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Ereignisse an einem 1. April

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03040401             † AGAPE, CHIONE und IRENE, christliche Märtyrinnen
04570401             —NACH seiner erfolgreichen REBELLION—GEGEN—WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—AVITUS wird
04570401             Der HEERMEISTER—RICIMER, der die REBELLION—GEGEN—WEST—RÖMER—KAISER—AVITUS unterstützt hat, bleibt jedoch weiterhin im Hintergrund bestimmende Gestalt im Reich.
05270401—05270404    —SEE
07260321/07270321—07310401/07320401    in der Lücke zwischen dem letzten Beleg für RATFRID
07310401             15850401?) im 20. J. - dem 1. Zeugnis für ABT—ERLOALD von  bzw.
07310401/07320401    1. urkundlichen Beleg für ERLOALD, —VON, DIE—URKUNDE—NUMMER—266—SEITE—509 (oder.
08370401             —VOM, des ALDRICH—URKUNDE, GESTA—ALDRICI
08370401             —VOM, dieser ALDRICH—URKUNDE ist auch des genannten MARIEN—KLOSTER—BESITZ an das SALVATOR—KLOSTER überwiesen worden;
08370401             —VOM, DIE—ALDRICH—URKUNDE, ist offenbar interpoliert,
10120401             † HERMANN—III—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN
1188ca00—12380401    * † JEAN—DE—EPPES[JEAN—DE—APS]{EPPENICH} ,
1188ca00—12380401    * † JEAN—DE—EPPES ou D'APS{EPPENICH} ,
12040401             † ELEANOR—OF—AQUITAINE, —81—JAHRE—ALT, oo LOUIS—VII. and HENRY—II., in POITIERS.
12040401—19500000    —AUTHORED—IN, AMY—KELLY  "Eleanor of Aquitaine and THE—4—KINGS".
12060401             † SIMON—II—HERZOG—VON—LOTHRINGEN
12200401             * JAPANISCHER—TENNO—GO—SAGA,
12250401             In demselben LIBER—PLEGIORUM findet sich allerdings —SCHON unter dem 1 ,FONTECUM—COMUNIS' erwähnt;aber,
12250401             (PREDELLI—PAGINA—68 n. 249)
12250401             da DER FONTECUM—COMUNIS in keiner Weise näher bezeichnet wird, ist es ebenso ungewiss, ob darunter der FONDACO—DEI—TEDESCHI zu verstehen ist,
12250401             —UNTER—DEM, In demselben LIBER—PLEGIORUM findet sich allerdings —SCHON 1—FONTECUM—COMUNIS erwähnt;aber,
12440401             † OTTO—II—GRAF—VON—RAVENSBERG
12540401             MARSEILLE, Confirmation par rdi'èque DE—MARSEILLE d'une donation aux chartreux de MONTRIEU.PETRO—ANDRÉA preposito,Voir la pièce à la chartr. de MONTRIEU : CI—DESS\is, NUMMERO—37C.
12550401             Mimcl.
12550401             —ACCORD—DE—LE—ARCH—EVÊQUE—DE—AIX et de ÉVÊQUE—DE—MARSEILLE nu sujet des Limites de leurs Diocèses.P[etrus] ANDRÉAS—PREPOSITUS.'.. P. Andréas propositus FNUMERO—278).
12720401             —FREITAG—VOR—LAETARE, Durch Revers, DATIERT—VOM  *
12720401             —BEKENNT, LUDWIG—EDEL—HERR—VON—NEUENAHR, daß er 50 % seines SCHLOSS—NÜRBURG als FEUDUM—OBLATUM—VON—JÜLICH empfangen habe.
12720401             Es kommt darauf an, ob LUDWIG—EDEL—HERR—VON—NEUENAHR sich nach KÖLN—JAHRE—ANFANG oder TRIER—JAHRE—ANFANG richtet;sondern der
12910401             —URKUNDE—VOM—BY—OR[IN MEDIA QUADRAGESIMA] "RICARDIS—SALMIS" confirmed that "Jo. DICTUS—BRIDAL" had renounced rights over property in favour of HIMMELRODE—ABBEY
13070401             CHARLES—H maintient DURAND—ÉVÈQUE—DE—.MARSEILLE, dans la possession du CHÂTAU—DE—ORI'ES.
13120401             kam HERZOG—JOHANN—PARRICIDA nach PISA zu KAISER—HEINRICH—VII. um Verzeihung flehend,
13120401             DER—KAISER—HEINRICH—VII. befahl, HERZOG—JOHANN—PARRICIDA in lebenslänglichem Gewahrsam zu halten.
13140401             † HEINRICH—III—ABT—VON—S—BLASIEN
13180401             —GELINGT, den Schotten, der STRATEGISCH—WICHTIGE—STADT—BERWICK—UPON—TWEED—EROBERUNG. Während der
13240401             IN 1—SCHREIBEN—VOM [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA. tröstet HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN[FLANDRES,VLANDRES] solle an den zukünftigen Erfolg glauben
13240401             IN 1—SCHREIBEN—VOM [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA. tröstet HEINRICH—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN[FLANDRES,VLANDRES] wegen des in der unglücklichen Schlacht erlittenen Schadens.
13250401             In 1—SCHREIBEN VOM—WIRD RITTER—HERMANN—VON—LANDENBERG mitgeteilt, daß der [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA bei HERZOG—LEOPOLD—VON—ÖSTERREICH für seine neu geworbene Mannschaft freies Geleit, Schutz zum Zug nach der LOMBARDEI in des DIENST—PAPA erbeten habe.
13250401             —DAMALS, befehligte RITTER—HERMANN—VON—LANDENBERG 100—SCHWERBEWAFFNETE Reiter:
13250401             —VOM, In 1—SCHREIBEN der [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA bei HERZOG—LEOPOLD—VON—ÖSTERREICH für seine neu geworbene Mannschaft freies Geleit erbeten habe,
13250401             —VOM, In 1—SCHREIBEN der [IOHANNES]JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA bei HERZOG—LEOPOLD—VON—ÖSTERREICH für seine neu geworbene Mannschaft Schutz zum Zug nach der LOMBARDEI in des JOHANNES—XXII—PAPA—DIENST erbeten habe.
13280401             LA—REINE JEANNE accouche de 1—FILLE BLANCHE
13400401             Die Tat macht den Weg frei für die WALDEMAR—IV—ATTERDAG—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK—WAHL, und beendet damit die Zeit des Interregnums in DÄNEMARK.
13520401             Provenit ex.
13560401             JOHANNI—BOTARII—CANONICO—TRAJECTENSI^ LICENTIATO—IN—LEGIBUS^ indulgetur^ quod non obstante defectu natalium^ super quo de soluto genitus et soluta
13890401             1 befristeten Friedensvertrag im SEMPACHER—KRIEG, Die Alte Eidgenossenschaft schließt nach ihren Erfolgen in den Schlachten von Sempach, bei der HERZOG—LEOPOLD—III. gefallen ist, und Näfels, mit den Habsburgern unter ALBRECHT—III.
14270401             LE—PAPA restreint à 10—LE nombre des bénéfices rAiiTi>-us, etc.
14270401             Ad perpetuam reimemoriam.
14700401             * ANDREA—BRIOSCO, ITALIENISCHER—BILDHAUER, Goldschmied und Medailleur
14820401             —1— D, THE—DEDICATION—TO—BARBO, is.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA bacili, et PAPA obtulit, ut existiraavi, xxv DUCATOS et POST eura cardinales ad eorura voluntatem;tura accesserunt xvn puelle cura
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA Chorus ecclesie Minerve ubi altare raajus situra est, paratus fuit ad instar CAPELLE nostre, ita quod in eo oranes
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA de quo idera Ascanius subrisit.
14940401             FINITA—MISSA, et benedictione per PONTIFICEra data, accesserunt quidara de confraternitate Annunciate cura
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA Facta oratione in faldistorio ante altare, deposito capucio, accepit pluviale album et fecit confessionem cum R. D. LEONELLO—EPISCOPO—CONCORDIENSI, celebraturo.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA hanc esse singularem ceremoniam ab eo non precognitam, quod, cum PAPA concordiam fecerit cum rege Neapolitano, missam celebret EPISCOPUS—CONCORDIENSIS.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA His peractis.
14940401             PAPA per sanctara MARIAm in via Lata, etinde recta via, venit ad ECCLESIAM—BEATE—S—MARIA—DEL—POPOLO, tura per viara
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA in ostio ecclesie fuit receptus processionaliter per fratres, cruce per Senensem ad osculandum sibi porrecta.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA ingenio ac devotione ejusdem Ascanii KARDINALIS confîdere et sperare, quod ejus medio pax inter SANCTITATEM—SUAM et illustrissimum LUDOVICUM BARI ducem componeretur;
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA KARDINALes, prelati, oratores et alii collocati fuerunt prout eliam ahquando alias factura fuit.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA KARDINALIBUS ipsum usque ultra pontera S—ANGELI associantibus.
14940401             Interfuerunt xxn KARDINALes videlicet Neapolitanus, ULIXBONENSIS, RECHANATENSIS—EPISCOPI;
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA malronis, quibus singulis puellis PAPA dédit bursam cum septuaginta quinque FLORENIS pro dote, raore solito.
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA médius inter predictos suos armatos venil ad ECCLESIAM dicte S—MARIE—MINERVE per viam S—GELSI, Turris Sanguinee, PLATEAM—S—MARIE—ROTUNDE :
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA Missa dicta est de annunciatione BÉATE—MARIE—VIRGINIS cum Gloria in excelsis, pax vobis, et 1—ORATIONE tantum;
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA PAPA vero, hoc A—DICTO—KARDINALE intellecto, fecit per me ASCANIO respondere id non precogitasse, sed acasu factura esse : verum se
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA—PASCHE"SS—D—N paratus amictu, alba, cingulo, capuccino albo et stola preciosa, precedentibus cruce et KARDINALIBUS,
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA prefatio infra missam, de beata Virgine.
14940401             ASCANIUS—KARDINALIS VICE—CANCELLARIUS fecit per me dici KARDINALI—S—GEORGII, assistent!
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA quod cum factura fuerit, celebrari faciet raissam per episcopura Pacensera;
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA s. Cleraentis, Januensis, Parraensis, BENEVENTanus, MONTIS—REGALIS, URSINUS, S—DIONYSII, ALEXANDRInus, CARTHAGINIENSIS presbyteri;
14940401             —FERIA—TERTIA Senensis CAMERARIUS, Sabellus, Columna, Ascanius, S—SEVERINI, Cesarinus, Griraanus, Farnesius et LUNATE diaconi.
14960401             —FERIA—SEXTA parasceve, SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINUS—NOSTER, in cappa de SCARLATO[SCHARLATAN] et milra simplici in sede portatus, venit ad cappellam et
14970401             —ITEM asigno pagato a 1—MINIATORE fiorentino sia a Perosa per certi mini) facti in li nostri antifonari] f. 1—E bl. sedici " (ARCHIVIO—COMUNALE—DI—GUBBIO, ARCHIVIO DEL—MONASTERO—DI—S—BENEDETTO, VOLUME—D' esito dal 14940000—15130000    FOLIA—38^).
14970401             —ITEM asegno pagato a Sinibaldo miniatore da GUBBIO per certi principi miniati a penello de li nostri antifonari] dato a lui in dui volta f. octo "
14980401             ANTE—MISSAM, [PAPA]SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINUS—NOSTER consensit quod die crastina fièrent exequie BONE—MEMORIE KARDINALIS Januensis;quod feci eadem hora
15040401             ENGLAND—GUILDS went under STATE—CONTROL.
15150401             Alnrscillc. Iiislallaliori de Claailc de Scyssel. EVEQUE—DE—MARSEILLE.
15160401             † JEAN—II—DE—ROHAN, bretonischer Adliger
15190401             —RESPONSE—DE—ERASME, le,
15190401—15190129    LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN] la reponse DE—ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM
15190401—15190129    LOUVAIN[LÖWEN,LEUVEN]AU—SUJET—DE cette lettre.
15210401             VENISE[VENICE,VENEDIG,
15220401             PADOUE[PADUA].
15250401             —DEUTSCHER—BAUERN—KRIEG
15250401             —MARSCHIEREN, Die DEUTSCHE—BAUERN zum KLOSTER—SCHÖNTAL, das Vorräte beherbergt.
15280401             † FRANCISCO—DE—PEÑALOSA—SPANISCHER—KLERIKER, Sänger und Komponist
15480401             † SIGISMUND—I—THE—ELDER—KING—OF—POLAND (81).
15550401             —ON—THE, 4—MEN were punished on THE—MARKET—PLACE,
15550401             —ON—THE, 3—MEN were whipped for being implicated in the affair,and
15550401             —ON—THE, 1—HOT—IRON was applied to the tongue of 1—MAN—OF—4—MEN punished on THE—MARKET—PLACE, because he was considered GUILTY—OF—TREASON.
15550401             —ON—THE, Other milder punishments were inflicted. on THE—MARKET—PLACE, But
15550401             —BEFORE the executions were completed on THE—MARKET—PLACE
15550401             1—COMMOTION arose among THE—PEOPLE caused by 1—BLOW given to 1—BURGHER by 1—OF—THE—GERMANS who were guarding THE—SCAFFOLD.
15550401             THE—2—COMPANIES on duty fled in panic, but no great damage seems to have resulted.'
15550401             4—MEN were punished on THE—MARKET—PLACE — 3 were whipped for being implicated in the affair,
15550401             But
15550401             —INFLICTED, Other milder punishments were, on THE—MARKET—PLACE
15720401             1. NIEDERLANDE—STADT—BRIELLE—EROBERT wird , durch die AUFSTÄNDISCHE—GEUSEN . im
15720401             —LANDED, THE—SEA—BEGGARS under GUILLAUME—DE—LA—MARCK, in HOLLAND and captured the small TOWN—OF—BRIEL.
15720401             —EROBERT wird BRIELLE, durch die AUFSTÄNDISCHE—GEUSEN . im
15780401             * WILLIAM—HARVEY, BRITISCHER—ARZT und Anatom
15830401             —AM, GEBHARD—II—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN[TRUCHSESS—VON—WALDBURG] durch GREGOR—XIII—PAPA abgesetzt, exkommuniziert,
15850401             † il mag(nifi)co m. Justo Scate (?) Allemano, —20—JAHRE—ALT, amalato gioi'ni quatordici di petecchie *) et mazuccho'
15900401             HENRI—IV. prend position à Corbeil pour empêcher les ravitaillements en vivres de PARIS puis s'attaque aux faubourgs de la ville.
15940401             * CARLO—RIDOLFI, venezianischer Maler und Künstlerbiograph
15940401             * TOMASZ—ZAMOYSKI, POLNISCHER—ADELIGER und Staatsmann
15950401             abgelegt durch ANNO—SALM).
16030000—16830401    * † ROGER—WILLIAMS in poverty in RHODE—ISLAND.
16050331—16050401    —NIGHT—OF—IN, Catholic KING—AMBASSADOR—VIGLIENNA informed the KARDINALs that 1—GROUP—OF—ENGLAND—STUDENTS from PADUA, disguised as pilgrims, intended to rob THE—TREASURY—OF—THE—SANCTUARY at Loreto.
16050331—16050401    —NIGHT—OF—IN, Catholic KING—AMBASSADOR—VIGLIENNA appeared at the door of THE—CONCLAVE[KONCLAVE], where THE—GREATEST—EXCITEMENT and tension prevailed.
16050331—16050401    —NIGHT—OF—IN, But this news had ALREADY been known for —3—WEEKS, all precautions had long ago been taken against ANY—SUCH attempt.
16050331—16050401    —NIGHT—OF—IN, This solemn communication to the KARDINALs made THE—SPANIARDS ridiculous, discredited their cause.
16050401             —AFTER KARDINAL—BARONIUS had once more spoken in favour of KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI and urged his immediate —ELECTION, ALDOBRANDINI finally yielded.
16050401             —AFTER KARDINAL—MEDICI had allayed his DIETRICHSTEIN anxiety by assuring him that he would always be attached to THE—EMPEROR—RUDOLPH and PHILIP—KING—OF—, and
16050401             —AFTER this Joyeuse decided to carry his candidate s cause to 1—CONCLUSION.
16050401             —CALLING out at the top of his voice that the Catholic KING did not want KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI as PAPA.
16050401             —WHEN ALDOBRANDINI went to KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI s room, more than 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—ELECTORS were found to be assembled there, and
16050401             —HESITATED, ALDOBRANDINI still.
16050401             —URGED, ALDOBRANDINI, still reluctant, was, by his own adherents to decide at once.
16050401             —HURRIED, Avila, along the corridors of THE—CONCLAVE[KONCLAVE] to call together his former adherents for 1—FORMAL—EXCLUSION, and all the time he uttered vehement protests;
16050401             —RENEWED, Avila, his PROTEST, in THE—PAULINE—CHAPEL, where the KARDINALs had gone for THE—ADORATION—OF—THE—NEW—PAPA,
16050401             —REJOINED, But his own adherents, that ANY—KIND—OF—PROTEST was useless against 1—WHO was ALREADY elected PAPA.
16050401             but it was too late.
16050401             —DECIDED, DIETRICHSTEIN Like the other friends of SPAIN, also, to support THE—ELECTION—OF—KARDINAL—MEDICI,
16050401             In this KARDINAL—AVILA was completely mistaken.
16050401             Joyeuse only gave ALDOBRANDINI 1—LITTLE—TIME to decide.
16050401             Joyeuse went to ALDOBRANDINI and explained to him all THE—REASONS for THE—ELECTION—OF—KARDINAL—MEDICI.
16050401             KARDINAL—AVILA did not allow his tranquillity to be perturbed.
16050401             KARDINAL—AVILA evidently thought that the —ELECTION would be no more than —JUST another regular TAKING—OF—VOTES.
16050401             —PUBLISHED, KARDINAL—AVILA, who had NOT—YET officially, THE—SPANISH—EXCLUSION, 4—DID not pay proper attention to these events.
16050401             KARDINAL—BARONIUS had only 28—VOTES, KARDINAL—MEDICI 13—VOTES.
16050401             —MEANWHILE VISCONTI, Borromeo, Bernerio left no stone unturned to persuade the nephew to accept KARDINAL—MEDICI s candidature, for which they had also gained SOME—OF—AVILA s party.
16050401             more than 2—THIRDS—OF—THE—ELECTORS had elected KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI PAPA without ANY—FURTHER scrutiny.
16050401             —ANNOUNCED, Not till this was, did the scales fall from the eyes of Avila.
16050401             Simply as 1—MATTER—OF—CUSTOMARY—FORM 1—OPEN scrutiny was then held for KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI, who chose THE—NAME—OF—LEO—XI—PAPA 2
16050401             THE—ELECTION—OF—MEDICI was 1—EVENT—OF—THE—GREATEST—IMPORTANCE, —SINCE it had taken place with open disregard for THE—WISHES—OF—THE—KING—OF—SPAIN.
16050401             —ADVANCED, The night being ALREADY well, THE—CONCLAVE[KONCLAVE] was not thrown open, in order to avoid ANY—DISORDER, and only
16050401             —YIELDED, The scrutiny, no result; The scrutiny,
16050401             —INFORMED, Though, by Doria and MADRUZZO—OF—THE—DANGER which threatened, KARDINAL—AVILA thought THE—ELECTION—OF—MEDICI impossible and
16050401             would protect both of them as PILLARS—OF—THE—CHURCH.
16050401—16050402    —ELECTION, THE—KARDINAL—DI—MEDICI—LEO—XI—PAPA announced to THE—PUBLIC,was
16110401             FLEMISH—PAINTER—GILLIS—VAN—VALKENBORCH (~72), , was buried.
16110401             GILLIS—VAN—VALKENBORCH (~72), Flemish painter, was buried.
16210401             * SIKH—GURU—TEGH—BAHADUR,
16290401             * JEAN—HENRI—D—ANGLEBERT, FRANZÖSISCHER—KOMPONIST, Cembalist und Organist
16300401             * JACOB—BOREEL, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—ARISTOKRAT, Diplomat und Staatsmann
16320401             † PEETER—VAN—CRAESBEECK, que em PORTUGAL assinou PEDRO—CRAESBEECK—LISBOA[LISSABON], foi um importante tipógrafo, impressor e editor dos primórdios desta arte em PORTUGAL,
16330401             * FRANZ—WERNER—KIRCHHOFER, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Ratsherr
16340119—16340401    —BIS., Bruder des KARL—IV.
16340119—16340401    —BIS.
16360401             † ANNO—DOMINI
16420401             * WENZEL—NORBERT—OCTAVIAN—GRAF—KINSKY, böhmischer Beamter
16470401             —MODELED, JOHN—WILMOT—EARL—OF—ROCHESTER His friend, playwright GEORGE—ETHEREGE, the character Dorimont —AFTER him in "Man of Mode".
16470401—16800000    * † JOHN—WILMOT—EARL—OF—ROCHESTER 2., poet (1—SATYR—UPON—MANKINDE), scandalous pornographer and bawdy playwright.
16470401—19940000    1—PLAY by STEPHEN—JEFFREY titled "THE—LIBERTINE," is based on JOHN—WILMOT—EARL—OF—ROCHESTER—LIFE.
16490401             * JAKOB—MARELL, DEUTSCHER—JESUIT
16560401             * GRAF—LUDWIG—FRIEDRICH—ZU—WIED, DEUTSCHER—SOLDAT, Hofbeamter und
16600401             * FRANZ—BEER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
16610401             oo de PHILIPPE—DE—ORLÉANS, FRÈRE—DU—ROI
16620401             —AM, (Mit Bewilligung des LANDES—HERRNN aufnehmen HANS—KRACHT, dessen Schwestern, auf das LEHN, DIE—PLEY genannt, weiter 6.000—GULDEN)
16680401             † JOHANNES—AGRICOLA, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Alchemist und Salinenfachmann
16720401             * LUDWIG—JOSEPH—D—ALBERT—DE—LUYNES—VON—GRIMBERGEN, bayerischer Diplomat
16730401             —DATUM—HAAG (In Chiffern.)
16730401             Üble Wirkung der letzten NACHRICHTEN—VON—DEN—ALLIIERTEN.
16730401             PÖLLNITZ.
16730401             DIE—SCHLECHTE Subsidienzahlung durch des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG geringe KRIEGS—LEISTUNGEN verursacht.
16730401             DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN sind zu WAFFEN—STILLSTAND und Frieden bereit.
16730401             DERSELBE ist unwahrscheinlicb.
16730401             Stimmung der Mächte: DER—KAISER, SPANIEN, DÄNEMARK.
16730401             U. H. Ed. sal seer wel hebben eonnen begrijpen, wat ontsteltenißse alhier hebben gecauseert de advisen,
16830401             ROGER—WILLIAMS was the 1. champion of complete religious toleration in AMERICA.
16830401—16760000    —PREDECEASED, ROGER—WILLIAMS † at PROVIDENCE between, his wife MARY having, him.
16830401—20050000    —AUTHORED, EDWIN—S—GAUSTAD, the biography "ROGER—WILLIAMS".
16960401             * GOTTHILF—AUGUST—FRANCKE, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Pädagoge
16970401             * FRANCE—NOVELIST—ABBE—PREVOST, journalist (MANON—LESCAUT).
16980401             * GISBERT—MATTHIAS—ELSNER, deutscher reformierter Theologe
16980401             † KATHARINA—SOMMERMEYER, letzte Frau, die in BRAUNSCHWEIG als Hexe angeklagt und verbrannt wurde
16980401             —SUPPRESSION de la capitation.
17060401             * CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—BOETIUS, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17070401             * FRANZ—DE—PAULA—PENZ, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PFARRER und Kirchenbaumeister
17120401             * MATHIAS—GERL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—ARCHITEKT und Baumeister
17150401             † ONDRASZEK, "ROBIN—HOOD" der MÄHRISCH—SCHLESISCHE—BESKIDEN, Räuber und Volksheld
17230401             * JOHANN—SAMUEL—WIESNER, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Pädagoge und Orientalist
17300401             * SALOMON—GESSNER, SCHWEIZER—IDYLLENDICHTER, Maler und Grafiker
17320401             † JOHANN—BURCKHARDT—MENCKE, DEUTSCHER—GELEHRTER, Verleger und Historiker
17340401             † LOUIS—LULLY, —69—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—COMPOSER.
17340401             —LA—GUERRE—À—LA—FRANCE, déclare, LE—EMPEREUR—CHARLES—VI.
17340401             LE—EMPEREUR—CHARLES—VI déclare LA—GUERRE—À—LA—FRANCE.
17380401             * JURAJ—PAPÁNEK, SLOWAKISCHER—GEISTLICHER und Historiker
17410401             * GEORGE—DANCE—DER—JÜNGERE, BRITISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Vermesser und Maler
17420401             * BON—JOSEPH—DACIER, FRANZÖSISCHER—GRÄZIST und Mitglied der Académie française
17420401             * JOHANN—HEINRICH—WASER, SCHWEIZER—PFARRER, Statistiker, Volkswirt und Aufklärer
17430401             * WILLIAM—HINDMAN, USA—JURIST und Politiker
17430401             * WILLIAM—HINDMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—JURIST und Politiker
17460401             * JEAN—ÉTIENNE—MARIE—PORTALIS, FRANZÖSISCHER—JURIST, Rechtsphilosoph und Kultusminister
17480401             —FOUND, THE—RUINS—OF—POMPEII were.
174990401            † PONCIN—PONAN—, Caspar, ABT—VON—KLOSTER—STABLO—MALMEDY
17500401             † WILLIAM—PARKS, ENGLISCHER—DRUCKER und Verleger
17530401             * JOSEPH—DE—MAISTRE, savoyischer Staatsmann, Schriftsteller und politischer Philosoph
175330401            † — frater, Coloniae, SACERDOS, PRAEDICATOR, CONFESSOR zu BRÜHL, BRÜHLER—NECROLOG)
17550401             * JEAN—ANTHELME—BRILLAT—SAVARIN, FRANCE—LAWYER (Fisiologia del Gusto).
17560401             * PAUL—WOLFGANG—MERKEL, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Politiker, MdL
17580401             * SAMUEL—HEINRICH—CATEL, DEUTSCHER—PREDIGER und Pädagoge
17580401             † — — FRANZISCUS—THEODORUS, aus Grevenbroich, PROPST—VON—CAPPEL, MÖNCH—IN—KNECHTETEDEN und Eickelo
17610401             * HEINRICH—STEPHANI, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE, Pädagoge und Schulreformer
17630401             * ALBRECHT—WEYERMANN, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER, Theologe und Literaturhistoriker
17630401             * FRANZ—ANTON—DE—PAULA—GAHEIS, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PÄDAGOGE und Lokalhistoriker
17640401             * BENJAMIN—OUTRAM, ENGLISCHER—BAUINGENIEUR, Vermesser, Geschäftsmann und KAPITALIST
17640401             * JOHANN—BAPTIST—LECHLEITNER, Tiroler RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologe, Philosoph und Geistlicher
17660401             * FRANÇOIS—XAVIER—FABRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MALER und Zeichner, Radierer und Kunstsammler
17660401             * JOHANN—ADAM—BREYSIG, DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT, Maler und Kunsterzieher
17670401             * RENATUS—GOTTHELF—LÖBEL, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Lexikograf und Privatgelehrter
17690401             * FRANZ—XAVER—VON—PFLUMMERN, bayerischer Beamter
17740401             * PREUSSISCHER—GENERAL—GUSTAV—VON—RAUCH,  und Staatsbeamter, Heeresreformer, Kriegsminister
17750418             EVERY—17750401             —DESCENDANT of the 17010101—18001231     patriot still climbs to the steeple of Old NORTH—CHURCH and hangs 2—SMALL tin and glass lanterns.
17760401             —PREMIERED, FRIEDRICH—VON—KLINGER'S "Sturm und Drang,", in LEIPZIG.
17780401             * EMANUEL—STEINER, SCHWEIZER—MALER und Radierer
17780401             * FRANZ—LUDWIG—HÜRNER, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER und Richter
17780401             —CREATED, OLIVER—POLLOCK, 1—NEW—ORLEANS businessman, the "$" symbol.
17790401             * JOSEF—EISENSTECKEN, Tiroler Freiheitskämpfer und k.k. Major
17800401             * GEORG—BALSER, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Politiker
17810401             * JEAN—BAPTISTE—MÉTIVIER, FRANZÖSISCH—DEUTSCHER—ARCHITEKT und bayerischer Baubeamter
17810401             * ROBERT—LUCAS, USA—POLITIKER
17810401             * THOMAS—STOCKTON, USA—POLITIKER
17830401             * ERNST—GOTTFRIED—ADOLF—BÖCKEL, DEUTSCHER—THEOLOGE und Hochschullehrer
17850401             * FERDINAND—JOHANN—VON—OLIVIER, DEUTSCHER—MALER und Grafiker
17860401             * GEORG—FISSLTHALER, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—GERICHTSBEDIENSTETER und Verwalter der gräflichen Güter von Aurolzmünster
17890401             NEW—YORK—CITY wählt das USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS mit FREDERICK—MUHLENBERG aus PENNSYLVANIA seinen 1. Sprecher.
17890401             THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES held its 1. full meeting, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
17890401             —ELECTED, FREDERICK—MUHLENBERG—OF—PENNSYLVANIA was, the 1. House Speaker.
17900401             —LA—ASSEMBLÉE—CONSTITUANTE rend publiques les DÉPENSES—DE—LA—COUR
17920401             Der von FRIEDRICH—LUDWIG—SCKELL im Stil ENGLISCHER—LANDSCHAFTSGÄRTEN geplante ENGLISCHE—GARTEN in München wird vom bayrischen Kurfürsten KARL—THEODOR für das Publikum freigegeben.
17920401             —DEMANDED, Gronings feminist ETTA—PALM, women's right to divorce.
17930401             —ERUPTED, The VOLCAN—UNSEN—JAPAN, killing about 53,000.
17940401             —EN face de ROBESPIERRE restent DANTON
17950401             —SANSCULOTTEN—GERMINAL—AUFSTAND—GEGEN—DEN—NATIONALKONVENT, infolge 1 HungersnotPARIS, wird unblutig beendet,
17950401             —FRANZÖSISCHE—REVOLUTION
17950401             —JOURNÉE—DU—12—GERMINAL.
17980401             † JOHANN—WILHELM—SCHMID, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17990401             † NARCISO—CASANOVAS, —52—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18070401             † MIKLÓS—RÉVAI, UNGARISCHER—SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTLER, Hochschullehrer, Zeichner und Schriftsteller
18080401             —DÉPART—DE NAPOLEÓN pour BAYONNE
18090331—18520000    SOME—SOURCES give 18520401             as NARCISO—CASANOVAS his birthday.
18090401             † JOHN—HARING, Delegierter des Staates NEW—YORK im Kontinentalkongress
18100401             oo civil avec MARIE—LOUISE, à SAINT—CLOUD.
18100401             —ET
18110401             —BERLINER—POLIZEI—REGLEMENT—BERLIN, 1. KRIMINAL—POLIZEI in DEUTSCHLAND geschaffen. Durch das wird
18120401             —LA—GRANDE—ARMÉE atteint l'ODER
18140401             1. LONDON—STRAßEN—GAS—LATERNEN, brennen die
18140401             † JOHANN—AUGUST—TABOR, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Bankier
18140401             1. Gaslaternen, LONDON—STRAßEN, brennen die
18150401             * OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER und Staatsmann, MINISTERPRÄSIDENT—VON—PREUßEN, Bundeskanzler des Norddeutschen Bundes, 1. Reichskanzler des DEUTSCHEN—REICHES
18150401—18980000    * † OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, GERMANY—STATESMAN.
18150401—18980000    —FOUNDED, OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, THE—GERMANY—EMPIRE and was THE—CHANCELLOR—OF—GERMANY, the 2. Reich, 18660000—18900000    —FROM—TO [1971-19900000             ].
18150401—18980000    "History is simply 1—PIECE—OF—PAPER covered with print; the main thing is still to make history, not to write it".
18150401—18980000    "EVERY—MAN had his basic WORTH—FROM which must be subtracted his vanity.
18150401—18980000    —CREATED, OTTO—VON—BISMARCK[THE—IRON—CHANCELLOR], the modern social insurance state —WHEN he introduced transfer payments to appease worker insecurities.
18150401—18980000    —COVERED, OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, "History is simply 1—PIECE—OF—PAPER, with print; the main thing is still to make history, not to write it".
18150401—18980000    OTTO—VON—BISMARCK, "EVERY—MAN had his basic WORTH — FROM which must be subtracted his vanity.
18230401—19140000    (CONFEDERATE—ARMY).
18260401             —PATENTED, SAMUEL—MORY, the internal combustion engine.
18340401             * JAMES—FISK, USA—KAPITALIST und Spekulant
18340401             * ISIDORE—EDOUARD—LEGOUIX, composer.
18340401             <<<<<< 9.104.000 2 3/4 %<<< ---
18340401             * JAMES—FISK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—KAPITALIST und Spekulant
18350401             <<<<<< 6.274.000 3 3/4 % <7 7 1
18360401             <<<<<< 7.918.000 3 1/4 % 11 3 1
18370401             <<<<<< 4.077.000 5 %<<<<<<5 9 1 - il lui succikla le ;;]
18380401             <<<<< 10.471.000 2 3/4 %<<4 11
18400401             † MARIA—ELISABETH—LOCHS
18400401             † MARIA—ELISABETH—LOCHS, starb
18430401             —VERBOTEN—SCHON, Allerdings, DIE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG,
18430401             —SCHON, WIRD - "RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG" hat da gerade mal 3.300—ABONNENTEN, aber 13.000—TALER Schulden.
18430401             Bei diesem Abstecher in den Journalismus blieb es.
18430401             —SCHON, Allerdings VERBOTEN die "RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG"
18440401             16.162.000 2 1/4 % <<--
18480401             —AM, im Zuge —DER—MÄRZ—REVOLUTION, IN—DEUTSCHES—KAFFEEHAUS umbenannt wurde
18490401             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—261—KÖLN.
18500401             17.126.000 2 1/2 % <<5 9 1
18520401             * EDWARD—AUSTIN—ABBEY, USA, painter (Quest of the Holy Grail).
18530401             —ESTABLISHED, CINCINNATI—OHIO, 1—FIRE—DEPARTMENT made up of paid city employees.
18550401             * OSMAN—REICH—GROß—WESIR—HÜSEYIN—HILMI—PASCHA,  des
18570401             ist mit "1—VERRÄTER im TSCHERKESSEN—GEBIET" überschrieben und handelt von dem UNGARISCHEN—OBERST—JANOS—BANGYA.
18630401             1. WARTIME—CONSCRIPTION—LAW went into effect in THE—USA.
18640401—18640901    —VON—BIS, vorkamen nicht weniger als 10—TODES—FÄLLE an Pocken, 4 in den besagten Hütten, den PEST—QUELLEN.
18650401             —BESIEGEN, Die UNIONS—TRUPPEN unter PHILIP—SHERIDAN, die Konföderierten unter GEORGE—EDWARD—PICKETT in der
18650401             —OFFEN, der Weg nach DER—KONFÖDERIERTE—STAATEN—HAUPT—STADT—RICHMOND .Damit ist im
18650401             —APPOMATTOX—FELDZUG
18650401             —BATTLE—OF—5—FORKS—PETERSBURG—VIRGINIA, GENERAL—ROBERT—E—LEE began his final offensive.
18650401—18650409    —BATTLE—AT—BLAKELY—ALABAMA.
18660401             —REJECTED, USA—CONGRESS, PRESIDENTIAL—VETO and gave all equal rights.
18660401             * FERRUCCIO—DMB—BUSONI, pianist, composer, conductor (Arlecchino), in ITALY.
18670401             —NACH der KOMPANIE—NIEDERGANG
18670401             Dazu gehören unter anderem PENANG, MALAKKA, SINGAPUR.
18670401             —TORE—ÖFFNET die auf 1 Beschluss KAISER—NAPOLEONS III. basierende PARIS—WELTAUSSTELLUNG ihre .
18670401             —BECAME, SINGAPORE, Penang & Malakka, UK—CROWN—COLONIES.
18670401             —VOTED, Blacks, in the MUNICIPAL—ELECTION in TUSCUMBIA—ALABAMA.
18670401             —OPENED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—EXHIBITION, Exposition Universelle, in PARIS.
18670401             —BECAME, SINGAPORE, Penang & Malakka, UK—CROWN colonies.
18670401             —BECAME, SINGAPORE, Penang & Malakka, UNITED—KINGDOM—CROWN colonies.
18690328—18690401    WILHELM—LIEBKNECHT und —AUGUST—BEBEL nehmen als Gäste teil und
18690328—18690401    Bei 1—VERTRAUENSVOTUM sprechen sich 42—DELEGIERTE, die 7500—STIMMEN vertreten, für JOHANN—BAPTIST—VON—SCHWEITZER aus,
18690328—18690401    des ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] Vorstand Sitz wird HAMBURG.
18690328—18690401    Die diktatorischen Vollmachten des ALLGEMEINER—DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—VEREIN[ADAV] VEREINS—PRÄSIDENTEN werden von der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG stark eingeschränkt.
18690328—18690401    —WÄHREND, sich 12—DELEGIERTE mit 4.500—STIMMEN der Stimme enthalten.
18690328—18690401    Die diktatorischen Vollmachten des VEREIN—PRÄSIDENTEN werden von der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG stark eingeschränkt.
18690328—18690401    Sitz des Vorstandes wird HAMBURG.
18690328—18690401    Die diktatorischen Vollmachten des VEREINpräsidenten werden von der GENERAL—VERSAMMLUNG stark eingeschränkt.
18710401             Im Teatro La Fenice in Venedig findet die Uraufführung der Oper Linda d'Ispahan von GIAN—FRANCESCO—MALIPIERO statt.
18710401             —RECEIVED, THE—PARIS—COMMUNE declares that THE—HIGHEST—SALARY, by ANY—MEMBER—OF—THE—PARIS—COMMUNE does not exceed 6.000—FRANCS
18720401             —PUBLISHED, THE—1.—EDITION—OF—THE—STANDARD was.
18730401             Beim Untergang des Passagierdampfers Atlantic der BRITISCHEN—WHITE Star Line vor der KÜSTE—VON—NOVA—SCOTIA (KANADA) kommen 545—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder ums Leben.
18730401             Es handelt sich um das —BIS—DAHIN schwerste Schiffsunglück auf dem NORD—ATLANTIK.
18730401             Das Streichquartett E—MOLL, das einzige Streichquartett von GIUSEPPE—VERDI, hat seine Uraufführung im privaten Rahmen in der Empfangshalle des Albergo della crocelle in Neapel.
18730401             Es ist das einzige ITALIENISCHE—KAMMERMUSIKWERK des 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY, das sich im Konzertrepertoire halten kann.
18730401             M. Namik KEMAL—PLAY "Vatan yahut Silistre " premiered in Constantinople.
18730401             THE—UK—WHITE—STAR—STEAMSHIP—ATLANTIC, enroute to NEW—YORK—CITY from LIVERPOOL with 811—PASSENGERS under CAPTAIN—JAMES—AGNEW—WILLIAMS, —33—JAHRE—ALT, sank off Nova Scotia killing 565—PEOPLE, mostly women and children.
18730401             1—COURT—OF—INQUIRY suspended Williams —FOR—2—YEARS.
18730401—19430000    19430320             —SEE
18730401—19430000    * † COMPOSER—SERGEI—RACHMANINOFF in Novgorod PROVINCE—RUSSIA.
18750401             * EDGAR—WALLACE, novelist, playwright, journalist (Terror), in ENGLAND.
18750401             —NACH, der Verbüßung seiner —9—MONATE—GEFÄNGNIS—STRAFE—IM Anschluß an seine FESTUNGSHAFT—WIRD —AUGUST—BEBEL aus dem Zwickauer Gefängnis entlassen.
18760401             —GRÜNDEN, BENNO—ORENSTEIN und ARTHUR—KOPPEL, 1—MASCHINENBAU—UNTERNEHMEN, das sich als Orenstein & Koppel 1 Namen macht.
18760401             1. official NL baseball game took place. BOSTON beat PHILADELPHIA 6-5.
18760401             SOLINGEN—OHLIGS, erscheint der "OHLIGSER—ANZEIGER", —SPÄTER, bei WILHELM—MÜLLER—JUNIOR gedruckt und von ARTHUR—MAYER gesetzt
18760401             SOLINGEN—OHLIGS, erscheint der "Ohligser Anzeiger", —SPÄTER, bei Wilh.
18760401             Müller JUNIOR gedruckt und von ARTHUR—MAYER gesetzt
18780401             1. LARGE—SCALE—EASTER —MONDAY egg roll was held on WHITE—HOUSE lawn under PRESIDENT—RUTHERFORD—B—HAYES and his wife Lucy.
18780401             * CARL—STERNHEIM, GERMANY—PLAYWRIGHT (Hyperion, Tabula Rasa).
18780401             —INCORPORATED, THE—CITY—OF—BERKELEY, home to UC—BERKELEY, was.
18780401             LINCOLN, N.M., the Regulators, including BILLY—THE—KID, ambushed and killed SHERIFF—WILLIAM—BRADY, 1—JAMES—DOLAN partisan, along with 1—DEPUTY.
18780401—19530000    —UNTIL, The egg roll has been held EVERY—YEAR—SINCE except —DURING the war YEARS—OF—WWI and WWII —WHEN PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER—RE—ESTABLISHED the egg roll tradition.
18810401             1. Telefonnetz Deutschlands wird in BERLIN mit 48—TEILNEHMERN in Betrieb genommen.
18810401             —ANTI—JEWISH—RIOTS, in JERUSALEM.
18810401             —OPENED, Kingdom post OFFICE—IN—NETHERLANDS.
18810401             ANTI—JEWISH riots took place in JERUSALEM.
18830401             * ALEKSANDER—V—ALEKSANDROV, RUSSIA—COMPOSER, conductor.
18830401             * LON—CHANEY, actor know as "man of a 1000—FACES," (High —NOON, PHANTOM—OF—OPERA).
18840401             DIE—1. Nummer des "BERLINER—VOLKSBLATT" kommt heraus.
18840401             —VERSUCHT, DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATIE, damit 1—LEGALE Zeitung aufzubauen.
18880000—19650401    * † HENRY—DG—CRERAR, CANADA—GENERAL and the country's "leading field COMMANDER" —WWII—IN.
18880401             * TERRY—DE—LA—MESA—ALLEN, USA—GENERAL
18890401             1. dishwashing machine, WAS—MARKETED, (in CHICAGO).
18910000—19760401    * † MAX—ERNST, GERMAN—FRANCE—SURREALIST painter, sculptor, in PARIS.
18910401             —EINSCHIFFT sich, vom FRANZÖSISCHEN—MARSEILLE aus nach Tahiti . Der MALER—PAUL—GAUGUIN
18910401             Painter Gauguin left MARSEILLE for Tahiti.
18910401             —OPENED, THE—LONDON—PARIS telephone connection.
18930312—18930401    —AB, Der DEUTSCHE—REICHSTAG beschließt das Gesetz betreffend die Einführung einer einheitlichen Zeitbestimmung, mit dem in DEUTSCHLAND einheitlich die Mitteleuropäische Zeit eingeführt wird.
18930401             Zweck ist die genaue EISENBAHN—FAHRPLANE—REGULIERUNG ,
18930401             —TRITT—IN—KRAFT, Das Gesetz betreffend die Einführung einer einheitlichen Zeitbestimmung
18930401             —EINGEFÜHRT, IN ganz DEUTSCHLAND, Damit wird die "mittlere Sonnenzeit des 15—LÄNGENGRAD—ÖSTLICH—VON—GREENWICH" als einheitliche Uhrzeit
18940401             —ENTDECKT, Der HÖHLENFORSCHER—MAX—BRUNELLO, DIE—LURGROTTE, Österreichs größte Wasserhöhle.
18940401             The manufacture and sale of Kinetoscopes and films were assigned to THE—EDISON—MANUFACTURING—COMPANY, thus moving them out of the experimental laboratory.
18950401             Die komische Oper La Vivandière von BENJAMIN—GODARD wird —NACH—DEM TOD—DES—KOMPONISTEN an der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS uraufgeführt.
18950401             * ALBERTA—HUNTER, blues singer.
18970000             —THE—MICHIGAN law against swearing in FRONT—OF—WOMEN and children was declared unconstitutional.
18970401             —GEGRÜNDET, Die JAPANISCHE—STADT—NAGANO wird.
18980305—20150401    —NUN, ist die —117—JAHRE—ALTE gestorben, in OSAKA.
18980305—20150401    * † MISAO—OKAWA
18980305—20150401    —NUN, ist die —117—JAHRE—ALTE MISAO—OKAWA gestorben,
18980305—20150401    * † MISAO—OKAWA, in OSAKA.
18990401             —ÜBERNIMMT, Das DEUTSCHE—REICH, der NEUGUINEA—KOMPAGNIE—BESITZUNGEN unter dem Namen DEUTSCH—NEUGUINEA als reguläre Kolonie.
18990401             1. Nummer der Zeitschrift Die Fackel, herausgegeben von dem 24-jährigen KARL—KRAUS, in 1 Auflage von 30.000—EXEMPLAREN.WIEN, erscheint die
19000401             Die Briefzustellung in DEUTSCHLAND wird als Monopol der Reichspost anvertraut, die private Beförderung örtlicher Sendungen verboten.
19010401             SCHWERIN, wird das von WILHELM—WANDSCHNEIDER entworfene und modellierte Bismarckdenkmal als Landesdenkmal des Großherzogtums MECKLENBURG—SCHWERIN enthüllt.
19020401             ROSA—LUXEMBURG wird —NACH—DEM Tode von B. Schoenlank Redakteurin der "LEIPZIGER—VOLKSZEITUNG", scheidet aber BALD—WIEDER aus und wird freie Mitarbeiterin.
19050401             —PREUSSISCHEN—WASSERGESETZ, wird der Bau des Mittellandkanals zwischen Rhein und Elbe beschlossen.
19050401             —REMOVED, USA—LEATHER was, from the Dow Jones.
19050401             —BECAME, THE—UK—EAST—AFRICA—PROTECTORATE, the colony of KENYA.
19050401             —LINKED, BERLIN and PARIS were, by telephone.
19050401—19051201    —IN—THE, USA—LEATHER was, by CENTRAL—LEATHER—CO. It was 1—OF—THE—NATION—LARGEST shoemakers ADES of this —CENTURY.
19070401             1. ÖSTERREICHISCHE—FILMPRODUKTIONSGESELLSCHAFT—SATURN—FILM, schaltet in einer Filmzeitschrift 1. Inserate für ihre "pikanten Herrenabendfilme".
19081201             —BECAME, The law, effective as of 20090401             .
19090401             An der Hofoper in S—PETERSBURG erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Shenitba (Die Heirat) von Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski.
19090401             —PREPARED, In SF Internal Revenue agents, for the law by seizing and destroying all the opium cans they find in THE—CHINA—QUARTER.
19090401             The ornate ITALY—STYLE embassy building at 2600 16. St. in WASHINGTON DC was completed.
19090401             A—USA—FEDERAL—OPIUM law went into effect.
19090401             * EDDIE—DUCHIN, society pianist, bandleader (EDDIE—DUCHIN—ORCH) in MASSACHUSETTS.
19090401—19240000    —CONSTRUCTED, It was, by THE—GEORGE—A—FULLER—CO. it was sold to the Lithuanians and became their foreign embassy.
19100401             Das Institut für Vogelforschung wird als Vogelwarte Helgoland innerhalb der PREUSSISCHEN—BIOLOGISCHEN Anstalt auf Helgoland gegründet.
19100401             Sein Aufgabenschwerpunkt ist die Erforschung des Vogelzugs auf der Insel.
19110401             * GUNTHER—RENNERT, opera director, producer, in ESSEN—GERMANY.
19120401             —OPENED, JAPAN, the Manseibashi Station, in TOKYO on the Kanda River and remained the eastern terminal station of the Kobu Railway —FOR—7—YEARS.
19120401—19430000    —DECOMMISSIONED, It was, and
19120401—20130000    —IN, reopened as 1—COMMERCIAL—COMPLEX.
19130401             † S—FRANCISCO—LEE—QUON—SING, 1 aged rag picker, was shot and killed by 2—MEMBERS—OF—THE—BING—KONG tong, 1—SOCIETY at war with the Suey Sing tong.
19130401             —CAPTURED, Police, YEE—LICK, 1—OF—THE—SHOOTERS.
19130401             S—FRANCISCO—LEE—QUON—SING was the 8. victim in the war that began —3—WEEKS—AGO over 1—SLAVE—GIRL.
19140000—20140401    * † CHIN—LONG—CHIANG, UC professor and biostatistics pioneer, at his home in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA.
19140000—20140401    * † CHIN—LONG—CHIANG, UC professor and biostatistics pioneer, at his home in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA He had begun applying statistical methods to THE—WORLD—OF—HEALTH—CARE and THE—STUDY—OF—DISEASES in the 1950s.
19140401             An der Hofoper in WIEN wird die Oper Notre Dame von FRANZ—SCHMIDT —NACH—DEM ROMAN—DER—GLÖCKNER—VON—NOTRE—DAME—VON—VICTOR—HUGO mit großem Erfolg uraufgeführt.
19150401             * HANS—LIEBHERR, DEUTSCHER—KAPITALIST und Erfinder
19150401             —WWI—IM, Der Franzose ROLAND—GARROS führt erfolgreich den 1. Jagdfliegereinsatz der Luftfahrtgeschichte gegen 4—ALBATROS—DOPPELDECKER durch.
19160401             Die Schneider von Schönau, eine komische Oper in 3—AKTEN des NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—KOMPONISTEN JAN—BRANDTS—BUYS mit dem Libretto von IGNAZ—MICHAEL—WELLEMINSKY, wird an der Dresdner Hofoper uraufgeführt.
19160401             Die Oper verschafft dem Komponisten einen internationalen Erfolg.
19160401             1. USA national women's swimming championships was held.
19170401             —INCLUDED, SCOTT—JOPLIN—HIS—WORK, the opera "Treemonisha".
19170401             Für Erwachsene gibt es daneben PRO—WOCHE 80—GRAMM—BUTTER, 250—GRAMM—FLEISCH, 180—GRAMM—ZUCKER und 1—HALBES Ei.
19170401             DIE—BROTRATIONEN werden auf 170—GRAMM—PRO—TAG und die Kartoffelrationen auf 2.500—GRAMM—PRO—WOCHE gekürzt.
19170401—18680000    † * SCOTT—JOPLIN, ragtime composer (Sting), of syphilis in 1—NY mental hospital.
19180000—20100401    * † JOHN—FORSYTHE, TV and movie actor, at his home in Santa YNEZ—CALIFORNIA.
19180000—20100401    * † JOHN—FORSYTHE, TV and movie actor, at his home in Santa YNEZ—CALIFORNIA His films included "THE—TROUBLE with Harry" (19550000             ) and "Topaz" (19690000             ).
19180401             —GEBILDET, DIE—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE[RAF], die Luftwaffe des Vereinigten Königreichs, wird durch den Zusammenschluss des ROYAL—FLYING Corps und des Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) unter dem BEFEHL—DES—LUFTFAHRTMINISTERIUMS .
19180401             —CREATED, BRITAIN—ROYAL—AIR—FORCE was, through the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.
19180401—18900000    † * ISAAC—ROSENBERG—UK—WWI—POET, near ARRAS—FRANCE, —DURING LUDENDORFF big —SPRING offensive.
19190401             * JOSEPH—E—MURRAY, transplant physician.
19200401             —TRITT—IN—KRAFT, Das Gesetz über die Gründung der DEUTSCHEN—REICHSBAHN
19200401             Damit werden in Umsetzung der Weimarer Verfassung die vormaligen Länderbahnen der Hoheit des DEUTSCHEN—REICHS unterstellt.
19200401             * TOSHIRO—MIFUNE, writer, actor (Shogun), in TSING—TAO—CHINA.
19200401             The last MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—SIBERIAN expedition withdrew from RUSSIA with 1—LOSS—OF over 400—LIVES.
19200401             —CHANGED, GERMANY—WORKERS—PARTY, its name to Nationalist Socialist GERMANY—WORKER—PARTY (Nazis).
19210401             1. Alleinflug einer Frau über die Anden, Der FRANZÖSISCHEN—PILOTIN Adrienne Bolland gelingt der
19210401             Mit einer Caudron G—III bewältigt sie die Flugroute vom ARGENTINISCHEN—MENDOZA nach SANTIAGO—DE—CHILE 00040401             —IN—17—STUNDEN.
19220401             * WILLIAM—MANCHESTER, historian (Death of a PRESIDENT), in ATTLEBORO—MASSACHUSETTS.
19220401             Aus verschiedenen Vereinen und Verbänden formt sich der "ARBEIT—GEBER—VERBAND"
19220401—19160000    —IN, Also known in the West as CHARLES—I., he took the throne and worked for peace, abdicating —AT—THE—END—OF—WWI, 1—FEW years —BEFORE his death.
19220401—20040000    —IN, he was beatified by JOHN—PAUL—VI—PAPA.
19220401—20200000    —AUTHORED, MARTYN—RADY, "THE—HABSBURGS".
19230401             Die Operette Mädi von ROBERT—STOLZ erlebt ihre Uraufführung im Berliner Theater in BERLIN.
19230401             Das Textbuch stammt von ALFRED—GRÜNWALD und LEO—STEIN.
19240401             —HITLER—PROZESS, ADOLF—HITLER wird, gemeinsam mit einigen Mitangeklagten zu —5—JAHRE—FESTUNGSHAFT wegen seines PUTSCH—VERSUCHS vom 19231109             verurteilt.
19240401             ERICH—LUDENDORFF wird freigesprochen.
19240401             1. kommerziellen Flug, Die BELGISCHE—FLUGLINIE—SABENA führt  durch.ihren
19240401             Er führt von ROTTERDAM nach STRAßBURG mit Zwischenstopp in BRÜSSEL.
19240401             —ÜBERNIMMT, MAX—REINHARDT, das neu eröffnete Wiener Theater in der Josefstadt.
19240401             —SENTENCED, ADOLF—HITLER was, to —5—YEARS in prison for "Beer Hall Putsch".
19240401             —ACQUITTED, GENERAL—LUDENDORFF was, for leading the botched Nazi's "Beer Hall Putsch" in THE—GERMANY—STATE—OF—BAVARIA
19240401             —FORMED, Imperial Airways was, in BRITAIN.
19260000—20180401    * † Efrain Rios Montt, former dictator of GUATEMALA (19820000—19830000    ), in GUATEMALA—CITY.
19270401             —BEGINNT, Die IG—FARBEN, mit der großtechnischen PRODUKTION—DES—LEUNA—BENZINS, dem weltweit 1. synthetischen Kraftstoff.
19270401             1. automatic record changer WAS—INTRODUCED, by HIS—MASTERS—VOICE.
19280401             —GRÜNDET, HUB—VAN—DOORNE, in EINDHOVEN, 1—UNTERNEHMEN, aus dem der AUTOMOBILPRODUZENT—DAF hervorgeht.
19280401             —BEGAN, CHINA—CHIANG—KAI—SHEK, attacks on communists, as his army CROSSED, YANG—TSE.
19280401             —CROSSED, CHINA—CHIANG—KAI—SHEK began attacks on communists as his army, YANG—TSE.
19290401             —INTRODUCED, LOUIE—MARX, THE—YO—YO in THE—USA.
19290401—19840000    —IN, MILAN—KUNDERA—NOVEL, "THE—UNBEARABLE—LIGHTNESS—OF—BEING," was translated from the Czech and
19290401—19880000    —IN, MILAN—KUNDERA—NOVEL, "THE—UNBEARABLE—LIGHTNESS—OF—BEING," was made into 1—FILM.
19300401             Der DEUTSCHE—SPIELFILM Der blaue Engel unter der Regie von JOSEF—VON—STERNBERG mit Marlene Dietrich in der Hauptrolle wird in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19300401             † COSIMA—WAGNER 2.  oo  RICHARD—WAGNER,  DEUTSCHE—LEITERIN der Bayreuther Festspiele,
19300401             The film "BLUE—ANGEL" with Marlene Dietrich and EMIL—JANNINGS, premiered in THE—USA.
19300401             —DIRECTED, The film "BLUE—ANGEL" was, by JOSEF—VON—STERNBERG.
19300401             LEO—HARTNETT (Gabby Hartnett) of THE—CHICAGO—CUBS broke the altitude record for 1—CATCH by catching 1—BASEBALL dropped from the Goodyear blimp 800—FEET over LOS—ANGELES, CA.
19300401             LEO—HARTNETT caught the ball cleanly, saying, "Eeeeooooww!" His injuries included 1—BROKEN jaw.
19300401             THE—USA—NATIONAL—CENSUS was taken.
19300401             THE—USA—NATIONAL—CENSUS—RECORDS were made available 20020401             , according to 19520000             regulations.
19300401             —AM, beginnt 1—NEUES Haushaltsjahr, stark defizitär, wie sich erweisen wird.
19300401             Die Schulden der öffentlichen Hand sind —BEREITS höher als der Reichsetat.
19300401             —AM—MORGEN tritt Reichskanzler Brüning mit seiner 1. Regierungserklärung vor den Reichstag.
19300401             —ANFANG und ENDE—DER—WEIMARER—REPUBLIK haben ihre gemeinsame forensische Szene, denn die parlamentarische Demokratie und das in die Diktatur sich fortsetzende Präsidialsystem begegnen einander in diesem Augenblick.
19300401             —AM—ABEND erlebt der Broadway des DEUTSCHEN—FILMS, der Berliner Kurfürstendamm, Filmgeschichte.
19300401             Im UFA—PALAST wird Der blaue Engel uraufgeführt.
19300401             Nach nur kurz zurückliegenden Anfängen hat der Tonfilm —BEREITS seinen Höhepunkt und bietet mit Marlene Dietrich einer oder gar 2—GENERATIONEN ein neues Idol;
19300401             ihr PARTNER—EMIL—JANNINGS, Star der Stummfilmzeit, tritt —ZUNÄCHST ins 2. Glied zurück.
19300401             —DER—TAG läßt aber auch in dem Tod Cosima Wagners in Bayreuth den Abschied von manchem kulturellen Erbe des 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY ahnen und weist doch gleichzeitig, Fülle der zum momentanen Ausdruck drängenden Zeit, auf die neue, vom Dessauer Bauhaus ausgegangene Kunstrichtung hin:
19300401             FRANKFURT, wird um diesselbe —STUNDE das Schauspiel Die neue Sachlichkeit uraufgeführt.
19300401             Altes und Neues stehen nebeneinander. Nicht genug damit:
19300401             Massenentlassungen signalisieren den Abschwung der Wirtschaft, während mit der 1. Ampel auf dem Berliner Alexanderplatz ein neues Verkehrszeitalter eingeschaltet wird.
19300401             All dies sind Ereignisse nur eines Tages;
19300401             —DIESER—TAG wird Knotenpunkt mehrerer Linien.
19310401             * GERMANY—PLAYWRIGHT—ROLF—HOCHHUTH, (Deputy).
19310401             —BECAME, JACKIE—MITCHELL, the 1. female in professional baseball —WHEN she signed with THE—CHATTANOOGA—BASEBALL—CLUB.
19310401             —OPENED, NEW—YORK—CITY, THE—EMPIRE—STATE—BUILDING, —1—MONTH ahead of schedule.
19310401             1—DIRIGIBLE mast established the height at 1,250 feet above street level.
19310401             1—EARTHQUAKE devastated MANAGUA—NICARAGUA, killing 2,000.
19320000—20170401    * † Acclaimed RUSSIA—POET—YEVGENY Yevtushenko, in TULSA—OKLAHOMA.
19320401             Das der Operette nahestehende Singspiel Wenn die kleinen Veilchen blühen von ROBERT—STOLZ wird am PRINZESSIN—THEATER in Den Haag uraufgeführt.
19330401             —UMWANDELT, DAS—PROPAGANDA—MINISTERIUM, den Auslandsrundfunk Weltrundfunksender in den DEUTSCHEN—KURZWELLENSENDER .
19330401             —JUDEN—BOYKOTT, Mit dem deutschlandweit durchgeführten, nimmt die nationalsozialistische Regierung die Verdrängung der DEUTSCHEN—JUDEN aus dem öffentlichen Leben in Angriff.
19330401             NAZI—GERMANY began persecuting Jews with 1—BOYCOTT—OF—JEWISH—OWNED businesses.
19340000—20120401    * † MIGUEL—DE—LA—MADRID, FORMER—PRESIDENT—OF—MEXICO (19820000—19880000    ).
19340000—20200401    * † LOUISIANA, jazz legend ELLIS—MARSALIS—JUNIOR, from COVID—19—RELATED pneumonia.
19340401             Durch den Zusammenschluss dreier Eisenbahnunternehmen auf der DÄNISCHEN—OSTSEEINSEL Bornholm entstehen De Bornholmske Jernbaner.
19340401             2—TEXAS Highway Patrol officers, E.B. Wheeler (26) and H.D. Murphy (24), were killed by HENRY—METHVIN, 1—GANG—MEMBER—OF—BONNIE and Clyde, as they approached the gang's car near GRAPEVINE—TEXAS.
19350401             —ANNOUNCED, The 1. radio tube to be MADE—OF—METAL was, in SCHENECTADY—NEW—YORK.
19370000—20130401    * † BARBARA—PIASECKA—JOHNSON, THE—POLAND—WIDOW—OF—J. Seward JOHNSON—SENIOR (19830000             †), heir to millions made from bandages, baby oil and pharmaceutical products.
19370401             —ERHOBEN—WIRD, ADEN  in den Status einer eigenen BRITISCHEN—KRONKOLONIE und aus der BRITISCHEN—KOLONIALREGIERUNG in INDIEN herausgelöst.
19370401             Amelia al ballo, eine groteske Oper von GIAN—CARLO—MENOTTI, wird an der ACADEMY—OF—MUSIC in PHILADELPHIA uraufgeführt.
19370401             —VERLIERT, HAMBURG, zwar EINIGE—EXKLAVEN wie Cuxhaven, das —JETZT einheitliche hamburgische Gemeindegebiet wird jedoch beinahe verdoppelt.
19370401             Die Freie und HANSE—STADT—LÜBECK geht in Verbindung mit diesem Gesetz an Preußen.
19370401             —BECAME, ADEN, 1—UK—COLONY.
19380401             1. In der SCHWEIZ wird der von Nestlé hergestellte Instantkaffee Nescafé verkauft.
19390401             —SPANISCHEN—BÜRGER—KRIEG
19390401             —NACH—DER Niederlage der letzten REPUBLIKANISCHE—KRÄFTE
19390401             WILHELMSHAVEN, läuft das größte DEUTSCHE—SCHLACHTSCHIFF Tirpitz in Anwesenheit ADOLF—HITLERS vom Stapel und wird von der TOCHTER—DES—NAMENSGEBERS, Inge von Hassel, getauft.
19390401             † SOWJET—PÄDAGOGE—ANTON—SEMJONOWITSCH—MAKARENKO,  und Schriftsteller
19390401             1—SPAIN—OFFICIAL—LATER said that without USA—PETROLEUM and USA—TRUCKS and USA—CREDIT we could never have won the civil war.
19390401             in seinen Drohreden vom Höhnisch wies ADOLF—HITLER solche Warnungen ab
19390401             —AM, wurde die "Tirpitz"in WILHELMSHAVEN vom Stapel gelassen.
19390401             —AM, ADOLF—HITLER und sein Admiral ERICH—RAEDER waren bei diesem Anlass persönlich anwesend.
19390401             —AM, Benannt wurde das Schiff nach Großadmiral ALFRED—VON—TIRPITZ, BeGRÜNDER DER—DEUTSCHEN—HOCHSEE—FLOTTE im KAISER—REICH.
19390401             —BEGINNT—SOFORT, DER—FRANQUISMUS in SPANIEN, mit der systematischen Verfolgung Andersdenkender, die Hunderttausende das Leben kosten wird.
19390815—19390401    —PROCLAIMED, The annual NÜRNBERG PARTY—RALLY, which HITLER, as the "Party RALLY—OF—PEACE" and
19410000—20100401    * † DOCTOR—HENRY—EDWARD—ROBERTS, USA—ENGINEER and medical doctor, in GEORGIA.
19410401             Das Gemeinschaftswerk der DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITSFRONT (GW) übernimmt unter dem Firmenmantel der GEG den Geschäftsbetrieb von Konsumgenossenschaften und ihren Großeinkaufsgesellschaften.
19410401             —WWII—IM, GESTIFTET, DEUTSCHLAND, wird das Abzeichen für Blockadebrecher.
19410401             Es wird an Schiffsbesatzungen verliehen, die sich zum Zeitpunkt des Kriegsbeginns im neutralen Ausland befunden haben und danach in die Heimat zurückgekehrt sind.
19410401             —PREMIERED, Lillian Hellman's "Watch on the Rhine,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19410401             THE—USA—NAVY took over S—FRANCISCO—BAY—TREASURE—ISLAND.
19410401             1. contract for advertising on 1—COMMERCIAL—FM radio station began on W71NY in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19410401             NAZI—FORBADE Jews access to cafes in PARIS.
19420401             THE—USA—NAVY began 1—PARTIAL—CONVOY—SYSTEM in the Atlantic.
19420401             S—FRANCISCO, the northern and WEST—AREAS—OF—THE—CITY went off limits to all Japanese, whether alien or NON—ALIEN, —FOLLOWING 1—ORDER by LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JOHN—L—DE—WITT.
19420401             —FROM—ONWARD 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—ARMY—UNDER—VLASAOV against strong pressure from HIMMLER (29).
19420401             —FROM—ONWARD It was GENERAL—GEHLEN himself who had adopted Vlassov and defended the Idea of
19420401             —FROM—ONWARD 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—ARMY—UNDER—VLASAOV against strong pressure from HIMMLER
19430000—20180401    * † EMMY—WINNING television writer and producer STEVEN—BOCHCO, —OF—CANCER in Pacific PALISADES—CALIFORNIA.
19430000—20180401    * † EMMY—WINNING television writer and producer STEVEN—BOCHCO, of cancer in Pacific PALISADES—CALIFORNIA He had produced "Hill Street Blues" (19810000             ) and "L.A. Law" for NBC and "NYPD Blue" (19930000             ) for ABC.
19430401             Die Oper Das Schloß Dürande von OTHMAR—SCHOECK mit dem Libretto von HERMANN—BURTE nach der gleichnamigen Novelle von JOSEPH—VON—EICHENDORFF wird an der Staatsoper Unter den Linden in BERLIN uraufgeführt.
19430401             —AM, "trat er als SACH—BE—ARBEITER in den ZENTRAL—VERBAND der Industrie für BÖHMEN und Mähren ein.
19430401             DER—VERBAND war unter anderem für die Arisierung der TSCHECHISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT und die Beschaffung von ZWANGS—ARBEITERN für DAS—DEUTSCHE—REICH zuständig.
19430401             Hier wurde er dann SPÄTER Leiter des Präsidialbüros und persönlicher Sekretär des Präsidenten BERNHARD—ADOLF.
19440401             USA—FLUGZEUGE bombardieren im KRIEG—GEGEN—DEUTSCHLAND, wahrscheinlich irrtümlich, die STADT—SCHAFFHAUSEN—SCHWEIZ.
19440401             37—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben, ungefähr 100—WERDEN zum Teil schwer verletzt und 300—OBDACHLOS.
19440401             † DEUTSCHER—SS—GRUPPENFÜHRER—KARL—ZECH,  und Reichstagsabgeordneter
19440401             —CONQUERED, JAPAN—TROOPS, Jessami, EAST—INDIA.
19440401             - Führungsbesetzung des Bataillons: Btl.
19440401             Kdr. Major GERHARD—MERTINS—RK. Btl. Adj.
19440401             LEUTNANT—GÜNTHER—LAURISCH.
19450401             —RUHRKESSEL, USA—TRUPPEN schließen bei LIPPSTADT den .
19450401             Easter —SUNDAY, THE—USA—ASSAULT—ON—OKINAWA began with 150,000 army and marine soldiers.
19450401             It was the last CAMPAIGN—OF—WWII.
19450401             —DEFENDED, THE—ISLAND was, by 100,000 JAPAN—TROOPS and auxiliaries.
19450401             It took —3—MONTHS—OF—HEAVY fighting to secure THE—ISLAND.
19450401             —NUMBERED, USA—CASUALTIES, 68,000 with 8,000 dead.
19450401             † JAPAN—CIVILIAN—CASUALTIES are estimated at 100—200 10000000             killed.
19450401             1—COUNTERPOINT to THE—COLONEL—ACCOUNT is 1—COLLECTION—OF—1. hand accounts from USA—SOLDIERS in Gerold Astor's "Operation Iceberg".
19450401             —FREED, CANADA—TROOP, Doetinchem, ENSCHEDE, Borculo & Eibergen.
19450401             —ESTIMATED, JAPAN—CIVILIAN—CASUALTIES are, at 100—200 10000000             killed.
19450401—19450421    —BIS—ZUM, DIE—KESSELSCHLACHT dauert               .
19450401—19450630    —PAZIFIK—KRIEG, —BEGINNT im  Mit der
19450401—19450630    —SCHLACHT—UM—OKINAWA, die verlustreiche
19460401             —GEGRÜNDET, Auf GROßBRITANNIEN—DRUCK, unter HAROLD—MACMICHAEL—FEDERFÜHRUNG, wird DIE—MALAIISCHE—UNION als Zusammenschluss der Föderierte Malaiischen Staaten und der STRAITS—SETTLEMENTS .
19460401             DIE—STADT—HILO—HAWAII wird von einem Tsunami heimgesucht, den 1—ERDBEBEN in der Nähe der Aleuten ausgelöst hat.
19460401             159—MENSCHEN sterben, als eine 14—METER hohe Flutwelle das Land überspült.
19460401             1. Leiter des mit deutschem Personal besetzten Nachrichtendienstes wird Generalmajor REINHARD—GEHLEN.
19460401             † CESARE—ORSENIGO, apostolischer Nuntius in DEUTSCHLAND
19460401             —FORMED, Weight Watchers was.
19460401             —IDLED, A—USA—MINE worker strike, 400,000 miners.
19460401             1—RESULTING tsunami washed away the lighthouse.
19460401             —TRIGGERED, THE—ALEUTIAN—ISLANDS—EARTHQUAKE also, 1—PACIFIC—WIDE—TSUNAMI that killed 165—PEOPLE and caused over $26—MILLION in damages.
19460401             Tidal waves struck the Hawaiian islands, resulting in more than 170—DEATHS.
19460401             91—PEOPLE were killed in Hilo.
19460401             2—LARGE—EARTHQUAKES—SHOOK the Scotch Cap Lighthouse on Unimak ISLAND—ALASKA.
19460401—19480131    —BIS—ZUM—NUR, DIE—MALAIISCHE—UNION, Bestand haben, wird
19470401             † FRANZ—SELDTE, DEUTSCHER—MITBEGRÜNDER des Stahlhelm, NSDAP—POLITIKER und Reichsarbeitsminister
19470401             DAVID—EISENHOWER —LATER oo JULIE—NIXON.
19470401             —DISEMBARKED, THE—1.—JEWISH immigrants to ISRAEL, at Port of Eilat.
19470401             † GEORGE—II—KING—OF—GREECE.
19470401             oo He —LATER, JULIE—NIXON.
19480131—19460401    —AM, Die unter britischem Druck zustande gekommene Malaiische Union wird aufgelöst und 19480201             durch die Föderation Malaya ersetzt.
19480401             Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes über die Autonomie der Färöer erhalten die Färöer von DÄNEMARK eine weitgehende Selbstbestimmung in allen inneren Angelegenheiten.
19480401             Sowjetische Inspektionen behindern den Verkehr von und nach BERLIN.
19490401             "Happy Pappy" premiered.
19490401             It was the 1. ALL—BLACK—CAST variety show.
19500401             THE—SF population was 775,357. The census —LATER said 4—OF 10—PEOPLE in SF owned their own homes with 1—MEDIAN value of $11,930. The average SF adult completed 11.—7—YEARS—OF—SCHOOL and over 19% went on to college.
19500401             † CHARLES—R—DREW, —45—JAHRE—ALT, surgeon, DEVELOPER—OF—BLOOD bank concept.
19500401             † CHARLES—R—DREW (45), surgeon, DEVELOPER—OF—BLOOD—BANK—CONCEPT.
19510401             —CROSSED, UNITED—NATIONS forces again, the 38. Parallel in KOREA.
19520401             —PROPOSED, THE—BIG—BANG theory was, in Physical Review by Alpher, Bethe & Gamow.
19530102—19530401    —AM, 1—ENTSPRECHENDER Beschluss des SED—ZENTRALKOMITEES ist im Neuen DEUTSCHLAND nachzulesen
19530401             In der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND sind Männer und Frauen gleichberechtigt (Artikel 3—ABSATZ 2—I.
19530401             V. m. Artikel 117—ABSATZ 1—GRUNDGESETZ).
19530401             —BEGINNT, Die FDJ—ZEITUNG "Junge Welt", mit einer Hetzkampagne gegen die Jungen Gemeinden.
19530401             * BARRY—SONNENFELD, director (—WHEN HARRY—MET—SALLY, Big).
19540401             An der City Centre Opera in NEW—YORK City erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper THE—TENDER—LAND—VON—AARON—COPLAND.
19540401             —FOUNDED, USA—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY was, in COLORADO.
19540401             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—DWIGHT—EISENHOWER, 1—BILL authorizing the establishment of 1—AIR—FORCE—ACADEMY, similar to WEST—POINT and Annapolis.
19540401—19550711    —ON, the 1. class was sworn in at Lowry AIR—FORCE—BASE.
19540401—19580000    —MOVED, The academy, to 1—PERMANENT—SITE near COLORADO—SPRINGS—COLORADO.
19550401             Die DEUTSCHE—LUFTHANSA nimmt mit 4—CONVAIR CV-340-Maschinen den —SEIT Kriegsende ruhenden Linienflugverkehr in Westdeutschland wieder auf.
19550401             Die zypriotische Widerstandsorganisation EOKA unter Georgios Grivas beginnt einen Aufstand gegen die BRITISCHE—BESETZUNG der Insel mit dem Ziel der Enosis, der Einheit mit GRIECHENLAND.
19550401             FELSBERG—BERUS, nimmt der französischsprachige Privatsender EUROPE 1—DEN Sendebetrieb auf.
19550401             Der Sender FELSBERG—BERUS verdankt seine Existenz dem Sonderstatut des Saarlandes in den 1950ER—JAHREN.
19550401             —ENTFÜHRT, DER—JOURNALIST—KARL—WILHELM—FRICKE wird von der Staatssicherheit von WEST—BERLIN NACH OST—BERLIN
19550401             —SPÄTER, wird DER—JOURNALIST—KARL—WILHELM—FRICKE in 1 Geheimprozess wegen "Spionage" zu —4—JAHRE—HAFT verurteilt.
19550401             "1—MAN—FAMILY" was seen on TV for the final time —AFTER a —6—YEARS on NBC—TV.
19550401             —CAUSED, S—FRANCISCO, a 4-alarm fire at the Ferry building, damage estimated at $500-750k.
19550401             † 1—SPECTATOR was killed by 1—FIRE hose entangled in the wheel of 1—MUNI bus.
19550401             EOKA—BOMB attacks took place against UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT buildings in CYPRUS.
19560401             Die Organisation Gehlen wird mit ihrem Leiter REINHARD—GEHLEN unter dem Namen Bundesnachrichtendienst in den Dienst der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND übernommen.
19560401             Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) nimmt in Pullach bei München offiziell seine Tätigkeit auf
19560401             Zuschlagsmarke "Notopfer BERLIN" auf Postsendungen der Bundesrepublik wird wieder abgeschafft, 20—MILLIARDEN Stück wurden verwendet.
19560401             * LIBBY—RIDDLES, dogsled racer: 1. woman to win Iditarod (19850000             ).
19560401             10. TONY—AWARDS: DIARY—OF—ANNE—FRANK and Damn Yankees won.
19560401             * —DOGSLED, Libby Riddles, racer: 1. woman to win Iditarod (19850000             ).
19560401             —AB—ERST, wurde dieser USA—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST in BND umbenannt.
19570401             BBC—FERNSEHMAGAZIN—PANORAMA strahlt als Aprilscherz 1—MOCKUMENTARY über die SPAGHETTI—ERNTE im SCHWEIZER—TESSIN aus.
19570401             Die 1. Wehrpflichtigen werden zur DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESWEHR einberufen.
19570401             Die 1. rund 10.000—WEHRPFLICHTIGEN  einrücken in die Bundeswehrkasernen
19580401             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER, a $1.85—BILLION emergency housing measure.
19600401             In den Vereinigten Staaten wird der 1. Satellit der TIROS—SERIE gestartet.
19600401             Tiros 1—HILFT bei der Bestimmung und Vorhersage der Großwetterlage und überträgt AUFNAHMEN—DER—WOLKENDECKE zur Erde.
19600401             U Nu was elected premier of Burma.
19600401             —EXPLODED, FRANCE, a 2. atom bomb in THE—SAHARA—DESERT.
19600401             —FIRED, Gerboise Blanche ("white gerboa") was 1—SURFACE shot, in a 7—METER deep pit, which accounted for the strange, Christmas TREE—LIKE—SHAPE—OF—THE—FIREBALL.
19600401             —INITIATED, GENERAL—AILLERET once again personally, THE—FIRING—OF—THE—DEVICE.
19600401             The 1. weather satellite, TIROS 1, was launched from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA.
19600401             —EXPLODED, FRANCE, a 2. atom bomb in THE—SAHARA Desert.
19610401             oo JIM—BAKKER—TV—EVANGELIST, Tammy Faye.
19630401             2. DEUTSCHE—FERNSEHEN (ZDF) startet nach mehreren —TAGEN mit Versuchssendungen in MAINZ offiziell sein bundesweites Fernsehprogramm.
19630401             The daytime television drama "GENERAL—HOSPITAL" and "Doctors" premiered on ABC.
19630401             —RESUMED, MOST—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY—DAILY—NEWSPAPERS, publishing —AFTER settlement was reached in a —114—DAY—STRIKE.
19630401—19621208    —ENDED, The strike, —114—DAYS—AFTER began.
19650401             —APPOINTED, HUSSEIN—KING—OF— bin Talal of Jordanian, his younger brother, PRINCE—HASSAN bin Talal, as CROWN—PRINCE and heir to the Hashemite throne.
19650401             —REQUIRED, This, 1—CHANGE to THE—JORDAN constitution to allow for fraternal succession.
19650401             † HELENA—RUBINSTEIN, —89—JAHRE—ALT, USA cosmetic manufacturer.
19650401             † HELENA—RUBINSTEIN (89), USA cosmetic manufacturer.
19650401—20040000    —AUTHORED, Lindy Woodhead, "War Paint: Madame Helena Rubinstein & Miss ELIZABETH Arden: Their Lives, Their times, Their Rivalry".
19670220             Die DDR führt eine eigene Staatsbürgerschaft ein.
19670401             Die Evangelischen Landeskirchen geben 1—ERKLÄRUNG zur Einheit der Evangelischen Kirche ab.
19680401             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—ARMY, Operation Pegasus to reopen 1—LAND—ROUTE to the besieged Khe Sanh Marine base.
19690401             —BEGINNT, PEKING, der vom Militär dominierte IX. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas.
19690401             MARSCHALL—LIN—BIAO wird zum alleinigen Stellvertreter und designierten Nachfolger von Parteichef Mao Zedong bestimmt.
19690401             —NAMED, Lin Biao (19070000—19710000    ) was, MAO—CONSTITUTIONAL—SUCCESSOR.
19690401             —SHOWED, CHINA—HISTORICAL—ACCOUNTS—LATER said Biao, his true nature —2—YEARS—LATER as 1—MURDEROUS—OPPORTUNIST obsessed with seizing power.
19700401             In der Bundesrepublik DEUTSCHLAND wird die einheitliche Freiheitsstrafe anstelle der bisherigen Strafarten Zuchthaus, Gefängnisstrafe, Einschließung und Haftstrafe eingeführt.
19700401             —INTRODUCED, USA—MOTORS—CORP. (AMC), the compact Gremlin for $1879. It was designed by RICHARD—TEAGUE on the back of 1—NORTHWEST—AIRLINES—SICKNESS—BAG.
19700401—19710101    —AFTER, PRESIDENT—NIXON signed 1—MEASURE banning cigarette advertising on radio and television, to take effect.
19700401—19780000    —IN, The last Gremlin was made.
19710401             BAYERN 3—STARTET in München als SERVICE—WELLE, vorwiegend für Autofahrer, seine Sendungen.
19710401             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—RICHARD—M—NIXON, LIEUTENANT—WILLIAM—CALLEY transferred from prison to house arrest at Fort BENNING—GEORGIA, pending appeal.
19710401             —PUBLISHED, S—FRANCISCO—THE—BAY—AREA—REPORTED, its 1. issue as 1—COMMUNITY and culture publication.
19710401             It was begun by BOB—ROSS (20030000             † age 69) and PAUL—BENTLEY.
19710401             Over the next —45—YEARS it evolved to become 1—LOCAL—NEWS—SOURCE and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights.
19710401             † It was begun by BOB—ROSS (20030000             ) and PAUL—BENTLEY.
19720401             Das USA—UNTERNEHMEN Intel stellt seinen 1. 8—BIT—PROZESSOR, den Intel 8008, vor.
19720401             A—USA—BASEBALL strike began and lasted to 19720413             .
19730330—19730401    BELGIUM—DELEGATION:
19730330—19730401    GENERAL—VIVARIO,
19730330—19730401    MISTER—FLORIMOND—DAMMAN,
19730330—19730401    MISTER—JONET,
19730330—19730401    MISS—VERLAINE,
19730330—19730401    MISTRES—BAUDUIN-
19730401             * RACHEL—MADDOW, USA—AMERIKANISCHE—RADIO-, Fernsehmoderatorin UND—KOMMENTATORIN
19730401             PAGES—7 and 44, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THE, ISFWP network specifically indicated on
19750401—19930000    —BIS, ORF 1—STRAHLT die 1. Folge seiner täglichen Kindersendung Am dam des aus, die laufen wird.
19760401             —GRÜNDEN Die MITGLIEDER—DES—HOMEBREW—COMPUTER—CLUB, STEVE—JOBS, STEVE—WOZNIAK und RON—WAYNE, das UNTERNEHMEN—APPLE und stellen ihren 1. Computer vor, den 1. Einplatinencomputer APPLE—I.
19760401             —INCORPORATED, They, 19770103             .
19760401             —FOUNDED, STEPHEN—WOZNIAK, RONALD—WAYNE and STEVEN—JOBS, Apple Computer.
19760401             Wayne soon sold his share of Apple for $800—USA—DOLLARS, and —LATER accepted $1,500 to forfeit ANY—CLAIMS against Apple.
19760401             —FAILED, DENISE—LAMPE (19) of Broadmoor, to meet 1—FRIEND and was found fatally stabbed to death in the parking LOT—OF—THE—SERRAMONTE—CENTER mall in DALY—CITY, CALIFORNIA Lampe was 1—OF 5—YOUNG—WOMEN killed on THE—SF—PENINSULA in the 1. —4—MONTHS—OF—THIS—YEAR.
19760401             —DUBBED, THE—STRING—OF—MURDERS were, the "Gypsy Hill killings".
19760401—19760000    —FROM, to 19770000             Jobs and Wozniak built 200—APPLE—1—COMPUTERS selling them for about $666 each.
19760401—20170000    —IN, DNA evidence led police to charge LEON—MELVIN—SEYMOUR, —71—JAHRE—ALT, already being held in Coalinga STATE—HOSPITAL as 1—INMATE—PATIENT.
19770401             —FOLLOWED, THE—USA—SENATE, THE—EXAMPLE—OF—THE—HOUSE by adopting 1—STRINGENT CODE—OF—ETHICS requiring full financial disclosure and limits on outside income.
19770401             —PROCLAIMED, RICHARD—BOOTH, HAY—ON—WYE, WALES, 1—INDEPENDENT—KINGDOM with himself as KING and his horse as PRIME—MINISTER.
19770401—19610000    —PURCHASED, THE—OXFORD graduate had, THE—80—YEAR—OLD—HAY Castle and opened a 2. hand bookstore in the town.
19770514—20110401    —ACQUITTED—OF, Crilly was, all charges against him.
19770514—20110401    —ON, Crilly was ACQUITTED—OF—ALL—CHARGES against him.
19790401             —NACH—DEM STURZ—VON—SCHAH—MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI wird Ayatollah Khomeini "Oberster Führer" der neuen Islamischen REPUBLIK IRAN.
19790401             —ÜBERNIMMT, Im IRAN, die islamische Revolutionsregierung unter der Führung von AJATOLLAH—RUHOLLAH—CHOMEINI die Macht.
19790401             —FOUNDED, S—FRANCISCO—1. annual S—STUPID—DAY—PARADE, by ED—HOLMES, was held in the Financial district to mock greed.
19790401             Assadullah Sarwari (19410000             *), FORMER—AIR—FORCE COMMANDER—UNDER—PRESIDENT—KHAN, became HEAD—OF—AFGHANISTAN—SECRET—POLICE (AGSA).
19790401             —PROCLAIMED, IRAN, to be 1—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC—AFTER the fall of the Shah.
19790401—20051226    —ARRESTED, He was —LATER, for involvement in the arbitrary arrest, torture and mass KILLING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—OPPONENTS and spent —13—YEARS in jail —BEFORE his trial began.
19800401             The main aim was coordinating development projects in order to lessen economic dependence on apartheid SOUTH—AFRICA.
19800401             THE—PRO—IRAN—DAWAH—PARTY—CLAIMS—RESPONSIBILITY for 1—ATTACK on IRAQ—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER, Tariq Aziz (19360000             *), at Mustansiriyah University, BAGHDAD.
19800401—19920817    —ON, it was transformed into THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—DEVELOPMENT—COMMUNITY (SADC).
19800401—20080000    —BY, it included 15—MEMBERS.
19810401             JACK—WELCH began his term as THE—HEAD—OF—GENERAL—ELECTRIC.
19820401             —TRANSFERRED, THE—USA, the Canal Zone to PANAMA.
19820401             THE—USA—TRANSFERRED the Canal Zone to PANAMA.
19830401             —LINKED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—NUKE demonstrators, arms in 14-mile human chain spanning 3—DEFENSE—INSTALLATIONS in rural ENGLAND, including the Greenham Common USA—AIR—BASE.
19830401—19830404    An den Ostermärschen nehmen mehr als 500.000—MENSCHEN teil.
19840401             —LAUNCHED, STEWART—BRAND and LARRY—BRILLIANT, the Well (Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link) in Sausalito.
19840401             Their meeting led to 19850000             —THE founding of "THE—WELL" online service that operated as 1—COLLECTION—OF—CONFERENCES.
19840401             It used the PicoSpan conferencing software.
19840401             MARVIN—P—GAY—SENIOR (19980000             † age 84) shot and killed his son, Motown singer MARVIN—GAYE —DURING 1—ARGUMENT in LOS—ANGELES.
19840401             It was —1—DAY—BEFORE the singer's 45. birthday.
19840401             —PLEADED, MISTER—GAY, voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced to —5—YEARS—PROBATION.
19840401—20010000    —AUTHORED, Katie Hafner, "THE—WELL: 1—STORY—OF—LOVE, Death and Real Life in the Seminal Online Community".
19860401             Crude oil prices fell below $11 1—BARREL.
19870401             In his 1. major speech on THE—AIDS—EPIDEMIC, PRESIDENT—REAGAN told doctors in PHILADELPHIA, "We've declared AIDS public health enemy number 1."
19870401             —BECAME, STEVE—NEWMAN, the 1. man to walk —AROUND the world.
19880401             Independent USA—COUNSEL—JAMES—C—MCKAY found insufficient evidence to warrant 1—CRIMINAL—INDICTMENT—OF—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—EDWIN—MEESE—III in connection with THE—IRAQ—JORDAN pipeline plan or his investment in telephone company stock.
19880401             † JIM—JORDAN, —91—JAHRE—ALT, OLD—TIME radio's "Fibber McGee," in BEVERLY—HILLS, CALIFORNIA.
19880401             —ABDUCTED, INDIANA, —APRIL Tinsley (8) of FORT—WAYNE was.
19880401             Her body was found —3—DAYS—LATER in 1—DITCH about 20—MILES away.
19880401             —ASSAULTED, She had been sexually, and strangled.
19880401             —SENTENCED, He pleaded guilty and was, to —80—YEARS in prison for her abduction, rape and murder.
19880401—20180000    —LINKED, DNA evidence, JOHN—MILLER, —59—JAHRE—ALT to the case.
19880401—20180000    —LINKED, DNA evidence, JOHN—MILLER (59) to the case.
19890401             Die im 97. Lebensjahr in Zizers (SCHWEIZ) verstorbene ÖSTERREICHISCHE—EX—KAISERIN Zita von BOURBON—PARMA wird in der Wiener Kapuzinergruft beigesetzt.
19890401             —ANNOUNCED, ALASKA GOVERNOR—STEVE—COWPER, that a "strike force" of state officials and local fishermen were taking over some of the cleanup operations —FOLLOWING the massive Exxon Valdez oil spill.
19890401             CANADA, the Oka conflict began —WHEN some 200—MOHAWKS from the Kanesatake reserve marched though THE—TOWN—OF—OKA protesting plans to expand the village's 9—HOLE—GOLF—COURSE to 18—HOLES, saying expansion encroaches on their burial ground.
19890401             —ESTIMATED, THE—OKA—CRISIS—COST THE—QUEBEC government 1, $180—MILLION not including THE—COST—OF—THE—ARMY.
19890401             1—JAPANESE 3% consumption, or sales tax, took effect.
19890401             It earned Sadanori Yamanaka (20040000             †) the nickname "MISTER—CONSUMPTION—TAX".
19890401—19790000    —IN, Yamanaka led the ruling Liberal DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—TAX—COMMISSION—FOR—8—YEARS, beginning.
19890401—19900711    —ON, A —78—DAY—STANDOFF began and ended 19900926             .
19890401—19970000    —IN, it rose to 5%.
19900401             Mit Radio DUISBURG startet der private lokale Hörfunk in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
19900401             THE—USA—FEDERAL—HOURLY—MINIMUM—WAGE was set at $3.80 an —HOUR.
19900401             —FIRED, CBS, sportscaster BRENT—MUSBURGER (19390000             *).
19910000             —FROM gerritt at mindspring_com Sun 20030401             :30:50 20070000             From... -
19910401             Detlev Rohwedder, CHEF—DER—BERLINER—TREUHANDANSTALT, wird in seinem Düsseldorfer Wohnhaus, vermutlich von der Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF), erschossen.
19910401             —BEKENNT, Zur Tat, sich ein "Kommando ULRICH—WESSEL".
19910401             † TREUHANDANSTALT—PRÄSIDENT—DETLEV—CARSTEN—ROHWEDDER, wird in seinem Haus ermordet
19910401             Die 5—NEUEN Bundesländer übernehmen die westdeutschen LOHN—UND Gehaltsstrukturen.
19910401             Aufgrund der WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE treten in der SOWJET—UNION drastische Preiserhöhungen für Nahrungsmittel und Konsumgüter in Kraft
19910401             Es kommt zu Hamsterkäufen und Plünderungen in der SOWJET—UNION
19910401             —MAINTAINED, ARGENTINA, 1—CURRENCY—BOARD—REGIME this —DAY 20020106             —(?:THRU|THROUGH), under which the Argentine peso was pegged 1 for 1 to THE—USA—DOLLAR.
19910401             DUKE—DEFEATED—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—KANSAS 72-to-65 to win THE—NCAA college basketball championship.
19910401             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 7—TO—2, that trial prosecutors violate the Constitution if they bar prospective jurors for racial REASONS—EVEN —WHEN the defendant and the excluded jurors are of different races.
19910401             † MARTHA—GRAHAM, —96—JAHRE—ALT, modern dance pioneer.
19910401             —DISSOLVED, THE—WARSAW—PACT was officially.
19910401             † MARTHA—GRAHAM (96), modern dance pioneer.
19910401—19260000    —IN, MARTHA—GRAHAM—1. solo concert as 1—DANCER and choreographer was.
19910401—19260000    —IN, Her 1. solo concert as 1—DANCER and choreographer was.
19910401—20020106    —MAINTAINED, THROUGH—ARGENTINA, 1—CURRENCY—BOARD—REGIME this —DAY, under which the Argentine peso was pegged 1 for 1 to THE—USA—DOLLAR.
19910401—20050000    —IN, 1—ARGENTINE judge refuse to extradite Apablaza.
19920401             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—USA would help finance a $24—BILLION INTERNATIONAL aid fund for THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION.
19920401             —IDENTIFIED, THE—HOUSE—ETHICS—COMMITTEE publicly, 22—CURRENT and former lawmakers as the worst offenders in the House bank overdraft controversy.
19920401             Battleship USS MISSOURI (on which, JAPAN surrendered) was decommissioned.
19920401             NHL players began the 1. strike in THE—75—YEAR—HISTORY—OF—THE—NHL.
19920401             —SURRENDERED, Battleship USS MISSOURI (on which, JAPAN ) was decommissioned.
19930401             —IMPASSIONED, In 1, plea for RUSSIA—AID, PRESIDENT—CLINTON told newspaper editors in Annapolis, Md., that AMERICA should help "not OUT—OF—CHARITY" but as 1—CRUCIAL—INVESTMENT in peace and prosperity.
19940401             Damit ist sie der 1. weibliche GENERAL in der DEUTSCHEN—MILITÄRGESCHICHTE.
19940401             —REPORTED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, the nation's unemployment rate —FOR—MARCH remained unchanged from February, at 6.5—PERCENT.
19940401             —FOUNDED, He was 1—WALLOON—BELGIUM—POLITICIAN, who, Rexism and —LATER joined the Nazi GERMANY—WAFFEN SS (becoming 1—LEADER—OF—ITS—WALLOON contingent).
19940401             —WWII—AFTER, he was 1—PROMINENT—FIGURE in THE—NEO—NAZI and Holocaust denial movements.
19940401             —SIGNED, He had —RECENTLY, 1—ORDER to extradite to THE—USA—FORMER—ARMY—LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—CARLOS—OCHOA—RUIZ on drug trafficking charges.
19940401—19940323    —AM, Die ausgesprochene Beförderung Verena von Weymarns durch Bundesverteidigungsminister Volker Rühe zum Generalarzt tritt in Kraft.
19950401             Der vorwiegend auf ein jüngeres Publikum ausgerichtete WDR—HÖRFUNKSENDER 1—LIVE geht auf Sendung.
19950401             Aaron, 1—COMPUTER—DRIVEN robot began painting 1—NEW 25—SQ. ft canvas on 1—DAILY—BASIS.
19950401             —DESIGNED, It was, and programmed by HAROLD—COHEN, 1—SAN—DIEGO computer scientist.
19950401             —ATTENDED, More than 1,500 mourners, 1—VIGIL for MEXICAN—USA—SINGER—SELENA in CORPUS—CHRISTI, TEXAS, where she had been shot to death THE—DAY—BEFORE.
19950401             UNITED—NATIONS peacekeepers officially took over from THE—USA—LED multinational force in HAITI.
19950401             2—OTHERS were already sentenced for taking part in the same crime.
19950401             With USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WILLIAM—PERRY looking on, UKRAINE began the process of dismantling its nuclear missiles.
19950401             —SCHEDULED, THE—EVENT was, to start in BOSTON at 300—CONGRESS St. and go to 19950529             ..
19950401—20140000    —SENTENCED, ETA member JUAN—RAMON—CARASATORRE—ALDAZ, —52—JAHRE—ALT was, to —29—YEARS for the killing.
19950723—19950401    —ON, The nearest pass will be.
19960401             —SPARKED, In 1—CASE that, 1—UPROAR REMINISCENT—OF—THE—RODNEY—KING case, 2—RIVERSIDE COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, 1—NEWS—HELICOPTER videotaped sheriff's deputies repeatedly clubbing 1—MEXICO—MAN and woman —AFTER a 70-mile highway chase involving 1—PICKUP truck suspected of sneaking across the border.
19960401             The average price for 1—HOME in THE—USA was $141,000 in the 1. QUARTER—OF—THIS—YEAR.
19960401             —CONTINUED, FBI officials in JORDAN—MONTANA, to guard 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—FREEMEN, 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—GROUP that does not recognize THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—USA—LAWS.
19960401             † Baseball umpire JOHN—MCSHERRY —AFTER collapsing —DURING 1—SEASON opener between THE—CINCINNATI—REDS and MONTREAL Expos.
19960401             —SIGNED, Muslim and Croat officials, 1—ACCORD to jointly collect customs duties and agreed on 1—FLAG.
19960401             —ROBBED, SPOKANE—WASHINGTON, A—USA—BANK—BRANCH was, and bombed.
19960401—19970000    —IN, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—MILITIA were convicted for this and another robbery and 3—BOMBINGS.
19970322—19970401    —ON, it will make its closest approach to the sun, perihelion, at some 85—MILES—DISTANCE.
19970401             Die Volksrepublik CHINA und TAIWAN nehmen erstmals offiziell direkten Schiffsverkehr zueinander auf.
19970401             Die DEUTSCHEN—STAHLKONZERNE Thyssen und KRUPP—HOESCH fusionieren zur Thyssenkrupp AG.
19970401             THE—USA—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS began its —TODAY in History web site @ www.loc_gov.
19970401             —CAUTIONED, FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES, that THOUSANDS—OF—SCHOOLCHILDREN across the nation might have been exposed to the hepatitis 1—VIRUS by eating frozen strawberries imported from MEXICO and processed in THE—USA.
19970401             —SIGNED, RUSSIA, Yeltsin, 1—AGREEMENT with BELARUS for limited economic, military and political integration.
19970401             —DISSOLVED, THE—NEXT—DAY he annulled the constitution, PARLIAMENT and offered 6—CABINET—SEATS to the rebels.
19970401             He planned 1—NEW transitional PARLIAMENT and new multiparty elections.
19980209             FRANK—JOSEPH—CAMPER—GUARDIAN (NEW—YORK) 19810401             (6).
19980329—19980401    —INVALIDATED, The election was, and
19980401             —FILED, JUDGE—SUSAN—WEBBER threw out the sexual harassment suit, by Paula Jones against PRESIDENT—CLINTON saying her claims of sexual harassment fell "far short" of being WORTHY—OF—TRIAL.
19980401             —SETTLED, Clinton —LATER, with Jones without apology or admission of guilt.
19980401             —CALLED, THE—BOLIVIA—WORKERS' Confederation, 1—OPEN—ENDED strike for wage increases and 1—END to the coca eradication program.
19980401             —INJURED, Violent clashes over —4—DAYS had left 3—DEAD and dozens, in Chapare.
19980401             PRESIDENT—HUGO—BANZER said his government would continue to wipe out cocaine trafficking —DURING his —5-YEAR term.
19980401             1—BOAT enroute to GABON with 300—PASSENGERS sank in the Bight of Bonny off NIGERIA—AKWA—IBOM state.
19980401             280 were missing and feared dead.
19980401             CHINA, 1—NEW—LAW requiring motorists in BEIJING to install POLLUTION—REDUCTION—DEVICES went into effect.
19980401             —AGREED, CHINA, to release and put into exile Wang Dan (19690000             *), the noted dissident and student LEADER—OF—TIANANMEN—SQUARE, for medical reasons.
19980401             —ACCEPTED, ISRAEL, 19780000             —THE—UN—RESOLUTION—425 for withdrawal from THE—SOUTH—OF—LEBANON.
19980401             JAPAN, the —3-YEAR Big Bang process was begun to create more efficient investment markets.
19980401             —AUTHORIZED, RUSSIA, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, the publication of classified documents relating to JOSEF—STALIN.
19980401             —DEVALUED, SERBIA, the local currency was, 45%.
19980401—19980403    —2—DAY—MEETING, called by THE—NORWAY—INITIATIVE on Small Arms Transfers was attended by 18—AFRICA—NATIONS, over 12—EUROPEAN countries and JAPAN—CANADA and ARGENTINA.
19980401—19980403    —2—DAY—MEETING, They endorsed measures to control THE—SPREAD—OF—LIGHT—WEAPONS.
19990208             —FINED, 19990401             —IN—FEDERAL—JUDGE, the pilots' union $46—MILLION.
19990401             Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Nunavut Act wird das KANADISCHE—TERRITORIUM Nunavut von den NORDWEST—TERRITORIEN abgetrennt.
19990401             Die Regierung unter JEAN—CHRÉTIEN will damit den Inuit, die die Mehrheit in diesem Territorium bilden, eine relative Autonomie ermöglichen.
19990401             —DEMANDED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, their immediate release.
19990401             1—NEW—JERSEY man was arrested and charged with originating the "Melissa" E—MAIL virus.
19990401             —PLEADED, DAVID—L—SMITH—LATER, guilty to various STATE—AND—FEDERAL—CHARGES.
19990401             1—HEAVY snowstorm hit THE—USA—NORTHERN—PLAINS.
19990401             † KITTRELL—NORTH—CAROLINA, WILLIAM—HARVEY—BAWCUM—JUNIOR, (46), was shot to death from a.38 caliber pistol by his —11—YEAR—OLD—TWINS, who also wounded their mother and sister in 1—SQUABBLE over 1—HUNTING rifle.
19990401             1—TRIAL was avoided —AFTER the boys admitted to the shooting.
19990401             —SENTENCED, The brothers were, to —6—YEARS in 1—STATE reformatory.
19990401             ALBANIA, PRESIDENT—REXHEP—MEIDANI said NATO should help KOSOVO seize INDEPENDENCE.
19990401             1—OIL—PIPELINE from BAKU—AZERBAIJAN, to THE—GEORGIA—BLACK—SEA port of Supsa was to begin operating.
19990401             BRITAIN—PAY—RATE for workers aged 22 or over was set at ?3.60—PER —HOUR.
19990401             —1—, In recognition of Inuit land claims, 770,000 sq. mls. of THE—CANADA—NORTH—WEST—TERRITORIES' CENTRAL—KEEWATIN and Baffin Region became Nunavut Territory.
19990401             —SOLICITED, Nominations for naming the western half were.
19990401             The territory would be governed by a 19-member legislature.
19990401             MEXICO, effective on this —DAY the midday break, siesta, for government was eliminated.
19990401             —ESTIMATED, Electricity savings were, to be $192—MILLION.
19990401             1—COUP was feared to be imminent.
19990401             —DEMANDED, THE—YUGOSLAVIA—MILITARY, CONTROL—OF—MONTENEGRO—STATE—RUN—TV, but the demand was rejected.
19990401             —CALLED, BELFAST, NORTH—IRELAND, BERTIE—AHERN and TONY—BLAIR, for the rival paramilitary groups to surrender their weapons on 1—NEW—ALL—IRELAND holiday, a "—DAY—OF—RECONCILIATION" devoted to peace.
19990401             MEXICO, Rene Juarez was sworn into OFFICE—AS—GOVERNOR—IN—CHILPANCINGO, Guerrero, —WHILE thousands protested that he won by fraud.
19990401             —CAPSIZED, NIGERIA, THE—NV—GEORGE, 1—WOODEN—VESSEL, on THE—S—BARTHOLOMEW—RIVER several dozen people were presumed drowned.
19990401             —RAISED, The death toll was, past 100—AFTER 50—BODIES were found in 1—SUNKEN hull.
19990401             —PLANNED, Serbia, to start criminal proceedings against THE—3—USA—SOLDIERS captured on THE—MACEDONIA—BORDER.
19990401             —BOMBED, Allied planes, the Danube bridge at NOVI—SAD.
19990401             —REPORTED, SERBIA—RADIO and TV, that PRESIDENT—MILOSEVIC met with DOCTOR—IBRAHIM—RUGOVA, leader of the ethnic Albanians in KOSOVO, and "came to 1—JOINT—STAND on resolving problems... through political means".
19990401             —SENTENCED, ZHYTOMYR—UKRAINE, Anatoly Onoprienko was, to death for the deaths of 52—MEN, women and children 19890000—19960000    —BETWEEN.
19990401             43—OF—THE—KILLINGS occurred in a —6—MONTH—PERIOD.
19990401             IngentaConnect MULTI—AGENT—COORDINATION and control using STIGMERGY—ELEARNSPACE: STIGMERGY and the Web
19990401             Comment: Good article emphasizing the social effect of blogging...specifically STIGMERGY ("2—INDIVIDUALS interact indirectly —WHEN 1—OF—THEN modifies the...
19990401             Processing Blogs " Blog Archive " STIGMERGY
19990401             STIGMERGY (Grassé 19590000             ).
19990401             — how social insects coordinate their actions.
19990401             — Indirect communication mediated through the local environment.
19990401             Termites in the Schoolhouse: STIGMERGY and Transactional Distance...
19990401             STIGMERGY, communication is through signs left in the environment
19990401             SEO — Kempelen box — STIGMERGY explicitly used to identify useful questions +...
19990401             —BASED, E—PRINTS Soton - A STIGMERGY, approach to data mining
19990401             De Backer, M., Haesen, R., Martens, D. and Baesens, B. (20050000             )
19990401             1—STIGMERGY based approach to data mining.
19990401             In, Zhang, Shichao and Jarvis, Ray (eds.
19990401             —ON THE—USE—OF—THE—TERM \STIGMERGY "-
19990401             (Grasse, 19590000             ).
19990401             —COMPILED, We have, 1—BIBLIOGRAPHY
19990401             —INTRODUCED, The term STIGMERGY was, by FRANCE—BIOLOGIST—PIERRE—PAUL—GRASSÉ 19590000             .
19990401             Active STIGMERGY takes place —WHEN agents leave 1—CERTAIN trail in the
19990401             Introduction to Open Software Methodologies: STIGMERGY and Self... - STIGMERGY and SELF—SELECTION.
19990401             Previous SLIDE—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS—PRINT—KEN 1—L Coar.
19990401             Key Words: Holonic STIGMERGY, Agent Architecture, Context Model, Imposed vs.... In this section we illustrate how holarchic STIGMERGY...
19990401             Ran across the term STIGMERGY for the 1. time (sue me, I've been busy), in 1—JOHN—ROBB post at Global Guerillas.
19990401             Can't say as I'm really into THE—GLOBAL
19990401             The object of this essay will be to study the role of STIGMERGY and self-
19990401             However, STIGMERGY alone is not sufficient to explain collective intelli-...
19990401             STIGMERGY.
19990401             The individual behaviours of swarm members do not indicate the
19990401             This document describes THE—STATE—OF—THE—ART in STIGMERGY.
19990401             Using STIGMERGY to CO—ORDINATE Pervasive Computing Environments
19990401             LNCS 4150 - Cooperative VLSI Tiled Architectures: STIGMERGY in a...
19990401             STIGMERGY is 1—FORM—OF—INDIRECT—INTERACTION for coordination
19990401             LNAI 4088 - Synthesizing STIGMERGY for Multi Agent Systems
19990401             In order to synthesize STIGMERGY 1—MODEL—NEEDS to be created that al-...
19990401             A Brief HISTORY—OF—STIGMERGY—FIGURE 1. vol. 5, no. 2, pp.
19990401             95-96(2). - - PUBLISHER: MIT Press.
19990401             Agents in this system use 1—INDIRECT—COORDINATION—MECHANISM, called STIGMERGY.
19990401             elearnspace: STIGMERGY and the Web Comment: Good article emphasizing the social effect of blogging...specifically STIGMERGY ("2—INDIVIDUALS interact indirectly —WHEN 1—OF—THEN modifies the...
19990401             STIGMERGY is 1—METHOD—OF—COMMUNICATION in emergent systems in which the individual PARTS—OF—THE—SYSTEM communicate with 1—ANOTHER by modifying their...
19990401             STIGMERGY, communication is through signs left in the environment... SEO — Kempelen box — STIGMERGY explicitly used to identify useful questions +...
19990401             In, Zhang, Shichao and Jarvis, Ray (eds.
19990401             —EXTENDED, STIGMERGY in Collective Construction JUSTIN—WERFEL and... - STIGMERGY and SELF—SELECTION.
19990401             Previous SLIDE—TABLE—OF—CONTENTS—PRINT—KEN—1—L Coar.
19990401             Copyright © 20040000             by KEN—1—L Coar.
19990401             —RESERVED, All rights.
19990401             Holonic STIGMERGY as 1—MECHANISM for Engineering SELF—ORGANIZING...
19990401             New Media Hack: NMH: STIGMERGY—, blog indices
19990401             Collective Intelligence in MULTI—AGENT Robotics: STIGMERGY, Self...
19990401             The object of this essay will be to study the role of STIGMERGY and self-... However, STIGMERGY alone is not sufficient to explain collective intelli-...
19990401             Expert Assessment of STIGMERGY : 1—REPORT for THE—DEPARTMENT—OF...
19990401             The individual behaviours of swarm members do not indicate the... This document describes THE—STATE—OF—THE—ART in STIGMERGY.
19990401             Pervasive computing environments have proven difficult to develop in 1—FORM that supports the integration + ORGANISATION—OF—DEVICES + applications in a...
19990401             STIGMERGY is 1—FORM—OF—INDIRECT—INTERACTION for coordination... applications that explicitly exploits STIGMERGY to achieve adaptability...
19990401             LNAI 4088 - Synthesizing STIGMERGY for Multi Agent Systems In order to synthesize STIGMERGY 1—MODEL—NEEDS to be created that al-...
19990401             Utilizing STIGMERGY in 1—ARTIFICIAL—SYSTEM allows agents to interact with 1 an-...
19990401             STIGMERGY : 1—BRIEF—HISTORY—OF—STIGMERGY. Figure 1., vol. 5, no.
19990401             2, pp. 95-96(2). - PUBLISHER: MIT Press.
19990401             applications that explicitly exploits STIGMERGY to achieve adaptability...
19990401—19500000    —IN—THE, The concept of STIGMERGY has been applied to 1—NUMBER—OF elds —SINCE it was rst coined 'S.
19990401—19500000    —IN—THE, The concept of STIGMERGY has been applied to 1—NUMBER—OF elds —SINCE it was rst coined 's. (Grasse, 19590000             ).
19990401—19590000    STIGMERGY (Grassé).
19990401—20060000    —IN, Workers 18—21 had 1—LOWER—RATE set at ?3.00. the minimum wage rose to ?5.35 an —HOUR.
20000401             Für BRITISCHES—RINDFLEISCH wird die XEL—KENNUNG vorgeschrieben.
20000401             32 were dead and BOOBY—TRAPPED from 20000330             —THE—REBEL—ATTACK.
20000401             MICHELLE—KWAN won her 3. World Figure Skating title.
20000401             PRESIDENT—CLINTON, speaking at 1—FUND—RAISER for his wife's Senate campaign, accused NEW—YORK Mayor RUDOLPH—GIULIANI of enlisting a "RIGHT—WING venom machine" against Hillary Rodham Clinton.
20000401             —AGREED, Smith & Wesson, 1—USA—GUN—MAKER, to introduce 1—SERIES—OF—SAFETY—MEASURES.
20000401             CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—SOLDIERS found 33—OF—THEIR missing comrades.
20000401             —STORMED, COLOMBIA, leftist rebels, the Modelo jail in CUCUTA and freed 74—PRISONERS.
20000401             NANJING—CHINA, 4—UNEMPLOYED—YOUTHS broke into the home of Jurgen HERMANN—PFRANG (50), 1—EXECUTIVE for DaimlerChrysler, and stabbed him to death along with his wife and 2—CHILDREN.
20000401             THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE placed 1—CONTRACT with 1—NEW—COMPANY, AWE Management Limited (1—CONSORTIUM comprising Lockheed Martin,
20000401             Serco and BNFL) to manage and operate THE—2—SITES at Aldermaston and Burghfield.
20000401             —AWARDED, The contract was —INITIALLY, for 1—INITIAL—PERIOD—OF—10—YEARS with 1—OPTION to extend to —25—YEARS with access to private finance.
20000401             - CO—INCIDENTALLY, —50—YEARS to THE—DAY—AFTER its FOUNDATION—AND —FOLLOWING 1—COMPETITION, THE—MINISTRY—OF—DEFENCE placed 1—CONTRACT with 1—NEW—COMPANY, AWE Management Limited (1—CONSORTIUM comprising Lockheed Martin, Serco and BNFL) to manage and operate THE—2—SITES at Aldermaston and Burghfield.
20000401—20000330    —FROM—THE, 32 were dead and BOOBY—TRAPPED rebel attack.
20000401—20000714    —ON, The 4 were found GUILTY—OF—MURDER and robbery and sentenced to death.
20000825             Berger Is Planning To Plead Guilty In Documents Case - 20000401             ... plead guilty to 1—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGE—OF mishandling classified information... high altitude of WASHINGTON consulting to have 1—MISDEMEANOR—CONVICTION.
20010101             - timebase - - - 20010401- datesbase.html
20010101             - timebase -20010101             - 20010401- datesbase.html >- 20010401             20010101             Commenting on the event, Topper, Maxim says that the award by "JP MORGAN—CHASE—BANK " demonstrates 1—HIGH—DEGREE—OF—APPRECIATION for "ALFA—BANK " 's work in this important area.of the financial market —
20010101             -20010401-datesbase.html
20010101             - timebase —20010101 - 20010401- datesbase.html >- 20010401             20010101—20010401   .
20010400             pretty much ANY—ELECTRONIC gear sold —BEFORE 20010401             can't be legally resold in JAPAN.
20010401             Der wegen Kriegsverbrechen während der JUGOSLAWIEN—KRIEGE vom Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien gesuchte Slobodan MILOŠEVIC wird in Belgrad verhaftet.
20010401             1. Land der Welt, das die Ehe für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare öffnet, DIE—NIEDERLANDE,
20010401             Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—AMSTERDAM, Job Cohen, traut kurz nach —MITTERNACHT 3—MÄNNLICHE und ein weibliches Paar.
20010401             - timebase - - - 20011231- datesbase.html
20010401             - timebase —20010401 - 20011231- datesbase.html >- 20011231             20010401             —AWARDED, THE—PRITZKER—PRIZE for Architecture was, to JACQUES—HERZOG—AND—PIERRE—DE—MUERON—OF—BASEL, SWITZERLAND.
20010401             Notre Dame won its 1. national championship in women's basketball, defeating Purdue, 66-64.
20010401             —CRASHED, The fighter jet.
20010401             —PARACHUTED, CHINA—PILOT—WANG Wei, out of his F—8—JET but had not been found.
20010401             Zhao Yu, a 2. pilot, —LATER blamed THE—USA—PLANE banked and hit WEI—PLANE.
20010401             NONE—OF—THE—24—CREW members was hurt, but they were held prisoner by the Chinese for 1—TENSE—11—DAYS.
20010401             COLUMBIA, weekend fighting between leftist rebels and RIGHT—WING paramilitary groups left at least 35—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20010401             —RAMMED, KENYA, 1—BUS, 1—VEHICLE on 1—BRIDGE and both plunged into the Sabaki River.
20010401             —KILLED, At least 35—PEOPLE were.
20010401             SERBIA, FORMER—YUGOSLAVIA—PRESIDENT—SLOBODAN—MILOSEVIC was arrested on corruption charges —AFTER a —26—HOUR armed standoff with the police at his BELGRADE villa.
20010401             —COLLIDED, A—USA—NAVY EP—3—SURVEILLANCE plane with 24—ABOARD, with 1—CHINA—FIGHTER—JET over THE—SOUTH—CHINA—SEA and was forced to land on CHINA—HAINAN ISLAND.
20010401             Captives for Rent
20010401             Companies are flocking to RENT—A—CAPTIVE s for risk transfer.
20010401             Russ Banham, BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Tobacco Industry Ties [CorpWatch]
20010401             - timebase —20010401 - 20011231- datesbase.html >- 20011231             20010401             —20011231-datesbase.html
200104010000 >- 20011231             20010521             —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231 .
20010401—20011231    20010521             —PROPOSED, Destination : Freedom- E. Rowland Harriman, it in the mid-18010101—19001231 .
20010401—20011231    —DATE 20010405             —EXPRESSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, in 1—CONCILIATORY gesture, regret over the plane's 20010401             IN—FLIGHT—COLLISION with 1—CHINA—FIGHTER that triggered the tense standoff.
20010406             —ANNOUNCED, USA—OFFICIALS, SOME—PROGRESS toward the release of 24—MILITARY—PERSONNEL in CHINA and hoped to establish 1—JOINT—USA—CHINA—COMMISSION to examine 20010401             —THE collision of 1—USA—SPY—PLANE and CHINA—JET.
20010407             —REJECTED, CHINA, USA—STATEMENTS—OF regret and continued to demand 1—APOLOGY for 20010401             —THE collision between 1—USA—SPY—PLANE and CHINA—JET.
20010408—20010401    —EXPRESSED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, sorrow for THE—CHINA—PILOT lost, but THE—CHINA—CONTINUED to demand that THE—USA—APOLOGIZE reiterated 1—DEMAND that THE—USA—STOP all military surveillance off THE—CHINA—COAST.
20010411—20010401    —SINCE, Ending 1—TENSE—11—DAY—STANDOFF, CHINA released THE—24—USA—SPY—PLANE crew members detained.
20010413—20010401    —ON, With THE—CREW—OF—A—USA—SPY—PLANE safely —BACK—IN THE—USA, USA—OFFICIALS gave their detailed VERSION—OF—WHAT happened —WHEN the plane collided with 1—CHINA—FIGHTER ;
20010911             ("UWS"), on behalf of itself + on behalf of Registrant, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD + RONALD—A—WEYERS, dated 19980401             .(2) 10.4 Consolidated FEDERAL—INCOME...
20010911             UNITED WISCONSIN SERVICES INC /WI(Form: 10-12B/A, Received: 13 ... ("UWS"), on behalf of itself + on behalf of Registrant, WALLACE—J—HILLIARD + RONALD—A—WEYERS, dated 19980401             .(2) 10.4 Consolidated FEDERAL—INCOME...
20010911             Truth site Launches Entertainers Section
20010911             Prep (Alleged) Update-
20010911             media activists at YOUTUBE, confirmed that he will distribute the
20010911             and the Evidence
20020401             —ZURÜCKTRITT , IRLAND—BISCHOF—BRENDAN—COMISKEY  und räumt ein, dass er im FALL—DES—SEXUELLEN—MISSBRAUCHS an Kindern durch einen Priester seiner Diözese härter hätte durchgreifen müssen.
20020401             Mit dem Inkrafttreten des von Gesundheitsministerin Els Borst vorgelegten Gesetzes werden die NIEDERLANDE das 1. Land der Welt, das Sterbehilfe unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen zulässt.
20020401             —VERURTEILT, ÄGYPTEN, ISRAELISCHE—HANDLUNGEN als kriminellen Wahnsinn
20020401             Israels Ministerpräsident im TV: "totaler KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERRORISMUS"
20020401             MARYLAND won its 1. NCAA men's basketball championship with a 64—52—VICTORY over INDIANA.
20020401             PRESIDENT—BUSH said he would sell GOVERNOR—ISLAND in NY Harbor to NY STATE—AND—NEW—YORK—CITY for 1—NOMINAL—CHARGE.
20020401             1—SF—COURT—OF—APPEALS ordered THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to pay out MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in retroactive disability benefits to VIETNAM veterans with prostate cancer, who were exposed to Agent ORANGE.
20020401             —LISTED, THE—USA—RIVERS—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUP, the most endangered USA—RIVERS and included THE—MISSOURI, Big Sunflower (MISSISSIPPI), and Klamath (CALIFORNIA) in the top 11.
20020401             —KILLED, ALGERIA, Islamic militants, 21—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS in Moulay Larbi, 280—MILES—SW—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20020401             —EXPANDED, ISRAEL—FORCES, their hunt for militants and terrorists to included ranking OFFICIALS—OF—ARAFAT—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY.
20020401             —RUMBLED, ISRAEL—TANKS and bulldozers, into more PALESTINE—TOWNS and massed on the edge of Bethlehem in 1—EXPANSION—OF—1—WEST—BANK—OFFENSIVE.
20020401             1—SNIPER killed 1—ISRAELI in Har Homa.
20020401             1—BOMBER blew up in his car in WEST—JERUSALEM and killed THE—ISRAEL—POLICE—OFFICER who stopped him.
20020401             THE—NETHERLANDS, the "TERMINATION—OF—LIFE on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act" entered into force.
20020401             —OPENED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—ARCHIVES, 19300000             —THE—CENSUS records.
20020401             In 1—PERFECT—WORLD, 1—LIST—LIKE this would not exist.
20020401             In 1—PERFECT—WORLD, businesses would be run with the utmost integrity and competence.
20020401             But ours is, alas, 1—IMPERFECT world + if we must live in 1—WHERE Enron,
20020401             Geraldo Rivera + Cottonelle Fresh Rollwipes exist, the least we can do is catalog the absurdities.
20020401             Excerpted from article:
20020401             #87. Apparently UNAWARE—OF—THE—GROUP—ENMITY for the corporate world,
20020401             GENERAL—MOTORS—PAYS THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—POP band Chumbawamba $100,000 for the rights to use the song "Pass It Along" in 1—PONTIAC ad campaign.
20020401             The band promptly passes along the money to 1—PAIR of advocacy groups,
20020401             including 1, CorpWatch, that intends to spend SOME—OF—THE—MONEY looking into GENERAL—MOTORS—SOCIAL and environmental track record.
20020401             Insight article: 1—RECENT—CASE in point was the arrest in —LATE—MAY—OF—ANTHONY—ELGINDY...
20020401             "Under the guise of protecting investors from fraud, Royer and Elgindy used the F.B.I.'s... who is also 1—FORMER—MICHIGAN GOVERNOR, will step down.
20020401             USA: THE—101—DUMBEST Moments in BUSINESS—BY TIM—CARVELL, ADAM—HOROWITZ, THOMAS—MUCHA, Business 2.0
20020401             But ours is, alas, 1—IMPERFECT world + if we must live in 1—WHERE Enron, Geraldo Rivera + Cottonelle Fresh Rollwipes exist, the least we can do is catalog the absurdities.
20020401             #87. Apparently UNAWARE—OF—THE—GROUP—ENMITY for the corporate world, GENERAL—MOTORS—PAYS THE—UK—POP band Chumbawamba $100,000 for the rights to use the song "Pass It Along" in 1—PONTIAC ad campaign.
20020401             The band promptly passes along the money to 1—PAIR of advocacy groups, including 1, CorpWatch, that intends to spend SOME—OF—THE—MONEY looking into GENERAL—MOTORS—SOCIAL and environmental track record.
20020401             As GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS, I have set high standards for our public schools...
20020401             BOB—JENSEN—UPDATES on Fraud for Quarter 1
20020401—20011200    —IN, He was known for his exposes on government corruption and had gone missing.
20020401—20020329    ISRAEL erwägt, Autonomiebehörde zu zerschlagen
20020401—20020329    —VERHÖRT, Illegale Geheimoperationen: BKA, MOSSAD—AGENT
20020401—20020329    Aufklärungsarbeit Newsticker
20020401—20020631    BOB—JENSEN—YEAR—NEW—BOOKMARKS—EDITIONS— 1—RECENT—CASE in point was the arrest in —LATE—MAY—OF—ANTHONY—ELGINDY...
20021019             QuickLinks 247 - 20021019             ... + compares the information to current crimes has received, of all things.. Assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL—DANIEL—BRYANT said THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT has... 20050401             20021204             Equipo NIZKOR—EQUIPO Nizkor Statement Concerning the Question of... But to say that the judgement against THE—FORMER—GENERAL—SUAREZ—MASON is an... controlled by Italians such as Licio Gelli, included eminent Argentinian 20050401             20030323—20030401    —RESCUED, Lynch was.
20030323—20030401    —RESCUED, Lynch was.
20030401             —DETERMINED, SOME—IN—EUROPE are, to stop ANY—FURTHER—BUSH—WHITE—HOUSE—PLAN to attack in THE—MID—EAST and elsewhere.
20030401             Such as 1—LONG—PLANNED bombardment and INVASION—OF—PLACES—LIKE—IRAQ.
20030401             How MANY—AMERICANS realize the attitudes of FRANCE in current events?
20030401             The monopoly press, dealing with us like —8—YEAR—OLD—CHILDREN, would have us forget how FRANCE was instrumental in helping AMERICA AGAINST THE—UK—DICTATORS in THE—USA—COL onial period.
20030401             And, that THE—UK—ARISTOCRACY vows to divide this continent into BALKAN—LIKE warring regions, subjects of THE—UK—MONARCH + that we Americans should be puppets of colonies rather than CITIZENS—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC.
20030401             Short of targetting the Brits with FRANCE—MISSILES---and SOME—BELIEVE—THE—PARIS government harbors that thought if not already in effect---how would THE—FRANCE—STOP the British/USA—ARISTOCRACY and their WAR—MONGERING as to IRAQ, in THE—MID—EAST, an d elsewhere?
20030401             If THE—USA, under THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, starts 1—WAR in THE—MID—EAST, such as currently planned against IRAQ, here is what FRANCE plans...........
20030401             In the 14. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—IRAQI—FREEDOM—USA—SOLDIERS on the road to BAGHDAD fought bloody STREET—TO—STREET—BATTLES with militants loyal to SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20030401             —OPENED, THE—USA, THE—ASSAULT—ON—KARBALA.
20030401             —KILLED, USA—CLUSTER—BOMBS reportedly, 11—CIVILIANS in Hilla.
20030401             Pfc., 11—BODIES were also recovered and 8 were identified as USA—PERSONNEL.
20030401             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that IRAQ—TROOPS had already left the hospital.
20030401             —AUTHORED, —LATER in the —YEAR RICK—BRAGG, "I—AM 1—SOLDIER, Too," 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE—LYNCH story.
20030401             —ABOUT the same time MOHAMMED—ODEH—AL—REHAIEF and JEFF—COPLON authored "Because EACH—LIFE—IS—PRECIOUS".
20030401             —DISCLOSED, Rehaief, 1—FORMER—IRAQ—LAWYER, LYNCH—LOCATION to USA—FORCES and provided detailed information —PRIOR—TO her rescue.
20030401             In the 2. hijacking of 1—CUBA—PLANE in as MANY—WEEKS, 1—HIJACKER claiming to have 2—GRENADES surrendered an —HOUR—AFTER forcing the aircraft to land in FLORIDA with 32—PEOPLE aboard.
20030401             Adermis WILSON—GONZALEZ was CONVICTED—OF—AIR—PIRACY and sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
20030401             * 1—CLONED—JAVAN banteng by 1—BEEF cow in IOWA.
20030401             —REMAINED, Only 3-5,000 CATTLE—LIKE bantengs, worldwide.
20030401             —FILED, Air CANADA, for bankruptcy protection.
20030401             —AGREED, CONGO—GOVERNMENT, to 1—POWER—SHARING deal with rebel groups.
20030401             —JUMPED, HONG—KONG—LESLIE—CHEUNG, CHINA—POP singer and movie star, to his death at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
20030401             —ATTACKED, INDIA, MEMBERS—OF—THE—HMAR—PEOPLES—CONVENTION, 1—CLUSTER—OF—VILLAGES in SOUTH—ASSAM state's Cachar district, burning huts and took 28—VILLAGERS as hostages.
20030401             22—FARMERS were —LATER found shot dead.
20030401             —FOILED, JORDAN, authorities said they had, 2—RECENT—IRAQ—TERROR—PLOTS, including 1—BY IRAQ—DIPLOMATS allegedly planning to contaminate water supplies to Jordanian and USA—TROOPS on JORDAN—DESERT—BORDER with IRAQ.
20030401             NIGERIA, THE—12—DAY—RAMPAGE by Ijaw extremists has cut the normal oil output of 2—MILLION barrels —1—DAY by 40—PERCENT.
20030401             NIGERIA is the 5.—BIGGEST SUPPLIER—OF—USA—OIL imports.
20030401             —CONVICTED, Adermis WILSON—GONZALEZ was, of air piracy and sentenced to —20—YEARS in prison.
20030401             310303 antiwarblogg.html
20030401             And, that THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARISTOCRACY vows to divide this continent into BALKAN—LIKE warring regions,
20030401             SUBJECTS—OF—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MONARCH + that we Americans should be puppets of colonies rather than CITIZENS—OF—THE—AMERICA—REPUBLIC.
20030401             There are other niggling differences [between IRAQ and VIETNAM] — the low casualties (roughly 50—COMBAT deaths so far,
20030401             compared with 58,000 in VIETNAM), 1—HIGH—LEVEL—OF—PUBLIC—SUPPORT, 1—VOLUNTEER,
20030401             highly motivated Army and 1—DEFINABLE—ENEMY, cause and endgame.
20030401             "Another VIETNAM" is largely wishful thinking.
20030401             -Als USA—TRUPPEN ihre Kameradin Jessica Lynch BEFREITEN—VERKLÄRTE + verfälschte das Pentagon die mysteriöse Episode flugs zur HeldenPROPAGANDA, um die Moral zu stützen.
20030401             There are other niggling differences [between IRAQ and VIETNAM] — the low casualties (roughly 50—COMBAT deaths so far, compared with 58,000 in VIETNAM), 1—HIGH—LEVEL—OF—PUBLIC—SUPPORT, 1—VOLUNTEER, highly motivated Army and 1—DEFINABLE—ENEMY, cause and endgame.
20030401             —INDEED, NUCNEWS—AMERICA—MEGA billion dollar war in IRAQ is, 1—NUCLEAR—WAR.
20030401             Both CHENEY—HALLIBURTON—CORP. and the Bush family's Carlyle Group are profiteers...
20030401             skimble This site has been phished by 1—BUNCH—OF—BIBLE—NUTS, offering a " Mega site of...
20030401             Lunching with controversial SAUDI—BORN businessman ADNAN—KHASHOGGI and a...
20030401             Bush dynasty versus AMERICA
20030401             Their names will be Mobil, Exxon, Halliburton + the likes.
20030401             sex crimes committed against Plaintiff + PLAINTIFF—HUSBAND, utilizing drugs.
20030401             ForwardAmerica:
20030401—20030323    —ON, Jessica Lynch (19), PART—OF—THE—507. Maintenance Company captured, was rescued in A—USA—COMMANDO raid on 1—IRAQ—HOSPITAL in Nasiriyah.
20030407             CONGRESSIONAL RECORD DAILY DIGEST... States Postal Service printed in the Congressional Record D360 of 20030401             if... and Response DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—DALE—KLEIN—ASSISTANT to the...
20030415             "THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—USA—REPUBLIC", Part 29—BY Sherman H. Skolnick 20030401             20040210             OPEC met in ALGIERS and agreed to reduce its official production by 1—MILLION—BARRELS—A—DAY beginning 20040401             .
20040401             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the "Laci Peterson" bill giving new protections for the unborn that for the 1. time made it 1—SEPARATE—FEDERAL—CRIME to harm 1—FETUS —DURING 1—ASSAULT on the mother.
20040401             —REMOVED, THE—DJIA, AT&T, Kodak and INTERNATIONAL—PAPER and added USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP, Pfizer and Verizon Comm.
20040401             —REPORTED, Scientists, that the genetic code of the common laboratory rat has been deciphered.
20040401             —BASED, Google introduce Gmail, 1—WEB, E—MAIL service with 1—GIGABYTE of free storage per user.
20040401             —PASSED, GOOGLE—INDEX, 8—BILLION pages —THIS—YEAR.
20040401             † PAUL—ATKINSON, —58—JAHRE—ALT, guitarist in THE—UK—GROUP Zombies, in LOS—ANGELES.
20040401             —INCLUDED, The group's songs, "SHE—NOT—THERE" (19640000             ).
20040401             † CARRIE—SNODGRESS, —57—JAHRE—ALT, actress, in LOS—ANGELES.
20040401             —AGREED, AFGHANISTAN and its neighbors, to cooperate in stemming the country's drug exports —AFTER donors pledged $8.2—BILLION in new reconstruction aid.
20040401             CANADA, the largest strike in Newfoundland history began as THOUSANDS—OF—UPBEAT workers took to picket lines —WHILE the premier said he has no plans to end the walkout with legislation.
20040401             1—COLOMBIA—MAN, CARLOS—GAMARRA—MURILLO, —53—JAHRE—ALT, was arrested for allegedly trying to buy $4—MILLION in machine guns, grenade launchers and other weapons for 1—LEFTIST—REBEL—GROUP.
20040401             —WANTED, The suspect, to pay in cocaine and cash.
20040401             PRESIDENT—OSCAR—BERGER said GUATEMALA will cut its army in half and slash the military budget to comply with peace accords that ended a —36—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR.
20040401             INDIA began distributing AIDS drugs to 100,000—PEOPLE.
20040401             —ATTACKED, IRAQ, insurgents, A—USA—MILITARY—CONVOY and 1—HUMVEE was burned near FALLUJAH, —1—DAY—AFTER the grisly killing and mutilation of 4—USA—CONTRACT—WORKERS in the city.
20040401             1—GAS—EXPLOSION ripped through 1—REFINERY in IRAQ —WHILE it was being inspected by CZECH—REPUBLIC—ENGINEERS, killing 1 and injuring 2—OTHERS.
20040401             ITALY, TURKEY, GERMANY, BELGIUM and THE—NETHERLANDS arrested 41—MILITANTS in 1 coordinated crackdown on 1—TURKISH—MARXIST—GROUP.
20040401             —ARRESTED, Police in ISTANBUL, 25—SUSPECTS—OF—THE—MARXIST—REVOLUTIONARY—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY/Front, or DHKP—C, —WHILE security forces in the other countries detained 16—OTHERS.
20040401             UZBEKISTAN, 1—WOMAN blew herself up in THE—CENTRAL—BUKHARA region, killing 1—MAN and critically injuring herself.
20040401             † PAUL—ATKINSON (58), guitarist in THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GROUP—ZOMBIES, in LOS—ANGELES.
20040401             † CARRIE—SNODGRESS (57), actress, in LOS—ANGELES.
20040401             —ESTIMATED, An, 4.6—MILLION were infected.
20040401             —ARRESTED, ITALY—TURKEY, GERMANY—BELGIUM and THE—NETHERLANDS, 41—MILITANTS in 1 coordinated crackdown on 1—TURKEY—MARXIST—GROUP.
20040401             e faltando aqui Franck CARLUCCI, que se encontra quase TOTALMENTE—SITKO v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co...
20040401             company might have colluded with THE—FEDERAL—TESTING lab, WYLE LABORATORIES...
20040401             DEPLETED URANIUM, which is left over from the process of enriching
20040401             I N E E L Managers and Co n t ra c t o r s
20040401             DEPLETED URANIUM was 1—BYPRODUCT of uranium enrichment plants at OAK RIDGE—TENNESSEE.... WYLE LABORATORIES.
20040401             Interim Ordnance Cleanup.
20040401             —PRAISED, THE—HERITAGE—FOUNDATION—TODAY, 1—PROPOSAL to establish Lifetime Savings Accounts (LSAs) that would let people avoid the "double taxation" that erodes the value...
20040401             Ask ANY—POLITICIAN: The stump can be 1—CRUEL—PLACE for those not up to speed on the latest issues.
20040401             RICE—WAS "Focused On Matters Other Than Terrorism".
20040401             "1—REVIEW—OF—THE—RECORD, from testimony and interviews, suggests that MISS—RICE...was usually fixed on matters other than terrorism [—BEFORE 20010911             ], for reasons that had to do with her own background, her management style and the unusually close, personal nature of her relationship with MISTER—BUSH.... [T]he reality is that MISS—RICE has virtually no public utterances about AL—QAEDA to point to as evidence that she was as engaged in the issue as she was in MISTER—BUSH—OTHER—FOREIGN—POLICY—AGENDAS. " [NYT,
20040401             —FOCUSED, PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON, —MEANWHILE, was, on the terrorist threat.
20040401             He outlined a 3—PRONGED strategy for combating terrorism in a 19980000             speech at the Naval Academy.
20040401             Depleted uranium was 1—BYPRODUCT of uranium enrichment plants at Oak RIDGE—TENNESSEE.
20040401             Wyle Laboratories. Interim Ordnance Cleanup.
20040401             a saber que a França quer levar o caso "AngolaGate" e PIERRE—FALCONE ao tribunal...
20040401—20040430    Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano:
20040401—20040501    —JAHR—BIS You WILL—ANYWAY:
20040401—20040501    You WILL—ANYWAY:
20040401—20070000    —IN, the storage was expanded to "free unlimited".
20040422—20040401    —SINCE, † THE—IRAQ—HEALTH—MINISTER said that 576—IRAQ—INSURGENTS and civilians had —DURING the sharp upturn in violence that has also taken the lives of at least 100—USA—SOLDIERS.
20040430             —KILLED, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS found that —AROUND 1,361 Iraqis were, 20040401—20100430    —FROM—TO times the figure of at least 136—USA—TROOPS who † during the same period.
20040430—20040401    —FROM, THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS found that —AROUND 1,361 Iraqis were killed to 20100430             times the figure of at least 136—USA—TROOPS who † during the same period.
20040800             ISRAEL—PENTAGON SPY—JEWISH Neocon FEITH Hired Suspect DOUGLAS
20041108—20050401    Sound Politics: The 10000 Magical Mystery Ballots... on past elections, on how MANY—ABSENTEES and provisionals will be returned... of the 63000 votes counted on Mon 20041108             were MAILED—IN absentees..
20041118             0 20050401             löst sich das Bankgeheimnis in Luft auf.
20041118—20050401    löst sich das Bankgeheimnis in Luft auf.
20041118—20050401    —AB, erhalten die Finanzämter Zugriff auf die Kontodaten aller Bürger.
20041219             NucNews - 20030401             -... conspirators secretly acquired weapons from ISRAEL and sold... Abrams, RICHARD—SECORD, JOHN—SINGLAUB, ROBERT—MACFARLANE... of 1—RIGHTEOUS—CAUSE, the neocons long ago... nucnews_net/nucnews/2003nn/0304nn/030401nn.htm logbriefer for piet's netperusals -...
20050103             ANALYSIS—VOTE—COUNTS May Have Been Altered —FRIDAY, 20050401             ... Pinging TruthIsAll !
20050306             Phrack 1. - 19851000             NSF + DARPA, with DOD support, signed a...Master LOCK—COMPANY 19860401             - Ok, yeah the date says —APRIL... /
20050306—19851000    —SIGNED, NSF + DARPA, with DOD support, a...Master LOCK—COMPANY 19860401             —OK, yeah the date says ;;04;;...
20050321—20050401    —FROM, INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY in NEW—DELHI said very young and elderly Pakistanis visiting INDIA will receive visas on arrival.
20050330             Grande LOJA do Queijo Limiano: 20040401—20040430    ... e faltando aqui Franck Carlucci, que se encontra quase totalmente... a saber que a França quer levar o caso "AngolaGate" e PIERRE—FALCONE ao tribunal...
20050330—20050401    —ON, INDIA, shops kept their shutters down as striking traders said they would step up their protest against 1—NEW—VALUE—ADDED tax (VAT) due to take effect.
20050401             1. Frau außerhalb der USA, die dieses Amt innehat, ROSEMARIE—WENNER ist die
20050401             Planet Earth stands on THE—CUSP—OF—DISASTER and people should no longer take it for granted that their children and grandchildren will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 20010101—21001231 .
20050401             80. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PCP—SPEECH by CARLOS—CARVALHAS - 9st... be considered major PROTAGONISTS—OF—PORTUGAL—HISTORY in the 19010101—20001231    ... of YUGOSLAVIA turn their backs to the consequences of depleted uranium...
20050401             ReBelleNation: 20050313             — 20050319             ... Recruitment problems are beginning to dog even active duty units that have not... countries against CUBA —DURING Operation Mongoose, another attempt..
20050401             So far, no independent evidence indicates that this group came into existence —BEFORE 20050317             ; —4—DAYS—LATER, they testified —BEFORE Congress, as if ACVR were the acknowledged experts in this field.
20050401             THE—NATION, 19970317             - THE—CRUSHING—POWER—OF—BIG—PUBLISHING by... had granted him PERMISSION—AND full ACCESS—FOR a 1.—EVER biography.. whom the family helped JOE—MCCARTHY, JACKIE—PRESSER and THE—CHICAGO mob...
20050401             THE—APOCALYPSE—WILL—BE—TELEVISED (Harpers_org)... 1—MOON—AND—STARS—LOGO on boxes of soapsuds symbolized corporate diabolism... LAHAYE—VISIONARY projects is the secretive Council on National Policy.. 20050330             20050722—20050330    —ON, 1—EUROPEAN court ruled that UK—AUTHORITIES were right not to prosecute police over THE—KILLING—OF—MENEZES.
20050401             THE—APOCALYPSE—WILL—BE—TELEVISED (Harpers_org)... 1—MOON—AND—STARS—LOGO on boxes of soapsuds symbolized corporate diabolism... LAHAYE—VISIONARY projects is the secretive Council on National Policy.. 20050330             20050401             —PLEADED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON—FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISER, SANDY—BERGER, guilty to sneaking classified documents out of the National Archives;
20050401             he was —LATER sentenced to —2—YEARS' probation.
20050401             —CLOSED, Oil prices, on Nymex at 1—RECORD $57.27—PER barrel sending THE—DJIA down 99—POINTS to 10,404.
20050401             —REPORTED, It was, that scientific evidence from Brookhaven National Laboratory indicated the creation of 1—QUARK—GLUON plasma, 1—FORM—OF—MATTER that last existed moments —AFTER the big bang.
20050401             —AMBUSHED, Suspected Taliban gunmen, 1—CONVOY—OF—CIVIL—TRUCKS carrying vehicles to THE—USA—MILITARY in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, killing 3—DRIVERS.
20050401             1—BOMB planted on 1—TRACTOR trolley killed 2—PEOPLE and injured 5 in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAZAR I—SHARIF —WHILE 1—ROADSIDE bomb blast in SOUTH—KANDAHAR province killed 2—TEENAGERS.
20050401             —SIGNED, AUSTRALIA and NATO, 1—AGREEMENT to cooperate in the fight against INTERNATIONAL terrorism, weapons proliferation and other global military threats.
20050401             —KILLED, UN officials said 1—CHOLERA epidemic has, at least 4 and infected dozens in 1—SQUALID camp for displaced people in NORTH—EAST—CONGO, and it threatens to spread across the entire region.
20050401             —ENCOURAGED, Influential Sunni scholars, Iraqis to join the country's security forces and protect the country, issuing 1—EDICT that departed sharply from —EARLIER warnings against participating in the fledgling police and army.
20050401             —FREED, NEPAL—ROYAL—GOVERNMENT, 1—POPULAR—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER and 258—OTHER—DETAINEES, the biggest prisoner release —SINCE GYANENDRA—KING—OF— seized full power —2—MONTHS—AGO.
20050401             PAKISTAN, MOTORCYCLE—RIDING gunmen shot dead 1—SHIITE scholar and injured 2—PEOPLE including his daughter in 1 suspected sectarian attack in LAHORE.
20050401             —REACHED, SAUDI—ARABIA—TADAWUL—ALL—SHARE—INDEX, 1—RECORD 10853, up 28% for the —YEAR this far.
20050401             —REPORTED, THE—VATICAN, that JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA was near death, his breathing shallow and his heart and kidneys failing.
20050401             —DISMISSED, ZIMBABWE opposition leader MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, the previous —DAY—ELECTIONS as "massive fraud" and accused PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE of treating his country like "his private property".
20050401             —LAST—WEEK, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17—SOLDIERS for brutal MURDERS—OF—PRISONERS in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ,
20050401             despite THE—RECOMMENDATION—OF—ARMY—PROSECUTORS. Darwin —DAY Celebration
20050401             Contact: Kathy Meidell (PRESIDENT—KWCG—HUMANISTS),
20050401             Sponsor: Atheist + Agnostic + NON—RELIGIOUS Student Association
20050401             Download the.pdf (328Kb)
20050401             ABCNEWS_com : Political News Summary: 20050502             : The (HARRY—S) Truman... drug plans that would cost more than THE—WHITE—HOUSE has budgeted... the heck the Council on National Policy is, we've done 1—BIT—OF—LEGWORK for you...
20050401             —DECLINED, Infinite Injustice : —LAST—WEEK, the Pentagon, to prosecute 17—SOLDIERS for brutal MURDERS—OF—PRISONERS in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, despite THE—RECOMMENDATION—OF—ARMY—PROSECUTORS.
20050401             Void Productions.plan... and KANSAS My Final 4: DUKE—MARYLAND, UNC—ARIZONA... Last night, I attended 1—ANNUAL—SCHOOL—EVENT, called " SnoBall "... I'm going to see where I stand in terms...
20050401             Slashdot | Banning Violent Arcade Games Unconstitutional.
20050401             THE—CASE—OF—,1—UNJUST law the time to make your stand is not —WHEN you are being... They have 1—SNOBALL—CHANCE—OF ever having 1—NORMAL—RECIPRICAL
20050401             Modification de l'Ordonnance instituant des mesures à l'encontre des Taliban (AFGHANISTAN)... Mauritanian (a.k.a. Mahfouz Ould AL—WALID, Khalid AL—SHANQITI, Mafouz Walad AL—WALID... natürlichen und juristischen Personen, welche vom Anhang gestrichen worden sind Liste des
20050401             If you're looking for EVIDENCE—OF—JEWISH—MEDIA—COLLUSION, this is it.
20050401             —KILLED, They, the story.
20050401             —CALLED, World Net Daily, it 1—OF—THE—TOP 10 underreported STORIES—OF—THE—YEAR and for good reason.
20050401             It was impossible to find in THE—JEWISH—CONTROLLED mainstream media.
20050401             "We have allowed these kids to dream," said REPRESENTATIVE—JOYCE—ELLIOTT, D—LITTLE—ROCK, in support of her House Bill 15250000             .
20050401             "We have put them in our schools, we have urged them to dream + then we cut them off the moment they get out of high school".
20050401             —ORDERED, Anyway, I've, my copy of
20050401             It's My Party Too from Amazon + I hope you will too + maybe we can start to get the party back on the right track.
20050401             We have to draw the line somewhere + stop the Neocons.
20050401             ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE CAPABILITIES, EXTREME ABUSE—OF—TECHNOLOGY... would release their own covert abilities, operations and liabilities... Information ID: Tom "THE—MONGOOSE " Mccuen oo to Pauline —AT—THE—TIME...
20050401             CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS: EXCOMM Meeting Transcripts... THE—PRESIDENT will be informed through SAC/DOD channels.. THE—PRESIDENT—FURTHER suggested that the Mongoose operation be reconstituted, possibly as a
20050401             Expose': CHRISTIAN—MAFIA—PART II 20010911             CitizensWatch We...
20050401             —DISCOVERED, It was, that Robertson was using his " Operation Blessing" aircraft.. Mongoose Enterprises, Equity Trust, Interfax Gold Corporation, etc.
20050401             USA—IMPERIALISM—UNITEDSTATES_com FOREIGN* political... Mongoose (19610000—19630000): killing Castro + destabilizing CUBA via CIA agitprop, etc Northwoods (19620000—20020000): DoD prepares faked "terror attacks" qua casus...
20050401             BARBARA—HARTWELL—ARCHIVES... Operation MK—ULTRA—INSPIRED by NORTH—KOREA—BRAINWASHING program.. But " Operation Mongoose " fails, due to poor planning, security and backing...
20050401             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Ölpreis drückt die Kurse ins MINUS—SCOTT—RITTER: Neocons as Parasites:
20050401             FORMER—UNITED—NATIONS weapons inspector SCOTT—RITTER says neocons are parasites "that latch onto democracy —UNTIL it is no longer convenient".
20050401             Ambulances transport ISRAEL—TROOPS:
20050401             THE—ISRAEL—ARMY—USES—AMBULANCES to move troops and weapons in operations against Palestinians, 1—VIOLATION—OF—THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS
20050401             How Bush Learned To Love the Bomb:
20050401             USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH is talking tough about nukes in IRAN and NORTH—KOREA.
20050401             But critics say by illegally testing and building nuclear weapons, THE—USA is fueling 1—NEW—ARMS—RACE
20050401             JIMMY—CARTER: NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY—NEEDS push for renewal : Renewal talks for the nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY are scheduled —FOR—MAY, yet THE—USA and other nuclear powers seem indifferent to its fate.
20050401             Pak refuses RICE—REQUEST for USA—ACCESS to AQ Khan : PAKISTAN rejected USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—REQUEST to allow Americans to question disgraced scientist AQ Khan over his alleged role in IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, 1—REPORT said in WASHINGTON —ON—TUESDAY.
20050401             Carlyle Closes Record CAPITAL—RAISING : THE—CARLYLE—GROUP has completed the world's largest corporate buyout CAPITAL—RAISING at $10—BILLION to finance MEGA—SIZED deals on both sides of the Atlantic, the private equity firm said —ON—TUESDAY.
20050401             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20050401             Exposed: THE—CARLYLE—GROUP : I defy you to watch this —48—MINUTE documentary and not be outraged about THE—DEPTH—OF—CORRUPTION and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.
20050401             FEDERAL—JUDGE—RULES in favor of GUANTANAMO detainees : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—WASHINGTON has barred the government from moving 13—YEMENIS from GUANTANAMO Bay to other countries without at least —30—DAYS—NOTICE.
20050401             The judge says the prisoners need 1—CHANCE to challenge the transfer.
20050401             38—GUANTANAMO detainees found eligible for release : 38—DETAINEES held at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, have been declared not to be "enemy combatants" + are —THEREFORE eligible for release, the Pentagon said —TUESDAY.
20050401             —WANTED, Zarqawi planning chemical attack in EUROPE: : IRAQ—MOST, man, the fugitive ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, has been planning 1—CHEMICAL—WEAPONS—ATTACK in EUROPE, 1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE said —ON—WEDNESDAY, citing intelligence sources.
20050401             UNITED—NATIONS: IRAQ kids suffer from malnutrition: Almost twice as MANY—IRAQ—CHILDREN are suffering from malnutrition —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion toppled SADDAM—HUSSEIN, A—UNITED—NATIONS—MONITOR said —MONDAY.
20050401             New Torture Memo Implicates Top USA—GENERAL : 1—NEWLY released memo shows that USA—GENERAL—RICARDO—SANCHEZ authorized illegal interrogation techniques in IRAQ —JUST months —BEFORE THE—ABU—GHRAIB abuses.
20050401             COLIN—POWELL, —MEANWHILE, regrets misinforming THE—UN about IRAQ WMDs.
20050401             —COMMITTED, GENERAL—SANCHEZ, perjury —WHEN testifying —BEFORE Congress
20050401             Convicted USA—TORTURERS Sentence Reduced : THE—COURT—CUT—THE—10—YEAR—TERMS handed to Idema, the alleged ringleader + to RIGHT—HAND—MAN—BENNETT to 5 and —3—YEARS, respectively, Latif said.
20050401             Caraballo, 1—NEW—YORK journalist, will serve —2—YEARS instead of 8. - THE—STATE—OF—THE—WORLD?
20050401             This is not THE—DOOM—LADEN TALK—OF—GREEN—ACTIVISTS but the considered opinion of 1,300 leading scientists from 95—COUNTRIES
20050401             Bush is hostage to religious right, says top Republican : 1—OF—THE—MOST respected figures in the Republican political establishment turned on his own party —YESTERDAY, accusing the leadership of falling hostage to the religious right.
20050401             THE—MERCHANT—OF—BAGHDAD : Proving that the Republicans have no problem ignoring Biblical strictures against usury, the Congress passed 1—BANKRUPTCY—BILL that makes life far more profitable for credit card companies and far more onerous for people who have fallen into debt.
20050401             INDIANA Business Told to Hide Nude Statues : County officials told the business near Interstate 65—THAT it must move cement copies of the classical statues — and about 10—OTHERS — OUT—OF—PUBLIC—VIEW because they are obscene under INDIANA law.
20050401             Draft may be needed in —1—YEAR, military analysts warn : If USA—FORCES aren't pulling out of IRAQ in —1—YEAR, 1—DRAFT will be needed to meet manpower requirements, military analysts warned —WEDNESDAY.
20050401             Sharon battles obstacles in rabbinate conversions : PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON is convinced that increasing the number of converts to Judaism will help ensure 1—JEWISH—MAJORITY in ISRAEL.
20050401             3—STRIKES for Empire : —EVER—SINCE his 2. inaugural address, PRESIDENT—BUSH and his surrogates have launched 1—GRANDIOSE campaign that claims to "democratize" the world.
20050401             Of course, 1—OF—THE—GLARING exceptions to the administration's rhetoric, demonstrating the cynical OPPORTUNISM—OF—THE—WHOLE—POLICY, is THE—USA—CODDLING—OF—THE—PAKISTAN—DICTATOR—GENERAL—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF.
20050401             Starving IRAQ—CHILDREN—DOUBLE—AFTER war : THE—NUMBER—OF—CHILDREN starving in IRAQ has almost doubled —SINCE the war, 1—UNITED—NATIONS report has warned.
20050401             Growing numbers do not have enough food to eat and more than 1—QUARTER are chronically undernourished, according to the report.
20050401             Scathing WMD Intel Report Released : The main CAUSE—OF—FAILURE, the commission said, was the intelligence community's failure to make clear —JUST how much of its analysis was based on assumptions rather than good evidence.
20050401             Read the full report :
20050401             WILLIAM—BLUM: Anthrax for Export : Most Americans listening to THE—PRESIDENT did not know that THE—USA—SUPPLIED—IRAQ with much of the raw material for creating 1—CHEMICAL and biological warfare program.
20050401             Nor did the media report that USA—COMPANIES sold IRAQ more than $1—BILLION worth of the components needed to build nuclear weapons and diverse TYPES—OF—MISSILES, including the infamous Scud.
20050401             JOHN—BOLTON: ALLY—OF—CIA—LINKED—DRUGRUNNERS : BOLTON has not —JUST been extreme in his foreign policy views, he has been wrong and reckless: accusing CUBA of developing biological weapons and Syria of posing 1—SERIOUS—WMD threat without proof.
20050401             Missing suspect found in USA—BASE:
20050401             THE—NEW—YORK—BASED rights watchdog said 'ABD—AL—SALAM'—ALI—AL—HILA had been detained by EGYPT—OFFICIALS
20050401             —BEFORE showing up among USA—HELD terrorism suspects at THE—CUBA—BASE.
20050401             —BORED, FOX—NEWS—EXCLUSIVE: Terri SCHIAVO—PSYCHIC—FRIEND : Are Americans so, with their own lives that they couldn't resist getting swept up in the hype of the Schiavo case as if their own lives depended on it?
20050401             Oil Surges on 'SUPER—SPIKE' Prediction:
20050401             —SURGED, Oil prices, 2.6 % —ON—THURSDAY as
20050401             Goldman Sachs Group INCORPORATED, the biggest TRADER—OF—ENERGY—DERIVATIVES, said prices could ultimately surge all the way above $100 1—BARREL.
20050401             Screened Audiences, Fake News Promote Bush Agenda : As he travels —AROUND the nation to make his pitch that Social Security is in 1—CRISIS, THE—PRESIDENT is limiting his congregation to screened, sanitized audiences.
20050401             Why does he sermonize on the subject only to carefully selected audiences?
20050401             USA—PLANS for plague, flu and nuclear bomb attack : 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB in 1—BIG—CITY, plague released into 1—AIRPORT washroom and food stocks laced with anthrax are 3—OF 15—DOOMSDAY scenarios "inadvertently" published by USA—SECURITY—CHIEFS—YESTERDAY.
20050401             Gangs and Minutemen : THE—PRESIDENT, law enforcement officers and activist groups have unintentionally ended up on the same SIDE—OF—THE—ISSUE as 1—VIOLENT—CRIMINAL—GANG targeted by coordinated raids —JUST—2—WEEKS—AGO.
20050401             Little Brother may also be watching soon : MANY—PEOPLE have never heard of these microchips.
20050401             They're not magical floating potato chips or magnetic poker chips -- they're human tracking devices.
20050401             Gwynne Dyer: AMERICA—SUPERPOWER status is about to end : The flailing efforts of paramount powers to ward off impending demotion from "superpower'' status have generally —JUST hastened the process.
20050401             Taleban kill 4—POLICE: 1—DEAD in AFGHANISTAN 'suicide
20050401             INDIA turns its back on USA—ARMS : Peeved at THE—USA—DECISION to supply F—16—FIGHTER—JETS to PAKISTAN, DELHI has announced new defense orders to RUSSIA, GERMANY, ITALY, ISRAEL and even QATAR, worth 1—TOTAL—OF—USA$746—MILLION.
20050401             Is THE—USA—HOUSING Market Going to Crash?
20050401             It's the costly S&L tragedy all over again--only bigger;
20050401             the characters may be different, but I fear the plot and outcome are the same.
20050401             UK: House prices suffer worst fall in —10—YEARS : TONY—BLAIR—PLAN to make the economy THE—CENTREPIECE—OF—LABOUR—RE—ELECTION—STRATEGY suffered 1—FRESH—BLOW—YESTERDAY—WHEN BRITAIN—BIGGEST building society reported the sharpest fall in house prices —FOR—10—YEARS.
20050401             THE—PENTAGON—SECRET—STASH: Why we'll never see the 2. round of ABU—GHRAIB photos.
20050401             The images, Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD told Congress, depict "acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel, and inhuman".
20050401             —VIEWED, —AFTER SENATOR—SAXBY—CHAMBLISS (R—GEORGIA), SOME—OF—THEM in 1 classified briefing, he testified that his "stomach gave out".
20050401             USA—MILITARY has held an USA—CITIZEN without charges in IRAQ —SINCE—LAST—YEAR.
20050401             THE—USA—MILITARY said —ON—FRIDAY it has held —SINCE—LAST—YEAR 1—USA—CITIZEN without charges in IRAQ as 1 suspected top aide to militant ABU—MUSAB—AL—ZARQAWI, drawing condemnation from civil rights activists.
20050401             Study details mental ills of returning USA—TROOPS : 1—MILLION—USA—TROOPS have been deployed for THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, according to the Pentagon.
20050401             If the study's rates are accurate for all military members deployed to IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN, it would mean that approximately 250,000 suffer SOME—MENTAL—ILLNESS.
20050401             —RAISED, IRAQ outcome won't endorse USA—INTRUSION : The issue, by THE—IRAQ war remains as it was in the beginning: Do we want 1—WORLD ruled by the arbitrary decisions of its dominant power, or do we want to uphold 1—SEMBLANCE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—LAW?
20050401             Key IRAQ—INFORMANT was 'crazy,' USA was told —BEFORE war : Prewar claims by THE—USA—THAT—IRAQ was producing biological weapons were based almost entirely on accounts from 1—DEFECTOR who was described as "crazy" by his intelligence handlers and a "congenital liar" by his friends.
20050401             —IMPLIED, It also, that the country's spy agencies know "disturbingly little" about IRAN and NORTH—KOREA.
20050401             Maureen Dowd: I—SPY 1—SCREW—UP : As necessity is THE—MOTHER—OF—INVENTION, political pressure was THE—FATHER—OF—CONVENIENTLY botched intelligence.
20050401             BLAIR—SLAM—DUNK—DELUSIONAL?
20050401             There was THE—QUESTION—OF—THE—CERTAINTY—OF—THE—ADVICE given by Tenet to Bush and POWELL—THE 'slam dunk' certainty that WMDs existed in IRAQ and that they were 1—THREAT to other nations including THE—USA.
20050401             THE—GATES—OF—HELL are open in IRAQ : The elections held under the control of the occupying forces in January were neither free nor fair.
20050401             Instead of being 1—STEP towards solving IRAQ—PROBLEMS, they have been used to prolong foreign rule over THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE.
20050401             IRAQ—SEED—SAVING under attack.
20050401             —ACCUSED—OF, Americans are, putting big agricultural companies ahead of Iraqui farmers.
20050401             Veterans Group Calls on Congress to Impeach GEORGE—W—BUSH and RICHARD—CHENEY : 1—NATIONAL—VETERANS' organization called for THE—REMOVAL—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—RICHARD—CHENEY for crimes the group charges were committed —DURING the invasion and occupation of IRAQ.
20050401             USA—MEDIA—SILENT over mass protest in BAHRAIN : THE—HYPOCRISY—OF—WASHINGTON—SELF—PROCLAIMED crusade for democracy in THE—MIDDLE—EAST found damning expression —THIS—WEEK in the nearly total SILENCE—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and THE—USA—MEDIA over 1—DEMONSTRATION that brought TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS into THE—STREETS—OF—BAHRAIN last —FRIDAY demanding democratic reforms.
20050401             USA—MILITARY 'recognizes' its own regulations on DU : Will it —NOW comply with environmental and health care mandates for both USA and IRAQ?
20050401             Another country: As rumours PERSIST—OF—USA—PLANS to invade IRAN, Rageh Omaar, the face of THE—BBC —DURING THE—IRAQ war, visits TEHRAN—AND finds 1—NATION far removed from THE—1—GEORGE—BUSH seems to fear
20050401             —TODAY on Flashpoints:
20050401             1—WIDE—RANGING INTERVIEW—WITH—LONDON—INDEPENDENT reporter ROBERT—FISK on the volatile situation in LEBANON;
20050401             THE—MYTHOLOGY—OF—PEOPLE—POWER:
20050401             THE—GLAMOUR—OF—STREET—PROTESTS should not blind us to THE—REALITY—OF—USA—BACKED coups in THE—FORMER—USSR
20050401             ISRAEL—RAMPAGE: Settler violence against Palestinians is burgeoning at 1—ALARMING RATE—THE—END—OF—1—VIABLE—PALESTINIAN—STATE:
20050401             —DISINTERESTED, The battle for the capital : Even 1, onlooker can see that THE—ELIMINATION—OF—EAST—JERUSALEM as 1—METROPOLITAN—CENTER for its Arab hinterlands is —NOW proceeding apace.
20050401             Infinite Injustice
20050401             EACH—DAY—BRINGS—NEW—REVELATIONS—OF—TORTURE, murder and government whitewash in BUSH—GULAG.
20050401             † AT—LEAST—108—PRISONERS—HAVE, in BUSH—CAPTIVITY so far;
20050401             —LISTED, DOZENS—OF—THESE have been, as homicides, CBS reported.
20050401             The good news about terrorism
20050401             Far from being more dangerous, the world is safer —NOW than ever —BEFORE;
20050401             and far from being 1—EVER—GROWING problem, terrorism has been in sharp decline for over —1—DECADE.
20050401             This is not 1—MATTER—OF opinion. It is provable.
20050401             THE—INSLAW—AFFAIR... this information was JUDGE—CORNELIUS—BLACKSHEAR who, at... of its witnesses, including JUDGE—BLACKSHEAR, have somehow... who consistently complimented JUDGE—BASON on...
20050401             and (6 ... —WHILE Blackshear —INITIALLY did support PASCIUTO—TESTIMONY... 1—MEETING with 1—JUDGE, the Honorable...
20050401             Vertrauen drückt aufs Tempo
20050401             Offensichtlich spiegeln sich im Gehirn, so die Schlussfolgerung der Forscher, sowohl die Fairness des Investors als auch die Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Treuhänders wider.
20050401             Eine These, die durch eine weitere Beobachtung untermauert wurde:
20050401             In späteren Runden, wenn sich der Treuhänder —BEREITS 1—MEINUNG über die Zuverlässigkeit des Investors bilden konnte, fiel die VERTRAUENS—ENTSCHEIDUNG im Gehirn durchschnittlich —14—SEKUNDEN—FRÜHER als zu Beginn.
20050401             Die aktuelle Studie, die laut "Science" von Kollegen als "sehr wichtig" und "außerordentlich gut gemacht" eingestuft wird, soll —NUN auch helfen, andere soziale Prozesse zu ergründen.
20050401             Die Forscher hoffen, insbesondere Krankheiten wie Autismus + Schizophrenie, bei denen ]A[ soziale Signale ]richtig[ ]falsch[ verstanden oder ausgesandt werden, besser zu verstehen.
20050401             Das Gehirn ist nachtragend
20050401             Dabei zeigte sich, so BROOKS—CASAS—KING—OF—, dass das gegenseitige Vertrauen stark vom vorherigen Verlauf des Austausches abhing:
20050401             Hatte der Treuhänder das Geschäft fair und zum gegenseitigen Vorteil abgewickelt, erhöhte der Investor in der nächsten Runde seinen Tauscheinsatz.
20050401             Genau das umgekehrte Verhalten zeigte sich, wenn der Investor in der Runde zuvor von der Knauserigkeit des Gegenübers enttäuscht worden war.
20050401             Während dieses Verhalten erwartet worden war, erlebten die Forscher bei der Auswertung der AUFNAHMEN—DES—KERNSPINTOMOGRAPHEN eine Überraschung:
20050401             Bei den 48—UNTERSUCHTEN Paaren zeigten sich eindeutige Aktivitäten in einem bestimmten BEREICH—DES—GEHIRNS—DEM so genannten Nucleus caudatus ("Schweifkern"),
20050401             der ansonsten für bewusste Bewegungen aber auch fürs Verlieben zuständig ist.
20050401             Die Gehirnaktivitäten waren dabei besonders hoch, wenn der Investor seinen Einsatz als Reaktion auf zuvor gezeigtes Vertrauen steigerte.
20050401             —ENTTÄUSCHT, Wurde der Investor dagegen finanziell, und so aufgebautes Vertrauen zerstört, ging auch die Aktivität im Nucleus caudatus zurück.
20050401             Gleichzeitig zeigte sich ein klarer Zusammenhang zwischen der HÖHE—DER—AUSGETAUSCHTEN—GELDBETRÄGE und der Stärke der Impulse.
20050401             Neurologen haben entdeckt, wie und an welchem Ort Vertrauen im Gehirn aufgebaut wird.
20050401             Offensichtlich wird die menschliche Schaltzentrale dabei von einem zentralen Prinzip regiert: "Wie Du mir, so ich Dir".
20050401             Das internationale Astronomenteam hält die Entdeckung für einen wichtigen Durchbruch.
20050401             Nach aktuellen kosmologischen Modellen muss es im Universum von dunkler Materie nur so wimmeln.
20050401             "Wir denken, sie ist überall", sagt Springel.
20050401             "Etwa 84 % aller Materie ist dunkle Materie, sie ist es, die die Galaxien zusammenhält".
20050401             Ohne diese Masse, so der Astronom, würde auch unsere Galaxis "auseinander fliegen".
20050401             —BEOBACHTET, Direkt, wurde dunkle Materie bislang aber nicht, man weiß noch nicht einmal, aus welchen Teilchen sie eigentlich bestehen soll.
20050401             "Wenn das eine normale Galaxie wäre, sollte sie ziemlich hell sein, man sollte sie mit einem guten Amateurteleskop sehen können", sagte ROBERT—MINCHIN—VON—DER—CARDIFF—UNIVERSITY—DER—BBC.
20050401             "Aus der Geschwindigkeit schlossen wir, dass VIRGOHI21 etwa 1000—MAL massiver sein muss als nur von den beobachteten Wasserstoffatomen her zu erwarten wäre".
20050401             Der Stoff, der die Galaxis zusammenhält
20050401             Von einer "wirklich aufregenden Entdeckung" spricht JON—DAVIES—VON—DER—CARDIFF—UNIVERSITY—IN—WALES.
20050401             Ein internationales Forscherteam ist überzeugt, 1—GALAXIE entdeckt zu haben, die fast vollständig aus dunkler Materie besteht.
20050401             —BERICHTET, Wie der ONLINE—NACHRICHTENDIENST der BBC, ist die 50—MILLIONEN Lichtjahre entfernte Formation mit Hilfe von Radioteleskopen in Cheshire und PUERTO—RICO aufgespürt worden.
20050401             Eine dunkle Galaxie ist 1—GEGEND im Kosmos, die zwar eine große, rotierende Menge an Masse ENTHÄLT—ABER keine Sterne.
20050401             Die dunkle Materie soll der gängigen Theorie zufolge durch ihre Schwerkraft die sichtbaren Galaxien zusammenhalten.
20050401             Was genau dunkle Materie aber ist, weiß bislang niemand, da sie noch nie direkt nachgewiesen wurde.
20050401             Die Forscher stießen auf das ungewöhnliche Phänomen, als sie das Universum auf starke Konzentrationen von Wasserstoffatomen absuchten.
20050401             Die Wasserstoffkonzentration wird üblicherweise abgeschätzt, indem man die Rotation von Galaxien sowie die Geschwindigkeit ihrer Einzelteile beobachtet.
20050401             Die überraschende Entdeckung machten die Forscher aus GROSSBRITANNIEN—FRANKREICH, ITALIEN und AUSTRALIEN im VIRGO—GALAXIENHAUFEN.
20050401             Die mutmaßliche DUNKELMATERIE—GALAXIE trägt den Namen VIRGOHI21.
20050401             Ähnliche Objekte, die aber keine dunklen Galaxien darstellen, können entstehen, wenn 2—STERNENHAUFEN zusammenstoßen.
20050401             Die Massen der kollidierenden Objekte zerren aneinander, wodurch sich Gas aus dem interstellaren Raum und gelegentlich auch einzelne Sterne losreißen.
20050401             Diese Masse schwebt anschließend als unabhängiges Objekt im All.
20050401             Chapline glaubt, dass die bisherige Theorie zur Bildung Schwarzer Löcher nicht stimmt.
20050401             —KONZENTRIERT, Demnach kollabieren superschwere STERNE—IHRE Masse, sich auf immer kleinerem Volumen, —BIS schließlich 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH entstanden ist.
20050401             Laut Chaplin bilden sich beim Kollabieren jedoch Sterne, die aus dunkler Energie bestehen.
20050401             Astronomen gehen davon aus, dass unser Universum zu 70 % aus solcher dunkler Energie BESTEHT—EINE hypothetische Energieform, die für die zunehmende Expansion des Universums verantwortlich gemacht wird.
20050401             Schwarze Löcher sind 1—KONSEQUENZ aus Einsteins Allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie, die Gravitation als Verformung der RAUM—ZEIT erklärt.
20050401             Einstein selbst zweifelte jedoch an der EXISTENZ—DER—MYSTERIÖSEN—MASSEHAUFEN.
20050401             "Unglücklicherweise konnte er nicht so recht sagen, warum", erklärte Chapline gegenüber dem Newsdienst des Magazins "Nature".
20050401             —BEGRÜNDET, Der Forscher, seine neue Theorie mit einem so genannten QUANTENPHASEN—ÜBERGANG.
20050401             1—STERN kollabiere nicht einfach, so Chapline, die Raumzeit in seinem Innern werde vielmehr mit Dunkler Energie gefüllt, was zu verblüffenden Gravitationseffekten führe.
20050401             Von außen verhalte sich der Stern aus Dunkler Energie praktisch wie 1—SCHWARZES—LOCH, er rufe eine gigantische Anziehungskraft hervor.
20050401             Im Innern sorge die "negative" Gravitationskraft dafür, dass Materie nach außen zurückpralle, sagte der Astrophysiker.
20050401             Wenn der Stern aus Dunkler Energie groß genug ist, dann könnten laut Chaplin abgeprallte Elektronen in Positronen umgewandelt werden, die sich mit anderen Elektronen auslöschen und dabei elektromagnetische Strahlung abgeben.
20050401             Dieser Vorgang könnte 1—ERKLÄRUNG für die im Zentrum unserer Galaxie beobachtete Strahlung sein, glaubt Chapline, die auch als Signatur des dort vermuteten Scharzen Lochs interpretiert wurde.
20050401             Es ist nahezu sicher, dass schwarze Löcher nicht existieren".
20050401             GEORGE—CHAPLINE vom LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY in Kalifornien glaubt nicht an die unvorstellbar schweren Massehaufen, deren Gravitation so stark ist, dass nicht einmal 1—LICHTSTRAHL sie je verlassen kann.
20050401             —BEURLAUBT, Kinderpornografie: Hamburger CDU—POLITIKER
20050401             NEWS—TICKER: Die jüngsten Meldungen aus Rom
20050401             Vorrang für Berlusconi: RAI unterdrückte NEWS—PAPA
20050401             Tödliches Virus: MARBURG—FIEBER wütet in ANGOLA
20050401             Rekordzeit im Aquarium: Weißer Hai beißt sich in die Freiheit
20050401             USA—KONJUNKTUR: Geringes Beschäftigungswachstum erfreut Börsianer
20050401             Hirnforschung: Vertrauen sitzt tief im GEHIRN—CASINOBOOM in MACAU: Alles auf Rot
20050401             JOHANNES—PAUL—II.: Die Welt betet für den PAPA
20050401             Tschechien: Kommunisten stützen Regierung
20050401             TSCHETSCHENIEN—KONFLIKT: Maschadow angeblich von eigenen Leuten erschossen
20050401             Zum TOD—VON—HARALD—JUHNKE: Der Entertainer tritt ab
20050401             —VERABSCHIEDET, Vatikan: PAPA, sich von VERTRAUTEN—VIETNAM—KRIEG: JANE—FONDAS späte Reue
20050401             Diplomatie: Was Bush s UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—VON den Vereinten Nationen hält
20050401             Provokante These: "Schwarze Löcher gibt es nicht"
20050401             Evolution des Lachens: Gekitzelte Ratten kichern
20050401             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Dunkel dräuendes Germanentum"
20050401             I —RECENTLY discovered that this image was produced by LATTER—DAY—MEMBERS—OF—THE—I—AM—RELIGIOUS—ACTIVITY, which had its origins in THE—USA—FASCIST—MOVEMENT—OF—19300000             —THE -s.
20050401             Again: Baker is —NOW CO—CHAIRING the election reform commission.
20050401             —LEARNED—OF, Again: ACVR, this commission's existence —BEFORE ANY—OTHER—GROUP or news service.
20050401             Again: ACVR and TODD—FUND—USE the same mailbox.
20050401             Baker Botts is JAMES—BAKER—LAW—FIRM, of course.
20050401             —PUBLISHED, According to this page originally, on THE—TODD—FUND—WEB—SITE (—NOW available only via GOOGLE—CACHE function), TODD—FUND owes its existence to "THE—PRO—BONO work of Baker Botts, 1—LAW—FIRM in DALLAS, TEXAS".
20050401             The same UPS store -- and the very same mail box -- is (was?) also used by another group called "TODD—FUND".This is 1—CHARITY established in THE—NAME—OF—CHRISTOPHER—TODD—PITMAN, 1—VICTIM—OF—20010911             —THE attack.
20050401             1—POSTER to his blog maintains that the strange mailbox "home" of THE—ACVR is within the same retail complex where T. Boone Pickens (1—MAJOR funder of the Swift Boat crusaders against Kerry) maintains offices for UK—PETROLEUM Capitol LLC.
20050401             Most vote fraud activists focus on the companies which manufacture ALL—TOO—HACKABLE computerized voting machines -- companies run by Republicans and largely funded by THE—THEOCRATICALLY—MINDED HOWARD—AHMANSON.
20050401             —OCCURRED, Not "may have ": DID occur.
20050401             Fortunately, other media voices are taking note of this odd tale.
20050401             THE—LONE—STAR—ICONOCLAST—OF—TEXAS offers this fine ACCOUNT—OF—ACVR—MIRACULOUS—CONCEPTION, —WHILE the fine "Watching the Watchers"website has also targeted this issue.
20050401             In its defense of "JEFF—GANNON," Cybercast News Service proudly proclaims GOPUSA a "client": As you will recall, Talon was 1—FRONT for GOPUSA, itself something of 1—POTEMKIN village populated largely by propagandists with ties to Reverend Moon.
20050401             (See here.) - This HIGHLY—SLANTED piece on THE—RIGHT—WING Cybercast News Service alleges that ACVR came into being in February.
20050401             1—LOT—OF—FOLKS on the left and right disliked that organization + I don't want to revive the controversy.
20050401             Suffice it to say that MOST—OF—ITS—MEMBERS, both in private and in public, evinced no faith in either major party.)
20050401             BRAD—FRIEDMAN has been doing his usual excellent job covering THE—USA—CENTER for Voting Rights, or ACVR.
20050401             (How should we pronounce that acronym?
20050401             I propose "ASS—SEEVER".) If you haven't yet heard of this organization, don't worry: You soon will.
20050401             They have been positioning themselves for a "Swift Boat" style media impact.
20050401             The only known MEMBERS—OF—THIS allegedly NON—PARTISAN GROUP—WHICH spews GOP spin points —WHILE POOH—POOHING genuine concerns over computerized vote FRAUD—ARE REPUBLICAN—PARTY—MOVERS—N—SHAKERS, such as "Thor" Hearne + JIM—DYKE.
20050401             Their SOURCE—OF—FUNDS remains unknown.
20050401             Their only address is 1—MAIL drop in 1—UPS store in TEXAS—EVEN though the only known LEADERS—OF—THE—GROUP operate elsewhere.
20050401             (What kind of legitimate group uses 1—MAIL drop?)
20050401             THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—COMMITTEE is already citing the report of this newborn group to buttress its claim that Democrats, not Republicans, intimidate voters.
20050401             An RNC flyer instructs us to "check out the documented Democratic intimidation tactics at www.ac4vr_com".
20050401             GOP politician: "Freedom is dangerous"
20050401             —NOTED, We've already
20050401             I would like to offer further discussion of 1—FEW outrageous observations from the bill's sponsor, 1—DENNIS—BAXLEY.
20050401             To buttress his censorship efforts, he offers this astonishing quote:
20050401             "Freedom is 1—DANGEROUS thing + you might be exposed to things you don't want to hear".
20050401             It gets worse: "...if students are being persecuted and ridiculed for their beliefs, I think they should be given standing to sue".
20050401             Persecuted? Ridiculed? What paranoia!
20050401             —WITNESSED, In over —40—YEARS, I have never, or heard of 1—SINGLE—INSTANCE in which ANY—STUDENT in ANY—LEGITIMATE—PUBLIC—INSTITUTION was "persecuted" or "ridiculed" by the staff for ANY—PRIVATELY—HELD belief.
20050401             However, I know for 1—FACT that behavior control methods in parochial schools often include tactics which many would categorize as "persecution".
20050401             —CONFINED, Let the theocrats stay, to THE—BEDLAM—OF—THE—USA—RURAL—SOUTH.
20050401             If they cannot behave themselves in 1—UNIVERSITY setting, let them leave the room quietly —WHILE rational people discuss science, philosophy, art and truth in academic peace.
20050401             —MIRED, Let the fanatics stay, in the Dark Ages —WHILE THE—REST—OF—USA seek THE—GOALS—OF—THE—RENAISSANCE.
20050401             In that light, you'll also want to READ—THIS important column by Pual Krugman.
20050401             1—EXCERPT: The religious right is already having 1—BIG—IMPACT on education: 31—PERCENT—OF—TEACHERS surveyed by the National Science Teachers Association feel pressured to present CREATIONISM—RELATED material in the classroom.
20050401             The closest parallel I can think of to current USA—POLITICS is ISRAEL.
20050401             There was 1—TIME, not that long ago, —WHEN moderate Israelis downplayed the rise of religious extremists.
20050401             AMERICA ISN'T yet 1—PLACE where liberal politicians, and even conservatives who aren't sufficiently HARD—LINE, fear assassination.
20050401             But unless moderates take 1—STAND against the growing power of domestic extremists, it can happen here.
20050401             —TODAY—FUNDAMENTALISTS also pretend to be the underdog, revelling in sick hallucinations of martyrdom.
20050401             We normal people simply hope to go about our lives without having this MAD—DOG—INSANITY foisted upon us.
20050401             There you have it.
20050401             1—STUDENT is "persecuted" if he is asked to excuse himself quietly rather than waste class time with discussions of ANTI—SCIENTIFIC bullshit.
20050401             Too MANY—PEOPLE believe that the Puritans came to this country to escape persecution.
20050401             —REJECTED, In fact, the Old World, the Puritan insistence on persecuting others.
20050401             Majority Report Radio: Ashcroft Thinks Judges Are Jeopardizing... that seem to have voted rep this time —AROUND and canvass them...ask them who they... 20040000             —0653—PM.
20050401             >>Didn't you all learn anything from this election ?
20050401             HE—SETTING up what the Democrats consider the real election of 20040000             — their... provisional ballots with absentees would prove decisive the other way...
20050401             GENERAL ELECTION, 20040000             ... From absentees to election —DAY, Bush went from 44.25% to 47.30% 1—GAIN—OF—3.05%.
20050401             Overall totals. VotersUnite!
20050401             of problems reported in the media about 20040000             —THE general election... 20041129             , Canvass anomalies, OH, Sufficient problems have surfaced in OHIO that...
20050401             Current Events in NASA History..
20050401             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED... "Terrorist Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... Without entertaining broad conspiracy theories, current events...
20050401             THE—WARS that were Planned: AUSTRALIA—FORWARD—DEFENCE—POSTURE in... its security.
20050401             —DELIVERED, Global planning in ANZAM, 1—MAJOR—REGIONAL—ROLE to... was 1—INVOLVEMENT—OF scarce manpower in conventional wars in ASIAÐ the.
20050401             Defining 1—AGENDA for Poverty Reduction -... The importance of fostering of stakeholder involvement... investment, agriculture and food security, global capital movements, natural resources...
20050401             Virtual Resources: INTERNATIONAL Relations Research on THE—INTERNET -... Explorer + the involvement of large corporate interests.
20050401             —STILL, THE—INTERNET is very much... CANADA—NATIONAL—DEFENCE—PEACE and Security WWW Server.
20050401             HUMAN SECURITY : AN EXTENDED AND ANNOTATED INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY -... involvement abroad), whereas THE—CANADA—CONCEPTION is more geared... Project: Human Security, Global Governance and Sustainable...
20050401             Research Guides: Political Science... 1970's. Major areas covered are wage and compensation trends, family earnings and... are available including national security, global terrorism, etc...
20050401             UN and Global Special WEAPONS—NUCLEAR, Biological Chemical and...
20050401             IHT: Alaskan loophole for USA—ARMY—CONTRACTS...roles of Wackenhut, which is working with 1—ALASKAN native corporation called Alutiiq +... Those ties, said Nicolle Watson, 1—SPOKESWOMAN...
20050401             NucNews - 20050103             -------- NUCLEAR Energy DEPARTMENT—AWARDS... Ties between INDIA and CHINA -- the world's 2—MOST populous nations, who... personnel work at the plant, employees of the Wackenhut company, a...
20050401             USMA In THE—NEWS...roles of Wackenhut, which is working with 1—ALASKAN native corporation called Alutiiq +... its ties to Republican political figures.
20050401             The.
20050401             15. Little Big Companies... to grow, Stevens also formed personal ties to the... of that work was awarded —AFTER Wackenhut and... WACKENHUT—NATIVE partner, Alutiiq.
20050401             Jewish and Zionist Influence in USA—GOVERNMENT... 86] A 19570000             dust jacket blurb for his biography notes that "for nearly 50 ... JACKIE—PRESSER (also Jewish, he took THE—HELM—OF—THE—UNION 19840000             —IN)...
20050401             THE—TEAMSTERS, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, the Labor DEPARTMENT—1—COMMENTARY... and THE—FATHER—OF—JACKIE—PRESSER who would play 1—IMPORTANT—PART in Reagan's... Current Biography Yearbook (NEW—YORK: HW WILSON—CO., 19820000             ), p. 106 ...
20050401             JACKIE—ROBINSON quotes; JACKIE—JOYNER—KERSEE quotes;
20050401             JACKIE—GLEASON quotes; JACKIE—MASON quotes;
20050401             JACKIE—COLLINS quotes..JACKIE—PRESSER.
20050401             1—THESE, die durch eine weitere Beobachtung untermauert wurde: In späteren Runden, wenn sich der Treuhänder —BEREITS 1—MEINUNG über die Zuverlässigkeit des Investors bilden konnte, fiel die VERTRAUENS—ENTSCHEIDUNG im Gehirn durchschnittlich —14—SEKUNDEN—FRÜHER als zu Beginn.
20050401             Dabei zeigte sich, so BROOKS—CASAS—KING—OF—, dass das gegenseitige Vertrauen stark vom vorherigen Verlauf des Austausches abhing: Hatte der Treuhänder das Geschäft fair und zum gegenseitigen Vorteil abgewickelt, erhöhte der Investor in der nächsten Runde seinen Tauscheinsatz.
20050401             Während dieses Verhalten erwartet worden war, erlebten die Forscher bei der Auswertung der AUFNAHMEN—DES—KERNSPINTOMOGRAPHEN eine Überraschung: Bei den 48—UNTERSUCHTEN Paaren zeigten sich eindeutige Aktivitäten in einem bestimmten BEREICH—DES—GEHIRNS—DEM so genannten Nucleus caudatus ("Schweifkern"), der ansonsten für bewusste Bewegungen aber auch fürs Verlieben zuständig ist.
20050401             Die mutmaßliche DUNKELMATERIE—GALAXIE trägt den Namen VIRGOHI21. Ähnliche Objekte, die aber keine dunklen Galaxien darstellen, können entstehen, wenn 2—STERNENHAUFEN zusammenstoßen.
20050401             Dick and the angels.
20050401             (Anyone else out there recall how the Christic Institute had its 501(c)3—STATUS revoked for allegedly partisan behavior?
20050401             such as "Thor" Hearne + JIM—DYKE.
20050401             this shocking story from Jeb BUSH—FLORIDA, about RIGHT—WING efforts to allow students to sue professors who express 1—OPINION—OR tell 1—TRUTH—THAT the student does not like.
20050401             —KILLED, But no more: extremists have already, 1—PRIME—MINISTER, and everyone realizes that Ariel Sharon is at risk.
20050401             In fact, Fundamentalism -- in ALL—OF—ITS—FORMS, in EVERY—COUNTRY and culture in which the disease APPEARS—IS always abusive, to both the believer + NON—BELIEVER, to both the individual + the culture.
20050401             00.Ju-.2005 Select NASA Links... NASA+ (1—KEY—WORD or 2—ABOUT what you are looking for)+(1—QUALIFIER)... History Office: This site includes;
20050401             _AUTHENTICO—HISTORIA—INDEX_20040823242526_UPDATED...
20050401             00.Ju-.2005 "Terrorist Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+... Without entertaining broad conspiracy theories, current events...
20050401             UN + Global Special Weapons — Nuclear + Biological + Chemical +...
20050401             Web Results 1 - 21—OF—ABOUT 25 for neurosemantics. ( 0.—04—SECONDS)
20050401             —SUBMITTED, EUROSEMANTICS: 1—THEORY by DAN—RYDER 1—DISSERTATION, to... -... DAN—RYDER : Neurosemantics : 1—THEORY.
20050401             (Under the direction of WILLIAM—G—LYCAN.) There is good evidence that the cerebral cortex is the seat of the.
20050401             DAN—RYDER—PAPERS... Download pdf;
20050401             SINBAD Neurosemantics : 1—THEORY—OF—MENTAL—REPRESENTATION... Finally, I show how SINBAD neurosemantics can provide accounts of...
20050401             Online Papers in Philosophy: 20031029             ... DAN—RYDER, SINBAD Neurosemantics : 1—THEORY of mental representation.
20050401             I present 1—ACCOUNT—OF—MENTAL—REPRESENTATION based upon the "SINBAD" theory of the.
20050401             Des neurones à la philosophie... PAUL—CHURCHLAND (20020000             ) Neural worlds and real worlds;
20050401             Bonus: CHRIS—ELIASMITH (20000000             ) How Neurons Mean;
20050401             Bonus: DAN—RYDER (20020000             ) Neurosemantics : A theory...
20050401             SINBAD automation of scientific discovery: From factor analysis to... DAN—RYDER, SAMEER—JOSHI and MARK—TOMMERDAHL.
20050401             —SUPPORTED, This work was...Ryder D (20040000             ) SINBAD Neurosemantics : 1—THEORY—OF—MENTAL—REPRESENTATION.
20050401             USA Practitioners of NLP... JOHN—RYDER, Ph.D. Email: DrJRyder@aol_com Occupation: Psychologist... Phone: 704—864—3585—FAX: 704-864-15450000             Email: Bob@ neurosemantics_com...
20050401             Related Links for neurosemantics — wordIQ_com... of Mind... DAN—RYDER, Neurosemantics : 1—THEORY.
20050401             DAN—RYDER, SINBAD neurosemantics : in theory of mental representation... www.u.ARIZONA.
20050401             1—N OCTOPUS NAMED WACKENHUT : Sightings from THE—CATBIRD—SEAT... Amongst those indicted was Andrew " Drew " Thornton, 40, 1—FORMER—NARCOTICS—OFFICER... PART—OF—THE—COMPANY was headquartered in LEXINGTON—KENTUCKY...
20050401             archive of peeples thots... the spectacular DEATH—OF—FORMER—LEXINGTON police officer DREW—THORNTON.. THE—COMPANY came dangerously close to MISTER—BROWN—CIRCLE—OF—FRIENDS +...
20050401             Scandals beset KENTUCKY Governors... law enforcement and surveillance reports in connection with " THE—COMPANY" a.. the spectacular DEATH—OF—FORMER—LEXINGTON police officer DREW—THORNTON
20050401             THE—LAST—CIRCLE... Amongst those indicted was Andrew " Drew " Thornton, 40, 1—FORMER—NARCOTICS—OFFICER... PART—OF—THE—COMPANY was headquartered in LEXINGTON—KENTUCKY...
20050401             THE—DAILY—KENOSHAN (KenoshaOnline_net) - Forum [printable version...
20050401             THE—REPUBLICANS will not 1—HA ve 1—FILIBUSTER—PROOF 60-seat majority in the Senate.
20050401             If the Democrats do their... Red: Pomegranate juice in PLACE—OF—WATER.
20050401             Miquelon_org Stop FRANCE Bashing... and 1—NEAR—FATAL—ALLERGIC—REACTION to 1—EATING—1—POMEGRANATE... The obstruction in question is 1—FILIBUSTER, 1—LAST ditch legal maneuver that has been...
20050401             Keyword... Latest News on Terri Schiavo;
20050401             Latest News on the filibuster... 24—SHOWS 1 forged ivory pomegranate that had been thought to be the only surviving relic...
20050401             JULIUS—CAESAR—DECLINES 1—TRIUMPH... JULIA—AUGUSTA—EMPRESS—OF—ROME—AUGUSTUS—CAESAR...Aegean Maps Pomegranate Seeds... JULIUS—CAESAR responds to CATO—FILIBUSTER by running for consul...
20050401             or the web powered by FreeFind Site search Web search 00.000.19 ... 20041200             " THE—COMPANY was originally out of Lexington, KENTUCKY + Mena, ARKANSAS... Amongst those indicted was Andrew " Drew " Thornton, 40..
20050401             Horrorfisch überfällt USA : POLITIKFORUM—FORUM für politische... in der USA—PRESSE als " Frankenfisch " dämonisiert, hat —NUN auch den Weg in die... genannte " Frankenfisch " vermehrt sich rasend schnell + frisst alles..
20050401             Nachrichten: GEN—LACHS—DER Streit um den "Frankenfisch"Nachrichten: GEN—LACHS—DER Streit um den ' Frankenfisch '
20050401             666... Dazu kommt, daß der größte Computer der Welt, an den alle anderen angeschlossen sind, in Brüssel steht und "La Bête" ("THE—BEAST ") genannt wird...
20050401             Bless: Tous les défilés fashion —WEEK PARIS... Bless.
20050401             Denyse Beaulieu/photos : CATHERINE—THIRY.
20050401             Le duo berlinois DE—INES—KAAG et Desiree Heiss poursuit son travail d'infiltration des espaces publics.
20050401             Web Results 1 - 30—OF—ABOUT 37 for ".
20050401             ( 0.—32—SECONDS) - Council for National Policy (CNP) - I - J - K - Member Biographies... Sun Myung MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH, to provide funds to the contras... Jenkins' membership, FOA is also linked to the Council on National Policy...
20050401             JAY—VAN—ANDEL dies at age 80: A Critical Look at the "Philanthropy... - Moon.
20050401             More disturbing is the Reconstructionist theology that Kennedy and...THE—COUNCIL on National Policy is 1—ORGANIZATION made UP—OF—PEOPLE—LIKE
20050401             POLITICAL AMAZON: THE—SECRETS—OF—THE—FREE—CONGRESS—FOUNDATION... MOON—GOT—ENSCONCED with the New Right: His Aid is Varied + Plentiful,"...article at PROSOCS about this group: PROSOCS: Council on National Policy
20050401             Is there 1—RIGHT—WING—CONSPIRACY?.. Sun Myung MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH, 1—GROUP which teaches that Christ... leader TIM—LAHAYE as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—COUNCIL on National Policy (CNP)...
20050401             Democrats_com Archive: Religious RIGHT—JOHN—D—CASTELLANI, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—DRUG—TREATMENT—PROGRAM—TEEN—CHALLENGE.. meet with MOON—REPRESENTATIVES in the Council on National Policy...
20050401             Democrats_com Archive: JOHN—ASHCROFT... MOON—LINKED group that funneled money to the Contras) had 1—PROFESSOR write a... Then the hard core Falwell Robertson Council on National Policy group...
20050401             1—WIDENING—CLERICAL—AND—CULTURAL—DIVIDE—OVER—FAITH—BASED—FUNDING... Sun Myung MOON—UNIFICATION—CHURCH being included in the Bush proposal... Marshner is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—SEMI—SECRET—COUNCIL on National Policy..
20050401             RTP... Hearst montou uma violenta campanha como se vê em Citizen Kane, o filme de Orson... Em 19600000             , em plena guerra fria, o CENTRAL—INTELIGENCE Agency (CIA)...
20050401             Darwin —DAY Celebration Contact: Kathy Meidell (PRESIDENT—KWCG—HUMANISTS), Sponsor: Atheist + Agnostic + NON—RELIGIOUS Student Association
20050401             —FROM an [ ]LAT story:
20050401             —BEFORE POWELL—PRESENTATION, THE—CIA pressed for permission to speak directly with Curveball.
20050401             —DISCOURAGED, THE—GERMANY—OFFICIAL, the idea, saying, "You don't want to see him because he's crazy," according to the commission report.
20050401             —SUFFERED, THE—GERMANY—WENT on to suggest that Curveball had, 1—NERVOUS breakdown, that speaking with him would be "1—WASTE—OF—TIME," and that he might be a "fabricator".
20050401             "Terrorist Threat Shuts Down Emergency Shuttle Landing Site in MOROCCO"/SPIEGEL+ NASA+...
20050401             Without entertaining broad conspiracy theories, current events...
20050401             Res Publica 20050000             : 20041017             — 20041023             .
20050401             0000—DATE
20050401—19970000    —IN, World Nuclear Association | Nuclear Portal... to reflect the increasing INVOLVEMENT—OF—MEMBERS from outside of AUSTRALIA.. with 1—FOCUS on global security, global ecology, and bioscience...
20050401—20000000    —YEAR, Baker, of course, is 1—LONG—TIME—BUSH—FAMILY consigliere and CO—CONSPIRATOR in the election theft that occurred in the -- 1—SHADY history which has led to calls for his resignation.
20050401—20020000    —IN, Torture Suit by Detainee on Transfer to Syria Finds Support in JET—LOG : Maher Arar, a —35—YEAR—OLD—CANADA—ENGINEER, is suing THE—USA, saying USA—OFFICIALS grabbed him as he changed planes in NEW—YORK and transported him to Syria where, he says, he was held —FOR—10—MONTHS in 1—DANK, tiny cell and brutally beaten with 1—METAL—CABLE.
20050401—20040000    —IN, More to the point: We —NOW know that the exit poll disparity offers irrefutable evidence that fraud did occur.
20050401—20040000    —IN—THE, Sound Politics... WASHINGTON state gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi filed 1—ELECTION contest... disputed victory election for GOVERNOR, but if he doesn't.. /
20050403             1—LECTURES: Freemasonry and ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH... the faculty to pronounce 1—JUDGEMENT on the nature of masonic associations... scandal (Grand Master Licio Gelli ) and 1—BOOK by STEPHEN—KNIGHT alleging... 20050401             20050403             FEDERAL—DAILY > Congressman Questions DOD—IRAQ—INFORMATION—POLICY... have been referred for investigation as PART—OF—THE—SCANDAL surrounding Darlene Druyun, who was THE—AIR—FORCE—FORMER—CHIEF—ACQUISITION—OFFICER... 20050401             20050403             DABEI GAB ES TROTZ HÄUFIGER BEBEN KEIN ALARMSYSTEM Am 2. —TAG—NACH—DEM Tsunami offenbart sich das gewaltige Ausmaß der Zerstörung: Im vom...  20050401             -
20050403             medical unknowns by DAVID—LIMBAUGH... www.oldright_com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=307 20050401             20050403             Pietzchke, FRITZ—CRITICALITERARIA_com... Fighting in Normandy: THE—GERMANY—ARMY from D—DAY to VILLERS—BOCAGE—HEINZ—GUDERIAN—FRITZ—KRAEMER—FRIEHERR—ATTWITZ—FRITZ Ziegelmann Inbunden... 20050401             20050404             20050401             80. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—PCP—SPEECH by CARLOS—CARVALHAS - 9st... be considered major PROTAGONISTS—OF—PORTUGAL—HISTORY in the 19010101—20001231    ... of YUGOSLAVIA turn their backs to the consequences of depleted uranium...
20050902—20150401    —CLASSIFIED, Coroner JEFFREY—ROUSE, GLOVER—DEATH as 1—HOMICIDE.
20051129             BOB—LINKS and Rants: 20051101—20051201              20060401—19981101    —ON, Bushby set out on foot from SOUTH—CHILE with the intention of walking back to his home in THE—NORTH—ENGLAND
20051207             —1—, 20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350?????????—JAHR 20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331             0000173518?????????—JAHR 20060813             reaching the Litani River and engaging in SOME—OF—THE—HEAVIEST—GROUND—COMBAT—OF—THE—WAR, —JUST hours —AFTER THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL adopted 1—CEASEFIRE—PLAN., 20060813045554?????????—JAHR 20060813             taking advantage of 1—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT paralyzed by 1 complicated ethnic..., 20060813012140?????????—JAHR 20060824043045?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY 1—WAY—OF growing embryonic stem cells that could overcome ethical concerns is developed in THE—USA.
20051207             20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331173518              20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350              20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331             0000173518
20051207             20060824044524?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO 20060824090854?????????—GMT, —THURSDAY 1—BRAZIL—PO
20051207             20060824044524             —GMT, —THURSDAY THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—GLORIA—ARROYO 20060824090854
20060000—20060401    —JAHR—BIS NOSE CONE:
20060000—20060401    NOSE CONE: SHARJAH was 1—BASE—OF—OPERATIONS for VIKTOR—BOUT—AIR—CESS operations,
20060222             Das Geflügel soll —ZUNÄCHST—BIS zum 20060401             geimpft werden.
20060222             BUSH—FASCISM - - Das Geflügel soll —ZUNÄCHST—BIS zum 20060401             geimpft werden.
20060224—20010400    —IN, "It seems that JAPAN—GOVERNMENT revised its "Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law" back + added 1—STIPULATION that items authorized under the country's old law (the "Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law") couldn't be sold anymore, but granted those products a —5—YEAR grace period. Well, if you check your convenient wall calendar, you'll see that THE—5—YEAR—PERIOD is about to end, which means that as of 20060401             , pretty much ANY—ELECTRONIC gear sold —BEFORE 20010401             can't be legally resold in JAPAN".
20060224—20060401    —AFTER, devphaeton writes to tell us Engadget is reporting that (no this is not 1—APRIL fools joke) the sale of old electronics in JAPAN could become much harder.
20060302             † His body was found 20060401             .
20060401             The decision to postpone the ban was made —AFTER talks with USA—OFFICIALS + VENEZUELA—INAC aviation authority said —ON—WEDNESDAY (20060330             ) that it would suspend the ban —20060425—UNTIL.
20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331173518 - Doctors In Demand | 20060331173518
20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331182350
20060401             —ARRIVED, Former hostage JILL—CARROLL, in GERMANY, where she strongly disavowed statements she had made —DURING captivity in IRAQ and shortly —AFTER her release, saying she had been repeatedly threatened.
20060401             —WOUNDED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb, 5—USA—TROOPS—WHEN it hit their vehicle.
20060401             1—SUICIDE—ATTACK on 1—USA—LED coalition convoy in the country's south killed the bomber but hurt no 1—ELSE.
20060401             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—TALIBAN rebel posing as 1—TRAVELER shot dead 4—POLICEMEN at 1—REMOTE—CHECKPOINT—AFTER eating dinner with them and sleeping in their quarters.
20060401             A 5. officer shot the rebel dead.
20060401             Cracking down on visitors who come to BRAZIL for sex, police raided clubs in NATAL known for using call girls and strippers, detaining 118—FOREIGNERS to discourage what authorities called "sexual tourism".
20060401             —ARRIVED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO, in AUSTRALIA for 1—VISIT aimed at finalizing 1—URANIUM supply deal and speeding up free trade negotiations between THE—2—NATIONS.
20060401             —KILLED, EAST—CHINA, 1—BLAST at 1—EXPLOSIVES plant, at least 20—WORKERS and injured 2. 9—WORKERS were missing.
20060401             —EMERGED, Calls, within the Shiite alliance —SATURDAY for PRIME—MINISTER—IBRAHIM—AL—JAAFARI to step aside as the bloc's nominee for another term as pressure mounted against him from Sunni Arab and Kurdish politicians.
20060401             1—USA—APACHE helicopter crashed SOUTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060401             —BELIEVED, It was, to have been shot down and THE—2—CREW members were presumed dead.
20060401             —REPORTED, IRAQ—POLICE, that at least 39—BODIES were found in several neighborhoods of BAGHDAD.
20060401             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed by 1—ROADSIDE bomb —WHILE on patrol in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20060401             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Islamic militants attacked 1—MILITARY—BASE in 1—TRIBAL region, killing 1—SOLDIER and injuring 4—OTHERS.
20060401             1—SOYUZ capsule docked with THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION (ISS), bringing BRAZIL—1. astronaut, 1—NEW—RUSSIAN—USA—CREW and 1—FRESH—LOAD—OF—SUPPLIES, equipment and experiments.
20060401             3—EXPLORERS from BRITAIN and NEW—ZEALAND claimed to be the 1. to have traveled the Nile from its mouth to its "true source" deep in RWANDA—LUSH Nyungwe rainforest.
20060401             —DETAINED, KARL—BUSHBY was briefly, —AFTER walking from ALASKA across the icy Bering Straits into RUSSIA—TERRITORY, 1—TREACHEROUS crossing for which he was joined by DMITRI—KIEFFER, 1—FRENCH—BORN—USA—CITIZEN who videotaped the adventure.
20060401             Bushby was on 1—QUEST to trek —AROUND the world.
20060401             —GATHERED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, at 1—RALLY in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—BILBAO to call for greater Basque SELF—DETERMINATION and negotiations between THE—SPAIN—GOVERNMENT and separatists.
20060401             Fresh clashes between Kurdish protesters and police in SOUTH—EAST—TURKEY killed 1—PROTESTER and injured 10.
20060401             —CRASHED, A—USA—APACHE helicopter, SOUTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060401             —KILLED, Joint USA—IRAQ—TROOPS, 4—INSURGENTS and wounded another —AFTER 2—FAILED attacks near Balad, 50—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20060401             —CONFISCATED, AUTHORITIES—THE—2—MEN—PASSPORTS and other belongings, effectively making it impossible for them to move.
20060401             1—STUDY—OF—MORE than 1,800 patients who underwent heart bypass surgery has failed to show that prayers specially organized for their recovery had ANY—IMPACT, researchers said —ON—THURSDAY.
20060401             Chaco Canyon ruins shed starlight on mystery Did this star, made by 1—CULTURE that flourished in NEW—MEXICO—CHACO—CANYON 1—MILLENNIUM ago,
20060401             depict 1—BRILLIANT supernova that appeared in A.D. 10540000             ?
20060401             Announcing: MOVIE—PLOT—THREAT—CONTEST
20060401             For 1—WHILE —NOW, I have been writing about our penchant for "MOVIE—PLOT—THREATS":
20060401             terrorist fears based on very specific attack scenarios.
20060401             Terrorists with crop dusters, terrorists exploding baby carriages...
20060401             —FAILED, Hospital ' cancer patients'
20060401             —FAILED, BRADFORD NHS Trust, to give breast cancer sufferers vital treatment
20060401             —LEARNED, Bananatree3 writes "1—MONKEY has, to control 1—REMOTE—ARM to fling its own poo at researchers.
20060401             " Researchers at DUKE—UNIVERSITY have taught 1—LAB—MONKEY to control the movement of 1—ROBOTIC—ARM, using only signals from its brain.
20060401             The monkey's immediate utilization of this new skill was to shower 1—GROUP—OF—NEUROBIOLOGISTS with feces,
20060401             according to the report by lead researcher MIGUEL—NICOLELIS"."
20060401             The deal involves 1—COMPANY, Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., that SOME—REPUBLICANS have cited for national security concerns in the past.
20060401             This is security? 4/1 - GARY—HART: The trick is on us.
20060401             4/1 - Condi Rice on tour in THE—UK -- "At the next stop, outside 1—SCHOOL,
20060401             there were pupils among 1—GROUP—OF—150—PROTESTERS chanting: 'Hey,
20060401             hey, Condi Rice, how MANY—KIDS did you kill —TODAY' It can be grim up NORTH—WHEN you're THE—AMERICA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE + 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ".
20060401             4/1
20060401             —PLEADED, TONY—RUDY, TOM—DELAY—FORMER—DEPUTY—CHIEF—OF—STAFF, guilty —TODAY in THE—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING investigation involving disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF.
20060401             —STUMBLED, CIVIL—CLOTHES, out of the wagons, hungry, thirsty + exhausted
20060401             —CONSTITUTED, Their inmates, the... - INTERNIERUNGSLAGER—WIKIPEDIA
20060401             Haftbedingungen in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN—DAA 10
20060401             —CREATED, This program was, by THE—PASSAGE—OF—PROPOSITION—139, THE—INMATE—LABOR—INITIATIVE—OF—19900000             ,
20060401             which was 1—INITIATIVE to overturn 18820000             —THE abolition of...
20060401             NET NEWS GLOBAL—IT has to do with official PLANS—OF—THE—USA—ARMY to enact something called the " CIVIL—INMATE—LABOR—PROGRAM.
20060401             —EMPLOYED, Depending on THE—SIZE—OF—THE—GERMANY—FIRM which, these inmates of the...
20060401             Page 1-
20060401             —WHEN THE—SS forced the inmates to set out...
20060401             —CRAMMED, Inmates are, into clusters of huts.
20060401             EACH—HOUSES—AROUND 30—PEOPLE, who provide slave labour for the farms + factories.
20060401             SOME—INMATES are sent to the. inmates.
20060401             The prison administration within. the framework of its penal legislation.
20060401             classifies the prisoners + determines the treatment programm for them....
20060401             —ON the other hand, I could countenance Rohrbacher's suggested USE—OF—SLAVE—LABOR—ON 1—CONDITION :
20060401             1. prisoners sent out to pick fruit must be ANN—COULTER (—AFTER her conviction for voter registration fraud) and Rush Limbaugh (—AFTER his conviction for drug abuse).
20060401             Better, he thinks, to force the prison population to perform such tasks.
20060401             THE—RETURN—OF—SLAVE—LABOR "At the age of —5—YEARS to enter 1—SPINNING—COTTON or other factory + from that time forth to sit there daily,
20060401             1. 10, then 12 + ultimately —14—HOURS, performing the same mechanical labour, is to purchase dearly the satisfaction of drawing breath.
20060401             But this is THE—FATE—OF—MILLIONS + THAT—OF—MILLIONS—MORE is analogous to it".
20060401             HERE—WHY. MISTER—BUSH: You Must Leave OFFICE—NOW!
20060401             We —JUST want you to resign and take that war profiteer Dick Cheney with you.
20060401             —HAPPENED, Don't try and lie your way out of what, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—HURRICANE Katrina.
20060401             Along with everything else, you were too slow to muzzle the press, to slow to set up your spin machine.
20060401             Americans have at last seen the truth with their own eyes.
20060401             They will not be deceived again. You stole your office both
20060401             —KILLED, You lied us into 1—WAR that not only has, 2,000 USA troops and 100,000 innocent IRAQ—MEN,
20060401             women and children, but also tied up our national guard —WHEN it was desperately needed here.
20060401             —GUTTED, You have, our civil rights, defunded the Treasury and put THE—AMERICA—PEOPLE at poverty's doorstep.
20060401             Don't deny it. We are done with you.
20060401             Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
20060401             UPDATE2: HIGH—RESOLUTION—GERMANY and TruEarth
20060401             —UPDATED, We have, the imagery database tonight.
20060401             You'll need to restart Google Earth to see it, but no new software is needed.
20060401             Although updating to the latest is always 1—GOOD—IDEA.
20060401             Not tonight darling, I'm online
20060401             College education becomes more affordable;
20060401             House passes Higher Education LAW—UNIONS reject Chirac move
20060401             Trade unions and students denounce THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to enact 1 modified youth labour law.
20060401             Tories to maintain lender secrecy
20060401             THE—CONSERVATIVES refuse to reveal the names of about 10—PEOPLE who lent the party money but have been repaid.
20060401             —LAUNCHED, New 'FBI—STYLE' agency
20060401             THE—SERIOUS and Organised Crime Agency is due to open, promising to crackdown on economic crime.
20060401             BRAZIL—PIONEER docks in space
20060401             1. Brazilian in space docks at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—AFTER a —2—DAY—JOURNEY.
20060401             UGANDA rebel 'terror' appals UN
20060401             Rebels are carrying out "terrorism of the worst kind" in NORTH—UGANDA and must be halted, 1—UN—AID—CHIEF says.
20060401             Rice shrugs off UK visit protests
20060401             —TROUBLED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE says she is not, by noisy protests against her UK tour.
20060401             INDIA urges nuclear deal approval
20060401             INDIA—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—TELLS—USA—LAWMAKERS not to delay 1—LANDMARK nuclear deal by making changes.
20060401             Apology call over terror arrests
20060401             Lord Carlile, 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISER, calls for 1—PROBE into why 4—MEN were held under the Terrorism Act.
20060401             Light shed on mysterious particle
20060401             Physicists confirm that neutrinos, the "ghost particles" that pervade the Universe, have MASSACHUSETTS
20060401             Sensitive documents surface in AT&T—NSA spy lawsuit
20060401             Blog: It looks like the Electronic Frontier Foundation may have unearthed SOME—HIGHLY sensitive documents about the National Security...
20060401             SINGAPORE unveils biometric passport
20060401             THE—BIOPASS will be issued to government officials and airline crews + will eventually replace traditional passports.
20060401             Here There Be Dragons
20060401             "THE—ECONOMIST—REPORTS that scientists in CALIFORNIA are coming closer to creating REAL—LIFE—MYTHICAL—ANIMALS.
20060401             Basically, they RE—CREATE the natural selection process through 1—COMPUTER—SIMULATION and then clone the resulting set of DNA in 1—DONOR animal.
20060401             "EACH—COMPUTER—STARTS with 1—SEARCH—IMAGE (dragon,
20060401             unicorn, gryphon, etc) + the genome of the real animal most closely resembling it (1—LIZARD for the dragon,
20060401             1—HORSE for the unicorn and, most taxingly, the spliced genomes of 1—LION and 1—EAGLE for the gryphon).
20060401             —TWEAKED, The virtual genomes of these real animals are then, by random electronic mutations.
20060401             —WHEN they have matured, the virtual adults most closely resembling the targets are picked and CROSS—BRED, —WHILE the others are culled".
20060401             Bohrkerne aus der —MITTE des Einschlagkraters hatten aber —BEREITS—VOR—2—JAHREN Zweifel an dieser Lesart geweckt.
20060401             Hartings Fund verstärkt die Zweifel, dass der Einschlag und das Iridium miteinander zu tun haben:
20060401             Wenn das Glas vom Meteoriten stammt, so tut es das Metall offenbar nicht.
20060401             Die meisten Wissenschaftler glauben, dass ein gewaltiger Meteoriteneinschlag die Dinosaurier getötet hat.
20060401             Kleine Glaskügelchen entlasten den Meteoriten von Chicxulub.
20060401             Dass sein Einschlag für das Massensterben der Dinosaurier verantwortlich war,
20060401             wird immer unwahrscheinlicher.
20060401             Jüngste Analysen bestätigen den Verdacht, dass der Himmelskörper die MEXIKANISCHE—HALBINSEL Yucátan rund 300.—000—JAHRE zu früh traf,
20060401             um als globaler Killer infrage zu kommen.
20060401             Eine schnelle Bemerkung über "tausende Fehler" im IRAK muss sie nachträglich relativieren.
20060401             —ENTLASTET, Massensterben: Meteorit als Saurierkiller
20060401             Konfrontationskurs: Steinbrück gegen Mindestlohn
20060401             —ÜBERNIMMT, Angekommen: Neue Besatzung, ISS
20060401             Vorstandsgehälter: Konzernchefs profitierten von satten Gewinnen
20060401             CHIRAC—REDE: Studenten und Gewerkschaften fordern mehr ÄNDERUNGEN—TERRORISMUS: Bombenangst am Kai
20060401             AN>Kündigungsschutz: Arbeitgeber begrüßen Aufschub der Reform
20060401             Hochwasser: Dresdner müssen ihre Häuser verlassen
20060401             EX—BERATER Nixons zieht Vergleich zu WATERGATE—AFFÄRE
20060401             —SPOOFED, GENERAL—MOTORS—SUV, by environmentalists
20060401             —PROVIDED, Environmentalists use editing tools, by carmaker to bash the company on global warming.
20060401             NY releases 20010911             emergency calls
20060401             Video: People use "make your own ad" contest to blast SUV
20060401             —CREATED, Chevrolet, 1—CONTEST to let users make their own ad for THE—CHEVY—TAHOE,
20060401             but the company let 1—COUPLE slip by under its nose depicting THE—SUV as 1—GAS—GUZZLING, ENVIRONMENT—DESTROYING machine.
20060401             Here are 2—CLIPS from CHEVY—SITE.
20060401             Rytis writes "IBM is about to spend $300—MILLION—DOLLARS on 1—CAMPAIGN to win customers and to convert them from Microsoft Exchange to Lotus Notes and Domino under Linux.
20060401             IBM is also said to offer resellers 1—BOUNTY—OF $20,000 for switching customers to its LINUX—BASED E—MAIL programs from Microsoft server software.
20060401             It seems that the concurrence Microsoft Corp. is facing is getting tighter and tighter.
20060401             THE—PENGUIN gets more and more support from THE—2—BIGGEST rivals that Microsoft have ever had".
20060401             Bush hat diesen Vorwurf zurückgewiesen.
20060401             Die Lauschangriffe dienten dem Ziel, Terroristen zu entdecken, bevor sie auf amerikanischem Boden zuschlügen, erklärte die Regierung.
20060401             Starker Tobak im USA—SENAT: Bushs Handeln übertreffe noch Nixons Fehlverhalten in der WATERGATE—AFFÄRE,
20060401             sagte ein FRÜHERER—BERATER—VON—EX—PRÄSIDENT—NIXON in einer Anhörung des USA—SENATS zu Lauschangriffen,
20060401             die GEORGE—W—BUSH ohne richterliche Genehmigung anordnete.
20060401             Sollte dies aus politischen Erwägungen nicht erwünscht sein, müssten die Senatoren Bush zumindest verwarnen.
20060401             "Der PRÄSIDENT muss daran erinnert werden, dass Gewaltenteilung nicht 1—GEWALTENISOLIERUNG bedeutet",
20060401             erklärte Nixons ehemaliger Berater laut einem vorab verbreiteten Manuskript.
20060401             "Man muss ihm sagen, dass er nicht einfach 1—GESETZ missachten kann, ohne dass dies Folgen hat".
20060401             Wäre Nixon damals vom Kongress gerügt oder verwarnt worden,
20060401             "wäre die Tragödie von Watergate vielleicht verhindert worden", sagte Dean.
20060401             —STARTED, The analysis was, to check out 1—FINDING by DOCTOR—THOMPSON: that parts of the frontal lobe of the cortex are larger in people with high I.Q.'s.
20060401             It was only in —FOLLOWING the scans as the children grew older that the dynamism of the developing brain became evident.
20060401             THE—BULL—MARKET—IS—BACK | 20060331             0000173518
20060401             Doctors In Demand | 20060331             0000173518
20060401             Physician salaries are robust, signing bonuses are the norm + the opportunities for young doctors are ever expanding.
20060401             Lawyer: REPRESENTATIVE—MCKINNEY—VICTIM—OF—RACISM | 20060331             0000182350
20060401             said the officer started the incident by "inappropriately touching and stopping" her —AFTER she walked past 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT.
20060401             Taboo MEDIA—MUSIC Censorship
20060401             NEW—YORK Press (20040602             ) "Taboo Tunes is a Independent Online Edition
20060401             —TERRORISED, Palestinians '' by sonic boom flights
20060401             Pirates use 'FLAG—HOPPING' to plunder world's fish... - GEORGE—GALLOWAY : Surfing in the sewer:
20060401             "Our press, which you appear to regard as being free
20060401             Exxon Mobil not welcome in VENEZUELA anymore:
20060401             VENEZUELA—OIL—MINISTER said —TODAY that Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's 2.—LARGEST integrated oil company,
20060401             was no longer welcome in this OIL—PRODUCING nation.
20060401             Send in the marines: USA Strike Group WILL—HEAD—SOUTH—FOR "Training":
20060401             —SUGGESTED, SOME—DEFENSE—ANALYSTS, that the unusual —2—MONTH—LONG—DEPLOYMENT,
20060401             set to begin —IN—EARLY ;;04;;, could be interpreted as 1—SHOW—OF—FORCE by "ANTI—AMERICA—GOVERNMENTS in VENEZUELA and CUBA".
20060401             S.AMERICA pipeline said to exceed estimate:
20060401             THE—COST—OF—BUILDING 1—NATURAL gas pipeline spanning SOUTH—AMERICA would exceed the most recent ESTIMATE—OF—USA$25—BILLION (euro20.7—BILLION),
20060401             THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—BRAZIL—STATE—OWNED petroleum company said in 1—INTERVIEW published —THURSDAY.
20060401             —CONFIRMED, THE—PENTAGON—ANNUAL—REPORT to Congress, the rapid growth in CHINA—MILITARY capabilities.[3]
20060401             —POINTED, The report, out that the weapons that BEIJING has amassed to intimidate TAIWAN--700 SHORT—RANGE—MISSILES,
20060401             1—MODERNIZING fleet of diesel and nuclear submarines, 4.—GENERATION aircraft procured from RUSSIA,
20060401             increased operational tempo and SOPHISTICATION—OF—MILITARY—EXERCISES--also can be used against other regional powers.
20060401             EX—PROSECUTOR Accused of Concealing Evidence in Terror Case:
20060401             1—GRAND—JURY charged —TODAY that 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR in DETROIT who led 1—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—BIGGEST terrorism investigations concealed critical evidence in the case in 1—EFFORT to bolster the government's theory that 1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL—MUSLIM men were plotting 1—ATTACK.
20060401             Long Live 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY! :
20060401             Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing,
20060401             unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy? THE—GROUND 0—GRASSY Knoll:
20060401             if you don't know ALL—OF—THIS + if you fully + blithely accept the official 20010911             1—STORY,
20060401             well, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
20060401             Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers 20010911             —IN—THE—ORAL—HISTORIES:
20060401             I said I'd never do it -- say what I think about that terrible —MORNING—OF—20010911             .
20060401             Lets quit PUSSY—FOOTING —AROUND + call it like it is.
20060401             —DETAILED, Anyone else might be embarrassed —WHEN not 1—BUT 2, STUDIES—OF—THE—WAY he's doing business conclude that
20060401             Manufacturing consent for war: UN Security Council calls on IRAN to suspend ENRICHMENT—RELATED activities:
20060401             Expressing serious concern that THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA) is unable to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in IRAN,
20060401             THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council —TODAY called upon that country to RE—ESTABLISH—FULL and sustained suspension of all ENRICHMENT—RELATED + reprocessing activities,
20060401             UN demands IRAN stop uranium enrichment work:
20060401             —REMAINED, IRAN, defiant, saying that it was not seeking 1—ATOMIC—BOMB and REGARDLESS—OF—ASSURANCES, THE—USA + others would find new reasons to fault TEHRAN.
20060401             IRAN rejects call to halt enrichment:
20060401             —REFUSED, IRAN, —THURSDAY to comply with 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DEMAND to freeze uranium enrichment, defying 1—CALL by major world powers to curb its nuclear program or face isolation.
20060401             World powers discuss next steps in IRAN crisis:
20060401             6—WORLD—POWERS were gathering in BERLIN —ON—THURSDAY to discuss the next steps in dealing with IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME,
20060401             with RUSSIA + CHINA looking for assurances that there are no plans to use force against TEHRAN.
20060401             RUSSIA—WARNING over IRAN crisis:
20060401             —WARNED, RUSSIA has, it will not support ANY—ATTEMPTS to use force to resolve THE—STAND—OFF over IRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20060401             added.
20060401             IRAN—PLAN to weaken the dollar will fail:
20060401             Surely TEHRAN lost touch with reality —WHEN it developed its plan to use 1—NEW,
20060401             EURO—BASED oil exchange, on Kish ISLAND in the Persian Gulf, to dethrone the greenback from its position as the world's reigning reserve currency.
20060401             Weinberger, Bushes & IRAN—CONTRA:
20060401             THE—EARLY—TO—MID, 19800000             S, RONALD—REAGAN had sought to avoid 1—HEAD—ON clash with Congress by taking his foreign policy underground,
20060401             using cutouts like ISRAEL to ship missiles to IRAN + WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—OLIVER—NORTH to funnel supplies to the contra rebels fighting in NICARAGUA.
20060401             " Democracy" For Sale-
20060401             —EMERGED, TONY—JONES: New evidence has, which appears to show that THE—USA—AND—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENTS were set to invade IRAQ,
20060401             regardless of whether a 2. UN resolution was carried and even if INTERNATIONAL arms inspections failed
20060401             —FOOLED, THE—MUSLIM world is not, by our talk about spreading democracy and values.
20060401             The evidence is too overwhelming that we do not hesitate to support dictators and install puppet governments —WHEN it serves our interests.
20060401             New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress
20060401             The new face of apartheid: J. KENNETH—HACKWELL:
20060401             —UNPRINCIPLED, The most, and opportunistic man in THE—HISTORY—OF—OHIO, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—J—KENNETH—BLACKWELL, stands poised to claim the Republican primary for GOVERNOR.
20060401             Blackwell and his FAR—RIGHT—THEOCRATIC "RAPTURE—READY" Christian dominionists will doom the Buckeye State to further despair.
20060401             New finding could have implications for sea level RISES—PENTAGON block on move for safer water:
20060401             —STALLED, THE—PENTAGON, efforts to clean water supplies contaminated by 1—CARCINOGENIC—CHEMICAL despite evidence that it posed 1—SIGNIFICANT—HEALTH—RISK to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE, it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20060401             IRAN says it has successfully TEST—FIRED 1—MISSILE—ABLE to avoid radar: -
20060401             IRAN successfully TEST—FIRED —ON—FRIDAY 1—MISSILE with the ability to avoid radar and hit several targets simultaneously,
20060401             the airforce CHIEF—OF—THE—ELITE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS said.
20060401             IRAN: Scenarios of 1—AMERICA—STRIKE:
20060401             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—PROFESSORS, being liars and bigots over essay on PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY:
20060401             1—ARTICLE by 2—PROMINENT—AMERICA—PROFESSORS arguing that THE—PRO—ISRAEL lobby exerts 1—DOMINANT + damaging influence on USA foreign policy has triggered 1—FURIOUS—ROW,
20060401             pitting ALLEGATIONS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM against claims of intellectual intimidation.
20060401             JAMES—PETRAS : Record Profits and Rising Authoritarianism:
20060401             THE—ASCENDANCY—OF—FINANCE—CAPITAL and its influence over USA economic policy has had major,
20060401             largely negative, consequences for THE—USA—ECONOMY, especially our living standards, external accounts and budget.
20060401             THE—USA—CHINA—TRADE—IMBALANCE:
20060401             —INTERLINKED, The world's, economies no longer trade to capture 1—COMPARATIVE—ADVANTAGE;
20060401             they compete in exports to capture dollars needed to service DOLLAR—DENOMINATED foreign debts and to accumulate dollar reserves to sustain the exchange value of their domestic currencies.
20060401             BLACKBURN mosque cancels Rice invitation:
20060401             Muslim leaders —YESTERDAY withdrew 1—INVITATION to THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE,
20060401             Condoleezza Rice, to visit 1—MOSQUE in THE—BLACKBURN CONSTITUENCY—OF—THE—HOME—SECRETARY, JACK—STRAW.
20060401             —OFFERED, Hamas, ISRAEL —30—YEAR—TRUCE
20060401             —OFFERED, Islamist group Hamas, ISRAEL a —30—YEAR—TRUCE
20060401             The plan would allow WASHINGTON to disengage gradually in IRAQ,
20060401             "without victory, but also without defeat,"
20060401             Insulating Bush: KARL—ROVE, PRESIDENT—BUSH'S—CHIEF political adviser,
20060401             cautioned other WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES in the - K Gajendra Singh: Hyper power hubris:
20060401             Here are men in USA with terrible MEANS—OF—DESTRUCTION in their hands ,
20060401             with their narrow corporate experience and vision ,with little overall holistic understanding, hurtling along 1—MAD—COURSE to 1—WAR, opposed by MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD and its population.
20060401             Noam Chomsky on Failed States: THE—ABUSE—OF—POWER and THE—ASSAULT—ON—DEMOCRACY:
20060401             Shiite Ayatollah Ignores Letter From Bush :
20060401             A letter from PRESIDENT—BUSH to IRAQ—SUPREME—SHIITE spiritual leader,
20060401             Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, was HAND—DELIVERED —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK but sits unread and untranslated in the top religious figure's office,
20060401             1—KEY—AL—SISTANI aide told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—ON—THURSDAY.
20060401             IRAQ—GIRL—TELLS—OF—USA—ATTACK:
20060401             —10—YEAR—OLD—IMAN—WALID lost 7—MEMBERS—OF—HER—FAMILY in 1—ATTACK by AMERICA—MARINES last ;;11;;.
20060401             A MAN—WORD -
20060401             —FILED, He followed the Army regulations, 1—CONSCIENTIOUS—OBJECTOR application + acted honorably EVERY—STEP—OF—THE—WAY.
20060401             His unit commanders chose to punish him for not allowing them to control him with their threats + my husband went to jail simply because his commanders had no integrity,
20060401             no honor and no respect for the very constitution they had given 1—SWORN oath to uphold.
20060401             Ignorance by Content and Omission -
20060401             —POISONED, Little by little THE—MINDS—OF—THE—PEOPLE have been, by propaganda and it is called nourishment.
20060401             Vision Quest - - The war aims of the Babylonian Conquest have always been obvious to anyone who concentrates on the operational reality of the action,
20060401             ignoring the ludicrous cornball about democracy and security that Bush dishes out to gull the rubes back home.
20060401             —JUST as Germans were complicit in the crimes of their government not that very long ago, so too are we AMERICA—CITIZENS complicit in the crimes of our own government.
20060401             -By MIKE—FERNER
20060401             Heiße Quellen und Geysire erinnern noch immer an die Apokalypse, die den heutigen YELLOWSTONE—NATIONALPARK einst erschaffen hat.
20060401             Das Naturwunder im Norden der USA entstand durch die gewaltigen Eruptionen eines sogenannten Supervulkans.
20060401             —BISHER ging man davon aus, dass die Explosionen von Yellowstone in ihrer Größe weltweit einzigartig waren.
20060401             Aber nicht nur Nordamerika musste in der jüngeren Erdgeschichte solch kolossale Vulkaneruptionen über sich ergehen lassen.
20060401             Wissenschaftler haben —JETZT herausgefunden, dass auch Südamerika von Supervulkanausbrüchen erschüttert wurde.
20060401             Die Explosion, welche die —BISHER weitgehend unbekannte VILAMA—CALDERA in Nordargentinien erschaffen hat,
20060401             scheint sogar mit der YELLOWSTONE—ERUPTION gleichziehen zu können.
20060401             Zweitens: In den USA wird nicht nur der private Konsum zum Risikofaktor.
20060401             Um das Problem in den Griff zu bekommen, müsste der Dollar kräftig abwerten.
20060401             —AM Ende erwächst daraus für die Weltwirtschaft ein kaum kalkulierbares DOLLAR—RISIKO.
20060401             Kaum kalkulierbares Dollarrisiko
20060401             Sie können erstens ihren großzügigen Kreditrahmen nicht mehr mit dem gesunkenen Wert ihrer Immobilie besichern + müssen zweitens auf Grund höherer Zinsen mehr Geld für den Schuldendienst aufbringen.
20060401             Doch —NUN kommt BEN—BERNANKE + Bernanke tut richtig weh.
20060401             Der neue CHEF—DER—USA—NOTENBANK hat wenig Zweifel daran gelassen,
20060401             dass die Zinsen in den USA —IN—DIESEM—JAHR wohl noch auf mindestens 5 % steigen werden.
20060401             DAMIT—STEIGT die Zinsbelastung für all diejenigen, die Kreditverträge mit variabler Zinsbindung abgeschlossen haben.
20060401             Gleichzeitig machen steigende Zinsen 1—IMMOBILIENFINANZIERUNG weniger attraktiv:
20060401             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUBAUGENEHMIGUNGEN in den USA sind, ebenso wie Hauspreise,
20060401             LATE—BREAKING news on THE—RFK assassination Cannon here : Thanks to GARY—BUELL,
20060401             I stumbled across 1—INTERESTING document pertinent to THE—RFK assassination, brought to you by the good folks over at the Smoking Gun.
20060401             THE—DSS web site lists the service's field offices.
20060401             In THE—STATE—OF—NEW—YORK,
20060401             offices are located in Westbury, SYRACUSE, LIVERPOOL, ROME + Griffiss AIR—FORCE—BASE;
20060401             no MENTION—OF—ANY—PAST or present OFFICE—IN—NEW—YORK—CITY—PROPER.
20060401             Perhaps someone forgot to tell CIA about the name change.
20060401             1—OFFICIAL told reporter Rizen that CIA personnel vacated these offices "soon —AFTER the hijacked planes hit the twin towers".
20060401             This VERSION—OF—EVENTS—PLACES the evacuation order —AFTER 9:06,
20060401             the time of the 2. strike, even though most other building tenants left —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the 1. strike at 8:48.
20060401             The account, if accurate, conjures up 1—GRIMLY amusing image: Were the intelligence professionals the last people in the building to figure out that they were under terrorist attack?
20060401             —CLASSIFIED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT raises the question of, material falling into the wrong hands:
20060401             The recovery of secret documents and other records from THE—NEW—YORK station should follow WELL—REHEARSED procedures laid out by the agency —AFTER THE—IRAN—TAKEOVER—OF—THE—USA—EMBASSY in TEHRAN
20060401             As 1—RESULT, 1—CIA—STATION—TODAY should be able to protect MOST—OF—ITS—SECRETS even in the middle of 1—CATASTROPHIC—DISASTER—LIKE the ;;09;;.
20060401             11—ATTACKS, said 1—FORMER—AGENCY—OFFICIAL.
20060401             "If it was well run, there shouldn't be too much paper —AROUND," the former official said.
20060401             —DESTROYED, The implication here is that CIA personnel, SCADS—OF—DOCUMENTS —DURING that ALL—IMPORTANT—49—MINUTE—PERIOD between 9:06 and 9:55.
20060401             1—WONDERS why they would bother.
20060401             Why not simply leave and lock the doors?
20060401             —AFTER all, according to the official chronology, fire had not yet broken out within 7—WTC -- and even if smoke alarms were already ringing,
20060401             —EXPECTED, NO—1 should have, 1—BUILDING collapse.
20060401             —HAPPENED, NOTHING—OF—THE—SORT had ever, —BEFORE.
20060401             —EQUIPPED, All 757 and 767—AIRCRAFT, with computerized FLIGHT > control systems?...
20060401             they said it did without going into What they call 1—HIGH speed stall....
20060401             DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN: Explosive TESTIMONY—THE—911—ORAL—HISTORIES
20060401             —JUST Kidding —1—DAY—AFTER Condoleezza Rice said THE—USA made possibly "thousands" of tactical mistakes in the war against IRAQ,
20060401             THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE says she was speaking "figuratively, not literally".
20060401             What does it all mean?
20060401             Able Danger Blog Able Danger was a small, military intelligence unit under Special Operations Command.
20060401             —CREATED, It was, as 1—RESULT—OF—1—DIRECTIVE 19990900             to develop 1—CAMPAIGN against transnational terrorism, specifically AL—QAIDA.
20060401             According to claims made by LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—ANTHONY—SHAFFER and confirmed by others,
20060401             How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui
20060401             I have to say I respect those who are lying about 20010911             (+ know they are lying) more than those like Taylor,
20060401             who seems more clueless than malicious.
20060401             memeorandum Political Web, page A1 How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui...
20060401             Author: BILL—GILTNER—WSJ says if tools (meaning unconstitutional acts and directives by the Executive) were used by Presidents WASHINGTON,
20060401             LINCOLN, + FDR, why shouldn't they be approved —TODAY.
20060401             Significant Warming of THE—ANTARCTIC—WINTER Troposphere
20060401             Author: WILLIAM—THE "iconic" ANTARCTIC temperature trends are the large warming seen on THE—ANTARCTIC—PENINSULA,
20060401             which has had various repercussions including the collapse of several ice shelves (some documented in 1—PREVIOUS—POST).
20060401             Author: SN Advertisers losing their faith in TV—HELP Me Get My Money from Google
20060401             Author: SCOTT—KARP—GOOGLE—ADSENSE has 1—ONEROUS—POLICY—OF—ONLY paying publishers —WHEN they earn more than $100.
20060401             I have $22.60—STUCK in my AdSense account, with little hope of getting it out ANY—TIME in the foreseeable future.
20060401             EGYPT party rivals clash in CAIRO
20060401             20—3—PEOPLE are HURT—SOME—BY—GUNFIRE—AS rival FACTIONS—OF—EGYPT—OPPOSITION—WAFD party clash.
20060401             NY Times: "THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—AMERICA—POLITICS by THE—INTERNET is accelerating with the approach of 20060000             —THE—CONGRESSIONAL + 20080000             WHITE—HOUSE—ELECTIONS,
20060401             producing FAR—REACHING changes in the way campaigns approach advertising, FUND—RAISING, mobilizing supporters and even the spreading of negative information".
20060401             Was Flight 11 a 767?
20060401             —SPEED, Assuming the aircraft is not in 1—HIGH, stall (unlikely, as it would interfere...
20060401             Nabil AL—TIKRITI—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARY—WASHINGTON... - Untitled Document
20060401             "I met Nabil AL—TIKRITI, 1—PROFESSOR from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO.
20060401             Victory in TRIPOLI:
20060401             Lessons for THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM—HERITAGE_org, DC—20060504             ,
20060401             ?NEW—YORK Press (20040602             ) "Taboo Tunes is 1—WWW.tabootunes_com
20060401             Study fails to show healing POWER—OF—PRAYER
20060401             Chaco Canyon ruins shed starlight on mystery
20060401             —FLOURISHED, Did this star, made by 1—CULTURE that, in NEW—MEXICO—CHACO—CANYON 1—MILLENNIUM ago, depict 1—BRILLIANT supernova that appeared in A.D. 10540000             ?
20060401             Neue Quelle entdeckt: Nil könnte 100—KILOMETER länger sein
20060401             NOTE: If you have 1—BLOG, please spread the word.
20060401             For 1—WHILE —NOW, I have been writing about our penchant for "MOVIE—PLOT—THREATS": terrorist fears based on very specific attack scenarios.
20060401             MONKEYS USE ROBOTS TO FLING POO!!! GROSS!!! ? ?
20060401             The monkey's immediate utilization of this new skill was to shower 1—GROUP—OF—NEUROBIOLOGISTS with feces, according to the report by lead researcher MIGUEL—NICOLELIS"".
20060401             Bush, Worse Than Watergate: JOHN—DEAN—SHOULD—KNOW -- BuzzFlash News Analysis
20060401             MID—TERM Handicapping: Dems Hold Edge in Top 20—HOUSE—RACES (without factoring in 1—CRAVEN "Bomb IRAN" HAIL MARY partisan vote ploy by the Busheviks)
20060401             "There is 1—DEEP—SPIRITUALITY to 'THE—POWER—OF—HARMONY' -- and an honesty and frankness that is as joyful as it is painful -- 1—BUZZFLASH—REVIEW
20060401             1—NO—BID, $6—MILLION—CONTRACT represents the 1. time 1—FOREIGN—COMPANY will be involved in running sophisticated USA—RADIATION—DETECTION—EQUIPMENT at 1—OVERSEAS port without THE—PRESENCE—OF—USA—CUSTOMS—AGENTS.
20060401             Permanent USA—MILITARY bases in IRAQ: 1—NEO—CON—FOLLY.
20060401             Condi Rice on tour in THE—UK -- "At the next stop, outside 1—SCHOOL, there were pupils among 1—GROUP—OF—150—PROTESTERS chanting: 'Hey, hey, Condi Rice, how MANY—KIDS did you kill —TODAY' It can be grim up NORTH—WHEN you're THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE + 1—OF—THE—ARCHITECTS—OF—THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ".
20060401             JOHN—W—DEAN, RICHARD—NIXON—WHITE—HOUSE—LAWYER, told senators —FRIDAY that PRESIDENT—BUSH—DOMESTIC spying exceeds the wrongdoing that toppled his former boss.
20060401             He is the 2. FORMER—DELAY—AIDE to plead guilty and agree to cooperate.
20060401             WINGS—OF—JUSTICE—AWARD—WINNER (Buzz Award Mentioned in Article) Continues Planning Abortion Clinic on Native USA—RESERVATION in SOUTH—DAKOTA 4/1
20060401             Sorry, John, leaders of the Religious Right aren?t NICE -- THE—LAST—CHANCE—DEMOCRACY—CAFE by STEVEN—C—DAY
20060401             Jews in THE—SERVICE—OF—ORGANISATION—TODT in the Occupied Soviet...
20060401             established SLAVE—LABOR—CAMPS for NON—GERMANY—JEWS.
20060401             THE—OTTO—PROGRAMM... 1—INMATE in THE—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMPS in Silesia, but, on the journey to the East.
20060401             AUSCHWITZ—GROSSWERTHER—GUNSKIRCHEN A —9—MONTHS' Odyssey...CIVIL—CLOTHES stumbled out of the wagons, hungry, thirsty + exhausted... sites, were 1. and foremost " labor camps".
20060401             —CONSTITUTED, Their inmates, the...
20060401             INTERNIERUNGSLAGER—WIKIPEDIA Es gibt offenbar in den USA ein "ARMY—CIVILIAN—INMATE—LABOR—PROGRAM" ( Programm der Armee zur Zwangsarbeit der zivilen Insassen) mit " CIVIL—PRISON..
20060401             —CREATED, Haftbedingungen in USA—GEFÄNGNISSEN—DAA 10—THIS program was, by THE—PASSAGE—OF—PROPOSITION—139, the Inmate Labor Initiative of 19900000             , which was 1—INITIATIVE to overturn 18820000             —THE abolition of...
20060401             NET NEWS GLOBAL It has to do with official PLANS—OF—THE—USA—ARMY to enact something called the " CIVIL—INMATE—LABOR—PROGRAM".
20060401             The general idea is that with troop manpower.
20060401             THE—QUESTION—OF—THE—POLAND—FORCED Labourer —DURING and in the...
20060401             They were necessary in the normal CIVIL—PRODUCTION and they were a...
20060401             Page 1. transferred to the Buchenwald SUB—CAMP—SCHÖNEBECK + assigned to forced labour in the Junkers Aircraft Factory.
20060401             —FORCED, —WHEN THE—SS, the inmates to set out.
20060401             —CRAMMED, THE—FAR—EAST—ECONOMIC—REVIEW—EXPOSED—KIM—SLAVE—CAMPS—INMATES are, into clusters of huts.
20060401             SOME—INMATES are sent to the.
20060401             The prison administration within. the framework of its penal legislation. classifies the prisoners + determines the treatment programm for them.
20060401             Without such limitations, the natural INSTINCT—OF—THE—OWNERS is toward peonage and slavery.
20060401             As if to prove the point, Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher —TODAY suggested that SEVERELY—UNDERPAID migrant workers should no longer do the grunt WORK—OF—AGRICULTURE.
20060401             Why pay even 1—SUB—MINIMUM—WAGE—WHEN you can use slave labor ?
20060401             THE—RETURN—OF—SLAVE—LABOR "At the age of —5—YEARS to enter 1—SPINNING—COTTON or other factory + from that time forth to sit there daily, 1. 10, then 12 + ultimately —14—HOURS, performing the same mechanical labour, is to purchase dearly the satisfaction of drawing breath. But this is THE—FATE—OF—MILLIONS + THAT—OF—MILLIONS—MORE is analogous to it".
20060401             - ARTHUR—SCHOPENHAUER—I'VE always rather liked LARRY—FLYNT.
20060401             Get out, MISTER—BUSH. It's time to leave.
20060401             We won't ask why you're leaving, whether it's BECAUSE—OF—INCOMPETENCE, corruption, treason, criminal negligence or whatever.
20060401             We are sick + TIRED—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—CORRUPT cronies at Haliburton getting NO—BID—CONTRACTS to clean up the messes you have made.
20060401             They will not be deceived again.
20060401             —KILLED, You lied us into 1—WAR that not only has, 2,000—USA—TROOPS and 100,000 innocent IRAQ—MEN, women and children, but also tied up our national guard —WHEN it was desperately needed here.
20060401             —NOW, with the help of Hurrican Katrina, you have allowed NEW—ORLEANS—1—MAJOR—CITY in your own COUNTRY—TO be destroyed.
20060401             FEMA—NATIONAL—RESPONSE—PLAN makes it clear that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT must be help accountable, not state and municipal governments.
20060401             ANY—CASE, it was you, MISTER—BUSH, who defunded the levee project that would have protected the Crescent City and its citizens.
20060401             We are done with you.
20060401             As long as you're telling the truth, MISTER—FLYNT -- —WHEN will we get the full VERSION—OF—THE—GORDON—N/VICKI—MORGAN thing...?
20060401             —COVERED, We —NOW have almost ALL—OF—GERMANY, in HIGH—RESOLUTION, plus SOME—REALLY high resolution insets in cities like.
20060401             MORTON—SALT, CHICAGO
20060401             THE—ROOF—OF—THE—FACTORY has the company name, along with their slogan "—WHEN it Rains It Pours" and the "MORTON—SALT—GIRL", 1—DRAWING of a...
20060401             —ON —1—WINTER—AFTERNOON in Trafalgar Square, Michael ("Please don't use my 2. name") is trying to explain how THE—INTERNET has changed his life and the lives of thousands like him.
20060401             "How MANY—MEN are there here?" he asks, standing on the steps of St Martin in the Fields church.
20060401             He.
20060401             College education will become more affordable to LOW—AND MIDDLE—INCOME—GROUPS—OF—AMERICANS, THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES said —YESTERDAY.
20060401             Unions reject Chirac move Trade unions and students denounce THE—FRANCE—PRESIDENT—DECISION to enact 1 modified youth labour law.
20060401             Tories to maintain lender secrecy THE—CONSERVATIVES refuse to reveal the names of about 10—PEOPLE who lent the party money but have been repaid.
20060401             —LAUNCHED, New 'FBI—STYLE' agency, THE—SERIOUS and Organised Crime Agency is due to open, promising to crackdown on economic crime.
20060401             BRAZIL—PIONEER docks in space THE—1.—BRAZILIAN in space docks at THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION—AFTER a —2—DAY—JOURNEY.
20060401             UGANDA rebel 'terror' appals UN Rebels are carrying out "terrorism of the worst kind" in NORTH—UGANDA and must be halted, 1—UN—AID—CHIEF says.
20060401             Rice shrugs off UK visit protests USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE says she is not troubled by noisy protests against her UK tour.
20060401             INDIA urges nuclear deal approval INDIA—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—TELLS—USA—LAWMAKERS not to delay 1—LANDMARK nuclear deal by making changes.
20060401             Apology call over terror arrests Lord Carlile, 1—GOVERNMENT—ADVISER, calls for 1—PROBE into why 4—MEN were held under the Terrorism Act.
20060401             Light shed on mysterious particle Physicists confirm that neutrinos, the "ghost particles" that pervade the Universe, have MASSACHUSETTS.
20060401             Sensitive documents surface in AT&T—NSA spy lawsuit Blog: It looks like the Electronic Frontier Foundation may have unearthed SOME—HIGHLY sensitive documents about the National Security...
20060401             SINGAPORE unveils biometric passport THE—BIOPASS will be issued to government officials and airline crews + will eventually replace traditional passports.
20060401             "THE—ECONOMIST—REPORTS that scientists in CALIFORNIA are coming closer to creating REAL—LIFE—MYTHICAL—ANIMALS. Basically, they RE—CREATE the natural selection process through 1—COMPUTER—SIMULATION and then clone the resulting set of DNA in 1—DONOR animal".
20060401             "EACH—COMPUTER—STARTS with 1—SEARCH—IMAGE (dragon, unicorn, gryphon, etc) + the genome of the real animal most closely resembling it (1—LIZARD for the dragon, 1—HORSE for the unicorn and, most taxingly, the spliced genomes of 1—LION and 1—EAGLE for the gryphon). The virtual genomes of these real animals are then tweaked by random electronic mutations. —WHEN they have matured, the virtual adults most closely resembling the targets are picked and CROSS—BRED, —WHILE the others are culled".
20060401             Bohrkerne aus der —MITTE des Einschlagkraters hatten aber —BEREITS
20060401             —VOR—2—JAHREN Zweifel an dieser Lesart geweckt.
20060401             Hartings Fund verstärkt die Zweifel, dass der Einschlag und das Iridium miteinander zu tun haben: Wenn das Glas vom Meteoriten stammt, so tut es das Metall offenbar nicht.
20060401             Doch die Hinweise verdichten sich, dass der vermeintlich schuldige 300.—000—JAHRE zu früh auf die Erde getroffen ist.
20060401             Dass sein Einschlag für das Massensterben der Dinosaurier verantwortlich war, wird immer unwahrscheinlicher.
20060401             Jüngste Analysen bestätigen den Verdacht, dass der Himmelskörper die MEXIKANISCHE—HALBINSEL Yucátan rund 300.—000—JAHRE zu früh traf, um als globaler Killer infrage zu kommen.
20060401             1—TREFFEN mit EX—BEATLE McCartney platzte, ebenso 1—BESUCH in einer Moschee und 1—FUßBALLSPIEL.
20060401             USA—AUßENPOLITIK: Staatsbesuch wird zum Desaster
20060401             Terrorismus: Bombenangst am KAI—AN>Kündigungsschutz: Arbeitgeber begrüßen Aufschub der Reform
20060401             GEHEIM—BÜRGSCHAFT: Empörung über EX—KANZLER—SCHRÖDER
20060401             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Israels heimliches Kriegsziel
20060401             Klimaforschung: Hitzewallung über der ANTARKTIS
20060401             Anhörung im USA—SENAT zu Bushs Lauschangriffen: EX—BERATER Nixons zieht Vergleich zu WATERGATE—AFFÄRE
20060401             GEORGE—W—BUSH zu IRAN: Hilfe für Erdbebenopfer, Schelte für Regierung
20060401             CHARLIE—SHEEN—REINVIGORATES 20010911             Truth Movement
20060401             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CHARLIE—SHEEN—REINVIGORATES 20010911             Truth Movement Average Americans defend
20060401             —SPOOFED, GENERAL—MOTORS—SUV, by environmentalists Environmentalists use editing tools provided by carmaker to bash the company on global warming.
20060401             Video: People use "make your own ad" contest to blast SUV Video: People use "make your own ad" contest to blast SUV.
20060401             —CREATED, Chevrolet, 1—CONTEST to let users make their own ad for THE—CHEVY—TAHOE, but the company let 1—COUPLE slip by under its nose depicting THE—SUV as 1—GAS—GUZZLING, ENVIRONMENT—DESTROYING machine.
20060401             IBM Challenges Microsoft With 1—AD—CAMPAIGN
20060401             Rytis writes "IBM is about to spend $300—MILLION—DOLLARS on 1—CAMPAIGN to win customers and to convert them from Microsoft Exchange to Lotus Notes and Domino under Linux. IBM is also said to offer resellers 1—BOUNTY—OF $20,000 for switching customers to its LINUX—BASED E—MAIL programs from Microsoft server software. It seems that the concurrence Microsoft Corp. is facing is getting tighter and tighter. THE—PENGUIN gets more and more support from THE—2—BIGGEST rivals that Microsoft have ever had".
20060401             Anhörung im USA—SENAT zu Bushs Lauschangriffen
20060401             Starker Tobak im USA—SENAT: Bushs Handeln übertreffe noch Nixons Fehlverhalten in der WATERGATE—AFFÄRE, sagte 1—FRÜHERER—BERATER—VON—EX—PRÄSIDENT—NIXON in einer Anhörung des USA—SENATS zu Lauschangriffen, die GEORGE—W—BUSH ohne richterliche Genehmigung anordnete.
20060401             WASHINGTON—DER Senat müsse Bush offiziell rügen, sagte NIXON—BERATER JOHN—DEAN vor dem Rechtsausschuss des Senats.
20060401             Für ihn sei dies keine parteipolitische Frage, sondern 1—FRAGE—DES—PARLAMENTARISCHEN—STOLZES.
20060401             "Der PRÄSIDENT muss daran erinnert werden, dass Gewaltenteilung nicht 1—GEWALTENISOLIERUNG bedeutet", erklärte Nixons ehemaliger Berater laut einem vorab verbreiteten Manuskript.
20060401             PRÄSIDENT—NIXON stürzte 19740000             über die WATERGATE—AFFÄRE.
20060401             Wäre Nixon damals vom Kongress gerügt oder verwarnt worden, "wäre die Tragödie von Watergate vielleicht verhindert worden", sagte Dean.
20060401             Despite the great importance of genes in brain function, DOCTOR—THOMPSON said experience could also change the brain.
20060401             "There are MANY—ENIGMAS—OF—INTELLIGENCE that they can —NOW solve," he said.
20060401             —OPENED, DOCTOR—THOMPSON said the new study, huge possibilities because researchers should be able to identify the factors that influence the brain by looking at the scan patterns identified by the researchers.
20060401             Looking at highly intelligent —7—YEAR—OLDS, the researchers said they were surprised to find that the cortex was thinner than in 1—COMPARISON—GROUP—OF—CHILDREN—OF—AVERAGE—INTELLIGENCE.
20060401             The researchers found that average children (I.Q. scores 83 to 108) reached 1—PEAK of cortical thickness at age 7 or 8.
20060401             Highly intelligent children (121 to 149 in I.Q.) reached 1—PEAK thickness much —LATER, at 13, followed by 1—MORE—DYNAMIC pruning process.
20060401             But basically the brain seems to be rewiring itself as it matures, with the thinning of the cortex reflecting 1—PRUNING of redundant connections.
20060401             —AFTER 1—FEW years in the doldrums, companies are flocking to business schools in droves again + the job market is looking rosy + base salaries for M.B.A.'s continue to climb.
20060401             According to 1—PHYSICIAN staffing executive, "THERE—NO such thing as 1 unemployed physician".
20060401             REPRESENTATIVE—CYNTHIA—MCKINNEY, THE—GEORGIA congresswoman who had 1—ALTERCATION with 1—CAPITOL—POLICE—OFFICER, said the officer started the incident by "inappropriately touching and stopping" her —AFTER she walked past 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT.
20060401             "PETER—BLECHA has written the 1. comprehensive HISTORY—OF—MUSIC—CENSORSHIP".
20060401             Independent Online Edition > Home
20060401             Bush 'operating secret gulag in EAST—EUROPE'
20060401             GEORGE—GALLOWAY : Surfing in the sewer: "Our press, which you appear to regard as being free... is the most enslaved and the vilest thing".
20060401             WILLIAM—COBBETT, Political Register, 18300000             .
20060401             Exxon Mobil not welcome in VENEZUELA anymore : VENEZUELA—OIL—MINISTER said —TODAY that Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's 2.—LARGEST integrated oil company, was no longer welcome in this OIL—PRODUCING nation.
20060401             Send in the marines:
20060401             USA—STRIKE—GROUP—WILL—HEAD—SOUTH—FOR "Training" : SOME—DEFENSE—ANALYSTS suggested that the unusual —2—MONTH—LONG—DEPLOYMENT, set to begin —IN—EARLY—APRIL, could be interpreted as 1—SHOW—OF—FORCE by "ANTI—USA—GOVERNMENTS in VENEZUELA and CUBA".
20060401             VENEZUELA postpones ban on USA—AIRLINES:
20060401             S.AMERICA—PIPELINE said to exceed estimate: THE—COST—OF—BUILDING 1—NATURAL gas pipeline spanning SOUTH—AMERICA would exceed the most recent ESTIMATE—OF—USA$25—BILLION (euro20.7—BILLION), THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—BRAZIL—STATE—OWNED petroleum company said in 1—INTERVIEW published —THURSDAY.
20060401             Fear and Loathing in ASIA:
20060401             —POINTED, The report, out that the weapons that BEIJING has amassed to intimidate TAIWAN--700—SHORT—RANGE—MISSILES, 1—MODERNIZING fleet of diesel and nuclear submarines, 4.—GENERATION aircraft procured from RUSSIA, increased operational tempo and SOPHISTICATION—OF—MILITARY—EXERCISES--also can be used against other regional powers.
20060401             EX—PROSECUTOR Accused of Concealing Evidence in Terror Case : 1—GRAND—JURY charged —TODAY that 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR in DETROIT who led 1—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—BIGGEST terrorism investigations concealed critical evidence in the case in 1—EFFORT to bolster the government's theory that 1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL—MUSLIM men were plotting 1—ATTACK.
20060401             Long Live 20010911             —THE—CONSPIRACY! : Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing, unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?
20060401             Sheila Samples : 20010911             —- Eliminating THE—IMPOSSIBLE.
20060401             I've seen what happens to those who question the elaborate, tangled explanations THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFERS about what happened, how it happened, who did it
20060401             Evelyn Pringle: Which Soldier WILL—BE—THE—LAST—TO—DIE—FOR—BUSH—MISTAKE?
20060401             The war in IRAQ is 1—GRAND profiteering scheme gone awry and Americans need to take off their blinders and face the truth.
20060401             Repairing RUMSFELD—DAMAGE:
20060401             his plans + assumptions are totally wrong, but not SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD.
20060401             Manufacturing consent for war:
20060401             UN Security Council calls on IRAN to suspend ENRICHMENT—RELATED activities : Expressing serious concern that THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY (IAEA) is unable to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in IRAN, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council —TODAY called upon that country to RE—ESTABLISH—FULL and sustained suspension of all ENRICHMENT—RELATED + reprocessing activities,
20060401             —REMAINED, UN demands IRAN stop uranium enrichment work : IRAN, defiant, saying that it was not seeking 1—ATOMIC—BOMB and REGARDLESS—OF—ASSURANCES, THE—USA + others would find new reasons to fault TEHRAN.
20060401             —REFUSED, IRAN rejects call to halt enrichment : IRAN, —THURSDAY to comply with 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—DEMAND to freeze uranium enrichment, defying 1—CALL by major world powers to curb its nuclear program or face isolation.
20060401             World powers discuss next steps in IRAN crisis : 6—WORLD—POWERS were gathering in BERLIN —ON—THURSDAY to discuss the next steps in dealing with IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, with RUSSIA + CHINA looking for assurances that there are no plans to use force against TEHRAN.
20060401             —WARNED, RUSSIA—WARNING over IRAN crisis : RUSSIA has, it will not support ANY—ATTEMPTS to use force to resolve THE—STAND—OFF over IRAN—CONTROVERSIAL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME.
20060401             IRAN to hold LARGE—SCALE naval war games:
20060401             —TODAY, IRAN is calling for its rightful demands with strength + national unity + these exercises will show 1—INCREASE—OF—STRENGTH + preparedness?, the navy COMMANDER
20060401             IRAN—PLAN to weaken the dollar will fail: Surely TEHRAN lost touch with reality —WHEN it developed its plan to use 1—NEW, EURO—BASED oil exchange, on Kish ISLAND in the Persian Gulf, to dethrone the greenback from its position as the world's reigning reserve currency.
20060401             Weinberger, Bushes & IRAN—CONTRA : In THE—EARLY—TO—MID 1980s, RONALD—REAGAN had sought to avoid 1—HEAD—ON clash with Congress by taking his foreign policy underground, using cutouts like ISRAEL to ship missiles to IRAN + WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE—OLIVER—NORTH to funnel supplies to the contra rebels fighting in NICARAGUA.
20060401             - MISTER—ABRAMOFF—GOES to WASHINGTON
20060401             ABRAMOFF—TESTIMONY threatens not only the most senior politicians in the country but it is also exposing the corrosive INFLUENCE—OF—LOBBYISTS' money on USA—DEMOCRACY
20060401             Bush, Blair had 'no evidence' of IRAQ WMDs
20060401             It's extremely rare, to get this kind of 1—INSIGHT—OF—1—EXTREMELY private, we should say secret meeting between 2—LEADERS preparing for 1—COMING war.
20060401             Tell us what you think are the main insights to be gained from THE—SO—CALLED—WHITE—HOUSE—MEMO?
20060401             Leaked memo details USA, UK war talks
20060401             —EMERGED, TONY—JONES: New evidence has, which appears to show that THE—USA—AND—THE—UK—GOVERNMENTS were set to invade IRAQ, regardless of whether a 2. UN resolution was carried and even if INTERNATIONAL arms inspections failed
20060401             Making the World Safe for Christianity
20060401             —WHEN democratic elections result in the elevation of 1—LEADER or party not to our liking, we do not hesitate for —1—MINUTE to undermine that government.
20060401             The new face of apartheid: J. KENNETH—HACKWELL: The most unprincipled and opportunistic man in THE—HISTORY—OF—OHIO, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—J—KENNETH—BLACKWELL, stands poised to claim the Republican primary for GOVERNOR.
20060401             ANTARCTIC air is warming faster than REST—OF—WORLD:
20060401             —STALLED, Pentagon block on move for safer water : THE—PENTAGON, efforts to clean water supplies contaminated by 1—CARCINOGENIC—CHEMICAL despite evidence that it posed 1—SIGNIFICANT—HEALTH—RISK to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE, it was reported —YESTERDAY.
20060401             IRAN says it has successfully TEST—FIRED 1—MISSILE—ABLE to avoid radar : - IRAN successfully TEST—FIRED —ON—FRIDAY 1—MISSILE with the ability to avoid radar and hit several targets simultaneously, the airforce CHIEF—OF—THE—ELITE—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARDS said.
20060401             IRAN: Scenarios of 1—USA—STRIKE:
20060401             The risks are great if WASHINGTON—NEO—CONS choose military options to prevent IRAN from blocking USA imperial designs for THE—MIDDLE—EAST
20060401             HEAD—OF—ARAB—LEAGUE—CALLS on Arab States to Enter Nuclear Club:
20060401             According to 1—REPORT in the Associated Press, Arab League HEAD—AMR—MOUSSA called on Arab states to pursue the development of atomic energy
20060401             —ACCUSED—OF, USA—PROFESSORS, being liars and bigots over essay on PRO—ISRAEL—LOBBY : 1—ARTICLE by 2—PROMINENT—USA—PROFESSORS arguing that THE—PRO—ISRAEL lobby exerts 1—DOMINANT + damaging influence on USA foreign policy has triggered 1—FURIOUS—ROW, pitting ALLEGATIONS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM against claims of intellectual intimidation.
20060401             JAMES—PETRAS : Record Profits and Rising Authoritarianism : THE—ASCENDANCY—OF—FINANCE—CAPITAL and its influence over USA economic policy has had major, largely negative, consequences for THE—USA—ECONOMY, especially our living standards, external accounts and budget.
20060401             —INTERLINKED, THE—USA—CHINA—TRADE—IMBALANCE: The world's, economies no longer trade to capture 1—COMPARATIVE—ADVANTAGE;
20060401             BLACKBURN mosque cancels Rice invitation: Muslim leaders —YESTERDAY withdrew 1—INVITATION to THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, Condoleezza Rice, to visit 1—MOSQUE in THE—BLACKBURN—CONSTITUENCY—OF—THE—HOME—SECRETARY, JACK—STRAW.
20060401             FORMER—USA presidential advisor Brzezinski presents plan to quit IRAQ:
20060401             The plan would allow WASHINGTON to disengage gradually in IRAQ, "without victory, but also without defeat,"
20060401             K Gajendra Singh: Hyper power hubris : Here are men in USA with terrible MEANS—OF—DESTRUCTION in their hands, with their narrow corporate experience and vision,with little overall holistic understanding, hurtling along 1—MAD—COURSE to 1—WAR, opposed by MAJORITY—OF—THE—WORLD and its population.
20060401             Noam Chomsky on Failed States: THE—ABUSE—OF—POWER and THE—ASSAULT—ON—DEMOCRACY : Professor Chomsky thinks that THE—USA is beginning to resemble 1 failed state that cannot protect its citizens from violence and has 1—GOVERNMENT that regards itself as beyond the reach of domestic or INTERNATIONAL law.
20060401             Shiite Ayatollah Ignores Letter From Bush : 1—LETTER from PRESIDENT—BUSH to IRAQ—SUPREME—SHIITE spiritual leader, Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, was HAND—DELIVERED —EARLIER—THIS—WEEK but sits unread and untranslated in the top religious figure's office, 1—KEY—AL—SISTANI aide told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS—ON—THURSDAY.
20060401             —DISPUTED, If her story is TRUE—AND it has been, by THE—USA—MILITARY—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WORKERS say it is the worst massacre of civilians by USA—TROOPS in the country.
20060401             DAVE—LINDORFF: THE—MUSTAFA—MOSQUE—MASSACRE was No Accident or Error:
20060401             Events in IRAQ are giving the lie to administration claims that all it wants to do is create 1—STABLE, democratic IRAQ + then leave
20060401             My husband, SERGEANT—KEVIN—BENDERMAN, chose to no longer participate in war.
20060401             His unit commanders chose to punish him for not allowing them to control him with their threats + my husband went to jail simply because his commanders had no integrity, no honor and no respect for the very constitution they had given 1—SWORN oath to uphold.
20060401             As 1—RESULT the more noble traits of our culture are incrementally dying.
20060401             Through the judicious use of lies and distortions the people are deceived into supporting THE—ATROCITIES—OF—WAR and conquest that are committed in their name.
20060401             The war aims of the Babylonian Conquest have always been obvious to anyone who concentrates on the operational reality of the action, ignoring the ludicrous cornball about democracy and security that Bush dishes out to gull the rubes back home.
20060401             Noam Chomsky on Failed States
20060401             Professor Chomsky thinks that THE—USA is beginning to resemble 1 failed state that cannot protect its citizens from violence and has 1—GOVERNMENT that regards itself as beyond the reach of domestic or INTERNATIONAL law
20060401             4—WORDS that Spoke Volumes
20060401             —BY MIKE—FERNER—DIE Explosion, welche die —BISHER weitgehend unbekannte VILAMA—CALDERA in Nordargentinien erschaffen hat, scheint sogar mit der YELLOWSTONE—ERUPTION gleichziehen zu können.
20060401             Wer oberhalb der 6000—PUNKTE—GRENZE weiterhin in Aktien investieren will, sollte —SCHON an 1—FORTSETZUNG des AMERIKANISCHEN—KONSUMWUNDERS glauben.
20060401             Das Land schiebt 1—LEISTUNGSBILANZDEFIZIT in Höhe von mehr als 700—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR vor sich her + muss sich täglich rund 6—MILLIARDEN Dollar vom Rest der Welt borgen, um sein Defizit zu finanzieren.
20060401             —AM Ende erwächst daraus für die Weltwirtschaft ein kaum kalkulierbares
20060401             DOLLAR—RISIKO.
20060401             1—RÜCKGANG des privaten Konsums in den USA wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit sowohl die Aktienmärkte in den USA als auch im Rest der Welt belasten.
20060401             —ARGUMENTIERT, Wer, die USA—MÄRKTE hätten nach —JAHREN der Underperformance gegenüber EUROPA und ASIEN —NUN einen Teil ihrer stolzen Bewertung abgebaut und wieder viel Luft nach oben, übersieht 2—DINGE.
20060401             Erstens: Die USA—BÖRSEN dürften kaum 1—RALLYE am Aktienmarkt anführen, wenn der heimischen Konjunktur die wichtigste Stütze fehlt.
20060401             Platzt die USA—IMMOBILIENBLASE, kommen VIELE—USA—BÜRGER in Schwierigkeiten.
20060401             —BEDEUTET, Das, bei einer Sparquote von 0—WENIGER Geld für den Konsum + das ist für die USA—WIRTSCHAFT ein gewaltiges Problem.
20060401             Der neue CHEF—DER—USA—NOTENBANK hat wenig Zweifel daran gelassen, dass die Zinsen in den USA —IN—DIESEM—JAHR wohl noch auf mindestens 5 % steigen werden.
20060401             Damit - [M] AP; MANAGER— Immobilienpreise in USA: Anstieg der Preise für Einfamilienhäuser zwischen 20000000             und 20050000             in %
20060401             LATE—BREAKING news on THE—RFK assassination Cannon here : Thanks to GARY—BUELL, I stumbled across 1—INTERESTING document pertinent to THE—RFK assassination, brought to you by the good folks over at the Smoking Gun.
20060401             The information amounts to little more than 1—TALE told at 2.- or 3.—HAND -- but, as we shall soon see, we may be able to track down a 1.—HAND witness.
20060401             THE—SPOOKS—OF—7—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER
20060401             —CALLED, Of all the government agencies which, 7—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—HOME, 1—NAME—RIVETS the attention of parapolitical researchers: THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY.
20060401             —LOCATED, In THE—STATE—OF—NEW—YORK, offices are, in Westbury, SYRACUSE, LIVERPOOL, ROME + Griffiss AIR—FORCE—BASE;
20060401             News ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—DISASTER do not record either DSS or DIS as 1—TENANT—OF—ANY—BUILDING in the trade center complex.
20060401             Yet in the fall of 20010000             , THE—SOUTH—WEST—BELL SMARTpages online directory listed 1—PHONE—NUMBER for the "USA—DEFENSE—INVESTIGATIVE Svc" at 7—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER.
20060401             This VERSION—OF—EVENTS—PLACES the evacuation order —AFTER 9:06, the time of the 2. strike, even though most other building tenants left —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the 1. strike at 8:48. The account, if accurate, conjures up 1—GRIMLY amusing image: Were the intelligence professionals the last people in the building to figure out that they were under terrorist attack?
20060401             The revolutionaries took over the embassy so rapidly that the C.I.A. station was not able to effectively destroy ALL—OF—ITS—DOCUMENTS + the Iranians were —LATER able to piece together shredded agency reports.
20060401             —EMPHASIZED, —SINCE that disaster, the agency has, rigorous training and drills among its employees on how to quickly and effectively destroy and dispose of important documents in emergencies.
20060401             As 1—RESULT, 1—C.I.1—STATION—TODAY should be able to protect MOST—OF—ITS—SECRETS even in the middle of 1—CATASTROPHIC—DISASTER—LIKE 20060911             —THE attacks, said 1—FORMER—AGENCY—OFFICIAL.
20060401             —DESTROYED, The implication here is that CIA personnel, SCADS—OF—DOCUMENTS —DURING that ALL—IMPORTANT—49—MINUTE—PERIOD between 9:06 and 9:55. 1—WONDERS why they would bother.
20060401             —AFTER all, according to the official chronology, fire had not yet broken out within 7—WTC -- and even if smoke alarms were already ringing, NO—1 should have expected 1—BUILDING collapse.
20060401             Usenet Archive... All 757 and 767—AIRCRAFT equipped with computerized FLIGHT > control systems?...
20060401             Hani Hanjour Did Not fly 1—BOEING 757—INTO THE—PENTAGON—THE—WAY > they...
20060401             Usenet Archive... they said it did without going into What they call 1—HIGH speed stall.
20060401             THE—911—ORAL—HISTORIESMARCH 29, 20060000             - Audio
20060401             Rice: —JUST Kidding Drudge Retort Red Meat for Yellow Dogs Rice:
20060401             —JUST Kidding —1—DAY—AFTER Condoleezza Rice said THE—USA—MADE possibly "thousands" of tactical mistakes in the war against IRAQ, THE—SECRETARY—OF—STATE says she was speaking "figuratively, not literally".
20060401             How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui... (JEFF—A—TAYLOR/Reason) I have to say I respect those who are lying about 20010911             (+ know they are lying) more than those like Taylor, who seems more clueless than malicious. memeorandum Political Web, page A1 How THE—FBI—LET 20010911             HAPPEN—NEVER mind Moussaoui...
20060401             OpinionJournal Article: Terrorists and THE—SUPREME—COURT
20060401             Author: BILL—GILTNER—WSJ says if tools (meaning unconstitutional acts and directives by the Executive) were used by Presidents WASHINGTON, LINCOLN, + FDR, why shouldn't they be approved —TODAY.
20060401             I think 1—VERY—GOOD—CASE could be made that we aren't at War
20060401             Significant WARMING—OF—THE—ANTARCTIC—WINTER—TROPOSPHERE Author: WILLIAM—THE "iconic" ANTARCTIC temperature trends are the large warming seen on THE—ANTARCTIC—PENINSULA, which has had various repercussions including the collapse of several ice shelves (some documented in 1—PREVIOUS—POST).
20060401             Elsewhere, though, THE—PATTERN—OF—SURFACE warming is more COMPLEX—TRENDS are.
20060401             Advertisers losing their faith in TV, moving to THE—INTERNET
20060401             Help Me Get My Money from Google Author: SCOTT—KARP—GOOGLE—ADSENSE has 1—ONEROUS—POLICY—OF—ONLY paying publishers —WHEN they earn more than $100. I have $22.60—STUCK in my AdSense account, with little hope of getting it out ANY—TIME in the foreseeable future.
20060401             —ABANDONED, In fact, if I, AdSense —NOW, Google would get to keep that $22.60. (It's.
20060401             EGYPT party rivals clash in CAIRO 23—PEOPLE are HURT—SOME—BY GUNFIRE—AS rival FACTIONS—OF—EGYPT—OPPOSITION—WAFD party clash.
20060401             NY Times: "THE—TRANSFORMATION—OF—USA—POLITICS by THE—INTERNET is accelerating with the approach of 20060000             —THE—CONGRESSIONAL + 20080000             WHITE—HOUSE—ELECTIONS, producing FAR—REACHING changes in the way campaigns approach advertising, FUND—RAISING, mobilizing supporters and even the spreading of negative information".
20060401             Alternatively Boeing 767—200'S could be deployed for both towers... /
20060401             MIDDLE—EAST as are the Arabs and Palestinians via THE—ISRAEL i's TERRORIST—LIKE—RESPONSES to ANY—INCIDENT...
20060401             Untitled Document "I met Nabil AL—TIKRITI, 1—PROFESSOR from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CHICAGO.
20060401             Victory in TRIPOLI: Lessons for THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM—HERITAGE_org, DC - 20060504             ,
20060401             Do 1—LITTLE READING about working class living conditions in EUROPE in the 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY + you'll come away with the impression that capitalism works only —WHEN subjected to 1—REASONABLE—DEGREE—OF—REGULATION.
20060401             —PUBLISHED, Cannonfire, ITS—MOST famous post.
20060401             -Using census data, satellite images, aerial photographs, and computer simulations, 1—NASA scientist estimated that turf grass is THE—SINGLE—LARGEST irrigated crop in THE—USA, 3—TIMES—MORE than corn.
20060401             (JEFF—A—TAYLOR/Reason)
20060401             1—INMATE in THE—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMPS in Silesia, but, on the journey to the East...
20060401             is the most enslaved and the vilest thing.
20060401             sites, were 1. and foremost " labor camps".
20060401—18480000    —IN, MORTON—SALT is apparently NORTH—AMERICA—LEADING producer of salt and have been based in CHICAGO —SINCE being founded.
20060401—19790000    —CLASSIFIED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORT raises the question of, material falling into the wrong hands: The recovery of secret documents and other records from THE—NEW—YORK station should follow WELL—REHEARSED procedures laid out by the agency —AFTER THE—IRAN—TAKEOVER—OF—THE—USA—EMBASSY in TEHRAN.
20060401—19800000    —FAILED, Hospital ' cancer patients' BRADFORD NHS Trust failed to give breast cancer sufferers vital treatment s + 19900000             s, THE—BBC learns.
20060401—19970000    —OFFERED, HAMAS—ISRAEL —30—YEAR—TRUCE : Islamist group Hamas offered ISRAEL a —30—YEAR—TRUCE 19970000             —IN but it was overtaken by 1 botched assassination attempt against its —NOW leader, Khaled Meshaal, 1—FORMER—SPY—CHIEF is reportedly to reveal in upcoming memoirs.
20060401—19981101    —ON, Bushby set out on foot from SOUTH—CHILE with the intention of walking back to his home in THE—NORTH—ENGLAND
20060401—20000000    —IN, You stole your office both + 20040000             + consequently have no legitimate claim to it.
20060401—20010911    —ON, NEW—YORK releases partial TAPES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS from the World Trade Center.
20060401—20010911    —HAPPENED, You probably already know that much of what exactly, remains deeply unsettling + largely UNSOLVED—OR to put another way,
20060401—20010911    —ON, NY releases 20010911             emergency calls NEW—YORK releases partial TAPES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS from the World Trade Center.
20060401—20010911    —ON, THE—GROUND 0—GRASSY Knoll : You probably already know that much of what exactly happened remains deeply unsettling + largely UNSOLVED—OR to put another way, if you don't know ALL—OF—THIS + if you fully + blithely accept the official 20010911             1—STORY, well, you haven't been paying close enough attention.
20060401—20010911    —IN—THE, Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers ORAL Histories:
20060401—20011200    —IN, New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated 20050315             20060401—20011200    —IN, New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated 20050315             20060405             (source: Reuters, 20060315             )
20060401—20011200    —IN, New USA—POLICY to use nuclear weapons against NON—NUCLEAR—COUNTRIES has been officially formulated in 2—USA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENTS—NUCLEAR—POSTURE Review delivered to Congress and Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated 20050315             20060401—20030000    —SUMMER—OF, KARL—ROVE, PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHIEF—POLITICAL—ADVISER, cautioned other WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES in the that Bush's 20040000             RE—ELECTION—PROSPECTS would be severely damaged if it was publicly disclosed that he had been personally warned that 1—KEY rationale for going to war had been challenged within the administration
20060401—20060200    —IM, Gleichzeitig machen steigende Zinsen 1—IMMOBILIENFINANZIERUNG weniger attraktiv: Die ZAHL—DER—NEUBAUGENEHMIGUNGEN in den USA sind, ebenso wie Hauspreise, —BEREITS zurückgegangen.
20060401—20060328    —ON, "Sentenced to time served," were the welcome words pronounced by Senior JUDGE—STEPHEN—MILLIKEN, of THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA'S—SUPERIOR—COURT, Continued
20060401—20060328    —ON, "Sentenced to time served," were the welcome words pronounced by Senior JUDGE—STEPHEN—MILLIKEN, of THE—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—SUPERIOR—COURT,
20060401—20060330    WILL—THE—USA—NUKE—IRAN?
20060401—20060414    —ON, 1—RUSSIA—COURT—ORDERED—THE—DEPORTATION—OF—THE—UK—ADVENTURER for illegally crossing into RUSSIA, dealing 1—POTENTIALLY fatal blow to his dream of walking —AROUND the world.
20060401—20060425    —UNTIL, The decision to postpone the ban was made —AFTER talks with USA—OFFICIALS + VENEZUELA—INAC aviation authority said —ON—WEDNESDAY (20060330             ) that it would suspend the ban
20060401—20060501    Informed Comment: Nabil AL—TIKRITI—UNIVERSITY—OF—MARY—WASHINGTON...
20060401—20100000    —BY, —CITY—OF—HULL, a 36,000-mile (58,000-kilometer) odyssey that he was scheduled to complete.
20060405             1—VIDEO—POSTED on THE—INTERNET in THE—NAME—OF—1—EXTREMIST—GROUP claimed to show IRAQ—INSURGENTS dragging the burning BODY—OF—1—USA—PILOT on the ground —AFTER 20060401             —THE crash of 1—APACHE helicopter.
20060405             PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH said the new HAMAS—LED government is broke and missed 20060401             —THE monthly pay date for TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINE—PUBLIC—WORKERS.
20060407             —ELIMINATED, Sherlock Holmes And 911 - "—WHEN you have, all which is impossible... Cannonfire, 20060401             - (—POSTED here: 20060403             )...
20060429             20070401             IRAQ < Foreign Policy < 43. GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH < Americas
20060800             Jewish And Breaking News: 20070325—20070401              2007032320070325     "THE—USA—MILITARY—FAULTY war plans and insufficient troops in IRAQ left thousands and possibly MILLIONS—OF—TONS—OF—CONVENTIONAL—MUNITIONS unsecured or in THE—HANDS—OF—INSURGENT—GROUPS—AFTER 20030000             —THE invasion — allowing widespread LOOTING—OF—WEAPONS and explosives used to make roadside bombs that cause THE—BULK—OF—USA—CASUALTIES,
20060800             Jewish And Breaking News: 20070325—20070401              20061011             2—FORMER—UK—OFFICIALS accused of leaking details of 1—MEMO reported to include references to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH discussing bombing Arab broadcaster AL—JAZEERA will face trial 20060401             —IN—JUDGE—SAID—MONDAY.
200611040130         p.m. Rally with Leader Pelosi, candidate JOE—SESTAK,
200611040130         p.m. Rally with Leader Pelosi, candidate JOE—SESTAK, VICE—PRESIDENT—GORE + GOVERNOR—RENDELL in Radnor, PA
20070108             The war against terror in 1—NUTSHELL: AFGHANISTAN, MIDDLE—EAST, SOUTH—ASIA, Chechnya, THE—PHILIPPINES, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, SOMALIA and wherever else it... rantburg_com/index.php?HC=1&D=20030401             20070108             Right Thoughts - "No 1 Asked Us" by STAN—COERR—I know the tension between THE—WHITE—HOUSE, THE—UN, Langley + Foggy Bottom.
20070204             DEUTSCHER—BUNDESTAG: Plenarprotokoll 13/226—VOM 19980401             ...
20070301—20070401    —JAHR—BIS Station Charon:
20070301—20070401    THE—CONSERVATION—REPORT: Myers had found that 90—PERCENT—OF—ALL—LARGE—FISH, including tuna and cod, have disappeared from the...
20070301—20070401    Station Charon:
20070305             The largest market basket survey of the arsenic CONTENT—OF—RICE grown in THE—USA has found elevated levels of arsenic in rice produced in THE—SOUTH—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, scientists report in 1—ARTICLE scheduled for 20070401             —THE issue of ACS` Environmental Science & Technology.
20070310—20041000    —UNTIL, Wot Is It Good 4: 20060301—20060401     laura: "From —AUGUST, GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, THE—WIFE—OF—ALLEGED—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM—CO—CONSPIRATOR—THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS, gave $18000 to...
20070327             0000             — Facing sharp questioning over THE—FBI—MISUSE of national security letters to obtain phone,
20070331—20070401    Pelosi Plans Trip to Syria —NEXT—WEEK, Hopefully, SHE—DUSTING—UP—HER—FOREIGN—POLICY—CREDENTIALS to Assume the Presidency 20070000             .
20070401             † HANS—FILBINGER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, Ministerpräsident von BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20070401             Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    ,
20070401             THE—USA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—CRISIS for survival in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231 .
20070401             Will it survive?
20070401             Published: 20070327             20070401—20070327    —FROM, Ho HUM—BG clipped — Facing sharp questioning over THE—FBI—MISUSE of national security letters to obtain phone, computer and financial records of Americans —WHILE searching for terrorists, director ROBERT—MUELLER took full responsibility for the actions of his agents and employees —WHEN he testified —BEFORE Congress —TODAY.
20070401             Meteorites rich with information, expert says 1—PURDUE—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—ON—WEDNESDAY (20070328             ) said at national convention that meteorites hold MANY—CLUES into the creation and evolution of the solar system.
20070401             —POSTED: —WEDNESDAY, 20070328             20070401             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—THURSDAY, 20070329             20070401             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—FRIDAY, 20070330             20070401             It's Their Land This 20070330             marks the 31. —YEAR Palestinians —THROUGHOUT the world remember Land —DAY or 'Youm AL—ARD' in Arabic.
20070401             MADISON, WI (PRWEB) 20070330             — SOME—MEMBERS—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth, 1—NON—PARTISAN ORGANIZATION—OF—STUDENTS, experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing truths about 20010911             , have filed complaints against the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology for legal defects in its STUDIES—OF—EVENTS—OF 20010911             involving the Twin Towers and Building 7. JAMES—H—FETZER, the society's founder, believes these actions have the potential to break THE—BACK—OF—THE—COVER—UP that has enveloped these events.
20070401             GIULIANI—EX—PARTNER—MAY—FACE—FEDERAL—CHARGES—SAT 20120331             :00 EDT
20070401             Published: 20070327             20070401             It's Their Land This 20070330             marks the 31. —YEAR Palestinians —THROUGHOUT the world remember Land —DAY or 'Youm AL—ARD' in Arabic.
20070401             GIULIANI—EX—PARTNER—MAY—FACE—FEDERAL—CHARGES—SAT 20120331             :00 EDT 20070000             20070401             —ANNOUNCED, TOMMY—THOMPSON, FORMER—WISCONSIN GOVERNOR (GOP), that he is running for PRESIDENT.
20070401             BROOKLYN—BOROUGH—PRESIDENT—LAUNCHED—THE—CONEY—ISLAND—AMUSEMENT—PARK—LAST—SEASON ahead of 1—MAJOR—REDEVELOPMENT that will raze much of the lovably seedy boardwalk area.
20070401             —BECAME, MORGAN—PRESSEL, the youngest major champion in LPGA Tour history with 1—GAME well beyond her —18—YEARS, closing with a 3—UNDER—PAR 69 at the Kraft Nabisco Championship.
20070401             CHARLOTTE—NORTH—CAROLINA, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS shot —DURING 1—STRUGGLE with 1—SUSPECT outside 1—APARTMENT—COMPLEX †, and 1—SUSPECT was charged with murder.
20070401             —EXECUTED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 3—MEN accused of spying for NATO and government forces.
20070401             1—NATO—AIRSTRIKE targeted 1—COMPOUND housing Taliban militants in Shahjoy DISTRICT—OF—ZABUL province, killing 7 suspected militants inside.
20070401             —CLASHED, NATO—LED troops and police, with suspected Taliban militants in KANDAHAR—ZHARI district, leaving 6—MILITANTS—DEAD.
20070401             —CAUSED, In EAST—AFGHANISTAN flash floods, by torrential rains killed at least 16—PEOPLE and destroyed DOZENS—OF—HOUSES—NEAR the Hindu Kush mountain range.
20070401             CAMBODIA held local commune elections.
20070401             THE—CAMBODIA—PEOPLE—PARTY won control in 1,592—OF 1,621 communes amid opposition CLAIMS—OF—FRAUD.
20070401             1—KNIFE—WIELDING—CHINA—TOUR—GUIDE injured 20—PEOPLE in 1—STABBING—AND—SLASHING spree at 1—SOUTHWESTERN resort —FOLLOWING 1—ARGUMENT over kickbacks on souvenir sales.
20070401             Xu Mingchao (25) from THE—PROVINCE—OF—HEILONGJIANG, was arrested —FOLLOWING the incident.
20070401             —REPORTED, DENMARK—RESEARCHERS, that they have isolated bacterial enzymes that effectively remove sugar molecules from red blood cells that provoke 1—IMMUNE—REACTIONS.
20070401             † HANS—FILBINGER, —93—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—GERMANY—BADEN—WUERTTEMBERG state (19660000—19780000    ).
20070401             —RESIGNED, HANS—FILBINGER had, amid revelations about his past as 1—NAZI—ERA—NAVAL—JUDGE.
20070401             † LAURIE—BAKER, —90—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITISH—BORN architect, in INDIA.
20070401             LAURIE—BAKER spent more than —60—YEARS in INDIA building homes that were ecologically sound and affordable for the poor.
20070401             IRAN, about 200—STUDENTS threw rocks and firecrackers at THE—UK—EMBASSY, calling for THE—EXPULSION—OF—THE—COUNTRY—AMBASSADOR because of the standoff over IRAN—CAPTURE—OF—15—UK—SAILORS and marines.
20070401             —EXAMINED, BRITAIN, options for new dialogue with TEHRAN over the seized crew of 15—SAILORS and marines, as 1—POLL suggested most Britons back the government's goal of resolving the standoff through diplomacy.
20070401             —AIRED, IRAN—STATE—TELEVISION, new video showing 2—OF—THE 15 captured UK—SAILORS pointing to 1—SPOT on 1—MAP—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF where they were seized and saying it was in IRAN—TERRITORIAL—WATERS;
20070401             1—IRAQ—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said that militants fleeing 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN in BAGHDAD have made areas outside the capital "breeding grounds for violence," spreading deadly bombings and sectarian attacks to areas once relatively untouched.
20070401             1—BOMB struck 1—POPULAR—MARKET in Tuz Khormato, 130—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 3—PEOPLE and wounding 4. More than 600—IRAQIS were killed in sectarian violence —LAST—WEEK—ALONE.
20070401             6—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in roadside bombings over the weekend SOUTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070401             —INVITED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, Arab leaders to attend 1—PEACE—CONFERENCE to discuss their ideas for reaching Mideast peace.
20070401             —SEALED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY, off THE—WEST—BANK ahead of the weeklong Passover holiday, restricting the movement of Palestinians into ISRAEL.
20070401             In her 1. Mideast trip as EU PRESIDENT, GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL offered EUROPE—HELP in bringing ISRAEL and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table, trying to build on 1—NEW burst of INTERNATIONAL efforts to restart peace talks.
20070401             MONTERREY—MEXICO, 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER lost its brakes and killed 9—PEOPLE as it plowed through 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA.
20070401             —CHARGED, The driver of 1—TRACTOR—TRAILER was, with homicide —AFTER testing positive for drugs.
20070401             —JOINED, NEPAL—COMMUNIST—REBELS, 1—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT as PART—OF—1—LANDMARK peace deal that ended their —DECADE—LONG—INSURGENCY, pledging to ensure development in the Himalayan nation and hold credible elections.
20070401             —ANNOUNCED, PALESTINE—JOURNALISTS, a —3—DAY—STRIKE in protest at what they called their government's inadequate response to the suspected kidnap of 1—UK—JOURNALIST.
20070401             —BROKERED, MOGADISHU—DOMINANT—CLAN said it has, 1—TRUCE with ETHIOPIA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS who are supporting SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, even as mortar shells continued slamming into the capital for a 4. —DAY.
20070401             SOUTH—KOREA, taxi driver HUH—SE—UK, —53—JAHRE—ALT drove through heavy security into the driveway of 1—SEOUL hotel where trade talks with THE—USA were taking place.
20070401             He sprayed himself with flammable fluid and lit 1—FIRE, suffering 3.—DEGREE burns.
20070401             —KILLED, SRI—LANKA, 12—TAMIL Tigers were, in clashes in THE—NORTH—WEST—DISTRICT—OF—MANNAR.
20070401             —KILLED, The attackers fled the scene —AFTER AU troops, 3—OF—THEM in 1—EXCHANGE—OF—FIRE.
20070401             SYRIA, USA—HOUSE—MEMBERS meeting with PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD said they believed there was 1—OPPORTUNITY for dialogue.
20070401             —LAUNCHED, BROOKLYN—BOROUGH PRESIDENT, the Coney ISLAND amusement park's last season ahead of 1—MAJOR—REDEVELOPMENT that will raze much of the lovably seedy boardwalk area.
20070401             CANADA, Nelly Furtado stole the show at the Junos, playing the roles of both host and big winner at 20070000             —THE—EDITION—OF—THE nation's top music awards.
20070401             This would allow conversion of THE—A, B, and AB blood types into Type O, the universal donor type that can be given to anyone.
20070401             † LAURIE—BAKER (90), a BRITISH—BORN architect, in INDIA.
20070401             will host the workshop. Arranca! - Für eine linke Strömung
20070401             Zudem bekamen ProtagonistInnen des EDT direkte Repressionsmaßnahmen zu spüren:
20070401             EDWARD—BERNAYS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070401             BERNAYS also drew upon his uncle FREUD—PSYCHOANALYTIC—IDEAS for the benefit of
20070401             In addition to publicizing FREUD—IDEAS, BERNAYS used his association with Freud
20070401             Bernays, EDWARD—L—FREUD—AMERICA—NEPHEW and disciple
20070401             —JUST as BERNAYS was FREUD—DISCIPLE.
20070401             BERNAYS himself had dicciples.
20070401             HERE—1—YOU'LL recognize--. - JOSEF—GOEBBELS.
20070401             HITLER—PROPAGANDA—CHIEF—
20070401             was used by "00.000.19-- GOEBBELS, Josef'("PRINCIPLES OF
20070401             EDWARD—BERNAYS—GOEBBELS had shown Weigand his PROPAGANDA library, the finest Weigand
20070401             BERNAYS, recalling 1—DINNER at his home 19330000             . - Father: ( FREUD—WIFE—BROTHER).
20070401             EDWARD—BERNAYS : Information from Answers_com
20070401             GOEBBELS, said Weigand, was using my book Crystallizing Public Opinion as a
20070401             Why Americans WILL—BELIEVE—ALMOST—ANYTHING
20070401             But BERNAYS really was the gold standard.
20070401             studied the principles of EDWARD—BERNAYS —WHEN GOEBBELS...
20070401             —REGARDED, BERNAYS, Uncle Sigmund as 1—MENTOR + used FREUD—INSIGHTS into
20070401             JASON—WIKI: PSYCHOCENTURYPAGE—GOEBBELS admires the New Deal.
20070401             Hiring of young technocrats.
20070401             Parallel FREUD—LANGUISHING in EUROPE with BERNAYS ' rise to power in AMERICA....
20070401             NAHOST—REISE: Merkel redet Palästinensern ins Gewissen
20070401             FALKLAND—KONFLIKT: Krieg um ein paar Felsen
20070401             —YAHOO! ANSWERS—WHY Do people support BUSH? Would they Also Have...
20070401             Screw Loose Change: 20060500             20070401             Xiaodong People
20070401             UN alert as nuclear plans go missing.
20070401             Fammi indovinare: li hanno presi gli iraniani!
20070401             Los ALAMOS Lab Whistleblower Beaten Outside Bar, Police Investigate...
20070401             Boing Boing: MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her MAJESTY—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE...
20070401             —RELATED, See, article and stories by Dowling in NOSEWEEK magazine....
20070401             —TAGGED, ALEX—BOOKMARKS, with "SA" on
20070401             JAMES—BAMFORD conveys in his new book ('A Pretext for War') that USA—SUPPORT
20070401             View POINT—NEW spy scandal a major blow to ISRAEL
20070401             "The insinuation that AIPAC, 1—AMERICAN—JEWISH—LOBBY, is engaged in espionage is
20070401             JAMES—BAMFORD, 1—LEADING OBSERVER—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE community and...
20070401             THE—LAST—CIRCLE—CHAPTER 11
20070401             —CONTAINED, The affidavit, mostly DRUG—RELATED information on THE—COMPANY and Robert...
20070401             THE—LAST—CIRCLE—CHAPTER 6
20070401             —ASKED, Olmstead, Videnieks if he knew ROBERT—CHASEN [Executive VICE—PRESIDENT
20070401             MARIANNE—CHASEN — Salome Chasnoff : ZoomInfo Business People... - og012 TXT—WACKENHUT
20070401             T H E L A S T C I R C L E - THE—LAST—CIRCLE by CAROL—MARSHALL
20070401             His crime: CONSPIRACY to launder drug money to arrange the purchase of USA weapons...
20070401             WAR—MONGERING predecessor organizations of 19700000             —THE s:
20070401             I see this whole liberal/conservative media war THE—HEIGHT—OF—SILLINESS
20070401             You Decide") + the cold, careful calculation to bring the happenings of the...
20070401             DorfWiki: FranzNahrada/VortragKirchbach/Quellen/DasDorfInÖSTERREICH
20070401             Kelten : vorherrschende Lebensform Streusiedlung, in weit über die Talböden
20070401             die Grundherrn sind zumeist zu ener systematischen verteidigung unfähig und...
20070401             —JETZT aber, so der 45-Jährige, sei er zu dem Ergebnis gekommen,
20070401             dass "alles zusammengerechnet wohl 1—BILD ergibt:
20070401             NICOLE—WALLACE, Presseverantwortliche des Wahlkampfes 20040000             , erklärte, sie könne verstehen, dass Dowd den Drang verspürte, sich öffentlich zu äußern.
20070401             "Wissen wir, ob unsere Kritiker das zu ihrem Vorteil nutzen werden?
20070401             Ja! Und ist das perfekt? Nein!"
20070401             Klimawandel: Industrienationen lassen arme Länder darben
20070401             Visualisierungstechnik: Lasermikroskop ermöglicht 3D- Flüge durchs Gehirn
20070401             Steueroasen: Paradiese fürs grenzenlose Kapital
20070401             Weißes Haus: Aussteiger bringt Bush in Bedrängnis
20070401             GEFANGENEN—KRISE: MENSCHEN—POKER am Persischen Golf
20070401             —PASSIERT, Zeitungen für Kinder: Mami, was, im Krieg?
20070401             "Sleep disruption needs to be taken seriously," said Dimsdale.
20070401             "It is known that certain FORMS—OF—SLEEP—DISRUPTION such as obstructive sleep apnea convey extensive cardiovascular risk.
20070401             We —NOW know that sleep disruption is 1—POTENTIAL—FACTOR in heart disease even in the average person".
20070401             Source: UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO
20070401             Sad- - Broward County FLORIDA, MARTIAL—LAW at its Best
20070401             —MISSED, FLORIDA, my sons friend Andy, the 1. —3—DAYS—OF—SCHOOL—THIS—WEEK because he was very sick.
20070401             Andy is an honors student and works —WHEN he is not in school in order to help his grandmother who he lives with.
20070401             —ARRESTED, Upon arriving there he was, and put in jail.
20070401             —TODAY was his arraignment, the judge said because he was 1—FLIGHT—RISK that Andy will remain in jail —UNTIL his trial.
20070401             It's amazing what THE—ABSENCE—OF—BLOOD lust will do [*].
20070401             —MEANWHILE JWL has another —16—YEARS to go [*].
20070401             IRAN- - THE—USA + BRITAIN are already at war with IRAN,
20070401             have been at war with IRAN for 1—NUMBER—OF—YEARS—NOW + - is commenced.
20070401             Not my words, the words of high ranking CIA
20070401             Previously, I somewhat jokingly wondered what happened to THE—THOUSANDS—OF—TOILETS from THE—WTC.
20070401             But really, it isn't —JUST the toilets.
20070401             Think of all of the large bulky items that must have been in the towers-
20070401             Sure, Nonetheless, given what we know about THE—WTC debris pile,
20070401             it is hard not to get the sense that 1—LOT—OF—THIS inner office material simply disintegrated or disappeared.
20070401             Of course, besides the people and office contents that disappeared,
20070401             there were the huge concrete slabs on EACH—FLOOR that were rendered into powder + 1—SIGNIFICANT—AMOUNT—OF—STRUCTURAL—STEEL that remains unaccounted for.
20070401             is nuclear explosions-- most likely small clean (i.e. FISSION—LESS) fusion nuclear bombs.
20070401             A hydrogen bomb test blast (Storax sedan):
20070401             there simply wouldn't be enough left to pulverize all of the concrete and building contents and turn them into powder.
20070401             Something is Amiss- - How Did Wings Going INWARD, Bend Columns OUTWARD?
20070401             Web News Readers Have Greater Attention Span: Study
20070401             Subcommittee Criticizes Google MAPS—CARRY on walking!
20070401             The next time you are struggling to carry your bags home from the supermarket —JUST remember that this could,
20070401             in fact, be the reason you are able to walk upright on 2—LEGS at all!
20070401             —EVOLVED, How we have, to walk on 2—LEGS remains 1—FUNDAMENTAL but, as yet, unresolved question for scientists.
20070401             1—POPULAR—EXPLANATION is that it is our ability to carry objects,
20070401             particularly children, which forced early hominins onto 2—LEGS.
20070401             Architect Claims to Solve Pyramid Secret
20070401             Cells selectively absorb short nanotubes
20070401             DNA—WRAPPED SINGLE—WALLED carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) shorter than about 200—NANOMETERS readily enter into human lung cells and so may pose 1 increased risk to health,
20070401             according to scientists at the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology.
20070401             Researchers Identify Connection between Sleep Disruption and Increased Cardiovascular Risk
20070401             Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO (UCSD) School of Medicine have discovered that sleep disruption in seemingly healthy subjects is associated with increased CLOTTING—OF—THE—BLOOD,
20070401             which has previously been shown to predict cardiovascular disease.
20070401             —PUBLISHED, The findings were, in the March ISSUE—OF—CHEST, the official PUBLICATION—OF—THE—AMERICA—COLLEGE—OF—CHEST—PHYSICIANS.
20070401             Scientists identify how development of different species uses same genes with distinct features
20070401             —DISCOVERED, The findings, which were, by researchers in Professor CLAUDE—DESPLAN`s and STEVE—SMALL`s laboratories in NYU`s Center for Developmental Genetics,
20070401             offer new insight into the workings of developmental pathways across species.
20070401             —PUBLISHED, The study is, in the latest issue of the journal Science.
20070401             Scientists shed new light on cold fusion
20070401             Neuroscientists find different brain regions fuel attention
20070401             —SPOTTED, If you, 1—ANACONDA poised to strike, the signal to pay attention would originate in 1—DIFFERENT—PART—OF—YOUR brain than if you gazed at 1—ANACONDA in the zoo,
20070401             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, —THURSDAY its 15. death from bird flu —SINCE late 20030000             ,
20070401             raising concerns about the nation's monitoring standards —AFTER the victim had no reported contact with infected birds.
20070401             Chandra Sheds Light on Galaxy Collision
20070401             Astronomers think that there are enormous black holes at the centers of most, if not all, galaxies.
20070401             These black holes, which can be millions or even BILLIONS—OF—TIMES—MORE—MASSIVE than the Sun,
20070401             can greatly affect the galaxy and the environments —AROUND them.
20070401             Prototype for long wavelength array sees 1. light
20070401             —PRODUCED, Astronomers at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have, the 1. IMAGES—OF—THE—SKY from 1—PROTOTYPE of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA),
20070401             1—REVOLUTIONARY—NEW—RADIO telescope to be constructed in SOUTH—WEST—NEW—MEXICO.
20070401             Army Tests HIGH—TECH Concept Vehicles
20070401             (AP) -- 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS has been busy testing 1—SERIES—OF—HIGH—TECH—MILITARY—CONCEPT—VEHICLES outfitted with remote weapons systems,
20070401             NIGHT—VISION capabilities and enough strength to sustain the concussion of 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20070401             Overfishing large sharks impacts entire marine ecosystem, shrinks shellfish supply
20070401             Fewer big sharks in the oceans mean that bay scallops and other shellfish may be harder to find at the market,
20070401             Companies Aim to Put Projectors in Cell Phones
20070401             Although the latest and greatest cell phones are all the rage at this years CTIA show, 1—NEW—MOBILE—DEVICE—CATEGORY emerged that MANY—ARE calling "nano" or "pico" projectors.
20070401             USA Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
20070401             1—LOW—RATE—OF—MOBILE—TELEPHONE usage, LACK—OF—GOVERNMENT—LEADERSHIP in IT and fallen quality of math and science education were blamed for THE—USA—SLIPPING to 7. place in the World Economic FORUM—RANKING—OF—TECHNOLOGY—READINESS.
20070401             Warm —WINTER also in THE—ARCTIC
20070401             CENTRAL—EUROPE is not the only place where the past, warm —WINTER has caused record temperatures.
20070401             —PREVENTED, Unusually mild temperatures also, ice formation in THE—ARCTIC, specifically in the region —AROUND Spitsbergen.
20070401             This is the conclusion drawn by SCIENTISTS—OF—THE—ALFRED—WEGENER—INSTITUTE for Polar and Marine Research and THE—GERMANY—AEROSPACE Centre (DLR).
20070401             Chromosomal microarray analysis proves accurate
20070401             —2—YEARS and more than 2,000 samples —AFTER researchers at Baylor College of Medicine started to use 1—NEW—GENE—CHIP—TECHNOLOGY called chromosomal microarray analysis to look for potential genetic abnormalities in children,
20070401             they find that it is remarkably sensitive in detecting abnormalities in individual chromosomes, according to 1—REPORT that appears online —TODAY in the journal Public LIBRARY—OF—SCIENCE 1.
20070401             New research from COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTER may explain why people who are able to easily and accurately recall historical dates or LONG—AGO events,
20070401             may have 1—HARDER—TIME with word recall or remembering the —DAY`s current events.
20070401             They may have too much MEMORY—MAKING it harder to filter out information and increasing the time it takes for new SHORT—TERM—MEMORIES to be processed and stored.
20070401             'The eyes have it' -- Autism research yields surprising results
20070401             Autistic children are able to interpret the mental STATE—OF—OTHERS by looking at their eyes, contrary to previous research, 1—NEW—UNIVERSITY—OF—NOTTINGHAM study has found.
20070401             —ADDED, Electron storage, to molecular package that converts light to chemical energy
20070401             THE—VIRGINIA—TECH chemistry research group that has been creating molecular complexes that use solar energy to produce hydrogen from water has added 1—ADDITIONAL—CAPACITY to their supramolecule.
20070401             Beef may cause lower sperm count
20070401             1—STUDY has revealed that women who eat beef regularly —DURING pregnancy are more likely to produce SPERM—DEPRIVED sons.
20070401             New Group Created on Domain Name Privacy
20070401             (AP) -- 1—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—INTERNET—KEY oversight agency agreed —WEDNESDAY to form 1—NEW working group that would examine how to offer more privacy to small businesses and people with individual Web sites.
20070401             Brain tissue reveals possible genetic trigger for schizophrenia
20070401             1—STUDY led by scientists from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA at Chapel Hill may have identified 1—MOLECULAR—MECHANISM involved in the development of schizophrenia.
20070401             Meteorites rich with information, expert says
20070401             1—PURDUE—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—ON—WEDNESDAY (20070328             ) said at national convention that meteorites hold MANY—CLUES into the creation and evolution of the solar system.
20070401             MICHAEL—LIPSCHUTZ, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—INORGANIC chemistry and cosmochemistry,
20070401             gave 1—PRESENTATION titled "Lessons from Meteorites" at THE—AMERICA—CHEMICAL—SOCIETY—NATIONAL meeting in CHICAGO.
20070401             —FEATURED, His presentation, information from 1—CHAPTER he authored in the new Encyclopedia of the Solar System (Academic Press).
20070401             Golden STATE—HEATING—UP, Study Finds
20070401             with urban areas blazing the way to warmer conditions, according to 1—NEW—STUDY by scientists at NASA and CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, LOS—ANGELES.
20070401             Bacteria That Degrades PCBs Identified
20070401             —IDENTIFIED, Researchers have, 1—GROUP—OF—BACTERIA that can detoxify 1—COMMON—TYPE—OF polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
20070401             which have contaminated more than 250—USA sites, including river and lake sediments.
20070401             Space Data Unveils EVIDENCE—OF—ANCIENT—MEGA—LAKE in NORTH—DARFUR
20070401             Researchers at THE—BOSTON UNIVERSITY—CENTER for Remote Sensing used —RECENTLY acquired topographic data from satellites to reveal 1—NOW dry,
20070401             ancient MEGA—LAKE in the Darfur PROVINCE—OF—NORTH—WEST—SUDAN.
20070401             Drs.
20070401             Eman Ghoneim and Farouk EL—BAZ made the finding —WHILE investigating Landsat images and Radarsat data.
20070401             S—FRANCISCO to be 1. USA—CITY to ban plastic bags
20070401             S—FRANCISCO is to become the 1. USA—CITY to ban plastic supermarket bags in 1—BID to help save the environment, city officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20070401             USA Loses Top Spot in Global Tech Study
20070401             (AP) -- European countries and SINGAPORE have surpassed THE—USA in their ability to exploit information and communication technology, according to 1—NEW—SURVEY.
20070401             Think herbal supplements are safe?
20070401             Think again, book by SLU doctor says
20070401             People are mixing supplements, herbs and OVER—THE—COUNTER medications and prescription drugs to cure themselves of ills,
20070401             unaware that they could be making themselves sicker, says GEORGE—GROSSBERG, M.D., DIRECTOR—OF—THE—DIVISION—OF—GERIATRIC psychiatry at S—LOUIS—UNIVERSITY.
20070401             —CALLED, In 1—WIDE—RANGING interview here, MISTER—DOWD, for 1—WITHDRAWAL from IRAQ and expressed his disappointment in MISTER—BUSH—LEADERSHIP.
20070401             He criticized THE—PRESIDENT as failing to call the nation to 1 shared SENSE—OF—SACRIFICE at 1—TIME—OF—WAR,
20070401             failing to reach across the political divide to build consensus and ignoring THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE on IRAQ.
20070401             —MOVED, He said he believed THE—PRESIDENT had not, aggressively enough to hold anyone accountable for the abuses at ABU—GHRAIB prison in IRAQ + that Mr.
20070401             —APPROACHED, BUSH still, governing with a "my way or the highway" mentality reinforced by 1—SHRINKING circle of trusted aides.
20070401             —BECAME, In speaking out, MISTER—DOWD, the 1. MEMBER—OF—MISTER—BUSH—INNER—CIRCLE to break so publicly with him.
20070401             He said his decision to step forward had not come easily.
20070401             But, he said, his disappointment in MISTER—BUSH—PRESIDENCY is so great that he feels 1—SENSE—OF—DUTY to go public given his role in helping MISTER—BUSH—GAIN and keep power.
20070401             —IMPLICATED, A—UNITED—NATIONS—REPORT has, Syrian and LEBANON—OFFICIALS in the murder.
20070401             Interviewed —2—WEEKS—AGO on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Cummins said that —WHILE he was seriously concerned about the administration's treatment of THE—7—OTHER purged prosecutors,
20070401             he knew why he was fired and said THE—WHITE—HOUSE had been honest about it:
20070401             —SERVED, In my case, I, at THE—PLEASURE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20070401             —ASKED, They, me to leave. I left.
20070401             And they told the truth almost consistently —THROUGHOUT this about my situation.
20070401             So I really don't think this is as much about me as it is the positions they've taken to try and explain the other 7.
20070401             —CONCERNED, And that's where I personally am still very, because I don't think they've been fair to the other 7—COLLEAGUES at all.
20070401             —SUGGESTED, But —DURING his testimony —ON—THURSDAY, KYLE—SAMPSON, that Cummins was also let go for PERFORMANCE—RELATED reasons.
20070401             in SAMPSON—APPEARANCE—THURSDAY—BEFORE the Senate Judiciary Committee.
20070401             "If they're —STARTING to say that I had performance problems, then I have the same gripe the other 7—HAVE,
20070401             because it's 1—LIE," said Cummins, 1—REPUBLICAN—BUSH appointee who was removed as USA attorney for THE—EAST—DISTRICT—OF—ARKANSAS and replaced by TIM—GRIFFIN,
20070401             former assistant to WHITE—HOUSE political adviser KARL—ROVE.
20070401             —ASTOUNDED, Cummins also said —DURING his speech that he was "
20070401             " by SAMPSON—SUGGESTION that "political success and success as 1—PROSECUTOR are 1 and the same".
20070401             In 1—OP—ED —TODAY for Salon_com,
20070401             Cummins writes, "Being credible is like being pregnant — you either are, or you aren't.... Once you have given the public 1—REASON to believe SOME—OF—YOUR decisions are improperly motivated,
20070401             then they are going to question EVERY—DECISION you have made, or will make in the future.
20070401             that he is likely to be charged with several felonies,
20070401             including tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wiretapping,
20070401             " THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS. "KERIK—INDICTMENT could set the stage for 1—COURTROOM battle that would draw attention to KERIK—EXTENSIVE—BUSINESS and political dealings with FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor RUDOLPH—W—GIULIANI,
20070401             who personally recommended him to PRESIDENT—BUSH for the Cabinet".
20070401             —LAST—YEAR, Congress passed legislation with broad bipartisan support
20070401             to expand funding for embryonic stem cell research beyond 20010000             —THE limits set by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070401             —ISSUED, In response, BUSH, the 1. veto of his presidency.
20070401             —WHEN Congress returns from recess, it will again revive debate on funding for new embryonic stem cell research.
20070401             —VOWED, Bush has already, another veto.
20070401             said that "AMERICA—SCIENCE will be better served
20070401             — and the nation will be better served — if we let our scientists have access to more cell lines that they can study with the different methods that have emerged
20070401             Furthermore, polling done —THIS—YEAR shows that THE—BUSH is at odds with the public,
20070401             as "—NOW 1—SOLID and consistent majority says that it wants to move forward with research":
20070401             —ON the stem cell research issue, BUSH isn't even representing his own partisans, much less THE—REST—OF—THE—PUBLIC," states AMERICA—PROGRESS—FELLOW—RUY Texeira.
20070401             —SERVED, FORMER—SENATOR—MIKE—GRAVEL (D—AK), 2—TERMS in the Senate through 19700000             —THE S,
20070401             1—PERIOD marked by THE—USA'S struggle to end THE—VIETNAM War.
20070401             00.000.19 71,
20070401             —WHEN military analyst DANIEL—ELLSBERG famously leaked the Pentagon Papers — which documented the "policymaking process that led to our deepening involvement
20070401             in VIETNAM" — Gravel, a war critic, audaciously read the documents
20070401             into the Congressional Record to ensure that the public would have access to them.
20070401             ALSO—BUSH
20070401             THE—USA—LEADER condemns IRAN's "inexcusable behaviour" —AFTER its capture of 15—UNITED—KINGDOM—SAILORS.
20070401             SYDNEY—CLIMATE change blackout
20070401             Homes and businesses in SYDNEY turn lights out across the city to try to raise awareness of global warming.
20070401             PERU 'must protect Amazon tribes'
20070401             The top Latin AMERICA—RIGHTS—BODY says PERU must do more to protect Amazonian tribes from illegal loggers.
20070401             MARSEILLE port workers end strike
20070401             —THREATENED, Workers at the port of MARSEILLE end 1—STRIKE that had, to cut off fuel supplies to much of FRANCE.
20070401             —CANCELLED, Chocolate Jesus exhibit
20070401             1—NEW—YORK gallery cancels its exhibition of 1—CHOCOLATE sculpture of Jesus Christ —AFTER 1—OUTCRY from Catholics.
20070401             Police Escort Marine Mom from PELOSI—OFFICE
20070401             Pelosi threatens Marine mom with arrest rather than meet with military families opposed to IRAQ.
20070401             Hostage Crisis Repeated
20070401             THE—MULLAHS in IRAN are planning to do to Blair what they did to JIMMY—CARTER!
20070401             BUSH—MARCH—MADNESS
20070401             —TASKED, THE—USA—EAC, with, among other things, serving as 1—CLEARINGHOUSE for election research decided to play politics —TODAY with the release of 1—STUDY documenting THE—IMPACT—OF—VOTER—IDENTIFICATION—REQUIREMENTS on voting.
20070401             IRAN Does Itself No Favors Broadcasting Statements From Captives
20070401             IRAN should release THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS and bring ANY—GRIEVANCES it might have regarding the incursions into its TERRITORY—TO—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20070401             How the NeoCons use Christianity to mold the military
20070401             This is 1—BOOK that explains how the NeoCons have used the tool they created as THE—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN—MOVEMENT to remold the attitudes in the military,
20070401             forcing 1—UNQUESTIONING loyalty that has no place in the Founding VISION—OF—AMERICA.
20070401             1—MOVEMENT—OF—1, Or Maybe 1—MILLION
20070401             DEMOCRATS have to be told they can no longer take progressive votes for granted.
20070401             If they won't impeach, we're outta here!
20070401             Rove Knows That Voters Have Short Memories
20070401             —PUBLISHED, Article, —ON—FRIDAY, 20070330
20070401             —PLANNED, How to say NO to Bush 's, attack on IRAN
20070401             Kucinich in the House, Webb in the Senate, are ready to act.
20070401             Democrats Harrassed by Capitol Police
20070401             —GRANTED, SENATOR—WEBB—AIDE—WASN'T, the ame weapons privileges as, for instance, visiting Jordanians.
20070401             Farm activists across the country say there is 1—MAJOR—CONNECTION between corruption in THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE,
20070401             political cronyism and the scores of allegedly illegal farm auctions in farm country.
20070401             —JOINED, Black farmers and white farmers have, forces in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY,
20070401             having seen that the divide and conquer strategy of the "black farm settlement" put them at EACH—OTHER—THROATS —WHILE few received relief.
20070401             1—WAR—ON—TERROR—THAT—EVERYBODY—WOULD Win
20070401             It's time to think about what THE—WAR—ON—TERROR should really be about.
20070401             What, in reality, are you more likely to be in danger from?
20070401             1—SUICIDE bomber or 1—TUMOR?
20070401             March Madness: or the amazing disappearing story
20070401             Last —FRIDAY, the Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—OF—IRAQ was seriously injured in 1—SUICIDE bombing that killed 20—PEOPLE,
20070401             including his brother.
20070401             —FORCED, To read about this story, you are, to go to foreign sources.
20070401             Why?
20070401             I'm wondering what is going through the mind of Cdr.
20070401             NICK—LAMBERT, Royal Navy.
20070401             Nick is the commanding officer of HMS Cornwall whose sailors and marines are in the hands of the Iranians.
20070401             I may have 1—UNIQUE—PERSPECTIVE on the small boat operations in the Persian Gulf,
20070401             having served as both 1—BOARDING officer leading sailors on these missions and also having served as the commanding officer of 1—SHIP conducting these missions
20070401             His bearing is cracking and his speech impediments are back.
20070401             He is all alone and, given his BORN—AGAIN SELF—RIGHTEOUSNESS, he is very, very dangerous.
20070401             —THURSDAY—SENATE—VOTE on funding for IRAQ sets the stage for 1—EPIC—BATTLE between Congress and PRESIDENT—BUSH ;
20070401             1—STRUGGLE with the dramatic elements of 1—SHAKESPEARE play:
20070401             1—HEADSTRONG emperor who claims God gave him absolute power battling 1—STALWART band of democratic solons.
20070401             To PRESIDENT—BUSH, "You can't always get what you want"
20070401             BUSH only has less than 2—MORE—YEARS as our PRESIDENT and perhaps our congress members especially our Democratic ones can best define his legacy by not giving into BUSH and NOT pulling that language from that bill.
20070401             DOJ Emails Illustrate Plan to Mislead Congress
20070401             Veto THIS—IN particular, THE—PRESIDENT cannot rewrite legislation —AFTER it has been voted on and —BEFORE he signs it.
20070401             Nor can ANY—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS.
20070401             The worst enemy of THE—CHENEY /BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is the truth.
20070401             —ALLOWED, For if the truth is, to penetrate THE—BUBBLE—OF—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH hubris and denial ~ the whole corrupt,
20070401             arrogant and self serving facade of this administration would be stripped away and its rotten core would be there for the world to see.
20070401             SAUDI—ARABIA—KING—CALLS—IRAQ—OCCUPATION 'Illegitimate'
20070401             —CALLED, KING—ABDULLAH—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ 'illegitimate,' and expressed concern for Palestinians.
20070401             —INFORMED, Get, and stay informed.
20070401             Speak up and make 1—DIFFERENCE.
20070401             Instead of 50,000 protestors marching in WASHINGTON--let's make 50—MILLION—CALLS to Congress, demanding 1—END to MISTER—BUSH—SENSELESS—WAR.
20070401             It is up to us to make 1—DIFFERENCE.
20070401             Countries vanish by various means.
20070401             SOME—COMMIT suicide —WHILE others suffer invasion.
20070401             THE—USA—FACES—ITS—GREATEST—CRISIS for survival in THE—EARLY—YEARS—OF—THE 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20070401             Arab Leaders: Peace Making Could Not Be Unilateral, Divisible
20070401             Flanked by INTERNATIONAL and regional NON—ARAB dignitaries representing THE—UN,
20070401             EU, OIC, NAM and the leaders of TURKEY, MALAYSIA and PAKISTAN as well as the foreign MINISTER—OF—IRAN,
20070401             the leaders of the 22-member League of Arab States —ON—WEDNESDAY RE—LAUNCHED in RIYADH their —5—YEAR—OLD—ARAB Peace Initiative,
20070401             determined to reactivate it with mechanisms and 1—FOLLOW—UP diplomatic campaign.
20070401             WILL—ALBERTO—GONZALES—TAKE the 5.?
20070401             Summary For Op ED—NEWS—THE—PRESIDENCY has become 1—TERRIFIC—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITY which THE—CLINTON s have used to full advantage and are poised to exploit still further, —WHILE LINCOLN turns in his grave.
20070401             Newest GOP Word Games: "Surrender" and "Retreat" - THE—DECIDER'S in Denial Over Democracy-
20070401             —AWAKENED, BUSH will not allow himself to be easily, from his imperial DREAM—STATE or willingly step down from the phony throne he fashioned for himself atop THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—RUBBLE—OF—DEBRIS and humanity from the attacks of 20010911             ;
20070401             the mountain he hurried to climb with his bullhorn to declare himself protector, ruler + OWNER—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070401             In the Vendor LOBBY—LETTER to congress, it becomes clear: Amendments to HAVA will hurt voting machine companies,
20070401             the audits will provide 1—INCONVENIENT truth + the ban on toilet paper ballot will stick us with lots of unsold inventory.
20070401             Thinking About Science Literacy
20070401             —PLEASED, THE—HUMANISTS—OF—FLORIDA—ASSOCIATION is, to announce its 1. annual journal.
20070401             In publishing THE—FLORIDA—HUMANIST—JOURNAL, HFA sets out to create high quality,
20070401             THOUGHT—PROVOKING periodicals on important issues affecting THE—STATE—OF—FLORIDA from 1—DEFINITIVELY—HUMANIST—PERSPECTIVE.
20070401             The withdrawal solution to IRAQ is not 1—DATE but rather 1—PLAN.
20070401             1 legitimized date then becomes the natural byproduct.
20070401             With all Congressional parties conducting the great SHAKESPEAREAN—LIKE—DEBATE to date or not to date,
20070401             the real question should be "hey, where's the plan?
20070401             The answer to that GOP challenge is the Democratic 2—STEP, aka "2—STEP" Plan.
20070401             1—VETO—IS—1—VOTE for Eternal War
20070401             THE—RACIST—WAR—ON—IMMIGRANTS
20070401             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and congressional joint racist war against immigrants of color directed mainly at impoverished Latinos from MEXICO and CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20070401             In the Presidential Primary, THERE—GENDER vs. Ideology;
20070401             Gender is Winning, So LET—GO with the Flow-- Recruit OPRAH.
20070401             —INTERESTED, If you're 1—PERSON who is, in politics, like me, then you might be scratching your head.
20070401             Yet she keeps coming out on top in most polls.
20070401             More scholars and others call Bush worst PRESIDENT ever;
20070401             New book shows how Bush and amp; Co. have broken rules all their lives
20070401             Oil Trader s Fear USA IRAN Attack: Maybe We Should Too
20070401             —WHEN people start putting their money on 1—BET that 1—WAR—COMING, it's time to take the idea seriously.
20070401             Truth and Lies in MEDIA—REPORTS on IRAN
20070401             1 must be careful of what 1—READS these days in the media regarding IRAN.
20070401             —ACCEPTED, Outright lying has become 1, standard in 1—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN to demonize the country not dissimilar to what we saw —PRIOR—TO the invasion of IRAQ.
20070401             It's Their LAND—THIS 20070330             . marks the 31. —YEAR Palestinians —THROUGHOUT the world remember Land —DAY or 'Youm AL—ARD' in Arabic.
20070401             Death Registries - A Thoughtful Touch for DU—POISONED Veterans?
20070401             For our veterans suffering from Depleted URANIUM—RELATED poisonings + illnesses,
20070401             is the very best we can do for them THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—STATE—KEPT registries of their downfall,
20070401             with careful records of the gory details of their eventual and certain demise?
20070401             Or do our vets deserve something better?
20070401             Under the Microscope: THE—PATRIOT—ACT
20070401             1—CLOSE—LOOK at THE—PATRIOT—ACT, which is currently being RE—EXAMINED and RE—INVESTIGATED by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
20070401             We must demand and use our Constitutional rights.
20070401             What you need to know about AMERICA—HISTORY
20070401             THE—NEOCONS are —JUST the present PR [PROPAGANDA] firm working for the PetroElite.
20070401             So —NOW the problem is not so much BUSH and Co. but those who do the hiring.
20070401             Always keep your eye on the End Game. Get off the Grids —NOW.
20070401             Waxman Had Better Move Quickly: GOP Has Long HISTORY—OF—DESTROYING—EVIDENCE
20070401             HENRY—WAXMAN is right to be concerned about preserving the evidence in the AttorneyGate scandal.
20070401             THE—BUSH ite Damage
20070401             —THREATENED, BUSH has, to veto 1—BILL that would actually support the troops.
20070401             The economic COST—OF—THE—WAR may be greater than we think.
20070401             The oil rich nations are investing in ASIA + EUROPE rather than THE—USA—BECAUSE of possible future attacks in the U.S,
20070401             massive trade deficits and the realization that our markets are not as open as claimed.
20070401             It's not —JUST IRAQ we in AMERICA should be worried about.
20070401             The longer this nation avoids the consequences of what BUSH + Company has wrought,
20070401             the longer it will take to put THE—USA—BACK together.
20070401             Easter Surprise: Attack on IRAN, New 20010911
20070401             —FACED, Americans haven't, 1—IMMINENT—ATTACK, like the Iranians do, —SINCE THE—CUBA—MISSILE—CRISIS.
20070401             a 20010911             Truth Movement website, —TODAY launched 1—NEW—SECTION featuring statements from more than 70—LEADING entertainment and media professionals that question the official account of 20010911
20070401             According to JAMES—MADISON, the "FATHER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION," if 1—PRESIDENT were to order or allow the "wanton removal of meritorious officers" such as USA—ATTORNEYS,
20070401             such 1—ACTION "would subject THE—PRESIDENT to impeachment and removal from his own high trust.
20070401             Part 2: IRAQ, BUSH—GOD—EMBOLDENED Narcissism and Parasitic Militarism
20070401             AMERICA—PARASITIC—MILITARISM is 1—MORE enduring threat to the world than PRESIDENT—BUSH—GOD—EMBOLDENED narcissism.
20070401             Unable to deal with his massive IRAQ failure, 1—WORD—GEORGE W BUSH has been running away from his whole life,
20070401             BUSH is most likely to strike out at IRAN and blame them for his misfortune ~ rather than twist in the wind ANY—LONGER as 1—INCREASINGLY vulnerable and irrelevant lame duck PRESIDENT.
20070401             Let us make sure future generations don't make the same mistakes we did
20070401             Given the straightforward question, 'Is evolution WELL—SUPPORTED by evidence and widely accepted within the scientific community?',
20070401             some 48—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS said 'No'.
20070401             Furthermore, 34—PERCENT—OF—COLLEGE graduates said they accept the Biblical STORY—OF—CREATION as fact.
20070401             1—ALARMINGLY high NUMBER—OF—INDIVIDUALS responded that they believe the earth is only 10,—000—YEARS—OLD + that 1—DEITY created our species in its present form at THE—START—OF—THAT—PERIOD.
20070401             —ZONK—177 Comments An anonymous reader writes
20070401             "At 1—ICANN meeting in LISBON, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY made it clear that it has requested the master key for THE—DNS root zone.
20070401             The key will play 1—IMPORTANT—ROLE in the new DNSSec security extension, because it will make spoofing IP—ADDRESSES—IMPOSSIBLE.
20070401             By forcing THE—IANA to hand out 1—COPY—OF—THE—MASTER—KEY,
20070401             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT will be the only institution that is able to spoof IP addresses and be able to break into computers connected to THE—INTERNET without much effort.
20070401             THERE—1—FURTHER—COMPLICATION, of course, because even 'if THE—IANA retains the key
20070401             —ZONK—131+ Comments eldavojohn writes
20070401             "Dust off your fundamental physics books, 1—ASPIRING astrophysicist by THE—NAME—OF—ALEX—IGNATIEV has published 1—PAPER that proposes testing special cases of NEWTON—2. Law on earth's surface.
20070401             His goal is sort of ambitious.
20070401             The time he has to test his theory is only 1/1000. of a 2., twice EACH—YEAR, in either GREENLAND or ANTARCTICA.
20070401             What would he look for? Spontaneous motion.
20070401             From his INTERVIEW—WITH—PHYSORG: 'If these experiments were to take place, Ignatiev says that scientists would look for what he calls THE—SHLEM effect.
20070401             —MODIFIED, This acronym stands for static high latitude equinox, inertia and would be noticed in 1—CONDITION where THE—FORCES—OF—THE—EARTH—ROTATION on its axis + of the orbital FORCE—OF—THE—EARTH as it moves —AROUND the sun,
20070401             would be canceled OUT—IN the end, if NEWTON—2. Law could be violated,
20070401             he would be forcing physicists to reevaluate much of what we understand derived from that law — which is quite 1—BIT.'"
20070401             In the entire HISTORY—OF—AVIATION, only 4—PASSENGER—JETS have ever exploded into nothing, or are alleged to have done so as 1—RESULT—OF—1—CRASH.
20070401             All 4—JUST happen to have been the ;;09;; 11—PLANES.
20070401             And in THE—CASE—OF—THE—WTC, the impact surface was mostly GLASS—ABOUT as soft 1—TARGET as 1—PLANE can hit,
20070401             with the possible EXCEPTION—OF—WATER.
20070401             So this debunks ANY—ASSERTION that the alleged explosion of AA 77 was 1—RESULT—OF—BEING flown into 1—FIERCELY resistant surface,
20070401             which itself is already debunked by EXAMPLES—OF—PLANES which flew into mountains and weren't cremated,
20070401             including the —EARLIER linked photo of 1—AMERICAN—AIRLINES—757 which crashed into 1—MOUNTAIN.
20070401             That's about as conclusive 1—COMPARISON as 1 can get.
20070401             The only possible conclusion is that THE—WTC planes had powerful explosives aboard + that whatever hit the Pentagon was 1—MUCH smaller object, also destroyed by explosives.
20070401             Nevertheless, I'm once again going to suspend these findings, to examine another aspect.
20070401             And photographic RECORDS—OF—AVIATION—DISASTERS demonstrate that fuel tank explosions don't happen as 1—RESULT—OF—REGULAR crashes,
20070401             or if they do they don't cremate the planes.
20070401             Although the political circumstance behind the 11.Sep2001 crashes + (in THE—CASE—OF—WTC crash 2) the spectacular imagery involved was unprecedented,
20070401             there was nothing unusual in the impact physics of the crashes.
20070401             Planes regularly crash into mountains,
20070401             streets, the ground, buildings and other planes + are not cremated.
20070401             Or at least, that was the official view —BEFORE 20010911             20070401             Not all of the crashes are entirely comparable in TERMS—OF—IMPACT and fuel load,
20070401             but there are enough different situations here to make the point that total cremation of crashing aircraft,
20070401             without the input of additional energy other than the fuel load does not and cannot happen.
20070401             jcatcw writes "Jaikumar Vijayan reports for Computerworld that TJX is finally offering more details about the extent of the compromise which,
20070401             at 45.6M cards, is the biggest ever.
20070401             He has been —FOLLOWING the story —SINCE it started.
20070401             —PROCESSED, The systems that were broken into, payment card, checks + returns for customers of T.J. Maxx,
20070401             Marshalls, HomeGoods + A.J. Wright stores in THE—USA and PUERTO—RICO + customers of Winners and HomeSense stores in CANADA and T.K. Maxx in THE—UK—CUSTOMER—NAMES and addresses were not included in the stolen data.
20070401             So far the company has spent about $5—MILLION in connection with the breach.
20070401             —FILED, Several lawsuits that have been, against the company, including 1—SUIT by THE—ARKANSAS Carpenters Pension Fund,
20070401             1—OF—ITS shareholders, for failure to divulge more details about the breach".
20070401             —KDAWSON—146+ Comments christian.einfeldt
20070401             writes "—DURING her successful campaign for CALIFORNIA SECRETARY—OF—STATE,
20070401             NEWLY—MINTED CALIFORNIA Elections TSAR—DEBRA—BOWEN spoke repeatedly of the need to use free open source software in voting machines to ensure THE—INTEGRITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS.
20070401             —NOW that SECRETARY—BOWEN is acting on that campaign pledge, CLOSED—SOURCE voting machine vendor Diebold worries aloud that rejecting its BLACK—BOX voting machines could snarl CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS.
20070401             DIEBOLD—CONCERNS come at the same time that it is suing MASSACHUSETTS for declining to purchase those same voting machines.
20070401             Quoting: "CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS—CHIEF is proposing the toughest standards for voting systems in the country,
20070401             so tough that they could [have THE—RESULT—OF—BANISHING] ATM—LIKE—TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines from the state.
20070401             For the 1. time, CALIFORNIA is demanding the right to try hacking EVERY—VOTING machine with 'red teams' of computer experts and to study the software inside the machines, LINE—BY—LINE, for security holes".
20070401             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—707+ Comments 1—ANONYMOUS—READER that
20070401             The new reigning champ is —NOW apparently DENMARK with other Nordic neighbors SWEDEN, FINLAND and NORWAY all claiming top spots as well.
20070401             "Countries were judged on technological advancements in general business,
20070401             the infrastructure available and the extent to which government policy creates 1—FRAMEWORK—NECESSARY for economic development and increased competitiveness".
20070401             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—103+ Comments AustinSlacker writes to mention
20070401             "Prins discovered that in plastics, the movement of electric charges was mainly hindered by the shape of the polymer,
20070401             —EXTENDED, Prins, the work of 1—GERMANY—GROUP that had reshaped 1—POLYMER to form 1—LADDER—LIKE—STRUCTURES.
20070401             —BY bombarding the specially developed plastic with electrons from 1—PARTICLE—ACCELERATOR,
20070401             she was able to study rapid electrical reactions and demonstrate the new plastic's ability to conduct electricity much better than regular plastic and as well as silicon chips".
20070401             "Researchers in UNITED—KINGDOM—COLUMBIA have identified 1—PEPTIDE that can fight infection by boosting the immune system.
20070401             Because antibiotics are under threat due to 1—EXPLOSION—OF—ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT bacteria, this may be —JUST in time".
20070401             BRITAIN—FOREIGN—OFFICE said it could not comment on ABEDINI—ALLEGATION, or say if it had evidence the operation was PRE—PLANNED.
20070401             THE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—RESISTANCE—OF—IRAN — the political wing of THE—IRAN—MEK opposition group which is listed as 1—TERRORIST—GROUP by BRITAIN,
20070401             THE—USA and THE—EUROPEAN—UNION — said THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—CREW'S capture was planned in advance, but offered no evidence to support the claims.
20070401             BG Alleged ;;09;;.
20070401             11—FINANCIER Tells Tribunal He Knew LITTLE—OF—PLOT—WASHINGTONPOST_COM—ANOTHER Lying Liberal?-
20070401             says 1—FORMER—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—LAWYER.
20070401             1—DESTRUCTIVE—PATTERN—OF partisan political actions at the Justice Department started long —BEFORE this incident,
20070401             however, as THOSE—OF—USA who worked in its civil rights division can attest.
20070401             Right- - In his strongest defense YET—OF—POLICE—TACTICS in preparation for 20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION,
20070401             Police Commissioner RAY—KELLY—FRIDAY said THE—NYPD was never better, keeping 1—LID on potential violence and preventing 1—TERROR—ATTACK without breaking ANY—LAWS.
20070401             "THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION was the police department's FINEST—HOW Big Is This Problem-
20070401             Trust Google?- - Google goes back to PRE—KATRINA maps
20070401             —REPLACED, NEW—ORLEANS -- GOOGLE—POPULAR—MAP—PORTAL has, POST—HURRICANE Katrina satellite imagery with pictures taken —BEFORE the storm,
20070401             leaving locals feeling like they're in 1—TIME loop and even fueling suspicions of 1—CONSPIRACY.
20070401             Exposing 1—TINY—PORTION—OF—THE—GIULIANI—CRIME—GIULIANI Faces Questions About ;;09;;.
20070401             —WHILE the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post-20010911             leadership_"Churchillian" was 1—ADJECTIVE,
20070401             "AMERICA—MAYOR" was OPRAH Winfrey's assessment_city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance —BEFORE and —AFTER the terrorist attack.
20070401             Ho Hum- - Testimony by Giuliani Indicates He Was Briefed on KERIK in '00
20070401             RUDOLPH—W—GIULIANI
20070401             told 1—GRAND—JURY that his FORMER—CHIEF—INVESTIGATOR remembered having briefed him on SOME—ASPECTS—OF—BERNARD—B—KERIK
20070401             's relationship with 1—COMPANY SUSPECTED—OF—TIES to organized crime —BEFORE Mr.
20070401             KERIK—APPOINTMENT as NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—COMMISSIONER, according to court records.
20070401             MISTER—GIULIANI, testifying —LAST—YEAR under oath —BEFORE 1—BRONX grand jury investigating Mr.
20070401             KERIK, said he had no memory of the briefing, but he did not dispute that it had taken place, according to 1—TRANSCRIPT of his testimony.
20070401             Big News: THE—GWOT—IS—COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE!!
20070401             5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—AFTER the ;;09;;
20070401             11—ATTACKS, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—WAR—ON—TERRORISM has emerged as 1—WASTEFUL,
20070401             misguided exercise that poses its own threat to USA national security, experts say.
20070401             1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—ANALYSTS and FORMER—USA officials say the global WAR—ON—TERRORISM has undermined USA influence abroad,
20070401             forced onerous costs in AMERICA—LIVES and money in IRAQ + unleashed 1—HUGE—GOVERNMENT spending spree that has often funded projects unrelated to national security.
20070401             If you had said ANY—OF—THESE things —4—YEARS—AGO you would have been labeled a "TIN—FOIL hatter", or a "terrorist sympathizer", or maybe even a "traitor".
20070401             But it was all true back then,
20070401             —JUST as it is all true —NOW.
20070401             So where have these SO—CALLED "experts" been all this time?
20070401             What else are they saying + how far are they willing to go?
20070401             Read It and Weep-
20070401             Amazing....- - Suspicious Circumstances Preceded Hostage Crisis
20070401             —ON the —DAY the soldiers and sailors were siezed by the Iranians - I noticed on 1—BBC report that the reporter opened up by saying "We've been on HMS CORNWALL—WHERE the Sailors and Marines we're based for 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS—NOW
20070401             WHAT—THE—TRUTH?-
20070401             Brits in the Gulf and 1—DOCTORED—BRITISH—MAP? - UPDATED FORMER—UNITED—KINGDOM—AMBASSADOR—CRAIG—MURRAY is —NOW challenging THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—MAP—JUST published by THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—GOVERNMENT in the current dispute with IRAN over those 15 captured UNITED—KINGDOM—SAILORS and marines.
20070401             "Fake Maritime Boundaries
20070401             KYLE—SAMPSON—USA News: WH Aides Eschew Email...—JUST —1—WEEK—AFTER E—MAILS in THE—USA—ATTORNEYS—CASE became 1—MAIN—FOCUS—OF congressional DEMOCRATS probing the firings,
20070401             several aides said that they stopped using THE—WHITE—HOUSE—SYSTEM except for purely professional correspondence.
20070401             "We —JUST got 1—BIT—LAZY," said 1—AIDE.
20070401             "We knew E—MAILS could be subpoenaed.
20070401             We saw that with THE—CLINTON s but I don't think anybody saw that we were doing anything wrong".
20070401             This —MORNING, ALEX—JONES is speaking —JUST short of apocalyptic terms on his radio show.
20070401             ALEX—JONES is using violent imagery such as bashing the heads of THE—NWO.
20070401             ALEX—JONES is saying truthers will be tortured.
20070401             ALEX—JONES is saying the getting behind the Rosie [O'Donnell] truth telling is essential for exposing the truth about 20010911
20070401             All in all, ALEX—JONES is making sure with his behavior that he is as unfit as ever to provide leadership and credibility.
20070401             Not Surprising- - Tell Congress to Investigate THE—WAL—MART Spy Scandal
20070401             —REVEALED, As, by recent articles in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070401             —HIRED, WAL—MART has, 1—NUMBER—OF—FORMER—CIA, FBI + Justice Department officials to create 1 sophisticated counter surveillance team to spy on its employees.
20070401             —TRIED, KYLE—SAMPSON, to stand by his man —TODAY.
20070401             But he —JUST couldn't.
20070401             And that made his testimony about Gonzales all the more damning for its apparent reluctance.
20070401             WTC—EXPLOSIONS—HEARD in the Twin Towers —BEFORE They COLLAPSED—TOTALLY RE—WRITTEN with new arguments.
20070401             LET—TALK about 1—ASPECT—OF—20010911              that we've all glossed over: sound.
20070401             "I don't think THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—STATEMENT that he was not involved in ANY—DISCUSSIONS—OF—USA attorney removals was accurate," testified KYLE—SAMPSON,
20070401             who quit —THIS—MONTH as Gonzales' top aide.
20070401             —ATTENDED, Sampson said Gonzales, 1—CRUCIAL meeting on the firings
20070401             Defense: Feds eyed AIPAC —UNTIL Rosen, Weissman cut off By Ron Kampeas
20070401             THE—FBI was considering expanding its investigation into AIPAC and classified information leaks
20070401             See What You Think-
20070401             BG Is JIM—FETZER 1—EFFECTIVE—AGENT for Exposing the Truth of 20010911             ?
20070401             —PRINCIPLED, How could 1, activist ally himself with 1—ORGANIZATION that has missed so badly on discussing the truth and staying "on message"?
20070401             Getting the Truth-
20070401             MADISON, WI (PRWEB) 20070330             — SOME—MEMBERS—OF—SCHOLARS for 20010911             Truth,
20070401             1—NON—PARTISAN ORGANIZATION—OF—STUDENTS, experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing truths about 20010911             ,
20070401             have filed complaints against the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology for legal defects in its STUDIES—OF—EVENTS—OF 20010911             involving the Twin Towers and Building 7. JAMES—H—FETZER,
20070401             the society's founder, believes these actions have the potential to break THE—BACK—OF—THE—COVER—UP that has enveloped these events.
20070401             WHITE—HOUSE OK'ed Sampson Statement on Rove
20070401             —EARLIER, I flagged 1—EMAIL in —TODAY—DOCUMENT dump that showed KYLE—SAMPSON preparing to run his letter to Congress by THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070401             Sampson told fellow Justice Department officials that "because this letter mentions Rove and alludes to Harriet,
20070401             I'd like to send it to the [WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—OFFICE] for their review..".
20070401             How's the nation's FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—AGENCY doing —NOW?
20070401             Apparently, it's getting worse — THE—NEW—YORK Daily News REPORTS—GUANTANAMO-
20070401             —BULLIED, DAVID—HICKS, into guilty plea at Guantánamo kangaroo COURT—AFTER more than —5—YEARS—OF—IMPRISONMENT in Guantánamo
20070401             Bay where he endured torture and protracted periods of solitary confinement,
20070401             —PLEADED, AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN—DAVID—HICKS finally, guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF "providing material support for terrorism" as PART—OF—1—PLEA bargain to get OUT—OF—THE—USA—HELL—HOLE.
20070401             —INCARCERATED, Hicks is the 1. prisoner illegally, in Guantánamo Bay to be brought —BEFORE 1—MILITARY—COMMISSION.
20070401             The vague charge, ABRAMOFF Emails Raise New Questions in Attorney Firings
20070401             Indeed, —JUST—YESTERDAY, REPRESENTATIVE—WAXMAN (D—CA) sent
20070401             Well, we've found out what the contract was for.
20070401             New memo details allegations against GSA administrator
20070401             Even as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION prepares to address allegations of improper conduct at 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform COMMITTEE—HEARING—WEDNESDAY,
20070401             new information about her actions continues to emerge.
20070401             Give Her Immunity!- - Why Is 1—DOJ—LAWYER—TAKING the 5.?
20070401             Is it Really Possible Brzezinski Does Not Know the Bogus Nature of 20010911             ?-
20070401             —ALERTED, Readers, me to this Zbigniew Brzezinski
20070401             appearance on THE—DAILY—SHOW which I found both amusing and informative, like 1—FAKE news segment should be.
20070401             Study This- 20010911             Loose Change I —III—SCAM from the Start?
20070401             —INVOLVED, MARK—CUBAN, —JUST—RECENTLY, in 1—LAWSUIT which threatened some
20070401             so called 'Final Cut' from LooseChange, which will be narrated by CHARLIE—SHEEN.
20070401             However, with THE—EXCEPTION—OF—FOX—TV,
20070401             this didn't make ANY—MAINSTREAM—NEWS yet, which are usually quick to belittle 20010911             —THE 'truth' movement.
20070401             produced by the Naudet Brothers, hosted by ROBERT—DENIRO.
20070401             Predictable- - THE—AMERICAN—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—ATTACKS 20010911             Truth
20070401             —POSTED: —WEDNESDAY, 20070328             0000—DATE 20070401             So they're going to dig up HARRY—HOUDINI.
20070401             —POISONED, They want to see if he was, by 1—POWERFUL—LEAGUE—OF—SPIRITUALISTS for exposing their phony séances.
20070401             —ABOUT the same time, Rosie O'Donnell added her credibility to the project.
20070401             For 10000000             —THE. Time, Look at the Truth-
20070401             The drawings go 1—LONG—WAY towards answering the call for RELEASE—OF—BUILDING blueprints publicized in —EARLIER versions
20070401             of 20010911             —THE—RESEARCH blueprints page.
20070401             The drawings corroborate inferences about the core structures
20070401             + subsequently published on 1—NUMBER—OF—WEBSITES.
20070401             which everyone should visit, succinctly sums up the cover up perpetrated by THE—NIST report:
20070401             In summary: The reports by NIST say nothing about how -- and if! -- the collapse was able to progress through dozens and DOZENS—OF—STRUCTURALLY intact floors without being stopped.
20070401             If no external energy was available e.g. in the form of explosives, this would have been the opportunity to show that no such energy was needed.
20070401             —ON the other hand, if SOME—UNACCOUNTED—FOR energy broke the supporting structures enabling the collapse to progress with the speed it did,
20070401             there would have been MANY—GOOD—REASONS not to try to model the impossible, ie.
20070401             1—PURELY—GRAVITATION—DRIVEN collapse.
20070401             Stopping the analysis early enough also saves NIST from trying to explain THE—SYMMETRICALLY—OF—THE—COLLAPSES (despite NON—SYMMETRICAL—IMPACT—DAMAGE and fires),
20070401             the almost complete PULVERIZATION—OF—NON—METALLIC—MATERIALS as well as the extremely hot spots in the rubble.
20070401             These remain as inexplicable by the official story as they have ever been
20070401             FEMA—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—OF—THE—WORST and most pivotal events in history was farcical:
20070401             —FUNDED, No independent investigation was : FEMA allocated $600,000 for THE—BPAT—STUDY, which included the cost of printing their report.
20070401             Except for 1—EARLY "tourist trip",
20070401             —BARRED, THE—BPAT volunteers were, from Ground 0. They did not see 1—SINGLE—PIECE—OF—STEEL—UNTIL almost —1—MONTH—AFTER the disaster.
20070401             —COLLECTED, They, 150—PIECES—OF—STEEL for further study (OUT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—PIECES).
20070401             And building 7's collapse according to FEMA was also due to fire, however FEMA could not give specific details:
20070401             "THE—SPECIFICS—OF—THE—FIRES in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse ["official theory"] remain unknown —AT—THIS—TIME.
20070401             —CONTAINED, Although the total diesel fuel on the premises, massive potential energy, the best hypothesis [fire/DAMAGE—CAUSED collapse] has only 1—LOW—PROBABILITY—OF—OCCURRENCE.
20070401             —NEEDED, Further research, investigation + analyses are, to resolve this issue".
20070401             THE—NIST report into the collapses has also been proven inaccurate by the blueprints as it has implied that the only the corner columns were "massive" and that the core columns decreased in size in the higher stories —WHEN,
20070401             in fact, THE—16—COLUMNS on the long FACES—OF—THE—CORES shared the same dimensions for MOST—OF—EACH—TOWER—HEIGHT.
20070401             —TWEAKED, It seems that facts were being, in order to get closer to 1—EXPLANATION for the collapses.
20070401             —FAILED, Even then the reports both, to provide adequate explanations of why the buildings fell.
20070401             31 12:00 EDT 20070000             20070401             Idiots-
20070401             —YANKED, Novel, from class
20070401             —OBJECTED, HANDFUL—OF—PARENTS, to content
20070401             Why? Because at least 2—PARENTS had complained that the Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING novel about antebellum slavery depicted bestiality,
20070401             racism and sex -- inappropriate READING, they said, for 150—SENIOR Advanced Placement ENGLAND—STUDENTS.
20070401             mainly focusing on this graph, which certainly suggests 1—STRONG—REACTION against THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY
20070401             observes.
20070401             On THE—1—HAND, the Pew Survey shows that DEMOCRATS and Independents are becoming pretty similar in the views to people elsewhere in the developed world (such as Europeans) — liberal on social issues,
20070401             moderately SOCIAL—DEMOCRATIC in social policy, preferring peace to war and so on.
20070401             What a Mess-
20070401             computer and financial records of Americans —WHILE searching for terrorists,
20070401             director ROBERT—MUELLER took full responsibility for the actions of his agents and employees —WHEN he testified —BEFORE Congress —TODAY.
20070401             clipped FROM—FBI Agent Told To Keep Quiet —AFTER Telling Newspaper Politics Were Involved In Firings
20070401             —WARNED, An FBI agent was, to keep quiet about THE—DISMISSAL—OF—A—USA—ATTORNEY—AFTER he told 1—NEWSPAPER—HER firing would hurt the agency's ongoing investigations and speculated politics was involved, A—USA—SENATE—PANEL heard —ON—TUESDAY.
20070401             —DEFENDED, FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER, THE—HANDLING—OF—THE—INCIDENT, saying:
20070401             "I do not believe it's appropriate for our special agents in charge to comment to the media on personnel decisions that are made by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE".
20070401             He said he saw the 1. plane hit on "TV". clipped FROM—CRIMINAL- - Rudy is channeling Bush.
20070401             It's all about 20010911             - Bootstrapping ANDREW—SULLIVAN
20070401             has the evidence and does the analysis:
20070401             —ON LARRY—KUDLOW—SHOW tonight, Giuliani remarked that: It's not —1—DAY that goes by that I do not think about the events of 20010911
20070401             I'm hazarding that both Giuliani and BUSH share the same tidbit of remorse or guilt about 20010911             and whether they could have done more to prevent, mitigate or deal with it.
20070401             Economically there is behind the scenes jockeying.
20070401             There are conspiracies. There is disruption and power shifts.
20070401             The future looks very bleak
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE—DOWD Says He "Misplaced" Faith In Bush | THE—MODERATE...
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE: WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS Called Evangelicals 'Ridiculous'
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             Hearing Opens
20070401             His book is the 1. by 1—FORMER—ADMINISTRATION—MEMBER to challenge THE—PRESIDENT directly on what...
20070401             EX—BUSH—OFFICIAL: I Fixed THE—FACTS—AROUND—THE—POLICY " Netscape_com
20070401             —POSTED—BY—STEVE—CHUNG.
20070401             —IMPLANTED, If your puppy is missing, the microchip your vet, may save Spot from.
20070401             —SENTENCED, EX—BUSH—AIDE—SAFAVIAN, to —18—MONTHS " Netscape_com
20070401             —SENTENCED, EX—BUSH—AIDE—SAFAVIAN, to —18—MONTHS...
20070401             Say Advice Was Ignored... - Watch Video EX—TYCO CHIEF—BEHIND—BARS... - + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL,
20070401             Aide: Gonzales Had Role in FIRINGS—KELLY says RNC cops' 'finest —HOUR'
20070401             —WHEN "cut and run" is played out... - attacks IRAN over CAPTIVES—FOR KARL—ROVE protege TIM—GRIFFIN.
20070401             'It's open warfare over there'
20070401             ReBelle Nation: 20060423—20060429              20070401   
20070401             Vorwurf aus Teheran: USA—JETS sollen Irans Luftraum verletzt haben
20070401             Geiselkrise: Signale aus LONDON, neues Video aus TEHERAN—NATO—PRESS Release (97)26
20070401             News Release 7/2006 : Engineering Professor DALE—KLEIN sworn in as...
20070401             Klein is 1—PROFESSOR—OF—MECHANICAL engineering at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS at AUSTIN.
20070401             As 1—COMMISSIONER, Klein will serve a —5—YEAR—TERM on THE—NRC.
20070401             STEFAN—WRAY wurde auf Betreiben des DEPARTEMENT—OF—DEFENSE unter Druck...
20070401             In the 1920s and '30s, Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAYS used his...
20070401             JOSEF—GOEBBELS + told EDDIE—BERNAYS that in Goebbels ' library where they were...
20070401             EDWARD—BERNAYS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Bernays also drew upon his uncle FREUD—PSYCHOANALYTIC—IDEAS for the benefit of... us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power.
20070401             EDWARD—BERNAYS—SOURCEWATCH In addition to publicizing FREUD—IDEAS, Bernays used his association with Freud... us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power.
20070401             GOP will end support for war if no progress by —AUGUST, claims NBC NEWS—ANDREA—MITCHELL, who reveals strategy meeting between Republicans and top USA—COMMANDER—PETRAEUS
20070401             Deadliest single BOMBING—OF—THE—WAR—CLAIMS—152—LIVES--and McCain claims it's getting better
20070401             Geiselkrise: LONDON sucht das Gespräch mit IRAN
20070401             Israels PRÄSIDENT: Katzav droht Klage wegen weiterer Vergewaltigung
20070401             His SON—IN—LAW—PRESCOTT Bush was on THE—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS from
20070401             Stratesec did not run security for THE—WTC, they were —JUST responsible for...
20070401             WALTER—C—UHLER.COM—WHEN Does Opposition to ISRAEL or THE—ISRAEL...
20070401             —ASKED, Olmstead, Videnieks if he knew ROBERT—CHASEN [Executive VICE—PRESIDENT... in prosecuting 29—MEMBERS—OF—1—DRUG/arms organization called "THE—COMPANY.
20070401             ROBERT—CHASEN, had been... of ITT —DURING the time of Allende.
20070401             - Have.
20070401             had argued that the drug companies should not be granted 1—INDEFINITE.
20070401             They've put everyone in 1—MEDICAL and drug treatment program!...
20070401             Wackenhut Casolaro was also investigating COLONEL—BO—GRITZ—EXPOSE—OF—CIA—DRUG trafficking...
20070401             VAN Meter had been photographing and journalizing drug activity by deputies...
20070401             That investigator is —NOW in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE—OF—DRUG—CONTROL—POLICY.
20070401             —FROM orlin grabbe kalliste delphi com —NOW archived
20070401             (I have nothing against THE—USE—OF—ANY—DRUG, if used in moderation...
20070401             +++ Lost Arts Media Online • THE—PROMIS—SOFTWARE—SCANDAL +++ A..
20070401             Let there be no doubt: THE—NEO—CONSERVATIVE warriors are still in charge...
20070401             With 1—POLICY—OF—CONTAINMENT, we stood down and won the Cold War against the...
20070401             —JETZT aber, so der 45-Jährige, sei er zu dem Ergebnis gekommen, dass "alles zusammengerechnet wohl 1—BILD ergibt:
20070401             Es ist nicht mehr dasselbe, er ist nicht mehr die Person, für die ich ihn gehalten hatte".
20070401             Die "NYT" sprach auch mit 2—WEGGEFÄHRTEN Dowds aus dem BUSH—ORBIT.
20070401             DAN—BARTLETT, 1—BERATER im Weißen Haus, sorgte sich allerdings sogleich um die möglichen Folgen der DOWD—BEICHTE:
20070401             Ausschreitungen in HAMBURG und BERLIN: Linke Randalierer zünden Straßenbarrikaden an
20070401             IRAN: Randalierer werfen Brandsätze auf BRITISCHE—BOTSCHAFT
20070401             GEFANGENEN—KRISE: Teheran hetzt, LONDON schickt Unterhändler
20070401             "It is known that certain FORMS—OF—SLEEP—DISRUPTION such as obstructive sleep apnea convey extensive cardiovascular risk. We —NOW know that sleep disruption is 1—POTENTIAL—FACTOR in heart disease even in the average person".
20070401             —CLIPPED, SAD—BG, from Broward County FLORIDA, MARTIAL—LAW at its Best
20070401             He attends Pompano Beach High.
20070401             —DURING these same —3—DAYS—SOME—KID phoned in 1—BOMB—THREAT for 2—OF—THESE days.
20070401             —CALLED, —YESTERDAY—WHILE in school Andy was, to the principals office and he thought it was because of THE—3—DAY—ABSENCE he —JUST had.
20070401             It's amazing what THE—ABSENCE—OF—BLOOD lust will do [*].—MEANWHILE JWL has another —16—YEARS to go [*].
20070401             —CLIPPED, IRAN—BG, from
20070401             IRAN War Underway: USA and BRITAIN Funding Right Wing Terrorists For Regime Change
20070401             THE—LONG—HISTORY—OF—BRITISH and USA—COVERT—PROVOCATION and action in IRAN
20070401             THE—USA + BRITAIN are already at war with IRAN, have been at war with IRAN for 1—NUMBER—OF—YEARS—NOW +
20070401             are funding ANTI—IRAN—TERRORIST—GROUPS inside IRAN in preparation for the fallout that will occur —AFTER overt military action
20070401             officials, Defense department officials, FORMER—UN—OFFICIALS—AND retired USA—AIR—FORCE—COLONELS.
20070401             Think About IT—BG Humint Events Online: It Wasn't —JUST Toilets That Disappeared
20070401             —WONDERED, Previously, I somewhat jokingly, what happened to THE—THOUSANDS—OF—TOILETS from THE—WTC.
20070401             - there must have been TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHAIRS + desks + computers in EACH—TOWER,
20070401             not to mention THOUSANDS—OF—BOOKCASES, filing cabinets, interior walls, cubicle walls, office doors, elevator doors.
20070401             Sure, 1—LOT—OF—THIS would be smashed by THE—WEIGHT—OF—THE—TOWER—STRUCTURAL—ELEMENTS + it IS—OF—COURSE—HARD to know exactly what was found in the rubble.
20070401             Nonetheless, given what we know about THE—WTC debris pile, it is hard not to get the sense that 1—LOT—OF—THIS inner office material simply disintegrated or disappeared.
20070401             Of course, besides the people and office contents that disappeared, there were the huge concrete slabs on EACH—FLOOR that were rendered into powder + 1—SIGNIFICANT—AMOUNT—OF—STRUCTURAL—STEEL that remains unaccounted for.
20070401             The only thing that can account for all these phenomena, in the tremendous scale and very short time frames that were seen, is
20070401             For the skeptics (and disinfo agents/shills/brainwashed dupes)-- yes, there was 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF—POTENTIAL—ENERGY built up in THE—WTC towers.
20070401             BUT—THE—SIMPLE—FACT is in ANY—REAL "collapse", ALL—OF—THIS potential energy would be used up by breaking apart the steel structure holding up the towers-- +
20070401             Remember, 1—TOWER is stronger at the bottom and gets weaker and lighter as you go up.
20070401             It simply is not the case that THE—TOP—OF—THE—TOWERS were precariously suspended on 1—FRAGILE latticework of toothpicks waiting for something to cause THE—WEIGHT—OF—THE—TOP to crush down through the lower structure!
20070401             To make the towers go POOF the way they did, you need to add in 1—LOT—OF—ENERGY-- such as can be derived from nuclear bombs.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Something is AMISS—BG, from
20070401             For SOME—REASON, I don't remember NIST explaining this, either.
20070401             People who use THE—INTERNET to read the news have 1—GREATER—ATTENTION—SPAN than print readers, according to A—USA—STUDY that refutes the idea that Web surfers jump —AROUND and don't read much.
20070401             (AP) -- GOOGLE—REPLACEMENT—OF—POST—HURRICANE—KATRINA satellite imagery on its map portal with images of the region —BEFORE the storm does a "great injustice" to the storm's victims, 1—CONGRESSIONAL subcommittee said.
20070401             The next time you are struggling to carry your bags home from the supermarket —JUST remember that this could, in fact, be the reason you are able to walk upright on 2—LEGS at all!
20070401             1—POPULAR—EXPLANATION is that it is our ability to carry objects, particularly children, which forced early hominins onto 2—LEGS.
20070401             (AP) -- 1—FRANCE—ARCHITECT claimed —FRIDAY to have uncovered the mystery about how EGYPT—GREAT—PYRAMID—OF—KHUFU was BUILT—WITH use of 1—SPIRAL ramp to hoist huge stone blocks into place.
20070401             DNA—WRAPPED SINGLE—WALLED carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) shorter than about 200—NANOMETERS readily enter into human lung cells and so may pose 1 increased risk to health, according to scientists at the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology.
20070401             The results of their laboratory studies appear in 1—UPCOMING issue of Advanced Materials.
20070401             Researchers at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA, S—DIEGO (UCSD) School of Medicine have discovered that sleep disruption in seemingly healthy subjects is associated with increased CLOTTING—OF—THE—BLOOD, which has previously been shown to predict cardiovascular disease.
20070401             —IDENTIFIED, Biologists at NEW—YORK University have, how different species use common genes to control their early development and alter how these genes are used to accommodate their own features.
20070401             —DISCOVERED, The findings, which were, by researchers in Professor CLAUDE—DESPLAN`s and STEVE—SMALL`s laboratories in NYU`s Center for Developmental Genetics, offer new insight into the workings of developmental pathways across species.
20070401             USA—SCIENTISTS say the concept of cold fusion, 1—CONTROVERSIAL—CONCEPT once hailed as 1—SCIENTIFIC—BREAKTHROUGH, may be ready for rebirth.
20070401             CHINA confirms 15. bird flu death
20070401             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, —THURSDAY its 15. death from bird flu —SINCE late 20030000             , raising concerns about the nation's monitoring standards —AFTER the victim had no reported contact with infected birds.
20070401             MIT—OCEAN model precisely mimics microbes' life cycles
20070401             —CREATED, Scientists at MIT have, 1—OCEAN—MODEL so realistic that the virtual forests of diverse microscopic plants they "sowed" have grown in population patterns that precisely mimic their REAL—WORLD counterparts.
20070401             These black holes, which can be millions or even BILLIONS—OF—TIMES—MORE—MASSIVE than the Sun, can greatly affect the galaxy and the environments —AROUND them.
20070401             —PRODUCED, Astronomers at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have, the 1. IMAGES—OF—THE—SKY from 1—PROTOTYPE of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA), 1—REVOLUTIONARY—NEW—RADIO telescope to be constructed in SOUTH—WEST—NEW—MEXICO.
20070401             The images show emissions from the center of our Galaxy, 1—SUPERMASSIVE black hole + the remnant of 1—STAR that exploded in 1—SUPERNOVA over —300—YEARS—AGO.
20070401             Army Tests HIGH—TECH—CONCEPT—VEHICLES (AP) -- 1—GROUP—OF—SOLDIERS has been busy testing 1—SERIES—OF—HIGH—TECH—MILITARY—CONCEPT—VEHICLES outfitted with remote weapons systems, NIGHT—VISION capabilities and enough strength to sustain the concussion of 1—ROADSIDE bomb.
20070401             Companies Aim to Put Projectors in Cell Phones Although the latest and greatest cell phones are all the rage at this years CTIA show, 1—NEW—MOBILE—DEVICE—CATEGORY emerged that MANY—ARE calling "nano" or "pico" projectors.
20070401             USA Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness 1—LOW—RATE—OF—MOBILE—TELEPHONE usage, LACK—OF—GOVERNMENT—LEADERSHIP in IT and fallen quality of math and science education were blamed for THE—USA—SLIPPING to 7. place in the World Economic FORUM—RANKING—OF—TECHNOLOGY—READINESS.
20070401             Warm —WINTER also in THE—ARCTIC—CENTRAL—EUROPE is not the only place where the past, warm —WINTER has caused record temperatures.
20070401             —2—YEARS and more than 2,000 samples —AFTER researchers at Baylor College of Medicine started to use 1—NEW—GENE—CHIP—TECHNOLOGY called chromosomal microarray analysis to look for potential genetic abnormalities in children, they find that it is remarkably sensitive in detecting abnormalities in individual chromosomes, according to 1—REPORT that appears online —TODAY in the journal Public LIBRARY—OF—SCIENCE 1.
20070401             New research shows why too much memory may be 1—BAD thing
20070401             New research from COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTER may explain why people who are able to easily and accurately recall historical dates or LONG—AGO events, may have 1—HARDER—TIME with word recall or remembering the —DAY`s current events.
20070401             'The eyes have it' -- Autism research yields surprising results Autistic children are able to interpret the mental STATE—OF—OTHERS by looking at their eyes, contrary to previous research, 1—NEW—UNIVERSITY—OF—NOTTINGHAM study has found.
20070401             —ADDED, Electron storage, to molecular package that converts light to chemical energy THE—VIRGINIA—TECH chemistry research group that has been creating molecular complexes that use solar energy to produce hydrogen from water has added 1—ADDITIONAL—CAPACITY to their supramolecule.
20070401             —REVEALED, Beef may cause lower sperm count 1—STUDY has, that women who eat beef regularly —DURING pregnancy are more likely to produce SPERM—DEPRIVED sons.
20070401             New Group Created on Domain Name Privacy (AP) -- 1—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—INTERNET—KEY oversight agency agreed —WEDNESDAY to form 1—NEW working group that would examine how to offer more privacy to small businesses and people with individual Web sites.
20070401             Brain tissue reveals possible genetic trigger for schizophrenia 1—STUDY led by scientists from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA at Chapel Hill may have identified 1—MOLECULAR—MECHANISM involved in the development of schizophrenia.
20070401             MICHAEL—LIPSCHUTZ, 1—PROFESSOR—OF—INORGANIC chemistry and cosmochemistry, gave 1—PRESENTATION titled "Lessons from Meteorites" at THE—USA—CHEMICAL—SOCIETY—NATIONAL meeting in CHICAGO.
20070401             Golden STATE—HEATING—UP, Study Finds Average temperatures in CALIFORNIA rose almost 1—DEGREE—CELSIUS (nearly 2—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT) —DURING the 2. HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY, with urban areas blazing the way to warmer conditions, according to 1—NEW—STUDY by scientists at NASA and CALIFORNIA STATE—UNIVERSITY, LOS—ANGELES.
20070401             —IDENTIFIED, Bacteria That Degrades PCBs Identified Researchers have, 1—GROUP—OF—BACTERIA that can detoxify 1—COMMON—TYPE—OF polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which have contaminated more than 250—USA—SITES, including river and lake sediments.
20070401             Space Data Unveils EVIDENCE—OF—ANCIENT—MEGA—LAKE in NORTH—DARFUR Researchers at THE—BOSTON—UNIVERSITY—CENTER for Remote Sensing used —RECENTLY acquired topographic data from satellites to reveal 1—NOW dry, ancient MEGA—LAKE in the Darfur PROVINCE—OF—NORTH—WEST—SUDAN.
20070401             Radar waves are able to penetrate THE—FINE—GRAINED sand cover in the hot and dry EAST—SAHARA to reveal buried features.
20070401             S—FRANCISCO to be 1. USA—CITY to ban plastic bags S—FRANCISCO is to become the 1. USA—CITY to ban plastic supermarket bags in 1—BID to help save the environment, city officials said —WEDNESDAY.
20070401             USA Loses Top Spot in Global Tech Study (AP) -- European countries and SINGAPORE have surpassed THE—USA in their ability to exploit information and communication technology, according to 1—NEW—SURVEY.
20070401             Think again, book by SLU doctor says People are mixing supplements, herbs and OVER—THE—COUNTER medications and prescription drugs to cure themselves of ills, unaware that they could be making themselves sicker, says GEORGE—GROSSBERG, M.D., DIRECTOR—OF—THE—DIVISION—OF—GERIATRIC psychiatry at S—LOUIS—UNIVERSITY.
20070401             EX—AIDE—TURNS on Bush.
20070401             PRESIDENT—BUSH—FORMER—TOP—AIDE and pollster MATTHEW—DOWN—COMES clean :
20070401             He criticized THE—PRESIDENT as failing to call the nation to 1 shared SENSE—OF—SACRIFICE at 1—TIME—OF—WAR, failing to reach across the political divide to build consensus and ignoring THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE on IRAQ.
20070401             —MOVED, He said he believed THE—PRESIDENT had not, aggressively enough to hold anyone accountable for the abuses at ABU—GHRAIB prison in IRAQ + that MISTER—BUSH still approached governing with a "my way or the highway" mentality reinforced by 1—SHRINKING circle of trusted aides.
20070401             Regime change, Syria edition.
20070401             —ISSUED, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT in recent weeks has, 1—SERIES—OF—RHETORICAL broadsides against Syria, using language harsher than that usually reserved for USA adversaries.
20070401             "It's the new CUBA—NO—LANGUAGE is too tough," said 1—OF—THE—OFFICIALS, who like others insisted on anonymity to discuss internal government planning.
20070401             SOME—OFFICIALS who are AWARE—OF—THE—CAMPAIGN say they fear its real aim is to weaken or even overthrow Assad and to ensure that he can't thwart the creation of 1—INTERNATIONAL—TRIBUNAL to investigate the February 20050000             ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—LEBANESE—PRIME—MINISTER—RAFIK—HARIRI.
20070401             The officials say the campaign bears the imprint of ELLIOTT—ABRAMS, 1—CONSERVATIVE—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE in charge of pushing BUSH—GLOBAL—DEMOCRACY—AGENDA.
20070401             Cummins: —NOW THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Is Lying About Me
20070401             Bud Cummins is THE—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY for ARKANSAS who was pushed out to
20070401             make room for KARL—ROVE protege TIM—GRIFFIN.
20070401             Interviewed —2—WEEKS—AGO on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Cummins said that —WHILE he was seriously concerned about the administration's treatment of THE—7—OTHER purged prosecutors, he knew why he was fired and said THE—WHITE—HOUSE had been honest about it:
20070401             So I really don't think this is as much about me as it is the positions they've taken to try and explain the other 7. And that's where I personally am still very concerned, because I don't think they've been fair to the other 7—COLLEAGUES at all.
20070401             —DURING 1—SPEECH in ARKANSAS, CUMMINS—WAS livid :
20070401             Sampson told senators he believed EACH—OF—THE—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS fired late —LAST—YEAR by the Justice Department was replaced BECAUSE—OF—PROBLEMS related to his or her performance in office.
20070401             "If they're —STARTING to say that I had performance problems, then I have the same gripe the other 7—HAVE, because it's 1—LIE," said Cummins, 1—REPUBLICAN—BUSH appointee who was removed as USA—ATTORNEY for THE—EAST—DISTRICT—OF—ARKANSAS and replaced by TIM—GRIFFIN, former assistant to WHITE—HOUSE—POLITICAL—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE.
20070401             Cummins said if he were to comment further on SAMPSON—TESTIMONY, "I'd need 1—CENSOR".
20070401             —ASTOUNDED, Cummins also said —DURING his speech that he was " " by SAMPSON—SUGGESTION that "political success and success as 1—PROSECUTOR are 1 and the same".
20070401             In 1—OP—ED —TODAY for Salon_com, Cummins writes, "Being credible is like being pregnant — you either are, or you aren't.... Once you have given the public 1—REASON to believe SOME—OF—YOUR decisions are improperly motivated, then they are going to question EVERY—DECISION you have made, or will make in the future".
20070401             Bernie Kerik facing multiple felonies.
20070401             "FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS have told BERNARD—B—KERIK, whose nomination as homeland security SECRETARY 20040000             ended in scandal, that he is
20070401             likely to be charged with several felonies, including tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wiretapping,
20070401             " THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS. "KERIK—INDICTMENT could set the stage for 1—COURTROOM battle that would draw attention to KERIK—EXTENSIVE—BUSINESS and political dealings with FORMER—NEW—YORK mayor RUDOLPH—W—GIULIANI, who personally recommended him to PRESIDENT—BUSH for the Cabinet".
20070401             REPORT: Public Strongly At Odds With BUSH—POSITION on Stem Cells
20070401             —LAST—YEAR, Congress passed legislation with broad bipartisan support to expand funding for embryonic stem cell research beyond 20010000             —THE limits set by PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070401             Even BUSH—OWN—SCIENTISTS disagree with his position on stem cell research.
20070401             science will be better served
20070401             Furthermore, polling done —THIS—YEAR shows that the Bush is
20070401             at odds with the public, as "—NOW 1—SOLID and consistent majority says that it wants to move forward with research":
20070401             "It's interesting to note that even Republicans in THE—CBS—NEWS—POLL said they approve of embryonic stem cell research by 54-36.
20070401             —ON the stem cell research issue, Bush isn't even representing his own partisans, much less THE—REST—OF—THE—PUBLIC," states USA—PROGRESS—FELLOW
20070401             Ruy Texeira.
20070401             Gravel: 'I—HAVE—MY—SUSPICIONS' That No Matter Who Is Elected 'They're Not Going To Get Out Of IRAQ'
20070401             —SERVED, FORMER—SENATOR—MIKE—GRAVEL (D—AK), 2—TERMS in the Senate through the 1970s, 1—PERIOD marked by THE—USA—STRUGGLE to end THE—VIETNAM—WAR.
20070401             ALSO—BUSH attacks IRAN over captives THE—USA—LEADER condemns IRAN's "inexcusable behaviour" —AFTER its capture of 15—UK—SAILORS.
20070401             SYDNEY—CLIMATE—CHANGE—BLACKOUT—HOMES and businesses in SYDNEY turn lights out across the city to try to raise awareness of global warming.
20070401             PERU 'must protect Amazon tribes' The top Latin USA—RIGHTS—BODY says PERU must do more to protect Amazonian tribes from illegal loggers.
20070401             MARSEILLE port workers end strike Workers at the port of MARSEILLE end 1—STRIKE that had threatened to cut off fuel supplies to much of FRANCE.
20070401             —CANCELLED, Chocolate Jesus exhibit, 1—NEW—YORK gallery cancels its exhibition of 1—CHOCOLATE sculpture of Jesus Christ —AFTER 1—OUTCRY from Catholics.
20070401             Police Escort Marine Mom from PELOSI—OFFICE—PELOSI threatens Marine mom with arrest rather than meet with military families opposed to IRAQ.
20070401             1—WASHINGTON, DC area organization that warns about radiological and nuclear dangers has the rare distinction of appearing in foreign press in 1—POSITIVE—LIGHT on its stance concerning Uranium.
20070401             Hostage Crisis Repeated THE—MULLAHS in IRAN are planning to do to Blair what they did to JIMMY—CARTER!
20070401             —ORCHESTRATED, The arrest of 15—UK—SAILORS was 1—VERY carefully, effort on THE—PART—OF—THE—MULLAHS to extract the same concessions they received from THE—USA 19800000             - that kept their regime alive!
20070401             —CALLED, BUSH—MARCH—MADNESS—SAUDI—ARABIA has rightfully, AMERICA's continued military presence in IRAQ an ' Illegitimate foreign occupation ' ~ 1—TERM the blogosphere has been using for over —4—YEARS.
20070401             —UNTIL we, meaning THE—USA—PEOPLE and media, start calling this fiasco in IRAQ 1—OCCUPATION ( and not the Administration framed ' THE—CENTRAL—FRONT—OF—BUSH—WAR—ON—TERROR ) we will not grasp the moral and political consequences of our actions.
20070401             BREAKING: FEDERAL—ELECTION—AGENCY—PLAYS—POLITICS with Voter ID Study THE—USA—EAC tasked with, among other things, serving as 1—CLEARINGHOUSE for election research decided to play politics —TODAY with the release of 1—STUDY documenting THE—IMPACT—OF—VOTER—IDENTIFICATION—REQUIREMENTS on voting.
20070401             IRAN Does Itself No Favors Broadcasting Statements From Captives IRAN should release THE—UK—TROOPS and bring ANY—GRIEVANCES it might have regarding the incursions into its TERRITORY—TO—THE—UNITED—NATIONS.
20070401             Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights calls for Congressional OVERSIGHT—OF—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT for lax enforcement
20070401             —UNDERMINED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has seriously, the Civil Rights DIVISION—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT with partisanship resulting in discriminatory outcomes which call for Congressional oversight.
20070401             This is 1—BOOK that explains how the NeoCons have used the tool they created as THE—EVANGELICAL—CHRISTIAN—MOVEMENT to remold the attitudes in the military, forcing 1—UNQUESTIONING loyalty that has no place in the Founding VISION—OF—AMERICA.
20070401             THE—NEOCONS view ALL—OF—OUR institutions are tools, to be remade to do their will.
20070401             1—MOVEMENT—OF—1, Or Maybe 1—MILLION—DEMOCRATS have to be told they can no longer take progressive votes for granted.
20070401             —PLANNED, How to say NO to Bush 's, attack on IRAN Kucinich in the House, Webb in the Senate, are ready to act.
20070401             Democrats Harrassed by Capitol Police SENATOR—WEBB—AIDE—WASN'T granted the ame weapons privileges as, for instance, visiting Jordanians.
20070401             Farm activists across the country say there is 1—MAJOR—CONNECTION between corruption in THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, political cronyism and the scores of allegedly illegal farm auctions in farm country.
20070401             —JOINED, Black farmers and white farmers have, forces in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY, having seen that the divide and conquer strategy of the "black farm settlement" put them at EACH—OTHER—THROATS —WHILE few received relief.
20070401             1—WAR—ON—TERROR—THAT—EVERYBODY—WOULD—WIN—IT—TIME to think about what THE—WAR—ON—TERROR should really be about.
20070401             March Madness: or the amazing disappearing story Last —FRIDAY, the Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—OF—IRAQ was seriously injured in 1—SUICIDE bombing that killed 20—PEOPLE, including his brother.
20070401             Persian Gulf Ship Inspectors-- THE—BRITS—CAPTURED by IRAN
20070401             I may have 1—UNIQUE—PERSPECTIVE on the small boat operations in the Persian Gulf, having served as both 1—BOARDING officer leading sailors on these missions and also having served as the commanding officer of 1—SHIP conducting these missions
20070401             BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—GAME—BUSH—FRAGILE psyche is showing.
20070401             Bush vs. AMERICA —THURSDAY SENATE VOTE on funding for IRAQ sets the stage for 1—EPIC—BATTLE—BETWEEN—CONGRESS and PRESIDENT—BUSH ;
20070401             1—STRUGGLE with the dramatic elements of 1—SHAKESPEARE play: 1—HEADSTRONG emperor who claims God gave him absolute power battling 1—STALWART band of democratic solons.
20070401             To PRESIDENT—BUSH, "You can't always get what you want" Bush only has less than 2—MORE—YEARS as our PRESIDENT and perhaps our congress members especially our Democratic ones can best define his legacy by not giving into Bush and NOT pulling that language from that bill.
20070401             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—IMPENDING E—MAIL Disaster
20070401             DOJ Emails Illustrate Plan to Mislead Congress The common thread in THE—THOUSANDS—OF—PAGES—OF—DOCUMENTS released by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE in conjunction with 1—CONGRESSIONAL probe into THE—USA—ATTORNEY dismissals is that top officials in THE—DOJ who worked behind the scenes believed that they were doing something improper in selectively dismissing the attorneys and acted with 1—CLEAR intent to deceive lawmakers if ANY—QUESTIONS into reasons for the firings arose.
20070401             Veto This House Speaker NANCY Pelosi is right to point Unitary Executive GEORGE—W—BUSH toward 1—COPY—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION.
20070401             —PERMITTED, THE—PRESIDENT (should Bush care to resume that legal role) is, to veto bills but not to write them.
20070401             —ALLOWED, For if the truth is, to penetrate THE—BUBBLE—OF—EXECUTIVE—BRANCH hubris and denial ~ the whole corrupt, arrogant and self serving facade of this administration would be stripped away and its rotten core would be there for the world to see.
20070401             As such, THE—ONION satirically reports on how THE—SECRET—SERVICE is prepared to keep that very thing from happening.
20070401             —CALLED, SAUDI—ARABIA—KING—CALLS—IRAQ—OCCUPATION 'Illegitimate' ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ 'illegitimate,' and expressed concern for Palestinians.
20070401             THE—MARCH on the Pentagon Join 1—GROUP. Get active.
20070401             Flanked by INTERNATIONAL and regional NON—ARAB dignitaries representing THE—UN, EU, OIC, NAM and the leaders of TURKEY, MALAYSIA and PAKISTAN as well as the foreign MINISTER—OF—IRAN, the leaders of the 22-member League of Arab States —ON—WEDNESDAY RE—LAUNCHED in RIYADH their —5—YEAR—OLD—ARAB Peace Initiative, determined to reactivate it with mechanisms and 1—FOLLOW—UP diplomatic campaign.
20070401             WILL—ALBERTO—GONZALES—TAKE—THE 5.?
20070401             —WHEN we take the dress off the pig, —TODAY KYLE—SAMPSON said ALBERTO—GONZALES is 1—LIAR.
20070401             THE—GREAT—USA—DREAM still exists -- in IRAQ!
20070401             The wonderful economic miracle of 1950s AMERICA STILL exists -- in IRAQ.
20070401             However, it's built on the blood of 1—MILLION—DEAD—PEOPLE.
20070401             BOBBY—KENNEDY has something to say about that! Me too.
20070401             Re: THE—PRESIDENCY—HAS—BECOME 1—GREAT—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITY—SUMMARY—FOR—OP—ED—NEWS—THE—PRESIDENCY has become 1—TERRIFIC—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITY which the Clinton s have used to full advantage and are poised to exploit still further, —WHILE LINCOLN turns in his grave.
20070401             Newest GOP Word Games: "Surrender" and "Retreat" —WHEN "cut and run" is played out...
20070401             Senate Passes $123—BILLION More for IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN Wars
20070401             Democrats vote to extend the war in guise of 1—LOOPHOLE ridden exit "goal".
20070401             How they respond to BUSH—VETO will determine whether Bush is 1—LAME—DUCK or the Democrats are running 1—LAME—CONGRESS
20070401             THE—DECIDER'S in Denial Over DEMOCRACY—BUSH will not allow himself to be easily awakened from his imperial DREAM—STATE or willingly step down from the phony throne he fashioned for himself atop THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—RUBBLE—OF—DEBRIS and humanity from the attacks of 20010911             ;
20070401             New: Voting Machine Companies to CONGRESS—ALL YOUR VOTES BELONG TO USA
20070401             THE—VOTING—MACHINE—LOBBY reacts to amendments to the Help AMERICA—VOTE—ACT.
20070401             In the Vendor LOBBY—LETTER to congress, it becomes clear: Amendments to HAVA will hurt voting machine companies, the audits will provide 1—INCONVENIENT truth + the ban on toilet paper ballot will stick us with lots of unsold inventory.
20070401             Vendors are not ready to give up their private CONTROL—OF—OUR elections.
20070401             In publishing THE—FLORIDA—HUMANIST—JOURNAL, HFA sets out to create high quality, THOUGHT—PROVOKING periodicals on important issues affecting THE—STATE—OF—FLORIDA from 1—DEFINITIVELY—HUMANIST—PERSPECTIVE.
20070401             IRAQ Withdrawal: So Easy, 1—CAVEMAN—COULD—SOLVE—IT—IN "2—STEPS"
20070401             With all Congressional parties conducting the great SHAKESPEAREAN—LIKE—DEBATE to date or not to date, the real question should be "hey, where's the plan?" The answer to that GOP challenge is the Democratic 2—STEP, aka "2—STEP" Plan.
20070401             For GEORGE—W—BUSH and Dick Cheney, 20080000             is too soon to end 1—WAR that they intend to last forever.
20070401             THE—RACIST—WAR—ON—IMMIGRANTS—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and congressional joint racist war against immigrants of color directed mainly at impoverished Latinos from MEXICO and CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20070401             I don't know anyone who is progressive, or 1—DEMOCRATIC—ACTIVIST who supports Hillary for PRESIDENT.
20070401             More Minorities Near Polluting Facilities Than —20—YEARS—AGO
20070401             1—NEW—STUDY shows that people of color make up THE—MAJORITY—OF—THOSE living within spitting distance of the nation's commercial hazardous waste facilities.
20070401             Oil Trader s Fear USA IRAN Attack: Maybe We Should Too —WHEN people start putting their money on 1—BET that 1—WAR—COMING, it's time to take the idea seriously.
20070401             Truth and Lies in MEDIA—REPORTS on IRAN 1 must be careful of what 1—READS these days in the media regarding IRAN.
20070401             For our veterans suffering from Depleted URANIUM—RELATED poisonings + illnesses, is the very best we can do for them THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—STATE—KEPT registries of their downfall, with careful records of the gory details of their eventual and certain demise?
20070401             Under the Microscope: THE—PATRIOT—ACT 1—CLOSE—LOOK at THE—PATRIOT—ACT, which is currently being RE—EXAMINED and RE—INVESTIGATED by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
20070401             I challenge GLENN—BECK and BILL—O'REILLY to melt steel, using jet fuel - "show me".
20070401             We Have Run OUT—OF—PATIENCE
20070401             People are TIRED—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATIONS—IMPERIAL—DESIGNS on the world, their refusal to listen to the people and their "you're with us or you're against us" attitude.
20070401             CHINA—PASSENGER—CARS—LEAVE—USA in the Dust
20070401             THE—BIG 3—OF—DETROIT (Ford, GENERAL—MOTORS and Chrysler), long 1—SYMBOL—OF—USA—INDUSTRY, no longer rule the roads.
20070401             —NOW that Bush is melting down resumes are being studied and candidates interviewed to replace the present Administration.
20070401             SOME—POLITICAL—OPERATIVES, for instance JOHN—FUND, are hoping to transition.
20070401             Waxman Had Better Move Quickly: GOP Has Long HISTORY—OF—DESTROYING—EVIDENCE—HENRY—WAXMAN is right to be concerned about preserving the evidence in the AttorneyGate scandal.
20070401             —AFTER all, destroying evidence is 1—REPUBLICAN specialty -- + has been 1—HALLMARK—OF—GOP scandals over the decades.
20070401             BUSH—VETO—THREAT is the True Act of Political Theatre
20070401             OIL—ENRICHED Arab Investors Turning Away from U.S Dollar and amp;
20070401             USA—INVESTMENTS—THE economic COST—OF—THE—WAR may be greater than we think.
20070401             The oil rich nations are investing in ASIA + EUROPE rather than THE—USA—BECAUSE of possible future attacks in the U.S, massive trade deficits and the realization that our markets are not as open as claimed.
20070401             THE—USA is getting poorer as ASIA and THE—MIDDLE—EAST are getting wealthier.
20070401             The longer this nation avoids the consequences of what Bush + Company has wrought, the longer it will take to put THE—USA—BACK together.
20070401             THE—IRAQ—DEBACLE and amp; ABU—GONZO
20070401             HERE—1—CONVERSATION with yet another traditional conservative in the military, infuriated at what Bush and Col. have done to AMERICA—REPUTATION abroad as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20070401             Plus how ALBERTO—GONZALES, he of the likely perjury problem, is part and PARCEL—OF—THAT—RECKLESS—WAR—EFFORT.
20070401             Easter Surprise: Attack on IRAN, New 20010911             ... or Worse
20070401             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION continues moving closer to 1—NUCLEAR—ATTACK on IRAN + we ignore the obvious buildup at our peril.
20070401             WHAT—IT—LIKE—WAITING—AROUND to Be Bombed?
20070401             JAMES—MADISON - "Impeach Bush Over Purgegate!"
20070401             According to JAMES—MADISON, the "FATHER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION," if 1—PRESIDENT were to order or allow the "wanton removal of meritorious officers" such as USA—ATTORNEYS, such 1—ACTION "would subject THE—PRESIDENT to impeachment and removal from his own high trust".
20070401             Part 2: IRAQ, BUSH—GOD—EMBOLDENED—NARCISSISM and Parasitic Militarism AMERICA—PARASITIC—MILITARISM is 1—MORE enduring threat to the world than PRESIDENT—BUSH—GOD—EMBOLDENED narcissism.
20070401             Unable to deal with his massive IRAQ failure, 1—WORD—GEORGE W Bush has been running away from his whole life, Bush is most likely to strike out at IRAN and blame them for his misfortune ~ rather than twist in the wind ANY—LONGER as 1—INCREASINGLY vulnerable and irrelevant lame duck PRESIDENT.
20070401             THE—ONION takes it from there and announces BUSH—NEW exit plan ~ through IRAN ( as rumblings of an 20070406             attack hit the web )
20070401             —SINCE Congress won't impeach Bush, we must impeach Bush in THE—COURT—OF—PUBLIC opinion
20070401             MISS—NBC has up 1—ARTICLE discussing the results of 1—NEWSWEEK poll on faith and religion among MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA—POPULACE.
20070401             Given the straightforward question, 'Is evolution WELL—SUPPORTED by evidence and widely accepted within the scientific community?', some 48—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS said 'No'.
20070401             DHS Wants Master Key for DNS
20070401             By forcing THE—IANA to hand out 1—COPY—OF—THE—MASTER—KEY, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT will be the only institution that is able to spoof IP addresses and be able to break into computers connected to THE—INTERNET without much effort.
20070401             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT still reserves the right to oversee ICANN/IANA.
20070401             —HANDED, If the keys are then, over to ICANN/IANA, there would be even less of 1—INCENTIVE [for THE—USA] to give up this role as 1—MONITOR.
20070401             As 1—RESULT, THE—DHS—DEMANDS will probably only heat up the debate about USA—DOMINANCE—OF—THE—CONTROL—OF—INTERNET—RESOURCES.'"
20070401             NEWTON—2. Law, Revisited
20070401             —MODIFIED, This acronym stands for static high latitude equinox, inertia and would be noticed in 1—CONDITION where THE—FORCES—OF—THE—EARTH—ROTATION on its axis + of the orbital FORCE—OF—THE—EARTH as it moves —AROUND the sun, would be canceled out... In the end, if NEWTON—2. Law could be violated, he would be forcing physicists to reevaluate much of what we understand derived from that law — which is quite 1—BIT.'"
20070401             All 4—JUST happen to have been 20070911             —THE planes.
20070401             And in THE—CASE—OF—THE—WTC, the impact surface was mostly GLASS—ABOUT as soft 1—TARGET as 1—PLANE can hit, with the possible EXCEPTION—OF—WATER.
20070401             So this debunks ANY—ASSERTION that the alleged explosion of AA 77 was 1—RESULT—OF—BEING flown into 1—FIERCELY resistant surface, which itself is already debunked by EXAMPLES—OF—PLANES which flew into mountains and weren't cremated, including the —EARLIER linked photo of 1—AMERICA—AIRLINES—757 which crashed into 1—MOUNTAIN.
20070401             Not only was the alleged explosion of AA 77—IMPOSSIBLE in the context of the modest damage to the Pentagon wall + impossible because there wasn't enough energy in THE—FUEL—IT—ALSO been shown anecdotally to be impossible in THE—CONTEXT—OF—AVIATION—HISTORY.
20070401             And photographic RECORDS—OF—AVIATION—DISASTERS demonstrate that fuel tank explosions don't happen as 1—RESULT—OF—REGULAR crashes, or if they do they don't cremate the planes.
20070401             Although the political circumstance behind the 11.Sep2001 crashes + (in THE—CASE—OF—WTC crash 2) the spectacular imagery involved was unprecedented, there was nothing unusual in the impact physics of the crashes.
20070401             Planes regularly crash into mountains, streets, the ground, buildings and other planes + are not cremated.
20070401             Web AUTHOR—JACK—CASHILL writes (
20070401             It's 1—VERY—COMPLEX—ARGUMENT to try to explain how 1—FUEL—TANK might have exploded.
20070401             Not all of the crashes are entirely comparable in TERMS—OF—IMPACT and fuel load, but there are enough different situations here to make the point that total cremation of crashing aircraft, without the input of additional energy other than the fuel load does not and cannot happen.
20070401             TJX Is Biggest Data Breach Ever
20070401             jcatcw writes "Jaikumar Vijayan reports for Computerworld that TJX is finally offering more details about the extent of the compromise which, at 45.6M cards, is the biggest ever. He has been —FOLLOWING the story —SINCE it started. The systems that were broken into processed payment card, checks + returns for customers of T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods + A.J. Wright stores in THE—USA and PUERTO—RICO + customers of Winners and HomeSense stores in CANADA and T.K. Maxx in THE—UK—CUSTOMER—NAMES and addresses were not included in the stolen data. So far the company has spent about $5—MILLION in connection with the breach. Several lawsuits that have been filed against the company, including 1—SUIT by THE—ARKANSAS—CARPENTERS—PENSION—FUND, 1—OF—ITS shareholders, for failure to divulge more details about the breach".
20070401             CA Proposes Rigorous Voting Machine Testing
20070401             writes "—DURING her successful campaign for CALIFORNIA SECRETARY—OF—STATE, NEWLY—MINTED CALIFORNIA Elections TSAR—DEBRA—BOWEN spoke repeatedly of the need to use free open source software in voting machines to ensure THE—INTEGRITY—OF—CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS. —NOW that SECRETARY—BOWEN is acting on that campaign pledge, CLOSED—SOURCE voting machine vendor Diebold worries aloud that rejecting its BLACK—BOX voting machines could snarl CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS. DIEBOLD—CONCERNS come at the same time that it is suing MASSACHUSETTS for declining to purchase those same voting machines".
20070401             Quoting: "CALIFORNIA—ELECTIONS—CHIEF is proposing the toughest standards for voting systems in the country, so tough that they could [have THE—RESULT—OF—BANISHING] ATM—LIKE—TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines from the state. For the 1. time, CALIFORNIA is demanding the right to try hacking EVERY—VOTING machine with 'red teams' of computer experts and to study the software inside the machines, LINE—BY—LINE, for security holes".
20070401             USA—NO Longer Technology KING
20070401             - ScuttleMonkey 707+ Comments 1—ANONYMOUS—READER that
20070401             according to 1—RECENT—REPORT from the World Economic Forum THE—USA has lost the leading spot for technology innovation.
20070401             "Countries were judged on technological advancements in general business, the infrastructure available and the extent to which government policy creates 1—FRAMEWORK—NECESSARY for economic development and increased competitiveness".
20070401             Electrically Conductive Plastic Polymer
20070401             Fox news is reporting that 1—HOLLAND—RESEARCHER is announcing 1—BREAKTHROUGH in plastics.
20070401             1—NEW—WAY—OF rebuilding plastics could allow them to conduct electricity —JUST as well as the silicon wafers currently used in electronic gadgets.
20070401             "Prins discovered that in plastics, the movement of electric charges was mainly hindered by the shape of the polymer, THE—CHAIN—LIKE—MOLECULAR—STRUCTURE at THE—BASIS—OF—EACH—KIND—OF—PLASTIC. Prins extended the work of 1—GERMANY—GROUP that had reshaped 1—POLYMER to form 1—LADDER—LIKE—STRUCTURES. By bombarding the specially developed plastic with electrons from 1—PARTICLE—ACCELERATOR, she was able to study rapid electrical reactions and demonstrate the new plastic's ability to conduct electricity much better than regular plastic and as well as silicon chips".
20070401             New Superbug to Replace Failing Antibiotics
20070401             "Researchers in UK—COLUMBIA have identified 1—PEPTIDE that can fight infection by boosting the immune system. Because antibiotics are under threat due to 1—EXPLOSION—OF—ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT bacteria, this may be —JUST in time".
20070401             1—SPOKESWOMAN said THE—MEK was 1 banned organization under UK—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAWS — meaning the government had no dealings with the group.
20070401             THE—NATIONAL—COUNCIL—OF—RESISTANCE—OF—IRAN — the political wing of THE—IRAN—MEK opposition group which is listed as 1—TERRORIST—GROUP by BRITAIN, THE—USA and THE—EUROPEAN—UNION — said THE—UK—CREW—CAPTURE was planned in advance, but offered no evidence to support the claims.
20070401             20070401             20010911             Prep (Alleged) UPDATE—BG Alleged 20070911             Financier Tells Tribunal He Knew LITTLE—OF—PLOT—WASHINGTONPOST_com
20070401             THE—SCANDAL unfolding —AROUND the firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS compels the conclusion that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has rewarded loyalty over all else.
20070401             1—DESTRUCTIVE—PATTERN—OF partisan political actions at the Justice Department started long —BEFORE this incident, however, as THOSE—OF—USA who worked in its civil rights division can attest.
20070401             I spent more than —35—YEARS in THE—DEPARTMENT—ENFORCING—FEDERAL—CIVIL—RIGHTS—LAWS — particularly voting rights.
20070401             —WORKED, —BEFORE leaving 20050000             , I, for attorneys general with dramatically different political philosophies — from JOHN—MITCHELL to ED—MEESE to JANET—RENO.
20070401             REGARDLESS—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION, the political appointees had respect for the experience and judgment of longtime civil servants.
20070401             —CLIPPED, RIGHT—BG, from Kelly says RNC cops' 'finest —HOUR'
20070401             In his strongest defense YET—OF—POLICE—TACTICS in preparation for 20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION, Police Commissioner RAY—KELLY—FRIDAY said THE—NYPD was never better, keeping 1—LID on potential violence and preventing 1—TERROR—ATTACK without breaking ANY—LAWS.
20070401             —HOUR," Kelly told reporters. "Did an absolutely superb job".
20070401             Trust Google? - BG clipped from Google goes back to PRE—KATRINA maps
20070401             —REPLACED, NEW—ORLEANS -- GOOGLE—POPULAR—MAP—PORTAL has, POST—HURRICANE Katrina satellite imagery with pictures taken —BEFORE the storm, leaving locals feeling like they're in 1—TIME loop and even fueling suspicions of 1—CONSPIRACY.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Exposing 1—TINY—PORTION—OF—THE—GIULIANI—CRIME—BG, from Giuliani Faces Questions About 20070911             20070401             NEW—YORK -- RUDY—GIULIANI—WHITE—HOUSE—ASPIRATIONS are inescapably tied to 20010911             _for better and for worse.
20070401             —WHILE the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post—20010911              leadership_"Churchillian" was 1—ADJECTIVE, "AMERICA—MAYOR" was OPRAH Winfrey's assessment_city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance —BEFORE and —AFTER the terrorist attack.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Ho HUM—BG, from
20070401             MISTER—GIULIANI, testifying —LAST—YEAR under oath —BEFORE 1—BRONX grand jury investigating MISTER—KERIK, said he had no memory of the briefing, but he did not dispute that it had taken place, according to 1—TRANSCRIPT of his testimony.
20070401             Hmmmm.
20070401             - BG clipped from Big News: THE—GWOT—IS—COUNTER—PRODUCTIVE!!
20070401             5—AND—A—HALF—YEARS—AFTER 20070911             —THE attacks, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—WAR—ON—TERRORISM has emerged as 1—WASTEFUL, misguided exercise that poses its own threat to USA national security, experts say.
20070401             1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—ANALYSTS and FORMER—USA—OFFICIALS say the global WAR—ON—TERRORISM has undermined USA—INFLUENCE abroad, forced onerous costs in USA—LIVES and money in IRAQ + unleashed 1—HUGE—GOVERNMENT spending spree that has often funded projects unrelated to national security.
20070401             But it was all true back then, —JUST as it is all true —NOW.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Read It and WEEP—BG, from Commentary: 20010911             and the Evidence By PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20070401             Amazing.... - BG clipped from
20070401             —FROM 1—READER..... I'm pretty amazed that NO—1—ELSE has picked up on this but I —JUST thought I'd draw yet another 1—OF—THOSE amazing CO—INCIDENCES that keep cropping up and maybe you could look into it.
20070401             —ON the —DAY the soldiers and sailors were siezed by the Iranians - I noticed on 1—BBC report that the reporter opened up by saying "We've been on HMS CORNWALL—WHERE the Sailors and Marines we're based for 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS—NOW....". or somesuch..
20070401             isn't is amazing how THE—BBC/Navy chose THAT ship to have 1—REPORTER on BOARD for 1—COUPLE—OF—DAYS beforehand and who is in place and able to —IMMEDIATELY report on this "unexpected" turn..
20070401             WHAT—THE—TRUTH? - BG clipped from Brits in the Gulf and 1—DOCTORED—BRITISH—MAP? - UPDATED FORMER—UK—AMBASSADOR—CRAIG—MURRAY is —NOW challenging THE—LEGITIMACY—OF—THE—MAP—JUST published by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT in the current dispute with IRAN over those 15 captured UK—SAILORS and marines.
20070401             —CLIPPED, KYLE—SAMPSON—BG, from USA—NEWS: WH Aides Eschew Email...—JUST —1—WEEK—AFTER E—MAILS in THE—USA—ATTORNEYS—CASE became 1—MAIN—FOCUS—OF congressional Democrats probing the firings, several aides said that they stopped using THE—WHITE—HOUSE—SYSTEM except for purely professional correspondence.
20070401             "We knew E—MAILS could be subpoenaed. We saw that with the Clinton s but I don't think anybody saw that we were doing anything wrong".
20070401             ALEX—JONES—WATCH #15: Turning Up EMOTION—HE is saying truthers will be tortured.
20070401             He is saying the getting behind the Rosie [O'Donnell] truth telling is essential for exposing the truth about 20010911             .
20070401             He is criticizing SOME—TRUTH—MOVEMENT—PARTICIPANTS as —JUST being in it for socializing.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Not SURPRISING—BG, from Tell Congress to Investigate THE—WAL—MART Spy Scandal
20070401             —REVEALED, As, by recent articles in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES + THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, WAL—MART has hired 1—NUMBER—OF—FORMER—CIA, FBI + Justice Department officials to create 1 sophisticated counter surveillance team to spy on its employees.
20070401             —TRIED, KYLE—SAMPSON, to stand by his man —TODAY. But he —JUST couldn't.
20070401             His former boss of —7—YEARS, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, zoomed so far into outer space —THIS—MONTH in claiming that he had nothing to do with —LAST—YEAR—FIRING—OF—8—USA—ATTORNEYS that Sampson could only leave him to orbit.
20070401             Sampson was sweaty, nervous + SOFT—SPOKEN—NOWHERE in evidence was the cavalier SWAGGER—OF—THE—AIDE who wrote E—MAILS 1—FEW short months ago about replacing 1—PROSECUTOR without waiting for his "body to cool".
20070401             —CLIPPED, WTC—BG, from Explosions Heard in the Twin Towers —BEFORE They Collapsed
20070401             Remember that sound travels slower than light + so witnesses who described hearing explosive sounds —BEFORE seeing THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—BUILDING cannot have been fooled about the sequence.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Ho HUM—BG, from Aide: Gonzales Had Role in Firings
20070401             "I don't think THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—STATEMENT that he was not involved in ANY—DISCUSSIONS—OF—USA—ATTORNEY removals was accurate," testified KYLE—SAMPSON, who quit —THIS—MONTH as Gonzales' top aide.
20070401             "I remember discussing with him this process of asking certain USA—ATTORNEYS to resign".
20070401             —CLIPPED, AG SCANDAL—BG, from Defense: Feds eyed AIPAC —UNTIL Rosen, Weissman cut off By Ron Kampeas
20070401             See What You THINK—BG Is JIM—FETZER 1—EFFECTIVE—AGENT for Exposing the Truth of 20010911             ?
20070401             The "jetpak" (see link below, 1—BUNDLE—OF—WEB urls) shows the connection between Fetzer, Citizens for Legitimate GOVERNMENT, MICHAEL—RECTENWALD, ED—HASS.
20070401             I submit to the reader that the fact that the Fetzer based Scholars for 20010911             Truth is connected (right below the masthead) to CLG is significant.
20070401             Follow the link; go to the link to RECTENWALD—STATEMENT on the 7/7—LONDON bombings.
20070401             Looking closer at this conference, 1—SEES speakers including BOB—FITRAKIS.
20070401             Does anyone realize what Fitrakis' record has been on raising 20010911             Truth issues?
20070401             There are SOME—CONFERENCE attendees who I respect: MORGAN—REYNOLDS and RICK—RAJTER.. so I don't claim the whole barrel is bad apples.clipped from
20070401             —CLIPPED, Ho HUM—BG, from WHITE—HOUSE OK'ed Sampson Statement on Rove
20070401             —STATED, The letter, "THE—DEPARTMENT is not aware of KARL—ROVE playing ANY—ROLE in the decision to appoint [KARL—ROVE—FORMER—AIDE—TIMOTHY] Griffin" to serve as USA—ATTORNEY.
20070401             Sampson told fellow Justice Department officials that "because this letter mentions Rove and alludes to Harriet, I'd like to send it to the [WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—OFFICE] for their review..".
20070401             That claim -- that Rove and Miers had no role -- is 1—SAMPSON—OWN—EARLIER—EMAILS—SHOW to be false.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Ho HUM—BG, from THE—CARPETBAGGER—REPORT 'It's open warfare over there'
20070401             —ABOUT—2—WEEKS—AGO, we started hearing about THE—PANIC and paralysis
20070401             that had taken over the Justice DEPARTMENT—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—PROSECUTOR purge scandal.
20070401             "You have no idea," said 1—JUSTICE—OFFICIAL, "how bad it is here".
20070401             Apparently, it's getting worse — THE—NEW—YORK Daily News
20070401             that "Gonzales' closest advisers [have] turned on 1—ANOTHER".
20070401             —CLIPPED, GUANTANAMO—BG, from DAVID—HICKS bullied into guilty plea at Guantánamo kangaroo COURT—AFTER more than —5—YEARS—OF—IMPRISONMENT in Guantánamo
20070401             Bay where he endured torture and protracted periods of solitary confinement, AUSTRALIA—CITIZEN—DAVID—HICKS finally pleaded guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF "providing material support for terrorism" as PART—OF—1—PLEA bargain to get OUT—OF—THE—USA—HELL—HOLE.
20070401             The vague charge,
20070401             the commission itself + HICKS—GUILTY—PLEA are all legal travesties, which not only violate THE—GENEVA—CONVENTIONS but CENTURIES—OLD—BASIC—LEGAL—PRINCIPLES.
20070401             —BY MATT—RENNER - t r u t h o u t | Report
20070401             —COMPILED, At issue is whether 1—REPORT, by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL took into account the fact that WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS had been using email accounts maintained by the Republican National Committee —BEFORE concluding that Black was not demoted for political reasons.
20070401             Indeed, —JUST—YESTERDAY, REPRESENTATIVE—WAXMAN (D—CA)
20070401             sent THE—WHITE—HOUSE 1—LETTER asking for details about this mystery contract.
20070401             —CALLED, The book's
20070401             THE—WRONG—STUFF: THE—EXTRAORDINARY—SAGA—OF—RANDY "DUKE" Cunningham, the Most Corrupt Congressman Ever Caught.
20070401             —TODAY I got 1—GLANCE at 1—KEY—SECTION—OF—THE—BOOK and it reveals that what that contract was really for was for screening THE—PRESIDENT—MAIL.
20070401             That's right, screening THE—PRESIDENT—MAIL, presumably for Anthrax and other similar biohazards.
20070401             Remember, this was in mid—20020000             , not long —AFTER the Anthrax scare that shut down several offices on Capitol Hill.
20070401             Even as THE—HEAD—OF—THE—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION prepares to address allegations of improper conduct at 1—HOUSE—OVERSIGHT and Government Reform COMMITTEE—HEARING—WEDNESDAY, new information about her actions continues to emerge.
20070401             Give Her Immunity! - BG clipped from Why Is 1—DOJ—LAWYER—TAKING—THE 5.?
20070401             The strangest event so far in THE—USA—ATTORNEY—FIRING mess may be the decision by 1—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LAWYER to plead the 5. rather than risk incriminating herself in testimony —BEFORE Congress —THURSDAY.
20070401             Is it Really Possible Brzezinski Does Not Know the Bogus Nature of 20010911             ? - BG http:/wcpo_com/specials/2001 /americaattacked/news_local/story14.html clipped from THE—DAILY—SHOW
20070401             —ALERTED, Readers, me to this
20070401             Zbigniew Brzezinski appearance on THE—DAILY—SHOW which I found both amusing and informative, like 1—FAKE news segment should be.
20070401             Answer: They all try to control and CO—OPT the official story of 20010911             ,
20070401             which obviously was manipulated by HOLLYWOOD and Teletubbie Land right from the start.
20070401             —CLIPPED, PREDICTABLE—BG, from THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE—ATTACKS 20010911             Truth
20070401             —BY FRED—THOMPSON—SO they're going to dig up HARRY—HOUDINI.
20070401             —EXHUMED, The doctor who'll examine the remains also, JESSE—JAMES—COFFIN 1—FEW years ago--to see if the outlaw outwitted authorities by having another man buried in his place.
20070401             People love 1—GOOD—CONSPIRACY—THEORY, which may be 1—OF—THE—REASONS that actor CHARLIE—SHEEN is going to narrate 1—DOCUMENTARY about how the World Trade Towers were brought down by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20070401             —ADDED, About the same time, Rosie O'Donnell, her credibility to the project.
20070401             —CLIPPED, For 10000000             —THE.
20070401             Time, Look at THE—TRUTH—BG, from CALGARY 20010911             Truth
20070401             The drawings go 1—LONG—WAY towards answering the call for RELEASE—OF—BUILDING blueprints publicized in —EARLIER versions of 20010911             —THE—RESEARCH blueprints page.
20070401             NORTH—TOWER—BLUEPRINTS World Trade Center Architectural Drawings Released by Whistleblower
20070401             The excellent research website
20070401             which everyone should visit, succinctly sums up the cover up perpetrated by THE—NIST report: In summary: The reports by NIST say nothing about how -- and if! -- the collapse was able to progress through dozens and DOZENS—OF—STRUCTURALLY intact floors without being stopped.
20070401             —ON the other hand, if SOME—UNACCOUNTED—FOR energy broke the supporting structures enabling the collapse to progress with the speed it did, there would have been MANY—GOOD—REASONS not to try to model the impossible, ie.
20070401             Stopping the analysis early enough also saves NIST from trying to explain THE—SYMMETRICALLY—OF—THE—COLLAPSES (despite NON—SYMMETRICAL—IMPACT—DAMAGE and fires), the almost complete PULVERIZATION—OF—NON—METALLIC—MATERIALS as well as the extremely hot spots in the rubble.
20070401             FEMA—INVESTIGATION—OF—1—OF—THE—WORST and most pivotal events in history was farcical: No independent investigation was funded: FEMA allocated $600,000 for THE—BPAT—STUDY, which included the cost of printing their report.
20070401             Except for 1—EARLY "tourist trip", THE—BPAT volunteers were barred from Ground 0. They did not see 1—SINGLE—PIECE—OF—STEEL—UNTIL almost —1—MONTH—AFTER the disaster.
20070401             They had to guess the original locations of the few PIECES—OF—STEEL they saw.
20070401             —CALLED, Their report, which, for "further investigation and analysis", was published —AFTER Ground 0 had been scrubbed.
20070401             And building 7's collapse according to FEMA was also due to fire, however FEMA could not give specific details: "THE—SPECIFICS—OF—THE—FIRES in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse ["official theory"] remain unknown —AT—THIS—TIME.
20070401             somehow the enormous support columns failed/disintegrated along with the falling floor pans".
20070401             Below is 1—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—REPORTS in more detail.
20070401             The blueprints show that FEMA—REPORT was inaccurate in stating that core columns were "freestanding" —WHEN in fact large horizontal beams CROSS—CONNECTED the core columns in a 3—DIMENSIONAL MATRIX—OF—STEEL.
20070401             THE—NIST report into the collapses has also been proven inaccurate by the blueprints as it has implied that the only the corner columns were "massive" and that the core columns decreased in size in the higher stories —WHEN, in fact, THE—16—COLUMNS on the long FACES—OF—THE—CORES shared the same dimensions for MOST—OF—EACH—TOWER—HEIGHT.
20070401             —OMITTED, These, and distorted facts serve to render the official reports extremely questionable.
20070401             —CLIPPED, IDIOTS—BG, from
20070401             EAST—HIGH—STUDENT—LEO—COMERLATO was —JUST 30—PAGES from THE—END—OF—TONI—MORRISON—CLASSIC—NOVEL "Beloved" —WHEN his teacher told him to stop READING.
20070401             Why? Because at least 2—PARENTS had complained that the Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING novel about antebellum slavery depicted bestiality, racism and sex -- inappropriate READING, they said, for 150—SENIOR Advanced Placement ENGLAND—STUDENTS.
20070401             —CLIPPED, Good NEWS—BG, from
20070401             But the underlying picture is much worse for Republicans than this, AS—GARY—KAMIYA observes.
20070401             —ON THE—1—HAND, the Pew Survey shows that Democrats and Independents are becoming pretty similar in the views to people elsewhere in the developed world (such as Europeans) — liberal on social issues, moderately SOCIAL—DEMOCRATIC in social policy, preferring peace to war and so on.
20070401             Not surprisingly, this translates to 1—STRONGLY negative VIEW—OF—THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, —JUST as it does everywhere else in the world.
20070401             —CLIPPED, What 1—MESS—BG, from SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN has contracted RUMSFELD—DISEASE.
20070401             This malady consists of 1—COMBINATION—OF—BAD temper, MISUSE—OF—LANGUAGE to obfuscate reality + 1—PANGLOSSIAN optimism in the face of stubborn, sanguinary facts on the ground.
20070401             Of Course, You Understand, We Can't Have THE—FBI—TELLING—THE—TRUTH
20070401             —DEFENDED, FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER, THE—HANDLING—OF—THE—INCIDENT, saying: "I do not believe it's appropriate for our special agents in charge to comment to the media on personnel decisions that are made by THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE".
20070401             Something to Swirl —AROUND in Your HEAD—CLIPPED FROM—GTE Airfone History:
20070401             Think about the Personal Story Bush Told of His 20010911             Experience
20070401             Lies and Memories —WHEN stories read 1—LITTLE too good.
20070401             —CLIPPED, CRIMINAL—BG, from Rudy is channeling Bush.
20070401             It's all about 20010911             20070401             Bootstrapping ANDREW—SULLIVAN has the evidence and does the analysis:
20070401             —ON LARRY—KUDLOW—SHOW tonight, Giuliani remarked that: It's not —1—DAY that goes by that I do not think about the events of 20010911             .
20070401             Do we really want 4—MORE—YEARS—OF "We must not forget the lessons of 20010911             "?
20070401             Wrong.
20070401             This "the sky is falling" tone hurts the overall credibility of those who have 1—REASON to be concerned about AMERICA.
20070401             However, the evidence and reason to think 1—MASSIVE—ECONOMIC set back is in the offing is not proven. clipped from
20070401             —BY ROB—NO—COMMENTS—YET. And suddenly his position in the.
20070401             THE—TIMES—NOTES that Dowd is the 1. MEMBER—OF—BUSH—INNER—CIRCLE to...
20070401             ABC News: EX—BUSH Aide: WHITE—HOUSE Officials Called Evangelicals...
20070401             has written 1—NEW—BOOK that claims MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION mocked...
20070401             EX—BUSH—AIDE—SETS Off Debate as 20010911             Hearing Opens... His book is the 1. by 1—FORMER—ADMINISTRATION—MEMBER to challenge THE—PRESIDENT directly on what...
20070401             Up to this point, DOZENS—OF—NOBEL laureates, numerous MEMBERS—OF—THE—NATIONAL...
20070401             Privacy and Security Law Blog: THE—EVOLUTION—OF—EX—BUSH—CABINET...
20070401             A LOSS—OF—FAITH, FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE Insider Tells Lesley Stahl...
20070401             7—INTERFAITH Members Leave BUSH—CLINTON Fund;
20070401             Say Advice Was Ignored... - Watch Video EX—TYCO CHIEF—BEHIND—BARS... - Arranca!
20070401   —IN THE—RUN—UP... its NEO—CONSERVATIVE,
20070401             in prosecuting 29—MEMBERS—OF—1—DRUG/arms organization called "THE—COMPANY....
20070401             or WORSE—THAT GOEBBELS kept copies of BERNAYS ' writings in his own personal library,
20070401             us about GOEBBELS and his PROPAGANDA plans to consolidate NAZI power....
20070401             or somesuch.. - THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism + MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her MAJESTY—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE...
20070401             It's all about 20010911
20070401             Bootstrapping ANDREW—SULLIVAN has the evidence and does the analysis:
20070401—17890000    —IN, THE—ISSUE—OF—THE—FIRING—OF—PEOPLE within the Executive branch for political purposes came up —DURING 1—DEBATE.
20070401—19230000    book WRITTEN—BY—BERNAYS, Edward L., Freud, Sigismund Schlomo 18560506-19390923             nephew,
20070401—19230000    book WRITTEN—BY—EDWARD—LOUIS—BERNAYS, SIGISMUND—SCHLOMO—FREUD 18560506—19390923    nephew,
20070401—19340000    to 19430000             with E. ROLAND—HARRIMAN, H. J. Kouwenhoven, JOHANN—G—GROENINGER...
20070401—20010000    —SINCE, — and the nation will be better served — if we let our scientists have access to more cell lines that they can study with the different methods that have emerged ".
20070401—20010911    —ON, Breaking my silence Truth
20070401—20010911    —ON, Scholars file challenges to NIST reports
20070401—20010911    —BY, of the Twin Towers —EARLIER made Research on THE—BASIS—OF—CONSTRUCTION photographs and descriptions in contemporaneous issues of the Engineering News Record.
20070401—20010911    THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism +
20070401—20010911    —CLIPPED, Getting THE—TRUTH—BG, from Scholars file challenges to NIST reports
20070401—20010911    —FROM, Study THIS—BG clipped Loose Change I —III—SCAM from the Start?
20070401—20010911    —BY, The drawings corroborate inferences about the core STRUCTURES—OF—THE—TWIN—TOWERS—EARLIER made Research on THE—BASIS—OF—CONSTRUCTION photographs and descriptions in contemporaneous issues of the Engineering News Record.
20070401—20020310    —ON, —5—YEARS—AGO, 0000             —DATE, CBS aired the documentary '20010911             ',
20070401—20030000    —IN—THE, 1—CONGRESSIONAL probe into the dismissals of 8—USA—ATTORNEYS—LAST—YEAR has raised new questions about the role that disgraced lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF played demotion of FREDERICK—BLACK, THE—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY in GUAM.
20070401—20040000    —IN—THE, The study found that docdocumentary ID requirements lower voter turnout, particularly for minority voters.Researchers examined voting election.
20070401—20040000    —KILLED, Unidentified gunmen, 5—AFRICA—UNION—SOLDIERS guarding a "water point" near THE—SUDAN—BORDER with CHAD in the deadliest attack on the peacekeepers —SINCE their deployment.
20070401—20070201    —DATE
20070401—20070300    —IN, —DATE, detailed architectural drawings for PORTIONS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER were sent to Steven E Jones
20070401—20070300    —IN, detailed architectural drawings for PORTIONS—OF—THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER were sent to Steven E Jones + subsequently published on 1—NUMBER—OF—WEBSITES.
20070401—20070317    —ON, Peace activities across the country could be 1—SIGN that organized resistance to the war in IRAQ is —STARTING.
20070401—20070330    —IN—THE, neuroscientists at MIT—PICOWER—INSTITUTE for Learning and Memory report ISSUE—OF—SCIENCE.
20070401—20070330    —IN—THE, according to 1—ARTICLE issue of the journal Science, tying 2—UNLIKELY—LINKS in the food web to the same fate.
20070401—20070330    —IN—THE, If you spotted 1—ANACONDA poised to strike, the signal to pay attention would originate in 1—DIFFERENT—PART—OF—YOUR brain than if you gazed at 1—ANACONDA in the zoo, neuroscientists at MIT—PICOWER—INSTITUTE for Learning and Memory report ISSUE—OF—SCIENCE.
20070401—20070330    —IN—THE, Overfishing large sharks impacts entire marine ecosystem, shrinks shellfish supply Fewer big sharks in the oceans mean that bay scallops and other shellfish may be harder to find at the market, according to 1—ARTICLE—ISSUE—OF—THE journal Science, tying 2—UNLIKELY—LINKS in the food web to the same fate.
20070401—20070415    —ON, SE—UK † from his wounds.
20070415             PrairiePundit: 20060401—20060501              20070430             0 20070401—20070408     World News Journal:
20070526             —ARRIVED, The amnesty will apply to ASYLUM—SEEKERS who, —BEFORE 20010401             and were found not to qualify but who remained in the country anyway.
20070604             Wait —UNTIL they begin operating on USA—SOIL.
200706040121         —PM.
20070712—20080401    —BY, Defying 1—WHITE—HOUSE—VETO—THREAT, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES approved legislation to bring combat troops out of IRAQ.
20071218—20080401    —ON, the City Council approved 1—SETTLEMENT under which it would pay $18—MILLION—ONLY if it was unable to get special legislation passed to allow CHARLES—KEENAN to build 129—LOTS on property in question and 1—ADJOINING parcel, bypassing wetlands protection laws.
20080000             is too soon to stop constructing enormous military bases in IRAQ and abandon them.
20080401             Pressemitteilung des CCC, 20080316             20080401             1—TOP—USA—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIAL said WASHINGTON has started deportation proceedings against THOUSANDS—OF—VIETNAM—LIVING illegally in THE—USA—UNDER 1—PACT between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20080401             THE—USA—EPA took over cleanup of 1—OIL spill in Santa BARBARA—CALIFORNIA, —AFTER failed efforts by Greka Oil & Gas to clean up 1—SPILL.
20080401             2—SPILLS —SINCE last —SUMMER had left some 29,000 gallons of crude oil and TOXIN—LADEN water in 1—CREEK in Los Olivos.
20080401             —ORDERED, VIRGINIA—GOVERNOR—TIMOTHY—KAINE, 1—MORATORIUM on executions —UNTIL THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT decides whether lethal injections are constitutional.
20080401             1—CALIFORNIA STATE—SENATE—COMMITTEE declined to act on 1—BILL—BY—SENATOR—LELAND—YEE to declare the Cow Palace in DALY—CITY to be surplus property.
20080401             SOUTH—WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER hit 1—POLICE compound, killing 2—OFFICERS and wounding 5—OTHERS in Nimroz province.
20080401             1—MINE struck 1—CIVIL—VEHICLE in SOUTH—WEST—NIMROZ province, killing the driver and wounding 2—CIVILIANS.
20080401             —BLASTED, ARGENTINA—PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ, striking farmers at 1—RALLY—OF—20,000—SUPPORTERS, comparing their nearly —3—WEEK—OLD—PROTEST to a 19760000             strike that sowed chaos —1—MONTH—BEFORE 1—MILITARY—COUP.
20080401             —FACED, Quoc Viet Lai (58,), 40—COUNTS—OF—MONEY laundering —AFTER allegedly taking 3.7—MILLION—DOLLARS (3.4—MILLION—USA) out of AUSTRALIA 20050600—20060600    —BETWEEN.
20080401             BANGLADESH, 1—OFFICIAL said Tareque Rahman, THE—SON—OF—DETAINED—FORMER—BANGLADESH premier Khaleda Zia, has been formally charged with corruption as PART—OF—THE—MILITARY—BACKED government's ANTI—GRAFT—DRIVE.
20080401             BOLIVIA—OFFICIALS was serving a —30—YEAR—SENTENCE.
20080401             BOTSWANA, Seretse IAN—KHAMA (19530000             *), THE—HALF—WHITE—SON—OF—BOTSWANA—1.—PRESIDENT, was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20080401             —RETIRED, Festus Mogae, —AFTER—10—YEARS in office.
20080401             BRAZIL, JUAN—CARLOS—RAMIREZ—ABADIA, 1—REPUTED—COLOMBIA—DRUG—LORD whose cartel is accused of having shipped HUNDREDS—OF—TONS—OF—COCAINE, was sentenced to more than —30—YEARS in prison in BRAZIL for crimes committed in that country.
20080401             —BURNED, BRAZIL, protesters, 1—BRIDGE—AFTER police arrested PAULO—CESAR—QUARTIERO, PRESIDENT—OF—RORAIMA rice growers association, for blocking 1—FEDERAL—HIGHWAY.
20080401             —RELEASED, Quartiero was —LATER, on bail.
20080401             A 2. bridge was set alight THE—NEXT—DAY.
20080401             —PLANNED, Police, to begin clearing the remaining NON—INDIA—SETTLERS from the 4.2—MILLION—ACRE—RAPOSA SERRA do SOL—INDIA—RESERVATION—NEXT—WEEK.
20080401             —FORMED, BRITAIN—BORDER—AGENCY (UKBA) was, —FOLLOWING the dismemberment 20070000             —OF—THE—HOME—OFFICE.
20080401             FRANCE, the stockmarket watchdog Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF) filed 1—FORMAL—COMPLAINT against the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company, the parent company of Airbus, and more than 12—CURRENT and former executives.
20080401             —SCRAPPED, INDIA, import duties on cooking oils and maize and extended 1—BAN on pulse exports, escalating its fight against surging inflation driven by rises in global commodity prices.
20080401             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI said in 1—STATEMENT that his office will recruit 10,000 more police and army forces and will move to enhance public services Basra.
20080401             His comments came —AFTER 1—PEACE—DEAL between radical Shiite cleric Muqtada AL—SADR and THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT brought 1—TENSE—CALM —FOLLOWING —1—WEEK—OF clashes.
20080401             BRITAIN froze plans to withdraw about 1,500 soldiers from its 4,000-strong military force this —SPRING and hand over more security responsibility to the Iraqis.
20080401             —GASSED, KENYA, police tear, about 100—PROTESTERS who demonstrated in NAIROBI against plans to increase THE—NUMBER—OF—CABINET—POSTS.
20080401             1—WOMAN'S severed head was found on 1—SCOTLAND—BEACH.
20080401             —IDENTIFIED, She was —LATER, as Jolanta Bledaite (35) from ALYTUS—LITHUANIA.
20080401             Strong fighting broke out in NORTH—SRI—LANKA as government troops launched 1—FRESH—OFFENSIVE against Tiger rebels.
20080401             The heavy fighting left 42—REBELS and 1—SOLDIER—DEAD.
20080401             —RESIGNED, SWITZERLAND, UBS AG—CHAIRMAN abruptly, as THE—SWITZERLAND—BANK reported a 1.—QUARTER loss of $12.1—BILLION and said it would seek $15.1—BILLION in new capital.
20080401             Poor countries at 1—UN—CONFERENCE in THAILAND said they won't sign 1—GLOBAL warming pact unless industrialized nations guarantee them BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS needed to adapt to THE—IMPACT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20080401             UKRAINE, PRESIDENT—BUSH said he is putting his full weight behind the desire by UKRAINE and GEORGIA to join NATO even though RUSSIA is opposed and the alliance is SPLIT.
20080401             Tanks took to THE—STREETS—OF—SOUTH—YEMEN cities to discourage rioting by disaffected youths and retired military officers over unfulfilled government promises to enlist them in the army.
20080401             ZIMBABWE, 1—INDEPENDENT—AFRICA—MONITOR said top MEMBERS—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—PARTY worried the government may have lost weekend elections, even as 1—TEDIOUSLY slow RELEASE—OF—RESULTS fueled fears of rigging.
20080401             1—RULING party projection said opposition leader MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI will beat PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE in ZIMBABWE—CRUCIAL—ELECTION, but be forced into 1—RUNOFF—VOTE in —3—WEEKS.
20080401             —CONVICTED, BOLIVIA—OFFICIALS said TRISTAN—JAY—AMERO (26), 1—CALIFORNIA man, of hotel bombings that killed 2—PEOPLE in BOLIVIA—CAPITAL, had † in prison.
20080401             Interior Ministry spokesman, MAJOR—GENERAL—ABDUL—KARIM—KHALAF, said that 200—PEOPLE had been killed, 600—WOUNDED and 170—SUSPECTS detained —DURING operations in Basra.
20080401             —ZUM—GEPLANTE Einführung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte (eCard) kann nicht wie geplant stattfinden.
20080401             Das technische Großabenteuer der Bundesregierung wird ohne funktionierende Sicherheitsinfrastruktur anlaufen.
20080401             Damit legt das datenschutztechnisch fragwürdige und —SEIT—JAHREN umstrittene Projekt einen erneuten Fehlstart hin.
20080401             Pressemitteilung des CCC, 16.3. 20080000             20080401             petroleumworld
20080401             —FROM Global Financial Crisis to Global Recession, Part II. By JACK—RASMUS—IN testimony —BEFORE THE—USA—CONGRESS—HOUSE—FINANCIAL—SERVICES...
20080401             erscheint PETER—RÜHMKORFS neuer Gedichtband "Paradiesvogelgeschiß".
20080401             Pressemitteilung des CCC, 20080316
20080401             1—TOP—USA—IMMIGRATION—OFFICIAL said WASHINGTON has started deportation proceedings against THOUSANDS—OF—VIETNAM—LIVING illegally in THE—USA—UNDER 1—PACT between THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20080401094424       FINANZMARKT—KRISE DEUTSCHE—BANK—ENTDECKT—MILLIARDENLÖCHER—UBS—PRÄSIDENT tritt wegen neuer Verluste zurück.htm
20080401—20050000    —IN—LATE, It confirmed EVIDENCE—OF—MASSIVE insider trading in shares of EADS and early 20060000             in the knowledge that the A380 airbus program was in deep trouble.
20080401—20080404    —ON, police arrested 2—LITHUANIA—MEN in connection with the murder.
20080403—20080401    —CHARGED, Korade was, with 20080327             —THE—KILLING—OF—4—PEOPLE in his village of Velika Veternicka: a —16—YEAR—OLD—BOY, his —62—YEAR—OLD grandmother and 2—MEN, including 1—FORMER—KORADE aide.
20081027—20090401    —DROPPED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, charges against Stevens, saying prosecutors' mistakes forced the move.
20090212—20090401    —BY, Charter to file for bankruptcy
20090212—20090401    —WEIGHED, Cable operator Charter Communications, down by huge debt for MANY—YEARS, said —THURSDAY that it will file for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION under the terms of 1—AGREEMENT...
20090314—20090401    —CHARGED, Stallworth was, with DUI manslaughter.
20090401             O psiquiatra ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard, nos EUA... Fazem parte desse time cientistas como ROBERT—STICKGOLD, de Harvard...
20090401             Sono/Distúrbio do SONO—MAIS duas boas razões para dormir
20090401             —STORMED, Suicide attackers, provincial council offices in KANDAHAR city, killing 13—PEOPLE including 2—PROVINCIAL—OFFICIALS.
20090401             The attackers, who wore AFGHANISTAN—MILITARY—UNIFORMS, were also killed, 2 in suicide bombings and 2—SHOT—DEAD by security forces.
20090401             LONDON, Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and BARACK—OBAMA said RUSSIA and THE—USA will pursue 1—NEW—DEAL to cut nuclear warheads, making good on 1—PLEDGE to rebuild relations from 1—POST—COLD—WAR—LOW.
20090401             —AGREED, THE—USA—AND—CHINA, to establish a "strategic and economic dialogue" group that would 1. meet in WASHINGTON —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20090401             G20 protesters clashed with riot police in downtown LONDON, breaking into the heavily guarded Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND and smashing its windows.
20090401             —TRIED, —EARLIER, they, to storm THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND and pelted police with eggs and fruit.
20090401             —FILMED, IAN—TOMLINSON, —47—JAHRE—ALT was, being hit by 1—OFFICER with 1—BATON shortly —BEFORE collapsing in THE—CITY—OF—LONDON financial district.
20090401             † He had not been taking part in the protests and, of 1—HEMORRHAGE.
20090401             —CONCLUDED, The pathologist had, that Tomlinson † from 1—HEART—ATTACK.
20090401             1—HELICOPTER returning to ABERDEEN with 16—PEOPLE from 1—OIL—PLATFORM crashed in THE—NORTH—SEA.
20090401             THE—BOND—SUPER—PUMA helicopter went down off THE—NORTH—EAST—COAST—OF—SCOTLAND.
20090401             8—BODIES were recovered and the others were presumed dead.
20090401             7—BODIES were —LATER found inside THE—WRECKAGE—OF—THE—HELICOPTER.
20090401             —ANNOUNCED, HONDURAS PRESIDENT—MANUEL—ZELAYA—GOVERNMENT, 1—SERIES—OF—MEASURES to crack down on crime, including allowing the state telephone company to obtain court orders to record cellular phone conversations and read E—MAILS sent from computers at INTERNET cafes or hotels.
20090401             —SUSPECTED—OF, MALAYSIA, Mas Selamat Kastari, 1—ISLAMIC—MILITANT, plotting a 20090911             —STYLE air attack, was arrested in Johor state, more than —1—YEAR—AFTER his dramatic escape from 1—HIGH—SECURITY—JAIL in SINGAPORE.
20090401             —ARRESTED, He was, by MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES with the cooperation of Singaporean and INDONESIA—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES.
20090401             —DETAINED, MEXICO, Vicente Carrillo Leyva (32), 1—OF—ITS most wanted drug suspects.
20090401             He allegedly was the 2. in command of the powerful Juarez cartel.
20090401             —FIRED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE, 2—MISSILES at 1—ALLEGED—HIDE—OUT connected to 1—TALIBAN leader who has threatened to attack WASHINGTON, killing 14—PEOPLE and wounding several others in 1—REMOTE—AREA—OF—THE—ORAKZAI tribal region.
20090401             —FIRED, Militants, rockets and guns at 1—POLICE—VAN, killing 5—OFFICERS and wounding 2 in Upper Dir, on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20090401             † Puerto Rican actor Miguelangel Suarez (69).
20090401             —INCLUDED, His career, minor roles in —LAST—YEAR—EPIC "Che" and Woody Allen's "Bananas".
20090401             1—TOURIST yacht and its crew of 7 was hijacked by SOMALIA—PIRATES near THE—SEYCHELLOIS—ISLANDS off AFRICA—EAST—COAST.
20090401             —ESCAPED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT said more than 23,000 civilians, —LAST—MONTH from the northern war zone, where the military appeared close to crushing the separatist rebels.
20090401             —ARRIVED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR, in SAUDI—ARABIA for 1—BRIEF—PILGRIMAGE, his latest trip abroad in defiance of 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT against him.
20090401             —ADOPTED, SWEDEN—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—LAW giving same sex couples the same marriage rights as heterosexuals, becoming the 5. European country to allow gay marriage.
20090401             SWEDEN, 1—NEW—LAW cracking down on online copyright violation went into force leading to 1—SHARP—DROP in INTERNET traffic.
20090401             —DEFIED, THAILAND, THOUSANDS—OF—DEMONSTRATORS, 1—COURT—ORDER to clear 1—ROAD they have blocked to THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICE, vowing to continue ringing the compound —UNTIL the government resigns.
20090401             Top spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Taliban insurgents reject A—USA—OFFER—OF "honorable reconciliation," calling it a "lunatic idea" and saying the only way to end the war was to withdraw foreign troops.
20090401             Avigdor LIEBERMAN—ISRAEL—NEW—FOREIGN—MINISTER, said ISRAEL will not abide by commitments made to pursue PALESTINE—STATEHOOD at 20070000             —THE—ANNAPOLIS—PEACE—SUMMIT.
20090401             O psiquiatra ROBERT—STICKGOLD, da Universidade Harvard, nos EUA,
20090401             Fazem parte desse time cientistas como ROBERT—STICKGOLD, de Harvard...
20090401             Milanda Rout Article from: THE—AUSTRALIAN
20090401             The email, which came out in THE—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—MELBOURNE —YESTERDAY as PART—OF—1—CLASS action against the drug company,
20090401             included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against SOME—OF—THE—DOCTORS' names.
20090401             —ALLEGED, It is also, the company used intimidation tactics against critical researchers,
20090401             including dropping hints it would stop funding to institutions and claims it interfered with academic appointments.
20090401             "We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," 1—MERCK employee wrote,
20090401             according to 1—EMAIL excerpt read to THE—COURT—BY—JULIAN—BURNSIDE—QC, acting for the plaintiff.
20090401             Merck & Co and its AUSTRALIA—SUBSIDIARY,
20090401             Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, are being sued for compensation by more than 10000000             Australians,
20090401             who claim they suffered heart attacks or strokes as 1—RESULT—OF—VIOXX.
20090401             Print Page: Print Milanda Rout Article from: THE—AUSTRALIAN
20090401             ein junger, liberaler, schwarzer USA—PRÄSIDENT + sein RUSSISCHER—AMTSKOLLEGE ihre Nationen auf die Abschaffung aller Atomwaffen einschwören - - was hätten Sie da geglaubt?"
20090401             AN INTERNATIONAL drug company made 1—HIT LIST—OF—DOCTORS who had to be "neutralised" or discredited because they criticised THE—ANTI—ARTHRITIS drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.
20090401             —EMAILED, Staff at USA—COMPANY—MERCK &Co, EACH—OTHER about THE—LIST—OF—DOCTORS—MAINLY researchers and ACADEMICS—WHO had been negative about the drug Vioxx or Merck and 1 recommended course of action.
20090401             The email, which came out in THE—FEDERAL—COURT—IN—MELBOURNE —YESTERDAY as PART—OF—1—CLASS action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against SOME—OF—THE—DOCTORS' names.
20090401             —ALLEGED, It is also, the company used intimidation tactics against critical researchers, including dropping hints it would stop funding to institutions and claims it interfered with academic appointments.
20090401             "We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," 1—MERCK employee wrote, according to 1—EMAIL excerpt read to THE—COURT—BY—JULIAN—BURNSIDE—QC, acting for the plaintiff.
20090401             Merck & Co and its AUSTRALIA—SUBSIDIARY, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, are being sued for compensation by more than 10000000             Australians, who claim they suffered heart attacks or strokes as 1—RESULT—OF—VIOXX.
20090401             —LAUNCHED, The drug was, 19990000             and at its HEIGHT—OF—POPULARITY was used by 80—MILLION—PEOPLE—WORLDWIDE because it did not cause stomach problems as did traditional ANTI—INFLAMMATORY drugs.
20090401—19970000    —IN, Leyva is THE—SON—OF—DRUG kingpin Amado Carrillo Fuentes, who was 1—OF—MEXICO—MOST important drug traffickers —BEFORE he † during plastic surgery to change his appearance.
20090401—20120000    —IN, DOCTOR—FREDDY—PATEL was found GUILTY—OF—MISCONDUCT by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) in relation to his HANDLING—OF—THE—EXAMINATION—OF—IAN—TOMLINSON—BODY.
20090530             —RECORDED, The national statistical agency said ZIMBABWE had, 1—MINUS 1.1—PERCENT inflation rate 20090401             —IN—SLOWER—FALL than March, —AFTER scrapping its worthless currency to combat world record prices.
20090531—20100401    —SENTENCED, Roeder was, to life in prison.
20091102             Der INDONESISCHE—HOLZKONZERN 20090401             —DER—WELTGRÖßTEN—PAPIERHERSTELLER und TEIL—DES—MÄCHTIGEN—INDONESISCHEN—HOLZKONZERNS—SINAR—MAS, möchte hier bald mit großflächiger Rodung beginnen.
20100223             —APPROVED, SOUTH—AFRICA NATIONAL ENERGY REGULATOR said, electricity rate increases of about 25% would become effective 20100401             , and that the increases would continue for each of the next —3—YEARS.
20100324             —PASSED, JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, a 92—TRILLION yen budget for the fiscal —YEAR beginning 20100401             .
20100401             —ORDERED, 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—JUDGE, the release of 10—PALESTINIANS, including 1—SENIOR—FATAH official, detained at a 20100327             protest march through 1—WEST—BANK—CHECKPOINT.
20100401             Possibilitar aos alunos uma visão integrada da espécie canina, com ênfase para a... Etologia e segurança.
20100401             Abordagem. Trabalho de condução a campo.
20100401             Desde quando é que os legisladores percebem de cães e etologia canina para afirmarem se a raça A ou B é mais ou menos dominante, vulgaris perigosa...
20100401             —CALLED, USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, on CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO to join forces on THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR standoff as he stepped up efforts to block TEHRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAM.
20100401             THE—USA—NATIONAL—BOARD—FOR—ACORN, THE—ASSOCIATION—OF—COMMUNITY—ORGANIZATIONS for Reform —NOW, closed its CALIFORNIA state affiliate field offices.
20100401             FREMONT—CALIFORNIA, the New United Motor Manufacturing INCORPORATED plant (NUMMI) produced its last Toyota Corolla —AFTER—25—YEARS—OF—OPERATIONS building cars the Toyota Way.
20100401             —ISSUED, MASSACHUSETTS regulators, their 1. BATCH—OF—HEALTH—CARE—PRICE—CONTROLS, rejecting the vast MAJORITY—OF—SMALL—BUSINESS—HEALTH premium increases sought —THIS—YEAR by the state's major insurers.
20100401             —JUSTIFIED, Insurers said caps on their charges are, only if there are similar caps on the costs that health care providers, such as doctors and hospital networks, charge them.
20100401             That is the subject of pending legislation.
20100401             —INCLUDED, His films, "THE—TROUBLE with Harry" (19550000             ) and "Topaz" (19690000             ).
20100401             —INCLUDED, His TV roles, "Bachelor Father" (19570000—19620000    ), "CHARLIE—ANGELS (19760000—19810000    ), and "Dynasty" (19810000—19890000    ).
20100401             —ACCUSED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI, foreign powers of orchestrating enormous fraud in elections that returned him to power —LAST—YEAR.
20100401             Kosuke Tsuneoka, 1—JAPAN—FREELANCE—JOURNALIST—AND—VETERAN—OF—WAR—ZONES, went missing —AFTER traveling to 1—TALIBAN controlled area in the north.
20100401             —HEADED, BRAZIL, PEDRO—ALCANTARA—DE—SOUZA, who, 1—UNION—OF—LANDLESS—FARMERS in Para, was shot in the head 5—TIMES by 2—MEN on motorcycles on the outskirts of Redencao.
20100401             BRITAIN said it will create the world's largest marine reserve by banning fishing —AROUND the Chagos Islands, 1—UK—OWNED archipelago in THE—INDIA—OCEAN.
20100401             The cluster of 55—ISLANDS is spread across about 1—QUARTER—OF—1—MILLION—SQUARE—MILES—OF—OCEAN.
20100401             —TURNED, COLOMBIA—LARGEST—REBEL—GROUP, FARC, over THE—REMAINS—OF—POLICE—MAJOR—JULIAN—GUEVARA, who † while being held captive.
20100401             —AIMED, This was the guerrillas' latest gesture, at prodding the government into negotiating 1—PRISONER—EXCHANGE.
20100401             CUBA, SOME—SMALL—STATE—RUN barber shops and beauty salons were turned over to employees on 1—TRIAL—BASIS, 1—SIGNIFICANT—STEP toward loosening strict controls on THE—STATE—RUN—RETAIL—SECTOR.
20100401             1—EXPLOSION—NEAR—DAGESTAN—BORDER with Chechnya killed 2 suspected militants.
20100401             —ENDED, His former career in THE—GREECE—NAVY, abruptly —WHEN he resigned from the military in opposition to a 19670000—19740000     dictatorship led by 1—GROUP—OF—ULTRA—RIGHT—ARMY colonels.
20100401             —JAILED, He was, and sent into exile.
20100401             Tzannetakis began a —30—YEAR—CAREER in politics —AFTER the military regime collapsed.
20100401             —SEIZED, GUINEA—BISSAU, renegade soldiers, the head of the armed forces and briefly detained PRIME—MINISTER—CARLOS—GOMES—JUNIOR in 1—APPARENT—COUP—ATTEMPT in the tiny, COUP—PLAGUED AFRICA—NATION where THE—PRESIDENT was assassinated —LAST—YEAR.
20100401             —RELEASED, Hours —LATER, the mutinous soldiers, THE—PRIME—MINISTER, but the head of the armed forces ZAMORA Induta remained under guard at 1—MILITARY—BASE—WHILE ANTONIO—NDJAI, his NUMBER 2, appeared to be in control.
20100401             INDIA began 1—YEARLONG census of its BILLION—PLUS population in which it plans to photograph and fingerprint EVERY—CITIZEN over the age of 15 to create 1—NATIONAL—DATABASE and then issue its 1. national identity cards.
20100401             —PASSED, KENYA—PARLIAMENT unanimously, 1—DRAFT—CONSTITUTION that is 1—OF—SEVERAL key reforms experts say are needed to avoid 1—REPEAT of political violence that shook the country —AFTER the disputed 20070000             election.
20100401             This set the stage for KENYA to go to 1—REFERENDUM on the draft charter within —90—DAYS, marking the final steps in —1—DECADES—LONG—PROCESS to rewrite the constitution.
20100401             —ANNOUNCED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, that it will investigate MEMBERS—OF—KENYA—2—RULING parties on charges that they instigated violence that killed more than 1,000—PEOPLE—AFTER the disputed 20070000             presidential election.
20100401             —CHARGED, NIGERIA—AUTHORITIES, 20—PEOPLE over their roles in sectarian clashes that killed hundreds in CENTRAL—PLATEAU state —LAST—MONTH, and some could face the death penalty.
20100401             1—NORTH—KOREA—1—SENIOR—ECONOMIST said private markets closed temporarily due to 1—DELAY in setting prices —AFTER 1—CURRENCY—REDENOMINATION, but the economy has stabilized and markets reopened.
20100401             —FIRED, Suspected SOMALIA—PIRATES, on 1—USA—NAVY—WARSHIP off EAST—AFRICA in what appeared to be 1—RANSOM—SEEKING attack on 1—AMERICAN guided missile frigate.
20100401             —RETURNED, THE—USS—NICHOLAS, fire on the pirate skiff, sinking it and confiscating 1—NEARBY—MOTHERSHIP.
20100401             THE—NAVY took 5—PIRATES into custody.
20100401             —SUSPECTED, THAILAND, 6—PEOPLE were shot dead by, militants and 10—POLICE—OFFICERS were wounded by 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the latest attacks in THAILAND—RESTIVE south.
20100401             UGANDA, 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ADVISER said more than 5,000—PEOPLE whose lips and ears were cut off by rebels waging 1—MORE than —20—YEAR—INSURGENCY in NORTH—UGANDA will receive compensation from the government.
20100401             —ESCAPED, YEMEN, about 40—SOUTHERN—SEPARATISTS reportedly, from 1—PRISON—AFTER 1—GUARD lobbed 1—HAND—GRENADE to disperse 1—INMATES' protest at the facility in Daleh.
20100401             —DENIED, YEMEN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY, the police report.
20100401             Police shot dead 1—PROTESTER and wounded 5—OTHERS in Radfan as they opened fire to disperse 1—DEMONSTRATION led by southern separatists.
20100401             A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE struck down 1—WISCONSIN law that prohibits transgender inmates from receiving taxpayer funded hormone therapy to alter their appearance.
20100401             —KILLED, 1—EXPLOSION—NEAR—DAGESTAN—BORDER with Chechnya, 2—SUSPECTED militants.
20100401             —STORMED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, militant positions and helicopters destroyed vehicles carrying insurgents near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, killing 28—SUSPECTED militants and forcing THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS to flee.
20100401             Abordagem.
20100401             Trabalho de condução a campo.... - vulgaris perigosa,
20100401—19700000    —FORMED, The group, was und
20100401—19750000    —IN, he developed and introduced THE—MITS—ALTAIR 8800. His Micro Instrumentation & Telemetry Systems of ALBUQUERQUE—N.M., sold THE—BUILD—IT—YOURSELF kit by MAIL—ORDER and BILL—GATES and PAUL—ALLEN developed the 1. software program for it.
20100401—19890000    —IN, He led 1—SHORT—LIVED coalition government —WHILE the country was rocked by corruption scandals and political turmoil.
20100401—19981100    —CAPTURED, Guevara was, by THE—FARC and
20100401—20060100    —IN, he † while still 1—PRISONER.
20100401—20090000    —IN, er pressure due to videotapes of ACORN allegedly assisting 1 proposed prostitution ring.
20100401—20100904    —RELEASED, Tsuneoka was, in good health and was at THE—JAPAN—EMBASSY in KABUL.
20100401—20130000    —IN, the makers of the secretly filmed video agreed to pay $100,000 to settle 1—LAWSUIT with JUAN—CARLOS—VERA, who said he was —JUST trying to get information from JAMES—O'KEEFE and HANNAH—GILES, THE—MAKERS—OF—THE—VIDEO.
20100522—20100401    —AM, Dort endet die Übung.
20100522—20100401    —AM, Die Übung endet angeblich 0430—DATE: Die HESSEN ist immer noch mit der HARRY—S—TRUMAN unterwegs.
20101124—20100401    —ACCUSED—OF, VIRGINIA, 5—SOMALIA—MEN, attacking THE—USS—NICHOLAS, were convicted on FEDERAL—PIRACY—CHARGES.
20101127             days —BEFORE they were carried out.
20110204             He says the atmosphere there is much more tense and angry than in CAIRO.
20110204             There are more tanks and troops in the streets, but not in the main square where protesters gather.
20110204             The protest —TODAY was not as big as the 1—ON—TUESDAY, but several 1000—PEOPLE did turn out.
20110204             They call on all parties to engage in "meaningful dialogue" towards free and fair elections.
201102040115         Dima Khatib tweets: "More than 100,000 protesters in Mansoura.
201102040142         THE—BBC—WYRE—DAVIES has the latest from ALEXANDRIA—EGYPT—2. city.
201102040144         EU leaders call on EGYPT—AUTHORITIES to meet THE—ASPIRATIONS—OF—THE—PEOPLE with reform and not repression, Reuters reports.
20110320             —ORDERED, 20110401             —IN—MILITARY—COURT—IN—ISMAILIYA, the execution of THE—3—MEN who were convicted of the kidnapping and rape.
20110321—20110401    —ON, 1—JUDGE temporarily blocked the divorce proceedings.
20110323—20110401    —ON, It will end a —25—YEAR—RELATIONSHIP, but professors can continue to work individually with BEN—GURION.
20110401             SOUTH—WEST—AIRLINES—FLIGHT—812—LOST cabin pressure —FOLLOWING 1—FUSELAGE rupture —JUST—AFTER takeoff from PHOENIX.
20110401             —LANDED, THE—BOEING 737-300, safely in Yuma with no injuries.
20110401             Inspectors —LATER found small cracks in 3—MORE—SOUTHWEST planes.
20110401             —CANCELLED, Some 300—FLIGHTS were, over the next —2—DAYS as Southwest examined 79—SIMILAR—PLANES.
20110401             —COLLIDED, MISSISSIPPI, 1—SCHOOL—BUS, with 1—TRACTOR trailer near Shaw.
20110401             † 1—GIRL, —10—JAHRE—ALT was killed and at least 10—PEOPLE were injured.
20110401             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 7—FOREIGNERS including 4—NEPAL—GUARDS were, —AFTER demonstrators protesting 1 reported burning of the Muslim holy book stormed 1—UN—OFFICE—IN—MAZAR E—SHARIF, opening fire on guards and setting fires inside the compound.
20110401             —KILLED, Those, included NEPAL—GUARDS who were working for THE—UN and other foreigners employed at the complex, as well as Joakim Dungel (33), 1—SWEDE who worked on human rights;
20110401             and Filaret Motco (43), 1—ROMANIA—WHO worked in the political SECTION—OF—THE—UN 5—AFGHANISTAN—PROTESTERS were also killed and others wounded.
20110401             BAHRAIN human rights organization and opposition groups said at least 20—PEOPLE have been killed in total, —SINCE protests began February 14 and HUNDREDS—OF—ACTIVISTS have been either detained or questioned —SINCE martial law went into effect in MID—MARCH.
20110401             —DECLARED, CAMBODIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN, his personal assets to the country's new ANTI—CORRUPTION—UNIT and urged officials to follow his lead in 1—BID to tackle rampant graft.
20110401             GREECE—AUTHORITIES said 1—ITALY—RADICAL—ANARCHIST—GROUP, the Informal Anarchist Federation, has claimed responsibility for 3—MAIL bomb attacks on 1—GREECE—PRISON, 1—OFFICE—OF—THE—SWITZERLAND—NUCLEAR—POWER—INDUSTRY and 1—ITALY—MILITARY barracks.
20110401             —DISGUISED, IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, as 1—STREET—CLEANER walked up to soldiers outside 1—MOSQUE and blew himself up, killing 2—OF—THE—TROOPS and 1—WORSHIPPER in FALLUJAH, 1—CITY that was once 1—AL—QAIDA hotbed.
20110401             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, in BAGHDAD—TAHRIR—SQUARE and in Sulaimaniyah, 1—OF—THE—3—PROVINCES—OF—AUTONOMOUS—KURDISH region in IRAQ—NORTH, demanding better government services, 1—END to corruption and more jobs.
20110401             —ASKED, ISRAEL, THE—UNITED—NATIONS to help prevent activists sailing to GAZA on the 1. anniversary of the bloody ISRAEL—SEIZURE—OF—1—TURKEY—SHIP that tried to reach the blockaded PALESTINE—ENCLAVE.
20110401             —RAGED, IVORY—COAST, heavy fighting, near the presidential palace and mansion and THE—STATE—TV broadcaster in ABIDJAN as armed forces loyal to the elected leader tried to install him to power and oust the country's strongman.
20110401             —MOVED, JORDAN—POLICE, in to separate HUNDREDS—OF—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTERS and PRO—REFORM—ACTIVISTS who were holding rival rallies outside the municipal offices in AMMAN.
20110401             1—LIBYA—OPPOSITION—LEADER said rebels will agree to 1—CEASE—FIRE if Moammar Gadhafi pulls his military forces OUT—OF—CITIES and allows peaceful protests against his regime, as rebels showed signs that their FRONT—LINE—ORGANIZATION is improving.
20110401             —STORMED, GADDAFI—FORCES, the western rebel outpost of Misrata with tanks and artillery.
20110401             —FORTIFIED, Sustained gunfire rang out near GADDAFI—HEAVILY, compound in TRIPOLI and residents said they saw snipers on rooftops and POOLS—OF—BLOOD on the streets.
20110401             1—COALITION—AIR—RAID reportedly killed 13—PEOPLE, 4—OF—THEM civilians, some 15—KM—EAST—OF—THE battleground TOWN—OF—BREGA.
20110401             1—LIBYA—REBEL—OFFICIAL said 1—PLAN to sell REBEL—HELD oil to buy weapons and other supplies has been reached with QATAR.
20110401             —OPENED, MEXICO, gunmen, fire on 1—BURRITO truck in the border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ, killing the vendor, his —10—YEAR—OLD—SON and 3—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20110401             A —17—YEAR—OLD—BOY was among 7—PEOPLE killed in 3—SHOOTINGS—AROUND MONTERREY.
20110401             THE—WEST—STATE—OF—MICHOACAN, 4—BULLET—RIDDEN bodies were found in different towns.
20110401             —TIGHTENED, NIGERIA, security and shut its land borders AHEAD—OF—THE—START—OF—1—LANDMARK election period to choose 1—NEW—LEGISLATURE, PRESIDENT and state governors over 3—SUCCESSIVE—WEEKENDS.
20110401             —OVERTURNED, CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 1—FUEL—TANKER, at 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT, sparking 1—INFERNO in which 17—VEHICLES were engulfed in flames.
20110401             —KILLED, Some 50—PEOPLE were.
20110401             —ANNOUNCED, NORWAY, 1—OIL find some 120—MILES—NORTH—OF—ITS mainland in the Barents Sea.
20110401             —BELIEVED, THE—SKRUGARD find was, to contain some 500—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL.
20110401             —ATTACKED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, Islamist militants, 1—TERMINAL used by trucks carrying supplies for NATO—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN, killing 3—PAKISTAN—GUARDS at the site.
20110401             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed 1—BOY, —12—JAHRE—ALT and wounded 5—OTHER—PEOPLE—AFTER he was identified and shot at market in Darra ADAM—KHEL, also in the northwest.
20110401             —LINKED, In THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES gunmen, to 1—CRIMINAL—GANG kidnapped 16—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM teachers, from 1—ELEMENTARY school graduation ceremony in Prosperidad town.
20110401             —BURIED, At least 4—SMALL—SCALE miners were, alive in 1—LANDSLIDE in the mountainous Tampakan area.
20110401             DEBT—STRESSED PORTUGAL got SOME—RESPITE from its financial troubles —WHEN it managed to borrow euro1.645—BILLION ($2.3—BILLION) in 1—BOND—AUCTION.
20110401             —KILLED, SWITZERLAND, 3—PEOPLE were, and 1 was injured on —AFTER 7—SKI hikers from GERMANY were swept away by 1—GIANT—AVALANCHE—HIGH in THE—SOUTH—WEST—SWITZERLAND—ALPS.
20110401             THOUSANDS—OF—SYRIANS shouting "We want freedom!" marched in Daraa city, which has become the epicenter of 1—EXTRAORDINARY—PROTEST—MOVEMENT as security forces deployed across the country.
20110401             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, as security forces cracked down on demonstrations in Douma.
20110401             —EASED, SOUTH—THAILAND, heavy rains finally, where flooding and mudslides over the past —WEEK killed 25—PEOPLE.
20110401             THE—UAR—OWNED MV ARRILAH—1—CAME under attack in the Arabian Sea off THE—COAST—OF—OMAN —WHILE sailing from AUSTRALIA to DUBAI.
20110401             Emirati special forces, with support from THE—USA—NAVY—5. Fleet, launched 1—MISSION to rescue the vessel —WHILE 21—CREW members kept safe by locking themselves in 1—SECURE—ROOM —DURING the hijacking.
20110401             10—PIRATES were captured and handed over to ABU—DHABI.
20110401             THE—UNITED—NATIONS' highest court threw out GEORGIA—COMPLAINT accusing RUSSIA and separatist MILITIAS—OF—YEARS—OF—ETHNIC cleansing in 2—BREAKAWAY GEORGIA—PROVINCES.
20110401             The court said it had no jurisdiction in the case because RUSSIA and GEORGIA had never attempted to negotiate 1—SETTLEMENT to the dispute —BEFORE GEORGIA brought it to the court.
20110401             —PACKED, YEMEN, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, 1—SQUARE in the capital and marched in villages and cities across the nation in what appeared to be the largest demonstrations in more than —1—MONTH—OF—DEMANDS the country's longtime ruler step down.
20110401             —DELIVERED, AFRICA—LEADERS, 1—THINLY veiled rebuke to ZIMBABWE PRESIDENT—MUGABE, —AFTER 1—SECURITY—SUMMIT sharply demanded 1—END to political violence ahead of expected polls.
20110401             THE—BOEING 737—300—LANDED safely in Yuma with no injuries.
20110401             † 1—GIRL (10) was killed and at least 10—PEOPLE were injured.
20110401125808       BUNDESBANK—HILFE bei Ölgeschäft Das Rätsel um den DEUTSCHEN—IRAN—DEAL.htm
20110401—19820000    —IN, 1—SPAIN—COURT issued 1—INTERNATIONAL—ARREST—WARRANT seeking the extradition of JORGE—SOSA—ORANTES, —53—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—GUATEMALA—SOLDIER for his alleged part in the massacre in the village of Dos Erres in which more than 100—PEOPLE †.
20110401—20080000    —IN, Sosa has been in custody in CANADA —SINCE—JANUARY on USA—CHARGES—OF lying about his role in GUATEMALA—WAR—WHEN he applied for USA—CITIZENSHIP.
20110730             —ARRESTED, The agency also it has, Maulvi Rahimullah, 1—SENIOR—TALIBAN official accused of leading 1—INSURGENT—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN in EAST—AFGHANISTAN, and Maulvi Sabor, 1—INSURGENT who allegedly helped organize an 20110401             attack.
20120401             Comic actor ADAM—SANDLER and his movie "Jack and Jill" swept the annual Razzies, winning 1—RECORD—BREAKING 10—AWARDS for the worst film and performances of 20110000             .
20120401             —HANDED, —THIS—YEAR the Golden Raspberry Foundation, out its rewards on —APRIL FOOL—DAY in 1—CHANGE—OF—TRADITION that —FOR—YEARS saw the Razzies announced on THE—EVE—OF—THE—OSCARS.
20120401             —UNOCCUPIED, Occupy SF activists took over 1, building at 888—TURK Street, owned by the Archdiocese of S—FRANCISCO, —FOLLOWING 1—PEACEFUL—RALLY and march —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20120401             Jamaa Fanaka (19420000             *), 1—BLACK—ACTIVIST filmmaker, was found dead at his LOS—ANGELES apartment.
20120401             —INCLUDED, His films, "Penitentiary" (19790000             ).
20120401             DENVER—JIMMA—REAT, (26), 1—IMMIGRANT from SUDAN, reluctantly followed a 911—DISPATCHER—ORDER to return to the scene of 1—ROAD rage crime, where he was fatally shot —WHILE waiting for police.
20120401             —GATHERED, FLORIDA, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in 1—DOWNTOWN bayfront park in MIAMI demanding THE—ARREST—OF—THE—NEIGHBORHOOD watch volunteer who shot and killed 1 unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin.
20120401             —TODAY—PROTEST came —1—DAY—AFTER 1—OF—THE—LARGEST—DEMONSTRATIONS yet in Sanford, THE—CENTRAL—FLORIDA town where Martin was killed.
20120401             —CONVERTED, MISSOURI, 1, tractor trailer crashed near Williamsburg killing 5—MINNESOTA family members and injuring 13—SURVIVORS including driver ADAM—KERBER, —17—JAHRE—ALT.
20120401             AFGHANISTAN, Toor 20120101             —OFFICER in charge of several checkpoints in Uruzgan province's CAPITAL—TARIN—KOT, † along with 1—OF—HIS bodyguards —WHEN their vehicle passed through 1—AREA where explosives had been planted.
20120401             —REPORTED, BRITAIN—SUNDAY Telegraph newspaper, that security services have uncovered 1—PLOT to assassinate exiled Chechen separatist Akhmed Zakayev in LONDON.
20120401             The paper said it has seen documents outlining the MI5 security agency's fears that Ramzan Kadyrov, THE—KREMLIN—BACKED HEAD—OF—RUSSIA—VOLATILE Chechen republic, wanted former rebel COMMANDER—ZAKAYEV killed.
20120401             —REDOUBLED, ETHIOPIA, AFRICA—UNION—MEDIATORS, their efforts to kickstart crisis talks between SUDAN and SOUTH—SUDAN —AFTER fresh fighting that KHARTOUM accuses JUBA of backing.
20120401             —PROTESTED, HONG—KONG, some 15 1000—PEOPLE noisily, against the city's incoming leader, Leung CHUN—YING, and decried BEIJING's alleged interference in the election that propelled him to office.
20120401             —TRAVELED, Fugitive IRAQ—VICE—PRESIDENT—TARIQ—AL—HASHEMI, to QATAR on what the gulf nation called an "official visit".
20120401             —KILLED, KENYA, at least 1—PERSON was, and 18 were wounded in attacks on 1—RESTAURANT in MOMBASA city and 1—CHURCH gathering in the nearby TOWN—OF—MTWAPA.
20120401             —ATTACKED, MALI, Tuaregs, Timbuktu in their fight to create 1—HOMELAND for THE—SAHARA—BLUE—TURBANED nomads.
20120401             MIGUEL—DE—LA—MADRID led the country —DURING 1—ECONOMIC—CRISIS and 1—DEVASTATING earthquake (19850000             ).
20120401             He was the 1. in 1—STRING—OF—PRESIDENTS who pulled MEXICO away from 1—STATE—DOMINATED economy and toward free trade.
20120401             MYANMAR held landmark elections.
20120401             —ERUPTED, SUPPORTERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—ICON—AUNG S—SUU—KYI, in euphoric cheers —AFTER her party said she won 1—PARLIAMENTARY—SEAT in 1—LANDMARK election.
20120401             —STORMED, Her National League for Democracy, to victory in 43—OF—THE—44—CONSTITUENCIES where it fielded candidates.
20120401             —CRASHED, NORTH—NIGERIA, 1—PETROL tanker, then —LATER exploded and caught fire, killing at least 12—PEOPLE who had rushed to the scene to scoop fuel from the damaged vehicle.
20120401             —DONATED, NIGERIA—ALIKO Dangote, AFRICA—RICHEST—MAN, 500,000 dollars to VICTIMS—OF—LAST—MONTH'S—MUNITIONS—BLASTS in BRAZZAVILLE—CONGO, which killed at least 282—PEOPLE.
20120401             3—PALESTINE—CHILDREN were found dead in 1—FIRE in their room caused by 1—CANDLE being used due to LACK—OF—ELECTRICITY in GAZA.
20120401             Her 20100500             comments against THE—ISRAEL—OCCUPATION forced her into retirement and were denounced by THE—WHITE—HOUSE and her press corps colleagues.
20120401             —DETAINED, RUSSIA—POLICE, about 55—PROTESTERS outside the gates to Red Square, which was unexpectedly closed to all visitors and tourists to prevent 1—ANTI—KREMLIN demonstration.
20120401             SERBIA, 1—FIRE at the Contrast nightclub in NOVI—SAD left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20120401             The owner of 1—NIGHTCLUB, Alojz G., was detained by police.
20120401             —BLASTED, Syria, 1—INTERNATIONAL—CONFERENCE on the country's spreading crisis —BEFORE it even started in ISTANBUL, calling it PART—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—CONSPIRACY to kill Syrians and weaken the country.
20120401             —KILLED, Monitors said at least 16—PEOPLE were, including 8—SOLDIERS who † during ambushes and gun battles in the east, northwest and near DAMASCUS.
20120401             Participants at the 60-nation "FRIENDS—OF—THE—SYRIA—PEOPLE" meeting said SAUDI—ARABIA and other Gulf countries are creating 1—MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—FUND to pay MEMBERS—OF—THE—REBEL—FREE—SYRIA—ARMY and soldiers who defect from the regime and join opposition ranks.
20120401             —STAGED, SOUTH—YEMEN, AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants, 1—PRE—DAWN surprise attack on 1—ARMY—BASE, killing 7—SOLDIERS in Hadramout province.
20120401             —SHELLED, YEMEN—ARMY, AL—QAEDA hideouts in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ZINJIBAR, 1—OF—THE—JIHADISTS' major strongholds, killing 6—MILITANTS.
20120401             1—SOMALIA—GROUP—LEADER named ABU—BILAL" was said to be among those killed.
20120401             —ELECTED, CAPTAIN—SANOGO, who overthrew the democratically, leader —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH and dissolved the nation's constitution, made 1—PUBLIC—U—TURN, declaring amid enormous INTERNATIONAL pressure that he was reinstating 19920000             —THE—CONSTITUTION and planning to hold elections.
20120401             TAIWAN said it will double its QUOTA—OF—INDEPENDENT—CHINA—TOURISTS to allow up to 1,000 visitors —1—DAY, effective 20120428             ., less than —1—YEAR—AFTER lifting 1—BAN on solo travel from the mainland.
20120401             HONG—KONG, some 15 1000—PEOPLE noisily protested against the city's incoming leader, Leung CHUN—YING, and decried BEIJING—ALLEGED interference in the election that propelled him to office.
20120522—20110401    —CONVICTED, In THE—UAR 1—FEDERAL—COURT, 10—SOMALIA—PIRATES captured —DURING 1—RAID to retake MV Arrilah-1, and sentenced them to life behind bars.
20120719—20090401    —CLEARED, SCOTLAND Yard officer Constable SIMON—HARWOOD, —45—JAHRE—ALT was, by 1—JURY—OF killing newspaper seller IAN—TOMLINSON, —47—JAHRE—ALT, who became caught up in the G20 protests in LONDON.
20120802—20120401    —HALTED, Kurdistan, oil exports to THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT over $1.5—BILLION it said is owed to foreign oil companies working in the region, that BAGHDAD has allegedly withheld.
20130329—20130401    —BY, the death toll was raised to at least 30.
20130401             DEUTSCHLAND, treten die Neufassungen der STRAßENVERKEHRS—ORDNUNG und der BUßGELDKATALOG—VERORDNUNG treten in Kraft.
20130401             —PASSED, ARKANSAS legislators, 1—LAW requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls, overriding GOVERNOR—MIKE—BEEBE—VETO.
20130401             CALIFORNIA, 1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—GRANTED—STOCKTON—REQUEST for bankruptcy, making it the largest city in USA—HISTORY to go bankrupt.
20130401             Facebook lost 1—BID to end 1—TRADEMARK—INFRINGEMENT—LAWSUIT over its use of "timeline" and related terms.
20130401             —SOLIDIFIED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC—COUP—LEADER, MICHEL—DJOTODIA, further, his hold on the government —AFTER announcing that he will serve as both PRESIDENT and defense MINISTER, —WHILE other top posts are going to his fellow rebels.
20130401             EGYPT, 1—OUTBREAK—OF—FOOD poisoning at AL—AZHAR—UNIVERSITY forced the hospitalization of 479—STUDENTS.
20130401             —SERVED, It occurred —AFTER 1—MEAL, at the university dormitories in CAIRO—NASR—CITY—DISTRICT.
20130401             The outbreak led to student protests.
20130401             —REJECTED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—PATENT application by Novartis for Gleevec, 1—MAJOR—CANCER—DRUG.
20130401             The ruling allows INDIA—MAKERS—OF—GENERIC—DRUGS to continue making copycat VERSIONS—OF—THE—DRUG.
20130401             THE—WHOLESALE—OF—THE—BRAND—NAME—VERSION was about $77,000 for —1—YEAR—SUPPLY.
20130401             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER drove 1—FUEL—LADEN truck into 1—POLICE—STATION in Tikrit, killing 7—POLICEMEN.
20130401             —ATTACKED, Gunmen, workers at 1—REMOTE—GAS—FIELD—NEAR the Syria border, killing 2—MEN and kidnapping 1. Gunmen broke into the offices of 4—INDEPENDENT—NEWSPAPERS in BAGHDAD and stabbed and beat 5—EMPLOYEES there.
20130401             —SERVED, LIBERIA, MOSES—BLAH, the man who, as PRESIDENT —FOR—2—MONTHS—AFTER CHARLES—TAYLOR stepped down, † in MONROVIA.
20130401             —ARRIVED, Pop diva Modanna, in MALAWI to tour THE—10—SCHOOL—WINGS she has helped to build.
20130401             MYANMAR, 4—PRIVATELY run daily newspapers hit newsstands for the 1. time in —50—YEARS.
20130401             —APPROVED, NORTH—KOREA—PARLIAMENT, the appointment of Pak Pong Ju as the new premier.
20130401             —1—DAY—EARLIER the economic technocrat was made 1—FULL—MEMBER—OF—THE—POLITBURO.
20130401             He was THE—NORTH—PREMIER in 20030000—20070000    , and was seen by outside experts as 1—ECONOMIC—REFORMER.
20130401             PAKISTAN—HOUSEWIFE Badam Zari (40) made history by becoming the 1. woman to run for PARLIAMENT from the country's northwest tribal region.
20130401             PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUP—HAMAS RE—ELECTED longtime leader Khaled Mashaal (56) in 1—VOTE held in CAIRO.
20130401             —UNOPPOSED, He ran, in the vote, winning the support of 1—MAJORITY in Hamas' Shura Council which has about 60—MEMBERS.
20130401             —ANNOUNCED, GAZA—HAMAS—CONTROLLED—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—LAW requiring separate classes for boys and girls in public and private schools from the 4. grade rather than the current 7. grade.
20130401             The education law also bars MALE teachers from teaching in girls' schools.
20130401             It will go effect at THE—START—OF—THE—NEW—SCHOOL—YEAR—IN—SEPTEMBER.
20130401             —INHERITED, She had, much of the Johnson & Johnson fortune —AFTER 1—SENSATIONAL court battle with her 6—STEPCHILDREN.
20130401             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWSPAPER said the kingdom's religious police are —NOW allowing women to ride motorbikes and bicycles but only in restricted, recreational areas.
20130401             They also have to be accompanied by 1—MALE—RELATIVE and dressed in the full Islamic HEAD—TO—TOE abaya.
20130401             SOUTH—KOREA said it will strike back quickly if the North stages ANY—ATTACK.
20130401             —DECLARED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, that he would release all political prisoners.
20130401             7—POLITICAL—PRISONERS, including 1—FEMALE—POLITICIAN, were released at midnight from Kober prison in KHARTOUM, —AFTER they were held there for over —2—MONTHS without trial.
20130401—20090000    —STARTED, Timelines INCORPORATED, 1—WEBSITE that lets users create chronologies tracing historical events.
20130401—20110900    —ANNOUNCED, It sued Facebook, —1—WEEK af FB, it was adding a "timeline" feature to its user pages.
20130401—20140000    —IN, 1—JUDGE struck down the voter ID law, but THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT stayed the judge's ruling pending 1—APPEAL.
20130829             Among its provision was 1—REQUIREMENT for companies to divert at least 2—PERCENT—OF—ANNUAL—PROFITS to corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, effective as of 20140401             .
20131019             Was für 20130401             RÜSTUNGS—VERTRAG?
20140304             RUSSIA—STATE—CONTROLLED natural gas giant Gazprom said it will cancel 1—PRICE discount for natural gas supplies to UKRAINE as of 20140401             .
20140325             MYANMAR said it will ban THE—EXPORT—OF—LOGS —STARTING 20140401             to reduce deforestation and boost its WOOD—BASED industry by exporting only VALUE—ADDED products.
20140401             1—DRUG—SMUGGLING tunnel with rail systems stretching HUNDREDS—OF—YARDS across THE—USA—MEXICO border was discovered by law enforcement officials.
20140401             Glennys Rodriguez (73) from THE—S—DIEGO suburb of CHULA—VISTA was charged THE—NEXT—DAY with helping run the operation.
20140401             In downtown S—FRANCISCO—THE—1.—CHURCH—OF—THE—LAST—LAUGH hosted the 36. annual S—STUPID—DAY—PARADE.
20140401             CHIN—LONG—CHIANG had begun applying statistical methods to THE—WORLD—OF—HEALTH—CARE and THE—STUDY—OF—DISEASES in the 1950s.
20140401             —OPENED, SENATOR—CARL—LEVIN, 1—MICHIGAN—DEMOCRAT, 1—HEARING on Caterpillar INCORPORATED—AVOIDANCE—OF some $2.4—BILLION in taxes by shifting profits to 1—WHOLLY—CONTROLLED affiliate in SWITZERLAND.
20140401             —ORDERED, BRITAIN said PRIME—MINISTER—DAVID—CAMERON has, 1—INVESTIGATION into the Muslim Brotherhood over concerns that the group is planning radical activities from 1—BASE in LONDON.
20140401             1—MAGNITUDE 8.2—EARTHQUAKE struck off THE—COAST—OF—NORTH—CHILE near the copper exporting port of IQUIQUE, killing 7 and triggering 1—TSUNAMI that pounded the shore with 2m (7-foot) waves.
20140401             —ALLOWED, The quake, some 300—INMATES to escape from THE—IQUIQUE women's prison.
20140401             —UNCOVERED, CHINA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said inspectors have, widespread irregularities and suspected corruption among military units based —AROUND BEIJING, 1—SIGN that 1—WIDENING—ANTI—GRAFT—CAMPAIGN that is turning to the sprawling 2.3—MILLION—MEMBER—PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20140401             —PROPOSED, CHINA, protests against 1, chemical plant in MAOMING city, Guangdong province, spread to GUANGZHOU, the provincial capital, even as authorities signaled they may back down on construction plans in attempt to head off more unrest.
20140401             —EXPRESSED, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, anger —AFTER Ilham Tohti, 1—PROMINENT detained Uighur academic, won 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—AWARD in THE—USA, saying that he was 1 suspected criminal.
20140401             —PRESSURED, Human Rights Watch said CHINA has, NEPAL to impose tough controls on THOUSANDS—OF—TIBETAN refugees, including arbitrary detention, excessive USE—OF—FORCE and intrusive surveillance.
20140401             —ERUPTED, EGYPT, violent clashes, in CAIRO and 3—OTHER—CITIES between police and university students loyal to the ousted Islamist PRESIDENT.
20140401             Wissam Tarif, 1—LEBANON—NATIONAL who works for Avaaz, 1—ONLINE activism network, arrived in EGYPT in the —MORNING and was deported in the —EVENING.
20140401             He had come to present officials with 1—PETITION bearing over 1—MILLION signatures asking for THE—LIFTING—OF—DEATH—SENTENCES against 529—SUPPORTERS—OF ousted Islamist PRESIDENT—MORSI.
20140401             THE—EU—ECONOMY—CHIEF—OLLI—REHN—SAID THE—EU will make 1—SWIFT—PAYMENT—OF—FINANCIAL—AID to UKRAINE and dismissed the possibility of economic SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA unless it takes more action.
20140401             FRANCE, MANUEL—VALLS took up THE—POST—OF—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE—PRIME—MINISTER, replacing JEAN—MARC—AYRAULT who resigned —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—RULING—SOCIALISTS' rout in local elections at the weekend.
20140401             —CHARGED, GREECE, 8—NIGRITA Prison guards were, with torturing to death 1—ALBANIA—CONVICT accused of fatally stabbing 1—GUARD in another jail —AFTER being refused temporary release to visit his critically ill mother.
20140401             —INJURED, Ilie Kareli (42) was found fatally, in his cell —LAST—WEEK—AFTER 1—SEVERE beating.
20140401             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD killed 8—SOLDIERS.
20140401             —EASED, JAPAN, its weapons export restrictions in the 1. major OVERHAUL—OF—ARMS—TRANSFER—POLICY in nearly HALF—1—CENTURY.
20140401             —RAISED, JAPAN, its sales tax to 8% from 5%, moving to stabilize government finances and reduce soaring debt, but at the risk of undermining 1—SHAKY economic recovery.
20140401             People in JAPAN began their 1. homecomings in —3—YEARS to 1—SMALL—AREA evacuated —AFTER THE—FUKUSHIMA disaster.
20140401             —ACCUSED—OF, Haruko Obokata, the lead researcher, the malpractice, denied ANY—WRONGDOING.
20140401             KENYA, unknown attackers in MOMBASA shot dead ABUBAKAR—SHARIFF—AHMED, more commonly known as Makaburi (meaning graveyard in Swahili).
20140401             —ACCUSED, He was, by THE—USA—AND—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—OF supporting SOMALIA—MILITANTS.
20140401             —APPROVED, LEBANON—PARLIAMENT, 1—MUCH—ANTICIPATED law that protects women against domestic violence —AFTER —1—YEARS—LONG—CAMPAIGN by women's rights activists and the recent slaying of 4—WOMEN.
20140401             NORTH—MYANMAR, illegal CHINA—LOGGING and demand for monkey bones threatened the rare SNUB—NOSED monkey according to BRITISH—BASED Fauna & FLORA—INTERNATIONAL.
20140401             —ESTIMATED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—UNION for CONSERVATION—OF—NATURE (IUCN), that only 260 to 330—SURVIVE in the wild.
20140401             1—NIGERIAN—SHARIAH court freed 2—MEN accused of gay sex and belonging to 1—HOMOSEXUAL club, saying the prosecution failed to prove its case.
20140401             —DETAINED, The 2 were among 12, in NORTH—BAUCHI STATE—IN—JANUARY.
20140401             THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICIALS said government prosecutors will file plunder cases in 1—ANTI—GRAFT—COURT against 3—SENATORS for misuse of congressional funds worth BILLIONS—OF—PESOS.
20140401             JUAN—PONCE—ENRILE, former movie actor Ramon Revilla Jr and Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada, SON—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—AND—MANILA—MAYOR—JOSEPH—ESTADA—WERE found to have amassed 172—MILLION pesos, 242—MILLION pesos and 183—MILLION pesos, respectively, from illegal kickbacks.
20140401             —HIKED, RUSSIA sharply, the price for natural gas to UKRAINE and threatened to reclaim billions previous discounts.
20140401             —MOVED, UKRAINE—POLICE, to disarm MEMBERS—OF—1—RADICAL—NATIONALIST—GROUP—AFTER 1—SHOOTING spree in the capital.
20140401             THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said at least 150,000—PEOPLE have been killed in SYRIA—3—YEAR—OLD—CIVIL—WAR, a 3. of them civilians.
20140401             —FIRED, TURKEY, riot police, water cannon in ANKARA to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE protesting outside THE—SUPREME—ELECTORAL—COUNCIL (YSK) against local election results which saw the ruling party dominate the electoral map.
20140401             Election results in ANKARA were particularly close.
20140401             THE—UN said it was trying to evacuate 19,000 Muslims urgently from BANGUI and other PARTS—OF—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC who are surrounded by ANTI—BALAKA Christian militia threatening their lives.
20140401             WEST—YEMEN, clashes left dead 3—SOLDIERS and 2—AL—QAIDA militants.
20140401             —INDICTED, CALIFORNIA—PG&E was, on 12—FEDERAL—COUNTS related to 20100000             —THE—GAS—PIPELINE—EXPLOSION that leveled 1—S—BRUNO neighborhood and killed 8—PEOPLE.
20140401             The 2 were among 12—DETAINED in NORTH—BAUCHI STATE—IN—JANUARY.
20140401             —WARNED, RUSSIA—UKRAINE against integration with NATO, saying KIEV—PREVIOUS—ATTEMPTS to move closer to the bloc had strained ties with RUSSIA and caused problems between MOSCOW and the defense alliance.
20140401             Zuckerbergs neue Bescheidenheit: FACEBOOK—CHEF—BEGNÜGT sich mit 1—DOLLAR Gehalt
20140401             ERDOGANs —DROHUNGEN, CSU will EU—BEITRITTSGESPRÄCHE mit der TÜRKEI stoppen
20140401             DEUTSCHE—GAS—FÖRDERUNG, Hendricks hält Fracking für Wunschdenken
20140401             HOMÖOPATHIE—DEBATTE bei "Hart aber fair": Hoch lebe der Einzelfall
20140401             Managerin Barra: GENERAL—MOTORS—CHEFIN entschuldigt sich für tödliche KONSTRUKTIONS—FEHLER
20140401             Konsumoffensive: CHINA hebt offenbar MINDEST—LOHN in PEKING und SHANGHAI an
20140401             Mimik: SOFTWARE erkennt Gefühle am Gesichtsausdruck
20140401             Internes Papier: NATO will ihren Einfluss IM—OSTEN stärken
20140401             Missbrauch von Staatsgeldern: CHINESISCHER—MILITÄR wegen KORRUPTION angeklagt
20140401             Massenhaft zapften BRITISCHE—SPIONE private DATEN aus Glasfaserkabeln AB—DOCH passiert ist —SEIT—DEM, SKANDAL—UM—DAS SPÄH—PROGRAMM "TEMPORA"nichts.
20140401             zapften
20140401             —SEIT—DEM, —SKANDAL
20140401             Sie verlangen von EU—KOMMISSION—PRÄSIDENT—JOSÉ—MANUEL—BARROSO, 1—VERFAHREN wegen VERTRAGsverletzung gegen GROß—BRITANNIEN einzuleiten.
20140401             "Wenn die KOMMISSION—IN—DIESER Frage untätig bleibt, droht dies das Fundament DER—EUROPÄISCHE—UNION als Rechtsgemeinschaft zu untergraben",
20140401             Um 1—NACHHALTIGEN Schaden von der EU als Rechtsgemeinschaft abzuwenden, müsse die KOMMISSION "ihrer Rolle als Hüterin der Verträge"nachkommen und gegen das KÖNIG—REICH 1—VERTRAGSVERLETZUNGSVERFAHREN einleiten.
20140401             "SPIONAGE zwischen europäischen Mitgliedstaaten zerstört den Kern des europäischen Projekts", sagte FRAKTION—CHEFIN KATRIN—GÖRING—ECKARDT SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20140401             "es wird Zeit, daß EUROPA handelt".DIE—KOMMISSION habe "—NACH—DEN Europäischen Verträgen die Aufgabe, DAS—RECHT in der EU und damit DIE—PRIVAT—SPHÄRE aller EUROPÄER zu schützen", so GÖRING—ECKARDT.
20140401             Das anhaltende Nichthandeln ist skandalös.
20140401             Durch ihre UN—TÄTIGKEIT in Sachen GRUND—RECHTSSCHUTZ stellt DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG zentrale rechtsstaatliche Werte zur Disposition".
20140401             USA—FORSCHER haben 1—MODELL entwickelt, das 21—VERSCHIEDENE Gesichtsausdrücke recht zuverlässig erkennt.
20140401             Das Modell könnte etwa bei der Diagnose und Behandlung von Problemen wie Autismus, Schizophrenie oder Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) eingesetzt werden,
20140401             "Wir haben 1—STARKE Übereinstimmung darin GEFUNDEN, wie Menschen ihre Gesichtsmuskeln bewegen, um 21—GEFÜHLSKATEGORIEN auszudrücken", wird Martinez in 1—MITTEILUNG der UNIVERSITÄT zitiert.
20140401             Mit dem Modell könnten etwa Autisten lernen, die Gefühle anderer Menschen besser zu erkennen, betonen DIE—FORSCHER.
20140401             Auch COMPUTER—PROGRAMME könne man so auf 1—NEUE Komplexitätsstufe stellen.
20140401             [3]So was kann der ÜBERWACHUNGS—TAAT gut gebrauchen!
20140401             —VERÄRGERT, FRÜH—ZEITIG erkennen ob Menschen in Demonstrationen, oder besonders entschlossen sind und vielleicht 1—PROBLEM darstellen werden.
20140401             Hört sich an wie 1—HIRNGESPINNST?
20140401             Einfach mal nach INDECT googeln!
20140401             —FRÜHJAHRSBOOM: ARBEITS—LOSIGKEIT sinkt auf 3,05.000.000
20140401             KRIM—KRISE, RUSSLAND hebt GAS—PREIS für UKRAINE drastisch an
20140401             Ritalin und Co.: Verbrauch von ADHS—ARZNEIEN nimmt 1.AB—DAS DEUTSCHE—ASYLVERFAHREN
20140401             PISA—STUDIE, 20 % DEUTSCHER—SCHÜLER scheitern an ALLTAGS—PROBLEMEN
20140401             USA—SENATS—BERICHT, CIA täuschte Regierung über brutale VERHÖR—METHODEN
20140401             Man müsse Wege ausloten, wie die PARTNER—IN—DER—REGION besser unterstützt werden könnten, heißt es in dem siebenseitigen vertraulichen Dokument ("NATO Restricted"), das SPIEGEL—ONLINE vorliegt.
20140401             Das kurzfristige Ziel sei es, so das Papier weiter, "im aktuellen Kontext in OST—EUROPA Stabilität zu fördern".
20140401             In der REPUBLIK—MOLDAU soll DIE—SICHTBARKEIT der NATO verstärkt werden.
20140401             —GEHÖRT, Dazu, laut dem Papier auch die Entsendung 1—NATO Liaison Officer in die HAUPT—STADT CHISINAU.
20140401             Auch die Teilnahme der REPUBLIK—MOLDAU an der schnellen Eingreiftruppe der ALLIANZ, der sogenannten NATO—RESPONSE Force, steht zur Debatte.
20140401             Mit ASERBAIDSCHAN ist vor allem 1—VERSTÄRKTE ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT auf dem —GEBIET—DER—CYBER—, Energiesicherheit angedacht, in ARMENIEN soll die Ausbildung der ARMEE im Vordergrund stehen.
20140401             DIE—ALLIIERTEN blieben, heißt es in dem Papier, "der territorialen Integrität, Unabhängigkeit und Souveränität von ARMENIEN, ASERBAIDSCHAN und der REPUBLIK—MOLDAU verpflichtet".
20140401             NATO—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR—ANDERS—FOGH—RASMUSSEN sprach sich indirekt für 1—NEUE Osterweiterung der ALLIANZ aus.
20140401             Er nannte den —BISHERIGEN Beitritt OSTEUROPA—STAATEN vom Baltikum über POLEN —BIS hin zu RUMÄNIEN und BULGARIEN in der WELT—AM—SONNTAG "1—DER—GROSSEN—ERFOLGSGESCHICHTEN unserer Zeit".
20140401             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG sieht das ganz anders.
20140401             "Das steht für uns —DERZEIT, nicht auf der LISTE—DER—DINGE, die —JETZT wirklich notwendig sind", sagte REGIERUNGS—SPRECHER—STEFFEN—SEIBERT —AM—MONTAG in BERLIN.
20140401             GAZPROM—CHEF—ALEXEI—MILLER—BEGRÜNDETE dies damit, daß DIE—UKRAINE ihre Gasrechnung
20140401             DIE—REGIERUNG in KIEW kommt noch relativ glimpflich davon.
20140401             —GERECHNET, Sie hatte zuvor mit noch größeren PREIS—STEIGERUNGEN.
20140401             DIE—REGIERUNG in KIEW dürfte sich dann aus den Transitleitungen nach EUROPA bedienen, so hat sie es —BISLANG fast in JEDER—GAS—KRISE gemacht.
20140401             Verwirrter Täter: —25—JAHRE—HAFT—FÜR—SCHÜSSE—AUF—WEIßES—HAUS
20140401             Schuld ist vor allem der starke Eintrag von Nährstoffen, aber auch der Temperaturanstieg.
20140401             Insgesamt wuchsen die Areale mit extremem SAUERSTOFF—MANGEL
20140401             DIE—FORSCHER bezeichnen die OST—SEE als DIE—WELT—WEIT größte SAUERSTOFF—MANGEL—ZONE menschlichen Ursprungs.
20140401             Überraschend gut sah es im UNTERSUCHUNGS—GEBIET 19930000             aus:—DAMALS, waren die Todeszonen etwa auf das Maß
20140401             WASHINGTON, —JAHRE—LANG hat DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—CIA der Regierung Einzelheiten seines umstrittenen Verhörprogramms verschwiegen.
20140401             Das geht aus 1—UNTERSUCHUNGS—BERICHT 1—SENAT—AUSSCHUSSES hervor.
20140401             Dem Gremium zufolge hat DIE—CIA unter anderem die Brutalität der VERHÖR—METHODEN verschleiert und die Bedeutung von möglichen Verschwörern und VERSCHWÖRUNGen bewusst überbewertet.
20140401             —BERICHTET, Das, DIE—WASHINGTON—POST AM—DIENSTAGUNTER Berufung auf Regierungsvertreter, die Einblick in den noch unveröffentlichten Bericht hatten.
20140401             Damit hätten Agenten DIE—ERLAUBNIS erhalten und SPÄTER sichern wollen, schmerzhafte Praktiken anwenden zu DÜRFEN—DIESE allerdings hätten —AM—ENDE kaum etwas gebracht.
20140401             In dem Bericht heißt es der Zeitung zufolge, daß DIE—CIA ihr Programm mehrfach sowohl gegenüber dem JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM als auch dem Kongress gegenüber so dargestellt habe, daß damit einzigartige, ansonsten nicht zu erzielende Informationen erhalten würden.
20140401             Diese sollten dabei helfen, angebliche TERROR—PLÄNE zu vereiteln und Tausende Leben zu retten.
20140401             —ZITIERT, DIE—ZEITUNG, 1—USA—BEAMTEN, der den Bericht gelesen hat, mit der Frage: "Und war das so?
20140401             Nein".
20140401             Ermittler konnten geheime Dossiers einsehen, aus denen demnach hervorgeht, daß es auch innerhalb DER—CIA Kontroversen über das VERHÖR—PROGRAMM gab.
20140401             —GEGEBEN, So soll es etwa 1—FALL, haben, in dem CIA—MIT—ARBEITER 1—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNIS—IN—THAILAND verlassen haben sollen, weil sie mit den brutalen Methoden nicht klarkamen.
20140401             Dem SENATS—BERICHT zufolge setzten die GEHEIM—DIENST—MIT—ARBEITER —BISHER, geheimgehaltene FOLTER—METHODEN ein.
20140401             —BERICHTET, So soll etwa, DIE—WASHINGTON—POST in dem Bericht, 1—FALL aus AFGHANISTAN dokumentiert sein, in dem 1—TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGTER mehrfach in 1—TANK voller Eiswasser getaucht wurde - 1—METHODE, die mit dem berüchtigten "Waterboarding"vergleichbar ist, —BISHER, aber im JUSTIZ—MINISTERIUM noch nicht dokumentiert war.
20140401             —BEINHALTET, Der 6.300—SEITEN umfassende Bericht, laut WASHINGTON—POSTBELASTENDE neue Erkenntnisse über 1—VERBREITETES NETZ—WERK—VON—GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNISSEN.
20140401             DIE—UMSTRITTENEN VERHÖR—METHODEN DER—CIA wurden unter PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA verboten und als illegale FOLTER bezeichnet.
20140401             DIE—UNTERSUCHUNGEN des KONTROLL—GREMIUMS zur FOLTER und Misshandlung von TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGEN in GEHEIM—GEFÄNGNISSEN hat —4—JAHRE gedauert UND—CA—40.000.000—DOLLAR gekostet.
20140401             Aus DER—CIA hieß es zu den neuen Vorwürfen lediglich, der vollständige Bericht sei der Behörde —BISHER, nicht bekannt, deshalb könne man diesen nicht kommentieren.
20140401             [2]Was... - heißt verschleiert? Jeder halbwegs aufgeklärte Halbaffe ist —SEIT—JAHR—10. über die Methoden DER—CIA informiert.
20140401             Wir sind —JETZT wieder da wo wir vor dem 3ßIGJÄHRIGER—KRIEG waren: jeder macht was er kann, weil er es kann.
20140401             Und das Menschen—, VÖLKER—RECHT sind zu Waffen der politischen SYSTEMe geworden und nicht mehr universelle Werte.
20140401             —ENTSPRICHT, Das ist was so traurig ist, aber der Reallität.
20140401             Wer WILL—EIGENTLICH das 3. Reich aufbauen: RUSSLAND oder AMERIKA mit NATO?
20140401             Wenn man DIE—ENTWICKLUNG —DER—LETZTEN—JAHRE unparteiisch beobachtet, dann DIE—ANTWORT ist klar... Und diese LEUTE beschuldigen noch RUSSLAND;
20140401             Gutachten : MEHR—WERT—STEUER—REFORM würde GERING—VERDIENER belasten
20140401             WEST—AFRIKA: Mediziner können EBOLA—EPIDEMIE nicht stoppen
20140401             —BIS, —MONTAG seien 78—MENSCHEN in dem Land an der Seuche gestorben, teilte das GESUNDHEITS—MINISTERIUM mit.
20140401             Zudem gebe es 122—VERDACHTSFÄLLE.
20140401             DIE—MEISTEN stammen aus dem Südosten.
20140401             Aber auch in der HAUPT—STADT CONAKRY sind —LAUT—ANGABEN—VON—ÄRZTE—OHNE—GRENZEN 8—FÄLLE bestätigt.
20140401             1—SOLCHE Verbreitung habe man —BISLANG noch nicht erlebt, hieß es.
20140401             Auch das südliche Nachbarland LIBERIA ist betroffen.
20140401             5—MENSCHEN starben —BEREITS—IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE an den Symptomen, vor allem in Regionen, die direkt an GUINEA grenzen.
20140401             "In GUINEA haben wir es mit dem ZAIRE—STAMM des EBOLA—VIRUS zu tun. Dabei handelt ES—SICH um den aggressivsten und TÀ10—CHSTEN: 9—VON 10—INFIZIERTEN sterben",
20140401             —BEKOMMT, Kreditrate: GRIECHENLAND, neue MILLIARDEN—HILFEN
20140401             —NACH, Drohungen ERDOGANs: Union verschärft Ton gegenüber TÜRKEI
20140401             Grenze zur UKRAINE: NATO sieht keine Anzeichen für RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPENABZUG
20140401             —MASCHINE zur Umkehr gezwungen: Mann bedroht LUFTHANSA—STEWARDESS mit Rasierklinge
20140401             ROH—STOFF—LAGER, Forscher wollen METALL—SCHATZ aus Müllbergen heben
20140401             In den etwa 1100—DEUTSCHEN—DEPONIEN für Hausmüll und GEWERBEAB—FÄLLE verbergen sich wahre Schätze.
20140401             DIE—ALTEN Müllhalden sind reichhaltige ROH—STOFF—LAGER, Forscher der TU BRAUNSCHWEIG haben ausgerechnet, daß dort allein —IN—DEN—JAHREN
20140401             Dazu kommen 250.000.000—TONNEN Papier, Holz, Textilien und Kunststoffe, aus denen Kraftwerke und andere Verbrennungsanlagen Energie erzeugen können.
20140401             Der KUPFER—PREIS etwa ist in den letzten —3—JAHREN um mehr als 30 % gefallen.
20140401             HOLLYWOOD—STAR CHRISTIAN—BALE: "Ihr Leben zerfällt, weil es DER—KAPITALISMUS so will"
20140401             BIG—DATA: DER—MENSCH muss sein Datensouverän sein
20140401             —VOR, Abstimmung: 150.000—MENSCHEN fordern NETZ—NEUTRALITÄT vom EU—PARLAMENT
20140401             Boy SCOUTS—OF—AMERICA, USA—PFADFINDER feuern homosexuellen GRUPPEN—CHEF—
20140401             —ANTI—IRAN—ONLINESPIEL: Per Klick zum DSCHIHADISTEN
20140401             EURO—KRISE, DEFLATION bedroht den Aufschwung
20140401             —VERURSACHT, ERD—ZEIT—ALTER PERM: Mikroben sollen ARTEN—STERBEN, haben
20140401             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, NATO stoppt zivile und MILITÄR—ZUSAMMENARBEIT mit RUSSLAND
20140401             SCHWARZ—ROT Einigung: Kein MINDEST—LOHN für Langzeitarbeitslose
20140401             Demnach produzierten Einzeller der Gattung Methanosarcina vor etwa 252.000.—000—JAHREN—PLÖTZLICH, so große Mengen Methan, daß sich DIE—ERDE drastisch erwärmte und DIE—OZEANE versauerten.
20140401             Als Nährstoff hätten die Organismen demnach DAS—ELEMENT Nickel genutzt, DAS—DAMALS, gewaltige Vulkanausbrüche lieferten.
20140401             —LAUT—DER—IM FACH—MAGAZIN "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES"publizierten —STUDIE erlangten Methanosarcina durch Genaustausch mit anderen Mikroorganismen die Fähigkeit, aus Kohlendioxid im Meer vermehrt das TREIB—HAUS—GAS Methan zu produzieren.
20140401             "Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, wie sensibel DAS—SYSTEM Erde auf DIE—EVOLUTION von Mikroorganismen reagiert", schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20140401             [1]zeigen SEDIMENT—PROBEN aus CHINA und ÖSTERREICH, daß —ZUR—ZEIT—DES ARTEN—STERBENS DER—ANTEIL—VON—KOHLENDIOXID (CO2) in den Ozeanen extrem anstieg.
20140401             2. ergaben Analysen von Methanosarcina, daß die Einzeller vermutlich —ZEIT—ZU—JENER die Gene für die besonders schnelle Bildung von Methan entwickelten.
20140401             Schließlich zeigen ISOTOPEN—ANALYSEN von Ablagerungen aus CHINA, das sich GERADE—DAMALS, große Mengen Nickel anreicherten, die den Treibstoff für die METHAN—PRODUKTION lieferten.
20140401             bei AUTO—SHAZAM, mit dem das Handy zur Dauerwanze wird.
20140401             1—ÜBERWACHUNGS—AUTOMATISIERUNG steht BEVOR, und AUTO—SHAZAM zeigt auf, was für 1—NEUES, komplexes Problemfeld daraus erwächst.
20140401             DATEN—SCHUTZ muss sich deshalb von der Vorstellung emanzipieren, man könne seine PRIVAT—SPHÄRE —SCHON allein dadurch schützen, daß man vermeintlich keine DATEN—VON—SICH preisgibt.
20140401             —VERSCHIEBT, Diese Ansicht, DIE—SCHULD im Fall 1—VERLETZUNG von der ÜBERWACHUNGS—MASCHINERIE auf die einzelne Person.
20140401             Das ist fatal.
20140401             Datensouveränität und lässt sich direkt aus dem RECHT—AUF—INFORMATIONELLE SELBST—BESTIMMUNG ableiten, dem GRUND—RECHT für 1—DIGITALE GESELLSCHAFT, das DAS—BUNDES—VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT im Volkszählungsurteil 19830000             beschrieben hat.
20140401             Das technische Instrumentarium für die Umsetzung ist vorhanden: Dezentralisierung, Datenverschlüsselung, Datenminimalismus.
20140401             DIE—GESELLSCHAFT ist man eben nicht allein.
20140401             —IM, Industrieausschuss, der das Paket vorbereitet hat, haben sich DIE—KONSERVATIVEN von der EVP und —KONZERNE durchsetzen können.
20140401             Kritiker bemängeln absichtlich ungenaue Definitionen, die 1 2—KLASSEN—INTERNET zuließen.
20140401             Das sogenannte TELEKOM—PAKET soll noch schnell vor der Wahl das EUROPA—PARLAMENT PASSIEREN—ANSONSTEN müssten DIE—VERHANDLUNGEN von vorn beginnen.
20140401             —UKRAINE—KRISE, Süchtig nach billigem Gas
20140401             [l] LACHER—DES—TAGES: RUSSIA—GERMANS, Invoking Crimean Precedent, Want Their REPUBLIC—BACK
20140401             [l] OXFORD—STUDIE, Greed is good.
20140401             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört? Wie DIE—EU die armen, wohlmeinenden DEUTSCHEN in Sachen DATEN—SCHUTZ—REFORM blockiert?
20140401             Aus Sicht der EU stellt sich das subtil anders dar.
20140401             So habe sich die KOMMISSION—DABEI doch an dem DEUTSCHEN—DATEN—SCHUTZRECHT orientiert und —JETZT werde ausgerechnet von dort blockiert.
20140401             Für die angebliche Verwässerung des DEUTSCHEN—DATEN—SCHUTZRECHTS seien ihr von den Kritikern jedenfalls nie Beweise vorgelegt worden.
20140401             Ich vermute mal, daß der Hinderungsgrund hier (natürlich neben der Tatsache, daß wir von Marodeuren und Verrätern regiert werden) DER—BND ist, der DIE—GRUND—LAGE seiner EU—SCHNORCHEL-"Arbeit"in Gefahr wähnt.
20140401             [l] Gibt es 1—KRIM—WENDE in den Medien? SIEHE—AUCH.
20140401             [l] BP ist mal wieder 1—BISSCHEN Öl ausgelaufen, —DIESMAL in den Lake MICHIGAN.
20140401             [l] DIE—NATO führt ihre AGGRESSIONS—POLITIK gegenüber RUSSLAND fort, macht noch mehr Druck in Richtung OST—EUROPA.
20140401             [l] —DIE—APRIL—SCHERZE werden auch JEDES—JAHR dämlicher.
20140401             Wer glaubt denn bitte SOWAS hier:
20140401             A —REPORT—BY—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE concludes that THE—CIA misled THE—GOVERNMENT and THE—PUBLIC about aspects of its brutal interrogation —PROGRAM—FOR—YEARS — concealing details about the severity of its methods, overstating THE—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—PLOTS and prisoners, and taking credit for critical PIECES—OF—INTELLIGENCE that detainees had in fact surrendered —BEFORE they were subjected to harsh techniques.
20140401             Das kann mir doch keiner erzählen, daß das SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE —JETZT—PLÖTZLICH, ausgerechnet am ;;0401;;anfängt, ernsthaft DIE—GEHEIM—DIENSTE bei ihrer Arbeit zu prüfen.
20140401             Pah. Anfänger.
20140401             [l] DIE—USA—AMIS machen 1—AGENTENAUSTAUSCH mit ISRAEL.
20140401             Ihr werdet euch —JETZT fragen: Wie —JETZT, gegen welchen in ISRAEL spionierenden USA—AGENTEN tauschen sie denn da?
20140401             Und ihr habt natürlich völlig RECHT.
20140401             DIE—GEGEN—LEISTUNG ist keine Agentenfreilassung sondern das soll "dem FRIEDENS—PROZESS"helfen.
20140401             Ja nee, klar. Der "FRIEDENS—PROZESS".
20140401             Na dann wird ja —JETZT alles gut.
20140401             [l] Wie kommt das eigentlich, daß der ERDOGAN in der TÜRKEI die Kommunalwahlen gewinnen konnte?
20140401             Keine Ahnung, aber das hier könnte was damit zu tun haben: Müllsäcke mit Stimmzetteln für die OPPOSITION—IN—DER SÜD—TÜRKEI GEFUNDEN.
20140401             Man kann ja viel sagen über ERDOGAN, aber Mülltrennung macht er!
20140401             [l] Hey, lasst und doch 1—PAAR NATO—MANÖVER IN—DER—UKRAINE machen, direkt an der Grenze zur KRIM.
20140401             this strange article on —BEFORE It's News.
20140401             —HAPPENED, Supposedly, 1—PHILIP—WOOD -- 1—IBM engineer who, to be 1—PASSENGER aboard ILL—FATED flight MH370 -- sent out 1—MESSAGE from DIEGO—GARCIA, 1—SMALL—ISLAND—NEAR the equator.
20140401             THE—ISLAND belongs to THE—UK.
20140401             THE—USA has 1—SURPRISINGLY large MILITARY presence there and has outfitted the place with 1—EMERGENCY—SPACE—SHUTTLE landing strip.
20140401             "22—COUNTRIES Invaded by THE—USA—IN —20—YEARS".—
20140401             Der mit Gold und Edelsteinen verzierte ACHAT—KELCH wird —SEIT—DEM,
20140401             —LAUT, den beiden Historikern gibt es alleine in EUROPA 200—KELCHE und Becher, bei denen ES—SICH um den Heiligen Gral handeln soll.
20140401             Infantin Doña Urraca, der TOCHTER—VON—FERDINAND—I—DES—GROSSEN, der VON—BASILICA—S—ISIDORO: —SEIT—DEM,
20140401             —KICKED, IRAQ, 1—NATIONAL—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN officially, off ahead of 20140430             —THE—VOTE.
20140401—19750000    —SEIT—26.000.000—TONNEN Eisenschrott, 1.200.000—TONNEN Kupfer und 500.000—TONNEN Aluminium abgeladen wurden.
20140401—19910000    —AGREED, NATO foreign ministers, to suspend all practical cooperation with RUSSIA, draft measures to strengthen defenses and reassure nervous EAST—EUROPEAN countries in the worst EAST—WEST—CRISIS—SINCE the Cold War ended.
20140401—20140403    —ON, A 2. tunnel was found.
20150106—20150401    —ON, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON said the Palestinians will join THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT (ICC).
20150219—20160401    —SENTENCED, Renchu was, to death for killing 9—PEOPLE.
20150307             —RELEASED, 20150401             —IN—VIDEO was, showing extremists smashing walls and shooting assault rifles at priceless statues.
20150401             The strike at THE—TAIWANESE—OWNED Pou Yuen factory in SOUTH—HO CHI—MINH—CITY began 20150326             .
20150401             —DISAPPEARED, SOUTH—SUDAN, 3—STAFF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM, —WHILE traveling in 1—CONVOY from Malakal to distribute food to Melut, Upper Nile state.
20150401             UN food operation in SOME—PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY were soon suspended.
20150401             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—NEW—SANCTIONS—PROGRAM which could block ASSETS—OF—USA and foreign hackers AND—OF—COMPANIES that seek to profit from cyberattacks.
20150401             —THREATENED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT said it is listing THE—NORTH—LONG—EARED bat as.
20150401             —IMPOSED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, a 25% reduction on water use for residents and businesses.
20150401             —CONVICTED—OF, ATLANTA—GEORGIA, 11—FORMER—EDUCATORS were, racketeering charges for their roles in 1—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS cheating scandal.
20150401             —CONVICTED, ILLINOIS, KAMRON—TAYLOR, —23—JAHRE—ALT, 1, murderer, escaped from THE—JEROME—COMBS—DETENTION—CENTER in Kankakee.
20150401             —RECAPTURED, He was, on CHICAGO's
20150401             NEW—JERSEY prominent Democratic SENATOR—BOB—MENENDEZ, —61—JAHRE—ALT was charged with accepting nearly $1—MILLION in gifts and campaign contributions from longtime friend FLORIDA eye DOCTOR—SALOMON—MELGEN in exchange for 1—STREAM—OF—POLITICAL favors.
20150401             —ON WALL—STREET—GODADDY, 1—PROVIDER—OF—INTERNET domain name registration and hosting services, closed at $26.15 in 1—IPO that opened at $20—PER share.
20150401             —RELEASED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, its latest annual report on the death penalty.
20150401             —ACCOUNTED, It said EGYPT and NIGERIA had, for over 1,000—OF—THE 2,466 death sentences in 55—COUNTRIES reported —LAST—YEAR.
20150401             —WELCOMED, EGYPT—PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI, THE—RESTORATION—OF—USA—MILITARY—AID, 1—VICTORY in his quest to eliminate some of the last INTERNATIONAL penalties on his government —FOLLOWING his 20130000             OVERTHROW—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S elected Islamist PRESIDENT.
20150401             1—REGIONAL—COURT—IN—DRESDEN sentenced Guenzel to —8—YEARS and —6—MONTHS in prison.
20150401             —JOINED, GREECE, THOUSANDS—OF—PENSIONERS, protest rallies to demand that the country's new LEFT—WING government end cuts to their monthly payments.
20150401             —DECLARED, IRAQ, a "magnificent victory" over the Islamic State group in Tikrit, 1—KEY—STEP in driving the militants out of their biggest strongholds.
20150401             —SIGNED, ITALY and the Holy See, 1—ACCORD to cooperate on fiscal matters, as THE—VATICAN works to improve transparency —AFTER 1—STRING of financial scandals.
20150401             † IN—JAPAN—MISAO—OKAWA (117), identified as the world's oldest person, in OSAKA 1—FEW weeks —AFTER celebrating her birthday.
20150401             —CLOSED, JORDAN, its main border crossing with Syria amid fierce clashes between rebels and PRO—REGIME—FORCES for CONTROL—OF—THE—JABER post.
20150401             1—EXPLOSION and fire struck MEXICO—ABKATUN A—PERMANENTE platform.
20150401             8—FIREFIGHTING vessels with water cannon battled the blaze on the offshore oil platform —FOR—HOURS.
20150401             —KILLED, The inferno, 4—WORKERS and forced 300 to be evacuated.
20150401             —STAYED, NEPAL, some 5000—DOCTORS, away from work at clinics and hospitals to support 1—COLLEAGUE who has been on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE—FOR—10—DAYS demanding reforms in medical education and services.
20150401             —CONGRATULATED, NIGERIA—ELECTION winner Muhammadu Buhari, outgoing PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN for peacefully relinquishing power.
20150401             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 9—CHAD—SOLDIERS were, and 16 wounded —AFTER being ambushed by Boko Haram fighters between Malam Fatori and the border TOWN—OF—BOSSO in NIGER.
20150401             —JOINED, Palestine formally, THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT, 1—MOVE—THE—PALESTINIANS hope could open the door to the possible prosecution of Israelis for alleged war crimes.
20150401             —CHARGED, RUSSIA, Zaur Dadaev, 1—MAN, with THE—KILLING—OF—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN—BORIS—NEMTSOV, told the court he was beaten and pressured to confess.
20150401             Dadaev was 1—EX—COMMANDER—OF—THE "North battalion," 1—CHECHEN group made UP—OF—PRESIDENT—RAMZAN—KADYROV—IRREGULAR forces.
20150401             RUSSIA—STATISTICAL—SERVICE said wage arrears have risen to $56—MILLION as the country's economy contracted.
20150401             Unpaid labor has led to strikes —AROUND the country.
20150401             —INFILTRATED, SYRIA, Islamic State militants, the Yarmouk PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP in DAMASCUS, marking the deepest foray yet by the extremist group into the capital.
20150401             THAILAND—RULING junta, known as the National Council for Peace and Order, announced in 1 televised statement that it had lifted martial law, which had been in place nationwide —SINCE—JUST —BEFORE 1—COUP—10—MONTHS—AGO.
20150401             Coup leader Prayuth CHAN—OCHA said he will invoke 1—SPECIAL—SECURITY—MEASURE in THE—JUNTA—IMPOSED interim constitution called Article 44. Critics say it gives Prayuth unchecked authority over all 3—BRANCHES—OF—GOVERNMENT and absolves HIM—OF—ANY—LEGAL—RESPONSIBILITY for his actions.
20150401             —TRIED, TURKEY, 1—MILITANT, to storm the police headquarters in ISTANBUL.
20150401             —OPENED, Police, fire in response, killing the female assailant who was armed with grenades and guns.
20150401             —NAMED, TURKEY—MEDIA, the dead woman as Elif SULTAN—KALSEN, —28—JAHRE—ALT, saying she was 1—KNOWN MEMBER—OF—THE—DHKP—C.
20150401             —REJECTED, UKRAINE, GEORGIA—REQUEST for the extradition of its FORMER—PRESIDENT, MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI, who is facing 1—CRIMINAL—PROBE at home.
20150401             VIETNAM, THOUSANDS—OF—WORKERS at 1—MAJOR footwear factory were on strike for a 6. —DAY over 1—SOCIAL—INSURANCE—LAW in 1—RARE—CHALLENGE to government policy.
20150401             —BOMBED, YEMEN, SAUDI—LED coalition warplanes, Shiite rebel positions in both the north and south, setting off explosions and drawing return fire from ANTI—AIRCRAFT—GUNS.
20150401             —IDENTIFIED, JAPAN, Misao Okawa (117), as the world's oldest person, † in OSAKA 1—FEW weeks —AFTER celebrating her birthday.
20150401             MILITÄRHILFE—FÜR—KAIRO: USA liefern wieder F—16—KAMPF—JETS an ÄGYPTEN
20150401             ATOM—VERHANDLUNGEN in LAUSANNE: RUSSLAND meldet EINIGUNG—MIT—IRAN—USA widersprechen
20150401             Kritik im BUNDES—TAG: Dutzende Abgeordnete torpedieren umstrittenes FRACGESETZ—KING—OF—
20150401             Bürgerversammlung in Tröglitz: DIE—RECHTEN pöbeln, die Masse schweigt
20150401             1—UNHEILVOLLER Begriff ist —NUN häufiger zu hören.
20150401             —WÄHREND, NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER JOSEPH—STIGLITZ und USA—FINANZ—MINISTER—JACK—LEW—DIE—EURO—ZONE—VON—1—ERST bevorstehenden Dekade aus Stagnation, DEFLATION und neuen Schuldenrekorden WARNEN, hat sie in den Augen von DEKA—BANK—CHEFVOLKSWIRT ULRICH—KATER —BEREITS spätestens mit DER—EURO—KRISE begonnen.
20150401             liegen DIE—STAATS—SCHULDEN auf HÖHE—DER—JÄHRLICHEN—WIRTSCHAFTSLEISTUNG oder weit darüber.
20150401             trifft das ebenso für fast alle anderen großen Industriestaaten der Welt zu, etwa DIE—USA, KANADA oder GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20150401             LANGSTRECKEN—PROFIS: Singvögel fliegen 2500—KM nonstop
20150401             UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS in ATHEN: TSIPRAS fahndet nach Schuldigen für SPAR—POLITIK
20150401             —STREIT—MIT—WAFFENSCHMIEDE: VON—DER—LEYEN will frühere 1ätze mit G36—GEWEHREN prüfen
20150401             —GESTORBEN, ÄLTESTE Person der Welt: JAPANerin mit —117—JAHREN
20150401             Umstrittenes Nuklearprogramm: LAWROW verlässt ATOM—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—IRAN
20150401             Schlupflöcher für Konzerne: EU lässt STEUERtrickser gewähren
20150401             Klagen gegen ISRAEL: PALÄSTINA tritt Internationalem STRAF—GERICHT—HOF bei
20150401             "Wenn 1.Person ein solches Video besitzen sollte, muss sie es umgehend den Ermittlern übergeben", hieß es vom zuständigen STAATS—ANWALT—VON—MARSEILLE,
20150401             —VON, den Ärzten der LUFTHANSA war er später als "fit to fly"eingestuft worden.
20150401             —LAUT—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT DÜSSELDORF war der CO—PILOT vor seiner Karriere psychotherapeutisch wegen möglicher Suizidgefährdung behandelt worden.
20150401             —MACHT—WECHSEL—IN—NIGERIA: Neuanfang mit dem EX—DIKTATOR
20150401             SCHWARZGELD—VERDACHT: COMMERZ—BANK kündigt 400—KUNDEN
20150401             —REAGIERT, DIE—KUNDEN hatten demnach zuvor auf mehrere Schreiben nicht, in denen sie zur Klärung ihrer "—STEUERLICHE Situation"aufgefordert worden WAREN—KONKRET also dazu, Selbstanzeige beim Finanzamt zu stellen.
20150401             ATOM—GESPRÄCHE mit IRAN: Noch verhandeln sie
20150401             BOKO—HARAM: UNO beklagt Missbrauch von Frauen und Kindern in NIGERIA
20150401             Drohung aus ATHEN: GRIECHENLAND will sich nicht an IWF—ZAHLUNGSFRIST halten
20150401             Misshandelte Kinder: Wie GEWALT—IN—DIE Familie kommt
20150401             Umstrittener Kabinettsbeschluss: Fracking KOMMT—HENDRICKS muss damit leben
20150401             INSELSTREIT—CHINA baut "Wall aus Sand"im Südchinesischen Meer
20150401             Trojan.Laziok: Neue SCHAD—SOFTWARE zielt auf ENERGIE—UNTERNEHMEN
20150401             Der Schwerpunkt der Aktivität liegt —LAUT—ANGABEN, der SICHERHEITS—FIRMA im NAHER—OSTEN.
20150401             "Mehr als 3—QUADRAT—KILOMETER künstliche Landmasse wurden auf lebenden Korallenriffen angelegt", sagte Harris auf 1—KONFERENZ—IN—AUSTRALIEN, wie der ENGLISCHE—NACHRICHTEN—SENDER BBC berichtet.
20150401             Krokodilstränen DER—USA—NAVY
20150401             Ich finde DAS—VORGEHEN CHINAs, vor allem in Hinblick auf die UMWELT auch völlig DANEBEN—DAS aber ausgerechnet 1—OFFIZIER—DER—USA—NAVY deswegen Krokodilstränen vergiesst, ist —SCHON Absurd.
20150401             PROGNOSE—WELT—BANK rechnet mit langer Rezession in RUSSLAND
20150401             GRIECHENLAND—VERHANDLUNGEN: Hellas' Wahnsinn
20150401             Besuch von Premier Jazenjuk: MERKEL lobt KIEWs Reformen —, sagt weitere Hilfe zu
20150401             WAHL—KAMPF—AFFÄRE: SARKOZY als "verdächtiger Zeuge"vernommen
20150401             Wasserknappheit in KALIFORNIEN: GOUVERNEUR—RUFT—DÜRRE—NOTSTAND aus
20150401             Studie: EBOLA—IMPFSTOFF zeigt in Tests gute Verträglichkeit - [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20150401             Komisch, dass das Argument bei Diätenerhöhungen noch niemand gebracht hat!
20150401             [l] ACH.
20150401             —NUN, wie sich rausstellt, war das nur die halbe GESCHICHTE.
20150401             [l] Perus PREMIER—MINISTERIN wurde gerade wegen eines SPIONAGE—SKANDALS gefeuert.
20150401             [l] Die RUSSISCHEN—ATOM—STRATEGEN haben recht apokalyptische Szenarien.
20150401             1—RUSSIA—GEOPOLITICAL—ANALYST says the best way to attack THE—UNITED—STATES is to detonate NUCLEAR—WEAPONS to trigger 1—SUPERVOLCANO at Yellowstone National Park or along THE—S—ANDREAS fault line on CALIFORNIA—COAST.
20150401             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! Ach sooo.
20150401             [l] Dem Wiener Schnitzel droht 1—EU—VERBOT.
20150401             [l] Die INFRA—STRUKTUR—APOKALYPSE schlägt in LONDON zu.
20150401             [l] Was würdet ihr schätzen, wie VIELE—TODESOPFER der "WAR—ON—TERROR"in IRAK, AFGHANISTAN und PAKISTAN —BISHER, gefordert hat?
20150401             Aus DER—BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG klingt das immer wie "naja, hier mal ein paar, da mal ein paar".
20150401             IPPNW / PSR haben mal nachgerechnet, und kommen bei konservativer Auslegung der Quellenlage auf mindestens 1,3.000.000—TOTE.
20150401             Als Misao Okawa zur Welt kam, annektierten DIE—USA gerade HAWAII und ein neues Erfrischungsgetränk namens Pepsi kam auf den Markt.
20150401             —NUN, ist die —117—JAHRE—ALTE gestorben, Okawa wurde
20150401—18150401    * 200—GEBURTS—TAG, —OTTO—VON—BISMARK, INTERNATIONAL aufmerksam beobachtet werden.
20150401—18150401    —BISMARK—JAHR,Der DEUTSCHE—TRAUM als Schrecken EUROPAs (Kultur, 14:05)
20150401—19970000    —FOUNDED, THE—ARIZONA—BASED company was, by BOB—PARSONS.
20150401—20060000    —WIPED, The species has been nearly, out by THE—SPREAD—OF—1—FUNGAL disease called the white nose syndrome, 1. identified near ALBANY—NY.
20150401—20131100    —IN, GERMANY—POLICE—OFFICER—DETLEV Guenzel was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER for killing WOJCIECH—STEMPNIEWICZ, whom he met in 1—INTERNET chat forum devoted to cannibalism.
20150401—20160000    —IN, 1—RETRIAL sentenced Guenzel to —8—YEARS and —7—MONTHS.
20150501—20150401    —DEMANDED, Protesters, the government remove 1—GOODS and services tax (GST) which came into effect at 1—RATE—OF—6—PERCENT.
20150726             Residents said FORCES—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—SOUTH—RESISTANCE, 1—SECESSIONIST—MOVEMENT allied with the coalition, had taken and S20150401             —NORTHERN—DISTRICT—OF—ADEN.
20151112—20150401    —ARRESTED, Auto theft suspect Petrov was, as police raided 1—SF house in Visitacion Valley, where 1—MAN was shot dead —EARLIER in the —DAY.
20160329—20160401    —CHARGED, AMIR—FATHER, Shehada Issa (69), was, with AMIR—MURDER as 1—HATE crime.
20160401             Arianna Fitts (2) and her mother were last seen in S—FRANCISCO.
20160401             —REMIANED, Arianna, missing.
20160401             VIRGINIA, ROMANIA—HACKER MARCEL—LAZAR, aka Guccifer, made 1—INITIAL—COURT—APPEARANCE on charges of wire fraud, cyberstalking and alleged hacks into ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—BUSH—FAMILY.
20160401             —EMPLOYED, WEST—AFGHANISTAN, 11—MEN, by THE—HALO—TRUST—MINE clearing organization were abducted in HERAT province.
20160401             —KILLED, At least 11—PEOPLE were, in 1—ROAD—ACCIDENT—JUST outside HERAT.
20160401             —RAISED, BRITAIN—CONSERVATIVE—GOVERNMENT, the minimum wage by 7.5—PERCENT in 1—MOVE denounced by critics as largely symbolic in 1—ERA—OF—STATE—AUSTERITY.
20160401             Workers aged 25 and over will —NOW earn 1—MINIMUM hourly gross wage of £7.20 ($10.36, 9.10—EUROS) compared with £6.70—PREVIOUSLY.
20160401             —CONVICTED—OF, LONDON, delivery driver Junead Khan (25) was, plotting to kill USA—TROOPS based in ENGLAND by staging road accidents with soldiers' cars and then attacking them with knives and possibly 1—HOME—MADE bombs.
20160401             —CONVICTED—OF, He and his uncle Shazib Khan (23) were also, planning to join IS in Syria.
20160401             —REPORTED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, sanctions on 3—LIBYA—OFFICIALS accused of hindering the new UN—BROKERED unity government there from beginning its work.
20160401             —DISMANTLED, LEBANON—SECURITY—FORCES said they have, the country's largest known sex trafficking ring and freed 75—MAINLY SYRIA—WOMEN.
20160401             LIBYA—UN—BACKED unity government won THE—SUPPORT—OF—GUARDS who secure the country's key oil terminals, the latest pledge of loyalty for 1—CABINET facing strong opposition from rival political forces.
20160401             —APPROVED, MYANMAR—UPPER—HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, 1—BILL that gives Aung S—SUU—KYI 1—POWERFUL—GOVERNMENT—ROLE, despite opposition from the military on the 2. —DAY—OF—HER—PARTY'S—NEW—ADMINISTRATION.
20160401             Ansaru is 1—SPLINTER faction of Boko Haram that has been accused of kidnapping and killing Westerners.
20160401             —REPORTED, It was, that NORTH—KOREA officially announced —THIS—WEEK that it is blocking Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and SOUTH—KOREA—WEBSITES in 1—MOVE underscoring its concern with THE—SPREAD—OF—ONLINE information.
20160401             Very few NORTH—KOREANS have INTERNET access.
20160401             —CLASHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES police, with farmers blocking 1—HIGHWAY to demand government relief in THE—DROUGHT—STRICKEN south, leaving at least 2—DEMONSTRATORS—DEAD and dozens injured, including at least 23—OFFICERS in Kidapawan, COTABATO province.
20160401             POLAND, the PiS government began its "Family 500+" program.
20160401             Together with families with 2—CHILDREN or more, parents with 1 combined monthly income below 800—PLN (€184) will also be eligible to get 500—EXTRA—PLN per —MONTH—STARTING from their 1. child.
20160401             1. payments would be made in July.
20160401             —IDENTIFIED, SYRIA—STATE—NEWS said troops have, 45—BODIES so far in 1—MASS—GRAVE found in THE—CITY—OF—PALMYRA —AFTER it was recaptured from Islamic State.
20160401             —CARRIED, TURKEY—WARPLANES, out air strikes in NORTH—IRAQ, destroying ammunition depots and shelters in 1—AREAS where the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has camps.
20160401             THE—UN peacekeeping mission in Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO said that it has received allegations of sexual abuse against TANZANIA—PEACEKEEPERS based in CONGO—NORTHEAST.
20160401             8—SUSPECTED THE—PHILIPPINES—MUSLIM gunmen on BOARD 1 speed boat took 4—MALAYSIANS from THE—MV—MASSIVE 6—LATE—TODAY but left behind 5—OTHER crewmen from MYANMAR and INDONESIA as the tugboat sailed to TAWAU ISLAND in MALAYSIA—EAST—STATE—OF—SABAH.
20160401             ATOM—GIPFEL—WASHINGTON: Randale zwischen ERDOGANs Leibwächtern und DEMONSTRANTEN
20160401             —AMNESTY—BERICHT, TÜRKEI soll Hunderte Syrer rechtswidrig abgeschoben haben
20160401             TERRORISMUS—TALK bei MAYBRIT—ILLNER: "RELIGION ist saugefährlich"
20160401             NUKLEAR—GIPFEL, Die gescheiterte Vision von 1—ATOMWAFFENFREIEN Welt
20160401             KOALITIONsvereinbarung: Wirtschaftsflügel der Union PROTEST—GEGEN—GEPLANTE Mindestrente
20160401             —BOTHERED, Another thing that, me so is that his supporters, SOME—OF—THEM are quite bright, never questioned why 1—SOCIALIST is treated so softly by the establishment.
20160401             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—1213—PM—ANONYMOUS
20160401             True believers have to believe because otherwise they'd be faced with inconvenient questions they cannot answer.
20160401             1—VOTE for Bernie is 1—VOTE for DONALD—TRUMP
20160401             —TESTED, HILLARY—CLINTON has been, and put through THE—REPUBLICAN—GRIND—MACHINE repeatedly.
20160401             —NEUEN—KLIMA—ABKOMMEN, USA und CHINA wollen flott unterschreiben
20160401             FLÜCHTLINGE —NACH—DEM WWII : "Wie Vieh abgeschätzt"
20160401             EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL—MIT—DER TÜRKEI: Auf den GRIECHISCHEN—INSELN droht 1.Revolte
20160401             —ETWA um _3.200 v.
20160401             Als Bereifung dienten Leder, Hartholz oder Metall.
20160401             in Mesopotamien bekam ihnen DAS—KLIMA nicht.
20160401             GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT: "Bürgerwehr"aus Freital unter TERROR—VERDACHT
20160401             —STREIT—ÜBER—"Extra 3"-Satire: Führende Unionspolitiker kritisieren ERDOGAN
20160401             MASSEN—STERBEN: Die meisten Arten verschwinden völlig spurlos
20160401             EU—FLÜCHTLINGS—DEAL: UNO gegen sofortige Rückführung in DIE—TÜRKEI
20160401             Ölpreis: SAUDI—ARABIEN—KRON—PRINZ—DÄMPFT—HOFFNUNG auf Förderbeschränkung
20160401             Übergewicht: WELT—WEIT gibt es mehr dicke als dünne Menschen
20160401             Trauer um HANS—DIETRICH—GENSCHER: "Er stand für das BESTE—DER—BONNER—REPUBLIK"
20160401             Im HIPPIE—BUS durch PAKISTAN: Roadtrip mit POLIZEI—SCHUTZ
20160401             YouTube: SATIRE—VIDEO über ERDOGAN knackt 5—MILLIONEN—MARKE
20160401             Tesla Model 3: "DIE—DEUTSCHEN—HERSTELLER sind weiter als viele denken"
20160401             —KONFLIKT—MIT—SÜD—KOREA: KOREA befindet sich laut PJÖNG—JANG "halb im KRIEG"
20160401             "Halal Challenge"auf FACEBOOK: Der dezentrale Mob
20160401             GENSCHER auf dem Prager Balkon: "...dass —HEUTE Ihre Ausreise möglich geworden ist"
20160401             ARBEITS—MARKT, USA—WIRTSCHAFT schafft 215.000—NEUE Stellen
20160401             ÄGYPTENs TAL—DER—KÖNIGE: Grab von Tutanchamun gibt weiter Rätsel auf
20160401             EU—KOMMISSION: JUNCKER ärgert POLEN mit neuem Vertreter in Warschau
20160401             GRIECHENLAND: Hunderte FLÜCHTLINGE brechen aus Camp auf Chios aus
20160401             —GESCHMIERT, DiCaprios PALMÖL—KAMPAGNE: Läuft ja wie
20160401             kurz & krass: GEHEIM—DIENST vergisst Sprengstoff in Schulbus
20160401             Nachruf von FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER: GENSCHER war 1.LEGENDE—ALS Politiker und Mensch
20160401             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—SYRIEN, DEUTSCHLAND wirft ASSAD schweren Bruch DER—WAFFEN—RUHE vor
20160401             Zweitgrößter Automarkt: VW—ABSATZ IN—DEN—USA erneut eingebrochen
20160401             ZDF löscht BÖHMERMANN—VIDEO: Den Narren nicht verstanden
20160401             Rückzug der Helfer von Chios: "Unsere MIT—ARBEITER sind nicht mehr sicher"
20160401             UNO—BLAUHELME in ZENTRAL—AFRIKA: Wie Helfer zu Verbrechern wurden
20160401             ERDOGAN—GEDICHT: Böhmermann "entschuldigt"sich
20160401             MERKEL zum Tode GENSCHERs: "Er hat dieses Amt geprägt wie kein anderer"
20160401             GENSCHER als Medienprofi: "Er beherrschte 1.chamäleonhafte Diplomatensprache"
20160401             Der Politiker starb —NACHT—ZUM—IN—DER—SCHON, —FREITAG, —89—JAHRE—ALT, im Kreise seiner Familie in seinem Haus in WACHTBERG—PECH,
20160401             HERZ—KREISLAUF—VERSAGEN.
20160401             Zum schwierigsten Moment seiner politischen Karriere gehörte die GEISEL—NAHME jüdischer Sportler WÄHREND der Olympischen Spiele 19720000             in MÜNCHEN.
20160401             GENSCHER—DAMALS, INNEN—MINISTER—IM—KABINETT—WILLY—BRANDT—BOT sich als Austauschgeisel an.
20160401             Das lehnten die PALÄSTINENSISCHEN—TERRORISTEN jedoch ab.
20160401             Kann ja mal passieren! [l] GENSCHER ist tot.
20160401             [l] Das Konzept des "Warrant Canary"hatten wir hier ja —SCHON erläutert.
20160401             —IM, REKORD—TEMPERATUREN DIE—WELT ist so warm wie nie
20160401             —DER, war der wärmste —SEIT—BEGINN—DER—AUFZEICHNUNGEN.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Frühe Kampfwagen, dargestellt auf DER—CA—4.—500—JAHRE—ALT "Standarte von Ur", besaßen 4—RÄDER,
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, wurden von Wildeseln gezogen und erreichten höchstens Tempo 20. - Hinten stand der Bogenschütze.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, DIE—NUTZUNG von Rad und Wagen gilt als Meilenstein der Technikgeschichte.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Wem die Erfindung gelang, ist allerdings umstritten
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, DIE—ÄLTESTEN sumerischen Abbildungen zeigen Schlitten auf Rollen mit Sänften als Aufbau.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Wahrscheinlich ließen sich damit die Oberpriester bei Prozessionen spazieren fahren.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Neben Triumph—, Kultwagen kamen bald auch Lastkarren zum Einsatz.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, chwere Scheibenräder aus Holzplanken drehten sich unter den 1.Gütertransportern DER—MENSCHHEIT.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Als Bereifung dienten Leder, Hartholz oder Metall.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —BALD, bauten Schreiner und Stellmacher Planwagen mit Reetdächern und zweirädrige Vehikel für Obst, Heu oder Gemüse.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, DAS—MILITÄR interessierte sich dagegen für den Wagen als Waffe.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Neben den wuchtigen Kampfkarossen entwickelte die sumerische ARMEE zu Ende des 3. Jahrtausends v.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Wildesel aus Nubien oder die heimischen (aber störrischen) Onager trieben die rumpelnden Gefährte voran.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —GESPANNT, Oft wurden die Tiere zu viert vor die Deichsel.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Sie verwendeten die Trense und ersannen die Speiche, die sie zumeist aus hartem Tamarisken— oder Ulmenholz fertigten.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —ETWA zur gleichen Zeit kamen die 1.gezähmten Pferde in den Alten Orient
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, 1—FRÜHE hippologische Abhandlung schrieb _1500—CA, 1—PFERDETRAINER namens Kikulli aus dem STAAT Mitanni in Obermesopotamien.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Aus all dieses Zutaten sowie weiteren technischen Neuerungen entwarfen DIE—LEUTE an EUPHRAT und Tigris schließlich den Prototyp des leichten und schnellen Streitwagens, der bald als "Porsche des Altertums"(so die BRITISCHE—PRÄHISTORIKERIN GAIL—BROWNRIGG) enorm beliebt war:
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Pharao Tutanchamun nutzte die zweirädrige Chaise, um Enten zu jagen.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, AsSYRIENs FELD—HERRN preschten damit über die Schlachtfelder.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —SCHON, —JAHRHUNDERTE früher war KÖNIG—TIGLATPILESER—I
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Was nicht erwähnt wurde, das war alles nur, weil noch niemand auf DIE—IDEE kam Steigbügel für Reittiere zu erfinden, ohne die man vom Pferderücken (oder andere Reittiere) nicht anständig kämpfen kann.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, das Kummet wurde —ERST—MITTEL—ALTER—IM, in CHINA erfunden
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Insofern ist die im FILM—BEN—HUR gezeigte Konstruktion 1—ANACHRONISMUS.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —GEZÄHMT, Und daß der Onager als Zugtier, worden sei, wird auch auch immer wieder behauptet, ohne überzeugende Beweise zu liefern.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, Daß die Assyrer ihre Zugtiere in bildlichen Darstellungen mit etwas längeren Ohren ausgestattet haben, ist nämlich KEINER—AUCH in der Kunst gibt es so etwas wie Moden und regionale Standards.
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, —GEZÜCHTET, DIE—PFERDE wahrscheinlich —ERST lange, werden mussten, bevor sie vom hethitischen/anatolischen Hochland runter konnten;
20160401_3.200       —ETWA—UM, in Mesopotamien bekam ihnen DAS—KLIMA nicht.
20160401—20120000    —RELEASED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, freelance photographer PATRICK—DAWES, —33—JAHRE—ALT, who was captured.
20160401—20140926    —ON, MEXICO—INVESTIGATORS said they have found EVIDENCE—OF—1—LARGE—FIRE in which at least 17—BODIES were burned at 1—DUMP in THE—TOWN—OF—COCULA, Guerrero state, where THE—GOVERNMENT has said the students' bodies ended up —AFTER disappearing in nearby IGUALA.
20160401—20160408    —ON, the mother's body was found in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in JOHN—MCCLAREN—PARK.
20160802—20190401    —ON, Lewis was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER and sexual abuse.
20161212—20160401    —ON, Semple was last seen and his dissolving body was found in 1—ACID—BATH.
20170317—20170401    —ORDERED, SOUTH—AFRICA—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the government to pay social grants via its current service provider, seeking to end 1—FIASCO that had threatened THE—PAYMENT—OF—BENEFITS to 17—MILLION—PEOPLE.
20170319—20170401    —ON, police arrested a —14—YEAR—OLD—BOY in connection with the gang rape.
20170322—20170401    —ON, Vang † of his wounds.
20170322—20170401    —RELEASED, Police said all 12—HAVE been.
20170325—20170401    —ALLOWED, Feng Chongyi was, to return to AUSTRALIA.
20170331—20170401    —ON, 2—THE—PHILIPPINES—SAILORS were rescued.
20170401             1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER by THE—FORMER—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION came into effect banning the box declaration of criminal history for all FEDERAL—JOBS.
20170401             —DISCOVERED, ALASKA, workers of Hilcorp ALASKA LLC, 1—OIL sheen and bubbling from under the company's Anna platform on the west side of Cook Inlet.
20170401             —SPILLED, It was not clear how much oil had, into the inlet SOUTH—WEST—OF—ANCHORAGE.
20170401             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, at least 9—CIVILIANS were, —LATE—TODAY—AFTER 1—ARMY commando unit detonated 1—CACHE—OF—ORDINANCE found in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20170401             —CAUSED, The explosions, the roof of their house to collapse.
20170401             —STRANDED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—AUSTRALIANS were, by floodwaters —AFTER THE—REMNANTS—OF—CYCLONE—DEBBIE swept along the country's east coast, cutting roads, destroying bridges.
20170401             The storm left 3—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20170401             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, that it is going to establish 1—SPECIAL—ECONOMIC—AREA in 1—PROVINCE neighboring BEIJING as PART—OF—1—PLAN to integrate the capital with its surrounding areas.
20170401             —REVEALED, CHINA, plans for the 100-square KM Xiongan New Area, a "new 1.—CLASS INTERNATIONAL city" in Hebei province.
20170401             NORTH—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION in 1—RESIDENTIAL building Shanxi province this —EVENING killed at least 9 and injured 6.
20170401             —BELIEVED, The blast was, to have been caused by illegally stored explosives.
20170401             —ANNOUNCED, FRANCE, 1—BILLION euros ($1.07—BILLION) aid for STRIKE—HIT FRENCH—GUIANA, as representatives of the Guianese told visiting ministers THE—SOUTH—USA—TERRITORY should be given "special status".
20170401             —LAUNCHED, HUNGARY, 1—ANTI—EU campaign that asked households in 1—SURVEY—THEIR—ADVICE on how to deal with BRUSSELS policies that it says threaten Hungarians' INDEPENDENCE.
20170401             —STOPPED, INDIA, 1—MOB—OF—HINDUS, trucks carrying dairy cows in Behror town, Rajasthan state.
20170401             —PULLED, Muslim men en route to Haryana state were, from the trucks and beaten with sticks and iron rods.
20170401             —SEARCHED, INDONESIA, rescuers, for more than 3—DOZEN—PEOPLE who were missing —AFTER 1—RAIN—TRIGGERED landslide struck 1—VILLAGE on the main ISLAND—OF—JAVA.
20170401             3 were found over the next few days.
20170401             28—38—VILLAGERS remained missing.
20170401             —DESTROYED, INDONESIA—AUTHORITIES, 81—FOREIGN ships —AFTER seizing the vessels for fishing illegally in the country's waters.
20170401             —BELIEVED, IRAQ—STATE—TV said Ayad AL—JUMAILI, the man, to be the deputy of Islamic STATE—LEADER—ABU—BAKR—AL—BAGHDADI, has been killed in 1—AIR—STRIKE.
20170401             1—GOVERNMENT—STATEMENT said IRAQ—FIGHTER—JETS have carried out airstrikes on Islamic State targets outside MOSUL, killing more than 100—MILITANTS in Baaj.
20170401             —ROBBED, MEXICO, 1—GROUP—OF—28—GERMANY—TOURISTS were, by men who stopped their bus on 1—RURAL—ROAD in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—CHIAPAS.
20170401             MYANMAR held BY—ELECTIONS.
20170401             9—OF—THE contested seats were in the Lower House, 3 in the Upper House and the rest in state and regional assemblies in ethnic minority areas.
20170401             Suu KYI—NATIONAL—LEAGUE for Democracy (NLD) won 9—OUT—OF—19—SEATS in the national and regional parliaments.
20170401             1—PALESTINE—FROM the occupied WEST—BANK stabbed and wounded 3—ISRAELIS in JERUSALEM—OLD—CITY—BEFORE being shot dead by border guards.
20170401             —KILLED, PARAGUAY, opposition activist RODRIGO—QUINTANA, —25—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER violent clashes overnight sparked by 1—SECRET—SENATE—VOTE for 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT that would allow PRESIDENT—HORACIO—CARTES to run for RE—ELECTION.
20170401             —ARRESTED, Police, 211—PEOPLE.
20170401             1—LEADING—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—NEWSPAPER confirmed 1—STORY that Chechen authorities were arresting and killing gay men.
20170401             —VOWED, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov had, to "cleanse the blood" of LGBT+ Chechens.
20170401             —REVEALED, The film, 1—UNDERGROUND—PIPELINE—OF—ACTIVISTS working tirelessly to secretly remove AT—RISK—LGBT+ Chechens and those who have survived being detained from the republic.
20170401             It left audiences in Park City in shock, heartbreak, and outrage.
20170401             Malusi Gigaba, SOUTH—AFRICA—NEW—FINANCE—MINISTER said, he is aware of the "climate of sharp disagreement and mutual suspicion" as his predecessor's firing deepens 1—SPLIT in the country's ruling party, and he promised to "radically transform" the economy to reach out to people long marginalized.
20170401             SOUTH—AFRICA ROBBERS, travelling in 1—BMW and 1—MERCEDES—BENZ, shot out the tires of 1 armored truck as it traveled toward JOHANNESBURG—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT shortly —BEFORE—NOON.
20170401             —ESCAPED, They, with 1 undisclosed AMOUNT—OF—MONEY.
20170401             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE said they have, 38—PEOPLE and dismantled 1—CRIMINAL—ORGANIZATION dealing in credit card fraud on 1—INTERNATIONAL—SCALE.
20170401             —BASED, The victimized banks were mainly, in ITALY, BRITAIN, THE—USA, AUSTRALIA and GERMANY.
20170401             —RECEIVED, SWEDEN, BOB—DYLAN, —75—JAHRE—ALT, his Nobel literature diploma in 1—SMALL—AFTERNOON—CEREMONY in STOCKHOLM —BEFORE performing 1—CONCERT in the —EVENING.
20170401             TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER said tens of THOUSANDS—OF—DISPLACED—SYRIANS and refugees have returned to 1—AREA controlled by TURKEY and TURKISH—BACKED opposition fighters in NORTH—SYRIA.
20170401             —PRESSED, USA—BACKED KURDISH—LED fighters, their offensive in the north near 1—TOWN held by the Islamic State group.
20170401             —COMPLAINED—OF, UKRAINE, "unprecedented and unacceptable" calls from the Eurovision Song CONTEST—ORGANIZERS for it to lift 1—ENTRY—BAN on RUSSIA—CONTESTANT.
20170401             —BARRED, UKRAINE has, RUSSIA—27—YEAR—OLD—SINGER—YULIA Samoilova over illegally entering MOSCOW—ANNEXED Crimea for a 20150000             performance.
20170401             —REVOKED, VENEZUELA—PRO—GOVERNMENT—SUPREME—COURT, its controversial ANNULMENT—OF—THE—OPPOSITION—LED Congress amid INTERNATIONAL condemnation and protests against socialist PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO.
20170401             —REVEALED, CHINA, plans for the 100-square KM
20170401             Xiongan New Area, a "new 1.-class INTERNATIONAL city" in Hebei province.
20170401             VERSICHERUNGS—KONZERN, Bei der ALLIANZ mussten Führungskräfte KRIEG spielen
20170401             —ATTENTAT—IN—BERLIN: Amri bereitete Anschlag lange vor
20170401             —VOR, vereinbarter WAFFEN—RUHE: Tote und Verletzte bei KÄMPFEn IN—DER—OST—UKRAINE
20170401             USA—HANDELS—DEFIZIT: DONALD—TRUMP verschärft Drohung mit STRAF—ZÖLLEN
20170401             Mögliche BREXIT—FOLGEN: Oettinger stimmt EU—MITGLIEDER auf höhere Beiträge ein
20170401             Beim ALLIANZ—KONZERN in MÜNCHEN gibt es neuen Ärger um VORSTANDS—CHEF—OLIVER—BÄTE.
20170401             Das konkrete Szenario der MANAGER—COACHES: 1—KAMPFJETPILOT war über dem —GEBIET—DER—VERBÜNDETEN—ALLIANZ—KONKURRENTEN—GENERALI und ZÜRICH abgestürzt und sollte gerettet werden.
20170401             Auf großen Videoleinwänden wurden Kampfjets, MILITÄRhubschrauber und auch Bombenabwürfe gezeigt.
20170401             Bätes ruppiger Führungsstil und seine radikalen UMGESTALTUNGS—PLÄNE sorgen —SCHON—SEIT—WOCHEN, für Unruhe im Konzern.
20170401             [l] Unter den 20010911             —VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN war ja immer eines der Hauptmotive, daß der Einschlag im PENTAGON irgendwie nicht so aussah, wie man sich sowas vorstellen würde, und DAS—PENTAGON hat ja auch erstmal die meisten Bilder beschlagnahmt und GEHEIM gehalten.
20170401             Das ändert sich —JETZT, ein paar Bilder sind —JETZT öffentlich.
20170401             Nur ob das DIE—VERSCHWÖRUNGS—THEORIEN beseitigen wird?
20170401             this important story about CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA in previous posts.
20170401             It specialises in "election —MANAGEMENT strategies" and "messaging and information operations", refined over —25—YEARS in places like AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20170401             —WORKED, CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA, for THE—TRUMP—CAMPAIGN and, so I'd read, the Leave campaign.
20170401             Last;;12;;, I wrote about CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA in 1—PIECE about how GOOGLE—SEARCH—RESULTS on certain subjects were being dominated by rightwing and EXTREMIST sites.
20170401             —AM, its website, CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA makes the astonishing boast that it has psychological profiles based on 5,000 separate PIECES—OF—DATA on 220—MILLION—AMERICA—VOTERS — its USP is to use this data to understand people's deepest emotions and then target them accordingly.
20170401             Do you see VLADIMIR—PUTIN in this picture?
20170401             —EXPLAINED, FACEBOOK was the key to the entire campaign, Wigmore.
20170401             It sounds creepy, I say. "It is creepy!
20170401             MICHAL—KOSINSKI, the centre's lead scientist, found that with knowledge of 150—LIKES, their model could predict someone's personality better than their spouse.
20170401             With 300, it understood you better than yourself.
20170401             MICHAL—KOSINSKI, the centre's lead scientist, found that
20170401             But there are strict ethical regulations regarding what you can do with this data.
20170401             Did SCL Group have access to THE—UNIVERSITY'S—MODEL or data, I ask Professor JONATHAN—RUST, the centre's director?
20170401             "THE—DANGER—OF not having regulation —AROUND THE—SORT—OF—DATA you can get from FACEBOOK and elsewhere is clear.
20170401             "It's no exaggeration to say that minds can be changed.
20170401             Emma Briant, 1—PROPAGANDA—SPECIALIST at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SHEFFIELD, wrote about SCL Group in her 20150000             book, PROPAGANDA and COUNTER—TERRORISM: Strategies for Global Change
20170401             CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA has the technological tools to effect behavioural and psychological change, she said, but it's SCL that strategises it.
20170401             —SPECIALISED, It has, at THE—HIGHEST—LEVEL — for NATO, the MoD, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT and others — in changing the behaviour of large groups.
20170401             —CALLED, SCL was FOUNDED—BY someone, NIGEL Oakes, who worked for Saatchi & Saatchi on MARGARET—THATCHER'S—IMAGE,
20170401             PAUL—OLIVIER—DEHAYE, 1—SWISS—MATHEMATICIAN and data activist who has been investigating CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA and SCL for more than —1—YEAR.
20170401             People —JUST don't understand the power of this data and how it can be used against them".
20170401             There are 2—THINGS, potentially, going on simultaneously: THE—MANIPULATION—OF—INFORMATION on 1—MASS—LEVEL, and THE—MANIPULATION—OF—INFORMATION at 1—VERY—INDIVIDUAL—LEVEL.
20170401             Are we living in 1—NEW—ERA—OF—PROPAGANDA, I ask Emma Briant?
20170401             And people don't realise what is going on. It's 1—NEW—AGE—OF—PROPAGANDA.
20170401             —THIS—WEEK, RUSSIA announced the formation of 1—NEW—BRANCH—OF—THE—MILITARY: "information warfare troops".
20170401             "Politics is war," said STEVE—BANNON —LAST—YEAR in THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL.
20170401             That's what you can do with artificial intelligence.
20170401             Wigmore met with DONALD—TRUMP—TEAM—RIGHT at THE—START—OF—THE—LEAVE campaign.
20170401             Who did? "JARED—KUSHNER and JASON—MILLER".
20170401             They call it BIO—PSYCHO—SOCIAL profiling. "cognitive warfare".
20170401             Is there 1—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE to that, I ask ALBRIGHT?
20170401             —WORKED, NICK—PATTERSON, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—CRYPTOGRAPHER, who, at Renaissance TECHNOLOGIE—IN—THE—S 80s and is —NOW 1—COMPUTATIONAL geneticist at MIT, described to me how he was THE—1—WHO TALENT—SPOTTED Mercer.
20170401             Wissenschaftlerin IN—DEN—USA: "Ich will zurück nach DEUTSCHLAND"(Leben und Lernen, 11:09)
20170401             Mathematiker Devlin über DONALD—TRUMP: "Er folgt dem Weg eines DIKTATORs"
20170401             Wissenschaftler IN—DEN—USA: "Meine Begeisterung für DONALD—TRUMP wächst stetig"(Leben und Lernen, 11:11)
20170401             —EVOLUTIONSBIOLOGIN IN—DEN—USA: "Menschen hören zu, wenn man über Hoden spricht"
20170401             Junge USA—WISSENSCHAFTLERIN: "Weniger meckern, mehr unternehmen!"
20170401             Homosexualität: Designer der Regenbogenfahne ist tot
20170401             Jugendrebellion in RUSSLAND: Die Generation PUTIN geht auf die Barrikaden
20170401             Another classic psyops approach.
20170401             ROBERT—MERCER—AS "very, very conservative.
20170401             Finding the edge is what quants do.
20170401             you can predict stock market moves from Twitter.
20170401             There are quite 1—FEW PIECES—OF—RESEARCH that —SHOW if you repeat something often enough, people start involuntarily to believe it.
20170401             And that could be leveraged, or weaponised for PROPAGANDA
20170401             —AUTOMATED, We know there are thousands of, bots out there that are trying to do —JUST that".
20170401             "THERE—NOT 1—SMOKING gun," says HOWARD.
20170401             Viewed in 1—CERTAIN—LIGHT, FAKE—NEWS is 1—SUICIDE—BOMB at the heart of our information system.
20170401             Out on Twitter, THE—NEW—TRANSNATIONAL battleground for THE—FUTURE, someone I follow tweets 1—QUOTE by MARSHALL—MCLUHAN, THE—GREAT—INFORMATION—THEORIST—OF—THE 60s.
20170401             —BY, that definition we're ALREADY there.
20170401             USA—HANDELS—POLITIK, Zypries warnt DONALD—TRUMP vor Protektionismus
20170401             WAHL—KAMPF: MERKEL rechnet mit ROT—GRÜN in NRW ab
20170401             —FRÜHER, war alles schlechter: —DIE—ZEIT—DER—BANKÜBER—FÄLLE ist vorbei
20170401             EU—FÖRDERUNG von NGOs: 1,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO für 0—TRANSPARENZ
20170401             VAROUFAKIS zurück an der Uni: Der ewige Provokateur
20170401             [l] Das haben wir —JETZT—VON—ROT—ROT—GRÜN in BERLIN: Straßenschilder sollen gendergerechter werden.
20170401             MONEY—QUOTE: Analog zu dieser Idee sollen auch aus den "Anliegern" in der StVO (Schilder 1020—12 und 10200000—10300000    ) "Anliegende" werden ("Anliegende frei") und aus den "Bewohnern" "Bewohnende" — hier geht es um das SCHILD 10440000—10300000    , das Parkplätze für die Inhaber eines Parkausweises reserviert.
20170401             Das klärt dann wohl auch endlich die Frage, was man mit 1—ABGESCHLOSSENEN GENDER—STUDIUM beruflich werden kann.
20170401             [l] DONALD—TRUMP vergisst, seine EXECUTIVE—ORDERS zu signieren, läuft aus dem Raum raus.
20170401             Egal wie scheiße euer Job ist. [l] Et tu, Brute?
20170401             Heftiger Regen: Mehr als 90—TOTE—BEI—ÜBERSCHWEMMUNGEN—IN—KOLUMBIEN
20170401             Radikalisierung als Krankheit: Ist ISLAMISMUS heilbar?
20170401             VÖLKER—MORD—KLAGE der Herero: "Für DEUTSCHLAND 1—DESASTER"
20170401             DEUTSCHLANDs teuerstes Experiment: Die LICHT—MASCHINE
20170401             Bei der medialen Wahrnehmung spektakulärer GEWALT—TATEN kommt es häufig zu so etwas wie psychologischem RASSISMUS.
20170401             Westlich geprägte Täter gelten in 1. Linie als psychisch kranke Amokläufer.
20170401             Muslimisch geprägte Täter GELTEN—ZUM LEID—WESEN MUSLIM—GEMEINDEN—IN 1. Linie als religiös motiviert
20170401             —VOR—ALLEM für junge Männer ist es ungleich attraktiver, als verfemte Outlaws auf heiliger MISSION—DAZUSTEHEN denn als am Leben gescheiterte Geisteskranke.
20170401             Aus diesem Zerrbild ziehen Regierungen die falschen Schlüsse
20170401             Statt in die großangelegte Prävention und Behandlung psychotischer Radikalisierung fließen STEUER—GELDER in rechtsstaatlich problematische ÜBERWACHUNG.
20170401             Dabei ist es eigentlich längst TEIL—DES—GESUNDE—MENSCHEN—VERSTANDS, Äußerungen extremer Religiosität als Ausdruck psychischer Krankheit zu sehen.
20170401             Lustfeindliche Protestanten, homophobe KATHOLIKEN und ICH—SCHWACHE Buddhisten erkennen wir sofort als Therapiefälle.
20170401             Man mag Freud nicht zustimmen, daß "RELIGION 1.universelle Zwangsneurose"ist, seine Kritik prägt unsere Alltagseinschätzung dennoch.
20170401             Beim ISLAMISMUS handele ES—SICH also nicht um ein soziales Problem, das vor allem die Unterschichten betrifft, sondern auch um ein psychisches —, zwar meistens teilweise um 1.Postadoleszenzkrise.
20170401             VIELE—KONVERTITEN sind darunter, ISLAMISTEN also nicht unbedingt ISLAMkenner.
20170401             Den Beginn des ISLAMISMUS macht Benslama an 3—JAHRESZAHLEN fest:
20170401             Mobbing: Junge verlässt Schule nach ANTI—SEMITISCHEN Vorfällen (Leben und Lernen, 20:56)
20170401             Schweigegeld: BILL—O'REILLY und FOX—NEWS sollen 13.000.000—DOLLAR an Frauen gezahlt haben
20170401             LITERATUR—NOBEL—PREIS: BOB—DYLAN tritt in STOCKHOLM auf —, holt sich 'ne Medaille ab
20170401             —ANSCHLAG—VON—BERLIN: NRW soll eigene Rolle im Fall Amri heruntergespielt haben
20170401             [l] Pünktlich zum, BSI sagt, 1—IRANISCHE—MALWARE—SEITE sei über 1—HACK bei der JERUSALÉM—POST eingebunden worden.
20170401             Wissenschaftlerin IN—DEN—USA: "Ich will zurück nach DEUTSCHLAND"(,
20170401             Wissenschaftler IN—DEN—USA: "Meine Begeisterung für DONALD—TRUMP wächst stetig"(,
20170401—19610000    —IN, he gained INTERNATIONAL acclaim with the poem "Babi Yar," that told of the Nazi slaughter of almost 34,000 Jews and denounced THE—ANTI—SEMITISM that had spread —THROUGHOUT THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20170401—20160000    —KICKED, NORWAY, off its annual —6—MONTH whale hunt season with 1—QUOTA—OF—999—MINKE whales, up from 880—ANIMALS.
20170401—20170402    —OPENED, RUSSIA—INVESTIGATORS, 1—CRIMINAL—CASE against unidentified INTERNET users calling for what authorities say is 1—ILLEGAL—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTEST in CENTRAL—MOSCOW.
20170401—20170404    —ON, Pehlu Kahn † of his wounds.
20170401—20200000    —IN, "Welcome to Chechnya," 1—DOCUMENTARY debuted at the Sundance Film Festival ahead of 1—PREMIERE on HBO.
20170714—20170401    —SINCE, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—OFFICE noted figures from THE—VENEZUELA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE indicating 92—PEOPLE have † in connection with protests.
20171204             1—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—ENERGY—TRANSFER—PARTNERS—LP to coordinate with local tribes and the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS to create 1—OIL—SPILL response plan for the controversial DAKOTA—ACCESS—PIPELINE by next 20170401             —DECISION he said will allow oil to keep flowing and prevent spills.
20180000             hatte der Haushaltsauschuss auf Druck der SPD verfügt, dass das Verteidigungsministerium keine Munition anschaffen und keine taktische Waffenausbildung des Personals in Auftrag geben darf.
20180204             —HELPED, Religious conservatives, Alvarado finish 1. and put him in the pole position for an 20180401             runoff against 1—CANDIDATE—OF—PRESIDENT—LUIS—GUILLERMO—SOLIS' party.
20180204—20180401    —BY, Those who don't will be incarcerated indefinitely.
20180401             Im 2. WAHL—GANG der Präsidentschaftswahl in COSTA—RICA wird CARLOS—ALVARADO—QUESADA—VON—DER—PARTIDO—ACCIÓN—CIUDADANA zum neuen STAATS—PRÄSIDENTEN mit knapp 61—PROZENT—DER—STIMMEN gewählt.
20180401             —ANNOUNCED, HUDSON—BAY—CO., that personal INFORMATION—OF—CUSTOMERS who shopped at Saks 5. Ave., Saks Off 5. and Lord & Taylor has been compromised.
20180401             1—HACKING group called JokerStash announced —LAST—WEEK that it had put up for sale more than 5—MILLION stolen credit and debit cards from THE—HUDSON—BAY companies.
20180401             —PRODUCED, He had, "Hill Street Blues" (19810000             ) and "L.A. Law" for NBC and "NYPD Blue" (19930000             ) for ABC.
20180401             BOTSWANA—NEW PRESIDENT, Mokgweetsi Masisi, used his inauguration speech to vow to tackle youth unemployment in 1—OF—AFRICA—MOST stable countries.
20180401             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, new measures this weekend to limit Bible sales by online retailers.
20180401             COSTA—RICA held presidential elections.
20180401             —CAPITALIZED, Evangelical pastor Fabricio Alvarado, who has, on opposition to SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, was in 1—TIGHT—PRESIDENTIAL—RACE against novelist and former cabinet MINISTER—CARLOS—ALVARADO of the governing Citizen Action Part, who has openly backed allowing gays to wed.
20180401             Voters gave 1—RESOUNDING no to the evangelical pastor who rose to political prominence by campaigning against SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE, allowing the governing party to win 1—EASY—PRESIDENTIAL—VICTORY.
20180401             —REPORTED, Another 2—SOLDIERS were, wounded, and 6—MILITANTS killed.
20180401             —MARCHED, GERMANY, HUNDREDS—OF—CATALAN INDEPENDENCE supporters, in BERLIN to demand THE—RELEASE—OF—EX—REGIONAL—PRESIDENT—CARLES—PUIGDEMONT, who was arrested in GERMANY —LAST—WEEK and faces extradition to SPAIN on rebellion charges.
20180401             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 1—SOLIDER was, in 1—ONGOING clash between security forces and Papuan INDEPENDENCE fighters near THE—USA—OWNED Grasberg copper mine in the country's east.
20180401             —KILLED, KASHMIR, at least 4—CIVILIANS were, and dozens injured —AFTER massive ANTI—INDIA protests erupted in several parts of THE—INDIAN—CONTROLLED territory amid fierce fighting between rebels and government forces that left at least 12—MILITANTS and 3—ARMY—SOLDIERS—DEAD.
20180401             1—KUWAIT—COURT sentenced in absentia 1—LEBANON—MAN and his SYRIA—WIFE to death by hanging over THE—MURDER—OF—FILIPINA maid JOANNA—DEMAFELIS.
20180401             —KILLED, KUWAIT, 1—BUS—COLLISION, 15—WORKERS—OF—THE—KUWAIT—OIL—COMPANY—NEAR—BURGAN oil field in the southeastern desert.
20180401             † In MEXICO 7—PEOPLE, including 6—POLICE—OFFICERS, from smoke inhalation —AFTER prisoners started 1—FIRE—WHILE resisting 1—TRANSFER—EFFORT at the la Toma prison in VERACRUZ state.
20180401             —TRIED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram, to enter MAIDUGURI but were repelled by army soldiers.
20180401             6—INSURGENTS and 7—SUICIDE—BOMBERS were killed.
20180401             QATAR World Cup organizers said migrant workers building stadiums will receive more than $5—MILLION in compensation —AFTER recruitment fees were demanded to secure employment in the Gulf nation.
20180401             RUSSIA, AMAN—TULEYEV, —73—JAHRE—ALT, the longtime GOVERNOR—OF—THE—KEMEROVO region, where 1—HUGE mall inferno killed DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM children, resigned —AFTER bitter criticism over his response to the tragedy.
20180401             —ATTACKED, SOMALIA, AL—SHABAAB militants, THE—AFRICA—UNION (AU) peacekeepers' base in the town Bulamarer, 130—KM—SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MOGADISHU.
20180401             There was 1—UNKNOWN—NUMBER—OF—CASUALTIES.
20180401             This was the 7. time —THIS—YEAR that THE—USA has struck Shabaab.
20180401             —ARMED, Separately, heavily, Shabaab militants attacked 1—AMISON military camp outside MOGADISHU, killing 4—UGANDA—PEACEKEEPERS.
20180401             —REPORTED, SYRIA—STATE—NEWS—AGENCY—SANA, that 1—DEAL, brokered by government ally RUSSIA, has been reached for rebel fighters in Douma to HEAD—TO—REBEL—CONTROLLED TOWN—OF—JARABULUS in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—ALEPPO.
20180401             —CALLED, At THE—VATICAN—FRANCIS—PAPA on Easter —SUNDAY, for peace in 1—WORLD marked by war and conflict.
20180401             —KILLED, SOMALIA, A—USA—AIR strike against AL—SHABAAB militants, 5 "terrorists".
20180401             [l] Der TOLLCOLLECT—STREIT hat den Bund —SCHON 244.600.000—EURO gekostet
20180401             "DIE—KOSTEN entfallen überwiegend auf die Vergütung der PROZESS—VERTRETER des Bundes", heißt es in 1—ANTWORT an DEN—LINKEN—HAUSHALTSPOLITIKER VICTOR—PERLI
20180401             Oh na sowas, 1.Kleine AN—FRAGE DER—LINKEN, ja?
20180401             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, USA weisen RUSSLAND—DIPLOMATEN aus.
20180401             Das geht natürlich gar nicht, und das war auch der Deal, weshalb DIE—UNO ihr HAUPT—QUARTIER überhaupt in NEW—YORK hingebaut hat
20180401             [l] Bei diesen Spielchen mit gegenseitigem Diplomatenausweisen muss man ja bedenken, dass
20180401             Ich spreche das an, weil das auch ein schönes NEUSPRECH—TRAINING ist.
20180401             In der SKRIPAL—AFFÄRE bereiten sich ALLE—DIPLOMATEN auf ihre erzwungene Abreise vor
20180401             Oh ach sooo, die "SICHERHEITS—EXPERTEN"!
20180401             Dass die ernsthaft glauben, mit solchen Taschenspielertricks DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG vernebelt halten zu können, ist echt unglaublich
20180401             [l] Hattet ihr eigentlich das —ULTIMATUM gelesen, dessen verstreichen DIE—BRITEN die ganze Zeit als Hauptbeweis der ANKLAGE—GEGEN—RUSSLAND herumreichen?
20180401             Nicht?
20180401             —NUN, hier ist es: Erstmal DIE—ANKLAGE selbst:
20180401             Based on the positive identification of this chemical agent by WORLD—LEADING experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at PORTOn Down;
20180401             our knowledge that RUSSIA has previously produced this agent and would still be capable of doing so;
20180401             RUSSIA—RECORD—OF conducting STATE—SPONSORED assassinations;
20180401             and our assessment that RUSSIA views SOME—DEFECTORS as legitimate targets for assassinations; THE—GOVERNMENT has concluded that it is highly likely that RUSSIA was responsible for the act against Sergei and YULIA—SKRIPAL.
20180401             Also... Hörensagen.
20180401             Either this was 1—DIRECT—ACT by THE—RUSSIA—STATE against our country.
20180401             Or THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT lost CONTROL—OF—THIS potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into THE—HANDS—OF—OTHERS.
20180401             Basierend auf unserem herbeihalluzinierten Hörensagen wissen wir, dass
20180401             This afternoon my Rt Hon Friend THE—FOREIGN—SECRETARY has summoned THE—RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR—TO—THE—FOREIGN and Commonwealth Office and asked him to explain which of these 2—POSSIBILITIES it is — and —THEREFORE to account for how this RUSSIAN—PRODUCED nerve agent could have been deployed in SALISBURY against MISTER—SKRIPAL and his daughter.
20180401             Ihr könnt euch ja mal überlegen, wie ihr als BOTSCHAFTER—VON—DEUTSCHLAND auf ähnlich formulierte Fragen reagiert hättet
20180401             Should there be no credible response, we will conclude that this ACTION amounts to 1—UNLAWFUL—USE—OF—FORCE by THE—RUSSIA—STATE—AGAINST—THE—UNITED—KINGDOM.
20180401             —GESEHEN, So, —JETZT habt ihr das —ULTIMATUM.
20180401             Du bist DER—TÄTER - [l] Bei uns müssen DIE—PARTEIEN gar nicht zu FACEBOOK gehen
20180401             —UPDATE, Und was verkauft die Post da so an DATEN?
20180401             Darunter befinden sich DEM—LAUT—ANGABEN, zu Kaufkraft, Bankverhalten, Geschlecht, Alter, Bildung, WOHN—SITUATION, Familienstruktur, Wohnumfeld und PKW—BESITZ
20180401             Ist das nicht ein klarer VERSTOß—GEGEN—DIE—NEUE EU—DATEN—SCHUTZVERORDNUNG?
20180401             [l] Falls ihr euch fragt, welche Organisationen 1 in BAYERN eigentlich zu 1—TERRORISTEN machen, der unmöglich Beamter werden kann: Hier gibt es 1.praktische Liste!
20180401             —UPDATE, Das gilt nicht nur für Beamte sondern auch für Wissenschaftliche MIT—ARBEITER und Doktoranden und anscheinend auch sonst praktisch allen öffentlichen Dienst
20180401             WAHL—KAMPF: DEUTSCHE—POST soll DATEN an FDP und CDU verkauft haben
20180401             —BESTIMMT, KRITIK—AN—BUNDES—TAGSRITUAL: Wenn DIE—REGIERUNG, was die OPPOSITION fragen darf
20180401             UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—KAUDER fordert MELDE—PFLICHT für ANTI—SEMITISCHE VOR—FÄLLE an Schulen (Leben und Lernen, 08:11)
20180401             —AFFÄRE SKRIPAL: REGIERUNGS—SPRECHERIN unterstellt Westen niedere Beweggründe
20180401             FRANKREICH: 30—GLÄUBIGE erleiden Vergiftung bei OSTERGOTTES—DIENST
20180401             Österliche Nächstenliebe: Fröhliches FOLTERn!
20180401             SYRIEN: Letzte REBELLENmiliz stimmt Abzug aus OST—GHUTA zu
20180401             Bettina Röhl über ULRIKE—MEINHOF und DIE—RAF: Meine Mutter, DIE—MÖRDERIN
20180401             —REDUZIERT, Umfang der Übung : SÜD—KOREA und USA starten MANÖVER—AUS PJÖNG—JANG kein PROTEST
20180401             Auswertungen für WAHL—KAMPF: DEUTSCHE—POST verteidigt Datengeschäfte
20180401             Werbung im INTERNET: Vermessen und VERKAUFT—FAMILIENMODELLE: "Vater ist man nicht
20180401             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER—JOSEPH : 3:47 AM
20180401             ESA—PROGNOSE: Absturz von RAUM—LABOR "Tiangong 1"—IN—DER—NACHT zum —MONTAG erwartet
20180401             —ESKALATION in GAZA: Gewaltspirale ohne Ausweg
20180401             Tabubruch bei Konzert in SAUDI—ARABIEN: Salman lässt junge Frauen mit dem POP—PRINZEN feiern
20180401             —ZEITZEUGEN der NACH—KRIEG—ZEIT: Brennnesselsuppe und scharfe Munition
20180401             Wildtierreservat in KENIA: ABSCHIED—VON—NASHORNBULLE SUDAN
20180401             —PROTEST—GEGEN—BAHN—REFORM, Streik legt ZUG—VERKEHR in FRANKREICH lahm
20180401             Im Alter von —91—JAHREN: GUATEMALAs EX—DIKTATOR Ríos Montt ist tot
20180401             UNRUHEN—IN—NORDINDIEN: Mindestens 20—TOTE—BEI—KÄMPFEN in Kaschmir
20180401             DONALD—TRUMP—UMWELT—CHEF, 1—DEAL, der SCOTT—PRUITT ganz schlecht aussehen lässt
20180401             [l] Leserbrief zur DIPLOMATEN—AUSWEISUNG:
20180401             Zuerst: RUSSLAND spielt auf dem diplomatischen Parkett ziemlich genau Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn
20180401             Und zum Personal: 1—DER ausgewiesenen Personen ist laut dpa der Heeresattaché
20180401             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE der Sinclair Broadcast Group: This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.
20180401             Wenn euch Sinclair nichts sagt: JOHN—OLIVER hatte die schonmal in 1—SENDUNG.
20180401             Der DNS—SERVER kann alles sehen, was ihr an Anfragen ins Netz stellt, und sieht damit, was man —SEIT SNOWDEN bei Telefonen "die Metadaten"nennt
20180401             1., THE—CONCEPT—OF—CHOSENESS for JEWS is not what MANY—PEOPLE think it is
20180401             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER joseph : 1001—PM
20180401             THUS—BERLIN was "hitlerfrei"—AFTER 19450430.
20180401             MISTER—SPEAKER, there are —THEREFORE only 2—PLAUSIBLE—EXPLANATIONS for what happened in SALISBURY  20180304             —ON—THE.
20180401—19450430    —AFTER, THUS—BERLIN was "hitlerfrei.
20180401—20180405    —ON, Rossello said he will submit 1—FISCAL—PLAN to THE—BOARD that will not contain ANY—LAYOFFS, reductions in pensions or 1—LABOR—REFORM.
20180401—20180405    —ON, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR—RICARDO—ROSSELLO said he will submit 1—FISCAL—PLAN to THE—BOARD that will not contain ANY—LAYOFFS, reductions in pensions or 1—LABOR—REFORM.
20180401—20190000    —KILLED, USA—AFRICA—COMMAND said the strike near El BURR—SOMALIA, had, 2—CIVILIANS and 4—MILITANTS, not 5—MILITANTS as THE—USA—MILITARY had originally reported.
20190116—20200401    —PLEADED, Taheb (23), guilty to 1—CHARGE—OF attempting to destroy, by fire or 1—EXPLOSIVE, 1—BUILDING owned by or leased to THE—USA.
20190401             —DELIVERED, THE—USA—EMBASSY in HANOI said THE—USA has, 6—PATROL—BOATS worth $12—MILLION to VIETNAM—COAST—GUARD, amid warming ties between the former foes.
20190401             ARKANSAS, 1—STUDENT, —14—JAHRE—ALT in Prescott was taken into custody —AFTER bringing 1 concealed gun to school and shooting another student (14).
20190401             The victim was in stable condition.
20190401             MICHIGAN—BASED Kellogg Co. said it is selling its iconic Keebler cookie brand and other sweet snacks businesses to ITALY—BASED Ferrero for $1.3—BILLION.
20190401             Kellogg said it is also selling its Mother's and Famous Amos cookie brands, as well as its FRUIT—FLAVORED snack, pie crust and ice cream cone businesses.
20190401             NORTH—DAKOTA, 4—PEOPLE were found dead at 1—PROPERTY—MANAGEMENT—BUSINESS in Mandan.
20190401             † DAN—ROBBINS, —93—JAHRE—ALT, the artist who created the 1. PAINT—BY—NUMBERS—PICTURES, in SYLVANIA—OHIO.
20190401             —DELETED, Facebook said it has, 712—ACCOUNTS and 390—PAGES in INDIA and PAKISTAN for "inauthentic behavior," MANY—OF—THEM linked to INDIA—OPPOSITION—CONGRESS—PARTY—DAYS—BEFORE 1—GENERAL—ELECTION, and others related to PAKISTAN—MILITARY.
20190401             —SOUNDED, THE—WORLD—WILDLIFE—FOUNDATION, the alarm over plastics in the Mediterranean Sea —AFTER an 8-meter (over 26-foot) sperm whale was found dead off Sardinia with 22—KG (48.5—POUNDS) of plastic in its belly.
20190401             —STORMED, NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, 1—CHECKPOINT overnight, killing at least 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—SECURITY—FORCES, setting off an HOURS—LONG—GUNBATTLE.
20190401             Separately, the Taliban overran 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT in WEST—BADGHIS province, killing 3—SOLDIERS.
20190401             —TARGETED, THE—TALIBAN, 1—CHECKPOINT in NORTH—BALKH province, killing at least 8—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SECURITY—FORCES.
20190401             There were also casualties among the Taliban as a —3—HOUR—SHOOTOUT ensued at the checkpoint.
20190401             —ANNOUNCED, ALGERIA—PROSECUTORS, fresh graft probes and 1—BAN on corruption suspects leaving the country, as 1—GOVERNMENT—SHAKE—UP failed to halt calls for PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA to quit.
20190401             —SEIZED, Private Ennahar TV said ALGERIA has, the passports of 12—BUSINESSMEN over corruption allegations.
20190401             1—BRAZIL—STATE—LAWMAKER asked the public prosecutors' office to open 1—INVESTIGATION into the police's use of sharpshooters to kill alleged criminals in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20190401             —URGED, CHINA—PREMIER Li KEQIANG—NEW—ZEALAND to provide a "fair, transparent, convenient" investment environment in 1—MEETING in BEIJING with THE—PRIME—MINISTER—JACINDA—ARDERN, that comes amid 1—DISPUTE over USE—OF—CHINA—TELECOMS—EQUIPMENT.
20190401             CHINA said it would begin regulating all FENTANYL—RELATED drugs as 1—CLASS—OF controlled substances, in accordance with 1—DECEMBER agreement between USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING.
20190401             The sweeping change in the way CHINA regulates drugs that mimic fentanyl takes effect 20190501             .
20190401             † FRANCE—OFFICIALS said 5—RESIDENTS at 1—RETIREMENT—HOME have and —AROUND 12—OTHERS are in 1—SERIOUS—CONDITION—AFTER 1 suspected CASE—OF—MASS—FOOD poisoning at the privately operated Cheneraie residence in Lherm, 1—TOWN—SOUTH—OF—TOULOUSE.
20190401             —LOOSENED, ISRAEL, restrictions on fishermen off the blockaded GAZA Strip by allowing them to travel up to 15—NAUTICAL—MILES into the Mediterranean in 1—AREA, the largest distance in years.
20190401             2—ISRAEL—RESEARCHERS said they had discovered 1—NETWORK—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—FAKE—TWITTER accounts that promoted PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU and attacked his political rivals, —1—WEEK—BEFORE 1—NATIONAL—ELECTION.
20190401             Such visits can be seen as granting tacit approval to ISRAEL—SOVEREIGNTY over the site.
20190401             —ORDERED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, the immediate EVACUATION—OF—FLOOD—STRICKEN cities in 1—WESTERN—PROVINCE as rivers burst their banks, dams overflowed and vast areas were cut off from communication.
20190401             1—MALAYSIA—COURT dropped the murder charge against Doan Thi Huong of VIETNAM, the only suspect still in custody for THE—MURDER—OF—KIM—JONG—NAM, THE—HALF—BROTHER—OF—NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN.
20190401             —EXPECTED, She pleaded guilty to 1—LESSER—OFFENSE and was, to be released soon.
20190401             PRESIDENT—ANDRES—MANUEL—LOPEZ—OBRADOR said MEXICO will help to regulate THE—FLOW—OF—CENTRAL—USA—MIGRANTS passing through its TERRITORY—TO—THE—USA, but the root causes behind the phenomenon must be tackled.
20190401             —RACED, Mozambican and INTERNATIONAL health workers, to contain the outbreak of cholera in THE—CYCLONE—HIT CITY—OF—BEIRA and surrounding areas, where CASES—OF—THE—DISEASE has jumped to more than 1,000.
20190401             NIGERIA, 1—ISLAMIC—STATE—WEST—AFRICA—PROVINCE (ISWAP) video, dated 20190401             and said to have been filmed in Borno state, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, was published online by THE—IS propaganda arm Amaq.
20190401             —EXECUTED, It claimed to have, 5—NIGERIA—SOLDIERS but security sources THE—NEXT—DAY said 3—OF—THOSE killed were CIVIL—MILITIA—MEMBERS.
20190401             —SCRAPPED, PAKISTAN, terrorism trials —BEFORE special military courts —AFTER the tribunals' mandate expired —TODAY, ending 1—MEASURE that had been in place for over —4—YEARS to help authorities curb militant attacks.
20190401             —PROTESTED, THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICIALS said they have, the presence of more than 200—CHINA—VESSELS that were sighted from January to March near THE—PHILIPPINE—OCCUPIED Thitu ISLAND, called PAG—ASA by Filipinos, in the Spratlys, in the disputed SOUTH—CHINA—SEA.
20190401             —REPORTED, THE—PACIFIC—DAILY—NEWS, that More than 350—THE—PHILIPPINES—WORKERS have been approved by the government of GUAM to work at projects on THE—ISLAND.
20190401             —OPENED, THE—PHILIPPINES—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, nicely GIFT—WRAPPED boxes of cookies and oatmeal flown in all the way from POLAND and found 757—OF—LIVE tarantulas at 1—MAIL exchange center near MANILA—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT.
20190401             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—MAN was —LATER arrested —WHEN he tried to claim the venomous spiders.
20190401             —OPENED, RUSSIA—STATE—OWNED industrial conglomerate Rostec said it has, 1—TRAINING center in VENEZUELA to help the country's pilots fly RUSSIAN—MADE military helicopters.
20190401             Fitch Ratings said SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO, the world's largest oil company, —POSTED $224—BILLION in earnings —BEFORE tax —LAST—YEAR, as the secretive giant opens its accounts for the 1. time.
20190401             —DESTROYED, SRI—LANKA authorities publicly, 770—KG (1,700 pounds) of cocaine in 1—BID to deter smugglers from using THE—INDIA—OCEAN—ISLAND nation as 1—TRANSIT—POINT for drug distribution in the region.
20190401             —ACKNOWLEDGED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR, the "legitimate" DEMANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, —WHILE blaming several deaths on the actions of political groups.
20190401             TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—MEVLUT—CAVUSOGLU said TURKEY is giving VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO its continued support and intends to deepen cooperation with VENEZUELA "in all fields" despite USA—PRESSURE.
20190401             —PREPARED, Venezuelans, to hold protests over continued SHORTAGES—OF—POWER and water —FOLLOWING angry demonstrations as THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO appeared prepared to begin 1—RATIONING program.
20190401             THE—USA—SAID that it was halting shipment of F—35—PARTS—OF—TURKEY as well as joint manufacturing work due to ANKARA—PURCHASE—OF—THE—S—400—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM from RUSSIA.
20190401             —CREATED, DAN—ROBBINS (93), the artist who, the 1. PAINT—BY—NUMBERS—PICTURES, † in SYLVANIA—OHIO.
20190401             —AM, wird bekannt, daß ein offenbar RECHTS—EXTREMER Mann persönliche und intime DATEN—VON—RUND 1.000—POLITISCH Aktiven veröffentlichte, um ihnen zu schaden.
20190401             EU—AUSTRITT GROßBRITANNIENs: 6—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN unterzeichnen Petition gegen BREXIT
20190401             LEIT—ARTIKEL zum KLIMA—SCHUTZ, CO2-Ausstoß muss teurer werden (SPIEGEL+, 01:16)
20190401             VERTEIDIGUNGS—AUSGABEN, Spart DEUTSCHLAND die Nato kaputt? (SPIEGEL+, 01:24)
20190401             Möglicher TRUMP—HERAUSFORDERER: BIDEN weist Vorwurf des unangemessenen Verhaltens zurück
20190401             STEIGENDE—KOSTEN: STROM—PREISE in DEUTSCHLAND erreichen Rekordniveau
20190401             KRITIK—AN—BUNDESREGIERUNG: "Wir unterschätzen, welchen Frust unsere 1,5—PROZENT—ANSAGE auslöst"
20190401             "Mit Sicherheit kein Bluff": TRUMP—BERATER rechnen mit Schließung der GRENZE—ZU—MEXIKO
20190401             Feierabend um 14—UHR:  verkürzt Arbeitstage wegen Stromausfällen
20190401             Mordvorwurf fallengelassen: Attentat auf KIM—JONG—UNS HALBBRUDER—VIETNAMESIN muss —3—JAHRE in Haft
20190401             Exportboom: Chinesen kaufen mehr DEUTSCHE—SCHWEINE
20190401             FREIHANDEL—ABKOMMEN Jefta: Interesse der DEUTSCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT an JAPAN wächst
20190401             IFO—CHEF—FUEST: Bei hartem BREXIT droht DEUTSCHLAND 1—REZESSION
20190401             —VERBANNT, EMPÖRUNG—ÜBER—SPD—PARTEI—TAGSBESCHLUSS: BUNDESWEHR soll aus BERLINer Schulen, werden (Leben und Lernen, 10:40)
20190401             Preisauftrieb: Inflation in EURO—ZONE sinkt überraschend
20190401             Rätsel der ASTRONOMIE—FORSCHER finden 2. Galaxie ohne Dunkle Materie
20190401             —BISLANG sind Astronomen davon ausgegangen, daß sich Galaxien aus Dunkler Materie entwickeln.
20190401             RUSSLAND und UKRAINE: Nato kündigt stärkere Präsenz im SCHWARZEn Meer an
20190401             WELT—WEIT größter ÖL—KONZERN, 111,1—MILLIARDEN—$ Gewinn für SAUDI—ARAMCO
20190401             Danzig: POLNISCHE—PRIESTER verbrennen "HARRY—POTTER"-Bücher
20190401             FRANCO—DIKTATUR in SPANIEN: —29—JAHRE und —352—TAGE im Versteck
20190401             USA—DEMOKRATEN: JOE—BIDEN soll Parteikollegin gegen deren Willen geküsst haben
20190401             SCHMÄHGEDICHT—AFFÄRE: Böhmermann zieht gegen MERKEL vor Gericht
20190401             WELT—RAUM—SCHROTT nach Satellitenabschuss: Wenn Tausende Trümmer durchs All rasen
20190401             BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG: Unterhaus kann sich auf keine Alternative einigen
20190401             —GEFUNDEN, ITALIEN: 22—KILO Plastikmüll im Magen eines Pottwals
20190401             JAPAN—GOVERNMENT said THE—ERA—OF—JAPAN—NEXT—EMPEROR, which begins 20190501             ., will be named "Reiwa," connoting PURSUIT—OF—HARMONY, —AFTER selecting the phrase from ancient JAPAN—POETRY INSTEAD—OF—CHINA—CLASSICS as PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE promotes national pride.
20190401—19550000    —WORKED, Robbins, for the Palmer Paint Co. in DETROIT and sales of his Craft Master kits peaked at 20—MILLION.
20190401—20190404    —ARRESTED, Chiropractor CHAD—ISAAK, —44—JAHRE—ALT was, on suspicion of killing THE—OWNER—OF—THE—BUSINESS and 3—EMPLOYEES.
20190401—20190428    —ON, ALGERIA—PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA said he will step down —BEFORE his 4. term ends.
20190405             —CHARGED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Lenrey Briones (19) was, with slashing 9—PEOPLE in the face with 1—KNIFE in 1—SERIES—OF—RANDOM—ATTACKS—AROUND SOUTH—LOS—ANGELES, Lynwood and SOUTH—GATE 20190320—20190401    —FROM—TO.
20190405—20190320    —FROM, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, Lenrey Briones (19) was charged with slashing 9—PEOPLE in the face with 1—KNIFE in 1—SERIES—OF—RANDOM—ATTACKS—AROUND SOUTH—LOS—ANGELES, Lynwood and SOUTH—GATE to 20190401             .
20190406—20190401    —ISSUED, POLAND—AUTHORITIES, 1—EUROPEAN arrest warrant for the man.
20190417—20190401    —SINCE, SUDAN—RULING Transitional Military Council ordered the central bank to review financial transfers and to seize "suspect" funds.
20200312             —ALLOWED, AUSTRIA—25,000—POLICE—OFFICERS were told they were not, to take ANY—VACATION at least —UNTIL THE—END—OF—20200401             —MEASURE aimed at having enough officers to ensure order.
20200325—20200401    —FROM, THE—BOTSWANA—ENERGY—REGULATORY—AUTHORITY (BERA) said BOTSWANA Power Corporation (BPC) will increase electricity tariffs by 22%, in 1—BID to boost revenues for THE—LOSS—MAKING state utility.
20200327—20200401    —FROM, RUSSIA—LOW—COST—AIRLINE—POBEDA, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—FLAGSHIP—CARRIER—AEROFLOT, said it will suspend all its domestic flights and stop flying altogether —UNTIL THE—END—OF—MAY.
20200330—20200401    —FROM, THE—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY (ELN), the largest active guerrilla group in COLOMBIA, said it will observe 1—UNILATERAL—CEASE—FIRE for —1—MONTH in 1—EFFORT to help stem THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200330—20200401    —FROM, THE—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY (ELN), the largest active guerrilla group in COLOMBIA, said it will observe 1—UNILATERAL—CEASE—FIRE for —1—MONTH in 1—EFFORT to help stem THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             † RÜDIGER—NEHBERG, DEUTSCHER—ÜBERLEBENSKÜNSTLER, Abenteurer und Menschenrechtsaktivist
20200401             —WARNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, IRAN that it would pay a "heavy price" in the event of further attacks on USA—TROOPS.
20200401             This was 3.6-point jump from —10—DAYS—AGO and surpassed the previous record set in his 1. —WEEK in office.
20200401             1—USA—GOVERNMENT classified report, received by THE—WHITE—HOUSE—LAST—WEEK, said CHINA has concealed THE—EXTENT—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK in its country, UNDER—REPORTING both total cases and deaths it's suffered from the disease.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, In CHINA there were 82,361, cases reported, with 3,316 fatalities.
20200401             The number of dead in Hubei stood at 3,193.
20200401             —WORKED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and FLORIDA, on 1—PLAN to allow THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS on THE—MISS—ZAANDAM cruise ship, exposed to 1—ONBOARD—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK, to disembark.
20200401             —URGED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP —1—DAY—EARLIER, GOVERNOR—RON—DESANTIS to drop his opposition to their docking.
20200401             —REPORTED, FLORIDA has, 6,490 CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS, including 251—NON—RESIDENTS, and 85—DEATHS.
20200401             —LISTED, FLORIDA GOVERNOR—RON—DESANTIS, religious activities as "essential services" that could continue (without crowds) despite 1—LOCKDOWN.
20200401             † In INDIANA 1—BOY, —8—JAHRE—ALT overnight —AFTER he was struck by stray gunfire —WHEN shots were fired into 1—HOUSE in INDIANAPOLIS.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—BUREAU—OF—PRISONS (BOP), that a 2. inmate at THE—FEDERAL—PRISON in OAKDALE—LOUISIANA has † from the illness caused by the new CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             —CONFINED, FEDERAL—PRISONS began ordering inmates, to their cells for the next —2—WEEKS in order to fight SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             —VOTED, MARYLAND, BALTIMORE—BOARD—OF—ESTIMATES, to approve 1—PRIVATELY funded contract with 1—OHIO firm for 1—EYES—IN—THE—SKY—PROGRAM that uses surveillance planes to create 1—VISUAL—RECORD—OF everything that can be seen in the streets below.
20200401             † In NEW—JERSEY 267—HAVE from THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             1—DELIVERY—OF—RUSSIA—MEDICAL—SUPPLIES arrived at JFK.
20200401             NY GOVERNOR—ANDREW—CUOMO said over 83,000—PEOPLE have tested positive in his state.
20200401             —REPORTED, The state, 83, 712—CORONA€”VIRUS—INFECTIONS with deaths rising to 1,941.
20200401             —TESTED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1,400 MEMBERS—OF—THE—POLICE—DEPARTMENT have, positive for THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             Justice is reportedly the richest man in WEST—VIRGINIA.
20200401             —COMPLETED, T—MOBILE—USA Inc said it has officially, the $23—BILLION merger with Sprint Corp, solidifying its position as THE—NUMBER3—WIRELESS—PROVIDERS in THE—USA.
20200401             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bombing, at least 8—CIVILIANS, including 6—CHILDREN, in Helmand province.
20200401             —REPORTED, ALBANIA—HEALTH—MINISTRY, 16—NEW—CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS in the last —24—HOURS, bringing the total in the small Balkan nation of 2.8—MILLION—PEOPLE to 259. The health ministry said all schools, cafes, restaurants and other public venues will remain shut and restrictions on social and economic activity will stay in place till THE—END—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200401             —REPORTED, BRAZIL, that 1—INDIGENOUS—WOMAN in 1—VILLAGE—DEEP in the Amazon rainforest has contracted the novel CORONA€”VIRUS, the 1. case reported among BRAZIL—MORE than 300—TRIBES.
20200401             —CLIMBED, THE—UK—DEATH—TOLL, to 1—TOTAL—OF—2,352 -- 1—INCREASE—OF—563 in the past —24—HOURS.
20200401             —DIAGNOSED, Some 29,474—PEOPLE have been, with COVID—19 in THE—UK.
20200401             CAMBODIA—LABOR—MINISTRY said at least 91—GARMENT—FACTORIES in CAMBODIA have suspended work due to CORONA€”VIRUS, with 61,500 workers affected.
20200401             The ministry said the government would provide salary replacement of about $38—PER —MONTH for about 61,500 workers.
20200401             CUBA—AUTHORITIES said they are cancelling their May —DAY parade BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, CUBA has, 186—CASES and 6—DEATHS.
20200401             ETHIOPIA said it will postpone general elections that were scheduled for THE—END—OF—AUGUST—BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS—OUTBREAK.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, The country has 26, CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20200401             —LAUNCHED, THE—EU, 1—NAVAL—OPERATION dubbed Irini, THE—GREECE—WORD for "peace," in the Mediterranean as its tries to enforce 1—UN—ARMS—EMBARGO on CONFLICT—TORN LIBYA.
20200401             TURKEY was not entirely helpful to THE—EU operation.
20200401             Irini had only 2—SHIPS and 3—PLANES and needs more.
20200401             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION said laboratories across EUROPE can —NOW access control material to enable them to avoid mistakenly telling people they are FREE—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS —WHEN in fact they are infected.
20200401             —SERVED, YHOMBI—OPANGO, as PRIME—MINISTER 19940000—19960000    —BETWEEN—DURING Pascal LISSOUBA—PRESIDENCY.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, GERMANY's, CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS passed 71,000. The death toll was 775. The country was —NOW capable of conducting up to 500,000 tests —1—WEEK.
20200401             IRAN—HEALTH—MINISTRY said the country's CORONA€”VIRUS death toll —NOW stood at 3,036 —FOLLOWING 138—NEW fatalities in the past —24—HOURS.
20200401             2,987 new cases had been confirmed, bringing the total to 47,593.
20200401             —RESTRICTED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU, movement into and OUT—OF—THE—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—CITY—OF—BNEI—BRAK, the country's 9. largest city, due to its high NUMBER—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES.
20200401             —REPORTED, ITALY, almost 110,574 CORONA€”VIRUS infections.
20200401             —CLIMBED, The death toll, by 727 to 13,155. ITALY has registered more deaths than anywhere else in the world and accounts for —AROUND 30—PERCENT—OF—ALL—GLOBAL fatalities from the virus.
20200401             —ATTACKED, Computer hackers, ITALY—SOCIAL—SECURITY—WEBSITE, forcing it to shut down —JUST as people were —STARTING to apply for CORONA€”VIRUS benefits.
20200401             —REPORTED, Several hacker attacks were, over the last few days.
20200401             —REPORTED, JAPAN, 65—NEW—CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, Nationwide JAPAN has about 2,300, cases and 67—DEATHS.
20200401             —RECORDED, LEBANON has, nearly 480—CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 12—DEATHS.
20200401             Hezbollah said it is turning the organizational might it once deployed to fight ISRAEL or in the civil war in neighboring Syria to BATTLE—THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—VIRUS—PANDEMIC in LEBANON.
20200401             —TELEVIZED, PHILIPPINES' PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE in 1, speech urged the police and armed forces to shoot down anyone in MANILA breaking down CORONA€”VIRUS lockdown rules.
20200401             —REGISTERED, RUSSIA has so far, 2,777 CASES—OF—THE—CORONA€”VIRUS and 24—DEATHS, mostly in MOSCOW.
20200401             —SIGNED, Putin, legislation to allow the government to declare 1—STATE—OF—NATIONAL—EMERGENCY in 1—EFFORT to stem THE—SPREAD—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS.
20200401             —STARTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, the —MONTH by boosting its oil supply to more than 12—MILLION barrels —1—DAY, the most ever.
20200401             —INSISTED, RIYADH has, that it will only back away from 1—DECISION to flood the global market if all the world's leading producers, including THE—USA, agree to cut output.
20200401             —REPORTED, Serbia has so far, 1,060 confirmed CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS and 28—DEATHS, in 1—TOTAL—POPULATION—OF—7—MILLION.
20200401             † Branislav Blazic (63), 1—STATE—SECRETARY—WITH—THE—MINISTRY for Environmental Protection, days —AFTER being hospitalized with symptoms of COVID—19.
20200401             —REPORTED, SINGAPORE, 74—NEW—CORONA€”VIRUS—CASES in its biggest intraday jump, bringing the total tally to 1,000. 20—OF—THE—NEW—CASES were imported —WHILE 54 were locally transmitted.
20200401             —REPORTED, It was, that the 1.2—MILLION—CHINA—ANTIBODY tests that THE—SLOVAKIA—GOVERNMENT bought from local middlemen for 15—MILLION—EUROS ($16—MILLION) are inaccurate and unable to detect COVID—19 in its early stages.
20200401             CHINA said SLOVAKIA used them incorrectly, and cautioned against politicizing instances where equipment isn't up to scratch.
20200401             —ABDUCTED, SOMALIA, 2—GIRLS aged —JUST 3 and 4 were, and raped.
20200401             Several arrests had been made —FOLLOWING the attack.
20200401             1—DOCTOR in CHARGE—OF—THE—HOSPITAL where they were being treated said they need major surgery.
20200401             —CONFIRMED, SOMALIA has, 3—CASES—OF—COVID—19, but there were fears that if the virus spreads it could quickly overwhelm the country's poor health system.
20200401             —ANNOUNCED, SOUTH—KOREA, USA—GENERAL—ROBERT—B—ABRAMS, the furlough of 9,000 SOUTH—KOREANS who worked for the local USA—MILITARY—FORCES.
20200401             —RECORDED, THE—SPAIN—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH, 7,719 newly diagnosed cases of COVID—19 in the past —24—HOURS, bringing the nationwide total to 102,136 with over 9,000 deaths.
20200401             SPAIN hit 1—RECORD—OF—864—DEATHS in —1—DAY.
20200401             SWEDEN—AIRLINE—BRA said it was pausing all traffic as demand had ground to 1—HALT amid THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20200401             Privately held BRA said it was cancelling all flights 20200406—20200531    —BETWEEN.
20200401             —REPORTED, To date, no cases of COVID—19—HAVE been, by the authorities.
20200401             —ASKED, UKRAINE, Elon Musk via Twitter to send it ventilators —AFTER the billionaire CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—TESLA—INC offered to ship them across the world —DURING THE—CORONA€”VIRUS pandemic.
20200401             The country has 26—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—THE—VIRUS.
20200401             —PASSED, GERMANY—CONFIRMED CASES—OF—CORONA€”VIRUS, 71,000. The death toll was 775. The country was —NOW capable of conducting up to 500,000 tests —1—WEEK.
20200401             —OF those, 12,000 patients are in hospital, including 3,000 in intensive care units.
20200401             —MITTWOCH, NEWS—UPDATE: Neue Zählweise in CHINA lässt ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFIZIERTEN steigen
20200401             Um die AUSBREITUNG—DES—ERREGERS zu stoppen, wurden in den NIEDERLANDEn —VOR—2—WOCHEN öffentliche Einrichtungen geschlossen, darunter "COFFEE—SHOPS", Sexclubs und Bordelle.
20200401             Allerdings machten DIE—BEHÖRDEN bei den "Coffee Shops", in denen CANNABIS verkauft wird, schnell wieder einen Rückzieher.
20200401             Um den illegalen STRAßEN—HANDEL zu unterbinden, wurde der Verkauf sogenannter weicher Drogen wieder erlaubt.
20200401             Noch ist völlig offen, wie die mittelfristigen Folgen der CORONA—KRISE auf die DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT aussehen könnten.
20200401             Dass es erhebliche Auswirkungen sein werden, ist jedoch unstrittig.
20200401             Der BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—NEW—YORK, BILL—DE—BLASIO, hatte —ERST vor einigen —TAGEN gewarnt, daß es in der Stadt  —INZWISCHEN. einen MANGEL—AN—MEDIZINISCHEN Gerätschaften gebe.
20200401             —GESCHLOSSEN, DIE—DEUTSCHEN—GRENZEN sind weitgehend.
20200401             Das dürfte sich mittelfristig auf die Kosten und die Verfügbarkeit bestimmter Lebensmittel auswirken.
20200401             EINIGE—OBST—UND Gemüsesorten drohen dem DEUTSCHEN—BAUERN—VERBAND zufolge wegen des Einreisestopps für Saisonarbeiter knapp zu werden.
20200401             "Diese Verknappung wird auch Auswirkungen auf den Preis haben".
20200401             Über —MONATE hatte sich DAS—WEIßE—HAUS bemüht, die BE—DROHUNG durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— herunterzuspielen.
20200401             —NUN jedoch kommen nahezu täglich neue düstere PROGNOSEn aus der TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION.
20200401             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP sagte, ohne Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung wären nach PROGNOSEn zwischen 1,5 und 2,2 Millionen Tote zu befürchten gewesen.
20200401             Dass bei einer schnellen Reaktion und guten Vorbereitung auf höchster Ebene indes auch eine deutlich niedrigere OPFER—ZAHL möglich gewesen wäre, erwähnte er dabei nicht.
20200401             "Wir transportieren 1—MENGE—HILFSGÜTER, medizinische Hilfe, zum Träger in GUAM. Wir stellen zusätzliches medizinisches Personal zur Verfügung",
20200401             DIE—IN der weltweiten Krise überaus populär gewordene ONLINE—PLATTFORM Zoom steht im Verdacht, keine ausreichenden Schutzvorkehrungen gegen Hackerangriffe getroffen zu haben.
20200401             —ZUVOR, hatten sich ZOOM—NUTZER bei der USA—BUNDESPOLIZEI FBI darüber beschwert, daß während Videoschalten über die Plattform —PLÖTZLICH, pornografische Inhalte und HASS—BOTSCHAFTEN auf den Bildschirmen aufgetaucht seien.
20200401             —TÄGLICH ist DONALD—TRUMP —DERZEIT live im Fernsehen zu betrachten.
20200401             Die Briefings im Weißen Haus zur CORONA—KRISE finden Millionen ZUSCHAUER—WIE TRUMP zuletzt auch selbst erwähnte.
20200401             Trotz dieser medialen Bühne ist TRUMP—RÜCKSTAND auf den demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidat JOE—BIDEN bei den registrierten Wählern gewachsen.
20200401             Obwohl das sich schnell ausbreitende CORONA—VIRUS— die Kampagne des ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten so gut wie aus dem Blickfeld der Wähler gedrängt hat, liegt er in einer —AM—DIENSTAG veröffentlichen REUTERS/IPSOS—MEINUNGSUMFRAGE vor TRUMP.
20200401             KOLUMBIEN bestätigt die 1. beiden Fälle unter den indigenen Völkern.
20200401             2—MITGLIEDER—DES—YUKPA—STAMMES, die in bitterer ARMUT—IN—NOTUNTERKÜNFTEN und Zelten in der nördlichen Grenzstadt CUCUTA leben, seien infiziert, wie die führende indigene Organisation des Landes ONIC mitteilt.
20200401             Gesundheitsexperten fürchten, daß sich DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— schnell unter den Stämmen ausbreiten könnte, die generell wenig Immunität gegen Krankheiten haben, die in der allgemeinen Bevölkerung auftreten.
20200401             DIE—56.000—INDIGENEN Familien, die in der Nähe von Städten und Gemeinden leben, seien daher besonders gefährdet, ebenso wie die Familien in Grenzgebieten, so ONIC.
20200401             DIE—DEUTSCHE—POLIZEI rechnet als Folge der Isolationsmaßnahmen mit einer Zunahme der häuslichen Gewalt.
20200401             —SCHON—JETZT ließen ANGABEN—VON—FRAUENHÄUSERN und TELEFONNOT—DIENSTEN darauf schließen, daß die GEWALT—IN—PRIVATHAUSHALTEN zunehme,
20200401             Der BRASILIANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—JAIR Bolsonaro hat seine Ausdrucksweise im Hinblick auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— geändert, —NACHDEM er es wochenlang heruntergespielt und Einschränkungen des öffentlichen Lebens kritisiert hatte.
20200401             "DAS—VIRUS ist 1—REALITÄT. Wir stehen vor 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—HERAUSFORDERUNGEN unserer Generation", sagte Bolsonaro in einer Fernsehansprache am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit), der 4. zur CORONA—KRISE, in der er sich ungewohnt empathisch gab.
20200401             Wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE dürfen Männer und Frauen in PANAMA nicht mehr am selben —TAG ihre Häuser verlassen.
20200401             Diese neue Maßnahme zur Vermeidung von sozialen Kontakten trat —AM—MITTWOCH in Kraft.
20200401             Zur Begründung hieß es, zu VIELE—MENSCHEN hätten die —BISHER geltende Ausgangsbeschränkung missachtet.
20200401             Jedem stehen demnach jeden —TAG 2—BESTIMMTE —STUNDEN zwischen 6.30—UND 1930—UHR draußen zu, um Dinge des Grundbedarfs EINZUKAUFEN—WELCHE —2—STUNDEN, hängt von der letzten Ziffer der Ausweisnummer ab.
20200401             Hinzu kommt —NUN, daß Frauen nur noch —MONTAGS, —MITTWOCHS und —FREITAGS raus dürfen und Männer —DIENSTAGS, —DONNERSTAGS und —SAMSTAGS.
20200401             —SONNTAGS darf niemand mehr vor die Tür.
20200401             Bei einer allgemeinen MASKEN—PFLICHT seien Hamsterkäufe zu befürchten, sagte Landsberg.
20200401             CHINA, ist die ZAHL—DER—NACHGEWIESENEN—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN im Vergleich zum Vortag wegen einer neuen Zählweise deutlich gestiegen.
20200401             wurden 1. auch solche Menschen in die offizielle Statistik aufgenommen, die zwar positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getestet wurden, aber keine Symptome zeigten.
20200401             RUSSLAND hat wegen der rapiden AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DEN USA Hilfe dorthin geschickt.
20200401             —IN—DER—NACHT sei 1—MILITÄRMASCHINE mit medizinischer Ausrüstung und SCHUTZ—MASKEN gestartet, teilte das VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM in Moskau mit.
20200401             RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN und sein USA—KOLLEGE DONALD—TRUMP hatten diese Hilfe —AM—MONTAG am Telefon vereinbart.
20200401             Er sagte, angesichts der schwierigen Lage in den USA gebe es keine Alternativen zum gemeinschaftlichen Handeln.
20200401             "From RUSSIA with Love" stand auf den RUSSISCHEN—FLUG—UND Fahrzeugen.
20200401             DIE—LUFTHANSA muss wegen der CORONA—KRISE rund 2—DRITTEL ihrer WELT—WEIT Beschäftigten in Kurzarbeit schicken.
20200401             werde durch DIE—KRISE massiv Arbeit wegfallen, so der Konzern.
20200401             nur noch 5—PROZENT—DER—SONSTIGEN—VERBINDUNGEN werden durchgeführt.
20200401             DIE—CORONA—PANDEMIE hat die ITALIENISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT in 1—KRISE gestürzt, die VIELE—FIRMEN voraussichtlich nicht überleben werden.
20200401             Das organisierte Verbrechen jedoch könne von der Notlage profitieren, sagte GIUSEPPE—GOVERNALE, Leiter der ANTI—MAFIA—BEHÖRDE (DIA).
20200401             DIE—MAFIA plane "—SCHON sorgfältig für die Zeit, in der die Wirtschaft wieder aufgebaut wird", sagt der Ermittler.
20200401             "Da wird 1—MENGE—GELD im Umlauf sein", und die Mafia werde versuchen, vom Wiederaufbau zu profitieren.
20200401             Seine Behörde arbeite an einem Plan, um die weitere Infiltration der Wirtschaft durch mafiöse Unternehmen und Scheinfirmen zu verhindern.
20200401             "Man muss sich nur das Portfolio der Mafiagruppen anschauen, um zu sehen, wie viel sie an der Pandemie verdienen können", sagte der AUTOR—UND—MAFIA—EXPERTE—ROBERTO—SAVIANO—DER—ZEITUNG "La Repubblica".
20200401             ITALIENISCHEN—EXPERTEN zufolge droht 65—PROZENT der kleinen und mittleren UNTERNEHMEN—DER—KONKURS.
20200401             Gleichzeitig erschwert DIE—EPIDEMIE den KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—ORGANISIERTE KRIMinalität. Die Prozesse gegen Hunderte MAFIA—ANGEKLAGTE seien zum Stillstand gekommen,
20200401             —UNRUHEN, Der GEHEIM—DIENST habe die Regierung vor möglichen, in Süditalien gewarnt, sollte sich das Epizentrum der Epidemie dorthin verlagern,
20200401             —LAUT, der Organisation Antigone, die sich für die Rechte Gefangener einsetzt, wurden —SEIT Ende —FEBRUAR mehr als 250—HÄFTLINGE entlassen, um die Überbelegung der Anstalten und damit die Ansteckungsgefahr zu verringern.
20200401             Darunter seien auch Insassen mit Verbindung zur 'Ndrangheta', sagt STAATS—ANWALT Gratteri.
20200401             "Das ist sehr beunruhigend und eine echte Gefahr". Claremont COLLEGES—WIKIPEDIA
20200401             THE—START—OF—THE—CLAREMONT—COLLEGES came
20200401             —CALLED, THE—FISKE—GUIDE to Colleges has, the consortium "1—COLLECTION—OF—INTELLECTUAL—RESOURCES unmatched in AMERICA"
20200401             THE—SIZE—OF—THE—LIBRARY—COLLECTION ranks 3. among the private institutions in CALIFORNIA, behind only Stanford and USC
20200401             Hamsterkäufe zu Beginn der CORONA—KRISE haben —IM—FEBRUAR eine starke NACH—FRAGE nach Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs ausgelöst.
20200401             Im —JAHRESVERGLEICH meldete das Statistische Bundesamt einen ungewöhnlich starken ZUWACHS—DER—UMSÄTZE um 6,4 Prozent.
20200401             Weil der FLUG—VERKEHR wegen der CORONA—KRISE weitgehend eingestellt ist, werden Wettervorhersagen und Klimabeobachtungen schwieriger.
20200401             Für die Wettermodelle fehlen Daten, die normalerweise von Sensoren an Flugzeugen stammen.
20200401             "Wenn noch weniger Wetterdaten von Flugzeugen geliefert werden und dies über einen längeren Zeitraum, dürfte die Zuverlässigkeit von Wettervorhersagen abnehmen",
20200401             Auch Unwetter sind nach WMO—ANGABEN schwerer vorherzusagen.
20200401             Das würde vor allem zum Risiko für Länder, die Vorlauf bräuchten, um sich auf WETTER—KATASTROPHEN vorzubereiten.
20200401             Sensoren AN—CA—3000 besonders ausgestatteten kommerziellen Flugzeugen liefern normalerweise Daten zur Temperatur, Windgeschwindigkeit UND—RICHTUNG, zur Luftfeuchtigkeit und zu Turbulenzen.
20200401             Diese Daten fehlen —NUN.
20200401             —VERMELDET, DIE—WMO, für EUROPA —IM—MÄRZ einen drastischen Einbruch, von mehr als 700.000—AUF wenige 1.000—WETTERDATEN pro —TAG.
20200401             Neben Flugzeugen liefern fast 70—WETTER—SATELLITEN und mehr als 10.000—BODENSTATIONEN Daten, so die WMO.
20200401             Dies geschehe in Industrieländern zwar weitgehend AUTOMATISIERT—WENN DIE—KRISE aber andauere, bestehe die Gefahr, daß die Anlagen mangels Wartung und Reparatur ausfallen könnten.
20200401             ENTWICKLUNGSLÄNDERN, würden VIELE—MESSDATEN manuell aufgenommenen.
20200401             Diese Beobachtungen seien in den vergangenen —WOCHEN—BEREITS deutlich zurückgegangen.
20200401             Staatliche Unternehmensbeteiligungen: Vorsicht vor der PANDEMIE—PLANWIRTSCHAFT!
20200401             1—KOLUMNE—VON—MICHAEL—SAUGA
20200401             Fehlende Saisonkräfte: BAUERN—WARNEN—VOR—ENGPÄSSEN bei einigen OBST—UND Gemüsesorten
20200401             "Wir sehen noch keinen Anstieg von GEWALT—ABER rechnen damit"
20200401             —NEUE—PROGNOSE: Weißes Haus befürchtet —BIS zu 240.000—CORONA—TOTE in den USA
20200401             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Wie WLADIMIR—PUTIN—DONALD—TRUMP austrickst
20200401             —CORONA—LASTENAUSGLEICH: SPD—CHEFIN Esken fordert Sonderabgabe auf Vermögen
20200401             UNO—SICHERHEITS—RAT,Europäische Staaten verurteilen Nordkoreas Raketentests
20200401             WIND—SONNE—REKORD: Ökostromanteil steigt auf 52—PROZENT
20200401             Bestsellerautor SEBASTIAN—FITZEK: "—JETZT stecken wir tatsächlich in einer existenziellen Krise"
20200401             —CORONA—KRISE: Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof stoppt Mietzahlungen
20200401             Ausgefallene Reisen: Gutschein statt Rückzahlung für Touristen
20200401             Ungewöhnlich starke Nachfrage: EINZEL—HANDEL meldet großes Umsatzplus wegen CORONA
20200401             GUINNESSBUCH—REKORD: Brite ist mit —112—JAHREN der älteste Mann der Welt
20200401             5—MILLIONEN Gäste betroffen: Hotelkette Marriott erneut gehackt
20200401             —NEUE—CORONA—WARN—APP: Diese Technik soll EUROPAs INFEKTIONS—ALARM werden
20200401             In der Debatte um den Einsatz digitaler Technologien im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—NEUARTIGE CORONA—VIRUS—EPIDEMIE gibt es einen neuen europäischen Ansatz, der ÄNGSTE—VOR—EINER weitreichenden Überwachung durch "TRACKING—APPS" zerstreuen soll.
20200401             Projekt PEPP—PT (Pan European Privacy Protecting Proximity Tracing)
20200401             —INFORMIERT, Der Nutzer wird nur über diese Tatsache : Du warst in der Nähe einer infizierten Person.
20200401             "Wir erheben keine STAND—ORTDATEN, keine Bewegungsprofile, keine Kontaktinformationen und keine identifizierbaren Merkmale der Endgeräte",
20200401             "We're not —JUST another App", betonen die PEPP—PT—ENTWICKLER.
20200401             Sie stellen keine App vor, sondern so etwas wie einen Standard, auf dessen Basis verschiedene Apps rasch und billig aufgebaut werden können.
20200401             DIE—ABSTANDSMESSUNG wird mit Bluetooth Low Energy durchgeführt, ALLE—APP—NUTZER müssen also Bluetooth aktiviert haben, damit es funktioniert.
20200401             —GENERIERT, PEPP—PT, temporäre IDs, damit DIE—NUTZER nicht identifizierbar sind.
20200401             Nähert sich ein anderes Smartphone mit einer PEPP—PT—APP, tauschen beide ihre jeweiligen IDs aus und speichern sie verschlüsselt und lokal, also nicht in irgendeiner Cloud.
20200401             —DERZEIT müssen sich ALLE—BÜRGER so verhalten, als sei jeder von ihnen (potenziell) ansteckend.
20200401             DIE—LÖSUNG basiere auf den epidemiologischen Notwendigkeiten, um INFEKTIONS—KETTEN zu unterbrechen und respektiere gleichzeitig die strengen EUROPA—DATENSCHUTZREGELN und grundlegende europäische Werte wie Privatsphäre und Eigenverantwortung, sagt der EPFL—FORSCHER Salathé: "Wir müssen aus medizinischer Sicht gar nicht wissen, wo der Kontakt stattgefunden hat, um INFEKTIONS—KETTEN zu unterbinden".
20200401             Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz: KABINETT beschließt neue Beschwerderechte in sozialen Netzwerken
20200401             Antikörpertherapie gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS, Rettendes Blut
20200401             COVID—19, ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFIZIERTEN in CHINA steigt wegen neuer Zählweise
20200401             —CORONA—STILLSTAND: Lufthansa schickt 2—DRITTEL der Belegschaft in Kurzarbeit
20200401             —CORONA—VIRUS, Pentagonchef verweigert Evakuierung von Flugzeugträger mit infizierten Seeleuten
20200401             AFGHANISTAN: Offizielle DELEGATION—DER—TALIBAN in KABUL eingetroffen
20200401             SHUTDOWN—SCHOCK: ÖSTERREICH meldet 50—PROZENT mehr Arbeitslose
20200401             Im Ballungsraum PARIS spitzt sich die Lage angesichts der CORONA—KRISE—IN—DEN Krankenhäusern zu.
20200401             "Wir hatten eine ÄUß—ERST schwierige —NACHT, da wir tatsächlich am Ende unserer Krankenhauskapazitäten sind",
20200401             2—SONDERZÜGE sollen —NUN 36—SCHWER erkrankte COVID—19—PATIENTINNEN UND—PATIENTEN aus dem Ballungsraum um PARIS in Krankenhäuser in die Bretagne bringen.
20200401             —QUANDOUMA gripe matou dezenas de milhões de pessoas
20200401             A pandemia de COVID—19 tem sido desvalorizada por líderes como TRUMP, JOHNSON ou Bolsonaro como uma mera "gripe".
20200401             Mas as palavras não devem ENGANAR—NOS porque já em tempos a chamada "gripe espanhola" matou mais gente do que a 1. Guerra Mundial.
20200401             Governo promove integração de desempregados ou trabalhadores a tempo parcial em instituições sociais ou de saúde
20200401             Motoristas portugueses, em serviço pela EUROPA, apelam desesperadamente por apoio
20200401             VENEZUELA—NICOLÁS—MADURO acusa navio cruzeiro com bandeira portuguesa de ato de "terrorismo e pirataria"
20200401             COVID—19. EX—MINISTROS advertem para inquietação com pico da pandemia
20200401             LUÍS—FILIPE PEREIRA alertou para a situação nas prisões.
20200401             Adalberto CAMPOS Fernandes defende que tanto O—GOVERNO como a DIREÇÃO—GERAL de Saúde deveriam ABSTER—SE de prever o pico da COVID—19 em PORTUGAL, porque GERA inquietação.
20200401             DIRETO—COVID—19. A propagação do novo coronavírus no país e no mundo ao minuto
20200401             RTP Notícias NOTÍCIAS—ECONOMIA | COVID—19
20200401             COVID—19. Ministério da Agricultura revela primeiro PLANO de Medidas Excecionais
20200401             O ministério da Agricultura apresentou uma 1. versão de um PLANO de Medidas Excecionais para o setor agroalimentar, para garantir o funcionamento desta área e a segurança do abastecimento alimentar, devido à pandemia de COVID—19.
20200401             Choque ENTRE embarcação portuguesa e navio MILITAR venezuelano é "um incidente lamentável"
20200401             COVID—19. Presidente dos Estados Unidos apela à força coletiva para combater a pandemia
20200401             Uma "fake news" é 70% mais reproduzida que uma notícia verdadeira
20200401             —INQUÉRITO da Associação Empresarial de PORTUGAL revela "tempestade perfeita" nas empresas portuguesas
20200401             COVID—19. Laboratórios do grupo Unilabs não conseguem dar respostas à procura de testes
20200401             Bolsa de valores brasileira regista pior trimestre da história
20200401             Sismo de magnitude 6,5 atinge estado NORTE—AMERICANO do IDAHO
20200401             Indígenas da Amazónia pedem aos governos medidas de proteção URGENTES—ATUALIZADO 202004010726
20200401             ASAE instaurou nove PROCESSOS—CRIMES por eventual especulação de preços
20200401             Junta do PORTO alerta que manter festas de S. João seria um risco elevado
20200401             Sindicato acusa Teleperformance de recusar encerrar `CALL—CENTER` com surto
20200401             Pandemia faz redescobrir a pequena agricultura
20200401             Autódromo Internacional do Algarve pronto para acolher Fórmula 1—EM 2020
20200401             Ministra da Agricultura apela aos portugueses para não deixarem de comprar cabrito nacional na Páscoa
20200401             COVID—19. Recuperação completa pode demorar até quase um mês
20200401             UE diz que material comprado em grupo vai demorar a chegar a ESTADOS—MEMBROS
20200401             —CORONA Challenge: GERMANY Reaching THE—UPPER—LIMIT—OF Testing Capacity
20200401             Wed;;04;;1 2020 - [l] Erinnert ihr euch noch, als der Höcker —IM—FEBRUAR überraschend als SPRECHER—DER—"Werteunion" zurücktrat, weil er angeblich bedroht werde? —NUN, die STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT KÖLN war beunruhigt und hat ermittelt.
20200401             —JETZT wurden die Ermittlungen eingestellt.
20200401             Ergebnis: "Im Ergebnis haben die ANGABEN—DES—PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—HÖCKER jedenfalls dazu geführt, daß hier davon auszugehen ist, daß es eine wie auch immer geartete DROHUNG—VON—STRAFRECHTLICHER—RELEVANZ, also insbesondere 1—MORD—DROHUNG oder Ähnliches, nicht gegeben hat", teilte Sprecher Ulf Willuhn mit.
20200401             Der wollte nur mal spielen!
20200401             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: NEW—YORK lässt seine Knackis Massengräber ausheben.
20200401             Aber keine Sorge:
20200401             Avery Cohen, 1—SPOKESPERSON for THE—OFFICE—OF—MAYOR—BILL—DE—BLASIO confirmed the general arrangement, but said that it was not "COVID—SPECIFIC," noting that prisoners have been digging graves on Hart ISLAND —FOR—YEARS.
20200401             [l] Gute Nachrichten.
20200401             Die BUNDE—REGIERUNG kümmert sich um die Wirtschaft.
20200401             BUNDE—REGIERUNG genehmigt Kriegswaffenexporte in den Nahen Osten.
20200401             So erteilte der Bundessicherheitsrat unter anderem grünes Licht für die Lieferung eines U—BOOTS an ÄGYPTEN, eines Kampfflugzeugs an PAKISTAN, Munition und Zünder an das Emirat KATAR und 72—LENKFLUGKÖRPER für die PHILIPPINEN.
20200401             Übrigens, am Rande: ISRAEL hat ihre Raketenproduktion auf Beatmungsgeräte umgestellt.
20200401             Von ISRAEL sind wir in Sachen Pazifismus —SCHON länger nicht mehr beschämt worden.
20200401             Finde ich gut.
20200401             [l] Stellt euch mal vor, ihr arbeitet als Pfleger in einem Krankenhaus, aber die sind gerade nicht in der Lage, euch 1—ATEM—MASKE zur Verfügung zu stellen.
20200401             Also näht ihr euch selbst eine.
20200401             —DANN, untersagt das Krankenhaus euch die Verwendung der selbstgebastelten Atemmaske.
20200401             PROFESSOR—HENDRIK—STREECK, Virologe
20200401             Der DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTS für Virologie und HIV—FORSCHUNG an der
20200401             UNIVERSITÄT—BONN äußert sich zu den neuesten Entwicklungen der
20200401             —CORONA—PANDEMIE und zur Debatte um 1—MUNDSCHUTZPFLICHT.
20200401             SENDUNGSBILD—EVANGELIKALE in den USA—GOTTES—DIENSTE trotz aller Verbote
20200401             Sie machen Millionen mit der ANGST—VOR—DEM CORONA—VIRUS—UNTER dem Mantel der Religionsfreiheit: Evangelikale in den USA.
20200401             Da sie trotz Versammlungsverbots GOTTES—DIENSTE abhalten, wandert MANCH—PREDIGER kurzzeitig hinter Gitter.
20200401             SAUDI—ARABIEN, Mekka: 2—GLÄUBIGE Muslime mit Mundschutz läuft —NACH—DEM Mittagsgebet an der groß?en Moschee vorbei.
20200401             Pilger sollen Vorbereitungen verschieben
20200401             SAUDI—ARABIEN hat Muslime WELT—WEIT aufgerufen, vorerst keine Vorbereitungen für die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka zu treffen.
20200401             —DERZEIT, Von einer möglichen Absage des Hadsch ist aber noch nicht die Rede.
20200401             LUO—FENGMING—INTERVIEW, ARZT aus WUHAN, KÄMPFER gegen das "listige" VIRUS
20200401             Der CHINESISCHE—ARZT—LUO—FENGMING hat in WUHAN gegen den CORONA—AUSBRUCH gekämpft.
20200401             Im INTERVIEW—MIT— erklärt er, warum DAS—VIRUS "listig" ist und wie sich DEUTSCHLAND auf steigende Infektionszahlen vorbereiten kann.
20200401             1—KUNDE steht vor einem Kühlregal im Supermarkt | Bildquelle: dpa
20200401             EINZEL—HANDEL —IM—FEBRUAR—ZU Beginn der Krise ein sattes Plus
20200401             Es ist der stärkste Anstieg —SEIT knapp anderthalb —JAHREN: DER—DEUTSCHE—EINZEL—HANDEL hat —IM—FEBRUAR ein deutliches Umsatzplus verbucht.
20200401             Die aufziehende CORONA—KRISE zeigte sich besonders in einem Bereich.
20200401             Durch die vorzeitige Freilassung von Gefangenen soll in den kalifornischen Gefängnissen mehr Platz geschaffen werden.
20200401             Um die AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS einzudämmen, haben die Haftanstalten zudem medizinische Untersuchungen verordnet und BESUCHS—VERBOTE verhängt.
20200401             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—AVERAGE—JOB—APPROVAL—RATING hit 1—ALL—TIME—HIGH at 47.7%, according to RealClearPolitics.
20200401             Insgesamt stünden —DERZEIT 1367—ASYMPTOMATISCHE" Fälle unter Beobachtung.
20200401             —IN—DEN—VERGANGEN—JAHRZEHNTEN, hätten die Clans demnach in Dienstleistungsunternehmen für Kantinen, Reinigung und Desinfektion, Abfallverwertung, Bestattungsunternehmen und Logistik investiert.
20200401             —SCHON nach einer 18840000             CHOLERA—EPIDEMIE, sei das Geld, das die Regierung anschließend für die Säuberung und den Wiederaufbau ausgegeben habe, in die Taschen der kriminellen Camorra geflossen, so Saviano.
20200401             "In der Region PARIS gibt es 1200—INTENSIVBETTEN. —ZURZEIT haben wir 2700—PATIENTEN auf der Intensivstation",
20200401             Die FIRMA—SIG—SAUER schickt ihre KLEIN—WAFFEN —NUN via USA an ihre Kunden.
20200401             | Bildquelle: DPA—HADSCH in SAUDI—ARABIEN
20200401             Von einer möglichen Absage des Hadsch ist —DERZEIT aber noch nicht die Rede.
20200401             —SEIT—KNAPP—ANDERTHALB—JAHREN, Es ist der stärkste Anstieg DER—DEUTSCHE—EINZEL—HANDEL hat —IM—FEBRUAR ein deutliches Umsatzplus verbucht.
20200401             Kommt ihr NIE drauf!1!!
20200401             —CORONA—KRISE: Wieder schwere Kursverluste an der WALL—STREET - Hamsterkäufe: Der Klopapierkomplex
20200401             Geschlossene Schulen: "Ungleichheiten werden sich massiv verstärken"
20200401             PORTUGAL 7.443 +16 % +18 % +18 % - DEUTSCHLAND 71.808 +7 % +12 % +12 % - CHINA 82.279 +0 % +0 % +0 %
20200401             [l] Wo wir gerade bei CORONA—APPS waren... Welche Firma fiele euch spontan ein, wenn ihr als datenhungrige TOTALÜBERWACHUNG—REGIERUNG mal den großen Datenstaubsauger anwerfen wolltet?
20200401—20190000    —IN, The independent NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said TURKMENISTAN, which was ranked at THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—WORLD—PRESS—FREEDOM—INDEX, has removed the word 'CORONA€”VIRUS' from the national vocabulary.
20200401—20200403    —BY, USA—NAVY—OFFICIALS said nearly 3,000 sailors aboard THE—USS—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT aircraft carrier —NOW docked in GUAM, where THE—CORONA€”VIRUS has spread, will be taken off the ship.
20210215—20210401    —VOM—AN, "ISRAELISCHE—BÜRGER, die geimpft sind, werden keinen Test vorweisen und auch nicht in Quarantäne gehen müssen", wenn sie nach ZYPERN reisen,
20210215—20210401    —VOM—AN, Das EU—MITGLIED ZYPERN plant, ALLE—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN für gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS geimpfte Touristen aus ISRAEL aufzuheben.
20210323—20210401    —FROM, called on citizens to stay home and reduce contacts as much as possible —FOR—5—DAYS. lobby groups said the decision could drive more businesses to bankruptcy and be counterproductive by encouraging people to flock to the shops beforehand.
20210324—20210401    —AB—DEM, Kardinäle sollen 10—PROZENT weniger bekommen, wie das katholische Kirchenoberhaupt in einem apostolischen Brief ankündigte.
20210324—20210401    —AM, Die Öffnung trage "zu einer besseren Entzerrung der Einkaufstätigkeiten unserer Kundinnen und Kunden rund um die Osterfeiertage bei",
20210401             —DONNERSTAG, 20210401
20210401             Anschlag auf TREUHAND—CHEF—ROHWEDDER: Der letzte Mord der RAF
20210401             COUP—VORWURF in BRASILIEN: Forderung nach Amtsenthebung Bolsonaros wird laut
20210401             Johnson & Johnson: 15—MILLIONEN Impfdosen nach Panne unbrauchbar geworden
20210401             Präsidentensohn HUNTER—BIDEN: "Ich habe Crack auf den Straßen von WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, gekauft"
20210401             Pandemie im Amazonasstaat: Neue Coronavariante in BRASILIEN entdeckt
20210401             Warnung der Mediziner: Intensivstationen könnten in —4—WOCHEN überfüllt sein
20210401             KONSUM—UMFRAGE: Deutsche werden wieder sparsam
20210401             Besuch an Kriegerdenkmal: QUEEN—MACHT—RUSSLANDWITZ bei erstem öffentlichen Aufritt —SEIT fast —5—MONATEN
20210401             Wegen Massenprotesten 20190000             : 9—DEMOKRATIEAKTIVISTEN in HONGKONG schuldig gesprochen
20210401             —NACH—DEM Schlüpfen geschreddert: Kein ENDE—DES—KÜKENTÖTENS in Sicht
20210401             KONTROLLE—VON—CORONAREGELN: Polizeigewerkschaft rechnet mit schwierigen 1ätzen an Ostern
20210401             Appell an Sicherheitsrat: UNO—SONDERGESANDTE warnt vor Bürgerkrieg in MYANMAR
20210401             "Schockierend und schändlich": BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG nach Berichten über sexuelle Gewalt an Schulen entsetzt
20210401             Geldwäscheverdacht: Razzia bei NPD—CHEF
20210401             22—MILLIARDEN Dollar Auftragswert: Pentagon bestellt Zehntausende Computerbrillen bei Microsoft
20210401             —VERSPRICHT, Konsumgüter: Henkel, für 1. Quartal höheren Umsatz als erwartet
20210401             Underage Refugees: THE—DESPERATE—CHILDREN—OF—MORIA
20210401             Brief an Glaubenskongregation: Katholische Frauenverbände protestieren gegen Segnungsverbot
20210401             Köln: Termine zum Kirchenaustritt —BIS Ende —JUNI ausgebucht
20210401             —BEFÜRWORTET, SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE zur Coronakrise: Große Mehrheit, mehr Macht für den Bund
20210401             Hasskriminalität: Gesetz gegen Onlinehetze tritt Ostern in Kraft - Trotz Aufforderung
20210401             MEXIKANISCHE—GRENZE: Unbekannte werfen 2—KLEINE Mädchen über Mauer in die USA
20210401             Migration in die USA: Warum Tausende Eltern ihre Kinder allein über die Grenze schicken
20210401             Tourismuskrise: Reisebuchungen brechen drastisch ein
20210401             "Verlängerung" der Pandemie: WHO nennt europäische Impfkampagne "inakzeptabel langsam"
20210401             Trotz Coronakrise: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE meldet beste je gemessene Stimmung
20210401             Gang vor Gericht: Umwelthilfe will Baustopp für NORD—STREAM 2—DURCHSETZEN
20210401             Saisonarbeiter in der Coronakrise: Sie riskieren alles, damit wir Spargel satt bekommen
20210401             BKA—ERMITTLER über das letzte RAF—ATTENTAT: "Es war staatlicher Unwille, der Rohwedder das Leben gekostet hat"
20210401             LEOPOLDINA—PRÄSIDENT—ZUR—CORONAKRISE: "Die Politik muss sich auf gemeinsame Ziele zurückbesinnen"
20210401             Polizeiskandal in SACHSEN: Landeskriminalamt will Munitionsentnahmen überprüfen
20210401             Thu
20210401             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20210401             FINNLAND, und SCHWEDEN stehen —SEIT—HEUTE—NACHT die meisten Taxen, Busse und kommunalen Fahrdienste still.
20210401             Und zwar haben die ein "Alkoholschloss",
20210401             bei dem der Fahrer negativ testen muss, bevor er losfahren darf.
20210401             Das haben die Helden bei einem privaten Anbieter gekauft, und es ist cloudbasiert und man muss sich einloggen (wegen... hey warum nicht?!
20210401             Ist modern!1!!) und hat gerade einen Ausfall.
20210401             Bonus: Der Hersteller heißt auch noch Dignita (lat.
20210401             dignitas = Würde).
20210401             Ja, klar, so ein erzwungener Alkoholtest, das ist geradezu 1—FANAL—DER—WÜRDE!
20210401             Bei der Gelegenheit will ich mal kurz einen Rant raushauen, an dem ich mich —SCHON länger reibe.
20210401             "DEUTSCHE—UNTERNEHMEN wollen ihre Netze modernisieren".
20210401             NEIN!
20210401             Hört endlich auf mit dem "modernisieren"!
20210401             Modernisieren ist das neue Harmonisieren und davor war es das Reformieren!
20210401             Das ist alles Geldverbrennung, solange ihr immer nur dieselben Fäkalien einmal durchrührt.
20210401             Das Ziel ist nicht "modern". Das Ziel ist "ordentlich".
20210401             Mais de 13—MIL vacinas administradas numa semana no Algarve e no Alentejo
20210401             COVID—19: Algarve com mais 64—CASOS e sem óbitos
20210401             COVID—19: PORTUGAL entre o risco de uma terceira vaga na EUROPA e a dúvida da imunização
20210401             Die niedergelassenen Ärzte wollen in ihren Praxen unter 60-Jährige generell nicht mit der Vakzine von AstraZeneca impfen, obwohl das —NACH—DEN geänderten Empfehlungen unter bestimmten Bedingungen möglich ist.
20210401             "Der Zeitbedarf für 1—BERATUNG und intensive Aufklärung jüngerer Patienten steht einer schnellen Impfkampagne diametral entgegen",
20210401             "Wir wollen schnell und zügig impfen", sagte er.
20210401             Daher empfehle man den niedergelassenen Ärztinnen und Ärzten, AstraZeneca nur bei Menschen über 60—ZU verimpfen.
20210401             CDU—CHEF—ARMIN—LASCHET will über die Ostertage darüber nachdenken, welche Maßnahmen die 3. WELLE—DER—CORONAPANDEMIE wirkungsvoll eindämmen könnten.
20210401             Auf die Frage, ob es angesichts der stark steigenden Infektionszahlen noch die Zeit gebe, sich ein paar —TAGE Gedanken zu machen, sagte der NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHE Ministerpräsident: "Nein, wir haben die Zeit nicht, aber wir haben an dem Beispiel Gründonnerstag/Karsamstag gesehen, dass, wenn man zu schnell was entscheidet, die Praktiker sagen: Es geht nicht".
20210401             Deshalb sei es gut, dass man —JETZT genau das überlege.
20210401             "Was ist wirkungsvoll, was erreicht es, dass wir diese 3. Welle brechen.
20210401             Die Lage ist extrem ernst und da sind ALLE—IM—MOMENT dabei, ALLE—MÖGLICHKEITEN zu prüfen".
20210401             Die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) fordert 1—RÜCKKEHR zur CORONA—NOTBETREUUNG für Kinder in Kitas.
20210401             "Dort steigen die Infektionen schnell",
20210401             "—NACHDEM wir wissen, dass Kinder von der neuen Mutante stärker betroffen sind, muss hier wirklich die Notbremse gezogen werden".
20210401             ZAHL—DER—CORONATOTEN in BRASILIEN —IM—MÄRZ auf Höchststand —SEIT Pandemiebeginn
20210401             —SEIT Beginn des Jahres hat sich die ZAHL—DER—MENSCHEN, die in dem südamerikanischen Land durchschnittlich pro —TAG an oder mit einer Coronainfektion sterben vervierfacht.
20210401             Vakzinen für Brasiliens 212—MILLIONEN Einwohner sind weiter knapp.
20210401             Etwa 8—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG haben —BISHER eine 1. Dosis erhalten.
20210401             Brasiliens rechtsextremer PRÄSIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO hatte die Pandemie stets verharmlost und steht angesichts des gigantischen Ausmaßes der Coronakrise im Land zunehmend unter Druck.
20210401             —NUN fürchtet er offenbar, dass seine Ablehnung von Lockdowns, Masken und Impfungen seine Wiederwahl im kommenden —JAHR gefährden könnte.
20210401             Der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung (KBV), ANDREAS—GASSEN, sieht den Impfstart in Hausarztpraxen —IM—APRIL durch den teilweisen ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOPP nicht gefährdet.
20210401             "Und zwar deshalb nicht, weil der Impfstart in den Arztpraxen —ZUNÄCHST nur mit dem Impfstoff von Biontech und nicht mit AstraZeneca beginnen wird",
20210401             Gassen kritisierte jedoch das Coronamanagement der Regierung scharf.
20210401             "Ausgangssperren oder Reiseverbote sind nicht wirklich zielführend.
20210401             Wir sollten diese harten Maßnahmen ganz schnell wieder wegpacken", so Gassen.
20210401             Hinter der Idee der Ausgangssperre stehe ein "merkwürdiges Menschenbild".
20210401             Der wissenschaftliche Leiter des DIVI—INTENSIVREGISTERS, CHRISTIAN—KARAGIANNIDIS, warnt vor einer Überfüllung von Deutschlands Intensivstationen wegen der Coronapandemie innerhalb von —4—WOCHEN.
20210401             "—SEIT—MITTE —MÄRZ sind unterm Strich 1000—INTENSIVPATIENTEN zusätzlich in den Krankenhäusern gelandet.
20210401             Wenn sich diese Geschwindigkeit fortsetzt, sind wir in weniger als —4—WOCHEN an der regulären Kapazitätsgrenze angelangt"
20210401             Karagiannidis, der auch PRÄSIDENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—GESELLSCHAFT für Internistische Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin (DGIIN) ist, sagte: "Wir malen keine Schreckensbilder, unsere Warnungen sind von den Zahlen gedeckt.
20210401             Es braucht —JETZT dringend einen harten Lockdown —FÜR—2—WOCHEN, verpflichtende Tests an Schulen zweimal —IN—DER—WOCHE und deutlich mehr Tempo bei den Impfungen in den Zentren und Arztpraxen".
20210401             Der neue Vorstandsvorsitzende der DEUTSCHEN—KRANKENHAUSGESELLSCHAFT (DKG), GERALD—GASS, kritisierte in der "Rheinischen Post" solche Warnungen: "Ich bin auch davon überzeugt, dass die Schreckensszenarien, die aus dem BEREICH—DER—INTENSIVMEDIZIN —SEIT—TAGEN verbreitet werden, weder in der Politik noch in der Bevölkerung zu den damit wahrscheinlich beabsichtigten Reaktionen führen werden".
20210401             Auf die Kommunikation im Allgemeinen bezogen sagte Gaß: "Die derzeitige politische Kommunikation sorgt weder für Glaubwürdigkeit noch für Vertrauen in der Öffentlichkeit.
20210401             Wenn der 1—MINISTERPRÄSIDENT vor Inzidenzraten von 700—WARNT und der andere sein gesamtes BUNDESLAND zum Modellversuch erklärt, ist das aus meiner Sicht das genaue Gegenteil dessen, was die Bürgerinnen und BÜRGER—VON—DER—POLITIK erwarten dürfen".
20210401             RKI—ZAHLEN: Mehr als 24.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 134,2
20210401             —BEENDET, Polizei, Party mit rund 150—JUGENDLICHEN in Neubrandenburg
20210401             in einem Strandbad
20210401             Bayerns Ministerpräsident MARKUS—SÖDER (CSU) hatte zuletzt vorgeschlagen, die Impfreihenfolge für die Vakzine komplett aufzulösen.
20210401             "Irgendwann wird man bei AstraZeneca speziell mit sehr viel Freiheit operieren müssen und sagen müssen: Wer will, und wer es sich traut quasi, der soll auch die Möglichkeit haben",
20210401             Steigende Coronainfektionen in JAPAN überschatten OLYMPIA—FACKELLAUF
20210401             —BELASTET, Lockdown, Einzelhandel, Internethandel profitiert
20210401             Nominal gab es den vorläufigen Daten zufolge 1—PLUS—VON—1,3 Prozent.
20210401             Gegenüber 20200200             , —DEM—MONAT vor dem Lockdown in DEUTSCHLAND, sank der Umsatz allerdings um real 9,0 Prozent und nominal 7,7 Prozent.
20210401             Besonders hart trafen die Beschränkungen auch —IM—FEBRUAR den Textilhandel, die Erlöse brachen real um 73,7 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat ein.
20210401             Möbelhändler und Heimwerkermärkte verzeichneten ebenfalls einen deutlichen Umsatzrückgang (34,1 Prozent).
20210401             Der ONLINE—UND Versandhandel profitierte dagegen von den Geschäftsschließungen und setzte 34,1 Prozent mehr um als —1—JAHR—ZUVOR.
20210401             Die "Taskforce Testlogistik" von Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN und Verkehrsminister ANDREAS—SCHEUER hat als Unterstützung der Länder für —DIE—MONATE—MÄRZ und 20210400             insgesamt 132,5 Millionen Selbsttests gesichert.
20210401             —NACHDEM mehrere Bundesländer von der Beschaffungsmaßnahme Gebrauch gemacht haben, sind noch rund 65—MILLIONEN Selbsttests 20210400             —IM verfügbar.
20210401             —VERZEICHNET, TÜRKEI, Höchststand bei Neuinfektionen
20210401             Anteil der BRITISCHEN—VIRUSVARIANTE in DEUTSCHLAND —SCHON bei fast 90—PROZENT
20210401             ZAHL—DER—WOHNUNGSEINBRÜCHE sinkt coronabedingt auf historisches Tief
20210401             Nach einer Kontaktmeldung in der CORONA—WARN—APP ist 1—PCR—TEST auf das Virus bei Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow negativ ausgefallen.
20210401             Hintergrund ist, dass Ramelow auf der CORONA—WARN—APP 1—RISIKOBEGEGNUNG angezeigt bekommen hätte — also einen Kontakt mit jemandem, der später positiv auf 1—CORONAINFEKTION getestet worden sei.
20210401             Bundesinnenminister HORST—SEEHOFER will sich —DERZEIT nicht mit dem Impfstoff von AstraZeneca impfen lassen.
20210401             "Die Antwort auf die Aufforderung von JENS—SPAHN lautet: Nein!" - sagt der CSU—POLITIKER zu "Bild".
20210401             "Ich lasse mich nicht bevormunden".
20210401             Der 71-jährige Seehofer bezieht sich damit auf einen Appell von Bundesgesundheitsminister Spahn (CDU), dass sich auch über 60-jährige Spitzenpolitiker —NUN mit AstraZeneca impfen lassen sollten, um Vorbild zu sein.
20210401             Seehofer sei es mit seiner Äußerung jedoch nicht um 1—BEWERTUNG—DES—IMPFSTOFFS—DES—BRITISCH—SCHWEDISCHEN—PHARMAKONZERNS an sich gegangen, schreibt
20210401             —KRITISIERT, WHO, europäische Impfkampagne als "inakzeptabel langsam"
20210401             Die langsame Verteilung der Vakzinen in EUROPA führe zu einer "Verlängerung" der Pandemie.
20210401             Die Verteilung der Impfstoffe müsse durch 1—ANKURBELUNG—DER—PRODUKTION und den Abbau bürokratischer Hürden beschleunigt werden,
20210401             Die Infektionslage in EUROPA bezeichnete die WHO als so "besorgniserregend" wie —SEIT—MONATEN nicht mehr.
20210401             Die ZAHL—DER—TODESFÄLLE durch das CORONA€”VIRUS in EUROPA "bewegt sich schnell auf die Million zu",
20210401             Die ZAHL—DER—IN—DER—REGION registrierten Coronainfektionen werde bald die 45—MILLIONEN—MARKE überschreiten.
20210401             Die WHO—NOTFALLKOORDINATORIN für EUROPA, Dorit Nitzan, warnte vor der Entstehung neuer Mutanten, sollte die Geschwindigkeit, in der sich das CORONA€”VIRUS —DERZEIT ausbreite, nicht gedrosselt werden.
20210401             "Die Wahrscheinlichkeit neuer besorgniserregender Varianten steigt mit der Rate, in der das Virus sich repliziert und ausbreitet",
20210401             "Entscheidend" sei deshalb, die Virusübertragung "durch grundlegende Maßnahmen zur Krankheitskontrolle einzudämmen".
20210401             grundlegende Maßnahmen
20210401             grundlegend - Der Eurovision Song Contest soll —IM—MAI in ROTTERDAM doch mit Publikum stattfinden — zumindest mit einer begrenzten Zahl.
20210401             Fast 6000—CORONA—TOTE in Tschechien —IM—MÄRZ - Neue CORONA—VARIANTE in AFRIKA entdeckt
20210401             Sie sei bei Reisenden aus TANSANIA in ANGOLA entdeckt worden,
20210401             Die neue Variante weise —BIS zu 40—MUTATIONEN auf.
20210401             "Das ist sicherlich 1—VARIANTE, die Anlass zur Sorge gibt",
20210401             Das ostafrikanische TANSANIA hat —SEIT—MITTE vergangenen Jahres keine Daten über Covid herausgegeben.
20210401             Auch aktuell gebe es keine Informationen zur genauen ZAHL—DER—FÄLLE dort,
20210401             Der vor kurzem verstorbene TANSANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—JOHN—MAGUFULI hatte vergleichsweise lockere CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN spät eingeführt.
20210401             Die CORONA—IMPFUNGEN in Arztpraxen sollen nach Ostern beginnen und allmählich hochgefahren werden.
20210401             "Das wird noch kein großer Schritt sein, aber ein wichtiger",
20210401             sagte Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN (CDU)
20210401             allmählich - Schärfere Kontaktbeschränkungen in BERLIN ab Karfreitag - Steinmeier mit AstraZeneca geimpft
20210401             "Ich vertraue den in DEUTSCHLAND zugelassenen Impfstoffen", betonte er in einer Mitteilung.
20210401             Der 65-Jährige hatte immer betont, dass er —ERST geimpft werden wolle, wenn er nach der Priorisierung an der Reihe sei.
20210401             —VERABSCHIEDET, SCHWEDEN, sich angesichts von Verzögerungen bei der IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNG von seinem Ziel, —BIS zur Jahreshälfte allen Erwachsenen 1—CORONA—SCHUTZIMPFUNG angeboten zu haben.
20210401             Für diese Zielmarke stehe einfach nicht ausreichend Impfstoff zur Verfügung,
20210401             Die neue Prognose von Regierung und Behörden sei, dass allen Menschen über —18—JAHREN sowie Minderjährigen in Risikogruppen vor dem 20210815             mindestens 1—IMPFDOSIS angeboten werden könne, allen über 65-Jährigen —BEREITS vor dem 20210516             ,
20210401             Neuer Rekordwert in POLEN: 35.251—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210401             VIELE—KRANKENHÄUSER arbeiten am Rande ihrer Kapazität.
20210401             Die Bundesregierung hat POLEN als Hochinzidenzgebiet eingestuft.
20210401             In dieser Kategorie finden sich Länder und Regionen wieder, in denen die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer —WOCHE über 200—LIEGT.
20210401             Biontech/PFIZER—IMPFSTOFF mit großer Wirksamkeit gegen Virusvariante B.1.351
20210401             Bei Studienteilnehmen, deren Impfung —BIS zu —6—MONATE zurückliegt, betrage die Wirksamkeit rund 91—PROZENT,
20210401             Das ist zwar etwas niedriger als die 95—PROZENT, die Biontech und Pfizer —IM—NOVEMBER aus der Studie mit 44.000—TEILNEHMERN gemeldet hatten.
20210401             Seitdem haben sich aber weltweit 1—REIHE—VON—CORONA—VARIANTEN ausgebreitet.
20210401             Experten fürchten, dass die neuen Varianten aus SÜDAFRIKA und BRASILIEN gegen bestehende Impfstoffe resistent sein können.
20210401             "Wir sind nicht dafür da, Ihre aufeinanderfolgenden Misserfolge anzuerkennen",
20210401             sagte der Fraktionschef der konservativen Republikaner, DAMIEN—ABAD, —AM—DONNERSTAG nach einer Rede von Regierungschef JEAN—CASTEX.
20210401             Der Linksaußenpolitiker JEAN—LUC—MÉLENCHON monierte, dass Macron allein entscheide.
20210401             Spahn für schnelle Verimpfung aller ASTRAZENECA—DOSEN
20210401             Gassen sagte, auf den Beipackzetteln etwa bestimmter Rheumamedikamente oder von ANTI—BABY—PILLEN würden "in deutlich höheren Größenordnungen gleich schwere Risiken" genannt.
20210401             "Da macht keiner großes Bohei", so der KBV—CHEF.
20210401             "Nehmen Sie mal Viagra, da stehen noch ganz andere Nebenwirkungen drin".
20210401             Angesichts wachsender CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN und der teilweisen Schließung von Schulen und Kitas fordert Bundesfamilienministerin FRANZISKA—GIFFEY (SPD) eine erneute Ausweitung der Kinderkrankentage.
20210401             "Wir müssen —JETZT schnell reagieren, damit wir Eltern eine konkrete Hilfe anbieten können",
20210401             Wegen eines erwarteten Andrangs von OSTER—AUSFLÜGLERN haben EINIGE—OSTFRIESISCHE—INSELN—KONTROLLEN—VON—IHREN—ORDNUNGSBEHÖRDEN angekündigt.
20210401             Die Städte Norderney und Borkum teilten etwa mit, bei den Ankünften der Fähren auf den Inseln die Einhaltung der Coronaregeln zu überprüfen.
20210401             Oberverwaltungsgericht HAMBURG bestätigt Maskenpflicht für Jogger
20210401             135—MILLIONEN Euro CORONA—NOTHILFE an Studenten ausgezahlt
20210401             BULGARIEN lockert CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN
20210401             —ERST—AM—MITTWOCH wurde mit 5176—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen —24—STUNDEN der höchste Wert —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie 20200000             registriert.
20210401             Das Balkanland verzeichnete 732—NEUANSTECKUNGEN pro 100.000—MENSCHEN binnen —2—WOCHEN.
20210401             Der größte Hotspot ist die HAUPTSTADT—SOFIA.
20210401             NIEDERSACHSEN führt CORONA—TESTPFLICHT an Schulen ein
20210401             Ganz KROATIEN wird RISIKOGEBIET—PORTUGAL fast komplett "risikofrei"
20210401             —GESTRICHEN, Ganz von der Risikoliste, werden 2—REGIONEN in IRLAND und FINNLAND sowie die PORTUGIESISCHE—HAUPTSTADT—LISSABON.
20210401             Damit ist das ganze PORTUGIESISCHE—FESTLAND "risikofrei".
20210401             Nur die Ferieninsel Madeira im Atlantik gilt noch als Risikogebiet.
20210401             PORTUGAL hat die Infektionszahlen nach einem dramatischen Anstieg durch einen harten Lockdown auf den niedrigsten Stand in der gesamten Europäischen Union gedrückt.
20210401             Bundesregierung einigt sich auf zusätzliche CORONA—HILFEN für Firmen
20210401             Nächtliche Ausgangsbeschränkung ab —SAMSTAG in HALLE
20210401             Eine geplante Unterstützungsaktion für EU—LÄNDER mit zu wenig CORONA—IMPFSTOFF hat die Mitgliedstaaten gespalten.
20210401             Es habe keine Einigung auf eine gemeinsame Vorgehensweise gegeben, teilten Diplomaten nach zweitägigen —VERHANDLUNGEN der EU—BOTSCHAFTER—AM—DONNERSTAG mit.
20210401             ÖSTERREICH, SLOWENIEN und Tschechien hätten sich einem Konsens verweigert.
20210401             1—EU—DIPLOMAT sagte, die anderen 24—LÄNDER würden die Solidaritätsaktion —NUN unter sich organisieren.
20210401             Nach Einschätzung der anderen EU—LÄNDER haben tatsächlich BULGARIEN, ESTLAND, KROATIEN, LETTLAND und die SLOWAKEI ernsthafte Probleme.
20210401             Denn sie haben bei ihren Bestellungen zu sehr auf den Impfstoff von Astrazeneca gesetzt, bei dem es —JETZT massive Lieferprobleme gibt.
20210401             WHO warnt vor CORONA—AUSBREITUNG im muslimischen Fastenmonat Ramadan
20210401             "Die Lage wird nicht besser und VIELE—LÄNDER entwickeln sich in eine besorgniserregende Richtung",
20210401             sagte AHMED—AL—MANDHARI, WHO—REGIONALDIREKTOR für den östlichen Mittelmeerraum, —AM—DONNERSTAG.
20210401             Der Beginn des Ramadans hängt vom Erscheinen der Neumondsichel ab, da der islamische Kalender sich —NACH—DEM Mond richtet.
20210401             —DIESES—JAHR beginnt er voraussichtlich um den 20210413             .
20210401             Gläubige Muslime verzichten im Ramadan von der Morgendämmerung —BIS zum Sonnenuntergang auf ESSEN, Trinken, Rauchen und Sex.
20210401             —ABENDS kommen sie zum gemeinsamen Fastenbrechen (Iftar) zusammen.
20210401             Bei den Treffen im großen Kreis sowie bei Gebeten, zu denen in Moscheen meist hoher Andrang herrscht, ist die Gefahr der CORONA—AUSBREITUNG besonders groß.
20210401             ÄGYPTEN kündigte —BEREITS an, die sonst üblichen RAMADAN—TAFELN wie im vergangenen —JAHR wegen der Pandemie zu verbieten.
20210401             An diesen Tafeln können arme Menschen während des Ramadans normalerweise kostenlos ESSEN.
20210401             Auch das Emirat DUBAI will die Tafeln —DIESES—JAHR verbieten.
20210401             Die MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN unterstützt die Forderung nach einem härteren Lockdown zur Bekämpfung der Coronapandemie.
20210401             2—DRITTEL (67—PROZENT) der Bundesbürger stimmen angesichts steigender Infektionszahlen einem entsprechenden Appell von Intensivmedizinern zu, wie aus einer repräsentativen Umfrage von infratest dimap für den ARD—DEUTSCHLANDTREND hervorgeht.
20210401             Die Mediziner fordern, das gesellschaftliche Leben in DEUTSCHLAND für 2—BIS—3—WOCHEN herunterzufahren, um eine Überlastung der Krankenhäuser zu verhindern.
20210401             Die derzeitigen Maßnahmen gehen etwa der HÄLFTE—DER—BEFRAGTEN (48—PROZENT) nicht weit genug.
20210401             Dies sind 16—PROZENTPUNKTE mehr als noch —MITTE—MÄRZ.
20210401             Gut 1—VIERTEL—DER—BEFRAGTEN sagte jeweils, dass die derzeitigen Maßnahmen ausreichend (24—PROZENT) oder zu streng (24—PROZENT) seien.
20210401             Eine große Mehrheit gibt Bund und Ländern ein schlechtes Zeugnis für die Krisenbewältigung.
20210401             Etwa 4—FÜNFTEL (79—PROZENT) sehen deren Arbeit deutlich kritischer als noch —ANFANG—FEBRUAR (56—PROZENT).
20210401             Nur 19—PROZENT sehen den Kurs der Regierung in der Krise positiv.
20210401             Dies zeigt sich vor allem beim Urteil über die schleppende Impfstrategie.
20210401             83—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN sind —DERZEIT weniger oder gar nicht zufrieden mit dem Verlauf der Impfkampagne gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS.
20210401             Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) steht bei ihrem Ziel, —BIS zum 20210410             in allen Ländern der Welt mit Impfungen gegen das CORONA€”VIRUS zu beginnen, vor dem Scheitern.
20210401             WHO—CHEF—TEDROS—ADHANOM—GHEBREYESUS hatte reiche Länder vergangene —WOCHE aufgerufen, dringend 10—MILLIONEN Impfdosen aus ihren Beständen zu spenden.
20210401             —BIS—DONNERSTAG erhielt er nach eigenen Angaben aber keine Zusagen.
20210401             Tedros sagte in Genf, 20—LÄNDER stünden in den Startlöchern für Impfungen, hätten aber bislang keine einzige Dosis erhalten.
20210401             "Ich hoffe immer noch, dass ein paar politische Führungskräfte vortreten, die vorausblickend und aufgeklärt sind",
20210401             Covax hatte vergangene —WOCHE eingeräumt, dass es Verzögerungen gibt.
20210401             Begründet wurde dies mit Exportbeschränkungen in INDIEN, wo 1—GROSSTEIL der für Covax bestimmten ASTRAZENECA—IMPFDOSEN hergestellt wird.
20210401             —ARGUMENTIERT, Das 1,3—MILLIARDEN—EINWOHNER—LAND, dass es die Impfstoffe —ZUNÄCHST für die eigene Bevölkerung braucht.
20210401             —VERZÖGERT, Insgesamt, sich dadurch die Lieferung von 90—MILLIONEN Dosen.
20210401             —VERBIETET, BANGLADESCH, EU—BÜRGERN Einreise
20210401             Polizei geht gegen tausende Teilnehmer einer Party in Brüssel
20210401             In einem Brüsseler Park haben sich Polizisten heftige Auseinandersetzungen mit tausenden Menschen geliefert, die sich dort trotz Verbots zu einer als Aprilscherz deklarierten Party eingefunden hatten.
20210401             Als Vertreter der berittenen Polizei und der Antiaufruhreinheiten in dem am südlichen Stadtrand gelegenen Park eintrafen, wurden sie mit Wurfgeschossen aus der Menge empfangen, wie AFP—REPORTER berichteten.
20210401             Die Polizei setzte Wasserwerfer ein und nahm mehrere Teilnehmer fest.
20210401             Rekord bei CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in TÜRKEI — Ärzte schlagen Alarm
20210401             Die TÜRKISCHE—ÄRZTEVEREINIGUNG TTB schlug angesichts der stark steigenden Zahlen Alarm: "Die Intensivbetten sind voll",
20210401             USA—SEUCHENBEHÖRDE liefert mehr als 200—MILLIONEN Impfdosen aus
20210401             Tausende alte Menschen in SPANIEN folgen gefälschtem Impfaufruf
20210401             Unbekannte habe sich einen üblen Scherz mit einem gefälschten Impfaufruf für alle über 80-Jährigen in der südspanischen Stadt SEVILLA geleistet.
20210401             Über verschiedene WHATSAPP—GRUPPEN wurde eine vermeintliche Mitteilung der Gesundheitsbehörde verbreitet, ALLE—MENSCHEN über —80—JAHREN könnten sich —AM—DONNERSTAG auch ohne Termin gegen CORONA impfen lassen.
20210401             Vor dem Impfzentrum bildete sich daraufhin 1—SCHLANGE von etwa 4000—MENSCHEN, darunter alte Leute und ihre Angehörigen, berichtete die Zeitung "El País".
20210401             Desconfinamento segue em frente sem mudanças, mas com avisos
20210401             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—181—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—5—(=)
20210401             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—69—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—65—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20210401             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—138—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—121—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(=)
20210401             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1372—(+1)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1329—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(+1)
20210401             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1229—(+5)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1193—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—24—(+3)
20210401             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2262—(+27)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2054—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—178—(+21)
20210401             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—667—(+6)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—621—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—32—(+6)
20210401             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2322—(+12)—ÓBITOS—44—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2204—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—74—(+11)
20210401             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3729—(+4)—ÓBITOS—62—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3624—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—43—(+2)
20210401             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3166—(+2)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3063—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—52—(-1)
20210401             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1712—(+3)—ÓBITOS—22—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1675—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—15—(+1)
20210401             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1501—(+2)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1462—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(+2)
20210401             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—389—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—386—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20210401             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—83—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—78—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210401             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1259—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1224—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—16—(=)
20210401             395_DGS_boletim_20210401
20210401             INCIDÊNCIA—NACIONAL: 65,3 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20210401             Continente: 62,4casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB
20210401             R(t) - Nacional: 0,94 - Continente: 0,94
20210401             GLOBAL—CASES—129.334.751—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.821.640
20210401             MERKEL—PODCAST zu Ostern: "Wir werden das Virus gemeinsam besiegen"
20210401             Gründonnerstag: FRANZISKUS—PAPA startet mit Messe in 2. CORONA—OSTERN
20210401             Coronapandemie in BRASILIEN: "Die Patienten sterben, während sie auf 1—INTENSIVBETT warten"
20210401             BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG: Grüne wollen weiter mit CDU regieren
20210401             Wegen BREXIT—CHAOS: Genervter SCHOTTISCHER—UNTERNEHMER gibt auf — und zieht nach FRANKREICH
20210401             USA: ZAHL—DER—ERSTANTRÄGE auf USA—ARBEITSLOSENHILFE steigt überraschend
20210401             Präsidentschaftskandidatur in FRANKREICH: Marine Le Pen will Parteivorsitz abgeben
20210401             Wütend über den Brexit: John le Carré starb als Ire
20210401             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Der AMERIKANISCHE—TRAUM setzt Rost an
20210401             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN: Unbekannte sollen WDR—FREQUENZ für "Querdenker"-Thesen gekapert haben
20210401             ASTRAZENECA—GEIMPFTE unter 60: "Ich habe mehr Angst vor Long Covid als vor Nebenwirkungen"
20210401             WUPPERTAL: TAFEL—MITARBEITER soll gespendete Lebensmittel verkauft haben
20210401             Gegen "Teufelskreis der Ungleichheit": IWF fordert Umverteilung und höhere Steuern für Reiche
20210401             Mögliche Rückkehr der USA: Gespräche über Atomabkommen mit IRAN vereinbart
20210401             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Berater
20210401             NIEDERLANDE: Premier Rutte kämpft um sein politisches Überleben
20210401—20210401    —AM, Das waren die CORONA—NEWS.
20210401—20210404    —AM, Die Einschränkungen wurden kurz vor der Parlamentswahl trotz rekordhoher CORONA—FALLZAHLEN aufgehoben.
20210401—20300000    —BIS, Teure Glasfaseroffensive: Telekom will schnelles INTERNET für ALLE—HAUSHALTE
20220314—20220401    —BIS—ZUM—DAUERN, Das Manöver soll, und stattfindet nur WENIGE—100—KILOMETER von der RUSSISCHEN—GRENZE entfernt .
20220314—20220401    —BIS—ZUM, Das Manöver soll dauern und findet nur wenige 100—KILOMETER von der RUSSISCHEN—GRENZE entfernt statt.
20220322—20010401    —AM, musste 1—EP 3E Aries II, 1—SIGINT—AUFKLÄRER der USA—NAVY, auf der INSEL—HAINAN—CHINA notlanden, —NACHDEM er mit einem CHINESISCHEN—KAMPFFLUGZEUG vom Typ SHENYANG J-8 kollidiert war.
20220323—20220401    —FROM, S. KOREA to reinstate VISA—FREE—ENTRY for Russians
20220324             —ANNOUNCED, GOVERNOR—NED—LAMONT—OF—CONNECTICUT, that his state would temporarily suspended THE—25—CENTS per gallon excise tax — as well as fares needed to ride 1—PUBLIC—BUS — 20220401—20220630    —FROM—TO.
20220331             Der UKRAINISCHE—VERHANDLUNGSFÜHRER Dawyd Arachamija hat weitere Gespräche mit der RUSSISCHEN—DELEGATION für den 20220401             im Onlineformat angekündigt.
20220331—20220415    —AS—OF, RUSSIA to introduce quota on exporting sunflower oil to ban exporting sunflower seeds, rapeseeds as of 20220401             , SOURCE  Agriculture Ministry
20220401             —FREITAG, 20220401
20220401             Erziehung zur Gewaltfreiheit: Sollen wir unseren Kindern Spielzeugwaffen verbieten?
20220401             Die Elternkolumne von ANNA—CLAUSS
20220401             UKRAINISCHER—PRÄSIDENT: ZELENSKYY feuert Topsicherheitsbeamte — und nennt sie "Verräter"
20220401             Coronalage in DEUTSCHLAND: RKI meldet 252.530—NEUINFEKTIONEN — Inzidenz sinkt weiter
20220401             Buhlen um Anträge: Unionsfraktion sperrt sich weiter gegen Unterstützung der CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT
20220401             Russlandpolitik des FRÜHEREN—AUSSENMINISTERS: Fataler Fehler in der STEINMEIER—FORMEL
20220401             EMBARGO—DEBATTE: BASF—CHEF warnt vor Zerstörung der "gesamten Volkswirtschaft"
20220401             Lebensmittel: Handel kündigt "2. Welle" von Preissteigerungen an - Fri 20220401
20220401             [l] Wisst ihr noch, wie ich immer gewarnt habe, dass Daten missbraucht werden?
20220401             Und wenn man Schnittstellen für "lawful interception" schafft, dann werden darüber Daten missbraucht?
20220401             —NUN... ich lag richtig.
20220401             Durch Zugriff auf MAIL—ADRESSEN von Strafverfolgern konnten Hacker offenbar Nutzerdaten bei Diensten abfragen.
20220401             Ach. Ach was.
20220401             Sag bloß". - Strafverfolger" sind nicht in der Lage, die Sicherheit auch nur ihrer eigenen Accounts zu garantieren?
20220401             Geschweige denn die der Daten, mit denen sie hantieren?
20220401             Na sowas! Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt!
20220401             —SEIT Ausbruch des Ukrainekrieg haben HACKER—ATTACKEN auch gegen den Walldorfer Softwarekonzern SAP zugenommen.
20220401             Das sagte Vorstandssprecher CHRISTIAN—KLEIN in einem Interview mit dem "Mannheimer —MORGEN".
20220401             "Es herrscht nicht nur der physische Krieg in der UKRAINE, sondern auch 1—CYBERWAR".
20220401             Vor allem mittelständische Unternehmen hätten aus eigener Kraft kaum Möglichkeiten, sich gegen immer ausgefeiltere Attacken zu wehren.
20220401             —GESTIEGEN, Die Nachfrage sei durch den Krieg.
20220401             Nach seinem Besuch in der UKRAINE ist der CHEF—DER—INTERNATIONALEN—ATOMENERGIEBEHÖRDE (IAEA) nach RUSSLAND weiter gereist.
20220401             Grossi sei —AM—DONNERSTAG in der RUSSISCHEN—EXKLAVE KALININGRAD eingetroffen,
20220401             Dort werde er am Freitagvormittag Gespräche mit hochrangigen Vertretern der RUSSISCHEN—REGIERUNG führen.
20220401             Grossi hatte —AM—MITTWOCH das Atomkraftwerk von IUJNO—UKRAINSK im Süden der UKRAINE besucht.
20220401             EU—PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENTIN Roberta Metsola ist zu einer Reise in die UKRAINISCHE—HAUPTSTADT aufgebrochen.
20220401             "Auf dem Weg nach Kiew", schrieb die Christdemokratin
20220401             Details zur Reise der aus MALTA stammenden PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENTIN gab es aus Sicherheitsgründen —ZUNÄCHST nicht.
20220401             "Diese zwischen 1200—MANN und 2000—MANN starken RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN werden zu taktischen Gruppen mit 3—BATAILLONEN umorganisiert",
20220401             postet das Ministerium auf Twitter.
20220401             KANADA lehnt wegen Ukrainekrieges Teilnahme Putins an G20-Gipfel ab
20220401             Der KANADISCHE—REGIERUNGSCHEF JUSTIN—TRUDEAU sagte —AM—DONNERSTAG in OTTAWA, er sei sich mit dem diesjährigen GIPFEL—GASTGEBER, Indonesiens PRÄSIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO, einig, dass 1—GIPFEL—TEILNAHME—VON—KREML—CHEF—WLADIMIR—PUTIN "außergewöhnlich schwierig für uns und unproduktiv für die G20" sei.
20220401             Handel erwartet bei Lebensmitteln kräftige Preiserhöhungen
20220401             —SCHON vor Ausbruch des Ukrainekrieges seien die Preise "über die Produktpalette hinweg" um gut 5—PROZENT gestiegen,
20220401             —GEWESEN, Dies sei Folge der gestiegenen Energiekosten.
20220401             "Die 2. Welle an Preissteigerungen kommt, und die wird sicherlich zweistellig",
20220401             1. Handelsketten hätten —SCHON damit begonnen, Preise anzuheben.
20220401             "Wir werden das zeitnah überall in den Supermärkten an den Preisschildern sehen können".
20220401             Es werde "—ERST einmal keine anhaltende Abwärtsbewegung mehr bei den Preisen geben",
20220401             Kürzlich hatten —BEREITS Handelsketten wie Aldi, Edeka und Globus Preiserhöhungen angekündigt.
20220401             Kiew hat nach eigenen Angaben 11—SIEDLUNGEN im Gebiet Cherson zurückerobert
20220401             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat nach Einschätzung der USA—REGIERUNG im Ukrainekrieg womöglich EINIGE—SEINER—BERATER—VON—IHREN—AUFGABEN entbunden und sich selbst isoliert.
20220401             "Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, dass er EINIGE—SEINER—BERATER entlassen oder unter Hausarrest gestellt hat",
20220401             Es gebe aber "nicht so VIELE—HANDFESTE—BEWEISE".
20220401             —REGISTRIERT, Vereinzelt Z—SYMBOLE in DEUTSCHLAND
20220401             Mehrere Bundesländer berichten von Fällen im einstelligen Bereich, in denen das Z—SYMBOL zum Beispiel als Graffiti auf Autos oder Mauern entdeckt wurde.
20220401             —5—WOCHEN nach der RUSSISCHEN—INVASION, NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN, wurden —BEREITS 22—FÄLLE im Zusammenhang mit dem Z—SYMBOL erfasst, wie das Innenministerium mitteilte.
20220401             JOAN—BAEZ unterstützt UKRAINE mit ZELENSKYY—PORTRÄT
20220401             —VERBESSERT, Stadtkommandant: Lage in Kiew, sich
20220401             Die BAU—UND ENERGIE—EXPERTIN LAMIA—MESSARI—BECKER warnt für den Fall eines Stopps von RUSSISCHEN—GASLIEFERUNGEN nach DEUTSCHLAND vor verheerenden Folgen für die DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFT.
20220401             "Wenn GRUNDSTOFF—INDUSTRIEN zum Erliegen kämen, würde 1—DOMINOEFFEKT entstehen, der nicht mehr aufzuhalten und nur schwer reparabel wäre",
20220401             hängt etwa die Bauwirtschaft "maßgeblich" an gasintensiven Industrien wie der Chemie-, STAHL—UND Zementindustrie.
20220401             "Im Hauptbaugewerbe wären knapp eine halbe Million Jobs betroffen",
20220401             Nach der Ansprache des UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY an das AUSTRALISCHE—PARLAMENT hat PREMIERMINISTER—SCOTT—MORRISON—DEM—KRISENLAND die Lieferung weiterer militärischer Ausrüstung zugesagt.
20220401             "Wir schicken unsere Waffen, Munition, humanitäre Hilfe, unsere Schutzwesten.
20220401             Und wir werden auch unsere gepanzerten Fahrzeuge — unsere Bushmaster — schicken",
20220401             erklärte der Regierungschef.
20220401             Die Ausrüstung werde mit Militärtransportflugzeugen in die UKRAINE geflogen.
20220401             2—UKRAINISCHE—MILITÄRHUBSCHRAUBER haben Angaben aus RUSSLAND zufolge 1—TREIBSTOFFLAGER im RUSSISCHEN—BELGOROD nahe der Grenze angegriffen.
20220401             Dadurch sei 1—BRAND in dem Lager ausgebrochen,
20220401             eilt Regionalgouverneur Wjatscheslaw Gladkow mit.
20220401             2—MENSCHEN seien dabei verletzt worden.
20220401             —EVAKUIERT, Einige nahe gelegene GEBIETE—DER—STADT seien, worden.
20220401             Westliche Staaten wie DEUTSCHLAND müssen nach RUSSISCHER—DARSTELLUNG—VON—FREITAG an Konten bei der Gazprombank eröffnen, um weiter Gas zu erhalten.
20220401             Andernfalls würden die Lieferungen für die auf einer Liste "unfreundlicher Länder" aufgeführten Staaten eingestellt, hatte PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN —AM—DONNERSTAG angekündigt.
20220401             Die Staaten müssen demnach über die Konten, die einen Bereich für Valuta — also Euro oder Dollar — und einen für Rubel haben, künftig 1—ZAHLUNG in RUSSISCHER—WÄHRUNG sicherstellen.
20220401             —BEHARRT, Die Bundesregierung, darauf, dass Zahlungen wie vertraglich vereinbart weiter in Euro oder Dollar erfolgen.
20220401             Die genauen Auswirkungen der geänderten Zahlungsmodalitäten sind nach wie vor unklar
20220401             —GEFALLEN, Die Ölpreise sind —AM—FREITAG weiter.
20220401             Händler nannten die erhebliche Freigabe strategischer Ölreserven der USA als Grund.
20220401             1—BARREL (159—LITER) der Nordseesorte Brent kostete —AM—MORGEN 103,59 USA—DOLLAR.
20220401             Das waren 1,12 Dollar weniger als am Vortag.
20220401             Der Preis für 1—FASS—DER—USA—SORTE WEST—TEXAS Intermediate (WTI) fiel um 1,37 Dollar auf 98,91 Dollar.
20220401             Erosion fester Materialien: Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein — aber wie?
20220401             BELGOROD: RUSSLAND wirft der UKRAINE Angriff auf RUSSISCHES—TREIBSTOFFLAGER vor
20220401             Negativzinsen: Noch mehr Banken bestrafen Sparer
20220401             CHINA und der Krieg in der UKRAINE: Kann sich EUROPA —JETZT noch Streit mit Peking leisten?
20220401             Geplantes LNG—TERMINAL in der Elbmündung: Sondermüll, radioaktiver Abfall — und —JETZT noch Flüssigerdgas
20220401             —BESTREITET, Sicherheitspartnerschaft im Pazifik: CHINA, militärische Interessen bei neuem Bündnis mit SALOMONEN
20220401             "AURORA": Kathryn Bigelow dreht für Netflix Epos über globale Energiekrise
20220401             DEUTSCHER—BELLIZISMUS: Unser Krieg: Nur die Wahrheit!
20220401             "Massiver RANKING—FEHLER" im Newsfeed: Facebook gab fragwürdigen Inhalten mehr Reichweite, statt sie auszubremsen
20220401             VETERANEN—STUDIE: CORONA erhöht das Diabetesrisiko — auch bei milden Verläufen
20220401             Wegen des Ukrainekriegs: Deutsche kaufen deutlich mehr Mehl und Speiseöl
20220401             Knapp 3,5 Millionen Coronafälle: SCHWEIZ lässt ALLE—LANDESWEITEN—CORONAMASSNAHMEN fallen
20220401             Elektronische Kriegsführung in der UKRAINE: Moskaus unsichtbare Armee
20220401             —BEENDET, Einsatz am Horn von AFRIKA: DEUTSCHLAND, ANTI—PIRATERIE—MISSION vor SOMALIA
20220401             Abstimmung in NEW—YORK: Amazon könnte erstmals Arbeitnehmervertretung bekommen
20220401             Wenn Putin den Gashahn zudreht: DEUTSCHLAND wappnet sich für —TAG X
20220401             Wutrede gegen Putin: Kreml will Gérard Depardieu in Sachen Ukrainekrieg "aufklären"
20220401             Hohe Energiepreise: Inflation im Euroraum erreicht Rekordwert von 7,5 Prozent
20220401             Promis gegen Aufrüstung: Wer Frieden will...
20220401             —GESEHEN, So : Von A —BIS Y
20220401             —BEFÜRWORTET, Umfrage in RUSSLAND: 81—PROZENT—DER—RUSSEN, den Angriffskrieg auf die UKRAINE
20220401             DDR—BESTAND: Bundesregierung genehmigt Lieferung von Schützenpanzern an die UKRAINISCHE—ARMEE
20220401             Die Nachfrage nach Speiseöl und Mehl in DEUTSCHLAND ist nach Beginn des Ukrainekrieges zeitweise stark gestiegen.
20220401             Bei Mehl wurde im selben Zeitraum sogar 1—VERDREIFACHUNG—DER—NACHFRAGE festgestellt (plus 206—PROZENT).
20220401             Gazprom liefert trotz Umstellung auf Rubel offenbar weiter Gas nach EUROPA
20220401             Das BRITISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM bestätigte unter Berufung auf Geheimdienstquellen jedoch, UKRAINISCHE—STREITKRÄFTE hätten 2—DÖRFER an einer wichtigen Versorgungsroute zwischen Tschernihiw nahe der belarussischen Grenze und der HAUPTSTADT—KIEW zurückerobert.
20220401             VW—WERK BRATISLAVA steht wegen Ukrainekrieg —1—WOCHE still
20220401             Transaktionen auf Dollarbasis sind aufgrund der Sanktionen für RUSSLAND schwierig.
20220401             —NUN versucht das Land mehreren Medienberichten zufolge, mit INDIEN einen RUPIEN—RUBEL—ZAHLUNGSMECHANISMUS zu etablieren.
20220401             RUSSLAND werde verstärkt alternative Währungen wie die INDISCHE—RUPIE für den internationalen Handel nutzen, sagte laut Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zudem der RUSSISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Sergej Lawrow bei einem Besuch bei seinem INDISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.
20220401             INDIEN mit seinen mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Menschen hat trotz des Drängens aus den USA und EUROPA bislang keine Kritik am RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG geäußert.
20220401             Das Land pflegt mit RUSSLAND lange und enge Beziehungen.
20220401             Polens Ministerpräsident fordert Abkehr von RUSSISCHEN—ROHSTOFFEN
20220401             der nationalkonservative Politiker - MATEUSZ—MORAWIECKI
20220401             Bundeskanzler OLAF—SCHOLZ (SPD) geht davon aus, dass Russlands PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN nicht umfassend über die Lage in der UKRAINE informiert wird.
20220401             Er sei überzeugt, "dass die eigenen Dienste ihm VIELE—WAHRHEITEN auch vorenthalten",
20220401             Ohne friedliche Lösung werde es "auf —JAHRZEHNTE für RUSSLAND keine Chance geben, eine vernünftige ökonomische Entwicklung zu haben".
20220401             eine vernünftige - ökonomische - Entwicklung
20220401             Die angekündigten Preiserhöhungen für Lebensmittel im Einzelhandel sind aus Sicht des Bauernverbands ein notwendiger und folgerichtiger Schritt.
20220401             "—JETZT kommt es auch darauf an, dass das Geld nicht in der VERMARKTUNGS—UND Verarbeitungskette hängenbleibt, sondern auch auf den Betrieben ankommt",
20220401             NUR—SULTAN.
20220401             (Interfax) - KAZAKHSTAN will not serve as 1—TOOL for circumventing THE—USA' and EUROPEAN—UNION—SANCTIONS on RUSSIA, Timur Suleimenov, 1. deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—KAZAKHSTAN—PRESIDENTIAL—OFFICE, said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—EURACTIV.
20220401             Suleimenov said 1—OF—THE—OBJECTIVES—OF his visit to THE—EUROPEAN—UNION is to "demonstrate to our European partners that KAZAKHSTAN will not be 1—TOOL to circumvent the sanctions on RUSSIA by THE—USA and THE—EU".
20220401             "We will continue to invest in RUSSIA and attract investment for RUSSIA: there is no way for our economy to do it differently," Suleimenov said.
20220401             [l] In BAYERN gab es einen POLIZEI—GROßEINSATZ gegen Prepper, die angeblich Stromleitungen zerstören und damit das Stromnetz landesweit zum Zusammenbrechen bringen wollten.
20220401             Allerdings: Wie die Männer vorgehen wollte, dazu wollte die Polizei keine Einzelheiten bekannt geben.
20220401             —GEFUNDEN, Sprengstoff etwa sei bei den Männern jedenfalls nicht, worden, so 1—POLIZEISPRECHER.
20220401             Könnte also sein, dass BAYERN hier bloß mal ihrem miserablen Image als STROMTRASSEN—UND ERNEUERBARE—ENERGIEN—VERHINDERER im Rest der REPUBLIK entgegentreten wollten.
20220401             [l] Völlig überraschend stellt sich heraus, dass DEUTSCHLAND 1—QANON—HOTSPOT ist.
20220401             Dass vor allem AFD—WÄHLER betroffen sind.
20220401             Und dass QANON—JÜNGER krass überproportional unter den Ungeimpften zu finden sind.
20220401             Hey, was wenn ich euch sage, dass es da eine gemeinsame Ursache geben könnte?
20220401             ÖSTERREICH, sind die Zahlen noch finsterer.
20220401             [l] Anklage gegen MAD—AGENTEN.
20220401             Er soll bei drohenden Razzien die Betroffenen vorher gewarnt haben.
20220401             Konkret geht es um 1—RAZZIA bei einem KSK—KÄMPFER.
20220401             [l] Die Inflationsrate ist —JETZT bei 7,5%.
20220401             [l] Aus aktuellen Anlass möchte ich nochmal auf dieses Bildungsvideo verweisen.
20220401             Wenn man nämlich 1—INFLATIONSRATE—VON—7,5% hat, ist das jährlich Faktor 0,925 auf das Vermögen.
20220401             Wenn man also gucken will, was der Faktor nach sagen wir —10—JAHREN ist, dann rechnet man 0,925 hoch 10. Ergebnis: —NACH—10—JAHREN mit 7,5% Inflation ist weniger als die Hälfte übrig.
20220401             —NACH—DEM Aussterben der Dinosaurier: Säugetiere investierten in Größe statt Grips
20220401             1—FORSCHUNGSTEAM aus SCHOTTLAND, den USA und BELGIEN hat Fossilien von Säugetieren aus dem Paläozän, dem 10—MILLIONEN —JAHRE langen Erdzeitalter —NACH—DEM Aussterben der Dinosaurier, untersucht und herausgefunden: Während die Körpergröße der Säugetiere in dieser Zeit deutlich zunahm, nahm ihre Gehirngröße im Verhältnis zur Körpermasse ab.
20220401             und eine ausgeprägte Intelligenz entwickelte sich —ERST VIELE—MILLIONEN—JAHRE später",
20220401             "Der Prozess, der dazu führte, dass sich bei Säugetieren —NACH—DEM Aussterben der Dinosaurier große Gehirne herausbildeten, verlief viel langsamer als —BISHER angenommen".
20220401             Das Eozän dauerte rund 12—MILLIONEN—JAHRE, —BIS es vor etwa 34—MILLIONEN —JAHREN durch das Oligozän abgelöst wurde.
20220401             Die Untersuchungen zeigten auch, dass der Geruchssinn — gemessen an der ENTWICKLUNG—DER—RIECHKOLBEN im Gehirn — für die Säugetiere des Paläozäns entscheidend war.
20220401             Während des Eozäns wurden andere Fähigkeiten wie das Sehen, Hören, das Gedächtnis, aber auch motorische Kontrolle für das Überleben wichtiger.
20220401             Trotz CORONA: Kommunen erzielen Milliardenüberschuss
20220401             Reaktion auf Ukrainekrieg: Lindner stoppt Steuerzusammenarbeit mit RUSSLAND und BELARUS
20220401             —KONFLIKT um Gaslieferung: Gazprom gibt offenbar DEUTSCHE—TOCHTERFIRMA auf
20220401             Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl: Frankreichs Rechtspopulisten sind stark wie nie
20220401             Wegen der Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE: Bundeswehr will eigene PANZERFAUST—DEPOTS schnell auffüllen
20220401             Krieg in der UKRAINE: EU drängt CHINA zu Kurswechsel gegenüber RUSSLAND
20220401             Umfrage zur Bundestagswahl: VIELE—NICHTWÄHLER geben Zeitmangel an
20220401             Geheiminformationen: Reserveoffizier der Bundeswehr wegen Spionage für RUSSLAND angeklagt
20220401             Nach Fund Hunderter Kinderleichen in KANADA: FRANZISKUS—PAPA bittet Indigene um Entschuldigung
20220401             Während Ramadan: Kriegsparteien im JEMEN einigen sich auf zweimonatige Waffenruhe
20220401             Kein Abrücken vom Umweltschutz: Özdemir lehnt Getreideanbau auf Ökoflächen ab
20220401             Die Bundesregierung hat einer Lieferung von Schützenpanzern aus Tschechien in die UKRAINE zugestimmt.
20220401             Dabei handelt es sich um 56—SCHÜTZENPANZER, die aus Beständen der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR stammen:
20220401             RUSSLAND und die UKRAINE haben das internationale Übereinkommen gegen Streumunition aus —DEM—JAHR 20080000             nicht unterzeichnet.
20220401             Tschechien ruft RUSSISCHE—DIPLOMATEN zum Rücktritt auf
20220401             UKRAINE verlangt von DEUTSCHEN—KONZERNEN, Geschäfte in RUSSLAND aufzugeben
20220401             Die Einstellung des Geschäfts würde zwar bedauerlicherweise auch die RUSSISCHE—BEVÖLKERUNG treffen, "der Verantwortliche dafür aber ist Putin".
20220401             Nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI des baltischen EU—UND NATO—LANDES wurden die Gedenksteine mit den Buchstaben Z und V verunstaltet, die zu Symbolen für die Unterstützung Russlands geworden sind.
20220401             LITAUEN, Bundesamt durfte vor Virensoftware von russischem Hersteller Kaspersky warnen
20220401             Laut Gericht ist der Begriff der Sicherheitslücke, der das BSI zu einer Warnung berechtigt, vom Gesetzgeber zwar weit formuliert.
20220401             Virenschutzsoftware erfülle wegen der weitreichenden Berechtigungen zu Eingriffen in 1—COMPUTERSYSTEM ALLE—VORAUSSETZUNGEN für eine solche Sicherheitslücke.
20220401             Daher LIEGE 1—SICHERHEITSLÜCKE vor, wenn dieses Vertrauen nicht mehr gewährleistet sei.
20220401             Die Empfehlung für den Einsatz solcher Software beruhe allein auf dem hohen Maß an Vertrauen in die Zuverlässigkeit des Herstellers.
20220401             Bei ihrem Einsatz nahe der AKW—RUINE von Tschernobyl sollen RUSSISCHE—SOLDATEN sich nach offiziellen Angaben aus Kiew Strahlenschäden zugezogen haben.
20220401             Angesichts des Ukrainekriegs drängt die Bundesregierung —JETZT auf die zügige Bewaffnung von Drohnen: Nach jahrelanger Debatte will DEUTSCHLAND —NUN rasch 140—RAKETEN für die Bewaffnung der HERON—DROHNEN aus ISRAEL bestellen.
20220401             Danach plant das Verteidigungsministerium die Anschaffung von 60—FLUGKÖRPERN für die Ausbildung und 80—FLUGKÖRPERN für den Einsatz, sowie die Lieferung von Zusatzausstattung und 1—WAFFENAUSBILDUNG.
20220401             "Mit dem Angriff Russlands auf die UKRAINE hat sich laut dem Bundesverteidigungsministerium die sicherheitspolitische Lage in EUROPA grundlegend geändert",
20220401             "Ich habe entschieden, dass es wichtig ist, an der Sicherheit der Kraftwerke zu arbeiten",
20220401             Atomenergiebehörde: "Wir benötigen sichere Routen, Schutz und befriedete Zonen"
20220401             —BESTREITET, UKRAINISCHES—MILITÄR, Angriff auf Tanklager in RUSSLAND
20220401             BULGARIEN hat erneut einen RUSSISCHEN—DIPLOMATEN wegen des Verdachts der Spionage ausgewiesen.
20220401             Die Staatsanwaltschaft habe Ermittlungen gegen den 1. Sekretär der RUSSISCHEN—BOTSCHAFT wegen illegaler Geheimdiensttätigkeiten eingeleitet
20220401             Das EU—UND NATO—MITGLIED unterhält traditionell enge Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu RUSSLAND.
20220401             Das Moskauer BOLSCHOI—THEATER will die RUSSISCHE—ARMEE mit einer Ballettaufführung unterstützen.
20220401             —AM—SAMSTAG werde das Ensemble das Ballett "Spartakus" von Aram Chatschaturjan zur Unterstützung des russischen "Militäreinsatzes" in der UKRAINE aufführen, teilte das Theater —AM—FREITAG mit.
20220401             Der Erlös gehe an die FAMILIEN—DER—IN—DER—UKRAINE gefallenen RUSSISCHEN—SOLDATEN.
20220401             Nach ANGABEN—DES—THEATERS ist die Aufführung der Auftakt zu einer "groß angelegten Wohltätigkeitsaktion" des RUSSISCHEN—KULTURMINISTERIUMS.
20220401             Mehrere RUSSISCHE—THEATER werden demnach Aufführungen für Mitglieder von "Jugend-, FREIWILLIGEN—UND Veteranenorganisationen" sowie für Bewohner der von prorussischen Separatisten kontrollierten Gebiete in der Ostukraine geben.
20220401             Wirtschaftsrechtsexperte über RUSSISCHE—GASLIEFERUNGEN: "Kann sein, dass Verbraucher und Unternehmen schlicht Pech haben"
20220401             Humanitäre Hilfe für ÄTHIOPIEN: 1. UNO—HILFSKONVOI —SEIT—MONATEN in KRISEN—REGION Tigray eingetroffen
20220401             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—11.822—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—1.091,1—FÄLLE—GESAMT—308.563—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—28.478,4—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—1.018—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220401             Total Cases 487.658.308  Total Deaths 6.141.705 Total Vaccine Doses Administered 10.884.760.194
20220401             RUSSISCHE—STAATSKONZERNE in der DEUTSCHEN—GAS—UND Ölversorgung: Putins trojanische Pferde
202204010734         Yandex.Lavka shutting operations in PARIS, looks to more promising markets
202204010802         8—RESERVOIRS ablaze at BELGOROD oil depot, SOURCE  RUSSIA—EMERGENCIES—MINISTRY
202204010826         CBR eases restrictions on money transfers abroad by individuals for countries not supporting sanctions
202204011017         Gas resource base of Yamal, Gydan enough for both pipeline and LNG projects, SOURCE  MINISTER
202204011134         Gazprom bookings for transit via UKRAINE remain at peak on Fri, gas being delivered for export as scheduled
202204011200         CENTRAL—BANK approves rules for special gas payment accounts, Gazprombank promises 'convenient, technologically advanced' payment in rubles
202204011229         —LASTED, Record DDos attack in history, which, —145—HOURS, recorded in RUSSIA in March, SOURCE  Kaspersky Lab
202204011238         Gazprom Germania holding, including Gazprom Marketing & Trading, exit Gazprom group
202204011418         —BANNED, Meta facing new fine for failure to delete, content from social network, SOURCE  court
202204011430         Airbus intends to seek alternative sources for supplying titanium amid SANCTIONS—AGAINST—RUSSIA
202204011431         Belarusian Foreign Ministry doesn't condemn countries with different policies, but promises to take into account their position in future
202204011613         Putin permits RUSSIA—AIRLINES to pay foreign leasing firms in rubles
202204011614         LATVIA to suspend ISSUANCE—OF—RESIDENCE—PERMITS for Russians and Belarusians
202204011614         Aircraft parts could be made in KAZAN from 2023
202204011725         Putin, Pashinyan reiterate need to abide by Karabakh accords in telephone call, SOURCE  Kremlin
202204011749         Roskomnadzor demands Google —IMMEDIATELY stop censoring RUSSIA—MEDIA, online resources on YouTube
202204011903         KAZAKHSTAN to abide by WEST—SANCTIONS on RUSSIA, SOURCE  presidential office
20220401—20191000    —SEIT, haben mehrere Spionagefälle zu Spannungen geführt.
20220401—20220313    —BIS, Nach DATEN—DES—STATISTISCHEN—BUNDESAMTES war der Absatz von Speiseöl im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel —IN—DER—WOCHE vom 7. mehr als doppelt so hoch (plus 123—PROZENT) wie 20210900             —IM,
20220401—20230000    —IN, Rosatom plans to finish Unit 1 at Akkuyu NPP in TURKEY, able to implement project itself
20240223—20240401    —ZUM, Besitz und Anbau der Droge sollen  mit zahlreichen Vorgaben für Volljährige zum Eigenkonsum legal werden, wie ein angenommenes Gesetz der Ampelkoalition vorsieht.
20240322—20240401    —ZUM, Kontrollierte Freigabe Nach wochenlangem Streit — Cannabislegalisierung ist durch den Bundesrat
20240401             —IN—KRAFT—TRITT, das "Gesetz zum kontrollierten Umgang mit Cannabis und zur Änderung weiterer Vorschriften" DEUTSCHLAND,
20240401             —MONTAG, 20240401
20240401             Cannabisgesetz: 1500—MENSCHEN versammeln sich zum "Ankiffen" am Brandenburger Tor
20240401             ÖKONOMEN—SCHÄTZUNGEN: Inflationsrate —IM—MÄRZ auf niedrigstem Stand —SEIT—KNAPP—3—JAHREN
20240401             Krieg im Gazastreifen: ISRAEL nimmt Schwester von HAMAS—CHEF—WEGEN—SICHERHEITSVERGEHEN fest
20240401             MAUT—DEBAKEL und anhaltende Kritik: EX—VERKEHRSMINISTER Scheuer legt Bundestagsmandat nieder
20240401             Forderung nach ENDE—VON—WAFFENLIEFERUNGEN: Mehrere 1000—MENSCHEN bei Ostermärschen
20240401             Energiewende in DEUTSCHLAND: RWE und Leag schalten 7—KOHLEKRAFTWERKSBLÖCKE endgültig ab
20240401             Streit um Technologien: USA verschärfen Regeln für CHIPEXPORTE—CHINA reagiert verärgert
20240401             Milliarden für die Massentierhaltung: Klimaschädliche Lebensmittel erhalten die meisten EU—SUBVENTIONEN
20240401             Terrororganisation "Islamischer STAAT": "AFRIKA ist zum Epizentrum des globalen Dschihad geworden"
20240401             MOHAMMAD—RESA—SAHEDI: IRAN wirft ISRAEL gezielte TÖTUNG—VON—TOPGENERAL in Damaskus vor
20240401             Mögliche Schließung ausländischer TV—SENDER: Israels Parlament billigt "AL—JAZEERA—GESETZ"
20240401             Unternehmen hinter Truth Social: Trumps Medienfirma meldet für 2023—MILLIONENVERLUST
20240401             Migration nach GROSSBRITANNIEN: ZAHL—DER—GEFLÜCHTETEN am Ärmelkanal erreicht Rekordhoch