Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 27. March ?

Ereignisse an einem 27. March

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_00470327            —AM, KLEOPATRA wird CAESAR 1—HERRLICHEN Empfang bereitet haben, denn auch sie hatte gesiegt.
_00470327            —AM, So lange also hatte der alexandrinische Krieg gedauert, DER—KRIEG, den CAESAR sich wesentlich DER—KÖNIGIN—KLEOPATRA wegen zugezogen hatte.
_00470327            —AM, Lange Zeit war CAESAR von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten gewesen.
06160327             In diesen URKUNDEN sind 6—ORTE der 20—ORTE als Besitz DER—BISCHOF—KIRCHE—LE—MANS belegt,
06160327             die in DIE—ACTUS EINGESCHOBENE—URKUNDE—VOM
08530327             † HAYMO—BISCHOF—VON—HALBERSTADT
09160327             † ALDUIN—I—GRAF—VON—ANGOULÊME
09640327             † ARNULF—I—DER—GROßE—GRAF—VON—FLANDERN
09720327             * ROBERT—II—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH
09730327             † HERMANN—BILLUNG—MARK—GRAF und zeitweilig Stellvertreter Ottos I. im Herzogtum SACHSEN
10450327             † ADALBERO—II—GRAF—VON—EBERSBERG
10450327             † FATIMIDEN—WESIR—AL—DSCHARDSCHARAI, der
11650327             SIGEBERT—KONVERSE—UND—MÖNCH t —VOR,
11780327             † KLOSTER—ENGELBERG—ABT—SELIGER—FROWIN, der katholischen Kirche
11840327             † GIORGI—III—KÖNIG—VON—GEORGIEN
11940327             —TALKED, THE—ARCH—BISHOP—OF—CANTERBURY, on BEHALF—OF—RICHARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, with the rebels inside the castle at NOTTINGHAM, who soon surrendered.
12720327—12720319    —INTHRONISIERT, NACHDEM er —ERST—AM zum Priester geweiht worden ist, wird GREGOR—X—PAPA..
12730327             —URKUNDE—VOM, THE—MARQUIS—DE—TRAZEGNIES, noting in which CATHERINE—DE—TRAZEGNIES her husband is named "seigneur du Châtelet —SAINTE—CÉCILE", and
12730327             —URKUNDE—VOM, naming the couple's possible daughter SOPHIE "citée en 13120000             " who oo "GILLES—I]—DE—RODEMACHERN sénéchal et MARÉCHAL—DE—LUXEMBOURG",
12880327             † † † 13—MARTYRS EXECUTED at TROYES.
13180327             ii) DIETRICH—VON—DER—NEUERBURG (—).
13260327             werden bezahlt für 1—EQUUS pili liardi 26—FLORENI (ebd.),
13290327             —JOHANNES—XXII—PAPABULLA—IN—AGRO—DOMINICO, —VERURTEILT, 28—MEISTER—ECKHART—LEHRSÄTZE, als häretisch oder als häresieverdächtig.
13290327             —ENDET, Damit, das INQUISITIONS—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—MEISTER—ECKHART, der vor Veröffentlichung der Bulle gestorben ist.
13470327             RAYMUNDO—CARITI confertur custodia seu matricularia IN—ECCLESIA—S—MARIAE—DE—HULST—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESIS VACANS—PER—OBITUM—NICOLAI—DE—CALIGA canonici CurtriP' censis, cujus beneficia DIE—ANNO DONATIONI—SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE erant reservata.
13480327             Rutgero Wusting CLERICO—TRAIECTENSIS—DIOECESISJ qui de soluto genitus et soluta ad omnes sacros ordines susdpiendum et BENEFICIUM etiam curattm obtinendum
13500327             † ALFONSO—XI—OF—CASTILLE, —WHILE besieging GIBRALTAR, of the black death.
13500327             † While besieging GIBRALTAR, ALFONSO—XI—OF—CASTILLE of the black death.
13530327             STEPHANO—ALBERTI—CANONICO—ECCLESIAE—S—PETRI—TRAIECTENSIS conferenda reservatur scholastria ejusdem ECCLESIAcj quae vacare mox speratur^ cum HENRICUS—MOLIART
13780327             † GREGOR—XI—PAPA
13780327             † GREGORY—XI, [Pierre R the Beaufort], last FRANCE—PAPA (13700000—13780000    ).
14280327             † HERBORD—SCHENE, DEUTSCHER—KANONIKER und Chronist
14320327             —MARSEILLE, Von. vir. dns LUDOVICUS—TERRALLII—IN legibus licenciatus, priorque prioratus SINE—CURA ECCLESIE—PARROCHIALIS—DE—ROSINHAC, DIOCESIS—RULINENSIS...[arrenlcmenl de son prieuré).
14620327             † WASSILI—II—GROSS—FÜRST—VON—MOSKAU
14790327             † JORGE—MANRIQUE, kastilischer Dichter
14820327             but this did not prevent MAXIMILIAN—IMMEDIATELY putting forward 1—CLAIM to be REGENT and GUARDIAN.
14820327             —REFUSED, This THE—FLEMINGS from the 1., to admit.
14820327             —NOW, LOUIS was anxious for peace, and
14820327             MAXIMILIAN, failing THE—ASSISTANCE—OF—THE—FLEMISH levies
14820327             † MARY—OF—BURGUNDY as THE—RESULT—OF—1—FALL from her horse —WHILE hunting near BRUGES[BRÜGGE].
14820327             LOUIS was —NOW anxious for peace, and
14820327—14821223    —COMPELLED, MAXIMILIAN saw himself, to enter into the negotiations which CULMINATED IN
14930327             —FERIA—QUARTA—DICTI—MENSIS,R. P. DOMINUS—ANTONIUS—DE—MONTE receptus fuit in auditorem rote in locum quondam  DOMINUS—PÉTRI—DE—FERRARIA per RR.
14930327             —FERIA—QUARTA et pro ea die sedit in cappa sua ad sinistram R. P. DOMINUS—HIERONYMI—DE—PORCARIIS, VICE—DECANI rote.
14940327             —DONNERSTAG—FERIA—QUINTA—DICTI—MENSIS,in cena Domini, SS—D—N paratus MORE—SOLITO venit ad CAPELLAM—MAJOREM in qua Rmus.
14960327             —DOMINICA—PALMARUM"SUA—SANCTITÀ—DOMINUS—NOSTER, —ANTEQUAM exiret cameram secretam, ordinavit cum sacrista quod ministri celebrarent cum dalmatica et tunicella et celebrans cum capsula de broccato aureo;
14970327             —FERIA—SECUNDA—PASCHE,
14970327             DOMINUS—KARDINALI—S—SEVERINI;
14980327             —FERIA—TERTIA—DICTI—MENSIS, REFERENTISSIMUM—IN—CHRISTO P. DOMINUS—JOHANNOS MARIA electus, cappa violacea de panno sive sargia paratus, mulam
15130327             1. Europäer, sichtet, FLORIDA, Der SPANISCHE—ENTDECKER—JUAN—PONCE—DE—LEÓN, das er für 1—INSEL hält.
15130402             [see 15120327             entry] SPAIN—EXPLORER—JUAN—PONCE—DE—LEON also discovered THE—DRY—TORTUGAS WEST—OF—KEY—WEST.
15190327             1—TRUCE was arranged with Cortes —WHEN Mayan caciques brought food and gold as well as 20—FEMALE—SLAVES.
15190327             —NAMED, Among these 20—FEMALE—SLAVES was 1—YOUNG—WOMAN from JALISCO, MARINA, who had been stolen from 1—NOBLE—FAMILY, —WHEN small and sold into slavery, where she learned the language of Yucatán.
15190327             As 1—BILINGUAL translator from Aztec to Mayan, MARINA played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in the eventual CONQUEST—OF—TENOCHTITLÁN.
15190327             —NAMED, Among these was 1—YOUNG—WOMAN from Jalisco, Marina, who had been stolen from 1—NOBLE—FAMILY—WHEN small and sold into slavery, where she learned the language of Yucatán. As 1—BILINGUAL translator from Aztec to Mayan, Marina played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in the eventual CONQUEST—OF—TENOCHTITLÁN.
15280327             —VERTRAG—VON—MADRID
15280327             —ÜBERLÄSST, KAISER—KARL—V., den Welsern, KLEIN—VENEDIG, das heutige VENEZUELA, als Pfand für ihm gewährte Kredite.
15320327             † JOHANN—DER—GUTE—HERZOG—VON—OPPELN und Ratibor
15350327             † GEORG—TANNSTETTER, DEUTSCHER—HUMANIST, Astronom, Astrologe und Mediziner
15460327             * JOHANNES—PISCATOR, elsässischer Professor und reformierter Theologe
15620327             * JAKOB—GRETSER, lateinischer Philologe, Historiker, Dramatiker und Polemiker der GEGEN—REFORMATION in DEUTSCHLAND
15760327             * CASPAR—VON—TEUTLEBEN, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Hofmeister
15820327             —NACH, Beschluss
15880327             —J—IM, [EIFEREN]EFFEREN wurde von den Welschen * in BRÜHL niedergebrannt (Buch Weinsberg, HERAUSGEGEBEN—DURCH  Lau IV
15880327             Eiferen wurde —J—IM, von den ,Welschen* in BRÜHL niedergebrannt (
15920327             * JI?Í—T?ANOVSKÝ, SLOWAKISCHER—HYMNENDICHTER und Komponist
16030000—16250327    JAMES—VI—STUART—KING—OF—ENGLAND
16140327             † CHRISTOPH—MURER, SCHWEIZER—GLASMALER, Buchillustrator und Dichter
16250327             † JAMES—I—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND
16250327             —BECAME, CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND
16250327             CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND was KING—OF—ENGLAND, IRELAND and SCOTLAND —UNTIL he was beheaded.
16250327             —WAS—DESCRIBED, CHARLES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, as the "wisest fool in Christendom".
16250327             † JAMES—I (VI), STUART—KING—OF—SCOTLAND (15670000             ), ENGLAND (16030000—16250000    ).
16250327             —WAS—DESCRIBED, He, as the "wisest fool in Christendom".
16250327             —BECAME, CHARLES—I (16490000             †), THE—ENGLAND—KING.
16250327             He was KING—OF—ENGLAND, IRELAND and SCOTLAND —UNTIL he was beheaded.
16290327             † BALDASSARE—MAGGI, Tessiner Architekt und Baumeister
16290327             † GEORGE—CAREW—EARL—OF—TOTNES, 1., ENGLISCHER—MILITÄR und Politiker
16330327             —AM—NACHDEM, HALLSTADT niedergebrannt worden war,
16330327             —AM—NACHDEM, dauerte es nicht lange —BIS
16380327             Le jeune HENRI—DE—EFFIAT (marquis de CINQ—MARS) reçoit la charge de grand maître de la GARDE—ROBE.
16400327             as freiras entregaram ao DOCTOR—ANDRÉ—ANTÓNIO—DE—CASTRO, FÍSICO—MOR do (ainda) DOM—JOÃO—II—DUQUE—DE—BRAGANÇA, para que aí se sepultasse com seus herdeiros, ficando
16400327             FOLIAS—128V.-129.
16630327             * JOHANN—ANDREAS—EISENBARTH, DEUTSCHER—HANDWERKSCHIRURG, Wundarzt und Starstecher
16670327             † FRANZ—WESSELÉNYI, UNGARISCHER—PALATIN und Rädelsführer
16680327             ENGLAND—KING—CHARLES—II gave Bombay to THE—EAST—INDIA Company.
16720327             —DATUM—BERLIN
16720327             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16720327             Vorwürfe DER—KUR—FÜRSTLICHEN RÄTE über das Zögern DER—STAATEN.
16720327             Ungünstige Nachrichten über die Finanzen DER—STAATEN—KLAGEN des HERZOG—VON—CELLE.
16720327             DÄNEMARK.
16720327             VIELE—OFFIZIERE nehmen wieder ihren Abschied.
16720327             DIE—HIESIGEN MINISTER, SCHULD an der Verschleppung.
16720327             Bitte um Erlaubniss zur Rückkehr. KUR—FÜRST—VON—SACHSEN.]
16740327             —DATUM—BERLIN. ANKUNFT in POTSDAM, de Goes.
16740327             Audienz bei demselben. Gnädiger Empfang. Besuch bei DER—KUR—FÜRSTIN.
16740327             Gegenbemühungen des FRANKREICH—GESANDTEN.
16740327             KEIJSERLIJCKE, die rückständigen SUBSIDIEN zu bezahlen.
16790328—16790327    —VOM, worin er um kräftige Hilfe gemäss den ALLIANZ—VERTRÄGEN bittet zur RETTUNG—DER—CLEVISCHEN—LANDE vor dem Einfall der FRANZOSEN,
16790328—16790327    —VOM, soll geantwortet werden, daß
16960327             * ANTOINE—COURT, FRANZÖSISCHER—PREDIGER und Glaubenszeuge
16980327             * EMMERICH—DÄGER, DEUTSCHER—KAPUZINER—PATER, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
16990327             * WIGAND—KAHLER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Mathematiker
17100327             * JOSEPH—MARIE—CLEMENT—DALL—ABACO, composer.
17140327             † ANTON—ULRICH—FÜRST—VON—BRAUNSCHWEIG—WOLFENBÜTTEL, Kunstmäzen und Schriftsteller
17180327             * ANDREAS—WEBER, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und lutherischer Theologe
17280327             * JOSEPH—GÖTSCH, Tiroler Bildhauer, Vertreter des bayrischen Rokoko
17330327             * GERHARD—JODOKUS—VON—GROTENHUIS,Geboren
17460327             * CARLO—BONAPARTE, Corsican attorney, FATHER—OF—EMPEROR—NAPOLEON.
17570327             † JOHANN—WENZEL—ANTON—STAMITZ, —39—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17570327             † JOHANN—WENZEL—ANTON—STAMITZ (39), composer.
17610327             † JOHANN—LUDWIG—STEINER, —72—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17610327             † JOHANN—LUDWIG—STEINER (72), composer.
17650327             * FRANZ—VON—BAADER, DEUTSCHER—ARZT, Bergbauingenieur und Philosoph
17670327             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—HOBBAHN, württembergischer evangelischer Geistlicher, Dekan in Bietigheim
17690327             † JOSEF—ANTONIN—GURECKY, —60—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17690327             † JOSEF—ANTONIN—GURECKY (60), composer.
17700327             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO, venezianischer MALER—DES—BAROCK und Rokoko
17700327             † GIOVANNI—B—TIEPOLO (73), ITALY—PAINTER (Banquet of Cleopatra).
17760327             MEXICO—CAPTAIN—JUAN—BAUTISTA—DE—ANZA and his party of SPAIN—EXPLORERS spent their 1. night in the future CITY—OF—S—FRANCISCO at what came to be called Mountain Lake in the Presidio.
17800327             * AUGUST—L—CRELLE, GERMANY—INVENTOR, mathematician (1. PRUSSIA—RAILWAY).
17810327             † EBERHARD—HEINRICH—DANIEL—STOSCH, deutscher reformierter Theologe
17850327             * LOUIS—XVII, Pretender to the throne (17930000—17950000    ) —DURING THE—FRANCE—REVOLUTION.
17850327             Naissance de LOUIS—II. fils de LOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
17870327             * HEINRICH—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—RADIERER und Landschaftsmaler
17900327             —INVENTED, The shoelace was.
17900327             —WAS—INVENTED, The shoelace.
17910327             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Les Deux Sentinelles von HENRI—MONTAN—BERTON.
17940327             —BESCHLIEßT, DER—USA—KONGRESS, den Bau von 6—FREGATTEN und
17940327             —APPROVED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, "1—ACT to provide 1—NAVAL—ARMAMENT" of 6—ARMED ships.
17940327—17751013    —SEE
17980327             * ~ Collister MELLEN U
18020327             * FRANCESCO—MARIA—TRAVELLA, SCHWEIZER—RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Geistlicher und Schriftsteller
18080327             —GRÜNDET, KÖNIG—MAXIMILIAN—I—JOSEPH—KÖNIG—VON—BAYEREN, das Bayerische KRIEGS—MINISTERIUM zur Konzentration aller militärischen Angelegenheiten.
18090327             * WILHELM—NIKOLAI—BÖHTLINGK, deutschbaltischer Quartärgeologe und Geomorphologe
18090327—18910000    * † GEORGES—EUGENE—HAUSSMANN, FRANCE—TOWN planner.
18100327             * ADOLF—GLASSBRENNER, DEUTSCHER—HUMORIST und Satiriker
18100327             NAPOLEÓN rejoint MARIE—LOUISE à Courcelles
18110000—18890327    * † JOHN—BRIGHT, Quaker and UK—RADICAL and Liberal statesman.
18130327             * NATHANIEL—CURRIER, lithographer for Currier and Ives.
18140327             —BESIEGEN, USA—TRUPPEN unter GENERAL—ANDREW—JACKSON, die aufständischen CREEK—INDIANER unter HÄUPTLING—MENAWA in der
18140327             —KILLED, GENERAL—JACKSON led USA—SOLDIERS who, 700—CREEK Indians at Horseshoe Bend, LOS—ANGELES [in NORTH—ALABAMA] JACKSON lost 49—MEN.
18180327             * HEINRICH—GEYER, deutscher apostolischer Geistlicher, Prophet der KATHOLISCH—APOSTOLISCHEN Gemeinden (KAG)
18200327             * EDWARD—INGLEFIELD, BRITISCHER—ADMIRAL und Polarforscher
18200327             * ELIAS—DAVID—SASSOON, BRITISCH—CHINESISCHER—KAUFMANN, Philanthrop und Opiumhändler
18200327             † GERHARD—VON—KÜGELGEN, DEUTSCHER—PORTRÄT—UND Historienmaler
18240327             * JOHANN—WILHELM—HITTORF, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Physiker
18260327             * ERNST—ANDOLT, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER, Jurist und Politiker
18260327             * JOHANNES—OVERBECK, DEUTSCHER—KLASSISCHER Archäologe
18280327             † JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—TULLA, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR in Baden, verantwortlich für die OBERRHEIN—BEGRADIGUNG,
18360327             —MASSAKER—VON—GOLIAD, bei dem schätzungsweise 342—GEFANGENE Texaner getötet werden.
18360327             —EXECUTED, MEXICO—COLONEL—JOSE—NICOLAS—DE—LA—PORTILLA, his Texan prisoners at Goliad.
18360327             —MARCHED, COLONEL—PORTILLA had THE—342—TEXIANS, out of Fort Defiance into 3—COLUMNS.
18360327             —FIRED, THE—TEXIANS were then, on at POINT—BLANK—RANGE.
18360327             —CLUBBED, The wounded and dying were then, and stabbed.
18360327             —SURVIVED, Those who, the initial volley were run down by THE—MEXICO—CAVALRY.
18360327             —WAS—DEDICATED, THE—1.—MORMON temple, in KIRTLAND—OHIO.
18360327             —WOUNDED, The, and dying were then clubbed and stabbed.
18370327             * CARL—AUBEL, DEUTSCHER—INGENIEUR
18390327             * GOTTLIEB—VIEHE, deutscher evangelischer Missionar
18400327             † PHILIPP—ALBERT—STAPFER, SCHWEIZER—POLITIKER, Diplomat und Theologe
18410327             —WAS—TESTED, THE—1.—USA steam fire engine, in NEW—YORK City.
18430327             † JAKOB—GAUERMANN, DEUTSCHER—MALER, Zeichner und Kupferstecher
18450327             * WILHELM—CONRAD—RÖNTGEN, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18450327—19230000    —DISCOVERED, WILHELM—CONRAD—RÖNTGEN, X—RAYS (Nobel-19010000             ).
18470327             * OTTO—WALLACH, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER, Nobelpreisträger
18480327             † RÖTTGER—VON—VELTHEIM, DEUTSCHER—GUTSHERR und Privatgelehrter
18480327             berief am den LANDTAG.
18490327             * CARLO—DOSSI, ITALIENISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Diplomat
18490327             —BESCHLIEßT, Die Frankfurter Nationalversammlung, während der
18490327             —DEUTSCHEN—REVOLUTION die
18490327             —PATENTED, JOSEPH—COUCH, 1—STEAM—POWERED percussion rock drill.
18490327             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—256—KÖLN.
18490327—18490328    —AM—NÄCHSTEN—TAG, DEUTSCHLAND—DEMOKRATISCHE—VERFASSUNG, IN—KRAFT—TRITT mit ihrer Verkündung, kann jedoch nie durchgesetzt werden.
18500327             1. Nummer von HOUSEHOLD—WORDS, 1—VON—CHARLES—DICKENS herausgegebenen Wochenzeitschrift, erscheint in LONDON.
18500327             † DEUTSCHER—BANKIER—WILHELM—BEER, und Astronom
18500327             THE—PARTY—OF—DOCTOR—THADEUS—HILDRETH found a 22-pound gold nugget in Tuolemne COUNTY—CALIFORNIA.
18500327             —NAMED, The place was —INITIALLY, HILDRETH—DIGGINGS, then changed to New Camp, then USA—CAMP and finally COLUMBIA.
18500327             —SWELLED, The population soon, to 15,000.
18500327             THE—PARTY—OF—DOCTOR—THADEUS—HILDRETH found a 22-pound gold nugget in Tuolemne COUNTY—CALIFORNIA The place was —INITIALLY named HILDRETH—DIGGINGS, then changed to New Camp, then USA—CAMP and finally COLUMBIA.
18510327             * PAUL—MARIE—THEODORE—VINCENT—DE—INDY, composer (Symphonie Cevenole), in PARIS.
18520327             —NAPOLEONS—III—DEKRET,
18520327             —AUFHEBT in FRANKREICH die STRAF—ARBEIT in BAGNOS.
18520327             —DEPORTIERT, stattdessen, Verurteilte Strafgefangene werden  zur Arbeit in Strafkolonien.
18520327             * SIEGMUND—KORNFELD, financier and HUNGARY—MAGNATE, Jenikau
18540327             † KARL—III—HERZOG—VON—PARMA, wegen seines Willkürregimes in der Bevölkerung verhasst, wird in PARMA auf offener Straße von 1 Unbekannten niedergestochen.
18540327             —AM—MONTAG, den KRIEG ENGLAND, FRANKREICH erklären RUSSLAND.
18550327             * JAMES—ALFRED—EWING, BRITISCHER—PHYSIKER und Ingenieur
18550327             —PATENTED, ABRAHAM—GESNER, kerosene.
18570327             * KARL—RIEKER, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSWISSENSCHAFTLER und Rechtshistoriker
18600327             M.L. Byrn patented a "covered gimlet screw with a 'T' handle" (corkscrew).
18610327             —STAGED, Black demonstrators in CHARLESTON, RIDE—INS on street cars.
18620327             —GRUNDSTEINLEGUNG, die von GOTTFRIED—SEMPER erbaute Eidgenössische STERNWARTE—ZÜRICH, erfolgt die, die durch die Erforschung der Sonnenflecken Bekanntheit erlangen wird.
18630327             * SIR—HENRY—ROYCE, Rolls Royce founder.
18630327             —CALLED, CONFEDERATE—PRESIDENT—JEFFERSON—DAVIS, for this to be —1—DAY—OF—FASTING and prayer.
18640327             † JEAN—JACQUES—AMPÈRE, FRANZÖSISCHER—HISTORIKER, Philologe und Schriftsteller
18650327             —CAPTURED, It was, by Federals.
18650327             —SIEGE—OF—SPAIN—FORT—AL.
18660327             * OSKAR—BIDDER, DEUTSCH—BALTISCHER Pastor und Bekenner
18660327             —VETOED, PRESIDENT—ANDREW—JOHNSON, the civil rights bill, which —LATER became the 14. amendment.
18660327             —PATENTED, ANDREW—RANKIN, the urinal.
18680327             —ARRIVED, JOHN—MUIR, —30—JAHRE—ALT, by steamer in S—FRANCISCO and almost —IMMEDIATELY set off on a 300-mile journey to Yosemite Valley along with Englishman JOSEPH—CHILWELL.
18710327             * HEINRICH—MANN, GERMANY, novelist, essayist (BLUE—ANGEL), brother of THOMAS—MANN.
18720327             Übersetzt in die RUSSLAND—SPRACHE wurde der in DEUTSCHLAND unverkäufliche BAND—I—DES—KAPITAL—VON—1—NIKOLAI F, Danielson.
18720327             Die Zensur hatte GEGEN—DIE—BAND—I—DES—KAPITAL—PUBLIKATION nichts einzuwenden.
18720327             Die RUSSLAND—ZENSUR hatte ihre Erlaubnis zur BAND—I—DES—KAPITAL—HERAUSGABE der Übersetzung unter folgender Begründung erteilt:
18720327             "Obgleich DER—VERFASSER nach seinen Überzeugungen 1—VOLLSTÄNDIGER Sozialist ist und
18720327             "Obgleich das ganze Buch 1—VOLLSTÄNDIG bestimmten sozialistischen Charakter führt;
18720327             jedoch mit Rücksicht darauf, daß die Darstellung durchaus nicht für jeden zugänglich genannt werden kann, und daß
18720327             sie von der andern Seite die Form streng mathematisch wissenschaftlicher Beweisführung besitzt,
18720327             erklärt DAS—KOMITEE die Verfolgung dieses Werkes vor Gericht für unmöglich".
18720327             —AM, In DIE—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT kam die Übersetzung
18720327—18720525    —AM, waren —SCHON 1.000—EXEMPLARE der Übersetzung abgesetzt, 33—PROZENT—DER—GANZEN—AUFLAGE.
18730327             † JOSEPH—LOUIS—ELZÉAR—ORTOLAN, FRANZÖSISCHER—JURIST und Schriftsteller
18740327             PRAG, findet mit nur geringem Erfolg die Uraufführung der Oper 2—WITWEN von Bed?ich Smetana statt, weshalb er sich zu einer Überarbeitung des Werks entschließt.
18750327             † EDGAR—QUINET, FRANZÖSISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Historiker
18790327             —SALPETER—KRIEG
18790327             —EROBERT CHILE die STADT—COBIJA und
18790327             * EDWARD—STEICHEN, pioneer of USA—PHOTOGRAPHY.
18800327             * OTTO—VITENSE, DEUTSCHER—PÄDAGOGE und mecklenburgischer Landeshistoriker
18800327             * ROBERT—PFERDMENGES, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Politiker, MdL, MdB
18800327             * WALTHER—GROSSE, DEUTSCHER—BEAMTER und Regionalhistoriker
18820327             † JØRGEN—MOE, NORWEGISCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Geistlicher
18820327             † STEPHEN—A—HURLBUT, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—POLITIKER, Diplomat und Kommandeur
18830324             [see  18840327             ].
18840327             THE—1.—LONG—DISTANCE—TELEPHONE—CALL was made, between BOSTON and NEW—YORK City.
18840327—18810618    —AM—VERLÄNGERT, Der DREI—KAISER—BUND, ein abgeschlossenes geheimes Neutralitätsabkommen zwischen dem DEUTSCHEN—REICH, ÖSTERREICH—UNGARN und RUSSLAND, wird ungeachtet der Spannungen zwischen WIEN und S—PETERSBURG.
18860327             * LUDWIG—MIES—VAN—DER—ROHE, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARCHITEKT, bedeutender Vertreter der Moderne und Neuen Sachlichkeit
18860327             * STALIN—GEFOLGSMANN—SERGEI—MIRONOWITSCH—KIROW, sowjetischer STAATS—UND Parteifunktionär,
18860327             * LUDWIG—MIES—VAN—DER—ROHE, GERMAN—USA architect (Bauhaus).
18890327             † JOHN—BRIGHT (18110000             ), Quaker and UNITED—KINGDOM—RADICAL and Liberal statesman.
18890327             —WAS—ASSOCIATED, He, with RICHARD—COBDEN in the formation of THE—ANTI—CORN Law League.
18890327—20110000    —AUTHORED, BILL—CASH, "JOHN—BRIGHT: Statesman, Orator, Agitator".
18910000—19750327    * † ARTHUR—BLISS, ENGLAND—COMPOSER, conductor (Checkmate).
18910327             * ADOLPHUS—PETER—ELKIN, AUSTRALISCHER—ETHNOLOGE, Anthropologe und Linguist
18920327             * FERDE (FERDINAND—RUDOLF von) Grof, composer, in NEW—YORK.
18920327             * THORNE—SMITH, author (Topper, Rain in the Doorway, Stray Lamb).
18930327             * KARL—MANNHEIM, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH und Soziologe
18930327             THE—USA—BELL telephone Company made its 1. long distance telephone call to its branch OFFICE—IN—NEW—YORK.
18940327             * RENÉ—FONCK, FRANZÖSISCHER—JAGDFLIEGER —WWI—IM und Luftfahrtpionier
18960327             1. Kinovorstellung in ÖSTERREICH vor geladenem Publikum gegeben, WIEN, wird die
18960327             SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN und Freisinnige lehnen DAS—WAHL—RECHT für DIE 2. KAMMER—VON—SACHSEN  ab.
18960327             DAS—WAHL—RECHT für DIE 2. KAMMER—VON—SACHSEN wird dem preußischen 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT angeglichen.
18970327             * WILHELM—BUSCH, DEUTSCHER—PFARRER, Evangelist und Schriftsteller
18980327             * JOSEF—MÜLLER, DEUTSCHER—RECHTSANWALT und Politiker, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, MdL, Landesminister
18990327             2. Abschnitt der Brockenbahn, der Schmalspureisenbahnlinie auf den Brocken, wird durch die NORDHAUSEN—WERNIGERODER EISENBAHN—GESELLSCHAFT eröffnet.
18990327             1. drahtlose telegrafische Verbindung über den Ärmelkanal hinweg, GUGLIELMO—MARCONI gelingt die
18990327             THE—1.—INTERNATIONAL radio transmission between ENGLAND and FRANCE was achieved by THE—ITALY—INVENTOR G. Marconi.
19000327             —PASSED, THE—LONDON—PARLIAMENT, the War Loan Act which gave 35—MILLION—POUNDS to the Boer War cause.
19010327             * GEORGE—DOWTY, BRITISCHER—KAPITALIST und Erfinder
19010327             * ERICH—OLLENHAUER in MAGDEBURG
19030000—19970327    * † Ella Maillart, SWITZERLAND—SPORTSWOMAN and travel writer.
19050327             * DEUTSCHER—GENERAL—RUDOLF—CHRISTOPH—VON—GERSDORFF, Widerstandskämpfer des 19440720
19070327             —ERÖFFNET, Der Kaufmann ADOLF—JANDORF, an der Tauentzienstraße/WITTENBERGPLATZ—BERLIN—SCHÖNEBERG das vom Architekten JOHANN—EMIL—SCHAUDT gestaltete Kaufhaus des Westens als TEIL—DES—STÄDTEBAULICHEN—NEUEN—WESTENS—BERLINS.
19070327             Zum Zeitpunkt seiner Eröffnung ist es das größte Warenhaus Kontinentaleuropas.
19090000—19920327    * † LANG—HANCOCK, pioneer Pilbara tycoon.
19100327             † ALEXANDER—E—AGASSIZ, —74—JAHRE—ALT, USA—BUSINESSMAN, biologist, geologist.
19110327             * KLAUS—PIPER, DEUTSCHER—VERLEGER
19120327             1. cherry blossom trees, 1—GIFT from JAPAN, were planted in WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA 1. Lady HELEN—HERRON—TAFT and the Viscountess Chinda, WIFE—OF—THE—JAPAN—AMBASSADOR, planted 2—YOSHINA cherry trees on THE—NORTH—BANK—OF—THE—POTOMAC—TIDAL—BASIN, near the Jefferson Memorial.
19120327             The event was held in celebration of 1—GIFT, by THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, of 3,020 trees to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT for planting along WASHINGTON—POTOMAC—RIVER.
19120327—20050000    * † JAMES—CALLAGHAN, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER (19760000—19790000    ), in PORTSMOUTH—ENGLAND.
19140327             1. successful blood transfusion took place in BRUSSELS.
19140327             * BUDD—SCHULBERG, journalist, novelist and screenwriter (What Makes Sammy Run, On the Waterfront), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19150327             DER—SPD—PARTEI—VORSTAND lehnt die Anerkennung der von der sogenannten WÜRTTEMBERGISCHES—LAND—KOMMISSION eingesetzten provisorischen LANDES—ORGANISATION ab, da sie 1—STATUTENWIDRIGE SONDER—ORGANISATION sei.
19150327             Sie hatte sich nach längeren innerparteilichen Auseinandersetzungen um die politische Haltung der Partei konstituiert und steht unter der Leitung von F. Westmeyer.
19150327             PARTEI—ORGANISATIONEN UND —MITGLIEDER, die sich DER—NEUEN LANDES—ORGANISATION anschließen, würden damit aus der Partei ausscheiden.
19170327             —SPRENGEN, DEUTSCHE—SOLDATEN in der Picardie, trotz zahlreicher Proteste von Historikern auf beiden Seiten den BURG—COUCY—DONJON, 2 der bedeutendsten mittelalterlichen FEUDAL—BURGEN in EUROPA.
19170327—19800000    —ACCEPTED, PRESIDENT—CARTER, THE—RESIGNATION—OF—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CYRUS—VANCE, who had opposed the failed rescue mission aimed at freeing USA—HOSTAGES in IRAN.
19170327—20020000    * † CYRUS—VANCE in Clarksburg.
19200327             † HENRIËTTE—MAYER—VAN—DEN—BERGH, BELGISCHE—KUNSTSAMMLERIN, Mäzenatin und Kuratorin
19200327             * RICHARD—HAYMAN, bandleader, conductor, pianist (Theme of 3—PENNY Opera).
19200327—19200621    —BIS—ZUM, Das KABINETT—MÜLLER—I bleibt jedoch nur im Amt.
19210000—20060327    * † STANISLAW—LEM, POLAND—SCIENCE fiction writer, in POLAND.
19230327             * LOUIS—SIMPSON, Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING poet.
19240327             KÖLN, wird die Oper Irrelohe von FRANZ—SCHREKER uraufgeführt.
19240327             * SARAH—VAUGHAN, 'the Divine 1,' jazz singer.
19240327             SARAH—VAUGHAN was famous for singing "What 1—DIFFERENCE—1—DAY—MAKES".
19260327             Die Oper Der Protagonist von KURT—WEILL mit dem Libretto von GEORG—KAISER wird in der Dresdner Staatsoper uraufgeführt.
19260327             Der Komponist erhält mit dem Werk gute Kritiken und 1. öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit.
19270327             * MISS—TISLAV—LEOPOLD—ROSTROPOVICH, cellist, conductor, in BAKU—AZERBAIJAN, USSR.
19280327             —ACCEPTED, THE—USA, the new OIL—LAND—LAWS enacted by MEXICO, ending 1—LONG—STANDING dispute between MEXICO and THE—USA.
19280327             —ENACTED, THE—USA—ACCEPTED the new OIL—LAND—LAWS, by MEXICO, ending 1—LONG—STANDING dispute between MEXICO and THE—USA.
19290000—20120327    * † Adrienne Rich, USA—FEMINIST—POET, in her SANTA—CRUZ, CALIFORNIA, home —AFTER 1—LONG—STRUGGLE with rheumatoid arthritis.
19300327             * DAVID—JANSSEN, [Meyer], actor (Fugitive, Harry O) and SON—OF—CLARK—GABLE, in NAPONEE—NEBRASKA.
19300327             1. USA—RADIO—BROADCAST from 1—SHIP at sea.
19310327             —RECEIVED, CHARLIE—CHAPLIN, FRANCE—DISTINGUISHED Legion of Honor.
19310327—19800000    * † DAVID—JANSSEN, —LATER TV star ("Fugitive," "Harry O"), as (DAVID—HAROLD—MEYER) in NAPONEE—NEBRASKA.
19330327             —STAHLHELM—PUTSCH—BRAUNSCHWEIG, findet der "" statt.
19330327             —AUSZUSCHALTEN—VERSUCHT, Das NS—REGIME des FREISTAAT—BRAUNSCHWEIG, damit, den Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten.
19330327             —JAPAN—VÖLKERBUND—AUSTRITT aus dem. erklärt seinen
19330327             Vorausgegangen war der Bericht des LYTTON—REPORTS über den MUKDEN—ZWISCHENFALL, wonach JAPAN ohne Kriegserklärung CHINESISCHES—TERRITORIUM in der Mandschurei besetzt habe.
19330327             Der Anerkennung des geschaffenen JAPANISCHEN—MARIONETTENSTAATS Mandschukuo wird damit 1—HINDERNIS entgegengesetzt.
19330327             REGINALD—OSWALD—GIBSON und ERIC—FAWCETT gelingt die industrielle POLYETHYLEN—HERSTELLUNG, doch wird das Verfahren —ERST—7—JAHRE—SPÄTER auch wirtschaftlich interessant.
19330327             In these circumstances, with this knowledge, will you, THOMAS—WATSON, bid for the census contract?
19330327             —STAGED, Some 55,000—PEOPLE, 1—PROTEST against Hitler in NEW—YORK.
19330327             JAPAN left the League of Nations.
19330327             —DISCOVERED, Polythene, Reginald Gibson, ERIC—WILLIAM—FAWCETT.
19330327             virtually outside your window on Broadway, 1—CROWD—OF—MORE than 50,000 at 1—MADISON—SQUARE—GARDEN—MASS—RALLY—DEMANDS that USA—FIRMS boycott NAZI GERMANY.
19330327             In these circumstances, with this knowledge,
19330327             will you, THOMAS—WATSON, bid for the census contract?
19340000—19680327    * † YURI—GAGARIN, SOVIET—COSMONAUT (Vostok I), the 1. man to orbit the Earth, —WHILE on 1—ROUTINE training flight out of Chkalovsky Air Base.
19360327             * OTMAR—ISSING, DEUTSCHER—ÖKONOM, Bankmanager, Direktoriumsmitglied der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB)
19360327             —AM Stadttheater Zürich erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Rossini in Neapel von BERNHARD—PAUMGARTNER.
19380327             —STOPPED, THE—USA, buying MEXICO—SILVER in reprisal for THE—MEXICO—SEIZURE—OF—USA—OIL—COMPANIES.
19380327             S—FRANCISCO—SPCA officer AL—GIROLO broke up 1—COCKFIGHT at the back of 13630000             Underwood Street in Hunters Point.
19380327             7—MEN were arrested and 6—ROOSTERS seized.
19390327             —HAUNTED, THE—BORLEY—RECTORY, reputedly the most, house in ENGLAND, was severely damaged by 1—FIRE.
19390327—19440000    —DEMOLISHED, It was.
19400327             LOS—ANGELES, wird ALFRED—HITCHCOCKS 1. HOLLYWOOD—FILM Rebecca —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen ROMAN—VON—DAPHNE—DU—MAURIER mit LAURENCE—OLIVIER und JOAN—FONTAINE in den Hauptrollen uraufgeführt.
19400327             —BEGEISTERT, Er wird von Kritik und Publikum gleichermaßen, aufgenommen und wird in der Folge als einziger HITCHCOCK—FILM einen Oscar als Bester Film erhalten.
19400327             —ORDERED, Himmler, the building of Auschwitz concentration camp.
19410327             —2—TAGE—NACH—DEM Beitritt Jugoslawiens zum Dreimächtepakt wird die REGIERUNG—VON—PRINZREGENT—PAUL gestürzt.
19410327             Der neue Machthaber Dušan Simovi?
19410327             annulliert den Beitritt zu den Achsenmächten des 2. Weltkriegs und lässt PRINZ—PETER—II. für volljährig und damit regierungsfähig erklären.
19410327             —LEASED, BRITAIN, defense bases in Trinidad to THE—USA for 1—PERIOD—OF—99—YEARS.
19410327             —ARRIVED, Tokeo Yoshikawa, in OAHU—HAWAII, to begin spying for JAPAN on THE—USA—FLEET at Pearl Harbor.
19410327             —SIGNED, Hitler, Directive 27 for 1—ASSAULT—ON—YUGOSLAVIA.
19420324             —PROCLAIMED, WEST—DEFENSE—COMMANDER—LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—JOHN—L—DE—WITT, 1—RIGID curfew restricting movement of all enemy aliens and USA—JAPANESE in WEST—COAST—MILITARY—ZONES—EFFECTIVE 19420327            .
19420327             * MICHAEL—YORK, actor (Cabaret, LOGAN—RUN, 3—MUSKETEERS), in ENGLAND.
19420327—19420328    —RAIDED, Allies, the Nazi submarine base at S—NAZAIRE, FRANCE.
19430327             —GEZWUNGEN, Die Achsenmächte in TUNESIEN werden, die MARETH—LINIE aufzugeben und sich nach Norden zurückzuziehen.
19430327             Während der Schlacht um die Aleuten im Pazifikkrieg kommt es zur Seeschlacht bei den KOMANDORSKI—INSELN.
19430327             Sie endet zwar mit einem taktischen Unentschieden, jedoch gelingt es den USA, den Nachschub zum japanisch besetzten Attu zu unterbinden.
19430327             USA began 1—ASSAULT—ON—FONDOUK—PASS, TUNISIA.
19440327             S—FRANCISCO, 1—FIRE at the New AMSTERDAM Hotel on 4. St. killed 22—PEOPLE.
19440327             40—JEWISH—POLICEMEN were shot in THE—RIGA—LATVIA ghetto by the Gestapo.
19440327             —MURDERED, Some 2,000 Jews were, in KAUNAS—LITHUANIA.
19440327             —WERE—MURDERED, Some 2,000 Jews, in KAUNAS—LITHUANIA.
19440327             de  de  publicado no Diário de Governo a Através do Decreto nº 33.587,
19440327             A—IGREJA e o claustro do CONVENTO—DAS—CHAGAS foram classificados como Monumento Nacional.
19440327             —DESDE, O edifício está classificado como Imóvel de Interesse PúblicO - (Decreto nº 33.587)256,
19440327             1—1000—JEWS left DRANCY—FRANCE for the Auschwitz concentration camp.
19450327             —RECORDED, Ella Fitzgerald and the Delta Rhythm Boys, "It's Only 1—PAPER—MOON".
19450327             GENERAL—DWIGHT—D.—EISENHOWER told reporters in PARIS that GERMANY—DEFENSES on THE—WEST—FRONT had been broken.
19450327             —OCCUPIED, Iwo Jima was, —AFTER 22,000 Japanese and 6,000 USA killed.
19450327             —CAPTURED, USA 20. Army corps, WIESBADEN.
19450327             —WAS—OCCUPIED, Iwo Jima, —AFTER 22,000 Japanese and 6,000—USA—KILLED.
19500327             * MARIA—EWING, opera singer, in DETROIT—MICHIGAN.
19500903—20220327    Thanks to : A.+E.+E.+G.+,+,+,+,+,not:credits!....,*..
19510327—19431122    —AM, BERLIN, wird die Ruine der durch einen Bombenangriff schwer beschädigten Krolloper gesprengt.
19520327             Das von SAM—PHILLIPS gegründete Plattenlabel Sun Records nimmt in MEMPHIS—TENNESSEE den Geschäftsbetrieb auf.
19520327             Die Plattenfirma nimmt spätere Weltstars wie Elvis Presley, CARL—PERKINS, JERRY—LEE—LEWIS oder JOHNNY—CASH unter Vertrag.
19520327             MÜNCHEN, scheitert 1—ATTENTAT—DER—RECHTS—ZIONISTISCHEN Untergrundgruppe Irgun Zwai Leumi auf den DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESKANZLER KONRAD—ADENAUER mit dem vermutlichen Ziel, die Wiedergutmachungsverhandlungen mit ISRAEL zu stoppen.
19520327             Bei der Explosion der Briefbombe kommt der Beamte KARL—REICHERT ums Leben.
19520327             —REACHED, Elements of THE—USA 8. Army, the 38. parallel in KOREA, the original dividing line between THE—2—KOREAS.
19520327             —FAILED, There was 1, assassination ATTEMPT—OF—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ADENAUER.
19530327             —GRÜNDEN, Zur sportlichen Ertüchtigung ihrer Mitarbeiter Staatssicherheit und Volkspolizei nach sowjetischem Vorbild die "Sportvereinigung Dynamo".
19550327             OST—BERLIN, findet die 1. Jugendweihe statt, 1—GEGENENTWURF zu kirchlicher Konfirmation bzw Firmung.
19550327             —STATTFINDEN, OST—BERLIN, die 1. Jugendweihen, Gelöbnis der Jugendlichen auf die DDR, den Sozialismus und die Freundschaft mit der Sowjetunion.
19550327             STEVE—MCQUEEN made his network TV debut on the Goodyear Playhouse.
19560327             —LANDED, FRANCE—COMMANDOS, in ALGERIA.
19560327             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—6;
19560327             —SEIZED, USA, THE—USA—COMMUNIST—NEWSPAPER "Daily Worker".
19570327             In the 29. ACADEMY—AWARDS "—AROUND the World in —80—DAYS" won THE—ACADEMY—AWARD for best picture;
19570327             Yul Brynner won best actor for "THE—KING and I," Ingrid Bergman was awarded best actress for "Anastasia" and GEORGE—STEVENS received best director for "Giant".
19580327             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA, 1—PLAN to explore space near the moon.
19580327             —ANNOUNCED, CBS Labs, new stereophonic records.
19580327             THE—USA—ANNOUNCED 1—PLAN to explore space near the moon.
19580327             —OPENED, THE—HAVANA—HILTON.
19600327             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—5;
19610327             —PROKLAMIERT, WIEN, der IX. Weltkongress des ITI (Internationales Theaterinstitut) den 19610327             zum Welttheatertag.
19610327             S—FRANCISCO, THE—HIRING—OF—THE—CITY—1. Negro milk route driver precipitated name calling 1—ARGUMENT between MAYOR—GEORGE—CHRISTOPHER and TERRY—FRANCOIS, head of the local NAACP.
19610327             —CALLED, Police were, and the "Tougaloo 9" were charged with BREACH—OF—THE—PEACE.
19610327             —CONSIDERED, This was —LATER, the 1. student PROTEST—OF—SEGREGATION at 1—PUBLIC—INSTITUTION in MISSISSIPPI.
19610327             THE—MAYOR—GEORGE—CHRISTOPHER said Teamsters Local 226—WOULD not let Negroes into the union.
19630327             JOHN—F—KENNEDY met with HASSAN—II—KING—OF—MOROCCO.
19630327             JOHN—F—KENNEDY met with KING—HASSAN—II—OF—MOROCCO.
19640327             Das so genannte Karfreitagsbeben mit dem Epizentrum im PRINZ—WILLIAM—SUND in ALASKA ist mit 9,2 Punkten auf der MOMENTEN—MAGNITUDEN—SKALA eines der stärksten Erdbeben in den USA.
19640327             —GETÖTET, Bei dem Beben werden 125—MENSCHEN, Tsunamis kommen —BIS HAWAII und Kalifornien.
19640327             —ON—GOOD—FRIDAY, VALDEZ—ALASKA, in PRINCE—WILLIAM—SOUND was rocked by an 8.6—EARTHQUAKE, the largest ever recorded in NORTH—AMERICA.
19640327             —MOVED, Survivors, 4—MILES—WEST to solid bedrock and rebuilt the town.
19640327             —WERE—SENTENCED, Great Train Robbers, to 1—TOTAL—OF—307—YEARS behind bars.
19640327             —AM, Das ERDBEBEN—IN—ALASKA mit der Stärke von 9,2 war eines der heftigsten, die je gemessen wurden.
19640327—19770000    —IN, seismologists pegged the quake at 9.2.
19640327—19770000    —FOLLOWED, It lasted —4—MINUTES and was, by tsunamis and fires and 131—PEOPLE were killed.
19660327             —ANTI—VIETNAM—WAR—DEMONSTRATIONS in USA, EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, took place.
19660327             ANTI—VIETNAM war demonstrations took place in USA, EUROPE and AUSTRALIA.
19670327—19670314    —ON, 1—NORTH—VIETNAM—SPOKESMAN unequivocally rejected 1—NEW—PEACE—PLAN proposed by UN SECRETARY—GENERAL U Thant (19070000—19740000    ).
19670327—19670314    —ON, 1—NORTH—VIETNAM—SPOKESMAN unequivocally rejected 1—NEW—PEACE—PLAN proposed by UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—U—THANT
19680327             Die Westdeutsche Rektorenkonferenz beschließt einen leistungsbezogenen Numerus clausus, um die "Studentenschwemme" an den Universitäten zu stoppen.
19680327             GENERAL—HADJI—MOHAMED—SUHARTO lässt sich in INDONESIEN zum Staatspräsidenten und Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte wählen.
19680327             † JURI—ALEXEJEWITSCH—GAGARIN, sowjetischer Kosmonaut, 1. Mensch im Weltraum
19680327             —THWARTED, GENERAL—SUHARTO—PRESIDENT—OF—INDONESIA, 1—COMMUNIST—COUP and gradually assumed power.
19680327             —ALLEGED, Thousands of, communists were executed amid widespread violence.
19680327             —WERE—EXECUTED, THOUSANDS—OF—ALLEGED communists, amid widespread violence.
19680327             —SUCCEEDED, Suharto, Sukarno as PRESIDENT—OF—INDONESIA.
19680327             —THWARTED, GENERAL—SUHARTO, 1—COMMUNIST—COUP and gradually assumed power.
19690327             Die NASA startet die Raumsonde Mariner 7—RICHTUNG Mars.
19690327             Die im Stadtgebiet von DRESDEN gelegene Dresdner Heide wird zum Landschaftsschutzgebiet erklärt.
19710327             —EXPRESSED, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—INDIA, INDIRA—GANDHI, full support of her government to THE—BANGLADESH—STRUGGLE for INDEPENDENCE.
19710327             —EXPRESSED, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—INDIA, INDIRA—GANDHI, full support
19720327             † M—C—ESCHER, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—KÜNSTLER und Grafiker
19720327             —ENDED, THE—ADDIS—ABABA accords, fighting between north and SOUTH—SUDAN.
19720327             It made THE—SOUTH—SUDAN 1—SELF—GOVERNING—REGION.
19730000             ALLEN—WELSH—DULLES, NEW Republic 19950327             (33).
19730327             The 45. ACADEMY—AWARDS were held in LOS—ANGELES at THE—DOROTHY—CHANDLER—PAVILION.
19730327             "THE—GODFATHER" won THE—ACADEMY—AWARD for best picture of 19720000             , but its star, MARLON—BRANDO, refused to accept his Oscar for best actor.
19730327             LIZA—MINNELLI won best actress for "Cabaret".
19730327             —WAS—APPOINTED, RUTH—LEWIS—FARKAS (19070000—19960000    ), ambassador to LUXEMBOURG—BY PRESIDENT—NIXON —AFTER she and her husband, FOUNDER—OF—ALEXANDER—DEPARTMENT—STORES, contributed $300,000 to NIXON—RE—ELECTION—CAMPAIGN.
19750327             —BEGINNT, Der Bau der TRANS—ALASKA—PIPELINE.
19750327             Damit wird das Erdölfeld in der Prudhoe Bay ausgebeutet und das Rohöl zum eisfreien Hafen Valdez (ALASKA) im Süden des USA—BUNDESSTAATS durchgeleitet.
19750327             The 1. pipe of THE—ALASKA oil pipeline was laid at Tonsina River.
19750327             —LAUNCHED, LAOS, Communist Pathet LAO, an attack against Hmong defenders.
19760327             † GEORG—AUGUST—ZINN, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker, MdB, MdL, Landesminister, hessischer Ministerpräsident
19760327             WASHINGTON, DC the 1. 4.6—MILES—OF—TRACK for THE—WASHINGTON—METRO was completed.
19760327             † HARRY—WEESE (19980000             , ) Associates of CHICAGO did the design work.
19760327—20120000    —BY, Metrorail had 106.3—MILES—OF—TRACK.
19770327             Auf Teneriffa, Flughafen Teneriffa Nord, ereignet sich das verheerendste Flugzeugunglück der zivilen Luftfahrt, als 1—JUMBO—JET der KLM Royal HOLLAND—AIRLINES beim Starten bei dichtem Nebel in einen 2. Jumbo rast, der auf der Landebahn zur Startposition rollt und nicht mehr rechtzeitig abbiegen kann, —NACHDEM der andere Pilot aufgrund eines Kommunikationsproblems zu früh zum Start beschleunigt.
19770327             Von den 644—MENSCHEN an Bord beider Maschinen sterben 583—MENSCHEN, nur 61—KÖNNEN sich selbst retten oder gerettet werden.
19770327             1—KLM—BOEING 747, attempting to take off, crashed into 1—PAN—AM 747 on the Canary ISLAND—OF—TENERIFE.
19770327             † 583—PEOPLE were killed with 54—SURVIVORS.
19780327             —OPENED, BOB—FOSSE'S "Dancin'", at Broadhurst Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY for 1,774 performances.
19790327             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 8—1—THAT—POLICE could not stop motorists at random to check licenses and registrations unless there was reason to believe 1—LAW had been broken.
19800213—19310327    —ON, DAVID—JANSSEN was born as DAVID—HAROLD—MEYER in NAPONEE—NEBRASKA.
19800327             Die NORWEGISCHE—BOHRPLATTFORM ALEXANDER—L—KIELLAND im Ölfeld Ekofisk in der Nordsee bricht zusammen und kentert.
19800327             123—DER 212—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER werden getötet.
19800327             —ERUPTED, MOUNT—S—HELENS, dormant —FOR—123—YEARS, with ash and steam.
19800327             1—CRATER formed at the summit and the north flank began to bulge.
19800327             —CAPSIZED, THE—ALEXANDER—L—KIELLAND, 1—NORTH—SEA—NORWAY—FLOATING oil field platform, —DURING 1—STORM killing 123—WORKERS.
19800327             —ON... David batters THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC
19810327             Größter Streik in 1 kommunistischen Land, 10—MILLIONEN—POLEN legen —FÜR—4—STUNDEN die Arbeit nieder.
19810702—20150327    —ARRESTED, KENNETH—RASMUSON, —53—JAHRE—ALT—OF—IDAHO was, —AFTER DNA evidence linked him to the murder.
19820324—19820327    —BETWEEN—IN addition, 100—PEOPLE were slaughtered in 3—VILLAGES in Alta Verapaz;
19820327             —CLOSED, The musical "Best Little Whorehouse in TEXAS", at 46. St in NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER 1577—PERFORMANCES.
19820327—15770000    —AFTER, The musical "Best Little Whorehouse in TEXAS" closed at 46. St in NEW—YORK—CITY—PERFORMANCES.
19820703—20011200    —IN, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE affirmed his murder conviction but ordered that ABU—JAMAL should either receive 1—NEW—SENTENCING—HEARING or have his sentence commuted to life in prison because of 1—ERROR by the trial judge in presenting rules of sentencing to the jury (see 20080327             ).
19830327             —PREMIERED, NEIL—SIMON'S "BRIGHTON Beach Memoirs,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19840327             Das Musical Starlight Express feiert am Apollo VICTORIA Theatre in LONDON seine Uraufführung.
19840327             "Starlight Express," 1—TECHNO musical, ROLLER—SKATING venture by ANDREW—LLOYD—WEBER and RICHARD—STILGOE, premiered at the Apollo VICTORIA Theatre, LONDON.
19860327             —2—ABKOMMEN—ÜBER die Beteiligung DEUTSCHER—FIRMEN am USA—FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMM eines WELTRAUM—GESTÜTZTEN Raketenabwehrsystems SDI.
19860327             bears 1—NOTE typed in the margin by 1—OF—THE recipients: "[ARDE OFFICIAL] 'POPO' CHAMORRO IS ALLEGED... TO BE INVOLVED IN DRUG TRAFFICKING".
19860327             Ambassador TAMBS on SINGLAUB Mission (Page 2)
19860327             USA—AMBASSADOR to COSTA—RICA TAMBS sent this "BACK—CHANNEL" cable to THE—CIA,
19860327             STATE—DEPARTMENT + THE—WHITE—HOUSE to quietly inform REAGAN—OFFICIALS—OF—1—DEAL struck between HELMS envoy JOHN—SINGLAUB and EDEN—PASTORA.
19860327             —UNCOVERED, This VERSION—OF—THE—DOCUMENT, by IRAN—CONTRA investigators, bears 1—NOTE typed in the margin by 1—OF—THE—RECIPIENTS: "[ARDE official] 'Popo' Chamorro is alleged... to be involved in drug trafficking".
19860327             USA—AMBASSADOR to COSTA—RICA Tambs sent this "BACK—CHANNEL" cable to THE—CIA, STATE—DEPARTMENT + THE—WHITE—HOUSE to quietly inform REAGAN—OFFICIALS—OF—1—DEAL struck between Helms envoy JOHN—SINGLAUB and EDEN—PASTORA.
19860327             to quietly inform REAGAN officials of a DEAL STRUCK BETWEEN HELMS envoy SINGLAUB, JOHN + PASTORA, Eden.
19860327             —UNCOVERED, This VERSION—OF—THE—DOCUMENT, by IRAN—CONTRA investigators,
19860711             —CHRISTENED, MARY—BETH—WHITEHEAD, her surrogate Baby M (b.19860327             ), Sara.
19870315—19840327    —OPENED, The initial production had, at the Apollo VICTORIA Theatre in LONDON.
19870327             —CHARGED, THE—MARINE—CORPS, that SERGEANT—CLAYTON—J—LONETREE, 1—MARINE—GUARD, had escorted SOVIET—AGENTS through THE—USA—EMBASSY in MOSCOW -- 1—ACCUSATION that was —LATER dropped, although Lonetree was CONVICTED—OF—ESPIONAGE.
19880327             JESSE—JACKSON, rejoicing from 1—UPSET—VICTORY in MICHIGAN—PRIMARY—STYLE caucuses THE—DAY—BEFORE, vowed that his Democratic presidential campaign would continue to "win and grow".
19890327             —CLAIMED, BORIS—N—YELTSIN and other ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT—CANDIDATES, victory in parliamentary elections for the new CONGRESS—OF—PEOPLE—DEPUTIES.
19900327             Er soll die Nachrichtensperre des CASTRO—REGIMES durchbrechen und in den KUBANISCHEN—HAUSHALTEN zu empfangen sein, was jedoch kaum gelingt.
19900327             LONDON, wird das Sherlock Holmes Museum eröffnet.
19900327             —ANKÜNDIGT, Der SOWJET—PRÄSIDENT—MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW, den "kontrollierten Übergang" zur Marktwirtschaft in der Sowjetunion
19900327             —BESETZEN, SOWJET—TRUPPEN in der LITAUISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—VILNIUS[WILNA] unter anderem das Zentralkomitee der unabhängigen Kommunisten.
19900327             THE—USA—BEGAN test BROADCASTS—OF—TV—MARTI to CUBA, which promptly jammed the signal.
19900327             SOVIET—SOLDIERS began rounding up Lithuanians who had fled the Red Army —AFTER the republic's DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
19910327             —DISAGREED, In 1—SURPRISING flap, PRESIDENT—BUSH publicly, with GENERAL—H—NORMAN—SCHWARZKOPF, who claimed he had urged further fighting in the Persian Gulf War —AT—THE—TIME—BUSH ordered 1—CEASE—FIRE.
19910327             —APOLOGIZED, Schwarzkopf —LATER, to Bush.
19920129—20030000    SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G.
19920129—20070327    —DATE
19920327             PALERMO, entsteht das Foto Falcone e Borsellino, das die beiden ITALIENISCHEN—RICHTER—GIOVANNI—FALCONE und PAOLO—BORSELLINO im Gespräch miteinander zeigt und sich zu einem Symbolbild für den Kampf gegen die Mafia entwickeln wird.
19920327             Democratic presidential FRONT—RUNNER BILL—CLINTON, campaigning in NEW—YORK, apologized for —RECENTLY golfing at 1—ALL—WHITE—CLUB.
19920327             GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—HELMUT—KOHL met with AUSTRIA—PRESIDENT—KURT—WALDHEIM in MUNICH, 1—MEETING denounced by Jewish groups because of WALDHEIM—ALLEGED involvement with Nazi persecution —WWII—DURING.
19920327—19520000    —IN, He was famous for discovering the world's largest iron ore deposit and becoming 1—OF—THE—RICHEST—MEN in AUSTRALIA,
19930227—19930327    —AM, Da jedoch KEINER—DER—WAHLWERBER die absolute Mehrheit erreicht, findet ein 2. WAHL—GANG statt.
19930327             Die moderne Justizvollzugsanstalt ist zu dieser Zeit noch nicht bezogen, daher gibt es keine Todesopfer.
19930327             JIANG—ZEMIN wird zum Staatspräsidenten der VOLKSREPUBLIK—CHINA.
19930327             1—TOP—UNITED—NATIONS relief official accused BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS of breaking their promises by blocking 1—AID—CONVOY for trapped Muslims in EAST—BOSNIA, —1—DAY—AFTER 1—CEASE—FIRE—AGREEMENT.
19930327—19930227    —AM, Im 2. WAHL—GANG der 1. freien Präsidentschaftswahlen in NIGER 19600000             —SEIT der Unabhängigkeit, siegt Mahamane Ousmane, der im 1. WAHL—GANG noch hinter seinem Konkurrenten Mamadou Tandja gelegen ist, und wird damit Nachfolger von ALI—SAIBOU.
19930327—19980000    Es ist das letzte große ATTENTAT—DER—RAF vor ihrer Auflösung.
19940327             Bei den Parlamentswahlen in ITALIEN wird die Partei Forza Italia des Medienunternehmers Silvio Berlusconi zu einer dominierenden Kraft und ermöglicht ihm die Bildung einer —MITTE—RECHTS—REGIERUNG.
19940327             Das Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug Eurofighter EF—2000 absolviert seinen Erstflug in Manching.
19940327             1—CHURCH in PIEDMONT—ALABAMA, collapsed in 1—TORNADO and 19 were killed.
19940327             —RESULTED, Italians went to the polls in general elections that, in big gains for 1—RIGHT—WING coalition.
19940327             UKRAINE held its 1. parliamentary elections —SINCE THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
19940327             —WERE—KILLED, More than 40—PEOPLE, as violent thunderstorms tore across the Southeast.
19950327             Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE—SPIELFILM FORREST—GUMP—VON—ROBERT—ZEMECKIS mit TOM—HANKS in der Titelrolle wird bei der Oscarverleihung in LOS—ANGELES mit insgesamt 6—ACADEMY—AWARDS ausgezeichnet.
19950327             The 67. ACADEMY—AWARDS, held at the Shrine Auditorium in LA, was hosted by DAVID—LETTERMAN.
19950327             "FORREST—GUMP" won 6—ACADEMY—AWARDS, including best picture and a 2. consecutive Best Actor Oscar for TOM—HANKS;
19950327             Jessica Lange won Best Actress for "BLUE—SKY".
19950327             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, he had brokered a —2—MONTH—CEASE—FIRE between SUDAN—ISLAMIC—GOVERNMENT and rebels.
19950327             † ITALY, MAURIZIO—GUCCI (46), businessman, was shot to death in Milan.
19950327             MAURIZIO—GUCCI was the last family member to have held shares in the Gucci fashion company, —NOW PART—OF—THE—BAHRAIN—BASED—INVESTCORP.
19950327             The psychic got 25, the doorman got 26, the driver got 29 and the gunman got life.
19950327             Reggiani was furious that —AFTER—13—YEARS—OF—MARRIAGE he had abandoned her for another woman, leaving her to bring up their 2—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS.
19950327             —WAS—MURDERED, JOANNE—MARIE—MASCHA, 1—URSULINE—SISTER, —WHILE walking near her motherhouse —JUST outside CLEVELAND.
19950327             —HAD—ABANDONED, Reggiani was furious that —AFTER—13—YEARS—OF—MARRIAGE he, her for another woman, leaving her to bring up their 2—YOUNG—DAUGHTERS.
19950327—19970000    —IN, police arrested his former wife, 1—PSYCHIC, 1—DOORMAN, and 2—HITMEN for their roles in the murder.
19950327—19980000    —CONVICTED, Patrizia Reggiani Martinelli (50) was, and sentenced to —29—YEARS in prison.
19950327—20170000    —RELEASED, REGGIANI—SENTENCE was cut short for good behavior and she was.
19960327             —VERURTEILT, Das Bezirksgericht Tel AVIV—JAFFA, Jigal Amir wegen des Mordes an Jitzchak Rabin zu lebenslanger Haft.
19960327             —PASSED, BANGLADESH, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT setting up 1—PROCESS for calling new elections.
19960327             PRIME—MINISTER—ZIA may resign soon.
19960327             1—ISRAEL—COURT—CONVICTED—PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—RABIN'S confessed ASSASSIN—OF—MURDER, then sentenced former law student Yigal Amir to life in prison.
19960327             —ESTABLISHED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL (Resolution 10510000             ), 1—EXPORT—IMPORT monitoring system for IRAQ and demanded full cooperation.
19960327             —WAS—SUSPECTED, Arson, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19960327             —WERE—KIDNAPPED, ALGERIA, 7—FRANCE—TRAPPIST monks, overnight from the Notre Dame del'Atlas monastery near Medea.
19960327             —WERE—ABDUCTED, The monks, from the Priory of Our Lady of Atlas in Tibehirine, about 80—KM (50—MILES) SOUTH—OF—ALGIERS, by MEMBERS—OF—THE—INSURGENT—ARMED—ISLAMIC—GROUP—OF—ALGERIA (GIA).
19960327             —DISCOVERED, Their HEADS—WERE, —2—MONTHS—LATER and their death was announced by THE—GIA.
19960327             —IMPOSED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, 1—GLOBAL—BAN on UNITED—KINGDOM—BEEF and beef products due to concerns over mad cow disease.
19960327             —CONVICTED, 1—ISRAEL—COURT, PRIME—MINISTER—YITZHAK—RABIN—CONFESSED ASSASSIN—OF—MURDER, then sentenced former law student Yigal Amir to life in prison.
19960327—20180126    —DECLARED, FRANCIS—PAPA, the monks to be martyrs.
19960523—19960327    —KILLED, THE—ARMED—ISLAMIC—GROUP said that it had, 7—FRANCE—TRAPPIST monks who were kidnapped —2—MONTHS—AGO from the Notre Dame de l'Atlas monastery at Tibhirine near Medea.
19970000             —BEREITS— HABE sich die USA—REGIERUNG Verträge zum Wiederaufbau Iraks —NACH—DEM Krieg gesichert + schiebe —JETZT 20030327             humanitäre Argumente vor,
19970000             —BEREITS habe sich die USA—REGIERUNG Verträge zum Wiederaufbau Iraks —NACH—DEM Krieg gesichert + schiebe —JETZT 20030327             humanitäre Argumente vor, um ihre kriminelle Aggression zu verhüllen.
19970327             DEXTER—KING, SON—OF—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR, met with JAMES—EARL—RAY, the man in prison for the assassination of the civil rights leader.
19970327             —DENIED, Ray, having anything to do with the shooting, to which KING replied, "I believe you".
19970327             —BURIED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—AVALANCHE, at least 100—PEOPLE—NEAR the Salang tunnel NORTH—OF—KABUL.
19970327             —OCCUPIED, NIGERIA, villagers, a 7. oil installation on THE—NIGER—DELTA in protests over local government elections.
19970327             —SEIZED, Tribesmen —LAST—WEEK, 6—SHELL sites.
19970327             This shut down 10—PERCENT—OF—NIGERIA—OIL—PRODUCTION.
19970327             —STAGED, RUSSIA—WORKERS, a nationwide strike to demand overdue wages.
19970327             —WAS—REPORTED, ARGENTINA, it, that former economy MINISTER—DOMINGO—CAVALLO claimed that Alfredo Yabran, the country's most successful businessman, led 1—ALL—POWERFUL—MAFIA—OF—BUSINESSMEN, politicians and judges.
19970327             † Ella Maillart (19030000             ), SWITZERLAND—SPORTSWOMAN and travel writer.
19970327             —CHRONICLED, She, the savage collectivisation of Karakalpak agriculture in UZBEKISTAN—TURKMENISTAN and KAZAKHSTAN in the 1930s.
19980327             In den Vereinigten Staaten kommt das Potenzmittel Viagra auf den Markt.
19980327             † FERRY—PORSCHE, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—UNTERNEHMER im Automobilbau und Ingenieur
19980327             VIAGRA—EFFECTS were shown to last 8—12—HOURS.
19980327             2—AFGHANS CONVICTED—OF—MURDER had their throats cut in front of 30,000 spectators in KABUL—SPORTS—STADIUM.
19980327             —ORIGINALLY—TESTED, Pfizer had, the compound UK 92,480 as 1—DRUG for angina and found that MALE volunteers were getting frequent erections.
19980327             —RENAMED, They, it Viagra and sought sales approval.
19980327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that toxic waste was sold to 454—FERTILIZER companies by 600—STEEL—MILLS, foundries and chemical plants between 19900000—19950000. 19980327             —WERE—RELEASED, CALIFORNIA, FEDERAL—DOCUMENTS, that charged DOCTOR—ARAMAIS—PARONYAN with heading a $13—MILLION—MEDI—CAL fraud ring from LA to SF.
19980327             —ESCAPED, Robbers in Commerce, EAST—OF—LA, with $2.94—MILLION in cash from 1—DUNBAR—SECURITY armored car —AFTER shooting the driver.
19980327             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FOOD and Drug Administration, the drug Viagra, made by Pfizer, saying it helped about 2—THIRDS—OF impotent men improve their sexual function.
19980327             —TESTED, Pfizer had originally, the compound UK 92,480 as 1—DRUG for angina and found that MALE volunteers were getting frequent erections.
19980327             —REPORTED, It was, that toxic waste was sold to 454—FERTILIZER companies by 600—STEEL—MILLS, foundries and chemical plants 19900000—19950000    —BETWEEN.
19980327             —RELEASED, CALIFORNIA, FEDERAL—DOCUMENTS were, that charged DOCTOR—ARAMAIS—PARONYAN with heading a $13—MILLION—MEDI—CAL fraud ring from LA to SF.
19980327             † FERDINAND—PORSCHE—JUNIOR, creator of the Porsche sports car, at age 88 in Zell am SEE—AUSTRIA.
19980327             * He in WIENER—NEUSTADT and moved to GERMANY with his family —AFTER WW I where his father became CHIEF—ENGINEER—OF—DAIMLER—BENZ, the manufacturer of THE—MERCEDES—BENZ cars.
19980327             —TITLED, He wrote 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY, "Cars Are My Life".
19980327             —FREED, COLUMBIA, rebels under Comandante Romana, 9—COLUMBIAN hostages but held 4—USA—BIRDWATCHERS and 1—ITALY—BUSINESSMAN for ransom.
19980327             —COLLIDED, CUBA, 2—OIL—TANKERS, and spilled heavy crude into MATANZAS Bay, 60—MILES—EAST—OF—HAVANA.
19980327             MEXICO, ADRIAN—CARRERA—FUENTES, FORMER—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—FEDERAL—JUDICIAL—POLICE, was arrested on charges of being on the payroll of the Arellano Felix drug gang.
19980327             PARAGUAY, THE—SUPREME—COURT—RATIFIED—LINO—OVIEDO as the ruling COLORADO PARTY—CANDIDATE, despite his jail sentence.
19980327             —NOMINATED, PRESIDENT—YELTSIN, acting PRIME—MINISTER—SERGEI—KIRIYENKO, —35—JAHRE—ALT to head the government.
19980327             —SIGNED, ARGENTINA—BRAZIL and PARAGUAY, 1—PACT to heighten security on their triple frontier.
19980327             —MASKED, NORTHERN—IRELAND 1—FORMER—POLICEMAN was shot and killed by, gunmen in Armagh.
19980327             —RATIFIED, PARAGUAY, THE—SUPREME—COURT, Lino OVIEDO as the ruling COLORADO PARTY—CANDIDATE, despite his jail sentence.
19980402             —CAPTURED, COLUMBIA, THOMAS—FIORE, —43—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—HOSTAGES, 19980327             , escaped captivity by THE—FARC rebel group.
19990327             Der Jugoslawischen Volksarmee gelingt während der NATO—ANGRIFFE im Kosovokrieg der Abschuss eines mit Tarnkappentechnik ausgestatteten Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk.
19990327             zeigte das jugoslawische Staatsfernsehen Bildern eines abgeschossenen USA—AMERIKANISCHEN B2 -Tarnkappenbombers.
19990327             This was the 1. —DAY—OF—THE—MUSLIM feastday Id AL—LAHMA, FEAST—OF—MEAT, or Id AL—ADHA, feast of sacrifice.
19990327             MARIA—BUTYRSKAYA—OF—RUSSIA won the World Figure Skating Championships in HELSINKI—FINLAND;
19990327             —EXPANDED, NATO, its air ASSAULT—ON—YUGOSLAVIA in the 4. straight —DAY—OF—ATTACKS.
19990327             A $42—MILLION—USA F-117A stealth fighter was downed over YUGOSLAVIA —DURING continued NATO—AIRSTRIKES.
19990327             —RESCUED, THE—USA—PILOT was, by USA—FORCES.
19990327             —BELIEVED, The wreckage was —LATER, to have been sold.
19990327             —ORDERED, SERBIA—TROOPS, villagers of MAMUSA—KOSOVO, to drive refugees to the border.
19990327             3—TURKS and 4—ETHNIC—ALBANIANS were killed and 30—HOUSES were burned.
19990327             —STRAPPED, TURKEY, 1—YOUNG—WOMAN set off grenades, to her body in 1—SUICIDE that wounded 10—OTHERS in ISTANBUL.
19990327             defending champion MICHELLE—KWAN—OF—THE—USA—FINISHED 2.
19990327             —WAS—RESCUED, THE—USA—PILOT, by USA—FORCES.
19990327             —WAS—DETECTED, Dani said THE—F—117, and shot down —DURING 1—MOONLESS—NIGHT, —JUST—3—DAYS into the war, by 1—SOVIET—MADE SA—3—GOA SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILE.
19990327             —WERE—KILLED, PARAGUAY, at least 5—PEOPLE, and some 100—INJURED in ASUNCION as protestors called for THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRESIDENT—CUBAS.
19990327             Bomber abgeschossen !? Am Sa. zeigte das jugoslawische Staatsfernsehen Bildern eines abgeschossenen USA—AMERIKANISCHEN B2-Tarnkappenbombers.
19990327—20050000    —IN, it was reported that COLONEL—ZOLTAN—DANI—OF—SERBIA was behind the shooting down of the stealth fighter.
20000327             —DECIDED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT could deny food stamps and other welfare benefits to people who live permanently in THE—USA—BUT who are not citizens.
20000327             A S—FRANCISCO jury ordered PHILIP—MORRIS and R.J. Reynolds to pay $20—MILLION in punitive damages to Leslie Whiteley (40).
20000327             —PASSED, Cisco Systems, Microsoft as the most valuable company in the world.
20000327             —ANNOUNCED, DaimlerChrysler AG, it would buy 34—PERCENT—OF—JAPAN—MITSUBISHI—MOTORS—CORPORATION.
20000327             TEXAS, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—PHILLIPS—PETROLEUM at PASADENA plant killed 1—WORKER and injured at least 71—OTHERS.
20000327             —UNEARCHED, UGANDA, laborers, 73—BODIES at Rugazi associated with the Movement for the Restoration of 10—COMMANDMENTS—OF—GOD.
20000327             INTELLIGENCE ISSN 12450000             —2122—N. 114, Every 2 to...
20000327             p.8 IRAN — SAEED Hajjarian. p.9 AGENDA...
20000327             Mmegi Online :: USA prepares to attack IRAN
20000327             For example, over the past several years THE—USA has made requests for the provisional ARREST—OF—BCCI defendant Gaith Pharaon to over 2—DOZEN—COUNTRIES...
20010126—20010327    —INDICTED, Knoller and Noel were, for murder and manslaughter.
20010327             —APPROVED, CALIFORNIA regulators, electricity rate hikes of up to 46—PERCENT.
20010327             1—EMPTY—TRAIN riding on the wrong SIDE—OF—THE—TRACKS crashed into 1 crowded commuter train at PECROT—BELGIUM, killing 8—PEOPLE.
20010327             —ORDERED, THE—BRAZIL—ELECTRICITY—REGULATORY—AGENCY, Aneel, FEDERAL—AGENCIES and state companies to reduce consumption by 10% due to power shortages caused by poor rains.
20010327             In its 1. specific accusation against 1—DETAINED—USA—BASED scholar, CHINA said Gao Zhan had confessed to spying for foreign intelligence agencies.
20010327             —DENIED, THE—USA, employing her as 1—SPY.
20010327             —REPORTED, CHINA, that its population stood at 1.26—BILLION, an 11.7% increase over the last —DECADE.
20010327             —BLOCKED, GERMANY, some 20,000 police, protesters who sought to block 1—TRAIN delivering radioactive waste from FRANCE.
20010327             2—BOMBINGS in JERUSALEM wounded some 35—PEOPLE.
20010327             —ATTACKED, Militiamen, 1—RELIEF—CONVOY and 14—SOMALIS were killed.
20010327             2—BRITONS were released 20010404            .
20010327             —AMBUSHED, UGANDA, rebels, students on 1—FIELD—TRIP to Murchison Falls and killed 11—PEOPLE.
20010327             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—JUDGE, that THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN racial criteria for accepting minority students with lower test scores than whites was invalid.
20010327             THE—USA—DENIED employing her as 1—SPY.
20010327             —WAS—REPROCESSED, THE—GERMANY—NUCLEAR—WASTE, in FRANCE and returned.
20010327             5—KIDNAPPED aid workers were freed THE—NEXT—DAY, but 4—REMAINED hostage.
20010327             2—BRITONS were released 20010404.
20010327             2—BRITONS were released 20010404             . - - 2—BRITONS were released 20010404.
20010327—20010211    —DETAINED, Gao, who had been, was released the —FOLLOWING July.
20010327—20030000    —ADMITTED, Gao Zhan, to illegal profits of over $539,000 from selling 80—MICROPROCESSORS to THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT.
20010629             —CONVICTED, Woodland was, 20010327             and was sentenced to —32—MONTHS in prison.
20020327             † BILLY—WILDER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—REGISSEUR, Drehbuchautor und Produzent
20020327             PERFICIENT INC, S-4/A, 20020225             ...
20020327             PERFICIENT INC—S—4/A, 20020225             ... - LUNDBERG, MICHAEL.
20020327             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that illegal immigrants do not have the same rights as Americans —WHEN they are wrongly fired from USA—JOBS.
20020327             † Milton Berle (93), known as Uncle Miltie and MISTER—TELEVISION.
20020327             He was said to be freakishly WELL—ENDOWED.
20020327             † DUDLEY—MOORE, —66—JAHRE—ALT, UK—ACTOR and musician.
20020327             —INCLUDED, DUDLEY—MOORE—FILMS, "10" and "Arthur".
20020327             † BILLY—WILDER, —95—JAHRE—ALT, AUSTRIAN—BORN HOLLYWOOD film writer and director.
20020327             BILLY—WILDER wrote and directed numerous films and won 6—OSCARS.
20020327             1—GUNMAN killed 8—MEMBERS—OF—THE—NANTERRE city council outside PARIS;
20020327             1—SUSPECT killed himself THE—NEXT—DAY—WHILE in police custody.
20020327             —OPENED, BEIRUT, the Arab League, 1—SUMMIT—OF—ITS 22—MEMBER—STATES.
20020327             EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MUBAREK did not attend.
20020327             —STALKED, It dissolved into chaos —WHEN PALESTINE—DELEGATES, out —WHEN Arafat was not given 1—PROMINENT—PLACE for 1—LIVE—BROADCAST.
20020327             —ENDORSED, Arafat, the peace INITIATIVE—OF—PRINCE—ABDULLAH.
20020327             1—PALESTINIAN—HAMAS suicide bomber killed 29—ISRAELIS gathered at the Park Hotel in Netanya for the Passover Seder.
20020327             † DUDLEY—MOORE (66), UNITED—KINGDOM—ACTOR and musician.
20020327             —INCLUDED, His films, "10" and "Arthur".
20020327             —DISSOLVED, It, into chaos —WHEN PALESTINE—DELEGATES stalked out —WHEN Arafat was not given 1—PROMINENT—PLACE for 1—LIVE—BROADCAST.
20020327             JOHN—SUGG, senior editor at creativeloafing_com, writes that he is the source of THE—DEA report + provided it to antiwar_com.
20020327             Credit for THE—PUBLICATION—OF—THE—REPORT goes to Weekly Planet
20020327             (ATLANTA). - - Additional documents are due soon.
20020327             See MISTER—SUGG—LATEST—REPORT on the topic: SEC INFO—PERFICIENT INC—S—4/A-On-
20020327             Perficient entering into employment agreements with EACH—OF—DALE—KLEIN, WARREN—GOLLA, KEN—FAANES, JON—WADDELL + TIM—HUENEMANN ;...
20020327             Records 1 - 4—OF 4. Company Name, Form Type, Received Date, View.
20020327             PERFICIENT INC—S—4/A, 20020327             . - POWERSHIFT, STEVEN—G—KEEGAN, HENRY.
20020327             HOMER—CHRIS—MALONEY, PAT.
20020327             PERFICIENT INCORPORATED. TAMPA and Creative Loafing
20020327             Credit for THE—PUBLICATION—OF—THE—REPORT goes to Weekly Planet (TAMPA) and Creative Loafing (ATLANTA).
20020327             Additional documents are due soon.
20020327             See MISTER—SUGG—LATEST—REPORT on the topic:
20020327             Perficient entering into employment agreements with each of
20020327             EDGAR—ONLINE—COMPANY—NAME.
20020327             HOOPER, MAX—D—HOPPER, MAX—D—HUANG, YIFENG.
20020327             SEC INFO—PERFICIENT INC—S—4/A—ON—PERFICIENT entering into employment agreements with EACH—OF—DALE—KLEIN, WARREN—GOLLA, KEN—FAANES, JON—WADDELL + TIM—HUENEMANN ;...
20020327             HUENAMAN, TIM.
20020327             HUENEMANN, TIM... 888options.brand.EDGAR—ONLINE_com/People.aspx?cik=PRFT
20020327             PERFICIENT INC, S-4/A, 20020225             . - - EDGAR—ONLINE—COMPANY—NAME.
20020327             KLEIN, DALE—S—HUENEMANN, TIM...
20020327—19480000    —IN, He rose to TV stardom as the host of Texaco Star Theater.
20020327—19740000    —IN, Haskel Frankel CO—WROTE: "Milton Berle, 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY".
20020327—19990000    —AUTHORED, CAMERON—CROWE, "Conversations with BILLY—WILDER".
20020327—20020327    —ON, WALKER, THOMAS H.. SEC INFO—PERFICIENT Inc - S-4/A -
20030000             SOGHANALIAN SARKIS G.. - 20070428             Caucasian diamond traffic -
20030211—20030327    Die 20—LÜGEN des Bush [BGW968]
20030323             † A 2. nurse, 20030327            .
20030327             aus dem Englischen ( 20030320             ) - antiwarblogg
20030327    - Skull & Bones Society [s&b322]
20030327             1—STEPPING stone into these secret societies is the Skull & Bones Society at Yale University, as well depicted in the movie "THE—SKULLS".
20030327             WHO—WHO—OF—THE—ELITE—NAMES—ALL—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS shadow government + reveals where they work, the secret societies that they belong to, and their job titles, so that you can see the stranglehold that they have on our FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, the mainstream news media, industry, labor unions, universities, foundations, THE—SUPREME—COURT + all facets of the financial world.
20030327             SENATOR—PRESCOT—BUSH, PRESIDENT—GHW—BUSH and PRESIDENT—GW—BUSH were all MEMBERS—OF—THE—SKULL & Bones Society, 1—STEPPING stone into the main secret societies.
20030327             "BUSH—IST der Strohmann der Kalten Krieger"
20030327             Ich fand Ihren Artikel "Bushs Masterplan: Der Krieg, der aus dem Think Tank kam" so interessant, dass ich einem USA—FREUND dazu 1—E—MAIL schrieb.
20030327             —HEUTE antwortete er mir: "My suspicion is that the 'cold war warriors' managed to get 1—NAIVE controllable Bush (read: puppet) - to carry their plan, because not 1—OF—THEM had the charisma to be PRESIDENT..".
20030327             Man könnte das wohl so interpretieren: —BEREITS 19980000             arbeiteten EINIGE—LEUTE, von denen —HEUTE VIELE—IN—DER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION stecken, einen "Masterplan" aus, wie die USA für ALLE—ABSEHBARE—ZUKUNFT die alleinige Supermacht bleiben könnten.
20030327             Natürlich wollten sie diesen auch umsetzen;
20030327             doch dafür schien keiner von ihnen so recht geeignet.
20030327             Da kam ihnen GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR gerade recht, um ihn als Strohmann
20030327             Die 20—LÜGEN des GEORGE—W—BU$ h - aU$ dem Englischen (20.März2003 )
20030327             TOMMASO—PALLADINI—OF—MILAN perhaps said it best as he marched with his countrymen in ROME.
20030327             "You fight terrorism," he said, "by creating more justice in the world".
20030327             —WIELDED, At no point in history have the Powerful, so much control.
20030327             At no point in history has the active and informed INVOLVEMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE,ALL—OF—USA, been more absolutely required.
20030327             The tide can be stopped + the men who desire empire by the sword can be thwarted.It has already begun, but it must not cease.
20030327             SOURCE : t r u t h o u t - WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT—OF—GODS and Mortals and Empire.htm
20030327             SOURCE : t r u t h o u t - WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT—OF—GODS and Mortals and Empire.html
20030327             —SEIZED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, $1.62—BILLION in IRAQ—ASSETS already frozen in THE—USA.
20030327             The money would be used to help rebuild IRAQ once SADDAM—HUSSEIN is ousted.
20030327             RICHARD—PERLE quit as HEAD—OF—THE—PENTAGON advisory BOARD—AMID—ALLEGATIONS—OF—CONFLICTS—OF—INTERESTS with his business deals.
20030327             † PAUL—ZINDEL, —66—JAHRE—ALT, Pulitzer PRIZE—WINNING playwright, in NEW—YORK.
20030327             † AFGHANISTAN, RICARDO—MUNGUIA (39), 1—RED—CROSS—WATER—ENGINEER from EL—SALVADOR, was killed by Taliban gunmen.
20030327             —KILLED, COLOMBIA, FARC land mines, 11—SOLDIERS—NEAR—ARACATACA, the birthplace of Nobel laureate GABRIEL—GARCIA—MARQUEZ.
20030327             —AGREED, EU governments, to ban SINGLE—HULLED oil tankers carrying heavy fuel in 1—ATTEMPT to reduce the risk of slicks.
20030327             —INTRODUCED, FRANCE, 1—NEW—TERRORISM—ALERT—SYSTEM, with 4—COLOR—CODED levels to make the national warning plan more flexible and understandable.
20030327             1—SEA—BORNE relief operation was postponed —AFTER discovering IRAQ—MINES in the shipping channel leading to the —RECENTLY captured IRAQ—PORT of Umm Qasr.
20030327             —DESTROYED, Heavy bombing on BAGHDAD, 1—MAIN—TELEPHONE—EXCHANGE.
20030327             —KILLED, ISRAEL—FORCES, 3—PALESTINE—POLICE officers in Beit Hanoun, GAZA.
20030327             in KYRGYZSTAN 1—FIRE engulfed 1 crowded passenger bus, killing 21—VICTIMS, believed to have been CHINA—VENDORS—OF—UIGHUR ethnicity.
20030327             —SUSPECTED, Robbery was.
20030327             SERBIA, MILAN—LUKOVIC and Dusan Spasojevic, Zemun Clan leaders and suspects in the Zoran Djindjic assassination, were killed as they resisted arrest.
20030327             —URGED, ZIMBABWE, opposition leaders, the nation's soldiers and police to disobey orders to crush ANY—SHOW—OF dissent against the government.
20030327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that THE—SARS disease had killed 50—PEOPLE and infected some 1,300 in 13—COUNTRIES.
20030327             9. —DAY—OF—OPERATION—IRAQ—FREEDOM, 1—UNITED—KINGDOM—ARMORED—UNIT destroyed 14—IRAQ—TANKS trying to break out of the besieged CITY—OF—BASRA.
20030327             —WAS—SUSPECTED, Robbery.
20030327             —KILLED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—AGENTS, 2—SUSPECTED drug runners in 1—SHOOTOUT—NEAR THE—TEXAS border.
20030327             YANGON—MYANMAR, 1—BOMB went off in front of 1—STATE—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—OFFICE, killing at least 1—PERSON and wounding 3—AS the country marked Armed Forces —DAY.
20030327             RUSSIA—EVGENI—PLUSHENKO won his 2. World Figure Skating Championships title, edging USA—TIM—GOEBEL.
20030327             THIS page takes time to load (1.1Mg ), but worthwile SEARCH AUTHENTICO FOR KEYWORDS->not active >to>ENTER>AGREE >PASS >THIS: >CLAIMER >001. > * * >Goethe:>>>
20030327             Skull & Bones Society [s&b322] 1—STEPPING stone into these secret societies is the Skull & Bones Society at Yale University,
20030327             as well depicted in the movie "THE—SKULLS".
20030327             WHO—WHO—OF—THE—ELITE—NAMES—ALL—OF—THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS shadow government + reveals where they work,
20030327             the secret societies that they belong to, and their job titles, so that you can see the stranglehold that they have on our FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT,
20030327             the mainstream news media, industry, labor unions, universities, foundations, THE—SUPREME—COURT + all facets of the financial world.
20030327             1—STEPPING stone into the main secret societies.
20030327             *** "Bush ist der Strohmann der Kalten Krieger" Ich fand Ihren Artikel "Bushs Masterplan:
20030327             Der Krieg, der aus dem Think Tank kam" so interessant, dass ich einem USA—FREUND dazu 1—E—MAIL schrieb.
20030327             —HEUTE antwortete er mir: "My suspicion is that the 'cold war warriors' managed to get a naive controllable Bush (read:
20030327             puppet) to carry their plan, because not 1—OF—THEM had the charisma to be PRESIDENT...
20030327             Man könnte das wohl so interpretieren: —BEREITS 19980000             arbeiteten EINIGE—LEUTE,
20030327             von denen —HEUTE VIELE—IN—DER—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION stecken, einen "Masterplan" aus, wie die USA für ALLE—ABSEHBARE—ZUKUNFT die alleinige Supermacht bleiben könnten.
20030327             Da kam ihnen GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR gerade recht, um ihn als Strohmann 20010000             zum Präsidenten zu machen.
20030327             Damit hatten sie genau die Marionette, die sie für ihre Pläne brauchten.
20030327             Denn dieser GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR war eine eher labile Persönlichkeit, lange —JAHRE das schwarze Schaf seiner Familie, mit ALKOHOL—PROBLEMEN usw.
20030327             Er brannte darauf, sich und seiner Familie zu beweisen, dass er das vollenden könnte, was seinem Vater 19910000             nicht gelungen war.
20030327             (Psychologisch durchaus verständlich!) GUNTER—GERDENITSCH (DEUTSCHLAND) USA signalisieren Kompromissbereitschaft Angesichts des zähen Widerstands scheinen die USA mittlerweile bereit, 1—STÜCK weit nachzugeben.
20030327             "Falls IRGENDEIN—ÄNDERUNGSVORSCHLAG der fundamentalen Bedingung gerecht wird,
20030327             den bisherigen Resolutionen zu folgen, der Realität ins Gesicht zu sehen und 1—ENTSCHEIDUNG zu treffen,
20030327             weil die Zeit beinahe abgelaufen ist", sagte ein ranghoher MITARBEITER—DES—USA—AUßENMINISTERIUMS der "L.A. Times", "dann werden wir zuhören".
20030327             Es sind nicht das Big Business, der MILITÄRISCH—INDUSTRIELLE Komplexe oder die religiöse Rechte, die den Kriegskurs in WASHINGTON bestimmen, weiß ROBERT—MISIK.
20030327             Es sind die Neokonservativen rund um den Vizechef des Verteidigungsministeriums PAUL—WOLFOWITZ (mehr hier) und den CHEF—DES—PLANUNGSAUSSCHUSSES im Pentagon Perle,
20030327             —BEKANNT, RICHARD—UND die sind, "was hierzulande kaum, ist", "glühende Anhänger" des DEUTSCH—JÜDISCHEN Philosophen LEO—STRAUSS,
20030327             der —VOR—70—JAHREN sein Credo in einem Brief an CARL—SCHMITT so zusammenfasste:
20030327             "Weil der Mensch von Natur böse ist, darum braucht er Herrschaft.
20030327             Herrschaft ist aber nur herzustellen, d. h. Menschen sind nur zu einigen in einer Einheit GEGEN — GEGEN andere Menschen.
20030327             JEDER—ZUSAMMENSCHLUSS—VON—MENSCHEN ist notwendig 1—ABSCHLUSS gegen andere Menschen", zitiert Misik.
20030327             Die Neocons bilden eine verschworene und die einflussreichste politische Gemeinschaft in den USA, berichtet Misik weiter.
20030327             "An eine gute, irgendwann völlig friedliche Weltordnung glauben Straussianer nicht.
20030327             Von daher kommt auch ihr Misstrauen gegen die UNO.
20030327             So etwas wie Vereinte Nationen kann es, ihrer Meinung nach, definitionsgemäß niemals GEBEN — UND soll es auch nie geben.
20030327             TRUE SATANISM Die vorsichtige Freude im Auswärtigen Amt und auch im Verteidigungsministerium in BERLIN hat seinen Grund.
20030327             —SEIT fast einem —JAHR bemühen sich DEUTSCHLAND—DIPLOMATEN, nicht nur dauerhaft die RUSSLAND—ÜBERFLUGGENEHMIGUNG für NATO—TRANSPORTFLUGZEUGE zu erhalten,
20030327             sondern auch die Zusage für Transportmöglichkeiten auf dem Landweg.
20030327             1—DEUTSCHLAND—ENTWURF wurde —BEREITS im ;;03;; der RUSSLAND—SEITE übergeben.
20030327             Der Landweg war dabei besonders heikel, hat doch RUSSLAND bislang keinem NATO—STAAT Bewegungsfreiheit auf dem eigenen Staatsterritorium eingeräumt.
20030327             Möglicherweise kam Schröder bei seinem Besuch in Moskau —NUN seine besonders herzlichen Beziehungen zu Putin zu Hilfe.
20030327             Schließlich beeilte sich der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT zu betonen, bei der Genehmigung handele es sich um einen "Präzedenzfall".
20030327             Im Berliner Verteidigungsministerium wird unter dem Stichwort Landweg nicht an 1—VERSORGUNG der ISAF—TRUPPEN durch Lastkraftwagen, sondern per Eisenbahn gedacht.
20030327             Die Verbindungslinie möglichst nahe an die AFGHANISTAN—GRENZE ist für die DEUTSCHLAND—SEITE auch 1—KOSTENFRAGE.
20030327             Gosto de pensar que eventualmente as pessoas irão fazer mais pela paz do que os governos.
20030327             Na verdade, penso que as pessoas desejam a paz de tal forma que um destes dias os governos farão melhor em sair do caminho e deixar as pessoas TÊ—LOS—ANGELES.
20030327             "Quando vos vierem falar de guerra preventiva, DIGAM—LHES para a irem combater.
20030327             Após 1—MINHA experiência, acabei por detestar as guerras.
20030327             As guerras não resolvem nada.
20030327             "Todos nós temos ouvido a expressão 'guerra preventiva' desde os primeiros dias de Hitler.
20030327             LEMBRO—ME de ter ouvido a expressão pela primeira vez nesses tempos.
20030327             Neste dia e hora não acredito que exista tal coisa e, francamente, não levaria a sério nenhuma pessoa que usasse essa expressão.
20030327             Presidente Americano Dwight Eisenhower
20030327             (19530000             ), via IAN—BOYNE in THE—DANGEROUS—BUSH—DOCTRINE
20030327             "Alguns de vós irão morrer, mas é um sacrifício que estou disposto a fazer".
20030327             Lord Farquaad, in SHREK—MAIS EM LINGUA PORTUGUESA>>>>>>>>>>>>
20030327             —THE—PEOPLE versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history.
20030327             The tide can be stopped, and the men who desire empire by the sword can be thwarted.
20030327             It has already begun, but it must not cease.
20030327             These are men of will, and they do not intend to fail.
20030327             SOURCE : t r u t h o u t - WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT—OF—GODS and Mortals and Empire.
20030327             And.. but 1. things 1.
20030327             The.. these terrorist acts and, you know, the responses, have got to end in order for us to get the framework.
20030327             the groundwork.. not framework, the groundwork to discuss 1—FRAMEWORK for peace, to lay the.. all right".
20030327             >>>>MORE— GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS—NEED SORTING!- - "The ground grounds me".
20030327             - 20010813             — GEORGE—DUBYA—BUSHISMS—NEED SORTING!
20030327             Hoffman spricht leise, langsam und setzt Pausen, in denen kein Laut aus den Kehlen der 500—ANWESENDEN Promis kommt.
20030327             "Ich bin nicht ANTI—AMERIKANISCH, aber ich bin gegen die ANSICHTEN—DER—AMTIERENDEN—REGIERUNG", sagt der Schauspieler und zum 1. Mal brandet der Applaus der Gäste richtig auf.
20030327             Die GROSSBRITANNIEN—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT fordert mehr Zeit für die Inspektoren im IRAK.
20030327             GEORGE—ORWELL: "—DURING times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes 1—REVOLUTIONARY—ACT".
20030327             RICHARD—PERLE, 1—DER—LAUTSTÄRKSTEN—BEFÜRWORTER—DES—IRAK—KRIEGS in den USA, ist von seinem Amt als 1—DER—FÜHRENDEN—PENTAGON—BERATER zurückgetreten.
20030327             WASHINGTON — ALS Grund für den Schritt gab der insgesamt als ausgesprochener "Falke" geltende Perle die anhaltende Debatte um seine Beziehungen zum Pleite gegangenen Telekommunikationsunternehmen Global Crossing an,
20030327             wie —AM—DONNERSTAG offiziell bestätigt wurde.
20030327             Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD würdigte in einer kurzen Erklärung die Verdienste Perles, der unter anderem auch zu den schärfsten Kritikern der DEUTSCHLAND—HALTUNG im IRAK—KONFLIKT zählt.
20030327             Die Äußerung des USA—PRÄSIDENTENBERATERS RICHARD—PERLE vom —MITTWOCH,
20030327             dass die Uno —KONFLIKTE nicht lösen, sondern nur noch verschlimmern könnte, kommentiert die arabische Presse mit Hoffnungslosigkeit.
20030327             Mehr als 100.000—E—MAILS seien mit einem Mal eingegangen, sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—VOLKSPARTEI.
20030327             Die E—MAIL—PROTESTAKTION war —SCHON—SEIT mehreren —TAGEN auf der WEB—SITE www.noalaguerra_com angekündigt worden.
20030327             Dennoch waren die Rechner der Konservativen auf den Ansturm offenbar nicht vorbereitet.
20030327             UMFRAGEN, hatte sich vor Kriegsbeginn eine überwältigende MEHRHEIT—DER—SPANIER gegen den Krieg ausgesprochen und die Politik ihrer Regierung als schlecht oder sehr schlecht eingestuft.
20030327             —GEHÖRT, Aznar, zu den entschiedenen Befürwortern des Angriffs auf den IRAK, den in SPANIEN unterschiedlichen Erhebungen zufolge —BIS zu 90—PROZENT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG ablehnen.
20030327             —ENDE EINER DEMO New Yorker Polizei nimmt 140—KRIEGSGEGNER fest Sie legten für rund —1—STUNDE den Verkehr lahm,
20030327             dann griff die Polizei massiv durch: Bei einer Antikriegsdemo auf der 5. Avenue in NEW—YORK sind mehr als 140—DEMONSTRANTEN festgenommen worden.
20030327             NEW—YORK — DIE Demonstranten hatten Polizeibarrikaden durchbrochen und legten sich in der Nähe des Rockefeller Centers wie tot auf die Straße.
20030327             Damit blockierten sie in der RUSH—HOUR den Verkehr.
20030327             Viele sangen: "Kein Krieg, kein Öl, kein Profit".
20030327             Die meisten Demonstranten harrten aus, —BIS sie von Beamten weggetragen wurden und teils in Handschellen abgeführt wurden.
20030327             Vereinzelt kam es zu Handgreiflichkeiten.
20030327             Insgesamt nahmen nach Polizeiangaben etwa 400—MENSCHEN an der Demonstration teil.
20030327             Sie dauerte rund —2—STUNDEN und war die jüngste von zahlreichen Protestaktionen gegen den IRAK—KRIEG in NEW—YORK und anderen Städten der USA.
20030327             —AM vergangenen —DONNERSTAG waren in S—FRANCISCO bei einem Protestmarsch mehr als 2.100—DEMONSTRANTEN festgenommen worden.
20030327             Das Rockefeller Center war als Schauplatz gewählt worden, weil es auch Sitz mehrerer Konzerne ist, die nach Auffassung der Demonstranten von dem Krieg profitieren.
20030327             New Yorks Polizeichef RAY—KELLY erklärte, bei der Demonstration sei das Gesetz gebrochen worden.
20030327             Störungen des Verkehrs hätten nichts mit freier Meinungsäußerung zu tun.
20030327             Demonstrationen gegen den Krieg kosteten die Stadt MILLIONEN—VON—DOLLAR, weil Polizisten Überstunden machen müssten.
20030327             Zudem würden die 1ätze zur Abwehr terroristischer Gefahren beeinträchtigt.
20030327             Die neuen Server befinden sich nach AL—DSCHASIRA—ANGABEN in FRANKREICH.
20030327             NEW—YORK — DER IRAK—UNO—BOTSCHAFTER—MOHAMMED—AL—DURI hatte die USA zuvor beschuldigt, sein Volk ausrotten zu wollen.
20030327             Die USA—REGIERUNG habe sich —BEREITS 19970000             Verträge zum Wiederaufbau Iraks —NACH—DEM Krieg gesichert und schiebe —JETZT humanitäre Argumente vor,
20030327             um ihre "kriminelle Aggression" zu verhüllen.
20030327             AL—DURI rief den Weltsicherheitsrat in NEW—YORK auf, den Krieg zu stoppen.
20030327             "Ich habe mir vieles von dem angehört, was er zu sagen hatte, aber ich habe genug gehört".
20030327             NEGROPONTE verließ noch während der Ansprache den Sitzungssaal + erklärte anschließend:
20030327             Workers Benefit with THE—POWER—OF—PENSION—FUNDS
20030327             THERE—1—LOT—OF—MONEY to pay for this that doesn't have to be USA taxpayer money + it starts with THE—ASSETS—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE...and on 1—ROUGH—RECOLLECTION,
20030327             the oil REVENUES—OF—THAT—COUNTRY could bring between $50 and $100—BILLION over the course of the next 2—OR —3—YEARS.
20030327             We're dealing with 1—COUNTRY that can really finance its own reconstruction + relatively soon.
20030327             STRATESEC also had contracts to provide security at DULLES INTERNATIONAL Airport in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, UNITED AIRLINES + the lax security at Los ALAMOS Labs....
20030327             Killtown's: 20010911             —COINCIDENCES and oddities page!
20030327             DISPUTE—RESOLUTIONS—ICANN - via Quotes for Peace
20030327             Negroponte verließ noch während der Ansprache den Sitzungssaal + erklärte anschließend: "Ich habe mir vieles von dem angehört, was er zu sagen hatte, aber ich habe genug gehört".
20030327             THERE—1—LOT—OF—MONEY to pay for this that doesn't have to be USA taxpayer money + it starts with THE—ASSETS—OF—THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE...and on 1—ROUGH—RECOLLECTION, the oil REVENUES—OF—THAT—COUNTRY could bring between $50 and $100—BILLION over the course of the next 2 or —3—YEARS.
20030327             festgelegt, wenn die gerichtlich festgelegte Mindestverbüßungsdauer von —24—JAHREN erreicht ist.
20030327             —STRATESEC also had contracts to provide security at Dulles INTERNATIONAL Airport in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA,
20030327             United Airlines + the lax security at Los Alamos Labs.
20030327             —REELECTED, MARVIN—BUSH was, to the Stratesec BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS
20030327—18120000    "Man lernt nichts kennen, als was man liebt, und je tiefer und vollständiger die Kenntnis werden soll, desto kräftiger und lebendiger muß die Liebe, ja Leidenschaft sein, J.W.v.Goethe in 1—BRIEF an Jacobi,
20030327—19500903    —SINCE, Autor : GÜNTHER—EPPENICH * Pagina: Em construcao *....
20030327—19930000    —FROM, annually...
20030331—20030327    —4—TAGE—ZUVOR, 59—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—BEVÖLKERUNG, erklärten, die Militäraktion sei richtig.
20030426—20030327    Die 20—LÜGEN des GEORGE—W—BU$
20040327             † ADAN—SANCHEZ, —19—JAHRE—ALT, MEXICAN—USA—SINGER, in 1—CAR crash in SINALOA—MEXICO.
20040327             † ROBERT—MERLE, —95—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—AUTHOR.
20040327             —INCLUDED, ROBERT—MERLE—BOOKS, "THE—DAY—OF—THE—DOLPHIN," which was made into a 19730000             film.
20040327             The 15-nation Caribbean Community withheld recognition from HAITI—USA—BACKED interim government as leaders closed 1—SUMMIT renewing calls for A—UNITED—NATIONS—INVESTIGATION into THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE.
20040327             —GUARDED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SECURITY—FORCES, voting stations as Nigerians cast ballots in tense municipal elections.
20040327             † A —7—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—BOY was killed by what THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said was haphazard PALESTINE—GUNFIRE toward 1—ARMY jeep in 1—WEST—BANK—REFUGEE—CAMP.
20040327             1—HALF—MILLION—PEOPLE swarmed into TAIWAN—CAPITAL to protest the disputed presidential election.
20040327             † ROBERT—MERLE (95), FRANCE—AUTHOR.
20040327             —REPORTED, RWANDA, plans to release at least 30,000 suspects who have confessed to participating 19940000             —IN—THE genocide, letting them be tried in community courts rather than by the country's overburdened judicial system.
20040327—19920000    —IN, ADAN—SANCHEZ was THE—SON—OF—NARCO—BALLAD singer Chalino Sanchez, murdered.
200411215602         Last Modified : Fri, 20041029             20050327             USA & eternal war USA Schurkenstaat USA & Eternal War IRAK IRAQ... Het resultaat VAN onze inspanningen: de Talibaan, en OSAMA—BIN—LADEN... ROTTERDAM, 20051029            .
20050103             VELVETREVOLUTION.USA : Election 20040000             > Background Items.. ( TruthIsAll, DemocraticUnderground_com, 20050327             ).
20050213             - Leipziger Affenforscher: Per Zeitmaschine durch die Evolution (20020327             )
20050213             - Fotostrecke: Gesucht: Bananen und das Wesen des Menschen (20020327             )
20050326             1—OF—THOSE, Wackenhut, is 1—VIRTUAL—CIA proprietary... RICHARD—SECORD—RETIRED AF GENERAL tied to CIA drug operations from THE—VIETNAM era... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050327             HighBeam Research Library Search our extensive archive of more than 34—MILLION—DOCUMENTS from over 3000—SOURCES - 1—VAST... - 20050325             20050327             Apart from what is widely known about OLBERMANN—HIS—WORK at ESPN, Fox, MISS—NBC... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050408             widerst@ND—MUND vom 20010719             ... Demonstranten aus ganz ITALIEN und dem übrigen Westeuropa Richtung Genua... Staatspräsident ROBERT—MUGABE bislang erworben, um das Land an landlose...
20050327             —UNVEILED, USA—PLAN to make INDIA world power : THE—USA, plans to help INDIA become a "major world power in the 20010101—21001231    " even as it announced moves to beef up THE—MILITARY—OF—NEW—DELHI—NUCLEAR—RIVAL, PAKISTAN.
20050327             MEDIAFRONT: 20050100             ... At 1—MOSQUE in BEIRUT, AHMED—KOURANI, 1—SHI'A preacher, attacked THE—USA—LED occupation... kicked off —ON—SUNDAY, 20050109             + runs through February 5 ...
20050327             Disseminative Systems and Global Governance... 'Doomed,'" Times,
20050327             THE—MOBBED—UP—FORUM... ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON—RUMMENS 20050217             (3).
20050327             Re: ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON—PUPARO 20050217             Re: ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON—RUMMENS.
20050327             20050221             20050200             Scoop Archive: Suzan Mazur : JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects And through Shackley, Deuss is linked with some of the most controversial names... 20050326             QATAR Post... Full Story Suzan Mazur : JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects Full Story IRAN approves more cash for petrol imports Full Story SAUDI—ARABIA—ARAMCO Says it Can...
20050327             3—DCENTER—NEWS—ARCHIV 20020225—20020303 (9. Kalenderwoche).. RADIOAKTIV—WURDE OSAMA—BIN—LADEN geleimt? (d) [Telepolis]... daß —NUN die 1. GeForce4 MX4 Grafikkarten in DEUTSCHLAND real erhältlich sind...
20050327             DUmmie FUnnies: DUmmie FUnnies 20050302             ("Olberman: Bush Doctrine... Bush Doctrine seems to be working on Olbermann looks like to me.
20050327             (See also: RFA #'s 4, 10-13, 14, 19, 27 and 29-34 as well as FTR #'s 5, 65, 121 and 136 .) (Recorded 19990314             —ON.)
20050327             Rally Against WAR—FAYETTEVILLE, NC - 20050319             :
20050327             —DELIVERED, Noam Chomsky, the last in the Gifford Lecture series at EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY—MCEWAN—HALL—ON—TUESDAY, 20050322             20050327             —DELIVERED, Noam Chomsky, the last in the Gifford Lecture series at EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY—MCEWAN—HALL—ON—TUESDAY, 20050322             20050404             admits selling strategic NUCLEAR missiles to CHINA + IRAN — 20050322            .
20050327             AP Wire | 20040127             | USA: Nuclear Plant Cheated —DURING Drill
20050327             In 1—LIVE—INTERNET—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—REVEREND—JESSE—JACKSON, MICHAEL—JACKSON declared himself "completely innocent" of child molestation charges, and said he was THE—VICTIM—OF—1—CONSPIRACY.
20050327             —ACCUSED—OF, BRAZIL, Vitalmiro Moura, the rancher, ordering THE—KILLING—OF—USA—NUN DOROTHY—STANG in the Amazon rainforest —6—WEEKS—AGO, surrendered to police and declared his innocence.
20050327             1—CAIRO court sentenced 1—EGYPTIAN to —35—YEARS in prison —AFTER finding him GUILTY—OF—SPYING for THE—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD and planning to assassinate EGYPT—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20050327             THE—COURT—GAVE—MAHMOUD—EID—MOHAMED—DABBOUS—10—YEARS in prison for spying for 1—FOREIGN—STATE and another —25—YEARS for plotting to kill Mubarak.
20050327             —DETAINED, EGYPT—POLICE, about 200—MEMBERS and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, —BEFORE and —DURING 1—ATTEMPT to protest outside PARLIAMENT in FAVOR—OF—REFORM.
20050327             † AHMED—ZAKI, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—EGYPT—MOST acclaimed actors.
20050327             —PORTRAYED, AHMED—ZAKI, FORMER—EGYPT—PRESIDENTS—GAMAL Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat.
20050327             —OPENED, IRAQ—SECURITY—OFFICIALS, fire on 1—CROWD—OF—PROTESTERS outside 1—GOVERNMENT building, killing 1. AL—QAIDA—ARM in IRAQ —POSTED 1—VIDEO purportedly showing 1—IRAQI—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL being killed.
20050327             —SUSPECTED, Kashmir police said, militants shot dead 1—GRANDMOTHER, mother and her infant daughter —AFTER the child's father, 1—FORMER—KASHMIRI separatist rebel, surrendered to INDIA—SECURITY—FORCES.
20050327             —COMPETED, KYRGYZSTAN, 2—RIVAL—PARLIAMENTS, for power, raising political uncertainty in THE—FORMER—SOVIET—NATION.
20050327             —ELECTED, Both groups, THE—PARLIAMENT newly, in 1 disputed vote that sparked massive discontent, and THE—1—THAT lost the election, met in separate chambers over the weekend, EACH—CLAIMING to represent the people.
20050327             Macedonians cast ballots in municipal elections, but the voting was marred by irregularities that could potentially harm the country's ambitions to join NATO and THE—EU.
20050327             1—OF 5—URBAN—MOROCCANS was unemployed.
20050327             THE—HEAD—OF—MYANMAR—RULING junta said the country was moving toward democracy but gave no indication of —WHEN the military would relinquish its —43—YEAR—GRIP on power.
20050327             —CONFIRMED, Communist NORTH—KOREA for the 1. time, 1—OUTBREAK—OF—DEADLY—BIRD—FLU at its poultry farms and said HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHICKENS had been culled to contain it.
20050327             —DELIVERED, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, 1—EASTER—SUNDAY blessing to TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in S—PETER—SQUARE, but the ailing pontiff was unable to speak and managed only to greet the saddened crowd with 1—SIGN—OF—THE—CROSS.
20050327             † AHMED—ZAKI (55), 1—OF—EGYPT—MOST acclaimed actors.
20050327             —WAS—REPORTED, MOROCCO—PER capita income, to be about $1,200 per —YEAR.
20050327             search —NOW thats what i call music Beaufort SOUTH—CAROLINA...
20050327             Taps Gallery, Part III VIETNAM Veterans Home Page... KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS, THATS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS... at the age of 37 in Beaufort...
20050327             THE—1.—CHURCH—OF—COMMON—SENSE—HOME—PAGE...
20050327             —INTERESTED, Why the hell are they so, in the site of 1—HIPPIE—ARTISTE?
20050327             VIETNAM says about 3—MILLION—OF—ITS—PEOPLE suffer from birth defects and...
20050327             FTR-158 THE—LIFE and TIMES—OF—SENATOR—THOMAS—DODD (2—30—MINUTE—SEGMENTS.) $8.50
20050327             —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—COLUMBINE—HIGH—SCHOOL—MASSACRE in LITTLETON—COLORADO (see FTR-150 ), the popular sentiment in FAVOR—OF—GUN—CONTROL was greater than ever.
20050327             —PERCEIVED, Generally, as part of the liberal political agenda, gun control actually has its roots in the murky depths of INTERNATIONAL fascist intrigue.
20050327             This broadcast documents connections between THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRESIDENT—KENNEDY and THE—WORLD—OF—SENATOR—THOMAS—DODD—OF—CONNECTICUT.
20050327             (For more on SENATOR—DODD, see Miscellaneous Archive Show M-60.) 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—PROSECUTORIAL staff at Nuremberg.
20050327             this FORMER—FBI agent was close to THE—USA—SECURITY—COUNCIL (ASC), 1—DOMESTIC—FASCIST—GROUP.
20050327             (For more on THE—ASC, see RFA #'s 14, 15.) With its roots in THE—HITLER—GOEBBELS AntiComintern,
20050327             (Virulently ANTI—SEMITIC, JUNG—ORGANIZATION was PART—OF—THE—ANTI—COMINTERN —PRIOR—TO —WWII.) Counting among its ranks some of the most prominent names on the far right,
20050327             the organization kept TRACK—OF—PEOPLE it considered "subversive," sharing political intelligence with prospective employers (particularly defense contractors).
20050327             —HATED, THE—ASC, Kennedy and it is not, —THEREFORE, altogether surprising that Dodd helped to disseminate the disinformation that LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD had been trained in assassination by THE—KGB.
20050327             —INSERTED, With CIA assistance, Dodd, this disinformation into 1—SENATE—SUBCOMMITTEE report.
20050327             This disinformation, with roots in the same WACL milieu as THE—ASC,
20050327             led liberals to COVER—UP the assassination OUT—OF—FEAR that public perception that 1—COMMUNIST killed THE—PRESIDENT would lead to a 3. World War.
20050327             (For more on this gambit, see REA #'s 15, 37.) DODD—ROLE in this affair is all the more interesting —WHEN 1—CONSIDERS the possibility that OSWALD may have ordered his weapons —WHILE working for DODD—SUBCOMMITTEE.
20050327             Investigating THE—MAIL—ORDER firearms business, the Dodd committee focused on THE—2—FIRMS from which OSWALD allegedly purchased his weapons.
20050327             —INTERESTED, OSWALD was apparently extraordinarily, in MAIL—ORDER—GUNS, 1—STRANGE—WAY for 1—PROSPECTIVE—ASSASSIN to acquire weaponry.
20050327             Excerpted from RFA-15, this broadcast highlights the relationship between fascist ELEMENTS—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE,
20050327             the Autonomous UNIVERSITY—OF—GUADALAJARA (MEXICO), the Latin USA—BRANCH—OF—THE—FORMER—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE and the formation and operation of Latin USA—DEATH—SQUADS.
20050327             Operating under the banner of the "White Hand," Latin USA—DEATH—SQUADS were coordinated by THE—CAL (WACL—LATIN—USA—AFFILIATE) and had the University as its epicenter.
20050327             The program analyzes the genesis of this relationship in GUATEMALA, arising out of 19540000             —THE—CIA—BACKED coup that overthrew JACOBO—ARBENZ.
20050327             —MIDWIVED, Utilizing CAL, ELEMENTS—OF—THE—CIA, THE—FORMATION—OF—THE—TERROR—APPARATUS that sowed death and destruction in GUATEMALA and other Latin USA—COUNTRIES in succeeding decades.
20050327             —TUTORED, Allied with ADOLF—HITLER, by 1—MEMBER who had studied in NAZI GERMANY and espousing 1—ANTI—SEMITIC and ANTI—CATHOLIC—OCCULTISM,
20050327             Los Tecos dominate the Autonomous University.
20050327             Founded, in part, by THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development (the latter 1—FREQUENT—COVER for USA—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIONS abroad),
20050327             the University serves as 1—IDEOLOGICAL training ground and operational coordinating center for the terror UNITS—OF—THE—WHITE—HAND.
20050327             (This information was supplied by 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HONDURAS—BRANCH—OF—THE—DEATH—SQUAD—APPARATUS.) The broadcast highlights the milieu's operations in EL—SALVADOR and NICARAGUA,
20050327             both operations coordinated with RONALD—REAGAN—CIA and both assisted (particularly in the beginning) by Argentine fascists.
20050327             In addition, the program delineates THE—ON—GOING relationship between the Autonomous University and 13—DIFFERENT—USA—UNIVERSITIES.
20050327             —ARE—OBLIGED, Visiting USA—STUDENTS, to comply with ideological training mandated by Los Tecos.
20050327             FTR—49—USTACHI, ABN, WACL and the Shooting of THE—PAPA (1—30—MINUTE—SEGMENT) $5.00
20050327             —PLAYED, This program analyzes the pivotal role, in THE—FORMER—WORLD—ANTI Communist League by the Ustachi,
20050327             the brutal CROATIA—FASCISTS allied with Hitler —WWII—DURING.
20050327             —FORMED, THE—USTACHI, 1—CENTRAL—ELEMENT in the Anti Bolshevik Bloc of Nations,
20050327             1—ORGANIZATION descended from Hitler's "COMMITTEE—OF—SUBJUGATED—NATIONS" and 1—OF—THE—MAIN—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—WACL—THE—BROADCAST highlights the role of the Ustachi in attempting to establish ;;04;;
20050327             The broadcast also discusses THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—ABN and WACL in the plot to shoot JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA.
20050327             (See also: FTR #'s 29, 48, 50. ) (Recorded in the fall of 19950000             .)
20050327             Source: "Amphetamine Dependence", THE—MERCK—MANUAL—OF—DIAGNOSIS and Therapy
20050327             For Desert Storm : 57% used stimulants at SOME—TIME (17% routinely
20050327             PORTLAND imc - 20040000             .02.17 - Clone ban lifted to help fight terror...
20050327             recent genetic engineering of biotech altered soldiers funded by taxpayers towards military research like RAYTHEON ,
20050327             WACKENHUT and other private research... - Stolen Documents and Eavesdropping...
20050327             THEFT—OF—DOCUMENTS and eavesdropping by RAYTHEON and its agent WACKENHUT
20050327             denials by RAYTHEON and WACKENHUT officials —DURING the discovery phase of...
20050327             Raytheon Corporate Profile...
20050327             RAYTHEON COMPANY—POSITIVE—PUBLIC—IMAGE—STANDS in stunning contrast to its
20050327             1—OF—THE listening devices allegedly used by WACKENHUT spies]....
20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA...
20050327             RAYTHEON Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ
20050327             WACKENHUT Corp.
20050327             Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ ;;07;; 19... - Raytheon...
20050327             Quick Summary not found for this subject WACKENHUT Corporation, hired by RAYTHEON, used video and audio surveillance to spy on 1—CONSULTING firm hired by...
20050327             Raytheon : Information From Answers_com...
20050327             —REPORTED, THE—BOSTON—HERALD, that AGES alleged that the security firm WACKENHUT Corporation, hired by RAYTHEON, used video and audio surveillance to spy...
20050327             against RAYTHEON Aerospace Company, INCORPORATED and THE—WACKENHUT—CORPORATION...
20050327             Click. On GEORGE—W—BUSH, Dick CHENEY.
20050327             Issue 14: Tales From THE—GRASSY—KNOLL by EVA—SION...
20050327             —ILLEGALLY—SPIED, THE—WACKENHUT corporation, on its competitors 1—LA the
20050327             but —AFTER they sold out to RAYTHEON (to the tune of BILLIONS) the Department...
20050327             Raytheon : 1—HISTORY—OF—ABUSE, Corruption and Incompetence-
20050327             —CHARGED, AGES, that RAYTHEON hired security company WACKENHUT to eavesdrop on confidential conversations and to steal confidential documents.16 Though...
20050327             Nuclear Dreamland...
20050327             RAYTHEON manufactures airplanes + microwave devices for military +
20050327             According to 1—ARTICLE in Spy magazine, WACKENHUT and THE—CIA overlap each...
20050327             Endgame Directory of Transnational Corporations...
20050327             consent judgments totaling $8—MILLION $s against RAYTHEON and WACKENHUT...
20050327             They even got WACKENHUT to set up 1—BIOCHEM lab for Saddam at 1—POINT
20050327             —INVOLVED, RAYTHEON and everyone else, in missile defense made out large too...
20050327             —PUBLISHED, This think tank, 1—PLAN for toppling IRAQ
20050327             New 19980000             Trade Secret Cases...
20050327             —WAS—UNDISPUTED, It, that RAYTHEON had in possession of this Schedule B, but WACKENHUT contends that RAYTHEON—COPY was obtained through 1—GOVERNMENT...
20050327             MAP ROI Management Team...
20050327             Boycott BUSH—CORPORATE contributors to GEORGE—W—BUSH—INAUGURATION festivities 20000000             20050327             WACKENHUT Corrections Corp. Palm Beach Gardens FL $ 20000.00...
20050327             1—BROADER—INVESTIGATION uncovered more evidence OF—PLANT is handled by WACKENHUT ,
20050327             Homeland Security at Risk.
20050327             Demand REVIEW—OF—WACKENHUT—SECURITY.
20050327             1—BOMB—DETECTION—UNIT at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology - I believe that WACKENHUT is putting our
20050327             an immediate and comprehensive investigation of all... - Threat MATRIX— DAILY Terror Thread (4):
20050327             —PROVIDED, WACKENHUT also, false information to plant
20050327             conducting 1—GOVERNMENT—ORDERED investigation into whether
20050327             unit at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology
20050327             TOMPAINE_com — WHISTLEBLOWERS: Shooting THE—MESSENGER...
20050327             "In EVERY—INVESTIGATION concerning problems at the
20050327             LIEUTENANT—MARK—GRAF—WAS—ALARM—STATION—SUPERVISOR for THE—WACKENHUT protective force at Rocky Flats...
20050327             TOMPAINE_com — CHRONIC Insecurity: 3—CASE Studies...
20050327             —REVEALED, EDWARD—MCCALLUM by WACKENHUT whistleblower JEFF—PETERS
20050327             found the same problems Rocky Flats had agreed
20050327             found in 1—UNDERCOVER investigation that more...
20050327             911—JOB FORUMS — WAKENHUT cheats in exercises...
20050327             plant is handled by WACKENHUT ,the largest
20050327             of retaliation against WACKENHUT Services LLC
20050327             1—SUBCONTRACTOR at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology
20050327             of Labor, conducted 1—INVESTIGATION and determined... - USA—AUTOBAHN—INTRODUCTION...
20050327             —PRODUCED, Plutonium triggers were last, at the Rocky Flats facility in COLORADO...
20050327             Citizens for Legitimate Government, Bush Election Coup 20000000             2K...
20050327             and their families is —JUST 1—MORE—OPPORTUNITY for big profits for WACKENHUT... environmental crimes at THE—FORMER—ROCKY Flats nuclear weapons plant...
20050327             Technology Issues Janaury 20040000             -
20050327             1—FORMER—ASSISTANT to THEN—ENERGY—SECRETARY—BILL—RICHARDSON, called WACKENHUT—DEFENSE. of the Rocky Flats atomic storehouse in COLORADO "miserable...
20050327             Oak RIDGER — WACKENHUT focus of IG INVESTIGATION — ELLEN Rogers; THE—STATE—DUKE gets
20050327             Rocky Mountain NEWS — REASSESSMENT at Rocky FLATS — ANN—IMSE...
20050327             WHAT—NEWS—ARCHIVE — 20010000             ...
20050327             Daily CAMERA — ROCKY Flats refuge BILL—PRAISED — BY SANDRA—FISH
20050327             —DISAPPOINTED, Oak RIDGER — WACKENHUT, by contract REJECTION — BY PAUL—PARSON...
20050327             Operates the Rocky FLATS—COLORADO nuclear weapons facility... - T—REX: News Headlines...
20050327             Nuclear security, WACKENHUT style: Editorial, S—PETERSBURG—TIMES
20050327             —REMOVED, More PLUTONIUM—CONTAMINATED soil, from Rocky Flats, KCTV—TV, KANSAS—CITY...
20050327             Feds Join Investigation Into Missing PG&E Nuclear Rods, KTVU—TV, S—FRANCISCO, CA... WACKENHUT tests self, Old Colony Memorial, BOSTON—MA...
20050327             Wackenhut deal makes Group 4—FALCK truly global Wackenhut deal...-
20050327             —HIRED, RAYTHEON, security firm WACKENHUT to conduct surveillance of its competitors
20050327             Operates the Rocky FLATS—COLORADO nuclear weapons facility... - Medicine & Global Survival...
20050327             THE—ROCKY—FLATS—COLORADO plant--which was shut down
20050327             Briefs and Other Related Documents USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS...-
20050327             KAISER—HILL Company, LLC; WACKENHUT Services, LLC;
20050327             EG & G Rocky Flats, INCORPORATED.. the case remained under seal —DURING this investigation....
20050327             397—F.3d 925—PAGE 1 397—F.3d 925 (Cite as:
20050327             397—F.3d 925) © 20050000             ...-
20050327             for cooperating with THE—FBI in its investigation of environmental crimes);.. Rocky Flats, which included security.
20050327             —DURING these same years, WACKENHUT.
20050327             Satanism, Child Abuse & Republican Fundraising [Free Republic]...
20050327             1—LAWYER in OREGON who had 1—CHILD custody case where Satanic sexual abuse and
20050327             Child Abuse At THE—PRESIDIO.
20050327             A huge sexual abuse scandal 1.
20050327             early eighties at the Orwellian named Presidio Child Development Center...
20050327             Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive...
20050327             See, "Officials Describe 'Cult Rituals'in Child Abuse Case "... —AFTER the Presidio —DAY Care case, he sued the Army —AFTER they "titled" him under an...
20050327             Occult News... - rumored about her intense investigation of THE—S—FRANCISCO—PRESIDIO child abuse case and MICHAEL—AQUINO + his Army Intelligence and NAZI contacts...
20050327             Family ADVOCACY — PRESIDIO of Monterey...
20050327             The length of stay varies with EACH—CASE
20050327             Command Education; Domestic Violence Prevention;
20050327             Child Safety; Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention... - SignsOfFakeApocalypseTerrorNet...
20050327             Excerpts from 1—EXCELLENT and alarming article on Presidio Satanic CHILD — ABUSE case, entitled ARMY—OF—THE—NIGHT (see my Satanic Knighthood in THE—USA...
20050327             Satanic SUBVERSION—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY...
20050327             was employed at 1—CHILD—CARE—CENTER on THE—USA—ARMY—BASE at Presidio
20050327             [3] Bonacci is 1—GOOD—EXAMPLE—OF—1—TYPICAL—VICTIM—OF—SATANIC—CHILD—ABUSE...
20050327             SFGov: OFFICE—OF—THE—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY: Sexual Assault/Child Abuse...
20050327             Attorneys in the sexual assault/child abuse unit review cases investigated
20050327             Crimes that occur at Ocean Beach, on the Presidio, or at Aquatic Park are...
20050327             Mind Control Victim Awarded $1—MILLION...
20050327             —ABOUT the sordid HISTORY—OF—THE—CASE called THE—FRANKLIN—COVER—UP:
20050327             Child ABUSE—HIM that stuck [THE—S—FRANCISCO—PRESIDIO child abuse allegations]...
20050327             DECLARATION—OF—DIANA—NAPOLIS...
20050327             we suspected was 1—CRIMINAL—NETWORK encompassing cult groups, child abuse... of MISS—HOPKINS' position defending 1—CHILD—MOLESTATION—CASE in that town...
20050327             MICHAEL—AQUINO was the subject of 1—INVESTIGATION for sexual child abuse and related crimes in the Presidio case...
20050327             Ritual Abuse Victims Advocate Responds to Defamatory Article in...
20050327             as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—PRESIDIO ( child abuse ) investigation," and that Michael
20050327             Presidio Army Base case, even though nobody was successfully prosecuted...
20050327             AQUINO — S—JOSE—MERCURY, 19880700             ...
20050327             Gray, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—1—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE, had never —BEFORE handled 1—CHILD—SEXUAL—ABUSE—CASE.
20050327             —WAS—BELIEVED, THE—PRESIDIO case, in fact, to be the... - AQUINO — ARMY—MEMORANDUM...
20050327             attorney's office closed its INVESTIGATION—OF—CHILD—ABUSE at the Presidio CDC
20050327             SYSOP—NOTE: THE—FOLLOWING file is the complete text of 1—LETTER...
20050327             of a "typical" ritualized child abuse case in a "typical" —DAY— CARE center
20050327             Presidio of S—FRANCISCO—IT was also used in THE—CASE—OF—THE—CHILD... - Casey understood ISRAEL—CONCERN.
20050327             Of course he could HELP—BUT did ISRAEL really need to be so worried about THE—AWACS sale to the Saudis?
20050327             Couldn't the Jewish lobby in the States be called off?
20050327             —BEFORE Casey left, to arrive at a mutually helpful arrangement.
20050327             —NOTIFIED, Casey was, at home at 4—50—THAT—AFTERNOON.
20050327             Within —2—HOURS + USA—KH 11—BIG Bird
20050327             photo reconnaissance satellite was diverted from its customary orbit over THE—SOVIET—UNION + CHINA;
20050327             + within —6—HOURS, ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE was getting KH—11—PHOTOS—DIRECT by satellite revealing the destruction wrought on THE—IRAQ—PLANT.
20050327             —DURING the administration's push to win approval of THE—AWACS deal, Casey had watched with admiration the energy of 2—MILITARY—OFFICERS on the project".
20050327             OLIVER—NORTH + RICHARD—SECORD.
20050327             However, the idea of striking 1—COUNTRY in possession of nuclear capabilities is not new.
20050327             at the Monterey Institute of INTERNATIONAL Studies
20050327             notes that IRAQ attacked IRAN—BUSH ehr plant 6—TIMES—THROUGHOUT THE—IRAN—IRAQ War
20050327             THE—ISRAEL—ATTACK on the Osirak, or Tammuz I, nuclear facilities in IRAQ in ;;06;;
20050327             of 19810000             is undoubtedly the most famous + it has been lately invoked by the press —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—STATEMENTS coming out of IRAN +
20050327             —HAVE—TURNED, SOME—COMMENTATORS, the tables and drawn renewed attention
20050327             towards ISRAEL—NUCLEAR program.
20050327             And —WHILE, downplaying 1—NUCLEAR preemptive move, ISRAEL has —RECENTLY announced acquisition from THE—USA—OF—5000 "smart bombs
20050327             " worth $319—MILLION, including 500—SO—CALLED "bunker busters," or BLU-109s,
20050327             capable of penetrating 7ft of concrete.
20050327             —BRUSHED, But BUSH, past SOME—OF—AMERICA—OLDEST friends and their WARNINGS—OF—DANGER.
20050327             —HELPED, He had enough pals and enablers who, him climb behind the wheel and roar off into THE—FOG—OF—WAR.
20050327             So, instead of pouring FRANCE—WINE into gutters and publishing diatribes about FRANCE as the new enemy,
20050327             perhaps Americans should ask themselves if they would have been better off —TODAY if they had heeded the advice from FRANCE + other nations,
20050327             if they had stopped BUSH for his — and AMERICA's — own good.
20050327             Back to front
20050327             —HAVE—DEADENED, Even supposedly smart USA—COMMENTATORS, it appears, their senses with THE—INTOXICATION—OF—BUSH—PROPAGANDA.
20050327             Inconvenient Facts - in fact, disarmed.
20050327             THERE—ALSO the fact that neither UNITED—NATIONS inspectors nor USA—FORCES on the ground have found any of the alleged stockpiles of TRIGGER—READY—CHEMICAL and biological weapons that BUSH keeps citing as 1—CHIEF—REASON for war.
20050327             But Hume and other news personalities know —WHEN not to contradict the notoriously THIN—SKINNED Texan.
20050327             —STILL, even as BUSH digs in his heels on his justifications for the death and destruction in IRAQ,
20050327             other PRO—WAR—ADVOCATES have begun to adjust their rationales.
20050327             1—NEW—SPIN, popular with USA—PUNDITS, blames SADDAM—HUSSEIN for the invasion on the grounds that he confused THE—USA—ABOUT whether IRAQ did or didn't possess WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20050327             —REFUSED, This new argument claims that Hussein, to say that he had gotten rid of his WMD so he would look tough to his neighbors and that it was this IRAQ—CONCEIT that caused the war.
20050327             The problem with the argument, however, is that IRAQ repeatedly did state that it had rid itself of its chemical and biological weapons.
20050327             —INSISTED, Indeed, Hussein and his government, —FOR—MONTHS that they were in compliance with UNITED—NATIONS disarmament demands and grudgingly agreed to give UNITED—NATIONS inspectors free rein to examine any suspected weapons site of their choosing.
20050327             HANS—BLIX and other UNITED—NATIONS inspectors were reporting cooperation from the Iraqis —WHEN BUSH cut that process short,
20050327             claiming that war was necessary to ensure IRAQ—DISARMAMENT.
20050327             Der Spindoktor: 20040700             ...
20050327             In ;;02;;, USA—OFFICIALS in BAGHDAD released a 6700-word letter
20050327             Wassef ALI—HASSOUN, ist dagegen wohlbehalten in BEIRUT aufgetaucht... - MEDIAFRONT: 20050100             ...
20050327             At 1—MOSQUE in BEIRUT, AHMED—KOURANI, 1—SHI'A preacher, attacked THE—USA—LED occupation... kicked off —ON—SUNDAY, ;;01;;
20050327             9 + runs through ;;02;; 5.
20050327             - - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - - SOUTH—CALIFORNIA Earthquake Center
20050327             - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - - Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature"
20050327             Auf diese Weise konnten 6—DER 9—SCHWEREN Beben entlang des ostpazifischen Rückens aus —DEN—JAHREN 19960000—20010000    —JAHR—BIS rückwirkend vorhergesagt werden.
20050327             Neue Erkenntnisse USA—WISSENSCHAFTLER könnten dies —NUN ändern.
20050327             Zumindest die Vorhersage von Seebeben an den Austrittszonen von Magma am Meeresboden könnte —SCHON bald mit erstaunlicher Präzision gelingen.
20050327             JEFFREY—MCGUIRE—VON—DER—WOODS—HOLE—OCEANOGRAPHIC Institution und seine Kollegen stellten bei Analysen aufgezeichneter DATEN—DER—LETZTEN—JAHRE fest,
20050327             dass Beben am ostpazifischen Rücken sich durch kleinere Vorbeben ankündigen.
20050327             Es handle sich um die 1. kurzfristige Prognose von Beben im BEREICH—VON—STUNDEN, schreiben die Wissenschaftler im Magazin "Nature" (Bd.
20050327             434, S. 457-461). - - Demonstrationen: Bombodrom im Visier der Ostermarschierer
20050327             "Urbi et orbi": Der stumme Segen des Papstes lässt die Kirche bangen
20050327             Komafall Schiavo: Heilige Kommunion löst neuen Zwist aus
20050327             Militärtribunale: USA—REGIERUNG erwägt mehr Rechte für Angeklagte
20050327             GUANTANAMO: Militärgericht soll Entlastungsmaterial für "Bremer Taliban" ignoriert haben
20050327             Osterbräuche: Unheimliche Kapuzenträger und süße Bunnys
20050327             search —NOW thats what i call music Beaufort SOUTH—CAROLINA... Taps Gallery, Part III VIETNAM Veterans Home Page... KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS, THATS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS... at the age of 37 in Beaufort...
20050327             THE—1.—CHURCH—OF—COMMON—SENSE—HOME—PAGE... Why the hell are they so interested in the site of 1—HIPPIE—ARTISTE?... VIETNAM says about 3—MILLION—OF—ITS—PEOPLE suffer from birth defects and... /
20050327             (For more on SENATOR—DODD, see Miscellaneous Archive Show M-60 .) 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—USA—PROSECUTORIAL staff at Nuremberg., this FORMER—FBI agent was close to THE—USA—SECURITY—COUNCIL (ASC), 1—DOMESTIC—FASCIST—GROUP.
20050327             (For more on THE—ASC, see RFA #'s 14, 15 .) With its roots in THE—HITLER—GOEBBELS AntiComintern, THE—USA—SECURITY—COUNCIL was 1—KEY—USA—LINK to THE—FORMER—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE or WACL.
20050327             (Virulently ANTI—SEMITIC, JUNG—ORGANIZATION was PART—OF—THE—ANTI—COMINTERN —PRIOR—TO —WWII.) Counting among its ranks some of the most prominent names on the far right, the organization kept TRACK—OF—PEOPLE it considered "subversive," sharing political intelligence with prospective employers (particularly defense contractors).
20050327             This disinformation, with roots in the same WACL milieu as THE—ASC, led liberals to COVER—UP the assassination OUT—OF—FEAR that public perception that 1—COMMUNIST killed THE—PRESIDENT would lead to a 3. World War.
20050327             MANUEL—PENA, 1—INTELLIGENCE—CONNECTED—LOS—ANGELES—POLICE—OFFICER involved with the "investigation" of ROBERT—KENNEDY—ASSASSINATION, also worked with the Dodd Subcommittee.
20050327             —HELPED, Pena, to trace OSWALD—MAIL order gun purchases.
20050327             Dodd was instrumental in crafting 19680000             gun control legislation that borrowed from the Nazi weapons control act of 19380000            .
20050327             The assassinations of the Kennedys and DOCTOR—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING generated popular and legislative support for gun control.
20050327             The program also sets forth DODD—RELATIONSHIP with THE—JULIUS—KLEIN public relations firm and, through it, key GERMANY—CORPORATIONS.
20050327             —WHEN Senate INVESTIGATIONS—OF—KLEIN—CONNECTIONS to those GERMANY—CORPORATIONS threatened that relationship, Dodd traveled to GERMANY in 1—VAIN—ATTEMPT to convince KLEIN—GERMANY—CLIENTS that the Senate investigation should not stand in the way of their relationship to Klein.
20050327             (They feared THE—PUBLICITY—KLEIN was 1—APPARENTLY unregistered foreign agent.) In GERMANY, Dodd met with DOCTOR—LUDGER—WESTRICK.
20050327             1—ECONOMIC—ADVISER to GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—KONRAD—ADENAUER, Westrick had been 1—KEY—NAZI bureaucrat, liaison between industry and THE—SS and economic adviser to MARTIN—BORMANN.
20050327             (See also: G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4;
20050327             RFA #'s 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 37: Miscellaneous Archive Shows M-3, M-20, M-22, M-25, M-29, M-37, M-38, M-56, M-59, M-60, as well as FTR #'s 8,19, 46, 47, 54, 62, 63, 71, 72, 76, 99, 102, 104, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 120, 121, 125, 145, 152, 155 .) (Recorded 19990606             —ON.)
20050327             Excerpted from RFA-15, this broadcast highlights the relationship between fascist ELEMENTS—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE, the Autonomous UNIVERSITY—OF—GUADALAJARA (MEXICO), the Latin USA—BRANCH—OF—THE—FORMER—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE and the formation and operation of Latin USA—DEATH—SQUADS.
20050327             (19990300             —IN, PRESIDENT—CLINTON apologized on behalf of THE—USA for the bloodshed that THE—USA had been responsible for in GUATEMALA.) The program sets forth THE—PRE—WWII background of "Los Tecos," THE—MEXICO—BRANCH—OF—CAL (based in GUADALAJARA).
20050327             —TUTORED, Allied with ADOLF—HITLER, by 1—MEMBER who had studied in Nazi GERMANY and espousing 1—ANTI—SEMITIC and ANTI—CATHOLIC—OCCULTISM, Los Tecos dominate the Autonomous University.
20050327             Founded, in part, by THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—AND—AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL Development (the latter 1—FREQUENT—COVER for USA—INTELLIGENCE—OPERATIONS abroad), the University serves as 1—IDEOLOGICAL training ground and operational coordinating center for the terror UNITS—OF—THE—WHITE—HAND.
20050327             (This information was supplied by 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—HONDURAS—BRANCH—OF—THE—DEATH—SQUAD—APPARATUS.) The broadcast highlights the milieu's operations in EL—SALVADOR and NICARAGUA, both operations coordinated with RONALD—REAGAN—CIA and both assisted (particularly in the beginning) by Argentine fascists.
20050327             —PLAYED, This program analyzes the pivotal role, in THE—FORMER—WORLD—ANTI Communist League by the Ustachi, the brutal CROATIA—FASCISTS allied with Hitler —WWII—DURING.
20050327             —FORMED, THE—USTACHI, 1—CENTRAL—ELEMENT in the Anti Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, 1—ORGANIZATION descended from Hitler's "COMMITTEE—OF—SUBJUGATED—NATIONS" and 1—OF—THE—MAIN—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—WACL—THE—BROADCAST highlights the role of the Ustachi in attempting to establish 20050410             (THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—NAZI invasion of YUGOSLAVIA —WWII—DURING) as 1—CROTIAN—USA—HOLIDAY.
20050327             Drug War Facts: Methamphetamine.
20050327             Source: "Amphetamine Dependence", THE—MERCK—MANUAL—OF—DIAGNOSIS and Therapy... For Desert Storm : 57% used stimulants at SOME—TIME (17% routinely...
20050327             PORTLAND imc - 20040000             .02.17 - Clone ban lifted to help fight terror... recent genetic engineering of biotech altered soldiers funded by taxpayers towards military research like Raytheon, Wackenhut and other private research...
20050327             Stolen Documents and Eavesdropping... THEFT—OF—DOCUMENTS and eavesdropping by Raytheon and its agent Wackenhut... denials by Raytheon and Wackenhut officials —DURING the discovery phase of...
20050327             Raytheon Corporate Profile... Raytheon COMPANY—POSITIVE—PUBLIC—IMAGE—STANDS in stunning contrast to its... 1—OF—THE—LISTENING devices allegedly used by Wackenhut spies].
20050327             Raytheon : Information From Answers_com... THE—BOSTON—HERALD reported that AGES alleged that the security firm Wackenhut Corporation, hired by Raytheon, used video and audio surveillance to spy...
20050327             Issue 14: Tales From THE—GRASSY—KNOLL by EVA—SION... THE—WACKENHUT corporation, illegally spied on its competitors 1—LA—THE... but —AFTER they sold out to RAYTHEON (to the tune of BILLIONS) the Department...
20050327             Raytheon : 1—HISTORY—OF—ABUSE, Corruption and Incompetence... AGES charged that Raytheon hired security company Wackenhut to eavesdrop on confidential conversations and to steal confidential documents.16 Though...
20050327             Nuclear Dreamland... Raytheon manufactures airplanes + microwave devices for military +... According to 1—ARTICLE in Spy magazine, Wackenhut and THE—CIA overlap each...
20050327             Endgame Directory of Transnational Corporations... Raytheon hired security firm Wackenhut to conduct surveillance of its... consent judgments totaling $8—MILLION $s against Raytheon and Wackenhut...
20050327             RENSE_com 1—AMERICA—APPEAL—TO—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—BY—HSING... They even got Wackenhut to set up 1—BIOCHEM lab for Saddam at 1—POINT... Raytheon and everyone else involved in missile defense made out large too...
20050327             New 19980000             Trade Secret Cases... It was undisputed that Raytheon had in possession of this Schedule B, but Wackenhut contends that RAYTHEON—COPY was obtained through 1—GOVERNMENT...
20050327             MAP ROI Management Team... Working with firms such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Bechtel... Wackenhut /Naval Security STATION—WASHINGTON, DC, $60—MILLION...
20050327             AP Wire | 20040127             | USA: Nuclear Plant Cheated —DURING Drill 1—BROADER—INVESTIGATION uncovered more evidence of... plant is handled by Wackenhut, the largest... SOUTH—CAROLINA, COLORADO—ROCKY—FLATS—ENVIRONMENTAL—TECHNOLOGY
20050327             Demand REVIEW—OF—WACKENHUT—SECURITY... 1—BOMB—DETECTION—UNIT at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology... I believe that Wackenhut is putting our... 1—IMMEDIATE and comprehensive investigation of all.
20050327             Threat MATRIX—DAILY Terror Thread (4):
20050327             —PROVIDED, Wackenhut also, false information to plant... conducting 1—GOVERNMENT—ORDERED investigation into whether... unit at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology...
20050327             TOMPAINE_COM—WHISTLEBLOWERS: Shooting THE—MESSENGER... "In EVERY—INVESTIGATION concerning problems at the... LIEUTENANT—MARK—GRAF—WAS—ALARM—STATION—SUPERVISOR for the Wackenhut protective force at Rocky Flats...
20050327             TOMPAINE_COM—CHRONIC—INSECURITY: 3—CASE—STUDIES... EDWARD—MCCALLUM by Wackenhut whistleblower JEFF—PETERS revealed... found the same problems Rocky Flats had agreed... found in 1—UNDERCOVER investigation that more...
20050327             911—JOB—FORUMS—WAKENHUT cheats in exercises... 1—BROADER—INVESTIGATION uncovered more evidence of... plant is handled by Wackenhut,the largest... SOUTH—CAROLINA, COLORADO—ROCKY—FLATS—ENVIRONMENTAL—TECHNOLOGY...
20050327             GRAF v. Wackenhut Services, LLC, 19980000             —ERA—37 (ALJ 19991216             )... of retaliation against Wackenhut Services LLC... 1—SUBCONTRACTOR at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology... of Labor, conducted 1—INVESTIGATION and determined...
20050327             USA—AUTOBAHN INTRODUCTION... WRIGHT—OF—THE—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INVESTIGATION, CHICAGO Field Office... Plutonium triggers were last produced at the Rocky Flats facility in COLORADO...
20050327             Citizens for Legitimate Government, Bush Election Coup 20000000             2K... and their families is —JUST 1—MORE—OPPORTUNITY for big profits for Wackenhut... environmental crimes at THE—FORMER—ROCKY Flats nuclear weapons plant...
20050327             T echnology Issues Janaury 20040000             -... 1—FORMER—ASSISTANT to THEN—ENERGY—SECRETARY—BILL—RICHARDSON, called WACKENHUT—DEFENSE. of the Rocky Flats atomic storehouse in COLORADO "miserable...
20050327             WHAT—NEWS—ARCHIVE — 20050000             ... Oak RIDGER—WACKENHUT focus of IG INVESTIGATION—ELLEN Rogers;
20050327             THE—STATE—DUKE gets... Rocky Mountain NEWS—REASSESSMENT at Rocky FLATS—ANN—IMSE...
20050327             WHAT—NEWS—ARCHIVE — 20010000             ... Daily CAMERA—ROCKY Flats refuge BILL—PRAISED—BY SANDRA—FISH... Oak RIDGER—WACKENHUT disappointed by contract REJECTION—BY PAUL—PARSON...
20050327             Endgame Directory of Transnational Corporations... Raytheon hired security firm Wackenhut to conduct surveillance of its competitors.
20050327             Operates the Rocky FLATS—COLORADO nuclear weapons facility.
20050327             T—REX: News Headlines... Nuclear security, Wackenhut style: Editorial, S—PETERSBURG—TIMES... More PLUTONIUM—CONTAMINATED soil removed from Rocky Flats, KCTV—TV, KANSAS—CITY...
20050327             T—REX: News Headlines... Feds Join Investigation Into Missing PG&E Nuclear Rods, KTVU—TV, S—FRANCISCO, CA... Wackenhut tests self, Old Colony Memorial, BOSTON, MA...
20050327             Wackenhut deal makes Group 4—FALCK truly global Wackenhut deal... -...
20050327             Endgame Directory of Transnational Corporations... Raytheon hired security firm Wackenhut to conduct surveillance of its competitors... Operates the Rocky FLATS—COLORADO nuclear weapons facility...
20050327             Briefs and Other Related Documents USA—COURT—OF—APPEALS... -... KAISER—HILL—COMPANY, LLC;
20050327             Wackenhut Services, LLC; EG & G Rocky Flats, INCORPORATED.. the case remained under seal —DURING this investigation.
20050327             397—F.3d 925—PAGE 1 397—F.3d 925 (Cite as: 397—F.3d 925) © 20050000             ... -... for cooperating with THE—FBI in its investigation of environmental crimes);.. Rocky Flats, which included security.
20050327             Satanism, Child Abuse & Republican Fundraising [Free Republic]... 1—LAWYER in OREGON who had 1—CHILD custody case where Satanic sexual abuse and... Child Abuse At THE—PRESIDIO.
20050327             18—POSTED on 20000714220028        PDT by.
20050327             1—HUGE—SEXUAL—ABUSE—SCANDAL 1.. early eighties at the Orwellian named Presidio Child Development Center.
20050327             Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive... See, "Officials Describe 'Cult Rituals'in Child Abuse Case "... —AFTER the Presidio —DAY Care case, he sued the Army —AFTER they "titled" him under an...
20050327             Family ADVOCACY—PRESIDIO of Monterey... The length of stay varies with EACH—CASE... Command Education;
20050327             Domestic Violence Prevention; Child Safety;
20050327             Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention...
20050327             SignsOfFakeApocalypseTerrorNet... Excerpts from 1—EXCELLENT and alarming article on Presidio Satanic CHILD—ABUSE—CASE, entitled ARMY—OF—THE—NIGHT (see my Satanic Knighthood in THE—USA...
20050327             Satanic SUBVERSION—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY... was employed at 1—CHILD—CARE—CENTER on THE—USA—ARMY—BASE at Presidio... [3] Bonacci is 1—GOOD—EXAMPLE—OF—1—TYPICAL—VICTIM—OF—SATANIC—CHILD—ABUSE...
20050327             SFGov: OFFICE—OF—THE—DISTRICT—ATTORNEY: Sexual Assault/Child Abuse... Attorneys in the sexual assault/child abuse unit review cases investigated... Crimes that occur at Ocean Beach, on the Presidio, or at Aquatic Park are...
20050327             Mind Control Victim Awarded $1—MILLION... about the sordid HISTORY—OF—THE—CASE called THE—FRANKLIN—COVER—UP: Child Abuse... him that stuck [THE—S—FRANCISCO—PRESIDIO child abuse allegations]...
20050327             DECLARATION—OF—DIANA—NAPOLIS... we suspected was 1—CRIMINAL—NETWORK encompassing cult groups, child abuse... of MISS—HOPKINS' position defending 1—CHILD—MOLESTATION—CASE in that town...
20050327             PROBLEMS FOR VICTIMS—OF—RITUAL—ABUSE—IN—S—DIEGO, CALIFORNIA... MICHAEL—AQUINO was the subject of 1—INVESTIGATION for sexual child abuse and related crimes in the Presidio case...
20050327             Ritual Abuse Victims Advocate Responds to Defamatory Article in... as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—PRESIDIO ( child abuse ) investigation," and that Michael... Presidio Army Base case, even though nobody was successfully prosecuted...
20050327             AQUINO—S—JOSE—MERCURY, 19880700             ... Gray, THE—DAUGHTER—OF—1—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE, had never —BEFORE handled 1—CHILD—SEXUAL—ABUSE—CASE.
20050327             THE—PRESIDIO case, in fact, was believed to be the.
20050327             AQUINO—ARMY—MEMORANDUM... attorney's office closed its INVESTIGATION—OF—CHILD—ABUSE at the Presidio CDC.
20050327             —DECIDED, THE—COMMANDER—OF—FORT—LEONARD—WOOD had, to take in the case.
20050327             SYSOP—NOTE: THE—FOLLOWING file is the complete text of 1—LETTER... of a "typical" ritualized child abuse case in a "typical" —DAY—CARE—CENTER... Presidio of S—FRANCISCO—IT was also used in THE—CASE—OF—THE—CHILD...
20050327             Casey understood ISRAEL—CONCERN.
20050327             —MANAGED, THE—HEADS—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE—OF—THE—USA + of ISRAEL, —BEFORE Casey left, to arrive at 1—MUTUALLY helpful arrangement.
20050327             —ON—SUNDAY, 20050608             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT bombed the Osirak reactor.
20050327             Within —2—HOURS + American
20050327             —DIVERTED, KH—11—BIG—BIRD photo reconnaissance satellite was, from its customary orbit over THE—SOVIET—UNION + CHINA;
20050327             THE—CENTER for NON—PROLIFERATION—STUDIES at the Monterey Institute of INTERNATIONAL Studies notes that IRAQ attacked IRAN—BUSH ehr plant 6—TIMES—THROUGHOUT THE—IRAN—IRAQ War (or IRAQ—IRAN war, depending).
20050327             —TURNED, SOME—COMMENTATORS have, the tables and drawn renewed attention towards ISRAEL—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20050327             And —WHILE, downplaying 1—NUCLEAR preemptive move, ISRAEL has —RECENTLY announced acquisition from THE—USA—OF—5000 "smart bombs " worth $319—MILLION, including 500—SO—CALLED "bunker busters," or BLU-109s, capable of penetrating 7ft of concrete.
20050327             So, instead of pouring FRANCE—WINE into gutters and publishing diatribes about FRANCE as the new enemy, perhaps Americans should ask themselves if they would have been better off —TODAY if they had heeded the advice from FRANCE + other nations, if they had stopped Bush for his — and AMERICA's — own good.
20050327             Back to FRONT—EVEN supposedly smart USA—COMMENTATORS, it appears, have deadened their senses with THE—INTOXICATION—OF—BUSH—PROPAGANDA.
20050327             But Bush leaves out inconvenient facts, like the Security COUNCIL—DEMAND for more time for UNITED—NATIONS inspectors to determine whether IRAQ had, in fact, disarmed.
20050327             —STILL, even as Bush digs in his heels on his justifications for the death and destruction in IRAQ, other PRO—WAR—ADVOCATES have begun to adjust their rationales.
20050327             HANS—BLIX and other UNITED—NATIONS inspectors were reporting cooperation from the Iraqis —WHEN Bush cut that process short, claiming that war was necessary to ensure IRAQ—DISARMAMENT.
20050327             Der Spindoktor: 20040700             ... In February, USA—OFFICIALS in BAGHDAD released a 6700-word letter... Wassef ALI—HASSOUN, ist dagegen wohlbehalten in BEIRUT aufgetaucht...
20050327             - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - - SOUTH—CALIFORNIA Earthquake Center
20050327             JEFFREY—MCGUIRE—VON—DER—WOODS—HOLE—OCEANOGRAPHIC Institution und seine Kollegen stellten bei Analysen aufgezeichneter DATEN—DER—LETZTEN—JAHRE fest, dass Beben am ostpazifischen Rücken sich durch kleinere Vorbeben ankündigen.
20050327             Auswärtiges Amt: Mitarbeiter rebellieren gegen Fischer
20050327             Frühwarnung: MANCHE—SEEBEBEN sind vorhersagbar
20050327             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair hat gute Chancen auf 3. Amtszeit
20050327             Urbi et Orbi: Todkranker PAPA spendet OSTERSEGEN—NORDKOREA: Vogelgrippe ausgebrochen
20050327             Hear the Rally (most speakers), with photos and links
20050327             —SUFFOCATED, Body DOUBLE—THE—BOY, within seconds, legally KILLED—AGAINST the wishes of his anguished MOTHER—IN accordance with 1—DRACONIAN law signed as a "COST—SAVING" measure by the state's FORMER—GOVERNOR: GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050327             Is This 1—NEW—DARK—AGE?
20050327             —INDEED, Little proof to the contra ry that we are, in 1—VERY—LONG, bleak tunnel.
20050327             Is there ANY—LIGHT?
20050327             Goss says CIA ban excludes "terrorists :" CIA Director PORTER—J—GOSS told lawmakers that the ban on assassinations by USA—INTELLIGENCE is still in force, but that it does not prohibit the agency from killing the "terrorist" enemies of THE—USA.
20050327             —SUMMONED, THE—USA—IS—BECOMING a 'Failed State' : THE—BUSH—REGIME has, the failed state chicken home to roost, with 1—VENGEANCE, as it attempts to strip away EVERY—SOCIAL—OBLIGATION—OF—THE—STATE to the people.
20050327             —IGNORED, Blair, them all : MI6, JACK—STRAW, defence staff:
20050327             His public assertions on IRAQ were at odds with what he was told in private
20050327             —FAILED, UK: Goldsmith ' duty to MPs' by withholding advice on war : Lord Goldsmith was warned —YESTERDAY that he could face 1—INQUIRY by PARLIAMENT—WATCHDOG if he ignores MPs' demands to publish the background to his advice that war would be legal.
20050327             Tariq Ali: For —1—DAY—ONLY, I'm 1—LIB—DEM:
20050327             We must take THE—POLITICS—OF—THE—ANTI—WAR—FRONT into the electoral arena
20050327             THE—MISSING—WMD—REPORT : It seems that Pat Roberts, the Republican CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—SENATE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMITTEE, wants to break the promis e he made —LAST—YEAR to investigate whether the Bush administrationy misrepresented the prewar intelligence on WMDs.
20050327             What 1—SURPRISE.
20050327             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Reaching Out to SYRIA—OPPOSITION : WASHINGTON—ACTION is THE—RESULT—OF—1—DISCUSSION between PRESIDENT—BUSH + FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC, in which MISTER—CHIRAC cautioned that SYRIA—GOVERNMENT is not likely to survive the withdrawal of its troops from LEBANON.
20050327             USA discusses 'weakening SYRIA—REGIME' with dissidents: report : USA—OFFICIALS held an "unpublicised" meeting with exiled SYRIA—DISSIDENTS in WASHINGTON to discuss ways of "weakening THE—SYRIA—REGIME," 1—PAN—ARAB newspaper reported —ON—SATURDAY.
20050327             FRANCE Threatens Military Action Against Syria over LEBANON!
20050327             "FRANCE has long resisted calls for directly attacking Syria. So do not push us into 1—SITUATION where we have to change our stance".
20050327             —DOUBTED, LEBANON—DEFENCE—CAPABILITY, : LEBANON—DEFENCE—MINISTER has warned that the country's forces will be incapable of filling the void left by THE—SYRIA—ARMY if it withdraws completely.
20050327             KYRGYZSTAN in chaos as riots sweep capital:
20050327             —DECLARED, Newly, HEAD—OF—STATE—STRUGGLES to impose order as looters smash stores and exiled leader denounces revolution
20050327             Report Reveals USA—PLAN to Destabilize KYRGYZSTAN:
20050327             "Our primary goal — according to the —EARLIER approved plans — is to increase pressure upon Akaev to make him resign ahead of schedule".
20050327             —NEEDED, IRAN—STOCKPILE scares USA : Arms, to fight drugs, nation insists.
20050327             1—LEGACY—OF—VIOLENCE and COUNTER—VIOLENCE: ISRAEL—RECORD is "Not Reassuring" : Palestinians are victims + their rights, security and welfare should be THE—PRIORITY—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20050327             ISRAEL has no right to demand security from its victims;
20050327             it lost that right the moment it breached INTERNATIONAL law —WHEN its tanks rolled onto PALESTINE—LAND.
20050327             —ASKED, EX—SOLDIER says he was, to kill HAITI—LEADER—SOMEONE from interim PRIME—MINISTER—GERARD—LATORTUE—OFFICE asked him —LAST—MONTH to murder fellow inmate Yvon Neptune.
20050327             —SERVED, Neptune is the deposed PRIME—MINISTER who, under exiled PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE.
20050327             —JAILED, He has been, for nearly —1—YEAR without trial.
20050327             Different Strokes For Different Folks : MISTER—BUSH is on 1—ROLL.
20050327             He¹s so happy he¹s thumbing his nose at the world.
20050327             He¹s got away with ABU—GHRAIB, with FALLUJAH and HAITI and everywhere THE—RENT—A—CROWD—COUNTER—REVOLUTIONS—JUST seem to go rolling along.
20050327             For SOME—SOLDIERS, battle reaches home front:
20050327             Time spent serving overseas can prove costly to military personnel caught up in custody cases
20050327             —FROM Hero To Homeless : "I fought for this country," he said.
20050327             "I shed blood for this country. I watched friends die".
20050327             And like so many, Herold Noel came home 1—HERO, but he wound up homeless.
20050327             Blows were taught, reservist testifies at hearing : USA—ARMY—RESERVIST accused of killing 1—DETAINEE in AFGHANISTAN told investigators that the blows that caused the man's death were commonly used to deal with uncooperative prisoners and said his superiors APPROVED—OF—THE—TECHNIQUE.
20050327             UK Lawmakers Accuse USA of Grave Rights Violations : THE—USA has committed "grave violations of human rights" against prisoners in GUANTANAMO BAY—AFGHANISTAN + IRAQ, the Foreign Affairs COMMITTEE—OF—UK s PARLIAMENT said in 1—REPORT—ON—FRIDAY.
20050327             Human rights + CUBA : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT the has no moral authority to elect itself as the judge over human rights in CUBA,
20050327             UK panel faults gov't position on torture: 1—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—COMMITTEE—FAULTED—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR—GOVERNMENT—FRIDAY for not saying whether it uses information extracted through torture in other countries 20050327             USA—TROOPS Tortured Iraqis in MOSUL, Documents Show: USA—SOLDIERS tortured IRAQ—PRISONERS at 1—MILITARY—BASE in MOSUL but nobody was court martialed over the abuse, USA—ARMY—DOCUMENTS say.
20050327             Syria sees WASHINGTON—POLICIES as driven by fallacies and misinformation.
20050327             —BY Bouthaina Shaaban
20050327             I'm afraid that Americans don't know what's really going on in THE—MIDDLE—EAST—TODAY.
20050327             —EMBEDDED, Apparently it doesn't come through from your " journalism".
20050327             Weekend VIDEO—NATIONAL—TEACH—IN on IRAQ: "How Can We End This War?"
20050327             Speakers Naomi Klein, journalist and author, Phyllis Bennis from the Institute for Policy Studies, Celeste Zappala, founding MEMBER—OF—GOLD—STAR—FAMILIES for Peace, Anas Shallal from IRAQ—AMERICANS for Peaceful Alternatives, MICHAEL—HOFFMAN from IRAQ Veterans Against the War + others talk about "National TEACH—IN on IRAQ: How Can We End This War?"
20050327             Noam Chomsky EDINBURGH Lecture
20050327             Entitled "Illegal but Legitimate: 1—DUBIOUS doctrine for the times".
20050327             But senior USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS did not act on the contra ctor's pleas for tighter financial... FRANCE pours cold water on BUSH—SUNNY—VISION—OF—IRAQ...
20050327             THE—ARMS—MERCHANT
20050327             —AGREED, BRITAIN UK + FRANCE + GERMANY, have —NOW, on 1—COMMON—APPROACH to the... but senior USA—MILITARY—OFFICIALS did not act on the contra ctor's pleas for
20050327             Civilization Fanatics' FORUMS—FORT—WELLINGTON—DAILY—HERALD.
20050327             ecoi_NET—WORLD—REPORT 20040000             : Human Rights and Armed Conflict.
20050327             and Alison Parker describe various ways in which the Bush... Inspector GENERAL released 1—COMPREHENSIVE—REPORT on the treatment of...
20050327             ecoi_NET—JAHRESBERICHT 20050000             (Berichtszeitraum 20040000             ).
20050327             inspector general.
20050327             01. 20020400             From COLIST—ADMIN at COMM— Mon MARY—PARKER—FOLLETT—CONVERSATION on Creative Democracy 2 ...
20050327             —INVOLVED, Within —02—DAYS—OF—ACORN getting, 1—FIRE—INSPECTOR + the case manager from the...
20050327             Eisenbahn im FILM—RAIL Movies... gemäß ORIGINAL—BESETZUNG ein gewisser OSAMA—BIN—LADEN (!... Den Menschen wird die Computerwelt direkt ins Gehirn vorgegaukelt, sie halten sie für real...
20050327             ÑÇÈØÉ ÈÇÈá ááßÊÇÈ æÇáÝäÇäíä ÇáÚÑÇÞííä Ýí åæáäÏÇ... MICHAEL—SCHEUER, who once headed the hunt for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN and left...
20050327             Onderzoekers schatten dat 100.000—IRAAKSE burgers tot nu.
20050327             Politics Community von ['solid] - die sozialistische jugend - "Das... " Ich habe nie geglaubt, dass die 68er Antifaschisten waren " In ihrem Roman "Das bleiche Herz der Revolution" rechnet SOPHIE—DANNENBERG schonungslos mit...
20050327             —GEGLAUBT, Generationenkonflikt: "Ich habe nie, dass die 19680000             —ER—IN ihrem Roman "Das bleiche Herz der Revolution" rechnet SOPHIE—DANNENBERG schonungslos mit der Generation ihrer Eltern ab.
20050327             Im INTERVIEW—MIT—SPIEGEL—ONLINE...
20050327             Was war 68? : POLITIKFORUM—FORUM für politische Diskussion und... " Ich habe nie geglaubt, daß die 68er Antifaschisten waren " In ihrem Roman "Das bleiche Herz der Revolution" rechnet SOPHIE—DANNENBERG schonungslos mit...
20050327             INTERNATIONAL Trading, Natural Resource Exploitation, Shipping +... MAM Deuss — PRESIDENT ;
20050327             FRED—L—GAINES, JUNIOR.. THE—TRANSWORLD—OIL—GROUP—OF—COMPANIES commenced its operations 19760000             + has —SINCE grown to participate in all the...
20050327             KYC NEWS—STORY—INDEX... of Companies Limited JOHN—CACKETT—JOHN—MARTIN—CARLSON—JOHN—A—COLLINS—JOHN—DEUSS—JOHN—DINAN... Transworld Housing Systems Transworld Network INTERNATIONAL Ltd...
20050327             De vele gezichten VAN RaRa... de ANTI—APARTHEIDSBEWEGING toezicht houdt op naleving VAN de VN—HANDELSBOYCOT tegen ZUID—AFRIKA—IS Deuss, eigenaar VAN onder meer Transworld Oil...
20050327             Drug War: Viva Zapata... 1—CIA—WEAPONS—BROCHURE found in the personal papers of ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... PHOTOS—WERE forced to raid 1—OF—THEIR—OWN protected operations...
20050327             Jihad Watch: FBI investigating Muslim hate website... THE—FBI is investigating 1—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—WEB—SITE that —POSTED photos... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050327             THE—SECRET—NESTS: Flushing out SOME—BIRDS from deep cover!... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... for THE—NICARAGUA—CONTRAS, those photos were leaked to the media...
20050327             —SMUGGLED, VHeadline_COM—CIA—OPERATIVE secretly, 22—TONNES of... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON... his $2-billion fortune as 1—COCAINE supplier to ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050327             NucNews - 20040507             ...
20050327             Odom made his remarks —BEFORE THE—ABU—GHRAIB photos were released... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050327             Historical Text Archive: Articles: Noriega and Key Players in the...
20050327             essays, documents, historical photos + links, screened for content...homicidal POWER—OBSESSED CUBA—HOMOSEXUAL named ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON...
20050327             —FROM : Orlin Grabbe  —NOW archived and... 1—DRUG—ASSOCIATE—OF both ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON and JUAN—RAMON—MATTA—BALLESTEROS... The record contains no explanation why these photos vanished...
20050327             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA -... der 1. BOTSCHAFTER—IN—WASHINGTON —NACH—DEM Krieg, ALBERTO—TARCHIANI... unter anderem von ALBERT—SICILIA—FALCON, und eignen sich bestens...
20050327             —SMUGGLED, VHeadline_COM—CIA—OPERATIVE secretly, 22—TONNES of... MEXICO—POLICE, assisted by USA—DRUG—AGENTS, arrest ALBERTO—SICILIA—FALCON, whose TIJUANA—BASED operation was reportedly generating $3.6—MILLION —1—WEEK from the...
20050327             —FROM RALPH—MCGEHEE—REFERENCE in CIABASE to: Drugs and THE—CIA... of national security". national reporter s 86 43—ALBERTO sicilia falcon : MIAMI cuban...claimed cia trained him, said he obtained 3—PHOTOS showing pindling...
20050327             GLOBAL—REPORT_com — USA... Group INCORPORATED—PHILIP—MORRIS—USA in a CALIFORNIA case involving $9—MILLION in... JOHN—DELOREAN was a flamboyant automobile industrialist whose company...
20050327             The doublespeak of Vedic science...
20050327             of the material and the spiritual that is supposedly missing in the "materialistic" SCIENCE—OF—THE—WEST... Meenakshi Jain (in her correction of Prof...
20050327             SUSTAINING OUR SPIRIT: ECOTOURISM ON PRIVATELY—OWNED RURAL LANDS... -... tells us what was missing, or what could have been included more thoroughly.
20050327             It is well-... Ling, Chee Yoke, Anita Pleumarom and Meenakshi Raman 20010000            .
20050327             EACLALS Abstracts -... narrative focused on terrorism (and begun long —BEFORE 20010911             ) Due Preparations for... "THE—MISSING—CHAPTER in JANET—FRAME—MISSING in the Maniototo"...
20050327             Related Links for shema yisrael torah network
20050327             —POWERED, Line, by Shema Yisrael Torah Network... View the Kotel at Shema Yisrael.
20050327             ESIS EXTENSION—ISRAEL—BASIC—FACTS 20010100             20050327             (c ).
20050327             - - Actcom. (c ). - - - Matav INTERNET.
20050327             PTECH, 20010911             + USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART II.
20050327             relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech —FOR—2—YEARS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             ... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...
20050327             INDIA—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES — Archive... 1—MISSING type of Brassica campestris RECOVERED—TS Sabnis + TR...(Candida albicans) In dental CARIES—JV Bhat + Meenakshi V. Shetty, 228-229
20050327             Disseminative Systems and Global Governance... 'Doomed,'" Times, 20030113             ; Meenakshi Ganguly, "1—BANKING—SYSTEM... 20020000             );
20050327             Deepak Nayyar, "THE—EXISTING—SYSTEM + the Missing Institutions," in... - NetLantis — HOME THE—ROBBAN—TOOL.
20050327             MAINTAINER : BARAK—MNT. DESCRIPTION : Business Net.
20050327             Guessing Up and Downstreams... Analysis of AS13264. AS NAME : UNSPECIFIED.
20050327             MAINTAINER : BARAK—MNT. DESCRIPTION : BarakNet. SOURCE : RIPE.
20050327             National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation...
20050327             1—PROJECT that is missing, email him at lhtorres@americaspeaks_org to let him know... Meenakshi Chakraverti (mchakraverti@publicconversations_org) is...
20050327             THE—CONVERSATIONALIST—LINKS to news, culture, debate... RAJAN—MENON reviews Imperial Hubris and 20010911             —THE—COMMISSION—REPORT... HOWARD—ZINN: THE—MISSING—VOICES—OF—OUR—WORLD... /
20050327             PTECH, 20010911             + USA—SAUDI—ARABIA—TERROR—PART II. of the same elites who planned 20010911             , prosecute the subsequent resource wars... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...
20050327             Schizophrenics learn surface but not abstract structure in a...... in explicit or effortful cognitiv e tasks such as the... perspective that 1—NEURAL network model of the fron-. tostriatal system
20050327             Empire, USA—AMERICA has no empire to extend or utopia to...... in einem Interview im Public Broadcasting Network unmissverständlich for-... defnitiv überholt.
20050327             Gebraucht wird ein ??? Gorilla unter den geopolitischen...
20050327             El Kaidas Saat —... zu Network Centric Warfare. angemessen berücksichtigen. muss, um auch zukünftig die... nitiv letzte ???Hawk"-Rakete das Startgerät ver-...
20050327             El Kaidas Saat —... einem Symposium des Bundesverbandes der DEUT—SCHEN Industrie eV in BERLIN die Folgerungen für die Streitkräfte zu dem Thema ???
20050327             Network Enabled Capabilities...
20050327             THE—COMPLETE—MACCABEAN, 19990700             The election of Ehud Barak as ISRAEL—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER has not made even... Answer: the West is provisioning the Arab forces + undermining Jewish /
20050327             EXHIBITOR QUOTES FROM INFOSECURITY EUROPE 20020000             "The best...... "With provisioning being 1—NEW—MARKET in THE—EMEA region, it was important... Barak BEN—AVINOAM, GENERAL—MANAGER, Business LAYERS—EUROPE...
20050327             Die Effektivität des Menschlichen —... das Verbergen der eigenen Motive und Emotionen hinter einer ???richtigen"... ist somit weniger die neue Erkenntnis der Naturwissenschaftler, sondern...
20050327             Panel and Task Force Members... - NTL.
20050327             MALCOLM—WALL—UNITED—NEWS + Media.
20050327             IAN—WEST—INTERTRUST... Guildford Educational Services.
20050327             Higher Education Funding Council of ENGLAND (HEFCE)...
20050327             Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and cruel, inhuman or..... —3—DAYS—LATER he had undergone surgery —DURING which 1—PART—OF—HIS lung +... Hogtied + blindfolded with masking tape, they were transferred to a...
20050327             —RECEIVED, Newton even, 1 videotaped commendation from NANCY REAGAN herself, who was 1—FREQUENT—VISITOR to STRAIGHT clinics.
20050327             (She called THE—TOILET—OBSESSIVE STRAIGHT program "the best drug abuse treatment program I have ever seen.) Even though THE—ACLU sued STRAIGHT for abuse + kidnapping as early as 19820000             , NANCY continued to ally herself with the group + with the sadistic "Reverend" Newton.
20050327             This page shows GHWB attending 1—STRAIGHT—CONFERENCE.
20050327             The parents of our current PRESIDENT would stay at the Sembler home —DURING campaign stops in FLORIDA.
20050327             The same page offers 1—LINK to 1—VIDEO—OF—GHWB offering SEMBLER—PROGRAM 1—OFFICIAL—ENDORSEMENT—WELL —AFTER the horror stories began to emerge.
20050327             More —RECENTLY, BARBARA—BUSH has made 1—FILM endorsing THE—DFAF, the current INCARNATION—OF—STRAIGHT.
20050327             She has done despite THE—MANY—REPORTS by survivors that the Sembler cult tortures children.
20050327             The pattern is unmistakable.
20050327             —DISCUSSED, In previous posts, we have, the Bush family's enthusiasm for the Moon cult and for THE—CHILD—ABUSING CHILDREN—OF—GOD.
20050327             —NOW we have the current WHITE—HOUSE honoring THE—TOILET—OBSESSIVE, CHILD—ABUSING cult leader Melvin Sembler.
20050327             As you read the above, always keep in mind: This house of horrors was assembled by Melvin Sembler, 1—MAN—LONG—CLOSE to the Bush family.
20050327             Sembler —NOW represents you in ITALY.
20050327             Imagine the conservative press reaction if 1—CLINTON ally had 1—SIMILAR—HISTORY!
20050327             Wes Fager has put together
20050327             1—REMARKABLE—PAGE on the numerous connections between THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY and the Semblers' cult.
20050327             1—SIDE—NOTE: SOME—OF—YOU may hope learn more about SEMBLER—HENCHMAN, THE—AFORE—MENTIONED "Reverend Doctor V. MILLER—NEWTON," described by 1—NUMBER—OF—LAWSUITS as 1—SADISTIC—CHILD abuser.
20050327             —NOW calling himself Father Cassian Newton of the "Orthodox Catholic Church" (1—OF—SEVERAL groups going by that name;
20050327             none are affiliated with THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH), he and his wife went on to found their own STRAIGHT offshoot,
20050327             KIDS—OF—NORTH—JERSEY.
20050327             He eventually had to settle 254—FRAUDULENT insurance claims.
20050327             —SETTLED, But that's only the beginning: —6—YEARS—AGO, Newton, with an
20050327             abused former "client" named Rebecca Ehrlich for 4.5—MILLION $s.
20050327             I have yet to discover where he obtains the funds to pay these settlements, which, taken together, —NOW total over $11,000,000.
20050327             Even more mysterious are the linkages between these STRAIGHT men + THE—GOP.
20050327             Of NEWTON'S—NEFARIOUS and WIDELY—REPORTED abuses in NEW—JERSEY, we learn that:
20050327             nothing was ever done.
20050327             In fact —FOR—10—YEARS—REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR—CHRISTIE—WHITMAN ignored JUDGE—KLINGER, JUDGE—DELBAGLIVO, the newspaper and television reports.
20050327             —FOR—10—YEARS—LEN Fisher, GOVERNOR—WHITMAN—COMMISSIONER—OF—HEALTH and Human Services, granted DOCTOR—NEWTON 1—SPECIAL—CERTIFICATE to operate.
20050327             JEFF—GORENFELD—OFFERS—THIS report about Sembler: There were major problems, though.
20050327             —NAMED, He modeled STRAIGHT —AFTER another program, creepily, "THE—SEED," shut down —AFTER THE—USA—CONGRESS literally issued 1—REPORT i 19740000             comparing it to "the highly refined 'brainwashing' techniques employed by THE—NORTH—KOREANS".
20050327             Kids were thrown against walls.
20050327             Or forced to sit in their own menstrual blood.
20050327             Unless, of course, they were ready to cooperate, confess + chant "I'm at STRAIGHT, feeling great" with the others.
20050327             In that case they got to be the enforcers.
20050327             STRAIGHT did not truly end 19930000             20050327             Under 1—NEW—NAME, THE—DRUG—FREE—AMERICA—FOUNDATION, the group metamorphosed into 1—DRUG—POLICY—PRESSURE—GROUP.
20050327             Another site, TheStraights_com, is devoted to uncovering child abuse networks masquerading as therapeutic systems.
20050327             —REPORTED, They reveal that STRAIGHT "alumni" have, terrifying beatings and other FORMS—OF—TORTURE and humiliation, inflicted on them —DURING enforced isolation from all family members.
20050327             —FORCED, Here is the story of 1—CHILD, to undergo SEMBLER—TENDER mercies:
20050327             Republican child abusers GEORGE—W—BUSH—AMBASSADOR to ITALY, Melvin Sembler, ran the finances of Dubya's 20000000             campaign.
20050327             But THE—75—YEAR—OLD—SEMBLER has 1—UGLY—LITTLE—SECRET: He ran 1—CULT—LIKE "behavior control" clinic accused of abusing the underaged.
20050327             SEMBLER—TAXPAYER—FINANCED "therapies" were so outrageous that the program was shut down —DURING the early Clinton years.
20050327             —CALLED, Sembler and his wife Betty, their program STRAIGHT.
20050327             Supposedly, the purpose was to rehabilitate young drug addicts - 1—WORTHY—GOAL.
20050327             Of course, the notorious Synanon cult of the 1970s (which, as I recall, was regularly invited to my high school) had the same claimed objective, —UNTIL the press revealed the founder's penchant for violence and attempted murder.
20050327             STRAIGHT has 1—HISTORY so troubling as to make SYNANON—RATTLESNAKE—IN—THE—MAILBOX hijinx seem like mere pranksterism.
20050327             JEFF—GORENFELD offers this report about Sembler:
20050327             Scoop: Alliant Energy NEW—ZEALAND Limited... Cleanest burning petrol available in Hawkes Bay.
20050327             >, Suzan Mazur : JOHN—DEUSS — THE—MANHATTAN projects.>,Judgment Allowed Trust To Act Responsibly.
20050327             WorldNews: Higher suicide risk for KIDS—OF—TEEN—MUMS... suicide risk for KIDS—OF—TEEN—MUMS, SOUTH—AFRICA—AIDS—RATE may be stabilizing Current Videos Suzan Mazur : JOHN—DEUSS—THE—MANHATTAN projects ALBANIA—CHEF to...
20050327             HighBeam Research Library Search our extensive archive of more than 34—MILLION—DOCUMENTS from over 3000—SOURCES - 1—VAST... - 20050325            .
20050327             > PRESSE— < Doppeldefizit der USA im Haushalt und in der Leistungsbilanz wurde bei den...
20050327             RISIKO FÜR ENTWICKLUNG—DER—WELTWIRTSCHAFT—DAS hohe Doppeldefizit der USA...
20050327    : USA—DOPPELDEFIZIT kann böse enden News, Hintergründe, Spekulationen: Das Börsenangebot der ARD zeigt, was Kurse und Anleger bewegt.
20050327             Topaktuell, verständlich und seriös.
20050327             Kritik an USA—FINANZPOLITIK: "Doppeldefizit beunruhigt die Märkte... Für die aktuelle $-Schwäche macht Finanzstaatssekretär Caio KOCH—WESER vor allem die Finanz- + Wirtschaftspolitik von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH...
20050327             THE—BRAD—BLOG: "MISS—NBC'S 'Bloggermann' Blows It Again!"... We have also pointed out in the past SOME—OF—OLBERMANN—HORRIBLY... That producer told THE—BRAD—BLOG that "this was KEITH—OLBERMANN—WRITING...
20050327             IMPORTANT: 100000 OHIO Bush Votes Illegal (Updated with new... looking at —JUST 1—COUNTY in OHIO tonight, KEITH—OLBERMANN finds 95000 more... But —NOW that even MISS—GOP commentators like CRAIG—OLBERMANN are paying...
20050327             Democratic Underground FORUMS—WATCH THIS OLBERMANN clip online...
20050327             —DECIDED, Thank goodness Olbermann, to do the right thing!!
20050327             nt, libbygurl, Nov-09-04 09:20 AM... Olbermann was strangely uninformed in PART—OF—HIS—PIECE...
20050327             KEITH—OLBERMANN—PLAYS—HARDBALL, Breaks Votergate Story on National... Kudos to KEITH—OLBERMANN—OF—MISS—NBC.
20050327             Finally, someone in the mainstream media took... —WHILE that is beyond suspicious, Olbermann went on to report on the.
20050327             Salon_com News | How to remember 20010911             — + how not to... EDITOR—NOTE: Salon welcomes its newest columnist, KEITH—OLBERMANN.
20050327             Salon_com News | RUPERT—MURDOCH strikes out...
20050327             Conservatives rail against MISS—NBC—OLBERMANN fo... [Media Matters...
20050327             Conservatives rail against MISS—NBC—OLBERMANN for reporting election... Media conservatives have labeled MISS—NBC anchor KEITH—OLBERMANN a "voice of...
20050327             en.wikipedia_org/wiki/Keith_Olbermann
20050327             —ON Air and Online, Olbermann Draws Attention to Voting Problems MISS—NBC—KEITH—OLBERMANN uses wit and intellect in his new Weblog and on his show to cover the controversial VOTING—IRREGULARITIES story that he says most... /
20050327             THE—ENEMYBOARD :: View TOPIC—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STAGES—ITS 'Daily Show'... Yet the video broadcast by MISTER—OLBERMANN was not fake... even though, as Dana MILBANK—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST explained on MISTER—OLBERMANN—SHOW...
20050327             Verified Voting: Media Accused of Ignoring Election Irregularities... No 1 has been more engaged in the issue than Olbermann, the host of... Olbermann said there are 1—NUMBER—OF—REASONS—MUCH—OF—THE—MEDIA have not been...
20050327             [The next thing you know, Olbermann will be turned into 1—MIND—NUMBED—DITTO—HEAD—ROBOT.
20050327             KARL—MARX—FORUM: USA—WIRTSCHAFT: Aus der Stütze des.. der Verschuldung von Firmen + Verbrauchern gar nichts anderes übrig, als die Zinsen niedrig zu HALTEN—OBWOHL das steigende Doppeldefizit zunehmend auf
20050327             BEIRUT: Bombenanschlag in christlichem Viertel
20050327             —KRITISIERT, Rekordarbeitslosigkeit: Schröder, Anspruchshaltung der Unternehmer
20050327             KOMA—PATIENTIN: Christiliche Kirchen lehnen Sterbehilfe ab
20050327             Massendemo in Taipeh: CHINA wirft TAIWAN Provokation vor
20050327             USA & eternal war USA Schurkenstaat USA & Eternal War IRAK IRAQ... Het resultaat VAN onze inspanningen: de Talibaan, en OSAMA—BIN—LADEN... ROTTERDAM, 20051029            .
20050327             relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech —FOR—2—YEARS—PRIOR—TO 20010911             ... 8 "1—BANKING—SYSTEM—BUILT for Terrorism," by Meenakshi Ganguly, Time...www.fromthewilderness_com/free/ww3/012705_ptech _pt2.shtml
20050327             GRAF v. Wackenhut Services, LLC, 19980000             —ERA—37 (ALJ 19991216             0000—DATE)...
20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050408             widerst@ND—MUND vom 20010719             ... Demonstranten aus ganz ITALIEN und dem übrigen Westeuropa Richtung Genua... Staatspräsident ROBERT—MUGABE—BISLANG—ERWORBEN, um das Land an landlose...
20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050327             USDOL/OALJ Reporter: Whistleblower Caselist - 19950000             to 19960000             —ERA... Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, INCORPORATED Recommended ORDER—OF—DISMISSAL (ALJ... Wackenhut Corp. Order Recommending DISMISSAL—OF—COMPLAINT (ALJ 20050719             ... 20050325             20050408             widerst@ND—MUND vom 20010719             ... Demonstranten aus ganz ITALIEN und dem übrigen Westeuropa Richtung Genua... STAATS—PRÄSIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—BISLANG—ERWORBEN, um das Land an landlose...
20050327             CIDI Nieuws 20000000             Overzicht... eerste keer zijn dat Arafat weer op de Westelijke Jordaanoever komt sinds 20000929             ... JIHAD—BEWEGING en de terreurorganisatie VAN OSAMA—BIN—LADEN...
20050327—19630000    —IN, he could have purchased his guns over the counter with no TRACE—OF—THE—TRANSACTION.
20050327—19670000    —SINCE, What is happening —TODAY is that PALESTINE—GROUPS are being dismembered, THE—LEBANON—RESISTANCE is being disarmed + THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT is being demonized — all —WHILE ISRAEL continues to occupy the Arab lands it has held in violation of all UNITED—NATIONS resolutions calling for its withdrawal.
20050327—19810600    —IN, THE—ISRAEL—ATTACK on the Osirak, or Tammuz I, nuclear facilities in IRAQ is undoubtedly the most famous + it has been lately invoked by the press —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—STATEMENTS coming out of IRAN +ISRAEL.
20050327—19920000    —IN, Medicine & Global Survival... THE—ROCKY—FLATS—COLORADO plant--which was shut down --lies 1—MERE 16 .. Bechtel Construction employees, Wackenhut Security Service employees...
20050327—19930000    —UNTIL, SEMBLER—IMITATION—WASN'T shut down for illegal child abuse: beatings + sexual humiliation.
20050327—19990314    —ON, (See also: RFA #'s 4, 10-13, 14, 19, 27 and 29—34—AS well as FTR #'s 5, 65, 121 and 136.) (Recorded.)
20050327—20000000    —IN, 20050327             789876... This think tank published 1—PLAN for toppling IRAQ based on the... Commission + 1—BILDERBERGER, Deutch sits on THE—BOARD—OF—RAYTHEON...
20050327—20010000    —BIS, Auf diese Weise konnten 6—DER 9—SCHWEREN Beben entlang des ostpazifischen Rückens aus —DEN—JAHREN 19960000             rückwirkend vorhergesagt werden.
20050327—20010000    —SUMMER—OF, THE—GOD—RACKET, From DeMille to DeLay MISTER—BUSH who couldn't be bothered to interrupt his vacation —DURING the darkening, not even —WHEN he received 1—BRIEFING titled "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN Determined to Strike in USA," flew from his Crawford ranch to WASHINGTON to sign CONGRESS—SCHIAVO bill into law.
20050327—20011218    —ON, Flight to torture: where abuse is contra cted out : THE night of- 1—GULFSTREAM jet, tail number N379P, landed at Bromma Airport in STOCKHOLM carrying 8 hooded USA Americans in business suits.
20050327—20020000    —IN, —MEANWHILE, no 1—SEEMS to be looking at the role of... applied for registration and that the government had issued no...
20050327—20050000    —IN—THE, DefenceTalk_com | USA—DEFENCE—BUDGET—BIGGER than next 10—HIGHTEST... between 3.5% to 5.0—PERCENT—OF—GDP for 20020000             .' FRANCE : 2.57% (20020000             ... F—22—AIR—TO—AIR—FIGHTER—BUDGET is... is prime contra ctor for both planes, as well as for the...
20050327—20050000    —BY. from THE—USA, CANADA, CHILE and FRANCE... sprayed gunfire inside 1—OIL contra ctor's office, killing... for the creation of 1—PALESTINE—STATE...
20050412             ( TruthIsAll, DemocraticUnderground_com, 20050327             ).
20060307             News in Science 20031007             20060307             Jokes not as funny as you get older, News in Science 20030829             20060307             Swarming locusts love 1—TICKLE, News in Science 20010327             20060307             Why we can't tickle ourselves Most humans cannot tickle themselves because they anticipate their own actions,
20060307             Swarming locusts love 1—TICKLE, News in Science 20010327             20060321—20060327    —DEPORTED, Algimantas Dailide, an —85—YEAR—OLD—MAN, from FLORIDA, went on trial in his native LITHUANIA on charges of helping Nazis round up Jews —WWII—DURING.
20060321—20060327    —CONVICTED—OF, Dailide was, helping Nazis murder Jews —WWII—DURING, but the judge said the man was too frail to serve prison time.
20060326—20060327    IRAQ, —2—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE left at least 151—DEAD.
20060327             FRIEDRICH—VERZETNITSCH tritt im Zuge des BAWAG—AFFÄRE wegen riskanter Geschäfte der BAWAG als CHEF—DES—ÖGB zurück und legt auch sein Nationalratsmandat nieder.
20060327             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE, 1—PROPOSAL to legalize undocumented migrants and provide temporary work visas.
20060327             —MARCHED, SF, several 1000—PROTESTERS, down Market Street in 1—PEACEFUL—CALL for legal status for 1 estimated 12—MILLION—ILLEGAL—IMMIGRANTS in THE—USA.
20060327             —KILLED, Officials said 1—ROADSIDE bombing, 3—VILLAGERS and wounded 2—WHEN it blew up their car in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN.
20060327             His office was party to the illegal DISCLOSURE—OF—PAYMENTS to 1—BANK—ACCOUNT belonging to 1—WITNESS against him in 1—CORRUPTION—CASE.
20060327             † IAN—HAMILTON—FINLAY, UK—ARTIST and poet.
20060327             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, 1—SERIES—OF—BLASTS, 1—PERSON and injured several others in ADDIS—ABABA, the 1. fatality in 1—STRING of mysterious explosions in the capital.
20060327             HAITI, scavengers found 10—HUMAN skulls in 1—TRASH heap, the 2. such grisly find in as MANY—DAYS in PORT—AU—PRINCE, where authorities speculated that the bones may have come from 1—VOODOO ritual.
20060327             Shiite leaders cut off political talks and denounced THE—USA—OVER 1—WEEKEND—RAID that they said killed worshippers in 1—MOSQUE.
20060327             —KILLED, In NORTH—IRAQ 1—SUICIDE bombing, at least 40—PEOPLE at 1—ARMY—RECRUITMENT—CENTER in Kasak.
20060327             —KIDNAPPED, Gunmen, 16—EMPLOYEES—OF—1—IRAQ—TRADING company in 1—UPSCALE—BAGHDAD neighborhood.
20060327             In 1—AUDIOTAPE broadcast Izzat IBRAHIM—AL—DOURI, SADDAM—HUSSEIN—CHIEF—DEPUTY, purportedly called for Arab leaders to back IRAQ—SUNNI—BACKED insurgency.
20060327             PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI said on radio that he does not want ITALY to become 1—MULTIETHNIC, multicultural country, drawing plaudits from 1—RIGHT—WING ally and criticism from CENTER—LEFT opponents.
20060327             —PASSED, JAPAN—PARLIAMENT, the nation's most austere budget in —8—YEARS, marking another achievement for PRIME—MINISTER—JUNICHIRO—KOIZUMI and his efforts to cut the huge public debt.
20060327             MALAYSIA—GOVERNMENT said it will end subsidies to flag carrier MALAYSIA Airlines and let it operate only 19—DOMESTIC—ROUTES, in competition with budget carrier AirAsia, under 1—MAJOR restructuring that will shed THOUSANDS—OF—JOBS.
20060327             —ENDED, NIGERIA, 1—WEEKLONG census, as workers scrambled to tally everyone across AFRICA—MOST—POPULOUS nation, but many remained uncounted in the exercise, marred by violence and THE—LACK—OF—FORMS, census takers and money.
20060327             Militants demanding CONTROL—OF—REVENUES from NIGERIA—OIL—RICH—SOUTHERN—DELTA released their last remaining foreign hostages, 2—AMERICANS and 1—BRITON, but the group threatened to continue attacks on oil installations.
20060327             Gunmen loyal to rival PRO—TALIBAN clerics fought street battles in PAKISTAN—TRIBAL belt bordering AFGHANISTAN, leaving at least 25—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060327             —EXPLODED, In THE—PHILIPPINES 1—BOMB, in 1—GROCERY—STORE on SOUTH—JOLO ISLAND, killing 9—PEOPLE and wounding 20. Police said 1—EXTORTION—ATTEMPT by suspected militants was likely behind the bombing.
20060327             "Shooting Dogs," 1—NEW—FILM on RWANDA—GENOCIDE, reduced MANY—SURVIVORS to tears at its premiere in KIGALI.
20060327             The film's title refers to the way UN troops shot dogs eating the corpses that littered THE—STREETS—OF—THE—RWANDA—CAPITAL.
20060327             THE—NEXT—DAY—PRESIDENT—PAUL—KAGAME said the movie would help to ensure MEMORIES—OF—THE—MASS—MURDER were kept alive.
20060327             —INCLUDED, His work, "His MASTER—VOICE" (19680000             ).
20060327             —STARRED, That version, GEORGE—CLOONEY and Natascha McElhone.
20060327             —SHOWED, UKRAINE, early election results, PRO—RUSSIA party led by VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH taking the largest NUMBER—OF—VOTES, followed by THE—PRESIDENT—FORMER—ALLY, Yulia Tymoshenko.
20060327             PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO—PARTY was 1—DISTANT 3., 1—STINGING rebuke to his WEST—LEANING administration.
20060327             —CHEERED, Mexicans, the approval and credited huge MARCHES—OF—MIGRANTS across THE—USA—AS the decisive factor behind the vote.
20060327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that European researchers have developed "NEURO—CHIPS" in which living brain cells and silicon circuits are coupled together.
20060327             † TV PRODUCER—DIRECTOR DAN—CURTIS (78) in LOS—ANGELES.
20060327             —HAD—FACED, ABDUL—RAHMAN, 1—AFGHANISTAN—MAN who, the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity, quickly vanished —AFTER he was released from prison, apparently OUT—OF—FEAR for his life with Muslim clerics still demanding his death.
20060327             † IAN—HAMILTON—FINLAY, UNITED—KINGDOM—ARTIST and poet.
20060327             —WAS—KILLED, ABU—UMAR, a major AL—QAEDA figure in IRAQ, near Baquba.
20060327             —RULED, THE—HOLLAND—EQUAL—TREATMENT—COMMISSION, that 1—MUSLIM woman who refuses to shake men's hands for religious reasons cannot be barred from 1—HOLLAND—TEACHER—TRAINING program.
20060327             —WAS—ADAPTED, His BEST—KNOWN work, "Solaris,", into films by director ANDREI—TARKOVSKY (19720000             ) and by STEVEN—SODERBERGH (20020000             ).
20060327             —HAS—PLEDGED, YANUKOVYCH—PARTY, which, to make Russian a 2. state language, drop plans to join NATO and restore frayed ties with MOSCOW, was dominating in THE—RUSSIAN—SPEAKING east and south.
20060327             CHIKUNGUNYA—FIEBER: Urlauber bringen Virus nach PARIS
20060327             Protektionismus: Fusion FRANKREICH—ENERGIERIESEN soll 47,5 Milliarden kosten
20060327             1. Digital Simulation of 1—ENTIRE—LIFE—FORM
20060327             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "LiveScience is reporting on what appears to be the 1. digital simulation of 1—ENTIRE—LIFE—FORM. Researchers created more than 1—MILLION—DIGITAL atoms to reverse engineer the satellite tobacco mosaic virus, 1—RELATIVELY simple organism. But is it really 1—LIFE—FORM?  'Viruses are tiny BUNDLES—OF—PROTEIN and genetic material that straddle the line between life and NON—LIFE. MANY—SCIENTISTS prefer to call them "particles" because even though they contain RNA or DNA like other lifeforms, they can only replicate inside other living cells.'"
20060327             42 *IS* The answer to Life, the Universe and Zeta
20060327             Venusian Treen writes "In their search for patterns, mathematicians have uncovered unlikely connections between prime numbers and quantum physics. The gist is that energy levels in the nucleus of heavy atoms can tell us about the distribution of zeros in RIEMANN—ZETA FUNCTION—AND hence where to find prime numbers. This article discusses this connection + introduces 2—PHYSISICTS who tell us 'why the answer to life, the universe and the 3. moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42.'"
20060327             New World map may be real
20060327             1—MAP that purports to show CHINA—MARINERS discovered the New World —BEFORE CHRISTOPHER—COLUMBUS could be genuine, university scientists in NEW—ZEALAND said —YESTERDAY.
20060327             Have boffins found the missing link?
20060327             —EVOLVED, —FOR—YEARS, the mystery of how man, from the Homo Erectus to the Homo Sapiens have puzzled palaeontologists.
20060327             The recent find of 1—PREHISTORIC skull may finally unveil this mystery.
20060327             Gitmo case challenges presidential powers:
20060327             SUPREME—COURT to consider military tribunals' legitimacy
20060327             BUSH—NUCLEAR—AGREEMENT with INDIA on shaky legs: Growing resistance to PRESIDENT—BUSH 's proposed nuclear cooperation deal with INDIA is threatening to slow + possibly kill, 1—AGREEMENT that THE—PRESIDENT has described as vital to improved relations with the budding SOUTH—ASIA—POWER.
20060327             DOJ: NSA Could've Monitored Lawyers' Calls : THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY could have legally monitored ordinarily confidential communications between doctors and patients or attorneys + their clients, the Justice DEPARTMENT—SAID—FRIDAY of its controversial warrantless surveillance program.
20060327             Librarian fights USA Patriot Act : In libraries, the law gave FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES—ACCESS to business RECORDS—OF—ANY—TYPE.
20060327             It meant law enforcement OFFICERS—THROUGH the authorization of 1—SECRET—COURT or 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—LETTER signed by an FBI AGENT—COULD demand access to anything from books + reference materials to computer servers if they believed it could aid 1—ONGOING terrorist investigation.
20060327             Lawyers who gave to GOP got state work:
20060327             $170M in legal fees went to contributors
20060327             Video: ROBERT—FISK: THE—5—BIGGEST lies about THE—WAR—ON—TERROR : PHIL—VINE lists THE—5—BIGGEST lies the public have been fed about THE—WAR—ON—TERROR in IRAQ.
20060327             And we get ROBERT—FISK to elaborate.
20060327             USA planning bases across MIDDLE—EAST, CENTRAL—ASIA : THE—USA is planning to build at least 6—BASES across THE—MIDDLE—EAST + CENTRAL—ASIA in the next —10—YEARS for "deep storage" of munitions + equipment to prepare for regional war contingencies.
20060327             Exclusive INTERVIEW—WITH—ROBERT—FISK:
20060327             ROBERT—FISK explains how and why terrorism is spreading
20060327             —GREED, God, and gushers: What motivates GEORGE—W—BUSH—AMERICA: God or greed?
20060327             Both, according to USA political writer KEVIN—PHILLIPS, in 1—DISTINCTLY unholy alliance that threatens not only USA—PROSPERITY and geopolitical supremacy, but USA—DEMOCRACY itself.
20060327             JOHN—PILGER: The great charade
20060327             —CREATED, THE—'WAR—ON—TERROR' is 1—SMOKESCREEN, by the ultimate terrorist... AMERICA ITSELF
20060327             Earth Is At... THE—TIPPING—POINT
20060327             Polar Ice Caps Are Melting Faster Than Ever... More And More Land Is Being Devastated By Drought... Rising Waters Are Drowning LOW—LYING Communities... By ANY—MEASURE, Earth Is At... THE—TIPPING—POINT.
20060327             No 1 can say exactly what it looks like —WHEN 1—PLANET takes ill, but it probably looks 1—LOT—LIKE—EARTH.
20060327             Never mind what you've heard about global warming as 1—SLOW—MOTION emergency that would take decades to play out.
20060327             Suddenly + unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us.
20060327             CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM: The new heresy that sways AMERICA : CHRISTIAN—ZIONISM is 1—THEOLOGY that supports 1—POLITICAL—REGIME based on apartheid and DISCRIMINATION—YET MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—USA—EXPRESS their support for it.
20060327             How dangerous is it given THE—USA—ROLE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20060327             1—EMPIRE—BUILT—OF—PAPER: THE—PRESIDENT—MOVES about like Caesar Augustus, with 1—VAST, graded court of civil + military aides, doctors, secretaries, valets, hairdressers, makeup artists, bodyguards, drivers, baggage handlers, cooks, food tasters, Praetorian guards, snipers, centurions, bulletproof limos, 1—PORTABLE—HOSPITAL + 1 armored rostrum.
20060327             And that's —WHEN he travels in THE—USA.
20060327             Between 500,000 to 2—MILLION—DEMONSTRATE Against ANTI—IMMIGRANT—BILL : Stretching for 26—BLOCKS, the crowd of over half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE marched peacefully in what was possibly the largest gathering in the city's history.
20060327             SOME—ESTIMATES put the crowd total at —AROUND 2—MILLION.
20060327             Moussaoui Says He and REID—PLANNED to Attack THE—WHITE—HOUSE : ``Yes, I was supposed to pilot 1—PLANE to hit THE—WHITE—HOUSE,'' Moussaoui said.
20060327             He also said, ``I knew the towers would be hit,'' referring to the attacks on the World Trade Center in NEW—YORK.
20060327             —HELPED, MI5 ' IRA buy bomb parts in USA' : 1—FORMER—BRITISH—ARMY—MOLE in THE—IRA has claimed that MI5 arranged 1—WEAPONS—BUYING trip to AMERICA in which he obtained detonators, —LATER used by terrorists to murder soldiers and police officers.
20060327             File this under hypocrisy :
20060327             Blair issues plea for 'global alliance' : TONY—BLAIR —TODAY made 1 impassioned plea —WHILE speaking to AUSTRALIA—POLITICIANS for 1—INTERNATIONAL—ALLIANCE to protect "global values" of fairness, justice and freedom.
20060327             Torture and Task Force 121:
20060327             —CONSIDERED, THE—CIA—PARAMILITARY are not, as 'part of the armed forces,' are —THEREFORE exempt from THE—GENEVA conventions," i.e. not governed by THE—LAWS—OF—WAR. "THE—SPECIAL—ACTIVITIES—STAFF (SAS) is 1—OF—THE—LEAST known covert units operating on BEHALF—OF—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT".
20060327             Bush Signs Statements to Bypass Torture Ban,: —WHEN PRESIDENT—BUSH signed 1—LAW banning torture he quietly signed 1—STATEMENT saying he could bypass it.
20060327             —SIGNED, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH, Bush, THE—USA—PATRIOT—ACT but signed 1—STATEMENT that said he did not consider oversight rules binding.
20060327             GUANTANAMO Bay Briton was MI5 spy, court is told : —BISHER AL—RAWI, 37, who has lived in BRITAIN for more than —20—YEARS, says that he was working for UK—INTELLIGENCE—WHEN he was picked up by THE—CIA —DURING 1—TRIP to AFRICA.
20060327             No Legal Rights for Enemy Combatants, Scalia Says:
20060327             He also told the audience at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—FREIBURG in SWITZERLAND that he was "astounded" by the "hypocritical" reaction in EUROPE to the prison'
20060327             Should Scalia Recuse Himself From Gitmo Case?
20060327             SUPREME—COURT: Detainees' RIGHTS—SCALIA Speaks His Mind
20060327             Justice Scalia flips the finger in church : USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—ANTONIN—SCALIA startled reporters in BOSTON —JUST minutes —AFTER attending 1—MASS, by flipping 1—MIDDLE finger to his critics.
20060327             Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment: BRATTLEBORO—VERMONT, has joined 9—OTHER—TOWNS and cities, 5—STATE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTIES + 19—LOCAL—DEMOCRATIC—COMMITTEES in passing resolutions urging THE—IMPEACHMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH and -- in most cases -- VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY.
20060327             BBC HARDTALK—IRAQ: Debating 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT: —3—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA led invasion of IRAQ PRESIDENT—BUSH—LOOKS at IRAQ and sees, a 'free and secure people getting back on their feet'.
20060327             Former interim PRIME—MINISTER, Iyad Allawi sees 1—COUNTRY already descended into civil war.
20060327             Secret Memo: Bush Was Set on Path to War,
20060327             —DURING 1—PRIVATE —2—HOUR meeting in the Oval Office on
20060327             —REVEALED, BUSH—BLAIR—IRAQ war memo : The memo indicates both leaders acknowledged it was possible no unconventional weapons would be found in IRAQ —BEFORE the invasion, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES says.
20060327             CHARLEY—REESE: Told You So : What we are witnessing is THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END—OF—EURO—USA—DOMINATION—OF—THE—PLANET.
20060327             —WHEN the emperors start being idiots, the empire is on the way to the ash HEAP—OF—HISTORY.
20060327             If you have ANY—GRANDCHILDREN, you might suggest that they study Chinese.
20060327             —TAPED, Purported Saddam aide sends message : 1, message purported to be from SADDAM—HUSSEIN—FORMER—DEPUTY—CALLS on Arab leaders to support the Iraqi "resistance" + boycott the government.
20060327             —ARRESTED, USA—TROOPS—ARREST—IRAQ forces: USA—TROOPS—TODAY, at least 40—IRAQ—INTERIOR—MINISTRY—FORCES who were holding 17—FOREIGNERS in 1—SECRET—BUNKER—COMPLEX, political sources said.
20060327             IRAQ parties demand USA cede control : IRAQ—RULING parties demanded USA—FORCES cede CONTROL—OF—SECURITY—ON—MONDAY as the government launched 1—INQUIRY into 1—RAID on 1—SHI'ITE mosque that ministers said saw "cold blooded" killings by USA—LED troops.
20060327             IRAQ—MISSING—BILLIONS -
20060327             1—SHOCKING STORY—OF—FRAUD, incompetence and corruption, unsc rupulous foreign contractors who made millions from dodgy contracts + literally BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS which cannot be properly accounted for.
20060327             Sending mentally ill soldiers back to IRAQ -
20060327             —ARMED, These soldiers are, with lethal weapons and are often in 1—POSITION to make SPLIT—2. LIFE—OR—DEATH—DECISIONS.
20060327             "They were all unarmed. Nobody fired 1—SINGLE shot at them (the troops). They went in, tied up the people and shot them all. They did not leave any wounded behind," he told Reuters.
20060327             Man habe die Mitschnitte —ERST—JETZT herausgegeben, so hieß es aus der Justizbehörde, um sicher sein zu können, dass alle klar identifizierbaren Anrufe in voller Länge zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
20060327             "Die Erfahrung hat uns gelehrt, dass es am besten ist, ALLE—INFORMATIONEN gleichzeitig herauszugeben", sagte 1—BEHÖRDENSPRECHERIN.
20060327             Bruchstückhafte und unausgegorene Informationen führten nur dazu, dass sich die Familien falsche Hoffnungen machten.
20060327             Dass die brisante Post dennoch ohne Vorwarnung an die FAMILIEN—DER—OPFER verschickt wurde, habe an einem Missverständnis gelegen, ließ BÜRGERMEISTER—MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG mitteilen.
20060327             Eigentlich hätten E—MAILS an die Angehörigen verschickt werden SOLLEN—DIES sei aber nicht rechtzeitig geschehen.
20060327             "Wir bedauern das sehr", teilte er in einer Pressemitteilung mit.
20060327             —BEKOMMT, Woher das Hirn die Windungen
20060327             Warum besitzt das mensc hliche Gehirn Windungen?
20060327             Forscher könnten einer Antwort auf die alte Frage —JETZT einen großen Schritt näher gekommen sein.
20060327             Ihrer Studie zufolge zwingen mechanische Kräfte die Großhirnrinde in ihre charakteristische Struktur.
20060327             Die bisherige Forschung habe "oft unterschlagen, dass das Gehirn auch ein physikalisches Objekt ist".
20060327             Dass die Nervenfasern selbst mit ihrer Spannkraft die Windungen des Gehirns formten, sei vor —JAHREN als höchst umstrittene Theorie im Fachblatt "Nature" veröffentlicht worden.
20060327             "Wir haben —JETZT erstmals quantitative Belege dafür gefunden", so Hilgetag.
20060327             Die neuroanatomische Datensammlung an der BOSTON University sei über —JAHRZEHNTE gewachsen und die Hochschule in dieser Hinsicht weltweit führend.
20060327             Did You Know that Signing the Wrong Law and Violating the Constitution is —JUST 1—TECHNICALITY?
20060327             (Ceylon Lemon Green and Ceylon Chai.) - Okay, democracy has 1—PRICE.
20060327             But we do have to pay a $20,000 Visa BILL—ON—TUESDAY.
20060327             In addition, we don't charge 1—SUBSCRIPTION + don't charge for our E—MAIL alerts.
20060327             Help make BuzzFlash the new MODEL—OF—CITIZEN—ACCOUNTABLE—JOURNALISM, because our only responsibility is to you.
20060327             Months Late on the Story, NEW—YORK—TIMES finally confirms 1—OF—THE—BOMBSHELL—BRIT "Downing Street" memos in which Bush was dead set on war —WHILE pretending otherwise: "Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged —AROUND the military planning..".
20060327             —TALKED, Bush, about several ways to provoke 1—CONFRONTATION, including 1—PROPOSAL to paint A—USA—SURVEILLANCE—PLANE in the colors of THE—UNITED—NATIONS in hopes of drawing fire, or assassinating Saddam.
20060327             It's Like the News Arrives by Donkey Express at THE—NYT.
20060327             Is Rove "Cooperating" with FITZGERALD—OFFICE?
20060327             Death Toll Jumps to 30 in IRAQ Bombing
20060327             Laugh Through Your Tears Satire: "In 1—RARE—SHOW—OF—UNITY, the Democratic Caucus, by near unanimous vote, has passed 1—RESOLUTION censuring SENATOR—RUSSELL—FEINGOLD, for his proposed CENSURE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT for violating THE—FISA law".
20060327             Sorry, KEN—MEHLMAN: FEINGOLD—CENSURE proposal looks like 1—HIT with voters 3/27
20060327             Cynthia Tucker: War Hawks Show Callous Disregard for WORKING—CLASS—TROOPS 3/28
20060327             Fight.50 Caliber Terror 3/28
20060327             http: This Daily Kos diary by gjohnsit is MUST—READ material.
20060327             The headline: "AMERICA is effectively bankrupt".
20060327             http: Are these assertions valid?
20060327             gjohnsit draws his conclusions from the work of respected economist WALTER—J "John" Williams.
20060327             You can hear 1—GOOD—INTERVIEW with him here.
20060327             As the interviewer prefaces: "It's not for THE—FAINT—OF—HEART; strap yourselves in".
20060327             JOHN—WILLIAMS' website is here; you'll also want to visit OpEd News.
20060327             -- IRAN is not the only Middle Eastern nation switching away from the dollar.
20060327             SAUDI—ARABIA and THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—LOOK—READY to make the jump to the euro.
20060327             -- FEDERAL—RESERVE—CHAIRMAN—BEN—BERNANKE (1—EXPERT in the causes of the Great Depression) has announced that the possibility of 1—FUTURE "disruptive correction" of the trade deficit "cannot be ruled out".
20060327             —WHEN 1—FED chairman says something like that, what he really means is " Watch out!
20060327             The trade gap will bite us in the ass + THE—USA—DOLLAR -- which has been losing value slowly -- will soon plummet in value.
20060327             And —SINCE oil may no longer be denominated in dollars, that FILL—UP will hurt your wallet 1—LOT—MORE than it does —AT—PRESENT, because we will have to pay in more valuable euros.
20060327             Higher trasportation costs means higher costs for...well, everything.
20060327             -- ISABEL—V. Sawhill and ALICE—M—RIVLIN—OF—THE—BROOKINGS—INSTITUTION announced darkly that "...THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET—DEFICITS pose grave risks - 1—CATEGORY 6—FISCAL—STORM—TO THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20060327             The current course is simply not sustainable.
20060327             Promises to the elderly, especially about medical care, cannot be kept unless taxes are raised to levels that are unprecedented or other ACTIVITIES—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT are slashed.
20060327             Postponing such action would be reckless and SHORT—SIGHTED.
20060327             —FLOWED, Massive AMOUNTS—OF—CAPITAL have, in from —AROUND the world, financing MUCH—OF—AMERICA—FEDERAL—DEFICIT, as well as its INTERNATIONAL (or current account) deficit.
20060327             —WHILE this inflow of foreign capital has kept investment in THE—USA—ECONOMY—STRONG it means that USA—S are accumulating obligations to service these debts + repay foreigners out of their future income.
20060327             As 1—RESULT, the future income available to USA—S will be lower than it would have been without the government deficits.
20060327             THE—RIGHT—WING SPIN—MEISTERS are preparing USA—S for this by pretending that Bush brought about this problem through 1—OVER—ABUNDANCE—OF "compassion" - not through military misadventure + corruption.
20060327             -- THE—PERCENTAGE—OF—MORTGAGE delinquencies keeps rising.
20060327             The same dummies who kept voting for Bush also thought that adjustable rate mortgages were —JUST ever so NIFTY—NEATO.
20060327             Truth be told, 1—CANNOT easily feel sorry for people operating at that LEVEL—OF—DOLTISHNESS.
20060327             —IMAGINED, THE—END—OF—THE—HOUSING bubble may be even uglier than you ever.
20060327             Check out WHAT—JOHN—R—TALBOTT, AUTHOR—OF "Sell —NOW!", has to say:
20060327             The problem, he says, is that home prices are way OVERVALUED—JUST as INTERNET stocks were —DURING the 199 0—S —BEFORE that sky collapsed.
20060327             As evidence, he points to the growing discrepancy between Bay Area home prices and rents, 1—INDICATOR commonly used by economists to determine 1—PROPERTY—TRUE—VALUE...
20060327             —OVERVALUED, To buy these, homes, he says, MANY—S overextend themselves financially by borrowing more from banks.
20060327             They end up paying 1—INORDINATELY high percentage of their monthly income on mortgages.
20060327             LOS—ANGELES, he points out, the average new homeowners, usually 1—YOUNG—COUPLE, are spending 55—PERCENT of their monthly income on 1—MORTGAGE—PAYMENT...
20060327             Banks are lending more, he says, because they are sticking to their old qualifying formula of computing THE—RATIO—OF—THE—LOAN applicant's salary to the mortgage payment.
20060327             They're doing this, he said, without adjusting for inflation.
20060327             "So the banks are using the same stupid formula. They convince these young couples to borrow 1—MILLION—DOLLAR—NOTE that they're never gonna get out from under..".
20060327             More: Because of the above factors, Talbott predicts 1—WAVE—OF—LOAN—DEFAULTS and foreclosures.
20060327             Bank presidents will be fired for making so MANY—RISKY loans.
20060327             The new presidents, wanting to clean up the mess, will unload the properties at 1—LOSS, perhaps for 40 to 60—CENTS on the dollar.
20060327             This will flood the market and deflate home prices further.
20060327             And then, according to TALBOTT—PREDICTION, the financial impact will, like 1—ESPECIALLY vicious virus, spread.
20060327             1., the real estate industry will falter.
20060327             Then, industries tied to real ESTATE—INCLUDING banking, construction, home supply STORES—WILL be hurt.
20060327             "And then you've got 1—REAL—RECESSION," he says, "that will wash across THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—COUNTRY".
20060327             SOME—OF—YOU may be thinking: "That will be the time to buy!
20060327             Low housing prices!" Yeah, BUT—IN 1—DEPRESSION, will you continue to have 1—JOB ?
20060327             Of course, 1 must ask how to reconcile the predictions of resurgent inflation, due to THE—PRINTING—OF—MONEY to pay off our debtors, with the falling home prices that will occur once the current bubble bursts.
20060327             —WHEN that famous fan gets hit by 1—CERTAIN—BROWN—N—SMELLY substance, rest assured that RED—STATE idjits (the ones who keep voting for PORK—LOVIN' Republican s) will continue to tell themselves that we got into this mess by taxing the rich and tossing too much money at welfare cheats and not praying to Jeebus often enough.
20060327             Such people are beyond education.
20060327             —POSED, That was the question, 1—FEW days ago over ON—THE—NEXT—HURRAH.
20060327             The latest Downing Street Memo proves -- again -- that despite public pronouncements, GEORGE—W—BUSH was always intent on war with SADDAM—HUSSEIN, even if INTERNATIONAL arms inspectors scoured IRAQ and determined the place to be clean and WMD—FREE.
20060327             The administration does not question this document.
20060327             Yet Scotty McSpokesman refuses to budge from THE—PREVIOUSLY—DETERMINED spin: McClellan noted previous UNITED—NATIONS resolutions had warned SADDAM—HUSSEIN of serious consequences if he did not comply with UNITED—NATIONS mandates over WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and its compliance with the inspection regime.
20060327             Saddam had been given numerous opportunities to do so but chose not to, McClellan stressed.
20060327             But Saddam did comply. Inspectors had free run of IRAQ.
20060327             And the memo, along with PLENTY—OF—OTHER—EVIDENCE, proves that compliance was never the issue;
20060327             —DETERMINED, Bush was, to invade no matter what SADDAM—HUSSEIN did.
20060327             QAIDA—MANN wollte Jet ins Weiße Haus steuern
20060327             Überraschende Wende in Amerikas spektakulärstem Terroristenprozess:
20060327             Den Auftrag dazu will er von Terrorboss OSAMA—BIN—LADEN bekommen haben.
20060327             Wie glaubwürdig seine Aussagen sind, ist offen.
20060327             Asmus: Der Vorgang ist zu frisch, um ihn abschließend beurteilen zu können.
20060327             —IRRITIERT, Wir sind, - zumal solch 1—PHÄNOMEN AM—SPIEGEL: Wie bitte?
20060327             —BEKANNT, Asmus: Es ist, dass die Briten und DEUTSCHLAND—WWII—IM Stanniolfäden vom Himmel fallen ließen, um das gegnerische Radar zu stören.
20060327             —HEUTE werden dafür hauchdünne metallüberzogene Kunststofffäden genutzt, die Düppel.
20060327             Sie sind wenige Zentimeter lang und werden in der Atmosphäre ausgestreut.
20060327             So bildet sich 1—ART unsichtbare Mauer, die Radarstrahlen reflektiert.
20060327             —DEMENTIERT, SPIEGEL: Das Verteidigungsministerium hat aber.
20060327             Es gebe "keine Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass die Wolke von unseren Luftstreitkräften verursacht wurde".
20060327             Asmus: Beweisen können wir nichts.
20060327             Aber am wahrscheinlichsten scheint —DERZEIT dennoch, dass im Luftraum über der Nordsee Erprobungen mit Metallfäden stattfinden,
20060327             die unsere meteorologischen Geräte stören + uns eine falsche Wetterlage vorgaukeln.
20060327             —GEFUNDEN, Legendärer Palast: Forscher wollen Zitadelle des Ajax, haben
20060327             INTERVIEW—MIT—STANISLAW—LEM: "Wir steuern auf einen Nuklearkrieg zu!"
20060327             —BEKOMMT, Mechanik im Kopf: Woher das Hirn die Windungen
20060327             Kanzlerwohnung ausgespäht: BKA ermittelt
20060327             BERLUSCONI—WAHLKAMPF: "Kommunisten verkochten Babys zu Dünger"
20060327             Globale Umverteilung: Die Profiteure des ÖLPREISSCHUBS—UND seine Verlierer
20060327             Blutbad in Bagdad: GOUVERNEUR—STOPPT—ZUSAMMENARBEIT mit USA—TRUPPEN
20060327             Ungesättigtes Bauchfett: Forscher klonen FETT—WEG—SCHWEINE
20060327             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Blair nennt Erklärung über Amtsverzicht einen Fehler
20060327             Ibiza: RICHTER—STOPPT—AUTOBAHN—BAU zum Flughafen
20060327             WETTER—RADAR: Geisterwolke über der Elbe
20060327             MILLIARDEN—PLUS: Experten erwarten mehr Steuereinnahmen
20060327             Magnetschwebebahn: Glos drängt auf DEUTSCHLAND—TRANSRAPID
20060327             GROSSBRITANNIEN—STUDIE: DEUTSCHLAND—SOLLEN intelligenteste Europäer sein
2006032720010911     : Letzte Hilferufe erreichen Angehörige —ERST—JETZT
20060327—20010000    —ARRESTED, PARLIAMENT vigil man is, : ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER—BRIAN—HAW, who won 1—COURT—BATTLE to maintain his PARLIAMENT Square vigil which began, has been arrested.
20060327—20010911    —TESTIFIED, AL—QAIDA conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, at his FEDERAL—TRIAL that he was supposed to hijack a 5. airplane, and fly it into THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060327—20010911    —AM, Der Franzose Moussaoui erklärte vor Gericht, er sollte 1—FLUGZEUG ins Weiße Haus steuern.
20060327—20120000    —AB, Neue Richtlinie: Einheitlicher EU—FÜHRERSCHEIN kommt
20060328             STEVE—WATSON/Infowars | 20060327             20060328             Author: PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—CNN—POLL—ENDS—AT 83% In SUPPORT—OF—CHARLIE—SHEEN—PRISON—PLANET_com | 20060327             20060328—20060327    —DEFENDED, Also on Showbiz Tonight, actress SHARON—STONE, Sheen
20060328—20060327    —ON, Also on Showbiz Tonight, actress
20060519             Here's the transcript from Crossfire, 19920327             :
20060622             Congress fails in its duty —WHEN we do...
20060728—20060327    —INJURED, THE—WIFE—OF—LEE—SUAN—CHUAN, 1—TRAIN—TICKET—SELLER, was, —WHEN the train she was traveling on derailed and tumbled into 1—DEEP—VALLEY in SOUTH—TAIWAN—PINGTUNG region.
20070212—20070327    —AM, wird sie auf Bewährung entlassen.
20070215—20070327    —EXPECTED, As, (see Lord Patel 20070119             )THE—STUTTGART—STATE—COURT has announced this —MORNING the release of BRIGITTE—MOHNHAUPT, 57, on —5—YEARS—PROBATION.
20070215—20070327    —ON, 57, on —5—YEARS—PROBATION.
20070300             3. Circuit Appeals COURT—SETS—DATE for ORAL Arguments in Mumia...
20070325             GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS, Senior Adviser to THE—PRESIDENT—FOR—POLICY and Strategy - 19940804             20070327             —2—DAYS—LATER, that vessel and another USA destroyer in the area both reported themselves under renewed attack, although NORTH—VIETNAM subsequently insisted that it hadn't attacked — and no attack is —NOW believed to have occurred on 20070804             —THE.
20070327             Up to 1—BILLION dollars WORTH—OF—GOLD and silver on 1—SUNKEN 16010101—17001231     ENGLAND—WARSHIP may soon be recovered —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT with SPAIN—AUTHORITIES.
20070327             das kollektiv : 20030205             ... (see the researcher tool section).
20070327             THE—INTERNET archive at the New Library of ALEXANDRIA—EGYPT, mirrors the Waybck Machine.
20070327             CHINA—GESANDTER soll VERMITTELN—
20070327             Over the dissent of their executive committee, THE—VERMONT—DEMOCRATIC—STATE—COMMITTEE—TODAY (20070324             ) voted overwhelmingly to call on THE—VERMONT—LEGISLATURE to endorse 1—IMPEACHMENT—RESOLUTION that has been —UNTIL—NOW stuck in the House Judiciary COMMITTEE—IN—MONTPELIER.
20070327   —
20070327             —AGREED, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE said Israeli and PALESTINE—LEADERS have, to meet EVERY— 2—WEEKS to discuss —DAY—TO—DAY—ISSUES, in 1—QUICKENING diplomatic pace that eventually could spur talks on 1—FINAL—PEACE—SETTLEMENT.
20070327             —ADMITTED, WALTER—ANDERSON, the telecommunications entrepreneur who, hiding HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from THE—IRS and DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA tax collectors, was sentenced to —9—YEARS in prison and ordered to repay about $23—MILLION to the city.
20070327             But USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—PAUL—FRIEDMAN said he couldn't order Anderson to repay THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT $100—MILLION to $175—MILLION because the Justice DEPARTMENT—BINDING plea agreement with Anderson listed the wrong statute.
20070327             —ANNOUNCED, USA—ATTORNEY—JOHN—BROWNLEE, that ITT Corp. has agreed to pay a $100—MILLION—PENALTY for illegally sending classified NIGHT—VISION—TECHNOLOGY to CHINA and other countries.
20070327             —VOTED, USA National Football League (NFL) owners, 30-2 to make the video replay system 1—PERMANENT officiating tool.
20070327             —APPROVED, SF city leaders, 1—BAN on plastic grocery bags —AFTER weeks of lobbying on both sides from environmentalists and 1—SUPERMARKET trade group.
20070327             S—FRANCISCO would be the 1. USA—CITY to adopt such 1—RULE if Mayor GAVIN—NEWSOM signs the ban as expected.
20070327             —SIGNED, TEXAS GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY—OFFICE said that he had, 1—NEW—LAW that expands Texans' existing right to use deadly force to defend themselves "without retreat" in their homes, cars and workplaces.
20070327             THE—NEW—YORK Stock Exchange won CONTROL—OF—PAN—EUROPEAN market operator Euronext, creating 1—ENTITY worth 29—BILLION dollars linking trading platforms in 6—CITIES.
20070327             —DRESSED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE attacker, in army uniform blew himself up outside 1—PROVINCIAL—POLICE—HEADQUARTERS, killing 4—POLICEMEN.
20070327             Roxana Arias Becerra (32), 1—FORMER—MISS—BOLIVIA (19930000             ), was arrested on charges of carrying 1.8—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE —WHILE boarding 1—FLIGHT to THE—BRAZIL—BORDER.
20070327             State media said CHINA will pour BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS into 1—AIRPORT, power plants, roads and education to help raise the standard of living of Tibetans over the next —3—YEARS.
20070327             —APPROVED, EGYPT—GOVERNMENT said voters had overwhelmingly, 1—SET—OF—CONTROVERSIAL—AMENDMENTS to EGYPT—CONSTITUTION, —1—DAY—AFTER opposition groups massively boycotted the referendum.
20070327             —SHOWED, EGYPT—BLOGS soon, cell video CLIPS—OF—BALLOT stuffing.
20070327             —CLASHED, FRANCE—RIOT—POLICE firing tear gas and brandishing batons, with BANDS—OF—YOUTHS who shattered windows and looted shops at 1—MAJOR—PARIS train station.
20070327             9—PEOPLE were arrested.
20070327             GERMANY, 1—BOARD—MEMBER—OF—SIEMENS—AG, EUROPE—BIGGEST electronics and engineering company, was arrested in connection with 1—INVESTIGATION—OF alleged payments to THE—HEAD—OF—1—TINY—LABOR—UNION.
20070327             —NAMED, GUATEMALA, Adela Camacho de Torrebiarte (57), 1—ANTI—CRIME crusader, as its 1. female interior MINISTER.
20070327             —DETONATED, IRAQ, 2—NEARLY simultaneous truck bombs, including 1, by remote control, ripped through markets in Tal Afar, killing at least 48—PEOPLE and wounding dozens as violence surged outside THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL.
20070327             —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that the main blast killed 152—PEOPLE.
20070327             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER killed at least 10 in 1—MARKET—NEAR—RAMADI and 1—MORTAR attack on 1—SHIITE district area in SOUTH—BAGHDAD killed at least 4—PEOPLE.
20070327             —SUSPECTED, Clashes broke in Iskandariyah —AFTER, Shiite militants broke into 1—SUNNI mosque, leaving 4—SUNNI militants dead and 1—SHIITE militant wounded.
20070327             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck IRAQ—POLICE on 1—FOOT—PATROL in SOUTH—EAST—BAGHDAD, killing 1—POLICEMAN and wounding 2—OTHERS.
20070327             Harith Dhaher AL—DHARI, 1—MILITARY—LEADER—OF—19200000             —THE—REVOLUTION—BRIGADES, 1—MAJOR—SUNNI—ARAB insurgent group, was killed along with 2—ASSOCIATES—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070327             2—AMERICANS, 1—CONTRACTOR and 1—SOLDIER, were killed in 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on the heavy guarded Green Zone.
20070327             IVORY—COAST—REBELS and mediators said GUILLAUME—SORO, the main rebel leader, will become PRIME—MINISTER in 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT called for in the country's latest peace plan.
20070327             —KICKED, Police in MEXICO—CITY, off 1—CAMPAIGN to exchange guns for computers and other gifts in 1—ATTEMPT to reduce firearm deaths.
20070327             2—BODIES were found wrapped in plastic bags and sheets behind 1—TELEVISION—STATION in MEXICO—PORT CITY—OF—VERACRUZ, apparent VICTIMS—OF—DRUG—RELATED violence.
20070327             —CONFIRMED, NIGERIA, ANGLO—HOLLAND—OIL—GIANT—SHELL, that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT had charged it with the alleged loss of some "radioactive tools" belonging to 1—OF—ITS—CONTRACTORS.
20070327             —DENIED, Shell, reports that it had been involved in ANY—DUMPING of toxic waste in NIGERIA.
20070327             Residents and officials said Pakistanis living along THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER have signed a 3. peace deal with the government promising not to shelter foreign militants.
20070327             ISLAMABAD, female and MALE Islamic students on 1—ANTI—VICE drive abducted Aunty Shamin, 1 alleged brothel owner, and locked her up at their fundamentalist seminary.
20070327             1—GRENADE—ATTACK in Bajaur killed 5—ISI officers.
20070327             1—TAMIL—TIGER rebel drove 1—EXPLOSIVE—LADEN tractor to 1—MILITARY—CAMP in EAST—SRI—LANKA, drawing fire from guards and triggering 1—BLAST at the entrance.
20070327             At least 7—PEOPLE, including the bomber, were killed.
20070327             —OUTSIZED, SWEDEN—ARTIST—HANS—HEDBERG (89), known for his, fruit and egg ceramic sculptures and, †.
20070327             —ALLIED, KIEV—UKRAINE, 1—RUSSIA—BUSINESSMAN, with UKRAINE—PRESIDENT was killed by 1—SNIPER as he was escorted from 1—COURTHOUSE —DURING 1—BREAK in his extortion trial.
20070327             —HAD—CONCLUDED, United Commercial BANK—OF—S—FRANCISCO said it, negotiations to become the sole OWNER—OF—THE—BUSINESS—DEVELOPMENT—BANK—OF—SHANGHAI.
20070327             † IN—CUBA—FAUSTINO—ORAMAS (95), 1—POPULAR—TRADITIONAL—SINGER and among the last original MEMBERS—OF—THE—BUENA—VISTA—SOCIAL—CLUB, of cancer.
20070327             —WAS—KILLED, Another police officer, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in EAST—BAGHDAD.
20070327             —HAS—KNOCKED, JAPAN, 1—CABINET—OFFICIAL said 1—ELECTRICAL glitch, out 1—SATELLITE in 1—SPY—NETWORK—JAPAN hoped to use to gather intelligence on NORTH—KOREA and other trouble spots —AROUND the world.
20070327             —WERE—KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE, including the bomber.
20070327             † SWEDEN—ARTIST—HANS—HEDBERG (89), known for his outsized fruit and egg ceramic sculptures and.
20070327             Blair targets 'career criminals'
20070327             TONY—BLAIR outlines plans to curb the freedoms of "prolific criminals" —AFTER they are released from prison.
20070327             Blair warns IRAN on Navy captives
20070327             Efforts to free 15—BRITONS will enter 1—NEW—PHASE if diplomatic moves fail, TONY—BLAIR warns IRAN.
20070327             BRAZIL and ITALY in biofuels plan
20070327             BRAZIL and ITALY are planning 1—BIOFUEL—DEAL that will see them build plants in BRAZIL and AFRICA.
20070327             FRANCE—RAILWAYS win WWII appeal
20070327             1—FRANCE—COURT—RULES—STATE—RAILWAYS do not have to compensate THE—FAMILY—OF—WWII—JEWISH deportees.
20070327             Guilty plea from detainee Hicks
20070327             AUSTRALIA—DAVID—HICKS, the 1. GUANTANAMO terror suspect to face a new trial system, pleads guilty.
20070327             IRAQ law to lift ban on Baathists
20070327             IRAQ proposes 1—NEW—LAW to allow EX—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—BAATH party to return to official posts.
20070327             Llama dung mites track Inca fall
20070327             Scientists learn about Inca civilisation by examining the mites that lived in the dung of llamas and other livestock.
20070327             —URGED, Reach out to ISRAEL, Arabs
20070327             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—CALLS on Arab nations to reach out in peace to ISRAEL.
20070327             —DISCOVERED, SEMI—IDENTICAL twins
20070327             —REVEALED, Scientists in THE—USA—HAVE, the world's only known case of "SEMI—IDENTICAL", twins.
20070327             Snoop, Diddy cancel UK shows
20070327             —ARE—FORCED, USA rappers Snoop Dogg and P Diddy, to cancel 1—JOINT—UK tour —AFTER Snoop Dogg was denied 1—VISA.
20070327             'Up to 500—DEAD' in CONGO clashes
20070327             —HAVE—BEEN—KILLED, Up to 500—PEOPLE may, in —LAST—WEEK—CLASHES in DR CONGO—CAPITAL, KINSHASA—EU diplomats say.
20070327             Pumping wind power underground
20070327             —COMPRESSED, THE—IOWA—STORED—ENERGY—PARK—PLANS to use, air to store power generated by wind turbines.
20070327             New tech offers hydrogen fuel on demand
20070327             START—UP Ecototality uses technology from Jet Propulsion Laboratory that features 1—ON—BOARD hydrogen fuel generator.
20070327             Bush, automakers talk ALT—FUEL vehicles
20070327             Top executives from GENERAL—MOTORS, Ford and Chrysler visit THE—WHITE—HOUSE to take 1—LOOK at alternatives to GAS—FUELED cars.
20070327             Photos: Tiny movie projector fits in a phone
20070327             At THE—CTIA—WIRELESS—SHOW, TEXAS Instruments shows off its DLP "pico" projector.
20070327             Saving wind power for —LATER
20070327             START—UP GENERAL—COMPRESSION—LOOKS to commercialize concept for storing electricity generated by wind turbines using compressed air.
20070327             Senators skeptical of Real ID Act rules
20070327             —2—YEARS—AFTER voting for federalized ID cards, SOME—POLITICIANS are having 2. thoughts about the rules.
20070327             Ignorance is Bliss Time and NEWSWEEK finally figure out that BUSH—FAILURES don't sell magazines.
20070327             Location Mystery Of Ulysses' Ithaca
20070327             HOLLAND—FUGRO—NV company will use its modern equipment, which it normally uses in oil finding sites to exactly locate Ulysses' ISLAND kingdom of Ithaca + thus solve the secret of ancient GREECE—GREATEST—POET.
20070327             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX 20070327             It was the find of 1—LIFETIME 1—PICASSO buried under another Picasso.
20070327             Sanctioning THE—NEXT—WAR—OF—AGGRESSION
20070327             —VOTED, UNITED—NATIONS Security Council (UNSC) has once again, to impose yet another sanction on IRAN for its failure to suspend 1—LEGAL—ACTIVITY allowed by the Nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY [1],
20070327             to which IRAN remains 1—SIGNATORY state +
20070327             that THE—IAEA itself has found no INDICATION—OF—ANY—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL being diverted to military purposes.
20070327             —INTENDED, THE—USA—MIDDLE—EAST—POLICY is also, to suppress the enemies of radical Zionism and to extend Zionist control of the region,
20070327             as well as to prop up the sagging USA—DOLLAR against the strengthening euro.
20070327             It is the continuation of Manifest Destiny;
20070327             the foolish but stubborn believe that Americans are superior to everyone else;
20070327             what historian HOWARD—ZINN refers to as USA—EXCEPTIONALISM.
20070327             The "debate" over whether to withdraw our troops constantly highlights the dangers of leaving but almost completely ignores the dangers of staying.
20070327             CONTINUE—AFGHANISTAN Proves It-
20070327             If only you could be strong and manly and Republican and 1—RED—BLOODED 'Murican through and though, you'd support 1—TOUGH—USA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
20070327             With other people's kids, of course.
20070327             I mean, you wouldn't actually have to do ANY—FIGHTING yourself.
20070327             You —JUST talk the talk, rack up the draft deferments, win the elections + let the sons and daughters of LILY—LIVERED Defeatocrats do the actual killing and dying part.
20070327             CONTINUE—NOTHING But Fascists-
20070327             —ENTRUSTED, IRAQ has become 1—COUNTRY where thieves are, with its richness and where murderous gangs are entrusted with its security.
20070327             CONTINUE—DEMOCRACY Dreaming-
20070327             —IS—WAGED, EVERY—REBELLION, because the benefits sought outweigh the risks taken.
20070327             Jefferson and the other Founders knew that.
20070327             Not fixing the government they gave us dishonors them and all the Americans that have † and sacrificed for their country.
20070327             And it makes our lives miserable and penalizes future generations.
20070327             Has TIME run out for restoring USA—DEMOCRACY?
20070327             Governmental + other world leaders are surprisingly silent —WHEN it comes to citing overpopulation as 1—ULTIMATE—CAUSE—OF sweeping planetary destruction.
20070327             In the same vein, they don't strive to find 1—WORKABLE—SOLUTION.
20070327             It sure looks like it.
20070327             Byrd: Bush Has "Stoked THE—FIRES—OF—FEAR"
20070327             BLAIR—WARNS—OF `Different Phase' Over Britons in IRAN.
20070327             Are We Talking War Here, Tony?
20070327             Ordinary Customers Flagged as Terrorists 3/27
20070327             SAM—FOX wants to be the new USA—AMBASSADOR to BELGIUM,
20070327             but gave $50,000 to the Swift Boat Liars 3/27
20070327             Armageddon Update: USA—NAVY shows force in Persian Gulf 3/27
20070327             Linda Milazzo: Open Letter To Katie Couric:
20070327             You Were Unfair To THE—EDWARDS -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070327             Edwards says 'hot spot' found in hip besides the cancer found in her rib 3/27
20070327             DEUTSCHLAND verlässt die Abstiegszone... -
20070327             FENSTER—ÜBERWACHUNG, Kunststofffenster.. kein Aufwand durch Verkabeln... Goldman Sachs Group INCORPORATED,
20070327             the biggest TRADER—OF—ENERGY—DERIVATIVES...
20070327             Strategic Public Relations : Media Relations
20070327             So columnists turn to the traditional crutch, the Top 10—LIST ".
20070327             Nachrichten.CH — WARME Luft aus hohen HÄUSERN — DIE Nachrichten...
20070327             Momentan BEHERRSCHT — WIE kaum ein anderes THEMA — DIE Klimadebatte die Nachrichten.
20070327             Gleichzeitig behandelte er 77—PERSÖNLICHE Vorstösse, davon 9. - 23.... - JASON—WIKI: PsychoCenturyPage
20070327             Hitler takes FREUD—ANTI—DEMOCRATIC viewpoint and uses it to inspire
20070327             Parallel FREUD—LANGUISHING in EUROPE with BERNAYS ' rise to power in AMERICA....
20070327             He was Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW.
20070327             BERNAYS never had Hitler as 1—CLIENT, but SOME—TECHNIQUES from his books were used in the
20070327             —JUST as BERNAYS was FREUD—DISCIPLE, BERNAYS himself had dicciples.
20070327             BERNAYS, EDWARD—L—FREUD, Sigismund Schlomo s USA—NEPHEW & disciple
20070327             Aber BERNAYS, EDWARD—L war der goldene Standard.
20070327             Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAYS used his uncle's
20070327             Why Americans WILL—BELIEVE—ALMOST—ANYTHING
20070327             —FROM his own amazing chronicle Propaganda, we learn how EDWARD—L—BERNAYS took the ideas of his famous uncle Sigmund FREUD himself + applied them to the 1.-AMRICAN— MASSES...
20070327             PROPAGANDA — WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070327             USA—PROPAGANDA from WWII, Depicting Hitler as foolish.
20070327             —PRODUCED, The war PROPAGANDA campaign of Lippman and BERNAYS, within —6—MONTHS such 1—INTENSE—DESIRE—FOR—WWI.
20070327             WAR, that.
20070327             Heller, JUDITH—BERNAYS. ' FREUD, Hitler and VIENNA.
20070327             LONDON Magazine (Aug.-;;09;;. - - 19740000             ): 67-79.
20070327             SparkNotes: Sigmund Freud: Important Terms, People + EVENTS—TV—NEWS in 1—POSTMODERN—WORLD, Part XXI
20070327             MANY—WAYS, all conventional news is PUBLIC RELATIONS.... people on the committee, for it was 1—MAJOR turning point in THE—WORLD—OF—PUBLIC—INFORMATION....
20070327             For the last —7—MONTHS we have been fed 1—DIET—OF—PROPAGANDA — THE—PUBLIC—RELATIONS—OF—MODERN—WARFARE — about KOSOVO, that distant and foreign land...
20070327             Media Arts PR Public Relations Publishing Journalism Jobs Job...
20070327             Media, Entertainment, ARTS—PUBLIC—RELATIONS, Publishing
20070327             It was 1—OF—THE—EARLIEST—EXAMPLES—OF—MILITARY—PROPAGANDA and media hype at the dawn of the...
20070327             BRAIN—WASH - 3 - This experience in broad PUBLIC RELATIONS was 1—TURNING point in the lives...
20070327             BERNAYS may believe that the new PROPAGANDA sometimes serves the desires of...
20070327             —TURNED, Has powerful PUBLIC RELATIONS machines, U$ into 1—NATION—OF—CONSUMER—SLAVES?
20070327             were turning USA—MINDS away.
20070327             —FROM 1—PRO—BUSINESS—POINT—OF—VIEW.
20070327             It is appropriate at this point to clarify certain distinctions: PUBLIC RELATIONS is not PROPAGANDA.
20070327             —IS—DESIGNED, Propaganda, to indoctrinate in order to...
20070327             AlterNet: This Is Your Brain on Public RELATIONS—THE—FACTS are beside the point.
20070327             It's all in how you frame your argument".
20070327             You'll know someone is trying to have PUBLIC RELATIONS with you....
20070327             PR Execs Undeterred by Fake News "Flap" - Center for Media and...
20070327             Question is, will THE—TIMES ' expose be 1—TURNING point ?
20070327             And by the way, they've done 1—MASTERFUL—JOB—OF using PUBLIC RELATIONS publicity to advance...
20070327             —THINK—PROGRESS " Media Misleading Americans By Using 'Surge' To...
20070327             THE—TET offensive was 1—TACTICAL—DEFEAT for the Viet Cong and NORTH—VIETNAM—FORCES,
20070327             but it is widely seen as the turning POINT—OF—THE—WAR that led to the
20070327             DEUTSCHLAND/ÖSTERREICH: Kommende Sommerferien trauriger Anlass um... ausgesetzt.
20070327             Etwa jedes 4. TÜRKEI—MÄDCHEN in ÖSTERREICH wird einer Zwangsehe ausgesetzt, schätzt...
20070327             Slashdot | Indymedia Seizures Initiated In EUROPE
20070327             The blog formerly known as "No Gibbons"...
20070327             das kollektiv : 20030205             ...
20070327             Bernays, EDWARD—L—FREUD—USA—NEPHEW and disciple
20070327             rising depression rates + childhood mental illness match...
20070327             FATHER—OF—SPIN— EDWARD—L—BERNAYS and THE—BIRTH—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS ". - - CBC News In Depth: Spin Cycles
20070327             It is harder to find 1—POSITIVE "spin" on the legacy of EDWARD—BERNAYS... —15—MINUTE—WALK—DAILY may be enough to help prevent childhood obesity...
20070327             THE—ANNALS—OF—THE—USA—ACADEMY—OF—POLITICAL and Social Science...
20070327             SARA—SULLIVAN—MEDLEY: Childhood Lead Toxicity: a Paradox of Modern Technology...
20070327             EDWARD—L—BERNAYS : INTERNATIONAL Relations and Politics...
20070327             Emerald FullText Article : From McLibel to McLettuce: childhood...
20070327             —FROM McLibel to McLettuce: childhood, spin and RE—BRANDING...
20070327             According to STUART—EWEN, EDWARD—BERNAYS (double NEPHEW—OF—SIGMUND—FREUD) played 1—PIVOTAL...
20070327             SDSUniverse | CDLHN Wins Silver Bernays for Stop the Cough Campaign
20070327             —WAS—PRESENTED, The award, —DURING THE—EDWARD—L—BERNAYS 20030000             MARK—OF—EXCELLENCE
20070327             for Childhood Immunization, PORTER—NOVELLI—PUBLIC—RELATIONS + CDLHN....
20070327             Public relations-
20070327             —BEYOND childhood.
20070327             Theater knows intuitively that news and advertising are not enough to make 1—SHOW a...
20070327             For EDWARD—BERNAYS, PR was about making 1—CULTURE... - A '50s Feeling | TIME
20070327             Wild CARDS—SCOOP: GATES—OF—IVORY: Langley Overshadows the Pentagon
20070327             UN says politics lies behind rift between west and Muslims...
20070327             Nominee ROBERT—GATES—TIED to IRAN—CONTRA Scandal +
20070327             the Secret Arming of Saddam Hussein... - Uncle Sam: Devistation ABROAD—THE—INVASION—OF—PANAMA.
20070327             Innoculating SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20070327             That led to 1—TORRENT—OF—OUTRAGE + abuse, in the...
20070327             (437—MB)... BILL—MOYERS, "the Secret Government ";
20070327             4. Coverup : Behind... - Windows Media VIDEO — COVERUP exposes...
20070327             BitTorent DivX Videos... Secret Government', Coverup:Behind THE—IRAN—CONTRA Affair, SCHOOL—OF—ASSASSINS...
20070327             Grasping Reality with Both Hands: BRAD—DELONG—SEMI—DAILY—JOURNAL...
20070327             Who is Wafiq AL—SAMARRAI? | - Liberals Against Terrorism:
20070327             —NOTICED, Helena Cobban, —AFTER READING THE—NEWLY—REVIVED IWPR IRAQ—PRESS—MONITOR that Jalal Talabani has his own security...
20070327             200504280517.. - the Conspiracy Swamps | Liberals Against Terrorism
20070327             right wing Republicans, people from JESSE—HELMS' office (JOHN—CARBAUGH), etc + along with the Guatemalans, brought French...
20070327             THE—WASHINGTON—NOTE
20070327             AIG and its subsidiaries, in common with the insurance industry in general...
20070327             Officer 46 19950000             Petros K. SABATACAKIS Senior VICE—PRESIDENT—FINANCIAL...
20070327             is certain information concerning the directors and executive officers of AIG.
20070327             Citigroup Names Sabatacakis Senior Risk Manager
20070327             —TODAY announced that Petros K. SABATACAKIS has been named... - G.R. NUMBER L-104776 - vs. HON.
20070327             NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, BROWN & ROOT INTERNATIONAL, DEL—MUNDO (G.R. NUMBER 104776), the claimants represented by Atty.
20070327             KELLOGG, BROWN & ROOT (HALLIBURTON ) IRAQ $10832000000 DoD
20070327             en Moscú demostró que era casi imposible a los demás países del mundo, no tomar posición...
20070327             SUPREME—COURT—OF—THE—PHILIPPINES decisions beginning with B.
20070327             WAR—ON—FUNDAMENTALISM... 1—NATION, under almighty dollar, with liberty and justice for only the wealthy.
20070327             IRAQ Lessons [Archive]-Armchair GENERAL—FORUMS
20070327             At 1—TIME—WHEN scientists say the world should be reducing its CO2 emissions by 60% to...
20070327             CIA Destroys Files On OSWALD—AND—SHAW [Archive] - Forums
20070327             —HAVE—DISAPPEARED, MANY—CIA—RECORDS pertaining to OSWALD + SHAW.
20070327             According to a LOUISIANA PROFESSOR—MICHAEL—KURTZ, HUNTER—LEAKE ( 2. in...
20070327             DEUTSCHLAND—STIMME—MITGLIEDER—DES—JUNI—KLUB s waren neben
20070327             Moeller u.a. - EDUARD—STADTLER (" ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA "), MAX—HILDEBERT—BOEHM (Buch: "Das eigenständige Volk")...
20070327             Diskussion: ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA... Liga ">Diskussion: ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA
20070327             Stichwörter. ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA.
20070327             Linear prediction models with graph regularization for WEB—PAGE...
20070327             Learning with local and global CONSISTENCY.
20070327             NIPS, 20030000             , pages 321--328, 20040000            .
20070327             18—X. ZHU—Z. Ghahramani + J. Lafferty.
20070327             SEMI—SUPERVISED learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions.
20070327             ICML, 20030000             , 20030000             . - - INDEX TERMS.
20070327             —BASED, 1—INCREMENTAL algorithm about THE—AFFINITY—RULE...
20070327             (112), MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTE for Biological Cybernetics, TUEBINGEN—GERMANY (
20070327             Manifold Learning Resource Page
20070327             DAGM'04: 26. Pattern Recognition Symposium (20040000             );
20070327             D. ZHOU—O—BOUSQUET—T.N. LAL—J. Weston and B. Schölkopf: Learning with Local and Global CONSISTENCY.
20070327             Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 321-328.... - Antibolschewistische LIGA — WIKIPEDIA
20070327             Kurze Zeit nach ihrer Gründung wurde die ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA in " Liga zum Schutze der DEUTSCHLAND—KULTUR" umbenannt.
20070327             Zu den Finanziers gehörte auch.
20070327             hatten damals eine " ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA " gegründet, die Industrieverbandschef HUGO—STINNES mit 500.000.000—RM
20070327             JSTOR: Advertising Seizes CONTROL—OF—LIFE: BERLIN Dada + the...
20070327             which had been organized by EDUARD—STADTLER + had assembled 1—HUGE—SECRET—WEAPONS—CACHE,
20070327             MANY—REMINGTON — from REMINGTON —ARMS on which oard, -at the time — was BUSH —GRANDFATHER—FRIEND and...
20070327             JSTOR: Grimaces on the Walls: ANTI—BOLSHEVIST—POSTERS and the...
20070327             —COORDINATED, THE—ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE—LIGA was the name given to the central office which, the efforts of various groups against THE—BOLSHEVIST—THREAT
20070327             2.0—LINK0 link1 link2 Antibolschewistische Liga RSS Feed for...
20070327             2.0—LINK0 link1 link2 ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE LIGA RSS Feed for Wikipedia powered by BlinkBits_com link3 Imagine the Collective Wisdom of All Mankind Available...
20070327             Antibolschewistische LIGA—GLOBAL—PROTESTS against WAR—ON—IRAQ —OPENWIKI
20070327             —SHOWED, Once again, Spanish + ITALY—CITIES, some of the largest turnouts against their governments' PRO—WAR—STANCE.
20070327             —PROTESTED, More than 400000, in Milan.
20070327             CANNONFIRE—AMONG them was 1—LEE—HARVEY—OSWALD.
20070327             I am basing this talk either on
20070327             Professor Kurtz reports on 1—INTERVIEW he did
20070327             Citizen JOURNALIST—DIGS—DEEPER | Sunlight Foundation
20070327             The prolific MISTER—S—PANSTREPPON, who —LAST—WEEK drew attention to 3—EARMARKS for 1—FOUNDATION...
20070327             THE—NATURE—OF—THE—THREAT—MAUREEN Farrell at BuzzFlash_com
20070327             —ESTABLISHED, And, "tin foil hat" jokes aside, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, mind control programs like MKULTRA, in 1—ATTEMPT to coerce individuals, as declassified...
20070327             Bei rund der HÄLFTE—DER—UNTERSUCHTEN—TIERE fanden die Wissenschaftler fremdes Erbgut in weiteren Körperorganen oder Geschlechtszellen wie Spermien und Eiern.
20070327             So geben die Büschelaffen mitunter statt ihrer eigenen die Erbinformation ihrer Geschwister an die Nachkommen weiter,
20070327             wie die Forscher in 5—VON 15—UNTERSUCHTEN Affenfamilien nachweisen konnten.
20070327             Die Männchen sind sich also im Unklaren über ihre Vaterschaft.
20070327             Doch sie erkennen sich mitunter in den Nachkommen ihrer Brüder, berichtet das TEAM—VON—ROSS in der Fachzeitschrift "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" (ONLINE—VORABVERÖFFENTLICHUNG).
20070327             Den Wissenschaftlern zufolge könnte dies im Allgemeinen das ÄUß—ERST soziale Verhalten der Krallenaffen erklären,
20070327             die die meiste Zeit des Tages mit der gegenseitigen Körperpflege verbringen + im Besonderen die Fürsorge der Männchen,
20070327             die sich ausgiebig um den Nachwuchs der ganzen Sippe kümmern.
20070327             ABHOLZUNG—JEDES—JAHR werden vermutlich über 100.000—QUADRATKILOMETER des tropischen Regenwalds für die Holzgewinnung gerodet oder abgebrannt, um ACKER— UND Weideland zu schaffen.
20070327             Das ist 1—FLÄCHE so groß wie ÖSTERREICH.
20070327             Im Amazonasgebiet sind —BIS—HEUTE fast 20—PROZENT—DES—URSPRÜNGLICHEN—REGENWALDES verschwunden.
20070327             —VERLOREN, JEDE—MINUTE gehen noch immer mehr als 3—HEKTAR, wie der World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) überschlägt.
20070327             Es sei zwar ganz richtig, dass sich unsere Gesellschaft inzwischen Gedanken über Anpassungsmaßnahmen mache, findet Geograf Williams.
20070327             —GEHOLFEN, Doch der bedrohten Flora und Fauna sei damit nicht, ihr nutze höchstens ein rascher Stopp der Erwärmung:
20070327             "Wir können —NUN einmal Arten nicht transplantieren".
20070327             Auch CO—AUTOR—JACKSON empfiehlt, "lieber innerhalb der Grenzen unserer ökologischen Erfahrung zu bleiben".
20070327             Andernfalls werde uns die Zeit davonlaufen,
20070327             "um die Biodiversität und die Dienste, die sie uns leistet", zu bewahren
20070327             Auf dieses Risiko dürfte auch der Weltklimarat der Vereinten Nationen in der kommenden —WOCHE in Brüssel hinweisen.
20070327             Die Erde erwärme sich gegenwärtig so rasch, "dass wir wirklich sicheres Terrain verlassen", meint der Botaniker STEPHEN—JACKSON, auch er 1—DER—STUDIENAUTOREN.
20070327             Für das, was —DERZEIT geschehe, gebe es keine Blaupause in fossilen Klimarekonstruktionen,
20070327             wie der DIREKTOR—DES—ÖKOLOGIEPROGRAMMS an der UNIVERSITY—OF—WYOMING in Laramie feststellt:
20070327             "Woran sich Ökosysteme normalerweise über einen Zeitraum von mehreren 1000—JAHREN anpassen, das geschieht —JETZT binnen —JAHRZEHNTEN".
20070327             der Klimawandel verstärkt die Existenzbedrohung für die einzigartige Flora und Fauna noch.
20070327             "Heraus kam zu unserer großen Überraschung, dass 2, 3—GRAD Erwärmung in den Tropen viel bedeutsamer sind als 5—BIS 8—GRAD plus in den hohen Breiten", sagt Geowissenschaftler Williams.
20070327             "Doch wenn man 1—WELT nimmt und sie aufheizt, dann sind es ihre wärmsten Regionen,
20070327             die als 1. ins Unbekannte vorstoßen", sagt JOHN—WILLIAMS, Geograf an der UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN + Erstautor der neuen Studie.
20070327             Tropen vertragen globale Erwärmung am schlechtesten
20070327             Die Arbeit dreier Biologen erscheint in der neuen Ausgabe der Fachzeitschrift "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20070327             Die Autoren rütteln nicht etwa am globalen Muster der mutmaßlichen Erwärmung mit der ARKTIS als Hot Spot.
20070327             Doch sie sind davon überzeugt, dass die Klimaerwärmung eine ganz andere Weltregion,
20070327             von der —BISHER kaum jemand spricht, viel stärker gefährdet:
20070327             die Tropen mit ihrem ungeheuren Artenreichtum in den ausgedehnten Regenwäldern Amazoniens und Indonesiens.
20070327             im Laufe des 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20070327             Die Folgen sind längst beschworen: tauende Dauerfrostböden, schrumpfende Gletscher, der Eisbär und die klassische Jagdkultur der Inuit ohne Zukunft.
20070327             Spitzenverdiener: Ackermanns Jahresgehalt steigt auf 13,2 Millionen Euro
20070327             Folgen der Erderwärmung: Forscher fürchten VERLUST—VON—KOMPLETTEN—KLIMAZONEN
20070327             Chimärismus: Affen vererben Gene ihrer Geschwister
20070327             Wahlen in Québec: Ohrfeige für die Separatisten
20070327             Die künftigen Autisten wollen und brauchen keine Familie, sie leben
20070327             "ICH " --- Professor DAVID—RAY—GRIFFIN is THE—NEMESIS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL 20010911             —CONSPIRACY theory.
20070327             In his latest book, Debunking 20010911             —DEBUNKING, Griffin destroys the credibility of the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports,
20070327             annihilates his critics + proves himself to be 1—BETTER—SCIENTIST and engineer than THE—DEFENDERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—STORY.
20070327             —DIVIDED, GRIFFIN—BOOK is 385—PAGES, into 4—CHAPTERS and containing 1,209 footnotes.
20070327             Without question, the book is the most thorough presentation and examination of all known facts about the 20010911             —ATTACKS.
20070327             Griffin is 1—PERSON who is sensitive to evidence, logic + scientific reasoning.
20070327             There is no counterpart on the official SIDE—OF—THE—STORY who is as fully informed on all ASPECTS—OF—THE—ATTACKS as Griffin.
20070327             -In 1—REPORT released ON — IT was disclosed that PAKISTAN has been rewarded for its warm friendship with Mr.
20070327             —FAVORED, BUSH by being made the most, beneficiary of 1—NEW—POST—20010911             —PROGRAM that the Defense Department informally refers to as the Coalition Support Funds (CSF).
20070327             —HAVE—HELPED, CSF sends money to those countries that, in the fight against terrorism.
20070327             —PRECEDED, According to the report, in THE—3—YEARS that, 20010911             , PAKISTAN received $9.1—MILLION in military aid.
20070327             THE—,3—YEARS—AFTER 20010911             —IT received $4.2—BILLION in military aid.
20070327             —RECEIVED, Only ISRAEL and EGYPT, more aid.
20070327             —BEFORE 20010911             —PAKISTAN received less military aid than ESTONIA or PANAMA.
20070327             —HAS—RECEIVED, —SINCE 20010911             —PAKISTAN, more than $10—BILLION in overall aid including military aid.
20070327             A Glimpse Into GOVERNMENT—ALI—AL—SARRAF - Daily Impeachment News:
20070327             PHOTO—OF—LEVITT.: - Rosa LUXEMBURG -... - Why IRAN Seized UNITED—KINGDOM—MARINES
20070327             and THE—BUSH—CHENEY '04 Campaign
20070327             —FOLLOWING example was cited: " - others
20070327             —PRIOR—TO her dismissal.
20070327             sfux Malte Olschewski- - the fact THAT—THE gulf of TONKIN—TO sworn testimony
20070327             In addition, the Committee requests that you or your designee meet with Committee staff —DURING THE—WEEK—OF—20070402             , to discuss the —FOLLOWING 5—MATTERS:
20070327             Bribery watchdog meets to rule on UK—ACTION over BAE scandal.
20070327             —PASSED, UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKERS unanimously, 1—EMERGENCY—BILL to preserve THE—NORTH—IRELAND Assembly and permit its Protestant and Catholic leaders to forge 1—HISTORIC—ADMINISTRATION by 1—NEW—20070508              deadline.
20070327             UK—WRECK could yield $1-billion in treasure
20070327             Knot knowledge ties together human HISTORY—NICE article.
20070327             The secret WHITE—HOUSE—COMUNICATION—SYSTEM
20070327             THE—WHITE—HOUSE has its own internal email system, ending in suffix, as mandated by the Presidential Records Act.
20070327             The law requires that public business be conducted on 1—PUBLIC—SERVER.
20070327             Yet documents made public in THE—COURSE—OF—THE—USA—ATTORNEY—PURGE scandal reveal that key Administration figures used such email addresses ending with "gwb43_com".
20070327             He was the ultimate keeper of secrets, lurking in THE—SHADOWS—OF—USA—HISTORY.
20070327             —PLANNED, He toppled banana republics, the Bay of Pigs invasion + - led the Watergate BREAK—IN.
20070327             —NOW he would reveal what he'd always kept hidden: who killed JFK.
20070327             Via Covert History.
20070327             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX
20070327             —ACCUSED, Embattled AG —NOW, in sex scandal 'COVER—UP'
20070327             I know what you were THINKING—THIS ATTORNEY—GENERAL controversy —JUST doesn't have enough gay pedophilia to be 1—PROPER—REPUBLICAN scandal.
20070327             Well fret no more!
20070327             And this is from World Net DAILY—THEY'RE —JUST to the right of Genghis Khan.
20070327             Gonzales must really be in trouble.
20070327             THE—LAIR—OF—FANG—FACE—DREAMWEAVER—NOAM Chomsky Quotations File:
20070327             Manufacturing Consent: THE—POLITICAL—ECONOMY—OF—THE—MASS—MEDIA—EDWARD—S—HERMAN & Noam Chomsky -19880000             ISBN 0-679-72034-0
20070327             THE—LAIR—OF—FANG—FACE—DREAMWEAVER—GEORGE W Bush Quotations File.
20070327             It is 1—TIME—OF sorrow + sadness —WHEN we lose 1—LOSS—OF—LIFE.-PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—JUNIOR...
20070327             DAILY—NOTES " WordPress_com —TAG Feed
20070327             Source: NPQ. That it is only for the middle class".
20070327             NEWSPAPER—BY Earth_News Kissinger is 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ASHKENAZI—JEW ish elite that can trace its bloodline...
20070327             TIMOTHY—F—GEITHNER... - Encyclopedia entries —STARTING with TIM
20070327             Nazi s in the Attic
20070327             Then the government went —AFTER the Harriman 15—HOLDING Company, which Bush shared with his FATHER—IN—LAW, Bert Walker, THE—HAMBURG—AMERIKA Line...
20070327             WTO | World Trade Organization: WTO/GATT Bush and WWII page
20070327             THE—HARRIMAN 15—CORPORATION (GEORGE—WALKER, PRESIDENT, Prescott Bush + Averell Harriman, sole directors) held 1—SUBSTANTIAL—STAKE in the Silesian...
20070327             ALEX—JONES/infowars_com THE—BUSH—NAZI Connection
20070327             Article showing Skull and Bones members, E. R. Harriman + Prescott S. Bush (THE—PRESIDENT—GRANDFATHER.) tied to HITLER—FUNDING and Banking.
20070327             ALFRED—MENDES on THE—HISTORY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH, family and friends...
20070327             PROBERT—EVVIVA gli uomini bianchi e intelligenti
20070327             EDWARD—BERNAYS : Information from Answers_com
20070327             In "Propaganda "- his most important book,
20070327             —ARGUED, Bernays, that the scientific MANIPULATION—OF—PUBLIC opinion...
20070327             Speakers CORNER—TERRORISMUS in EUROPA
20070327             Quote: "Obviously 1—PUBLIC—PERSONALITY can be made absurd by misuse of the very mechanism which helped create it".
20070327             — EDWARD—BERNAYS, Propaganda, 19280000             , pg 166.
20070327             BERNAYS—PROPAGANDA (how the media molds your mind) ( 19280000             )
20070327             KISSINGER—EXTRADITION to URUGUAY sought over Operation Condor :
20070327             WASHINGTON restive as Chávez plans pioneer bank :
20070327             —UNTIL—RECENTLY, few took seriously PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ—IDEA—OF setting up 1—NEW—SOUTH—USA—DEVELOPMENT—BANK to rival the continent's main lending institutions.
20070327             GENERAL—MOTORS—CROPS—CAUSE 'breakdown' in INDIA—FARMING systems : Genetically modified crops have helped cause a "complete breakdown" in farming systems in INDIA, 1—AUTHORITATIVE new study suggests.
20070327             —CAUTIONED, Police told Blair would resign if :
20070327             Police officers investigating THE—CASH—FOR—HONOURS scandal wanted to interview TONY—BLAIR under caution but
20070327             backed off —AFTER being warned that it could lead to his resignation, THE—SUNDAY—TELEGRAPH can reveal.
20070327             Gonzales should be impeached : Gonzales, the nation's highest legal officer, has been point man for serial assaults against THE—RULE—OF—LAW, most —RECENTLY in the crude attempt to politicize criminal prosecutions.
20070327             —COMMITTED, Obstruction of 1—PROSECUTION is 1—FELONY, even —WHEN, by THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL
20070327             Republican support for ATTORNEY—GENERAL erodes:
20070327             —ERODED, Republican support for ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES
20070327             —SUNDAY as 3—KEY—SENATORS sharply questioned his truthfulness + 1—DEMOCRAT joined THE—LIST—OF—LAWMAKERS who want him to resign over the firing of 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS.
20070327             New passport applicants must go for interviews:
20070327             Information to be checked against personal dossier
20070327             —TRACKED, NEW—YORK police reportedly, activists bound for GOP convention : THE—NEW—YORK police department is defending itself against allegations it sent undercover officers to spy on groups planning protests at 20040000             —THE—REPUBLICAN—NATIONAL—CONVENTION.
20070327             Terror Database Has Quadrupled In —4—YEARS. THE—SLAVERY—OF—DEBT:
20070327             —COVERED, How much poverty + real economic pain is, up by 1—ENDLESS—SUCCESSION—OF—PAY—DAY—LOANS + EZ—FINANCE—RIP—OFFS that
20070327             eventually —JUST bury people under MOUNTAINS—OF—DEBT from which they have little chance of digging themselves out
20070327             I - s THE—USA—EMPIRE on THE—BRINK—OF—COLLAPSE?
20070327             USA—MILITARY—EXPERT—CHALMERS Johnson argues the catastrophe in IRAQ + the staggering cost of running 1—MILITARY that stretches across 130—COUNTRIES on 737—BASES may finally cost AMERICA ITS empire.
20070327             Behind enemy lines with the Taliban of Helmand :
20070327             3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—TALIBAN waging WAR—ON—UK—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN tell CHRIS—SANDS why they feel they have no choice but to take up arms against the 'foreign invaders'
20070327             War pimp report: Exclusive: Iranians Had Showdown With USA—FORCES :
20070327             USA—TROOPS, acting as advisers for IRAQ—BORDER—GUARDS, were —RECENTLY surrounded and attacked by 1—LARGER—UNIT—OF—IRAN—SOLDIERS, well within the border of IRAQ.
20070327             IRAN 'to try Britons for espionage' : 1—WEBSITE—RUN by associates of MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD, THE—IRAN—PRESIDENT, reported last night that the Britons would be put —BEFORE 1—COURT and indicted.
20070327             Analysis: IRAN—PRESIDENT—AHMADINEJAD sends 1—SIGNAL : The possibility that UK—ROYAL—MARINES were inside IRAN—TERRITORIAL—WATERS—WHEN they were abducted should not be entirely discounted.
20070327             But it would be naive to think that the incident in the Persian Gulf was COINCIDENTAL—ESPECIALLY in view of its timing.
20070327             Blair warns IRAN over fate of 15—DETAINEES:
20070327             —CAPTURED, PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR said —SUNDAY that THE—15—UK—SAILORS and marines, by IRAN had not been in IRAN—WATERS +
20070327             he warned TEHRAN that BRITAIN viewed their fate as a "fundamental" issue.
20070327             Intelligence chiefs TOLD—OF—IRAN—REPRISAL—THREAT :
20070327             IRAN Warns Of Nuclear Program Confrontation 'Consequences' :
20070327             —CRITICIZED, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ON—SUNDAY, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL for imposing new SANCTIONS—AGAINST—HIS—COUNTRY for refusing to halt uranium enrichment, warning confrontation "will have its own consequences".
20070327             IRAN to restrict cooperation with UN nuclear watchdog :
20070327             IRAN is to restrict its cooperation with THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG in retaliation for the Security Council sanctions over its disputed atomic programme, 1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN announced —ON—SUNDAY.
20070327             —SUPPLIED, Areva denies unit, IRAN with enriched uranium :
20070327             —DENIED, FRANCE—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—GROUP—AREVA, 1—REPORT in 1—GERMANY—MAGAZINE that 1—SUBSIDIARY was flouting UNITED—NATIONS sanctions by providing IRAN with enriched uranium.
20070327             TV Evangelist JOHN—HAGEE—WANTS—WAR—WITH—IRAN + He Wants It —NOW!
20070327             If anyone still thinks that the radical END—TIMES "prophecy" movement is not 1—THREAT to peace and stability, think again.
20070327             Hagel: SOME—SEE impeachment as option:
20070327             PRESIDENT—BUSH is flouting Congress + the public, so angering lawmakers that SOME—CONSIDER impeachment 1—OPTION over his war policy, 1—SENATOR—FROM—BUSH—OWN—PARTY said —SUNDAY.
20070327             Cheney assures early IRAQ pullout won't be allowed : USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY has assured political allies that 1—EARLY—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES from IRAQ would not be allowed, despite efforts by Congress to impose 1—DEADLINE on USA combat operations there.
20070327             Gang mayhem grips LA : 1—BLOODY—CONFLICT between Hispanic and black gangs is spreading across LOS—ANGELES.
20070327             Hundreds are dying as whole districts face THE—THREAT—OF—ETHNIC cleansing.
20070327             —NOW scientists create 1—SHEEP that's 15% human : Scientists have created the world's 1. HUMAN—SHEEP CHIMERA—WHICH has THE—BODY—OF—1—SHEEP and HALF—HUMAN—ORGANS.
20070327             Betrayed! -By Cindy SHEEHAN—GOLD—STAR—FAMILIES for PEACE—THE—DEMOCRATIC—CONGRESS betrayed USA—VOTERS, the troops in IRAQ and extended the occupation for at least another —18—MONTHS.
20070327             1—OPEN—LETTER to THE—PRESIDENT...4 and 1—HALF—YEARS—LATER
20070327             You say we've kept THE—WAR—ON—TERROR off our shores by responding to 1—CRIMINAL—ACT—OF—TERROR through state sponsored unilateral aggression in 1—COUNTRY that took no part in that initial crime.
20070327             That this war would be fought in IRAQ or fought here.
20070327             They are not our toilet.
20070327             They are 1—COUNTRY—OF—HUMAN—BEINGS whose lives, —WHILE once oppressed by Saddam, are —NOW lived in DANTE—INFERNO.
20070327             FINGERPRINTS—OF—HISTORY - -Gamal Nkrumah and MOHAMED—EL—SAYED interviewr ROBERT—FISK
20070327             "There is 1—COUNTRY in the region that has lots of Taliban supporters, lots of AL—QAEDA supporters, whose capital city is in constant chaos and sectarian crisis + it has got a [nuclear] bomb -- it's called PAKISTAN,"
20070327             Fisk told AL—AHRAM—WEEKLY.
20070327             "But GENERAL—MUSHARRAF is our (the West's) friend.
20070327             What will happen if Musharraf goes?
20070327             PAKISTAN is 1—OF—THE—MOST fragile and dangerous areas," he ponders ominously.
20070327             Terrorized by 'WAR—ON—TERROR' -
20070327             How a 3—WORD—MANTRA Has Undermined AMERICA—BY Zbigniew Brzezinski
20070327             —CREATED, The "WAR—ON—TERROR" has, 1—CULTURE—OF—FEAR in AMERICA.
20070327             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ELEVATION—OF these 3—WORDS into 1—NATIONAL mantra —SINCE the horrific events of 20010911             has had 1—PERNICIOUS—IMPACT on USA—DEMOCRACY, on AMERICA—PSYCHE and on USA standing in the world.
20070327             —UNDERMINED, Using this phrase has actually, our ability to effectively confront the real challenges we face from fanatics who may use terrorism against us.
20070327             Arundhati Roy : On INDIA—GROWING—VIOLENCE: 'It's Outright War and Both Sides are Choosing Their Weapons' : 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ARUNDHATI—ROY, conducted by Shoma Chaudhury of Tehelka.
20070327             —LINKED, CIA claims COLOMBIA—ARMY, terrorists : THE—CIA has obtained new intelligence that THE—HEAD—OF—COLOMBIA—AMERICA BACKED army collaborated extensively with RIGHT—WING militias that THE—USA—CONSIDERS terrorist organizations, including 1—MILITIA headed by 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LEADING drug traffickers.
20070327             More Veterans Calling THE—STREETS—HOME:
20070327             1—ESTIMATED 200,000—USA—WAR—VETERANS—ARE—HOMLESS
20070327             —JAMMED, USA—ARMY '' Swiss and FRANCE—SATELLITES:
20070327             in 1—ATTEMPT to shut down 1—IRAQI—TV—STATION, according to 1—SWITZERLAND—NEWSPAPER.
20070327             ROBERT—NOVAK: Bush Alone: With nearly —2—YEARS remaining in his presidency, GEORGE—W—BUSH is alone.
20070327             THE—HAUNTING—LEGACY—OF—SLAVERY : Here in LONDON,
20070327             MANY—PEOPLE are making 1—PRETTY—BIG—DEAL out of the 200. anniversary of an
20070327             NATO—POTTY rules shut out Afghans:
20070327             Under 1—BIZARRE—POLICY that echoes THE—DAYS—OF—SEGREGATION in THE—USA, Afghans who work at THE—NATO—BASE at KANDAHAR Airfield must use separate toilets marked "local nationals only".
20070327             IRAN—NAVY begins maneuvers in Persian GULF—NATIONAL TV :
20070327             Soros Drops Out of AIPAC COUNTER—LOBBY—INITIATIVE: GEORGE—SOROS, —AFTER writing 1—BLISTERING—NY—REVIEW—OF—BOOKS essay slamming AIPAC—PERNICIOUS—INFLUENCE on USA Mideast policy, disappointed liberal Jew s by announcing he would not fund 1—PROJECT simmering over the past —6—MONTHS to create 1—JEW ish COUNTER—LOBBY to AIPAC:
20070327             Netanyahu tells UN—BAN Arab peace initiative unacceptable :
20070327             "Not 1—SINGLE—REFUGEE will return," the Likud leader told MISTER—BAN, referring
20070327             —BACKED, UK aides, study that placed IRAQ death toll at more than 600,000:
20070327             —BACKED, UK—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, the methodology used by researchers who concluded that more than 600,000 Iraqis had been killed —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion 20030000             , THE—BBC reported —MONDAY
20070327             —ADVISED, IRAQ—DEATHS—SURVEY 'was robust' : THE—UK—GOVERNMENT was, against publicly criticising 1—REPORT estimating that 655,000 Iraqis had † due to the war, THE—BBC has learnt.
20070327             UNITED—NATIONS may build camps for refugees fleeing IRAQ, official says : Already about 2—MILLION—IRAQIS are living under difficult conditions in SYRIA—JORDAN and other countries in the region, where they are placing 1—HEAVY—BURDEN on their hosts, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for Refugees' director for THE—MIDDLE—EAST and NORTH—AFRICA SAID.
20070327             USA documentary shows everyday abuse of ABU—GHRAIB : The interrogations innocent Iraqis like Abbas suffer EVERY—DAY deserve as much attention as the —NOW infamous PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—ABUSE at ABU—GHRAIB, Tucker said.
20070327             USA—TALKS to IRAQ rebels over ANTI—QAEDA front: - USA and IRAQ—OFFICIALS have held contacts with Sunni Arab insurgent groups to build 1—ALLIANCE against al Qaeda, the outgoing USA—AMBASSADOR said —ON—MONDAY, in 1—OPENING to what he called "more patriotic" groups.
20070327             Insurgents loot arms dumps:
20070327             were still being looted by insurgents in search of explosives + ammunition
20070327             as late as last - 00.Oct2005 according to 1—DAMNING new report by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—OFFICE (GAO).
20070327             2—USA, 1—FRANCE—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER in Gulf region : THE—USA + FRANCE have bolstered their naval presence in the Gulf region to 3—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—GROUPS to support operations in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, USA and FRANCE—NAVAL—SOURCES said —ON—MONDAY.
20070327             Blair: IRAN must free naval prisoners in days : —TODAY—MEETINGS followed TONY—BLAIR—WARNING last night that IRAN has only 1—FEW days to find 1—DIPLOMATIC—SOLUTION to the escalating crisis over THE—15—MISSING UK—SAILORS and Marines.
20070327             UK—FORCES—ADMIT Aggression against IRAN—TERRITORIAL—WATERS : ALIREZA—AFSHAR concluded by saying that THE—USA and its allies are aware that in case they make 1—MISTAKE in their estimations and invade the Islamic IRAN, they will not be able to control the dimensions and PERIOD—OF—THE—WAR,
20070327             USA—TROOPS 'would have fought IRAN—CAPTORS' : 1—SENIOR—USA—COMMANDER—IN—THE—GULF has said his men would have fired on THE—IRAN—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD rather than let themselves be taken hostage.
20070327             IRAN would be attacked at the beginning of —APRIL (RUSSIA—MILITARY—EXPERTS):
20070327             According to THE—RUSSIA—WEEKLY—MAGAZINE—ARGOUMENTY nedeli, 1—MILITARY action will proceed —DURING the 1. —WEEK—OF—APRIL
20070327             —ALLEGED, Chavez asks world to halt, planned USA—ATTACK on IRAN : "THE—EMPIRE is moving aircraft carriers and has been moving troops on IRAN," said Chavez, speaking on his broadcast programme "Hello, MISTER—PRESIDENT" —YESTERDAY.
20070327             JUSTIN—RAIMONDO : THE—COMING—WAR—WITH—IRAN : Is it inevitable?
20070327             THE—LOBBY is pushing hard on this 1, and, politically, the War Party has lined up the leadership of both the Democrats and the Republicans, as PELOSI—CAPITULATION on THE—IRAN proviso makes all too clear.
20070327             USA—FUNDS terror groups to sow chaos in IRAN:
20070327             AMERICA is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in IRAN in 1—ATTEMPT to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.
20070327             Prepared for struggle with the West, Iranians shrug off new sanctions : Prepared for 1—LONG and bitter struggle with THE—WEST—IRAN reacted with apparent indifference —SUNDAY to the latest round of UNITED—NATIONS sanctions, with normal citizens brushing them off and the government vowing that IRAN was strong enough to withstand them.
20070327             —RESUMED, IRAN resumes FINANCING—OF—BUSH ehr NPP : TEHRAN has, FINANCING—OF—THE—BUSH ehr nuclear power plant RUSSIA is building in SOUTH—IRAN, 1—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL said —MONDAY.
20070327             to which IRAN remains 1—SIGNATORY state + that THE—IAEA itself has found no INDICATION—OF—ANY—NUCLEAR—MATERIAL being diverted to military purposes.
20070327             THE—MORAL—IMPERATIVE
20070327             —INTENDED, THE—USA—MIDDLE—EAST—POLICY is also, to suppress the enemies of radical Zionism and to extend Zionist control of the region, as well as to prop up the sagging USA—DOLLAR against the strengthening euro.
20070327             IRAN—BRITAIN Conflict Shows the Dangers of Our Ongoing Presence in IRAQ
20070327             AFGHANISTAN Proves It - Nothing But Fascists
20070327             —FORCED, Never in modern history has country been, to pay for its death, torture + destruction with its own MONEY—ITS—OWN—OIL—REVENUES.
20070327             Democracy Dreaming
20070327             THE—COMMON—DENOMINATOR—BY EMILY—SPENCE—GOVERNMENTAL and other world leaders are surprisingly silent —WHEN it comes to citing overpopulation as 1—ULTIMATE—CAUSE—OF sweeping planetary destruction.
20070327             KARL—RADEK: DEUTSCHLAND—IMPERIALISMUS u. Arbeiterklasse (Kap.3)
20070327             Bismarck [16] stand den FRAGEN—DER—KAPITALISTISCHEN—KOLONIALPOLITIK... Dies verursachte noch vor dem Berliner Kongress 1—ANNÄHERUNG—ITALIENS an... www.marxists_org/deutsch/archiv/radek/1911/imper/kap03.htm
20070327             Sanity from 1—MAD—MAN—FORMER—MAD—MAGAZINE AL—FELDSTEIN (the guy who brought us the sublime Mort Drucker) has SOME—DECIDEDLY rational thoughts on THE—IRAQ war.
20070327             He lays the blame directly at the feet of THE—PNAC crowd.
20070327             Back to JANE—HUNTER::
20070327             —RESPECTED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—POLICY, by the highly, AUTHOR—JANE—HUNTER,
20070327             PUBLISHED—DID the Abramoff investigators know about this alternative communication system?
20070327             I think not.
20070327             If that fact were known + if those secret emails to Casino Jack came to light, might someone in THE—WH be looking at jail time?
20070327             Perhaps. This should be 1—HUGE—STORY, folks.
20070327             —ON the other hand, if all email pertinent to that —TRANSACTION went through THE—RNC servers, then we know that we're talking about something other than furniture.
20070327             —RECEIVED, Laura Rozen, the —FOLLOWING relevant message from 1—CONGRESS ional staffer:
20070327             "—WHILE this is 1—OPTION not open to WHITE—HOUSE—STAFF,
20070327             because their servers block such programs,
20070327             other Executive Branch officials in the various Cabinet Departments are also known to use the various free email programs like Hotmail and Yahoo to email sensitive issues.
20070327             This is not necessarily because they are doing anything wrong, but
20070327             because folks are aware that emails sent on the formal servers are archived forever + they do not want their emails to be dredged up months or years —LATER — as is the case —TODAY with the Justice Department ".
20070327             Gonzales aide to invoke 5. Amendment
20070327             THE—UNCOMMON—WISDOM—OF—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, Hardcover includes Additional DVD
20070327             Citing evidence that senior WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS are using RNC and other political email accounts to avoid leaving 1—RECORD—OF—OFFICIAL—COMMUNICATIONS, HENRY—WAXMAN directs the Republican National COMMITTEE—AND—THE—BUSH—CHENEY ?04—CAMPAIGN to preserve THE—EMAILS—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS and to meet with House Committee staff to explain how the accounts are managed and what steps are being taken to protect the emails from destruction and tampering.
20070327             —DEPLOYED, Army, seriously injured troops: Soldiers on crutches and canes were sent to 1—MAIN—DESERT—CAMP used for IRAQ training.
20070327             Military experts say the Army was pumping up manpower statistics to show 1—BRIGADE was battle ready.
20070327             BILL—MAHER: New rule -- traitors don't get to question my patriotism.
20070327             If you like Maher or not, this commentary is absolutely spot on!
20070327             Accused of failing to prosecute OFFICERS—OF—THE—TEXAS—YOUTH—COMMISSION—AFTER 1—INVESTIGATION documented sexually abuse of minor boy inmates.
20070327             Say, aren't those puppet strings?
20070327             Republican SENATOR—HAGEL: SOME—SEE—IMPEACHMENT as Option.
20070327             How About Impeachment and Life in Jail?
20070327             1—REPORT into Army Ranger Pat TILLMAN—DEATH recommends action be taken against officers who passed on misleading + inaccurate information and delayed reporting their belief that he was killed by his fellow soldiers.
20070327             GWB43 is becoming 1—BIG deal...
20070327             Here (thanks TO—HOOT—OF—DU) is the incriminating email proving that THE—WHITE—HOUSE and JACK—ABRAMOFF used private email servers to bypass the law.
20070327             If you can't read it, click on the image for 1—LARGER—VERSION.
20070327             —TODAY—BIG—NEWS: House Oversight Chairman HENRY—WAXMAN has directed THE—RNC to preserve all emails involving WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS.
20070327             —ASKED, Waxman also, the key question: (5) What assurance can THE—RNC provide the Committee that no E—MAILS involving official WHITE—HOUSE—BUSINESS have been destroyed or altered.
20070327             The answer is obvious: None.
20070327             —NOTED, THE—EXPANDED, VERSION—OF—MY piece on GWB43, I, THE—RNC—SERVER, Smartech, merged years ago with 1—COMPANY owned by Mercer Reynolds, GEORGE—W—BUSH—LONG—TIME—FRIEND + CHIEF fundraiser.
20070327             —PLACED, History is thus, within purely partisan hands.
20070327             —CONNECTED, Page 1 Is your department, to the arms trade?
20070327             BRISTOL... - —FOLLOWING example was cited: "
20070327             —APPOINTED, Chair, to new Defence Science and Technology Laboratory...
20070327             Dstl BOARD is responsible for developing 1—STRATEGY + overseeing + scrutinizing the plans + PERFORMANCE—OF—DSTL, an MoD Trading Fund.
20070327             destroyed and that that is 1—GREAT—NATIONAL—SCANDAL.
20070327             DSTL partners develop security scanners +...
20070327             In addition to DSTL Porton + the Health Pro-... - Limbicnutrition Weblog: IRAQ Archives
20070327             —CONDUCTED, In recent years intensive research has been, at Dstl to find 1—HIGHLY...
20070327             —DEVELOPED, Dstl scientists have, 1—REVOLUTIONARY—ELECTRIC—ARMOUR—SYSTEM...
20070327             Defence Evaluation and Research AGENCY—FACTBITES
20070327             ROBERT—WILLUMSTAD, PRESIDENT + CHIEF operating officer, said Citigroup had been dealing with "reputational issues" with the aim of making the bank "the...
20070327             —TRAPPED, MARIA—FLORES felt, -
20070327             ROBERT—WILLUMSTAD... another Commercial veteran, is CITIGROUP—PRESIDENT.
20070327             —MENTIONED, Both have been, as 1—POSSIBLE—HEIR—APPARENT.
20070327             These are tough times... - FTR—293—RETROSPECTIVE on the Balkans War(s) (2—30—MINUTE...
20070327             —PRESENTED, THE—BORMANN group is 1—PRIMARY—ELEMENT—OF—THE—ANALYSIS, in the For the...
20070327             Alija Izetbegovic was 1—MEMBER—OF + recruiter for the Hanjar Division!...
20070327             THE—LECTURE—SERIES
20070327             Serving in the ranks of Hanjar + recruiting for the division as well... that the Bush family may very well be deeply involved with the Bormann group.
20070327             Amazon_com: MARTIN—BORMANN: Nazi in Exile: Books: PAUL—MANNING
20070327             Upon THE—GERMANY—SURRENDER, Dulles was instrumental in quietly recruiting Hitler's... the Bormann group successfully pressured PUBLISHER—AFTER—PUBLISHER to...
20070327             DOUGLAS—MULLER — JAKE—MULLER : ZoomInfo Business People Information Muller, Eric, SOUTH—COMPANY—SERVICES, INCORPORATED "MOST—OF—OUR recruiters ' days... HEINRICH—MULLER (DIRECTOR—OF—SECURITY for the Bormann group ) arranged for...
20070327             JIM—FOREMAN — MIA—FOREMAN : ZoomInfo Business People Information... GERMANY—CORPORATIONS (under CONTROL—OF—THE—BORMANN group ) function as coordinated... She worked as 1—BAPTIST recruiter, compensation analyst and an HR.
20070327             —OBSERVED, Himalayan glacier melting, from space
20070327             THE—HIMALAYA, the ?ROOF—OF—THE—WORLD?, source of THE—7—LARGEST—RIVERS—OF—ASIA are, like other mountain chains, suffering the effects of global warming.
20070327             To assess the extent of melting of its 33 000—KM2 of glaciers, scientists have been using 1—PROCESS they have been pioneering for SOME—YEARS.
20070327             —DERIVED, SATELLITE—IMAGERY, glacier surface topographies obtained at intervals of 1—FEW years were adjusted and compared.
20070327             Pulsing light silences overactive neurons Scientists at THE—MIT—MEDIA—LAB have invented 1—WAY to reversibly silence brain cells using pulses of yellow light, offering the prospect of controlling the haywire neuron activity that occurs in diseases such as epilepsy and PARKINSON—DISEASE.
20070327             Scientists bend liquid with POWER—OF—LIGHT 1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS have found 1—WAY to bend and direct liquid using only THE—FORCE—OF—LIGHT, according to 1—STUDY that will be published —FRIDAY.
20070327             Scientists Discover Concept Cells for "Nest" in the Mouse Brain 1—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS led by BOSTON UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—MEDICINE (BUSM) neurobiologist JOE—Z—TSIEN, PhD, report they have identified brain cells in mice that are involved in THE—ENCODING—OF—THE—CONCEPT—OF ?nest?
20070327             or ?bed.?
20070327             —PUBLISHED, The discovery, in —THIS—WEEK`s early edition of National PROCEEDINGS—OF—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, provides crucial insight into how the brain generates concepts and abstract knowledge from daily experiences.
20070327             With cellulosic ethanol, there is no food vs. fuel debate according to MSU scientist As more and more corn grain is diverted to make ethanol, there have been public concerns about food shortages.
20070327             However, ethanol made from cellulosic materials instead of corn grain, renders the food vs. fuel debate moot, according to research by 1—MICHIGAN—STATE—UNIVERSITY ethanol expert.
20070327             1—LOST—WAR; 1—FAILED—PRESIDENCY—THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—REPUBLICANS must take the blame for losing this war in IRAQ.
20070327             They have had 1—FREE—HAND up —UNTIL—NOW + they still can't do anything right.
20070327             BILL—O'REILLY: Perjury No Longer A Crime
20070327             —ON his Radio Factor —TODAY, Bill opened up by saying that Monica Goodling, 1—AIDE to ATTORNEY—GENERAL, was "smart" to refuse to testify in Senate hearings investigating the firing of 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS.
20070327             —BACKED, Bill, up his belief, by saying, "Scooter Libby didn't commit ANY—CRIME" and that "nobody can remember everything".
20070327             BUSH—HOT—AIR on Global Warming BUSH—REFUSAL to take the perils of global warming seriously shows how bankrupt the administration is —WHEN it comes to national security.
20070327             Impeachment, like —SPRING, is in the Air —UNTIL—RECENTLY, it wasn't talked about in polite company + key Democrats have been working hard to bury the idea, but —NOW, like the crocuses and daffodils, like the cherry blossoms and lilac buds, talk of presidential impeachment is breaking out all over.
20070327             INTERNATIONAL observers find fault with 20060000             USA—ELECTION and call for Congress ional reform
20070327             —CALLED, The "HELSINKI observers" have, for broad election reforms in THE—USA—FOLLOWING 1—INTERNATIONAL monitoring team review of 20061100             —THE election
20070327             Time to Change THE—BACK—CHANNEL—SUNDAY—NY—TIMES—MAGAZINE—COVER—STORY by MAX—FRANKEL is the most recent and stunning EXAMPLE—OF—THE—TIMES ' weird worldview.
20070327             The paper's former executive editor concludes that "the real lesson" of the recent Scooter Libby trial is that WASHINGTON's "black market in information" is 1—EVIL—NECESSARY for democracy.
20070327             Cassini Probes the Hexagon On Saturn
20070327             Riding with Robots sends us to 1—NASA page with photos of 1—LITTLE—UNDERSTOOD hexagonal shape surrounding SATURN—NORTH—POLE.
20070327             "This is 1—VERY—STRANGE—FEATURE, lying in 1—PRECISE—GEOMETRIC fashion with 6—NEARLY equally straight sides," said KEVIN—BAINES, MEMBER—OF—CASSINI—VISUAL and infrared mapping spectrometer team.
20070327             "We've never seen anything like this on ANY—OTHER—PLANET".
20070327             —DISCOVERED, This structure was, by the Voyager probes over —20—YEARS—AGO (here's an —18—YEAR—OLD—NOTE on the mystery).
20070327             The fact that it's still in place means it is stable and LONG—LIVED.
20070327             Scientists have no idea what causes the hexagon.
20070327             It's nearly big enough to fit 4—EARTHS inside — comfortably larger than JUPITER—GREAT—RED—SPOT.
20070327             The article has 1—ANIMATION—OF—CLOUDS moving within the hexagon captured in infrared light.
20070327             Mind How You WALK—SOMEONE is Watching
20070327             "THE—TELEGRAPH has 1—OPINION article about the future of the extensive CCTV network in THE—UK.
20070327             Automated analysis of how and where people are walking or otherwise moving + what objects they carry or leave behind, flags THE—ATTENTION—OF—SECURITY—STAFF.
20070327             This is meant to preempt 1—CRIME and make suspects identifiable even by gait.
20070327             The technology is of questionable public benefit —SINCE street crime has not decreased despite the presence of CCTV.
20070327             '1—AIRPORT—CAMERA can be programmed to know what 1—DEPARTURE—HALL should look like, with THOUSANDS—OF—SEPARATE—MOVEMENTS.
20070327             1—SINGLE suitcase left for ANY—LENGTH—OF—TIME would trigger 1—ALARM.
20070327             —DEVELOPED, This technology was, for use in hotels to alert staff to 1—BREAKFAST tray left outside 1—ROOM.
20070327             Soon, it will be coming to 1—STREET—NEAR you.
20070327             —ATTACHED, Why not go the whole hog and have microphones, to cameras or embedded in street lights?'"
20070327             Government Dismissed IRAQ Death Toll Report In Full Knowledge It Was
20070327             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IT Was Likely Accurate Documents obtained by THE—BBC under 1—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT—REQUEST
20070327             Ominous Signs Suggest IRAN War Close
20070327             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SEIZURE—OF—UK—MARINES could be "Gulf of Tonkin" long yearned for by warmongers
20070327             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SECRET—PLAN—TO 'Gut' Endangered Species Act Revealed
20070327             A 117-page document obtained by Salon_com highlights a "secretive plan " by THE—USA—FISH and Wildlife Service (FWS) to "gut" the Endangered Species Act.
20070327             —CREDITED, The law, which is, with saving THE—USA—BALD Eagle from extinction," would be changed to limit THE—NUMBER—OF—SPECIES that can be protected," curtail preserved acres of wildlife habitat + "dilute legal barriers that protect habitat from sprawl, logging or mining".
20070327             —PROPOSED, These, changes are the latest in THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ATTEMPTS to weaken the Endangered Species Act in favor of special interests:
20070327             — Scientists pressured to alter findings. FWS scientists had been "
20070327             forced to alter or withhold findings that would have led to greater protections for endangered species," according to a 20050000             survey.
20070327             — Political appointees overruled scientists' findings in FAVOR—OF—INDUSTRY—POSITIONS.
20070327             Deputy Assistant SECRETARY—JULIE—MACDONALD consistently "rejected staff scientists' recommendations to protect imperiled animals and plants under the Endangered Species Act".
20070327             She called scientific studies "opinion" and told employees to treat them "as we would treat 1—INDUSTRY—PUBLICATION".
20070327             —ENDANGERED, FWS lists fewer, species under Bush.
20070327             —DASHED, Gonzales ' out' of Fitzgerald presser. THE—CHICAGO—TRIBUNE—REPORTS :
20070327             —DASHED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES, out of 1—CHICAGO news conference this afternoon in —JUST 2 and 1—HALF—MINUTES, ducking questions about how his OFFICE—GAVE—USA—ATTORNEY—PATRICK—FITZGERALD 1—SUBPAR rating.
20070327             Gonzales, who increasingly faces calls for his resignation, was here to promote 1—NEW ad campaign and had planned a —15—MINUTE—PRESS—AVAILABILITY.
20070327             He left —AFTER taking —JUST 3—QUESTIONS over 1—FIRING scandal consuming his administration.
20070327             —BEFORE leaving, Gonzales said he wanted to "reassure THE—USA—PEOPLE that nothing improper happened here".
20070327             UPDATE: At —YESTERDAY—APPEARANCE in DENVER,
20070327             reporters were barred from asking ANY—QUESTIONS.
20070327             GSA Administrator Lurita Doan To Employees: 'You Are THE—WIND—BENEATH—MY—WINGS'
20070327             Tomorrow, GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION—CHIEF—LURITA—DOAN will testify —BEFORE Congress about her potentially illegal activity.
20070327             House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) has discovered that
20070327             Monica Goodling 1—GRADUATE—OF—PAT—ROBERTSON—U
20070327             MCCLATCHY—REPORTS on Goodling, the top aide to ALBERTO—GONZALES who is taking the 5. Amendment:
20070327             Goodling, 33, is a 19950000             graduate Messiah College in Grantham, PENNSILVANIA, 1—INSTITUTION that describes itself as "committed to embracing 1—EVANGELICAL—SPIRIT".
20070327             She received her law degree at Regent UNIVERSITY—IN—VIRGINIA—BEACH, VIRGINIA Regent,
20070327             founded by "Christian " broadcaster Pat Robertson, says its mission is "to produce Christian leaders who will make 1—DIFFERENCE, who will change the world".
20070327             —INVOLVED, E—MAILS show that Goodling was, in planning the dismissals and in —LATER efforts to limit the negative reaction.
20070327             As the Justice DEPARTMENT—LIAISON to THE—WHITE—HOUSE, she could shed light on THE—EXTENT—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—INVOLVEMENT in the dismissals.
20070327             Report shows broad efforts to block climate research.
20070327             1—NEW—REPORT—DOCUMENTS "HUNDREDS—OF—INSTANCES" in which BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS—THROUGHOUT the government "engaged in WHITE—HOUSE—DIRECTED efforts to stifle, delay or dampen THE—RELEASE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—RESEARCH that casts THE—WHITE—HOUSE or its policies in 1—BAD—LIGHT, says 1—NEW—REPORT that purports to be the
20070327             most comprehensive assessment to DATE—OF—THE—SUBJECT.
20070327             THE—GOVERNMENT—ACCOUNTABILITY—PROJECT will release the report at 1—HOUSE—SCIENCE and Technology Committee hearing tomorrow.
20070327             It's not about 1—GUN. From his press conference —TODAY:
20070327             We do have 1—AMENDMENT on IRAN coming up over the next COUPLE—OF—DAYS.
20070327             —WORKED, It's something that I have, on for 1—GOOD—BIT—OF—TIME.
20070327             I hope in ALL—OF—THE—ATTENTION that's been given to the situation with my staff, we don't lose SIGHT—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—THAT—LEGISLATION.
20070327             And secondly, the other PIECE—OF—LEGISLATION that I have been working on with SENATOR—HAGEL, which will come to 1—VOTE over the next —2—DAYS.
20070327             Those are both important PIECES—OF—LEGISLATION + please, let's not forget that.
20070327             WEBB—IRAN bill would prevent PRESIDENT—BUSH from launching 1—WAR without explicit congress ional approval.
20070327             His IRAQ BILL—WITH—HAGEL focuses on "redeployment, training and equipment".
20070327             HE—RIGHT, those are important bills.
20070327             Warning: Endangered polar bears threaten 'all 50—STATES.'
20070327             THE—WEST—BUSINESS—ROUNDTABLE (run by 1—FORMER—EMPLOYEE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY ) has sent out 1—ACTIVIST—EMAIL warning of the "
20070327             major new threat to all businesses/industries " if the polar bear is added to the endangered species list:
20070327             Environmental extremists and activist lawyers are pushing THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to add the Polar Bear to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) list.
20070327             Such 1—LISTING would have major negative implications for virtually EVERY—BUSINESS and industry operation in THE—USA.
20070327             THE—ESA is 1—VERY—POWERFUL—LAW and could subject virtually ANY—HUMAN—ACTIVITY in ALL 50—STATES to review and regulation by USA—FISH and Wildlife Service (USFWS) bureaucrats if the Polar Bear is listed as threatened or endangered.
20070327             This will essentially declare "open season" for environmental lawyers to sue to block virtually ANY—PROJECT that involves carbon dioxide emissions.
20070327             Manure power goes live in TEXAS
20070327             —AFTER SOME—DELAYS, Microgy starts to ship natural gas made OUT—OF—COW manure.
20070327             bigger than enron : arthur levitt | PBS [New Window]photo of levitt:
20070327             —SCHON—JETZT zeige das Schema jedoch, dass es 1—CO—EVOLUTION zwischen Mensch und Karieserreger gegeben habe, sagten die Zahnforscher.
20070327             Dies bestätige auch die Theorie, dass der Mensch tatsächlich von AFRIKA aus nach ASIEN zog, um dann später die Welt zu besiedeln.
20070327             Ein ähnliches Beispiel für solch 1—CO—EVOLUTION liefert das
20070327             Magenbakterium Helicobacter pylori, den Menschen —SEIT 60.—000—JAHREN als blinden Passagier in sich tragen.
20070327             Ergebnis: Alle —HEUTE lebenden Karieserreger gehen auf einen einzigen gemeinsamen Vorfahren aus AFRIKA zurück und haben sich später zusammen mit dem Menschen AUSGEBREITET—ZUERST in ASIEN und dann in EUROPA.
20070327             Das berichteten Page Caufield von der NEW—YORK University und seine Kollegen auf dem Jahrestreffen der INTERNATIONAL Association for Dental Research in NEW—ORLEANS.
20070327             Für die Bankkunden werden grenzüberschreitende Überweisungen, Kartenzahlungen und Lastschriften in der EU künftig so einfach, als wenn sie ihr Geld innerhalb des eigenen Landes transferieren würden.
20070327             Ein problemloser Lastschrifteneinzug zum Bezahlen etwa der TELEFON—UND Stromrechnung über die Grenzen hinweg ist —BISHER nicht MÖGLICH—UND dementsprechend teuer.
20070327             Die EU—KOMMISSION rechnet mit 50—BIS 100—MILLIARDEN Euro niedrigeren Kosten pro —JAHR.
20070327             Die Geldhäuser werden mit der Rechtsrichtlinie zwar nicht gezwungen, auf die neuen Methoden umzustellen, haben sich aber freiwillig dazu verpflichtet.
20070327             Das Europäische Parlament wird voraussichtlich Ende —APRIL die entsprechende Richtlinie verabschieden.
20070327             PEHI—PROJECT for the Exposure of Hidden INSTITUTIONS—LE Cercle...
20070327             —BECAME, PORTER—GOSS, who knew BARRY—SEAL and —LATER, 1—CIA—DIRECTOR... Shackley was hired by oil BARON—JOHN—DEUSS to organise SHIPMENTS—OF—OIL to South...
20070327             Die Anrufer hätten das Lichtspektakel "flach und geräuschlos von Süden nach Norden dahinflitzen sehen", berichtet Walter.
20070327             Es habe sich um einen sogenannten FEUERBALL—BOLIDEN gehandelt,
20070327             der "über unserem Gebiet in der Hochatmosphäre eintrat und hier über einen weiten Korridor hinweg verglühte + sich schließlich in VIELE—KLEINE—TEILE auflöste", so Walter.
20070327             —INZWISCHEN—HABE 1—WETTERSTATION in der SCHWEIZ die Himmelserscheinung auf einem Foto bestätigt.
20070327             Auch IM—FORUM des "Arbeitskreis Meteore" wurden EINIGE—BILDER—DER—LICHTERSCHEINUNG veröffentlicht.
20070327             RUSSLAND—INSOLVENZFALL Jukos: Staatskonzern Rosneft ersteigert MILLIARDEN—ANTEIL für Spottpreis
20070327             USA—FINANZMINISTERIUM: Terrorverdacht statt KREDIT—ISRAEL: Im Schwitzkasten der Siedler
20070327             Flughafenkontrollen: Millionen Euro landen auf dem Sondermüll
20070327             Korruptionsverdacht: Großrazzia bei EU—BEAMTEN
20070327             Himmelserscheinung: Riesensternschnuppe löst UFO—ALARM aus
20070327             Verschleppte Briten: Blair kündigt härteres Vorgehen gegen IRAN an
20070327             Von AFRIKA in die Welt: Karies begleitete Menschen von —ANFANG an
20070327             —AUFGEHOBEN, FRANKREICH—STAATSBAHN: Entschädigungsurteil zu Deportationen
20070327             Energienotstand in NIGERIA: Öldorado geht der Strom aus
20070327             EU—FINANZMINISTER einig: Grenzen für Zahlungsverkehr fallen in EUROPA
20070327             EKEL—AMPHIBIE: Ganz AUSTRALIEN hasst die Monsterkröte - COOL—BG—SOURCE->Daily Impeachment News:
20070327             Although THE—VERMONT—SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE, Democrat Gaye Symington, does not want to take up the issue, her counterpart in the Senate, PRESIDENT—PRO—TEMP—PETER—SHUMLIN, called on the delegates to support impeachment.
20070327             —LOPSIDED, The vote was, with less than 8—VOTES against, THE—STATE—COMMITTEE also included Dick Cheney in their call for accountability + demanded that the legislature take up the issue in this session.
20070327             If MISTER—WELCH wants to get serious about ending this war, then he will recognize that Vermonters are on the right track with their calls for impeachment and he will honor our calls by working with his counterparts in WASHINGTON to initiate the impeachment proces.
20070327             —CLIPPED, Ho Hum — BG, from 1—GLIMPSE—INTO—GOVERNMENT
20070327             What those Justice Department emails really reveal.
20070327             Of all the reasons to be outraged at ALBERTO—GONZALES ' Justice Department, it's typical that it was the firing of 1—HANDFUL—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s that finally motivated Congress to perform its proper oversight function.
20070327             The charge is that Gonzalez and CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON fired the attorney s for overtly political reasons, such as S—DIEGO—USA—ATTORNEY—CAROL—LAM'S
20070327             Liberty. Ha.
20070327             - BG—SOURCE-> - Gonzales + Fitzgerald,- NICO—FACE to face.
20070327             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES is likely to face questions about the
20070327             allegedly mediocre STATUS—OF—USA Atty.
20070327             —SCHEDULED, PATRICK—FITZGERALD —WHEN he arrives here —TUESDAY for 1, round table discussion + press conference.
20070327             Gonzales is to appear for 1—ROUND—TABLE—DISCUSSION—OF—THE ["Project Safe Childhood" campaign] with Fitzgerald...
20070327             The mediocre rating has been the subject of much joking among prosecutors, FEDERAL—AGENTS, defense lawyers and the press in the city + especially at the building where Fitzgerald has earned accolades for sweeping public corruption investigations.
20070327             Aspirin Shows Benefit in Older Women
20070327             Aspirin in low to moderate doses may lower THE—RISK—OF—DEATH in women, particularly those who are older and prone to heart disease, a —24—YEAR—STUDY—OF nearly 80,000 women suggests.
20070327             Common fungicide causes LONG—TERM—CHANGES in mating behavior Female rats avoid males whose GREAT—GRANDFATHERS were exposed to 1—COMMON—FRUIT crop fungicide, preferring instead males whose ancestors were uncontaminated, researchers from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS at AUSTIN have discovered.
20070327             Genomics throws species definition in question for microbes —UNTIL —1—DECADE—AGO, scientists categorized microorganisms almost exclusively by their physical characteristics: how they looked, what they ate + THE—BY—PRODUCTS they produced.
20070327             With the advent of genomic sequencing and genetic analysis in the 1990s, our UNDERSTANDING—OF—THE—RELATIONSHIPS between different microorganisms fundamentally changed.
20070327             In light of this new knowledge, what exactly is the definition of 1—MICROBIAL species + how should microbiologists be categorizing microorganisms?
20070327             Geologist: S—HELENS an 'Open System'
20070327             MOUNT—S—HELENS may be —FOLLOWING the example of Kilauea in HAWAII with magma being replaced from 1—RESERVOIR beneath the volcano as fast as it emerges as lava at the surface, scientists say.
20070327             Gravity Measurements Help Melt Ice MYSTERIES—GREENLAND is cold + hot.
20070327             It's 1—DEEP freezer storing 10—PERCENT—OF—EARTH—ICE + 1—SUBJECT—OF fevered debate.
20070327             If something should melt all that ice, global sea level could rise as much as 7—METERS (23—FEET).
20070327             GREENLAND and ANTARCTICA—EARTH—2—BIGGEST ICEHOUSES—ARE important INDICATORS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE + 1—HIGH—PRIORITY for research, as highlighted by the newly inaugurated INTERNATIONAL Polar —YEAR.
20070327             Group Finds Toad the Size of 1—SMALL—DOG (Update) AP 1—ENVIRONMENTAL—GROUP said —TUESDAY it had captured a "monster" toad the size of 1—SMALL—DOG.
20070327             Humans, flies smell alike, neurobiologists find The nose KNOWS—WHETHER it`s on 1—FRUIT fly or 1—HUMAN.
20070327             And —WHILE it would seem that how 1—FRUIT fly judges odors should differ from how 1—HUMAN smells, new research from Rockefeller University finds that at the neurobiological level, THE—2—ORGANISMS have more in common than 1—MIGHT expect.
20070327             INDONESIA Ends Bird Flu Sample Boycott AP INDONESIA will resume sending bird flu virus specimens to the World Health Organization —IMMEDIATELY, the health MINISTER—SAID—TUESDAY, ending a —4—MONTH standoff health officials feared could potentially put the entire world at risk.
20070327             INDONESIA Firm on Bird Flu Virus Dispute AP INDONESIA—HEALTH—MINISTER refused to share bird flu samples with the World Health Organization, saying —TUESDAY she wanted 1—GUARANTEE the virus would not be used to make unaffordable commercial vaccines.
20070327             IOWA State to unveil the most realistic virtual reality room in the world You're high above the desert peaks.
20070327             Your Predators are approaching their targets.
20070327             Information from instruments, cameras and radar is —BEFORE your eyes.
20070327             And with the help of 100—MILLION—PIXELS—OF—BRIGHT and vivid virtual reality you're in CONTROL—OF—1—SWARM—OF—USA—AIR—FORCE unmanned aerial vehicles.
20070327             Most Angioplasties Unneeded, Study Finds AP More than half 1—MILLION—PEOPLE —1—YEAR with chest pain are getting 1—UNNECESSARY or premature procedure to unclog their arteries because drugs are —JUST as effective, suggests 1—LANDMARK study that challenges 1—OF—THE—MOST common practices in heart care.
20070327             Nanoparticles can track cells deep within living organisms To THE—DELIGHT—OF—RESEARCHERS at WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—MEDICINE in S—LOUIS, living cells gobbled up FLUORINE—LACED nanoparticles without needing ANY—COAXING.
20070327             Then, because of the unusual meal, the cells were easily located with MISTER—I scanning —AFTER being injected into mice.
20070327             New 'biofuel cell' produces electricity from hydrogen in plain air 1—PIONEERING ?biofuel cell?
20070327             that produces electricity from ordinary air spiked with small amounts of hydrogen offers significant potential as 1—INEXPENSIVE and renewable alternative to the costly PLATINUM—BASED fuel cells that have dominated discussion about the ?hydrogen economy?
20070327             of the future, UK—SCIENTISTS reported here —TODAY.
20070327             Plastic that degrades in seawater could be boon for cruise industry and others
20070327             —GENERATED, Large VOLUMES—OF—PLASTIC—WASTE, aboard military, merchant and cruise ships must be stored onboard, often for prolonged periods, —UNTIL they make port.
20070327             In the future, 1—NEW—TYPE—OF environmentally friendly plastic that degrades in seawater may make it safe + practical to toss plastic waste overboard, FREEING—UP valuable storage space, according to scientists at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTH—MISSISSIPPI (USM).
20070327             Radiofrequency ablation effective treatment for inoperable lung cancer Lung cancer patients who are not candidates for surgery —NOW have another safe and effective treatment option: radiofrequency (RF) ablation, according to 1—NEW—STUDY published in the —APRIL issue of the journal Radiology.
20070327             ROME Show Features Ancient Perfumes AP It's 1—RARE—CHANCE to smell the scent of ancient HISTORY—TYPICALLY 1—MIX of natural spices and olive OIL—THANKS to 1—EXHIBIT in ROME featuring fragrances from the world's oldest known perfume factory.
20070327             —FORMED, Scientists closer to understanding how stars are, Scientists have moved 1—STEP—CLOSER to understanding how stars are formed —AFTER THE—DISCOVERY—OF—MOLECULAR oxygen in interstellar space, THE—SWEDEN—SPACE—CORPORATION said —ON—TUESDAY.
20070327             Sea Lions Return to Ore. Dam for SALMON—AP—THEY'RE back.
20070327             Much to THE—DISMAY—OF—FEDERAL—OFFICIALS and fishermen, CALIFORNIA sea lions have returned to the Bonneville Dam to feast on —SPRING chinook salmon as they swim up THE—COLUMBIA—RIVER to spawn.
20070327             Toddlers engage in 'emotional eavesdropping' to guide their behavior Little children never cease to amaze.
20070327             UNIVERSITY—OF—WASHINGTON researchers have found that —18—MONTH—OLD toddlers engage in what they call "emotional eavesdropping" by listening and watching emotional reactions directed by 1—ADULT to another and then using this emotional information to shape their own behavior.
20070327             Warming May Create Climates, Cut Others AP SOME—CLIMATES may disappear from Earth entirely, not —JUST from their current locations, —WHILE new climates could develop if the planet continues to warm, 1—STUDY says.
20070327             Such changes would endanger SOME—PLANTS and animals —WHILE providing new opportunities for others, said JOHN—W—WILLIAMS, 1—ASSISTANT—PROFESSOR—OF geography at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN, MADISON.
20070327             "With Their Own Rope": NON—VIOLENT overthrow of the global corporate/financial Empire
20070327             The global corporate/financial Empire hides behind 1—VIRTUAL "Vichy AMERICA".
20070327             But ordinary citizens have the power to NON—VIOLENTLY solve this deadly control by guileful Empire both through our remaining voting rights + by turning 1—NEW—ERA—OF—DEMOCRATIC and 'socially responsible' capitalism upon the imperial capitalists themselves.
20070327             A Royal Pardon?
20070327             The presidential pardon is 1—VESTIGE—OF—MONARCHY.
20070327             Will our GEORGE—III—KING—OF— pardon Scooter Libby ?
20070327             —BASED, To whom are very well paid USA, private corporate armies loyal?
20070327             Are they loyal to THE—USA—CONSTITUTION 1., or their corporate paymasters?
20070327             BUSH—OMINOUS—STATEMENT 20000000             : "They have not led. We will," Bush stated of the Clinton /Gore administration, "They have not led. We will," Yes, this BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has led ALL—OF—USA into 1 darkened abyss, 1—HELL hear on Earth and if they continue to get their way, 1—POSSIBLE—ARMAGEDDON.
20070327             I do not find ANY—PLEASURE and there is certainly no joke in that.
20070327             CONDI—DELICATE—CONDITION but Hope is on the Horizon
20070327             —STATED, Rice has, THE—USA—DESIRE is to "establish that we have —NOW 1—COMMON—APPROACH to moving forward on developing, articulating 1—POLITICAL horizon" which can only mean 1—INDEPENDENT—STATE to offer frustrated Palestinians in this the 40. —YEAR of their occupation, Condi has been frustrated at home.
20070327             Defending the Constitution How do you defend the Constitution?
20070327             1—WAY is to vote for people who will keep their OATH—OF—OFFICE.
20070327             Dumbing AMERICA DOWN With —12—MINUTES—OF—WORLD—NEWS —1—NIGHT, how stupid can Americans be?
20070327             How stupid can they get? Don't rely on THE—MSM for your News.
20070327             FEDERAL—COURT ruling over EX—BUSH—CAMPAIGN—MANAGER—FORCES 1. test —FOLLOWING firing of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s
20070327             IRAN blackmails, BRITAIN negotiates IRAN has once again seized UK—SAILORS —JUST like it did —3—YEARS—AGO.
20070327             —MANAGED, In that episode IRAN, to extract as much leverage on THE—UK—GOVERNMENT as it could to steer itself through rough INTERNATIONAL waters designed to halt its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
20070327             Justice DEPARTMENT—WHITEHOUSE GO—BETWEEN Claims 5. 1—OF—ALBERTO—GONZALES—CHIEF—AIDES-- THE—1—WHO functioned as liaison between Justice and THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—OPEDNEWS identified as 1—STRONG—CANDIDATE for subpoena last —THURSDAY, has refused to appear, claiming the 5.
20070327             The mainstream media are glossing over the fact that her roll was GO—BETWEEN for justice and the whitehouse.
20070327             Neoconservative and Rajavi Cult Lies For more than —1—DECADE, the neoconservatives and the Rajavi Cult (MEK, MKO, PRIME—MINISTER—OI, Pol Pot of IRAN, NCRI) have been very successful in publishing lies and disinformation in the major USA—MEDIA.
20070327             Americans who focus upon Web sites permitting comments will be able to refute the lies.
20070327             New OHIO evidence exposes apparently illegal 20040000             recount activity by Hocking Co. GOP Election Director
20070327             The aggressive NATURE—OF—BRUNNER—COMPLAINTS against the Cuyahoga BOE indicate OHIO—SECRETARY—OF—STATE seems set on guaranteeing that what has happened in OHIO—RECENT—ELECTIONS will not happen —AGAIN—IN '08.Given THE—MOUNTAIN—OF—EVIDENCE surrounding the chaos that has —RECENTLY defined the electoral process
20070327             Peace Movement Disappointed With Democrat Funding for War;
20070327             Determined to Stop Future Funding and Bring Our Troops Home CODEPINK—REPLY to —LAST—WEEK—PASSING of the supplemental in Congress.
20070327             PELOSI—TRIUMPH
20070327             —FRIDAY—VOTE against the war in IRAQ was 1—DOUBLE triumph: 1—LANDMARK vote to put 1—END to the mad POLICIES—OF—GEORGE—BUSH and 1—UNUSUALLY unified stand by 1—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY often distinguished by its disunity.
20070327             The leader who brought Democrats together was SPEAKER—OF—THE—HOUSE—NANCY Pelosi.
20070327             Rough Justice by Gonzales Exposes "Voter Fraud" Scam
20070327             —UNEARTHED, THE—BUSH—GONZALES FIRINGS—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s, 1—MUCH bigger scandal.
20070327             —PURSUED, THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE has deliberately, "voter fraud" cases (8—CONVICTIONS —1—YEAR!) as 1—MEANS—OF promoting laws theat lead to voter suppression.
20070327             Minorities and amp; the poor are the victimes but we all lose as 1—RESULT.
20070327             This is the 2. in 1—SERIES in "Scoop" on "Fired FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS".
20070327             Rudy's "WAR—ON—TERROR" Comment
20070327             The "WAR—ON—TERROR" is actually the "War to Maintain the Status Quo".
20070327             THE—USA—PEOPLE have no idea what they're up against.
20070327             —WAGED, The war being, —THROUGHOUT the world began here at home + THE—USA—CONSTITUTION + BILL—OF—RIGHTS were its 1. victims.
20070327             Justice and morality do not enter into the economic EQUATION—OF—CAPITALISM.
20070327             Neither does compassion, THE—RIGHTS—OF—OTHER—PEOPLE to exist unmolested in their beliefs, or THE—CONCEPT—OF—EQUALITY.
20070327             There can be no peace without justice;
20070327             no reckoning without 1—HIGH regard for truth.
20070327             Our past speaks volumes about the probable future.
20070327             There are more than 2—OPTIONS for IRAN!
20070327             —TAINTED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—DICHOTOMOUS framing of national security has indelibly, public debate on IRAN and is preventing liberals from addressing 1—POTENTIALLY legitimate threat.
20070327             Top 10—WAYS to Plan Your Next ANTI—WAR—PROTEST
20070327             UNSC: Sanctioning the next WAR—OF—AGGRESSION—WHAT WILL—THE—RADICAL—RIGHT—DO—NEXT?
20070327             Are neocons planning BUSH—ASSASSINATION?
20070327             "PLEASURE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT"- BG—SOURCE->Gonzales : Firings were not improper
20070327             ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES : Let me begin with the attacks on my credibility, which really have pained me and my family.
20070327             You know, I have grown up — I grew up with nothing but my integrity.
20070327             And someday, —WHEN I leave this office, I am confident that I will leave with my integrity.
20070327             —ASKED, THE—USA—ATTORNEY s that were, — to resign — were appointed by this PRESIDENT, they serve, like me, at THE—PLEASURE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT.
20070327             BACKGROUND—BG—SOURCE->Panel: Countering Terrorism and the Future of USA Foreign Policy CHRISTOPHER—ISHAM is CHIEF—OF—INVESTIGATIVE—PROJECTS for ABC news.
20070327             In this capacity he has led and coordinated
20070327             Recognized —THROUGHOUT the industry as the leading operation of its kind, the investigative projects unit at ABC News produces original reporting that consistently define the leading EDGE—OF—THE—MAJOR—STORIES shaping the world.
20070327             —ORGANIZED, For example, MISTER—ISHAM, the 1. major network INTERVIEW—WITH—OSAMA—BIN—LADEN
20070327             Under MISTER—ISHAM—OVERSIGHT, the unit produces programming for all ABC broadcasts including "World News Tonight", "Nightline," "20/20," "Prime Time ", "Good —MORNING AMERICA," and "—THIS—WEEK".
20070327             BACKGROUND—BG—SOURCE->
20070327             —COMMANDED, To my surprise, Hitchens, 1—SMALL but raucous contingent of cheerleaders.
20070327             CHRISTOPHER—ISHAM, 1—SENIOR—PRODUCER for ABC News, whom I sat beside —THROUGHOUT the debate, was among them.
20070327             —WORKED, Isham, who, HAND—IN—GLOVE with the late PETER—JENNINGS + leads ABC News' investigative unit, applauded vigorously —WHEN Hitchens 1. appeared on stage +
20070327             —THROUGHOUT his opening statement, which consisted of 1 spirited -- though mostly unintelligible -- DEFENSE—OF—THE—INVASION—OF—IRAQ.
20070327             —LAUGHED, Isham, with glee as Hitchens RED—BAITED the booing crowd, telling them, "ALBANIA—BEEN overthrown, comrades".
20070327             —WHEN Galloway made his opening remarks, however, punctuating them by describing Hitchens as "something unique in natural history:
20070327             the 1. natural metamorphosis from 1—BUTTERFLY to 1—SLUG," Isham groaned in disgust.
20070327             Cutting Through THE—FOG—BG—SOURCE->20010911             : Can You Handle THE—TRUTH?
20070327             Follow the Money? - BG—SOURCE->WHITE—HOUSE Linked to MITCH—WADE—IRAN—GROUP?
20070327             —YESTERDAY at TPM WE—THAT—HMMM.
20070327             - BG—SOURCE->Lawyer: DAVID—STOCKMAN charged with securities fraud
20070327             NEW—YORK — DAVID—STOCKMAN, 1—FORMER—TOP—BUDGET—OFFICIAL in THE—REAGAN—WHITE—HOUSE + 3—OTHERS were charged —TODAY in 1 alleged securities fraud conspiracy that embroiled 1—OF—NORTH—AMERICA—LARGEST auto parts companies —BEFORE the supplier collapsed into bankruptcy.
20070327             IRAN from ABC NEWS—BG—SOURCE->Why IRAN Seized UK—MARINES
20070327             —ARRESTED, JIHAD—BG—SOURCE->THE—NETWORK (CBS) UK—POLICE—THIS—WEEK, 3—UK—MUSLIMS in connection with 20050000             —THE bombings on THE—LONDON subway system in which 52—PEOPLE were killed.
20070327             —SHOCKED, The world was, —WHEN THE—4—SUICIDE—BOMBERS blew themselves up that —MORNING, especially —WHEN it turned out that they were UK—CITIZENS.
20070327             —RECRUITED, The 4 had been, to what is called the "Network," 1—WEB—OF—RADICAL—ISLAMIC—ORGANIZATIONS loosely affiliated to al Qaeda which has turned BRITAIN into the western world's richest breeding grounds for terrorists.
20070327             How did this happen?
20070327             —60—MINUTES—CORRESPONDENT—BOB—SIMON met someone who knows.
20070327             And for the 1. time he spoke about what it was like to be inside that network —FOR—10—YEARS.
20070327             His name is HASSAN—BUTT.
20070327             HE—ONLY—26—YEARS—OLD, but SOME—OF—THE—PEOPLE he recruited were 1—LOT—YOUNGER than that.
20070327             HASSAN—BUTT admits he sent a —17—YEAR—OLD—BOY from ENGLAND to PAKISTAN to be involved in terrorist training.
20070327             McNulty Talked Too MUCH—BG—SOURCE->
20070327             More 20010911             Truth EXPOSURE—BG—SOURCE->20010911             Truth is the Key to Ending this war and the next 1 (IRAN)
20070327             —2—DAYS—LATER, that vessel and another USA destroyer in the area both reported themselves under renewed attack, although NORTH—VIETNAM subsequently insisted that it hadn't attacked — and no attack is —NOW believed to have occurred on 20070804             —THE.
20070327             —ORDERED, Within hours, Johnson, retaliatory air strikes on THE—BASES—OF—THE—NORTH—VIETNAM—BOATS and announced, in 1—TELEVISION—ADDRESS to THE—USA—PUBLIC the same —EVENING, that USA naval forces had been attacked.
20070327             In 1—MESSAGE he sent to Congress THE—FOLLOWING—DAY, THE—PRESIDENT affirmed that "THE—NORTH—VIETNAM—REGIME had conducted further deliberate attacks against USA naval vessels operating in INTERNATIONAL waters".
20070327             Seems Like 1—BALANCED—ARTICLE—BG—SOURCE->
20070327             The recent visit to MOSCOW of Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal came shortly —AFTER RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—TRIP to SAUDI—ARABIA, QATAR and JORDAN.
20070327             There he aligned RUSSIA with the Arab consensus supporting THE—SAUDI—MEDIATED MECCA Agreement between THE—PALESTINE—FACTIONS, called for THE—LIFTING—OF—SANCTIONS against the new PALESTINE—UNITY—GOVERNMENT, discussed energy cooperation and sought both to increase RUSSIA—ARMS—EXPORTS to the Arab world and to attract Arab investment for THE—NON—ENERGY—SECTOR—OF—THE—RUSSIA—ECONOMY.
20070327             Under PUTIN—RUSSIA has sought to achieve 3—MAJOR—GOALS in the region.
20070327             —RENEWED, The 1. is to demonstrate its, power and influence in 1—AREA where USA—INFLUENCE is on the decline.
20070327             THE—PINNACLE—OF—FASCISM
20070327             The linked article is from 1—WEB—SITE that seems to hide the organization behind it's existence.
20070327             —BASED, The web site requires enrollment, on sharing personal information.
20070327             It seems to force presentment of "scams" which omits the "no thanks" button which present irritating "ads".
20070327             I don't encourage the reader to follow the link unless you want to see THE—AGGRESSIVENESS—OF—DECEPTION on THE—INTERNET by SOME—PARTY.
20070327             Also, the writing seems to be geared to about a 3. grade READING level.
20070327             The senior counselor to ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—R—GONZALES will refuse to testify —BEFORE the Senate Judiciary Committee in the unfolding USA—ATTORNEY s scandal, invoking her 5. Amendment right against SELF—INCRIMINATION, her attorney s said —TODAY.
20070327             Monica M. Goodling -- who is on 1—INDEFINITE LEAVE—OF—ABSENCE from GONZALES—OFFICE -- also alleges in 1—SWORN declaration that a "senior DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE—OFFICIAL" has admitted he was "not entirely candid" in his Senate testimony and has blamed Goodling and others for not fully briefing him.
20070327             They Can't Release the Truth About 20010911             For the Same REASON—BG—SOURCE->NEW—YORK City asks court not to unseal RNC spy files
20070327             WOOAH—BG—SOURCE-> - Gonzales Implicated In COVER—UP—OF—NEW—PEDOPHILE Scandal
20070327             —LEGITIMIZED, Letter from SUTTON—OFFICE, RAPING—OF—BOYS in minor's facility JOURNALIST—JEROME—CORSI appeared on THE—ALEX—JONES—SHOW—TODAY to discuss in depth his astounding new investigation that implicates both ALBERTO—GONZALES and USA—ATTORNEY—JOHNNY—SUTTON in THE—COVER—UP—OF—1—PEDOPHILIA scandal involving THE—TEXAS—YOUTH—COMMISSION.
20070327             "ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES and USA—ATTORNEY—JOHNNY—SUTTON, both already under siege for other matters, are —NOW being accused of failing to prosecute OFFICERS—OF—THE—TEXAS—YOUTH—COMMISSION—AFTER 1—TEXAS—RANGER investigation documented that guards and administrators were sexually abusing the institution's minor boy inmates," writes
20070327             Corsi in 1—REPORT—FOR—WORLD—NET—DAILY.
20070327             Another ANTI—TERROR—LIST Impacting Businesses, Customers
20070327             CANADA—BILL—C 416 to Require Wiretapping
20070327             "BILL—C 416, —RECENTLY introduced in THE—CANADA—PARLIAMENT, would if passed require INTERNET providers to provide wiretapping facilities to law enforcement — without 1—WARRANT + with 'confidentiality' requirements reminiscent of THE—SECRET—SPYING cases we've seen —RECENTLY in the States. This new Act is 1—REPRISE of last PARLIAMENT—C—74, which failed —WHEN THE—GOVERNMENT—TERM ended. Coming back as 1—LIBERAL "private member's Bill" in 1—MINORITY—GOVERNMENT, it will have little CHANCE—OF—SUCCESS without CROSS—PARTY—SUPPORT; but with the Conservatives in charge, all bets are off if they can find 1—WAY to claim it's about terrorism or child pornography".
20070327             Diebold Sues MASSACHUSETTS for "Wrongful Purchase"
20070327             "Diebold has decided to sue the commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS for choosing 1—COMPETITOR to provide voting machines for the disabled. Diebold wants to force the state to stop using the machines —IMMEDIATELY, despite the upcoming municipal elections in MANY—TOWNS. The commonwealth chose the competitor based on 1—OPEN—PROCESS that included disabled groups. Diebold executives appeared confused —WHEN encountering election officials who made 1—INTELLIGENT—CHOICE".
20070327             IBM Debuts Optical Transceiver Chipset
20070327             —DEBUTED, IBM, 1—NEW—OPTICAL transceiver chipset —TODAY that researchers within the company promise will allow users to download data 8—TIMES—FASTER than current technology.
20070327             —CITED, IBM, the rising demand for digital media such as movies as the driving force behind the new technology.
20070327             "IBM says it can meet that need, building its new chipset by making 1—OPTICAL transceiver with standard CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) technology + combining that with optical components crafted from exotic materials such as indium phosphide and gallium arsenide. The resulting package is —JUST 3.25mm by 5.25mm in size, small enough to be integrated onto 1 printed circuit BOARD".
20070327             Protests Move From the Streets To YouTube
20070327             "1—FACTOR driving the move of political statements to YouTube + away from OLD—STYLE—STREET—PROTEST, is that on THE—INTERNET the chances of being personally associated with 1—PROTEST are lower. Mounting your political message online is also safer in countries where taking part in 1—PROTEST can result in your death or injury at the hands of your country's army. We've seen how street protests and online polls alike are being shunted aside and ignored. What is the future for the common person who yearns to be heard?"
20070327             Scientists Create Sheep That Are 15 % Human
20070327             "Professor Esmail Zanjani and colleagues at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NEVADA—RENO have created sheep that are 15 % human at the cellular level. Half the organs in the sheep are human. The idea, of course, is to harvest those organs to transplant into human patients.  'He has already created 1—SHEEP liver which has 1—LARGE—PROPORTION—OF—HUMAN—CELLS and eventually hopes to precisely match 1—SHEEP to 1—TRANSPLANT—PATIENT, using their own stem cells to create their own flock of sheep.' 1—SCIENTISTS worries, however, that the work could lead to new viruses that cross from animals to humans".
20070327             Scientists Powering Batteries with Soda, Tree Sap
20070327             "S—LOUIS—UNIVERSITY—RESEARCHERS have concocted batteries fueled by almost ANY—KIND—OF—SUGAR, from tree sap to flat soda + that could be used to power everything from computers to cell phones. Their thinking: If sugar can jack up the human body, why not electronics?"
20070327             IRAN To Torture UK—MARINES?
20070327             Example set by the West on treatment of foreign detainees does not bode well for diplomacy
20070327             Want To Watch THE—GAME? Show Your ID
20070327             Want To Watch THE—GAME? Show Your ID Big Brother invades UK—FOOTBALL, grooms citizens for national ID acceptance
20070327             "GO BACK TO AFRICA
20070327             — USA—ARMY recruiter SERGEANT—MARCIA—RAMODE, using her military email address to respond to JERSEY—CITY—RESIDENT—COREY—ANDREW,
20070327             —AFTER Ramode learned Andrew was gay.
20070327             Americans strongly back attorney purge investigation.
20070327             14. Do you think Congress should — or should not — investigate THE—INVOLVEMENT—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS in this matter?
20070327             Yes, should - 72% ; No, should not - 21%
20070327             15. If Congress investigates these dismissals, in your view, should PRESIDENT—BUSH and his aides — [ROTATED: invoke "executive privilege" to protect THE—WHITE—HOUSE—DECISION making process (or should they) drop THE—CLAIM—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege and answer all questions being investigated]?
20070327             Invoke executive privilege - 26%; Answer all questions - 68%
20070327             16. In this matter, do you think Congress should or should not issue subpoenas to force WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS to testify under oath about this matter?
20070327             Yes, should - 68% ; No, should not - 24%
20070327             But remember, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS shouldn't investigate KARL—ROVE because it will be "so bad for them".
20070327             —DEPLOYED, Army, seriously injured soldiers.
20070327             Salon_com's MARK—BENJAMIN has 1—NEW—REPORT documenting how USA—SOLDIERS with debilitating injuries and other medical conditions, including female soldiers who were pregnant, were deployed —FOR—WEEKS to the desert training facility at Fort IRWIN—CALIFORNIA.
20070327             "In SOME—CASES, soldiers were sent there even though their injuries were so severe that doctors had previously recommended they should be considered for medical retirement from the Army".
20070327             Military experts say the decision "was 1—EFFORT to
20070327             pump up manpower statistics used to show THE—READINESS—OF—ARMY—UNITS.
20070327             REPRESENTATIVE—LAMAR—SMITH (R—TX), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, says it's perfectly acceptable for KARL—ROVE and other top WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES to refuse testifying over THE—USA—ATTORNEY—SCANDAL.
20070327             Smith didn't show up to —LAST—WEEK—HEARING—WHEN the Judiciary Committee authorized subpoenas against Rove + others.
20070327             He called the session "political grandstanding " and said he would not help "provide votes for political subpoenas".
20070327             —PRINCIPLED, Smith's, aversion to political grandstanding and belief in executive privilege was again on display —YESTERDAY, —WHEN he wrote 1—PUBLIC—LETTER to PRESIDENT—CLINTON asking him to testify about presidential pardons.
20070327             1—EXCERPT: Dear PRESIDENT—CLINTON,
20070327             THE—HOUSE—COMMITTEE—ON—THE—JUDICIARY—SUBCOMMITTEE on Crime, Terrorism + Homeland Security will hold 1—HEARING —ON—THURSDAY,
20070327             Flashback: Lott Said Claiming Executive Privilege Makes WH 'Look Like They Are Hiding Something'
20070327             —YESTERDAY on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Senate Minority Whip TRENT—LOTT (R—MS) defended THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—REFUSAL to allow KARL—ROVE and other top WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES to testify —BEFORE Congress under oath, in public + with 1 recorded transcript, claiming Bush had a "right to executive privilege".
20070327             —INTERESTED, LOTT: The question is are the Democrats in the Senate, in information or confrontation.
20070327             In my mind, I think if THE—PRESIDENT would agree for his close advisers in THE—WHITE—HOUSE to testify —BEFORE Congress under oath, he'd be making 1—HUGE—MISTAKE.
20070327             —CALLED, There is 1—THING, executive privilege.
20070327             1—VIGOROUS—DEFENDER—OF—EXECUTIVE privilege —TODAY, Lott — like TONY—SNOW — has FLIP—FLOPPED on executive privilege.
20070327             Lott led the charge against PRESIDENT—CLINTON —DURING the Monica Lewinsky SAGA, seeking out everything from tapes to sworn testimony from THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070327             LOTT: I think they've made 1—MISTAKE by [invoking executive privilege].
20070327             I think it will damage the credibility.
20070327             It looks like they are hiding something, so I think they shouldn't have done it.
20070327             I think it's 1—IMPROPER use + the courts will have to decide whether or not that's 1—PROPER—USE.
20070327             And it may wind up in THE—SUPREME—COURT, like it did in the Watergate matter.
20070327             —NOTED, As THINK—PROGRESS has, Clinton was
20070327             far more transparent than Bush —WHEN Congress requested that his aides testify, allowing 31—OF—HIS—TOP—AIDES to appear in sworn testimony in FRONT—OF—CONGRESS compared to BUSH—1.
20070327             Lott was exactly right — invoking executive privilege makes the Bush WHITE—HOUSE "look like they are hiding something".
20070327             Free Scooter.
20070327             SALON—TIM—GRIEVE: "If you're planning to write JUDGE—REGGIE—WALTON 1—LETTER urging 1—LIGHT—SENTENCE for Scooter Libby — you were, right? — Libby defense lawyer WILLIAM—JEFFRESS has 1—FEW tips for you: Say who are you, say how you know Scooter and
20070327             be NICE to the judge. Gonzales Aide To Invoke 5. Amendment
20070327             THE—AP reports that ALBERTO—GONZALES ' EX—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—KYLE—SAMPSON plans to invoke the 5. Amendment and refuse SOME—SENATE—QUESTIONS—WHEN he appears at 1—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing —ON—THURSDAY.
20070327             UPDATE: It's Goodling, not Sampson.
20070327             "Monica Goodling, 1—COUNSEL to USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES who helped coordinate the dismissals of 8—USA—ATTORNEY s, will invoke her constitutional right not to answer Senate questions about the firings, her lawyer said.
20070327             'The hostile and questionable environment in the present congress ional proceedings is at best ambiguous;
20070327             more accurately the environment can be described AS—LEGALLY perilous for MISS—GOODLING,
20070327             ' [her lawyer JOHN—DOWD] said".
20070327             UPDATE II: For his part, Sampson will stay loyal to Bush and Gonzales in his testimony: "'Kyle is very much 1—SUPPORTER—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—AND—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL,' 1—FRIEND tells.
20070327             'His main interest is in telling the truth.' The friend says Sampson
20070327             would 'never do anything to hurt ANY—OF—THEM'
20070327             and doesn't believe his VERSION—OF—EVENTS will do that.
20070327             Friends say Sampson believes innocent bungling was more to blame for the firestorm over the firings than anything malicious".
20070327             UPDATE III: Atrios notes a
20070327             reasonable comment from RIGHT—WING contributor TERRY—JEFFREY:
20070327             It's not good, apparently her lawyer is trying to suggest they're building 1—PERJURY trap for people in the Justice Department.
20070327             But the truth is, Wolf, CONGRESS—ITS—JUDICIARY COMMITTEES—THEY have oversight over the Justice Department.
20070327             It is inexcusable for people in the Justice Department to take the 5. amendment to avoid testifying in Congress.
20070327             People there must go testify. THERE—NO—QUESTION about it.
20070327             Gonzales Says He May 'Find Out' That Attorney s Were Purged For Political Reasons
20070327             —ASKED, In 1—INTERVIEW tonight, NBC News' PETE—WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES 1—SIMPLE—QUESTION: "Can you be certain that NONE—OF—THESE—USA—ATTORNEY s were put on that list [to be fired] for improper reasons?"
20070327             Gonzales wouldn't give 1—STRAIGHT—ANSWER + in fact left open the possibility that attorney s were fired for partisan politics.
20070327             "If I find out that, in fact, ANY—OF—THESE decisions were motivated, the recommendations to me were motivated for improper reasons to interfere with the public corruption case, there will be swift and — there will be swift and decisive action. I can assure you that".
20070327             —SUGGESTED, Gonzales also, that other EVIDENCE—OF—HIS—PERSONAL—INVOLVEMENT in the firings may come to light.
20070327             "[T]here may have been other conversations [I had] about specifically about THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s" that I don't remember, he said.
20070327             —BEMOANED, Gonzales, critics who are questioning his credibility.
20070327             "Let me begin with the attacks on my credibility, which really have pained me and my family. You know, I have grown up — I grew up with nothing but my integrity".
20070327             This coming from 1—MAN whose early career as counsel to THEN—GOVERNOR—GEORGE—W—BUSH included helping to get Bush excused from jury duty, "1—SITUATION that could have required THE—GOVERNOR to
20070327             disclose his THEN—SECRET 19760000             conviction for drunken driving in MAINE.
20070327             Read the full transcript HERE.
20070327             House votes to strip USA—ATTORNEY provision.
20070327             —BY a 329—78—VOTE, the House —TODAY followed the Senate in passing legislation that repeals 1—PATRIOT—ACT—PROVISION "that grants THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL the authority to make indefinite interim APPOINTMENTS—OF—USA—ATTORNEY s, who can then serve indefinitely without Senate confirmation".
20070327             THE—GAVEL—HAS—DETAILS and video from the floor debate.
20070327             Leahy: Why does Gonzales aide fear incrimination?
20070327             Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) responds to news that Gonzales aide Monica Goodling
20070327             will invoke the 5. Amendment :
20070327             "It is disappointing that MISS—GOODLING has decided to withhold her important testimony from the Committee as it pursues its investigation into this matter, but everybody has the constitutional right not to incriminate themselves with regard to criminal conduct.
20070327             " THE—USA—PEOPLE are left to wonder what conduct is at THE—BASE—OF—MISS—GOODLING—CONCERN that she may incriminate herself in connection with criminal charges if she appears —BEFORE the Committee under oath. "
20070327             Our $9—BILLION missile defense system,- NICO—MADE useless by SOME—HEAVY—RAIN.
20070327             —ON—MONDAY —MORNING'S "BILL—BENNETT—MORNING in AMERICA" radio show, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) claimed that THE—USA "
20070327             is beginning to succeed
20070327             " in IRAQ and said that "there are neighborhoods in BAGHDAD where you and I could through...—TODAY".
20070327             "THE—USA—FISH and Wildlife Service is maneuvering to fundamentally weaken the Endangered Species Act.... The proposed changes limit THE—NUMBER—OF—SPECIES that can be protected,"
20070327             curtail preserved acres of wildlife habitat
20070327             + "dilutes legal barriers that protect habitat from sprawl, logging or mining".
20070327             —DISMISSED, SENATOR—HILLARY—CLINTON (D—NY) —YESTERDAY "" ANY—COMPARISON between THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PROSECUTOR purge with the replacement of 93—USA—ATTORNEY s —WHEN her husband took office 19930000            .
20070327             "That's 1—TRADITIONAL prerogative of 1—INCOMING PRESIDENT," she said, adding that this purge "is PART—OF—1—LONG—RECORD—OF trying to
20070327             upset the traditional SEPARATION—OF—POWERS.
20070327             THE—USA—NAVY—ON—TUESDAY "began its largest DEMONSTRATION—OF—FORCE in the Persian Gulf —SINCE 20030000             —THE invasion of IRAQ, led by 1—PAIR—OF—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS and backed by warplanes flying simulated attack maneuvers
20070327             off THE—COAST—OF—IRAN.
20070327             The maneuvers bring together 2—STRIKE—GROUPS—OF—USA—WARSHIPS and more than 100—USA—WARPLANES to conduct simulated air warfare in the crowded Gulf shipping lanes".
20070327             —OPPOSED, Only 33 % are. 36 % believe escalation will work.
20070327             Waxman Demands Info Linking WHITE—HOUSE To Cunningham Probe And Possible Attorney Firing
20070327             —QUESTIONED, Last —MONDAY, ThinkProgress, whether fired USA—ATTORNEY CAROL—LAM was
20070327             targeting THE—WHITE—HOUSE—PRIOR—TO her dismissal.
20070327             —NOTED, We, the —FOLLOWING information that stemmed from LAM—INVESTIGATION into FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—DUKE—CUNNINGHAM (R—CA): THE—WHITE—HOUSE awarded a —1—MONTH, $140,000 contract to MZM contractor MITCHELL—WADE, who had never previously held 1—FEDERAL—CONTRACT.
20070327             —2—WEEKS—AFTER Wade got paid, he used 1—CASHIER—CHECK for exactly $140,000 to buy 1—BOAT for 1—NOW—IMPRISONED congress man (Cunningham) at 1—PRICE that the congress man had PRE—NEGOTIATED.
20070327             —TODAY, House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) wrote 1—LETTER to WHITE—HOUSE—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—JOSH—BOLTEN demanding "all contracts, subcontracts + task orders between MZM, INCORPORATED... and
20070327             the Executive OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT ":
20070327             This appears to have been the company's 1. prime contract with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT + it came only —2—MONTHS—AFTER MZM was placed on THE—GENERAL—SERVICES—ADMINISTRATION—FEDERAL—SUPPLY—SCHEDULE.
20070327             Published reports suggest that the contract was to provide computers and office furniture to THE—OFFICE—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20070327             —UNCOVERED, Subsequent investigations have, serious inegularities + in SOME—CASES—CRIMINAL—CONDUCT, by MZM employees, MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS + BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS relating to MZM contracts with THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20070327             To date, however, there has been no EXAMINATION—OF—THE—CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding MZM—INITIAL—FEDERAL—CONTRACT and the role that WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS played in the award and EXECUTION—OF—THE—CONTRACT.
20070327             In the letter, Waxman requests that THE—WHITE—HOUSE provide documents relating to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—MZM contracts as soon as possible, but in no case —LATER than —FRIDAY, 20070406            .
20070327             Read the full LETTER—HERE.
20070327             Waxman Warns RNC, BUSH—CHENEY '04 Campaign: Don't Delete Your Emails
20070327             —UNCOVERED, Multiple congress ional investigations have, evidence that WHITE—HOUSE—APPOINTEES regularly communicate using email accounts provided by THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20070327             —ARGUED, As CREW has,
20070327             such activity violates the Presidential Records Act, which requires that THE—WHITE—HOUSE preserve such records.
20070327             —TODAY, House Oversight and Government Reform COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—HENRY—WAXMAN (D—CA) issued letters to the Republican National COMMITTEE—AND—THE—BUSH—CHENEY '04 Campaign directing them to preserve all emails by and for WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS + to meet with the committee about the legal issues involved in conducting official government business using partisan email accounts.
20070327             —FROM WAXMAN—LETTER:
20070327             —MAINTAINED, THE—E—MAILS—OF—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS, on RNC E—MAIL accounts may be relevant to multiple congress ional investigations.
20070327             For this reason, the Committee directs you to preserve all E—MAILS sent or received by WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS using E—MAIL accounts under your control.
20070327             — Who has access to THE—E—MAIL accounts maintained by THE—RNC; [...]
20070327             — What steps have been taken to preserve THE—E—MAIL accounts maintained by THE—RNC that have been used by WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS;
20070327             — What assurance can THE—RNC provide the Committee that no E—MAILS involving official WHITE—HOUSE—BUSINESS have been destroyed or altered.
20070327             As Waxman points out in his letter, communications between criminal lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF and WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIALS were conducted via nongovernmental E—MAIL accounts.
20070327             "In at least 1—CASE, THE—E—MAILS indicate that these nonofficial accounts were being used because 'to put this stuff in writing in their E—MAIL system...might actually limit what they can do to help us.'"
20070327             —ON—FRIDAY, National Journal reported that
20070327             KARL—ROVE does almost ALL—OF—HIS—WORK with an RNC—BASED email account :
20070327             According to 1—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL—FAMILIAR with ROVE—WORK habits, THE—PRESIDENT—TOP—POLITICAL—ADVISER does 'about 95 %' of his E—MAILING using his RNC—BASED account.
20070327             THE—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL, speaking on background, said that although THE—RNC had 1—POLICY to purge E—MAILS —AFTER 1—SHORT—PERIOD—OF—TIME, ROVE—E—MAILS on its system and those of 1—FEW other WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES in sensitive positions were preserved by THE—RNC "to protect Karl".
20070327             Even with 1—POLICY—OF deleting E—MAILS from servers, INFORMATION—TECHNOLOGY—EXPERTS say, organizations rarely erase data entirely.
20070327             has more + reminds readers of similar questions posed to THE—PRESIDENT—COMMUNICATIONS—OFFICE—BY—DAN—FROOMKIN.
20070327             UPDATE II: TPMMuckraker has more + Laura Rozen notes SOME—POTENTIAL—SECURITY—IMPLICATIONS—OF—ROVE—RELIANCE on RNC email accounts.
20070327             SPAIN—SIGNATURE - "It couldn't have been better if we'd made it up," DOCTOR—FROGLEY told BBC News.
20070327             "It was that good".
20070327             They found 1—HUGE—INCREASE in THE—NUMBER—OF—FOSSIL mites as the empire expanded from the Cuzco area in the early 1400s.
20070327             1—SUDDEN—DROP in numbers corresponded with the collapse of the native population —AFTER the arrival of THE—SPAIN—CONQUISTADORS.
20070327             † Historical accounts from the time also document that 2—THIRDS—OF—THE llamas in the Cuzco area, —OF—SKIN—DISEASES.
20070327             WHITE—HOUSE Forced To Admit 'Inconsistency ' Over Transcripts
20070327             —FORCED, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino was, to admit the "inconsistency " of THE—WHITE—HOUSE—POSITION on transcripts —DURING—TODAY—PRESS briefing.
20070327             's SUZANNE—MALVEAUX said, "No 1 has really missed the irony of what is happening here at THE—WHITE—HOUSE".
20070327             —DURING the briefing, Perino again defended the notion that KARL—ROVE and other top aides should be able to talk to Congress without 1—WRITTEN transcript, calling THE—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFER "quite generous and extraordinarily open".
20070327             —ASKED, But moments —LATER, —WHEN, about new documents showing ALBERTO—GONZALES approved THE—USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS, Perino pointed to transcripts of Gonzales ' remarks on that she claimed exonerated Gonzales.
20070327             1—REPORTER pointed out that PERINO—DEFENSE—OF—GONZALES "illustrate[s] perfectly why 1—TRANSCRIPT is necessary".
20070327             —RESPONDED, Perino, "I see your point," sparking laughter from reporters.
20070327             "I understand that SOME—PEOPLE would think that that is not 1—GOOD—IDEA + I understand the inconsistency of my own statement of referring back to 1—TRANSCRIPT".
20070327             Watch it: Digg It! Transcript: (more...)
20070327             Achtung, alles wird erlaubt! - Unter dem Vorwand der nationalen Sicherheit wird die... - sfux KARL—WEISS -
20070327             Die Europäische Union will auf Vorschlag der DEUTSCHLAND—BUNDESREGIERUNG in einem europäischen Rahmenbeschluss zur Datensicherheit den Datenschutz und die Rechte auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung und auf Privatsphäre vollständig abschaffen.
20070327             Behörden, die mit der ?nationalen Sicherheit?
20070327             betraut sind, also die Militärs, die Geheimdienste, die Polizei, die Staatsanwaltschaften und die Bundespolizeien, sollen.
20070327             Pour quelle raison, selon vous, les services secrets VOULAIENT—ILS piéger Hani Ramadan?
20070327             - sfux CLAUDE—COVASSI/AL—JAZEERA - - Pour plusieurs raisons.
20070327             D?abord, les services secrets suisses veulent faire voter un projet de loi impopulaire qui vise à renforcer leurs pouvoirs.
20070327             Il était donc nécessaire d?avoir un " méchant ", une sorte de mini BEN—LADEN, de manière à orienter l?opinion publique afin qu?elle agrée ces lois restrictives en terme les libertés individuelles.
20070327             Également, Hani Ramadan avait été limogé arbitrairement de son poste d?instituteur...
20070327             Seezwischenfall erhöht KRIEGSGEFAHR—SFUX Malte Olschewski -
20070327             Die USA und ENGLAND haben —BISHER nicht die Koordinaten des Zwischenfalls im Schatt El Arab bekannt gegeben.
20070327             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Ebenso sind keine Satellitenfotos, worden.
20070327             Der IRAN hat 15—GEFANGENE Marinesoldaten nach Teheran gebracht, wo sie von Offizieren verhört worden sind.
20070327             —BEFÜRCHTET, LONDON, dass seine Soldaten in nächster Zeit als Schutzschilde auf IRAN—ATOMANLAGEN verteilt.
20070327             Aspirin 'aids women's hearts' Healthy women who take 1—LOW dose of aspirin could cut their risk of dying early, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070327             More tiny babies being born in UK - -1—REPORT says-
20070327             —NOW More babies are born at dangerously low birth weights in BRITAIN than -> 19890000             20070327             Blair targets 'career criminals' TONY—BLAIR outlines plans to curb the freedoms of "prolific criminals" —AFTER they are released from prison.
20070327             Blair warns IRAN on Navy captives Efforts to free 15—BRITONS will enter 1—NEW—PHASE if diplomatic moves fail, TONY—BLAIR warns IRAN.
20070327             BRAZIL and ITALY in biofuels plan BRAZIL and ITALY are planning 1—BIOFUEL—DEAL that will see them build plants in BRAZIL and AFRICA.
20070327             FRANCE—RAILWAYS—WIN—WWII appeal 1—FRANCE—COURT—RULES—STATE—RAILWAYS do not have to compensate THE—FAMILY—OF—WWII—JEWISH deportees.
20070327             Guilty plea from detainee Hicks AUSTRALIA—DAVID—HICKS, the 1. GUANTANAMO terror suspect to face a new trial system, pleads guilty.
20070327             IRAQ law to lift ban on Baathists IRAQ proposes 1—NEW—LAW to allow EX—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—BAATH party to return to official posts.
20070327             Llama dung mites track Inca fall Scientists learn about Inca civilisation by examining the mites that lived in the dung of llamas and other livestock.
20070327             —URGED, Reach out to ISRAEL, Arabs, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE—CALLS on Arab nations to reach out in peace to ISRAEL.
20070327             —DISCOVERED, SEMI—IDENTICAL—TWINS, Scientists in THE—USA—HAVE revealed the world's only known case of "SEMI—IDENTICAL", twins.
20070327             Snoop, Diddy cancel UK shows USA rappers Snoop Dogg and P Diddy are forced to cancel 1—JOINT—UK tour —AFTER Snoop Dogg was denied 1—VISA.
20070327             'Up to 500—DEAD' in CONGO clashes Up to 500—PEOPLE may have been killed in —LAST—WEEK—CLASHES in DR CONGO—CAPITAL, KINSHASA, EU diplomats say.
20070327             Pumping wind power underground THE—IOWA—STORED—ENERGY—PARK—PLANS to use compressed air to store power generated by wind turbines.
20070327             New tech offers hydrogen fuel on demand START—UP Ecototality uses technology from Jet Propulsion Laboratory that features 1—ON—BOARD hydrogen fuel generator.
20070327             Bush, automakers talk ALT—FUEL—VEHICLES—TOP—EXECUTIVES from GENERAL—MOTORS, Ford and Chrysler visit THE—WHITE—HOUSE to take 1—LOOK at alternatives to GAS—FUELED cars.
20070327             Photos: Tiny movie projector fits in 1—PHONE—AT—THE—CTIA—WIRELESS—SHOW, TEXAS Instruments shows off its DLP "pico" projector.
20070327             Saving wind power for —LATER START—UP GENERAL—COMPRESSION—LOOKS to commercialize concept for storing electricity generated by wind turbines using compressed air.
20070327             Senators skeptical of Real ID Act rules —2—YEARS—AFTER voting for federalized ID cards, SOME—POLITICIANS are having 2. thoughts about the rules.
20070327             Ignorance is Bliss
20070327             Time and NEWSWEEK finally figure out that BUSH—FAILURES don't sell magazines.
20070327             —VOTED, UNITED—NATIONS Security Council (UNSC) has once again, to impose yet another sanction on IRAN for its failure to suspend 1—LEGAL—ACTIVITY allowed by the Nuclear NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY [1], to which IRAN remains 1—SIGNATORY state +
20070327             Has time run out for restoring USA—DEMOCRACY? THE—COMMON—DENOMINATOR
20070327             Is Gonzales ' aide offering 1—BOGUS rationale for taking the 5.?
20070327             SAM—FOX wants to be the new USA—AMBASSADOR to BELGIUM, but gave $50,000 to the Swift Boat Liars 3/27
20070327             Linda Milazzo: Open Letter To Katie Couric: You Were Unfair To THE—EDWARDS -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20070327             MOBILE Marketing Revs Up... not to mention CHINA + POLAND + lots in between.
20070327             Nachrichten.CH—WARME Luft aus hohen HÄUSERN—DIE Nachrichten... Momentan BEHERRSCHT—WIE kaum ein anderes THEMA—DIE Klimadebatte die Nachrichten.
20070327             Hitler takes FREUD—ANTI—DEMOCRATIC viewpoint and uses it to inspire... Parallel FREUD—LANGUISHING in EUROPE with Bernays ' rise to power in AMERICA.
20070327             Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW + Corporate Alien CONTROL—HIS name was EDWARD—L—BERNAYS.
20070327             HERE—1—YOU'LL recognize --> JOSEF—GOEBBELS — Hitler's "MINISTRY—OF—INFORMATION" propaganda CHIEF...
20070327             Hitler, Adolf s Propaganda...
20070327             In the 1920s and '30s, Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAYS used his uncle's
20070327             visit with ADOLF—HITLER—PR—CHIEF, JOSEF—GOEBBELS + told EDDIE—BERNAYS...
20070327             PROPAGANDA—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia USA—PROPAGANDA from WWII, Depicting Hitler as foolish.
20070327             ' FREUD—MOTHER and Father: 1—MEMOIR.' Commentary XXI, no.
20070327             ' Freud, Hitler and VIENNA.' LONDON Magazine (Aug.-19740900             ): 67-79.
20070327             MANY—WAYS, all conventional news is public relations.
20070327             people on the committee, for it was 1—MAJOR turning point in THE—WORLD—OF—PUBLIC—INFORMATION.
20070327             Media, Entertainment, Arts, Public Relations, Publishing... It was 1—OF—THE—EARLIEST—EXAMPLES—OF—MILITARY—PROPAGANDA and media hype at the dawn of the...
20070327             Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA-.html
20070327             —TURNED, Has powerful public relations machines, U$ into 1—NATION—OF—CONSUMER—SLAVES?... were turning USA—MINDS away. from 1—PRO—BUSINESS—POINT—OF—VIEW.
20070327             DURHAM Associates Group LTD—PUBLIC Relations
20070327             It is appropriate at this point to clarify certain distinctions:
20070327             THE—TET offensive was 1—TACTICAL—DEFEAT for the Viet Cong and NORTH—VIETNAM—FORCES, but it is widely seen as the turning POINT—OF—THE—WAR that led to the...
20070327             MANY—EUROPEANS bash THE—USA for restricting FREEDOM—OF—SPEECH... Prison who have been imprisoned under our shiny new ANTI—TERRORISM—LAWS here in THE—UK.
20070327             das kollektiv : 20030205             ... (see the researcher tool section). archive.bibalex_org, THE—INTERNET archive at the New Library of ALEXANDRIA—EGYPT, mirrors the Waybck Machine.
20070327             Bernays, EDWARD—L—FREUD—USA—NEPHEW and disciple rising depression rates + childhood mental illness match...
20070327    CBC News In Depth: Spin Cycles
20070327             —PRESENTED, The award was, —DURING THE—EDWARD—L—BERNAYS 20030000             MARK—OF—EXCELLENCE... for Childhood Immunization, PORTER—NOVELLI—PUBLIC—RELATIONS + CDLHN.
20070327             Public relations -
20070327             —GILDED, Hers was 1, childhood on MANHATTAN—EAST—SIDE, with servants...
20070327             Nominee ROBERT—GATES—TIED to IRAN—CONTRA Scandal + - the Secret Arming of Saddam Hussein...
20070327             Uncle Sam: Devistation ABROAD—THE—INVASION—OF—PANAMA.
20070327             THE—GULF—WAR. THE—IRAN—CONTRA coverup.
20070327             Client and notify your browsers that it —NOW handles the. torrent file type.
20070327             USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP—INC—AIG Amended Annual Report (10-K.
20070327             USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP—INC—AIG Amended Annual Report (10-K. is certain information concerning the directors and executive officers of AIG.
20070327             —TODAY announced that Petros K. Sabatacakis has been named... - G.R. No.
20070327             L-104776 vs. HON.
20070327             DEL—MUNDO (G.R. NUMBER 104776), the claimants represented by Atty.
20070327             Democratic Underground FORUMS—CAPTION ALERT: Cat eyes
20070327             Lesson 1 (will be): You cannot build 1—NATION, or it will fall apart again and again (see YUGOSLAVIA, Checkoslovakia, Sovietunion...).
20070327             —DISAPPEARED, MANY—CIA—RECORDS pertaining to Oswald + Shaw have.
20070327             Moeller u.a. - EDUARD—STADTLER (" Antibolschewistische Liga "),
20070327             MAX—HILDEBERT—BOEHM (Buch: "Das eigenständige Volk")...
20070327             Unsere ZEIT—ZEITUNG der DKP—DISKUSSION:Antibolschewistische Liga
20070327             Diskussion: Antibolschewistische Liga... Liga ">Diskussion: Antibolschewistische Liga Stichwörter.
20070327             Antibolschewistische Liga.
20070327             Antibolschewistische LIGA—
20070327             Assozierte Begriffe: 1—INCREMENTAL algorithm about THE—AFFINITY—RULE based...
20070327             Manifold Learning Resource Page DAGM'04: 26. Pattern Recognition Symposium (20040000             );
20070327             Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 321-328.
20070327             Antibolschewistische LIGA—WIKIPEDIA Kurze Zeit nach ihrer Gründung wurde die Antibolschewistische Liga in " Liga zum Schutze der DEUTSCHLAND—KULTUR" umbenannt.
20070327             Global protests against WAR—ON—IRAQ—OPENWIKI
20070327             I am basing this talk either on... Professor Kurtz reports on 1—INTERVIEW he did
20070327             Citizen JOURNALIST—DIGS—DEEPER | Sunlight Foundation The prolific MISTER—S—PANSTREPPON, who —LAST—WEEK drew attention to 3—EARMARKS for 1—FOUNDATION...
20070327             So geben die Büschelaffen mitunter statt ihrer eigenen die Erbinformation ihrer Geschwister an die Nachkommen weiter, wie die Forscher in 5—VON 15—UNTERSUCHTEN Affenfamilien nachweisen konnten.
20070327             die die meiste Zeit des Tages mit der gegenseitigen Körperpflege verbringen + im Besonderen die Fürsorge der Männchen, die sich ausgiebig um den Nachwuchs der ganzen Sippe kümmern.
20070327             —GERATEN, Durch die Klimaerwärmung, die WALD—ÖKOSYSTEME am Äquator zusätzlich in Gefahr.
20070327             Quellen: Das Kosmos WALD—UND Forstlexikon, WWF—HINTERGRUNDINFORMATION
20070327             —GEHOLFEN, Doch der bedrohten Flora und Fauna sei damit nicht, ihr nutze höchstens ein rascher Stopp der Erwärmung: "Wir können —NUN einmal Arten nicht transplantieren".
20070327             Andernfalls werde uns die Zeit davonlaufen, "um die Biodiversität und die Dienste, die sie uns leistet", zu bewahren
20070327             Für das, was —DERZEIT geschehe, gebe es keine Blaupause in fossilen Klimarekonstruktionen, wie der DIREKTOR—DES—ÖKOLOGIEPROGRAMMS an der UNIVERSITY—OF—WYOMING in Laramie feststellt:
20070327             Klar ist wohl nur eines: In den Tropen drohen TIER—UND Pflanzenarten nicht allein durch Abholzung und Brandrodung auszusterben;
20070327             "Doch wenn man 1—WELT nimmt und sie aufheizt, dann sind es ihre wärmsten Regionen, die als 1. ins Unbekannte vorstoßen", sagt JOHN—WILLIAMS, Geograf an der UNIVERSITY—OF—WISCONSIN + Erstautor der neuen Studie.
20070327             Doch sie sind davon überzeugt, dass die Klimaerwärmung eine ganz andere Weltregion, von der —BISHER kaum jemand spricht, viel stärker gefährdet:
20070327             Atlas dunkelrot: Die ARKTIS soll der Klimawandel —NACH—DEN Prognosen am härtesten TREFFEN—MIT regionalen Temperaturzuwächsen von —BIS zu 8—GRAD Celsius
20070327             —GESTIEGEN, Unternehmen: GESCHÄFTSKLIMA—INDEX überraschend
20070327             "AUSTRALIEN—TALIBAN": 1. GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING bekennt sich schuldig
20070327             In his latest book, Debunking 20010911             Debunking, Griffin destroys the credibility of the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports, annihilates his critics + proves himself to be 1—BETTER—SCIENTIST and engineer than THE—DEFENDERS—OF—THE—OFFICIAL—STORY.
20070327             -Die NEW—YORK—TIMES BERICHTETE—ÜBER die Farce eines illegalen Militärtribunals gegen einen von der USA—REGIERUNG als Geisel in Guantánamo festgehaltenen offenbar völlig desorientierten...
20070327             —PASSED, Buck Act is, in THE—USA, allows ANY—DEPARTMENT—OF—THE—FEDERAL... of 1—NEW consolidated, modern sultanate.
20070327             Usuario:1148824044 - Conoce GNU/Linux... buck act  ninel... - Obtenido de ""...
20070327             —STAGED, The coup, by PRINCE—QABOOS, with his friend TIM—LANDON, was the beginning of a...
20070327             ALABAMA Against Fraud :: View TOPIC—STEPHEN—TAUB, RAKESH—SAXENA...
20070327             * Sarkis Soghanalian, 74 in... MIAMI — Sarkis Soghanalian was once the most powerful arms dealer in the world.
20070327             HyeForum > Arms Dealer Implicates PERU Spy CHIEF—IN—SMUGGLING—RING—MONTESINOS oozed charm, says Sarkis Soghanalian, a rotund arms trafficker +...
20070327             1—SHIPMENT—OF—4000—AK—47S took off for PERU aboard 1—DUBAI—REGISTERED 707 ...
20070327    welcome to ALFATOMEGA -->
20070327             Tire DEALERS—RETAIL in BEAR—DELAWARE (DE) - InfoSpace Find It!
20070327             Ramy El Batrawi, ADNAN—KHASHOGGI + others, including employees of certain banks + BROKER—DEALERS, with conspiring to manipulate the stock price of...
20070327             —2—JAHRE—SPÄTER, AM—IM Laufe des 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20070327             -In 1—REPORT released ON—IT was disclosed that PAKISTAN has been rewarded for its warm friendship with MISTER—BUSH by being made the most favored beneficiary of 1—NEW—POST—20010911              program that the Defense Department informally refers to as the Coalition Support Funds (CSF).
20070327             —RECEIVED, —BEFORE 20010911             PAKISTAN, less military aid than ESTONIA or PANAMA.
20070327             —BG—SOURCE—RENZI inquiry at issue in ouster WASHINGTON-
20070327             —2—WEEKS—AFTER... his investigation of REPRESENTATIVE—RICK—RENZI, R—ARIZONA Charlton, 1—OF 8—FEDERAL—PROSECUTORS forced to resign...
20070327             BERNAYS—PROPAGANDA (how the media molds your mind) ( 19280000             )
20070327             EMIL—SAADA.
20070327             Marshall,J. - THE—IRAN—CONTRA Connection.
20070327             GLESER LEO—COCKBURN,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison.
20070327             Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. The... -
20070327             (SON—OF—SAMUEL—BUSH, & SON—IN—LAW—OF—GEORGE H Walker) joins the Harriman... 1—PERMANENT—USA resident nicknamed the "MERCHANT—OF—DEATH " by SOME—USA...
20070327             The reader will recall MISTER—SAMUEL—PRYOR, the `` MERCHANT—OF—DEATH.
20070327             Or So Says Chuck DeCaro Fingering the Navy.
20070327             D—MICHAEL—GREEN - NEW—YORK — Citigroup -
20070327             QUEEN lässt —NACHTS das Licht AN—
20070327   ——
20070327             im Laufe des 20010101—21001231.
20070327             —ISOLATED, In HALF—1—CENTURY, I have not seen 1—PRESIDENT so, from his own party in Congress -- not JIMMY—CARTER, not even RICHARD—NIXON as he faced impeachment
20070327200502       —OFFERED, DATE Learn to spy on your neighbors: Public, class on terror spotting:
20070327200502       —1— Nordkoreakonflikt :
20070327—19200000    —IN—THE, S and '30s,
20070327—19640802    —ON, Post from ROSIE—BLOG—BG—SOURCE->the gulf of tonkin THE—GULF—OF—TONKIN—INCIDENT began with an "imaginary" attack by 3—NORTH—VIETNAM—TORPEDO boats on the Maddox, A—USA—DESTROYER, in the Gulf of Tonkin.
20070327—19920000    —IN, the Business Development BANK—OF—SHANGHAI was established as CHINA—1. FOREIGN—OWNED bank.
20070327—19980300    —APPEARED, Lott, on NBC—MEET—THE—PRESS and lambasted the Clinton WHITE—HOUSE for invoking executive privilege:
20070327—19980500    —IN.
20070327—20010911    —ON, ABC News COVERAGE—OF—MAJOR breaking stories including the war in IRAQ, the attacks the ongoing THREAT—OF—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISM and the global WAR—ON—TERRORISM,
20070327—20010911    —AFTER, "MISS—NBC is running 1—STORY about yet another government database designed to thwart terrorists and drug dealers that is having impact on people with similar names. Like 1—NO—FLY list for businesses, THE—OFFICE—OF—FOREIGN—ASSET—CONTROL—LIST—OF 'specially designated nationals' has been used in the past by banks and other financial institutions to block financial TRANSACTIONS—OF—DRUG—DEALERS and other criminals. USE—OF—THE—LIST was expanded and —NOW includes almost ANY—FINANCIAL—TRANSACTION. Moreover, there is no minimum AMOUNT—OF—MONEY attached to penalties for selling to someone on the list: selling 1—SANDWICH to a 'specially designated national' can have 1—FINE for up to '$10—MILLION and 10 to —30—YEARS in prison.' The article goes on: 'Businesses have used it to screen applicants for home and car loans, apartments and even exercise equipment, according to interviews and 1—REPORT by the Lawyers' COMMITTEE—FOR—CIVIL—RIGHTS—OF—THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY area to be issued —TODAY.'"
20070327—20010911    —AFTER, In THE—3—YEARS it received $4.2—BILLION in military aid.
20070327—20010911    —SINCE, PAKISTAN has received more than $10—BILLION in overall aid including military aid.
20070327—20020700    —IN, According to THE—FEDERAL—PROCUREMENT—DATA—SYSTEM, the Executive OFFICE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT awarded a —1—MONTH, $140,000 contract to MZM, INCORPORATED.
20070327—20030000    —SHARED, PAUL—LAUTERBUR, the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
20070327—20030000    —IN, He shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
20070327—20030000    IRAQ—ARMS dumps overrun by coalition forces-
20070327—20030000    Ballooning from fewer than 100,000 files to about 435,000, the growing database threatens to overwhelm the people who manage it".
20070327—20050500    "UNTERSCHICHTEN—TV": Wer ist Proll ?
20070327—20060000    0412... Moyers, "the Secret Government ";
20070327—20060000    0603... it: Coverup : Behind THE—IRAN—CONTRA—AFFAIR :
20070327—20060000    0111
20070327—20070111    —PLANNED, IRAN—SEIZURE—OF—THE—15—UK—SAILORS was 1—CAREFULLY, retaliation for the arrest of 5—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD--Quds Force officers from THE—IRAN—CONSULATE in IRBIL—IRAQ, by USA—FORCES, according to Western intelligence sources.
20070327—20070313    —ON, 1—TRAIL against 2—MANAGERS had begun, for USE—OF—FUNDS to smooth contracts with ITALY—UTILITY, Enel.
20070327—20070327    —PUBLISHED, Article
20070327—20070901    —ON, The new law takes affect.
20070327—20080000    Election: THE—REAL—NUMBERS
20070327—20080800    —BY, 59 %: Americans who want their congress ional representatives to support 1—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—FORCES from IRAQ.
20070401             Published: 20070327             20070401—20070327    —FROM, Ho HUM—BG clipped — Facing sharp questioning over THE—FBI—MISUSE of national security letters to obtain phone, computer and financial records of Americans —WHILE searching for terrorists, director ROBERT—MUELLER took full responsibility for the actions of his agents and employees —WHEN he testified —BEFORE Congress —TODAY.
20070409   ——
20070409   —
20070413             —STAGED, The coup, by PRINCE—QABOOS, with his friend TIM—LANDON, was THE—BEGINNING—OF— a...
20070413             Chechen Separatists Say "3. Force"... -
20070415—20070327    —CLAIMED, Perino, that there were only a "handful.
20070415—20070327    —CLAIMED, Perino, that there were only a "handful " of staffers with such accounts.
20070415—20070327    —ON, Perino said RNC archiving was "
20080207             —WHEN PRESIDENT—CLINTON, in SOUTH—AFRICA, 20080327             —ON had voiced his hopes for... On
20080327             —FACED, Blair, life in prison.
20080327             Adobe systems, the maker of the popular PHOTO—EDITING software Photoshop, launched 1—BASIC—VERSION—AVAILABLE for free online.
20080327             —WOUNDED, Johnston was, and taken into custody.
20080327             —STAGED, Comorans, angry ANTI—FRANCE—PROTESTS as FRANCE decided whether to give ousted rebel leader MOHAMED—BACAR asylum —AFTER he fled to its INDIA—OCEAN—TERRITORY—OF—MAYOTTE.
20080327             —PROMISED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, to pursue his fight against Shiite militias in Basra to "the end".
20080327             —CALLED, AL—SADR, for 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the burgeoning crisis and 1—END to the "SHEDDING—OF—IRAQ—BLOOD".
20080327             Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITES took to BAGHDAD—STREETS to protest the government crackdown on militias in Basra as heavy fighting between IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES and gunmen erupted for a 3. —DAY in the southern oil port and the capital.
20080327             The death toll in the Shiite CITY—OF—HILLAH, about 60—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, rose to at least 60. Tahseen Sheikhly, the Sunni CIVIL—SPOKESMAN for THE—BAGHDAD security operation, was kidnapped and 3—BODYGUARDS killed.
20080327             THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT said it has sent more than 2,500 soldiers and FEDERAL—POLICE to curb soaring violence in 1—BORDER—STATE across from TEXAS and NEW—MEXICO.
20080327             —RELEASED, Geert Wilders, 1—HOLLAND—LAWMAKER, his —15—MINUTE—FILM "Fitna," which linked verses of the Koran to violent images from terrorist attacks.
20080327             —ATTACKED, Suspected militants, 1—AMBULANCE in 1—PAKISTAN—TRIBAL region on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER killing at least 6—PEOPLE, including 2—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS.
20080327             1—GUNMAN on 1—MOTORCYCLE has fatally shot 2—ANTI—TERRORISM—OFFICIALS in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KARACHI.
20080327             THE—EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—LOCAL—EDITION said THE—PHILIPPINES will get its own edition of Playboy magazine, only without the nudity that made THE—USA—VERSION—FAMOUS.
20080327             12—OTHERS were also charged in the corruption probe.
20080327             —KILLED, NORTH—SRI—LANKA, 1—SERIES—OF—BATTLES along the front lines, 17—ETHNIC—TAMIL rebels and 2—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS.
20080327             1—GROUP—OF—MONKS shouting there was no religious freedom disrupted 1—CAREFULLY orchestrated visit for foreign reporters to TIBET—CAPITAL, 1—EMBARRASSMENT for CHINA as it tried to show Lhasa was calm —FOLLOWING deadly ANTI—GOVERNMENT—RIOTS.
20080327             1—HELICOPTER belonging to UKRAINE—BORDER—GUARDS crashed off 1—ISLAND in the Black Sea.
20080327             1—OFFICER was rescued and 12 were missing.
20080327             —WAS—WOUNDED, Johnston, and taken into custody.
20080327             1—BOOBY—TRAPPED car exploded near THE—IRAQ—RED—CRESCENT—SOCIETY—OFFICES in BAGHDAD, killing 2—CIVILIANS and wounding 5.
20080327             —EXPELLED, NORTH—KOREA, all 11—SOUTH—KOREAN—OFFICIALS from 1—JOINT—INDUSTRIAL—ESTATE—JUST NORTH—OF—THE—BORDER in retaliation for SEOUL—NEW—TOUGHER—LINE towards the communist state.
20080327             —WAS—CHARGED, PUERTO—RICO—GOVERNOR—ANIBAL—ACEVEDO—VILA, with 19—COUNTS in 1—CAMPAIGN—FINANCE—PROBE, including conspiracy to violate USA—FEDERAL—CAMPAIGN—LAWS and giving false testimony to THE—FBI.
20080327             —KILLED, TURKEY—ARMED—FORCES, 15—MEMBERS—OF—THE outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in NORTH—IRAQ using LONG—RANGE—LAND—WEAPONS.
20080327             —LE—IL a déposé plainte auprès du parquet de Genève.
20080327             ACM aurait eu vent de cette plainte en septembre dernier.
20080327             La société a dès lors pris l'initiative de contacter le juge d'instruction, puis la Brigade financière, pour lui livrer ses propres informations "à satisfaction" — la justice s'apprêtant à clôturer le dossier.
20080327             Selon ACM, un de ses traders, remercié en
20080327203330       Querschüsse zum Thema Wirtschaft und Finanzmärkte DEUTSCHE—BANK +die Finanzkrise.htm
20080327—19811209    —OVERTURNED, A—USA—APPEALS—COURT—IN—PHILADELPHIA, the death sentence of Mumia ABU—JAMAL, who had been convicted of killing Officer DANIEL—FAULKNER.
20080327—20040000    —IN, KANSAS, CITY—MONTANA, 1—JUDGE—CONVICTED—TERRY—BLAIR, —46—JAHRE—ALT of killing 6—WOMEN.
20080327—20040000    —STORMED, COLUMBUS—GEORGIA, CHARLES—JOHNSTON, —63—JAHRE—ALT, 1—HOSPITAL and killed 3—PEOPLE including 1—NURSE he blamed for his mother's death.
20080327—20080402    —ON, THE—PHILIPPINES—EDITION will be launched as a "mature lifestyle magazine".
20080403—20080401    —CHARGED, Korade was, with 20080327             —THE—KILLING—OF—4—PEOPLE in his village of Velika Veternicka: a —16—YEAR—OLD—BOY, his —62—YEAR—OLD grandmother and 2—MEN, including 1—FORMER—KORADE aide.
20080404   —
20080926             [20030327             ] PAUL—WOLFOWITZ, Deputy Defense SECRETARY:
20090307—20090327    —ON, COLIN—DUFFY, —41—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROMINENT—DISSIDENT republican, was remanded in custody —AFTER being charged with the murders of THE—2—UK—SOLDIERS.
20090322—20090327    —ON—SOUTH—AFRICA, the —SUNDAY Independent said THE—CHINA—EMBASSY in SOUTH—AFRICA had confirmed its government had appealed to SOUTH—AFRICA NOT to allow the Dalai Lama into the country for 1—PEACE—CONFERENCE.
20090323—20090327    —RECOVERED, Officials said the material had been.
20090325—20090327    —ON, Rescue workers found the wreckage.
20090327             1424030.html Acudam, que matam a LAGOA dos Salgados!
20090327             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 4,000 more military troops into AFGHANISTAN, vowing to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat" the Taliban and AL—QAIDA.
20090327             —APPROVED, THE—TEXAS—BOARD—OF—EDUCATION, 1—SCIENCE—CURRICULUM opening the door for teachers and texts to raise doubts about evolution.
20090327             NORTH—DAKOTA—THE—RED—RIVER, rose to 1—DAUNTING —112—YEAR high and breached 1—OF—THE—DIKES fortifying Fargo, but the mayor pledged to "go down swinging" as he called for more evacuations and additional National Guard troops to prevent 1—DEVASTATING flood.
20090327             TRACY—CALIFORNIA, SANDRA—CANTU, —8—JAHRE—ALT went missing from her MOBILE park home.
20090327             † JACK—DREYFUS, —95—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—THE—DREYFUS—FUND (19510000             ), in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20090327             —HELPED, JACK—DREYFUS—FUND, found the retail MUTUAL—FUND—BUSINESS.
20090327             —UNCOVERED, BOLIVIA—INTERIOR—MINISTER—ALFREDO—RADA said police have, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST known cocaine processing factories.
20090327             2—COLOMBIANS and 1—BOLIVIAN were arrested at the nearly 1,000-acre (400—HECTARE) site in the dense, southeastern jungles.
20090327             CHILE, the Progressive Governance Summit, a —2—DAY—GATHERING—OF—LEADERS from Latin AMERICA and EUROPE, opened at the resort CITY—OF—VINA—DEL—MAR.
20090327             —AGREED, All, for 1—EXPORT—CREDIT fund to get trade flowing again.
20090327             HONDA—COLOMBIA, Arcebio Alvarez (59), 1—FARMER and widower, was arrested on charges of incest and sexual abuse.
20090327             —CAUSED, INDONESIA, torrential rain, 1—DAM to burst outside JAKARTA, sending 1—WALL—OF muddy water crashing into 1—DENSELY packed neighborhood and killing at least 96—PEOPLE with some 130—STILL missing.
20090327             —WRAPPED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, up his MINI—TOUR—OF—3—AFRICA—COUNTRIES, —AFTER meeting with NIGER leader Mamadou Tandja.
20090327             —FOLLOWED, This, visits to KINSHASA and BRAZZAVILLE.
20090327             1 overcrowded boat packed with migrants capsized in stormy seas off THE—COAST—OF—LIBYA.
20090327             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER demolished 1—MOSQUE packed with HUNDREDS—OF—WORSHIPPERS attending prayers near Jamrud in the Khyber Pass, killing at least 50—PEOPLE and injuring over 100—MORE.
20090327             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—MEDIA, that the presidential Security Council has released 1—DOCUMENT outlining government policy for THE—ARCTIC that includes creating 1—SPECIAL—GROUP—OF—MILITARY—FORCES.
20090327             13 were reported killed in 1—BATTLE—NEAR—PUTHKKUDIYIRIPPU, —WHILE army snipers killed another 16.
20090327             —REJECTED, THAILAND—PRIME—MINISTER—ABHISIT—VEJJAVIJA'S, calls for his resignation by THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS who ringed his office for a 2. —DAY in 1—BOISTEROUS—RALLY.
20090327             —DECRIED, ZIMBABWE PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI, 1—FRESH—WAVE—OF—FARM—INVASIONS across the country and warned that those responsible for the farm disruptions risk arrest.
20090327             —HELPED, His fund, found the retail MUTUAL—FUND—BUSINESS.
20090327             SOUTH—AFRICA—COUNTRIES (ANGOLA—BOTSWANA, MOZAMBIQUE—NAMIBIA, ZAMBIA) have been hit by the worst floods in years, killing more than 100—PEOPLE and displacing thousands, as 1—TROPICAL—STORM threatened to bring more pain.
20090327             —HAS—SICKENED, CHINA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS said that hand, foot and mouth disease, 41,000—PEOPLE across the country and killed 18—CHILDREN so far —THIS—YEAR.
20090327             —COLLIDED, CHINA, 1—MINIBUS, with 2—TRUCKS and 1—BUS tumbled into 1—MOUNTAIN gorge in 2—UNRELATED crashes, killing 1—TOTAL—OF—37—PEOPLE.
20090327             —WAS—ARRESTED, HONDA—COLOMBIA, Arcebio Alvarez (59), 1—FARMER and widower, on charges of incest and sexual abuse.
20090327             —WAS—ACCUSED, He, of incest for allegedly fathering 8—CHILDREN with his daughter.
20090327             —DENIED, He, being the woman's biological father.
20090327             Only 20—SURVIVED —WHEN the wooden vessel with 257—PEOPLE on BOARD, mostly AFRICA—MIGRANTS, including 70—WOMEN and 2—CHILDREN, both of whom †, sunk only —3—HOURS off LIBYA.
20090327             —CALLED, PAKISTAN PRESIDENT—ASIF—ALI—ZARDARI, for A—USA—CHANGE—OF—POLICY and voiced opposition to missile strikes.
20090327             —APPOINTED, ABDULLAH—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA (84), his HALF—BROTHER, PRINCE—NAYEF (75), as his 2. deputy PRIME—MINISTER.
20090327             —HAD—KILLED, SRI—LANKA—MILITARY said it, 29—REBELS.
20090327             Die Geisel ließ er frei und dirigierte die Ermittler via Telefon zu ihrem Versteck.
20090327             -diesen JAHRES—SOLL Wolf die —44—JAHRE alte Ehefrau eines leitenden Bankangestellten aus WIESBADEN entführt und 1,8 Millionen Euro Lösegeld erpresst haben.
20090327—19330000    —IN, The earthen dam, built —WHEN INDONESIA was still under HOLLAND—RULE, surrounded 1—MAN—MADE lake in Cirendeu on the southwestern edge of JAKARTA.
20090327—20090406    —ON, her body was found in 1—SUITCASE dumped in 1—IRRIGATION pond 1—FEW miles away.
20090327—20090410    —ON, MELISSA—HUCKABY, —28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SUNDAY school teacher, was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and killing Cantu.
20091021             ? - 20080327—20270327                 —1—
20091021             ? - 20080327             20091021             ? - 20050618             20091021             —ARRIVED, The group had, on flights from MALAYSIA, Syria and QATAR on 20091019—20091020.
20091214—20100327    —UNTIL, NEWS—OF—THE—MASSACRE was not made public.
20100326—20100327    —RAMPAGED, CHINA, HUNDREDS—OF—CITIZENS, in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—KUNMING enraged by rumors that 1—VENDOR had been killed by 1—OFFICER—OF—THE "City Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau," commonly known by its CHINA—ABBREVIATION chengguan.
20100327             ROBERT—KRENTZ, —58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROMINENT—ARIZONA rancher near THE—MEXICO—BORDER, was shot —WHILE working at his remote cattle ranch on THE—ARIZONA—MEXICO border.
20100327             —SPRAWLED, His family's ranch, over 35,000 acres.
20100327             —TRACKED, Investigators, the footprints of the suspected gunman about 20—MILES—SOUTH to the border with MEXICO, prompting SOME—AUTHORITIES to blame smugglers or illegal immigrants for the killing.
20100327             —RECOVERED, Authorities, hand grenade instructions and schematics, 1—CONTAINER of potassium chlorate, and other items.
20100327             6—CIVILIANS were killed in 2—SEPARATE roadside bomb explosions, 1 in Sangin district and 1 in Nawa district.
20100327             AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY—ICONIC—OPERA—HOUSE and Harbor Bridge went dark along with MILLIONS—OF—HOMES at THE—START—OF—EARTH—HOUR, 1—GLOBAL—SWITCH—OFF aimed at revitalizing efforts against climate change.
20100327             —SEIZED, Pirates off THE—COAST—OF—CAMEROON—BAKASSI peninsula, THE—MV—GULL, 1—GHANA—SHIP, and kidnapped 2—SAILORS for ransom.
20100327             Pirates took control of the ship and kidnapped its CAPTAIN and 1—OFFICER on BOARD once they found nothing worth stealing.
20100327             —COLLAPSED, CHINA, 1—RECYCLING pool at 1—SEWAGE—TREATMENT—PLANT, in NORTH—SHAANXI province and some 1,000 TONS—OF—OIL—SLUDGE contaminated farmland and THE—LUOHE—RIVER, 1—TRIBUTARY of the Yellow River.
20100327             —TOPPLED, TURIN—ITALY, Mao Asada (19) of JAPAN, Olympic champion YU—NA—KIM in 1—TRIUMPHANT season finale which saw her claim her 2. world title at the world figure skating championships.
20100327             A —2—DAY—ARAB League summit opened in SIRTE—LIBYA.
20100327             —URGED, Amr Moussa, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, the 22-nation bloc to engage IRAN directly over concerns about its growing influence in the region and its disputed nuclear program.
20100327             —LIFTED, LIBYA, 1—VISA ban on citizens of 25—EUROPEAN countries —AFTER EU PRESIDENT—SPAIN said 1—SWISS—INSTIGATED visa blacklist against 188—LIBYANS in those countries had been scrapped.
20100327             WEST—MEXICO, 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and 2—OTHER—MEN have been found shot to death at 1—GAS—STATION in Michoacan state.
20100327             GUERRERO, STATE—1—MAN was found tied up and fatally shot in 1—CAR in the resort of ACAPULCO.
20100327             The bodies of 4—MEN and 1—WOMAN were found on 1—RURAL—ROAD in 1—TOWN not far from the violent border CITY—OF—CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20100327             —GATHERED, More than 7,000—PEOPLE, in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MONTERREY to protest 1—WAVE—OF—VIOLENCE that has affected the country's 3. largest city in recent weeks.
20100327             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—AIR—STRIKES, at least 11—MILITANTS in 1—NEW—OFFENSIVE against foreign fighters in the restive northwest tribal belt bordering AFGHANISTAN.
20100327             —KILLED, Suspected USA—MISSILES, 4—PEOPLE in the northwest.
20100327             † In RUSSIA FORMER—SOVIET—WORLD chess champion Vasily Smyslov (89) of heart failure.
20100327             —SPANNED, His career in the top FLIGHT—OF—WORLD chess, SOME— 4—DECADES.
20100327             —EXPECTED, Others were, to soon follow.
20100327             SUDAN, Darfur rebels allegedly shot down 2—SUDAN—ARMY—HELICOPTERS in the latest reports of fighting that have marred faltering peace talks between KHARTOUM and other insurgents.
20100327             —CRASHED, SUDAN—ARMY said 2—OF—ITS—HELICOPTERS, —AFTER developing technical problems.
20100327             —RETREATED, THAILAND—TROOPS, from security posts in the capital, bowing to demands from 80,000 jubilant RED—SHIRTED protesters who mounted 1—RALLY to demand fresh elections.
20100327             —OPENED, YEMEN, policemen, fire in Daleh on the funeral procession for 1—SOUTHERN—MOVEMENT—MEMBER killed by police gunfire —1—WEEK—EARLIER, wounding 28—MOURNERS.
20100327             ZIMBABWE police shut down 1—ART exhibit exploring violence blamed on PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE.
20100327             —MASSACRED, THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS were, in the fighting.
20100327             —LAUNCHED, UNITED—KINGDOM—AIRWAYS cabin crew, a —4—DAY—STRIKE, the 2. wave of action in —1—WEEK as PART—OF—1—BITTER, LONG—RUNNING dispute over pay and conditions.
20100327             IRAN used 1—ANCIENT—NEW—YEAR—CELEBRATION to reach out to AFGHANISTAN—AZERBAIJAN, IRAQ—TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, and TURKEY at 1—SUMMIT meeting that projected IRAN—LEADERSHIP in the strategic region straddling THE—MIDDLE—EAST and CENTRAL—ASIA.
20100327             —HAVE—BEEN—KILLED, PERU—POLICE said 5—PEOPLE, by 1—MUDSLIDE set off by heavy rains in 1—REMOTE—COMMUNITY—OF wildcat miners in THE—SOUTH—EAST—ANDES.
20100327             —PARTIALLY—COLLAPSED, RUSSIA, 1—APARTMENT—BLOCK—WEST—OF—MOSCOW, —FOLLOWING 1 suspected gas explosion, killing 3—PEOPLE and possibly trapping others under the rubble.
20100327             —WERE—KILLED, SOMALIA, 3—PEOPLE, and 4—INJURED in clashes between government soldiers and armed protesters opposing the demolition of their houses near MOGADISHU—MAIN—AIRPORT.
20100327             —BECAME, KOREA Life, the 1. big SOUTH—KOREAN—LIFE insurer to go public.
20100327             —WERE—EXPECTED, Others, to soon follow.
20100327             —WERE—MASSACRED, THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS, in the fighting.
20100327—19570000    —IN, Smyslov beat MIKHAIL—BOTVINNIK to become the 7. world champion, —BEFORE losing in 1—RE—MATCH THE—FOLLOWING—YEAR.
20100327—19800000    —COLLECTED, Artist OWEN—MASEKO had, family photos of missing people, IMAGES—OF—MINE shafts where bodies were believed dumped and reports on 1 armed uprising —AFTER INDEPENDENCE in THE—WEST—MATABELELAND district that was crushed by troops loyal to Mugabe.
20100327—19840000    —IN, He was beaten by GARRY—KASPAROV— in the Candidates Final match for the right to challenge Anatoly Karpov for the world title, which Kasparov went on to capture.
20100327—20100331    —FREED, Pirates, THE—2—WEST—AFRICA—SAILORS.
20100401             —ORDERED, 1—ISRAEL—MILITARY—JUDGE, the release of 10—PALESTINIANS, including 1—SENIOR—FATAH official, detained at a 20100327             protest march through 1—WEST—BANK—CHECKPOINT.
20100416—20120327    —ON, both men pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.
20110204—20110327    —BIS, [15.10—UHR] Der für den 24. geplante Weltcup der Modernen Fünfkämpfer in der ÄGYPTEN—HAUPTSTADT—KAIRO ist wegen der aktuellen Situation vor Ort ersatzlos gestrichen worden.
20110327             ABSPALTUNG—DES—DISTRIKTS—MAFINGA vom Distrikt Isoka in SAMBIA.
20110327             † DJ Megatron (32), 1—URBAN—RADIO and TV personality, was shot and killed in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20110327             —INCLUDED, His films, "Strangers on 1—TRAIN" (19510000             ), 1—HITCHCOCK film based on 1—NOVEL by PATRICIA—HIGHSMITH.
20110327             1—TEAM—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS shot their way into the compound of 1—ROAD—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY in EAST—AFGHANISTAN and detonated 1—TRUCK loaded with explosives, killing at least 24—PEOPLE and wounding 56—OTHERS in Paktika province.
20110327             —ACCEPTED, BAHRAIN—LARGEST—SHI'ITE opposition group WEFAQ—KUWAIT as 1—MEDIATOR with BAHRAIN—GOVERNMENT to end 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS gripping the tiny kingdom.
20110327             † In BRAZIL renowned BELGIUM—BORN theologian JOSE—COMBLIN (88) of natural causes.
20110327             Comblin was 1—LEADING EXPONENT—OF—LIBERATION theology, which advocates activism on behalf of the poor.
20110327             The movement swept Latin AMERICA in the 1960s —FOLLOWING the 2. VATICAN Council.
20110327             —VOTED, THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, in the 2. round of parliamentary elections expected to hand PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—BOZIZE—PARTY 1—LARGE—MAJORITY because of 1—OPPOSITION boycott.
20110327             —PHONED, YANG—HENGJUN, —46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—SYDNEY—BASED spy novelist, 1—ASSISTANT from GUANGZHOU airport in SOUTH—EAST—CHINA to say 3—MEN were —FOLLOWING him.
20110327             Yang was —LATER able to briefly phone 1—SISTER in GUANGZHOU to say "he's having 1—LONG chat with his old friends".
20110327             —PREARRANGED, This was 1, signal that Yang had been taken by the secret police.
20110327             Yang was 1—OFFICIAL in THE—CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—BEFORE moving to AUSTRALIA.
20110327             His novel, "Fatal Weakness," deals with espionage between CHINA and THE—USA and has been published on THE—INTERNET in CHINA.
20110327             The pirates were trying to seize 1—MERCHANT ship, MV Maersk Kensington, using 1 hijacked trawler.
20110327             16—CREW members who had been taken hostage by the pirates were rescued from the hijacked IRAN—TRAWLER off INDIA—WEST—LAKSHADWEEP islands.
20110327             —DEPLOYED, ISRAEL, 1—CUTTING—EDGE—ROCKET—DEFENSE—SYSTEM on the outskirts of Beersheba.
20110327             "Iron Dome" is expected to be fully operational in 1—MATTER—OF—MONTHS.
20110327             ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT struck 1—PALESTINE—ROCKET—SQUAD in THE—GAZA—STRIP, killing 2—MILITANTS as the military activated 1—NEW—DEFENSE—SYSTEM to shoot down incoming rockets.
20110327             —EMBATTLED, IVORY—COAST'S, strongman Laurent Gbagbo accepted THE—AFRICA—UNION—CHOICE to mediate 1—BLOODY—POST—ELECTION—CRISIS.
20110327             But FORMER—CAPE—VERDE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOSE—BRITO was rejected by presidential rival Alassane Ouattara.
20110327             —CONTAMINATED, JAPAN, emergency workers struggling to pump, water from the stricken FUKUSHIMA nuclear complex fled from 1—OF—THE troubled reactors —AFTER reporting 1—HUGE—INCREASE in radioactivity, 1—SPIKE that officials —LATER apologetically said was inaccurate.
20110327             Police said the death toll from earthquake and tsunami stood at 10,668, with more than 16,574—PEOPLE missing.
20110327             —REMAINED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, homeless.
20110327             —PUSHED, LIBYA—REBELS, further west to retake more territory abandoned by Muammar GADDAFI—RETREATING forces, which have been weakened by Western air strikes.
20110327             Their gains put the rebels —BACK—IN CONTROL—OF—ALL the main oil terminals in THE—EAST—HALF—OF—LIBYA: Es Sider, Ras Lanuf, Brega, Zueitina and TOBRUK.
20110327             —REMAINED, Misrata, under siege by Gaddafi forces.
20110327             —APPOINTED, SOUTH—AFRICA—NEWLY, government spokesman JIMMY—MANYI said the government is launching 1—NEWSPAPER to rectify media CENSORSHIP—OF—GOVERNMENT—INFORMATION.
20110327             Its bimonthly magazine will launch —NEXT—MONTH as a 20-page, free, monthly newspaper called Vuk'uzenzele, which means "Wake up and do it for yourself" in Zulu.
20110327             —VOTED, THE—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, to extend its term for another —YEAR, despite INTERNATIONAL calls for it to leave office —WHEN its mandate expires —IN—AUGUST.
20110327             —ARMED, It brought together 5—DIFFERENT, militias spanning 4—OF—SOUTH—SUDAN—10—STATES.
20110327             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT said that unknown gunmen firing from rooftops and prowling THE—STREETS—OF—LATAKIA are to blame —FOR—2—DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE that killed 12—PEOPLE.
20110327             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST said authorities have released 17—POLITICAL—DETAINEES in another apparent attempt to appease the protesters.
20110327             —RETURNED, UNITED—NATIONS police, full CONTROL—OF—EAST—TIMOR to the national force, more than —4—YEARS—AFTER bloody clashes threatened to push the country into civil war.
20110327             —URGED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ, citizens to cut their calories to avoid obesity, the latest lifestyle recommendation by THE—SELF—PROCLAIMED socialist crusader.
20110327             —SEIZED, YEMEN, Islamic militants, CONTROL—OF—1—WEAPONS—FACTORY, 1—STRATEGIC—MOUNTAIN and 1—NEARBY—TOWN in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—ABYAN, as 1—POLITICAL stalemate in the capital causes security to unravel —AROUND the country.
20110327             —VOWED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, his party would not back down from its controversial drive to force FOREIGN—OWNED companies to sell majority shareholdings to local blacks.
20110327             —BARRED, Police, PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI—PARTY from holding 1—RALLY, saying it coincided with the funeral of 1—CLOSE—ALLY—OF—PRESIDENT—MUGABE.
20110327             —WAS—KILLED, The occasional BET TV host, —WHILE going to 1—STORE.
20110327             —WAS—TITLED, His 20070000             memoir, "Include Me Out".
20110327             —WAS—REJECTED, But FORMER—CAPE—VERDE—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JOSE—BRITO, by presidential rival Alassane Ouattara.
20110327             —HAS—REPATRIATED, THE—RED—CROSS said SOUTH—KOREA, 27—OF 31—NORTH—KOREANS whose status was uncertain for more than —1—MONTH because 4—OTHERS on their drifting fishing boat defected.
20110327             —WERE—REPORTED, SOUTH—SUDAN rebels, to have united in 1—NEW armed movement, THE—SOUTH—SUDAN Democratic Movement, against the young southern government.
20110327             —HAS—LOBBIED, Chavez, in recent weeks against what he calls THE—EVILS—OF—CAPITALISM, including alcoholism, breast implants and violent television programs.
20110327—20110407    —ON, THE—PARTY—OF—CAR—PRESIDENT won 1—OVERALL—MAJORITY in THE—RUN—OFF legislative elections, garnering 61—OF—THE—105—SEATS in PARLIAMENT, according to provisional results showed.
20110406             Some 1.7—MILLION—STUDENTS took the exam 20110327             , and those who pass will take another exam in June.
20120213—20120327    —ON, 1—JUDGE dismissed the most serious charges against THE—7—DEFENDANTS.
20120327             † IN—CHILE—DANIEL—ZAMUDIO, 1—YOUNG—GAY—MAN, —FOLLOWING a 20120303             attack in SANTIAGO.
20120327             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION set the 1.—EVER limits on HEAT—TRAPPING pollution from new power plants.
20120327             —VOTED, THE—CALIFORNIA—JUDICIAL—COUNCIL, to kill a $2—BILLION computer system linking the state's 58—COUNTY—COURTS.
20120327             Over $500—MILLION was already spent in 1—LAUNCH effort.
20120327             —GATHERED, Arab officials, in BAGHDAD —THIS—WEEK for 1—SERIES—OF—MEETINGS.
20120327             Their AGENDA—OF—TOURISM, tackling water security and organizing regional responses to natural disasters was overshadowed by the crisis in Syria.
20120327             BRAZIL—TOURISM—MINISTRY said it is asking more than 2,000 websites to remove sexual content that promotes Latin AMERICA—BIGGEST country as 1—SEX—TOURISM—DESTINATION.
20120327             —RECEIVED, BRITAIN—HEALTH and Socal Care Act 20120000             , Royal Assent.
20120327             Attackers had brutally beaten him and carved swastikas into his body.
20120327             —INCLUDED, The suspects, RAUL—ALFONSO—LOPEZ, —25—JAHRE—ALT;
20120327             ALEJANDRO—AXEL—ANGULO—TAPIA, —26—JAHRE—ALT;
20120327             Patricio Ahumada Garay (25); and FABIAN—MORA—MORA, —19—JAHRE—ALT.
20120327             —ANNOUNCED, EGYPT, liberal and leftist parties, that they have pulled out of 1—PANEL drafting EGYPT—NEW—CONSTITUTION, accusing Islamists of monopolizing the process that will deliver the country's POST—REVOLUTION charter.
20120327             CAIRO—ADMINISTRATIVE—COURT began looking into the legitimacy of the constitutional panel —AFTER lawsuits were filed by several legal experts who argue that the constitution cannot be drafted by those whose role it will define.
20120327             —KILLED, INDIA, Maoists insurgents, 12—PARAMILITARY—OFFICERS and injured 28—OTHERS in 1—LANDMINE—BLAST in Maharashtra state, marking the rebels' 3. HIGH—PROFILE—STRIKE—THIS—MONTH.
20120327             —PROTESTED, INDONESIA, thousands, nationwide to reject the government's plan to hike the subsidized fuel price, with sporadic violence breaking out and injuring several people.
20120327             —CAPTURED, ISRAEL—SHAUL—MOFAZ, 1—FORMER—MILITARY—CHIEF and defense MINISTER, 62—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTES the race for Kadima Party CHIEF, trouncing Tzipi Livni, who took 37%.
20120327             1—ISRAEL—ARMY—GAME caused 1—MELEE at 1—HOME in THE—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—OF—RAMMUN.
20120327             3—BROTHERS including Rashad Shawakha, stood to defend their home.
20120327             —GATHERED, JAMAICA, some 60—PROTESTERS who, outside the security ministry in 1—RARE—STREET—DEMONSTRATION to demand 1—END to police shootings.
20120327             There have been roughly 50—POLICE—KILLINGS in JAMAICA so far —THIS—YEAR, nearly 30—OF—THEM in March.
20120327             —LIFTED, MALI, the military junta, 1—CURFEW imposed —AFTER its coup —5—DAYS—EARLIER.
20120327             —PRESENTED, Coup leaders, 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION consisting of 69—ARTICLES.
20120327             —APPEARED, The 1. part, to be lifted from the country's current constitution, including the guarantees of free speech, LIBERTY—OF—MOVEMENT and FREEDOM—OF—THOUGHT.
20120327             The middle and final sections set out THE—ROLE—OF—THE—MILITARY—COMMITTEE—NOW controlling the country, which calls itself the National COMMITTEE—FOR—THE—REESTABLISHMENT—OF—DEMOCRACY and THE—RESTORATION—OF—THE—STATE.
20120327             —DEMANDED, ECOWAS in 1—EMERGENCY meeting again, the immediate restoration of constitutional order in BAMAKO.
20120327             —REPORTED, PAKISTAN was, to have banned INDIA—JAMES—BOND, outlawing 1—HIGH—OCTANE—BOLLYWOOD action flick in which 1—INDIA—SECRET—AGENT thwarts PAKISTAN—SPIES from detonating 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB in DELHI.
20120327             —GROSSED, Agent Vinod, $9.7—MILLION on its opening weekend.
20120327             PAKISTAN, gunmen and arsonists went on the rampage in KARACHI, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and setting DOZENS—OF—VEHICLES alight.
20120327             PAKISTAN, Sobia Bibi (25), 1—MOTHER—OF—1—CHILD, was doused with petrol and burned alive in 1—DISPUTE with her husband's family.
20120327             —NAMED, Her —90—YEAR—OLD—MOTHER—IN—LAW was among those —LATER, as suspects in Narowal district, NORTH—EAST—LAHORE.
20120327             —BOMBED, SOUTH—SUDAN said SUDAN—MILITARY, oil fields in THE—TOWN—OF—BENTIU.
20120327             SWITZERLAND—AUTHORITIES said 5—OUT of every 1,000 deaths in SWITZERLAND —NOW involve assisted suicide, with women more likely to die this way than men.
20120327             —TOURED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD, the flashpoint Baba Amr neighborhood of HOMS.
20120327             1—SPOKESMAN for UN envoy KOFI—ANNAN said Syria has accepted his 6-point plan to end the bloodshed in the country.
20120327             —KILLED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES reportedly, 10—PEOPLE as the regime pushed to retake areas still under rebel control.
20120327             —INCREASED, It, competition, gave THE—NHS greater autonomy, and put more decisions about care in the hands of local doctors.
20120327             —INCLUDED, The suspects, RAUL—ALFONSO—LOPEZ (25); ALEJANDRO—AXEL—ANGULO—TAPIA (26);
20120327             Patricio Ahumada Garay (25); and FABIAN—MORA—MORA (19).
20120327             1—CLOUD—OF explosive natural gas boiling OUT—OF—THE—NORTH—SEA from 1—LEAK at TOTAL—ABANDONED Elgin platform forced wider evacuations off THE—SCOTLAND—COAST as THE—FRANCE—FIRM warned it may take —6—MONTHS to halt the flow.
20120327             —WAS—KILLED, Police said Gordon, —DURING 1—SHOOTOUT between officers and gunmen, but residents deny there were gunmen in the area.
20120327             —SHOWED, It, 1—INDIA—AGENT jetting —AROUND the world, dodging assassins to save his country from nuclear armageddon plotted by rogue PAKISTAN—SPIES and terrorists.
20120327             —WAS—SPARKED, The unrest, by THE—MURDER—OF—1—PARTY—WORKER and his brother the previous —EVENING.
20120327             —WAS—DOUSED, PAKISTAN, Sobia Bibi (25), 1—MOTHER—OF—1—CHILD, with petrol and burned alive in 1—DISPUTE with her husband's family.
20120327             SOUTH—KOREA, world leaders including USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA called for strong steps to combat nuclear terrorism, wrapping up a 53-nation summit overshadowed by NORTH—KOREA—PLANNED rocket launch.
20120327             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 1 suspected MEMBER—OF—AL—QAIDA, identified as M.H.A. M.H.A. — born in JORDAN with SAUDI—ARABIA—CITIZENSHIP, who was key to the terror group's INTERNET propaganda and recruiting operations.
20120327             —WERE—KILLED, SUDAN, 3—PEOPLE, including 1—APPARENTLY shot dead by government troops, in 1—DISPUTE over 1—MARKET in the Darfur region.
20120327             —ANNOUNCED, UK—ROYAL—MAIL, that stamp prices will shoot up to record highs of 60p for 1. class and 50p for 2. class effective 20120430            .
20120327—20120316    1—RAID in the poor Cassava Piece neighborhood Diane Gordon, 1—MOTHER—OF—2, was fatally shot in the head on the street as she returned from 1—CHILD—WAKE.
20120327—20120402    —WOUNDED, Rashad was, by 2—INTRUDERS posing as Arabs ands † of his wounds.
20120327—20131028    —SENTENCED, Garay was, to life in prison.
20120405—20120327    —CRAFTED, THE—REPUBLICAN, bill to loosen securities regulations was passed by Congress.
20120510             It had been stuck in Congress —FOR—7—YEARS—UNTIL PRESIDENT—PINERA put it on fast track —FOLLOWING 20120327             —THE—BRUTAL—MURDER—OF—DANIEL—ZAMUDIO.
20130323—20130327    —RELEASED, THE—UK—NATIONAL was.
20130323—20130327    —RELEASED, THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—NATIONAL was.
20130327             MEXICO, HUNDREDS—OF—ARMED vigilantes took CONTROL—OF—TIERRA—COLORADO, 1—TOWN on 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in the Pacific coast STATE—OF—GUERRERO, arresting local police officers and searching homes in response to 20130325             —THE—KILLING—OF—VIGILANTE leader GUADALUPE Quinones Carbajal (28).
20130327             ERIC—HARROUN—OF—PHOENIX, Az., was arrested at Dulles INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT upon returning to THE—USA—FROM—TURKEY, where he had described to FBI agents his journey to the front LINES—OF—SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR with fighters from THE—AL—NUSRA—FRONT, 1 designated terrorist organization also referred to as al Qaeda in IRAQ.
20130327             —SERVED, Harroun, in THE—USA—ARMY 20000000—20030000    —FROM—TO.
20130327             THE—CALIFORNIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—TOXIC—SUBSTANCES—CONTROL said 1—TOXIC—WASTE dump site near Kettleman city has agreed to pay $311,000 in fines for failing to report 72—HAZARDOUS—MATERIALS spills over the last —4—YEARS.
20130327             TENNESSEE GOVERNOR—BILL—HASLAM said he would not expand Medicaid in his state joining 18—OTHER—REPUBLICAN governors who have rejected expansion for —NOW.
20130327             1—TEAM—OF—INTERNATIONAL—SCIENTISTS reported THE—DISCOVERY—OF—DOZENS—OF—SIGNPOSTS in DNA that can help reveal 1—PERSON—RISK for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer.
20130327             1—AFGHANISTAN—TEENAGER killed USA—SOLDIER—SERGEANT—MICHAEL—CABLE, —26—JAHRE—ALT in Nangarhar province by stabbing him in the neck —WHILE he played with 1—GROUP—OF—LOCAL—CHILDREN.
20130327             —ESCAPED, The young man, to nearby PAKISTAN.
20130327             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND said that its recommendations for BRITAIN—BANKS to plug a 25—BILLION—POUND—CAPITAL shortfall by December won't call on further taxpayer funds.
20130327             —THWARTED, ABU—QATADA, 1—RADICAL—MUSLIM cleric, another effort by BRITAIN to have him deported to JORDAN—AFTER 1—COURT accepted arguments that he would face testimony obtained by torture.
20130327             7—INDIGENOUS—GROUPS said they had not consented to the projects.
20130327             —CAPTURED, EGYPT—NAVAL—FORCES, 3—SCUBA divers who were trying to cut 1—UNDERSEA—INTERNET—CABLE in the Mediterranean.
20130327             —BLAMED, Telecom executives —MEANWHILE, 1—WEEKLONG—INTERNET—SLOWDOWN on damage caused to another cable by 1—SHIP.
20130327             —BACKED, GERMANY, work crews, by about 250—POLICE removed PARTS—OF—THE—BERLIN—WALL known as THE—EAST—SIDE—GALLERY—BEFORE dawn to make way for 1—UPSCALE building project, despite demands by protesters that the site be preserved.
20130327             —PARKED, IRAQ, 1, car bomb ripped through 1—RESIDENTIAL—AREA in THE—TOWN—OF—MUSAYYIB, killing 3—CIVILIANS and wounding 14. Another bomb targeted 1—RESTAURANT in THE—TOWN—OF—MADAIN, killing 2—PEOPLE and wounding 11.
20130327             JAPAN, Takafumi Horie, THE—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—INTERNET—PORTAL—LIVEDOOR, was released from prison.
20130327             —WHILE in prison he gathered almost 1—MILLION—TWITTER followers.
20130327             NORTH—MALI, the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, or NMLA, announced that MOHAMED—ALY—AG—AL—BESSATI would serve as the civil administrator for Kidal.
20130327             —OPENED, Several, fire on 1—CAR—OF—MEXICO—TOURISTS headed to the beach for Easter —WEEK.
20130327             CENTRAL—NIGERIA, 1—ASSAULT—ON—1—VILLAGE in the Riyom local government area killed 28—PEOPLE.
20130327             NORTH—KOREA cut its last military hotline with SEOUL, 1—LINK that has been essential in operating the last major SYMBOL—OF—INTER—KOREAN cooperation: 1—INDUSTRIAL—COMPLEX in the North that employs HUNDREDS—OF—WORKERS from the South.
20130327             1—SRI—LANKA judge announced that more than 150—HUMAN skulls and bones recovered from 1—MASS—GRAVE—LANKA were buried there about —25—YEARS—AGO, strengthening suspicion that they belonged to suspected Marxist rebels killed —AT—THE—TIME.
20130327             The skeletal remains were found inside the premises of 1—GOVERNMENT—HOSPITAL dated to 19870000—19900000    —BETWEEN.
20130327             —APPEALED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—ASSAD, o the leaders of a 5—NATION economic forum meeting in SOUTH—AFRICA to help end his country's —2—YEAR—CONFLICT.
20130327             THE—OBSERVATORY said rebels overran 3—ARMY—POSTS—NEAR—BIR Ajam.
20130327             —SENTENCED, Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin were each, to —22—YEARS in prison.
20130327             —FREED, ZIMBABWE—HIGH—COURT, on bail 4—SENIOR—OFFICIALS from PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI—PARTY accused of illegally collecting information on high level corruption.
20130327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, THE—ECUADOR planned to auction off 7.4—MILLION—ACRES—OF—AMAZON rain forest to CHINA—OIL—COMPANIES.
20130327             —ANNULLED, 1—EGYPT—APPEALS—COURT, 1—NOVEMBER presidential decree dismissing the country's top prosecutor and ordered him reinstated.
20130327             SOUTH—AFRICA, leaders of THE—5—BRICS nations (BRAZIL, RUSSIA—INDIA, CHINA—SOUTH—AFRICA) agreed to create 1—DEVELOPMENT—BANK to help fund their $4.5—TRILLION infrastructure programs — 1—DIRECT—CHALLENGE to the World Bank that they accuse of Western bias.
20130327             Assad sent 1—LETTER urging the leaders of THE—5—NATION BRICS forum — BRAZIL, RUSSIA—INDIA, CHINA and SOUTH—AFRICA — to "work for 1—IMMEDIATE—CESSATION—OF—VIOLENCE.
20130327             1—MAGNITUDE 6.1—EARTHQUAKE struck CENTRAL—TAIWAN, killing at 1—PERSON and injuring 19—AS it damaged buildings on THE—ISLAND.
20130327—20000000    —FROM, Harroun served in THE—USA—ARMY to 20030000            .
20130327—20110000    —JAILED, He was, for fraud.
20130327—20160000    —IN, appeals were rejected.
20130707—20130327    —ON, she was sentenced to —30—YEARS in prison.
20140326—20140327    —UNTIL, 1—SOFTWARE glitch delayed their docking with THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION.
20140327             Resolution 68/262—DER UN—GENERALVERSAMMLUNG über territoriale Integrität der UKRAINE unterstreicht die Ungültigkeit des KRIM—REFERENDUMS vom 20140316            .
20140327             1—VISIBLY energized PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA held 1—NEARLY—HOUR—LONG—AUDIENCE with FRANCIS—PAPA at THE—VATICAN, expressing his great admiration for the pontiff and inviting him to visit THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20140327             —RELEASED, THE—USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, 1—REPORT saying 1 in 68—USA—CHILDREN has been diagnosed with autism.
20140327             THE—USA—MINT put new collector gold and silver coins on sale to commemorate the Baseball Hall of Fame which celebrates its 75. anniversary —THIS—YEAR.
20140327             —FEATURED, The design by Cassie McFarland's, 1 curved baseball glove.
20140327             —FIRED, THE—USA—AIR—FORCE, 9—MIDLEVEL nuclear commanders and said it will discipline DOZENS—OF—JUNIOR—OFFICERS at 1—NUCLEAR—BASE in Great FALLS—MONTANA, in response to 1—EXAM cheating scandal.
20140327             —ARRESTED, Those, did not directly work for the airport.
20140327             † MARK—STOCK, —62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REALIST figure painter, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA.
20140327             MARK—STOCK was known for 1—SERIES—OF—BUTLERS in tuxedos including ""THE—BUTLER'S in Love" (19890000             ).
20140327             In his 1. visit to AFGHANISTAN as IRAN—PRESIDENT, HASSAN—ROUHANI called for regional unity as regional leaders celebrated the Persian New —YEAR in KABUL.
20140327             CHINA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said it will beef up its INTERNET security —AFTER recent reports that THE—USA—GOVERNMENT spied on 1—MAJOR—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—FIRM.
20140327             —INVOLVED, CHINA, 1—MAN, —34—JAHRE—ALT, in 1—PROPERTY—DISPUTE stabbed 6—PEOPLE to death in 1—BEIJING district and injured others.
20140327             —DITCHED, EGYPT—FIELD—MARSHAL—ABDEL—FATTAH—AL—SISI, his military fatigues and resigned as EGYPT—DEFENSE—MINISTER, —1—DAY—AFTER announcing he would run for PRESIDENT.
20140327             1—FRANCE—COURT—ORDERED—CLOSER—MAGAZINE to pay 15,000 euros for publishing photos of what it said was 1—HELMETED—PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE visiting 1—ACTRESS for 1—SECRET tryst.
20140327             JULIE—GAYET had sued the magazine for VIOLATION—OF—PRIVACY.
20140327             —RAISED, GERMANY—MAIN—AIRPORTS were hit by 1—STRIKE as public sector workers, pressure on the government in pay talks.
20140327             IRAQ—ARMY—FORCES began shelling THE—REGION—OF—ZOBA, —JUST SOUTH—OF—FALLUJAH, sparking clashes with militants.
20140327             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS targeting commercial areas killed 26—PEOPLE.
20140327             ISRAEL said it will allow into THE—GAZA—STRIP construction materials and electric equipment to help build 1—TURKISH—SPONSORED hospital, in 1—POSSIBLE—SIGN—OF improving ties with ANKARA.
20140327             —SUSPENDED, JAPAN—SHIZUOKA—DISTRICT—COURT, the death sentence and ordered 1—RETRIAL for Iwao Hakamada (78).
20140327             —FREED, The judge who, him found that police and prosecutors had fabricated evidence in the original trial.
20140327             —ORDERED, LEBANON—GOVERNMENT, the army and security forces to control the security situation in TRIPOLI and to seize arms caches in the city.
20140327             —1—DAY—EARLIER 1—MUNICIPAL—WORKER was murdered in the same fashion.
20140327             —ASKED, LIBYA, slain dictator Moamer KADHAFI—SON—SAADI, Libyans for forgiveness in 1 taped interview released by prison authorities —3—WEEKS—AFTER his extradition from neighboring NIGER.
20140327             MACAU, "THE—GRANDMASTER" won best picture, best director for Wong Kar Wai and 5—OTHER honors at THE—ASIA—FILM—AWARDS.
20140327             —KILLED, MEXICO—SOLDIERS and police, 10—ZETAS drug cartel suspects in 1—GUNFIGHT in THE—EAST—STATE—OF—VERACRUZ.
20140327             MYANMAR, BUDDHIST—LED mobs tore through streets hurling stones at the offices and residences of INTERNATIONAL aid workers in WEST—RAKHINE state, prompting the evacuation of almost all NON—ESSENTIAL—STAFF.
20140327             † 1—GIRL, —11—JAHRE—ALT was killed —WHEN police fired into the air to disperse crowds.
20140327             —CHARGED, QATAR, Matthew and GRACE—HUANG, 1—USA—COUPLE, with starving their adopted daughter (8) to death, were sentenced to —3—YEARS in prison.
20140327             —SIGNED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT, 1—PEACE—ACCORD with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the country's largest Muslim rebel group.
20140327             The deal grants largely Muslim AREAS—OF—THE—SOUTH—MINDANAO region greater political autonomy in exchange for 1—END to armed rebellion.
20140327             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said that RUSSIA would develop its own credit card system to reduce reliance on WESTERN—BASED companies and soften the potential blow from USA and EU sanctions.
20140327             —APPOINTED, SAUDI—ARABIA—REIGNING ABDULLAH—KING—OF— (~89), by royal decree his youngest surviving brother, Muqrin (19450000             *), as 2. in line to the throne —AFTER ailing CROWN—PRINCE—SALMAN, —78—JAHRE—ALT.
20140327             —SEIZED, SOUTH—KOREA—MILITARY, 1—NORTH—KOREA—FISHING boat that it said had crossed 1 disputed maritime border —AFTER ignoring warnings to retreat amid growing tension between THE—2—SIDES.
20140327             —BOMBARDED, SYRIA—FORCES, rebel positions with artillery and warplanes in the Mediterranean coastal PROVINCE—OF—LATAKIA.
20140327             —LINKED, TURKEY, KanalTurk television station, to OPPONENTS—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN, said authorities have withdrawn its license to broadcast nationally —JUST days —BEFORE crucial local elections.
20140327             1—SCANDAL in UGANDA over alleged sex abuse of female runners deepened —AFTER it emerged that MOSES—KIPSIRO, the athlete who exposed the issue, was dropped from the national HALF—MARATHON team.
20140327             —WARNED, UKRAINE PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENIY—YATSENYUK, that everyone is going to feel SOME—PAIN from necessary financial reforms ahead as THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND pledged up to $18—BILLION in loans to prop up the teetering economy.
20140327             —ANNOUNCED, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YULIA—TYMOSHENKO, that she will run for PRESIDENT in the vote set for 20140525            .
20140327             —PASSED, THE—UN, 1—NON—BINDING resolution declaring invalid CRIMEA—MOSCOW—BACKED referendum on seceding from UKRAINE with 100—VOTES in favor, 11—AGAINST and 58—ABSTENTIONS in the 193-nation GENERAL—ASSEMBLY.
20140327             —THREATENED, RUSSIA, several EAST—EUROPEAN and CENTRAL—ASIA—STATES with retaliation if they voted in favor of 1—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY—RESOLUTION.
20140327             —CURVED, The design by Cassie MCFARLAND—FEATURED a, baseball glove.
20140327             † MARK—STOCK (62), 1—REALIST—FIGURE—PAINTER, in OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA He was known for 1—SERIES—OF—BUTLERS in tuxedos including ""THE—BUTLER'S in Love" (19890000             ).
20140327             CAMBODIA—OPPOSITION—PARTY said it will defy 1—GOVERNMENT—BAN on meeting in 1—OF—THE—CAPITAL'S—PUBLIC—PARKS, setting up 1—POSSIBLE clash with authorities.
20140327             —WERE—KILLED, In THE—CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC at least 9—PEOPLE, —WHEN extremists threw hand grenades at 1—CROWD—OF—MOURNERS —DURING 1—FUNERAL—SERVICE in BANGUI.
20140327             —HAS—SENTENCED, CHINA—XINHUA state news said 1—WUHU city court, to death 1—RAPIST who posed as 1—FEMALE on social networks to lure 16—GIRLS to meet him.
20140327             —HAS—ACCEPTED, COLOMBIA—PRESIDENT—JUAN—MANUEL—SANTOS said VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, the political opposition's conditions for dialogue.
20140327             —WERE—KILLED, At least 3—PEOPLE, and 53—WOUNDED in the shelling and firefights.
20140327             —WERE—KILLED, In Ramadi 4—SOLDIERS, and 10—WOUNDED in 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED building.
20140327             † 1—SOLDIER was killed by 2—MASKED men on motorbikes in TRIPOLI.
20140327             —FORMALLY—APPROVED, SOUTH—KOREA, 1—REQUEST from women rights activists, including 1 "comfort woman", to meet NORTH—KOREA—COUNTERPARTS at 1—CONFERENCE on JAPAN—WARTIME USE—OF—SEX—SLAVES.
20140327             —AGREED, THE—UN—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY, to launch 1—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into alleged abuses from SRI—LANKA—ENDED civil war, approving 1—USA—LED resolution over the strong PROTESTS—OF—SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT.
20140327             JAHRES—BERICHT—VON—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL: Die schlimmsten Henker der Welt
20140327             Windige Hypothekengeschäfte: BANK—OF—AMERICA—MUSS 9.500.000.000—DOLLAR zahlen
20140327             KRIM—KRISE, MOSKAU verstärkt Truppen an der Grenze zur UKRAINE
20140327             "Vertrauensvolle Beziehung": SIEMENS—CHEF—VERTEIDIGT GESCHÄFTE—MIT—RUSSLAND
20140327             Fast 3—KMTIEF: Wal stellt TAUCH—REKORD auf
20140327             In vielen Ländern machen es fehlende Informationsquellen, fehlende staatliche Institutionen ODER—BÜRGER—KRIEGE wie beispielsweise in SYRIEN unmöglich, umfassende Zahlen zu bekommen.
20140327             —AMNESTY hat deshalb MINDEST—WERTE ermittelt.
20140327             Sie sind beklemmend genug: Mindestens 22—LÄNDER richteten 2.013—MENSCHEN hin.
20140327             Mindestens 778—MENSCHEN wurden EXEKUTIERT — DUTZENDE mehr als die bestätigte Zahl 20120000            .
20140327             —VERURTEILT, Mindestens 1.925—MENSCHEN wurden zum Tode.
20140327             Mindestens 23.392—MENSCHEN sitzen WELT—WEIT in TODES—ZELLEN.
20140327             DER—BERICHT zeigt, daß 1—HALBES Dutzend STAATEN für 1—GROßTEIL—DER—HINRICHTUNGEN verantwortlich waren: CHINA—IRAN, IRAK, SAUDI—ARABIEN, DIE—USA und SOMALIA.
20140327             —GEKENNZEICHNET, DIE—TODES—STRAFE IN—DEN—USA sei, durch Fehler, Ungereimtheiten, RASSEN—DISKRIMINIERUNG UND — IN manchen FÄLLEN — DIE Verletzung internationaler Rechtstandards.
20140327             Dabei verfügen DIE—USA über 1—VERGLEICHSWEISE gutes Rechtssystem.
20140327             "Wir finden kein Land, in dem es kein Problem mit dem RECHT—AUF—1—FAIRES Verfahren gibt", sagt Wetzel.
20140327             "Wenn wie in ÄGYPTEN 529—TODES—URTEILE in 1—FALL verhängt werden und der Prozess gerade einmal —2—TAGE dauert, dann ist das weit weg von 1—FAIREN Verfahren".
20140327             98—LÄNDER haben sie —ABGESCHAFFT.
20140327             35—LÄNDER haben sie noch nicht —ABGESCHAFFT, vollstrecken sie aber nicht mehr.
20140327             07—LÄNDER sehen sie für besondere Vergehen wie KRIEGS—VERBRECHEN oder Verbrechen nach MILITÄRrecht vor.
20140327             58—LÄNDER halten an ihr fest.
20140327             [2]Kann es sein... - das hierbei so manches Drohnenopfer vergessen wurde?
20140327             Strafe neu eingeführt!
20140327             Und mit dem VERTRAG—VON—LISSABON wurder die TODES—STRAFE in der EU wieder eingeführt...
20140327             MYTHOS—DAS ist so nicht zutreffend.
20140327             DIE—MÖGLICHE Wiedereinführung der TODES—STRAFE in EU—LÄNDERN wurden nur nicht eindeutig ausgeschlossen, die Formulierungen zum VERBOT—DER—TODES—STRAFE sind nicht eindeutig.
20140327             Dem steht jedoch entgegen, daß fast ALLE—EU—LÄNDER das 13. Zusatzprotokoll zur europäischen MENSCHEN—RECHT—KONVENTION unterzeichnet haben, das die TODES—STRAFE generell verbietet.
20140327             1—AMERIKANER namens robert JACKSON ist es zu verdanken,
20140327             Forscher um GREGORY—SCHORR vom Cascadia Research Collective in OLYMPIA (USA—BUNDES—STAAT—WASHINGTON) berichten im FACH—MAGAZIN "PLoS 1", daß die Wale teilweise 1—TIEFE—VON—2992—METERN erreichen.
20140327             —GEDAUERT, Der längste registrierte Tauchgang habe —140—MINUTEN.
20140327             Damit schlägt der CUVIER—SCHNABELWAL den —BISHERIGEN Rekordhalter unter den Säugern, den Südlichen SEE—ELEFANTEN.
20140327             Von ihm war 1—TAUCHTIEFE—VON—2388—METERN und 1—TAUCHDAUER—VON—120—MINUTEN bekannt.
20140327             Besonders erstaunlich sei die kurze AUFTAUCHZEIT—DER—SCHNABELWALE zwischen den einzelnen Tauchgängen, schreiben DIE—FORSCHER.
20140327             Im Schnitt verbrachten die Wale demnach weniger als —2—MINUTEN an der Wasseroberfläche, bei besonders tiefen Tauchgängen etwas mehr.
20140327             SEE—ELEFANTEN und Pottwale legen lange Erholungspausen zwischen einzelnen Tauchgängen ein.
20140327             Schorr und seine Kollegen weisen darauf hin, daß das Tauchverhalten in der vorliegenden —STUDIE DURCH—MENSCHEN beeinflusst sein könnte: Die beobachteten Tiere hielten sich zumindest zeitweise in 1—MILITÄRISCHEN ÜBUNGS—GEBIET vor DER—KALIFORNISCHEN Küste auf.
20140327             Und CUVIER—SCHNABELWALE reagieren besonders sensibel auf Störungen durch militärischen Sonareinsatz.
20140327             66 % aller in Folge von Lärm durch MILITÄRtechnik gestrandeten Wale gehören dieser Art an.
20140327             NEUSEELAND: KIM—DOTCOM gründet seine INTERNET—PARTEI
20140327             —BELASTET, VERDACHT—AUF—PROZESSBETRUG: Internes Dokument, offenbar DEUTSCHE—BANK—MANAGER
20140327             —BEZEICHNET, INTERNET am Flughafen: Neelie Kroes, W—LAN—GEBÜHR als "Diebstahl"
20140327             Blamage beim Stresstest, USA—NOTEN—BANK—VERBIETET—CITIGROUP höhere Dividenden
20140327             Fernster Zwergplanet: Forscher entdecken Außenseiter im SONNEN—SYSTEM
20140327             ELEKTROAUTO—INFRASTRUKTUR: EU beschließt den Einheitsstecker
20140327             DIE—AUTOREN haben hochgerechnet, daß es in dieser Region, der sogenannten inneren Oortschen Wolke, SOGAR—CA—900—HIMMELSKÖRPER mit Durchmessern von mehr als 1.000—KMGEBEN könnte.
20140327             Oder sogar noch größere: "EINIGE—DIESER—OBJEKTE könnten in der Größe sogar mit Mars oder Erde konkurrieren", sagt Sheppard.
20140327             DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT bezeichnete seinerseits die UngleichverTEILUNG des Reichtums als "Herausforderung unserer Zeit".
20140327             —VOR, —2—WOCHEN lud DER—USA—KONGRESS den PAPA ein, als 1.Oberhaupt der KATHOLIKEN—KIRCHE 1—REDE vor beiden PARLAMENTskammern in WASHINGTON zu halten.
20140327             Als Termin wird über
20140327             STUDIE—ZUR—'NDRANGHETA: Kalabrische MAFIA scheffelt—EURO J—IM
20140327             Auf PLATZ—3—DER WELT—WEIT ZUMEIST von der 'Ndrangheta durchdrungenen Länder STEHT — NACH AUSTRALIEN und KOLUMBIEN — DIE—BUNDES—REPUBLIK.
20140327             Hier sollen 12—GRUPPIERUNGEN der kalabrischen MAFIA vertreten sein.
20140327             —ETWA 40.000—UNTERNEHMER sollen allein in der Region Kalabrien von der MAFIA erpresst WERDEN — DAS bedeutet —EXPERTEN zufolge Verluste von mindestens 1,2—MILLIARDEN—EURO für die örtliche Wirtschaft.
20140327             "DIE—'NDRANGHETA wird —INZWISCHEN, als 'normale' Komponente der Wirtschaftswelt angesehen",
20140327             DIE—DOMESTIZIERUNG habe bei vielen Haustieren das Hirn schrumpfen lassen, schreiben DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER.
20140327             Zum 1—FALLE die Herausforderung weg, in der Wildnis zurechtzukommen, zum anderen spiele INTELLIGENZ bei der Zuchtauswahl keine Rolle.
20140327             —KONFLIKT—MIT—RUSSLAND: MERKEL stellt komplette ENERGIE—POLITIK in Frage
20140327             —PRÄSENTIERT, USA—TELEFON—DATEN: OBAMA, Reform mit Hintertürchen
20140327             —UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, UNO—VOLL—VERSAMMLUNG verurteilt Annexion DER—KRIM
20140327             Charta DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN vom 19450626             20140327             DIE—KRIM WURDE—WEIL die Oblast KRIM WÄHREND der CHRUSCHTSCHOW—ÄRA 19540000             verwaltungstechnisch DER—UKRAINE angegliedert wurde.
20140327             DIE—OKKUPATION der TÜRKEI BEGANN
20140327             Ach, die arabischen Länder haben sich herangepirscht und ISRAEL umzingelt?
20140327             War es nicht eher so, daß dieser STAAT einfach so auf arabischem —GEBIET gegründet wurde, ohne die dort lebenden Menschen zu fragen?
20140327             Man muss sich vor Augen halten, daß der ISRAEL—GEBITSANSPRUCH sich auf 1—MÄRCHENBUCH beruft, dann wird 1—DER gesamte Wahnsinn klar, der dort abläuft.
20140327             So klug wie Schulkinder: Krähen bestehen antiken INTELLIGENZ—TEST
20140327             DEUTSCHLAND—KONZERNE—GEGEN—RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN: Schwarzmalen, raushalten, runterspielen
20140327             Künstliches Leben: Forscher erschaffen Chromosom der Bäckerhefe
20140327             —IM, Labor haben sie 1.—1—FUNKTIONSFÄHIGES Chromosom von 1—EUKARYONTEN hergestellt - 1—LEBE—WESEN mit Zellkern.
20140327             Versuchsorganismus: Saccharomyces cerevisia, die Bäckerhefe.
20140327             Das —JETZT nachgebaute Chromosom III gilt als das drittkleinste der Hefe.
20140327             Dennoch brauchten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER um Jef Boeke vom NEW—YORK UNIVERSITY—LANGONE—MEDICAL—CENTER —7—JAHRE, um die 273.871—BASENPAARE zusammenzubasteln.
20140327             —IM, 1.Schritt entfernten DIE—FORSCHER am Computer sich wiederholende Informationen aus der BASENPAAR—ABFOLGE der Hefe,
20140327             "Wir haben den DNA—CODE des Chromosoms über 50.000-mal verändert und die Hefe lebt NOCH—IMMER".
20140327             STAATS—KRISE, UKRAINIE—PARLAMENT macht Weg für IWF—HILFEN frei
20140327             —GEFEUERT, USA—STÜTZPUNKT: 9—ATOM—OFFIZIERE wegen Betrugsverdachts
20140327             Sergej Markow, ehemals Abgeordneter der PUTIN—PARTEI Einiges RUSSLAND und wortgewaltiges Sprachrohr des KREML, veröffentlichte —JETZT in MOSKAUer Zeitungen 2—ARTIKEL, in denen er umgekehrt MERKEL und DEM—WESTEN REALITÄTS—VERLUST VORHÄLIEUTENANT—RUSSLAND werde eher 1—KRIEG—IN—KAUF nehmen als sich AMERIKA zu unterwerfen.
20140327             "Indem DER—WESTEN darauf besteht, daß PUTIN —NUN kapituliert, lässt er ihm faktisch keine andere Wahl, als schlagkräftig zu reagieren", schreibt Markow in der englischsprachigen "MOSCOW TIMES", "und angesichts dieser harschen Realität hat RUSSLAND in seiner GESCHICHTE immer den —KRIEG—DER—KAPITULATION vorgezogen".
20140327             Das Gespenst des Krieges kehrt —IN—DIESEN—TAGEN endgültig nach EUROPA zurück.
20140327             Zu Sowjetzeiten verteilte —DER—HEUTE, —55—JAHRE—ALTE im Untergrund ANTI—KOMMUNISTISCHE LITERATur, in den Gorbatschow—, frühen JELZIN—JAHREN trat er vehement für Demokratie und MARKT—WIRTSCHAFT ein.
20140327             Mit McFaul VERBAND—IHN —1—JAHRE—LANGE Freundschaft.
20140327             —NUN, stehen sich die 2—UNVERSÖHNLICH und auf unterschiedlichen Seiten der Barrikade gegenüber.
20140327             "AMERIKA und DIE—EU versuchen ganz offensichtlich, der RUSSLAND—OPPOSITION dabei zu helfen, PUTIN zu stürzen und im Stile des KIEWer Maidan 1—NEUE Regierung in MOSKAU zu formieren", schreibt Markow.
20140327             —VOR, dem neuen KALTER—KRIEG, mit dem AMERIKA —NUN RUSSLAND überziehen wolle, müsse sich DER—KREML nicht fürchten.
20140327             "Wir können diesen KALTER—KRIEG gewinnen, weil WASHINGTON allen den Fehdehandschuh hinwirft, die der USA—VOR—HERRSCHAFT müde sind".Dieser neue KALTER—KRIEG sei anders als der 1.KALTER—KRIEG nicht die Auseinandersetzung zweier Imperien.
20140327             "es ist DER—KAMPF des USA—IMPERIUMS gegen den eigenen Abstieg".
20140327             RUSSLAND—WIRTSCHAFT: Auch ohne KRIM —SCHON in DER—KRISE
20140327             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT unzufrieden mit der GROßE—KOALITION
20140327             —LAUT, 1—UM—FRAGE sind 55 % weniger oder gar nicht zufrieden mit der —BISHERIGEN Leistung der GROßE—KOALITION unter BUNDES—KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL.
20140327             [l] —HEUTE ist mir endlich klar geworden, wieso DIE—USA—AMIS DIE—KRIM—KRISE so eskaliert haben und NOCH—IMMER eskalieren.
20140327             DIE—FAZ hat es erklärt.
20140327             Ich zitiere mal: DIE—ANNEXION DER—KRIM durch RUSSLAND lässt die Partner diesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks wieder ZUSAMMENRÜCKEN — TROTZ der NSA—AUSSPÄH—AFFÄRE und trotz der von EUROPÄERn mit einiger Nervosität verfolgten Hinwendung der Regierung OBAMA zu ASIEN.
20140327             Nichts eint innenpolitisch oder innerhalb von Bündnissen so gut wie 1—SCHÖNER außenpolitischer Feind, so 1—RICHTIGER Widerling, je übler desto besser.
20140327             [l] Tolles neues GESCHÄFTS—MODELL aus CHINA: Mit FAKE—BASISSTATION in 1—LASTER durch DIE—GEGEND fahren, und ALLE—LEUTE im Radius per SMS spammen.
20140327             —CHARGED, The professional spammer in question, 1.000—YUAN (£100) to spam THOUSANDS—OF—USERS in 1—RADIUS—OF—1—FEW 100—METRES.
20140327             THE—PSEUDO—BASE—STATION used could send out —AROUND 6.000—MESSAGES in —JUST half an —HOUR, THE—REPORT said.
20140327             —HIRED, Often such spammers are, by local businessmen to promote their wares.
20140327             [l] RUSSLAND hatte DIE—USA vor dem BOSTON Bomber gewarnt, aber DIE—USA—AMIS haben seinen Namen in der DATEN—BANK falsch geschrieben.
20140327             Der Pfusch bei den Diensten und der vorgeblichen "TERROR—ABWEHR"ist doch echt überall gleich
20140327             [l] Zu dem geleakten TIMOSCHENKO—TELEFONAT sei noch der Hinweis erlaubt, wie DIE—CSU zu Frau TIMOSCHENKO steht.
20140327             Ich finde das inhaltlich passend.
20140327             OBAMA und Kissinger haben ja auch 1—GEKRIEGT.
20140327             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE an den GUARDIAN—CHEF—REDAKTEUR:
20140327             Diese Details hat —JETZT der stellvertretende Chefredakteur des GUARDIAN bei 1—KONFERENZ—IN—IRLAND ausgepackt.
20140327             DIE—REGIERUNG HAT—DAMALS, nicht nur mit Sanktionen und Verfahren gedroht, sondern direkt die Schließung der ganzen Zeitung angedroht.
20140327             Spannendes Detail am Rande:
20140327             However, MISTER—JOHNSON said he had been told by 1—SENIOR—BRITISH—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL that 850.000—AMERICANS had the same LEVEL—OF—ACCESS to classified information as MISTER—SNOWDEN.
20140327             Charta DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN vom 19450626             20140505—20140626    —RELEASED, All 6—MEN were.
20140327—19190000    —IM, ARTIKEL 10—DER Satzung des Völkerbunds —VERBOTDEN Mitgliedern J, Annexionen gegenüber anderen Mitgliedern durchzuführen.
20140327—19660000    —IN—THE, The world's LONGEST—SERVING death row inmate had been convicted MURDER—OF—1—FAMILY and
20140327—19680000    —IN, was sentenced to death.
20140327—19680000    —IN, The world's LONGEST—SERVING death row inmate had been convicted 19660000             —IN—THE—MURDER—OF—1—FAMILY and was sentenced to death.
20140327—19730000    —SEIT, Allein IN—DEN—USA gab es
20140327—19960000    —SEIT, Das Genom der Bäckerhefe, das insgesamt aus 16—CHROMOSOMEN besteht, ist
20140327—20090000    —SENTENCED, Wang Yong (40) was, —EARLIER—THIS—MONTH for raping the girls aged 12 to 16—STARTING.
20140327—20100000    —FROM, THE—CDC report was based on data.
20140327—20130100    —PRONOUNCED, Their daughter was, dead —WHEN the Huangs took her to the hospital.
20140327—20140322    —SINCE, 1—RECENT uptick in violence had seen —AROUND 20—PEOPLE killed in BANGUI.
20140508             —ARRESTED, CARLOS—ARNOLDO—LOBO, —40—JAHRE—ALT was, 20140327             and has been indicted on USA—DRUG—TRAFFICKING—CHARGES in FLORIDA.
20150327             —DELETED, FORMER—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON said she had permanently, all E—MAILS from the private server she used to conduct officials business.
20150327             BOSTON, police Officer JOHN—MOYNIHAN, —34—JAHRE—ALT was shot in the face by suspect ANGELO—WEST, —41—JAHRE—ALT—FOLLOWING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20150327             —KILLED, West was, as he tried to run away.
20150327             NEW—YORK—CITY, Moises Lucon (26) and NICHOLAS—FIGUEROA, —23—JAHRE—ALT were killed —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION brought down 3—BUILDINGS and damaged a 4. property in THE—EAST—VILLAGE, injuring 22—PEOPLE.
20150327             —DEPLOYED, Egyptian and SAUDI—ARABIA—WARSHIPS, to the Bab AL—MANDAB strait off YEMEN to secure the strategic sea passage.
20150327             SOME—MIGRANT—WORKERS from MYANMAR said they had been brought to INDONESIA from THAILAND and forced to work on trawlers with THAILAND—CAPTAINS.
20150327             —PRESSED, IRAQ—TROOPS, their push in Tikrit as fighter planes pounded IS targets from above.
20150327             —CALLED, Grand Ayatollah ALI—AL—SISTANI, for unity among the country's forces battling THE—IS group.
20150327             ISRAEL said it will transfer PALESTINE—TAX—REVENUES that were being withheld as punishment for 1—PALESTINE—APPLICATION to join THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT.
20150327             —BECAME, LIBERIA, woman, who —LAST—WEEK, the country's 1. Ebola patient in more than —1—MONTH, †.
20150327             2—NEW suspected cases were also reported identified.
20150327             THE—NETHERLANDS trains, trams and planes ground to 1—TEMPORARY halt in and —AROUND AMSTERDAM as 1—HUGE—POWER—OUTAGE hit THE—HOLLAND—CAPITAL and surrounding towns.
20150327             —RESTORED, Power was soon.
20150327             —ANNOUNCED, NIGERIA—MILITARY, that troops had retaken THE—TOWN—OF—GWOZA from Boko Haram, from which the group declared their caliphate —LAST—YEAR.
20150327             —BEHEADED, Suspected Boko Haram gunmen, 23—PEOPLE and set fire to homes in Buratai, on THE—EVE—OF—GENERAL—ELECTIONS.
20150327             —SUSPECTED, Elsewhere in the restive northeast, Islamist militants killed at least 7—PEOPLE in separate attacks in THE—GOMBE state.
20150327             PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb on 1—MOTORCYCLE hit 1—POLICE—BUS in KARACHI and left 10—PEOPLE wounded.
20150327             —CLAIMED, THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN, responsibility.
20150327             SIERRA—LEONE—6—MILLION—PEOPLE were told to stay home —FOR—3—DAYS, except for religious services, beginning —TODAY as THE—WEST—AFRICA—NATION attempted 1—FINAL push to rid itself of Ebola.
20150327             —SUSPECTED, SOMALIA, Islamist fighters stormed the popular Maka AL—MUKARRAMAH—HOTEL in MOGADISHU, trapping government officials inside.
20150327             —KILLED, The attack, at least 24—PEOPLE, including 6—ATTACKERS.
20150327             SOUTH—AFRICA—STATE—POWER—COMPANY—ESKOM said more than 1,000 workers building 1—MUCH—NEEDED new power plant had been sacked for staging 1—ILLEGAL—STRIKE —2—DAYS—EARLIER, as the country grapples with rolling electricity cuts.
20150327             SYRIA, Islamist rebels made fresh advances on the edges of Idlib city, —AFTER fierce clashes that have left DOZENS—OF—DEAD.
20150327             —PASSED, THE—TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, 1 stripped down VERSION—OF—ITS—CONTROVERSIAL—HOMELAND—SECURITY—BILL that has enraged the opposition, —AFTER a —16—HOUR—DEBATE that lasted all night.
20150327             —TARGETED, Warplanes, Houthi forces controlling SANAA and their northern heartland and, in 1—BOOST for RIYADH, fellow monarchy MOROCCO said it would join THE—RAPIDLY—ASSEMBLED Sunni Muslim coalition against the Shi'ite Muslim group.
20150327             —HANDED, Separatists in EAST—UKRAINE, over the bodies of 22—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS killed —DURING the fierce, MONTHS—LONG—BATTLE over the airport near the rebel STRONGHOLD—OF—DONETSK.
20150327             —KIDNAPPED, THE—UN—HIGH—COMMISSIONER for Refugees said that LRA fighters, 16—PEOPLE last weekend who had been working in their fields in CONGO, —JUST over the border from CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC.
20150327             —RELEASED, The rebels, 13—OF—THEM but were still holding 3—REFUGEE—BOYS.
20150327             BOSTON, police Officer JOHN—MOYNIHAN (34) was shot in the face by suspect ANGELO—WEST (41) —FOLLOWING 1—TRAFFIC stop.
20150327             —WAS—KILLED, West, as he tried to run away.
20150327             —WAS—HOSPITALIZED, Moynihan, and put into 1 induced coma.
20150327             —WERE—KILLED, NEW—YORK—CITY, Moises Lucon (26) and NICHOLAS—FIGUEROA (23), —AFTER 1—EXPLOSION brought down 3—BUILDINGS and damaged a 4. property in THE—EAST—VILLAGE, injuring 22—PEOPLE.
20150327             —WERE—KILLED, BANGLADESH, at least 10—PEOPLE, and dozens more injured in 1—STAMPEDE —DURING 1—HINDU religious gathering in Langalbandh.
20150327             —WERE—CHARGED, DOMINICA, 1—POLICE—SERGEANT and 4—OFFICERS, with murder.
20150327             —WERE—ACCUSED, They, in —LAST—YEAR—DEATH—OF—1—PRISONER found unresponsive in his cell.
20150327             —HAD—FRACTURED, Police have said that JOSHUA—ETIENNE, ribs and 1 punctured lung.
20150327             —ESTIMATED, EAST—INDONESIA, an, 4,000 foreign fishermen were reported stranded on 1—NUMBER—OF—REMOTE—ISLANDS, including men reported to have been enslaved.
20150327             † In LIBERIA woman, who —LAST—WEEK became the country's 1. Ebola patient in more than —1—MONTH.
20150327             —WERE—KILLED, YEMEN, at least 21—SHIITE rebels, —WHEN residents in 1—TRIBAL—SOUTHERN region opened fire at their vehicles.
20150327             785.000.000—USA—$: APPLE—CHEF—COOK will sein gesamtes Vermögen verteilen
20150327             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—IN—SYRIEN—ASSAD will mit DEN—USA reden
20150327             Maut wird Gesetz: Die zerstörerischen Egoisten von der CSU
20150327             SCHUTZ—VOR—TSUNAMIS: JAPAN baut 400—K—METER—LANGE Betonmauer
20150327             USA—DROGENFAHNDER ließen sich SEX—PARTYS von Kartellen bezahlen
20150327             KAPITAL—FLUCHT: Griechen heben allein ;;0200—IM, 7,—EURO von ihren Konten ab
20150327             PROPAGANDA—KRIEG: USA werfen Flugblätter über IS—HOCHBURG ab
20150327             HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG bei CO—PILOT: Ermittler finden Hinweise auf psychische Erkrankung
20150327             Zuwanderung: DEUTSCHLAND—ARBEITS—MARKT braucht mehr AUS—LÄNDER
20150327             GREAT—BARRIER—REEF: Strenge Schutzzonen zeigen Wirkung
20150327             Ballungsgebiet AMSTERDAM: STROM—AUSFALL in den NIEDERLANDEn
20150327             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Die Freuden des KAPITALISMUS"
20150327             —NEUE—VOLLMACHTEN für POLIZEI: TÜRKEI beschließt umstrittenes SICHERHEITS—GESETZ
20150327             Gefeuerter "Top Gear"—MODERATOR: RUSSLAND—MILITÄRSENDER bietet JEREMY—CLARKSON—JOB an
20150327             NS—VERBRECHEN in GRIECHENLAND: 75 % DER—DEUTSCHEN—LEHNEN Entschädigung ab
20150327             Umstrittenes CSU—PROJEKT: BUNDES—TAG beschließt PKW—MAUT
20150327             Umstrittener Beraterjob: Steinbrück überdenkt sein Engagement für DIE—UKRAINE
20150327             Umzug nötig: Telekom stellt E—MAIL—SOFTWARE 6.0—EIN
20150327             GERMANWINGS—ABSTURZ: CO—PILOT war für UNGLÜCKS—TAG krankgeschrieben
20150327             Hohe Arbeitsbelastung: EZB—MIT—ARBEITER beschweren sich bei NOTEN—BANK—CHEFS
20150327             ANT—ARKTIS: Packeis
20150327             Katastrophe von SMOLENSK: POLEN klagt RUSSLAND—OFFIZIERE wegen Flugzeugunglück an
20150327             Cannabis IN—DEN—USA: KAMPF—UMS—KIFFEN
20150327             BUNDES—TAGSRADAR: Diese Abgeordneten stimmten für die PKW—MAUT
20150327             A320—ABSTURZ: DEUTSCHLAND—AIRLINES führen 2—MENSCHEN—REGEL im Cockpit ein
20150327             KÄMPFE—IM—JEMEN: SAUDI—ARABIEN weitet LUFT—ANGRIFFE AUS — IRAN warnt
20150327             SAUDI—ARABISCHER Blogger Badawi: "Auf wundersame Weise 50—PEITSCHENHIEBE überlebt"
20150327             STROM—AUSFALL in den NIEDERLANDEn: Technischer K.o.
20150327             Kapstadt: DEUTSCHLAND—KRIEG—SCHIFF beschießt versehentlich Motorboot
20150327             GRIECHENLAND—TSIPRAS—DROHT—MIT—EINSTELLUNG des Schuldendienstes
20150327             [l] Einsicht des Tages: Reports Suggest Body Cameras Are Only Effective —WHEN Cops Can't Turn Them Off.
20150327             [l] MONSANTO ist unzufrieden, dass DIE—WHO den Wirkstoff ihres wichtigsten Produktes mit Krebs in Verbindung bringt und fordert, dass DIE—WHO das zurücknimmt.
20150327             —PROVIDED, Miller said the company [MONSANTO], scientific data to THE—IARC showing THE—SAFETY—OF—GLYPHOSATE, but that THE—AGENCY largely ignored it.
20150327             —GEWEIGERT, Wie —JETZT, die haben sich, die von MONSANTO bezahlten STUDIEN—ZUR—HARMLOSIGKEIT von MONSANTOprodukten zur Basis ihrer —ENTSCHEIDUNG zu machen?!
20150327             Schade, dass wir noch kein TTIP haben, sonst könnte MONSANTO —JETZT IARC auf Schadensersatz in Anspruch nehmen!1!!
20150327             [l] Oh Mann, das ist ja krass.
20150327             Ich hoffe, dass das —JETZT mal 1.schöne DEBATTE—ÜBER—DIE—GEHÄLTER und Arbeitsumstände von Piloten anwirft.
20150327             In dem Zusammenhang sei auch mal auf PAY—TO—FLY verwiesen.
20150327             —UPDATE, Aus 1—MAIL: Mein Sohn hat LUFTHANSApilotenprüfung bestanden.
20150327             DIE—AUSBILDUNGSKOSTEN hat man —NACH—3—JAHRE, locker weg, sagt nicht nur die LH, sondern auch Piloten.
20150327             Also lebenslange Sklaverei ist nicht richtig.
20150327             [l] Endlich wissen wir, wieso TTIP toll ist!
20150327             Malmström glaubt an die Vorteile des Abkommens mit DEN—USA, nicht nur von Amts wegen.
20150327             —GEFANGEN, DIE—SIND alle so in ihrer TRANSATLANTIK—RHETORIK, dass sie selber nicht mehr zwischen Realität und Fiktion unterscheiden können.
20150327             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—NETANJAHU:
20150327             THE—STATE—OF—ISRAEL does not conduct espionage against THE—UNITED—STATES or ISRAEL—OTHER—ALLIES.
20150327             Einziges Problem: ISRAEL—CLAIM is not only incredible on its face.
20150327             Der Anlass für dieses Statement war übrigens, dass OBAMA ein paar Papierchen darüber hat leaken lassen, dass ISRAEL—DIE—USA—FRIEDENS—VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEM IRAN abgehört und DIE—ERGEBNISSE den REPUBLIKANERn im USA—UNTERHAUS weitergeleitet hat.
20150327             [l] Lustiges Interview zu Glyphosat.
20150327             PRO—MONSANTO—TYP: Glyphosat ist ungefährlich, kann man trinken.
20150327             —INTERVIEWER: Wir haben hier 1—GLAS, wollen Sie mal?
20150327             PRO—MONSANTO—TYP: Nein, ich bin doch kein Idiot!
20150327             Der PRO—MONSANTO—TYP ist übrigens der hier.
20150327             [l] Bei WIKILEAKS ist das TPP—KAPITEL über "Investitionsschutz"geleakt.
20150327             NEW—HOTNESS, SCOTLAND—YARD bespitzelte LABOUR—ABGEORDNETE.
20150327             —NACH—DEM, Bekanntwerden des NSU wurden mehrere ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN—GEGEN—MUTMAßLICHE RECHTS—TERRORISTEN eröffnet.
20150327             —GEHABT, Na da haben wir ja noch mal Glück !
20150327             [l] Neues aus ARGENTINIEN: GABY—WEBER berichtet aus dem Umfeld des Falles um den erschossenen STAATS—ANWALT neulich.
20150327             "Ich bin kein Spion", so Bogado über seine Rolle in der Affäre, "nur 1—INFORMANT".
20150327             Also einer, der "auf der Straße die Ohren aufhält, um den TERRORISMUS zu bekämpfen".
20150327             [l] Der DE—CIX—MANAGER KLAUS—LANDEFELD hat sich —HEUTE vor dem NSA—AUSSCHUSS ausgekotzt.
20150327             —BELIEBT, Umfrage, PUTIN in RUSSLAND so, wie nie
20150327             Vermittler in MOSKAU: "SNOWDEN würde gern nach SCHWEDEN kommen"
20160217—20160327    —DISAPPEARED, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—JAPAN—INSTITUTE—OF—SPACE and Astronautical Science said the satellite has.
20160327             —ERUPTED, SOUTH—WEST—ALASKA, the Pavlof Volcano, sending ash 20,000 feet into the air.
20160327             —CALLED, Basque separatist group ETA, for peace talks with the Spanish and FRANCE—GOVERNMENTS and the return of ETA prisoners to THE—NORTH—BASQUE region.
20160327             —LAUNCHED, BELGIUM—INVESTIGATORS, 13—ANTI—TERROR—RAIDS in the capital and 2—OTHER—CITIES and taking 4—MORE—PEOPLE in custody.
20160327             —FIRED, Riot police, water cannon to disperse FAR—RIGHT—FOOTBALL hooligans who disrupted mourners at 1—SHRINE for VICTIMS—OF—THE—BRUSSELS attacks.
20160327             —EGGED, GREECE, HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS, on by activists, protested near the fence separating MACEDONIA from GREECE, demanding that the border be opened to allow them to continue their journey into CENTRAL—EUROPE.
20160327             GUYANA—GOVERNMENT said it plans to establish several new jungle capitals on the border regions with its SOUTH—USA—NEIGHBORS as it moves to develop its MINERAL—RICH—INTERIOR.
20160327             —STEPPED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, aside to allow influential IRAQ—SHIITE cleric Muqtada AL—SADR to start his SIT—IN in BAGHDAD—HIGHLY fortified Green Zone —AFTER WEEKS—OF—PROTESTS in the capital.
20160327             Sadr met with PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI as he began THE—SIT—IN.
20160327             —ANNOUNCED, ITALY—AUTHORITIES, THE—ARREST—OF—DJAMAL—EDDINE—OUALI, —40—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ALGERIA—MAN who was PART—OF—1—COUNTERFEITING ring that provided forged documents to people involved in THE—PARIS and BRUSSELS terrorist attacks.
20160327             —ESCAPED, JAPAN, girl (15), from suspect Kabu TERAUCHI—APARTMENT in downtown TOKYO —WHILE he was shopping in Akihabara.
20160327             She had been held captive for nearly —2—YEARS.
20160327             —CAPTURED, Investigators, Terauchi in THE—EARLY—HOURS—OF—20160328              near 1—FOREST—WEST—OF—TOKYO.
20160327             World BANK—PRESIDENT—JIM—YONG—KIM said JORDAN will get 1—CHEAP $100—MILLION—LOAN to help create 100,000 jobs for SYRIA—REFUGEES and its own citizens.
20160327             —REPORTED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, that authorities in OAXACA have captured JUAN—MANUEL—ALVAREZ—INZUNZA, identified as THE—CHIEF—FINANCIAL—OPERATOR behind drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" GUZMAN—EMPIRE, who they say laundered some $4—BILLION in the past —DECADE.
20160327             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—MOLDOVANS, through their capital calling for reunification with ROMANIA, restoring 1—UNION which lasted 19180000—19400000    —FROM—TO.
20160327             HOLLAND—POLICE found ammunition in THE—HOUSE—OF—1—FRANCE—NATIONAL arrested in ROTTERDAM on suspicion of plotting 1—ATTACK.
20160327             Workers had been repairing the pipeline —WHEN it caught fire.
20160327             —KILLED, EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB—BLAST in GULSHAN—E—IQBAL park in LAHORE, 74—PEOPLE and wounded some 340. The suicide bombing was claimed by THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN—JAMAAT—UR—AHRAR faction.
20160327             —ANNOUNCED, QATAR—STATE—FUNDED broadcaster AL—JAZEERA, 1—FRESH—ROUND—OF—JOB cuts with —AROUND 500—POSITIONS being lost, MOST—OF—THEM at the network's DOHA headquarters.
20160327             —MARCHED, SERBIA, thousands, against NATO and the West, carrying banners praising RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN.
20160327             —RECAPTURED, SYRIA—TROOPS, the ancient CITY—OF—PALMYRA from the Islamic State group and pledged to build on the win with 1—ADVANCE against other jihadist strongholds.
20160327             —SEIZED, THAILAND, 87—IVORY—TUSKS, worth 1 estimated $800,000, found in 12—BARRELS sent from MOZAMBIQUE on 1—KENYA—AIRWAYS flight.
20160327             —SENTENCED, The top security COURT—IN—THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, 38—PEOPLE to prison in connection to 1—CELL accused of plotting terrorist attacks and seeking to overthrow the government to create 1—ISLAMIC—STATE.
20160327             YEMEN, 1—MILITARY—COALITION led by SAUDI—ARABIA that is fighting 1—WAR with YEMEN—SHIITE rebels traded 109—YEMEN—PRISONERS taken —DURING the fighting in the neighboring country for 9—SAUDIS who were held captive.
20160327             —KILLED, SOUTH—YEMEN, USA—AIR—RAIDS, 14—MEN suspected of belonging to al Qaeda.
20160327             —CALLED, The man (32), thought to be, ANIS—B, was detained on suspicion of receiving orders from the Islamic State group to attack targets in FRANCE along with Reda Kriket, who was detained near PARIS —LAST—WEEK.
20160327             —WERE—KILLED, NIGERIA, 3—PEOPLE, and several wounded —WHEN 1—OIL—PIPELINE belonging to ITALY—ENI exploded —DURING repair works in THE—SOUTH—DELTA region.
20160327             1—ROUTINE—X—RAY at Suvarnabhumi INTERNATIONAL Airport detected the contraband.
20160327             MARGOT—KÄSSMANN über BRÜSSEL: "TERRORISTEN mit Liebe begegnen"
20160327             —100—JAHRE Osteraufstand: IRLANDs siegreiche Niederlage
20160327             Verbindungen nach BRÜSSEL: ITALIEN—POLIZEI nimmt mutmaßlichen TERRORhelfer fest
20160327             SYRIEN—REGIME—TRUPPEN erobern PALMYRA vollständig vom IS zurück
20160327             KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE: PAPA feiert Osternacht im PETERsdom
20160327             ERZÄHLBAND—VON—LAURIE—PENNY: Botschaften, schwer wie Blei
20160327             Religionen und Gewalt: JESUS, DER—TERRORIST
20160327             FLÜCHTLINGE—IN—IDOMENI: Gerüchte über Grenzöffnung wecken falsche Hoffnungen
20160327             Segen Urbi et orbi: PAPA geißelt "blinde Gewalt"und "geldgierige Ausbeutung"
20160327             —NACH, Eroberung PALMYRAs: SYRIEN—ARMEE kündigt Offensive auf Rakka an
20160327             Drogen IN—DEN—USA: Das gefährliche HEROIN—COMEBACK
20160327             Arabischer NACHRICHTEN—SENDER: AL—JAZEERA streicht WELT—WEIT 500—STELLEN
20160327             ISRAEL—NETANYAHU weist KRITIK—AM—ISRAEL—MILITÄR—ZURÜCK—OSTERN: Parade der Horrorhasen
20160327             GROß—RAUMBRÜSSEL: POLIZEI führt neue Razzien im GROß—RAUMBRÜSSEL durch
20160327             SCHLACHT—UM—MOSSUL: Tausende IRAKer fliehen vor OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—IS—MILIZ
20160327             —KRAWALL an Gedenkort: POLIZEI setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Hooligans in BRÜSSEL ein
20160327             ANSCHLÄGE—IN—BRÜSSEL: Der Mann, der MERKELs —POLITIK als "epochalen Fehler"bezeichnet
20160327             PAKISTAN: TALIBAN bekennen sich zu Anschlag
20160327             [l] 1—KURZLEHRGANG in Trolling für Fortgeschrittene und angewandte Eristik kann man sich hier abholen.
20160327             AIPAC, falls das jemand nicht weiß, ist 1.zionistische LOBBY—ORGANISATION IN—DEN—USA, der man sehr hohen Einfluss auf die dortige —POLITIK nachsagt.
20160327—19180000    —FROM, THOUSANDS—OF—MOLDOVANS marched through their capital calling for reunification with ROMANIA, restoring 1—UNION which lasted to 19400000            .
20160327—19990000    —MARKED, The march, the 17. ANNIVERSARY—OF—NATO—78—DAY—INTERVENTION in Serbia against its bloody crackdown against KOSOVO ALBANIA—SEPARATISTS.
20170312—20170327    —ON, the bodies of Sharp, Catalan and 1—CONGOLESE were found in the region.
20170327             —BEKANNT, INTERNATIONAL, ist DER—NAME der Stadt zudem durch das 19500101—19591231    —JAHREN—IN—DEN, von Sozialwissenschaftler der UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN entwickelte ANN—ARBOR—MODELL der empirischen Wahlforschung
20170327             —CONFIRMED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that JARED—KUSHNER, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—SON—IN—LAW has, volunteered to answer questions —BEFORE the Senate Intelligence Committee about arranging meetings with THE—RUSSIA—AMBASSADOR and other officials.
20170327             THE—USA, BRITAIN and FRANCE were among almost 40—COUNTRIES that did not join talks on 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—BAN—TREATY —STARTING at THE—UN.
20170327             —KILLED, OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, 1—EARLY —MORNING fire, 3—PEOPLE at 1—LARGE transitional housing building at 2551—S—PABLO—AVE.
20170327             1—PERSON remained missing.
20170327             —VOTED, National Football League (NFL) owners, 37-1 to approve THE—OAKLAND—RAIDERS' move to LAS—VEGAS.
20170327             —AGREED, MICHIGAN and THE—CITY—OF—FLINT, to replace THOUSANDS—OF—HOME—WATER—LINES to settle 1—LAWSUIT by residents over LEAD—CONTAMINATED water.
20170327             —MANAGED, BANGLADESH, 1—SPECIAL—ANTI—TERRORISM—UNIT, to kill the last 4—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS in Sylhet.
20170327             GERMANY, thieves broke into BERLIN—BODE—MUSEUM—BEFORE dawn and made off with 1—MASSIVE—100—KILOGRAM (221-pound) gold coin worth MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20170327             Fraport GREECE said THE—EUROPEAN—UNION is clearing a 280—MILLION—EURO—LOAN from the European Investment Bank to the company, which won the tender to upgrade and operate 14—REGIONAL—GREECE—AIRPORTS.
20170327             —ANNOUNCED, Lufthansa, 1—CODE—SHARING deal with HONG—KONG—BASED—CATHAY—PACIFIC under which THE—GERMANY—AIRLINE and its Swiss and AUSTRIA—AIRLINES—UNITS will offer new connections to AUSTRALIA and NEW—ZEALAND.
20170327             —LAUNCHED, HONG—KONG police, 1—FRESH—ROUND—OF—ARRESTS—OF—STUDENT—LEADERS and other prominent figures involved with the huge 20140000             "Umbrella Movement" PRO—DEMOCRACY—PROTESTS.
20170327             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL—POLICE, more than 20—JEWISH—ULTRA—ORTHODOX suspected sex offenders whose alleged crimes were known to their insular communities but concealed from the authorities.
20170327             —BOYCOTTED, MALI, former rebels and opposition parties, 1—NATIONAL—SUMMIT enshrined in the country's 20150000             peace deal, laying bare divisions with the government and armed groups it relies on for security.
20170327             † MEXICO, 1—PRIEST was shot to death in the Pacific coast STATE—OF—NAYARIT.
20170327             —VISITED, The foreign MINISTER—OF—NIGERIA, POLAND 1—EFFORT to develop economic, military and security ties with THE—FAST—GROWING economy in CENTRAL—EUROPE.
20170327             QATAR PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIKH—ABDULLAH bin Nasser bin Khalifa AL—THANI said his country will invest £5—BILLION in BRITAIN within —5—YEARS in 1—BOOST for THE—POST—BREXIT economy.
20170327             SYRIA, HUNDREDS—OF—REBELS left their last bastion in HOMS city, resuming 1—EVACUATION expected to be among the largest of its kind under 1—RUSSIAN—BACKED deal with the government.
20170327             —ORDERED, THAILAND—BROADCAST—REGULATOR, television channel Voice TV to suspend its OVER—THE—AIR broadcasting for —1—WEEK for what it called biased reports affecting national security.
20170327             —FACED, FRENCH—GUIANA, 1—NATIONWIDE strike over crime and economic difficulties, amid protests that have paralyzed THE—FRANCE—TERRITORY—IN—SOUTH—AMERICA, halted flights and 1—ROCKET—LAUNCH and prompted A—USA—TRAVEL warning.
20170327             —KILLED, In CENTRAL—JAPAN 1—AVALANCHE, 7—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS and 1—TEACHER who were among 1—GROUP—OF—ALMOST 50 on mountain climbing training.
20170327             —WERE—KILLED, In THE—NORTH—NETHERLANDS 2—PEOPLE, —WHEN 1—TRAIN hit 1—CAR at 1—RAIL crossing near Harlingen.
20170327             —WAS—LAUNCHED, PAKISTAN, 1—SPECIAL —3—DAY—ANTI—POLIO drive, in ISLAMABAD —AFTER TRACES—OF—THE—VIRUS were found in the city's sewage system.
20170327             —WAS—SENTENCED, RUSSIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ALEXEI—NAVALNY, to —15—DAYS behind bars and fined —AFTER staging the biggest ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROTESTS in years, 1—ACT branded a "provocation" by the Kremlin.
20170327             —IS—CONTROLLED, The station, by THE—FAMILY—OF—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA, who was ousted by a 20060000             army coup and is in exile to avoid 1—PRISON—TERM for corruption.
20170327             UNICEF—BERICHT, Fast 500.000—KINDER im JEMEN in akuter Gefahr
20170327             Park Geun Hye: SÜD—KOREAS EX—PRÄSIDENTIN soll in Haft
20170327             —PROTESTE—IN—RUSSLAND: Aus dem Schlaf erwacht
20170327             Studie: EUROPA—BANKEN melden auffallend VIELE—GEWINNE in STEUER—OASEN
20170327             GOUVERNEUR—GEGEN—DONALD—TRUMP—MAUER: "Sie erinnert mich zu sehr an die BERLINer Mauer"
20170327             LEGGINGS—VERBOTIM Flieger: "Das nächste Mal ziehe ich nur Jeans und Schal an"
20170327             HAMBURG: 6—POLIZEITRANSPORTER ausgebrannt
20170327             IFO—IINDEX—STIMMUNG in DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT so gut wie zuletzt 2011
20170327             Je schillernder DIE—GESCHICHTE eines Autos, desto höher sein MARKT—WERT.
20170327             —ANTI—KORRUPTIONS—PROTESTE—IN—RUSSLAND: EU fordert Freilassung von DEMONSTRANTEN
20170327             TREIBSTOFF—DISKUSSION: UMWELTamt fordert Straßendiesel für Kreuzfahrtschiffe
20170327             [l] Ich finde das ja immer toll, Stille Post bei Nachrichten zu beobachten.
20170327             DIE—PRIMÄRQUELLE dafür ist die LONDON—TIMES, die leider überhaupt keine Rolle mehr im öffentlichen DIS—KURS spielt, —SEIT Murdoch sie gekauft und hinter 1.Paywall getan hat.
20170327             —BERICHTET, DIE—HABEN jedenfalls angeblich, DONALD—TRUMP habe MERKEL 1.Rechnung überreicht über—PFUND plus—FÜR ZINSEN.
20170327             Wieso ein USA—AMERIKANER 1—DEUTSCHEN 1.Rechnung in Pfund stellen würde?
20170327             Aber der interessante Aspekt daran ist, daß das EHEMALIGE—NACHRICHTEN—MAGAZIN ENGLANDs, THE—INDEPENDENT, daraus "TRUMP printed out MADE—UP £300bn NATO invoice"macht, als ob der DONALD—TRUMP auf seinem gammeligen Tintenstrahldrucker 1.verwischte Rechnung mit falschem Briefkopf hinpfuscht.
20170327             Besonders lustig ist, daß Slate daraus 1.374.000.000.000—DOLLAR—RECHNUNG macht, die haben halt die Pfund zurück nach $ gewandelt und sich über den unrunden Betrag gewundert ?
20170327             [l] Wer macht mehr KAISERschnitte?
20170327             DIE—ANTWORT wird euch sicher genau so schockieren wie mich!1!!
20170327             Conclusions CS are more likely to be performed by FOR—PROFIT—HOSPITALS as compared with NON—PROFIT—HOSPITALS.
20170327             (CS = CAESARian Section, KAISERschnitt)
20170327             Oh und wo wir gerade bei Krankenhäusern und Wahrscheinlichkeiten waren: Wenn gerade Inspektion angesteht, retten Krankenhäuser mehr Leben.
20170327             [l] Benutzt hier jemand MIELE—GESCHIRRSPÜLER?
20170327             Tolle Zeiten, in denen wir leben, wo es 1—DIRECTORY Traversal Bug im Geschirrspüler gibt.
20170327             [l] DONALD—TRUMP—WÄHLER merken, daß DONALD—TRUMP ein chronischer Lügner ist — und finden es toll!
20170327             "He makes them uncomfortable," he said, "which makes me happy".
20170327             —GESEHEN, Interessanterweise ist ja DER—GRUND dafür, daß es positiv, wird, wenn DONALD—TRUMP die anderen ärgert, daß die so unehrlich sind.
20170327             Entscheidend geprägt ist ANN—ARBOR von der zentral im STADT—GEBIET gelegenen UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN, um die herum sich zahlreiche Forschungsinstitute, etwa des Pharmaunternehmens Pfizer, angesiedelt haben.
20170327             Auf Druck der HUMAN—RIGHTS Party legalisierte ANN—ARBOR den privaten Besitz kleiner Mengen Marihuana und verabschiedete 1.ANTI—DISKRIMINIERUNGSDIE—RICHTLINIE.
20170327             1—STADTRÄTIN der Partei, NANCY WECHSLER, erklärte 19720000             , sie sei lesbisch — womit sie die 1.offen homosexuelle gewählte Amtsträgerin IN—DEN—USA—WAR.
20170327             Das Bildungsniveau in ANN—ARBOR ist hoch.
20170327             —FESTNAHMEN—IN—RUSSLAND: Zehntausende PROTESTIEREN — MEDWEDEW fährt Ski
20170327             AMT—FÜR—INNOVATIONEN: DONALD—TRUMP schafft neuen Posten für Schwiegersohn
20170327             Übernahmen aus CHINA: EU will staatlich finanzierte FIRMEN—KÄUFE verhindern
20170327             MUTMAßLICHER—USA—LUFT—ANGRIFF: Die Tragödie von MOSSUL
20170327             Protokolle aus umkämpfter Stadt: "Unser Leben hier in MOSSUL ist nichts wert"
20170327             RUSSLAND—OPPOSITIONELLER: Nawalny muss —15—TAGE in Haft
20170327             BERTELSMANN—RELIGIONSMONITOR: Fast jeder 2. Muslim in FLÜCHTLINGS—HILFE aktiv
20170327             Durch minderwertiges Futter: Rinder könnten mehr Methan produzieren
20170327             Der Wohlstand und seine Feinde: Wie man 1.VOLKS—WIRTSCHAFT ruiniert
20170327             MICROSOFT—DIENST Docs_com: Vorsicht, das ganze Netz liest mit
20170327             Hohe WAHL—BETEILIGUNG im SAARLAND: "DIE—WÄHLER fürchten den POPULISMUS"
20170327             —PROTESTE—IN—RUSSLAND: Die Jungen begehren auf, DER—STAAT schlägt zurück
20170327             USA—AUßEN—MINISTER: NATO verlegt Treffen für TILLERSON
20170327             [l] Ich habe ja hier —SCHON ein paar Mal das Argument gebracht, daß wenn man —SCHON den BESITZ—VON—ETWAS für strafbar erklärt (beispielsweise Hackertools oder KINDER—PORNO—GRAPHIE), daß es dann zu 1—VALIDEN ANGRIFF gegen jemanden wird, auf dessen Rechner solche Materialien zu hinterlassen.
20170327             DIE—DENKBAREN Möglichkeiten sind vielfältig und ich fand das Argument immer sehr überzeugend, aber es gibt so wenig Fälle, wo das mach nachweislich passiert ist.
20170327             —JETZT, haben anscheinend Hacker KINDER—PORNOS auf den Rechner des TSCHECHISCHE—REPUBLIK—PRÄSIDENTEN hochgeladen.
20170327             Oooooder DER—PRÄSIDENT sollte mal in den Knast.
20170327             IT—FACHLEUTE des Präsidialamtes hätten den ANGRIFF —BIS in den USA—BUNDES—STAAT ALABAMA zurückverfolgt.
20170327             HMM—USA?
20170327             Zeman gilt als islamkritisch und russlandfreundlich.
20170327             Oh ach so.
20170327             [l] Das ist ja —SCHON irgendwie lustig, wenn FOX—NEWS 1 "News Alert"rauskloppt, sobald DONALD—TRUMP mal —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE im WEIßES—HAUS bleibt.
20170327             [l] In 1—USA—UM—FRAGE sagten 33 %, sie könnten nicht innerhalb eines Monats $2000—AUFBRINGEN in 1—NOTFALL.
20170327             ROCKER—PROZESS—IN—KÖLN: Beifall für mutmaßliche HELLS—ANGELS vor Gericht
20170327             —ANSCHLAG—IN—LONDON: Attentäter hatte laut POLIZEI keine KONTAKTE zum IS
20170327             DEMONSTRATION—IN—BERN: SCHWEIZ und TÜRKEI leiten Ermittlungsverfahren wegen ERDOGAN—PLAKAT ein
20170327             DIE—TOTEN Hosen spielen bei ANTI—PEGIDA—DEMO: "Auswärtsspiel"
20170327             BERLIN: DROGEN—HÄNDLER sollen POLIZISTEN bestochen haben
20170327             —GRATULIERT, Landtagswahl im SAARLAND: DONALD—TRUMP, MERKEL zu CDU—SIEG
20170327             PARIS: Eiffelturm soll schusssichere Glaswand BEKOMMEN—ARCHÄOLOGIE: Wie die Maus ins Haus kam
20170327             —SCHON—VOR—15.—000—JAHREN habe es Hausmäuse (Mus musculus domesticus) im —GEBIET—DES—HEUTIGEN—ISRAEL—GEGEBEN,
20170327             "—BISHER hatten viele angenommen, daß Hausmäuse 1. mit dem Menschen zusammengekommen sind, als DIE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT aufkam", sagt Lior Weissbrod von der UNIVERSITÄT—HAIFA.
20170327             —GEWESEN, Dies sei vor etwa 12.—000—JAHREN.
20170327             seien die Tiere —BEREITS im späten Pleistozän aufgetaucht, als sich die umherziehenden Jäger und Sammler niedergelassen hätten,
20170327             DIE—MENSCHEN hätten Essensvorräte angelegt, unter anderem mit wildem Getreide, das die Nager vermutlich anzog.
20170327             Außerdem warfen DIE—MENSCHEN Nahrungsreste weg.
20170327             Der Müll ließ bestimmte Pflanzen wachsen, die vermutlich ebenfalls für die Hausmäuse interessant waren,
20170327             DIE—HAUSMAUS habe dabei zeitweise die eng verwandte ART—MUS macedonicus komplett verdrängt.
20170327             "Es gab 1.überraschend große Wirkung des Menschen auf seine UMWELT, bevor DIE—LANDWIRTSCHAFT aufkam",
20170327             VIELE—FORSCHER gingen —BISHER, davon aus, daß der Beginn der LAND—WIRTSCHAFT 1—WENDE—PUNKT—IN—DER WECHSEL—BEZIEHUNG zwischen Mensch und UMWELT bedeutet habe.
20170327             Das frühere Auftauchen der Hausmaus und die Verdrängung der wilden Maus seien zudem ein "starker Hinweis"darauf, daß Menschen Farmer wurden, weil sie sesshaft waren —, nicht anders herum.
20170327             "Darüber gibt es grundsätzlich 1.große Diskussion in der Archäologie"
20170327             MANCHE—FORSCHER argumentierten, daß DIE—MENSCHEN zwar Behausungen gebaut hätten, aber vielleicht trotzdem immer wieder weitergezogen seien.
20170327             Weissbrod und Cucchi hatten für ihre —STUDIE Backenzähne von Mäusen aus 5—FUNDSTÄTTEN in ISRAEL untersucht.
20170327             DIE—ZÄHNE waren zwischen 11.500—UND 200.—000—JAHRE—ALT.
20170327             An den Backenzähnen lässt sich die Art erkennen.
20170327             "Das Aufkommen der LAND—WIRTSCHAFT hat DIE—BEZIEHUNG—ZWISCHEN—MÄUSEN und Menschen verändert", sagt Weissbrod.
20170327             Mit der LAND—WIRTSCHAFT kam die Sorge, daß die Nager das mühsam gezogene Getreide wegfressen.
20170327             DIE—MENSCHEN wollten die Mäusevermehrung daher eindämmen und stellten Fallen auf.
20170327             Es gebe auch keinen Beleg dafür, daß sich Masood im Gefängnis radikalisiert habe, teilte DIE—POLIZEI—AM—MONTAG mit.
20170327             [l] DONALD—TRUMP schickt mal seinen Schwiegersohn JARED—KUSHNER los.
20170327             Oh, äh, wartet, sorry, ich habe das falsche Deckblatt vorgelesen.
20170327             PRESIDENT—TRUMP plans to unveil 1—NEW—WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICE—ON—MONDAY with sweeping authority to overhaul THE—FEDERAL—BUREAUCRACY and fulfill key campaign promises — such as reforming care for veterans and fighting opioid addiction — by harvesting ideas from the business world and, potentially, privatizing SOME—GOVERNMENT—FUNCTIONS.
20170327             Wenn da auf dem Weg auch mal das 1.oder andere privatisiert werden muss, dann ist das ja kein Beinbruch!1!!
20170327             [l] Habt ihr das TERRORbingo noch offen?
20170327             [l] Es ist ja nicht ALLES schlecht in UK: UNITED—KINGDOM—TELECOM muss 42.000.000—PFUND Strafe zahlen, weil sie so langsam beim Breitbandausbau sind.
20170327             Das wäre doch auch in DEUTSCHLAND mal 1.Option, meint ihr nicht?
20170327             [l] In BERLIN gab es 1—KRASSEN MUSEUMS—RAUB.
20170327             Breitbart, CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA, fake films, all in 1—PLACE!
20170327             —AM, Als pulsierende Polarlichter über KANADA aufflammten, hatten DIE—FORSCHER Erfolg:
20170327             —AM, "Wir haben zum 1. Mal die Streuung von Elektronen durch Chorwellen direkt beobachtet, die 1—TEILCHENNIEDERSCHLAG—IN—DIE—ERD—ATMOSPHÄRE erzeugt hat",
20170327—20170324    —CORDONED, Police had, off the area.
20170327—20180000    —IN, prosecutors indicted 4—YOUNG—MEN for the theft of the "Big Maple Leaf" coin.
20170327—20180000    —IN, SAUDI—ARABIA cut taxes on oil companies in 1—MAJOR—MOVE that could attract investments in its energy giant Aramco, expected to be offered to investors.
20170415             —DETAILED, Fascinating, article about THE—MERCER—IN—THE—S 20170327             TNY, mapping out connections with Renaissance,
20180324             —ORDERED, SIERRA—LEONE—HIGH—COURT, the electoral commission to halt preparations for a 20180327             presidential RUN—OFF —FOLLOWING 1—LEGAL filing by 1—LAWYER linked to the ruling party.
20180327             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, Rosendo Rodriguez III (29) for THE—SLAYING—OF—1—LUBBOCK woman, whose body was stuffed into 1—NEW—PIECE—OF—LUGGAGE and tossed in the trash. he had also confessed to killing 1—GIRL, —16—JAHRE—ALT and similarly disposing her body.
20180327             Waymo, formerly known as GOOGLE—SELF—DRIVING car project, announced 1—PARTNERSHIP with Jaguar Land Rover to build SELF—DRIVING Jaguar luxury SUVs for the company's autonomous Silicon Valley taxi fleet.
20180327             —EXPANDED, ALGERIA—DOCTORS, 1—PAY—STRIKE and teachers resumed 1, putting pressure on PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA and his PRIME—MINISTER at 1—TIME—WHEN resources are limited.
20180327             —JOINED, AUSTRALIA and IRELAND, more than 20—OTHER nations in expelling RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS in response to the nerve agent attack on 1—FORMER—RUSSIA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER and his daughter in BRITAIN.
20180327             BELGIUM, HUNDREDS—OF—TAXIS brought traffic to 1—STANDSTILL in BRUSSELS to protest proposed government reforms said to favor RIDE—HAILING competitors like Uber.
20180327             —ENTERED, BRAZIL, some 3,400 soldiers and 500—POLICE, the Lins Complex in RIO—DE—JANEIRO in 1—SHOW—OF—FORCE —FOLLOWING recent violence.
20180327             —EXILED, CONGO DRC authorities said they are investigating, opposition leader Moise Katumbi, who has vowed to stand in DECEMBER—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS.
20180327             —CALLED, CONGO, DRC rebels from 1—UGANDAN—ISLAMIST—GROUP, the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) killed at least 11—CIVILIANS —DURING 1—RAID on THE—CITY—OF—BENI —LATE—TODAY.
20180327             —OPENED, THE—NEXT—DAY—FIFA, 1—INVESTIGATION—LESS than —3—MONTHS—BEFORE RUSSIA hosts the World Cup.
20180327             —HAILED, CYPRUS—PRESIDENT—NICOS—ANASTASIADES, as "unprecedented" THE—EU—CONDEMNATION—OF—TURKEY for blocking his government's search for offshore oil and gas.
20180327             —APPEARED, EGYPT, turnout, low citizens voted on the 2. —DAY—OF—1—ELECTION that PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI is virtually certain to win.
20180327             —ARRESTED, All serious rivals had been either, or intimidated into dropping out.
20180327             —NAMED, ETHIOPIA—RULING coalition, 1—NEW—CHAIRMAN—LATE—TODAY.
20180327             1—VOTE to install Abiy Ahmed (42), 1—LEADER from the Oromo ethnic group, as prime minster was expected in the coming days in PARLIAMENT.
20180327             —APPROVED, EUROPE—BAILOUT—FUND, a 6.7—BILLION euro ($8.32—BILLION) loan installment to GREECE as PART—OF—ITS 3. INTERNATIONAL rescue program, with payment of the 1. 5.7—BILLION euros expected —THIS—WEEK.
20180327             FRANCE—TOP—APPEALS—COURT upheld a 30,000-euro fine against FORMER—FAR—RIGHT—LEADER—JEAN—MARIE—LE—PEN for dismissing the Nazi gas chambers as a "detail" of history.
20180327             —HIJACKED, Kidnappers in waters off GHANA, 1—FISHING boat and steered it toward the waters of NIGERIA —BEFORE using 1 speed boat to move 3—SOUTH—KOREANS working on the boat elsewhere.
20180327             —ARMED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—HAIDER—AL—ABADI said government, forces will prevent Kurdish militants based in NORTH—IRAQ from staging CROSS—BORDER—ATTACKS against TURKEY.
20180327             —DETAINED, Police in SOUTH—ITALY, Mohy Eldin Mostafa Omer Abdel Rahman (59), 1—EGYPT—IMAM, who ran 1—CULTURAL—CENTER where he allegedly preached extremist and violent interpretations of Islam to children.
20180327             —RESIGNED, KENYA, columnists from the country's top media group, en masse —1—DAY—AFTER police punched and kicked journalists covering the attempted deportation of 1—OPPOSITION—POLITICIAN at NAIROBI airport.
20180327             KOSOVO Serbs set up 1—ROADBLOCK in NORTH—KOSOVO and their representatives walked OUT—OF—KOSOVO—GOVERNMENT —1—DAY—AFTER the arrest and expulsion of 1—SENIOR—SERBIA—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL that has refueled tensions between the Balkan foes.
20180327             —EXPELLED, NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JENS—STOLTENBERG said NATO has, 7—DIPLOMATS from RUSSIA—MISSION to the alliance and blocked the appointment of 3—OTHERS over the nerve agent attack in BRITAIN —THIS—MONTH.
20180327             —REPORTED, It was, that Anders Fogh Rasmussen, THE—FORMER—HEAD—OF—NATO and 1—CURRENT—DEPUTY—CHAIRMAN—OF—LATVIAN—BANK—NORVIK, has asked THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—LATVIA to create 1—INTERNATIONAL—TASK—FORCE to guide the country in cleaning up its banking sector, which has been rocked by ACCUSATIONS—OF—MONEY laundering and bribery.
20180327             —RULED, In THE—NETHERLANDS 1—APPEALS—COURT, that HOLLAND—POLICE were liable for 20110409             —THE, mall shooting in which 6—PEOPLE were killed as the gunman should never have been granted an gun license.
20180327             NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN—SECRETIVE talks with CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING in BEIJING was confirmed —AFTER his return home.
20180327             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire on 1—RICKSHAW carrying 1—TRANSGENDER woman who went by the name Pinky and her MALE companion.
20180327             † Both —LATER, of their gunshot wounds.
20180327             —RALLIED, RUSSIA, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—RESIDENTS, in KEMEROVO to demand 1—FULL—PROBE —FOLLOWING 1—FIRE in 1—SHOPPING mall that killed at least 64—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM children.
20180327             RUSSIA, monkey chants could be heard from the crowd in S—PETERSBURG —WHEN black FRANCE—PLAYERS touched the ball in 1—FRIENDLY against RUSSIA.
20180327             The abuse was also audible on 1—TV—BROADCAST—AFTER PAUL—POGBA scored FRANCE—2. goal in a 3—1—WIN.
20180327             —ANGERED, SPAIN, demonstrators, by the detention of former leader Carles Puigdemont blocked highways across Catalonia and roads in CENTRAL—BARCELONA, as the separatist politician remained in 1—GERMANY—JAIL pending 1—DECISION on SPAIN—EXTRADITION—REQUEST.
20180327             —DEPARTED, SYRIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, EAST—GHOUTA for rebel TERRITORY—NEAR—THE—TURKEY—BORDER, the 3. group to leave under 1—DEAL brokered by RUSSIA to surrender the enclave near DAMASCUS to the government.
20180327             —CHARGED, TANZANIA, 6—OPPOSITION—LEADERS with sedition and incitement to violence, 1—MOVE branded by CRITICS—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT as 1—EFFORT to silence dissent.
20180327             —BACKED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL unanimously, 1—RESOLUTION that tasks the peacekeeping mission in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO with helping to prepare elections and avoid deadly violence.
20180327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that 20200000             —THE—USA—CENSUS will include 1—QUESTION about citizenship status, 1—MOVE that brought swift condemnation from Democrats, who said it would intimidate immigrants and discourage them from participating.
20180327             —WAS—ARRESTED, PENNSYLVANIA, TAIWAN—EXCHANGE—STUDENT An Tso Sun (18), for threatening to shoot up the Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast High School, which he attended in Upper Darby.
20180327             —HAS—RECALLED, BULGARIA, which holds the rotating EU presidency, said it, its ambassador from RUSSIA to discuss the nerve agent attack in BRITAIN which LONDON blames on MOSCOW.
20180327             —HAVE—LAUNCHED, BULGARIA—PROSECUTORS said they, 1—INVESTIGATION into the owner of 1—HERD—OF—AROUND 100—HORSES—AFTER they were found starving to death or already dead on SNOW—BOUND MOUNT—OSOGOVO.
20180327             —WAS—RELEASED, CHINA, Mindong BISHOP—VINCENZO—GUO—XIJIN, —AFTER spending —1—NIGHT in detention.
20180327             —ORDERED, 1—INDONESIA—COURT, AUSTRALIA—BAKER—JOSHUA—JAMES to undergo rehabilitation —AFTER finding him GUILTY—OF—POSSESSING 1—SMALL AMOUNT—OF—DRUGS on the tourist ISLAND—OF—BALI.
20180327             Katalane in DEUTSCHLAND—HAFT: 1—HOFFNUNGSSCHIMMER für Carles PUIGDEMONT
20180327             Forschungsdurchbruch: Es ward Licht —, es ward blau
20180327             FALL—SKRIPAL: Islands Politiker —BOYKOTTIEREN FUßBALL—WM in RUSSLAND
20180327             —VERBIETET, Crash von Roboterauto: ARIZONA, Uber weitere Testfahrten
20180327             "Hart aber fair"zu HARTZ—IV: 4—EURO—PRO—TAG und Kind?
20180327             TOD—VON—JURIJ Gagarin: Der rätselhafte Absturz der MIG—15
20180327             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG : JUNCKER in der Abhängigkeit
20180327             —DEMENTIERT, Sex mit Pornostar: WEIßES—HAUS, Affäre zwischen DONALD—TRUMP und Stormy Daniels
20180327             Spekulationen um Zugreise von KIM—JONG—UN : NORD—KOREAS geheime MISSION—IN—PEKING
20180327             KOMMISSION für Kohleausstieg: UMWELTverbände wollen KLIMA—ZIEL 20200000             —FÜR, retten
20180327             Geringe Nachfrage: Rückkehrprämie für abgelehnte ASYL—BEWERBER offenbar ohne Wirkung
20180327             GÜNTER—VERHEUGEN zum FALL—SKRIPAL: Ehemaliger EU—KOMMISSAR nimmt RUSSLAND in Schutz
20180327             Luxuskaufhäuser: Mit Events gegen E—COMMERCE
20180327             Gute Wirtschaftslage: DEUTSCHLANDs Schulden sinken um 2 %
20180327             USA—VEGANE Ernährung könnte 350.000.000—MENSCHEN zusätzlich versorgen
20180327             1. beim Menschen: 3—TOTE durch Bornaviren in DEUTSCHLAND
20180327             Katalane in DEUTSCHLAND—HAFT: PUIGDEMONT—ANHÄNGER blockieren Straßen
20180327             Keine Aussage im GROSSBRITANNIEN—PARLAMENT: Zuckerberg lässt sich entschuldigen
20180327             USA—VERKAUFSZAHLEN: Tonträger schlagen Downloads
20180327             PUTIN über Brand in EINKAUF—ZENTRUM: "KRIMinelle Nachlässigkeit"
20180327             —VERURTEILT, Insolvenzverschleppung: EX—BUNDES—MINISTER—KRAUSE zu GELD—STRAFE
20180327             Vollbeschäftigung "mittelfristig denkbar": ARBEITS—MARKTBAROMETER auf Höchststand
20180327             E—BANKING: SCHWEIZER—BANKEN wehren täglich 100—HACKERATTACKEN ab
20180327             —NEUE—REZEPTUR: COCA—COLA senkt Zuckergehalt von Fanta und Sprite
20180327             SKRIPAL—AFFÄRE: Deshalb weist ÖSTERREICH keine RUSSLAND—DIPLOMATEN aus
20180327             —BERICHTET, Altlinke und EX—GRÜNE: JUTTA—DITFURTH, von ANGRIFF mit Metallstange im Zug
20180327             OST—SEEPIPELINE: DEUTSCHLAND genehmigt NORD—STREAM—2
20180327             FALL—SKRIPAL: RUSSLAND—DIPLOMATEN müssen NATO—VERTRETUNG verlassen
20180327             —VERLIERT, SPON—WAHLTREND: Union, AfD legt zu
20180327             Treibhausgase: DEUTSCHLANDs CO2—AUSSTOß geht leicht zurück
20180327             Yellowstone: Forscher entdecken Magmaquelle von Supervulkan
20180327             Erfolge des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: Die DONALD—TRUMP—MASCHINE läuft wie geschmiert
20180327             DIE—WITZE schreiben sich von selbst!
20180327             [l] Na endlich rollt MICROSOFT 1—PRÜDERIE—FILTER aus
20180327             [l] Neulich, im WEIßES—HAUS, bei 1—PRESSE—KONFERENZ: Kurze DURCH—FRAGE—DES—AP—REPORTERS:
20180327             "Why should we in this room — and more importantly, THE—USA—PEOPLE — trust anything this administration is telling them?"said Zeke MILLER—OF—THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS.
20180327             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN!
20180327             Gut, das Timing hätte man etwas geschickter wählen können
20180327             [l] KANADAs Friedensfürst Trudeau hat RHEINMETALL ausgebootet, verkauft —JETZT 10000000             Panzer an SAUDI—ARABIEN.
20180327             So wollte RHEINMETALL 119—DER BOXER—PANZER mit 1 105—MILLIMETER—KANONE ausrüsten, als sogenannte "Break Through Vehicle"mit 1 "full HUNTER—KILLER functionality", also 1—UNEINGESCHRÄNKTEN Fähigkeit, den Feind zu jagen und zu töten
20180327             Ihr seht also: 1—INSTRUMENT DER—FRIEDENSFORSCHUNG! Oh, warte, sagte ich Panzer?
20180327             KANADA—POLITIKER bemühen sich trotzdem, den militärischen Charakter der RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE herunterzuspielen
20180327             Ja gut, Jeeps mit Bordkanone
20180327             Ich bin mir sicher, es geht hier bloß um TEILNAHME—AN—DONALD—TRUMP—MILITÄR—PARADE.
20180327             [l] WÄHREND ALLE—ÜBER—FACEBOOK heulen: Hier ist, was GOOGLE so über euch hat.
20180327             FALL—SKRIPAL: DONALD—TRUMP und MERKEL sichern LONDON Solidarität zu
20180327             SCHWEIZ—STUDIE: In QUIETSCHE—ENTCHEN stecken Millionen Keime
20180327             MORD—AN—HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDER in PARIS: "ANTI—SEMITISMUS ist 1.nationale Krankheit"
20180327             Auslieferung an SPANIEN: Wie Carles PUIGDEMONT freikommen könnte
20180327             START—UP meldet BE—DROHUNGEN, Achtung, Gefahr!
20180327             —GEBRAUCHT, Sie hätten —SCHON 1.Art siebten Sinn, um die Gefahr zu spüren
20180327             Es hätte nur jemand diese wenigen DATEN zusammentragen und DIE—MENSCHEN WARNEN müssen, dass
20180327             "Deep data for 1—SAFE—WORLD"
20180327             Sie nahmen sich vor: Den nächsten Anschlag würde ihr SYSTEM "spüren", noch bevor DIE—POLIZEI ihn verifizieren kann.
20180327             "Wir wussten von dem ANSCHLAG—IN—LONDON —BEREITS—3—MINUTEN vor DER—POLIZEI", sagt Stojanovic —HEUTE
20180327             Womöglich hat das DIE—STADT—LONDON überzeugt, —DIE—HEUTE Kunde des START—UPS ist, ebenso wie 9—DAX—UNTERNEHMEN aus dem Bereich Mobilität, Tourismus und Sicherheit, die teils nicht genannt werden wollen.
20180327             Avas gefahrensensibles SYSTEM lernt aus allen denkbaren DATEN, die öffentlich verfügbar sind:
20180327             Statistiken der WELT—GESUNDHEITS—BEHÖRDE und DER—VEREINTE—NATIONEN—ZEITUNGS—ARTIKEL und Nachrichten, die von 1—SELBST entwickelten MACHINE—LEARNING—SYSTEM verifiziert werden sollen,
20180327             BILDER—VON—WEBCAMS, öffentliche POLIZEI—BERICHTE - "Und Töne!", ruft Stojanovic:
20180327             Audiodaten gelten als besonders wertvoll, zumal Menschen weniger ANGST—VOR—MIKROFONEN haben als vor Kameras, und häufig brauche man gar kein Bild:
20180327             "DIE—STADT—BARCELONA hat ihre Laternenmasten mit Mikrofonen ausgerüstet", sagt Stojanovic
20180327             Daraus könne man beispielsweise Schüsse erkennen, "und anhand der Wellenform sogar die genaue Waffe".
20180327             Und dank der DATEN aus der Vergangenheit können PROGNOSEn erstellt werden, ähnlich wie es beim Predictive Policing geschieht.
20180327             "Unsere Algorithmen sind sehr gut darin, Falschmeldungen zu erkennen",
20180327             "Deshalb 7—WIR radikaler und prüfen im Zweifelsfall lieber mehrfach"
20180327             "Für 1—POLIZISTEN ist 1.Rockerversammlung gefährlich, für 1—ROCKER hingegen 1.POLIZEIstation", sagt Knopp und grinst.
20180327             Objektive Gefahren gibt es wenige.
20180327             MEDIEN—BERICHTE: Zuckerberg plant offenbar Aussage im USA—KONGRESS
20180327             CHINA über USA—STRAF—ZÖLLE: "Das Biest in den Käfig aus WTO—REGELN einsperren"
20180327             Bildung: FRANKREICH führt SCHUL—PFLICHT für Dreijährige ein (Leben und Lernen, 22:38)
20180327             —NACH, tödlichem Zusammenprall, USA—BEHÖRDE untersucht Unfall von TESLA—FAHRZEUG — AKTIE fällt
20180327             ABGAS—SKANDAL, USA—KUNDEN reichen SAMMELKLAGE—GEGEN—BMW ein
20180327             [l] THOMAS—FISCHERS—KOLUMNE "Fischer im RECHT"ist bei der "Zeit"rausgeflogen.
20180327             Und warum? Und —JETZT gab es wieder 1—SOLCHEN Fall
20180327             Diese kam in seinen Augen 1 "Tribunal" gleich, das wichtige Fragen gar nicht oder suggestiv beantwortete.
20180327             —GEMACHT, Und was hat die "Zeit"?
20180327             —UPDATE, Fischers Kolumne ENDETE —SCHON ;;0500;; —IM, 2017
20180327             [l] Findet das eigentlich noch jemand amüsant, wie DIE—BRITEN gerade 1—AUF dicke Hose machen, weil FACEBOOK nicht MARK—ZUCKERBERG zu ihrer PARLAMENTsanhörung schickt?
20180327             Ich hingegen fühle mich an DAS—VERHALTEN der UK—REGIERUNG und GCHQ erinnert, als DEUTSCHLAND nach SNOWDEN Klarstellung forderte.
20180327             Dagegen ist Zuckerberg vorbildlich!
20180327             GCHQ wollte nicht mal das tun.
20180327             [l] Ach schau mal 1—AN, Das JAVA—GERICHTSVERFAHREN zwischen Oracle und GOOGLE ist ja IMMER—NOCH—NICHT tot!
20180327             WOW—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN flew to the city to look at the investigation into the blaze and declared 20180328             —1—DAY—OF—NATIONAL mourning.
20181112    ÜBERRASCHUNG!
20190319—20190327    —ON, 1—JURY awarded Hardeman more than $80—MILLION.
20190327             VENEZUELA, new disruption to the power grid had left 91—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY offline, reversing a "partial recovery" —SINCE the latest blackouts started 20190325            .
20190327             THE—HEAD—OF—THE—USA—CUSTOMS and Border Protection held 1—PRESS—CONFERENCE in EL—PASO to say the breaking point had arrived.
20190327             Border agents were on track to make 100,000 arrests and DENIALS—OF—ENTRY at the southern border —THIS—MONTH.
20190327             —PLEADED, ARKANSAS, ANDRE—JACKSON, —34—JAHRE—ALT, guilty and was sentenced to —25—YEARS in prison for THE—MURDER—OF—1—ITALY—TOURIST —DURING 1 attempted robbery.
20190327             —RECEIVED, CALIFORNIA, PG&E, approval from 1—BANKRUPTCY—COURT to fully access $5.5—BILLION in financing it lined up from major banks, despite objections from wildfire victims.
20190327             Speaking in HAWAII TAIWAN—PRESIDENT—TSAI—ING—WEN said her government has asked to purchase advanced new fighter jets and tanks from THE—USA, 1—REQUEST that if approved, could set off new tensions between THE—USA—AND—CHINA.
20190327             —SUBMITTED, Tsai said requests have been, for F-16V fighters and M1 Abrams tanks.
20190327             NEW—YORK—CITY, ANNA—SOROKIN (28), THE—1—TIME darling of the Big Apple social scene, stood trial on grand larceny and THEFT—OF—SERVICES—CHARGES alleging she swindled $275,000 in a —10—MONTH odyssey that saw her jetting to OMAHA and Marrakesh —BEFORE landing in 1—CELL at Rikers ISLAND.
20190327             —REINSTATED, WISCONSIN, the 3. DISTRICT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, laws passed —DURING 20180000             —THE—LAME—DUCK legislative session that weaken powers of the Democratic GOVERNOR—AND—ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20190327             The $1—MILLION Turing Award went to artificial intelligence pioneers Yoshua Bengio, YANN—LECUN and GEOFFREY—HINTON.
20190327             Ford said it will close 3—FACTORIES in RUSSIA, causing heavy job losses, as it pulls OUT—OF—PASSENGER—VEHICLE manufacturing in the country.
20190327             —BACKED, ALGERIA—BIGGEST union and 1—INFLUENTIAL—PARTY, 1—ARMY—CALL for PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA to quit in 1 managed exit plan that was quickly rejected by protesters demanding the overthrow of the entire political elite.
20190327             —REVEALED, AUSTRALIA—TOP cyberwarrior, that his country actively participated in the electronic war against the Islamic State group in Syria, degrading their communications —DURING military operations and actively stopping people seeking to join the extremist group.
20190327             Sellner said he would give the money to 1—CHARITABLE—FOUNDATION.
20190327             —OFFERED, PRIME—MINISTER—THERESA—MAY, to give up her job in exchange for her Brexit deal.
20190327             —SLAMMED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, plans by BRUNEI to implement what the rights group called "vicious" Islamic criminal laws such as stoning to death for gay sex and amputation for theft.
20190327             The new sections under BRUNEI—SHARIA—PENAL—CODE and will come into effect 20190403            .
20190327             —SANCTIONED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT has put him on 1—LIST—OF, RUSSIA—STATE—OWNED companies.
20190327             —RESCUED, THE—EU said it will suspend ship patrols that have, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANTS in the Mediterranean and brought them to ITALY, amid deep resistance by POPULIST—LED ROME.
20190327             The rescues were PART—OF—THE—EU—OPERATION—SOPHIA which diplomats have decided to extend by —6—MONTHS beyond its 20190331             expiry date, but without new ship deployments.
20190327             1—REPORT by the investigative group Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project said GAMBIA—EX—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH looted the tiny WEST—AFRICA—NATION of $1—BILLION through fear and privilege —DURING his —22—YEARS in power, 1—AMOUNT—MORE than 10—TIMES—HIGHER than originally estimated by the new government, leaving the country in lingering debt.
20190327             The $1—BILLION was used to finance his lavish lifestyle and is believed to still support him in his exile in EQUATORIAL—GUINEA.
20190327             INDIA shot down 1—OF—ITS—SATELLITES in space with 1—ANTI—SATELLITE—MISSILE.
20190327             —REJECTED, INDONESIA—SUPREME—COURT, the appeal of Meliana, 1—ETHNIC—CHINA—WOMAN, whose complaint about THE—VOLUME—OF—MOSQUE loudspeakers led to an —18—MONTH—PRISON—SENTENCE for blasphemy.
20190327             —TRAVELLED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASSAN—ROUHANI, to FLOOD—HIT zones for the 1. time —AFTER—9—DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS inundated MOST—OF—THE—COUNTRY and killed 43—PEOPLE.
20190327             —INCLUDED, The warrant also, THE—ARREST—OF—SOME—LOCAL—OFFICIALS—AFTER 1—COURT—INVESTIGATION concluded they colluded with THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR in misusing their powers and committed financial violations.
20190327             NAWFAL—HAMMADI—AL—SULTAN has fled to the Kurdish regional CAPITAL—ERBIL.
20190327             JAPAN, 1—NISSAN committee set up to strengthen corporate governance —AFTER THE—ARREST—OF—FORMER—CHAIRMAN—CARLOS—GHOSN said 1—INVESTIGATION found he had wielded too much power and recommended THE—SCANDAL—HIT automaker add more independent outside directors to its BOARD and better oversee compensation and auditing.
20190327             1—KAZAKHSTAN—MILITARY—HELICOPTER with 13—PEOPLE on BOARD crashed on —DURING exercises.
20190327             There were casualties, but that it was not yet clear how many.
20190327             —PICKED, The cargo ship El Hiblu 1, up 108—MIGRANTS stranded at sea.
20190327             —HIJACKED, SOME—OF—THEM then, the vessel —WHEN it became clear that it planned to take them back to LIBYA.
20190327             3—MIGRANT—TEENAGERS were soon charged in 1—MALTA—COURT with hijacking the small tanker.
20190327             —PLEADED, They, not guilty.
20190327             1—LITHUANIA—COURT—FOUND—FORMER—SOVIET—DEFENSE—MINISTER—DMITRY—YAZOV, —94—JAHRE—ALT GUILTY—OF—WAR—CRIMES and crimes against humanity for his role in a 19910000             crackdown against the Baltic state's PRO—INDEPENDENCE—MOVEMENT.
20190327             67—FORMER—MILITARY—OFFICIALS and army officers were being sentenced —AFTER a —3—YEAR—TRIAL.
20190327             1—REPORT released —TODAY found gaps in the investigation and possible OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE in MALAYSIA's 20150000             DISCOVERY—OF—MASS—GRAVES believed to be of Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis held in trafficking camps in 1—HILLY jungle area on its border with THAILAND.
20190327             The report said MALAYSIA—AUTHORITIES were aware of the human trafficking camps more than —4—MONTHS—BEFORE they were announced publicly.
20190327             1—MOZAMBIQUE government official said 5—CASES—OF cholera have been confirmed —FOLLOWING Cyclone Idai that ravaged the country, killing at least 468—PEOPLE.
20190327             —KILLED, NEW—ZEALAND, Artemiy Dubovskiy (54), himself —DURING 1—STANDOFF with police.
20190327             —SEARCHED, Police, 3—OF—DUBOVSKIY—PROPERTIES and found guns, ammunition and violent extremist content.
20190327             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE, 1—MAN for beating his wife in public —AFTER the incident triggered wide condemnation and uproar on social media.
20190327             —ABOUT 150—PALESTINE—STUDENTS threw firebombs and rocks at ISRAEL—SOLDIERS who responded with tear gas and RUBBER—COATED metal bullets in the occupied WEST—BANK—AFTER 1—ISRAEL—RAID on their university.
20190327             —KILLED, PALESTINE—VOLUNTEER medic SAJID—MUZHER, —17—JAHRE—ALT was, by ISRAEL—FORCES —DURING the clashes.
20190327             —WOUNDED, He was shot —WHILE trying to treat 1—OF—THOSE.
20190327             —HEADED, THAILAND, THE—LEADER—OF—THE—PHEU—THAILAND—PARTY, which, the last elected government, and the leaders of 5—OTHER—PARTIES held 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE to say they believed they had won more than 250—SEATS in the 500-seat lower house.
20190327             —INCLUDED, This, 468 in MOZAMBIQUE, 259 in ZIMBABWE and 60 in MALAWI.
20190327             —HAVE—SKYROCKETED, Arrests all along the southern border, in recent months.
20190327             —HAVE—BEEN—SUBMITTED, Tsai said requests, for F-16V fighters and M1 Abrams tanks.
20190327             —PLEADED, VIRGINIA, JAMES—ALEX—FIELDS—JUNIOR, guilty to 29—OF 30—FEDERAL—CHARGES stemming 20170000             —FROM—THE "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville.
20190327             —WAS—KILLED, ANTI—RACIST—ACTIVIST—HEATHER Heyer, —WHEN Fields plowed his car into 1—CROWD—OF—PROTESTERS.
20190327             —DEBATED, UNITED—KINGDOM—LAWMAKERS, multiple options for leaving THE—EUROPEAN—UNION as they sought to bring SOME—CLARITY to the tortured Brexit process and stop the country tumbling OUT—OF—THE—BLOC within weeks with no exit plan in place.
20190327             —HAS—EXPELLED, CHINA said that it, FORMER—INTERPOL PRESIDENT—MENG—HONGWEI from public office and the ruling Communist Party as he awaits trial on corruption charges.
20190327             A $436—MILLION superyacht belonging to RUSSIA—BILLIONAIRE Farkhad Akhmedov, at the center of 1—OF—THE—WORLD'S—COSTLIEST divorce battles, was released by 1—DUBAI court —AFTER being impounded —LAST—YEAR.
20190327             —HAS—ESTIMATED, Forbes, AKHMEDOV—NET worth is $1.4—BILLION.
20190327             —WAS—AIMED, The government said the test, at protecting INDIA—ASSETS in space against foreign attacks.
20190327             —HAS—BEEN—ISSUED, IRAQ—COURT—OFFICIALS said 1—WARRANT, for THE—ARREST—OF—THE—FORMER—GOVERNOR—OF—NINEVEH on corruption charges —AFTER at least 90—PEOPLE were killed in 1—FERRY accident in the provincial CAPITAL—MOSUL.
20190327             —STRANDED, The cargo ship El Hiblu 1—PICKED up 108—MIGRANTS, at sea.
20190327             —HAD—COMPLAINED, FAISAL—WIFE, that her husband had stripped her naked, beat her and shaved her head for refusing to dance for his friends at their home.
20190327             —WAS—KILLED, PALESTINE—VOLUNTEER medic SAJID—MUZHER (17), by ISRAEL—FORCES —DURING the clashes.
20190327             —HAD—BEEN—REPORTED, UN officials said at least 707—PEOPLE, killed by Cyclone Idai, the flooding it caused and heavy rains —BEFORE it hit.
20190327             [l] Der SPD sind beim Abstimmen die Finger verrutscht.
20190327             —UPDATE, Die SCHWEDEN—SPD hat auch auch versehentlich den falschen Knopf gedrückt.
20190327             [l] —GESTERN, im Gespräch:
20190327             Ich: Hätten die doch mal jemanden gefragt, der sich mit sowas auskennt.
20190327             —BESTIMMT, Kumpel: Haben sie !
20190327             Glaubst du, wenn die T—SYSTEMS fragen, ob die einen Uploadfilter bauen können, der Satire erkennt, daß T—SYSTEMS dann nein sagt und den Mann mit dem Geld wieder —HEIM schickt?
20190327             Das lässt mir ja —JETZT keine Ruhe.
20190327             —UPDATE, Oh da habe ich ja mit dem FRAUNHOFER—SEITENHIEB einen Volltreffer gelandet
20190327             [l] Bayer und MONSANTO zusammen sind —JETZT weniger —WERT als MONSANTO alleine zum ZEIT—PUNKT der Übernahme.
20190327             —BEENDET, Operation "Sophia": EU, MARINE—EINSATZ vor libyscher Küste
20190327             —NACH, Beschuss durch HAMAS: ISRAEL greift erneut Ziele im GAZA—STREIFEN an
20190327             Soziologe fordert Müßiggang: Warum man fürs Nichtstun bezahlt werden sollte (SPIEGEL+, 00:48)
20190327             BUNDESSTAAT—NEW—YORK: Landkreis ruft wegen MASERN—AUSBRUCH Notstand aus
20190327             Exportstopp: CDU—WIRTSCHAFTSRAT greift RÜSTUNGS—POLITIK—DER—SPD scharf an
20190327             Zehntausende Kunden betroffen: Asus verbreitete unwissentlich SCHAD—SOFTWARE
20190327             PATENT—STREIT—MIT—QUALCOMM: APPLE droht in DEN—USA Einfuhrstopp für iPhones
20190327             —VERKÜNDET, Angebliches WAFFEN—SYSTEM im All: INDIEN, ABSCHUSS—VON—MILITÄRISCHEM Satelliten
20190327             Spende von CHRISTCHURCH—ATTENTÄTER: ÖSTERREICH—REGIERUNG prüft Auflösung der Identitären
20190327             "Hubble"—AUFNAHMEN: Auf dem Neptun braut sich was zusammen
20190327             OST—EUROPÄER in GROSSBRITANNIEN: Warum DER—BREXIT auch 1—POLEXIT wird
20190327             Bevölkerungsschwund wie im Krieg: Institut erwartet Fachkräftemangel in Osteuropa
20190327             BUNDESWEHR: Gericht spricht Agent in Prozess um GEHEIMNIS—VERRAT frei
20190327             URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM: Pyrrhussieg heißt —JETZT VOSS—SIEG
20190327             Raumfahrt: EUROPÄER wollen bei TRUMP—MONDMISSION mitmachen
20190327             "Unbeherrschbares Abenteuer": COMMERZBANK—BETRIEBSRAT rebelliert gegen mögliche Fusion
20190327             Innere Sicherheit: VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ WARNT—VOR—EXTREMISMUS—GEFAHREN für die Wirtschaft
20190327             Eurochinesische Partnerschaft: Eine revolutionäre Frechheit
20190327             RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE: Warum die GroKo den STREIT—ÜBER—SAUDI—ARABIEN nicht beilegen kann
20190327             EINWEG—VERBOT: Das unternimmt DIE—EU—GEGEN—PLASTIKMÜLL
20190327             MITTELMEERoperation "Sophia": Mit Drohnen sichten statt mit Schiffen retten
20190327             Der weltpolitisch —BISLANG, einmalige Auftritt MACRONs an der Seite von Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL und EU—KOMMISSION—CHEF—JEAN—CLAUDE—JUNCKER mit XI—JINPING im PARISer ÉLYSÉE—PALAST passte genau in diese Strategie.
20190327             DEUTSCHLAND und CHINA, die ZWEIT— UND die viertgrößte Volkswirtschaft, die beiden größten Exportnationen der Welt, sind —DERZEIT, die eher vorsichtigen Akteure im großen globalen Geschehen.
20190327             Sie sind die größten Gewinner —SEIT—DER—FINANZ—KRISE 20080000             , ihre Überschüsse beweisen es JEDES—JAHR.
20190327             BERLIN und PEKING wollen am wenigsten, daß sich etwas ändert.
20190327             Aber auch sie sehen ein, daß MACRON recht hat.
20190327             2—AUFGABEN hat sich die neue EURO—CHINA—ALLIANZ gestellt: den KLIMA—SCHUTZ und den Aufbau AFRIKAs.
20190327             "In AFRIKA sind CHINA und EUROPA keine strategischen Rivalen", sagte MACRON, und MERKEL pflichtete ihm bei, indem sie CHINAs Erfahrung bei der ARMUTS—BEKÄMPFUNG lobte und DIE—ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT CHINAs und EUROPAs in AFRIKA zur neuen Herausforderung des Multilateralismus erklärte.
20190327             —1— ELANG hatten DIE—REGIERUNGEN in PARIS und BERLIN CHINA—INVESTITIONEN in AFRIKA als neue FORM—DES—KOLONIALISMUS und der Rohstoffausbeutung abgetan.
20190327             —MILITÄR—HILFE: DONALD—TRUMP fordert RUSSLANDs Rückzug aus
20190327             TUNESIENs Umgang mit der DIKTATUR: FOLTER mit SYSTEM
20190327             Bei Bodenuntersuchungen: Forscher finden unter ANT—ARKTIS—GLETSCHER große Süßwasserseen
20190327             GROSSBRITANNIEN: Unterhaus lehnt ALLE—ALTERNATIVEN zu Mays BREXIT—DEAL ab
20190327             NORD—IRLAND—PARTEI: DUP will BREXIT—DEAL nicht unterstützen
20190327             PROZEß—GEGEN BAYER—TOCHTER: MONSANTO muss krebskrankem Kläger 81.000.000—DOLLAR zahlen
20190327—19590000    —IN, THE—USA—RAN—THE—1.—ANTI—SATELLITE—TEST, —WHEN satellites themselves were rare and new.
20190327—20170000    —FROM—THE, VIRGINIA, JAMES—ALEX—FIELDS—JUNIOR pleaded guilty to 29—OF 30—FEDERAL—CHARGES stemming "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville.
20190327—20170700    —CRASHED, CARLO—MARIGLIANO was found shot to death in 1, jeep outside 1—LITTLE—ROCK apartment complex.
20190327—20180000    —CONFIRMED, AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ, that MARTIN—SELLNER, HEAD—OF—THE—FAR—RIGHT—IDENTITARIAN—MOVEMENT, received 1,500 euros from the man charged with killing 50—PEOPLE in mass shootings at mosques in CHRISTCHURCH—NEW—ZEALAND.
20190327—20340000    —UNTIL, 1—COALITION—OF—OPPOSITION—PARTIES urged Egyptians to vote against constitutional amendments that would potentially allow PRESIDENT—ABDEL—FATTAH—EL—SISSI to remain in power.
20190327—20500000    —BIS, FRANKREICH hat es —SCHON—JETZT getan: will DAS—LAND CO2-neutral sein.
20200313—20200327    —UNTIL, Apple Inc said it will close all its retail stores outside Greater CHINA, to minimize RISK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—TRANSMISSION.
20200314—20200327    —UNTIL, ITALY—SUPERCAR maker Ferrari said it will suspend production at the Maranello and MODENA plants.
20200316             Die Schließungen sollen —BIS zum 20200327             dauern.
20200316—20200327    —BIS—ZUM, dauern, Die Schließungen sollen
20200316—20200327    —BIS, In den ITALIEN—FABRIKEN Melfi, Pomigliano, Cassino, Mirafiori, Grugliasco und MODENA werde dem Konzern zufolge nicht gearbeitet.
20200325—20200327    —ON, THE—BUNDESRAT, or upper HOUSE—OF—PARLIAMENT, will vote.
20200325—20200327    —ON, SOUTH—AFRICA, THE—CORONA€"VIRUS caseload rose past 700 as the country got ready to go on lockdown.
20200325—20200420    —UNTIL, Air NAMIBIA said that all domestic and INTER—AFRICA—FLIGHTS will be suspended effective 20200327            .
20200327             —NATO—MITGLIED—NORD—MAZEDONIEN wird  der.
20200327             Hansjörg MÜLLER—BERLIN 20200325             20200327             —INVOKED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, emergency powers to require GENERAL—MOTORS—CO to build MUCH—NEEDED ventilators for CORONA€"VIRUS patients —AFTER he accused the largest USA—AUTOMAKER—OF "wasting time" —DURING negotiations.
20200327             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, the $2—TRILLION CORONA€"VIRUS economic stimulus bill.
20200327             THE—USA—NOW had almost 86,000 known infections.
20200327             THE—USA—NAVY, the military service hit hardest by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, scrambled to contain its 1. AT—SEA—OUTBREAK, with at least 2—DOZEN infected aboard THE—USS—THEODORE—ROOSEVELT in GUAM, 1—OF 11—ACTIVE—AIRCRAFT carriers whose mission is central to THE—PENTAGON—STRATEGY for deterring war with CHINA and IRAN.
20200327             —ORDERED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM, a —2—MONTH halt on evictions for state residents who cannot pay their rent VECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             —REPORTED, FLORIDA, 29—DEATHS have been, due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             Deaths were on track to double EVERY— 4—DAYS.
20200327             † Civil rights leader and MLK aide REVEREND—JOSEPH—E—LOWERY, —98—JAHRE—ALT, in ATLANTA.
20200327             —INFORMED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—BUREAU—OF—INDIAN—AFFAIRS, that Mashpee Wampanoag tribe of MASSACHUSETTS that it will be rescinding its reservation designation for more than 300—ACRES removing the land from FEDERAL—TRUST.
20200327             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK state, 100—MORE—DEATHS in —1—DAY.
20200327             NEW—YORK—CITY—MAYOR BILL—DE—BLASIO said CASES—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS are going to become "astronomical," putting unprecedented strain on the hospital system.
20200327             NEW—YORK state has more than 44,000 CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and 519—DEATHS from the virus, by far the most in the country.
20200327             THE—NEW—YORK City DEPARTMENT—OF—CORRECTIONS said that 80—STAFF and 103—MEN in custody have tested positive for CORONA€"VIRUS at Rikers ISLAND and city jails alone — quadruple what was reported —JUST —1—WEEK—AGO.
20200327             RHODE—ISLAND—STATE—POLICE began pulling over drivers with NEW—YORK plates so that National Guard officials can collect contact information and inform them of 1—MANDATORY, —14—DAY—QUARANTINE.
20200327             —CONFIRMED, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, 36—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, raising its total to 267.
20200327             Microsoft said it is pulling its investments from 1—FACIAL—RECOGNITION startup that scans faces at ISRAEL—MILITARY—CHECKPOINTS, even though the tech giant couldn't substantiate claims that the startup's technology is used unethically.
20200327             It would not return for another 6,—766—YEARS.
20200327             —ANNOUNCED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—ASHRAF—GHANI, his 21-member team to negotiate peace with the Taliban, only to have his political opponent ABDULLAH—ABDULLAH reject it as not inclusive enough.
20200327             —RECORDED, AFGHANISTAN has so far, —JUST 91—CASES and 4—DEATHS but the tens of thousands returnees from IRAN have dispersed —THROUGHOUT the country without being tested.
20200327             —BLOCKED, MAYORS—OF—DOZENS—OF—TOWNS—NEAR THE—ROSARIO grains export hub have, ground transport as the country locks down against THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200327             —TESTED, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON, —55—JAHRE—ALT said he has, positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             —CONFIRMED, Health SECRETARY—MATT—HANCOCK was also, to have the virus.
20200327             BANK—OF—CANADA cut key benchmark rate by 50—BASIS—POINTS to 0.25%, its lowest in —1—DECADE.
20200327             The central bank also said it would begin purchases of C$5—BILLION per —WEEK—OF—GOVERNMENT—OF—CANADA securities in the secondary market.
20200327             —REPORTED, CHINA—NATIONAL—HEALTH—COMMISSION, 55—NEW—CASES, 54—OF—THEM imported infections.
20200327             —REPORTED, CHINA, 81,394 confirmed cases, with 649—OF—THOSE imported.
20200327             The death toll rose by 3 to 3,295, with all new deaths reported in Hubei province.
20200327             CHINA—LEADER Xi Jinping in 1—PHONE—CALL told PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP that CHINA understands THE—USA' current predicament over THE—COVID—19—OUTBREAK and stands ready to provide support within its capacity.
20200327             GERMANY, CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—ROSE to 43,039 from 37,179, —WHILE the death toll jumped to 262—DEATHS from 203.
20200327             —ANNOUNCED, THE—HONG—KONG government, new measures to contain THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak, including limiting crowd size to 4—PEOPLE except weddings and funerals.
20200327             The measures will last —FOR—14—DAYS.
20200327             The city has found 1—RECORD 65—NEW—CASES, taking its total to 518.
20200327             PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said HUNGARY—GOVERNMENT will partially restrict movement for a —2—WEEK—PERIOD ending 20200411             to slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200327             —REPORTED, INDONESIA, the biggest daily jump in new CORONA€"VIRUS infections with the total number of confirmed cases topping 1,000. Tests confirmed the disease in 153—MORE—PEOPLE.
20200327             —REPORTED, The country also, 9—NEW—DEATHS, taking the total to 87, the highest in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20200327             —REPORTED, IRAN, 2,926 new CORONA€"VIRUS cases and 144—MORE—DEATHS over the past —DAY, bringing the total figures in the country to 32,332 cases and 2,378 deaths.
20200327             —ENFORCED, The government, social distancing measures banning INTER—CITY—TRAVEL and all gatherings, and the central bank approved loans for businesses affected by the outbreak.
20200327             ITALY, the death toll from 1—OUTBREAK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in THE—NORTH—REGION—OF—LOMBARDY rose by —AROUND 541 in —1—DAY to some 5,402. ITALY registered the most CORONA€"VIRUS deaths —SINCE the country's outbreak had exploded —5—WEEKS—EARLIER, adding 969—MORE—VICTIMS to raise the world's highest COVID—19—TOLL to 9,134.
20200327             —CONFIRMED, The number of, CORONA€"VIRUS cases in THE—NETHERLANDS rose by 1,172, or 16%, to 8,603, with 112—NEW—DEATHS.
20200327             The country's death total is —NOW 546.
20200327             —SEPTEMBER, at least 71—BODIES were found in 6—MASS—GRAVES in Tillaberi, 1—AREA affected by jihadist violence.
20200327             —KILLED, The civilians had been, with bladed weapons and small arms.
20200327             —REPORTED, Authorities in THE—GAZA—STRIP have, 9—CASES.
20200327             —OWNEED, THE—SEATTLE—BASED HOLLAND—USA—CRUISE—LINE, by Carnival Corp., said 4—PASSENGERS have † aboard the Zaandam —NOW anchored off THE—COAST—OF—PANAMA.
20200327             2—PEOPLE have tested positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS and more than 130—HAVE reported FLU—LIKE—SYMPTOMS.
20200327             —CARRIED, The ship, 1,243 guests and 586—CREW.
20200327             RUSSIA, the total NUMBER—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES—ROSE by 196 to 1,036.
20200327             —ISOLATED, SERBIA, residents of BELGRADE, themselves not only from CORONA€"VIRUS but also from acrid smoke, which defied strong winds to transform THE—SERBIA—CAPITAL into the city with the world's most polluted air.
20200327             SLOVAKIA said it is closing border crossings with POLAND, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, HUNGARY and AUSTRIA for THE—TRANSIT—OF—TRUCKS over 7.5—TONS delivering NON—ESSENTIAL—GOODS to prevent accidents near the border crossings where long jams are formed because of lengthy handling by HUNGARY—AUTHORITIES.
20200327             —AIMED, SOUTH—AFRICA BEGAN a —3—WEEK—LOCKDOWN, at curbing THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS as the disease claimed its 1. 2—VICTIMS in the country and THE—NUMBER—OF—INFECTIONS passed 1,000.
20200327             That brought total infections in SOUTH—KOREA to 9,478, with 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—151, up from 139.
20200327             † SPAIN reported its deadliest —DAY so far —AFTER 769—PEOPLE, for 1—TOTAL—OF—4,858 fatalities.
20200327             Cases rose to 64,059 from 56,188.
20200327             SWITZERLAND—DRUGMAKER Novartis won 1—KEY—EUROPEAN recommendation for its gene therapy Zolgensma against spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), clearing 1—HURDLE for $2.1—MILLION per patient treatment for approval in EUROPE within months.
20200327             —EVACUATED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, HUNDREDS—OF—MIGRANTS waiting at the border with GREECE amid THE—CORONA€"VIRUS pandemic.
20200327             THE—USA—SUSPENDED at least $73—MILLION out of 1—TOTAL—OF $85—MILLION in aid delivered via nongovernmental groups in YEMEN—HOUTHI—CONTROLLED north.
20200327             —WAS—EXPECTED, PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, to sign it quickly.
20200327             —RULED, A—USA—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT, that undocumented immigrants who present 1—CREDIBLE—CASE or asylum in THE—USA—ARE entitled to 1—PROMPT hearing for release on bond —WHILE their cases are pending.
20200327             —HAVE—BEEN—REPORTED, FLORIDA, 29—DEATHS, due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             —WAS—KILLED, NEW—YORK—CITY, 1—SUBWAY—TRAIN—OPERATOR, —AFTER 1 fired, believed to have been intentionally set, erupted inside 1—TRAIN—CAR at 1—STATION along THE—NORTH—EDGE—OF—CENTRAL—PARK.
20200327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that scientists have discovered 1—STRAIN of bacteria, the 1. of its kind, that can degrade the harmful compounds in polyurethane products -- 1—POSITIVE—STEP toward reducing THE—AMOUNT—OF—PLASTIC—POLLUTION in the environment.
20200327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that the supply of soybeans to Argentine crushing plants is down by half and falling, as municipalities citing health concerns defied 1—GOVERNMENT—ORDER that they allow cargo trucks to get to the plants.
20200327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that MILLIONS—OF—BANGLADESH factory workers have been sent home without wages or severence pay they are owed —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS—PANDEMIC.
20200327             —HAS—TESTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—PRIME—MINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON (55) said he, positive for THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             —JUMPED, UNITED—KINGDOM—FATALITIES due to THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, by 260, to 1,019. Some 14,579—PEOPLE in THE—UK—HAVE tested positive, 1—INCREASE—OF about 25%, above THE—5—DAY—AVERAGE—OF—20%.
20200327             —REPORTED, In the Baltic states ESTONIA, 575—CORONA€"VIRUS—INFECTIONS and 1—DEATH—LATVIA reported 280—CASES—LITHUANIA reported 344—CASES and 4—DEATHS.
20200327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that INDIA—CORONA€"VIRUS—LOCKDOWN is disrupting E—COMMERCE—COMPANIES including Amazon and Flipkart, despite government assurances it would not.
20200327             —HAVE—BEEN—KILLED, IRAN—MEDIA—REPORT nearly 300—PEOPLE, and more than 1,000 sickened so far by ingesting methanol in the mistaken belief it protects against THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200327             —HAS—RECORDED, ISRAEL, 12—DEATHS from COVID—19, the illness caused by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS, and over 3,000 infections.
20200327             NORTH—WEST—NIGER, 1—ARMY—OPERATION began that left 102—CIVILIANS missing by the time it left the region on 2—APRIL.
20200327             —HAD—BEEN—KILLED, The civilians, with bladed weapons and small arms.
20200327             THE—PALESTINIAN—AUTHORITY, which governs parts of THE—ISRAELI—OCCUPIED WEST—BANK, has reported 84—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES.
20200327             —HAVE—REPORTED, Authorities in THE—GAZA—STRIP, 9—CASES.
20200327             —HAS—SICKENED, So far, THE—CORONA€"VIRUS infection in Serbia, 528 and killed 8—PEOPLE.
20200327             —WERE—TRANSFERRED, They, to state guesthouses for quarantine.
20200327             —WAS—REPORTED, It, that VENEZUELA—ONLY telecom satellite has veered off its orbit and stopped working.
20200327             —FREITAG, 20200327. - EU—VIDEO—GIPFEL: DIE—CORONA—KRISE muss —14—TAGE warten
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: Warum SPANIEN besonders schwer betroffen ist
20200327             Woody Allens Memoiren: Der ultimative STRESS—TEST für #MeToo
20200327             Brief einer ITALIENERIN—AN—DIE—DEUTSCHEN: Ich schreibe euch aus eurer Zukunft
20200327             Rätselhafte Zeiteinheit: Warum hat —DIE—WOCHE—7—TAGE?
20200327             Dramatische Lage: USA melden WELT—WEIT höchste Zahl an CORONA—INFEKTIONEN
20200327             Oma, Opa, seid vernünftig!
20200327             ELEKTRO—BULLI von Volkswagen: Liebesgrüße aus WOLFSBURG
20200327             In vielen kleinen Unternehmen, aber auch von Hobbybastlern, werden Oldtimer auf Elektroantriebe umgerüstet, mit sehr unterschiedlichem Ergebnis.
20200327             Der Bedarf aber scheint so groß, daß Volkswagen dem Wunsch seiner Kunden —NUN nachkommt und das Geschäft mit den ELEKTRO—OLDIES professionell aufzieht.
20200327             Das 1. Projekt: 1—VW T1 Sambabus, Baujahr 19660000            .
20200327             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Herrschen aus dem Homeoffice
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: GROSSBRITANNIEN feiert seine Einsatzkräfte
20200327             USA und CHINA in CORONA—KRISE: TRUMP und Xi beteuern Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit
20200327             —KAMPF—GEGEN—COVID—19: Vertrauliche Regierungsstudie beschreibt CORONA—SZENARIEN für DEUTSCHLAND
20200327             WORST—CASE—SZENARIO—DIE—STUDIE, die dem SPIEGEL vorliegt, wurde am ;;0322;;
20200327             auch dem VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM  und dem Bundeskanzleramt vorgelegt.
20200327             —BERICHTET, Auch die "Süddeutsche Zeitung", darüber.
20200327             In der Studie geht man —ZUNÄCHST von einer Erhöhung der Testkapazitäten auf 100.000—PRO —TAG, wenige —WOCHEN später auf 200.000—PRO —TAG aus.
20200327             In der Kalenderwoche 12 (vom 16. —BIS ;;03;;22) wurden laut ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT in DEUTSCHLAND knapp 350.000—TESTS durchgeführt.
20200327             "Um das Testen schneller und effizienter zu machen", heißt es in dem Papier des Innenministeriums, "ist la¨ngerfristig der EINSATZ—VON—BIG Data und Location Tracking unumga¨nglich".
20200327             Folgt man diesem Modell, wu¨rden sich nach Berechnungen der WISSENSCHAFTLER—CA—1—MILLION Menschen in DEUTSCHLAND infizieren, aber nur 12.000—WU¨rden sterben.
20200327             Das strenge Vorgehen mu¨sste —2—MONATE durchgehalten werden.
20200327             Da aber danach nur ein geringer TEIL—DER—BEVO¨lkerung gegen DAS—VIRUS immunisiert wa¨re, "mu¨sste weiterhin kontinuierlich hohe Wachsamkeit bestehen bleiben", heißt es.
20200327             "Ich bin ein entschiedener Anha¨nger der Suppression, auch wenn dieser Weg deutlich teurer ist", sagte SEEHOFER.
20200327             "Aber er rettet am meisten Leben".
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: BDI fordert Verschiebung von Lohnsteuerzahlung
20200327             MEDIEN—BERICHT: Mehr als 1.700—STRAFTATEN—GEGEN—GEFLÜCHTETE und Unterkünfte
20200327             AfD: Verfassungsschützer hält "Flügel"-Auflösung für "Augenwischerei"
20200327             —BY Claus Hecking in Winterswijk, THE—NETHERLANDS
20200327             Pandemiefolgen: LIEFER—DIENSTE für Lebensmittel profitieren von CORONA—EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: RALPH—LAUREN produziert —JETZT MASKEN und Kittel
20200327             "Extremely Vulnerable": AMAZON Tribes at Acute Risk from THE—CORONA—VIRUS— Interview Conducted by Marian Blasberg und JENS—GLÜSING in RIO—DE—JANEIRO
20200327             —USA—SCHAUSPIELER: MARK—BLUM stirbt am CORONA—VIRUS—
20200327             Epidemiologe über COVID—19: "DIE—MAßNAHMEN dürfen nicht schlimmer sein als die Krankheit" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VERONIKA—HACKENBROCH
20200327             Nitratbelastung im Grundwasser: Union und FDP wollen gegen Düngeverordnung stimmen
20200327             Überforderte POLIZEI in der CORONA—KRISE: Selbst Laptops sind Mangelware
20200327             Wie viele erkranken, wie viele sterben?: Die Mathematik der Pandemie
20200327             DIE—FORSCHER hoffen, ab ;;04;;
20200327             das Blut von mehr als 100.000—PROBANDEN auf Antikörper gegen den COVID—19—ERREGER untersuchen zu können.
20200327             Der Test soll in regelmäßigen Abständen wiederholt werden, um das Fortschreiten der Pandemie zu überwachen.
20200327             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER wollen so herausfinden, wie weit sich SARS—COV—2—SCHON ausgebreitet hat und wie VIELE—INFIZIERTE—MENSCHEN es tatsächlich tötet.
20200327             DIE—DERZEIT verfügbaren Tests schlagen allerdings manchmal auch bei harmlosen CORONA—VIREN an, gegen die 90—PROZENT—DER—ERWACHSENEN—ANTIKÖRPER in sich tragen.
20200327             Auf ein genaueres Testverfahren hoffen die Forscher in 2—BIS —3—MONATEN.
20200327             Dann ließe sich verlässlicher ermitteln, ob jemand noch durch SARS—COV—2—GEFÄHRDET ist und andere anstecken kann oder nicht.
20200327             "Den Immunen könnte man 1—ART—IMPFPASS ausstellen, der es ihnen zum Beispiel erlaubt, von Einschränkungen ihrer Tätigkeit ausgenommen zu werden", sagt Epidemiologe Krause.
20200327             HEIKO—MAAS zu des ORBÁN—PLÄNEN in der CORONA—KRISE: "Es darf nur um das Überwinden der Pandemie gehen"
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: Bundeswehr mobilisiert 15.000—SOLDATEN
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: Bundesrat beschließt umfassendes HILFSPROGRAMM—MAX—GIESINGER: Kreative CORONA—KRISE
20200327             Fehler im CORONA—NOTPAKET: "Das kann verheerende Auswirkungen für Mieter haben" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNE—SEITH
20200327             Indizierte Musik: Rechte Szene setzt immer öfter auf HIP—HOP
20200327             Grundwasserschutz: Bundesrat billigt neue Düngeverordnung
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: Unternehmen stoppen Neueinstellungen
20200327             Spendenaufruf von GRÜNEN—MITGRÜNDERIN JUTTA—DITFURTH: "Ich bin in echter Existenznot" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—VERENA—TÖPPER
20200327             "1—LIED für —JETZT": Die Ärzte veröffentlichen QUARANTÄNE—SONG
20200327             JFK—SONG—VON—BOB—DYLAN: Requiem für Amerikas Seele
20200327             —CORONAKRISE—IN—NEW—YORK: "2—MENSCHEN werden mit einem Beatmungsgerät versorgt"
20200327             Auswege aus dem CORONA—LOCKDOWN: Wie kommen wir da wieder raus?
20200327             CSU—CHEF—SÖDER über CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: "In der Krise wird oft —NACH—DEM Vater gefragt" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ANNA—CLAUSS, CHRISTOPH—HICKMANN und Veit Medick
20200327             Gebete gegen DAS—VIRUS: Heilige CORONA, hilf!
20200327             BND—ERKENNTNISSE: TÜRKEI steuerte Ansturm auf GRIECHENLAND—GRENZE
20200327             —CORONA—AUSWIRKUNGEN: H&M, Adidas und Deichmann wollen keine Miete mehr zahlen
20200327             "Der blanke Horror" - Angststörung in der CORONA—KRISE
20200327             DIE—USA haben CHINA als Land mit den meisten CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTIONEN abgelöst.
20200327             KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL hält es für viel zu früh, über 1—LOCKERUNG der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE zu sprechen.
20200327             Im Moment dauere es immer noch nur 4—BIS —5—TAGE, —BIS sich die ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN verdoppele.
20200327             Diese Zeitspanne müsse sehr viel weiter gestreckt werden, "in Richtung von —10—TAGEN".
20200327             DIE—INKUBATIONSZEIT dauere mindestens —5—TAGE und könne —BIS—14—TAGE dauern, sagte MERKEL.
20200327             DIE—USA—REGIERUNG könnte sich nach Ansicht von —PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP im Zuge eines Rettungsprogramms an strauchelnden Fluggesellschaften beteiligen.
20200327             DIE—USA könnten es nicht zulassen, daß die Airlines wegen der Epidemie pleitegingen,
20200327             Falls die Regierung Fluggesellschaften mit Krediten oder Direkthilfen unterstütze, könne sie sich auch an ihnen beteiligen, sagte er.
20200327             "Wenn wir das nicht machen, hätten wir keine Airlines mehr", sagte TRUMP.
20200327             ITALIEN, ist die ANZAHL—DER—VERBRECHEN im Zuge der Ausgangssperren in der CORONA—KRISE nach ANGABEN—DER—REGIERUNG stark gesunken.
20200327             Von ;;0301;; —BIS ;;0322;;
20200327             seien etwa 53.000—STRAFTATEN gemeldet worden, 64—PROZENT weniger als im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum,
20200327             Unter anderem Drogendelikte, Kindesmissbrauch und sexuelle Verbrechen seien zurückgegangen.
20200327             I - Der FRANKREICH—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON plant nach eigenen Worten mit USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP eine neue Initiative im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—PANDEMIE.
20200327             Er habe mit TRUMP zu dem Thema "ein sehr gutes Gespräch" gehabt, schreibt Macron auf Twitter.
20200327             FESTLAND—CHINA, melden DIE—BEHÖRDEN 55—NEU—INFEKTIONEN.
20200327             Unter diesen Fällen sei zum 1. Mal —SEIT—3—TAGEN auch wieder eine sogenannte örtliche Infektion,
20200327             DIE—KANADA—REGIERUNG hat gegen die mögliche Entsendung von USA—SOLDATEN an die gemeinsame Grenze als Maßnahme gegen DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE protestiert.
20200327             Auch Außenministerin Chrystia Freeland äußerte sich zu den Plänen der USA: Die Entsendung von Truppen wäre ein "völlig unnötiger Schritt, der in unserer Sicht unsere Beziehungen beschädigen würde"
20200327             —NACH, Informationen des KANADA—SENDERS Global News wird im Weißen Haus über die Entsendung von weniger als 1.000—SOLDATEN in Grenzgebiete zu KANADA nachgedacht.
20200327             Sie sollten diesen Überlegungen zufolge mittels Sensortechnik Menschen aufspüren, die illegal die Grenze überqueren.
20200327             —TRAINIERT, GROSSBRITANNIEN, sollen Hunde dafür, werden, mit ihrem extrem ausgeprägten Geruchssinn möglicherweise INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— zu erschnüffeln.
20200327             "Grundsätzlich sind wir uns sicher, daß Hunde COVID—19—ENTDECKEN könnten",
20200327             —DERZEIT würden noch Methoden geprüft, wie der von CORONA—PATIENTEN ausgehende Geruch eingefangen werden könne, um ihn den Hundenasen zu präsentieren.
20200327             —BEFÜRWORTET, Digitalstaatsministerin DOROTHEE—BÄR (CSU), den Einsatz einer sogenannten TRACKING—APP im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200327             1—SOLCHE Software auf Smartphones sei "sinnvoll, um DAS—VIRUS zielgerichtet einzudämmen", sagte Bär dem "Handelsblatt".
20200327             In der BUNDE—REGIERUNG gebe es entsprechende Überlegungen.
20200327             Datenschutzrechtlich spreche nichts gegen eine solche App, da der Nutzer mit deren Herunterladen der Datennutzung zustimme, sagte sie.
20200327             "Wir müssen die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung —JETZT nutzen, um DIE—KRISE zu überwinden", forderte die Staatsministerin im Kanzleramt.
20200327             TRACKING—APPS ermöglichten es, Kontaktpersonen eines Infizierten zu ermitteln.
20200327             Bislang müssen DIE—BEHÖRDEN anhand von Gesprächen herausfinden, mit wem 1—CORONA—ERKRANKTER Kontakt hatte, was sehr zeitaufwendig ist.
20200327             Das ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT will daher die Nutzung von Handydaten ausweiten.
20200327             Über die Auswertung von Handydaten zur Eindämmung der Pandemie wird allerdings in DEUTSCHLAND aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen —DERZEIT kontrovers diskutiert.
20200327             —ÜBERRANNT, Banken und Sparkassen werden geradezu, von Anfragen nach KFW—HILFSKREDITEN.
20200327             Gerade kleine Betriebe bangen um ihre Existenz, ganze Branchen trifft DIE—CORONA—KRISE hart.
20200327             —REGISTRIERT, Im Zusammenhang mit der CORONA—PANDEMIE, Europol eine schnelle Zunahme von Verbrechen.
20200327             KRIMinelle und organisierte Banden hätten ihre Methoden sehr schnell angepasst und profitierten von der —KRISE, warnt die europäische POLIZEIbehörde in einem veröffentlichten Bericht.
20200327             Ermittler stellten demnach zunehmend FÄLLE—VON—CYBERCRIME, Betrug, Diebstahl und Fälschungen fest.
20200327             DIE—BEIDEN Staatschefs der USA und CHINAs, DONALD—TRUMP und Xi Jinping, haben sich in einem Telefonat über DIE—CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE ausgetauscht und ihren Willen zur Zusammenarbeit in der Krise bekräftigt.
20200327             "CHINA ist —SCHON weit vorangekommen und hat ein großes Verständnis des VIRUS entwickelt. Wir arbeiten eng zusammen. Großer Respekt!", beteuerte TRUMP anschließend auf Twitter.
20200327             Mehr lesen Sie hier.
20200327             —VERKÜNDET, Ungarns Regierung hat eine weitgehende Ausgangssperre.
20200327             Einkäufe und körperliche Betätigungen im Freien sind in begrenztem Rahmen weiterhin erlaubt, es gilt jedoch 1—KONTAKTVERBOT, teilte MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT—VIKTOR—ORBÁN mit.
20200327             Der HÖHE—PUNKT der Krankheitswelle sei in UNGARN —IM, ;;0600;;oder ;;07;;
20200327             zu erwarten.
20200327             —SEIT, —MITTERNACHT gilt für die 57—MILLIONEN Südafrikaner eine landesweite Ausgangssperre, sie gilt —ZUNÄCHST für —3—WOCHEN.
20200327             STAATSCHEF—CYRIL—RAMAPHOSA hatte —AM—MONTAG erklärt, mit der Ausgangssperre solle eine "menschliche KATASTROPHE enormen Ausmaßes verhindert" werden.
20200327             Krankenschwestern einer USA—KLINIK zogen sich in der CORONA—KRISE Müllsäcke an.
20200327             Gestrichen werden ab —MONTAG vor allem der Ausflugsverkehr, von Schülern genutzte Züge sowie die Taktverstärker im Pendlerverkehr.
20200327             man gewährleiste jedoch überall die Grundversorgung
20200327             —AM—DONNERSTAG fanden 2—INTERNATIONALE GIPFEL—TREFFEN—IM—KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—VIRUS statt: Ein außerordentlicher Gipfel der führenden WIRTSCHAFTS—MÄCHTE (G20) und 1—EU—GIPFEL, FRANKREICH und DIE—USA sind beide Mitglieder der G20.
20200327             DIE—STAATS— UND Regierungschefs der G20 hatten ein gemeinsames Vorgehen in der Krise beschlossen.
20200327             "Wir bekennen uns nachdrücklich dazu, dieser gemeinsamen BE—DROHUNG geeint entgegenzutreten", hieß es in einer Erklärung nach einem Videogipfel.
20200327             Wer immun gegen DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— ist, kann vermutlich wieder zur Arbeit gehen und ein normales Leben führen.
20200327             DIE—AUSGANGSBESCHRÄNKUNGEN der Bundesregierung, um die AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— zu verlangsamen, treffen fast 6—MILLIONEN alleinlebende Senioren.
20200327             Etwa jeder 3. Single war über —65—JAHRE alt,
20200327             bei einem Anteil von 35—PROZENT waren das vor —2—JAHREN 5,8 Millionen.
20200327             —NACH, Berechnungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes gab es 20180000             insgesamt 17,4 Millionen über 65-Jährige, das waren 21—PROZENT—DER—GESAMTBEVÖLKERUNG.
20200327             10,2 MILLIONEN—VON—IHNEN lebten zu zweit mit ihrem Ehepartner in einer Wohnung.
20200327             Der Anteil der Senioren an der GESAMT—BEVÖLKERUNG ist in DEUTSCHLAND höher als im europäischen Ausland.
20200327             Allerdings seien Ressourcen auch bei der Bundeswehr begrenzt.
20200327             Weniger als 1—PROZENT—DER—DEUTSCHEN—ÄRZTE seien in der Bundeswehr.
20200327             —NACH, wachsendem Druck der OPPOSITION erwägt POLENs nationalkonservative PIS—REGIERUNG, die für den ;;0510;;             —GEPLANTE Präsidentschaftswahl wegen der CORONA—KRISE zu verschieben.
20200327             Um die AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— zu verlangsamen, hatte POLEN am ;;0313;;
20200327             das öffentliche Leben weitgehend stillgelegt.
20200327             DIE—IN BAYERN wegen der CORONA—KRISE geltenden Ausgangsbeschränkungen bleiben in Kraft.
20200327             Der Bayerische Verfassungsgerichtshofs teilte mit, daß es der GERICHTS—PRÄSIDENT ablehne, die im Vergleich zu anderen Bundesländern harte Ausgangsbeschränkung durch einstweilige Anordnung außer Vollzug zu setzen.
20200327             Das Verlassen der eigenen Wohnung ist in BAYERN nur mit triftigen Gründen erlaubt.
20200327             1—KLÄGER hatte argumentiert, die Verordnung zu den Ausgangsbeschränkungen greife in unverhältnismäßiger Weise in die Freiheitsrechte der BÜRGER ein.
20200327             —ERHOBEN, Er hatte deshalb Popularklage.
20200327             Der Kläger will erreichen, daß die Verordnung für verfassungswidrig und nichtig erklärt wird.
20200327             Er forderte zudem deren sofortige Außervollzugsetzung per einstweiliger Anordnung.
20200327             DER—PRÄSIDENT—DES—VERFASSUNGSGERICHTSHOFS, PETER—KÜSPERT, der in besonderen Eilfällen selbst entscheidet, lehnte Letzteres aber —NUN ab.
20200327             Man können nicht von offensichtlichen Erfolgsaussichten, aber auch nicht von einer offensichtlichen Aussichtslosigkeit des Hauptantrags ausgehen, hieß es.
20200327             Die —ENTSCHEIDUNG müsse deshalb anhand einer Folgenabwägung getroffen werden.
20200327             "Angesichts der überragenden Bedeutung von Leben und GESUNDHEIT—DER—MÖGLICHERWEISE—GEFÄHRDETEN überwiegen die Gründe gegen das Außerkraftsetzen der angegriffenen Verordnung".
20200327             Gerichtliche Räumungsfristen müssen nach Auffassung des Berliner Landgerichts angesichts der CORONA—KRISE grundsätzlich mindestens —BIS zum ;;0630;;
20200327             verlängert werden.
20200327             Das Gericht wies darauf hin, daß 1—RÄUMUNGSFRIST so bemessen sein muss, daß einem Mieter die Erlangung von Ersatzwohnraum ermöglicht ist.
20200327             Vor dem Hintergrund der vom Berliner Senat erlassenen Verordnungen zur Eindämmung des CORONA—VIRUS— sei die erfolgreiche Beschaffung von Ersatzwohnraum für einen zur Räumung verpflichteten Mieter —DERZEIT "überwiegend unwahrscheinlich, wenn nicht sogar ausgeschlossen".
20200327             DIE—ISOLIERUNG der positiv auf DAS—VIRUS getesteten Personen auf den Stationen der Einrichtung sei nach langer Abwägung aller Faktoren die medizinisch sinnvollste Lösung,
20200327             DIE—EINRICHTUNG leide —DERZEIT vor allem an einem MANGEL—AN—PERSONAL und Schutzkleidung.
20200327             Den Angaben zufolge wohnen in der Einrichtung und einer Nachbareinrichtung —DERZEIT 161—MEIST sehr alte und demenzkranke Menschen.
20200327             Den erheblichen Fixkosten der Unternehmen stünden praktisch keine Einnahmen mehr gegenüber, heißt es in einem Schreiben des DEUTSCHLAND—REISEVERBANDS (DRV), des Bundesverbandes der DEUTSCHLAND—LUFTVERKEHRSWIRTSCHAFT und des Bundesverbandes der DEUTSCHLAND—TOURISMUSWIRTSCHAFT an EU—KOMMISSIONSPRÄSIDENTIN URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN.
20200327             Außerdem fordern die Verbände in dem Schreiben, die momentan in DEUTSCHLAND diskutierte Gutscheinlösung auf europäischer Ebene einzuführen.
20200327             Nach Vorschlägen aus der BUNDE—REGIERUNG sollen Verbraucher künftig Gutscheine erhalten anstelle von Erstattungen.
20200327             So soll die Zahlungsfähigkeit von Reiseveranstaltern, Reisevertrieb und Fluggesellschaften gesichert werden.
20200327             Der BÜRGERMEISTER einer nordfranzösischen Gemeinde hat im KAMPF—GEGEN—DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— ALLE—BÄNKE abmontieren lassen.
20200327             "Ich konnte sie jeden —TAG aus dem Fenster meines Büros im Rathaus sehen", sagte Sébastien LEPRÊTRE—BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—LA—MADELEINE, der Tageszeitung "Le PARISien" —AM—FREITAG.
20200327             "Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein kamen die Einwohner zum Reden und nicht nur für —10—MINUTEN, sondern für einen guten TEIL—DES—NACHMITTAGS. Das ist inakzeptabel".
20200327             Nicht nur, daß das Sitzen auf einer Bank —DERZEIT nicht erlaubt SEI — DIE Bank sei auch ein potenzieller VIRUSüberträger,
20200327             Vermieter haben mehrere Ärzte und Krankenpfleger in INDIEN aus ihren Wohnungen geworfen.
20200327             Sie hätten Angst, daß das medizinische Personal das neuartige CORONA—VIRUS— verbreiten würde, schrieb die Ärztevereinigung des —STAAT—KRANKENHAUSES All INDIA INSTITUTE—OF—MEDICAL Sciences in einem Brief an den INDIEN—INNEN—MINISTER—AMIT Shah.
20200327             "VIELE—ÄRZTE sind —NUN mit all ihrem Gepäck auf den Straßen gestrandet, sie können im Land nirgendwohin", hieß es.
20200327             DAVID—SASSOLI hat den EU—MITGLIEDSTAATEN Verantwortungslosigkeit im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—WIRTSCHAFTLICHEN Folgen der CORONA—KRISE vorgeworfen.
20200327             "Ich hätte von den STAATS— UND Regierungschefs eine stärkere Übernahme von Verantwortung erwartet", erklärte der EU—PARLAMENTSPRÄSIDENT.
20200327             EINIGE—REGIERUNGEN hätten bei der —DEBATTE—ÜBER—FINANZ—HILFEN für finanziell schwächere Länder "Kurzsichtigkeit" und "Egoismus" —AN—DEN—TAG gelegt.
20200327             Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL (CDU) und der NIEDERLANDE—REGIERUNGSCHEF MARK—RUTTE lehnten sogenannte CORONA—BONDS als Vergemeinschaftung von Schulden ab.
20200327             "DIE—LÄNDER müssen in der Lage sein, alles auszugeben, was sie ausgeben müssen", sagte der ITALIENer Sassoli.
20200327             Dazu sei ein gemeinsames Schuldeninstrument nötig.
20200327             Unter Syrern genießt Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL große Sympathien.
20200327             Verewigt haben sie die KANZLERIN—IN—DEM—ORT—BINNISCH (auf dem Graffiti geschrieben: "Binnich").
20200327             Dafür haben sie 1—GEBÄUDE ausgesucht, das bei Luftangriffen zerstört wurde.
20200327             In den vergangenen —MONATEN griffen FLUGZEUGE—DER—SYRIEN—REGIERUNG und ihres Verbündeten RUSSLAND die Region um Idlib immer wieder aus der Luft an.
20200327             Das teilte Hancock —AM—FREITAG via Twitter mit.
20200327             Bei der ÜBERWACHUNG—DER—EINHALTUNG von Maßnahmen zur Verlangsamung des CORONA—VIRUS— kommen in einzelnen Ländern  —INZWISCHEN. teils drakonische Strafen oder sogar Gewalt zum Einsatz.
20200327             Mit den Worten "Ich habe CORONA" hat ein 38-Jähriger einen jungen Mann an einer Supermarktkasse in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN angehustet.
20200327             —ZUVOR, hatte der Virologe Fabrizio Preglisaco im Radio gesagt, es werde keinen landesweiten "Höhepunkt" geben, dieser sei von Region zu Region verschieden.
20200327             DIE—FIRMA Drägerwerk stellt Beatmungsgeräte HER — UND arbeitet gerade einen Großauftrag von GESUNDSHEITS—MINISTER—SPAHN ab.
20200327             Doch Firmenchef STEFAN—DRÄGER fürchtet, die Maschinen könnten falsch verteilt werden.
20200327             —VERSCHIEBT, Der Autobauer Volkswagen, aufgrund der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE seine Hauptversammlung.
20200327             "Wir gehen aus einer starken Position in diese Krise", sagte er in der ZDF—SENDUNG "MARKUS—LANZ".
20200327             "Aber unsere Verkäufe WELT—WEIT stehen. Wir machen keinen Absatz, wir machen keinen Umsatz außerhalb von CHINA".
20200327             —DERZEIT werde der Hersteller in sämtlichen anderen Märkten "praktisch keine" Autos mehr los, weil die NACH—FRAGE am Boden LIEGE.
20200327             Infolgedessen nehme die Liquidität stark ab, Diess sprach von —BIS zu 2—MILLIARDEN Euro pro —WOCHE.
20200327             [l] Old and busted: Microsofts Cloud ist voll.
20200327             NEW—HOTNESS: Googles Cloud ist voll.
20200327             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 3:02 AM
20200327             Leserfragen zum CORONA—VIRUS, Hilft 1—MUNDSCHUTZ gegen 1—CORONA—INFEKTION?
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE: Geld oder Leben?
20200327             Geld fürs Leben! 1—KOLUMNE—VON—THOMAS—FRICKE
20200327             —BERICHT, der Rentenkommission: Erschreckend harmlos
20200327             —HAVE—COSTED, In addition to that, the valves would, $11000 EACH—WHEREAS—ISINNOVA printed them out at 1—FILAMENT—COST—OF about $1—EACH.
20200327             —WHEN, THE—START—UP contacted the original manufacturer, they explained that ITALY is in 1—EMERGENCY, and asked for the blueprints of the valves.
20200327             —REFUSED, Not only has the medical equipment maker, to provide ANY—TECHNICAL—DATA, but they even threatened to proceed with lawsuits on THE—BASIS—OF—COPYRIGHT—INFRINGEMENT.
20200327             Isinnova Saved Lives by 3D Printing Ventilator Valves, but They're —NOW in Legal Trouble
20200327             CALIFORNIA Becomes 1. STATE—TO—REQUIRE—SOLAR—PANELS on New Homes
20200327             Tire pollution is impacting air, water as well as land.
20200327             tires of EVs wear out tires 20 to 50—PERCENT faster.
20200327             "So you're going to need 1—TIRE that lasts longer.
20200327             SUPER—COMPUTER Simulations To Model Complex Systems
20200327             MANY—NATURAL phenomena, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, to name —JUST 2, are too complex for humans to understand and measure: —COMPUTER models and simulations are the only tools we have to understand them.
20200327             Challenges engineers face are greater than ever —BEFORE as humans seek to do things they have heretofore only dreamed of: extended space exploration and tourism, capturing comets, cleaning up space junk, finding alternative energy competitive with fossil fuels, etc.
20200327             —IS—FACILITATED, EACH—TIME we go online our connection to THE—INTERNET, by HIGH—PERFORMANCE—SUPERCOMPUTERS.
20200327             Shocking Photo of 1—POLAR—BEAR—SIGNALS—TRAGEDY—AHEAD in THE—ARCTIC — INDUSTRY Tap
20200327             Wegen CORONA—KRISE: USA kippen Umweltauflagen für Unternehmen
20200327             WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: IWF und OECD erwarten Rezession
20200327             —CORONA—VIRUS—NEWSLETTER: Wie DAS—VIRUS uns lernen lässt
20200327             —WÄHREND, CORONA—KRISE: Telekom schließt Firma hinter RKI—HANDYDATEN
20200327             Weil der weltgrößte Kondomhersteller Karex seine Produktion einstellen musste, droht eine weltweite Knappheit des Verhütungsmittels.
20200327             Das MALAYSIA—UNTERNEHMEN habe in den vergangenen —10—TAGEN kein einziges Kondom hergestellt, hieß es.
20200327             DIE—REGIERUNG in MALAYSIA hatte wegen der AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA—VIRUS— angeordnet, daß Unternehmen geschlossen werden müssen.
20200327             —BEREITS—NUN gebe es 1—DEFIZIT—VON—100.000.000—KONDOMEN, die INTERNATIONAL von Marken wie Durex vermarktet würden.
20200327             "Wir werden überall auf der Welt einen MANGEL—AN—KONDOMEN erleben, was beängstigend sein wird", sagte KAREX—CHEF—GOH Miah Kiat der NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR REUTERS.
20200327             "Meine Sorge ist, daß für VIELE—HUMANITÄRE—PROGRAMME tief in AFRIKA der Mangel nicht nur —2—WOCHEN oder einen —MONAT dauern wird, dieser Mangel kann sich über —MONATE hinziehen.
20200327             FRANKREICH, sind die strengen Ausgangsbeschränkungen um gut —2—WOCHEN verlängert worden.
20200327             "Es ist klar, daß wir —ERST—AM—ANFANG (...) stehen", sagte PREMIER Philippe.
20200327             —TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN in DEUTSCHLAND haben sich nach einem Aufruf als Erntehelfer gemeldet.
20200327             Bundesweit hätten sich angesichts der CORONA—KRISE bislang 30.161—MENSCHEN bereit erklärt, bei der Ernte zu helfen, teilte das BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGISCHE AGRAR—MINISTERIUM der DEUTSCHLAND—PRESSE—AGENTUR mit.
20200327             —AM—MONTAG startete eine bundesweite Jobbörse für Erntehelfer, BÜRGER können sich unter melden.
20200327             "—JETZT ist die Zeit für Solidarität", sagte LANDWIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—PETER—HAUK (CDU).
20200327             "DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG braucht die Landwirtschaft und die Landwirtschaft braucht —NUN die Menschen im Land".
20200327             Er habe den Bund aufgefordert zu prüfen, ob Flüchtlinge und geduldete Asylbewerber als Erntehelfer mit eingesetzt werden können.
20200327             Hauk bekräftige zudem seine Forderung an den Bund, Erntehelfer einreisen zu lassen.
20200327             ITALIEN, sind innerhalb eines Tages 919—MENSCHEN an den Folgen des CORONA—VIRUS— gestorben und damit so viele wie an keinem —TAG zuvor.
20200327             80—PROZENT—DER—TOTEN seien über —70—JAHRE alt gewesen, so Brusaferro.
20200327             50—PROZENT—DER—VERSTORBENEN hätten zudem mindestens 3—ODER mehr Vorerkrankungen gehabt.
20200327             —GEKLÄRT, Bei den Toten war nicht abschließend, ob sie mit oder an COVID—19—GESTORBEN sind.
20200327             USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP hat den Autobauer GENERAL—MOTORS (GENERAL—MOTORS) wegen angeblich unzureichender Hilfe bei der PRODUKTION—VON—BEATMUNGSGERÄTEN zur Bewältigung der CORONA—KRISE attackiert.
20200327             "Wie üblich mit 'diesem' GENERAL—MOTORS, scheinen die Dinge einfach nie zu funktionieren", twitterte TRUMP —AM—FREITAG.
20200327             Der Konzern halte sein Versprechen nicht ein, "sehr schnell" 40.000—BEATMUNGSGERÄTE zu liefern, behauptete er.
20200327             TRUMP deutete an, —NUN das für Kriegszeiten vorgesehene Gesetz "Defense Production Act" einzusetzen, um stärker in die Privatwirtschaft eingreifen zu können.
20200327             Mit dem neuen CORONA—VIRUS— sind  —INZWISCHEN. nachweislich mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen in aller Welt infiziert.
20200327             Das sagte der Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, —AM—FREITAG in GENF.
20200327             "Dies sind tragische Zahlen, aber wir müssen uns auch daran erinnern, daß es WELT—WEIT Hunderttausende Überlebende gibt", sagte Tedros.
20200327             DIE—WAHRE Zahl dürfte um ein Vielfaches höher liegen, glauben Experten.
20200327             Es gibt in kaum einem Land genügend Tests, um die Menschen flächendeckend zu untersuchen.
20200327             DIE—TRADITIONELLE Geburtstagsparade der GROSSBRITANNIEN—KÖNIGIN—ELIZABETH—II. (93), Trooping the Colour, wird —IN—DIESEM—JAHR nicht wie gewohnt stattfinden.
20200327             Das Event mit Hunderten Gardesoldaten im Zentrum LONDONs hätte am ;;0613;;
20200327             stattfinden sollen.
20200327             Ihren eigentlichen Geburtstag hat die QUEEN —BEREITS—AM 21. ;;04;;.
20200327             DIE—QUEEN und ihr Mann gelten aufgrund ihres hohen Alters als besonders durch die Lungenkrankheit COVID—19—GEFÄHRDET, die durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— hervorgerufen wird.
20200327             Der USA—KONGRESS hat wegen der CORONA—VIRUS—PANDEMIE ein massives Konjunkturpaket beschlossen, mit DEM—CA—2—BILLIONEN USA—DOLLAR in die Wirtschaft gepumpt werden sollen.
20200327             —TELEFONIERT, KANZLERIN—ANGELA—MERKEL und der USA—PRÄSIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP haben, um die Auswirkungen der CORONA—KRISE zu diskutieren.
20200327             DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— ist vor allem für ältere Menschen gefährlich.
20200327             ITALIEN—PRÄSIDENT—SERGIO—MATTARELLA ruft die Europäische Union zu neuen Initiativen gegen die BE—DROHUNG durch DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— auf.
20200327             Die EU müsse reagieren, bevor es zu spät sei, sagte Mattarella in einer Fernsehansprache.
20200327             Neue Initiativen seien unerlässlich.
20200327             Alte Wege des Denkens müssten überwunden werden.
20200327             "Ich hoffe, daß JEDER—DIE—SCHWERE—DER—BE—DROHUNG—EUROPAS vollkommen begreift, bevor es zu spät ist".
20200327             Allerdings sind in der Statistik nur Menschen erfasst, die in Krankenhäusern starben.
20200327             Todesfälle im eigenen Zuhause oder in ALTERS— UND Pflegeeinrichtungen werden —BISHER in FRANKREICH nicht erfasst.
20200327             DONALD—TRUMP wendet ein ursprünglich für Kriegszeiten entwickeltes Gesetzes an und befiehlt dem Autobauer GENERAL—MOTORS (GENERAL—MOTORS) die PRODUKTION—VON—BEATMUNGSGERÄTEN.
20200327             LUFTHANSA—CHEF—SPOHR über DIE—CORONA—FOLGEN: "Deswegen werden wir länger durchhalten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—DINAH—DECKSTEIN und MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20200327             EX—GRÜNENPOLITKER Schick: "Wir sollten verhindern, daß HEDGE—FONDS die Profiteure dieser Krise sind" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—TIM—BARTZ
20200327             —CORONA—EINBRUCH: TUI bekommt Staatskredit über 1.800.000.000—EURO
20200327             INTERVIEW—WITH—GERMAN—VENTILATOR—MANUFACTURER: "Absolutely Mission Impossible" Interview Conducted by LUKAS—EBERLE und MARTIN—U—MÜLLER
20200327             Schwester von FRANKREICHs jüngstem COVID—19—OPFER: "Niemand ist gegen dieses mutierte VIRUS unbesiegbar"
20200327             GOUVERNEUR—ÜBER—DIE—CORONAKRISE—IN—DEN—USA: NEW—YORK will mehrere temporäre Krankenhäuser bauen
20200327             Guaidó über CORONA—HILFEN für VENEZUELA: "Der Diktatur Geld zu geben, hieße, es zu verschwenden" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARIAN—BLASBERG und JENS—GLÜSING, RIO—DE—JANEIRO
20200327             Kritik der Gewerkschaften: Kurzarbeit verschärft die Ungleichheit
20200327             COVID—19, WHO WARNT—VOR—MEDIKAMENTEN mit nicht nachgewiesener Wirksamkeit
20200327             Medizinstudenten in der CORONA—KRISE: ARBEITS—EINSATZ statt Staatsexamen
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE, USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS billigt Hilfspaket
20200327             VIRUS—KRISE: Börsen stoppen Erholungsphase
20200327             —GEWINNT, Zögerliche EU: Der Egoismus
20200327             Wegen CORONA—PANDEMIE: PAPA spendet außer der Reihe den Segen "Urbi et Orbi"
20200327             Governments —AROUND THE—WORLD are —NOW poring over expert advice and examining models and scenarios.
20200327             For how long can we continue like this?
20200327             How long can the economy survive?
20200327             How can we resolve the tension between public and economic health?
20200327             —FROM 1—ETHICAL—PERSPECTIVE, it is impossible to balance economic growth against physical wellbeing.
20200327             BUT—SHOULD 1—HEALTHY—ECONOMY be ruined in pursuit of the ideal response envisioned by virologists and other medical professionals.
20200327             Ramelow is also listening to THE—ADVICE—OF—HOSPITAL—HYGIENIST—KLAUS—DIETER—ZASTROW.
20200327             But, Ramelow says, not EVERY—EXPERT—RECOMMENDATION is feasible.
20200327             —RECOMMENDED, Ramelow says that Zastrow, for example, that all people should be wearing masks.
20200327             That, though, is something of 1—NON—STARTER, the Thuringia GOVERNOR says.
20200327             "There aren't even enough masks for hospital personnel".
20200327             But Ramelow had 1—BIT—OF luck in 1—UNFORTUNATE—SITUATION.
20200327             In THE—MIDDLE—OF—LAST—WEEK, 100—TONS—OF—FACE masks from RUSSIA arrived at the airport in ERFURT.
20200327             'We're at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—WAVE'
20200327             "If we've managed to slow the infection curve by isolating ourselves, that would be 1—PARTIAL—SUCCESS".
20200327             Pandemics are merciless in exposing weaknesses that often lay dormant and unnoticed in everyday life.
20200327             HE—TASKED with forecasting the future.
20200327             —DESCRIBED, Our economic future is —NOW being, in the form of 3—LETTERS -- V, U and L -- each of which represents 1—DIFFERENT—SCENARIO.
20200327             The letters refer to the shape of curves in 1—COORDINATE system, 1—MATHEMATICAL—PICTURE—OF—ECONOMIC—DEVELOPMENT.
20200327             Indeed, 1—SAYING seems to ring true: Ask 3—ECONOMISTS 1—QUESTION and you'll get 4—ANSWERS.
20200327             THE—IFO—INSTITUTE in MUNICH is warning that GDP could collapse by as much as 20—PERCENT.
20200327             That would be tantamount to 1—ECONOMIC—MELTDOWN, comparable to the crises that Eastern and CENTRAL—EUROPE experienced —AFTER THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20200327             Ifo is calculating that THE—SHUTDOWN—OF—INDUSTRY, trade and services will cost 40 to 50—BILLION euros for EACH—WEEK it continues.
20200327             And is it possible that the economy could reach 1—TIPPING point where it becomes so paralyzed that it's no longer possible to get it moving again?
20200327             A - "habituation".
20200327             It entails companies learning to live with the shutdown.
20200327             Car companies could organize manufacturing in ways that would keep workers at 1—SUFFICIENT—DISTANCE from EACH—OTHER.
20200327             Supply chains could also be organized despite all the hindrances.
20200327             But who really believes that?
20200327             Most importantly, it would be incalculable, because economists' models aren't designed for scenarios that long.
20200327             If the crisis lasts longer than 1—FEW weeks, the results are very sobering.
20200327             —WAS—DESIGNED, Will the economic shutdown, which, to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed, have to be repeated, perhaps even several times?
20200327             THERE—ONLY 1—THING he's certain about: "This crisis will change the country".
20200327             "The pandemic is developing exponentially, but we all think in linear terms".
20200327             There has never been a —PROGRAM like this in GERMANY—HISTORY.
20200327             —ESSENTIALLY—TRANSFERRED, The state has, the entire economy into the intensive care unit.
20200327             THOUSANDS—OF—COMPANIES, 1—PORTION—OF—WAGES will —NOW be paid by the government.
20200327             Industries like tourism and aviation will be kept afloat with public loans.
20200327             What Next?  Attention Slowly Turns to THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—CORONA—VIRUS— QUESTIONS — DER SPIEGEL
20200327             —CORONA—SCHNELLTEST von Bosch: "Keine echte Entlastung für Laborkapazitäten" Einschätzungen von SPIEGEL—REDAKTEURIN Katherine Rydlink, Leonie Voss und CAROLIN—KATSCHAK (Video)
20200327             —CORONA—KRISE im ELSASS: "Wir warten auf die 2. Welle"
20200327             MULHOUSE gilt als AUSGANGS—PUNKT und Epizentrum der EPIDEMIE—IN—FRANKREICHS Osten.
20200327             —ENDE—FEBRUAR hatten sich in der 110.000—EINWOHNER—STADT bei einer Veranstaltung der evangelikalen Kirche "Portes Ouvertes Chrétiennes", an der 2500—MENSCHEN teilnahmen, zahlreiche Gläubige angesteckt.
20200327             Besorgniserregend ist DIE—SITUATION in den Vorstädten von PARIS, den "banlieues".
20200327             Dort, wo die Wohnungen klein SIND—UND—DE strengen Regeln der landesweiten Ausgangssperre oft auf wenig Verständnis treffen.
20200327             "Das Risiko der Ansteckung ist hier ungleich höher", sagte Romain Dufau, Leiter der NOT—AUFNAHME—DES—JEAN—VERDIER—KRANKENHAUSES in Bondy gegenüber "Le Monde".
20200327             "Es ist nicht selten, daß sechsköpfige Familien auf 45—QUADRATMETERN leben. Das halten die Jugendlichen nicht lange aus und treffen sich dann draußen".
20200327             PARIS, würden die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen von der Bevölkerung weitgehend eingehalten, in den Vororten aber seien sie kaum durchzusetzen.
20200327             "Wir werden durchhalten müssen, aber die WELLE—DER—EPIDEMIE, die gerade durch FRANKREICH brandet, kommt —NUN in der Île de FRANCE an. Und die Welle ist groß".
20200327             Über 1—MILLION FRANZOSEN haben laut einer Auswertung von DATEN—DES—MOBILFUNKANBIETERS—ORANGE den Großraum PARIS zwischen dem ;;0313;;
20200327             und ;;0320;;             verlassen, das sind 17—PROZENT der hier sonst wohnenden Bevölkerung.
20200327             Fri 20200327
20200327             3D-Printed Adaptor Transform Snorkeling Mask Into VENTILATOR—RELATORIO_Diario_COVID_19_27mar20
20200327             Aber denken Sie nur einmal an den PRODUKTIONSAUS—FALL—IN—DER Industrie.
20200327             Wenn keine Autos mehr hergestellt werden und wenn Restaurants nicht mehr öffnen, können die Leute ja nicht mehr konsumieren.
20200327             —NUN, könnten beispielsweise Textilhersteller ATEMSCHUTZ—MASKEN produzieren.
20200327             So könnte das auch bei den CORONA—TESTS funktionieren.
20200327             Dafür müsste der STAAT allerdings 1—ABNAHMEGARANTIE abgeben, so dass die Unternehmen Verlässlichkeit und Planbarkeit haben und sich das betriebswirtschaftlich auch lohnt.
20200327             Kekulé: "Wir fahren auf Sicht", diesen Satz hört man —NUN besonders häufig, und aus psychologischer Sicht halte ich das für 1—RIESENPROBLEM.
20200327             Das RKI hat dann gesagt, das sei unnötig, diese Krankheit werde außerhalb von CHINA keine grosse Rolle spielen.
20200327             auch das hält die BUNDE—REGIERUNG —BIS—JETZT nicht für notwendig.
20200327             Schliesslich forderte ich, Grossanlässe abzusagen und Schulen sowie Kindergärten zu schliessen, bevor die Leute aus den Ferien in ITALIEN zurückkämen.
20200327             All das geschah nicht, und so hat sich DIE—POLITIK in 1—LAGE begeben, in der sie sich rechtfertigen muss.
20200327             Das DEUTSCHLAND—PARLAMENT hat —AM—MITTWOCH im Eilverfahren das vermutlich teuerste Gesetzespaket in der GESCHICHTE—DER—BUNDESREPUBLIK verabschiedet.
20200327             Die Vorschläge der Regierung erhielten überwältigende Mehrheiten.
20200327             Kritik brachte die OPPOSITION allenfalls in homöopathischen Dosen vor.
20200327             Virologe Kekulé und Ökonom Südekum über CORONA  Was ist zu tun?
20200327             —CORONA—VIRUS— News —AM—FREITAG — DIE wichtigsten Entwicklungen zu SARS—COV—2—UND COVID—19 - DER SPIEGEL
20200327             Algarve Algarve News Top Beiträge
20200327             COVID—19, Algarve baut Netzwerk gegen Pandemie auf
20200327             DIE—FATALITÄT - 1—THOUGHT on "'Polluted Air' Could Be 1—IMPORTANT—CAUSE—OF—WUHAN—PNEUMONIA — OpEd"
20200327             Hey folks, how well do you feel this article has aged????
20200327             EURASIAREVIEW—EURASIA REVIEW — MEDIA Bias/Fact Check
20200327             Eurasia Review state their mission as "provides 1—VENUE for analysts and experts to disseminate content on 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—SUBJECTS that are often overlooked or UNDER—REPRESENTED by Western dominated media".
20200327             In review, Eurasia Review utilizes credible sources such as BLOOMBERG—LA Times, Foreign Policy, and HUFFINGTON—POST.
20200327             Eurasia GROUP — WIKIPEDIA
20200327             —BERICHTET, Bloomberg, daß 99—PROZENT—DER—ITALIENISCHEN—TODESFÄLLE andere Erkrankungen hatten.
20200327             Professor Sucharit Bhakdi
20200327             —CORONA—FAKTENCHECK — WARUM Sucharit Bhakdis Zahlen falsch sind
20200327             —AM—DONNERSTAG veröffentlichte der emeritierte Professor für Mikrobiologie der UNIVERSITÄT—MAINZ—SUCHARIT—BHAKDI ein solches Video, das sich seitdem rasant verbreitet.
20200327             Mehr als 300.000—AUFRUFE.
20200327             Arzt verharmlost CORONA—VIRUS— (Faktencheck) PROFESSOR—DR...
20200327             In einem INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM Mikrobiologieprofessor der UNIVERSITÄT—MAINZ—PROFESSOR—DOCTOR—SUCHARIT Bhakdi, welches auf Youtube hochgeladen wurde und bislang über 435.000—AUFRUFE generieren konnte, behauptet dieser, daß von dem neuen CORONA—VIRUS— gar keine BE—DROHUNG ausgehe.
20200327—20080000    —LAUNCHED, THE—CHINESE—BUILT satellite was, and has become useless —3—YEARS—BEFORE its planned expiration date.
20200327—20090000    —AWARDED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, Lowery the Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM, the nation's highest CIVIL—HONOR.
20200327—20170000    —SCRAPPED, About 250—MILLION tires were, in  THE—USA.
20200327—20170000    Wearing of tires is 1—UNAVOIDABLE—FACT—OF—LIFE.
20200327—20180000    —J—IM, lebten insgesamt 16,9 Millionen Menschen allein in ihrer Wohnung,
20200327—20180000    —J—IM, Im Durchschnitt DER—EUROPÄISCHEN Union stellten Menschen über —65—JAHRE lediglich 19,7 Prozent.
20200327—20200122    —GEFORDERT, Ich habe ja —BEREITS EINREISE—KONTROLLEN.
20200327—20200212    —AM, Mein Kollege CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN meinte damals, es sei zu früh, Alarm zu schlagen, und so stand es dann quasi 2—ZU 1. schlug ich dann vor, die Testmöglichkeiten europaweit massiv zu erhöhen;
20200327—20200313    —SINCE, GAVIN—NEWSOM has got to be worried —NOW.
20200327—20200313    1—MILLION—CALIFORNIA unemployment claims.. Asking the banks to freeze mortgage payments.
20200327—20200313    —WORRIED, Obviously he is very, about putting more homeless on streets already FULL—OF—HOMELESS in CALIFORNIA.
20200327—20200313    My guess is he will end lockdown sooner rather —LATER—SINCE TRUMP dropped this hot potato on STATE—GOVERNOR—LAPS to open or close their own economies... And —THEREFORE take whatever blame may come for the choice they make.
20200327—20200401    —FROM, RUSSIA—LOW—COST—AIRLINE—POBEDA, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—FLAGSHIP—CARRIER—AEROFLOT, said it will suspend all its domestic flights and stop flying altogether —UNTIL THE—END—OF—MAY.
20200327—20200402    —ON, NORTH—WEST—NIGER, 1—ARMY—OPERATION began that left 102—CIVILIANS missing by the time it left the region.
20200327—20200722    —ON, THE—COMET—CLOSEST—APPROACH—TO—EARTH—WAS to be.
20200331             Tue 20200331
20200410—20200327    —SINCE, URUGUAY started to repatriate 112—AUSTRALIANS and New Zealanders from 1—CRUISE ship hit by CORONA€"VIRUS and stranded in THE—LA—PLATA River near MONTEVIDEO.
20200411             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RUN—IRNA news agency, THE—EXECUTION—OF—1—OF—THE alleged ringleaders of a 20200327             prison break.
20200416—20200327    —AM, seien es beispielsweise 24.765—STRAFZETTEL gewesen.
20200512—20200327    —SINCE, URUGUAY—THE—86—CREW MEMBERS—OF—THE—GREG—MORTIMER cruise ship, stranded in local waters, began their evacuation to MONTEVIDEO —FOLLOWING 1—OUTBREAK—OF—THE—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS on BOARD.
20200521—20200327    —SEIT—DEM, Das Schiff lag wegen der Infektionen vor der Pazifikinsel GUAM und wurde weitgehend evakuiert.
20200706—20200327    —AM, Entdeckt wurde der Komet dieses Jahres mit dem USA—WELTRAUMTELESKOP "Neowise"
20210222—20210327    —BIS, In dem Mittelmeerland dürfen Menschen damit ihre eigenen Regionen nicht verlassen.
20210306—20210327    —AM, Die Eintrittskarten für den Auftritt der SPANISCHEN—INDIE Popband Love of Lesbian waren binnen —STUNDEN ausverkauft,
20210327             —SAMSTAG, 20210327
20210327             Nenas Hang zu Querdenkern: KERN—DES—ÜBELS ist das Gefühlige 1—NENALYSE
20210327             USA—HAUSHALTSDEFIZIT: Die Rückkehr des PUMP—KAPITALISMUS
20210327             —ENTSCHEIDET, Impfchaos in DEUTSCHLAND: Wenn die Postleitzahl darüber, wie groß das Risiko ist
20210327             Coronapandemie: WHO bittet um Impfdosen für ärmere Länder
20210327             —VERURTEILT, Neues Gesetz im USA—BUNDESSTAAT GEORGIA: Biden, Wahlrechtsreform als Diskriminierung von Afroamerikanern
20210327             Mehr Privatsphäre: DEUTSCHLAND—BAHN plant Rückkehr zu Abteilen
20210327             Strategische Zusammenarbeit: IRAN und CHINA schmieden enge Wirtschaftskooperation
20210327             MYANMAR: Militärregierung schießt auf Demonstranten — mindestens 60—MENSCHEN sterben
20210327             Neuer Tarifvertrag: Stahlbeschäftigte erhalten Coronaprämie, Einmalzahlung — oder freie —TAGE
20210327             Flüchtlingskrise in den USA: Feuerprobe für Kamala Harris
20210327             BILDER—DER—WOCHE: Von Ziegen lernen heißt SIEGEN lernen!
20210327             Sprachwissenschaft: Wer spricht das reinste Hochdeutsch?
20210327             Interaktiver Menstruationsrechner: So viel kostet Ihre Periode im Lauf Ihres Lebens
20210327             Proteste gegen Polizeigesetz: 10—FESTNAHMEN nach weiterer Chaosnacht in BRISTOL
20210327             Nach Absatzeinbruch wegen CORONA: Kloster verkauft mehr als 2—TONNEN Käse in ONLINE—CHALLENGE
20210327             Chinas Aufstieg: EUROPA hat seinen Niedergang verdient
20210327             Maskenattacke: Säugling bei Überfall schwer verletzt
20210327             Folgen der P.1-Variante für die Pandemie: AMAZONAS—MUTATION auf dem Vormarsch
20210327             Offene Restaurants, sinkende Fallzahlen: Wie die Impfkampagne ISRAEL—VON—CORONA befreit
20210327             SYRIEN unterstützt den LIBANON: Assads SAUERSTOFF—DEAL
20210327             CORONA und Korruption: Unsere Wirtschaftspartei
20210327             Alternativmedizin: "Überspitzte Heilsversprechen sind verdächtig"
20210327             3. Welle in DEUTSCHLAND: Spahn spricht sich für "richtiges Runterfahren" aus
20210327             Drosten und Ciesek antworten: Gibt es Treiber der Pandemie?
20210327             GRIECHENLAND setzt Menschen auf dem Meer aus: UNO—FLÜCHTLINGSHILFSWERK zählt Hunderte mutmaßliche Pushbacks
20210327             Blockade im Suezkanal: Großreedereien schicken Frachter auf den Umweg
20210327             —SEIT Beginn der Proteste: Bislang blutigster —TAG in MYANMAR mit mindestens 89—TOTEN
20210327             SPD—KANZLERKANDIDAT: OLAF—SCHOLZ spricht sich für EU—ARMEE aus
20210327             3. Welle in DEUTSCHLAND: MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN verschärft Coronamaßnahmen
20210327             CORONA in Osteuropa: Bergamo in UNGARN
20210327             —IN—DER—NACHT auf —SONNTAG: Die Uhren werden umgestellt
20210327             Türkinnen demonstrieren gegen Austritt aus ISTANBUL—KONVENTION: "Wir haben keine Angst"
20210327             BELARUS: Mehr als 100—FESTNAHMEN bei Protesten gegen Lukaschenkos Regime
20210327             Sat 20210327
20210327             [l] Oh gucke mal, der BUNDESTAG wurde —SCHON wieder gehackt!
20210327             Tja.
20210327             Das ist aber bedauerlich, dass sie mit ihrem Hackertoolverbot dafür gesorgt haben, dass es keinen Nachwuchs in der SECURITY—BRANCHE gibt, und dass die Alten ihnen nicht helfen wollen.
20210327             Wichtig ist ja eigentlich auch nur 1—SACHE.
20210327             Experten schreiben den Angriff der RUSSLAND—HACKERGRUPPE "Ghostwriter" zu, hinter der der RUSSLAND—GEHEIMDIENST GRU stecken soll.
20210327             Seht ihr? Die Russen waren es! Da kann man nichts machen.
20210327             —BESTIMMT, Die Russen sind, mit furchtbaren APTs gekommen und haben eine sophisticated supply chain attack gefahren, oder?
20210327             Aktuellste Erkenntnisse genutzt? Lauter 0days? Ja?
20210327             —NUN... - nicht ganz.
20210327             Die Angreifer nutzten offenbar auch keine komplexe Software, um die privaten Konten der Abgeordneten zu übernehmen.
20210327             Vielmehr setzten sie auf sogenanntes Spearphishing und sandten ihnen gefälschte Mails, mit denen sie sich das Vertrauen der Zielpersonen erschleichen wollten.
20210327             GÄHN—JA gut, auf der anderen Seite: Richtige Hackerangriffe merken die wahrscheinlich gar nicht.
20210327             [l] Heureka!
20210327             Ich habe 1—LÖSUNG für unser Covidproblem und das Suezkanalproblem!
20210327             Wir ernennen 1—TASK—FORCE mit Andi Scheuer und JENS—SPAHN für das Suezkanalproblem.
20210327             Das ist alles.
20210327             Um Covid kümmert sich dann bei uns jemand anderes. Ist eigentlich fast egal wer.
20210327             Hauptsache es sind nicht Spahn und Scheuer.
20210327             [l] Alles, was ihr zum Stand der Digitalisierung in der Bundesregierung wissen müsst, in einem Tweet.
20210327             Ich fasse mal den Inhalt kurz zusammen: Wenn 1—KLEINE—ANFRAGE beim BMI reinkommt, dann als Mail.
20210327             Mit einem PDF—ANHANG. In dem Anhang ist ein gescanntes Fax.
20210327             Also... 1—SCAN, kein OCR. Und was macht das BMI dann?
20210327             Beschäftigt eine arme Person, die den Text abtippt.
20210327             Und wisst ihr, was an der Story das geilste ist? Die kam in der Süddeutschen.
20210327             —ABFOTOGRAFIERT, Jemand hat sie.
20210327             —VERBREITET, Und dann das Foto auf Twitter.
20210327             Und ich tippe da —JETZT den Inhalt für euch ab. Genau mein Humor!!
20210327             [l] Seid ihr eigentlich auch so froh, dass wir die Fact Checker haben?
20210327             Nicht auszudenken, wo wir ohne Factchecker wären!
20210327             Ich meine, woher wüssten wir, ob das SUEZKANAL—CONTAINERSCHIFF in Wahrheit 1—SKLAVEREISCHIFF—VON—HILLARY—CLINTON ist!
20210327             Scheiße, Bernd!
20210327             Da ist der gesamte Deep State mit seiner Pizzeria im Suezkanal auf Grund gelaufen!1!!
20210327             Looks legit!
20210327             COVID—19: Algarve com dois óbitos e 35—NOVOS casos
20210327             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2290—(+3)—ÓBITOS—44—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—2197—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—49—(+2)
20210327             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—83—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—78—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210327             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—70—(+2)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—64—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—4—(+2)
20210327             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—389—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—385—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—3—(=)
20210327             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3160—(+3)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3044—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—65—(-1)
20210327             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—651—(+7)—ÓBITOS—14—(=)—RECUPERADOS—620—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—17—(+7)
20210327             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1370—(=)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1324—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—19—(-1)
20210327             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3709—(+3)—ÓBITOS—62—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3612—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—35—(=)
20210327             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—176—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—165—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—0—(=)
20210327             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1705—(=)—ÓBITOS—22—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—1665—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—18—(-2)
20210327             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1216—(+1)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1183—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(-1)
20210327             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1495—(=)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1458—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—8—(-1)
20210327             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1256—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1218—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—19—(=)
20210327             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—138—(+4)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—121—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—11—(+4)
20210327             ORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2190—(+14)—ÓBITOS—30—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2023—(+1)—CASOS—ATIVOS—137—(+13)
20210327             GLOBAL—CASES—126.480.785—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.772.033
20210327             SPD—CHEF—NORBERT—WALTER—BORJANS will Unternehmen in DEUTSCHLAND verpflichten, ihre Mitarbeiter auf das CORONA€"VIRUS zu testen.
20210327             "Es braucht sofort eine bundesweite Testpflicht für Unternehmen",
20210327             "Für einen freiwilligen Testappell ist es viel zu spät, weil einfach nicht ALLE—BETRIEBE mitmachen".
20210327             Bundesbildungsministerin Anja Karlizek hält Öffnungskonzepte für die coronabedingt eingeschränkten Hochschulen für nötig.
20210327             "Das bedeutet eine immense Belastung für alle",
20210327             Das Aufholen coronabedingter Lernrückstände von Schülern erfordert nach Berechnungen des Instituts der DEUTSCHLAND—WIRTSCHAFT (IW) zusätzliche öffentliche Mittel von rund 1,5 Milliarden Euro,
20210327             Nach ANGABEN—DES—DEUTSCHEN—LEHRERVERBANDS sind —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie mehr als 500—UNTERRICHTSSTUNDEN weggefallen.
20210327             Karliczek sagte: "20—BIS 25—PROZENT—DER—SCHÜLER haben vermutlich große Lernrückstände — vielleicht sogar dramatische".
20210327             —REGISTRIERT, BRASILIEN, Tageshöchstwert an Coronatoten
20210327             Medikamente, unter anderem zur Intubation von COVID—19—PATIENTEN, gehen zur Neige.
20210327             deuten jüngste Daten auf 1—ZUNAHME der Krankheit bei Jüngeren hin.
20210327             Angesichts der dramatischen Coronalage liefert die DEUTSCHLAND—LUFTWAFFE 80—BEATMUNGSGERÄTE in die AMAZONAS—METROPOLE MANAUS.
20210327             Intensivmediziner fordern Rücknahme aller geplanten LOCKDOWN—LOCKERUNGEN
20210327             "Die Beschlüsse für Modellprojekte nach Ostern sind völlig unpassend und müssen von Bund und Ländern sofort zurückgenommen werden",
20210327             "Es braucht 1—MISCHUNG aus hartem Lockdown, vielen Impfungen und Tests.
20210327             Nur so lässt sich ein Überlaufen der Intensivstationen noch verhindern",
20210327             DEUTSCHLAND stehe "—ERST—AM—ANFANG eines massiven Anstiegs von Intensivpatienten".
20210327             Karagiannidis bat "die Politik, das Krankenhauspersonal nicht im Stich zu lassen".
20210327             FRANKREICH weitet Lockdown auf mehr als 23—MILLIONEN Bürger aus
20210327             Wegen der 3. CORONAWELLE—DIE Infektionslage in DEUTSCHLAND verschärft sich weiter.
20210327             Mehr als 20.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN, —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt auf 124,9
20210327             Söder und Ramelow für Vorkehrungen für Bestellung von Sputnik V
20210327             es müsse "so schnell wie möglich über die Zulassung von Sputnik V entschieden werden".
20210327             "Und wir sollten aus den schlechten Erfahrungen bei der 1. Bestellung gelernt haben",
20210327             sagte Söder.
20210327             "Deshalb sollte die EU diesmal zügig ALLE—NÖTIGEN—VERTRÄGE abschließen, um so viel Impfstoff wie möglich zu bekommen".
20210327             Die Coronapandemie werde schließlich nur durch Impfen besiegt, so Söder.
20210327             Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow (Linke) klagte in der "Welt" über Vorbehalte in Westdeutschland gegen den RUSSLAND—CORONAIMPFSTOFF.
20210327             "Ich kämpfe nicht für Sputnik V, nur weil er aus RUSSLAND käme, sondern ich bin der Meinung, dass wir ALLE—IMPFSTOFFE kaufen sollten, die wir kaufen können",
20210327             "Mit Parteipolitik oder einer mir unterstellten Nähe zu Moskau hat das nichts zu tun".
20210327             Er registriere "westdeutsche ideologische Befindlichkeiten in dieser Frage, die ich albern finde".
20210327             Dass die EU—LÄNDER sich bei ihrem Gipfel nicht zu einem Exportstopp für in EUROPA produzierten Coronaimpfstoff durchringen konnten, stieß bei Söder auf Kritik.
20210327             "Die EU sendet leider ein falsches Signal",
20210327             sagte der bayerische Regierungschef der "Passauer Neuen Presse" und dem "Donaukurier".
20210327             Es sei "den Menschen schwer zu vermitteln, dass wir in EUROPA echte Probleme beim Impffortschritt haben, aber bei den Impfstoffen weltweit am exportfreudigsten sind".
20210327             —NACHDEM Frankreichs Außenminister JEAN—YVES—LE—DRIAN—RUSSLAND —AM—FREITAG vorgeworfen hatte, Sputnik V als "Mittel der Propaganda" zu missbrauchen, signalisierte die Bundesregierung erneut ihre grundsätzliche Bereitschaft, die RUSSLAND—VAKZINE nach einer Zulassung durch die Ema einzusetzen.
20210327             Facebook sperrt Seite von Maduro wegen möglicher Falschinformation
20210327             Facebook schränkt die Seite von Venezuelas PRÄSIDENT—NICOLÁS—MADURO wegen möglicher Falschinformationen ein.
20210327             Der USA—KONZERN löschte 1—VIDEO, in dem Maduro 1—HEILMITTEL für COVID—19—ANPREIST.
20210327             Dies entspreche nicht den Vorschriften des sozialen Netzwerks, sagt 1—FACEBOOK—SPRECHERIN.
20210327             "Wir halten uns an die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO wonach es —DERZEIT kein Mittel zur Heilung gibt".
20210327             —FÜR—30—TAGE könne auf der Seite von Maduro nichts gepostet werden.
20210327             Sie sei aber weiter zu lesen.
20210327             Anonyme Alkoholiker berichten von wachsendem Zulauf
20210327             Dass die Menschen in der Pandemie wesentlich mehr trinken, denkt der Sprecher allerdings nicht.
20210327             "Gesoffen wird mit und ohne CORONA".
20210327             —GESCHLOSSEN, —NUN seien eben die Kneipe und die Pizzeria, und die Leute kauften sich Alkohol im Supermarkt.
20210327             BRANDENBURG führt LUCA—APP ein
20210327             CHARITÉ—VIROLOGE warnt vor Anwendungsfehlern bei Schnelltests
20210327             mahnt Nutzer von ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS, die vorgeschriebenen LAGER—UND Umgebungstemperaturen bei der TEST—DURCHFÜHRUNG einzuhalten.
20210327             "Selbst —10—MINUTEN bei 37—GRAD reichen aus, damit sie an Sensitivität, also an der Frage, wie viel Virus sie nachweisen können, deutlich verlieren",
20210327             Menschen in GROSSBRITANNIEN eine 3. Impfung erhalten.
20210327             Über 70-Jährige könnten diese "Booster"-Impfung —BEREITS—IM—SEPTEMBER bekommen, sagte der zuständige STAATSSEKRETÄR—NADHIM—ZAHAWI der Zeitung "Daily Telegraph" (—SAMSTAG).
20210327             Auch medizinisches Personal und Pflegekräfte sollen dann ihre 3. Dosis innerhalb von —10—MONATEN bekommen.
20210327             —BIS zum —HERBST würden vermutlich 8—VERSCHIEDENE Impfstoffe zur Verfügung stehen,
20210327             "Wie auch immer das Virus sich verhält — wir werden bereit sein".
20210327             das Virus sich VERHÄLT—DAS VIRUS—SICH
20210327             VERHÄLT—OLYMPIAGASTGEBER Tokio meldet neuen Anstieg
20210327             "Wir haben unseren Kühen erklärt, dass sie weniger Milch geben sollen, aber sie wollen das nicht verstehen".
20210327             Und die Wände im überfüllten Keller ließen sich auch nicht verschieben.
20210327             Deshalb kamen die 19—MÖNCHE auf die Idee, ihren überschüssigen Kuhmilchkäse mit der besonders feinwürzigen Note über das auf den Onlineverkauf von Klosterprodukten spezialisierte START—UP "Divine Box" (Göttliche Kiste) anzubieten.
20210327             SPANIEN verlangt Test bei Einreisen aus FRANKREICH
20210327             VIELE—FRANZOSEN fahren angesichts des Lockdowns in ihrem Land über die Grenze, um etwa in MADRID in Gaststätten und Bars zu gehen.
20210327             In der vergangenen —WOCHE stieg die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in SPANIEN.
20210327             Mangelnde Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen
20210327             "Der wirtschaftliche und auch der gesundheitliche Preis, den wir für die Rückstände in der Digitalisierung zahlen müssen, ist hoch",
20210327             sagte der PRÄSIDENT—DES—LEIBNIZ—ZENTRUMS für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW)
20210327             —UNTERDIGITALISIERT, Das Gesundheitswesen etwa sei —SCHON—VOR—10—JAHREN, gewesen, der EU zufolge sei gerade DEUTSCHLAND —IN—DEN—LETZTEN—JAHREN hier nicht vorangekommen.
20210327             Auch würden nicht ausreichend öffentliche Daten zur Verfügung gestellt, damit neue Geschäftsmodelle entstehen können.
20210327             "Da müsste die öffentliche Hand viel mehr tun", sagte Wambach der Zeitung weiter.
20210327             "Vielleicht ist CORONA dafür endlich der Weckruf".
20210327             Mehr als 80 000—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN in den USA
20210327             —AM selben —TAG—DER—VORWOCHE waren es 61 527—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 11840000             Tote.
20210327             Der GROSSBRITANNIEN—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON hat erneut vor einer neuen AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA€"VIRUS im Vereinigten Königreich gewarnt.
20210327             Die "bittere Erfahrung" sei, dass GROSSBRITANNIEN —3—WOCHEN nach EUROPA getroffen werde.
20210327             "Die Frage ist: Wird es diesmal so schlimm sein, wie es in der Vergangenheit war?
20210327             Oder haben wir die Auswirkungen durch die Ausgabe von Impfstoff ausreichend gemildert, gedämpft und abgestumpft?"
20210327             Der Start eines vom Serum Institute und dem USA—KONZERN Novavax entwickelten Impfstoffes in INDIEN verzögert sich.
20210327             schreibt SERUM—CHEF—ADAR—POONAWALLA auf Twitter.
20210327             —IM—JANUAR stellte er einen Einsatz —BIS—JUNI in Aussicht.
20210327             1—GRUND für die Verzögerung wird nicht bekannt.
20210327             Insider sagten Reuters —AM—FREITAG, Novavax zögere einen Vertrag mit der EU über IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNGEN hinaus, weil das Unternehmen nicht an genug Material zur PRODUKTION—DER—VAKZINE gelangen könne.
20210327             Schulöffnung in ITALIEN nach Ostern — Experte verteidigt —ENTSCHEIDUNG
20210327             Welttheatertag in ITALIEN — keine Öffnungen möglich
20210327             ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN in Niederlanden auf höchstem Stand —SEIT—JANUAR
20210327             PHILIPPINEN—REGIERUNG verhängt einwöchigen Lockdown
20210327             Ab —MONTAG wird damit das Leben im wirtschaftlichen ZENTRUM—DES—SÜDOSTASIATISCHEN—INSELSTAATS heruntergefahren.
20210327             ALLE—MENSCHEN, die nicht zur notwendigen Infrastruktur gehören, sollen im Homeoffice arbeiten.
20210327             Zudem wird der öffentliche Verkehr eingestellt.
20210327             ALLE—MASSENVERSAMMLUNGEN werden verboten, eine nächtliche Ausgangssperre von 18—UHR —BIS 5—UHR verhängt und nicht lebensnotwendige Geschäfte geschlossen.
20210327             Die generelle Ausgangssperre für Kinder und Ältere wird beibehalten.
20210327             Weil 20—ÜBERZÄHLIGE Impfdosen an Lehrkräfte einer Privatschule verteilt wurden, haben die IRLAND—BEHÖRDEN die Impfungen an einer Dubliner Klinik gestoppt.
20210327             "Die Verteilung von Impfstoffen durch das Beacon Hospital an 1—SCHULE war völlig unangemessen und komplett inakzeptabel",
20210327             SERBIEN ist zum Anziehungspunkt für Tausende Impfwillige aus seinen Nachbarländern geworden.
20210327             Vor dem größten CORONA—IMPFZENTRUM der HAUPTSTADT—BELGRAD standen —AM—SAMSTAG zahlreiche Menschen aus BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA, MONTENEGRO und Nordmazedonien Schlange, wie die Nachrichtenagentur
20210327             Oft waren ganze Familien angereist, —NACHDEM die SERBIEN—BEHÖRDEN erklärt hatten, am Wochenende würden Ausländer gratis gegen CORONA geimpft.
20210327             An Grenzübergängen gab es Staus,
20210327             —GEHÖRT—SERBIEN, zu den Ländern mit dem größten Impftempo in EUROPA.
20210327             Es setzt nicht nur die Mittel von Biontech und Pfizer sowie AstraZeneca ein, sondern auch das RUSSLAND—SPUTNIK V und den Impfstoff des CHINA—HERSTELLERS Sinopharm.
20210327             Kritiker werfen Präsidenten ALEKSANDAR—VU?
20210327             i? vor, die Lage politisch ausnutzen zu wollen.
20210327             Mehrere 100—MENSCHEN ziehen ohne Schutzmasken durch DRESDEN
20210327             "Das Gros der Beteiligten hielt sich nicht an die Abstände und die Maskenpflicht".
20210327             Nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI lag keine Versammlungsanzeige vor.
20210327             —GEGEBEN, ONLINE—NETZWERKEN, habe es aber zuvor "diffuse Aufrufe", "die in der Form nicht zu verifizieren waren".
20210327             —BESUCHT, BARCELONA, haben 5000—MENSCHEN 1—ROCKKONZERT.
20210327             Der Auftritt der Band Love of Lesbian hatte eine Sondergenehmigung der Gesundheitsbehörden, die Konzertgänger mussten vor dem Eintritt ein CORONA—SCREENING durchlaufen.
20210327             Dadurch soll das Verhindern von CORONA—AUSBRÜCHEN bei kulturellen Veranstaltungen getestet werden.
20210327             Während im Rest des Landes nur —BIS zu 4—PERSONEN in geschlossenen Räumen erlaubt sind, feierten die Konzertbesucher ohne die Einhaltung von Abständen.
20210327             Dabei mussten sie aber Masken tragen.
20210327             Auch BERLIN probt CORONA—KONZERT
20210327             Das CORONA—KONZERT an sich sei "1—ZUGABE" zu dem Test.
20210327             —SAMSTAG, 20210327
20210327             Sat
20210327             Seht ihr?
20210327             Die Russen waren es! Da kann man nichts machen.
20210327             gähn - Um Covid kümmert sich dann bei uns jemand anderes.
20210327             Ist eigentlich fast egal wer.
20210327             Inzwischen gehe man ins 3. Onlinesemester.
20210327             —NUN seien eben die Kneipe und die Pizzeria geschlossen und die Leute kauften sich Alkohol im Supermarkt.
20210327             das Virus sich verhält - das Virus - sich
20210327             Es sei offen, welche Auswirkungen eine 3. Coronawelle auf dem europäischen Festland für das Land haben werde,
20210327—20210900    —BIS, "Hoffe auf Start !"
20210416             —NACH—DEM Erhalt der 550.000—DOSEN wartete BHUTAN wochenlang — denn für den Beginn der Impfkampagne wurde nach astrologischen Kriterien der 20210327             gewählt, das als besonders glücksbringend galt.
20211006             In dem Verfahren ging es um die Infektionsschutzmaßnahmeverordnung vom 20200327            .
20211223             Die eigentliche OSCAR—VERLEIHUNG ist nach wie vor für den 20210327             angesetzt.
20220327             —SONNTAG, 20220327
20220327             PRÄSIDENT—ZELENSKYY an den Westen: "Die UKRAINE kann RUSSISCHE—RAKETEN nicht mit Schrotflinten abschießen"
20220327             Sun 20220327
20220327             [l] Es gibt —JETZT Details zum neuen Privacy Shield.
20220327             Money Quote: 1—NEW SET—OF—RULES and binding safeguards to limit access to data by USA intelligence authorities to what is necessary and proportionate to protect national security;
20220327             USA intelligence agencies will adopt procedures to ensure effective OVERSIGHT—OF—NEW—PRIVACY and civil liberties standards
20220327             Ooooh, nur noch wenn es notwendig ist für national security!
20220327             Das ist ja mal 1—RIESENFORTSCHRITT im Vergleich zur aktuellen Regelung, wo sie nur gucken dürfen, wenn es notwendig ist für national security.
20220327             —BELAUSCHT, Fühlt ihr euch auch —SCHON voll viel weniger ?
20220327             Wieso sie da wohl "proportionate" reinschrieben?
20220327             Was ist denn bitte proportional zu Bedrohungen für die nationale Sicherheit?
20220327             Das ist eine so große Keule, damit kannste immer alles begründen.
20220327             Ach naja, was mecker ich rum.
20220327             Es handelt sich um URSULA—VON—DER—LEYEN.
20220327             Die —ERST als Familienministerin versagt hat, dann als Verteidigungsministerin, und —JETZT versagt sie halt in der EU—KOMMISSION.
20220327             [l] Hey, was glaubt ihr, was passiert, wenn man der Polizei erlaubt, Unschuldige einfach so wegzusperren.
20220327             —ASKED, No questions ?
20220327             Recht auf faires Verfahren brauchen wir hier nicht, wir sind schließlich die Guten?
20220327             Na klar! Dann werden Regimegegner weggesperrt.
20220327             Wer ist denn in NRW Regimegegner fragt ihr —JETZT?
20220327             —GEDACHT, Ich dachte das war gegen Terroristen !
20220327             Na klar: KLIMA—AKTIVISTEN.
20220327             Primärquelle dazu ist Krautreporter, die es wie folgt formulieren:
20220327             —GEFUNDEN, Na gut, dass sie keine rechten Gefährder, haben, leuchtet ein.
20220327             Der Innenminister wird sich ja kaum selbst wegsperren.
20220327             UKRAINE and USA establish format for joint negotiations with Foreign and Defence Ministries
20220327             über dem Bundesgebiet.
20220327             Dabei sei auch ein solcher "Iron Dome" (Eiserne Kuppel) Thema gewesen, berichtete die "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20220327             Konkret sei es um eine mögliche Anschaffung des israelischen "Arrow 3"-Systems gegangen.
20220327             Das System würde der Zeitung zufolge nach Informationen aus Sicherheitskreisen 2—MILLIARDEN Euro kosten.
20220327             Da es auf dem Markt sei, könnte es demnach —BEREITS 20250000             einsatzfähig sein.
20220327             ZELENSKYY fordert von POLEN erneut Kampfflugzeuge und Panzer
20220327             Er warnte in dem Gespräch, dass das RUSSISCHE—MILITÄR sonst bald 1—BEDROHUNG für die NATO—NACHBARSTAATEN darstellen könnte.
20220327             Grünenchef warnt bei russischem GIFTGAS—ANGRIFF vor nie dagewesenen Sanktionen
20220327             "Unsere Antwort auf den EINSATZ—VON—GIFTGAS würde ALLE—BISHERIGEN—SANKTIONEN in den Schatten stellen",
20220327             sagte Nouripour der "Bild —AM—SONNTAG".
20220327             RUSSISCHE—LUFT—UND Raketenstreitkräfte beschießen nach BRITISCHEN—ANGABEN weiterhin Ziele in der gesamten UKRAINE, darunter auch in dicht besiedelten Gebieten.
20220327             Dabei verlasse sich RUSSLAND weiterhin auf sogenannte Abstandsmunition.
20220327             Diese werde aus dem RUSSISCHEN—LUFTRAUM abgefeuert, um die eigenen Flugzeuge nicht der UKRAINISCHEN—LUFTABWEHR auszusetzen,
20220327             Diese RUSSISCHEN—WAFFEN versagten allerdings laut USA—BERICHTEN in —BIS zu 60—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE,
20220327             Dies werde dazu führen, dass die Russen entweder auf weniger hoch entwickelte Raketen zurückgreifen oder ihre Flugzeuge höheren Risiken aussetzen müssten.
20220327             Der SCHWEIZER—VERSICHERUNGSKONZERN ZURICH beseitigt sein weißes Z—LOGO auf blauem Hintergrund aus den sozialen Medien.
20220327             "Wir entfernen vorübergehend die Verwendung des Buchstabens 'Z' aus den sozialen Kanälen, wo er isoliert erscheint und falsch interpretiert werden könnte",
20220327             Der Buchstabe Z ist in RUSSLAND zu einem SYMBOL—DER—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für Moskaus Einmarsch in die UKRAINE geworden.
20220327             Krieg verschärft HIV—EPIDEMIE in der UKRAINE
20220327             Die BRITISCHE—AUSSENMINISTERIN LIZ—TRUSS hat RUSSLAND im Fall eines Rückzugs aus der UKRAINE 1—AUFHEBUNG—DER—SANKTIONEN in Aussicht gestellt.
20220327             Moskau müsse sich neben einem Waffenstillstand und dem Abzug seiner Truppen verpflichten, "keine weiteren Aggressionen" gegen die UKRAINE zu unternehmen, damit die gegen hunderte Personen und Organisationen verhängten BRITISCHEN—SANKTIONEN gelockert werden können, sagte Truss
20220327             ABSPRACHE, mit seinen westlichen Partnern hat LONDON in den vergangenen —WOCHEN mehr als 1000—RUSSISCHE und belarussische Personen und Unternehmen mit Sanktionen belegt.
20220327             Den Willen zu ernsten —VERHANDLUNGEN aufseiten der Russen sieht die Ministerin —DERZEIT nicht.
20220327             "Ich glaube nicht, dass sie es im Moment ernst meinen, und deshalb habe ich gesagt, dass wir hart sein müssen, um Frieden zu erreichen",
20220327             Die Äußerungen spiegeln die jüngsten Äußerungen von USA—AUßENMINISTER ANTONY—BLINKEN wider, wonach die weitreichenden Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND "nicht auf Dauer angelegt" seien und "verschwinden" könnten, wenn Moskau sein Verhalten ändere.
20220327             Die VORSITZENDE—DES—VERTEIDIGUNGSAUSSCHUSSES, MARIE—AGNES—STRACK—ZIMMERMANN, plädiert als Reaktion auf den Ukrainekrieg für deutlich mehr Entschlossenheit in der Sicherheitspolitik.
20220327             "Wenn ich 1—LAND wehrfähig mache, also die Bundeswehr entsprechend ausrüste, muss auch der Wille da sein, im Ernstfall das Land zu verteidigen",
20220327             sagte die FDP—POLITIKERIN.
20220327             Natürlich müsse man verhandeln und immer wieder versuchen, friedlich miteinander auszukommen.
20220327             "Aber ich halte Beschwichtigungspolitik, also 1—POLITIK—DER—STÄNDIGEN—TOLERANZ zerstörender Machtpolitik gegenüber für komplett gescheitert"
20220327             "Es gibt Menschen und Regierungen, die kennen nur klare Ansagen.
20220327             Nur wer stark ist, wird nicht angegriffen".
20220327             Millionen Menschen haben sich in zahlreichen Städten weltweit an der von der Umweltorganisation WWF ausgerufenen "Earth —HOUR" beteiligt.
20220327             Von BERLIN über PARIS —BIS nach BANGKOK—HONGKONG, Neu DELHI oder Tokio schalteten VIELE—AM—SAMSTAG um 20.30—UHR Ortszeit für —1—STUNDE—DAS—LICHT aus.
20220327             Mit der weltweiten Aktion sollte 1—ZEICHEN für Frieden, KLIMA—UND Umweltschutz gesetzt werden.
20220327             BERLIN, war das Brandenburger Tor in Dunkelheit gehüllt.
20220327             Vor der Kulisse des verdunkelten Wahrzeichens formten Hunderte LED—LICHTER 1—FRIEDENSTAUBE am Boden.
20220327             —BEFÜRCHTET, JAPAN, durch den RUSSISCHEN—ANGRIFFSKRIEG Auswirkungen auch für das eigene Land.
20220327             Abhängig von der Entwicklung werde JAPAN vor "der größten Krise" —SEIT dem —WWII stehen, sagte Ministerpräsident Fumio Kishida
20220327             JAPAN und die USA treibt —SEIT Längerem die Sorge vor dem wachsenden Machtstreben Chinas in der indopazifischen Region um.
20220327             Wiederholt drangen CHINESISCHE—SCHIFFE in Gewässer um die SENKAKU—INSELN ein, 1—VON—JAPAN kontrollierte Inselgruppe im Ostchinesischen Meer, die auch von CHINA und TAIWAN beansprucht wird.
20220327             JAPAN ist ein wichtiger Verbündeter der USA in der Region und auf den atomaren Schutzschild Washingtons angewiesen.
20220327             BAYERN fordert, Flüchtlinge zu identifizieren
20220327             BAYERN, würden die Personalien mit den Fahndungsdatenbanken abgeglichen,
20220327             —GEHOLFEN, Zwar müsse den Flüchtlingen unbürokratisch, werden, aber: "Wir müssen wissen, wer zu uns kommt und vermeiden, dass Schleuser, Menschenhändler, die organisierte Kriminalität oder andere Straftäter die Situation für ihre Zwecke ausnutzen".
20220327             "Die Bundespolizei geht in die Züge, wenn sie über die Grenze kommen, und kontrolliert ALLE—PÄSSE.
20220327             Wer keinen Pass hat oder aus einem Drittstaat kommt, wird erfasst und registriert".
20220327             Da es keine flächendeckenden Grenzkontrollen gibt, sei dies beim BUS—UND Autoverkehr schwieriger.
20220327             Der Besuch von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN in Warschau sollte eine unmissverständliche Botschaft der Geschlossenheit des Westens liefern.
20220327             Doch nach Bidens Rede —AM—SAMSTAG, bei der er über den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN sagte: "Um Gottes Willen, dieser Mann kann nicht an der Macht bleiben",
20220327             rätselt die Welt: WILL—WASHINGTON—PUTINS—STURZ?
20220327             Der Kreml reagierte sofort: 1—SPRECHER—PUTINS erklärte, es sei nicht die Sache des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN, darüber zu entscheiden, wer RUSSLAND regiere.
20220327             Und 1—MITARBEITER—DES—WEISSEN—HAUSES versuchte, die Worte Bidens wieder einzufangen: "Das Argument des Präsidenten war, dass es Putin nicht erlaubt werden kann, Macht über seine Nachbarn auszuüben.
20220327             —DEBATTIERT, Er hat nicht Putins Macht in RUSSLAND, oder einen Regimewechsel".
20220327             Die Menschenrechtsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, LUISE—AMTSBERG (Grüne), fordert VISA—LOCKERUNGEN für RUSSISCHE—MENSCHENRECHTLER, um ihnen den Weg ins Exil nach DEUTSCHLAND zu erleichtern.
20220327             "Innerhalb Russlands wird die Repression gegen Andersdenkende, insbesondere als Reaktion auf den Krieg, immer schärfer",
20220327             "Gegenüber diesen mutigen Menschen stehen wir in der Pflicht zu helfen, denn auch sie verteidigen Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte in EUROPA".
20220327             Laut dem RUSSISCHEN—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM wurden zum gestrigen Angriff auf Lwiw Cruise Missiles verwendet.
20220327             Diese seien eingesetzt worden, um 1—ANLAGE in der Stadt zu treffen, in der Flugabwehrsysteme, Radarstationen und Zielgeräte für Panzer repariert würden,
20220327             Zudem sei —AM—SAMSTAG ein von UKRAINISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTEN genutztes Tanklager mit Langstreckenraketen attackiert und zerstört worden.
20220327             RUSSLAND habe seegestützte Langstreckenraketen eingesetzt, um 1—ARSENAL—VON—S 300-Raketen und BUK—FLUGABWEHR—RAKETENSYSTEMEN in der Nähe von Kiew zu zerstören,
20220327             Diese Angaben können nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.
20220327             POLNISCHER—GRENZSCHUTZ zählt 2,3 Millionen Geflüchtete
20220327             In der Gegenrichtung hätten 339.000—MENSCHEN die Grenze passiert.
20220327             VIELE—MÄNNER, und auch Frauen, wollen sich dort den UKRAINISCHEN—TRUPPEN anschließen.
20220327             —HILFSBED, Andere kehren zurück, um sich um Kinder oder ürftige Angehörige zu kümmern.
20220327             Der Angriff auf die UKRAINE löst auch hierzulande Ängste und Solidarität aus.
20220327             Geprägt vom —WWII und atomarer Bedrohung erlebt das Volk erneut einen historischen Bruch.
20220327             Bundespolizei registrierte rund 1—VIERTELMILLION—GEFLÜCHTETE aus der UKRAINE
20220327             Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER und die Berliner Philharmoniker haben für —SONNTAG um 11—UHR zu einem Solidaritätskonzert mit der UKRAINE eingeladen.
20220327             Doch der UKRAINISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—IN—DEUTSCHLAND will nicht teilnehmen.
20220327             "Nur RUSSISCHE—SOLISTEN, keine Ukrainerinnen",
20220327             twitterte BOTSCHAFTER—ANDRIJ—MELNYK —AM—SONNTAG.
20220327             "Ein Affront. Sorry, ich bleibe fern".
20220327             Der Bundespräsident sagte vor der Veranstaltung per Videobotschaft: Die scharfen Sanktionen führten unvermeidlich auch zu Unsicherheiten und Einbußen für uns.
20220327             sagte er.
20220327             "Wir werden bereit sein müssen, sie zu tragen, wenn unsere Solidarität nicht nur Lippenbekenntnis sein, wenn sie ernst genommen werden soll".
20220327             Die öffentliche Verwendung des Zeichens der RUSSISCHEN—ARMEE im UKRAINE—KRIEG soll in beiden Bundesländer strafbar sein.
20220327             Möglich sind —BIS zu —3—JAHRE Haft oder 1—GELDSTRAFE.
20220327             RUSSLAND, taucht der lateinische Buchstabe "Z" vielerorts im öffentlichen Raum auf.
20220327             Er ist als Symbol gut zu erkennen, da es ihn im kyrillischen Alphabet nicht gibt.
20220327             Auch zahlreiche RUSSISCHE—MILITÄRFAHRZEUGE tragen das "Z".
20220327             Niedersachsens Innenminister BORIS—PISTORIUS (SPD) sagte: "Es ist mir absolut unverständlich, wie das stilisierte 'Z' sogar bei uns dafür genutzt werden kann, um diese Verbrechen gutzuheißen".
20220327             Bayerns Justizminister GEORG—EISENREICH (CSU) warnte: "Sympathisanten, die in BAYERN das Kennzeichens 'Z' der RUSSISCHEN—STREITKRÄFTE öffentlich verwenden",
20220327             könnten sich wegen der Billigung von Straftaten strafbar machen.
20220327             Die von Moskau unterstützte selbst ernannte Volksrepublik LUHANSK in der Ostukraine erwägt eine baldige Volksabstimmung über den Beitritt zu RUSSLAND.
20220327             "Ich denke, dass in naher Zukunft 1—REFERENDUM auf dem Territorium der REPUBLIK abgehalten werden wird",
20220327             sagte der dortige SEPARATISTEN—ANFÜHRER LEONID—PASSETSCHNIK laut lokalen Medien.
20220327             "Die Menschen werden von ihrem letztendlich verfassungsmäßigen Recht Gebrauch machen und ihre Meinung über den Beitritt zur RUSSISCHEN—FÖDERATION zum Ausdruck bringen".
20220327             CHEF—DES UKRAINISCHEN—MILITÄRGEHEIMDIENSTES: Moskau will die UKRAINE spalten
20220327             Er fügte hinzu, dass die UKRAINE bald einen Guerillakrieg im von RUSSLAND besetzten Gebiet beginnen werde.
20220327             Coronazahlen des RKI: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt erstmals —SEIT einer —WOCHE
20220327             USA—MEDIENBERICHTE: Weißes Haus plant Mindeststeuer für Ultrareiche
20220327             Automatische Handyortung im Notfall: "Mit dem Notruf wird der Standort des Anrufers an uns übermittelt"
20220327             Was will Joe Biden?: Das gefährliche Spiel mit dem Regimewechsel
20220327             UKRAINISCHE—FAHRER fallen aus: Spediteure befürchten Engpässe bei LKW—TRANSPORTEN
20220327             Schachgroßmeister DANIIL—DUBOW: "Die einzige Möglichkeit, etwas in RUSSLAND zu ändern, ist 1—REVOLUTION"
20220327             WINDENERGIE—ZIELE: Müssen die DEUTSCHEN—WÄLDER dran glauben?
20220327             1—FILM—VON—MANUEL—KUNST und Wyn Matthiesen
20220327             —BERÜHRT, Der Leibkoch beim letzten Schah erzählt: "Wer ihn, hatte, musste sterben" Aus Ramos ARIZPE—MEXIKO, berichtet JENS—GLÜSING
20220327             BERLIN—MOSKAU: Wie die reichen Russen —JETZT über Putin denken
20220327             USA—AUßENMINISTER nach BIDEN—ÄUßERUNG: "Wir haben keine Strategie für einen Regimewechsel in RUSSLAND"
20220327             Russlands Oligarchen unter Druck: Die Jagd auf die Jachten Von ?ebnem Arsu, Janne Knödler und JÖRG—SCHINDLER
20220327             Wirtschaftliche Folgen des Kriegs in der UKRAINE: Steinmeier stimmt Deutsche auf härtere —TAGE ein
20220327             AFGHANISTAN: Taliban ordnen Geschlechtertrennung in Kabuler Freizeitparks an
20220327             Wahl in MALTA: Premier ROBERT—ABELA erklärt sich zum Sieger
20220327             Hohe Inzidenzen: BAYERN will Maskenpflicht verlängern
20220327             CHINESISCHE—METROPOLE: SHANGHAI geht in den Lockdown
20220327             Gesenkte Kraftstoffpreise: Subventionsprogramm für Spritfresser
20220327             Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in der Inflation: Das Lohndilemma
20220327             —VERHANDLUNGEN mit Teheran: RETTUNG—DES—ATOMABKOMMENS scheitert bislang an Rolle der Revolutionsgarden
20220327             Machtwechsel an der Saar: Das SAARLAND wird rot, die CDU sieht schwarz
20220327             Aus für RUSSISCH—FINNISCHE—BAHN: Der letzte Zug nach HELSINKI
20220327             BRITISCHER—MILITÄRSTRATEGE über Putins Probleme: Dieser Krieg ist noch lange nicht zu Ende
20220327             Bei einer PRESSEKONFERENZ mit seinem ISRAELISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN Jair Lapid hat ANTONY—BLINKEN betont, die Vereinigten Staaten strebten keinen Machtwechsel in RUSSLAND an.
20220327             Es gehe vielmehr darum, dass Kremlchef WLADIMIR—PUTIN "nicht dazu ermächtigt werden kann, KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE oder JEDES—ANDERE—LAND zu führen"
20220327             sagte der an CORONA erkrankte Bundespräsident FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER in einer Videobotschaft, die vor dem Konzert "Für Freiheit und Frieden" der Berliner Philharmoniker in Schloss BELLEVUE ausgestrahlt wurde.
20220327             "Ja, es kommen auch auf uns in DEUTSCHLAND härtere —TAGE zu", sagte Steinmeier.
20220327             Und weiter: "Und die ganze Wahrheit ist: VIELE—HÄRTEN liegen —ERST noch vor uns.
20220327             Unsere Solidarität und unsere Unterstützung, unsere Standhaftigkeit, auch unsere Bereitschaft zu Einschränkungen werden noch auf lange Zeit gefordert sein".
20220327             Auf dem internationalen DOHA—FORUM in KATAR sagt der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDIALAMTSSPRECHER IBRAHIM—KALIN, die TÜRKEI und andere Staaten müssten weiterhin mit RUSSLAND reden: "Wenn JEDER—DIE—BRÜCKEN zu RUSSLAND niederbrennt, wer wird dann am ENDE—DES—TAGES mit ihnen reden?"
20220327             Die UKRAINE brauche mehr Hilfe und müsse mit allen Mitteln unterstützt werden, damit sie sich selbst verteidigen könne.
20220327             Aber die RUSSISCHE—SEITE müsse angehört werden, "so oder so".
20220327             —BOYKOTTIERT, Der UKRAINISCHE—BOTSCHAFTER—ANDRIJ—MELNYK, ein vom Bundespräsidenten veranstaltetes Solidaritätskonzert in BERLIN.
20220327             Seine Begründung, die er auf Twitter verbreitete: Daran nähmen nur russische und keine UKRAINISCHEN—MUSIKER teil.
20220327             Doch nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN sagte Melnyk —BEREITS—AM vergangenen —DIENSTAG für das Konzert ab unter ANGABE—VON—TERMINGRÜNDEN.
20220327             Das Präsidialamt bot daraufhin ein zeitnahes persönliches Gespräch mit dem Bundespräsidenten an, das Melnyk offenbar bislang nicht annahm.
20220327             Frankreichs STAATSCHEF—EMMANUEL—MACRON hat die Wortwahl von USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN zurückgewiesen, der den RUSSISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN einen "Schlächter" genannt hat.
20220327             Er würde diesen Begriff nicht verwenden, sagte Macron.
20220327             Es gelte, "1—ESKALATION—DER—WORTE wie der Handlungen" zu verhindern.
20220327             Weiter sagte Macron, er werde "—MORGEN oder übermorgen" mit Putin sprechen, um 1—EVAKUIERUNGSAKTION für die Menschen in der von RUSSISCHEN—TRUPPEN eingekesselten Hafenstadt Mariupol organisieren zu können.
20220327             Dies müsse —NUN sehr schnell erfolgen.
20220327             —VERDAMMT, PAPA, den Krieg in der UKRAINE
20220327             als bestialisch - Die Gefahr eines globalen Konflikts, der aus dem Krieg in der UKRAINE entstehen könne, solle alle davon überzeugen, dass die Zeit für die Menschheit gekommen sei, den Krieg abzuschaffen, bevor er die Menschheit abschaffe.
20220327             DEUTSCHLAND und POLEN fordern EU—GELDER für Geflüchtete
20220327             etwa einen Pauschalbetrag von 1000—EURO aus EU—MITTELN für jeden Aufgenommenen.
20220327             sie reise nach ISRAEL, um Gespräche über das Raketenabwehrsystem aufzunehmen: "Die Israelis stellen so etwas her, und deswegen ergibt es Sinn, sich mit diesen unterschiedlichen Szenarien nicht nur zu beschäftigen, sondern gegebenenfalls auch umgehend zu kaufen.
20220327             Das muss alles sehr schnell gehen, aber auch sehr seriös besprochen werden".
20220327             Die RUSSISCHE—MEDIENAUFSICHT hat den Zugriff auf die Website der "Bild" für Leser in RUSSLAND gesperrt.
20220327             Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft habe die Sperrung beantragt, meldete die RUSSISCHE—AGENTUR Interfax —AM—SONNTAG unter Berufung auf die Behörde Roskomnadsor.
20220327             1—GRUND für die Sperrung wurde nicht genannt.
20220327             Auftritte anderer DEUTSCHER—MEDIEN sind in RUSSLAND —DERZEIT noch aufrufbar, allerdings werden immer wieder regierungskritische Internetseiten gesperrt.
20220327             Auch NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN erwägt Strafen für Zeigen des "Z"-Symbols
20220327             —NACHDEM—SCHON NIEDERSACHSEN und BAYERN angekündigt hatten, die öffentliche Verwendung des Symbols etwa bei Demonstrationen mit einer Geldstrafe oder sogar —BIS zu —3—JAHREN Haft zu ahnden, prüft —NUN auch die NORDRHEIN—WESTFÄLISCHE Landesregierung mögliche Strafen.
20220327             sagte NRW—INNENMINISTER HERBERT—REUL (CDU) der "Rheinischen Post".
20220327             "Der völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die UKRAINE verursacht unsägliches Leid.
20220327             Mir fehlt JEDES—VERSTÄNDNIS dafür, wie man sich mit diesen Verbrechen gemein machen oder sie gutheißen kann",
20220327             so Reul.
20220327             Grundlage für das Vorgehen der Länder ist Paragraf 140—NUMMER 2—DES Strafgesetzbuches: Demnach wird 1—VERHALTEN unter Strafe gestellt, das als öffentlich zur Schau getragene Billigung von Angriffskriegen zu verstehen ist und den öffentlichen Frieden stören kann.
20220327             "Z"- - Der UKRAINISCHE—AUSSENMINISTER Dmytro Kuleba hat zu einem Boykott des FRANZÖSISCHEN—SPORTARTIKELHÄNDLERS Decathlon und der FRANZÖSISCHEN—SUPERMARKTKETTE Auchan aufgerufen, weil sich die Unternehmerfamilie Mulliez, der beide Marken gehören, —BISHER nicht aus RUSSLAND zurückgezogen hat.
20220327             "Offenbar sind Arbeitsplatzverluste in RUSSLAND wichtiger als die Todesfälle in der UKRAINE",
20220327             schrieb Kuleba auf Twitter.
20220327             Uno zählt knapp 3000—GETÖTETE oder verletzte Zivilisten in der UKRAINE
20220327             Die tatsächliche Zahl getöteter oder verletzter Zivilisten dürfte allerdings erheblich höher liegen, da in heftig umkämpften Gebieten eine statistische Erhebung der Opfer —DERZEIT kaum möglich ist.
20220327             An einem sowjetischen Ehrenmal auf einem Friedhof in BONN haben sich Unterstützer Russlands zu einer Kundgebung versammelt.
20220327             Die Polizei spricht von mehreren 100—TEILNEHMENDEN.
20220327             —BIS zum —NACHMITTAG sei alles friedlich verlaufen.
20220327             Zur Wahrung der Friedhofsruhe sei auf Lautsprecheranlagen verzichtet worden.
20220327             Die Kundgebungsteilnehmer waren zuvor in einem Autokorso mit mehreren 100—AUTOS von Köln aus nach BONN gefahren.
20220327             KIEW, werden in den kommenden —NÄCHTEN Temperaturen von ein —BIS 3—GRAD erwartet.
20220327             —BEENDET, Trotzdem wird die Heizsaison —AM—MONTAG vorzeitig.
20220327             Das habe die örtliche Militärverwaltung angeordnet, so die Kiewer Stadtverwaltung.
20220327             Wohnungen und Geschäftsgebäude sollten nicht mehr beheizt werden.
20220327             Für Schulen, Kindergärten, Krankenhäuser und Kultureinrichtungen werde das Abschalten in Absprache mit deren Leitern geregelt.
20220327             Üblicherweise endet die Heizsaison im Fernwärmenetz —ERST—MITTE —APRIL.
20220327             Schäden an Strom-, HEIZ—ODER Wassernetzen werden aber weiterhin repariert,
20220327             und mehr als 2300—HAUSMEISTER säuberten weiterhin Straßen und Höfe.
20220327             USA—REGIERUNG besorgt über mögliche RUSSISCHE—CYBERANGRIFFE
20220327             mögliche - Es sei wichtig, "dass JEDER—DAS—POTENZIAL dieser störenden CYBER—AKTIVITÄTEN versteht" und sich entsprechend vorbereite, so Easterly.
20220327             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat zum 1. Mal —SEIT Beginn des Krieges 4—RUSSISCHEN—JOURNALISTEN unterschiedlicher Medienhäuser 1—INTERVIEW gegeben, darunter einem Reporter der bekannten Moskauer Tageszeitung "Kommersant".
20220327             Die RUSSISCHE—MEDIENAUFSICHT Roskomnadsor meldet —NUN auf ihrer Website, sie habe 1—UNTERSUCHUNG gegen die beteiligten Medien eingeleitet.
20220327             "Roskomnadsor warnt die RUSSISCHEN—MEDIEN davor, dieses Interview zu veröffentlichen",
20220327             heißt es in der kurzen Erklärung weiter.
20220327             Russlands Generalstaatsanwaltschaft kündigte zudem eine "rechtliche Bewertung" des Interviews an.
20220327             Auf YouTube ist 1—MITSCHNITT—DES—VIDEO—INTERVIEWS auf Russisch zu sehen.
20220327             ZELENSKYY sagt darin, die UKRAINE sei bereit, über Neutralität als Teil eines Friedensabkommens mit RUSSLAND zu diskutieren, doch müsste dieser Status von 3. garantiert und in einem Referendum bestätigt werden.
20220327             Auch das RUSSISCHE—PORTAL Meduza veröffentlichte das rund anderthalbstündige Interview trotz der Warnung der Medienaufsicht am Sonntagabend auf seiner Seite.
20220327             —GESPERRT, Meduza ist in RUSSLAND allerdings —SCHON, und nur mit Tricks zu erreichen.
20220327             SEAN—PENN will OSCAR—STATUEN einschmelzen, sollte ZELENSKYY nicht auftreten
20220327             Der TÜRKISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN hat —AM—SONNTAG mit seinem RUSSISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN WLADIMIR—PUTIN telefoniert und für einen Waffenstillstand geworben.
20220327             ZELENSKYY stellt RUSSLAND neutralen Status in Aussicht
20220327             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—16.747—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—1.545,6—FÄLLE—GESAMT—300.113—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—27.698,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—1.010—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.083.498
20220327             Total Cases 480.604.673  Total Deaths 6.122.805  Total Vaccine Doses Administered 10.870.584.850
202203270836         —KILLED, RUSSIA—TROOPS have, 136—CHILDREN and wounded 200—MORE in the war with UKRAINE
202203270849         RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL: 4—SCENARIOS in which RUSSIA might use nuclear weapons
202203270913         —SUNDAY booking for gas transit via UKRAINE keeps at maximum level, Gazprom exporting gas as scheduled
202203271017         LPR plans to hold referendum on joining RUSSIA
202203271033         Russians losses: 16,400 soldiers, 117—AIRCRAFT and 127—HELICOPTERS
202203271116         RUSSIA—DUMA COMMITTEE—HEAD—KALASHNIKOV calls potential referendum on LPR, DPR joining RUSSIA unadvisable
202203271249         Bericht: Bundesregierung prüft Errichtung eines Raketenschutzschildes
202203271310         Roscosmos sees no immediate need to resume CROSS—FLIGHTS with NASA
202203271325         Roscosmos ready to start making avionics, aircraft components at its enterprises, SOURCE  Rogozin
202203271454         —BLOCKED, Websites of GERMANY—TABLOID Bild and JOURNALIST—NEVZOROV, in RUSSIA, SOURCE  Roskomnadzor
202203272118         FINLAND halts freight rail traffic with RUSSIA
20220327—20210000    —BIS, Schaut man sich an, wer da festgenommen wird, ergibt sich für den gleichen Zeitraum 20190000             ein eindeutiges Bild: Kein einziger rechter Gefährder wurde in Gewahrsam genommen, 6—RELIGIÖS motivierte Gefährder — und insgesamt 74—MENSCHEN im Zusammenhang mit Klimaprotesten.
20240327             —MITTWOCH, 20240327
20240327             Brückeneinsturz in BALTIMORE: Verkehrsminister warnt vor Lieferproblemen für "gesamte USA—WIRTSCHAFT"
20240327             USA—WAHLKAMPF: Biden legt in Umfragen zu — auch in umkämpften Bundesstaaten
20240327             Brandenburgs CDU—CHEF—REDMANN zur TAURUS—DEBATTE: "Die Auswirkungen des Krieges sind im Osten deutlich spürbarer als im Westen"
20240327             Zu wenig Impulse für Wirtschaft: SPD—CHEF—KLINGBEIL sieht DEUTSCHLAND bei Schuldenbremse auf "völlig falschem Weg"
20240327             Bundesstaat SOUTH—CAROLINA: USA—RECHNUNGSPRÜFER finden unbekanntes Staatskonto mit 1,8 Milliarden Dollar
20240327             Gesichtserkennung in RUSSLAND: Überwachung made in EUROPE
20240327             Russlands Angriffskrieg: UKRAINISCHE—TRUPPEN im Osten unter Druck — ZELENSKYY tauscht Spitze im Sicherheitsrat aus
20240327             —ENDE—DER—MEHRWERTSTEUERSENKUNG: Ab —APRIL dürfte der Gaspreis deutlich steigen
20240327             Wirtschaftsstudie: Forscher sehen großes Potenzial beim Rohstoffrecycling
20240327             Frühjahrsgutachten: Nur Miniwachstum — Institute senken Konjunkturprognose für DEUTSCHLAND
20240327             Warnbrief gegen Putin: Nobelpreisträger fordern erhebliche Ausweitung der UKRAINE—UNTERSTÜTZUNG
20240327             Verdacht auf Korruption: Tausende Ungarinnen und UNGARN rufen nach Orbáns Rücktritt
20240327             —BIS nach BERLIN und HAMBURG: Asiatische Hornisse breitet sich in DEUTSCHLAND rasant aus
20240327             "Es ist nicht abzusehen, wie sich diese rasant ausbreitende Art auf unsere heimische Insektenwelt auswirken wird",
20240327             sagt der Bienenexperte des NABU—LANDESVERBANDES BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20240327             Weder sei erforscht, wie sich die Asiatische Hornisse zur heimischen und unter Naturschutz stehenden europäischen Hornisse verhalte, noch wie sich die Erbeutung anderer Insekten auswirke.
20240327             Die Asiatische Hornisse jagt Honigbienen, frisst aber auch Fliegen, Käfer und Wildbienen.
20240327             Ein großes Nest mit 1000—UND mehr Asiatischen Hornissen verbraucht deutlich mehr als 11—KILO Insekten pro —JAHR,
20240327             Der DEUTSCHE—IMKERVERBAND warnte —ANFANG—MÄRZ vor potenziellen Gefahren nicht nur für die Imkerei, sondern auch für die Landwirtschaft.
20240327             Er verwies dabei auf 1—STUDIE zu Schäden im OBST—UND Weinbau in Galizien und PORTUGAL.
20240327             Im Südwesten Europas ist die aus Südostasien stammende Art —SCHON—SEIT—JAHREN verbreitet.
20240327             2,45 Billionen Euro: Staatsschulden in DEUTSCHLAND sind gestiegen
20240327             Nach 30—ERFOLGLOSEN Ziehungen: Jackpot einer USA—LOTTERIE beschert Gewinner mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—DOLLAR
20240327             Zunehmende Differenzen über Gazakrieg: USA—REGIERUNG weist Netanyahus Kritik an UNO—RESOLUTION zurück
20240327             Cannabisfreigabe in BAYERN: O'zündt is! Von STEFAN—KUZMANY
20240327             STEFAN—KUZMANY - Steuereinnahmen: Elektroautos kosten Fiskus 50—MILLIARDEN Euro
20240327             Krieg in GAZA: Bundesregierung hält an Waffenlieferungen für ISRAEL fest
20240327             Beschluss des Bundeskabinetts: Für Pässe und Personalausweise soll künftig Digitalbild reichen
20240327             Diskussion im Verteidigungsausschuss: GROSSBRITANNIEN könnte RUSSLAND allein wohl nicht länger als —2—MONATE bekämpfen
20240327             Beziehung zwischen USA und ISRAEL: "BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU kann Biden wirklich gefährlich werden"
20240327             Biologisches Alter: Schwangere altern in —20—WOCHEN um —2—JAHRE
20240327             —VERLIERT, Flug in den USA: AIRBUS—MASCHINE, TEIL—VON—VERKLEIDUNG und muss umkehren
20240327             Lehren aus der Coronazeit: "Wir haben einen Schub von 5—BIS—10—JAHREN gemacht" Von Rafaela von Bredow
20240327             Streit über Kindergrundsicherung: Das wichtigste Sozialprojekt der Ampel droht zu scheitern
20240327             Wed 20240327
20240327             [l] Peinlich: Akten über das Führungspersonal weggekommen.
20240327             Peinlicher: Aus einer Polizeibehörde.
20240327             Noch peinlicher: Europol. MOSCOW, 20240326            .
20240327             /TASS/. - The terror attack on MOSCOW—CROCUS—CITY—HALL was meant to destabilize the situation in RUSSIA, DIRECTOR—OF—RUSSIA'S—FEDERAL—SECURITY—SERVICE (FSB) ALEXANDER—BORTNIKOV said.
20240327             "To rock the boat, to stir panic in society.
20240327             You see what is going on along the combat engagement line.
20240327             —FAILED, UKRAINE—NOTORIOUS counteroffensive has, and they need to do something to show their worth," he told journalists.
20240327             —NOTED, He also, that Donbass and THE—BELGOROD Region are at THE—EPICENTER—OF—UKRAINE—ATTACKS".
20240327             —NOW, our armed forces are pushing terrorists and militants further away from Donbass.
20240327             What is happening in THE—BELGOROD Region?
20240327             That's where they're focusing in order to cause 1—STIR among the people about what is going on at the border and in border regions.
20240327             So, the only thing they can do to demonstrate their strength is to stage ACTS—OF—SABOTAGE and terror attacks in the rear," Bortnikov said, adding that this is what UKRAINE wants.
20240327             "THE—AMERICANS have spoken about this more than once.
20240327             1—LOT—OF—INFORMATION circulated in the public space indicates that the West and UKRAINE are seeking to do as much harm to our country as possible," he stressed.
20240327             —ATTACKED, According to —EARLIER reports, the terrorists who, the Crocus City Hall concert venue were expected in UKRAINE, where, according to Bortnikov, they were supposed to be met as heroes.
20240327             20240322             —ON THE—EVENING—OF, 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK targeted the Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, MOSCOW Region, —JUST over THE—MOSCOW city limits.
20240327             According to THE—RUSSIA—INVESTIGATIVE Committee, the current death toll is 139, but may rise.
20240327             —INJURED, THE—MOSCOW—REGION—HEALTH—MINISTRY said that 182—PEOPLE were.
20240327             11—INDIVIDUALS suspected of being involved in the terrorist attack have been apprehended, including 4—GUNMEN who were detained in THE—BRYANSK Region, SOUTH—WEST—OF—MOSCOW, as they attempted to seek refuge by crossing the nearby UKRAINE—BORDER.
20240327             —TELEVISED, PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said in 1, address that, according to preliminary information, THE—UKRAINE—SIDE had prepared "1—WINDOW" in the border especially for the terrorists to cross undetected.
20240327             He promised to identify and punish all those who were behind the attack on Crocus City Hall.
20240327             LONDON, 20240326            .
20240327             /TASS/. - THE—HIGH—COURT—OF—LONDON will allow WikiLeaks FOUNDER—JULIAN—ASSANGE to once again appeal the decision on his extradition to THE—USA.
20240327             It also gave THE—USA—GOVERNMENT —3—WEEKS to provide guarantees that the journalist's rights will not be trampled on in court and that he will not face the death penalty.
20240327             Here is what is known about the situation at this point.
20240327             THE—WIKILEAKS founder
20240327             In order to protect the identities of both informers and editors, Assange set up his server in SWEDEN, as SWEDEN—LAW protects THE—ANONYMITY—OF—USERS.
20240327             —PUBLISHED, The website, thousands of classified documents, including information about THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY (NSA) wiretapping THE—PHONES—OF—LEADERS—OF 1—NUMBER—OF—COUNTRIES.
20240327             Legal prosecution
20240327             Soon thereafter, 1—INVESTIGATION against Assange was also initiated in SWEDEN —AFTER 2—WOMEN filed sexual assault complaints against him.
20240327             —CALLED, Assange, these accusations politically motivated.
20240327             —EXTRADITED, Wary of being, to THE—USA, Assange fled to LONDON.
20240327             THE—WIKILEAKS founder sought shelter in THE—ECUADOR—EMBASSY in LONDON and asked for political asylum.
20240327             He stayed inside the embassy for almost —7—YEARS.
20240327             —DETAINED, The journalist was, by THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—POLICE on the same —DAY.
20240327             —DROPPED, In the case against him, 3—OUT—OF—4—CHARGES were, due to THE—STATUTE—OF—LIMITATIONS.
20240327             Arrest for violating bail
20240327             Assange was found guilty on the same —DAY.
20240327             Assange was sent to the Belmarsh HIGH—SECURITY—PRISON.
20240327             The charges
20240327             —CONNECTED, THE—USA, Assange is ACCUSED—OF—CRIMES, to the largest case of classified information leaks in the country's history.
20240327             If he is found guilty, the combined charges carry up to —175—YEARS in prison.
20240327             The leading Western media, including THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, THE—GUARDIAN, THE—TIMES, Le Monde and El Pais called on THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to drop the charges against Assange.
20240327             Extradition hearing
20240327             —STARTED, THE—USA—REQUESTED hearings on ASSANGE—EXTRADITION, on February 24, 20200000            .
20240327             —MEANWHILE, the judge called the charges put forth by THE—USA—AUTHORITIES—VALID and justified.
20240327             —ALLOWED, Based on that, THE—USA—SIDE was, to appeal THE—DENIAL—OF—ASSANGE—EXTRADITION.
20240327             —STARTED, The review of the last appeal for extradition, on February 20, 20240000            .
20240327             However, she expressed concern that THE—USA—AUTHORITIES could secretly move the WikiLeaks founder using 1—MILITARY—AIRSTRIP in THE—UK—WITHIN —JUST 1—FEW hours.
20240327             UNITED—NATIONS, 20240327             . - /TASS/.
20240327             —REQUESTED, RUSSIA has, to hold 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting on NATO's 19990000             aggression against YUGOSLAVIA, but RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS are still waiting for 1—RESPONSE from THE—JAPAN—PRESIDENCY—OF—THE—COUNCIL, Russian 1. Deputy Permanent REPRESENTATIVE—TO—THE—UN—DMITRY—POLYANSKY said.
20240327             This letter was sent to Security Council members, and we are waiting for 1—OFFICIAL—RESPONSE from THE—JAPAN—PRESIDENCY".
20240327             —EARLIER, Polyansky said Western delegations had disrupted 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting about the bombings of YUGOSLAVIA, —EARLIER requested by RUSSIA as the members failed to approve the event's agenda.
20240327             3—COUNTRIES (ALGERIA, RUSSIA and CHINA) voted to approve the agenda, 12 abstained.
20240327             —VOTED, No delegations, against it, but the agenda was turned down because it did not receive the required 9—VOTES in favor.
20240327             NATO—BOMBING—OF—YUGOSLAVIA
20240327             —STATED, The main GOAL—OF—THE—AIR—CAMPAIGN "Allied Force" was, by the alliance's leadership as "preventing genocide against THE—ALBANIA—POPULATION in KOSOVO".
20240327             According to NATO—DATA, —DURING THE—78—DAY—OPERATION, alliance aircraft conducted 38,000 combat sorties.
20240327             According to military experts, 3,000 guided missiles were launched, approximately 80,000 TONS—OF—BOMBS were dropped, including cluster bombs and depleted uranium ones.
20240327             As 1—RESULT—OF—THE—BOMBINGS, according to SERBIA—DATA, between 3,500 to 4,000—PEOPLE were killed, nearly 12,500 were injured, 2—THIRDS—OF them civilians.
20240327             According to THE—SERBIA—GOVERNMENT, 87—CHILDREN † during THE—NATO—BOMBINGS.
20240327             Militärischer Verband: Warschau beruft EUROKORPS—KOMMANDEUR wegen SPIONAGE—ERMITTLUNGEN ab
20240327             Electric Shock: An Existential Crisis in THE—GERMANY—AUTO Industry
20240327             Anschlag bei Moskau: Terrorgruppe gegen Folterstaat
20240327             Nach KUSS—SKANDAL: Staatsanwaltschaft fordert offenbar zweieinhalb —JAHRE Haft für Rubiales
20240327             Druck von Landwirten: EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf strengere Zölle für Lebensmittel aus der UKRAINE
20240327             Bundeswirtschaftsminister: Habeck spricht sich für einen EU—VERTEIDIGUNGSKOMMISSAR aus
20240327—20060000    —FOUNDED, Assange, the WikiLeaks website, specializing in publishing confidential information obtained from anonymous sources.
20240327—20100000    —STARTED, THE—USA, investigating Assange for allegedly violating the law on espionage, 1—OFFENSE that could carry the death penalty.
20240327—20101118    —ON, THE—STOCKHOLM district court issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for the Wikileaks founder.
20240327—20101200    —DETAINED, Assange was, and released on bail for THE—DURATION—OF—THE—REVIEW—OF his extradition request.
20240327—20120600    20110200             —RULED, the court, to extradite Assange to SWEDEN, and, THE—UK—SUPREME—COURT rejected appeals from ASSANGE—LAWYERS.
20240327—20170500    —IN, the investigation against Assange was stopped, and the arrest warrant against him was thrown out.
20240327—20190411    —STRIPPED, PRESIDENT—OF—ECUADOR—LENIN—MORENO, Assange of his right to political asylum.
20240327—20190411    —ARRESTED, Assange was, based on 1—ARREST—WARRANT issued for him by THE—WESTMINSTER Magistrates Court 20120000             —IN for violating the terms of his bail.
20240327—20190500    —IN, THE—SWEDEN—PROSECUTION decided to open the investigation again.
20240327—20190922    —EXPIRED, His sentence, but the court ruled to deny his release —UNTIL the case on extradition to THE—USA was completed.
20240327—20210104    —ON, the court ruled that Assange cannot be extradited to THE—USA, because he is on the Autistic spectrum, clinically depressed and is ready to commit suicide.
20240327—20210700    —PROVIDED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE, guarantees to the High COURT—OF—LONDON that, should Assange be extradited, he will not be put into 1—MAXIMUM—SECURITY—PRISON and will not have his visiting or communication rights restricted.
20240327—20211210    —ON, THE—ENGLAND and WALES COURT—OF—APPEAL satisfied THE—USA—APPEAL, authorizing the reporter's extradition to THE—USA.
20240327—20220315    —CHALLENGED, His lawyers, this verdict in THE—SUPREME—COURT, but, the highest judicial body rejected the appeal.
20240327—20220600    —IN, based on THE—VERDICTS—OF—UNITED—KINGDOM—COURTS, UK Home SECRETARY—PRITI—PATEL approved the extradition.
20240327—20230606    —ON, the High COURT—OF—LONDON rejected 1—APPEAL from ASSANGE—DEFENSE—TEAM.
20240327—20240313    —ANNOUNCED, ASSANGE—WIFE—STELLA, that, should the court agree to the extradition, the defense will make 1—EMERGENCY—ATTEMPT to block it via the European COURT—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS.
20240327—20240325    —ON, "—YESTERDAY ], RUSSIA sent 1—OFFICIAL—LETTER to THE—JAPAN—PRESIDENCY, requesting to hold as soon as possible 1—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL meeting, devoted to the 25. ANNIVERSARY—OF—NATO—AGGRESSION against YUGOSLAVIA," he said".
20240327—20240501    —ON, LONDON—SOUTHWARK—COURT—SENTENCED—ASSANGE to —50—WEEKS—DETENTION with 1—CHANCE for parole —AFTER serving HALF—OF—THIS term, if no further violations were found.
20240520             —ON—OF—THAT—YEAR, 1—REQUEST was filed to arrest Assange in absentia, but the investigation was nixed —LATER—IN—NOVEMBER because of 1—LACK—OF—EVIDENCE, and unconvincing witness testimonies.