SIMILAR—BLOCKS recorded a 100-percent failure rate.
20170627             —PLACED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, CHINA on its global list of the worst offenders in human trafficking and forced labor, 1—STEP that could aggravate tensions with BEIJING that had eased under PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170627             —ASSERTED, THE—USA, that MYANMAR is no longer 1—OF—THE—WORLD—WORST—OFFENDERS on human trafficking, —WHILE removing both MYANMAR and IRAQ from 1—LIST—OF—COUNTRIES that use child soldiers.
20170627             —MOVED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, to roll back 20150000             —THE—OBAMA clean water policy that protected more than half the nation's streams from pollution.
20170627             THE—PENTAGON said it detected "active preparations" by Syria for 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—ATTACK, giving weight to 1—WHITE—HOUSE—STATEMENT—HOURS—EARLIER that THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT would "pay 1—HEAVY—PRICE" if it carried out such 1—ATTACK.
20170627             —REPORTED, It was, that 3—CNN journalists have resigned —FOLLOWING the retraction of 1—ARTICLE that claimed THE—USA—CONGRESS was investigating links between MEMBERS—OF—DONALD—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION and 1—RUSSIA—INVESTMENT—FUND.
20170627             —INSTALLED, ARKANSAS, workers, a 6—FOOT—TALL 10—COMMANDMENTS—MONUMENT on the Capitol grounds in LITTLE—ROCK.
20170627             —APPROVED, State lawmakers had, 1—MEASURE permitting the statue —2—YEARS—EARLIER.
20170627             —1—DAY—LATER MICHAEL—TATE—REED was arrested for ramming the monument with 1—VEHICLE and smashing it to pieces.
20170627             —CLEARED, CALIFORNIA, THE—LOS—ANGELES City Council, the way for a $1.5—BILLION Museum of Narrative Art to be built by "Star Wars" creator GEORGE—LUCAS.
20170627             The partial REMAINS—OF—NEW—JERSEY nightclub manager JENNIFER—LONDONO, —31—JAHRE—ALT were found in the Red Hook Channel in Brooklyn.
20170627             Merck & Co. said 1—NEW—TYPE—OF cholesterol drug reduced heart attacks, deaths and other COMPLICATIONS—OF—HEART—DISEASE in 1—HUGE, LATE—STAGE—STUDY.
20170627             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 2—POLICEWOMEN in Badakhshan province as the sisters returned to their jobs —AFTER Eid holidays.
20170627             2—POLICEMEN were killed —LATE—TODAY—WHEN their checkpoint came under insurgent attack in Qalat, Zabul province.
20170627             2—INSURGENTS were also killed in the attack.
20170627             BRITAIN—WPP, the world's biggest advertising agency, said it had been hit by 1—CYBER—ATTACK, 1—OF—MANY—MAJOR—CORPORATIONS to face major disruption.
20170627             —CHRISTENED, CHINA—POP star Wang Leehom, the new cruise chip NORWAY—JOY in SHANGHAI.
20170627             It was built for NORWAY—CRUISE—LINE by Meyer Werft in GERMANY.
20170627             EGYPT said its warplanes struck 1—CONVOY—OF—12—VEHICLES about to be driven across the border from LIBYA carrying weapons and ammunition.
20170627             —SLAPPED, THE—EU, Google with 1—RECORD—PENALTY—OF $2.7—BILLION for taking advantage of its dominance in online searches to direct customers to its own businesses.
20170627             FRANCE—CONSTRUCTION—MATERIALS—COMPANY S—GOBAIN said that it had been 1—VICTIM—OF—1—CYBERATTACK, and it had isolated its computer systems in order to protect data.
20170627             The global CYBER—ATTACK also hit the property arm of FRANCE—BIGGEST BANK—BNP—PARIBAS, 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—FINANCIAL—INSTITUTIONS known to be affected by 1—EXTORTION—CAMPAIGN.
20170627             —PUSHED, IRAQ—FORCES, towards the river SIDE—OF—MOSUL—OLD—CITY, their key target in THE—8—MONTH—CAMPAIGN to capture ISLAMIC—STATE—DE—FACTO capital.
20170627             —PREDICTED, PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI, victory very soon.
20170627             The 3.—PLACE finisher in MONGOLIA—PRESIDENTIAL—VOTE cried foul and demanded 1—RECOUNT —AFTER electoral authorities declared he was narrowly beaten for 1—SPOT in —NEXT—MONTH—RUNOFF—ELECTION.
20170627             1—HOLLAND—COURT ruled that the state was partly to blame for THE—DEATHS—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—MUSLIMS in Srebrenica, as 19950000             —THE genocide cast another shadow over the country —2—DECADES on.
20170627             —PRESUMED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORGANIZATION for Migration says 51—MIGRANTS are, dead in THE—SAHARA—DESERT in NIGER —AFTER smugglers abandoned them —DURING their journey north to LIBYA.
20170627             —CRITICIZED, PAKISTAN strongly, THE—USA—DECISION to impose sanctions on SYED—SALAHUDDIN, senior LEADER—OF—THE—KASHMIRI militant group HIZB—UL—MUJAHIDEEN.
20170627             THE—PHILIPPINES—ARMY said civilians held hostage by Islamist militants occupying MARAWI have been forced to loot homes, take up arms against government troops and serve as sex slaves for rebel fighters.
20170627             1—MAJOR ransomware attack hit computers at RUSSIA—BIGGEST oil company, the country's banks, UKRAINE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT as well as DENMARK—GLOBAL—SHIPPING—FIRM A.P. MOLLER—MAERSK.
20170627             GERMANY—METRO said its wholesale stores in THE—UKRAINE have been hit by 1—CYBER—ATTACK and the retailer was assessing the impact.
20170627             1. MINISTER—NICOLA—STURGEON said SCOTLAND's devolved government has shelved its immediate plans to hold a 2. INDEPENDENCE referendum —UNTIL—AFTER the terms of BRITAIN—EXIT from THE—UK—ARE clear.
20170627             1—SWITZERLAND—GOVERNMENT—INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—AGENCY said ransomware known as Petya seems to have RE—EMERGED to affect computer systems across EUROPE, causing issues primarily in UKRAINE, RUSSIA, ENGLAND and INDIA.
20170627             † UKRAINE, military intelligence COLONEL—MAKSIM—SHAPOVAL was killed by 1—CAR—BOMB in CENTRAL—KIEV.
20170627—20170622    —PULLED, The article was —POSTED on CNN—WEBSITE—BEFORE being, 20170623             —ON.
20170627—20170706    —ARRESTED, RAPHAEL—LOBOS, her boyfriend, was, —AFTER authorities found him using her credit cards.
20170627—20180000    —BLAMED, BRITAIN, THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT for the NotPetya CYBER—ATTACK
20170627—20200000    —ANNOUNCED, SWITZERLAND—BASED Nestle, up to $21—BILLION in share buybacks and promised to invest in zippy categories such as coffee and pet food.
20180619—20180627    —CHARGED, Officer Rosfeld was, with criminal homicide.
20180621—20180627    —SURRENDERED, Presley, surrendered and was arrested on charges of voluntary manslaughter —FOLLOWING warrants for his arrest.
20180627             —SHIFTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, away from 1—PROPOSAL to impose limits on CHINA—INVESTMENT in USA—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANIES and HIGH—TECH—EXPORTS to CHINA, choosing instead to call upon Congress to strengthen 1—EXISTING—REVIEW—PROCESS.
20180627             THE—USA—CUT a $2—MILLION pledge for THE—UN—COUNTERTERROR—ISM—OFFICE and downgraded its presence at 1—CONFERENCE on the issue.
20180627             —BARRED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT in a 5—4—DECISION, public employee unions from collecting representation fees from nonmember workers.
20180627             S—FRANCISCO, pedicab operator KEVIN—MANNING was struck by 1—HIT and run driver on the Embarcadero.
20180627             —ARRIVED, VICTORIA Burgess (34), in Key WEST—AFTER paddling on 1—STANDUP paddleboard across THE—FLORIDA—STRAITS from CUBA in —JUST under —28—HOURS.
20180627             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, inmate DANNY—PAUL—BIBLE, —66—JAHRE—ALT was, for a 19790000             rape and murder in HOUSTON.
20180627             —ACCUSED—OF, He had been, at least 4—KILLINGS and 9—RAPES.
20180627             —RULED, BRITAIN—SUPREME—COURT, that the ban on civil partnerships for heterosexual couples is "incompatible" with human rights laws — 1—DECISION—SUPPORTERS—HOPE will pave the way for such unions.
20180627             CROATIA—POLICE said the body of a —26—YEAR—OLD—BRITON was found —EARLY—TODAY at the Zrce beach on Pag ISLAND.
20180627             —STABBED, The man was, in 1—FIGHT between 2—GROUPS—OF—TOURISTS.
20180627             —ARRESTED, Police THE—NEXT—DAY, a —25—YEAR—OLD—BRITON at the airport in the coastal TOWN—OF—SPLIT —WHILE attempting to leave the country.
20180627             —KILLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 4 suspected militants in 1—SHOOTOUT with forces in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—AL—GHANAIM, Assiut province.
20180627             —OPENED, Authorities in NORTH—WEST—GERMANY, 1—INVESTIGATION into 21—DEATHS at 1—COMPANY, —AFTER 1—MALE—EMPLOYEE was caught on camera poisoning 1—COLLEAGUE—LUNCH.
20180627             —ARRESTED, Police said they had, 1—SUSPECT, —56—JAHRE—ALT in THE—TOWN—OF—SCHLOSS HOLTE—STUKENBROC.
20180627             IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES found the bodies of 8—MEN, —2—DAYS—AFTER 1—DEADLINE set by their ISLAMIC—STATE kidnappers expired.
20180627             —MUTILATED, The bodies were found, and rigged with explosives.
20180627             ROME—CITY—AUTHORITIES began clearing 450—PEOPLE out of 1—OFFICIAL—ROMA camp weeks —AFTER the new FAR—RIGHT—INTERIOR—MINISTER, MATTEO—SALVINI, said ITALY—ROMA should be counted and, if they are foreign, expelled.
20180627             —ARRIVED, JAPAN—HAYABUSA2 spacecraft, at 1—ASTEROID —AFTER a 3 1/—2-YEAR journey to undertake a 1.—EVER experiment: blow 1—CRATER in the rocky surface to collect samples and bring them back to Earth.
20180627             Police in MALAYSIA said the total VALUE—OF—CASH, jewelry, watches and handbags seized from properties linked to FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK in 1—MONEY—LAUNDERING—INVESTIGATION amounted to at least $273—MILLION.
20180627             —STRANDED, MALTA—PRIME—MINISTER—JOSEPH—MUSCAT said 1—RESCUE boat, in the Mediterranean with 233—MIGRANTS will dock in MALTA —LATER—TODAY, —AFTER 1—DEAL was struck between 1—GROUP—OF—EU states to take them in.
20180627             —RELEASED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, 1—REPORT that detailed new EVIDENCE—OF—ATROCITIES inflicted on MYANMAR—ROHINGYA population and named 13—TOP—MILITARY—COMMANDERS the group says should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
20180627             At THE—HAGUE the world's chemical weapons watchdog won new powers to assign blame for attacks with banned toxic munitions.
20180627             —AGREED, The rare special session, that THE—OPCW—SECRETARIAT "shall put in place arrangements to identify THE—PERPETRATORS—OF—THE—USE—OF—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS in THE—SYRIAN—ARAB—REPUBLIC".
20180627             —VOTED, RUSSIA and 23—OTHER—COUNTRIES, against the move, which was initiated by BRITAIN.
20180627             —APPROVED, POLAND—SENATE, changes to 1—CONTROVERSIAL—HOLOCAUST speech law that remove THE—THREAT—OF—PRISON for blaming POLAND for the Holocaust crimes of Nazi GERMANY.
20180627             The changes must still be approved by PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA, who is expected to do so.
20180627             —ROLLED, THE—1.—RWANDAN—MADE Volkswagen car, off the assembly line on at the country's 1. auto factory in KIGALI.
20180627             The cars will be mostly for export to other AFRICA—NATIONS and will remain unaffordable to the average Rwandan.
20180627             Sources including LONDON—BASED SAUDI—ARABIA—RIGHTS—GROUP—ALQST said SAUDI—ARABIA has detained prominent women's rights advocate Hatoon AL—FASSI, widening 1—CRACKDOWN that has ensnared more than 12—ACTIVISTS even as the kingdom lifted 1—BAN on women driving.
20180627             SINGAPORE, the SingHealth cyberattack began and continued to 20180704             .
20180627             —TARGETED, The attack specifically and repeatedly, the health RECORDS—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—LEE—HSIEN—LOONG and breached 1.5—MILLION—HEALTH—RECORDS.
20180627             KHARTOUM, SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR and his ARCH—FOE Riek Machar agreed to a "permanent" ceasefire to take effect within —72—HOURS, raising hopes of 1—END to 4—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—OF—WAR.
20180627             —EXPELLED, SYRIA—MILITARY said it has, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP from the country's vast eastern desert of Deir EL—ZOUR province.
20180627             Government air raids struck more towns in REBEL—HELD SOUTH—WEST—SYRIA and knocked out hospitals overnight.
20180627             Talks between TOGO—GOVERNMENT and the country's political opposition resumed —AFTER a —3—MONTH—SUSPENSION.
20180627             The presidents of GHANA and GUINEA (Nana AKUFO—ADDO and Alpha Conde) arrived in LOME to further the political dialogue.
20180627             —KILLED, TURKEY—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said at least 6—PEOPLE have been, in 2—CAR—BOMB—ATTACKS in 1—NORTH—SYRIA—ENCLAVE controlled by TURKEY—TROOPS and allied SYRIA—OPPOSITION—FIGHTERS.
20180627             1—TURKEY—COURT ruled that JOURNALIST—MEHMET—ALTAN be released, —4—MONTHS—AFTER he was sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of aiding 1 failed military coup.
20180627             1—THAILAND—COURT sentenced human rights lawyer Prawet Prapanukul to —16—MONTHS in prison, finding him GUILTY—OF—SEDITION for material he —POSTED online but dropping charges of royal defamation.
20180627             [l] DER—USA—SUPREME—COURT—HAT—DONALD—TRUMP—MUSLIM—BAN für rechtens erklärt.
20180627             DER—SUPREME—COURT hat gerade 1.konservative Mehrheit, weil DIE—REPUBLIKANER OBAMA einfach keinen neuen Kandidaten haben ernennen lassen für ein halbes —JAHR.
20180627             Ärger um JUSTIZ—REFORM, POLEN muss sich rechtfertigen
20180627             "Grausam und gesetzeswidrig": 17—BUNDES—STAATEN klagen gegen DONALD—TRUMP—EINREISE—POLITIK
20180627             ÖSTERREICH: Maulkorb für ORF—REDAKTEURE
20180627             BERTELSMANN—STUDIE, Wenn die Mutter nicht arbeitet, bleibt das Kind arm CORONA—VIRUS
20180627             SPON—WAHLTREND: Union fällt unter 30 %
20180627             Razzia: Malaysias EX—PREMIER hortete LUXUS—GÜTER im Wert von 234.000.000—EURO
20180627             —DEBATTE um EU—ASYLZENTREN: ALBANIEN will nicht EUROPAs FLÜCHTLINGS—LAGER werden
20180627             Toleriert durch KOMMUNISTEN: MINDERHEITS—REGIERUNG Babis in TSCHECHIEN vereidigt
20180627             JAPAN—MISSION: Raumsonde hat Asteroiden "Ryugu"erreicht
20180627             Wegen DATEN—SCHUTZ, Grundschullehrer schreiben Zeugnisse wieder per Hand CORONA—VIRUS
20180627             —PROTESTSCHREIBEN: Wirtschaft bläst zur REVOLTE—GEGEN—DEN BREXIT
20180627             Bezahlen mit dem Smartphone: GOOGLE Pay für Sparkassen "keine Option"
20180627             BGH—URTEIL zu Bewertungsreserven: Lebensversicherer dürfen Kunden weniger Geld auszahlen
20180627             Spektakuläre ARKTIS—EXPEDITION: "Polarstern"soll im Eis festfrieren
20180627             "KAMPF—UM—DIE—WAHRHEIT": POLEN entschärft HOLOCAUST—GESETZ
20180627             MINI—ZINSEN: 34—LEBENSVERSICHERERN drohen Finanzprobleme
20180627             Unter anderem bedrohe der PALMÖL—ANBAU durch Waldrodungen für die Plantagen ORANG—UTANS, Gibbons und Tiger.
20180627             Betroffen seien —IM—MOMENT vor allem INDONESIEN und MALAYSIA in SÜD—OST—ASIEN.
20180627             DIE—IUCN schätzt die Anbaufläche für Palmöl auf mindesten 250.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER weltweit.
20180627             Auch laut WWF gibt es kaum umweltfreundliche Alternativen zu Palmöl.
20180627             sei vor allem auch in den wichtigsten Abnehmerländern INDIEN—CHINA und INDONESIEN mehr Aufklärung nötig.
20180627             DIE—SONDE mit dem DEUTSCHLAND—ASTEROIDENLANDER "Mascot"an Bord sei —NUN in 1—POSITION 20—KM vom Asteroiden "Ryugyu"entfernt,
20180627             möchte —SCHON auf den Titelseiten der rechtslastigen BOULEVARD—PRESSE zerrissen werden.
20180627             "DIE—GEGENWÄRTIGE VERHANDLUNGS—POSITION geht (?...) direkt GEGEN—DIE—INTERESSEN des Automobilsektors in GROß—BRITANNIEN, der im BINNEN—MARKT und in der ZOLL—UNION floriert hat".Es gebe weder "glaubwürdige Ausweichlösungen für Zollverfahren", noch sei es realistisch, daß neue HANDEL—ABKOMMEN—MIT—LÄNDERN WELT—WEIT ausgehandelt werden könnten, die "den immensen Wert des Handels mit der EU kopieren"könnten.
20180627             Der Sektor beschäftigt in GROß—BRITANNIEN mehr als 850.000—MENSCHEN, 186.000—VON ihnen in der Produktion.
20180627             i werden Teile —ERST—KURZ—VOR, dem Einbau geliefert.
20180627             Den AUFT—AKT—FÜR—DEN Proteststurm der Industrie machte Airbus.
20180627             —WOCHEN—ENDE—AM, beklagten sich 5—FÜHRENDE Industrieverbände in 1—OFFENEN SCHREIBEN—AN—DIE—REGIERUNG UND—AN—DIE—EU über den Stand der Dinge.
20180627             $—EU—DIPLOMAT ließ den "Telegraph"wissen, was JOHNSON bei 1—EMPFANG im AUßEN—MINISTERIUM vor wenigen —TAGEN gesagt hat, als er gefragt wurde, was er von den Sorgen der Wirtschaft halte.
20180627             DONALD—TRUMP und WLADIMIR—PUTIN: KREML kündigt GIPFEL—TREFFEN an - Das NETZ—WERK der Identitären
20180627             DIE— Initialzündung  der  Bewegung  kam  20120000             aus
20180627             FRANKREICH  und  griff  schnell  auf  ÖSTERREICH  und - DEUTSCHLAND  über.
20180627             grüßte  die  intelligenten  Jugendlichen, die  mit  Akt1—
20180627             onsformen der 68er Bewegung auf sich aufmerks
20180627             —AM, machen.
20180627             —BEKANNT, Der See wurde durch die NYOS—TRAGÖDIE, bei der
20180627             SÜD—AMERIKA: Forscher entdecken auf AMAZONAS—EXPEDITION —BISHER, unbekannte Tiere
20180627             Daubie ist davon überzeugt, nicht das einzige Opfer 1—NEUEN, radikalen TIER—SCHUTZ—BEWEGUNG in FRANKREICH zu sein, die Veganismus propagiert.
20180627             Daubies Laden ist 1—GESCHÄFT, wie es sie in FRANKREICH früher in jedem Dorf gab und wie sie —HEUTE langsam aussterben.
20180627             —NATÜRLICH liegt das auch an den wachsenden Marktanteilen der großen Supermärkte
20180627             —NATÜRLICH - "EINIGE—INDIVIDUEN und Organisationen wollen TERROR säen", schrieb der FLEISCHEREI—VERBAND an den INNEN—MINISTER.
20180627             Fleischermeister Daubie sagt, welche Organisation sein VERBAND—VERDÄCHTIGT: "Das ist die Gruppe L214.
20180627             BRIGITTE—GOTHIÈRE will DIE—VORWÜRFE nicht so stehen lassen.
20180627             Gothière verwies auf die Tötung von täglich 3.000.000 Tieren in dem Land.
20180627             —GEFÄHRDET, Zunehmend größere Betriebe : Insolvenzen —TREFFEN mehr MIT—ARBEITER
20180627             ITALIEN in der ASYL—KRISE, Was SALVINI dem EU—GIPFEL diktieren will
20180627             USA—KARTELLWÄCHTER genehmigen Übernahme: Disney darf FOX—KAUFEN—UNTER—AUFLAGEN
20180627             NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG: So wird 1—GEHEIM—DIENST enttarnt
20180627             —5—JAHRE—NACH—BEGINN der SNOWDEN—ENTHÜLLUNGEN scheint alles zur NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG gesagt.
20180627             —BEFINDET, Das Gebäude, sich mitten in der Stadt, nur ein paar Häuserblocks von den berühmten Cable Cars entfernt, in der Folsom Street 611.
20180627             —VOR, eineinhalb —JAHREN machte Moltke ZUSAMMEN—MIT—DEM SCHOTTLAND—JOURNALISTEN RYAN—GALLAGHER in NEW—YORK—CITY ein weiteres Gebäude des Telekommunikationsanbieters ausfindig, das DIE—NSA als "SPIONAGE—DREHKREUZ"mitnutze.
20180627             —NEUEN—ÜBER das Ausmaß der NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG steht in dem ARTIKEL nicht, nur der Verweis auf die lange bekannte Zahl von 400.000.000.000—METADATEN, die im Rahmen von FAIRVIEW innerhalb weniger —MONATE gesammelt wurden
20180627             Familientrennungen an DER—USA—GRENZE, USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS stimmt gegen MIGRATIONS—GESETZ
20180627             —ABSTIMMUNG—IN—DEN—HAAG: OPCW darf künftig Täter von CHEMIE—WAFFENANGRIFFEN nennen
20180627             USA—MODERATER SUPREME—COURT—RICHTER geht in Rente
20180627             "Wir werden das nicht vergessen": DONALD—TRUMP warnt HARLEY—DAVIDSON
20180627             [l] Oh gut, den Rant über DIE—CSU kann ich mir sparen.
20180627             MONEY—QUOTE:
20180627             —VOR, DER—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL gab es keine —POLITIK wegen DER—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL.
20180627             [l] Was kostet eigentlich so 1—STAATS—TROJANER?
20180627             Und an dieser Stelle bitte ich um 1—RUNDE Applaus für die Helden von Netzpolitik_org dafür, daß sie das hier getan haben:
20180627             Wir haben —JETZT die 7 "nur für den Dienstgebrauch" eingestuften ANTWORT—TEILE erhalten und veröffentlichen diese wie gewohnt in Volltext.
20180627             TRUMP darf sowas im Rahmen seiner Zuständigkeit für nationale Sicherheit entscheiden, fanden DIE—RICHTER.
20180627             Das ist also kein Zufall, dass der —JETZT so entschieden hat, das war Ergebnis eines (immerhin gewaltlosen) Putsches.
20180627             Eingesperrte Einwandererkinder: USA—GERICHT ordnet Familienzusammenführung an
20180627             Razzia: Malaysias EX—PREMIER hortete LUXUS—GÜTER im Wert von 234—MILLIONEN EURO
20180627             —MASSAKER—IN—ZENTRALNIGERIA: Mehr als 200—TOTE—BEI—ANGRIFFEN bewaffneter Viehhirten
20180627             "Weil Palmöl in den besonders artenreichen Tropen angebaut wird, könnte das katastrophale Folgen für DIE—WELTWEITE ARTEN—VIELFALT haben", heißt es in der Veröffentlichung.
20180627             Aber weil die Nachfrage steige, könnten solche Probleme bald auch in tropischen Regionen AFRIKAs und SÜD—AMERIKAS größer werden.
20180627             Zum Vergleich: DEUTSCHLAND ist 357.000—QUADRAT—KILOMETER groß.
20180627             Das solle dazu führen, dass Verbraucher nach nachhaltigem Palmöl verlangen.
20180627             Also haben sich die meisten Firmen zu dem Thema bislang, zumindest in der Öffentlichkeit, ausgeschwiegen.
20180627             Mehr als 10000000             Lkw mit Komponenten überqueren den Kanal dafür jeden —TAG
20180627             Der LUFTFAHRT—KONZERN drohte in 1—RISIKOBEWERTUNG gar damit, im schlimmsten Fall Produktionsstandorte zu verlegen
20180627             "Es ist absolut unangebracht für DIE—WIRTSCHAFT, diese ART—VON—DROHUNGEN auszusprechen", sagte GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JEREMY—HUNT in 1—BBC—INTERVIEW.
20180627             Johnsons Antwort: "Fuck business".
20180627             DONALD—TRUMP und WLADIMIR—PUTIN: KREML kündigt GIPFEL—TREFFEN an
20180627             schen  Tal  von  Nyos  im  Nordwesten  Kameruns
20180627             1. der  rätselhaftesten  Naturkatastrophen  des
20180627             fallen tot von den Bäumen, 3500—RINDER, Paviane
20180627             und andere Tiere verenden innerhalb von wenigen - —STUNDEN.
20180627             Die  Initialzündung  der  Bewegung  kam  20120000             aus - DEUTSCHLAND  über.
20180627             Die  gesamte  Neue  Rechte  be-
20180627             onsformen der 68er Bewegung auf sich aufmerksam - machen.
20180627             Der NYOS—SEE ist 1—KRATERSEE in KAMERUN (ZENTRAL—AFRIKA).
20180627             —BEFINDET, Er, sich in 1—ALTEN Vulkankrater im OKU—VULKANGEBIET.
20180627             Der FLEISCHEREI—VERBAND—IN PARIS hat die Vorgänge in LILLE beim INNEN—MINISTER angezeigt.
20180627             NATÜRLICH - LILLE, und Umgebung seien —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—MONATEN 7—LÄDEN angriffen worden.
20180627             Wenn er über die Tierschützer spricht, schwingt seine Abneigung gegen Veganer mit.
20180627             "Die Fleischer verweisen auf ein mikroskopisches Problem und tragen damit zur Agitation bei", sagte die in FRANKREICH bekannte Tierschützerin in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SÜDFRANZÖSISCHEN—TAGES—ZEITUNG "Midi Libre".
20180627             "—HEUTE gibt es in FRANKREICH 1.immer stärkere Bewegung, die die Interessen der Tiere vertritt, aber sie ist pazifistisch", sagte Gothière.
20180627             Dass nicht ALLE—FRANZÖSISCHEN—TIERSCHÜTZER—PAZIFISTEN sind, räumte allerdings auch die L214-Gründerin ein.
20180627             Aber manchen Journalisten ist das egal, sie machen einfach weiter.
20180627             Der Däne HENRIk Moltke ist 1—VON ihnen.
20180627             —GESCHRIEBEN, Moltke, der auch —SCHON für den SPIEGEL, hat, will sichtbar machen, was unsichtbar bleiben soll.
20180627             Das treibt ihn um, —SEIT DER—WHISTLE—BLOWER MARK—KLEIN 20060000             unter Eid erklärte, dass DIE—NSA im Zimmer 641—DES AT&T—GEBÄUDES in S—FRANCISCO geheime ÜBERWACHUNGS—TECHNIK installiert habe.
20180627             —BEFINDET, Das Gebäude, sich mitten in der Stadt, nur ein paar Häuserblocks von den berühmten Cable Cars entfernt, in der Folsom Street 611. Es wirkt, als wäre es mit Aluminiumplatten vernagelt worden.
20180627             Einblick unerwünscht.
20180627             Der Wolkenkratzer in Manhatten hat keine Fenster und keine Beleuchtung.
20180627             "—NACHTS", schrieben DIE—JOURNALISTEN, "wird er zu 1—RIESIGEN SCHATTEN".
20180627             —NUN haben Moltke und Gallagher in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, ATLANTA, CHICAGO, DALLAS, LOS—ANGELES und SEATTLE 6—WEITERE solcher Bauten gefunden.
20180627             Auf "THE—INTERCEPT"beschreiben sie sehr ausführlich, wie sie mit Hilfe der SNOWDEN—DOKUMENTE, Unterlagen von AT&T, Informationen der Handelsaufsicht und mehreren ehemaligen AT&T—MITARBEITERN die jeweiligen Adressen ermittelt und Hinweise gesammelt haben, die auf 1.Präsenz der NSA in all diesen Gebäuden hindeuten.
20180627             —GEMACHT, Den hat —SCHON 1."Zeit"-Kolumnistin.
20180627             Und RECHT hat sie. Vorruheständler aus dem Alpenland.
20180627             Das trifft es ganz gut.
20180627             Und dieser MASTERPLAN—TASCHENSPIELERTRICK, dass die es wagen, mit so 1—KINDERGARTENSCHEISSE DAS—LAND zu verarschen zu wollen!
20180627             —NACH DER—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL fand keine —POLITIK statt, wegen Sondierungsgesprächen.
20180627             —NACH—DEN Sondierungsgesprächen fand keine —POLITIK statt wegen der FDP.
20180627             Dann kamen die KOALITIONS—VERHANDLUNGEN und es fand keine —POLITIK statt, weil DIE—SPD noch fix und fertig war.
20180627             Und —JETZT findet keine —POLITIK statt, weil DIE—CSU alles lahmlegt.
20180627             Wie gesagt, in der Welt der normalarbeitenden Menschen wären solche Leute —SCHON—LÄNGST 1—FALL für die Reha.
20180627             DAS—BKA hat knapp 6—MIO EURO gezahlt.
20180627             —SEITDEM gab es 7—KLEINE Anfragen zum Thema im BUNDES—TAG.
20180627             —BEANTWORTET, DIE—REGIERUNG hat all diese Fragen nur oberflächlich, vieles als Verschlusssache eingestuft und EINIGE—ANTWORTEN vollständig verweigert.
20180627             Abgeordnete von Grünen und FDP haben deshalb —BEREITS mit Klage gedroht.
20180627             —ANNOUNCED, USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—ANTHONY—KENNEDY, —81—JAHRE—ALT, his retirement effective 20180731             .
20180627             DIE—REGIONEN, die dort für den Anbau in Frage kämen, seien Heimat von 54—PROZENT—DER—BEDROHTEN—SÄUGETIERE und fast 66—PROZENT—DER—BEDROHTEN—VOGELARTEN.
20180627             und andere Tiere verenden innerhalb von wenigen
20180627             —STUNDEN. Was hat diese Tragödie ausgelöst? Das NETZWERK—DER—IDENTITÄREN
20180627             NATÜRLICH - Fleischermeister Daubie sagt, welche Organisation sein VERBAND—VERDÄCHTIGT: "Das ist die Gruppe L214. Für diese Leute ist es 1.Ehre, 1—FLEISCHER anzugreifen", sagt Daubie.
20180627             Sie ist Sprecherin und Mitbegründerin der Gruppe L214, die nach 1—FRANZÖSISCHEN—TIER—SCHUTZ—PARAGRAPHEN benannt ist.
20180627             Familientrennungen an DER—USA—GRENZE : USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS stimmt gegen Migrationsgesetz
20180627—20180709    —ON, Manning † from his injuries.
20180628—20180627    —REPORTED, The ministry had, 6—DEAD in the Beheira shootout in March, SHORTLY—AFTER the bombing, and 1—SECURITY—OFFICIAL confirmed the Assiut raid.
20190617—20190627    —FROM, IRAN said it will surpass its uranium stockpile limit set under the nuclear deal with world powers, turning up the pressure —AFTER THE—USA walked away from the landmark pact —LAST—YEAR.
20190624—20190627    —UNTIL, MALAYSIA ordered 475—SCHOOLS and kindergartens to close, —AFTER DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were hospitalized with symptoms suggesting they breathed toxic fumes, possibly from industrial waste, the 2. such incident —THIS—YEAR.
20190627             —LAUT, IFO—INSTITUT hat sich DIE—BEVÖLKERUNGSZAHL auf dem —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—WESTDEUTSCHLANDS—SEIT—DEM, Beginn 19000101—19991231    —DES, mehr als VERDOPPELT—WOHINGEGEN in den neuen Bundesländern —DERZEIT, so wenige Menschen leben wie zuletz
20190627             —DISCONNECTED, THE—MOBILE—PHONE—NETWORK that was, 20190623             remained down.
20190627             —KICKED, Trump, off meetings with INTERNATIONAL leaders with 1—WORKING—DINNER with AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SCOTT—MORRISON.
20190627             —DEMANDED, USA—SENATE—MAJORITY—LEADER—MITCH—MCCONNELL, that House Democrats drop their insistence for changes in a $4.6—BILLION border aid package that THE—SENATE passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and instead give final congressional approval to the legislation.
20190627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, blocked the addition of 1—CITIZENSHIP—QUESTION to 20200000             —THE census over doubts about THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—RATIONALE.
20190627             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that FEDERAL—COURTS have no role to play in the dispute over the practice of gerrymandering.
20190627             1—FEDERAL—JURY in S—FRANCISCO found —APRIL Myres (55) GUILTY—OF—MAIL and wire fraud in a 20160000             case.
20190627             —ACCUSED—OF, She was, having 1—ROMANTIC—RELATIONSHIP with 1—JAIL—INMATE and lying about 1—DEPARTMENT issued firearm.
20190627             3—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA women, Sparkle Shorale Nelson (32), Shykeena Monique Johnson (31) and Jerrika Johnson (37) were arrested on suspicion of stealing more than $1—MILLION in FEDERAL—STUDENT—FINANCIAL—AID through FULLERTON College.
20190627             —FACED, FLORIDA, frontrunner JOE—BIDEN, repeated criticism on multiple fronts from his Democratic rivals for 20200000             —THE presidential nomination, including calls to leave the battle to oust DONALD—TRUMP to 1—YOUNGER—GENERATION.
20190627             NORTH—CAROLINA authorities said Areli Aguirre Avilez (30), the man accused of murdering his EX—WIFE, MARIA—CALDERON, and her 2—CHILDREN, is 1—MEXICO—CITIZEN who's in THE—USA—ILLEGALLY.
20190627             —BURNED, The children were found shot inside their, home, —WHILE Calderon was presumed dead.
20190627             —CRASHED, NORTH—CAROLINA, 1—SINGLE—ENGINE—PLANE, into 1—HOME—LATE—TODAY killing the pilot and 1—PERSON inside the house in HOPE—MILLS.
20190627             —WARNED, Greenpeace, about overfishing endangered sharks in THE—NORTH—ATLANTIC, often by Spanish and PORTUGAL—BOATS.
20190627             —ATTACKED, In EAST—GHAZNI province the Taliban, AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—CHECKPOINTS, killing 4—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20190627             BELIZE authorities said 1—LOCAL—GUIDE, who was leading 1—VIRGINIA doctor on 1—FISHING—TRIP—WHEN they were both fatally shot, might have been THE—TARGET—OF—GANG hit in the country.
20190627             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA—FLAGSHIP—AIRLINE—AIR—CANADA, that it has reached 1—DEAL to buy tour operator Transat for Can$520—MILLION (USA$396—MILLION) in cash or Can$13—PER share.
20190627             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, in OSAKA to attend the G20 summit that PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE will chair over the next —2—DAYS.
20190627             —PLANNED, Latin USA—LEADERS, to seek to increase pressure on VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO and further isolate the embattled leader.
20190627             —KILLED, CONGO, DRC at least 36—ARTISANAL miners were, by 1—LANDSLIDE at the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) concession, 1—COPPER and cobalt mine run by Glencore.
20190627             The death toll soon rose to 43.
20190627             —ARRESTED, ETHIOPIA—GOVERNMENT said security forces have, more than 250—PEOPLE in 1—SWEEPING—CRACKDOWN —FOLLOWING 1 failed suspected coup attempt and THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—5—HIGH—RANKING—OFFICIALS.
20190627             —CALLED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, on ITALY to help find 1—SWIFT—RESOLUTION for the migrants aboard the charity ship SEA—WATCH, which entered ITALY—WATERS in defiance of 1—BAN from ROME.
20190627             —BRACED, Europeans, for the expected peak of 1—SWELTERING heatwave that has sent temperatures soaring above 40—DEGREES—CELSIUS (104—FAHRENHEIT), with schools in FRANCE closing and wildfires in SPAIN spinning OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20190627             —CHARGED, GERMANY, 2—OF 3—MEN, with HUNDREDS—OF—COUNTS—OF—CHILD—SEXUAL—ABUSE over decades at 1—GERMANY—CAMPSITE pleaded guilty as their trial opened.
20190627             —OPPOSED, HONG—KONG, protesters, to legislation they fear would reduce judicial INDEPENDENCE rallied outside the Justice Department, as the territory's leader remained OUT—OF—PUBLIC—VIEW for a 2. —WEEK.
20190627             1—HUNGARY—COURT refused to extradite FORMER—MACEDONIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLA—GRUEVSKI, who fled abroad —LAST—YEAR—AFTER being sentenced to —2—YEARS in prison on CORRUPTION—RELATED charges.
20190627             —RELEASED, Gruevski was, from custody on the court's order.
20190627             —REJECTED, INDONESIA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, 1—BID to overturn PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO—ELECTION—VICTORY and dismissed his defeated challenger's claims of widespread voter fraud as groundless.
20190627             —ERUPTED, ISRAEL, clashes, in EAST—JERUSALEM —AFTER ISRAEL—POLICE shot and killed MOHAMMED—OBEID, —20—JAHRE—ALT—DURING demonstrations against police violence.
20190627             —VOTED, Lawmakers in KYRGYZSTAN, to lift THE—IMMUNITY—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV, —62—JAHRE—ALT, paving the way for 1—PROSECUTION that could provoke 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS in the fragile CENTRAL—ASIA—STATE.
20190627             —BURNED, LEBANON, HUNDREDS—OF—VETERANS, tires and blocked highways to protest 1—PENSION—TAX and benefit cuts in a 20190000             budget intended to slash the country's deficit.
20190627             LIBYA—UN—BACKED government took back 1—STRATEGIC—TOWN—NEAR—TRIPOLI from COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HIFTER, whose forces have been fighting for the past —3—MONTHS to capture the country's capital.
20190627             —RESTORED, Fixed INTERNET in the country was, THE—NEXT—DAY.
20190627             —WARNED—OF, THE—HOLLAND—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (AIVD), the escalating THREAT—OF—STATE—BACKED cyber espionage, saying THE—NETHERLANDS was particularly vulnerable as 1—HUB for INTERNATIONAL business, telecoms and human rights groups.
20190627             —CALLED, PAKISTAN, for stronger trade relations with AFGHANISTAN and more cooperation on regional security as AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI visited ISLAMABAD, pledging renewed effort to end THE—18—YEAR—WAR in AFGHANISTAN.
20190627             —CAPTURED, RUSSIA said 6—BELUGA and 2—KILLER whales, to perform in aquariums and held in cramped pens, have been released into the wild.
20190627             —FIRED, SUDAN—SECURITY—FORCES, tear gas to disperse DOZENS—OF—STUDENTS demonstrating against the ruling military council at 1—FINANCIAL—ACADEMY in the heart of KHARTOUM.
20190627             —EXPLODED, SYRIA, 1—BOMB, in 1—CAR in DAMASCUS, wounding the wife and SON—OF—1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—POLITICAL—ANALYST.
20190627             TUNISIA, double suicide attacks shook TUNIS, even as the country was plunged into uncertainty with THE—HOSPITALIZATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BEJI—CAID—ESSEBSI who was said to be in "critical condition".
20190627             —ARRESTED, Authorities in VANUATU, 6—CHINA—NATIONALS—FOLLOWING—CHINA—COMPLAINTS they were operating 1—INTERNET—SCAM from the Pacific ISLAND.
20190627             1—COURT—IN—VIETNAM jailed Tran Cong Khai (56), 1—MAN who formerly worked as 1—LAWYER, to —8—YEARS in prison on 1—CHARGE—OF attempting to overthrow the state, —JUST days —AFTER 1—USA—CITIZEN got —12—YEARS on 1—SIMILAR—CHARGE.
20190627             —NEUEN—BÜNDNIS—GEGEN—USA und CHINA: Wir brauchen eine ökonomische FRIEDENS—BEWEGUNG
20190627             Boeing 737—MAX, USA—LUFTFAHRTBEHÖRDE entdeckt neues "mögliches Risiko"
20190627             Mordfall Lübcke: SEEHOFER räumt Nachholbedarf im KAMPF—GEGEN—RECHTS ein
20190627             Alternativer Antrieb: 5—GRÜNDE, warum Wasserstoffautos kaum gefragt sind
20190627             Insgesamt gab es 83.175—ELEKTROAUTOS—DIE allermeisten davon mit Batterie.
20190627             "Ungefähr 1000—H2—TANKSTELLEN bundesweit sind nötig, damit Brennstoffzellenautos richtig interessant werden für den Verbraucher",
20190627             —BISHER sind es 71—BUNDESWEIT, —BIS—ZUM—JAHR—ENDE, sollen es 100—SEIN -
20190627             DIE—ZAHL—DER—ÖFFENTLICHEN LADE—PUNKTE für BATTERIE—ELEKTROAUTOS lag —LAUT—ANGABEN, des Energieverbands BDEW zuletzt BEI—CA—17.400.
20190627             Dazu kommt eine unbekannte ZAHL—VON—PRIVATEN—LADESTATIONEN—BATTERIEAUTOS lassen sich zu Hause betanken, Wasserstoffautos nicht.
20190627             Tausende Schaulustige kamen
20190627             DIE—KOMMERZIELLE LUFT—VERKEHR—ZWISCHEN—DEN USA und EUROPA startete mit einem großen Spektakel.
20190627             DIE—USA—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Pan USA—AIRWAYS (Pan Am) nahm den 1. Linienbetrieb für Passagierflüge über den Atlantik auf.
20190627             —VON, NEW—YORK führte die Route über die Azoren und LISSABON nach MARSEILLE.
20190627             "Dixie Clipper" genannten Boeing 314.
20190627             Mit der Boeing 314—KONNTE jeder, der über DIE—FINANZIELLEN Mittel verfügte, über den Ozean fliegen.
20190627             —DANN, kamen die NAZIS—DIE CLIPPER—FLUGBOOTE wurden Militärmaschinen
20190627             der Aufbruch in die neue Ära wurde vom —WWII rasch wieder beendet.
20190627             Gut —2—MONATE—NACH Pan Ams PREMIERe marschierte NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND in POLEN ein.
20190627             —BIS sich der transatlantische FLUG—VERKEHR richtig durchsetzte, dauerte es noch.
20190627             Mit über 500—PLÄTZEN erlaubte er den Airlines eine ganz andere PREIS—POLITIK und machte den Flug über den Atlantik endgültig massentauglich.
20190627             DIE—WOHL größte Enttäuschung erlebten AIR—FRANCE und BRITISH—AIRWAYS mit dem ÜBERSCHALL—PASSAGIERFLUGZEUG CONCORDE, das
20190627             Der Absturz in PARIS aus dem 20000700             mit 113—TOTEN und die TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE vom 20010900             gaben den Rest.
20190627             —AM—MITTWOCH war in DEUTSCHLAND ein neuer TEMPERATUR—REKORD für —DEN—MONAT ;;06;;
20190627             gemessen worden: Wie DER—DEUTSCHE—WETTER—DIENST (DWD) mitteilte, wurde an einer Messstation im BRANDENBURGischen Coschen 38,6 Grad erreicht.
20190627             Der bisherige REKORD—WERT lag nur minimal darunter.
20190627             Besonders heiß wurde es nach vorläufigen Angaben zudem mit gut 38—GRAD—CELSIUS in Manschnow (BRANDENBURG), Hoyerswerda (SACHSEN), COTTBUS (BRANDENBURG) und MÖHRENDORF—KLEINSEEBACH (BAYERN).
20190627             —AM, Oberrhein bleibt es heiß bei —BIS zu 38—GRAD.
20190627             —AM—SCHON, —SAMSTAG kommt —SCHON die nächste Welle heißer SAHARA—LUFT.
20190627             "Combat 18" und "Blood & Honour": KANADA setzt RECHTSRECHTS—EXTREMEN—GRUPPEN auf TERROR—LISTE
20190627             MADONNA—VIDEO—GEGEN—WAFFENGEWALT: "Dies ist euer Weckruf"
20190627             —VOR, Neuwahlen: ISRAEL—EX—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—BARAK gründet neue Partei
20190627             Weiterer Streit im Welthandel: DONALD—TRUMP schimpft über INDIEN—ZOLLSCHRANKEN
20190627             Bevölkerungsentwicklung: DEUTSCHLAND hat so VIELE—EINWOHNER wie noch nie
20190627             Fossil auf der Halbinsel KRIM: Forscher finden größten Vogel der Welt
20190627             Aggressiver Hedgefonds: Bayer droht Ärger mit Großinvestor
20190627             Der Ausländeranteil stieg von 11,7 auf 12,2 %.
20190627             Das straußenähnliche Tier sei mindestens 3,5—METER—GROß gewesen und habe schätzungsweise 450—KILOGRAMM gewogen, berichten EXPERTEN—VON—DER—RUSSISCHEN—AKADEMIE—DER—WISSENSCHAFTEN.
20190627             und lebte VOR—1.800.—000—JAHREN.
20190627             [l] Die DELEGATION—DES—BRASILIANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN wollte 39kg Kokain zum G20—GIPFEL mitbringen.
20190627             Millionen Nutzer betroffen: Schwachstelle in Excel lässt SCHAD—SOFTWARE durch
20190627             FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—IN—JAPAN: Macron schmiedet 1—BÜNDNIS—GEGEN—CHINA
20190627             Politische Folgen des KLIMA—WANDELS: MACHT—KAMPF mit dem Eisbrecher
20190627             —SEIT, 20180000             —ANFANG, DONALD—TRUMP und Kim sollen sich 12—BRIEFE geschrieben haben
20190627             —STREIT—UM—MANIPULIERTE Aufnahme: Zuckerberg verteidigt —ENTSCHEIDUNG, PELOSI—VIDEO nicht zu löschen
20190627             SOHN—DES—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: Kellnerin soll ERIC—DONALD—TRUMP ins Gesicht gespuckt haben
20190627             —KLIMAKONZEPT: SPD will E—AUTOS fördern und Flüge verteuern
20190627             —AM, kommt der Film in EINIGE—DEUTSCHE—KINOS.
20190627             PETER—JACKSON hat "They Shall Not Grow Old" im Auftrag des Imperial War Museum in LONDON produziert.
20190627             "Ich konnte machen, was ich wollte", sagte der Regisseur in einem Interview, "die einzige Bedingung war, ausschließlich Material aus dem Museumsarchiv zu verwenden".
20190627             Der Überwältigungseffekt entsteht durch die Bearbeitung: Die historischen Aufnahmen wurden mit modernster Computertechnik restauriert, teilweise koloriert und in 3D konvertiert.
20190627             Lippenleser guckten sich die Szenen an und entschlüsselten, was DIE—MENSCHEN vor der Kamera wohl gesagt haben;
20190627             Schauspieler sprachen ihre Sätze nach.
20190627             Effekt von Kondensstreifen: FLUG—VERKEHR schadet dem Klima mehr als gedacht
20190627             —STUDIE über Füße: Hornhaut ist besser als JEDE—SCHUHSOHLE
20190627             Besondere Sorge bereiten den Wissenschaftlerinnen jene Streifen, die in etwa 8—KILOMETERN Höhe entstehen.
20190627             DIE—EISWOLKEN, die durch den FLUG—VERKEHR entstehen, hätten in den vergangenen —JAHREN mehr zum Anstieg der globalen Temperatur beigetragen als alles CO2, das —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—LUFTFAHRT in die Atmosphäre gelangt ist, berichten die KÖLNer Wissenschaftlerinnen.
20190627             KLIMABERECHNUNGEN, würde der Effekt dennoch kaum berücksichtigt, dabei könne sich der Einfluss der künstlichen Wolken aufs Klima —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRZEHNTEN verdreifachen.
20190627             könnte DER—BEITRAG eisiger Kondensstreifen zur Strahlungsbilanz
20190627             DIE—ZAHL—DER—FLÜGE wird sich demnach im Vergleich zu 20060000             vervierfachen.
20190627             —GLEICHZEITIG, ändern sich die Routen und die Flieger erreichen immer größere Höhen, was dazu führen könne, daß häufiger die fürs Klima schädlichen Eiswolken entstünden.
20190627             —ETWAS Hoffnung: Sauberere Emissionen könnten einen TEIL—DES—PROBLEMS lösen,
20190627             DIE—LÄNGSTE Zeit seiner Existenz ist DER—MENSCH barfuß auf dieser Erde GELAUFEN—ERST vor circa 40.—000—JAHREN wurden wohl die 1. Sandalen erfunden.
20190627             Fund aus der —BRONZE—ZEIT: Forscher entdecken 3.—400—JAHRE—ALT Palast am Ostufer des Tigris
20190627             DONALD—TRUMP und Xi beim G20—GIPFEL: Zocken um die WELT—WIRTSCHAFT
20190627             Psychologe über globale IQ—VERGLEICHE: "Unsere INTELLIGENZ sinkt"
20190627             —VERBIETET, Temperaturen über 40—GRAD: FRANKREICH, Viehtransporte wegen Hitze
20190627             Agentur für CYBERwaffen: SPD bremst von der Leyens Prestigeprojekt aus
20190627             VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ—BERICHT und RECHTS—EXTREMISMUS: "Auffallend ist die hohe Gewaltbereitschaft"
20190627             Internationales NUKLEAR—ABKOMMEN, IRAN hält sich doch an ATOMDEAL—VORERST
20190627             EX—CIA—CHEF—LEON—PANETTA: "Dann läuft etwas schrecklich falsch im WEIßES—HAUS"
20190627             Tiefen des Weltalls: Forscher bestimmen Ursprung von rätselhaftem Radioblitz
20190627             —NACH, + MORD—AN—WALTER—LÜBCKE: Tausende demonstrieren in KASSEL gegen rechte Gewalt
20190627             Gegen Hass und HETZE: Twitter führt Kennzeichnung für regelwidrige POLITIKER—TWEETS ein
20190627             Oversight BOARD: So soll FACEBOOKs oberster Gerichtshof arbeiten
20190627             BREXIT—STREIT—BEI—G20: JAPAN warnt Briten vor NO—DEAL—SZENARIO
20190627             —NACH, juristischem RÜCK—SCHLAG, DONALD—TRUMP lässt Verschiebung von USA—VOLKSZÄHLUNG prüfen
20190627             1—TROCKENPERIODE im IRAK hat EINEN—CA—3.—400—JAHRE—ALT Palast am Ostufer des Tigris zum Vorschein gebracht.
20190627             Der Palast soll aus der Zeit des MITTANI—REICHS stammen, das vom 15.
20190627             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER entdeckten auch 10—KEILSCHRIFTENTEXTE.
20190627             —GEHÖRT, DIE—FUNDREGION, zu den kurdischen Autonomiegebieten im Norden des IRAKs.
20190627             Unter anderem pflegte ERNST—IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT Kontakt zu Neonazis aus der militanten Gruppierung "Combat 18", die in Verbindung mit "Blood & Honour" STAND—JENEM NETZ—WERK, das auch dem "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund" (NSU) half.
20190627             —LAUT, seinen Angaben stoppte er den Einsatz nur —10—MINUTEN bevor DAS—MILITÄR losschlagen sollte.
20190627             PANETTA: Nein.
20190627             —SPIEGEL, DONALD—TRUMP behauptet, er habe von den Militärs buchstäblich —ERST im letzten Moment erfahren, daß bei dem ANGRIFF wahrscheinlich 150—MENSCHEN —STERBEN würden.
20190627             PANETTA: Dies wäre ein dysfunktionaler Prozess.
20190627             PANETTA: Ich sehe DIE—TAKTIK des Präsidenten aus mehreren Gründen kritisch.
20190627             —NATÜRLICH - Da wirkt sicherlich noch die Erfahrung des IRAK—KRIEGS nach.
20190627             Das TELESKOP—SYSTEM Askap in AUSTRALIEN hatte den extrem kurzen Ausbruch von Radiostrahlung
20190627             —BEOBACHTET, DIE—MYSTERIÖSEN Blitze waren 20070000             —1., worden.
20190627             —SEITDEM, wurden 85—PLÖTZLICHE Ausbrüche von Radiostrahlung registriert.
20190627             PUTIN nannte DONALD—TRUMP in dem Interview zudem eine talentierte Person.
20190627             In dem Interview wurde auch die mögliche Einflussnahme RUSSLANDs in den vergangenen USA—WAHLKAMPF THEMATISIERT—PUTIN bezeichnete sie als "mythisch".
20190627             Im Gegensatz zu seinen Gegnern habe DONALD—TRUMP die Veränderungen in der USA—GESELLSCHAFT gespürt und dies genutzt.
20190627             Zum 20190101             registrierte das KRAFTFAHRT—BUNDESAMT nur 392—FAHRZEUGE, die mit Wasserstoff betrieben werden.
20190627             Mit 111—PASSAGIEREN landete die "AMERICA" —NACH—8—STUNDEN und —41—MINUTEN in PARIS Le Bourget
20190627             der legendäre PAN—AM—CHEF—JUAN—TRIPPE, der Boeing später zur ENTWICKLUNG—DES—REVOLUTIONÄREN—JUMBO—JETS 747—BRACHTE.
20190627             zwischen den Küsten unterwegs war.
20190627             —AM, —MITTWOCH war in DEUTSCHLAND ein neuer Temperaturrekord für —DEN—MONAT—JUNI gemessen worden: Wie der DEUTSCHLAND—WETTERDIENST (DWD) mitteilte, wurde an einer Messstation im brandenburgischen Coschen 38,6 Grad erreicht.
20190627             Für Wehrübung: GRÜNEN—POLITIKER Lindner nimmt KRIEGS—DIENSTVERWEIGERUNG zurück
20190627             Mit knapp über 83—MILLIONEN Menschen hat DEUTSCHLAND so VIELE—EINWOHNER wie nie zuvor.
20190627             Im vergangenen —JAHR wuchs die Bevölkerung um 227.000—MENSCHEN oder 0,3 %,
20190627             Das sei fast dreimal so schwer wie ein —HEUTE lebender AFRIKAnischer Strauß.
20190627             und lebte vor 1,8—MILLIONEN—JAHREN.
20190627             Auf der Halbinsel Krim - Irgendwie müssen die sich ja auch bei Bewusstsein halten!
20190627             Frankreichs PRÄSIDENT—IN—JAPAN: Macron schmiedet ein Bündnis gegen CHINA
20190627             —AM, ;;0627;; kommt der Film in EINIGE—DEUTSCHE—KINOS.
20190627             Der Starttermin hat Symbolkraft: Vor —100—JAHREN,
20190627             "They Shall Not Grow Old", seinen überwältigenden Dokumentarfilm über den —WWI.
20190627             Wasserdampf und Ruß aus den Abgasen der Flugzeuge treffen dabei auf kalte Luft, sodass langlebige Eiswolken entstehen.
20190627             Indem sie verhindern, dass Wärme von der Erde ins All abstrahlt, haben sie einen ähnlichen Treibhauseffekt wie CO2,
20190627             "Kondensstreifen sorgen vor allem dafür, dass es in der oberen Atmosphäre wärmer wird und sie beeinflussen die natürliche Wolkenbildung",
20190627             Annäherung zwischen ISRAEL und BAHRAIN: "Das jüdische Volk hat einen Platz unter uns"
20190627             Trump und Xi beim G20—GIPFEL: Zocken um die Weltwirtschaft
20190627             Bundestagsrede nach Mordfall Lübcke: "Wir lassen uns von diesem braunen Sumpf nicht einschüchtern"
20190627             Mahnmal für NSU—TERROR in KÖLN: "1—HAUS, das von Nazis nicht angegriffen werden kann"
20190627             Der Palast soll aus der Zeit des MITTANI—REICHS stammen, das vom 15. —BIS 13000101—13991231    _VOR_CHRISTUS weite Teile Nordmesopotamiens und Syriens umfasste und —BEREITS gut erforscht ist.
20190627             Der Inhalt einer Tafel deute darauf hin, dass der Fundort, —DER—HEUTE Kemune genannt wird, sehr wahrscheinlich der alten STADT—ZACHIKU entspreche
20190627             Haben Sie so etwas —SCHON einmal erlebt? PANETTA: Nein.
20190627             Üblicherweise werden diese ART—VON—MILITÄROPERATIONEN im Nationalen Sicherheitsrat ausführlich besprochen.
20190627             Es werden die verschiedenen Optionen und ihre jeweiligen Folgen DISKUTIERT—MIT allen VOR—UND Nachteilen.
20190627             Der PRÄSIDENT trifft dann frühzeitig 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG darüber, ob 1—MISSION stattfinden soll oder nicht.
20190627             So wie ich das erlebt habe, bleibt es dann bei dieser —ENTSCHEIDUNG.
20190627             —BEHAUPTET, SPIEGEL, Trump, er habe von den Militärs buchstäblich —ERST im letzten Moment erfahren, dass bei dem Angriff wahrscheinlich 150—MENSCHEN sterben würden.
20190627             Deshalb habe er sich zum Abbruch der Mission entschieden.
20190627             Ist diese Schilderung der Abläufe glaubwürdig?
20190627             Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das Verteidigungsministerium Pläne für einen Militärschlag vorlegt, in denen nicht rechtzeitig auf die mögliche ZAHL—VON—OPFERN hingewiesen wird.
20190627             —BEKANNT, Das hätte also —SCHON früh, sein sollen.
20190627             Wenn diese Diskussion umgangen worden sein sollte und der PRÄSIDENT tatsächlich —ERST—KURZ—VOR, dem Angriff auf die ZAHL—DER—OPFER aufmerksam gemacht wurde, dann läuft da bei den Entscheidungsprozessen im Weißen Haus etwas schrecklich falsch.
20190627             Er hat maximalen Druck auf NORDKOREA ausgeübt, und es gibt immer noch keinen Plan für die Denuklearisierung.
20190627             Er hat mit Zöllen maximalen Druck beim Handel ausgeübt, und die Handelsfragen sind immer noch nicht gelöst.
20190627             Er übt maximalen Druck auf IRAN aus, aber er scheint überhaupt nicht zu wissen, wohin das führen soll, wie die langfristige Strategie aussehen soll.
20190627             Natürlich kann man maximalen Druck anwenden.
20190627             Man kann auch Chaos stiften, aber dann muss man einen Plan haben, wie das Problem —AM—ENDE gelöst werden soll.
20190627             Ich glaube nicht, dass Trump überhaupt so weit im Voraus denkt.
20190627             —GESEHEN, Dieser Krieg wird von vielen als 1—KONFLIKT, der nicht notwendig war.
20190627             Er könne zwar schlecht beurteilen, ob es richtig sei, 1—MAUER zu MEXIKO zu bauen, sagte PUTIN.
20190627             Schlecht sei aber, wenn niemand etwas unternehme.
20190627             Und Trump bemühe sich wenigstens darum, 1—LÖSUNG zu finden.
20190627             "Er weiß sehr genau, was seine Wähler von ihm erwarten".
20190627             DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT sei kein Berufspolitiker.
20190627             "Er hat seine eigene Vision der Welt".
20190627             PUTIN sagte aber auch, er akzeptiere VIELE—VON—TRUMPS—METHODEN nicht, mit denen dieser Probleme angehe.
20190627             sich
20190627             "Combat 18" und "Blood & Honour": KANADA setzt rechtsextreme Gruppen auf Terrorliste
20190627             Im vergangenen —JAHR wuchs die Bevölkerung um 227.000—MENSCHEN oder 0,3 Prozent,
20190627             Der Ausländeranteil stieg von 11,7 auf 12,2 Prozent.
20190627             Irgendwie müssen die sich ja auch bei Bewusstsein halten!
20190627             Da wirkt sicherlich noch die Erfahrung des Irakkriegs nach.
20190627             Den Ursprung eines einzelnen, extrem kurzen Radioblitzes haben Forscher —NUN erstmals ausfindig gemach
20190627             —ZUGLEICH, lobte der Kremlchef die Migrationspolitik von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—ER könne zwar schlecht beurteilen, ob es richtig sei, 1—MAUER zu MEXIKO zu bauen, sagte Putin.
20190627             Im Gegensatz zu seinen Gegnern habe Trump die Veränderungen in der AMERIKANISCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT gespürt und dies genutzt.
20190627—19470000    wurde in Bühlertal in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG 38,5 Grad gemessen.
20190627—20031000    —BIS, Die wohl größte Enttäuschung erlebten Air FRANCE und UK—AIRWAYS mit dem ÜBERSCHALL—PASSAGIERFLUGZEUG Concorde, das 19771100             —VON.
20190627—20070000    1. Die mysteriösen Blitze waren beobachtet worden.
20190627—20100000    —SINCE, BANGLADESH police said 1—TOTAL—OF—535—PEOPLE have been killed —AFTER being hit by trains —WHILE wearing headphones on tracks in and —AROUND DHAKA.
20190627—20130218    —SENTENCED, BELGIUM, Frenchman MARC—BERTOLDI, —48—JAHRE—ALT was, to —5—YEARS in prison for his role in 1—SPECTACULAR $50—MILLION diamond heist at BRUSSELS airport.
20190627—20180000    —ENDE, lebten 72,9—MILLIONEN DEUTSCHLAND—UND 10,1—MILLIONEN ausländische Bürger in DEUTSCHLAND.
20190627—20180000    —ANFANG—SEIT, Trump und Kim sollen sich 12—BRIEFE geschrieben haben
20190627—20190101    —ZUM, waren in DEUTSCHLAND 57.300.000 Kraftfahrzeuge zugelassen.
20190627—20190629    —ON, He was due to meet with CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING as the G—20—MEETINGS conclude.
20190627—20500000    —AB, NEUEN—GESETZ: GROß—BRITANNIEN will KLIMA—NEUTRAL sein
20190627—20500000    —AB, Neues Gesetz: GROSSBRITANNIEN will KLIMA—NEUTRAL sein
20190627—20500000    —BIS, Dass Kondensstreifen DAS—KLIMA —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRZEHNTEN immer stärker beeinflussen werden, liegt laut den FORSCHER—INNEN daran, daß der FLUG—VERKEHR PROGNOSEn zufolge deutlich zunimmt.
20190627—20500000    —BECAME, BRITAIN—NEW—TARGET to reach net 0—GREENHOUSE—GAS—EMISSIONS, law, making it the 1. among the major G7 countries to set such 1—GOAL.
20190813             SWITZERLAND—BASED Education 1. (EF), which runs 300—SCHOOLS across 50—CHINA—CITIES, has seen a "significant" increase in detentions in CHINA for alleged offences including drugs, fighting and cybersecurity violations, according to a 20190627             internal notice sent to employees.
20200627             MALAWI—ELECTION—RESULTS for the historic 20200623             rerun of the presidential election put THE—MALAWI—CONGRESS—PARTY (MCP) of Lazarus Chukwera and his opposition alliance ahead with 59—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES cast, the 1. time 1—COURT—OVERTURNED vote in AFRICA has led to the defeat of 1—INCUMBENT leader.
20200627             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS believe 1—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—UNIT offered bounties to TALIBAN—LINKED militants for killing foreign soldiers in AFGHANISTAN, including targeting Americans.
20200627             CALIFORNIA to date had 206,928 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 5,868 deaths.
20200627             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 22,746 cases and 563—DEATHS.
20200627             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 2,492,246 with the death toll at 125,240.
20200627             RED, BLUFF—CALIFORNIA, 1—MAN drove into distribution center and started shooting at people, killing 1—EMPLOYEE and wounding 4—OTHERS—BEFORE he was killed by police.
20200627             NORTH—CALIFORNIA, 2—PEOPLE were shot and killed and a 3. person was critically wounded in Shingletown, Shasta County.
20200627             Law officers began searching for suspect Daun ERIC—SANDERS, —35—JAHRE—ALT.
20200627             —REPORTED, THE—FLORIDA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH, 1—TOTAL—OF—132,545 cases of COVID—19 with 9,636 new positive cases, and 24—ADDITIONAL—DEATHS from COVID—19.
20200627             —REPORTED, GEORGIA, 1—RECORD—HIGH in CORONA—VIRUS—CASES at almost 2,000.
20200627             —TRIPLED, THE—7—DAY—AVERAGE for cases has nearly, —SINCE—LATE—MAY.
20200627             † Jazz artist FREDDY—COLE (88) in ATLANTA.
20200627             The pianist and vocalist spent much of his musical life in the shadow of his brother Nat KING—COLE (19190000—19650000    ).
20200627             † IN—KENTUCKY—TYLER—CHARLES—GERTH, —27—JAHRE—ALT—OF—LOUISVILLE, —AFTER being shot at Jefferson Square Park in downtown LOUISVILLE —DURING peaceful demonstrations advocating for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THE—SYSTEMIC—RACISM.
20200627             —WOUNDED, STEVEN—NELSON—LOPEZ was Lopez was, in the leg by gunfire from bystanders at the park who were defending themselves.
20200627             —HOSPITALIZED, Lopez was, and interviewed by homicide investigators about the shooting.
20200627             —REPORTED, NEVADA, almost 1,100 CORONA—VIRUS—CASES, although health officials —LATER said HUNDREDS—OF—THOSE cases could be attributed to 1—DELAY in lab testing and were not new cases in the last —24—HOURS.
20200627             —ANNOUNCED, Princeton University, plans to remove THE—NAME—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—WOODROW—WILSON from its public policy school because of his segregationist views, reversing 1—DECISION the Ivy League school made —4—YEARS—AGO to retain the name.
20200627             —SERVED, Wilson, as GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY 19110000—19130000    —FROM—TO.
20200627             —SERVED, Wilson then, as the 28.
20200627             —SUPPORTED, USA—PRESIDENT 19130000—19210000    —FROM—TO, segregation and imposed it on several FEDERAL—AGENCIES not racially divided up to that point.
20200627             —BARRED, Wilson also, Black students from Princeton —WHILE serving as UNIVERSITY—PRESIDENT and spoke approvingly of the Ku Klux Klan.
20200627             SOUTH—CAROLINA blew past its original record mark for most COVID—19—CASES in 1—SINGLE—DAY with nearly 1,599 positive tests.
20200627             —AGREED, USA—BASED CARLYLE—GROUP—INC said it has, to buy a 20% stake in the pharmaceutical unit of INDIA—CONGLOMERATE Piramal Enterprises Ltd for about $490—MILLION.
20200627             ASEAN leaders said a 19820000             UN oceans treaty should be the basis of sovereign rights and entitlements in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, in 1—OF—THEIR—STRONGEST remarks opposing CHINA—CLAIM to virtually the entire disputed waters on historical grounds.
20200627             † CHINA—AUTHORITIES said 3—PEOPLE have and 12 were missing —FOLLOWING drenching rains in Sichuan province.
20200627             —EVACUATED, About 7,500—PEOPLE have been, from their homes.
20200627             —LIFTED, EGYPT, MANY—RESTRICTIONS put in place against THE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC, reopening cafes, clubs, gyms and theaters —AFTER more than —3—MONTHS—OF—CLOSURE, despite 1 continued upward trend in new infections.
20200627             —REPORTED, EGYPT has, 62,755 infections, including 2,620 deaths.
20200627             —ANNOUNCED, The official death toll, by the Interior Ministry was 16—POLICE, with 15—MILITANTS killed or wounded.
20200627             Officials who spoke with THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—AT—THE—TIME said more than 50—POLICE were killed.
20200627             —SENTENCED, HIGH—PROFILE—EGYPT—BELLY dancer Sama EL—MASRY was, to —3—YEARS in prison and received a £15,000 fine for sharing photos and videos of herself on social media that were deemed to incite "debauchery" and "immorality".
20200627             ETHIOPIA said it is set to begin filling a $4.6—BILLION hydroelectric dam on THE—BLUE—NILE within the next —2—WEEKS and that construction will continue, hours —AFTER the leaders of EGYPT, SUDAN and ETHIOPIA agreed to return to talks aimed at reaching 1—ACCORD over its operation.
20200627             —REPORTED, It was, that 6—PEOPLE have been arrested in FRANCE over 20190000             —THE theft of 1—ARTWORK by street artist Banksy commemorating the victims of 20150000             —THE—PARIS attacks that was stolen from the Bataclan concert hall.
20200627             —CONFIRMED, INDIA, CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS jumped 18,552 raising its total to over half 1—MILLION.
20200627             384—NEW—DEATHS raised that total to 15,685.
20200627             —WARNED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER, that the country's economic problems would worsen if the novel CORONA—VIRUS spreads unchecked.
20200627             There were 2,456 new cases of COVID—19—INFECTION—IN—THE—PAST—24—HOURS, raising the country's caseload to 220,180.
20200627             —REACHED, Overall fatalities, 10,364 as 125—OF—THOSE infected had † —DURING the same period.
20200627             —BECAME, IRELAND—CENTRIST—POLITICIAN—MICHEÁL Martin, prime minster, fusing 2—LONGTIME rival parties into 1—COALITION —4—MONTHS—AFTER 1—ELECTION that upended the status quo.
20200627             The deal will see MARTIN—FIANNA—FAIL govern with Fine Gael and with the smaller Green Party.
20200627             1—LEBANON—JUDGE banned local and foreign media outlets in the country from interviewing Ambassador DOROTHY—SHEA for —1—YEAR, calling 1—RECENT—INTERVIEW in which she criticized the powerful Hezbollah group seditious and 1—THREAT to social peace.
20200627             —REPORTED, MEXICO, 5,441 new CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS for 1—TOTAL—OF—208,392.
20200627             Deaths rose by 719 to 25,779.
20200627             —REPORTED, It was, that new daily CORONA—VIRUS—CASES in PANAMA have nearly trippled from below 200—PER —DAY and that deaths —THIS—MONTH were coming twice as fast.
20200627             —REPORTED, It was, that fires in RUSSIA—SAKHA—REPUBLIC have grown nearly 5—FOLD over the past —WEEK.
20200627             2.85—MILLION—ACRES were reported burning in Siberia in areas that cannot be reached by firefighters.
20200627             —REOPENED, TUNISIA, its land, sea and air borders for the 1. time in more than —3—MONTHS—AFTER it announced it had brought THE—CORONA—VIRUS—OUTBREAK under control.
20200627             EAST—TURKEY, 1—BOAT carrying up to 60—MIGRANTS across Lake VAN went down in stormy weather.
20200627             —DETAINED, Authorities, 11—PEOPLE in connection with the incident.
20200627             56—BODIES were —LATER retrieved.
20200627             —CALLED, YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ABEDRABBO—MANSOUR—HADI, on southern separatists to "stop the bloodshed" and abide by 1—POWER—SHARING—AGREEMENT, in his 1. public comments —SINCE—THE—SECESSIONISTS declared autonomy —IN—APRIL.
20200627             —SAMSTAG, 27. ;;06;; 2020
20200627             Sprunghaft, taktlos, narzisstisch: Was DONALD—TRUMP mit WILHELM—II. verbindet
20200627             ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT und der R—WERT: Ungefähr 1,0
20200627             "CAPITALISM is neither 1—PERSON nor 1—INSTITUTION. It neither wills nor chooses. It is 1—LOGIC at work through 1—MODE—OF—PRODUCTION: 1—BLIND, obstinate LOGIC—OF—ACCUMULATION".
20200627             ? MICHEL—BEAUD, 1—HISTORY—OF—CAPITALISM, 15000000—20000000              20200627             Histoire du capitalisme.
20200627             DEL—LAVORO, 19840000             ; (zh) en chinois, Institut des Langues étrangères de Pékin no 2, 19860000             .
20200627             1—HISTORY—OF—CAPITALISM, 15...  1—HISTORY—OF—CAPITALISM, 15000000—20000000              20200627             —CORONA—PANDEMIE, USA—RICHTERIN ordnet Freilassung internierter Kinder an
20200627             Gütersloher CARITAS—VORSTAND über Tönnies: "Für jeden —TAG, den DIE—ARBEITER fehlen, wird ihnen die Miete um 10—EURO erhöht" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FLORIAN—GONTEK, GÜTERSLOH
20200627             —DEBATTE—ÜBER—"taz"-Kolumne: Polizisten sind auch nur MENSCHEN—LACHT über sie!
20200627             1—GASTBEITRAG von Sasha Marianna Salzmann
20200627             NICHT—WEIßE Figuren, weiße Sprecher: "Simpsons"-Macher reagieren auf RASSISMUS—VORWÜRFE
20200627             —BEKANNT, PREMIER—MINISTER—ANTÓNIO Costa gab —GESTERN—ABEND, daß vom 1. —BIS
20200627             14. ;;07;; folgende neue Regeln gelten werden
20200627             Bitte beachten Sie auch die veränderte Vorgehensweise der SICHERHEITSkräfte
20200627             von der Erteilung von Ratschlägen und Anweisungen hin zu deren Durchsetzung
20200627             und der Bestrafung von Zuwiderhandelnden.
20200627             DIE—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE haben damit keine rein instruktive
20200627             Funktion mehr und beginnen mit der Durchsetzung und Sanktionierung durch Geldstrafen.
20200627             in ALJEZUR - DIE—URSACHE des Feuers war 1—PERSON, die mit einer Motorsense  Gras zurückschnitt, wobei sich verschütteter - Kraftstoff entzündete.
20200627             Das Feuer griff so schnell um sich, daß er nichts - tun konnte, um es zu stoppen.
20200627             Der PREMIER—MINISTER sagte in seiner Ansprache an das PORTUGAL—VOLK:
20200627             "Sie alle sollten sich darüber im Klaren sein, wie wichtig diese - verstärkten Anstrengungen sind.
20200627             COVID—19—IST nicht verschwunden und wird auch nicht verschwinden, —BIS es 1—MEDIKAMENT oder einen Impfstoff gibt.
20200627             Der wirksame Weg, um diese PANDEMIE zu kontrollieren, besteht darin, wann immer möglich zu Hause zu bleiben und stets den körperlichen Abstand, die Schutznormen und die Hygienestandards einzuhalten.
20200627             Afpop Lagebericht - Sat
20200627             [l] Leitender MITARBEITER—DER—HANNS—SEIDEL—STIFTUNG (CSU) arbeitete als Doppelspion für BND und CHINA.
20200627             [l] VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIE —DER—WOCHE: DIE—RUSSEN sollen AFGHANISTAN—TERROR—ISTEN 1—KOPFGELD für umgebrachte USA—SOLDATEN angeboten haben, um die "Friedensgespräche" mit der TALIBAN zu unterminieren und DIE—USA—AMERIKANER aus AFGHANISTAN zu vertreiben.
20200627             Ökologie: Warum Jäger die Umwelt vergiften
20200627             Slow Sex: Warum der Orgasmus nie das Ziel sein sollte 1—PODCAST von Lenne Kaffka
20200627             Urlaubszeit: GROSSBRITANNIEN will Regeln für Einreise lockern
20200627             Arbeiten in der CORONA—PANDEMIE: ZAHL—DER—KRANKMELDUNGEN —IM—MAI auf Rekordtief
20200627             Rassistische POLIZEI—GEWALT: Was keiner zählt, das gibt es nicht
20200627             —CORONA—KRISE: Söder WARNT—VOR—FRÜHER 2. WELLE—AUCH wegen der Sommertouristen
20200627             Europäische Verteidigung: Geschwister, wehrt euch gemeinsam!
20200627             1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—JANUSZ—REITER
20200627             EUSKIRCHEN—KREIS—FÄLLE—476—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—246,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—1,0—TODES—FÄLLE—23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200627             Aktualisierung 202006270000         —UHR
20200627             DÜREN—KREIS—FÄLLE—616—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—233,6—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—3,8—TODES—FÄLLE—39,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200627             KÖLN—KREISFREIE—STADT—FÄLLE—2.599—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—239,4—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—2,9—TODES—FÄLLE—103,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200627             BERLIN—NEUKÖLLN—BEZIRK—FÄLLE—995—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—301,8—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—16,1—TODES—FÄLLE—37,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200627             GÜTERSLOH—KREIS—FÄLLE—2.116—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW—581,2—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW—164,2—TODES—FÄLLE—20,—EINWOHNERZAHL—364.083
20200627             Spendenmarathon: Konferenz macht Hilfszusagen in Höhe von mehr als 6—MILLIARDEN Euro
20200627             TIMELAPSE—VIDEO der Nasa: —10—JAHRE SONNENAKTIVITÄT—IN einer —MINUTE
20200627             —GEWALT—GEGEN—MINDERHEIT der Dalits in INDIEN: Wenn sie für ihre Rechte kämpfen, werden SIEUSA—MEHR misshandelt Von Tim VAN Olphen, Helena Schätzle und Sudharak Olwe (Fotos)
20200627             —BENENNT, RASSISMUS—DEBATTE in den USA: ELITE—UNI PRINCETON, Institut um
20200627             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL hat die BÜRGER angesichts der weiter bestehenden Gefahren durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— vor leichtsinnigem Verhalten gewarnt.
20200627             "DIE—VON dem Virus ausgehende Gefahr ist weiterhin ernst",
20200627             "Der Großraum BUENOS—AIRES steckt den Rest des Landes an", sagte Fernández.
20200627             "Wir müssen ihn isolieren".
20200627             sind dort nur noch 24—ALS unerlässlich eingestufte Arbeiten ZUGELASSEN—ETWA im Gesundheitswesen.
20200627             Sportliche Aktivitäten werden wieder verboten, der öffentliche NAH—VERKEHR eingeschränkt.
20200627             ARGENTINIEN - Zuletzt kam es aber zu Ausbrüchen in den dicht besiedelten Slums im Umland von BUENOS—AIRES.
20200627             —GETROFFEN, BULGARIEN wurde bislang relativ schwach vom CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200627             DEUTSCHLAND und RUSSLAND sind die größten Märkte für Bulgariens Fremdenverkehr.
20200627             DER—TOURISMUS steuert gut 12—PROZENT zum Bruttoinlandsprodukts des ärmsten EU—LANDES bei.
20200627             Im Kreis GÜTERSLOH wurden zuletzt allerdings lediglich 9—INFEKTIONEN BEI—CA—4100—TESTS in der ALLGEMEIN—BEVÖLKERUNG nachgewiesen.
20200627             3—POLITIKER aus der SERBIEN—FÜHRUNG sind positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden.
20200627             Sie begaben sich in häusliche QUARANTÄNE und zeigen den Berichten zufolge keine Symptome.
20200627             —NACH, zahlreichen Drohungen und Beleidigungen auf der FACEBOOK—SEITE—VON—BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—WINFRIED—KRETSCHMANN hat das STAATS—MINISTERIUM die Seite vorübergehend vom Netz genommen.
20200627             "Im Sekundentakt posteten DIE—NUTZERINNEN und Nutzer zahlreiche Falschaussagen, VERSCHWÖRUNGserzählungen, Drohungen, Beleidigungen und andere strafrechtlich relevante Inhalte".
20200627             Insgesamt gingen in —20—STUNDEN weit mehr als 4000—KOMMENTARE der "Störer" ein,
20200627             berechtigte FRAGEN—VON—BÜRGERINNEN und Bürgern zu den CORONA—MAßNAHMEN der LANDE—REGIERUNG seien untergegangen.
20200627             INDIEN, ist die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DEN vergangenen —24—STUNDEN um über 17.000—GESTIEGEN.
20200627             Die Gesamtzahl belaufe sich damit auf über 500.000—FÄLLE, wie DATEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS zeigen.
20200627             Dabei nähmen die Infektionen in den größeren Städten, darunter die HAUPTSTADT—NEU—DELHI, stark zu.
20200627             In der SCHWEIZ müssen 300—MENSCHEN —NACH—DEM Besuch eines Klubs vorsorglich in eine zehntägige QUARANTÄNE.
20200627             Mehrere Gäste des Betriebs in Zürichs waren zuvor positiv auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden
20200627—20171000    —EXECUTED, EGYPT, ABDEL—RAHIM—AL—MOSMARI, 1—LIBYA—MILITANT convicted of plotting 1—ATTACK that killed at least 16—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20200627—20190000    —IDENTIFIED, The alleged gunman was —LATER, as LOUIS—WESLEY—LANE, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—WALMART employee fired.
20200627—20200621    —ABEND—DES—VOM, Der Betreiber konnte den Behörden 1—LISTE mit den Kontaktdaten der Klubbesucher aushändigen.
20200627—20210415    —ANNOUNCED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION, that USA—INTELLIGENCE—ONLY had "low to moderate" confidence in the story.
20210627             —IN—DER—WOCHE zum 20210620             sei die Zahl der infizierten 5—BIS Neunjährigen im Vergleich zur Vorwoche um 70—PROZENT gestiegen, bei den 10- —BIS 14-Jährigen sei es 1—PLUS—VON—56—PROZENT,
20210627             —SONNTAG, 20210627
20210627             PALÄSTINA—AUTONOMIEBEHÖRDE: Nach Tod eines Aktivisten — Zusammenstöße bei Protesten in Ramallah
20210627             Auftritt in OHIO: Tausende bejubeln Trump bei Großkundgebung
20210627             Modellregion Phuket: THAILAND öffnet Urlaubsinsel für Geimpfte
20210627             —NACH Fund weiterer KINDER—GRÄBER: 2—KATHOLISCHE Kirchen in KANADA niedergebrannt
20210627             22-jährige Klägerin: Sophie hat mehr für das Klima getan als viele von uns
20210627             Sardine Run: FISCH—FLUT an Südafrikas Stränden
20210627             —IM—SOMMER ziehen Milliarden Sardinen an Südafrikas Küste entlang.
20210627             Haie und Albatrosse treiben sie Richtung Strand — direkt in Eimer und NETZE—DER—FISCHER.
20210627             Der Grund ist 1—NATURSPEKTAKEL —IM—WINTER der Südhalbkugel, der sogenannte Sardine Run, bei dem MILLIONEN—VON—SARDINEN vor der Küste entlangziehen.
20210627             MILLIONEN—VON—SARDINEN
20210627             —AM—SAMSTAG tauchten die Sardinen an Durbans ADDINGTON—STRANDABSCHNITT auf.
20210627             Anders als in den Vorjahren, so Daly, blieben CORONA—BEDINGT diesmal aber die internationalen Touristen aus.
20210627             VIELE—ANWOHNER fischten mit Eimern und Plastikbehältern entweder selbst im flachen Wasser oder kauften haufenweise Sardinen von Fischern, die mit langen Schleppnetzen ihre Beute aus dem seichten Gewässer zogen.
20210627             Jeden —SOMMER ziehen zwischen —MAI und —JULI Milliarden Sardinen an der Südküste AFRIKA entlang
20210627             Milliarden Sardinen
20210627             Ursache ist ein natürliches Phänomen, bei dem der an Sauerstoff und Plankton reiche Benguelastrom aus dem Atlantik in einem schmalen Band kaltes Wasser in den Küstenbereich des wärmeren INDIEN—OZEANS drückt.
20210627             Trumps COMEBACK—TOUR: Zeitreise auf der Kirmeswiese Aus WELLINGTON—OHIO, berichtet MARC—PITZKE
20210627             Einbruch bei Windenergie: ÖKOSTROM—VERSORGUNG geht deutlich zurück
20210627             Ungünstige Wetterbedingungen haben zu einem Rückgang der ÖKOSTROM—DECKUNG in DEUTSCHLAND geführt: Im 1. Halbjahr konnten erneuerbare Energien nur 43 % DES—BEDARFS decken — vor einem —JAHR war es noch deutlich mehr.
20210627             Ökostrom aus Wind, Sonne und anderen erneuerbaren Energiequellen hat im 1. Halbjahr nach Branchenangaben 43 % DES—BRUTTOSTROMVERBRAUCHS in DEUTSCHLAND gedeckt — und damit weniger als im Vorjahreszeitraum.
20210627             Insbesondere das 1. Quartal sei ungewöhnlich windstill und arm an Sonnenstunden gewesen.
20210627             Die Erzeugung aus Windenergie an Land und auf See ging um rund 20—PROZENT zurück, wie vorläufige Berechnungen des Zentrums für SONNENENERGIE—UND WASSERSTOFF—FORSCHUNG BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG (ZSW) und des Bundesverbands der ENERGIE—UND Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW) zeigen.
20210627             Das bisherige Ziel der Bundesregierung ist 1—ANTEIL—VON—65—PROZENT.
20210627             1—PROBLEM: Die Energiewende führt in den kommenden —JAHRZEHNTEN zu einem deutlich steigenden Strombedarf — unter anderem, weil auch immer mehr Fahrzeuge elektrisch angetrieben werden.
20210627             Verstoß gegen CORONA—VERORDNUNG: Polizei löst erneut Feier in Hamburger Stadtpark auf
20210627             Arqueólogos escavam o Cerro do Ouro, para descobrir os mistérios da SERRA de MONCHIQUE
20210627             Cerro do Ouro.
20210627             Um "nome fantasioso" para um monte onde, no início desta semana, começaram as escavações arqueológicas naquela que é a maior mamoa alguma vez encontrada na SERRA de MONCHIQUE.
20210627             E o que é uma mamoa?
20210627             É um túmulo megalítico, que deverá ter sido construído há cerca de 6000—ANOS, no alto daquele cerro de onde se avista, lá em baixo, metade da costa algarvia.
20210627             monumento que é 20000000             anos mais antigo que as pirâmides do Egito ou 15000000             anos mais antigo que os túmulos de Alcalar,
20210627             1—MAMOA do Cerro do Oiro está tão bem conservada que parece o prolongamento natural do cerro",
20210627             "aqui está uma mó manual, uma das muitas que temos encontrado junto a estes monumentos",
20210627             Apesar de não ser um facto do conhecimento geral, a SERRA de MONCHIQUE é uma referência internacional no que diz respeito ao megalitismo europeu, a esta cultura cujas necrópoles (cemitérios) e monumentos eram feitos de grandes pedras.
20210627             Em toda a SERRA, haverá "mais de 30—NECRÓPOLES com mamoa".
20210627             Na Palmeira, para os lados das Caldas de MONCHIQUE, há 16—SEPULTURAS, sendo, segundo o arqueólogo Fábio Capela, "a maior necrópole conhecida até agora" naquelas paragens.
20210627             No cerro do Esgravatadouro, que também será alvo de intervenção arqueológica este Verão, "haverá 9—SEPULTURAS".
20210627             A descoberta da importância das "sepulturas das Caldas de MONCHIQUE", que desde meados do século passado são consideradas como uma das origens do megalitismo a nível da EUROPA", foi feita nos anos 30, por um trio de investigadores portugueses,
20210627             O trio incluía JOSÉ—FORMOSINHO, o único algarvio, que em 19370000             FEZ 1º relatório sobre as descobertas arqueológicas, ABEL—VIANA e Otávio da Veiga Ferreira, que era geólogo das termas de MONCHIQUE e que trabalhou também nos Serviços Geológicos de PORTUGAL.
20210627             "Estes três amigos fizeram aqui muito trabalho, com muita qualidade para os padrões da época", levantando a ponta do véu sobre uma SERRA quase sagrada, onde o fenómeno do megalitismo teve uma expressão original.
20210627             Os relatórios então feitos ainda hoje são estudados nas universidades da EUROPA: "Na Suécia, na Inglaterra, em França, SABE—SE disto das sepulturas da Caldas".
20210627             "A paisagem que daqui se abarca, a presença da água que já brotava da montanha, o acidente geológico", tudo isto HÁ—DE ter influenciado os homens de há seis milénios a escolher estes locais para construir os seus monumentos funerários,
20210627             Fábio Capela, que conhece os montes, vales e ribeiras da SERRA de MONCHIQUE como ninguém, porque já os calcorreou todos a pé ou de jipe, descobriu — ou voltou a descobrir — muitos destes monumentos milenares depois do grande incêndio de 20180000             , que limpou os cerros e pôs a nu as estruturas.
20210627             Cerro de Oiro, Na mesma zona, naquilo que hoje é identificado como Castelo da Nave 2,
20210627             Fábio Capela encontrou um povoado PRÉ—HISTÓRICO.
20210627             Porque se trata de monumentos do Neolítico, quando o homem não usava ainda os metais, além das grandes pedras que dão forma às sepulturas, o que se encontra são singelas "mós manuais, facas de silex, cerâmicas".
20210627             "Viviam em cabanas, nos vales, junto às ribeiras",
20210627             Uma mamoa, explica o arqueólogo Fábio Capela, "é uma anta, uma câmara funerária com corredor, originalmente coberta com uma colina artificial em terra e pedras", a lembrar uma mama.
20210627             Daí o nome mamoa.
20210627             Opposition für schnellere Zweitimpfungen, Hausärzte skeptisch
20210627             "Es ist leider weiterhin so, dass wir nicht genügend Impfstoff zur Verfügung haben und fast die HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG noch nicht einmal die 1. Impfung erhalten hat".
20210627             BAYERN stimmt Reiserückkehrer auf strenge CORONA—KONTROLLEN ein
20210627             —GETESTET, Entscheidend sei, "dass vor Einreise, wird und die Testnachweise an den Grenzübergängen und den Flughäfen nicht nur stichprobenartig kontrolliert werden",
20210627             Wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE warnt der GROSSBRITANNIEN—FRISEURVERBAND vor einem weiteren Rückgang bei den Ausbildungszahlen.
20210627             Salons durften nach —MONATEN im Lockdown nur mit reduzierter Kapazität öffnen.
20210627             Deshalb könnten es sich VIELE—FRISEURE nicht leisten, junge Menschen einzustellen, die —ZUNÄCHST nicht zum Verdienst beitragen,
20210627             Die CSU lehnt —NACH—DEN Worten von Generalsekretär MARKUS—BLUME einen neuen Lockdown im Fall einer 4. CORONA—WELLE ab.
20210627             "Wenn sich tatsächlich —IM—HERBST erneut 1—INFEKTIONSWELLE aufbauen sollte, gibt es keinen LOCKDOWN—AUTOMATISMUS mehr",
20210627             Blume forderte außerdem die Europäische FUßBALL—UNION Uefa auf, ihr STADIEN—KONZEPT für die Europameisterschaft "noch einmal genau zu prüfen".
20210627             "Niemandem ist geholfen, Europameister im INZIDENZ—HÖHENFLUG zu werden",
20210627             Australiens größte STADT—SYDNEY ist —SEIT Samstagabend wegen der AUSBREITUNG—DER—DELTA—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS für mindestens —2—WOCHEN abgeriegelt.
20210627             —NACH einem Lockdown für TEILE—DER—STADT weiteten die Behörden die Maßnahme auf den Großraum SYDNEY sowie umliegende Regionen aus.
20210627             Mehr als 5—MILLIONEN Menschen sind von den Einschränkungen betroffen.
20210627             —AM—SONNTAG begann auch in der STADT—DARWIN im Norden des Landes ein zweitägiger Lockdown.
20210627             Mehr als 100—TOTE in S—PETERSBURG binnen —24—STUNDEN
20210627             die Behörden meldeten zudem 20.538—NEUINFEKTIONEN.
20210627             Vor allem aufgrund der Ausbreitung der besonders ansteckenden DELTA—VARIANTE waren die CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN zuletzt wieder stark angestiegen.
20210627             Angesichts der weit verbreiteten Impfskepsis gibt es in mehreren Regionen Russlands für bestimmte Berufe 1—IMPFPFLICHT.
20210627             Dagegen demonstrierten —AM—SAMSTAG Berichten zufolge —BIS zu 100—MENSCHEN in Moskau.
20210627             Menschenrechtlern zufolge kamen dabei mindestens 8—MENSCHEN vorübergehend in POLIZEI—GEWAHRSAM.
20210627             Moskaus BÜRGERMEISTER—SERGEJ—SOBJANIN drohte im STAATS—FERNSEHEN mit einem Lockdown.
20210627             Er sagte mit Blick auf die rasante Verbreitung der DELTA—VARIANTE: "Um dieses Problem grundlegend zu lösen, muss man sich impfen lassen oder in einen Lockdown gehen".
20210627             Moskau hatte —AM—SAMSTAG seine EM—FANZONE nach einer Schließung wieder geöffnet.
20210627             MOSKAU, werden Sobjanin zufolge jeden —TAG 2000—NEUE Patienten mit einer Infektion in 1—KLINIK gebracht.
20210627             Es gebe mittlerweile nur noch 5000—FREIE Betten.
20210627             Moskau ist Europas größte Stadt mit schätzungsweise 12—MILLIONEN Einwohnern.
20210627             GROSSBRITANNIEN, fehlen 16.200—SCHÜLER wegen CORONA—INFEKTION
20210627             Das CORONA€”VIRUS breitet sich unter GROSSBRITANNIEN—SCHÜLERN einem Bericht der "—SUNDAY Times" zufolge rasant aus.
20210627             breitet sich - Das CORONA€”VIRUS
20210627             Weil zudem Zehntausende wegen möglichen Kontakts mit Infizierten in Selbstisolation geschickt wurden, fehlten insgesamt 216.000—SCHÜLER im Unterricht.
20210627             Grund für die rasche Ausbreitung sei die hoch ansteckende DELTA—VARIANTE,
20210627             STEVE—CHALKE—VON—DER—WOHLTÄTIGKEITSORGANISATION—OASIS—TRUST sagte, Schulen seien "Inkubationszentren für die neue DELTA—VARIANTE".
20210627             "Der Trend in Schulen zeigt —SEIT—3—WOCHEN nach oben.
20210627             Wir haben offensichtlich noch nicht die Spitze dieser 3. Welle erreicht",
20210627             Eltern kritisieren zunehmend die Strategie der Regierung, bei positiven CORONA—SELBSTTESTS die ganze Klasse —FÜR—10—TAGE in Selbstisolation zu schicken.
20210627             Zehntausende gesunde Kinder würden deshalb den Unterricht versäumen.
20210627             Befürworter der Praxis weisen indes darauf hin, dass nur 15 % DER—ELTERN ihre Kinder regelmäßig testen.
20210627             Gewerkschaften fordern 1—BEIBEHALTUNG der Maskenpflicht sowie eine bessere Belüftung für Schulklassen.
20210627             Schulleiter hoffen auf eine baldige —ENTSCHEIDUNG zugunsten einer Impfung von Kindern.
20210627             Hunderte Menschen sollen laut Medienberichten —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SONNTAG in einer CORONA—KRISENREGION Norditaliens stundenlang 1—PARTY gefeiert haben.
20210627             MALEO, hätten sie die MASKEN—UND Abstandsregeln nicht eingehalten,
20210627             Die RAVER—PARTY in dem FRÜHEREN—STEINBRUCH in Maleo hatte den Berichten zufolge —BEREITS—AM Samstagabend begonnen und zog sich —BIS Sonntagnachmittag.
20210627             Die Partygäste sollen sich in den vergangenen —TAGEN über die sozialen Medien verabredet haben.
20210627             —NACH—DEN Organisatoren der Feier wird —DERZEIT gesucht.
20210627             DEUTSCHLAND—SPIELER sehen halb volles WEMBLEY—STADION kritisch
20210627             —VERZEICHNET, INDONESIEN, Rekordwert neuer CORONA—ANSTECKUNGEN
20210627             In den vergangenen —WOCHEN waren die Fallzahlen in INDONESIEN sprunghaft angestiegen.
20210627             Grund sind wohl zahlreiche Reisen —NACH—DEM ENDE—DES—MUSLIMISCHEN—FASTENMONATS—RAMADAN —IM—MAI sowie neue hochinfektiöse VIRUS—VARIANTEN.
20210627             Die Befürchtung wächst, dass das fragile Gesundheitssystem zusammenbrechen könnte.
20210627             VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER sind —BEREITS überfüllt.
20210627             AstraZeneca und die UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD haben mit neuen Studien zur Wirksamkeit ihres abgewandelten Impfstoffs gegen die BETA—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS begonnen.
20210627             Es sei wichtig, sich auf Veränderungen beim CORONA€”VIRUS vorzubereiten und somit der Pandemie "einen Schritt voraus zu sein",
20210627             Há mais 151—CASOS de COVID—19—NO Algarve, internamentos continuam a subir
20210627             Alentejo tem 35—NOVOS casos de COVID—19
20210627             Wegen DELTA—VARIANTE: BAYERN kündigt strenge Urlauberkontrollen an
20210627             Rote MAURITIUS: Briefmarke für 8,1 Millionen Euro in Ludwigsburg versteigert
20210627             "Dark Patterns": So werden Sie im Netz manipuliert
20210627             OLAF—SCHOLZ: "Mit meinem Gehalt ist man in DEUTSCHLAND reich"
20210627             Veröffentlichtes Kussvideo von MINISTER—HANCOCK: GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG sucht Sicherheitslücke
20210627             Sicherheitspanne: Passant findet GROSSBRITANNIEN—MILITÄRPLÄNE an Bushaltestelle
20210627             Um ein besseres Überleben zu sichern, bekommen Mangusten ihren Nachwuchs zur selben Zeit:
20210627             Innerhalb einer Kolonie erfolgen die Geburten der tragenden Weibchen in der Regel zeitgleich in einer —NACHT.
20210627             Dadurch ist es für die Tiere unmöglich zu erkennen, welches ihr Jungtier ist.
20210627             Die Folge: ALLE—MÜTTER kümmern sich um ALLE—JUNGEN,
20210627             Mit diesem "Schleier der Ignoranz" entstehe eine faire Gesellschaft,
20210627             In ihrer Studie gaben die Forscherinnen und Forscher der HÄLFTE—DER—SCHWANGEREN—WEIBCHEN in wild lebenden Gruppen in UGANDA zusätzliche Nahrung.
20210627             Dadurch hatten ihre Jungtiere ein deutlich höheres Geburtsgewicht.
20210627             Doch deren Mütter kümmerten sich dann besonders gut um den weniger gut genährten Nachwuchs anderer Weibchen, sodass das Gewicht sich bald anpasste.
20210627             "Meist bevorzugen Eltern ihre eigenen Jungen",
20210627             Bei den Mangusten wüssten die Mütter aber nicht, welche Jungtiere zu ihnen gehören.
20210627             Daher könnten sie diese auch nicht besonders betreuen.
20210627             "Unsere Studie zeigt, dass diese Ignoranz zu einer gerechteren Verteilung der Ressourcen führt — und im Endeffekt zu einer gerechteren Gesellschaft",
20210627             Klima und Menschenrechte: Die Realität hat einen Lauf
20210627             Keine Ausbildung, kein Studium, kein Job: Zahl junger USA—AMERIKANER ohne Beschäftigung steigt sprunghaft
20210627             Schwülheiß —BIS nass: Warnung vor heftigen Gewittern mit Unwetterpotenzial
20210627             Trumps Rede in OHIO: Von "Fake News",
20210627             "linksradikalen Demokraten" und der "gestohlenen Wahl"
20210627             Inflationsgefahren: Achtung, Aufschwung!
20210627             Bündnis "Free the Press": Aktivisten protestieren mit Mist gegen GROSSBRITANNIEN—MEDIENMOGULE
20210627             Sun 20210627
20210627             [l] Classified MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE—PAPERS found at bus stop in Kent.
20210627             Es geht um den "HMS Defender"-Fall kürzlich.
20210627             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 137,5 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210627             Continente: 138,7casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210627             R(t) Nacional: 1,14 Continente: 1,15
20210627             Cases 180.914.545 Deaths 3.919.483 Vaccine Doses Administered 2.884.976.311
20210627             BÜRGER—KRIEG: Mindestens 40—TOTE bei Gefechten im JEMEN
20210627             Hochrechnungen: Frankreichs Rechtspopulisten gehen bei Regionalwahlen leer aus
20210627             SAUDI—ARABIEN: Frauenrechtlerinnen werden offenbar aus Gefängnis entlassen
20210627             —GETESTET, Luxemburgs Regierungschef nach EU—GIPFEL positiv
20210627             Der 48-Jährige, der —BISHER nur einmal mit dem Impfstoff von AstraZeneca geimpft wurde, hatte —AM—DONNERSTAG und —FREITAG noch am EU—GIPFEL teilgenommen.
20210627             "KEINER—DER—STAATS—UND Regierungschefs steht auf der LISTE—DER—ENGEN—KONTAKTE—DES—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN" sagte Bettels Sprecherin.
20210627             LUXEMBURG, gilt als enger Kontakt, wenn mindestens —15—MINUTEN lang ohne Schutzmaßnahmen wie Maske oder Mindestabstand Kontakt zu einem Infizierten bestand.
20210627             Lockerungen in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN und BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG ab —MONTAG
20210627             Für das Einchecken im Hotel bleibt es zwar bei der Testpflicht vor der Anreise.
20210627             Zusätzlich ist aber nur noch einmalig —NACH—72—STUNDEN ein weiterer CORONA—TEST notwendig, und nicht mehr in regelmäßigen Abständen.
20210627             Außerdem sind in SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN —NUN auch wieder deutlich größere Veranstaltungen erlaubt, mit 12500000             Personen drinnen und 2500—DRAUSSEN.
20210627             Das gilt unter anderem für Konzerte, Theater, Kino oder Gottesdienste.
20210627             Hunderttausende Kinder in DEUTSCHLAND konnten wegen der Pandemie ihr SEEPFERDCHEN—ABZEICHEN nicht machen.
20210627             1—SCHWIMMLEHRER sagt, ob sich der Rückstand aufholen lässt — und warnt vor den Gefahren am Wasser.
20210627             —BEFÜRWORTET, Berlins Regierender BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—MÜLLER (SPD), strengere Regeln für CORONA—TESTS bei der Rückkehr von Urlaubern nach DEUTSCHLAND.
20210627             Er sei eindeutig dafür, sagte Müller, der —DERZEIT auch VORSITZENDER—DER—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTENKONFERENZ (MPK) ist, in der ZDF—SENDUNG "BERLIN direkt" am Sonntagabend.
20210627             "Diese Stichproben reichen nicht, die im Moment von der Bundespolizei umgesetzt werden" so der SPD—POLITIKER.
20210627             SÜDAFRIKA setzt CORONA—ALARMSTUFE herauf
20210627             —AM—VORTAG, war bekannt geworden, dass die hochansteckende DELTA—VARIANTE den KAP—STAAT im Griff hat.
20210627             Auch —BEREITS zuvor mit der BETA—VARIANTE infizierte und danach genesene Südafrikaner seien —NUN gefährdet,
20210627             Die DELTA—VARIANTE des CORONA€”VIRUS ist sehr viel ansteckender als die in DEUTSCHLAND —BISHER dominante ALPHA—VARIANTE.
20210627             Mehr als 800—SCHÜLER und Schülerinnen aus mehreren Teilen Spaniens haben sich auf Abschlussfahrten nach Mallorca —MITTE—JUNI mit dem CORONA€”VIRUS infiziert.
20210627             —NACH jüngsten ANGABEN—DER—VERSCHIEDENEN—REGIONALREGIERUNGEN erhöhte sich die ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN—TEENAGER —AM—SONNTAG um mehr als 200—AUF mindestens 848.
20210627             Allein in MADRID sind mindestens 410—JUGENDLICHE betroffen.
20210627             Fälle meldeten auch das Baskenland (126), VALENCIA (104), Galizien (70), Katalonien (64), die Balearen (33), MURCIA (20), KASTILIEN—LA Mancha (11) und Aragonien (10).
20210627             —NACH NETANYAHU—ÄRA: Außenminister ISRAEL—SAGT—USA anderen Umgang zu
20210627             —BERICHTET, Ultraorthodoxer Jude, vom Ausstieg: Ausbruch aus dem Mittelalter
20210627             Proteste im Westjordanland: PALÄSTINA—ARBEITSMINISTER kündigt Rücktritt an
20210627—20300000    —BIS, "Für das höhere CO2-Einsparziel ist 1—ANTEIL von mindestens 70—PROZENT erneuerbarer Energien an der Stromerzeugung erforderlich".
202203080627         ZELENSKYY says intends to persistently negotiate with RUSSIA
20220624             THE—UN—OCEAN—CONFERENCE is to kick off in LISBON 20220627—20220701    —FROM—TO.
20220627             —MONTAG, 20220627
20220627             Schlupflöcher, Intransparenz, mangelnde Akzeptanz: Warum die Impfpflicht in der Pflege schleppend vorankommt
20220627             Lobbychefin über BIOKRAFTSTOFF—DISKUSSION: "Wir haben das Gefühl, dass wir nicht erwünscht sind"
20220627             "NEW—YORK—TIMES"-Chefredakteur über Trump und FOX—NEWS: "Ich sorge mich um unsere Demokratie"
20220627             —BELASTET, DROGEN—BERICHT der Uno: Cannabiskonsum, Gesundheitssysteme
20220627             Laut einem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen werden Haschisch und Marihuana auf dem Markt stärker – das führe zusammen mit regelmäßigem Konsum zu einem Anstieg von Sucht und psychischen Erkrankungen in Westeuropa.
20220627             Der steigende Konsum von Cannabis führt laut einem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen zu einer zusätzlichen Belastung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen.
20220627             In der Europäischen Union seien HANF—DROGEN die Ursache für rund 30—PROZENT—DER—DROGEN—THERAPIEN, hieß es im Jahresbericht des UNO—BÜROS für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNODC) in WIEN.
20220627             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Er wurde —AM—MONTAG.
20220627             AFRIKA, und manchen lateinamerikanischen Ländern stehe der größte Teil solcher Therapien im Zusammenhang mit CANNABIS—SUCHT.
20220627             Der Gehalt der psychoaktiven Substanz Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Cannabis nahm dem Bericht zufolge zu.
20220627             Das immer stärkere Haschisch und Marihuana auf dem Markt führte laut UNODC zusammen mit regelmäßigem Konsum zu einem Anstieg von Sucht und psychischen Erkrankungen in Westeuropa.
20220627             NORDAMERIKA, werde als Folge der Legalisierung von Cannabis ebenfalls mehr konsumiert – besonders unter jungen Erwachsenen.
20220627             Ein wachsender Anteil an psychiatrischen Störungen und Selbstmorden stehe dort im Zusammenhang mit regelmäßigem Gebrauch von Cannabis, hieß es in dem Bericht.
20220627             Auch die Krankenhausaufenthalte nähmen zu.
20220627             Das UNODC räumte ein, dass durch den legalen Verkauf dieser Drogen Steuereinnahmen gestiegen und die ZAHL—VON—VERHAFTUNGEN wegen CANNABIS—BESITZES gesunken sind.
20220627             Die DROGEN—WÄCHTER der Vereinten Nationen wiesen auch darauf hin, dass der weitaus größte Schaden in Nordamerika weiterhin von gefährlichen Opioiden angerichtet wird.
20220627             Zu diesen HEROIN—ARTIGEN Substanzen zählt etwa Fentanyl.
20220627             —NACH vorläufigen Schätzungen starben 20210000             in den USA rund 108.000—MENSCHEN an einer Überdosis, 17 % mehr als —J—IM davor.
20220627             Die UNO—BEHÖRDE ist auch besorgt, dass verschiedene stärkere Drogen neue Absatzmärkte finden.
20220627             Beschlagnahmungen deuten demnach darauf hin, dass der Kokainschmuggel sich außerhalb der Hauptabnahmegebiete Nordamerikas und Europas auch in AFRIKA und ASIEN ausdehnt.
20220627             Das ebenfalls aufputschende Methamphetamin sei nicht mehr nur 1—PROBLEM in Ost- und Südostasien, sondern auch in Ländern wie AFGHANISTAN und MEXIKO.
20220627             Diese Berechnungen beruhen auf den jüngsten vorliegenden Zahlen aus —DEM—JAHR 20200000             .
20220627             Dass der Cannabiskonsum zunahm, führt das UNO—BÜRO auch auf die Coronapandemie zurück: "Lockdowns während der COVID—19—PANDEMIE führten zu einem Anstieg des Cannabiskonsums",
20220627             heißt es in dem aktuellen Bericht.
20220627             —SCHON im vergangenen —JAHR hatte das UNODC berichtet, dass die Nachfrage nach Cannabis und Beruhigungsmitteln während der Pandemie gestiegen sei.
20220627             URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN: "Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass PRÄSIDENT—PUTIN diesen Krieg —SCHON nicht mehr gewinnen kann"
20220627             —KRIEG—IN—OST—EUROPA, Krim meldet Angriff auf Gasförderplattform, BLOCKADE—VON—LYSSYTSCHANSK droht – das geschah —IN—DER—NACHT
20220627             Freiwillig an die Front: Warum will ein DEUTSCHER—FAMILIENVATER zum Kämpfen in die UKRAINE?
20220627             Lenkungswirkung von Preisen: Finanzminister Lindner gegen Verlängerung von Tankrabatt und 9-Euro-Ticket
20220627             "Schwarzer Block" in Elmau: Vermummte protestieren gegen G7-Gipfel mit Transparenten – und Rauchtöpfen
20220627             —KRIEG—IN—DER UKRAINE +++: BUNDESWEHR—GENERAL warnt vor Gefahr an der Nordostflanke der Nato
20220627             Alltag in MOLDAU: Gefangen im Honig der Zeit
20220627             Bar und in Tüten: PRINZ—CHARLES nahm Millionenspende aus KATAR an – und bestreitet Fehlverhalten
20220627             Sun 20220626
20220627             [l] Pünktlich zum START—DER—HURRICANE—SAISON regelt der Markt die Versicherungen in den Bankrott.
20220627             1—FEW months —EARLIER, 1—MAJOR—INSURANCE—COMPANY called Lighthouse had gone bankrupt, leaving almost 30,000 homeowners in the state without storm coverage.
20220627             The company went under thanks to —LAST—YEAR—HURRICANE—IDA, which led to $400—MILLION in damage claims, far more money than the company had on hand.
20220627             It had been up to Donelon to find 1—NEW—COMPANY to take over these abandoned policies, but no other company wanted them.
20220627             In fact, other companies were fleeing the state en masse.
20220627             Sollten wir öfters machen lassen. Den Markt Dinge regeln.
20220627             Das ist so gut wie praktisch fast immer zum Vorteil der Allgemeinheit!!1!
20220627             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYJ hat die Menschen im Nachbarland BELARUS aufgerufen, sich nicht in den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFS—KRIEG in der UKRAINE hineinziehen zu lassen".
20220627             Der Kreml hat —BEREITS alles für Sie entschieden",
20220627             sagte er —AM—SONNTAG mit Blick auf Moskau in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache".
20220627             Aber Ihr seid keine Sklaven und Kanonenfutter. Ihr dürft nicht sterben".
20220627             Die Menschen sollten nicht andere für BELARUS entscheiden lassen.
20220627             —AM—SAMSTAG hatte sich der belarussischen Machthaber ALEXANDER—LUKASCHENKO abermals mit RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN getroffen.
20220627             Dabei kündigte der Kremlchef die Lieferung von Raketensystemen vom Typ ISKANDER—M nach BELARUS an, die auch mit nuklearen Sprengköpfen bestückt werden können
20220627             Fast jeder 4. Beschäftigte sorgt sich einer Umfrage zufolge wegen des UKRAINE—KRIEGS um seinen Arbeitsplatz.
20220627             In der Umfrage des Marktforschungsinstituts Trendence gaben 23,3—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—ARBEITNEHMERINNEN und Arbeitnehmer an, dass sie sich sorgen, durch die Auswirkungen des Krieges ihren Job verlieren zu können, wie die Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe —AM—MONTAG berichteten.
20220627             Mit 49,2 % gab außerdem knapp jeder 2. Beschäftigte an, von den Bildern aus den KRIEGS—GEBIETEN mental belastet zu sein.
20220627             Jeder 2. Befragte fordert demnach von seinem Arbeitgeber, sich für UKRAINISCHE—KRIEGS—FLÜCHTLINGE zu engagieren.
20220627             DIE—USA dürften einem Insider zufolge —IN—DIESER—WOCHE den Kauf eines fortgeschrittenen Raketensystems für die UKRAINE bekanntgeben.
20220627             Dabei handle es sich wohl um Abfangraketen mittlerer —BIS längere Reichweite, sagt eine mit dem Vorgang vertraute Person der Nachrichtenagentur Reute
20220627             —NACH dem Ablauf der Zahlungs– und Schonfrist am Sonntagabend haben mehrere TAIWANISCHE—INVESTOREN 2—INSIDERN zufolge weiter keine Zinszahlungen für ihre RUSSISCHEN—STAATSANLEIHEN erhalten.
20220627             Damit könnte RUSSLAND formell vor dem Zahlungsausfall stehen.
20220627             FRÜHEREN—ANGABEN—VON—JURISTEN zufolge ist jedoch unklar, ob die Regierung in Moskau nicht doch —BIS zum ENDE—DES—NÄCHSTEN—ARBEITSTAGES—ZEIT hat, seine Gläubiger zu bezahlen.
20220627             —ERST müsse er in einer stärkeren Position sein, sagte das UKRAINISCHE—STAATSOBERHAUPT demnach in einer Videoschalte mit den Staats- und Regierungschefs der in BAYERN konferierenden G7-Staaten.
20220627             ZELENSKYj habe erklärt, er werde verhandeln, wenn er in einer Position sei, dies zu tun".
20220627             Sein Ziel ist, den Krieg so schnell wie möglich zu beenden und in der bestmöglichen Position herauszukommen, damit er aus einer Position der Stärke heraus verhandeln kann",
20220627             berichtete der Diplomat, der anonym bleiben wollte.
20220627             Die DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE unterstützt die von Finanzminister CHRISTIAN—LINDNER angestrebte Verlängerung steuerlicher Hilfen für energieintensive Betriebe.
20220627             Der Vorschlag sei überfällig, sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—INDUSTRIE  und Handelskammertages (DIHK), PETER—ADRIAN.
20220627             "Die Industrieunternehmen brauchen dringend Planungssicherheit".
20220627             Ohne 1—ABSCHLUSSREGELUNG würden VIELE—FIRMEN angesichts hoher Energiepreise, Lieferkettenproblemen und den Folgen des UKRAINE—KRIEGES an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einbüßen
20220627             DEUTSCHLAND könnte einer Studie zufolge —BEREITS in wenigen —MONATEN unabhängig von RUSSISCHEN—ENERGIELIEFERUNGEN werden.
20220627             Dafür müssten die Verbraucher jedoch EINIGE—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN in Kauf nehmen.
20220627             Auf staatliche und private Unternehmen in LITAUEN ist nach ANGABEN—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS 1—CYBERANGRIFF ausgeführt worden.
20220627             Die RUSSISCHE—HACKERGRUPPE Killnet bestätigt der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters den Angriff.
20220627             Die Aktion sei 1—VERGELTUNGSMASSNAHME für den Streit mit LITAUEN über das Transitverbot für bestimmte Waren in die Exklave KALININGRAD.
20220627             —NACH Einschätzungen des Nationales Zentrums für Cybersicherheit ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die Angriffe in den kommenden —TAGEN fortgesetzt werden.
20220627             —GEFÄHRDET, Besonders, seien die Bereiche Verkehr, Energie und Finanzen.
20220627             MOSCOW, 20220627             . - /TASS/.
20220627             "These allegations of 1—DEFAULT are absolutely unjustified, because —BACK—IN May, the obligatory payment in the currency was fulfilled, and the fact that Euroclear withheld this money, or did not deliver it to the recipients is no longer our problem," he told reporters.
20220627             He emphasized that there is no reason to call the current situation default.
20220627             According to Peskov, the Kremlin does not agree with this interpretation of what happened".
20220627             No, we do not agree with it," he said, commenting on the recent Bloomberg article.
20220627             He added that he was not aware if MOSCOW had begun legal proceedings to return the country's frozen reserves.
20220627             —NOTED, At the same time, Peskov, that Western attempts to use RUSSIA—FROZEN reserves would mean outright theft of these funds".
20220627             Our position is well known: they [reserves] are illegally blocked.
20220627             ANY—ATTEMPTS to use these reserves in ANY—WAY will also be illegal and, in fact, will mean outright theft," he said.
20220627             —EARLIER, INTERNATIONAL depository Euroclear blocked RUSSIA—ASSETS in THE—AMOUNT—OF—AROUND $27—BLN.
20220627             According to experts from investment company ITI Capital, the volume of NON—RESIDENTS' assets "stuck" in the National Settlement Depository exceeds $85—BLN —BEFORE revaluation.
20220627             —REPORTED, Bloomberg, —EARLIER that RUSSIA had defaulted on sovereign debt.
20220627             —NOTED, The article, that the deadline for paying $100—MLN on coupon expired on the night of 20220627             .
20220627             —DIRECTED, According to THE—RUSSIA—FINANCE—MINISTRY—RUSSIA, funds to make the Eurobond payment in advance but beneficiaries have not received money due to actions of foreign financial intermediaries and this event cannot be treated as the default.
20220627             G7 to impose sanctions on grain exports from UKRAINE — WHITE—HOUSE
20220627             —TIMED, The announced measures were, to coincide to the G7 summit which is under way in GERMANY
20220627             WASHINGTON, 20220627             . - /TASS/.
20220627             —INVOLVED, The G7 countries will impose SANCTIONS—AGAINST—THOSE, in the export of grain from THE—TERRITORY—OF—UKRAINE, THE—WHITE—HOUSE announced in 1—NOTE on further MEASURES—OF—THE—JOE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION in relation to RUSSIA.
20220627             "G7 Leaders will decide to impose sanctions on those responsible for human rights abuses - including WAR—CRIMES, exercising illegitimate authority in UKRAINE, and involved in RUSSIA—TACTICS to steal UKRAINE—GRAIN," the document says.
20220627             —POINTED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, out —EARLIER that MOSCOW was ready to provide 1 unhindered passage to ships carrying UKRAINE—GRAIN provided Kiev cleared its PORTS—OF—MINES, and also could ensure exports through ports controlled by RUSSIA, namely BERDYANSK and Mariupol.
20220627             He said that UKRAINE can also export grain by land, and the most logical route is via BELARUS.
20220627             But to ensure this the West should lift sanctions from BELARUS.
20220627             —NOTED, He also, that problems on the global food market had begun —BACK—IN February 20200000             .
20220627             —DISMISSED, PUTIN, statements that RUSSIA was allegedly blocking grain in UKRAINE—PORTS as mere bluffing.
20220627             Oil price can rise to $135 1—BARREL in 2H 20220000             — IHS Markit
20220627             —CAUSED, High prices are, by THE—LACK—OF—OIL—SUPPLY, the agency noted
20220627             Currently, Brent oil price is $110—PER barrel.
20220627             However, already in the 3. quarter of 20220000             , the price may rise to $136.3—PER barrel, IHS experts believe.
20220627             In general, in the 2. HALF—OF—THE—YEAR, THE—PRICE—OF—OIL will stay at $135—PER barrel, and on average for the —YEAR it will be $122—PER barrel, IHS adds.
20220627             —CAUSED, According to agency experts, high prices are, by THE—LACK—OF—OIL—SUPPLY.
20220627             The experts name the decline in oil production in RUSSIA due to sanctions, low probability of reaching 1—AGREEMENT on THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—DEAL, which will not allow IRAN—OIL to be brought to the market, as well as the reduction in free production capacity in OPEC+ countries as the factors affecting the global oil production.
20220627             NATO to enhance battlegroups in its eastern parts — SECRETARY—GENERAL
20220627             "We will transform THE—NATO—RESPONSE—FORCE and increase the number of our high readiness forces to well over 300,000," JENS—STOLTENBERG said
20220627             BRRUSSELS, 20220627             .
20220627             /TASS/. - NATO—PLANS to enhance its battlegroups in its eastern parts and to look at ISSUES—OF—MILITARY—SUPPLIES, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG said —ON—MONDAY.
20220627             "At the Summit, we will strengthen our forward defenses.
20220627             We will enhance our battlegroups in THE—EAST—PART—OF—THE—ALLIANCE up to BRIGADE—LEVELS.
20220627             We will transform THE—NATO—RESPONSE—FORCE.
20220627             And increase the number of our high readiness forces.
20220627             To well over 300,000," he said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE—AHEAD—OF—THE—ALLIANCE—SUMMIT in MADRID.
20220627             "We will also boost our ability to reinforce in crisis and conflict, including with: more PRE—POSITIONED equipment, and STOCKPILES—OF—MILITARY—SUPPLIES; more FORWARD—DEPLOYED capabilities, like air defense; strengthened command and control; and upgraded defense plans, with forces PRE—ASSIGNED to defend specific Allies," he announced.
20220627             ZELENSKYY calls on Group of 7 to join UKRAINE—SECURITY—GUARANTEES
20220627             —REPORTED, As the press SERVICE—OF—THE—UKRAINE—PRESIDENT, he invited the G7 leaders "to focus on concrete steps" which, he claimed, "could be useful both for UKRAINE and for ALL—OF—EUROPE"
20220627             Mon 20220627
20220627             [l] Die "Bild" ist mal wieder einer ganze heißen Nummer auf der Spur!
20220627             Jagd —NACH—DEN NAZI—MILLIARDEN: Neue Spur führt in die SCHWEIZ - NEIN!!!
20220627             In die SCHWEIZ!?!? Das ist ja unglaublich, Bob!
20220627             Die finden ja alles raus. Alles finden die raus!!  END NEWS appended
20220627             ANTI—GIPFEL—DEMO in den BERGEN: Schweiß gegen G7
20220627             FRÜHERER—USA—AUßENMINISTER: Kissinger äußert Verständnis für DEUTSCHLAND im Umgang mit UKRAINEkrieg
20220627             USA—LIEFERUNG für UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE: Mit diesem Luftabwehrsystem soll der RUSSISCHE—VORMARSCH gestoppt werden
20220627             Neue Coronawelle: "Bürgerpflicht" – Frankreichs Gesundheitsministerin ruft zum Maskentragen auf
20220627             LITHUANIA responsible for CONSEQUENCES—OF—BAN on transit to KALININGRAD — Medvedev
20220627             —ADDED, Medvedev, that the decision to ban the transit of RUSSIA—GOODS with their list alone amounting to 60—PAGES is so obnoxious that it makes no sense to comment on it
20220627             MOSCOW, 20220628             .
20220627             /TASS/. - LITHUANIA bears full responsibility for the repercussions of its decisions regarding 1—BAN on cargo transit to KALININGRAD, yet VILNIUS does not pause to think about it, according to Deputy SECRETARY—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DMITRY Medvedev.
20220627             In 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ARGUMENTY i Fakty newspaper, he said that this is yet another indication that "LITHUANIA does not think at all about the consequences of its own moves.
20220627             And even explanations that LITHUANIA only obediently implements the decisions made by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION do not help here," he said.
20220627             He said "THE—EU didn't even insist" on such radical steps as 1—TRANSIT—BAN, realizing possible problems".
20220627             —BOWED, Yet LITHUANIA obsequiously, —BEFORE its AMERICA—BENEFACTORS, once again showing its moronic Russophobic attitudes," the official said.
20220627             —ADDED, Medvedev, that "the decision to ban the transit of RUSSIA—GOODS with their list alone amounting to 60—PAGES is so obnoxious that it makes no sense to comment on it".
20220627             RUSSIA will embark on HARD—HITTING, TIT—FOR—TAT measures in response to the transit ban against THE—KALININGRAD Region, capable of "cutting off the oxygen" to LITHUANIA, Deputy CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ARGUMENTY i Fakty newspaper.
20220627             "NATURALLY—RUSSIA will take retaliatory measures, and they will be very harsh.
20220627             I won't say which ones —JUST yet.
20220627             There are MANY—POSSIBILITIES, and 1—SIGNIFICANT—PART—OF—THEM are economic that can cut off the oxygen to our Baltic neighbors who have taken hostile actions," he stressed.
20220627             —DESCRIBED, Medvedev, LITHUANIA—DECISION to restrict cargo passage to KALININGRAD as "part of the same 'proxy war' initiated by the West against RUSSIA".
20220627             As 1—RESULT, he believes that RUSSIA—RESPONSE may be disproportionate.
20220627             "There is also the option of employing disproportionate measures, which would, of course, result in 1—MAJOR—ESCALATION—OF—THE—CONFLICT," Medvedev cautioned.
20220627             In his opinion, 1—ESCALATION—LIKE this would be 1—BAD—CHOICE".
20220627             It would affect ordinary Lithuanians, whose standard of living is already low, and simply meagre by European standards.
20220627             If you ask people in VILNIUS or KAUNAS what they think about such measures, you will get honest, if not particularly diplomatic responses.
20220627             LITHUANIA—POLITICIANS are currying favors, —WHILE residents are trying to survive and get by in this 'theater of the absurd'.
20220627             And it's getting worse and worse for both of them," the politician concluded.
20220627—20200000    —J—IM, Das UNODC schätzt, dass weltweit 284—MILLIONEN Jugendliche und Erwachsene Drogen konsumiert haben – 209—MILLIONEN davon Cannabis.
20220627—20220500    —IN, Kremlin Spokesman DMITRY—PESKOV —ON—MONDAY hit out at allegations of RUSSIA's 'default' on foreign obligations branding the claims as illegitimate, —SINCE the corresponding payment in foreign currency was made.
20230627             —DIENSTAG, 20230627
20230627             Ausgeprägte Änderung der Pfiffe: Auch Delfine sprechen mit ihrem Nachwuchs in "Babysprache"
20230627             Dokumentenaffäre: "This is secret information, look" — Tonaufnahme von Trump aufgetaucht
20230627             Nahostkonflikt: USA stoppen Finanzierung von Forschung mit ISRAEL im Westjordanland
20230627             Wind, Sonne, Wasser, Biomasse: Erneuerbare Energien decken 52—PROZENT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—STROMVERBRAUCHS
20230627             Unternehmensumfrage: DEUTSCHE—FIRMEN rechnen mit Rückgang der Exporte
20230627             Umfrage: MEHRHEIT—DER—BÜRGER will Abschaffung von Pflegezuzahlungen
20230627             Vorwürfe an GRIECHENLAND: Küstenwache soll FRONTEX—HILFSANGEBOT ignoriert haben
20230627             Flucht vor Krieg: Nettozuwanderung steigt auf Rekordstand
20230627             Antisemitismusbericht 20220000             : Fälle extremer Gewalt gegen Juden erreichen Höchststand
20230627             Gesunkene Kosten: Bund braucht für Energiepreisbremsen 14—MILLIARDEN Euro weniger als befürchtet
20230627             Ehemalige Dependance des RUSSISCHEN—MUSEUMS: Eremitage AMSTERDAM benennt sich um
20230627             Auswertung für 20220000             : Fläche so groß wie die SCHWEIZ — tropischer Urwald zerstört
20230627             Schnittspuren an versteinerten Knochen: Womöglich älteste Spur von Kannibalismus bei Frühmenschen gefunden
20230627             Schnittspuren auf den Überresten eines 1,45 Millionen —JAHRE alten Schienbeins eines Verwandten des Homo sapiens liefern demnach Hinweise: Die Beschädigungen seien durch Steinwerkzeug entstanden.
20230627             Es sei das älteste Beispiel für dieses Verhalten, das mit hoher Sicherheit und Spezifität bekannt ist, heißt es in einer Mitteilung zu der Studie.
20230627             "Die Informationen, die wir haben, sagen uns, dass Homininen wahrscheinlich vor mindestens 1,45—MILLIONEN —JAHREN andere Homininen gegessen haben",
20230627             "Es gibt zahlreiche andere Beispiele dafür, dass Arten aus dem menschlichen Stammbaum sich gegenseitig fressen, um sich zu ernähren.
20230627             Aber dieses Fossil deutet darauf hin, dass die Verwandten unserer Spezies sich gegenseitig gefressen haben, um zu überleben, und zwar weiter in der Vergangenheit, als uns bewusst war".
20230627             Starker Anstieg 20220000             : So VIELE—MENSCHEN wie nie stellen Anfragen wegen Diskriminierung
20230627             Sorge um Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: BRITISCHE—AUTOBAUER bitten EU um Aufschub bei BREXIT—ZÖLLEN
20230627             1—MANN namens Raffaele Esposito hatte in Neapel damals die 1. Pizza gebacken.
20230627             Belegt mit grünem Basilikum, weißem Mozzarella und roten Tomaten symbolisierte sie die Farben der ITALIENISCHEN—FLAGGE.
20230627             7—GRAD wärmer als der Ozean: Zahnschmelz verrät Körpertemperatur von riesigem Urzeithai
20230627             Künstlertreff: Berliner Café Einstein meldet Insolvenz an
20230627             Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen: EU—NATURSCHUTZGESETZ droht zu scheitern
20230627             Äußerungen zum Machtkampf in RUSSLAND: Orbán spricht UKRAINE die Souveränität ab
20230627             —ATTESTIERT, Suizid in Haftanstalt: Justizbehörde, schwere Fehler bei Überwachung von JEFFREY—EPSTEIN
20230627             Verlagerung nach ASIEN und Nordamerika: Forscher warnen vor Kapitalabfluss aus DEUTSCHLAND
20230627             Putin über WAGNER—KÄMPFER: "Wir haben diese Gruppe komplett finanziert"
20230627             GUSTAV—KLIMTS letztes Porträt "Dame mit Fächer" hat bei einer Auktion in LONDON 74—MILLIONEN Pfund (mehr als 86—MIO.
20230627             Euro) erzielt und damit den bisherigen Rekord in EUROPA gebrochen.
20230627             Tue 20230627
20230627             [l] Kurze Durchsage des Weltwährungsfonds:
20230627             Corporate profits —NOW account for nearly HALF—OF—ALL euro area inflation.
20230627             —BESTIMT, Das hat, die CIA herausgefunden!
20230627             [l] Malariaausbruch in TEXAS und FLORIDA.
20230627             Malaria kommt gelegentlich vor in den USA, aber normalerweise von anderswo eingeschleppt.
20230627             Das sind wohl Infektionen von heimischen Mücken.
20230627             20.39—UHR - Fall Till Lindemann: Attacke auf RAMMSTEIN—BÜRO—IN—BERLIN
20230627             Extreme Temperaturen: SPANIEN meldet deutlich mehr Hitzetote
20230627             Ausschussbericht: USA—BEHÖRDEN nahmen Hinweise auf KAPITOL—STURM offenbar nicht ernst
20230627—18890000    —SEIT, Die moderne Pizza gibt es einer Legende nach —ERST.
20230627—19180200    —IM, Die unbekannte "Dame mit Fächer" war auf der Staffelei in Klimts Atelier gefunden worden, —NACHDEM er unerwartet im Alter von —55—JAHREN gestorben war.
20240627             —DONNERSTAG, 20240627
20240627             Bilanz von 18,9 Milliarden Euro: FRANKFURT und Aschaffenburg schmieden Deutschlands größte Volksbank
20240627             Analyse des DEUTSCHEN—WETTERDIENSTES: Klimakrise machte Hochwasser in Süddeutschland wahrscheinlicher
20240627             Entzifferung alter Handschriften: So können Sie endlich alte Familienbriefe lesen
20240627             Drohender —KONFLIKT mit LIBANON: Israels Verteidigungsminister warnt Hisbollah vor Krieg —BIS "in die Steinzeit"
20240627             Thu 20240627
20240627             [l] Der USA—SUPREME—COURT löscht 1—KORRUPTIONSGESETZ, das es strafbar gemacht hat, wenn 1—OFFIZIELLER von jemandem Geschenke über $5000—ENTGEGEN nimmt, —NACHDEM er demjenigen Geschäfte zugeschustert hat.
20240627             Das sei ja nur Korruption, finden die großzügig beschenkten Richter, wenn man vorher bezahlt wird.
20240627             Schutz der heimischen Bauern: EU führt wieder Zölle auf Zucker und Eier aus der UKRAINE ein
20240627             Studie über Wahlverhalten und Wohlergehen: AFD—WÄHLEN macht missmutig
20240627             Statistisches Bundesamt: Nettozuwanderung nach DEUTSCHLAND hat sich 20230000             mehr als halbiert
20240627             Cyberangriff auf UKRAINISCHE—INFRASTRUKTUR: USA—BEHÖRDEN loben 10—MILLIONEN Dollar für Hinweise auf RUSSISCHEN—HACKER aus
20240627             Irreführende Worthülse: Bundesgerichtshof schränkt Werbung mit dem Begriff "klimaneutral" ein
20240627             Mit EU—GELDERN: Baltische Staaten und POLEN verlangen Verteidigungssystem an Grenze zu RUSSLAND
20240627             Sonderauftrag für SpaceX: Elon Musks Team soll Internationale Raumstation aus Orbit holen
20240627             Eurowings, Ryanair und Co.: Weniger Reiseziele sind mit Billigflügen erreichbar
20240627             Einsatz in DÄNISCHER—HAUPSTADT: Feuer in Kopenhagener Steuerministerium ausgebrochen
20240627             Vorwurf der Korruption und Bestechung: EX—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER Li Shangfu und WEI—FENGHE aus Kommunistischer Partei ausgeschlossen
20240627             Verteidigung gegen RUSSLAND: EU unterzeichnet Sicherheitsabkommen mit UKRAINE
20240627             Ukrainekrieg: Scholz verlangt EU—HILFE für AUFNAHME—VON—GEFLÜCHTETEN
20240627             —ROTE—LISTE, Mehr als 1000—WEITERE TIER—ARTEN und PFLANZEN—ARTEN vom Aussterben bedroht
20240627             Andauernder Bürgerkrieg: 14—REGIONEN—DES—SUDAN droht die Hungersnot
20240627             JULIAN—ASSANGE: Wie Gefängnis der Gesundheit schadet
20240627             [l] Wusstet ihr eigentlich, dass Die TICKET—APP der EM die Position der Ticketkäufer trackt und an die Behörden weiterleitet?
20240627             Das sind die Behörden, die uns vorher Datenschutz verkauft haben, weil Facebook und Google böse sind.
20240627             Drogenabhängigkeit in den USA: Oberstes USA—GERICHT stoppt Insolvenzplan für Pharmakonzern Purdue
20240627             Parlamentswahl in FRANKREICH: Rechtspopulist Bardella sichert UKRAINE Unterstützung zu
20240627—20230000    —ZAHLEN—FÜR, Mehr als 400.000—MENSCHEN aus katholischer Kirche ausgetreten