_HEUTE_0601 :

02410601             Inscription to THE—GENIUS—OF—THE—ROOP and to QUEEN—EPONA (Genio turmae et Eponae Reginae) by IULIUS—VICTOR, 1—HORSEMAN—OF 'GORDIAN—OWN' archers.
02410601             —DATED—TO, (kal.
02410601             Iun) by mention of the consuls, 'our lords' (DOMINI—NOSTRI) Imp.
02410601             —DATED—TO, (kalendas ;;06;;) by mention of the consuls, 'our lords' (DOMINI—NOSTRI) Imp.
1000ca00—20140601    HENGEBACH[HEIMBACH]
10120000—20140601    D Burch HENGEBACH es ön Burch an d Rur.
10120000—20140601    D Burch HENGEBACH litt op önö Bärch beij Heimbach.
10750601             HERMANN t wahrscheinlich.
1136ca00—11910601    S—JEAN—DE—ARC
11650601             HERMANN—MÖNCH t —VOR
11790000—11910601    —BIS, zu seinem Tode Doch behielt PHILIPP—GRAF—VON—ELSAß den Titel des GRAF—VON—VERMANDOIS bei.
11910601             † GRAF—PHILIPP—VON—FLANDERN vor AKKON
11910601             † PHILIPP—GRAF—VON—ELSAß im HEER—LAGER vor AKKON WÄHREND der Belagerung an 1—EPEDEMIE.
11910601             † PHILIPP—VOR AKKON).
11910601             weiterführte DIE—REGENTSCHAFT  MATHILDE o†o oo PHILIPP
12150601             —ENTRÉE—DU—PRINCE—LOUIS et de MONTFORT dans TOULOUSE
12150601             in LÜTTICH THOMAS—OLIVIER sich 3—TAGE aufhielt
12830601             belehnte diesen mit diesen Ländern;
13050601             —LE, rem|icreur CHARLES—IV. fut couronné.'i Arlo"'
13180601             —DOCUMENT—IN—THE, 2—FACTORS suggest that "neptis" should be interpreted as GREAT—NIECE not niece (in relation to GRAF—GERHARD [V]), in which case RICHARDis was THE—GRAND—DAUGHTER—OF—WILHELM—II—GRAF—VON—SALM and his wife RICHARDIS—VON—JÜLICH.
13180601             under which "RICHARDa DOMINA—DE—RIFERSCHEIT...cum JOHANNE filio nostro unigenito...herede dicti dominii" mortgaged property to "Johanni et Tilkino FRATRIBUS—DE—WESENE.."., and "GERHARDus COMES Juliacensis et WILHELMus FILIUS—EIUSDEM" [GERHARD [V—GRAF—VON—JÜLICH and his son WILHELM [V]]
13180601             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, acted as guarantors for "RICHARDa iam dicta nostra nepte et JOHANNE filio eiusdem",
13280601—13280810    (6—FLORENI—PRO—EQUO et pacha, 2—FLORENI—PRO—RONZINO IN—MENSE) 359—FLORENI 16—S. 8—D.
13280601—13280810    Nomina:
13280601—13280810    GOCTIFREDUS, conestabilis,
13280601—13280810    GIRARDUS—DE—BUINEM
13280601—13280810    GEBELLINUS—DE—GIMBERS,
13280601—13280810    ARNALDUS—DE—RODER,
13280601—13280810    JOHANNES—DE—COLONIA[KÖLN],
13280601—13280810    JOHANNES—FRET,
13280601—13280810    JOHANNES—DE—LAMBURGO,
13280601—13280810    NICOLAUS—DE—VELS,
13280601—13280810    ANECHINUS—DE—LAFF,
13280601—13280810    GOLZER—DE—TASIM[Thesim]
13280601—13280810    HENRICUS—DE—CUMBER,
13280601—13280810    ANECHINUS—DE—BURGO,
13280601—13280810    JOHANNES—DE—ROYDE,
13280601—13280810    ANECHINUS—DE—FRISIIS.
13280601—13280810    (Die übrigen Namen als DEUTSCHLAND—NICHT erkennbar.)
13280601—13280810    Es fällt DAS—STREIT—ROß von NUMMER—13 (26—FLORENI),
13280601—13280810    Es fällt DAS—STREIT—ROß von NUMMER—16 (30—FLORENI),
13280601—13280810    Es fällt DAS—STREIT—ROß von NUMMER—10 (15—FLORENI),
13280601—13280810    Es fällt DAS—STREIT—ROß von NUMMER—14 (30—FLORENI),
13370601—13371201    DOMINUS—RAYNALDUS—DE—STAFFULO^ miles, potestas castri Penne S—JOHANNIS, PRO—6—MENSIBUS 108—FLORENI
13500601             —BEFORE, oo 1. MARGARETA, DAUGHTER—OF—---.
13500601             —URKUNDE—VOM, BY, "JOHAN v. SALMEN—HERRE—ZU—PUTTELINGEN und MARGARETE min...frauwe" reached AGREEMENT—WITH—"unsern...Nefen Greue JOHAN—VON—SPANHEIM" about THE—SUCCESSION—OF—"frauwen Lorettin...siner mutter, mins Johans Vatdire...swester was"  sealed by "unsern...OY—HEIM Greue WALRAME—VON—ZWEYNBRUCKEN..".
13500601             B. WILHELMO nata WILHELMI—DE—BEYS militis similis gratia IN—ECCLESIA—S—SALVATORIS—TRAIECTENSIS
13540501—13540601    NOMINA—EQUITATORUM :
13540501—13540601    NOMINA—EQUITATORUM : Giachelinus Theotonicus,
13790601             CLEMENS—VII—PAPA TRANsJ'èrc de nouveau Aiinur de la Voule du siège de Grasse à l'ÉVÉCHÉ DE—MARSEILLE.
14250601             —INTRAVIT in OFFITIUM potestarie URBISVETERIS PAULINUS—DE—FEIS—DE—ARETIO : eius judex DOMINUS Silverius de RAVENNA.
14250601—14250601    LUIGI—FUMI
14450601             verkaufen an die geistlichen Herren und Brüder des HAUS—ZU—WEIDENBACH gegenüber der KLOSTER—KIRCHE—VON—S—PANTALEON BINNEN—KÖLN
14450601             den 4. Teil[VIERDELL] an KORN—10., WEIN—10. sowie dazugehörigen Früchten von dem BIERBUYCHER—10.—ZU—ZÜLPICH,
14450601             der bei dem anderen —BEREITS dem HAUS—WEIDENBACH gehörenden Viertelzehnten liegt und
14450601             den sie früher dem HERMAN—REMPLYN[REIMPLIN,REMPLINS,REMPLIS,REMPLYN], SCHÖFFEN—ZU—ZÜLPICH, abgekauft hatten,
14450601             Der Kaufpreis beträgt 50—OBERLÄND. rhein. GULDEN,
14450601             —VERZICHTET, Sie haben darauf, in Gegenwart des HERMAN—REMPLYN[REIMPLIN,REMPLINS,REMPLIS,REMPLYN]
14450601             vor Herrn ARNOLT—VAN—ROYDE—PROPST—VON—PFARR—KIRCHE—S—PETER—ZÜLPICH, als dem rechtmäßigen LEHN—HERRN,
14450601             der seine Zustimmung gegeben hat, DIE—VERKÄUFER leisten WÄHRSCHAFT,
14450601             Die ERB—RENTE—VON—6—SÜMBER und 1—VIERTEL—WEIZEN an den PROPST bleibt unangefochten.
14450601             Es siegelt DER—PROPST, Es siegelt DER—AUSSTELLER,
14450601             Es siegelt Junker Gerhart vanme Cuesyn und
14450601             Es siegelt Junker JOHAN—MOMMERSLOCH, SCHÖFFEN—ZU—KÖLN, sowie
14450601             Es siegelt Ausgefertigt von JACOBus Kraen (Krayn) von DÜLKEN, KAISERLICHER—NOTAR—IN—DESSEN Wohnung in KÖLN in der ]odengassen gegenüber der Schreibkammer
14450601             vor den Zeugen JOHANNES—VAN—HOLTE und
14450601             DIEDERICH—VAN—REYS, Klerikern des BISTUM—KÖLN.
14950601             —APPEARED, The 1. written record of Scotch Whiskey, in the Exchequer Rolls of SCOTLAND.
14950601             Friar JOHN—COR was the distiller.
14950601             LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA s'est prudemment retiré à OVIETO[ORVIETO]
14950601             KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH[CHARLES—VIII] den ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA von seinem Kommen benachrichtigt hatte und
14950601             KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH[CHARLES—VIII] dem ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA neue Unterhandlungen in Aussicht gestellt
14950601             1—ZEITLANG schien ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA willens sich mit dem KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH[CHARLES—VIII] zu verständigen,
15030601             —AM, they reached URBINO,
15030601             —AM, they found THE—DUCHESS RE—ESTABLISHED among 1 attached people,
15030601             —AM, they who,
15120601             A—DE—DE a VILA—DE—ESTREMOZ tendo visto renovar a sua CARTA—DE—FORAL.
15180601             —DATED—THE—OF, Articles of commercial intercourse between THE—ENGLISH—MERCHANTS and THE—TOWN—OF—ANTWERP[ANTVERPIAE,ANTWERPEN,ANVERS], set these matters at rest.
15180601             —TIME—AT—THIS, There was 1—ENGLISH—STATUTE forbidding THE—EXPORTATION—OF—GOLD and silver,
15180601             notably that of ),
15200601             † PIERRE—AGARNI.
15200601             Il mourut à TURIN, —LE.
15220601             —LE, LA—FLOTTE—DE—SOLIMAN—I., forte de 300—NAVIRES et de 100.000—HOMMES, attaqua le GRAND—MAITRE—DE—PTIODES, VILLIERS—DE—LE—LSLE adam,
15330601             —CROWNED, ANNE—BOLEYN, the 2. oo HENRY—VIII—KING—OF—, was, as QUEEN—CONSORT—OF—ENGLAND.
15330601             —AM, ANNE—BOLEYN KRÖNUNG zur ENGLAND—KÖNIGIN.
15330601             —ZEIT—PUNKT ZU DEM, wölbte sich —SCHON deutlich der ANNE—BOLEYN Bauch,
15330601             ANNE—BOLEYN war schwanger mit ihrer Tochter, der späteren KÖNIGIN—ELIZABETH—I
15440601             —ABOUT THE A man had been arrested at Deventer
15440601             —ABOUT THE on 1—CHARGE—OF heresy, and
15680601             —BEHEADED, DUKE—OF—ALBA, 18—NOBLES in BRUSSELS.
15880601             † CHAJIM—BEN—BEZALEL, Hebrew grammarian, Friedberg
16370601             Repression CONTRE—LES—CROQUANTS du Périgord.
16380601             —RECORDED, The 1. earthquake was, in THE—USA at PLYMOUTH—MASSACHUSETTS.
16380601             Its massive effect spread through MANY—EAST—STATES.
16380601—18860831    —ON, The 1. USA—EARTHQUAKE on record with significant human consequence was recorded, with the loss of some 100—LIVES in CHARLESTON—SOUTH—CAROLINA.
16570601             1. Quakers arrived in New AMSTERDAM (NY). - - - (MC, 20020601             )
16720601             hat am ," die Verzögerung der Zahlungen beim KUR—FÜRST entschuldigt und
16730601             bereit, die indess von LOUIS—XIV[LUDWIG—XIV—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH] abgelehnt wurde.
16750601             SAVO—MILLINII[SAVO—MELLINI] Nuncio in SPAIN.
16760601             —ARMED, THE—SWEDEN—SHIP Svardet, with 86—BRONZE canons and under command of Claes Uggla, went under —WHEN SWEDEN was defeated by 1—DANISH—HOLLAND—FLEET in THE—BATTLE—OF—ÖLAND.
16760601—20110000    —IN, Deep Sea Productions said it believed it had found the ship off THE—ISLAND—OF—OLAND.
16790601             BATTLE—AT—BOTHWELL—BRIDGE on Clyde: DUKE—OF—MONMOUTH beat the Scottish.
16850601             † SAMUEL Haida, Cabbalistic author, PRAGUE
17110601             Colonists came to view the postal rates set forth in the act as 1—EXCESSIVE and unwelcome FORM—OF—TAXATION.
17110601—17110601    —ON, THE—QUEEN—ANNE—ACT, known as THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—POST—OFFICE—ACT—OF—17100000             , took effect in NORTH—AMERICA.
17110601—17651010    —REVISED, The rates were, by 1—LATER act, which took effect.
17110601—17890000    —UNTIL, It created 1—FORMULA that was used to improve the colonial postal system and remained in effect in NORTH—AMERICA.
17570000—18150601    * † JAMES—GILLRAY, UNITED—KINGDOM—CARICATURIST and printmaker.
17570601             * IGNAZ—J—PLEYEL, AUSTRIA—COMPOSER, piano builder (Piano method).
17570601             - (MC, 20020601             )
176760601            —26,288.† — KARL—CASPAR—DE—PETRA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TRIER
17740601             It closed BOSTON harbor —UNTIL restitution for the destroyed tea was made (passed 17740325             ).
17740601             THE—BOSTON Port Bill, the 1. BILL—OF—THE—INTOLERABLE—ACTS (called by the Colonists) became effective.
177710601            † — MICHAEL,—LAICUS—LAACH
17830601             —SAILED, Last UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS, from NEW—YORK.
17830601             † CHARLES—BYRNE, 22—JAHRE—ALT, known as THE—IRELAND—GIANT.
17830601             Standing at 7—FEET 7—INCHES tall (2.3—METERS) he was 1—CELEBRITY in his own lifetime.
17830601             —WHEN he † the renowned surgeon and anatomist JOHN—HUNTER was keen to acquire his skeleton.
17830601             —WANTED, Byrne, to be buried at sea.
17830601             —MANAGED, The surgeon, to bribe 1—OF—THE—IRISHMAN—FRIENDS and took his body —BEFORE it could be laid to rest in THE—ENGLAND—CHANNEL.
17830601             —BOILED, Hunter, BYRNE—BODY down to 1—SKELETON and it became 1—KEY—FEATURE—OF his anatomy collection.
17830601—20110000    —CALLED, Experts, for the skeleton to be buried at sea, as Byrne wanted.
17890601             —PASSED, Congress, its 1. act which mandated the procedure for administering OATHS—OF—PUBLIC—OFFICE.
17910423—18680601    * † JAMES—BUCHANAN, the 15.
17920601             —BECAME, KENTUCKY, the 15. - STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
17940601             —DEFEATED, ENGLAND—FLEET under RICHARD—EARL—HOWE, the French.
17960601             —BECAME, TENNESSEE, the 16. - STATE—OF—THE—UNION.
17960601             In accordance with THE—JAY—TREATY, all UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS were withdrawn from USA—SOIL.
17960601             PETER—TITZ oo CATHARINA—HAMMES, in WOLLERSHEIM 3, 4.
17960601             CATHARINA—HAMMES oo PETER—TITZ, in WOLLERSHEIM 3, 4.
18010601—18770000    * † Mormon leader Brigham Young, the 2. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—MORMON—CHURCH, in WHITINGHAM—VERMONT.
18120601             —WOUNDED, USA—NAVY—CAPTAIN—JAMES—LAWRENCE, mortally, in 1—NAVAL—ENGAGEMENT with the British, exhorts to THE—CREW—OF—HIS—VESSEL, THE—CHESAPEAKE, "Don't give up the ship!"
18130601             —GAINED, THE—USA—NAVY, its motto as the mortally wounded COMMANDER—OF—THE—USA—FRIGATE "CHESAPEAKE", CAPTAIN—JAMES—LAWRENCE (18710000              *) was heard to say, "Don't give up the ship!", —DURING 1—LOSING—BATTLE with 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—FRIGATE "Shannon";
18130601             his ship was captured by THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—FRIGATE.
18140000—18640601    * † HONG—XIUQUAN, LEADER—OF—THE—TAIPING—HEAVENLY Army, from poisoning.
18140601             * PHILIP—KEARNEY, Union Civil War general.
18150601             —ETCHED, He is famous for his, political and social satires, mainly published 17920000—18100000    —BETWEEN.
18180601             —DEMARCATED, Mathematician JAMES—CAMAK, the border between GEORGIA and TENNESSEE.
18180601             Due to 1—FAULTY sextant and bad astronomical charts he drew the line 1—MILE—SOUTH—OF—THE intended boundary, the 35. parallel.
18310601             * JOHN—B—HOOD—CONFEDERATE—CIVIL—WAR general.
18350601             * DAVID—EPPENIGE[DAVID—EPPENICH] f brthplc:Germ m brthplce: Germ M GERMANY
18360601             —OPENED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the doors of the luxurious Astor House hotel, to the public.
18360601             It was 1—NEAR—COPY on 1—GRANDER scale of the —EARLIER, fashionable Trement House in BOSTON, also designed by ISAIAH—ROGERS.
18400601             <<<<<< 4.571.000 4 3/4 %  5 9 1
18430601             Sojourner Truth left NY to beg in her career as antislavery activist.
18430601             It snowed in BUFFALO and ROCHESTER NEW—YORK, and also in CLEVELAND OHIO.
18430601             <<<<< 11.566.000 2 1/4 %  1 14
18450601             1—HOMING pigeon completed an 11,000 km trip (NAMIBIA—LONDON) in 55—DAYS.
18480601             Hüser - Die neueste Heldentat des Hauses Bourbon
18480601             KÖLN, erscheint die 1. Nummer DER—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG", ORGAN—DER—DEMOKRATIE.
18480601             —GEHÖRT, FRIEDRICH—ENGELS, zur NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG" Redaktion.
18480601             —ERSCHEINEN—AB, konnte DIE—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG.
18480601             Publizistischen Talenten boten DIE—KOMMUNISTEN 1—TRIBÜNE, als sie in KÖLN DIE—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG gründeten.
18480601             —ERSCHIEN 1., Das von MARX geleitete Blatt, DIE—NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG.
18510601             13.705.000 3 %<<<<<<<2 11 2
18550601             (SSFC, 20050410             , p.F4)
18550601             —STORMED, WILLIAM—WALKER (18240000—18600000    ), USA adventurer, into GRANADA—NICARAGUA.
18550601             —REESTABLISHED, Walker, slavery and planned an 18-mile canal from Lake NICARAGUA to the Pacific.
18550601—18570712    —ON, he declared himself PRESIDENT.
18550601—18570712    —DECLARED, WILLIAM—WALKER, himself PRESIDENT.
18600601/18600602    (MARX an LASSALLE, )
18610601             —STOPPED, THE—USA and the Confederacy simultaneously, mail interchange.
18610601             The 1. skirmish in the Civil War was at Fairfax COURT—HOUSE, ARLINGTON MILLS—VIRGINIA.
18610601             UNITED—KINGDOM—TERRITORIAL—WATERS & ports were put OFF—LIMITS —DURING Civil War.
18620601             —ABOLISHED, Slavery was, in all USA—POSSESSIONS.
18640601             —TRIED, BATTLE—OF—COLD—HARBOR, VIRGINIA, began as Lee, to turn GRANT—FLANK.
18640601             —NOV, Shenandoah Valley campaign began.
18640601             —AT—THE—TIME—OF his death his led over 100,000 troops and controlled 1—AREA—BIGGER than FRANCE.
18640601—19960000    —AUTHORED, JONATHAN—SPENCE, "GOD—CHINESE—SON," 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—XIUQUAN, who believed himself to be GOD—2. son.
18670601             DIE—1. Nummer die "Arbeiterhalle" erscheint am
18680601             THE—TEXAS constitutional convention met in AUSTIN.
18680601             oo He was the only USA—PRESIDENT to have never.
18710601             —FIRED, KOREA—YONGDU—FORTRESS, at 1—USA fleet as it sailed up the Ganghwa Straits, which leads to the Han river.
18710601             —LAUNCHED, Some 650—MARINES, the 1. USA—INVASION—OF—KOREA —FOLLOWING 1 failed attempt by diplomats to open the Hermit Kingdom to trade.
18710601             In the end, the Americans won the battle militarily, but lost diplomatically.
18720601             —IM—VOLKS—STAAT—VOM, KARL—MARX, dem diese NUMMER der "CONCORDIA"im folgenden ;;05;;
18720601             zugesandt wurde, antwortete dem Anonymus.
18770601             —FORMED, THE—SOCIETY—OF—USA—ARTISTS was.
18770601             —AUTHORIZED, USA—TROOPS were, to pursue bandits into MEXICO.
18780601—19670000    * † JOHN—MASEFIELD, ENGLAND—15. poet laureate.
18780601—19670000    "To MOST—OF—USA the future seems unsure. But then it always has been; and we who have seen great changes must have great hopes".
18790601             † PRINCE—IMPÉRIAL, servant LE—ARMÉE—ANGLAISE en AFRIQUE—DU—SUD
18800601             —INSTALLED, The 1. pay telephone was, in the Yale BANK—BUILDING in NEW—HAVEN, CONNECTICUT.
18800601             THE—USA—CENSUS stood at 50,155,783.
18800627             * HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER (d. 19680601              at 87) author, social reformer, educator, lecturer, in TUSCUMBIA—ALABAMA.
18800627—19680601    * † HELEN—ADAMS—KELLER, at 87—AUTHOR, social reformer, educator, lecturer, in TUSCUMBIA—ALABAMA.
18880601             CALIFORNIA got its 1. seismographs as 3—OF—THE—DEVICES were installed at the Lick Observatory at MOUNT—HAMILTON, CALIFORNIA.
18890601             The 1. NON—STOP train to ISTANBUL left PARIS (Gare de l'Est).
18890601             —BECAME, The train's eastern terminus, VARNA in BULGARIA, where passengers could take 1—SHIP to Constantinople.
18900601             THE—USA—CENSUS stood at 62,622,250.
18900601             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT used THE—JEAN—BAPTISTE—PACARD card punch to tabulate the results of the census.
18900601             —DESIGNED, Herman Hollerith, 1—SYSTEM that used 1—MACHINE with 1—SORTER.
18900601             —FORMED, Hollerith, 1—FIRM that eventually became IBM.
18910601—18910606    Sitz wird STUTTGART—
18910601—18910706    G—VON—VOLLMAR fordert in Reden im MÜNCHENer "Eldorado", "Über die nächsten Aufgaben DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE",
18910601—18910706    DIE—PARTEI solle den Weg der Verhandlung betreten und auf DER—GRUND—LAGE der heutigen STAATS—ORDNUNG, GESELLSCHAFTS—ORDNUNG Verbesserungen ökonomischer Art und sozialer Art herbeiführen.
18910601—18910706    —DIE—SPD soll auch mit progressiven Kräften außerhalb ihrer Reihen zusammenarbeiten: "Dem guten Willen die offene Hand, dem schlechten die Faust!"
18910601—18910706    G—VON—VOLLMAR—REDEN führen zu heftigen Auseinandersetzungen in der SPD über die richtige Taktik.
18910601—18910706    Als AKTIONS—PROGRAMM schlägt er vor: Die Weiterführung des ARBEITER—SCHUTZES, die Erringung 1—WIRKLICHEN VEREINS—RECHTES,
18920000—19710601    * † REINHOLD—NIEBUHR, USA—THEOLOGIST.
18930601             "Falstaff," the last opera by GIUSEPPE—VERDI, was produced in BERLIN.
18940601             Das bayerische Budget wird zum 1. Mal mit den Stimmen DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN angenommen.
18940601             —WENIG—SPÄTER, Die hessischen SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN, badischen SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN ebenfalls ihren Landesbudgets zustimmen.
18980601             —STEAMED, THE—USA—BATTLESHIP—OREGON, having, —AROUND Cape Horn from S—FRANCISCO, took part in the blockade of SANTIAGO—BAY, CUBA.
18980601             * MOLLY—PICON, comic actress and singer.
19010601             * John van Druten, ENGLAND—PLAYWRIGHT (I am a Camera).
19040000—19790601    * † WERNER—FORSSMAN, GERMANY—UROLOGIST, (Nobel 19560000             ).
19040901—19680601    —BELOVED, HELEN—KELLER †, —32—YEARS—AFTER THE—DEATH—OF—HER, teacher, Annie Sullivan.
19050000—19790601    * † Janice Holt Giles, USA—HISTORICAL—NOVELIST.
19070601             * FRANK—A—WHITTLE, ENGLAND inventor (jet engine).
19070601             - (MC, 20020601             )
19090601             —TOUCHED, PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—HOWARD—TAFT, 1—KEY in WASHINGTON, DC, sending 1—SIGNAL to SEATTLE, opening THE—ALASKA—YUKON Pacific Expo at THE—SEATTLE WORLD—FAIR, as well as 1—SIGNAL to NEW—YORK—CITY initialing THE—NEW—YORK to SEATTLE Automobile Race.
19090601             —INTRODUCED, GUIDO—DEIRO, European vaudeville star, the "fizarmonica systema piano" at the Alaskan Exposition in SEATTLE—WASHINGTON.
19090601             —CONTRACTED, He was, by the Ranco ANTONIO—ACCORDION—COMPANY—OF—ITALY and is credited with naming the instrument "piano accordion".
19090601             His brother PIETRO—DEIRO was the 1. to play the accordion in S—FRANCISCO.
19150000—19730601    * † MARY—A—KORNMAN, leading child actress in "Our Gang" (19220000—19260000    ).
19150531—19150601    —SEE
19150601             —CONDUCTED, GERMANY, the 1. zeppelin air raid over ENGLAND.
19150601             1 forced exodus [of Armenians] from Baibourt [TURKEY] took place.
19150601             All the villages, as well as 3—FOURTHS—OF—THE—TOWN, had already been evacuated.
19150601             A 3. convoy included from 4,000 to 5,000—PEOPLE.
19150601             Within 6 or 7—DAYS from the start, all males down to below 15—YEARS—OF—AGE had been murdered.
19150601—19310510    —SEE
19160601             The legislation set up uniform standards for training, unit size and required all enlistees to take 1—DUAL oath to obey the state's GOVERNOR—AND—THE—USA—PRESIDENT.
19190408             DOUGLAS—IAN—SMITH was PREMIER—OF—THE—UK—COLONY—OF—SOUTH—RHODESIA (19640413—19651111    ) and PRIME—MINISTER—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—OF—RHODESIA (19651111—19790601    ).
19200000—20010601    * † Hank Ketcham, the creator of the "DENNIS—THE—MENACE" cartoon, in Pebble Beach at age 81.
19260601             * MARILYN—MONROE.
19260601             LOS—ANGELES als NORMA—JEANE.
19260601             Actress Marilyn Monroe (d.19620805             ), (born as NORMA—JEAN—MORTENSON, —LATER NORMA—JEAN—BAKER), was born in LOS—ANGELES.
19260601             "I don't mind living in 1—MAN—WORLD as long as I can be 1—WOMAN in it".
19270601             THE—DELTA—KING steamboat made its maiden voyage from SF to SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA.
19270601             —FOLLOWED, Its twin, the Delta QUEEN, the next —DAY.
19270601             The 81-mile trip took nearly all night.
19270601—18920000    —IN—THE, Lizzie Borden (18600000              *), 1—MURDER—SUSPECT—MURDERS—OF—HER—FATHER and stepmother, † in Fall RIVER—MASSACHUSETTS.
19270601—19400000    —IN, The last SACRAMENTO River voyages were made.
19270601—19690000    —IN, TOM—HORTON (19400000—20060000    ), 1—COLUMNIST for THE—SACRAMENTO Union, led 1—BAND—OF—CIVIC pirates to bring the languishing boat back from STOCKTON to SACRAMENTO, where it was transformed to 1—WATERFRONT hotel, theater and restaurant.
19280601             "THE—JEWISH—PEOPLE as 1—WHOLE will be its own Messiah.
19280601             It will attain world dominion by THE—DISSOLUTION—OF—OTHER—RACES, by THE—ABOLITION—OF—FRONTIERS, THE—ANNIHILATION—OF—MONARCHY + by the establishment of 1—WORLD—REPUBLIC in which the Jews will everywhere exercise THE—PRIVILEGE—OF—CITIZENSHIP.
19280601             - In this "new world order" THE—CHILDREN—OF—ISRAEL will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.
19280601             THE—GOVERNMENTS—OF—THE—DIFFERENT—PEOPLES forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into THE—HANDS—OF—THE—JEWS.
19280601             It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property + everywhere to make USE—OF—THE—RESOURCES—OF—THE—STATE.
19280601             - Thus will THE—PROMISE—OF—THE—TALMUD be fulfilled, in which is said that
19280601             —WHEN the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all THE—PROPERTY—OF—THE—WHOLE—WORLD in their hands".
19280601             Baruch Levy, Letter to KARL—MARX,`La Revue de PARIS', p.574,
19320601             * CHRISTOPHER—LASCH, USA—SOCIAL—CRITIC and writer.
19350601             —INTRODUCED, Driving test and license plates were, in ENGLAND.
19360000—20080601    * † YVES—SAINT—LAURENT (1—OF—THE—MOST influential and enduring designers of the 19010101—20001231    , in PARIS.
19360601             —ARRIVED, THE—QUEEN—MARY, in NEW—YORK on its maiden voyage.
19380601             Superman made his 1. appearance in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1, published by ROMANIA—BORN USA—HARRY—DONENFELD (18930000—19650000    ).
19380601             The comic book sold for 10—CENTS.
19380601—19330000    —IN, JERRY—SIEGEL (19140000              *) and JOE—SHUSTER (19140000              *) created Superman.
19380601—19950000    —BY, surviving copies sold for over $75,000.
19380601—20010000    —AUTHORED, BRADFORD W. Wright, "Comic Book Nation," 1—HISTORY—OF—COMIC—BOOKS.
19380601—20090000    —IN, 1—COPY—OF—THE 1. Superman comic book sold for 317,200 dollars at 1—AUCTION.
19390601             THE—DOUGLAS—DC 4—MADE its 1. passenger flight from CHICAGO to NEW—YORK.
19390601             Submarine Thetis: sank in LIVERPOOL BAY—ENGLAND; 99 perished.
19400601             * RENE—AUBERJONOIS, actor (CLAYTON—BENSON, Star Trek Deep Space 9).
19400601             - (MC, 20020601             )
19400601             GERMANY—AIR—ATTACKS at Dunkirk sank 31—VESSELS and damaged 11.
19400601             —LIMPED, THE—HMS WORCESTER, back to Dover with 340—DEAD and 400 wounded.
19400601             —LANDED, By midnight 64,429—MEN were, safely in ENGLAND.
19410601             —BANNED, GERMANY, all Catholic publications.
19410601             —COMPLETED, THE—GERMANY—ARMY, THE—CAPTURE—OF—CRETE as the Allied evacuation ended.
19420601             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, in Skinner v. OKLAHOMA ex rel.
19420601             Williamson, struck down OKLAHOMA—HABITUAL—CRIMINAL—STERILIZATION—ACT.
19430601             1—CIVIL—FLIGHT from LISBON to LONDON was shot down by the Germans —WWII—DURING, killing all those aboard, including actor Leslie Howard (18930000              *).
19430601             —KILLED, Howard was, over the Bay of Biscay, —WHEN THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—OVERSEAS—PLANE he was on was shot down by Luftwaffe fighters.
19430601             —REMEMBERED, Leslie Howard, perhaps best, to modern filmgoers as ASHLEY—WILKES in "Gone With THE—WIND" (19390000             ), was 1—WWI veteran who was advised to take up acting as therapy —AFTER he was mustered out for shell shock.
19430601             He found success —THROUGHOUT the 1930s, but with THE—OUTBREAK—OF—WWII, devoted himself to the war effort--directing films, writing and broadcasting on the radio.
19430601—19420000    —IN—THE, His last ON—SCREEN—ROLE was that of Spitfire designer R. J. Mitchell film "The 1. of the Few" (released in THE—USA as 1 trimmed version entitled Spitfire 19480000             —IN).
19440601             —BROADCASTED, THE—UK—BROADCASTING—CORP., 1—LINE—OF poetry by the 18010101—19001231     FRANCE—POET—PAUL—VERLAINE.
19440601             —CODED, It was 1, message intended to warn THE—FRANCE—RESISTANCE that THE—D—DAY—INVASION was imminent, "The long SOBS—OF—THE—VIOLINS—OF—AUTUMN".
19440601             GENERALs.
19440601             MONTGOMERY, Patton, Bradley, Dempsey and Crerar met in PORTSMOUTH.
19450601             —VERLIESS DAVID FRANKFURTER das Gefängnis und emigrierte nach ISRAEL.
19470601             —ISSUED, THE—OPA, which, WW II rationing coupons, disbanded.
19470601             —ANNOUNCED, The development of photosensitive glass was, in CORNING—NEW—YORK.
19480601             —AGREED, ISRAEL & the Arabs, to 1—CEASE fire.
19480601             "We THE—PEOPLE", TV Talk Show, radio from '36; debuted on CBS.
19490601             KSL TV channel 5 in SALT—LAKE—CITY, UT (CBS) begins broadcasting.
19490601             —OFFERED, The 1. magazine on microfilm is, to subscribers by NEWSWEEK.
19500601             —AM ist das Dokument vom Internationalen Komitee vom Roten Kreuz in Genf ausgestellt worden.
19500601             Es trägt zudem den Stempel des ARGENTINIEN—KONSULATS in Genua und die Unterschrift des damaligen Vizekonsuls PEDRO—SOLARI—CAPURRO.
19500601             Der gut erhaltene Ausweis ist auf weißem Karton gedruckt.
19500601             Auf dem Passfoto ist Eichmann mit runder Brille sowie Hemd, Jackett und mit dunkler Fliege abgebildet.
19500601             Neben dem Foto ist sein Fingerabdruck mit roter Tinte zu sehen.
19500601             "Dieses Dokument lässt keinen Raum für Zweifel mehr, wie leicht es nicht nur Eichmann, sondern auch andere Kriegsverbrecher hatten, gefälschte Ausweise zu bekommen, ihren Namen zu ändern und in unser Land einzureisen", sagte Jinich.
19500601             Zugleich erinnerte sie daran, dass Eichmann in ARGENTINIEN ein normales Leben "wie JEDER—ANDERE—BÜRGER führte und bei MERCEDES—BENZ arbeitete".
19500601             Zudem sei der Ausweis sehr wichtig für die aufklärerische Arbeit des Museums, um zu zeigen, "wie leicht Nazi s einreisen konnten + wie schwer es Juden" auf der Flucht vor Hitler gemacht worden sei. ffr/dpa
19510601             —OPENED, The 1. SELF—CONTAINED titanium plant, in HENDERSON NEVADA.
19550601             —DEBUTED, THE—TV—SERIES "Front Row Center", on CBS.
19550601             —OPENED, THE—3—DAY—MESSINA Conference, in Sicily.
19550601—19580000    —IN, This conference of the foreign ministers of THE—6—MEMBER—STATES—OF—THE—EUROPEAN Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) led to the creation of the European Economic Community.
19560601             —SIGNED, Doris —DAY, a 5—YEAR recording contract with COLUMBIA Re
19560601             —FORTAN Solinger Autos fahren mit "SG"
19580601             —BECAME, CHARLES—DE—GAULLE, premier of FRANCE, marking THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—THE 4. Republic and the beginning of the 5. Republic.
19580601             "Youth Wants To Know", TV Public Affairs; last aired on NBC.
19580601             Apparently, they didn't want to know.
19580601             —CALLED, FRANCE, on the verge of civil war over ALGERIA, De Gaulle OUT—OF—RETIREMENT.
19590601             "Juke Box Jury" began its long run on BBC—TV.
19590601             R.C., "THE—BATTLE—OF—NEW—ORLEANS" by JOHNNY—HORTON peaked at #1 on the pop singles chart and stayed there —FOR—6—WEEKS.
19590601             R.C., "FRANKIE—MAN—JOHNNY" by JOHNNY—CASH peaked at #57 on the pop singles chart.
19590601             USA—SMELTING & Refining, Corn Products Refining, National Steel and National Distillers & Chemical Corp. were removed from THE—DJIA.
19590601             Anaconda Copper, Swift & Co., Aluminum Co. of AMERICA and OWENS—ILLINOIS Glass were added as 1—COMPONENTS of the Dow Jones.
19600601             —REACHED, THE—ABC Television Network, 100—AFFILIATES.
19610601             R.C., "Surrender" by Elvis Presley peaked at #1 on THE—UK—POP singles chart.
19610601             FM multiplex stereo broadcasting was 1. heard.
19620601             "THE—DINAH—SHORE—SHOW" (TV Variety) aired for the last time on NBC —AFTER—10—YEARS.
19620601             USAF MAJOR—ROBERT M White took the X-15 to 40,420 m.
19620601             THE—CIA was the original funder of the Makerere conference in 1—EFFORT to influence the eventual DECOLONIZATION—OF—EAST—AFRICA.
19630601             R.C., "El Watusi" by RAY—BARRETO peaked at #17 on the pop singles chart.
19630601             R.C., "I—LOVE—YOU—BECAUSE" by AL—MARTINO peaked at #3 on the pop singles chart.
19630601             R.C., "It's My Party" by Lesley Gore peaked at #1 on the pop singles chart.
19630601             R.C., "2—FACES Have I" by LOU—CHRISTIE peaked at #6 on the pop singles chart.
19630601             —ASSUMED, KENYA, internal self rule.
19630601             —CELEBRATED, This was —LATER, as Madaraka —DAY.
19640601             —RELEASED, THE—BEATLES, the single "Sweet GEORGIA—BROWN"/"Take Out SOME—INSURANCE—ON—ME—BABY".
19640601             —ARRIVED, THE—ROLLING—STONES, in THE—USA for the 1. time, landing at Kennedy Airport in NEW—YORK.
19640601             Their 1. date was at 1—HIGH—SCHOOL—STADIUM in MA.
19640601             Dolly Parton spent her 1. —DAY in NASHVILLE in search of 1—RECORD—DEAL.
19650601             A. Penzias and R. Wilson detected a 3—DEGREE (Kelvin) microwave primordial background radiation.
19650601             —KILLED, Near FUKUOKA—JAPAN, 1—COAL—MINE—EXPLOSION, 236.
19650601—19650602    —KILLED, The 2. of 2—CYCLONES in less than 1—MONTH, 35,000 along the Ganges River in EAST—PAKISTAN.
19660601             2,400 persons attend WHITE—HOUSE—CONFERENCE on Civil Rights.
19670601             "SERGEANT—PEPPER—LONELY—HEARTS—CLUB—BAND," was released in THE—UK and THE—FOLLOWING—DAY in THE—USA and was certified "gold" the same —DAY—OF—RELEASE.
19670601             It topped the charts all over the world, holding the number 1—SLOT in BRITAIN —FOR—27—WEEKS and for 19 in AMERICA.
19670601             It received 4—GRAMMYS including Best Album.
19670601             ISRAEL, pressure from the army and 1—THREAT by SOME—PARTIES to quit the governing coalition forced PRIME—MINISTER—LEVI—ESHKOL to bring in Moshe Dayan as defense MINISTER.
19670601             —ERSCHIEN, "SERGEANT—PEPPER".
19670601             DIE—MONOVERSION, in die die eigentliche Arbeit und Kreativität der Band geflossen war,
19670602—19670601    —AM—TAG darauf ging BENNO—OHNESORG in BERLIN auf 1—DEMO—GEGEN—DEN Besuch des despotischen Schahs von Persien und
19680524—19680601    —ON, THE—USA—RELEASE was.
19680601—19800000    —EARNED, AUTHOR—LECTURER HELEN—KELLER (87), who, 1—COLLEGE—DEGREE despite being blind and deaf MOST—OF—HER—LIFE, † in WESTPORT—CONNECTICUT JOSEPH—LASH published "Helen and Teacher," the story of HELEN—KELLER and Annie Sullivan.
19700601             —ALLOWED, THE—CANADA—DOLLAR was, to float.
19710601             (SSFC, 20030504             , p.F2)(WSJ, 20071229             , p.W8)
19710601             * THE—2—ROOM shack in TUPELO—MISSISSIPPI, where Elvis Presley, was opened to the public as 1—TOURIST—ATTRACTION.
19710601             —PREMIERED, HAROLD—PINTER—PLAY "Old Times", in LONDON.
19710601             —BECAME, His Serenity Prayer, widely used by Alcoholics Anonymous: "God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish THE—1—FROM the other".
19710601             —INCLUDED, His books, "Moral Man and Immoral Society" (19320000             ) and "Nature & DESTINY—OF—MAN" (19420000             ).
19720601             —NATIONALIZED, IRAQ, THE—IRAQ Petroleum Company controlled by British, American, Dutch and FRANCE—OIL—COMPANIES.
19730601             —RELEASED, PAUL—MCCARTNEY & Wings, "Live & Let Die"
19730601             HARVEY—JUNIOR Firestone (18980000              *), USA—CHAIRMAN—OF—FIRESTONE—TIRE & Rubber Co., † in AKRON—OHIO.
19740601             —PEAKED, The song "Midnight At THE—OASIS" by MARIA—MULDAUR, at #6 on the pop singles chart.
19740601             —PEAKED, The song "Oh Very Young" by Cat Stevens, at #10 on the pop singles chart.
19750601             —OPENED, THE—ROLLING—STONES, their NORTH—USA—TOUR in BATON—ROUGE, LOUISIANA with Ron Wood (19470000              *) replacing Mick Taylor (19490000              *) as the lead guitarist.
19770601             —CHARGED, THE—SOVIET—UNION formally, Jewish human rights activist Anatoly Shcharansky with treason.
19770601—19780000    —IN, he was convicted and imprisoned.
19770601—19860000    —IN, he was released to the West.
19780601             —DESIGNED, THE—EAST—WING of the national GALLERY—OF—ART, by I.M. Pei (19170000              *) was dedicated to THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—USA.
19780601             —AIRED, THE—TV—CRIME—DRAMA "Baretta," starring ROBERT—BLAKE, for the last time on ABC.
19780601—19750117    —ON, It was 1. telecast.
19790601             —RELEASED, PAUL—MCCARTNEY and Wings, "Old Siam, Sir" on its Back to the Egg album.
19790601             —INCLUDED, Her 13—NOVELS, "HANNAH—FOWLER" and "THE—BELIEVERS".
19790601             He was the 1. to catheterize 1—HUMAN—HEART.
19790601             Using 1—MIRROR he advanced the catheter under fluoroscopic control and then climbed the stairs to the x ray department where 1—CHEST—FILM was taken.
19790601             —NEGOTIATED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—ZIMBABWE—RHODESIA took office under the internal settlement, between the government of Rhodesia and moderate African nationalists.
19790601             —SERVED, ABEL—TENDEKAYI—MUZOREWA (19250000              *), as the 1. PRIME—MINISTER—UNDER—PRESIDENT—JOSIAH—ZION—GUMEDE.
19790601—19290000    —IN, at the age of 25, —WHILE doing his surgical training at Eberswalde, 1—SMALL—TOWN—NEAR—BERLIN, he introduced 1—URETERAL catheter into his own right atrium.
19790607—19790601    —ON, He performed at THE—WHITE—HOUSE at THE—REQUEST—OF—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER.
19790919             It became effective as of 19820601            .
19800601             TED—TURNER—CABLE—NEWS—NETWORK (CNN), providing ROUND—THE—CLOCK TV newscasts, made its debut as television's 1. ALL—NEWS—SERVICE, vowing to stay on the air —UNTIL the world ends.
19800601             —IDENTIFIED, JAMES—EARL—JONES, the voice of Darth Vader, the station: "This is CNN".
19800601             "Moneyline" TV Financial News debut on CNN.
19800601             —APPEARED, Barbra Streisand, at 1—ACLU—BENEFIT in CALIFORNIA.
19800601—20010000    —COFOUNDED, REESE—SCHONFELD, the man who, CNN, authored "Me and TED—AGAINST the World".
19820601             —RELEASED, THE—ROLLING—STONES, their "Still Life" album.
19820601             THE—BERNE—CONVENTION on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats came into effect.
19820809—20150601    —ON, Souhaur Mouhamad HASSAN—KHALIL—AL—ABBASSI, the alleged CHIEF—OF—THE—ATTACK, was arrested in JORDAN.
19840601             "Tattletales" 2. run, TV Game Show; last aired on CBS.
19850601             —PEAKED, The song "Axel F" by HAROLD—FALTERMEYER, at #3 on the pop singles chart.
19850601             In his —SATURDAY radio address, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, saying special interests in WASHINGTON were trying to "pick apart" his tax overhaul plan, asked for Americans' support.
19850601             The 1. phone call was made on Vodafone UK—ANALOGUE network.
19850601             —STAGED, This event was, due to 1—NETWORK—FAILURE;
19850601             the 1. calls were actually being made the next —DAY.
19850601             —COINED, The company name was, from 1—COMBINATION—OF—VOICE and data.
19860601             "THE—MYSTERY—OF—EDWIN—DROOD" and "I'm Not Rappaport" won THE—TONY—AWARDS for best musical and best play on Broadway.
19870601             The 20.
19870601             —ADDRESSED, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, the 3. INTERNATIONAL Conference on AIDS in WASHINGTON, and, like PRESIDENT—REAGAN —BEFORE him, drew scattered boos by calling for more widespread testing for possible CARRIERS—OF—THE—AIDS—VIRUS.
19870601             —KILLED, LEBANON, PRIME—MINISTER—RACHID—KARAMI was, by 1—REMOTE controlled bomb that blew up his helicopter off THE—LEBANON—COAST.
19870601             —ERSCHIEN, Medienstar, DER—SPIEGEL mit 1—TITELGESCHICHTE zum tollkühnen KREML—FLIEGER.
19870601—19960000    —CHARGED, FORMER—CHRISTIAN faction leader SAMIR—GEAGEA was, for the murder.
19870601—20050000    —IN, lawmakers approved motions to pardon Geagea.
19880601             —CONCLUDED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN and Soviet leader MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV, their MOSCOW summit by exchanging DOCUMENTS—OF—RATIFICATION—OF—THE—INTERMEDIATE—RANGE—NUCLEAR—ARMS—TREATY they'd signed the previous December.
19890601             FORMER—SUNDAY school teacher JOHN—E—LIST, sought —FOR—18—YEARS in the slayings of his mother, wife and 3—CHILDREN in WESTFIELD—NEW—JERSEY, was arrested in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA List was —LATER sentenced to life in prison.
19900601             —TRAVELED, —MEANWHILE, Barbara Bush and Raisa Gorbachev, to Wellesley College in MASSACHUSETTS to deliver commencement addresses.
19900601             E! Entertainment Television was launched.
19900601             THE—DOW—JONES—AVG. hit 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF—2,900.97.
19910601             "Silent Lucidity" by Queensryche peaked at #5 on the pop singles chart.
19910601             —RESOLVED, THE—USA and THE—SOVIET—UNION, differences over the Conventional Forces in EUROPE treaty, clearing the way for 1—SUPERPOWER summit.
19920601             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, responding to UN sanctions, on YUGOSLAVIA, froze 1 estimated $200—MILLION in assets of THE—SERB—LED YUGOSLAVIA—GOVERNMENT.
19920601             THE—E—BULB Lamp, a 20-year light bulb, was introduced by PIERRE—VILLERE.
19920601             —ROUNDED, KLJUC, Bosnia, local Serbs, up Muslims and shot them.
19920601—19960000    —BURIED, About 200—BODIES were, at the cave at Laniste and uncovered.
19930601             —JOINED, Connie Chung, DAN—RATHER as CO—ANCHOR—OF—THE "CBS —EVENING News".
19930601             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that 1—CRIMINAL—CONVICTION must be overturned if the jury received 1—CONSTITUTIONALLY flawed definition of "beyond reasonable doubt".
19930601             1—MORTAR attack on 1—HOLIDAY soccer game in 1—SUBURB—OF—SARAJEVO, BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA, killed at least 15—PEOPLE and wounded more than 80.
19930601—19950500    —DROPPED, She was, from the show —2—YEARS—LATER.
19940601             —DEBUTED, FOX—CHANNEL, Cable Network.
19940601             —EMBARKED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, on 1—EUROPEAN trip that included commemorating the 50.
19940601             ANNIVERSARY—OF—D—DAY; his 1. stop was ITALY.
19940601             FRANCES—HEFLIN (19220000              *), Soap Actress, All My CHILDREN—MONA—TYLER;
19940601             † VAN HEFLIN—SISTER, at age 71.
19950601             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, BILLINGS—MONTANA, where he met with farmers and presided over 1 televised town hall meeting.
19950601             —ISSUED, THE—USA—POSTAL Service, a 32—CENT stamp honoring the late Marilyn Monroe.
19950601             JAMES—WOLFENSOHN, AUSTRALIAN—BORN financier, took over as HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—BANK.
19950601—20040000    —AUTHORED, SEBASTIAN—MALLABY, "THE—WORLD—BANKER," 1—VIEW—OF how the world Bank fared under Wolfensohn.
19960601             —ESTIMATED, An, 200,000 participants, MOST—OF—THEM schoolchildren, gathered at THE—LINCOLN—MEMORIAL to protest government cuts for social and educational programs.
19960601             A 9—DISH—ARRAY—OF—RADIO telescopes was dedicated in Shasta COUNTY—CALIFORNIA at BERKELEY—HAT—CREEK—OBSERVATORY.
19960601             —DETECTED, It has already, large organic molecules, including 1—HINT of the amino acid glycene, in gas clouds near THE—CENTER—OF—THE—EARTH—MILKY—WAY galaxy.
19960601             —PASSED, SINGAPORE, the government, 1—MAINTENANCE—OF—PARENTS—LAW.
19970601             The "GENERAL—HOSPITAL" soap opera SPIN—OFF "Port Charles" debuted as 1—MOVIE on ABC, then joined THE—ABC daytime lineup THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
19970601             At THE—TONY—AWARDS in NEW—YORK "Titanic," "CHICAGO" and "1—DOLL—HOUSE" won 15—OF—THE—21—AWARDS.
19970601             "Titanic" won 5—TONY—AWARDS, including best musical.
19970601             —PUBLISHED, THE—CHICAGO Tribune, 1—COLUMN by MARY—SCHMICH which urged the graduating class of 19970000             , among other things, to "wear sunscreen".
19970601             —ENDED, THE—TONGUE—IN—CHEEK essay, up being wrongly attributed to AUTHOR—KURT—VONNEGUT on THE—INTERNET.
19970601             Betty Shabazz (61), THE—WIDOW—OF—MALCOLM X, was severely burned in 1—FIRE set by her grandson (12) in her YONKERS—NEW—YORK, apartment.
19970601             BOLIVIA, THE—FORMER—RIGHT—WING—GENERAL. and PRESIDENT, HUGO—BANZER won the popular vote in elections with 25% [22%] but failed to get 1—MAJORITY.
19970601             FORMER—PRESIDENT—JAIME—PAZ—ZAMORA was 2. with 17.5%.
19970601             —BANNED, CHINA, leaded gasoline in 8—OF 18—DISTRICTS and counties.
19970601             FRANCE, the Socialists won CONTROL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT and party leader LIONEL—JOSPIN was expected to become PRIME—MINISTER.
19970601             New conditions for creating the new European Union and new common currency were expected.
19970601             —ADDED, Value, taxes on common purchases were expected to be slashed;
19970601             plans to privatize FRANCE Telecom were expected to be abolished and the legal workweek was expected to be reduced to 35—HOURS without paycuts to provide more jobs.
19970601—19970623    —ON, She † of the burn wounds.
19970601—19970804    —ON, CONGRESS will choose from among THE—2—TOP contenders.
19970623—19970601    —ON, † BETTY—SHABAZZ, 61—JAHRE—ALT, THE—WIDOW—OF—MALCOLM X, in NEW—YORK of burn wounds inflicted by 1—FIRE set by her 12—YEAR—OLD—GRAND—SON.
19970700—20010601    —SINCE -.
19980601             —DISBURSED, THE—MACARTHUR—FOUNDATION, 29—GENIUS grants with cash prizes ranging from $375,000 to $220,000.
19980601             Included in the winners were poet Ishmael Reed;
19980601             computer programmer TIM—BERNERS—LEE (pioneer developer of THE—WWW), historian MIKE—DAVIS ("CITY—OF—QUARTZ," 1—HISTORY—OF—LOS—ANGELES), Ayesha Jalal (HISTORIAN—OF—THE—CULTURES—OF—INDIA and PAKISTAN), and PETER—MILLER (BERLIN scholar of early modern European intellectual history.)
19980601             —ABANDONED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON abruptly, his executive privilege claim in the Monica Lewinsky investigation, reducing the prospect of 1—QUICK—SUPREME—COURT—REVIEW—OF—1—DISPUTE over THE—TESTIMONY—OF—PRESIDENTIAL—AIDES.
19980601             MASSACHUSETTS, REVEREND—EUGENE—F—RIVERS had his picture on THE—COVER—OF—TIME—MAG. for his youth ministry work in Dorchester.
19980601             PHILADELPHIA, the largest transit union went on strike and shut down 1—SYSTEM that served 435,000—PEOPLE 1—DAY.
19980601             —FOLLOWED, This, 3—MONTHS—OF—NEGOTIATIONS with the transportation authority (SEPTA).
19980601             —AGREED, USA—HOME—PRODUCTS, to acquire Monsanto Co. in 1—DEAL valued at $35.08—BILLION.
19980601             —REPORTED, It was, that investment flow out of Latin AMERICA was becoming 1—STAMPEDE.
19980601             —SENTENCED, BURMA, the military, Aung Thein and Ko Hla Myint to 14—YEARS in prison for handing out copies of 1—LETTER from the Shan STATE—ARMY addressed to LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—KHIN—NYUNT, THE—HEAD—OF—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, —BACK—IN March.
19980601             —FROM EL—SALVADOR it was reported that —JUST 2—PERCENT—OF—THE—FOREST remained in the country that was once covered by forest.
19980601             —HEADQUARTERED, It is, in FRANKFURT—GERMANY.
19980601             FRANCE, PILOTS—OF—AIR FRANCE began a PAY—DISPUTE strike.
19980601             —ANNOUNCED, INDIA, PRIME—MINISTER—VAJPAYEE, that large budget increases of 14% for the armed forces, 68% for nuclear research and 62% for missile programs was approved.
19980601             —INCREASED, Social programs were, 35%.
19980601             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA, the new government, 1—BROAD—INQUIRY into corruption under EX—PRESIDENT—SUHARTO.
19980601             —POURED, THOUSANDS—OF—REFUGEES from KOSOVO, Serbia, into ALBANIA to escape deadly fighting that began last —WEEK—AROUND Decani.
19980601             39—PEOPLE were reported dead.
19980601             —TUMBLED, RUSSIA, the stock market, 10% in panic selling.
19980601             —REDUCED, PRIME—MINISTER—KIRIYENKO, the auction cost for THE—SALE—OF—STATE—ROSNEFT—OIL—CO. to $1.6—BIL.
19980601             —URGED, SOUTH—KOREA, PRESIDENT—KIM—DAE—JUNG, THE—USA and western nations to end sanctions against NORTH—KOREA.
19980601             —DROPPED, ZAMBIA, charges against FORMER—PRESIDENT—KAUNDA and released him —AFTER Kaunda pledged to retire.
19980601—19990101    —ON, It began operating.
19980601—20060000    —YEAR, His Operation 20060000              planned to put 1—ADULT volunteer into THE—LIFE—OF—EVERY—AT—RISK—CHILD in Dorchester, who needed help, by the.
19990601             † LITTLE—ROCK, ARKANSAS, 9—PEOPLE, —WHEN 1—USA—AIRLINES—JET carrying 145—PEOPLE crashed into 1—LIGHT—TOWER on landing in stormy weather.
19990601             —CLIMBED, The toll, to 11—AFTER 2—INITIAL survivors †.
19990601             —NEGOTIATED, The plan was, Strobe Talbott (53), USA—DEPUTY—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, Martti Ahtisaari (61), PRESIDENT—OF—FINLAND, and VIKTOR—CHERNOMYRDIN, special RUSSIA—ENVOY.
19990601             —CLAIMED, ANGOLA, UNITA rebels, that they killed 49—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS in 4—CLASHES over the past —WEEK.
19990601             —FILED, CUBA, a $181.1—BILLION compensation claim against THE—USA for deaths and injuries in what it called a 40—YEAR "dirty war" against PRESIDENT—CASTRO—GOVERNMENT.
19990601             —SUPPORTED, LEBANON, 1—ISRAELI, militia withdrew from 1—STRATEGIC—POSITION in SOUTH—LEBANON.
19990601             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES said 10—SCHOOL—CHILDREN were, by 1—INDIA—ARTILLERY shell that his 1—SCHOOL—NEAR THE—LINE—OF—CONTROL dividing INDIA and PAKISTAN in Kashmir.
19990601             —CLAIMED, INDIA, to have killed 470—MUSLIM fighters and PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS.
19990601             —SHELLED, In Kargil PAKISTAN—FORCES, for the 26. consecutive —DAY.
19990601             Export VERSION—OF—LOTUS—NOTES provides trapdoor for NSA.
19990601—20000900    —RELEASED, In 1—REPORT, federal regulators said the movie, video game and music industries aggressively marketed to underage youths violent products that carried adult ratings.
19990601—20010000    —IN, pilot error was cited.
19990611—19980601    —ON, 5. According to the source, MOHAMMED—SALIM was arrested early for alleged involvement in THE—MURDER—OF—3—POLICE—OFFICERS which took place in 1—ALLEY close to his residence.
20000000             johnson city forum: 20050601—20050630
20000000             johnson city forum: 20050601—20050630              20000000—20000630    —ON, MARVIN has won the competition.
20000601             —GUNNED, S—FRANCISCO, gas station attendant THOMAS—LEE, 60—JAHRE—ALT was found, down behind 1—FILLING—STATION at WASHINGTON Street and VAN Ness Ave.
20000601             —RULED, ATLANTA, 3—FEDERAL appellate judges, that immigration officials acted reasonably in denying Elian Gonzalez 1—ASYLUM hearing.
20000601             —CLASSIFIED, At Los Alamos hard drives with, nuclear secrets were discovered missing.
20000601             They were found 20000616              behind 1—PHOTOCOPIER.
20000601             With about half an —HOUR to spare, TEXAS GOVERNOR—GEORGE—W—BUSH blocked the scheduled execution of convicted killer RICKY—MCGINN so that possibly exculpatory DNA evidence could be reviewed.
20000601             —FAILED, THE—DNA tests, to establish MCGINN—INNOCENCE, and he was put to death by injection the —FOLLOWING September.
20000601             —CALLED, The organophosphate pesticide, chlorpyrifos, sold under names including Dursban, was reported to pose 1—RISK to children.
20000601             —EMPTIED, Stores across JAPAN, beer vending machines to comply with 1—VOLUNTARY—BAN on beer vending to help reduce alcoholism.
20000601             —KILLED, KOSOVO, Albanians, 1—WOMAN and wounded 3—MEN—WHEN they opened fire on 1—GROUP—OF—SERBS in THE—USA—ZONE.
20000601             —ANNOUNCED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, that the state would begin seizing 804—MOSTLY WHITE—OWNED farms and resettle them with landless blacks.
20000601             news Trust Us, We're Experts !
20000601             Sheldon Rampton, Author... book has been receiving national acclaim, because it unmasks the disturbing...
20000601             —OPENED, GERMANY, the Expo 20000000             , in Hanover and ran to 20001031          .
20000601—20000608    —ANNOUNCED, THE—EPA, 1—BAN on its use for most applications.
20000601—20180000    —IN, police served 1—ARREST—WARRANT on ROY—DONOVAN—LACY, 38—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—SF Bay Area resident serving time for bank robbery in 1—FLORIDA prison.
20010000             wurden beispielsweise der damalige VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—DICK—CHENEY und andere hochrangige Regierungsmitglieder in Sicherheit gebracht,
20010518             Rationing was to start 20010601           .
20010601             BIRENDRA—KING—OF—, QUEEN—AISWARYA, PRINCESS—SHRUTI, PRINCE—NIRA20010103             —OF—THE—KING—SISTERS and 1—BROTHER—IN—LAW were all shot to death.
20010601             —REMOVED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, curbs on the sale of $800—MILLION in goods to IRAQ.
20010601             1—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—EXCHANGE was extended for 1—MONTH rather than the normal 6—MONTHS.
20010601             —RESPONDED, IRAQ, by saying it wouldn't resume oil exports.
20010601             Logging trucks were set on fire to protest logging on the slopes of MOUNT—HOOD, OREGON.
20010601             4—ACTIVISTS including MICHAEL—SCARPITTI were charged.
20010601             —FIRED, INDONESIA, PRESIDENT—WAHID, the security MINISTER, ATTORNEY—GENERAL, national police CHIEF and 2—OTHER—CABINET—MINISTERS in 1—ATTEMPT to thwart efforts to remove him from office.
20010601             —KILLED, ISRAEL—,1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 21—YOUNG—PEOPLE at 1—TEL Aviv disco.
20010601             —INJURED, At least 80—PEOPLE were, in the Hamas attack.
20010601             —KILLED, NEPAL, CROWN—PRINCE—DIPENDRA, 29—JAHRE—ALT, at least 8—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ROYAL—FAMILY—BEFORE shooting himself.
20010601             Dipendra was put on life support and PRINCE—GYANENDRA, 54—JAHRE—ALT, THE—KING—YOUNGER—BROTHER, was appointed as assistant to the crown.
20010601             There was 1—APPARENT—DISPUTE over his upcoming marriage.
20010601             [DOD/, FAA, 20010712              FAA 20010712
20010601             1—OF—THE nation's early naval heroes will be honored on... USA REPRESENTATIVE—EDWARD—L—SCHROCK, of VIRGINIA—2. Congressional...
20010601             —ISSUED, THE—USA Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, 1—NEW—ORDER regarding CASES—OF—AIRCRAFT—PIRACY, i.e., hijackings.
20010601             —SIGNED, The new order (CJCSI 3610.01A), by Vice Admiral S. A. Fry, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF,
20010601             canceled the existing order (CJCSI 3610.01) - that had been in effect
20010601             Reality Check, 1—NEWSLETTER of. the Regional Responses to Internal War...
20010601             - Statement... million credit facility from Riverdale LLC, 1—COMPANY owned by CARL—C—ICAHN.
20010601             SEC INFO—ULTIMATE Holdings LTD—SC 13D/A - Genesisintermedia...
20010601             Ultimate Holdings LTD—SC 13D/A - Genesisintermedia INC—ON
20010601             [DOD/, FAA, 20010712              FAA 20010712              20010712             —TORTURED, Abner Louima, THE—HAITI—IMMIGRANT, in 1—NEW—YORK City police station, agreed to an $8.7—MILLION—SETTLEMENT.
20010601—20000000    —IN, he had spoken to INTERNATIONAL delegates and implored SOUTH—AFRICA to provide HIV—POSITIVE—PREGNANT—WOMEN with ANTI—RETROVIRAL drugs to block TRANSMISSION—OF—THE—VIRUS to children at birth.
20010601—20040000    —ARRESTED, Scarpitti was, in VANCOUVER, BC, —WHILE trying to shoplift SOME—BOLT cutters.
20010601—20050000    —ORDERED, CANADA, that Scarpitti, aka TRE—ARROW, be extradited to THE—USA to face firebombing charges.
20010601—20070000    —SENTENCED, SUZANNE—SAVOIE was, to 4—YEARS and 3—MONTHS for her role in this and 1—ANOTHER arson fire.
20010601—20080000    —EXTRADITED, Scarpitti was, to THE—USA to face ecoterrorism charges.
20010614             —REPORTED, NEPAL, 1—PANEL—OF—INQUIRY, that PRINCE—DIPENDRA was tipsy from whiskey and high on hashish —WHEN he killed his family members 20010601            .
20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm... nur wenige der Betroffenen hätten sich über Blairs Artikel beschwert + BLAIR... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20010911             -wenige Tage vor den Anschlägen VOM—ZUM CHEF—REDAKTEUR berufen. alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20010911             TIME—LINE... future Defense SECRETARY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy Defense SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712              ]... www.bushstole04.com/20010911              %20Information%2060.htm
20010911             johnson city forum: 20050601             — 20050630              The seized plane belonged to 70-year old WALLACE—J—HILLIARD—OF—NAPLES, FL., MULTI—MILLIONAIRE businessman, SELF—STYLED Mormon...
20010911             TIME—LINE... future DEFENSE—SECRETARY—RUMSFELD, future Deputy DEFENSE—SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, FLORIDA GOVERNOR +... [ DOD /, 20010601             , FAA, 20010712             , FAA 20010712             ]
20020601             PRESIDENT—BUSH told WEST—POINT graduates THE—USA would strike PRE—EMPTIVELY against suspected terrorists if necessary to deter attacks on Americans, saying "THE—WAR—ON—TERROR will not be won on the defensive".
20020601             —ANNOUNCED, ARGENTINA, 1—PLAN to phase out the banking freeze that included 3—10—YEAR—BONDS for savings account holders.
20020601             —VANISHED, HAITI, MANY—CO—OPS shut down and the owners, with the depositors' savings.
20020601             MANY—LOST their life savings and property to 1—COOPERATIVE banking scheme that left untold thousands across HAITI in despair.
20020601             —DEFIED, Tareq EL—KHARAZ, 24—JAHRE—ALT, who, 1—CURFEW to pray in 1—MOSQUE, was killed in NABLUS.
20020601             —CAPTAINED, Hansie Cronje (32), who, SOUTH—AFRICA to 27—WINS against only 11—LOSSES in 53—TESTS—BEFORE his disgrace for accepting money from illegal cricket gamblers, was the only passenger on 1—MAIL delivery flight which crashed into 1—MOUNTAIN—NEAR his home TOWN—OF—GEORGE in bad weather.
20020601             —ORDERED, THE—UN, its employees in INDIA and PAKISTAN to evacuate their families over 1—GROWING—CONCERN—OF—WAR.
20020601             Lauschangriff auf DSL: Union fordert Überwachung wegen Kinderpornos
20020601             nuclear weapons, THE—USA should follow what it preaches by DE—ALERTING its missiles...
20020601             —ABOUT increasing exposure to all THE—MANY—QUESTIONS —AROUND 911 /Bush /Oil...
20020601             - PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH stellte seine "innovative" Militärpolitik vor, bei der es sich lediglich um 1—AKTUALISIERUNG der von der Vorgängerregierung begonnenen strategischen Neuausrichtung handelt.
20020601             Kosmische KALKULATION—DAS UNIVERSUM als Riesenrechner.
20020601             Wenn das Weltall 1—COMPUTER wäre, dann hätte es —BEREITS eine ganze Menge geleistet:
20020601             1—USA—PHYSIKER hat kalkuliert, wie VIELE—RECHENSCHRITTE das UNIVERSUM —SEIT dem Urknall vollzogen hat.
20020601—191917      —FROM...
20021202             —ALLOWED, 20020601             —IN—DIVIDED—COURT, the nation's colleges and universities to select students based in part on race, but emphasized that race could not be the overriding FAC—TOR.
20030425             [ATTAC—PRESS] DECLARATION—OF—ATTAC in EUROPE for Evian G8 _Summit 20030601—20030603
20030425             [ATTAC—PRESS] DECLARATION—OF—ATTAC in EUROPE for Evian G8 _Summit 20030601—20030603              20030512             [WASHINGTON—POST—20040603             ;
20030500             Es ist kein Verein, der nach außen wirken will... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030500             "Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030500             richtig: DIE—USA—NOTENBANK Federal Reserve ( Fed ) geht davon aus... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             - timebase - - - 20030601- datesbase.html
20030501             - timebase - - 20030501- 20030601- datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601 So habe es Kommunikationsprobleme unter Vorgesetzten gegeben,
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html So wurde die sumerische Leier von Ur zerschlagen, als die Plünderer das Gold vom Holzrahmen rissen.
20030501             -20030601 00. - -20030601-datesbase - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html NEW—YORK—RUMSFELD sagte in NEW—YORK, -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             - timebase - - - 20030601- datesbase.html - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html NEW—YORK—RUMSFELD sagte in NEW—YORK,
20030501             alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html EBERHARD—VON—KUENHEIM ist Preisträger des von der ATLANTIK—BRÜCKE und dem Armonk
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html... auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er... wir sehr dankbar"..
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html EBERHARD—VON—KUENHEIM ist Preisträger des... What Should We MAKE—OF—THE—CHARGE—LINKING—THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNE to Nazism?
20030501             Mehr als 100—BESONDERS. -20030601-datesbase.html.
20030501             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.HTML—DER KOMMENTAR—POLITIK—FAZ_net
20030501             - timebase - 20030501-20030601-datesbase >- 20030601
20030512             —MONTAG, SCHNEEBALL—EFFEKT, Euro ist gegenüber dem Dollar auf den höchsten Stand geklettert -—SEIT—4—JAHREN 19990101              20030601              Die Arbeiterbewegung, die 18480000              entstand, war die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung des 18010101—19001231  .
20030601             vom ESF—VORBEREITUNGSTREFFEN in BERLIN, 20030422 - Zum G8-Gipfel nach Evian!
20030601             Die Arbeiterbewegung, die 18480000              entstand, war die stärkste zivilgesellschaftliche Bewegung des 18010101—19001231  .
20030601             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, in FRANCE from S—PETERSBURG and had 1—SMILE and firm handshake for this —YEAR—GROUP—OF—8—NATIONS summit host, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC.
20030601             —BLOCKED, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, highways and bridges, set fire to barricades and drew volleys of tear gas and rubber pellets from ANTI—RIOT—POLICE—NEAR THE—GROUP—OF—8—SUMMIT in THE—FRANCE—TOWN—OF—EVIAN.
20030601             —PLEDGED, Leaders, BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to fight AIDS and hunger on the opening —DAY—OF—THEIR—SUMMIT.
20030601             —REPORTED, Genentech, that its drug Avastin lengthened survival time for colon cancer patients.
20030601             —REVEALED, UC BERKELEY researchers, 1—NEW—LABORATORY—METHOD for manufacturing THE—ANTI—MALARIAL drug, artemisinin.
20030601             CHINA began filling the reservoir behind its gargantuan 3—GORGES Dam, 1—MAJOR—STEP toward COMPLETION—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—HYDROELECTRIC—PROJECT.
20030601             —REPORTED, INDIA officials, that 1—HEAT—WAVE in SOUTH—INDIAN has killed at least 1000—PEOPLE in the past 3—WEEKS.
20030601             —EASED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, travel restrictions and allowed THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINE—WORKERS to enter the country in 1—EFFORT to lower tensions and build goodwill.
20030601             —CLOSED, MYANMAR—MILITARY junta, universities and shut down OFFICES—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—LEADER—ANG S—SUU—KYI—PARTY, —AFTER she and SOME—OF—HER—KEY—AIDES were detained.
20030601             —PASSED, PAKISTAN, THE—ISLAMIST—RULED NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER—PROVINCE, legislation to adopt Shariah as the supreme law.
20030601             1—DAY—EARLIER 5-times-a-day prayer was made compulsory.
20030601             SOUTH—PAKISTAN, 1—MOTORBOAT taking people on 1—SIGHTSEEING—TRIP sank in 1—LAKE, killing at least 26—PEOPLE.
20030601             alfatomega.com/20030601—20030701-datesbase.html
20030601             Auch MUSCHG—PLÄDIERT für Kerneuropa, falls die ostmitteleuropäischen Länder (und SPANIEN?) nicht auf Linie zu halten sind: "Im GRENZFALL—DEN kein Europäer wünschen KANN—IST der Rückzug auf das Gefäß geboten, in dem ein singulärer historischer Wille die weitgehende Überwindung des nationalen IDIOTISMUS—RIGHT or wrong, my COUNTRY—ERREICHT hat.
20030601             behauptet der Berliner Historiker JÜRGEN—KOCKA in seinem Essay + gibt der SPD gleich noch ein paar Tipps für die Zukunft mit auf den Weg.
20030601             Die Sozialdemokratie könnte sich stärker auf diese Wurzeln besinnen und soziale Gerechtigkeit entsprechend definieren.
20030601             SPIEGEL: Der religiöse Führer und politische CHOMEINI—ERBE Ajatollah ALI—CHAMENEI hat PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH —ERST kürzlich noch mit Hitler verglichen.
20030601             Sie zeigen die gespannte Atmosphäre.
20030601             WILL—MEET at the G—8—SUMMIT—IN Evian.
20030601             REGARDLESS—OF—PAST—DIFFERENCES, they will TRY—TO legitimize
20030601             We, Attac in EUROPE, ADDRESS—THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—WORLD
20030601             which has no MANDATE—WHATSOEVER—FOR ANY—SUCH world rulership.
20030601             We, ON the contrary, DEMAND—THAT the G—8—BE dissolved.
20030601             In this context, we call for 1—MOBILIZATION—OF—EUROPEAN PEOPLE—TO take part in mass protests in Evian.
20030601             We want to SHOW—THAT another, more —JUST world is possible.
20030601             —ERKLÄRUNG von Attac in EUROPA - vom ESF—VORBEREITUNGSTREFFEN in BERLIN,
20030601             "Die Ihr hier eintretet,laßt von Euch fahren allen Zweifelmut !" [ Dante,"Göttliche Komödie" - Inschrift über dem Eingang zur Hölle ]
20030601             alfatomega.com/search.html>>
20030601             "We're living in the new dark AGES—READ about it in the magazine pages"-THE—MUTANTS
20030601             Hier kann sich jedwer die Geschichte im gewünschten ZUSAMMENHANG herausfischen.
20030601             [Downloaden, Begriff eingeben -> Geschichte lesen, im ZUSAMMENHANG.Die Search.HTML—SEITE kann auch gespeichert & später OFF—LINE durchforscht & gelesen werden (NICHT : darin enthalte Links [lnk] -es sei denn, man habe zuvor die entsprechenden "AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA"-Seiten auf der eigenen Festplatte & in demselben Ordner abgelegt, gespeichert.
20030601             OFF—LINE—BROWSEN von >SEARCH < ist selbstverständlich nicht möglich für darin enthaltene >INTERNET—LINKS <... ]
20030601             - timebase - 20030601-20030701-datesbase >- 20030701
20030601             HOJE >20030701              - NEW ENTRIES—DAS NEUESTE—TOD ay s FINDINGS—TROUVAILLES—NEUE EINTRÄGE—ENTRADAS NOVAS> - 20030701              20030604 MYSUPERTIMELINESTART.html
20030601             —PLÄDIERT, Auch Muschg, für Kerneuropa, falls die ostmitteleuropäischen Länder (und SPANIEN?) nicht auf Linie zu halten sind: "Im GRENZFALL—DEN kein Europäer wünschen KANN—IST der Rückzug auf das Gefäß geboten, in dem ein singulärer historischer Wille die weitgehende Überwindung des nationalen IDIOTISMUS—RIGHT or wrong, my COUNTRY—ERREICHT hat. Sie bleibt die (keineswegs unverlierbare) KERN—ERRUNGENSCHAFT des kommenden EUROPA".
20030601             Gerechtigkeit ist auch in Zeiten der Globalisierung möglich, Gleichheit nicht, behauptet der Berliner Historiker JÜRGEN—KOCKA in seinem Essay, und gibt der SPD gleich noch ein paar Tipps für die Zukunft mit auf den Weg.
20030601             Dann ist sie auf der HÖHE—DER—ZEIT und sogar ihrer Zeit voraus"
20030601             Untitled - 20030000              Objective Force Task Force.html
20030601             Excerpts From Coup d ' Etat : 1—PRACTICAL—HANDBOOK—BY—EDWARD—LUTTWAK.
20030601             -20030701-datesbase.html
20030601             Die Schlapphüte hätten die Anweisungen der Regierung vor dem IRAK—KRIEG derart befremdlich... um die Zustimmung des Kongresses für einen Krieg zu gewinnen.
20030601             Mehrere MINISTER—SPRECHEN—VON " Lüge " und fordern einen Widerruf.
20030601             dass "die Schuldigen vom 20010911              immer noch nicht gefunden" sind.
20030601             der 20200911              0—IST nichts weiter als eine lüge... einen link zu einer DEUTSCHLAND—WEBSEITE bekommen, die beweist, dass der 20010911              eine lüge war.
20030601             von den abenteuerlichen Verschwörungen um dem 20010911              distanzieren.
20030601             Liveperformance, die Lüge der Krieg war gerechtfertigt, IRAK gleich...
20030601             -20030701-datesbase.html Von großen MENGEN—DER—WAFFEN selbst ist keine Rede mehr.
20030601             -20030701-datesbase Der Staatshaushalt der USA steuert in diesem Fiskaljahr auf 1—DEFIZIT in bislang nicht gekannter Höhe zu.
20030601             Insgesamt wird das Minus rund 400—MILLIARDEN...
20030601             —PLÄDIERT, Auch Muschg, für Kerneuropa, falls die OSTMITTEL—EUROPÄISCHEN Länder (und SPANIEN?) nicht auf Linie zu halten sind:
20030601             "Im GRENZFALL—DEN kein EUROPÄER wünschen KANN—IST der Rückzug auf das Gefäß geboten,
20030601             in dem 1—SINGULÄRER historischer Wille des nationaler Idiotismus weitgehende ÜBERWINDUNG—RIGHT or wrong, my COUNTRY—ERREICHT hat.
20030601             Sie bleibt die (keineswegs unverlierbare) KERN—ERRUNGENSCHAFT des kommenden EUROPA.
20030601             AUCH IN ZEITEN DER GLOBALISIERUNG Gerechtigkeit ist möglich, Gleichheit nicht, behauptet DER—BERLIN—HISTORIKER JÜRGEN—KOCKA in seinem essay, und
20030601             gibt der SPD gleich noch 1—PAAR Tipps für DIE—ZUKUNFT mit auf den Weg.
20030601             "Der starke STAAT als SOZIAL—STAAT ist nötig, wie andererseits DER—MARKT und seine Dynamik unersetzbar sind.
20030601             Aber zwischen beiden gibt es 1 3., die ZIVIL—GESELLSCHAFT, die soziale BÜRGERgesellschaft.
20030601             —ERST KÜRZLICH NOCH—SPIEGEL, Der religiöse Führer, politische CHOMEIN1—ERBE Ajatollah ALI Chamenei hat PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH mit HITLER verglichen.
20030601             Charrasi: Die VERGLEICHE, die WASHINGTON zieht, sind auch nicht sehr schmeichelhaft.
20030601             Charrasi: Die VERGLEICHE zeigen die gespannte Atmosphäre.
20030601             —TIMEBASE—DATESBASE
20030601             —PLÄDIERT, Auch Muschg
20030601             Gerechtigkeit ist auch in Zeiten der GLOBALISIERUNG möglich, Gleichheit nicht, behauptet
20030601             Charrasi: So ist das nun mal: DIE—USA—AMERIKANER zählen uns zur "Achse des Bösen", wir halten DIE—USA für den "großen Satan".
20030601             SPIEGEL, Der religiöse
20030601—20030000    —IN, TOGO—PER capita income fell from $600 in the 1980s to less than $300.
20030601—20030603    THE—HEADS—OF—STATE—AND—GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—8—RICHEST and most powerful countries
20030601—20040000    —APPROVED, THE—FDA, it as 1—COLORECTAL cancer treatment.
20030601—20040000    —ANFANG, dürfte AMERIKA im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens.
20030601—20070000    —IN, researches said it could improve the treatment of kidney tumors.
20040501—20040601    Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: O empresário francês PIERRE—FALCONE é acusado de tráfico de armas para...
20040527—20040601    —SENTENCED, Roche was, to 9—YEARS in prison.
20040601             —AWARDED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY, 1—CONTRACT, valued as much as $10—BILLION, to 1—GROUP—OF—COMPANIES led by 1—UNIT—OF—ACCENTURE Ltd., 1—BERMUDA—BASED business consultancy.
20040601             —DECLARED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE, THE—PARTIAL—BIRTH—ABORTION—BAN—ACT unconstitutional, saying the measure infringed on women's right to choose.
20040601             —BARRED, NEW—JERSEY, 1—NEW—RULING took effect that, reduced nightclub cover charges and cocktail tabs for women due to 1—DISCRIMINATION—SUIT filed —6—YEARS—EARLIER.
20040601             —2—DAYS—LATER SABMiller withdrew its HK$4.30—OFFER.
20040601             † WILLIAM—MANCHESTER, 82—JAHRE—ALT, historian and biographer, in MIDDLETOWN—CONNECTICUT.
20040601             —INCLUDED, WILLIAM—MANCHESTER—WORK, "THE—ARMS—OF—KRUPP" (19580000             ) and "THE—DEATH—OF—1—PRESIDENT" (19670000             ), 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—KENNEDY assassination.
20040601             —PLANTED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, under the chair of 1—CITY—POLICE—CHIEF exploded, killing him and wounding 2—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS.
20040601             EAST—BOLIVIA, army soldiers fought peasants blocking 1—HIGHWAY in 1—CLASH that killed 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN.
20040601             —ENTERED, BRAZIL, police, the Benfica prison —AFTER a 3—DAY—REBELLION and found the bodies of 38—INMATES, SOME—OF—THEM mutilated.
20040601             —ESCAPED, At least 14—OF—900 had.
20040601             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—BRAZIL—STATE—OF—ALAGOAS, 2—DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS, 20—PEOPLE and left some 2,100 homeless.
20040601             —BATTLED, CONGO—SOLDIERS, troops loyal to BRIGADIER—GENERAL—LAURENT—NKUNDA, a renegade COMMANDER—IN—EAST—CONGO, breaking a shaky CEASE—FIRE.
20040601             —RESIGNED, ECUADOR—FINANCE—MINISTER—MAURICIO—POZO, leaving struggling PRESIDENT—LUCIO—GUTIERREZ to find 1—REPLACEMENT to lead 1—ECONOMIC—POLICY approved by INTERNATIONAL lenders but unpopular at home.
20040601             —HOSTED, ECUADOR, the Miss Universe pageant.
20040601             JENNIFER—HAWKINS, a 20—YEAR—OLD, BLUE—EYED Australian, was named Miss Universe 20040000            .
20040601             MICHEL—DANSEL, FRANCE—INTELLECTUAL, held 1—MOCK funeral ceremony for the verb.
20040601             His new 233-page book, "Le Train de Nulle Part" (THE—TRAIN to Nowhere), was written without verbs.
20040601             HAITI, USA—COMMANDERS began turning over authority to 1—UN—FORCE under GENERAL—AUGUSTO—PEREIRA—OF—BRAZIL.
20040601             Ghazi Mashal Ajil AL—YAWER, a tribal CHIEF, was named interim PRESIDENT—OF—IRAQ.
20040601             —KILLED, At least 14—PEOPLE were.
20040601             LEONID—PARFYO20041101             —LEADING—RUSSIA—TELEVISION—NEWS—ANCHOR, was dismissed and his show, "Namedni (—RECENTLY)," shut down —AFTER the program tried to broadcast 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—WIDOW—OF—1—SLAIN—CHECHEN separatist leader.
20040601             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY, Kurdish rebels, KONGRA—GEL, 1—RESUMPTION—OF—BATTLE saying the government had not met their terms.
20040601             ENDLICH! Neues Buch von JAN VAN HELSING ist da!
20040601             -Village VOICE—SIBEL Edmonds... said, however, that "there are 1—LOT—OF—ACTIVITIES in THE—USA—1—LOT—OF—MONEY... and these activities involve money laundering, drugs, 1—SUPPORT—NETWORK for terrorism... people in high places... [people] in the political arena".
20040608—20040601    G8 Summit meeting off THE—COAST—OF—SAVANNAH, GEORGIA,Bay Area residents, peace, racial justice + global justice advocates have called for 1—MASS—MOBILIZATION to Reclaim the Commons in S. FRANCISCO—KICKING off the Reclaim the Commons (RTC) mobilization will be 1—EDUCATIONAL—FORUM to explore alternatives —WHILE exposing THE—AGENDA—OF—UNACCOUNTABLE transnational corporations.
20040724             "Denn auch die Konjunkturdaten 20040601—20040630 sahen nicht gut aus.
20041117             Airlines Must Hand Over Passenger Data Next —WEEK To Feds : Once EACH—OF—THE—72—DOMESTIC—AIRLINES submits data, including passenger name, reservation date, travel itinerary + FORM—OF—PAYMENT for domestic flights 20040601—20040630    —BETWEEN—OF—THIS—YEAR, testing is expected to last through THE—END—OF—JANUARY.
20041224             Venancio S. Duque, Member,19730601—19800517.
20041224             Venancio S. Duque, Member,19730601—19800517. - Who Inherits THE—E—MAIL?
20041224             Venancio S. Duque, Member, 19730601             ---May.
20041224             Venancio S. Duque, Member, 19730601             ---May... - COMELEC Historical Background
20050210             AEJMC archives -- 20030900             , —WEEK 4 (#41) Letter NUMBER 464. 19530601           .
20050403             SCOTT—RITTER: "MARK—YOUR—CALENDARS!"20050601             —GREAT—MONTH for WAR!
20050601             ePass: Biometrischer Reisepass kostet 59—EURO... alfatomega.com/200505190602.html
20050601             In his 1. —DAY on the job, World BANK—PRESIDENT—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ said he hoped the bank could help transform AFRICAN—FROM 1—CONTINENT—OF despair to 1—OF—HOPE.
20050601             —DESTROYED, CALIFORNIA, 1—LANDSLIDE, 17—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—HOUSES and damaged nearly 11—OTHERS in Laguna Beach.
20050601             A 5—DAY—UN—WORLD—ENVIRONMENT—DAY conference opened in SF.
20050601             —OPENED, MISSOURI, its 1. season of legal HAND—FISHING—FOLLOWING—FIERCE—LOBBYING—EFFORTS by Noodlers Anonymous, 1—LOCAL—SUPPORT—GROUP for catching catfish by hand.
20050601             † GEORGE—MIKAN, 80—JAHRE—ALT, MINNEAPOLIS Lakers basketball star.
20050601             GEORGE—MIKAN was so big and dominant in college that he sparked the goaltending rule.
20050601             AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB from 1—SUICIDE attacker tore through 1—MOSQUE —DURING 1—FUNERAL in KANDAHAR for 1—MUSLIM cleric opposed to the Taliban, killing at least 20—PEOPLE.
20050601             The local GOVERNOR said 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant was responsible.
20050601             —OPENED, BURKINA—FASO PRESIDENT—BLAISE—COMPAORE, the 7. summit of Sahel and SAHARA countries, spurring the 21-member body to take 1—DECISIVE—ROLE in shaping globalization.
20050601             CHINA began levying a 5.5% tax on residential property sold —AFTER this date.
20050601             It would only be applied to property sold fewer than —2—YEARS—AFTER its purchase.
20050601             —CALLED, CHINA, 1—RESOLUTION by BRAZIL, GERMANY, INDIA and JAPAN to expand THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL, and hopefully give them permanent seats, "dangerous" and hinted it would use its veto power if necessary to block final approval.
20050601             —TRIGGERED, SOUTH—CHINA, heavy rain, floods and mudslides, leaving about 200—PEOPLE—DEAD or missing.
20050601             —KILLED, HAITI, gunmen, PAUL—HENRI Mourral (53), 1—FRANCE—DIPLOMAT, in PORT—AU—PRINCE and stole his car.
20050601             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER attacked the main checkpoint to BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL Airport, wounding at least 15—IRAQIS.
20050601             JERUSALEM city engineer URI—SHETRIT said 88—HOMES in 1—ARAB neighborhood are marked for demolition to make way for 1—ARCHAEOLOGICAL—PARK documenting the disputed city's ancient Jewish origins.
20050601             —ABOUT 200—PEOPLE, SOME—THROWING stones, broke into KYRGYZSTAN—SUPREME—COURT and evicted activists who had occupied the building for more than 1—MONTH in 1—PROTEST on behalf of 5—LOSING—PARLIAMENTARY—CANDIDATES.
20050601             —WORRIED, HOLLAND—VOTERS, about social benefits and immigration overwhelmingly rejected the European Union constitution in what could be 1—KNOCKOUT blow for 1—CHARTER meant to create 1—POWER rivaling THE—USA.
20050601             Slow economic growth in THE—NETHERLANDS was seen as 1—KEY—REASON for the massive rejection of THE—EU constitution
20050601             —PUBLISHED, POLAND, investigators, 1—REPORT offering new DETAILS—OF—ALLEGATIONS that 1—PRIEST was 1—INFORMER for POLAND—COMMUNIST—GOVERNMENT—WHILE he was close to JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA—ENTOURAGE in the 1980s.
20050601             The report says against REVEREND—KONRAD—STANISLAW—HEJMO met secretly with communist agents 19750000—19880000    —FROM—TO in upscale restaurants and hotel rooms, giving them details about the church in return for money and gifts of liquor.
20050601             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE—STATE—HERALD newspaper, that police have arrested more than 22,000—PEOPLE as 1—FIERCE blitz on illegal stores and shantytowns gathered pace, sending homeless people fleeing for the countryside.
20050601             Impeachment Fever and Media Politics : If you think PRESIDENT—BUSH should be impeached, it's time to get serious.
20050601             (Announcements) MISTER—RUSSERT: MORE—OF—OUR discussion on the threat and PREVENTION—OF—NUCLEAR—TERRORISM with Nunn, Lugar, Kean, HAMILTON and Thompson —AFTER this brief station break.
20050601             (Announcements) - MISTER—RUSSERT: And we are back.
20050601             We've been talking about controlling the source + this underscores it.
20050601             And here's 1—SCENE from "Last Best Chance," 1—CONVERSATION between the national security adviser, THE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF and THE—SECRETARY—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20050601             LET—WATCH.
20050601             (Videotape, "Last Best Chance"): NUKE—A—COMIN'—MEET the Press
20050601             devoted 1—EPISODE to the likelihood of 1—NUCLEAR—ATTACK within THE—USA.
20050601             —LABELLED, IRAN + NORTH—KOREA are, naturally, the "most dangerous actors".
20050601             —DOCUMENTED, The panelists do not discuss AL—QAEDA'S, interest in creating 1—PORTABLE—NUCLEAR—DEVICE.
20050601             —PREPARED, We are being.
20050601             What we have here, then, is the sad spectacle of 1—OLD—MAN being manipulated.
20050601             For the record, it seems to me that if anyone proposes to identify Deep Throat, or to identify the lead singer in THE—CHOIR—OF—SOURCES subsumed by THE—IDENTITY—OF—THROAT, they must meet 1—VERY—BASIC criterion.
20050601             That is, they must demonstarate, at 1—MINIMUM, that their candidate met repeatedly + secretly with BOB—WOODWARD.
20050601             (Throat is obviously WOODWARD—CREATION.
20050601             I don't think Bernstein would know him from 1—BALE—OF—HAY.)
20050601             The only person who meets that criterion, to my knowledge, is ROBERT—BENNETT.
20050601             —NOW 1—OF—THE most powerful men in THE—USA—SENATE, Bennett was PRESIDENT—OF—ROBERT—R—MULLEN—COMPANY 19720000—19000000    .19730000            .
20050601             —WORKED, This was THE—CIA—FRONT for which HOWARD—HUNT.
20050601             (It was also THE—WASHINGTON REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—HOWARD—HUGHES organization.)
20050601             —REPORTED, As I, in *Secret Agenda*, BENNETT—CIA—CASE—OFFICER, MARTIN—LUKOSKIE, drafted 1—MEMO to his boss, ERIC—EISENSTADT, reporting on his monthly DEBRIEFING—OF—BENNETT —AFTER the Watergate arrests.
20050601             According to Eisenstadt, Bennett told him that he, Bennett, had "made 1—BACKDOOR entry to THE—WASHINGTON—POST through EDWARD—BENNETT—WILLIAMS' office," and that he, Bennett, was feeding stories to BOB—WOODWARD, who was "suitably grateful".
20050601             (Williams was THE—POST—ATTORNEY + attorney, also, for the Democratic National Committee.)
20050601             WOODWARD—GRATEFULNESS was manifest in the way he kept THE—CIA, in general + THE—ROBERT—R—MULLEN—COMPANY, in particular, OUT—OF—HIS—STORIES.
20050601             (I obtained the Lukoskie memo under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT.
20050601             —OBTAINED, ERIC—EISENSTADT—REACTION to that memo, which I also, under FOIA, was considered so secret that it was delivered by hand to THEN—CIA—DIRECTOR—RICHARD—HELMS.
20050601             NEW—YORK—NACH der Ablehnung der EU—VERFASSUNG in den Niederlanden ist der Euro —AM—ABEND auf ein neues 8—MONATS—TIEF zum Dollar gefallen.
20050601             Die Gemeinschaftswährung sank REUTERS—DATEN zufolge auf 1,2211 Dollar, nachdem eine 1. Prognose eine deutliche Mehrheit gegen die Verfassung zeigte.
20050601             —BEREITS—NACH—DEM negativen Ausgang des FRANKREICH—REFERENDUMS am —SONNTAG hatte der Euro Verluste hinnehmen müssen.
20050601             Trotz Referenden: Schröder und EU—POLITIKER wollen Ratifizierung fortsetzen
20050601             Referendumsausgang: Euro stürzt ab
20050601             Referendum: Niederländer lehnen EU—VERFASSUNG ab
20050601             Karrierepläne: BILL—CLINTON bringt sich als ANNAN—NACHFOLGER in Stellung
20050601             Börse —AM—ABEND: Schwacher Euro, starker Dax
20050601             —GESTORBEN, Neue Analyse: Napoleon soll an Rattengift, sein
20050601             Kopierschutz: Sony testet "sterilisierte" CDs
20050601             Brandbrief: "Wenn die SPD überleben will, muss sie umkehren"
20050601             Bioethik: Bush gerät bei Stammzellenforschung in die Defensive
20050601             Durchbruch: Kernspinmessung ohne Tomograf
20050601             ePass: Biometrischer Reisepass kostet 59—EURO
20050601             Währungsturbulenzen: Euro drohen weitere Kursverluste
20050601             INTERVIEW—MIT—GÜNTHER—BECKSTEIN: "OTTO—SCHILY war ein guter Lehrling" - BOLIVIEN: Krawalle vor Parlament
20050601             Meerjungfrau": Ärzte trennen verwachsene Babybeine - Konjunktur: EU senkt Wachstumsprognose
20050601             Vertrauensfrage: Grüne wollen nicht gegen Schröder stimmen
20050601             Homosexuelle Insekten: Männergesellschaft macht Libellen schwul
20050601             Fotostrecke: Watergate und "Deep Throat"
20050601             Berliner Grüne: MAREK—DUTSCHKE will für den BUNDESTAG kandidieren
20050601             Dioxin becomes most dangerous MAN—MADE poison
20050601             story by KOMO, 1—SEATTLE—BASED ABC television affiliate (photo also from story):
20050601             LEO Archive: Heiraten in DEUTSCHLAND—EHEFÄHIGKEITSZEUGNIS
20050601             Das schönste Beispiel ist wohl der Personalausweis + der Reisepass.
20050601             Letzterer kostet 1—VIELFACHES des ersteren an Gebühren, warum?
20050601             —IDENTIFIED, The company's CEO was, as Ramy EL—BATRAWI (who is reported to...
20050601             —CONTROLLED, BERMUDA company, by reputed SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIAN arms dealer ADNAN—KHASHOGGI..
20050601             Scoop: UQ Wire: Dusty & 'THE—BOYS'—II
20050601             MICHAEL—FARKAS, the company's founder, for example, has longstanding ties to ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and his LIEUTENANT—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI, who supplied 1—OF—THE 2 ...
20050601             SEC INFO—GENESISINTERMEDIA Inc - 8-K - For
20050601             Alien INTELLIGENCER—CONSERVATIVES have no problem with the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, 1—GENEROUS donor...
20050601             Weight Watchers will meet at 7—PM at the 1. Presbyterian Church.
20050601             TOM—DELAY "If we are going to commit USA—TROOPS, we must be certain they have 1—CLEAR—MISSION, 1—ACHIEVABLE—GOAL + 1—EXIT strategy.
20050601—19930000    —IN, "1—NUCLEAR—BOMB can be built with 1—RELATIVELY small AMOUNT—OF—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL. 1 trained nuclear engineer with 1—AMOUNT—OF—HIGHLY enriched uranium or plutonium about the size of 1—GRAPEFRUIT or 1—ORANGE, together with commercially available material, could fashion 1—NUCLEAR—DEVICE that would fit into 1—VAN—LIKE THE—1—RAMZI Yousef parked in THE—GARAGE—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER. Such 1—BOMB would level Lower Manhattan".
20050601—20050000    —IN, Latin USA—ECONOMIES to keep fast growth
20050601—20050911    —FROM—THE, HERE—COMMISSION—REPORT.
20050618             12—MEMBERS—OF—THE—HUMANIST—SOCIETY—OF—SCOTLAND were granted the right to legally conduct marriages by the country's registrar general —STARTING 20050601           .
20050913             OUTBREAK—HISTORIE USA—STAND: 20080601              15—MEILEN vor der KÜSTE—DES—BUNDESSTAATS—WASHINGTON liegt ein... Öffentliche INSEKTIZID—SPRÜHAKTIONEN werden mit Malathion durchgeführt.
20060118—20010601    —DRAINED, USA—OFFICIALS in CHARGE—OF—THE—DEVELOPMENT—FUND for IRAQ, all but $900—MILLION from the $20—BILLION fund in what 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP has called an "11.-hour splurge".
20060300             —BY THE—START—OF—HURRICANE season 20060601             ".
20060307             ANNIE—LETTERS: 20060601           .
20060307             ANNIE—LETTERS: 20060601              letters 20060601            .
20060329             —STARTED, Elian, Fatima", discussion, 20000601             , on the court decision to continue to keep Elian and his father hostages in THE—USA.
20060413             —NAMED, New Acting DIRECTOR—OF—DSS, 20060601
20060521             —STOPPED, This 20060601              update to the orders, all military assistance in its tracks —UNTIL approval from DONALD—RUMSFELD (the "SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE") could be granted -- which, by his own admission, it was not.
20060521             —ORDERED, The flight base commanders were, by 20060601             —THE "Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—INSTRUCTION" to wait for "approval" from THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—BEFORE they could respond to hijackings, where they would have routinely responded in the past.
20060530—20060601    —ON, he was sentenced to 6—CONSECUTIVE life terms without parole.
20060531—20060601    —ON, "Don't pack your bags though. FEMA has announced that it will be closing the last 4—CAMPS that house and feed volunteers coming to LOUISIANA to aid in recovery".
20060601             —JOINED, THE—USA—MILITARY said more GUANTANAMO Bay detainees have, 1—HUNGER—STRIKE, raising the total to 89, and 6—OF—THEM were being FORCE—FED.
20060601             1—CONTRITE—USA—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS took responsibility for THE—FLOODING—OF—NEW—ORLEANS by Hurricane Katrina.
20060601             —CEDED, THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, CONTROL—OF—LOS Alamos National Laboratory in NEW—MEXICO to 1—CONSORTIUM, the Los Alamos National Security, which included, UC, BECHTEL—WASHINGTON Group INTERNATIONAL, and BWX Technologies.
20060601             —ANNOUNCED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY, 1—PLAN to use NIGHT—VISION—WEBCAMS along the border and let INTERNET users serve as volunteer sentinels.
20060601             —AGREED, THE—NYSE under JOHN—THAIN, to acquire PARIS—BASED Euronext NV—EUROPE—2. largest stock exchange, for $10—BILLION.
20060601             Katharine Close, a 13—YEAR—OLD—NEW—JERSEY girl making her 5. straight appearance at the Scripps National Spelling Bee, rattled off "ursprache" to claim THE—TITLE—OF—AMERICA—BEST speller.
20060601             For the 1. time in its 81-year history, the final rounds of the spelling bee were broadcast live on PRIME—TIME—NETWORK TV.
20060601             INDIANA, 7—COVARRUBIAS family members, the youngest —JUST 5—YEARS—OLD, were shot to death in their INDIANAPOLIS home.
20060601             —ARRESTED, The next —DAY police, suspect JAMES—STEWART, 30—JAHRE—ALT without incident —AFTER 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20060601             Robbery was the suspected motive.
20060601             WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB blew up near 1—CONVOY—OF—AFGHAN and USA—LED coalition troops, killing the attacker but hurting no 1—ELSE.
20060601             —AGREED, VIENNA, THE—USA and 5—WORLD—POWERS, to offer IRAN proposals that would bring it significant benefits if it halts its drive to master nuclear power.
20060601             —STAGED, BOLIVIA—DOCTORS, a 1—DAY—STRIKE to protest the presence of 600—CUBA—PHYSICIANS providing free care as PRESIDENT—MORALES cultivates links to Castro.
20060601             EAST—TIMOR PRESIDENT—XANANA—GUSMAO made 1—EMOTIONAL—PLEA for peace —AFTER WEEKS—OF—VIOLENCE, as the rebel leader pressed him to oust the unpopular PRIME—MINISTER.
20060601             —STEPPED, Jorma Ollila, down as CHIEF—OF—FINLAND—NOKIA—CORP. He was succeeded by OLLI—PEKKA Kallasvuo.
20060601             —INCLUDED, The new Nokia Nseries, the N73 CAMERA—PHONE;
20060601             the N91 phone, which doubled as 1—IPOD—STYLE—MUSIC—PLAYER;
20060601             the N92, 1—MOBILE TV; and the N93, 1—MOBILE—VIDEO—CAMERA.
20060601             —APPROVED, THE—GERMANY—PARLIAMENT overwhelmingly, the government's plan to deploy GERMANY—TROOPS to the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO —DURING its July election, despite public skepticism about the mission.
20060601             1—GERMANY—COURT—JAILED—SABINE—HILSCHENZ (40) —FOR—15—YEARS for killing 8—OF—HER newborn babies in the worst CASE—OF—INFANTICIDE in the country's criminal history.
20060601             —BURIED, She had, them in flower pots and 1—FISH—TANK at her parents' home.
20060601             —PLANTED, EAST—INDIA, 1—LAND—MINE thought to have been, by communist rebels blew up 1—POLICE jeep, killing 12—OFFICERS from 1—PARAMILITARY—POLICE—FORCE.
20060601             —DECIDED, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, to launch its own investigation into reports that USA—MARINES killed unarmed civilians —LAST—YEAR.
20060601             —ORDERED, The top USA—GENERAL in IRAQ, USA—COMMANDERS to conduct ethical training on battlefield conduct.
20060601             IRAQ, 1—BOMB struck 1—GROUP—OF—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS seeking jobs in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing at least 2 and wounding 18.
20060601             1—MORTAR barrage struck 1—NUMBER—OF—HOUSES in BAGHDAD—SOUTH—DORA district.
20060601             A 1. barrage of 7—MORTAR rounds killed 9 and wounded 40, —WHILE another 5—ROUNDS killed 4 and wounded 29.
20060601             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on COLONEL—ZIYAD—TARIQ, DEPUTY—COMMANDER—OF—THE—OIL—PROTECTION—FORCE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK, killing him and 1—BODYGUARD and wounding another bodyguard as they left 1—RESTAURANT.
20060601             Police set up roadblocks —AROUND THE—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—CITY—OF—BASRA as 1—MONTHLONG STATE—OF—EMERGENCY declared by PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI went into effect.
20060601             INDIA—KASHMIR, a 3—DAY—SIEGE left 8—MUSLIM rebels and 1—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIER—DEAD as troops hunted down armed rebels in ongoing operations.
20060601             —ENRAGED, THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITE Muslims, by 1—TV comedy that mocked THE—LEADER—OF—HEZBOLLAH took to THE—STREETS—OF—SOUTH—BEIRUT, burning car tires and blocking roads.
20060601             —PUBLISHED, In 1, interview MONACO—PRINCE—ALBERT—II acknowledged he is the father of a 2. illegitimate child, a 14—YEAR—OLD—GIRL living in CALIFORNIA.
20060601             —FORCED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, 1—MAJOR—OIL spill, ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL—GIANT—SHELL to cut production by 50,000 barrels per —DAY.
20060601             PAKISTAN, officials said sewage contamination in FAISALABAD—WATER—SYSTEM has caused 1—OUTBREAK—OF gastroenteritis, sickening more than 19,000—PEOPLE and killing 9. In SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN police raided 1—MILITANT hideout and arrested Habib Ullah, 1—LEADER—OF—THE outlawed LASHKAR—E—JHANGVI Sunni militant group, at 1—HOME in QUETTA.
20060601             —FIRED, Several 1000—POLICE—OFFICERS, into the air and smashed WINDOWS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—PARLIAMENT building, raising FEARS—OF—NEW—UNREST in GAZA —AFTER THE—HAMAS—LED government said it still cannot pay MOST—OF—ITS—WORKERS.
20060601             Chung DONG—YOUNG, THE—LEADER—OF—SOUTH—KOREA—RULING—PARTY, resigned 1—DAY—AFTER the conservative opposition won 12—OF 16—KEY—REGIONAL—POSTS in local elections.
20060601             Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas, known as ABU—DAHDAH, had been CONVICTED—OF—CONSPIRACY to commit terrorist murder and sentenced to 27—YEARS in jail.
20060601             He will, however, continue to serve a 12—YEAR—SENTENCE for leading 1—TERRORIST—GROUP.
20060601             † IN—SPAIN—ROCIO—JURADO, 61—JAHRE—ALT, hailed as the country's greatest singer, of cancer.
20060601             —PLEDGED, THE—USA, "tangible military cooperation" with embattled SRI—LANKA, but warned the government here against 1—RETURN to war with Tamil Tiger rebels.
20060601             —APPROVED, SWEDEN—LAWMAKERS, 1—LAW that makes it possible for the Scandinavian country to imprison FORMER—LIBERIA—PRESIDENT—CHARLES—TAYLOR if 1—UN—BACKED tribunal convicts HIM—OF—WAR—CRIMES.
20060601             —RIPPED, WEST—TURKEY, 1—METHANE gas explosion, through 1—COAL—MINE, killing 17—MINERS in the village of Odakoy in WEST—BALIKESIR province.
20060601             Wind > Government blocks wind farm PLANS—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has ordered work stopped on more than 12—WIND—FARMS, saying the giant turbines might interfere with military radar.
20060601             More mundane politics may be to blame.
20060601             ( PhysOrg ; "Predictably, THE—LEFT—WING—PRESS has run with the alleged massacre at Haditha... screaming about holding ALL—OF—THOSE involved accountable," BILL—O'REILLY said, introducing 1—SEGMENT on "Defending AMERICA".
20060601             Why do so MANY—REJOICE
20060601             —WHEN bad things happen to THE—USA?"
20060601             "PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has been named the worst PRESIDENT in the last 61—YEARS by USA—VOTERS — with
20060601             nearly twice the negative RATING—OF—RICHARD—NIXON
20060601             — in 1—NEW—POLL by Quinnipiac University".
20060601             "The environment and the economy have been totally misconstrued as incompatible.
20060601             They are opposite sides of the same coin — you can't consider 1—WITHOUT the other ".
20060601             — Treasury SECRETARY—NOMINEE—HANK—PAULSON. More AT—GRISTMILL.
20060601             Molly English, THE—EDITOR—OF—THE—SYRACUSE—NEW—TIMES, is considering legal action against KARL—ZINSMEISTER, BUSH—NEW—DOMESTIC—POLICY—ADVISER, for
20060601             "I find it insulting AND—HIS excuse is awfully lame," she said.
20060601             THE—3—MONTH—PROBE—OF—THE reported massacre in Haditha, expected to be released next —WEEK, will likely conclude not only that "SOME—OFFICERS gave false information to their superiors," but that "senior Marine commanders were derelict in their duty to monitor THE—ACTIONS—OF—SUBORDINATES".
20060601             Army MAJOR—GENERAL—ELDON—BARGEWELL, who led the probe, "declined to say whether he would characterize it as a 'coverup.'"
20060601             THE—HOUSE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE is 1—REVOLVING—DOOR for staff members who —LATER go to work as lobbyists trying to influence their former bosses.
20060601             At least 46—FORMER—AIDES on the powerful spending committee
20060601             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY "was dead set against" —YESTERDAY—DECISION to offer THE—PROSPECT—OF—DIRECT—TALKS with IRAN, 1—FORMER—BUSH—OFFICIAL said, but in the end "it came down to convincing Cheney + others that
20060601             if we are going to confront IRAN, we 1. have to check off the box " of trying talks.
20060601             AFRICAN—AMERICANS and Latinos are 30 % more likely to receive higher rates for home loans than white borrowers despite similar credit scores and risk factors, according to 1—NEW—STUDY by the Center for Responsible Lending.
20060601             "This is THE—MOST—RECKLESS—ABUSE—OF—POWER I have seen in years,
20060601             "said Corallo. "You —JUST don't ride roughshod over THE—RIGHTS—OF—REPORTERS to gather information from confidential sources".
20060601             —STARTED, THE—ARMY has, cutting costs to make its funding for operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN extend for another —MONTH because Congress, which is currently on vacation, has failed to pass 20060000             —THE—EMERGENCY supplemental spending bill.
20060601             Army Vice CHIEF—OF—STAFF—RICHARD—CODY said spending will gradually be restricted over the next few weeks, with options growing as dire as suspending recruitment efforts and postponing promotions.
20060601             "If you print this, I'll be killed, " 1—LOCAL—OFFICIAL says —AFTER criticizing the political infighting in BASRA—IRAQ, 1—CITY that was once "seemingly immune to the violence that has plagued THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY," but has —NOW "
20060601             sunk into chaos.
20060601             —GAINED, The issue last, traction —AFTER conservatives "railed against federal court decisions
20060601             striking down segregation in schools and public transportation.
20060601             The data theft of 26.5—MILLION—VETERANS is worse than —EARLIER reported.
20060601             Not only were Social Security numbers and birthdates stolen, BUT—PHONE—NUMBERS and addresses as well.
20060601             And finally: Kevin "K—FED" Federline,rapper + oo BRITNEY Spears, dishes his media conspiracy theory:
20060601             "The same —DAY Dick Cheney shoots someone, they've got me on THE—COVER—OF—MSN [Web site]. It's like they're diverting attention from what's really going on".
20060601             "—WHEN I 1. came here to Stanford," Mueller said, "I was surprised that there wasn't 1—STUDENT—GROUP specifically for students who are secular, for students who do not subscribe to ANY—RELIGIOUS—BELIEFS.
20060601             This is 1—FORUM for those SORTS—OF—ISSUES. Only Oedipus scores higher.
20060601             ROME skeleton find PRE—DATES—CITY—ITALY—ARCHAEOLOGISTS digging in THE—ROMAN—FORUM have found 1—WELL—PRESERVED skeleton of 1—WOMAN who lived 3,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20060601             However, the astonishing fact about this discovery is that it dates back to at least —300—YEARS—BEFORE the traditional DATE—OF—THE—FOUNDING—OF—ROME, 753—BC.
20060601             Jesus Never Lived, Speaker Says
20060601             1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—ACADEMICS—INCLUDING Carrier, argue that there was never even 1—HISTORICAL—JESUS.
20060601             —FOUNDED, They believe that the biblical apostle Paul, Christianity + in his conception, Jesus was 1—INCORPOREAL, allegorical figure.
20060601             Why it's over for AMERICA - 1—INABILITY to protect its citizens.
20060601             The belief that it is above the law. 1—LACK—OF—DEMOCRACY.
20060601             3—DEFINING—CHARACTERISTICS—OF—THE 'failed state'.
20060601             And that, says Noam Chomsky, is exactly what THE—USA is becoming.
20060601             In 1—EXCLUSIVE extract from his devastating new book, AMERICA—LEADING—THINKER explains how his country lost its way.
20060601             Congress balks at Pentagon 'WAR—ON—TERROR' missile : Congress has stalled Pentagon plans to put conventional warheads on INTER—CONTINENTAL—MISSILES for use in WASHINGTON 's "WAR—ON—TERROR", OUT—OF—CONCERN that they could trigger 1—NUCLEAR—WAR.
20060601             —ANNULLED, COURT—ANNULS—EU—USA—DATA sharing agreement: THE—EU—TOP—COURT has, 1—EU—USA—AGREEMENT on EU HANDOVERS—OF—AIR—PASSENGER—DATA to USA—SECURITY—AGENCIES + dismissed the European COMMISSION—ASSURANCE that WASHINGTON could provide necessary privacy protection for such data.
20060601             Proliferation Wars in the Intelligence Communit
20060601             High COURT—LIMITS—WHISTLE—BLOWERS' protection : THE—SUPREME—COURT made life 1—BIT—TOUGHER—YESTERDAY for government WHISTLE—BLOWERS, ruling that the 1. Amendment does not protect public employees who disclose waste and fraud as PART—OF—THEIR—JOBS.
20060601             I - mpeach ALBERTO—GONZALES? Why, yes!
20060601             "We have the power to impeach THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL," Issa told —TUESDAY—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing titled: "Reckless Justice: Did the —SATURDAY Night RAID—OF—CONGRESS—TRAMPLE the Constitution?"
20060601             ROBERT—SCHEER: Bush Links Energized Enron : THE—BUSH—FAMILY consistently acted to put Enron and its longtime CEO, KEN—LAY, into 1—POSITION to rip off investors and taxpayers.
20060601             Why is the mass media ignoring that fact —NOW that Lay has been convicted in arguably the most egregious EXAMPLE—OF—WHITE—COLLAR fraud in USA—HISTORY?
20060601             —RELEASED, Electronic Voting Machine Security Flaws Exposed : 1—REPORT, —EARLIER this —MONTH details what experts say are the most serious electronic voting machine flaws ever documented.
20060601             BOLIVIA announces new energy clampdown: BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT said that foreign energy firms must turn over their retail firms to STATE—OWNED Yacimientos Petroliferas Fiscales Bolivianos in 1—MONTH.
20060601             —VOTED, CANADA—LARGEST—UNION has, to boycott ISRAEL:
20060601             Delegates to THE—CANADA—UNION—OF—PUBLIC—EMPLOYEES—ONTARIO convention in OTTAWA voted overwhelmingly —SATURDAY to support the campaign —UNTIL it sees ISRAEL recognizing the Palestinians' right to SELF—DETERMINATION
20060601             —DENIED, ISRAEL: UNITED—KINGDOM—WAR—CRIMES—LAWYER, entry : THE—INTERIOR—MINISTRY denied entry to Kate Maynard, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWYER who submitted 1—COMPLAINT in LONDON against Maj.-Gen.
20060601             Birds of 1—FEATHER : 71—PERCENT—OF—USA—CITIZENS do not share our PRIME—MINISTER—ISRAEL—GOOD cheer.
20060601             They are sick and TIRED—OF—THEIR—PRESIDENT, they don't trust his judgment and they don't have the same faith in his integrity and good sense that Olmert has.
20060601             Regional PRO—ISRAEL PAC to back more Republicans : Gearing up for 19960000             —THE—NATIONAL—ELECTIONS, 1—NORTH—CALIFORNIA PRO—ISRAEL political action committee already plans to back more Republican candidates than it did last fall.
20060601             USA to Join Talks With IRAN If Enrichment Ends, RICE—ANNOUNCES : THE—USA will join European talks with IRAN about its nuclear program if the government there agrees to ``verifiably'' halt ENRICHMENT—OF—URANIUM, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said —TODAY.
20060601             IRAN—OFFICIAL: USA—POSITION 1—NON—STARTER : Jalali also said THE—USA was unreliable and would have to prove itself 1., —BEFORE the Iranians.
20060601             —SUSPENDED, What IRAN should say to Condoleezza Rice : We, our enrichment activities for more than 2—LONG—YEARS.
20060601             —DURING this time, slowly, 1—BY 1, incendiary, allegations were investigated and found to be without merit, by THE—IAEA.
20060601             USA Accepts Draft on IRAN That Omits USE—OF—FORCE:
20060601             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, seeking to enlist RUSSIA—SUPPORT for 1—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council resolution on IRAN, has agreed to language ruling out the immediate THREAT—OF—MILITARY—FORCE
20060601             IRAN to build 2—MORE—NUCLEAR—PLANTS : IRAN plans to build 2 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors and will solicit bids within the next 2—MONTHS, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL told Reuters on —WEDNESDAY.
20060601             World War III is Already Here' : ISRAEL—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS, DANNY—GILLERMAN, told assembled national representatives that the global war with Islamist terrorism is WWIII.
20060601             Troops told GENEVA rules don't apply to Taliban : CANADA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN have been told THE—GENEVA Conventions and CANADA—REGULATIONS regarding THE—RIGHTS—OF—PRISONERS—OF—WAR don't apply to Taliban and AL—QAEDA fighters captured on the battlefield.
20060601             EU says USA must close GUANTANAMO prison: AUSTRIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—URSULA—PLASSNIK urged THE—USA on —WEDNESDAY to close 1—PRISON for terror suspects at GUANTANAMO Bay as soon as possible, saying THE—DETENTION—OF—SUSPECTS there creates 1—LEGAL vacuum.
20060601             War widows find that everything is '—JUST gone' : The wives who lived at Fort Lewis had 6—MONTHS to pack up and leave —AFTER their husbands' deaths, the 1. signal that they lost more than 1—SPOUSE.
20060601             —ORDERED, Saddam trial witnesses, held: 1—ORDER for the arrest of 4—DEFENCE witnesses in THE—TRIAL—OF—SADDAM Hussein has been made.
20060601             BOLIVIA PRESIDENT—MORALES—SAYS—USA Seeks to Kill Him : BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES said THE—USA—ORGANIZED teams to track down and kill him, according to 1—NOTE published on THE—BOLIVIA—PRESIDENTIAL—WEB—SITE.
20060601             Have BOLIVIA—ECUADOR set themselves up for 1—FALL?
20060601             WALTER—C—UHLER : Gorbachev Calls Cheney a "Durak" (fool, idiot):
20060601             MANY—RUSSIANS, don't care much for Americans these days.
20060601             Like MOST—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD
20060601             Gush Shalom breaking the ice towards Hamas : Gush Shalom calls for the immediate OPENING—OF—NEGOTIATIONS between the Israeli and PALESTINE—GOVERNMENTS, with no preconditions and on THE—BASIS—OF—STOPPING—ALL—VIOLENT—ACTS on both sides.
20060601             USA Says Troops Fired at Crowd In AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL : USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS acknowledged —WEDNESDAY that USA—TROOPS had fired at 1—ANGRY—MOB that surrounded the scene of 1—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENT in THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL —MONDAY—MORNING.
20060601             —FIRED, Officials previously had said the troops, only into the air.
20060601             THE—PRESIDENT—SEEMS—OUT—OF—TOUCH—WITH—EVENTS on the Ground in IRAQ:
20060601             Gold Star Mother Urges Americans to Sign the Voters Pledge:
20060601             No More PRO—WAR—CANDIDATES, No More WARS—OF—CHOICE
20060601             Iraqis' Accounts Link Marines to the Mass KILLING—OF—CIVILIANS : She said USA—TROOPS shot and killed her husband, Rashid ABDUL—HAMID.
20060601             —KILLED, They, her FATHER—IN—LAW, ABDUL—HAMID—HASSAN—ALI, a 77—YEAR—OLD in 1—WHEELCHAIR, shooting him in the chest and abdomen, she said.
20060601             USA—CONDUCTS 3—MORE—PROBES Into MILITARY—CONDUCT in IRAQ : THE—USA—MILITARY—FACING—ALLEGATIONS that Marines killed civilians in November in WEST—IRAQ, is conducting at least 3—MORE—PROBES into THE—CONDUCT—OF—ITS—FORCES in IRAQ, spokesman MAJOR—GENERAL—WILLIAM—CALDWELL said.
20060601             A Time For Mutiny?
20060601             —PRIOR—TO this war, we were trained to be killers, not murderers.
20060601             —KILLED, We, combatants, not women and children.
20060601             Values training in IRAQ : The top USA—GENERAL in IRAQ —TODAY ordered USA—COMMANDERS to conduct core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield.
20060601             The really big question with no answers: It's 4—MEMORIAL Days and counting —SINCE "Mission Accomplished".
20060601             We still have 132,000 USA—TROOPS in IRAQ.
20060601             1—MILLION—OF—OUR men and women have served by —NOW, GIVING—OF—THEMSELVES in tragic and extraordinary ways.
20060601             Yet the insurgency is growing BOLDER—NOT fading away.
20060601             Politicians Lie? Say it Ain't So!
20060601             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT extracts over 2—TRILLION Dollars from us EVERY—SINGLE—YEAR.
20060601             Yet, with all this unthinkable wealth, it has been INCAPABLE—OF—REDUCING—POVERTY, improving our schools, preventing 20010911             , catching those who perpetrated the attacks, making health care affordable, reducing crime + so on.
20060601             Going even further, EACH—YEAR, it passes new laws that make it legal to pry into your life even more.
20060601             Of Faustian Bargains and Disposable Human Beings By JASON—MILLER
20060601             —WHILE our heavily entrenched corporate elites and affluent DECISION—MAKERS cut their own taxes, reduce spending on social programs + lavish insane amounts of the working poor's and middle class's tax money on 1—MILITARY which exists to protect and expand their pecuniary interests, they offer the weakest MEMBERS—OF—OUR society, our homeless people, 1—QUALITY—OF—LIFE that would repulse 1—SEWER rat.
20060601             Endgame in IRAN - USA—CARRIER—GROUPS are already moving to the Gulf and the finishing touches are being put on the battle plans.
20060601             Lt GENERAL—SAM—GARDINER expects that 1—ATTACK will come as early as 20060600            .
20060601             IRAQ War Vets talk about random CIVIL—KILLINGS - Excerpt From BBC Documentary
20060601             —RETURNED, Newsnight follow 1—GROUP—OF—FORMER—USA—SOLDIERS who have, from IRAQ deeply affected by the experience.
20060601             As they march across AMERICA to protest, shocking interviews emerge on the indiscriminate KILLING—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIANS.
20060601             Click here to watch. The 10,000. Haditha
20060601             —REPORTED, Months —AFTER Time magazine, that USA—MARINES had carried out 1—MY LAI—STYLE—MASSACRE—OF at least 2—DOZEN—INNOCENT—IRAQ—CIVILIANS, the average "support our troops" American is waking up + smelling the butchery.
20060601             Harvard Business School Lowers Its Standards and Admits BUSH—MINT—SCHLEPPER to M.B.A. Program, Even Though He Has Only 1—YEAR—OF—COLLEGE.
20060601             The 1. Exception They Made Was Bush Himself, Who Has Only 1—BRAIN—CELL.
20060601             101—PEOPLE Who Are Really Screwing AMERICA (And BERNARD—GOLDBERG is Only #73)
20060601             SUPREME—COURT—PUTS 1—LID on Whistleblowing. Alito Casts Deciding Vote.
20060601             THE—BUSH eviks Have Their Made Man in Place —NOW.
20060601             Bush, the Puppet, Appoints Another Puppet as Treasury SECRETARY, AKA SECRETARY—OF—THE—LARGEST—AMERICAN—DEBT in History 5/31
20060601             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG -- Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060601             Marine at Haditha: 'I can still smell the blood' 5/30
20060601             GOP operative fresh from 1—PRISON—TERM for his role in THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE phone jamming scandal will start teaching at 1—REPUBLICAN "campaign school"
20060601             Get BuzzFlash Headlines Delivered Via E—MAIL.
20060601             Free Subscription to BuzzFlash Alerts!
20060601             Don't Miss 1—THING! Sign Up —NOW!
20060601             BARBARA—DAILY—BUZZFLASH—MINUTE - democracy. Heller's in trouble.
20060601             —FROM his web page: STEPHEN—HELLER is 1—WHISTLEBLOWER;
20060601             he is alleged to have seen and then exposed legal documents proving that Diebold Election Systems, INCORPORATED, the country's leading MANUFACTURER—OF—ELECTRONIC—VOTING—MACHINES and voting machine software, was using illegal, uncertified software in their CALIFORNIA voting machines, thereby defrauding THE—STATE—OF—CALIFORNIA, THE—TAXPAYERS—OF—CALIFORNIA + disenfranchising THE—VOTERS—OF—CALIFORNIA.
20060601             —ON February 21, 20060000             , Stephen was charged in LOS—ANGELES Superior Court with 3—FELONIES: felony access to computer data, commercial burglary and receiving stolen property.
20060601             He pleaded not guilty.
20060601             This is 1—OUTRAGEOUS—ABUSE—OF—THE—LAW AND—OF—POWER.
20060601             —HAPPENED, The guy, to come across these incriminating documents —WHILE working 1—TEMPORARY gig in THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—LAWYERS used by Diebold.
20060601             Heller doesn't have much money.
20060601             But he does have 1—WHOLE—LOT—OF—LEGAL—BILLS.
20060601             adjective "ruthless"...? Permalink
20060601             1—TERRIFIC—NEW—YORK—TIMES—PIECE on the drive to disenfranchise: FLORIDA —RECENTLY reached 1—NEW—LOW—WHEN it actually bullied THE—LEAGUE—OF—WOMEN—VOTERS into stopping its voter registration efforts in the state.
20060601             —INTENDED, THE—LEGISLATURE did this by adopting 1—LAW that seems, to scare away anyone who wants to run 1—VOTER—REGISTRATION—DRIVE.
20060601             —SINCE registration drives are particularly important for bringing poor people, minority groups and less educated voters into the process, the law appears to be designed to keep such people from voting.
20060601             It imposes fines of $250 for EVERY—VOTER—REGISTRATION—FORM that 1—GROUP—FILES—MORE than —10—DAYS—AFTER it is collected, and $5,000 for EVERY—FORM that is not submitted — even if it is BECAUSE—OF—EVENTS beyond anyone's control, like 1—HURRICANE.
20060601             THERE—MORE.
20060601             2. Business —WEEK thinks the vote fraud "conspiracy theory" is worth pursuing -- as long as it's the right theory.
20060601             Or rather, THE—RIGHT—WING theory, which holds that VENEZUELA controls ES&S. This theory is, so far as I can tell, groundless;
20060601             ANTONIO—MUGICA, the largest shareholder, happens to hold VENEZUELA—CITIZENSHIP, but that doesn't make him 1—PARTNER—OF—CHAVEZ
20060601             Vote fraud 1. Democratic Underground and Velvet Revolution put together 1—POWERFUL—ARTFULLY—DONE MINI—DOCUMENTARY on vote fraud.
20060601             But even 1—SILLY—FRAUD can compel us to ask what really happened.
20060601             1—HOAX that hints at 1—HIDDEN truth. Hoaxiness.
20060601             Hoaxiness STEPHEN—COLBERT gave us the concept of "Truthiness" -- a "truth" based on gut instinct (or wishful thinking) as opposed to verifiable fact.
20060601             Conspiracist TOM—FLOCCO specializes in the related concept of "Hoaxiness" -- stories that your rational mind dismisses OUT—OF—HAND, yet which seem to convey 1—KIND—OF—TRUTH.
20060601             A symbolic truth, perhaps.
20060601             —TURNED, The altercation, into 1—EXCHANGE—OF—AUTOMATIC—WEAPONS—FIRE over 1—POUCH containing evidence files documenting 1—OPERATION to bomb the rail system along the Northeast corridor on —THURSDAY—WITH the full KNOWLEDGE—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR who was in WASHINGTON —WHILE the operation was being hatched.
20060601             The most striking quote: Pollster LOU—HARRIS calls 20040000             —THE—OHIO vote "as dirty 1—ELECTION as AMERICA has ever seen".
20060601             RFK fingers Kenny "the kapo" Blackwell as 1—KNOWING—CO—CONSPIRATOR.
20060601             Gosh, I sure hope that allegation doesn't affect the race for GOVERNOR—IN—OHIO.
20060601             Bush 's "expert" on IRAN matters Remember AMIR—TAHERI, the propagandist who put out that fake news story about IRAN—JEWS being forced to wear identifying insignia?
20060601             —INVITED, —YESTERDAY, he was, to brief THE—PRESIDENT, along with 1—COUPLE—OF—HIGH—RANKING—MILITARY—MEN.
20060601             —CONNECTED, Taheri, of course, is, to the P.R. firm Benador, which functions as 1—NEOCON clearinghouse.
20060601             This guy is more than —JUST another RIGHT—WING hack.
20060601             "Sinclair [Lewis] is 1—OF—MY biggest heroes. 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS ago, I read his infamous It Can't Happen Here, published as the Nazis were gaining 1—FOOTHOLD in EUROPE; it has —NOW been returned to print by popular demand. Though highly stylized and 1—BIT stilted as 1—WORK—OF—FICTION, its prescience is absolutely BONE—CHILLING. And it has 1—AMBIGUOUS, not 1—HAPPY, ending. 1 must read".
20060601             Comments: If I'm not mistaken, "It Can't Happen Here" was WRITTEN—BY—SINCLAIR—LEWIS, not Upton Sinclair.
20060601             I hunted it down on the net and RE—READ it and agree with your assessment.
20060601             —SLIMED, Upton Sinclair was, by TEDDY—ROOSEVELT for writing THE—JUNGLE which exposed THE—REALITY—OF—MEAT packing.
20060601             Easy to confuse THE—2—NAMES.
20060601             #—POSTED—BY—PARANOID—PESSIMIST: 10:56 AM "It Can't Happen Here" was WRITTEN—BY—SINCLAIR—LEWIS, not Upton Sinclair.
20060601             --Paranoid Pessimist - Don't feel bad, Doc.
20060601             1—LOTTA people think that JAMES—JOYCE wrote "Trees".
20060601             I —THEREFORE urge ALL—OF—YOU to go out and buy the latest Rolling Stone (the sales figures will make 1—STATEMENT in themselves) and read RFK, JUNIOR—COURAGEOUS and pivotal piece on < OHIO '04.
20060601             Then contact all the major papers and networks and insist — RELENTLESSLY — that they get RFK, JUNIOR on the air and expose this heinous crime against our Constitution and our citizenry.
20060601             It is —THEREFORE perfectly fitting that, of all our media out there, the Rolling Stone is exercising this, our most precious democratic GIFT—THE—FREE—PRESS—WITH 1—MUCKRAKING expose of the dangerous threat to our equally most precious democratic GIFT—OUR VOTE, on this, the 100. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE 1. such expose by our most HEROIC—OF—USA—FREE—PRESS muckrakers, Upton Sinclair.
20060601             and they are poised to revisit the media ownership nightmare yet again.
20060601             These guys never give up. It's utterly amazing.
20060601             Not only did the public make their resistance to such nonsense unequivocally clear —AT—THE—TIME, Congress and the courts soundly nixed the idea.
20060601             Not only do "these guys" never give up (who "they" are, really, who knows?), but they don't miss the fact that the Nazis could not have taken over GERMANY without the radio falling in line with them, as well as the papers under the vicious, racist + perverted manipulation by JULIUS—STREICHER.
20060601             Nor do they miss the fact that those Americans who watch Faux Snooze and listen to Rush and Savage and Boortz et al., actually fall right in line with what they want us all to think and feel.
20060601             Nor do they miss the fact that, if and only if they can get the media — importantly including the
20060601             INTERNET — under their control, they will be able to do precisely what they want.
20060601             consider the latest decision by THE—SUPREME—COURT—REGARDING—WHISTLEBLOWERS.
20060601             THE—UPSHOT—OF—THAT—TOTAL—ABORTION—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—JUSTICE is that the Supreme 5 (you know who they are) is that government agencies are given unprecedented power over individual employees, whose rights as citizens are "set aside," if you will, in order for agency managers to implement policy.
20060601             But as our —STARTING point, I would like for every 1 to take 1—MOMENT to celebrate the 100. ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—OF—THE most important press leaks in our history.
20060601             As it happens, it spawned the term "muckraker," which was hurled by PRESIDENT—TEDDY—ROOSEVELT at 1—TRUE—NATIONAL hero, Upton Sinclair.
20060601             THE—JUNGLE, —NOW 1—CENTURY old, was not torture, but 1—INSPIRATION to read as 1—KID, because it framed for me the living EXAMPLE—OF—JUST how our freedoms ought to work, and forced me to realize —JUST why 1—FREE—PRESS is so important in 1—DEMOCRACY.
20060601             GREG—MITCHELL at E&P —TODAY honors the events surrounding that publication + it's important to visit his excellent take on the history if for no other reason (there are so many) than to see yet another EXAMPLE—OF—HOW nothing really changes, certainly in TERMS—OF—POLITICS, greed, and corruption.
20060601             Another good reason is to see —JUST how 1—HERO can help the public get information that they CAN—AND WILL—ACT on.
20060601             Dokumentation: Die Erklärung des BND zum Fall EL—MASRI
20060601             URTEILS—REVISION: Online demonstrieren ist nicht strafbar
20060601             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Vor dem Abspann präsentieren Sie in "Flug 93" EINIGE—FAKTEN: Unter anderem steht dort geschrieben, dass die nächsten Kampfflugzeuge der USA—LUFTWAFFE Hunderte Kilometer entfernt waren, als Flug 93—ABSTÜRZTE.
20060601             Wie stehen Sie zu den Theorien, die genau das Gegenteil behaupten?
20060601             Greengrass: All die Verschwörungstheorien sind unwahr, obwohl ihnen weiträumig Glauben geschenkt werden.
20060601             Das ist für mich 1—INDIKATOR dafür, dass der Film genau zur richtigen Zeit in die Kinos kommt.
20060601             Je mehr Verschwörungstheoretiker sich um 1—EREIGNIS—GEDANKEN machen, desto bedeutender ist es.
20060601             Die Wahrheit macht mir viel mehr Angst: Dass das System zusammengebrochen ist.
20060601             Dass der nächste KAMPFJET—ÜBRIGENS ohne Raketen - 700—MEILEN entfernt war.
20060601             Dass die Behörden keine wirksamen Befehle geben konnten.
20060601             Der Film handelt davon, dass niemand die Situation unter Kontrolle bekommen KONNTE—NICHT das Militär, nicht die Flugaufsichtsbehörde.
20060601             Unser Leben ist geprägt von Systemen, wir sind abhängig von ihnen und können ihnen auch zum Opfer fallen.
20060601             Greengrass: Genau dafür ist das Kino erfunden worden: Im Gegensatz zu Nachrichten im Fernsehen oder in Zeitungen, die berichten und kommentieren, schafft 1—KINOFILM—BILDER, die sich im unbewussten kollektiven Bewusstsein festsetzen.
20060601             Auf diese eindringliche Art ist das Medium Film einzigartig.
20060601             Wir werden auf einer sehr sinnlichen Ebene gepackt, gerade weil das Kino mit seiner großen, übermenschlichen Leinwand und seinem lauten, kraftvollen Ton mehr bietet als andere audiovisuelle Medien.
20060601             Einen Anhaltspunkt, wie die Erde ihre Hitzewallung vor 55—MILLIONEN Jahren überwunden haben könnte, haben die Wissenschaftler übrigens auch entdeckt.
20060601             Sie vermuten, dass sich durch die starke Erwärmung in der ARKTIS 1—FARN ausgebreitet hat, das möglicherweise große MENGEN—VON—KOHLENSTOFFDIOXID aufnahm.
20060601             Allerdings dauerte es etwa 800.000—JAHRE, —BIS die Erde wieder abkühlte.
20060601             Vor 45—MILLIONEN tauchten auch in den Sedimenten am Nordpol verräterische Zeichen auf, schreiben die Forscher: kleine Steine, die mit den Eiszungen vom Land auf das Meer hinaus gewandert sein müssen.
20060601             Das zeige, dass sich die Eisdecken über dem NORD—UND dem Südpol wahrscheinlich doch gleichzeitig gebildet haben.
20060601             "Es war das 1. Mal, dass wir die ARKTIS untersucht haben + das Ergebnis war eine große Überraschung für uns", sagt Kathryn Moran von der UNIVERSITY—OF—RHODE—ISLAND, Hauptautorin einer der 3—FACHARTIKEL.
20060601             Die Forscher sind nun beunruhigt, dass die —DERZEIT beobachtete Erderwärmung wesentlich stärker ausfallen könnte als —BISHER angenommen.
20060601             "Die bisherigen Schätzungen sind wohl eher am unteren Ende einzuordnen", erklärt Appy Sluijs von der UNIVERSITÄT—UTRECHT in den Niederlanden, 1—MITGLIED—DER—FORSCHERTEAMS.
20060601             Die ERGEBNISSE—DER—STUDIE bewiesen, dass eine starke Zunahme von Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre globale Klimaerwärmung verursachen könne.
20060601             Ähnliche Ergebnisse hatte ein anderes Forscherteam —ERST vergangene Woche veröffentlicht : Auch seinen Studien zufolge muss die Klimawirkung des Kohlendioxids deutlich nach oben korrigiert werden.
20060601             Eis spielt die 2. Hauptrolle
20060601             Den Forschern zufolge beweist der Fund des Skeletts, dass vor 3000—JAHREN 1—WANDEL—DER—TOTENRITUALE STATTFAND—VON Verbrennungen zu Erdbestattungen.
20060601             Die Gräber der Nekropole wurden auf die Zeit um 10000000              vor Christus datiert.
20060601             Damit sind sie älter als die Stadt Rom, die der Legende zufolge 753—VOR Christus von den Zwillingsbrüdern Romulus und Remus gegründet worden ist.
20060601             Nach Meinung der Experten war die Totenstadt den Gebeinen hochgestellter Persönlichkeiten wie Kriegern und Priestern vorbehalten.
20060601             Sie hätten die Stämme und Clans angeführt, die in kleinen Dörfern auf den Hügeln lebten, auf denen später Rom entstand.
20060601             Drogenbuch auf dem Index: Legalisiert Leary!
20060601             Drehung im All: Saturnmond schlug Purzelbaum
20060601             Versinkende Stadt: Von NEW—ORLEANS zu New Atlantis
20060601             Atomstreit: IRAN will von Zugeständnissen an die USA nichts wissen
20060601             Urmenschen: FLORES—HOBBITS fertigten Steinwerkzeuge
20060601             USA—REAKTIONEN auf Haditha: "Möglich, dass man mal ausrastet"
20060601             IRAK: USA—SOLDATEN erschießen Schwangere
20060601             Atomstreit: IRAN lehnt Verhandlungen mit WASHINGTON ab
20060601             Bundeswehr am Hindukusch: USA erwarten blutigen —SOMMER in AFGHANISTAN
20060601             Gefangenenlager GUANTANAMO: EU fordert erneut die Schließung
20060601             —REKLAMIERT, Atomstreit mit IRAN: Bush, Führungsrolle für friedliche Lösung
20060601             Dokumentation: Die IRAN—ERKLÄRUNG—VON—USA—AUßENMINISTERIN Rice
20060601             Klimawandel: Böse Überraschung im NORDPOL—BOHRKERN
20060601             Haditha: Interner ARMEE—BERICHT bestätigt Massaker
20060601             Handke ohne HEINE—PREIS: Schlechter Nachgeschmack
20060601             Rom: Skelett ist älter als die Ewige Stadt
20060601             Demonstrationen in CHILE: 700—SCHÜLER festgenommen
20060601             Atomkonflikt: USA wollen direkt mit IRAN verhandeln
20060601             KONGO: Dutzende Tote bei Kämpfen zwischen Milizen und Uno
20060601             Hurrikan "Katrina": NEW—ORLEANS war nur auf Kuschelsturm vorbereitet
20060601             HADITHA—MASSAKER: USA—SOLDAT—SPRICHT—VON "blindem Hass"
20060601             IRAN—KONFLIKT: Teheran will weitere Atomkraftwerke bauen - Wählergunst: Union auf Jahrestief
20060601             HANDKE—DEBATTE: "Das ENDE—DER—AUFKLÄRUNG"
20060601             FLUGGASTDATEN—STREIT: USA sollen legal weiter schnüffeln können
20060601             SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH mit Ahmadinedschad: "AMERIKA hat uns beleidigt"
20060601             WELTBANK—CHEF—WOLFOWITZ: Der Falke auf der Lauer - Chalabi in Bilderberg?
20060601             Roads to IRAQ AHMED—CHALABI is 1—OF—BILDERBERG Attendees?
20060601             This traitor sold the whole country IRAQ to the Americans.
20060601             I wonder what is he planning to sell —NOW?
20060601             Arms control in a unipolar world - THE—STANFORD—DAILY—ONLINE—EDITION
20060601—18000000    —IN—THE, 4—CONSERVATIVES—RUNNING for ALABAMA—SUPREME—COURT are "making 1—ARGUMENT—LEGAL—SCHOLARS thought was settled s: that state courts are not bound by USA—SUPREME—COURT precedents ".
20060601—19010000    —PUBLISHED, Upton Sinclair, his 1. book and
20060601—19610000    —IN, his last and spoke at our high school —JUST—BEFORE his death.
20060601—19980000    —SINCE, registered as lobbyists —AFTER leaving their congressional jobs, according to records compiled by the Center for Public Integrity.
20060601—20000000    —FROM, (res.) Doron Almog, demanding he be prosecuted on war crimes charges related to his service as OC SOUTH—COMMAND to 20030000            .
20060601—20010000    —SINCE, y:, the National Security Agency (NSA) has had 1—PRESIDENTIALLY authorized, LAW—BREAKING, warrantless surveillance program to listen in on THE—INTERNATIONAL—PHONE—CALLS—OF—POSSIBLY TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—CITIZENS
20060601—20030000    —IN, KARL—ZINSMEISTER, the new CHIEF domestic adviser to PRESIDENT—BUSH, —WHILE embedded with the 82. Airborne in KUWAIT, declared that "MANY—OF—THE—JOURNALISTS—OBSERVABLE in this war theater are bursting with KNEE—JERK suspicions and antagonisms for the warriors all —AROUND them. 1—SIGNIFICANT—NUMBER are whiny and appallingly soft".
20060601—20030700    —IN, He was the alleged MASTERMIND—OF—SECTARIAN—ATTACKS that killed more than 100—SHIITE Muslims, and 20040300            .
20060601—20040000    —IN, altering quotations in 1—PROFILE—OF—HIM published by the paper.
20060601—20040000    —IN, Saddam witness accuses PROSECUTOR—OF—BRIBING him: Speaking from behind 1—CURTAIN to hide his identity, 1—DEFENCE—WITNESS, who said he worked at A—USA—BASE, accused CHIEF—PROSECUTOR—JAAFAR—AL—MOUSSAWI—OF—OFFERING him money to give false testimony.
20060601—20060527    —DELIVERED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, 1—SPEECH at the graduation CEREMONIES—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—ACADEMY—AT—WEST—POINT, THE—PRESIDENT used the occasion to review the actions he and his subordinates have taken —DURING the past 5—YEARS and to vow that "we will not rest —UNTIL THE—PROMISE—OF—LIBERTY—REACHES—EVERY—PEOPLE and EVERY—NATION".
20060601—20060603    —ON, A 2. suspect, DESMOND—TURNER, 28—JAHRE—ALT, turned himself in.
20060601—20060911    —IN—THE, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT acquitted the only person CONVICTED—OF—INVOLVEMENT—ATTACKS in 1—TRIAL—LAST—YEAR—OF suspected AL—QAEDA members.
20060718             —REPORTED, THE—UN, that nearly 6,000 civilians were slain across IRAQ in May and 20060601             —SPIKE that coincided with rising sectarian attacks.
20060826—20060601    —IN—THE, THE—LONG—AGO heat wave "shows without 1—DOUBT that if you pump 1—BUNCH—OF—GREENHOUSE—GASES into the atmosphere, the planet warms," MATTHEW—HUBER, 1—EARTH—SCIENTIST at Purdue UNIVERSITY—IN—WEST—LAFAYETTE, INDIANA, wrote edition of the journal Nature.
20060827—20070601    —ON, It became effective.
20061114             peacepalestine: 20050601—20050630              20070207              20050630 20050000               Video: BUSH—WAR: IRAQ In THE—NAME—OF—FREEDOM... touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by ITALY—DICTATOR...
20061114             peacepalestine: 20050601—20050630
20070212             alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html HONGPONG_com: AFGHANISTAN Archives
20070215—20070601    —AM, Die Sitzung am —MITTWOCH endete ergebnislos, das Gericht will weiter verhandeln.
20070308             1—HOUR, 1—DAY, 1—WEEK, 1—MONTH, Forever
20070308             Wot Is It Good 4: 20060501    —DATE - 20060601    —DATE Khashoggi, along with his PARTNER—RAMY—AL—BATRAWI, allegedly ripped $130—MILLION from investors through GENESIS—INTERMEDIA.
20070308060157       —AM.
20070600             alfatomega.com/20070623.html —LAWNORDER: 20050601—20050701
20070600             alfatomega.com/20070623.html —LAWNORDER: 20050601—20050701              20070614—20070623    —ON, authorities charged CHRISTOPHER—VAUGHN, 32—JAHRE—ALT with 2—MURDER—COUNTS per victim, saying he gunned down his family in their sport utility vehicle.
20070601             The refugees said their TOWN—OF—DAFAK, in SOUTH—DARFUR, was attacked repeatedly by janjaweed militia 20070512—20070518    —FROM—TO and that their homes had been bombarded by airstrikes.
20070601             THE—BUZZFLASH 7. Anniversary Fund Drive Began 20070519            .
20070601             We're at $26,234—OF $25,000 goal for 20070531            .
20070601             —WARNED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, consumers to avoid using toothpaste made in CHINA because it may contain 1—POISONOUS—CHEMICAL used in antifreeze.
20070601             —BARRED, CALIFORNIA, 1—FEDERAL—COURT—JUDGE, the state from seizing abandoned assets —UNTIL officials find 1—BETTER—WAY to notify people that their property is about to be taken.
20070601             —DUBBED, MICHIGAN, JACK—KEVORKIAN, the retired pathologist, "DOCTOR—DEATH" for claims that he participated in at least 130 assisted suicides, left prison —AFTER—8—YEARS still believing people have the right to die.
20070601             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—NATO—SOLDIER was, in 1—BOMB—BLAST—WHILE 2—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN and 1—POLICEMAN † in attacks elsewhere linked to 1—DEEPENING—TALIBAN insurgency.
20070601             He appealed to AUSTRIA—AUTHORITIES not to extradite him to his homeland to face kidnapping charges.
20070601             In 1—KEY—LEGAL—STEP toward assigning blame for BRAZIL—DEADLIEST plane crash, 2—USA—PILOTS and 4—BRAZIL—AIR—TRAFFIC controllers were indicted on charges equivalent to involuntary manslaughter for 20060929             —THE, MID—AIR—COLLISION that killed 154—PEOPLE.
20070601             BRAZIL, federal authorities said 1—INDIA—TRIBE that has had very limited contact with the outside world, has been located in 1—REMOTE—AMAZON region.
20070601             —CONSISTED—OF, THE—METYKTIRE, 1—SUBGROUP of the Kayapo tribe, some 87—MEMBERS.
20070601             † Marly de Oliveira (69), THE—BRAZIL—POET who wrote THE—AWARD—WINNING—VOLUME "O Mar de Permeio" (THE—SEA—BETWEEN—USA), in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20070601             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said HUNDREDS—OF—WOMEN and children fled by foot and on donkeys from Darfur to the neighboring CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—AFTER their town was attacked by planes and helicopters.
20070601             CHINA, 1—NEW—BANKRUPTCY—LAW took effect making it easier to restructure insolvent firms.
20070601             —ON CHILDREN—DAY in CHINA THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE rallied in XIAMEN to protest plans for 1—TAIWANESE—OWNED chemical factory to make paraxylene, used in polyester.
20070601             —MARCHED, Thousands, again the next —DAY
20070601             —BECAME, VIETNAM, CUBA—LATEST—PARTNER in oil exploration and drilling in the Gulf of MEXICO under 1—OF—SEVERAL agreements signed —DURING 1—VISIT by VIETNAM—COMMUNIST—PARTY—CHIEF—NONG—DUC—MANH.
20070601             1—FRANCE—NAVAL frigate conducting 1—SURVEILLANCE—MISSION off MALTA discovered the bodies of 18—PEOPLE floating in the Mediterranean.
20070601             —NOTICED, Crew members on "La Motte Picquet", no boat nearby as the bodies, possibly of illegal immigrants hoping to reach EUROPE, were pulled OUT—OF—THE—WATER.
20070601             —ISSUED, Police in NORTH—INDIA, SHOOT—ON—SIGHT—ORDERS as 8—MORE—PEOPLE were killed in ethnic clashes that have left 28—DEAD so far.
20070601             —SUSPECTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir, Islamic militants attacked 1—PARAMILITARY—CAMP, 1—POLICE—POST and 1—ARMY—VEHICLE in 1—UPSURGE in violence, killing 3—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and wounding another 22.
20070601             IRAQ, 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED suicide bomber blew himself up in 1—HOUSE sheltering MEMBERS—OF—THE—RIVAL 19200000              Revolution Brigades, killing 2—OF—THE—OTHER—MILITANTS and wounding 4 in Baqouba.
20070601             —KILLED, USA—TROOPS, 3—CHILDREN—NEAR—FALLUJAH —WHEN 1—USA—TANK opened fire on suspected insurgents believed to be planting roadside bombs.
20070601             —KILLED, A—USA—SOLDIER on 1—FOOT—PATROL was, —AFTER approaching 2—SUSPICIOUS—MEN outside 1—MOSQUE, 1—OF—WHOM blew himself up.
20070601             —SAVED, USA—STAFF—SERGEANT—TRAVIS—ATKINS, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 3—SOLDIERS—WHEN he used his body to subdue 1—INSURGENT attempting to detonate 1—BOMB strapped to his body.
20070601             ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 2 13—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINIANS near THE—GAZA—ISRAEL border fence, saying they were crawling toward the barrier in a "suspicious manner".
20070601             The boys had told their families they were going to the beach.
20070601             —MOVED, DOZENS—OF—LEBANON—ARMY—TANKS and armored carriers, toward 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP in NORTH—LEBANON in pursuit of Islamic militants holed up inside.
20070601             —APPEALED, The government of MAURITANIA, to INTERNATIONAL donors to help it reverse 1—FOOD—SHORTAGE affecting more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20070601             —FIRED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS, on 1—FAMILY traveling to 1—FUNERAL—WHEN they failed to stop —AFTER being ordered to do so at the checkpoint near the village of La Joya.
20070601             19—MEXICO—SOLDIERS were sent to 1—MILITARY—PRISON 20070604              for the shooting that killed 2—WOMEN and 3—CHILDREN.
20070601             1—JUDGE gave 12 enlisted soldiers 16-year sentences.
20070601             —REPORTED, NIGERIA—NATIONAL dailies, that nearly 2,000 students sitting university entrance exams in have been caught using mobile phones to cheat.
20070601             —DISGUISED, Gunmen, as riot police abducted 4—FOREIGN—WORKERS from the residential COMPOUND—OF—OIL—SERVICES—GIANT—SCHLUMBERGER in NIGERIA—OIL—CITY—PORT—HARCOURT.
20070601             THE—4—HOSTAGES were citizens of BRITAIN, FRANCE, THE—NETHERLANDS and PAKISTAN.
20070601             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, 3—SENIOR expatriate management staff and 4—FAMILY—MEMBERS from the residential compound of chemical company Indorama.
20070601             —WARNED, THE—NORWAY—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUP—BELLONA, that 1—NUCLEAR—WASTE dump in THE—RUSSIA ARCTIC may be in danger of exploding BECAUSE—OF—CORROSION caused by salt water in enormous storage tanks.
20070601             —KIDNAPPED, ALAN—JOHNSTON, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—REPORTER, in THE—GAZA Strip nearly 3—MONTHS, ago appeared in 1—VIDEOTAPE —POSTED on 1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT—WEB—SITE, saying his captors had treated him well, denouncing ISRAEL, and criticizing British and USA Mideast policy.
20070601             —THREATENED, THE—SWORDS—OF—TRUTH, 1—ISLAMIC—GROUP, to behead female TV broadcasters if they don't wear strict Islamic dress, frightening reporters and signaling 1—FURTHER—SHIFT toward extremism in THE—GAZA Strip.
20070601             —BOMBARDED, At least 1—USA—WARSHIP, 1—REMOTE, mountainous village in SOMALIA where Islamic militants had set up 1—BASE.
20070601             1—TARGET was said to be Fazul ABDULLAH—MUHAMMAD, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CITIZEN—OF—THE—COMORO Islands.
20070601             The next —DAY Puntland VICE—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—DAHIR—MOHAMOUD told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS that his government's troops killed 8—FOREIGN—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS and 5—OF—THEM came from BRITAIN, ERITREA, SWEDEN, THE—USA and YEMEN.
20070601             —LAUNCHED, CNBC AFRICA was, from new headquarters in SOUTH—AFRICA.
20070601             DUBAI investors put in some $22.5—MILLION for the 24-hour African business channel broadcasting to 14—AFRICAN countries.
20070601             —OBJECTED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION, to 1—PROPOSAL for a 23,000-strong AU—UNITED—NATIONS force to help end the bloodshed in SUDAN's troubled Darfur region because it would give THE—UNITED—NATIONS command and control.
20070601             —KILLED, SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY, soldiers, 2—KURDISH—MILITANTS overnight in Tunceli, where troops massed along the border threatened 1—INCURSION into IRAQ.
20070601             ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS PAZ é Possível e Obrigatória".
20070601             A Organização das Nações Unidas RECORDA—NOS que seriam somente necessários. quarenta mil milhões de dólares por ano... alfatomega.com/2003 0403_ultimas.html
20070601             Gladio oder die Rache MOROS—GLADIO.
20070601             Over the last few weeks 1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF... GEORGE—K—YOUNG, the eminence grise of the plotters in this country, has passed away.
20070601             HUBBELL WEBSTER LEE 126. - Human Services; Hyde, Henry.
20070601             HYDE HENRY B 11 ... v
20070601             M., John; Mafia, Yale; Manhattan Project; Mark, Millionen;
20070601             Martin... - alfatomega.com/_A_O_inzoome_/2003 0604_MYSUPERTIMELINESTART.htm
20070601             Konferenzbeschluss: Innenminis ter fordern Verbot von Gewaltspielen
20070601             Klimaschutz: Verfassungsgericht billigt Emissionshandel
20070601             G- 8-Pressefreiheit: Aufstand der Ausgesperrten
20070601             DANIEL—COHN—BENDIT über die G- 8-Demos: "Protest ist Lebensgefühl"
20070601             Geldsäcke per Flugzeug: Bank lieferte tonnenweise Dollar nach LIBYEN
20070601             Man müsse also nicht erklären, wie unsere frühen Vorfahren vom 4—ZUM zweibeinigen Gang gelangt SEIEN—MÖGLICHERWEISE hätten die frühen Hominiden schlicht den aufrechten Gang mit HAND—UNTERSTÜTZUNG im Geäst in einen aufrechten Gang mit gestrecktem Bein am Boden weiterentwickelt.
20070601             Ohne den Umweg über den Gang auf allen Vieren.
20070601             Denn der aufrechte Gang habe seine Vorläufer nicht in der SAVANNE—SONDERN in den Bäumen.
20070601             Er habe sich womöglich vor dem Knöchelgang anderer Primaten entwickelt, bei dem die Hände über den Boden schleifen und zum Abstützen benutzt werden.
20070601             Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf 1—BILD (3—BILDER)
20070601             Zu dieser These kamen Thorpe und Kollegen, indem sie 1—JAHR lang ORANG—UTANS in Sumatra beobachteten.
20070601             Dabei unternahmen sie gewaltige Anstrengungen: Die Primaten wurden nicht nur beobachtet und ihre Haltung tausendfach kategorisiert, die Wissenschaftler erfassten auch die Dicke der Äste, auf denen die Tiere standen.
20070601             Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Tiere vor allem dann auf 2—BEINEN standen, wenn ihr Standort besonders wacklig war: Je dünner der Ast, desto häufiger standen die ORANG—UTANS aufrecht.
20070601             Dabei hielten sie sich meist mit einem Arm an einem weiter oben liegenden Ast fest.
20070601             Auf dicken Ästen dagegen gingen die Tiere auf allen Vieren, berichten die Forscher in der Fachzeitschrift "Science" (Bd.
20070601             316, S. 13280000             ). - - - "Vorläufer des menschlichen Gangs"
20070601             Die Wissenschaftler erklären sich die aufrechte Haltung mit 2—ARGUMENTEN: "Bewegung auf flexiblen Ästen ist sicherer wenn sie von oben und von unten gestützt wird".
20070601             Zudem erlaube ein zweibeiniger Gang, bei dem sich der Affe mit einer Hand festhält, die 2. Hand zu benutzen, um etwa schwer zu erreichende Früchte zu pflücken.
20070601             Der HAND—UNTERSTÜTZTE zweibeinige Gang sei "der wahrscheinlichste Vorläufer des menschlichen Gangs mit gestreckten Gliedmaßen".
20070601             HAMBURG—ZUM G-8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm haben sich —BIS zu 100.000—DEMONSTRANTEN aus der ganzen Welt angesagt.
20070601             Hunderte Organisationen haben zu Kundgebungen aufgerufen, allen voran Attac mit seinen mehr als 90.000—MITGLIEDERN in 50—LÄNDERN.
20070601             Für den 20070602              ist in ROSTOCK die größte Demonstration angesetzt, parallel findet 1—ALTERNATIVGIPFEL statt.
20070601             Islamisten im LIBANON: Flüchtlingscamp unter DAUERBESCHUSS—VIELE—VERLETZTE
20070601             Drogenreiche Luft in Rom: 1—NASE—KOKS pro Kubikkilometer
20070601             Machtkampf mit Erdogan: TÜRKEI—ARMEE zum Einmarsch in den Nordirak bereit
20070601             Erbe der 68ER—GENERATION: Junge Manager vermissen Disziplin und Respekt bei Untergebenen
20070601             Studie: Roms Luft ist voller Kokain und Haschisch
20070601             Bannmeile um Heiligendamm: Demonstranten empört über Gerichtsurteil
20070601             6—TAGE—KRIEG: "Es war ein aufregendes Gefühl"
20070601             NETZWELT—TICKER: Terroristenjagd mit CYBORG—INSEKTEN
20070601             SPD im Tief: DEUTSCHLAND—SCHWENKEN zu SCHWARZ—GELB
20070601             Überlebensvorteil Eigensinn: Auch Tiere haben ihren eigenen Kopf - Börse: Dax nimmt Kurs auf 8000—PUNKTE
20070601             Klimavorstoß: EU—UMWELTCHEF lässt Bush abblitzen
20070601             G- 8-Gipfel: "Taz"- Redakteur darf doch nach Heiligendamm
20070601             Sicherheitsrat: RUSSLAND lehnt auch neue KOSOVO—RESOLUTION ab - Klimaschutz: Otto gegen Bush
20070601             Fangverbot bestätigt: Tierschützer triumphieren auf Walkonferenz
20070601             Heiligendamm: G- 8-Kritiker wollen DEMO—VERBOT in KARLSRUHE kippen
20070601             Globale Erwärmung: Klimasündern droht Prozesswelle
20070601             —APPLAUDIERT, PR—COUP: AMERIKA, dem grünen Bush
20070601             —BEREITET, Jagd auf Islamisten: Libanons Armee, Sturmangriff auf Flüchtlingscamp vor
20070601             SIEMENS—AFFÄRE: Von Pierer droht Ermittlungsverfahren
20070601             Primaten: Aufrechter Gang entstand —SCHON auf Bäumen - G- 8-Runde bei Illner: Geißler!
20070601             Attac! Attacke!
20070601             —TORTURED, MARCOS—CHRONOLOGY—REPORT—THEY, him —UNTIL he signed 1—CONFESSION stating Marcos was not involved...
20070601             Innerhalb der letzten 3.500—JAHREN gab es insgesamt nur 230—JAHRE ohne Krieg in der zivilisierten Welt.
20070601             SIERRA—LEONE—GUNRUNNERS. Gallery of.
20070601             THE—DECLINE—OF—NEWS - E. coli conservatism (19): the ne plus ultra
20070601             15—HRS AGO—RICK PERLSTEIN—BLOG - Offered without comment.
20070601             What is there possibly to say?
20070601             WASHINGTON - - THE—BUSH +adminis tration%26quot%3B">Bush adminis tration said —TUESDAY it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease.
20070601             Th. NewsMine_ORG—BUSH saddam hussein.txt
20070601             According to Sarkis Soghanalian, 1—ARMENIAN—BORN arms dealer who introduced Bull to THE—IRAQ—DEFENSE—MINIS try officials, SOME—OF—BULL—WORK on the...
20070601             AlterNet: DrugReporter: Who Really Supports Cocaine Traffickers?
20070601             1—LEBANON—ARMS—DEALER, Sarkis Soghanalian, known as 'THE—MERCHANT—OF—DEATH', gets the rifles from JORDAN + puts them on 1—UKRAINE—PLANE that parachutes...
20070601             Cannonfire - 1—OF—THESE AGENCY—LINKED arms merchandisers was Sarkis Soghanalian (who had befriended TRENTO, which is how TRENTO came to know about this stuff).
20070601             Medios para LA—PAZ—RAINING—GUNS at Dawn
20070601             The 2. principal actor on the stage was Sarkis Soghanalian Kopelian, 1—ARMS—DEALER who 1—USA—ATTORNEY once baptized with 1—TITLE—WORTHY—OF—1—TV...
20070601             Medios para LA—PAZ—TEMPESTAD de fusiles antes del amanecer
20070601             El segundo protagonista en escena es Sarkis Soghanalian Kupelian, un negociante de armas a quien una fiscal estadounidense bautizó con título de culebrón de...
20070601             PHILIPPINES/Marcos, Attempted Coup (NBC) from the Vanderbilt...
20070601             —NOTED, TIMING—OF—MARCOS ' travel plans + coup attempt in MANILA ;
20070601             Soghanalian faces in...l BLACK—MARKET arms dealer s still thriving -
20070601             —NAMED, Accor ding to Bondi, 1—BROKER, Sarkis Soghanalian helped THE—USA—NAB. dollar counterfeiters in LEBANON.
20070601             —SUSPECTED, So —WHEN he was, in the. BCCI—APPENDICES
20070601             —CONVICTED, BCCI—RELATIONSHIPS with, IRAQ—ARMS—DEALER—SARKIS Soghanalian, SYRIA—DRUG—TRAFFICKER, terrorist + arms trafficker Monzer AL—KASSAR...
20070601             —PROFITED, For THE—RECORD—SUMMARY—POSTS—SARKIS—SOGHANALIAN, who, from providing arms for THE—SECRET—AID—PROGRAM, put it bluntly: 'As in IRAQ, THE—USA—DID not want to get its hands dirty.
20070601             Reagan and THE—STS The world's leading gun runner Sarkis Soghanalian helped Reagan sell arms to PANAMA—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070601             THE—USA—BECAME global arms merchant... history.sandiego.edu/gen/20./car/reagan 81.html
20070601             Chapter 9 - Direct EVIDENCE—OF—USA—GOVERNMENT—PROTECTION—OF—AL—QAEDA is the document 199I WF213589 leaked to THE—BBC by FBI agents.
20070601             —SIGNED, Bush, this national security.
20070601             Questions_911 - Selon un rapport publié sur le site du Sénat français (format pdf )... secret du FBI numéroté 199I WF213589 ) relatent encore que, avant les attentats...
20070601             Marihemp: Politics: Thread #69143
20070601             of AL—QAEDA is the document 199I WF213589 leaked to THE—BBC by FBI agents.
20070601             I tried to download THE—PDF—OF—THE—BOOK,twice,but both times,the 160+...
20070601             —SIGNED, THE—RESISTANCE—MANIFESTO—BUSH, Presidential Decision Directive 199i wf213589 prohibiting THE—FBI... (Download PDF—OF—RICHARD—CLARK—MEMO) Warnings from Foreign Governments...
20070601             Indymedia UK—HARD—EVIDENCE THAT SPLIT BETWEEN OSAMA—BIN—LADEN AND CIA... numbered 199I WF213589 + emanating OUT—OF—THE—FBI—WASHINGTON field office...
20070601             Download this article in pdf format; Email this article to someone;...
20070601             Evil rumsfeld lies to AMERICA to murder true PATRIOTS—ALT.fan... - Discussions.
20070601             + nouveau message. À propos de ce groupe. Abonnement à ce groupe.
20070601             Ceci est un groupe USENET—EN savoir plus... - Order OUT—OF—CHAOS... available at
20070601             —RELEASED, FBI document, 199I WF213589 , from THE—WASHINGTON field office...
20070601             Welcome to Sify Personal Homepages Sonia Congress is pushing its partners NCP, CPI (M) + PDF in power sharing... numbered 199i wf213589 and emanating OUT—OF—THE—FBI—WASHINGTON field...
20070601             Re: THE—SON—OF—MAN—DEMANDS Mr. bush's immediate arrest or... Halliburton Taking $600—MILLION in Oil For Food Money
20070601             Schulterschluss: Arbeitsagentur macht Leiharbeit salonfähig
20070601             Feldzug gegen Rente mit 67: DGB—CHEF—SOMMER warnt vor Altersarmut
20070601             Erderwärmung: NATO—CHEF—VERHARMLOST—KLIMAWANDEL
20070601             Sicherheitspanne: Pläne für neue USA—BOTSCHAFT in Bagdad versehentlich im INTERNET
20070601             Streit über Raketenschild: Bush wehrt sich gegen Putin
20070601             Klimapläne: Merkel hält sich mit Beifall für USA—VORSTOß zurück
20070601             —VERBANNT, Heiligendamm: Gericht, G- 8-Demonstranten
20070601             6—TAGE—KRIEG: "ISRAEL handelte gegen seine eigenen Interessen"
20070601             USA—SCHOOL students don't count in INTERNATIONAL class:
20070601             School students in THE—USA think they are —JUST great at mathematics: but
20070601             —BY the age of 14—THEY are 2—YEARS behind the level in other industrialised countries and overall come 24. in 1—CLASS—OF—29.
20070601             Stranger than fiction; ;
20070601             USA on Mad Cow: Don't Test All Cattle : THE—BUSH adminis tration said —TUESDAY it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease.
20070601             Global warming is not —JUST 1—THEORY to us:
20070601             Inuit, the people who live farther north than anyone else, are the canary in the global coal mine
20070601             Interrogation Methods Are Criticized : As the Bush adminis tration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, 1—GROUP—OF—EXPERTS advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used —SINCE 20010000             —THE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS are outmoded, amateurish + unreliable.
20070601             Cheney criticizes THE—GENEVA Conventions in Military Academy commencement address: VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY criticized THE—NOTION—OF—APPLYING THE—GENEVA Conventions to individuals captured in THE—COURSE—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM in 1—SATURDAY commencement address at THE—USA—MILITARY—ACADEMY—IN—WEST—POINT, NEW—YORK.
20070601             Conyers endorses national effort to impeach Bush, Cheney : USA REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS, D—MICHIGAN, said —TUESDAY he supports 1—NATIONAL—EFFORT calling for THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH + VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, but stopped SHORT—OF—PLEDGING to take action to back it.
20070601             Why Democratic Political Consultants Love THE—IRAQ War : We read in THE—BOSTON Globe how JOHN—KERRY, preparing to campaign to be COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, voted 20020000              for THE—IRAQ war —AFTER his political consultants informed THE—WOULD—BE—LEADER—OF—THE—FREE—WORLD that he would not be "politically viable" unless he voted yes.
20070601             Savage Christians : Evangelist HIT—MAN—JERRY—FALWELL—CAREER as 1—RACIST—PROPAGANDIST was excised from the record, —FOLLOWING his death last —WEEK.
20070601             —CALLED, The man who, the Civil Rights Act a "civil wrong" and preached that African Americans were the cursed DESCENDANTS—OF—HAM, is resurrected as 1—BENIGN theologian.
20070601             STEPHEN—LENDMAN: Terrorism Defined :
20070601             Probably no word better defines or underscores the Bush presidency than "terrorism" even though his adminis tration wasn't the 1. to exploit this highly charged term.
20070601             We use to explain what "they do to us" to justify what we "do to them,"
20070601             NIGERIA files criminal charges against Pfizer over clinical trial : Officials in NIGERIA have brought criminal charges against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer INCORPORATED for the company's alleged role in THE—DEATHS—OF—CHILDREN who received 1—UNAPPROVED drug —DURING 1—MENINGITIS epidemic.
20070601             Stories from Inside: Prisoner Rape and THE—WAR—ON—DRUGS:
20070601             —ACCEPTED, It is widely, that THE—USA "WAR—ON—DRUGS" has been both costly and ineffective.
20070601             Less known is the devastating link between current USA—DRUG—POLICIES, prison overcrowding, and rape behind bars.
20070601             IN—REPORT—SAYS TSA Violated Privacy Law: THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—STALLED program to screen domestic air passengers against terrorism watch lists, violated federal law —DURING 1—CRUCIAL—TEST—PHASE, accor ding to 1—REPORT to be issued —TODAY by the Homeland Security DEPARTMENT—PRIVACY—OFFICE.
20070601             That was the worst 3—MONTH showing in over 4—YEARS.
20070601             Activists Confront Giuliani Over 20010911             :
20070601             Video: 1—ACTIVIST asks THE—FORMER—NEW—YORK—CITY mayor, "How do you sleep at night?"
20070601             "We WILL—RETOOL...and Come at it from 1—DIFFERENT—DIRECTION"- Audio;
20070601             Audio and transcript - Democratic Spin Won't End the War in IRAQ
20070601             It is vitally important, however, that 1—GENUINELY independent ANTI—WAR—MOVEMENT organize itself with the ability to speak on its own behalf.
20070601             Dreaming of 1—TRUE—MEMORIAL —DAY
20070601             Our young men and women are dying in 1—FAR—OFF land;
20070601             —SPIED, THOSE—OF—USA who dissent are, upon by 1—ADMINIS tration that violates the Constitution.
20070601             —WRECKED, Our economy has been, by massive theft occurring in THE—GUISE—OF—WAR and disaster profiteering.
20070601             Our tax money has been used to fly people to places —AROUND the world so they can be TORTURED—WHETHER they're GUILTY—OF—ANYTHING or not.
20070601             Ideas Cannot be Killed
20070601             I am not the 1. person whose death GEORGE—BUSH has anticipated, nor will I be the last.
20070601             UK lecturers refuse to spy on students: UK university lectures —TODAY vehemently rejected 1—GOVERNMENT—PLAN to require academic staff to spy on Mus lim student, describing it as a "WITCH—HUNT".
20070601             ISRAEL to ready public for 'ALL—OUT war' : With IRAN racing toward nuclear power and IDF preparations for the possibility of 1—CONFLICT with Syria and Hizbullah in high gear, the Home Front Command plans to launch 1—PUBLICITY—CAMPAIGN to prepare the public for war.
20070601             USA ranks low, on new peace index : THE—USA is among the least peaceful nations in the world, ranking 96. between YEMEN and IRAN, accor ding to 1—NEW—INDEX released on —WEDNESDAY that evaluates 121—NATIONS based on their peacefulness.
20070601             Nuclear watchdog's attack warning : THE—HEAD—OF—THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG has given 1—OF—HIS sternest warnings against using military action to halt IRAN—URANIUM enrichment programme.
20070601             USA "imperialism" means new arms race:
20070601             Words from THE—FRONT—LINES : "I'd like to punch him [Rumsfeld ] in the gut. He treats us like we're not human. He acts like he's not destroying families".
20070601             — NCO, 4—24—INFANTRY Battalion, 172. Stryker Brigade, BAGHDAD, IRAQ.
20070601             TURKEY—MILITARY—READY to cross into IRAQ, general says : TURKEY—TOP—GENERAL said —THURSDAY his ARMY—WHICH has been massing troops on the border with IRAQ—WAS prepared to attack separatist Kurdish guerrillas in 1—CROSS—BORDER—OFFENSIVE and accused TURKEY—ALLIES—OF—SUPPORTING the rebels.
20070601             TURKEY moves forces to IRAQ border : THE—TURKEY—ARMY has deployed additional tanks and troops to the border area this —WEEK for "—SPRING manoeuvres".
20070601             —LIMITED, But the military moves, although apparently, so far, have been accompanied by 1—RISING—CRESCENDO—OF—PUBLIC and political demands for action to curb PKK attacks.
20070601             Marine feels killing 'right thing': 1—OFFICER who saw THE—CORPSES—OF—IRAQ—WOMEN and children sprawled across 1—BED in 1—HOME said in recorded testimony that he believed that "my Marines were doing the right thing" —WHEN they killed them.
20070601             USA—EYES—CEASE—FIRES—END—VIOLENCE in IRAQ : USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS are talking with IRAQ—MILITANTS about CEASE—FIRES and other arrangements to try to stop the violence, THE—NUMBER 2—USA—COMMANDER said —THURSDAY.
20070601             IRAQ surge deadline may be too EARLY—USA—COMMANDER : 1—SEPTEMBER deadline for 1—OFFICIAL—MILITARY—ASSESSMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TROOP buildup in IRAQ could come too early to be 1—TRUE—MEASURE—OF—THE—STRATEGY, THE—NUMBER 2—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ said on —THURSDAY.
20070601             KOREA 'may have lessons for USA':
20070601             rather than 1—FRONTLINE combat role, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said.
20070601             —ARRESTED, IRAQ—POLICE—COMMANDER, : JAZZA'1—IS—ACCUSED—OF—CORRUPTION and ordering killing, the statement said.
20070601             Adeela HARITH—IRAQ "I have to scrounge —AROUND rubbish bins to feed my children" : Adeela Harith, a 39—YEAR—OLD widow and mother of 3, says she misses the days —WHEN her husband was daily bringing them food and —WHEN they used to sleep in 1—SAFE—HOUSE in comfort.
20070601             —DISPLACED, As 1—RECENTLY—WIDOWED, person, she has no support and is —NOW collecting LEFT—OVERS from rubbish bins to feed her children.
20070601             War Is 1—GOVERNMENT Program
20070601             "Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of 1—ANOTHER to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They mus t be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them".
20070601             If THE—SHOE—FITS... - - Memo From: SPC Freeman, Milo;
20070601             USA—ARMY, IRAQ—TO: Senate Democrats, Republicans + "USA—IDOL" viewers across the nation.
20070601             1. You. Punk. Ass. Pantywaisted.
20070601             Bitches. Continue - Repudiation, Not Impeachment
20070601             ANY—EFFORT to impeach Bush and ANY—OF—HIS adminis tration found to be engaged in activities classifiable as "high crimes and misdemeanors" would fail to rein in the unitary executive CORE—OF—ANY—SUCCESSOR.
20070601             1—ONLY has to listen to THE—RHETORIC—OF—THE—DEMOCRATIC—CANDIDATES for PRESIDENT to understand that this trend is as deeply rooted among them as it is with PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070601             "It's the Way Our System Works" - By GARY—LEUPP
20070601             If there is 1—POSITIVE—ASPECT to this despair, it is this very realization: the system is the problem.
20070601             —FAILED, It has not so much "" us as we have failed to understand what Sheehan and Bacevich are concluding: it isn't designed to work for us but for them.
20070601             THE—WAR—PRAYER—VIDEO
20070601             —BY MARK—TWAIN : 1—MARKOS—PRODUCTION
20070601             O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells;
20070601             help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale FORMS—OF—THEIR patriot dead;
20070601             help us to drown THE—THUNDER—OF—THE—GUNS with THE—SHRIEKS—OF—THEIR wounded, writhing in pain;
20070601             help us to lay waste their humble homes with 1—HURRICANE—OF—FIRE;
20070601             help us to wring THE—HEARTS—OF—THEIR—UNOFFENDING widows with unavailing grief;
20070601             help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended THE—WASTES—OF—THEIR desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst.
20070601             This is 1—MUS t watch video - Report: In Meeting, ?WILD—EYED?
20070601             Bush Thumped Chest —WHILE Repeating ?I—AM—THE—PRESIDENT!?
20070601             Last —DAY. Help Us Reach the Fundraising Goal.
20070601             —CAVED, Yes, Congress, on war funding to the Bush eviks.
20070601             But as this editorial reminds us, 'Time and public opinion are on THE—SIDE—OF—WITHDRAWAL.' 6/1
20070601             "1—UNIQUE—SURVEY—QUESTION posed by the Gallup organization reveals —JUST how far THE—PRESIDENT—AND—CONGRESS -- and most newspaper editorial pages -- appear to stand from THE—WISHES—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC on getting OUT—OF—IRAQ".
20070601             Join the Fight to Stop Gun Deaths 5/31
20070601             THE—BUSH eviks are running a $63—MILLION per —YEAR TV station, but —SINCE NONE—OF—THE—EXECUTIVES and officials speak Arabic, they didn't know the station was broadcasting terrorist messages;
20070601             Their incompetence is costing taxpayer money and helping terrorism
20070601             Marine May Lose Honorable Discharge Status for Participating in IRAQ War Protest
20070601             1—MUS t Read from 1—TENNESSEE Newspaper.
20070601             "1—SOLDIER in IRAQ asks in despair: Why are we here?"
20070601             marks the —DAY THE—USA can start withdrawing its troops ?
20070601             —OVERSTAYED, It is their country and if we've, our welcome, we should leave.
20070601             G- 8-Rechtssprechung: Keine Demonstration in Heiligendamm
20070601             Mit Friedenspanzern gegen G8: Wie MONTY—SCHÄDEL den Protest organisiert
20070601             Regierungsbeauftragter: G- 8-Gipfel kann an Klima scheitern
20070601             USA—VORSTOß: Bush startet Offensive gegen Merkels KLIMA—PLÄNE
20070601             Kritik an Industriestaaten: CHINA und INDIEN pochen auf Gerechtigkeit beim Klimaschutz
20070601             Badespasz Pressespiegel G8 i" 1 - Von MANFRED—ERTEL + HANS—JÜRGEN Schlamp
20070601             PROTEST—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für die G-8-Demonstranten aus dem europäischen Ausland: FAHRRAD—ANARCHISTEN aus DÄNEMARK...
20070601—20020000    —SINCE, Economy Has Worst Growth : The economy nearly stalled in the 1. quarter with growth slowing to 1—PACE—OF—JUST 0.6 %.
20070601—20070512    —FROM, The refugees said their TOWN—OF—DAFAK, in SOUTH—DARFUR, was attacked repeatedly by janjaweed MILITIA to 20070518              and that their homes had been bombarded by airstrikes.
20070601—20070520    —ON, 19—PEOPLE † in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—FIGHTING —SINCE violence broke out.
20070601—20070526    —ON, Rakhat Aliyev, THE—KAZAKHSTAN—AMBASSADOR to AUSTRIA —UNTIL he was dismissed, was arrested for alleged involvement in the suspected kidnapping of 2—SENIOR—MANAGERS—OF—1—BANK he controls.
20070601—20071130    —ON, so said IRAQ—PRIME—MINIS ter Nuri AL—MALIKI.
20070601—20110000    —IN, the commanding officer received a 40-year sentence in 1—COURT martial and another officer received 38—YEARS.
20070601—20190000    —PRESENTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, Atkins' family the Medal of Honor.
20070605             D, The official Complaint, 20070601             , is listed as "under seal".
20070621—19810000    —IN—LATE, Entangling Alliances USA—BUSINESSMAN—SAM—JOSEPH—BAMIEH testified —BEFORE the House Subcommittee on AFRICA (19870601             ) that in 1—CONVERSATION—KING—FAHD "said he...
20070621—19810000    —IN—LATE, Oil Policy and USA—COVERT—ACTION in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—USA—BUSINESSMAN—SAM—JOSEPH—BAMIEH testified —BEFORE the House Subcommittee on AFRICA, 19870601             , that in 1—CONVERSATION—PRINCE—FAHD "said he...
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20070501—20070601              20070627              percentage of Americans who believe " generally, things in the country are seriously off on the wrong track," 1—HIGHER—NUMBER "than at ANY—TIME—SINCE the...
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE Blog Digest: 20070501—20070601
20070726             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DISCUSSION: 20050501—20050601
20070726             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DISCUSSION: 20050501—20050601              20070726             "—WHEN push comes to shove, the Uzbeks are going to stick together + the Arabs are going to stick together," said KENNETH—KATZMAN, 1—TERRORISM—EXPERT.
20070726             SPIRIT—OF—AMERICA: 20050501—20050601.
20070816—20110601    —ON, 1—MILITARY—COURT—IN—POLAND acquitted the soldiers saying there was not enough evidence to support war crime charges.
20070829             "Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20070830             The original printing was of 19840601            .
20070923—20070601    —IM, Ausgerechnet die sozialdemokratische Regierung ließ sich —AUSNAHME vom GRUNDRECHTS—KATALOG der EU garantieren, Begründung: Das Schriftstück gebe Arbeitnehmern zusätzliche Streikrechte.
20071102—20040601    —ON, `(b) Commitment to Racial NEUTRALITY—THE—SECRETARY shall ensure that the activities and operations of the entities created by this subtitle are in compliance with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—COMMITMENT to racial neutrality issued in an DEPARTMENT—WIDE—MEMORANDUM.
20071221             Bundesinnenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE hatte 20070601             —IM—ERHÖHUNG—DER—TERRORGEFAHR unter anderem mit der Festnahme mehrerer Männer aus DEUTSCHLAND in PAKISTAN begründet, darunter die des 29-jährigen Tolga D. Er ist den DEUTSCHLAND—BEHÖRDEN als islamistischer Gefährder mit engen Kontakten in die radikale Szene bekannt.
20080108             The ban takes effect 20080601          .
20080514—20080601    —UNTIL, O Dia said it contacted state security officials —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the incident, but did not report it publicly to protect its journalists.
20080528             ROBBIE—GOWDEY 20080601             ...
20080531—20080601    —FROM, NIGERIA, 1—SENIOR—HEALTH—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL for the federal capital said smokers in public places in THE—CAPITAL—OF—ABUJA will be arrested and prosecuted.
20080601             Only 16—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTERS went to the polls.
20080601             —RIPPED, CALIFORNIA, 1—FIRE, through the back LOT—OF—UNIVERSAL—STUDIOS destroying FILM—SET facades, videos and movie reels.
20080601             † ALTON—KELLEY, 67—JAHRE—ALT, CO—CREATOR of psychedelic rock posters, in PETALUMA—CALIFORNIA.
20080601             —FORMED, ALTON—KELLEY and STANLEY—MOUSE had, Mouse Studios in SF and produced HUNDREDS—OF—CLASSIC—PSYCHEDELIC—ROCK posters.
20080601             —DETONATED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—REMOTE—CONTROLLED bomb, as 1—BUS carrying AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS passed by in KABUL, killing 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 5—PEOPLE.
20080601             —SUSPECTED, In SOUTH—ZABUL province overnight, Taliban militants gunned down 1—DISTRICT—GOVERNOR and his body guard.
20080601             —ATTACKED, Some 150—MILITANTS, 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT, triggering 1—DAYLONG BATTLE—IN—MURGHAB district, near the border with TURKMENISTAN.
20080601             —KILLED, At least 10—MILITANTS were.
20080601             Ashraf Nasery, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—BADGHIS province, said 49—MILITANTS were killed and 35 wounded.
20080601             AUSTRALIA, 1—STAUNCH USA—ALLY and 1—OF—THE 1. countries to commit troops to THE—IRAQ war 5—YEARS ago, ended combat operations there.
20080601             —CLASHED, SOUTH—WEST—BANGLADESH, police, with THOUSANDS—OF—GARMENT—WORKERS —DURING fresh protests over low wages and soaring food prices.
20080601             —VOTED, Bolivians in 2—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED states, overwhelmingly for autonomy measures that aim to shield the country's remote Amazon basin from PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES' leftist reforms.
20080601             —BECAME, CHINA, the latest country to declare WAR—ON—PLASTIC—BAGS in 1—DRIVE to save energy and protect the environment.
20080601             —BURIED, COLOMBIA, 1—MUDSLIDE —FOLLOWING rains, several dozen homes in 1—POOR—DISTRICT—OF—MEDELLIN and at least 23—PEOPLE were killed.
20080601             —REPORTED, GERMANY—RESEARCHERS, that the development of 1—BLOOD—BASED genetic test for predicting lung cancer among smokers with 80% accuracy.
20080601             —EXPLODED, BAGHDAD, 1—CAR—BOMB, near THE—IRAN—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD —DURING—MORNING rush —HOUR, killing at least 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 5. 1—SENIOR—POLICE—OFFICIAL was wounded —WHEN 1—BOMB that was stuck to his car exploded in 1—BUSY—BAGHDAD intersection.
20080601             † 1—TRAFFIC—OFFICER was killed and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE were wounded in the attack.
20080601             10—AL—QAIDA linked insurgents were captured in USA—LED operations in MOSUL and NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080601             —WALKED, KUWAIT, Muslim HARD—LINERS, out of the inaugural MEETING—OF—PARLIAMENT to protest 2—FEMALE—CABINET—MINISTERS who were not wearing head scarves.
20080601             —SUFFOCATED, LIBERIA, at least 8—PEOPLE, at 1 overcrowded stadium —DURING 1—SOCCER match between LIBERIA and GAMBIA.
20080601             —MARRED, MACEDONIA—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTION was, by violence in ALBANIA—AREAS and suspected fraud, with 1—PERSON shot dead and 9 wounded, and voting halted in 1—TOWN—AFTER 1—GUN—BATTLE.
20080601             —SCORED, PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLA—GRUEVSKI, 1—OVERWHELMING—ELECTION—VICTORY but monitors criticized violence that marred the poll and could delay the country's progress towards EU membership.
20080601             The government said it will repeat voting in 22—POLING—STATIONS that were shut down due to shootings or alleged ballot fraud.
20080601             WEST—MEXICO, MARCELO—IBARRA, the mayor of Villa Madero, was forced from his car and shot dead.
20080601             —BELIEVED, Officials, the killing was 1 attempted robbery, although they haven't ruled out other motives.
20080601             —SCATTERED, Gay rights activists held small, protests in MOSCOW, flouting repeated refusals from city authorities for permission to hold parades or demonstrations.
20080601             SLOVAKIA, 1—NEW—MEDIA—LAW was set to go into effect giving anyone mentioned in 1—ARTICLE sweeping rights to 1—EQUALLY prominent rebuttal.
20080601             —RESPONDED, Newspapers, by publishing blank front pages.
20080601             Leading newspapers had done this twice —BEFORE—DURING the Meciar years to protest restrictions on press freedom.
20080601             —REJECTED, Voters in SWITZERLAND, 1—PLAN to give local communities the power to decide which immigrants should be granted SWITZERLAND—CITIZENSHIP.
20080601             Currently, —AFTER living at least 12—YEARS on SWITZERLAND—SOIL, foreigners who wish to acquire SWITZERLAND—CITIZENSHIP face 1—NATURALIZATION—PROCEDURE that includes 1—KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—COUNTRY—TRADITIONS, history and culture.
20080601             —JAILED, ZIMBABWE, police in HARARE, ARTHUR—MUTAMBARA, HEAD—OF—AN—MDC faction, for allegedly making false statements that endangered state security.
20080601             Aliança militar global para cercar a Rússia e a CHINA
20080601             As tropas australianas têm integrado operações e missões militares na ocupação ANGLO—AMERICANA do Iraque em conjunto com tropas japonesas, consideradas como...
20080601             'It is likely there will be rises across THE—BOARD as lenders are sticking together like glue at the moment.'
20080601             'The signs are that the economy's slowing very sharply, but with inflation shifting up THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND cannot cut rates', Saunders said.
20080601             'The economy's being hit by these 2—BIG—SHOCKS: you've got the credit crunch and the housing crash;
20080601             and you've got this shock from oil prices.' - SCHNÜFFEL—OPFER sind sauer
20080601             Tausende demonstrieren bundesweit gegen Überwachung - Die Bienen und der GEN—MAIS
20080601             Bespitzelungsaffäre: Sicherheitsfirma arbeitet auch für SAP
20080601             Gesetzentwurf: Ausweis mit persönlicher Note - JAPAN joins effort to ban cluster bombs
20080601             Fusillade à PARIS : le policier mis en examen
20080601             El Discovery despega con éxito - Negative equity hits 250,000 homes
20080601             World Bank unveils $1.2bn food plan : The "fast track facility" will include $200m in grants to those most at risk from malnutrition or starvation in poor nations, the organisation said on —THURSDAY.
20080601             Bush _should_have_allowed_attack_0529.html">Gingrich quips Bush should have allowed some 'reminder' attacks: "This is... 1—OF—THE—GREAT—TRAGEDIES—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION,"
20080601             AMERICA is turning into 1—MONARCHY: THE—USA—PRESIDENT is not called 1—KING, but he acts like 1.
20080601             He goes to war without 1—DECLARATION by Congress (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11).
20080601             He is 1—EMPEROR in disguise.
20080601             He has the power of 1—DESPOT without the title.
20080601             —REPLACED, Pentagon fires Khadr judge : THE—USA—PENTAGON abruptly, the military JUDGE—IN—THE—OMAR—KHADR case —YESTERDAY—AFTER he chastised the prosecution at 1—RECENT—GUANTANAMO Bay hearing.
20080601             Government Spying On USA Muslims: 1—REPORT that mosques in LOS—ANGELES and S—DIEGO are under federal surveillance has resurrected fears in the Muslim community about government monitoring + led 2—CIVIL—RIGHTS—GROUPS—WEDNESDAY to call for congressional hearings.
20080601             USA—MEN face court over 'TERRORISM—ALIGNED TV ': 2—MEN in THE—USA—HAVE been sent to trial ACCUSED—OF—AGREEING to broadcast the Hezbollah television channel in LEBANON to USA—CUSTOMERS.
20080601             Fed to make fresh BATCH—OF—BANK—LOANS :
20080601             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, —THURSDAY that it will make 1—FRESH—BATCH—OF—SHORT—TERM—CASH—LOANS—AVAILABLE to squeezed banks as PART—OF—1—ONGOING—EFFORT to ease stressed credit markets.
20080601             —ORDERED, Marine was, to delete Haditha photos : 1—MARINE who took PICTURES—OF—IRAQ—MEN, women and children killed by USA—FORCES testified —THURSDAY that he deleted the photos under 1—OFFICER—ORDERS and —LATER lied repeatedly to investigators about what happened to the images.
20080601             Presstitute and war pimp alert::
20080601             IRAN in Secret Talks With al Qaeda, USA—OFFICIALS Say:
20080601             According to USA—OFFICIALS—FAMILIAR with highly sensitive intelligence on this issue, the contacts are on THE—STATUS—OF—HIGH—LEVEL al Qaeda operatives, including 2—OF—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—SONS
20080601             NATO—GENERAL says PAKISTAN—HAVENS can sustain Afghan "insurgency" for years:
20080601             —BLAMED, GENERAL—DAN—MCNEILL also, new peace agreements in PAKISTAN—TRIBAL—AREAS for 1—SPIKE in violence in EAST—AFGHANISTAN, where USA—FORCES operate along the volatile border.
20080601             Musharraf set to fly OUT—OF—PAKISTAN: Report : PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF is on THE—VERGE—OF—QUITTING with 1—SPECIAL—AIRCRAFT being positioned to fly him out and Senate chair Muhammadmian Soomro being asked to cut short his foreign tour and return home, 1—NEWSPAPER—REPORT said on —FRIDAY.
20080601             PAKISTAN: Army CHIEF denies presidential resignation rumours :
20080601             —REJECTED, FORMER—PAKISTAN—ARMY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, GENERAL—MIRZA—ASLAM—BEG, has, media reports that he claimed PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF was in army custody and set to resign.
20080601             Detained PAKISTAN atomic scientist slams Musharraf : The detained ARCHITECT—OF—PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM rebuked PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF on —THURSDAY, saying the country has "gone to the dogs" in the last 10—YEARS.
20080601             —FORCED, ARCHITECT—OF—PAKISTAN—N—PROGRAMME regrets "" confession;
20080601             PAKISTAN—DISGRACED nuclear scientist ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN said
20080601             McClellan: Bush 'Secrectly Declassified' 20020000              NIE On IRAQ To Leak To Reporters
20080601             —DURING his "—TODAY" show appearance this —MORNING with host Meredith Viera, former press SECRETARY—SCOTT—MCCLELLAN confirmed that PRESIDENT—BUSH himself had authorized
20080601             Is Bush Becoming Irrelevant? —BY—PATRICK—J—BUCHANAN—NEOCONSERVATIVE ideology, not USA national interests, McClellan is saying, motivated Bush to launch 1—OF—THE—LONGEST and most divisive wars in USA—HISTORY.
20080601             Can Truth Retain Its INDEPENDENCE? —BY—PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS—IN AMERICA, money, not truth, has the power.
20080601             Kids In AMERICA(n Torture Camps)Why Does the Media Cover Up War Crimes? —BY—TED RALL—TORTURE.
20080601             Such 1—SIMPLE—WORD. Why not use it? Continue
20080601             CANADA—LAW—LEAVES—MUSLIMS—UNDER—HOUSE—ARREST—AL—JAZEERA—VIDEO—REPORT—CANADA'S "security certificate" law allows the Government to detain NON—CITIZENS or put them under house arrest without charge.
20080601             Pain and Conscience - Revolution begins by altering consciousness.
20080601             We stand at the brink of 1—MULTITUDE—OF—POSSIBLE—FUTURES—MANY—OF—THEM tragic.
20080601             The failure to act and rebel —WHEN the conditions demand it is 1—BETRAYAL not ONLY—OF—OUR own humanity;
20080601             it is 1—CRIME—OF—GREAT—MAGNITUDE.
20080601             Continue - THE—GREAT—OIL—SWINDLE
20080601             - How much did the Fed really know? —BY—MIKE—WHITNEY
20080601             —FABRICATED, The great oil crunch is another, crisis; another "smoke and mirrors" fiasco;
20080601             another ENRON—TYPE—SHELL—GAME engineered by banksters and hedge fund managers.
20080601             Once again, the bloody footprints can be traced right back to the front DOOR—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE.
20080601             1—OPEN—LETTER to Defense MINISTER, Ehud BARAK—HERE—THE—TRUTH—YOU'VE Been Running From
20080601             Honorable GENERAL—EHUD—BARAK, you don't know me personally.
20080601             I am 1—SEEKER—OF—PEACE, and I struggle with all my strength and ability for the realization of 1—JUST peace that will bring calm and prosperity to Palestinians and Israelis together.
20080601             I have suffered personally from your criminal occupation and I have paid 1—HEAVY—PRICE.
20080601             Also: vorwärts zu neuen Exzessen.
20080601             Die Fed und der STAAT werden´s —SCHON richten.
20080601             Gegen dieses Narrenschiff war ja der "real existierende Sozialismus" in der DDR fast eine grundsolide Veranstaltung.
20080601             M.E. - Die "Festung", als letzter Schuldner, ist der USA—STAAT.
20080601             Seine Anteilsscheine in FORM—VON—DOLLARNOTEN und seine Schuldscheine in FORM—VON—STAATSANLEHEN verlieren täglich an Wert.
20080601             —GESCHLIFFEN, Die Festung wird, durch 1—FLUT überrannt.
20080601             Neues Geld via Druckerpresse auszugeben, verstärkt sie zum Tsunami, einer Hyperinflation.
20080601             Wie war das mit dem Zauberlehrling???
20080601             Grüße, FESTAN - Aber die USA—REGIERUNG verfügt über 1—TECHNIK namens Druckerpresse (oder —HEUTE ihr elektronisches Äquivalent), die es ermöglicht, so VIELE—DOLLARS, wie sie wünscht, praktisch ohne Kosten zu produzieren".
20080601             "Jeder der glaubt, dass exponentielles Wachstum in einer endlichen Welt für immer weitergehen kann, ist entweder verrückt oder 1—WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTLER".
20080601             KENNETH—BOULDING
20080601             "We need 1—SERIOUS—COMMITMENT to investing in energy saving schemes".
20080601             The problem in EUROPE is that the upsurge has come faster and harder than in previous cycles.
20080601             "This concerns everyone who drives," MISS—SCHNEBERGER said.
20080601             "And that makes 1—LOT—OF—ANGRY—PEOPLE".
20080601             Indeed, protests broke out across the Continent this —WEEK as irate port workers clashed with the riot police in MARSEILLE + truckers stopped traffic in LONDON to demand government fuel rebates.
20080601             —ON—THURSDAY, the protests spread to truckers in THE—NETHERLANDS and FRANCE—FARMERS blocked the entrance to oil depots.
20080601             Italian + SPAIN—FISHERMEN were planning strikes for —FRIDAY.
20080601             Das ist eigentlich kein ELITEVERSAGEN—DIEJENIGEN, die dort sitzen, hatten ja Erfolg mit ihrem Verhalten.
20080601             Versagt hat hier die Gesellschaft, die diese LEUTE—IHRER Stellung, ihres Geldes und ihrer Wirkungsmöglichkeiten WEGEN—ALS Elite anerkannt hat.
20080601             Solche Eliten sind nicht Eliten, sondern nur schlechte Führungskräfte
20080601             Und so gibt das MILCHBAUERN—MAGAZIN nicht nur Auskünfte über die Fütterung der Kühe, sondern führt zu einer gesellschaftspolitisch fundamentalen Frage:
20080601             Was macht 1—ELITE - überhaupt aus?
20080601             Geldfülle, Machtfülle, Genussfülle?
20080601             Gier und Neid - Virent Energy Systems
20080601             —BASED, INCORPORATED, in MADISON—WISCONSIN, in March unveiled 1—JOINT—VENTURE with Shell Oil Co. that would produce "biogasoline" from plant sugars -
20080601             - creating fuel that could be distributed through existing pipes + stations + used in existing vehicles.
20080601             And there are PLENTY—OF—COMPANIES working toward producing oil from algae.
20080601             The idea isn't new, but interest and research have grown so significantly that websites such as
20080601             —DEVOTED, Oilgae_com are, to the topic.
20080601             USA—PAY ing Allies to Fight War in IRAQ
20080601             THE—TALE—OF—MASSIVE—FRAUD and EMBEZZLEMENT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS by THE—USA—MILITARY in its operations in IRAQ continues.
20080601             THE—ALL—USA—NAZI
20080601             Your family 's fortune is built on the bones of the very people butchered by the Nazis, my family and THE—FAMILIES—OF—THOSE in the Knesset who applauded y ou —TODAY:
20080601             —SEIZED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—GRANDFATHER was 1—DIRECTOR—OF—1—BANK, by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BECAUSE—OF—ITS—TIES to 1—GERMANY—INDUSTRIALIST who helped bankroll ADOLF—HITLER—RISE to power, government documents show.
20080601             Prescott Bush was 1—OF 7—DIRECTORS—OF—UNION Banking Corp. (search), 1—NEW Y ork investment bank owned by 1—BANK controlled by the Thy ssen family, according to —RECENTLY declassified National Archives documents reviewed by THE—AP.
20080601             FRITZ—THY ssen was an early financial SUPPORTER—OF—HITLER, whose Nazi party Thy ssen believed was preferable to communism.
20080601             Both Harrimans and Bush were partners in the New Y ork investment FIRM—OF—BROWN—BROTHERS, Harriman and Co., which handled the financial TRANSACTIONS—OF—THE—BANK as well as other financial dealings with several other companies linked to BANK—VOOR—HANDEL that were confiscated by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT —DURING WWII.
20080601             Oh, but THERE—IS much more too :
20080601             Schöner BUSH—IST—EIN—NAZI Rant, und auch schön mit Quellenangaben belegt alles.
20080601             (Danke, Andreas)
20080601             Die Briten haben —JETZT—SCHON jede andere sinnlose Überwachungsscheiße im Einsatz und sehen sich daher —JETZT genötigt, die Snake Oil Varianten zu installieren, z.B. TELEFON—LÖGENDETEKTOREN gegen "Sozialhilfebetrüger".
20080601             —FUNKTIONIERT, Sie wissen natürlich, dass das nicht, hoffen aber auf den PLACEBO—EFFEKT.
20080601             (Danke, Klaus) - Und so ist es, wie es immer ist: wer am lautesten gegen das "DDR—UNRECHTSREGIME" und "die Stasi" wettert, war, wie Merkel, selber 1—STASI—SPITZELIN.
20080601             Das wird für euch —JETZT sicher genau so überraschend kommen wie für mich: Schäuble möchte die Geheimdienst-"Kontrolle" abschaffen.
20080601             Bundesinnenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE (CDU) bezweifelt, dass die in der Bundesrepublik praktizierte KONTROLLE—DER—GEHEIMDIENSTE sinnvoll ist.
20080601             "Parlamentarische Transparenz ist manchmal der falsche Weg", sagte Schäuble auf einer Tagung der Politischen Akademie Tutzing.
20080601             Wenn andere Geheimdienste nicht mehr mit den DEUTSCHLAND—ZUSAMMENARBEITEN wollten, erweise man "der Freiheit einen Bärendienst".
20080601             Der Freiheit?
20080601             Unsere Geheimdienste arbeiten für die Freiheit?
20080601             Ach SO ist das! Muß ich all die Jahre falsch verstanden haben.
20080601             Aber wartet, wenn euch —JETZT—SCHON die Worte fehlen... kommt noch härter:
20080601             Zunehmende Schwierigkeiten habe er damit, dass 1—TERRORIST den gleichen Schutz des Grundgesetzes genießen solle wie JEDER—BÜRGER.
20080601             Da.
20080601             —GESEHEN, Habt ihr das ? Da fehlen selbst mir die Worte.
20080601             CHILDERN—OF—SATAN As GARMENT—JUNIOR—PARTNER—AT—THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA ?RM—OF—DICKSTEIN Shapiro, Libby had handled... the corrupt BANK—OF—CREDIT and Commerce INTERNATIONAL ( BCCI )... 20080601              ALLE—STAATSGEWALT geht vom Volke AUS—GRUNDGESETZ Art.
20080601             20—CHEF—DER—FIRMA war FRANK—ROCKEFELLER, Bruder von Ölmagnat JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER.
20080601             AAAS Denounces ANTI—EVOLUTION—LAWS As HUNDREDS—OF—K—12—TEACHERS...
20080601             Re: Bush pardons over 100—CRIMINALS !!!
20080601             Re: Libby pardon: power corrupts
20080601             SCHWIMMER, Adolph Conspiracy to commit 1—OFFENSE against THE—USA, conspiracy to export arms and ammunition to...
20080601             Bush vs Clinton on taxes. - Sgt Grit Marine Forums
20080601             —HELPED, Arms dealer who, set up Israeli and USA—IRAN—CONTACTS on arms deal.
20080601             SCHWIMMER ADOLPH (AL) (III5 6 8-9) SCOWCROFT BRENT (II2)...  - BERNICE—LA City Profile.
20080601             BERNICE—LA Facts, News and Neighborhood.
20080601             GREGORY—LEE—SIOUX—FALLS, SOUTH—DAKOTA—CONSPIRACY to distribute cocaine SCHWIMMER, Adolph Conspiracy to commit an offense against THE—USA...
20080601             Scooter LIBBEY—ALL—POLITICS_NET—ALL Politics, All the time
20080601             SCHWIMMER, Adolph Conspiracy to commit 1—OFFENSE against THE—USA, conspiracy to export arms and ammunition to 1—FOREIGN—COUNTRY and related...
20080601             Re: Foreign intelligence agency attack warnings -- 20010911             — BILL—CLINTON... USA Abram Shulsky Employ EE—OF—THE—RAND Corporation Director of...
20080601             TELEKOM—AFFÄRE: Industrie stemmt sich gegen neue Gesetze zum Datenschutz
20080601             IMAGE—STUDIE: DEUTSCHLAND ist innovativster Standort Europas
20080601             SVP—REFERENDUM: SCHWEIZ—STIMMEN gegen schärferes Einbürgerungsrecht
20080601             Hohe Lebensmittelpreise: Klassenkampf mit Hühnerbeinen
20080601             Einsatz in LOS—ANGELES: Universal Studios in Holly wood stehen in Flammen
20080601             "COPENHAGEN Consensus": Wie ein Trupp von STAR—ÖKONOMEN die Welt retten will
20080601             "PHOENIX"-Mission: Sonde könnte Eis auf dem Mars entdeckt haben
20080601             —VERBIETET, Revolutionärer Vorstoß: CHINA, kostenlose Plastiktüten
20080601             —VERÄNDERT, Biologische Umbauarbeiten: Wie die Pubertät den Körper
20080601             "Wir wissen bislang nicht wirklich, ob und wann es einen Maulwurf gegeben hat", sagt VIZECHEF—REDAKTEUR CARSTEN—PRUDENT.
20080601             —DERZEIT sehe man sich an, wer zur fraglichen Zeit vorübergehend in der Redaktion tätig war.
20080601             —BISHER gab es nur einen vagen Hinweis, doch der Mann, der dabei genannt wurde, habe glaubhaft dementiert.
20080601             Auch Bundeswirtschaftsminister MICHAEL—GLOS (CSU) hat umfassende Aufklärung der Spitzelaffäre bei der Telekom gefordert.
20080601             "Die DEUTSCHLAND—TELEKOM muss gemeinsam mit der Staatsanwaltschaft die Bespitzelungsaffäre im Interesse ihrer Arbeitnehmer so gründlich und so umfassend wie möglich aufklären", sagte Glos der "Bild am —SONNTAG".
20080601             Er appellierte an die Wirtschaft: "Darüber hinaus bereiten mir die sich häufenden Berichte über die Bespitzelung von Mitarbeitern in DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN Sorge.
20080601             —GEFÄHRDET, Das, das Vertrauensverhältnis zwischen Management und Arbeitnehmern und darf nicht gängige Praxis werden".
20080601             —AM  - Freigegeben wurde das Geld offenbar von dem damals gemeinsamen Büroleiter der beiden Manager.
20080601             Nach Informationen des SPIEGEL hatten noch im Mai Juristen der Kölner Kanzlei Oppenhoff & PARTNER—DIE—TELEKOM—CHEFS gewarnt, zu früh den Aufsichtsrat, die Staatsanwaltschaft und die Öffentlichkeit über die weitreichenden Bespitzelungsaktionen zu INFORMIEREN—UND damit den Konzern "—DERZEIT unberechtigter negativer Publizität" auszusetzen.
20080601             "Die Kundendaten sind bei der Telekom sicher".
20080601             BERLIN—IM Zusammenhang mit der Bespitzelung von Aufsichtsräten und Journalisten durch die DEUTSCHLAND—TELEKOM hat VORSTAND—CHEF—RENÉ—OBERMANN den Vorwurf der Vertuschung vehement von sich gewiesen.
20080601             "Ich habe von einem 1. FALL—VON—DATENMISSBRAUCH bei der Telekom im —SOMMER des vergangenen Jahres erfahren und danach nichts vertuscht,
20080601             sondern die nötigen personellen und organisatorischen Konsequenzen gezogen", sagte er der "Bild am —SONNTAG".
20080601             Selbst Schule und Studium können das nichtlineare Denken nicht völlig auslöschen.
20080601             Dehaene und seine Kollegen verweisen auf das sogenannte WEBER—FECHNER—GESETZ.
20080601             —SCHON vor über 170—JAHREN hatte der Phy siologe ERNST—HEINRICH—WEBER festgestellt, dass die Stärke von Sinneseindrücken sich logarithmisch zur Intensität des phy sikalischen Reizes verhält.
20080601             —EINPROGRAMMIERT, Der Logarithmus ist uns Menschen offenbar regelrecht.
20080601             "Durch Bildung erlernen wir auch lineares Skalieren".
20080601             "Unsere Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Menschen eine fundamentale Veranlagung dafür haben, Zahlen und Raum zusammenzubringen", sagt HARVARD—FORSCHERIN ELIZABETH Spelke, CO—AUTORIN der Studie, die im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science" (Bd.
20080601             320. - S. 12170000             ) erschienen ist.
20080601             Offenbar sei eine logarithmische ANORDNUNG—VON—ZAHLEN universell.
20080601             Die lineare Skala, die Schüler und Erwachsene aus westlichen Ländern verwendeten, sei vermutlich ERGEBNIS—DER—MATHEMATISCHEN—AUSBILDUNG und habe somit kulturelle Gründe.
20080601             "Offensichtlich können Menschen Zahlen auf 2—VERSCHIEDENE Arten räumlich sortieren", erklärt Dehaene.
20080601             Die logarithmische Methode sei die intuitivere, sie sei ERGEBNIS—DER—PRIMATENEVOLUTION.
20080601             Menschen würden sie immer noch nutzen, solange sie über kein mathematisches Handwerkszeug verfügten.
20080601             Logarithmus brachte Vorteile in der Evolution
20080601             Tief in seinem Innern denkt der Mensch nämlich logarithmisch, wie 1—STUDIE—VON—PSY chologen mit Munduruku —JETZT bestätigt hat, einem indigenen Volk, das im Amazonaswald lebt.
20080601             Die Ureinwohner besitzen nur ein eingeschränktes Vokabular für Zahlen, für 6—UND 8—KENNEN sie beispielsweise keinen Begriff.
20080601             Zudem haben Munduruku keine mathematische Bildung westlicher Prägung, was sie zum idealen Studienobjekt für Untersuchungen macht, in denen es um die Wurzeln mathematischer Denkstrukturen geht.
20080601             Fundamentale Veranlagung?
20080601             279. - In this context, THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—REFERRING to my information note of
20080601             COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE Parliamentary Assembly
20080601             —FACILITATED, MISTER—ZAMMAR—ARREST in MOROCCO was objectively, by exchanges of... relating to NORWAY—CUSTOMERS in connection with his car sales activity.
20080601             device" was nothing other than 1—BATTERY charger on sale in several... MISTER—ZAMMAR—ARREST in MOROCCO was objectively facilitated by exchanges of...
20080601             Alleged secret detentions and unlawful INTER—STATE—TRANSFERS...
20080601             MISTER—ZAMMAR, 1—GERMAN—OF—SY rian origin, was SUSPECTED—OF—HAVING been involved... relating to NORWAY—CUSTOMERS in connection with his car sales activity.
20080601             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 10—VON ungefähr 54—FÜR +RUSSLAND +rnc +geheimdienst.
20080601             ( 0,37 Sekunden)
20080601             heise ONLINE—E—MAIL—KORRESPONDENZ im Weißen Haus verschwunden Heimisch gefertigte PCs für RUSSLAND - 100—MBIT/s mit sichtbarem Licht übertragen...
20080601             Bundesabhörzentrale soll USA—GEHEIMDIENST NSA nachgebildet werden...
20080601             Das "Saufverbot" ist eine der 1. Amtshandlungen des neuen Londoner Bürgermeisters, BORIS—JOHNSON.
20080601             Der konservative Politiker will damit "asoziales Verhalten" unterbinden und für mehr Sicherheit sorgen.
20080601             Ab —SONNTAG sollen ALLE—PASSAGIERE, die in den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln trinken oder geöffnete Alkoholgefäße bei sich tragen, zum Verlassen der Züge gezwungen werden.
20080601             Die Bahnarbeitergewerkschaft warnte, dies setze die U—BAHN—MITARBEITER einer noch größeren Gefahr aus.
20080601             "Gewalt gegen U—BAHN—MITARBEITER ist ohnehin —SCHON 1—PROBLEM, vor allem von Seiten Betrunkener.
20080601             —JETZT sollen unsere Leute auch noch auf sie zugehen und sie sogar aus den Zügen oder den Bahnhöfen werfen", sagte Gewerkschaftssekretär BOB—CROW.
20080601             CHINA: Abfluss für ERDBEBEN—STAUSEE fertiggestellt
20080601             NAVIGATIONS—HACK: Forscher narren W—LAN—POSITIONSBESTIMMUNG
20080601             Nahost: ISRAEL plant Ausbau von Siedlungen in besetztem Gebiet
20080601             Parlamentswahl MAZEDONIEN: Schüsse auf ALBANIEN—PARTEIZENTRALE
20080601             ANGESTELLTEN—ÜBERWACHUNG: Lügendetektor gegen falsche Krankmeldungen
20080601             —BEGONNEN, Nahrungsmittelknappheit: "Die Krise hat —ERST "
20080601             Abchasiens Premier: "Wir wollen kein Zankapfel sein"
20080601             Numerator: Tief in uns schlummert der Logarithmus
20080601             AUSSPÄH—AFFÄRE: Obermann schwört TELEKOM—KUNDEN Datensicherheit
20080601             Regierungsstreit: SPD wirft Union Blockadehaltung bei der Klimapolitik vor
20080601             PROTEST—PARTY gegen Alkoholverbot: SAUF—ORGIE sorgt für Chaos in Londons U—BAHN
20080601             Für die USA—MILITÄRS reichte dies, um auf Kontakte zum INTERNATIONAL agierenden...
20080601—19421000    —SEIZED, Union Banking was, by the government under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
20080601—19650000    —IN, he and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE formed Family Dog and staged the world's 1. psychedelic dance concert at THE—LONGSHOREMAN—HALL in SF.
20080601—20060000    —IN—THE, ISRAEL freed Nasim Nisr (39), 1 convicted Hezbollah spy, and the militant group turned over THE—REMAINS—OF—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS killed war in LEBANON.
20080601—20080106    USA—PAY ing Allies to Fight War in IRAQ-
20080601—20080522    —ON, Testify ing —BEFORE THE—USA—CONGRESS—COMMITTEE—ON—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform, MARY—UGONE, deputy inspector GENERAL—OF—ACCOUNTS in the Pentagon said that 1—AUDIT of $8.2—BILLION spending related to THE—IRAQ war showed that $7.8—BILLION had been improperly spent.
20080607—20080601    —IN—THE, MACEDONIA—STATE—ELECTION—COMMISSION announced it would nullify results from 193—POLLING—STATIONS—AFTER detecting fraud and other irregularities VIOLENCE—MARRED parliamentary election.
20080609             AMERICAN—THAT never was : "This AMERICA is not the same country I grew up in," laments Colleen Thistle ("It's time for AMERICA to stand up and take back our country," Opinion, 20080601             ).
20080708—20070601    —ON, Liang †, —AFTER being held in custody for nearly 5—DAYS and in 3—SEPARATE—PLACES.
20080727             THE—TRIAL—OF—AVIE Howell and Kaniel Martin began 20110601            .
20080922             0 20070601              BARRICK GOLD—DIRTY—SECRETS—COMITÉ pour les Droits Humains en... Ellie GILBERT & Natalie Lowrey THE—CANADIAN—OWNED Barrick Gold Corporation, the world's largest gold producer, is exploring, (...)
20090112—20090601    —CIRCULATED, THE—USA, 1—DRAFT—RESOLUTION calling for 1—UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in SOMALIA to replace 1—SMALL—AFRICAN—UNION—FORCE, but leaving the Security Council to make 1—FINAL—DECISION.
20090506—20090601    Die Übung "Cooperative Longbow 09/Cooperative Lancer 09", stattfinden soll, ermutige den Heißsporn Saakaschwili geradezu, einen erneuten Vorstoß zu unternehmen,
20090530—20090601    —REPORTED, HONG—KONG officials, founding TRACES—OF—COCAINE in Red Bull cans.
20090601             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—THE—USA to publicly reveal unclassified versions of its allegations and evidence justifying the continued imprisonment of more than 100—DETAINEES being held at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20090601             Effective —TODAY border crossings to USA—ENTRY—POINTS from CANADA required passports or other approved identification to be shown.
20090601             Americans entering from THE—USA—BY land or sea from CANADA—MEXICO, BERMUDA and the Caribbean were required to present identity documents embedded with RFID tags, though conventional passports remained valid —UNTIL expiration.
20090601             —OBTAINED, THE—RFID tags could be scanned by anybody with easily, equipment from 30—FEET.
20090601             MUHAMMAD—AHMAD—ABDALLAH—SALIH'S was the 5. apparent suicide at the offshore USA—PRISON, which PRESIDENT—OBAMA hopes to close by January.
20090601             † ARKANSAS, PRIVATE—WILLIAM—LONG, 23—JAHRE—ALT of Conway was shot and killed outside 1—ARMY—NAVY—CAREER—CENTER in 1—WEST—LITTLE—ROCK shopping center.
20090601             The next —DAY Muslim convert Abdulhakim Muhammad (23) of LITTLE—ROCK was charged for the shootings.
20090601             —UNVEILED, S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—NEWSOM, a $6.6—BILLION budget for 20090000—20100000 .
20090601             —URGED, He also, SANTA—CLARA voters to reject a $937—MILLION—STADIUM—PROJECT for THE—SF 49ers.
20090601             —ORDERED, HAWAII—GOVERNOR—LINDA—LINGLE, describing a "fiscal emergency,", 3—DAYS—OF—UNPAID furloughs EACH—MONTH for 14,500 state employees to help erase a $729—MILLION—BUDGET shortfall.
20090601             —VALUED, GENERAL—MOTORS—ASSETS were, at $82.2—BILLION with liabilities at $172—BILLION.
20090601             —PLANNED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, to receive 60.8—PERCENT—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—STOCK, CANADA—GOVERNMENT 11.7%, THE—UAW—TRUST 17.5% and bondholders 10%.
20090601             GENERAL—MOTORS said it will permanently close 9—MORE—PLANTS and idle 3—OTHERS to trim production and labor costs under bankruptcy protection.
20090601             —EXPECTED, GENERAL—MOTORS was, to lose 14—FACTORIES, 29,000 workers and 2,400 dealers.
20090601             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—MILITARY, THE—DEATH—OF—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER the previous —DAY from NON—COMBAT—RELATED injuries in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN by posting the news on Twitter hours —BEFORE announcing it in 1—MORE—FORMAL—PRESS—STATEMENT.
20090601             Officials said THE—USA—MILITARY in AFGHANISTAN is launching 1—FACEBOOK page, 1—YOUTUBE site and feeds on Twitter as PART—OF—1—NEW—COMMUNICATIONS—EFFORT to reach readers who get their information on THE—INTERNET rather than in newspapers.
20090601             —KILLED, MULLAH—MANSUR was, in 1—STRIKE by helicopters in Helmand province.
20090601             4—USA—SOLDIERS were killed by 2—ROADSIDE bombs in Wardak province.
20090601             † CHILE—PLUMBER, FERNANDO—VERA, of swine flu, making him SOUTH—AMERICA—1. SWINE—FLU—DEATH.
20090601             CHINA—SPECIAL—ENVOY to Darfur met with SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BESHIR and pledged 3—MILLION—DOLLARS in humanitarian aid for the volatile region.
20090601             —GREETED, Liu Guijin " THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—THE—BEGINNING—OF—TALKS in DOHA between THE—JEM and the government".
20090601             EL—SALVADOR—MAURICIO—FUNES, 1—JOURNALIST from 1—PARTY—OF—FORMER—MARXIST—GUERRILLAS, became the country's 1. leftist PRESIDENT, —IMMEDIATELY restoring ties with CUBA —WHILE promising to remain friendly with THE—USA.
20090601             1—MISSING—AIR—FRANCE—AIRBUS A330 jet, Flight 447, carrying 228—PEOPLE from RIO—DE—JANEIRO to PARIS ran into lightning and strong thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean.
20090601             BRAZIL soon began 1—SEARCH—MISSION off its northeastern coast.
20090601             —REPORTED, IRAN state media, that 5—PEOPLE are dead in 1—ARSON attack on 1—BANK—IN—ZAHEDAN, 1—RESTIVE southeastern city where 25 † in 1—MOSQUE bombing last —WEEK.
20090601             —STARTED, IRAQ—SELF—RULED—KURDISH region officially, pumping crude oil to THE—INTERNATIONAL—MARKET.
20090601             1—BOMB in 1—BAGHDAD market killed 4—PEOPLE.
20090601             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER exploded his car at 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in Jalula, killing a 7—YEAR—OLD—CHILD and wounding 8—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20090601             1—GRENADE thrown at 1—USA—PATROL in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL missed the Americans but killed 1—IRAQI and wounded 15—OTHERS.
20090601             —DISMISSED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, THE—USA—DEMAND for 1—SETTLEMENT freeze as unreasonable, moving closer to 1—COLLISION with THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, —WHILE mobs of Jewish settlers attacked PALESTINE—LABORERS and burned WEST—BANK—FIELDS.
20090601             —WAGED, ISRAEL—SETTLERS, court battles to evict DOZENS—OF—PALESTINIANS from homes in 1—EAST—JERUSALEM neighborhood, 1—MOVE threatening to widen ISRAEL—RIFT with USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA over settlements.
20090601             —DETAINED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS and federal agents, 29—POLICE—OFFICERS in NORTH—NUEVO LEON state for alleged ties to drug traffickers.
20090601             Retired GENERAL—JAVIER—AGUAYO took over as police CHIEF—OF—CHIHUAHUA, where DRUG—FUELED violence has claimed HUNDREDS—OF—LIVES.
20090601             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS in REYNOSA, SERGIO—GARCIA—TREVINO, 1—DRUG—CARTEL—SUSPECT accused of helping procure the largest illegal weapons cache found in the country.
20090601             NIGERIA, MEND, main militant group in SOUTH—NIGERIA said, it will release MATHEW—MAGUIRE, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—HOSTAGE it has been holding for the past 9—MONTHS.
20090601             —NOTED, They, that —TODAY was Maguire birthday.
20090601             —DECLINED, The next —DAY MEND said "MISTER—MATHEW—MAGUIRE has, the gift of 1—RELEASE from captivity with 1—ARGUMENT that he is —NOW 1—ADVOCATE for change in the region and an honorary MEMBER—OF—THE—MOVEMENT for the Emancipation of THE—NIGER Delta".
20090601             —KILLED, NIGERIA—NAVY, 7—MILITANTS in 1—GUNBATTLE in THE—NIGER Delta.
20090601             PAKISTAN—ARMY said it lifted curfews in several parts of the Swat Valley as it hunted Taliban militants in the region, —WHILE insurgents killed 2—SOLDIERS in 1—TRIBAL region that could be the next front in the northwest military offensive.
20090601             —AMBUSHED, Armed Taliban, 1—CONVOY—OF some 30—VEHICLES carrying students home for the —SUMMER.
20090601             —MANAGED, MANY—OF—THE—BUSES, to get away.
20090601             71—STUDENTS and 9—STAFF from 1—ARMY—RUN—COLLEGE were rescued the next —MORNING as militants moved them from NORTH—WAZIRISTAN to SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20090601             1—HANDFUL—OF—STUDENTS remained unaccounted for.
20090601             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb in MOGADISHU, at least 4—POLICE—OFFICERS in several civilians.
20090601             Netter Baustein für Verschwörungstheorien:
20090601             OLIVER—SARKOZY (Halbbruder von Nicolas) arbeitet bei der Carlyle Group, + zwar als "CO—HEAD—AND—MANAGING—DIRECTOR" von deren "Global Financial Services Group".
20090601             Nicht zentral, aber am Rande geht Fenton auch noch auf die zu erwartende Unterstützung der R2P durch die neue USA—REGIERUNG ein.
20090601             Denn dieses Konzept passe hervorragend in die sich herauskristallisierende außenpolitische Konzeption Obamas:
20090601             —BESCHREIBT, Deshalb, er in seinem Artikel ausführlich, wie insbesondere
20090601             —ABOUT Transworld Properties LARRY—A—MARGOLIS.
20090601             DAVID—E—PROUD. TIMOTHY—W—ULRICH.
20090601             MICHAEL—JORDHOY. Return to the Beginning.
20090601             Transworld Properties - H. DAVID—KIRBY—MISTER—ULRICH joined the Transworld GROUP—OF—COMPANIES as GENERAL—COUNSEL for...
20090601             Transatlantischer Vergleich: Dicke Amis, flotte Europäer?
20090601             Es ist der Beginn von Schawuot.
20090601             -Vor mehr als 3000—JAHREN—HABEN die Israeliten mitten in der Sinaiwüste die Thora und die 10—GEBOTE empfangen +
20090601             -seitdem feiern die Juden in aller Welt das Ereignis, als wäre es vergangene Woche passiert.
20090601             —AM Pariser Flughafen CHARLES—DE—GAULLE wurde ein Krisenstab eingesetzt, Verkehrsminister DOMINIQUE—BUSSERAU wurde erwartet.
20090601             Zudem wurde 1—RAUM fern der Presse eingerichtet, um die Angehörigen der Flugzeuginsassen zu empfangen.
20090601             Selbst die OBAMA—BERATER räumten das ein: "Es gibt Dinge, die weiß man NICHT—ZUM Beispiel, wann der Automarkt wieder zurückkommt".
20090601             Dieser "Ausnahmefall" sei "einfach 1—FRAGE—DER—VERNUNFT".
20090601             "Wir haben nicht vor, mit USA—STEUERDOLLARS ausländische Tochterunternehmen zu unterstützen".
20090601             "Der —TAG—NACH—DEM Antrag", hieß es, "wird nicht wesentlich anders sein als der —TAG davor".
20090601             Die Spielregeln des Kapitalismus werden endgültig umgeschrieben.
20090601             beliebtes Mittel,
20090601             und deshalb rief sie am Sonntagabend interessierte Reporter zu einer Schaltkonferenz ZUSAMMEN—EIN beliebtes Mittel, um die Melodie nicht auszuhaltender Nachrichten zu steuern.
20090601             —ABEND.
20090601             —MONTAG werde "ein weiterer, historischer —TAG für die Firma" sein: "Das Ende eines alten GENERAL—MOTORS und der —ANFANG eines neuen".
20090601             "Des S—OIS—KASCHPERL", sagt 1—BÄUERIN hinten im Zelt.
20090601             Wen sie denn wählen werde? "Die nimmer".
20090601             "Das, was die Gentechnik auf den Weg bringt, schafft Fakten, die —ERST den Landwirten und dann uns allen den Teppich unter den Füßen wegziehen".
20090601             Änderungen seien nur von der Basis, nicht aber von Verbänden und Parteien durchzusetzen:
20090601             "Wir werden das —JETZT immer weiterdrehen, und da müssen sie laufen, die Politiker, und hinter sie werfen wir Reißnägel, damit sie nicht mehr umdrehen können".
20090601             Er dürfe doch nicht erwarten, dass die Politik über Gut und Böse entscheiden werde, habe ihm der CSU—CHEF gesagt.
20090601             Man habe nur die unterschiedlichen Interessen zu koordinieren.
20090601             Der Mann in der Revolte schüttelt den Kopf: "Koordinierer haben keinen eigenen Plan".
20090601             Aber wenn man nein sage zur Gentechnik, dann müsse man wissen, zu was man ja sage.
20090601             30.000—UNTERSTÜTZER, ganze Landstriche des ländlichen BAYERN zeugen mit den grünen Plakaten "AGRO—GENTECHNIK—FREIER Landkreis"
20090601             "Die CSU hat es zu spät begriffen", sagt Schaber mit Blick auf den Milchpreis + den Kurs in der grünen Gentechnik.
20090601             Plötzlich geben nicht mehr die Christsozialen das Tempo VOR—SONDERN ihre FRÜHEREN—HINTERSASSEN.
20090601             REFORM—DIE Reform, welche im Handstreich in die —JETZT zur Verabschiedung anstehende Strafprozessnovelle eingeklinkt wurde, dürfte noch vor ENDE—DES—JAHRES in Kraft treten.
20090601             Das würde die Einstellung von zumindest 5—INTERNATIONALEN Untersuchungen bedeuten, 3—DAVON betreffen CHINA und 2—ISRAEL.
20090601             Es sei denn, die Kläger fänden SPANIEN—BETROFFENE.
20090601             Dann ginge alles von vorne los.
20090601             Gerade haben die regierenden Sozialisten mit der ansonsten verfeindeten konservativen Opposition vereinbart, die universelle Rechtsprechung einzuschränken:
20090601             Der Täter muss sich in SPANIEN aufhalten, 1—OPFER muss Spanier sein, oder es muss ein anderer entscheidender SPANIEN—BEZUGPUNKT gegeben sein.
20090601             Auch muss erwiesen sein, dass nicht —SCHON 1—HEIMATGERICHT sich des Falls annimmt.
20090601             Noch direkteren Druck übten Emissäre von USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA in MADRID auf den Sozialisten JOSé LUIS—RODRÍGUEZ—ZAPATERO aus.
20090601             —AM meisten Aufsehen haben zuletzt die Untersuchungen erregt, die der Starrichter Garzón, 53, gegen 6—RECHTSBERATER—VON—EX—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH eingeleitet hat,
20090601             welche die Folterpraxis im USA—GEFANGENENLAGER GUANTANAMO begründet hatten.
20090601             Während sein Kollege Eloy Velasco prüft, ob sich nicht USA—GERICHTE der Frage annehmen, griff Garzón jüngst die Klage von 4—EHEMALIGEN GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGEN, auf,
20090601             sie seien bei ihrer Festnahme und während ihrer langjährigen Haft grausam gequält worden.
20090601             Er selbst hatte ihre Auslieferung bewirkt und sie wegen Zugehörigkeit zu einer SPANIEN—QAIDA—ZELLE angeklagt.
20090601             Unter ihnen ist auch 1—SPANIER.
20090601             Hohe USA—MILITÄRS + MITGLIEDER—DER—BUSH—REGIERUNG, etwa Vizepräsident Dick Cheney oder Außenministerin Condoleezza Rice geraten dabei ins Visier, weil sie "einen systematischen Plan zur Misshandlung" abgesegnet hatten.
20090601             —20030000     -Seit auch BELGIEN—SEINE Zuständigkeit für universelle Jurisdiktion wegen zunehmenden diplomatischen Schwierigkeiten mit den Herkunftsländern der Täter stark eingeschränkt hat,
20090601             häufen sich daher die Anzeigen in MADRID.
20090601             Der Nationale Gerichtshof ist auch zuständig, wenn Spanier oder Ausländer außerhalb des Staatsterritoriums Verbrechen wie Piraterie, Terrorismus, Drogenhandel oder eben Menschenrechtsvergehen begangen haben.
20090601             WWII.19460000              -Nach den Greueln des 2. Weltkriegs- +mit den Nürnberger Prozessen war der Konsens entstanden, solche Horrortaten nicht ungesühnt zu lassen,
20090601             selbst wenn sie am Ort des Geschehens nicht verfolgt werden können.
20090601             Doch unter politischem Druck will die SPANIEN—REGIERUNG den Juristen nun die Flügel stutzen.
20090601             Konjunktur: Chinas Wirtschaft nimmt wieder Fahrt auf
20090601             Bauernaufstand gegen die Union: "Die wähl ich nimmer"
20090601—19850000    —SEIT—ERLAUBT das Strafrecht der Audiencia Nacional, nicht nur in SPANIEN agierende Kriminelle zu verfolgen.
20090601—20040000    —SEIT—SEIN durch den Abzug seiner Truppe aus dem IRAK getrübtes Verhältnis zur Weltmacht unter der demokratischen Regierung zu VERBESSERN—DER versucht verzweifelt-.
20090601—20090602    —ON, THE—JOINT—TASK—FORCE that runs THE—USA—PRISON in CUBA said guards conducting 1—ROUTINE check found Salih unresponsive and not breathing.
20090601—20110725    —ADMITTED, Muhammad, born as CARLOS—BLEDSOE, to the crime in 1—PLEA—DEAL and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
20090916—20090601    —IN—THE, MEXICO—NAVY—PERSONNEL arrested of 1—SUSPECT kidnapping of FRANCISCO—SERRANO, the customs administrator for the Gulf coast STATE—OF—VERACRUZ, who remains missing.
20090929—20140601    —ON, Miraji Bairulla, 1—BOMB—EXPERT—OF—THE—REBEL—GROUP the Moro NATIONAL—LTIBERATION—FRONT, was arrested for his role in THE—ATTACK.
20100511             THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—BELIZE said it will stop sending appeals cases to THE—COLONIAL—ERA—UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIVY—COUNCIL—STARTING—20100601          .
20100525—20100601    —CHARGED, Sanchez was, with drug trafficking ties, forcing him to end his campaign for GOVERNOR in 1—SCANDAL that has shaken MEXICO—UPCOMING—STATE—ELECTIONS.
20100601             —ANNOUNCED, The candidates, their withdrawal —FOLLOWING a 20100524              vote that opposition parties said were rigged by the ruling party, which received 64—PERCENT—OF—VOTES.
20100601             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that suspects must explicitly tell police they want to be silent to invoke Miranda protections —DURING criminal interrogations, 1—DECISION 1—DISSENTING—JUSTICE said turns defendants' rights "upside down".
20100601             VAN, NUYS—CALIFORNIA, 1—PORN actor went on 1—RAMPAGE with 1—MACHETE—STYLE—WEAPON killing 1—FELLOW—ADULT—FILM performer.
20100601             —KILLED, HERBERT—HIN—WONG, 30—JAHRE—ALT was, in the attack.
20100601             USA—HELICOPTERS flew AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS into 1—DISTRICT—OF—NURISTAN province, overrun by the Taliban, and recaptured BARG—E—MATAL, the main town, without firing 1—SHOT.
20100601             54—MILITANTS were killed or wounded in fighting and airstrikes —BEFORE this operation began.
20100601             † 2—POLICE.
20100601             - CHRISTIE—IBORI—IBIE was found guilty by LONDON—SOUTHWARK—CROWN—COURT on charges of aiding her brother JAMES—IBORI, THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—DELTA—STATE, who himself stands accused of siphoning nearly 300—MILLION—DOLLARS—OF—PUBLIC—FUNDS in NIGERIA.
20100601             BURUNDI, 5—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATES in upcoming elections said they're withdrawing from the race because of rigged voting.
20100601             4—ROUNDS of voting remain.
20100601             —RAISED, THE—BANK—OF—CANADA, its key interest rate from emergency low levels, but said the European debt crisis made its next move highly unpredictable.
20100601             The rate hike, to 0.5—PERCENT from 0.25—PERCENT, made CANADA the 1. of the G7 major industrialized countries to begin hiking interest rates —AFTER the global financial crisis.
20100601             —CALLED, CHINA, on IRAN to improve its cooperation with THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, —AFTER the agency said in 1—REPORT that TEHRAN was pressing ahead with its controversial atomic program.
20100601             CHINA, BANK—GUARD—ZHU—JUN (46), angry over 1—LEGAL—RULING in his divorce, opened fire with 1—MACHINE—GUN and 2—PISTOLS in 1—COURT building in THE—CITY—OF—YONGZHOU, shooting 3—JUDGES—DEAD and wounding 3—OTHERS—BEFORE killing himself.
20100601             —ELECTED, Egyptians, MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT—UPPER—HOUSE, in 1—POLL marked by widespread voter apathy, charges of irregularities and 1—CLASH in which 3—POLICEMEN were wounded.
20100601             —SCORED, EGYPT—RULING—NATIONAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY, 1—OVERWHELMING—VICTORY in upper house elections amid accusations of irregularities and 1—LOW—VOTER turnout.
20100601             GERMANY, 3—EXPERTS working to defuse 1—BOMB from —WWII were killed —WHEN the device exploded, injuring 6—OTHERS.
20100601             Construction workers in Goettingen had found THE—65—YEAR—OLD explosive device about 7—YARDS (meters) below the ground on 1—EMPTY where the city is currently building 1—SPORT arena.
20100601             The election results gave 91—SEATS to the Iraqiya political alliance led by Ayad Allawi, 1—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER and secular Shiite.
20100601             —BACKED, The alliance is heavily, by IRAQ—ONCE—DOMINANT—SUNNI—ARAB minority.
20100601             THE—USA—MILITARY withdrew from the last 9—CHECKPOINTS—OF—THE—GREEN—ZONE.
20100601             IRANIAN—BACKED Islamic Jihad in THE—GAZA Strip said 3—OF—ITS—MEMBERS have been killed in 1—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKE in NORTH—GAZA.
20100601             —CONFIRMED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, it carried out 1—AIRSTRIKE, and GAZA—CHIEF—MEDICAL—EXAMINER also says there were 3—DEATHS.
20100601             —KILLED, The fighters were, shortly —AFTER firing rockets into SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20100601             —LANDED, ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES said the rockets, in open areas and caused no injuries.
20100601             —SUSTAINED, PRIME—MINISTER—BRUCE—GOLDING said JAMAICA will launch 1, assault on gangs that control poor communities across THE—ISLAND and fuel 1—OF—THE—WORLD—HIGHEST—MURDER—RATES.
20100601             PRO—PALESTINE—ACTIVISTS sent another boat to challenge ISRAEL—BLOCKADE—OF—THE—GAZA Strip.
20100601             —ORDERED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK, the opening of THE—RAFAH border crossing to allow humanitarian aid into THE—GAZA Strip.
20100601             THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICIALS said elementary and high schools will start teaching basic sex education as 1—PILOT—PROGRAM in the conservative ROMAN—CATHOLIC nation, brushing aside concerns by church leaders that it may encourage promiscuity among the youth.
20100601             —DEFENDED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—ABHISIT—VEJJAJIVA, himself against 1—CENSURE motion in PARLIAMENT and said there would be 1—INDEPENDENT—INVESTIGATION into whether the army used undue force to clear ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS from BANGKOK—STREETS.
20100601             —DECLARED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER, that ISRAEL had carried out a "bloody massacre" by killing 9—PEOPLE on 1—GAZA—BOUND TURKEY—AID ship and said THE—2—COUNTRIES had reached 1—TURNING—POINT in their LONG—STANDING—ALLIANCE.
20100601             —ACCUSED, UKRAINE—NEW—PRESIDENT, by opponents of moving the country into MOSCOW—ORBIT, outlined 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—BILL that ditches his predecessor's aim to join NATO but keeps EU membership as 1—LONG—TERM—GOAL.
20100601             —CRASHED, ZIMBABWE, 1—TAXI van, HEAD—ON into 1—MILITARY—BUS, killing 16—PEOPLE and seriously injuring 3—OTHERS.
20100601—20060222    —ON, 1—COURT—IN—MOROCCO sentenced IBRAHIM—LEE—MURRAY, 32—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CAGE fighter with British and MOROCCO—NATIONALITY, to 10—YEARS in jail for BRITAIN—BIGGEST cash robbery carried out.
20100601—20100307    —IN—THE, IRAQ—SUPREME—COURT—TOOK—THE 1. major step toward resolving the nation's election crisis, ratifying the results and declaring 1—SECULAR—ALLIANCE the biggest winner parliamentary vote.
20100601—20100605    —ON, Suspect STEPHEN—CLANCY—HILLS, 34—JAHRE—ALT † —OF—HEAD—INJURIES—AFTER he fell from 1—HILLSIDE —FOLLOWING an 8-hour standoff with police.
20100606—20130601    —FREED, MAHMOUD—SALAH and Awad ISMAIL—SULEIMAN were, pending 1—RETRIAL.
20100629             —KILLED, Bahigwa said the army, the rebels in 1—OPERATION that started 20100601            .
20100903—20110601    —PLEADED, Alleyne, guilty to 6—COUNTS—OF—MANSLAUGHTER.
201102260601         —PM, Violence flared up even —BEFORE the —FRIDAY sermons were over, according to 1—SOURCE in TRIPOLI.
20110403             —SLAMMED, Air FRANCE Flight 447, into the ocean 20090601             , —AFTER running into 1—INTENSE—HIGH—ALTITUDE thunderstorm.
20110501             Aber - 1—FRANCE—SUBMARINE—PROBING 3,900 meters (12,800 feet) below the ocean's surface located and recovered the flight data RECORDER—OF—AIR—FRANCE Flight 447, which crashed 20090601             , in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—THE—MID—ATLANTIC.
20110503—20090601    —RECOVERED, FRANCE—INVESTIGATORS, the cockpit voice recorder from 1—AIR—FRANCE—FLIGHT—447—THAT plunged into THE—ATLANTIC—OCEAN, killing all 228—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20110508—20110601    —FROM, BAHRAIN—STATE—NEWS said the Sunni KING has ordered 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY to be lifted, —AFTER imposing it in MID—MARCH—FOLLOWING—WEEKS—OF—SHI'ITE—LED street protests in the Gulf Arab kingdom.
20110530—20110601    —ON, A man (22) was critically wounded at the protest and †.
20110601             —LANDED, Space shuttle Endeavour and its 6—ASTRONAUTS, at Cape Canaveral —FOLLOWING a 2-week mission to the Int'l Space Station.
20110601             This was ENDEAVOUR—LAST—MISSION.
20110601             It will —NOW go to THE—CALIFORNIA Science Center in LOS—ANGELES.
20110601             1—CALIFORNIA—BASED company, Seeking to capitalize on ARIZONA—NEWLY enacted medical marijuana law, opened 1—SUPERSTORE—SIZED garden center in PHOENIX catering to those who want to grow their own cannabis.
20110601             —ROLLED, S—FRANCISCO—MAYOR—LEE, out his 1. budget, a $6.8—BILLION spending plan for the fiscal —YEAR beginning 20110701            .
20110601             —BECAME, ILLINOIS, the 6. USA—STATE to allow civil unions or their equivalent.
20110601             —SHOCKED, MASSACHUSETTS, at least 2—LATE—AFTERNOON—TORNADOES, emergency officials with their suddenness and violence.
20110601             —KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE were, in the state's 1. TORNADO—RELATED deaths in 16—YEARS.
20110601             —EMBARKED, PENNSYLVANIA and THE—CITY—OF—PHILADELPHIA, on a 25-year, $2—BILLION effort to reduce storm water pollution through ECO—FRIENDLY—MEASURES.
20110601             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, a NATO—SERVICE member was, in an insurgent attack.
20110601             —ENACTED, ARGENTINA, 1—LAW criminalizing money laundering.
20110601             —ENDED, BAHRAIN, emergency rule in MANAMA, but police remained at numerous checkpoints in the city.
20110601             —KILLED, At least 30—PEOPLE have been, —SINCE protests began in February.
20110601             —COMMUTED, ETHIOPIA—PRESIDENT—GIRMA—WOLDE—GIORGIS said the government has, the death sentences of 23—HIGH—RANKING—OFFICIALS from the ousted communist regime.
20110601             —REDUCED, The sentences were, to 25—YEARS.
20110601             —VOTED, THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—USA—STATES, 32-1 to allow HONDURAS to rejoin THE—OAS.
20110601             —VOTED, Only ECUADOR, against the measure.
20110601             —PLEDGED, INDIA, to help strengthen THE—CAPABILITIES—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES—AFTER 1—MEETING between the defense ministers of both countries in NEW—DELHI.
20110601             —VOTED, IRAN—PARLIAMENT, to take MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD to court over his TAKEOVER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LUCRATIVE oil ministry, escalating the power struggle between THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—HARD—LINE—ESTABLISHMENT that has turned against him.
20110601             † IRAN—GOVERNMENT—MEDIA said Haleh Sahabi (54), THE—DAUGHTER—OF—1—PROMINENT—IRAN—DISSIDENT, of 1—HEART—ATTACK—WHILE attending her father's funeral —TODAY, but opposition websites said she † in 1—SCUFFLE with security forces.
20110601             —HOSPITALIZED, The elder Sahabi (81) † 1—DAY—EARLIER—AFTER being, with 1—BRAIN—HEMORRHAGE.
20110601             —AGREED, NATO, to extend its LIBYA—AIR—WAR by 3—MONTHS and dismissed charges by Moamer KADHAFI—REGIME that the bombing campaign has already killed 718—CIVILIANS.
20110601             LIBYA—OIL—MINISTER—SHUKRI—GHANEM said in ROME that he —NOW supports the rebel insurgency who have set up 1—DE—FACTO CAPITAL—IN—BENGHAZI.
20110601             1—UN—PANEL said government forces have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes in 1—CONFLICT that has left 1 estimated 10-15 1000—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110601             —CHARGED, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT, 73—SUSPECTS in the killings of 183—PEOPLE whose bodies were recovered —DURING April in mass graves near THE—USA—BORDER.
20110601             1—TALIBAN video was made showing PAKISTAN—POLICEMEN being executed by firing squad —AFTER being captured in Upper Dir.
20110601             1—COMMANDER and his fighters opened fire on at least 15—MEN, who start crying and moaning.
20110601             They —LATER pump bullets at CLOSE—RANGE into bodies still moving.
20110601             —RESPONDED, PERU, El COMERCIO—PUBLISHER, FRANCISCO—MIRO—QUESADA, in the newspaper, calling the accusations by Novelist MARIO—VARGAS—LLOSA "ILL—INTENTIONED untruths" and saying the author's letter was "FULL—OF—LIES".
20110601             —PULLED, Llosa had angrily, his biweekly column from PERU—DOMINANT—NEWSPAPER on THE—EVE—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL—RUNOFF—ELECTION, calling El Comercio "1—PROPAGANDA—MACHINE" for conservative candidate Keiko Fujimori.
20110601             SRI—LANKA—POLICE—CHIEF quit, taking responsibility for officers firing live bullets that killed 1—MAN and wounded more than 150—PROTESTERS—NEAR the capital this —WEEK.
20110601             —CLASHED, SUDAN—FARMERS, with police in Gezira state, SUDAN—AGRICULTURAL heartland, —WHILE demonstrating against an "unacceptable" government offer to buy their land.
20110601             —FREED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, HUNDREDS—OF—POLITICAL—PRISONERS in 1—AMNESTY and THE—PRESIDENT set up 1—COMMITTEE for national dialogue in 1—EFFORT to end the 10-week uprising.
20110601             —KILLED, SYRIA—MILITARY—FORCES, 42—PEOPLE in raids —AROUND HOMS.
20110601             —GATHERED, Over 300—SYRIA—EXILES, in ANTALYA—TURKEY, to discuss alternatives to Bashar ASSAD—RULE.
20110601             TAIWAN—BASED Acer Inc, the world NUMBER 2—PC maker, said it will take a $150—MILLION—CHARGE to write off inventory and doubtful payments in EUROPE and will cut 300—JOBS there in the latest upheaval —FOLLOWING the sudden departure of its CEO—IN—MARCH.
20110601             —CHARGED, Acer, its FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER, Gianfranco Lanci, with performance issues, —AFTER he had criticized the company's resistance to globalization in interviews with the media.
20110601             THAILAND, customs authorities found 431—TURTLES and other rare reptiles stuffed into 4—SUITCASES and smuggled into THE—BANGKOK airport.
20110601             —LAUNCHED, TUNISIA—COAST—GUARD, operations to rescue WOULD—BE immigrants trapped on 1—FISHING—BOAT that stalled off the country's coast.
20110601             —BELIEVED, The boat was, to have set sail from LIBYA and was en route to ITALY with 1 estimated 800 WOULD—BE immigrants.
20110601             —SURVIVED, At least 583—OF—THE estimated 800—PEOPLE on BOARD, the sinking.
20110601             —KILLED, YEMEN, 14—SOLDIERS were, in overnight fighting with the tribesmen.
20110601             —KILLED, Fresh fighting, at least 41—PEOPLE including combatants from both sides.
20110601—19250000    —IN, Under the Gezira Scheme, set up by colonial ruler BRITAIN to cultivate cotton and spanning 840,000 HECTARES—OF—LAND divided into lots of 20—FEDDANS (—AROUND 8—9—HECTARES), KHARTOUM was supposed to pay the farmers rent in return for 1—SHARE—OF—PRODUCTION, but had not done so for more than 40—YEARS.
20110601—20110601    —CAPTURED, The victims were policemen and paramilitary police.
20110601—20140000    —IN—THE, Salvadoran PRESIDENT—MAURICIO—FUNES says his CENTRAL—USA—COUNTRY will allow citizens living abroad to vote presidential election.
20120127             THE—RWANDA—GOVERNMENT said it will increase the cost of 1—PERMIT to track the endangered mountain gorillas, the country's main tourist attraction, to $750—FROM $500—STARTING 20120601            .
20120529—20120601    —AB—NICHT—LÄNGER, werden beispielsweise CHINA, JAPAN ihren Handel über den $ abwickeln, sondern
20120529—20120601    —AB, CHINA, JAPAN ihren Handel über den $ abwickeln direkt in Yuan und Yen.
20120531             The rebel Free SYRIA—ARMY—COMMAND inside the country gave THE—PRESIDENT—1—ULTIMATUM to halt violence by midday 20120601            .
20120601             —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA, federal prosecutors, charges against 2—SACRAMENTO County sheriff's deputies, RYAN—MCGOWAN, 31—JAHRE—ALT and THOMAS—LU, 42—JAHRE—ALT, accused of illegally selling DOZENS—OF—WEAPONS.
20120601             —RAMMED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, 1—TRUCK packed with explosives into 1—OUTER—SECURITY—CHECKPOST—OF—NATO—FORWARD—OPERATING—BASE—SALERNO, killing up 14—MILITANTS in Khost province.
20120601             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER was shot dead —WHILE on patrol in Helmand province.
20120601             —REPORTED, AUSTRALIA—RESEARCHERS, that eating 1—BLOCK—OF—DARK chocolate daily over 10—YEARS has "significant" benefits for HIGH—RISK cardiac patients and could prevent heart attacks and strokes.
20120601             —TROUBLED, BP said it was ready to offload its stake in, RUSSIA—JOINT—VENTURE—TNK—BP —AFTER the shock RESIGNATION—OF—THE—PARTNERSHIP—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—EARLIER this —WEEK.
20120601             —STARTED, CHINA and JAPAN, direct currency trading as BEIJING marked another stage on its journey to foster the yuan's use internationally in line with its growing economic clout.
20120601             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—REP. new work requirements took effect, but the government said the rules won't be enforced —UNTIL—MONTH—END.
20120601             1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—HAITI—WORKERS were particularly impacted.
20120601             —WARNED, INDIA—CENTRAL—BANK, economic growth could fall further —AFTER the country's worst quarterly figures in 9—YEARS, as business leaders and newspapers blasted the government over the slump.
20120601             —EXCHANGED, KOSOVO, NATO—PEACEKEEPERS, fire with angry SERBIA—PROTESTERS seeking to prevent INTERNATIONAL troops from removing roadblocks in the tense north.
20120601             MYANMAR, Tint Swe, HEAD—OF—THE—PRESS—SCRUTINY and Registration Department (PSRD), said he will release its iron grip on the country's media, effective from THE—END—OF—JUNE, in the latest significant reform for 1—COUNTRY emerging from DECADES—OF—REPRESSION.
20120601             NIGERIA—POLICE in LAGOS used tear gas to try to disperse 1—CROWD—OF several 100—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS—ANGRY at THE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to change THE—NAME—OF—THEIR—SCHOOL.
20120601             1—PALESTINE—MILITANT sneaked into ISRAEL at the border separating THE—HAMAS—RUN—GAZA Strip and SOUTH—ISRAEL, opening fire on ISRAEL—TROOPS and killing 1—SOLDIER.
20120601             —FIRED, The troops, back, killing the infiltrator.
20120601             —KILLED, SYRIA, gunmen, 11—WORKERS at 1—STATE—OWNED fertilizer factory near Qusair, HOMS province, the 2. EXECUTION—STYLE shooting reported in Syria in less than 1—WEEK.
20120601             —AIRED, STATE—TV, interviews with 2—WITNESSES from Houla who said THE—VICTIMS—OF—THE—MASSACRES were MEMBERS—OF—FAMILIES that support the government and did not take part in ANTI—ASSAD protests.
20120601             THAILAND, Suu Kyi spoke to the World Economic Forum in BANGKOK where she urged THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to exercise "healthy skepticism" toward MYANMAR—MUCH—TOUTED reform process.
20120601             —VOTED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—COUNCIL in GENEVA, overwhelmingly to condemn Syria over the slaughter of more than 100—CIVILIANS—LAST—WEEK.
20120601             —VOTED, Only RUSSIA, CHINA and CUBA, against the resolution, with UGANDA and ECUADOR abstaining.
20120601             THE—PHILIPPINES was absent.
20120601             —MASSAKER—IN—HULA: USA bezeichnen SYRIEN—UNTERSUCHUNGSBERICHT als Lüge
20120601             FÜHRUNGS—KRISE vor PARTEI—TAG: Gysi fürchtet Spaltung der LINKS—PARTEI
20120601             —VERSCHIEBT, Schlechte MARKTlage: Ecclestone, BÖRSEN—START—DER—FORMEL 1
20120601             —VERSCHLECHTERT, SORGE—UM—WACHSTUM: Stimmung in CHINAs Industrie, sich
20120601             Bundestrainer Löw: "es herrscht Hochspannung im Land"
20120601             Stoiber und DAS—INTERNET: "VIELE—POLITIKER verstehen das Netz nicht"
20120601             Neuer HORTHY—KULT in UNGARN: Renaissance des REICHS—VERWESERS
20120601             BUSH—PORTRAIT fürs WEIßES—HAUS: Die Spuren des Cowboys
20120601             —NEUE—"Hubble"-Beobachtungen: NASA sagt kosmischen Crash voraus
20120601             —VERURTEILT, Angeblicher Ehebruch: SUDANesin zum Tod durch Steinigung
20120601             —REFERENDUM : Iren stimmen für EU—FISKALPAKT
20120601             Nahezu atomgenau: Röntgenblitz leuchtet Biomolekül aus
20120601             THRON—JUBILÄUM—VON—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—II.: Your Majesty, wir lieben SIE—GLEICH 60-mal!
20120601             Motorradgang: POLIZEI nimmt EUROPA—WEIT gesuchte HELLS—ANGELS fest
20120601             ATOM—MÜLL—LAGER Asse: MINISTER—ALTMAIER startet 1.Probebohrung
20120601             TREIB—HAUS—GAS: CO2-Messungen übersteigen SCHWELLEN—WERT
20120601             —NEUEN—GESETZ: INDIEN verbietet Teenagern Sex
20120601             NETZWELT—TICKER: Buchautoren klagen gegen GOOGLE Books
20120601             Leichenteile in der Post: INTERPOL jagt Pornodarsteller LUKA—MAGNOTTA
20120601             KURS—RUTSCH an den BÖRSEn: JOBKRISE—IN—DEN—USA und EUROPA ängstigt ANLEGER
20120601             Prozessende am —SAMSTAG, —NACH—DEM MUBARAK—URTEIL droht Gewalt
20120601             WÄHRUNGS—QUIZ: Kennen Sie die künftige Leitwährung der Welt?
20120601             Endliche Ölreserven: Apokalypse irgendwann
20120601             [l] Der WAHL—BETRUG der REPUBLIKANER in FLORIDA IST—INZWISCHEN so weit gediehen, daß sie DIE—STAATSZUGEHÖRIGKEIT—VON—1, 91—JAHRE—ALTEN Veteranen aus dem WWII anzweifeln.
20120601             [l] DER—RICHTER, der in HOLLAND PirateBay verboten hat, betreibt nebenher 1—ANTI—PIRACY—FIRMA mit jemand anderem.
20120601             [l] ACTA stirbt weiter vor sich hin.
20120601             und die 3—WICHTIGSTEN Ausschüsse im EU—PARLAMENT haben sich gegen ACTA ausgesprochen.
20120601             es handelt sich um ITRE (Industrie, Forschung, Energie), JURI (Rechtsausschuss) und LIBE (Freiheits-, MENSCHEN—RECHTE).
20120601             —REPORT, OBAMA Ordered Secret Attacks On IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM By Haaretz
20120601             Stuxnet worm was PART—OF—JOINT—USA—ISRAEL effort to —SABOTAGE computers that control IRAN—NUCLEAR—ENRICHMENT—FACILITIES.
20120601             Unending Wars against MANKIND: AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ By Mahboob A.
20120601             —PLANNED, Wars are, and orchestrated by the few, the privileged ruling elite;
20120601             OBAMA At Large: Where Are THE—LAWYERS?
20120601             —BY RALPH—NADER - THE—RULE—OF—LAW is rapidly breaking down at the top levels of our GOVERNMENT.
20120601             "Democracy"For Sale
20120601             The $1—BILLION total surpasses the $750.000.000 that BARACK—OBAMA, 1—OF—THE—MOST prolific fundraisers ever, collected for his 20080000              campaign.
20120601             —LOCKED, Who benefits from immigrants awaiting hearings being, up in worse conditions than criminal convicts?
20120601             Only private prisons.
20120601             RUSSIA not supplying arms for SYRIA CIVIL—WAR—PUTIN: "We have 1—GOOD, LONG—STANDING RELATION—SHIP with SYRIA, but we do not support ANY—SIDE from which THE—THREAT—OF—1—CIVIL—WAR may emerge,"PUTIN told 1—JOINT—NEWS—CONFERENCE with MERKEL.
20120601             ISRAEL—MP: Send HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS to prison camps: "All HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS should be imprisoned and transported to camps we are building,"she said, referring to detention facilities ISRAEL is constructing in which AFRICAn immigrants will be held.
20120601             Study: 13—PERCENT—OF—DEPLOYED—MARINES consider suicide: More than 1 in 10—MARINES who deployed overseas reported having suicidal thoughts or plans to attempt suicide, ACCORDING—TO—1—STUDY looking at suicidal predictors.
20120601             [l] Meldung des Tages: FOX—NEWS erklärt der Bevölkerung, wie schlimm der "Flame"-Superwurm ist.
20120601             —SOPHISTICATED, The most, and powerful cyberweapon uncovered to date was written in THE—LUA —COMPUTER language, CYBER—SECURITY—EXPERTS tell FOX—NEWS—THE—SAME 1 used to make the incredibly popular Angry Birds game.
20120601             [l] Aha! Stuxnet war laut 1—GERADE erscheinenden Buches 1—GEEINSAME Aktion von DEN—USA und ISRAEL.
20120601             Ich halte das für glaubwürdig.
20120601             Insofern gehe ich davon aus, daß das —JETZT die Narrativversion für die Geschichtsbücher wird.
20120601             —UPDATE, Oh und dass das —JETZT auf diese Art herauskommt, würde ich mal als WAHL—KAMPF—PROGRAMM—VON—OBAMA werten.
20120601             Um den "OBAMA is weak on THE—IRAN issue"-Anfeindungen zuvorzukommen
20120601             [l] Spannendes GERICHT—VERFAHREN, Ist die FINGERABDRUCK—PFLICHT im Reisepass eigentlich rechtens?
20120601             Das VERWALTUNGS—GERICHT GELSENKIRCHEN ruft in der Sache jedenfalls den Europäischen GERICHT—HOF an.
20120601             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der AG Dokumentarfilm:
20120601             ALLE—ILLEGALEN—DOWNLOADS haben DER—DEUTSCHEN—DOKUMENTARFILMBRANCHE materiell weniger geschadet als die VERTRAGspraxis von ARD und ZDF an 1—EINZIGEN —TAG.
20120601             [l] Wie schlimm ist es in GRIECHENLAND?
20120601             So schlimm: GREECE is broke and CLOSE—TO being broken.
20120601             It is 1—COUNTRY where children are fainting in school because they are hungry, where 20.000—ATHENIANS are scavenging through waste tips for food, and where the lifeblood of 1—MODERN—ECONOMY—CREDIT—IS fast drying up.
20120601             It is 1—COUNTRY where THE—FASCISTS and the anarchists BATTLE—FOR—CONTROL—OF—THE—STREETS, where immigrants fear to go out at night and where 1—WOMAN—WHISPERS "it's like THE—WEIMAR republic"as 1—MOTORCYCLE cavalcade from the Golden Dawn party, devotees of ADOLF—HITLER, cruises past THE—PARLIAMENT building.
20120601             Graffiti says: "Foreigners get out of GREECE. GREECE is for THE—GREEKS.
20120601             I will vote for Golden Dawn to remove the filth from THE—COUNTRY".
20120601             "It is the same as thinking you can escape from gravity by waving your arms up and down".
20120601             fears of '1.domino' to fall as austerity is counted 1—FAILURE
20120601             —WHEN things like this happen, I start to wonder if my previous speculation about OBAMA—SPOOKED—UP family might have validity.
20120601             Shenberger has 1—INTERESTING resume...
20120601             —HAPPENED, HERE—WHAT actually, at THE—NARA FORUMs.
20120601             Huh? What Happened - For SOME—PERSPECTIVE, meet Sheryl Shenberger.
20120601             SHE—THE—HEAD—OF—THE, Archives' National Declassification Center.
20120601Before NDC, Sheryl worked for ? THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20120601What would you guess SHERYL—PROFESSIONAL—BACKGROUND would be?
20120601What would yoNope.
20120601—20120522    —ON, 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown SYRIA—REBEL—GROUP said it is holding 11—LEBANON—SHIITE pilgrims kidnapped —AFTER crossing into Syria from TURKEY on their way to LEBANON.
20120601—20120528    —RESIGNED, RUSSIA—TYCOON—MIKHAIL—FRIDMAN, as TNK—BP head and threw 1—OF—BP—MOST profitable overseas operations into turmoil.
20120601—20120529    —ON, PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN said THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LAGOS, known as UNILAG, would be renamed Moshood Abiola University in honor of 1—POLITICAL—PRISONER who † in jail over 1—DECADE ago.
20120601—20120601    —INZWISCHEN, sind ja SIEMENS—DLL—FRAGMENTE in Stuxnet GEFUNDEN worden, in denen Versionsstrings drin sind, die SIEMENS nie released hat, und
20120601—20120601    —INZWISCHEN, damit kehrt sich die Argumentation VON—DAMALS, um: es war wahrscheinlich, daß das 1—WESTLICHER GEHEIM—DIENST war.
20120601—20120601    ISRAEL war natürlich —SEIT—TAG 1—DER Hauptverdächtige, und dass DIE—USA—AMIS mit im Boot waren, das erscheint —SCHON deshalb glaubwürdig, weil die das bestentwickelte CYBER—WAR—PROGRAMM haben.
20120601—20120601    ISRAEL traut man da zwar auch viel zu, aber nicht SO viel.
20120601—20120808    —ZWISCHEN, wurden 28.733—NEUE Schlüssel auf die SKS—SERVER geladen, im selben —ZEIT—RAUM 20130000              waren es 82.041—SCHLÜSSEL—FAST dreimal so viele.
20121127             Amalgam VIRGO—AMALGAM Virgo 01 (20120601—20120602    ) Click PDF
20130424—20150601    —ON, police filed murder charges against 41—PEOPLE ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
20130601             AFGHANISTAN, 3—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS and 1—CIVILIAN—WORKING with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COALITION were killed in 3—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in the east and south.
20130601             —KILLED, 1—EXPLOSION from 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 4—CIVILIANS, including 1—CHILD, —WHEN their vehicle was hit in Uruzgan province.
20130601             —DRESSED, Protesters, as badgers and led by QUEEN—GUITARIST—BRIAN—MAY marched through CENTRAL—LONDON demanding that the government scrap 1—PLAN to cull badgers, aimed at slowing THE—SPREAD—OF—1—CATTLE—DISEASE.
20130601             † In INDONESIA 1—TRUCK—DRIVER at the Grasberg mine, owned by ARIZONA—BASED FREEPORT—MCMORAN Copper & Gold INCORPORATED, 1—DAY—AFTER he was injured —WHEN liquid ore material flowed into his vehicle.
20130601             —ARRESTED, IRAN—POLICE, at least 7—PEOPLE at 1—GATHERING to support candidate HASAN—ROWHANI in NORTH—TEHRAN.
20130601             —CHANTED, The arrests were made —AFTER MANY—PARTICIPANTS, slogans calling for the release of MIR—HOSSEIN—MOUSAVI, 1—OPPOSITION—LEADER and candidate in IRAN's disputed 20090000              elections who has been under house arrest for more than 2—YEARS.
20130601             † IRAN—NEWS said 6—IRANIANS have and 348—HAVE been sickened —AFTER drinking poisonous alcohol in THE—SOUTH—EAST—KERMAN province.
20130601             —SHOWED, UN figures, that 1,045 civilians and security personnel were killed in IRAQ in May.
20130601             —GATHERED, JAPAN, officials from 50—AFRICAN nations, for a 3—DAY—TALK about trade, growth and other issues.
20130601             —LIFTED, KYRGYZSTAN officials said protesters have, their blockade of 1—CANADA—GOLD—MINE in the east, but their supporters in the south continued their siege of 1—LOCAL—GOVERNOR—HEADQUARTERS.
20130601             18—ROCKETS and mortar rounds fired from Syria struck the Baalbek REGION—OF—EAST—LEBANON.
20130601             There were no casualties.
20130601             NIGER, 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST—GROUP—BOKO Haram tried to escape from the central prison in NIAMEY.
20130601             —MANAGED, They, to grab 1—GUN and killed 2—SECURITY—GUARDS.
20130601             —RECAPTURED, All 3 were.
20130601             22—PRISONER escaped including Cheibani Ould Hama, 1—MEMBER—OF—AL—QAIDA in the Islamic Maghreb.
20130601             1—MAGNITUDE 5.7—EARTHQUAKE hit THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES late —TODAY, injuring at least 33—PEOPLE and damaging more than 140—HOUSES.
20130601             RUSSIA, 1—BAN on smoking in public places took effect.
20130601             —JAILED, RUSSIA, MARIA—ALEKHINA, 1, MEMBER—OF—THE—PUNK group Pussy Riot, reportedly ended her 11—DAY—HUNGER—STRIKE—AFTER prison authorities met her demands.
20130601             —COMPLAINED, She had, that officials at her prison colony in the Ural Mountains attempted to turn fellow inmates against her with 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN.
20130601             —CONDUCTED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—MILITARY—STYLE—OPERATION to detain Said Amirov (59), the mayor of Makhachkala, Dagestan, on murder charges.
20130601             SYRIA, clashes between troops and Hezbollah fighters with rebels in Qusair left at least 1—OPPOSITION gunman dead.
20130601             THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said that at least 31—DETAINEES have been killed by rebel SHELLING—OF—THE—CITY—CENTRAL—PRISON over the past 2—WEEKS.
20130601             TURKEY, Ethem Sarisuluk (26) was shot in the head —DURING protests in ANKARA.
20130601             —DECLARED, He was kept alive but —LATER, BRAIN—DEAD.
20130601             1—COURT—LATER released his alleged killer on THE—GROUNDS—OF—SELF—DEFENCE.
20130601             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, USA—DRONE—STRIKES killed 7 suspected AL—QAIDA militants in the group's SOUTH—STRONGHOLD—OF—ABYAN.
20130601             2—GUNMEN on 1—MOTORBIKE shot and killed COLONEL—YAHYA—AL—UMAYSI, THE—COMMANDER—OF—1—AIR—BASE in Sayoun city, Hadramawt province.
20130601—20080600    —SINCE, That surpassed the 712 killed in April, the deadliest —MONTH recorded.
20130601—20090000    —ARRESTED, He was 1., and is accused of having assassinated 4—SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIANS and 1—AMERICAN.
20130601—20110000    —ACCUSED—OF, Amirov was, staging THE—KILLING—OF—1—SENIOR—INVESTIGATOR with the local branch of the Investigative Committee.
20130601—20130529    —CONSUMED, Most had, the bad alcohol.
20130613—20130601    —BELIEVED, He was, to have been hit in the head by 1—TEAR gas canister —DURING protests in ANKARA.
20131028             —ACCUSED—OF, Officer AHMET—SAHBAZ is, killing Ethem Sarisuluk, shot dead 20130601              —DURING 1—WAVE—OF nationwide ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20131120             —SIGNED, ILLINOIS GOVERNOR—PAT—QUINN, legislation allowing SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES —STARTING 20140601           .
20140405—20140601    —ON, THE—VATICAN and ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said Gianantonio Allegri, Giampaolo Marta and Gilberte Bussier have been released.
20140523—20140601    —ON, 2—SUSPECTED poachers were arrested.
20140601             —STABBED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—MAN fatally, PRINCE—JOSHUA—AVITTO, 6—JAHRE—ALT and wounded Mikayla Capers (7) as they rode 1—ELEVATOR to 1—BROOKLYN apartment to get ice cream.
20140601             A man fled leaving behind the knife.
20140601             THE—CROWN—PRINCE—OF—ABU—DHABI and other INTERNATIONAL donors said they are committing 1 combined $80—MILLION to fund THE—CONSERVATION—OF—LIONS, tigers and other wild cats.
20140601             —KILLED, CAMEROON state radio said security forces have, some 40—BOKO Haram militants in clashes in the country's far north, shortly —AFTER the release of 2—ITALY—PRIESTS and 1—CANADA—NUN suspected to have been held by the Islamist group.
20140601             —WITNESSED, EGYPT—STOCK—MARKET, 1—SHARP plunge that forced 1—TEMPORARY—SUSPENSION—OF trading —AFTER reports of 1—NEWLY proposed government tax on capital gains which experts said was hardly explained to investors.
20140601             EL—SALVADOR—SANCHEZ—CEREN, (69) was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20140601             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, through downtown HONG—KONG to remember 19890604             —THE, bloody crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests in BEIJING, days —BEFORE the 25.
20140601             —COLLAPSED, INDIA, a 3—STORY building under construction, in NEW—DELHI, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and injuring 13.
20140601             —EXECUTED, IRAN, 1—PRISONER linked to the opposition group MUJAHEDEEN—E—KHALQ.
20140601             † In IRAQ 40—PEOPLE were killed in nationwide unrest, including 22—WHO as 1—RESULT—OF—CLASHES and shelling in and —AROUND FALLUJAH.
20140601             KUWAIT—EMIR began 1—VISIT to IRAN, the 1. by 1—RULER—OF—THE—USA—ALLIED Gulf Arab state —SINCE 19790000             —THE Islamic revolution, underscoring improving ties between TEHRAN and its Arab neighbors.
20140601             1—LIBYA—AIR—FORCE—JET bombed positions held by Islamic militants in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—BENGHAZI, apparently as PART—OF—1—RENEGADE general's ongoing offensive.
20140601             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 1—BOMBING at 1—FOOTBALL—MATCH, at least 40—PEOPLE in MUBI, Adamawa state.
20140601             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 6—MORE—PEOPLE—AFTER a 6. night of clashes with youths in BARCELONA.
20140601             —PRESENTED, The military junta, 1—LIST—OF—EMERGENCY—MEASURES such as price caps on fuel and loan guarantees for small firms to KICK—START 1—ECONOMY threatened by recession —AFTER MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL—TURMOIL.
20140601             GELD—WÄSCHEPROZESS, SOHN—VON—FUSSBALL—LEGENDE Pelé zu 33—JAHREN Haft verurteilt
20140601             SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ: CHINA wirft WASHINGTON Provokation vor
20140601             EIS—ZEITLICHES ARTEN—STERBEN: Hetzten Hunde das Mammut in den Tod?
20140601             TALIBAN—GEISEL Bergdahl: AMERIKA feiert die Heimkehr des verlorenen Sohnes
20140601             —VERHINDERT, GEZI—JAHRES—TAG: ERDOGANs POLIZEIaufgebot, Großdemonstration
20140601             Manipulierte FUßBALL—SPIELE: Die Marionette der Wettmafia
20140601             PUTSCH—IN—THAILAND: Tausende POLIZISTEN sollen Proteste unterbinden
20140601             —ANSCHLAG—AUF—JÜDISCHES Museum: VERDÄCHTIGEr Franzose festgenommen
20140601             —STUDIEE: Verpflegung in Kitas ist mangelhaft
20140601             FRANKREICH—RECHTS—POPULISTIN: LE—PEN warnt KANZLERIN vor "Explosion der EU"
20140601             —GEKOMMEN, Besuch der QUEEN—IN—FRANKREICH: Auf den Hut
20140601             Teilchenphysik: Das UNIVERSUM in der Protonenfalle
20140601             Arabische CHRISTEN in ISRAEL—ARMEE: Zwischen Stolz und Schande
20140601             Finanzspritze: EZB erwägt neue "Dicke Bertha"
20140601             —DEBATTE in der Union: Erika STEINBACH wirbt für KOALITION der CDU mit der AfD
20140601             EZB—POLITIK,Draghi kann es allein nicht schaffen
20140601             Absprachen bei Bier, Kaffee, Zucker: LEBENS—MITTEL—INDUSTRIE zahlt Milliarde an Kartellstrafen
20140601             WELT—RAUMWETTER: Teleskop "Iris"filmt heftige Sonneneruption
20140601             —ZWISCHENFALL bei SCHRÖDER—PARTY: Möglicher BOMBEN—DROHER hat sich gestellt
20140601             —GEDIMMT, Genetik: Auf blond
20140601             Sehe ich das richtig, daß die Sache, die uns gerade vor JUNCKER bewahrt, ausgerechnet DAVID—CAMERON ist?
20140601             DIE—WELT wird ja echt immer bizarrer.
20140601             Oh und: Ist euch aufgefallen, daß die BND—KLARSTELLUNG, daß sie die 300.000.000 für INTERNET—SPIONAGE haben wollen, ausgerechnet am JAHRES—TAG—VON—SNOWDEN kam?
20140601             Und die auch noch die STIRn hatten, das mit SNOWDEN zu begründen?
20140601             Dank SNOWDEN wüssten wir ja —JETZT, daß DIE—NSA das kann, also brauchen wir das auch?
20140601             —GEFALLEN, Da bin ich ja fast aus dem Stuhl.
20140601             Ich finde, es wird Zeit für 1—KONZERTIERTE Aktion zur Abschaffung DER—GEHEIM—DIENSTE.
20140601             [l] SCHWEDEN hat anscheinend den PIRATE—BAY—GRÜNDER—PETER—SUNDE verhaftet.
20140601             [l] Kennt ihr DIE—GESCHICHTEN, wenn religiöse Fundamentalisten Fotos von Frauen manipulieren, weil die ihrer Meinung nach nicht genug Kleidung tragen?
20140601             Nein, nicht SAUDI—ARABIEN. Auch nicht IRAN. UTAH!
20140601             [l] DIE—NSA sammelt MILLIONEN—VON—BILDERN aus dem INTERNET und trainiert damit ihre GESICHTS—ERKENNUNGSSOFTWARE.
20140601             THE—AGENCY intercepts "MILLIONS—OF—IMAGES per —DAY" — including about 55.000 "facial recognition quality images" — which translate into "tremendous untapped potential,"
20140601             "THE—CHINA—KNOW".Sanger discusses cyberwarfare -- STUXNET and similar.
20140601             1—OF—THE—CREATORS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE—CYBER—STRATEGY, GENERAL—JAMES Cartwright, makes 1—COMPELLING case that the secrecy may be working against USA—INTERESTS.
20140601             "You can't have something that's 1—SECRET be 1—DETERRENT," he argued SHORTLY—AFTER leaving his —POST as VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF.
20140601             "Because if you don't know it's there, it doesn't scare you".
20140601             1—SENIOR—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIAL disagreed: "Everyone who needs to know what we can do, knows," he said.
20140601             "THE—CHINA—KNOW".
20140601             And the IRANians, he added, "are probably figuring it out".
20140601             Okay, —THEN, why not let THE—USA—PUBLIC in on it?
20140601             SPANIEN: Betrunkener VERFASSUNGS—RICHTER fährt bei Rot über Ampel
20140601             Doppelte Stimmabgabe: Bei EUROPA—WAHL war millionenfacher WAHL—BETRUG möglich
20140601             Bombenterror: Mindestens 60—TOTE—BEI—ANSCHLAG—IN—NIGERIA
20140601             Austausch gegen USA—SERGEANT: TALIBAN feiern Freilassung von GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLINGEN
20140601             [l] Bei Truecrypt ist weiterhin alles ziemlich unklar, aber die Spekulationen verdichten sich in die Richtung, daß die 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY Letter oder ähnliches gekriegt haben, und das ihre FORM—DES—MINEN—KANARIENVOGELS für ihre User war.
20140601             Wenn ihr mal weitergeklickt habt von den BITLOCKER—ANWEISUNGEN, zu den MAC—ANWEISUNGEN: Da empfehlen ihre Instruktionen 1—CONTAINER ohne Verschlüsselung anzulegen, das ist offensichtlich Unfug.
20140601             1—WEITERES Indiz war:
20140601             —UNFIXED, WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain, security issues
20140601             Nichts genaues weiß man nicht, aber ich halte das als THEORIE für halbwegs plausibel.
20140601             Man kann die alten VERSIONEN—VON—TRUECRYPT weiterhin einsetzen, würde ich sagen.
20140601             Und der Audit Phase 2—WIRD ja auch stattfinden.
20140601             'Purity is THE—ENEMY—OF—VICTORY," GOP told - "In a 2—PARTY—SYSTEM, purity is the...
20140601             —DOUBLED, The rumor is that Peck, for JOHNSON THE—NIGHT—BEFORE THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—JFK.
20140601             Peck was himself shot to death In ;;06;; of 19690000             ;
20140601             including the allegation that JFK himself had 1—DOUBLE in DALLAS - woch dr leitzte.
20140601             Durch des GOZILO o†o oo GERHARD—VON—MONTERBERG in der BURG—HENGEBACH Besitz kam jedoch
20140601             —DARAUFHIN, belagerten der LOTHRINGER GERHARD und sein Verbündeter BALDERICH—GRAF—VON—DRENTHE—DIE—BURG—HENGEBACH,
20140601             um DIE—BURG—HENGEBACH GERHARD—VON—MONTERBERG wieder zu entreißen.
20140601             —GETÖTET, Dieser GERHARD—VON—MONTERBERG wurde in 1—HINTERHALT,
20140601             der BURG—HENGEBACH Burgmannen ergaben sich.
20140601             wird - war vermutlich - Durch des Linkes RHEIN—UFER Angliederung an FRANKREICH
20140601             DIE—BURG—HEIMBACH[BURG—HENGEBACH] Eigentum des FRANKREICH—STAAT wurde,
20140601             Das Schloß Heimbach und DIE—GRAFEN und HERREN—VON—HENGEBACH.
20140601             I. - Genealogische Studien.[1] - II.
20140601             Besitzungen der EDEL—HERREN—VON—HENGEBACH. III.
20140601             Schicksale von Heimbach nach DER—VEREINIGUNG der Herrschaft mit der GRAFSCHAFT—JÜLICH.
20140601             Vlatten, seine Burg und die HERREN—VON—VLATTEN.
20140601             DIE—JÜLICH'SCHE Unterherrlichkeit GLADBACH.
20140601             A. - DIE—BESITZER der HERRSCHAFT—GLADBACH.
20140601             B. - Das PRÜM'sche HOF—GEDING zu Lüxheim.
20140601             C. - Kirchliche —VERHÄLTNISSE zu GLADBACH.
20140601             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, through downtown HONG—KONG to remember 19890604             —THE, bloody crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests in BEIJING, days —BEFORE the 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—TUMULTUOUS—EVENT.
20140601—20100000    —SENTENCED, Gholamreza Khosravi was, to death for providing PHOTOS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MILITARY—FACILITIES as well as financial aid to THE—MEK, and for helping to recruit for the group.
20140601—20140605    —ON, police charged DANIEL—S—HUBERT, 1—RECENTLY released convict, with murder and other crimes.
20140601—20300000    —BIS, USA—KRAFTWERKE: CO2—AUSSTOß soll um 30 % gesenkt werden
20150203—20150601    —BIS—ZUM, Im Zuge der DATEN—SAMMEL—REFORM soll sich DAS—WEIßE—HAUS künftig regelmäßig mit der NSA—ÜBERWACHUNG ausländischer Staatsoberhäupter beschäftigen.
20150520             CHINA, Li He20150601             —OF the country's wealthiest billionaires, inaugurated 1—GIANT—EXHIBITION—CENTER—NEAR—BEIJING—OLYMPIC—FOREST—PARK.
20150531—20150601    —ON, Their travel restrictions were due to expire.
20150531—20150601    —UNSCHEDULED, Borschberg made 1, stop in JAPAN to wait out bad weather.
20150531—20150601    —ACCUSED, THE—USA, THE—SYRIA—MILITARY—OF—CARRYING out air strikes to help Islamic State fighters advance —AROUND ALEPPO.
20150601             —KILLED, THE—UN said that more than 6,400—PEOPLE had been, from THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—CONFLICT in MID—20140400              to 20150530            .
20150601             —EXPIRED, Key provisions of THE—USA—PATRIOT Act, early —TODAY—AFTER the Senate failed to prevent their lapse, plunging USA national security efforts into potential disarray as the country faces persistent extremist threats.
20150601             USA—LED NATO—DRILLS began in the Baltic states and POLAND, 1—MOVE intended to reassure RUSSIA—NERVOUS—NEIGHBORS amid tensions over UKRAINE.
20150601             † JEAN—RITCHIE, 92—JAHRE—ALT, KENTUCKY—BORN folk singer, at her home in BEREA—KENTUCKY.
20150601             1—CANADA—COURT ordered tobacco firms to pay Can$15.5—BILLION (USA$12.4—BILLION) to smokers in QUEBEC who claimed they were never warned about the health risks associated with smoking.
20150601             Imperial Tobacco CANADA, Rothmans Benson & Hedges and JTI—MACDONALD said they would appeal.
20150601             CHINA, the cruise boat EAST—STAR was hit by 1—FREAK tornado and capsized on the Yangtze River with 456—PEOPLE—ONBOARD.
20150601             —BY the next —DAY only 14—PEOPLE, including the ship's CAPTAIN, were found alive —SINCE the ship capsized.
20150601             The disaster left at least 103—PEOPLE—DEAD and nearly 340—MISSING.
20150601             —REDUCED, The numbers were —LATER, to 12—SURVIVORS and 442—DEAD.
20150601             CHINA, the official Hebei Daily newspaper said CHINA—BIGGEST steelmaking province, Hebei, will order its big industrial emitters to pay for the pollution they discharge via 1—REGIONAL—TRADING—SCHEME beginning next —YEAR.
20150601             CHINA, 1—BAN on smoking in public places in BEIJING went into effect.
20150601             INDIA, JOURNALIST—JAGENDRA—SINGH was set on fire and killed in Uttar Pradesh state.
20150601             —IMPLICATED, —BEFORE he succumbed to his burns, Singh, Uttar PRADESH—DAIRY MINISTER, Ram Murti Verma, and 2—POLICE—OFFICERS in the attack.
20150601             —REPORTED, IRAN—FARS—NEWS—AGENCY, that IRAN—MAHAN—AIR, that acquired 9—PASSENGER—JETS in DEFIANCE—OF—USA—SANCTIONS, will begin using them on INTERNATIONAL routes this —WEEK.
20150601             —ACQUIRED, MAHAN—AIR, 8 2.—HAND Airbus A340s and 1—AIRBUS A321 —IN—EARLY May.
20150601             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—TREASURY, sanctions on 2—FIRMS based in IRAQ and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES on suspicion of helping the purchase.
20150601             —TARGETED, IRAQ, 3—ISLAMIC—STATE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, 1—POLICE—BASE in WEST—ANBAR province with EXPLOSIVES—LADEN Humvees, killing at least 47—POLICE and Shiite militiamen in the Tharthar area NORTH—OF—THE—IS—HELD Ramadi.
20150601             —LAUNCHED, KENYA police said they have, 1—INVESTIGATION into photos —POSTED on social media that appear to show officers mercilessly whipping 1—GROUP—OF—YOUNG—SOMALIA—MEN.
20150601             —KILLED, LEBANON, at least 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN DOZENS—OF—TENTS at 1—SYRIA—REFUGEE—CAMP in the Bekaa Valley caught fire.
20150601             —REPORTED, MALAYSIA—MEDIA, that Muslim Rohingya women who were held at HUMAN—TRAFFICKING—CAMPS in THAILAND and MALAYSIA were subjected to gang rapes by their captors, assaults that left at least 2—OF—THEM pregnant.
20150601             —DESIGNATED, The government of MAURITIUS, Ameenah GURIB—FAKIM, 56—JAHRE—ALT as THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND nation's new PRESIDENT, making her the 1. woman to hold the ceremonial position.
20150601             —ARRESTED, NIGERIA—ANTI—CORRUPTION—AGENCY said it has, 6—SENIOR—OFFICIALS from the country's central bank and 16—FROM commercial banks over alleged currency fraud.
20150601             —TURNED, THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—ADAMAWA state, Murtala Nyako (72), himself in for questioning at the country's ANTI—GRAFT—AGENCY —FOLLOWING CLAIMS—OF—MONEY laundering.
20150601             —ARMED, SOUTH—EAST—NIGERIA, robbers shot and hacked to death DENIS—DAGNAN, 62—JAHRE—ALT 1—FRANCE—TOURIST camping with his wife in the bush.
20150601             —UNHARMED, His wife Lavaud Liana Dagnan (53) was.
20150601             —BECAME, NORTH—IRELAND, paying for sex, illegal —TODAY making it the only PART—OF—BRITAIN to adopt more stringent legislation aimed at punishing clients of prostitutes INSTEAD—OF—SEX—WORKERS.
20150601             —SLASHED, ROMANIA, its sales tax on food and NON—ALCOHOLIC—DRINKS in 1—MOVE the government hopes will generate jobs, boost consumer spending and help the poor.
20150601             SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—LION leapt through 1—OPEN—CAR—WINDOW and mauled to death 1—USA—TOURIST at 1—PRIVATELY—RUN—GAME—PARK—JUST outside JOHANNESBURG.
20150601             —SIGNED, SOUTH—KOREA and CHINA, 1—FREE—TRADE—DEAL that will remove tariffs on more than 90—PERCENT of goods over 2—DECADES.
20150601             —ISOLATED, SOUTH—KOREAN—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said more than 680—PEOPLE are being, —AFTER having contact with patients infected with THE—MERS virus that has killed HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20150601             —SHOWED, TANZANIA, elephant census figures, a "catastrophic decline" of —AROUND 60—PERCENT over the last 5—YEARS.
20150601             UKRAINE said at least 2—CIVILIANS and 3—UKRAINE—TROOPS have been killed in EAST—UKRAINE despite the ongoing CEASE—FIRE over the last 24—HOURS.
20150601             —KILLED, YEMEN, at least 8—CIVILIANS were, and 20 wounded in explosions sparked by SAUDI—LED air strikes on rebel arms depots in SANAA.
20150601             —KILLED, Some 15—HOUTHI fighters were, in clashes late —TODAY with PRO—HADI fighters in Dhalea province.
20150601             —AM, key PROVISIONS—OF—THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT are set to expire — including 1—PROVISION that THE—NSA claims lets it collect private data about ALL—OF—OUR—PHONE—CALLS.
20150601             Forensische Analyse: KREML hat offenbar SATELLITEN—FOTOS zu MH17—ABSTURZ gefälscht
20150601             USA—NAZISCHERGEN kassierten mehr als 20.000.000  $ Rente
20150601             —GESTOPPT, Reform in USA—SENAT : DIE—NSA muss beim DATEN—SAMMELN Pause machen
20150601             UMWELT: ENERGIE—KONZERNE fordern Mitsprache bei KLIMA—SCHUTZ
20150601             —NACH—2—KATASTROPHEN: MALAYSIA—AIRLINES ist "technisch bankrott"
20150601             —NEUE—KÄMPFE—IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—ARMEE und Separatisten berichten von Toten
20150601             FOTO—ANALYSE zum Absturz: Wie RUSSLAND die MH17-Beweise manipulierte
20150601             PRESSE—KOMPASS: PUTINs EINREISE—VERBOTE—WIE soll EUROPA reagieren?
20150601             TERROR—GEFAHR: IS—ANHÄNGER wollten angeblich als FLÜCHTLINGE nach NORWEGEN
20150601             OFFENER—BRIEF—AN—MERKEL im Wortlaut: "Es ist Zeit!"
20150601             NACKTFOTO—AFFÄRE: Edathy muss SPD—MITGLIEDSCHAFT 3—JAHRE ruhen lassen
20150601             USA—CHIPHERSTELLER: Intel kauft Altera für 16,7—MILLIARDEN $
20150601             Missbrauchsvertuschung: Päpstlicher Kinderschützer nennt KARDINAL Pell "soziopathisch"
20150601             G7—GIPFEL—ELMAU: ALT—KANZLER—SCHMIDT findet Ausschluss PUTINs "wenig hilfreich"
20150601             NAH—OST—REISE: ISRAEL drängte STEINMEIER zu Umweg
20150601             Erdstöße in Rekordtiefe: Geisterbeben erstaunt GEO—FORSCHER
20150601             WAHL—KAMPF—IN—DER—TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN droht kritischem Journalisten
20150601             —TRIUMPHIERT, KOPFTUCH—STREIT vor Oberstem GERICHT—HOF: Muslimin, über Abercrombie & Fitch
20150601             [l] Lesetipp: Das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN über ISIS.
20150601             DIE—FAKTEN—DES—ARTIKELS sind:
20150601             —EVAKUIERT, ASSAD—REGIME, Kunstschätze, scheißt auf DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG - ISIS tarnt sich —JETZT besser
20150601             ISIS verteilte in Palmyra Brot an die hungerne Bevölkerung, sprengte ASSAD—FOLTERKNAST
20150601             So und —JETZT lest mal, mit wie viel wertenden Formulierungen und Hasspredigt die "Journalisten"das "berichten", damit auch ja niemand auf DIE—IDEE kommt, zu fragen, wieso wir eigentlich kein Brot sondern nur Fliegerbomben verteilen.
20150601             [l] NACHDEM wir —JETZT MONATE—LANG erzählt bekommen haben, dass DIE—GRIECHEN unfair, ungeschickt und erfolglos verhandeln, dass DIE—NEUE—REGIERUNG —KURZ—VOR, der Abwahl ist, dass das alles vor sich hin implodiert und der TSIPRAS so gut wie weg vom Fenster ist: Alles nur heiße Luft.
20150601             DIE—REGIERUNG—VON—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS ist aus 1—ANDEREN Holz geschnitzt.
20150601             So sieht das aus! [l] Der PATRIOT—ACT ist ausgelaufen.
20150603             alfatomega.com/20080601.html
20150607—20150601    —CAPSIZED, The death toll from 1—CHINA—CRUISE ship which, —DURING 1—STORM in the Yangtze River jumped to 431, with 11—STILL—MISSING.
20150715             ISRAEL Bezeq INTERNATIONAL ( alfatomega.com/20080601.html
20150826—20170601    —CONVICTED—OF, THE—3—OFFICERS were, 2.—DEGREE—MURDER.
20151018—20160601    —ON, charged with attempted murder and manslaughter.
20160530—20160601    —REACHED, Verizon and its unions said they have, 1—TENTATIVE agreement and that almost 40,000 workers will return to their jobs.
20160601             Das Gefühl der Sicherheit ist das, was den Unter—, längst auch den Mittelschichten in den Umbrüchen 20000101—20991231    —DES, zunehmend abhanden kommt.
20160601             Egyptian and FRANCE—INVESTIGATORS said 1—FRANCE—SEARCH—VESSEL has picked up signals from 1—OF—THE—BLACK—BOXES—OF—EGYPTAIR flight MS804, which crashed 20160519          .
20160601             —LOCATED, NASA said researchers in THE—USA and CANADA have, 39 unreported SOURCES—OF—MAJOR—POLLUTION using 1—NEW—SATELLITE—BASED method.
20160601             The unreported sources of toxic sulfur dioxide emissions are CLUSTERS—OF—COAL—BURNING—POWER—PLANTS, smelters and oil and gas operations in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, MEXICO and RUSSIA that were found in 1—ANALYSIS—OF—SATELLITE—DATA 20050000—20140000    —FROM—TO.
20160601             † SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, engineering PROFESSOR—WILLIAM—KLUG, 39—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed at UCLA—ENGINEERING—COMPLEX.
20160601             Mainak Sarkar (38), 1—INDIAN—USA—ENGINEER, then killed himself.
20160601             —KILLED, Sarkar had already, his estranged wife in MINNESOTA.
20160601             —SURGED, THE—BRAZOS—RIVER in TEXAS, to its highest in more than 1—CENTURY in 1—AREA outside of HOUSTON.
20160601             —ISSUED, THE—NATIONAL—WEATHER—SERVICE (NWS), 1—FLASH flood watch for large PARTS—OF—THE—STATE and said storms lasting —UNTIL the weekend could send even more rivers over their banks.
20160601             Ford Motor Co. said it is recalling nearly 1.9—MILLION—VEHICLES in NORTH—AMERICA to replace faulty PASSENGER—SIDE—FRONT—AIR—BAGS made by JAPAN—SUPPLIER—TAKATA Corp.
20160601             —DISGUISED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, Taliban gunmen, in women's burqas and wearing military uniforms underneath stormed 1—COURT building in, killing 5—CIVILIANS and 1—POLICEMAN in Ghazni.
20160601             † THE—NORTH—BALKH, province DISTRICT—POLICE—CHIEF—BISMULLAH—KHAN was killed —WHEN his vehicle struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20160601             —KIDNAPPED, In the north 17—PEOPLE were, by insurgents in SARI Pul province.
20160601             2—AFGHANISTAN—MEN and 1—WOMAN working for 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID—ORGANIZATION were shot dead in the Shekh ALI—DISTRICT—OF—THE—NORTH—WEST—PARWAN province.
20160601             1—SPECIAL—COURT—IN—BANGLADESH sentenced 1—MAN to death and 2—OF—HIS—ASSOCIATES to life in prison —AFTER finding them GUILTY—OF—KILLING—2—LOCAL—FIGHTERS —DURING the country's 19710000              WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE against PAKISTAN.
20160601             MOHAMED—NASHEED, 1—FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—MALDIVES —NOW in exile in BRITAIN —AFTER being ousted from office and jailed in his country, formed 1—OPPOSITION—GROUP aimed at toppling THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—ABDULLA—YAMEEN.
20160601             —OPENED, EGYPT, its border with GAZA for the 2. time in 1—MONTH, giving Palestinians a 4—DAY respite from 1—CLOSURE stemming from friction between CAIRO and the enclave's Islamist rulers.
20160601             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION said POLAND—GOVERNMENT is not —FOLLOWING THE—RULE—OF—LAW as required by the bloc's membership and has taken 1—STEP toward sanctions.
20160601             Transport chaos hit FRANCE, —JUST—9—DAYS—BEFORE the Euro 20160000              football tournament, as railway workers went on strike in the latest salvo of 1—MONTHS—LONG—BATTLE between the government and unions.
20160601             —CLOSED, FRANCE, PARIS City Hall, roads along the shore of the Seine from the Left Bank in the east to the Eiffel Tower neighborhood in THE—WEST—AFTER the Seine River overflowed its banks and floods hit towns across FRANCE.
20160601             HONDURAS, Rene Martinez (39), 1—LEADER in the gay community, was kidnapped in THE—CITY—OF—S—PEDRO—SULA.
20160601             His body was found —2—DAYS—LATER.
20160601             —DELAYED, PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI said IRAQ, its assault on THE—CITY—OF—FALLUJA BECAUSE—OF—FEARS for THE—SAFETY—OF—CIVILIANS, as his forces halted at the city's edge in the face of ferocious resistance from Islamic State fighters.
20160601             1—MALAWI court banned witchdoctors from operating in the impoverished SOUTH—AFRICAN—COUNTRY —FOLLOWING 1—SPATE of albino killings linked to witchcraft.
20160601             —TRAMPLED, MAURITANIA, 8—WOMEN were, to death in 1—STAMPEDE to receive alms being distributed by 1—CHARITY ahead of the Muslim holy —MONTH of Ramadan.
20160601             —RAIDED, HOLLAND—PROSECUTORS, 1—STRING—OF—LOCATIONS and seized cash and HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—FRAUDULENT letters in 1—INVESTIGATION into worldwide mail scams.
20160601             The next —DAY USA—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AUTHORITIES said the scams had defrauded "elderly and vulnerable" Americans OUT—OF—TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20160601             —IMPOSED, PAKISTAN, full border controls across THE—AFGHAN—PAKISTAN border at Torkham near the Khyber Pass.
20160601             —DETAINED, Police in ROMANIA, 26—PEOPLE, including 1—NUMBER—OF—BORDER—POLICE—OFFICERS, on charges of smuggling cigarettes and fake Rolex watches and helping migrants illegally enter from Serbia.
20160601             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—ROMANIA—TEACHERS, to demand higher salaries, rallying outside the government's main offices in BUCHAREST then marching through the capital.
20160601             —VOICED, RUSSIA—SOCIAL—MEDIA—USERS, their outrage at TWITTER—DECISION 1—DAY —EARLIER to suspend popular accounts parodying PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN and other officials.
20160601             THE—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said that 1—TEMPORARY—CEASEFIRE, which it called a "REGIME—OF—CALM", had taken effect —FOR—48—HOURS in THE—DAMASCUS suburb of Daraya to allow for the distribution of humanitarian aid to civilians.
20160601             —SENTENCED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 14—PEOPLE to death for terrorism —AFTER they were CONVICTED—OF—ATTACKS on police in the Shi'ite Muslim minority AREA—OF—QATIF in THE—EAST—PROVINCE.
20160601             Another 9—PEOPLE were given jail sentences of 3 to 15—YEARS and 1 was acquitted.
20160601             —KILLED, SOMALIA said intelligence agents have, SHEIK—MOHAMED—MOHAMUD aka Dulyadin, who was THE—HEAD—OF—AL—SHABAAB—INTELLIGENCE wing, known as Amniyat.
20160601             —SUSPECTED—OF, THE—COMMANDER was, organizing 20150000             —THE attack on KENYA—GARISSA—UNIVERSITY that left 148—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160601             —STORMED, SOMALIA, Shabaab gunmen, the Ambassador Hotel in CENTRAL—MOGADISHU.
20160601             —KILLED, Over the next 12—HOURS they, at least 15—PEOPLE including 2—MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT in the latest attack by THE—AL—QAEDA group.
20160601             —KILLED, All the gunmen were, by the security forces.
20160601             SPAIN, USA—BIONIC limb specialist HUGH—HERR, 51—JAHRE—ALT won THE—PRINCESS—OF—ASTURIAS 20160000              scientific research prize in recognition of his work to improve mobility for people with disabilities.
20160601             —INAUGURATED, SWITZERLAND, European dignitaries, the 57-km (35.4-mile) Gotthard Railway Tunnel, 1—MAJOR—ENGINEERING—ACHIEVEMENT—DEEP under the Alps' SNOW—CAPPED peaks.
20160601             It took 17—YEARS to build at 1—COST—OF—12.2—BILLION SWITZERLAND—FRANCS ($12—BILLION).
20160601             THE—USA—LED INTERNATIONAL coalition fighting the Islamic State group said it had conducted 18—AIR—STRIKES—NEAR the strategic TOWN—OF—MANBIJ in NORTH—SYRIA over the last 24—HOURS with at least 15—CIVILIANS killed.
20160601             —DESTROYED, The strikes, 1—IS headquarters, 6 IS—USED bridges, communication towers, and 8 IS fighting positions, among other targets.
20160601             —LAUNCHED, THE—KURDISH—MILITIA also, 1—OFFENSIVE to capture THE—IS—HELD Tabqa air base.
20160601             THAILAND—AUTHORITIES found DOZENS—OF—DEAD tiger cubs inside 1—FREEZER at the Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua temple in WEST—KANCHANABURI province.
20160601             UNO—WARNUNG zu Falludscha: IS setzt offenbar Hunderte Familien als menschliche Schutzschilde ein
20160601             DALAI—LAMA über FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "DEUTSCHLAND kann kein arabisches Land werden"
20160601             Gleichstellung: DÄNEMARK schafft Einstufung von Transgender als geisteskrank ab
20160601             —PLÄDIERT, BREXIT—REFERENDUM: Hawking, für Verbleib in der EU
20160601             Turnier in FRANKREICH: BUNDES—POLIZEI plant schärfere ÜBERWACHUNG WÄHREND FUßBALL—EM
20160601             Sixt Leasing AG: —CHEF—FÜHRTE Doktortitel falsch (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:03)
20160601             TÜRKEI—KRITIK—AN—ARMENIEN—RESOLUTION: "DIE—AFD wird gestärkt"
20160601             SOZIAL—STAAT: Mehr als 1.000.000—MENSCHEN leben dauerhaft von HARTZ—IV
20160601             Gefährliches VIRUS: 1—DUTZEND ZIKA—FÄLLE
20160601             Phlippinen: Duterte rechtfertigt Morde an Journalisten
20160601             [l] AUSTRALIENs Regierung hat dafür gesorgt, daß DER—UNO—BERICHT zum KLIMA—WANDEL das GREAT—BARRIER—REEF nicht erwähnt.
20160601             Ist wahrscheinlich auch besser so, denn von dem GREAT—BARRIER—REEF sind —SCHON 1/3—TOT.
20160601             [l] Benutzt hier jemand tumblr?
20160601             Aber tatsächlich ticken EUROPAs nationalistische Parteien alle gleich, benutzen dieselbe RHETORIK.
20160601             Ihre —BOTSCHAFT—AN—DIE—MENSCHEN heißt: Ihr müsst euch nicht verändern, ihr könnt KleinBAUERn bleiben, eure TANTE—EMMA—LÄDEN weiter führen, ihr müsst nicht zu den Jobs wandern, die kommen zu EUCH—WENN ihr uns wählt.
20160601             1 "FORM—DES—PROTEKTIONISMUS"nennt der NIEDERLANDE—SOZIOLOGE PAUL Scheffer die politische Offerte, die auf ein zentrales Gefühl DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Gesellschaften reagiere, auf deren "Sehnsucht nach mehr Sicherheit".
20160601             Das ist der Boden, auf dem ein neues Gespenst in EUROPA umgeht.
20160601             Mit populistischen Parolen orten die RECHTS—PARTEIEN DIE—SCHULD für alles Schlechte aus den vergangenen —JAHREN und Jahrzehnten beim politischen Establishment.
20160601             Dieses sei korrupt, machtbesessen und sitze weit weg vom Volk.
20160601             Es orientiere sich vornehmlich an den Wünschen von ökonomischen, ethnischen, religiösen oder sexuellen Minderheiten und lasse mit zu laschen Gesetzen und zu zögerlichem Handeln zu, daß DAS—LAND "VERSEUCHT"und "versifft"wurde, so AFD—VIZE—JÖRG—MEUTHEN.
20160601             Dagegen kämpfen DIE—RECHTEN Reformer.
20160601             Ihre simple BotschaFT, Sie versprechen den Kampf des "Wir"gegen "die"zu führen.
20160601             —REGIERT, POLEN, —SEIT vorigen —HERBST die von den KACZYNKI—ZWILLINGSBRÜDERN gegründete KATHOLISCH—NATIONALISTISCHE Partei Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc, übersetzt: RECHT und Gerechtigkeit.
20160601             An UNGARNs Grenze werden Frauen und Kinder mit Tränengas beschossen.
20160601             Kritik ist unerwünscht, da wo die Rechtsnationalisten regieren.
20160601             Auf dem Weg zur MACHT geben sich die neueren Parteien und Bewegungen ganz anders als ihre Vorläufer.
20160601             DIE—EXTREME Rechte der Fünfziger—, SECHZIGER—JAHRE war meist neofaschistisch oder revisionistisch.
20160601             Sie wollte 1—ANDEREN STAAT, 1.andere Ordnung.
20160601             DIE—MODERNEN Rechtsparteien, die sich in WEST—EUROPA —SEIT den SIEBZIGER—JAHREN, IM—OSTEN —SEIT den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN entwickelten, haben keine Glatzköpfe, tragen keine SPRINGERSTIEFEL—SIE tragen Krawatte, Kostümchen und Schminke.
20160601             Sie wollen DIE—DEMOKRATIE nicht abschaffen, sie wollen sie "wehrhaft"machen, behaupten sie.
20160601             Ratlos am Gartenzaun stehen derweil die sozial— oder CHRISTDEMOKRATISCHE—PARTEIEN neben den liberal oder ökologisch getönten Wahlvereinen.
20160601             Sie beschimpfen die neue Konkurrenz als POPULISTEN, so als ob sie nicht —SCHON—LÄNGST selbst welche wären.
20160601             Hasskommentare IM—NETZ: BERLIN hadert mit BRÜSSELs FACEBOOK—KODEX
20160601             —GEFUNDEN, THAILAND: 40—TOTE Tigerbabys in umstrittenem Tempel
20160601             EX—TERRORISTEN: RAF—TRIO lebt möglicherweise in den NIEDERLANDEn
20160601             GESETZ—ENTWURF: KABINETT beschließt neues ANTI—TERROR—PAKET
20160601             GOTTHARD: Längster Tunnel der Welt ERÖFFNET—ALLES     —JAHR—ZUMHUNDERTBAU
20160601             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTSBEWERBER: NORD—KOREA nennt DONALD—TRUMP 1 "weisen Politiker"
20160601             GOTTHARD: Längster Eisenbahntunnel der Welt eröffnet
20160601             GESETZ—ENTWURF: Regierung geht gegen Lohndumping bei LEIH—ARBEIT vor
20160601             ZULASSUNGS—STREIT, EU—KOMMISSION hofft auf MINI—VERLÄNGERUNG für Glyphosat
20160601             Hetzseite Anonymous.Kollektiv: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT fahndet nach mutmaßlichem Betreiber
20160601             Umstrittene Immobilienkurse: Die Psychotricks der DONALD—TRUMP University
20160601             JEAN—CLAUDE—JUNCKER über den BREXIT: "Zu viel EUROPA tötet EUROPA"
20160601             —VERBÜNDET, MOBILFUNK—GESCHÄFT, MICROSOFT, sich mit Chinesen
20160601             Kolumne20160601              Bittere Erkenntnis —SOMMER—IM,
20160601             Aber der ausschlaggebende Grund, weshalb DER—POLITISCHE—DIS—KURS kaum erträglich ist, ist nicht seine Hitze, sondern seine verstörende Berechenbarkeit.
20160601             Diskussionen erscheinen mir als Schauspiel mit feststehender RollenverTEILUNG und gestanztem Drehbuch, das mit immer gleichen Phrasen und Posen abgearbeitet wird.
20160601             Es gibt keine Außenstehenden, keine Unbeteiligten mehr.
20160601             —GEWORDEN, Das Publikum ist selbst zum wichtigsten Akteur.
20160601             —DENN, vor allem durch SOZIALE—MEDIEN ist 1.rechtsautoritäre Gegenöffentlichkeit entstanden, die sowohl das Verschweigen wie auch das Berichten als Bestätigung betrachtet.
20160601             DIE—BERECHENBARKEIT der Aufmerksamkeitszyklen ist in jedem Fall 1—GESCHENK für populistische MANIPULATION.
20160601             Diese Berechenbarkeit der Reaktionen zwischen sozialen und redaktionellen Medien ist 1—DER wichtigsten Gründe für das Erstarken der RECHTS—EXTREMEN.
20160601             FEHL—ALARM—IN—HAMBURG: Mann hält Jogger für Attentäter - 30—STREIFENWAGEN rücken aus
20160601             GUNDREMMINGEN: VIRUS im ATOM—KRAFT—WERK kam über USB—STICK
20160601             Elefanten: NAMIBIA und SIMBABWE wollen legal Elfenbein verkaufen
20160601             KFW—STUDIE, Starker ARBEITS—MARKT lässt ZAHL—DER—GRÜNDER sinken
20160601             @DarthPUTINKGB: Twitter sperrt PARODIE—ACCOUNT auf PUTIN - [l] Ah!
20160601             Na dann ist ja —JETZT alles in Butter!11!
20160601             Vielleicht noch mal kurz 1—BLICK wagen, nur um ganz sicher zu gehen.
20160601             Oh. Also wird alles gut? NEIN!
20160601             Einigkeit besteht jedenfalls darüber, daß allein durch die beschlossene GESETZES—ÄNDERUNG ganz sicher kein ENDE—DER—ABMAHNWELLEN zu erwarten ist.
20160601             —DANN, bleibt das WLAN wohl zu
20160601             NS—SYMBOLE beim Dorfumzug: Organisator entschuldigt sich für HAKENKREUZ—VORFALL
20160601             VERDACHT—AUF—VOLK—VERHETZUNG: BERLINer Ladenbesitzerin erteilt ROMA HAUS—VERBOT
20160601             EU—VERWARNUNG wegen JUSTIZ—REFORM, Warschau stellt sich stur
20160601             [l] DIE—POLIZEI greift gerne auf GOOGLE zurück, z.B.
20160601             [l] DIE—GRÜNEN und CDU in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG zoffen sich gerade über das Gendern von REGIERUNGS—TWEETS.
20160601             USA—AUTOMARKT: VW—ABSATZ fällt um 17 %
20160617—20170601    —ON, Hanning †.
20160621—19850601    —MITTE—DER—SEIT—ACHTZIGERJAHRE dabei, aus EUROPA auszutreten.
20161123             alfatomega.com/20080601.html
20170104             GW170104 (beobachtet: bekannt gegeben: 20170601             )
20170502             The rules take effect 20170601           .
20170601             —SPELLED, Trump, out that THE—USA would no longer contribute to the Green Climate Fund, 1—UN—INITIATIVE to use rich countries' money to bring climate finance to developing ones.
20170601             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—ORDER keeping THE—USA—EMBASSY in Tel Aviv for at least another 6—MONTHS.
20170601             —JOINED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, with NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO and WASHINGTON STATE—GOVERNOR—JAY—INSLEE to announce 1—NEW—ALLIANCE—OF—STATES dedicated to fight global warming and urged other states to join them.
20170601             Samer El Debek (37) of Dearborn, Mi., was arrested in LIVONIA, Mi., for trying to providing support to HEZBOLLAH—ISLAMIC—JIHAD organization.
20170601             —ARRESTED, ALI—KOURANI, 32—JAHRE—ALT was, in the Bronx on the same charges.
20170601             Scientists said 1—EXPANSE—OF—ICE roughly the size of DELAWARE is close to breaking off from the warming ANTARCTIC ice shelf to form 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—EVER icebergs.
20170601             A68a broke off and —LATER threatened to block wildlife on BRITAIN—SOUTH—GEORGIA ISLAND.
20170601             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—CONSORTIUM—OF—ENTERTAINMENT and cannabis veterans, including musician DAMIAN—MARLEY and COLORADO pot sellers, have acquired 1—CONTROLLING—INTEREST in High Times magazine as at valuation of $70—MILLION.
20170601             —CARRIED, Federal police in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, out raids and served 1—ARREST—WARRANT in 1—PROBE—OF suspected fraud in contracts to supply meals to schools and prisons.
20170601             —DETONATED, NORTH—CAMEROON, 2—YOUNG—GIRL—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, their explosives in the village of Djakana, lightly injuring 2—MEMBERS—OF—1—LOCAL—CIVILIAN—SELF—DEFENSE—FORCE.
20170601             CHINA—NEW—CYBERSECURITY—LAW came into effect.
20170601             It required foreign firms to store data they collect on CHINA—CUSTOMERS within the country's borders.
20170601             CHINA, rules too effect baring private or foreign companies from directly disseminating news or investing in online news services.
20170601             —VOWED, GERMANY and CHINA, to expand their partnership and pledged to continue fighting climate change as CHINA—PREMIER—LI—KEQIANG visited BERLIN, sending 1—SIGNAL to WASHINGTON hours —BEFORE USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP announces if he will quit 1—GLOBAL—CLIMATE—DEAL.
20170601             —FIRED, INDIA—TROOPS, mortars and used small arms to target civilians in border towns in the disputed Himalayan REGION—OF—KASHMIR, killing 1—VILLAGER.
20170601             —WOUNDED, Another 4—CIVILIANS were, in the shelling, which THE—PAKISTAN—MILITARY said was in violation of 1—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT.
20170601             —RETURNED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, fire.
20170601             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 7—CIVILIANS were, and 23 wounded by Islamic State mortar shells as they tried to flee MOSUL—MILITANT—CONTROLLED—ZANJILI district.
20170601             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that at least 163—PEOPLE were shot and killed by the Islamic State group to prevent them from fleeing MOSUL.
20170601             THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS from NATO and its partner nations began training on land and sea in POLAND and ROMANIA, in 2—MAJOR—EXERCISES that aim to demonstrate their cooperation and rapid response capabilities at 1—TIME—WHEN the region feels threatened by RUSSIA.
20170601             —KILLED, NIGER, 6—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES were, —WHEN HEAVILY—ARMED attackers ambushed 1—MILITARY—POSITION in Abala, near the border with MALI.
20170601             † NIGER, local officials in AGADEZ said at least 44—LIBYA—BOUND migrants, including women and babies, —OF—THIRST—AFTER their vehicle broke down in the scorching SAHARA desert.
20170601             1—PALESTINE—GIRL (15) was shot —AFTER stabbing 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER—NEAR 1—SETTLEMENT in THE—WEST—BANK.
20170601             † Nouf Infeat, of her wounds the next —DAY.
20170601             THE—UN—AGENCY for PALESTINE—REFUGEES (UNRWA) found "PART—OF—1—TUNNEL in GAZA that passed under 2—ADJACENT—AGENCY—SCHOOLS in the Maghazi camp" —DURING construction work —WHILE the schools were empty —DURING the —SUMMER holiday.
20170601             —LEAKED, SOUTH—AFRICA, documents released by the media alleging improper dealings in government contracts opened PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA up to renewed scrutiny.
20170601             Investigative journalists at AmaBhungane, 1—NON—PROFIT—GROUP that has 1—STRONG—TRACK—RECORD—OF exposing what it says are government corruption scandals, released SOME—OF—MORE than 100,000 leaked emails and documents.
20170601             1—COURT—IN—NORTH—TUNISIA handed 1—MONTH—JAIL—TERMS to 4—MEN for eating in public —DURING the Muslim DAWN—TO—DUSK fasting —MONTH of Ramadan.
20170601             TUNISIA has no specific law banning eating in public —DURING Ramadan, 1—CONTROVERSY which resurfaces EACH—YEAR in THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country.
20170601             1 leaked audio recording —POSTED online voiced UZBEKISTAN—PRESIDENT—SHAVKAT—MIRZIYOYEV harshly criticizing officials in CHARGE—OF—FINANCE and banking.
20170601             —IDENTIFIED, Mirziyoyev berates 1—OFFICIAL, by news website Kun.uz as Deputy CENTRAL—BANK—CHAIRMAN—SAIDKAMOL—KHODJAEV and criticizing Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—RUSTAM—AZIMOV.
20170601             DONALD—TRUMP—NAH—OST—INITIATIVE: "Dieser Prozess wird scheitern"
20170601             USA und DER—KLIMA—VERTRAG: DONALD—TRUMP—VERWIRRSPIEL mit der Weltöffentlichkeit
20170601             1.Quartal: Uber macht 708.000.000 Verlust
20170601             Bruder, Schwester, Erbfeind: Warum Erben so VIELE—FAMILIEN zerstört
20170601             GROSSBRITANNIEN—TV—DEBATTE: "Wo ist May?"
20170601             —NEUE—EUROPOL—FAHNDUNGS—METHODE: Verräterische Objekte sollen Vergewaltiger von Kindern überführen
20170601             —GEWINNT, Material für künstliche Haut: Hydrogel, Strom aus Bewegungen
20170601             PHILIPPINEN: Warum Duterte —JETZT gegen den IS kämpft
20170601             Dramatiker und Regisseur: Tankred Dorst ist tot
20170601             —KLIMA—ALLIANZ: DEUTSCHLAND und CHINA senden Signal an DONALD—TRUMP
20170601             MYSPACE—GRÜNDER—TOM—ANDERSON: "Arbeiten?
20170601             TOD—VON—BENNO Ohnesorg: "Bitte nicht schießen!"
20170601             MEGA—UMSIEDLUNG in MOSKAU: "Hände weg von meiner Wohnung"
20170601             EU—HANDEL—MIT—CHINA: So viel Chinopa gibt es —SCHON
20170601             NÜRNBERG: Junger Afghane muss nicht in Abschiebehaft (Leben und Lernen, 14:19)
20170601             Das Konzept hinter der Entwicklung heißt "Energy Harvesting"(Energie ernten): Aus Temperaturunterschieden oder alltäglichen Bewegungen, etwa von Menschen oder Maschinen, werden geringe Mengen elektrischer Energie gewonnen, die für kleine mobile Geräte ausreichen.
20170601             1—MÖGLICHKEIT dieser Energiegewinnung bietet der sogenannte triboelektrische Effekt.
20170601             Wang und Kollegen erreichten mit dem Steng in 1—OFFENEN Stromkreis 1.Spannung von —BIS zu 145—VOLT und 1.Leistungsdichte von 35—MILLIWATT pro Quadratmeter.
20170601             [l] 1—RUNDE—MITLEID für die neuesten Automatisierungsopfer: Die armen darbenden WALL—STREET —BANKSTER.
20170601             50—JAHRE "Sgt.
20170601             —THURSDAY, 20170601
20170601             Where was DONALD—TRUMP on;;12;; 1 and 2, 2016?
20170601             —AFTER RE—READING the previous —POST (which I hope you will read), 1—SHOULD—HAVE—BEEN—OBVIOUS—QUESTION popped into my head: Where was DONALD—TRUMP?
20170601             We know that Kushner and Flynn met with Kislyak in DONALD—TRUMP Tower on;;12;;
20170601             1 or 2, 20160000            .
20170601             ;12;; 1 was the date —WHEN DONALD—TRUMP kicked off his weird "victory rally"tour.
20170601             The imprecise date (";;12;; 1 or 2") of the Kislyak meeting suggests that it may have taken place —AROUND midnight.
20170601             If THE—MEETING took place elsewhere in the building -- where?
20170601             Where exactly did THE—MEETING take place?
20170601             Sources who spoke to THE—GUARDIAN said it was FARAGE—PROXIMITY to people at THE—HEART—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION that was being examined as 1—ELEMENT in their broader inquiry into how RUSSIA may have worked with DONALD—TRUMP campaign officials to influence THE—USA—ELECTION.
20170601             "1—OF—THE—THINGS THE—INTELLIGENCE investigators have been looking at is POINTS—OF—CONTACT and persons involved," 1—SOURCE said.
20170601             Ah.
20170601             —MENTIONED, THE—SOURCE, FARAGE—LINKS with ROGER—STONE, DONALD—TRUMP—LONG—TIME—POLITICAL—ADVISER who has admitted being in contact with GUCCIFER 2.0, 1—HACKER whom USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES believe to be 1—KREMLIN agent.
20170601             There he is. "Sgt.
20170601             —AM—TAG darauf ging er in BERLIN auf 1.DEMO—GEGEN—DEN Besuch des despotischen Schahs von Persien und wurde von 1—POLIZISTEN erschossen, diese Hinrichtung war der Beginn DER—DEUTSCHEN—STUDENTENREBELLION.
20170601             —NAMED, NIGEL—FARAGE has reportedly been, as 1—PERSON—OF—INTEREST IN—THE—FBI—DONALD—TRUMP—RUSSIA investigation.
20170601             GO CORBYN!
20170601             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS b : 8:58 AM
20170601             Lohngerechtigkeit: Firmen sind schlecht auf neues Gesetz vorbereitet (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 15:05)
20170601             CANNABIS auf Rezept: Große Erwartungen, VIELE—OFFENE—FRAGEN
20170601             Unverständliche Politiker: Mag MERKEL auch Covfefe?
20170601             PUTIN zu CYBER—ANGRIFFEN: "Auf staatlicher Ebene machen wir so etwas nicht"
20170601             Stratolaunch: Weltgrößtes Flugzeug rollt 1. aus Hangar
20170601             Erneuter Nachweis von GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN: SCHWARZE Löcher im Todeskampf
20170601             USA—BOTSCHAFT bleibt in TEL—AVIV: Der Umzug nach JERUSALÉM fällt aus
20170601             —DOKUMENTARFILM "Deportation Class": Sie kommen nachts
20170601             KORRUPTIONS—AFFÄRE: RÜSTUNGS—KONZERN Atlas muss 48.000.000 zahlen
20170601             Höherer Verteidigungsetat: SCHULZ will 2—PROZENT—ZIEL der NATO kippen
20170601             RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: EX—FBI—CHEF—COMEY sagt kommende Woche aus
20170601             Ärger über IWF: Wo Griechen und DEUTSCHLAND—SICH mal einig sind - SONNEN—SONDE: Heiße Kiste
20170601             —VERKÜNDET, WELT—KLIMAVERTRAG—VON—PARIS: DONALD—TRUMP, Ausstieg —, will neu verhandeln
20170601             DONALD—TRUMP kündigt KLIMA—VERTRAG: Was der Ausstieg der USA für DIE—WELT bedeutet
20170601             n JEDER—SEKUNDE —, —SEIT—BEGINN dieses Textes SIND—CA—15—VERGANGEN—VERBRENNT unser STERN—CA—564.000.000—TONNEN Wasserstoff und macht daraus 560.000.000—TONNEN Helium.
20170601             Ob künftig weiter KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL oder DER—SPD—KANDIDAT MARTIN—SCHULZ sein DEUTSCHLAND—VERHANDLUNGS—PARTNER sein wird, sei nicht wichtig, behauptete PUTIN.
20170601             PUTIN beklagte ein hohes Niveau an RUSSLANDfeindlichkeit in der westlichen Welt.
20170601             Trotz aller Spannungen warb PUTIN für 1.Rückkehr zur KOOPERATION—INTERNATIONAL und auch mit DEUTSCHLAND.
20170601             Für DONALD—TRUMP hatte PUTIN 1—LOB—PA—RAT,Dieser sei 1."offene Person".
20170601             —ENTSCHEIDET, Ob sich das NOBEL—KOMITEE —J—IN—DIESEM, dafür, die Entdecker der GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN zu bedenken, wird sich  ;;1000;;             —IM, klären.
20170601             —BEREITS, zum 3. Mal können die beteiligten Forscher nun 1.Entdeckung verkünden.
20170601             —BERICHTET, Im FACH—MAGAZIN "Physical Review Letters" die Ligo Scientific Collaboration von 1—BEOBACHTUNG am ;;0104;; —DIESES—JAHRES, um genau ;;111158;;,6 MITTEL—EUROPÄISCHER—ZEIT.
20170601             Da hatten die hochsensiblen Detektoren die Folgen der Verschmelzung zweier SCHWARZER Löcher REGISTRIERT—IN kaum vorstellbaren 3—MILLIARDEN LICHT—JAHREN Entfernung.
20170601             GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN kann man sich als Kräuselungen der Raumzeit vorstellen
20170601             der LIGO—DETEKTOR konnte sie, auch dank DEUTSCHLAND—TECHNIK, GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN
20170601             An den BEIDEN—CA—3000—KM entfernten USA—STAND—ORTEN des Detektors gibt es jeweils 2—VAKUUM—RÖHREN.
20170601             [l] NAOMI—KLEIN rechnet mit dem PARISER—KLIMA—GIPFELL ab.
20170601             The fact that THE—AGREEMENT—ONLY commits governments to keeping warming below 1—INCREASE—OF—2—DEGREES, rather than 1—MUCH safer firm target of 1.5—DEGREES, was lobbied for and won by THE—UNITED—STATES.
20170601             The fact that THE—AGREEMENT left it to individual nations to determine how much they were willing to do to reach that temperature target, allowing them to come to PARIS with commitments that collectively put us on 1—DISASTROUS—COURSE towards MORE—THAN—3—DEGREES—OF warming, was lobbied for and won by THE—UNITED—STATES.
20170601             The fact that THE—AGREEMENT treats even these inadequate commitments as NON—BINDING, which means governments apparently do not have anything to fear if they ignore their commitments, is something else that was lobbied for and won by THE—UNITED—STATES.
20170601             The fact that THE—AGREEMENT specifically prohibits poor countries from seeking damages for THE—COSTS—OF—CLIMATE—DISASTERS was lobbied for and won by THE—UNITED—STATES.
20170601             The fact that it is an "agreement" or an "accord" and not 1—TREATY — the very thing that makes it possible for DONALD—TRUMP to stage his ACTION—MOVIE—SLOW—MO walk away, world in flames behind him — was lobbied for and won by THE—UNITED—STATES.
20170601             I could go on.
20170601—19670601    "SERGEANT—PEPPER": Man muss zum Beispiel nicht wissen, daß der Student BENNO—OHNESORG gerade noch gelebt hat, als dieses Album
20170601—20120000    —IN—THE, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—POLICE carried out raids in 1—PROBE—OF suspected corruption mayoral race in SAO—PAULO, SOUTH—AMERICA—LARGEST—CITY.
20170601—20140000    —IN, 1—RESIDENT said IS militants have blocked the area —AROUND the highly symbolic AL—NURI mosque in MOSUL—OLD—CITY where the group's leader made his 1. and only public appearance.
20170601—20150000    —ANNOUNCED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that his administration would —IMMEDIATELY stop implementing the 195-nation PARIS accord on climate change brokered by BARACK—OBAMA in tandem with CHINA—LEADERS.
20170817—20170601    —IN, —SPECIAL—INVESTIGATOR for THE—UN said Eritreans continue to suffer arbitrary arrest, enforced disappearances and 1—NATIONAL—SYSTEM—OF—MILITARY—SERVICE that amounts to enslavement.
20180529             —ANNOUNCED, MISSOURI GOVERNOR—ERIC—GREITENS, 44—JAHRE—ALT, his resignation, effective 20180601             , amid criminal and legislative investigations stemming from 1—EXTRAMARITAL affair and campaign finance questions.
20180531—20180601    —ON, Commerce SECRETARY—WILBUR—ROSS said the tariffs would be 25—PERCENT on steel and 10—PERCENT on aluminum, and go into effect.
20180601             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, that his ON—AND—OFF 20180612              summit in SINGAPORE with NORTH—KOREAN—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN was on again.
20180601             —TAINTED, USA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said, lettuce grown in YUMA—ARIZONA, has left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and at least 197—LEFT ill in 35—STATES.
20180601             This was the 3. highest bid in 18—YEARS that Buffett has offered the lunch.
20180601             † EDDY—CLEARWATER, 83—JAHRE—ALT, MISSISSIPPI—BORN CHICAGO bluesman, at his home in SKOKIE—ILLINOIS.
20180601             1—JUDGE—IN—IOWA agreed to temporarily block the most restrictive abortion law in the country from taking effect next —MONTH.
20180601             MISSOURI GOVERNOR—ERIC—GREITENS quit his position, but he approved 77—NEW—LAWS—BEFORE he officially left the building.
20180601             1—OF—THOSE criminalized "nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images" (or threatening to do so)... which was the very thing that started his downfall.
20180601             LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—MIKE—PARSON was sworn in as the state's new GOVERNOR shortly —AFTER the resignation of GOVERNOR—ERIC—GREITENS took effect.
20180601             —ENDED, KANSAS, CITY—MONTANA, 1—POLICE—CHASE, with 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 4—SERIOUSLY injured.
20180601             VICTORIA Brown (24), the driver of 1—JEEP, fled had police and crashed into another car killing 3—OCCUPANTS as well as 1—PERSON in the Jeep.
20180601             —CHARGED, Brown was, with 2.-degree murder.
20180601             LAS—VEGAS, VIETNAM—TOURISTS—SANG Boi Nghia and Khoung Ba Le Nguyen were found fatally stabbed at their Circus Circus hotel room.
20180601             —STOKED, NORTH—NEW—MEXICO, 1—WILDFIRE, by low humidity and high temperatures, forced residents in the remote community of Cimarron to flee their homes.
20180601             —DOUBLED, By the next —DAY the wildfire, in size to 42—SQUARE—MILES.
20180601             NEW—YORK, City pizza delivery worker PABLO—VILLAVICENCIO, 1—NATIVE—OF—ECUADOR, was arrested —WHILE making 1—DELIVERY at THE—BROOKLYN—FORT—HAMILTON—ARMY—BASE—AFTER 1—ROUTINE background check revealed 1—WARRANT for his arrest for immigration law violations.
20180601             BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO said his country was ready to bring back border controls with RUSSIA —AFTER—20—YEARS—OF—FREE—MOVEMENT if 1—RECENT—REIMPOSITION—OF—SPOT—CHECKS by MOSCOW proved to be LONG—LASTING.
20180601             —CHARGED, CANADA—FORMER—HOSTAGE—JOSHUA—BOYLE, who has been, with sexual assault, misleading police and making death threats —AFTER returning home from years in captivity in AFGHANISTAN, was granted bail.
20180601             He will be required to live with his parents in Smith Falls, near OTTAWA, under electronic monitoring.
20180601             —APPROVED, CZECH—REPUBLIC—LAWMAKERS, government plans to raise THE—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS on foreign missions with their NATO—ALLIES, with PRIME—MINISTER—ANDREJ—BABIS—ANO party pushing the mandate through over Communist protests on deployments in the Baltics.
20180601             —FIRED, THE—EU, its 1. riposte against WASHINGTON—PUNISHING—STEEL and aluminum tariffs, joining CANADA and MEXICO in 1—BREWING—GLOBAL—TRADE—WAR against USA—PROTECTIONISM.
20180601             —OPENED, THE—EU said it had, legal challenges to THE—USA at the World Trade Organization (WTO).
20180601             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and CHINA said they will do their utmost to keep afloat 1—INTERNATIONAL—AGREEMENT to stop IRAN developing nuclear weapons despite THE—USA—ABANDONING the pact.
20180601             —EXPERIENCED, Payment systems giant Visa, 1—HARDWARE—ISSUE—LATE—TODAY that had left it struggling to process transactions at bars, shops and cash machines across EUROPE.
20180601             GERMANY, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DECREE requiring Christian crucifixes to be put up at entrances of most public buildings in Bavaria came into force, sparking ACCUSATIONS—OF—IDENTITY—POLITICS—AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS in the state.
20180601             1—HONG—KONG court ruled that oo 1—MALE—CIVIL—SERVANT was not entitled to spousal benefits, overturning 1—LANDMARK lower court ruling in 1—SETBACK for the city's LGBT community.
20180601             —RULED, In April —LAST—YEAR, the High Court, that the couple were entitled to spousal benefits, but rejected their bid for 1—JOINT—TAX—ASSESSMENT as 1 oo couple.
20180601             ISRAEL—FORCES shot dead Razan AL—NAJAR, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VOLUNTEER medic, as she ran toward the border fence, EAST—OF—THE—SOUTH—GAZA CITY—OF—KHAN Younis, in 1—BID to reach 1—CASUALTY.
20180601             —PRESIDED, ITALY—PRESIDENT—SERGIO—MATTARELLA, over 1—CEREMONY in which 18—MINISTERS — 5—OF—THEM women — were taking THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE to officially form 1—GOVERNMENT—COALITION—OF—THE 5-Star Movement and the League party —AFTER—3—MONTHS—OF—POLITICAL deadlock.
20180601             —REJECTED, ITALY PAOLO—SAVONA, who was, as the economy MINISTER—BY—THE—PRESIDENT due to his hostility to the euro, was instead sworn in as European affairs MINISTER in the country's new populist government.
20180601             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY, SERGIO—MARCHIONNE, CEO—OF—FIAT—CHRYSLER, 1—BIG—INVESTMENT push to make more electrified cars, —WHILE acknowledging that traditional engines will continue to dominate production for SOME—TIME.
20180601             —ORDERED, ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN, the government to freeze new price hikes on fuel and electricity, —AFTER angry protests across THE—CASH—STRAPPED country.
20180601             —ARMORED, KASHMIR, 1, vehicle reportedly drove wildly into 1—CROWD—OF—ANTI—INDIA protesters, slamming into 1—HALF—DOZEN—PEOPLE and crushing at least 2—MEN beneath its wheels, injuring them critically.
20180601             1—MAN † that night.
20180601             —NOTIFIED, THE—COURT—SAID—MALAYSIA this —WEEK, it of its intent to drop its claim to Pedra Branca ISLAND, near the opening of the Straits of SINGAPORE.
20180601             —ISSUED, MEXICO—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE, 1—STATEMENT saying it had begun investigations into 28—POSSIBLE forced disappearances in NUEVO—LAREDO—HOME—STATE—OF—TAMAULIPAS where THE—MEXICO—NAVY had been ACCUSED—OF—INVOLVEMENT.
20180601             CENTRAL—MEXICO, gunmen shot dead 6—TRAFFIC—POLICE in THE—CITY—OF—SALAMANCA.
20180601             5—PEOPLE were shot dead in the municipality of LEONARDO—BRAVO in SOUTH—WEST—GUERRERO state.
20180601             —AGREED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, to hold military and Red Cross talks —LATER this —MONTH on reducing tensions and resuming REUNIONS—OF—FAMILIES separated by the 19500000—19530000     Korean War.
20180601             PAKISTAN, gunmen shot and killed 1—ADMINISTRATIVE—STAFF—MEMBER and wounded 3—SECURITY—GUARDS in the restive NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal region.
20180601             —CLAIMED, Hizbul Ahrar, 1—OFFSHOOT—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, responsibility for the attack.
20180601             SOMALIA—MILITANT—ISLAMIST—GROUP al Shabaab retook Muqokori, 1—SMALL—TOWN in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AFTER it was abandoned by government troops.
20180601             —ATTACKED, Shabaab militants also, 1—MILITARY—BASE in THE—SEMI—AUTONOMOUS—REGION—OF—PUNTLAND the same —DAY, killing several soldiers.
20180601             SPAIN, Socialist leader PEDRO—SANCHEZ, 46—JAHRE—ALT will become the new PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER 1—NO—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in PARLIAMENT unseated Mariano RAJOY—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT.
20180601             —SENTENCED, SPAIN—NATIONAL—COURT, 7—MEN and 1—WOMAN to between 2 and 13—YEARS in prison for beating up 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and their girlfriends 2—YEARS ago, but rejected the prosecutors' argument that the defendants should face terror charges.
20180601             THE—KINGDOM—OF eSwatini, formerly known as SWAZILAND, said it will maintain diplomatic relations with TAIWAN.
20180601             † 1—SMALL—PILOT whale in SOUTH—THAILAND —AFTER 1 attempted rescue failed to nurse the mammal back to health.
20180601             —REVEALED, 1—AUTOPSY, 80—PLASTIC—BAGS weighing up to 8—KG (18—POUNDS) in the creature's stomach.
20180601             —REPORTED, It was, that least 300—MARINE—ANIMALS including pilot whales, sea turtles and dolphins perish EACH—YEAR in THAILAND—WATERS—AFTER ingesting plastic.
20180601             —FINISHED, TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said the ride hailing app Uber is "" in TURKEY, —FOLLOWING intense pressure from ISTANBUL taxi drivers for the service to be banned.
20180601             VENEZUELA—OFFICIALS said they're taking steps to release activists who government opponents consider to be political prisoners in 1—GESTURE aimed at uniting the fractured nation.
20180601             Former army general ANGEL—VIVAS, 61—JAHRE—ALT was among 17—PEOPLE released —DURING 1—REPRIEVE Maduro said was meant to help national reconciliation.
20180601             —CLASSED, They had been, as political prisoners by local rights organization Penal Forum.
20180601             MADURO—GOVERNMENT was still reportedly holding more than 300—POLITICAL—PRISONERS.
20180601             —JAILED, VIETNAM—BANKER—HUA Thi Phan (71) was, —FOR—30—YEARS and fined $700—MILLION for embezzlement and wrongdoing, as the government forged ahead with its massive ANTI—GRAFT—SWEEP.
20180601             Her 27—CO—ACCUSED were given between 28—YEARS in jail and a 2—YEAR suspended sentence in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST banking trials in VIETNAM in years.
20180601             —KILLED, YEMEN, rebels, 18—PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and wounded 30 in 1—ATTACK on THE—GOVERNMENT—HELD TOWN—OF—EL—FAZA that last 8—HOURS.
20180601             —REPELLED, Government forces eventually, the attack, killing at least 10—REBEL—FIGHTERS.
20180601             WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—ZU—USA—STRAF—ZÖLLEN: ALTMAIER rechnet —ZUNÄCHST mit negativen Folgen für DIE—USA
20180601             NORD—KOREA—MACHT—HABER Kim: "Unveränderten, festen Willen zur Denuklearisierung"
20180601             UN—WETTER in DEUTSCHLAND: "DIE—LAGE ist dramatisch"
20180601             Chrysler Minivans: GOOGLE—TOCHTER kauft 62.000—ROBOTERTAXIS
20180601             Illegale Einwanderer: DEUTSCHLAND und ÖSTERREICH verstärken GRENZ—KONTROLLEN
20180601             Schlechtere Bonitätsnote: RATING—AGENTUR stuft DEUTSCHE—BANK herab - USA—STRAF—ZÖLLE: Sagt den G7—GIPFEL ab!
20180601             KORRUPTION—ÄUßERUNG: ITALIEN—POLITIKER empören sich über JUNCKER
20180601             "Zölle inakzeptabel": SCHOLZ trifft USA—FINANZ—MINISTER—MNUCHIN zu "ehrlichem"Gespräch
20180601             —VON, POLIZIST erschossener SCHWARZER: Jury spricht Hinterbliebenen 4—DOLLAR Entschädigung zu
20180601             Annäherung im HANDELS—STREIT—CHINA senkt Zölle auf fast 15000000              Produkte
20180601             Bedrohte MENSCHEN—AFFEN: ZAHL—DER—BERGGORILLAS steigt wieder
20180601             Misstrauensvotum in SPANIEN: PARLAMENT stürzt MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—RAJOY
20180601             WUT—AUF—DIE—DEUTSCHEN: Keiner mag UNS—WARUM nur?
20180601             PHARMA—BRANCHE und Pflegeheime: Finanzinvestoren stecken MILLIARDEN in GESUNDHEITS—FIRMEN
20180601             UN—WETTER in DEUTSCHLAND: "STRAßEN—ZÜGE wurden zu reißenden Flüssen"
20180601             —NACH—16—MONATEN Stillstand: MOSKAU und KIEW wollen wieder über OST—UKRAINE verhandeln
20180601             Nabu gegen NORD—STREAM—2: Gericht lehnt ANTRAG—GEGEN—BAU von Gaspipeline ab
20180601             DEUTSCHLAND: Der Müllberg wächst
20180601             THÜRINGEN: Gericht kippt VERBOT—VON—NEO—NAZI—FESTIVAL—IN—THEMAR
20180601             [l] Erinnert ihr euch an DICK—CHENEY bei der Wachteljagd?
20180601             DIE—POINTE von dem Sketch ist all die —JAHRE in meinem Gedächtnis geblieben, weil sie so schön ist.
20180601             Und ungefähr so müssen auch DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN für DONALD—TRUMP—HANDELSKRIEG—GEGEN—CHINA abgelaufen sein.
20180601             —EXEMPTED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP had —INITIALLY, these allies from the 25 % tariff on steel and 10 % tariff on aluminum he announced in March.
20180601             I got it!
20180601             [l] So langsam sind ERNEUERBARE—ENERGIEN so billig geworden, daß auch Turbokapitalisten auffällt, daß man mal in Energiespeicher investieren sollte.
20180601             [l] Familienvater von POLIZEI in seinem eigenen Haus erschossen?
20180601             Aber nein, mein Herr, RASSISMUS gibt es hier nicht!
20180601             Because the jury found that Mascara was only 1% responsible, THE—VERDICTT was reduced to 4—CENTS, and then, because the jury found that Hill was drunk —AT—THE—TIME, the final payout was nothing.
20180601             Hill war der erschossene Familienvater, den sie durch das Garagentor in seiner eigenen Garage erschossen haben.
20180601             Und —JETZT der Aspekt, der euch sicher genau so überraschen wird wie mich:
20180601             —CONSISTED—OF, The jury, 1—BLACK—MAN, 2—WHITE—MEN and 5—WHITE—WOMEN, he said.
20180601             Lasst mehr Frauen an DIE—MACHT, die haben Empathie und sind nicht so gewalttätig!
20180601             Aber hey, wenn ihr glaubt, das ist noch nicht unglaublich genug: DER—POLIZEI—EXPERTE war —PLÖTZLICH, und spontan schwerhörig, als der Verteidiger ihn befragen wollte.
20180601             ARBEITS—MARKT IN—DEN— USA—ARBEITSLOSENQUOTE sinkt weiter
20180601             DATEN—SCHUTZ bei DOMAIN—ANMELDUNGEN: Richter lassen die Icann abblitzen
20180601             —RISKIERT, VERGELTUNGS—ZÖLLE: EU, Konfrontation mit WASHINGTON
20180601             Diplomatie: DONALD—TRUMP trifft NORD—KOREANISCHEN Gesandten im WEIßES—HAUS
20180601             FRONTEX—CHEF—LEGGERI über europäischen GRENZ—SCHUTZ, "Wir müssen besser werden"
20180601             Annäherung FRÜHERER—ERZFEINDE: KUBA und USA stellen direkten POST—VERKEHR wieder dauerhaft her
20180601             —GESTELLT, Zwickmühle: Registrare wie Epag würden vor DIE—WAHL, ob sie gegen den VERTRAG—MIT—DER Icann oder GEGEN—DIE—DSGVO verstoßen,
20180601             Auch ADMIN—C und TECH—C werden nicht mehr abgefragt.
20180601             Außerdem erfährt man dort nicht mehr öffentlich, wer 1.Website mit der Endung ".de"betreibt.
20180601             Bei der Recherche zu FAKE—NEWS—SEITEN, SPAM—SCHLEUDERN und ERPRESSER—SOFTWARE ist es ohne die AB—FRAGE schwieriger geworden, Hintermänner solcher NETZ—WERKE ausfindig zu machen und aufzudecken, wer sich hinter zwielichtigen Seiten verbirgt.
20180601             —BEGINNT, Der Gesetzestext der DS—GVO, mit 1—GRUNDPRINZIP: "Der Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener DATEN ist 1—GRUND—RECHT".
20180601             USA—STRAF—ZÖLLE: BUNDES—BANK—CHEF—HÄLT Auswirkungen für —VORERST überschaubar
20180601—20150303    —ON, MASSACHUSETTS, SHAUN—HARRISON, 58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—HIGH—SCHOOL dean, was sentenced to up to 26—YEARS in prison for shooting and nearly killing 1—STUDENT, he had recruited to sell marijuana for him.
20180601—20180200    —IM—DIESES—JAHRES, DIE—DENIC hatte —BEREITS mit 1—RADIKALEN Änderung auf die DSGVO reagiert.
20180601—20180607    —ARRESTED, Suspect JULIUS—TROTTER (31) was, —FOLLOWING 1—CAR—CHASE in CHINO—CALIFORNIA.
20180601—20180609    —ON, attorneys obtained 1—TEMPORARY stay to block his deportation.
20180605             The fire, which began 20180601             , was —JUST 10—PERCENT contained, as about 825—HOMES remained under evacuation.
20180625—20110000    —SINCE, SWEDEN—POLICE arrested Qiao Jian20110601             —MAN wanted by BEIJING on suspicion of having embezzled MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS and who has been on the run.
20181218             —EXTENDED, THE—UN last 20180601             —ARMS embargo on LIBYA for another —YEAR.
20190601             IOWA, 1—FLOOD—BARRIER along the swollen MISSISSIPPI River failed flooding 4 to 6—BLOCKS—OF downtown BURLINGTON.
20190601             EL—SALVADOR—NAYIB—BUKELE, (37), the former mayor of S—SALVADOR, was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20190601             GERMANY, WALTER—LUEBCKE, 65—JAHRE—ALT, 1—POLITICIAN from CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—PARTY, was shot dead with 1—GUNSHOT wound to the head.
20190601             He was in charge of THE—KASSEL area regional administration.
20190601             —SUSPECTED, STEPHAN—ERNST (45), 1, RIGHT—WING—RADICAL, was arrested —2—WEEKS—LATER—AFTER police found his DNA at the scene.
20190601             † FORMER—INDONESIAN 1. lady Kristiani Herrawati Yudhoyono (66) of leukemia in a SINGAPORE hospital.
20190601             —ARRESTED, TOKYO police, Hideaki Kumazawa (76), 1—FORMER—TOP—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL, on suspicion of stabbing to death his 44—YEAR—OLD—SON—EIICHIRO.
20190601             LITHUANIA, 25—BABIES took to the red carpet in 1—CRAWLING—RACE in VILNIUS as their parents, grandparents and onlookers cheered the spectacle.
20190601             —STAGED, This was the 20. annual event, by 1—LOCAL—RADIO—STATION to mark INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN—DAY, celebrated —TODAY in this Baltic nation.
20190601             1—PAKISTAN—SOLDIER was reported killed by 1—GUN and bomb attack —DURING 1—PATROL in the Boya AREA—OF—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN district.
20190601             —BRAVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, 1—RAIN—SOAKED, twisting drive through the mountains of Transylvania to visit Sumuleu Ciuc shrine, ROMANIA—MOST famous shrine.
20190601             He urged Romanian and ethnic HUNGARY—FAITHFUL to work together for their future.
20190601             —REPORTED, In CENTRAL—RUSSIA at least 2—PEOPLE were, missing —AFTER blasts at THE—TNT explosives plant Kristall in THE—TOWN—OF—DZERZHINSK.
20190601             79—PEOPLE were injured.
20190601             1—SAUDI—HOSTED Islamic summit threw its support behind Palestinians ahead of 1—USA—LED peace plan suspected to be skewed in favor of ISRAEL, as Muslim states rallied —AROUND SAUDI—ARABIA over tensions with IRAN.
20190601             THE—ORGANIZATION—OF—ISLAMIC—COOPERATION (OIC) meeting, was the 3. and final IRAN—FOCUSED summit in the holy CITY—OF—MECCA this —WEEK.
20190601             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN was notably absent from the summit of the 57-member OIC.
20190601             —REFUSED, THE—MECCA summit, all illegal ISRAEL—MEASURES aimed at changing facts in occupied PALESTINE—TERRITORIES including JERUSALEM, and undermining THE—2—STATE—SOLUTION.
20190601             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, 2—EXPLOSIONS in Raqqa, 10—PEOPLE.
20190601             Kandidatur 20200000              DONALD—TRUMP will für 2. Amtszeit kandidieren
20190601             Vorwurf des Rechnungshofs: HAITI—PRÄSIDENT—IN—VERUNTREUUNGS—SKANDAL verwickelt
20190601             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, Kann die Generation YouTube wirklich DAS—LAND verändern?
20190601             Neuer Kurssturz: Das wacklige Comeback des DAX—EXOTEN Wirecard
20190601             —STREIT—UM—EU—SPITZENÄMTER: Übler Rückfall (SPIEGEL+, 20010911             )
20190601             Gefährliche TIER—SEUCHE: HONGKONG—LÄSST Tausende Schweine töten - Erziehung: Raus damit
20190601             DONALD—TRUMP über Meghan Markle: "Ich wusste nicht, daß sie fies ist"
20190601             —HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—DEN USA: CHINA erhebt —JETZT auch STRAF—ZÖLLE—AUF—DIAMANTEN und Kondome
20190601             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! Die Lösung für das POPULISMUS—PROBLEM ist gefunden!
20190601             Wir müssen bloß die Rundfunkgebühren erhöhen!
20190601             Der Vorschlag kommt vom Rundfunkrat.
20190601             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! Weniger SCHUSSWAFFEN—GEWALTTATEN in.
20190601             Weil sich die Munition niemand mehr leisten kann.
20190601             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! MADRID hat ihr STAU—UND ABGAS—PROBLEM gelöst!
20190601             —DEKLARIERT, Die neue BÜRGER—MEISTERIN, Stau einfach zur kulturellen Identität von MADRID und schafft die Umweltzonen ab.
20190601             [l] Duterte ist schwul. Der PAPA ist anderer Meinung.
20190601             USA—ÖKONOM zum CO2—STREIT, "Der KLIMA—SCHUTZ steckt fest, weil er entsetzlich politisiert wurde"
20190601             —BIS zu 32—GRAD: Meteorologen erwarten —BISLANG, wärmsten —TAG des —JAHRES
20190601             USA—KARTELLBEHÖRDE nimmt GOOGLE ins Visier
20190601             AMTSENTHEBUNGS—VERFAHREN, Warum DIE—DEMOKRATEN DONALD—TRUMP noch verschonen (SPIEGEL+, 15:25)
20190601             Vulkan auf SIZILIEN: Neue Eruption am Südostkrater des Ätna
20190601             Wegen Importzöllen: DONALD—TRUMP streicht INDIEN Handelsvorteile in MILLIARDENhöhe
20190601             Kommerzielle Raumfahrt: Mit Outsourcing zum Mond
20190601             SIEBZIGER—ANALYSE: DAVID Bowies Flirt mit den Nazis
20190601             FDP—SCHWÄCHE bei EUROPAwahl: "Wir müssen die Gier von Eliten hinterfragen"
20190601             —BIS zu 100—KM pro —STUNDE: Wasserhose beschädigt Hunderte Häuser
20190601             IRAN: Europäische DIPLOMATEN nach "unmoralischer" Party festgesetzt
20190601             SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE in JORDANIEN: Wo Kinder 15—STUNDEN am —TAG schuften
20190601             —VERBITTET, BREXIT—ÄUßERUNGEN: CORBYN, sich Einmischung TRUMP—
20190601             "FRANK—LUCAS hat wahrscheinlich mehr schwarze Leben zerstört, als ES—SICH DER—KU—KLUX—KLAN jemals erträumen könnte".
20190601—20200000    —CHARGED, Ernst was, with murder and a 2. man was charged as 1—ACCESSORY.
20190619             —REGISTERED, There have been more than 500—CASES—OF encephalitis, —SINCE the outbreak began 20190601            .
20200324             In den NIEDERLANDEn verlängerte die Regierung das bestehende VERSAMMLUNGS—VERBOTBIS 20200601           .
20200324—20200601    —BIS, In den Niederlanden verlängerte die Regierung das bestehende Versammlungsverbot.
20200504             —PROGNOSTIZIERT, In einem davon wird, dass die ZAHL—DER—NEUEN—CORONAVIRUS—FÄLLE —BIS zum 20200601              auf rund 200.000—PRO —TAG zunehmen könnte.
20200510             Ab dem 20200601              könne der Unterricht an Grundschulen schrittweise wieder aufgenommen werden und EINIGE—GESCHÄFTE wieder öffnen.
20200515—20200601    —AM, 7—POLIZEI—UND Hauptwachtmeister, alle zuvor in der NSDAP, wurden hingegen noch im Amt bestätigt und —ERST später geschasst, als klar war, dass die Sowjetunion auch Schwarzenberg besetzen würde.
20200518—20200601    —AM, Mit Beginn der 3. Phase, die voraussichtlich starten soll, werden auch Kinos, Theater sowie Einkaufszentren wieder öffnen DÜRFEN—ALLERDINGS —ZUNÄCHST noch mit deutlich reduziertem Gästevolumen.
20200519             Die NIEDERLANDE werden ab dem 20200601              zahlreiche CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN zurücknehmen.
202005290601 Wissenschaft
202005300601 Politik
20200601             How to Safely and Ethically Film Police Misconduct | Teen Vogue
20200601             Zum TOD—VON—CHRISTO: Sichtbar durch Verhüllung
20200601             —MONTAG, 20200601
20200601             Coronakrise: Mehr als 500.000—INFIZIERTE in BRASILIEN - haft
20200601             Umstrittene CORONA—BEHANDLUNG: USA liefern Hydroxychloroquin nach BRASILIEN
20200601             Fotoprojekt über die eigene Mutter: "Ich habe total unter ihrer Hyperaufmerksamkeit gelitten"
20200601             Das Malariamittel soll zur Prävention bei Krankenschwestern und Ärzten sowie zur Behandlung von Infizierten eingesetzt werden,
20200601             VIELE—UNSERER—KUNDEN waren von den behördlichen Schließungen betroffen.
20200601             Dementsprechend ist auch der Absatz an Toilettenpapier im März und April eingebrochen"
20200601             Die Reproduktionszahl, kurz R—WERT, lag nach aktuellsten ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS vom —SAMSTAG bei 1,04 (Datenstand 31.5.
20200601             0—UHR; Vortag: 1,03).
20200601             Jeder 4. würde dies vielleicht tun,
20200601             Jeder 5. der 20560000              Befragten lehnt 1—IMPFUNG ab.
20200601             Männer würden sich eher impfen lassen als Frauen.
20200601             Patientenakten im ehemaligen Krankenhaus in Büren
20200601             In einem "LOST—PLACES—VIDEO" hat 1—YOUTUBER einen Skandal aufgedeckt.
20200601             Beim Dreh in einem alten, leer stehenden Krankenhaus fanden sich tausende Krankenakten
20200601             —KRITISIERT, Nach GEORGE—FLOYDS—TOD: HAMILTON, Schweigen in "weißer" Formel 1
20200601             BRASILIEN: Krawalle zwischen Anhängern und Gegnern Bolsonaros
20200601             Ausschreitungen in den USA: SOHN—VON—GEORGE—FLOYD ruft zu friedlichen Protesten auf
20200601             Stadtplaner über die Zukunft der Immobilienbranche: "Die Wohnungsnot ist gewollt"
20200601             Paschinjan meinte, er habe sich womöglich angesteckt, als ihm 1—KELLNER bei einem Arbeitstreffen ohne Handschuhe 1—GLAS—WASSER gebracht habe.
20200601             SPANIEN will im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts —BEREITS vor Juli wieder deutsche, FRANKREICH—UND skandinavische Touristen ins Land lassen.
20200601             Das Pilotprojekt solle nach derzeitigem Stand die Inselgruppen der Balearen und der Kanaren umfassen,
20200601             Dies gelte jedoch nur für Besucher aus DEUTSCHLAND, FRANKREICH und den skandinavischen Ländern.
20200601             Da sich die Zellen regelmäßig erneuern, klinge die Geruchsstörung bei vielen Betroffenen auch wieder ab.
20200601             VIELE—DER—ANGABEN stammen aus den USA, FRANKREICH und ITALIEN".
20200601             Was sie vermissten, seien die Aromen der Lebensmittel.
20200601             Um diese zu erkennen, brauche es das Zusammenspiel mit dem Geruchssinn.
20200601             ALLE—BESUCHER, auch von Museen und Kneipen, müssen vorab reservieren.
20200601             Die USA liefern Hydroxychloroquin nach BRASILIEN.
20200601             Na dann ist Covid ja praktisch besiegt und Bolsolaro kann weiter durchregieren!1!!
20200601             [l] Die LOCKDOWN—LOCKERUNGEN haben —BISHER keine krasse 2. Welle ausgelöst.
20200601             Aktualisierung 202006010000         —UHR
20200601             Demos in den USA: Polizisten auf Knien
20200601             Skandal um Verfassungsrichterin: Die Linke grinst sich 1
20200601             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat am —FREITAG zeitweise in einem unterirdischen Bunker des Weißen Hauses Schutz vor Protesten an der Regierungszentrale gesucht.
20200601             Demonstranten hatten sich am Freitagabend vor dem Weißen Haus versammelt, einige von ihnen stießen Barrikaden um, Flaschen und Steine flogen.
20200601             Während der Terroranschläge vom 20010911              wurden beispielsweise der damalige Vizepräsident Dick Cheney und andere hochrangige Regierungsmitglieder in Sicherheit gebracht,
20200601             "Ich war drinnen, beobachtete JEDE—BEWEGUNG und hätte mich nicht sicherer fühlen können".
20200601             Niemand habe auch nur annähernd den Zaun des Weißen Hauses durchbrechen können".
20200601             —GETAN, Wenn sie es, hätten, wären sie von den bösartigsten Hunden und den bedrohlichsten Waffen begrüßt worden, die ich je gesehen habe",
20200601             drohte Trump nachträglich.
20200601             BERLIN: Tausende nehmen an Demo auf dem Landwehrkanal teil
20200601             Angeblich wegen CORONA: HONGKONG—UNTERSAGT Gedenken an das Massaker von 1989
20200601             Dystopische Mode: Ein katastrophaler Trend
20200601             [l] So langsam fühlt sich das recht endzeitlich an, was man so aus den USA hört.
20200601             Die Demonstrationen sind —BIS zum Weißen Haus vorgedrungen.
20200601             TREVOR—NOAH erklärt derweil, dass die Leute langsam ihren Gesellschaftsvertrag aufkündigen, weil sie von der Exekutive nicht mehr beschützt sondern eher verfolgt werden.
20200601             Das gilt nicht nur für verfolgte Minderheiten.
20200601             Wegen "technischer Schwierigkeiten".
20200601             Data 202006011200          nachm.
20200601             ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 76 - ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 8
20200601             BEJA Casos confirmados 15 - CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3
20200601             FARO Casos confirmados 66 - LAGOS Casos confirmados 4
20200601             LOULÉ Casos confirmados 70 - ODEMIRA Casos confirmados 11
20200601             OLHÃO Casos confirmados 14 - PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 39
20200601             SANTIAGO DO CACÉM Casos confirmados 18 - SERPA Casos confirmados 14 - SILVES Casos confirmados 22
20200601             SÃO BRÁS DE ALPORTEL Casos confirmados 3 - TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200601             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 13
20200601             91_DGS_boletim_20200601
20200601             Trotz scharfer Kritik haben in GROSSBRITANNIEN EINIGE—SCHULEN nach wochenlanger Schließung wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE wieder geöffnet.
20200601             Fast ALLE—GRUNDSCHULEN der SLOWAKEI haben am —MONTAG unter strengen Hygieneauflagen erstmals —SEIT März wieder für die 1. —BIS 5. Schulstufe geöffnet.
20200601             Für ältere Schüler gibt es hingegen weiterhin nur ONLINE—UNTERRICHT.
20200601             Auch ALLE—KINDERGÄRTEN des Landes durften am —MONTAG wieder öffnen.
20200601             Die Gemeinden Haffkrug und Scharbeutz im Kreis Ostholstein haben die Kapazitätsgrenzen für Tagestouristen erreicht, das berichten "Lübecker Nachrichten" und der NDR".
20200601             Auch auf der Nordseeinsel Sylt war es am Pfingstwochenende voll geworden: "Es waren einfach zu VIELE—MENSCHEN",
20200601             Besonders stark waren die Einschnitte in Ländern mit niedrigen Einkommen.
20200601             Das sind 71—PROZENT—DER—TODESFÄLLE weltweit.
20200601             Das Medikament Remdesivir zeigt seinem Hersteller Gilead zufolge bei Patienten mit milden Verläufen von COVID—19—ERFOLGE.
20200601             —GEGEBEN, Bei Tests, bei denen 10—TAGE Remdesivir, werde, zeichne sich derselbe Trend ab.
20200601             Es lägen aber noch nicht genügend Daten vor.
20200601             Hintergrund ist 1—STREIT über die erneute Einführung von Verkehrsbeschränkungen in der IRAN—HAUPTSTADT—TEHERAN.
20200601             Die Stadtverwaltung will diese wegen der Luftverschmutzung sofort in Kraft setzen.
20200601             ESTLAND und LITAUEN haben zum 20200601              ihre Grenzen wieder für Bürger aus europäischen Ländern mit niedrigen CORONAVIRUS—ANSTECKUNGSRATEN geöffnet.
20200601             Juristen befürchten, dass Konzerne die Bundesrepublik auf Milliardensummen verklagen könnten, um verlorene Einnahmen zu kompensieren.
20200601             Der ITALIEN—ZIVILSCHUTZ in Rom meldete am —MONTAG knapp 178—NEUE Fälle innerhalb von 24—STUNDEN.
20200601             Zu den Ländern mit hohen Zahlen von neuen Infizierten gehören demnach BRASILIEN, PERU, CHILE und MEXIKO.
20200601             3—TAGE nach der Entscheidung der USA—REGIERUNG, die Zusammenarbeit mit der WHO zu beenden, äußerte sich WHO—CHEF—TEDROS—ADHANOM—GHEBREYESUS dazu erstmals öffentlich.
20200601             USA—REGIERUNGEN und die Bevölkerung hätten über Jahrzehnte viel für die Gesundheit in aller Welt getan".
20200601             Nachhaltiges Reisen nach CORONA: "Die Sehnsucht ist danach da, und sie wird immer stärker"
20200601             steht für SÜD—UND Zentralamerika der HÖHE—PUNKT der CORONA—PANDEMIE noch bevor.
20200601             An nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten —STERBEN nach Schätzungen der WHO JEDES—JAHR 41—MILLIONEN Menschen.
20200601             DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE hat die Versorgung von anderweitig Kranken WELT—WEIT schwer beeinträchtigt.
20200601             Das geht aus einer UM—FRAGE—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO) im Mai in 155—LÄNDERN hervor.
20200601             "Länder müssen innovative Lösungen finden, um während des Kampfes gegen COVID—19—DIE wichtigen GESUNDHEITS—DIENSTE auch bei nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten aufrechtzuerhalten",
20200601             That same weekend, VIDEOS—OF—POLICE—OFFICERS — SOME—OF—WHOM weren't wearing protective gear — using excessive force to arrest Black and Brown civilians for allegedly violating social distancing guidelines also circulated online.
20200601             0—UHR; Vortag: 1,03). - Jeder 4. würde dies vielleicht tun,
20200601             Zum 1. Mal muss der MUND—UND Nasenschutz auch im Freien getragen WERDEN—BISHER nur in öffentlichen Räumen und Verkehrsmitteln.
20200601             Alte Krankenakten frei ZUGÄNGLICH—DATENSKANDAL in Büren
20200601             Aktualisierung 202006010000         —UHR - Demos in den USA: Polizisten auf Knien
20200601             MANY—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENTS—JUST waiting for action.
20200601             BERLIN Tausende nehmen an Demo auf dem Landwehrkanal TEIL—DER SPIEGEL
20200601             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 13 - 91_DGS_boletim_20200601
20200601             Auch die rückläufige ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTION sei ermutigend: Nur 71—FÄLLE habe es in der entsprechenden 24—STUNDEN—SPANNE gegeben
20200601             WASHINGTON, DC, police violently broke up 1—PEACEFUL and legal protest by several thousands in LAFAYETTE Park across from THE—WHITE—HOUSE ahead of 1—TRUMP speech in the Rose Garden.
20200601             TRUMP—FOLLOWING photo op at S—JOHN—CHURCH, 1—HOUSE—OF—WORSHIP known as THE—CHURCH—OF—THE—PRESIDENTS, was condemned by Episcopal BISHOP—MARIANN—EDGAR—BUDDE.
20200601             The death toll from the unrest across the country rose to at least 9.
20200601             —ADMITTED, THE—SECRET—SERVICE alter, that pepper spray was used to clear protesters from LAFAYETTE Park.
20200601             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—EPA, that it had limited state's ability to block THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—ENERGY—INFRASTRUCTURE—PROJECTS.
20200601             —REOPENED, THE—FLORIDA Keys, —AFTER THE—ISLAND—CHAIN was closed for more than 2—MONTHS to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20200601             2—PEOPLE were killed —DURING unrest in THE—CHICAGO suburb of Cicero amid protests there.
20200601             KENTUCKY, police officers and National Guard soldiers enforcing 1—CURFEW in LOUISVILLE, killed 1—MAN—EARLY—TODAY—WHEN they returned fire —AFTER someone in 1—LARGE—GROUP shot at them 1.
20200601             —FIRED, The mayor of LOUISVILLE, the city's police CHIEF—AFTER—DAVID—MCATEE, 53—JAHRE—ALT, the owner of 1—LOCAL barbecue restaurant, was killed —WHEN police officers and National Guard troops shot toward protesters.
20200601             Police Officer SHAY—MIKALONIS was shot in the head —DURING 1—LAS—VEGAS Strip PROTEST—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—GEORGE—FLOYD in MINNEAPOLIS.
20200601             —PARALYZED, He was, from the neck down, on 1—VENTILATOR and unable to speak.
20200601             —CHARGED, Prosecutors —LATER, EDGAR—SAMANIEGO, 20—JAHRE—ALT with deliberately shooting Mikalonis —DURING the protest.
20200601             —PLOWED, NEW—YORK, an SUV carrying 2—PEOPLE who had been shot, through 1—GROUP—OF—LAW—ENFORCEMENT at 1—GEORGE Floyd demonstration late —TODAY in BUFFALO, injuring at least 2—OFFICERS.
20200601             —PUNCTUATED, NEW—YORK—CITY, nonviolent protests were, late —TODAY by people smashing shop windows near Rockefeller Center and breaching THE—DOORS—OF—MACY—FLAGSHIP—STORE on 34.
20200601             Street, littering the pavement with broken glass.
20200601             MANHATTAN, BRUCE—BAGLEY, 74—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—MIAMI professor, pleaded guilty to 2—COUNTS—OF—MONEY laundering.
20200601             —BLAMED, Bagley, JORGE—LUIS—HERNAN20201201             —CONTROVERSIAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—INFORMANT, for his CAREER—ENDING—DECISION to try and hide $3—MILLION in proceeds from 1—CORRUPTION—SCHEME—RUN by ALEX—SAAB, 1—MIAMI businessman connected to VENEZUELA—SOCIALIST—GOVERNMENT.
20200601             NEW—MEXICO, 1—PROTEST along the historic Route 66—INTO downtown ALBUQUERQUE turned violent early —TODAY—AFTER police reported demonstrators setting small fires and officers say they were fired upon.
20200601             NORTH—DAKOTA, 1—SHOOTING—EARLY—TODAY left 2—AIRMEN dead at the Grand Forks AIR—FORCE—BASE.
20200601             —INVOLVED, No 1—ELSE was, in THE—2—FATALITIES.
20200601             Abiomed Inc said THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration has granted emergency use authorization for its temporary invasive heart pump to help patients suffering from COVID-19 related right heart failure.
20200601             —CONFIRMED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said officials have, a 2. Ebola outbreak in CONGO.
20200601             —IDENTIFIED, CONGO—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES have, 6—CASES in the north near MBANDAKA in Equateur province, including 4—FATALITIES.
20200601             —CONFIRMED, CONGO has also, 611—CASES—OF—COVID—19, including 20—DEATHS, and the number was rising.
20200601             —REGISTERED, INDIA, 230—CORONAVIRUS—DEATHS in the last 24—HOURS, bringing that total to 5,394.
20200601             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, almost 3,000 new coronavirus infections, its highest daily count in 2—MONTHS.
20200601             —RAISED, The caseload was, to 154,445 with 2,979 new infections recorded in the past 24—HOURS.
20200601             81—DEATHS in the past —DAY raised that total to 7,878.
20200601             —RECORDED, Half IRAN—FATALITIES for the past —DAY were, in 3—PROVINCES.
20200601             JAPAN, ANTI—HARASSMENT—LEGISLATION went into effect requiring firms to have clear policies in palce and to create internal systems for reporting and verifying CLAIMS—OF—ABUSE.
20200601             COMPLAINTS—OF—POWER—HARASSMENT, aka pawahara, had been growing in recent years.
20200601             —PROTESTED, KENYA, residents of 1—SLUM in NAIROBI, THE—DEATH—OF—JAMES—MUREITHI, 51—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HOMELESS—MAN, who they said was killed by police for violating 1—DUSK—TO—DAWN curfew for the coronavirus.
20200601             —MARCHED, Several 1000—PEOPLE, in NEW—ZEALAND—LARGEST—CITY to protest THE—KILLING—OF—GEORGE—FLOYD in THE—USA as well as to stand up against police violence and racism in their own country.
20200601             —INCREASED, Total deaths, to 960 and confirmed cases reached 18,638 as the government eased strict quarantine measures in MANILA.
20200601             —VENTURED, MOSCOW residents, out to exercise, stroll and shop as the city eased 1—STRICT—9—WEEK—LOCKDOWN, but millions remained largely confined to their homes as RUSSIA recorded thousands more coronavirus cases.
20200601             —RECORDED, RUSSIA, 9,035 new infections bringing its total to 414,878. - The death toll was put at 4,855.
20200601             —ANNOUNCED, SINGAPORE, plans to build LOWER—DENSITY dormitories for some 100,000 migrant workers.
20200601             Nearly ALL—OF—ITS—COVID—19—CASES have been among migrant workers.
20200601             —FORMED, SOUTH—AFRICA, long queues, outside shops selling alcohol —AFTER restrictions on its sale, imposed 2—MONTHS ago as PART—OF—MEASURES to fight Covid-19, were lifted.
20200601             —REPORTED, The country has, 11,503 cases and 271—DEATHS.
20200601             SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Celltrion said its experimental antibody COVID—19—TREATMENT demonstrated 1—UP to 100-fold reduction in viral LOAD—OF—THE—DISEASE in animal testing, saying it aims to start human clinical trials in late July.
20200601             —RECORDED, SPAIN, 71—NEW—COVID—19—INFECTIONS over the last 24—HOURS and no officials deaths from the virus.
20200601             The official death toll stands at 27,127 with 240,000 confirmed cases.
20200601             Rafiki, 1—OF—UGANDA—BEST known mountain gorillas, went missing.
20200601             —DISCOVERED, His body was, by 1—SEARCH—PARTY THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
20200601             —BELIEVED, The silverback, to be —AROUND 25—YEARS—OLD—WHEN he † in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, was THE—LEADER—OF—1—GROUP—OF—17—MOUNTAIN gorillas.
20200601             4—MEN were expected to be charged under 1—WILDLIFE protection law that was passed —LAST—YEAR.
20200601             —PLEADED, In late July FELIX—BYAMUKAMA, guilty to illegally entering 1 protected area and killing the gorilla and was jailed —FOR—11—YEARS.
20200601             —CALLED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, on ISRAEL to halt 1—PLAN to annex parts of the occupied WEST—BANK, joining 1—LONG—LIST—OF—ARAB nations that have condemned the expected ISRAEL—MOVE.
20200601             URUGUAY—GOVERNMENT began reopening schools, with sample testing for COVID—19—OF—TEACHERS and students.
20200601             Aid organizations in WAR—TORN YEMEN made 1—URGENT—PLEA for funding to shore up their operations, saying they have already been forced to stop SOME—OF—THEIR—WORK even as the coronavirus rips through the country.
20200601             —ON 1—OF—THE—1. warm —SPRING weekends in NEW—YORK City, photos and videos circulated on social media featuring police officers handing out masks to GROUPS—OF—MOSTLY white residents lounging in city parks.
20200601             —FILMED, Videos, by bystanders and community members, are helping to illuminate this new ITERATION—OF—RACIST policing —DURING COVID—19.
20200601             —GEPLANTES Konjunkturpaket: BUNDE—REGIERUNG will Autokäufe mit —BIS zu 5—MILLIARDEN Euro unterstützen
20200601             "DEUTSCHLANDtreffen der Jugend" in OST—BERLIN 19500000             : POLIT—PARTY zu Pfingsten
20200601             —MONTAG, 1. ;;06;; 2020
20200601             —PROTESTE—IM—NOVEMBER: IRAN—INNEN—MINISTER deutet —BIS zu 225—TOTE an
20200601             —CORONA—KRISE: Mehr als 500.000—INFIZIERTE in BRASILIEN
20200601             —ANTI—RASSISMUS—PROTESTE: Tanklaster fährt in MINNEAPOLIS in Menschenmenge
20200601             —PROTEST—GEGEN—POLIZEI—GEWALT und Rassismus: USA kommen nicht zur Ruhe - 40—STÄDTE verhängen Ausgangssperren
20200601             Fotoprojekt über die eigene Mutter: "Ich habe total unter ihrer Hyperaufmerksamkeit gelitten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—SEBASTIAN—SPÄTH
20200601             In vielen Städten BRASILIENs haben die Krankenhäuser —BEREITS ihre Belastungsgrenze erreicht.
20200601             DIE—BEHÖRDEN richten provisorische Kliniken in Fußballstadien ein und lassen auf riesigen Flächen neue Gräber ausheben.
20200601             DIE—VEREINIGTEN Staaten schicken entgegen medizinischer Empfehlungen 2—MILLIONEN Dosen Hydroxychloroquin zum Einsatz gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— nach BRASILIEN.
20200601             Der Toilettenpapierhersteller Ille hat in der CORONA—KRISE Kurzarbeit anmelden müssen.
20200601             "VIELE—UNSERER—KUNDEN waren von den behördlichen Schließungen betroffen. Dementsprechend ist auch der Absatz an Toilettenpapier im März und ;;04;; eingebrochen"
20200601             Das Unternehmen habe —IM, ;;0400;;Umsatzverluste bei Toilettenpapier von —BIS zu 30—PROZENT verzeichnet,
20200601             —WÄHREND, in DEUTSCHLAND noch heftig über CORONA—HILFEN für die AUTO—INDUSTRIE diskutiert wird, gibt es in FRANKREICH ab —MONTAG Kaufprämien für umweltfreundlichere Autos.
20200601             DIE—REPRODUKTIONSZAHL, kurz R—WERT, lag nach aktuellsten ANGABEN—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS vom —SAMSTAG bei 1,04 (Datenstand 31.5. 0—UHR;
20200601             Vortag: 1,03).
20200601             —NACH, einer 48-stündigen Ausgangssperre in der Millionenmetropole ISTANBUL und 14—WEITEREN TÜRKEI—STÄDTEN und Provinzen dürfen DIE—MENSCHEN ihre Häuser wieder verlassen.
20200601             Jeder 2. DEUTSCHLAND—WÜRDE sich nach einer UM—FRAGE—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— impfen lassen, wenn es einen Impfstoff gäbe.
20200601             Das stark vom CORONA—VIRUS— betroffene RUSSLAND lässt an diesem —MONTAG trotz steigender Infektionszahlen 1. größere Lockerungen zu.
20200601             Allerdings gilt eine verschärfte MASKENpflicht.
20200601             —CORONA—REGELN nach Pfingsten: Das ist in Ihrem BUNDESLAND erlaubt
20200601             —NACH, GEORGE—FLOYDS Tod: HAMILTON kritisiert Schweigen in "weißer" Formel 1
20200601             Stadtplaner über die Zukunft DER—IMMOBILIENBRANCHE: "DIE—WOHNUNGSNOT ist gewollt" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MATTHIAS—KAUFMANN
20200601             In der Südkaukasusrepublik ARMENIEN hat sich Regierungschef Nikol Paschinjan an seinem 45. Geburtstag wegen einer CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION in häusliche QUARANTÄNE begeben.
20200601             DIE—INFEKTION sei entdeckt worden, als er vor einem geplanten Besuch beim Militär des Landes einen Test auf CORONA gemacht habe.
20200601             SPANIEN will im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts —BEREITS vor ;;07;;
20200601             wieder deutsche, FRANKREICH—UND skandinavische Touristen ins Land lassen.
20200601             1—INTERNATIONAL angelegte Befragung belegt, daß 1—CORONA—INFEKTION mit dem VERLUST—DES—GERUCHSSINNS einhergehen kann.
20200601             DAS—VIRUS greife offenbar Zellen des Riechepithels an und sorge für einen Ausfall der Rezeptoren,
20200601             "Wir erleben aber auch in DEUTSCHLAND immer mehr ehemalige CORONA—PATIENTEN, die nach der Erkrankung über eine eingeschränkte Riechfähigkeit klagen",
20200601             DIE—MEISTEN könnten bisherigen Erkenntnissen zufolge die 4—GESCHMACKSRICHTUNGEN süß, sauer, bitter und salzig weiter einigermaßen zuverlässig unterscheiden.
20200601             —NACH, 10—WOCHEN CORONA—KRISE darf man in den NIEDERLANDEn wieder Restaurants, Museen und Kinos besuchen.
20200601             Lange Schlangen und Freudentänze vor Südafrikas Spirituosenläden: Nach gut zweimonatigem ALKOHOL—VERBOTIM Rahmen der CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN hat der KAP—STAAT am —MONTAG seinen Verkaufsbann für Wein, Bier oder Schnaps aufgehoben.
20200601             —BEGRÜNDET, Der BUNDES—AUSSCHUSS, das Auslaufen der Regelung auch damit, daß  —INZWISCHEN. die Ausstattung mit MASKEN und anderer Schutzausrüstung weitestgehend gewährleistet sei.
20200601             [l] Gute NACHRICHTEN—BRASILIEN ist so gut wie gerettet.
20200601             DIE—USA liefern Hydroxychloroquin nach BRASILIEN.
20200601             Das liegt wohl daran, daß die Leute trotzdem weiterhin Abstand halten und ATEM—MASKEN tragen.
20200601             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 460—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 238,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 10,4—TODES—FÄLLE 21,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200601             Düren Kreis Fälle 599—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 227,1 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 3,0—TODES—FÄLLE 38,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200601             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.481—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 228,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 1,2—TODES—FÄLLE 97,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200601             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 469—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 165,5 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 2,5—TODES—FÄLLE 20,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200601             BERLIN Neukölln Bezirk Fälle 759—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 230,2 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 6,1—TODES—FÄLLE 33,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200601             Sonneberg Landkreis Fälle 243—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 432,4 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 62,3—TODES—FÄLLE 14,—EINWOHNERZAHL—56.196
20200601             Coburg Landkreis Fälle 336—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 386,6 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 43,7—TODES—FÄLLE 23,—EINWOHNERZAHL—86.906
20200601             Skandal um Verfassungsrichterin: Die Linke grinst sich 1 1—KOLUMNE—VON—NIKOLAUS—BLOME
20200601             Ausschreitungen in WASHINGTON: TRUMP im BUNKER—USA—PRÄSIDENT sucht zeitweise Schutz vor Protesten
20200601             Nach etwas weniger als einer —STUNDE habe TRUMP den Bunker wieder verlassen können
20200601             Der Schutzraum ist für außergewöhnliche Gefahrensituationen vorgesehen, wie etwa TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE.
20200601             Sehen die SICHERHEITSkräfte im Weißen Haus eine größere Bedrohung, bringen sie den Präsidenten DORTHIN—WAS selten vorkommt.
20200601             —WÄHREND, der TERROR—ANSCHLÄGE vom 11. ;;09;;
20200601             "Wenn sie es getan hätten, wären sie von den bösartigsten Hunden und den bedrohlichsten Waffen begrüßt worden, die ich je gesehen habe", drohte TRUMP nachträglich.
20200601             "We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and.
20200601             Wegen Beschwerden über laute Musik und fehlender Einhaltung der Mindestabstände habe der Veranstalter die Aktion schließlich nach einem Gespräch mit DER—POLIZEI abgebrochen.
20200601             —BERICHTET, DIE—"Berliner Zeitung", auf der FACEBOOK—SEITE "Rebellion der Träumer" sei zur Teilnahme an der Aktion aufgerufen worden.
20200601             Dort heißt es unter anderem, man fordere FINANZ—HILFEN für nicht staatliche Kulturinstitutionen wie Klubs & Festivals.
20200601             1—MÜCKE bedroht 4—MILLIARDEN—MENSCHEN: Das gefährlichste Tier der Welt
20200601             —PROTESTE—IN—DEN USA: Heizen Rechtsextremisten in MINNESOTA die Stimmung an?
20200601             —PROTESTE—IN—DEN USA: Verhaftungen, 1—TOTER, TRUMP beschimpft Gouverneure
20200601             CHILE in der CORONA—KRISE: "Wie die Titanic vor dem Eisberg"
20200601             VERFASSUNGS—ABSTIMMUNG: PUTIN will in die Verlängerung gehen
20200601             —UMGANG—MIT, CHINA: DIE—ANGST—VOR—PEKINGS Einkaufstour
20200601             Dort reagierte man, indem man TRUMP in den Bunker verbrachte und die Außenbeleuchtung abdrehte.
20200601             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Als die POLIZEI—VON—DALLAS 1—APP, hat, über die man Videos von "kriminellen Demonstranten" hochladen konnte, um die zu verpfeifen, haben die Leute die Uploadserver stattdessen mit K—POP geflutet, und die mussten die App ziemlich direkt wieder offline nehmen.
20200601             DIE—CHINESEN machen sich währenddessen über TRUMP—BUNKER—EPISODE lustig.
20200601             —ESKALIERT, Hoffentlich, das —JETZT nicht zu einem richtigen ARMEE—EINSATZ—IM—INNEREN, wenn die im Moment beim wild herumprügeln gefilmte NATIONAL—GARDE DIE—SITUATION nicht unter Kontrolle bringen kann.
20200601             Mein Vorschlag zur Deeskalation: TRUMP daran erinnern, was für großartige Einschaltquoten er gerade einfährt!1!!
20200601             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—4 - DATA 202006;;011200 NACHMITTAG
20200601             BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier hat sich zum Internationalen Kindertag am —MONTAG bei Kindern und Eltern für ihr Durchhaltevermögen in der CORONA—KRISE bedankt.
20200601             Rund 2—MILLIONEN Schüler im Alter von 4—BIS 6—SOWIE—VON—10—BIS 11—JAHREN durften laut den Lockerungsbeschlüssen der REGIERUNG—VON—PREMIER—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSONAM —MONTAG in ENGLAND wieder in den Unterricht zurückkehren.
20200601             Kritiker aus dem BILDUNGS—BEREICH halten die Öffnung jedoch für verfrüht.
20200601             DIE—LEITER von Grundschulen erwarteten laut einer UM—FRAGE—DER—NATIONAL—FOUNDATION for Educational Research, daß rund 50—PROZENT—DER—ELTERN ihre Kinder nicht in die Schule schickt.
20200601             DIE—VEREINIGUNG—VON—SCHUL—UND COLLEGE—DIREKTOREN zeigte sich besorgt über "erhebliche logistische Probleme".
20200601             DIE—REGIERUNGEN—VON—SCHOTTLAND, WALES sowie Nordirland sehen einen vorsichtigeren Zeitplan für die Lockerung der Maßnahmen vor.
20200601             Obwohl die SLOWAKEI zu den am wenigsten von COVID—19—BETROFFENEN Ländern EUROPAs zählt, ist die Furcht vor Ansteckungen auch aufgrund der täglich über FACEBOOK verbreiteten Warnungen des POPULISTISCH—KONSERVATIVEN Regierungschefs IGOR—MATOVIC groß.
20200601             DIE—GEMEINDEN Haffkrug und Scharbeutz im Kreis Ostholstein haben die Kapazitätsgrenzen für Tagestouristen erreicht, das berichten "Lübecker Nachrichten" und der NDR.
20200601             "Unsere Orte sind voll! Bitte bleiben sie zu Hause",
20200601             —NACH, einer fünftägigen Behandlung mit Remdesivir gehe es einer höheren Anzahl Patienten —NACH—11—TAGEN besser als denen mit Regelversorgung.
20200601             ZEITEN, der CORONA—KRISE hält der IRAN—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERS Saeid Namaki die GESUNDHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN für wichtiger als Umweltschutz.
20200601             Hintergrund ist 1—STREIT—ÜBER die erneute EINFÜHRUNG—VON—VERKEHRSBESCHRÄNKUNGEN in der IRAN—HAUPTSTADT—TEHERAN—DIE—STADTVERWALTUNG will diese wegen der Luftverschmutzung sofort in Kraft setzen.
20200601             Namaki ist jedoch der Ansicht, daß Menschen in ihren Autos weitaus sicherer vor dem CORONA—VIRUS— seien als in den meistens überfüllten öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
20200601             "Für mich ist —DERZEIT nur die GESUNDHEIT—DER—BÜRGER wichtig (...) da kenne ich keinen Spaß und gehe diesbezüglich auch auf keine Kompromisse ein",
20200601             —NACH, den Lockerungen —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN ist die ZAHL—DER—TOTEN und Infizierten im Land wieder gestiegen.
20200601             ESTLAND und LITAUEN haben zum 1. ;;06;;
20200601             ihre Grenzen wieder für BÜRGER aus europäischen Ländern mit niedrigen CORONA—VIRUS—ANSTECKUNGSRATEN geöffnet.
20200601             Wie beim Atomausstieg griff der STAAT in der CORONA—KRISE massiv in Unternehmensbelange ein.
20200601             —AM—MONTAG konnte SIMON, der in SPANIEN als Gesicht des Kampfes gegen CORONA gilt, melden, daß man zum 1. Mal —SEIT März innerhalb von 24—STUNDEN keinen CORONA—TOTEN zu verzeichnen hätte.
20200601             "DIE—WHO wünscht sich, daß diese Zusammenarbeit weitergeht",
20200601             Nachhaltiges Reisen nach CORONA: "DIE—SEHNSUCHT ist danach da, und sie wird immer stärker" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—BETTINA—MUSALL
202006010050 Politik
202006010526 Politik
202006010606 Politik
202006010642 Gesundheit
202006010653 Kultur
202006011036 Politik
202006011148 Wirtschaft
202006011431 Politik
202006011502 Politik
202006011739 Politik
202006011825 Politik
202006011827 Politik
202006011828 Stil
202006011918 Politik
202006011922 Politik
202006012045 Reise
202006012302 Wirtschaft
202006012329 Kultur
202006012335 Geschichte
20200601—20170000    —APPROVED, It was, for use in THE—USA for treating right ventricular failure —AFTER cardiac surgery.
20200601—20200226    —SEIT—DEM, Das sei der niedrigste Wert ,
20200601—20210000    —IN, 1—INTERNAL—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATION determined that the decision to forcibly clear racial justice protesters from the area was not influenced —BY—THEN—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—PLAN to stage 1—BIBLE—TOTING photo opportunity at that spot.
20200601—20210000    —IN, charges dropped for hundreds of alleged looters.
20200603             — THE—WHITE—HOUSE (@WhiteHouse) 20200601
20200603             —POSTED 20200601
20200619             —ARRESTED, ATLANTA—GEORGIA, DAVID—LEE, 29—JAHRE—ALT was, in connection with the recent killings of 3—HOMELESS—PEOPLE 20200601—20200615    —BETWEEN.
202007210601 Politik
20200721—20200601    —CONFIRMED, Already there have been 20, deaths —SINCE the outbreak was declared.
202007310601 Sport
20200819             —REPORTED, SWEDEN, that COVID-19 claimed about 4,500 lives in the period to THE—END—OF—20200601             —NUMBER which has —NOW risen to 5,800.
202010080601 Wissenschaft
202011060111 Politik
202011060112 Politik
202011060146 Politik
20210121—20210601    —BIS, Frankreichs Parlament stimmt für Gesundheitsnotstand
20210209—20210601    —BIS, Gesundheitsnotstand in FRANKREICH verlängert
202102190601 Politik
202103010601 Politik
202103120601 Wirtschaft
20210317—20210601    —BIS, Der digitale europäische Impfausweis soll —NACH—DEM Willen der EU—KOMMISSION fertig sein.
202105060153 Ausland
20210512             Die in SCHWEDEN geltenden CORONA—MAßNAHMEN werden angesichts vergleichsweise hoher Neuinfektionszahlen —BIS zum 20210601              verlängert.
20210525—20210601    —AB, ÖSTERREICH verhängt wegen der Verbreitung der INDIEN—VARIANTE des Coronavirus 1—LANDEVERBOT für ALLE—FLUGZEUGE aus GROSSBRITANNIEN.
20210525—20210601    —AB, Kultur wird in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN wieder hochgefahren
20210601             WorldNetDaily - Baruch Goldstein — Wikipedia
20210601             MICHAEL—MANNHEIMER ist das Pseudonym eines "islamkritischen" Bloggers, dessen bürgerlicher Name KARL—MICHAEL Merkle lauten soll
20210601             —DIENSTAG, 20210601
20210601             Gegen Stigmatisierung: Alpha, Beta, Gamma — Virusvarianten werden umbenannt
20210601             Coronapandemie: RUSSLAND nimmt Flugverkehr mit 8—LÄNDERN wieder auf - ft
20210601             NBA—STAR Kyrie IRVING über Fanattacken: "Spieler werden behandelt wie in einem Menschenzoo"
20210601             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Die Grenzen nach rechts
20210601             Nach Vorstoß von Habeck: Ukraines PRÄSIDENT wünscht sich DEUTSCHLAND—MILITÄRHILFE
20210601             Anstieg zum Jahresbeginn: Privatleute melden viel häufiger Insolvenz an
20210601             Gemeinsamer Plan von IWF, WHO, Weltbank und WTO: Wie sich die Pandemie mit 50—MILLIARDEN Dollar beenden ließe
20210601             ÖSTERREICH: Integrationsministerin verteidigt "ISLAM—LANDKARTE"
20210601             Waffenruhe in Nahost: Hamas zu Verhandlungen mit ISRAEL über Gefangenenaustausch bereit
20210601             Streit über neuen CHEF—DER—WERTEUNION: Laschet lehnt Parteiausschluss von Otte ab
20210601             Lieferengpässe: Auf Baustellen fehlt immer mehr Material - ft
20210601             Neue Wahlgesetze in USA—BUNDESSTAATEN: Republikaner bereiten DONALD—TRUMPS—COMEBACK vor
20210601             Besserung nach Coronakrise: ZAHL—DER—ARBEITSLOSEN sinkt im Mai um 84.000
20210601             COPA—AMÉRICA—VERLEGUNG nach BRASILIEN: "Das kommt einer Verhöhnung der 460.000—OPFER gleich"
20210601             Nahe Internat für Indigene in KANADA: 215—TOTE Kinder in Massengrab — JUSTIN—TRUDEAU verspricht Konsequenzen
20210601             Studie zur Digitalisierung: HÄLFTE—DER—SCHULEN hat kein WLAN für die Schülerinnen und Schüler
20210601             Coronapandemie: ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT stuft Gefahrenlage für DEUTSCHLAND herunter
20210601             Modellrechnung: Forscher führen 1—DRITTEL der Hitzetoten auf den Klimawandel zurück
20210601             Lizenzvertrag: Daimler und Nokia einigen sich in Patentstreit - ft
20210601             "Verleumdung" von Soldaten: CHINA verurteilt Blogger zu 8—MONATEN Gefängnis
20210601             KRANKENKASSEN—REPORT: Antibiotika könnten Kreidezähne begünstigen - it
20210601             ZUCMAN—STUDIE zur Steuerflucht: "Nichts sollte uns abhalten, Konzerngewinne höher zu besteuern"
20210601             FOXCONN—GRÜNDER: Milliardär will BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF für TAIWAN kaufen - ft
20210601             Katholische Kirche: Vatikan nimmt Artikel gegen Kindesmissbrauch in Strafrecht auf
20210601             "NSU 2.0": Linkenabgeordnete Renner erhält verdächtige Briefe — Staatsschutz ermittelt
20210601             CHINA: Erstmals Vogelgrippevirus H10N3 im Menschen nachgewiesen - haft
20210601             Nordhalbkugel: Fachleute erwarten überdurchschnittlich warmen —SOMMER - haft
20210601             3—JAHRE lang 1200—EURO pro —MONAT: Pilotprojekt zum Grundeinkommen beginnt Auszahlung
20210601             Buchungen ziehen sprunghaft an: DEUTSCHLAND—URLAUBER kurbeln Spaniens Wirtschaft an
20210601             Konservativer Verein: EX—CHEF—DER—WERTEUNION verlangt von MAX—OTTE—ABGRENZUNG zu Radikalen
20210601             Konzernbesteuerung: Globale Mindeststeuer könnte EU 50—MILLIARDEN Euro einbringen
20210601             APP—TIPP: So bringen Sie Ihr WLAN auf Speed
20210601             In 3. Maiwoche: Sterbefallzahlen liegen über Schnitt der Vorjahre
20210601             Andrej Piwowarow: PUTIN—KRITIKER kurz vor Ausreise im Flugzeug festgenommen
20210601             Vor Reisesaison: EU startet Plattform für digitales Impfzertifikat
20210601             Rassistische Morde 19210000              in OKLAHOMA: Die Nacht des Lynchmobs
20210601             Bankenskandal: USA—GOUVERNEUR soll für 700—MILLIONEN Dollar von Pleitefirma Greensill haften
20210601             10,80 Euro pro —STUNDE: Fleischindustrie führt Mindestlohn ein - ft
20210601             Zu Unrecht erhobene Kontogebühren: Banken bereiten sich auf WELLE—VON—RÜCKFORDERUNGEN vor
20210601             Tschechien: Opposition stellt Misstrauensantrag gegen Ministerpräsident Babiš
20210601             Eurozone: Inflation steigt über Zielmarke der Europäischen Zentralbank - ft
20210601             Empörung in ITALIEN: Berüchtigter Mafiaboss GIOVANNI—BRUSCA —NACH—25—JAHREN frei
20210601             Hitze und Dürre im hohen Norden: Forscher sorgen sich über Brände in Sibirien und KANADA
20210601             Urteilsbegründung des BGH zu Kontogebühren: Die Banken müssen bluten, die Kunden können feiern
20210601             Tue 20210601
20210601             [l] Die Tagesschau interviewt den CHEF—DER—HEINRICH—BÖLL—STIFTUNG—NIEDERLASSUNG in Tel Aviv.
20210601             Dabei fällt dieser bemerkenswerte Satz:
20210601             Es gibt keinen regulären Haushalt, das CORONA—MISSMANAGEMENT ist nicht vergessen und auch nicht das MERON—DESASTER, bei dem 45—MENSCHEN getötet wurden.
20210601             Aus Sicht von EUROPA hat ISRAEL doch bei Covid praktisch alles richtig gemacht!
20210601             Die haben Impfquoten, von denen wir nur träumen können, und sie haben sogar —SCHON wieder normales Zivilleben aufgemacht in weiten Teilen.
20210601             Wenn DAS Mismanagement ist, was sollen WIR denn dann —ERST sagen?!
20210601             Algarve PREPARA—SE para a chegada de turistas com novo laboratório e rede de colheitas Covid
20210601             Covid-19: Vacinação para maiores de 20—ANOS COMEÇ1—EM—AGOSTO
20210601             Algarve administrou mais de 26—MIL vacinas contra a COVID—19—NUMA semana
20210601             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2523 (+6) Óbitos - 45 (=) Recuperados - 2440 (+3) Casos ativos - 38 (+3)
20210601             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 83 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210601             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 116 (=) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 108 (=) Casos ativos - 6 (=)
20210601             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 393 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 392 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210601             Faro Casos confirmados - 3372 (+1) Óbitos - 53 (=) Recuperados - 3274 (+6) Casos ativos - 45 (-5)
20210601             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 757 (=) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 734 (=) Casos ativos - 8 (=)
20210601             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1462 (=) Óbitos - 27 (=) Recuperados - 1424 (=) Casos ativos - 11 (=)
20210601             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3943 (+5) Óbitos - 66 (=) Recuperados - 3810(+2) Casos ativos - 67 (+3)
20210601             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 183 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 172 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210601             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1829 (=) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1796 (-3) Casos ativos - 11 (-3)
20210601             Portimão Casos confirmados - 2599 (+2) Óbitos - 32 (=) Recuperados - 2533 (+5) Casos ativos - 34 (-3)
20210601             Silves Casos confirmados - 1300 (+1) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 1276 (=) Casos ativos - 12 (+1)
20210601             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 404 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 392 (+2) Casos Ativos - 0 (-2)
20210601             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1589 (=) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1548 (+1) Casos ativos - 12 (-1)
20210601             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1310 (=) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1289 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210601             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 157 (=) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 149 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (=)
20210601             456_DGS_boletim_20210601
20210601             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 63,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210601             Continente: 60,4casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210601             R(t) Nacional: 1,06 Continente: 1,07
20210601             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 65—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,6 Fälle gesamt 13.553—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.121,3 Todesfälle gesamt 286—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210601             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 51—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 26,3 Fälle gesamt 7.901—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.079,9 Todesfälle gesamt 238—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210601             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 190—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,4 Fälle gesamt 19.875—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.223,2 Todesfälle gesamt 398—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210601             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 70—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,7 Fälle gesamt 11.138—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.931,9 Todesfälle gesamt 162—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210601             LK VORPOMMERN—RÜGEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 10—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 4,5 Fälle gesamt 3.866—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.720,5 Todesfälle gesamt 78—EINWOHNERZAHL 224.702—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210601             SK Amberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 4,7 Fälle gesamt 1.723—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.082,3 Todesfälle gesamt 23—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.207—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210601             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 215—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 67,0 Fälle gesamt 20.838—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.489,1 Todesfälle gesamt 417—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210601             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 105—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,7 Fälle gesamt 17.518—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.125,6 Todesfälle gesamt 473—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210601             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 385—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,4 Fälle gesamt 52.766—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.850,4 Todesfälle gesamt 705—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210601             SK Weiden i.d.OPf.
20210601             Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 4,7 Fälle gesamt 2.691—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.295,8 Todesfälle gesamt 98—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.743—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210601             Skandal in SÜDKOREA: BELGIEN ruft BOTSCHAFTER zurück, weil seine Ehefrau 1—VERKÄUFERIN geohrfeigt hat
20210601             Gleichberechtigung: "Gendersprache" und Vorstandsquoten, nichts könnte mir egaler sein
20210601             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: CDU—LANDTAGSFRAKTION beschließt nach Maskenaffäre einen Verhaltenskodex
20210601             Allein in DEUTSCHLAND: Forscher beziffern Umweltschäden auf 670—MILLIARDEN Euro
20210601             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Verkommen die USA—REPUBLIKANER zu ANTI—DEMOKRATEN?
20210601             Digitaler Hass in der Pandemie: Wer schreibt die bösen Kommentare?
20210601             Chefin der neuen EU—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT: Das ist die Frau, vor der Europas Betrüger zittern sollen
20210601             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Mann fordert wegen Polizeigewalt Schmerzensgeld vom Land
20210601             Anerkennung von Kolonialverbrechen: Vertreter der Herero und Nama fordern Hunderte Milliarden Euro Entschädigung
20210601             Trotz Coronapandemie: Immer mehr Firmen melden akuten Fachkräftemangel - ft
20210601             Freundin von ROMAN—PROTASSEWITSCH: Ermittlungen gegen Sofja Sapega sollen in BELARUS stattfinden
20210601             Mäuseplage in AUSTRALIEN: "Ich höre sie in den Wänden und auf dem Dach"
20210601             Werk in BELGIEN: EU—BEHÖRDE genehmigt Ausweitung der BIONTECH—PRODUKTION
20210601             Regierungsbildung in ISRAEL: Ganz große Koalition gegen Netanyahu
20210601             —VERBIETET, Konservativer Kulturkampf in den USA: FLORIDA, TRANSGENDER—MÄDCHEN die Teilnahme am MÄDCHEN—SCHULSPORT
20210601             —VERURTEILT, CUM—EX—AFFÄRE der WARBURG—BANK: Gericht, DEUTSCHLAND—BANKER zu Freiheitsstrafe
20210601             —ATTACKIERT, BERLIN: Unbekannter, offenbar SOLDAT—IN—BERLINER—SENATSVERWALTUNG
20210601             Cases 171.196.260 Deaths 3.565.444 Vaccine Doses Administered 1.935.361.364
20210601             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—BIDEN, OKLAHOMA and met with survivors of 19210000             —THE attack in the Greenwood section of TULSA, 1—OF—THE—WORST—OUTBREAKS—OF—RACIST—VIOLENCE in USA—HISTORY.
20210601             "My fellow Americans, this was not 1—RIOT," MISTER—BIDEN said, as people in the crowd rose to their feet.
20210601             "This was 1—MASSACRE".
20210601             —SUSPENDED, THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION, oil drilling leases in THE—ARCTIC—NATIONAL—WILDLIFE Refuge.
20210601             THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION gave Chevron Corp. and several other USA—COMPANIES 6—MORE—MONTHS to wind down their operations in VENEZUELA.
20210601             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—ENDORSED—NATIVE—USA—TRIBAL—POLICE—POWERS, backing the authority of 1—TRIBAL—OFFICER in MONTANA to stop and search 1—NON—NATIVE USA—MOTORIST on 1—PUBLIC—ROAD on reservation land.
20210601             —DECLINED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to hear Johnson & JOHNSON—BID to overturn a $2.12—BILLION damages award to women who blamed their ovarian cancer on asbestos in the company's baby powder and other talc products.
20210601             1—OFF—DUTY—LOS—ANGELES County firefighter fatally shot 1—FELLOW firefighter and wounded another at their small community fire station in Agua Dulce —BEFORE going to his nearby home, setting it on fire and apparently killing himself.
20210601             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,764,162 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 62,935 deaths.
20210601             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 444,352 cases and 6,608 deaths.
20210601             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 33,284,140 with the death toll at 595,181.
20210601             —SIGNED, Ron DeSantis, FLORIDA—REPUBLICAN—GOVERNOR, 1—BILL banning transgender female STUDENT—ATHLETES from competing in women's sports.
20210601             —ACCEPTED, IOWA, 1—JUDGE, the guilty plea of JENNIFER—WOODLEY, 40—JAHRE—ALT, THE—FORMER—CEO—OF—MAKE—A—WISH—IOWA, who pleaded guilty last —WEEK to charges of embezzling TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS from the charity that supports sick children and their families.
20210601             —TOTALED, WOODLEY—EMBEZZLEMENT, nearly $41,000, but restitution has not yet been set.
20210601             Alkermes Plc said THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved its treatment, Lybalvi, for schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder.
20210601             Amazon said that it will stop testing jobseekers for marijuana.
20210601             Exabeam, 1—SILICON—VALLEY startup that helps companies automate the analysis and monitoring of their cybersecurity data, said it raised $200—MILLION in its latest round of funding which valued the company at $2.4—BILLION.
20210601             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA, that 1—CYBERATTACK on BRAZIL—BASED JBS, the world's largest meat processor, forced the shutdown of 9—BEEF plants in THE—USA, and disrupted production at poultry and pork plants.
20210601             —FILED, Moderna Inc, for full USA—APPROVAL—OF—ITS—COVID—19—VACCINE, which is currently only authorized for emergency use in the country, becoming the 2. drugmaker to seek 1—BROADER—REGULATORY—NOD.
20210601             —STABBED, Belarusian political activist Stepan Latypov (41), himself in the neck on the 1. —DAY—OF—HIS—TRIAL and was rushed to hospital.
20210601             —FOLLOWING surgery Latypov was returned to prison.
20210601             —REPORTED, It was, that Silicon Catalyst, 1—INCUBATOR—OF startup companies, has chosen BRITAIN as the site of its 1. European operation.
20210601             —APPROVED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said it has, 1—COVID 19—VACCINE made by drugmaker Sinovac Biotech for emergency use listing, paving the way for a 2. CHINA—SHOT to be used in poor countries.
20210601             —AGREED, Representatives of THE—EU—27—NATIONS and the European PARLIAMENT, to 1—DEAL requiring large companies in THE—EU to reveal how much tax they paid in which country.
20210601             —REJECTED, GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER, the idea of delivering weapons to UKRAINE —AFTER the country's PRESIDENT indicated that he would like military help from BERLIN.
20210601             1—IRANIAN—F 5—FIGHTER—JET developed a "technical problem" that killed BOTH—OF—THE—AIRCRAFT—PILOTS in DEZFUL.
20210601             ISRAEL—ISAAC—HERZOG, 1—VETERAN—POLITICIAN and the scion of 1—PROMINENT—ISRAEL—FAMILY, was elected PRESIDENT, 1—LARGELY ceremonial role that is meant to serve as the nation's moral compass and promote unity.
20210601             THE—WORLD—BANK—SAID—LEBANON—SEVERE—ECONOMIC and financial crisis is likely to rank as 1—OF—THE—WORST the world has seen in more than 150—YEARS.
20210601             MYANMAR, no more than 1—QUARTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MORE than 12—MILLION—PUPILS enrolled for the new school —YEAR amid 1—PROTEST boycott against military rule and —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1—SERIES—OF—BOMBINGS.
20210601             —ANNOUNCED, NEW—ZEALAND, that is was the latest country to sign 1—SPACE—AGREEMENT with NASA.
20210601             —BECAME, NEW—ZEALAND, the 11. signatory to the Artemis Accords.
20210601             —REFERRED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—BUHARI, on Twitter to the 19670000—19700000     NIGERIA—CIVIL—WAR and to treating "those misbehaving —TODAY" in "the language they will understand".
20210601             —REMOVED, Twitter soon, the statement for breaching the site's rules.
20210601             —REPORTED, It was, that Sicilian mafia boss GIOVANNI—BRUSCA, 64—JAHRE—ALT, known as "the pig" and "THE—PEOPLE—SLAYER," has been released early from prison, prompting outrage from his victims' relatives.
20210601             —AMENDED, SOUTH—KOREA—YONHAP news agency said NORTH—KOREA—RULING party has, its rules to create 1—DE facto 2.—IN—COMMAND under leader KIM—JONG—UN as he looks to revamp domestic politics.
20210601             —SIGNED, SWISS—BASED Novartis said it has, 1—COLLABORATION—AGREEMENT and option to acquire Cellerys, 1—ZURICH—BASED startup conducting research on 1—THERAPY to fight multiple sclerosis (MS).
20210601             —ATTACKED, UGANDA, gunmen, and wounded Transport MINISTER and former army COMMANDER, Gen Katumba Wamala, killing his daughter and driver.
20210601             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UN—FOUNDATION, —TODAY that top global brands H&M and Banana Republic are once again partnering with UN Free & Equal for Pride —MONTH this June to raise awareness and funds in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) equality worldwide.
20210601             THE—UN said more than 90—PERCENT—OF—PEOPLE in ETHIOPIA—WAR—TORN Tigray region need emergency food aid, as it appealed for over $200—MILLION to scale up its response.
20210601             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCIS—PAPA has changed church law to explicitly criminalize the sexual ABUSE—OF—ADULTS by priests who abuse their authority, and to say that laypeople who hold church office can be sanctioned for similar sex crimes.
20210601             —RELEASED, The new provisions, —TODAY—AFTER—14—YEARS—OF—STUDY, were contained in the revised criminal law SECTION—OF—THE—VATICAN—CODE—OF—CANON—LAW.
20210601             Das finde ich immer wieder faszinierend, wie sich die INNEN—UND die Außenwahrnehmung unterscheiden können.
202106010025 Wissenschaft
202106010102 Sport
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202106011520 Geschichte
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202106011737 Kultur
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202106012005 Wissenschaft
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202106012128 Ausland
202106012215 Wirtschaft
20210601—19920000    —DETONATED, He was notorious for having, the huge roadside bomb that blew up 1—CRUSADING—ANTI—MAFIA prosecutor, GIOVANNI—FALCONE, and had 1—CHILD dissolved in acid as revenge against 1—INFORMANT.
20210601—20210000    —LOWERED, GERMANY—PUBLIC—HEALTH—AGENCY, the coronavirus risk level to "high" from "very high" for the 1. time, reflecting 1—FALL in THE—NUMBER—OF—NEW—INFECTIONS.
202107060136 Reise
202108060125 Politik
202112060141 Ausland
202201060134 Wissenschaft
202202180601 Ausland
202203060126 Wirtschaft
202204060127 Ausland
20220601             —MITTWOCH, 20220601
20220601             1. Hurrikan der Saison in MEXIKO: Mindestens 10—MENSCHEN sterben durch Erdrutsche und Überschwemmungen
20220601             JANET—YELLEN: USA—FINANZMINISTERIN räumt Fehler bei Einschätzung der Inflation ein
20220601             Coronazahlen des RKI: Bundesweite 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt erneut leicht - haft
20220601             Neues Kabinett in AUSTRALIEN vereidigt: So weiblich wie noch nie
20220601             Sorge vor Atomtests: USA drohen NORDKOREA mit schärferen UNO—SANKTIONEN
20220601             "Gedanken und Gebete": USA—COMEDIAN schleicht sich auf NRA—KONGRESS — und führt Waffenlobbyisten mit satirischer Rede vor
20220601             EINIGE—MITGLIEDER—DES—ÖLKARTELLS—OPEC erwägen einem Medienbericht zufolge, RUSSLAND aus einer Ölfördervereinbarung auszuschließen.
20220601             Hintergrund der Überlegungen sei, dass die westlichen Sanktionen die Fähigkeit des Landes beeinträchtigten, mehr Rohöl zu produzieren, berichtet das "WALL—STREET Journal" unter Berufung auf OPEC—KREISE.
20220601             Bei einem Ausschluss Russlands könnten SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIEN, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und andere OPEC—MITGLIEDSLÄNDER mehr fördern, um die Produktionsziele zu erreichen.
20220601             Einer FRÜHEREN—EINSCHÄTZUNG eines Experten zufolge könnte dies das Ende für OPEC+ bedeuten, zu der neben den Mitgliedern des Exportkartells weitere Förderländer wie RUSSLAND gehören.
20220601             Die POLEN—REGIERUNG hat die Telefonate von Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ und Frankreichs STAATSCHEF—EMMANUEL—MACRON mit dem RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN kritisiert".
20220601             Die halten wir absolut für sinnlos",
20220601             sagte Vizeaußenminister SZYMON—SZYNKOWSKI vel S?k
20220601             Die Gespräche brächten nichts weiter als Putin neue Glaubwürdigkeit.
20220601             —AM—SAMSTAG sprachen Scholz und Macron zuletzt mit Putin und forderten 1—ENDE—DES—KRIEGES.
20220601             Die RUSSLAND—ATOMSTREITKRÄFTE führen nach ANGABEN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—INTERFAX in der nordöstlich von Moskau gelegenen Provinz Iwanowo Truppenübungen durch.
20220601             Etwa 10000000              Soldaten würden umfangreiche Manöver mit über 100—EINSATZFAHRZEUGEN abhalten, darunter auch Trägerraketen für ballistische Interkontinentalraketen vom Typ Jars, berichtet Interfax unter Berufung auf das RUSSLAND—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM.
20220601             Der Bericht konnte von Reuters —ZUNÄCHST nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.
20220601             Angesichts des Vormarsches RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN im Osten seines Landes hat der UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—SELENSKYJ der EU für das geplante neue Sanktionspaket gedankt und zugleich neue Strafmaßnahmen gefordert".
20220601             Letzten Endes sollte es gar keine nennenswerten wirtschaftlichen Verbindungen mehr zwischen der freien Welt und dem Terrorstaat geben",
20220601             Die Vereinten Nationen bemühen sich angesichts weltweit angestiegener Lebensmittelpreise um die WIEDERAUFNAHME—DER—GETREIDE—EXPORTE aus RUSSLAND und der UKRAINE.
20220601             —DERZEIT verhandele sie in WASHINGTON mit der USA—REGIERUNG über dasselbe Thema.
20220601             Ziel sei es, weltweit die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln sicher zu stellen.
20220601             Für den Vorsitzenden des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im BUNDESTAG, MICHAEL—ROTH, bedeutet 1—SIEG der UKRAINE im Krieg mit RUSSLAND vor allem 1—WAHRUNG der Souveränität des Landes".
20220601             Die UKRAINE kann und muss diesen Krieg gewinnen", sagt der SPD—POLITIKER
20220601             Die NATO rechnet einem Medienbericht zufolge noch mit einem monatelangen Krieg in der UKRAINE".
20220601             zitiert "Business Insider" aus einem Lagebericht der NATO—VON—ANFANG dieser Woche.
20220601             In internen Militäranalysen käme auch die Bundesregierung zu einer ähnlichen Einschätzung.
20220601             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ hat der UKRAINE die Lieferung eines modernen Flugabwehrsystems zugesagt.
20220601             Außerdem werde den UKRAINE—STREITKRÄFTEN 1—ORTUNGSRADAR zur Verfügung gestellt, das Artillerie aufklären könne,
20220601             MOSCOW, 20220531             . - /TASS/.
20220601             —AIMED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV—VISIT to BAHRAIN and then to SAUDI—ARABIA is, at enhancing the balanced position the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) MEMBER—COUNTRIES take on UKRAINE.
20220601             He recalled that —TUESDAY saw 1—NUMBER—OF—KEY—EVENTS —DURING LAVROV—VISIT to BAHRAIN, which became 1—LOGICAL—FOLLOW—UP of last APRIL—MEETING Lavrov held with his BAHRAIN—COUNTERPART Abdullatif bin Rashid AL—ZAYANI in MOSCOW.
20220601             And —ON—WEDNESDAY, Lavrov will take part in 1—REGULAR meeting of THE—RUSSIA—GCC Foreign Ministers' Forum in RIYADH.
20220601             Both events on the program reflect the "priority" that RUSSIA—FOREIGN—POLICY attaches to the Near and MIDDLE—EAST, Dolgov said".
20220601             The forum will focus on economic cooperation, the situation in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, and SOME—OTHER—ISSUES," Dolgov said".
20220601             —ON the global level, THE—UKRAINE—CRISIS will probably be touched upon".
20220601             USA—PUBLIC split on UKRAINE, grows CRITICAL—OF—ADMINISTRATION—POLICIES — Duma speaker
20220601             Western powers ruin their own plans of creating 1—SAFER world — official
20220601             EU countries pursuing TIME—SERVING goals in confrontation with RUSSIA, BELARUS — official
20220601             —RELATED, Kiev will not cede its territories but can discuss, difficulties — Zelensky
20220601             DPR lawmaker rules out swap of foreign mercenaries who are facing death penalty
20220601             UKRAINE has no plans to attack TERRITORY—OF—RUSSIA — Zelensky
20220601             —ABOUT 60—100—UKRAINE—SERVICEMEN killed, 500 injured daily — Zelensky
20220601             —SPIED, Kiev regime, on Western diplomats, tried to recruit them, says DPR
20220601             DPR set to try Poroshenko, Zelensky in criminal tribunal
20220601             —ADVANCED, USA to supply UKRAINE with more, rocket systems — Biden
20220601             DPR expects to hold several tribunals for UKRAINE—MILITARY this —SUMMER — authorities
20220601             —SUPPLIED, RANGE—OF—USA—ROCKETS, to Kiev to be below 80—KM — USA—OFFICIAL
20220601             USA to announce DELIVERY—OF—NEW—PACKAGE—OF—MILITARY—AID to UKRAINE, including MLRS
20220601             RUSSIA, DPR draft charter of Donbass tribunal
20220601             USA doesn't send Kiev weapons that allow it to attack RUSSIA—TERRITORY—USA—ENVOY at UN
20220601             —CLEARED—OF, Chechen leader Kadyrov says Severodonetsk, UKRAINE—NATIONALISTS
20220601             RUSSIA says UKRAINE set up firing positions at hospitals in Kharkov, Odessa
20220601             RUSSIA ready for signing agreements with UKRAINE to establish peace — upper house speaker
20220601             LPR leader likens UKRAINE—FORCES to terrorists saying they shoot civilians
20220601             ITALY—PM offers Navy help to clear mines from UKRAINE—PORTS
20220601             Pipeline catches fire —FOLLOWING shelling of Makeyevka in DPR by UKRAINE—FORCES — JCCC
20220601             Container with chemicals blown up at KIEV—CONTROLLED Azot plant in Severodonetsk
20220601             UKRAINE to lose Donbass "within days or weeks," says retired GERMANY—GENERAL
20220601             Only RUSSIA is to blame for food crisis, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR asserts - ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS
20220601             6—PACKAGE—OF—ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS to be approved 20220601             —ON—2— Michel
20220601             UKRAINE—FACTOR
20220601             —RECALLED, Dolgov, that NONE—OF—THE—GCC countries "supported the West in its Russophobic campaign against RUSSIA".
20220601             "MOREOVER—SAUDI—ARABIA even offered itself as 1—PLATFORM for negotiations.
20220601             This proposal remains in force," he continued".
20220601             —INTERESTED, RUSSIA is, in these countries' adequate position [on the relevant issue]".
20220601             The food problem, which the Western countries are inflating in connection with the situation in UKRAINE, makes this issue still more crucial".
20220601             Take look at official statistics: UKRAINE is in 7. place in terms of grain supplies.
20220601             Ahead of it there are RUSSIA, THE—USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and even the European Union," Dolgov said".
20220601             In fact, the situation does not depend on UKRAINE as heavily as it might seem.
20220601             But in all likelihood this question will be touched upon at negotiations between RUSSIA and these [Gulf] countries and be decided in accordance with their interests.
20220601             —DOOMED, WEST—GAMBIT to cause rift in RUSSIA—CHINA ties, to fail, says senior diplomat
20220601             /TASS/. - RUSSIA is open for talks with UKRAINE and signing agreements that would lead to peace, SPEAKER—OF—RUSSIA—FEDERATION—COUNCIL (upper PARLIAMENT house) Valentina Matviyenko said —ON—TUESDAY at 1—MEETING with MOZAMBIQUE—PRESIDENT—FILIPE—NYUSI.
20220601             "We are open for talks.
20220601             I totally share your position that diplomatic, peaceful solutions are needed.
20220601             —NEEDED, But will for that is, on both sides.
20220601             We reiterate that we are ready for talks, for signing agreements that would stop the civil was in UKRAINE and lead to peace, but we see no reaction from Kiev," she said.
20220601             UKRAINE RUSSIA had been in talks with Western partners and THE—USA—DEMANDING shared, indivisible security be ensured on the European continent, "as it is committed to paper in all INTERNATIONAL documents".
20220601             "Regrettably, we did not receive 1—ADEQUATE—RESPONSE.
20220601             And —AFTER UKRAINE said it wanted to be 1—NUCLEAR—POWER and —WHEN we saw how it was being flooded with weapons, including offensive weapons, knowing that it was plotting the 3. armed attack on THE—DONETSK and Lugansk regions, naturally, we had no other way out, no other choice to ensure our security," she stressed.
20220601             VIELE—DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMEN werden laut dem OST—AUSSCHUSS der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT auf absehbare Zeit ihre Geschäfte in RUSSLAND nicht wieder aufnehmen.
20220601             "Ein baldiges RUSSLAND—COMEBACK ist überhaupt nicht in Sicht", sagt Geschäftsführer MICHAEL—HARMS
20220601             "Die Unternehmen fahren gerade ALLE—AUF—SICHT".
20220601             Nicht alle hätten aber den Markt verlassen.
20220601             "EINIGE—UNTERNEHMEN haben ihr Geschäft zurückgefahren, halten sich aber 1—RÜCKKEHROPTION offen.
20220601             Denn wenn man vollständig den RUSSLAND—MARKT verlässt, ist es später schwer, zurückzukommen".
20220601             Der Rückzug aus RUSSLAND sei juristisch sehr komplex und könne Monate, wenn nicht Jahre dauern.
20220601             Die Einbußen im RUSSLAND—GESCHÄFT seien im Vergleich zu den globalen Lieferkettenproblemen und Preissteigerungen für die meisten Unternehmen schmerzhaft, aber nicht gravierend.
20220601             Die Dänen entscheiden am —MITTWOCH in einer Volksabstimmung darüber, ob ihr Land an der gemeinsamen EU—VERTEIDIGUNGSPOLITIK teilnimmt.
20220601             —BISHER kann sich NATO—GRÜNDUNGSMITGLIED DÄNEMARK aufgrund einer Sonderregel unter anderem aus der Verteidigungspolitik der EU heraushalten.
20220601             Durch Russlands Angriff auf die UKRAINE hat sich die Stimmung im Land verändert: Zuletzt sprachen sich über 65—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN für 1—ABSCHAFFUNG des Verteidigungsvorbehalts aus.
20220601             1—JA beim Referendum gilt aber nicht als sicher: Es wird mit einer niedrigen Beteiligung gerechnet.
20220601             Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Unionsfraktion, Thorsten Frei, hat Teilen der Bundesregierung zu große Zurückhaltung bei Äußerungen zum Ukrainekrieg vorgeworfen.
20220601             "Die Aussagen der grünen und sozialdemokratischen MINISTER, dass RUSSLAND nicht gewinnen dürfe, sind enttäuschend und ungenügend",
20220601             sagte der CDU—POLITIKER
20220601             Auch der CDU—ABGEORDNETE ARMIN—SCHWARZ sagte der Zeitung: "Die UKRAINE muss den Krieg gewinnen".
20220601             Er habe "keinerlei Verständnis für die SPD und für Herrn Scholz" in dieser Sache.
20220601             "Warum können sie so einen simplen Satz nicht formulieren?
20220601             Sie blamieren uns durch ihr Herumschwurbeln".
20220601             Die Kommunistische Partei Russlands hat 2—PARLAMENTSABGEORDNETE der Fernostregion Primorje um den Hafen Wladiwostok aus der Fraktion ausgeschlossen, weil sie zur Beendigung des Kriegs gegen die UKRAINE aufgerufen hatten.
20220601             "Diese Abgeordneten haben unsere Partei diskreditiert mit ihrem Vorstoß, daher ist für sie kein Platz in unseren Reihen",
20220601             sagte der Fraktionschef der Kommunisten im Regionalparlament, ANATOLI—DOLGATSCHOW, laut der Tageszeitung "Kommersant".
20220601             Der Aufruf der beiden Abgeordneten hatte INTERNATIONAL Aufsehen erregt, weil er zeigte, dass es in der RUSSLAND—POLITIK Widerstand gegen den Krieg gibt.
20220601             —GEFORDERT, Niedersachsens Innenminister BORIS—PISTORIUS (SPD) hat, sich beim Umgang mit den Vermögen RUSSLAND—OLIGARCHEN an KANADA zu orientieren und diese zu enteignen.
20220601             "Wir sollten dessen Beispiel folgen und bei Oligarchen, die auf der Sanktionsliste der EU gegen RUSSLAND stehen, das Vermögen nicht nur einfrieren, sondern einziehen und für humanitäre Hilfe und beim Aufbau der UKRAINE einsetzen"
20220601             Dieses Vorgehen sollte dabei nicht nur für Oligarchen gelten, sondern auch für alle, die ihnen beim Umgehen der Sanktionen helfen, forderte der SPD—POLITIKER.
20220601             Pistorius verteidigte zugleich Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) gegen Kritik, im Krieg Russlands gegen die UKRAINE zu zögerlich vorzugehen.
20220601             Scholz mache einen guten Job, das setze sich am Ende immer durch.
20220601             RUSSLAND hat die Entscheidung der USA, fortschrittliche Raketensysteme und Munition an die UKRAINE zu liefern, scharf kritisiert.
20220601             Sie würde das Risiko einer direkten Konfrontation erhöhen.
20220601             Der stellvertretende RUSSLAND—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Rjabkow sagte der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti, dass Moskau die USA—MILITÄRHILFE für die UKRAINE als "extrem negativ" sehe.
20220601             Im Mittelpunkt seiner Kritik standen die Pläne der USA, Kiew mit dem High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) auszustatten — einem Mehrfachraketenwerfersystem, das WASHINGTON im Rahmen seines jüngsten Militärhilfepakets an die UKRAINE liefern will.
20220601             Beim EU—GIPFEL hat es nach ANGABEN—VON—ESTLANDS—REGIERUNGSCHEFIN—KAJA—KALLAS intensive Diskussionen über die Telefonate von Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ und Frankreichs STAATSCHEF—EMMANUEL—MACRON mit dem RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN gegeben.
20220601             "Wir hatten eine sehr hitzige Debatte darüber, Putin anzurufen",
20220601             Kampf gegen Kindesmissbrauch: Faeser will von Providern Speicherung von IP—ADRESSEN verlangen
20220601             Medienbericht: Sächsischer Verfassungsschutz beschäftigte über Wochen Neonazi als Pförtner
20220601             Entlassung aus U—HAFT: Mutmaßlicher Drogenpate Bashkim Osmani auf freiem Fuß
20220601             Zehntausende Fälle: AUSTRALIEN erlebt schwere Grippewelle nach Coronalockerungen
20220601             AUSTRALIEN: Dieses Seegras ist die größte Pflanze der Welt - haft
20220601             Seegras der ART—POSIDONIA australis bedecke 1—FLÄCHE von rund 200—QUADRATKILOMETERN in der als UNESCO—WELTNATURERBE geschützten Shark Bay vor Australiens Westküste,
20220601             die ganze Wiese sei als eine einzige Pflanze zu betrachten.
20220601             —ENTSTANDEN, Offenbar sei die ganze Wiese aus einem Keimling.
20220601             Dafür müsse das Seegras —SCHON mindestens 4500—JAHRE lang gewachsen sein.
20220601             Wed 20220601              - [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20220601             UKRAINE Has Promised USA Not to Fire New 50-Mile Range Rockets Into RUSSIA.
20220601             —VERSPROCHEN, Haben sie.
20220601             —GEREICHT, Das hat Biden :
20220601             Ja gut, und wenn sie doch über die Grenze schießen, dann schicken wir unsere Thoughts and Prayers für die armen Toten und ihre Angehörigen.
20220601             [l] Ich frage mich gerade, ob die Russen das ab —JETZT auch so machen werden.
20220601             Wenn die Amerikaner irgendwo einmarschieren.
20220601             Dass dann die örtlichen Rebellen auch immer —BIS an die Zähne mit RUSSLAND—WAFFEN versorgt sind?
20220601             —ANGENOMMEN, Also mal, die überleben diesen Krieg, auch wirtschaftlich.
20220601             [l] Oh, haha, sagten wir irrelevant?
20220601             Keine Sicherheitslücke? Fixen wir nicht?
20220601             Wir meinten: Remote Code Execution in Windows.
20220601             Bedauerliches Missverständnis.
20220601             Daneben zählte er den Beschuss von Gefechtsständen, Truppenansammlungen und Militärkonvois durch die Luftwaffe auf.
20220601             Die UKRAINE hat laut Medienberichten von AUSTRALIEN und den USA M777-Haubitzen erhalten.
20220601             Die TÜRKEI hat ihrem Präsidenten RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN zufolge noch keine konkreten Vorschläge erhalten, die ihre Bedenken bezüglich eines NATO—BEITRITTS—VON—FINNLAND und SCHWEDEN zerstreuen könnten.
20220601             Er erwarte einen ernsthaften Ansatz, sagt Erdogan im Parlament.
20220601             Solange dies nicht geschehe, werde die TÜRKEI ihre Meinung nicht ändern.
20220601             Bei den Einwänden der TÜRKEI handele es sich nicht um Opportunismus, sondern es gehe um die Nationale Sicherheit.
20220601             Allerdings müsse JEDES—GESPRÄCH dieser Art vorbereitet werden, sagt der SPRECHER—DES—RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDIALAMTES, DMITRI—PESKOW, vor der Presse.
20220601             Die Beratungen beider Seiten über 1—FRIEDENSVEREINBARUNG sei vor langer Zeit eingestellt und nicht wieder aufgenommen worden.
20220601             Die Menschen in den von RUSSLAND besetzten Gebieten Cherson, Saporischschja und Donbass müssten selbst über ihre Zukunft entscheiden, fügt Peskow hinzu.
20220601             Die RUSSLAND—REGIERUNG zweifle nicht daran, dass sie "die beste Entscheidung" treffen würden.
20220601             Die UKRAINE hat erklärt, dass 1—ANNEXION der Regionen durch RUSSLAND die Friedensgespräche zwischen beiden Seiten beenden würde.
20220601             DÄNEMARK darf seine in der SCHWEIZ hergestellten Schützenpanzer nicht der UKRAINE zur Verfügung stellen.
20220601             Das SCHWEIZ—STAATSSEKRETARIAT für Wirtschaft (Seco) hat ein entsprechendes Ansuchen aus Kopenhagen verweigert, wie 1—SPRECHER—DER—BEHÖRDE in BERN bestätigte.
20220601             Der ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHE SCHWEIZ—RUNDFUNK SRF hatte zuerst von der Entscheidung berichtet.
20220601             In einem ähnlichen Fall hatte die Behörde im April verboten, dass DEUTSCHLAND Munition aus SCHWEIZ—PRODUKTION an das von RUSSLAND angegriffene Land weitergibt.
20220601             DÄNEMARK wollte Radschützenpanzer des Typs Piranha III an die UKRAINE liefern.
20220601             Das Seco begründete sein Nein mit der Neutralität der SCHWEIZ und mit dem Kriegsmaterialgesetz, das die Ausfuhr von militärischen Gütern in Kriegsgebiete verbietet.
20220601             DEUTSCHLAND stellte 2—ANSUCHEN, um Munition unter anderem für den Flugabwehrpanzer Gepard weitergeben zu dürfen, und erhielt darauf ähnliche Antworten.
20220601             RUSSLAND wirft den USA vor, mit ihrer angekündigten Lieferung fortschrittlicher Raketen an die UKRAINE Öl ins Feuer zu gießen.
20220601             Die Führung in Moskau vertraue nicht darauf, dass die UKRAINE diese Raketen nicht auf RUSSLAND—TERRITORIUM abfeuern werde, sagt Präsidialamtssprecher DMITRI—PESKOW vor der Presse.
20220601             "Wir glauben, dass die USA absichtlich Öl ins Feuer gießen.
20220601             Die USA halten offensichtlich an der Linie fest, dass sie RUSSLAND —BIS zum letzten Ukrainer bekämpfen werden".
20220601             —ZUGESTIMMT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN hat, im Rahmen des 700—MILLIONEN Dollar umfassenden Waffenpaketes der UKRAINE auch fortschrittliche Raketensystem zu liefern, die mit großer Reichweite Ziele in RUSSLAND treffen könnten.
20220601             Der UKRAINE—PRÄSIDENTEN—BERATER Mychailo Podoljak wirft der EU und den USA eine "irrationale Angst vor RUSSLAND" vor.
20220601             Die politischen Eliten im Westen wollten zur Vorkriegszeit zurückkehren und keine Probleme lösen, sagt Podoljak, der auch Verhandlungsführer bei den auf Eis liegenden Friedensgesprächen mit RUSSLAND ist, in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—INTERFAX—UKRAINE.
20220601             Ihre finanziellen Prioritäten hätten Vorrang vor dem Fällen von Entscheidungen.
20220601             "As for the situation in UKRAINE, CHINA [...] insists that THE—USA and other Western states stop fueling the fire and stop increasing unilateral sanctions [against RUSSIA]," he underscored —DURING 1—BRIEFING.
20220601             —POINTED, THE—CHINA—DIPLOMAT, out that BEIJING "is using various channels" to maintain contacts with all interested sides.
20220601             "We call for 1—CEASEFIRE and END—OF—HOSTILITIES," the diplomat underscored.
20220601             "No," the spokesman said, answering 1—QUESTION whether the Kremlin trusts ZELENSKY—WORDS".
20220601             In order to trust, there must be previous experience —WHEN such promises were fulfilled.
20220601             Unfortunately, such experience is completely nonexistent," Peskov explained.
20220601             "On the contrary, the entire HISTORY—OF—EVENTS proves that, —STARTING with ZELENSKY—MAIN—CAMPAIGN promise to end the war in UKRAINE—SOUTHEAST once and for all, [the promise] was not fulfilled, and THE—MINSK Agreements were not implemented, they sunk into oblivion, and by UKRAINE—FAULT at that," the spokesman pointed out.
20220601             "I would rather not comment on something, which is mostly secondary.
20220601             The question is not about THE—RANGE—OF—ANY—SYSTEM or anybody's intentions," he said, —WHEN asked to comment on UKRAINE—ASSURANCES that it would not use USA—MLRS to strike targets on THE—TERRITORY—OF—RUSSIA.
20220601             "We are certainly picking up ALL—OF—THESE signals, but we are linking them to what is going on in reality," Ryabkov stated".
20220601             —FLOODED, In reality, Kiev is still being, with uninterrupted and perpetual supplies of the newest weapons systems".
20220601             He added that such steps on behalf of WASHINGTON are aimed at "delaying the moment," —WHEN RUSSIA announces that it will have reached the set objectives of its special military operation in UKRAINE, and they will be attained despite the measures undertaken by THE—USA.
20220601             "They [the set objectives] will be eventually reached, no matter what steps are taken on behalf of THE—USA, or their satellites and clients," the diplomat noted.
20220601             MOSCOW, 20220601             . - /TASS/.
20220601             "It is 1—WELL—KNOWN—FACT that the word 'crisis' in Chinese is 1—COMBINATION—OF—2—CHARACTERS: 'danger' and 'opportunity.' I am sure that the hybrid war unleashed by the collective West against RUSSIA opens up new opportunities for expanding RUSSIAN—CHINA—PRACTICAL—COOPERATION, including in investment and finance," the top diplomat stressed.
20220601             —POINTED, Lavrov, out that RUSSIA and CHINA intend to step up the use of the ruble and yuan in mutual settlements".
20220601             —POINTED, Lavrov, out that in this difficult and crucial time the world is going through —TODAY, the comprehensive development of the strategic partnership with THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA remains among THE—PRIORITIES—OF—RUSSIA—FOREIGN—POLICY".
20220601             —DESCRIBED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN has, the relations between MOSCOW and BEIJING as 'a MODEL—OF—EFFICIENCY, responsibility and aspiration for the future'.
20220601             The experience of joint work under the new conditions shows that our ties have 1—POWERFUL and truly inexhaustible potential, confidently passing the strength test," he emphasized".
20220601             Despite the sanctions pressure and information war from THE—USA and its satellites, we were able to not only maintain the entire range of bilateral cooperation, but also saturate it with 1—RELEVANT—SUBSTANTIVE—AGENDA.
20220601             —CREATED, New formats and areas of joint efforts are being.
20220601             The scale and intensity of such cooperation will grow".
20220601             —CONVINCED, Lavrov is, that the prosperous FUTURE—OF—THE—PEOPLES—OF—RUSSIA and CHINA and, to SOME—EXTENT, the outline of 1—MORE—JUST and democratic polycentric world order being shaped will depend on how effectively THE—2—NATIONS will be able to achieve their objectives.
20220601             —EXTENDED, Putin, his congratulations to parents, teachers, and pupils".
20220601             I am confident that in this complicated world, RUSSIA will only bolster its strength, independence and sovereignty," Putin assured.
20220601             According to him, this "is not about working on SOME—SPECIFIC—TRACK".
20220601             "It covers the economy, technology, science and MANY—OTHER—AREAS, as well as efforts to strengthen civil society and patriotic education.
20220601             I believe that these activities also involve 1—STRONG—CIVIL—SOCIETY and the patriotic ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—YOUTH," THE—HEAD—OF—STATE noted.
20220601             Putin getting ready for virtual BRICS summit
20220601             —SCHEDULED, The summit, for 20220624
20220601             —BERICHTET, RUSSLAND, über Abschuss westlicher Waffentechnik
20220601             Die Versorgungssicherheit mit Gas in DEUTSCHLAND ist dem Bundeswirtschaftsministerium zufolge weiterhin gewährleistet.
20220601             Das sagte 1—SPRECHERIN in BERLIN.
20220601             —REAGIERT, Sie, damit auf jüngste Lieferstopps des RUSSLAND—STAATSKONZERNS Gazprom etwa nach DÄNEMARK und in die NIEDERLANDE.
20220601             Die Sprecherin betont, die Bundesregierung beobachte die Entwicklung sehr genau.
20220601             Zur Zukunft der Raffinerie in Schwedt sagt sie, es werde mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung gearbeitet.
20220601             Ziel sei, dass auch diese Raffinerie —BIS Jahresende ohne RUSSLAND—ÖL auskomme.
20220601             PAPA besorgt über BLOCKADE—VON—GETREIDEEXPORTEN aus der UKRAINE
20220601             POLEN, UNGARN und das Ölembargo gegen RUSSLAND: Das ENDE—DES—OSTBLOCKS
20220601             —BLOCKIERT, SCHWEIZ, Weitergabe von DÄNEMARK—PANZERN an UKRAINE
20220601             FINNLAND und SCHWEDEN setzen Gespräche mit TÜRKEI über NATO—BEITRITT fort
20220601             favoriten - Entscheidung des Bundesarbeitsgerichts: Arbeitgeber dürfen PCR—TESTS anordnen
20220601             Streit über USA—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN: TÜRKEI bricht Gespräche mit GRIECHENLAND ab
20220601             Extreme Hitze in INDIEN: "Als würde die Straße in Flammen stehen"
20220601             Hohe Inflation: Habeck warnt vor Gefahr einer Rezession - ft •
20220601             Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung: Mitglied von rechtsextremistischem Verlag in SACHSEN verhaftet
20220601             UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR ANTONIO—GUTERRES sieht Fortschritte hin zu einer Lösung der weltweiten Probleme bei der Lebensmittelversorgung vor allem armer Länder infolge des Krieges in der UKRAINE.
20220601             1—EINIGUNG sei jedoch noch in weiter Ferne, sagt er auf einer PRESSEKONFERENZ—MIT—DER—SCHWEDEN—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTIN—MAGDALENA—ANDERSSON in STOCKHOLM.
20220601             Die Bundesregierung hat Erwartungen gedämpft, dass das von Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) angekündigte Luftverteidigungssystem IRIS—T schnell an die UKRAINE geliefert wird".
20220601             Ja, das dauert und zwar Monate",
20220601             sagte Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne)
20220601             Demnach sollte das vom Rüstungskonzern Diehl hergestellte System eigentlich "an ein anderes Land gehen".
20220601             Auf Bitten der Bundesregierung werde es nun an die UKRAINE geliefert.
20220601             —SEIT Beginn der RUSSLAND—INVASION in der UKRAINE vor mehr als 3—MONATEN sind laut den Vereinten Nationen mindestens 4149—ZIVILISTEN getötet worden.
20220601             Mindestens 4945—WEITERE hätten Verletzungen erlitten, teilte das UN—HOCHKOMMISSARIAT für Menschenrechte mit.
20220601             Unter den Getöteten befinden sich den Angaben zufolge 267—KINDER.
20220601             Weitere 423—MÄDCHEN und Jungen seien verletzt worden.
20220601             Die tatsächliche Zahl der getöteten und verletzten Zivilisten dürfte wesentlich höher liegen, hieß es.
20220601             RUSSLAND hält am Ölkartell Opec+ fest.
20220601             Die Zusammenarbeit in dieser Gruppe sei weiterhin bedeutsam, sagte Außenminister Sergej Lawrow während einer Reise nach SAUDI—ARABIA—ARABIEN.
20220601             Lawrow reagierte damit auf einen Medienbericht, —NACH—DEM EINIGE—MITGLIEDER—DES—ÖLKARTELLS—OPEC erwägen, RUSSLAND aus einer Ölfördervereinbarung auszuschließen.
20220601             RUSSLAND hat die Vorwürfe auch der Bundesregierung zur BLOCKADE—VON—GETREIDEEXPORTEN zurückgewiesen und dem Westen die Verantwortung für die Lebensmittelkrise gegeben.
20220601             Weil RUSSLAND—FRACHTSCHIFFE mit Sanktionen belegt seien, könnten diese kein Getreide exportieren, sagte Moskaus Außenminister Sergej Lawrow in der saudischen HAUPTSTADT—RIAD.
20220601             Der Westen behaupte zwar, dass Lebensmittel nicht mit Sanktionen belegt seien, verschweige aber zugleich, dass sie nicht transportiert werden könnten.
20220601             Der Westen hatte RUSSLAND, das Krieg führt in der UKRAINE, aufgefordert, die Getreideexporte des angegriffenen Landes zuzulassen.
20220601             Dazu müssten die Häfen im Schwarzen Meer freigegeben werden.
20220601             Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW sagte, dass RUSSLAND die Ausfuhr von Weizen aus UKRAINE—HÄFEN nicht behindere.
20220601             Vielmehr müsse die UKRAINE ihre mit Seeminen versehenen Küstenbereiche im Schwarzen Meer säubern, damit die Schiffe aus den Häfen auslaufen könnten und die Seefahrt gesichert sei.
20220601             60—EXEMPLARE des schweren Transporthubschraubers CH-47 will die Bundeswehr kaufen.
20220601             VIELE—NATO—STAATEN fliegen die Maschine mit dem markanten Doppelrotor —BEREITS.
20220601             Die Getreideernte in der UKRAINE dürfte in dieser Saison nach Branchenangaben wegen des RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS um 40—PROZENT niedriger ausfallen.
20220601             Diese Einschätzung gab die Getreidevereinigung der UKRAINE, die Produzenten und Exporteure vereint, für die laufende Saison 2022/2023—HERAUS.
20220601             Der größte Gasspeicher Deutschlands in Rehden kann angesichts bislang historisch niedriger Stände nun befüllt werden.
20220601             Dazu erließ Bundeswirtschaftsminister ROBERT—HABECK (Grüne) 1—MINISTERVERORDNUNG, wie das Ministerium mitteilte.
20220601             LETTLAND hat weitere 34—RUSSEN wegen ihrer Unterstützung des RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFSKRIEGS in der UKRAINE auf eine schwarze Liste gesetzt.
20220601             /TASS/. - The statement by the top EU diplomat, Josep Borrell, that THE—EU should become 1—SERIOUS—MILITARY—POWER is mere words "but there's no smoke without fire," RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE —FOLLOWING 1—VISIT to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20220601             "Probably, this is primarily mere words, but there is no smoke without fire," Lavrov said".
20220601             There really is such 1—STRONG—RUSSOPHOBIC wing in the European Union, which for MANY—YEARS effectively imposed its position on everyone else, exploiting THE—PRINCIPLE—OF—SOLIDARITY and consensus".
20220601             This wing, according to THE—MINISTER, "is —NOW stepping up its activity".
20220601             And the ideal for this minority, Lavrov said, is "1—MILITARIZED—EUROPEAN—UNION as 1—APPENDAGE—OF—NATO".
20220601             —DESCRIBED, THE—MINISTER also, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—OLAF—SCHOLZ—STATEMENTS about GERMANY—INTENTION to become THE—EU main military force as EVIDENCE—OF—RESURGENT "dominant aspirations" in the country.
20220601             "We have taken NOTE—OF—THE—STATEMENT by GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—OLAF—SCHOLZ who stated that GERMANY would become the main military force in the European Union," Lavrov said".
20220601             I have already read feedback by observers who said they were seriously bewildered that such statements were made by THE—GERMANY—LEADER".
20220601             Such statements "must be heard by other EU members and must become 1—SUBJECT—OF—1—SERIOUS—TALK," Lavrov said".
20220601             1—TALK about how EUROPE will develop further and how it will continue to draw lessons from its hard HISTORY—OF—PAST—CENTURIES".
20220601             —ENTSPANNT, Moskau hat, auf den in der EU geplanten weitreichenden Boykott von russischem Öl reagiert.
20220601             Die frei werdenden Mengen würden in andere Richtungen umgeleitet, sagte Kremlsprecher DMITRI—PESKOW der RUSSLAND—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR Interfax zufolge.
20220601             "Diese Sanktionen wirken sich natürlich negativ auf den gesamten Kontinent aus — auf die Europäer und auf uns und auf den gesamten globalen Energiemarkt".
20220601             RUSSLAND werde die negativen Folgen durch systematische Handlungen minimieren, sagte Peskow.
20220601             Das Gericht der Europäischen Union hat 1—KLAGE des prominenten RUSSLAND—GESCHÄFTSMANNES Jewgeni Prigoschin gegen EU—SANKTIONEN abgewiesen.
20220601             Die Richter sahen es dem Urteil zufolge als nicht erwiesen an, dass die Strafmaßnahmen gegen den Vertrauten des RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN unzureichend begründet sind und auf unzulässigen Beweisen beruhen.
20220601             Dies hatte Prigoschin in einer Klage vorgebracht.
20220601             DEUTSCHLAND und die NIEDERLANDE werden in der Nordsee gemeinsam Bohrungen auf einem neuen Gasfeld vornehmen.
20220601             —BLOCKIERT, UNGARN, erneut EU—SANKTIONEN gegen RUSSLAND
20220601             Dabei seien klärende Unterlagen zu den Beschaffungsvorhaben geliefert worden,
20220601             Will er nur UNGARN beschützen oder zielt er auf eine günstige Position, falls RUSSLAND den Krieg gewinnt?
20220601             Der RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFSKRIEG auf die UKRAINE hat nach Einschätzung von UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR António Guterres eine "selbstmörderische Abhängigkeit" der Welt von fossilen Brennstoffen offengelegt.
20220601             Gleichzeitig habe der Krieg vom Fokus auf die Bekämpfung der Klimakrise abgelenkt, sagte Guterres vor dem Auftakt der UNO—UMWELTKONFERENZ STOCKHOLM+50.
20220601             Guterres forderte erneut ein sofortiges ENDE—DES—KRIEGES und mehr Engagement der internationalen Gemeinschaft beim Kampf gegen die Klimakrise.
20220601             —GEBRAUCHT, Das UKRAINE—GETREIDE wird auf der ganzen Welt, doch solange die Häfen und Seewege von RUSSLAND blockiert werden, bleibt nur der Export auf der Schiene.
20220601             UNGARN verlangt weitere Änderungen an dem neuen EU—SANKTIONSPAKET gegen RUSSLAND und blockiert damit erneut dessen Inkrafttreten.
20220601             Konkret fordert das Land, auf die geplanten Strafmaßnahmen gegen das RUSSISCH—ORTHODOXE Kirchenoberhaupt PATRIARCH—KYRILL zu verzichten
20220601             Eigentlich sollte das Beschlussverfahren zum Sanktionspaket am —MITTWOCH den nächsten Schritt machen, nachdem sich die EU in der Nacht zum —DIENSTAG nach wochenlangem Streit über das geplante ÖL—EMBARGO geeinigt hatte.
20220601             UNGARN setzte dabei durch, das Öllieferungen per Pipeline —ZUNÄCHST von dem Einfuhrstopp ausgenommen werden.
20220601             PATRIARCH—KYRILL soll —NACH—DEM Willen der anderen EU—STAATEN wegen seiner Unterstützung für den RUSSLAND—ANGRIFFSKRIEG gegen die UKRAINE auf die Sanktionsliste der EU kommen.
20220601             Kyrill pflegt engen Kontakt zu PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und zeigte sich bislang sehr kremltreu.
20220601             Der 75-Jährige stellte sich in seinen Predigten immer wieder hinter den Kriegskurs und behauptete zuletzt sogar, dass RUSSLAND noch nie ein anderes Land angegriffen habe.
20220601             Das katholische Kirchenoberhaupt FRANZISKUS—PAPA sagte zuletzt ein geplantes Treffen mit Kyrill ab.
20220601             Der UKRAINE—BOTSCHAFTER—ANDRIJ—MELNYK hat die Ankündigung neuer DEUTSCHLAND—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN an sein Land begrüßt".
20220601             Wir sind glücklich darüber, dass nun endlich Bewegung in die Sache gekommen und das Eis gebrochen ist",
20220601             sagte Melnyk - Streit über RECHTSSTAATS—VERSTÖßE: EU—KOMMISSION billigt CORONA—MILLIARDEN für POLEN — aber überweist sie nicht
20220601             Getreideknappheit in Nordafrika: "Es drohen Brotunruhen"
20220601             Volksabstimmung über "Verteidigungsvorbehalt": Dänen wollen künftig militärisch enger mit Nato und EU zusammenarbeiten
20220601             Im Wattenmeer bei Borkum: NIEDERLANDE genehmigen gemeinsame Gasbohrungen mit DEUTSCHLAND
20220601             In ihrer 1. öffentlichen Rede —SEIT rund einem halben —JAHR hat die frühere Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL den RUSSLAND—ANGRIFF auf die UKRAINE als "tiefgreifende Zäsur" bezeichnet.
20220601             Sie wolle als Bundeskanzlerin außer Dienst keine Einschätzungen von der Seitenlinie abgeben, sagte Merkel.
20220601             Doch zu sehr markiere Russlands Einmarsch in sein Nachbarland einen eklatanten Bruch des Völkerrechts in der Geschichte Europas —NACH—DEM Ende des 2. Weltkriegs.
20220601             "Meine Solidarität gilt der von RUSSLAND angegriffenen, überfallenen UKRAINE und der Unterstützung ihres Rechts auf Selbstverteidigung",
20220601             sagte Merkel.
20220601             Sie unterstütze ALLE—ENTSPRECHENDEN—ANSTRENGUNGEN—DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG, der EU, der USA, der Nato, der G7 und der Uno, "dass diesem barbarischen Angriffskrieg Russlands Einhalt geboten wird".
20220601             Merkel ging auf Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegenüber der Bevölkerung ein.
20220601             "Butscha steht stellvertretend für dieses Grauen",
20220601             sagte sie mit Blick auf die Erschießungen in der Stadt westlich von Kiew.
20220601             POLEN hat dem kriegsbedrängten Nachbarland UKRAINE bei einem Besuch von Ministerpräsident MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI in Kiew weitere Hilfen zugesagt.
20220601             "POLEN—UNTERNEHMEN werden am Wiederaufbau teilnehmen", sagte Morawiecki.
20220601             "Aber zuerst muss die UKRAINE verteidigt werden, müssen die RUSSLAND—TRUPPEN aus der UKRAINE vertrieben werden".
20220601             Dies sei Aufgabe der gesamten freien Welt.  END NEWS appended
20220601             [l] Ihr AHNT ja nicht, was gerade einem ehemaligen Product Manager bei Opensea passiert ist (das ist diese Ebay für NFTs)!
20220601             —BESTIMMT, Da knallen, die Korken bei der NFT—BROS.
20220601             Endlich nimmt sie jemand ernst!1!!
20220601             —CHARGED, This is the 1. time someone was, for their involvement in what THE—DOJ describes as a "Digital Asset Insider Trading Scheme".
20220601             Und die bezeichnen ihre wertlosen BULLSHIT—TOKENS auch noch als "Digital Asset"!
20220601             —GEHABT, So gute Laune werden die da lange nicht mehr, haben.
20220601             Was von NFTs als "Asset" zu erwarten ist, hat dieser Fall schön illustriert.
20220601             Die UN—BEAMTIN Rebecca Grynspan habe konstruktive Gespräche mit dem stellvertretenden RUSSLAND—MINISTERPRÄSIDENTEN Andrej Belousow über GETREIDE—UND Düngemittelausfuhren in Moskau geführt, teilte UN—SPRECHER Stephane Dujarric mit.
20220601             Während die Kämpfe im Donbass wahrscheinlich noch EINIGE—MONATE andauern, ist die intensivste PHASE—UND Russlands beste Chance, seine erklärten Ziele kurzfristig zu erreichen.- in den nächsten 2—MONATEN",
20220601             Another fundamental task is to promote the understanding that already exists in the Arab world the global food crisis is largely artificially inflated by the West in its standoff with RUSSIA, 1—SENIOR—RESEARCH—FELLOW at the Center for Arab and Islamic STUDIES—OF—THE—INSTITUTE—OF—ORIENTAL STUDIES—OF—THE—RUSSIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, BORIS—DOLGOV, told TASS in 1—INTERVIEW.
20220601             UKRAINE—TROOPS—BLOW up chemical storage tank in Severodonetsk — people's militia
20220601             RUSSIA, UKRAINE were close to signing peace agreement — RUSSIA—UPPER—HOUSE—SPEAKER
20220601             Only RUSSIA is to blame for food crisis, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR asserts
20220601             —DURING the upcoming contacts it will be important for RUSSIA to see "the emergence of 1—MORE—CONCRETE—POSITION—OF these Arab countries" regarding prospects for further cooperation amid THE—WEST—PRESSURES, BORIS—DOLGOV also pointed out
20220601             —EMPHASIZED, The expert, that —DURING the upcoming contacts it would be important for RUSSIA to see "the emergence of 1—MORE—CONCRETE—POSITION—OF these Arab countries" regarding THE—UKRAINE—CRISIS and prospects for further cooperation with RUSSIA amid THE—WEST—PRESSURES.
20220601             "As for the food crisis and THE—RISK—OF—WORLD famine, I would say, 1. of all, that both are somewhat exaggerated and, also 1—OF—THE—ASPECTS—OF—THE—INFORMATION—WAR the West is waging against RUSSIA.
20220601             —UNBIASED, MOSCOW appreciates that BEIJING has taken 1, position on THE—UKRAINE—ISSUE, RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—IGOR—MORGULOV also noted
20220601             MAPUTO, 20220601            .
20220601             1—FEDERATION—COUNCIL—DELEGATION led by Matviyenko is on 1—OFFICIAL—VISIT to MOZAMBIQUE 20220530—20220601    —FROM—TO.
20220601             —VOWED, UKRAINE—OFFICIALS have, to fire new USA—ROCKET systems with 1—RANGE—OF roughly 50—MILES—ONLY at RUSSIA—TARGETS within UKRAINE and not strike deeper into RUSSIA—TERRITORY, 1—SENIOR—OFFICIAL—OF—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION said.
20220601             Russlands Militär hat nach eigenen Angaben mit massierten LUFT—UND Artillerieschlägen unter anderem westliche an die UKRAINE gelieferte Waffensysteme zerstört".
20220601             Es wurden —BIS zu 200—NATIONALISTEN und 24—WAFFENSYSTEME vernichtet, darunter auch 1—BATTERIE—VON—155—MILLIMETER—HAUBITZEN vom Typ M777, das 203—MILLIMETER—GESCHÜTZ 2S7 'Pion', 1—MEHRFACHRAKETENWERFER 'Grad' und 2—MUNITIONSDEPOTS",
20220601             Die Abschüsse wurden laut Konaschenkow von den RAKETEN—UND Artillerietruppen erzielt.
20220601             BEIJING, 20220601            .
20220601             /TASS/. - - CHINA opposes THE—POLICY—OF—THE—USA and 1—NUMBER—OF—WESTERN—STATES on INCITEMENT—OF—THE—CONFLICT in UKRAINE and considers it necessary to stop ramping up pressure on RUSSIA via unilateral sanctions, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN—ZHAO Lijian said —WEDNESDAY.
20220601             MOSCOW, 20220601            .
20220601             /TASS/. - - MOSCOW does not believe UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—ZELENSKY—CLAIMS that Kiev will not attack RUSSIA—TERRITORY, should it obtain USA—MADE LONG—RANGE—MULTIPLE—LAUNCH—ROCKET—SYSTEMS, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters —WEDNESDAY.
20220601             "So we don't really have ANY—TRUST—CREDIT for THE—UKRAINE—SIDE," he noted.
20220601             /TASS/. - - MOSCOW is picking up signals that Kiev has no intention of using USA—SUPPLIED Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) against targets on RUSSIA—SOIL, but it will link them to the real STATE—OF—AFFAIRS, RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—RYABKOV told TASS —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20220601             —UNLEASHED, The hybrid war, by the collective West against RUSSIA opens up new opportunities for expanding cooperation between MOSCOW and BEIJING, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said —ON—WEDNESDAY in 1—VIDEO—ADDRESS to the participants in the 7. INTERNATIONAL conference 'RUSSIA and CHINA: Cooperation in 1—NEW—ERA'.
20220601             —TURNED, At 1—TIME—WHEN THE—USA—AND—THE—EU have, their currencies into 1—TOOL for blackmail, we intend to develop 1—INDEPENDENT—FINANCIAL—INFRASTRUCTURE and significantly increase the use of the ruble and the yuan in settlements between our states.
20220601             They already account for 1—QUARTER—OF our trade turnover," THE—MINISTER stressed.
20220601             /TASS/. - - RUSSIA will build up its strength and sovereignty in 1—RAPIDLY changing world, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said in 1—VIDEO—ADDRESS on INTERNATIONAL —DAY for PROTECTION—OF—CHILDREN, which was featured at 1—BOLSHOI—THEATER—EVENT dedicated to the date.
20220601             You are living and growing up in 1—VERY—DYNAMIC—TIME—WHEN the world is changing, and it's changing rapidly.
20220601             Die Angaben über die erfassten zivilen Opfer beziehen sich laut dem Hochkommissariat auf den Zeitraum —SEIT Beginn des Überfalls Russlands 20220224             —AM—BIS—DIENSTAG.
20220601             —GEHÖRT—RUSSLAND, wie die UKRAINE zu den großen Weizenexporteuren und spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Ernährungssicherheit in der Welt.
20220601             Bezahlt werden soll das aus dem 100—MILLIARDEN—PAKET.
20220601             Die Exporte könnten sich in dieser Saison allerdings auf nur 10—MILLIONEN Tonnen BELAUFEN—NACH 20—MILLIONEN Tonnen in der vergangenen Saison.
20220601             Bei den Betroffenen handelt es sich nach Angaben d - RIYADH, 20220601
20220601             "BORRELL—STATEMENTS, despite the impropriety of the belligerent words coming from THE—MOUTH—OF—THE—TOP—DIPLOMAT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN Union, reflect the trend that 1—AGGRESSIVE—MINORITY is imposing on the entire European Union," THE—MINISTER said.
20220601             "This evokes SOME—THOUGHTS because this is far from being the sole EVIDENCE—OF—THE—RESURGENCE—OF—DOMINANT—ASPIRATIONS in GERMANY," RUSSIA—TOP—DIPLOMAT said.
20220601             Fachpolitiker von Union und AMPEL—KOALITION haben in einer Sondersitzung des Verteidigungsausschusses offene Fragen zur Verwendung des 100—MILLIARDEN—EURO—PAKETS für die Bundeswehr ausgeräumt.
20220601             —VERÄRGERT, VIKTOR—ORBÁN nervt die EU—POLEN und wirkt wie 1—SPALTPILZ auf europäische Solidaritätsbemühungen.
20220601             Doch die UKRAINE—BAHN könnte viel mehr Getreide transportieren als —DERZEIT, sagen BAHNMANAGER—DAS Problem liege auf der EU—SEITE der Grenze,
20220601             Dies sei Aufgabe der gesamten freien Welt.
20220601             NATHANIEL—CHASTAIN, 1—FORMER—PRODUCT—MANAGER at OpenSea, the largest online NON—FUNGIBLE token (NFT) marketplace, has been arrested and charged by THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE (DOJ) with NFT insider trading.
202206010003         —KILLED, RUSSIA—CHURCH says DONETSK diocese cleric was, in shelling by UKRAINE
202206010007         —GUARANTEED, RUSSIA—RIGHT to be in UNESCO, by its UN membership — press service
202206010020         Military operation in UKRAINE
202206010021         Some 1.5—MLN tonnes of grain remain in UKRAINE—PORTS — MINISTER
202206010025         DPR firefighters put out blaze at plant in Makeyevka, sparked by UKRAINE—SHELLING
202206010027         Western powers ruin their own plans of creating 1—SAFER world — official
202206010205 Wirtschaft
202206010234         USA regrets RUSSIA—WITHDRAWAL from memorandum of understanding on culture
202206010420         RUSSIA—PREMIER—TASKS—MINISTER with signing deal with ZIMBABWE on diamonds, platinum
202206010532         Gazprom halts gas deliveries to DENMARK, UK—SHELL
202206010553         Over 7,500—PEOPLE undergo reconciliation procedure in Syria in 2022
202206010725         —LEVIED, PAKISTAN open to purchasing RUSSIA—OIL if no sanctions
202206010803 Ausland
202206010807         UKRAINE—GRAIN export concerns could be resolved in COUPLE—OF—WEEKS, TURKEY says
202206010814         Gazprom confirms complete SUSPENSION—OF—GAS—SUPPLIES to Orsted, Shell Energy EUROPE
202206010832         USA—PUBLIC split on UKRAINE, grows CRITICAL—OF—ADMINISTRATION—POLICIES — Duma speaker
202206010856         —DOOMED, WEST—GAMBIT to cause rift in RUSSIA—CHINA ties, to fail, says senior diplomat
202206010920         CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—CAUTIONS against beefing up military blocs
202206010930         —AIMED, Accusing RUSSIA—OF—ARCTIC—MILITARIZATION ia, at boosting NATO—PRESENCE in region
202206010940         LDPR leader suggests referendum on ditching death penalty moratorium
202206010941         —LOADED, Progress MS-18, with 1.3—TONNES—OF—GARBAGE—SEPARATES from ISS
202206011020         Nuclear threat: RUSSIA announces exercises with Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles
202206011606 Ausland
202206011742         SOUTH—OSSETIA to continue building closer ties with RUSSIA — PRESIDENT
202206011751         ANTI—RUSSIA—SANCTIONS
202206011821         —CONTAINED, WHO not confident SPREAD—OF—MONKEYPOX can be fully
202206011925         No grounds for Russophobia in Western countries — Union State official
202206012354         West thought it could easily throw RUSSIA away like piece from chessboard — official
202206012359         EU countries pursuing TIME—SERVING goals in confrontation with RUSSIA, BELARUS — official
20220601—20220000    —IN, Rublev is able to oust Cilic FRANCE—OPEN quarterfinals, says RUSSIA—TENNIS CHIEF
20220601—20220601    —FROM, Gazprom Export to suspend gas supplies to Orsted and Shell due to NON—PAYMENT
202206060102 Ausland •
20220613             Vom 1. Kriegstag, dem 20220224             , —BIS zum 20220601              gab die Regierung demnach grünes Licht für die Lieferung von Kriegswaffen für 219,8 Millionen Euro und sonstige Rüstungsgüter wie Helme und Schutzwesten für 85,2 Millionen Euro.
20220613             Zum Vergleich: Die USA haben der UKRAINE von Kriegsbeginn —BIS zum 20220601              nach Regierungsangaben Waffen und Ausrüstung im Wert von 4,6 Milliarden Dollar (4,37 Milliarden Euro) zugesagt oder geliefert.