_HEUTE_0514 :

03470514             † PACHOMIUS, EGYPT—MONASTERY founder, abbot (Coenobieten).
06490514             † THEODORE, GREECE—PAPA (06420000—06490000    ), excommunicated by PAULUS—II—PAPA
10270514             * le 2. fils de ROBERT—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH[LE—PIEUX,DER—FROMME]
10490514             HENRI—I. oo ANNE—DE—KIEV
11650514             † —VOR, ARNOLD, PRIESTER
11650514             † —VOR, TEDO, DIACON
12640514             —THE—BARON—WAR was fought in ENGLAND.
12640514             —BATTLE—OF—LEWES—ENGLAND
12880514/12880804    HEINRICH—VON—SALM (- []).
13110514             \cn. fr.
13110514             Durando EPISCOPO—MASSILIENSIS Ne contractuum memoria(CLEMENTIUS V l'autorise à créer 1—INTIELTION).
13190514             WENZEL—OF—BOHEMIAINRICH—GESSLER 40—MARK—SILBER umb zwey ros.
13260514             —AM, unternahm —DER—NEUE—HERR—VON—FLORENZ burgundischer Herr PETER—VON—NANZIG[NARSI,NANCY]mit 200—FRANKREICH—REITERN 1—RITT gegen Carmignano, das von DEUTSCHE—RITTERN besetzt war.
13340514             ARNOLDO—DE—SIMBERE^ oder SUNBERC^
13580514             JOHANNI—DE—OEYE, quem HENRICO (de Boechout) ABBATE defuncto monachi MONASTERII—S—PAULI—TRAIECTENSIS apostolicae reservationis ignari in abbatem elegerunt,
13760514             OHANNI—DE—ARKEL—EPISCOPO—LEODIENSI datur facultas recipiendi permutationem^ quam WILHELMUS—DE—S—MARGARETA de canonicatu et [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA
13760514             JOHANNI—DE—ARKEL—EPISCOPO
14350514             a OCTAVIANO—MARTINI pictori restat habere de 60—BANDERIIS per eum pictis LIBRAS—30, SOLIDUS—1, DENARIOS—6, ut patet in bullettino suprascripto manu Ser GUIDOnis cane, videlicet libr.
14350514             XIIJ—S—I, den VJ " (LIBER—DEL—CAMERLENGATO, 143500             —ANNUM, FOLIA—24).
14940514             —FERIA—QUARTA, serenissimus ALPHONSUS—REX—SICILIEMISIT ad domum hospitii mei unam mulam cum sella, freno et aliis fornimentis, 4—AIMORUMVEL—CIRCA,
14960514             inclusivement, et qu'elles seraient, ce même —SAMEDI, expédiées toutes ensemble au plomb
14970514             —DOMINICA, IN—FESTO PENTECOSTES,
14970514             —LE—ALEXANDER—VI—PAPA confirme l'élection de MARIANO—DE—GENNAZZANO
15060514             —LA—ASSEMBLÉE—DE—TOURS qui réunit les délégués de tout LE—ROYAUME :
15090514             —BATTLE—OF—AGNADELLO, THE—FRANCE—DEFEAT the Venetians in NORTH—ITALY.
15090514             —VICTOIRE française d'Agnadel CONTRE—LES—VÉNITIENS.
15090514             Le JULIUS—II—PAPA obtient LES—VILLES qu'il convoita t
15090514             —ÉCRASENT, LES—FRANÇAIS, LES—VÉNITIENS à AGNADEL—PROVINCE—DE—CRÉMONE, grâce à 1—AUDACIEUSE manoeuvre tournante de BAYARD.
15570514             und
15820514             SIEGBURG—URKUNDE—889
15830514             Si publicò il parentado della Illustrissima Signora DONNA—LAVINIA sorella del serenissimo SIGNORE DUCA—DE—URBINO con IL—SIGNORE—MARCHESE del Guasto FU DI —ALLI,
16070514             —FILED, Some 104—MEN and boys, ashore from the small sailing ships SUSAN—CONSTANT, Godspeed, and Discovery, onto what ENGLAND—ADVENTURERS came to call Jamestown ISLAND in VIRGINIA.
16070514             —FOUNDED, CAPTAIN—JOHN—SMITH—27—JAHRE—ALT was among the Englishmen who, Jamestown.
16100514             HENRI—IV—KING—OF—, HENRI—DE—NAVARRE, 56—JAHRE—ALT, BOURBON—KING—OF—FRANCE (15720000             , 89-16100000             ) was assassinated by 1—FANATICAL monk, François Ravillac.
16100514             —SUCCEEDED, HENRI—IV was, by 11—YEAR—OLD—LOUIS—XIII, under THE—EYE—OF—CARDINAL Richelieu.
16100514             —INCLUDED, HENRY—LEGACY—STRAIGHT—ROADS flanked by arbres d'alignement on both sides.
16100514             HENRI—IV, qui se rend à l'Arsenal, est assassiné rue de la Ferronnerie par FRANÇOIS—RAVAILLAC qui est persuadé que LE—ROI veut faire la guerre au pape.
16100514             —LE—GRAND—SIÈCLE
16100514             † HENRI—IV. par FRANÇOIS—RAVAILLAC, Assassinat de.
16580514             † Lion, figliolo di M. MARCELLO—MALTINGNER, di mesi 18—CIRCA, AMALATO—DA—SPASEMO GIORNI$—8—CIRCA.
16790514             * Peder [Nielsen] Horrebow, DENMARK—ASTRONOMER.
16800520—16800514    —AM—VOM, Hat empfangen den 2.Brief
16860514             * GABRIEL—DANIEL—FAHRENHEIT—GERMANY—PHYSICIST and instrument maker.
16860514             —DATUM—HAAG, Die Gerüchte, daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG sich mehr und mehr vom KAISER, abwendet, vermehren sich TÄGLICH.
16860514             Die auswärtigen MINISTER hier im Haag behaupten, daß zwischen BRANDENBURG und FRANKREICH 1—FEIERLICHER VERTRAG entweder —SCHON geschlossen sei oder auf dem Punkt stehe abgeschlossen zu werden, und
16860514             daß DER—STAAT sicher von jener Seite Ungemach zu erwarten habe.
16860514             AMERONGEN wird begreifen, daß diese ^uytstroyselen", denen er vergeblich widerspricht, denjenigen, welche an 1—VERSÖHNUNG BRANDENBURGs mit den STAAT arbeiten, sehr unbequem und hinderlich sind.
16860514—16860524    —SEE
16860524—17360000    17360514             —SEE
17240514             —DÉCLARATION contre LES—PROTESTANTS qui doivent faire baptiser leurs enfants à l'église et se voient interdire les réunions clandestines.
17260514             † MOSHE—DARSHAN, Rabbi, author (Torat Ahsam).
17270514             † THOMAS—GAINSBOROUGH (17880000             ), ENGLAND—PAINTER, was baptized.
17270514             —INCLUDED, His work, "THE—BLUE—BOY" (17700000             ).
17670514             —DISBANDED, UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT, the import duty on tea in AMERICA.
17710514             —ACKNOWLEDGED, THOMAS—WEDGWOOD is, as the 1. photographer.
17710514—18580000    * † ROBERT—OWEN, ENGLAND—FACTORY owner, socialist, in NEWTOWN—WALES.
17830514             —GEFEIERT, ERZ—DIÖZESE—KÖLN, das Fest Visitatio BEATA—MARIA—VIRGO, wird, durch A. Pool, Scholaster von S—ANDREAS, in Vertretung für den abwesenden GENERAL—VIKAR, KÖLN;
17870514             Delegates began gathering in PHILADELPHIA for 1—CONVENTION to draw up THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
17910514             —PLACED, MEXICO, 1—TIME—CAPSULE was, atop 1—BELL tower at MEXICO—CITY—METROPOLITAN—CATHEDRAL —WHEN the building's topmost stone was laid, —218—YEARS—AFTER construction had begun.
17910514—20071000    —IN, Workers restoring the church found it.
17960514             —ADMINISTERED, ENGLAND—PHYSICIAN—EDWARD—JENNER, the 1. vaccination against smallpox to his gardener's son, JAMES—PHIPPS, 8—JAHRE—ALT.
17960514             1—SINGLE blister rose up on the spot, but James —LATER demonstrated immunity to smallpox.
17960514             —PRISE—DE—MILAN[MAILAND] par BONAPARTE.
17960514             JENNER actually used vaccinia, 1—CLOSE viral relation to smallpox 17210721             —SEE.
18000514             —PREMIERED, FRIEDRICH—SCHILLER—TRANSLATION—OF "Macbeth", in Weimar.
18000708—17960514    —SEE
18010514             —DECLARED, THE—PASHA—OF—TRIPOLI, WAR—ON—THE—USA —AFTER learning that PRESIDENT—JEFFERSON had refused to pay 1—RENEWED tribute of $225,000.
18010514             —ESTABLISHED, USA—WARSHIPS soon, 1—BLOCKADE.
18040514             THE—LEWIS and Clark expedition to explore THE—LOUISIANA TERRITORY—LEFT—S—LOUIS.
18040514             Explorer WILLIAM—CLARK sets off from S—LOUIS, MISSOURI, to travel upriver to wait for Meriwether Lewis.
18040514             The 2 will soon depart together on 1—JOURNEY to reach the Pacific.
18040514—18040522    —SEE
18040514—19970000    —IN, The trip was retold in 1—TV—MOVIE by KEN—BURNS.
18040522—18040514    —SEE
18050000—18810514    * † MARY—SEACOLE, JAMAICA—NURSE.
18050514             * JOHANN—PETER—EMILIUS—HARTMANN, composer.
18320514             —PREMIERED, FELIX—MENDELSSOHN'S "Hebrides,".
18490000—19120514    * † JOHAN—AUGUST—STRINDBERG, SWEDEN—NOVELIST—DRAMATIST and essayist.
18490514             —AM, niederlegten die meisten preußischen Abgeordneten ihre Mandate und
18490514             —AM, fast alle bürgerlichen rechten und konservativen PARLAMENTarier verließen DIE—NATIONAL—VERSAMMLUNG.
18490514             —AM, NUN hatten DIE—LINKEN—FRAKTIONEN —PLÖTZLICH, die Mehrheit im verbliebenen Rumpfparlament und
18490514             —AM, riefen mit der "REICHS—VERFASSUNGS—KAMPAGNE" DIE—BÜRGER zu AUFSTÄNDEn zur Durchsetzung der PAULS—KIRCHEN—VERFASSUNG auf.
18530514             —APPLIED, GAIL—BORDEN, for 1—PATENT for condensed milk.
18560514             JAMES—P—CASEY, EDITOR—OF—THE—SF—TIMES—SHOT—JAMES—KING, proprietor of the rival —EVENING Bulletin.
18560514             KING † 3—DAYS —LATER.
18560514             A "Vigilance Committee" of 2,600 —LATER marched up SACRAMENTO St. and broke into the jail where Casey was held.
18560514             —LYNCHED, He was, with his unfortunate cell mate. KING † —3—DAYS—LATER.
18560514             † JAMES—KING, 3—DAYS —LATER.
18560514—18560522    —LYNCHED, Casey was, with his unfortunate cell mate, gambler CHARLES—CORA.
18560520—18560514    —ON, † JAMES—KING, EDITOR—OF—THE—EVENING—BULLETIN, from wounds suffered.
18630514             Union GENERAL—NATHANIAL—BANKS took his army OUT—OF—ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA, and headed towards Port Hudson along THE—MISSISSIPPI River.
18630514             —CONSIDERED, The fort was, the 2. most important strategic location on the river, —AFTER Vicksburg.
18630514             BATTLE—OF—JACKSON, MS.
18670514             * KURT—EISNER, GERMANY—PREMIER—OF—REVOLUTIONARY—BAVARIA (19180000—19190000    ).
18690514             † GABRIEL—POLAK, pedagogue and author, AMSTERD
18780514             Vaseline 1. sold with the registered trademark for petroleum jelly.
18810514             —FOUNDED, RUDOLPH—KARSTADT, his 1. store in WISMAR—GERMANY.
18810514             MARY—SEACOLE is best known for her efforts in the Crimean War —DURING the 1850s.
18810514             She borrowed money to make the 4,000-mile (about 6500—KM) journey by herself and distinguished herself treating battlefield wounded, often nursing wounded soldiers from both sides —WHILE under fire.
18810514—19270000    —IN, ed by GUSTAV—SCHICKEDANZ.
18810514—19990000    —MERGED, Karstadt, with Quelle, 1—MAIL—ORDER—BUSINESS found
18810514—20090000    —BY, the venerable GERMANY—CHAIN, which included the famous BERLIN DEPARTMENT—STORE—KADEWE, faced bankruptcy —AFTER YEARS—OF—ERRATIC—MANAGEMENT.
18820000—19680514    * † ADMIRAL—HUSBAND—EDWARD—KIMMEL, commandant USA—OCEAN fleet WW II in CONNECTICUT.
18840000—19660514    * † LUDWIG—MEIDNER, GERMANY—EXPRESSIONIST artist.
18850514             * OTTO—KLEMPERER, conductor, composer, in BRESLAU—GERMANY.
18940514             Fire in BOSTON bleachers spread to 170—ADJOINING buildings.
18970514             "Stars and Stripes Forever" by JOHN—PHILLIP—SOUSA was performed for the 1. time in PHILADELPHIA.
18970514             Guglielmo Marconi made the 1. communication by wireless telegraph.
18970514—19510000    * † SIDNEY—BECHET, jazz clarinetist and soprano saxophone player.
19000514             —OPENED, THE—OLYMPIC—GAMES, in PARIS, held as part of 19000000             —THE—WORLD—FAIR.
19030514             THE—DEWEY—MEMORIAL in Union Square, S—FRANCISCO, was dedicated by PRESIDENT—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT.
19030514             —SCULPTED, ROBERT—AITKEN, the 12-foot STATUE—OF—VICTORY that stood atop an 83-foot column.
19030514             Alma de Bretteville, —LATER Alma Spreckels, had posed as the model.
19030514             Sugar magnate Adolph Spreckels was so taken with the model that he oo her.
19040514             The 1. Olympic games to be held in THE—USA—OPENED in S—LOUIS.
19040514             —COMPETED, Some 1,500 athletes, from 13—COUNTRIES.
19040514             THE—USA won 80—OF—100—GOLD medals.
19040514             —PLAYED, At the Olympics THE—GAME—OF—GOLF was, for the last time due to LACK—OF—GENERAL—APPEAL.
19040514             The 3. modern Olympics were held at THE—S—LOUIS—WORLD—FAIR.
19040514             1—SEPARATE—COMPETITION was held for "uncivilized tribes" in what was billed as "Anthropology Days".
19050000—20060514    * † STANLEY—KUNITZ, FORMER—USA—POET laureate (20000000             ) at his home in Manhattan.
19060514             † CARL—SCHURZ, manchmal auch KARL—SCHURZ in NEW—YORK)
19080514             1. passenger flight in an airplane.
19120000—19800514    * † HUGH—GRIFFITH, WALES—ACTOR.
19120514—19850000    —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—MEYER, 1—STRINDBERG biography.
19130514             —OPENED, FRANZ—HALS museum, in HAARLEM—NETHERLANDS.
19130514             WALTER—JOHNSON (18870000—19460000    ), WASHINGTON Senators baseball ace, ended his RECORD—BREAKING streak of 56—SCORELESS—INNINGS against THE—S—LOUIS—BROWNS.
19130514             —SCORED, He threw 6—SHUTOUTS in 1—ROW—BEFORE finally being, on by the Browns.
19130514             It would take —55—YEARS—BEFORE JOHNSON—STREAK was broken by THE—LOS—ANGELES Dodgers' DON—DRYSDALE.
19130514             —APPROVED, NEW—YORK GOVERNOR—WILLIAM—SULZER, 1—STATE charter for the Rockefeller Foundation.
19130514             JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER had given $100—MILLION to the Rockefeller Foundation.
19130514             —INSULATED, This, 1—LARGE—PART—OF—ROCKEFELLER—FORTUNE from inheritance taxes.
19130514             —APPROACHED, At this time ROCKEFELLER—NET worth, $900—MILLION, about $13—BILLION in 1998—DOLLARS.
19130514—19100000    —SURPASSED, THE—BIG—TRAINS streak of 55 2/3—SCORELESS—INNINGS, THE—PHILADELPHIA Athletics' JACK—COOMBS record of 53—SCORELESS—INNINGS achieved.
19130514—19130410    —ON, JOHNSON—SCORELESS inning streak began, and lasted 55 and 2/3—INNINGS pitched.
19130514—19130410    —PITCHED, JOHNSON—SCORELESS—INNING streak began, and lasted 55 and 2/3—INNINGS.
19150125             Die "Diktatur der Schwerter" unter GENERAL—JOAQUIM—PIMENTA—DE—CASTRO dauert —BIS zum 19150514            .
19150424—19150514    —CLOSED, ARMENIA—ORGANIZATIONS in ISTANBUL were, and 235—MEMBERS were arrested for treason.
19150424—19150514    —SPEARHEADED, With that the terror spread through "TURKEY—ARMENIA", by the "Special Organization" of SOLDIERS—OF—THE—TURKEY—LEADER—ENVER.
19150424—19150514    —SIDED, TURKEY said Armenians had, with RUSSIA and issued 1—DEPORTATION—ORDER for the mass DEPORTATION—OF—ARMENIANS.
19150424—19150514    —ARRESTED, TURKEY—POLICE, some 800—OF—THE—MOST prominent Armenians in CONSTANTINOPLE[KONSTANTINOPEL], took them into the hinterlands and shot them.
19150514             * HARRY—JOSEPH—CHICK—DAUGHERTY, trombonist (Spike Jones & City Slickers).
19150514             MANUEL—DE—ARRIAGA é forçado 1—RESIGNAR DEPOIS—DA—QUEDA forçada DO—GOVERNO por uma revolução em LISBOA.[1]
19151212             † FRANK—SINATRA 19980514             .
19151212—19980514    * † FRANK—SINATRA.
19180514             —SUNDAY baseball became legal in Wash, DC.
19200000—19830514    * † Fyodor Abramov, RUSSIA—PLAYWRIGHT in Leningrad.
19210313—20080514    WARREN—COWAN was 1—PROMINENT—USA—FILM industry publicist.
19210313—20080514    He was born in NEW—YORK City and attended...
19210313—20080514    He was born in NEW—YORK City and attended... WARREN _ Cowan
19250514             * PATRICE—MUNSEL, soprano (Met Opera, Patrice Munsel Show), in SPOKANE—WASHINGTON.
19250514             † HENRY—RIDER—HAGGARD, ENGLAND—WRITER (Dawn, She).
19280514             * Ernesto "Che" Guevara Serna (d.19671009             ) to 1—ARISTOCRATIC—FAMILY in Misiones province, ARGENTINA.
19280514             Ernesto "Che" Guevara, CHIEF—LIEUTENANT—IN—THE—CUBA—REVOLUTION and active in other Latin USA—REVOLUTIONARY—MOVEMENTS, was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in ROSARIO—ARGENTINA.
19280514             "Che" was 1—NICKNAME meaning "pal".
19280514—19590000    —IN, He played 1—LEADING—ROLE alongside Fidel Castro in THE—OVERTHROW—OF—CUBA—DICTATOR—FULGENCIO Batista, wrote the book Guerrilla Warfare 19600000             —IN and, as CUBA—MINISTER—OF—INDUSTRIES—19610000             —FROM—'65, led THE—NATIONALIZATION—OF—INDUSTRY and agriculture.
19280514—19650000    —IN, He left CUBA.
19280514—19670000    —IN, he was tracked down and executed by THE—BOLIVIA—ARMY.
19300000—20180514    * † USA—WRITER—TOM—WOLFE, in Manhattan.
19310514             † DENYS—FINCH—HATTON, UNITED—KINGDOM—ADVENTURER and lover to writer ISAK—DINESEN (Karen Blixen), —WHEN his plane crashed shortly —AFTER TAKE—OFF from KENYA—VOI airport.
19310514—20070000    —AUTHORED, SARA—WHEELER, "Too Close to the Sun: THE—AUDACIOUS—LIFE and TIMES—OF—DENYS Finch Hatton".
19320514             There was a "We Want Beer!" parade in NEW—YORK.
19330514             * RICHARD—P—BRICKNER, novelist (THE—BROKEN—YEAR).
19330626             (See 19350514             )
19340630             * HARRY—BLACKSTONE (d.19970514             ), magician, in 3—RIVERS, MICHIGAN.
19340630—19970514    * † HARRY—BLACKSTONE, magician, in 3—RIVERS, MICHIGAN.
19360514             S—FRANCISCO, 1—FIRE at the Shamrock Club, 560—GEARY St., left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD as flames from dancer Betty BLOSSOM—TORCHES ignited drapes hanging from the ceiling.
19360514—19730000    * † BOBBY—DARIN, singer (MACK—THE—KNIFE), in the Bronx as Walden ROBERT—CASSOTTO.
19370514             Hannes Alfvén predicts 1—INTERSTELLAR and intergalactic magnetic field, and corresponding electric fields.[18]
19400514             British and FRANCE—FORCES began 1—GENERAL—RETREAT from BELGIUM, heading southwest toward FRANCE.
19400514             —SURRENDERED, THE—NETHERLANDS (Holland), to Nazi GERMANY —AFTER THE—BOMBING—OF—ROTTERDAM that left 600—900—DEAD.
19400514             † EMMA—GOLDMAN, anarchist revolutionary, author (Living My Life), in TORONTO and was buried in CHICAGO.
19400514—19610000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—DRINNON, "Rebel In PARADISE: 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—EMMA Goldman".
19400514—19710000    —AUTHORED, ALEX—SHULMAN, "To the Barricades: THE—ANARCHIST—LIFE—OF—EMMA Goldman".
19400514—19740000    —TITLED, CAROL—BOLT wrote 1—PLAY on the formative YEARS—OF—EMMA : "Red Emma: QUEEN—OF—THE—ANARCHISTS".
19400514—19950000    —BASED, MISS—BOLT wrote 1—LIBRETTO, on the play for 1—OPERA with music by GARY—KULESHA.
19410414—19410514    —SEE
19410514             FRANCE—ADMIRAL—FRANCOIS—DARLAN, LEADER—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES—OF—VICHY FRANCE, broadcast to the citizens that only within THE—CONFINES—OF—THE 3. Reich can FRANCE thrive.
19410514             —ARRESTED, Some 3,600 Parisian Jews were.
19410514—19410414    —SEE
19420514             —PERFORMED, AARON—COPLAND'S "LINCOLN—PORTRAIT" was 1., by THE—CINCINNATI Symphony Orchestra, conducted by ANDRE—KOSTELANETZ, who had commissioned the work.
19420514             —VOTED, USA—CONGRESS, to establish THE—WOMEN—AUXILIARY—ARMY—CORPS (WAAC).
19420514             —REACHED, THE—BRITISH, in retreat from BURMA—INDIA.
19420514             1—HALF—MILLION—INDIA—CIVILIANS joined the chaotic exodus.
19420514             —ESTIMATED, It was —LATER, that as many as 1 in 10—PERISHED.
19430514             * ELIZABETH—RAY, congressman Wilbur Mills' lover, in MARSHALL—NC.
19430514             —TORPEDOED, AUSTRALIA—AHS—CENTAUR was sunk without warning —AFTER it was, by 1—JAPAN—SUBMARINE.
19430514             Of THE—332—PEOPLE on BOARD, only 64—SURVIVED.
19430514—20090000    —IN, DEEP—SEA searchers found THE—WRECK—OF—THE—HOSPITAL ship off THE—CITY—OF—BRISBANE.
19440514             * GEORGE—LUCAS, writer and director, in MODESTO—CALIFORNIA.
19440514             —REMEMBERED, GEORGE—LUCAS is best, for his Star Wars trilogy.
19440514             THE—LATIN trio Los Panchos made its debut at El Teatro Hispano in NEW—YORK—CITY with Alfredo Gil (19990000              †), Jesus Navarro (Chucho), and Hernando Aviles.
19440514             91—GERMANY—BOMBERS harassed BRISTOL.
19440514             —PLOTTED, Gens Rommel, Speidel and von Stulpnagel, to assassinate Hitler.
19450514             USA offensive on Okinawa.
19450514             —CONQUERED, Sugar Loaf was.
19460717—20150514    —ON, Mihailovi?
19480514             —GRANTED, USA—ISRAEL de facto recognition.
19480514             —JOINED, S—FRANCISCO, the longshoremen's union, local artists and ANTON—REFRIGIER in 1—PROTEST—OUTSIDE the Rincon Annex against 1—GOVERNMENT—DECISION to cloak murals painted by Refrigier in the 1940s as PART—OF—THE—PUBLIC—WORKS—OF—ART—PROJECT.
19480514             —PROCLAIMED, The independent STATE—OF—ISRAEL was, in Tel Aviv under PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—BEN—GURION as UNITED—KINGDOM—RULE in Palestine came to 1—END.
19480514             10—OF—THE—MEMBER's signatures were delayed —FOR—10—DAYS because they were cut off by fighting in JERUSALEM.
19490514             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN, 1—BILL establishing 1—ROCKET—TEST—RANGE at Cape Canaveral.
19500514             TURKEY, THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY won 52—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES in its 1. free elections and ADNAN—MENDERES (18990000              *) became PRIME—MINISTER.
19510514             —DEBUTED, THE—ERNIE—KOVACS—SHOW—TV—VARIETY "Ernie in Kovacsland,", on NBC.
19550514             —SIGNED, Andras Hegedues, for HUNGARY.
19550514             —AM, DER—OSTEN rüstet zum KALTER—KRIEG: Der SOWJET—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—NIKOLAI Bulganin unterzeichnet den "Warschauer VERTRAG über Freundschaft, ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT und gegenseitigen Beistand", im Westen bekannt als Warschauer Pakt.
19590514             † SIDNEY—BECHET, clarinetist and pioneer jazz composer.
19600514             "At the Drop of 1—HAT" closed at JOHN—GOLDEN in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 216—PERFORMANCES.
19600514             —MARCHED, Some 2-5,000—PEOPLE, against THE—HUAC proceedings at S—FRANCISCO—CITY—HALL and police actions against protestors.
19600514             —HOSED, More than 300—PROTESTERS were, down at City Hall as 400—POLICE in riot gear arrived.
19600514             64—PROTESTERS were arrested.
19610514             1—BUS carrying the 1. GROUP—OF—FREEDOM—RIDERS was bombed and burned in ALABAMA.
19640514             —JOINED, Soviet Premier NIKITA—KHRUSHCHEV, United Arab REPUBLIC—PRESIDENT—GAMEL—ABDEL—NASSER in setting off charges, diverting the Nile River from THE—SITE—OF—THE—ASWAN—HIGH—DAM—PROJECT.
19650514             † FRANCES—PERKINS, 83—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. USA female cabinet SECRETARY.
19650514             —SERVED, FRANCES—PERKINS, as FDR—MINISTER—OF—LABOR (19330000—19450000    ).
19650514—20090000    —AUTHORED, Kirstin DOWNEY, "THE—WOMAN—BEHIND the New Deal: THE—LIFE—OF—FRANCIS—PERKINS, FDR—SECRETARY—OF—LABOR and His Moral Conscience".
19680122             It continued running to 19730514           .
19680514             SOME—HISTORIANS, such as submariner CAPTAIN—EDWARD—L "Ned" Beach, —LATER believed Admiral Kimmel and Army LT—GENERAL—WALTER—SHORT became scapegoats for THE—FAILURES—OF—THEIR—SUPERIORS—PRIOR to the attack on Pearl Harbor and that their careers were effectively and unfairly ruined.
19690514             3—COMPANIES—OF—THE 101.
19690514             —FAILED, Airborne Division, to push NORTH—VIETNAM—FORCES off Hill 937 (Hamburger Hill) in SOUTH—VIETNAM.
19690514             —LEGALIZED, Abortion and contraception was, in CANADA.
19700514             —AM, dabei war, wurde die Ausstrahlung abgesetzt.
19700514             —AM, Als Baader in Untersuchungshaft war, traf sie ihn in der Bibliothek eines Instituts in BERLIN—DAHLEM, Baader in Begleitung von 2—JUSTIZBEAMTEN.
19710514             PAUL—VI—PAPA (18970000—19780000    ), the 262. pontiff, delivered his Octagesima Adveniens apostolic letter on the 80.
19730514             —AIRED, Rowan & MARTIN—LAUGH—IN last, on NBC—TV.
19730514             —APPROVED, USA Supreme court, equal rights to females in military.
19730514             —MANNED, THE—USA—LAUNCHED the 85-ton Skylab 1, its 1., space station with crew Kerwin, Conrad and PAUL—J—WEITZ (19320000—20170000    ).
19760415—19760514    —ON, FLOREAL—CORPSE was found on THE—COAST—OF—MONTEVIDEO—URUGUAY, hands and feet bound and with SIGNS—OF—TORTURE.
19760514             —ADOPTED, SRI—LANKA, the Tamil United Liberation Front, the Vaddukkoaddai Resolution declaring the Tamils' right to statehood.
19770514             CAPTAIN—ROBERT—NAIRAC, 29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UNDERGROUND—UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIER, was abducted from 1—BORDER—PUB by 1—IRA gang, taken across the border into 1—REPUBLIC—OF—IRELAND forest, and shot through the head.
19770514—20110401    —ACQUITTED—OF, Crilly was, all charges against him.
19770514—20110401    —ON, Crilly was ACQUITTED—OF—ALL—CHARGES against him.
19780514             GERARD—BARRETT—OF—AUSTRALIA won the 68. annual S—FRANCISCO—BAY to Breakers race in 1—RECORD—35—MIN., 17—SECRETARY—THERE were 9,738 official entrants with some 4,000 unofficial runners.
19780514             13—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UC Davis track team tied themselves together and became the 1. centipede to run in the race.
19800514             —INCLUDED, His films, Passover Plot, BEN—HUR, and TOM—JONES.
19820405—19690514    —RESIGNED, He had, under pressure for the acceptance of 1—ALLEGEDLY illegal payment from 1—FORMER—BUSINESS—ASSOCIATE.
19830514             —INCLUDED, His plays, "Brothers and Sisters".
19830514             WARSAW—POLAND, GRZEGORZ—PRZEMYK, 19—JAHRE—ALT, student and SON—OF—SOLIDARITY—GRZEGORZ activist Barbara Sadowska, † from internal injurious —WHILE in police custody.
19850514             INDIANA, Paula Cooper (19690000              *) took part in the stabbing DEATH—OF—RUTH Pelke (78), 1—BIBLE—STUDIES—TEACHER—DURING—1—ROBBERY with 3—OTHER—TEENS.
19850514—19860000    —SENTENCED, Cooper was, to death, but 19880000             —IN the state's high court set her death sentence aside and ordered her to serve 60—YEARS in prison.
19850514—20130617    —RELEASED, Cooper was, from prison.
19870514             —REPORTED, THE—COMMERCE—DEPARTMENT, that THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT had narrowed in March to $13.6—BILLION.
19870514             1—COLT revolver, the Peacemaker of 18730000             , sold at auction for $242,000.
19870514—19830000    —IN, JAMES—HILL, producer and former husband (19580000—19610000    ), authored "Rita Hayworth: 1—MEMOIR".
19870514—20010000    * †             † Actress Rita Hayworth in NEW—YORK at age 68.
19880514             20—7—PEOPLE—MOST—OF—THEM TEEN—AGERS, were killed —WHEN their church bus collided with 1—PICKUP truck going the wrong way on 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR—CARROLLTON—KENTUCKY.
19880514             THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—TRUCK, LARRY—MAHONEY, was CONVICTED—OF—MANSLAUGHTER and sentenced to 16—YEARS' imprisonment;
19880514             —INVOLVED, PERU—MILITARY was, in the massacre of at least 26—PEASANTS in the Andean VILLAGE—OF—CAYARA.
19880514             1—WEEK—LATER the military executed 3—MORE peasants, —BEFORE systematically killing 8—WITNESSES.
19880514—19990900    —IN, he was released.
19880514—20050000    —IN, 1—PERU—JUDGE ordered the arrest of 118—CURRENT and retired military officials for the slayings.
19890514             Peronist candidate CARLOS—SAUL—MENEM won ARGENTINA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
19890514             —CONVERTED, He was 1—MUSLIM who, to Catholicism, which was previously 1—REQUIREMENT for the presidency.
19890514             The annual inflation rate was 5000%.
19890514             The 2. —DAY—OF—1—HUNGER—STRIKE for democratic reforms took place in BEIJING—TIANANMEN square.
19900514             —DECLARED, In separate decrees, Soviet PRESIDENT—GORBACHEV, that THE—REPUBLICS—OF—ESTONIA and LATVIA had no legal basis for moving toward independence.
19910514             —ARRIVED, BRITAIN—QUEEN—ELIZABETH—THE 2., in WASHINGTON to begin a 2—WEEK—VISIT to THE—USA.
19910514             —COMMITTED, Jiang Qing (77), WIDOW—OF—CHINA—LEADER—MAO Tse Tung, suicide in prison.
19910514             40—2—PEOPLE were killed in 1—TRAIN—COLLISION in WEST—JAPAN.
19910514             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—AFRICA, Winnie Mandela was, to 6—YEARS in prison for her part in the kidnapping and beating of 3—BLACK—YOUTHS and the death of a 4.
19910514—19880000    —ENDED, GENERAL—MOTORS—PRODUCTION—OF—THE—BUICK—REATTA, a 2—SEATER sports car that had been introduced.
19910604—19910514    —ANNOUNCED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—CHINA—THE—DEATH—OF—JIANG Qing (77), THE—WIDOW—OF—MAO TSE—TUNG, saying she had committed suicide.
19920514             † LYLE—ALZADO, 43—JAHRE—ALT, former football player, in PORTLAND, Ore.
19930000             (375, 377-80) WASHINGTON—POST 19830322             (D1, 9) WASHINGTON—POST 19830822             (A1, 5) WASHINGTON—POST 19840914             (A1) WASHINGTON—POST 19850411             (A18) WASHINGTON—POST 19850809             (A6) WASHINGTON—POST 19860730             (D2) WASHINGTON—POST 19861029             (A8) WASHINGTON—POST 19890629             (D4) WASHINGTON—POST 19901130             (A3) WASHINGTON Times Insight Magazine 19920712             (8) WASHINGTON Times 19860714             (2A) WASHINGTON Times 19871210             (A3) WASHINGTON Times 19890106             (A6) WASHINGTON Times 19890117             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19890913             (E5) WASHINGTON Times 19911202             (A7) WASHINGTON Times 19940929             (A19) WASHINGTON Times 19950917             (A12) WASHINGTON Times 19970514             (A5) Wilcox,D.A. THE—RIGHT—GUIDE.
19930514             PRESIDENT—CLINTON told 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE his THREAT—OF—MILITARY—FORCE to halt the war in THE—FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA was "still on the table" despite opposition from European allies.
19950514             Myrlie EVERS—WILLIAMS was sworn in to HEAD—THE—NAACP, pledging to lead the civil rights group away from its recent troubles and restore it as 1—POLITICAL and social force.
19950514             NEW—JERSEY, NICHOLAS—CONNORS, oo DOLORES Morgan, was found dead on 1—SOFA at his home in Long Branch, with multiple gunshot wounds to his head.
19950514             —ALLEGED, Prosecutors, that TED—CONNORS carried out the murders with his best friend, Jose Carrero, who admitted to conspiring with the mother and son in the killing.
19950514             The 11.
19950514             —ANNOUNCED, REINCARNATION—OF—THE—PANCHEN—LAMA, Gedhun Choikyi Nyima, was, by the exiled Dalai Lama.
19950514             —DISAPPEARED, Gedhun Choekyi (5), days —AFTER his designation.
19950514             —6—MONTHS—LATER CHINA declared Gyaincain Norbu (Gyaltsen Norbu) (5) as the 11.
19950514             Panchen Lama.
19950514—20200000    —IN, Dolores Morgan (66) and her son TED—CONNORS (47), BOTH—OF—DELRAY BEACH—FLORIDA, were indicted for the Connors' killing.
19960514             1—JURY in PONTIAC—MICHIGAN, acquitted DOCTOR—JACK—KEVORKIAN—OF—ASSISTED—SUICIDE—CHARGES, his 3. legal victory in 2—YEARS.
19960514             —DISMISSED, The judge, murder charges in the same case.
19960514             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19960514             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT, that it would import 20—TONS—OF—NUCLEAR—WASTE from research reactors in 41—NATIONS to prevent the weapons grade material from being used for bombs.
19960514             —TURNED, THE—VOICE—OF—AMERICA, on its newest radio transmitter in KUWAIT.
19960514             It was 12—TIMES—MORE—POWERFUL than ANY—BROADCAST—STATION in THE—USA and was directed at IRAQ and IRAN.
19960514             —OUTLINED, FRANCE, Renault, 1—PLAN to become majority owned by private investors —AFTER more than 5—DECADES—OF—STATE—CONTROL.
19960514             —FORMED, Leftist and regional INDIA—POLITICAL—PARTIES—1—POWERFUL—COALITION and settled on H.D. Deve Gowda, CHIEF—MINISTER—OF—THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—KARNATAKA, as the candidate for PRIME—MINISTER.
19960514             —OPENED, TURKMENISTAN and IRAN, 1—RAIL—LINK.
19970514             Jurors at THE—TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH trial in DENVER saw chilling BLACK—AND—WHITE—SURVEILLANCE—PICTURES—OF—1—RYDER truck moving toward THE—OKLAHOMA City federal building minutes —BEFORE 1—BOMB blew the place apart.
19970514             —AGREED, Negotiators, on 1—PACT to create 1—RUSSIA—NATO advisory council.
19970514             —AGREED, NATO, not to base nuclear weapons or substantial combat forces in countries that were —RECENTLY under MOSCOW—CONTROL.
19970514             There was 1—EXPLOSION at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in WASHINGTON state.
19970514             —RELEASED, Plutonium and other hazardous chemicals were, and emergency response procedures broke down almost completely.
19970514             MARGARET—LESHER, 64—JAHRE—ALT, INHERITOR—OF—THE—LESHER media empire, was reported missing by her new husband, T.C. Thorstenson (39), at Bartlett Lake near PHOENIX and was found drowned.
19970514             —STEPPED, —PRIOR—TO hear death PRINCESS—KRETZULESCO, inside THE—2.—HAND BOOK—SHOP—OF—OTTOMAR Berbig in BERLIN to look for rare books, and —EVER—SINCE THE—2—BECAUSE inseparable.
19971125             His official birthday was given as 19060514            .
19980429—19980514    —ON, According to the Gregorian calendar, the anniversary fell.
19980514             —COMMEMORATED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS, its 150. anniversary.
19980514             The last episode of the hit sitcom "Seinfeld" was shown —AFTER—9—YEARS on NBC TV.
19980514             —PRICED, Commercials on the show were, at $2—MILLION—FOR—30—SECONDS.
19980514             —RULED, A—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE, that all CALIFORNIA pot clubs were in VIOLATION—OF—FEDERAL—LAW.
19980514             —CLOSED, WISCONSIN, abortion clinics across the state, as 1—SWEEPING—BAN against "partial birth" abortions went into effect —FOLLOWING last —MONTH—BILL signed by GOVERNOR—TOMMY—THOMPSON.
19980514             † FRANK—SINATRA, singer and actor, of 1—HEART—ATTACK in LA at age 82.
19980514             —PUBLISHED, Shortly thereafter BRIAN—GUNN, "Rat Pack Confidential: Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey & the Last Great Show Biz Party," 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—FRANK—SINATRA, DEAN—MARTIN—SAMMY DAVIS—JUNIOR, PETER—LAWFORD and JOEY—BISHOP.
19980514             —RELEASED, In Dec THE—FBI, a 1,300 page Sinatra file that had been put together over a 40-year period.
19980514             AUSTRALIA—CANADA, DENMARK—GERMANY, JAPAN, THE—NETHERLANDS—SWEDEN and THE—USA all imposed penalties on INDIA for its nuclear testing.
19980514             —PRESSURED, PAKISTAN was, to refrain from testing its own nuclear weapons.
19980514             INDONESIA, widespread rioting, shooting, looting and demonstrations continued for a 3. —DAY.
19980514             —KILLED, At least 230—PEOPLE were, in the riots, with over 175—DEAD from 1—FIRE at the 5-story Yogya Plaza shopping center in EAST—JAKARTA.
19980514             —MARKED, Palestinians, the 50.
19980514             They refer to THE—CREATION—OF—ISRAEL as the "Nakba" or "Catastrophe".
19980514             —MARKED, Palestinians, the 50. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—CREATION—OF—ISRAEL with 2—MINUTES—OF—SILENCE and several HOURS—OF—VIOLENCE that left 9—DEAD.
19980514—20000000    —EDITED, Tom and PHIL—KUNTZ, "THE—SINATRA—FILES".
19980514—20050000    —AUTHORED, ANTHONY—SUMMERS and Robbyn Swan, "Sinatra: THE—LIFE".
19981005             —COMMITTED, THE—CLINTON administration, to THE—TRANSFER—OF—MILITARY—SURPLUS—EQUIPMENT 19990514             .
19990514             —REBUFFED, His previous calls, PRESIDENT—CLINTON finally got through to CHINA—PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN;
19990514             —EXPRESSED, Clinton, hope THE—2—COUNTRIES could repair the damage to their relations —SINCE THE—USA—BOMBING—OF—THE—CHINESE—EMBASSY in BELGRADE.
19990514             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE—1—REPUBLICAN plan to require background checks at gunshows 48-47.
19990514             S—FRANCISCO and OAKLAND vied in the Great Green Sweep, 1—EFFORT to sweep the cities clean.
19990514             S—FRANCISCO—JULIE—CHRISTINE—DAY, (24) of Walnut Creek was last seen leaving the Bubble Lounge on MONTGOMERY—S—HER—BODY was found 1—WEEK—LATER in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in CHINA Basin.
19990514             —ARRESTED, S—FRANCISCO police, KEVIN—KEATING, 38—JAHRE—ALT, HEAD—OF—THE "Yuppie Eradication Project," on SUSPICION—OF—PROPERTY—DESTRUCTION in the Mission.
19990514             Keating held THE—PRE—WW I—UKRAINE—ANARCHIST—NESTOR Makhno as his idol.
19990514             —SENTENCED, BURUNDI, 5—SOLDIERS were, to death for 19930000             —THE—MURDER—OF—PRESIDENT—MELCHIOR—NDADAYE.
19990514             COLOMBIA, MATTHEW—AARON—BURTCHELL, 1—USA—HELICOPTER—TECHNICIAN, was kidnapped by armed men by Yopal, provincial CAPITAL—OF—CASANARE.
19990514             —AGREED, CUBA and RUSSIA, on 1—JOINT—VENTURE to complete 1—NUCLEAR—REACTOR at the Juragua power station in CUBA.
19990514             GUINEA—BISSAU, MALAN—BACAI—SANHA (52), FORMER—HEAD—OF—PARLIAMENT, was declared the 3. PRESIDENT.
19990514             INDONESIA, the ruling Golkar Party chose PRESIDENT—HABIBIE as its candidate for presidential elections.
19990514             —SHOWED, Polls, his support at 7%.
19990514             —LOOTED, KOSOVO, paramilitary fighters, homes and killed 41—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—CIVILIANS in THE—VILLAGE—OF—CUSKA.
19990514             —ANNOUNCED, MACEDONIA, Hillary Clinton, a $21—MILLION—AID—PACKAGE to support KOSOVO refugees and THE—MACEDONIA—PEOPLE who have helped take them in.
19990514             —SIGNED, SOUTH—AFRICA, the ruling African National Congress, 1—PEACE—PACT with THE—ARCH—RIVAL—INKATHA Freedom Party.
19990514             —INCLUDED, MEMBERS—OF—THE—LRA were, in the offer.
19990514—20020000    —AUTHORED, FRED—ABRAHAMS and ERIC—STOVER, "1—VILLAGE—DESTROYED, 19990514             : War Crimes in KOSOVO".
19990514—20090000    —IN, Jehad Baqleh, 1—FORMER taxi driver CONVICTED—OF—HER—MURDER, was determined to be legally insane.
19990514—20100000    —IN, 9—MEN, suspected in the killings in Cuska, were detained and indicted by SERBIA—POLICE.
20000000             20060514 53%. - - Judd PERCENTAGE—OF—AMERICANS who believe THE—NSA program collecting phone RECORDS—OF—AMERICANS, revealed by USA—TODAY this —WEEK, "goes too far".
20000514             WASHINGTON, DC TENS—OF—THOUSANDS took part in the Million Mom March for tougher gun laws.
20000514             —CLAIMED, ETHIOPIA, 1—MAJOR—VICTORY against ERITREA and claimed that 8—DIVISIONS had been destroyed over the last 2—DAYS.
20000514             —KILLED, ERITREA said 25,000 ETHIOPIA—SOLDIERS were, or wounded.
20000514             —REPORTED, ETHIOPIA, elections were held and 7—PEOPLE were, killed —WHEN government forces threw 1—GRENADE into 1—CROWD—OF—PROTESTORS and fired into another in THE—SOUTH—REGION—OF—HADIYA.
20000514             —DEMONSTRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA, and violence erupted with at least 1—PERSON killed.
20000514             —HANDED, SIERRA—LEONE, rebels, over 139—UN—PEACEKEEPERS to LIBERIA —WHILE officials in FREETOWN secured the release of 18—OTHERS.
20000514             —CONTINUED, —MEANWHILE fighting, for CONTROL—OF—MASIAKA town 30—MILES—EAST—OF—FREETOWN.
20000514             ZIMBABWE, elections were set for 20000624—20250624    , but the opposition objected because voting districts were not yet established and a 20000529              deadline for candidates was thought too soon.
20000514             HARVARD—JANITORS/globe2.html">SUBJECT—OF—WORKPLACE Fairness Has Harvard Playing Dunce in THE—BOSTON—GLOBE
20000514             ZIMBABWE, elections were set for 20000624—20000625    , but the opposition objected because voting districts were not yet established and a 20000529              deadline for candidates was thought too soon.
20000616—20000514    —IN—THE, ETHIOPIA, the election BOARD announced that the 4-party ETHIOPIA—PEOPLE—REVOLUTIONARY—DEMOCRATIC—FRONT won 1—LANDSLIDE victory in 4—KEY regions elections.
20010514             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT—8—TO—0—THAT there is no exception in federal law for people to use marijuana to ease their pain from cancer, AIDS or other illnesses.
20010514             —DETERMINED, Promising to be a " adversary" toward gun violence, PRESIDENT—BUSH announced plans to mobilize federal and local prosecutors who would focus exclusively on GUN—RELATED crimes.
20010514             THE—FBI found in BALTIMORE another BATCH—OF—UNDISCLOSED records on TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH.
20010514             TOM—GREEN—52—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BIGAMIST with 5—WIVES and 29—CHILDREN, went on trial in SLC for bigamy.
20010514             —CONVICTED, Green was, 20010518             —OF—4—COUNTS—OF—BIGAMY and 1—COUNT—OF—FAILURE to pay child support.
20010514             —SENTENCED, Green was, to 5—YEARS in prison and ordered to pay $78,000 to the state for fraudulent welfare checks.
20010514             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, that it would establish diplomatic ties with NORTH—KOREA.
20010514             —REPORTED, It was, that bookstores in INDONESIA had pulled leftist titles under vigilante pressures.
20010514             —GUNNED, ISRAEL—FORCES, down 5—PALESTINE—POLICE—OFFICERS (18-29) at 1—CHECKPOINT in Beitunia, 1—SUBURB—OF—RAMALLAH.
20010514             —ADMITTED, ISRAEL —LATER, that the men killed were mistaken for MEMBERS—OF—FORCE 17.
20010514             —AGREED, PANAMA, to suspend a 66% increase in bus fares —FOR—7—MONTHS—FOLLOWING—PROTESTS and riots in which over 100—PEOPLE were injured.
20010514             THE—PHILIPPINES, midterm elections were held for half the Senate and the entire HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES and 17,600 municipal and provincial posts.
20010514—20020000    —IN, Green was CONVICTED—OF—CHILD rape for impregnating 1—WIFE at age 13.
20010514—20070000    —RELEASED, Green was, from prison.
20020514             —ADDRESSED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—CARTER, THE—CUBA—PEOPLE and said THE—USA should end its embargo and that CUBA should become more democratic.
20020514             —ATTACKED, COLOMBIA, leftist rebels, ARMY—BACKED RIGHT—WING paramilitaries at Alto de Minas and left at least 80—PEOPLE—DEAD—180—MILES—NW—OF—BOGOTA.
20020514             1—UPRISING in KISANGANI—CONGO, left 163—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20020514             3—TOP—COMMANDERS: Barnard Biamungu, COMMANDER—OF—THE—RCD—5. brigade; Laurent Nkunda, 7. brigade COMMANDER;
20020514             and GABRIEL—AMISI, assistant CHIEF—OF—STAFF for logistics were identified as PART—OF—THE—RALLY for Democracy, THE—RWANDAN—BACKED rebel group responsible for the massacre.
20020514             —ATTACKED, KASHMIR, 3—ISLAMIC—MILITANT, 1—INDIA—ARMY—BASE and killed 34—CIVILIANS and soldiers in Kaluchak.
20020514             INDIA held PAKISTAN responsible.
20020514             —AGREED, Nato, with RUSSIA on 1—NEW—FRAMEWORK that would include RUSSIA on 1—HANDFUL—OF—AGREED—ON issues.
20020514             —REVAMPED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—ITS—SANCTIONS against IRAQ in order to ease THE—DELIVERY—OF—CIVILIAN—GOODS and tighten controls on military items.
20020514             Fuelling Conflict THE—OIL—INDUSTRY and Armed Conflict
20020514             JACQUES—MONSIEUR, 1—BELGIUM—ARMS—DEALER who faces investigation in 1—OF.
20020514             OIL AND WAR: 11 AND " FRANCAFRIQUE " IN THE—GULF—OF—GUINEA Jean... -
20020514             to intelligences services, money laundering operators, arms dealers... —FOR—30—YEARS, the Monsieur Afrique and the Monsieur GABON—OF—11.
20020514             He was 1—CLOSE...
20020514—20000000    —SPONSORED, SIERRA—LEONE, UN, voting for the presidency and PARLIAMENT took place for the 1. time —SINCE the war ended.
20020519—20020514    —IN—THE, THE—SIERRA—LEONE National Election COMMITTEE—DECLARED—PRESIDENT—KABBAH the winner elections with 70.6—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES.
20030514             PRESIDENT—BUSH met for the 1. time with SOUTH—KOREAN—PRESIDENT—ROH—MOO—HYUN;
20030514             both leaders said they were united in seeking 1—KOREAN peninsula FREE—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS.
20030514             TEXAS, VICTORIA County SHERIFF—DEPUTIES found 17—PEOPLE—DEAD in and —AROUND 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER rig at 1—SOUTH—TEXAS truck stop.
20030514             † Another, at hospital.
20030514             The victims were illegal immigrants.
20030514             † DAVE—DEBUSSCHERE, 62—JAHRE—ALT, basketball HALL—OF—FAMER, in NEW—YORK.
20030514             † ROBERT—STACK, 84—JAHRE—ALT, THE—TOUGH—GUY—HERO—OF—TV'S "Untouchables" (19590000—19630000    ).
20030514             † DAME—WENDY—HILLER, 90—JAHRE—ALT, actress, in BEACONSFIELD—ENGLAND.
20030514             ARGENTINA, CARLOS—MENEM withdrew from the presidential elections making Nestor Kirchner, GOVERNOR—OF—SANTA—CRUZ province, the new PRESIDENT—ELECT.
20030514             1—BELGIUM—ATTORNEY filed suit against USA—GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS and COLONEL—BRIAN—P—MCCOY for war crimes in the war in IRAQ.
20030514             THE—USE—OF—SOME 1,500 cluster bombs in IRAQ was PART—OF—THE—SUIT.
20030514             —KILLED, CHECHNYA, 1—FEMALE—SUICIDE attacker, 18—PEOPLE at 1—FUNERAL—SERVICE in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT on THE—LIFE—OF—THE—MOSCOW—BACKED CHIEF administrator (Akhmad Kadyrov).
20030514             —PULLED, IRAQ, villagers, body —AFTER body from 1—MASS—GRAVE in Mahaweel, exhuming THE—REMAINS—OF—UP to 3,000—PEOPLE they suspect were killed —DURING 19910000             —THE—SHIITE revolt against Saddam HUSSEIN—REGIME.
20030514             —FIRED, 1—ISRAEL—HELICOPTER—1—MISSILE into 1—CROWD in 1—REFUGEE—CAMP in THE—GAZA Strip, wounding 30—PEOPLE and killed 3—PALESTINE—POLICEMEN, —AFTER 10—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS were wounded nearby in 1—MORTAR attack.
20030514             —INAUGURATED, ITALY, Premier Silvio Berlusconi, the ambitious $4—BILLION "Moses" project to ease the flooding in Venice.
20030514             Construction soon began on 1—BREAKWATER for Venice to prevent high tides from entering its lagoon.
20030514—19390000    —IN, His film debut was with "1. Love".
20030514—20060000    —IN, 1—TEXAS jury convicted 3—USA—CITIZENS for the suffocation of 19—SMUGGLED immigrants in 1—AIRTIGHT truck.
20030514—20070000    —IN, truck driver TYRONE—WILLIAMS, 36—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the smuggling.
20030514—20080000    —IN, the last of 14—PEOPLE indicted in the smuggling pleaded guilty.
20030514—20100000    —SENTENCED, OCTAVIO—TORRES—ORTEGA was, to 14—YEARS in prison for his role in the smuggling operation.
20030514—20110000    —RESENTENCED, Williams was, to nearly —34—YEARS—AFTER 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT overturned the multiple life sentences he had received.
20040418             Ironic Times - 20070514              REMINDER.
20040514             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PENTAGON, that LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—RICARDO—SANCHEZ, the top USA—COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ, had banned virtually all coercive interrogation practices on IRAQ—PRISONERS.
20040514             ANNA—LEE (91), whose nearly 70-year acting career in movies and television spanned from her breakthrough role in "How Green Was My Valley" to 1—EXTENDED run on "GENERAL—HOSPITAL," †—OF—PNEUMONIA.
20040514             —REPORTED, ALGERIA—OFFICIALS, that 13—OF—THE—COUNTRIES 48—PROVINCES were infested with SWARMS—OF—DESERT locusts.
20040514             1—BRAZIL—DOMESTIC airliner crashed near the Amazon CITY—OF—MANAUS, killing all 30—PASSENGERS and 3—CREW members.
20040514             —PUBLISHED, BRITAIN—DAILY—MIRROR—NEWSPAPER, 1—FRONT—PAGE—APOLOGY—AFTER photographs purportedly showing UNITED—KINGDOM—FORCES abusing IRAQ—PRISONERS turned out to be fake.
20040514             —DETAINED, IRAQ, 4—PEOPLE were, in Salaheddin province for THE—KILLING—OF—USA—NICHOLAS—BERG, whose decapitation was captured on videotape.
20040514             —TIPPED, The informant who, off authorities was killed by unidentified gunmen THE—DAY—AFTER the arrests.
20040514             —RAGED, Heavy fighting, in THE—RAFAH refugee camp, killing 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS and 1—PALESTINE—MAN.
20040514             —REPORTED, It was, that drought in PERU had forced water restrictions in LIMA.
20040514             —URGED, POLAND—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—MAREK—BELKA, who had, patience for FREE—MARKET—REFORMS and his country's mission in IRAQ, lost 1—PARLIAMENTARY—CONFIDENCE—VOTE.
20040514             —RULED, SOUTH—KOREA, the Constitutional Court, to dismiss the impeachment case against PRESIDENT—ROH.
20040514             —VIOLATED, It agreed that Roh, election rules —WHEN he spoke in FAVOR—OF—THE—URI party at 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20040514—20080000    —IN, lawyers released evidence that they said shows UNITED—KINGDOM—SOLDIERS—MAY have tortured and executed up to 20—IRAQIS —AFTER THE—BATTLE—OF—DANNY—BOY.
20040514—20130204    —ON, BRITAIN—AL—SWEADY—INQUIRY began oral hearings in the case.
20040800             Das Institut hatte am 13. und 10000514              Bundesbürger befragt.
20050514             NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19000101—19991231              20050514              CIA NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19010101—20001231     THE—CIA & Drugs.
20050514             UNKNOWN NEWS: � MOBYTHOR—GUIDE—TO—THE—BUSH—UNDERGROUND—REICH...... Finally, THE—DOD has already moved to IPv6 ... — DONALD—RUMSFELD, 20020212             , DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—NEWS—BRIEFING—POSTED 20050124             ...
20050514             The retired aircraft carrier USS AMERICAN—SANK to THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—ATLANTIC—OCEAN—FOLLOWING—1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS over 25—DAYS.
20050514             —MARCHED, BRAZIL, more than 12,000 landless farmers who have, nearly 125—MILES to protest the slow PACE—OF—LAND—REFORM reached THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—BRASILIA.
20050514             —ADOPTED, CONGO—LEGISLATURE—1—CONSTITUTION that reduces the required age for presidential candidates, 1—CHANGE that would allow PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA to stand in the country's next elections.
20050514             1—MAGNITUDE 6.9—UNDERSEA earthquake rocked INDONESIA—SUMATRA ISLAND.
20050514             —STAGED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS—KILLING at least 9—PEOPLE.
20050514             —WRAPPED, THE—USA—MILITARY, up Operation Matador, 1—MAJOR—OFFENSIVE in 1—REMOTE—DESERT region near THE—SYRIA—BORDER.
20050514             —SUSPECTED, INDIA—KASHMIR, Muslim rebels shot dead the brother of 1—EX—MILITANT who became 1—MODERATE—SEPARATIST—LEADER.
20050514             —RESCUED, WEST—NEPAL, government soldiers, about 600—STUDENTS who were abducted from their classrooms in 1—SERIES—OF—BOLD—STRIKES by communist rebels.
20050514             —KILLED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—FORCES and police, 6—SUSPECTED militants, including 2—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, who had holed up in 1—APARTMENT in CHERKESSK.
20050514             Warlords began withdrawing THOUSANDS—OF—MILITIA—FIGHTERS from THE—SOMALIA—CAPITAL in 1—BID to restore order —AFTER more than 15—YEARS—OF—ANARCHY and civil war.
20050514             THOUSANDS—OF—TERRIFIED Uzbeks waiting to flee across the border into KYRGYZSTAN stormed government buildings, torched police cars and attacked border guards in a 2. —DAY—OF—VIOLENCE spawned by 1—UPRISING against THE—IRON—FISTED RULE—OF—USA—ALLIED PRESIDENT—ISLAM—KARIMOV.
20050514             Den Angaben zufolge sind diese Verschwundenen in der Regel nicht die OPFER—VON—GEWALTVERBRECHEN, sondern von Kinderhandel.
20050514             Die Kleinen werden aus ihrer afrikanischen Heimat nach UK geschickt, um mit ihnen Geld bei den Sozialbehörden zu erschleichen, sie als Sklavenarbeiter auszubeuten oder auch sexuell zu missbrauchen, sagten Kinderschutzorganisationen.
20050514             Unzureichende Aufzeichnungen der Einwanderungsbehörden und das Fehlen der Meldepflicht in UK machten es nahezu unmöglich, die Spuren der vermissten Kinder zurückzuverfolgen, sagte 1—SPRECHER—VON—SCOTLAND—YARD.
20050514             20050514 Does nobody give 1—SHIT? -... THE—DOD lost $2.3—TRILLION in FY2000 ...keep in mind the entire... "According to SOME—ESTIMATES we cannot track $2.3—TRILLION in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.
20050514             EVIDENCE—OF—FALSE—STATEMENTS made by TONY—BLAIR to PARLIAMENT and the media
20050514             CORPO—RATE Partners
20050514             the philanthropic FOUNDATION funded solely by THE—GENERAL—ELECTRIC—COMPANY.. LOCKHEED—MARTIN—ENTERPRISE—INFORMATION—SYSTEMS is responsible for all
20050514             THE—COMPOSITES—CORNER, brought to you by THE—TURNER—MOSS—COMPANY
20050514             —DIVERSIFIED, THE—GENERAL—ELECTRIC—COMPANY (GE) is 1—LARGE, corporation with
20050514             WINDFALLS—OF—WAR—THE—CENTER for Public Integrity - GENERAL—ELECTRIC—COMPANY.
20050514             3135—EASTON—TURNPIKE.
20050514             FAIRFIELD—CT 06828-0001 - NARCO—COLONIALISM in the 19000101—19991231
20050514             THE—CIA & Drugs.
20050514             (This 1—LARGE—PAGE, it will take time to load) Introduction: n videotape as
20050514             —BEFÜRCHTET, DIE—POLIZEI, nun, daß PRO—JAHR Tausende solcher Kinder ohne JEDE—SPUR in der Metropole verschwinden.
20050514             DIE—KLEINEN werden aus ihrer afrikanischen Heimat nach UK geschickt, um mit ihnen Geld bei den Sozialbehörden zu erschleichen,
20050514             sie als Sklavenarbeiter auszubeuten oder auch sexuell zu missbrauchen, sagten Kinderschutzorganisationen.
20050514             Bitten bei den afrikanischen POLIZEIbehörden vor Ort blieben zumeist ohne Antwort
20050514             Does nobody give a shit? -
20050514             —MOVED, Finally, THE—DOD has already, to IPv6 -
20050514             Killtown's: Did Flight 77—REALLY crash into THE—PENTAGON? - The
20050514             Unknown NEWS: ? MOBYTHOR—GUIDE—TO—THE—BUSH—UNDERGROUND—REICH - DoD 20011012              ).
200505140130         Web results for "Geomilitech" (1 - 20—OF 25)
20050705—19880514    —IN—THE, 1—PERU—JUDGE—ORDERED—THE—ARREST—OF—118—CURRENT and retired military officials for their alleged involvement, massacre of peasants in 1—ANDEAN village and subsequent violations in the area.
20050913             RareKate Writes: 20050508—20050514     ... material discussed in this conference should scare you to death... Leaders like TIM—LEHAY (sic), Pat Robertson, RALPH—REED, Jerry... event would bring the populous (sic) behind their plan...
200604100514         p.m. EDT NSA Can 'Vacuum' Emails Across INTERNET
20060425             * ISRAEL at midnight (local time) 19480514             .
20060425             TRUMAN—ADVISER—RECALLS 19480514              USA—DECISION to Recognize ISRAEL : With USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH increasingly frustrated by THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PROBLEM, 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—AMERICANS is asking 1—OLD—QUESTION: Why must THE—USA—DEAL with this seemingly intractable dispute?
20060514             ROY—GUTMAN (born 19440305             , NEW—YORK City) is A—USA—JOURNALIST and author.
20060514             UPDATE: TalkLeft has 20060505             —THE—HEARING transcript.
20060514             COMMENT #7 - THE—OLD—TURK said 20060505             —ON—245—PM—PT...
20060514             COMMENT #22 - Thomas said 20060506             —ON—808—PM—PT... - "The times, they are 1—CHANGIN'..".
20060514             Talking Points Memo: by JOSHUA—MICAH—MARSHALL: 20060507—20060513     Archives
20060514             —POSTED 20060508             .
20060514             —TELEPHONED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—VICENTE—FOX, PRESIDENT—BUSH to express his concern about the border between THE—2—NATIONS, 1—DAY—BEFORE BUSH—PLANNED Oval Office speech on immigration.
20060514             —DECLARED, MAINE—GOVERNOR, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY in the southern most county, and THE—GOVERNORS—OF—MASSACHUSETTS and NEW—HAMPSHIRE also declared STATES—OF—EMERGENCY as a 3—DAY—DELUGE turned streets into rivers across New ENGLAND, flooding homes up to their door knobs, forcing DOZENS—OF—SCHOOLS to close because the buses couldn't get through, and threatening dams and communities as rivers rise.
20060514             Aras Baskauskas, a 24—YEAR—OLD yoga instructor from Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, won "Survivor: PANAMA, Exile ISLAND," the 12.
20060514             EDITION—OF—THE—CBS reality show.
20060514             With trembling lips and 1—VISIBLE tear in his eye, he spoke the show's final words: "Goodbye, kids".
20060514             —RAPED, Marsha Spicer (41) was, and murdered in LAFAYETTE COUNTY—MISSOURI.
20060514             1—BANGLADESH court sentenced 10—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS to life imprisonment and 3—OTHERS to 20—YEARS in jail for their roles in deadly blasts across BANGLADESH —LAST—YEAR.
20060514             Rene Preval was sworn in as HAITI—PRESIDENT—FOR—THE 2. time in 1—DECADE.
20060514             —RIOTED, Prisoners, at HAITI—MAIN—PRISON, with gunfire heard within its walls and SCORES—OF—INMATES—MASSING on the roof and holding what appeared to be 2—DEAD—BODIES.
20060514             5—ROADSIDE bombings in BAGHDAD killed 12—PEOPLE with some 55—INJURED.
20060514             6—SHIITE shrines were damaged in 1—SERIES—OF—BLASTS—AROUND the Baqouba area NORTHEAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20060514             —ATTACKED, USA—FORCES—PLANES and helicopters, 1—INSURGENT—HAVEN in Youssifiyah, killing 25—INSURGENTS.
20060514             Insurgents shot down 1—USA—HELICOPTER—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD and killed 2—SOLDIERS—BRINGING the weekend death TOLL—OF—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS to 7.
20060514             —RAIDED, ISRAEL—TROOPS—1—VILLAGE in THE—WEST—BANK—KILLING—5—PALESTINIANS, including 1—MILITANT—ISRAEL blamed for several suicide bombings that have killed DOZENS—OF—ISRAELIS.
20060514             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Islamic militants stormed 1—ROADSIDE security post in 1—TRIBAL region and shot dead 1—OFFICER.
20060514             Exiled FORMER—PAKISTAN prime ministers Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif met in LONDON and agreed to a "CHARTER—OF—DEMOCRACY" and to join in opposition to THE—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF.
20060514             —KILLED, Officials said 1—SEARING heatwave in CENTRAL—PAKISTAN has, at least 84—PEOPLE with temperatures as high as 50—DEGREES—CELSIUS (122—FAHRENHEIT) in the past —WEEK.
20060514             —STATED, The armed Basque group ETA, publicly for the 1. time —SINCE 1—CEASEFIRE—DECLARATION in March that it still demands SELF—DETERMINATION for the Basque Country.
20060514             —DETAINED, Syria, MICHEL—KILO (66), 1—PROMINENT—WRITER and democracy campaigner, who has long been 1—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT's most outspoken critics.
20060514             —CLINCHED, VIETNAM—STATE—MEDIA said THE—USA had, 1—BILATERAL—MARKET—ACCESS—DEAL with VIETNAM that will help clear the path to its former wartime enemy joining the World Trade Organization.
20060514             LONDON—SOLLTEN die USA IRAN wegen des Atomstreits angreifen, werde IRAN seine Öllieferung einstellen, sagte HUGO—CHAVEZ in LONDON.
20060514             Der Ölpreis könne dann auf 100—DOLLAR pro Barrel oder mehr klettern.
20060514             "Die ENGLAND—MITTELKLASSE müsste die Nutzung ihrer Autos einstellen".
20060514             Zudem habe IRAN angekündigt, in diesem Fall ISRAEL anzugreifen.
20060514             "Und wir wissen, dass sie die Mittel dazu haben", sagte Chavez vor rund 10000000              Vertretern der GROSSBRITANNIEN—LINKEN und Gewerkschaften.
20060514             HUGO—CHAVEZ ist —DERZEIT auf Einladung von Londons BÜRGERMEISTER—KEN—LIVINGSTONE.
20060514             Mit Regierungschef TONY—BLAIR soll er nicht zusammentreffen.
20060514             Chavez hatte den PREMIERMINISTER wegen seiner engen Verbindung mit den USA stark kritisiert.
20060514             Abramoff cohort spent millions on Sussex homes - delawareonline ? THE—NEWS—JOURNAL ?
20060514             Abramoff cohort spent millions on Sussex homes - 1—FUTURE with no bananas?
20060514             Go bananas —WHILE you still can.
20060514             The world's most popular fruit and the 4. most important food CROP—OF—ANY—SORT is in deep trouble.
20060514             Its genetic base, the wild bananas and traditional varieties cultivated in INDIA, has collapsed.
20060514             —TRADED, Virtually all bananas, internationally are of 1—SINGLE.
20060514             Chavez warns USA over IRAN policy VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ warns THE—USA—ANY—ATTACK on IRAN will have devastating consequences.
20060514             Specter On Domestic Spying: 'There Has Been No Meaningful Congressional Oversight'
20060514             —YESTERDAY, Bush said this in HIS—WEEKLY—RADIO—ADDRESS :
20060514             —AUTHORIZED, The intelligence activities I have, are lawful and have been briefed to appropriate MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS, both Republican and Democrat.
20060514             —DISAGREED, Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—ARLEN—SPECTER (R—PA), with that assessment this —MORNING.
20060514             —ON Face the Nation, Specter said that Bush and others in the administration "still haven't complied with the act to inform the full intelligence committees as required by law".
20060514             "[T]here really has to be in our SYSTEM—OF—LAW and government, checks and balance, SEPARATION—OF—POWERS, congressional oversight," Specter added + "there has been no meaningful congressional oversight on these programs".
20060514             Full transcript: Appearing on ABC—THIS—WEEK,
20060514             —CRITICIZED, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) sharply, PRESIDENT—BUSH—PROPOSAL, expected to be announced —MONDAY, of
20060514             sending THOUSANDS—OF—NATIONAL—GUARD—TROOPS to police THE—SOUTH—USA—BORDER.
20060514             Hagel said flatly, "that's not THE—ROLE—OF—OUR national guard".
20060514             He added that "we've got National Guard members in their 2., 3. and 4. tours in IRAQ" and "stretched our military as thin as we have ever seen in modern times".
20060514             GOVERNOR—ARNOLD—SCHWARZENEGGER (R—CA) has ALSO—SPOKEN out against the plan.
20060514             STEPHANOPOULOS: [GOVERNOR—SCHWARZENEGGER is] against sending the National Guard.
20060514             Where do you stand?
20060514             HAGEL: Well, I want to listen to the details and I want to listen to THE—PRESIDENT.
20060514             But I would say this: I think we have to be very careful here.
20060514             That's not THE—ROLE—OF—OUR military.
20060514             That's not THE—ROLE—OF—OUR national guard.
20060514             LET—APPROACH this in 1—LONG—TERM—WAY where we fix the problem.
20060514             That's 1—SHORT—TERM fix and I'm not sure it's 1—VERY—WISE fix.
20060514             LET—START with THE—FACT—OF—WHETHER we even have the capacity.
20060514             What THE—GOVERNOR—TALKING about.
20060514             We've got 75—PERCENT—OF—ALL—THE—EQUIPMENT—OF—NATIONAL—GUARD—ALL across this country is in IRAQ.
20060514             We've got National Guard members in their 2., 3. and 4. tours in IRAQ.
20060514             —STRETCHED, We have, our military as thin as we have ever seen it in modern times.
20060514             What in the world are we talking about here, sending 1—NATIONAL—GUARD that we may not have ANY—CAPACITY to send down to protect our borders.
20060514             That's not their role.
20060514             I'll listen to THE—PRESIDENT but I have 1—LOT—OF—QUESTIONS about this.
20060514             I'm skeptical.
20060514             —REVEALED, CHENEY—HANDWRITTEN notes on Wilson. VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY 's
20060514             handwritten notes, disclosed in 1—NEW—COURT—FILING by PATRICK—FITZGERALD, show that he was "acutely focused" on smearing JOSEPH—WILSON.
20060514             —JOTTED, Among the questions Cheney, in THE—MARGINS—OF—WILSON—OP—ED: "[D]id his wife send him on 1—JUNKET?" PDF available
20060514             here. Firedoglake breaks it down. McCain Attacks Blogosphere
20060514             Telco Liability: Falkenrath Gets It Wrong
20060514             —ON—THURSDAY, ThinkProgress argued that the
20060514             telcos could be liable for TENS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS for turning over phone records to the government in VIOLATION—OF—THE—STORED—COMMUNICATIONS—ACT.
20060514             In this —MORNING—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LAW—PROFESSOR—ORRIN—KERR agrees:
20060514             ORIN—KERR, 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR and assistant professor at GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY, said his reading of the relevant statutes put the phone companies at risk for at least $1,000 per person whose records they disclosed without 1—COURT—ORDER.
20060514             "This is not 1—HAPPY—DAY for the general counsels" of the phone companies, he said.
20060514             "If you have 1—CLASS action involving 10—MILLION—AMERICANS, that's 10—MILLION—TIMES $1,000— that's 10—BILLION".
20060514             In —TODAY—WASHINGTON—POST, RICHARD—A—FALKENRATH — former deputy assistant to PRESIDENT—BUSH — takes the opposite view.
20060514             HERE'S—FALKENRATH—ARGUMENT :
20060514             —REPORTED, THE—3—COMPANIES, to have supplied telephone records to THE—NSA also appear to be acting lawfully....
20060514             Actually, that's false.
20060514             The relevant PORTION—OF—THE—ELECTRONIC—COMMUNICATIONS—PRIVACY—ACT — known as the Stored Communications Act — explicitly prohibits voluntary or required DISCLOSURE—OF—PHONE—RECORDS to the government with several limited exceptions.
20060514             (See 18—U.SOUTH—CAROLINA 2702-03.) As we explained here and here NONE—OF—THOSE exceptions apply.
20060514             It's clear from his column that Falkenrath is obviously 1—HUGE—FAN—OF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN, the administration + THE—NSA program.
20060514             That's fine, but it doesn't change the law or the telcos' potential liability for turning over the phone RECORDS—OF—TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS.
20060514             MI5 hid evidence on Tube bombing Correspondents in LONDON
20060514             NUCLEAR CRISIS: IRAN to reject ANY—EU offer to end atomic work IRAN—PRESIDENT—ACCUSED—THE—EUROPEANS—OF—LIVING in a "colonialist world" and said TEHRAN would not accept decisions reached in BRUSSELS.
20060514             ISRAEL —NOW uses the legal definition of "illegal combatants"
20060514             Postman Patel Sometimes I think this whole world / Is 1—BIG—PRISON yard.
20060514             SOME—OF—USA are prisoners / THE—REST—OF—USA are guards.
20060514             BOB—DYLAN—ISRAEL —NOW uses the legal definition of "illegal combatants"By Postman Ron DUDAI—OF—THE—SOAS—SCHOOL—OF—LAW at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—LONDON writes for JURIST that THE—USA—RESPONSE to 20010911              has given ISRAEL 1—EXCUSE to engage in its own questionable practices, as
20060514             Bush Approval Level Falls to 29%: LET—NOT—FORGET—THAT rove May Drive It Lower
20060514             —RECENTLY, I wrote that "if all things remained equal", if Karl rove was indicted in PATRICK—FITZGERALD—INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—VALERIE—PLAME—WILSON outing case, BUSH—NUMBERS would fall to 28%.
20060514             Well, things didn't remain equal and the Bush......
20060514             05May.2006 - Declassified FBI Files Reveal YEARS—OF—SURVEILLANCE—OF—PEACEFUL—DEMONSTRATIONS by FBI—COUNTERTERRO
20060514             Impeach Bush/Cheney —NOW!
20060514             IRAN : FORMER—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HENRY—KISSINGER said that USA should analyze all options agains
20060514             Controversial Experimental Weather Modification BILL—IN—USA—CONGRESS (globalresearch)
20060514             MORGAN—REYNOLDS—DIRECTOR—OF—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE bush 20010000              -2:Media hide truth: 20010911              was inside job
20060514             3—COMMENT(s). - - NEW—YORK—TIMES' FRANK—RICH: Any 'witch hunt' for traitors should begin in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—SUNDAY 20060514—20000000    :10 by : Simpleton Says:
20060514             LET—IMPEACH—THE—PRESIDENT / by NEIL—YOUNG (Streaming Audio)
20060514             With NEIL—YOUNG and Pearl Jam releasing devastating ANTI—BUSH albums in the coming weeks, it looks like rock has rejuvenated its protest past.
20060514             —BY JAN—FREL
20060514             —POPPED, Only 1—FRIEND—OF—MINE, the champagne —AFTER THE—SUPREME—COURT—5—4—VOTE in Bush v. Gore effectively sealed the deal that we'd see 1—RIGHT winger in office.
20060514             The friend, 1—FAN of '70s and '80s punk music, was overjoyed because he told me (I'm paraphrasing), "The music sucks —WHEN you have 1—DEMOCRAT in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060514             It was slightly better under Republican nerds like GERALD—FORD or that New ENGLAND prude HERBERT—WALKER—BUSH.
20060514             But his son looks like something way worse, way more vicious and sinister than Reagan.
20060514             The music's going to be incredible". It was —MORNING in AMERICA.
20060514             Leading Democrats tell THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES... - Hullabaloo "We deal in illusions, man.
20060514             NONE—OF—IT is true.
20060514             But you people sit there —DAY—AFTER —DAY, night —AFTER night, all ages, colors, creeds.
20060514             We're all you know.
20060514             You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here.
20060514             You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal.
20060514             You do whatever the tube tells you.
20060514             You dress like the tube. You eat like the. Truth and Reconciliation
20060514             GEORGE—WASHINGTON—BLOG—TRUTH and Reconciliation By GEORGE—WASHINGTON—WHAT'S the end goal of the fight for 20010911             —TRUTH and justice?
20060514             —IMPEACHED, Is it to see the perpetrators, and tried for their crimes + then sentenced to life in jail?
20060514             Or executed? I think that's aiming too low. That's not going far enough.
20060514             Why? Because the gentlemen who carried out 20010911              will
20060514             WASHINGTON—POST—EDIT is Dishonest about IRAN
20060514             Fired Officer Believed CIA Lied to Congress
20060514             WHAT WAS THE—RUSH TO GET RID—OF—20010911             —EVIDENCE?
20060514             —ASKED, Federal and state regulators have, the agency that owns THE—FORMER—DEUTSCHLAND—BANK building near the World Trade Center site to stop cleanup work.
20060514             7Online_com: NEW—YORK City and TRI—STATE—NEWS from WABC—TV
20060514             Don't back them into 1—CORNER, they will do it again.
20060514             Remember, they have the guns and the bombs (that is, as in nuclear bombs) and they will use them on us if need be.
20060514             There is the potential for evil beyond your wildest immagination.
20060514             This part, I know and understand and am very fearful of.
20060514             I —JUST wonder why.
20060514             Nothing happens in government without 1—REASON, so why did this happen?
20060514             What was the real core reason?
20060514             Does anyone really know the answer? Go TO—FOR more information.
20060514             The event will feature presentations from dozens of 20010911             —TRUTH luminaries, from scientists like STEVEN—JONES to intelligence agency WHISTLE—BLOWERS like DAVID—SHAYLER, and promises to be 1—HISTORIC, watershed event.
20060514             Be there, or resign yourself to 1—FUTURE—OF—ENDLESS—WAR, lost liberty + 1—CRAVEN media that cannot bring itself to BREATHE—1—SINGLE—WORD—OF—TRUTH.
20060514             KEVIN—BARRETT—OF—MADISON is 1—MEMBER—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             —TRUTH (st911_org) + SPINE: Scientific Professionals Investigating 20010911              (911—PHYSICS_net) and serves as COORDINATOR—OF—THE—MUSLIM—JEWISH—CHRISTIAN—ALLIANCE for 20010911             —TRUTH (mujca_com).
20060514             MORGAN—REYNOLDS—DIRECTOR—OF—CRIMINAL—JUSTICE bush 20010000              -2:Media hide truth: 20010911              was inside JOB—UNDERDOG—COLLECTIVE Bellaciao
20060514             Exclusive: USA Acknowledges Secret CIA FLIGHTS—EU Says
20060514             Dickey: 1—CASE for Conspiracy Theorists? - NEWSWEEK POLITICS—MISS—NBC_com
20060514             The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work together to destroy AMERICA, part 1—OF 3
20060514             THE—ROLE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY in the criminal case stemming from...
20060514             —SPARED, Excerpt: Book suggests LIBBY—RELATIONSHIP with reporters, him Plame coverage
20060514             Reconciling Plane Paths - Scan This Book!
20060514             Despite THE—OPPOSITION—OF—PUBLISHERS and their lawyers, the world's texts are being electronically copied, digitized, searched and linked.
20060514             the spy agency's NUMBER 3—OFFICIAL who was forced to resign this —WEEK amid 1—WIDENING—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into ALLEGATIONS—OF—GOVERNMENT—CORRUPTION and bribery.
20060514             Officials inside CIA headquarters saw.
20060514             Chavez kicks off private UK visit VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ begins 1—VISIT to THE—UK, but will not meet PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR.
20060514             INDONESIA villagers defy volcano Villagers defy THE—DANGER—OF—INDONESIA—VOLCANO MOUNT—MERAPI, saying they must tend their livestock and crops.
20060514             Blair 'to amend human rights law' TONY—BLAIR is planning sweeping changes to THE—UK—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LAWS, it is reported.
20060514             CHINA risks new row over BISHOP—CHINA—RISKS—MORE—TENSION with THE—VATICAN by installing another BISHOP—WITHOUT—HOLY—SEE approval.
20060514             £5m bid to power future gadgets 5—UNIVERSITIES unite in 1—ATTEMPT to design 1—NEW—GENERATION—OF—TINY—ELECTRONIC—CIRCUITS for computers and other devices.
20060514             Inquiry call over 'bomber tapes' DAVID—DAVIS calls for 1—PUBLIC—INQUIRY into 20060707             —THE—BOMBS—AFTER 1—PAPER—CLAIMS—MI5 withheld 1—TAPE—OF—1—OF—THE—BOMBERS.
20060514             —CRITICISED, PM, over animal testing ANTI—VIVISECTIONISTS have criticised TONY—BLAIR—PLEDGE to sign 1—ONLINE petition which backs animal testing.
20060514             Clue to grapefruit drug reaction Scientists say they have evidence pinpointing what it is in grapefruit that can interact dangerously with SOME—DRUGS.
20060514             "THE—FEARLESS—FROG is at it again: In his latest post, Cringely aims to slap SOME—SENSE into Microsoft, Apple + IBM altogether.  'What counts is that for Microsoft the platform is THE—PC —WHILE for Google the platform is THE—INTERNET and nobody can hope to control THE—INTERNET -- not Microsoft OR Google. Google is making 1—TON—OF—MONEY from people [small/medium sized businesses] who never were even in business —BEFORE. This is not only 1—FUNDAMENTAL—CHANGE in how advertising is done; it is 1—FUNDAMENTAL—CHANGE in how BUSINESS is done.'"
20060514             IN—FLIGHT—VOIP Coming Soon
20060514             "USA—AIRLINE—CUSTOMERS are likely to be thrilled with 1—OPPORTUNITY to sit next to someone constantly chatting on the phone. Information —WEEK magazine is reporting that government auction is opening 1—WAY for telecoms to introduce VOICE—OVER—IP links on IN—FLIGHT—COMMUNICATION—SYSTEMS".
20060514             "Airfone already offers phone service on MANY—FLIGHTS, but its high cost has limited its use. JetBlue has declined to say what its LiveTV LCC unit would do with 1—WINNING—FREQUENCY. Although MANY—FREQUENT flyers and airline attendants favor 1—BAN on the phone chatter, Connexion by Boeing, whose INTERNET service is already offered on nearly 200—INTERNATIONAL—FLIGHTS—1—DAY—NOTES that there have been no COMPLAINTS—OF—IN—CABIN incidents about the technology. THE—CONNEXION service is regularly used by passengers to make VoIP calls. "
20060514             LONDON 20060000             , Meet LONDON 19840000
20060514             "Shoreditch TV is 1—EXPERIMENT TV channel beaming live footage from the street into people's homes. According to the Telegraph UK television will broadcast from 400—SURVEILLANCE—CAMERAS on the streets, into people's homes. For —NOW they are only showing it to 22,000—HOMES, but next —YEAR they plan on going national with the 'show'. They fly under the flag 'fighting crime from the sofa'".
20060514             Australians Allowed to Format Shift Media
20060514             "AUSTRALIA—FEDERAL—LAW will —NOW allow format SHIFTING—OF—MEDIA (ie:Ripping CDs to MP3s). Something long allowed under USA—COPYRIGHT—LEGISLATION, but only —NOW coming to the Land Down Under".
20060514             —PASSED, "Once the new laws are, 'format shifting' of music, newspapers and books from personal collections onto MP3 players will become legal. The new laws will also make it legal for people to tape television and radio programs for playback —LATER, 1—PRACTICE currently prohibited although MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE regularly do it. Under the current regime, MILLIONS—OF—HOUSEHOLDS—1—DAY are breaking the law —WHEN they tape 1—SHOW and watch it at another time".
20060514             Thuggery, buggery, hunger and war
20060514             'Amazon Stonehenge' found in BRAZIL
20060514             —DISCOVERED, Archaeologists, 1—PRE—COLONIAL—ASTROLOGICAL observatory possibly 2,000 years old in the Amazon basin near FRENCH—GUIANA, said 1—REPORT.
20060514             "Only 1—SOCIETY with 1—COMPLEX—CULTURE could have built such 1—MONUMENT," archaeologist Mariana Petry Cabral, of the Amapa INSTITUTE—OF—SCIENTIFIC and Technological Research (IEPA), told O Globo newspaper.
20060514             S—DIEGO—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR—LINKED to Company in 5.5—TON Cocaine Bust
20060514             —UNCOVERED, THE—MADCOWMORNINGNEWS has, evidence implicating 1—S—DIEGO defense contractor, THE—TITAN—CORP oration, in fraud involving the shadowy S—PETERSBURG—FL company involved in last —MONTH—MYSTERIOUS 5.5—TON cocaine seizure in MEXICO.
20060514             This time —AROUND, the invaders are the tourists
20060514             Tourism is booming in the Languedoc REGION—OF—FRANCE, largely due to SOME—ENDURING mysteries that link 1—CHARISMATIC—PRIEST—OF—00010101—01001231    —CENTURY ago with the controversial claims in THE—DA—VINCI—CODE.
20060514             OHIO politicians are bracing for coin dealer's plea change
20060514             The investment scandal investigation has been 1—MAJOR—EMBARRASSMENT for Republicans, who dominate state politics.
20060514             It prompted Taft, 1—LAME duck + 2—FORMER—AIDES to plead no contest to ethics charges.
20060514             INDIA seeks to save its TREASURE—OF—MANUSCRIPTS
20060514             —LAUNCHED, THE—NATIONAL—MISSION for Manuscripts (NMM) has, 1—MASSIVE—SURVEY—PROGRAMME across the country to find out, document and preserve manuscripts within 5—YEARS' time period.
20060514             Download File - Rice, Rumsfeld block access to secret DETAINEES—ICRC :
20060514             —REFUSED, THE—USA has again, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS (ICRC) access to terrorism suspects held in secret detention centers, the humanitarian agency said on —FRIDAY.
20060514             USA Argues to Block Suit Against CIA : The government urged 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE on —FRIDAY to block 1—LAWSUIT filed by 1—GERMANY—NATIONAL who says he was illegally held in 1—CIA—RUN—PRISON in AFGHANISTAN —FOR—4—MONTHS and tortured.
20060514             No Rules, —JUST Might:
20060514             Last —FRIDAY, delegates from THE—USA—STOOD up —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY and defended their nation's practices on torture.
20060514             Their inconsistent performance bodes ill for AMERICA—EFFORTS to sustain moral and practical leadership in global counterterrorism effort
20060514             Agent ORANGE still ravages VIETNAM, GIs:
20060514             "1—HUGE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN in VIETNAM are suffering birth defects and deformities from their parents' exposure to Agent ORANGE and other chemical agents. THE—VIETNAM—ARE asking: 'How MANY—GENERATIONS will be facing these birth defects?'"
20060514             Chavez preaches socialism to European summit : HUGO—CHAVEZ, —YESTERDAY paved the way for 1—POLITICALLY—EXPLOSIVE visit to LONDON this weekend as lambasted TONY—BLAIR—BRAND—OF—FREE—MARKET—ECONOMICS and said EUROPE should note THE—RISE—OF—SOCIALISM in Latin AMERICA.
20060514             Rove Informs WHITE—HOUSE He WILL—BE—INDICTED : Within the last —WEEK, KARL—ROVE told PRESIDENT—BUSH and CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSHUA—BOLTEN, as well as 1—FEW other high level administration officials, that he will be indicted in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE and will —IMMEDIATELY resign his WHITE—HOUSE—JOB—WHEN the special counsel publicly announces the charges against him, according to sources.
20060514             WILLIAM—M—ARKIN : Telephone Records are —JUST THE—TIP—OF—NSA—ICEBERG : THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY and other USA—GOVERNMENT—ORGANIZATIONS have developed HUNDREDS—OF—SOFTWARE—PROGRAMS and analytic tools to "harvest" intelligence + they've created DOZENS—OF—GIGANTIC—DATABASES designed to discover potential terrorist activity both inside THE—USA and overseas.
20060514             Military seeks more air bases:
20060514             "We'll be in the region for the foreseeable future," said USA—AIR—FORCE—MAJOR—GENERAL—ALLEN—PECK, deputy air COMMANDER—OF—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND, which oversees the region.
20060514             "Our intention would be to stay as long as the host nations will have us".
20060514             EX—WMD Inspector: Politics Quashed Facts : 1—YEAR—AFTER BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CLAIMS about Iraqi ``bioweapons trailers'' were discredited by USA—EXPERTS—USA—OFFICIALS were still suppressing the findings, says 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—CIA—LED IRAQ inspection team.
20060514             WORDS—OF—MASS Deception:
20060514             Rod Barton blew the whistle on AUSTRALIAN—USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—LIES about IRAQ—HIDDEN weapons cache.
20060514             And THE—AUSTRALIA—GOVERNMENT has made sure he pays 1—HIGH—PRICE for his stand.
20060514             HAMISH—MCDONALD reports
20060514             At FALWELL—UNIVERSITY—MCCAIN Defends IRAQ War : With THE—REVEREND—JERRY—FALWELL at his side, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN offered 1—SPIRITED DEFENSE—OF—THE—IRAQ WAR—ON—SATURDAY, telling graduating students at Liberty University that victory there was crucial to world security.
20060514             Standing on the bodies:
20060514             Analysts say McCain wooing religious right : —WHEN he ran for the Republican presidential nomination 20000000             , SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN denounced religious right leader JERRY—FALWELL as an ''evil" force whose message of ''intolerance" hurt THE—GOP and AMERICA.
20060514             I - ran and TURKEY fire salvo over IRAQ: Both TURKEY and IRAN have been launching military raids into NORTH—IRAQ against 1—KURDISH—PARAMILITARY—GROUP that is based there, posing 1—DANGEROUS—NEW—THREAT to stability both within IRAQ and to the region.
20060514             IRAN to conduct nuclear activities under UN CONTROL—AHMADINEJAD:
20060514             "THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY should not be nervous —SINCE TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM is absolutely peaceful. IRAN is ready for talks with all THE—COUNTRIES—OF—THE—WORLD except ISRAEL," he said.
20060514             "TEHRAN will never succumb to outside pressure, like it or not".
20060514             —SURROUNDED, USA must address IRAN security concerns: : "IRAN is, by countries that have nuclear weapons, RUSSIA has nuclear weapons, PAKISTAN has nuclear weapons, ISRAEL has nuclear weapons, IRAQ has used chemical weapons against them. There is 1—SENSE—OF—INSECURITY," he said.
20060514             1—IRAN—OFFER that AMERICA must heed:
20060514             THE—AHMADINEJAD letter is 1—INVITATION to dialogue as well as 1—REMINDER—OF—THE—DANGERS posed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION
20060514             IRAN: Euro to replace dollar as oil currency : The switch, 1. mooted months ago, was expected but AHMADINEJAD—DECISION comes —JUST as WASHINGTON is stepping up pressure on other UNITED—NATIONS Security Council members to act against TEHRAN for flouting agreements taken with THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG.
20060514             Haniyeh stresses RIGHT—OF—RETURN:
20060514             Hamas will make no concessions on issue to INTERNATIONAL peace brokers, he hints
20060514             HAIFA mayor: I agree to refugees' return:
20060514             In interview to ISRAEL I—ARAB newspaper, town's HEAD—YAHAV says he does not object to Palestinians going back to HAIFA in FRAMEWORK—OF—PEACE—DEAL between ISRAEL and PA
20060514             KARL—ROVE—INDICTED on CHARGES—OF—PERJURY, Lying to Investigators
20060514             —SERVED, Fitzgerald, attorneys for FORMER—DEPUTY—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KARL—ROVE with 1—INDICTMENT—CHARGING the embattled WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE + instructed 1—OF—THE—ATTORNEYS to tell Rove that he has 24—HOURS to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—MEETING said —SATURDAY—MORNING.
20060514             "Comrade Wolf" And THE—MULLAHS
20060514             —WHEN THE—USA? military has been so busy it is said to be overstretched and exhausted, IRAN has invaded not 1—NEIGHBOR and fought but 1—WAR: an 8-year war with IRAQ where she was THE—VICTIM—OF—AGGRESSION.?
20060514             —SUPPORTED, And in that WAR—OF—AGGRESSION against IRAN, we, the aggressor.?
20060514             20060514 The long SHADOW—OF—THE—USA—BY ROBERT—FISK—AMERICA—SET up military bases in THE—NORTH—OF—BRAZIL without waiting for authorisation Continue
20060514             —READIED, AMERICA is being, for economic "shock therapy" and "structural readjustment", the vile remedies for ailing economies.
20060514             —WHEN the bottom drops out, the snoozing USA—MIDDLE—CLASS will finally stir from their slumber and get their 1. look at the new world
20060514             20060514 Chávez is 1—THREAT because he offers the alternative of 1—DECENT—SOCIETY—BY JOHN—PILGER—VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT is using oil revenues to liberate THE—POOR—NO—WONDER his enemies want to overthrow him.
20060514             VIELE—INDIZIEN sprechen mittlerweile dafür, dass die Liebe zwischen Mutter und Kind vor der romantischen Liebe existierte.
20060514             Etwa aus der Verhaltensforschung: "Zärtlichkeit zwischen Erwachsenen gibt es nur bei Arten, die sich auch um ihre Kinder kümmern", sagt EIBL—EIBESFELDT.
20060514             Zudem stamme das Verhaltensrepertoire turtelnder Erwachsener oft aus dem MUTTER—KIND—BEREICH.
20060514             Das ist bei Tieren nicht anders: Wenn 1—SPATZ um 1—WEIBCHEN wirbt, zittert er mit den Flügeln wie ein bettelndes Küken.
20060514             —REAGIERT, Die Angebetete, mit zärtlichem Füttern.
20060514             Auch beim Menschen hat EIBL—EIBESFELDT VIELE—SOLCHER—INFANTILISMEN beobachtet.
20060514             Die Trippelschritte etwa, mit denen sich traditionell gekleidete Japanerinnen fortbewegen, sind verhaltensbiologisch nichts anderes als das Zittern des Sperlings: ein kindlicher Appell an potenzielle Versorger.
20060514             —TELEFONIERT, Und wenn der Büronachbar mit der Geliebten, wechselt er in eine höhere Tonlage, was auch typisch ist für die MUTTER—KIND—KOMMUNIKATION.
20060514             "Die Unfähigkeit, 1—BINDUNG zu den eigenen Kindern aufzubauen, wird auch beim Menschen von einer Generation an die nächste weitergegeben", sagt die Gynäkologin Perl.
20060514             "Mühelos kann man den eigenen Kindern nur geben, was man selbst bekommen hat".
20060514             So wies der Psychologe SETH—POLLACK von der UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN nach, dass das Liebeshormon Oxytocin bei Kindern nur eine geringe Aktivität entfaltet, wenn sie keine Mutterliebe erfahren haben.
20060514             Und auch Spuren im Gehirn, die ein früher Liebesmangel hinterlässt, könnten die spätere Bindungsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen.
20060514             Darauf deuten Versuche mit Strauchratten hin.
20060514             So ergaben Untersuchungen im FALL—DER—VERLETZTEN—FRÜHGEBORENEN in den USA, dass Babys, die unmittelbar nach der Geburt von ihrer Mutter getrennt wurden, häufiger misshandelt werden als andere Säuglinge.
20060514             1—TRENNUNG des Neugeborenen von seiner Mutter kam in den Sechzigerjahren häufig vor.
20060514             Aus Angst vor Infektionen wurde die Besuchszeit in den Kinderkliniken auf 1—MINIMUM beschränkt.
20060514             Oft war es nicht mehr als 1—STUNDE pro Woche. The drug plane connection:
20060514             Remember the drug plane -- the DC9 caught in MEXICO hauling 5.5—TONS—OF—COKE to THE—USA ?
20060514             As we saw —EARLIER, the plane bore THE—LOGO—OF—SKYWAY, 1—SCAM—COMPANY put together by BRENT—KOVAR, 1—NOTED con artist who -- —JUST like BRENT—WILKES -- brags about his CIA connections.
20060514             (To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)
20060514             THE—SKYWAY scam is complex, as these things often tend to be.
20060514             Basically, Kovar told investors that he held the patent on 1—NEW—WIRELESS—DATA—TRANSMISSION—TECHNOLOGY, which -- he claimed -- would revolutionize AIRCRAFT—TO—GROUND—COMMUNICATIONS.
20060514             Supposedly, Skyway bought the airliner to test out the communication system.
20060514             But the system was 1—FAKE.
20060514             Eventually, investors (SOME—OF—THEM affluent Middle Easterners) came to understand that they would never see 1—RETURN on the millions they had sunk into the company + the matter ended up in
20060514             bankruptcy court.
20060514             —DISCOVERED, That's —WHEN the plane was, hauling cocaine.
20060514             Skyway and Titan.
20060514             Skyway has had 1—STRANGE—RELATIONSHIP with yet another defense contractor,
20060514             Titan Corp oration : SkyWay Communications Holding Corp. (OTC BB: SWYC) and the Titan Corp oration have entered into 1—TEAMING—AGREEMENT for Titan to sell Skyway s's HIGH—SPEED airborne network services to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for use with selected military and homeland security applications.
20060514             Under TERMS—OF—THE—CONTRACT, SkyWay grants THE—TITAN—CORP oration the rights to market and sell SkyWay Systems and Services to Government customers.
20060514             The services CONSIST—OF—REAL—TIME—VIDEO—TELECONFERENCING, HIGH—SPEED—INTERNET—ACCESS and Data, Telecommunications, IN—FLIGHT—VIDEO—SURVEILLANCE—AIR—FILTRATION—SYSTEM—MONITORING, Flight Management Avionics Data Link and Multiyear Data Archiving.
20060514             This is all very intriguing -- because Skyway 's "services" (as investors discovered) were bogus.
20060514             —ATTRACTED, This blog's - 1. post on this topic, SOME—PARTICULARLY interesting commentary, including the —FOLLOWING: Digging into THE—DETAILS—OF—THIS patent, I'm astonished at THE—IMPUDENCE—OF—MISTER—KOVAR to declare this his invention.
20060514             ALL—OF—THE—COMPONENTS are common knowledge, the arrays, the pointers, even THE—IDEA—OF—USING—1—TIME tick to syncronize data and reduce THE—AMOUNT—OF—DATA to be transmitted (this has been used in encryption for secure communciations long —BEFORE).
20060514             This begs the question, does MISTER—KOVAR have ANY—SERIOUS—BACKGROUND in programming or who coobled this mishmash together for Skyway s?
20060514             And pls note that nowhere in the patent the special ISSUES—OF—USING—WIRELESS—GROUND to air radio transmission are addressed.
20060514             —ASSCOCIATED, Imho the problems that are, with this (garbled transmissions may lead to LOSS—OF—SYNCRONICITY, clock signals may be lost) will render this whole "invention" useless.
20060514             —PEDDLED, Even though Skyway, worthless goods -- and Titan must have known that they were worthless -- Titan promised to funnel MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS' WORTH—OF—BUSINESS to KOVAR—PSEUDO—COMPANY.
20060514             Why? Working together.
20060514             —NOW, why have I dealt with the Kovar con in the context of 1—DICUSSION—OF—WILKES ?
20060514             Because THE—EVER—INTRIGUING—DANIEL—HOPSICKER has found 1—SOMEWHAT indirect, but nevertheless intriguing link.
20060514             Like Wilkes, Titan was 1—MAJOR—GOP contributor: In addition to padding THE—DUKE—STER—POCKETS for those LATE—NIGHT poker cum HOOKER—FESTS at the Watergate Hotel, Titan was 1—MAJOR—CONTRIBUTOR to House Armed Services COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—DUNCAN—HUNTER, who returned the favor in 1—MOCK—HEROIC—DEFENSE—OF—TITAN—EMPLOYEES—ACCUSED—OF—TORTURE and rape at ABU—GHRAIB prison.
20060514             —CONTRIBUTED, Skyway also heavily, to Republican causes.
20060514             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TITAN executive who, the strange deal with Skyway was 1—DAVID—STINSON.
20060514             This individual, Hopsicker found, was the executive VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—ANOTHER defense firm, called Intergraph.
20060514             Intergraph is 1—GENUINE—FIRM; they have provided software to SOME—RENOWN companies, including Mobil and Bechtel.
20060514             —BASED, Although Hopsicker says that Intergraph is, in ANNOPOLIS—MARYLAND, the company claims that their main office is in HUNTSVILLE—ALABAMA.
20060514             According to Hopsicker, this same Intergraph -- under THE—DIRECTION—OF—STINSON -- helped Wilkes ' ADCS get its start.
20060514             —COMPLICATED, Can our story become even more ? Oh yes.
20060514             Googling the names Intergraph and ADCS will bring you to this
20060514             Sorry, folks, but we're going to have to talk about still another shadowy "defense" firm.
20060514             —CALLED, This 1 is, TomaHawk II.
20060514             The name derives from 1—ALLEGED connection to Native Americans: TomaHawk II (S—DIEGO, CA) has received 5—ORDERS—TOTALING $1.4—MILLION from Intergraph (HUNTSVILLE—AL).
20060514             Under 1—PREVIOUS subcontract agreement with Intergraph, TomaHawk II will provide Document Imaging and Conversion Services for THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE.
20060514             Funding for the project comes from the Automatic Document Conversion Systems program (ADCS), whose budget will double 19980000              to $40—MILLION.
20060514             The contracts signify "1—STRONG—ENDORSEMENT—OF—THE—ADCS program," said TomaHawk PRESIDENT—AND—CEO—STEVE—CAIRA.
20060514             All 4—BRANCHES—OF—THE—MILITARY will be covered under the contract.
20060514             This is awfully confusing.
20060514             Why would 1—DOCUMENT—CONVERSION—FIRM hire 1—DOCUMENT—CONVERSION—FIRM?
20060514             And why would Intergraph jump into the deal?
20060514             The matter becomes even more confusing —WHEN we learn that TomaHawk II eventually sued Wilkes.
20060514             LET—GO back TO—LAURA Rozen, who will help our understanding...
20060514             —LEARNED, So Wade, his TRICKS—OF—THE—TRADE from Wilkes, and Wilkes learned SOME—OF—HIS tricks, the suit alleges, from STEVE—CAIRA, the owner of 1—S—DIEGO based document conversion company called TomaHawk II. [Tomahawk II is the supposedly Native AMERICAN—OWNED SPIN—OFF—OF—1—DOCUMENT—CONVERSION—FIRM—WILKES consulted for in the 1990s called Audre Recognition Systems -- —BEFORE Wilkes ripped off the idea and started ADCS that directly competed with it].
20060514             And —WHILE Cunnigham was 1. Wilkes ' and then WADE—BENEFACTOR, according to this lawsuit, CAIRA—BENEFACTOR was REPRESENTATIVE—DUNCAN—HUNTER.
20060514             WHAT—ALSO incredible if true is the lawsuit's allegation that Caira gave 15,000 stock shares in his company to the DoD official who awarded CAIRA—COMPANY—TOMAHAWK II, 1—PENTAGON contract (facilitated by Hunter on the Appropriations committee).
20060514             —LOBBIED, And who, for TomaHawk II?
20060514             In 1—OF—THOSE scenarios familiar from Wilkes ' Group W Advisors' situation, TomaHawk II is both 1—REGISTERED lobbyist and 1—LOBBYING—CLIENT—OF—ITSELF + 1—CLIENT—OF—ANOTHER lobbying firm (The P.A.C.E. Companies, —NOW PACE—CAPSTONE), back 19980000             .
20060514             Get your head —AROUND that.
20060514             PACE—CAPSTONE represents INDIA—TRIBES and the Mariana Islands.
20060514             In other words, we are suddenly thrust back into JACK—ABRAMOFF territory.
20060514             (As 1—SIDE—NOTE, I should mention that —BACK—IN THE—MID—'90S, various news stories started to uncover 1—SERIES—OF—SCANDALS—INVOLVING spooks, mobsters and shady "defense" contractors, ALL—OF—WHOM were muscling their way onto the reservations.
20060514             Using INDIA—TRIBES as 1—COVER provides all SORTS—OF—ADVANTAGES.
20060514             —INTERESTED, If you are, try googling the names "Cabazon" and "Nichols".
20060514             —JUST for 1—START.)
20060514             Da mob: To continue with the Tomahawk/Wilkes connection, let's consult an
20060514             —EARLIER Hopsicker story :
20060514             Among the founders was 1—DENNIS—R—DI—RICCO—OF—PORTOLA—VALLEY—1—FORMER—ATTORNEY who resigned from the bar 19890000              because charges were pending against him.
20060514             —CONVICTED, He was, —LATER on tax and OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE—CHARGES.
20060514             —INVOLVED, TOMAHAWK—EARLY—DAYS, Di Ricco was, with TOM—CASEY, FOUNDER—OF—AUDRE (which also went bankrupt) at the same time BRENT—WILKES worked at the firm.
20060514             —DECLARED, Audre went into bankruptcy because 1—JUDGE, that the company was jointly and severally responsible for payments to CASEY—EX—WIFE.
20060514             —TESTIFIED, Di Ricco, he helped launder HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—DOLLARS and supplied large QUANTITES—OF—CASH for use as payola, in the largest record industry payola case in USA—HISTORY—THAT—OF—ROBERT—ISGRO, 1—RECORD promoter indicted —AFTER he was seen meeting with MEMBERS—OF—THE—GAMBINO—MAFIA family in NEW—YORK 19860000             .
20060514             The exact interactions between Wilkes and TomaHawk remain murky + probably always will.
20060514             So let's simplify matters. LET—FOCUS on what we know.
20060514             We know that TomaHawk and WILKE—ADCS somehow got HOLD—OF—MANY—1—TAXPAYER dollar.
20060514             We know that Intergraph, under DAVID—STINSON, was involved in their dealings.
20060514             And we know that -- according to Hopsicker -- this same DAVID—STINSON moved to Titan and tossed 1—TON—OF—MONEY into Skyway, even though Skyway was running 1—OBVIOUS con.
20060514             So.
20060514             —ENTERED, —JUST how MANY—PLANE—LOADS—OF—COKE, THE—USA—BEFORE the great bust?
20060514             —PROFITED, And who ? Titan Corp oration :
20060514             Wilkes, Skyway, and more: The corruption converges For quite 1—WHILE —NOW, I've contended that BRENT—WILKES -- THE—SPOOKED—UP BRIBE—MEISTER still described as a "defense contractor" by most mainstream publications -- ran 1—LARGELY phoney STRING—OF—BUSINESSES.
20060514             Wilkes paid off Republican pols to get fat contracts;
20060514             —CHARGED, ANY—ACTUAL—WORK usually went to subcontractors who, 1—LOT—LESS + the profits were recycled back into Republican campaign warchests.
20060514             (The same schemes took place —DURING the Katrina CLEAN—UP: 1—COMPANY—RUN by 1—G.O.P. good old boy would receive megadollars, —WHILE the subcontractor -- the local guy with the truck who did the actual labor -- received pennies.)
20060514             What is that old quote.
20060514             If it stinks get 1—LID, if it still stinks get 1—BIGGER lid.
20060514             I don't think we can find 1—LID big enough
20060514             —WHEN 1—COLUMNIST for THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—GOES BuzzFlashian, We're Either Making Progress or the "End Times" are Near -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20060514             TIME: Should you worry that this man is watching your phone records?
20060514             In 1—NEW—COURT—FILING, the prosecutor in THE—CIA—LEAK—CASE revealed that VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY made handwritten references to CIA officer Valerie Plame -- albeit not by name -- —8—DAYS—BEFORE her identity was publicly exposed.
20060514             NSA—1. domestic spying program, collecting data on NIXON—ENEMIES, was shut down by Congress 19750000              5/15
20060514             AL—GORE was on —SATURDAY Night Live this weekend.
20060514             Watch him! 5/15 - Getting —AROUND: Knuckleheads in USA won't learn from REST—OF—WORLD 5/15
20060514             Workers ACCUSED—OF—FUDGING—20050000              recount, skirting the rules that were to ensure all OHIO votes were counted 5/15
20060514             CALIFORNIA textbook bill would recognize gay contributions to history 5/15
20060514             91—PERCENT—OF—DEMS unhappy with party leadership 5/15
20060514             Der ehemalige Ideologe der konservativen Revolution, Newt Gingrich, sagte auf 1—FRAGE eines Reporters —NACH—DEM Abhörprogramm: "Schauen Sie, ich werde mich nicht hinstellen und das Unverteidigbare verteidigen. Die Regierung muß das dem amerikanischem Volk erklären + zwar in vollem Umfang".
20060514             "Wollen Sie uns weismachen, daß 10—MILLIONEN USA—BÜRGER mit AL—QAIDA in Verbindung stehen?" wütet der republikanische SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER.
20060514             Dobbs' Schlußfolgerung: Was Bush sagt, hat nichts mit dem zu tun, was der STAAT macht.
20060514             "Was macht er? Er macht nichts".
20060514             Dann ging es weiter: "Bushs sicherheitspolitisches Team erinnert mich an einen betrunkenen Autofahrer. Ich möchte ihnen ihren außenpolitischen Führerschein entziehen. Wenn wir eine parlamentarische Demokratie wären, hätten Bushs Leute sämtlich ihre Ämter VERLOREN—UND zwar verdientermaßen".
20060514             —EMPFINDET, Als besonders beunruhigend, Friedman die nahezu autistische Monotonie der Erklärungen aus dem Weißen Haus.
20060514             Man könne den Eindruck gewinnen, der politische Apparat sei vom staatlichen Handeln, ja von der Wirklichkeit entkoppelt.
20060514             Die USA—MEDIEN verbreiten aber: Es gibt mit dieser Regierung keine Normalität mehr.
20060514             Die Leser der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" konnten —SCHON Ende April stutzig werden, als sich deren Außenpolitikchef, der moderate, onkelhafte THOMAS—FRIEDMAN, der jahrelang Woche um Woche darzulegen versuchte, wie aus dem IRAK—KRIEG doch noch etwas Gutes herauskommen könnte, mit der FRAGE—DER—IRANISCHEN—NUKLEARRÜSTUNG befaßte.
20060514             Friedman teilte sein Urteil —SCHON im 1. Satz mit: "Ich lebe lieber mit einem atomar gerüsteten IRAN, als einen 2. Krieg mit diesem Außenpolitikteam zu erleben".
20060514             Im Prinzip stünden mit der geplanten EU—RICHTLINIE 450—MILLIONEN EU—BÜRGER unter Generalverdacht.
20060514             Die nächste Ausbaustufe in EUROPA ist —BEREITS geplant: die Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
20060514             Hinter diesem Wortungetüm verbirgt sich die Aufzeichnung aller wichtigen Nutzungsdaten durch Provider + Telekommunikationsunternehmen: Telefonnummern, IP—ADRESSEN, USER—IDS, Verbindungszeiten, Verbindungsadressaten + einiges mehr.
20060514             —DETAILLIERT, Damit lässt sich, festhalten, wann und wie Nutzer online waren oder telefonierten.
20060514             —INTERESSIERT, Für diese Daten, sich nicht nur der STAAT, auch MUSIK—UND Filmindustrie frohlocken.
20060514             Ein reales Beispiel: Wer bei einer ONLINE—BESTELLUNG über die Postleitzahl erkennbar HAMBURG S—GEORG—BERÜCHTIGT für seine DROGENSZENE—ALS Wohnort eingibt, bekommt als Zahlungsmodus Vorkasse angezeigt.
20060514             —VERBIETET, Ein glatter Bruch des Datenschutzgesetzes: Es, eine automatisierte Bewertung von Kunden.
20060514             Die eigentliche Motivation ist nach ANSICHT—VON—RENA—TANGENS viel schlichter:
20060514             Die WM ist für Sponsor PHILIPS—EINEN der führenden RFID—HERSTELLER—EINE gute Gelegenheit, die Technologie endlich an den Datenschutzdebatten vorbei als Faktum zu etablieren.
20060514             "Wir wollen keine Abschaffung von RFID, sondern Gesetze und technische Vorkehrungen, die die Privatsphäre der Bürgerinnen und Bürger schützen", sagt Rena Tangens, Mitgründerin von Foebud.
20060514             "RFID ist in Ordnung für Paletten in der Logistik, aber Menschen sind keine Versandpakete".
20060514             Der neue Reisepass "E—PASS", der im November vergangenen Jahres eingeführt worden ist, speichert auf einem Chip ein frontal aufgenommenes Bild, das an Grenzübergängen mittels Gesichtserkennungssoftware mit Digitalporträts gesuchter Straftäter und Terroristen verglichen werden kann.
20060514             Das Beratungsunternehmen INTERNATIONAL Biometric Group erwartet angesichts dieser Möglichkeiten einen Boom im weltweiten Biometriemarkt:
20060514             nach Auskunft des WM—ORGANISATIONSKOMITEES ist keine biometrische Auswertung geplant -, versteht der VORSITZENDE—DES—ZVEI—FACHVERBANDES Sicherheitssysteme, BERND—SEIBT, nicht:
20060514             "Der Verzicht auf Biometrie bei der WM 20060000              wäre nicht nur von Nachteil für die innere Sicherheit, sondern auch eine verpasste Chance für das Image Deutschlands als Hochtechnologiestandort".
20060514             Vorreiter in der Videoüberwachung ist GROSSBRITANNIEN, wo schätzungsweise 4—MILLIONEN Überwachungskameras installiert sind.
20060514             Aber DEUTSCHLAND holt auf.
20060514             Die meisten Bundesländer haben —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911              in Neufassungen ihrer Polizeigesetze die rechtlichen Grundlagen dafür geschaffen.
20060514             Da ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Branche kräftig wächst:
20060514             Die auf SICHERHEITS—TECHNOLOGIEN spezialisierte MARIO—FISCHER—UNTERNEHMENSBERATUNG erwartet, dass das Marktvolumen für Videoüberwachungssysteme in DEUTSCHLAND von
20060514             327—MILLIONEN Euro im vergangenen —JAHR auf 455—MILLIONEN Euro 20100000              wachsen wird.
20060514             Biometrie soll eigentlich Straftäter entlarven
20060514             —VERGESSEN, Dieses Privacy Masking wird —SCHON mal : Bundeskanzlerin Merkels Berliner Wohnung wurde jahrelang von einer Kamera auf dem nahe gelegenen PERGAMON—MUSEUM erfasst.
20060514             Statt Televisoren breiten sich Kameraaugen aus.
20060514             "Der Bedarf hat —SEIT den Anschlägen von NEW—YORK und MADRID merklich zugenommen", sagt BRUNO—JENTNER, Marketingleiter der fränkischen Firma Funkwerk plettac electronic GmbH, die unter anderem Videoüberwachungssysteme für die Winterolympiade in Turin geliefert hat.
20060514             Waren es anfangs hauptsächlich private Auftraggeber, die Überwachungskameras in Bahnhöfen, auf Flughäfen und in Bankgebäuden installierten, folgen nun staatliche Organe.
20060514             —MITTE März zum Beispiel wurde in HAMBURG 1—KAMERAKETTE auf der Vergnügungsmeile Reeperbahn installiert.
20060514             Begründung von Innensenator UDO—NAGEL: HAMBURG wolle dem Sicherheitsbedürfnis von Bürgern und Gästen entgegenkommen.
20060514             Die gute Nachricht: Noch arbeiten ALLE—BETEILIGTEN mehr NEBEN—ALS MITEINANDER—DER eine untersucht die Beine des Datenschattens, während der andere sich für den Kopf INTERESSIERT—UND noch gehen die Beteiligten nicht effizient vor.
20060514             Aber das könnte sich ändern.
20060514             Einer Umfrage des Magazins "NEWSWEEK " zufolge, glauben 53—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—AMERIKANER, dass die NSA mit den Abhörungen zu weit in die Privatsphäre von Bürgern eingedrungen ist.
20060514             41—PROZENT hielten den Lauschangriff allerdings als probates Mittel in der Terrorismusbekämpfung.
20060514             Auch in der NSA—ABHÖRAFFÄRE soll Cheney 1—ROLLE gespielt haben: Wie die "NEW—YORK—TIMES" in ihrer Sonntagsausgabe berichtete, vertrat der Stellvertreter von PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH —NACH—DEN Anschlägen vom 20010911              die Haltung, der Geheimdienst NSA solle inländische Telefongespräche auch ohne richterliche Genehmigung abhören.
20060514             Der Artikel ist laut Ermittler Fitzgerald mit handschriftlichen Notizen Cheney s versehen, die zeigten, dass der Vizepräsident "tatsächlich darauf fokussiert war", auf die Themen des Berichts zu reagieren.
20060514             Kurz nach Veröffentlichung des Artikels wurde Journalisten die Identität Plames offen gelegt.
20060514             Die Veröffentlichung der Identitäten von geheim operierenden Agenten ist in den USA illegal.
20060514             Fitzgerald untersucht, wer dafür verantwortlich ist.
20060514             1—SPRECHER—CHENEY s lehnte 1—STELLUNGNAHME —BISHER ab.
20060514             Im ZENTRUM—DER—AFFÄRE steht bislang noch Cheney s FRÜHERER—STABSCHEF—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby.
20060514             Nach rund zweijährigen Ermittlungen in der Affäre um Plames Enttarnung war im Oktober Anklage gegen ihn erhoben worden.
20060514             Libby, dem Falschaussage, Behinderung der Justiz sowie Meineid vorgeworfen werden, reichte daraufhin umgehend seinen Rücktritt ein.
20060514             Zugleich beteuerte er aber seine Unschuld.
20060514             Bei einer Verurteilung drohen ihm —BIS zu 30—JAHRE Haft und 1—GELDSTRAFE von mehr als einer Million Dollar.
20060514             —DERZEIT laufen die Untersuchungen zur Vorbereitung des Prozesses.
20060514             Cheney war —BEREITS zuvor wegen der Affäre ins Visier der Ermittler gerückt.
20060514             So wird er Zeitungsberichten zufolge verdächtigt, 1—DER—FÜHRUNGSKRÄFTE zu sein, die Libby genehmigten, geheime Informationen an die Presse zu lancieren.
20060514             Was wusste Cheney von der NSA—AKTION?
20060514             Pillen gegen Psychoprobleme: Antidepressiva für USA—SOLDATEN im IRAK
20060514             GAZA—STREIFEN: Panzergranaten wie Regentropfen
20060514             Haarige Edelsteine: Diamanten aus Beethovens Haarbüscheln
20060514             Neuer Parteichef: Beck will SPD auf linken Kurs trimmen
20060514             CIA—AGENTENAFFÄRE: Ermittler erhöht Druck auf Cheney
20060514             Verleumdungsaffäre: Sarkozy bleibt in der Regierung
20060514             Hungerstreik in INDIEN: Ärzte wehren sich gegen "niedere Kasten"
20060514             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair soll Rücktritt für —MITTE nächsten Jahres angeboten haben
20060514             ANTI—NIKOTINPILLEN: Droge gegen Droge
20060514             Sozialdemokraten: Beck empfiehlt SPD Besinnung auf die Wurzeln
20060514             Flüchtlinge aus AFRIKA: Ansturm auf Kanarische Inseln
20060514             Überwachungswirtschaft: Die unheimliche Welt der Daten
20060514             Bush und die USA—MEDIEN: Nur noch 1000—TAGE
20060514             Welthandel: VIETNAM schließt Abkommen mit USA
20060514             Über 30—TOTE in SAO—PAULO: MAFIA—MORDSERIE an Polizisten
20060514             Mutterliebe: Das stärkste Gefühl entschlüsselt
20060514             —CREDITED, JAMES—RISEN, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER, with exposing THE—NSA—COVERT—DOMESTIC—SURVEILLANCE—ACTIVITIES that came as 1—RESULT—OF—1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER—PRESIDENT—BUSH issued 20020000              wrote in his —JUST—PUBLISHED book, STATE—OF—WAR, that the administration was very aggressive in its intelligence gathering activities —BEFORE 20010911             .
20060514             However, Risen does not say that means the administration permitted THE—NSA to spy on Americans.
20060514             1—FORMER—NSA official said in response to Hayden 's 20010000              interview, "What do you expect him to say?
20060514             HE—GOT to deny it. I agree.
20060514             We weren't targeting specific people, which is what THE—PRESIDENT—EXECUTIVE—ORDER does.
20060514             However, we did keep tabs on SOME—AMERICANS we caught if there was 1—INTEREST" by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060514             "That's not legal. And I am very upset that I played 1—PART in it".
20060514             They deserve your trust, but you don't have to trust them," Hayden said. "We aren't off the leash, so to speak, guarding ourselves.
20060514             We have 1—BODY—OF—OVERSIGHT within the executive branch, in THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE, in THE—PRESIDENT—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—ADVISORY—BOARD, which is COMPRISED—OF—BOTH government and nongovernmental officials.
20060514             You've got both HOUSES—OF—CONGRESS with -- with very active -- in SOME—CASES, aggressive -- intelligence oversight committees with staff members who have 1—ACCESS badge to NSA —JUST like mine".
20060514             —ASKED, But, —WHEN, "How do we know that the fox isn't guarding the chicken coop?" Hayden responded by saying that Americans should trust THE—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—NSA.
20060514             EVELYN CALDWELL: Evelyn Caldwell with Pacifica Radio.
20060514             You said that you used your top counsel in the planning process to tell you if this was legal and appropriate back 20010000             .
20060514             What exactly did your counsel tell you, that it was within guidelines and within the law, constitutional law?
20060514             GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN : Yeah + it was in 1—GROUP—ANSWER.
20060514             And all 3—CAME back, saying that they believe this was lawful, that it was 1—LAWFUL—ORDER that had been authorized by THE—PRESIDENT that was within his authorities to authorize this activity.
20060514             MINISTER: —JUST know, GENERAL, that the faith communities will take that back, but the faith communities are scared.
20060514             Where does this stop?
20060514             JUSTINE REDMAN: Justine Redman with CNN.
20060514             —HARMED, How was the national security, by THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTING on this program?
20060514             —MONITORED, Don't the bad guys already assume that they're being, anyway + shouldn't Americans bear in mind that they might be at ANY—TIME?
20060514             —ASKED, GENERAL—MICHAEL—HAYDEN : You know, we've had this question, several times.
20060514             Public DISCUSSION—OF—HOW we determine AL—QAEDA intentions -- I —JUST -- I can't see how that can do anything but harm the security of the nation.
20060514             And I know people say, 'Well, they know they're being monitored.' Well, you know, they don't always act like they know they're being monitored.
20060514             But if you want to shove it in their face constantly, it's bound to have 1—IMPACT.
20060514             And so, to -- I understand, as the reverend's question —JUST raised, there are issues here that THE—USA—PEOPLE are deeply concerned with.
20060514             But constant revelations and speculation and connecting the dots in ways that I find unimaginable and laying that out there for our enemy to see cannot help but diminish our ability to detect and prevent attacks.
20060514             LARRY—JOHNSON, FORMER—CIA, has said this —TODAY: There also is truth to the rumor that Goss was not happy with presiding over 1—CIA that had been rendered 1—CO—EQUAL with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—INTELLIGENCE—UNITS.
20060514             —PRIOR—TO THE—CREATION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—DIRECTOR—OF—INTELLIGENCE—THE—CIA was the lead intelligence agency.
20060514             No longer.
20060514             Ironically, PART—OF—THE—IMPETUS for THE—CREATION—OF—THE—NDI was the perceived "failures" of THE—CIA with respect to 20010911              and IRAQ.
20060514             —RETIRED, Recent revelations by, CIA officers, such as PAUL—PILLAR and TY—DRUMHELLER, make clear that THE—CIA basically got it right on IRAQ and was ignored by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20060514             Understanding THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—DOGMATIC and unbending STYLE—OF—WAR—MAKING and foreign policy (even in the bold FACE—OF—CONTRADICTING—REALITY), I shudder at hearing Bush say the very words "World War 3".
20060514             —EARNED, He has surely, his reputation as THE—LEAST—TRUSTED PRESIDENT—IN—AMERICA—HISTORY.
20060514             I am not at all comfortable with
20060514             BUSH—TREATMENT—OF—MISTER—BEAMER—CONCERNS and comments.
20060514             In 1—INTERVIEW with the financial news network CNBC, MISTER—BUSH said he had yet to see the —RECENTLY released film of the uprising, 1—DRAMATIC—PORTRAYAL—OF—EVENTS on the United Airlines plane —BEFORE it crashed in 1—PENNSYLVANIA field.
20060514             † But he said he agreed with THE—DESCRIPTION—OF—DAVID—BEAMER, whose son Todd in the crash, who in 1—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL commentary last —MONTH called it "our 1. successful COUNTER—ATTACK in our homeland in this new global war, World War III".
20060514             MISTER—BUSH said: "I believe that. I believe that it was the 1. COUNTER—ATTACK to WWIII".
20060514             "Ye shall know the Truth + the Truth shall make you angry".
20060514             -Aldous HUXLEY—PLEASE read the 13. Amendment (0/5 ) -->
20060514             "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS 1—PUNISHMENT—FOR—CRIME—WHEREOF—THE—PARTY—SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within THE—USA, or ANY—PLACE—SUBJECT to their jurisdiction".
20060514             Been there, done that + I can state that slaves don't have rights;
20060514             and citizens who are duly convicted loose their SO—CALLED citizenship rights (or priviliges).
20060514             The other problem is that slave terrority is expanding OUTSIDE—OF—THE—CONFINES—OF—PRISON as THE—SPOILS—OF—WAR + as 1—CLASS—STATUS (as witnessed within THE—CONTENTS—OF—THIS article, as realized within the comments thereto + as exposed on 1—DAILY—BASIS with this administration and their monopoly corporate partners).
20060514             Our SO—CALLED democracy has been OVER—THROWN with more and more daily fascist slavemaster gains.
20060514             Under this avericious slavemaster state we will continue to loose more than mere rights.
20060514             So, what is to be done? Agree with NET (0/5 ) --> - I agree with poster NET.
20060514             MOST—OF—THE—BUSHIES remind me of the angry nerds in high school.
20060514             They got high grades but lack 1—HUMANESS.
20060514             —SHOWED, THE—NY Times article —YESTERDAY, that poor + more importantly, the nearly poor, have increased over the last 5—YEARS.
20060514             (Is this —JUST coincidence? BUSH—TERMS?) And there is 1—COLDNESS about this administration.
20060514             If you ever get 1—CHANCE, read DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—LOWEN'S, "Narcissism".
20060514             This small, potent book expalins so much.
20060514             Narcists are not so much in love with themselves, as they lack the ability to feel.
20060514             —DUMBFOUNDED, They are, by DISPLAYS—OF—GUT—FELT emotion + —WHILE they look NORMAL—BETTER then normal!
20060514             —UNFETTERED, They are often the people who shine with 1—WAXY, glow, but they are dead and CAPABLE—OF—INCREDIBLE harm to others.
20060514             I would argue that THE—FOLKSINESS—OF—OTHER—ADMINISTRATIONS is lacking in this 1, replaced by cold, repubulican, greed.
20060514             They don't like people. They are missing something.
20060514             Bushco Planned 20010911             —NOT Farfetched (0/5 ) -->
20060514             If anybody thinks that this is not 1—VIABLE option, then I'm afraid you've had your head up your ass way to long.
20060514             This GANG—OF—MONSTERS are CAPABLE—OF—ANYTHING.
20060514             They have proven it over and over again. Granted (0/5 ) -->
20060514             So, your spying on me and everybody else that isn't as psychotic and sick as you guys are.
20060514             I still will not give up the idea that I'm 1—FREE—HUMAN—BEING and if you dispute that fact, then come on, brother.
20060514             LET—GET this over with.
20060514             Only 1—P***y sits in the shadows and spies on somebody else.
20060514             I live in 1—SUPPOSEDLY free country where nobody in my Government will stand up for me.
20060514             Nobody in this useless Senate or HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVE have made 1—MOVE in my defense.
20060514             The man has broken the Laws YOU wrote and called THE—LAW but not 1—OF—YOU pansies will stand up to him.
20060514             So where does that leave me? 1—CITIZEN—OF—YOUR SO—CALLED Democracy?
20060514             —LOADED, It leaves me holding 1—RIOT—GUN, with Double Ought Buckshot waiting for the door to cave in, that's where!
20060514             And you have the gall to call this 1—DEMOCRACY?
20060514             but the scariest THING—OF—ALL is NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!
20060514             I simply cannot believe the complete APATHY—OF—THE—USA—PUBLIC + our Congress critters.
20060514             I am truly beginning to ask myself...is this the end?
20060514             ECHELON (0/5 ) -->
20060514             Depending on what you believe the government has been monitoring ALL FORMS—OF—ELECTRONIC and phone communications for quite SOME—TIME using THE—ECHELON system.
20060514             I know this has attained almost mythic, urban legend status but it DOES exist and has been operational for at least 1—DECADE if not longer.
20060514             This KIND—OF—CRIMINAL—ACTIVITY is nothing NEW—ALL you had to do was open your eyes to wake up to the fact that programs like ECHELON have been intercepting calls, emails, faxes, etc. for 1—LONG—TIME but on 1—GLOBAL—SCALE.
20060514             BANGING THE—ANTI—SOCIAL—DRUM (0/5 ) -->
20060514             THEY HAVE NO CONSCIENCE.
20060514             THEY MOST DEFINITELY DO NOT!!!
20060514             MOOT. 1—STEP further.
20060514             (0/5 ) --> - My suspicion (which I believe will be substantiated by facts in time) is that this illegal spying is a "tool" the Administration has used to keep Congress in line.
20060514             I suspect SOME—BLACKMAIL going on with MEMBERS—OF—BOTH parties.
20060514             If I had to give 1—GUESS at 1—EXAMPLE, I'd point to Voinovich —DURING THE—JOHN—BOLTON hearings.
20060514             Gut feeling only.
20060514             But would anyone here put this past the Bush gang?
20060514             I mean we're talking about 1—GUY [Rove] who would bug his own office and then accuse an "opposition" ORGANIZATION—OF—THE—CRIME.
20060514             Talk about your "false flags".
20060514             Proof? We don't need no more stinking Proof! (0/5 ) -->
20060514             How much proof do we need? The man admitted he did it on television in prime time.
20060514             It is not 1—QUESTION—OF—PROOF, it is 1—QUESTION—OF—1—CONGRESS that has the balls to do something about it.
20060514             Come on people.
20060514             We should be impeaching EVERY—LAST—PERSON in Congress who fails to uphold our rights as citizens AND their rights as the Legislative Branch.
20060514             Questions Not Asked (0/5 ) -->
20060514             This is, I believe, only the tip of 1—VERY—NASTY—ICEBERG.
20060514             The question that has yet to be asked is: Did they spy on the Kerry campaign?
20060514             Of course they did? What proof do I have other than the criminal CHARACTER—OF—EVERYONE even remotely connected to this absolute fucking nightmare of 1—ADMINISTRATION?
20060514             Only 1—GUT feeling, that's ALL—BUT that's all I need at the moment.
20060514             —DEFEATED, My instinct tells me that they, JOHN—KERRY by tapping into his strategy.
20060514             I know I'm right and I will be proven so.
20060514             —TUNED, Stay.
20060514             The proper response to illegal entry (0/5 ) -->
20060514             —SUSPECTED, If I, that my home and/or office were being entered illegally, I'd turn on the security cameras... and shoot the next SON—OF—A—BITCH who broke in 16—TIMES with my Glock.
20060514             Yes, that would unleash 1—S***STORM—OF—TROUBLE, but I'd get away with it in the end (here in DELAWARE, anyway);
20060514             —MEANWHILE, the publicity would shine 1—MILLION—CANDLEPOWER spotlight on the problem.
20060514             Very Late. (0/5 ) -->
20060514             —SINCE THE—END—OF—THE—NIXON administration the "government" has been putting into place THE—CHAINS—OF—DICTATORSHIP.
20060514             The 1. link was THE—FISA.
20060514             Indeed, it made illegal searches legal, yet secret.
20060514             The last link was Patriot II.
20060514             It is only 1—SHORT—TIME —UNTIL the military dictatorship drops all PRETENSE—OF—DEFENDERS—OF—LIBERTY and declares THE—RIGHTS—OF—ALL defunct.
20060514             Have 1—NICE—DAY. OREGON (0/5 ) -->
20060514             Here in OREGON we have extensive experience in how criminal elements in the government twist and spin the Constitution —UNTIL it is no longer 1—DEFACTO DEFENDER—OF—ALL—INNOCENT—PEOPLE because at the highest national level we have been captured by the spookiest spooks on the planet.
20060514             Impeach Cheney /Bush and ALL—OF—THE—OTHER—CRIMINAL "public servants".
20060514             TOOLS—OF—INTELIGENCE (0/5 ) -->
20060514             But you must realize that along with mobile phones THE—INTERNET is the greatest tool for intel gathering bar none.
20060514             Where do you think all your thoughts go —WHEN you send them into the ether.
20060514             You must realize also that they will not shut down this absolutely marvelous INSTRUMENT—OF—MASS—INFO—GATHERING.
20060514             Would you? If you could listen to the collective THOUGHTS—OF—INDIVIDUALS from all over the world would you not employ such 1—TOOL.
20060514             Of course they are listenning and reading.
20060514             1—OF—THE—BEST—EARLY warning DEVICES—OF—MODERN—HISTORY..INTERNET Intel...I know what you might be saying but hey....do (THEY) need warrants?
20060514             A few thoughts (0/5 ) --> - Glad to know this is moving forward.
20060514             I have 1—FEW thoughts on the issue.
20060514             1., I hope people move beyond the legal/illegal framing.
20060514             Sure it's illegal, but more importantly, it's wrong.
20060514             2., this article suggests at 1—POINT, somewhat indirectly, that civil liberties come at THE—EXPENSE—OF—NATIONAL—SECURITY.
20060514             It depends on what you think national security actually is.
20060514             If "national" security means FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY, then certainly, freedom is 1—THREAT to government.
20060514             But if national security concerns our security as people, then only civil liberties can ensure our safety.
20060514             How the hell can we be safe in 1—UNFREE country? Freedom = security.
20060514             Don't ever let SOME—POLITICIAN tell you it's not!
20060514             Potential Evidence SURFACES—OF—BUSH—ILLEGAL—SPYING
20060514             —BY  </A>Onnesha Roychoudhuri, AlterNet.
20060514             The continued OBFUSCATION—OF—INQUIRIES into THE—NSA program illustrates that THE—PRESIDENT—LAWYERS blur the distinction between protecting our national security and protecting THE—PRESIDENT—TRANSGRESSIONS—OF—THE—LAW from scrutiny.
20060514             There are 1—HANDFUL—OF—INDIVIDUALS and organizations enduring intensive intimidation campaigns and spearheading legislation against THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—NSA to put 1—STOP to 1—PROGRAM that is slowly undermining the basic TENETS—OF—OUR legal system.
20060514             —DESIGNATED, Simply electing to represent someone, a "terrorist" requires attorneys to obtain 1—LICENSE from OFAC or risk jail.
20060514             —EXPLAINED, As Nelson, "THE—PURPOSE—OF—OFAC is to keep 1—EYE on 'terrorists' and, by extension, their attorneys... Frankly, I don't think this process could pass constitutional muster, but that's 1—FIGHT for another —DAY".
20060514             —WHILE the legal ins and OUTS—OF—THE—NSA spy program may at times be complex, THE—ESSENCE—OF—WHAT THOMAS—NELSON is fighting for is simple: upholding the judicial tenet of "innocent —UNTIL proven guilty" and THE—SEPARATION—OF—POWERS laid out in the Constitution.
20060514             In the coming weeks, the government must file 1—RESPONSE to THOMAS—NELSON—COMPLAINT.
20060514             —WHILE the DoJ will inevitably try to push it from the courts + from public attention, it is only 1—MATTER—OF—TIME—BEFORE THE—SIMPLICITY—OF—WHAT is at stake takes root.
20060514             —EXPLAINED, As Nelson, "It's 1—QUESTION—OF—WHETHER 1—MAN can, as COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF, ride roughshod over all the protections in the Constitution. If this is our response to 20010911             , we've lost. If this KIND—OF—PRACTICE can occur because of 20010911             , Osama won".
20060514             Onnesha Roychoudhuri is 1—ASSISTANT—EDITOR—AT—ALTERNET.
20060514             This is the circular logic that lies at the root of the debacle: In order to hide EVIDENCE—OF—1—ILLEGAL—SEARCH—PROGRAM, the government is taking part in illegal searches.
20060514             But the only </A> - response he received reads like pure bureaucratic satire:
20060514             —ASSURED, Rest, that safeguards are in place to protect the civil LIBERTIES—OF—USA—CITIZENS.
20060514             —CLASSIFIED, However, because of the highly, NATURE—OF—THE—PROGRAM, we can neither confirm nor deny THE—EXISTENCE—OF—RECORDS responsive to your request.
20060514             THE—FACT—OF—THE—EXISTENCE or NON—EXISTENCE—OF—RESPONSIVE records is 1—CURRENTLY and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 12598, as amended.
20060514             Moreover, the 3. exemption to FOIA provides for THE—WITHHOLDING—OF—INFORMATION specifically protected from disclosure by statute.
20060514             —DENIED, Thus, your request is also, because THE—FACT—OF—THE—EXISTENCE or NON—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—INFORMATION is exempted from disclosure pursuant to the 3. exemption.
20060514             —CONFIRMED, CIA Director is, by the Senate.
20060514             THE—DIA and CIA are separate agencies under the budget AUTHORITY—OF—THE—DNI—YET GENERAL—HAYDEN is 1—ACTIVE—DUTY—OFFICER in THE—AIR—FORCE and reports to THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE.
20060514             That's 1—HUGE—CONFLICT.
20060514             —CONFIRMED, GENERAL—HAYDEN was already, by the Senate as Principal Deputy Director DNI but that doesn't make it proper.
20060514             We don't allow active duty military to run DoD for 1—REASON—CIVILIAN—CONTROL—OF—GOVERNMENT is essential to our democracy.
20060514             Why should CIA be ANY—DIFFERENT? joejoejoe
20060514             —HOPED, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS had, to announce GOSS—DEPARTURE and HAYDEN—NOMINATION at the same time but Goss, who resigned under pressure, balked at that KIND—OF—CHOREOGRAPHY.
20060514             "He said, 'If we're going to do this, let's go ahead and do it,'' 1—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said.
20060514             SARA—SEVERAL years ago there was 1—NEWS—ARTICLE with the title "Beware the Dolt Who Thinks HE—1—STAR".
20060514             The researcher's statement regarding incompetent people, which I'll never forget, "Their incompetence robs THEM—OF—THEIR—ABILITY to realize it" seems to be the panel's conclusion also.
20060514             —LAMENTED, The researcher, that because incompetent people to do not recognize their own incompetence he fretted that he too might be incompetent.
20060514             The incompetent didn't/don't fret.
20060514             They're doin' 1—HECK—OF—1—JOB.
20060514             —JUST ask 'em.
20060514             Sumner, of course, is THE—CEO and majority OWNER—OF—VIACOM, which is in turn THE—OWNER—OF—COMEDY Central.
20060514             Sumner Redstone is STEPHEN—COLBERT—BOSS.
20060514             He has 1—LONG—HISTORY—OF—BEING—1—OF—THE—DEMOCRATS' biggest donors, up —UNTIL Fall 20040000             , —WHEN
20060514             he announced, "I don't want to denigrate Kerry," Redstone said, "but from 1—VIACOM standpoint, the election of 1—REPUBLICAN administration is 1—BETTER—DEAL. Because the Republican administration has stood for MANY—THINGS we believe in, deregulation and so on. THE—DEMOCRATS are not bad people.... But from 1—VIACOM standpoint, we believe the election of 1—REPUBLICAN administration is better for our company".
20060514             "The times, they are 1—CHANGIN'..".
20060514             The corrupt and deceitful and utterly immoral GROUP—OF—THUGS running this country is beginning to come unglued.
20060514             I am confident that the truth about these "parties" and other behaviors by these Republicans, will soon be revealed.
20060514             Many will be shocked that the "prostitute" parties are made UP—OF—MOSTLY gay prostitutes.
20060514             Many will also be shocked —WHEN THE—IDENTITIES—OF—SOME—OF—THE—PARTICIPANTS are disclosed.
20060514             —CONNECTED, SOME—OF—USA already have, the dots with regard to the Bush/Republican penchant for closeted gays - + younger MEN—JEFF Gannon/Guckert/ I have learned that some in the gay underground in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA are prepared to "out" 1—VERY—HIGH—OFFICIAL in the executive branch.
20060514             Another informant has said that THE—SCOPE—OF—THIS scandal is way beyond anyone's imagination.
20060514             SOME—OF—THE—GAY hustlers may be willing to "tell all" for 1—PRICE.
20060514             This will become very interesting in the near future.
20060514             What is going on here... - I'm going to take my bible...
20060514             assume the fetal position... - and hide under my bed.
20060514             God... you speak to bu$$$$h... - why don't you speak to us too ?
20060514             —GRADUATED, Gutman, from Haverford College, 19660000             , majoring in History + from LONDON SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS—19680000              with 1—MASTERS—DEGREE in INTERNATIONAL Relations.
20060514             Another Pitch to IRAN
20060514—19600000    —CAPTIVATED, LEW—ANDERSON (19220000              *), who, young baby boomers as the Howdy Doody SHOW—FINAL—CLARABELL the Clown, † in HAWTHORNE—NEW—YORK Anderson broke the clown's silence in the show's final episode.
20060514—19860000    —THE—ELECTRONIC—COMMUNICATIONS—PRIVACY—ACT—OF, explicitly permits telecommunications companies to provide customer records to the government if the government asks for them.
20060514—19970000    —FROM, this strange item.
20060514—20010000    —SEIT, wurden ganze 318—PERSONEN wegen der Beschäftigung illegaler Einwanderer verurteilt, die Kontrollen sind praktisch inexistent".
20060514—20060500    —ON, lively56 —509—PM
20060514—20060500    —ON, gonzoskismet —359—PM
20060514—20060500    —ON, Baranga —1055—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, NET —1049—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, nehark —918—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, gar —642—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, TOM—DEGAN —609—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, willie.horton —518—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, douglashoyt —456—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, rsaxto —335—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, Captainmagic —308—AM
20060514—20060500    —ON, nbrown —1218—AM
20060514—20060505    —ON... THE—OLD—TURK said —245—PM—PT...
20060514—20060506    —ON... Thomas said —808—PM—PT...
20060514—20060509    —ON, NARCO—NEW—YORK—CITY—421—AM
20060514—20060512    —ON, Ray —1247—PM
20060514—20060600    —IN, RAPE—OF—MICHELLE HUFF—RICCI, 36—JAHRE—ALT, whose body was found.
20060514—20061010    —SENTENCED, Davis was, to death.
20060514—20070000    —AB, soll auf dem Chip auch ein digitalisierter Fingerabdruck hinterlegt werden.
20060514—20080600    —CONVICTED, Davis was, in the kidnapping and
20060514—20080731    —VIDEOTAPED, RICHARD—D—DAVIS, 44—JAHRE—ALT was found GUILTY—OF—MURDER in her, sexual torture and slaying.
20060514—20100000    —BIS, Der Jahresumsatz, so schätzen die Experten, werde von —DERZEIT 2,1 Milliarden Dollar auf 5,7 Milliarden Dollar steigen
20060523             THE—OUTBREAK—OF—GASTROENTERITIS began 20060514            .
20061112             20061112 To the People: 20060514—20060520     Britney Spears is to Parenting What Rumsfeld is to WAR—PLANNING... As 1—INVESTMENT—BANKER who advises public companies, I can tell you that literally...
20061112             To the People: 20060514—20060520     Britney Spears is to Parenting What Rumsfeld is to WAR—PLANNING... As 1—INVESTMENT—BANKER who advises public companies, I can tell you that literally...
20061112             Terroranschläge am 11. 20010900              in den USA—WIKIPEDIA—TO the People: 20060514—20060520
20070412—20070514    —ON, The cost for 1. class mail was set to rise to 41—CENTS.
20070510             —STARTING 20070514              VoIP Calls WILL—BE—EASIER—TO—TAP;
20070514             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, up new rules aimed at increasing automobile fuel efficiency and THE—USE—OF—ALTERNATIVE—FUELS.
20070514             —OPENED, THE—TRIAL—OF—SUSPECTED AL—QAIDA operative Jose Padilla, in MIAMI.
20070514             —SENTENCED, Padilla was, to 17—YEARS in prison.
20070514             The cost of 1.—CLASS USA—LETTERS went up 2—CENTS to 41—CENTS.
20070514             Endemol, the brains behind reality television shows like "Big Brother", fell into the hands of 1—CONSORTIUM led by ITALY—MEDIASET which is looking to branch out of the saturated ITALY—TELEVISION—MARKET.
20070514             CHARLES—Y—LAZARUS (19140000              *), the last of 4—GENERATIONS to run the iconic Federated DEPARTMENT store in COLUMBUS—OHIO, † in COLUMBUS.
20070514             ALGERIA—TROOPS—STEPPING up assaults on al QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICAN wing —AFTER suicide bombings last —MONTH, killed 13—ISLAMIST—FIGHTERS—EAST—OF—ALGIERS.
20070514             —AWARDED, 1—AUSTRALIA—TEENAGER was, record damages including 1—LIFETIME income —AFTER 1—COURT found that his life had been ruined by bullying at primary school.
20070514             AUSTRALIA—AUTHORITIES said they want to shoot more than 3,000 kangaroos on THE—FRINGES—OF—CANBERRA, noting the animals were growing in population and eating through the grassy HABITATS—OF—ENDANGERED species.
20070514             —RETURNED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, to ROME —AFTER telling Brazilians 1—GROWING—RICH—POOR—GAP is to be lamented, but that the solution isn't Marxism.
20070514             —ARMED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—THE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE, said several former, rebels have surrendered to the authorities over the past few days in the troubled north.
20070514             1—CHINA—ROCKET blasted 1—NIGERIA—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITE into orbit, marking 1—EXPANSION—OF—CHINA—COMMERCIAL—LAUNCHING—SERVICES for foreign space hardware.
20070514             —ORDERED, COLOMBIA, judicial authorities, the arrest of 20—POLITICIANS and business leaders, including 5—CONGRESSMEN, on criminal conspiracy charges for signing a 20010000              pact with illegal RIGHT—WING—MILITIAS.
20070514             In the biggest SHAKE—UP in YEARS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES, COLOMBIA—POLICE—CHIEF—AND—THE—HEAD—OF—POLICE—INTELLIGENCE were forced to retire as the government alleged that police illegally tapped CALLS—OF—OPPOSITION—POLITICAL—FIGURES—JOURNALISTS and MEMBERS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT for the past 2—YEARS.
20070514             —TORCHED, Gangs, houses and fought in EAST—TIMOR, injuring —AROUND 14—PEOPLE, as violence broke out —FOLLOWING the nation's presidential elections.
20070514             EU foreign ministers gave the green light for a 40-million euro aid package to the African Union peacekeeping force in the troubled SUDAN—PROVINCE—OF—DARFUR.
20070514             GERMAN—BASED DaimlerChrysler said it will sell almost ALL—OF—MONEY—LOSING—CHRYSLER to Cerberus, 1—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM, for $7.4—BILLION, backing out of 1—TROUBLED 19980000              takeover aimed at creating 1—GLOBAL automotive powerhouse.
20070514             INDIA, DOCTOR—BINAYAK—SEN (19500000              *), 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST, was arrested for conspiring with Naxalites in Chhattisgarh state.
20070514             —CHARGED, He was, with carrying messages to the Maoist insurgents.
20070514             —COLLIDED, WEST—INDIA, 1—GAS—TANKER—TRUCK and bus, sparking 1—FIRE that engulfed THE—3—VEHICLES and killed at least 30—PEOPLE.
20070514             —EXCHANGED, Iraqi and USA—FORCES also, fire with gunmen near Youssifiyah —DURING THE—HOUSE—TO—HOUSE—SEARCH—OPERATION for 3—MISSING—USA—SOLDIERS—KILLING—2—SUSPECTED insurgents and injuring 4—OTHERS.
20070514             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in Baqouba killing 3—POLICEMEN and 2—CIVILIANS.
20070514             Mortar rounds struck 1—OUTDOOR—MARKET in BAGHDAD killing 3—PEOPLE.
20070514             —DRAGGED, In Suwayrah police, 2—UNIDENTIFIED, BULLET—RIDDLED bodies of 1—MAN and 1—WOMEN in their 40s from the Tigris River.
20070514             1—ROADSIDE bomb near THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA also killed 1—DENMARK—SOLDIER and wounded 5. 2—USA—SOLDIERS on 1—FOOT—PATROL—SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD were shot to death.
20070514             † 5—USA—TROOPS were killed in attacks in BAGHDAD and surrounding areas, —WHILE another SOLDIER—OF—NON—COMBAT related causes.
20070514             MEXICO—CITY—GUNMEN fatally shot Jose Nemesio LUGO—MEXICO—NEW—FEDERAL—NARCOTICS—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, as he was on his way to work at THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE.
20070514             Nearly 60—FORMER—HEADS—OF—STATE—INCLUDING—3—EX—USA—PRESIDENTS, demanded that MYANMAR—MILITARY—REGIME—RELEASE—NOBEL peace laureate Aung S—SUU—KYI from house arrest.
20070514             —SHUTTERED, Separately KARACHI storefronts were, and the streets of the commercial hub EMPTIED—OF—CARS on as residents angry over 1—WEEKEND—OF—DEADLY—POLITICAL—VIOLENCE honored 1—GENERAL—STRIKE called amid growing discontent over PRESIDENT—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF—OUSTER—OF—THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE.
20070514             —RESIGNED, THE—PALESTINE—INTERIOR—MINISTER, accusing Hamas and Fatah LEADERS—OF—THWARTING his efforts to halt new violence that is threatening THE—SURVIVAL—OF—THE—PALESTINE—COALITION—GOVERNMENT.
20070514             —BRAVED, Filipinos, THE—THREAT—OF—VIOLENCE to choose local and congressional representatives in elections.
20070514             Wahab Akbar, GOVERNOR—OF—BASILAN, was elected congressman from Basilan.
20070514             His 1. wife, Jum, was elected to become GOVERNOR—OF—BASILAN.
20070514             His 2. wife Cherrylyn was already MAYOR—OF—ISABELA City.
20070514             SOUTH—AFRICA, deputies and experts attending the Pan African PARLIAMENT called for Western countries to help reverse the environmental damage to the continent that they had helped create.
20070514             RUSSIA, 10—PEOPLE were found dead —AFTER 1—FIRE swept through 1—CAFE in ORSK near the border with KAZAKHSTAN.
20070514             —INDICATED, Prosecutors, they suspect arson.
20070514             —NAMED, TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—CHEN—SHUI—BIAN, his 6. premier in 7—YEARS amid paralysis in THE—ISLAND—RELATIONS with rival CHINA and gridlock in its deeply divided legislature.
20070514             —REJECTED, THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION, TAIWAN—BID for membership —AFTER CHINA—OFFICIALS accused THE—ISLAND—OF—TRYING to strengthen its claim to sovereignty.
20070514             TUNISIA, SFAX port officials said THE—TUNISIA—COASTGUARD had rescued 35—AFRICAN WOULD—BE immigrants who were trying to sail to ITALY from THE—LIBYA—COAST.
20070514             G8- Gipfel: Statements für eine bessere Welt
20070514             Klimaschutz: Bush will Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen regulieren
20070514             Friendly Fire: DEUTSCHLAND—FREGATTE beschießt sich selbst
20070514             Benedikts XVI. Sprecher: "Es gibt Bilder, die bleiben"
20070514             SPD und Linkspartei: Ignorieren und Durchregieren
20070514             AFGHANISTAN—MISSION: Jung ruft NATO—TRUPPEN zur Mäßigung auf
20070514             Milliardendeal: JOHN—DE—MOL kauft Endemol ZURÜCK—MIT Hilfe von Berlusconi
20070514             Temperaturunterschiede: Tornados wirbeln durch NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20070514             AUSTRALIEN: Militär will KÄNGURU—JÄGER anheuern
20070514             Briefmonopol: Post austragen für 2,50 Euro die —STUNDE
20070514             Konservative vor allem diesseits der Parteipolitik hatten überwiegend ein feines Gespür für die totalitären Züge fundamentaler Umwälzungen.
20070514             Der Konservatismus ist im altbürgerlichen Lager zur Leerstelle geworden.
20070514             —INFORMIERT, Angst vor G8- Gegnern: Polizei, Rostocker - Mächtige Senioren: Die neue alte Linke
20070514             KOLUMBIEN: Illegaler KOKA—ANBAU bedroht neu entdeckten Kolibri
20070514             Linksextremisten im Verdacht: Farbanschlag auf Hamburger Luxushotel
20070514             Neue Linke: Volksparteien, hört die Signale!
20070514             "The —DAY that this PRESIDENT steps down, the entire world will breath 1—SIGH—OF—RELIEF".
20070514             -- BARACK—OBAMA - Celebrate BUZZFLASH—7. Anniversary —MONTH!
20070514             We are Completely Reader Supported.
20070514             Keep the Dream Alive. Buy 1—PREMIUM or Donate —NOW.
20070514             Monthly Donations Available.
20070514             Republican SENATOR—SAYS—BUSH may find himself "standing alone sometime this fall" if he doesn't heed rising discontent
20070514             UNITED—KINGDOM—REPORTER: "Yet to visit THE—USA—AT—PRESENT, as I have done, is to experience 1—OVERWHELMING—SENSATION—OF—DRASTIC—IMPENDING—CHANGE...the perfect storm that will destroy the neocons" 5/14
20070514             JON—STEWART'S "Naked PICTURES—OF—FAMOUS—PEOPLE" (Paperback)
20070514             Not such 1—WELL—REGULATED militia: National Guard is so broken, it will receive record AMOUNTS—OF—CASH for repairs and replacements, yet remain unready for domestic duties.
20070514             TomDispatch: How much is 1—IRAQ—LIFE worth?
20070514             2—MILLION—DOLLARS—LESS than 1—AMERICAN 1, by his calculations.
20070514             'I—DON'T BELIEVE—THE—NRA—SHOULD—GET—THEIR—WAY and Allow Terrorists to Buy Military Guns in THE—USA.'
20070514             —DUMPED, Death squads are at it —AGAIN—IN IRAQ, with 234—BODIES, in BAGHDAD to make mockery of "surge" security 5/14
20070514             Tausende Kilometer weiter östlich wird am Fuß des Nanga Parbat ebenfalls an einem riesigem Staudamm gebaut, der ein archäologisches Erbe bedroht: 35.000—FELSBILDER, viele davon prähistorisch,
20070514             werden dort dem Energiehunger Pakistans zum Opfer fallen.
20070514             Er forderte 1—ENDE—DER—DISKUSSION um die Frage, ob das Gipfeltreffen, auf dem die EU—REGIERUNGEN durch Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL repräsentiert werden, überhaupt stattfinden werde.
20070514             Er plädierte für "1—RÜCKKEHR—DER—VERNUNFT".
20070514             Krisengespräch: Steinmeier fliegt überraschend nach Moskau
20070514             —ENDE—DER—WELT—AG: Daimler trennt sich von Chrysler
20070514             —VERFÜHRT, Benedikt auf Mission: Wie man Brasilianer, - IRAN: Stausee soll Kulturerbe bedrohen
20070514             " Sarkozy will nämlich das Kulturministerium mit dem Erziehungsministerium vereinigen.
20070514             Symbolisch ist das ein wichtiger Schritt.
20070514             Es würde nämlich nicht nur 1—MEGAMINISTERIUM entstehen, sondern auch die Sonderrolle der Kultur in FRANKREICH radikal in Frage gestellt werden.
20070514             Kurz, die Universitäten werden mehr Geld für naturwissenschaftliche Fächer und neue Technologie bekommen, aber es wird auf Kosten der Geisteswissenschaften gehen.
20070514             Kein Zweifel: Es ist die Logik des Marktes, die hier zukünftig regiert".
20070514             Benedikt rief die Bischöfe zur Verteidigung der führenden Rolle der katholischen Kirche in der Region auf.
20070514             Angesichts des wachsenden Einflusses von PROTESTANTISCH—EVANGELIKALEN Religionsgemeinschaften in Lateinamerika, wo rund die HÄLFTE—DER—KATHOLIKEN auf der Welt lebt,
20070514             forderte er von den Priestern "wahrhaft missionarischen Eifer, um Glaube und Hoffnung zu verbreiten".
20070514             Den PROTESTANTISCH—EVANGELIKALEN Freikirchen warf der PAPA eine aggressive Missionstätigkeit vor.
20070514             E- PAPER—ENTWICKLUNG: 1. biegbarer Farbbildschirm
20070514             Sicherheitskatalog: Juristen werfen Schäuble Abkehr vom Rechtsstaat vor
20070514             LATEINAMERIKA—BESUCH: PAPA geißelt Marx ismus und ungezügelten Kapitalismus
20070514             Contingencies for nuclear terrorist attack : Government and military officials has been quietly preparing 1—EMERGENCY survival program that would include THE—BUILDING—OF—BOMB—SHELTERS—STEPS to prevent panicked evacuations and the possible SUSPENSION—OF—SOME—CIVIL—LIBERTIES.
20070514             Man in the mask returns to change world with new coalition:
20070514             In 1—RARE—INTERVIEW—ZAPATISTA rebel CHIEF—MARCOS warns USA—EFFORTS to secure its southern border are pushing his poor compatriots over the edge
20070514             THOUSANDS—OF—NUCLEAR—ARMS—WORKERS—SEE Cancer Claims Denied or Delayed:
20070514             "They couldn't scrub the radiation off my skin -- even —AFTER 4—SHOWERS," McKenzie, 52, RECALLED—OF—HIS most terrifying —DAY at THE—SAVANNAH River nuclear weapons plant near AIKEN—SOUTH—CAROLINA "They took my clothes, my watch and even my ring + sent me home in rubber slippers and 1—JUMPSUIT".
20070514             —BLOCKED, UN watchdog denies IRAN, nuke visit: THE—UNITED—NATIONS' nuclear watchdog has denied 1—REPORT that IRAN blocked its inspectors from visiting 1—NUCLEAR—FACILITY where it is enriching uranium.
20070514             MOSCOW eliminates IRAN''s ABILITY—OF—ATTAINING—NUCLEAR—WAR—HEADS : GENERAL—BALUYEVSKI repeated RUSSIA—OPPOSITION to USA—PLANS to install ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSES in EUROPE and dismissed USA—ASSERTIONS that the defense lines were needed to defend against potential threats from IRAN.
20070514             30—KILLED AHEAD—OF—PAKISTAN rallies : Fierce gunbattles between rival political activists left 30—PEOPLE—DEAD and 100—WOUNDED —SATURDAY in the worst violence —SINCE PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF suspended PAKISTAN—TOP—JUDGE—2—MONTHS ago.
20070514             —PRESSURED, Judge: Government, AIPAC in ISRAEL—SPY—CASE: The judge in the classified information case against 2—FORMER—AIPAC staffers determined that the government pressured the lobby to fire the staffers + affirmed AIPAC—CONTRACTUAL—OBLIGATION to fund their defense.
20070514             DELHI, 18570000             : a bloody warning to —TODAY—IMPERIAL occupiers:
20070514             1—CENTURY and 1—HALF—AFTER THE—INDIA—MUTINY, ECHOES—OF—THE—ARROGANCE and lies that sparked insurgency could not be clearer
20070514             THE—MADNESS—OF—THE—WAR—PROFITEERING in IRAQ: The —FOLLOWING is ROBERT—GREENWALD—TESTIMONY to the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense about war profiteering.
20070514             Who Are THE—59—DEMOCRATS Who Voted Against the McGovern Bill?: It would have mandated THE—BEGINNING—OF—WITHDRAWAL ("redeployment") of USA—FORCES from IRAQ within 90—DAYS.
20070514             59—DEMOCRATS joined almost all Republicans in voting no.
20070514             The roll call is here.
20070514             USA—STUDY finds BILLIONS—OF—IRAQ—OIL—MISSING—NYT : Between 100,000 and 300,000 BARRELS—OF—IRAQ—DAILY—OUTPUT—OF—ROUGHLY 2—MILLION barrels is missing, it said, citing 1—DRAFT—REPORT prepared by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE and government energy analysts which is expected to be released next —WEEK.
20070514             MAJORITY—OF—IRAQ Lawmakers Seek Timetable for USA Exit
20070514             Officials with MISTER—SADR—BLOC said 144—OF—PARLIAMENT—275—MEMBERS — including Sunnis, Shiites and at least 1—KURD — had signed.
20070514             —DEVELOPED, The document is being, into 1—DRAFT—BILL—BY—PARLIAMENT—LEGAL and foreign relations committees, said Bahaa AL—ARAJI, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SADR bloc and head of the legal committee.
20070514             THE—MORAL—OBLIGATION to Lose THE—WAR
20070514             THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ should —NOW be described as 1—WAR that must be lost in order to save AMERICA.
20070514             That is our moral obligation.
20070514             Continue - THE—KISSINGER—CONNECTION
20070514             It was KISSINGER—PROTÉGÉ + partner, Ambassador L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer III, the Managing DIRECTOR—OF—KISSINGER Associates, INCORPORATED for more than 1—DECADE,
20070514             whom Cheney /Rumsfeld /Bush placed in CHARGE—OF—THE—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ —WHEN Cheney /Rumsfeld /Bush inexplicably cashiered the honest + FAIR—MINDED LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JAY—GARNER, —AFTER scarcely 1—FEW weeks on the job.
20070514             THE—HIDDEN—WAR for Oil:
20070514             THE—ROLE—OF—THE—MAJOR—USA—MEDIA in the lead up to the invasion and the suffering —NOW taking place in THE—HORN—OF—AFRICA.
20070514             GOP SENATOR lashes out at IRAQ—GOVERNMENT: "1—HUGE—DISAPPOINTMENT...So far, they've not been able do anything they promised on the political side...I want to assure you, if they vote to ask us to leave, we'll be glad to comply with their request"
20070514             IRAQ—LEADERS balk at USA—OIL—LAW + bode poorly for BUSH—BENCHMARKS
20070514             Report: ACTIVE—DUTY—GENERALS—WILL ?Revolt?
20070514             Against Bush If He Maintains Escalation Into 20080000
20070514             WHAT—WRONG with BUSH—HEAD? He conducts "Star Spangled Banner," then kisses 1—WOMAN on the forehead, increasingly resembling SOME—MAD—KURT—VONNEGUT character 5/14
20070514             BUSH—RELATIONSHIP with Congress has become chilly -- and that includes Republicans 5/14
20070514             FRANK—RICH: Message to the Republican Little Men Running for PRESIDENT, THE—GIPPER is Dead
20070514             G- 8-Protest: Bündnis kündigt Massenblockaden an
20070514             Unruhen in PAKISTAN: Dutzende Todesopfer bei Protesten in KARACHI
20070514             LATEINAMERIKA—BESUCH: PAPA geißelt Marxismus und ungezügelten... alfatomega.com/20070515.html
20070514             another controversial security contract...
20070514—20050000    —DECIDED, EU foreign ministers, to drop 1—VISA ban against 4—UZBEKISTAN—OFFICIALS, —WHILE extending other sanctions against THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION imposed —AFTER 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—UPRISING.
20070514—20070510    —SINCE, More than 1,000—PEOPLE have landed on Spanish or ITALY—TERRITORY.
20070514—20070518    —AM, Steinmeier bezeichnete angesichts der wachsenden Spannungen die Situation vor dem EU—RUSSLAND—GIPFEL als "kompliziert".
20070514—20070800    —CONVICTED, Padilla and 2—CO—DEFENDANTS were, of terrorism conspiracy;
20070514—20110000    —IN, it was reported that 1—PAKISTAN—SOLDIER had opened fire with 1—AUTOMATIC—RIFLE—PUMPING—MULTIPLE—ROUNDS from —JUST 5 or 10—YARDS away into USA—OFFICER—MAJOR—LARRY J. Bauguess JUNIOR, (36) killing him almost instantly.
20070818—20070514    —SINCE, Fidelity, FRANKLIN—HIT as Real Estate Funds Lose $13—BILLION : Property funds, the best performers 20060000             , slumped 16 %, THE—MOST—OF—ANY—CATEGORY tracked by research firm Morningstar INCORPORATED in CHICAGO.
20070905141510       IKB DEUTSCHE—BANK soll an RISIKO—KREDITEN Millionen verdient haben.htm
20080514             —BY S—BASIL—BISHOP—OF—CAESAREA in the 03010101—04001231
20080514             A 7. Bahai leader was detained 20080305            .
20080514             —DESCRIBED, This is how BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO Morales Ayma, THE—RESULT—OF—THE—UNCONSTITUTIONAL 20080504             "autonomy" referendum organised by the authorities in SANTA—CRUZ — which MANY—FEARED was aimed at dividing BOLIVIA.
20080514             CHINA—XINHUA—NEWS—AGENCY said that 2,000 troops had been sent to work on the Zipingku Dam, upriver from Dujiangyan in Sichuan province as the death toll from 20080512             —THE—EARTHQUAKE approached 15,000.
20080514             1—TRIPTYCH by FRANCIS—BACON (19090000—19920000    ), titled "Triptych 19760000             ," sold for $86.3—MILLION in NEW—YORK—CITY—1—RECORD for contemporary art auctions.
20080514             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—1—VETO—PROOF, $290—BILLION farm bill that included $40—BILLION in subsidies to commodity farmers.
20080514             —EXPECTED, THE—SENATE was also, to pass the bill by 1—VETO—PROOF margin.
20080514             USA Interior SECRETARY—DIRK—KEMPTHORNE said the government will list the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, making it the 1. animal to win protection due to global warming.
20080514             USA federal prosecutors said Willbros Group INCORPORATED, 1—HOUSTON—BASED oil services company, agreed to pay $32.3—MILLION in criminal and civil penalties to settle charges that it bribed officials in NIGERIA and ECUADOR to get contracts between 20030000—20050000.
20080514             SENATOR—OBAMA won THE—SUPPORT—OF—JOHN—EDWARDS, FORMER—NORTH—CAROLINA SENATOR and presidential candidate.
20080514             —ANNOUNCED, CALIFORNIA—UC regents, a 7.4% tuition increase and CSU voted for a 10% increase.
20080514             —MARKED, These, the 6. increases in 7—YEARS.
20080514             —SIGNED, GEORGIA—GOVERNOR—SONNY—PERDUE, 1—NEW—LAW allowing permitted gun owners to carry concealed weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol, aboard public transportation and in parks.
20080514             Plaxo, 1—ONLINE address book and social networking service, reported it had signed 1—AGREEMENT to be acquired by Comcast.
20080514             —FOUNDED, It was, by Napster CO—FOUNDER—SEAN—PARKER, Minh Nguyen and 2—STANFORD engineering students, TODD—MASONIS and CAMERON—RING and was based in Mountain VIEW—CALIFORNIA.
20080514             —DISCOVERED, AUSTRIA, investigators, the bodies of 5—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—MAN turned up at 1—VIENNA police station saying he had killed his wife and daughter.
20080514             † In EAST—BANGLADESH 8—PEOPLE and 1—PERSON was critically injured —WHEN 2—TRAINS collided at 1—STATION.
20080514             —ABDUCTED, BRAZIL, 1—REPORTER and photographer for O Dia were, with their driver and held for nearly 8—HOURS in THE—WEST—RIO—DE—JANEIRO shantytown where they had been working undercover investigating paramilitaries.
20080514             —SEIZED, COLOMBIA—POLICE—USA$25—MILLION (euro16 million) in properties from 1—PARAMILITARY warlord extradited to THE—USA on DRUG—TRAFFICKING—CHARGES.
20080514             THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—,3—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—1—FORMER—CONGRESSMAN, were shot and killed in Villa Vasquez ahead of 20080516              elections.
20080514             ETHIOPIA, Ginbot 7, 1—MOVEMENT for Justice, Freedom and Democracy, was formed.
20080514             1—FRANCE—COURT handed down jail sentences to 7—MEN—CONVICTED—OF—RUNNING—1—NETWORK that recruited poor young Muslims in PARIS to fight in THE—IRAQ—INSURGENCY.
20080514             —CRUSHED, INDIA, 1—POOR—WORKER and his 4—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER were, to death by 1—BUS—AFTER the conductor pushed them off for not having sufficient fare for the journey.
20080514             Angry passengers set the bus on fire near Jharsuguda, Orissa state.
20080514             —ARRESTED, The bus conductor was, and charged with unintentional murder.
20080514             —RAIDED, IRAN, THE—HOMES—OF—TOP—BAHA'I leaders and threw 6—OF—THEM in the notorious Evin prison NORTH—OF—TEHRAN.
20080514             1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said the arrests aimed to defend IRAN—NATIONAL—SECURITY and had "nothing to do with ideological issues".
20080514             —VISITED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL to supervise 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE against AL—QAIDA in IRAQ in its last major stronghold.
20080514             SADR, City skirmishes left 5—DEAD and 22—WOUNDED.
20080514             —DETONATED, In WEST—BAGHDAD 1—CAR—BOMB—NEXT to 1—CONVOY—CARRYING—1—LAWMAKER from THE—MOSTLY—SUNNI Islamic Party, Ayad AL—SAMARRIE, but he was not hurt.
20080514             † 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 6—OTHERS wounded, including 4—GUARDS.
20080514             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 22—PEOPLE and wounded at least 35 at the funeral of 1—SUNNI school principal WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080514             1—GIRL strapped with explosives killed 1—IRAQ—OFFICER.
20080514             2—MILITANTS were killed and a 3. was wounded by 1—AIR—TO—GROUND—HELLFIRE missile as they placed 1—ROADSIDE bomb on 1—ROAD between Sadr City and THE—NORTH—SUNNI DISTRICT—OF—AZAMIYAH.
20080514             —KILLED, In Sadr City 1—PERSON was, —WHEN another Hellfire missile hit 1—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS also attempting to plant 1—BOMB.
20080514             ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—BUSH, said that 60—YEARS—OF—ISRAEL—EXISTENCE is cause for optimism for democratic change —THROUGHOUT THE—MIDDLE—EAST—OPENING—1—TRIP divided between ceremonial duties and 1—NEW push for ISRAELI—PALESTINE—PEACE.
20080514             1—ROCKET fired from GAZA exploded in 1—SHOPPING—CENTER in Ashkelon, SOUTH—ISRAELI, wounding at least 14—PEOPLE.
20080514             —BACKED, KENYA, 1—INTERNATIONAL—AID—WORKER said officials, by armed police are forcing some 9,000 Kenyans displaced by postelection violence to leave 1—REFUGEE—CAMP in Kitale.
20080514             MEXICO, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS were shot and killed in TORREON, Coahuila state, —WHEN they tried to stop gunmen from kidnapping 1—FAMILY.
20080514             —OPENED, Assailants, fire and threw grenades at 1—POLICE—STATION in Guamuchil in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—SINALOA.
20080514             The annual MEETING—OF—THE—AFRICAN—DEVELOPMENT—BANK (AfDB) opened in MOZAMBIQUE with the organization's head warning that rising growth rates are having little impact on poverty levels.
20080514             Experts said the 1.5—MILLION—PEOPLE left destitute by MYANMAR—CYCLONE are in increasing DANGER—OF—DISEASE and starvation, but the ruling junta said no to 1—THAILAND—REQUEST to admit more aid workers.
20080514             THE—RED—CROSS said the death toll could reach nearly 128,000.
20080514             —HEADED, Another powerful storm, toward MYANMAR—CYCLONE—DEVASTATED delta and THE—UN warned that inadequate relief efforts could lead to a 2. WAVE—OF—DEATHS among the estimated 2—MILLION survivors.
20080514             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—NUMBER—OF—FOREIGN—MILITANTS were, —WHEN 2—MISSILES hit 1—HOUSE in THE—VILLAGE—OF—DAMADOLA in the Bajaur tribal region.
20080514             —KILLED, THE—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE—AL—QAIDA operative ABU—SULEIMAN—AL—JAZIERY and at least 14—OTHERS.
20080514             SOME—OF—THE—DEAD were civilians.
20080514             —FREED, Authorities, militants and started to pull troops from 1—TRIBAL region in 1—BID to make peace with Islamic fighters.
20080514             —KILLED, Suspected Islamic militants soon, 1—PAKISTAN—SOLDIER in revenge for THE—USA—MISSILE—STRIKE—NEAR—THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20080514             —EXPLODED, SPAIN, 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED van, outside 1—CIVIL—GUARD barracks in the restive Basque country, killing 1—GUARD and wounding 4—OTHERS.
20080514             —BLAMED, The government, the attack on separatist group ETA.
20080514             —ERUPTED, SUDAN, clashes, in Abyei between THE—NORTH—BASED national army and former guerrillas from the south.
20080514             —ARMED, Arab Misseriya nomads, some, by the northerners, and THE—SOUTH—NGOK Dinka, protected by THE—SPLM, held 1—HISTORIC—ANIMOSITY in the area over land and water.
20080514             THE—UN—MISSION (UNMIS) there did little more than protect the local UN base.
20080514             1—SWITZERLAND—PILOT strapped on 1—JET—POWERED wing and leaped from 1—PLANE for the 1. public demonstration of the homemade device, turning figure eights and soaring high above the Alps.
20080514             SOCIEDADE—CIVIL.blogspot_com: Ruído Mata?
20080514             Ja tentei procurar informaçao, ja me desloquei á gnr mas niguem me sabe ao certo explicar se posso ter os cães ou nao, PARECE—ME que a lei do ruido em...
20080514             IOL Diário - É um bom vizinho?
20080514             Os cães ladram o tempo todo e os vizinhos QUEIXAM—SE também do mau cheiro... 1—VELHA questão da lei do ruído...|
20080514             Yahoo! RESPOSTAS—MEU vizinho tem 4—CACHORROS que latem e...
20080514             E o criador será indiciado e terá que entregar os cães.
20080514             Estou anexando a lei do silência abaixo para que entenda... 2º desta Lei — os ruídos que provenham:
20080514             Sobre cães e ruído produzido por cães, não existe na Câmara Municipal de LISBOA nenhuma postura.
20080514             Quer dizer, é terreno sem lei e cada um pode atropelar o...
20080514             —BESCHWÖRT, Bush, Allianz mit ISRAEL
20080514             FERRERO—WALDNER: "Wir haben in Lateinamerika enorme Interessen"
20080514             Pogrome in Neapel: MOLOTOW—COCKTAILS auf ROMA—BARACKEN
20080514             Die Logik dieses propagandistischen Dauerbrenners liegt auf der Hand: Die Nichtexistenz einer Sache, sei es der Yeti oder das Seeungeheuer von Loch Ness, ist grundsätzlich nicht beweisbar.
20080514             FRAGE—DER—GLAUBWÜRDIGKEIT—AUSGEHEND von den USA und ISRAEL hat sich in der westlichen Propaganda die Behauptung festgesetzt, IRAN strebe die PRODUKTION—VON—ATOMWAFFEN an und arbeite an deren Entwicklung.
20080514             —VERZICHTET, Anders als vor dem IRAK—KRIEG wird diesmal darauf, angebliche Beweise für diese Unterstellung zu konstruieren.
20080514             Sie steht axiomatisch und daher unwiderlegbar, obwohl sie von den Untersuchungsergebnissen der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) nicht gestützt, sondern im Gegenteil im Rahmen des Möglichen sogar widerlegt wird.
20080514             Die Anlage zur Urananreicherung in Natanz, deren Schließung der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT fordert, steht vollständig unter KONTROLLE—DER—IAEA.
20080514             —PROTOKOLLIERT, Die exakte MENGE—DES—ANGEREICHERTEN—URANS wird, es bleibt unter Aufsicht der internationalen Behörde.
20080514             Daß IRAN —NACH—DEM Atomwaffensperrvertrag berechtigt ist, schwach angereichertes, nicht waffenfähiges Uran herzustellen, wie es in Atomkraftwerkwerken als Brennstoff benutzt wird, steht außer Zweifel.
20080514             Der Bundesgeschäftsführer der Linkspartei, DIETMAR—BARTSCH, sprach am —MITTWOCH von einer "Unverschämtheit" und forderte Schäuble auf, "die Beobachtung und Erfassung von Mitgliedern der Partei Die Linke unverzüglich einzustellen — unabhängig davon ob Kommunistische Plattform, CUBA Sí oder andere".
20080514             Der Politiker betonte, die Linkspartei habe sich "stets ohne Einschränkung zum Grundgesetz bekannt".
20080514             —BELAUSCHT, Wenn sie einschließlich ihrer Abgeordneten weiter, und ausgespäht werde, sei das "verkehrte Welt".
20080514             Bartsch kündigte an, daß seine Partei die rechtliche Auseinandersetzung fortführen werde.
20080514             20080514 Na endlich haben wir das Werkzeug für Faschismus 2.0—ZUSAMMEN: Fujitsu baut ÜBERWACHUNGSKAMERA—PERSONENTRACKING.
20080514             20080514 Schöne Darstellung, wie pleite das USA—BANKSYSTEM gerade ist.
20080514             Mein Lieblingsdetail daran: diese Grafik [lokale Kopie].
20080514             Au Weia.
20080514             Da wird einem die Größenordnung mal bewußt, um die es da geht.
20080514             (Danke, Kris)They hate us for our freedom: Rauhe Methoden beim Sherriff in ALBANY—NY: He was quickly handcuffed and falsely arrested.
20080514             He was taken to 1—STATION to be STRIP—SEARCHED and then to 1—HOSPITAL, where doctors forcibly sedated him with 1—COCKTAIL—OF—POWERFUL—DRUGS—INCLUDING—1—THAT clouded his MEMORY—OF—THE—INCIDENT.
20080514             1—CAMERA was inserted in his rectum, he was forced to vomit and his blood and urine were tested for drugs and alcohol.
20080514             —PERFORMED, SCANS—OF—HIS digestive system were, using X—RAY machines, according to hospital records obtained by the Times Union.
20080514             —GESPANNT, Ich bin ja mal, ob wir das noch unter SSchäuble erleben, oder ob es sein Nachfolger sein wird.
20080514             They no longer have the money!
20080514             THE—FED has gone from being 1—BALANCING (liquidity) mechanism to being 1—FUNDING (equity) mechanism, and what's worse, the collateral they are holding may not be worth THE—AMOUNT—OF—LOAN they have outstanding.
20080514             20080514 Falls jemand die BOTNET—GESCHICHTE für einen Ausreißer hielt: weit gefehlt!
20080514             "AIR—FORCE Aims for 'Full Control' of 'ANY—AND—ALL' Computers".
20080514             Die Militärs sind halt im Herzen genau das selbe wie die Russenmafia, nur dass die Russenmafia ihr Geld ehrlich klaut und nicht über die Steuern einzieht.
20080514             20080514 BERLIN rockt mal wieder: Das Land BERLIN hat sich bei Immobiliengeschäften am Spreebogen verzockt und muß offenbar noch mal 1—MILLION nachzahlen.
20080514             Das sind echt derartig unglaubliche Pfuscher da im Berliner Senat... und ausgerechnet Sarrazin war das, der es gewagt hat, den Hartz IV Leuten vorzurechnen, was sie essen sollen.
20080514             Running on fear: Bush calls new attack on USA his worst worry:
20080514             PRESIDENT—BUSH—SAID—THAT if 1—DEMOCRAT wins the presidency in November and withdrew troops prematurely it could "eventually lead to another attack on THE—USA".
20080514             Rumsfeld On '06 Loss To Dems: 'THE—CORRECTION—FOR—THAT...Is 1—ATTACK':
20080514             "That's what I was —JUST going to say. This PRESIDENT—PRETTY much 1—VICTIM—OF—SUCCESS. We haven't had 1—ATTACK in 5—YEARS. THE—PERCEPTION—OF—THE—THREAT is so low in this society that it's not surprising that the behavior pattern reflects 1—LOW—THREAT—ASSESSMENT. The same thing's in EUROPE, there's 1—LOW—THREAT—PERCEPTION. The correction for that, I suppose, is 1—ATTACK".
20080514             House Approves New Property Seizure Law : The criminals in THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT are —NOW trying to legalize THE—SEIZURE—OF—COMPUTERS and other property under THE—GUISE—OF—STRENGTHENING—INTELLECTUAL—PROPERTY—LAWS.
20080514             Charter to Snoop on Broadband Customers' : Charter Communications, 1—OF—THE nation's largest ISPs, plans to begin eavesdropping on customers' web surfing activity, to help web advertisers deliver targeted ads.
20080514             Cops with assult rifles to hit streets this —SUMMER : Metropolitan Police Department officials said —YESTERDAY patrol officers will be issued assault rifles by the —SUMMER, —AFTER policies on their use are released this —MONTH.
20080514             USA ; Foreclosures Climb 65% : USA foreclosure filings climbed 65 % and bank seizures more than doubled in April from 1—YEAR—EARLIER as mortgage industry efforts to modify loans fell short.
20080514             Inflation Data Show Food Prices Soaring: THE—CONSUMER—PRICE—INDEX increased at 1—ANNUALIZED rate of 7.2% in April, —BEFORE seasonal adjustments, the Labor Department is reporting.
20080514             —CLIMBED, However, food prices, at annualized rate of 10.8% in THE—MONTH—OF—APRIL.
20080514             BOLIVIA: Fraud, violence and mass resistance marks RIGHT—WING push : 1—DAY—OF—VIOLENCE—FRAUD and a "grand rebellion" against THE—SANTA—CRUZ oligarchy.
20080514             Perino Defends PENTAGON—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN: the Pentagon proactively pulled these retired military officers — MANY—OF—WHOM had business with the government — into private briefings, provided with them classified information, and pushed administration talking points.
20080514             Air raid on AFGHAN—PAKISTAN border : 1—VILLAGE on THE—PAKISTAN—AFGHANISTAN border has come under aerial assault, possibly carried out by 1—USA—DRONE—AIRCRAFT.
20080514             AFGHANISTAN protests to IRAN over border killings:
20080514             —PROTESTED, AFGHANISTAN has, to neighbouring IRAN over THE—KILLING—OF—1—NUMBER—OF—ITS—NATIONALS by IRAN—FORCES, the Foreign Ministry said on —WEDNESDAY
20080514             Arab ministers debate PROSECUTION—OF—ISRAEL—MILITANTS: 1—OFFICIAL—SOURCE said the conferees discussed possible mechanisms to refer ISRAEL—WAR—CRIMINALS to THE—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNALS for involvement in the mass MURDERS—OF—THE—PALESTINIANS.
20080514             Palestinians protest Bush visit in THE—WEST—BANK—AND—GAZA : As USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH arrived in ISRAEL on —WEDNESDAY, not everyone was happy to see him come.
20080514             Israelis Want PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT to Resign:
20080514             —BY 1—NEARLY 3—TO—1—MARGIN—ISRAELIS don't believe him, and by 1—NEARLY 2—TO—1—MARGIN, they want him to resign
20080514             Presstitute and war pimp alert::
20080514             —CAUTIONED, Kissinger: IRAN threat will not go away : Kissinger, that if something was not done soon with regards to IRAN, there would be multinational PROLIFERATION—OF—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS with catastrophic potential.
20080514             —OPPOSED, DOUG—FEITH: ISRAEL didn't push for IRAQ War : As, to frequently cited claims, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS did not push their USA—COUNTERPARTS into launching 1—WAR in IRAQ, FORMER—UNITED Stated UNDERSECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DOUGLAS—FEITH told Ynet in 1—SPECIAL—INTERVIEW.
20080514             Domestic Spying Far Outpaces Terrorism PROSECUTIONS—BY—RICHARD—B—SCHMITT—AS more Americans are watched, fewer cases are made.
20080514             The trend concerns civil liberties groups as well as SOME—LAWMAKERS and legal experts.
20080514             Obituary
20080514             —TODAY we mourn THE—DEATH—OF—THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
20080514             - Although it is clear that AMERICAN—DID not DIE—OF—NATURAL—CAUSES, no CAUSE—OF—DEATH was released.
20080514             Authorities also report that despite AMERICA—DEATH—UPCOMING—ELECTIONS will be held as scheduled and in THE—INTEREST—OF—THOSE elections no autopsy would be conducted.
20080514             Student Loans Crunch Starves Greedy Colleges
20080514             Student loans are 1—BIG—SEGMENT—OF—THE banking industry, amounting to about $85—BILLION —LAST—YEAR.
20080514             —UNTIL—RECENTLY, they were also hugely profitable.
20080514             —CAUSED, But the credit crunch has, SOME—LENDERS to pull out of the federal program.
20080514             As 1—RESULT—THE—POOL—OF—MONEY for college loans available has fallen 13 %.
20080514             'THE—BREAD—YOU—POSSESS—BELONGS to the Hungry'
20080514             They 1. took possession of the common property, and then they keep it as their own because they were the 1. to take it.
20080514             If 1 had taken what is necessary to cover one's needs and had left the rest to those who are in need, no 1 would be rich, no 1 would be poor, no 1 would be in need.
20080514             Daily Kos: Bush Cited "Gog & Magog" As Reason To Attack IRAQ
20080514             At the national level, there's CUFI, "Christians United For ISRAEL ", 1—NEW—CHRISTIAN—ZIONIST—LOBBY that says it supports ISRAEL at all costs but...
20080514             "Es gibt keine Ausreden mehr!"
20080514             —IMPORTIERT, Nach WWF—ANGABEN, DEUTSCHLAND mit über einer halben Million Kubikmeter EU—WEIT die größte Menge an Produkten aus illegalen Quellen.
20080514             Darunter finden sich unter anderem Schnittholz, Sperrholz, profiliertes Holz, aber auch fertig verarbeitete Holzprodukte wie Möbel.
20080514             Für den Verbraucher sei es bislang überhaupt nicht zu erkennen, ob es sich bei einem Parkettboden, bei FURNIER—ODER Schnitthölzern und Gartenmöbeln um illegale Produkte aus der RAUBBAU—INDUSTRIE handelt, für die weltweit riesige Wälder vernichtet werden, sagte WWF—WALDEXPERTE Zahnen.
20080514             Die neue Isotopenmethode, die sich in der 1. Testphase bewährt habe, könne dies ändern: "Die technischen Möglichkeiten für den Herkunftsnachweis von Holz sind —JETZT da.
20080514             Es gibt also keine Ausreden mehr!
20080514             Mit der Methode können Unternehmen nachweisen, dass sie eine weiße Weste haben und keinen Urwald vernichten".
20080514             "2008 is the —YEAR that semantic and linguistic technologies cross over into widespread consumer use," he said.
20080514             Die Fischer sind dann vollzeitbeschäftigt: Sie erhalten von der Regierung täglich 600—EURO pro Kutter und 1,50 Euro für JEDES—KILOGRAMM eingefangener Quallen, teilte Verbandspräsident JOAN—CÁNAVES in PALMA de Mallorca mit.
20080514             In den vergangenen Jahren hatten Quallenplagen häufig Urlaubern den Badespaß verdorben.
20080514             An einzelnen Stränden wurden zeitweise gar Badeverbote erlassen
20080514             SMS ist teurer als 1—DATENÜBERTRAGUNG—VON "Hubble"
20080514             Die "Data Availability"-Initiative von MySpace überträgt Daten aus MYSPACE—PROFILEN in andere Webdienste wie zum Beispiel Twitter.
20080514             Das alles sind die Vorreiter eines Netzes, das um Informationen und Nutzung und nicht mehr um Websites herum gestrickt ist.
20080514             Absurd: AIR—FORCE—OBERST will das MILITÄR—BOTNET
20080514             "Die Welt hat die Festungsmentalität in der echten Welt hinter sich gelassen und sollte das auch im Cyberspace.
20080514             AMERIKA braucht ein Botnet.
20080514             AMERIKA muss Bombenteppiche im Cyberspace auslegen können, um so wieder für Abschreckung sorgen zu können".
20080514             Das sind ganz schön markige Worte, mit denen sich OBERST—CHARLES—W—WILLIAMSON—III. im "Armed Forces Journal" für ein
20080514             Botnet des Militärs einsetzt.
20080514             Unter anderem wird erforscht, ob sich Studenten mit psychischen Problemen anhand ihrer FACEBOOK—SEITEN identifizieren lassen, so dass die UNIVERSITÄT ihnen rechtzeitig helfen kann.
20080514             Wir können gigantische Untersuchungen durchführen, einfach indem wir uns der digitalen Spuren bedienen, die Menschen hinterlassen.
20080514             —BESCHWERT, Niemand hat sich, wir haben keinen einzigen Protestbrief bekommen.
20080514             Es käme ja auch niemand auf die Idee, der Telefongesellschaft vorzuwerfen, dass sie die HANDY—DATEN ihrer Kunden auswertet, um Staus im Datenverkehr zu erkennen.
20080514             Mit diesen Datensätzen kann man 1—MODELL des Netzwerks erstellen, aus dem hervorgeht, wer sich im Mittelpunkt befindet, wer am Rand und wie sich das auf ihr
20080514             gesellschaftliches Leben auswirkt.
20080514             Diejenigen in der —MITTE erfahren beispielsweise viel schneller den neuesten Klatsch.
20080514             Christakis: Unsere Fragestellungen sind so grundlegend, dass sie für ALLE—MENSCHEN gelten, nicht nur für unsere Untergruppe USA—STUDENTEN.
20080514             Geschmäcker und Gewohnheiten wandern durch Netzwerke.
20080514             Das wissen die Leute in der Regel nicht, denn das überblickt man —ERST, wenn man das Ganze wie wir aus der Vogelperspektive betrachtet.
20080514             Christakis: Menschen leben eingebettet in größere Zusammenhänge, etwa in das soziale Netz ihrer Familie, ihres FREUNDES—UND Kollegenkreises.
20080514             Diese Zusammenhänge besitzen eine viel größere Bedeutung für unser Leben, als wir gemeinhin annehmen.
20080514             Was wir für unsere ganz persönlichen Entscheidungen, Handlungen und Beschlüsse halten, wird in Wahrheit sehr stark von den Menschen in unserem Netzwerk beeinflusst.
20080514             1—DER—WÄCHTER habe noch höhnisch "Gute Nacht" gerufen.
20080514             "PRE—FLIGHT cocktail" (Cocktail vor dem Flug).
20080514             WASHINGTON—DIE USA—REGIERUNG wendet laut einem Bericht der "WASHINGTON—POST" ÄUß—ERST fragwürdige Methoden bei der Abschiebung illegaler Einwanderer an.
20080514             Den Angaben zufolge wurden Hunderte Ausländer vor ihrer Abschiebung gegen ihren Willen mit Psychopharmaka betäubt.
20080514             Die Zeitung beruft sich dabei auf ärztliche Unterlagen, interne Dokumente und Interviews mit Personen, die mit Medikamenten ruhiggestellt wurden.
20080514             Das Blatt hat demnach
20080514             Ein derartiges Vorgehen verletzt laut "WASHINGTON—POST " mehrere internationale Menschenrechtsstandards.
20080514             Im GROSSBRITANNIEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM weiß man, wie man die Öffentlichkeit am besten mit einst geheimen Informationen füttert: häppchenweise.
20080514             —VOR—2—JAHREN—GELANGTE der 1. UFO—BERICHT an die Öffentlichkeit.
20080514             MONSTER—FINANZMÄRKTE: Börsenexperte wirft Köhler Populismus vor
20080514             Unbekannte Flugobjekte: GROSSBRITANNIEN stellt geheime UFO—AKTEN ins INTERNET
20080514             Außenhandel: DEUTSCHLAND zahlt 54—MILLIARDEN Euro für CHINA—IMPORTE
20080514             GENMAIS—ABSTIMMUNG: Fraktion versagt Sarkozy die Gefolgschaft
20080514             Katastrophengebiet Burma: Unicef warnt vor Kinderfängern in Flüchtlingslagern
20080514             ERDBEBEN—KATASTROPHE: CHINA meldet 15.000—TOTE und 40.000—VERMISSTE
20080514             —GEDACHT, Schlafstudie: Faultiere weniger faul als
20080514             "WASHINGTON—POST"-Enthüllung: USA—MINISTERIUM ließ Ausländer vor Abschiebung betäuben
20080514             Großbaustelle NEW—YORK: Kreditkrise stoppt MEGA—PROJEKT in Manhattan - Burma: Uno warnt vor neuem Zyklon
20080514             —GEFUNDEN, Südfrankreich: Lebensgroße CÄSAR—BÜSTE
20080514             —BEZEICHNET, BANKER—SCHELTE: Köhler, Finanzmärkte als "Monster"
20080514             Mieses Geschäft: POST—GEWINN bricht um 20 % ein
20080514             Zum Tode ROBERT—RAUSCHENBERGS: Alles ist KUNST—KUNST ist alles
20080514             Ausländerfeindliche Attacken: Straßenkrawalle in SÜDAFRIKA
20080514             Isotopenanalyse: Forscher bestimmen Herkunft von Holz auf 200—KILOMETER genau
20080514             Angebot an die EU: IRAN schickt Lösungspaket für Atomstreit
20080514             —ENTFACHT, Goldener Handschlag: EU, Debatte über fette Managergehälter
20080514             Gerichtsentscheidung: 230—MILLIONEN Dollar Entschädigung für MySpace wegen SPAM—FLUT
20080514             Parteien: Verfassungsschutz warnt vor Extremismus bei den Linken
20080514             "Amerikas Picasso" verstarb im Alter von 82—JAHREN—UND lässt die Welt um 1—AUSNAHMETALENT ärmer zurück.
20080514             NEW—YORK—ROBERT—RAUSCHENBERGS 1. großes, —BIS—HEUTE kontroverses Werk wäre fast nicht zustande GEKOMMEN—AUS Angst.
20080514             "This is THE—TIP—OF—THE—ICEBERG: everybody is going to line up for Chapter 9 in CALIFORNIA," said JOHN—MOORLACH, ORANGE County BOARD—CHIEF.
20080514             And yet by THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR, there will be 1—ESTIMATED 1—MILLION unsold properties on THE—SPAIN—MARKET.
20080514             Another 2—MILLION lie empty.
20080514             Add to that the global credit crunch and mounting SPAIN—INTEREST—RATES, and as 1—REAL—ESTATE—AGENT put it this —WEEK: "It's like THE—UK—SITUATION on steroids".
20080514             Gefährliche Kritik Seine sozialdemokratische Regierung hat daher alles versucht, das Alternativtreffen zu vermeiden.
20080514             Potentielle Vermieter von Versammlungsräumen wurden unter Druck gesetzt, die Teilnehmer wurden als "Kriminelle" und "Terroristen" diffamiert.
20080514             Die regierungsnahe PERU—TAGESZEITUNG Correo lieferte zu Beginn der Woche 1—BEISPIEL für diese Hetze: "Die Hinweise auf gewaltbereite Ausschreitungen der Nichtregierungsorganisationen nehmen von —TAG zu —TAG zu", hieß es in dem Blatt, das fragwürdige Belege anführte: Der "Gipfel der Völker", wie das Alternativtreffen heißt, sei absichtlich parallel zum offiziellen Kongreß anberaumt worden.
20080514             Außerdem würden die Organisatoren mit roten Plakaten werben, und ihr Sprecher MIGUEL—PALACÍN habe sogar erklärt, daß das Treffen "auf den Straßen, Plätzen und Parks Limas stattfindet".
20080514             Vergütung: EU—MINISTER—GEISSELN skandalöse Managergehälter - Wer Regimekritiker ist, bestimmen wir!
20080514             Der "20. Attentäter" von 20010911             —WIRD nicht angeklagt
20080514             Nissan profit to fall 30% on yen jump, USA—SLUMP
20080514             Brown risks £2.7bn tax cut to end revolt - Das Volk, der Feind
20080514             Chavez says COLOMBIA seeks war with VENEZUELA: PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said —SUNDAY on his radio talk show that neighboring COLOMBIA is trying to provoke VENEZUELA into 1—WAR so as to draw in and "justify" 1—ARMED—INTERVENTION by THE—USA.
20080514             —CRITICIZED, THE—VENEZUELA—LEADER—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL for belonging to the conservative CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATIC—UNION—CALLING the movement "the same right wing that supported Hitler and fascism".
20080514             Dollar, not supply, causes record OIL—IRAN offical:
20080514             The weak USA—DOLLAR is the main reason behind oil prices rising to record levels, not demand or supply factors, 1—IRAN—OIL—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL was quoted as saying
20080514             —ESTIMATED, Up to 700—ARRESTS, in Postville raid : 4—HOMELAND—SECURITY—BUSES with USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs tags on them have entered the Agriprocessors INCORPORATED complex.
20080514             Questions Surround Homeland SECURITY—PRESENCE in Waterloo:
20080514             —TRANSFORMED, MANY—PEOPLE in Waterloo believe the site is being, into 1—DETENTION—CENTER.
20080514             People in the Latino community fear it will be used in 1—MASS—IMMIGRATION—RAID
20080514             CBS: AMERICA—INFRASTRUCTURE is crumbling : Unless more funding and effort are put into saving the nation's infrastructure, it will continue to crumble, say experts.
20080514             —ESTIMATED, An, $1.5—TRILLION over the next 5—YEARS could be needed to avoid LARGE—SCALE—DISASTER.
20080514             The only way to peace in the Middle Eas
20080514             t: In the celebrations for the 60. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ISRAEL, it is salutary to remember that this very birth resulted from THE—APPLICATION—OF—TERRORISM.
20080514             As - USA—WARSHIP—HEADS—BACK to Mediterranean amid LEBANON crisis : "THE—USS—COLE has crossed THE—SUEZ Canal and is headed to the Mediterranean," the official said, adding he did not know its exact destination.
20080514             —SIGNED, RUSSIA joins UN economic sanctions on IRAN : RUSSIA has, into law UNITED—NATIONS economic sanctions that world powers agreed to in March, according to 1—PRESIDENTIAL—DECREE published by the Kremlin on —THURSDAY.
20080514             20080514 Hamas Condemns THE—HOLOCAUST—BY—BASSEM NAEEM—WE are not engaged in 1—RELIGIOUS—CONFLICT with Jews;
20080514             this is 1—POLITICAL—STRUGGLE to free ourselves from occupation and oppression.
20080514             Quiet USA—CONFESSION—WEAPONS Were Not Made In IRAN —AFTER All
20080514             In 1—SHARP—REVERSAL—OF—ITS—LONGSTANDING—ACCUSATIONS against IRAN arming militants in IRAQ, THE—USA—MILITARY has made 1—UNPRECEDENTED albeit quiet confession: the weapons they had —RECENTLY found in IRAQ were not made in IRAN at all.
20080514             "Bomb Syria" Woolsey Advises McCain
20080514             —RECRUITED, JOHN—MCCAIN has, several members of "THE—COMMITTEE—ON—THE—PRESENT—DANGER" as foreign policy advisors, including FORMER—CIA—HEAD—JAMES—WOOLSEY.
20080514             Do WOOLSEY—VIEWPOINTS represent MCCAIN—VISION for AMERICA and the world?
20080514             UK: Housing market worst —FOR—30—YEARS : Confidence in BRITAIN—HOUSING—MARKET has sunk to its lowest level for more than 30—YEARS—FIGURES to be published —TODAY will reveal, as property prices continue to fall and mortgage lenders restrict home loan finance.
20080514             20080514 JPMorgan CHASE—CEO: Recession —JUST Beginning: JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s CHIEF executive said —MONDAY that —WHILE the crisis in the credit markets appears to be 3-quarters over, he believes A—USA—RECESSION is —JUST beginning.
20080514             SOMALIA—HIDDEN Catastrophe Hidden Agenda: THE—USA has plans for nearly 2—THIRDS—OF—SOMALIA—OIL—FIELDS to be allocated to THE—USA—OIL—COMPANIES—CONOCO, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips.
20080514             THE—USA—HOPES—SOMALIA will line up as 1—ALLY alongside ETHIOPIA and DJIBOUTI, where THE—USA has 1—MILITARY—BASE.
20080514             This alliance would give AMERICAN—POWERFUL—LEVERAGE—CLOSE to the major ENERGY—PRODUCING regions.
20080514             USA, ISRAEL—BEHIND—LEBANESE—CRISIS: "WASHINGTON is intensifying THE—LEBANON—CRISIS in 1—BID to strengthen ISRAEL defense," said MAJOR—GENERAL—NAJJAR in 1—TUESDAY meeting with senior defense officials, Presstv reported.
20080514             IRAN Plans to Sue USA, BRITAIN over SHIRAZ—BLAST : IRAN—JUDICIARY said on —MONDAY it would file INTERNATIONAL lawsuits against THE—USA and BRITAIN, accusing THEM—OF—PROVIDING—FINANCIAL—SUPPORT to those behind 1—BLAST at 1—RELIGIOUS—CENTER in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—SHIRAZ last —MONTH that killed 13—PEOPLE.
20080514             —MISSED, In case you, it:
20080514             Bush Authorizes New Covert Action against IRAN : THE—CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount 1—COVERT "black" operation to destabilize THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT—CURRENT and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on ABC News_com.
20080514             Lieberman 'hopes' IRAN is aware USA—AIRSTRIKES are 'distinct possibility':
20080514             "THE—IRANIANS have been training and arming IRAQ—EXTREMISTS who have gone back into IRAQ and are responsible for THE—KILLING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—USA—SOLDIERS," Lieberman continued angrily.
20080514             "This is 1—OUTRAGEOUS—ACT.... These people have USA—BLOOD on their hands".
20080514             What is behind latest RUSSIAN—IRAN nuke moves : —BEFORE signing the order shortly —BEFORE MEDVEDEV—INAUGURATION—PUTIN had instructed VALENTIN—SOBOLEV, acting SECRETARY—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, to tell IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD —DURING his visit to TEHRAN that RUSSIA would remain committed to THE—PRINCIPLES—OF—ITS—RELATIONS with IRAN and that its policy does not depend on the man in power.
20080514             Congressional Democrats plan 3-stage charade to pass IRAQ war funds : In order to once again approve HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to fund the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, —WHILE posturing as opponents of "BUSH—WAR," the Democratic leadership in Congress has crafted 1—ELABORATE—LEGISLATIVE charade that is set to begin unfolding this —WEEK.
20080514             Gates urges military to focus on IRAQ, not future wars:
20080514             As for THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—STRETCHED USA—FORCES—BEING confronted with 1—WAR elsewhere, Gates said: "There is 1—RISK, but it is 1—PRUDENT and manageable 1."
20080514             IRAN—ARTILLERY shells rebel positions in NORTH—IRAQ:
20080514             —SHELLED, The artillery, several villages in THE—AREA—OF—BASHDAR in Sulaymanyah province in IRAQ—KURDISH—AUTONOMOUS—REGION, the official, who spoke on CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY, said.
20080514             U. S. ignored IRAQ—CORRUPTION—SENATE—DEMOCRATS are told: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION repeatedly ignored corruption at the highest levels within THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT and kept secret potentially embarrassing information to avoid undermining its relationship with BAGHDAD, according to 2—FORMER—STATE—DEPARTMENT—EMPLOYEES.
20080514             —FROM the Credit Crunch to THE—SPECTRE—OF—GLOBAL—CRISIS:
20080514             The easiest explanation for the crisis is to blame the bankers.
20080514             The crisis "follows 1—WELL—TRODDEN path laid down by CENTURIES—OF—FINANCIAL folly", says KEN—ROGOFF, FORMER—CHIEF—ECONOMIST at THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND.
20080514             Childish Superstition
20080514             - EINSTEIN—LETTER makes VIEW—OF—RELIGION relatively clear - —BY—JAMES—RANDERSON, science correspondent
20080514             "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and PRODUCT—OF—HUMAN weaknesses, the Bible 1—COLLECTION—OF—HONOURABLE, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this".
20080514             ANGLO—USA—ASCENDANCY—LOST in Unnecessary Wars
20080514             1—POPULAR—USA—MYTH is that "the greatest generation" saved the world from Nazi tyranny.
20080514             —BY the end of 19420000              Hitler had lost —WWII at Stalingrad, long —BEFORE ANY—USA—TROOPS appeared on the scene.
20080514             Taking 1—STAND—AGAINST—WAR
20080514             I have always believed that the true STRENGTH—OF—AMERICA is best measured by the principled ACTION—OF—ITS—PEOPLE.
20080514             CHICAGO is leading the way by taking 1—PRINCIPLED stand.
20080514             It is —NOW up to THE—REST—OF—AMERICA to follow suit.
20080514             Gulf Seen Between Democracy in Theory and Practice: Survey
20080514             The belief that governments were being run by "1—FEW big interests" was particularly pervasive in UKRAINE (84 %), MEXICO (83 %), THE—USA (80 %), NIGERIA and SOUTH—KOREA (78 %), and ARGENTINA (71 %).
20080514             CASE, You Missed It - - THE—CORPORATION
20080514             - I believe this is 1—OF—THE—BEST and most important documentary films to be made in MANY—YEAR - 1—MUST—WATCH—VIDEO—DOCUMENTARY
20080514             —AFTER viewing this film, it becomes all too evident that these large corporations have too much power, whose mandate is not the common GOOD—OF—THE—PEOPLE, and who will go to ANY—LENGTHS, legally and otherwise, in THE—PURSUIT—OF—PROFIT and the bottom line.
20080514             Royal Navy warships could run on sunflower OIL—IF fresh
20080514—19440600    —IN, As Buchanan points out, THE—FACT—OF—THE—MATTER is that the Normandy invasion played little, if any, role in GERMANY—DEFEAT.
20080514—20030000    —SEIT dem —JAHR—NICHT weniger als 250—FÄLLE recherchiert, in denen ohne medizinischen Grund Arzneien für vorgeblich psychisch Kranke verabreicht wurden.
20080514—20080301    —IN—THE, ECUADOR Targets A—USA—AIR—BASE: PRESIDENT—RAFAEL—CORREA said he's "convinced" THE—USA—AIDED COLOMBIA attack and reiterated his suspicions that USA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES had infiltrated ECUADOR—ARMED—FORCES and police — remarks that seem to all but assure that the small SOUTH—USA—NATION will not renew the lease for THE—USA "ANTI—NARCOTICS" surveillance base at MANTA on ECUADOR—PACIFIC—COAST.
20080514—20080525    THROUGH, USA—LEASE—OF—WATERLOO fairgrounds raises questions : Federal officials have imposed 1—NEWS—BLACKOUT at the National Cattle Congress fairgrounds in Waterloo, where they have leased almost the entire property.
20080514—20080601    —UNTIL, O Dia said it contacted state security officials —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the incident, but did not report it publicly to protect its journalists.
20080514—20080911    —IN, USA—DROPS Charges Against SAUDI—ARABIA—ATTACKS:
20080514—20080911    —IN—THE, THE—PENTAGON has dropped charges against 1—SAUDI at GUANTANAMO who was alleged to have been THE—SO—CALLED "20. hijacker" attacks, his USA—MILITARY—DEFENSE—LAWYER said —MONDAY
20080514—20100000    —IMPOSED, IRAN cut the jail terms, on THE—7—FROM 20 to 10—YEARS.
20090403—20090514    —CONFIRMED, KANO state, the settlement.
20090514             Through MUCH—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    , —WHILE the government built memorials to unknown VICTIMS—OF—WWI.
20090514             —DISCLOSED, It was, that THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT has agreed to extend billions in bailout funds to 6—MAJOR—LIFE insurers, —FOLLOWING 1—MONTHS—LONG quest by some in the sector for government help in shoring up capital positions in THE—WAKE—OF—MAJOR—INVESTMENT—LOSSES.
20090514             —CHARGED, Federal authorities in DETROIT, 74—MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES—OF—THE—HIGHWAYMEN—MOTORCYCLE—CLUB with attempted murder, cocaine and steroid distribution and other crimes.
20090514             Chrysler LLC said in 1—BANKRUPTCY—COURT—FILING that it wants to eliminate roughly 1—QUARTER—OF—ITS 3,200—USA—DEALERSHIPS by early next —MONTH, because the network is antiquated and has too MANY—STORES—COMPETING with EACH—OTHER.
20090514             —REPORTED, Scientists, that ginger, long used as 1—FOLK remedy for stomach aches, limits nausea caused by chemotherapy used in cancer treatments.
20090514             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said THE—NUMBER—OF—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—THE—NEW—INFLUENZA A (H1N1) flu has climbed to 6,497, including 65—DEATHS.
20090514             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, overnight fighting between AFGHANISTAN—POLICE and insurgents left 11—MILITANTS—DEAD in KANDAHAR province.
20090514             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—PILOT was injured —AFTER his jet crashed —FOLLOWING takeoff in the same region.
20090514             —PLEDGED, FRANCE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BERNARD—KOUCHNER, increased financial support for police and health care —FOLLOWING 1—MEETING with PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI.
20090514             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER struck 1—POLICE—STATION in KANDAHAR province's Spinboldak district, leaving only the bomber dead and 5—OTHERS wounded.
20090514             —SUSPENDED, AUSTRALIA, 1—COURT—1—GOVERNMENT—PROGRAM to kill 7,000 kangaroos on federal land near THE—AUSTRALIA—CAPITAL—HALTING—EFFORTS to thin 1—MUSHROOMING—POPULATION—OF—THE beloved marsupials that authorities say are threatening endangered species.
20090514             —MOVED, BANGLADESH—HIGH—COURT, to plug 1—GAPING—HOLE in the country's laws by introducing a 1.—EVER ban on sexual harassment.
20090514             —SUSPENDED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, former agriculture and environment MINISTER—ELLIOT—MORLEY over embarrassing expenses claim revelations.
20090514             —EMERGED, It had, that Morley claimed over 16,000 pounds for 1—HOME—LOAN—18—MONTHS—AFTER it was paid off.
20090514             —ANNOUNCED, Hours —EARLIER the opposition Conservatives, that ANDREW—MACKAY, 1—LAWMAKER, had resigned as 1—AIDE to leader DAVID—CAMERON —AFTER it emerged he and his wife, also 1—CONSERVATIVE MP, had claimed expenses for 2—HOME—LOANS at the same time.
20090514             1—UNITED—KINGDOM—PARLIAMENTARY—REPORT into human trafficking said more than 5,000 mostly women and children have been smuggled into BRITAIN to work as sex slaves and beggars.
20090514             —RULED, THE—OECD, to keep BRITAIN—CAYMAN—ISLANDS on its LIST—OF—UN—COOPERATIVE tax havens.
20090514             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES—14—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BANNED Muslim Brotherhood in dawn raids at their homes.
20090514             1—FRANCE—ROCKET—CARRYING the largest space telescope ever was launched into space on 1—MISSION that European scientists hope will help unravel THE—MYSTERY—OF—THE—UNIVERSE—CREATION.
20090514             —LOADED, THE—ARIANE—5—ROCKET was, with the Herschel space telescope and the Planck spacecraft, carrying 1—PAYLOAD—OF—5.3—TONS (4.81—METRIC tons) —WHEN it launched from THE—CITY—OF—KOUROU near THE—JUNGLES—OF—FRENCH—GUIANA.
20090514             1—SMALL—PLANE crashed into 1—YARD in GUATEMALA—CITY, reportedly killing 6—PEOPLE on BOARD and setting 1—HOME on fire near the airport.
20090514             INDIA, Azharuddin MOHAMMED—ISMAIL, THE—10—YEAR—OLD—CHILD—STAR—OF "Slumdog Millionaire," was awakened by 1—POLICEMAN—WIELDING—1—BAMBOO stick and ordered OUT—OF—HIS—HOME.
20090514             —BULLDOZED, Minutes —LATER it was, along with DOZENS—OF—OTHER shanties in the Mumbai slum he calls home.
20090514             —DELAYED, PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, accepting it to allow PARLIAMENT to review the allegations.
20090514             —GREETED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ADORING followers in Nazareth with 1—MESSAGE—OF—RECONCILIATION—URGING—CHRISTIANS and Muslims to overcome recent strife and "reject the destructive POWER—OF—HATRED and prejudice".
20090514             —REPORTED, JAPAN—SONY—CORP., its 1. annual net loss in 14—YEARS and forecast 1—BIGGER—LOSS this —YEAR, saying the pressure from sliding sales, competition in gadget prices and 1—STRONG yen was expected to continue.
20090514             —PRESSED, JORDAN—KING, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU to —IMMEDIATELY commit to the establishment of 1—PALESTINE—STATE, as he pursues 1—SWEEPING—RESOLUTION—OF—THE—MUSLIM world's conflicts with ISRAEL.
20090514             —CHARGED, MYANMAR opposition leader Aung S—SUU—KYI was, with breaking THE—TERMS—OF—HER—HOUSE—ARREST and faces up to 5—YEARS in jail —AFTER JOHN—YETTAW, A—USA—INTRUDER, sneaked into her lakeside home.
20090514             —SHELLED, PAKISTAN said artillery batteries, suspected hideouts in Swat and the neighboring DISTRICT—OF—LOWER—DIR, with the military claiming to have killed 54—MILITANTS in the last 24—HOURS.
20090514             9—SOLDIERS were reported killed.
20090514             —ARMED, Residents said that, Taliban have mined roads and dug trenches —AROUND up to 200,000 civilians encircled by PAKISTAN—TROOPS.
20090514             RUSSIA said it was proposing 1—NEW—VERSION—OF—1—KEY—EUROPEAN ARMS—CONTROL—TREATY it suspended more than 1—YEAR ago, and could once again honor the agreement if THE—USA and its NATO—ALLIES accept the changes.
20090514             SPAIN, 1—NEW—STUDY said the air in MADRID and BARCELONA is laced with at least 5—DRUGS—INCLUDING trace AMOUNTS—OF—AMPHETAMINES, opiates, cannabinoids and lysergic acid, 1—RELATIVE—OF—LSD.
20090514             The tests were done in areas where drugs were likely to be consumed.
20090514             —ABANDONED, SRI—LANKA, doctors and aides, the only hospital in the war zone amid unrelenting shell attacks.
20090514             —BRAVED, The military said THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS—REBEL—GUNFIRE and fled across the front lines.
20090514             + WWII., and tried for years to account for EVERY—MISSING—PERSON in THE—VIETNAM War,
20090514             —STORED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INDIA—REMAINS were, anonymously in dank basements and bankers' boxes, or displayed as mementos of a "vanishing race" or freak show curiosities.
20090514             We are long overdue for 1—PUBLIC—DEBATE about why and how this happened.
20090514             'TONY—PLATT: THE—BONES—OF—GERONIMO and Yale\'s Skull and Bones', summary:'TONY—PLATT: THE—BONES—OF—GERONIMO and Yale\'s Skull and Bones', content:'TONY—PLATT: THE—BONES—OF—GERONIMO and Yale\'s Skull and Bones'
20090514             Buddha explicitly said,
20090514             "Don't believe anything anyone tells you, even me, unless it agrees with your logic + UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—WORLD".
20090514             Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent.
20090514             Is He able, but not willing?
20090514             Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing?
20090514             Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing?
20090514             Then why call Him God? _0300 -Epicurus, 300—BCE
20090514             —BY owning the systems and the power produced, the utilities can treat the distributed solar resources as 1—POWER—PLANT that they can control.
20090514             The electricity PRODUCTION—OF—SOLAR—PANELS tends to coincide with peak TIMES—OF—ELECTRICITY—DEMAND.
20090514             INSTEAD—OF—BUILDING—1—NEW—POWER—PLANT, or turning on costly and polluting auxiliary plants, utilities can partially meet peak load with the distributed solar systems.
20090514             Skandal in GROSSBRITANNIEN: SPESEN—AFFÄRE kostet mehrere Abgeordnete den Job
20090514             Störung: GOOGLE—SCHLUCKAUF löst NETZ—ALARM aus - The holy grail of the
20090514             biometrics industry is 1—SCANNING—MECHANISM that is socially acceptable in 1—ERA—OF—MASS—TRANSIT and 100% accurate.
20090514             Researchers are eager to produce 'NON—CONTACT' biometric systems that can check ANY—INDIVIDUAL—IDENTITY at 1—DISTANCE.
20090514             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—SECRETIVE IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) is seeking development proposals to enhance such technologies.
20090514             —INTERESTED, Insisting that it is not, in 'CONTACT—TYPE' biometrics, it asks for ideas that will "significantly advance the intelligence community's ability to achieve HIGH—CONFIDENCE—MATCH—PERFORMANCE... [for] high fidelity biometric signatures".
20090514             "Die Esa ist auf dem Weg zurück zu den Ursprüngen unseres Universums. Nur ein umfassenderes Verständnis der Vergangenheit unseres Universums ermöglicht uns einen besseren Ausblick auf die Zukunft unseres Planeten Erde".
20090514             Auch der DEUTSCHLAND—ESA—PROGRAMMMANAGER THOMAS—PASSVOGEL erwartet Bahnbrechendes von den Missionen.
20090514             "Ich glaube, die Überraschung wird darin liegen, dass wir etwas sehen, was wir nicht erwartet haben".
20090514             "Die Esa ist auf dem Weg zurück zu den Ursprüngen unseres Universums.
20090514             Nur ein umfassenderes Verständnis der Vergangenheit unseres Universums ermöglicht uns einen besseren Ausblick auf die Zukunft unseres Planeten Erde".
20090514             Mit AL—LIBIS Tod gebe es nun einen Zeugen weniger, der von der "brutalen Folter" berichten könne, der er ausgesetzt gewesen sei,
20090514             meint derweil SARAH—LEAH—WHITSON, Direktorin von "Human Rights Watch" für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika.
20090514             "Es ist —JETZT an LIBYEN und den USA, die komplette Geschichte dessen, was sie wissen, zu enthüllen", zitiert die "Post" sie.
20090514             In diese Aufzählung könnte man ÄGYPTEN noch mit einbeziehen.
20090514             Die dortige Regierung hat ihre Kooperation mit der CIA im Falle der Geistergefangenen —BISHER nicht kommentiert.
20090514             —ERST—VOR—2—WOCHEN hatten Ermittler der Menschenrechtsorganisation "Human Rights Watch" berichtet, dass sie AL—LIBI im libyschen Gefängnis "ABU—SALIM" gesehen hätten.
20090514             Mit den Menschenrechtlern habe er nicht sprechen wollen, berichtet die "WASHINGTON—POST ".
20090514             Er habe den Besuchern bloß zugerufen: "Wo wart ihr, als ich in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN gefoltert wurde?"
20090514             War es kein Selbstmord?
20090514             Hinzu kommen massive Aufwendungen für HERZ—KREISLAUF—KRANKHEITEN, unter denen Dauergestresste mehr als doppelt so häufig leiden wie ihre weniger unter Druck stehenden Zeitgenossen.
20090514             Doch auch 90—PROZENT—DER—SCHÜLER klagen über Stress.
20090514             8—VON 10—DEUTSCHLAND—EMPFINDEN demnach ihr Leben als stressig.
20090514             Jeder 3. steht unter Dauerstrom,
20090514             jeder 5. bekommt die Folgen gesundheitlich zu SPÜREN—VON Schlafstörungen —BIS hin zum Herzinfarkt.
20090514             "Stress bestimmt den Alltag in DEUTSCHLAND immer stärker.
20090514             Kaum jemand kann noch richtig abschalten", sagte TK—CHEF—NORBERT—KLUSEN.
20090514             Alarmierend sei die hohe ZAHL—VON—BURN—OUT—PATIENTEN.
20090514             Kältester Punkt des Universums
20090514             Die Detektoren von "Planck" werden sogar noch stärker abgekühlt als die von "Herschel" - —BIS auf 1—TEMPERATUR—VON—0,1 Grad über dem absoluten Nullpunkt.
20090514             Sie werden damit zum kältesten Punkt des Universums, schwärmt die Esa.
20090514             Rausschmiss: BAHN—VORSTÄNDE bekommen hohe Abfindungen
20090514             Wirtschaftskrise: Nachfrage nach Öl fällt deutlich
20090514             "Herschel" und "Planck": Forscher bejubeln START—VON—EUROPAS—SUPERTELESKOPEN
20090514             COPYRIGHT—URTEIL: Lesen erlaubt, Laden verboten
20090514             —BEREITET, Autokrise: GENERAL—MOTORS—CHEF—HENDERSON, Märkte auf Insolvenz vor
20090514             Umfrage: Jeder 3. DEUTSCHLAND—FÜHLT sich im Dauerstress
20090514             Prozess: Firma kündigte Müllmann wegen "Entnahme von Abfall"
20090514             "Er hat immer noch nicht begriffen, dass die brutale Invasion in den IRAK diesen TEIL—DER—WELT in Aufruhr gestürzt hat,
20090514             IRAN stärker machte und Muslimen, die AMERIKA hassen, 1—STEILVORLAGE geliefert hat", urteilt sie erbarmungslos.
20090514             "Er hat die Taliban wieder auferstehen und OSAMA—BIN—LADEN laufen lassen.
20090514             Egal ob oder wann die Terroristen angreifen, Cheney hat AMERIKA verwundbarer gemacht.
20090514             Und ganz gleich wie viel er im Fernsehen quasselt, das wird nicht die Geschichtsschreibung ändern".
20090514             intelligente Verhörmethoden
20090514             Cheney zielt nicht mehr auf Osama, —JETZT ist Obama dran
20090514             Nur RICHARD—NIXON, als WATERGATE—SCHURKE aus dem Amt gejagt, war beim Abschied von der Macht ähnlich verhasst wie der EX—VIZEPRÄSIDENT.
20090514             "Herschel" und "Planck": Esa schießt Weltraumteleskope ins All
20090514             ANTI—FOLTER—POLITIK: Cheney nimmt Obama unter Beschuss
20090514             So fern und abscheulich derlei Aktionen auch anmuten, das dahinterstehende Problem, mit Folter politische Ziele erreichen zu wollen, ist —BIS—HEUTE aktuell.
20090514             "Physische Gewalt ist 1—UNIVERSALIE—DER—KULTUREN", heißt es in dem neuen Historikerbuch.
20090514             "Besserung im Sinne einer Mäßigung ist in der bisherigen GESCHICHTE—DER—MENSCHHEIT nicht festzustellen".
20090514             Terrorbilder als Erziehungsmittel.
20090514             Insgesamt "1.192.000—FEINDE", rechnete JULIUS—CÄSAR vor, seien unter seiner Führung getötet worden.
20090514             Rosenheim: Zwölfjähriger hortet Waffen auf Dachboden von Oma
20090514             "Ihr Wahlwerbespot stellt ein entwicklungsbeeinträchtigendes Angebot dar", ließ der WDR die Bundesgeschäftsstelle der Linken wissen und tadelte:
20090514             "Der angelieferte Spot ist geeignet, die ENTWICKLUNG—VON—KINDERN und Jugendlichen zu einer gemeinschaftsfähigen Persönlichkeit zu beeinträchtigen".
20090514             Durch Dauer und Intensität "der akustischen Darbietung des Geschlechtsverkehrs im Mittagsprogramm von WDR 4
20090514             werden Jugendliche und insbesondere Kinder unfreiwillig und möglicherweise ohne Aufsicht oder Betreuung der sexuellen Darstellung ausgesetzt".
20090514             —BEGRÜNDET, Im feinsten Juristendeutsch, der WDR die Verbannung ins Abendprogramm,
20090514             denn "die Dauer der akustisch dargestellten Szene, ihre Intensität, aber auch die Wiederholung in der —MITTE des Spots verfestigen die Wirkung auf Jugendliche und insbesondere Kinder".
20090514             Damit weiche der Spot "in solchem Maße vom gesellschaftlichen Wertekonsens einer Sendung im ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICHEN Hörfunkprogramm zur Mittagszeit ab,
20090514             dass wir uns verpflichtet sehen, die Ausstrahlung zu verlegen".
20090514             "Wir brauchen eine öffentliche Gesundheitsbewegung, um mit dem Klimawandel umzugehen".
20090514             —VERSCHLIMMERT, Weiter, werde dies durch die ebenfalls drohende Wasserknappheit.
20090514             Costello warnte vor den Vorwürfen künftiger Generationen, die die heutige Untätigkeit im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel moralisch verdammen würden.
20090514             Die Wissenschaftler pochten auf schnelle Maßnahmen gegen den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen und die Abholzung der Regenwälder.
20090514             Zudem müssten Gesundheitsbehörden, Politik und die Wissenschaft eng zusammenarbeiten, um die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Gesundheit einzudämmen.
20090514             —FORDERUNGEN, Die, wirken umso dringlicher angesichts der Warnungen von Geoforschern, dass
20090514             die Folgen des Klimawandels noch schlimmer werden könnten als bislang gedacht.
20090514             Schmelzende Gletscher, versauernde Meere, sterbende KORALLEN—FÜR den Mediziner ANTHONY—COSTELLO ist das nur 1—TEIL—DES—PROBLEMS.
20090514             "Der Klimawandel ist nicht nur 1—UMWELTTHEMA mit Eisbären und Wäldern, sondern 1—GESUNDHEITSPROBLEM, das Milliarden Menschen betrifft", betont der Forscher vom Londoner UNIVERSITY—COLLEGE.
20090514             "Die Folgen werden weltweit spürbar sein, und zwar nicht —ERST in ferner Zukunft, sondern noch zu Lebzeiten von uns und unseren Kindern".
20090514             —INFORMIERT, Die USA—VERBÜNDETEN hatte Tschiang übrigens nicht.
20090514             —GEZWUNGEN, WASHINGTON hätte ihn vermutlich, sich den Unsinn aus dem Kopf zu schlagen.
20090514             Spionageflugzeuge von der CIA
20090514             —VERZICHTET, Telekommunikation: Wer arm ist, eher aufs Festnetz
20090514             Düstere Prognose: STAAT kämpft auf Jahre mit riesigem STEUER—LOCH
20090514             Elektronikkonzern: Sony rutscht tief in den roten Zahlen
20090514             —ENDE—DES—ABSCHWUNGS: Notenbank macht Europas Wirtschaft Hoffnung
20090514             Experte Bofinger: ZOCK—STOPP für die Weltwirtschaft
20090514             Schleppende Auszahlung: USA droht Desaster bei Konjunkturprogramm
20090514             Blutige Gefechte: Obama warnt vor Katastrophe in SRI—LANKA
20090514             Klimawandel: Mediziner warnen vor Krankheiten und Hungersnöten
20090514             Autokrise: STAAT droht Milliardenbelastung durch TREUHAND—NOTLÖSUNG für Opel
20090514—20090525    —ANNOUNCED, Acceptance was.
20091123             R.I.P. WARREN—COWAN—DEADLINE_com 20080514             ... WARREN—COWAN built 1—INDUSTRY, trained THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—FIELD and never had 1—BAD—THING to say about anyone.
20100422—20100514    —ON, 1—MILITANT—WEB—SITE said it wanted to trade him for the group's prisoners in FRANCE and other nations.
20100512—20100514    —ON, authorities charged DANIEL—ANDRES—AYO, 27—JAHRE—ALT and LUIS—MEN20101239             E—ALT, 2—TOURISTS from FLORIDA, with the killing —DURING what police say was 1—DRUG—DEAL gone bad.
20100514             NEW—JERSEY, 34—ALLEGED members and ASSOCIATES—OF—THE—LUCCHESE crime family were indicted in connection with 1—ILLEGAL—GAMBLING—OPERATION.
20100514             Authorities said he preyed on prostitutes at truck stops.
20100514             —CHARGED, Mendenhall has also been, with killing women in LEBANON, 10., INDIANAPOLIS and BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA.
20100514             —BLASTED, The space shuttle Atlantis, off from Cape Canaveral for its final voyage with 1—CREW—OF—6—HEADING to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20100514             —BRANDISHED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS—STICKS, threw stones and burned A—USA—FLAG as they accused NATO—FORCES—OF—KILLING—CIVILIANS in 1—OVERNIGHT raid, but the alliance said 8—INSURGENTS were killed in the attack.
20100514             —KILLED, NATO said at least 9—INSURGENTS were, the previous night —DURING 1—PURSUIT—OF—SUSPECTED militants in the Tarnak Wa Jaldak DISTRICT—OF—EAST—ZABUL province.
20100514             † A—USA—SERVICE—MEMBER in 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in the east.
20100514             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER in Gardez jumped in front of 1—VEHICLE in 1—CONVOY—OF—THE—GOVERNOR—OF—EAST—PAKTIYA province, who narrowly escaped the attack.
20100514             † 1—CIVILIAN was killed and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE injured.
20100514             —CONDUCTED, Afghan and coalition forces, sweeps across AFGHANISTAN that left at least 30—MILITANTS—DEAD, —WHILE insurgents in the east killed 5—SECURITY—GUARDS in 1—AMBUSH on 1—CONVOY.
20100514             8—MILITANTS were killed and 2—OTHERS wounded in 1—JOINT—RAID by Afghan and coalition forces in Nangahar province.
20100514             —KILLED, ALGERIA, 1—MODERATE—EARTHQUAKE—2—PEOPLE and injured 43—OTHERS.
20100514             Several weapons, including 2—SEMI—AUTOMATIC—RIFLES, were seized in the operation.
20100514             AUSTRALIA, THE—BODY—OF—NONA Belomesoff (18) was found in 1—ISOLATED bushland area.
20100514             —CHARGED, CHRISTOPHER—JAMES—DANNEVIG, 20—JAHRE—ALT was, with her murder.
20100514             UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKER—STEPHEN—TIMMS, 54—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT for THE—CONSTITUENCY—OF—EAST—HAM and the former financial SECRETARY—TO—THE—TREASURY, was stabbed by Roshonara Choudhry (21) —DURING 1—ADVICE—SESSION with his constituents.
20100514             His injuries were not LIFE—THREATENING and the women was arrested.
20100514             —SENTENCED, The next —DAY she was, to at least 15—YEARS in prison.
20100514             The other robbers got prison terms.
20100514             —RESTORED, CHINA, INTERNET service was, to Xinjiang province, —10—MONTHS—AFTER it was blocked —FOLLOWING deadly rioting in URUMQI, the regional capital.
20100514             4—AFRICAN countries (ETHIOPIA—RWANDA, TANZANIA—UGANDA) signed 1—NEW—TREATY on the equitable SHARING—OF—THE—NILE waters despite strong opposition from EGYPT and SUDAN, who have the lion's SHARE—OF—THE—RIVER—WATERS.
20100514             The new agreement, the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework, is to replace a 19590000              accord between EGYPT and SUDAN that gives them CONTROL—OF—MORE than 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—WATER—FLOW.
20100514             —WARNED, EGYPT—FOREIGN—MINISTER—AHMED—ABUL—GHEIT, at the weekend that CAIRO—WATER—RIGHTS were a "red line" and threatened legal action if 1—PARTIAL—DEAL is reached.
20100514             HUNGARY, Gabor Vona, THE—LEADER—OF—HUNGARY—NATIONALIST—JOBBIK party, wore 1—BANNED black vest —WHILE taking his OATH—OF—OFFICE.
20100514             —DISBANDED, THE—HUNGARY—GUARD was, —LAST—YEAR and its black outfits banned, although the group has continued its activities.
20100514             CENTRAL—INDIA, 1—BUS—CARRYING—WEDDING—GUESTS hit 1—HIGH—TENSION—ELECTRICITY—LINE—KILLING—28—PEOPLE on BOARD, mostly women and children, who were on their way back from the ceremony in the Mandla DISTRICT—OF—MADHYA Pradesh state.
20100514             IRAQ—ELECTION—COMMISSION said 1—FULL—RECOUNT—OF—VOTES for BAGHDAD province from the parliamentary elections showed no fraud or major irregularities and is unlikely to change the vote's final results.
20100514             —WARNED, AL—QAIDA in IRAQ—NEW—LEADER—SHIITES that "dark days soaked with blood" lie ahead and that 1—NEW—CAMPAIGN—OF—ATTACKS was under way.
20100514             —EXPLODED, Within hours of the warning, 1—CAR—BOMB—OUTSIDE—1—SHIITE mosque SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD —JUST—AFTER —FRIDAY prayers, wounding 20—WORSHIPPERS.
20100514             —INJURED, INDIA—KASHMIR, 4—POLICEMEN and 2—CIVILIANS were, in 1—GRENADE—ATTACK by suspected Muslim militants, minutes —AFTER protesters and police clashed.
20100514             —FOILED, 1—INDONESIA—OFFICIAL said police have, 1—PLOT to assassinate THE—PRESIDENT and other top officials, massacre foreigners in MUMBAI—STYLE—TERRORIST—ATTACKS and declare 1—ISLAMIC—STATE.
20100514             —ERUPTED, KYRGYZSTAN, gunfire, as HUNDREDS—OF—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT—BACKERS fought SUPPORTERS—OF—DEPOSED PRESIDENT—KURMANBEK—BAKIYEV for control over regional government buildings.
20100514             —KILLED, At least 1—PERSON was, and more than 60—INJURED in the worst violence —SINCE last —MONTH—FORCEFUL—GOVERNMENT—CHANGE.
20100514             GREECE and TURKEY held 1—JOINT—CABINET—MEETING in ATHENS in 1—NEW—EFFORT to overcome old grudges and economic cooperation amidst THE—GREECE—DEBT—CRISES.
20100514             1—POWERFUL—BOMB exploded inside 1—COURTHOUSE in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—THESSALONIKI, sending smoke billowing in the building and wounding 1—PERSON.
20100514             —KILLED, MEXICO, gunmen, 6—MEN and wounded 2—MORE in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting near 1—KINDERGARTEN in Loma Blanca, 1—SMALL—TOWN—OUTSIDE the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD Juarez.
20100514             —KIDNAPPED, SOUTH—NIGERIA, gunmen sporting military uniforms, 4—LEBANON—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS in 1—ATTACK that left 1—SOLDIER and 1—GANG—MEMBER—DEAD in Abia state.
20100514             —QUOTED, RUSSIA—ITAR—TASS news agency, 1—SENIOR—RUSSIA—ARMS—TRADER as saying RUSSIA has signed deals with Syria under which it will sell it warplanes, ANTI—TANK—WEAPONS and air defense systems.
20100514             He didn't give ANY—NUMBERS or provide ANY—FURTHER—DETAILS.
20100514             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—SOMALIA 3—GUNMEN—1—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM contracted driver in what is believed to be CLAN—RELATED violence.
20100514             —HELPED, THE—FORMER—SOUTH—AFRICAN—LEGISLATOR—CHART—1—WAY—OUT—OF—APARTHEID by leading fellow whites into talks with exiled black leaders.
20100514             SPAIN, JUDGE—BALTASAR—GARZON, 54—JAHRE—ALT, the crusading judge who indicted Augusto Pinochet and OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, was suspended for allegedly overstepping his jurisdiction in 1—PROBE—OF—1—OF—SPAIN—BIGGEST cases, atrocities committed —DURING and —AFTER the nation's ruinous civil war.
20100514             —CALLED, Human rights groups, GARZON—SUSPENSION—1—SAD—DAY for THE—SPAIN—JUSTICE—SYSTEM.
20100514             —KILLED, SUDAN, government troops, 108—FIGHTERS from the rebel Justice and Equality Movement in the Jebel MOON—AREA—OF—WEST—DARFUR.
20100514             —BATTLED, Government forces also, JEM rebels near NYALA in SOUTH—DARFUR where 27—POLICE and 33—REBELS were killed.
20100514             —CLASHED, Forces loyal to 1—RENEGADE SOUTH—SUDAN—GENERAL, with government troops for the 4. time in 2—WEEKS—LEAVING at least 5—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20100514             SWEDEN, THE—HOME—OF—CARTOONIST—LARS Vilks, who once drew 1—CARTOON—OF—THE—PROPHET—MUHAMMAD as 1—DOG, was hit by 1—SUSPECTED arson attack.
20100514             —FIRED, THAILAND—TROOPS, bullets at ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS and explosions thundered in THE—HEART—OF—BANGKOK.
20100514             1—ARMY push to clear the streets and end a 2—MONTH—POLITICAL standoff sparked clashes that left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD and dozens wounded.
20100514             —ACCUSED, Demonstrators the next —DAY, the government SNIPERS—OF—PICKING—PEOPLE off with head shots.
20100514—20070600    —IN—THE, TENNESSEE, truck driver BRUCE—MENDENHALL, 59—JAHRE—ALT was convicted —DEATH—OF—1—WOMAN at 1—NASHVILLE truck stop.
20100514—20080000    —SENTENCED, CHINA—STATE—RUN—XINHUA—NEWS—AGENCY said 4—ROBBERS were, to death as part of a 27-member gang who robbed 12—TOMBS near THE—CAPITAL—OF—THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HUNAN and 20090000             .
20100514—20100512    —ON, He had allegedly set up 1—FAKE identity on Facebook and enticed Belomesoff to 1—NATURE—RESERVE in SYDNEY—SOUTHWEST.
20100514—20100522    —FREED, THE—4—WORKERS were.
20100514—20101102    —CONVICTED, Choudhry was, —OF—TRYING to murder Timms in retaliation for his support for THE—IRAQ conflict.
20100602             —PLACED, She was —INITIALLY, on house arrest 20100514             , along with her 2—CHILDREN, and —LATER held in 1—PRISON.
201102051418         —REAGIERT, Die ÄGYPTEN—REGIERUNG, erbost auf Äußerungen des obersten geistlichen Führers des IRAN,
201102051418         —REAGIERT, Die ÄGYPTEN—REGIERUNG, erbost auf Äußerungen des obersten geistlichen Führers des IRAN, Ajatollah ALI—CHAMENEI.
20110212005148       I have long believed that intelligence agencies have used fake UFO DOCUMENTS -- like these -- as training exercises.
201103051434         Trotz internationaler Sanktionen verfügt die LIBY sche Führung um Machthaber Muammar AL—GADDAFI einem Bericht zufolge nach wie vor über MILLIONEN—EINNAHMEN aus Ölexporten.
201103051453         3—NIEDERLANDE—MARINEFLIEGER, die bei einer missglückten Befreiungsaktion in LIBYEN in Gefangenschaft geraten sind, werden —JETZT der Spionage bezichtigt.
201103051453         3—NIEDERLANDE—MARINEFLIEGER, die bei einer missglückten Befreiungsaktion in LIBYEN in Gefangenschaft geraten sind,
20110510—20110514    —ON, Farther south in Natchez, forecasters said 19370000             —THE—RECORD could be shattered by 4—FEET.
20110514             PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, under pressure from Republicans and the public to bring down gasoline prices, announced new measures to expand domestic oil production in ALASKA and THE—GULF—OF—MEXICO.
20110514             —IDENTIFIED, The immigrant maid from GUINEA, him in 1—LINE—UP.
20110514             —CHARGED, USA—OFFICIALS said 6—PEOPLE in THE—USA and PAKISTAN have been, with providing financing and material support to THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, 1—DESIGNATED foreign terrorist organization.
20110514             3 were living in PAKISTAN and remained at large.
20110514             —ARRESTED, MIAMI imam ALI—KHAN, 76—JAHRE—ALT and 2—OF—HIS—SONS were, on charges that they provided some $50,000 to THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN.
20110514             —PREPARED, USA—ARMY—ENGINEERS, to slowly open the gates of 1—EMERGENCY spillway along the rising MISSISSIPPI River, diverting floodwaters from BATON—ROUGE and NEW—ORLEANS, yet inundating homes and farms in PARTS—OF—LOUISIANA—POPULATED Cajun country.
20110514             ANDREI—SANNIKOV, 57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BELARUSIAN presidential candidate, was sentenced to 5—YEARS in prison —FOLLOWING 1—TRIAL that he denounced as political punishment for challenging the nation's AUTHORITY—RULER.
20110514             —OPENED, CANADA—MANITOBA province, its dike on the swollen Assiniboine River, —STARTING 1—SLOW—CREEP—OF—WATER across rich farmland to avert 1—POTENTIALLY catastrophic, unplanned breach.
20110514             Cubans held 1—SHORT but colorful parade celebrating sexual diversity to mark THE—INTERNATIONAL—DAY—AGAINST Homophobia.
20110514             EGYPT, Bothaina Kamel (48) 1—POLITICAL—ACTIVIST, TV presenter and 1—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT, was hauled in for questioning BECAUSE—OF—HER outspoken criticism of the nation's military rulers and said she is facing ALLEGATIONS—OF—SLANDERING—1—TOP—OFFICIAL and the military.
20110514             Clashes between Muslims and Christians in THE—CENTER—OF—CAIRO left 51—PEOPLE wounded, as Coptic Christians pursued 1—SIT—IN protest against the violence.
20110514             † GUATEMALA, Haroldo LEON, THE—BROTHER—OF—ALLEGED GUATEMALA—DRUG—BOSS—JUAN—JOSE "Juancho" LEON, was killed in Peten province.
20110514             HAITI, MICHEL—MARTELLY took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE as the new PRESIDENT, assuming the leadership of 1—IMPOVERISHED country still in ruins from 1—OF—THE most destructive EARTHQUAKES—OF—MODERN—TIMES.
20110514             † A nearby rice vendor was killed in crossfire in Sukoharjo district.
20110514             † "Team Hisbah" founder and leader Sigit Qurdowi was killed.
20110514             Team Hisbah was thought to be behind 1—SERIES—OF—FAILED bomb attempts —AROUND THE—CITY—OF—SOLO.
20110514             —SPLINTERED, The group, and some formed 1—ANTI—VICE squad in the city.
20110514             —ASSOCIATED, MANY—OTHERS became, with 1—FORMER—SOLO resident called Bahrun Naim.
20110514             —BELIEVED, Authorities —LATER, him to be 1—LEADING—INDONESIA—COORDINATOR for Islamic State (IS).
20110514             —ESCORTED, ITALY—BORDER—POLICE—1—BOAT with 218—TUNISIANS aboard to tiny Lampedusa ISLAND, where TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ILLEGAL—MIGRANTS have arrived —SINCE January to escape turmoil in NORTH—AFRICA.
20110514             —REACHED, —MEANWHILE, Africans fleeing LIBYA by sea, Sicily.
20110514             JAPAN shut down the final working reactor at 1—NUCLEAR—PLANT—NEAR—1—TECTONIC faultline as PRIME—MINISTER—NAOTO—KAN pledged 1—NEW—LAW to help compensate VICTIMS—OF—THE—FUKUSHIMA nuclear crisis.
20110514             † 1—WORKER at THE—TSUNAMI—CRIPPLED FUKUSHIMA Daiichi nuclear power plant, bringing the death toll at the complex to 3—SINCE 1—MASSIVE—EARTHQUAKE and tsunami in March.
20110514             —CONDUCTED, LIBYA, NATO, 147—AIR sorties, 48—OF—THEM strike sorties that aimed to identify and hit targets but not always deploy munitions.
20110514             —INCLUDED, Targets, SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE launchers, ammunition stores and artillery pieces.
20110514             —UNIDENTIFIED, MEXICO, gunmen shot dead at least 9—INDIGENOUS—PEOPLE and wounded another 10 on 1—HIGHWAY en route to 1—POLITICAL—RALLY in SOUTH—OAXACA state.
20110514             1—CLASH between gunmen and police in the popular Pacific coast beach TOWN—OF—ZIHUATENEJO left at least 13—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110514             —DISCOVERED, Security forces said they have, another 17—BODIES in mass graves found last —MONTH in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—DURANGO bringing the total to 218.
20110514             —ARMED, An, gang burst into 1—RED—CROSS—CLINIC in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—CULIACAN and attempted to kill a 23—YEAR—OLD—MAN who had arrived with head wounds and 1—ARM nearly axed off.
20110514             EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—PASSENGER—BUS—NEAR—KHARIAN, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and wounding several others.
20110514             —KILLED, SYRIA—TROOPS—3—PEOPLE and wounded several others in the border TOWN—OF—TALL—KALAKH.
20110514             —CROSSED, HUNDREDS—OF—SYRIANS, including 4—WOUNDED people, into LEBANON fleeing violence in their country as 1—UPRISING against PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—REGIME entered its 8. —WEEK.
20110514             —DEPLOYED, TUNISIA—ARMY—TROOPS, along the border thwarted 1—ATTEMPT by 200—TROOPS from GADHAFI—ARMY to cross the border aboard some 50—OFF—ROAD—VEHICLES.
20110514             3—PRO—GADHAFI officers who defected landed at TUNISIA—PORT—OF—ZARZIS on 1—BOAT.
20110514             2—PEOPLE—SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to AL—QAIDA—NORTH—AFRICAN affiliate were arrested overnight, 1 with 1—BELT—OF—EXPLOSIVES and the other carrying 1—GRENADE.
20110514             —KILLED, TURKEY—MILITARY in Sirnak province, 12—KURDISH—REBELS over the last 24—HOURS who trying to infiltrate the country from NORTH—IRAQ.
20110514             —KILLED, YEMEN, gunmen, 6—SOLDIERS and wounded a 7. in 1—CENTRAL—PROVINCE.
20110514             —CLASHED, Police, with protesters in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—TAIZ, injuring 15—DURING—1—RALLY—CALLING for PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH—OUSTER.
20110514—19650000    —RESIGNED, SINGAPORE founding father LEE—KUAN—YEW, from the Cabinet, ceding leadership to 1—YOUNGER—GENERATION—AFTER his party's worst election result —SINCE independence.
20110514—20080000    —IN, "Juancho" LEON was killed in 1—AMBUSH that GUATEMALA—AUTHORITIES blame on MEXICO—ZETAS drug cartel.
20110514—20110516    —ON, 1—COURT gave his journalist wife, Irina Khalip, a 2—YEAR suspended prison sentence for taking part in 1—ANTIGOVERNMENT—RALLY.
20110514—20110808    —ON, Diallo sued STRAUSS—KAHN for sexual assault.
20120409—20120514    —RESIGNED, CO—FOUNDER—AND—BOARD—CHAIRMAN—RICHARD—M—SCHULZE, —AFTER it was disclosed that he had been AWARE—OF—DUNN—AFFAIR and did not report it to THE—BOARD.
20120422—20120514    —CLEARED, Police, THE—FARM—OF—PROTESTERS.
20120514             MINNEAPOLIS and the state will pay $498—MILLION and the team $477—MILLION.
20120514             —ISSUED, RHODE—ISLAND—GOVERNOR—LINCOLN—CHAFEE, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER that the state will recognize SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES performed elsewhere.
20120514             —RIPPED, AFGHANISTAN, REMOTELY—DETONATED bomb, through 1—BAZAAR in Faryab province, killing 7—CIVILIANS—INCLUDING—PROVINCIAL councilor Amanullah Shahabzai, and injuring 8—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20120514             —CALLED, Liberal civil society groups in Gulf states, on Saudi and BAHRAIN—LEADERS to postpone plans to announce 1—UNION between them, saying such 1—STEP must be preceded by 1—REFERENDUM.
20120514             THE—USA—CONSULATE in SHANGHAI began issuing its own pollution statistics, giving 1—MUCH more pessimistic ASSESSMENT—OF—THE—CITY—AIR—QUALITY than official CHINA—DATA.
20120514             COLOMBIA—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with THE—USA went into effect.
20120514             —FAILED, GREECE, coalition government talks, —AFTER—9—DAYS—OF—DISCUSSIONS—MEANING the country is heading for another election next —MONTH.
20120514             † In central and NORTH—IRAQ 6—PEOPLE were killed in attacks, including 5—WHO in 1—SPATE—OF—BOMBINGS in the former insurgent BASTION—OF—FALLUJAH.
20120514             KUWAIT, 1—APPEALS—COURT—UPHELD a 10-year sentence for tweeter LAWRENCE—AL—RASHEEDI, who was found GUILTY—OF—INSULTING—EMIR—AL—SABAH and calling for his overthrow.
20120514             —CONTINUED, Clashes in LEBANON, for a 3. —DAY, with gunmen firing assault rifles and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades as sectarian tensions spilled across the border from Syria.
20120514             NORTH—MALI, HUNDREDS—OF—RESIDENTS—OF—GAO took to the streets to protest against the Tuareg rebels, Islamists and 1—AL—QAEDA group that took CONTROL—OF—THE—CITY—AFTER 1—MARCH—COUP.
20120514             —ARRIVED, PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK, in MYANMAR on the 1. visit by 1—SOUTH—KOREAN—LEADER—SINCE 1—NORTH—KOREAN—ATTEMPT to assassinate 1—OF—HIS predecessors in YANGON almost 3—DECADES ago.
20120514             —AIMED, His 2—DAY—TRIP was, at promoting economic ties and encouraging the country's recent political reforms.
20120514             LEE—MYUNG—BAK won 1—PROMISE from MYANMAR to refrain from military cooperation with NUCLEAR—ARMED—NORTH.
20120514             —CRASHED, NORTH—NEPAL, 1—SMALL—PLANE, near 1—TREACHEROUS—HIGH—ALTITUDE airport, killing 15—PEOPLE—WHILE 6—OTHERS miraculously survived —JUST outside Jomsom airport.
20120514             Human Rights Watch said NATO—BOMBING—CAMPAIGN in LIBYA left 72—CIVILIANS—DEAD—LAST—YEAR and accused the military ALLIANCE—OF—FAILING to acknowledge the deaths.
20120514             —AGREED, PALESTINE—PRISONERS on hunger strike, with ISRAEL to end their fast in return for improved conditions.
20120514             —SHELLED, SYRIA—TROOPS—THE—REBEL—HELD TOWN—OF—RASTAN, sparking intense clashes that sent bloodied victims flooding into hospitals and clinics.
20120514             † Activists said at least 23—SOLDIERS and 7—CIVILIANS in the fierce clashes.
20120514             —STORMED, Government troops, THE—DAMASCUS SUBURB—OF—QABOUN where they conducted raids and deployed snipers on ROOFS—OF—BUILDINGS.
20120514             —KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE were, in 1—EXPLOSION in the coastal CITY—OF—BANIAS.
20120514             —POUNDED, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—FORCES—AL—QAIDA fighters, killing at least 16 in Zinjibar and Lawder, —WHILE 6—SOLDIERS † in clashes with militants in Lawder where the army is trying to uproot the terror group.
20120514             1—OIL—PIPELINE in Marib province was blown up about 100—MILES (160—KM) EAST—OF—SANAA.
20120514—20060000    —SIGNED, It was —INITIALLY, under GEORGE—BUSH and Alvaro Uribe.
20120514—20110000    —DEMOLISHED, Aid groups said in 1—REPORT that ISRAEL, DOZENS—OF—PALESTINE—HOMES, water cisterns and farm buildings built with European funds, and over 100—SUCH structures are currently at risk.
20120705—20120514    —SINCE, 1—DUBAI court ordered the release on BAIL—OF—OHIO—RAISED ZACK—SHAHIN, 52—JAHRE—ALT, who was in jail on fraud charges and has been on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE.
20121025—20180514    —SENTENCED, Ortega was, to life in prison.
20130513             —CALLED, GREECE—CIVIL—SERVANTS' unions, a 24-hour strike for 20130514              in reaction to the government's decision to use emergency powers to prevent protesting teachers from disrupting the 20130517—20310517     exams for school leavers and university candidates.
20130513             —CALLED, GREECE—CIVIL—SERVANTS' unions, a 24-hour strike for 20130514              in reaction to the government's decision to use emergency powers to prevent protesting teachers from disrupting the 20130517—20130531     exams for school leavers and university candidates.
20130514             —SLASHED, IOWA, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—20130501             —THE $240—MILLION verdict to $1.6—MILLION for 32—MENTALLY disabled workers who suffered YEARS—OF—ABUSE by their caretakers.
20130514             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—NAVY for the 1. time, 1—UNMANNED aircraft the size of 1—FIGHTER—JET from 1—WARSHIP in the Atlantic Ocean.
20130514             Prosecutors in S—FRANCISCO said 6—CURRENT and FORMER—SF Unified School District employees faced 1—TOTAL—OF—205—FELONY charges for allegedly misappropriating some $15—MILLION in public funds.
20130514             This made MINNESOTA the 12. - USA—STATE to permit SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES.
20130514             † BILLIE—SOL—ESTES, 88—JAHRE—ALT, convicted TEXAS swindler, at his home in GRANBURY—TEXAS.
20130514             —CREATED, BILLIE—SOL—ESTES had, a $150—MILLION—EMPIRE—OF—REAL and illusory farming enterprises.
20130514             WASHINGTON, state 2—LETTERS—CONTAINING the deadly poison ricin were intercepted in SPOKANE.
20130514             —RIPPED, AFGHANISTAN, a powerful explosion, through a NATO—CONVOY in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province.
20130514             4—USA—PERSONNEL were killed.
20130514             1—BOMB hidden in 1—PARKED motorcycle ripped through 1—CROWDED market in Helmand province, killing at least 3—PEOPLE.
20130514             BRAZIL—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—JUSTICE said that the country's notary publics must register SAME—SEX—CIVIL—UNIONS as marriages if the couple requests it.
20130514             CROATIA Airlines pilots and flight attendants went on strike over planned salary cuts and layoffs that are PART—OF—EFFORTS to restructure THE—LOSS—MAKING—STATE—CARRIER—AHEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY—EU entry.
20130514             —RULED, 1—ETHIOPIA—COURT, that prosecutors have 2—WEEKS to finalize corruption charges against 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE who have been arrested, including 1—SENIOR—CABINET—MINISTER.
20130514             —ASSISTED, THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS found that SWITZERLAND—LAWS on passive, suicide are unclear and need revising to clarify —WHEN people are entitled to 1—MEDICAL—PRESCRIPTION for 1—LETHAL DOSE—OF—DRUGS.
20130514             —RAIDED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—EXECUTIVE—ARM, the Commission, said it had, the offices of 1—NUMBER—OF—OIL—INDUSTRY—COMPANIES for possible PRICE—FIXING.
20130514             GERMANY, 1—UNION—REPRESENTING—WORKERS at Amazon said members are striking in 1—PUSH for higher wages from the online retailer.
20130514             —TRAPPED, INDONESIA, 25—WORKERS were, —AFTER the collapse at 1—GIANT—GOLD and copper Grasberg mine in Mimika DISTRICT—IN—PAPUA.
20130514             —OPENED, IRAQ, 1—CONVOY—OF—GUNMEN—FIRE on 1—ROW—OF—LIQUOR stores in EAST—BAGHDAD —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER sunset, killing 11—PEOPLE and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20130514             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU came under fire again for 1—COSTLY—LIFESTYLE at taxpayers' expense, —JUST as his government is slashing welfare benefits and raising taxes to cope with 1—HUGE—DEFICIT.
20130514             —CROSSED, The 1. Kurdish fighters, from TURKEY into NORTH—IRAQ as PART—OF—1—PEACE—DEAL to end 1—LONG—UPRISING despite IRAQ—OBJECTIONS to the transfer.
20130514             —ACCUSED, MALAYSIA—BASED Genting Group, 1—MAJOR—CASINO—OPERATOR—PHIL Ivey (37) of amassing MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in winnings by cheating at baccarat.
20130514             Ivey, 1—AMERICAN, is 1—OF—THE—WORLD'S—TOP—PROFESSIONAL poker players.
20130514             The game in question took place on 20130820—20210820    , 20120000             , at Crockfords, 1—OF—LONDON—OLDEST and most respected casinos.
20130514             —DECLARED, NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—ALLOWING—SOLDIERS to arrest people at will and take over buildings suspected to house extremists in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states.
20130514             —ARMED, 1—OFFICIAL in THE—KADUNA state said gunmen, with assault rifles and suspected to be HAUSA—FULANI cattle herders killed 11—PEOPLE in 1—VILLAGE there.
20130514             —BLAMED, BENUE, state, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said 1—ATTACK, on HAUSA—FULANI cattle herders there killed at least 12—PEOPLE.
20130514             PALESTINE—FATAH official AZZAM—AL—AHMED said Fatah and Hamas have agreed to form 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT.
20130514             —DECLARED, THE—PHILIPPINES, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—ESTRADA was, THE—WINNER—OF—MANILA—MAYORAL election, his 1. ballot victory —SINCE his ouster in a 20010000              ANTI—CORRUPTION revolt and 1—POSSIBLE prelude to 1—RETURN to higher office.
20130514             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU in MOSCOW for talks that focused on the situation in Syria, amid concerns that RUSSIA could soon provide Syria with advanced missiles.
20130514             RUSSIA—SECURITY—SERVICES said they have caught 1—USA—DIPLOMAT who they claim is 1—CIA—AGENT in 1—RED—HANDED attempt to recruit 1—RUSSIA—AGENT.
20130514             RYAN—FOGLE, a 3. SECRETARY—AT—THE—USA—EMBASSY in MOSCOW, was carrying special technical equipment, disguises, written instructions and 1—LARGE—SUM—OF—MONEY—WHEN he was detained overnight.
20130514             —KILLED, RWANDA, 6—PEOPLE were, and dozens more injured —WHEN a 4—STORY—BUILDING under construction collapsed in THE—EAST—RWANDA DISTRICT—OF—NYAGATARE.
20130514             —CONFIRMED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 4—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—DEADLY—NEW coronavirus virus related to SARS that appears centered in the Arabian Peninsula but that has also been reported in EUROPE.
20130514             —CAPSIZED, THE—UN said 1—OVERCROWDED boat, —WHILE trying to escape 1—CYCLONE—BEARING down on MYANMAR, tossing DOZENS—OF—ROHINGYA Muslims into the sea.
20130514             8—BODIES were found and more than 50—PEOPLE were missing and feared dead.
20130514             —BLAMED, VENEZUELA—COMMERCE—MINISTER—ALEJANDRO—FLEMING, 1—SHORTAGE—OF—TOILET tissue on "excessive demand" built up as 1—RESULT—OF "1—MEDIA—CAMPAIGN that has been generated to disrupt the country".
20130514—19630000    —IN, he was convicted on federal charges and served 6—YEARS—OF a 15—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20130514—19790000    —IN, he was CONVICTED—OF—TAX—FRAUD and served 4—MORE—YEARS.
20130514—20130522    —ARRESTED, MATTHEW—RYAN—BUQUET, 37—JAHRE—ALT was, and ACCUSED—OF—MAILING the letters.
20130514—20130522    —ON, the last of 28—MINERS killed was recovered.
20130607             —STARTED, The group, taking up arms —AFTER PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN declared 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY—20130514              in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe state.
20140416—20140514    —ON, the state filed 1—APPEAL on the ruling.
20140426—20140514    —ON, The preliminary results were due to be finalized —AFTER investigations into fraud complaints.
20140514             † AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB stuck onto 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—VEHICLE in KABUL killed 1—SOLDIER—WHILE 1—WOMAN—WHEN 1—ROCKET slammed into 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA in Ghazni province.
20140514             5—MILITANTS—WEARING—SUICIDE vests attacked 1—BORDER—POLICE outpost in KANDAHAR province.
20140514             The attack left 3—POLICE and all 5—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20140514             AZERBAIJAN took over as CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—COMMITTEE—OF—MINISTERS—THE—COUNCIL—OF—EUROPE—DECISION—MAKING—BODY which brings together the member states' foreign ministers.
20140514             —CHARGED, CHINA—POLICE said they have, THE—FORMER—UNITED—KINGDOM—BOSS—OF—DRUGMAKER—GLAXOSMITHKLINE—PLC—CHINA—BUSINESS and other colleagues with corruption, —AFTER 1—PROBE found the firm made BILLIONS—OF—YUAN from elaborate schemes to bribe doctors and hospitals.
20140514             MARK—REILLY and 2—CHINA—EXECUTIVES—ZHANG Guowei and Zhao Hongyan, were also SUSPECTED—OF—BRIBING—OFFICIALS in the industry and commerce DEPARTMENTS—OF—BEIJING and SHANGHAI.
20140514             24—PEOPLE came out alive and 2—REMAINED missing.
20140514             EGYPT—ARMY said 15—TONS—OF—1—MATERIAL used to make explosives have been seized in 1—TOWN—STRADDLING THE—SUEZ Canal, 1—OF—THE biggest such hauls —SINCE THE—START—OF—1—CAMPAIGN against Islamist militants in the nearby Sinai.
20140514             —KICKED, FRANCE, THE—GRACE—KELLY melodrama "GRACE—OF—MONACO", off the 67. annual Cannes Film Festival.
20140514             —KILLED, IRAQ, attacks targeting security forces, 13—PEOPLE across the country.
20140514             ISRAEL—MILITARY—FORCES began demolishing structures in 1—ILLEGAL—WEST—BANK settler outpost, —AFTER attempts at 1—VOLUNTARY—EVACUATION failed.
20140514             LEBANON, THOUSANDS—OF—TEACHERS—CIVIL—SERVANTS and children rallied outside PARLIAMENT in the biggest of 1—YEAR—OF—PAY—PROTESTS as the assembly debated 1—MUCH—DELAYED bill on public sector salaries.
20140514             1—RUSSIA—SOYUZ space capsule carrying 3—ASTRONAUTS landed in KAZAKHSTAN.
20140514             RUSSIA—MIKHAIL—TYURIN, USA—RICK—MASTRACCHIO and Koichi WAKATA—OF—JAPAN had spent 188—DAYS in THE—ISS.
20140514             —APOLOGIZED, SOUTH—KOREA—BASED Samsung Electronics Co., and promised compensation to chip factory workers who suffered cancers linked to chemical exposure, 1—RARE—WIN for families and activists —7—YEARS—AFTER the death of a 23—YEAR—OLD—EMPLOYEE from leukemia galvanized 1—MOVEMENT to hold the company to account.
20140514             —KILLED, THAILAND, 2—PEOPLE were, and 22—WOUNDED —AFTER 1—ATTACK on 1—OPPOSITION—PDRC protest camp.
20140514             —AGREED, THE—UKRAINE—GOVERNMENT reluctantly, to launch talks on decentralizing power as PART—OF—1—OSCE backed peace plan, but did not invite its main foes, THE—PRO—RUSSIA insurgents who have declared independence in the east.
20140514             —ARRESTED, VENEZUELA—SECURITY—FORCES—105—PEOPLE—DURING—1—SWEEP—OF—1—BUSY—CARACAS avenue as protests against the government heated up amid 1—WIDENING split within the opposition over whether to back possible USA—SANCTIONS.
20140514             —STORMED, VIETNAM, a 1,000-strong mob, THE—TAIWAN—OWNED FORMOSA steel mill in Ha Tinh province and hunted down CHINA—WORKERS—KILLING 1, attacking scores more and then setting the complex alight in response to BEIJING—DEPLOYMENT—OF—1—OIL rig in THE—LONG—DISPUTED SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20140514             —REPORTED, STATE—OWNED CHINA Metallurgical Group —LATER, that 4—OF—ITS—WORKERS were killed.
20140514             Some 600—CHINA—CROSSED into CAMBODIA over the land border in SOUTH—VIETNAM.
20140514             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, at least 42—PEOPLE were, in clashes between  soldiers and AL—QAIDA militants —AFTER insurgents attacked 2—MILITARY—POSTS in Shabwa province where the government mounted 1—OFFENSIVE—2—WEEKS ago.
20140514             Weltgrößte Drohnenmesse: Der FERNGE—STEUERTE Tod
20140514             DEN—HAAG/LONDON, DER—INTERNATIONALE STAFGERICHT—HOF hat Ermittlungen aufgenommen, weil GROSSBRITANNIEN—SOLDATEN im IRAK—KRIEG systematisch Gefangene gefoltert und getöteten haben sollen. es gehe um mögliche Taten 20030000—20080000    —ZWISCHEN—UND, erklärte das Gericht mit Sitz in DEN—HAAG in 1—MITTEILUNG.
20140514             Chefanklägerin Fatou Bensouda prüft nun 1.die rechtliche GRUND—LAGE für 1—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN.
20140514             DIE—VORWÜRFE wiegen schwer: 109—EHEMALIGE—HÄFTLINGEN sagen aus, dass
20140514             In dem Papier sind mehrere hochrangige GROSSBRITANNIEN—POLITIKER und MILITÄRs namentlich genannt, darunter auch DER—FRÜHERE—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—GEOFF—HOON.
20140514             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—GENERALSTAATS—ANWALT DOMINIK—GRIEVE, der dem KABINETT in LONDON angehört, sagte, DIE—REGIERUNG weise DIE—VORWÜRFE entschieden zurück:
20140514             Begeistert berichten sie von der tödlichen Effizienz ihrer Waffen.
20140514             Gear, OBERST—IM—RUHESTAND und —BIS vor kurzem Direktor DER—USA—AIR—FORCE—DROHNEN—TASK—FORCE, steht auf und wirkt, als platze er vor Stolz aus dem Anzug.
20140514             DIE—3—MÄNNER neben ihm seien "das Beste, was DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM in Sachen unbemannte Flugzeuge zu bieten habe".Sie seien gemeinsam für über 95 % aller UAS—FLUGSTUNDEN DER—USA—STREIT—KRÄFTE verantwortlich.
20140514             Mehr als 600—AUSSTELLER, über 8000—TEILNEHMER aus 55—NATIONEN sind dabei.
20140514             JAMES—CLUFF, Herr über die "Reaper"—, "Predator"—KAMPF—DROHNEN der AIR—FORCE,
20140514             NICK—KIOUTAS, VERANTWORTLICH—FÜR—ENTWICKLUNG und Kauf kleiner Spähdrohnen DER—USA—ARMY.
20140514             "Diese Männer nehmen das, was Sie bauen, aufs Schlachtfeld", ruft Gear ins Publikum, das zu 1—GROßEN Teil aus Vertretern von RÜSTUNGS—FIRMEN bestehen dürfte.
20140514             —BEDEUTET, Was genau das, macht Cluff anschließend klar, der als —CHEF—DES—432ND Air Expeditionary Wing DER—USA—LUFT—WAFFE auf der Creech AIR—FORCE—BASE mehr als 130 "Predator"—, "Reaper"—KAMPF—DROHNEN befehligt.
20140514             Hunderte TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE und TALIBAN wurden mit ihrer Hilfe getötet —, vermutlich auch Hunderte Zivilisten, genaue Zahlen sind unbekannt.
20140514             Bei Cluff aber klingt das eher wie 1—VERWALTUNGSAKT.
20140514             "REVOLUTIONär"sei die Art und Weise, wie die AIR—FORCE Drohnen einsetze, schwärmt Cluff.
20140514             —GEFLOGEN, Wer —HEUTE über AFGHANISTAN, sei, könne —MORGEN—SCHON über AFRIKA fliegen.
20140514             "Das", sagt Cluff, "ist Effizienz, wie sie besser nicht sein kann".
20140514             "Strom, Datenverbindung und 1—KLIMAANLAGE"- mehr brauche er nicht, um seine Drohnen einzusetzen.
20140514             "Ich könnte sie zur Not auch vom Dach des Hotels Bellagio in LAS—VEGAS fliegen".
20140514             —DIE—ZEIT, zwischen Erkennen und Vernichten 1—ZIELS—DIE "Kill Chain"- sei bedeutend verkürzt worden.
20140514             Dass der Schuss juristisch möglicherweise fragwürdig war, da keine unmittelbare BEDROHUNG—FÜR—EIGENE Truppen bestand, thematisierte Thurman freilich nicht.
20140514             Einfach widerlich!
20140514             —GEWORDEN, Irgendwie ist mir bei der Lektüre dieses Artikels übel.
20140514             Da begeistern sich DIE—MENSCHEN, wenn sie über die "Effizienz"ihrer Geräte, Verkürzung der "Kill Chain"usw. sprechen.
20140514             Ich habe mal 1—FILM—ÜBER—DEN Verhör von Eichmann
20140514             einfach pervers - wie SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH über 1—TODES—MASCHINERIE geschrieben wird, ohne auch nur 1—EINZIGEN ZWEIFEL—AN—DER Schädlichkeit des Einsatzes dieser Waffen zu äußern.
20140514             TERROR—IN—NIGERIA: "Sie sagen, DER—WESTEN ist schuld an ihrer Armut"
20140514             Hunderte TOTE—IN—DER—TÜRKEI: GEWERKSCHAFT nennt GRUBEN—UNGLÜCK "Massaker"
20140514             MILLIARDEN—BETRÜGER—MADOFF köderte überwiegend DEUTSCHLAND—UND USA—BÜRGER
20140514             Teurere Pauschalreisen: INFLATIONS—RATE steigt 1.—SEIT—JAHRES—BEGINN wieder
20140514             EUGH—ENTSCHEIDUNG und GOOGLE: Die wichtigsten Infos zum SUCHMASCHINEN—URTEIL
20140514             EUGH—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Das sagt DIE—PRESSE zum GOOGLE—URTEIL
20140514             SPAR—KURS der AUSTRALIEN—REGIERUNG, streitet über Rente mit 70
20140514             Mittelstandsumfrage: Firmen setzen wenig Hoffnung in FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN
20140514             SONY—KONZERN—UMBAU, macht fast 1—MILLIARDE—EURO Verlust
20140514             Navigationssystem: RUSSLAND will GPS—BODEN—STATIONEN abschalten
20140514             INTER—NATIONALE—RAUMSTATION: Fallschirm bringt Raumfahrer zur Erde zurück
20140514             —EXPERTEN gehen davon aus, daß auf GOOGLE und Co. —NUN, 1—FLUT—VON—LÖSCHANFRAGEN zukommt.
20140514             Doch noch ist unklar, welche Auswirkungen DER—RICHTERSPRUCH tatsächlich haben und wie er sich auswirken wird.
20140514             —IM, konkreten Fall ging es um Ergebnislisten von GOOGLE, in denen 1—SPANIER in Zusammenhang mit 1—IMMOBILIENPFÄNDUNG genannt WURDE—DIESEN Suchmaschineneintrag, der auf 1—DIGITALISIERTEN ZEITUNGS—ARTIKEL basierte, wollte der Mann wegen angeblicher Rufschädigung löschen lassen.
20140514             —DER—FALL—LANDETE vor dem EuGH, weil das SPANIEN—OBERGERICHT den GERICHT—HOF aufgefordert hatte, die Auslegung der EU—DATEN—SCHUTZDIE—RICHTLINIE zu klären.
20140514             —GEMELDET, WOHN—SITZ nicht : CDU—ABGEORDNETER gibt STEUERvergehen zu
20140514             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, UNIVERSITÄTen als Werkzeuge des KAPITALISMUS
20140514             KOSOVO, LIBANON und MALI: KABINETT beschließt Verlängerung von 3—BUNDESWEHR—EIN—SÄTZEN
20140514             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—KIEW: RUSSLAND zweifelt an Legitimität DER—UKRAINE—WAHL
20140514             —REKORD—SUMME: Gelber Diamant für 12.000.000—EURO versteigert
20140514             BERG—WERKSUNGLÜCK in der TÜRKEI: KATASTROPHE von Soma bringt ERDOGAN in Bedrängnis
20140514             UNO—FLÜCHTLINGSHILFSWERK: 33.000.000—MENSCHEN in Heimatländern auf der Flucht
20140514             —KOMPLIZIERT, Alte AKW: So, ist der ABBAU—VON—ATOM—KRAFT—WERKEN
20140514             EU—URTEIL: DEUTSCHLAND muss GRENZ—WERTE für Schwermetalle in Spielzeug anpassen
20140514             GOOGLE—URTEIL: DIE—MACHT der Metadaten
20140514             Göttliche Eingebungen: RICHTER—SPRECHEN—JESUS das URHEBER—RECHT ab
20140514             —KLIMA—FORSCHER Bengtsson: "Ich hatte Angst um meine Gesundheit und Sicherheit"
20140514             RUNDER—TISCH IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE—SEPARATISTEN unerwünscht - GPS—MESSUNGEN: Der Erde wächst 1—BEULE
20140514             Fossilfund: Wie DIE—INSEKTEN fliegen lernten
20140514             Erreger aus SAUDI—ARABIEN: NIEDERLANDE melden 1.FALL—VON—CORONA—VIRUS—MERS
20140514             GRUBEN—UNGLÜCK in der TÜRKEI: Profit statt Sicherheit
20140514             Löschanträge an GOOGLE: 5—PUNKTE, die Sie beachten müssen
20140514             —NACH, EUGH—ENTSCHEIDUNG: So stellen Sie 1—LÖSCHANTRAG bei GOOGLE
20140514             GROSSBRITANNIEN—ABHÖR—SKANDAL, Redakteur hackte Handys von Kate, WILLIAM und HARRY
20140514             GRUBEN—UNGLÜCK in der TÜRKEI: "Scher dich zum Teufel, ERDOGAN!"
20140514             WASHINGTON, Aus Sicht des WEIßES—HAUSES ist die berufliche Neuorientierung von HUNTER—BIDEN nicht einmal 1—KOMMENTAR wert.
20140514             —ERST auf NACH—FRAGE ringt sich Sprecher JAY—CARNEY zu 1—KNAPPEN Erklärung durch: "HUNTER—BIDEN und die anderen MITGLIEDER—DER—BIDEN—FAMILIE sind freie BÜRGER—DER—USA.
20140514             Ihr berufliches Engagement geht DIE—REGIERUNG ebenso wenig an, wie den Präsidenten oder seinen STELL—VERTRETER".
20140514             —DENN, der SOHN—VON—JOE—BIDEN heuert bei der Burisma Holding an, 1—PRIVATEN Gasproduzenten IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20140514             BIDEN ist RECHTS—ANWALT der NEW—YORKER Großkanzlei Boies, SCHILLER & Flexner.
20140514             Er soll als Cheflobbyist KONTAKTE zu internationalen Partnern pflegen und sich um rechtliche Angelegenheiten kümmern.
20140514             —IM, Aufsichtsrat sitzen mehrere USA—AMERIKANER, aber kein einziger UKRAINEr.
20140514             Mit von der Partie ist auch DEVON—ARCHER, der 1—BERICHT—DES—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL"zufolge 1—ENGER Freund des Stiefsohns von USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY ist.
20140514             um seine Abhängigkeit und den Einfluss von RUSSLAND zu verringern.
20140514             DIE—ERSCHLIEßUNG der Schiefergasreserven soll dazu beitragen.
20140514             —TRADITIONELL, IN—DER—UKRAINE das einträgliche GAS—GESCHÄFT dominieren Seilschaften aus —POLITIK und OLIGARCHEN.
20140514             Burisma werde direkt oder indirekt von Expolitikern und Beamten kontrolliert, schreibt DIE—UKRAINE—AUSGABE des Magazins "Forbes".
20140514             Das sind doch  —SEIT—JAHREN, allgemein bekannte Tatsachen?
20140514             —GETAN, Warum wird denn so, als ob das PROPAGANDA wäre?
20140514             Wir müssen uns daher nicht wundern, wenn DIE—USA alles daran setzen wieder DIE—KONTROLLE—ÜBER—DIESE Gebiete zu erlangen.
20140514             Zur Not auch mit WAFFEN—GEWALT—SIND ja "nur"RUSSEN.
20140514             Bergauf fallen - HUNTER—BIDEN hat —SCHON reichlich Erfahrung gesammelt, als Freiwilliger im JESUITEN—CORPS, als Mitbegruender 1—HEGDE Funds (aka Heuschrecken) mit seinem Onkel James und als CLINTON Beauftragter fuer die Aufsicht über DIE—WIRTSCHAFT im DEPARTMENT.
20140514             of Commerce.
20140514             Arbeit dieses Patrioten mit dem starken moralischen Kompass wird der unverbruechlichen USA—UKRAINE—FREUNDSCHAFT helfen.
20140514             Da wuenschen wir ihm doch alles Gute.
20140514             Ergänzung - Der POLEN—FERNSEHKANAL TVN 24—MELDET, daß auch der EHEMALIGE—POLEN—PRÄSIDENT—ALEKSANDER Kwasniewski bei der selbigen Firma beschäftigt ist
20140514             Staatstreu vs.
20140514             staatstragend - "STAATS—TREUE RUSSLAND—MEDIEN stellen die MAIDAN—REVOLUTION —SEIT—MONATEN als von WASHINGTON geplanten und bezahlten Putsch dar".Tja, da dürften "STAATS—TREUE RUSSLAND—MEDIEN"wohl ziemlich nah an der Wahrheit liegen.
20140514             In den Leserforen "staatstragender DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIEN"wurde —BEREITS ZU—ANFANG—DES, Schlamassels auf die Interessen von USA—KONZERNEN wie MONSANTO oder eben auch von Energiekonzernen IN—DER—UKRAINE hingewiesen.
20140514             DIE—"staatstragenden DEUTSCHLAND—MEDIEN"hat das —BIS—HEUTE nicht interessiert.
20140514             —GEHABT, Oder nicht zu interessieren.
20140514             STUTTGARTer Wissenschaftler fanden nun heraus, daß die 1.Fluginsekten reine Gleitflieger waren.
20140514             HAMBURG—KLIMA—FORSCHER mahnen —SEIT—LANGEM, DIE—GLETSCHER—SCHMELZE in der ANT—ARKTIS werde gravierende Auswirkungen haben.
20140514             Was sie aber nicht auf der Rechnung hatten: Der Eisschwund auf dem Südkontinent lässt der Erde 1—BEULE wachsen —, die verändert sogar die Erddrehung.
20140514             Doch auch andere Kräfte sind am Werk.
20140514             Um mindestens 15—MILLIMETER PRO—JAHR beult sich DIE—ERD—KRUSTE aus, berichtet 1—GRUPPE um GRACE—NIELD von der NEWCASTLE—UNIVERSITY—GROß—BRITANNIEN im Fachblatt "Earth and Planetary Science Letters".
20140514             Das zeigen Messungen von 7—GPS—STATIONEN, die verstreut an der KÜSTE—DES—NÖRDLICHEN—ZIPFELS—DES—SÜDKONTINENTS stehen.
20140514             Abseits der Stationen, in Regionen größten Gletscherschwundes, dürfte die Ausbeulung noch weitaus stärker ausfallen, meinen DIE—FORSCHER.
20140514             "DIE—HEBUNGEN, die wir über mehr als 1—JAHR—ZEHNT  gemessen haben, würde man eigentlich über Jahrtausende erwarten", erklärt Nield.
20140514             —VON, Eislast befreit, hebt sich der BODEN wie 1—WAAGE, von der Gewicht genommen wurde.
20140514             So federn —HEUTE—NOCH, 11.000—JAHRE—NACH—DEM ENDE—DER—EIS—ZEIT, Teile Nordeuropas um wenige Millimeter PRO—JAHR nach OBEN—GEBIETE, die einst unter Gletschern einsanken, wippen hoch.
20140514             Und das geschehe —DERZEIT—IN—DER ANT—ARKTIS: Das schwindende Eis sorge dafür, daß DIE—ERD—KRUSTE HOCHFEDERE—JEDOCH deutlich schneller als zu erwarten wäre.
20140514             Ursache scheinen unterirdische Hitzewallungen.
20140514             "Dass DIE—GLETSCHER—SCHMELZE sich —BIS in Hunderte KmTiefe auswirkt, ist faszinierend", sagt PETER Clark von der NEWCASTLE—UNIVERSITY, Mitautor der Studie.
20140514             —GEWORDEN, Das Ungleichgewicht scheine FOLGLICH—DAMALS, akut, zu sein, meint der Geophysiker BERNHARD Steinberger vom HELMHOLTZ—ZENTRUM POTSDAM GFZ.
20140514             "Wenn durch weiteres Abschmelzen des Eises das Ungleichgewicht größer wird, könnte sich die Hebung sogar weiter beschleunigen",
20140514             könnte die Erwärmung in politisch instabilen Regionen Extremismus und TERRORISMUS fördern, heißt es in dem 48—SEITIGEN BERICHT—DES—MILITARY ADVISORY—BOARDS mit dem Titel "NATIONAL—SICHERHEIT und die zunehmenden BE—DROHUNGEN durch den KLIMA—WANDEL".
20140514             WELT—WEIT könnte das vermehrte 1ätze USA—USA—TRUPPEN bedeuten.
20140514             DER—KLIMA—WANDEL sei 1—KRISENKATALYSATOR, heißt es in dem Bericht.
20140514             1—THESE, über DIE—FORSCHER —SEIT—JAHREN, kontrovers diskutieren.
20140514             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY sagte der NEW—YORK—TIMES, daß DIE—ERGEBNISSE—DES—BERICHTS sich auf DIE—USAUSSEN—POLITIK auswirken könnten.
20140514             "—HEUTE—SCHON töten sich Völker wegen Wassermangel", sagte er.
20140514             "Man stelle sich nur vor, was passiert, wenn wir mit Massenmigration konfrontiert werden oder riesige Flüsse wie der Nil oder Hauptflüsse in CHINA und INDIEN austrocknen.
20140514             DIE—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE nehmen die Lage ernst, und es muss etwas passieren".
20140514             Personalwechsel: NEW—YORK—TIMESENTLÄSST Chefredakteurin JILL—ABRAMSON
20140514             Schatztaucher will "S—MARIA"entdeckt haben: Steine am Riff
20140514             Verdeckter ANTIFASCHISMUS—SCHRIFTZUG: DFB bittet S—PAULI um Entschuldigung
20140514             [3]1—ABSTIEG—FÜR die NYT
20140514             Verlegerei nach GutsherrenARTIKEL An der BÖRSE ist die NYT—AKTIE —ERST mal um 5 % gefallen auf diese Entlassung hin.
20140514             RECHT geschieht es den Herren.
20140514             —GELESEN, Außerdem hab ich, die NYT wolle —JETZT keine SNOWDEN—INFOS über die Schnüffelei der NSA mehr veröffentlichen.
20140514             Schade um 1—GUTE Zeitung.
20140514             —MILITÄR—AUSBILDUNG, USA—SOLDATEN sollen ZOMBIE—INVASION durchspielen
20140514             WASHINGTON, DAS—USA—MILITÄR hat 1—SKURRILES Training für seinen Führungsnachwuchs entwickelt.
20140514             Um Studenten 1—KOMMANDOEINHEIT mit strategischem Denken vertraut zu machen, mussten sie 1—ABWEHRPLAN—GEGEN 1—ZOMBIE—APOKALYPSE entwerfen, berichtete das Magazin "FOREIGN—POLICY".
20140514             Dafür gingen sie nach eigenen Angaben vom schlimmsten Fall aus: Dass 1—RIESIGE MENGE—VON—UNTOTEN über DIE—ERDE wandelt und dabei zahlreiche Menschen infiziert und auffrisst, ohne dass es 1—GEGENMITTEL gibt.
20140514             In dem STRATEGIE—PAPIER mit dem Titel "Conplan 8888"heißt es, DIE—STREIT—KRÄFTE "werden darauf vorbereitet, die Unantastbarkeit des menschlichen Lebens zu bewahren und Operationen zum SCHUTZ—DER—GESAMTEN menschlichen Bevölkerung DURCHZUFÜHREN—EINSCHLIEßLICH der traditionellen Gegner".
20140514             [l] DIE—GUTE—NACHRICHT: Der Grauwolf ist nach 89—JAHREN nach IOWA zurückgekehrt.
20140514             —DIE—SCHLECHTE—NACHRICHT, Er wurde sofort von 1—JÄGER erschossen.
20140514             —GEHALTEN, Der Jäger sagt, er habe das Tier für 1—KOJOTEN.
20140514             [l] Evgeny MOROzov stellt die Frage, ob man das Verkaufen von den eigenen persönlichen DATEN verbieten sollte.
20140514             Als GRUND—LAGE für weitergehende Überlegungen zum Wert und Verkauf von persönlichen DATEN.
20140514             [l] Weil der "VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ"zu inkompetent ist, selber Ermittlungen durchzuführen, hören sie halt Telefonate von weniger unfähigen Journalisten ab.
20140514             Und versuchen die dann zu bedrängen, vor Gericht ihre Quellen zu verraten.
20140514             —EXISTIERT, Wieso, dieser Schandfleck 1—BEHÖRDE eigentlich noch?
20140514             —UPDATE, Radio Eriwan: Im Prinzip richtig, aber nicht der VS hat abgehört sondern das LKA, und sie haben auch nicht die Journalistin abgehört sondern den Konvertiten, den die Journalistin dann anrief und so in die Fänge des Abhörapparates geriet.
20140514             —GEMACHT, DIE—JOURNALISTIN hat von ihrem Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht Gebrauch.
20140514             MARKUS—KOMPA klärt das mal auf.
20140514             [l] Der bescheuertste Vorschlag der letzten —JAHRE kommt von der Verräterpartei.
20140514             DIE—SCHLAGEN ernsthaft vor, Gütesiegel für Hardware ohne NSA—BACKDOOR einzuführen.
20140514             [l] Das GROSSBRITANNIEN—FOREIGN & Commonwealth Office hat —JETZT 1.Journalisten in ihren Bunker mit den peinlichen Dokumenten reingelassen.
20140514             Hintergrund ist, daß 1—PAAR alte KENIAner 20110000              auf Schadensersatz geklagt haben, wegen Untaten der BRITEN WÄHREND der Kolonialzeit.
20140514             Eigentlich gibt es in GROß—BRITANNIEN 1—GESETZ, daß ALLE—DOKUMENTE nach 30—JAHREN offengelegt werden müssen.
20140514             Das Gericht FRAGTE—DAMALS, DAS—AUßEN—MINISTERIUM, was sie da für Dokumente hätten, und die meinten: gar keine.
20140514             —DANN, meinten sie: naja, so 15000000             .
20140514             Dann: ok, eher so 8800. - Und schließlich: 20000.
20140514             —BERICHTET, DER—GUARDIAN hat dann, daß es da in Geheimbunkern 1.200.000 Aktenordner mit gesetzeswidrig zurückgehaltenen Unterlagen gäbe.
20140514             —PASSIERT, Da musste sich dann was bewegen, und das ist —JETZT.
20140514             Aber so richtig viel Bewegung war es dann doch nicht.
20140514             —DENN, sogar DER—GRUND, wieso sie DIE—AKTEN nicht rausrücken, ist geheim.
20140514             Aber die Beschriftungen der Regale hat es schonmal in sich.
20140514             —BEFORE long, we were meandering through ROWS—OF—HISTORIC—DOCUMENTS  on shelves with labels like "SIERRA—LEONE Arms Investigation", "COMPENSATION—OF—VICTIMS—OF—NAZI persecution case files" and "SIR—WINSTON—CHURCHILL—MESSAGES—OF—SYMPATHY".
20140514             I flipped through 1—VOLUME—OF "SLAVE—TRADE—CORRESPONDENCE" from 1858—1859 and the personal desk DIARY—OF—DONALD Duart Maclean, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—DIPLOMAT who served as 1—SOVIET—KGB spy —DURING WWII.
20140514             Alleine was es da an Kolonialgeschichte aufzuarbeiten gäbe, da kriegen Historiker bestimmt gerade feuchte Hände bei.
20140514             Und natürlich Unterlagen über NAZI—DEUTSCHLAND und so weiter.
20140514             —WHILE MANY—FILES probably contain trivial miscellany, others surely hold SOME—JUICY information.
20140514             1—BAG—OF—RECORDS contains papers from the "Information Research Department", THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE—FAMOUS—COLD—WAR—PROPAGANDA—UNIT.
20140514             Other boxes contain SO—CALLED "NAZI persecution files".
20140514             —AM, vom SYRIEN—VOLK wiedergewählt würde, wird er das nicht überleben, da offenbar DIE—USA DER—MONARCHIE SAUDI—ARABIEN zugesagt hat, auf syrischem BODEN 1—SUNNITISCHEN GOTTES—STAAT zu errichten.
20140514             —AM, wird turnusgemäss neu gewählt, JEDE—PARTEI kann sich registrieren lassen und ihren Kandidaten benennen.
20140514—19970000    —IN, 1—FURTHER—267.000—FILES—CONCERN—HONG—KONG, and were brought to LONDON —AFTER HONG—KONG was handed over to CHINA.
20140514—20020000    —SEIT, hat sich die Hebung stetig beschleunigt.
20140514—20030511    —SEIT—11—JAHREN, JIM—GEAR ist in seinem Element gehöre er nun der DROHNEN—COMMUNITY an.
20140514—20030511    "Faszinierend"sei das.
20140514—20030511    Mit großen, mittleren und kleinen unbemannten Flugkörpern (UAS) habe er zu tun gehabt.
20140514—20030511    "Einfach faszinierend"sei das.
20140916—20140514    —SENTENCED, NIGERIA, 12—SOLDIERS were, to death for mutiny —AFTER shots were fired at their commanding officer in the restive NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI.
20150206—20150514    —ON, it was reported that Mueller had been raped repeatedly by ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI, THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED CALIPH—OF—THE—IS.
20150509—20150514    —DISAPPEARED, MEXICO, at least 16—PEOPLE—DURING—1—TAKEOVER by vigilantes allegedly linked to 1—DRUG—GANG in Chilapa, Guerrero state.
20150514             WASHINGTON, DC businessman Savvas Savopoulos, PRESIDENT—AND—CEO—OF—USA—IRON—WORKS 1—BUILDING—MATERIALS—COMPANY in MARYLAND, his wife Amy, their 10—YEAR—OLD—SON—PHILIP and the family's housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa -- were found bound and bludgeoned —AFTER 1—FIRE gutted the millionaire's mansion.
20150514             † B.B. KING (89), MISSISSIPPI—BORN blues guitarist and 15-time Grammy winner in LAS—VEGAS.
20150514             FRANZ—WRIGHT was THE—SON—OF—JAMES—WRIGHT, another Pulitzer Prize winning poet.
20150514             UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE said more than 700—POTENTIAL—TERROR—SUSPECTS have traveled to Syria from THE—UK to fight or support extremists, and about half are believed to have returned.
20150514             —ANNOUNCED, BURUNDI—ARMED—FORCES—CHIEF, that 1—ATTEMPTED coup against PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA had failed, although the claim was quickly denied by opponents of THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN nation's leader.
20150514             Rival FACTIONS—OF—BURUNDI—ARMY fought intense battles for CONTROL—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20150514             12—SOLDIERS who backed the coup were killed.
20150514             —RETURNED, PRESIDENT, Nkurunziza, to BURUNDI and 1—DEPUTY—COUP—LEADER said the attempted coup has failed.
20150514             —FREED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—ARMED—GROUPS—OF—CHRISTIAN, and Muslim militia, more than 350—CHILD—SOLDIERS.
20150514             —HOSTED, CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI in his ancestral home town at the start of a 3—DAY—VISIT to CHINA as THE—2—ASIA—GIANTS—WORK to boost economic ties despite DECADES—OF—MISTRUST.
20150514             —DEPARTED, THE—IRAN—BOATS then, the area —AFTER UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—AUTHORITIES deployed coast guard boats in response to calls for help.
20150514             —ERUPTED, IRAQ, deadly violence, overnight —WHEN Shiite worshippers marched through 1—SUNNI NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—BAGHDAD on their way to 1—SHRINE for 1—ANNUAL—RITUAL.
20150514             —BURNED, Police said 4—PEOPLE were, to death trapped inside their torched homes.
20150514             —APPROVED, JAPAN—CABINET—1—SET—OF—BILLS—BOLSTERING the role and SCOPE—OF—THE—MILITARY, as the pacifist country redefines its position in the increasingly roiled ASIA—PACIFIC region.
20150514             LITHUANIA said the Baltic states will formally ask NATO to deploy several 1000—TROOPS as 1—DETERRENT to RUSSIA, but the alliance gave no assurance that the request would be accepted.
20150514             —TURNED, MALAYSIA, away 2—CRAMMED migrant boats filled with Rohingya and Bangladeshis abandoned at sea by traffickers.
20150514             THAILAND kept at bay 1—LARGE—VESSEL with HUNDREDS—OF—HUNGRY—PEOPLE.
20150514             —SIGNED, MALI—TUAREG—LED rebels, 1—PRELIMINARY—PEACE—AGREEMENT with the government as 1—GESTURE—OF "good faith" to end DECADES—OF—SEPARATIST—FIGHTING, but wanted more guarantees —BEFORE signing 1—FINAL—ACCORD.
20150514             MEXICO, 1—MAYORAL candidate in the Yurecuaro MUNICIPALITY—OF—MICHOACAN was shot dead by 1—GROUP—OF—ARMED—MEN—JUST—BEFORE 1—CAMPAIGN—RALLY.
20150514             —STABBED, MEXICO, 5—CHILDREN aged 11 to 15—STONED, and buried a 6—YEAR—OLD—BOY on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—CIUDAD Juarez, CHIHUAHUA state.
20150514             The boy was found in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE by 1—STREAM—20150516             .
20150514             —KILLED, The paramilitary Frontier Corps, 13—SUSPECTED "terrorists" in the Splinji and JOHAN—AREAS—OF—BALUCHISTAN —AFTER they came under fire —DURING 1—SEARCH—OPERATION.
20150514             THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS overran 1—BOMB—FACTORY—OF—ABU—SAYYAF militants —AFTER 1—FIREFIGHT that killed 3—INSURGENTS and 1—SOLDIER on Basilan ISLAND.
20150514             —RANKED, THE—OECD, SINGAPORE as NUMBER 1 in the world for providing its citizens with the best comprehensive education.
20150514             —RANKED, ASIA took THE—5—TOP—SPOTS and THE—USA was, NUMBER 28.
20150514             —EXECUTED, SYRIA, jihadists from the Islamic State group, 26—CIVILIANS—AFTER overrunning their villages near the ancient CITY—OF—PALMYRA.
20150514             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—THAILAND, at least 12—BOMBS—WOUNDING several people in and —AROUND Yala where ethnic Malay insurgents are active.
20150514             NORTH—YEMEN, 1—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIP belonging to THE—SAUDI—LED coalition targeting rebels struck 1—TRUCK—EARLY—TODAY, killing 9—PEOPLE.
20150514             YEMEN—TRIBESMEN, who refer to themselves as "SONS—OF—HADRAMAWT," distributed pamphlets saying qat chewing is banned and that violators "will be held fully responsible under Shariah law".
20150514             —GEGEN, massenhafte DATEN—SAMMLUNG: REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS stimmt für GEHEIM—DIENST—REFORM
20150514             Konzept der EU—KOMMISSION: BERLIN bremst bei der SCHLEUSER—JAGD
20150514             Drama in SÜD—OST—ASIEN: MALAYSIA weist Hunderte BOOTS—FLÜCHTLINGE zurück
20150514             Kuriose Technik: Der Sprungtrick der SCHNAPPKIEFER—AMEISE
20150514             Identität verwechselt: Unschuldiger kommt nach 29—JAHREN aus USA—HAFT
20150514             —KRITISIERT, Mangelnde RECHTS—STAATLICHKEIT: TÜRKEI—VIZE—PREMIER, sein Land
20150514             UKRAINE—KRISE, Baltische STAATEN fordern dauerhafte NATO—PRÄSENZ
20150514             —GEPLANTES REFERENDUM: BANK—OF—ENGLAND will schnell Klarheit über EU—AUSTRITT
20150514             TREFFEN—MIT—VERTRETERN der GOLF—STAATEN: Die Scheichs verstehen OBAMA nicht mehr
20150514             KARLS—PREIS AACHEN: Schulz wirft EU—REGIERUNGEN Egoismus vor
20150514             Privatisierung: GRIECHENLAND startet HAFEN—VERKAUF in Piräus
20150514             SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE: Kauder bezweifelt Offenlegung der NSA—SPÄH—LISTE
20150514             DAS—USA—REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS hat 1.—SEIT—LANGEM diskutierte GEHEIM—DIENST—REFORM beschlossen, die der NSA das massenhafte SAMMELN—VON—TELEFON—METADATEN IN—DEN—USA in der —BISHERIGEN Form untersagt.
20150514             388—ABGEORDNETE stimmten —AM—MITTWOCH in WASHINGTON für den sogenannten USA—FREEDOM Act, 88—LEHNTEN die Vorlage ab.
20150514             Damit hat sich 1.überwältigende Mehrheit im REPRÄSENTANTEN—HAUS dafür ausgesprochen, dass Telefonnummern sowie ZEIT—PUNKT und Dauer von Anrufen künftig ausschließlich bei den Telefongesellschaften gespeichert werden.
20150514             WILL—DER—GEHEIM—DIENST darauf zugreifen, muss dies durch das geheime SPEZIAL—GERICHT FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE Surveillance COURT[FISC] abgesegnet werden.
20150514             DIE—ANFÜHRER—DER—REPUBLIKANER—MEHRHEIT im SENAT weigern sich aber Interessiert niemand
20150514             DIE—DATEN die zählen sind anonym, da kann DER—GEHEIM—DIENST ES—SICH leisten auf Vorratsdatenhaltung und "namentlich Speicherung"verzichten.
20150514             DIE—MUNDWERKZEUGE—VON—SCHNAPPKIEFER—AMEISEN, die Mandibeln, können mit enormer Geschwindigkeit zuschnappen.
20150514             DIE—STUDIE zeige, wie 1—MERKMAL, das für 1—BESTIMMTEN Zweck verwendet wird, auch für andere Funktionen genutzt werde.
20150514             DIE—SIGNATUR des Donners soll helfen, Blitze zu ER—GRÜNDEN.
20150514             "sechsmal wärmer als die Oberfläche der Sonne".
20150514             Zwischenfall vor SCHOTTLAND: GROSSBRITANNIEN—KAMPFJETS fangen RUSSLAND—BOMBER ab
20150514             Mögliches EURO—AUS für GRIECHENLAND—VAROUFAKIS warnt vor RÜCK—FALL—IN—DIE STEIN—ZEIT
20150514             Gefühle bei Insekten: Fliegen mit Flatter
20150514             —KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—NATO und RUSSLAND: —ERST Wandel, dann Annäherung
20150514             —VERWÜSTET, Wirbelsturm bei AUGSBURG: Tornado, Dorf in BAYERN
20150514             Kulturerbe in SYRIEN—IS rückt auf antike Oasenstadt Palmyra vor
20150514             OLIVIER—BLANCHARD: IWF—CHEFVOLKSWIRT tritt zurück
20150514             ERDBEBEN—IN—NEPAL: In der Stadt der bunten Ruinen
20150514             TIEFSEE—TURBO: Forscher entdecken warmblütige Fische
20150514             —GESEHEN, Er ist flach, von der Seite, fast rund, erreicht —BIS zu 1,80—METER Länge und ist in so gut wie allen Meeren zu Hause: Eigentlich ist Lampris, im DEUTSCHLAND—GOTTESLACHS genannt, ein alter Bekannter.
20150514             "Mondfische".
20150514             darauf, den Fischen die Körpertemperatur zu messen, ist —BISHER, niemand gekommen: Gotteslachse entpuppten sich nun völlig überraschend als Warmblüter.
20150514             Lampris hält seine Körpertemperatur ständig über dem Niveau des umliegenden Wassers, berichten DIE—FORSCHER im Fachblatt "Science".
20150514             Dies gelinge dem Fisch, indem er nonstop seine Muskeln einsetze.
20150514             "Das ist 1.coole Innovation, die diesen Fischen 1—WETTBEWERBSVORTEIL verschafft.
20150514             Lampris schafft es, seine Bluttemperatur konstant 5—GRAD über der des umgebenden Wassers zu halten.
20150514             Auch wenn DEUTSCHLAND—KOLLEGEN zweifeln, bleibt 1.Frage: Müssen wir auf die Gefühle von Insekten Rücksicht nehmen?
20150514             Was ist Angst?
20150514             Oft sind es die einfachen Fragen, die in der Forschung die besten Studien entstehen lassen -
20150514             Mal setzen sie nur 1.einzelne Fliege in die Schale, um zu zeigen, dass das Gehüpfe kein Schwarmphänomen ist
20150514             Mal ließen sie ausgehungerte Fliegen auf Futter sitzen und erschreckten sie dann mit dem SCHATTEN.
20150514             Es ist nicht das 1.Mal, dass Biologen Insekten Eigenschaften zusprechen, DIE—BISHER, als menschlich gelten
20150514             Es gibt auch Persönlichkeitsstudien zu Schaben, Läusen und Ameisen.
20150514             "Wir glauben, dass komplexe Gefühle wie Angst aus 'primitiven Emotionen' bestehen",
20150514             Gibson führt 2—ARGUMENTE ins Feld: Zum 1—SEI die gefühlte Bedrohung skalierbar gewesen.
20150514             Zebitz erklärt: "Insekten versuchen immer im Optimalzustand zu sein, und wenn das nicht —DER—FALL—IST, fangen sie halt an, sich zu bewegen".
20150514             Umstrittene Praxis: Post setzt Beamte als Streikbrecher ein
20150514             Drama auf dem Meer: ASIEN macht Grenzen für FLÜCHTLINGE dicht
20150514             USA—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—ANWÄRTER: JEB—BUSH hält IRAK—EINMARSCH aus heutiger Sicht für falsch
20150514             ATOM—DEAL—MIT—IRAN: USA—KONGRESS verschafft sich Mitspracherecht
20150514             Tumult im PARLAMENT: Knappe Mehrheit stimmt für NETANYAHU—REGIERUNG
20150514             [l] Unsere wackere KRIEGS—MINISTERIN hat trickreich den G36—BERICHT fälschen lassen.
20150514             "Das G36 ist (...) nach wie VOR—1.zuverlässig funktions—, betriebssichere Waffe"
20150514             [l] Medizinischer DURCHBRUCH—IN—ENGLAND!
20150514             [l] DAS—USA—UNTERHAUS hat den PATRIOT—ACT gekürzt, hat DIE—NSA—TELEFONMETADATENSAMMLUNG verboten.
20150514             Aber der Lacher an dieser GESCHICHTE ist das hier:
20150514             So for THE—NSA, which has been internally questioning the cost EFFECTIVENESS—OF—BULK collection —FOR—YEARS, the bill would make THE—AGENCY—SEARCHES somewhat less efficient, but it would not wipe them out.
20150514             Wait, what?
20150514             [l] Brutalstmögliche Aufklärung beim "VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ":
20150514             Dass USA—NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE auch DEUTSCHLAND—UNTERNEHMEN ausgespäht haben könnten, dafür gebe es "
20150514             Also ich für meinen Teil merke das ja immer sofort, wenn DIE—NSA über den BND meine Pakete auf dem Weg kopiert!1!!
20150514             [l] SAUDI—ARABIEN will 1—OPPOSITIONELLEN schiitischen SCHEICH hinrichten.
20150514             [l] Keine Lage ist so verkackt, dass man sie nicht noch durch gezielte Anwendung von Volker Kauder noch schlimmer machen könnte.
20150514             Unsere NACHRICHTEN—DIENSTE leisten 1—GANZ zentralen Beitrag zum Schutz DER—MENSCHEN vor dem INTERNATIONALER—TERRORISMUS
20150514             —NOCH, einmal: DIE—AUFKLÄRUNG läuft.
20150514             Aber klar ist: Wenn DIE—AMERIKANER nicht dazu bereit sind, wird DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG es schwer haben, die Anfrage positiv zu beantworten.
20150514             (Frage: Warum eigentlich?)
20150514             Es gibt ja offenbar detaillierte Festlegungen über DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT, die noch in der Zeit des KANZLER—AMT—MINISTERS STEINMEIER abgeschlossen wurden.
20150514             —BERICHTET, Deshalb hat sich ja DER—BND — NACHDEM was, wurde — bemüht, die Suchanfragen, die unseren Gesetzen widersprechen, auszusortieren.
20150514             Ich sehe —NACH—DEN DERZEITigen Erkenntnissen keinen SKANDAL, auch wenn es Versäumnisse gegeben haben könnte, weil nicht ALLE—UNZULÄSSIGEN—ANFRAGEN entfernt wurden.
20150514             Keine weiteren Fragen, Euer Ehren.
20150514             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Passivrauchen. NEW—HOTNESS, Passivkiffen!
20150514             [l] Kölns öffentliche Toiletten kostet für Frauen 50—CENT, für Männer ist das Urinal gratis.
20150514             DER—GRUND dafür ist, dass DIE—STADT—KÖLN die Zahlungsmoral der Männer für miserabel hält.
20150514             Wie wäre es damit, das einfach für alle kostenlos zu machen, anstatt hier Frauen in Notlage zur Kasse zu bitten?
20150514             Immerhin: Sitzpinkeln und Scheißen ist auch bei Männern kostenpflichtig.
20150514             [l] ÄGYPTEN kauft offenbar gerade 1—S 300—LUFTABWEHR—SYSTEM von den RUSSEN.
20150514             [l] MALAYSIA pullt 1.EU und schickt Hunderte FLÜCHTLINGE aufs offene Meer zurück.
20150514             [l] DIE—BUNDESWEHR hat 1—BERUFSSOLDATEN rausgeworfen, weil sein Vorgesetzter glaubt, er sei Salafist.
20150514             [l] USA—ARMY—KONVOY verfährt sich auf dem Weg zum NATO—MANEUVER in POLEN in BRANDENBURG.
20150514             [l] Ich frage ja hier —SEIT—JAHREN, wo eigentlich DIE—REVOLUTION bleibt.
20150514             [l] Der ukrainische "PRÄSIDENT"POROSCHENKO hat 1—BERATERGREMIUM einberufen.
20150514             —DEMENTIERT, Spannenderweise, MCCAIN direkt.
20150514             [l] Habt ihr eigentlich den GESETZ—ENTWURF gesehen, dass V—LEUTE Immunität gegen Straftaten wie Körperverletzung, Nötigung oder Sachbeschädigung kriegen sollen?
20150514             —UPDATE, Hier geht noch folgender Hinweis ein:
20150514             Bei dem Gesetz mit dem VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ geht es auch um KINDER—PORNO—GRAPHIE
20150514             "von den an den Bestrebungen Beteiligten derart erwartet wird, dass sie zur Gewinnung und Sicherung der Informationszugänge unumgänglich ist,"
20150514             Der Keuschheitstest mit echten und vor allem !neuen!
20150514             Wahrscheinlich auch mit der Erlaubnis der Veröffentlichung im Web.
20150514—20010911    —NACH, Der USA—FREEDOM Act soll das erlassene ANTI—TERROR—GESETZ—PAKET, DEN—USA—PATRIOT—ACT, reformieren und gleichzeitig dessen Geltungsdauer verlängern.
20150514—20150322    —FIRED, IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS—WARNING—SHOTS at the Alpine Eternity, 1—SINGAPORE—FLAGGED commercial ship in the Gulf, which had collided with 1—IRAN—OIL rig.
20150514—20150516    —FOUND, The boy was in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE by 1—STREAM.
20150514—20150521    —ARRESTED, Daron Dylon Wint (34) was, along with 3—OTHER—MEN and 2—WOMEN—FOLLOWING—1—DNA lead gleaned from 1—PIZZA crust.
20160425—20160514    —ON, police arrested Shariful Islam Shihab, 37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ANSARULLAH Bangla Team.
20160425—20160514    —ON, police arrested Shariful Islam Shihab (37), 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ANSARULLAH—BANGLA—TEAM.
20160514             THE—USA—STATE—OF—GEORGIA, 5—PEOPLE were found dead in 1—HOUSE—FIRE in Colquitt County.
20160514             Investigators —LATER said THE—5—PEOPLE had been shot dead and the blaze was set to cover up the crimes.
20160514             —ARRESTED, JEFFREY—ALAN—PEACOCK, 25—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER, for murder and arson.
20160514             THE—SO—CALLED—BREAK—FREE—20160000              is a 12—DAY—PROTEST—EVENT—SEEKING to call attention to climate change and demanding 1—TRANSITION to clean energy.
20160514             —KILLED, TEXAS, 8—PEOPLE were, and 43 were injured —AFTER 1—CHARTER bus heading to 1—CASINO in THE—TOWN—OF—EAGLE Pass rolled over on the highway.
20160514             † In AFGHANISTAN at least 3—POLICEMEN—AFTER 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated 1—EXPLOSIVES—LADEN vehicle near 1—POLICE training base in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20160514             —KILLED, BANGLADESH local media said 64—PEOPLE have been, by lightning over the past 2—DAYS—DURING—TROPICAL—STORMS across the country.
20160514             in SOUTH—EAST—BANGLADESH BODY—OF—BUDDHIST monk Maung Shue U. Chak (75) was found in 1—MONASTERY with his throat slit.
20160514             —RALLIED, BOSNIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in separate demonstrations for and against the regional BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—GOVERNMENT in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BANJA Luka, kept apart by police and barricades to prevent violence.
20160514             DODIK—CAMP accuses THE—OPPOSITION—OF—BETRAYING—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBIA—NATIONAL—INTERESTS, which according to him lie in seceding from Bosnia and creating 1—NEW—SERBIA—COUNTRY with close ties to RUSSIA.
20160514             CAMEROON—GOVERNMENT said multinational joint forces fighting Boko Haram have arrested 5—LEADERS—OF—THE—EXTREMIST—GROUP—EARLIER this —MONTH and freed 28—CHILDREN along with at least 18—WOMEN.
20160514             —CONVICTED, EGYPT, 2—CAIRO courts, and sentenced to 5—YEARS in jail 1—TOTAL—OF—101—PROTESTERS for taking part in peaceful, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATIONS—LAST—MONTH.
20160514             —PASSED, The sentences were, hours —AFTER another CAIRO court sentenced another 51—PROTESTERS to 2—YEARS in jail for their part in last —MONTH—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20160514             —MARCHED, HAITI, protesters, in the capital demanding the departure of 1—INTERIM—PRESIDENT who was supposed to leave office this weekend.
20160514             —REACHED, THE—DEMONSTRATION—OF—EX—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—MARTELLY—TET—KALE political faction, 1—PEAK—OF—1—FEW 10000000              in downtown PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20160514             —MOTORIZED, SOUTH—INDIA, 1—TRUCK and 1—OVERCROWDED, rickshaw collided in Telangana state killing 16—PEOPLE—HALF—OF—THEM from 1—SINGLE—FAMILY.
20160514             —OVERCROWDED, INDIA, an, boat sank —FOLLOWING 1—VILLAGE—FAIR in WEST—BENGAL state.
20160514             —RECOVERED, Rescuers soon, 18—BODIES from the Hooghly river.
20160514             IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH—ALI—KHAMENEI said THE—INTERNET was promoting UN—ISLAMIC thoughts that should be promptly dealt with.
20160514             —STAGED, Iranians, 1—INTERNATIONAL contest for cartoons depicting the Holocaust but insisted the event was aimed at criticizing alleged Western double standards regarding free expression and not at denying the Nazi genocide.
20160514             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, more 14—SUICIDE—BOMBERS—1—RESIDENTIAL and government complex at Amiriyat FALLUJAH, killing at least 6—PEOPLE.
20160514             5—OF—THE attackers blew up themselves —WHILE clashing with security forces, —WHILE others holed up inside the buildings, and were —LATER killed.
20160514             —ISSUED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES—1—NEW smog alert for the capital —AFTER ozone levels rose above 150—PERCENT—OF—ACCEPTABLE—LIMITS.
20160514             —GATHERED, NIGERIA, regional and Western powers, for talks on quelling the threat from Boko Haram as THE—UN warned of the militants' threat to African security and ties to the Islamic State group.
20160514             † In PERU at least 12—PEOPLE—WHEN 1—PASSENGER—BUS veered off the road and crashed along the country's northern coast.
20160514             RUSSIA, 1—BRAWL at 1—CEMETERY involving up to 200—PEOPLE has left 2—PEOPLE—DEAD and 10—WOUNDED.
20160514             —BELIEVED, Police said the brawl was, to have been about control over providing burial services at the sprawling Khovanskoye cemetery in SOUTH—WEST—MOSCOW.
20160514             —ATTACKED, SYRIA, the Islamic State, 1—HOSPITAL in Deir AL—ZOR and seized territory on the edge of the besieged city still partly controlled by the government.
20160514             —KILLED, The fighting, at least 20—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and at least 6—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS.
20160514             —LAMBASTED, UKRAINE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—REPORTERS who were accredited by PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS to cover fighting in the country's east, —AFTER their details were leaked by hackers.
20160514             —REPORTED, UN experts said CONGO—ARMY—OFFICERS and police, receiving pistols from 1—GROUP—OF—30—NORTH—KOREAN—INSTRUCTORS training their presidential guard and special police forces, which would appear to be 1—VIOLATION—OF—UN—SANCTIONS—BANNING—PYONGYANG from exporting weapons or providing military training.
20160514             STRAF—ZINSEN: 1—SPARKASSEN verlangen Gebühr für hohe GELD—ANLAGEN
20160514             BANGLADESCH: Buddhistischer Mönch brutal ermordet
20160514             —KALKULIERT, FLÜCHTLINGE: Bund, —BIS 2020—MIT—CA——EURO Kosten
20160514             JOB—CENTER—HARTZ—IV—BEZIEHERN droht schnellere Zwangsverrentung
20160514             VISUM—ABKOMMEN: Rückhalt für MERKELs TÜRKEI—DEAL bröckelt
20160514             MUSTAFA—BADREDDINE: Hisbollah macht ISLAMISTEN für TOD—VON—MILITÄRKOMMANDEUR verantwortlich
20160514             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Ebenso größenwahnsinnig wie kleinlaut verwinselt"
20160514             Stralsund: Unbekannte legen Schweinskopf vor MERKELs WAHL—KREISBÜRO
20160514             Mallorca: DEUTSCHLAND—TOURISTEN liefern sich Massenschlägerei mit Händlern
20160514             ISRAEL sagt, sie waren es nicht.
20160514             [l] HILLARY—CLINTON—E—MAIL—AFFÄRE—SKANDAL entwickelt sich gerade zu 1—TELEFONSKANDAL.
20160514             —GEDACHT, Was hat die sich denn bloß dabei ?
20160514             MONEY—QUOTE: "I give up.
20160514             Wie das so ist, wenn Krypto zu anstrengend ist oder nicht funktioniert, dann benutzen DIE—LEUTE es halt nicht.
20160514             [l] Schönen Gruß an die BILDREDAKTION für diese Story: "Huge embarrassment over fisting site data breach".
20160514             THE—ROSEBUTT—BOARD caters to enthusiasts of "extreme anal dilation and anal fisting", MANY—OF—WHOM have been placed at RISK—OF—PUBLIC—HUMILIATION or blackmail as 1—RESULT—OF—THEIR—SEXUAL proclivities.
20160514             [l] (Russische) Hacker hacken... die CDU!
20160514             [l] Hacker hacken... 1.ATTENTÄTER—MIETEN—WEB—SEITE der ALBANIEN—MAFIA.
20160514             [l] Die nächste Branche, die komplett wegautomatisiert werden kann: Anwälte.
20160514             —RECEIVED, SANDERS' backing--he's, considerable support from Moveon_org, which is FINANCED—BY—GEORGE—SOROS.
20160514             It is quite ironic that someone whose currency speculation GAMBIT—IN—THE—S 1990's produced so much human suffering is flying beneath the radar on 1—COURSE—BEING plotted by 1—CAMPAIGN that portrays itself as AGAINST THE—INFLUENCE—OF—BIG—MONEY in politics!
20160514             DAVE—EMORY : 0848—PM
20160514             t JIM—HOUGAN documented in his landmark text "Spooks"that the McCarthy campaign was largely bankrolled by STUART Mott, whose largesse came from 1—BIG—BLOCK—OF—GENERAL—MOTORS—STOCK.
20160514             —AT—THE—SAME—TIME—MOTT was bankrolling Environmental Industries Incorporated.
20160514             Hougan should put that thing online.
20160514             HEDGE—FONDS—MILLIARDÄR: MISTER—TEPPER zieht um —, NEW—JERSEYS Haushalt wankt
20160514             ALT—KANZLER: BUNDES—REGIERUNG verlangt HER—AUSGABE der Akten von HELMUT—SCHMIDT
20160514             BÜRGER—PROTEST "Nuit Debout": —PLÖTZLICH, war die Wut da
20160514             —AM, Hoch—, OBER—RHEIN sowie an kleineren Gewässern In SÜD—OST—BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG herrschte AM—SAMSTAG, HOCH—WASSER.
20160514             DER—DEUTSCHE—WETTER—DIENST (DWD) warnte AM—SAMSTAG, vor den Folgen des Dauerregens in der REGION—VON—OBERSCHWABEN —BIS ins Berchtesgadener Land.
20160514             DER—TEMPERATUR—STURZ gilt fürs ganze Land, und —SCHON bei kühlen 12—GRAD—CELSIUS und leichtem Wind fühlt sich auch 1—FRÜHLINGSREGEN unangenehm genug an.
20160514             DIE—HÖCHST—WERTE liegen bei kühlen 9—BIS 14, in den Mittelgebirgen um 7—GRAD.
20160514             Ausrottung : Es leben nur noch 60—KALIFORNISCHE Schweinswale
20160514             Sparkassen und NEGATIV—ZINSEN: Riskantes Spiel mit dem Geldvertrauen
20160514             KULTUR—KAMPF—DEUTSCHLANDS religiöse Obsession
20160514             Blockade in BRANDENBURG: AKTIVISTen legen KOHLE—KRAFT—WERK lahm
20160514             Prunkhochzeit am Marmarameer: ERDOGAN—TOCHTER heiratet Rüstungsunternehmer
20160514             JAPAN—MEER: NORD—KOREA setzt RUSSLAND—JACHT fest
20160514—20200000    —BY, [l] Statistik des Tages: there are going to be 50—BILLION IoT conferences.
20170514             1—LAS—VEGAS police Officer KENNETH—LOPERA used 1—STUN gun 7—TIMES and 1 unapproved neck hold on Toshii Brown (40), 1 unarmed black man in 1—DEADLY—FOOT—CHASE.
20170514             —REPORTED, The officer, that Toshii was trying to carjack 1—PICKUP truck.
20170514             † Film and TV actor Powers Boothe, known for playing dark characters, at his home in LOS—ANGELES.
20170514             —INCLUDED, His films, "Red Dawn" (19840000             ), "Nixon" (19950000             ) and "MARVEL—THE—AVENGERS" (20120000             ).
20170514             † JEAN—FRITZ, AUTHOR—OF—ALMOST 50—BOOKS for children, at her home in SLEEPY—HOLLOW—NEW—YORK MANY—OF—HER—BOOKS personalized historical figures to teach children.
20170514             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, a mortar attack, 5—CHILDREN in Laghman province.
20170514             Militia fighters from CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC'S (CAR) Christian minority attacked 1—UN—BASE overnight for the 2. consecutive night, —AFTER 1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENCE that has killed 6—PEACEKEEPERS at the southeastern border.
20170514             —ATTENDED, CHINA, leaders from 29—COUNTRIES, the Belt and Road forum, as well as THE—HEADS—OF—THE—UN—IMF and World Bank at the opening of a 2—DAY—GATHERING in BEIJING.
20170514             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING, $124—BILLION for his new Silk Road plan to forge 1—PATH—OF—PEACE—INCLUSIVENESS and free trade, and called for THE—ABANDONMENT—OF—OLD—MODELS based on rivalry and diplomatic power games.
20170514             —KILLED, EGYPT, 1—MILITARY—COLONEL was, and 3—RECRUITS injured —WHEN their armored vehicle was hit by 1—EXPLOSION in the Sinai peninsula.
20170514             EMMANUEL—MACRON, 39—JAHRE—ALT took power as PRESIDENT—OF—FRANCE, vowing to restore the country's status in EUROPE and the world and heal divisions in society -- 1—NOD to the bitter campaign THE—PRO—EU centrist fought to defeat 1—FAR—RIGHT—LEADER.
20170514             IRAN, a 5.7—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE—NEAR—THE—TURKMENISTAN border killed 2—PEOPLE, injured hundreds and caused widespread damage.
20170514             —PUSHED, USA—BACKED IRAQ—FORCES—DEEPER into the last POCKET—OF—MOSUL controlled by Islamic State militants as the battle for the city approached 1—END—AFTER—7—MONTHS—OF—GRUELING—URBAN combat.
20170514             —WOUNDED, IVORY—COAST—MUTINOUS—SOLDIERS—6—PEOPLE in Bouake as fresh tensions gripped the world's top cocoa grower.
20170514             MILLIONS—OF—NEPAL—VOTED for representatives in municipal and village councils for the 1. time in 2—DECADES.
20170514             —LAUNCHED, NORTH—KOREA, another ballistic missile that flew —FOR—30—MINUTES—BEFORE dropping into the sea between NORTH—KOREA—EAST—COAST and JAPAN.
20170514             —BROKERED, QATAR, which has, peace agreements in SUDAN, is not 1—SIGNATORY to THE—ROME Statute that established THE—ICC.
20170514             —KILLED, SYRIA, 22—WOMEN were, and 8—WOUNDED in 1—DRONE—STRIKE on 1—BUS in Akayrshi, about 16—KM (10—MILES) from Raqqa according to THE—IS—RUN—AAMAQ news agency.
20170514             THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 12—WOMEN were killed in the strikes on Akayrshi.
20170514             —KILLED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS said 1—CHOLERA outbreak in WAR—TORN YEMEN has, 115—PEOPLE and left 8,500 ill as hospitals struggle to cope with 1—INFLUX—OF—PATIENTS.
20170514             ATOM—KONFLIKT—MIT—NORD—KOREA—PJÖNGJANG testet erneut Raketen
20170514             Dass der NSA politisch nicht zu trauen ist, war —SEIT EDWARD—SNOWDEN BEKANNT—DASS dem USA—GEHEIM—DIENST auch technisch nicht zu trauen ist, war neu.
20170514             DIE—WICHTIGSTE Lehre müssen aber wir als GESELLSCHAFT ziehen.
20170514             Es ist das 1.Mal, daß PORTUGAL den EUROVISION—SONG—CONTEST gewinnt.
20170514             Sag HARBOR—NY - DONALD—TRUMP—INTERVIEW: DER—KAISER ist nackt, und es ist ihm egal
20170514             —WIEDER, und wieder gerät DONALD—TRUMP in Situationen, in denen seine umfassende Unkenntnis elementarer Fakten und Zusammenhänge so deutlich zutage tritt, daß die meisten anderen Menschen vor Scham im Boden versinken würden.
20170514             MITTEL—EUROPA: Das GEHEIMNIS—DES—ROTEN Sonnenflecks
20170514             —PROTESTE—IN—VENEZUELA: "Das sind ja nicht mal richtige KOMMUNISTEN"
20170514             Überraschungssieg in NRW: CDU GEWINNT—SPD stürzt auf historisches Tief
20170514             Umsiedlung von 1—MILLION Menschen: MASSEN—PROTESTE—GEGEN—MOSKAU—ABRISS—PLÄNE
20170514             [l] Wow, die Verräterpartei hat uns endlich häufig genug verraten, daß sie nicht mal in NRW mehr mehrheitsfähig sind.
20170514             Und DIE—FDP hat 12,5%.
20170514—20080000    —CONTINUED, Bashir has, to travel abroad —SINCE THE—ICC charged him with genocide and crimes against humanity.
20170514—20160800    —SPÄTESTENS—SEIT, wusste DIE—NSA, daß ihre Waffen in den Händen 3. waren.
20170514—20170515    —ON, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION—POLICE—AGENCY said the recent cyber assault hit 200,000 victims in at least 150—COUNTRIES and that number will grow —WHEN people return to work.
20180330—20180514    —AROUND, Organizers said THE—6—WEEK—PROTEST would run —UNTIL THE—INAUGURATION—OF—THE—NEW—USA embassy in JERUSALEM.
20180514             —REPORTED, THE—CONGO DRC had, 39—SUSPECTED, probable or confirmed CASES—OF—EBOLA 20180404—20180513    —BETWEEN, including 19—DEATHS.
20180514             —INCLUDED, His books, "THE—ELECTRIC—KOOL—AID—ACID—TEST" (19680000             ), "THE—RIGHT—STUFF" (19790000             ) and "BONFIRE—OF—THE—VANITIES" (19870000             ).
20180514             —ASSURED, New ARMENIA—PREMIER—NIKOL Pashinyan (42), RUSSIA—VLADIMIR—PUTIN that YEREVAN—TIES with MOSCOW will remain close —FOLLOWING his rise to power on THE—BACK—OF—MASS—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20180514             —BECAME, AUSTRALIA—STEVE—PLAIN—36—JAHRE—ALT, the fastest climber to scale the highest peaks in 7—CONTINENTS—TAKING—117—DAYS for 1—FEAT popularly called the "7—SUMMITS", —AFTER he scaled MOUNT—EVEREST.
20180514             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said it has been given THE—GO—AHEAD by officials in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO to import and use 1—EXPERIMENTAL—EBOLA vaccine in the country.
20180514             —DETAINED, EGYPT—POLICE—SHADY EL—GHAZALY Harb, 1—ACTIVIST known for his harsh CRITICISM—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT, on charges including insulting PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATAH—EL—SISSI.
20180514             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION gave POLAND —UNTIL late June to settle 1—DISPUTE with THE—EU over THE—INDEPENDENCE—OF—ITS—COURTS that threatens WARSAW—FUTURE—ACCESS to funding from the bloc.
20180514             FRANCE, HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS saw their END—OF—TERM exams suspended as protesters blocked access to 2—UNIVERSITIES, the latest in MONTHS—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS against the government's plans to introduce more selective admission requirements.
20180514             —SIGNED, FRANCE, THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—CANNES—FILM—FESTIVAL—1—GENDER equality pledge promising to make their selection process more transparent and to push their executive boards toward gender parity.
20180514             —RESUMED, GUINEA—OPPOSITION—PROTESTS over disputed local elections in February, with 1—STRIKE—CRIPPLING—PARTS—OF—THE seaside CAPITAL—CONAKRY.
20180514             Officials in INDIA said powerful winds and rainstorms that have swept across 1—CROWDED SWATH—OF—NORTH—INDIA left 43—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20180514             42 were killed in Uttar Pradesh state and at least 1—PERSON in NEW—DELHI.
20180514             1—INDONESIA—FAMILY brought its 8—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER to 1—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK it launched on the police headquarters in SURABAYA.
20180514             The girl, who was with 2—OF—THE attackers on 1—MOTORCYCLE, survived being thrown by the blast at the police headquarters.
20180514             —KILLED, The attack, THE—4—PERPETRATORS.
20180514             ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE hit 1—HAMAS base in THE—GAZA Strip, as bloody clashes between protesters and soldiers raged along the strip's border with ISRAEL killed 60—PALESTINIANS.
20180514             In addition, more than 2,700—PEOPLE were hurt, among them 1,360 by gunshots.
20180514             The surge in violence came as 1—WHITE—HOUSE—DELEGATION and ISRAEL—OFFICIALS gathered for the contentious inauguration of 1—USA embassy in JERUSALEM.
20180514             The next —DAY ISRAEL—MILITARY said at least 24—OF—THE—PALESTINIANS killed in the mass march at THE—GAZA border were militants.
20180514             JAPAN—ELECTRONICS—MAKER—SONY Corp. said that it is buying 1—STAKE in Peanuts Holdings, the company behind Snoopy and CHARLIE—BROWN.
20180514             —SIGNED, Sony Music Entertainment, 1—DEAL with DHX Media, based in Nova SCOTIA—CANADA, to acquire 49—PERCENT—OF—THE—80—PERCENT stake DHX holds in Peanuts.
20180514             PALESTINE—WISSAM Hijazi (30) was shot —DURING 1—DAY—OF—HUGE—PROTESTS against THE—OPENING—OF—THE—USA embassy in JERUSALEM in clashes along THE—ISRAEL—GAZA border.
20180514             His death brought THE—PALESTINE—DEATH—TOLL from 20180514             —THE—PROTESTS and clashes to 63.
20180514             —OPENED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, the Eurasian Economic Summit in SOCHI.
20180514             —VOTED, THE—CATALAN—PARLIAMENT, in Quim Torra, 1—HARD—LINE—SEPARATIST, as leader, heralding 1—END to 7—MONTHS—OF—DIRECT—RULE from MADRID but also more political uncertainty in 1—REGION that retains 1—MANDATE to seek 1—SPLIT from SPAIN.
20180514             —APPEALED, THE—UN, for 1—MAJOR—INCREASE in funding to aid SUDAN with HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE—SET to join millions in NEED—OF—RELIEF amid worsening economic and humanitarian crises.
20180514             THE—UN—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION said eliminating trans fats is critical to preventing deaths worldwide as it released 1—PLAN to help countries wipe out trans fats from the global food supply in the next 5—YEARS.
20180514             —WARNED, ZIMBABWE—CENTRAL—BANK, against trading in cryptocurrencies, saying virtual currencies such as bitcoin were not regulated in the country.
20180514             Aufrechterhaltung des ATOM—ABKOMMENS: "Ganz zuversichtlich"
20180514             —BETREIBT, BÄCKEREI—ÄUßERUNG des FDP—CHEFS: "Lindner, das Geschäft der AfD"
20180514             ATOM—ABKOMMEN: IRAN setzt EU Frist von 60—TAGEN
20180514             IRAK—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—ABADI droht Wahlniederlage
20180514             SCHWERE—UNWETTER: Erneut zahlreiche TOTE—BEI—STÜRMEN in INDIEN
20180514             —GETROFFEN, Feuerwehr in Osnabrück: "Das UN—WETTER hat uns voll "
20180514             BMW X7: AMERICA 1.
20180514             Wandel der Insel Gili Trawangan: Vom Paradies zum INDONESIEN—BALLERMANN
20180514             SURABAYA in INDONESIEN: Tote und Verletzte bei BOMBEN—ANSCHLAG—AUF—POLIZEI zentrale
20180514             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MONTAG, 1—SCHILDERWECHSEL, der DIE—WELT bewegt
20180514             —NEUE—BERATUNGSDIE—RICHTLINIE für BANKEN: 200—SEITEN Papier —, trotzdem miese Produkte
20180514             —STREIT—ÜBER—ATOM—ABKOMMEN: CHINA sagt IRAN Hilfe  zu
20180514             MICHAEL—SCHULTE: "Da merkt man, daß DEUTSCHLAND wirklich 1—EUROVISION—SONG—CONTEST—LAND ist"
20180514             USA—BOTSCHAFT—JERUSALÉM: ISRAEL warnt PALÄSTINENSER vor Ausschreitungen
20180514             ISRAEL—LINKE: Zurück in DIE—ZUKUNFT
20180514             DISKUSSIONS—KULTUR, Als ich einmal wagte, die #METOO—DEBATTE zu kritisieren
20180514             Gesundheitsversorgung in GAZA: Die Isolierstation
20180514             Wer spezielle SOFTWARE benutzt, um verschlüsselte E—MAILS automatisch zu entschlüsseln, sollte diese fürs 1—DEAKTIVIEREN oder sogar deinstallieren, sagen mehrere europäische SICHERHEITS—EXPERTEN.
20180514             AUF—TWITTER kündigte er —AM—MONTAGMORGEN die Veröffentlichung "kritischer SCHWACH—STELLEN in PGP/GPG und S/MIME"an.
20180514             DIE—USA—BÜRGER—RECHTS—ORGANISATION EFF (ELECTRONIC—FRONTIER—FOUNDATION) hat sich die Lücke aber —BEREITS erklären lassen und schließt sich der Warnung an.
20180514             Nutzer des ENIGMAIL—PLUG—INS für Thunderbird, von GPGTools für APPLE Mail sowie Gpg4win für MICROSOFTs Outlook sollten diese SOFTWARE deaktivieren oder sogar deinstallieren, —BIS DIE—SICHERHEITS—LÜCKEN durch Updates behoben wurden.
20180514             DIE—SCHWACH—STELLE betrifft also nicht die VERSCHLÜSSELUNGS—STANDARDS selbst, sondern PLUG—INS, die den Umgang mit PGP und S/MIME erleichtern.
20180514             DIE—EFF verlinkt hier auf die entsprechenden Anleitungen zur Deaktivierung und DE—INSTALLATION der Erweiterungen und empfiehlt jenen, die ENDE—ZU—ENDE—VERSCHLÜSSELT kommunizieren WOLLEN—ALSO durchgängig verschlüsselt über ALLE—ÜBERTRAGUNGSSTATIONEN—HINWEG—VORÜBERGEHEND auf andere Kanäle auszuweichen.
20180514             BUNDES—KONGRESS—DGB—CHEF—HOFFMANN wiedergewählt
20180514             1—AKTION der RAF: "NATÜRLICH kann geschossen werden"
20180514             Investor aus "THE—BIG—SHORT": Finanzguru Eisman wettert gegen DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK
20180514             Flug zur ISS: "Astro Alex"packt seinen Koffer und nimmt mit
20180514             —VERWALTET, HANDWERKS—VERBAND über DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG: "Da wird Gegenwart, aber nicht ZUKUNFT gestaltet"
20180514             TREFFEN—MIT—TÜRKEI—PRÄSIDENT: Özil und Gündogan posieren mit ERDOGAN
20180514             ISRAEL, USA—BOTSCHAFT—JERUSALÉM eröffnet
20180514             JUSTIZ—REFORM, DEUTSCHLAND und FRANKREICH WARNEN POLEN wegen Verschleppungstaktik
20180514             IRAN—ISRAEL und die ATOM—BOMBE: Grass hatte recht
20180514             DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRUND—VERORDNUNG: Endlich VERSTÄNDLICH—WAS die neuen EU—REGELN für DIE—BÜRGER bedeuten
20180514             IT—BRANCHE: ARBEIT—GEBER melden Rekord beim Fachkräftemangel (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 17:32)
20180514             Gewalt im GAZA—STREIFEN: TÜRKEI macht USA für "Massaker"verantwortlich
20180514             —FORDERUNGEN, MERKEL unterstützt VON—DER—LEYENS : MILLIARDEN für Panzer statt für Kitas
20180514             [l] Keine Sorgen übrigens wegen der ganzen toten Bienen.
20180514             [l] In ITALIEN stellen wohl LEGA—NORD und 5—STERNE die nächste Regierung.
20180514             NATURSCHUTZ—AKTION in HANNOVER: So leer wäre ein SUPER—MARKT ohne Bienen
20180514             ÖSTERREICH: Führungsspitze der "Identitären Bewegung"angeklagt
20180514             DER—KUNDE hat Glück: Der PENNY—MARKT in HANNOVER—LANGENHAGEN simuliert an diesem MONTAGmorgen 1.Welt ohne Bienen nur.
20180514             Tatsächlich gilt DIE—BIENE nach Rindern und Schweinen als das drittwichtigste Nutztier des Menschen.
20180514             Doch DIE—INSEKTEN sind in Gefahr: —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—30—JAHREN ist ihr Bestand, in Biomasse gemessen, um 75 % zurückgegangen.
20180514             "Schuld daran ist vor allem DIE—INDUSTRIELLE Landwirtschaft", sagt NABU—BUNDESGESCHÄFTSFÜHRER Leif Miller.
20180514             Um DIE—BIENE zu retten, sei 1.radikal andere LAND—WIRTSCHAFT NÖTIG—NATURNAHER, biologischer, bienenfreundlicher.
20180514             [l] Wer sich übrigens dachte, daß sich ISRAEL darüber freuen würde, wenn DONALD—TRUMP DIE—USA—BOTSCHAFT nach JERUSALÉM legt: Denen ist die Freude im Halse steckengeblieben, als ein kaputter evangelikaler Spinner zur Eröffnung der Botschaft zum öffentlichen Gebet ansetzte.
20180514             Pastor ROBERT Jeffress also thinks ISLAM is evil, Mormons belong to 1—CULT—CATHOLICISM is 1—PRODUCT—OF—SATAN—GENIUS and 'gay is not OK.'
20180514             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, PGP kaputt!1!!
20180514             users should arrange for THE—USE—OF—ALTERNATIVE—END—TO—END—SECURE—CHANNELS, such as Signal
20180514             NEW—HOTNESS, Signal kaputt!1!!
20180514             please consider THE—USE—OF—1—SAFER—END—POINT—CLIENT—LIKE—PGP or GnuPG instead
20180514             [l] ERDOGAN lässt TÜRKEI—OPPOSITIONELLE (die CHP, die "TÜRKEI—SPD") mit FINFISHER—MALWARE aus DEUTSCHLAND bespitzeln.
20180514             —BISLANG ist unklar, wie die brisante SOFTWARE in DIE—TÜRKEI gelangen konnte.
20180514             Oh, ich weiß, ich weiß!
20180514             DIE—WIRD denen jemand verkauft haben!1!!
20180514—20160000    —DEVELOPED, The vaccine, by Merck, has proven safe and effective in human trials, but it is still experimental as it does not yet have 1—LICENSE.
20180514—20180813    —ON, the health ministry in HAMAS—RUN—GAZA said he † —WHILE being treated in EGYPT.
20180519—20180514    —IN—THE, The deaths raised the death toll to 61—PALESTINIANS killed ISRAEL—GUNFIRE.
20190412—20190514    —PLEADED, Aranda, guilty to attempted premeditated 1. degree murder.
20190514             —TRIGGERED, The documentary "Tell No 1" has, soul searching in the deeply Catholic country —SINCE it was released 20190511              on YouTube.
20190514             —LISTED, USA—OFFICIALS, $300—BILLION MORE—OF—CHINA—GOODS for possible tariff hikes —WHILE BEIJING vowed to "fight to the finish" in 1—ESCALATING—TRADE—BATTLE.
20190514             —ISSUED, THE—USA National Labor Relations BOARD, 1—MEMORANDUM concluding that Uber drivers are contractors, not employees.
20190514             —VOTED, THE—ALABAMA senate, 25-6 to pass the most restrictive abortion BILL—IN—THE—USA, which places 1—NEAR—TOTAL—BAN on THE—TERMINATION—OF—PREGNANCY -- even in CASES—OF—RAPE and incest -- and could punish doctors who perform the procedure with life in prison.
20190514             GOVERNOR—IVEY has not yet said whether she will sign the bill.
20190514             —BECAME, S—FRANCISCO, the 1. city in the country to ban city USE—OF—FACIAL recognition surveillance technology.
20190514             —WASHED, THE—SF, Bay Area 1—WHALE, up near Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica.
20190514             This was the 10. whale found dead in the region over the last 2—MONTHS.
20190514             † In SOUTH—CALIFORNIA TIM—CONWAY (85), FORMER—CO—STAR on THE—CAROL—BURNETT variety show, in LOS—ANGELES.
20190514             —APPEARED, Conway, in 1—NUMBER—OF—FILMS—INCLUDING "THE—APPLE—DUMPLING—GANG (19750000             ), and was the voice for Barnacle Boy in "Spongebob Squarepants".
20190514             —ANNOUNCED, MONTANA GOVERNOR—STEVE—BULLOCK, 53—JAHRE—ALT, his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.
20190514             NEW—YORK—CITY, an 18900000              CLAUDE—MONET painting from his celebrated "Meules" (Haystacks) series fetched $110.7—MILLION in 1—SOTHEBY—AUCTION—1—RECORD for THE—FRANCE—IMPRESSIONIST—MASTER.
20190514             —CLASHED, BANGLADESH police, with suspected people smugglers sending Rohingya Muslim refugees to MALAYSIA, killing 2—OF—THE—TRAFFICKERS.
20190514             —FLOODED, PARTS—OF—BOSNIA, homes and roads, —AFTER rivers broke their banks —FOLLOWING heavy rains, triggering concerns of 1—REPEAT—OF—FLOODS—5—YEARS ago —WHEN dozens †.
20190514             1—BOY, 6—JAHRE—ALT was reported missing.
20190514             —CLASHED, HONG—KONG legislators, over 1—PROPOSED extradition law that would allow people to be sent to CHINA for trial, —AFTER ugly brawls in the legislature over the weekend.
20190514             IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JAVAD—ZARIF met with his INDIA—COUNTERPART in NEW—DELHI, days —AFTER INDIA decided to follow USA—RESTRICTIONS on buying IRAN—OIL.
20190514             Zarif held discussions with INDIA—EXTERNAL—AFFAIRS—MINISTER—SUSHMA—SWARAJ on ISSUES—OF—MUTUAL—INTEREST—INCLUDING the evolving situation in AFGHANISTAN.
20190514             —SUCCEEDED, ISRAEL, hackers, in flashing 1—FAKE rocket attack warning —DURING 1—WEBCAST—OF—1—EUROVISION—SONG contest SEMI—FINAL.
20190514             —BLAMED, ISRAEL—PUBLIC broadcaster, the incident on Islamist group Hamas.
20190514             —URGED, MALI, the European Union to step up support for AFRICA—SAHEL countries amid 1—SERIES—OF—EXTREMIST—ATTACKS, as FRANCE mourned 2—OFFICERS killed —DURING 1—HOSTAGE rescue mission in the region.
20190514             —KILLED, NIGER, 28—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER 1—AMBUSH by jihadists not far from the volatile border with MALI.
20190514             —LINKED, Jihadists, to the Islamic State soon claimed responsibility.
20190514             —ACCUSED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—USA—OF—BETRAYING the spirit of 1—SUMMIT—AGREEMENT—LAST—JUNE between leader KIM—JONG—UN and PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, called THE—USA—SEIZURE—OF—1—NORTH—KOREAN—CARGO ship involved in banned coal exports a "robbery," and demanded that the vessel be returned —IMMEDIATELY.
20190514             PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, 1—MAGNITUDE 7.5—QUAKE struck late —TODAY at 1—RELATIVELY shallow depth of 10—KM.
20190514             —VOWED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI, tougher punishments for those who sexually abuse minors —AFTER 1—NEW—FILM spurred the country into grappling with THE—PROBLEM—OF—ABUSE by priests.
20190514             —ARMED, SAUDI—ARABIA said, drones had struck 2—OIL—PUMPING—STATIONS in the kingdom in what it called a "cowardly" ACT—OF—TERRORISM—2—DAYS—AFTER SAUDI—ARABIA—OIL—TANKERS were sabotaged off THE—COAST—OF—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20190514             —LAUNCHED, HOUTHI—RUN—MASIRAH TV —EARLIER said the group had, drone attacks on "vital" SAUDI—ARABIA—INSTALLATIONS in response to "continued aggression and blockade" on YEMEN.
20190514             —SHOWED, Officials data, that SOUTH—AFRICA—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE has risen by half 1—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 27.6—PERCENT.
20190514             —ARRESTED, SRI—LANKA—POLICE—23—PEOPLE in connection with 1—SPATE—OF—ATTACKS on MUSLIM—OWNED homes and shops in apparent reprisal for the Easter bombings by Islamist militants that killed more than 250—PEOPLE.
20190514             —OUSTED, SUDAN, security agents loyal to, PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR attacked protester SIT—INS overnight, setting off clashes that killed 6—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—1—ARMY—OFFICER, and heightened tensions as the opposition held talks with the military.
20190514             1—UN—FACT—FINDING—MISSION said the world must cut off financial and other support for MYANMAR—ARMED—FORCES—REPEATING—1—CALL for top generals to be prosecuted for abuses against the Rohingya Muslim minority.
20190514             [l] CISCO hat Trust Anchor verkackt, das ist deren Secure Boot Firmware Integrity Zeug.
20190514             Der Vollständigkeit halber hat die Gruppe auch direkt einen Remote Root Exploit dazu veröffentlicht.
20190514             Das ist nicht patchbar.
20190514             —IMPLEMENTIERT, Der Trust Anchor ist als externer FPGA, aber der Bitstream dahin ist nicht signiert.
20190514             [l] 1—USA—GERICHT hat Bayer —SCHON zu einer weiteren MILLIARDEN—STRAFE wegen MONSANTO verurteilt.
20190514             Hätte sie doch nur jemand gewarnt!1!!
20190514             [l] Benutzt hier jemand Whatsapp?
20190514             Primärquelle ist PAYWALL—FINANCIAL—TIMES.
20190514             Im MARIAnengraben: USA—AMERIKANER taucht 10.928—METER TIEF—UND findet 1—PLASTIKTÜTE
20190514             —URTEIL in MONSANTO—PROZESS: Bayer muss krebskrankem Paar 2—MILLIARDEN—$ zahlen
20190514             Soziologin über arrogante Eliten: "DIE—LIBERALEN, die den Ton angeben, erteilen Denkverbote" (SPIEGEL+, 01:29)
20190514             NS—WIDERSTANDSKÄMPFERIN SOPHIE—SCHOLL: DIE—FRAU des Jahrhunderts (SPIEGEL+, 01:32)
20190514             —KAMPF—GEGEN—KRANKHEITEN: Die Heilkraft des Fastens (SPIEGEL+, 01:38)
20190514             USA—RAUMFAHRT: DONALD—TRUMP fordert 1,6—MILLIARDEN—$ extra für Rückkehr zum Mond
20190514             WASHINGTON vs. PEKING: USA verbreiten Optimismus im HANDELS—STREIT—MIT—CHINA (Wirtschaft, 04:21)
20190514             USA—CHINA—HANDELS—STREIT, Wie DONALD—TRUMP sich verkalkulierte
20190514             —NACH, neuen Zöllen: DEUTSCHLAND—INDUSTRIE WARNT—VOR—WEITERER Eskalation in Handelskonflikten
20190514             BÖRSEN—GANG des "Taxikillers": Uber sackt an der WALL—STREET weiter ab
20190514             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, USA, Frachter: NORD—KOREA wirft USA Diebstahl vor
20190514             Schwache Geschäftszahlen: Thyssenkrupp macht nach gescheitertem Konzernumbau auch noch Verlust
20190514             —URTEIL des EUROPÄISCHER—GERICHT—HOF: ARBEIT—GEBER müssen Arbeitszeiten systematisch erfassen
20190514             Gunnar Beck: AFD—EUROPAKANDIDAT trägt PROFESSOREN—TITEL offenbar zu Unrecht
20190514             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: Pompeo will Treffen mit MERKEL nachholen
20190514             Rettung im Mittelmeer: "Lifeline"-Kapitän zu 10.000—EURO Strafe verurteilt
20190514             —NACH, Missbrauch von EU—AGRARMITTELN: BULGARIEN—AGRAR—MINISTER tritt zurück
20190514             Boom am Arbeitsmarkt: JOB—MASCHINE DEUTSCHLAND—ABER nicht mehr lange
20190514             Spionagesoftware: WHATSAPP—SICHERHEITSLÜCKE ermöglichte gezielte ÜBERWACHUNG
20190514             Bilanz DER—BUNDESREGIERUNG: Rassistische Straftaten nehmen um 20 % zu
20190514             Im Altmühltal bei INGOLSTADT: Forscher entdecken neue URVOGEL—ART
20190514             ZEW—BAROMETER rutscht ins Minus: —EXPERTEN befürchten Konjunktureinbruch in DEUTSCHLAND
20190514             Umstrittene neue Regelung in SPANIEN: Arbeitszeiterfassung sorgt für —CHAOS
20190514             Fehlende LKW—FAHRER: Spediteure WARNEN—VOR—VERSORGUNGSKOLLAPS"
20190514             ÜBERWACHUNG von Passagieren: BÜRGER—RECHTLER klagen gegen FLUGGASTDATEN—SPEICHERUNG
20190514             Schürfmissionen im Sonnensystem: Forscher WARNEN—VOR—RESSOURCEN—RAUBBAU im All
20190514             BREXIT—KOMPROMISS: Tories fordern von May —ABSAGE—AN—ZOLLUNION
20190514             Doch es spricht nichts dafür, daß diese Lücke zur Massenüberwachung eingesetzt wurde.
20190514             "Wir glauben, daß jemand versucht hat (und von WhatsApp daran gehindert worden ist), —ERST—GESTERN, einen MENSCHENRECHTS—ANWALT anzugreifen", hieß es auf dem TWITTER—ACCOUNT des Citizen Lab an der UNIVERSITY—OF—TORONTO —AM—MONTAG.
20190514             —DOKUMENTIERT, Zahlreiche Fälle sind —BEREITS, in denen Regierungen, GEHEIM—DIENSTE und andere SICHERHEITSbehörden SPIONAGE—SOFTWARE der Firma NSO Group eingesetzt haben, um politische Gegner, MENSCHENRECHTS—AKTIVISTEN oder Journalisten auszuspionieren.
20190514             DIE—ISRAEL—FIRMA ist mit SKANDALen um DIE—ÜBERWACHUNGS—SOFTWARE Pegasus bekannt geworden, die auch an autoritäre Regime verkauft wurde.
20190514             DIE—ÜBERWACHUNGSSOFTWARE, die 20160000              entdeckt wurde und SICHERHEITSforschern des Citizen Lab zufolge in mindestens 45—LÄNDERN zum Einsatz gekommen ist, späht etwa Passwörter, Kontaktlisten, Kalender, Nachrichten, Anrufe, E—MAILS und Apps wie Gmail, FACEBOOK, SKYPE oder eben WhatsApp aus.
20190514             Allein in MEXIKO wurden Mobiltelefone von mindestens 24—MENSCHEN wie Journalisten, Aktivisten oder GESUNDHEITS—EXPERTEN mit Pegasus attackiert.
20190514             Auch Dissidenten und Aktivisten aus dem Nahen Osten wurden ausgespäht.
20190514             gefunden wurde nun der versteinerte Flügel eines 2. flugfähigen Urvogels.
20190514             alten keltischen Namen der Altmühl, Alcmona
20190514             —BISLANG galt der 18610000              entdeckte Archaeopteryx als einziger Vogel aus dem Jura.
20190514             In der gleichen Plattenkalkablagerung, in der die Paläontologen Alcmonavis poeschli entdeckten, lag auch ein weiteres Fossil eines Archaeopteryx.
20190514             Konzept 20300000              So kann DEUTSCHLAND die Klimaziele noch erreichen
20190514             —KLIMAWANDEL—CO2—GEHALT der Atmosphäre erreicht neuen Höchststand
20190514             Das SONNEN—SYSTEM muss vor RESSOURCEN—RAUBBAU geschützt werden.
20190514             Auch Industrieverbände in EUROPA und DEUTSCHLAND fordern, sich das Geschäft nicht entgehen zu lassen.
20190514             "Was machen wir zum Beispiel mit den Ringen des Saturn?", fragt der Astrophysiker MARTIN—ELVIS vom Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in CAMBRIDGE—MASSACHUSETTS, im "GUARDIAN".
20190514             —NACH, Einschätzung des Forschers könnten die 1. Schürfmissionen innerhalb der nächsten 10—JAHRE ins All starten.
20190514             "Wenn es einmal angefangen hat und die 1. Firmen großen Profit machen, wird es 1—ART 2. Goldrausch geben.
20190514             Allerdings seien die Fähigkeiten von Menschen begrenzt, wenn es darum gehe, "Probleme vorherzusehen, bevor die Dinge weit fortgeschritten sind",
20190514             Höchstens 1—ACHTEL—DER—ROHSTOFFE in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM darf laut —STUDIE abgebaut werden.
20190514             unter anderem das Bevölkerungswachstum führe dazu, daß der Ressourcenbedarf exponentiell wachse.
20190514             —VERBRAUCHT, Wenn —ERST einmal 1—ACHTEL—DER—ROHSTOFFE, sei, sinke der Bestand rasant, so DIE—FORSCHER.
20190514             —VERBRAUCHT, An ihrer Abbaugrenze ist 1/8—DER Rohstoffe.
20190514             Wenn sich die NACH—FRAGE nun verdoppelt, ist —BEREITS 1/4—DES Materials weg (1/8*2=1/4).
20190514             Bei einer erneuten Verdopplung wäre 50—PROZENT—DER—ROHSTOFFE abgebaut (1/4*2=1/2).
20190514             Steigt die NACH—FRAGE nun noch einmal um den Faktor 2, bleibt nichts mehr übrig (1/2*2=1).
20190514             Es braucht ab der EIN—ACHTEL—SCHWELLE also nur 3—EXTREME Wachstumssprünge, —BIS ALLE—ROHSTOFFE verbraucht sind.
20190514             sagte Elvis.
20190514             Das EIN—ACHTEL—PRINZIP sei zudem weniger restriktiv, als man —ZUNÄCHST denken könne.
20190514             Welche Regionen unseres Sonnensystems geschützt werden sollen, müsse noch im Detail diskutiert werden, denkbar seien aber Schutzgebiete nach Vorbildern auf der Erde.
20190514             So könnte der Valles Marineris, der größte Canyon auf dem Mars, einen ähnlichen Status bekommen wie der GRAND—CANYON auf der Erde.
20190514             HONDURAS, lebt ES—SICH gefährlich.
20190514             Sie sind zwar ALLE—MÖRDER, aber mir gegenüber haben sie sich immer sehr gut verhalten.
20190514             [l] EuGH: ARBEIT—GEBER in der EU müssen die Arbeitszeiten ihrer MIT—ARBEITER komplett erfassen.
20190514             Im Urteil stellt der EuGH klar: ALLE—EU—STAATEN müssen "1—SYSTEM einrichten, mit dem die tägliche Arbeitszeit gemessen werden kann".
20190514             Wir brauchen endlich mehr Totalüberwachung!!1!
20190514             Hier gibt es noch viel zu viel Freiräume!1!!
20190514             Lustigerweise gibt es ja auch die umgekehrte Argumentation: Dass Zeiterfassung schlecht ist, weil es 1—LEISTUNGSKONTROLLE ermöglicht.
20190514             —KONFLIKT um IRANs Nuklearprogramm, USA—REGIERUNG spielt Verlegung von 120.000—SOLDATEN durch
20190514             DIE—KONJUNKTUR SCHWÄCHELT—WIE lange hält der JOB—BOOM noch?
20190514             —GESPANNT, Union und SPD vor KOALITIONS—GIPFEL, Zum Zerreißen
20190514             10—GEBOTE der Zuwanderung: Lerne DIE—DEUTSCHE—SPRACHE, ÖSTERREICHer!
20190514             —URTEIL des Landesarbeitsgerichts: BERLIN—POLIZEI darf Bewerber mit MAFIA—TATTOO ablehnen
20190514             DORTMUND: Schüler sollen Tötung eines Lehrers geplant haben
20190514             —TREFFEN—VON—POMPEO und LAWROW: USA und RUSSLAND sind sich nirgends EINIG—WOLLEN aber Freunde sein
20190514             SUDAN —NACH—DEM FALL—VON—OMAR—AL—BASCHIR: Wofür haben wir den DIKTATOR gestürzt? (SPIEGEL+, 21:09)
20190514             —ENTLASSEN, Ehemaliger USA—ABGEORDNETER—ANTHONY—WEINER aus Haft
20190514             SUDAN: Mehrere Tote bei DEMONSTRATIONEN—IN—KHARTUM
20190514             Fast 2—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND sind DEMENZKRANK—IN den nächsten —JAHREN wird diese Zahl deutlich steigen.
20190514             —AKTUELL leben WELT—WEIT laut WHO—CA—50.000.000—MENSCHEN mit Alzheimer oder einer anderen
20190514             Demenzerkrankung - DEUTSCHLAND, sind circa 1.700.000—MENSCHEN betroffen
20190514             Der GENERALdirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus schätzt, daß sich die Zahl in den kommenden 30—JAHREN voraussichtlich verdreifachen wird.
20190514             "Ein körperlich aktiver Lebensstil ist verbunden mit der GESUNDHEIT—DES—GEHIRNS",
20190514—20190521    —RULED, SPAIN—SUPREME—COURT, that 5—CATALAN separatist leaders can leave prison to be SWORN—IN as lawmakers, but said it would not halt the trial over their role in CATALONIA—INDEPENDENCE—BID—20170000             —IN.
20190514—20300000    —BIS, Öffentlicher Dienst: STASI—ÜBERPRÜFUNGEN sollen weitergehen
20190514—20500000    —BIS, CO2-Ausstoß: MERKEL strebt Klimaneutralität an
20190515             [l] Ich habe gerade mal den frischen INTEL—MICROCODE eingespielt, Release 20190514           .
20190518             — ANDREW—DESSLER (@AndrewDessler) 20190514
20200514             —DONNERSTAG, 20200514
20200514             Pirna in SACHSEN: 30—MENSCHEN attackieren Polizisten bei ANTI—CORONA—DEMO
20200514             Coronakrise in den USA: Trumps Egotrip 1—KOMMENTAR—VON—ROLAND—NELLES
20200514             Spahn hält an Immunitätsausweis fest
20200514             Sollte das Infektionsgeschehen den Behörden entgleiten, es also im grenznahen Raum mehr als 50—NEUINFEKTIONEN auf 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer Woche geben, müssten die Lockerungen wieder zurückgenommen werden, sagte der CSU—POLITIKER bei "Maischberger.die woche"
20200514             Doch schlechte Nachrichten will der USA—PRÄSIDENT offenbar auch von einem ausgewiesenen Experten lieber nicht hören.
20200514             Eine zu frühe Lockerung der Beschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens könne nicht nur Menschen, sondern auch die Erholung der Wirtschaft gefährden.
20200514             ITALIEN will angesichts der Krise illegal als Erntehelfern im Land arbeitenden Migranten vorübergehende Aufenthaltsrechte verleihen.
20200514             Voraussetzung für die AUFENTHALTS—UND Arbeitsberechtigung ist, dass die Antragsteller Arbeitserfahrung in der Landwirtschaft oder in Privathaushalten nachweisen können.
20200514             Der PRÄSIDENT—VON für die Zulassung von Medikamenten zuständigen PAUL—EHRLICH—INSTITUTS, KLAUS—CICHUTEK, ist zuversichtlich, dass —BIS ENDE—DES—JAHRES konkret über die Zulassung eines Impfstoffes gesprochen werden könne.
20200514             "Ich gehe davon aus, dass es in DEUTSCHLAND 3—WEITERE klinische Prüfungen von Impfstoffkandidaten geben wird",
20200514             Der Test wird auch im Weißen Haus angewendet.
20200514             Der Test liefert positive Ergebnisse in 5—MINUTEN und negative Ergebnisse in 13—MINUTEN.
20200514             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die Studie wurde —BISHER nur vorläufig.
20200514             Sie muss noch von anderen Forschern gegengeprüft werden.
20200514             Das Unternehmen habe mehr als 1,8 Millionen der Tests verteilt und bei nur 0,02 Prozent Rückmeldungen über fehlerhafte Negativergebnisse erhalten, sagte 1—KONZERNSPRECHER.
20200514             Volkswagen will die wegen der Coronakrise angehaltene Produktion in seinem USA—WERK im Bundesstaat TENNESSEE ab dem 20200517              wieder aufnehmen.
20200514             —GETRAGEN, Handschuhe sind auch für alle verfügbar, müssen aber nicht, werden.
20200514             Türen sollen offenbleiben, damit sie nicht angefasst werden müssen.
20200514             "Ich will die Krankheiten nicht vergleichen, aber wir müssen realistisch sein,
20200514             "Jeder einzelne dieser Schritte ist voller Herausforderungen", sagte Ryan.
20200514             "Wir haben ja sehr effektive Impfstoffe auf diesem Planeten, die wir nicht effektiv eingesetzt haben", sagte er mit Verweis auf die Masern.
20200514             Er halte es angesichts der CORONA—PANDEMIE für "wenig wahrscheinlich", dass das Treffen im September zur Generaldebatte der UN—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG stattfinden könne, sagte UN—GENERALSEKRETÄR António Guterres in einem am —DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten INTERVIEW—VON—FRANZÖSISCHEN—WOCHENZEITUNG "PARIS—MATCH".
20200514             Er prüfe —DERZEIT verschiedene Möglichkeiten der "digitalen Technologie", damit die Staatenlenker dennoch miteinander konferieren könnten, sagte Guterres.
20200514             Als Folge der CORONA—PANDEMIE droht der Welt eine massive Verbreitung psychischer Störungen.
20200514             In einer Publikation verweist die UNO auf den mentalen Stress, welche die Furcht vor der eigenen Ansteckung oder jener nahestehender Menschen sowie vor möglicherweise tödlichen Folgen der Infektion bei zahllosen Menschen auslösen.
20200514             Die UN—EXPERTEN nennen als mentale Belastungsfaktoren der Krise auch die Sorgen um Arbeitsplatz und Lebensunterhalt, die durch die CORONA—AUFLAGEN erzwungene Trennung von Nahestehenden und die Ausgangssperren.
20200514             —GEFÄHRDET, Als besonders durch die psychischen Folgen der Krise, bezeichnet die EXPERTIN—DER—WELTGESUNDHEITSORGANISATION (WHO), Devora Kestel, die Beschäftigen des Gesundheitswesens und der Rettungsdienste.
20200514             Sie verwies auf Berichte, wonach die ZAHL—DER—SUIZIDE unter medizinischem Personal anscheinend zugenommen hat.
20200514             NEUSEELAND will mit MILLIARDEN—HAUSHALT CORONA—KRISE überwinden
20200514             Zugleich mahnte er eine mögliche "Unterwanderungen von Leuten" an, "die alles nutzen, um Stimmung zu machen und auch falsche Informationen streuen".
20200514             Insgesamt wurden 8—STRAFVERFAHREN eingeleitet, unter anderem wegen Landfriedensbruchs und tätlichen Angriffs auf Vollzugsbeamte.
20200514             Nach Auswertung der Videoaufzeichnungen seien weitere Ermittlungsverfahren möglich.
20200514             Andere Staaten planten —BEREITS, die Einreise von einem derartigen Nachweis abhängig zu machen,
20200514             "Wir werden uns also weiter mit dem Thema beschäftigen müssen".
20200514             Wegen des Widerstands der Sozialdemokraten war das Vorhaben jedoch vorläufig ausgesetzt worden.
20200514             Genau dies aber würde nach seinen Worten passieren, "wenn 1—IMMUNITÄTSAUSWEIS zum Freifahrtschein für Restaurantbesuche, Fußball oder Veranstaltungen wird".
20200514             Mediziner hält Röhrchen mit einer Substanz in seiner Hand - Darüber spricht der Westen
20200514             —ÜBERLASTET, Gesundheitsämter mit CORONA—NACHVERFOLGUNG, +++ Sommerurlaub trotz CORONA? +++ Weitere Kinder dürfen zurück in Kitas +++ —TAG—DER—HEILIGEN—CORONA—DER Schutzpatronin gegen Seuchen
20200514             MITARBEITER—DES—GESUNDHEITSAMTES—MITTE mit Gesichtsschutzschirm telefonieren im Lagezentrum des Gesundheitsamt —MITTE
20200514             In der Tür vertan: SEK—BEAMTE stürmen falsche Wohnung
20200514             "Kritik der CORONA—KRISEN—SKEPTIKER nicht abtun"
20200514             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202005141200          nachm.
20200514             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 38 - SILVES Casos confirmados 21
20200514             ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 74 - LOULÉ Casos confirmados 64
20200514             FARO Casos confirmados 60 - OLHÃO Casos confirmados 12 - TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200514             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 13
20200514             CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3 - ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 9
20200514             ODEMIRA Casos confirmados 7 - SANTIAGO DO CACÉM Casos confirmados 16
20200514             BEJA Casos confirmados 13 - SERPA Casos confirmados 14
20200514             73_DGS_boletim_ - Thu 20200514
20200514             [l] In ENGLAND ist 1—TICKETVERKÄUFERIN an einem COVID—SPUCKANGRIFF gestorben.
20200514             [l] GABY—WEBER berichtet von der CORONA—APP aus ARGENTINIEN.
20200514             [l] EXPLOIT—BROKER Zerodium will keine APPLE—EXPLOITS mehr kaufen.
20200514             Da gibt es einfach zu viele, das hat den Markt kaputtgemacht.
20200514             [l] Es gibt übrigens —SCHON 1—SOFTWARE—TRIVIALPATENT auf PROXIMITY—TRACKING—APPS.
20200514             [l] Den Lacher des Tages präsentiert uns der ARD-"Faktenfinder".
20200514             Ja, —SCHON wieder die.
20200514             Dann, im grauen Kasten, ganz am Ende:
20200514             —GEBETEN, Er habe dafür den Ethikrat um 1—STELLUNGNAHME.
20200514             Hey, ARD—FAKTENFINDER, der hier ist für euch.
20200514             [l] Die Lockerung funktioniert!
20200514             Wieviel Tote braucht die Bundesregierung, —BIS sie mal ihren Arsch hochkriegt?
20200514             Wieso hat sich bei so viel geballter Inkompetenz noch keine Singularität gebildet?
20200514             Mich erinnert das gerade an diese wunderbare PISPERS—ROUTINE zum völlig überraschend steigenden und fallenden IFO—GESCHÄFTSKLIMAINDEX.
20200514             Mit 95% Wahrscheinlichkeit liegt R zwischen 0,66 und 0.97.
20200514             Theater: Dramatiker ROLF—HOCHHUTH ist tot
20200514             CRISPR—TECHNIK: USA lassen 1. CORONA—TEST mit Genschere zu Von JULIA—MERLOT
20200514             Sprengung von Kühltürmen des AKW Philippsburg, .. und es hat Boom gemacht
20200514             Ungenutzte CORONA—TESTKAPAZITÄTEN: Gefährlicher Geiz Von Claus Hecking
20200514             Strategiepapier: Linkenspitze drängt auf ROT—ROT—GRÜN—VON—KEVIN—HAGEN und JONAS—SCHAIBLE
20200514             Umstrittener Satiriker: UWE—STEIMLE äußert sich zu MDR—RAUSWURF
20200514             —GEHÖRT, Umfrage: Jugendliche fühlen sich in der Krise nicht
20200514             TÜRKEI—PROTESTBAND Grup Yorum: Verhungert im Widerstand gegen Erdogan Von ANNA—SOPHIE Schneider
20200514             CORONA—PANDEMIE: FRANKREICH empört sich über mögliches IMPFSTOFF—VORRECHT für die USA
20200514             Hackerangriff auf Forschungszentren: Mehrere Supercomputer in EUROPA kompromittiert Von PATRICK—BEUTH
20200514             Auswertung aus USA—KLINIKEN: VIELE—COVID—ERKRANKTE entwickeln akute Nierenschäden
20200514             Steuereinbruch durch Coronakrise: Die Scherben nach der Vollbremsung Von DAVID—BÖCKING
20200514             "1—VIRUS wie dieses bekämpft man doch nicht, indem man es leugnet", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER.
20200514             Man habe gemeinsam viel erreicht.
20200514             —GELUNGEN, Es sei, die Infektionsdynamik zu brechen.
20200514             "Das macht uns demütig, nicht übermütig, aber es macht uns auch 1—STÜCK stolz als Gesellschaft, als Gemeinschaft, als Nation".
20200514             Das sogenannte 2. Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz enthält unter anderem den geplanten Bonus für Beschäftigte in der Altenpflege und sieht eine weitere Ausweitung von CORONA—TESTS vor.
20200514             Ein weiteres Gesetz sieht eine befristete Erhöhung des Kurzarbeitergelds vor.
20200514             Bevölkerungsschutzgesetz
20200514             1—ABGEORDNETER der liberalen Partei Neos kündigte an, Anzeige zu erstatten.
20200514             Der KANZLER reise aber ohne Schutzvorkehrungen nach Vorarlberg.
20200514             Bildschirmfoto vom 20200514              17-16-17#nodate?#
20200514             FÄLLE—DER—LUNGENKRANKHEIT seien im zweitgrößten Lager für Binnenflüchtlinge in Bentiu im Norden des Landes mit mehr als 118.000—BEWOHNERN sowie in einem weiteren Lager in der HAUPTSTADT—JUBA festgestellt worden,
20200514             "Es wäre für uns inakzeptabel, wenn das ein oder andere Land unter einem finanziellen Vorwand einen privilegierten Zugang hätte", sagte die WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Finanzstaatsekretärin Agnès PANNIER—RUNACHER dem Sender Sud Radio.
20200514             SANOFI—GENERALDIREKTOR PAUL—HUDSON hatte zuvor laut Bloomberg gesagt, die USA hätten als 1. die Forschung finanziell unterstützt.
20200514             Die Vereinigten Staaten würden erwarten, die 1. Lieferung des Impfstoffs zu erhalten.
20200514             Bei der Suche nach einem Impfstoff arbeitet Sanofi —SEIT April mit dem GROSSBRITANNIEN—PHARMAUNTERNEHMEN GlaxoSmithKline zusammen.
20200514             Ihr Projekt wird teilweise von der USA—BEHÖRDE für biomedizinische Forschung und Entwicklung (Barda) unterstützt, die dem USA—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUM unterstellt ist.
20200514             —DERZEIT arbeiten mehrere Mitgliedstaaten an individuellen Lösungen.
20200514             Die unterschiedlichen Ansätze bei der Speicherung von Daten, zentralisiert oder dezentralisiert, müssten beide den höchsten Datenschutz garantieren, betonte Reynders.
20200514             Wichtig sei, dass ALLE—APPS der einzelnen Länder aufeinander abgestimmt funktionierten.
20200514             warnen die Forscherinnen in einer vorgestellten Auswertung des WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts (WSI) der gewerkschaftsnahen HANS—BÖCKLER—STIFTUNG.
20200514             Sie fürchten, Ungleichheiten zwischen den Geschlechtern, aber auch zwischen einkommensstarken UND—SCHWACHEN Familien könnten in der derzeitigen Lage verschärft werden.
20200514             ein altbekanntes Ungleichgewicht: Da Paare versuchten, ihre wirtschaftlichen Einbußen so gering wie möglich zu halten, verzichte das Elternteil mit geringerem Lohn auf ARBEITSSTUNDEN—MEIST eben die Frau.
20200514             Je niedriger dabei das Haushaltseinkommen, desto deutlicher sei die Kluft.
20200514             "Es kann nach Auffassung der zuständigen Kammer mittlerweile nicht mehr pauschal davon ausgegangen werden, dass ALLE—AUS—DEM—AUSLAND nach HAMBURG einreisenden Personen ansteckungsverdächtig sind", sagte der Sprecher.
20200514             Für nicht ansteckungsverdächtige Personen sei deshalb 1—EINZELFALLPRÜFUNG vorzunehmen.
20200514             Gegen die Entscheidung kann die Stadt Beschwerde beim Oberverwaltungsgericht einlegen.
20200514             Das am zweithäufigsten betroffene Organ seien in dieser Untersuchung die Nieren gewesen, "nicht selten —BIS hin zum totalen Organausfall".
20200514             "Regierungen und internationale Partner müssen sich hinter eine weltweite Garantie stellen, die sicherstellt, dass ein sicherer und effektiver IMPFSTOFF—SOBALD dieser verfügbar IST—SCHNELL produziert und für ALLE—MENSCHEN in allen Ländern kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt wird", heißt es in einem am —DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten Brief mit mehr als 140—UNTERZEICHNERN.
20200514             STAATS—UND Regierungschefs aus aller Welt
20200514             "Niemand sollte aufgrund dessen, wo er wohnt oder was er verdient, ans ENDE—DER—IMPFSTOFFSCHLANGE gestellt werden", erklärte Ramaphosa, der auch VORSITZENDER—DER—AFRIKANISCHEN—UNION ist.
20200514             Kritisiert wird vor allem, dass —BIS—MITTE April Patienten aus Krankenhäusern in Pflegeheime verlegt wurden, ohne vorher standardmäßig auf das Coronavirus getestet worden zu sein.
20200514             —VERMELDET, Tübinger Unternehmen, 1. Erfolge bei IMPFSTOFF—ENTWICKLUNG
20200514             16.20—UHR: Das Biotechnologieunternehmen Curevac hat 1. Daten zu seinem CORONA—IMPFSTOFFPROJEKT veröffentlicht.
20200514             Der Impfstoff habe in präklinischen Untersuchungen bei niedriger Dosierung positive Ergebnisse erzielt, teilte die Tübinger Firma mit.
20200514             Die vorliegenden Daten zeigten eine "ausgewogene Immunantwort, verbunden mit der Bildung einer hohen ANZAHL—VON—VIRUSNEUTRALISIERENDEN—TITERN (VNTs) und T—ZELLEN".
20200514             VNTs seien ein wesentlicher Hinweis darauf, dass der Impfstoffkandidat eine starke immunologische Reaktion zur Neutralisierung von SARS—COV—2—HERVORRUFEN könne, so Curevac in seiner Mitteilung.
20200514             Das Mittel von Curevac ist 1—VON vielen Mitteln, an dem gerade geforscht wird.
20200514             Curevac teilte mit, die Firma habe zur Impfstoffentwicklung auch finanzielle Unterstützung von der Defense Advances Research Projects Agengy (DARPA), einer Behörde des USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS, erhalten.
20200514             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sagte in einem am —DONNERSTAG ausgestrahlten INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—SENDER—FOX—BUSINESS, er habe zwar eine gute Beziehung zum CHINA—PRÄSIDENTEN Xi Jinping, "aber im Moment will ich nicht mit ihm sprechen".
20200514             "Es war entweder Dummheit, Inkompetenz oder es war absichtlich".
20200514             —GESTORBEN, Mehr als 260—VON ihnen seien an der Infektion.
20200514             Der Verband bezieht sich auf Zahlen, die Mitgliedsorganisationen gemeldet HABEN—BEI weitem nicht aus allen Ländern der Welt.
20200514             Deshalb sei die wahre Zahl wahrscheinlich deutlich höher,
20200514             In einigen Ländern seien 10—UND mehr PROZENT—DER—INFIZIERTEN aus dem Pflegebereich.
20200514             In den reichen Ländern seien 16—PROZENT—DER—PFLEGEKRÄFTE—AUSLÄNDER oder im Ausland ausgebildet worden.
20200514             Grenzschließungen machten die Anwerbung —JETZT schwierig.
20200514             Andererseits könne es problematisch werden, wenn reiche Länder mehr Pflegekräfte aus dem Ausland anwerben und in den Heimatländern dann Personal fehle.
20200514             DARKNET—SCHALTZENTRALE an der Mosel: Der Bunker des Bösen
20200514             Kontakte zu NEONAZI—ORGANISATION: AfD droht neuer Zoff um Kalbitz Von Severin Weiland
20200514             Nutzen die Kunden den Gutschein nicht, erhalten sie von den Veranstaltern ihr Geld zurück.
20200514             Sollte der Ticketbesitzer die Rückzahlung unbedingt benötigen, greift 1—HÄRTEFALLREGELUNG.
20200514             Ein weiterer Mann, der in der Nähe des Lagers wohnt, hat sich nach Behördenangaben ebenfalls infiziert.
20200514             Sie rief die internationale Staatengemeinschaft auf, BANGLADESCH finanziell und mit medizinischen Gütern zu unterstützen, um die ROHINGYA—FLÜCHTLINGE und die Bevölkerung zu schützen.
20200514             —VERZÖGERT, Streit um Ministerposten: Vereidigung ISRAEL—REGIERUNG, sich erneut
20200514             Wie Ärzte im Fachblatt "THE—LANCET" berichten, ähnelten die charakteristischen Merkmale der Krankheit dem sogenannten KAWASAKI—SYNDROM.
20200514             In dem Artikel schreiben die Mediziner zudem, dass nur ein geringer Anteil jüngerer Patienten von der Krankheit betroffen sei.
20200514             Campinglatzboom: CORONA—REGELN unklar
20200514             Mutmaßlich illegale Aktiengeschäfte: CHEF—DES—USA—GEHEIMDIENSTAUSSCHUSSES legt Amt wegen FBI—ERMITTLUNGEN nieder
20200514             Die Entscheidung sei im besten Interesse des Gremiums, teilte sein Parteikollege MITCH—MCCONNELL mit.
20200514             Wenige Tage später brachen die Börsen massiv ein.
20200514             Sie wiesen JEDE—SCHULD zurück.
20200514             —THREATENED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to impose new taxes on USA—COMPANIES that produce goods outside THE—USA, another move his administration could make to push supply chains away from CHINA and raise new trade barriers.
20200514             —HANDED, THE—VIRGINIA—BASED 4. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP 1—SETBACK, rejecting his bid to end 1—LAWSUIT that accused him of violating ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROVISIONS—OF—THE—USA—CONSTITUTION with his ownership of 1—HOTEL in WASHINGTON —WHILE in office.
20200514             —FILED, THE—USA—LABOR—DEPARTMENT said roughly 36—MILLION—PEOPLE have —NOW, for jobless aid in THE—2—MONTHS—SINCE the coronavirus 1. forced MILLIONS—OF—BUSINESSES to close their doors and shrink their workforces.
20200514             —PUBLISHED, THE—USA—TRANSPORTATION—DEPARTMENT, new rules revising HOURS—OF—SERVICE—REQUIREMENTS for truck drivers that will expand SHORT—HAUL driving and save the industry $2.8—BILLION over 10—YEARS.
20200514             —INCLUDED, Changes, lengthening THE—SHORT—HAUL—DRIVERS' maximum ON—DUTY—PERIOD from 12 to 14—HOURS and extending the distance limit from 100—AIR—MILES to 150—AIR—MILES.
20200514             —WARNED, Whistleblower DOCTOR—RICK—BRIGHT, 1—CONGRESSIONAL panel that THE—USA—LACKS 1—PLAN to produce and fairly distribute 1—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINE—WHEN it becomes available.
20200514             The nation could face "the darkest —WINTER in modern history" unless leaders act decisively.
20200514             1—FEDERAL—WATCHDOG—AGENCY has found "reasonable grounds" that Bright was removed from his post as HEAD—OF—THE—BIOMEDICAL—ADVANCED—RESEARCH and Development Authority —AFTER sounding the alarm at THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services.
20200514             —CHARGED, THE—USA—SECURITIES and Exchange Commission said it has, 2—COMPANIES and 1—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER with making misleading claims related to COVID-19. Turbo Global Partners INCORPORATED and its CEO—ROBERT—W—SINGERMAN were charged with making false and misleading claims related to equipment to detect individuals with fevers.
20200514             THE—SEC said Applied BioSciences Corp had begun offering and shipping FINGER—PRICK COVID—19—TESTS to the general public, —WHEN in fact the tests could only be administered in consultation with 1—MEDICAL—PROFESSIONAL.
20200514             —ANNOUNCED, SENATOR—LINDSEY—GRAHAM (R—SOUTH—CAROLINA), that the Senate Judiciary Committee he chairs will launch hearings in June to look into THE—ORIGINS—OF—THE—FBI—INVESTIGATION into RUSSIA—ELECTION meddling and contacts with PRESIDENT—TRUMP'S 20160000              campaign.
20200514             —RELEASED, THE—USA—CDC, guidance documents on reopening schools, restaurants, and businesses —AFTER withholding the recommendations —UNTIL it completed revisions demanded by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20200514             1—COALITION—OF—20—GROUPS, including Campaign for 1—COMMERCIAL—FREE—CHILDHOOD and the Center for Digital Democracy, filed 1—COMPLAINT with the Federal Trade Commission saying that the video app TikTok, owned by CHINA—COMPANY—BYTEDANCE, is collecting personal INFORMATION—OF—KIDS under 13—WITHOUT their parents' consent.
20200514             —ORDERED, LOS—ANGELES Mayor ERIC—GARCETTI, everyone in the city to wear 1—MASK —WHEN outside their homes as SOME—RESTRICTIONS eased to allow people to return to work and recreation under the coronavirus PANAMA.
20200514             USA federal land managers said it will take 2—DECADES and cost more than $1—BILLION over the 1. 6—YEARS—ALONE to slash wild horse populations across 10—WESTERN—STATES to sustainable levels necessary to protect rangeland.
20200514             CALIFORNIA to date had 74,564 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 3,042 deaths.
20200514             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 10,352 cases and 381—DEATHS.
20200514             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 1,415,894 with the death toll at 85,807.
20200514             Deandre BAKER—OF—THE—NEW—YORK Giants and Quinton Dunbar of THE—SEATTLE Seahawks were wanted on 4—COUNTS each of armed robbery with 1—FIREARM.
20200514             —ANNOUNCED, MICHIGAN, 1—SETTLEMENT in a 20160000              lawsuit that alleged the public schools in DETROIT were incapable of delivering access to literacy.
20200514             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK City, 100—CASES—OF—1—RARE inflammatory disease in children apparently tied to COVID-19.
20200514             —RECEIVED, He had, classified briefings —BEFORE he sold up to $1.7—MILLION in stocks.
20200514             —RECORDED, TEXAS, single —DAY highs of 1,458 new CASES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS and 58—DEATHS.
20200514             Facebook and 1—TEAM—OF—AFRICAN and global telecom majors said they have struck 1—DEAL to build 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST subsea cable networks, boosting INTERNET availability across 3—CONTINENTS.
20200514             Diagnostic services provider LabCorp said it would make its COVID—19—TESTS—AVAILABLE at workplaces, as employers across THE—USA—LOOK to bring people back to work safely.
20200514             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE bombing in Paktia province, 5—CIVILIANS and wounded at least 29—OTHERS.
20200514             —APPEARED, The bombing, to target 1—MILITARY compound but exploded —BEFORE it reached it destination.
20200514             —DETECTED, BANGLADESH officials said the novel coronavirus has been, in 1—OF—THE—SOUTHERN—CAMPS that are home to more than 1—MILLION—ROHINGYA refugees.
20200514             BULGARIA, some 2000—SUPPORTERS—OF—1—FRINGE—ULTRA—NATIONALIST and PRO—RUSSIA—PARTY marched through CENTRAL—SOFIA accusing the government of imposing confusing restrictions aimed at combating the coronavirus.
20200514             —REPORTED, BULGARIA has, 2,100 registered cases, including 99—DEATHS.
20200514             —CALLED, CHINA—UN—MISSION said its acting deputy ambassador, Yao Shaojun, THE—USA "the largest debtor," saying it owed about $1.16—BILLION to the regular UN budget and $1.3—BILLION to the peacekeeping budget.
20200514             In citizen JOURNALIST—CHINA—ZHANG—ZHAN, 37—JAHRE—ALT went missing in WUHAN, the city where the novel coronavirus that spiraled into 1—PANDEMIC was 1. recorded.
20200514             She went missing THE—DAY—AFTER she shared 1—VIDEO which described empty streets and life in the city —AFTER WUHAN lifted its lockdown.
20200514             ZHANG—LAWYER, WEN—YU, told Radio Free ASIA in September that she was refusing food to protest her detention.
20200514             —REPORTED, It was, that EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICERS burst into THE—HOME—OF—JOURNALIST—HAISAM—HASAN—MAHGOUB in CAIRO —EARLIER this —WEEK, confiscating his phone and arresting him on terrorism charges.
20200514             —SUSPENDED, THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said it has, the delivery of 10—MILLION—CHINA—MASKS it purchased for health workers —AFTER 2—COUNTRIES complained about the poor quality of the batches they received.
20200514             FRANCE—BASED Renault said it is preparing to substantially reduce its vehicle range, withdrawing WELL—KNOWN but ailing models like the Espace minivans, as PART—OF—LOOMING cost cutting plans.
20200514             —UNLISTED, GERMANY's, CureVac said its experimental coronavirus vaccine was shown to trigger 1—IMMUNE—RESPONSE in animals —WHEN given 1—LOW dose and the biotech firm was looking at carrying out its 1. human trials in June.
20200514             —WARNED—OF, IRAN, 1—POSSIBLE—CORONAVIRUS—CLUSTER hitting another province as it announced 71—NEW—DEATHS and more than 1,800 infections nationwide. the latest deaths brought the official toll to 6,854. The total number rose to 114,553 as 1,808 new cases of COVID—19—INFECTION were detected.
20200514             —POSTPONED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU and his RIVAL—TURNED—PARTNER, BENNY—GANTZ, THE—SWEARING—IN of their controversial new government as THE—ISRAEL—LEADER rushed to quell infighting within his Likud party.
20200514             Like past leaders Netanyahu broke up existing ministries and created new ones to reward allies and buy off opponents.
20200514             —RAMMED, ISRAEL—TROOPS shot and killed 1—PALESTINE—MAN who allegedly, his car into 1—SOLDIER in THE—SOUTH—WEST—BANK.
20200514             ITALY said will start testing 1—REPRESENTATIVE—SAMPLE—OF—150,000—PEOPLE in 2,000 cities next —WEEK to understand the extent of its COVID—19—EPIDEMIC.
20200514             —CONFIRMED, ITALY has had more than 222,000, coronavirus cases and over 31,000 deaths —SINCE its outbreak came to light on February 21.
20200514             —PULLED, THE—WHO, 1—REPORT on ITALY—CORONAVIRUS—RESPONSE from its website, 1—DAY—AFTER it went up, and never republished it.
20200514             —DENOUNCED, UN epidemiologist FRANCESCO—ZAMBON publicly, the World Health ORGANIZATION—WITHDRAWAL—OF—THE—REPORT.
20200514             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE, the lifting of 1—CORONAVIRUS—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY ahead of schedule in MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY except for 8—HIGH—RISK—AREAS.
20200514             It remains in effect in TOKYO, OSAKA, KYOTO and Hokkaido.
20200514             —REPORTED, It was, that huge swathes of NAIROBI—KENYA, are struggling with little to no SUPPLIES—OF—WATER.
20200514             Heavy rains swept away the main water pipes running through forests in the Aberdare mountain range NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—1—WEEK ago.
20200514             Soon —AFTER that, THE—NAIROBI Water and Sewerage Company shut down 1—TREATMENT—PLANT feeding the city.
20200514             —ARRESTED, LEBANON, CENTRAL—BANK—DIRECTOR—MAZEN—HAMDAN for alleged exchange rate manipulation.
20200514             NEW—ZEALAND began reopening malls, retail store and restaurants.
20200514             —LIMITED, Gatherings were, to 10—PEOPLE and social distancing guidelines remained in place.
20200514             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—SISTERS—JASIMA Bibi and Saeeda Bibi were, in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20200514             —ARRESTED, Authorities soon, 2—MEN for their role in the murders.
20200514             1—VIDEO —POSTED online had showed them being kissed by 1—MAN.
20200514             1 arrested man was the father of the 1. victim and the other was the brother of the 2.
20200514             —TESTED, The government of PANAMA said 43—MIGRANTS have, positive for the novel coronavirus and 119—OTHERS who came in contact with them are in quarantine at 1—RELIEF—STATION—NEAR the border with COLOMBIA.
20200514             —SLAMMED, Typhoon Vongfong, into THE—EAST—PHILIPPINES, knocking out power and threatening food crops in 1—NEW—EMERGENCY for 1—COUNTRY already overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic.
20200514             —KILLED, At least 1—PERSON was.
20200514             More than 11,600 coronavirus infections, including 772—DEATHS, have been reported in the country.
20200514             —REGISTERED, RUSSIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said they had, 9,974 new infections in the last 24—HOURS, bringing RUSSIA—TALLY to 252,245 with 1—TOTAL—OF—2,305—DEATHS.
20200514             —RECORDED, SAUDI—ARABIA country, some 2,000 new coronavirus cases, its highest ever count.
20200514             The country has so far seen more than 46,000 cases.
20200514             —BECAME, SLOVENIA, the 1. European country to declare 1—OFFICIAL—END to its coronavirus epidemic.
20200514             —REPORTED, The country has, 1,466 coronavirus cases and 104—DEATHS.
20200514             SOUTH—AFRICAN—SAID it will assign LEVELS—OF—LOCKDOWN—RESTRICTIONS for EACH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ROUGHLY 50—DISTRICTS, depending on the number of active coronavirus infections there.
20200514             SPAIN—GOVERNMENT said it will extend the deadline for descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled more than —500—YEARS—AGO, who have launched the process for acquiring SPAIN—CITIZENSHIP but could not complete it due to the coronavirus pandemic.
20200514             —REPORTED, YEMEN—SAUDI—BACKED government, the 1. cases of the novel coronavirus in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—AL—DHALEA, among 15—NEW—INFECTIONS that took the total in areas under its control to 85 with 12—DEATHS.
20200514             —BECAME, AL—DHALEA, the ninth province to record cases, with its 1. 3—INFECTIONS.
20200514             —DONNERSTAG, 20200514           .
20200514             USA in der CORONA—KRISE: TRUMP will Schulen ab —HERBST wieder komplett öffnen
20200514             Trotz Druck aus dem Weißen Haus: RICHTER—STELLT—VERFAHREN gegen TRUMP—EX—BERATER Flynn nicht ein
20200514             Sanofi zu potenziellem Impfstoff gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—: "DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat das Recht auf die größte Vorbestellung"
20200514             Energiekonzerne: Weniger Stromverbrauch durch CORONA
20200514             —KRISENGESCHÜTTELTER Flugzeugbauer: Boeing erhält Rüstungsaufträge von SAUDI—ARABIEN
20200514             Trotz neuer Beschränkungen: Exportgenehmigungen für DEUTSCHLAND—KLEIN—WAFFEN um 79—PROZENT gestiegen
20200514             STAATS—RECHTLER über CORONA—VERBOTE: "Wenn DIE—BEHÖRDEN über das Ziel hinausschießen, sind die Gerichte zum Korrigieren da" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ALEXANDER—PREKER
20200514             Trotz CORONA—KRISE und Bilanzvorwürfen: Wirecard setzt rasches Wachstum fort
20200514             Der GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER verteidigt den Immunitätsausweis gegen Kritik der SPD.
20200514             Sachsens MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—NIMMT—CORONA—DEMONSTRANTEN in Schutz.
20200514             TRUMP jedenfalls hält die Warnungen des Gesundheitsexperten zu den Risiken einer zu schnellen Wiedereröffnung der WIRTSCHAFT—FÜR—"nicht vertretbar".
20200514             "Für mich ist es keine vertretbare Lösung", sagt TRUMP vor Reportern im Weißen Haus.
20200514             Der Leiter der des Nationalen Instituts für Allergien und Infektionskrankheiten hatte zuvor bei seiner Anhörung vor dem GESUNDHEITS—AUSSCHUSS des Senats ausgesagt, daß sich der STAAT —BIS zum Vorliegen eines Impfstoffes auf die bewährten Maßnahmen und Beschränkungen konzentrieren solle, um 1—VERBREITUNG des VIRUS einzudämmen.
20200514             —EINGED, Mit der Maßnahme solle die Schwarzarbeit ämmt und zugleich dafür gesorgt werden, daß diese Arbeitskräfte 1—GESUNDHEITSVERSORGUNG bekämen, sagte MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—GIUSEPPE Conte.
20200514             Jeden —SOMMER kommen Tausende Migranten aus AFRIKA sowie BULGARIEN und RUMÄNIEN nach ITALIEN, um bei der Ernte von Obst und Gemüse zu helfen.
20200514             "Wenn all diese klinischen Prüfungen positiv ausfallen, unterhalten wir uns gegen Ende —DIESES—JAHRES, oder —ANFANG nächsten —JAHRES darüber, wie man in Richtung einer Zulassung kommt".
20200514             Ein von USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP angepriesener SCHNELL—TEST zum CORONA—VIRUS— hat eine möglicherweise sehr hohe Fehlerquote.
20200514             sind Negativergebnisse des Tests in —BIS zu knapp 50—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE unzuverlässig.
20200514             TRUMP hat den Test des USA—PHARMAKONZERNS Abbott Laboratories wiederholt gerühmt.
20200514             —LAUT, den Forschern von NYU Lagone Health waren 48—PROZENT—DER—NEGATIVEN—TESTRESULTATE unzuverlässig, wenn das für den Abstrich benutzte Stäbchen trocken WAR—EIN trockenes Stäbchen wird von Abbott empfohlen.
20200514             —GELAGERT, Wurde das Stäbchen in Flüssigkeit, war demnach etwa 33—PROZENT—DER—NEGATIVERGEBNISSE fehlerhaft.
20200514             —NACH, seinen Angaben zeigte eine andere Studie durch die UNIVERSITÄT—VON—DETROIT 1—ZUVERLÄSSIGKEITS—RATE des Tests von 98—PROZENT.
20200514             Volkswagen will die wegen der CORONA—KRISE angehaltene Produktion in seinem USA—WERK im BUNDES—STAAT TENNESSEE ab dem ;;0517;;
20200514             wieder aufnehmen.
20200514             Jeden —TAG soll es eine neue SCHUTZ—MASKE für jeden Mitarbeiter geben.
20200514             JAPAN wird MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge den Ausnahmezustand für 39—SEINER 47—PRÄFEKTUREN aufheben.
20200514             Der Nothilfekoordinator der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist skeptisch, daß das neue CORONA—VIRUS— nach der rasanten Ausbreitung rund um den Globus noch eliminiert werden kann.
20200514             "Dieses VIRUS kann in der Bevölkerung heimisch werden, es kann sein, daß es nie mehr verschwindet", sagte MICHAEL—RYAN.
20200514             Auch HIV, DAS—VIRUS, das die Immunschwächekrankheit Aids auslöst, sei nie wieder verschwunden.
20200514             —GELUNGEN, Im FALL—VON—HIV sei es der Welt, Medikamente und Präventionsmaßnahmen zu schaffen, so dass DAS—VIRUS seinen Schrecken verloren habe.
20200514             Es gebe 1—KL1—CHANCE, das neue VIRUS SARS—COV—2, das die gefährliche Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—AUSLÖSEN kann, auszurotten.
20200514             —GEFUNDEN, Dafür müsse aber ein hocheffektiver Impfstoff, werden, er müsse im ausreichenden Maß hergestellt und in aller Welt verteilt werden und DIE—MENSCHEN müssten einverstanden sein, sich impfen zu lassen.
20200514             Er kritisierte die verbreitete IMPF—SKEPSIS und die fehlenden Mittel für gute GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEME in vielen Weltgegenden.
20200514             Die ZAHL—DER—MASERNFÄLLE steigt —SEIT einigen —JAHREN wieder.
20200514             Ausgerechnet 75—JAHRE—NACH—GRÜNDUNG—DER—UNO wird das alljährliche —TREFFEN—VON—STAATS—UND Regierungschefs aus aller Welt in NEW—YORK voraussichtlich ausfallen.
20200514             Er halte es angesichts der CORONA—PANDEMIE für "wenig wahrscheinlich", daß das —TREFFEN—IM—;;09;;
20200514             zur Generaldebatte der UN—VOLL—VERSAMMLUNG stattfinden könne, sagte UN—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR António Guterres in einem am —DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten INTERVIEW—VON—FRANZÖSISCHEN—WOCHENZEITUNG "PARIS—MATCH".
20200514             DIE—ARBEIT der UNO ist durch die PANDEMIE —BEREITS—SEIT —MITTE März stark eingeschränkt.
20200514             Selbst wenn DAS—VIRUS unter Kontrolle sei, würden danach noch von der Krise ausgelöste "Trauer, Angst und Depression" Menschen und Gemeinschaften rund um den Globus beeinträchtigen, sagte UN—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR António Guterres in einer am —DONNERSTAG veröffentlichten Videobotschaft.
20200514             In einer Publikation verweist die UNO auf den mentalen Stress, welche die Furcht vor der eigenen Ansteckung oder jener nahestehender Menschen sowie vor möglicherweise tödlichen Folgen der Infektion bei zahllosen Menschen AUSLÖSENATOR—DIE—UN—EXPERTEN nennen als mentale Belastungsfaktoren der Krise auch die Sorgen um Arbeitsplatz und Lebensunterhalt, die durch DIE—CORONA—AUFLAGEN erzwungene Trennung von Nahestehenden und die Ausgangssperren.
20200514             vor allem —IM, ;;0400;;coronabedingt deutlich gesunken.
20200514             Nach Zahlen der BUNDESNETZ—AGENTUR lag der Stromverbrauch um mehr als 8—PROZENT unter dem —IM, 20190400             .
20200514             Dies geht vor allem auf den Einbruch der Industrieproduktion zurück.
20200514             DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—ENERGIEKONZERNE RWE, Eon und der Kraftwerksbereiber Uniper sind im 1. Quartal weitgehend unbeschadet durch DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE gekommen.
20200514             —GEHÖRT, Da die Stromversorgung zur kritischen Infrastruktur, waren sie gut auf DIE—KRISE vorbereitet, wie die BUNDESNETZ—AGENTUR bestätigt hat.
20200514             FINANZ—MINISTER—GRANT ROBERTson sprach von einer —JAHRHUNDERT—BEDROHUNG.
20200514             Sachsens MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—MICHAEL—KRETSCHMER hat davor gewarnt, ALLE—DEMONSTRANTEN bei Protesten gegen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN über einen Kamm zu scheren.
20200514             und warne davor, ALLE—PROTESTE—IN—EINEN Topf zu werfen", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER der "Sächsischen Zeitung".
20200514             Kretschmer wandte sich darin gegen den Vorwurf vieler Demonstranten, die Bevölkerung solle bewusst in Angst und Schrecken versetzt werden.
20200514             Es gebe VIELE—JURISTISCHE—MITTEL, um sich gegen staatliche Maßnahmen zur Wehr zu setzen, und vielerlei Möglichkeiten, seine Meinung zu artikulieren.
20200514             "Deshalb halte ich es schlichtweg für unbegründet, was da gesagt wird".
20200514             BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS Spahn (CDU) hält in der CORONA—KRISE die Einführung eines Immunitätsausweises trotz des SPD—WIDERSTANDS weiter für erforderlich.
20200514             Die Lösung könne nicht sein, daß DIE—BUNDES—BÜRGER"nicht mehr in Länder reisen können, die solche Regelungen planen".
20200514             Menschen, welche die von dem neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— ausgelöste Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—ÜBERSTANDEN haben, sollen dies durch den Ausweis belegen können.
20200514             DIE—EINFÜHRUNG des Ausweises war ursprünglich im Rahmen des neuen Infektionsschutzgesetzes geplant, das der BUNDESTAG an diesem —DONNERSTAG verabschieden soll.
20200514             Die SPD WARNT—VOR—EINER Unterteilung der Gesellschaft durch den Ausweis.
20200514             Es wäre "völlig kontraproduktiv, diejenigen zu belohnen, die sich angesteckt haben, weil sie sich nicht an die Abstandsregeln halten, und diejenigen zu bestrafen, die auf sich und Andere aufpassen", sagte SPD—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR LARS—KLINGBEIL vor einigen Tagen der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung".
20200514             Polizist bei CORONAtest
20200514             —CORONA—LIVE—TICKER: Gesundheitsämtern fehlen Mitarbeiter
20200514             —CORONA—ÜBERWACHUNG: VIELE—ÄMTER bleiben hinter Vorgaben
20200514             Mehr als 60—PROZENT—DER—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER, die 1—AN—FRAGE—VON—NDR und WDR beantwortet haben, können die Vorgaben zur Kontaktnachverfolgung bei von CORONA—INFIZIERTEN nicht erfüllen.
20200514             Mehr als 100—FÄLLE—VON—CORONAHILFE—BETRUG in KÖLN
20200514             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 424—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 219,9—TODES—FÄLLE 20,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200514             Aktualisierung 202005140000—UHR
20200514             Düren Kreis Fälle 574—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 217,7—TODES—FÄLLE 37,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200514             RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Kreis Fälle 1.067—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 227,0—TODES—FÄLLE 69,—EINWOHNERZAHL—470.089
20200514             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.391—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 220,2—TODES—FÄLLE 96,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200514             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER—KREIS Fälle 447—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 157,7—TODES—FÄLLE 18,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200514             BERLIN Neukölln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 699—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 212,0—TODES—FÄLLE 30,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200514             Greiz Landkreis Fälle 553—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 563,4 Fälle letzte 7—TAGE—PER—100.000—EW 43,8—TODES—FÄLLE 38,—EINWOHNERZAHL—98.159
20200514             PORTUGAL INCIDENCE—RATE—275,89 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             SPAIN INCIDENCE—RATE—489,13 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             ITALY INCIDENCE—RATE—367,35 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             MOROCCO INCIDENCE—RATE 17,64 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             TUNISIA INCIDENCE—RATE 8,73 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             TURKEY INCIDENCE—RATE—169,69 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             FRANCE INCIDENCE—RATE—272,98 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             GERMANY INCIDENCE—RATE—207,79 per 100,000—PEOPLE
20200514             73_DGS_boletim_20200514              - Thu 20200514
20200514             DIE—ZIVILISATIONSDECKE ist dünn.
20200514             Von einer USA—KLITSCHE, die "Movement Data INTELLIGENCE" verkaufen will.
20200514             Natürlich ist deren Geschäftsfeld nicht PANDEMIE—BEKÄMPFUNG sondern das sind so BIG—DATA—MERCENARIES im Auftrag von imperialen Sturm-... äh von Einzelhandelskonzernen.
20200514             Mit dem Immunitätsausweis sahen VIELE—DIE—ZWANGSIMPFUNG durch die HINTER—TÜR kommen.
20200514             —INZWISCHEN, ist der Plan vom TISCH—DOCH viele glauben immer noch an entsprechende Vorhaben.
20200514             BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS Spahn will trotz der anhaltenden Kritik und der Ablehnung im KABINETT nun doch weiter die Einführung eines Immunitätsausweises prüfen.
20200514             Die ANSTECKUNGS—RATE R ist wieder unter 1—GEFALLEN! (Kontext).
20200514             Hey, vielleicht ist —JETZT der richtige ZEIT—PUNKT für die Frage, wieso wir immer noch kein ordentliches Reporting haben.
20200514             —UPDATE, —INZWISCHEN, sind spricht das RKI—VON—0.81. Allerdings fußt die Vorhersage auf relativ wenigen Fällen und ist recht ungenau.
20200514             GRENZE—ZU—SERBIEN: EuGH stuft UNGARN—TRANSITZONEN für Asylbewerber als "Haft" ein
20200514             —CORONA—GESETZESPAKET: BUNDESTAG beschließt CORONA—PRÄMIE und Ausweitung von Tests
20200514             Gutachten: REGIERUNGS—BERATER fordern flächendeckende PKW—MAUT
20200514             CRISPR—TECHNIK: USA lassen 1. CORONA—TEST mit Genschere zu
20200514             —CORONA—FOLGEN: TRUMP wirbt beharrlich für Negativzinsen
20200514             Ungenutzte CORONA—TESTKAPAZITÄTEN: Gefährlicher Geiz
20200514             Strategiepapier: Linkenspitze drängt auf ROT—ROT—GRÜN
20200514             Projekt "2AFRICA": Neues Unterseekabel soll Afrikas INTERNET verlässlicher machen
20200514             —CORONA—KRISE: Fast 3—MILLIONEN USA—AMERIKANER stellen Erstantrag auf Arbeitslosenhilfe
20200514             BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—STEINMEIER: "Mundschutz empfehlenswerter als der Aluhut"
20200514             STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT Versailles: Ikea FRANKREICH wegen Bespitzelung von Mitarbeitern und Kunden angeklagt
20200514             THE—ZOMBIE—ECONOMY: THE—CORONA—VIRUS— Could Cripple Public FINANCES
20200514             Umfrage: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHLAND—HAT kein Verständnis für CORONA—PROTESTE
20200514             Sprache in der Krise: Das sind DIE—CORONA—UNWÖRTER 1—KOLUMNE—VON—SAMIRA—EL—OUASSIL
20200514             —CORONA—PANDEMIE: FRANKREICH empört sich über mögliches IMPFSTOFF—VORRECHT für DIE—USA
20200514             HANS—WERNER—SINN über CORONA—KRISEN—POLITIK,"Es ist viel zu viel Geld in Umlauf" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARTIN—HESSE und MICHAEL—SAUGA
20200514             Steuereinbruch durch CORONA—KRISE: Die Scherben nach der Vollbremsung
20200514             DIE—AFD warf der Großen Koalition vor, mit ihrer Krisenpolitik Angst, Hysterie und Depression zu erzeugen.
20200514             DIE—LINKE bemängelte, daß die geplante CORONA—PRÄMIE nur für Beschäftigte in der Altenpflege gezahlt werden soll.
20200514             FDP und Grüne kritisierten, daß die Pläne dem GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM zu weitreichende Befugnisse gäben.
20200514             GESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—JENS Spahn verteidigte die Maßnahmen.
20200514             DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE kommt auch die Versicherungswirtschaft teuer zu stehen: Wie der Versicherungsmarkt LLOYD—PROGNOSTIZIERTE, könnten sich die Kosten für die Branche WELT—WEIT auf 203—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR (knapp 188—MILLIARDEN Euro) summieren.
20200514             Allein die geschätzten versicherungstechnischen Verluste liegen demnach MIT—CA—107—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR auf dem Niveau etwa der —JAHRE 20050000              und 20170000             , als besonders heftige NATUR—KATASTROPHEN massive Schäden verursachten.
20200514             "Ich gehe davon aus, daß die Verordnung im Kleinwalsertal genauso gilt wie in WIEN", sagte SEPP—SCHELLHORN dem TV—SENDER OE24. In WIEN würden Menschen wegen kleiner Vergehen gegen DIE—CORONA—MAßNAHMEN hart bestraft.
20200514             DIE—LUFTHANSA braucht Geld, der Bund will Einfluss, und die Zeit drängt.
20200514             JEDER—SOLL—ZUGANG zu einem potenziellen Impfstoff gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— haben, kündigte der PHARMA—KONZERN Sanofi an.
20200514             Wegen finanzieller Unterstützung könnten DIE—USA jedoch bevorzugt werden.
20200514             DIE—HILFSORGANISATION Ärzte ohne Grenzen hat vor der AUSBREITUNG—VON—COVID—19 in Lagern für Vertriebene im Krisenland Südsudan gewarnt.
20200514             DIE—FRANKREICH—REGIERUNG reagierte empört auf Äußerungen der Konzernspitze des FRANKREICH—PHARMAKONZERNS Sanofi, —ZUNÄCHST den USA—MARKT mit einem möglichen Impfstoff zu beliefern.
20200514             "DIE—USA—REGIERUNG hat das Recht auf die größte Vorbestellung, weil sie das Risiko mitträgt".
20200514             DIE—USA würden erwarten, die 1. Lieferung des Impfstoffs zu erhalten.
20200514             Bei der Suche nach einem Impfstoff arbeitet Sanofi —SEIT ;;04;;
20200514             mit dem GROSSBRITANNIEN—PHARMAUNTERNEHMEN GlaxoSmithKline zusammen.
20200514             DER—PRÄSIDENT—VON—SANOFI—FRANKREICH, OLIVER—BOGILLOT, sagte am —DONNERSTAG, das Unternehmen werde DIE—USA nicht vorrangig mit einem möglichen Impfstoff versorgen, wenn die Europäische Union bei der Finanzierung seiner Entwicklung "genauso zielführend" sei.
20200514             "DIE—AMERIKANER sind in dieser Zeit effizient", sagte Bogillot dem Fernsehsender BFMTV.
20200514             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG habe zugesagt, "mehrere 100—MILLIONEN—EURO" auszugeben.
20200514             Der Einsatz sogenannter CORONA—TRACING—APPS muss nach ANGABEN—DES—EU—KOMMISSARS für Justiz und VERBRAUCHER—SCHUTZ, DIDIER—REYNDERS, zeitlich beschränkt sein.
20200514             Die Apps zur Nachverfolgung von CORONA—INFEKTIONSKETTEN dürften nur während der Gesundheitskrise verwendet werden, sagte Reynders am —DONNERSTAG im EUROPAparlament in BRÜSSEL.
20200514             —DEAKTIVIERT, Die Anwendungen müssten komplett, werden, wenn die PANDEMIE vorbei sei.
20200514             Dass sich DIE—NUTZER dann lediglich abmelden, sei nicht ausreichend, betonte Reynders.
20200514             DIE—EU müsse sich bei der App um einen gemeinsamen Ansatz bemühen, sagte Reynders.
20200514             HAMBURGer Gericht hält pauschale QUARANTÄNE—PFLICHT für rechtswidrig
20200514             DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— befällt laut einer STUDIE—DES—UNIVERSITÄTSKLINIKUMS—HAMBURG—EPPENDORF (UKE) neben der Lunge auch zahlreiche andere Organe.
20200514             "SARS—COV—2, das neuartige CORONA—VIRUS—, ist nicht nur 1—LUNGENVIRUS, sondern 1—MULTIORGANVIRUS", sagte der Leiter der Studie, TOBIAS—HUBER.
20200514             Außerdem habe man den Erreger in Herz, Leber, GEHIRN und Blut nachweisen können.
20200514             Die höchsten Konzentrationen hätten sich aber in den Zellen der Atemwege gefunden.
20200514             Der Appell richtet sich an die Weltgesundheitsversammlung (WHA), die kommende Woche zu ihrem —JAHRESTREFFEN zusammenkommt und eines der Hauptorgane der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist.
20200514             —PATENTIERT, Ein künftiger Impfstoff dürfe nicht, werden, zudem müssten Forschungsergebnisse von Staaten geteilt werden, heißt es in dem Appell, der unter anderen von SÜDAFRIKA—PRÄSIDENT—CYRIL Ramaphosa, PAKISTANs Regierungschef Imran Khan sowie den Staatschefs Senegals und Ghanas, Macky Sall und Nana AKUFO—ADDO, unterzeichnet wurde.
20200514             Auch ehemalige STAATS—UND Regierungschefs zählen zu den Unterzeichnern, darunter der ehemalige NIEDERLANDE—MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—JAN PETER—BALKENENDE, der frühere EU—KOMMISSIONS—PRÄSIDENT—JOSE—MANUEL Barroso sowie GORDON—BROWN, ehemaliger PREMIER—MINISTER—GROßBRITANNIENS.
20200514             Der Druck auf die Regierung in LONDON wegen ihres Umgangs mit der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE wächst weiter.
20200514             Immer mehr in den Fokus rückt dabei DIE—SITUATION in Pflegeheimen, wo knapp 1—VIERTEL der bislang etwa 40.000—AUF COVID—19—ZURÜCKGEFÜHRTEN Todesfälle registriert wurden.
20200514             Kritisiert wird vor allem, daß —BIS—MITTE ;;04;;
20200514             Patienten aus Krankenhäusern in Pflegeheime verlegt wurden, ohne vorher standardmäßig auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— getestet worden zu sein.
20200514             Befürchtet wird, daß die ZAHL—DER—STERBEFÄLLE in PfleGEHEIMEN weitaus höher ist als bislang bekannt, weil VIELE—INFEKTIONEN möglicherweise nicht entdeckt wurden.
20200514             Jüngsten Zahlen des Statistikamts ONS (OFFICE—FOR—NATIONAL—STATISTICS) zufolge lag der Anteil der Todesfälle in PfleGEHEIMEN innerhalb der letzten Aprilwoche sogar bei 40—PROZENT.
20200514             —IM, ;;0600;;will Curevac 1. klinische Studien mit gesunden Teilnehmern starten.
20200514             DIE—ZUNEHMENDEN Spannungen zwischen den USA und CHINA sorgen  —INZWISCHEN. auch für Kommunikationsprobleme auf höchster Ebene.
20200514             TRUMP beklagte sich generell über Peking: "Ich bin sehr enttäuscht von CHINA".
20200514             —ERNEUT, warf er den Chinesen vor, sie hätten die AUSBREITUNG—DER—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE nicht gleich an der Quelle gestoppt und dadurch enormen Schaden angerichtet.
20200514             WELT—WEIT bewegt sich die ZAHL—DER—MIT—DEM—CORONA—VIRUS— infizierten Mitarbeiter im GESUNDHEITS—UND PFLEGE—BEREICH nach Zählung des Internationalen Verbands der Pflegekräfte (ICN) auf 100.000—ZU.
20200514             WELT—WEIT hätten —SCHON vor der Krise 6—MILLIONEN Pflegekräfte gefehlt, sagte Catton.
20200514             DIE—CORONA—KRISE könne dazu führen, daß sich weniger Menschen für diesen Beruf entscheiden.
20200514             —CORONA CONSPIRACY—THEORISTS: Protests in GERMANY See Fringe Mix with the Mainstream
20200514             —NACH, Waffenfunden: Haftbefehl gegen Elitesoldat aus SACHSEN erlassen
20200514             DARKNET—RECHENZENTRUM: CYBERbunker vermietete Server an "Identitäre Bewegung"
20200514             —NEUEN—DENKEN nach CORONA: Raus aus der Dauerkrise 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—GERHARD—SCHICK
20200514             —FRÜHER, als geplant: WTO—CHEF—AZEVÊDO tritt zurück
20200514             —CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Thüringer LANDE—REGIERUNG greift in Greiz und Sonneberg durch
20200514             KONT—AKTE zu NEONAZI—ORGANISATION: AfD droht neuer Zoff um Kalbitz
20200514             —STUDIEE: Frauen übernehmen einen GROßTEIL—DER—KINDERBETREUUNG in der CORONA—KRISE
20200514             Für VIELE—VERANSTALTER und Betreiber hätten Schließungen und Absagen in der CORONA—KRISE "zu enormen und zum Teil existenzbedrohenden Umsatzeinbrüchen geführt", erklärte Kulturstaatsministerin MONIKA—GRÜTTERS (CDU).
20200514             Die Gutscheinlösung helfe, "einen wichtigen KULTUR—BEREICH in DEUTSCHLAND durch DIE—CORONA—KRISE zu retten, der für VIELE—KÜNSTLER so ein Überleben sichern kann".
20200514             DIE—GUTSCHEINE sollen für "eine gleichwertige Veranstaltung" —BIS spätestens zum 20211231             .gelten.
20200514             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN hebt die QUARANTÄNEvorschrift für Rückkehrer aus den europäischen Nachbarstaaten auf.
20200514             —BISHER mussten sich Rückkehrer aus dem Ausland wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE —FÜR—2—WOCHEN in häusliche QUARANTÄNE begeben.
20200514             LASCHET hatte sich mehrfach für Reiseerleichterungen eingesetzt.
20200514             DIE—RHEINLAND—PFÄLZISCHE MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTIN Malu Dreyer (SPD) will die QUARANTÄNE—PFLICHT ebenfalls gemäß der Absprachen mit dem Bund "rückabwickeln".
20200514             —DIE—SPD—POLITIKERIN kündigte zudem mit Blick auf die anhaltenden GRENZ—KONTROLLEN etwa zu FRANKREICH an, sich dafür einzusetzen, daß es bald weitere Öffnungsschritte —BIS zur vollständigen Rückkehr zur Normalität geben KÖNNE—UNTER Beobachtung des Infektionsgeschehens.
20200514             In den überfüllten Flüchtlingslagern von BANGLADESCH ist eine 1. CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION aufgetreten.
20200514             1—ROHINGYA—GEFLÜCHTETER sei positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getestet worden, teilte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) mit.
20200514             DIE—BEHÖRDEN isolierten die Erkrankten und versuchen nun, ihre KONT—AKTE zu ermitteln.
20200514             DIE—HILFSORGANISATION Save the Children warnte vor einer raschen AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS in dem Lager.
20200514             Digitale PANDEMIE—BEKÄMPFUNG: WERBE—AGENTUR soll CORONA—WARN—APP populär machen
20200514             —STREIT—UM—MINISTERPOSTEN: Vereidigung ISRAEL—REGIERUNG verzögert sich erneut
20200514             —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—ÄRZTEN in NORD—ITALIEN und FRANKREICH könnte eine schwer verlaufende Entzündungskrankheit bei Kindern im Zusammenhang mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— stehen.
20200514             Es führt zu einer ÜBER—REAKTION des Immunsystems, die vermutlich durch Bakterien oder Viren ausgelöst wird.
20200514             Dass auch SARS—COV—2—EINE derartige ÜBER—REAKTION bewirken kann, ist von Erwachsenen —BEREITS bekannt.
20200514             1—DIREKTE Verbindung zwischen KAWASAKI und COVID—19—WURDE indes noch nicht belegt.
20200514             DER—REPUBLIKANER—USA—SENATOR—RICHARD—BURR tritt wegen polizeilichen Ermittlungen gegen ihn —BIS auf Weiteres als CHEF—DES—GEHEIMDIENSTAUSSCHUSSES zurück.
20200514             BURR werde den Ausschussvorsitz ab —SAMSTAG für die Dauer der Ermittlungen ruhen lassen, erklärte er.
20200514             Gegen BURR wird ermittelt, weil er mit Insiderwissen Aktiengeschäfte im Zusammenhang mit der CORONA—KRISE durchgeführt haben könnte.
20200514             —NACH, vertraulichen Unterrichtungen über die möglichen Folgen der CORONA—PANDEMIE im Februar hatte BURR große Mengen seiner Aktien verkauft.
20200514             —ZEIT—PUNKT—ZU—DIESEM, beteuerten USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP und dessen Parteikollegen öffentlich noch, daß von dem VIRUS keine ernsthafte GEFAHR—FÜR—AMERIKA ausgehe.
20200514             Auch BURR hatte noch —ANFANG Februar in einem Gastbeitrag in einer Zeitung geschrieben, DIE—USA seien "besser als je zuvor" auf eine mögliche Epidemie vorbereitet.
20200514             MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge hat die Bundespolizei FBI zudem diese Woche BURRs Telefon BESCHLAGNAHMT—LAUT der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR dpa ein höchst ungewöhnlicher Schritt bei einem amtierenden SENATOR.
20200514             —ZUDEM, hätten FBI—BEAMTE auf BURRs persönliche Daten auf seinem ICLOUD—KONTO zugegriffen, berichtete die "LOS—ANGELES Times".
20200514             Auch andere Senatoren wie Kelly Loeffler aus dem BUNDES—STAAT GEORGIA mussten sich wegen Aktienverkäufen vor der Zuspitzung der PANDEMIE in den USA kritischen Fragen stellen.
20200514             Interview: "VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN und Impfgegnertum hingen —SCHON vor CORONA zusammen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—NINA—WEBER
20200514             Interview: "VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN und Impfgegnertum hingen —SCHON vor CORONA zusammen"
20200514             DEUTSCHLAND—Umfrage—MEHRHEIT, kein Verständnis für CORONA—PROTESTE
202005141200         —DATA—NACHMITTAG
20200514—20160000    —SEIT, Niedrigster Stand : Günstige Energie bremst Inflation
20200514—20190400    —IM, Nach Zahlen der Bundesnetzagentur lag der Stromverbrauch um mehr als 8—PROZENT unter dem. Dies geht vor allem auf den Einbruch der Industrieproduktion zurück.
20200514—20200212    —AM, Der "NEW—YORK—TIMES" zufolge verkaufte Burr dennoch Aktien im Wert von —BIS zu 1,7 Millionen USA—DOLLAR - 1—GROSSTEIL seines Portfolios.
20200514—20200513    —ISSUED, FLORIDA police, arrest warrants for 2—NFL cornerbacks accused of 1 armed robbery alleged to have occurred at 1—PARTY in Miramar.
20200514—20200514    —AM, Namenstag : Die "Heilige CORONA" als Schutzpatronin gegen Seuchen?
20200514—20200614    —UNTIL, THE—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BOYKO—BORISSOV has extended restrictions.
20200514—20200710    —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK Daily News, that detectives believe 4—VICTIMS recanted —AFTER being paid 1—TOTAL—OF $55,000 in cash at THE—OFFICE—OF—MICHAEL—GRIECO, 1—SOUTH—FLORIDA defense lawyer and state lawmaker.
20200514—20210000    —RESIGNED, Zambon, saying it was "humanly and professionally" impossible for him to continue on his job.
20200514—20211231    —BIS—SPÄTESTENS—ZUM, gelten DIE—GUTSCHEINE sollen für "eine gleichwertige Veranstaltung".
20200514—20211231    —BIS—SPÄTESTENS—ZUM, Nutzen die Kunden den Gutschein nicht, erhalten sie von den Veranstaltern ihr Geld zurück.
20200529             Weil er —BIS zum 20200514              noch an Parlamentssitzungen in dem BUNDES—STAAT teilgenommen hatte, riet seine Parteiführung 3—REPUBLIKANISCHEN Abgeordneten zur freiwilligen Isolation.
20210514             He was last seen on THE—MORNING—OF—20180407             , as he headed up 1—MOUNTAIN lift with skis and 1—DAYPACK.
20210514             —CANCELLED, PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, DONALD—TRUMP'S planned National Garden of USA—HEROES and revoked TRUMP—EXECUTIVE—ORDERS aimed at social media companies' moderation policies.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION has granted oil refiner Citgo Petroleum 1—JONES—ACT shipping waiver allowing it to move fuel between USA ports on 1—FOREIGN flagged vessel, making it the 2. company to secure 1—THIS —WEEK.
20210514             —VAULTED, Republicans, NY REPRESENTATIVE—ELISE—STEFANIK, 36—JAHRE—ALT into THE—RANKS—OF—HOUSE—LEADERSHIP, electing 1—ARDENT—DONALD—TRUMP defender in hopes of calming their searing civil war over the deposed REPRESENTATIVE—LIZ—CHENEY—UNREMITTING combat with THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT.
20210514             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT upheld a $25—MILLION—JUDGMENT and trial verdict finding BAYER—ROUNDUP caused 1—CALIFORNIA resident's NON—HODGKIN lymphoma, dealing 1—BLOW to the chemical company's hopes of limiting its legal risk over THE—WEED—KILLER.
20210514             —RELEASED, THE—UNDERGROUND—RAILROAD, a 10-part series, was, on Amazon Prime Video.
20210514             "Moonlight" director BARRY—JENKINS switched to the small screen for the adaptation of the Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING novel.
20210514             —UNVEILED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, a $267.8—BILLION revised budget plan, nearly 18% larger than his initial January proposal.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that the water crisis along THE—CALIFORNIA—OREGON border went from dire to catastrophic this —WEEK as federal regulators shut off irrigation water to farmers from 1—CRITICAL reservoir and said they would not send extra water to dying salmon downstream or to 1—HALF—DOZEN wildlife refuges that harbor MILLIONS—OF—MIGRATING birds EACH—YEAR.
20210514             —RENAMED, CALIFORNIA—VANDENBERG—AIR—FORCE Base was, Vandenberg Space Force Base.
20210514             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,740,458 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 62,239 deaths.
20210514             THE—SF—BAY—AREA had 440,765 cases and 6,487 deaths.
20210514             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 32,889,955 with the death toll at 585,195.
20210514             JOEL—GREENBERG, 1—FORMER—FLORIDA tax collector and REPRESENTATIVE—MATT—GAETZ'S (R—FLORIDA) former confidant, agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and admitted to sex trafficking 1—MINOR.
20210514             OHIO, the attorney for THE—CITY—OF—COLUMBUS said it THE—FAMILY—OF—ANDRE—HILL, 1—BLACK—MAN fatally shot by police last 20211222             , will receive a $10—MILLION—SETTLEMENT.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR—KEVIN—STITT, 1—REPUBLICAN, signed legislation this —WEEK that adds 1—DAY to IN—PERSON—EARLY voting in the state and 1—EXTRA—HOUR to —SATURDAY early voting, and it also makes changes to ensure MAIL—IN ballots are received in time to be counted.
20210514             —SIGNED, SOUTH—CAROLINA GOVERNOR—HENRY—MCMASTER, into law 1—BILL that forces death row inmates for —NOW to choose between the electric chair or 1—NEWLY formed firing squad in hopes the state can restart executions —AFTER 1—INVOLUNTARY 10-year pause.
20210514             —RELEASED, SOUTH—CAROLINA officials, HOURS—OF—POLICE—BODY—CAMERA—FOOTAGE, which shows 1—CHARLESTON—COUNTY—SHERIFF'S—DEPUTY repeatedly tasing JAMAL—SUTHERLAND, a 31—YEAR—OLD—BLACK—MAN, —BEFORE he † in custody in January.
20210514             GENERAL—MILLS said it is acquiring TYSON—FOODS' animal treat business for $1.2—BILLION in cash.
20210514             Walmart, SAM—CLUB, Costco, Trader Joe's, and Publix were among the 1. major retailers to announce that shoppers fully vaccinated against COVID-19 would no longer have to wear masks in their stores, unless required by state or local law.
20210514             —RIPPED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB, through 1—MOSQUE in NORTH—KABUL —DURING—FRIDAY prayers, killing 12—WORSHIPPERS, and wounding 15.
20210514             —ASKED, ARMENIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOL—PASHINYAN said he has, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN for military assistance amid simmering tensions with AZERBAIJAN —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—1 armed conflict over THE—NAGORNO—KARABAKH region.
20210514             BRITAIN—HEALTH—MINISTRY said the estimated reproduction "R" rate in ENGLAND edged up to between 0.8 and 1.1, and it is less clear that the epidemic is still shrinking compared to last —WEEK.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that Greyhound CANADA is permanently cutting all bus routes across the country —AFTER nearly 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY—OF—SERVICE.
20210514             —SUSPENDED, All services were temporarily, 1—YEAR ago due to 1—SHARP—DECLINE in passengers amid the 1. WAVE—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20210514             —OPERATED, USA—AFFILIATE Greyhound Lines will continue to, CROSS—BORDEER routes to TORONTO, MONTREAL and VANCOUVER once the border reopens.
20210514             —KILLED, In central and EAST—CHINA BACK—TO—BACK—TORNADOES, 12—PEOPLE and left more than 300—OTHERS injured.
20210514             —REPORTED, Mainland CHINA, 14—NEW—COVID—19—CASES, up from 7—CASES 1—DAY —EARLIER.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that DENMARK this —WEEK began digging up millions of culled mink buried —6—MONTHS—AGO BECAUSE—OF—CONCERNS that the mass graves could contaminate drinking water and 1—NEARBY bathing lake.
20210514             1—GERMANY—COURT officially declared billionaire KARL—ERIVAN Haub dead, more than —3—YEARS—AFTER the head of retail group Tengelmann went missing in THE—SWITZERLAND—ALPS.
20210514             INDIA—DRUGMAKER DOCTOR—REDDY'S—LABORATORIES—LTD said it expects to get 36—MILLION doses of Sputnik V COVID—19—VACCINE in the next COUPLE—OF—MONTHS under its contract with RUSSIA—SOVEREIGN wealth fund.
20210514             —TARGETED, IRELAND—HEALTH—SERVICE shut down its IT systems —AFTER being, in 1—RANSOMWARE attack by what it called "INTERNATIONAL criminals".
20210514             —LAUNCHED, ISRAEL, 1—INTENSE—AIR and ground assault on THE—GAZA Strip early —TODAY, pounding targets with warplanes, artillery and tank fire in the largest single operation of a 4—DAY—CONFLICT with PALESTINE—MILITANTS.
20210514             —LEVELED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT, 1—MULTISTORY building housing 1—BANK affiliated with the Hamas militant group in GAZA City.
20210514             —DESTROYED, It was the 3. Hamas bank, in ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES in this —WEEK—DEADLY—ESCALATION and fighting.
20210514             —KILLED, The death toll in GAZA from the fighting rose to 122, including 31—CHILDREN and 20—WOMEN.
20210514             —REPORTED, It was, that ITALY—HOPES—OF producing its own COVID—19—VACCINE have been thrown into doubt —AFTER the state audit court rejected 1—PLAN to pump public funds into local biotech company ReiThera.
20210514             —EXPANDED, JAPAN further, 1—CORONAVIRUS—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY from 6—AREAS, including TOKYO, to 9, as PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIHIDE—SUGA repeated his determination to hold the Olympics in —JUST over 2—MONTHS.
20210514             EDWIN—POOTS, the new LEADER—OF—NORTH—IRELAND—DEMOCRATIC—UNIONIST—PARTY (DUP), pledged to unite the bickering STRANDS—OF—UNIONISM to fight the Brexit deal and thus lay the foundations for keeping NORTH—IRELAND in THE—UK.
20210514             —EASED, In THE—PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, the coronavirus lockdown for MANILA and 4—ADJACENT—PROVINCES, allowing essential businesses and tourist destinations to expand operations.
20210514             POLAND, the foreign ministers of EUROPE—4—VISEGRAD countries (CZECH—REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY and POLAND) discussed cooperation to boost national economies and tourism —AFTER the pandemic and announced free travel between THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—AND—HUNGARY for those vaccinated against COVID-19.
20210514             —TIGHTENED, SINGAPORE further, social distancing restrictions.
20210514             New coronavirus cases have risen to 71 in the last —WEEK from 48 1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20210514             —REPORTED, SINGAPORE has, 61,4505 cases and 31—DEATHS—SINCE the pandemic started.
20210514             —PROMISED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—PRAYUTH—CHAN—OCHA, 1—UN—SPECIAL—ENVOY that he will not force back people fleeing violence in neighboring MYANMAR, where the military ousted 1—DEMOCRATICALLY elected government in February.
20210514             TURKEY—COMPANY—KARPOWERSHIP, that provides electricity to LEBANON from 2—POWER barges, shut down its operations over delayed payments.
20210514             —EXPECTED, The move is, to increase outages in THE—CRISIS—HIT Mediterranean country.
20210514             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—ANTONIO—GUTERRES said foreign fighters and mercenaries remain in LIBYA in violation of last OCTOBER—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT and called for their withdrawal and 1—END to VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—UNITED—NATIONS—ARMS—EMBARGO.
20210514             The regional UN humanitarian coordinator said more than 10,000 Palestinians in GAZA have fled their homes —SINCE fighting began —EARLIER this —WEEK.
20210514             —FREITAG, 20210514
20210514             Bundeswehrabzug aus AFGHANISTAN: Bringt unsere AFGHANISTAN—HELFER in Sicherheit!
20210514             Hamsterkäufe nach Hackerangriff auf Pipeline: In WASHINGTON wird das Benzin knapp
20210514             —VERLIERT, Quartalszahlen: Disneys Streamingdienst, an Fahrt
20210514             Konflikt am Gazastreifen: Maas wirft Hamas "Raketenterror" gegen ISRAEL vor
20210514             Wegen CORONA: Wirtschaftsexperten erwarten Anstieg von Pleiten kleinerer Firmen
20210514             Nahost: Nach Angriff auf HAMAS—TUNNELSYSTEM — Israels Armee gibt Einzelheiten der Operation bekannt
20210514             Linkenchefin Janine Wissler: "Hausbesetzungen sind legitim"
20210514             Eskalation im Nahen Osten: "Es ist das 1. Mal, dass ich Angst vor meinen Nachbarn habe"
20210514             SCHUTZMASKEN—DEAL mit Dessousfirma: ANGELA—MERKEL und die Mogelpackung aus BULGARIEN
20210514             Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES": Aktivistengruppe und EX—SPION haben sich gegen "Feinde" von Trump verbündet
20210514             Antisemitische Aufmärsche: Israels BOTSCHAFTER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND bittet Behörden um Schutz
20210514             Afghanistans PRÄSIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI: "Ich weiß, ich bin nur 1—KUGEL vom Tod entfernt" 1—SPIEGEL—GESPRÄCH—VON—SUSANNE—KOELBL, KABUL
20210514             Gut erhaltener Schädel: Forscher entdecken neue Dinosaurierart in MEXIKO
20210514             SCHOTTLAND: Demonstranten verhindern Abschiebung von 2—MÄNNERN in GLASGOW
20210514             —VERBIETET, Klimaschutzgesetz: SPANIEN, Autos mit Verbrennungsmotor
20210514             Umweltschützern geht Spaniens neues Klimagesetz nicht weit genug.
20210514             Die Organisation Greenpeace kritisierte es als "unzureichend" für die Erfüllung des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens.
20210514             Die SPANIEN—UMWELTMINISTERIN TERESA—RIBERA sprach auf Twitter von einem "unerlässlichen Gesetz, auf dem man aufbauen kann".
20210514             Zugleich räumte sie ein, dass SPANIEN ein solches Gesetz —SCHON "—VOR—10—JAHREN" hätte verabschieden sollen.
20210514             Starscope - Knapp 2—DRITTEL der Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND sind aktuell unzufrieden damit, wie die Politik die CORONA—MAßNAHMEN begründet und erklärt.
20210514             Allerdings hat sich der Anteil der Unzufriedenen gegenüber dem April verringert,
20210514             BRASILIEN, untersucht 1—SENATSKOMMISSION, ob die REGIERUNG—VON—JAIR—BOLSONARO die Pandemie falsch gehandhabt hat.
20210514             Im Zentrum steht die Frage, ob sich die Regierung rechtzeitig um Impfstoffe bemüht hat.
20210514             PFIZER—CHEF—FÜR—LATEINAMERIKA, CARLOS—MURILLO teilt der Kommission mit, er habe dem BRASILIEN—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUM zwischen August und November vergangenen Jahres wiederholt angeboten, sein Covid-19-Vakzin zu verkaufen.
20210514             Er habe aber keine Antwort von der Regierung erhalten.
20210514             GRIECHENLAND lockert CORONA—REGELN und inländische Reisebeschränkungen
20210514             11.336—NEUINFEKTIONEN, 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ bei 96,5
20210514             Maas hält Sommerurlaub für möglich — will aber keine Touristen heimholen
20210514             BALEAREN—REGIERUNGSCHEFIN rechnet nicht mit Partysommer auf Mallorca
20210514             Armengol bezeichnete die Coronapandemie zudem als Chance, "den Exzesstourismus hinter uns zu lassen".
20210514             Auf den Balearen habe man angefangen, einen Qualitätstourismus zu entwickeln, mit mehr Respekt vor der Natur und den Eigenheiten der Regionen.
20210514             "CORONA hat uns noch einmal die Notwendigkeit von VERANTWORTUNGS—UND respektvollem Tourismus gezeigt".
20210514             Rund 343.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in INDIEN
20210514             Passagieraufkommen am Frankfurter Flughafen bleibt gering
20210514             Briten wollen INDIEN—VARIANTE mit Massentests und Impfen eindämmen
20210514             Im Nordwesten von ENGLAND sowie in LONDON würden mobile Teams gezielt Tests anbieten und die Nachverfolgung von Kontakten verstärken,
20210514             Laut Statistiken von Public Health ENGLAND hat sich die ZAHL—DER—IN—GROSSBRITANNIEN nachgewiesenen FÄLLE—DER—VARIANTE B.1.617.2 innerhalb einer Woche auf gut 13000000              Fälle verdoppelt.
20210514             SINGAPUR verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN wegen sprunghaften Anstiegs von Infektionszahlen
20210514             SINGAPUR, war die AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONAVIRUS weitgehend unter Kontrolle — —BIS in den vergangenen Wochen die Infektionszahlen wieder sprunghaft zunahmen.
20210514             Die Behörden meldeten mehrere Infektionsherde.
20210514             Unter anderem wurden am Flughafen 46—MENSCHEN positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet — die meisten von ihnen AIRPORT—ANGESTELLTE.
20210514             Laut Bericht arbeiten offiziell 40.000—MENSCHEN als registrierte Prostituierte.
20210514             Schätzungen gehen davon aus, dass es tatsächlich zehnmal mehr sind.
20210514             Berliner Cafés und Restaurants dürfen Pfingsten draußen wieder öffnen
20210514             ab —FREITAG vor Pfingsten (20210521             ).
20210514             Spahn wegen sinkender 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ zuversichtlich
20210514             DEUTSCHLAND, wurden —BISHER rund 13.000—VOLLSTÄNDIG Geimpfte noch positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet.
20210514             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, bei insgesamt mehr als 8—MILLIONEN Zweitimpfungen etwa 0,16 Prozent.
20210514             Es sei aber nicht klar, ob die Erkrankung bei vollem Impfschutz, also mehr als 14—TAGE nach der 2. Impfung, auftrat oder in den Tagen davor,
20210514             Impfungen können Coronainfektionen zwar in den meisten Fällen verhindern, allerdings nicht zu 100—PROZENT.
20210514             Man geht außerdem davon aus, dass der Körper nach der 2. Impfung rund 2—WOCHEN braucht, um den vollen Impfschutz aufzubauen.
20210514             Nach der 1. Impfung wurden nach DATEN—DES—GESUNDHEITSMINISTERIUMS rund 44.000—COVID—19—FÄLLE gemeldet.
20210514             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, bei mehr als 28,5 Millionen Erstgeimpften etwa 0,15 Prozent.
20210514             662—ZWEIFACH Geimpfte und rund 20000000              einfach Geimpfte starben.
20210514             Quarantänepflicht bei Einreise fällt in ITALIEN weg
20210514             Für ITALIEN—URLAUBER aus DEUTSCHLAND und anderen europäischen Ländern
20210514             Künftig sei für Einreisen aus den Ländern der Europäischen Union, dem Schengenraum sowie GROSSBRITANNIEN und ISRAEL nur noch ein negativer Test erforderlich.
20210514             Bundesregierung weiß nicht, wie VIELE—INTENSIVPFLEGEKRÄFTE in DEUTSCHLAND arbeiten
20210514             WALES lockert ab —MONTAG — aber mit Vorsicht wegen INDIEN—VARIANTE
20210514             Mehrere in INDIEN ansässige Pharmafirmen, darunter Virchow Biotech und Hetero Biopharma, wurden zudem Lizenzen für eine örtliche PRODUKTION—DER—RUSSISCHEN—VAKZINE erteilt.
20210514             Gesundheitsminister Spahn gegen CORONA geimpft — mit AstraZeneca
20210514             Für den kompletten Schutz brauche Spahn nur 1—IMPFUNG, da er —BEREITS 1—CORONA—ERKRANKUNG durchgemacht habe,
20210514             Höchster Stand bei CORONA—INFEKTIONEN in Moskau —SEIT Januar
20210514             In ganz RUSSLAND wurde am —FREITAG mit 9462—FÄLLEN die höchste ZAHL—VON—NEUINFEKTIONEN —SEIT Ende März registriert.
20210514             Die Behörden fürchten, dass ganz RUSSLAND in den kommenden Wochen von einer neuen Ausbreitungswelle des Virus heimgesucht werden könnte.
20210514             PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hatte in den vergangenen Wochen verstärkt für CORONA—IMPFUNGEN geworben.
20210514             Er möchte —BIS zum —HERBST die sogenannte Herdenimmunität der RUSSLAND—BEVÖLKERUNG erreichen, die Impfkampagne kommt jedoch nur schleppend voran.
20210514             In einer RUSSLAND—ERHEBUNG vom April zeigten sich 62—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN nicht bereit, sich mit der RUSSLAND—CORONA—VAKZINE Sputnik V impfen zu lassen.
20210514             In dem 146—MILLIONEN—EINWOHNER—LAND haben bislang rund 10—MILLIONEN Menschen beide Dosen des Impfstoffs erhalten, weitere 14—MILLIONEN Menschen erhielten die 1. Dosis.
20210514             HAMBURG will schärfere Strafen für falsche Impfpässe
20210514             "Ziel muss es sein, falsche Gesundheitszeugnisse und Urkundenfälschung gleichzustellen und die Regelungen auf Reformbedarf zu überprüfen".
20210514             DÄNEMARK erleichtert Reisen nach Mallorca und auf die Kanaren
20210514             Die Bundesregierung stuft GROSSBRITANNIEN trotz niedriger Infektionszahlen ab —SONNTAG wieder als CORONA—RISIKOGEBIET ein.
20210514             Grund ist das "zumindestens eingeschränkte Vorkommen" der zuerst in INDIEN festgestellten Virusvariante,
20210514             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON warnt vor den Gefahren, die von der —ZUNÄCHST in INDIEN nachgewiesenen CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTE ausgehen.
20210514             Sie sei leichter zu übertragen, sagt er über die Mutante mit der Bezeichnung B.1.617.2.
20210514             Die gute Nachricht sei, dass es keinen Hinweis auf eine geringere Wirksamkeit der Impfstoffe gebe.
20210514             Auf Mallorca öffnen immer mehr Hotels
20210514             LITAUEN wird den östlichen EU—PARTNERLÄNDERN 200.000—DOSEN CORONA—IMPFSTOFF bereitstellen, damit sie in der Impfkampagne nicht abgehängt werden.
20210514             Die für diesen —SAMSTAG in DRESDEN angemeldeten "Querdenken"-Demonstrationen bleiben verboten.
20210514             Das Verwaltungsgericht war der Prognose der Landeshauptstadt gefolgt, wonach von den Versammlungen mit insgesamt 5000—ANGEMELDETEN Menschen nicht vertretbare CORONA—GEFAHREN für Teilnehmer, Polizisten und Passanten ausgehen, die nur durch 1—VERBOT zu vermeiden sind.
20210514             Die Fluggesellschaft Delta Air Lines setzt bei Neueinstellungen in den USA künftig CORONA—IMPFUNGEN voraus.
20210514             Das Unternehmen bezeichnete die Entscheidung am —FREITAG in einer Mitteilung als wichtigen Schritt zum Schutz seiner Beschäftigten und Kunden.
20210514             Bei seinen bisherigen Mitarbeitern schreibt Delta solche Impfungen nicht vor, allerdings haben diese nach ANGABEN—DER—AIRLINE ohnehin —SCHON mehr als 60—PROZENT—DER—BELEGSCHAFT erhalten.
20210514             Fri 20210514
20210514             [l] 1—DER—KRITIKPUNKTE am ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFF war ja immer, dass die 2. Impfung so viel später ist.
20210514             Während man bei Biontech nach einem —MONAT (eigentlich: 3—6—WOCHEN) die 2. Impfung hat und dann durch ist, wird bei Astrazeneca —ERST—12—WOCHEN—SPÄTER nachgeimpft.
20210514             Stellt sich raus: Wenn man bei Biontech —NACH—12—WOCHEN statt 3—NACHIMPFT, dann hat man 3½ mal so viel Antikörper.
20210514             Studie enthüllt Tricks des BEZOS—IMPERIUMS: Warum Amazon trotz Milliardengewinnen kaum Steuern zahlt
20210514             Konsum: CORONA stärkt nachhaltiges Einkaufen
20210514             Behörden und ihr BITCOIN—PROBLEM: Wenn konfiszierte 35,5 Millionen Euro einfach so verschwinden
20210514             CORONA—SUBVENTIONEN: Große Konzerne kriegen mehr Geld für Pandemieschäden
20210514             Fall MADELEINE—MCCANN: Weitere Verfahren gegen Christian B.
20210514             Mutmaßlich antisemitische Attacke in HEIDELBERG: Strafbefehle gegen MITGLIEDER—DER—BURSCHENSCHAFT—NORMANNIA beantragt
20210514             Eskalation im Nahen Osten: Die Angst vor dem nächsten Krieg
20210514             Abweisung von Bootsmigranten: Gericht lehnt Prozess gegen ITALIEN—EX—MINISTER—SALVINI ab
20210514             Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen: Die Stratosphäre schrumpft um 400—METER
20210514             In den vergangenen 40—JAHREN ist die Stratosphäre demnach 400—METER dünner geworden — JEDES—JAHRZEHNT etwa 100—METER, s
20210514             Dabei hat sich die erdnahe Troposphäre nach oben hin ausgedehnt, während sich die darüberliegende Stratosphäre gleichzeitig verdichtet habe.
20210514             —BIS 2080—KÖNNTE die rund 30—KILOMETER dicke Stratosphäre noch mal um einen Kilometer dünner werden.
20210514             "Mittlerweile ist klar, dass wir durch die menschengemachten TREIBHAUSGAS—EMISSIONEN nicht nur die Erdoberfläche erwärmen, sondern auch die Troposphäre",
20210514             "Diese dehnt sich dadurch aus, und die Grenze zur Stratosphäre verschiebt sich nach oben".
20210514             Für die Forscher ist die Verschiebung der Atmosphärengrenzen 1—INDIKATOR für den menschengemachten Klimawandel.
20210514             Die schrumpfende Stratosphäre kommt laut den Forschern von 2—SEITEN unter Druck.
20210514             Die darunter liegende Troposphäre drückt nach oben, gleichzeitig verdichtet sich die Stratosphäre.
20210514             "Die Treibhausgase absorbieren nicht nur Infrarotstrahlung, sie emittieren sie auch",
20210514             In den oberen Atmosphärenschichten führe das dazu, dass mehr Wärme abgegeben werde.
20210514             Dadurch kühlten sie sich ab — und zögen sich zusammen.
20210514             Die Verschiebung der Schichten sei auch ein schlagendes Argument gegen krude KLIMAWANDEL—THEORIEN, die die Sonne für den Klimawandel verantwortlich machen.
20210514             "Wäre die Sonne 'schuld' am Klimawandel, würde sich die Stratopause — also die obere GRENZE—DER—SCHICHT — systematisch nach oben verschieben und nicht nach unten",
20210514             so Foelsche.
20210514             Die "Stratosphärenkontraktion" sei ein klarer Indikator, dass es sich um anthropogene Effekte handele.
20210514             —SCHON vor rund 20—JAHREN beobachteten Forscher das 1. Mal die Verschiebung der Stratosphäre und führten das damals noch neben dem Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen oder Aerosolen auch auf Sonnenaktivitäten oder Vulkanausbrüche zurück.
20210514             —VERURTEILT, Beleidigungen und brennende Flaggen: Zentralrat der Muslime, antisemitische Aufmärsche
20210514             Kampf gegen die Pandemie: WHO—CHEF—FORDERT—IMPFSTOFF für ärmere Länder statt für Kinder
20210514             USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS: Republikaner holen Abgeordnete Stefanik in die Fraktionsführung
20210514             Ermittlungen gegen Österreichs Bundeskanzler: EX—ÖVP—CHEF—WIRFT—KURZ "problematisches Verhältnis zum Rechtsstaat" vor
20210514             Irreführende Angaben: Flugportale müssen korrekten Endpreis anzeigen
20210514             Hausarrest gegen russlandfreundlichen Politiker: Putin droht UKRAINE mit Konsequenzen
20210514             Voices from GAZA: "No Place Here Offers Protection" By MONIKA—BOLLIGER und KATRIN—KUNTZ
20210514             —VERLIERT, Umstrittener Unkrautvernichter: Bayer, weiteres GLYPHOSAT—BERUFUNGSVERFAHREN in den USA
20210514             Sorge vor antisemitischen Krawallen: Stadt HAGEN hängt Israelflagge ab
20210514             Reaktion auf Ausweisungen von Diplomaten: RUSSLAND stuft USA und Tschechien als "unfreundliche Staaten" ein
20210514             Israels Premier Netanyahu über Kämpfe mit Palästinensern: "Es ist noch nicht vorbei"
20210514             Schulmassaker zeigt Lücken des RUSSLAND—WAFFENRECHTS: Halb automatisches Gewehr, glatter Lauf, für 333—EURO
20210514             Há mais 48—CASOS ativos no Algarve do que há uma semana
20210514             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2489 (+3) Óbitos - 45 (=) Recuperados - 2378 (+3) Casos ativos - 66 (=)
20210514             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 83 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210514             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 110 (+2) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 105 (=) Casos ativos - 3 (+2)
20210514             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 390 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 389 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210514             Faro Casos confirmados - 3324 (+4) Óbitos - 53 (=) Recuperados - 3217 (+2) Casos ativos - 54 (+2)
20210514             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 739 (+2) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 692 (=) Casos ativos - 32 (+2)
20210514             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1444 (+2) Óbitos - 27 (=) Recuperados - 1405 (=) Casos ativos - 12 (+2)
20210514             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3857 (+5) Óbitos - 65 (=) Recuperados - 3747 (+1) Casos ativos - 45 (+4)
20210514             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 183 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 172 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210514             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1816 (+1) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1785 (=) Casos ativos - 9 (+1)
20210514             Portimão Casos confirmados - 2563 (+7) Óbitos - 32 (=) Recuperados - 2491 (+1) Casos ativos - 40 (+6)
20210514             Silves Casos confirmados - 1290 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 1249 (=) Casos ativos - 29 (=)
20210514             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 402 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 390 (+2) Casos Ativos - 0 (-2)
20210514             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1556 (+6) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1504 (+1) Casos ativos - 23 (+5)
20210514             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1309 (=) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1284 (+1) Casos ativos - 6 (-1)
20210514             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 143 (=) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 134 (=) Casos ativos - 3 (=)
20210514             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 50,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210514             Continente: 48,1casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210514             R(t) Nacional: 0,95 Continente: 0,95
20210514             LK Ammerland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 51—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,8 Fälle gesamt 3.042—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.436,3 Todesfälle gesamt 62—EINWOHNERZAHL 124.859—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK BERNKASTEL—WITTLICH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 56—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,8 Fälle gesamt 2.869—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.550,6 Todesfälle gesamt 61—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.483—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210514             LK BREISGAU—HOCHSCHWARZWALD Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 130—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,3 Fälle gesamt 8.161—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.096,0 Todesfälle gesamt 179—EINWOHNERZAHL 263.601—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210514             LK COCHEM—ZELL Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 27,7 Fälle gesamt 1.874—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.053,4 Todesfälle gesamt 54—EINWOHNERZAHL 61.375—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210514             LK Cuxhaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 75—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,9 Fälle gesamt 4.539—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.292,0 Todesfälle gesamt 168—EINWOHNERZAHL 198.038—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 28—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,0 Fälle gesamt 1.920—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.441,5 Todesfälle gesamt 45—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 264—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 99,8 Fälle gesamt 13.275—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.016,3 Todesfälle gesamt 278—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 162—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 83,7 Fälle gesamt 7.624—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.936,9 Todesfälle gesamt 234—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 32—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,4 Fälle gesamt 1.597—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.618,0 Todesfälle gesamt 40—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Goslar Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 57—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,8 Fälle gesamt 2.511—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.842,4 Todesfälle gesamt 110—EINWOHNERZAHL 136.292—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Gotha Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 371—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 275,0 Fälle gesamt 8.148—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.039,7 Todesfälle gesamt 198—EINWOHNERZAHL 134.908—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210514             LK Heidekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 51—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,3 Fälle gesamt 3.285—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.335,2 Todesfälle gesamt 101—EINWOHNERZAHL 140.673—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Landsberg a.LECH—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,2 Fälle gesamt 3.969—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.299,2 Todesfälle gesamt 66—EINWOHNERZAHL 120.302—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 77—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,8 Fälle gesamt 3.303—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.793,8 Todesfälle gesamt 58—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK MAIN—TAUBER—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 60—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,3 Fälle gesamt 4.869—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.677,5 Todesfälle gesamt 87—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.399—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210514             LK München Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 170—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,5 Fälle gesamt 14.852—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.237,7 Todesfälle gesamt 287—EINWOHNERZAHL 350.473—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             LK Neustadt a.d.Waldnaab Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 33—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 34,9 Fälle gesamt 5.159—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.462,1 Todesfälle gesamt 164—EINWOHNERZAHL 94.450—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             LK Nordfriesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 47—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 28,3 Fälle gesamt 2.629—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.584,2 Todesfälle gesamt 79—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Nordwestmecklenburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 77—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,9 Fälle gesamt 3.766—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.393,8 Todesfälle gesamt 78—EINWOHNERZAHL 157.322—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210514             LK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,1 Fälle gesamt 4.833—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.692,4 Todesfälle gesamt 108—EINWOHNERZAHL 130.890—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Ostholstein Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 33,4 Fälle gesamt 3.246—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.618,6 Todesfälle gesamt 84—EINWOHNERZAHL 200.539—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 41—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 31,9 Fälle gesamt 1.306—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.014,9 Todesfälle gesamt 30—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK POTSDAM—MITTELMARK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 92—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,5 Fälle gesamt 7.703—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.556,9 Todesfälle gesamt 196—EINWOHNERZAHL 216.566—BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG
20210514             LK Prignitz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 35—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,0 Fälle gesamt 3.185—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.182,1 Todesfälle gesamt 162—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.158—BUNDESLAND BRANDENBURG
20210514             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 80—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 29,2 Fälle gesamt 3.901—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.423,2 Todesfälle gesamt 53—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 726—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 154,3 Fälle gesamt 19.206—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.081,0 Todesfälle gesamt 386—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 257—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 90,7 Fälle gesamt 10.849—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.829,9 Todesfälle gesamt 152—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,4 Fälle gesamt 3.804—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.322,6 Todesfälle gesamt 87—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 50—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,9 Fälle gesamt 2.830—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.406,9 Todesfälle gesamt 60—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Segeberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 108—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,0 Fälle gesamt 6.645—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.397,4 Todesfälle gesamt 155—EINWOHNERZAHL 277.175—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Steinburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,1 Fälle gesamt 2.269—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.731,9 Todesfälle gesamt 36—EINWOHNERZAHL 131.013—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             LK Tirschenreuth Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 31—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,0 Fälle gesamt 5.287—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.338,4 Todesfälle gesamt 266—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.046—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             LK Uelzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 25—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 27,1 Fälle gesamt 2.146—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.322,8 Todesfälle gesamt 111—EINWOHNERZAHL 92.389—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Wittmund Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 17—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 29,9 Fälle gesamt 1.182—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.076,4 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 56.926—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             LK Würzburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,3 Fälle gesamt 4.261—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.625,4 Todesfälle gesamt 71—EINWOHNERZAHL 162.302—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 290—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 90,3 Fälle gesamt 20.515—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.388,5 Todesfälle gesamt 410—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210514             SK BERLIN Pankow Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 187—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,0 Fälle gesamt 14.789—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.715,5 Todesfälle gesamt 209—EINWOHNERZAHL 398.036—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210514             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 239—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 69,9 Fälle gesamt 17.204—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.033,8 Todesfälle gesamt 465—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210514             SK Coburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 117—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 284,9 Fälle gesamt 2.271—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.529,3 Todesfälle gesamt 87—EINWOHNERZAHL 41.072—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             SK Delmenhorst Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 113—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 145,7 Fälle gesamt 3.367—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.341,2 Todesfälle gesamt 65—EINWOHNERZAHL 77.559—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.224—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 112,5 Fälle gesamt 51.040—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.691,8 Todesfälle gesamt 673—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             SK Lübeck Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 96—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,3 Fälle gesamt 5.510—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.544,7 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 216.530—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 112—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,5 Fälle gesamt 8.005—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.538,9 Todesfälle gesamt 116—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210514             SK Pinneberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 150—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,5 Fälle gesamt 10.148—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.210,3 Todesfälle gesamt 344—EINWOHNERZAHL 316.103—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210514             SK Schweinfurt Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 139—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 260,2 Fälle gesamt 2.897—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.422,5 Todesfälle gesamt 80—EINWOHNERZAHL 53.426—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             SK Schwerin Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 36—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,6 Fälle gesamt 2.645—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.765,2 Todesfälle gesamt 106—EINWOHNERZAHL 95.653—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210514             SK Weiden i.d.OPf. Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 19—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,5 Fälle gesamt 2.679—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.267,7 Todesfälle gesamt 73—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.743—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210514             SK Wilhelmshaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 25—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 32,9 Fälle gesamt 1.866—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.452,4 Todesfälle gesamt 49—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.089—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210514             Cases 161.381.569 Deaths 3.348.818 Vaccine Doses Administered 1.407.113.174
20210514—19410000    —ESTABLISHED, The base was —INITIALLY, as Camp Cooke, 1—ARMY garrison for tank, infantry and artillery training.
20210514—19830000    —IN—THE, 1—JURY in 1—NORTH—CAROLINA federal civil rights case awarded $75—MILLION to 2—BLACK, intellectually disabled half brothers who spent decades behind bars —AFTER being wrongfully convicted rape and murder of an 11—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
20210514—20190000    —IN, 1—JUDGE—IN—SICILY dismissed 1—CASE against RIGHT—WING leader MATTEO—SALVINI for keeping rescued migrants on BOARD—1—COAST—GUARD ship, saying no crime had been committed.
20210514—20210524    —AB, SACHSEN hebt Impfpriorisierung in Arztpraxen auf
20210514—20230000    —AB, Spätestens müssen ALLE—SPANISCHEN—STÄDTE mit mehr als 50.000—EINWOHNERN Zonen einrichten, in denen der Verkehr besonders klimaschädlicher Fahrzeuge eingeschränkt ist.
20210514—20300000    —BIS, Spaniens Treibhausgasausstoß soll um mindestens 23—PROZENT im Vergleich zu 19900000              verringert werden.
20210514—20300000    —BIS, Dazu soll der Anteil der erneuerbaren Energien an der gesamten Energieversorgung des Landes auf 42—PROZENT steigen und auf mindestens 74—PROZENT bei der Stromproduktion.
20210514—20400000    —AB, Ein zentraler Punkt des Gesetzes ist 1—VERKAUFSVERBOT für Fahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotoren.
20210514—20500000    —AB, sollen solche Fahrzeuge gar nicht mehr in SPANIEN fahren dürfen.
20210726             † PALESTINIAN—YOUSSEF—NAWAF, 17—JAHRE—ALT, —2—MONTHS—AFTER he was wounded in the neck by ISRAEL—GUNFIRE 20210514             —DURING, clashes near THE—CITY—OF—RAMALLAH in the occupied WEST—BANK.
202203051426         RUSSIA—DETERRENCE—FORCES were put on high alert —AFTER LIZ—TRUSS' statement on NATO—INVOLVEMENT in UKRAINE situation, no 1 checked HER, PUTIN
202203051433         RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK—NOTES—SLOWDOWN in operations of FPS because of rising DDoS attacks
202203051451         MOSCOW lodges protest with WASHINGTON over SENATOR—GRAHAM—REMARKS
202203051457         Industry and Trade Ministry recommends suspending exports of pentaethrite and urotropine to EU due to problems with methanol exports
202204250514         Union legt Antragsentwurf für Lieferung schwerer Waffen vor