_HEUTE_0501 :

00000501             S—PHILIPPUS und S—JACOBUS am.
00000501             (volkstümlicher ist indessen die Bezeichnung dieses Tages nach S—WALPURGIS);
00010101—01001231    —CENTURY 20020501            .
03050501             —BECAME, Constantius I—CHLORUS (Flavius Valerius Constantius), Western emperor.
03050501             KAISER—DIOCLETIANUS und MAXIMILIANus feiern in ROM ihr, 20—JAHRE—ALTES Regierungsjubiläum.
03050501             —ABDANKT, KAISER—DIOCLETIANUS aus Altersgründen und
03050501             —ABDANKT, KAISER—MAXIMIANUS aus Altersgründen
03050501             GALERIUS—CAESAR—AUGUSTUS und CONSTANTINUS—CHLORUS ernennen neue CAESARen für die 2—FREI gewordenen Stellen:
03050501             VALERIUS—SEVERUS—CAESAR ITALIEN erhält und
03050501             VALERIUS—SEVERUS—CAESAR PANNONIEN erhält
03050501             des GALERIUS—CAESAR—AUGUSTUS Vetter MAXIMINUS erhält DAIA,
03050501             des GALERIUS—CAESAR—AUGUSTUS Vetter MAXIMINUS erhält OSTASIEN,
03050501             des GALERIUS—CAESAR—AUGUSTUS Vetter MAXIMINUS erhält ÄGYPTEN.
03050501—03070000    VALERIUS—SEVERUS—CAESAR
07040501             WILLIBRORD muß sich von WÜRZBURG aus nach TRIER begeben haben
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA remercie 13—ÉVÊQUES francs, dont ROMANO—BISCHOF—VON—MELDENSI—EPISCOPO.
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA mentionne DAVID—SPIRONENSI—EPISCOPO,
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA mentionne ROMANO—MELDENSI—EPISCOPO,
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA mentionne et ceteris amantissimis CHOR—EPISCOPIS.
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA Dans 1—LETTRE non datée, mais vraisemblablement du
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA pour la profession de foi et d'unité qu'ils lui ont envoyée
07480501             ZACHARIAS—PAPA les exhorte à collaborer avec son légat, BONIFACIUS.
07780501             —AUF—DEN, die datierte PRECARIE DER—ABTISSIN—ARVINA für S—MARIEN, Actus
10060501             1—SUPERNOVA was observed by Chinese and Egyptians in constellation Lupus.
10930501             † HEINRICH—ABT—VON—KLOSTER—GORZE
12181028—12190501    —A',
12970501             COMMISSION—DU—BONIFACIUS dil. fil.
12970501             Fredolo MASSILIEN. preposito et autres, AU—SUJET—DE—UN emprunt contracté par?
12980700—13080501    * † ALBRECHT—I—VON—ÖSTERREICH]
13040501             —VON,
13080501             † ALBERT—KING—OF— [of AUSTRIA] WAS—MURDERED, by his nephew JOHN, because he refused his SHARE—OF—THE—HABSBURG lands.
13080501             † ALBRECHT—I—VON—ÖSTERREICH], bei RHEINFELDEN—AN—DER—REUß, ermordet.
13220501             DOMINO—LUDOUICO—TEOTONICO, qui fuerat AD—SERVITIA Mathei^ HERETICI et venit AD—SERVITIA ROM. ecdesie,"233|^ —ARGENTO (12—UNCIE PRO—PERSONA—SUA, 4—UNCIE pro 1—MILITE, je 2^ uncie PRO—87—ARMIGERIS Teotonicis PRO—TOTO—MENSE Madii) = 968—FLORENI 7—S. asten.
13220501             PRO—38—ARMIGERIS PRO—TOTO—MENSE ;;05;;i) 443—FLORENI 27—S. asten.
13431101—13440501    das 1. Fähnlein für 6—MONATE  besoldet. wird
13431101—13440501    —SEIT, Für 6—MONATE —SEIT.wird bezahlt:
13431101—13440501    DE—BANNERIA—DOMINI—MORI [de Elizieh]".
13540501             SIZ—IRER/ CONESTABILI—EQUITI, (24—POSTE 3—RONZINI) 13540516—13540616    199—FLORENI NOMINA—EQUITATORUM :
13540501—13540601    NOMINA—EQUITATORUM :
13540501—13540601    NOMINA—EQUITATORUM : Giachelinus Theotonicus,
13570501             —AM, das Dankschreiben INNOCENTIUS—VI—PAPA dem LUDWIG—KÖNIG—VON—UNGARN sandte für die dem KARDINAL—LEGAT—ALBORNOZ gesandten HILFS—TRUPPEN.
13580501             —AM, JOHANN—VON—LOBUS[RODE] als PROPST eingesetzt,
13580501             JAKOB (SUB—14010000            .
13580501             HEINRICH (SUB—14010000            .
13580501             BERTULDO—DE—HERBESTEN, CONESTABILIS—EQUITATORIS, PRO—EMENDA—EQUI scripti PELEGRI—URENA'' interfecti per INIMICOS—DE—CASTROCARRO, quando ibat ad faciendum scortam quastatoribus, qui faciebant quastum super dictum CASTR—;;0604;;: 14—FLORENI
13600501             Nur noch einmal auftaucht DER—NAME in 1—PRIVAT—VERTRAG von
13650501             —VOM, LECACHEUX—REG. Urb. V—NUMERO—1741.
13700501             HERMANUS—DE—ZÜRICH—STIPENDIARIUS in bastita (Bollwerk) inferiori contra Tergestum (Triest)Urlaub zur Rückkehr in DIE—HEIMAT verlangt' '
14030501             —AM, schloß BALTHASAR mit seinem Bruder WILHELM und seinen Vettern,
14590218—14590501    —VOM, SIVERT—VON—GERENSTORP bezeugt ist als MÖNCH ;
14670501—14990119    —VOM, —OTTO—VON—BÜREN—BEZEUGT—IST,
14770501             —AM, —DAY—ON—WHICH sentence was to be passed) they stood round THE—COURT—IN—THE—BURG under arms from 8 in THE—MORNING—UNTIL—3—IN—THE—AFTERNOON.
14770501             THE—VIERSCHARE did not find the accused DESERVING—OF—DEATH (though presumably GUILTY—OF—WHAT they confessed),
14770501             but  THE—VIERSCHARE dared not acquit them in FACE—OF—THE—ARMED—MEN outside.
14770501             —PASSED, THE—SENTENCE, by WILLEM—VAN—DER—HEYDEN was that their fate should be left to THE—COMMONS to decide.
14920501             —MICHAEL sac. et mon., KLOSTER—LAACH f
14930501             * PHILLIPPUS—PARACELSUS, physician and alchemist, in SWITZERLAND.
14950501             le MIRACLE—DE—LA—LIQUÉFACTION du sang de S—JAN se produit comme chaque année À—LA—MÊME—DATE à NAPLES[NEAPEL].
14960501             † —WALTERUS—DE— sac. et mon., LAACH
14980501             CHARLES—VIII[KARL—VIII—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH], dernier des VALOIS directs
15000422—15000501    —ANCHORED, PEDRO—ALVARES—CABRAL, in 1—BAY he called "PORTO—SEGURO" and
15080501             All' ultimo m. Dionigi tornò di ROMA, IL.DI fece raunare il Consiglio ci espose la grata udientia,
15080501             che hanno HAUTA—DA—S—S., la quale hauer preso allegrezza grande che hauessimo ueduto uolentieri il Prefetto per nostro Principe, ecc.
15100501             —AM, IN des WOLFF—HALLER—ZUM—ZIEGEL—STEIN Wappenbrief Bestätigung
15100501             —AM, bezeugte DER—KAISER—MAXIMILIAN dem WOLFF—HALLER—ZUM—ZIEGEL—STEIN, daß
15100501             WOLFF—HALLER—ZUM—ZIEGEL—STEIN dem KAISER—MAXIMILIAN am Hof, ausserhalb desselben
15100501             "in merklichen Amtern nützlich, getreulich, fleissig,
15100501             "auch in Kriegsläufen, ernstlichen Sachen mit seinem merklichen Darlegen wohl gedient"und
15100501             in 1—SCHLACHT WOLFF—HALLER—ZUM—ZIEGEL—STEIN vom KAISER—MAXIMILIAN zum RITTER geschlagen sei.
15140501             —LE CREE M. Ant. Casanova, abreviateur apostolique comte palatin, par LEO—X—PAPA.
15210501             —I, 25—SEITE—61, 62,
15250501             —AM, FESTIVAL—OF—THE—APOSTLES PHILIPP and James 1—RUMOUR spread through  THE—CITY—OF—BASEL,
15250501             to the effect that 1—ASSOCIATION—OF—BURGHERS[BÜRGER] had conspired to make 1—ATTACK upon the cloisters".
15250501             —ASSERTED, The conspirators, it was, were in connection with the seditious countrypeople,
15250501             with whom 1—AGREEMENT had been made to open THE—GATES—OF—THE—CITY as —SOON as they should approach it.
15250501             —APPLIED, THE—COUNCIL—OF—LITTLE—BASEL, to whom the Carthusians had, in their consternation at THE—INTELLIGENCE, —IMMEDIATELY took measures to ensure safety.
15250501             Watches were —POSTED extending as far as to the bridge over the  [RHEIN]RHINE, and
15250501             the Carthusians passed the night in terror.
15270501             —RESTORED, THE—DUKE[HERZOG] His fortresses of S—LEO and MAIUOLA
15280501             THE—SPAIN—NARVAEZ expedition began 1—INLAND—MARCH to FLORIDA with some 300—MEN and 40—HORSES.
15510501             —NACH—DEM VERLORENEN ORIGINAL VON, weitere Abschr. die
15620501             The 1. FRANCE—COLONISTS in THE—USA, a 5-vessel Huguenot expedition led by JEAN—RIBAULT (15200000—15650000    ), landed in FLORIDA.
15620501             —NAMED, He continued north and established 1—COLONY, Charlesfort at Parris ISLAND—SC.
15660000—15720501    PIUS—V—ANTONIO—PAPA—GHISLIERI.
15660501             —RETOUR—DU—CORTÈGE royal à PARIS
15670501             * Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, HOLLAND—ROYAL painter.
15720501             † Pius V (ANTONIO—GHISLIERI), grand inquisitor, PAPA (15660000—15720000    ).
15720501             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by GREGORY—XIII.
15720501             † PIUS—V—ANTONIO—PAPA—GHISLIERI, grand inquisitor,
15720501             † MOSES Isserles, codifier Tlemo/' CRACOW
16280501             1—MAY—FESTIVAL in QUINCY—MASSACHUSETTS, degenerated into 1—ORGY with INDIA—WOMEN.
16310000—17000501    * † JOHN—DRYDEN, ENGLAND—POET—PLAYWRIGHT (Rival Ladies).
16310501             1. NUMÉRO—DE—LA—GAZETTE DE—FRANCE—DE—THÉOPHRASTE Renaudot
16330501             * Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban, FRANCE—FORTRESS architect.
16720306—16720501    —VOR, —SCHON völlig gerüstet zu sein.
16720501—17190000    * † JOSEPH—ADDISON, ENGLAND—ESSAYIST (Spectator) and poet.
16720501—17190000    "We are always doing, says he, something for posterity, but I would fain see posterity do something for us".
16720501—17190000    "1—MAN must be both stupid and uncharitable who believes there is no virtue or truth but on his own side".
16800501             —DATUM—BERLIN - Man ist hier sehr böse darüber, daß die auf Zeeland, Overijssel und
16800501             FRIESLAND[VRIESLAND] angewiesenen 82.000—REICHS—TALER ^), deren Bezahlung man so bereitwilligst zugesagt,
16800501             NOCH—IMMER nicht ausgezahlt seien, und
16800501             mehrere hiesige MINISTER haben ihm gesagt, GRAF—REBENAC habe zwar —BIS—JETZT—NOCH—NICHTS ausgerichtet, und
16800501             man werde auch vorerst nichts mit ihm unternehmen;
16800501             aber - wenn DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN mit der Satisfaction des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG noch länger zögerten,
16800501             werde man nicht umhin können es zu tun.
16830501             —DATUM—POTSDAM, über FAGEL's
16830501             DER KUR—FÜRST bleibt dabei, sich mit DÄNEMARK zur Verhinderung eines SCHWEDEN—TRUPPENTRANSPORTS auf DEUTSCHLAND—BODEN zu verbinden;
16830501             FRANKREICH werde sich nicht hineinmischen, wenn auch Andere seinen STREIT—MIT—SCHWEDEN unberührt liessen.
16830501             Man spricht hier davon, 1—FRANKREICH—ARMEE—VON—30.000—MANN [M.] werde durch DIE—CLEVISCHEN—LANDE,
16830501             wo ihr Wesel und LIPPSTADT eingeräumt werden sollen,
16830501             nach OLDENBURG marschieren, um LÜNEBURG im Zaum zu halten.
16830501             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG hat dies freilich als erlogen ganz abgeleugnet.
16830501             AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16830501             DATUM—POTSDAM, Der DÄNEMARK—GESANDTE Biermann hat sich die ganze Woche in BERLIN  aufgehalten und
16830501             verschiedene KONFERENZen mit MEINDERS und FUCHS gehabt, denen auch RÉBENAC beigewohnt.
16830501             Den Gegenstand der Verhandlungen hat er nicht erfahren können'^).
16830501             Es wäre sehr zu wünschen, daß Lamberg und GRAFENthal ^), die erwartet werden, —SCHON hier wären,
16830501             um zu verhindern, daß durch engere Bündnisse zwischen FRANKREICH, DÄNEMARK und BRANDENBURG 1—NEUER KRIEG entzündet wird.
16830501             Er thut sein Möglichstes, um dies abzuwenden, aber
16830501             die "Artificien" der Gegner gehen einmal dahin, den KUR—FÜRST immer mehr gegen ÖSTERREICH, SPANIEN und SCHWEDEN aufzureizen, und
16830501             sie wenden dazu alle bedenklichen und unbedenklichen Mittel an.
16830501             MEINDERS reist nächstens zu den HERZOGen von BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURG, um ihre Ansichten über das Anbringen von Biermann zu sondiren*).
16830501—16830420    —SCHREIBEN—VOM,
16830501—16830420    hat er sich mit dem KUR—FÜRSTEN lange unterhalten.
16880501—16880515    —ZWISCHEN, FRANZ—CHRISTOPH Ambtmann (Klagenfurt) und Phil.
16880501—16880515    ALBERT Rad (AUGSBURG).
16950501             —UM, []
17000501             JOHN—DRYDEN had written that repentance was VIRTUE—OF—WEAK—MINDS and THE—WANT—OF—POWER to sin.
17000501             † JOSEPH Athias, PUBLISHER, AMSTERD
17040501             —PUBLISHED, BOSTON Newsletter, the 1. USA—NEWSPAPER ad.
17070429—17070501    —SEE
17070501             —INCLUDED, Effective on this —DAY SCOTLAND and ENGLAND, which already, WALES, were united by 1—ACT—OF—PARLIAMENT to form GREAT—BRITAIN.
17150000—17050501    (—NACH—DEM am. auf 16—GELEITSJAHRE für 150—FAMILIEN in JÜLICH und BERG ausgestellten Duldungspatent, jedesmal 1—GULDEN),
17150000—17050501    Dazu kamen die EINKÜNFTE—VON—DEN Beschneidungen, Heiraten und Todesfällen der JUDEN
17270501             † diacre Pâris janséniste convaincu.
17310501—17850908    FELIX—FEHR (KEMPTEN) und RUDOLF Kleinschmid (AUGSBURG).
17560501             —TRAITÉ—DE—VERSAILLES entre LA—FRANCE et l'Autriche.
17560501             —TRAITÉ—DE—VERSAILLES avec LA—AUTRICHE[ÖSTEREICH]. Agitation PARLEMENTaire
17570501             2. traité FRANCO—AUTRICHIEN de VERSAILLES.
17590501—17590423    —SEE
17640501             * GOTTFRIED—RIEGER, composer.
17690501             —BECAME, He defeated Napoleon at Waterloo and —LATER, THE—UK—PRIME—MINISTER (18280000—18300000    ).
17690501             —DEFEATED, ARTHUR—WELLSLEY—DUKE—OF—WELLINGTON, Napoleon at Waterloo and
17690501—17690424    —SEE
17760501             —FOUNDED, ADAM—WEISHAUPT, the secret SOCIETY—OF—ILLUMINATI.
17770501             —PREMIERED, RICHARD—BRINSLEY—SHERIDAN'S "School for Scandal,", in LONDON with Georgiana Cavendish as Lady Teazle.
17770501             "Its assumptions are that lust and GREED—WHEN allied with beauty and CUNNING—DESERVE to triumph over dullness and age".
17770501             He also wrote "A Trip to Scarborough," 1—REWRITE—OF—1—RESTORATION—ORIGINAL.
17810501             —DECREED, Emperor JOSEF—II, PROTECTION—OF—POPULATION.
17830913—17860501    Als KÜCHEN—MEISTER ist JOHANN—SPEYART—VON—WOERDEN —VOM, nachweisbar,
17860501             The opera "THE—MARRIAGE—OF—FIGARO," by WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART, premiered in VIENNA.
17910501             —DÉCRET réorganisant LA—MARINE
17980501—18751231    —VOM—BIS, (und SPÄTER) -zu Standesämtern
17980501—18751231    Die Zugehörigkeit zu Standesämtern(und SPÄTER)
18050501             —PASSED, THE—STATE—OF—VIRGINIA, 1—LAW—REQUIRING—ALL freed slaves to leave the state, or risk either imprisonment or deportation.
18070102             —PRESENTED, Lord Grenville, to UK—PARLIAMENT a "BILL—FOR—THE—ABOLITION—OF—THE—SLAVE—TRADE," effective 18070501            .
18070501             * JOHN—BANKHEAD "PRINCE—JOHN" Magruder, MAJOR—GENERAL (Confederate Army).
18100501             MACON—BILL—NO.
18130501             † du maréchal Bessières.
18210000—18490501    ISAAK—BERNAYS[CHACHAM,ISAAC—BEN—JACOB—BERNAYS] bekleidete von —BIS zu seinem Tode DAS—AMT des Rabbiners der aschkenasischen Gemeinde in HAMBURG.
18210000—18490501    ISAAK—BERNAYS[CHACHAM,ISAAC—BEN—JACOB—BERNAYS]war 1—DER 1. Rabbiner, der neben 1—JÜDISCHEN Studium auch 1—UNIVERSITÄT besucht hatte.
18220501             —AM, erstattete die CENTRALUNTERSUCHUNGSCOMMISSION—IN—MAINZ ihren 1. BERICHT—ÜBER—DIE demagogischen Umtriebe an den BUNDESTAG.
18250501             * GEORGE—INNESS, USA landscape painter (DELAWARE Water Gap).
18300501             * MOTHER (MARY—HARRIS) Jones, reformer and labor organizer.
18300501—18370000    —SEE
18320501             —CLOSED, RUSSIA—TSAR—NICOLAS I, LITHUANIA—UNIVERSITY—OF—VILNIUS in response to the November uprising of 18300000            .
18400501             The 1. adhesive postage stamps, the" Penny Blacks" from ENGLAND, were issued.
18410000—19040501    * † Antonin Dvorak, CZECH—REPUBLIC—COMPOSER (Slavonic Dances, New World Symphony), at age 62. He spent 18920000—18950000     in THE—USA as an honored guest.
18410000—19040501    * † Antonin Dvorak, CZECH—REPUBLIC—COMPOSER (Slavonic Dances, New World Symphony), at age 62.
18410501             The 1. emigrant wagon train left INDEPENDENCE—MISSOURI, for CALIFORNIA.
18440501             —NOMINATED, Whig convention, HENRY—CLAY as presidential candidate.
18440501             SAMUEL—MORSE (17910000—18720000    ) sent the 1. telegraphic message as 1—DEMONSTRATION between WASHINGTON, DC, and BALTIMORE 18380106             —SEE.
18440501—18440524    —OPENED, The line officially.
18470501             9.337.716 STEIGENDER—26.15 13.12 3/4 12.6 1/2—DRUCK
18480501             —AM, aber die definitive Beschränkung auf 10—STUNDEN
18480501             —AM, zu verhindern.
18480501             —AM, 0000             in Kraft.
18490501             Die kontrerevolutionären Pläne in BERLIN
18490501             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—286—KÖLN.
18491011—19170000    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY—WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY,Vorlage:Personendaten,18490501              10110000             ,1901,1909,1917,18490528            .
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY, The entrepreneur was 1—OF—THE—MAIN—FOUNDERS—OF—THE—OIL + petrochemical industry in Persia (IRAN).
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY *in Newton Abbot, (DEVON—ENGLAND); † in Stanmore, (Middlesex) war ein...
18491011—19170501    WILLIAM—KNOX—DE—ARCY *in Newton Abbot, (DEVON—ENGLAND); † in Stanmore, (Middlesex) UNITED—KINGDOM—BUSINESSMAN.
18500501             —BIS, abgeschlossen wurde.
18500726             —OPENED, THE—EXHIBITION, 18500501            .
18510501             Some 6—MILLION—PEOPLE came to see the new glass and iron Crystal Palace, designed by JOSEPH—PAXTON (18230000—18650000    ).
18510501             Paxton used roof ventilators and underground AIR—COOLING chambers to regulate indoor temperature.
18520501             * Calamity [Martha] Jane [Burke], frontier adventurer, INDIA—FIGHTER.
18550501             ANTHONY—MARASCHI for Lot 127 on Market St. between 4. and 5.
18550501             —OWNED, It had been, by THOMAS—O—LARKIN, the 1. USA—CONSUL in Monterey, who sold it for $11,500.
18550501             —GRANTED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—DEED was, to Fr.
18570501             —HELPED, CORNELIUS—VANDERBILT, finance 1—COSTA—RICA—ARMY, which defeated WALKER—FORCES, and paid men under WALKER—COMMAND to defect.
18570501—18600000    —IN, Walker —LATER sought protection on 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—NAVAL—VESSEL, whose CAPTAIN turned him over to Hondurans, who executed him.
18580501             * ANTHONY—JOHNSON—SHOWALTER, composer.
18620501             * MARCEL—PREVOST, FRANCE—PUBLISHER, writer (Les DEMIS—VIERGES).
18630501             —PASSED, Confederate congress, a resolution to kill black Union soldiers.
18630501             —REPLACED, Confederate "National Flag", "Stars & Bars".
18630501             —PLANNED, The new Union COMMANDER, 'Fighting Joe' Hooker, to encircle ROBERT—E—LEE at THE—VIRGINIA crossroads HAMLET—OF—CHANCELLORSVILLE.
18630501             Das Solinger Krankenhaus wird eingeweiht, 30—BETTEN, an der POTSDAMER—STRASSE
18630503             [see 18630501—18630502    ] - [see 18630501             —2]
18640501             ATLANTA campaign, GEORGIA.
18640501—18640508    —BATTLE—AT—ALEXANDRIA—LOUISIANA (Red River Campaign).
18650430—18650501    Gen Sherman's "HAINES—BLUFF" at SNYDER—MILL—VIRGINIA.
18650501             CHARLESTON, SC, some 10,000—PEOPLE paraded to 1—MASS—GRAVE—SITE—OF—UNION—SOLDIERS at 1—FORMER—RACE—TRACK.
18650501             This was likely the 1. LARGE—SCALE—USA Memorial —DAY event.
18650501             [see 18660505             , 18680000             ]
18660501             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO—ROBERT—B—WOODWARD, (18790000              †), his WOODWARD—GARDENS—AMUSEMENT—PARK with a 25-cent admission.
18660501             He had bought property and 1—STATELY MANSION—OF—USA—SENATOR—JOHN—C—FREMONT located between Mission and VALENCIA to the east and west and 13. and 15. streets to the north and south.
18660501—18730000    —IN, the park added the nation's 1. aquarium.
18660501—18790000    * †             —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO—ROBERT—B—WOODWARD, his WOODWARD—GARDENS—AMUSEMENT—PARK with a 25-cent admission.
18670501             Reconstruction in the South began with black voter registration.
18670501—18670516    —BIS—ZUM, Bei KUGELMANN blieb KARL—MARX und
18690501             —OPENED, Folies Bergere, in PARIS.
18710317—19450501    zum 1. DEUTSCHLAND—GEHEIM—DIENST durchorganisiert des STIEBER CENTRAL—NACHRICHTEN—BUREAU wurde.
18720501             * HUGO—ALFVJEN, composer (Midsommarvaka), in STOCKHOLM—SWEDEN.
18720501             —AM. KÖLN/Neuß 18720000            .
18730501—18740418    —PASSED, DAVID—LIVINGSTONE—BODY, through ZANZIBAR for 1—FUNERAL in LONDON.
18730501—18740418    —PASSED, His body, through ZANZIBAR for 1—FUNERAL in LONDON.
18740719—18720501    * * ADOLF—JOSEF—LANZ, To mislead astrologers, ADOLF—JOSEF—LANZ said.
18770501             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—HAYES, the withdrawal all Federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction.
18780501             * JAMES—GRAHAM.
18780501             —OPENED, The 3. PARIS WORLD—FAIR, and continued to 18781110            .
18780501             It showcased ice machines and electric street lights.
18780501             JAMES—GRAHAM was THE—INVENTOR—OF—THE 1. naval AIRCRAFT—CARRYING ship and the 1. man to film 1—TOTAL—ECLIPSE—OF—THE—SUN.
18780501             —OPENED, The 3. PARIS WORLD—FAIR, and continued to 18781110       .
18800528—18800501    SCHOONER—ADA, with 120,000—FEET—OF—LUMBER, hit THE—COLORADO Reef at MONTARA—CALIFORNIA, and was destroyed by the surf.
18810501             1—FAMILY wagon got stuck on train tracks THE—SF Bay TOWN—OF—S—LORENZO, CALIFORNIA 5—OF—6—CHILDREN were killed.
18810501—19550000    * † PIERRE—TEILHARD—DE—CHARDIN, FRANCE—JESUIT philosopher, paleontologist.
18810501—19550000    —AUTHORED, PIERRE—TEILHARD—DE—CHARDIN, the "PHENOMENON—OF—MAN" wherein he proposed THE—IDEA—OF—THE—NOOSPHERE, i.e. SPHERE—OF—MIND, in which all THE—MINDS—OF—ALL the humans on earth could be conceived of as both separate and as combined in 1—GREAT—SINGLE—INTELLIGENCE.
18830501             "BUFFALO Bill" Cody put on his 1. Wild WEST—SHOW.
18840501             Construction began on the 1. STEEL—SKELETON skyscraper, a 10-story structure in CHICAGO, designed by WILLIAM—LE—BARON—JENNEY and built by the Home Insurance Co. of NEW—YORK.
18840501—18850000    —COMPLETED, It was.
18840501—18910000    —ADDED, It stood 9—STORIES and had 2.
18840501—18910000    —IN, It stood 9—STORIES and had 2—ADDED.
18860501             —BEGINNT, INDUSTRIESTÄDTEN, der USA, 1—VON der USA—ARBEITER—FÖDERATION angeregter STREIK für den 8—STUNDEN—TAG.
18890501             —INTRODUCED, Bayer in GERMANY, aspirin in powder form.
18900501             (R. F, Lavigne). - beschlossen worden war, wird der;;0501;;angenommen.
18900501             DIE—ARBEITSNIEDERLEGUNG zahlreicher —ARBEITER in HAMBURG wird mit 1—GROSSEN durch den ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBAND HAMBURG—ALTONA vorbereiteten Aussperrung beantwortet.
18900501             1. Mal als —TAG—DER—ARBEIT zelebriert
18910816—18910822    Der 2.[IAK] internationale Feier des 18910501           .
18920501             1—USA—QUARANTINE—STATION opened on ANGEL—ISLAND, SF Bay.
18920501             * HOWARD—BARLOW, conductor (VOICE—OF—FIRESTONE), in Plain CITY—OHIO.
18930501             —ERECTED, THE—EL in CHICAGO was, to take visitors to THE—WORLD—COLUMBIAN—EXPOSITION.
18930501             —CALLED, It created 1—SECTION—OF—TOWN, the Loop encircled by the railway.
18930501             —COVERED, The exposition grounds, over 600—ACRES—OF—SOUTH—CHICAGO along Lake MICHIGAN.
18930501             —ATTRACTED, The exposition, over 21—MILLION—VISITORS who saw such wonders as the Ferris Wheel and electricity (1. displayed in THE—PARIS Exposition 18890000             —IN, but still unknown to most Americans).
18930501             It was the 1. USA—EXPOSITION to make 1—PROFIT.
18930501—20030000    —AUTHORED, ERIK—LARSON, "THE—DEVIL in the White City: Murder, Magic and madness at the Fair That Changed AMERICA".
18930731—18720501    * ADOLF—JOSEF—LANZ, —LATER, ADOLF—JOSEF—LANZ claimed to have been born at MESSINA—SICILY, ON.
18940501             —AM, DIE—ARBEIT haben ruhen lassen, wird in BERLIN zu 1—BIER—BOYKOTT aufgerufen.
18950501             S—FRANCISCO—GELETT—BURGESS, (18660000—19510000    ), along with 1—GROUP—OF—LIKE—MINDED associates, began publishing 1—IRREVERENT literary magazine called the Lark.
18950501             —APPEARED, His poems, "THE—PURPLE—COW", in the 1. issue.
18950501             1—FINAL—ISSUE, number 25—ENTITLED THE—EPI—LARK, was published 18970501            .
18960501             * MARK—CLARK, USA—GENERAL.
18960501             —COMMANDED, MARK—CLARK, the 5. Army in ITALY —WWII—DURING.
18960501             † NASR—EDDIN, 65—JAHRE—ALT, SHAH—OF—PERSIA, was murdered.
18960501             Maifeier (AUGUST—BEBEL);
18960501             Maifeier Schwitzsystem, Hausindustrie, ARBEITER—SCHUTZ (J. Timm).
18980501             Admiral GEORGE—DEWEY led THE—USA—NAVY in victory over THE—SPAIN—NAVY at THE—BATTLE—OF—MANILA—BAY in THE—PHILIPPINES.
18980501             —LOBBED, DEWEY—SHIPS, shells into FILIPINO—DUG trenches and the battle became 1—MASSACRE.
18980501             USA Commodore GEORGE—DEWEY gave the command, "You may fire —WHEN you are ready, Gridley," as A—USA—NAVAL—FORCE destroyed 1—SPAIN—FLEET in MANILA Bay.
19010301—19010501    —OPENED, THE—EXPOSITION, which, informally, was held on a 342—ACRE—SITE between DELAWARE Park Lake on the south, THE—NEW—YORK Central railroad tracks on the north, DELAWARE Avenue on the east, and Elmwood Avenue on the west.
19020501             † JOHN—GLOVER, 85—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—CHEMIST (production sulfuric acid).
19030000—19780501    * † Aram Khachaturian, GEORGIA—BORN ARMENIA—COMPOSER—IN—MOSCOW.
19030501             —ZUM, der vielfach durch Arbeitsruhe begangen wird,
19030501             —ZUM, veröffentlicht DER—VORWÄRTS den WAHL—AUFRUF DER—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION, worin
19030501             —ZUM, —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION eintritt für den Fortschritt auf allen Gebieten,
19030501             —ZUM, —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION eintritt für Wissen und Aufklärung,
19030501             —ZUM, —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION eintritt für Befreiung und Erlösung von allem Druck, den KLASSEN—HERRSCHAFT auf die Schultern der schwer arbeitenden Volksmehrheit geladen hätte.
19040501             —HONORED, He spent 18920000—18950000     in THE—USA as an, guest.
19070501—19860000    * † KATE—SMITH, singer, in WASHINGTON, DC.
19090501             —OPENED, WALTER—REED—HOSPITAL, in WASHINGTON DC as an 80-bed Army medical center.
19090501—20110000    —MOVED, It closed and operations were, to facilities in MARYLAND and VIRGINIA.
19100000—19840501    * † GORDON—JENKINS, orchestra leader (NBC Comedy —HOUR)—OF—LOU GEHRIG—DISEASE in MALIBU—CALIFORNIA.
19130501             * WALTER—SUSSKIND, conductor, in PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia.
19140501             Yuan SHIKAI—CHINA—1. PRESIDENT, won dictatorial qualification.
19150126—20150501    —BESCHREIBT, KONRAD—ADENAUER Sein Biograph HANS—PETER Schwarz, den —DAMALS, 39—JAHRE—ALTEN KONRAD—ADENAUER als "zupackenden Realisten"mit Sinn "für die sozialen Bedürfnisse der Zeit", der an "bürgerlichen Fleiß und an die Vorteile bürgerlicher Pfiffigkeit"glaubt.
19150501             The luxury liner Lusitania left NEW—YORK Harbor for 1—VOYAGE to EUROPE.
19150501             There were warnings by THE—GERMANY—GOVERNMENT in NEW—YORK—CITY—NEWSPAPERS that it regarded the refurbished liner 1—BATTLE—TARGET.
19150501             She was sunk by 1—GERMANY—U—BOAT —6—DAYS—LATER.
19150501             A GERMANY—SUBMARINE sank THE—USA—SHIP Gulflight I.
19160501             * GLENN—FORD, actor, in QUEBEC—CANADA.
19160501             —STARRED, GLENN—FORD, in the film "THE—BLACKBOARD—JUNGLE".
19160501             —DEMONSTRIERT, KARL—LIEBKNECHT, auf dem POTSDAMer Platz in BERLIN gegen den KRIEG und wird darauf verhaftet.
19160501             DIE—SPARTACUS—GRUPPE hatte zu 1 1.-MAI—DEMONSTRATION aufgerufen unter dem Motto: "Brot!
19160501             Freiheit! Frieden!", an der mehrere 1.000—MENSCHEN teilnehmen.
19160501             An oppositionellen Gruppen bestehen die "GRUPPE—INTERNATIONALE"[SPARTACUS—GRUPPE],
19170501             —PROCLAIMED, Caucasian unity was, at the 1. Mountain PEOPLE—CONGRESS in VLADIKAVKAZ.
19170501             At the Congress the "Alliance of United Mountain PEOPLE—OF—THE—NORTH—CAUCASUS and Dagestan", headed by T. Chermoev, 1—CHECHEN, R. Kaplanov, 1—KUMYK, P. Kotsev, 1—KABARDIAN, V. Dzhabagiev, 1—INGUSH, and others, was officially established.
19170501             —BECAME, THE—ABKHAZIAN people also, full MEMBERS—OF—THIS alliance.
19170501—19170000    —SPRING—OF, THE—IDEA—OF—1—CAUCASUS Confederation had its origins in the and
19170501—19171100    —IN, 1—MOUNTAIN—PEOPLES'—GOVERNMENT was formed.
19170501—19180000    —IN, was developed further.
19180000—20100501    * † USA—ACTRESS—HELEN—WAGNER.
19180501—20040000    * † JACK—PAAR, —LATER LATE—NIGHT TV talk show host, in CANTON—OHIO.
19190000—19960501    * † François Chalais, prominent FRANCE—REPORTER—JOURNALIST—WRITER and film historian.
19190501             * DAN—O'HERLIHY, actor (Fail Safe, Last Starfighter, Robocop), in IRELAND.
19190501             —ERUPTED, INDONESIA, MOUNT—KELUD.
19190501             1—POWERFUL—EXPLOSION that could be heard HUNDREDS—OF—MILES away destroyed DOZENS—OF—VILLAGES and killed at least 5,160 —WHEN 1—BOILING crater lake broke through the crater wall killing people in 104—SMALL—VILLAGES.
19190501             oo MEXICO, Pancho Villa, SOLEDAD Seanez HOLGUIN.
19190501—19460000    —RECOGNIZED, This was, by the state —AFTER proof showed the pair had both 1—CIVIL and 1—CHURCH—WEDDING.
19210101             parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501
19210101             —GETÖTET, ITALIEN—MEHR als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten.( Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501
19210101—19210501    ITALIEN—WURDEN mehr als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.
19210101—19210501    ITALIEN—WURDEN mehr als 200—MENSCHEN bei der FASCHISTEN—ÜBERFÄLLE getötet.
19210101—19210501    Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug dagegen fehl.
19230501—19990000    * † JOSEPH—HELLER, USA—AUTHOR, in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19230501—19990000    —INCLUDED, JOSEPH—HELLER—WORK, the novel "Catch 22".
19230501—19990000    * † JOSEPH—HELLER, USA—AUTHOR, in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK His work included the novel "Catch 22".
19240000—19930501    * † PRESIDENT—RANASINGHE—PREMADASA, the 3. PRESIDENT—OF—SRI—LANKA, was killed by 1—TIGER suicide bomber in COLOMBO.
19240501             * TERRY—SOUTH—NOVELIST and screenwriter (Candy, THE—MAGIC—CHRISTIAN, DOCTOR—STRANGELOVE, Easy Rider).
19240608             THE—BODY—OF—MALLORY was found 19990501              on 1—LEDGE at 27,000 feet.
19250501             * MALCOLM—SCOTT—CARPENTER, astronaut (Mercury 7-AURORA 7), in BOULDER—COLORADO.
19250501             —BECAME, CYPRUS, a UK—CROWN Colony.
19260501             Satchel Paige made his pitching debut in Negro SOUTH—LEAGUE.
19270501             ADOLF—HITLER held the 1. Nazi meeting in BERLIN.
19280501             Lei —DAY, 1—HAWAIIAN celebration, was begun.
19280501             PITCAIRN Airlines (—LATER Eastern) began service.
19290501             —KILLED, Police, 19290519              —DAY—DEMONSTRATORS in BERLIN.
19300501             —WOUNDED, Anderson himself was, and explained that he had shot THE—2—MEN in self defense —AFTER they tried to confiscate his nets.
19300501             —INDICTED, Anderson was not, and returned to fishing.
19300501             He † mysteriously —3—YEARS—LATER off the Mendocino shore.
19300501             —ANNOUNCED, Pluto was 1. publicly, as THE—NAME—OF—1—NEWLY discovered planet.
19300501             —REWARDED, Madan, Phair (19190000—20090000    ) with a 5—POUND—NOTE.
19300501             —RETURNED, ANTON—J—ANDERSON, 1—SAUSALITO fisherman, to port in SF—CALIFORNIA, towing 2—BOATS and carrying THE—BODIES—OF—ALLEN—CURRY, 29—JAHRE—ALT, 1—DEPUTY—FISH and game warden, and JAMES—BURKE, 48—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—GAME warden.
19300501             † 3—YEARS—LATER, Anderson mysteriously off the Mendocino shore.
19300501             —SUGGESTED, Venetia Phair (11) had, the name to her grandfather, librarian Falconer Madan, who relayed the suggestion to his friend HERBERT—HALL—TURNER, PROFESSOR—OF—ASTRONOMY at OXFORD.
19300501—20090000    —IN, The same purchasing power would be about 230—POUNDS, or $350.
19310501             A 3,000 man construction crew completed the building in 1—YEAR and 45—DAYS.
19310501             —DESIGNED, It was, by the firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon and financed by JOHN—J—RASKOB, 1—FORMER—GENERAL—MOTORS—EXECUTIVE.
19310501             Singer Kate Smith began her LONG—RUNNING—RADIO—PROGRAM on CBS.
19330501             —BIS—ZUM, ALLE—USA—BÜRGER—BEI—VERSTÖSSEN drohen —BIS zu 10—JAHRE Gefängnis.
19330501             —BIS—ZUM, ALLE—USA—BÜRGER müssen ihr GOLD—AN—DIE—NOTEN—BANK—VERKAUFEN—ZU 1—SEHR niedrigen FIX—PREIS.
19330501             —UNTIL—NOT did THYSSEN officially JOIN—THE—NAZI—PARTY.
19330501             Der demokratisch gewählte PRÄSIDENT—FRANKLIN—DELANO—ROOSEVELT DEMOKRATEN hatte verfügt:
19340501             —ACCEPTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—LEGISLATURE—A—USA—PROPOSAL for independence.
19360501             —ARRESTED, NEW—ORLEANS, THE—FBI under J—EDGAR—HOOVER, kidnapper and gunman ALVIN—KARPIS (19070000—19790000    ).
19360501             Known for his alliance with the Barker gang in the 1930s, he was the last "public enemy" to be taken.
19360501             —IMPRISONED, In August he was, at Alcatraz.
19360501             —INVADED, Emperor Haile Selassie left ETHIOPIA as Italians.
19360501             * Karpis to LITHUANIA—IMMIGRANTS in MONTREAL, QUEBEC—CANADA, and was raised in WICHITA—KANSAS.
19360501—19690000    —RELEASED, Karpis was, on parole and deported to CANADA.
19390000—19760501    * † Alexandros Panagoulis, GREECE—POLITICIAN and poet in 1—CAR—CRASH possibly rigged by his enemies.
19390501             * JUDY—COLLINS, singer (Send in the Clowns, Clouds), in SEATTLE—WASHINGTON.
19390501             BATMAN comics hit the street in Detective Comics NUMBER 27. BOB—KANE (19980000              † age 83) created BATMAN for DC Comics.
19390501             BATMAN comics hit the street in Detective Comics NUMBER 27.
19390501             —BASED, The cartoon hero was, on Zorro, da VINCI—SKETCH—OF—1—FLYING—MAN, and 1—SILENT—MYSTERY—MOVIE titled "THE—BAT".
19390501—19980000    * †             —CREATED, BOB—KANE, BATMAN for DC Comics.
19400501             * BOBBIE—ANN—MASON, USA—WRITER (Shiloh and Other Stories, In Country).
19400501             † 140—PALESTINE—JEWS as GERMANY—PLANES bombed their ship.
19410501             —DIRECTED, The motion picture "Citizen Kane,", and starring ORSON—WELLES, 24—JAHRE—ALT, premiered in NEW—YORK.
19410501             —ATTEMPTED, RANDOLPH—HEARST, to bury the film by banning all advertising in his newspapers.
19410501             1 in 5—AMERICANS read 1—HEARST paper at this time.
19410501             Citizen Kane won 1—ACADEMY—AWARD.
19410501             —INTRODUCED, GENERAL—MILLS, Cheerioats, —LATER renamed Cheerios.
19410501             1—GERMANY—ASSAULT took place on TOBRUK.
19410501             It was made possible by THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE "puffing gun" invented —EARLIER by LESTER—BORCHARDT—SENIOR.
19410501—19960000    —IN, 1—PBS special from THE—USA—EXPERIENCE covered the story.
19410501—19960000    —IN, His biography, "Rosebud: THE—STORY—OF—ORSON—WELLES" by DAVID—THOMPSON, was published.
19420730             Erwin 19420501             —TREASURY attache + officer for THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—INVESTIGATION in THE—APC, was assigned to look into UBC—BUSINESS.
19420809—19870501    —BEATIFIED, She was, by JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA at Cologne.
19420809—19870501    —BEATIFIED, EDITH—STEIN was, by JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA at Cologne[KÖLN].
19430501             Food rationing began in USA.
19430501             —ATTACKED, —WHEN some 30—MILES—NORTH—OF—BENGHAZI, the convoy was, by GERMANY—BOMBERS and torpedo carrying aircraft.
19430501             —ON BOARD—THE—ERINPURA (CAPTAIN—PV—COTTER) were 1,025 troops.
19430501             1—LARGE—BOMB exploded in the hold sinking the ship in 1—MATTER—OF—MINUTES.
19430501             —ON the same —DAY, near THE—TUNISIA—COAST, another troopship (name unknown) was torpedoed and sank.
19430501             —ON BOARD were 1—NUMBER—OF—TROOPS from Basutoland (—LATER LESOTHO) who were serving with the British 8. Army.
19430501             In this tragic sinking, 618—BASUTOS lost their lives.
19430501             1—GERMANY—PLANE sank 1—BOAT loaded with PALESTINE—JEWS bound for MALTA.
19430501             —DEPLOYED, GERMANY—FORCES were, in the —FOLLOWING places: NORWAY (200,000), FRANCE (900,000), AFRICA (150,000), Balkans (80,000), FINLAND (180,000), EAST—EUROPE (210,000), Caucasus (260,000), RUSSIA (1,900,000).
19430501             —BEGAN, Food rationing in USA.
19430501             UNITED—KINGDOM—INDIA—SN—COMPANY—TROOP—TRANSPORT in convoy with 23—MERCHANTMEN and escorted by 11—DESTROYERS, was bound for MALTA.
19430501             44—CREWMEMBERS, 3—GUNNERS and 1—UNSPECIFIED NUMBER—OF—TROOPS were lost.
19430501—19430329    —SEE
19430525             —FOLLOWING the Trident conference between PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT and PRIME—MINISTER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL in WASHINGTON, DC, the target date of 19440501             , was set for THE—INVASION—OF—EUROPE.
19430811—19430824    Specific plans are made for 1—ALLIED landing at Normandy 19440501              —ON.
19430811—19440501    —ON, Specific plans are made for 1—ALLIED landing at Normandy.
19430811—19440501    CHURCHILL accepts that THE—SUPREME—COMMANDER—OF—THE—INVASION should be American.
19440501             THE—MESSERSCHMITT—ME 262—STURMVOGEL, the 1. jet bomber, made its 1. flight.
19450501             —COMMITTED, Goebbels, suicide with his wife and 8—CHILDREN.
19450501             —ESCAPED, MARTIN—BORMANN, private SECRETARY—TO—ADOLF—HITLER, the Fuhrerbunker as the Red Army advanced on BERLIN.
19450501             —BELIEVED, SOME—SKEPTICS, the remains had been brought from elsewhere to be reburied in BERLIN.
19450501             † 1—DAY—AFTER ADOLF—HITLER committed suicide, Admiral KARL—DOENITZ effectively became sole LEADER—OF—THE 3. Reich with THE—SUICIDE—OF—HITLER—PROPAGANDA—MINISTER—JOSEF—GOEBBELS.
19450501             —CONCLUDED, Experts, the remains were BORMANN—AFTER a 5-month examination that included making X—RAYS—OF—THE—BONES, studying the teeth, and using the skull as 1—MODEL to reconstruct what its face would've looked like.
19450501             ARTHUR—SEYS—INQUART, Nazi OVERLORD—OF—NETHERLANDS, fled to Flensburg.
19450501             - die NACHRICHT—DES—DEUTSCHEN—GENERALS—KREBS vom Tode Hitlers für Stalin übersetzt.
19450501             Später wird er der Welt enthüllen, was die Sowjets lange wie 1—STAATSGEHEIMNIS hüten: dass sie die Reste der Hitlerschen Leiche im Garten der Reichskanzlei gefunden haben.
19450501             An diesem —TAG aber steht er in dem noch immer mächtig wirkenden Bau an der Berliner Wilhelmstraße, er hat die Zentrale des NAZI—REGIMES mehrere Stunden lang akribisch untersucht, da fragt ihn der sowjetische Gebäudekommandant, was er ihm als Souvenir einpacken dürfe.
19450501             —ESTIMATED, It was, that THE—RUSSIANS[]KOMMUNISTEN would overrun the bunker BY.
19450501—19450500    —DETERMINED, Specialists —LATER, that he probably †.
19450501—19720000    —SETTLED, The mystery behind his fate was, —WHEN construction workers in BERLIN dug up 1—SKELETON.
19450501—19730000    —DECLARED, WEST—GERMANY—AUTHORITIES officially, him dead.
19450501—20110000    —IN, Paul van Aerschodt, 1—FORMER—BELGIUM—COLLABORATOR, said Bormann had escaped to Latin AMERICA and lived there disguised as 1—PRIEST.
19460501             —AM, gingen die letzten DEUTSCHLAND—MATROSEN von Bord.
19470501             Radar for commercial and private planes was 1. demonstrated.
19480501             —ARRESTED, GLENN—TAYLOR, IDAHO SENATOR, was, in BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA for trying to enter 1—MEETING through 1—DOOR marked "for Negroes".
19480501             —SEALED, The border between North and SOUTH—KOREA was, —WHEN KIM—IL—SUNG established his communist regime.
19480501             † ChristosLadas, GREECE—MINISTER—OF—JUSTICE, was murdered.
19500501             LOTHROP—STODDARD wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF— 19010101—20001231    —EARLY—SCIENTIFIC—RACISM—INCLUDING "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR Against White World Supremacy" (19200000             ).
19500501             † Lothrop Stoddard (18830000             ), USA—POLITICAL—THEORIST, historian, eugenicist, and ANTI—IMMIGRATION advocate.
19500501             He wrote 1—NUMBER—OF—PROMINENT—BOOKS—OF early 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY scientific racism including "THE—RISING—TIDE—OF—COLOR—AGAINST—WHITE—WORLD—SUPREMACY" (19200000             ).
19500501             —ENFORCED, New marriage laws were, in PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—CHINA.
19500501             SOUTH—AFRICA'S 19270000              Immorality Act, which prohibited sex between whites and blacks, was amended to prohibit sex between whites and all NON—WHITES.
19500501             —BECAME, Gwendolyn Brooks, the 1. African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for her BOOK—OF—POETRY called "Annie Allen".
19510501             MICKEY—MANTLE hit his 1. HR.
19510501             —MARCHED, Some 600,000, for peace and freedom in GERMANY.
19510501             —AM, auf dem Platz der REPUBLIK, wo BÜRGER—MEISTER ERNST—REUTER 1.Rede hielt;
19510501             im Hintergrund ist der zerbombte REICHS—TAG—ZU—SEHEN.
19520501             Marines took part in 1—ATOMIC—EXPLOSION training in NEVADA.
19520501             —INTRODUCED, MISTER—POTATO—HEAD was.
19520501             —INTRODUCED, TWA, tourist class.
19540501             RAY—YORK rode Determine to victory in THE—KENTUCKY DERBY.
19540501             —FOUNDED, Legos, by DENMARK—CARPENTER OLE—KIRK—CHRISTIANSEN, became 1 registered trademark in DENMARK.
19570310—20110501    * † OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, terrorist leader, born
19590501             —INTRODUCED, WEST—GERMANY, a 5—DAY—WORK—WEEK.
19590501             —SURRENDERED, Some 87—GUERILLAS, mostly Cubans, without resistance to PANAMA—TROOPS at THE—VILLAGE—OF—NOMBRE de Dios in response to appeals by Castro.
19600101             [ABC, 20010501             ] - [ABC, 20010501              ]
19600501             —DISSOLVED, INDIA—BOMBAY—STATE, into Maharashtra and Gujarat.
19600501             Powers was held in THE—SOVIET—UNION—FOR—21—MONTHS.
19600501             —SINCE this time Gujarat has 1—SUMPTUARY law in force that proscribed the manufacture, storage, sale and CONSUMPTION—OF—ALCOHOLIC—BEVERAGES.
19600501             1—SOVIET—MISSILE shot down A—USA—U 2—SPY—PLANE—NEAR—SVERDLOVSK with pilot FRANCIS—GARY—POWERS (19290000—19770000    ).
19600501             —AM, WÄHREND 1—SPIONAGEFLUGES—VON—PESHAWAR (PAKISTAN) nach Bodø (NORWEGEN)[2] von 1—S—75—BODEN—LUFT—RAKETE südlich von Swerdlowsk über der SOWJET—UNION in 1—HÖHE—VON—20.000—M abgeschossen"
19610501             1—PULITZER prize was awarded to HARPER—LEE, AUTHOR—OF "To Kill 1—MOCKINGBIRD".
19610501             —ANNOUNCED, Fidel Castro, that there would be no more elections in CUBA.
19610501             —FOUNDED, Radio HAVANA was.
19630501             —BECAME, JAMES—WHITTAKER, the 1. American to conquer MOUNT—EVEREST as he and 1—SHERPA guide reached the summit.
19640501             The 1. BASIC program ran on 1—COMPUTER at Dartmouth.
19650501             † SPIKE—JONES, 53—JAHRE—ALT, composer (Spike Jones Show).
19650501             —CROWNED, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, ALLEN—GINSBERG was, KING—OF—MAY at THE—PRAGUE May —DAY celebration.
19650501             —LAUNCHED, USSR, Luna 5; —LATER lands on Moon.
19660501             Last UK—CONCERT by Beatles was at Empire Pool in Wembley.
19660501             Last UNITED—KINGDOM—CONCERT by Beatles was at Empire Pool in Wembley.
19670501             1—PULITZER prize was awarded to BERNARD—MALAMUD (Fixer).
19670501             oo Elvis Presley (32), Priscilla Beaulieu (20) in LAS—VEGAS at the Aladdin Hotel.
19670501             They had met —WHEN she was 14 in WEST—GERMANY.
19670501             —BECAME, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, PRESIDENT—OF—NICARAGUA.
19670501—19730000    —DIVORCED, They.
19680212—19980501    —ON, He †, in POMONA—CALIFORNIA.
19680501             In a 2. —DAY—OF—BATTLE—USA—MARINES, with THE—SUPPORT—OF—NAVAL—FIRE, continued their attack on 1—NORTH—VIETNAM—DIVISION at Dai Do.
19700501             —RIOTED, Students at Kent STATE—UNIVERSITY, in downtown KENT—OHIO, in PROTEST—OF—THE—USA—INVASION—OF—CAMBODIA.
19700501             Campus protests broke out across the nation.
19700501             THE—USA—TROOP ship GENERAL—JOHN—PAPA came to rest at the Suisun BAY—CALIFORNIA, reserve fleet rest stop.
19700501—19430000    —LAUNCHED, It was, and served up to this time.
19700501—20100000    —IN, it was scheduled to be recycled at 1—TEXAS shipyard.
19710501             —TURNED, THE—SOUTH—PACIFIC—RAILROAD, over its MONEY—LOSING passenger service and railroad cars to the government which formed Amtrak.
19710501             —COMBINED, Amtrak, which, and streamlined THE—OPERATIONS—OF—18—USA—INTERCITY—PASSENGER railroads, went into service.
19730807—19730501    —ON, 1—USA—JUDGE had certified her extradition to THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
19730807—19730501    —CERTIFIED, A—USA—JUDGE had, her extradition to THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
19740501             THE—USA—FEDERAL—HOURLY—MINIMUM—WAGE was set at $2.00 an —HOUR.
19750430             —RENAMED, The city was, Ho CHI—MINH—CITY and Nguyen Huu Tho was 19750501             —THEOR.
19750501             —BECAME, CHARLES—SCHWAB soon, 1—OF—THE 1. to slash THE—PRICE—OF—EQUITY—TRADES.
19750501             —BECAME, United Aircraft, United Technologies Corp.
19750501             —DEREGULATED, THE—USA—BROKERAGE—INDUSTRY—ACTING on 1—MANDATE by THE—SEC, commissions.
19750501             Computers and SOCIALISM by STEPHEN—BODINGTON
19760501             Kawika Kapahulehua (20070000              † age 76), leading a 15-man crew on 1—DOUBLE—HULLED canoe with sails, departed HAWAII to Tahiti.
19760501             —WANTED, Organizer and anthropologist BEN—FINNEY, to prove the trip was possible.
19760501             Mau Piailug (19320000—20100000    ), Micronesian master navigator, steered the Hokule'a (STAR—OF—GLADNESS) by the stars, THE—FEEL—OF—THE—WIND and THE—LOOK—OF—THE—SEA.
19760501             —REACHED, They, Tahiti —AFTER 34—DAYS despite ISSUES—OF—ETHNICITY raised by PART—OF—THE—CREW.
19760501—19680813    —ON, He became famous for his attempt to assassinate dictator GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, and also for the torture that he was subjected to —DURING his detention.
19760501—19680813    —BECAME, ALEXANDROS—PANAGOULIS, famous for his ATTEMPEROR—TO assassinate dictator GEORGE—PAPADOPOULOS, and also for the torture that he was subjected to —DURING his detention.
19780501             —INAUGURATED, ERNEST—MORIAL was, as the 1. black MAYOR—OF—NEW—ORLEANS.
19790501             —CONTINUED, DENMARK gave home rule to GREENLAND, but, to make key decisions on law and order.
19790501             —PERFORMED, Elton John and RAY—COOPER, the 1. of 5—CONCERTS in ISRAEL.
19790501             —RATIFIED, THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS, their own constitution and the constitutional government came into being.
19790501             —BECAME, MISTER—AMATA—KABUA (19280000—19960000    ), the 1. PRESIDENT.
19790501—19790501    —ON, The legislative basis for the Home Rule Administration is Act no 56—OF 21—FEBRUARY 19790000              which came into force —FOLLOWING 1—REFERENDUM in GREENLAND.
19790501—19790506    —PERFORMED, They, 3—TIMES in JERUSALEM and twice in TEL—AVIV ending in TEL—AVIV.
19800501             USA—BOOK—AWARD went to WILLIAM—STYRON for "SOPHIE—CHOICE" and T. Wolfe for "Right Stuff".
19810501             —CONVICTED, HARRISON—WILLIAMS (SEN—D—NJ) was, on FBI Abscam charges.
19810501             —INSTITUTED, USA—AIRLINES, the 1. "frequent flyer" program to keep customers returning.
19810501             —PRIVATIZED, CHILE completely, Social Security as PART—OF—ITS—ECONOMIC—REFORMS.
19820501             —DISPATCHED, RICHARD—LAMOTTA (19420000—20100000    ), 60—STREET—CART vendors to THE—STREETS—OF—MANHATTAN to begin selling his 4½-ounce Chipwich cookies, which included 3½ OUNCES—OF—ICE cream.
19820501             Within weeks he was selling 40,000 1—DAY at $1 each.
19820501—20020000    —IN, He sold the company to Coolbrands INTERNATIONAL, 1—CANADA—DISTRIBUTOR.
19830501             "My 1 & Only" opened at St JAMES—THEATER in NEW—YORK—CITY for 767—PERFORMANCES.
19830501             CHARLES—MCCABE, 68—JAHRE—ALT, SF Chronicle columnist, was found dead at his home at 22—ALTA St.
19860501             WILL—STEGER (19430000              *) and his dog sled expedition reached THE—NORTH—POLE without RE—SUPPLY.
19860501             —REPORTED, Tass News Agency, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
19870501             JAMES—WEBB (19460000              *) began serving as USA—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY under PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN.
19870501             —DURING 1—VISIT to WEST—GERMANY, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA beatified EDITH—STEIN, 1—JEWISH—BORN—CARMELITE nun who was gassed in the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz.
19870501—19880000    —IN, He resigned —AFTER refusing to agree to reduce THE—SIZE—OF—THE—NAVY.
19870501—19880000    —RESIGNED, JAMES—WEBB, —AFTER refusing to agree to reduce THE—SIZE—OF—THE—NAVY.
19880501             —REPORTED, NEWSWEEK magazine, that, according to 1—MEMOIR by FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—DONALD—REGAN (19180000—20030000    ), astrology had influenced THE—PLANNING—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN—SCHEDULE.
19880501             —TITLED, REGAN—MEMOIR was, "For the Record: From WALL—STREET to WASHINGTON".
19880501             compiled —PUG Winokur, Testified —BEFORE Congress... Pug Winokur.
19880501             DynCorp.
19880501             Chairman 1989000097           ... Pug Winokur.
19880501             ENRON Chairman, Finance. BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS.
19890501             † DAVID—WEBSTER, 1—ANTI—APARTHEID campaigner, was shot and killed outside his Eleanor Street home in Troyeville, JOHANNESBURG, on SOUTH—AFRICA—1. official Workers' —DAY.
19890501             —RULED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, that 1—EMPLOYER has the legal BURDEN—OF—PROVING that its refusal to hire or promote someone is based on legitimate and not discriminatory reasons.
19890501             Disney held 1—GRAND—OPENING for its 135—ACRE—MGM studio in ORLANDO, Fl.
19890501—19990000    —IN, apartheid hitman Ferdi Barnard was sentenced to life imprisonment for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—WEBSTER.
19900501             —SENTENCED, Flynn was, 28—YEARS to life.
19900501             —ENLISTED, Smart had, Flynn to kill her husband and was sentenced to life in prison.
19900501             PATRICK—RANDALL, who had held 1—KNIFE to Gregg SMART—THROAT, was also released on parole.
19900501             HAMPTON—NH, WILLIAM—FLYNN, 16—JAHRE—ALT and 1—FRIEND—SHOT and killed GREGORY—SMART (19650000              *), THE—OO PAMELA—SMART—23—JAHRE—ALT with whom Flynn was having 1—AFFAIR.
19900501             Soviet PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—S—GORBACHEV and other Kremlin leaders were jeered by THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE—DURING the annual May —DAY parade in Red Square.
19900501—20150604    —RELEASED, Flynn was, from prison.
19910501             "WILL—ROGERS—FOLLIES" opened at Palace Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY for 983—PERFORMANCES.
19910501             NOLAN—RYAN—OF—THE—TEXAS Rangers threw his 7. NO—HITTER at age 44, shutting out THE—TORONTO BLUE—JAYS 3-to-0.
19910501             Rickey HENDERSON—OF—THE—OAKLAND A's 19910901             —MAJOR—LEAGUE—RECORD by stealing his 939. base —DURING 1—GAME against THE—NEW—YORK Yankees.
19910501             SOUTH—KOREA, former student Park SEUNG—HEE, 19—JAHRE—ALT set herself on fire at  Chunnam University to challenge continuing police violence under PRESIDENT—ROH—TAE—WOO.
19910501             —INITIALED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—ANGOLA and USA—BACKED guerrillas, agreements ending their civil war.
19920501             —ON the 3. —DAY—OF—THE—LOS—ANGELES riots, beaten motorist RODNEY—KING appeared in public to appeal for calm, asking, "Can we all get along?" PRESIDENT—BUSH delivered 1—NATIONALLY broadcast address in which he vowed to "use whatever force is necessary" to restore order.
19920501             —RETURNED, CALIFORNIA, ERIC—HOUSTON, 20—JAHRE—ALT, to Lindhurst High School, his former high school in Olivehurst, Yuba County, and killed 3—STUDENTS and his former teacher ROBERT—BRENS, 28—JAHRE—ALT —BEFORE surrendering to police.
19920501             Brens had given him an F in economics —3—YEARS—EARLIER.
19920501             —SENTENCED, HOUSTON was —LATER, to death.
19920501             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW—STUDY indicated that peptic ulcers were caused by 1—BACTERIUM called Helicobacter pylori.
19920501             SERBIA—FORCES began to shell Serajevo.
19920501—20120000    —IN, THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT—UPHELD his death sentence.
19930501             "Iraqgate," COLUMBIA Journalism Review,
19930501             The horse Sea Hero won THE—KENTUCKY DERBY.
19930501             PRESIDENT—CLINTON held 1—STRATEGY—SESSION with top military and foreign policy advisers on Bosnia.
19930501             —ERUPTED, Violence, —DURING 1—MAY—DAY—PROTEST in MOSCOW.
19940501             —ENDED, SOUTH—AFRICA—1. ALL—RACE elections.
19950501             Iraqgate: Confession and Coverup
19950501             —LAUNCHED, In reply the Krajina Serbs, 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on ZAGREB, THE—CROATIA—CAPITAL.
19950501             FRANCE, Brahim Bouarram (29), 1—FATHER—OF—2, was thrown into the Seine by 1—GROUP—OF—SKINHEADS leaving 1—MAY—DAY—RALLY held nearby in PARIS by Nation al Front Party leader JEAN—MARIE Le Pen.
19950501             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his choice for surgeon general, HENRY—FOSTER, as a "PRO—LIFE—PRO—CHOICE—DOCTOR".
19950501             Charges that Qubilah Shabazz, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—MALCOLM X, had plotted to murder NATION—OF—ISLAM leader LOUIS—FARRAKHAN were dropped as jury selection for her trial was about to begin in MINNEAPOLIS.
19950501             HENRY—ROGERS, 82, Press Agent Who Built HOLLYWOOD Stars","description":" HENRY—C—ROGERS, who transformed the seedy WORLD—OF—THE—HOLLYWOOD press agent into 1—PLUSH—CARPET profession, † on —FRIDAY at his home in the Brentwood SECTION—OF—LOS—ANGELES.
19950501             MISTER—ROGERS, who built the Rogers & Cowan public relations firm into 1—ENTERTAINMENT—INDUSTRY—GIANT, was 82.
19950501             THE—CAUSE—OF—DEATH was 1—COMBINATION—OF—LONGSTANDING—HEART and kidney problems, said his former partner, WARREN—J—COWAN ".
19950501             —TRANSFORMED, HENRY—C—ROGERS, who, the seedy WORLD—OF—THE—HOLLY wood press agent into 1—PLUSH—CARPET profession, †
19950501—19910000    —CAPTURED, THE—CROATIA—ARMY, THE—SERBIA—ENCLAVE—OF—WEST—SLAVONIA in its 1. major bid to retake territories occupied.
19950501—19950631    Consortiumnews_com,
19950501—20020000    —SURRENDERED, Martic, to THE—UN—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL.
19960501             —RECEIVED, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, 1—STATESMAN—WELCOME at THE—WHITE—HOUSE, where he met with PRESIDENT—CLINTON —FOR—45—MINUTES, then lashed out at ISRAEL for keeping its borders closed to PALESTINE—WORKERS.
19960501             Cubans began paying income taxes for the 1. time in decades.
19960501             -It was- + the Procter & Gamble Company (P&G ) was nearly OUT—OF—TIME.
19960501             - If Procter & Gamble Company (P&G ) was to settle its $200—MILLION—LAWSUIT against Bankers Trust Company (Bankers Trust ) OUT—OF—COURT,
19960501             it had to do so soon.
19960501             For full version, click here to download pdf file.
19960501             THE—FAILURE—OF—P&G 's treasury staff to pursue their own valuation + MARK—TO—MARKET—DUE—DILIGENCE on the transactions entered into, combine to create 1—SITUATION in which disaster was 1—EVENTUALITY.
19960501             Topics include the understanding + VALUATION—OF—LEVERAGED interest rate swap transactions, 1—BANK—POSSIBLE fiduciary duties in regards to corporate customers + corporate philosophy on differentiating hedging from speculation
19960501             The case was written to detail THE—MULTITUDE—OF—ISSUES involved in
19960501             what is frequently cited as the most prominent derivatives debacle in USA financial history.
19960501             THE—FAILURE—OF—BANKERS—TRUST to divulge ALL—OF—THE—VALUATION—DETAILS behind the transaction sold to Procter & Gamble in 19930000199400       00—DATE +
19960501—19970000    —IN, the François Chalais Prize at the annual Cannes Film Festival was named —AFTER him.
19970501             —CAPTURED, THE—TV—SHOW—ELLEN, 42—MILLION viewers to hear the Ellen character, played by Ellen DeGeneres, announce that she was 1—LESBIAN.
19970501             —ARMORED, OAKLAND, 1, car flipped in 1—ACCIDENT and released some 27—BAGS—OF—MONEY claimed to be substantially less than $500,000. People in the vicinity grabbed MUCH—OF—THE—CASH though some 20% was returned within 2—DAYS.
19970501             Virtual Pets began to be marketed by Tiger Electronics and Bandai Ltd. of JAPAN.
19970501             1—INTERNATIONAL committee agreed to create 7—NEW (WWW) World Wide Web domains.
19970501             The new suffixes would be:
19970501             —IMPOSED, BELARUS, the government, a $3—MILLION—TAX—FINE on the Soros Foundation for alleged currency exchange violations.
19970501             —CALLED, Soros, it 1—BLATANT attempt to suppress the independent sector.
19970501             Under THE—LEADERSHIP—OF—TONY—BLAIR—BRITAIN—LABOUR—PARTY ended its 18—YEARS in opposition, and won the general election with 1—LANDSLIDE victory, winning 418—SEATS, the most seats the party has ever held.
19970501             John and Patsy Ramsey, THE—PARENTS—OF—SLAIN child beauty QUEEN—JONBENET, declared their innocence, and asked for the public's help in finding her killer.
19970501             —FLIPPED, OAKLAND, 1—ARMORED car, in 1—ACCIDENT and released some 27—BAGS—OF—MONEY claimed to be substantially less than $500,000.
19970501             —GRABBED, People in the vicinity, MUCH—OF—THE—CASH though some 20% was returned within 2—DAYS.
19970501             —PLAYED, THE—EGG—SIZED gadgets, out THE—LIVES—OF—VARIOUS—ANIMALS on 1—LIQUID crystal display.
19970501             —AGREED, An INTERNATIONAL committee, to create 7—NEW (WWW) World Wide Web domains.
19970501             —APOLOGIZED, ROMANIA, for deporting TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ETHNIC—GERMANS to labor camps —DURING Communist rule or "selling" them by demanding cash from THE—BONN government for emigration permits.
19970501             PORTLAND NORML Weekly News Release -.. 1—TRIBUNAL has overturned THE—SENTENCE—OF—1—DRUG—LORD—CONVICTED—OF—KILLING—USA... RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO was convicted in the highly publicized death of...
19970501             Hemp News NUMBER 30—COMPILED by PAUL—STANFORD (treefreeeco@igc_org..-.. brings -- rival drug lords in Rio battle for turf + distribution rights.
19970501             + set up ties to MEXICO—TRAFFICKERS such as RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO +.
19970501             GLOBALISATION + DRUGS + CRIMINALISATION (Vol. 1: Ex.
19970501             Summary +... suspect was RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, HEAD—OF—1—OF—THE—GROUPS controlled by Félix... Latin Drug Lords..USA lawmen + the war AMERICA can't win", New.
19970501             Drug War Chronicle, Issue #371 -..including the notorious RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, who is doing 90—YEARS for the... the much larger AMOUNT—OF—DRUGS "discovered in THE—HANDS—OF—DRUG—LORDS.
19970501             Prison Talk ONLINE—CIA—SOLD Cocaine -..informants told him that major drug figures, including RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO... JORGE—LUIS—OCHOA, —AT—THE—TIME—COLUMBIA—MOST ambitious drug lord.
19970501             Public Policy Update 8—CONTRACTS—TOTALING—MORE than $3—BILLION have been referred for further investigation as PART—OF—THE—SCANDAL—SURROUNDING—DARLENE Druyun...
19970501             Other Contract Law News GAO sustains Lockheed protest in which Darlene Druyun was involved.
19970501—19970505    —ON, 1—TOTAL—OF $106,000 was recovered and $445,000 was still missing —WHEN 1—AMNESTY for returning cash ended.
19970501—20050314    —DATE
19970501—20201001    —UNTIL, this article offers background, insight + empirical data relevant to these... 20040800              IEC Journal... DELAY—OF—SENTENCING—OF—EX—BOEING—EMPLOYEE—DARLENE Druyun, 0-..+ EX—AIR—FORCE—ACQUISITION—OFFICIAL—DARLEEN Druyun who plead guilty to... /
19980501             † OTTO—BETTMANN, FOUNDER—OF—THE—BETTMANN photo archive, at 94 in Boca RATON—FLORIDA.
19980501             † ELDRIDGE—CLEAVER, EX—BLACK—PANTHER who —LATER renounced his past and became 1—REPUBLICAN, at age 62 in POMONA—CALIFORNIA.
19980501             KOSOVO, Serbia, a police raid in Drenica left 4—ETHNIC Albanians dead.
19980501             —SENTENCED, Kambanda was —LATER, to life in prison, but has —SINCE disavowed his guilty plea.
19980501             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE, labor leaders, for a 5—DAY—NATIONAL—STRIKE to protest 1—TAX—INCREASE and higher prices.
19980501             —FIRED, NIGERIA, police, into 1—CROWD—OF—5—000—PEOPLE—DEMANDING—THE—OUSTER—OF—SANI Abacha and witnesses said 7—PEOPLE were killed.
19980501             —PLEADED, FORMER—RWANDA—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—KAMBANDA, guilty to charges stemming from 19940000             —THE—GENOCIDE—OF—MORE than 500,000 Tutsis.
19980501—19650000    —IN, ELDRIDGE—CLEAVER wrote the book "SOUL—ON—ICE" —WHILE in Folsom Prison.
19980501—19680000    —PUBLISHED, The book was.
19980501—19750000    —JUMPED, ELDRIDGE—CLEAVER, bail —AFTER a 19680000              shooting and returned to THE—USA.
19980501—19750000    —IN, He jumped bail —AFTER a 19680000              shooting and returned to THE—USA.
19980501—19940000    —FROM—THE, FORMER—RWANDA—PRIME—MINISTER—JEAN—KAMBANDA pleaded guilty to charges stemming genocide of more than 500,000 Tutsis.
19990501             —CHARGED, Charismatic, a 30—1—SHOT, to victory in the 125. KENTUCKY DERBY.
19990501             —IMPOSED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, 1—TRADE—EMBARGO on Serbia that excepted only food and medicine.
19990501             —ORDERED, THE—FCC, that stations affiliated with ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC must build digital facilities in THE—10—LARGEST TV markets by this time.
19990501             THE—NRA held its annual convention in DENVER —11—DAYS—AFTER the Columbine High School shootings.
19990501             —ATTENDED, Some 2,500, as 7,000—PEOPLE protested outside.
19990501             HOT, SPRINGS—ARKANSAS, 1—AMPHIBIOUS—TOURIST—BOAT sank on Lake HAMILTON and 11—PEOPLE drowned.
19990501             —ARRESTED, LONDON, police, DAVID—COPELAND, 22—JAHRE—ALT for the recent nail bombings.
19990501             Its full official title was: THE—TREATY—OF—AMSTERDAM amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts.
19990501             ARTICLE, 7—IT said governments that violate the union's fundamental values would be threatened with sanctions.
19990501             † The death toll rose to 13—AFTER 1—SURVIVOR and another body was found.
19990501             1—NATO—STRIKE on 1—BRIDGE in KOSOVO, 12—MILES—NORTH—OF—PRISTINA, hit 1—CIVILIAN—BUS and killed between 34 and 60—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—15—CHILDREN.
19990501—19610000    —IN, THE—LIBERTY—BELL 7—MERCURY capsule flown by GUS—GRISSOM, which sank, was found 300—MILES offshore from Cape Canaveral in 3—WATERS—3—MILES—DEEP.
19990501—19971002    —SIGNED, THE—TREATY—OF—AMSTERDAM—TREATY, entered into force.
19990501—19971002    —TREATY—OF—AMSTERDAM, TREATY—SIGNED, entered into force.
20000131—20030501    —BY, 1—NO—VOTE would require clean up and 1—HALT to training.
20000228             His official resignation took place 20000501           .
20000501             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT began allowing CIVIL—GPS receivers to pick up more accurate satellite signals.
20000501             —INDICATED, The report, 1—SHIFT from THE—MIDDLE—EAST to SOUTH—ASIA with AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN listed as threatening.
20000501             —ABOUT 3 and A—HALF—MILLION—TIME—WARNER cable subscribers temporarily lost access to 7—DISNEY—OWNED ABC stations in 1—QUARREL over transmission rights.
20000501             † STEVE—REEVES, actor, in ESCONDIDO—CALIFORNIA, at age 74. STEVE—REEVES starred in such films as "Hercules," "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—POMPEII," and "Duel of the Titans".
20000501             May —DAY marches and protests took place —AROUND the world.
20000501             —ERUPTED, In BERLIN violence, as some 10,000 anarchists marched against "capitalism and imperialism" —AFTER some 12000000              NEO—NAZIS rallied.
20000501             —CAUSED, In LONDON some 2,000 demonstrators, havoc in LONDON.
20000501             —DEMONSTRATED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, in SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL and some 20,000 marched in QUITO—ECUADOR.
20000501             Joerg Haider, LEADER—OF—AUSTRIA—FAR—RIGHT—FREEDOM—PARTY, stepped down —AFTER—14—YEARS as party leader.
20000501             —OPPOSED, ZIMBABWE, thousands, to THE—RULE—OF—PRESIDENT—MUGABE rallied in HARARE.
20000501             THE—SPORT—OF—GEOCACHING began 2—DAYS—LATER.
20000501             A—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—ANNUAL—REPORT on efforts to combat terrorism listed CUBA—IRAN, IRAQ—LIBYA, NORTH—KOREA, SUDAN and Syria as state sponsors for terrorism.
20000501             † STEVE—REEVES, actor, in ESCONDIDO—CALIFORNIA, at age 74.
20000501             —STARRED, STEVE—REEVES, in such films as "Hercules," "THE—LAST—DAYS—OF—POMPEII," and "DUEL—OF—THE—TITANS".
20000501             —GATHERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS, in MADRID and some 15,000 demonstrated in both RUSSIA and ISTANBUL.
20000501             —ARRESTED, IRAN, HAMID—TEFILEEN, 1—OF—13—JEWISH—MEN, for espionage, was displayed on TV and admitted to being paid $500 1—MONTH by ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—MOSSAD.
20000501             PSLM Defies HUPD, Occupies Byerly Hall for 6—HOURS
20000501             PSLM Protestors Use New Tactics in Occupation
20000501             Licensed To KILL—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST—WERNER—GLATT—HARPER—MAGAZINE—CONTINUED from page 5. RYAN—POINT is logical...
20000501             VernYip_com ernst werner glatt ernst werner glatt
20000501             TOP—DEBATS.info Divers témoignages indiquent que ZAGREB se serait fourni en armes auprès du négociant allemand ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, que sa fortune a amené à s'installer dans...
20000501             411SYNC—ZAGREB Crisis Press reports also suspect THE—ZAGREB regime from having bought weaponry from ERNST—WERNER—GLATT, 1—GERMANY—ARMS—DEALER who in...
20000501             in THE—CRIMSON - PSLM Defies HUPD, Occupies Byerly Hall —FOR—6—HOURS
20000501             in THE—CRIMSON
20000517             —CONVICTED, THOMAS—BLANTON—JUNIOR was, and sentenced to life in prison 20010501            .
20000715—20000501    —SINCE, SIERRA—LEONE, UN troops freed 222—INDIA—PEACEKEEPERS and 11—MILITARY—OBSERVERS held by rebels.
20001220—20010501    über einen IRAK—WISSENSCHAFTLER, der im Detail über unterirdische Produktionsstätten für chemische + biologische Kampfstoffe berichtete.
20001220—20010501    —DATE 20011220              über einen IRAK—WISSENSCHAFTLER,
20010300—20050501    THE—FOX "X—FILES" SPIN—OFF show,
20010501             May —DAY protests rallies took place —AROUND the world as people demonstrated against global trade and for workers' rights.
20010501             † In THE—WEST—BANK—ASSAF—HERSHOVITZ, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—JEWISH settler, was killed —WHEN his van was hit by 27—BULLETS outside Ramallah.
20010501             JAPAN, KIM—JONG—NAM (29), THE—SON—OF—KIM—JONG—IL—OF—NORTH—KOREA, was detained with his son as they attempted to visit TOKYO—DISNEYLAND.
20010501             —MARCHED, Some 40,000 protesters, on Malacanang Palace and 3—PEOPLE were killed.
20010501             —PRESENTED, He also, his case for withdrawing from 19720000             —THE—ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY with RUSSIA.
20010501             —JOINED, He served —UNTIL June and then, MBNA as 1—SENIOR—VICE—PRESIDENT—MANAGING its legal and personnel affairs.
20010501             —FILED, SEATTLE, Hindus, 1—SUIT against McDonald's for NONDISCLOSURE—OF—BEEF flavoring in FRANCE—FRIES.
20010501             —RIOTED, MACEDONIA, Slavs, in Bitola and trashed ALBANIA—SHOPS—FOLLOWING—THE—FUNERALS—OF—SOLDIERS killed in 1—REBEL—AMBUSH.
20010501             —DECLARED, In THE—PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—ARROYO, a "STATE—OF—REBELLION" and ordered THE—ARREST—OF—2—SENATORS and several military officials loyal to FORMER—PRESIDENT—ESTRADA.
20010501             THE—MADNESS—OF—THE—F—22—FIGHTER—TIFFANY'S on wings.
20010501             That's how 1—SENATE—AIDE refers to the Pentagon + its contractor 's latest dream weapon: the F-22.
20010501             "It's showy + unimaginably expensive + fragile + utterly useless", the aide tells us.
20010501             "But there's no stopping it".
20010501             5—DAYS That Shook THE—WORLD: SEATTLE and Beyond - - plus cracks in the cockpit canopy.
20010501             But what has all that money bought?
20010501             —COMPARED, Not much —WHEN, to the F—15 and F—16.
20010501             Even THE—PENTAGON—TOP—TESTING—OFFICER disagrees with the performance STATUS—OF—THE—F—22.
20010501             1—CASE—STUDY for THE—PENTAGON—PROCUREMENT pathology: call it THE—BUY—BEFORE—YOU—FLY syndrome.
20010501             "1—OF—THE—OLDEST tricks is putting off testing —UNTIL production has begun," says Danielle Brian, DIRECTOR—OF—THE—PROJECT on Government Oversight.
20010501             "As 1—RESULT, the contractor gets paid twice: once to make 1—FLAWED system and once to fix it".
20010501             HARVARD—JANITORS/05_01_bg Labor CHIEF—BUOYS—PROTESTORS—SWEENY, Yancey Back Harvard SIT—IN in THE—BOSTON—GLOBE
20010501             USA—MILITARY Drafted Plans to Terrorize USA—CITIES to Provoke War With CUBA
20010501             Headnote THE—WEB—OF—INTRIGUE that has become known as angolagate stretches from AFRICA, across EUROPE to THE—USA.
20010501             SOME—VERY—HIGH—PROFILE... - THE—MADNESS—OF—THE F—22—FIGHTER—TIFFANY'S on wings.
20010501             SOME—VERY high profile...
20010501—19630000    —IN—THE, THOMAS—BLANTON—JUNIOR became the 2. EX—KU Klux Klansman to be convicted —BOMBING—OF—1—CHURCH in BIRMINGHAM—ALABAMA, that claimed THE—LIVES—OF—4—BLACK—GIRLS.
20010501—19720000    —FROM—THE, He also presented his case for withdrawing ANTI—BALLISTIC—MISSILE—TREATY with RUSSIA.
20010501—19930000    —APPOINTED, FBI Director LOUIS—FREEH, announced his retirement.
20010501—20010600    —IN, "—AFTER his 1. meeting with NATO—HEADS—OF—STATE—IN—BRUSSELS, Bush outlined THE—5—TOP—DEFENSE—ISSUES discussed with the closest USA—ALLIES. Missile defense was at THE—TOP—OF—THE—LIST, followed by developing 1—NATO—RELATIONSHIP with RUSSIA, working in common purpose with EUROPE, increased defense spending in NATO—COUNTRIES + enlarging the alliance to include FORMER—EAST—EUROPEAN countries. The only reference to extremists was in MACEDONIA, where Bush said regional forces were seeking to subvert 1—NEW—DEMOCRACY".
20010800             Yahoo! Groups : LOGIC—USERS—MESSAGES : Message 63180 of 199074 From: JACKSON—STEPHENS  To: LOGIC—USERS@yahoogroups. com  Date: 200105010003         ...
20010910             (CIA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT for WHITE—HOUSE—20010705              --60+ days —PRIOR—TO 20010911             , NEWSWEEK, 20030501              / THE—HILL, 20030501             )
20010910—20010705    —60 + days PRIOR—TO—20010911             , (CIA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT for WHITE—HOUSE1, NEWSWEEK, 20030501              / THE—HILL, 20030501             )
20010911             den IRAK ins Visier nahm... nur wenige der Betroffenen hätten sich über Blairs Artikel beschwert + BLAIR... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20010911             -wenige Tage vor den Anschlägen VOM—ZUM CHEF—REDAKTEUR berufen. alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20010911             —FILM makes number 2 in USA United 93, the 1. HOLLYWOOD film dealing with 20010000             —THE—TERROR—ATTACKS, enters THE—USA—MOVIE—CHART at number 2.
20020501             —RELEASED, AFGHANISTAN, some 560—614—PRISONERS were, from Shibirghan prison controlled by GENERAL—DOSTUM.
20020501             —REMAINED, Some 2,300 prisoners.
20020501             Jintao said THE—TAIWAN issue could hurt relations and defended CHINA—RECORD on human rights.
20020501             —AGREED, They, to resume military exchanges.
20020501             —PULLED, COLOMBIA, government soldiers from Caqueta state were, from 1—BUS at 1—FARC roadblock.
20020501             —MARCHED, Well over 1—MILLION—PEOPLE across FRANCE, against FAR—RIGHT—LEADER—JEAN—MARIE Le Pen, —4—DAYS—BEFORE Le Pen was defeated by PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC in 1—RUNOFF.
20020501             RECORDS—OF—613—SALVES and 433—SLAVEHOLDERS were made public.
20020501             6—WANTED PALESTINE—MEN were driven to Jericho under USA and UNITED—KINGDOM—SUPERVISION.
20020501             —EXPLODED, MADRID—SPAIN, 1—BOMB—NEAR—1—SPORTS—STADIUM and 17—PEOPLE were injured.
20020501             Carlyle + RUMSFELD—RECENTLY made available to the Voice show the intimate...
20020501—20010911    —REFUSED, The strange CASE—OF—ZACARIAS—MOUSSAOUI: FBI, to investigate man charged attacks
20020501—20020329    —SINCE, ISRAEL—FORCES withdrew from Ramallah and Yasser Arafat, under siege, emerged from his WEST—BANK compound.
20020501—20020512    —REPORTED, Their bodies were, found.
20020804—20010501    —ON, In 1—SPEECH, BUSH said, "Unlike the Cold War, —TODAY—MOST urgent threat stems not from THOUSANDS—OF—BALLISTIC—MISSILES in THE—SOVIET—HANDS, but from 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—MISSILES in THE—HANDS—OF—THESE states, states for whom terror and blackmail are 1—WAY—OF—LIFE".
20020919             Under the criminal law power, persons who are ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES 20020501             ... great deference to state laws dealing with communicable disease...
20021125             EXPANDED Perspectives CEL, alfatomega.com/20021231-20030501-datesbase.html
20021210             alfatomega.com/20021231—20030501-datesbase.html
20021223             BERLIN/KARLSRUHE, alfatomega.com/20021231—20030501-datesbase.html
20021231             -20030501-datesbase.HTML—FOR the —YEAR ending, CNP income was $1,240,377. [7] (
20021231-20021231—20040000    —ANFANG, dürfte AMERIKA im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens.
20030101             alfatomega.com/20021231—20030501-datesbase.html
20030416             THE—10—NEW EU members will formally join 20040501              —FOLLOWING RATIFICATION—OF—TREATIES.
20030417—20030501    —AM.
20030500             Es ist kein Verein, der nach außen wirken will... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030500             "Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030500             richtig: DIE—USA—NOTENBANK Federal Reserve ( Fed ) geht davon aus... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             das ENDE—DER—KAMPFHANDLUNGEN im IRAK erklären.
20030501             —GERUFEN, Das ENDE—DES—KRIEGES werde dagegen nicht aU$, - - nicht in der kommenden Woche,
20030501             vielleicht SOGAR—NIEMALS, sagte U$ -Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20030501             Der Spiegel [ D ] politik/aU$ land /0,1518,246098,00.html
20030501             "Die Ihr hier eintretet,laßt von Euch fahren allen Zweifelmut !" [ Dante,"Göttliche Komödie" - Inschrift über dem Eingang zur Hölle ]
20030501             "We're living in the new dark AGES—READ about it in the magazine pages"-THE—MUTANTS
20030501             "DAS KONKRETE ist KONKRET::ES ist die ZUSAMMENFASSUNG des ABSTRAKTEN"
20030501             Bush [BGW968] USA—RÄSIDENT, auf USS ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, Flugzeugträger, verkündet den Sieg im IRAK—KRIEG
20030501             "Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten chemischen und biologischen Waffen begonnen und wissen —BEREITS von Hunderten von Orten, die untersucht werden".
20030501             - timebase - - - 20030601- datesbase.html
20030501             Bush,GEORGE—W, USA—RÄSIDENT, auf USS ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, Flugzeugträger, verkündet den Sieg im IRAK—KRIEG"Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten chemischen und biologischen Waffen begonnen und wissen —BEREITS von Hunderten von Orten, die untersucht werden".
20030501             we' USA re also not winning THE—EVEN—MORE—CONSEQUENTIAL worldwide BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—JIHADISTS
20030501             DAVID—H—HACKWORTH : Memo for THE—PRESIDENT—ELECT
20030501             —KILLED, She had been, —AROUND 20030422—20030423     and was buried 20030917              as "Unknown CHILD—OF—GOD. Female, 12-17..".
20030501             —LANDED, Bush, on the carrier in 1—NAVY S-3B jet and spoke below 1—BANNER that read "Mission Accomplished".
20030501             —ENGAGED, He said the 9,000—USA—SOLDIERS there were, mainly in reconstruction.
20030501             —AMPUTATED, UTAH, climber ARON—RALSTON, 27—JAHRE—ALT, his own arm to escape from 1—CANYON where he was pinned by 1—BOULDER.
20030501             1—FEMALE homicide victim, JANE—DOE, was found near 1—GARBAGE bin at 1—RESTAURANT in Castro VALLEY—CALIFORNIA.
20030501             Flooding hit NORTH—WEST—ARGENTINA and at least 13—PEOPLE were killed and 50,000 driven from their homes.
20030501             THE—AUSTRALIA—STOCK—MARKET began trade in AUSTRALIA—1.—EVER listed brothel, THE—DAILY—PLANET.
20030501             Shares began trading at 31—CENTS.
20030501             Heidi Fleiss was on hand to promote the enterprise and her new book, "Pandering".
20030501             —CELEBRATED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in INDONESIA, SOUTH—KOREA and THE—PHILIPPINES, May —DAY by protesting for higher wages, better hours and political change.
20030501             —KILLED, At least 13—PALESTINIANS were, including 2—BOYS—AGES 2 and 13. 2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS were killed in THE—WEST—BANK.
20030501             —BELIEVED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—BUS, to be carrying about 90—PEOPLE plunged into 1—RESERVOIR in SOUTH—AFRICA.
20030501             10—SURVIVORS were rescued outside THE—TOWN—OF—BETHLEHEM.
20030501             51—PEOPLE were killed.
20030501             A 6.4—MAGNITUDE—EARTHQUAKE rumbled through SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY.
20030501             PRESIDENT—BUSH—STANDING on THE—USS—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, 1—NAVY—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER in S—DIEGO, announced that "major combat operations in IRAQ have ended".
20030501             THE—USA—NAVY withdrew from Vieques ISLAND—COSTA—RICA.
20030501             —KILLED, She had been, —AROUND 20030422—20230422     and was buried 20030917              as "Unknown CHILD—OF—GOD. Female, 12-17..".
20030501             —LISTED, THE—AUSTRALIA—STOCK—MARKET began trade in AUSTRALIA—1.-ever, brothel, THE—DAILY—PLANET.
20030501             —RAIDED, ISRAEL—TROOPS—1—HAMAS stronghold and exchanged fire with DOZENS—OF—MASKED gunmen.
20030501             —KILLED, At least 13—PALESTINIANS were, including 2—BOYS—AGES 2 and 13.
20030501             2—PALESTINE—MILITANTS were killed in THE—WEST—BANK.
20030501             177—PEOPLE were killed and 390—INJURED including 80—STUDENTS were trapped in THE—DEBRIS—OF—THEIR—SCHOOL dormitory in Bingol.
20030501             auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er... wir sehr dankbar"..
20030501             EBERHARD—VON—KUENHEIM ist Preisträger des... What Should We MAKE—OF—THE—CHARGE—LINKING the Bush Family Fortune to Nazism?
20030501             - timebase - - 20030501- 20030601- datesbase.html
20030501             Bush stood in FRONT—OF—1—LARGE—BANNER that read, "Mission Accomplished".
20030501             THE—OPENING—OF—HIS, speech, he declared, "
20030501             —ENDED, Major combat operations in IRAQ have.
20030501             He called the "BATTLE—OF—IRAQ" a "victory".
20030501             In his radio address shortly —AFTER the speech, he boasted, "I delivered good news to the men and women who fought in THE—CAUSE—OF—FREEDOM: their mission is complete and major combat operations in IRAQ have ended".
20030501             —REPORTED, Additionally, as BOB—WOODWARD, in October, THEN—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD had to pressure THE—WHITE—HOUSE to take OUT—OF—THE—SPEECH the actual phrase "Mission Accomplished," but he couldn't "
20030501             get the sign down.
20030501             take[n] CARE—OF—THE—PRODUCTION—OF—THE—BANNER. Full transcript below:
20030501             QUESTION: Tony, this goes to your previous acknowledgment that THE—PRESIDENT—IS—AWARE—OF—PUBLIC anxiety about the situation in IRAQ.
20030501             What would your guidance be to 1—PUBLIC that has seen THE—PRESIDENT—STAND under 1—MISSION accomplished banner, proclaim 1—END to major combat operations, 1—VICE—PRESIDENT—TALKING about the last throes?
20030501             How should the public go into viewing this speech tomorrow?
20030501             SNOW: I think the public ought to —JUST listen to what THE—PRESIDENT has to say.
20030501             —ACCOMPLISHED, You know that the mission, banner was put up by MEMBERS—OF—THE—USS—ABRAHAM—LINCOLN + THE—PRESIDENT, on that very speech, said —JUST the opposite, didn't he?
20030501             He said it was THE—END—OF—MAJOR combat operations, but he did not say it was THE—END—OF—OPERATIONS.
20030501             Instead, he cautioned people —AT—THE—TIME that there would be considerable continued violence in IRAQ + that there would be continued operations for 1—LONG—PERIOD—OF—TIME.
20030501             Glanzvoller Sieg... Der UN—SICHERHEITSRAT beschließt bei Enthaltung Syriens die Resolution 15000000             ...
20030501             Denn die Pflege DIESER—WÖRTLICH übersetzt: öffentlichen BEZIEHUNGEN—BEDEUTET viel mehr.
20030501             Sie steht für das Entfesseln einer täglichen Springflut von... alfatomega.com/20060802.html -
20030501             hatte Bush das ENDE—DER—OFFIZIELLEN—KAMPFHANDLUNGEN erklärt...
20030501             Rote Fahne NEWS—IRAK—VON—USA wieder zum "Kriegsgebiet" erklärt
20030501             —BEZEICHNET, Der USA—VIZEAUßENMINISTER RICHARD—ARMITAGE, den IRAK inzwischen wieder als "Kriegsgebiet".
20030501             —AM—SAMSTAG, den
20030501             -Als es AM—DEN vermeintlichen Sieg im IRAK zu verkünden galt, stand Bush noch breitbeinig und höchstpersönlich vor dem "Mission Accomplished"-Schild.
20030501             "Aber —JETZT musste er ja Petraeus reden lassen, weil er selbst völlig unglaubwürdig ist", analysiert JOE—KLEIN vom Magazin "Time".
20030501             —AM Niemand in den großen Medien mochte dem Oberkommandierende aller USA—TRUPPEN widersprechen.
20030501             Allein, der Krieg dauert —BIS—HEUTE an.
20030501             GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH, USA—PRÄSIDENT, auf USS ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, Flugzeugträger, verkündet den Sieg im IRAK—KRIEG
20030501             -20030601 So habe es Kommunikationsprobleme unter Vorgesetzten gegeben,
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html So wurde die sumerische Leier von Ur zerschlagen, als die Plünderer das Gold vom Holzrahmen rissen.
20030501             -20030601 00. - -20030601-datesbase - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html NEW—YORK—RUMSFELD sagte in NEW—YORK, -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             - timebase - - - 20030601- datesbase.html - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html NEW—YORK—RUMSFELD sagte in NEW—YORK,
20030501             alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html EBERHARD—VON—KUENHEIM ist Preisträger des von der ATLANTIK—BRÜCKE und dem Armonk
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html... auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er... wir sehr dankbar"..
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html EBERHARD—VON—KUENHEIM ist Preisträger des... What Should We MAKE—OF—THE—CHARGE—LINKING—THE—BUSH—FAMILY—FORTUNE to Nazism?
20030501             Mehr als 100—BESONDERS. -20030601-datesbase.html.
20030501             SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er für langjährige... 20030500
20030501             Ein kurzer politischer Lebenslauf von HENRY—KISSINGER + die...
20030501             alfatomega.com/20070830.html
20030501             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM - -20030601-datesbase.html
20030501             —PREVAILED, In THE—BATTLE—OF—IRAQ, THE—USA and our allies have ".
20030501             "DAS KONKRETE ist KONKRET::ES ist die ZUSAMMENFASSUNG des ABSTRAKTEN"... 20030500              Bush [BGW968] USA—RÄSIDENT, auf USS ABRAHAM—LINCOLN, Flugzeugträger...
20030501             er wisse nicht, warum der IRAK im Krieg nicht wie von den USA vorhergesagt chemische Waffen eingesetzt habe.
20030501             nur wenige der Betroffenen hätten sich über Blairs Artikel beschwert + BLAIR, der Reporter...
20030501             "Dass die BUSH—REGIERUNG —NACH—DEM 20010911              den IRAK ins Visier nahm...
20030501             Sie starben wegen Massenvernichtungswaffen. Sie starben für 1—LÜGE "
20030501             -20030601-datesbase.html - Der KOMMENTAR—POLITIK - FAZ_net
20030501             Die ABRAHAM—LINCOLN—FLUGZEUGTRÄGER im humanitären Einsatz.
20030501             Drucken, Versenden, © AP.
20030501             © FAZ Electronic Media GmbH 20010000—20070000.
20030501             Der KOMMENTAR—POLITIK - FAZ_NET—KOMMENTAR: Wenig Respekt für...
20030501             alfatomega.com/20070830.html - 601             —1—
20030501—20040000    —ANFANG, dürfte AMERIKA im Banne des nächsten Präsidentenwahlkampfs stehen, spätestens.
20030501—20041019    —SINCE—OUR USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF announced "mission accomplished", the insurgents have seized the initiative in IRAQ +
20030501—20041019    —SINCE, our USA—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF announced "mission accomplished",
20030501—20060000    —IN, police using DNA identified the girl as Yesenia Nungaray (16) and said she was from YAHUALICA—MEXICO.
20030501—20070000    —IN, police sought MIGUEL—ANGEL—NUNEZ—CASTANEDA, 28—JAHRE—ALT for her murder.
20031017—20030501    —ON, IRAQ, the deaths of 4—SOLDIERS brought to 101 the number killed —SINCE PRESIDENT—BUSH declared THE—END—OF—MAJOR combat.
20031028             —KILLED, Total USA—DEATHS—REACH—115 and surpassed the 114, —DURING the initial war 20030320—20030501.
20040000             CANNONFIRE: 20041226200501       01—DATE "TruthIsAll" THE—NOMME—DE—NET—OF—1—POSTER on the Democratic Underground, directs our attention to 1—STARTLING new interpretation of the exit poll
20040213—20040501    —AGREED, Greek and TURKEY—CYPRUS—LEADERS, to resume full negotiations next —WEEK to end the 30-year division of CYPRUS —BEFORE it joins the European Union.
20040326—20040501    —ANNOUNCED, POLAND—PRIME—MINISTER—LESZEK—MILLER, he will step down THE—DAY—AFTER POLAND joins the European Union, taking the blame for his government's collapse in popularity and raising THE—PROSPECT—OF—EARLY—ELECTIONS.
20040401—20040501    —JAHR—BIS You WILL—ANYWAY:
20040401—20040501    You WILL—ANYWAY:
20040424—20040501    —ON, It meant that only THE—GREECE—SIDE—OF—CYPRUS would join the European Union.
20040501             WHO statistics held that CHINA accounts for 30—PERCENT—OF—THE 5.5—TRILLION cigarettes consumed daily WORLD—WIDE.
20040501             —CELEBRATED, Revelers across EX—COMMUNIST—EAST—EUROPE, their historic entry to the European Union.
20040501             —JOINED, MALTA, with 70—EXEMPTIONS to EU rules. POLAND had 43—EXEMPTIONS.
20040501             LATVIA had 32. THE—TURKISH occupied AREA—OF—CYPRUS was suspended from entry.
20040501             —INCLUDED, His books, "Incentives in Public Decision Making" (19790000             ).
20040501             —KILLED, Police, 4—BROTHERS in 1—SHOOTOUT—AFTER 1—CAR—CHASE in which the attackers reportedly dragged the naked BODY—OF—1—VICTIM behind their getaway car.
20040501             SHANGHAI Tobacco, MAKER—OF—PANDA and other cigarette brands, embarked on 1—CAMPAIGN to extend Panda beyond the political and military elite.
20040501             —JOINED, MALTA, with 70—EXEMPTIONS to EU rules.
20040501             POLAND had 43—EXEMPTIONS. LATVIA had 32.
20040501             —SUSPENDED, THE—TURKEY—OCCUPIED AREA—OF—CYPRUS was, from entry.
20040501             —SUSPECTED, YANBU—SAUDI—ARABIA, militants sprayed gunfire inside THE—OFFICES—OF—HOUSTON—BASED ABB Ltd., 1—OIL—CONTRACTOR—KILLING at least 6—PEOPLE — including 2—AMERICANS and 3—OTHER—WESTERNERS — and wounding dozens.
20040501             THE—INDEPENDENT—UK "VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY was under mounting pressure last night
20040501             —AFTER he + his senior officials were ACCUSED—OF—SMEARING—1—FORMER—AMBASSADOR +
20040501             O traficante, empresário, embaixador PIERRE—FALCONE passou por LISBOA e não foi...
20040501             Index du LIVRE—LES Arènes Bilderberg (Groupe de) : 22, 92, 92n, 93n, 94.
20040501             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Oussama : 353, 353n.
20040501             Falcone Giovanni : 217, 347—FALLINGER Mining Corp. : 370.
20040501             THE—VAST—LEFT—WING—CONSPIRACY—LISTE des derniers articles parus... - Invité au Bilderberg Meeting en
20040501             outing his wife as 1—UNDERCOVER—CIA—OFFICER in 1—DELIBERATE—ACT—OF revenge hatched inside THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20040501             O traficante, empresário, embaixador PIERRE—FALCONE passou por LISBOA e não foi...
20040501             Index du LIVRE—LES Arènes Bilderberg (Groupe de) : 22, 92, 92n, 93n, 94. OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Oussama : 353, 353n.
20040501—19770000    —IN, Smarty Jones won THE—KENTUCKY DERBY and ran his record to 7-for-7, the 1. unbeaten DERBY winner —SINCE SEATTLE Slew.
20040501—20040601    Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: O empresário francês PIERRE—FALCONE é acusado de tráfico de armas para...
2005011120050111     Who owns your E—MAILS?
20050212             Man nehme, was man kriegen KANN—STERN.de : Wirtschaft&Karriere... 20050501              desselben Jahres trat er der NSDAP bei... von Unterstützern der ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT Bewegung gehörte: dem Freundeskreis des SS... sich wie 1—WHO—WHO der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT.
20050212             20050212              Man nehme, was man kriegen KANN—STERN.de : Wirtschaft&Karriere...0 20050501              desselben Jahres trat er der NSDAP bei... von Unterstützern der ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT Bewegung gehörte: dem Freundeskreis des SS... sich wie 1—WHO—WHO der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT.
20050223             BOLOGNA Nihil: 20040501—20040531     CESARE—PAVESE, Caterina, Pisanu, Virno, ginzburg, Neva, Massimo Leonardi, Camilo Bernieri, Zamboni, GUIDO—CHIESA, Rafaella Carrà, Lucio Gelli, LUTHER—BLISSETT...
20050315—19970501    PORTLAND NORML Weekly News Release -..
20050317             The attorney in question is MICHAEL—ROY—FUGLER, —UNTIL last 20050501             —MEMBER—OF—THE—BOARD—OF—GENESISINTERMEDIA (+ 1—SHAREHOLDER + the person who... 20050315
20050321             ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die 20050101200501       10—DATE entstanden sind.
20050321             A 19520501             —REPORT detailing how Gehlen and his network were —INITIALLY approached by USA—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE.
20050321             SOME—OF—THE—HIGHLIGHTS from this secret CIA documentary history include: A 19520501              report detailing how Gehlen and his network were —INITIALLY approached by USA—ARMY—INTELLIGENCE.
20050403200501       26—IN—THE+20050226—DATE 1—SEATTLE Weekly :
20050404—20050501    —AFTER, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT said all Series EE bonds sold will pay interest rates that are fixed for at least 20—YEARS.
20050500             S—PETERSBURG—TIMES—ONLINE -- THE—BUZZ: 20060501—20060531
20050501             NEWSWEEK, in its 20050509              edition, ran 1—STORY that said USA—INTERROGATORS at GUANTANAMO Bay prison had flushed 1—QURAN, the Muslim holy book, down 1—TOILET.
20050501             —ON what was to have been her wedding —DAY, "runaway bride" JENNIFER—WILBANKS was led by ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., police to 1—AIRPLANE that flew her home to GEORGIA.
20050501             —MARCHED, NEPAL, about 10000 people, through KATHMANDU, demanding THE—RESTORATION—OF—DEMOCRACY in the biggest SHOW—OF—OPPOSITION—STRENGTH—SINCE GYANENDRA—KING—OF— seized absolute power 3—MONTHS ago.
20050501             NORTH—KOREA TEST—FIRED a short range missile.
20050501             —WISHED, RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—PATRIARCH—ALEXY—II, health and happiness to MILLIONS—OF—ORTHODOX—CHRISTIANS as believers marked Easter, the holiest —DAY in the Orthodox calendar.
20050501             —NETTED, THAILAND—FISHERMEN, a 646-pound Mekong giant catfish believed to have been the world's largest freshwater fish ever caught in THAILAND.
20050501             —MOBILIZED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, on May —DAY to demand more political muscle in THE—FACE—OF—GLOBAL—CAPITALISM, as clashes with police marred SOME—RALLIES.
20050501             —RAPED, THE—BODIES—OF—3—AFGHANISTAN—WOMEN were found, hanged and dumped on 1—ROADSIDE in Baglan province with 1—WARNING not to work for foreign relief organizations.
20050501             —DETAINED, EGYPT, police, about 200—PEOPLE from the home VILLAGES—OF—3—ATTACKERS responsible for 1—BOMB—BLAST and tour bus shooting near CAIRO tourist sites THE—DAY—BEFORE.
20050501             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, insurgents, a 3. straight —DAY—OF—ATTACKS—INCLUDING ambushes, car bombs and 1—DRIVE—BY shooting, killing 9—IRAQIS and wounding more than 20.
20050501             5—SUSPECTS were arrested by IRAQ—FORCES and confessed to the kidnapping and MURDER—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—AID—WORKER—MARGARET—HASSAN.
20050501             —OBLITERATED, NORTH—IRAQ, 1—CAR—BOMB—1—TENT packed with mourners at THE—FUNERAL—OF—1—KURDISH—OFFICIAL—KILLING—25—PEOPLE and wounding more than 50 in the single deadliest attack —SINCE insurgents started bearing down on IRAQ—NEWLY named government late last —WEEK.
20050501             1—VIDEOTAPE released by IRAQ—MILITANTS showed DOUGLAS—WOOD—63—JAHRE—ALT, 1—KIDNAPPED 1—AUSTRALIA—MAN—LIVING in CALIFORNIA, who pleaded for USA—LED coalition forces to leave IRAQ to save his life.
20050501             —ARRIVED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, in ISRAEL for 1—VISIT—SEEKING to mend relations with the Jewish state and join in 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—EFFORTS.
20050501             desselben Jahres trat er der NSDAP bei... von Unterstützern der ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT Bewegung gehörte: dem Freundeskreis des SS... sich wie 1—WHO—WHO der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT.
20050501             Draft USA—PAPER allows commanders to seek preemptive nuke strikes:
20050501             The paper says in allowing combatant commanders in the Pacific and other theaters to maintain 1—OPTION—OF—PREEMPTIVE strikes against "rogue" states and terrorists
20050501             Demonstrationen: MAI—KRAWALLE verliefen zumeist glimpflich
20050501             GROSSBRITANNIEN: TONY—BLAIR s letzter Ritt
20050501             Laura Bush : "Ich bin eine verzweifelte Hausfrau"
20050501             Schiller: Das peinliche Genie - Umweltministerium: Geheime Gutachter
20050501             THE—ANTI—DRUG.
20050501             - Drugs & TERROR—NEWS... Hear what PRESIDENT—BUSH has to say + view the ads in the Media Gallery... from Sinaloa state who, with RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO, was imprisoned for 19850000             —THE—TORTURE.
20050501             Web Ergebnisse 1 - 100—VON ungefähr 1.080—FÜR Global Hawk zakheim.
20050501             ( 0,45 Sekunden)
20050501             NTI: Global Security Newswire... RICHARD—MYERS + Pentagon budget CHIEF—DOV—ZAKHEIM appeared —BEFORE the... the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk to the Persian Gulf, the Post reported...
20050501             —NOW consider Operation Northwoods: 19620000              USA—MILITARY—LEADERS designed 1—PLAN to conduct terrorist acts against USA Americans + blame CUBA, to create popular sentiment for INVASION—OF—THAT—COUNTRY.
20050501             —INCLUDED, Operation Northwoods : Plans to shoot down 1—CIA—PLANE designed to replicate 1—PASSENGER—FLIGHT and announce that CUBA—FORCES—SHOT it down.
20050501             Information on Operation Northwoods can be found in JAMES—BAMFORD—BODY—OF—SECRETS, (Doubleday, 20010000              ) + at the —FOLLOWING URLs.
20050501             Not All Jew s Are Zionists Although there are those who refuse to accept THE—TEACHINGS—OF—OUR Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also MANY—WHO are totally UNAWARE—OF—THE—HISTORY—OF—ZIONISM + its contradiction to THE—BELIEFS—OF—TORAH—TRUE—JEW s.
20050501             Demonstration Outside ISRAEL i Consulate, NEW—YORK—CITY
20050501             "THE—HOPES—OF—EUROPE—6—MILLION—JEW s are centered on emigration. I was asked, 'Can you bring 6—MILLION—JEW s to Palestine?'I replied, 'No'....From THE—DEPTHS—OF—THE—TRAGEDY I want to save 2—MILLION—YOUNG—PEOPLE...The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in 1—CRUEL—WORLD...Only THE—BRANCH—OF—THE—YOUNG shall survive...They have to accept it".
20050501             Holocaust Victims Accuse, pp 25.
20050501             Chaim Weizmann reporting to the Zionist Congress 19370000              on his testimony —BEFORE the Peel Commission in LONDON, 19370700            .
20050501             Cited in Yahya, p. 55.
20050501             —COINED, Given the fact that "terrorist" was, by THE—UK—PRESS to refer to THE—ISRAEL ies who dressed up as Arabs and bombed THE—KING—DAVID hotel, and given the long HISTORY—OF—MOSSAD and Zionists even turning against their own allies (USA—LIBERTY) for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—ISRAEL i State I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters + that ISRAEL i carried out 20010911              911—
20050501             ISRAEL—HAD no reservations in sacrificing its own citizens in the past, THE—ISRAEL ies who dressed as Arabs not only killed UK rulers, but also ISRAEL i citizens.
20050501             THE—FOX "X—FILES" SPIN—OFF show, "THE—LONE—GUNMAN" pilot episode had 1—PLOT about an passenger airline on remote control, without THE—KNOWLEDGE—OF—ITS—PILOTS, on it way to hit the W.T.C., which aired 20010300              + the fact that COLIN—POWELL personally delivered $43.5—MILLION to the Taliban 20010500              ;
20050501             show that Osama watches FOX + how he got the money!
20050501             —IMPLODED, That's if don't beleive the rotten buildings were, so its Jewish owner could double the money on his INVESTMENT—OF—3—MONTHS.
20050501             —NOW back to the 853,000 illegals Mexicans who made it across the border in a 3—MONTH—PERIOD as seen by USA s best HIGH—TECH—DRONE....
20050501             War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ingnorance is Strenght, 2+2=5..
20050501             I would strongly caution against blanket ANTI—SEMITIC hatred though, as it is self defeating + simply wrong.
20050501             —COLLUDED, These people know better than us, that Zionism, with the Nazis to the degree as to prevent them to peacefuly leave GERMANY, or the Zionist opposition to bomb the rail lines leading to the concetration camps.
20050501             The statement by 1—ZIONIST—LEADER—OF—THE—DAY that he valued 1—MILKING—COW in ISRAEL more than 1—WHOLE—JEWISH—FAMILY in GERMANY, reflected the prevailing Zionist attitudes about their brethrens.
20050501             —NEEDED, THE—ZIONIST—LEADERS, Jewish wictims as propaganda tools for the post war period.
20050501             —STOPPED, They have not, exploiting that tragedy to their own selfish purpose —EVER—SINCE.
20050501             —RECOGNIZED, This IS—OF—COURSE—1—BETRAYAL—OF—THE—HIGHEST—ORDER +, + condemned as such by the Torah Jew s + other anti Zionist Jew s.
20050501             These Jew s are recognizeable by their USAGE—OF—THE—MENORAH as their true peaceful symbol + their REJECTION—OF—THE—SO called 'STAR—OF—DAVID' (1—MISNOMER) as 1—BLASPHEMOUS—KABALLISTIC—SYMBOL—ORIGINATING from the Babilonian exile.
20050501             My point is, that we should see this conflict not simply as 1—JEW—GENTILE conflict but more as 1—CONFLICT bettween Zionism with its various New Age + Evangelical Cristian allies against traditional True Torah Jew s with their various traditional religious ALLIES—OF—ABRAHAMIC—FAITH.
20050501             (Yes, that includes religious Muslims as well.
20050501             —LIVED, Jew s has, peacefuly among the Muslims —THROUGHOUT the centuries + they respected EACH—OTHER.)
20050501             This CHRISTINAN—MUSLIM, JEWISH—MUSLIM conflict is completely artificial, created + incited by 1—ILLUMINIST—CABAL marching toward New World Order.
20050501             Their slogan is: Order OUT—OF—CHAOS.
20050501             What we have are USA—CROOKS working together with ISRAEL i crooks to make the world 1—MORE—HELLISH—PLACE and POPULATIONS—OF—SHEEP who keep putting the Demopublican + Likudnik scum into POSITIONS—OF—POWER—INSTEAD—OF—ONTO the business END—OF—1—ROPE.
20050501             1—GOOD—SOURCE to pick out SOME—PLAYERS is ASIS.
20050501             USA—SOCIETY—OF—INDUSTRIAL—SECURITY (don't ask me how I know ;~) ).
20050501             Long 1—HAUNT for old spooks, their yearly convention is 1—HOTBED—OF—COMPANIES who ply the trade.
20050501             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—BANCO Ambrosiano, ROBERTO—CALVI, was so tight with THE—VATICAN, he was known as "GOD—BANKER".
20050501             —DURING THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—SCANDAL—CALVI hanged himself, found beneath the Blackfriars Bridge in LONDON—ENGLAND, 2—DAYS—AFTER his SECRETARY committed suicide.
20050501             At 1., CALVI—DEATH was also thought to be suicide.
20050501             —CHARGED, But —MONDAY in ROME, 4—PEOPLE have been, with THE—GOD—BANKER—MURDER.
20050501             ITALY—INDICTMENTS—NAME—BUSINESSMAN—FLAVIO Carboni and his girlfriend MANUELA—KLEINSZIG with murder, along with alleged mafia associate Guiseppe Pippo Calo and businessman Ernesto Diotallevi.
20050501             Prosecutors —NOW say Calvi was laundering mafia money and that Calo ordered his murder.
20050501             Wackenhut Top Secret Military Bases. Security Force. Wackenhut.
20050501             —CALLED, FIDCO had 1—COMPANION company, Euramae Trading which operated.
20050501             T H E L A S T C I R C L E - DAVID—ICKE E~Magazine 20010400              Volume 23—T H E L A S T C I R C L E. By CAROL—MARSHALL.
20050501             CHAPTER 6. - At MICHAEL—RICONOSCIUTO—TRIAL in TACOMA WASHINGTON, PETER—VIDENIEKS testified that —WHILE working for the Justice Department he had contact with THE—PROMIS E software... THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is GEORGE—PENDER + BOB—MAHEU was VICE—PRESIDENT... " FIDCO was an NSC... Security Council] corporate cutout.
20050501             —CREATED, FIDCO was, to be the corporate vehicle.
20050501             THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is GEORGE—PENDER + BOB—MAHEU was VICE—PRESIDENT... profile + should have been above reproach.
20050501             THE—LAST—CIRCLE—THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is GEORGE—PENDER + BOB—MAHEU was VICE—PRESIDENT... + should have been above reproach.
20050501             Untitled Document... INTERNATIONAL company, 1. Intercontinental Development Corporation ( FIDCO ) that she said led her "straight to... of DIRECTORS—OF—FIDCO who included ROBERT—MAHEU—SNR, right hand man...
20050501             THE—LAST—CIRCLE—INTRODUCTION.
20050501             Yahoo! Groups : warmongrels Messages : 98—127—OF—423—YAHOO!
20050501             GROUPS—FREE, easy email groups... 1. Intercontinental Development Corporation.
20050501             ( FIDCO ) — 1—FIRM in which Nichols was a... BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—OF—FIDCO. who included ROBERT—MAHEU—SNR, right hand man of.
20050501             Development Corp. ( FIDCO ), 1—BUILDING/construction company... partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were MICHAEL—MCMANUS, then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN ;
20050501             ~~ THE—PLOT—THICKENS in PROMIS Affair ~~ (Part II—OF—IV) [Free Republic]In the 2. of a 4-part series, Insight investigates the relationships between 1—CONVICTED felon, 1—PROMINENT—USA—SECURITY—FIRM—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS + mobsters... Development Corp. ( FIDCO ), 1—BUILDING/construction company... partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were MICHAEL—MCMANUS, then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN ;
20050501             THE—PLOT—THICKENS in PROMIS Affair... Development Corp. ( FIDCO ), 1—BUILDING/construction company... corporate partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were.
20050501             MICHAEL—MCMANUS, then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN ; ROBERT—MAHEU, former.
20050501             Democratic Underground Forums - "Hotels/Casinos/INDIA—RESERVATIONS/CIA /Biological Warfare Labs"... Development Corp. ( FIDCO ), 1—BUILDING/construction company... corporate partners at FIDCO in the 1980s were.
20050501             at FIDCO in the 1980s were MICHAEL—MCMANUS then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN—ROBERT—MAHEU... + FIDCO were associated with USA...
20050501             AN OCTOPUS NAMED WACKENHUT : Sightings from THE—CATBIRD—SEAT 1—LOOK into the murky DEPTHS—OF—POLITICS + organized crime...
20050501             THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is GEORGE—PENDER + BOB—MAHEU was VICE—PRESIDENT... " FIDCO was an NSC... Security Council] corporate cutout.
20050501             Reformstau: POST—CHEF—ZUMWINKEL fürchtet 7—MILLIONEN Arbeitslose
20050501             BERLIN: Festnahmen und Verletzte bei MAI—KRAWALLEN
20050501             - VORSÄNGER—DIE Neandertaler waren nach einer neuen Studie keine affenähnlich, brüllenden Grobiane, sondern sensible Wesen mit hoher Stimme, die sich vielleicht sogar Lieder vorsangen.
20050501             Der ENGLAND—ARCHÄOLOGIEPROFESSOR STEPHEN—MITHEN leitet dies aus einer Untersuchung des Kehlkopfes der altsteinzeitlichen Menschenart ab.
20050501             Die Resultate zeigen eine intelligente Kreatur mit einem komplexen Gefühlsleben.
20050501             Es ist möglich, dass die Neandertaler mit einer Sprache und mit Gesang kommunizierten.
20050501             Seine Folgerungen aus einem VERGLEICH—DER—KEHLKÖPFE mit dem von modernen Menschen und Affen lauten: Die Stimmen der Neandertaler waren laut, vom Klang her eher weiblich.
20050501             Die Neandertaler müssen demnach zur Weitergabe von komplexen Ideen und sogar Spiritualität fähig gewesen sein.
20050501             Quelle: KRANTZ—ONLINE
20050501             Reuters
20050501             —STEPPED, WASHINGTON (Reuters ) - THE—WHITE—HOUSE, up its DEFENSE—OF—EMBATTLED REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—DELAY on —SUNDAY, disputing THE—MERIT—OF—ETHICS—ALLEGATIONS against the House majority leader AHEAD—OF—1—EXPECTED congressional probe.
20050501             - WHITE—HOUSE—CHALLENGES—DELAY—ALLEGATIONS—AHEAD—OF—PROBE (Reuters ) - - House ends ethics deadlock
20050501             Wolfy Screws the Pooch! | Democrats_COM—PUBLISHED on-, Democrats_com offered a $1,000 reward... And WOOD—BOOK—CLAIMING that Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld (as I recall...
20050501             Progressive, The, Skype kündigt TV—REVOLUTION an - NEW—YORK TIMES.
20050501             s letzter Ritt - "Ich bin eine verzweifelte Hausfrau" - SCHILLER: Das peinliche Genie
20050501             MAI—KUNDGEBUNGEN: MÜNTEFERING mit Eiern beworfen - Parents.
20050501             Hear what PRESIDENT—BUSH has to say +
20050501             view the ads in the Media Gallery from Sinaloa state
20050501             ( 0,45—SEKUNDEN) - NTI: Global SECURITY Newswire
20050501             —APPEARED, RICHARD Myers + PENTAGON budget CHIEF—DOV—ZAK—HEIM, —BEFORE the
20050501             the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk to THE—PERSIAN—GULF, THE—POST reported
20050501             —NOW consider Operation Northwoods:
20050501             In other words, USA—ALLIES + people within THE—USA—MILITARY—ESTABLISHMENT are not opposed to killing USA—AMERICANS, given THE—RIGHT—GOAL.
20050501             Read the story at THE—USS—LIBERTY—MEMORIAL—WEBSITE, at
20050501             Mirror of this page: /USSLIBERTY—LEWIS.txt
20050501             "BUSH said as he prepared to fly to campaign events in WISCONSIN.
20050501             "He was doing so with the intent of restarting his weapons —PROGRAM once THE—WORLD looked away".
20050501             Note that BUSH presents himself as 1—CLAIRVOYANT who can see into SADDAM—INNER thoughts.
20050501             —COINED, Given the fact that "terrorist" was, by THE—UK—PRESS to refer to the ISRAELies who dressed up as Arabs and bombed THE—DAVID—KING—OF— hotel, and
20050501             given the long HISTORY—OF—MOSSAD and Zionists even turning against their own allies (USA—LIBERTY) for THE—SAKE—OF—THE—ISRAEL—STATE
20050501             I can understand Hamas saying they're freedom fighters + that ISRAELi carried out 20010911 911
20050501             —KILLED, ISRAEL also, USA—ALLIES in their ATTACK—ON—THE—USA—LIBERTY, and drew AMERICAN—INTO attacking Libyia in the Lavon affair.
20050501             It is not well known, but there is 1—RECOGNITION in MANY—JEWISH—CIRCUITS, that Zionism causes grave danger to peaceloving observant JEWS.
20050501             This is where the real juice is —NOW, THE—MILITARY intel apparatus, along with the contractors like Blackwater USA, WACKENHUT (even though the old man is dead, the company only gets stronger), HALLIBURTON, Kellogg Brown & Root + others.
20050501             T H E L A S T C I R C L E - WACKENHUT - Top Secret MILITARy Bases.
20050501             SECURITY Force. WACKENHUT.
20050501             —DESCRIBED, THE—HISTORY—OF—WACKENHUT—CORPORATION is best, from its own literature
20050501             FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]had 1—COMPANION company called Euramae Trading which operated
20050501             CORPO—RATE cutout.
20050501             FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]was created to be THE—CORPO—RATE—VEHICLE
20050501             THE—LAST—CIRCLE—CHAPTER—6
20050501             THE—LAST—CIRCLE - Untitled Document
20050501             INTERNATIONAL company, 1. Intercontinental Development Corporation ( FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]) that she said led her "straight to
20050501             YAHOO! GROUPS—FREE, easy email groups - THE—LAST—CIRCLE—CHAPTER—7
20050501             CHAPTER—7, P.1. Through 1—OF—MICHAEL—CONTACTS, I was able to obtain THE—CORPO—RATE—DOCUMENTS  on FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]
20050501             Plot Thickens - Development CORPORATION ( FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]), 1—BUILDING/construction company
20050501             AFFAIR—PART 2 - Affair ~~ (Part II—OF—IV) [Free Republic
20050501             In the 2. of a 4—PART—SERIES, Insight investigates THE—RELATION—SHIPS between 1 convicted felon, 1—PROMINENT—USA—SECURITY—FIRM, GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS + mobsters
20050501             Affair - /BIOLOGICAL—WARFARE Labs"
20050501             —AT—FIDCO[F.I.DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIAO]in the 1980s were MICHAEL McManus then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN ROBERT Maheu
20050501             Sightings from THE—CATBIRD—SEAT
20050501             1—LOOK into the murky DEPTHS—OF—POLITICS + organized crime
20050501             Octopus III - Reformstau: POST—CHEF—ZUMWINKEL fürchtet 7—MILLIONEN Arbeitslose
20050501             SEXUAL—FORSCHUNG, ALKOHOL—WORTE steigern männliche Lust
20050501             MAI—KUNDGEBUNGEN: DGB wirft Wirtschaft Erpressung und MACHT—MISSBRAUCH vor
20050501             T H E L 1—S T C I R C L E The —FOLLOWING condensed VERSION—OF—THE—LAST—CIRCLE was provided 19961000              to 1—SECRET—INVESTIGATIVE—COMMITTEE—COMPRISED—OF—CONGRESS—PEOPLE, lawyers + FORMER—PRISONER—OF—WARS, at their request.
20050501             —DESCRIBED, THE—HISTORY—OF—WACKENHUT—CORPORATION is best, from its own literature... THE—CEO—OF—FIDCO is GEORGE—PENDER + BOB—MAHEU was VICE—PRESIDENT... profile + should have been above reproach.
20050501             ROBERT—MAHEU, FORMER—CHIEF...
20050501             Kriegsende 19450000              - —HEUTE—VOR—60—JAHREN: "Woina kaput!"
20050501             Progressive, The,
20050501—19450000    KRIEGS—ENDE, - —HEUTE VOR—60—JAHREN: "Woina kaput!"
20050501—19800000    —IN—THE, Octopus III.
20050501—19800000    —IN—THE, Plot Thickens... Development Corp. ( FIDCO ), 1—BUILDING/construction company... partners at FIDCO s were MICHAEL—MCMANUS, then 1—AIDE to PRESIDENT—REAGAN ;
20050506             --Quoted 20050501              NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20050506             [1](? ) - --Quoted 20050501              NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20050506             [1](? )
20050506—20050501    —QUOTED, NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20050506—20050501    [1](? )
20050704             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said 20050501             —HE—DAY have to cut ties with WASHINGTON.
20051106             —FROM : JACKSON—STEPHENS To: LOGIC—USERS@yahoogroups. com Date: 200105010003          ...
200512050149         —PM, #11 NYT: Rumsfeld Cites Contractor in PLANTING—OF—REPORTS in IRAQ—MEDIA, Rose Siding...
20060401—20060501    Informed Comment: Nabil AL—TIKRITI UNIVERSITY—OF—MARY—WASHINGTON...
20060404200501       21 "Our position would be —JUST because the bank owns 1—SAFETY—DEPOSIT—BOX doesn't mean the contents belong to the bank".
20060405             News stories do not specify his party registration, but 20060501. easily guess.
20060406             —REPORTED, It was, that RUSSIA—HEALTH and sanitary officials had imposed 1—BAN on Georgian and MOLDOVA—WINES—EFFECTIVE—20060501             ..
20060410             Common Stock||+stk|20060420             |20060424             |20060501             |+1—RESTRICTED SHARE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—ENERGY.
20060425             —WARNED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR—ACEVEDO—VILA, in 1—TELEVISED address that "Beginning next —MONDAY, 20060501             , THE—MAJORITY—OF—AGENCIES—OF—THE—CENTRAL—GOVERNMENT will not be able to operate".
20060426—20060501    —ON, 1—MEXICO—BOYCOTT urged people to shun all products from USA—BUSINESSES—1—SORT—OF "—DAY Without Americans," timed to coincide with the "—DAY Without Immigrants" boycott planned by activists NORTH—OF—THE—BORDER.
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105              20060824091603       —GMT, —THURSDAY A 2. suspect in 1 alleged plot to blow up GERMANY—TRAINS is arrested in LEBANON, 20060824093018       —GMT, —THURSDAY Diplomatic efforts are being stepped up in EUROPE
20060501             —SIGNED, AL—ARIAN, 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT—20060414              in which he admitted providing support to MEMBERS—OF—THE—PALESTINE—ISLAMIC—JIHAD.
20060501             [R]ELATIVES—OF—FLIGHT—93—PASSENGERS who heard the cockpit tape 20060418              at 1—PRINCETON hotel said government officials laid out 1—TIMETABLE for the crash in 1—BRIEFING and in 1—TRANSCRIPT that accompanied the recording.
20060501             —AFTER a 24-hour respite —FOLLOWING our participation in NEW—YORK CITY—HUGE 20060429              ANTI—WAR rally,
20060501             IRAQ—OIL—GANGS syphon off billions :: from www.uruknet_info :: news from occupied IRAQ—CH: "20060430              1—NEW—CLASS—OF—GRAND mafiosi sucking BILLIONS—OF—POUNDS—OUT—OF—IRAQ—VITAL—OIL—SECTOR is crippling efforts to rebuild the nation, according to 1—OFFICIAL—REPORT published in BAGHDAD. "
20060501             —IMPOSED, THE—EU, additional retaliatory sanctions valued at $9.1—MILLION against THE—USA in response to antidumping measures that were ruled illegal.
20060501             1—FLORIDA judge sentenced former professor SAMI—AL—ARIAN, 48—JAHRE—ALT to another —YEAR and 1—HALF in prison —BEFORE he will be deported in his terrorism conspiracy case.
20060501             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in cities across THE—USA for what organizers called "1—DAY—WITHOUT—IMMIGRANTS".
20060501             —ANNOUNCED, In THE—SF Bay Area KQED—OF—SF and KTEH—OF—S—JOSE, their merger under the name NORTH—CALIFORNIA Public Broadcasting.
20060501             —RELEASED, Pure Digital Technologies, its new $130—PURE—DIGITAL—POINT & Shoot Video Camcorder.
20060501             Workers —AROUND the world held May —DAY rallies to press for better factory conditions and higher wages in mostly peaceful marches.
20060501             Activists THE—PHILIPPINES used the holiday to show their opposition to their government in tense protests watched by police.
20060501             —ORDERED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, the oil and gas sector nationalized, threatening to evict foreign companies unless they cede control over production within 6—MONTHS.
20060501             —OPERATED, The biggest natural gas field was, by BRAZIL—STATE—OWNED—PETROBRAS.
20060501             1—POLICE officer was also killed.
20060501             1—OFFICIAL said 15—PEOPLE were killed.
20060501             —CONVICTED, INDONESIA, 3—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS were, and sentenced to prison for helping shelter SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—TOP—TERRORIST mastermind and financing bombings.
20060501             —ANNOUNCED, ISRAEL, interim PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, his Cabinet appointments, naming Tzipi Livni as vice premier and foreign MINISTER.
20060501             —RIOTED, Locals in Macao, in protests against outsiders, who were finding jobs —WHILE MANY—MIDDLE—AGED—MACANESE remained jobless.
20060501             The government of PUERTO—RICO ran OUT—OF—MONEY, forcing THE—USA—COMMONWEALTH to close public schools and shut down government offices, putting almost 100,000—PEOPLE OUT—OF—WORK.
20060501             —ATTACKED, RWANDA—HUTU rebels, 1—VILLAGE and 1—ARMY—CAMP in 1—RAID that left 7—RESIDENTS—DEAD.
20060501             Under pressure from THE—USA—REBELS in SUDAN—DARFUR region agreed to continue negotiations in NIGERIA with THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—AFTER rejecting 1—PEACE—PROPOSAL that would end 1—CONFLICT that has killed TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE.
20060501             —FIRED, TURKEY, police, pepper spray and tear gas to disperse demonstrators denouncing THE—IMF and THE—USA.
20060501             —ESTIMATED, An, 100,000 gathered in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, 400,000 in CHICAGO, 400,000 in LOS—ANGELES and some 75,000 in DENVER.
20060501             —BANNED, BELARUS, more than 1,000 protesters carrying, flags marched through MINSK to demand THE—RELEASE—OF—JAILED opposition leaders who had pledged to work for THE—REMOVAL—OF—PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO.
20060501             —FIRED, WEST—INDIA, police, bullets and tear gas to disperse battling MOBS—OF—HINDUS and Muslims, killing 2—PEOPLE as hundreds rioted —AFTER authorities demolished 1—SMALL—MUSLIM shrine.
20060501             —TOPPLED, SOUTH—INDIA, 1—TRUCK—CARRYING mangos, over, killing 20—WORKERS—RIDING on BOARD to unload them.
20060501             —EXPLODED, NORTH—INDIA, 1—SODIUM tank, at 1—PAPER—FACTORY—SPARKING—1—BLAZE that killed at least 9—NIGHTSHIFT workers and trapped hundreds more.
20060501             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS—SHOT and killed 1—PALESTINE—WOMAN and wounded her 2—DAUGHTERS—WHEN they fired on 1—WEST—BANK—HOUSE that 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD militant was hiding in.
20060501             1—DAY—LONG—PROTEST dubbed "1—DAY—WITHOUT—GRINGOS" drew THOUSANDS—OF—MEXICANS into the streets and kept MANY—AWAY from USA—OWNED supermarkets and FAST—FOOD—RESTAURANTS to support rallies in THE—USA—DEMANDING—IMMIGRATION—REFORM.
20060501             THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PUERTO—RICO ran OUT—OF—MONEY—FORCING—THE—USA—COMMONWEALTH to close public schools and shut down government offices, putting almost 100,000—PEOPLE—OUT—OF—WORK.
20060501             —KILLED, CONGO—TROOPS—6—REBELS—DURING—1—ATTACK at 1—ARMY—CAMP that also claimed THE—LIVES—OF—1—SOLDIER and his wife.
20060501             KRAWALL—RITUAL in Kreuzberg
20060501             —MONTAG, 20060501
20060501             News in SCIENCE—COFFEE makes us say 'yes' - 20060105
20060501             At the Enron Trial, Strange Stumbles Mar LAY—DEFENSE
20060501             WSJ_COM—AT the Enron Trial, Strange Stumbles Mar LAY—DEFENSE: " PAGE 1 [PETER—LATTMAN] PETER—LATTMAN blogs on the Enron trial from HOUSTON.
20060501             The calm, methodical terrier in Hueston.
20060501             Plus, MAC—THE (butter) knife and more, at WSJ_com Law Blog. advertisement —TODAY—MOST—POPULAR • DOLLAR—SLIDE—COULD—HURT—BONDS • USA—GAS—PRICES—HAVEN'T Cut Consumption • Red Sox Redux • Yahoo Launches
20060501             NEW—YORK City ANTI—WAR March
20060501             Wing TV—CONNECT THE—DOTS: "People as far as the eye could see in FRONT—OF—USA along Broadway in NEW—YORK City.
20060501             And behind us, along Broadway, people as far as the eye could see.
20060501             —FILLED, THE—STREETS—OF—NEW—YORK — SHUT—DOWN by law enforcement officials —, with protestors in opposition to the War in IRAQ (and other causes).
20060501             —COMMENTED, As 1—WOMAN — Julie from NEW—JERSEY — : it's 1—SEA—OF—HUMANITY!
20060501             IN—HORN—OF—AFRICAN—COUNTRIES: "Silent tsunami" threatens ETHIOPIA and neighboring countries
20060501             Kjell Magne Bondevik, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SPECIAL—HUMANITARIAN—ENVOY for THE—HORN—OF—AFRICA, said 8—MILLION—PEOPLE in the Horn need immediate aid and 7—MILLION—MORE are at risk if if donors do not come up with the funding.
20060501             Sent using R|mail.
20060501             —ALLOWED, USA ' Zarqawi to ESCAPE'—WORLD—THEAGE_com.au
20060501             IRAQ—OIL—GANGS syphon off billions :: from www.uruknet_info :: news from occupied IRAQ—CH
20060501             THE—WAR—AGAINST—SCIENCE
20060501             BlondeSense: THE—WAR—AGAINST—SCIENCE: "THE—WAR—AGAINST—SCIENCE"
20060501             JAZZ & HERITAGE FESTIVAL: BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN gives voice to KATRINA—VICTIMS' anger and pain
20060501             Decrying what he called "criminal ineptitude" in Hurricane KATRINA—WAKE, Springsteen on —SUNDAY jabbed at the political powers he deemed responsible for NEW—ORLEANS' slow recovery.
20060501             —RALLIED, All Basque trade unions, on their own but for CC.OO and UGT that joined in 1—MARCH.
20060501             Bloglines user bill.giltner@gmail_com Humint Events Online The 20010911             —HIJACKING—ATTACKS were very likely facilitated by 1—ROGUE group within THE—USA—GOVERNMENT that created 1—ISLAMIC—TERRORIST "Pearl Harbor" event as 1—CATALYST for the military INVASION—OF—MIDDLE—EASTERN—COUNTRIES.
20060501             This weblog will explore the incredibly strange events of 20010911             , and other
20060501             mparent7777: Ignoring Colbert: 1—SMALL—TASTE—OF—THE—MEDIA—POWER to Choose the News
20060501             SHAKESPEARE—SISTER
20060501             SHAKESPEARE—SISTER: " STEPHEN—COLBERT has Balls as Big as Church Bells "
20060501             —POPPED, The housing bubble has
20060501             SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE: CUBA—BOLIVIA and VENEZUELA sign trade pact Hoping to create 1—COUNTERWEIGHT to USA—INFLUENCE in Latin AMERICA, the leftist LEADERS—OF—CUBA, BOLIVIA and VENEZUELA on —SATURDAY endorsed their own socialist alternative for regional commerce and cooperation.
20060501             —GESCHLAGEN, Bush von Satiriker in die Flucht, Waterflake Das jährliche Korrespondent Dinner am —FREITAG nutzte der als Entertainer eingeladene Humorist STEPHEN—COLBERT als Möglichkeit Bush nach allen Regeln der Satirekunst vorzuführen.
20060501             Zum Ende seiner Vorstellung, berichten Reporter verließen GEORGE—W—BUSH und seine Frau mit einem sauren Lächlen die Party.
20060501             Nachtisch? Nein Danke!
20060501             New Microsoft browser raises GOOGLE—HACKLES
20060501             With a $10—BILLION advertising market at stake, Google, THE—FAST—RISING—INTERNET—STAR, is raising objections to the way that it says Microsoft, the incumbent POWERHOUSE—OF—COMPUTING, is wielding control over INTERNET searching in its new Web browser.
20060501             Google, which only —RECENTLY began beefing up.
20060501             VIRGINIA Market Turns To 'Buyers' Favor'
20060501             Inman News reports on VIRGINIA home sales.
20060501             "Home sales in VIRGINIA dropped for the 7. consecutive —MONTH in March, —WHILE HOME—PRICE—GROWTH returned to 1—MORE—NORMAL—PACE, according to THE—VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION—OF—REALTORS".
20060501             "Closed sales totaled 10,088 in March, down 12. - Priority Cell Phones for 1. Responders
20060501             —ANNOUNCED, Verizon has, that is has activated the Access Overload Control (ACCOLC) system, allowing SOME—CELL—PHONES to have priority access to the network, even —WHEN the network is overloaded.
20060501             If you are a 1. responder with 1—VERIZON phone.
20060501             Google searches for Microsoft limits
20060501             —EXPRESSED, NEW—YORK (CNNMoney_com) - Google has, concerns about competition from Microsoft in the Web search business in recent talks with the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, according to 1—PUBLISHED report.
20060501             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTS that Microsoft's (Research) new INTERNET browser.
20060501             COLBERT—ROUTINE: What Did Jeff "Skunk" BAXTER—THINK?
20060501             HERE—THE—MIDDLE—OF—COLBERT—SPEECH, —BEFORE the interminably long video and —AFTER THE—CROWD—PLEASING "Dick Cheney shot 1—GUY in the face" joke.
20060501             Shall we discuss the dinner entertainment?
20060501             Our analysis, —AFTER the jump.
20060501             There was the creepy Bush impersonator bit, which is...
20060501             —URGED, Clarke, to address Commons CHARLES—CLARKE must update the Commons on the hunt for 1,023 foreign criminals, the Conservatives say.
20060501             USA—IMMIGRANTS—STAGE boycott —DAY HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—USA—IMMIGRANT—WORKERS hold 1—DAY—OF—PROTESTS to show their importance to THE—USA.
20060501             BOLIVIA gas under STATE—CONTROL—BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—ORDERS—FOREIGN—FIRMS to hand over CONTROL—OF—GAS and oil sales as troops move into installations.
20060501             Workers in May —DAY march THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS from across THE—UK—MARCH to the traditional May —DAY trade union rally in CENTRAL—LONDON.
20060501             ASIA—MAY—DAY—SPARKS—HIGH—ALERTS—MAY—DAY rallies are held across ASIA, with police on high alert in THE—PHILIPPINES and INDONESIA.
20060501             Rocker angry at Katrina response BRUCE—SPRINGSTEEN criticises the response to Hurricane Katrina, citing the "criminal ineptitude" of politicians.
20060501             EU split over easing job access Several older EU member states are opening up their labour markets to workers from EAST—EUROPE.
20060501             Rebels 'would respect' NEPAL vote NEPAL—REBELS says they will respect THE—DECISIONS—OF—1—CONSTITUENT—ASSEMBLY if its elections are "free and fair".
20060501             BRITAIN 'needs compulsory voting' People should be forced to vote in UK elections to combat low turnout, 1—THINK—TANK suggests.
20060501             More species slide to extinction The polar bear, hippo and MANY—SHARKS are among species newly listed as threatened with extinction.
20060501             It's all about producing BETTER—TASTING pork chops.
20060501             Immigrants stand up to be counted Thousands in S—FRANCISCO join counterparts in big cities nationwide as part of "1—DAY without Immigrants" demonstration.
20060501             Housefly 1—MODEL for new WIDE—ANGLE lens Angled honeycomb DESIGN—OF—ARTIFICIAL compound eye similar to THAT—OF—THE—HOUSEFLY.
20060501             Wide RANGE—OF—USES—POSSIBLE, says researcher.
20060501             1—FOAM to protect against bomb blasts and car wrecks Blog: Metcomb Nanostructures is linking up with Jorg Wellnitz at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—APPLIED—SCIENCES in INGOLSTADT—GERMANY to come up...
20060501             Higher Education Fears Wiretapping Law
20060501             "INSTITUTIONS—OF—HIGHER—EDUCATION are up in arms over an FCC ruling on wiretapping they say could cost them BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in upgrades, expose their networks to more attacks + jeopardize rights to privacy and FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH. "
20060501             Is Coffee the Persuasion Bean?
20060501             "According to 1—AUSTRALIA—STUDY, our geek WONDER—DRINK—OF—CHOICE might turn us into YES—MEN.  "The experiments showed that "caffeine increases persuasion through instigating systematic PROCESSING—OF—THE—MESSAGE"". Apparently this has implications for the advertising world, "because it suggests that they should schedule adverts for times —WHEN people are likely to be consuming caffeine, such as breakfast time".".
20060501             According to the
20060501             USA Geological Survey, "Of the 193,000—METRIC—TONS—OF—GOLD discovered to date, 62% is found in —JUST 4—COUNTRIES on earth. All the gold discovered thus far would fit in 1—CUBE 22—METERS on 1—SIDE".
20060501             20 to 30—PERCENT—OF—THIS is held in bank vaults and the balance, 70 to 80—PERCENT, is mostly help privately in THE—FORM—OF—JEWELLERY, coins and bullion.
20060501             REMEMBER—AMERICA is borrowing at 1—ANNUAL—RATE—OF—ABOUT 1—TRILLION USA—DOLLARS per —YEAR from THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD to maintain its current lifestyle.
20060501             That alone, if it were to end, would put about a 10% dent in THE—USA—GDP.
20060501             It's going to get ugly.
20060501             That puts AMERICAN—NEAR THE—TOP—OF—1—LIST—OF—42—SAVINGS—SHORT—COUNTRIES—NECK and neck with PORTUGAL.
20060501             Other countries in the top 10—ARE THE—UK, CANADA and FRANCE, all heavy duty wealfare states.
20060501             THE—USA—DOLLAR as we know it will probably not exist —AFTER about THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NEXT—DECADE.
20060501             Over the next 25—30—YEARS about 75—MILLION—AMERICANS are expecting to retire.
20060501             What the do not know or choose not to think about is that most will live in destitution and/or not be able to retire.
20060501             —SUPPOSED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT spent all the funds that were, to be saved for their retirement and healthcare.
20060501             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT is basically broke.
20060501             Maybe IRAN poses 1—SERIOUS—NEAR—TERM—THREAT.
20060501             Maybe that country is being used as the latest straw man by belligerent cowboys running THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20060501             Either way, however, THE—QUALITY—OF—PROPAGANDA (in both directions) is —JUST top notch.
20060501             There are various POINTS—OF—CONTENTION over the new Universal movie, United Flight 93.
20060501             WAPO, for example,focuses on the extent to which HOLLYWOOD invented key PARTS—OF—THE—STORY.
20060501             Slate wonders whether Flight 93 + this 3. DRAMATIZATION—OF—IT, has been exploited as 20010911             'S "feel good" moment.
20060501             THE—NYT, among others, questions THE—INTENSITY—OF—THE—FILM, especially the trailer.
20060501             For THE—BAG—PART, the concern is over the use (or, overuse ) of Trade Center imagery.
20060501             I accept that the director and most people who were involved with the film had THE—BEST—OF—INTENTIONS.
20060501             It's 1—THING to use NEW—YORK as 1—PARTIAL—REFERENCE for what occurred in PENNSYLVANIA.
20060501             It's another thing, however, to take this SCALE—OF—LIBERTY.
20060501             (Flight 93 - Trailer - The results will shock you!
20060501             Rechtsextreme Aufmärsche: Randale in ROSTOCK, Courage in LEIPZIG
20060501             —DEMOS: Krawalle in Kreuzberg, Randale in ROSTOCK
20060501             —VERSTAATLICHT, Linksruck in BOLIVIEN: Morales, ÖL—UND Gasindustrie
20060501             So this is moving us toward 1—UNLIMITED executive power".
20060501             "There can't be judicial review if nobody knows about it," said NEIL—KINKOPF, 1—GEORGIA State law professor who was 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL in the Clinton administration.
20060501             ''And if they avoid judicial review, they avoid having their constitutional theories rebuked".
20060501             Without court involvement, only Congress can check 1—PRESIDENT who goes too far.
20060501             But BUSH—FELLOW—REPUBLICANS control both chambers, and they have shown limited interest in launching THE—KIND—OF—OVERSIGHT that could damage their party.
20060501             And in MANY—CASES—CRITICS contend, there is no way to know whether the administration is violating laws -- or merely preserving the right to do so.
20060501             Defenders say the fact that Bush is reserving the right to disobey the laws does not necessarily mean he has gone on to disobey them.
20060501             But it was not —UNTIL the mid-1980s, midway through THE—TENURE—OF—PRESIDENT—REAGAN, that it became common for THE—PRESIDENT to issue signing statements.
20060501             The change came about —AFTER THEN—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—EDWIN—MEESE decided that signing statements could be used to increase THE—POWER—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20060501             Golove said that to the extent Bush is interpreting the Constitution in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT—PRECEDENTS, he threatens to ''overturn the existing STRUCTURES—OF—CONSTITUTIONAL—LAW".
20060501             1—PRESIDENT who ignores the court, backed by 1—CONGRESS that is unwilling to challenge him, Golove said, can make the Constitution simply ''disappear".
20060501             BUSH—STATEMENT did more than send 1—THREATENING—MESSAGE to federal energy specialists inclined to raise concerns with Congress;
20060501             it also raised the possibility that Bush would not feel bound to obey similar WHISTLE—BLOWER laws that were on the books —BEFORE he became PRESIDENT.
20060501             —ON several other occasions, Bush contended he could nullify laws creating ''WHISTLE—BLOWER" job protections for federal employees that would stop ANY—ATTEMPT to fire them as punishment for telling 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS about possible government wrongdoing.
20060501             Bush is the 1. PRESIDENT in modern history who has never vetoed 1—BILL—GIVING—CONGRESS no chance to override his judgments.
20060501             —SIGNED, Instead, he has, EVERY—BILL that reached his desk, often inviting the legislation's sponsors to signing ceremonies at which he lavishes praise upon their work.
20060501             Then, —AFTER the media and the lawmakers have left THE—WHITE—HOUSE—BUSH quietly files ''signing statements" -- official documents in which 1—PRESIDENT lays out his legal INTERPRETATION—OF—1—BILL for the federal bureaucracy to follow —WHEN implementing the new law.
20060501             —RECORDED, The statements are, in the federal register.
20060501             —ASSERTED, In his signing statements, Bush has repeatedly, that the Constitution gives him the right to ignore numerous SECTIONS—OF—THE—BILLS -- sometimes including provisions that were THE—SUBJECT—OF—NEGOTIATIONS with Congress in order to get lawmakers to pass the bill.
20060501             —APPENDED, He has, such statements to more than 1—OF—EVERY 10—BILLS he has signed.
20060501             "He agrees to 1—COMPROMISE with MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS + ALL—OF—THEM are there for 1—PUBLIC—BILL—SIGNING—CEREMONY, but then he takes back those compromises -- + more often than not, without the Congress or the press or the public knowing what has happened," said CHRISTOPHER—KELLEY, 1—MIAMI UNIVERSITY—OF—OHIO political science professor who studies executive power.
20060501             For the 1. 5—YEARS—OF—BUSH—PRESIDENCY, his legal claims attracted little attention in Congress or the media.
20060501             Then, twice in recent months, Bush drew scrutiny —AFTER challenging new laws: 1—TORTURE—BAN and 1—REQUIREMENT that he give detailed reports to Congress about how he is using the Patriot Act.
20060501             MANY—LEGAL—SCHOLARS say they believe that BUSH—THEORY about his own powers goes too far and that he is seizing for himself SOME—OF—THE—LAW—MAKING—ROLE—OF—CONGRESS and THE—CONSTITUTION—INTERPRETING—ROLE—OF—THE—COURTS.
20060501             Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, AFFIRMATIVE—ACTION provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, ''WHISTLE—BLOWER" protections for nuclear regulatory officials + safeguards against political interference in federally funded research.
20060501             Legal scholars say the scope and AGGRESSION—OF—BUSH—ASSERTIONS that he can bypass laws represent 1—CONCERTED effort to expand his power at THE—EXPENSE—OF—CONGRESS—UPSETTING the balance between THE—BRANCHES—OF—GOVERNMENT.
20060501             THE—CONSTITUTION is clear in assigning to Congress the power to write the laws and to THE—PRESIDENT—1—DUTY ''to take care that the laws be faithfully executed". Bush, however, has repeatedly declared that he does not need to ''execute" 1—LAW he believes is unconstitutional.
20060501             Former administration officials contend that —JUST because Bush reserves the right to disobey 1—LAW does not mean he is not enforcing it: In MANY—CASES, he is simply asserting his belief that 1—CERTAIN—REQUIREMENT encroaches on presidential power.
20060501             But with THE—DISCLOSURE—OF—BUSH—DOMESTIC—SPYING—PROGRAM, in which he ignored 1—LAW—REQUIRING—WARRANTS to tap THE—PHONES—OF—AMERICANS, MANY—LEGAL—SPECIALISTS say Bush is hardly reluctant to bypass laws he believes he has the constitutional authority to override.
20060501             Far more than ANY—PREDECESSOR, Bush has been aggressive about declaring his right to ignore vast SWATHS—OF—LAWS -- many of which he says infringe on power he believes the Constitution assigns to him alone as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH or THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—MILITARY.
20060501             Asked where they would place this hoax in THE—LIST—OF—HOAXES that have been perpetrated —THROUGHOUT history, Putnam and JOHN—EDWIN—WOOD both say "at the top".
20060501             The stature and THE—ATHLETICISM—OF—THE—GROUP—SHOW that they were fit, healthy and well nourished.
20060501             —ARRIVED, —WHEN humans, at the lakes —AROUND 50,000BC, the land would have been lush, the freshwater lakes brimming with perch, cod, mussels and crayfish.
20060501             As well as kangaroos and other game, there would have been plentiful waterfowl to hunt.
20060501             But by the time these footprints were made, the climate had begun to change, becoming less hospitable as the Ice Age took hold.
20060501             The world was becoming cooler, but this fertile area was turning to desert.
20060501             —EXPANDED, As glaciers, at the poles, they tied up huge VOLUMES—OF—WATER—CAUSING—SEA—LEVELS across the Earth to drop, to 100—METRES below —TODAY—LEVEL.
20060501             The smaller oceans and cooler air meant less evaporation and —THEREFORE less rain, so the lakes were drying out, on their way to being the desiccated mud flats they are —TODAY.
20060501             —DRIED, This earth, for good soon —AFTER the group passed by, allowing their footprints to survive, 1—TOUCHINGLY human link with 1—DAY in THE—LIFE—OF—OUR ancestors
20060501             —SUPPOSED, They weren't, to be there — 1—COLLEAGUE had taken them to THE—DULL—LOOKING clay pan by mistake — but Webb thought it would still make good fieldwork practice for his students.
20060501             —UNEARTHED, More than 150—ICE—AGE—HUMAN burials had been, in the area, as well as THE—BONES—OF—NOW—EXTINCT animals.
20060501             However, —AFTER YEARS—OF—WATCHING—SCIENTISTS take artefacts and remains away to museums and universities elsewhere, THE—ELDERS—OF—LOCAL—TRIBES had placed 1—MORATORIUM on excavations.
20060501             Webb and his colleagues had only —RECENTLY won back their trust.
20060501             "Is this 1—FOOTPRINT?" asked MARY—PAPPIN—JR, a 26—YEAR—OLD—MEMBER—OF—THE—LOCAL—MUTTHI Mutthi tribe.
20060501             "Christ, it is," replied Webb.
20060501             —SPOTTED, They quickly, 2 or 3—MORE prints, which had been exposed as the wind eroded the dunes.
20060501             —REVEALED, Painstaking excavation has —SINCE, 450—MORE, as well as what appear to be spear holes in the ground and THE—TRACKS—OF—KANGAROOS and emus.
20060501             This is perhaps only an 8. of the total, the rest still covered by dunes, but it is already the largest COLLECTION—OF—ICE—AGE—FOOTPRINTS discovered anywhere in the world, laden with information about the group's physiology, hunting tactics and social behaviour.
20060501             "It's really quite 1—REMARKABLE find," said MATTHEW—CUPPER, 1—ARCHEOLOGIST at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MELBOURNE who has been studying the prints.
20060501             "It's 1—LITTLE snapshot in time. The possibilities are endless
20060501             in TERMS—OF—GETTING—1—WINDOW into past Aboriginal society".
20060501             7—STAGES—OF—MAN - 3.2—MILLION BC
20060501             'Lucy' LIVED—AN UPRIGHT—WALKING hominid, Lucy became man's oldest discovered ancestor by almost 1m years —WHEN her skeleton (above) was uncovered
20060501             —DURING this epoch, vast ice sheets advanced and retreated 4—TIMES over THE—EARTH—MOUNTAINOUS—AREAS and northerly latitudes.
20060501             Humans began to migrate OUT—OF—AFRICA, from where it is widely believed they originated, and into EUROPE and ASIA towards THE—END—OF—THE—EPOCH.
20060501             50,000BC—HUMANS arrive in the Willandra Lakes area
20060501             —ARRIVED, MANY—ARCHEOLOGISTS believe that humans 1., in AUSTRALIA in canoes from SOUTH—EAST—ASIA, —DURING 1—TIME—WHEN water levels were lower and the dividing sea narrower.
20060501             20,000BC—WILLANDRA Lakes footprints made
20060501             The largest COLLECTION—OF—PLEISTOCENE—ERA—FOOTPRINTS yet discovered, they provide insights into the anatomy and BEHAVIOUR—OF—HUNTER—GATHERERS.
20060501             17,000BC—LASCAUX wall paintings made in SOUTH—WEST—FRANCE
20060501             8,000BC—THE—ICE—AGE—ENDS + the current geological period, the Holocene epoch, begins
20060501             —EMERGED, Agricultural civilisations, soon —AFTER.
20060501             —REFERRED, THE—HOLOCENE is sometimes, to as THE—AGE—OF—MAN: although Homo sapiens evolved —BEFORE THE—START—OF—THE—HOLOCENE, all recorded human history falls within it.
20060501             3,000-1,500BC—THE—BUILDING—OF—STONEHENGE
20060501             —ESTIMATED, Construction took an, 30m MAN—HOURS.
20060501             But this movie is worth 1—LOOK.
20060501             THE—DVDS are available online.
20060501             CHIEF—PLOWER—OF—ENGINE—331—FROM the Metropolitan WASHINGTON Airport Authority saw the Pentagon damage.
20060501             —CANCELLED, He agreed to appear on vonKleist's radio show, but, 1—HOUR—BEFORE air time.
20060501             —SCHEDULED, THE—2—FIREFIGHTERS, to appear with him were placed on indefinite leave.
20060501             Perhaps if 1—TORNADO can drive 1—PIECE—OF—HAY straw through 1—GLASS—WINDOW—1—BOEING—757 can get its 124' 10" frame through a 16-foot hole.
20060501             However, the material weaves 1—FABRIC—OF—PLAUSIBILITY.
20060501             —ON THE—MORNING—OF—20010911             , vonKleist and his wife, Joyce Reilly, were doing their 7-10 a.m. radio show from VERSAILLES—MONTANA.
20060501             The north tower had already been hit —WHEN they got the news. vonKleist told his listeners to save their VIDEOTAPES—OF—THE—INCIDENT.
20060501             —LATER, he requested his audience to send the tapes to his studio.
20060501             "I found 1—COUPLE—OF—THINGS on those tapes that —JUST blew me away," he says.
20060501             SOME—OF—THE—DISCREPANCIES between the official story and what vonKleist turns to as EVIDENCE—OF—1—POTENTIAL—CONSPIRACY are:
20060501             * THE—PRESENCE—OF—UNUSUAL topography on THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—AIRPLANES, which could be 1—MISSLE launcher.
20060501             * The unusual engine patterns on the planes, not INDICATIVE—OF—THE—TYPE—OF—THE—PLANES they were supposed to be.
20060501             * THE—TYPE—OF—PLANE that crashed into the Pentagon could not have made such 1—SMALL—HOLE in the wall.
20060501             —SURFACED, This originally, on 1—FRANCE—WEBSITE called Hunt the Boeing.
20060501             The roof didn't collapse —UNTIL—AFTER the fire departments arrived.
20060501             —UNDAMAGED, There are, computer terminals and 1—WOODEN stool with 1—UNSINGED book open on it.
20060501             There was no crater —AROUND the wall where the explosion occurred.
20060501             —REQUIRED, We have heard no ACCOUNTS—OF—ENVIRONMENTAL cleanup, for the 8,600 GALLONS—OF—AIRPLANE—FUEL that would have been spilled.
20060501             * Video footage released from the only security camera on that wall at the Pentagon shows 1—EXPLOSION but no plane.
20060501             No video footage taken by internal cameras, theoretically recording the world's most secure building, captured the explosion.
20060501             1—VIDEO—CAMERA from 1—NEARBY—GAS—STATION was "reported" to have been confiscated by government authorities.
20060501             * Flight 93, 1—BOEING—767, which supposedly crashed in 1—PENNSYLVANIA field, was reported by WCPO—TV—CHANNEL 9 in CINCINNATI—OHIO to have landed at the local CLEVELAND Hopkins INTERNATIONAL airport.
20060501             The plane was THE—SUBJECT—OF—1—BOMB scare and the passengers were detained —WHILE it was investigated at 9:43 a.m. eastern time.
20060501             —CRASHED, Flight 93—REPORTEDLY, in the field at 10 a.m. in PENNSYLVANIA.
20060501             —REMOVED, WCPO has, the story with 1—NOTE that it is factually incorrect.
20060501             * Tower 3 was purposefully brought down —JUST hours —AFTER it was structurally compromised by THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—OTHER—2—TOWERS.
20060501             Operations such as that take weeks to plan and execute, suggesting that the charges were in place —BEFORE the 3. tower was brought down.
20060501             * GEORGE—BUSH supposedly referred to seeing the 1. plane fly into the 1. tower, —WHEN the footage captured by 1—PRIVATE—SECTOR—FILM crew that showed the 1. crash would not be available for weeks.
20060501             * Arab hijackers are supposedly speaking to EACH—OTHER in broken ENGLAND—TOWARD THE—END—OF—THE—FLIGHT—93—DEBACLE.
20060501             vonKleist maintains that they would have spoken in Arabic rather than another language if they were really Arabic.
20060501             Experts disagree, eyewitness accounts differ... but does the film lie?
20060501             New sources frequently report something in haste only to get it wrong.
20060501             Experts disagree.
20060501             THE—BUSH—FAMILY is reportedly 1—HUGE—INVESTOR in the Carlyle Group, and Bush SENIOR reportedly 1—FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THAT—GROUP.
20060501             THE—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN family was flown OUT—OF—THE—USA—UNDER tight security
20060501             —ON 6—CHARTERED airplanes. Cracking THE—CULT—OF—HACKERS
20060501             "In the early days, it was all about ego. At that time, hackers —JUST wanted to prove they were smart," said STUART—MCCLURE, HEAD—OF—MCAFEE—AVERT—LABS.
20060501             "—TODAY, hacking is absolutely predominantly financial. Everything is driven by financial gain".
20060501             Rumors rewrite BARD—LIFE
20060501             But THE—BARD—REPUTATION is taking SOME—HITS in this —MILLENNIUM, with 1—ARRAY—OF—CLAIMS and speculation about his life -- the most shocking that Shakespeare was the love CHILD—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—ROYALTY.
20060501             DAVE—VONKLEIST—EXPLORES—ANOTHER—SIDE—OF—20010911
20060501             At 1., Dave vonKleist seems like 1—OF—THOSE guys that sells salad spinners, ginsu knives or vacuum cleaners at THE—MISSOURI STATE—FAIR in Sedalia.
20060501             But —AFTER viewing his movie "911 In Plane Sight," 1—WINDS up believing he —JUST could be right!
20060501             Polk puts on dramatic HIGH—WIRE act in court
20060501             —WHEN SUSAN—POLK gave her opening statement last —WEEK in her murder trial, experts agreed she scored points with jurors by stressing that she was THE—VICTIM—OF—1—CONTROLLING, abusive husband whom she killed in SELF—DEFENSE.
20060501             But —WHEN she invoked HARRISON—FORD movies and STEPHEN—KING thrillers, said she believed in fairies and claimed to be 1—PSYCHIC who predicted 20010911             —THE, terror attacks, courtroom observers shook their heads and wondered if there would be ANY—END to her outlandish theories, absurd claims and odd courtroom antics.
20060501             THE—PRIORY—OF—SION
20060501             To follow THE—TRAIL—OF—THE—PRIORY—OF—SION, you 1. need to go to 1—SMALL—REMOTE—VILLAGE in THE—FOOTHILLS—OF—THE—FRANCE—PYRENEES called RENNES le Chateau and to go —BACK—IN time more than 100—YEARS.
20060501             It was here that the Priory was said to have had 1—MYSTERIOUS—INFLUENCE on the village priest, Berenger Sauniere, who spent money on 1—SCALE that was way beyond his means.
20060501             —STARTED, They, digging —IN—EARLY—MARCH and almost —IMMEDIATELY made 1—OF—THEIR—BEST finds in recent years.
20060501             1—LONG—BURIED WALL—OF—THE—CONVENT has been uncovered.
20060501             —CROSSED, Further, the site is, by 1—LARGE—DRAINAGE—PIPE—CONFIRMATION that interest in preserving ancient ruins is fairly new.
20060501             However, —NOW quite visible is a 20—FOOT—WIDE—ROAD, as well as the walls and floors of at least 3—HOUSES.
20060501             In 1—HOUSE—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have been able to identify 1—UNDER—THE—FLOOR thermal heating system.
20060501             And across the site, coins and ceramic shards have been found.
20060501             —INHABITED, Further, this area was, long enough for stone walls to replace —EARLIER adobelike CLAY—AND—WOOD—BUILDING—MATERIAL.
20060501             THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—SUCH finds, of course, is what they reveal about —EARLIER times.
20060501             It is known that early settlers —AROUND the Île de la Cité burned their houses —BEFORE they were conquered by 1—ROMAN legion under Labienus in 52—B.C. But in the decades that followed, 1—NEW—TOWN was built on the Left Bank, which eventually had 1—POPULATION—OF—12,000 to 20,000.
20060501             Then, —AFTER the 1. barbarian incursions in A.D. 253, the population apparently withdrew from THE—HILL—OF—SAINTE—GENEVIÈVE and sought refuge behind new walls on the Île de la Cité, which was called PARIS, borrowing THE—NAME—OF—THE—ANCIENT—GALLIC—PARISII tribe.
20060501             Thus, because the archaeologists have found no TRACES—OF—OCCUPATION—OF—THE—SITE between the 4. and 17. centuries, they have been able to confirm that even 1—AREA—LITTLE—MORE than 1—MILE from the Seine was long considered insecure for habitation.
20060501             "It was 1—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—THE—AUGUSTAN period," explained DIDIER—BUSSON, the architect in CHARGE—OF—THE—DIG.
20060501             "It may have been founded by Gauls who had been in the Roman army and settled here, bringing with them their EXPERIENCE—OF—BUILDING".
20060501             But THE—REST—OF—YOU, what are you thinking, reporting on NSA wiretapping or secret prisons in EAST—EUROPE?
20060501             Those things are secret for 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—REASON: they're SUPER—DEPRESSING.
20060501             And if that's your goal, well, misery accomplished.
20060501             Over the last 5—YEARS you people were so good -- over tax cuts, WMD intelligence, THE—EFFECT—OF—GLOBAL—WARMING.
20060501             We Americans didn't want to know + you had the courtesy not to try to find out.
20060501             Those were good times, as far as we knew.
20060501             Colbert Does THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENTS' dinner: Crooks and Liars has SOME—VIDEO.
20060501             Here's the transcript.
20060501             —NOW, I know there are SOME—POLLS out there saying this man has a 32% approval rating.
20060501             But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls.
20060501             We know that polls are —JUST 1—COLLECTION—OF—STATISTICS that reflect what people are thinking in "reality".
20060501             And reality has 1—WELL—KNOWN—LIBERAL—BIAS.
20060501             SPAIN destroys lost Roman city for 1—CAR—PARK—EXTREMELY depressing.
20060501             Bush challenges HUNDREDS—OF—LAWS
20060501             Chimpy McCokespoon thinks he's above the law. Big Surprise.
20060501             —CLAIMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH has quietly, the authority to disobey more than 750—LAWS enacted —SINCE he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside ANY—STATUTE passed by Congress —WHEN it conflicts with his INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION.
20060501             Cesarean section's ancient history
20060501             References to C—SECTIONS go back THOUSANDS—OF—YEARS.
20060501             —REMOVED, Early CHINA—DRAWINGS depict newborns being, from openings in their mother's abdomens.
20060501             —BELIEVED, Ancient Greeks, the sun god Apollo ripped his son Asclepius from his dying mother's belly.
20060501             A Preface to PARIS: New Clues to THE—ROMAN—LEGACY
20060501             —ON 1—LEFT Bank hillside, which carries THE—NAME—OF—SAINTE—GENEVIEVE, the patron S—OF—PARIS, FRANCE—ARCHAEOLOGISTS have found REMNANTS—OF—1—ROAD and several houses dating back some 2,000 years to —WHEN ROME ruled Gaul.
20060501             TV—B—GONE—HATE TVs in bars and restaurants? Try TV—B—GONE!
20060501             How Did Human Remains End Up MILES—FROM—FLIGHT 93's Crash Site?
20060501             1—MORE—LOGICAL—EXPLANATION is that people inside the plane were sucked out BECAUSE—OF—1—SUDDEN—DEPRESSURISATION.
20060501             —REPORTED, Relatives —LATER, they heard SOUNDS—OF—1—ON—BOARD—STRUGGLE—BEGINNING at 9:58 a.m., but there was 1—FINAL "rushing sound" at 10:03 + the tape fell silent.
20060501             [PHILADELPHIA Daily News, 20020916             ]
20060501             —OCCURRED, The "rushing sound" indicates 1—DEPRESSURISATION.
20060501             1—REASON for the depressurisation: "I—KNOW—OF—2—PEOPLE - I will not mention NAMES—THAT heard 1—MISSILE," Stuhl said.
20060501             "They both live very close, within 1—COUPLE—OF—100—YARDS...This 1—FELLOW—SERVED in VIETNAM and he says he's heard them + he heard 1—THAT—DAY".
20060501             —BASED, The mayor adds that, on what he knows about that —MORNING, military F—16—FIGHTER—JETS were "very, very close".
20060501             [phillynews_com, 20011115             ] - Corroborative evidence?
20060501             —SUPPOSED, Are we, to believe that hijackers armed with only box cutters forced 1—ANGRY—MOB to jump from the plane seconds —BEFORE the crash?
20060501             —SUPPOSED, Or are we, to believe that people simply felt compelled to jump from the plane?
20060501             If the official story is true then people jumping from the plane is the only way human remains could have been found miles from Flight 93's crash site.
20060501             THE—NORTH—IRAQ—CITIES—OF—AMEDI and Zaho, sheltering Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) militants, were hit with mortar attacks in "Operation Crescent".
20060501             IRAQ Concerned Over TURKEY—INVASION:
20060501             —PENETRATED, So far, THE—TURKEY—MILITARY was said to have, 10—KILOMETERS into IRAQ in the operation against the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK
20060501             Kurdistan: Dangerous Passage : Could another front be opening in THE—IRAQ war?
20060501             Over recent weeks, some 200,000 TURKEY—TROOPS, backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, have massed along the mountainous border with IRAQ.
20060501             Trucks passing from TURKEY, ferrying the imported goods and foodstuffs that are THE—LIFEBLOOD—OF—THE—KURDISH—ECONOMY, have slowed from 1,000 1—DAY to —JUST 1—COUPLE—OF—100.
20060501             —ACCUSED, IRAN 'attacks IRAQ Kurdish area' : IRAQ has, IRAN—FORCES—OF—ENTERING—IRAQ—TERRITORY and shelling Kurdish rebel positions in the north.
20060501             'Don't attack us or else,' Kurdish guerrillas warn IRAN : Lodged in NORTH—IRAQ in 1—AREA flanked by NATO—MEMBER—TURKEY and WASHINGTON—FOE IRAN, ELEMENTS—OF—THE—SEPARATIST—KURDISTAN Workers' Party (PKK) have accused TEHERAN—OF—ATTACKING their encampments.
20060501             Powell Says He Urged Bush to Send More Troops to IRAQ : Powell, in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—BRITAIN—ITV1, says he gave the advice to —NOW—RETIRED GENERAL—TOMMY—FRANKS, who planned THE—IRAQ invasion, Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD and MISTER—BUSH.
20060501             'I—DEMAND—1—TIMETABLE' : Moqtada AL—SADR on war, peace and occupation.
20060501             Bush Warns of 'More DAYS—OF—SACRIFICE' : PRESIDENT—BUSH warned in his weekly radio ADDRESS—OF—TOUGH—FIGHTING to come and "more DAYS—OF—SACRIFICE and struggle" in IRAQ as April drew to 1—CLOSE as the deadliest —MONTH for USA—FORCES this —YEAR.
20060501             Fallout From USA—STRIKES:
20060501             In 1—REPORT to be —POSTED on THE—IAEA—WEB—SITE this —WEEK, the agency states that about 1,000 IRAQ—MEN—WOMEN and children in 1—VILLAGE—NEAR—THE—FORMER—TUWAITHA nuclear research facility are living inside 1—AREA contaminated by radioactive residue and ruin.
20060501             "I can only guess that 1—LOT—OF—THE—DAMAGE at Tuwaitha was from bombing,"
20060501             † TENS—OF—THOUSANDS in NEW—YORK march against the war in IRAQ: TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANTIWAR protesters marched —YESTERDAY through Manhattan to demand 1—IMMEDIATE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ —JUST hours —AFTER 1—USA—SOLDIER, in 1—ROADSIDE explosion in BAGHDAD -- the 70. USA—FIGHTER killed in that country this —MONTH.
20060501             —REJECTED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, the offer.
20060501             IRAN says digging in for confrontation over nuclear programme : IRAN has said it was digging in for 1—CONFRONTATION with the West over its disputed nuclear programme, vowing that neither UN Security Council resolutions nor USA—MILITARY action could force 1—CLIMBDOWN.
20060501             'IRAN will face music' says Powell : He said the Security Council was only likely to be able to agree on a "quite limited" RANGE—OF—SUCH measures against the regime.
20060501             IRAN holds the trump card in oil game : As the crisis escalates, WASHINGTON—DIPLOMATIC—PARTNERS will become gravely worried about their energy supplies.
20060501             New oil shock ahead as $100—SPIKE looms : The growing INTERNATIONAL crisis over IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME could trigger 1—CATASTROPHIC—OIL—PRICE spike, sending crude prices over $100 1—BARREL, senior WALL—STREET—ANALYSTS are warning.
20060501             CHINA threatens to veto sanctions against IRAN : CHINA has threatened to veto ANY—PROPOSAL to impose sanctions on IRAN if it does not give up its quest for nuclear power.
20060501             This will split THE—UNITED—NATIONS as it meets this —WEEK to discuss how to handle the standoff.
20060501             1—RELIABLE—PROPHET—OF—DOOM : I believe that GEORGE—BUSH is 1—PROPHET.
20060501             But not —JUST ANY—OLD prophet.
20060501             1—SPECIAL—KIND — 1—WHOSE actions bring about the very things he claims will happen, albeit without ANY—RECOGNITION—OF—HIS—ROLE in causing them to occur.
20060501             He is, —THEREFORE, 1—SELF—FULFILLING prophet. Let me explain.
20060501             Bush praises AZERBAIJAN—PRESIDENT, despite spotty record: The meeting demonstrated the difficulty the administration faces as it seeks to maintain USA—ACCESS to oil and gas supplies from countries that may be unstable or unreliable, often BECAUSE—OF—CORRUPTION or HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20060501             Thousands Protest TURKEY—PLANS—TO—BUILD—NUCLEAR—PLANT:
20060501             —RALLIED, Thousands, in TURKEY—BLACK—SEA—COASTAL—CITY—OF—SINOP on —SATURDAY to protest government plans to build the country's 1. nuclear power plant there
20060501             TURKEY—ISRAEL make undersea connections: Leaders in ISRAEL and TURKEY envision 1—NETWORK—OF—4—UNDERWATER pipelines for transporting RUSSIA—OIL and natural gas, with feeder lines to JORDAN, THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY and LEBANON.
20060501             Haniya: PALESTINE—PRESIDENT has the right to negotiate with ANY—PARTY : PALESTINE—PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAEL—HANIYA said on —SUNDAY that his government will not appose ANY—NEGOTIATIONS spearheaded by PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS with ANY—PARTY—INCLUDING—ISRAEL.
20060501             Syria begins national campaign to gather money for Palestinians : Syria began 1—WEEKLONG campaign on —SUNDAY to collect money for the Palestinians, —FOLLOWING 1—VISIT by THE—PALESTINE—FOREIGN—MINISTER 10—DAYS ago.
20060501             —EXPECTED, Why are the Palestinians, to take the blame?
20060501             —EXPECTED, How long is 1—SANE man, to sit on his hands —WHILE his enemy slaps him in the face?
20060501             —ENDURED, THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE have, 1—PROLONGED aggression by 1—PARIAH state + yet the world not only expects them to sit on their hands, the world blames them for it.
20060501             SUDAN agrees to deal on Darfur : THE—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT has accepted 1—PEACE—DEAL brokered by the African Union (AU) —AFTER talks in NIGERIA, but the rebels say they still have reservations over the deal.
20060501             —SIGNED, CUBA—BOLIVIA, VENEZUELA Reject USA—TRADE : BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT, 1—PACT with CUBA and VENEZUELA on —SATURDAY rejecting USA—BACKED free trade and promising 1—SOCIALIST—VERSION—OF—REGIONAL—COMMERCE and cooperation.
20060501             BOLIVIA Ready to Recover National Resources, Says Evo Morales: In 1—KEYNOTE address, THE—BOLIVIA—LEADER noted it is important to free the country's natural resources from foreign domination, assuring that his government is organized and prepared to recover those resources from the oil companies, which have caused great damage to BOLIVIA.
20060501             EGYPT extends emergency law: THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, the strongest opposition force, said there was no justification for extending the law, which Hosni Mubarak, THE—PRESIDENT—LAST—YEAR promised to substitute with ANTI—TERRORISM—LEGISLATION.
20060501             USA trying to halt suit against NSA: It's official: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION formally said —FRIDAY that it will try to halt 1—LAWSUIT that accuses AT&T—OF—HELPING the National Security Agency spy on Americans illegally.
20060501             In leak cases, new pressure on journalists : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is putting pressure on the press as never —BEFORE + it is operating in 1—JUDICIAL—CLIMATE that seems increasingly receptive to constraints on journalists.
20060501             —ISSUED, Data Show How Patriot Act Used: THE—FBI, THOUSANDS—OF—SUBPOENAS to banks, phone companies and INTERNET providers —LAST—YEAR, aggressively using 1—POWER enhanced under the Patriot Act to monitor THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—USA—CITIZENS, Justice Department data released late —FRIDAY showed.
20060501             Congress may consider mandatory ISP snooping : It didn't take long for THE—IDEA—OF—FORCING—INTERNET—PROVIDERS to retain RECORDS—OF—THEIR—USERS' activities to gain traction in THE—USA—CONGRESS.
20060501             WILLIAM—PFAFF: Why EUROPE should reject USA—MARKET—CAPITALISM : In THE—USA, the new MODEL—OF—CORPORATE—BUSINESS has evolved toward 1—FORM—OF—CRONY capitalism, in which business and government interests are often corruptly intermingled, the system resistant to reform BECAUSE—OF—THE—FINANCIAL—DEPENDENCE—OF—BOTH major political parties on contributed money.
20060501             Noam Chomsky: Failed States: We began by considering 4—CRITICAL—ISSUES that should rank high on THE—AGENDA—OF—THOSE concerned with the prospects for 1—DECENT—FUTURE.
20060501             2—OF—THEM are literally MATTERS—OF—SURVIVAL: nuclear war and environmental disaster.
20060501             USA 'Allowed Zarqawi To Escape' -
20060501             The claim, by FORMER—USA—SPY—MIKE—SCHEUER, - "MISTER—BUSH had Zarqawi in his sights almost EVERY—DAY for 1—YEAR—BEFORE THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and he didn't shoot because they were wining and dining the French in 1—EFFORT to get them to assist us in THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ," he told 4—CORNERS.
20060501             TURKEY Refuses USA—REQUEST To Allow Attack On IRAN From TURKEY—BASE
20060501             —REFUSED, TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—GUL said —SUNDAY that his country, 1—REQUEST from THE—USA to attack IRAN from its AIR—FORCE—BASE in Incirlik, despite THE—USA—OFFER—OF—1—NUCLEAR—REACTOR—ACCORDING to 1—REPORT in AL—BIYAN.
20060501             Time to SHUT—DOWN THE—UN -
20060501             —WHEN the bombing begins in IRAN, THE—UN can finally BOARD—UP its doors and send the diplomats home;
20060501             there'll be no more reason to maintain the pretense.
20060501             1—ATTACK on IRAN—FACILITIES will signal 1—PERIOD—OF—GLOBAL—REALIGNMENT where states either submit to THE—WASHINGTON axis or join the growing resistance.
20060501             We are quickly moving towards BUSH—DREAM—OF—1—WORLD that is divided into "us against them".
20060501             ROBERT—FISK: Seen through a SYRIA—LENS,
20060501             'unknown Americans' are provoking civil war in IRAQ—BY ROBERT—FISK
20060501             —SUSPECTED, THE—AMERICANS, my interlocutor, are trying to provoke 1—IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR so that Sunni Muslim insurgents spend their energies killing their Shia CO—RELIGIONISTS rather than SOLDIERS—OF—THE—WESTERN—OCCUPATION—FORCES.
20060501             "I swear to you that we have very good information," my source says, finger stabbing the air in FRONT—OF—HIM.
20060501             Having laid out his premises, Chomsky believes THE—USA—TODAY exhibits the very features we cite as characteristics of "failed states" - 1—TERM we use for nations seen as potential threats to our security which may require our intervention against in SELF—DEFENSE.
20060501             Praying for Peace or Preying on Peace?
20060501             THE—UNITED—METHODIST—CHURCH should be bringing disciplinary action against PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH for war crimes.
20060501             If this isn't 1—DE facto dictatorship, what is? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20060501             THE—PLACE to Shop for Progressive Books, DVDs, CDs + Fair Trade Products.
20060501             And You Will be Doing 1—WORLD—OF—GOOD.
20060501             Unlike the Oil Companies we Have no Profits, —JUST Payments Due and Salaries and Overhead Due to Keep YOUR BuzzFlash Providing the Truth 24/7.
20060501             —STARTED, BuzzFlash, its Fair Trade Mondays so readers could personally improve THE—LIVES—OF—WORKERS—AROUND the world -- including THE—USA, of course.
20060501             THE—FAIR—TRADE—CONCEPT allows consumers to make purchasing decisions that rectify, in 1—DIRECT—WAY, the ruthless LOW—PAY—IMPACT—OF—TRADE—TREATIES—LIKE—NAFTA.
20060501             Bush team imposes thick VEIL—OF—SECRECY, as if this is the old SOVIET—UNION, not THE—LAND—OF—THE—FREE 5/1
20060501             Be warned.
20060501             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is —NOW telling us that engineering 1—CONFRONTATION with IRAN is 1—KEY—PART—OF—THEIR—PLAN to resuscitate THE—PRESIDENT—DISMAL approval ratings in time to survive election —DAY.
20060501             It Was 1—OF—THE—KEY—GOALS—OF—THE—BUSHEVIKS to Increase Oil Company Profits.
20060501             —ACKNOWLEDGED, He also must continue treatment for his, addiction to painkillers and he cannot own 1—GUN.
20060501             Big plunge begins for THE—USA—DOLLAR 5/1 - FRANK—RICH: Bush of a 1000—DAYS 5/1
20060501             Wilkes, like Poppy Bush, has long been 1—AGENCY—FRIENDLY—BUSINESSMAN not formally employed by the Company.
20060501             His 1. real job was with the
20060501             World Finance Corporation, 1—CIA—CONNECTED money laudromat which had its origins in THE—ANTI—CASTRO CUBA—MILIEU.
20060501             KEN—SILVERSTEIN—INSTANTLY—FAMOUS—ARTICLE "Red Lights on Capitol Hill?"Apparently photographs were taken + investigators are anxiously procuring copies.
20060501             —FEVERED, My heart beats faster in, anticipation.
20060501             Sollten extraterrestrische Lebewesen tatsächlich darüber nachdenken, wie sie mit anderen Zivilisationen kommunizieren können, dann fragen sie sich auch, was wir in diesem Universum gemeinsam haben.
20060501             —SCHON 19960000             —SEIT baute der europäische Raumfahrtkonzern EADS Space Transportation (ST) in BREMEN an dem Weltraumlabor, in dem die Astronauten in Zukunft Gewebekulturen, Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen in der Schwerelosigkeit untersuchen sollen.
20060501             Insgesamt kostet COLUMBUS 880—MILLIONEN Euro.
20060501             —NACH—DEM derzeitigen Zeitplan der Nasa wird es nun in der 2. Jahreshälfte 20070000              an der ISS andocken können.
20060501             —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Angst vor neuen Belastungen wächst
20060501             Schock für Tierfreunde: DÄNEMARK—PRINZ isst gern Hundefleisch
20060501             COLUMBUS—MODUL: Raumfahrtlabor in ewiger Wartestellung
20060501             Maikundgebungen: 100.000—DEMONSTRANTEN gegen Putin
20060501             "Time"-Rangliste: Merkel und PAPA zählen zu den 100—EINFLUSSREICHSTEN Menschen
20060501             Schnäppchen bei eBay: CHINA—ERSTEIGERT RUSSLAND—KAMPFFLUGZEUG
20060501             —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Verbale Keile gegen Regierung und Unternehmen
20060501             —ÜBERRASCHT, MAI—DEMONSTRATIONEN: Ruhige Walpurgisnacht
20060501             Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes... Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch... imperialistisch:Sie beansprucht. für die USA.
20060501             Einseitig 1—RECHT auf.
20060501             Re: Instilling proper habits in childhood...
20060501             Save Terrorism in ENGLAND: 20040000             ...ANTI—TERRORISM units across THE—UK.
20060501             Colbert Lampoons Bush at WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENTS—DINNER-- PRESIDENT—NOT—AMUSED?
20060501             1—BLISTERING comedy "tribute" to PRESIDENT—BUSH by Comedy CENTRAL—FAUX talk show host STEPHEN—COLBERT at THE—WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT—DINNER—SATURDAY night left GEORGE + Laura Bush unsmiling at its close.
20060501             —EARLIER, THE—PRESIDENT had delivered his talk to the 2700 ...
20060501             REBUILDING—OF—IRAQ—PIPELINE as Disaster Waiting to Happen
20060501             1—FEW weeks —LATER, —AFTER the project had burned up ALL—OF—THE $75.7—MILLION allocated to it, the work came to 1—HALT.
20060501             —CALLED, The project, the Fatah pipeline crossing, had been 1—CRITICAL—ELEMENT—OF a $2.4—BILLION NO—BID—RECONSTRUCTION—CONTRACT that 1—HALLIBURTON subsidiary had won from the Army in...
20060501             Government Moves to Intervene in AT&T Surveillance Case
20060501             —FILED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, a "STATEMENT—OF—INTEREST" —FRIDAY in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) CLASS—ACTION lawsuit against AT&T, announcing that the government would "assert...
20060501             PANDORA—BOX - THE—WIKIPEDIA article on countries with nuclear weapons is sobering reading.
20060501             This map is from the article, although THE—COLOR—CODING is 1—BIT—MISLEADING.
20060501             (3quarksdaily points to more maps.)
20060501             THE—USA, RUSSIA—UK, FRANCE and THE—PEOPLE—REPUBLIC—OF—CHINA are the 5 ...
20060501             WHITE—HOUSE could prosecute journalists for "espionage" for printing any "leaks" Site admin Forget THE—FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH—ISSUE...
20060501             Scientists make water run uphill
20060501             USA—PHYSICISTS have made water run uphill quite literally under its own steam.
20060501             Liberal thinker JK Galbraith dies Renowned economist and political thinker JOHN—KENNETH—GALBRAITH dies in THE—USA at the age of 97.
20060501             NEPAL MPs back new constitution NEPAL—PARLIAMENT—BACKS—THE—ELECTION—OF—1—BODY to draft 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION and decide the monarchy's role.
20060501             Spacecraft seek climate clarity 2—NASA satellites undertake the most detailed study to DATE—OF—CLOUDS and fine particles in the atmosphere.
20060501             —BRACED, ARGENTINA, for mill protest Argentine environmentalists are set to take part in 1—HUGE—RALLY against pulp mills being built in neighbouring URUGUAY.
20060501             "The decider" suspends THE—RULE—OF—USA—LAW: Bush "has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750—LAWS enacted —SINCE he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside ANY—STATUTE passed by Congress —WHEN it conflicts with his INTERPRETATION—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION"
20060501             GLENN—GREENWALD: Globe story shows media is finally —STARTING to understand BUSH—LAWLESSNESS
20060501             If the Tyrannical POWERS—OF—BUSH—REPULSE You, Please Support BuzzFlash_com Here.
20060501             We need your dollars to fight for democracy.
20060501             Video and transcript: STEPHEN—COLBERT.
20060501             Perhaps the Most Courageous, Honest + Bitterly Hilarious Challenge to the Bush Monarchy Delivered in His Presence.
20060501             —JUST Devastating.
20060501             It was Also 1—ATTACK on THE—BRAINLESSNESS—OF—THE—WASHINGTON Press Corps.
20060501             Part II - Thousands come to WASHINGTON to protest Darfur genocide 5/1
20060501             Cindy Sheehan: Mission Accomplished —DAY - 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20060501             JIM—HIGHTOWER: BUSH—IMPERIAL presidency 5/1
20060501             Depleted Uranium in AFGHANISTAN Has 1—GENERATION in AFGHANISTAN been poisoned by AMERICA—USE—OF—DEPLETED uranium in bombs?
20060501             See the evidence for yourself,here and here.
20060501             Be warned: These are the most disturbing photographs you will ever see.
20060501             Between 800 and 12000000              metric TONS—OF—URANIUM munitions were used in this country.
20060501             —SINCE medical facilities are so primitive, we cannot know THE—PERCENTAGE—OF—PREGNANCIES affected by DU.
20060501             But: "In THE—MONTH—OF—20050500             , in 1—MATERNITY ward in KABUL, 150—BABIES were born deformed".
20060501             HERE—ANOTHER disturbing fact: The people who justify THE—USE—OF—DU shells tend to be the same TYPE—OF—FOLK who argue that abortion is murder.
20060501             Why did THE—FBI search JACK—ANDERSON—FILES?
20060501             According to the official story, THE—FBI went "fishing" through the late JACK—ANDERSON—FILES to ferret out information on THE—AIPAC case.
20060501             Madsen, citing his usual anonymous "inside" sources, thinks that the feds really went looking for info concerning "Poppy" Bush and THE—JFK assassination.
20060501             The good news: AMERICAN—MADE goods will be be cheaper overseas.
20060501             The bad news: We don't make anything anymore. PAUL—KRUGMAN: THE—CRONY—FAIRY
20060501             Nino "THE—FIXER" Scalia Continues His Judicial Arrogance and FLOUTING—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION Without ANY—ACCOUNTABILITY 4/30
20060501             Zürich: Die Polizei gibt VollGas!
20060501             beteiligten sich 12000 Menschen in LEIPZIG an den Protesten gegen die Neonazis.
20060501             'Vintage' Bugs Return ISSUE—GROWING up in PEORIA—ILLINOIS, in the 1950s, LANCE—RODEWALD caught "measles and mumps and probably GERMANY—MEASLES," and though he doesn't remember suffering through ANY—OF—THEM, his wife, Patricia, assures him they were all "absolutely miserable" experiences.
20060501             She knows because she.
20060501             As THE—USA—PUBLIC sees the movie Flight 93 , other potential aviation disasters loom on the horizon.
20060501             Career professionals within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are trying to avert 1—SEVERE—THREAT to the flying public by forcing the Pentagon to prove that its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) +
20060501             those who remotely pilot them are not dangers to other aircraft flying in civil airspace.
20060501             —FORCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has, THE—FAA into creating 1—UAV program office that will compete with CIVIL—PASSENGER and cargo aircraft using the same civil airspace --
20060501             1—POTENTIALLY catastrophic situation according to government sources familiar with THE—UAV program.
20060501             The sources maintain THE—NAVY—PREDATOR B UAV is extremely dangerous to other planes for several reasons -
20060501             the delay factor in maneuvering the drone from the ground + the fact that NON—PILOTS are probably at the controls.
20060501             —RETURNED, WING TV, to the road once again with 3—DESTINATIONS in mind: Shanksville, New BALTIMORE + INDIA—LAKE—PENNSYLVANIA.
20060501             —WANTED, VICTOR—THORN and I
20060501             Free Hawai` - We need human rights, not bogus USA "civil rights".
20060501             federally recognized Native USA—TRIBES and ALASKA Native Corporations to promote the economic...
20060501             Endocrine disruptors are ubiquitous in our environment and impact our health in complex and incompletely understood ways.
20060501             Witches wish to cast joyful spell
20060501             - 20040718_Report 20040718              20040000              —ANTI—PLANLOS—PLAN: Das... UK... stages LARGE—SCALE—ANTI—TERROR—EXERCISE : UK... on —SUNDAY staged the largest ever SIMULATION—OF—TERROR
20060501             Building 1—MORE—YUMMY—PIG—1—NATIONAL—COLLABORATION receives a $10—MILLION—FEDERAL—GRANT to map pig genes.
20060501             According to 1—SEMI—ANNUAL—AC—NIELSEN survey: 22—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS are living hand to mouth.
20060501             (Flight 93 - Trailer
20060501             ''This is 1—ATTEMPT by THE—PRESIDENT to have the final word on his own constitutional powers, which eliminates the checks and balances that keep the country 1—DEMOCRACY," Fein said.
20060501             ''There is no way for 1—INDEPENDENT judiciary to check his ASSERTIONS—OF—POWER + Congress isn't doing it, either.
20060501             —UNLIMITED, So this is moving us toward 1, executive power".
20060501             ''There can't be judicial review if nobody knows about it," said NEIL—KINKOPF, 1—GEORGIA—STATE—LAW—PROFESSOR who was 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—OFFICIAL in the Clinton administration. ''And if they avoid judicial review, they avoid having their constitutional theories rebuked".
20060501             ''THE—PRESIDENT is daring Congress to act against his positions, and they're not taking action because they don't want to appear to be too CRITICAL—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, given that their own fortunes are tied to his because they are all Republicans," said JACK—BEERMANN, 1—BOSTON—UNIVERSITY—LAW—PROFESSOR.
20060501             ''Oversight gets much reduced in 1—SITUATION where THE—PRESIDENT—AND—CONGRESS are controlled by the same party".
20060501             ''Years down the road, people will not understand why the policy doesn't look like the legislation," he said.
20060501             DAVID—GOLOVE, 1—NEW—YORK—UNIVERSITY—LAW—PROFESSOR who specializes in EXECUTIVE—POWER—ISSUES, said Bush has cast 1—CLOUD over ''the whole idea that there is 1—RULE—OF—LAW," because no 1 can be certain of which laws Bush thinks are valid and which he thinks he can ignore.
20060501             ''Where you have 1—PRESIDENT who is willing to declare vast QUANTITIES—OF—THE—LEGISLATION that is passed —DURING his term unconstitutional, it implies that he also thinks 1—VERY—SIGNIFICANT—AMOUNT—OF—THE—OTHER—LAWS that were already on the books —BEFORE he became PRESIDENT are also unconstitutional," Golove said.
20060501             —VIOLATED, His domestic spying program, for example, 1—SURVEILLANCE—LAW enacted —23—YEARS—BEFORE he took office.
20060501             * The explosion on not 1, but 2—PLANES—PRIOR—TO hitting the tower.
20060501             Behind THE—SHROUD—OF—OPUS—DEI
20060501             As 45—MILLION—PLUS readers of "THE—DA—VINCI—CODE" already know, the fictional Silas, 1—MASOCHISTIC albino monk, and murderer, is 1—MEMBER—OF—OPUS—DEI -- 1—ACTUAL—GROUP within the Catholic church -- which may or may not be anything like the Opus Dei in DAN—BROWN—NOVEL.
20060501             —BOMBED, IRAN—TROOPS, border areas near THE—TOWN—OF—HAJJ—UMRAN —BEFORE crossing into IRAQ, the defence ministry in BAGHDAD said on —SUNDAY.
20060501             USA urges new aid to IRAQ power grid: 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL said on —SUNDAY Gulf Arab states and other foreigners should help IRAQ build new power stations, as USA—INVESTMENT in the electricity sector winds down —AFTER—3—YEARS—OF—RECONSTRUCTION—AID.
20060501             IRAN says UNITED—NATIONS sanctions would boost oil prices even higher : THE—IRAN—DEPUTY—OIL—MINISTER—SAID—SUNDAY he did not believe THE—UNITED—NATIONS would impose sanctions on IRAN because that would boost oil prices even higher.
20060501             Failed States - THE—USA—HAS—THE—CHARACTERISTICS—OF—A "Failed State" -By STEPHEN—LENDMAN
20060501             Evidence continues to mount that Bush, 1—UNITED—METHODIST, deliberately used his religious faith to deceive THE—USA—PEOPLE in THE—RUN—UP to his administration's PRE—MEDITATED war against NON—THREATENING, SANCTIONS—WEAKENED, defenseless IRAQ.
20060501             —NOW, They are Trying to Toss 1—SCRAGGLY—CHICKEN—BONE to USA—CONSUMERS and the Idea is Bombing Because People are Spending Their Paychecks to Fill Up Their Tanks to Enrich Bush Supporters and Staff Members.
20060501             RUSH—PLEA—BARGAIN for Being 1—DRUG—ADDICT: Rush Limbaugh must submit to random drug tests under 1—AGREEMENT filed —MONDAY that will dismiss 1—PRESCRIPTION—FRAUD—CHARGE against the conservative commentator —AFTER—18—MONTHS if he complies with the terms.
20060501             EGYPT extends its emergency laws EGYPT extends emergency laws —FOR—2—YEARS, as the government says they are vital —AFTER recent bombings.
20060501             Part I 5/1 - Video and transcript: STEPHEN—COLBERT.
20060501             Part II - Powell forces Rice to defend IRAQ planning 5/1
20060501             federally recognized Native USA—TRIBES and ALASKA Native Corporations to promote the economic...
20060501—19100000    —UNTIL, As it happens, THE—CONVENT—OF—THE—VISITATION covered the 4,400—SQUARE—FOOT—PLOT from the early 16010101—17001231    , —WHEN it was demolished.
20060501—19400000    —IN, Discovered, these cave paintings are thought to be 1—OF—THE—WORLD—1. recorded narratives.
20060501—19740000    —IN, in HADAR—ETHIOPIA.
20060501—19860000    —SINCE, WAYNE—MADSEN -- yes, I know, but stay with me 1—BIT -- thinks they had another reason: "That explanation by THE—FBI did not hold ANY—WATER—SINCE JACK—ANDERSON had not been active in pursuing that particular story -- he had suffered from PARKINSON—DISEASE ".
20060501—19860000    —IN, Under MEESE—DIRECTION, 1—YOUNG—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYER named SAMUEL—A—ALITO—JUNIOR wrote 1—STRATEGY—MEMO about signing statements.
20060501—20000000    —YEAR, As the approached, 1—POLL in BRITAIN named WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARE—THE "PERSON—OF—THE—MILLENNIUM".
20060501—20030000    —IN, another group was walking along the same ground, Aborigines on 1—ARCHEOLOGY course led by STEVE—WEBB, of Bond University, Queensland.
20060501—20050000    —IN—LATE, It came to light, —AFTER Bush named Alito to THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20060501—20060424    —WANTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES fatally shot 3—MEN, in terrorist bombings that killed at least 18—PEOPLE in 1—COASTAL—SINAI—PENINSULA resort.
20060501—20060501    —AM, Maikundgebung München GEORG—ADDISON hat eine maikungebung stattgefunden.es haben mehrere 1000—TEILNEHMERINNEN teilgenommen.
20060501—20100000    —BIS, Regierungsbildung in ISRAEL: Siedlungen aufgeben, Grenzen festlegen
20060502             Retrieved 20060501             , from Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.
20060502             [Accessed 20060501             ]
20060505—20060501    —AM, Die Zürcher Polizei hält sich nicht an Postulat des Gemeinderates und geht verschwenderisch grosszügig mit CN—GAS im Wasserwerfer um: Konzert abgebrochen, noch am nächsten —TAG ätzende Gasschwaden.
20060506             [GZIP]From lbnelert at earthlink_net Mon 20100501    —DATE:53:10 20060000    —DATE From... Gzip ARCHIVE—HTML
20060510             UPDATE: DAN—FROOMKIN, in his 20060501             "WHITE—HOUSE—BRIEFING" column in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, writes, "Daily Kos blogger Frederick seems to have the most extensive TRANSCRIPT—OF—COLBERT?s talk".
20060513—20060501    —PUBLISHED, THE—USA—WEBSITE—DEFENSETECH, 1—ARTICLE by military technology specialist DAVID—HAMBLING, entitled "Terrorists' unmanned AIR—FORCE".
20060513—20060501    —SINCE, Puerto Rican lawmakers approved the 1. key PIECES—OF—LEGISLATION aimed at resolving 1—BUDGET—CRISIS that has kept more than 100,000 public employees OUT—OF—WORK.
20060519             UPDATE: DAN—FROOMKIN, in his 20060501              "WHITE—HOUSE—BRIEFING" column in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, writes, "Daily Kos blogger Frederick seems to have the most extensive TRANSCRIPT—OF—COLBERT?s talk".
20060607             Und aus dem mittelalterlichen EUROPA kennen Wissenschaftler bislang nur ein paar Hinweise aus Klöstern, etwa aus S—GALLEN ("Ein neuer Stern von ungewöhnlichem Aussehen erschien".), auf den 10060501            .
20060813             —MODELED, Wine SUPER—SNIFFER, on insect 'noses' Blog: The nose of 1—WORM 20060501             —DAY determine the nose of 1—FINE—WINE.1—GROUP—OF—AUSTRALIA—SCIENTISTS are collaborating to build a...
20060828—20060501    —ON, Times
20061009             The historic action 20060501             —DAY be remembered as the moment the great USA—EXPERIMENT in liberty ended.
20061011             Talk:Nazi GERMANY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Archive 20010501              — 20060400            .
20061017             Armies 20060501             —DAY be fielded by machines that think for themselves —WHILE devices will respond to soldiers' commands —BEFORE their thoughts are fully formed, it says.
200611050138         . Task Sequence and Timeline ;
200611050138#1       include Object System and... Kukathas, C., Hayek and Modern Liberalism, 19890000           .
20061209             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—SIGNS into law contracts nationalizing natural gas: PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES signed into law —SUNDAY contracts that give the government control over THE—OPERATIONS—OF—FOREIGN—ENERGY—COMPANIES—COMPLETING—1—PROCESS begun 20060501              with THE—NATIONALIZATION—OF—BOLIVIA—PETROLEUM industry.
20061209             completing 1—PROCESS begun 20060501              with the nationalization of BOLIVIA—PETROLEUM industry.
20070115             1—CHAPTER—1—THEORIES—OF—POLITICAL—COMMUNICATIONS On 19970501    —DATE the... -
20070115—19970501    —ON, 1—CHAPTER 1—THEORIES of Political Communications 0000—DATE the...-
20070115—19970501    —ON, 20070115 1—CHAPTER 1—THEORIES of Political Communications the...
20070212             alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html HONGPONG_com: AFGHANISTAN Archives
20070215             "Piezoelectric sensors could help power future space missions. Astronauts' spacesuits 20070501             —DAY be covered in MOTION—SENSITIVE—PROTEINS that could generate power from the astronauts' movement, according to futuristic research being conducted by 1—NEW—LAB in CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, USA. Such 'power skins' could also be used to coat future human bases on Mars, where they could produce energy from the Martian wind. Eventually, the biologically derived suits might even be able to heal themselves".
20070226             S—PETERSBURG—TIMES—ONLINE -- THE—BUZZ: 20060501—20060531
20070228—20070501    —ON, (PDVSA) to take a 60 % stake in 4—PROJECTS which process crude oil into 600,000 barrels of synthetic oil 1—DAY in the country's EAST—ORINOCO River basin.
20070228—20070501    —ON, Chavez signs decree to nationalize foreign oil companies : The decree allows VENEZUELA—STATE—OIL—COMPANY—PETROLEOS de VENEZUELA SA, (PDVSA) to take a 60 % stake in 4—PROJECTS which process crude oil into 600,000 BARRELS—OF—SYNTHETIC—OIL—1—DAY in the country's EAST—ORINOCO River basin.
20070301             Seenation_COM—SITE—MAP—SCIENCE and RESEARCH—PERCHLORATE found in dairy and breast milk samples... FOCUS ON THE—FAMILY AND JAMES DOBSON, —SUNDAY, 20050501              IN COLORADO SPRINGS...
20070308             Wot Is It Good 4: 20060501    —DATE - 20060601    —DATE Khashoggi, along with his PARTNER—RAMY—AL—BATRAWI, allegedly ripped $130—MILLION from investors through GENESIS—INTERMEDIA.
20070324—19800000    —IN—THE, Remembering Rufina Amaya : THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—MAGAZINE in a 20050000              article (20070501             ) revealed that THE—IRAQ—COUNTERINSURGENCY was being advised by 1—USA—WHO led the Special Forces in EL—SALVADOR s.
20070414—20081200    —IN, "The famous Deep Impact mission, which 20050000              launched 1—PROJECTILE in THE—PATH—OF—COMET Tempel 20070501              be extended by NASA. The proposal is to slingshot the probe —AROUND the Earth as it passes by at THE—END—OF—THIS —YEAR, putting it on 1—TRAJECTORY to reach comet Boethin. Scientists want to see if the strange composition and BEHAVIOR—OF—TEMPEL 1 is more common than they had previously assumed. (The probe only had 1—PROJECTILE though, so we will not see another brilliant MAN—MADE explosion on this comet.) Additionally, —WHILE the probe is en route to the comet, researchers will point its ON—BOARD telescope at known exosolar planets to determine THE—COMPOSITIONS—OF—THEIR—ATMOSPHERES".
20070415             PrairiePundit: 20060401—20060501
20070420             As well as - $4,106.00—OF 20070501              $25,000 Goal Raised.
20070420             $4,106.00—OF 20070501              $25,000 Goal Raised.
20070421             $7169.00—OF 20070501              $25,000 Goal in Premiums and Donations Reached.
20070427—20070501    —DEMENTIERT, Labour in der Krise: Blair, Rücktritt
20070428             $21,560—OF 20070501             $25,000 Goal in Premiums and Donations Reached.
20070428—20070501    —BEFÜRCHTET, POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFT, Zunahme von Gewalt Der Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft der Polizei, KONRAD—FREIBERG, befürchtet zum 20070501              1—ZUNAHME—VON—GEWALT in BERLIN.
20070429             $24,352—OF 20070501              $25,000 Goal in Premiums and Donations Reached.
20070429—20070501    —AM, 5000—POLIZEIBEAMTE schützen BERLIN —VOR—20—JAHREN hatten sich Krawallmacher und Polizei regelrechte Straßenschlachten in Kreuzberg geliefert.
20070501             Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—BARHAM—SALEH said that AL—MASRI was believed to have been killed 20070430              in the Taji area NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070501             JULIE—A—MACDONALD, 1—DEPUTY—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY for fish and wildlife and parks, resigned —AFTER 1—INTERNAL—REVIEW found that she had violated federal rules by giving government documents to lobbyists for industry.
20070501             —REVERSED, In November THE—USA—FISH and Wildlife Service, 7—RULINGS that had denied endangered species increased protection.
20070501             KENNETH—JOHN—FREEMAN, 44—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BODYBUILDER and computer expert from Benton COUNTY—WASHINGTON, was arrested in HONG—KONG.
20070501             —ACCUSED—OF, Freeman, who fled THE—USA— 13—MONTHS—EARLIER, was, raping his daughter and posting 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20070501             The design for THE—ARIZONA quarter, chosen by GOVERNOR—JANET—NAPOLITANO, was announced.
20070501             30—PEOPLE were arrested in raids across BELGIUM, ENGLAND, and THE—NETHERLANDS targeting suspected animal rights extremists.
20070501             IRAN stood firm in opposing language in 1—NUCLEAR—CONFERENCE—AGENDA that reaffirms the need for full compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, 1—STANCE that diplomats said could scuttle the meeting aimed at strengthening the accord.
20070501             —RECEIVED, IRAQ—OFFICIALS have, reports that ABU—AYYUB—AL—MASRI (aka ABU—HAMZA—AL—MUHAJER), THE—LEADER—OF—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, was killed by Sunni tribesmen, but THE—CHIEF—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said the information has not been confirmed.
20070501             —STRESSED, JAPAN and QATAR, their solid energy partnership and agreed to launch initial negotiations on moves to stimulate JAPAN—INVESTMENT in the Gulf state.
20070501             —REPORTED, It was, that MALAYSIA—DOCTORS have declared neckties 1—HEALTH hazard and called on the heath ministry to stop insisting that physicians wear them.
20070501             —THREATENED, THE—LEADER—OF—NEPAL—MAOISTS, to push the nation back into turmoil by launching huge nationwide protests unless PARLIAMENT —IMMEDIATELY ousts THE—KING and declares 1—REPUBLIC.
20070501             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in heavily guarded squares and stadiums in NIGERIA—MAIN—CITIES to protest last —MONTH'S flawed presidential election.
20070501             Dare Folorunso, 1—NIGERIA—JOURNALIST—OF—THE—STATE—OWNED radiotelevision station, was beaten unconscious by policemen at workers rally in AKURE in SOUTH—ONDO state.
20070501             † 1—NIGERIA—SAILOR was killed.
20070501             —RALLIED, THOUSANDS—OF—LABORERS, across PAKISTAN demanding better wages and living conditions to mark May —DAY.
20070501             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ—GOVERNMENT took over VENEZUELA—LAST privately run oil fields, intensifying 1—STRUGGLE with INTERNATIONAL firms over THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST known petroleum deposit.
20070501             PRESIDENT—BUSH cast the 2. VETO—OF—HIS—PRESIDENCY rejecting 1—ATTEMPT by both CHAMBERS—OF—CONGRESS to 20070901             —TIMETABLE for bringing troops home from IRAQ.
20070501             JOHN—HICKENLOOPER (19520000              *) was RE—ELECTED MAYOR—OF—DENVER with 86.3—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20070501             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, across THE—USA to demand 1—PATH to citizenship for 1—ESTIMATED 12—MILLION—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS.
20070501             Freeman, who fled THE—USA 13—MONTHS—EARLIER, was ACCUSED—OF—RAPING his daughter and posting 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—ATTACK.
20070501             It includes a "Grand Canyon State" banner across THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—QUARTER—SEPARATING the canyon view with 1—MULTI—RAYED sun above and 1—SAGUARO in 1—DESERT landscape below.
20070501             A—USA—ICE—EXPERT said THE—ARCTIC—ICE cap is melting much faster than expected and is —NOW about 30—YEARS—AHEAD—OF—PREDICTIONS made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
20070501             BRITAIN—LARGEST ever trade union, representing about 2—MILLION—PUBLIC and private sector workers, was launched —FOLLOWING THE—MERGER—OF—2—WORKERS' bodies.
20070501             —LASHED, CHINA, out at the Caribbean NATION—OF—S—LUCIA for restoring diplomatic relations with TAIWAN, THE—SELF—GOVERNING—ISLAND that BEIJING claims as CHINA—TERRITORY.
20070501             —MARKED, INDONESIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS—MAY—DAY by taking to the streets to demand better wages and job security, amid 1—HEAVY—POLICE—PRESENCE.
20070501             —AMBUSHED, Gunmen, travelers on 1—HIGHWAY—LEADING from BAGHDAD to Shiite areas to the south, killing 14—PEOPLE.
20070501             —RELAUNCHED, LIBERIA, its diamond trade —AFTER THE—UN lifted 1—EMBARGO—HOPING—THE—REVIVAL—OF—THE—INDUSTRY will fund reconstruction rather than lead to more bloodshed.
20070501             —CLASHED, MACAO, May —DAY protesters, with riot police as 1—RALLY against labor shortages turned violent, sparking rare SCENES—OF—CIVIL—UNREST in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—TERRITORY.
20070501             MEXICO, 5—SOLDIERS—INCLUDING—1—COLONEL, and 1—SUSPECTED drug cartel enforcer were killed in 1—SHOOTOUT in THE—WEST—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN, which has been plagued by drug violence and is THE—TARGET—OF—1—MILITARY—LED ANTI—DRUG—OFFENSIVE.
20070501             —CHARGED, TURKEY—POLICE, into CROWDS—OF—LEFTIST—PROTESTERS—MARKING—THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—1—DEADLY—MAY—DAY—RALLY in ISTANBUL, spraying tear gas and kicking and clubbing demonstrators as they fled.
20070501             —BOOSTED, ZIMBABWE, THE—PRICE—OF—CORN meal, 1—KEYSTONE—OF—THE—NATION—DIET, by nearly 600%.
20070501             Extreme Genetic Engineering -
20070501             Globalization Future Security In Technology Rich World -
20070501             —AM Nach Schätzungen des Senders gingen in LOS—ANGELES knapp 100.000—MENSCHEN auf die Straße,
20070501             um gegen Abschiebungen zu demonstrieren + die Einbürgerung sowie weitere Rechte für Einwanderer zu fordern.
20070501             LOS—ANGELES—DER Zusammenstoß zwischen den Polizeibeamten + den Demonstranten AM—WAR "der schlimmste Vorfall dieser Art, der mir in 37—JAHREN begegnet ist",
20070501             sagte Bratton laut einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES ".
20070501             Das gewaltsame Vorgehen der Beamten wird nun intern untersucht.
20070501             —BEKANNT, Zudem gab die Bundespolizei FBI, dass sie ermitteln wird, ob die Bürgerrechte der Demonstranten verletzt wurden.
20070501             Immigrantenverbände, Bürgerrechtsgruppen und Journalistenorganisationen hatten zuvor ihre Entrüstung zum Ausdruck gebracht.
20070501             Einen Rüffel gab es auch von der Stadtverwaltung.
20070501             Die Organisatoren des Protestmarsches warfen der Polizei vor, sich nicht an Abmachungen gehalten zu haben.
20070501             Während der Vorbereitungen hätte es ausführliche Gespräche gegeben, bei denen sich beide Seiten auf ein bestimmtes Vorgehen der Sicherheitskräfte im Falle von Störungen geeinigt hätten.
20070501             —GEHALTEN, Daran hätten sich die Beamten im Einsatz aber nicht.
20070501             Videos, die in diversen USA—NACHRICHTENSENDUNGEN liefen, zeigen Polizisten in schwarzer Schutzausrüstung, die Demonstranten + Journalisten schubsen + mit Schlagstöcken auf sie einprügeln.
20070501             Außerdem sind Verletzungen in Großaufnahme zu sehen: große blaue Flecke + blutunterlaufene Wunden, die durch aus nächster Nähe abgefeuerte Gummigeschosse verursacht wurden.
20070501             Why There Was No Exit Plan
20070501             For all the talk about timetables and benchmarks, 1—MIGHT think that THE—USA will end the military OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ within THE—LIFETIMES—OF—THE—READERS—OF—THIS opinion editorial.
20070501             Think again. Continue
20070501             —MISSED, In case you, it - - THE—WAR—PARTY
20070501             MAI—KRAWALLE in BERLIN: Randalierer greifen Polizei an
20070501             Milliardenangebot: Medienzar Murdoch greift nach Dow Jones
20070501             Konflikt um SOWJET—EHRENMAL: Streit zwischen ESTLAND und RUSSLAND eskaliert
20070501             Umkämpftes Gesetz: Bush wird Veto gegen IRAK—ABZUGSFRIST einlegen
20070501             Bush legt Veto gegen IRAK—ABZUGSFRIST ein
20070501             "Star Academy": Mehrere Tote bei "TUNESIEN sucht den Superstar"- Konzert
20070501             If we are to believe MICHAEL—LEDEEN, everyone in the world seems obsessed with telling lies about MICHAEL—LEDEEN -- lies that serve no practical purpose, lies for THE—SAKE—OF—LIES.
20070501             Art for art's sake, as it were.
20070501             1 must either believe that DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE have lied about Ledeen, or 1 must believe that LEDEEN—DENIALS are themselves disingenuous.
20070501             —CONSIDERED, His hero, Machiavelli, lying 1—HIGH—ART + 1—NECESSARY—SKILL.
20070501             It stands to reason that 1—ADMIRER—OF—MACHIAVELLI would hold the same opinion.
20070501             As MICHAEL—LEDEEN once told FILM—MAKER—ADAM—CURTIS, this isn't rocket science.
20070501             But the situation IS—ACTUALLY rather more complex :
20070501             describes MICHAEL—LEDEEN as a "fine journalist," "a scholar," + a friend.
20070501             However, he comments that their friendship had a "rocky start".
20070501             Clarridge wrote that Ledeen made "life difficult for us [THE—CIA ]".
20070501             He noted that THE—CIA took a "dim view" of individuals such Ledeen + retired CIA officer THEODORE—SHACKLEY who freelanced with foreign intelligence services.
20070501             In - For information on LEDEEN—CONNECTIONS to the "BULGARIA shot THE—PAPA" myth + to the Billygate affair, check out the book THE—RISE and FALL—OF—THE—BULGARIA—CONNECTION.
20070501             This Sourcewatch summary should give you SOME—IDEA—OF—HIS longstanding ties to Cheney and Rumsfeld.
20070501             Ledeen quotes: "The only way to achieve peace is through total war".
20070501             "THE—PURPOSE—OF—TOTAL—WAR is to permanently force your will onto another people".
20070501             "Every 10—YEARS or so, THE—USA—NEEDS to pick up SOME—SMALL crappy little country and throw it against the wall, —JUST to show the world we mean business".
20070501             Rücktritt: Blair will Termin in kommender Woche verkünden
20070501             Rekordrazzia: Kolumbianer konfiszieren 25—TONNEN Kokain
20070501             ISTANBUL: TÜRKEI—POLIZEI nimmt 580—MENSCHEN FEST—TRÄNENGAS eingesetzt
20070501             Verkleidete Rechte: TARNKAPPEN—NAZIS buhlen um junge Linke
20070501             —GETÖTET, IRAK—BERICHTE: QAIDA—FÜHRER in Kämpfen mit Rivalen
20070501             —BEGRÄBT, Energiewende: Ökobranche, Hoffnung auf MEERES—WINDPARKS
20070501             —VERSPRICHT, Mehr Lohn, weniger Arbeit: Chavez bricht mit IWF und, 6—STUNDEN—TAG
20070501             Machtkampf in Teheran: IRAN—OPPOSITION plant 2. Revolution
20070501             Terror: IRAK meldet TOD—VON—QAIDA—CHEF—MASRI
20070501             zurück:: index (pdf):: archiv:: suche:: Abo:: LeserInnenbrief...
20070501             Die versprochene " ethische Außenpolitik " des grünen Ministers Fischer sah so aus, dass DEUTSCHLAND in Jugoslawien sich zum 1. Mal —NACH—DEM —WWII...
20070501             Ethische Außenpolitik ging kaum mit der Tatsache zusammen, dass GROSSBRITANNIEN wesentliche Einkünfte durch WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN—AUCH in Spannungsgebiete...
20070501             JP MORGAN—CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK—AND—SLAVERY... - monkey's blog: politics Archives
20070501             —CALLED, IRAN was on the road to reform —BEFORE Bush, them evil.
20070501             his accusations against CUBA and his negative stand on THE—INTERNATIONAL bioweapons ban.
20070501             —INHAFTIERT, Auf Guatanamo Bay sind Kinder ! [Archiv] - 3DCenter Forum
20070501             Dafür gibts ja entsprechende psychologische Verhörmethoden.
20070501             GUANTANAMO, Bay hatten die Amerikaner auch 2 95—UND 99—JÄHRIGE inhaftiert, glaubst du die...
20070501             Re: Juedische Geldgeber Hitler s?
20070501             MEXIKO—STADT—WISSENSCHAFTLER der Autonomen UNIVERSITÄT—VON—MEXIKO (UNAM) haben nach eigenen Angaben das mit 110—MILLIONEN Jahren —BISHER älteste Fossil der Welt entdeckt.
20070501             —VERFÜHRT, Modekollektion: "MOSS—MANIA", Londons Teenager
20070501             MEXIKO: Forscher entdecken ältestes Fossil der Welt
20070501             Globale Gewalt: USA—TERRORBERICHT wirft EU Untätigkeit vor
20070501             3,967 Millionen Arbeitslose: Müntefering verkündet JOB—AUFSCHWUNG zum —TAG—DER—ARBEIT
20070501             "OPEN—SKIES"- Abkommen: USA und EUROPA öffnen Airlines den Himmel - Her resignation follows 1—FINDING
20070501             Think again.
20070501             —WORKED, As for whether or not Ledeen ever, for THE—CIA—WELL, quite 1—FEW—ITALY—OBSERVERS have had thoughts along those lines over the years.
20070501             Duane R. Clarridge, 1—LONGTIME—CIA—FIELD—AGENT (NE & SE ASIA) + administrator who was pardoned by GEORGE—HW—BUSH for his role in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair,
20070501             JP MORGAN—CHASE—MANHATTAN—BANK—AND—SLAVERY... - Extreme Genetic Engineering -
20070501             Down on the Farm: THE—IMPACTS—OF—NANO—SCALE—TECHNOLOGIES on... bioweapons, virulent pathogens and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to...
20070501             monkey's blog: politics Archives
20070501             his accusations against CUBA and his negative stand on THE—INTERNATIONAL bioweapons ban.
20070501             switches" for BIO—WEAPONS and NANO—WEAPONS will be 1—ON—GOING...
20070501             Super weeds, microorganisms, insects, rodents, or other pests could be bred and...
20070501             Globalization Future Security In Technology Rich World - - Etbnicldemographic bio weapons.
20070501             Bio hacking. "Righteous" biological warfare.
20070501             State promotion of biological improvement. Bio.-.nano.-.cyber weapons.
20070501             -Years AGO—THE—MILITARY Sprayed... alfatomega.com/20061012.html, DUNCANSON & HOLT—ONELIMESTREET
20070501             die Rüstungsfabrikanten Vickers > + Zaharoff, die Royal HOLLAND—SHELL... gekommen für rechtsradikale Propaganda > revisionistischer Kreise von —HEUTE.
20070501             MEXIKO—STADT—WISSENSCHAFTLER der Autonomen UNIVERSITÄT—VON—MEXIKO (UNAM) haben nach eigenen Angaben das mit 110—MILLIONEN Jahren —BISHER älteste Fossil der Welt entdeckt.
20070501—19220000    —FORMED, THE—UNITE union officially, —FOLLOWING 1—RECENT—VOTE for merger by MEMBERS—OF—AMICUS and the Transport and GENERAL—WORKERS—UNION, founded.
20070501—19950000    —J—IM, Die Languste (Palinurus palacios) war —BEREITS im MEXIKO—BUNDESSTAAT Chiapas gefunden worden, doch —ERST—JETZT konnte ihr Alter bestimmt werden.
20070501—20080000    —IN, The 48. of the state series will be released, followed by ALASKA and HAWAII.
20070501—20140000    —IN, he authored "THE—GLASS—CLOSET".
20070605             Bei diesjährigen Krawallen zum 20070501              in Zürich setzte die Polizei diese Geschosse allerdings zuletzt ein.
20070627             PBD—PROGRESSIVE—BLOG Digest: 20070501—20070601              20070627              percentage of Americans who believe " generally, things in the country are seriously off on the wrong track," 1—HIGHER—NUMBER "than at ANY—TIME—SINCE the...
20070627             For example, the percentage of Americans who believe their. country should have 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT with CHINA, INDIA. and SOUTH—KOREA was 34 %...
20070726             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DISCUSSION: 20050501—20050601
20070726             —STILL, if THE—BBC—INFORMATION proves correct, historians 20070501             —DAY be able to assert that 19330000             —THE "Business Plotters" acted HAND—IN—GLOVE with the Nazis.
20070726             WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DISCUSSION: 20050501—20050601              20070726             "—WHEN push comes to shove, the Uzbeks are going to stick together + the Arabs are going to stick together," said KENNETH—KATZMAN, 1—TERRORISM—EXPERT.
20070726             SPIRIT—OF—AMERICA: 20050501—20050601 .
20070829             "Wir haben die Suche nach versteckten... alfatomega.com/20030501-20030601-datesbase.html
20071220—20040501    —JOINED, They all, THE—EU.
20071224             Quellen: Amtsblatt des Kontrollrats in DEUTSCHLAND S. 174—NIPPERDEY, Arbeitsrecht, NUMBER 520—C.H.Beck © 20040501—20040607
20080305             Insurance Fraud Index 20040501             /02
20080329             —RELEASED, The equipment was, 20080501           .
20080329             —WAS—RELEASED, The equipment, 20080501           .
20080410             THE—UN—ENVIRONMENT—PROGRAM said DUMPING—OF—WASTE by ships in the Mediterranean Sea will become illegal as of 20090501         .
20080427—20080501    —CHARGED, Reginald Robinson (31) was, with the murder.
20080501             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, $770—MILLION in USA—FOOD—AID on top of $200—MILLION released 2—WEEKS ago to alleviate the global surge in food prices.
20080501             —ANNOUNCED, THE—NATIONAL—MARINE—FISHERY—SERVICE, 1—BAN on fishing for chinook salmon in the ocean off CALIFORNIA and MOST—OF—OREGON.
20080501             —AGREED, GOVERNOR—ED—RENDELL, to help foot the bill.
20080501             Deborah Palfrey (19560000              *), 1—WOMAN from VALLEJO—CALIFORNIA, known as the "DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Madam," was found hanged at her mother's home in Tarpon Springs, Fl.
20080501             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 2—ROADSIDE bombs, 1—NATO—SOLDIER and 8—CIVILIANS.
20080501             —KILLED, AUSTRALIA, 6—PEOPLE were, in SYDNEY Harbor —WHEN 1—BOAT packed with revelers on 1—NIGHTTIME joyride and 1—FISHING trawler collided.
20080501             —MERGED, Stet —LATER, with Telecom Italia.
20080501             —PROMISED, THE—BOLIVIA—GOVERNMENT said Telecom Italia fell short on, investment and owes some $25—MILLION in taxes.
20080501             —SUSPENDED, UN aid agencies, all but their most urgent work in EAST—CHAD —FOR—2—DAYS in a "symbolic protest".
20080501             —CONNECTED, The 36-kilometer (22-mile) structure, JIAXING city near SHANGHAI to the port CITY—OF—NINGBO in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—ZHEJIANG.
20080501             1—SPEEDING tourist bus carrying DOZENS—OF—EUROPEANS and Canadians overturned, rolled off 1—EMBANKMENT and burst into flames on 1—DESERT—HIGHWAY in EGYPT—SINAI peninsula.
20080501             —REPORTED, It was, that IRAN has stopped using dollars for oil deals as it seeks to reduce reliance on THE—USA.
20080501             1—CAR—BOMB aimed at 1—USA—PATROL in BAGHDAD killed at least 9—IRAQ—CIVILIANS and wounded 26. 1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—IRAQ—PATROL—CAR, killing 2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS in MOSUL.
20080501             3—AL—QAIDA insurgents fired on USA—SOLDIERS as they tried to stop 1—VEHICLE—NEAR—MOSUL.
20080501             —RETURNED, The soldiers, fire, killing all 3 as well as THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—VEHICLE.
20080501             THE—USA—MILITARY said it killed 18—MILITANTS overnight amid escalating fighting in the Shiite slum Sadr City.
20080501             —ORGANIZED, ROBERTO—VELASCO, HEAD—OF—MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, crime division, was murdered.
20080501             —ORDERED, Police —LATER said the murder was likely, by ARTURO—BELTRAN—LEYVA, 1—CAPO in the Sinaloa drug cartel.
20080501             —LIFTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, a 13-year ban on killing elephants.
20080501             The country had some 18,000 elephants.
20080501             3—BOMBS exploded in SPAIN—BASQUE region.
20080501             —INJURED, No 1 was, in the blasts, which police said were carried out by the separatist group ETA.
20080501             —SUSPECTED, SRI—LANKA, Tamil Tiger rebels set off 1—ROADSIDE mine, killing 2—POLICE commandos, as violence raged on across the north.
20080501             —IMPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—SANCTIONS against property owned or controlled by the military junta in MYANMAR.
20080501             —HOPED, Mayor MICHAEL—NUTTER and the police commissioner had, to have 200—MORE—POLICE—OFFICERS on the streets by this time as PART—OF—1—NEW 33-page CRIME—FIGHTING—PLAN.
20080501             —CELEBRATED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, May —DAY by announcing THE—NATIONALIZATION—OF—ENTEL, the country's leading telecommunications company, and returning 4—FOREIGN—OWNED natural gas companies to state control.
20080501             Pascal Marlinge, the country HEAD—OF—SAVE—THE—CHILDREN—UK in CHAD, was shot dead by gunmen who held up his 3-car convoy between THE—VILLAGES—OF—FORCHANA and Hadjer Hadid, not far from the border with SUDAN—DARFUR region.
20080501             —ANNOUNCED, CUBA, 1—MAJOR—SHAKE—UP—OF—ITS troubled farm sector on May —DAY, shifting CONTROL—OF—THE—ISLAND—FARMS from officials at the Agriculture Ministry to more than 150—LOCAL—COUNCILS.
20080501             —KILLED, At least 9—PASSENGERS were, and about 30—WOUNDED.
20080501             Rescuers found THE—BODIES—OF—5—FRANCE—SKI mountaineers who had been missing —SINCE THE—DAY—BEFORE —WHEN they were swept away by 1—AVALANCHE—DURING—1—EXCURSION on Punta Basei, a 10,000-foot peak in ITALY—NORTH—WEST—ALPS.
20080501             —KILLED, HONG—KONG, 18—PEOPLE were, and at least 44—INJURED —WHEN 1—COACH—TAKING—ELDERLY—LOCAL—RESIDENTS to 1—RELIGIOUS—CEREMONY overturned.
20080501             1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE bombing killed at least 36—PEOPLE—DURING—1—WEDDING—PROCESSION as people cheered the bride and groom in Balad Ruz, 1—TOWN—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080501             1—CAR—BOMB aimed at 1—USA—PATROL in BAGHDAD killed at least 9—IRAQ—CIVILIANS and wounded 26.
20080501             A roadside bomb struck an IRAQ—PATROL—CAR—KILLING—2—IRAQ—SOLDIERS in MOSUL.
20080501             —AROUND IRAQ, at least 1,080 IRAQ—CIVILIANS and security forces were killed nationwide last —MONTH, average of 36 1—DAY—ACCORDING to 1—AP tally, down from MARCH—TOTAL—OF—1—269, or 1—AVERAGE—OF—41—PER —DAY.
20080501             1—CABINET—MINISTER said 1—RUNOFF will be necessary to decide ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—CITING the government's own election results.
20080501             WASHINGTON: Chefin von EDEL—PROSTITUTIONSRING begeht Selbstmord
20080501             Straßenschlacht, Festnahmen, Verletzte : 1—SCHRECKENS—MAI in ISTANBUL
20080501             Dann startet 1—TECHNIKER den Stromgenerator.
20080501             DUELL—DER—ERFINDER: Gleichstrom gegen Wechselstrom
20080501             Außenpolitik: USA frieren diplomatische Beziehungen zu WEISSRUSSLAND ein
20080501             Neuer Verfassungsrichter Voßkuhle: "Gerechtigkeit braucht Zeit"
20080501             Bandenkriminalität: HUNDERTE—VON—KINDERSKLAVEN in Südchina entdeckt
20080501             ANTI—NPD—DEMOS: Polizei setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Autonome ein
20080501             SÜDAFRIKA—BEHÖRDE verhöhnt Behinderte: Keine Arme, kein Pass
20080501             Waffentechnik: DEUTSCHLAND—RENTNER erfindet RADAR—TARNFARBE
20080501             —INVOLVED, Ploughshares spokeswoman Manu Caddie said the planning, 2—MONTHS—OF—TEXTING, emails and phone calls, which were apparently not intercepted.
20080501             "We were expecting not to get anywhere close to it," she said.
20080501             "I guess it shows that the system doesn't work that well".
20080501             —PREVENTED, Ferguson said the bureau was, by law from intercepting THE—COMMUNICATIONS—OF—NEW—ZEALAND citizens and concentrated solely on foreign intelligence.
20080501             —CONDEMNED, Clark, the attack as criminal and a "senseless ACT—OF—VANDALISM".
20080501             She said THE—COST—OF—REPAIRS would ultimately be borne by the taxpayer.
20080501             "This shouldn't have happened. It has happened. My role —NOW is to ensure that it does not happen again," Ferguson said.
20080501             "There will be 1—FULL—REVIEW to ascertain how and why this happened and what failed.
20080501             I'd have to say it is pretty obvious that something did because they got through.
20080501             Was wissen Sie über KOSOVO?
20080501             Fallstudie über Pazifismus, Propaganda... -
20080501             sich bei Murdoch [IoP]:22-23, 42—UND bei McDowell [AMRH]:21.
20080501             untersuchen, die MICHAEL—WALZER in die Debatte gebracht hat, siehe [WHHB].
20080501             Who Hijacked USA Airspace Emergency Response Protocols On 911 ?
20080501             "Most VICE—PRESIDENTS spend their days at state funerals;
20080501             —PICKED, MISTER—CHENEY, more than anyone else, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—CURRENT—ADMINISTRATION.
20080501             Thereafter he helped to shape the administration's policies on everything from energy policy to THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ... THE—REPUBLICANS have repeatedly reminded Americans this —WEEK that
20080501             Human Dignity and Humiliation STUDIES—NEWS
20080501             135—JAHRE nach ihrer Entstehung sind die Worte dieser Proklamation genauso relevant und wichtig.
20080501             Um die Anforderungen des KYOTO Protokolls zu erfüllen.
20080501             THE—BLOTTER: Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against IRAN
20080501             Do you think that THE—PEOPLE—OF—IRAN, CHINA + RUSSIA are —JUST going to say... agreed to help the frog across the river and then swallowed the frog.
20080501             IRAN lehne sämtliche Massenvernichtungswaffen ab und habe kein Interesse, andere Länder anzugreifen, erklärte DANESCH—JASDI in seinem Schreiben.
20080501             Clintons Erklärung, bei einem Angriff Teherans auf ISRAEL würden die USA unter ihrer Führung IRAN angreifen, sei "provokativ, ungerechtfertigt und unverantwortlich", erklärte der stellvertretende IRAN—UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—MEHDI—DANESCH—JASDI am gestrigen —MITTWOCH in NEW—YORK.
20080501             Sein Schreiben ging an UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban KI—MOON mit der Bitte, es an den Weltsicherheitsrat weiterzuleiten.
20080501             Clinton hatte gesagt: "In den kommenden 10—JAHREN, in denen sie unklugerweise einen Angriff auf ISRAEL in Betracht ziehen könnten, würden wir in der Lage sein, sie völlig zu vernichten".
20080501             Es sei furchtbar, so etwas zu sagen, ergänzte die Senatorin aus NEW—YORK.
20080501             Aber die Machthaber in IRAN müssten das verstehen, um sie von einem solchen Schritt abzuhalten.
20080501             Kritiker zeigten sich empört über den Zeitpunkt der Aktion, vor allem jedoch über den "massiven Eingriff in die Privatsphäre" von Millionen Bürgern.
20080501             "Es handelt sich um eine klare Rechtsverletzung", erklärte die Verbraucherorganisation ADOC.
20080501             Es bestehe die Gefahr, dass Kriminelle die Daten nun für Raub, Erpressung oder Diebstahl nutzten.
20080501             Fast 24—STUNDEN lang waren die Informationen frei VERFÜGBAR—BIS Datenschützer das skurrile Projekt stoppten.
20080501             Nach einer offiziellen Beschwerde mussten die Behörden die veröffentlichten Daten wieder zurückziehen.
20080501             TRANSPARENZ—OFFENSIVE: ITALIEN stellt Steuerdaten ins NETZ—DATENSCHÜTZER empört
20080501             ALEXANDER—KLUGE: GUERILLA—FILME fürs Fernsehvolk
20080501             Südostasien: Tausende demonstrieren gegen hohe Lebensmittelpreise
20080501             MAI—KUNDGEBUNG: Beck wettert gegen Spaltung der Gesellschaft - Sexualität: Stimme verrät Fruchtbarkeit
20080501             Fitnessmahnung per SMS: HANDY—GEWISSEN funkt KALORIEN—WARNUNGEN
20080501             VERHEUGEN—NACHFOLGE : "Ein Spitzenmann in Brüssel muss über europapolitische Erfahrungen verfügen"
20080501             ARIK—KISLIN | Linx Industries
20080501             [DrugWar] "NAFTA con Drogas"- Bush 's "Texican" Drug Cartel Newspapers reported that * Name CO—OWNED 1—TIJUANA disco together with 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—CARO—QUINTERO drug CARTEL—OF—SONORA.
20080501             Name is also an associate of...
20080501             Cuando detuvieron a Caro Quintero era normal que todo mundo hablara muy bien de él.... a Caborca a MEXICALI a TIJUANA pasando por El Altar y Sonoita.
20080501             -† on-: THE—BLAIR—PROJECT—OF—PROMOTING + implementing RIGHT—WING policies in the knowledge that traditional working class voters would remain solid.
20080501             Was wissen Sie über KOSOVO? Fallstudie über Pazifismus, Propaganda...
20080501             sich bei Murdoch [IoP]:22-23, 42—UND bei McDowell [AMRH]:21.... untersuchen, die MICHAEL—WALZER in die Debatte gebracht hat, siehe [WHHB].
20080501             Do you think that the people of IRAN, CHINA + RUSSIA are —JUST going to say... agreed to help the frog across the river and then swallowed the frog.
20080501—18961100    —IM, jagen Generatoren hochgespannten Strom von den NIAGARA—FÄLLEN durch 40—KILOMETER Kupferdraht in die Stadt BUFFALO.
20080501—19950000    —PRIVATIZED, BOLIVIA, the struggling Entel, handing 50—PERCENT—OF—THE—COMPANY to Stet INTERNATIONAL in exchange for THE—ITALY—COMPANY—PROMISE to invest $608—MILLION to modernize its services.
20080501—20070000    —REACHED, Murders in the city had, 392.
20080501—20080415    —CONVICTED, She had been, —OF—RACKETEERING and other charges related to 1—PROSTITUTION—RING, whose clients included high profile government officials.
20080502             DGB—CHEF—MICHAEL—SOMMER ergänzte: "Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, dass Justiz und Verwaltungen nicht in der Lage sind, NAZI—PROVOKATIONEN an unserem 20080501              zu verhindern".
20080502             Chavez raises VENEZUELA—MINIMUM—WAGE—30—PERCENT : The socialist leader has signed 1—DEGREE that will fix the monthly minimum wage at USA USA$372 (euro239), —STARTING 20080501             , INTERNATIONAL Workers' —DAY.
20080530—18990501    —CONCERNED, THE—CANADA—PUBLIC should be very, about that incident, —SINCE it was not 1—ISOLATED 1., 1—AKWESASNE—MOHAWK, Saiowisakeron, also known as "JAKE—FIRE", faced THE—BARREL—OF—1—GUN in the hands of an RCMP officer.
20080610             "According to 20080501             —THE—CCC inventory report there are o­nly 24.1—MILLION—BUSHELS—OF—WHEAT in inventory, so —AFTER this sale there will be o­nly 2.7—MILLION—BUSHELS—OF—WHEAT left the entire CCC inventory," warned Matlack.
20080826             —WHEN Michelle 20080501             —AVID traveler, returned to NEW—YORK—JOHN—F—KENNEDY airport —AFTER a 7—WEEK—TRIP to IRAN this —SUMMER, she says she was closely questioned and her luggage searched —AFTER officials read on her customs card that she had been to the Islamic Republic.
20080916             1—JAPAN—RESEARCHER said he has taught 1—BELUGA whale to "talk" by using sounds to identify 3—DIFFERENT—OBJECTS, offering hope that humans 20080501             —DAY be able to hold conversations with sea mammals.
20090429             20090501 Selling your soul to Usana Health Sciences for $27000 1—YEAR...
20090501             Atlantic Research Arcon 20050217             ...
20090501             20090429 w:o -Waste Management meldet GEWINNRÜCKGANG—WALLSTREET—ONLINE.de -
20090501             —BASED, USA—CASES—OF—THE—H1N1 flu rose to 155, on federal and state tallies.
20090501             State laboratory operators believe the number is higher because they are not testing all suspected cases.
20090501             —RAISED, MEXICO, its confirmed swine flu death toll from 15 to 16, adding that the total number of confirmed CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS had risen to 397. Worldwide, the total confirmed cases were 653, with the real number also believed to be much larger.
20090501             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, gunmen, 1—TROOPS' convoy as it traveled to 1—VILLAGE to talk to elders about security.
20090501             —KILLED, The troops, 1—MILITANT in the initial clash and another 14 as they pursued insurgents who were firing on them from 1—NEARBY hillside.
20090501             3—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—SOLDIERS were killed in overnight fighting with insurgents in EAST—KUNAR province.
20090501             ETHIOPIA, Communications MINISTER—BEREKET—SIMON said that senior military officers, including 1—GENERAL, had plotted to assassinate top government officials.
20090501             He added that 40—PEOPLE were under arrest.
20090501             —BELONGED, Bereket said the plotters, to the Ginbot 7 (20090515             ) opposition group, saying it was linked to the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD) headed by Berhanu Nega, currently living in THE—USA.
20090501             —COMPARED, ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI, who has, himself to Jesus Christ and Napoleon, boasted that he was the world's most popular leader.
20090501             —SIGNED, PAKISTAN and LIBYA, 1—STRING—OF—AGREEMENTS to bolster economic ties on THE—SIDELINES—OF—ZARDARI—VISIT.
20090501             PAKISTAN, the battle between security forces and Taliban militants left 55—60—MILITANTS—DEAD over the last 24—HOURS in Buner district near the capital even as the government pressed with 1—MUCH—CRITICIZED peace plan in the region.
20090501             —COMBINED, Based on, tolls released by the military, nearly 200—MILITANTS have been killed in Operation Black Thunder —SINCE tanks, fighter jets and helicopter gunships swung into action in Buner and neighboring Lower Dir.
20090501             —SERVED, PARAGUAY, Sabino Montanaro (86), who, as interior MINISTER—UNDER—EX—DICTATOR—ALFREDO—STROESSNER, arrived in ASUNCION —AFTER nearly 2—DECADES—OF—SELF—IMPOSED exile in HONDURAS.
20090501             —SEIZED, Special forces on 1—PORTUGAL—WARSHIP, explosives from suspected SOMALIA—PIRATES —AFTER thwarting 1—ATTACK on 1—OIL—TANKER, but —LATER freed THE—19—MEN.
20090501             —DROPPED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT, leaflets across the northern war zone urging civilians to flee the fighting amid accusations the military pounded the area with artillery shells that killed at least 10—CIVILIANS.
20090501             VENEZUELA, police and national guard troops broke up 1—OPPOSITION—MARCH in CARACAS as THOUSANDS—OF—OPPONENTS and SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ held separate May —DAY marches.
20090501             —RAISED, MEXICO, its confirmed swine flu death toll from 15 to 16, adding that the total NUMBER—OF—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS had risen to 397.
20090501             —CONFIRMED, Worldwide, the total, cases were 653, with the real number also believed to be much larger.
20090501             —WARNED, USA—GOVERNMENT—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, dieters and body builders to —IMMEDIATELY stop using Hydroxycut, 1—WIDELY sold supplement linked to CASES—OF—SERIOUS liver damage and at least 1—DEATH.
20090501             —SIGNED, COLORADO GOVERNOR—BILL—RITTER, 1—STATE—BUDGET—OVERCOMING a $1.4—BILLION deficit by taping into emergency reserve funds and cutting state services.
20090501             SOUTH—TEXAS, Reymundo Guerra, FORMER—SHERIFF—OF—STARR county, pleaded guilty to 1—DRUG—TRAFFICKING—CHARGE for sharing law enforcement information with 1—MEXICO—DRUG—RING.
20090501             † DANNY—GANS, 52—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—MOST popular entertainers on THE—LAS—VEGAS Strip for the last —DECADE in his sleep at his home in HENDERSON—NEVADA 1—CORONER—LATER said Gans' death was accidental, caused by 1—PRESCRIPTION painkiller.
20090501             —AWARDED, BRITAIN, THE—ROLE—OF—NATIONAL—POET laureate to CAROL—ANN—DUFFY (53), the 1. woman to hold 1—POST that has been filled by WILLIAM—WORDSWORTH, ALFRED—LORD—TENNYSON and TED—HUGHES.
20090501             —PUBLISHED, Duffy, 1—GAY—WOMAN, has, more than 30—BOOKS—PLAYS and children's stories as well as poems that mix accessible modern language with traditional forms.
20090501             —DONATED, CAMBODIA, 1—COURT—OFFICIAL said JAPAN has, $4.17—MILLION to THE—UN—BACKED genocide tribunal trying FORMER—KHMER Rouge leaders on war crimes charges, —JUST as the troubled court was running OUT—OF—FUNDING.
20090501             —CLASHED, May —DAY protesters, with riot police in GERMANY—TURKEY and GREECE, —WHILE thousands angry at the government's responses to the global financial crisis took to the streets in FRANCE.
20090501             —BATTLED, Riot police, 700—STONE—THROWING—LEFT—WING—MILITANTS in BERLIN for more than 5—HOURS in May —DAY clashes that stretched into early PRE—DAWN hours.
20090501             † In INDIA officials said at least 18—PEOPLE have in 1—SCORCHING—HEAT—WAVE that has swept through more than 12—INDIA—STATES.
20090501             —NAMED, INDONESIA—TOP—GRAFT—BUSTER, Antasari Azhar (56), was, 1—SUSPECT and 1—MASTERMIND in 1—MURDER—CASE—DEALING—1—BLOW to the agency that's played 1—KEY—PART in PRESIDENT—SUSILO—BAMBANG—YUDHOYONO—FIGHT against corruption.
20090501             —HANGED, IRAN, 1—YOUNG—WOMAN—23—JAHRE—ALT who was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER—WHEN she was 1—MINOR—DRAWING—CONDEMNATION from INTERNATIONAL human rights groups who have sought to end capital punishment for juvenile offenders.
20090501             NORTH—IRAQ, AMMAR—AFIF—HAMADA, 19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—WOULD—BE—SYRIA—SUICIDE—BOMBER linked to AL—QAIDA in IRAQ, was tackled by guards on THE—DOORSTEP—OF—1—MOSQUE in KIRKUK.
20090501             LIBYA—LEADER—MOAMER Kadhafi held talks with visiting PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI on the situation in PAKISTAN and WAYS—OF—BOLSTERING—TIES between THE—2—NATIONS.
20090501             —DECIDED, The countries also, to bolster ties in THE—FIELDS—OF—BANKING, health, education, public works and construction.
20090501             The museum houses the art COLLECTION—OF—WEALTHY—HOLLAND—BANKER—DIRK Scheringa and his wife.
20090501             He faced 6—PENDING—TRIALS for the disappearance and KILLINGS—OF—GOVERNMENT opponents in the 1970s and 1980s.
20090501             Hours —LATER and HUNDREDS—OF—MILES away, another BAND—OF—PIRATES hijacked 1—CARGO ship.
20090501             THE—CAPTAIN and 23—CREW were all Ukrainians and THE—GREEK—OWNED, MALTESE—FLAGGED Ariana was carrying 1—CARGO—OF—SOYA from BRAZIL to IRAN —WHEN pirates attacked it SOUTH—WEST—OF—THE—SEYCHELLOIS—ISLANDS.
20090501             1—UN—AGENCY urged ISRAEL to freeze DEMOLITIONS—OF—ARAB homes in EAST—JERUSALEM, citing 1—GROWING—HOUSING—CRISIS in THE—PART—OF—THE—CITY the Palestinians claim as their future capital.
20090501             Atlantic Research Corporation. Klare,M. War Without End.
20090501             Raju Kucherlapati: ZoomInfo Business People Information Dr.
20090501             —REGULATED, Parag Khanna: Should global capital flow be more ? — Big...
20090501             Hahahaha, Lacher des Tages: Die Israelis drohen EUROPA wegen der Dauerkritik:
20090501             ALAN—OSMOND, brother to the beauteous Marie, is an MS patient whose PROFESSIONAL—LOOKING website extolls THE—BENEFITS—OF—SF—10190000            .
20090501             —JUST asking.
20090501             His partner is 1—JAMES—T—MICELI.
20090501             ARGYLL—BIOTECH—RELATIONSHIP with Immunosyn is not clear to me.
20090501             Yet THE—MS community also has questions:
20090501             CJStudio : photos : 03—05—CHF Benefit Dinner : DOCTOR—MYRON—WENTZ... CHILDREN—HUNGER—FUND—BENEFIT—DINNER at THE—RONALD—REAGAN—LIBRARY.
20090501             Selling your soul to Usana Health Sciences for $27000 1—YEAR...
20090501             —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Merkel verbittet sich Warnung vor sozialen Unruhen
20090501             Tinu 26/04 10001 Und noch erstaunlicher ist es, dass die Evolution sogar das Timing bezogen auf die FINANZ—UND Wirtschaftskrise geschickt WÄHLT—DIE Pharmaindustrie wird es bestimmt FREUEN—TAMIFLU soll WIRKEN—IMMERHIN gibts bei uns für 1/4—DER Bevölkerung davon.
20090501             Die anderen 3/4—MÜSSEN offenbar dann wirkich Tee trinken und Hände waschen.
20090501             Holsboer: Man kann die Biografie nicht trennen von dem, was auf unseren Genen passiert.
20090501             Äußere Ereignisse verändern zwar nicht die Gene selbst, aber die Genregulation.
20090501             Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Veranlagung und äußerer Ursache führt zur Stoffwechselstörung im Hirn.
20090501             Doch nun habe die Weltgesellschaft den "Limes" erreicht.
20090501             —BESCHREIBT, PARIS—ALS "eine historische Mobilisierung", BERNARD—THIBAULT, Generalsekretär der kommunistischen Gewerkschaft CGT, die 283—MAI—KUNDGEBUNGEN bei denen am —FREITAG mehrere Millionen Demonstranten in FRANKREICH unterwegs sind.
20090501             Zum 1. Mal —SEIT Ende des 2. Weltkriegs haben sich alle 8—GROSSEN gewerkschaftlichen Organisationen auf eine "Einheitsfront" gegen Regierung und Unternehmerinteressen verständigt und auf identische Forderungen.
20090501             Auch die politische Opposition zeigt am —TAG—DER—ARBEIT breite Solidarität;
20090501             die gesamte Linke ist angetreten und nutzt die Gelegenheit zum medienwirksamen Schulterschluss mit der Arbeiterklasse und macht,
20090501             angesichts von Wirtschaftskrise und wachsender sozialer Unruhe, Front gegen PRÄSIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY.
20090501             Das neue Virus sei eine "sehr ungewöhnliche" Kombination aus menschlichen Genen und Schweinegenen, die in NORDAMERIKA—ASIEN und EUROPA gefunden wurden, sagte Cox weiter.
20090501             Neue Fälle in aller Welt: Forscher rätseln über Gefährlichkeit des SCHWEINEGRIPPE—ERREGERS
20090501             SCHWEINEGRIPPE—INFEKTIONEN: 1. bestätigte Fälle in DÄNEMARK—FRANKREICH und HONGKONG
20090501             Haushaltsdefizit: EU rechnet mit dramatischem Anstieg DEUTSCHLAND—SCHULDEN
20090501             Folgen der Wirtschaftskrise: Der neue Mensch
20090501             Geheimnisse des Gehirns: "Das Ich steckt in Milliarden Schaltkreisen" - Sonnenrekord: Heiß, heißer, April
20090501             Nadel used proceeds from the fraud to purchase what he RE—NAMED the Venice Jet Center at the Venice Airport, the same building whose blue awning became...
20090501             —POINTED, As I have, out —EARLIER, Madoff's has very close and LONG—STANDING—BUSINESS—TIES to the directors and owners of 2—OF—ISRAEL—LARGEST—BANKS, which were privatized
20090501             Cash is —NOW in Foreign Banks.
20090501             —INDICTED, Hedge fund manager ART—NADEL, in NEW—YORK on fraud counts... Hedge fund manager ART—NADEL indicted in NEW—YORK on fraud counts.
20090501             Daval INTERNATIONAL
20090501             1—KEY—FIGURE lobbying for the drug has been Lord Elder, 1—FRIEND—OF—GORDON—BROWN—SINCE their schooldays and former adviser to TONY—BLAIR.
20090501             The peer, who has £300,000 WORTH—OF—SHARES in the company and acts as its paid adviser, attended meetings between Daval executives, Brown and other ministers.
20090501             LATEST NEWS: Atlantic Research Arcon 20050217             ...
20090501             Atlantic Research Corporation Political Action Committee
20090501             (ARC—PAC) 20040000              - Money, Politics, Committees, Elections
20090501             Atlantic Research Corp. 5.5.1: Atlantic Research Corp.
20090501             ARC mainly builds tactical solid rockets.
20090501             —DATE D, Corporate Profile for Atlantic Research Corporation, 20090505             ...
20090501             Beck Research: Awards and Honors
20090501             Logik wider ALLE—VERNUNFT—ER erhielt folgende Auszeichnungen: ALBERT—EINSTEIN—AWARD (19540000             , Princeton);
20090501             YellowOnline_com CEO—ROBERT—ALAN—DAVIS to Receive ALBERT—EINSTEIN...
20090501             ALBERT—EINSTEIN—COLLEGE—OF—MEDICINE—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia (AECOM) is 1—GRADUATE SCHOOL—OF—YESHIVA University.
20090501             —LOCATED, It is 1—PRIVATE—MEDICAL—SCHOOL, in the Jack and Pearl..
20090501             DOCTOR—RAJU—KUCHERLAPATI | Sage Crossroads
20090501             Optimum ONLINE—FINANCE
20090501             Usana INSIDER—USANA CFO GIL—FULLER has no CPA license | Sequence...
20090501             THE—USANA—INSIDER reveals the —FOLLOWING about GIL—FULLER—ALLEGING that he has no CPA license: i do not have much time to write. the company...
20090501             Tax deductions by Usana distributors | Sequence INCORPORATED Fraud Files Blog GIL—FULLER repeatedly called THE—MAJORITY—OF—USANA distributors...
20090501             If GIL—FULLER lied about this notion that USANA distributors are a...
20090501             —FOUNDED, USANA was, by 1—IMMUNOLOGIST and microbiologist MYRON—WENTZ.
20090501             The company sells its products through multilevel marketing: associates recruit other associates, who recruit still others.
20090501             PR—USA_NET—USANA Health Sciences, INCORPORATED Investor Investigation on BEHALF—OF—CURRENT—INVESTORS in USANA Health Sciences over possible Securities Laws violations.
20090501             THE—ESSENTIAL—USANA—REVIEW—IS USANA Health Sciences Really 1—SCAM?
20090501             Let me give you 1—BRIEF—INTRODUCTION about USANA Health Sciences.
20090501             Usana Health SCIENCES—FACTS & Truth Exposed
20090501             USANA Health Sciences, INCORPORATED—SECURITIES Class Action Summary: Usana Health Sciences — Wikipedia
20090501             USANA—WIKIPEDIA,the free encyclopedia
20090501             USANA (NASDAQ: USNA),or USANA Health Sciences, INCORPORATED, is 1—MULTILEVEL marketing company that produces various nutritional + SKIN—CARE—PRODUCTS.
20090501             Is USANA Health Sciences 1—FRAUD? -- Seeking Alpha
20090501             Alex, you need to contact USANA Health Sciences !
20090501             Talk to DOCTOR—MYRON—WENTZ yourself.
20090501             You will understand that what BARRY—MINKOW is saying about the dosages is... IS—USANA—HEALTH—SCIENCES—A—FRAUD
20090501             USANA Health Sciences Q4 20080000              Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking...
20090501             MYRON—W—WENTZ, Ph.D. Elected to Serve on Immunosyn Corporation (IMYN.
20090501             USANA BUSTS FELON Scams againt MLM BARRY—MINKOW, JOHN—TAYLOR... - Waste Management INCORPORATED.
20090501             Waste Management INCORPORATED's 'Greenopolis' Social Network: 1—BIG...
20090501             —GREENWASHED, Is new social network 'Greenopolis' 1—BIG, ad by billion dollar company Waste Management, INCORPORATED, in 1—ATTEMPT to green their...
20090501             HOUSTON (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die USA—WASTE Management INCORPORATED.
20090501             (ISIN US94106L1098/ WKN 893579) musste im 1. Quartal einen.
20090501             PROLOGA—WASTE Management, INCORPORATED HOUSTON—TEXAS ist das weltweit größte Entsorgungsunternehmen.
20090501             Die Firma umfasst unter anderem 413—SAMMELBETRIEBE, 370—ZWISCHENLAGER...
20090501             Waste Management — Wikipedia Waste Management (WM) ist 1—USA USA—UNTERNEHMEN mit Firmensitz...
20090501             Waste Management, INC—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20090501             —TRIED, Other countries that have, to dump their waste in 3. World countries have all been forced by INTERNATIONAL reprisals and THE—WEIGHT—OF—POPULAR—OPINION to bring it back home.
20090501             —RETRIEVED, ITALY has, toxic waste from LEBANON and NIGERIA;
20090501             GERMANY from ALBANIA and ROMANIA; SOUTH—KOREA from CHINA.
20090501             But not THE—USA—LENIENT regulations here require only that 1—COMPANY notify THE—EPA —BEFORE shipping hazardous waste.
20090501             If the company is caught abroad violating foreign laws, THE—USA is not likely to prosecute.
20090501             —OWNED, The man who, the barge was LOUIS—D—PAOLINO.
20090501             He received funding from ARGYLL—EQUITIES—LLC, which also invested in the
20090501             Kovar Crime FAMILY—OF—BUSINESS—FRAUDSTERS at S—PETERSBURG—FL—SKYWAY—AIRCRAFT—OWNERS—OF—1—DC9 they kept at THE—CLEARWATER—S—PETE—AIRPORT which would be busted carrying 5.5—TONS—OF—COCAINE.
20090501             Argyll is 1—INTERESTING—COMPANY.
20090501             It is run by - Was bitte schön soll an dieser Regelung im Sinne des Verbrauchers sein?
20090501             Wie soll ihn das schützen?
20090501             Wer sich selbst schützt, indem er Cookies killt, statt sich damit EU—KONFORM einverstanden zu erklären, wird mit endlosen POPUP—KASKADEN bestraft.
20090501             Wer seinen Datenschutz vernachlässigt, wird auch mit den EU—COOKIE—POPUPS nicht behelligt.
20090501             Erde an Brüssel: jemand Zuhause? Herr, wirf Hirn vom Himmel!
20090501             Denn Cookies, das haben die EU—PARLAMENTARIER durch die Diskussionen um Google, vor allem aber um den GROSSBRITANNIEN—DATEN—KRAKEN Phorm gelernt, können dazu dienen, das Konsumverhalten von EU—BÜRGERN auszuspionieren.
20090501             Es gäbe wohl wichtigere DATENSCHUTZ—THEMEN, die 1—HINTERFRAGUNG lohnen WÜRDEN—VON Ursula von der Leyens abstrusen INTERNET—SPERR—PLÄNEN über WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLES—ÜBERWACHUNGSPHANTASIEN —BIS hin zur BÜRGERDATEN—TOMBOLA im internationalen SICHERHEITSBEHÖRDEN—CLUB und zur leidigen Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
20090501             SEI—DRUM: Die EU—PARLAMENTARIER finden es okay, wenn unsere Vorstrafen zwecks Terrorrabwehr an USA—BEHÖRDEN vermailt werden und unsere ganze Kommunikation auf Monate dokumentiert wird.
20090501             —BEKOMMT, Hauptsache, niemand, ohne ausdrückliches Einverständnis einen Cookie.
20090501             Die klammheimlichen Verordnungspläne gehen zahlreichen Medien-, WERBER—UND Händlerverbänden dagegen ganz schön auf den Keks.
20090501             Bürger, duck' Dich: Man hält Dich für nicht mündig
20090501             Fall in BAYERN: 1. MENSCH—ZU—MENSCH—INFEKTION mit Schweinegrippe in DEUTSCHLAND
20090501             " EXCLUSIVE: OH Election Fraud Attorney Reacts to THE—DEATH—OF—MIKE—CONNELL" BRAD—FRIEDMAN, THE—BRAD BLOG, 20081222
20090501             REPORTS—OF—IRREGULARITIES Pour in from Across USA in Record Early Voting" Amy Goodman and MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER, Democracy —NOW!
20090501             — " "Man in the Middle" Attacks to Subvert the Vote" Bev Harris, Black Box Voting 20081100
20090501             —CONSULTED, Other sources :
20090501             Der WIPO—CHEF hat einen seltenen Moment der Klarheit: Man müsse angesichts dieser Statistik die Frage stellen, ob es sich hier noch um "Piraterie" oder —SCHON um eine "Änderung der Umstände" handle.
20090501             —BEGINNT, Mit einem Konzert, um 18—UHR unter dem Motto "Kapitalismus ist Krise und KRIEG—FÜR die soziale Revolution" die "Revolutionäre 20090501             —DEMONSTRATION" in Kreuzberg.
20090501             Die Stimmung in der HAUPTSTADT ist vor diesem 20090501              angespannt wie lange nicht.
20090501             Das Berliner Boulevardblatt "B.Z." titelte am —DONNERSTAG: "Schwarzer Block greift Innensenator an".
20090501             in BERLIN: "Wir wollen soziale Unruhen"
20090501             " EXCLUSIVE: OH Election Fraud Attorney Reacts to THE—DEATH—OF—MIKE—CONNELL" BRAD—FRIEDMAN, THE—BRAD BLOG, 20081222              20091222              2 touched down in VILNIUS on February 3, 20030000             , and 20051006           .
20090501             — " WHERE—THE—MISS—M—COVERAGE—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—CONNELL, 1—TOP—BUSH /Rove/GOP Operative?" BRAD—FRIEDMAN, THE—BRAD BLOG, 20081224              20090501              THE—BRAD BLOG, 20081224
20090501             —VERBITTET, —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Merkel, sich Warnung vor sozialen Unruhen
20090501             —PROSECUTED, THE—STRANGE—CASE—OF—ART—NADEL—BY—CHRISTOPHER—BOLLYN—WHY is ART—NADEL—CRIMINAL—CASE being, in NEW—YORK City by the same Zionist prosecutor who is handling the Madoff fraud?
20090501             —INDICTED, Hedge fund manager ART—NADEL, in NEW—YORK on fraud counts... Hedge fund manager ART—NADEL indicted in NEW—YORK on fraud counts.
20090501             LATEST NEWS: Atlantic Research Arcon 20050217             ... - Atlantic Research Corporation.
20090501             Klare,M. War Without End. NACLA.
20090501             Raju Kucherlapati Scientific Director, HARVARD—PARTNERS—CENTER for.
20090501             Dr. Kucherlapati was 1—FOUNDER—OF—CELL—GENESYS and served as 1—DIRECTOR—OF—CELL.
20090501             MARK—LOGAN: ZoomInfo Business People Information
20090501             —ALMOST in front us only small tags and global capital flows.
20090501             and from - AVANT Immunotherapeutics CEO, Una S. Ryan, Receives 20070000              Albert...
20090501             —BASED, It is, in SALT—LAKE—CITY, UTAH.
20090501             —FOUNDED, USANA Health Sciences was, back 19920000              by 1—CERTAIN—DR—MYRON—WENTZ.
20090501             If you were going to join 1—MULTI—LEVEL marketing company like Usana Health Sciences (NASDAQ:USNA), what would your goal be?
20090501             Would you aspire to be 1—OF...
20090501             Usana Health Sciences loses big in court | Sequence INCORPORATED Fraud...
20090501             1—RULING —YESTERDAY in the Usana Health Sciences (NASDAQ:USNA) v. BARRY—MINKOW & Fraud Discovery Institute case in USA—COURT for...
20090501             USANA oder Usana Health Sciences (nasdaq|USNA) ist 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHES—UNTERNEHMEN, welches 1—REIHE—VON—NAHRUNGSERGÄNZUNGSMITTELN und...
20090501             You will understand that what BARRY—MINKOW is saying about the dosages is...
20090501             MYRON—W—WENTZ, Ph.D. Elected to Serve on Immunosyn...
20090501             USANA BUSTS FELON Scams againt MLM BARRY—MINKOW, JOHN—TAYLOR... - New Page 1—DR.
20090501             —RENOWNED, MYRON—WENTZ, FOUNDER—AND—PRESIDENT, is internationally, in 35—COUNTRIES for his contributions to THE—DIAGNOSIS—OF—DISEASE.
20090501             MYRON—WENTZ states that, "I continue my interest in IMMUNOSYN—EFFORTS through ARGYLL—BIOTECHNOLOGIES to seek approvals and commercialization of.
20090501             MYRON—WENTZ, founder, chairman, and CEO—OF—USANA—HEALTH—SCIENCES, INCORPORATED ( NASDAQ: USNA), was honored —MONDAY at 1—SPECIAL—CEREMONY in JERUSALEM with the.
20090501             Waste Management INCORPORATED.
20090501             07. - Waste Management — Wikipedia Waste Management (WM) ist 1—USA—AMERIKANISCHES—UNTERNEHMEN mit Firmensitz...
20090501             It is run by - He also runs -- and here's where we get into very strange territory -- something called ARGYLL—BIOTECH, as well as 1—FIRM called Immunosyn.
20090501             THE—2—FIRMS are run out of the same office.
20090501             You'd think that the bright young fellows capable of doing this KIND—OF—BUSINESS would have figured out that SkyWay was 1—SCAM.
20090501             Well, live and learn.
20090501             I read back and found SOME—THINGS on SF1019. I found 1—LOT—OF—NEGATIVE.
20090501             As I read I understood that for the most part people who were commenting were frustrated BECAUSE—OF—LACK—OF—INFO.
20090501             I have found that LACK—OF—KNOWLEDGE regarding drug development and how the process works can be confusing and also make persons who are desperate for 1—CURE find fault and look for the scams...
20090501             —RECEIVED, He does not disclose that he has, 4—MILLION—SHARES—OF—IMMUNOSYN.
20090501             Was bitte schön soll an dieser Regelung im Sinne des Verbrauchers sein?
20090501             ISRAEL has told the European Union to stop criticising BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU—GOVERNMENT or risk being excluded from future MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—NEGOTIATIONS.
20090501             UN—FASS—BAR.
20090501             Die sind so dermaßen weit weggetreten... *stöhn*
20090501—19290000    —FROM, In THE—NETHERLANDS robbers at the Scheringa Museum for Realism in Spanbroek stole "Adolescence," a 19410000              gouache by Salvadore DALI and "La Musicienne," 1—OIL—PAINTING by POLISH—BORN art deco painter Tamara de Lempicka.
20090501—20030000    —PLEADED, Delara Darabi, —INITIALLY, guilty to killing her father's cousin, but —LATER retracted her confession and said her boyfriend carried out the killing.
20090501—20090314    —IN—THE, He was 1—OF—SEVERAL suspects MURDER—OF—NASRUDIN—ZULKARNAEN, 1—BUSINESSMAN who, according to local media reports, had been 1—WITNESS in 1—CORRUPTION—CASE investigated by the agency.
20090501—20090501    —AM, Randale : Polizisten und Autonome liefern sich Straßenschlacht in Kreuzberg
20090501—20090501    —AM, Proteste : Demonstranten stoppen Neonazis mit BLOCKADEN—KRAWALLE in ULM und DORTMUND
20090501—20091210    —FREED, THE—ARIANA was, —FOLLOWING 1—RANSOM payment of $2.8—MILLION by ATHENS—BASED Alloceans Shipping.
20090507—20090501    —AM, 20090507 Wie überraschend: Die Bundespolizei hat fröhlich mitrandaliert.
20090507—20090501    —MITRANDALIERT, Wie überraschend: Die Bundespolizei hat fröhlich.
20090829—20090501    —IM, Medwedew rief —BEREITS—KOMMISSION ins Leben, um diesen "immer zäheren und aggressiveren Versuchen" etwas entgegenzusetzen.
20100419—20100501    —LIFTED, This, a 2—DECADE—OLD—BAN on people with HIV and AIDS from entering the country, —JUST as it is about to welcome the world to THE—SHANGHAI Expo.
20100430—20100501    —OPENED, THE—WORLD—EXPO officially.
20100501             —IN—COURT—UPHELD—THE 16-year sentence against INTERNET entrepreneur Tran Huynh Duy Thuc and the 5-year sentence against USA—TRAINED human rights attorney Le Cong Dinh.
20100501             Mandala, 1—SENIOR at Kempner High School in Sugar LAND—TEXAS, was last seen 20100427              leaving her mother's home.
20100501             —CLAIMED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN quickly, responsibility for the failed car bomb attack.
20100501             —ARRESTED, SOUTH—CAROLINA, LEE—COUNTY—SHERIFF—E—J—MELVIN was, —AFTER THE—FBI caught him calling drug dealers to tip them off or extort them —AFTER receiving 1—LIST—OF—POSSIBLE—DEALERS in his county.
20100501             —REVEALED, Autopsies, that all 3 † from severe blows to the head and body.
20100501             —KILLED, THE—2—MEN, were taxi driver LUIS—ANGEL—ESTRELLA—MONDRAGON, 44—JAHRE—ALT and merchant DANTE—RUIZ—SILLER, 38—JAHRE—ALT.
20100501             —PLAYED, USA—ACTRESS, MILD—MANNERED NANCY Hughes on THE—CBS soap opera "As the World Turns" for more than 1—HALF—CENTURY.
20100501             —MARCHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, in cities from HONG—KONG to ISTANBUL to mark INTERNATIONAL worker's —DAY, demanding more jobs, better work conditions and higher wages.
20100501             —ENDORSED, Arab nations, indirect peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis, 1—MOVE that likely paves the way for THE—START—OF—LONG—STALLED—USA—BROKERED negotiations.
20100501             The verdict came —2—WEEKS—AFTER another rancher, Vitalmiro Moura, was sentenced to 30—YEARS in prison —AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—COLLABORATING with Galvao.
20100501             —RELEASED, Galvao was soon, on bail pending 1—APPEAL.
20100501             CHINA, World Expo 20100000              officially opened in SHANGHAI.
20100501             2—WHEELED Electric Networked Vehicles (EN—VS) were unveiled at Expo 20100000            .
20100501             CUBA quietly began requiring foreign tourists and Cubans who live overseas to hold travel insurance approved by ISLAND authorities, —WHILE making those who don't have coverage buy 1—LOCAL—POLICY that can cost over $3 1—DAY.
20100501             —GATHERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in CENTRAL—ATHENS and other GREECE—CITIES for May —DAY rallies fueled by anger at expected harsh austerity measures needed to secure rescue loans for NEAR—BANKRUPT GREECE.
20100501             —ROBBED, IRAQ, gunmen, 1—JEWELRY store in NORTH—BAGHDAD and killed its owner.
20100501             —KILLED, MEXICO, 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—GUNBATTLE between gang members and soldiers in Camargo, 1—SMALL—TOWN in Tamaulipas state, which borders Nuevo LEON.
20100501             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—ACTIVISTS, in MOSCOW, shouting slogans comparing PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN to Soviet dictator JOSEF—STALIN in 1—RARE—PROTEST approved by the authorities.
20100501             —EXPLODED, SOMALIA, 2—BOMBS, inside 1—SMALL—MOSQUE in the Bakara market DISTRICT—OF—MOGADISHU killing at least 32—PEOPLE.
20100501             SUDAN, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), DARFUR—MAIN—REBEL—GROUP, warned that the government has brought the Darfur peace process to 1—END by launching 1—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE.
20100501             —REACHED, The worst USA—OIL spill in decades, into precious shoreline habitat along the Gulf Coast as documents emerged showing UNITED—KINGDOM—PETROLEUM downplayed THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—1—CATASTROPHIC—ACCIDENT at the offshore rig that exploded.
20100501             —KILLED, MINNESOTA, 1—SUBURBAN S—PAUL—POLICE—OFFICER was, —DURING 1—AMBUSH—SETTING off 1—MASSIVE—MANHUNT that ended with 1—SUSPECT—DEAD and another in custody.
20100501             NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that apparently began to detonate but did not explode in 1—SMOKING—SPORT—UTILITY—VEHICLE in Times Square.
20100501             ELISABETH—MANDALA, 18—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TEXAS high school student, and 2—MEXICO—MEN were found dead in 1—CRASHED pickup truck near Mina, in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—NUEVO—LEON.
20100501             ALBANIA, 22—OPPOSITION—SOCIALIST—LAWMAKERS and 180—SUPPORTERS launched 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to press the government to allow 1—PARTIAL—RECOUNT—OF—1—ELECTION they claim was tainted by VOTE—RIGGING.
20100501             THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—SALI—BERISHA, who narrowly won 20100628             —THE—GENERAL—ELECTION—CONTROLLING—75—OF—PARLIAMENT—140—SEATS, called their demands illegal.
20100501             —NATIONALIZED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, 4—ELECTRICITY—GENERATORS—2—OF which had European owners or partners.
20100501             —CARRIED, He skipped the May —DAY parade as SOME—MARCHERS, signs denouncing his PURCHASE—OF—1—NEW—FRANCE—DASSAULT jet.
20100501             Regivaldo Galvao, THE—LAST—OF—5—DEFENDANTS to stand trial in the case, was sentenced to 30—YEARS in prison.
20100501             —DEVELOPED, They used 1—BALANCING—SYSTEM, by Segway.
20100501             —EXPLODED, As they were making their escape, 1—CAR—BOMB—NEARBY—KILLING—3—POLICEMEN who were responding to the robbery.
20100501             —REPORTED, KUWAIT—MEDIA, that 7—PEOPLE were arrested in 1—SWEEP—OF—1—SUSPECTED spy cell.
20100501             —CALLED, THE—LEADER—OF—NEPAL—MAOISTS—1—NATIONWIDE general strike, stepping up pressure on the government to quit as TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—HIS—SUPPORTERS demonstrated in KATHMANDU.
20100501             —SEIZED, NIGERIA—NAVY—1—GREEK—FLAGGED vessel carrying more than 80—TONS—OF—STOLEN crude oil and arrested its crew in 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—SMUGGLING racket.
20100501             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER—5—PEOPLE in the Swat Valley, fuelling FEARS—OF—1—TALIBAN comeback in the area 1—YEAR—AFTER 1—MAJOR—ARMY—OFFENSIVE routed the group.
20100501             —ANNOUNCED, THE—VATICAN, that BENEDICTUS—XVI—PAPA would name 1—PAPAL delegate to govern THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED LEGIONARIES—OF—CHRIST and that 1—SPECIAL—COMMISSION would study its founding constitutions to reform it.
20100501             The decisions were made —AFTER 5—VATICAN investigators reported to THE—PAPA about their 8-month global inquiry into the order —AFTER its late founder was so thoroughly discredited by REVELATIONS—OF—HIS—DOUBLE—LIFE.
20100501             —AM, there was 1—ATTEMPTED—CAR—BOMBING in NEW—YORK—TIMES—SQUARE.
20100501—19560402    —OPENED, Wagner, "As the World Turns" —WHEN it premiered, with the words: "Good —MORNING, dear".
20100503—20100501    —RETURNED, FAISAL—SHAHZAD, 30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN who had —RECENTLY, from a 5—MONTH—TRIP to his native PAKISTAN, was arrested at 1—NEW—YORK airport on charges that he drove 1—BOMB—LADEN—SUV meant to cause 1—FIREBALL in Times Square.
20100505—20100501    —ON, FAISAL—SHAHZAD, 30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN who, drove 1—BOMB—LADEN—SUV meant to cause 1—FIREBALL in Times Square, was sentenced to life in prison.
20100513             USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ERIC—HOLDER said 3—PAKISTAN—MEN had been taken into custody in 1—SERIES—OF—RAIDS related to 20100501             —THE—FAILED Time Square car bombing.
20100621             NEW—YORK—CITY, FAISAL—SHAHZAD, 30—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PAKISTANI—BORN—USA—CITIZEN, pleaded guilty to all charges related to his 20100501              driving of 1—BOMB—LADEN—SUV meant to cause 1—FIREBALL in Times Square.
20110130—20110501    —AB, wird der Arbeitsmarkt EU—WEIT geöffnet, auf dass ALLE—EUROPÄISCHEN—ARBEITSKRÄFTE, die es wollen, nach DEUTSCHLAND einwandern.
201102260501         —ECHOED, VENEZUELA—TOP—DIPLOMAT—ON—THURSDAY, Fidel CASTRO—ACCUSATION that WASHINGTON is fomenting unrest in LIBYA to justify 1—INVASION to seize NORTH—AFRICAN nation's oil reserves.
20110316—20110501    —ON, pirates released the bulk carrier Sinar KUDUS and its 20—SAILORS —AFTER 1—RANSOM was paid.
20110501             —SUSPECTED, Sony, it was under attack by hackers —STARTING 20110417           .
20110501             —PUBLISHED, THE—BANGLADESH government, the 284-page probe report, with finance MINISTER A.M.1—MUHITH vowing legal action against stock exchange manipulators.
20110501             —AMENDED, CHINA—HEALTH—MINISTRY'S, guidelines on THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—PUBLIC—PLACES that —NOW ban smoking in more venues like hotels and restaurants were implemented.
20110501             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, at the hotel owned by THE—NASDAQ—LISTED CHINA—BUDGET—CHAIN—HOME—INNS & Hotels Management INCORPORATED.
20110501             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CUBANS, through HAVANA and other cities to mark May —DAY.
20110501             ISRAEL—FINANCE—MINISTER—SAID—ISRAEL is suspending THE—TRANSFER—OF—PALESTINE—TAX and customs fees to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY (PA) —UNTIL it is sure the money will not reach Hamas.
20110501             —INJURED, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were, and many were arrested.
20110501             —RAPED, CENTRAL—MOZAMBIQUE, 1—USA—PEACE—CORPS volunteer was, at KNIFE—POINT.
20110501             —RAPED, The program said more than 1,000 volunteers had been, or sexually abused in the past —DECADE and reported on allegations that the agency had mishandled sexual assault complaints.
20110501             SINGAPORE shipper Glory Ship Management Pte.
20110501             Ltd. said SOMALIA—PIRATES have likely hijacked the palm oil tanker MT Gemini and its 25-member crew off THE—COAST—OF—KENYA.
20110501             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, floods, mudslides and lightning, 7—PEOPLE in THE—SOUTH—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110501             1—HEAVILY armed SUDAN—MILITARY—CONVOY entered the flashpoint border DISTRICT—OF—ABYEI, sparking clashes that left up to 14—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110501             —AUTHORIZED, Neither the northern or southern armies are, to maintain troops in the disputed Abyei area.
20110501             —SOARED, The death toll, to 545—NATIONWIDE from government forces firing on demonstrators.
20110501             —FLOODED, TURKEY, activists, ISTANBUL—TAKSIM—SQUARE and marked INTERNATIONAL workers' —DAY—AROUND the world with marches demanding more jobs, better working conditions and higher wages.
20110501             —BEATIFIED, BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA —BEFORE 1.5—MILLION—FAITHFUL in S—PETER—SQUARE and surrounding streets, moving the beloved former pontiff 1—STEP—CLOSER to possible sainthood in 1—OF—THE—LARGEST turnouts ever for 1—VATICAN—MASSACHUSETTS.
20110501             1—DEAL mediated by 1—GULF bloc to end YEMEN—POLITICAL—CRISIS was thrown into doubt by the country's leader saying he would not personally sign it.
20110501             † JEFFREY—HALL—1—REGIONAL—LEADER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SOCIALIST—MOVEMENT, was shot to death in RIVERSIDE—CALIFORNIA, by his son (10).
20110501             —KILLED, Militants in AFGHANISTAN, at least 11—PEOPLE in bombing and shooting attacks, the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—ITS announced —SPRING offensive.
20110501             KANDAHAR, policemen receiving NATO—DONATED supplies including caps and protective eyewear drew guns and fought over the items, leaving 1—POLICEMAN—DEAD and 4—WOUNDED.
20110501             —ACCUSED, PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, THE—TALIBAN—OF—USING a 12—YEAR—OLD as 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER and sending him to carry out 1—ATTACK that killed 1—LOCAL—COUNCIL—MEMBER.
20110501             —CALLED, BAHRAIN—CHAMBER—OF—COMMERCE, on Gulf Arab nationals to boycott IRAN—GOODS and halt financial transactions with TEHRAN, accusing IT—OF—INTERFERING in the country's affairs.
20110501             † 1—CAMBODIA—SOLDIER was killed in fighting with THAILAND, bringing the total NUMBER—OF—DEAD to 17 as THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—NATIONS' festering border conflict dragged on.
20110501             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—CHINA—1—FIRE at 1—HOTEL—11—PEOPLE and injured 35, in Tonghua, 1—INDUSTRIAL—CITY by THE—NORTH—KOREAN—BORDER.
20110501             —BOWED, JAPAN, Sony executives, in apology for 1—SECURITY breach in the company's PlayStation Network that caused THE—LOSS—OF—PERSONAL—DATA—OF—SOME 77—MILLION—ACCOUNTS on the online service.
20110501             1—SEEMINGLY endless FLOW—OF—LIBYANS crossed into TUNISIA from LIBYA at the Dehiba border post, 1—DAY—AFTER 1—RECORD 5,000 refugees fled the conflict in their country.
20110501             MALDIVES police used tear gas and batons to break up 1—PROTEST—DEMANDING that PRESIDENT—MOHAMAD—NASHEED step down.
20110501             —MARCHED, MOROCCO, thousands, in 1—UMBER—OF—CITIES—DEMANDING—1—FASTER—TRANSITION toward democracy and decrying terrorism.
20110501             SUDAN, tribal clashes over 1—LAND—DISPUTE in THE—OIL—PRODUCING—STATE—OF—SOUTH—KORDOFAN left at least 15—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110501             —SHELLED, SYRIA—ARMY—TANKS, the old QUARTER—OF—DARAA and rolled in more reinforcements to the area, which has been under siege for nearly 1—WEEK.
20110501             —ARRESTED, SYRIA—FORCES—MORE—DISSIDENTS in Daraa and in 1—DAMASCUS suburb under siege for 1—WEEK.
20110501             Und weil der SENATOR—GADDAFI damals mit grossem Respekt begegnete, machte er bei der Begruessung einer noch groesseren Bueckling.
20110501             Dann trat der [...] - mehr...
20110501             12—MITARBEITER hätten LIBYEN verlassen und befänden sich —JETZT im benachbarten TUNESIEN, teilte 1—SPRECHERIN mit
20110501             —AM frühen Montagmorgen teilte Libyens Regierung mit, sie bedaure die Übergriffe auf die Botschaften.
20110501             —ÜBERFORDERT, Die Polizei sei mit den Leuten, gewesen, die wegen der NATO—LUFTSCHLÄGE aufgebracht gewesen seien.
20110501             Er sei zusammen mit Vertretern anderer Kirchen zu den Leichen gebracht worden, um zu beten.
20110501             "1—IMAM hat dabei 1—REDE gegen die Barbarei dieses Angriffs gehalten, der Unschuldige und Zivilisten getroffen hat", sagte Martinelli.
20110501             Der apostolische Vikar von Tripolis, GIOVANNI—MARTINELLI, tat dies jedoch gegenüber einem ITALIEN—TV—SENDER.
20110501             "Der Sohn des (libyschen Machthabers) Muammar AL—GADDAFI ist tot, auch das Fernsehen und das libysche Radio haben das festgestellt", erklärte BISCHOF—MARTINELLI telefonisch.
20110501             Er kritisierte die Vorgehensweise von PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA im Konflikt.
20110501             Die USA beteiligten sich nicht aktiv genug und hätten dadurch eine "Rolle auf der Hinterbank".
20110501             In der CBS—TALKSHOW "Face the Nation" erklärte der ehemalige Präsidentschaftskandidat
20110501             —SONNTAG—AM,es wäre in Ordnung, wenn Machthaber Gaddafi durch einen gezielten NATO—LUFTANGRIFF auf seine Kommandozentrale getötet werden würde.
20110501             "Wir sollten sein Kommando und seine Kontrolle ausschalten, und wenn er dabei getötet oder verletzt wird, ist das gut", erklärte der ehemalige Jagdbomberpilot der USA—ARMEE.
20110501             Scharfe Kritik an dem Luftangriff
20110501             kam unter anderem von der RUSSLAND—REGIERUNG.
20110501             Eine illegale Parteispende Schreibers an die Union löste —VOR—10—JAHREN den STURZ—DES—DAMALIGEN—CDU—VORSITZENDEN und heutigen Bundesfinanzministers WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE aus.
20110501             Schreiber gilt als Schlüsselfigur der CDU—PARTEISPENDENAFFÄRE.
20110501             Die Staatsanwaltschaft glaubt nun beweisen zu können, dass Pfahls tatsächlich die gesamten 3,8 Millionen MARK—VON—SCHREIBER erhalten HABE—ÜBER 1—FIRMA namens Lemor Associated S. A. in LUXEMBURG.
20110501             MAI—KRAWALLE: Polizei sperrt linke Demonstranten aus
20110501             —BLOCKIERT, JEMEN: PRÄSIDENT—SALIH, Machtübergabe
20110501             Rüstungslobbyist: Schreiber soll 3,8 Millionen an EX—STAATSSEKRETÄR gezahlt haben
20110501             1—MIGHT imagine 1—TRANSITIONAL phase where people keep 1—FOOT in the old economy and 1 in the new, providing 1—CHANCE for 1—SMOOTHER—TRANSITION.
20110501             The swift ABANDONMENT—OF—CHERISHED and HARD—WON rights points to something seriously wrong.
20110501             der Bock dürfe nicht zum Gärtner gemacht werden
20110501             Mehrere Studien belegten allerdings die gefährlichen Auswirkungen von Glyphosat auf Mensch und Umwelt.
20110501             Demnach soll es Konzernen wie Monsanto in Zukunft selbst überlassen werden, die Auswirkungen gentechnisch veränderter Saaten auf die Umwelt festzustellen und zu bewerten.
20110501             Alternativ könne die Durchführung der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen auch von den Konzernen an 3. ausgelagert werden, wie USA—MEDIEN berichteten.
20110501             Nein, nein, nicht RONALD—REAGAN. EX—PAPA—JOHANNES—PAUL—II!
20110501             Glaubt ihr nicht? Seht selbst: Benedict said that through JOHN—PAUL—FAITH, courage and strength
20110501             — "THE—STRENGTH—OF—1—TITAN, 1—STRENGTH which came to him from God" — JOHN—PAUL had turned back the seemingly "irreversible" TIDE—OF—MARXISM.
20110501             Sicherheitskräften
20110501             Fest steht nur: Die Justiz griff nie richtig gegen SAIF—AL—ARAB durch.
20110501             Wegen der ZERSTÖRUNG—DER—RESIDENZ hat Hague die Ausweisung des libyschen Botschafters in GROSSBRITANNIEN beschlossen.
20110501             Der BOTSCHAFTER müsse binnen 24—STUNDEN das Land verlassen.
20110501             GROSSBRITANNIEN hat —DERZEIT keine diplomatische Vertretung in Tripolis.
20110501             Vertreter des GROSSBRITANNIEN—AUSSENMINISTERIUMS halten sich in der Rebellenhochburg Bengasi auf.
20110501             —AM Samstagabend hatte die Nato einen Luftangriff geflogen, bei dem angeblich 1—SOHN und 3—ENKEL—VON—DIKTATOR—GADDAFI ums Leben kamen.
20110501             1,35 Milliarden Kilogramm Federn und 4—MILLIARDEN Kilogramm Tiermehl fallen jährlich allein in den USA an und werden größtenteils direkt entsorgt.
20110501             ein ökologischer Alptraum.
20110501             Mehr als 230—MILLIONEN Tonnen Kunststoff werden nach ANGABEN—VON—BRANCHENVERBÄNDEN weltweit pro —JAHR PRODUZIERT—TENDENZ steigend.
20110501             HolyGhost : xyz Einer Verhaftung widersetzen ?
20110501             Grundgütiger, in was für einer Welt leben Sie eigentlich ?
20110501             Der Mann von dem Sie hier schreiben ist das legitime Oberhaupt des Staates LIBYEN.
20110501             Stellen wir uns einmal vor, 1—GRUPPIERUNG verübte einen Bombenanschlag auf einen westlichen Politiker, zu Tode kommen sein Sohn und seine minderjährigen Enkel.
20110501             Nehmen wir an, die REGIERUNG—DES—ANGEGRIFFENEN—POLITIKERS habe [...] - mehr...
20110501             akrisios : Das SPON—PROBLEM Mittlerweile empfinde ich den TENDENZ—JOURNALISMUS in SpOn —SCHON fast beleidigend für den Intellekt der (noch) geneigten Leser.
20110501             Da wird (entgegen der öffentlichen Verlautbarungen) gezielte Jagd auf Einzelne gemacht, es gibt [...]
20110501             BIO—KUNSTSTOFFE: Mit Mais gegen die Plastikflut
20110501             —REVOLTIERT, Ausstieg aus der Kernkraft: CSU, gegen Seehofers Atomwende
20110501             Proteste in SYRIEN: Regierung lockt mit REFORMEN—UND schlägt zu
20110501             Brennende Botschaften: Gaddafi rächt sich für NATO—ANGRIFF
20110501             GADDAFI—SPROSS SAIF—AL—ARAB: Der Luxusdiktatorensohn
20110501             Start wieder verschoben: TECHNIK—STRESS hält "Endeavour" weiter am Boden
20110501             Rüde Methoden: Verbraucherschützer verurteilen INKASSO—PRAXIS der Postbank
20110501             Qualmfreie Zone: CHINA sagt Rauchern den Kampf an
20110501             —BESTREITET, Verdacht auf WAHLKAMPF—HILFE: Maschmeyer, SCHRÖDER—SPENDE
20110501             Jeglicher Verdacht, man habe den Diktator direkt im Visier, wurde zerstreut.
20110501             Die Nato erfülle das UNO—MANDAT, Angriffe auf Zivilisten zu stoppen und zu verhindern, mit Präzision und Vorsicht - "anders als die GADDAFI—TRUPPEN, die so viel Leid verursachen".
20110501             die UNO—RESOLUTION 19730000             , die tatsächlich sehr klar sagt, was im Rahmen der Bombardements erlaubt ist: der Schutz von Zivilisten und zivil bewohnter Gebiete.
20110501             Der TOD—VON—FAMILIENANGEHÖRIGEN—GADDAFIS stehe im klaren Widerspruch zur Resolution des Weltsicherheitsrats, in der Angriffe nur zum Schutz von Zivilisten erlaubt seien.
20110501             schrieb Russlands NATO—BOTSCHAFTER—DIMITRIJ—ROGOSIN: "Handelt es sich bei den Enkeln des libyschen Leaders etwa auch um militärische Objekte?
20110501             Die Nato wirft zum Treffen der Generalstabschefs des NATO—RUSSLAND—RATES immer neue Themen auf".
20110501             das ENTHAUPTUNGSSCHLAG—DILEMMA
20110501             - zumal in diesem Fall die NATO—BOMBEN offenbar auch Kinder töteten,
20110501             Eindruck eines sogenannten Enthauptungsschlags
20110501             —GEGEBEN, Ob es aber wirklich Opfer, hat und ob SAIF—AL—ARAB ums Leben kam, wurde bislang nicht von unabhängigen Quellen bestätigt.
20110501             und alle jünger als 12—JAHRE gewesen seien. Noch ist die Lage diffus.
20110501             haben ALLE—AM—LIBYEN—EINSATZ beteiligten NATO—VERBÜNDETEN —JETZT möglicherweise 1—PROBLEM, auch die USA, auch die Briten.
20110501             In einer TV—ANSPRACHE, die vergangene Nacht über den Sender ging, verurteilte der STAATSCHEF—VENEZUELAS die USA und die Nato für die Luftschläge gegen die GADDAFI—RESIDENZ als "Wahnsinn".
20110501             Die NATO—FÜHRER wollen diesen Eindruck unbedingt vermeiden, sein soll,
20110501             —GEKOMMEN, Luftschlag, bei dem GADDAFI—SOHN SAIF—AL—ARAB ums Leben, sein soll,
20110501             —CONVENED, THE—MINISTRY, 1—COMMITTEE to examine these artifacts, and we found that they were not authentic.
20110501             [l] HONG—KONG führt gesetzlichen Mindestlohn ein.
20110501             HONG—KONG. Das ULTRA—KAPITALISTEN—ZENTRUM. Führt Mindestlohn ein.
20110501             Vielleicht wäre es —JETZT doch mal an der Zeit, dass unsere "soziale" Marktwirtschaft auch mal einen Mindestlohn einführt?
20110501             für die PROPAGANDA. Die Verlängerung der Terrorgesetze.
20110501             Mir ist ja nicht klar, wieso die immer als ANTI—TERRORGESETZE bezeichnet werden in der Presse.
20110501             Da sind wir ja in der EU offensichtlich voll auf dem richtigen Weg, wenn das auch der IRAN so machen will!1!!
20110501             Gibt es noch nicht, nein, ist aber geplant.
20110501             Wenn es nach der Law Enforcement Working Party im EU—MINSTERRAT geht.
20110501             Das heißt zwar Party, ist aber keine Partei sondern 1—ARBEITSGRUPPE.
20110501             daher präsentiere ich den Plan der USA—AIR—FORCE für noch mehr Überwachung:
20110501             Drohnen sollen das Opfer mit TRACSTAUB—KING—OF— (!) besprühen, den man dann aus dem Weltraum tracken kann.
20110501             Jedenfalls hätten sie solchen Staub gerne.
20110501             Die Antwort wird euch —JETZT sicher genau so überraschen wie MICHIGAN.
20110501             Nein, können sie nicht.
20110501             Der Bundesregierung liegen "keine detaillierten Informationen über Angriffe der libyschen Luftwaffe auf Zivilisten vor".
20110501             Es gibt auch keine Belege, dass die libysche Luftwaffe sich nicht an die Zusagen eines Waffenstillstands gehalten hat oder überhaupt flächendeckend und systematisch zur BOMBARDIERUNG—VON—ZIVILISTEN eingesetzt wurde.
20110501             Damit stellt sich natürlich die Frage, ob die Nato da überhaupt militärisch hätte eingreifen müssen.
20110501             Bzw warum sie es tat.
20110501             Und wenn zudem die KANADA—POLIZEI nicht glauben will, dass Kinofilme abfilmen ein echtes Problem ist?
20110501             Die Antwort findet man in einer WIKILEAKS—DEPESCHE.
20110501             "With regard to THE—ARREST—OF—THE—INDIVIDUAL who had been pursued by THE—CMPDA, RCMP officers stated that they arrested the individual 'as 1—PERSONAL favor' to 1—CMPDA official, and
20110501             that they did not view theater camcording as 1—MAJOR—ISSUE'," reads THE—USA—DIPLOMATIC—CABLE.
20110501             RCMP ist die Royal CANADA—MOUNTED—POLICE, die Polizei.
20110501             CMPDA ist die KANADA—FRONTGESELLSCHAFT der MPAA.
20110501             Gefahr droht allenfalls von einer so seltenen wie lebensgefährlichen Allergie.
20110501             Aufbauorganisation
20110501             "Mit den Festnahmen zeigt sich, wie sinnvoll etwa die Übertragung von AUFGABEN—DES—INTERNATIONALEN—TERRORISMUS auf das Bundeskriminalamt im Jahre 20090000              war.
20110501             Und es zeigt sich, wie sehr wir unsere Bevölkerung schützen müssen", sagte Friedrich.
20110501             Seligsprechung von JOHANNES—PAUL—II.: Santo? Subito!
20110501             Freizeitaktivität der Deutschen: Wandern ist die Nummer 1
20110501             Bomben auf Gaddafi: Nato fürchtet Debatte um LIBYEN—EINSATZ
20110501             Arbeitsmigranten: Regierung will stärker nach Schwarzarbeitern fahnden
20110501             EU—FREIZÜGIGKEIT: POLEN hat Angst vor dem Brain Drain
20110501             DROGERIE—KETTE: Schlecker führt Listen über missliebige Mitarbeiter
20110501             Die Regierung bietet der Opposition Zugeständnisse an.
20110501             Der neue SYRIEN—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT hat amtlichen Medien zufolge Reformen in Politik, Justiz und Wirtschaft des Landes angekündigt.
20110501             Wie die Agentur Sana am —SAMSTAG berichtete, gibt es dafür einen umfassenden Plan.
20110501             Der neue Regierungschef ADEL—SAFAR erklärte demnach an, Ausschüsse zu bilden, die Vorschläge für neue Gesetze unterbreiten sollen.
20110501             DAMASKUS—DAS Kräftemessen zwischen dem Regime des SYRIEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Baschar AL—ASSAD und der Opposition hat —SCHON mehr als 500—PERSONEN das Leben gekostet.
20110501             In der HAUPTSTADT waren am —SAMSTAG etwa 3000—POLIZISTEN im Einsatz.
20110501             In der Nacht von —SONNTAG zu —MONTAG sollten es doppelt so VIELE—BEAMTE sein.
20110501             es wurde ein weiträumiges "Gefahrengebiet" ausgerufen.
20110501             Rund 2300—EINSATZKRÄFTE waren im Einsatz.
20110501             Dabei wurde 1—AUTO—DER—BUNDESWEHR in Brand gesteckt und 4—EINSATZFAHRZEUGE der Polizei beschädigt
20110501             "Sie freuen sich, dass Gaddafi seinen Sohn verloren hat", sagte der SPRECHER—DES—ÜBERGANGSRATS, OBERST—AHMED—OMAR—BANI.
20110501             Autos fuhren hupend durch die Stadt und VIELE—MENSCHEN riefen "Gott ist groß".
20110501             Ibrahim sprach von einem gezielten Angriff auf das Leben von Machthaber Gaddafi und verurteilte die Attacke als Verletzung internationalen Rechts.
20110501             Es sei nun für jeden ersichtlich, dass die Geschehnisse in LIBYEN nichts mit der Verteidigung von Zivilisten zu tun hätten.
20110501             3—ENKELKINDER von Machthaber Gaddafi seien bei dem Angriff auf das Haus von SAIF—AL—ARAB—GADDAFI ebenfalls getötet worden, teilte der Sprecher mit.
20110501             Verluste mit Versicherungen: Erdbeben lassen Buffetts Gewinn einbrechen
20110501             LIBYEN—KONFLIKT: Tausende Flüchtlinge landen auf Lampedusa
20110501             Einsatz in LIBYEN: Gaddafis jüngster Sohn stirbt bei NATO—ANGRIFF
20110501             Aber - 1—FRANCE—SUBMARINE—PROBING 3,900 meters (12,800 feet) below the ocean's surface located and recovered the flight data RECORDER—OF—AIR—FRANCE Flight 447, which crashed 20090601             , in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—THE—MID—ATLANTIC.
20110501             Dann trat der [...]
20110501             —CHERISHED, The swift abandonment of, and HARD—WON rights points to something seriously wrong.
20110501             Wisst ihr eigentlich, wer eigenhändig den Marxismus niedergerungen hat?
20110501             Der Cicero berichtet über Hinweise auf Wahlmanipulationen bei der Bundestagswahl.
20110501             mehr... - team_gleichklang_de : Perspektivenwechsel
20110501             mehr... - GRIECHEN—UMSCHULDUNG: CHEF—VON—EURO—RETTUNGSFONDS unterstellt Banken Gier
20110501             "Mehr und mehr deuten die Fakten darauf hin, dass der ZWECK—DER—ANTI—LIBYISCHEN—KOALITION die physische Zerstörung Gaddafis ist".
20110501             HONG—KONG führt gesetzlichen Mindestlohn ein.
20110501             - Neuigkeiten zu den "Terroristen": Es steht doch ein wichtiger Termin bevor, für den man ein paar Terroristen brauchen kann
20110501             Der IRAN bastelt sich sein eigenes INTERNET nach islamischen Moralvorstellungen.
20110501             Der AK Zensur weist auf die Große CHINA—EUROPÄISCHE Firewall hin.
20110501             —NACH—DEM großen Bienensterben hat die Evolution offenbar einen Weg gefunden: Bienen sammeln mit Pestiziden kontaminierten Pollen und sargen ihn ala Tschernobyl in ENDLAGER—ZELLEN ein.
20110501             Nach Vodafone, der Telekom und Tomtom erscheint das vielleicht nicht mehr wie ein so dringendes Problem, aber Militärs sind nie zufrieden mit dem Status Quo in Sachen Überwachen und Unterdrücken,
20110501             Die Linkspartei hat die Bundesregierung gefragt, ob sie bestätigen können, dass die libysche Luftwaffe Zivilisten angreift bzw bombardiert.
20110501             Was tun, wenn man die Contentmafia ist, und jemand in KANADA Kinofilme abfilmt und die später im INTERNET auftauchen, aber das nach kanadischem Recht gar nicht strafbar ist?
20110501             Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt Koch auf seinen FRÜHEREN—ARBEITGEBER—DER—SPIEGEL, dessen Geschichte mit dem aus alten Kameraden gebildeten BND enger verknüpft ist, als gemeinhin bekannt.
20110501—20040000    —OPENED, GERMANY—LABOR—MARKET, to CITIZENS—OF—THE—8—EAST—EUROPEAN countries the joined THE—EU.
20110501—20090800    —IM, von Gandhi : : Freundschaft vertiefen
20110501—20090800    —IM, machte sich McCain mit Liebermann und Graham auf nach Tripolis.
20110501—20111205    —ON, The benchmark DHAKA Stock Exchange GENERAL (DGEN) index hit 1—HIGH—OF—8918.51—POINTS—LAST—YEAR—BEFORE plunging to —AROUND 5,200 points in 2—MONTHS—GUTTING—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SMALL—INVESTORS.
20110501—20130000    —IN, 1—JUDGE convicted the boy of 2. degree murder.
20110501—20130000    —IN, 1—JUDGE ruled that the boy spend at least the next 7—YEARS in 1—STATE juvenile facility.
20110502             † OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, terrorist leader, born 19570310             ;, 20110501
20110502             † OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, terrorist leader, born 19570310             ;
20110502             20110501
20120329             —EXECUTED, CHINA, 3—ARSONISTS held responsible for the deadly 20120501             , hotel fire, that killed 11—PEOPLE and injured more than 30—OTHERS.
20120501             SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, GAVIN—SMITH, 57—JAHRE—ALT, 1—EXECUTIVE for 19010101—20001231     Fox, was last seen in Ventura COUNTY—OAK—PARK—NEIGHBORHOOD.
20120501             —MOVED, May —DAY, beyond its roots as 1—INTERNATIONAL—WORKERS' holiday to 1—DAY—OF—INTERNATIONAL—PROTEST, with rallies —THROUGHOUT ASIA demanding wage increases and marches planned across EUROPE over GOVERNMENT—IMPOSED austerity measures.
20120501             THOUSANDS—OF—INDONESIA—WORKERS held ASIA—BIGGEST May —DAY rally, demanding better pay and PROTECTION—OF—JOB—SECURITY, watched warily by 1—HEAVY—POLICE and army presence.
20120501             Smith had reportedly been having 1—AFFAIR with CREECH—WIFE.
20120501             MALI, troops loyal to the junta overran the main CAMP—OF—THE—SOLDIERS who tried to oust them in 1—COUNTER—COUP.
20120501             —KILLED, At least 12—PEOPLE were.
20120501             THE—SCOTLAND Act 20120000             , 1—ACT—OF—THE—PARLIAMENT—OF—THE—UK, received Royal Assent.
20120501             † A 13—YEAR—OLD was killed in the nearby TOWN—OF—MAARET—AL—NOMAN by random gunfire from regime forces.
20120501             TOGO, 1—SINGAPORE—MANAGED product tanker with valuable gasoline cargo was reported missing and suspected to have been hijacked by pirates —WHILE at anchor off LOME.
20120501             —MARCHED, TUNISIA, over 20,000—PEOPLE, for national unity, chanting slogans borrowed from the popular uprising that toppled Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI over 1—YEAR ago.
20120501             —ATTACKED, AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants, military vehicles carrying soldiers and 1—FRANCE—OIL—EXPERT.
20120501             † 1—SOLDIER was killed, and THE—FRANCE—EXPERT was wounded.
20120501             —SIGNED, In 1—SWIFT and secretive trip Obama, 1—AGREEMENT—VOWING—LONG—TERM—TIES with AFGHANISTAN —AFTER AMERICA—COMBAT forces come home.
20120501             —ARRESTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE said 1—WOMAN and 6—MEN were, at 4—SEPARATE—RESIDENCES in LONDON, COVENTRY and CARDIFF—WALES, on SUSPICION—OF—FINANCING—TERRORISM in SOMALIA by smuggling khat leaf, which can produce 1—MILD—HIGH, into THE—USA.
20120501             —ARRESTED, GERMANY—POLICE—30—PROTESTERS—OF—1—ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—MUSLIM group —AFTER clashing with security officials.
20120501             1—GROUP—OF—SALAFISTS—PROTESTING against 1—FAR—RIGHT—MARCH threw stones and attacked officers separating THE—2—RALLIES in THE—WEST—GERMANY—CITY—OF—SOLINGEN.
20120501             —BECAME, LATVIA, THE—LATEST—OF—97—COUNTRIES to wipe the death penalty from its justice system.
20120501             MALAYSIA said it will introduce 1—MINIMUM—WAGE for the 1. time in 1—MOVE to bolster incomes amid rising living costs and SPECULATION—OF—1—SNAP general election.
20120501             Private sector workers in peninsular MALAYSIA will receive 1—MINIMUM—SALARY—OF—900—RINGGIT ($297) 1—MONTH—WHILE workers in THE—STATES—OF—SABAH and Sarawak on Borneo ISLAND will get 800—RINGGIT.
20120501             —KILLED, NIGERIA—TROOPS, 1—SUSPECTED Boko Haram militant —DURING 1—PRE—DAWN raid in KANO over weekend attacks against church services that left —AROUND 20—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120501             It set out amendments to THE—SCOTLAND Act 19980000              with THE—AIM—OF—DEVOLVING—FURTHER—POWERS to SCOTLAND in accordance with THE—RECOMMENDATIONS—OF—THE—CALMAN Commission.
20120501             —CLAIMED, Bomb attacks in SOMALIA, by Islamist rebels killed at least 8—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—2—LAWMAKERS, as THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY warned that "spoilers" threaten the fragile progress in THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20120501             —FIRED, SYRIA—FORCES, mortar shells at THE—VILLAGE—OF—MISHMISHAN in the country's north, killing at least 10—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—7—FROM the same family.
20120501             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMENI, 1—AIRSTRIKE on 1—VEHICLE—3—AL—QAIDA militants.
20120501—19930000    —SINCE, It has been illegal in THE—USA, but is still legal in MANY—COUNTRIES—WORLDWIDE.
20120501—20141026    —ON, hikers discovered his remains near PALMDALE.
20120501—20170703    —CONVICTED—OF, JOHN—CREECH, 44—JAHRE—ALT was, voluntary manslaughter.
20120501—20170703    —ON, JOHN—CREECH, 44—JAHRE—ALT was CONVICTED—OF—VOLUNTARY manslaughter.
20121120200501       alfatomega.com/20050121.html
20130321             The law takes effect 20130501           .
20130428—20130501    —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, the legislation.
20130501             —POSTED on Sat 20130413 at 085817—PM—EST
20130501             1—EXPERIMENTAL—USA—AIRCRAFT, the unmanned X-51A WaveRider sped over 3,000 mph in 1—TEST—FLIGHT—ABOVE the Pacific Ocean.
20130501             It used 1—SCRAMJET engine and reached Mach 5.1—RIDING its own shock wave —BEFORE plunging into the ocean as planned.
20130501             1—JURY in DAVENPORT—IOWA, awarded $240—MILLION to 32—MENTALLY disabled TURKEY processing plant workers for what was described as years of "virtual enslavement" by TEXAS—BASED HENRY—TURKEY—SERVICE.
20130501             WASHINGTON state police used "flash bangs" and pepper spray against SOME—PROTESTERS who pelted them with rocks and bottles, as violence erupted —DURING May —DAY in SEATTLE.
20130501             18—PEOPLE were arrested.
20130501             Electric car maker Coda Holdings INCORPORATED—OF—LOS—ANGELES filed for bankruptcy —AFTER selling —JUST 100—CARS.
20130501             —AMBUSHED, AFGHANISTAN, insurgents, government peace negotiator Malim Shah Wali Khan (53), killing him and 2—BODYGUARDS as they headed to 1—MEETING in the south to discuss plans for local troops to take over responsibility from THE—USA—LED coalition.
20130501             BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES said he is expelling THE—USA—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development for allegedly seeking to undermine his leftist government.
20130501             —MERITED, Morales did not specify what USAID had done that, expulsion.
20130501             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—CAR—BOMBS in BAGHDAD and FALLUJAH, at least 8—PEOPLE and wounded 27.
20130501             —INJURED, At least 9 and as many as 20—PEOPLE were seriously.
20130501             —FIRED, PAKISTAN—FORCES, artillery rounds at AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICE in the Goshta DISTRICT—OF—EAST—NANGARHAR province.
20130501             † In 1—ENSUING 5—HOUR firefight, 1—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—POLICEMAN was killed.
20130501             —ARRESTED, USA federal authorities, 3—FRIENDS—OF—BOSTON Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accusing THEM—OF—TRYING to obstruct justice by hiding evidence in the case and lying about it.
20130501             —RULED, UNITED—KINGDOM—JUDGES, that the government has breached European Union air quality law and asked the European COURT—OF—JUSTICE (ECJ) for guidance on what action needs to be taken, delaying immediate improvements to air pollution.
20130501             —ATTACKED, COLOMBIA, gunmen, but failed to hurt magazine EDITOR—RICARDO—CALDERON, HEAD—OF—THE—INVESTIGATIVE UNIT—OF—SEMANA newsmagazine.
20130501             —MOVED, INDIA—OFFICIALS said that for 2—WEEKS—CHINA—SOLDIERS have, into the  barren Depsang Valley in the Ladakh region and refused to move back over THE—SO—CALLED—LINE—OF—ACTUAL—CONTROL, that divides INDIAN—RULED TERRITORY—FROM—CHINESE—RUN—LAND—LEAVING—INDIA on THE—VERGE—OF—1—CRISIS with CHINA.
20130501             MEXICO, CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS—CROSSING—VERACRUZ state were attacked by 1—DRUG and extortion gang.
20130501             —EXPLODED, RUSSIA, 1—BOMB, in 1—BUSY—SHOPPING—AREA in Makhachkala, THE—CAPITAL—OF—DAGESTAN, killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20130501             PORTUGAL, prangerte der größte GEWERKSCHAFTSDACH—VERBAND CGTP die SPAR—POLITIK—DER—REGIERUNG an und rief unter dem Motto "GEGEN—DIE—VERARMUNG, für 1—BESSERES Leben: 1—NEUE—POLITIK und 1—NEUE Regierung"zu PROTESTE—IN—MEHR als 40—STÄDTEN auf.
20130501             —NACHT auf den 20130501             : Ruhiger Start in den FEIER—TAG
20130501             KRITIK—AN—PRIVATUNI: "1—ELITE von naiven Automaten"
20130501             ANLEIHEN—REKORD: APPLE nimmt—DOLLAR 1
20130501             Amanda Knox im USA—FERNSEHEN: "es hat unglaublich wehgetan"
20130501             —KRISEN—KONZERN, YAHOO—CHEFIN—MAYER verdient 37.000.000—DOLLAR - FORSA—UMFRAGE: Hoeneß schadet Union
20130501             Hoeneß über seine BÖRSEN—ZOCKEREIEN : "Das war der Kick, das pure Adrenalin"
20130501             —VERSTOß—GEGEN—SOZIALCHARTA: Regierung verweigert KAMPF—GEGEN—LOHNDUMPING
20130501             SS—MITGLIEDSCHAFT: BAYERN prüft Aberkennung von Tapperts EHRENKOMMISSAR—TITEL
20130501             [l] SAUDI—ARABIEN hat angeblich DIE—USA—AMIS schriftlich vor dem 1—BOSTON—BOMBER gewarnt und ihm sogar 1—PILGERVISUM nach Mekka verweigert.
20130501             —PLACED, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was, on 1—USA—TERRORIST 'watch' list —AFTER 'multiple' warnings from RUSSIA—AUTHORITIES to THE—FBI
20130501             The radicalization of Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Older 'bomber' studied Koran for days at 1—TIME and witnessed 'bombings and shootings' in ISLAMic Dagestan CAPITAL
20130501             'I'm willing to die for ISLAM': BOSTON MARATHON bomber's chilling texts to his mother reveal he was prepared to sacrifice his life for jihad
20130501             BOSTON bomber was caught discussing jihad with mother: RUSSIA 'recorded call between Tamerlan Tsarnaev and parent but failed to tell FBI'
20130501             FBI—AGENTS—SEARCH—RHODE—ISLAND—HOME—OF—BOSTON bomber's o†o and 'take sample of her DNA —AFTER that of 1—WOMAN is found on 1—OF—THE—DEVICES'
20130501             Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on FACEBOOK
20130501             —ADDED, If true, the account will produce, pressure on THE—HOMELAND—SECURITY—DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—WHITE—HOUSE to explain their collective inaction —AFTER similar warnings were offered about Tsarnaev by THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT.
20130501             'DHS has no KNOWLEDGE—OF—ANY—COMMUNICATION from THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT regarding information on the suspects in THE—BOSTON MARATHON Bombing —PRIOR—TO THE—ATTACK,' MailOnline learned from 1—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL who declined to be named in this report.
20130501             THE—WHITE—HOUSE took 1—SIMILAR—VIEW.
20130501             1—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL confirmed —TUESDAY—EVENING on THE—CONDITION—OF—ANONYMITY that 20120000             —THE letter exists, saying he had HEARD—OF—THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—COMMUNICATION—BEFORE MailOnline inquired about it.
20130501             'I can easily see it happening where 1—HAND didn't know what the other was doing because of 1—TURF war.'
20130501             'We want to leave no stone unturned,' THE—PRESIDENT said in 1—RARE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS— conference.
20130501             The internal review will be led by DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JAMES—CLAPPER and several inspectors general.
20130501             —INTERVIEWED, THE—HIGH—RANKING SAUDI—ARABIA—OFFICIAL whom MailOnlne, at length provided 1—WEALTH—OF—DETAIL about THE—WARNING he says his GOVERNMENT sent to THE—UNITED—STATES.
20130501             —PUBLISHED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA'S, schedule indicates that he met in THE—OVAL—OFFICE—WITH—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Naif bin Abdulaziz, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTER, on ;;01;;
20130501             —IN—THE—WAKE of the ;;0415;;             BOSTON MARATHON bombings, SAUDI—ARABIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—PRINCE—SAUD—AL—FAISAL met with SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY on;;04;;16, and then had 1 unscheduled meeting with PRESIDENT—OBAMA on;;04;;17.
20130501             THE—SAUDIS are THE—REPUBLICAN—FRIENDS not OBAMA's...
20130501             If we didn't impeach BUSH for 20010911             , why do you conservatives think it's reasonable to impeach OBAMA for this?
20130501             NEW—YORK USA—ATTORNEY and JOHN—YOO Banned From RUSSIA
20130501             —BY, Jeralyn, Section Foreign Affairs
20130501             the abortive harline COUP—ATTEMPT against SOVIET—PREMIER Mikial GORBACHEV in 1991
20130501             OBAMA and USA—MILITARY Divided Over SYRIA—BY Shamus COOKE
20130501             In the real world it appears that THE—USA—BACKED SYRIEN—REBELS are the ones responsible for having used CHEMICAL—WEAPONS against THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT.
20130501             THE—SHIA—STREET—WAITING
20130501             SYRIEN—REBELS' Attacks on Shiites Drag LEBANON Into KONFLIKT
20130501             —BY, Nadezhda Kevorkova
20130501             In order to engage LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH, the most powerful MILITARY GROUP—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—WORLD, in —THE—CIVIL—WAR—SYRIEN—REBELS—ATTACK—SHIA sacred places and target 30, 000—SYRIA—SHIA Muslims who live on the border with LEBANON.
20130501             Noam Chomsky: OBAMA—ATTACK—ON—CIVIL—LIBERTIES Has Gone Way Beyond Imagination
20130501             MIKE—STIVERS Interviews Noam Chomsky
20130501             Under OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, if you meet with someone in 1—TERRORIST—GROUP and advise them to turn to nonviolent means, then that's material assistance to terrorism.
20130501             AUSTRALIA—BOOM is Anything but for its Aboriginal People
20130501             —BY, JOHN—PILGER
20130501             —TODAY, the despair is so profound that the 2. cause of Aboriginal death is suicide.
20130501             BAIL—OUT Is Out, BAIL—IN Is In:
20130501             Another Argument for PUBLICLY—OWNED Banks
20130501             —BY, Ellen Brown
20130501             THE—CROSSING of the Rubicon into the confiscation of depositor funds was not a 1—OFF emergency measure limited to CYPRUS.
20130501             Top AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS have been on THE—CIA—PAYROLL for over 1—DECADE, often paid in cash in  USA—$.
20130501             PENTAGON claims $757.000.000 overbilling by contractor in AFGHANISTAN:
20130501             —ALLOWED, THE—PENTAGON, 1—PRIVATE—FIRM providing food and water to USA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN to overbill taxpayers $757.000.000 and awarded the company NO—BID—CONTRACT—EXTENSIONS worth more than $4—BILLION over 3—YEARS, ACCORDING—TO—THE—PENTAGON—CHIEF—INTERNAL—WATCHDOG and congressional investigators.
20130501             RAF pilots did take part in drone attacks on IRAQ, says MINISTER:
20130501             —CONFIRMED, ARMED—FORCES—MINISTER—ANDREW Robathan has, RAF pilots were involved IN—THE—USA'S armed drone operations in IRAQ, in which HUNDREDS—OF—CIVILIANS were killed.
20130501             Huge blast near DAMASCUS school targets SYRIA—PM, at least 10 killed:
20130501             —SURVIVED, SYRIA—PRIME—MINISTER—WAEL Halqi, 1 attempted bombing assassination in CENTRAL—DAMASCUS —ON—MONDAY.
20130501             —FIRED, Missiles, at RUSSIA—PLANE with 200—PASSENGERS—ONBOARD flying over SYRIA—REPORTS:
20130501             2—MISSILES were fired at 1—RUSSIA—PASSENGER—PLANE flying over SYRIA—TERRITORY with 200—PEOPLE—ONBOARD, 1 informed source in MOSCOW told Interfax news agency.
20130501             —FEARED, ROBERT—FISK: ASSAD sends his, militia squads to THE—BATTLEFRONT :"
20130501             In 1—DECISION that is certain to arouse fear among THE—REGIME—ENEMIES, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT has decreed that THOUSANDS—OF—VOLUNTEERS loyal to PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD should be recruited into uniformed and armed units under SYRIA—ARMY—COMMAND to fight on the front lines against ANTI—ASSAD REBELS.
20130501             OBAMA Aide Says More Work Needed to Verify SYRIA Chemical Use:
20130501             THE—USA—AND its INTERNATIONAL partners are seeking to determine the "chain of custody"of evidence that sarin was used and gather physical evidence, he said.
20130501             RUSSIA wary of SYRIA—WMD claims:
20130501             "I think it is unacceptable to use it, to speculate on (THE—USE—OF—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS) for geopolitical purposes,"he was quoted by STATE—OWNED news agency RIA—NOVOSTI as saying.
20130501             ISRAEL LAW—MAKER—CLAIMS—HEZBOLLAH getting chemicals:
20130501             PROPAGANDA alert:
20130501             Graham: "Growing consensus"in SENATe for USA—ACTION—IN—SYRIA:
20130501             "If we keep this HANDS—OFF approach to SYRIA, this indecisive ACTION towards SYRIA, kind of not knowing what we're going to do next, we're going to have WAR—WITH—I—RAN because IRAN—GOING to take our inaction in SYRIA as meaning we're not serious about their NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM,"he said.
20130501             ROBERT Dreyfuss : OBAMA: Stay Out of SYRIA! : OP—ED:
20130501             —INDEED, If, THE—USA goes to war in SYRIA, it will look less like IRAQ 2003—11 and more like AFGHANISTAN 19790000—19880000    , that is, 1—WAR in which THE—USA—BACKS 1—ISLAMIST—DOMINATED insurgency against 1—RUSSIAN—BACKED regime.
20130501             Sanctions Cut IRAN—OIL—EXPORTS to 26-Year Low:
20130501             'IRAN ALREADY past nuclear red line,' expert says:
20130501             —FORMER—IDF intel CHIEF—SAYS—TEHRAN will be able to break out to the bomb —THIS—SUMMER;
20130501             —CROSSED, NETANYAHU says IRAN hasn't, nuclear "red line":
20130501             "IRAN is continuing with its nuclear programme.
20130501             Olmert accuses NETANYAHU of exaggerating IRAN—THREAT:
20130501             He indicated that IRAN did not cross the "red line"yet in its nuclear capabilities as claimed by NETANYAHU in his speech to THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY several months ago.
20130501             —FORMER—MOSSAD CHIEF defends decision to defy NETANYAHU on IRAN:
20130501             —WARNED, Meir Dagan, that by beating THE—DRUMS—OF—WAR, NETANYAHU was putting ISRAEL at risk of provoking IRAN to strike preemptively.
20130501             JOURNALIST—CARL—BERNSTEIN Tells JOE—SCARBOROUGH: 'Jewish Neocons' Responsible in Part for IRAQ War:
20130501             Renown and controversial —JOURNALIST—CARL—BERNSTEIN told MISS—NBC'S—JOE—SCARBOROUGH—FRIDAY that the "insane"IRAQ War was brought to bear by BUSH, CHENEY and "the Jewish NEO—CONS who wanted to remake THE—WORLD".
20130501             —CRITICISED, BBC, for dropping film with 'severe ramifications':
20130501             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—BBC has been, 'political naiveté'
20130501             THE—BBC —AFTER dropping 1—CONTROVERSIAL documentary which called into question the mass EXILE—OF—JEWISH—PEOPLE from JERUSALÉM
20130501             1—BBC—RADIO—TIMES—PREVIEW said
20130501             —ADDED, And samd11 : 'Ridiculous pandering to 1—SMALL—INTEREST—GROUP!
20130501             THE—BBC used to ask the tough questions.....
20130501             —NOW they cower in fear due to SOME—FUNDAMENTALIST—ZIONISTS
20130501             whose world vision is as warped as ANY—OTHER—FUNDAMENTALIST—RELIGIOUS—GROUP.'
20130501             —DENIED, THE—BBC, that the film had been dropped because it was controversial and
20130501             THE—BBC said it 'did not fit editorially' with 1—SERIES—OF—HISTORICAL archeology films.
20130501             However,
20130501             —CLAIMED, ISRAEL1—BORN MISTER—ZIV, a 'mini political storm was brewing' at THE—BBC—RADIO—CORPORATION
20130501             —IN—THE—DAYS—BEFORE—THE—BBC documentary was due to broadcast.
20130501             'Which is why evidence revealed here, suggesting that
20130501             —DISPUTED, THE—HISTORICITY—OF—THESE events is not, and
20130501             THE—THEOLOGICAL—INTERPRETATIONS—OF these events may differ, but
20130501             GERMANY warns USA: no 'red lines' in SYRIA:
20130501             "I support all forms of political pressure but I currently do not see 1—ROLE for THE—MILITARY,"DE—MAIZIÈRE told reporters —WHILE on 1—TRIP—TO—WASHINGTON, rejecting "automatic"MILITARY—ACTION IN—RESPONSE to SYRIA—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS.
20130501             CARBON—DIOXIDE emissions reachest highest point in 3.000.000years:
20130501             —TEETERED, As global CARBON—DIOXIDE, emissions, on the threshold of 400—PARTS per million (PPM) for The 1.time in 3.000.000years, DELEGATES from countries all over THE—WORLD—YESTERDAY started another ROUND—OF—TALKS on how to tackle CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20130501             KORRUPTION—IN—CHINA: Die GEHEIMEN Exzesse der Elite
20130501             MARATHON —ATTENTAT: 3—WEITERE Festnahmen nach BOSTON—ANSCHLAG
20130501             —GESTANDEN, Sie hätten mit Dschochar "in Verbindung ".
20130501             MEDIEN—BERICHTE sind in diesem Fall aber wie immer mit Vorsicht zu genießen.
20130501             USA—BUNDES—STAAT KENTUCKY: Fünfjähriger erschießt seine zweijährige Schwester
20130501             Ausschreitungen: KRAWALLE—BEI—MAI—DEMO in BERLIN
20130501             Weltberühmtes Fossil: ÄTHIOPIEN feiert Rückkehr von "Lucy"
20130501             Evangelischer Kirchentag: 80.000—GLÄUBIGE beten in HAMBURGs Straßen - 100.000e?
20130501             Bleiben Sie doch bitte bei der Wahrheit: es sind Millionen, UND—ZWAR VIELE—MILLIONEN.
20130501             SPANIEN und FRANKREICH vermelden Rekordarbeitslosenzahlen, Griechen und Portugiesen leiden unter der SPAR—POLITIK ihrer Regierungen.
20130501             100.000e - IG—METALL—CHEF—BERTHOLD Huber forderte 1—INVESTITIONS—PROGRAMM für EUROPA: "es ist menschenverachtend, wenn weiter auf dem Rücken der Arbeitslosen, der Kranken und Alten gekürzt wird".Mehr als 400.000—MENSCHEN nahmen BUNDES—WEIT an Kundgebungen für mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit teil.
20130501             MOSKAU, nahmen Zehntausende an 1—GROSSDEMONSTRATION teil, die von DER—KREML—TREUEN Gesamtrussischen Volksfront unterstützt wurde.
20130501             "Lucy hat 1—BOTSCHAFT, die ALLE—KULTURELLEN—BARRIEREN überwindet", sagt er.
20130501             GESCHICHTE: In jener ;;11;;nacht, als Johansons Team auf die Knochen stieß, dröhnte aus 1—KASSETTENREKORDER der BEATLES—SONG "Lucy —IN—THE—SKY with diamonds".
20130501             "Wir nehmen an, daß Lucy in wäldlichen Gebieten lebte und Vegetarierin war", sagt Johanson.
20130501             HAMBURG, zogen laut POLIZEI—CA—1400—TEILNEHMER in Richtung ALTONA,
20130501             Insgesamt waren in der HANSE—STADT—CA—1.600—BEAMTE im Einsatz.
20130501             Frauenrechte in SAUDI—ARABIEN: "Nicht alles kann verhüllt werden"
20130501             [l] UNITED—KINGDOM—TELECOM schickt ihre PATENT—ANWÄLTE los, um Gebühren für SIP einzutreiben.
20130501—19130000    —VOR—100—JAHREN stampfte 1. 1—FURCHTERREGENDER DINO—SAURIER als Verkörperung der ultimativen Bestie durch die prähistorische FILM—PAMPA.
20130501—20120000    —IN, Global sanctions cut IRAN—CRUDE—OIL—EXPORTS by 39 % to 1.500.
20130501—20130501    —AM, Demos : 100.000e PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—SPAR—POLITIK
20130514             —SLASHED, IOWA, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—20130501             —THE $240—MILLION verdict to $1.6—MILLION for 32—MENTALLY disabled workers who suffered YEARS—OF—ABUSE by their caretakers.
20140112             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—COURT sentenced to death 1—AL—QAEDA militant and jailed 10—OTHERS over 20040501             —THE, attack that killed 6—WESTERNERS and 1—POLICEMAN.
20140326—20140501    —FROM, UKRAINE—NAFTOGAZ officials said THE—PRICE—OF—GAS will rise for domestic consumers by more than 50—PER cent.
20140419—20140501    —CLAIMED, AL—QAEDA in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), responsibility.
20140501             —ERUPTED, Violence, 20140428              in 1—NUMBER—OF—UNIVERSITY campuses across Oromia state as ethnic Oromo students protested 1—PLAN by the government to expand the capital, ADDIS—ABABA, into PARTS—OF—OROMIA.
20140501             ALASKA STATE—TROOPERS—GABRIEL—RICH and SERGEANT—PATRICK—JOHNSON were killed in Tanana.
20140501             —ARRESTED, Suspect NATHANIEL—LEE—KANGAS, 19—JAHRE—ALT was.
20140501             —KILLED, In THE—SF Bay Area MARTIN—COBB 8) was, —WHILE trying to rescue his older sister (12) from 1—SEXUAL—ASSAULT along railroad tracks in RICHMOND.
20140501             1—SUSPECT, 16—JAHRE—ALT was soon arrested.
20140501             —STABBED, CALIFORNIA, THE—BODY—OF—SARAH—JUNE—DOUGLAS, 26—JAHRE—ALT was found, to death in her SACRAMENTO home.
20140501             —SHARED, Former fire battalion CHIEF—ORVILLE—FLEMING, who, the home with Douglas, eluded police —FOR—2—WEEKS—BEFORE he was arrested.
20140501             —INJURED, More than 180—PEOPLE were.
20140501             THE—NAVAJO—NATION and 1—GROUP led by NEW—MEXICO GOVERNOR—BILL—RICHARDSON and actor ROBERT—REDFORD said they have agreed on 1—PLAN to manage THOUSANDS—OF—WILD—HORSES on the Navajo reservation and keep the animals from being slaughtered.
20140501             NORTH—DAKOTA—ANDREW—SADEK, (20), 1—STUDENT at NORTH—DAKOTA—STATE—COLLEGE, went missing.
20140501             Avon Products INCORPORATED says it will pay $135—MILLION in fines and other fees to settle 1—LONG—STANDING—USA—GOVERNMENT—PROBE into whether the cosmetics company paid bribes in CHINA and other countries to gain favors.
20140501             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, at least 13—PEOPLE at 1—CHECK—POINT in Panjshir province.
20140501             —EMBRACED, BRUNEI, 1—FORM—OF—ISLAMIC—SHARIAH criminal law that includes harsh penalties, 1—MOVE slammed by INTERNATIONAL rights group as 1—STEP backward for human rights.
20140501             —STATIONED, —AFTER CHINA, the oil rig, VIETNAM —IMMEDIATELY dispatched marine police and fishery protection vessels but they were harassed as they approached.
20140501             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA authorities said at least 11—STUDENTS have been, in violent clashes with police.
20140501             —CONSIDERED, The pests are, 1—THREAT to crops grown in EUROPE.
20140501             —RIPPED, INDIA, twin blasts, through 2—COACHES—OF—1—TRAIN—JUST minutes —AFTER it pulled into Chennai railway station, killing a 22—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN and injuring 14—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20140501             ISRAEL—ECONOMY—MINISTER—NAFTALI—BENNETT said USA—COMPUTER—CHIP—GIANT—INTEL is to invest close to $6—BILLION in upgrading its local production facilities.
20140501             † ISRAEL—ACTOR and director Assi Dayan (68) in his Tel Aviv home.
20140501             —ACTED, Dayan, in 50—FILMS and TV shows and directed 16—MOVIES and was known for both his trailblazing films and troubled personal life.
20140501             —SEIZED, MEXICO—MILITARY and police, 44—TONS—OF—MARIJUANA in TIJUANA.
20140501             31—ACTIVISTS were detained.
20140501             —KIDNAPPED, NIGERIA—POLICE said the number of, schoolgirls missing has risen to 276, up by more than 30—FROM 1—PREVIOUS estimate.
20140501             —STAGED, RUSSIA, 1—HUGE—MAY—DAY—PARADE on MOSCOW—RED—SQUARE for the 1. time —SINCE the Soviet era.
20140501             THE—SYRIA—BASED Local Coordination Committees said clashes overnight between SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and opposition fighters killed 14—REBELS along 1—STRATEGIC corridor between DAMASCUS and THE—LEBANON—BORDER.
20140501             Government aircraft struck 1—MARKET in 1—REBEL—HELD DISTRICT—OF—ALEPPO killing at least 33—PEOPLE.
20140501             —FIRED, TURKEY—POLICE, tear gas, water cannon and rubber pellets to stop May —DAY protesters, some armed with fire bombs, from defying PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN and reaching ISTANBUL—CENTRAL—TAKSIM square.
20140501             USA—IMMIGRATION and Customs Enforcement officials said more than 600—SUSPECTED gang members have been arrested over the last 2—MONTHS in 179—CITIES in 1—OPERATION dubbed Project Southbound.
20140501             1—SUSPECT (16) was soon arrested.
20140501             —KILLED, FLORIDA, 1—APPARENT—GAS—EXPLOSION—2—INMATES and all but destroyed the Escambia County Jail in Pensacola.
20140501             He had †—OF—1—GUNSHOT wound and had been 1—CONFIDENTIAL—INFORMANT for 1—DRUG—TASK—FORCE.
20140501             —DENOUNCED, CAMBODIA, May —DAY demonstrators, low wages and called for better TREATMENT—OF—WORKERS—DURING—RALLIES that turned violent.
20140501             —ANNOUNCED, Royal CANADA—MOUNTED—POLICE, that they have identified some 1,000 CASES—OF—MURDERED aboriginal women and girls over the last 30—YEARS with most cases 19900000—20130000    —BETWEEN.
20140501             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—GUNMEN, about 15—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—CHILDREN, in 1—ATTACK on Markounda town near THE—CHAD border.
20140501             —DEPLOYED, CHINA, a $1—BILLION deep sea rig near the Paracel Islands and THE—FLOTILLA—OF—ESCORT ships, some armed, in 1—GRADUAL—CAMPAIGN—OF—ASSERTING its sovereignty in THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20140501             —BANNED, THE—EU AS—OF—TODAY—IMPORTS—OF—INDIA—MANGOES including the Alphonso, considered THE—KING—OF—ALL the mango varieties grown in SOUTH—ASIA, because 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—SHIPMENTS were contaminated with fruit flies.
20140501             —CHARGED, MOROCCO, some 700—AFRICAN migrants, SPAIN—BARBED—WIRE border fences in THE—NORTH—AFRICAN ENCLAVE—OF—MELILLA, clashing with Spanish and MOROCCO—BORDER—POLICE.
20140501             —STORMED, HOLLAND—POLICE—1—GREENPEACE ship and ended environmentalists' attempts to block 1—RUSSIA—TANKER—CARRYING—OIL from THE—ARCTIC—OCEAN from mooring at ROTTERDAM Port.
20140501             —KILLED, NIGERIA, 1—CAR—BOMB in ABUJA, at least 19—PEOPLE with 66—WOUNDED.
20140501             NIGERIA—POLICE said THE—NUMBER—OF—KIDNAPPED schoolgirls missing has risen to 276, up by more than 30—FROM 1—PREVIOUS estimate.
20140501             —ESCAPED, THE—NUMBER—OF—GIRLS and young women who have, also rose to 53.
20140501             —ORDERED, UKRAINE, THE—EXPULSION—OF—RUSSIA—MILITARY attaché, saying it had caught him "RED—HANDED" 1—DAY—EARLIER—RECEIVING classified information on the country's cooperation with NATO.
20140501             1—CROWD—OF—SOME 300—PRO—RUSSIA—MILITANTS attacked the prosecutor's OFFICE—IN—THE—EAST—CITY—OF—DONETSK.
20140501             —BACKED, YEMEN—MILITARY—OFFICIALS said soldiers, by tanks were pushing through SOUTH—STRONGHOLDS—OF—SUSPECTED AL—QAIDA militants for a 3. —DAY, sparking clashes that killed at least 6—SUSPECTED militants.
20140501             EUROPA—WAHLKÄMPFER MARTIN—SCHULZ: "Er ist der gute DEUTSCHE"
20140501             Crowdfunding: Forscher sammeln Geld für virtuelles LEBE—WESEN
20140501             Ostchinesisches Meer: CHINA und RUSSLAND planen SEE—MANÖVER
20140501             USA—BESUCH der KANZLERIN: GRÜNEN—CHEFIN wirft MERKEL Feigheit vor
20140501             USA—REISE der KANZLERIN—MERKELS Mission Neuanfang
20140501             —STUDIE vor EUROPAs Küsten: Sogar die Tiefsee ist vermüllt
20140501             DIE—REGIERUNGEN in KIEW und MOSKAU befinden sich MITTLERWEILE —SEIT—WOCHEN, im Konflikt.
20140501             Bedenklich
20140501             —NUN, wirft diese PUTSCH—REGIERUNG auch noch DIPLOMATEN SPIONAGE vor.
20140501             Man lässt aber auch garnichts aus, um RUSSLAND zu provozieren.
20140501             Wegen dem illegal unterzeichneten VERTRAG—MIT—DEM IWF haben die meisten UKRAINEr spätestens in 4—MONATEN kaum noch was zu essen.
20140501             Bei 300,- EURO Monatslohn müssen 20 % steigende LEBENS—MITTEL—PREISE, 100 % steigende Energiekosten und 30 % Lohnkürzungen verkraftet werden.
20140501             —DANN, wird die ganze UKRAINE gegen diese illegale Regierung aufstehen und es wird der PUTSCH—REGIERUNG nichts helfen, mit dem Finger auf RUSSLAND zu zeigen.
20140501             Wieso unterstützen MERKEL und OBAMA NAZIs, die 1—DEMOKRATIE gestürzt haben und vorhaben 1 3. WELT—KRIEG anzuzetteln?
20140501             DAS—REGIME—IN—KIEW
20140501             sollte mal 1—AUSFLUG nach AFGHANISTAN, SOMALIA, SYRIEN... machen und erkennen, was passiert, wenn man auf DIE—CIA LEUTE mit den Geldkoffern hört.
20140501             —GELACHT, Ganz laut...
20140501             DIE—LEUTE finden es nur urkomisch, das 1—DIPLOAT IN—DER—UKRAINE wegen SPIONAGE ausgewiesen wird, währen bei uns Mutti MERKEL noch nicht ganz überwunden hat, daß ihr Handy 'von Freunden' mitgeschnitten WIRD—SO wie aller andere DATEN—VERKEHR auch... Oder geht man —HEUTE davon aus, daß DIE—RUSSEN als einzige das Spionieren aufgegeben haben?
20140501             Lächerlich... - DIE—WAHREN Täter sitzen in den Redaktionsstuben der TAGESSCHAU, vom ZDF—JOURNAL, der SÜD—DEUTSCHEN (besonders schlimm)... —NACH—DEM, nächsten KRIEG sollten in DEN—HAAG auch solche SUDEL—JOURNALISTEN abgeurteilt werden wegen VOLK—VERHETZUNG... natürlich auch die russischen, wenn man sie der Lüge überführen sollte. es geht hier um Menschenleben und DIE—ZUKUNFTS—CHANCEN ganze Generationen, die durch KRIEG oder schwere Sanktionen vernichtet werden (item SYRIEN).
20140501             Journalistische BEIHILFE—ZU—SOLCHEN Verbrechen sollte nicht mehr straffrei bleiben und nicht durch DIE—PRESSE—FREIHEIT gedeckt sein.
20140501             und noch 1—DRUFF...
20140501             DIE—PROVOKATIONEN gehen weiter, die KIEWer Marionetten tun auftragsgemäß alles, RUSSLAND zu 1—UNVORSICHTIGEN SCHRITT—SPRICH EINMARSCH—ZU provozieren.
20140501             Ich hoffe, Die RUSSLAND—FÜHRUNG ist so besonnen, sich nicht provozieren zu lassen.
20140501             Wenn die das durchhalten, wird das Desaster für DIE—USA—AMIS episch sein.
20140501             Und das wäre auch sehr in europäischem Interesse, denn momentan können wir nur verlieren, zumal wenn DER—EUROPA—BINNEN—MARKTMARKT mal nebenbei für DIE—USA—AMIS geöffnet wird.
20140501             Wir haben 1—REGIERUNG, die aus Blinden und Dummköpfen besteht.
20140501             DIE—GRÜNDUNG—DER—USA wurde eben nicht durch 1—ANDEREN STAAT veranlasst, sondern kam allein aus dem Volk heraus.
20140501             Und —JETZT ist es bloss noch 1—FRAGE—DER—ZEIT, —BIS 1—NEUES Tonkin das Fass zum ueberlaufen bringt und Joint Vision 20200000              endlich umgesetzt werden kann.
20140501             Darauf warten manche ja —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN.
20140501             Immer —ERST - an die eigene Nase fassen... so viel sachliche Argumentation habe ich von Ihnen auch noch nicht gesehen. es ist wahr.
20140501             —ÜBERNIMMT, DIE—NATO, nicht DIE—REGIERUNGS—GESCHÄFTE—DAFÜR haben die "westlichen"STAATEN ja ihre Marionetten installiert.
20140501             DIE—FÜHREN ihre Aufträge —SCHON aus.
20140501             (Wie war das nochmal mit dem Besuch des CIA—DIREKTORS in KIEW?) Und DEMOKRATEN—WAHLEN... ja klar.
20140501             DIE—GAB'S in FLORIDA—DAMALS, auch.
20140501             Schoen, daß Sie das ansprechen !
20140501             DIE—GRÖSSTEN Geiselgangster IN—DER—UKRAINE, sind doch die, die durch die HILFE—VON—CIA, USA EU und die persoenlich Unterstuetzung von FRAU—MERKEL dort ohne Volksmandat an DIE—MACHT geputscht worden sind!
20140501             Diese halten NAEMLICH—IM Auftrag der VORGENANNTEN—DAS ganze Land als Geisel !!!
20140501             Und wer ist Ihrer Meinung nach der OBER—BEFEHLS—HABER der UKRAINE—ARMEE ? — rein RECHTLICH—IM—MOMENT—HEISST der Praesident DER—UKRAINE YANUKOWYCH—ALSO—REIN RECHTLICH—WAS ja IN—DER—UKRAINE zu keinem ZEIT—PUNKT gegeben ist.
20140501             DAS—RECHT wurde hier so massiv ausgehebelt, daß alles andere was hier vor sich geht nur als Willkuer zu bezeichnen ist!
20140501             Ich finde es richtig was Sie SAGEN—KEINE Geiseln, auch nicht durch NAZI—GUENSTLINGE der EU, der USA, DER—CIA, der NATO und unsrerer KANZLERIN.
20140501             Wollen Sie mir wirklich weissmachen, daß Sie in 1—ABSOLUT rechtsfreien Raum, wie es DIE—UKRAINE —IM—MOMENT ist -
20140501             Gesetze nach Ihren Massstaeben — oder irgendwelchen MASSTAEBEN—FINDEN ???
20140501             Sie brauchen sich keine SORGE—UM—DEUTSCHLAND zu machen.
20140501             DEUTSCHLAND, ist man gerade dabei, die gesamte —BISLANG staatliche Infrastruktur aus SICHERHEITS—GRÜNDEN an USA—KONZERNE outzusource, die den Betrieb dann mir eigenem Personal durchführen dürfen.
20140501             Wenn das keine Sicherheit ist.
20140501             Fall Ihnen der Herr, der auf dem letzten Foto 2—ABSTIMMUNGSGERÄTE GLEICHZEITIG bedient, bekannt vorkommen sollte: Ja, das *ist* Jazenjuk, der "MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—DER—ÜBERGANGSREGIERUNG"!
20140501             —GEWORDEN, Und wie er das, ist, wissen Sie nun auch...
20140501             Nur weil man die Vorgänge IN—DER—UKRAINE kritisch verfolgt, ist man nicht "russlandfreundlich".
20140501             Sie blenden aus, was Ursache und Wirkung ist.
20140501             —GEÄUßERT, MISTER—KERRY hat unverhohlen, daß DIE—UKRAINE 1—SCHLÜSSEL—STAAT in EUROPA ist, DIE—USA haben viel Geld in den Umsturz investiert... Ohne den Maidanputsch, um den SCHLÜSSEL—STAAT UKRAINE zu kontrollieren, wäre DIE—KRIM NOCH—IMMER UKRAINE—UND IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE wäre kein Gebäude besetzt.
20140501             Er ist kein lupenreiner Demokrat, aber vom Volk gewählt und anders als VIELE—WESTLICHE—KOLLEGEN—NOCH—IMMER—VON—1—GROSSEN Mehrheit unterstützt.
20140501             DIE—SITUATION DER—BÜRGER—RECHTE in RUSSLAND ist sicherllich miserabel.
20140501             —GESTÖRT, Aber —SEIT wann hat UNSERE—POLITIKER das je ?
20140501             Wenn man beim richtigen GEHEIM—DIENST arbeitet, ist man 1—FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER, wer bei falschen GEHEIM—DIENST arbeitet, ist 1—VERBRECHER.
20140501             Welche Verbrechen hat er denn konkret begangen?
20140501             Das sind auch UKRAINEr. Derartige Beiträge riechen s
20140501             PUTIN wie MERKEL hätten bei ihrem TELEFON—GESPRÄCH DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT betont, "das Vermittlungspotential der OSZE IN—DER—UKRAINE im höchstmöglichen Maß einzusetzen", erklärte DER—KREML weiter.
20140501             PUTINs Weltsicht: Ideologie vom überlegenen Volk
20140501             Kosmetik mit Aluminium: Regierung prüft Gefährlichkeit von Deos
20140501             "Sie versuchen ständig, uns in 1—ECKE zu drücken, weil wir die Dinge so nennen, wie sie sind, und uns nicht mit Heuchelei beschäftigen", erklärte er in seiner;;03;;—REDE vor Vertretern der Duma.
20140501             "es gibt genug Kräfte in der Welt, DIE—ANGST—VOR—UNSERER Stärke haben, unserer Größe, deshalb versuchen sie uns in Teile zu spalten".
20140501             1—KOLUMNE—VON—JAN—FLEISCHHAUER
20140501             Wenn man nach historischen Referenzmarken sucht, dann ist der richtige BEZUGS—PUNKT nicht SARAJEVO 19140000             , sondern ROM 19190000            .
20140501             Wer sich in den ECHO—KAMMERN und Metaphernräumen bewegt, in denen PUTIN unterwegs ist, erkennt 1—GANZE REIHE—VON—TOPOI wieder, die auch bei der Geburt des FASCHISMUS PATE standen.
20140501             [l] IN—DEN—USA werden PORNO—DARSTELLERN reihenweise DIE—BANK—KONTEN zugemacht.
20140501             DIE—BEGRÜNDUNGEN klingen initial, als seien DIE—BANKEN —JETZT unter die Moralpolizei gegangen, aber es steht natürlich die Vermutung im Raum, daß dahinter das "JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM"steckt.
20140501             [l] CHROME wird wohl —DEMNÄCHST die URL nicht mehr anzeigen.
20140501             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, KIEW räumt KONTROLL—VERLUST über Osten des Landes 1 - NSA—AUSSPÄHUNG: MERKELs Fehler
20140501             Demonstrationen zum 20140501             : BÜRGER feiern, GEWERKSCHAFTer mahnen, DEMONSTRANTEN stören die NPD
20140501             Wie wäre es, wenn DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG einmal erklären würde, daß man sich nicht sicher sei, bei der nächsten Einreise des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN seine diplomatische Immunität anzuerkennen, da er sich ja als oberster Dienstherr der NSA in DEUTSCHLAND strafbar gemacht hat.
20140501             Was für unsägliche Arschkriecher!
20140501             In den Knast mit der ganzen Regierung!
20140501             Von wegen "Schaden vom DEUTSCHEN—VOLKE abwenden"!
20140501             Aber Humor haben DIE—USA—AMIS! Wenn DIE—NSA 80.000.000—BUNDES—BÜRGER —BIS in intimste Bereiche hiein ausspioniert, dann ist das normal.
20140501             Wenn aber 1—BUNDES—TAGSSAUSSCHUß Informationen darüber haben will, ist das "Diebstahl von (USA-)Staatseigentum".
20140501             Das ist für mich der Brüller des Tages. Ehrlich!
20140501             Über DIE—DEUTSCHE—BOTSCHAFT in WASHINGTON gelangte da 1—GUTACHTEN der renommierten USA—KANZLEI "Rubin, Winston, Diercks, Harris & COOKE"nach BERLIN.
20140501             Für MERKELs Regierung kam das 12—SEITIGE Schreiben wie gerufen.
20140501             DIE—GROßE—KOALITION hat keinerlei Interesse, dem Auslöser der NSA—AFFÄRE, EDWARD—SNOWDEN, übergroße Aufmerksamkeit zu verschaffen oder ihn gar einreisen zu lassen.
20140501             Das Papier aus WASHINGTON liefert dafür weitere Argumente. es warnt DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—MITGLIEDER—DES—NSA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSSES nämlich unverhohlen davor, sich durch 1—BEFRAGUNG SNOWDENs womöglich strafbar zu machen.
20140501             DIE—EXPERTISE des USA—ANWALTS JEFFREY—HARRIS, die dem SPIEGEL vorliegt, ist Teil 1—STELLUNGNAHME DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG, die dem Ausschuss offiziell —ERST—AM morgigen —FREITAG zugehen SOLLTE—AM—MITTWOCH aber —BEREITS durchsickerte.
20140501             es sei —BEREITS 1 "strafbare Handlung", so DER—USA—JURIST, wenn der "Haupttäter"(gemeint ist SNOWDEN, Anmerkung Redaktion) etwa durch DEUTSCHLAND—PARLAMENTARIER veranlasst werde, geheime Informationen preiszugeben.
20140501             —GEWERTET, Gegebenenfalls könne das als "Diebstahl —STAAT—EIGENTUMS" werden.
20140501             Je nach Faktenlagen könnten Strafverfolger gar von 1 "VERSCHWÖRUNG"(CONSPIRACY) ausgehen.
20140501             "KRIMinelle Verabredung"
20140501             In ihrem Gutachten bauen die Juristen darüber hinaus 1—DROHKULISSE auf.
20140501             DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—ABGEORDNETEN könnten sich demnach nicht mehr sicher sein, ob sie bei der nächsten USA—REISE nicht vielleicht in Haft genommen werden.
20140501             DIE—IMMUNITÄT DER—BUNDES—TAG—ABGEORDNETEN werde möglicherweise IN—DEN—USA anerkannt.
20140501             —VERPFLICHTET, DIE—USA seien "aber nicht dazu ".
20140501             "Mich wundert —SCHON sehr, daß hierzu überhaupt 1—USA—ANWALTSKANZLEI beauftragt wurde", sagt SPD—OBMANN CHRISTIAN Flisek auf SPIEGEL—ANFRAGE.
20140501             —GEBETEN, DER—AUSSCHUSS jedenfalls habe nicht darum, und werde sich dadurch auch "nicht behindern"lassen.
20140501             —VON, 1 "Gefälligkeitsgutachen, das wohl als Drohung gemeint sein soll, uns aber nicht schrecken wird", spricht LINKEN—OBFRAU Martina Renner.
20140501             Der Grüne KONSTANTIN—VON Notz wittert durchsichtige ANGST—MACHEREI. es gebe im USA—USA—RECHT keinen Präzedenzfall für die Verfolgung ausländischer Verantwortungsträger.
20140501             "DAS—USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM müsste das veranlassen. Das allerdings ist kaum vorstellbar".
20140501             DIE—USA—JURISTEN beurteilen dagegen —SCHON die Vereinbarung, SNOWDEN zu befragen, kritisch.
20140501             —BEREITS das stelle 1 "kriminelle Verabredung"dar.
20140501             Ob er in DEUTSCHLAND, RUSSLAND oder woanders vernommen wird, spielt aus Sicht der Gutachter keine Rolle.
20140501             Renner erklärte: "Sollte sich die Ausschussmehrheit die Argumentation der Regierung zu eigen machen, werden wir 1—HÖCHSTRICHTLICHE Entscheidung herbeiführen".
20140501             Wenn MERKEL nun an diesem —DONNERSTAG in WASHINGTON eintrifft, wird OBAMA versuchen, DIE—KANZLERIN in seine ZEIT—ZONE zu zwingen.
20140501             DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—SOLLEN DIE—NSA—AFFÄRE der Vergangenheit übergeben.
20140501             DEUTSCHLAND und AMERIKA sollen sich mit der KRISE—IN—DER—UKRAINE beschäftigen, mit 1—FREI—HANDEL—ABKOMMEN und den IRAN—VERHANDLUNGEN—POLITISCHE Aktualität statt WELT—AFFÄRE.
20140501             —GEZWUNGEN, MERKEL wird nachgeben, durch die hegemoniale Sturheit DER—USA—REGIERUNG und die Dringlichkeit der aktuellen KRISE—IN—DER—UKRAINE.
20140501             Der NSA—KOMPLEX ist größer als die Frage, was mit dem Handy der KANZLERIN geschah.
20140501             Er rührt an den Grundfesten der modernen Demokratie, deren Meinungsbildung —HEUTE in wesentlichen Teilen im INTERNET stattfindet.
20140501             Wenn diese Meinungsbildung nicht frei ist, weil GEHEIM—DIENSTE potenziell JEDE—KOMMUNIKATION überwachen, dann ist 1—KONSTITUIERENDES Element dieser Demokratie in Gefahr.
20140501             Dies ist die Hypothek, mit der DIE—KANZLERIN—NACH—WASHINGTON fliegt.
20140501             —NEUE—THERAPIE: Schweinematerial hilft bei Heilung menschlicher Muskeln
20140501             —UKRAINE—POLITIK,SENATOR—MCCAIN findet MERKELs Führungsstil "peinlich"
20140501             SANKTIONS—STREIT, Mastercard fürchtet RUSSLAND—KREDITKARTE
20140501             Mit Blick auf die engen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen DEUTSCHLAND und RUSSLAND beklagte DER—SENATOR und frühere PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT—KANDIDAT der REPUBLIKANER den Einfluss der "Industrielobby"auf DIE—POLITIK DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG.
20140501             "Wir könnten sie genauso gut in der Regierung sitzen haben, es ist 1—SCHANDE", sagte er.
20140501             DER—REPUBLIKANER—SENATOR—JEFF—SESSIONS, der beim Abendessen mit MERKEL auf der Gästeliste stand, verlangte angesichts des RUSSLAND—VORGEHENS IN—DER—UKRAINE 1—TRANS—ATLANTISCHEN Schulterschluss.
20140501             "Wir müssen sicherlich 1—KLARERE, zielgerichtetere und geeintere Position haben", sagte er der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR—AFP.
20140501             DEUTSCHLAND komme bei der Verschärfung der SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND 1 "Schlüsselrolle"zu.
20140501             ZUGLEICH forderte Sessions DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—AUF, den Frust über DIE—NSA—SPÄH—AFFÄRE zu überwinden.
20140501             "Wir müssen darüber hinwegkommen", sagte er.
20140501             Der DEMOKRATEN—SENATOR—CHRIS—MURPHY sagte, das TRANS—ATLANTISCHE Bündnis erlebe 1 "entscheidenden Moment".
20140501             —GESPANNT, Er sei, auf die Sichtweise der KANZLERIN bei den STRAF—MAßNAHMEN—GEGEN—RUSSLAND.
20140501             "Aber ich denke, es ist an der Zeit für DIE—USA und EUROPA, gemeinsam SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—WIRTSCHAFTSBRANCHEN zu verhängen", sagte Murphy.
20140501             —GEBURTS—TAGSPARTY für SCHRÖDER: Mißfelder rechtfertigt Feier mit PUTIN
20140501             —JETZT, rechtfertigte sich der UNIONS—FRAKTION außenpolitischer Sprecher, PHILIPP Mißfelder, 1.für die umstrittene TEILNAHME—AN—DEM Fest in SANKT—PETERSBURG.
20140501             "Ich bin der Meinung, daß es besser ist, solche Gesprächsmöglichkeiten zu nutzen, als sich ihnen zu verweigern", sagte der CDU—POLITIKER der BILD—ZEITUNG.
20140501             DIE—STIMMUNG und die Gespräche beim Abendessen mit PUTIN seien sehr ernst gewesen, sagte Mißfelder.
20140501             Er sei nicht in seiner Sprecherfunktion nach SANKT—PETERSBURG gefahren, sondern habe als Privatmann "versucht zu tun, was in dieser Situation geboten ist".
20140501             UKRAINE—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG: Beschwerde beim NDR—RUNDFUNKRAT
20140501             Das establishment DER—DEUTSCHEN—MEDIEN, ÖFFENTLICH—RECHTLICH wie privat, hat MITTLERWEILE JEDES—MASS für Anstand aus den Augen verloren. es gibt kaum noch 1—TABU, das ungebrochen und kaum 1—SCHAMGRENZE, die unverletzt gelassen wurde, wenn es darum geht, dumpfe Meinungsmache zu betreiben.
20140501             Vor allem haben sich VIELE—JOURNALISTEN die ökonomischen und militärischen Interessen von EU und NATO so sehr zu eigen gemacht, daß sie auch die ohnehin nur noch in Restbeständen vorhandene Objektivität und kritische Distanz zu allen mehrheitlich reaktionären Kräften, die —JETZT IN—DER—UKRAINE ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste Fakten gegen RUSSLAND schaffen wollen, über Bord geworfen haben.
20140501             DIE—KÄMPFER auf dem Maidan in KIEW, die mit unerbittlicher Härte und Brutalität zu Werke gegangen sind, werden von DER—DEUTSCHEN—PRESSE weiterhin als "FREIHEITS—KÄMPFER" glorifiziert, die große Zahl aggressiver Nationalisten, Faschisten, Söldner, Desperados unter ihnen konsequent als
20140501             1—KOMMENTAR—VON—SUSANN WITT—STAHL, ;;0418;2014
20140501             [l] DIE—USA —DROHEN—DEN Mitgliedern des NSA—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSSES offen mit EINREISE—VERBOT  und Verfolgung, falls sie SNOWDEN einreisen lassen.
20140501             Wie —JETZT, denkt ihr euch vielleicht, die haben doch diplomatische Immunität?!
20140501             What the fuck!? Das ist ja selbst —NACH—DEN BUSH—MAßSTÄBEN 1—BODENLOSE Frechheit.
20140501             Aber wartet, es wird noch krasser.
20140501             Dieses "Gutachten"droht sogar, es könne —BEREITS—JETZT zu spät sein.
20140501—19450430    —ÜBER—DEN, Haben Sie denn —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—TAGEN irgendetwas in unseren, ach so serioesen Medien, gehört, gesehen oder gelesen ???
20140501—19450430    Darf man auch daran erinnern, daß BERLIN durch RUSSLAND—SOLDATEN befreit wurde, von den NAZI—GEISEL—NEHMERN
20140501—19450430    —TAG—AN—DIESEM, Darf man auch daran erinnern, daß HITLER sich erschoss ???
20140501—19450430    Oder
20140501—19450430    —BY, finden Sie diese GEISEL—NEHMER, die mir bedenkliche Ähnlichkeiten mit den UKRAINE—AUFWEISEN, besser ? - SPAIN—DEBT was only $ 22.000.000, and
20140501—19450430    finden Sie diese GEISEL—NEHMER, die mir bedenkliche Ähnlichkeiten mit den UKRAINE—AUFWEISEN, besser ?
20140501—20140414    —ABDUCTED, The actual number, by Islamic extremists was more than 300. THE—NUMBER—OF—GIRLS and young women who have escaped also rose to 53.
20140501—20140414    —ABDUCTED, The actual number, by Islamic extremists was more than 300.
20140501—20140627    —ON, His body was found in the Red River, not far from where he attended school.
20140501—20150731    —SENTENCED, Fleming (57) was, to 16—YEARS to life in prison.
20140505—20140501    —ARRIVED, The man had, in KARACHI and was detained —WHEN officials found him carrying ammunition and 3—KNIVES, as well as electronic devices that were being examined.
20140507—20140501    —RAPED, The widow (25) said she was, by 8—MEN who allegedly found her with 1—OO man in her house.
20150403             SENEGAL said it will scrap visa requirements for foreign visitors, effective 20150501             , and slash taxes on air fares as it seeks to revive 1—TOURISM—SECTOR crippled by high costs and 1—REGIONAL—EBOLA outbreak.
20150501             —CHARGED, BALTIMORE, 6—POLICE—OFFICERS were, over 20150419             —THE—DEATH—OF—FREDDIE—GRAY, 1—AFRICAN—USA—MAN in their custody.
20150501             —RAISED, S—FRANCISCO, wages for THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS from $11.05—PER —HOUR to $12.25—PER —HOUR.
20150501             † In SOUTH—CALIFORNIA 3—TEENAGERS—WHEN their car plunged off 1—LONG—BEACH—ROAD and into THE—LOS—ANGELES River.
20150501             —SMASHED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, May —DAY protests grew violent as vandals, bank and store windows and at least 40—CAR—WINDOWS at 1—SINGLE auto dealership.
20150501             —DEFIED, Police made at least 15—ARRESTS—WHEN SOME—PROTESTERS, a 10:00 pm curfew.
20150501             —DESIGNED, NEW—YORK—CITY, the new $422—MILLION—WHITNEY Museum, by ITALY—ARCHITECT RENZO—PIANO, opened.
20150501             —SMASHED, CHINA, angry Muslims in Qinghai province, windows in XINING city —AFTER pork sausages and ham were found in 1—DELIVERY—VAN.
20150501             —BANNED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO said it has, women from being fully veiled in public to allow easy identification to prevent extremist violence.
20150501             The government said it will also ban NON—RESIDENTS from sleeping in mosques in order to encourage refugees to register with police.
20150501             —LAUNCHED, IRAQ, and Syria THE—USA—LED military coalition, 18—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State over the last 24—HOURS.
20150501             —TORCHED, ITALY, BLACK—CLAD protesters in Milan, 2—CARS and clashed with police, who responded with tear gas as violence broke out at 1—DEMONSTRATION at THE—START—OF—THE—EXPO 20150000            .
20150501             LIBYA, 1—ROCKET hit 1—MEDICAL—CENTER in BENGHAZI, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20150501             WEST—MEXICO, gunmen shot down 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER with 1—ROCKET propelled grenade.
20150501             —ESCALATED, Violence, across Jalisco state as military and federal police launched Operation Jalisco to crack down on the Jalisco New Generation Drug Cartel.
20150501             † IN—MEXICO—DAVE—GOLDBERG, 47—JAHRE—ALT, CEO—OF—SURVEYMONKEY, —FOLLOWING 1—TREADMILL accident at 1—PRIVATE villa exercize room near PUERTO—VALLARTA.
20150501             Up to 1,000 Europeans were among the missing.
20150501             —PRAISED, PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—NAWAZ—SHARIF, the country's armed forces for defeating militants in THE—NORTH—WAZIRISTAN tribal area.
20150501             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA said its forces have, DOZENS—OF—IRAN—BACKED rebels from YEMEN who launched their 1. major attack on the kingdom —SINCE SAUDI—LED air strikes began last —MONTH.
20150501             SYRIA, Islamist rebels and the government army fought fierce battles in Latakia province overnight close to PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—ANCESTRAL home.
20150501             —BY the next —DAY police dug up 26—BODIES.
20150501             —ESCAPED, Smugglers reportedly, days —EARLIER with —AROUND 100—ROHINGYA Muslims, 1—LONG—PERSECUTED religious minority in MYANMAR.
20150501             —FIRED, TURKEY—POLICE, tear gas and water cannon at HUNDREDS—OF—STONE—THROWING—MAY—DAY—PROTESTERS.
20150501             UKRAINE said 2—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and 1—PRO—RUSSIA—REBEL have been killed over the past 24—HOURS in fighting in the country's WAR—TORN east despite 1—SHAKY ceasefire.
20150501             —RAISED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, the minimum wage 30% for the 2. time this —YEAR to help workers being battered by the world's highest inflation.
20150501             —INCLUDED, Pensions for retirees were also, in the raise.
20150501             YEMEN, warplanes from 1—SAUDI—LED coalition struck 1—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICT—IN—SANAA overnight, killing 8 to 10—CIVILIANS.
20150501             —CHARGED, Baroni and Kelly were, with 9—COUNTS—INCLUDING—CONSPIRACY to commit fraud.
20150501             —REPORTED, This was, along with 1—STORY that CHINA—AUTHORITIES have ordered Muslim shopkeepers and restaurants  in 1—XINJIANG region village to sell alcohol and cigarettes as PART—OF—1—EFFORT to weaken THE—HOLD—OF—ISLAM in the region.
20150501             —REGISTERED, THE—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO has 1—POPULATION—OF—SOME 800,000, Muslims, about 10—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION.
20150501             —CHARGED, MACEDONIA, opposition leader Zoran Zaev was, with unauthorized wiretapping and audio recording as well as violence against REPRESENTATIVES—OF—THE—HIGHEST—AUTHORITIES.
20150501             —ARRESTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE—30—PROTESTERS at 1—RALLY—OF—MORE than 10,000—PEOPLE in KUALA—LUMPUR, demonstrating against 1—NEW—TAX.
20150501             MALDIVES police used tear gas against opposition protesters who broke into 1—RESTRICTED military zone demanding PRESIDENT—YAMEEN—ABDUL—GAYOOM resign and 1—JAILED EX—PRESIDENT be freed.
20150501             Police BATON—CHARGED 1—NIGHT—PROTEST on the main ISLAND—OF—MALE and arrested 193—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—3—OPPOSITION—LEADERS.
20150501             15—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—6—SOLDIERS and 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL were killed in THE—DAY—VIOLENCE.
20150501             NEPAL, the confirmed death toll from 20150425             —THE—EARTHQUAKE—ROSE to 6,250, with 14,357 injured according to 1—GOVERNMENT.
20150501             —CLEARED, The army says it has, militants from MOST—OF—THE—AREA and has 1—COMPREHENSIVE—PLAN for the phased RETURN—OF—THOSE displaced by the fighting.
20150501             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—SOUTH—KOREANS, in SEOUL for a 3. —WEEK to protest government labor policies and THE—HANDLING—OF—1—FERRY disaster that killed more than 300—PEOPLE—1—YEAR ago.
20150501             —KILLED, At least 5—INSURGENTS were, and 1—UNIDENTIFIED number from THE—PRO—GOVERNMENT—SIDE.
20150501             —TARGETED, SYRIA—TELEVISION said army units, "GROUPS—OF—TERRORISTS" in the eastern and SOUTH—IDLIB countryside and "eliminated 1—GREAT—NUMBER—OF—THEM and destroyed their weapons and munitions".
20150501             NORTH—SYRIA, 1—AIR—STRIKE by USA—LED forces on Bir Mahli village, ALEPPO province, reportedly killed at least 64—CIVILIANS—INCLUDING—31—CHILDREN.
20150501             THAILAND police found DOZENS—OF—SHALLOW—GRAVES—1—CORPSE and 1—AILING survivor at 1—ABANDONED jungle camp in 1—SOUTH—AREA that is regularly used to smuggle Rohingya Muslims, Bangladeshis and other migrants to 3. countries.
20150501             —STAGED, LEFT—WING—GROUPS and trade unions, rallies —AROUND the world to mark INTERNATIONAL Workers —DAY.
20150501             WAHL—KAMPF—IN—GROß—GROß?BRITANNIEN—CAMERON liegt vorn
20150501             TERROR—VERDACHT in HESSEN: POLIZEI ÜBERWACHT Radrennstrecke trotz Absage
20150501             —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Warum gibt es am 1—MAI   so oft Krawalle?
20150501             ÖSTERREICH: UKRAINE—OLIGARCH Firtasch entgeht Auslieferung an DIE—USA
20150501             Batterie für SELBST—VERSORGER: Tesla und Lichtblick schmieden STROMSPEICHER—ALLIANZ
20150501             Der DEUTSCHLAND—ÖKO—STROMANBIETER Lichtblick und DER—USA—KONZERN Tesla werden Partner.
20150501             wird Lichtblick ein neues Produkt von Tesla in den DEUTSCHLAND—STROMMARKT bringen.
20150501             Langfristiges Ziel ist es, STROM—KUNDEN in aller Welt weitgehend unabhängig von ihren Energieversorgern zu machen.
20150501             TESLA—CHEF—ELON—MUSK hatte —NACHT—ZUM—IN—DER—SCHON, —FREITAG 1—AKKU für Haushalte und mittelständische Unternehmen präsentiert, der überschüssigen Wind—, Sonnenstrom zwischenspeichern und bei Bedarf später zurück ins Netz speisen kann.
20150501             Lichtblick will den künftigen Besitzern helfen, mit den Akkus Geld zu verdienen.
20150501             DIE—HAMBURGER Firma will die Speicher von Tesla mit dem Stromnetz kommunizieren lassen.
20150501             —PRODUZIERT, Wird in DEUTSCHLAND gerade zu viel Strom, könnten die Akkus diesen aufnehmen und so das Netz entlasten.
20150501             Ist zu wenig Strom da, können sie den gespeicherten Strom zurück ins Netz zu speisen.
20150501             Für beides sollen die Besitzer der TESLA—AKKUS Geld bekommen.
20150501             —VERWENDET, DIE—DAFÜR nötige Informationstechnik, die HAMBURGer Firma —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN, in 1—ANDEREN Projekt.
20150501             DIE—BEIDEN Unternehmen drängen in 1—MILLIARDENSCHWEREN ZUKUNFTS—MARKT.
20150501             Der ANTEIL—DER—ERNEUERBAREN Energien an der Stromversorgung wächst in vielen Ländern.
20150501             Dadurch schwankt die MENGE—DER—VERFÜGBAREN—ELEKTRIZITÄT immer heftiger.
20150501             1—STABILE Energieversorgung ist aber das Fundament der gesamten Wirtschaft,
20150501             100.000e kleine, reaktionsschnelle Kraftwerke und Speicher miteinander vernetzen und ZENTRAL—STEUERN.
20150501             Auch die klassischen Energieversorger wie E.on und RWE haben im dezentralen Energiemarkt ein wichtiges GESCHÄFTS—MODELL der ZUKUNFT ausgemacht.
20150501             Denn wenn bald JEDER—HAUSHALT ein wenig Energie selbst produziert, könnte Strom nach und nach zum Gratisprodukt werden.
20150501             DIE—STROMERZEUGUNG mit riesigen Kraftwerken würden dann immer weniger Geld einbringen.
20150501             Wenn die alten Kraftwerke aber nach und nach vom Netz gehen, wird es immer wichtiger, Millionen kleine Anlagen so genau zu —STEUERN, dass die Stromversorgung im ganzen Land weiterhin sicher ist.
20150501             Durch die LICHTBLICK—TECHNIK können aber nun auch Haushalte und Firmen, die selbst gar keinen Strom erzeugen, Energie zwischenspeichern und damit Geld verdienen.
20150501             Nach ERDBEBEN—IN—NEPAL: 130.000—HÄUSER ZERSTÖRT—KAUM noch Hoffnung auf Überlebende
20150501             GEHEIM—DIENST—AFFÄRE—BND ließ 12.000—NSA—SUCHBEGRIFFE löschen
20150501             Motocross: "Wenn man sich zu VIELE—GEDANKEN macht, ist man verloren"
20150501             BND—AFFÄRE, VERDACHT—DER—INDUSTRIE—SPIONAGE—GEGEN—AIRBUS erhärtet sich - Nitratwerte: In Grund und Boden
20150501             PfeffenHAUSEN und Hohenthann sind keine Ausnahmen: 200.000.000—TONNEN Gülle aus der Massentierhaltung und Gärreste AUS—CA—8000—BIOGASANLAGEN in DEUTSCHLAND haben dazu geführt, dass Felder in vielen Regionen überdüngt und Grundwässer belastet sind.
20150501             DEUTSCHLAND verstößt auch GEGEN—DIE—SOGENANNTE NITRATDIE—RICHTLINIE der EU, die 1.Verunreinigung von Gewässern verhindern soll.
20150501             —LAUT—1—AKTUELLEN —STUDIE—DES—UMWELT—BUNDES—AMTES sind bei der Hälfte aller PFLANZEN—ARTEN, die auf der "Roten Liste"stehen, hohe Nährstoffeinträge für deren Gefährdung verantwortlich.
20150501             Weil sie NUNUSA—STÄRKER wuchern, verdrängen zum Beispiel Pflanzen wie Brennnessel und Holunder VIELE—MOOSE und Flechten aus den Wäldern.
20150501             Insgesamt landen —JAHR für —JAHR etwa 1.000.000—TONNEN Stickstoff in der OST—SEE.
20150501             Dort regen die Nitrate das Wachstum von MIKRO—ALGEN an.
20150501             "Der zulässige GRENZ—WERT wird zum Teil um mehr als das Doppelte überschritten".
20150501             "Es gibt halt ein paar, die sich nicht an die Vorgaben halten", sagt der UMWELT—SCHUTZER.
20150501             Doch warum überdüngen EINIGE—LANDWIRTE scheinbar bedenkenlos?
20150501             Und so wird überschüssige Gülle aus dem viehreichen NORDEN —BIS ins SAUERLAND oder nach SACHSEN—ANHALT VERFRACHTET—J—IM, sind DAS—CA—130.000—VOLL beladene Tanklastwagen.
20150501             Dazu kommen illegale Lieferungen, etwa aus den NIEDERLANDEn.
20150501             Auch 1.DATEN—BANK, die Gülleimporte erfasst, ist nicht vorgesehen.
20150501             Das VORALPEN—GEBIET ist mit 3500—HEKTAR DIE—BUNDES—WEIT größte zusammenhängende Fläche, die biologisch bewirtschaftet wird.
20150501             8. - _betablogger 1357—GESTERN,
20150501             DAS—ERGEBNIS dieses Güllehandels bekam ;;0300;;    —IM,die Neyetalsperre zu spüren, NORDRHEIN—WESTFALENS größte TRINK—WASSERTALSPERRE.
20150501             —BELASTET, LEBENS—MITTEL: Fische aus Zuchtanlagen stark mit Medikamenten
20150501             —PROTESTE am —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: Verletzte und FESTNAHMEN—IN—ISTANBUL
20150501             BND—AFFÄRE, GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT prüft Verdacht 1—STRAFTAT
20150501             Zerstörtes Kulturgut in NEPAL: "Letztlich ist das alles nur altes Holz"
20150501             "Die Holzteile, die die Typen da verheizen, stammen
20150501             Bajracharya wäre dafür zuständig, die im Schutt herumliegenden ARTEF—AKTE sichern zu lassen.
20150501             Überwiegend handelte ES—SICH um Rückstände der Fischarznei Malachitgrün, die im Verdacht steht, Krebs zu erregen, gefolgt von Abbauprodukten verschiedener Antibiotika und Antiseptika.
20150501             VIETNAM—KONFLIKT, Der verdrängte KRIEG
20150501             Widerspruch zu Regierungslinie: FBI hilft —SEIT—LANGEM bei LÖSEGELD—ZAHLUNGEN
20150501             FREDDIE—GRAY: 6—POLIZISTEN wegen TOD—VON—AFRO—AMERIKANER beschuldigt
20150501             —STREIT—ÜBER—STAUDAMMPROJEKT: 1—REISBAUER sehnt sich nach seiner Heimat
20150501             —VORSTOß vom INNEN—MINISTERIUM: DE—MAIZIÈRE will FLÜCHTLINGE schneller integrieren
20150501             SYRIEN: USA—KAMPF—JETS töten angeblich Dutzende Zivilisten
20150501             USA—SPIONAGE: BND—AFFÄRE wird zum Fall für DIE—JUSTIZ
20150501             Reparationsforderungen: Gauck offen für Wiedergutmachung an Griechen
20150501             —KRAWALLE—IN—MAILAND: Straßenschlachten zur EXPO—ERÖFFNUNG
20150501             Tote und Verletzte: MEXIKOs Drogenkartelle schlagen zurück
20150501             —KRAWALLE: In HAMBURG flogen die Böller, in BERLIN blieb es ruhig - Not macht erfinderisch.
20150501             entwickelte KONRAD—ADENAUER, Enkel und Urenkel 1—BONNER Bäckerfamilie, gemeinsam mit der Rheinischen Brotfabrik, 1—BROT aus Mais-, Gersten—, Reismehl sowie aus Kleie, den zuvor als Futtermittel verwendeten Schalenrückständen von Getreide.
20150501             —VERARBEITET, DIE—DAMALS, knappen Weizen—, Roggenmehle waren nicht, so dass das "Kölner Brot"—BIS zum —HERBST 19160000              ohne Brotmarken abgegeben werden konnte.
20150501             im WWI soll es DIE—STADT VOR—1—GRÖSSEREN Hungersnot bewahrt haben.
20150501             —GEWESEN, Besonders schmackhaft kann das Brot jedoch nicht, SEIN—DIE Kölner bezeichneten es als "Viehfutter".
20150501             auf Geheiß KONRAD—ADENAUERS durften die Bäckereien das Brot nie frisch, sondern —ERST nach 2—TAGEN Lagerung verkaufen, um den Heißhunger der Bevölkerung zu zügeln,
20150501             VIELE—BAUERN und LAND—ARBEITER standen als Soldaten an der Front.
20150501             Tausende von ihnen waren in den 1.verlustreichen Kriegsmonaten, in den Schlachten in Ostpreußen oder NORD—FRANKREICH, an der Marne oder bei Tannenberg, gefallen.
20150501             Auch die zuvor für die FELD—ARBEIT genutzten Pferde und Ochsen waren von der ARMEE konfisziert worden.
20150501             DIE—FÜR die Herstellung benötigten Rohstoffe wurden für die RÜSTUNGS—PRODUKTION gebraucht.
20150501             Der an fernen Fronten IM—OSTEN und im Westen geführte KRIEG machte sich mehr und mehr im Landesinneren BEMERKBAR—AUCH dort, wo keine unmittelbaren KRIEGS—HANDLUNGEN stattfinden.
20150501             Hierfür war vor allem die GROSSBRITANNIEN—SEE—BLOCKADE verantwortlich:
20150501             Im Ärmelkanal und an der SCHOTTLAND—KÜSTE sorgten ENGLAND—KRIEG—SCHIFFE dafür, dass weder Waffen noch LEBENS—MITTEL DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—HÄFEN erreichen konnten.
20150501             Im Reich mussten
20150501             Mit Versorgungsproblemen hatten alle am 1. WELT—KRIEG beteiligten Nationen, ja selbst neutrale STAATEN wie DIE—SCHWEIZ, zu kämpfen.
20150501             Plakatkampagnen riefen DIE—MENSCHEN zu Spar—, Enthaltsamkeit, aber auch zur Sammlung von Ersatzstoffen auf.
20150501             —ZEITGENÖSSISCHEN Postkarte: "Hausfrau, Mädchen Magd und Kind!
20150501             erhielt KONRAD—ADENAUER den Spitznamen "Graupenauer".
20150501             —SPÄTER, wurde sogar Stroh zu Mehl gemahlen.
20150501             Auch Kartoffeln, Bohnen, Erbsen, ja sogar Holz wurden zu Mehl verarbeitet.
20150501             IN DER FOLGE stieg DIE—KINDERSTERBLICHKEIT massiv an, weil die ERSATZ—PRODUKTE weder genug Vitamine noch ausreichend Eiweiß enthielten.
20150501             auch Rohstoffe wurden knapp: Babys wurden in Zeitungen gewickelt, Hosen aus Papier hergestellt, Fahrradräder fuhren ohne Gummibereifung auf kleinen Spiralfedern.
20150501             Um die Not im eigenen Land zu lindern, beuteten DIE—DEUTSCHLAND—DIE besetzten Länder systematisch aus:
20150501             BELGIEN, und im RUSSLAND—ZARENREICH beschlagnahmten sie ganze Ernten, um sie nach DEUTSCHLAND zu bringen, und ließen die einheimische Bevölkerung hungern.
20150501             Männer und Frauen aus den besetzten Ländern wurden zur ZWANGS—ARBEIT in DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH gebracht, auch um in der LAND—WIRTSCHAFT eingesetzt zu werden.
20150501             Dem "Ernährungskrieg"(JAY—WINTER) fielen —BIS zur —AUFHEBUNG—DER, Blockade nach der Unterzeichnung des Versailler VERTRAGes
20150501             —PRODUZIERT, DIE—SOGENANNTE "Friedenswurst"darf hierzulande —HEUTE—BIS nicht, werden, weil sie gegen bundesdeutsches LEBENS—MITTELRECHT verstößt.
20150501             Das damalige Kriegsbrot, nun [KONRAD—ADENAUER]ADENAUERbrot, dagegen kann man —HEUTE—NOCH, in KÖLN KAUFEN—ALLERDINGS nach 1—VERFEINERTEN Originalrezept.
20150501             —KONRAD—ADENAUER und das perpetuum mobile
20150501             er glaubte —BIS zum Schluss daran, es erfunden zu haben (kein Witz!)
20150501             Der Steckrübenwinter 19160000—1916170000   .
20150501             —HEUTE—IST in der kollektiven Erinnerung DER—DEUTSCHEN—WEITGEHEND verblasst.
20150501             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: JUNCKER fordert Aufklärung.
20150501             Ich weiß nicht, ob DEUTSCHLAND—AGENTEN hier aktiv sind - Lasst das mal sich setzen.
20150501             Kann man sich gar nicht ausdenken.
20150501             [l] DER—BND will angeblich 12000 NSA—SELEKTOREN gelöscht haben.
20150501             Bei 1—ÜBERPRÜFUNG von Suchbegriffen (Selektoren) der USA—AMERIKANER für DIE—KOMMUNIKATIONSÜBERWACHUNG—IN—SEINER Abhörstation im bayerischen BAD—AIBLING habe DER—BND nach Bestandteilen wie "gov", "diplo" und "BUNDES—AMT" gesucht, berichtet die "Bild  —AM—SONNTAG".
20150501             Es gibt für "BUNDES—AMT"noch 1.andere Erklärung.
20150501             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir lange nicht mehr hatten?
20150501             USA ist klar, dass das Zugpersonal die Nase —SCHON lange gestrichen voll hat.
20150501             l] KANSAS hat schulfrei!
20150501             [l] Wo wir gerade bei AI waren: SOFTWARE kann —JETZT Vordergrund—, Hintergrundgeräusche separieren.
20150501             [l] Hahahaha, sie probieren es ernsthaft nochmal mit "DER—GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT prüft".
20150501             [l] SERGEY—ALEYNIKOV (der "GOLDMAN—SACHS—HACKER") wurde —JETZT doch nochmal deswegen verurteilt.
20150501             [l] Wie sieht das perfekte ÜBERWACHUNGS—SYSTEM aus?
20150501             DIE—AUFGABE las sich sogar noch ein bisschen sinistrer:
20150501             Suppose you were 1—ADVISOR to THE—HEAD—OF—THE—KGB, THE—SOVIET—SECRET—POLICE.
20150501             Aber so pervers waren DIE—FORSCHER —DAMALS, nicht, darauf zu kommen, dass jeder mit 1—PEILSENDER in der Tasche rumlaufen würde, wie das ja —HEUTE so ist.
20150501             LET—LOOK at 1—WAY it might work.
20150501             Man stelle sich mal vor, was DIE—SOWJETS mit so 1—DATENBASIS für großartige PLAN—WIRTSCHAFT betreiben könnten!
20150501             [l] Statistik des Tages: GENERAL government gross DEBT—ANNUAL data.
20150501             [l] Ihr dachtet, DIE—BANKSTER—MELDUNG GESTERN war —SCHON der Hammer?
20150501             Da klagte 1.NIEDERLANDE—BRIEFKASTEN—FIRMA mit Mutter im STEUER—PARADIES Curaçao DIE—REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH vor dem INTERNATIONALES—SCHIEDS—GERICHT—WASHINGTON wegen des Investitionsschutzabkommens zwischen ÖSTERREICH und MALTA.
20150501             Ja wie —JETZT, wie kann das SCHIEDS—GERICHT überhaupt zuständig sein?
20150501             Zwar wird DIE—BANK nach wie vor JULIUS—MEINL V.
20150501             Denn —SEIT gegen besagten Meinl die geplante Anklageerhebung angesagt wurde, kämpfen die mit harten Bandagen.
20150501             In diesem Fall geht es um 200.000.000—EURO.
20150501             [l] BND—UPDATE: DER—BND—MIT—ARBEITER mit dem Tarnnamen "Hollmann" soll DER—DEUTSCHEN—REEDEREI "Beluga" Tipps gegeben haben, wie man 1—WAFFENTRANSPORT schwerer Panzer von DER—UKRAINE nach MYANMAR abwickeln könne, ohne dabei rechtliche Konsequenzen befürchten zu müssen, so der Vorwurf [DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT].
20150501             [l] Whoa!
20150501             Möglicherweise hängt es damit zusammen, dass die zuständige Staatsanwältin auch 1.Schwarze ist?
20150501             "To THE—PEOPLE—OF—BALTIMORE and THE—DEMONSTRATORS across AMERICA, I heard your call for 'no justice, no peace.' Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man,"said Mosby, a, 35—JAHRE—ALT AFRICAN—USA—WHO took office in ;;01;;.
20150501             Ich muss ja sagen, —ERST DIE—BÜRGER—MEISTERIN mit ihrem "wir müssen auch wütenden DEMONSTRANTEN Raum gewähren"und —JETZT diese Anklage... wir brauchen offensichtlich mehr weibliche, schwarze BÜRGER—MEISTER und Staatsanwälte!
20150501             —THE—DAY we said NO MORE COVER—UPS
20150501—20130900    —UNSEALED, NEW—JERSEY, 1—JUDGE, indictments against BILL—BARONI and Bridget ANNE—KELLY, former aides to GOVERNOR—CHRIS—CHRISTIE, for causing 1—TRAFFIC jam in Fort Lee.
20150501—20150000    —ANFANG, sollte sich das Grundwasser laut WASSERRAHMENDIE—RICHTLINIE der EU —BIS spätestens in 1 "guten Zustand"befinden und die NITRAT—WERTE 50—MILLIGRAMM pro Liter nicht überschreiten.
20150501—20150401    —DEMANDED, Protesters, the government remove 1—GOODS and services tax (GST) which came into effect at 1—RATE—OF—6—PERCENT.
20150501—20150425    —FROM—THE, NEPAL, the confirmed death toll earthquake rose to 6,250, with 14,357 injured according to 1—GOVERNMENT.
20150501—20150521    —ON, 1—GRAND—JURY indicted all 6—OF—THE—CHARGED police officers.
20150501—20150701    —ON, 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—INCREASE will come this —MONTH and the rest.
20150501—20170000    —MASTERMINDED, DAVID—WILDSTEIN, who, the scheme, received 3—YEARS—OF—PROBATION—AFTER his testimony helped convict Kelly and Baroni.
20150501—20170329    —SENTENCED, Kelly (44) was, to 18—MONTHS in prison and Baroni (45) to 2—YEARS.
20150515—20150501    —DISARMED, MEXICO, authorities in Jalisco state, police in 2—TOWNS in the area where 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER was shot down —DURING 1—OPERATION against the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel.
20160313             There is also 1—ETHICAL conundrum regarding the notion that human lives 20160501              —DAY depend upon these incomprehensible systems.
20160313             —WHILE—TODAY—COMPUTERS politely use programmed instructions to solve predictable problems, these adaptable alternatives 20160501              —DAY strip away such limits and lay bare the elegant solutions that the human mind is reluctant— or powerless— to conceive on its own.
20160326—20160501    —FREED, ABU—SAYYAF militants, THE—10—INDONESIA—CREWMEN.
20160326—20160501    —ON, ABU—SAYYAF militants freed THE—10—INDONESIA—CREWMEN.
20160501             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA and its allies, 25—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160501             1—CSX freight train derailed in NORTH—EAST—WASHINGTON DC, with several cars overturned and leaking hazardous liquids near THE—RHODE—ISLAND—AVENUE—METRO—STATION.
20160501             —BURNED, VIRGINIA officials said 1—FIRE that has, over 10000 acres in Shenandoah National Park has been fully contained.
20160501             —RAIDED, EGYPT—POLICE, the press syndicate in CAIRO and arrested 2—JOURNALISTS—CRITICAL—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20160501             EGYPT, some 650—WORKERS from several provinces, who came to hold 1—MEETING in CAIRO for INTERNATIONAL Workers' —DAY, were prevented from assembling by police.
20160501             Delegates from GERMANY—ANTI—IMMIGRATION—PARTY—ALTERNATIVE for GERMANY (AfD) backed 1—ELECTION manifesto that says Islam is not compatible with the country's constitution and calls for 1—BAN on minarets and the burqa.
20160501             —CLAIMED, IRAQ, 2—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBS, by Islamic State killed at least 32—PEOPLE and wounded 75—OTHERS in THE—CENTER—OF—THE—SOUTH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—SAMAWA.
20160501             —KILLED, AL—SHABAAB said its fighters had, 32—SOLDIERS and captured 3—VEHICLES.
20160501             —CLAMPED, TURKEY—POLICE, down on unauthorized protests —DURING 1—TENSE—MAY—DAY in ISTANBUL, using tear gas and water cannon against demonstrators and imposing 1—HEAVY—SECURITY blanket on the city.
20160501             3—TURKEY—SOLDIERS were killed and 14—OTHERS wounded in 1—ATTACK in THE—KURDISH—DOMINATED southeast blamed on militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
20160501             —REPORTED, EAST—UKRAINE, 3—DEATHS were, in fighting despite 1—RECENTLY brokered armistice for Orthodox Easter.
20160501             —ARMED, YEMEN—HOUTHI movement and its, allies seized 1—MILITARY—BASE—NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL—SANAA, dealing 1—SETBACK to 1—SHAKY ceasefire and peace talks in KUWAIT aimed at ending 1—YEAR—LONG—WAR.
20160501             1—CAR—BOMB in 1—CENTRAL—SQUARE in ADEN targeted the city's security CHIEF—FOR—THE 2. time in 1—WEEK and killed 4—SOLDIERS.
20160501             Pacific Alliance members (ARGENTINA—BOLIVIA, BRAZIL—CHILE, PARAGUAY—PERU, URUGUAY and VENEZUELA) eliminated tariffs on 92—PERCENT—OF—THEIR—TRADE with EACH—OTHER and planned to phase out the rest over 17—YEARS.
20160501             WEST—CANADA, 1—WILDFIRE broke out in THE—OF—FORT McMurray AREA—OF—ALBERTA.
20160501             —EXTENDED, CHINA, its VALUE—ADDED tax (VAT) from the sale MAINLY—OF—GOODS to all major service sectors, including construction and finance.
20160501             JAMAICA—POLICE said that USA—MISSIONARIES—RANDY Hentzel (48) and HAROLD—NICHOLS, 53—JAHRE—ALT were found slain in 1—RURAL—AREA—OF—THE—CARIBBEAN ISLAND that has long struggled with high RATES—OF—VIOLENT—CRIME.
20160501             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—MALI PRO—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA—4—MEMBERS—OF—THE—PEUHL ethnic group and then struck again at 1—FUNERAL the next —DAY, killing 9—MORE—VICTIMS. the Peuhl community have been ACCUSED—OF—COLLABORATING with the Macina Liberation Front, 1—ISLAMIC—EXTREMIST—GROUP—ACTIVE in the area.
20160501             —KILLED, SOMALIA, AL—SHABAAB insurgents, at least 11—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and retook Runirgod, 1—TOWN—NORTH—EAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MOGADISHU, —JUST 1—DAY—AFTER it had fallen to government forces.
20160501             —PROTESTED, TAIWAN—OFFICIALS—MALAYSIA—DEPORTATION—OF—32—OF—THE—SELF—RULED ISLAND—NATIONALS to CHINA this weekend to face wire fraud charges, the latest in 1—SERIES—OF—DISPUTES that has raised new friction between CHINA and TAIWAN.
20160501             —SUSPENDED, YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—DELEGATION, its participation in peace talks in KUWAIT BECAUSE—OF—DEVELOPMENTS in THE—GOVERNORATE—OF—AMRAN, which reportedly came under rebel attack.
20160501             —KAMPF—GEGEN—WILDEREI: KENIA verbrennt mehr als 100—TONNEN Elfenbein - Traumziele: ITALIENs verlassene Dörfer
20160501             OBAMA beim KORRESPONDENTEN—DINNER: Zuletzt lacht er
20160501             SCHENGEN—RAUM, EU—KOMMISSION empfiehlt Verlängerung der GRENZ—KONTROLLEN
20160501             1—MAI bei bento: Zum Glück ist —HEUTE nur noch Party
20160501             Extreme NIEDRIG—ZINSEN: Wer spart, ist der Dumme
20160501             —PROTESTE am —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: POLIZEI geht gewaltsam gegen DEMONSTRANTEN—IN—ISTANBUL vor
20160501             —NACH, Sturm aufs PARLAMENT: IRAK—REGIERUNGS—CHEF—ORDNET Festnahmen an
20160501             —KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—METROPOLE—ALEPPO leben noch Menschen
20160501             KUNDGEBUNG—IN—ZWICKAU: Rechte stören Auftritt von JUSTIZ—MINISTER—MAAS
20160501             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN vom ÜBERWACHUNGS—STAAT: DAS—FBI hat 20150000              48642 NATIONAL—SECURITY Letters rausgehauen.
20160501             [l] MERKEL und ihre Handlanger stellen 1. die bedingungslose Freundschaft mit ISRAEL in Frage.
20160501             Exorzismus in ÄGYPTEN: Der SCHEICH, der Dschinn und DIE—PRIESTER
20160501             OBAMA beim KORRESPONDENTEN—DINNER: "Das wird wie DIE—ROTE—HOCHZEIT"
20160501             Aufmarsch zum 20160501             : Verletzte bei Demonstrationen von Rechten und Linken in Plauen
20160501             S.P.O.N. - FLÜCHTLINGE—BAYERN fordert schärfere Kontrollen an DEUTSCH—ÖSTERREICH—GRENZE
20160501             Tücken der Statistik: Denken Sie immer falsch positiv!
20160501             —ANSCHLAGS—PLÄNE und Festnahmen: TERROR und Gewalt übersCHATTEN Maifeiertag in der TÜRKEI
20160501             Weltrekord: Franzose fliegt über 2—KM auf Hoverboard
20160501             Umstrittenes HANDELS—ABKOMMEN: Geheime TTIP—DOKUMENTE enthüllt
20160501             Er flog und flog und flog: Der, 37—JAHRE—ALTE Franzose Franky Zapata hat 2252—METER auf 1—HOVERBOARD, 1—SCHWEBENDEN Untersatz mit Selbstantrieb, zurückgelegt und damit 1—WELT—REKORD aufgestellt.
20160501             Der Flug fand in SAUSSET—LES—PINS an der FRANKREICH—ATLANTIK—KÜSTE statt.
20160501             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, BRIEFKASTEN—FIRMEN in PANAMA.
20160501             Mit dem Gütesiegel der DEUTSCHE—BANK!
20160501             DIE—DEPENDANCE gibt es 19960000             —SCHON—SEIT aktuell sind dort immerhin 200—MIT—ARBEITER beschäftigt.
20160501             Oha?
20160501             e DEUTSCHE—BANK braucht sie dort, um ihre Dienste großen Pensionskassen, Versicherern und PRIVATE—EQUITY—GESELLSCHAFTEN anzubieten, die in ASIEN und AFRIKA investieren.
20160501             [l] Du weißt, daß es um das GESUNDHEITS—SYSTEM schlecht bestellt ist, wenn das Klinikpersonal nicht für mehr Geld sondern für mehr Pflegepersonal streikt, weil die Stationen so krass überlastet ist.
20160501             [l] PRO—TIPP: Wenn du in Pornos mitspielst oder als Sex Worker arbeitest, und dir das gegenüber deinem Umfeld peinlich ist oder du es ihnen verschweigst, dann lade keine Fotos von dir auf SOCIAL—MEDIA—SITES hoch.
20160501             RUSSLAND, deanonymisieren gerade "besorgte BÜRGER"per GESICHTSERKENNUNGS—APP Pornodarsteller und Sex Worker gegenüber ihrer Familie.
20160501             Auf der anderen Seite kann man natürlich die Frage stellen, wieso es überhaupt ein öffentliches GESICHTSERKENNUNGS—API mit App geben muss.
20160501             [l] In IRANs neuem PARLAMENT sind mehr Frauen als Mullahs.
20160501             The outgoing legislature had only 27—MEN—OF—THE cloth.
20160501             —GEGANGEN, In ganz EUROPA sind Menschen  auf DIE—STRAßEN, —, mehrfach kam es am Rande der Kundgebungen zu Gewalt.
20160501             Zahlreiche DEMONSTRANTEN waren ZUNÄCHST über den Platz des "MyFests"gelaufen.
20160501             —AM—SONNTAG—ABEND, In HAMBURG löste DIE—POLIZEI 1.Kundgebung der sogenannten "REVOLUTIONären Linken"auf, NACHDEM aus dem Demonstrationszug mehrfach Feuerwerkskörper, Böller und Flaschen geworfen worden waren.
20160501             Insgesamt waren laut POLIZEI 1.650—BEAMTE im Einsatz, sie nutzten unter anderem Wasserwerfer, um die Kundgebung zu stoppen
20160501             ZWICKAU, haben rechte DEMONSTRANTEN 1—AUFTRITT—VON—BUNDES—JUSTIZ—MINISTER—HEIKO—MAAS gestört: Sie hielten Plakate hoch, auf denen etwa das VERBOT—VON—MOSCHEEN gefordert wurde.
20160501             FRANKREICH, gingen landesweit 84.000—MENSCHEN auf DIE—STRAßEN, in PARIS waren es —LAUT—ANGABEN, der Behörden 17.000.
20160501             WIEN, wurde KANZLER—WERNER—FAYMANN ausgebuht, als er VOR—80.000—MENSCHEN seine ASYL—POLITIK verteidigte.
20160501—19800000    —SINCE, However CLERIC—NUMBERS have steadily fallen with 153 elected —IN—THE—2. PARLIAMENT, 85 in the 3., 67 in the 4. and 52 in the 5.
20160501—20160522    —BY, it had scorched 1,930 square miles.
20160502             Bilanz zum 20160501             : Gewalt und PROTESTE—IN—MEHREREN Städten EUROPAs
20160505—20140501    —SINCE, 1—RECALL included 358—PRODUCTS under 42—SEPARATE—BRAND—NAMES.
20160706—20030501    "Mission accomplished"
20161212             —INTRODUCED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20160501             —OFFICIAL—DEFINITION for ANTI—SEMITISM in hopes of curbing attacks against Jewish people.
20170429             1—UNUSUALLY widespread WAVE—OF—PROTESTS broke out in BELARUS this —YEAR and another has been called for 20170501              in the capital.
20170430             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—MADURO said the minimum wage will rise 60% —STARTING 20170501           .
20170501             —RULED, The justices, 8-0 to throw out a 20150000              decision by THE—USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS for THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—CIRCUIT that allowed 1—OF—THE—CLAIMS to move forward.
20170501             † MIKE—LOWRY, 78—JAHRE—ALT, the 20. GOVERNOR—OF—WASHINGTON state (19930000—19970000    ), in Olympia —FOLLOWING complications from 1—STROKE.
20170501             —IDENTIFIED, The suspected militant, as Ashfaqur Rahman, worked as THE—IT HEAD—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—INSPIRED militant group Ansarullah Bangla Team.
20170501             —KILLED, EGYPT, militants, 3—POLICEMEN and injured 5—OTHERS in 1—SHOOTING in CAIRO late —TODAY.
20170501             FRANCE, 1—POLICE—OFFICER was seriously burnt and 2—OTHERS injured in clashes at 1—MAY—DAY—DEMONSTRATION in PARIS in which protesters threw Molotov cocktails and other missiles.
20170501             —OFFERED, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, diplomatic help to try to end the war in YEMEN, as she ended a 2—NATION Gulf tour taking in the Arab world's largest economies with 1—STOP in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20170501             —DENIED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY, the allegations.
20170501             NEPAL, Sushila Karki, the country's 1. female SUPREME—COURT—CHIEF—JUSTICE, was suspended —AFTER 1—IMPEACHMENT motion was filed in PARLIAMENT accusing HER—OF—BIAS and interfering with executive powers.
20170501             —AMENDED, This, the founding charter of 19880000            .
20170501             † In SOUTH—KOREA 6—PEOPLE and more than 20 were injured —WHEN 1—CRANE collapsed at 1—SAMSUNG—HEAVY—INDUSTRIES shipyard.
20170501             —CORNERED, NORTH—SYRIA, USA—BACKED fighters, the Islamic State group in 1—LAST—PART—OF—TABQA, —AFTER tearing down 1—HUGE—JIHADIST—FLAG that had fluttered over the city.
20170501             THAILAND, THE—PROTECTION—OF—MEDIA—RIGHTS and Freedom, Ethics and Professional Standards Act was passed by the National Reform Steering Assembly, a 200-member body appointed by the military —AFTER it took power in a 20140000              coup.
20170501             —OPENED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the door to 1—FUTURE—MEETING with NORTH—KOREA—KIM—JONG—UN—OFFERING—UNUSUAL praise for the globally ostracized leader at 1—TIME—OF—SURGING—NUCLEAR—TENSIONS.
20170501             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—5—4—THAT—CITIES have grounds to sue —WHEN banks make predatory loans to racial minorities.
20170501             —STABBED, UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS student Kendrex White (21), at least 4—PEOPLE—KILLING 1 and wounding the others, —BEFORE surrendering to police in AUSTIN.
20170501             † MIKE—LOWRY, 78—JAHRE—ALT, the 20.
20170501             GOVERNOR—OF—WASHINGTON state (19930000—19970000    ), in Olympia —FOLLOWING complications from 1—STROKE.
20170501             1—COURT—IN—AZERBAIJAN began considering 1—GOVERNMENT—DEMAND to block access to THE—WEBSITES—OF—SEVERAL independent and opposition news organizations, including the local SERVICE—OF—THE—USA—FUNDED Radio Free EUROPE/Radio Liberty.
20170501             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH police, THE—IT CHIEF—OF—1—BANNED militant Islamist group that has been blamed for THE—KILLING—OF—SEVERAL secular bloggers and gay rights activists.
20170501             —MARKED, GREECE—TRADE—UNIONS—MAY—DAY with a 24-hour nationwide strike and protests against looming new cuts demanded by the country's creditors in return for bailout cash.
20170501             —AMBUSHED, KASHMIR, militants fighting INDIA—RULE—1—VAN—CARRYING—CASH for THE—STATE—RUN—JAMMU and Kashmir Bank, killing 5—POLICEMEN and 2—BANK—OFFICIALS.
20170501             —ACCUSED, INDIA—ARMY—PAKISTAN—TROOPS—OF—KILLING—2—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS paroling the de facto border in the disputed Kashmir region —BEFORE mutilating their bodies, and vowed to exact revenge.
20170501             —DROPPED, THE—PALESTINIAN—ISLAMIST—GROUP—HAMAS, its LONG—STANDING—CALL for ISRAEL—DESTRUCTION as well as its association with the Muslim Brotherhood in 1—NEW—POLICY—DOCUMENT issued —TODAY.
20170501             —BLOCKED, PUERTO—RICO, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS—ROADS in S—JUAN as May —DAY demonstrators angered by 1—DECADE—LONG—ECONOMIC—CRISIS marched against looming austerity measures and demanded 1—AUDIT to identify those responsible for running up a $70—BILLION public debt load.
20170501             —STONED, In CENTRAL—SOMALIA Islamist militants publicly, 1—MAN to death and shot dead another —AFTER both were ACCUSED—OF—RAPING—1—GIRL.
20170501             —JEERED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA was, by labor unionists and his speech was cancelled —AFTER scuffles broke out between his supporters and workers chanting for him to step down at 1—MAY—DAY—RALLY.
20170501             1—TOTAL—OF—35—IS fighters were killed in 24—HOURS—OF—CLASHES and air strikes in Tabqa.
20170501             —FIRED, TURKEY—POLICE, tear gas and plastic bullets at protesters seeking to march to ISTANBUL—TAKSIM—SQUARE to celebrate May —DAY, in DEFIANCE—OF—1—OFFICIAL—BAN.
20170501             THE—UN said 1—ADVANCE—PARTY—OF—PEACEKEEPERS with 1—BOLSTERED mandate to use force have arrived in SOUTH—SUDAN, the 1. blue helmets with 1—GREATER—AUTHORITY to protect civilians in the troubled EAST—AFRICAN nation.
20170501             [l] Sagt mal, könnte 1.WEB—SEITE wie FACEBOOK nicht erkennen, in welchem emotionalen Zustand verwundbare Teenager sind, und dann entsprechend teurere Werbung nehmen?
20170501             Hold my beer, sagt FACEBOOK!
20170501             —ACCORDING—TO, THE—REPORT, the selling point of this 20170000             —DOCUMENT is that FACEBOOK—ALGORITHMS can determine, and allow advertisers to pinpoint, "moments —WHEN young people need 1—CONFIDENCE—BOOST".If that phrase isn't clear enough, FACEBOOK—DOCUMENT—OFFERS 1—LITANY—OF—TEEN—EMOTIONAL states that the company claims it can estimate based on how teens use the service, including "worthless,""insecure,""defeated,""anxious,""silly,""useless,""stupid,""overwhelmed,""stressed,"and "1—FAILURE".
20170501             Ach du Armer, komm, hier, 1.Palette Häagen Dasz und ein paar wertlose selbstwertsteigernde BULLSHIT—PRODUKTE!
20170501             VENEZUELA—MADURO will MINDEST—LOHN um 60 % heben
20170501             Säbelrasseln der USA: SÜD—KOREA—ANGST—VOR—DER—SCHUTZMACHT
20170501             USA—DEMOKRATEN und REPUBLIKANER einigen sich im HAUSHALTS—STREIT
20170501             Arbeit im Gefängnis: Billiglöhner hinter Gittern
20170501             KRAWATTEN—VERBOTIN JAPAN—BEHÖRDEN macht sich LOCKER—DEM Klima zuliebe
20170501             RUSSLAND—JUGEND: PUTINs ungezogene Kinder
20170501             —UMGANG—MIT, ISRAEL: U—BOOTE liefern, Klappe halten
20170501             TERROR—VERDACHT: 3—JUNGE Frauen IM—OSTEN LONDONs festgenommen
20170501             Cape Canaveral: SpaceX startet geheimnisvollen SPIONAGE—SATELLITEN
20170501             —GEFUNDEN, UNIVERSITÄTS—KLINIK FRANKFURT: Gefährliche Keime auf Intensivstation
20170501             NORD—KOREA—KONFLIKT, DONALD—TRUMP würde sich mit KIM—JONG—UN —TREFFEN
20170501             PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHLEN—IN—FRANKREICH: Die gespaltene Nation
20170501             AUßEN—MINISTER—IN—SOMALIA: GABRIEL am HORN des Hungers
20170501             KERN—FORSCHUNG—ZENTRUM—CERN: Teilchenbeschleuniger LHC läuft wieder - NAH—OST—KONFLIKT, HAMAS ändert
20170501             Vorwurf der Mitwisserschaft: CO—PRÄSIDENT—VON—FOX—NEWS stürzt über SEX—SKANDALE im Sender
20170501             [l] —BISHER, war "INTERNET of Shit"eine Metapher.
20170501             KOREAn startup MONIT—NEW—BLUETOOTH sensor wants to make sniff tests 1—THING—OF—THE—PAST by alerting parents as soon as their baby's diaper is soiled.
20170501             Mir gehen die Witze aus, sorry.
20170501             [l] Benutzt hier jemand INTEL—CPUS?
20170501             There is 1—ESCALATION—OF privilege vulnerability in Intel® Active —MANAGEMENT Technology (AMT), Intel® Standard Manageability (ISM), and Intel® Small Business Technology versions firmware versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x 9.x, 10.x, 11.0, 11.5, and 11.6—THAT can allow 1 unprivileged attacker to gain CONTROL—OF—THE—MANAGEABILITY—FEATURES provided by these products.
20170501             —GEHABT, Oh gut, dann haben wir ja nochmal Glück.
20170501—20100000    —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, against OKLAHOMA—BASED Helmerich & Payne INTERNATIONAL Drilling Company that claimed VENEZUELA unlawfully seized 11—DRILLING rigs.
20170627             —PROMISED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20170501             —INVESTIGATION into the use of cladding on UK—HIGH—RISE—BUILDINGS —FOLLOWING the deadly Grenfell Tower fire, —AFTER safety tests on 95—SIMILAR—BLOCKS recorded a 100-percent failure rate.
20171215             Leaders of 27—EU nations gave UK—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20170501             —EARLY—CHRISTMAS present, declaring that Brexit talks can move on to their next phase: transition and future relations.
20180429             —EXTENDED, The voting was, to 20180501              in SOME—CONSTITUENCIES due to disagreements over who should vote, late ballot deliveries and ACCUSATIONS—OF—BRIBERY and cheating by SOME—CANDIDATES.
20180429—20180501    —ARRESTED, INDIA—POLICE—1—MAN—ACCUSED—OF—KILLING—VERMA —WHEN he marked his friend's wedding with gunfire.
20180501             —LASHED, DONALD—TRUMP, out at the "disgraceful" DISCLOSURE—OF—QUESTIONS—SPECIAL—COUNSEL—ROBERT—MUELLER has sought to ask THE—USA—PRESIDENT about potential obstruction and other matters as PART—OF—HIS—PROBE into RUSSIA—ELECTION—INTERFERENCE.
20180501             S—FRANCISCO—DAVID—WIEGAND, (19470000              *), assisting managing EDITOR—OF—THE—CHRONICLE, was found dead in his SF home.
20180501             TENNESSEE—KNOX—COUNTY held elections.
20180501             Hidden in 14—BYTES—OF—THAT—FILE was 1—SEPARATE—BIT—OF—CODE that most likely implanted malware, malicious software, that gave attackers access to Bezos' entire phone, including his photos and private communications.
20180501             He pleaded not guilty.
20180501             BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—AUTHORITIES said chemicals from 1—SODA ash factory near 1—NORTHERN—TOWN have polluted the Spreca river, killing fish and damaging surrounding farmland.
20180501             —DECLARED, Authorities, the area 1—DISASTER.
20180501             —KILLED, Firefighters said at least 1—PERSON was, in the collapse and that there could be more.
20180501             44—PEOPLE were soon reported missing —AFTER the 24-storey building collapsed.
20180501             —KILLED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, at least 24—PEOPLE were, in attacks in THE—CAPITAL—BANGUI targeting 1—CHURCH and 1—MOSQUE.
20180501             —ARRIVED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, in AUSTRALIA on 1—RARE—VISIT, with THE—2—SIDES expected to agree on greater cooperation in the Pacific to counter 1—RISING—CHINA.
20180501             —MARCHED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS, across GERMANY and AUSTRIA rallying for their rights in THE—FACE—OF—GLOBALIZATION.
20180501             —RALLIED, INDONESIA, about 10,000 workers from various labor groups, near the presidential palace in JAKARTA to voice their demands.
20180501             —DEFIED, HUNDREDS—OF—IRANIANS, 1—BAN on protests to mark INTERNATIONAL Labor —DAY, with police detaining at least 6—PEOPLE.
20180501             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE soon, responsibility.
20180501             Visiting JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE told ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN that his country hopes to upgrade its ties with the kingdom into 1—STRATEGIC—PARTNERSHIP.
20180501             —SUSPECTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir, militants shot and killed 3—MEN overnight in THE—TOWN—OF—BARAMULLA.
20180501             —BLAMED, Police, the militant group LASHKAR—E—TAIBA.
20180501             NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, explosions in and —AROUND 1—MOSQUE in MUBI, Adamawa state, killed at least 20—PEOPLE.
20180501             —INAUGURATED, PAKISTAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHAHID—KHAQAN—ABBASI, THE—LONG—DELAYED new airport in the capital, ISLAMABAD, replacing the cramped Benazir Bhutto airport often criticized by travelers.
20180501             —MARCHED, PUERTO—RICO, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, to protest pension cuts, school closures and slow hurricane recovery efforts.
20180501             RUSSIA, more than 100,000—PEOPLE came out on the streets on MOSCOW to march in the traditional May —DAY parade.
20180501             —ARRESTED, RWANDA—POLICE, 23—CONGO—REFUGEES—AFTER senior police officers and government officials were pelted with stones —DURING 1—VISIT to refugee camp, authorities said —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES.
20180501             —BECAME, SCOTLAND, the 1. country in the world to introduce minimum unit pricing for alcohol n 1—EFFORT reduce deaths from ALCOHOL—RELATED illnesses.
20180501             1—FEMALE—SOMALIA—AID—WORKER was shot dead by unknown gunmen in the main market in MOGADISHU.
20180501             —RALLIED, SOUTH—KOREA, THOUSANDS—OF—LABOR—UNION—MEMBERS, in downtown SEOUL for 1—HIGHER—MINIMUM—WAGE and other demands.
20180501             More than 70—CITIES across SPAIN held May —DAY marches calling for gender equality, higher salaries and pensions —NOW that the country's economy is back on track.
20180501             It was not clear if USA—LED coalition or IRAQ—WARPLANES carried out the attack in the Hassakeh province.
20180501             Regime war planes pound Yarmuk, once home to the country's largest PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP, as THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—IS fighters there continued for a 13. —DAY running.
20180501             —OFFERED, TAIWAN said CHINA, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC a $3.1—BILLION PACKAGE—OF—INVESTMENTS and loans to get them to sever ties with TAIWAN, —AFTER the Caribbean nation switched allegiance to CHINA in 1—DIPLOMATIC—BLOW to THE—SELF—RULED ISLAND.
20180501             Investigators —LATER found evidence of a "malicious intrusion" into the county's elections website from 1—COMPUTER in UKRAINE —DURING 1—CONCERTED cyberattack, which likely caused the site to crash —JUST as it was reporting vote totals in this —MONTH—PRIMARY.
20180501             —RALLIED, ARMENIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS, in YEREVAN AHEAD—OF—1—CRUCIAL—VOTE to elect 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER as protest leader Nikol Pashinyan warned of a "political tsunami" if lawmakers don't back him to lead the country.
20180501             —RULED, 1—AUSTRALIA—COURT, that VATICAN Treasurer GEORGE—PELL must face trial on CHARGES—OF—HISTORICAL—SEXUAL—OFFENCES—MAKING him the most senior Catholic official to be tried on such allegations.
20180501             —OCCUPIED, BRAZIL, 1—ABANDONED HIGH—RISE—BUILDING, by squatters in downtown SAO—PAULO caught fire and collapsed.
20180501             Some 109—PEOPLE were taken into custody in PARIS SUSPECTED—OF—OFFENSES—INCLUDING—CARRYING prohibited weapons and firing projectiles —AFTER May —DAY protests.
20180501             THOUSANDS—OF—GREEKS are marching through CENTRAL—ATHENS in at least 3—SEPARATE—MAY—DAY—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20180501             —RAPED, NORTH—INDIA, a 19—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN was, by 5—MEN—INCLUDING—THE—DRIVER—OF—1—AUTORICKSHAW she hailed in near Gurugram town, Haryana state.
20180501             —KILLED, IRAQ, militants in 2—SPEEDING—CARS—8—UNARMED civilians in the assault 25—KM (15—MILES) NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20180501             —SIGNED, ISRAEL, a 15-year, $775—MILLION—DEAL with THE—SELF—RULING—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY to put electricity distribution for Palestinians in THE—WEST—BANK—IN—PA hands and build 4—POWER—PLANTS to that end.
20180501             —INTERCEPTED, MALAYSIA—POLICE—1—TANKER with 131—SRI Lankans believed bound for AUSTRALIA and NEW—ZEALAND, smashing 1—LARGE—HUMAN—SMUGGLING—RING that has been operating for 1—YEAR.
20180501             —VISITED, MYANMAR, a 15-member UN Security Council delegation, volatile AREAS—OF—RAKHINE state, from where HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ROHINGYA Muslims have fled MILITARY—LED violence, to see firsthand THE—AFTERMATH—OF—THE—ARMY—CRACKDOWN as well as MYANMAR—PREPARATIONS for taking back the refugees.
20180501             —DISMANTLED, North and SOUTH—KOREA, huge loudspeakers used to blare Cold WAR—STYLE—PROPAGANDA across their tense border, as SOUTH—KOREA—PRESIDENT—ASKED—THE—UNITED—NATIONS to observe THE—NORTH—PLANNED CLOSING—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—TEST—SITE.
20180501             SYRIA—STATE—MEDIA and 1—WAR—MONITORING—GROUP say airstrikes in Islamic STATE—HELD territory in the northeast killed at least 23—PEOPLE.
20180501             —ARRIVED, SYRIA, Hayat Tahrir AL—SHAM fighters and civilians, in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—ALEPPO AHEAD—OF—THEIR—TRANSFER to the neighboring PROVINCE—OF—IDLIB.
20180501             —DETAINED, TURKEY, police, DOZENS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS—DURING—MAY—DAY—EVENTS—AROUND ISTANBUL, MOST—OF—THEM protesters who tried to march toward the city's symbolic main square in DEFIANCE—OF—1—BAN.
20180501             Angeblicher BETRUG IRANs bei ATOM—DEAL: EU—AUßEN—BEAUFTRAGTE sieht keine Beweise
20180501             —VERLÄNGERT, STRAF—ZÖLLE auf Stahl und Aluminium: DONALD—TRUMP, Frist im HANDELS—STREIT—UM—EINEN —MONAT
20180501             VORWURF—DES—SEXUELLEN Missbrauchs: PROZESS—GEGEN—PAPA—VERTRAUTEN wird eröffnet
20180501             Ohne Stau über DIE—STADT: Warum Seilbahnen 1—VERKEHRSMITTEL der ZUKUNFT sind
20180501             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—ZUM—IRAN—ATOM—DEAL—USA bezichtigen IRAN der Lüge
20180501             Ermittlungen zur RUSSLAND—AFFÄRE: 44—BRISANTE Fragen an DONALD—TRUMP
20180501             —HANDELS—STREIT, USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP verschiebt Entscheidung über STRAF—ZÖLLE —BIS;;06;;
20180501             KREUZ—OFFENSIVE—IN—BAYERISCHEN Amtsstuben: Jeder nur 1—KREUZ (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 08:55)
20180501             Experiment mit Schweinen: GEHIRN lebt außerhalb des Körpers weiter
20180501             Meist verschieben die Bio-, Gen—, Neurowissenschaftler die ethischen Grenzen ihres Faches ganz langsam.
20180501             Der Neurowissenschaftler hat an der USA—YALE—UNIVERSITY—GEHIRNE—VON—SCHWEINEN außerhalb ihres Körpers am Leben erhalten.
20180501             Das lebendige "Hirn im Glas", von dem Philosophen und SCIENCE—FICTION—AUTOREN —SEIT—LANGEM fantasieren, ist Realität geworden.
20180501             "DAS—VERFAHREN ist nicht schweinespezifisch"
20180501             Im Prinzip eigne ES—SICH auch für andere Tiere, etwa für PRIMATEN
20180501             DIE—ÄRZTE würden am liebsten bestimmte KREBS— oder Alzheimertherapien an nackten GEHIRNen testen, ehe sie sie an Patienten erproben.
20180501             DIE—EEG—LINIE des enthaupteten Schweins erwies sich als flach wie die eines TIEF—KOMATÖSEN Patienten.
20180501             "Theoretisch könnte jemand DAS—VERFAHREN verbessern und dann die Hirnaktivität 1—PERSON wiederherstellen", erklärte er.
20180501             Gerade hat 1.Gruppe namhafter Bioethiker und Neurowissenschaftler 1—AUFRUF in der FACH—ZEITSCHRIFT "Nature"veröffentlicht, in dem sie 1.DEBATTE—ÜBER—DIE Fortschritte bei der Zucht von menschlichem Hirngewebe einfordern.
20180501             befasst sich der Text überwiegend mit sogenannten menschlichen HIRN—ORGANOIDEN.
20180501             DIE—FORTSCHRITTE sind rasant.
20180501             Auch die Zucht von Neurogewebe mit BLUT—GEFÄßEN ist —BEREITS gelungen.
20180501             Und was, wenn sich dabei irgendwann doch so etwas wie BEWUSSTSEIN in 1—SOLCHEN künstlich erzeugten Gebilde regt?
20180501             "NACHDEM so etwas im Schwein funktioniert, sollten wir unbedingt DIE—RICHTLINIEN für den Umgang mit menschlichem Gewebe haben".
20180501             —REAKTION—AUF—ATOM—PROGRAMM—VORWÜRFE: "Aufgewärmter Bluff"
20180501             —HANDELS—STREIT: "DIE—USA sind kein verlässlicher Partner mehr"
20180501             DONALD—TRUMP—BAROCKE Vorbilder: DER—GEHEIMCODE absoluter MACHT
20180501             Giftige Raffinerierückstände: Wie der ÖL—KONZERN BP JAHRE—LANG mit 1—LÜGE durchkam
20180501             Zu VIELE—TOTE: SCHOTTLAND führt MINDEST—PREIS für Alkohol ein
20180501             UMWELT—SCHUTZ, EU will PLASTIK—GESCHIRR verbieten
20180501             MAI—DEMO in ESSEN: POLIZEI nimmt AFD—POLITIKER Reil in Gewahrsam
20180501             USA—BEWERBUNG 20260000             : DONALD—TRUMP droht AFRIKA wegen FUßBALL—WM
20180501             ABSTR—AKTION und Eleganz: Was ist schöne Mathematik, Herr Ziegler?
20180501             Kinder—, Jugendpsychiater: "ABHÄNGIGKEIT—VON—SOZIALEN Medien gibt es nicht"
20180501             —ANTI—SEMITISCHE Rede: ABBAS gibt JUDEN Schuld am HOLOCAUST
20180501             [l] Benutzt hier jemand 1—AUTO—VON—VW oder Audi?
20180501             1—DUTCH—CYBER—SECURITY—FIRM has discovered that IN—VEHICLE—INFOTAINMENT (IVI) systems deployed with SOME—CAR—MODELS from the Volkswagen Group are vulnerable to remote hacking.
20180501             Dazu sollte man sagen, daß das das offensichtlichste Einfallstor ist.
20180501             [l] Der RUSSLAND—SCHWIMMENDE ATOM—REAKTOR sticht in See.
20180501             LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—HERSTELLERS wurden dabei auch ERDBEBEN der Stärke 10—SIMULIERT, bei denen das Schiff durch 1—ENTSTEHENDEN TSUNAMI an Land gespült werden würde.
20180501             Das Schiff soll —JETZT in SIBIRIEN vor Anker gehen und dort 1.Kleinstadt mit Strom versorgen.
20180501             [l] Kalaschnikow hat 1—DROHNEN—ERNTE—GEWEHR gebaut.
20180501             Rex-1 is 1—NON—LETHAL device that works by severing the connection between 1—QUADCOPTER and its controller, as well as jamming satellite positioning systems, GSM and WI—FI signals.
20180501             [l] Benutzt hier jemand ERSTKLÄSSLER—ARITHMETIK?
20180501             Weil er gut 7.000—ÖFFENTLICH zugängliche Dokumente der Reihe nach heruntergeladen hat, drohen 1 19—JAHRE—ALTEN Kanadier 10—JAHRE—HAFT.
20180501             [l] NETANJAHU hatte VORGESTERN angekündigt, daß er 1.wichtige Ankündigung hat.
20180501             Sein Land habe etwa "eine halbe Tonne"geheimer Dokumente erhalten, sagte NETANYAHU.
20180501             —BEHAUPTET, Was er —JETZT genau, hat ist ein bisschen unklar, weil verschiedene Zusammenfassungen 1—VERSCHIEDENEN Spin haben.
20180501             DIE—FRAGE ist, was daran —JETZT neu oder unerwartet ist, und wie man das bewerten soll.
20180501             Immerhin nimmt DIE—IAEA den NETANJAHU—KRAM ernst genug, um ein umfangreiches Dementi zu veröffentlichen.
20180501             Es gebe "keine glaubwürdigen Hinweise"auf 1—IRAN—ATOM—WAFFEN—PROGRAMM
20180501             Ich finde die eigentlich wichtige Frage gerade, ob sich DER—IRAN an den Deal hält oder nicht.
20180501             [l] Lacher am Rande: MACRON und DONALD—TRUMP hatten 1—BÄUMCHEN gepflanzt.
20180501             These words came from Lord ALISTAIR—MCALPINE (1—CLOSE—FRIEND to MARGARET—THATCHER), who wrote 1—BOOK about Machievelli:
20180501             1., create A—SITUATION where you are wrongly accused.
20180501             KANSAS,
20180501             Demos zum 20180501             : Schwere KRAWALLE—IN—PARIS, Dutzende FESTNAHMEN—IN—ISTANBUL
20180501             USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP: Der ewige Zocker
20180501             —WÄHREND, der MAI—DEMONSTRATION—IN—PARIS hat es schwere Krawalle gegeben.
20180501             DIE—POLIZEI gab DIE—ZAHL—DER—VERMUMMTEN MIT—CA—1200 an.
20180501             —GERECHNET, DIE—PARIS—POLIZEI hatte zuvor mit Ausschreitungen.
20180501             Ebenfalls friedlich verliefen die Kundgebungen in BERLIN.
20180501             —AM—ABEND, begannen über 15000000              linke AKTIVISTen ohne Anmeldung bei den Behörden ihre traditionelle sogenannte REVOLUTIONäre Demonstration zum 1—MAI in BERLIN—KREUZBERG.
20180501             Auch Fahnen der verbotenen kurdischen ARBEITER—PARTEI PKK und Bilder ihres inhaftierten ANFÜHRERs ABDULLAH—ÖCALAN waren zu sehen.
20180501             Auf Transparenten forderten DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN unter anderem "Befreiung & Solidarität INTERNATIONAL", "FESTUNG—EUROPA EINREISSEN—BLEIBERECHT für alle"und "RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE stoppen".
20180501             —NACH, Beobachtung von Augenzeugen war das Ausmaß der Ausschreitungen aber deutlich geringer als —IN—DEN—VOR—JAHREN.
20180501             DIE—GEWERKSCHAFTEN machten bei ihren Maikundgebungen die Umwälzungen in der Arbeitswelt zum Thema.
20180501             An DEN—CA—500—VERANSTALTUNGEN zum MAI—FEIER—TAG nahmen nach DGB—ANGABEN BUNDES—WEIT—CA—340.000—MENSCHEN TEIL—ETWA 20.000—WENIGER als VOR—1—JAHR, als DIE—BUNDES—TAG—WAHL bevorstand.
20180501             MOSKAU, FORDERTEN—CA—130.000—MENSCHEN 1.bessere SOZIAL—POLITIK.
20180501             Tausende versammelten sich im asiatischen Stadtteil MALTEpe außerhalb des Stadtzentrums.
20180501             DIE—POLIZEI HATTE—CA—26.000—BEAMTE im Einsatz.
20180501             Der 1—MAI gibt in ISTANBUL traditionell Anlass zu gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen, allerdings verstärkten DIE—BEHÖRDEN DIE—SICHERHEITS—VORKEHRUNGEN zuletzt massiv.
20180501             —GESCHNITTEN, Zwischenfall über der OST—SEE: RUSSLAND—JET soll USA—FLUGZEUG, haben
20180501             Thuggery.
20180501             —AM, 1. glance, this story is weirdly funny: The incident, which Dr.
20180501             "He dictated that whole letter.
20180501—18120000    —SETTLED, KANSAS was 1., by European Americans, in what is —NOW BONNer Springs,[14] but THE—PACE—OF—SETTLEMENT accelerated in the 1850s, in the midst of political wars over the slavery issue.
20180501—20090000    —SEIT, Es gebe "keine glaubwürdigen Hinweise"auf 1—IRAN—ATOM—WAFFEN—PROGRAMM
20180501—20140000    —SEIT, Im Zentrum ISTANBULs sind Demonstrationen am 1—MAI
20180501—20160000    —SINCE, MOROCCO—FOREIGN—MINISTER—NASSER—BOURITA said that his government had proof that THE—LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH group, which is supported by IRAN, has been providing training and financial support to Polisario fighters in WEST—SAHARA.
20180501—20180508    —ON, LOUISIANA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—TOM—SCHEDLER said he will be stepping down, amid allegations that he sexually harassed 1—OF—HIS—EMPLOYEES.
20180501—20180531    WELT—HANDEL, USA—HANDELS—DEFIZIT mit CHINA steigt erneut (Wirtschaft, 11:30)
20180501—20190000    —IN, 1—UNITED—NATIONS statement raised concerns about the digital TACTICS—OF—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED.
20180530—20020501    —FROM, A—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE agreed to issue final approval for a $142—MILLION—CLASS—ACTION accord that will pay 1—AVERAGE—OF $35 to Wells Fargo account holders for the unauthorized accounts created, to 20170420           .
20180629             —ISSUED, THE—EU, PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—20180501             —FINAL—BREXIT warning -- put your cards on the table, offer ways to overcome "huge" differences and prevent BRITAIN from crashing OUT—OF—THE—BLOC without 1—DEAL.
20190101             21—ITALIEN—MEHR als 200—MENSCHEN bei Überfällen der Faschisten getötet.( Versuch, parlamentarische Mehrheiten zu erreichen,schlug fehl) -19210501              20190101              OECD—EXPERTE über DEUTSCHLAND—SCHULSYSTEM: "Lehrer wie FLIEßBAND—ARBEITER behandelt"
20190109             Der 1.Fall ist jemand, der auf 20190501             —DEMONSTRATION "mit dem Auto JAGD—AUF—MENSCHEN gemacht und sie mit Steinen beworfen" haben soll.
20190331—20190501    —ON, THE—CANADA—WOMEN—HOCKEY—LEAGUE said it will discontinue operations.
20190401             The sweeping change in the way CHINA regulates drugs that mimic fentanyl takes effect 20190501           .
20190401             JAPAN—GOVERNMENT said THE—ERA—OF—JAPAN—NEXT—EMPEROR, which begins 20190501             ., will be named "Reiwa," connoting PURSUIT—OF—HARMONY, —AFTER selecting the phrase from ancient JAPAN—POETRY INSTEAD—OF—CHINA—CLASSICS as PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE promotes national pride.
20190501             —CLAIMED, This came months —AFTER AZHAR—GROUP—JAISH—E—MOHAMMAD, responsibility for 20190214             —THE—SUICIDE—ATTACK in disputed Kashmir that killed 40—INDIA—SOLDIERS.
20190501             —RESUMED, American and Taliban officials, talks in QATAR aimed at ending a 17-year war in AFGHANISTAN, —WHILE THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT hosted 1—RARE—ASSEMBLY in KABUL to ensure its interests are upheld in ANY—PEACE—DEAL.
20190501             —REPORTED, It was, that SF—BASED tech billionaire MARC—BENIOFF and his wife are making a $30—MILLION—DONATION to start 1—NEW—RESEARCH—CENTER at UCSF called the Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative.
20190501             —EXPECTED, GOVERNOR—RON—DESANTIS was, to sign the measure.
20190501             —FEARED, BENIN, 2—FRANCE—TOURISTS went missing and were, to have been kidnapped in the Pendjari National Park.
20190501             1—AFRICAN man, believed to have been their driver, was found fatally shot —2—DAYS—LATER.
20190501             —REPORTED, It was, that TONS—OF—GARBAGE are clogging rivers in Bosnia.
20190501             The country's WASTE—MANAGEMENT—PROBLEM has grown over the years, reaching alarming proportions in 1—REGION where joblessness and poverty are widespread and where corruption routinely stalls IMPLEMENTATION—OF—REFORM—LAWS.
20190501             —DENIED, Williamson, that he leaked DETAILS—OF—THE—REPORT.
20190501             BURKINA—FASO, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL, on a 3—NATION tour in WEST—AFRICA, pledged 46—MILLION euros ($51—MILLION) to help BURKINA—FASO fight Islamic extremism.
20190501             MILLIONS—OF—CUBANS took to the streets in protest over new sanctions imposed on the Caribbean ISLAND by THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION and USA—EFFORTS to topple THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—SOCIALIST—ALLY—VENEZUELA.
20190501             FRANCE, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—LABOR—UNION and "yellow vest" protesters were on the streets across the country.
20190501             —TRIGGERED, WEST—INDIA, Maoist rebels, 1—LAND—MINE—BLAST on van carrying police commandos in the insurgents' stronghold in Maharashtra state and killed 15—OFFICERS and their driver.
20190501             IRAN—OIL—MINISTER hit out against THE—USE—OF—OIL—SANCTIONS "as 1—WEAPON" by THE—USA and the damage it was doing to OPEC.
20190501             —INHERITED, JAPAN, Emperor Naruhito, the sacred sword and jewel that signaled his succession and pledged in his 1. public address to follow his father's example by devoting himself to peace and sharing the people's joys and sorrows.
20190501             —RUSHED, Police, to detain several dozen people.
20190501             —INAUGURATED, KUWAIT, 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LONGEST causeways.
20190501             The law requires INTERNET providers to install equipment to route RUSSIA—INTERNET—TRAFFIC through servers in the country.
20190501             —SIGNED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, 1—DECREE—FAST—TRACKING—RUSSIA—CITIZENSHIP for more Ukrainians, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—MOVE expected to deepen the crisis between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20190501             —CANCELED, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), 504—FLIGHTS—TODAY as talks with the pilots resumed in NORWAY.
20190501             —RULED, THE—SWISS—BASED IAAF, the sports world's highest court, that Olympic champion Caster Semenya and other female runners like her with unusually high testosterone must take medication to reduce their LEVELS—OF—THE—MALE—SEX hormone if they want to compete in certain events.
20190501             SOUTH—AFRICA—OLYMPIC athlete Caster Semenya said the decision will not hold her back.
20190501             THAILAND, 1—ANNOUNCEMENT in the Royal Gazette said Suthida Vajiralongkorn Na Ayudhya (40) is legally oo to MAHA—V—KING—OF—AJIRALONGKORN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, and is —NOW QUEEN—SUTHIDA.
20190501             —RAISED, TUNISIA, the minimum wage for industrial and farm workers, as well as pensions for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PRIVATE—SECTOR retirees, by 6.5—PERCENT, 1—MOVE aimed at defusing discontent about economic hardship.
20190501             —DETAINED, TURKEY, police in ISTANBUL, 127—PEOPLE for attempting to hold illegal demonstrations in various PARTS—OF—THE—CITY to celebrate May —DAY.
20190501             —CONFIRMED, PAKISTAN, the move.
20190501             —DISPLACED, THE—UN said fighting in NORTH—WEST—SYRIA has, more than 32,500—PEOPLE—SINCE February, as the regime and its ally RUSSIA have stepped up their bombardment.
20190501             —KILLED, More than 200—CIVILIANS have been, —SINCE February.
20190501             VENEZUELA, state security forces used tear gas to disperse protesters opposed to PRESIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO who have gathered at 1—MIDDLE—CLASS—NEIGHBORHOOD in WEST—CARACAS.
20190501             A—USA—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOG—AGENCY that monitors THE—USA—WAR—EFFORT said in 1—REPORT to Congress that THE—USA—MILITARY—COMMAND in KABUL is no longer producing "district control data," which shows THE—NUMBER—OF—AFGHANISTAN—DISTRICTS, and THE—PERCENTAGE—OF—THEIR—POPULATION, controlled by the government compared to the Taliban.
20190501             —PASSED, FLORIDA lawmakers, 1—BILL—ALLOWING—TEACHERS to carry guns in school with THE—APPROVAL—OF—THEIR—LOCAL—SCHOOL—DISTRICT.
20190501             The teachers would be required to undergo POLICE—STYLE—TRAINING, psychiatric evaluation and drug screening.
20190501             —BELIEVED, 1—AFRICAN man, to have been their driver, was found fatally shot 2—DAYS—LATER.
20190501             —FIRED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY—DEFENSE—MINISTER—GAVIN—WILLIAMSON saying she had seen "compelling evidence" that he was behind media reports that the government had agreed, against THE—ADVICE—OF—THE—USA, to let Huawei participate in SOME—ASPECTS—OF—BRITAIN—NEW 5G wireless communications network.
20190501             —SENTENCED, LONDON, WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE, 47—JAHRE—ALT was, to 50—WEEKS in jail for breaching 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—COURT—ORDER 7—YEARS ago, —WHEN he took refuge in ECUADOR—LONDON embassy to avoid extradition to SWEDEN.
20190501             —INCREASED, CANADA, loans to farmers —AFTER CHINA blocked SHIPMENTS—OF—CANOLA, its most valuable crop, amid diplomatic tensions between OTTAWA and BEIJING.
20190501             —CLASHED, DOZENS—OF—MASKED and hooded anarchists, with riot police in SOUTH—PARIS, burning bins, smashing property and hurling projectiles, hijacking 1—MAY—DAY—RALLY that was focused on protesting against PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON—POLICIES.
20190501             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—KAZAKHS, in their 2—MAIN—CITIES—CALLING for 1—BOYCOTT—OF—JUNE presidential elections that they dismissed as 1—COVER for 1—ORCHESTRATED HANDOVER—OF—POWER.
20190501             —NAMED, The 36-km (22-mile) "Jaber" bridge, —AFTER late ruler Sheikh Jaber AL—AHMAD—AL—SABAH, connects KUWAIT—CITY to the northern desert AREA—OF—SUBBIYA.
20190501             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—MALI 1—NUMBER—OF—DOGONS were, in 1—AMBUSH, —WHILE other MEMBERS—OF—THE—SAME—COMMUNITY were killed THE—FOLLOWING—DAY as they tried to retrieve the bodies.
20190501             —KILLED, At least 18—CIVILIANS were, in THE—2—RELATED attacks.
20190501             —SNEAKED, PAKISTAN, DOZENS—OF—MILITANTS, into the country and opened fire on troops in 1—FORMER—TALIBAN stronghold near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER—TRIGGERING—1—SHOOTOUT that killed 3—SOLDIERS in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN.
20190501             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—RIOT—POLICE and national guardsmen, more than 100—PEOPLE—DURING—MAY—DAY—PROTESTS, sometimes using extreme force to take into custody ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS.
20190501             —ADDED, THE—UN—MASOOD—AZHAR, THE—LEADER—OF—1—PAKISTAN—BASED Islamist group, to its LIST—OF—GLOBAL—TERRORISTS—AFTER CHINA lifted its objections.
20190501             —MACHT—KAMPF—IN—VENEZUELA—MADURO wollte sich laut USA—ANGABEN nach KUBA absetzen
20190501             WOHNUNGS—NOT, ALBT—RAUMIN XXL (SPIEGEL+, 07:14)
20190501             —REKORDSPENDE für Naturschutzgebiete: Der Ökomilliardär (SPIEGEL+, 07:25)
20190501             Maduros Kampf um DIE—MACHT in : Er ist noch da
20190501             THRON—BESTEIGUNG Naruhitos: KAISER über Nacht
20190501             DGB—CHEF—REINER HOFFMANN: "DIE—KANZLERIN—HAT—MACRON wie einen Schuljungen behandelt"
20190501             Serie: OBAMAs produzieren NETFLIX—DOKUMENTATION über USA unter DONALD—TRUMP
20190501             Vergangenes Quartal: APPLEs Gewinn sinkt um 16 %
20190501             FACEBOOK—ENTWICKLER—KONFERENZ F8: Alles spitze, nächstes Thema
20190501             —VERURTEILT, WIKILEAKS—GRÜNDER: JULIAN ASSANGE zu einem —JAHR Gefängnis
20190501             Brief nach ENDE—DER—TRUMP—UNTERSUCHUNG, Mueller beschwertE sich über Zusammenfassung des USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTERS
20190501             Besseres Lernen: "Lehrer sollten den Leistungen ihrer Schüler entsprechend bezahlt werden" (SPIEGEL+, 15:52)
20190501             —NACH, TRUMP—PROVOKATIONEN, USA—DEMOKRATEN diskutieren offener über Amtsenthebungsverfahren
20190501             Gedankenspiele des JUSO—CHEFS: Kühnert will BMW VER—STAAT—
20190501             in DEUTSCHLAND: 10—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN gehen auf DIE—STRAßE
20190501             —VERGESSEN, NATURKATASTROPHE—IN—SÜDOSTAFRIKA: "Wir fühlen uns "
20190501             In vielen DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTEN wurde
20190501             für bessere ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN demonstriert.
20190501             Knapp 4—WOCHEN—VOR den Wahlen zum Europäischen PARLAMENT wollen die GEWERKSCHAFTEN unter dem Motto "EUROPA.
20190501             —JETZT, aber richtig!" unter anderem für Mindestlöhne in ganz EUROPA werben.
20190501             —MOBILISIERT, Traditionell, DIE—ARBEITER—UND GEWERKSCHAFTS—BEWEGUNG für bessere ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN und höhere Löhne.
20190501             Der "—TAG—DER—ARBEIT" wird —SEIT fast 130—JAHREN begangen.
20190501             —AM, 1. In DEUTSCHLAND gab es Massendemonstrationen.
20190501             BERLIN, und HAMBURG haben linksradikale Gruppen zu "REVOLUTIONären 20190501             —DEMOS" aufgerufen.
20190501             DIE—VERANSTALTUNG in der HANSE—STADT steht unter dem Motto "Gemeinsam gegen Ausbeutung in DIE—REVOLUTIONÄRE Offensive".
20190501             —GEWALTORIENTIERT, Dahinter steht der vom VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ als, eingestufte Rote Aufbau.
20190501             Angemeldet sind 1000—TEILNEHMER.
20190501             BERLIN, sind am MAI—FEIERTAG mehrere Demonstrationen und das große Straßenfest "Myfest" im Ortsteil Kreuzberg geplant.
20190501             Für den —ABEND haben LINKS—AUTONOME die sogenannte REVOLUTIONäre 20190501             —DEMONSTRATION angekündigt.
20190501             —AM, Rande der Kundgebungen zum 1—MAI gab es auch in PARIS 1. Krawalle, an denen auch "Gelbwesten"-Anhänger beteiligt waren.
20190501             An bestimmten Orten der HAUPTSTADT—SIND—DEMONSTRATIONEN—UNTERSAGT—DAZU zählen die Prachtmeile CHAMPS—ÉLYSÉES, der PRÄSIDENTEN—PALAST und DIE—GEGEND rund um die bei einem Brand schwer beschädigte Kathedrale NOTRE—DAME.
20190501             —DIE—SPD warb derweil in ihrem Aufruf zum 1—MAI für "1—EUROPA der guten Arbeit und sozialen Sicherheit".
20190501             Gerechte Löhne und gute ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGEN müssten überall in EUROPA verwirklicht werden.
20190501             Dazu gehörten Mindestlöhne, gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit, mehr Rechte für europäische Betriebsräte und 1—SOFORT—PROGRAMM,das jeder und jedem unter 25—JAHREN einen Ausbildungsplatz garantiere.
20190501             —VOR—ALLEM in Südostdeutschland sind auch Kundgebungen mehrerer rechter Parteien sowie Gegenproteste geplant.
20190501             Überraschende Ankündigung: THAILAND hat —JETZT 1—KÖNIGIN
20190501             Leak über 5G-Vergabe: Theresa May entlässt VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—WILLIAMSON
20190501             GUAIDÓ gegen Maduro: Wer unterstützt wen in ?
20190501             DENISOVA—FUND in CHINA: Das Geheimnis von ASIENs 1. Bergsteigern
20190501             DIE—DENISOVA—SIPPE spielte in der Menschheitsgeschichte eine wichtige Rolle,
20190501             vermuten Forscher aufgrund von n.
20190501             —BIS vor etwa 40.000—JAHREN könnte dieser Frühmensch Seite an Seite mit dem NEANDERTALER in weiten Teilen EURASIENs gelebt HABEN—DER NEANDERTALER hätte demnach vor allem den westlichen Raum bevölkert, der Denisovaner den östlichen.
20190501             —GELEBT, Auch im heutigen CHINA muss der DENISOVA—MENSCH, haben.
20190501             Kieferknochen eines Frühmenschen untersucht, der in der BAISHIYA—HÖHLE in Xiahe gefunden wurde.
20190501             DIE—REGION liegt in der an TIBET angrenzenden CHINA—PROVINZ Gansu auf dem TIBET—HOCHPLATEAU.
20190501             In der Höhle hatte 1—MÖNCH —BEREITS in den ACHTZIGER—JAHREN einen halben Unterkieferknochen samt STEIN—WERKZEUGEN und bearbeiteten Tierknochen entdeckt.
20190501             Genauer untersucht wurde der Unterkieferknochen aber —ERST—JETZT.
20190501             indirekt konnten sie trotzdem Rückschlüsse auf DAS—ERBGUT ziehen.
20190501             "DIE—ALTEN Proteine sind —SCHON stark abgebaut aber dadurch deutlich von modernen zu unterscheiden, die 1—PROBE kontaminieren können",
20190501             Da die Proteine maßgeblich durch die DNA festgelegt werden, hatten sie nun genug DATEN für einen Vergleich mit den Funden aus RUSSLAND und anderen HOMINIDEN.
20190501             Es zeigte sich eine enge Verwandtschaft mit den RUSSLAND—DENISOVANERN.
20190501             Es ist der älteste Nachweis eines HOMINIDEN auf dem TIBET—HOCHPLATEAU.
20190501             Siedlungsgebiets dieser Frühmenschen.
20190501             genetische Merkmale des DENISOVA—MENSCHEN lassen sich in einem großen Teil der heutigen asiatischen Bevölkerung nachweisen.
20190501             1—BEFUND: Heutige Sherpas, Tibeter und Bewohner des HIMALAYA—GEBIRGES weisen aus Denisova abgeleitete genetische Varianten auf, die ihnen helfen, in großen Höhen zu überleben und sich der dünnen, sauerstoffarmen Luft besser anpassen zu können.
20190501             DIE—1. beiden Staatslimousinen der USA, die der damalige —PRÄSIDENT—WILLIAM HOWARD Taf
20190501             Gegründet wurde die Firma 18650000            .
20190501             DAS—UNTERNEHMEN wurde von Studebaker übernommen.
20190501             —ENDE—DES—JAHRES 19360000              entschloss sich die Geschäftsführung von PIERCE—ARROW, die sinkenden Automobilumsätze durch den Bau von Wohnwagen etwas auszugleichen.
20190501             Theresa May hat den GROSSBRITANNIEN—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—GAVIN WILLIAMson entlassen.
20190501             Das BÜRO—VON—GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIERMINISTERIN teilte mit, May habe DAS—VERTRAUEN in WILLIAMson verloren
20190501             Er sei mitverantwortlich dafür, daß die Entscheidung der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG öffentlich wurde, den CHINA—TECHNOLOGIE—KONZERN Huawei am 5G—NETZAUSBAU zu beteiligen.
20190501             "DIE—PREMIERMINISTERIN hat —HEUTE—ABEND GAVIN—WILLIAMSON gebeten, DIE—REGIERUNG zu verlassen, NACHDEM sie DAS—VERTRAUEN in seine Fähigkeit verloren hat, in der Rolle des VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERS und als Mitglied ihres KABINETTs zu dienen",
20190501             "DIE—ENTSCHEIDUNG der PREMIERministerin wurde beeinflusst durch sein Verhalten im Zusammenhang mit einer Untersuchung zur unbefugten WEITERGABE—VON—INFORMATIONEN aus einer Sitzung des NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RAT".
20190501             —VERGANGENE—WOCHE, hatten EINIGE—ZEITUNGEN über die Entscheidung der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG berichtet, Huawei teilweise am Ausbau des neuen 5G-Mobilfunknetzes zu beteiligen.
20190501             Dass nun auch Details aus Treffen des wichtigsten nationalen SICHERHEITSgremiums an die Presse gingen, schockte VIELE—BRITEN allerdings.
20190501             —AM—DONNERSTAG finden in großen Teilen ENGLANDs und NORD—IRLANDS Kommunalwahlen STATT—DIE Urnengänge gelten als Stimmungsbarometer angesichts des BREXIT—FRUSTS in GROSSBRITANNIEN
20190501             Für Mays KONSERVATIVEN—PARTEI wird mit großen Verlusten gerechnet.
20190501             RUSSLAND—PUTIN unterzeichnet Gesetz für eigenes INTERNET
20190501—20170000    —CONVICTED, 1—AUSTRALIA—JURY—KHALED Khayat (51) of plotting to blow up 1—ETIHAD—AIRWAYS airliner on 1—FLIGHT from SYDNEY to THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES with 1—BOMB hidden in 1—MEAT grinder.
20190501—20190503    —ON, INDIA began evacuating HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—VILLAGERS and shut down operations at 2—MAJOR ports on its east coast AHEAD—OF—IMPENDING—CYCLONIC—STORM—FANI expected to make landfall.
20190501—201905031   —IM, Konjunkturabkühlung: ARBEITSLOSEN—ZAHL steigteicht an (Wirtschaft, 10:32)
20190501—20190531    —IM, Konjunkturabkühlung: ARBEITSLOSEN—ZAHL steigteicht an (Wirtschaft, 10:32)
20190510—20190501    —IDENTIFIED, FRANCE—TOURISTS, as PATRICK—PICQUE and Laurent Lassimouillas, had disappeared —WHILE on holiday in the remote Pendjari National Park in BENIN.
20190511—20190501    —IN—THE, With all votes counted the ruling party secured 57.51—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20191023             Hughes, whose conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration charge spanned 20180501              to 20191024             , was described as "1—RINGLEADER—OF—1—PEOPLE smuggling ring".
20200108             —WEDNESDAY, 20200801              20200501             —ROCKED, Explosions, YEMEN—SOCOTRA archipel20200801             —UNESCO World Heritage site, as 1—ARMED—UNIT funded by THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES fought to wrest CONTROL—OF—THE—PROVINCIAL—CAPITAL—HADEBO.
20200330             SF Mayor Lond Breed said the city's SHELTER—IN—PLACE—ORDER will be extended to at least 20200501            .
20200405             BAYERN: Justiz prüft MISSBRAUCHS—VERDACHT in katholischem KINDERHEIM—MELDUNG vom 20200405013759
20200405             Meldung vom 20200405013759
20200406—20200501    —AB, sollen ALLE—GESCHÄFTE, Einkaufszentren und Friseure wieder öffnen dürfen.
20200406—20200501    Hotels und die Gastronomie sollen frühestens —MITTE Mai folgen.
20200413             KONTAKT—UND Bewegungseinschränkungen zu lockern.
20200413             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP erklärte, er allein entscheide über 1—RÜCKKEHR zur Normalität in der Industrie.
20200413             Dies sei nicht AUFGABE—DER—GOUVERNEURE der Bundesstaaten.
20200413—20200501    —AM, DIE—USA—REGIERUNG erwägt.
20200415             1—TOP—USA—HEALTH—OFFICIAL said GOVERNORS—OF—ABOUT 20—USA—STATES, spared THE—WORST—OF—THE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIC—MAY—START—REOPENING their economies by PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP'S 20200501              target date.
20200415—20200501    —ON, G20 financial officials said they had agreed on 1—COORDINATED approach for 1—SUSPENSION—OF—DEBT—SERVICE—PAYMENTS for the world's poorest countries —STARTING—UNTIL THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20200416             Ab dem 20200501              soll es einen "koordinierten Widerstand" geben.
20200416             "Reichsbürger" verbreiten im Kontext der CORONA—PANDEMIE antisemitische Hetze, bezeichnen DAS—VIRUS als gigantischen Schwindel und wollen Virologen vor Gericht stellen.
20200416—20200501    —AM, soll es losgehen!
20200416—20200501    —AM, [l] Wo bleibt eigentlich DIE—REVOLUTION?
20200417             HE—20200901             —ARBITRARY 20200501              deadline for "RE—OPENING" the economy and WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISERS cannot get him to relent".
20200418             RUSSLANDS, Machtzentrum Moskau hat BÜRGERMEISTER—SERGEJ—SOBJANIN die von DER—POLIZEI streng überwachten Ausgangssperren —BIS zum 20200501              verlängert.
20200418             Wer in der Millionenstadt etwa zur Arbeit oder zum Arzt muss, ist unter AN—DROHUNG—VON—STRAFEN verpflichtet, einen Passierschein bei der Stadt zu beantragen und mit sich zu führen.
20200418             Spaziergänge oder Sport im Freien sind verboten.
20200422             Jeder 3. Einwohner Stockholms könnte sich demnach dem Sender SVT zufolge —BEREITS—BIS zum 20200501              mit dem neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— infiziert haben, die Modellrechung gehe von 600.000—ANSTECKUNGEN aus.
20200422             DIE—SCHWEDEN—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE Folkhälsomyndigheten hat mit einer neuen Studie für Aufregung gesorgt.
20200423—20200501    —ON, Martynyouk † in PARIS—OF—HIS wounds.
20200430             —CLOSED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM temporarily, the beaches of ORANGE County —STARTING 20200501              —AFTER people thronged the seashore —DURING 1—SWELTERING weekend despite his social distancing order that aims to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20200501             DATA 202005011200 NACHMITTAG
20200501             Sollte die Lage länger andauern, gingen den betroffenen Ländern bald die Impfstoffe ganz aus.
20200501             —DONNERSTAG, 20200430
20200501             Intensivpflegerin über Covid-19: "Die Patienten werden sehr schnell sehr still"
20200501             BERLIN: Polizei löst nicht genehmigte Versammlung von Linksautonomen auf
20200501             Quartalszahlen aus Cupertino: Apple bleibt auch in der Coronakrise auf Wachstumskurs
20200501             —FREITAG, 20200501              - Sagen, was ist.
20200501             DER SPIEGEL—PODCAST: 1—APP sie zu suchen, sie alle zu finden
20200501             Elternkolumne: "Mama, was mache ich, wenn du CORONA bekommst und stirbst?"
20200501             "Attention to the field"
20200501             Profisport scheitert mit Forderung nach Beitragserlass: Sterben auf Zeit
20200501             —TAG—DER—ARBEIT: "Ich wünsche mir, einfach mal gewürdigt zu werden"
20200501             Kobaltförderung im KONGO: Der (Alb)traumstoff Von Tim van Olphen und LUCA—CATALANO—GONZAGA (Fotos)
20200501             SYRIEN—FLÜCHTLINGE in der TÜRKEI: Alleingelassen im Lockdown
20200501             Datensammeln im Sattel: Das gläserne Fahrrad
20200501             Der STÄDTE—UND Gemeindebund dringt auf eine weitere Lockerung der CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN".
20200501             Gewerkschaften und Elternvertreter: Schulen warten weiter auf Konzept für Öffnung
20200501             Der DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTETAG fordert angesichts der Coronakrise Hilfe von Bund und Ländern für den Klimaschutz".
20200501             des DEUTSCHLAND—STÄDTETAGES.
20200501             Kommunen könnten ihre klimaschützenden Maßnahmen nur dann erfolgreich weiterführen, wenn sie ausreichend unterstützt würden".
20200501             Im März waren es noch 1,49 Millionen.
20200501             "Der Druck in der Reisebranche wächst von —TAG zu —TAG.
20200501             Die Lage ist mehr als angespannt.
20200501             Die Reiseveranstalter und Reisebüros brauchen —JETZT Verlässlichkeit".
20200501             Verbrauchern und Beschäftigten
20200501             Mehr als 3—MONATE nach der Schließung sind der Kaiserpalast in Peking und die Große Mauer wieder für Besucher geöffnet worden.
20200501             Auch Parks und Museen öffneten am —FREITAG ihre Tore.
20200501             —BESTELLT, Eintrittskarten mussten über das INTERNET, werden.
20200501             Die ZAHL—DER—BESUCHER wurde stark begrenzt.
20200501             Der auch Verbotene Stadt genannte Kaiserpalast lässt 5000—BESUCHER täglich ZU—FRÜHER waren 80.000—ERLAUBT.
20200501             Städtische Parks erlauben nur 30—PROZENT—DER—ÜBLICHEN—BESUCHERZAHLEN.
20200501             —GEMESSEN, An den Eingängen wurde Fieber.
20200501             Besucher mussten Mundschutz tragen und mit einem grünen Code auf einer in CHINA —JETZT weit verbreiteten HANDY—APP nachweisen, dass sie nicht krank sind oder Kontakt zu Infizierten hatten.
20200501             Auch mussten sie Abstand halten.
20200501             —SEIT mehr als 2—WOCHEN ist kein Todesfall mehr berichtet worden.
20200501             Er sei tief besorgt, VIELE—MENSCHEN seien in einer schwierigen Lage.
20200501             Thu 20200430
20200501             Aktualisierung 202005010000          Uhr
20200501             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3 - Data 202005011200          nachm.
20200501             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 35 - SILVES Casos confirmados 22
20200501             ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 68 - LOULÉ Casos confirmados 61
20200501             FARO Casos confirmados 66 - OLHÃO Casos confirmados 13 - TAVIRA Casos confirmados 30
20200501             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 12
20200501             CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3 - ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 8
20200501             ODEMIRA Casos confirmados 4 - SANTIAGO DO CACÉM Casos confirmados 15
20200501             BEJA Casos confirmados 10 - SERPA Casos confirmados 18
20200501             The vulnerability allows remote code execution capabilities and enables 1—ATTACKER to remotely infect 1—DEVICE by sending emails that consume significant AMOUNT—OF—MEMORY
20200501             [l] COVID—PAPER aus INDONESIEN.
20200501             Die haben sich 780—FÄLLE angeguckt. Ergebnis:
20200501             Wie stark?
20200501             Tabelle 1: VITAMIN—D Status der Studienteilnehmer - Normal: 388—GESTORBEN: 16 (4.2%)
20200501             Unzureichend: 213—GESTROBEN: 187 (49.1%) - Mangelhaft: 179—GESTORBEN: 177 (46.7%)
20200501             Achtung: Das ist erstmal nur 1—KORRELATION.
20200501             Das heißt nicht automatisch, dass Vitamin D nehmen gegen Covid hilft.
20200501             Der einfachste Weg ist: Rausgehen, in die Sonne setzen.
20200501             [l] Benutzt hier jemand XIAOMI—GERÄTE?
20200501             Habt ihr euch nicht mal gefragt, wieso die so billig sind?
20200501             —WHEN he looked —AROUND the Web on the device's default Xiaomi browser, it recorded all the websites he visited, including search engine queries whether with Google or THE—PRIVACY—FOCUSED DuckDuckGo, and EVERY—ITEM viewed on 1—NEWS feed feature of the Xiaomi software.
20200501             —APPEARED, That tracking, to be happening even if he used the supposedly private "incognito" mode.
20200501             The device was also recording what folders he opened and to which screens he swiped, including the status bar and the settings page.
20200501             —PACKAGED, ALL—OF—THE—DATA was being, up and sent to remote servers in SINGAPORE and RUSSIA, though the Web domains they hosted were registered in BEIJING.
20200501             Finanzierung der Coronakrise: Die EU muss sich ZUSAMMENRAUFEN—ODER sie zerfällt
20200501             Zu aktiv gegen Umweltzerstörung: BRASILIEN entlässt Umweltbeamte
20200501             10—MILLIARDEN Euro Staatshilfe: Der INSOLVENZ—BLUFF der Lufthansa
20200501             EU—KOMMISSARIN Vestager im Interview: "Man kann im INTERNET einkaufen, ohne bei Amazon zu bestellen"
20200501             EU—WEITE Fahndung: RAF—TRIO Staub, Klette, Garweg auf LISTE—DER—MEISTGESUCHTEN—VERBRECHER—EUROPAS
20200501             "Die SKRUPEL—UND Rücksichtslosigkeit, mit denen die Täter bei ihren Taten Menschenleben gefährdet haben, rechtfertigen die AUFNAHME—DER—FLÜCHTIGEN auf der LISTE—DER—MEISTGESUCHTEN—VERBRECHER—EUROPAS",
20200501             sagt LKA—CHEF—FRIEDO—DE—VRIES.
20200501             Zuletzt sollen Staub, Garweg und Klette Überfälle auf Geldtransporter und Supermärkte in Norddeutschland verübt haben.
20200501             Widersprüche und falsche Empfehlungen: Das überforderte ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT
20200501             —ENDE—DES—CORONA—NOTSTANDS gefordert: Bewaffnete Demonstranten dringen in Parlamentsgebäude in MICHIGAN ein
20200501             Ausstieg aus CORONA—AUFLAGEN: CDU—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT legt 10—PUNKTE—PLAN vor
20200501             Einige der mehreren 100—PROTESTIERENDEN, die am —DONNERSTAG zum state capitol gezogen waren, skandierten HITLER—VERGLEICHE;
20200501             einer trug 1—TRANSPARENT über den Rasen vor dem GEBÄUDE—DIE Aufschrift: "Tyrannen bekommen den Strick".
20200501             Konservative Gruppen orchestrierten die Proteste —MITTE April mit.
20200501             1—DER—ORGANISATIONEN, darauf wies auch Whitmer hin, soll der FAMILIE—VON—TRUMPS—BILDUNGSMINISTERIN—BETSY—DEVOS nahestehen.
20200501             Whitmer antwortete auf die schrillen Attacken mit einem bezeichnend nüchternen praktischen Hinweis: Die Demonstranten hielten die Abstandsregeln nicht ein, sagte sie.
20200501             EINIGE—GESCHÄFTE wie Landschaftsgärtnereien oder Fahrradwerkstätten dürfen nun wieder öffnen.
20200501             Freizeitaktivitäten wie Golfen und Motorbootfahren werden wieder erlaubt.
20200501             Unter denjenigen, die sich Zugang zum state capitol verschafften, waren auch Mitglieder bewaffneter Milizen.
20200501             1—HANDVOLL vermummter, schwer bewaffnete Männer positionierte sich demonstrativ vor Whitmers BÜRO.
20200501             Mehrere Abgeordnete nahmen offenbar nur mit schusssicheren Westen an der Sitzung teil.
20200501             Diese reagierte noch in der Nacht und verlängerte den Notstand per Dekret —BIS zum 20200528            .
20200501             Demokratische Wahlkampfstrategen haben sie längst auf dem Schirm.
20200501             Es gilt als ausgemacht, dass 1—FRAU als "running mate" JOE—BIDENS, des designierten KANDIDATEN—DER—DEMOKRATEN, in das Rennen ums Weiße Haus gehen wird.
20200501             Vom 20200511              an dürfen die Kulturinstitutionen des Landes wieder öffnen, wenn sie maximal 100—MENSCHEN gleichzeitig einlassen.
20200501             In den Museen, Galerien, Theatern, Kinos und Konzertsälen müssen Mindestabstände zwischen den Besuchern eingehalten werden.
20200501             Friseursalons dürfen dann öffnen, wenn die Mitarbeiter nicht nur einen Mundschutz, sondern auch 1—SCHUTZVISIER tragen.
20200501             Voraussetzung ist die Einwilligung des Betroffenen
20200501             Und auch nur, wenn es alles richtig macht.
20200501             Der DEUTSCHLAND—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND (DGB) macht Front gegen generelle Einschnitte zulasten der Arbeitnehmer im Windschatten der Coronakrise".
20200501             Ich warne die Unternehmen dringend davor, die Krise —JETZT für zusätzlichen Arbeitsplatzabbau zu missbrauchen",
20200501             Anstatt nun die alte Melodie "Wir müssen den Gürtel enger schnallen" zu bedienen, müsse mit ordentlichen Löhnen die Kaufkraft breiter Bevölkerungsschichten gesichert werden.
20200501             "Dazu gehört auch ein armutsfester MINDESTLOHN—UND der liegt bei 12—EURO die —STUNDE",
20200501             "Ich habe überhaupt nichts dagegen, wenn Unternehmen ihre Bonizahlungen und Dividenden streichen und stattdessen ordentlich in die Zukunft investieren".
20200501             betonte der DGB—CHEF".
20200501             Die damit einhergehende höhere Staatsverschuldung sei zu verkraften".
20200501             —IGNORIERT, Wer —JETZT nur von Belastungen redet, dass ALLE—STAATSHILFEN für Unternehmen und Leistungen für die Menschen ja gerade darauf ausgerichtet sind, dauerhafte Schäden der Krise abzuwenden".
20200501             Oberndorf in ÖSTERREICH und Laufen in BAYERN waren jahrhundertelang 1.
20200501             Nun stehen wegen der Coronakrise wieder Grenzposten zwischen den beiden Städten, die BÜRGERMEISTER kämpfen gegen Willkür und Hysterie.
20200501             Der 20200502              wurde 20160000              von der Umweltorganisation WWF symbolisch zum "—TAG—DER—LEBENSMITTELVERSCHWENDUNG" ausgerufen.
20200501             SPANIEN hat keinen Bedarf mehr für eine eigens für CORONA—PATIENTEN eingerichtete Klinik mehr.
20200501             —DERZEIT könnten diese Länder noch auf ihre Notreserven zurückgreifen, doch ließen sich damit nur 3—MONATE überbrücken, hieß es weiter.
20200501             Die Gefahr, dass verheerende Epidemien wie die Masern dadurch wieder aufflammten, sei groß.
20200501             —AM schwersten von den Engpässen betroffen sind demnach 26—LÄNDER, vor allem in AFRIKA, aber auch asiatische Staaten wie NORDKOREA oder MYANMAR.
20200501             BULGARIEN, haben die oppositionellen Sozialisten 1—ENDE—DER—CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN für Unternehmen gefordert".
20200501             Die Regierung muss erlauben, dass die Firmen wieder zu arbeiten beginnen und die Leute wieder zur Arbeit gehen dürfen",
20200501             sagte SOZIALISTEN—CHEFIN Kornelia Ninowa.
20200501             75—JAHRE nach Kriegsende: Warum DEUTSCHLAND keinen "—TAG—DER—BEFREIUNG" feiern sollte
20200501             THE—CORONA—DIVIDE: Germans SPLIT Over LIFTING—OF—LOCKDOWN
20200501             ELEKTROAUTO—HERSTELLER: Tweet von Elon Musk schickt TESLA—AKTIE auf Talfahrt
20200501             Zulassungsprocedere: "Wir können nicht einfach auf eine ausreichende Impfstoffprüfung verzichten"
20200501             Die Ausnahmegenehmigung sei angesichts der CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIE "in Lichtgeschwindigkeit" zustande gekommen, sagte der CHEF—DER—LEBENSMITTEL—UND—ARZNEIMITTELBEHÖRDE—STEPHEN—HAHN.
20200501             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER that seeks to protect THE—USA—ELECTRICITY—SYSTEM from cyber and other attacks.
20200501             The move that could eventually put barriers on SOME—IMPORTS from CHINA and RUSSIA.
20200501             —REPORTED, THE—DAILY—BEAST, that in 1—ATTEMPT to suppress a 'TELL—ALL' book about THE—PRESIDENT., lawyers for the Trump Organization last —WEEK sent MICHAEL—COHEN, who is in prison, 1—CEASE and desist letter.
20200501             1—SURVEY from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said USA manufacturing activity plunged to an 11-year low in April as the novel coronavirus wreaked havoc on supply chains, suggesting the economy was sinking deeper into recession.
20200501             This means all major USA—AIRLINES have made that 1—REQUIREMENT for passengers.
20200501             ARKANSAS, police shot and killed BRENT—MARTIN (32), who had taken his son, JORDAN—ROBERTS, hostage in LITTLE—ROCK.
20200501             CALIFORNIA to date had 51,775 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 2,111 deaths.
20200501             THE—SF Bay Area had 8,257 cases and 304—DEATHS.
20200501             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, 1,102,703 with the death toll at 64,789.
20200501             According to FLORIDA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH, 34,728—PEOPLE in the state have tested positive for COVID-19, and 1,337—PEOPLE have † from it.
20200501             —HALTED, Health officials, THE—PUBLICATION—OF—UP—TO—THE—MINUTE—DEATH—STATISTICS related to the coronavirus pandemic that have, by law, been compiled by medical examiners in the state.
20200501             —REPORTED, The inmates had, symptoms of COVID-19. This was at least the ninth instance —SINCE PRESIDENT—TRUMP declared 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY over the coronavirus.
20200501             MICHIGAN, security guard CALVIN—MUNERLYN, 43—JAHRE—ALT was fatally shot —AFTER he refused to let 1—WOMAN—DAUGHTER enter 1—FAMILY—DOLLAR in FLINT because she wasn't wearing 1—FACE mask to protect against TRANSMISSION—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS.
20200501             MISSISSIPPI GOVERNOR—TATE—REEVES said his state had —JUST had its largest SINGLE—DAY—INCREASE in COVID—19—CASES and its largest increase in deaths.
20200501             —DIAGNOSED, MISSISSIPPI has more than 7,200, coronavirus cases and at least 281—DEATHS.
20200501             NEW—MEXICO, COVID—19—INFECTIONS in Gallup and surrounding McKinley County surpassed 1,060 confirmed cases and accounted for 30—PERCENT—OF—CASES stateside, surpassing infections in much larger communities such as ALBUQUERQUE.
20200501             In all, more than 3,500 cases have been reported in the state, with more than 130—DEATHS.
20200501             SOUTH—CAROLINA, deputies shot and killed 1—ALLIGATOR that fatally attacked 1—WOMAN at 1—POND on Kiawah ISLAND.
20200501             This was the 3. fatal alligator attack in the state in the past 4—YEARS.
20200501             —RECORDED, —BEFORE that SOUTH—CAROLINA had never, 1—PERSON killed by 1—ALLIGATOR.
20200501             —GRANTED, Gilead Science INC—ANTIVIRAL drug remdesivir was, emergency use authorization by THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration for COVID-19.
20200501             Supermarket chain Kroger Co said it has put purchase limits on ground beef and fresh pork at SOME—OF—ITS—STORES —FOLLOWING growing concerns over meat shortages due to CORONAVIRUS—INDUCED supply disruptions.
20200501             —REPORTED, AFGHANISTAN has, over 2,335 coronavirus cases and 68—DEATHS, but INTERNATIONAL observers believe numbers could be much higher.
20200501             —ANGERED, AUSTRALIA—PRIME—MINISTER—SCOTT—MORRISON, who has, BEIJING by calling for 1—GLOBAL—INQUIRY into the coronavirus outbreak, said he had no evidence to suggest the disease originated in 1—LABORATORY in THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—WUHAN.
20200501             —STABBED, AUSTRALIA—POLICE fataly shot 1—MAN who, and slashed 7—PEOPLE at and near 1—SHOPPING mall in SOUTH—HEDLAND, WEST—AUSTRALIA state.
20200501             —CONFIRMED, BANGLADESH has, 7,667—PEOPLE infected with the coronavirus and 168—DEATHS.
20200501             —PASSED, The law was, by the regional assembly in January.
20200501             Total deaths stood at 4,633 from about 83,000 cases.
20200501             —REPORTED, It was, that HANGZHOU—BASED startup Rokid has developed 1—PAIR—OF—GLASSES to help screen for coronavirus symptoms.
20200501             It is making wearable T1 glasses that measure temperatures on the move.
20200501             THE—EUROPEAN—INVESTMENT—BANK (EIB) said it would boost its cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) as it seeks to fight THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC—AROUND the world, in particular in vulnerable African countries.
20200501             —REPORTED, It was, that GUATEMALA—INDIGENOUS—MAYA towns are spurning migrants returned from THE—USA.
20200501             HUNGARY—BUDGET—CARRIER—WIZZ Air flew into LONDON—LUTON airport from SOFIA, becoming 1—OF—THE 1. European airlines to restart routes —DURING the coronavirus pandemic.
20200501             —EXTENDED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI, the coronavirus lockdown —FOR—2—WEEKS, but SOME—RESTRICTIONS were relaxed.
20200501             —REJECTED, IRAN, USA—CLAIMS it is helping VENEZUELA to rebuild its oil industry, saying the accusations are designed to increase pressure and disrupt THE—2—COUNTRIES' trade ties.
20200501             —INCREASED, IRAN—DEATH—TOLL from THE—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—NEW—CORONAVIRUS, by 63 in the past 24—HOURS to 6,091. The outbreak has infected 95,646.
20200501             KAZAKHSTAN—AIRLINES made their 1. regular domestic flights in more than 1—MONTH, with ROWS—OF—PASSENGERS seated alongside empty middle seats, —AFTER the vast CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION eased coronavirus lockdown rules.
20200501             Authorities in KAZAKHSTAN and UZBEKISTAN began evacuating TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from the Syr Darya river basin —AFTER 1—RESERVOIR dam on THE—UZBEKISTAN—SIDE burst, flooding large areas on both SIDES—OF—THE—BORDER.
20200501             —BOMBED, LIBYA—EASTERN—BASED forces trying to capture the country's capital, CIVIL—HOMES, killing at least 2—PEOPLE.
20200501             —DETAINED, MALAYSIA, HUNDREDS—OF—REFUGEES and migrant workers for illegally living in the country.
20200501             —CONFIRMED, THE—NETHERLANDS' number of, coronavirus cases rose by 475 to 39,791, with 98—NEW—DEATHS.
20200501             The country's death toll stands at 4,893.
20200501             —RELEASED, Newly, FOOTAGE—OF—KIM—JONG—UN—GLAD—HANDING at 1—NORTH—KOREA—FERTILIZER production plant NORTH—OF—PYONGYANG appeared to put 1—END to speculation about his health.
20200501             Half 1—MILLION—ACRES in 22—DISTRICTS—OF—KHYBER Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh provinces were under threat.
20200501             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 1—RECORD—DAILY—RISE in confirmed coronavirus cases that pushed the national tally to 114,431. The country has recorded 1,169 deaths from the virus.
20200501             —CONFIRMED, SLOVAKIA had 1,403, coronavirus cases with 23—DEATHS.
20200501             SOUTH—AFRICAN—BEGAN easing 1—OF—THE—WORLD—STRICTEST—LOCKDOWNS, with runners and DOG—WALKERS returning eagerly to the streets but not all wearing the face masks that are —NOW mandatory.
20200501             SPAIN—DEATH—TOLL from the coronavirus rose by 281—OVERNIGHT, 1—SMALL—RISE from the previous —DAY but still 1—OF—THE—LOWEST—DAILY—TOLLS in weeks.
20200501             —CLAIMED, The crisis has —NOW, the lives of 24,824—PEOPLE.
20200501             THE—BRITAIN—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said the blasts near THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HOMS were caused by 1—SUSPECTED—ISRAEL—ROCKET—ATTACK.
20200501             —REPORTED, It was, that SUDAN has criminalized carrying out female genital mutilation (FGM), making it punishable by 3—YEARS in jail.
20200501             The law must still be ratified by 1—JOINT—MEETING—OF—THE—CABINET and the sovereign council.
20200501             The country's official death toll stands at 3,174.
20200501             —SURGED, UGANDA said Lake VICTORIA—WATER—LEVELS have, to their highest level in more than half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY—AFTER about 8—MONTHS—OF—RELENTLESS downpours, posing 1—THREAT to the nation's hydropower plants.
20200501             —JAMMED, The was built to hold 750—INMATES but is, beyond capacity with 2,500 inmates.
20200501             The unit is PART—OF—THE—UAE—BACKED separatist SOUTH—TRANSITIONAL Council, which declared SELF—RULE—EARLIER this —WEEK in the south.
20200501             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP—NEW spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, not to lie to reporters from the podium as she made her debut at the 1. WHITE—HOUSE—BRIEFING by 1—PRESS—SECRETARY in more than 1—YEAR.
20200501             THE—USA—TWEETED its support for TAIWAN—PARTICIPATION in THE—UN—PROVOKING—1—SHARP—RESPONSE from CHINA expressing "strong indignation and firm opposition".
20200501             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION has pulled funding for 1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS—STUDYING coronaviruses in bats and THE—RISK—OF—THEIR spillover into humans -- the very KIND—OF—INFECTION that started THE—COVID—19—PANDEMIC.
20200501             † Martin had shot the boy (11) who —LATER at 1—HOSPITAL.
20200501             —COMPILED, The death count, by the Medical Examiners Commission was often found to be higher than the figures provided by FLORIDA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH—PROMPTING—1—REVIEW—OF—THE—DATA and 1—SUSPENSION—OF—ITS—PUBLICATION.
20200501             —REPORTED, The inmates had, SYMPTOMS—OF—COVID—19.
20200501             This was at least the ninth instance —SINCE PRESIDENT—TRUMP declared 1—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY over the coronavirus.
20200501             —INVOKED, GOVERNOR—MICHELLE—LUJAN—GRISHAM, the state's Riot Control Act and ordered RESIDENTS—OF—GALLUP to remain home except for emergencies and blocked roads leading in and OUT—OF—TOWN to nonessential travel and ANY—VEHICLES—CARRYING—MORE than 2—PEOPLE.
20200501             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK, City the Isabella Geriatric Center in Manhattan, THE—DEATHS—OF—98—RESIDENTS believed to have had the coronavirus, 1—DEATH—TOLL that shocked public officials.
20200501             —PUSHED, OHIO and TEXAS, ahead with 1—PHASED RELAXATION—OF—RESTRICTIONS that USA—STATES put in place weeks ago to curb the coronavirus pandemic, as GEORGIA took another step toward 1—FULL restart by allowing all businesses to reopen.
20200501             JPMorgan Chase & Co said that THE—USA—SMALL—BUSINESS—ADMINISTRATION gave it the green light to make $15—BILLION in new loans to some 211,000 business customers hurt by THE—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—NOVEL—CORONAVIRUS.
20200501             Garment factories began reopening this —WEEK—AFTER nearly 1—MONTH—OF—CLOSURES.
20200501             CHINA's "Regulations on THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—1—MODEL—AREA for Ethnic Unity and Progress in THE—TIBET—AUTONOMOUS—REGION" came into effect.
20200501             —REPORTED, CHINA, 12—NEW—CASES—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—6—OF—THEM brough from overseas, and no new deaths for the 16. —DAY.
20200501             Local health officials have said that nearly 1 5. of THE—585—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS in GUATEMALA can be traced to people deported from THE—USA, MOST—OF—THEM on 2—FLIGHTS in 1—SINGLE—DAY.
20200501             —INCREASED, IRAN—DEATH—TOLL from THE—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—NEW—CORONAVIRUS, by 63 in the past 24—HOURS to 6,091.
20200501             —INFECTED, The outbreak has, 95,646.
20200501             —REPORTED, MALAYSIA has, 1—TOTAL—OF—6—071—CORONAVIRUS—CASES and 103—DEATHS.
20200501             PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—ABELA said MALTA plans to keep 57—RESCUED migrants aboard 1—PRIVATE ship anchored —JUST outside territorial waters —UNTIL THE—EU finds 1—WAY to rehouse them.
20200501             THE—NETHERLANDS' NUMBER—OF—CONFIRMED coronavirus cases rose by 475 to 39,791, with 98—NEW—DEATHS.
20200501             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—RAVENING locust swarms threaten to devastate crops in PARTS—OF—PAKISTAN.
20200501             POLAND—GOVERNMENT will hike unemployment benefits, PRESIDENT—ANDRZEJ—DUDA said in 1—ELECTION—BROADCAST—PROMISING "1—UNBELIEVABLY high amount" of support for households and businesses struggling through the coronavirus crisis.
20200501             —REPORTED, RUSSIA, 1—RECORD—DAILY—RISE in confirmed coronavirus cases that pushed the national tally to 114,431.
20200501             —RECORDED, The country has, 1,169 deaths from the virus.
20200501             —LIFTED, SLOVAKIA—PRIME—MINISTER—IGOR—MATOVIC said authorities have, 1—QUARANTINE on 3—ROMA settlements locked down —IN—EARLY—APRIL to block THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—LEAVING—1—REMAINING—VILLAGE under restrictive orders.
20200501             SOUTH—AFRICA has more than 5,600 CASES—OF—COVID—19.
20200501             Explosions at 1—SYRIA—MILITARY—BASE—HOUSING—1—WEAPONS—WAREHOUSE injured 10—CIVILIANS—OUTSIDE the base. the defense ministry said they were the result of "human error" —WHILE moving ammunition.
20200501             —DETAINED, Police in ISTANBUL, at least 15—PEOPLE—INCLUDING—TRADE—UNION—LEADERS who tried to stage 1—MAY—DAY—MARCH in DEFIANCE—OF—1—CORONAVIRUS—LOCKDOWN and 1—BAN on demonstrations at Taksim Square.
20200501             TURKEY ranks 7. in the world for THE—NUMBER—OF—CONFIRMED infections with 120,204 cases.
20200501             —ERUPTED, In CENTRAL—VENEZUELA 1—RIOT, at the Llanos Penitentiary Center in GUANARE, killing at least 40—PEOPLE and injuring 50—MORE.
20200501             —REPORTED, YEMEN, the 1. CASE—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS in a 3. province late —TODAY, raising THE—NUMBER—OF—DIAGNOSED infections to 7 with 2—DEATHS in 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST vulnerable countries.
20200501             Historiker über KATASTROPHEn und ihre Folgen: Welchen Einfluss hatten Pandemien auf die Weltgeschichte?
20200501             1—INTERVIEW—VON—EVA—MARIA—SCHNURR
20200501             Drogensüchtige in der CORONA—KRISE: Wenn ein ganz spezieller Wirtschaftskreislauf zusammenbricht
20200501             Arbeiten in CORONA—ZEITEN: Meine Schafe, mein Gemüse, meine —MASKE und ich
20200501             Anschuldigung von USA—PRÄSIDENT: TRUMP sieht Hinweise auf CORONA—VIRUS—URSPRUNG in chinesischem Labor
20200501             TAIWAN in der CORONA—KRISE: Der Mann mit den MASKEN
20200501             KRIMinalität in der CORONA—KRISE: Der BANDIT—DEIN Freund und Helfer
20200501             BLUETOOTH—SCHWACHSTELLE: SICHERHEITSlücke im Samsung Galaxy S8 ermöglicht gezielte Überwachung
20200501             NEBENKLAGE—ANWÄLTE kritisieren NSU—URTEIL: "Der RECHTS—STAAT hat die OPFER—DES—NSU—TERRORS im Stich gelassen"
20200501             Überleben ohne Staatshilfen: Boeing treibt bei Investoren 25—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR auf
20200501             "Als Betreiber der öffentlichen Freibäder erwarten die Kommunen ein klares Konzept, ob, wann und wie diese gegebenenfalls wieder geöffnet werden dürfen",
20200501             Das zur Entlastung der Krankenhäuser nach NEW—YORK entsandte Lazarettschiff USNS "Comfort" hat den Hafen der Millionenmetropole wieder verlassen, um in ihren Heimathafen in NORFOLK im USA—BUNDES—STAAT VIRGINIA zurückkehren.
20200501             Restaurants und am ;;0529;;             Hotels sowie Schwimmbäder und Freizeitanlagen.
20200501             DER—DEUTSCHE—STÄDTETAG fordert angesichts der CORONA—KRISE Hilfe von Bund und Ländern für den KLIMA—SCHUTZ.
20200501             "DIE—FOLGEN der CORONA—PANDEMIE treffen massiv auch die Haushalte der Städte",
20200501             "DIE—STÄDTE müssen handlungsfähig bleiben und brauchen wegen wegbrechender Steuereinnahmen und steigender Ausgaben einen kommunalen Rettungsschirm".
20200501             —LAUT, einem MEDIEN—BERICHT ist die ZAHL—DER—KRANKGESCHRIEBENEN—ARBEITNEHMER in der CORONA—KRISE stark gestiegen.
20200501             Die Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) verzeichnete —IM, ;;0400;;43—PROZENT mehr Krankschreibungen als im März, wie die "AUGSBURGer Allgemeine" unter Berufung auf einen Bericht des GKV—SPITZENVERBANDES berichtete.
20200501             —STIEG die ZAHL—DER—GESETZLICH—VERSICHERTEN, die —IM, ;;0400;;arbeitsunfähig geschrieben waren, auf 2,13 Millionen.
20200501             "Der Druck in der REISE—BRANCHE wächst von —TAG zu —TAG. Die Lage ist mehr als angespannt. Die Reiseveranstalter und Reisebüros brauchen —JETZT Verlässlichkeit".
20200501             "Sollte es dafür aber in EUROPA und der BUNDE—REGIERUNG keine Mehrheit geben, braucht es schnell einen umfangreichen Rettungsfonds, der Verbrauchern und Beschäftigten durch diese schwere Durststrecke hilft".
20200501             DIE—GESUNDHEITSKOMMISSION meldete am —FREITAG landesweit nur 12—NEUE Ansteckungen, davon 6—BEI heimkehrenden Chinesen.
20200501             Auch JAPANs Kaiser Naruhito ist besorgt über die andauernde CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20200501             DIE—AUSBREITUNG—DER—NEUARTIGEN—LUNGENKRANKHEIT sei eine "große Herausforderung" für die Menschheit, wurde der Kaiser von der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Kyodo nach einer Besprechung mit einem REGIERUNGS—BERATER zitiert.
20200501             JAPAN erwägt trotz sinkender NEUINFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM CORONA—VIRUS— 1—VERLÄNGERUNG des —SEIT—2—WOCHEN geltenden Notstands voraussichtlich um einen —MONAT.
20200501             DEUTSCHLAND, DIE—ZAHL—DER—COVID—19—TODESFÄLLE legt um 193—AUF 6481—ZU.
20200501             [l] _org wird —JETZT doch nicht an die Heuschrecke verkauft.
20200501             Euskirchen Kreis Fälle 357—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 185,1—TODES—FÄLLE 15,—EINWOHNERZAHL—192.840
20200501             Düren Kreis Fälle 556—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 210,8—TODES—FÄLLE 31,—EINWOHNERZAHL—263.722
20200501             KÖLN Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 2.292—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 211,1—TODES—FÄLLE 85,—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.085.664
20200501             RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Kreis Fälle 429—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 151,3—TODES—FÄLLE 15,—EINWOHNERZAHL—283.455
20200501             Ahrweiler Landkreis Fälle 125—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 96,4—TODES—FÄLLE 1,—EINWOHNERZAHL—129.727
20200501             Olpe Kreis Fälle 566—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 420,0—TODES—FÄLLE 38,—EINWOHNERZAHL—134.775
20200501             BERLIN Neukölln Kreisfreie Stadt Fälle 640—FÄLLE—PRO—100.000—EW 194,1—TODES—FÄLLE 22,—EINWOHNERZAHL—329.691
20200501             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3 - DATA 202005011200 NACHMITTAG
20200501             60_DGS_boletim_20200501              - [l] Benutzt hier jemand APPLE Mail?
20200501             —WHEN, controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity, Vitamin D status is strongly ASSOCIATED—WITH—COVID—19—MORTALITY—OUTCOME—OF—CASES.
20200501             Wie stark? Hier sind ein paar Zahlen aus Tabelle 1—AUF Seite 9:
20200501             Auf der anderen Seite ist Vitamin D 1—SACHE, die man relativ günstig beschaffen kann, ohne dass man 1—AT—TEST braucht oder die Krankenkasse involvieren muss oder groß Nebenwirkungen zu fürchten hat.
20200501             —UPDATE, Telepolis hatte auch einen Artikel zur VITAMIN—D—FRAGE (und dann nochmal
20200501             [l] Benutzt hier jemand XIAOMI—GERÄTE?
20200501             STEIGENDE—UMSÄTZE, steigende Kosten: AMAZON WARNT—VOR—VERLUSTEN
20200501             DIE—GRÜNEN und DIE—CORONA—KRISE: In der Findungsphase
20200501             Finanzierung der CORONA—KRISE: Die EU muss sich zusammenraufen — oder sie zerfällt 1—GASTBEITRAG—VON—GEORGE—SOROS
20200501             Kollaps der VOLKS—WIRTSCHAFT, Minus 15—MILLIARDEN Euro pro Woche
20200501             —CORONA—VORGÄNGER Gelbfieber: Immunität als GOTTES—GESCHENK
20200501             EU—KOMMISSARIN Vestager im Interview: "Man kann im INTERNET einkaufen, ohne bei AMAZON zu bestellen" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—CHRISTIAN—REIERMANN und PETER—MÜLLER
20200501             "DIE—SKRUPEL—UND Rücksichtslosigkeit, mit denen die Täter bei ihren Taten Menschenleben gefährdet haben, rechtfertigen die AUFNAHME—DER—FLÜCHTIGEN auf der LISTE—DER—MEISTGESUCHTEN Verbrecher EUROPAs", sagt LKA—CHEF—FRIEDO de Vries.
20200501             BELGIEN—KARTOFFEL—INDUSTRIE in Not: Hilfe, eine Extraportion Pommes, bitte!
20200501             BETÄTIGUNGS—VERBOTFÜR Hisbollah: IRAN warnt DEUTSCHLAND vor "negativen Folgen"
20200501             Demokratische Gouverneurin Gretchen Whitmer: TRUMP—LIEBLINGSFEINDIN
20200501             Nicht zum 1. Mal richtet sich DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEITSWIRKSAM IN—SZENIERTE—WUT jener, die eine —AUFHEBUNG—DER, Beschränkungen forderten, gegen die demokratische Regierungschefin des Bundesstaats an den Great Lakes.
20200501             —GEHÖRT, MICHIGAN, zu den Bundesstaaten, die DAS—VIRUS am stärksten getroffen hat:
20200501             —CA—3700—MENSCHEN sind bislang an der Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—GESTORBEN, nur in NEW—YORK und NEW—JERSEY gibt es mehr Tote.
20200501             Zur Eindämmung der PANDEMIE verhängte Whitmer einen der schärfsten Lockdowns der USA.
20200501             —ZUDEM, äußerte sie früh KRITIK—AN—DER TRUMP—REGIERUNG, weil diese MICHIGAN und anderen Bundesstaaten Hilfe zugesagt, aber bei der Beschaffung von Tests und Schutzausrüstung versagt habe.
20200501             Auf Twitter bezeichnete der —PRÄSIDENT—DIE—GOUVERNEURIN als Gretchen "Half" Whitmer, in Anspielung auf das ENGLAND—WORT "HALF—WIT" für Schwachkopf
20200501             DER—PRÄSIDENT selbst twitterte seine Unterstützung: "Befreit MICHIGAN".
20200501             Ihre Sorge sei, daß sie DAS—VIRUS verbreiten könnten, wenn sie nach Hause zurückkehrten.
20200501             In MICHIGAN - MICHIGAN, ist das offene Tragen von Waffen auch im Parlamentsgebäude erlaubt
20200501             DIE—REPUBLIKANISCHE Mehrheit stimmte gegen 1—VERLÄNGERUNG des Notstands, der der Gouverneurin weitreichende Befugnisse verleiht.
20200501             DIE—REPUBLIKANER kündigten zudem an, Whitners Maßnahmen vor Gericht anzufechten.
20200501             —DENN, eigentlich ist die Gouverneurin 1—ART—INBEGRIFF—VON—HEIMATVERBUNDENHEIT.
20200501             Ihr vergleichsweise unideologischer —MITTE—KURS könnte Whitmer allerdings anfällig machen für Kritik vom linken Parteiflügel.
20200501             DIE—ANSTECKUNGS—UND Sterberaten in der schwarzen Bevölkerung deutlich höher sind.
20200501             AUSTRALIEN: POLIZEI erschießt Mann in Einkaufszentrum
20200501             "Das ist nie passiert": BIDEN wehrt sich gegen Vorwurf sexualisierter Gewalt
20200501             COVID—19—REMEDY?: High Hopes for Remdesivir in THE—CORONA—VIRUS— Fight By Veronika Hackenbroch und MARTIN—SCHLAK
20200501             DIE—TSCHECHISCHE—REPUBLIK—REGIERUNG beschleunigt abermals ihren LOCKERUNGS—FAHRPLAN.
20200501             Große Hoffnungen setzt die Regierung in das Projekt der sogenannten intelligenten QUARANTÄNE, das —SEIT—FREITAG landesweit verfügbar ist.
20200501             MITHILFE—VON—HANDY—UND Bankdaten können die Gesundheitsämter die KONT—AKTE einer infizierten Person zurückverfolgen.
20200501             DIE—PROGNOSE der Unternehmensberater: DEUTSCHLAND erreicht —ERST 20280000              wieder den alten Wachstumspfad.
20200501             DIE—BENEFIZ—SINGLE "You Are THE—CHAMPIONS" soll ein Dankeschön an medizinisches Personal sein.
20200501             Die Einnahmen kommen demnach der COVID—19—STIFTUNG der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zugute, die Mediziner auf der ganzen Welt unterstützt.
20200501             Der staatliche GESUNDHEITS—DIENST NHS sei —SEIT vielen —JAHREN in einem schlechten Zustand: "Und das ist der Preis, den wir —JETZT zahlen müssen".
20200501             RUSSLAND Regierungschef MICHAIL—MISCHUSTIN hat sich mit dem CORONA—VIRUS— infiziert und seine Amtsgeschäfte vorläufig niedergelegt.
20200501             Er begebe sich in Selbstisolation, sagte der 54—JAHRE—ALTE
20200501             Regierungschef Andrej Beloussow soll nunmehr die Aufgaben Mischustins übernehmen.
20200501             PUTIN ernannte ihn vorübergehend per Erlass zum MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTEN.
20200501             Dass die BÜRGER quasi in Echtzeit über einen KRANKHEITS—FALL—IN—DER Staatsführung informiert werden, hat Seltenheitswert in RUSSLAND.
20200501             DER—DEUTSCHE—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUND (DGB) macht Front gegen generelle Einschnitte zulasten der Arbeitnehmer im Windschatten der CORONA—KRISE.
20200501             "Ich warne die Unternehmen dringend davor, DIE—KRISE —JETZT für zusätzlichen Arbeitsplatzabbau zu missbrauchen", sagte DGB—CHEF—REINER Hoffmann der DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE—AGENTUR zum —TAG—DER—ARBEIT.
20200501             —DERZEIT liegt der gesetzliche Mindestlohn bei 9,35—EURO.
20200501             "Unser starker SOZIAL—STAAT und die SOLIDARITÄT—DER—MENSCHEN helfen Wirtschaft und Beschäftigten in der Krise".
20200501             Auch die milliardenschweren RETTUNGS—PROGRAMME seien richtig.
20200501             Oberndorf in ÖSTERREICH und Laufen in BAYERN waren jahrhundertelang 1. Nun stehen wegen der CORONA—KRISE wieder Grenzposten zwischen den beiden Städten, die BÜRGERMEISTER—KÄMPFEN—GEGEN—WILLKÜR und Hysterie.
20200501             Es ist der ZEIT—PUNKT im —JAHR, ab dem in DEUTSCHLAND statistisch gesehen Lebensmittel nicht mehr für die Tonne, sondern für den Teller produziert werden.
20200501             "DIE—REGIERUNG muss erlauben, daß die Firmen wieder zu arbeiten beginnen und die Leute wieder zur Arbeit gehen dürfen", sagte SOZIALISTEN—CHEFIN Kornelia Ninowa.
20200501             —NACH, Agenturmeldungen haben sich AUCH—CA—1000—MENSCHEN in Kreuzberg versammelt.
20200501             Die POLIZEI ist mit einem großen Aufgebot rund um den Oranienplatz im Einsatz.
20200501             POLIZEIketten sperren DIE—STRAßE. 1—HUBSCHRAUBER kreist über der Ansammlung.
20200501             COVID—19, Das rätselhaft hohe Sterberisiko der Männer
20200501             —CORONA—KRISE: Müssen die armen DEUTSCHLAND—FÜR reiche ITALIENer zahlen?
20200501             1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200501             Zulassungsprocedere: "Wir können nicht einfach auf eine ausreichende Impfstoffprüfung verzichten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KATHERINE—RYDLINK
20200501             FRANKREICH, ist es laut dpa eher ungewöhnlich, daß sich ein —PRÄSIDENT—ZUM—TAG—DER—ARBEIT äußert.
20200501             DIE—USA erlauben den begrenzten EINSATZ—DES—WIRKSTOFFS—REMDESIVIR bei COVID—19—PATIENTEN in Krankenhäusern.
20200501             1—KLINISCHE Studie hatte zuvor gezeigt, daß der ursprünglich für EBOLA entwickelte Wirkstoff bei COVID—PATIENTEN die Zeit —BIS zu einer Genesung um mehrere Tage verkürzen kann.
20200501             Dreharbeiten in BERLIN: ZDF—MITARBEITER bei Angriff verletzt
20200501             —CORONA—KRISE: USA—ÖLKONZERNE kämpfen um ihre Adelstitel
20200501             Trotz Kontaktbeschränkungen: Tausende Linke demonstrieren in BERLIN - in BERLIN: "Geballte Unvernunft"
20200501             —BECAME, ALASKA Airlines and Southwest, the latest airlines to announce they will require passengers wear face coverings as of 20200511          .
20200501             Trotz Kontaktbeschränkungen: Tausende Linke demonstrieren in BERLIN
20200501—20200229    —REPORTED, It was, that the Taliban have mounted more than 4,500 attacks in AFGHANISTAN in THE—45—DAYS—SINCE signing 1—DEAL with THE—USA—THAT paves the way for 1—USA—TROOP—DRAWDOWN.
20200501—20200322    —SEIT—DEM, Kein Flieger, kein Nachschub: sind nach ANGABEN—DES—WELTKINDERHILFSWERKS—UNICEF die IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNGEN wegen der zahlreichen Flugstreichungen um 70—BIS 80—PROZENT zurückgegangen.
20200501—20200427    —INCREASED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP seemingly, his ESTIMATE—OF—POSSIBLE—DEATHS in THE—USA—FROM the coronavirus, telling 1—WHITE—HOUSE—EVENT he hopes for less than 100,000 fatalities, 1—HIGHER—UPPER—LIMIT than the 60,000 to 70,000 deaths he discussed.
20200501—20200501    —MITTE, Ab —MONTAG sollen in ÖSTERREICH die Schulen wieder öffnen.
20200501—20200529    —AM, Ab —MONTAG sollen in ÖSTERREICH die Schulen wieder öffnen, —MITTE Mai 1. Restaurants und Hotels sowie Schwimmbäder und Freizeitanlagen.
20200501—20200613    —ZWISCHEN, Im gesamten BUNDES—STAAT—NEW—YORK wurden —CA—12.000—MENSCHEN zufällig ausgesucht und getestet.
20200501—20200613    —ZWISCHEN, Bei 13,4 Prozent fiel der Test positiv aus.
20200822             —SEIT 20200501             —MITTE. wieder mehr als 1.000—NEU—INFEKTIONEN in ITALIEN
20200930             —SINCE Trump has yet to start 1—NEEDLESS—WAR, 20200501              prefer his policies to Dubya's.
20201102             Die, die man sonst vom 20200501              in BERLIN kennt.
20201229—19420501    —AM, Daher schrieb ERNST—ZIPFEL, die Archive seien "nunmehr doch" gezwungen, "ihre wertvollen Bestände in stärkerem Maße als —BISHER auseinanderzuziehen".
20210311—20210501    —DIRECTED, PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN, states to make all adult Americans eligible to receive 1—COVID vaccine.
20210312             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN will die Staffelung nach Impfgruppen in der CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIE aufheben und Impfstoffe spätestens —BIS zum 20210501              für ALLE—ERWACHSENEN in den USA freigeben lassen.
20210330             —BEFRISTET, Das Projekt ist, —BIS zum 20210501            .
20210414—20210501    —AM, PRÄSIDENT—BIDEN: USA—TRUPPENABZUG aus AFGHANISTAN soll beginnen
20210414—20210501    —AB, : Nato beschließt Truppenabzug aus AFGHANISTAN
20210422—20210501    —BY, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEI—SHOIGU said that massive military exercises near the border with UKRAINE had been completed, and that he had ordered troops to return to their permanent bases.
20210424             Einheitlicher START—DER—FREIBADSAISON zum 20210501              fällt aus
20210429—20210501    —AM, Medienbericht: Berliner Polizei schließt EINSATZ—VON—WASSERWERFERN gegen "Querdenker" nicht aus
20210501             der —TAG—DER—DEUTSCHEN—EINHEIT und Weihnachten fallen in diesem —JAHR auf Wochenenden.
20210501             —SAMSTAG, 20210501
20210501             BRASILIEN: AMAZONAS—REGENWALD stößt —DERZEIT mehr CO2 aus, als er absorbiert
20210501             —GETÖTET, TSCHAD: Armee soll Hunderte Rebellen, haben
20210501             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Krawall statt Weltfrieden?
20210501             Suezkanal fordert 916—MILLIONEN Dollar: "Ever Given"-Eigner legen Bergungskosten auf ihre Frachtkunden um
20210501             Gewerkschafter pochen auf faire Lastenverteilung der Coronakosten
20210501             Crispr/Cas9: Neue Gentechnikverfahren in der Landwirtschaft verdienen 1—CHANCE
20210501             Konflikt in MYANMAR: UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT verlangt sofortiges ENDE—DER—GEWALT
20210501             Nach SPIEGEL—ENTHÜLLUNG: Europapolitiker verlangen Rücktritt von FRONTEX—CHEF—LEGGERI
20210501             Rechtsextreme Bedrohung in Zwickau: "Wir sind nicht mehr sicher in dieser Stadt"
20210501             —ENDE  - CDU—INTERNE Kritik an MAAßEN—NOMINIERUNG: "Ihr habt echt den Knall nicht gehört!"
20210501             Aufdringliche Anwohner, fehlende Masken: Postzusteller trauen sich nicht mehr in Duisburger Straße
20210501             Dramatischer Nachwuchsmangel: Im Handwerk fehlen fast 65.000—ARBEITSKRÄFTE
20210501             Zu viel Feinstaub: ENGLAND schränkt Verkauf von Kohle und Feuerholz ein
20210501             Neuer Coronatest: Schreien statt Abstrich
20210501             Abgrenzung nach rechts: Die MAAßEN—KANDIDATUR offenbart eine programmatische Leere der CDU
20210501             in EUROPA: Krawalle in PARIS, VIELE—FESTNAHMEN in ISTANBUL
20210501             Sat 20210501              - [l] Wollt ihr mal so richtig kotzen?
20210501             PROJEKTIL—KOTZEN mit Klumpen drin?
20210501             [l] Wieso waren sich die Republikaner eigentlich so sicher, dass die Democrats mit Wahlcomputern bescheißen?
20210501             Achtung, das wird euch —JETZT sicher ganz doll überraschen!
20210501             Na weil sie selbst mit Wahlcomputern beschissen haben und annahmen, dass die andere Seite das —SCHON auch tun würde.
20210501             Healthcare & PharmaceuticalsRussia records more than 400,000 excess deaths —DURING PANDEMIC—REUTERS calculations
20210501             Covid-19: Algarve volta a registar 1—ÓBITO, mas os novos casos descem
20210501             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2432 (=) Óbitos - 45 (+1) Recuperados - 2340 (+1) Casos ativos - 47 (-2)
20210501             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 83 (=) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 79 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210501             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 108 (+2) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 94 (+4) Casos ativos - 12 (-2)
20210501             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 390 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 388 (=) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20210501             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 708 (+1) Óbitos - 14 (=) Recuperados - 685 (=) Casos ativos - 9 (+1)
20210501             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1434 (+2) Óbitos - 27 (=) Recuperados - 1362 (+4) Casos ativos - 45 (-2)
20210501             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3809 (+2) Óbitos - 64 (=) Recuperados - 3710 (+5) Casos ativos - 35 (-3)
20210501             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 183 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 172 (=) Casos ativos - 0 (=)
20210501             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1806 (+7) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1758 (+2) Casos ativos - 26 (+5)
20210501             Portimão Casos confirmados - 2534 (+2) Óbitos - 31 (=) Recuperados - 2431 (+12) Casos ativos - 72 (-10)
20210501             Silves Casos confirmados - 1266 (+1) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 1243 (+1) Casos ativos - 11 (=)
20210501             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 400 (=) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 388 (=) Casos Ativos - 0 (=)
20210501             Casos confirmados - 3282 (+2) Óbitos - 52 (=) Recuperados - 3183 (+1) Casos ativos - 47 (+1)
20210501             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1534 (+1) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1499 (+2) Casos ativos - 6 (-1)
20210501             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1305 (+3) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1261 (+1) Casos ativos - 25 (+2)
20210501             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 141 (=) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 133 (+1) Casos ativos - 2 (+1)
20210501             INCIDÊNCIA - Nacional: 66,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210501             Continente: 64,3casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20210501             R(t) Nacional: 0,98 Continente: 0,98
20210501             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 80—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,2 Fälle gesamt 3.182—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.677,4 Todesfälle gesamt 50—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210501             LK BREISGAU—HOCHSCHWARZWALD Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 130—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,3 Fälle gesamt 7.925—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.006,4 Todesfälle gesamt 175—EINWOHNERZAHL 263.601—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK Coburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 217—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 250,2 Fälle gesamt 4.243—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.891,2 Todesfälle gesamt 149—EINWOHNERZAHL 86.747—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210501             LK COCHEM—ZELL Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 23—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,5 Fälle gesamt 1.819—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.963,7 Todesfälle gesamt 52—EINWOHNERZAHL 61.375—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210501             LK DINGOLFING—LANDAU Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 252—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 260,6 Fälle gesamt 5.219—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.398,1 Todesfälle gesamt 85—EINWOHNERZAHL 96.683—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210501             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 59—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,3 Fälle gesamt 1.847—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.386,7 Todesfälle gesamt 44—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 492—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 185,9 Fälle gesamt 12.780—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.829,2 Todesfälle gesamt 265—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             LK Erzgebirgskreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.088—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 324,8 Fälle gesamt 28.840—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.610,3 Todesfälle gesamt 735—EINWOHNERZAHL 334.948—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210501             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 278—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 143,6 Fälle gesamt 7.288—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.763,4 Todesfälle gesamt 225—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 38—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,5 Fälle gesamt 1.537—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.557,2 Todesfälle gesamt 40—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210501             LK Gotha Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 350—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 259,4 Fälle gesamt 7.577—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.616,4 Todesfälle gesamt 193—EINWOHNERZAHL 134.908—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             LK Heidenheim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 345—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 259,8 Fälle gesamt 5.149—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.877,9 Todesfälle gesamt 142—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.777—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK Hildburghausen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 166—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 262,7 Fälle gesamt 4.739—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.498,8 Todesfälle gesamt 223—EINWOHNERZAHL 63.197—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             LK Hohenlohekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 285—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 253,0 Fälle gesamt 5.008—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.445,4 Todesfälle gesamt 104—EINWOHNERZAHL 112.655—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK ILM—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 298—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 280,5 Fälle gesamt 5.872—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.526,6 Todesfälle gesamt 197—EINWOHNERZAHL 106.249—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             LK Mittelsachsen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.031—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 339,0 Fälle gesamt 21.851—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.185,5 Todesfälle gesamt 620—EINWOHNERZAHL 304.099—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210501             LK Nordfriesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 68—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,0 Fälle gesamt 2.540—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.530,6 Todesfälle gesamt 77—EINWOHNERZAHL 165.951—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 49—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 38,1 Fälle gesamt 1.234—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 958,9 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 117—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,7 Fälle gesamt 3.768—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.374,7 Todesfälle gesamt 51—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 873—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 185,5 Fälle gesamt 17.848—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.792,5 Todesfälle gesamt 364—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 219—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 77,3 Fälle gesamt 10.180—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.593,7 Todesfälle gesamt 143—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             LK SAALE—ORLA—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 385—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 479,4 Fälle gesamt 6.052—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.535,6 Todesfälle gesamt 152—EINWOHNERZAHL 80.312—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             LK SAALFELD—RUDOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 299—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 289,7 Fälle gesamt 6.224—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.031,1 Todesfälle gesamt 261—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.199—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,8 Fälle gesamt 2.760—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.372,1 Todesfälle gesamt 57—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             LK SCHWARZWALD—BAAR—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 557—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 262,1 Fälle gesamt 8.493—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.996,6 Todesfälle gesamt 195—EINWOHNERZAHL 212.506—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK Tuttlingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 396—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 281,3 Fälle gesamt 6.691—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.753,3 Todesfälle gesamt 135—EINWOHNERZAHL 140.766—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK Uelzen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 41—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,4 Fälle gesamt 2.085—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.256,8 Todesfälle gesamt 110—EINWOHNERZAHL 92.389—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210501             LK Vechta Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 363—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 254,2 Fälle gesamt 8.262—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.785,1 Todesfälle gesamt 83—EINWOHNERZAHL 142.814—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210501             LK Wittmund Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 16—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 28,1 Fälle gesamt 1.141—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.004,4 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 56.926—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210501             LK Zollernalbkreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 487—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 257,2 Fälle gesamt 7.750—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.092,7 Todesfälle gesamt 158—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.363—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             LK Zwickau Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 862—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 273,6 Fälle gesamt 24.856—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.890,7 Todesfälle gesamt 948—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.002—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210501             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 564—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 175,6 Fälle gesamt 19.842—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.178,9 Todesfälle gesamt 401—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210501             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 452—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 132,3 Fälle gesamt 16.767—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.905,9 Todesfälle gesamt 454—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.772—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210501             SK CHEMNITZ Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 654—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 265,5 Fälle gesamt 15.708—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.376,7 Todesfälle gesamt 463—EINWOHNERZAHL 246.334—BUNDESLAND SACHSEN
20210501             SK GERA Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 279—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 299,6 Fälle gesamt 5.345—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.739,6 Todesfälle gesamt 183—EINWOHNERZAHL 93.125—BUNDESLAND Thüringen
20210501             SK HAMM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 545—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 302,9 Fälle gesamt 9.365—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.205,2 Todesfälle gesamt 183—EINWOHNERZAHL 179.916—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             SK HEILBRONN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 327—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 258,3 Fälle gesamt 7.807—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 6.167,1 Todesfälle gesamt 127—EINWOHNERZAHL 126.592—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210501             SK Hof Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 124—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 270,6 Fälle gesamt 3.756—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.196,4 Todesfälle gesamt 113—EINWOHNERZAHL 45.825—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210501             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2.046—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 188,1 Fälle gesamt 48.489—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.457,3 Todesfälle gesamt 640—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863 BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210501             SK Lübeck Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 79—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,5 Fälle gesamt 5.316—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.455,1 Todesfälle gesamt 94—EINWOHNERZAHL 216.530—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210501             SK Schweinfurt Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 151—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 282,6 Fälle gesamt 2.631—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.924,6 Todesfälle gesamt 75—EINWOHNERZAHL 53.426—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210501             Global Cases 151.801.691  Global Deaths 3.188.894
20210501             —VERLÄNGERT, USA: Maskenpflicht in Flugzeugen —BIS September
20210501             Die Maskenpflicht gilt auch an Verkehrsknotenpunkten wie Flughäfen, Bahnhöfen oder Häfen.
20210501             —GEÖFFNET, Disneyland in Kalifornien nach langer CORONA—PAUSE wieder
20210501             Günther pocht auf Hotelöffnungen für Geimpfte und Getestete
20210501             —BEFÜRWORTET, VORSITZENDE—DES—ETHIKRATES, geplante Lockerungen für Geimpfte
20210501             INDIEN gibt CORONA—IMPFUNGEN für ALLE—ERWACHSENEN frei
20210501             Allerdings leidet die INDIEN—IMPFKAMPAGNE unter IMPFSTOFF—KNAPPHEIT, Problemen bei der Verteilung sowie Vorbehalten in der Bevölkerung.
20210501             —BISHER wurden von den 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnern 150—MILLIONEN einmal geimpft, das sind rund 11,5 Prozent.
20210501             Fast 19.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt auf 148,6
20210501             INDIEN hat als weltweit 1. Land mehr als 400.000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN innerhalb eines Tages verzeichnet.
20210501             SAARLAND beschließt Lockerung von CORONA—RESTRIKTIONEN für Genesene und Geimpfte
20210501             BRASILIEN, hat die ZAHL—DER—MONATLICHEN—CORONATOTEN im April einen Höchststand erreicht.
20210501             Mit den am —FREITAG gemeldeten 2595—NEUEN Fällen stieg die ZAHL—DER—CORONATOTEN für den gesamten —MONAT auf 82.266,
20210501             Bundeswehr bringt 1. CORONA—HILFSLIEFERUNG nach INDIEN
20210501             Mit an Bord der Luftwaffenmaschine sind nach ANGABEN—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUMS 13—KRÄFTE des Sanitätsdienstes der Bundeswehr.
20210501             Sie sollen kommende Woche in INDIEN 1—ANLAGE zur Herstellung von Sauerstoff für Covid-19-Patienten aufbauen und Kräfte vor Ort in die komplexe Anlage einweisen.
20210501             Mehr als 60.200—NEUINFEKTIONEN und mindestens 770—TOTE in USA
20210501             Die USA weisen weltweit die höchsten INFEKTIONS—UND Totenzahlen auf.
20210501             Feiern wie früher: In LIVERPOOL durften 3000—MENSCHEN an einem Rave in einer Lagerhalle teilnehmen.
20210501             Ohne Abstand, ohne Masken.
20210501             Möglich macht das 1—PILOTPROJEKT der GROSSBRITANNIEN—REGIERUNG.
20210501             Polizei löst illegale RAVE—PARTY mit 500—TEILNEHMERN auf in der Bretagne
20210501             NIEDERLANDE verschieben weitere Lockerung
20210501             Hilfsbereitschaft der DEUTSCHLAND—HAT zugenommen
20210501             In der Untersuchung des Hamburger Zukunftsforschers HORST—OPASCHOWSKI bejahten 3—VIERTEL (76—PROZENT) der 10000000              Teilnehmer eine entsprechende Frage.
20210501             Vor allem Ostdeutsche (85—PROZENT) und ältere Menschen über 65—JAHREN (80—PROZENT) vertreten diese Ansicht, während Westdeutsche (74—PROZENT) und
20210501             die unter 30-Jährigen (68—PROZENT) die gesellschaftliche Auswirkung der Coronakrise etwas skeptischer sehen.
20210501             Gleichwohl ist die Hilfsbereitschaft der Jüngeren nach eigenem Bekunden höher als die der Älteren.
20210501             Die unter 30-Jährigen stimmten zu 89—PROZENT—DER—AUSSAGE zu: "Ich stehe —HEUTE—SCHON Freunden und Nachbarn öfter für Hilfeleistungen zur Verfügung".
20210501             Die über 65-Jährigen pflichteten dieser Aussage nur zu 79—PROZENT bei.
20210501             Insgesamt gaben 86—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, in der Coronakrise hilfsbereiter geworden zu sein, wobei OST—UND Westdeutsche nur minimal auseinanderlagen.
20210501             Aus Sorge vor CORONA—INFEKTIONEN stellt die DEUTSCHLAND—POST —SEIT Wochen in einer Sackgasse in einem Duisburger Viertel keine Sendungen mehr in die Hausbriefkästen zu.
20210501             Die Situation für Zusteller sei durch distanzloses Verhalten vieler Anwohner, die zumeist auch keine Masken trügen, nicht mehr tolerabel gewesen.
20210501             —BEGINNT, PORTUGAL, mit Lockerung letzter CORONA—AUFLAGEN
20210501             Cafés, Restaurants und Kultureinrichtungen dürfen ab sofort täglich länger geöffnet haben, Hochzeitsfeiern und andere Versammlungen sind wieder erlaubt, ebenso Sportveranstaltungen.
20210501             —GEÖFFNET, Auch die Grenzen zu SPANIEN wurden wieder.
20210501             —AM—FREITAG gab es erstmals —SEIT August keinen einzigen CORONA—TODESFALL im Land.
20210501             RUSSLAND hilft INDIEN mit SPUTNIK—V—IMPFSTOFF
20210501             "Wir müssen diese Epidemie gemeinsam besiegen", hieß es.
20210501             RUSSLAND hatte —BEREITS Beatmungsgeräte, Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Sauerstoff und Medikamente nach INDIEN geflogen.
20210501             Millionen Chinesen am —TAG—DER—ARBEIT auf Reisen
20210501             Die CHINA—BEHÖRDEN erwarteten rund 265—MILLIONEN Reisende während der fünftägigen Ferien.
20210501             Derart hohe Zahlen Reisezahlen hatte es in der Volksrepublik zuletzt —VOR—2—JAHREN gegeben.
20210501             An Sehenswürdigkeiten, Ausflugsorten und in Restaurants drängten sich unzählige Menschen, viele davon ohne Schutzmasken.
20210501             —NACH—DEM unerwartet großen Durst der 1. Gäste wird in GROSSBRITANNIEN—PUBS langsam das Bier knapp.
20210501             Die Nachfrage in den 1. Wochen habe "ALLE—PROGNOSEN übertroffen",
20210501             erzählte der CHEF—DER größten PUB—KETTE Mitchell & Butlers, PHIL—URBAN, der "Financial Times".
20210501             "Die Zulieferer sind nicht in der Lage, schnell genug hinterherzukommen".
20210501             Man habe nun angefangen, die eigenen Bestände in die am stärksten besuchten Pubs zu bringen.
20210501             Laschet für vorrangige Impfung in Stadtteilen mit hoher Inzidenz - Rund jeder 10000000            .
20210501             —GESTORBEN, Bundesbürger an oder mit CORONA
20210501             In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat in DEUTSCHLAND keine andere Infektionskrankheit binnen einem —JAHR so VIELE—TOTE gefordert.
20210501             Die außergewöhnlich starke Grippewelle 2017/18—KOSTETE nach Schätzungen rund 25.100—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND das Leben.
20210501             Das war nach einer RKI—ANALYSE die höchste Zahl an Grippetoten in den vergangenen 30—JAHREN.
20210501             Nach einem Anschlag mit 2—MOLOTOWCOCKTAILS auf 1—IMPFZENTRUM in der norditalienischen Stadt BRESCIA —ANFANG April hat die Polizei 2—VERDÄCHTIGE festgenommen.
20210501             Wie ITALIEN—NACHRICHTENAGENTUREN unter Berufung auf die Polizei berichteten, soll es sich bei den beiden um Impfgegner —ANFANG 50—HANDELN.
20210501             Ihnen werde Terrorismus vorgeworfen, sagte 1—STAATSANWALT—AM—SAMSTAG—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—ANSA.
20210501             Neuinfektionen in GROSSBRITANNIEN sinken deutlich um mehr als 1—ZEHNTEL
20210501             BELGIEN—POLIZEI löst CORONA—PROTEST von hunderten Jugendlichen auf
20210501             Die Beamten setzten Wasserwerfer und Tränengas gegen die Demonstranten ein, die sich trotz eines Verbots in der BELGIEN—HAUPTSTADT versammelt hatten.
20210501—19360501    No 1º de Maio de 19360000             , Portimão recebeu com grande pompa e circunstância 300—ALEMÃES da armada do III Reich.
20210501—19360501    Os alemães foram recebidos por uma enorme multidão, além das entidades oficiais,
20210501—19360501    corpo consular,
20210501—19360501    direções da Associação Comercial Industrial,
20210501—19360501    do Clube Fraternidade,
20210501—19360501    Clube União,
20210501—19360501    clubes desportivos como
20210501—19360501    o Portimonense Sporting Clube,
20210501—19360501    o Sporting Glória ou Morte,
20210501—19360501    o Juventude,
20210501—19360501    o Boa Esperança,
20210501—19360501    o grupo de escoteiros que se fez acompanhar dos seus estandartes e
20210501—19360501    a Filarmónica Portimonense que, à chegada, executou os hinos alemão e a "Portuguesa".
20210501—19360501    Os visitantes foram saudados por uma estrondosa salva de palmas e várias aclamações.
20210501—19360501    O presidente da comissão administrativa, JOSé dos SANTOS Ribeiro, fez um discurso em francês,
20210501—19360501    no qual lembrou a determinante ação dos alemães na conquista do Algarve aos mouros e
20210501—19360501    salientou os esforços que, naquela altura, PORTUGAL e Alemanha faziam para ressurgir no meio de um mundo em ruínas.
20210501—20210501    —AM, Baerbock, Laschet und Scholz : Kanzlerkandidaten üben sich als Arbeiterkämpfer
20210501—20210501    —AM, TÜRKEI : Dutzende Festnahmen bei MAI—DEMONSTRATIONEN in ISTANBUL
2022030501:25        Searches in Memorial Human Rights Centre, INTERNATIONAL Memorial FINISHED—LAWYER
202203160501         —EXPECTED, RSPP HEAD—SHOKHIN says sanctions, as they are based on LIST—OF—PARTICIPANTS in meeting at Kremlin