Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 5. March ?

Ereignisse an einem 5. March

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02540305             † LUCIUS—I—BISCHOF—VON—ROM
03630305             —AUFBRICHT, von ANTIOCHIA, Der RÖMER—KAISER—JULIAN zum
03630305             —FELDZUG—GEGEN—DIE—SASSANIDEN.
10210305             † ARNULF—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—REIMS
10580305             † THEOPHANU—ÄBTISSIN—VON—ESSEN
11330305             * HEINRICH—II—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND
11430305             —WITNESSED—BY—ARNOLD—I—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN confirmed property of S—CUNIBERT—KÖLN —URKUNDE,
11430305             —WITNESSED—BY—WALTERUS—DE—HENGEBACH... "
11650305             ERNST t —VOR
11650305             WILHELM t —VOR
12060305             † THIETMAR—BISCHOF—VON—MINDEN
12830305             † ATA—AL—MULK—DSCHUWAINI, persischer Historiker
12910305             † Sa'ad AL'DA'ULAH—GRAND—VIZIER—OF—PERSIA, Jewish, was assassinated.
13000305             —DIPLÔME—DE—CHARLES—II. en faveur du PRÉVÔT—FRÉDOL.
13190305             † JEAN—II—DAUPHIN—VON—VIENNOIS
13240305             * DAVID—II—BRUCE—KING—OF—SCOTLAND (13310000—13710000    ).
13260305             * LOUIS—I—THE—GREAT—KING—OF—HUNGARY (13420000—13820000    ) and POLAND (13700000—13820000    ).
13340305             —ASSIGNATION pour le voyage des nonces de FLANDRE[FLANDERN,FLANDRES,VLANDRES].
13540305             HENRICO—DE—BIBLO PRO—EMENDA—EQUI bai clari cum aliquibus pilis albis in fronte, pedibus dextro anteriori et sinistro posteriori, quem equitabat ANECHINUS—DE—FRIRIBERCH, mortui 13540214             ex vulnere quatrelli sagitati
13560305             * JOHN—DARCY—BARON—DARCY—DE—KNAYTH, 2., ENGLISCHER—ADLIGER und Militär
13560305             † JOHN—DARCY, ENGLISCHER—ADELIGER und Militär
13740305             Capella collegiata in Haga ab ordinaria jurisdictione eximitur et sub APOSTOLICAE—SEDIS ptotectione suscipitur.
14110305             † ULRICH—II—BISCHOF—VON—LAVANT
14470305             beinahe gesichert schien, DIE—WAHL COLONNAs
14470305             den Ausschlag gab durch seine Stimme, TORQUEMADA
14470305             beinahe gesichert schien des PROSPERO—COLONNA Wahl
14600305             JACOBUS—CLANT, decretorum Dr., Scholaster an S—SEVERIN—KÖLN, als speziell bestellter Commissarius und Exekutor des DIETRICH—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—KÖLN kraft 1—VON diesem ausgestellten URKUNDE
14600305             —BEKUNDET, JACOBUS—CLANT, daß er ALLE—VERWANDTEN und Erben des t HENRICUS—REMPLIJN, Priester der DIÖZESE—KÖLN, des Stifters und Dotators des S—KATHARINEN—ALTARS in der PFARR—KIRCHE—S—PETER—ZÜLPICH,
14600305             durch Verkündung von den Kanzeln und Anschlag an den Türen der 3—ZÜLPICHER PFARR—KIRCHEN und
14600305             auf Veranlassung von REKTOR, PRIESTERN—UND—KLERIKERN des HAUS—WEIDENBACH in sein Haus in der IMMUNITÄT—VON—S—SEVERIN zitiert hat,
14600305             JACOBUS—CLANT, hat alles Erforderliche untersucht, die Güter des Altar geprüft, die Einwilligung der Erben und des PASTOR—VON—S—PETER festgestellt, und zwar
14600305             besonders die Einwilligung von HERMANNus Remplijn, SCHULTHEIß, Erben und Blutsverwandten des Stifters,
14600305             von JACOBUS—GOLTSMIDT und - JOHANNES—DE—HOLTZEM, SCHÖFFEN—VON—ZÜLPICH, ob sie etwas vorzutragen hätten,
14600305             sowie von Godfridus ZYSMEISTER, 1—DER Blutsverwandten und Erben.
14600305             HERMANNus und Gotfridus haben ausdrücklich der Inkorporation des Altar in DAS—HAUS—WEIDENBACH zugestimmt,
14600305             Zum Termin sind persönlich erschienen MAGISTER—MARTINUS—BACK, Prokurator und Syndikus an der KÖLNer Kurie, namens des HAUS—WEIDENBACH einerseits und
14600305             JOHANNES—EVERHARDI—SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH, der an Stelle der übrigen SCHÖFFEN nach KÖLN gereist ist, anderseits und
14600305             haben ihre Einwände 147—VORGETRAGEN,
14600305             —NACHDEM verschiedene —VERHANDLUNGEN und Termine stattgefunden haben, sind die Einwände des JOHANNES—EVERHARDI—SCHÖFFE—ZU—ZÜLPICH zurückgewiesen worden,
14600305             Es lag schließlich die Zustimmung aller Interessenten vor, auch die des JOHANNES—BELDERBUSCH und seiner öö Jutta sowie
14600305             die von ABT—UND—KONVENT des KLOSTER—SIEGBURG[SIBERGH], Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen 10.
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Äckern,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Ländereien,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Wäldern,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Wiesen und Weiden,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Häusern,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Besitzungen,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen ZINSEN,
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinen Erbansprüchen und
14600305             Daraufhin wird der Altar mit seinem sonstigem Zubehör,
14600305             —NACHDEM vorliegt, auch die ZUSTIMMUNG—DES—ALTAR—INHABERS und REKTOR—LAMBERTUS—DE—OETMERSHEM—PRIESTER—DER—DIÖZESE—UTRECHT, der selbst erschienen ist,
14600305             mit dem Haus W. vereinigt bzw. in dieses inkorporiert, so daß
14600305             —KÜNFTIG DER—REKTOR des Hauses, W. dem PROPST—VON—S—PETER den Altaristen präsentiert und
14600305             —KÜNFTIG PROPST—VON—S—PETER diesen investiert,
14600305             DER—ALTARIST aber ständig anwesend sein muß bzw.
14600305             bei begründeter Abwesenheit DER—ALTARIST 1—VERTRETER zu stellen hat und bei Nichterfüllung seines Dienstes abgesetzt werden kann,
14600305             VERHANDELT—ZU—KÖLN vor den Zeugen ENGELBERTUS—DE—ENGELSHEM, Notar, und
14600305             THEODERICUS Gruter de Campis, rector scolarium der STIFTS—KIRCHE—S—SEVERIN.
14600305             —BESIEGELT vom Aussteller.
14600305             —VERTRAGE—VON—RIPEN—UNTERZEICHNUNG, Mit der
14680305             BUR KLOSTER—HÖNINGEN).
14760126             Notare sowie von... davon die Copia zu finden ist sub Litt 0( 18. ]h.).
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS—SCROEDER,
14760126/14760305    FRANCK—BARTSCHERER,
14760126/14760305    JOHAN—SLOSSZMECHER,
14760126/14760305    JACOB—VON—LESSENICH,
14760126/14760305    DEDERICH—AEWELEN,
14760126/14760305    KLAESZ—PELZER,
14760126/14760305    SYMON—SCHUKNECHT,
14760126/14760305    KYRSTHEN—PANHUYSSZ,
14760126/14760305    Laien und MITGLIEDER—DER—S—SEBASTIANUS—BRUDERSCHAFT[confratres et consocii FRATERNITATIS—S—SEBASTIANI martiris] an der GENERAL—KIRCHE, andererseits
14760126/14760305    1—VERGLEICH, mit dem sie ihren RECHTS—STREIT wegen der am S—SEBASTIANUS—ALTAR in der Kirche zu feiernden Messen und anderer Differenzen friedlich beenden.
14760126/14760305    DER—STREIT war vor den Offizial der KIRCHE—KÖLN, der in RHEINBERG residiert[in Berka residens], gebracht worden und
14760126/14760305    1) Der Offizial fordert die Kontrahenten zu Frieden und Eintracht auf.
14760126/14760305    daß die Brüder durch bestimmte PRIESTER in der Kirche Messen feiern dürfen, wie es —SEIT alten Zeiten in lobenswerter und einträchtiger Weise gemäß den Gewohnheiten der Bruderschaft geschehen ist.
14760126/14760305    3) Die besagten PRIESTER müssen jedoch von gutem Leumund und ehrenwertem Lebenswandel sowie tadellos in Sprechweise und Kleidung sein[bone fame, honeste vite et laudabilis conversationis ac habiti];
14760126/14760305    dem PROPST —SCHULDEN sie Ehrerbietung und Gehorsam, und
14760126/14760305    wenn sie dessen Pfarrechte beachten, muß er sie in der Kirche zulassen.
14760126/14760305    —VERSPRICHT, Auf die FRAGEN—DES—OFFIZIALS, DER—PROPST ausdrücklich, sich daran halten zu wollen;
14760126/14760305    gleiches versprechen auch die VERTRETER—DER Bruderschaft.
14760126/14760305    Verhandelt wurde das im Beisein der 2—UNTENGEN.
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS Mouwick, artium magister, von Deventer[Davantria], UTRECHTer DIÖZESE.
14760126/14760305    4) Für DIE—REGELUNG der Prozeßkosten soll JEDE—PARTEI 1—KUNDIGEN Laien angeben, die DIE—KOSTEN taxieren;
14760126/14760305    VERHANDELT—ZU—KÖLN in domo sepedicti magistri Copponis, quam inhabitat super muros castri Coloniensis, que vulgariter dicta est SPAENHEYM, in stufa eiusdem domus
14760126/14760305    vor den Zeugen, dem genannten JOHAN—POEL,
14760126/14760305    dem genannten Joh.
14760126/14760305    Verhandelt ebenfalls in KÖLN im Hause des Offizials in anteriori parte domus vor den Zeugen MATHIAS—KELLERMAN, dem genannten JOHAN—POEL, Kanoniker von AACHEN[AQUENSIS],
14760126/14760305    MARTINUS—ETHEN und dem
14760126/14760305    von Anthonius Adriani de Telnis, Kleriker der DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH u. ÖFFENTLLICHER—KAISERLICHER—NOTAR.
14760126/14760305    AUSFERTIGUNG—PERGAMENT, Notarsinstrument mit 2—SIGNETEN, mit SIEGEL (Signet: nur Initialen "O,P").
14760126/14760305    Vor Notar und Zeugen schließen GODEFREDUS—DE—ANSTELL, PRIESTER, PROPST und Pastor der KIRCHE—S—PETER—IN—DER—STADT—ZÜLPICH, einerseits und
14760126/14760305    ist von diesem, dem —MAGISTER—COPPO—DE—ZIRIXZEE, doctor utriusque iuris, wie folgt beigelegt worden:
14760126/14760305    JOHANNES—POEL, MAGISTER—ARTIUM et decretorum bacalaureus,
14760126/14760305    JOHANNES—SEGROEDE—VON—AACHEN[Aquisgrani], DIÖZESE—LÜTTICH, und
14760126/14760305    WILHELMUS—MOUWICK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER, von Deventer[Davantria], DIÖZESE—UTRECHT.
14760126/14760305    —UNEINIGKEIT soll ein 3. Unparteiischer DIE—KOSTEN festsetzen.
14760126/14760305    dem genannten JOHANN—SEGROEDE,
14760126/14760305    HENRICUS—PENINCK, ARTIUM—MAGISTER—{EPPENICH}et decretorum baccalaureus,
14760126/14760305    JACOBus Ethen, ARTIUM—MAGISTER, DIÖZESE—MAINZ.
14760126/14760305    —AUßERDEM, wird noch festgelegt, daß DIE—PRIESTER, die für DIE—BRUDERSCHAFT die Messen feiern, von der Bruderschaft ausgewählt und dem Pastor präsentiert werden;
14760126/14760305    der darf ohne vernünftigen Grund keinen vorgeschlagenen PRIESTER zurückweisen, WÄHREND DIE—BRUDERSCHAFT keinen PRIESTER benennen darf, der nicht 1—GUTEN und ehrbaren Leumund hat.
14760126/14760305    Und wenn DER—PASTOR gegen 1—PRIESTER der Bruderschaft etwas einzuwenden hat, soll er das vor Dechant oder Kapitel von ZÜLPICH und verschiedenen, zu benennenden Priestern und Geistlichen vorbringen.
14760126/14760305    —BESIEGELT mit dem Signet des Offizials an Stelle eines Siegels.
14760126/14760305    —BEURKUNDET, von JOHANNES—HOFFMAN—VON—LIEGNITZ (Legnitz), Kleriker der DIÖZESE—BRESLAU[Wratislaviensis] u. ÖFFENTLLICHER—KAISERLICHER—NOTAR (der auch DIE—URKUNDE, geschrieben hat), und
14760126/14760305    KÖLN,
14760126/14760305    2) DER—PROPST soll die S—SEBASTIANUS—BRUDERSCHAFT in ihrem alten, lobenswerten Besitz und ihrer Gewohnheit dulden und gewähren lassen[tollerare ac conservare... in antiqua laudabili possessione et consuetudine], nämlich
14790305             —PRESIDED, MAXIMILIAN, and MANY—PRELATES, abbots, and nobles attended as well as DEPUTIES—OF—ALL THE—PROVINCES—EVEN THE—LAND—OF—LIEGE.
14800305             † PETER—VON—ANDLAU, elsässischer Rechtsgelehrter
14960305             —RECEIVED, Cabot, 1—LETTER—OF—AUTHORITY from HENRY—VII—KING—OF— to make 1—VOYAGE—OF discovery and claim lands on behalf of the monarch.
14960305             —BELIEVED, It is, that Amerike may have been 1—OF—THE—PRINCIPAL—INVESTORS in the building of CABOT—SHIP, the Matthew.
14990305             * MICHIEL—COXCIE, flämischer Maler
15060305             —ON—THE, His host, —AFTER conveying him as far as Cagli - pleaded his constitutional malady,
15120305             * GERHARD—MERCATOR, FLÄMISCH—DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Geograph, Philosoph, Theologe und Kartograf
15120305—15940000    * † GERARDUS—MERCATOR, Flemish philosopher and cartographer, in Rupelmonde, Flanders (—LATER BELGIUM).
15220305             [PADUA]PADOUE - PADOUE[PADUA],Nouvelles recriminations SUR la negligence de GRIMALDI a repondre
15220305             PADOUE[PADUA],CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL demande des renseignements SUR les faits et gestes des belligerants en Italia,
15220305             PADOUE[PADUA],CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL demande des renseignements SUR ALPHONSE—DE—ESTE,
15220305             PADOUE[PADUA],CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL demande des renseignements SUR LE—DUC—DE—BARRI
15220305             PADOUE[PADUA],CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL demande des renseignements SUR etc.
15220305             PADOUE[PADUA],CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL le prie d'annoncer á Alcionio le projet de l'Espagnol SEPULVEDA
15220305             ], Egnazio offre l'hospitalite a Villeneuve, remerciments de CHRISTOPHE—DE—LONGUEIL.
15250305             —AM—SCHON, ehe er WOLSEY noch Kunde von der Schlacht hatte, gab allerdings den Befehl zur SUBSIDIEN—AUSZAHLUNG;
15250305             aber
15270305             * ULRICH—HERZOG—ZU—MECKLENBURG und Administrator des BISTUM—SCHWERIN
15330503050000       —AT— o'clock in the —MORNING for having preached near the Beguinage and elsewhere, and for having lent aid to LUTHERans.
15390305             † NUNO—DA—CUNHA, PORTUGIESISCHER—HOFBEAMTER, Diplomat, Seefahrer und Militär
15530305             † AUGUSTIN—HIRSCHVOGEL, DEUTSCHER—GEODÄT und Kartograf
15580305             —INTRODUCED, Smoking tobacco was, in EUROPE by FRANCISCO—FERNANDES.
15580305—15560000    —SEE
15630305             ADI—DI Con
15630305             —IL, KARDINALe riguarda 1—TAL Evangelista Lotti a cui veniva rimessa la pena inflittagli PER " HAVER CONVERSATO CON BANDITI ET RICEVUTO LETTERE DA LORO ".
15710305             * THOMAS—FRANCINE, Florentiner Fontänenmeister in FRANKREICH
15740305             * WILLIAM—OUGHTRED, mathematician and inventor of the slide rule.
15860305             * GIOVANNI—PIERONI, ITALIENISCHER—ARCHITEKT, Mathematiker und Astronom
15880305             † du PRINCE—HENRI—DE—CONDÉ.
15980305             † LUCAS—MAIUS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Dramatiker
16040305             1. einander begegnen, DIJON, FRANZ—VON—SALES, JOHANNA—FRANZISKA—VON—CHANTAL
16040305—16100606    —AM, Aus dieser FRANZ—VON—SALES, JOHANNA—FRANZISKA—VON—CHANTAL Begegnung entwickelt sich 1—GEISTLICHE Freundschaft, die zur Gründung der ORDEN—VON—DER—HEIMSUCHUNG—MARIENS[Salesianerinnen] führt.
16060305             * JOHANN—GEORG—REINHARD, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Verwaltungsbeamter
16160305—18350000    —LIFTED, The prohibition was officially.
16230305             —ENACTED, THE—1.—AMERICA—TEMPERANCE—LAW was, in VIRGINIA.
16240305             —PASSED, CLASS—BASED legislation was, in the colony of VIRGINIA,
16240305             exempting the upper class from punishment by whipping.
16240305             —PASSED, CLASS—BASED legislation was, in THE—COLONY—OF—VIRGINIA, exempting THE—UPPER—CLASS from punishment by whipping.
16370305             * JOHN—VAN—DER—HEYDEN, HOLLAND—PAINTER, inventor (fire extinguisher).
16370305             * JAN—VAN—DER—HEYDEN, NIEDERLÄNDISCHER—MALER und Erfinder
16610305             —GEWÄHRT, 1—PRIVILEG zur Herstellung von Fayencen, GRAF—FRIEDRICH—CASIMIR—VON—HANAU—LICHTENBERG.
16610305             1. FAYENCE—MANUFAKTUR auf deutschem Boden gebaut, In Hanau wird, —DARAUFHIN die
16680305             * FRANCESCO—GASPARINI, composer.
16720304—16720305    —DATUM 4— 5. Auf die Anzeige, daß nächstens EINIGE—GESANDTE—DES—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG ^) herkommen würden, um zur Beförderung der ALLIANZ—ZWISCHEN—DEM STAAT und BRANDENBURG über 1—GELDANLEIHE gegen Verpfändung
16810305             —AMERONGEN—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16810305             —DATUM—BERLIN.
16810305             Er hat MEINDERS die REMONSTRATION der WESTINDISCHE—COMPAGNIE, daß die BRANDENBURGischen Schiffe in WEST—INDIEN keine STAATISCHEN Schiffe angreifen möchten, übergeben.
16810305             —GEWESEN, MEINDERS hat erwidert, sie sei unnötig,
16810305             da es dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG nie eingefallen sei, seine ALLIIERTEN, besonders DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN, irgendwie zu benachteiligen.
16810305             MEINDERS hat ihm auch mitgeteilt, daß man zum Schutz des niedersächsischen und westfälischen Kreises 1—ALLGEMEINE ALLIANZ—ZWISCHEN—SACHSEN, BRANDENBURG, BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURG beabsichtige und auch MÜNSTER einladen wolle;
16810305             Celle und Wolfenbüttel hätten sich NOCH NICHT über ihren Zutritt erklärt;
16810305             FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG habe aber die sächsische VERMITTLUNG zur Beilegung seiner Differenzen mit Celle, die nicht bedeutend seien, annehmen zu wollen erklärt.
16810305             —DATUM.
16810305             —GEWESEN, DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN sehr erstaunt darüber, sind,daß FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG voraussetze, sie würden ihn nicht mit derselben Achtung behandeln wie FRÜHER;
16810305             daß sie im Gegenteil beabsichtigen, die alte Freundschaft mehr und mehr zu cultiviren;
16810305             DIEST hätte nicht den Einflüsterungen solcher Glauben schenken sollen, die DIE—GENERAL—STAATEN mit BRANDENBURG lieber uneinig als einig zu sehen wünschen;
16810305             die "westpoorte" des Binnenhofs sei nie bei der Einholung fremder Gesandten gebraucht worden;
16810305             ebenso wenig gebräuchlich sei das Salutieren der Garde gewesen.
16810305—16620420    DIE—GESANDTEN des KUR—FÜRST unter die RESOLUTION—VOM, begreifen und bei den KONFERENZen so behandeln wollen wie die GEKRÖNTer Häupter;
16810305—16661022    —VON DER RESOLUTION—VOM, daß sie nicht allein nicht abweichen, sondern auch
16810305—16810221    —VOM, —AUF das Memorial von FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—DIEST soll geantwortet werden, daß
16810316—16810305    —RESOLUTION—VOM, zu überzeugen gesucht,
16810323—16810305    —VOM, gebraucht, als ER—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER geschrieben :
16840305             —KAMPFBUND—GEGEN—DIE—OSMANEN, gegründet, Durch die INNOZENZ—XI—PAPA—VERMITTLUNG wird
16840305             —DIE—HEILIGE—LIGA, zwischen dem Heiligen ROM—REICH, POLEN—LITAUEN und VENEDIG als.
16890305             —PFÄLZISCHER—ERBFOLGE—KRIEG
16910305             † JOACHIM—WILHELM—MARSCHALL—VON—BIEBERSTEIN, SACHSEN—MERSEBURGISCHER Rat, Hofmeister und Obersteuereinnehmer
16930305             Gio. ALBERTO—FIO—DI—FIL. Giac. Mizel TEDESCHO, g. 12;
16950305             weiteres Protokoll über 1—NOTARIELLE Befragung in dieser Sache, wobei JOHANN—GAUL sich weigert, das Kind zurückzugeben, ;
16960305             GIAMBATTISTA—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO (17700000             †), Venetian Rococo painter (ISAAC—SACRIFICE), was born.
16960305             He painted for the Dolfin family in the 1720s.
16960305             * GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO, venezianischer MALER—DES—BAROCK und Rokoko
16960305—17700000    * † GIAMBATTISTA—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO, Venetian Rococo painter (ISAAC—SACRIFICE).
16960305—17700000    —PAINTED, GIAMBATTISTA—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO, for the Dolfin family in the 1720s.
16960305—17700000    —INCLUDED, His work :
16960305—17700000    —DATE 16960305—17700000    —INCLUDED, GIAMBATTISTA—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO His work "THE—ANNUNCIATION" (c1765-17700000             ), "Apelles Painting 1—PORTRAIT—OF—CAMPASPE," "Martyrdom of S—AGATHA," "Sacrifice of Isaac," "THE—FINDING—OF—MOSES," "Nobility and Virtue" (17430000             ), "Satyress with 1—PUTTO," "Satyress With 2—PUTTI and 1—TAMBOURINE," and "Halberdier in 1—LANDSCAPE".
16960305—17700000    —INCLUDED, GIAMBATTISTA—GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—TIEPOLO His work "THE—ANNUNCIATION" (c1765-17700000             ), "Apelles Painting 1—PORTRAIT—OF—CAMPASPE," "Martyrdom of S—AGATHA," "Sacrifice of Isaac," "THE—FINDING—OF—MOSES," "Nobility and Virtue" (17430000             ), "Satyress with 1—PUTTO," "Satyress With 2—PUTTI and 1—TAMBOURINE," and "Halberdier in 1—LANDSCAPE".
17310305             † ?ABD—AL—GHAN? AN—N?bulus?, arabischer Sufi und Literat
17320305             † JOSEPH—FRANCOIS—SALOMON, —82—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17320305             † JOSEPH—FRANCOIS—SALOMON (82), composer.
17330305             * SAKUGAWA—KANGA, JAPANISCHER—MEISTER des frühen okinawanischen T?de, einer Kampfkunst
17340000—18150305    * † FRIEDRICH (Franz) ANTON—MESMER, GERMANY—PHYSICIAN who pioneered the medical field of hypnotic therapy,
17340000—18150305    in obscurity in Meersburg, Swabia (—NOW GERMANY).
17340000—18150305    —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, having seduced 1—PRETTY—PIANIST—WHILE attempting to cure her blindness through hypnosis.
17340000—18150305    * † FRIEDRICH—FRANZ—ANTON—MESMER, GERMANY—PHYSICIAN who pioneered the medical field of hypnotic therapy, in obscurity in MEERSBURG—SWABIA (—NOW GERMANY).
17340000—18150305    —SUSPECTED—OF, FRIEDRICH—FRANZ—ANTON—MESMER was, having seduced 1—PRETTY—PIANIST—WHILE attempting to cure her blindness through hypnosis.
17420305             * JOHN—PARISH, Hamburger Kaufmann
17450000—18270305    * † ALESSANDRO—VOLTA, ITALY—PHYSICIST who made 1. battery (18000000             ).
17460305             Jacobin troops left ABERDEEN—SCOTLAND.
17490000—18270305    —INVENTED, PIERRE—SIMON—LAPLACE, perturbation theory and wrote the 5-volume work "Celestial Mechanics".
17490000—18270305    * † PIERRE—SIMON—LAPLACE, FRANCE—MATHEMATICIAN, astronomer, physicist.
17490000—19980000    —PUBLISHED, CHARLES—COUISTON—GILLESPIE, his biography "PIERRE—SIMON—LAPLACE: 1—LIFE in Exact Science".
17500305             THE—1.—USA—SHAKESPEAREAN production, was an "altered" RICHARD—III in NEW—YORK—CITY.
17510305             * JAN—K?TITEL—KUCHA?, TSCHECHISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
17600305             * URS—JAKOB—TSCHAN, SCHWEIZER—JESUIT und Luftfahrtpionier
17660305             —REFUSED, THE—FRANCE—COLONISTS, to recognize SPAIN—RULE and de Ulloa was expelled by 1—CREOLE uprising —DURING THE—LOUISIANA—REBELLION—OF—17680000            .
17680305             1—STUMMER—SEJM, der REPNIN—SEJM, entscheidet sich für RUSSLAND als Schutzmacht für bestimmte Rechte in POLEN.
17700305             —TAUNTED, UK—TROOPS, by 1—CROWD—OF—COLONISTS fired on 1—UNRULY mob in BOSTON and killed 5—CITIZENS in what came to be known as THE—BOSTON—MASSACRE.
17700305             The fracas between 1—FEW angry BOSTON men and 1—UK—SENTRY ended with 5—MEN—DEAD or dying in the icy street CORNER—OF—KING—STREET and SHRIMTON—LANE.
17700305             CAPTAIN—THOMAS—PRESTON did not order THE—8—UK—SOLDIERS under his command to fire into the hostile crowd.
17700305             —CLAIMED, The nervous soldiers, to be confused by shouts of "Why do you not fire?" coming from all sides.
17700305             —CIRCULATED, VERSIONS—OF—THE—EVENT rapidly, through the colonies, bolstering public support for the Patriot cause.
17700305             —ACQUITTED, THE—CAPTAIN and 5—OF—THE—SOLDIERS were, the other 2—SOLDIERS were found GUILTY—OF—MANSLAUGHTER and were branded on the thumb with the letter M.
17700305             —ILLUSTRATED, The event was —LATER, by BOSTON engraver PAUL—REVERE.
17700305             —CIRCULATED, VERSIONS—OF—THE—EVENT rapidly, through the colonies,
17700305             bolstering public support for the Patriot cause.
17700305             —ACQUITTED, THE—CAPTAIN and 5—OF—THE—SOLDIERS were,
17700305             the other 2—SOLDIERS were found GUILTY—OF—MANSLAUGHTER and were branded on the thumb with the letter M.
17700305             —KILLED, The 1. colonist, in THE—AMERICA—REVOLUTION was the former slave, Crispus Attucks, shot by the British at THE—BOSTON—MASSACRE.
17700305             —MASSAKER—VON—BOSTON, werden bei 1—STRASSENSCHLACHT 5—ZIVILISTEN durch eine provozierte BRITISCHE—BEWACHUNGSEINHEIT getötet.
17700305             —MASSAKER—VON—BOSTON, schürt weitere Unzufriedenheit in den NORDAMERIKA—KOLONIEN.
17700305             † CRISPUS—ATTUCKS, afrikanischer Hafenarbeiter
17700305             † GAETANO—CHIAVERI, ITALIENISCHER—BAUMEISTER und Architekt
17700305             —KILLED, The 1. colonist, in THE—AMERICA—REVOLUTION was the former slave, Crispus Attucks, shot by the British at THE—BOSTON Massacre.
17700305             —TAUNTED, UNITED—KINGDOM—TROOPS, by 1—CROWD—OF—COLONISTS fired on 1—UNRULY mob in BOSTON and killed 5—CITIZENS in what came to be known as THE—BOSTON Massacre.
177010305            † — Oidtmann, Adr., aus Hottorp, MÖNCH—IN—KLOSTER—STEINFELD, auch tätig in WILDENBURG
17760305             1—TERRIFIC—STORM wrecked UK—HOPE—OF—1—COUNTERATTACK on Dorchester Heights in BOSTON—MASSACHUSETTS.
17780305             † THOMAS—A—ARNE, —67—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLAND—COMPOSER (Alfred, Rule Britannia).
17780305             † THOMAS—A—ARNE (67), ENGLAND—COMPOSER (Alfred, Rule Britannia).
17830305             —GRANTED, STANISLAUS—AUGUSTUS—PONIATOWSKI—KING—OF—, rights to Jews of Kovno.
17830305             —GRANTED, KING—STANISLAUS—AUGUSTUS—PONIATOWSKI, rights to Jews of Kovno.
17900305             † FLORA—MACDONALD, als Heldin verehrte Jakobitin aus SCHOTTLAND
17930305             AUSTRIA—TROOPS crush the French and recapture LIEGE.
17930305             vielleicht auch übertrieb man die VOR—FÄLLE am im KONVENT—ZU—PARIS, wo
17930305             ROBESPIERRE auf die 1. Kunde vom Verluste AACHENs hin sofort den Tod aller aristokratischen Offiziere forderte'.
17930305             im KONVENT—ZU—PARIS, wo ROBESPIERRE auf die 1. Kunde vom Verluste AACHENs hin sofort den Tod aller aristokratischen Offiziere forderte'.
17930305             vielleicht auch übertrieb man die VOR—FÄLLE am im KONVENT—ZU—PARIS,
17940305             † CASPAR—FRIEDRICH—WOLFF, DEUTSCHER—PHYSIOLOGE, Anatom und Botaniker
17950305             † JOSEPH—REICHA, DEUTSCHER—CELLIST und Komponist
17970305             † JOHANN—PHILIPP—JULIUS—RUDOLPH, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER und Hochschullehrer
17980305             Unter dem Kommando JOHANN—RUDOLF—VON—GRAFFENRIED
17980305             —SIEGEN, DIE—BERNER über zahlenmäßig mehrfach überlegene FRANZÖSISCHE—TRUPPEN, im
17980305             —GEFECHT—BEI—NEUENEGG
17980305             können DIE—BERNER aber des ANCIEN—RÉGIME—ZUSAMMENBRUCH nicht mehr verhindern, nach der AM—GLEICHEN—TAG erlittenen Niederlage in der
17980305             —SCHLACHT—AM—GRAUHOLZ.
17980305             —ENDET, DIE—ALTE—EIDGENOSSENSCHAFT und wird durch DIE—HELVETIK
18030305             † FRIEDRICH—AUGUST—VITZTHUM—VON—ECKSTÄDT, sächsischer Kammerherr und Obersteuereinnehmer
18070305             1. PERFORMANCE—OF—LUDWIG—VON—BEETHOVEN—4. Symphony in B.
18070305             * AUGUST—KAHLERT, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER und Literaturhistoriker
18120305             * BERNHARD—GUGLER, DEUTSCHER—MATHEMATIKER und Musikwissenschaftler
18120305             † FROMET—MENDELSSOHN, DEUTSCHE—HAUS—UND Geschäftsfrau
18140305             —ENTRÉE—DE—LOUIS—XVIII à PARIS,
18140305             —ARRIVÉE de NAPOLÉON à l'île d'Elbe.
18150305             * FRIEDRICH—SCHEY—VON—KOROMLA, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—BANKIER, Großhändler, Großgrundbesitzer und Mäzen
18170305             * AUSTEN—HENRY—LAYARD, BRITISCHER—DIPLOMAT und Archäologe
18170305             * MORIZ—CARRIÈRE, DEUTSCHER—SCHRIFTSTELLER und Philosoph (Hegelianismus, Theismus)
18200305             HOLLAND—CITY—OF—LEEUWARDEN forbade Jews to go to synagogues on Sundays.
18200305             * AUGUST—SIEGERT, DEUTSCHER—MALER
18210305             † GIAN—ALFONSO—OLDELLI, SCHWEIZER—KAPUZINER, Hochschullehrer und Heimatforscher
18210305—18210305    —ON, Monroe was the 1. PRESIDENT to be inaugurated, only because the 4. was 1—SUNDAY.
18240305             * JAMES—MERRITT—IVES, lithographer for Currier and Ives.
18260305             * HEINRICH—LUDWIG—BANCK, DEUTSCHER—BANKIER und Kaufmann
18270305             * Émile Jonas, FRANZÖSISCHER—KOMPONIST—UND—KANTOR
18270305             † ALESSANDRO—VOLTA, ITALIENISCHER—PHYSIKER, Erfinder der Batterie und des Plattenkondensators, Pionier der Elektrizitätslehre
18270305             † PIERRE—SIMON—LAPLACE, FRANZÖSISCHER—MATHEMATIKER, Physiker und Astronom
18280305             * JOHANN—GUNGL, composer.
18290305             † JOHN—ADAMS, BRITISCHER—MEUTERER—AUF—DER—BOUNTY, Mitgründer der Kolonie auf PITCAIRN
18300305             * ÉTIENNE—JULES—MAREY, FRANZÖSISCHER—PHYSIOLOGE und Fotopionier
18310000—18950305    * † NIKOLAI—LESKOV, RUSSIA—WRITER.
18310000—20130000    —IN, new translations of 17—OF—NIKOLAI—LESKOV—HIS his stories were published by RICHARD—PEVEAR and LARISSA Volokhonsky.
18320305             * ALFRED—JAËLL, ÖSTERREICHISCHER—PIANIST und Komponist
18320305             * ISAAC—ISRAEL—HAYES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ARZT und Polarforscher
18360305             —MANUFACTURED, SAMUEL—COLT, the 1. pistol, a 34-caliber "TEXAS" model.
18360305             1. nichtschlagende Studentenverbindung Deutschlands, die CSTV—UTTENRUTHIA—ERLANGEN, wird gegründet.
18360305             1. Trommelrevolver, das Modell TEXAS mit Kaliber 34, PRODUZIERT, SAMUEL—COLT, in seiner Fabrik den
18380305             PARIS, erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Guido et Ginevra ou La peste de FLORENCE von Fromental Halévy.
18390305             † ANDREAS—KRETZSCHMER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Volksliedforscher
18420305             —AM, MARX—AN—RUGE schreibt :
18420305             —AM, MARX—AN—RUGE "Bei der plötzlichen Wiedergeburt der sächsischen Zensur wird wohl von vornherein DER—DRUCK meiner "Abhandlung über christliche Kunst
18420305             —AM, MARX—AN—RUGE ", die als 2. TEIL—DER—POSAUNE erscheinen sollte,
18420305             —AM, MARX—AN—RUGE ganz unmöglich sein.
18420305             —AM, MARX—AN—RUGE Wie wäre es, wenn sie in 1—MODIFIZIERTEN REDAKTION den Anekdotis inseriert würde ".
18440305             —TUESDAY
18470305             † SIGISMUND—VON—REITZENSTEIN, badischer Diplomat und Politiker
18480305             —BESCHLIESST DIE—HEIDELBERGER—VERSAMMLUNG—DER—51, auf Vorschlag von CARL—THEODOR—WELCKER, während der
18480305             —MÄRZ—REVOLUTION
18480305             —EINSETZUNG 1—SIEBENERAUSSCHUSSES, welcher wiederum zum Vorparlament lädt, 1—WICHTIGE Vorentscheidung für das Entstehen der FRANKFURTER—NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG.
18490304—18490305    —UNTIL, However ATCHISON—TERM as PRESIDENT—PRO—TEMPORE—OF—THE—SENATE had also expired, and his new term did not begin.
18490305             ZACHARY—TAYLOR took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE at his presidential inauguration.
18530305             * HOWARD—PYLE, writer and illustrator (THE—MERRY—ADVENTURES—OF—ROBIN—HOOD).
18530305             * ARTHUR—W—FOOTE, organist, composer (Suite for Strings in E), in SALEM—MASSACHUSETTS.
18530305             † AUGUST—KESTNER, DEUTSCHER—JURIST, Diplomat, Forscher, Autor, Archäologe, Zeichner und Kunstsammler
18530305—20240305    —HEUTE, das KLAVIERBAU—UNTERNEHMEN—STEINWAY—&—SONS, hat Produktionsstätten in NEW—YORK—CITY und HAMBURG.
18540000—19290305    DAVID—DUNBAR—BUICK is best known for founding the Buick Motor Company.
18540000—19290305    —HEADED, DAVID—DUNBAR—BUICK, this company and its predecessor 18990000—19060000    —FROM—UNTIL,
18540000—19290305    DAVID—DUNBAR—BUICK thereby helping to create 1—OF—THE—MOST successful nameplates in USA—MOTOR—VEHICLE—HISTORY.
18540305             * PHILIP—HALE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER—ORGANIST und Musikkritiker
18550305             * FRIEDRICH—J—PAJEKEN, DEUTSCHER—KAUFMANN und Schriftsteller
18560305             —DESTROYED, Covent Garden Opera House was, in 1—FIRE.
18560305             Das Royal Theatre im Londoner Covent Garden fällt zum 2. Mal einem Großbrand zum Opfer.
18560305             † JOHANN—NEPOMUK—VON—FUCHS, DEUTSCHER—CHEMIKER und Mineraloge
18580305             —RESCUED, S—FRANCISCO, advocates of civil rights, Archy Lee, 1—SLAVE held by CHARLES—STOVALL—OF—MISSISSIPPI, from being taken from the city aboard the ship ORIZABA.
18580305             The story was —LATER told by RUDOLPH—LAPP (19150000—20070000    ) in "Archy Lee: 1—CALIFORNIA—FUGITIVE—SLAVE—CASE" (19690000             ).
18580305             —RESCUED, S—FRANCISCO, advocates of civil rights, ARCHY—LEE,
18580305             ARCHY—LEE, 1—SLAVE held by CHARLES—STOVALL—OF—MISSISSIPPI, from being taken from the city aboard the ship ORIZABA.
18610305—18690304    —UNTIL, Seward served.
18620305             * SIEGBERT—TARRASCH, DEUTSCHER—SCHACHGROSSMEISTER, Theoretiker und Schachautor
18630305             nella PONTIFica ACCADEMIA—ROMANA—DI—ARCHEOLOGIA)
18640305             * CAMILLE—ANDRÈS, FRANZÖSISCHER—ORGANIST und Komponist
18670305             An abortive Fenian uprising against ENGLAND—RULE took place in IRELAND.
18670305             * THEODOR—ZÖCKLER, deutscher evangelischer Pfarrer aus Pommern
18680000—19500305    * † EDGAR—LEE—MASTERS, poet (Spoon River Anthology), novelist, in PHILADELPHIA.
18680305             —PREMIERED, Arrigo BOITO—OPERA "Mefistofele,", in Milan.
18680305             —ORGANIZED, THE—SENATE was, into 1—COURT—OF—IMPEACHMENT to decide charges against PRESIDENT—ANDREW—JOHNSON, who was —LATER acquitted.
18680305             1—STAPLER was patented in ENGLAND by C.H. Gould.
18680305             MAILAND, wird die Oper Mefistofele von Arrigo Boito nach Goethes Faust I und Faust II uraufgeführt und erhält harsche Kritiken.
18680305—18751006    —AM, erfolgt die erneute Uraufführung einer gekürzten und überarbeiteten Version.
18700305             * FRANK—NORRIS, novelist (McTeague, THE—OCTOPUS).
18710305             but the lack of 1—BIRTH—CERTIFICATE prevented her being recognized as the world's oldest woman.
18710305             * ROSA—LUXEMBURG, ZAMOSZ—POLEN
18710305—20000000    —IN, † * In BRAZIL Maria do Carmo Jeronimo as 1—SLAVE in THE—TOWN—OF—CARMO—DE—MINAS in Minas Gerais STATE—UNDER—THE—RULE—OF—EMPEROR—PEDRO—II—JERONIMO ,
18710305—20000000    —IN, * In BRAZIL Maria do Carmo Jeronimo as 1—SLAVE in THE—TOWN—OF—CARMO—DE—MINAS in Minas Gerais STATE—UNDER—THE—RULE—OF—EMPEROR—PEDRO—II—JERONIMO †, but the lack of 1—BIRTH—CERTIFICATE prevented her being recognized as the world's oldest woman.
18720305             —PATENTED, GEORGE—WESTINGHOUSE—JUNIOR, triple air brake for trains.
18720305             1—PATENT in den USA, GEORGE—WESTINGHOUSE erhält auf die von ihm entwickelte Druckluftbremse für den Eisenbahnbetrieb
18730305             * RICHARD—BENNO—ADAM, DEUTSCHER—PORTRÄT—UND Pferdemaler
18740305             Bruce was the 1. FULL—TERM—AFRICA—USA—SENATOR (18740000—18810000    ).
18740305             —ELECTED, BLANCHE—KELSO—BRUCE (18410000—18980000    ), by THE—MISSISSIPPI—LEGISLATURE, formally entered THE—USA—SENATE.
18740305             BLANCHE—KELSO—BRUCE was the 1. FULL—TERM—AFRICA—AMERICA—SENATOR (18740000—18810000    ).
18760305             * JIND?ICH—JIND?ICH, TSCHECHISCHER—KOMPONIST, Pianist und Ethnograph
18770305             † ERNST—JULIUS—OTTO, DEUTSCHER—KOMPONIST, Chorleiter und Kreuzkantor
18800305             * ELLA—BRIGGS, ÖSTERREICHISCHE—ARCHITEKTIN und Malerin
18820000—19670305    —OUSTED, MOHAMMED—H—MOSADDEQ had been, in 1—MILITARY—COUP organized by THE—CIA and UNITED—KINGDOM—INTELLIGENCE.
18830305             * MARIUS—BARBEAU, KANADISCHER—ANTHROPOLOGE, Ethnologe und Folkloreforscher
18830305             * OTTO—SCHMITZ, DEUTSCHER—JURIST und Politiker
18840305             —GEGRÜNDET, DIE—DEUTSCHE—FREISINNIGE—PARTEI wird, aus der
18850305             † HEINRICH—VON—AULOCK, DEUTSCHER—MEDIZINER, Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
18860305             * WLADIMIR—JULJEWITSCH—WIESE, RUSSISCH—SOWJETISCHER Ozeanograph und Polarforscher
18870305             * HEITOR—VILLA—LOBOS, composer, in RIO—DE—JANEIRO, BRAZIL.
18880000—19740305    * † SOLOMON—I "Sol" Hurok, UKRAINE—BORN USA impresario.
18880305             * FRIEDRICH—SCHNACK, GERMANY—JOURNALIST, writer (Rosewood).
18890305             † JOHANN—GEORG—ECCARIUS, DEUTSCHER—ARBEITER—AKTIVIST und Gewerkschafter
18910305             * SULTAN—AL—ATRASCH, SYRISCHER—NATIONALIST und Generalkommandant
18930305             † HIPPOLYTE—TAINE, —64—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—PHILOSOPHER, historian.
18930305             † HIPPOLYTE—TAINE (64), FRANCE—PHILOSOPHER, historian.
18930305             † ALI—IBN—SAID—SULTAN—VON—SANSIBAR
18950305             † HENRY—CRESWICKE—RAWLINSON, —85—JAHRE—ALT, soldier and scholar, in ENGLAND.
18950305             —DECIPHERED, HENRY—CRESWICKE—RAWLINSON, text from Old Akkadian cuneiform.
18950305             —INCLUDED, His major works, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (18650000             ), which was —LATER made into 1—OPERA by Shostakovich.
18950305             * FRANZ—RICHARD—BEHRENS, DEUTSCHER—DICHTER des Expressionismus, Drehbuchautor und Kolumnist
18950305             † HENRY—CRESWICKE—RAWLINSON (85), soldier and scholar, in ENGLAND.
18950305—18350000    —IN, HENRY—CRESWICKE—RAWLINSON had begun examining the ancient inscriptions on the rock of Behistun in the Kurdish foothills of the Zagros mountain range and found that they had been made to honor DARIUS—THE—GREAT, Persian ruler in the 04010101—05001231    —CENTURY BCE.
18950305—20040000    —AUTHORED, Lesley Adkins, "Empires of the Plain: HENRY—RAWLINSON and the Lost Languages of Babylon".
18950305—20130000    —IN, new translations of 17—OF—HIS—STORIES were published by RICHARD—PEVEAR and LARISSA Volokhonsky.
18960305             * JAN—UND—JOËL—MARTEL, FRANZÖSISCHE—BILDHAUER, Designer und Inneneinrichter
18970305             * MEI—LING—SOONG (d.2003, Madame Chiang KAI—SHEK, on Hainan ISLAND, CHINA.
18970305             MEI—LING—SOONG, As WIFE—OF—GENERALISSIMO—CHIANG—KAI—SHEK was instrumental in enlisting USA sympathy and relief for CHINA —WWII—IN.
18970305             * GUNTA—STÖLZL, DEUTSCHE—WEBERIN und Textildesignerin
18970305             * SONG—MEILING oo CHIANG—KAI—SHEK
18980305             Als MISAO—OKAWA zur Welt kam, annektierten DIE—USA gerade HAWAII und ein neues Erfrischungsgetränk namens Pepsi kam auf den Markt.
18980305—20150401    —NUN, ist die —117—JAHRE—ALTE gestorben, in OSAKA.,
18980305—20150401    * † MISAO—OKAWA
18990305             * PATRICK—HADLEY, composer.
18990305             1. PERFORMANCE—OF—EDWARD—MACDOWELL—2. Concerto in D.
19000000—19730305    * † PAUL—KLETZKI, POLAND—VIOLINIST, composer, conductor.
19010305             † KARL—BIEDERMANN, DEUTSCHER—PHILOSOPH, Staatswissenschaftler, PUBLIZIST—UND—POLITIKER, Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung, MdL, MdR
19040305             Having 1—BALL—NIKOLA—TESLA offers his EXPLANATION—OF—THE—PHENOMENON known as ball lightning.
19040305             More than 1—CENTURY—LATER, we're still not sure it's real.
19040305             Compiled by TONY—LONG.
19050305             Russians began to retreat from Mukden in Manchuria.
19070305             —INCLUDED, The 2. RUSSIA—DUMA, which, 7—LITHUANIANS, began work.
19070305—19070615    —UNTIL, THE—DUMA stayed in session.
19080305             * REX—HARRISON, actor (My Fair Lady), in LANCASHIRE—ENGLAND.
19120000—19800305    * † JAY—SILVERHEELS, SON—OF—1—MOHAWK—INDIAN—CHIEF and actor who portrayed Tonto on "THE—LONE—RANGER", in Woodland HILLS—CALIFORNIA, from 1—STROKE.
19120305             —BECAME, THE—ITALIANS, the 1. to use dirigibles for military purposes, using them for reconnaissance flights behind TURKEY—LINES—WEST—OF—TRIPOLI.
19120305             † SPAIN—STEAMER "Principe de Asturias" sank NE—OF—SPAIN and 500.
19160301             1—CONFERENCE—OF—LITHUANIANS in Berne (19160301—19160305    ) demanded for the 1. time the full INDEPENDENCE—OF—LITHUANIA.
19160305             * WINSTON—H—BOSTICK.
19160305             An der Hofoper DRESDEN wird EUGEN—DE—ALBERTS—OPER—DIE toten Augen mit dem Libretto von HANNS—HEINZ—EWERS mit großem Erfolg uraufgeführt.
19160305             Vor SANTOS an der BRASILIANISCHEN—KÜSTE läuft der SPANISCHE—LUXUSLINER Príncipe de Asturias auf 1—FELSEN und sinkt in NUR—5—MINUTEN.
19160305             † † † 445—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder sterben.
19170305             The 1. jazz recording for VICTOR—RECORDS was released by RCA Victor in CAMDEN—NEW—JERSEY Viktor issued "Dixie Jass Band 1—STEP" and "Livery Stable Blues" by THE—DIXIE—JASS—BAND.
19170305             —FINANCED, S—FRANCISCO—BING—KONG, gunmen, by the Bow Leongs in PORTLAND, killed 3—CHINESE and wounded 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—BYSTANDER.
19170305             The 1. jazz recording for VICTOR—RECORDS was released by RCA Victor in Camden,
19170305             —ISSUED, NEW—JERSEY Viktor, "Dixie Jass Band 1—STEP" and "Livery Stable Blues" by THE—DIXIE—JASS—BAND.
19180305             —MOVED, THE—SOVIETS, THE—CAPITAL—OF—RUSSIA from Petrograd to MOSCOW.
19180305             in RUMÄNIEN, Die durch —AUGUST—VON—MACKENSEN befehligten MITTELMÄCHTE—TRUPPEN, erzwingen den
19180305             —VOR—FRIEDEN—VON—BUFTEA und beenden damit ihre Kampfhandlungen im Osten.
19220305             * PIER—PAOLO—PASOLINI, director (Teorema, Pigsty), in BOLOGNA—ITALY.
19220305             "Nosferatu" premiered in BERLIN.
19230000—19660000    —IN, JOSEPH—WEIZENBAUM was a professor at MIT —WHEN he introduced ELIZA,
19230000—19840305    * † Tito Gobbi, ITALY—BARITONE (Scarpia in Tosca).
19230000—20080305    * † JOSEPH—WEIZENBAUM, 1—COMPUTER programmer who helped advance artificial intelligence only to become 1—CRITIC—OF—THE—TECHNOLOGY—LATER in his life.
19230000—20080305    —NAMED, ELIZA, for Eliza Doolittle, the heroine of "My Fair Lady".
19230000—20080305    —ALLOWED, THE—ELIZA program, 1—PERSON to "converse" with 1—COMPUTER, using what the person said to create the computer's reply.
19230305             —PASSED, MONTANA and NEVADA, THE—USA—1. old age pension grants, giving $25—PER —MONTH.
19230305—19460000    —IN, his parents entrusted him with $125,000 to invest.
19230305—20030000    * † LAURENCE—TISCH in Brooklyn.
19230305—20030000    LAURENCE—TISCH and his brother grew it to billions through their Loews conglomerate.
19250000—20120305    * † DISNEY—SONGWRITER—ROBERT—SHERMAN, PART—OF—1—TEAM with brother Richard responsible for numerous film scores and children's songs, in LONDON.
19250000—20120305    —COMPOSED, DISNEY—SONGWRITER—ROBERT—SHERMAN, the popular tune featured in Disney theme parks, "It's 1—SMALL—WORLD (—AFTER All)," as well as the score to "MARY—POPPINS," featuring songs such as "1—SPOONFUL—OF—SUGAR," "Chim Chim CHER—EE," and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".
19260305             1. TURKOLOGEN—KONGRESS, BAKU, endet, die Einführung 1—EINHEITLICHEN Schriftsystems für TURK—SPRACHEN beschlossen worden ist.
19270305             —LANDED, Some 1,000—USA—MARINES, in CHINA to "protect AMERICA—PROPERTY".
19280305             HITLER—NATIONAL—SOCIALISTS won the majority vote in Bavaria.
19280305             In der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft kommt nur der zur Macht, der den Interessen der herrschenden Klasse dient.
19280305             Deswegen boten die NAZIS, die deren Bedürfnisse genau erkannten,
19280305             den INDUSTRIE llen an, für sie die Arbeiterbewegung zu zerschlagen und den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—SOVIET—UNION zu führen.
19280305             In seiner Rede vor dem Hamburger Nationalclub betonte HITLER, die Aufgabe seiner Bewegung sei:
19280305             "die Zertrümmerung und Vernichtung der MARX istischen Weltanschauung"(31).
19280305             Deswegen boten die Nazis, die deren Bedürfnisse genau erkannten, den Industrie llen an, für sie die Arbeiterbewegung zu zerschlagen und den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—SOVIET—UNION zu führen.
19280305             In seiner Rede vor dem Hamburger Nationalclub betonte Hitler, die Aufgabe seiner Bewegung sei: "die Zertrümmerung und Vernichtung der marx istischen Weltanschauung"(31).
19280305             hielt HITLER Vortrag vor 670—INDUSTRIE llen(30).
19290000—20160305    * † CELEBRATED—AUSTRIAN—CONDUCTOR—NIKOLAUS—HARNONCOURT, considered to be the "PAPA" of the Baroque music revival,
19290305             —HEADED, Buick, this company and its predecessor 18990000—19060000    —FROM—UNTIL, thereby helping to create 1—OF—THE—MOST successful nameplates in USA—MOTOR—VEHICLE—HISTORY.
19300305             * LORIN—MAAZEL, conductor (NBC Symphony Orch 19410000             ), in NEUILLY—FRANCE.
19310305             BOLIVIA, PRESIDENT—DANIEL—SALAMANCA—UREY (18690000—19350000    ) became PRESIDENT.
19310305             —SIGNED, Gandhi and UK—VICEROY Lord Irwin, 1—PACT.
19310305             —SIGNED, Gandhi and UNITED—KINGDOM—VICEROY Lord Irwin, 1—PACT.
19320000—20160305    * † IN—SUDAN—HASSAN—AL—TURABI, the Islamist who played 1—KEY—ROLE 19890000             —IN—THE—COUP that brought PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR to power and who once hosted OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, in KHARTOUM.
19330305             —ORDERED, FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, a —4—DAY—BANK—HOLIDAY in order to stop large AMOUNTS—OF—MONEY from being withdrawn from the banks.
19330305             GERMANY—PARLIAMENTARY, elections, the Nazi Party won 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, enabling it to join with Nationalists to gain 1—SLENDER majority in the Reichstag.
19330305             It was the last free election in GERMANY —UNTIL —WWII—AFTER.
19330305             GERMANY—PARLIAMENTARY, elections, the Nazi Party won 44—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE,
19330305             enabling it to join with Nationalists to gain 1—SLENDER majority in the Reichstag.
19330305             Wahltag, noch am durch die Wähler erhalten hatten.
19330305             REICHS—TAGS—WAHL die STIMM—VERTEILUNG: < 37.449—NSDAP
19330305             REICHS—TAGS—WAHL die STIMM—VERTEILUNG: < 7.898—ZENTRUM plus Splitterparteien:
19330305             ein, als am
19330305             —REICHSTAGSWAHL Bei der - NSDAP—ANTEIL 43,9 Prozent die meisten Stimmen.erreicht
19330305             —LETZTE—REICHSTAGSWAHL im Mehrparteiensystem.Es ist die
19340305             —CELEBRATED, MOTHER—IN—LAW'S—DAY was 1., in AMARILLO, Tx.
19350305             † HANS—SCHEMM, DEUTSCHER—LEHRER und Politiker, MdL, GAULEITER—VON—OBERFRANKEN und der Bayerischen Ostmark, Reichswalter des Nationalsozialistischen Lehrerbunds (NSLB), MdR, Landesminister
19360305             1—PROTOTYPE—TYPE—300—SPITFIRE made it's 1. flight at the Eastleigh Aerodrome in SOUTHAMPTON—ENGLAND.
19360305             1. Der Prototyp des einsitzigen Abfangjägers Supermarine Spitfire absolviert Erstflug.
19370305             Die Fluggesellschaft USA Airways wird unter dem Namen All AMERICA—AVIATION gegründet.
19380305             * LYNN—MARGULIS, biologist.
193909030500         —PM, THE—FRENCH—ULTIMATUM expires at.
19400305             —SURPRISED, THE—BRITISH, Mussolini by taking 7—ITALY—COAL ships.
19400305             —SIGNED, STALIN among others, 1—ORDER for the massacre at KATYN—POLAND.
19400305             SOVIET—AGENTS shot 21,768 POLAND—MILITARY—OFFICERS, intellectuals and priests who had been taken prisoner —DURING the invasion.
19400305             Between —APRIL and May some 25,700 (15,000) POLAND—CITIZENS were massacred by the Soviets in the Katyn and Miednoje (Mednoye) forests on the outskirts of MOSCOW and at Kharkov in WEST—RUSSIA (—LATER UKRAINE).
19400305             —IDENTIFIED, Some 14,700 POLAND—OFFICERS were, by their uniforms.
19400305             —INCLUDED, They, 1—LETTER by Lavrenty Beria, head of the secret police, recommending THE—EXECUTION—OF—THE—POLAND—PRISONERS—OF—WAR.
19400305             6,313 POLAND—OFFICERS were all shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD—NEAR—MEDNOYE.
19400305             9,000 Russians were also massacred at the site.
19400305             JOSEF—STALIN und weitere MITGLIEDER—DES—POLITBÜROS—DER—KPDSU unterzeichnen den Befehl zur Exekution von "Nationalisten und konterrevolutionären Aktivisten" in den von der Sowjetunion besetzten Gebieten Polens.
19400305             Beim darauf folgenden
19400305             —MASSAKER—VON—KATYN,
19400305             † † † CA—20.000—POLNISCHE—INTELLEKTUELLE und Beamte ermordet. werden
19400305—19200000    —ORDERED, Hours —LATER he said STALIN had, the atrocity as revenge for THE—DEATH—OF—RED—ARMY—SOLDIERS in POLAND—PRISONER—OF—WAR—CAMPS.
19400305—19920000    —IN, Documents were made public by BORIS—YELTSIN, RUSSIA—1.—POST—SOVIET—LEADER.
19400305—19940000    —IN, EXCAVATIONS—OF—THE—SITES began.
19400305—20040000    —CLOSED, RUSSIA—TOP—MILITARY—PROSECUTOR, the investigation —AFTER concluding that the massacre did not constitute genocide.
19400305—20080000    —DIRECTED, ANDRZEJ—WAJDA, the film "Katyn".
19400305—20090000    —REJECTED, RUSSIA—SUPREME—COURT, appeals to RE—OPEN the investigation.
19410305             —SEVERED, BRITAIN, all relation with BULGARIA and prepared for 1—AIR—ATTACK on BULGARIA.
19420305             —ORDERED, S—FRANCISCO—NELSON—A—ECKART, the acting manager of utilities, grumbling motormen to train Audley Cole (21), 1—YOUNG—BLACK—MAN, in the operation of 1—STREETCAR or face dismissal.
19420305             —VOTED, Union members several months —EARLIER had, to fine ANY—MEMBER instructing Cole $100.
19420305             —ESTABLISHED, Josip Broz "Tito", the 3. Proletariat Brigade in Bosnia.
19420305             —MARCHED, JAPAN—TROOP, into Batavia.
19420305             Die 7. Sinfonie von DMITRI—DMITRIJEWITSCH—SCHOSTAKOWITSCH, in Leningrad während der DEUTSCHEN—BELAGERUNG entstanden, wird in Kujbyschew vom dorthin ausgelagerten Orchester des BOLSCHOI—THEATERS mit großem Erfolg uraufgeführt.
19430000             —THE—BRUSA treaty was formalized as THE—UKUSA—AGREEMENT,
19430000             —THE—BRUSA treaty was formalized as THE—UKUSA Agreement,
19430305             —BOMBED, RAF, ESSEN—GERMANY.
19430305             In desperation due to war losses, 15 and —16—YEAR—OLDS are called up for military service in THE—GERMANY—ARMY.
19430305             THE—GLOSTER—METEOR 1. flew.
19430305             Appropriately, THE—METEOR—1. duty was to defend BRITAIN from attacks by GERMANY—V 1—PULSE JET—POWERED guided bombs, of which they destroyed 13—BY THE—END—OF—THE—WAR.
19430305             —COMMITTED, Meteor IIIS—OF—NUMBER—616—SQUADRON were, to Continental EUROPE in the last MONTHS—OF—THE—CONFLICT, but they never got the opportunity to meet THE—GERMANY—ME—262A in battle.
19430305             —EMERGED, GREAT—BRITAIN, from —WWII with 1 decided head start in jet technology,
19430305             616—SQUADRON, Royal AIR—FORCE (RAF).
19430305             —COMMITTED, Meteor IIIS—OF—NUMBER—616—SQUADRON were, to Continental EUROPE in the last MONTHS—OF—THE—CONFLICT,
19430305             but they never got the opportunity to meet THE—GERMANY—ME—262A in battle.
19430305             * CHRISTIAN—FÜHRER, DEUTSCHER—GEISTLICHER, Gemeindepfarrer in der NIKOLAI—KIRCHE—LEIPZIG (Friedensgebete —AM—MONTAG)
19430305             1. britische strahlgetriebene Jagdflugzeug, die Gloster Meteor, hat seinen Erstflug.
19430305—19440721    —ON, the 1. 2—PRODUCTION—METEORS arrived at Culmhead and formed THE—NUCLEUS—OF—NO.
19430305—19440721    —ON, the 1. 2—PRODUCTION—METEORS arrived at Culmhead and formed THE—NUCLEUS—OF—NUMBER—616—SQUADRON, Royal AIR—FORCE (RAF).
19430305—19450508    —ON, the only Allied power to have had 1—JET—FIGHTER—OPERATIONAL in squadron strength —BEFORE THE—GERMANY—SURRENDER.
19430305—19450508    —EMERGED, GREAT—BRITAIN, from —WWII with 1—DECIDED head start in jet technology, the only Allied power to have had 1—JET—FIGHTER—OPERATIONAL in squadron strength —BEFORE THE—GERMANY—SURRENDER.
19450305             —CAPTURED, USA 7. Army Corps, Cologne.
19450305             —DENIED, GEORGIA, clemency and executed LENA—BAKER (19000000             *), 1—BLACK maid.
19450305             The movie THE—LENA—BAKER—STORY (20080000             ) is about her life.
19450305             —BOMBED, Allies, THE—HAGUE—NETHERLANDS.
19450305             —SENTENCED, LENA—BAKER had been, to die —FOLLOWING a —1—DAY trial —BEFORE 1—ALL—MALE jury for THE—MURDER—OF—EB—KNIGHT.
19450305             E.B. Knight had held LENA—BAKER against her will in 1—GRIST mill and threatened to shoot her if she tried to leave.
19450305             The movie THE—LENA—BAKER—STORY (20080000             ) is about LENA—BAKER her life.
19450305             —BOMBED, Allies, THE—HAGUE, NETHERLANDS.
19450305             —BOMBEN—ANGRIFF—AUF—CHEMNITZ
19450305             —WWII—IM, zerstört den GROßTEIL—DER—STADT—CHEMNITZ, fordert zahlreiche Todesopfer.
19450305             —DARAUFHIN, CHEMNITZ, wird vom Luftfahrtministerium zur "toten Stadt" erklärt.
19450305             † ERNST—VON—HARNACK, DEUTSCHER—POLITIKER, Regierungspräsident zu Merseburg, und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
19450305—19440720    † HASSO—VON—BOEHMER, DEUTSCHER—OFFIZIER im Generalstab, Widerstandskämpfer des
19450305—20050000    —DECIDED, THE—GEORGIA—BOARD—OF—PARDONS [[AKTION]] to pardon LENA—BAKER.
19450305—20050000    —DECIDED, THE—GEORGIA—BOARD—OF—PARDONS, to pardon her.
19460305             —APPEARED, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, as PRESIDENT—TRUMAN—GUEST at WESTMINSTER College in FULTON—MONTANA and delivered his "SINEWS—OF—PEACE" speech —LATER known as the "Iron Curtain Speech:" "From Stettin in the Baltic to TRIESTE in the Adriatic, 1—IRON—CURTAIN has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and EAST—EUROPE. WARSAW, BERLIN, PRAGUE, VIENNA, BUDAPEST and SOFIA, all these famous cities and the populations —AROUND them lie in... THE—SOVIET—SPHERE".
19460305             and delivered his "SINEWS—OF—PEACE" speech —LATER known as the "Iron Curtain Speech:" "From Stettin in the Baltic to TRIESTE in the Adriatic, 1—IRON—CURTAIN has descended across the Continent.
19460305             Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and EAST—EUROPE.
19460305             all these famous cities and the populations —AROUND them lie in.
19460305             which forms the basis for all signal intelligence cooperation between THE—UK and THE—USA.
19460305             followed by NORWAY (19520000             ), DENMARK (19540000             ), WEST—GERMANY (19550000             ), AUSTRALIA (19560000             ), and NEW—ZEALAND (19560000             ) and became known as THE—5—EYES—INTELLIGENCE—ALLIANCE.
19460305             1. spricht von 1 "EISERNER—VORHANG", der sich über den europäischen Kontinent gezogen habe, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, in 1—REDE in FULTON—MISSOURI.
19460305             which forms the basis for all signal intelligence cooperation between THE—UK—AND—THE—USA.
19460305             1. spricht von 1 "EISERNER—VORHANG",
19460305—19410800    —FOLLOWED, This, THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER, which was issued to lay out Allied goals for THE—POST—WAR—WORLD.
19460305—19480000    —EXTENDED, THE—ATLANTIC—CHARTER treaty was, to include CANADA,
19460305—19480000    —IN, the treaty was extended to include CANADA, followed by NORWAY (19520000             ), DENMARK (19540000             ), WEST—GERMANY (19550000             ), AUSTRALIA (19560000             ), and NEW—ZEALAND (19560000             ) and became known as THE—5—EYES—INTELLIGENCE—ALLIANCE.
19470305             —DECLARED, Communist leader MAURICE—THOREZ, support for THE—FRANCE—SOVEREIGNTY over VIETNAM.
19480305             * LESLIE—MARMON—SILKO, writer (Ceremony).
19500000—20030305    * † COMEDIAN—GEORGE—MILLER, in LOS—ANGELES.
19500305             Grundsteinlegung der Böcklersiedlung in Neumünster, damit Beginn des Sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Westdeutschland —NACH—DEM —WWII.
19520305             —PREMIERED, Terence Rattigan's "Deep BLUE—SEA,", in LONDON.
19530305             † RUSSIA—PREMIER—JOSEPH—STALIN at age 73—AFTER—29—YEARS in power.
19530305             —ALLOWED, —AFTER his death the Chechens were, to return home.
19530305             † SERGEI—PROKOFIEV, —61—JAHRE—ALT, RUSSIA—COMPOSER (Peter and the wolf), in MOSCOW.
19530305             —AFTER his death the Chechens were allowed to return home.
19530305             † JOSEF—STALIN, sowjetischer Politiker, kommunistischer Generalsekretär, Ministerpräsident, MARSCHALL—DER—SOWJETUNION und Diktator
19530305             † Der SOVIET—DIKTATOR—JOSEF—STALIN stirbt in Moskau an den Folgen 1—SCHLAGANFALLS.
19530305—19730000    —IN, PROFESSOR—ADAM—B—ULAM—OF—HARVARD—UNIV. authored "STALIN: THE—MAN and His Era".
19540000             [[ NEW—YORK—TIMES | 20071213             {{642723850-12997}} ]] [[ New Yorker | 20070305             {{642723850-12964}} ]] [[ Democracy —NOW! | 20070228             {{642723850-12984}} ]] ====== ((+ Bandar bin SULTAN )) ((+ ELLIOTT—ABRAMS )) ((+ Richard ("Dick") Cheney )) ((+ SAUDI—ARABIA )) ((+ Seymour Hersh )) ((@ Vali Nasr )) ((+ Zalmay M. Khalilzad ))
19540305             "Girl in Pink Tights" opened at MARK—HELLINGER in NEW—YORK—CITY for 115—PERFORMANCES.
19550305             1—TRUCK—DRIVER from TUPELO—MISSISSIPPI, made his 1.—EVER TV appearance on this night.
19550305             —FEATURED, Elvis ARON—PRESLEY was, on "LOUISIANA Hayride".
19550305             —PROMPTED, This, promoters to send Elvis to NEW—YORK City to audition for ARTHUR—GODFREY—IMMENSELY popular and CAREER—MAKING "Talent Scouts" program.
19550305             —PASSED, Talent coordinators and Godfrey are said to have, on Elvis appearing on the show.
19550305             —TOSSED, Not much —LATER, he was, out of the Grand OLE—OPRY as well, and told to "go back to driving 1—TRUCK".
19550305             In 1—LITTLE over —1—YEAR, however, the nation was caught up in PRESLEY—MANIA which continues even —TODAY.
19550305             —TOSSED, Not much —LATER, he was, out of the Grand OLE—OPRY as well,
19550305             and told to "go back to driving 1—TRUCK".
19560305             "KING—KONG" was 1. televised.
19560305             —AFFIRMED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, the ban on segregation in public schools in Brown vs. BOARD—OF—EDUCATION.
19570305             EAMON—DE—VALERA—FIANNA—FAIL—PARTY won election in IRELAND.
19570305             —ELECTED, DeValera (18820000—19750000    ) was, Taoiseach (PRIME—MINISTER) and served his 3. term as PM.
19570305—19650000    —ADOPTED, BRITAIN, 1—PLAN to triple nuclear energy production.
19600305             —ENDED, Elvis Presley, his —2-YEAR hitch in USA—ARMY.
19620305             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—IN—GRIGGS v. Allegheny County, that airports must compensate people living in the near vicinity for noise and vibrations.
19620305             CALIFORNIA LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—GLENN—ANDERSON said Alcatraz should be abandoned as 1—PRISON—SITE and THE—ISLAND turned into a "PLACE—OF—CULTURE and recreation".
19630305             1—PRIVATE—PLANE—CRASH—NEAR—CAMDEN—TENNESSEE, claimed THE—LIVES—OF—COUNTRY—MUSIC performers Patsy Cline (30), "Cowboy" Copas and "Hawkshaw" Hawkins, as well as pilot Randy Hughes, CLINE—MANAGER.
19630305             A private plane crash near CAMDEN—TENNESSEE,
19630305             claimed THE—LIVES—OF—COUNTRY—MUSIC performers Patsy Cline (30), "Cowboy" Copas and "Hawkshaw" Hawkins, as well as pilot Randy Hughes, CLINE—MANAGER.
19630305             —OF, LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—13.
19650305             In den bundesdeutschen Kinos wird der 1. Italowestern, SERGIO—LEONES—FÜR 1—HANDVOLL—DOLLAR, aufgeführt, Hauptdarsteller Clint Eastwood.
19660305             † 75—MPH air currents caused 1—BOAC 707 to crash into MOUNT—FUJI and 124.
19660305             † * ANNA—AKHMATOVA, RUSSIA—POET, in Leningrad.
19660305             —GEWINNT, Der Österreicher UDO—JÜRGENS, bei seinem 3. Auftritt mit dem Lied Merci, Chérie den Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson, der —IN—DIESEM—JAHR in LUXEMBURG ausgetragen wird.
19660305             1—BOEING 707—DER BOAC (BOAC—FLUG 911) bricht im Flug auseinander und prallt gegen den Berg FUJI in JAPAN.
19660305             † † † Alle 124—PASSAGIERE sterben.
19660305—18890000    —IN, She as ANNA—GORENKO near ODESSA—UKRAINE.
19660305—20050000    —AUTHORED, Elaine Feinstein, "ANNA—OF—ALL—THE—RUSSIAS: 1—LIFE—OF—ANNA—AKHMATOVA.
19670305             —OUSTED, He had been, in 1—MILITARY—COUP organized by THE—CIA and UK—INTELLIGENCE.
19690305             "What the Butler Saw," the final PLAY—OF—JOE—ORTON (19330000—19670000    ), was 1. performed in LONDON.
19690305             The sex farce was set in 1—MENTAL—HOSPITAL.
19690305             1. bewegen sich Menschen im All von 1—RAUMFAHRZEUG in ein anderes.
19690305             —GEWÄHLT, Der SPD—POLITIKER GUSTAV—HEINEMANN wird von der Bundesversammlung im 3. WAHL—GANG zum 3. DEUTSCHEN—BUNDESPRÄSIDENTEN.
19690305             1. sozialdemokratischer BUNDES—PRÄSIDENT—GUSTAV—HEINEMANN wird
19700305             1—NUCLEAR—NON—PROLIFERATION—TREATY went into effect —AFTER 43—NATIONS ratified it.
19700305             —ATOM—WAFFEN—SPERR—VERTRAG, tritt in Kraft, der den Besitz und die Weiterverbreitung von Atomwaffen sowie die friedliche Nutzung der Kernenergie zum Gegenstand hat
19700305—19920000    —SIGNED, FRANCE and CHINA only, on.
19700305—20150000    —BY, there were 191—SIGNATORIES.
19720305             GREECE—COMPOSER—MIKIS—THEODORAKIS (19250000             *) left the communist party.
19730305             —DURING—SPRING training in FLORIDA, Yankee pitchers FRITZ—PETERSON and MIKE—KEKICH announced they had swapped wives.
19740305             1 revived "Candide" opened at Broadway Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY for 740—PERFORMANCES.
19740305             BRITAIN, ROY—JENKINS (19200000—20030000    ) began serving as Home SECRETARY—UNDER—PRIME—MINISTER—HAROLD—WILSON.
19740305             —INCLUDED, In his —23—MONTHS on the job he enacted reforms that, legalizing homosexuality and abortion, legislating for NO—FAULT divorce, banning racial discrimination and abolishing censorship in the theater.
19740305             In his —23—MONTHS on the job he enacted reforms that included legalizing homosexuality and abortion,
19740305             legislating for NO—FAULT divorce, banning racial discrimination and abolishing censorship in the theater.
19740305—19560000    —FROM—THE, The book and lyrics were revised version.
19750305             —FOUNDED, THE—HOMEBREW—COMPUTER—CLUB, by peace activist FRED—MOORE, held its 1. meeting in Menlo PARK—CALIFORNIA.
19750305             —BASED, It was 1—OUTGROWTH—OF—THE—STORE—FRONT, PEOPLE—COMPUTER—CO. The meeting inspired STEVE—WOZNIAK, —24—JAHRE—ALT to design and build the 1. Apple computer.
19750305             —FOUNDED, THE—HOMEBREW—COMPUTER—CLUB, by peace activist FRED—MOORE,
19750305             held its 1. meeting in Menlo PARK—CALIFORNIA It was 1—OUTGROWTH—OF—THE—STORE—FRONT based PEOPLE—COMPUTER—CO. The meeting inspired STEVE—WOZNIAK (24) to design and build THE—1.—APPLE computer.
19750305             1. Im INDISCHEN—KALKUTTA stattfindet die Kolkata Book Fair, die Internationale Buchmesse Kolkatas.
19760305             THE—UK—POUND fell below the equivalent of $2 for the 1. time.
19760305             BRITAIN gave up on the Ulster talks and decided to retain rule in NORTH—IRELAND indefinitely.
19760305             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—POUND fell below the equivalent of $2 for The 1. time.
19770305             PRESIDENT—CARTER took questions from 42—TELEPHONE callers in 26—STATES on 1—NETWORK—RADIO—CALL—IN program moderated by WALTER—CRONKITE.
19790305             Voyager I made its closest approach to Jupiter (128,400 miles).
19790305             —VORBEIFLIEGT, am Jupiter, Die AMERIKANISCHE—RAUMSONDE—VOYAGER—1, liefert VIELE—FOTOS—DES—PLANET—JUPITER und seiner Monde.
19800305             —ESTABLISHED, THE—CALIFORNIA coast Channel Islands National Park was.
19800305             It included S—MIGUEL, SANTA—ROSA, SANTA—CRUZ, Anacapa and Santa Barbara.
19800305             † WINIFRED—WAGNER, —82—JAHRE—ALT, ENGLISH—BORN HEAD—OF—THE—GERMAN—WAGNER family, in Uberlingen.
19800305—19970000    —COMPLETED, Complete protection was.
19800305—20060000    —AUTHORED, BRIGITTE—HAMANN, "Winifred Wagner, 1—LIFE at the Heart of HITLER—BAYREUTH".
19810305             —ASKED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN, Congress to end FEDERAL—LEGAL aid to the poor.
19810305             Der ORF strahlt in Zusammenarbeit mit ARD und SCHWEIZER—FERNSEHEN die 1. Folge der Unterhaltungssendung Musikantenstadl mit der Moderation von KARL—MOIK und Hias aus, die 1—DER—ERFOLGREICHSTEN—PRODUKTIONEN—DES—SENDERS wird.
19810305             —NACH 1—DEMONSTRATION in der INNENSTADT—NÜRNBERG, inhaftiert, werden im Zuge der MASSENVERHAFTUNG—VON—NÜRNBERG 141—PERSONEN
19820305             JOHN—BELUSHI, —33—JAHRE—ALT, comedian (Sat Night Live), was found dead of 1—DRUG overdose at the Chateau Marmont on Sunset Strip, 1 rented bungalow in HOLLYWOOD.
19820305             —LANDET auf der Venus, DER—SOVIET—RAUMSONDE—VENERA—14—LANDER, übersteht —57—MINUTEN bei einer Außentemperatur von 465 °C und einem Atmosphärendruck von 94—BAR.
19820305             —FUNKT, In der Zeit, DER—SOVIET—RAUMSONDE—VENERA—14—LANDER Daten und Bilder an die Erde.
19830305             The new PRIME—MINISTER, former trade unionist BOB—HAWKE, had vowed to stop THE—FRANKLIN—RIVER—DAM from being constructed, and THE—ANTI—DAM—VOTE increased HAWKE—MAJORITY.
19830305             The new PRIME—MINISTER, former trade unionist BOB—HAWKE,
19830305             had vowed to stop THE—FRANKLIN—RIVER—DAM from being constructed, and THE—ANTI—DAM—VOTE increased HAWKE—MAJORITY.
19830305—19830306    1. stattfindet, das Seminar "Konkret für den Frieden I".OST—BERLIN, das
19830305—19830306    125—EINGELADENE Personen vertreten 32—FRIEDENSARBEITSKREISE
19830305—19840000    —AB, Zur Gewährleistung einer gewissen Kontinuität wird 1—FORTSETZUNGSAUSSCHUSS gewählt.
19840305             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, that cities have the right to display the Nativity scene as PART—OF—THEIR—CHRISTMAS display.
19840305             THE—USA—ACCUSED—IRAQ of using poison gas against IRAN.
19840305             IRAQ had used tabun against IRAN.
19840305             This was The 1. use ever of 1—NERVE agent in war.
19840305             —ACCUSED, THE—USA, IRAQ of using poison gas against IRAN.
19850305             —ANGREIFT, DER—IRAN, die IRAK—PROVINZ—HAUPT—STADT—BASRA, worauf - 1. GOLF—KRIEG verschärft sich.
19850305—19850307    —AM—BEGINNT, der IRAK —MIT dem Beschuss IRANISCHER—STÄDTE,
19860305             —ISSUED, LEBANON, Islamic Jihad, 1—STATEMENT saying it had "executed" MICHEL—SEURAT,
19860305             1—FRANCE—HISTORY—RESEARCHER, who had been abducted 19850522            .
19860305             —ISSUED, LEBANON, Islamic Jihad, 1—STATEMENT—SAYING it had "executed" MICHEL—SEURAT, 1—FRANCE—HISTORY—RESEARCHER, who had been abducted 19850522            .
19860305—20060000    —IN, His remains were found.
19870305             —GEGRÜNDET, Auf DER—NATIONAL—ZEITUNG—HERAUSGEBER—VERLEGER—GERHARD—FREY—INITIATIVE, wird in MÜNCHEN die vom Verfassungsschutz später als rechtsextrem eingestufte Partei DEUTSCHE—VOLKSUNION – LISTE—D
19880305             VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH won THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican primary, with KANSAS SENATOR—BOB—DOLE running 1—DISTANT 2., followed by Pat Robertson and NEW—YORK Congressman JACK—KEMP.
19880305             VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH won THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican primary,
19880305             with KANSAS SENATOR—BOB—DOLE running 1—DISTANT 2., followed by Pat Robertson and NEW—YORK Congressman JACK—KEMP.
19890305             Machinists striking EAST—AIRLINES withdrew 1—IMMEDIATE—THREAT to picket the nation's railroads, —AFTER 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE issued 1—ORDER temporarily prohibiting rail workers from honoring the Eastern picket lines.
19890305             Machinists striking EAST—AIRLINES withdrew 1—IMMEDIATE—THREAT to picket the nation's railroads,
19890305             —AFTER 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE issued 1—ORDER temporarily prohibiting rail workers from honoring the Eastern picket lines.
19900000             Poles Tackle the Topic NEWSWEEK Polska, the magazine's POLAND—EDITION, published 1—SHORT—PIECE on the "Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
19900305             To the cheers of onlookers, workers in BUCHAREST—ROMANIA, finally succeeded in removing a 25-foot, 7—TON bronze statue of VLADIMIR—LENIN from its foundation.
19900305             To the cheers of onlookers, workers in BUCHAREST—ROMANIA,
19900305             finally succeeded in removing a 25-foot, 7—TON bronze statue of VLADIMIR—LENIN from its foundation.
19900305—19900306    HANS—MODROW, MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW, sprechen sich gegen den Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik aus und gegen die Mitgliedschaft eines vereinten DEUTSCHLAND zur NATO.
19910305             —REPEALED, IRAQ, its annexation of KUWAIT.
19910305             —TURNED, THE—IRAQIS, over 35—PRISONERS—OF—WAR, including 15—AMERICANS, to the Red Cross.
19910305             1—ANTI—SADDAM—HUSSEIN uprising was reported sweeping city —AFTER city in IRAQ.
19910305             raq repealed its annexation of KUWAIT.
19920305             —DROPPED, NEBRASKA SENATOR—BOB—KERREY, OUT—OF—THE—RACE for the Democratic presidential nomination.
19920305             —CHARGED, The trial of 4—LOS—ANGELES police officers, with beating motorist RODNEY—KING opened in SIMI—VALLEY, CALIFORNIA.
19920305             COPENHAGEN, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of DENMARK, ESTONIA, FINLAND, GERMANY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, NORWAY, POLAND, RUSSIA and SWEDEN, in THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, opened a —2—DAY—MEETING and decided to establish 1—COUNCIL—OF—THE—BALTIC—SEA—STATES to serve as 1—FORUM for guidance and overall coordination among the participating states.
19920305             —JOINED, ICELAND, THE—CBSS in 1995
19920305             COPENHAGEN, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of DENMARK,
19920305             ESTONIA, FINLAND, GERMANY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, NORWAY, POLAND, RUSSIA and SWEDEN, in THE—PRESENCE—OF—THE—REPRESENTATIVE—FROM—THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION, opened a —2-DAY meeting and decided to establish 1—COUNCIL—OF—THE—BALTIC—SEA—STATES to serve as 1—FORUM for guidance and overall coordination among the participating states.
19930305             —CALLED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE sought new ways to inflict what 1—SPOKESMAN, "real pain and real price" on SERBIA—AGGRESSORS in Bosnia by tightening THE—UNITED—NATIONS—BLOCKADE on supplies and money to the region.
19940305             —RESIGNED, WHITE—HOUSE—COUNSEL—BERNARD—NUSSBAUM, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—TURMOIL over the Clinton administration's HANDLING—OF—QUESTIONS related to Whitewater.
19940305             —SENTENCED, Griffin was, to life in prison.
19950305             1—AUSTRALIA—YACHT broke in 2 and sank in heavy wind and fierce winds off THE—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA coast, the 1. sinking in THE—HISTORY—OF—AMERICA—CUP racing;
19950305             all 17—CREW members were rescued.
19950305             1—AUSTRALIA—YACHT broke in 2 and sank in heavy wind and fierce winds off THE—SOUTH—CALIFORNIA coast,
19950305             the 1. sinking in THE—HISTORY—OF—AMERICA'S—CUP racing; all 17—CREW members were rescued.
19960305             Senate Majority Leader BOB—DOLE swept the "JUNIOR—TUESDAY" primaries.
19960305             —TANGLED, REPRESENTATIVE—ENID—GREENE—WALDHOLTZ (REPUBLICAN—UTAH), in 1—FINANCIAL—MESS that she blamed on her estranged husband, announced she would not seek a 2. term.
19960305             —BURNED, THE—S—PAUL—AME—CHURCH in HATLEY—MISSISSIPPI, down.
19960305             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19960305             —RAISED, THE—SRI—LANKA—ARMY, flags over JAFFNA town marking the end of a —7—WEEK—CAMPAIGN to capture the Tamil rebel stronghold.
19960305             tangled in 1—FINANCIAL—MESS that she blamed on her estranged husband, announced she would not seek a 2. term.
19970305             —ELECTED, TOMMY—LASORDA, Nellie Fox and WILLIE—WELLS—SENIOR were, to baseball's Hall of Fame.
19970305             —ANNOUNCED, Brain researchers, that SOME—INSTINCTUAL behavior was successfully transferred between chicken and quail embryos.
19970305             The young birds did not live past —14—DAYS.
19970305             THE—OHIO—RIVER—ROSE to its highest level in 1—GENERATION, flooding the area near LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
19970305             NORTH—KOREA and SOUTH—KOREA met for 1. time in —25—YEARS to talk peace.
19970305             THE—OHIO—RIVER—ROSE to its highest level in 1—GENERATION,
19970305             flooding the area near LOUISVILLE—KENTUCKY.
19980305             DETAILS—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON—DEPOSITION—TESTIMONY in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case against him were published in THE—WASHINGTON—POST, prompting 1—ANGRY—DENUNCIATION from THE—PRESIDENT for the news leak.
19980305             —ANNOUNCED, NASA officials, that the Lunar Prospector probe found THE—PRESENCE—OF—WATER on the moon at the north and south poles.
19980305             —ESTIMATED, As much as 100—MILLION—TONS—OF—WATER was.
19980305             They said that the water frozen in the loose SOIL—OF—THE—MOON might support 1—LUNAR base and 1—HUMAN colony.
19980305             —ANNOUNCED, In 1—SPEECH by Premier Li Peng it was, that CHINA planned to eliminate 11—MINISTRIES and lay off as many as 4—MILLION bureaucrats.
19980305             —DEVELOPED, The plan was, by economic CHIEF—ZHU—RONGJI, who was expected to replace Li Peng.
19980305             —RAIDED, JAPAN, prosecutors, the Finance Ministry and —LATER arrested 2—OFFICIALS, TAKASHI—SAKAKIBARA and Toshio Miyano for accepting bribes in exchange for approving new financial products.
19980305             —KILLED, COLOMBO—SRI—LANKA, 1—BUS—BOMB with at least 2—SHRAPNEL—LADEN bombs, at least 32—PEOPLE and injured over 300.
19980305             DETAILS—OF—PRESIDENT—CLINTON—DEPOSITION—TESTIMONY in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case against him were published in THE—WASHINGTON—POST,
19980305             prompting 1—ANGRY—DENUNCIATION from THE—PRESIDENT for the news leak.
19980305             —RAIDED, JAPAN, prosecutors, the Finance Ministry and —LATER arrested 2—OFFICIALS,
19980305             TAKASHI—SAKAKIBARA and Toshio Miyano for accepting bribes in exchange for approving new financial products.
19980305             —GESETZ zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich, gestattet DEUTSCHEN—AKTIENGESELLSCHAFTEN den ihnen bislang unerlaubten Erwerb eigener Aktien unter bestimmten Bedingungen.
19990305             D'Alema demanded justice, —WHILE Clinton expressed profound regret.
19990305             1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—IN—VIRGINIA struck down 19940000             —THE—VIOLENCE—AGAINST—WOMEN—ACT which let rape victims sue for CIVIL—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS.
19990305             —REMOVED, BOSNIA, THE—TOWN—OF—BRCO was, from ethnic SERBIA—CONTROL and proclaimed 1—NEUTRAL—ZONE under INTERNATIONAL supervision.
19990305             Nikola Poplasen, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—BOSNIAN—SERB—REPUBLIC, was removed from office for not cooperating with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
19990305             —SCHEDULED, CHINA, the annual —2-WEEK plenary session was, to amend the Constitution.
19990305             The preamble will mention the goal of developing a "socialist market economy" and acknowledge the late Deng Xiaoping.
19990305             —PLANNED, Revisions were also, to protect private enterprise and recognize multiple FORMS—OF—OWNERSHIP.
19990305             —VOTED, DENMARK—PARLIAMENT, 81-27 to legalize prostitution, effective 19990701            .
19990305             —ENACTED, INDONESIA, Law NUMBER 5—CONCERNING the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unhealthy/Unfair Business Competition (popularly know as the Competition Law or the Law), —AFTER THE—IMF required INDONESIA to pass laws that ensure fair competition.
19990305             —CHARGED, THE—COMMISSION to Monitor Business Competition (KPPU) was, with enforcing the Law.
19990305             —FROM SUDAN it was reported that southern rebels had kidnapped 7—PEOPLE working with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS—NEAR THE—TOWN—OF—BENTIU, 500—MILES—SOUTH—OF—KHARTOUM.
19990305             —KILLED, CANKIRI—TURKEY, 1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK, 3—PEOPLE and wounded provincial GOVERNOR—AYHAN—CEVIK.
19990305             —CLAIMED, THE—MAOIST—GUERRILLAS—OF—THE—TURKEY—WORKERS and Peasants Liberation Army (TIKKO), responsibility.
19990305             † ACTOR—RICHARD—KILEY—IN—WARWICK, NEW—YORK, at age 76.
19990305             Nikola Poplasen, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—BOSNIAN—SERB—REPUBLIC,
19990305             was removed from office for not cooperating with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
19990305             ndonesia enacted Law NUMBER 5—CONCERNING the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unhealthy/Unfair Business Competition (popularly know as the Competition Law or the Law),
19990305             —AFTER THE—IMF required INDONESIA to pass laws that ensure fair competition.
19990305             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—NUCLEAR—POWER—NEARS—PEAK—AS the 20. Anniversary of 3—MILE—ISLAND—APPROACHES, the Nuclear Industry Faces Slow Slide to Oblivion
19990305             —GEWÄHLT, KANADISCHES—TERRITORIUM—NUNAVUT—PREMIER—MINISTER—PAUL—OKALIK wird zum 1.  von den INUIT autonom verwalteten.
20000000             SOUTH—SLAVIC Homepage/Opsirnije/Evropa/Jugoistocna EUROPA... 20040305             Predsjednik Medjunarodne policijske asocijacije za droge MARKO—NICOVIC tvrdi da u Crnoj Gori aktivno djeluje italijanska obavjestajna sluzba SISMI.
20000000             —BY by JOHN—BUCHANAN... Polska, the magazine's POLAND—EDITION, published 1—SHORT—PIECE on the "Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
20000000             10-10-3 ... the magazine's POLAND—EDITION, published 1—SHORT—PIECE on the "Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
20000305             1—BLACKSBURG, VIRGINIA, subsidiary of PPL Therapeutics of EDINBURGH—SCOTLAND, the company that cloned Dolly the sheep, produced the 1. cloned pigs.
20000305             —KILLED, VIRGINIA, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—AUTO parts factory, 3—PEOPLE in at New River Castings in Radford.
20000305             —ARMED, ANGOLA, some 500, men killed 30—DIAMOND prospectors in Chivungo.
20000305             —BLAMED, UNITA rebels were.
20000305             —VOTED, ISRAEL, the government, to back PRIME—MINISTER—BARAK—PLAN to withdraw troops from SOUTH—LEBANON by July.
20000305             2—PEOPLE † and thousands were jailed.
20000305             —ARRIVED, MOZAMBIQUE, some 600—USA—TROOPS, to help deliver food and medical supplies where flooding left 1 estimated 1—MILLION—PEOPLE—HOMELESS.
20000305             RUSSIA, acting PRESIDENT—PUTIN said that RUSSIA would consider joining NATO if it were treated as 1—EQUAL—PARTNER.
20000305             —ARRESTED, NATO peacekeeping troops, Dragoljub Prcac, 1—BOSNIAN—SERB,
20000305             † In INDIA supporters of the Rashtriya Janata Dal party went on 1—RAMPAGE in PATNA —AFTER their party was dislodged from elections in BIHAR led by the National Democratic Alliance.
20000305             1—BLACKSBURG, VIRGINIA, subsidiary of PPL Therapeutics of EDINBURGH,
20000305             —CLONED, SCOTLAND, the company that, Dolly the sheep, produced The 1. cloned pigs.
20000305—19920000    —IN, for war crimes committed at the Omarska prison camp, where he served as deputy COMMANDER.
20000305—19920000    —ARRESTED, NATO peacekeeping troops, Dragoljub Prcac, 1—BOSNIAN—SERB, for war crimes committed at the Omarska prison camp, where he served as deputy COMMANDER.
20010305             —BLOCKED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY underwent 1—ANGIOPLASTY for 1—PARTIALLY, artery —AFTER going to 1—HOSPITAL with chest pains.
20010305             CHARLES—ANDREW—WILLIAMS, —15—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FRESHMAN at Santana High School in SANTEE—CALIFORNIA, 1—SAN—DIEGO suburb, shot and killed 2—STUDENTS and wounded 13—OTHERS.
20010305             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, a 17.7% increase in defense spending.
20010305             —VOWED, COLOMBIA, rightists, to prevent the formation of a 2. leftist sanctuary and fought rebels in 1—BATTLE that left 24—DEAD.
20010305             —CONTINUED, MACEDONIA, heavy fighting against ethnic ALBANIA—REBELS, for a 2. —DAY on the border with KOSOVO.
20010305             Muslim pilgrims began the stoning of THE—3—PILLARS symbolizing the devil as part of the annual hajj to MECCA.
20010305             35—PEOPLE suffocated to death —DURING the stoning of the devil ritual.
20010305             CHARLES—ANDREW—WILLIAMS (15), a freshman at Santana High School in Santee,
20010305             CALIFORNIA, 1—SAN—DIEGO suburb, shot and killed 2—STUDENTS and wounded 13—OTHERS.
20010305             - according THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—OF—INDEED the elder Bush benefit financially from investment in Carlyle.
20010305             Speeches are 1—THING; parking your money at the firm quite another.
20010305             Everything I've read on this subject - + you can find an
20010305             excellent summary at Bush Watch -- indicates CLOSE—N—COZY financial links between Carlyle, the Bush family, + allied Republicans.
20010305             "Loose and circumstantial"? My ass!
20010305             BANNER—WAVING Parents Barred from LEWIS—SPEECH
20010305             -according THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—OF—INDEED the elder Bush benefit financially from investment in Carlyle, Speeches are 1—THING;
20010305             parking your money at the firm quite another.
20010305             Das aus dem Album Runter mit den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer ausgekoppelte Lied Yoko Ono der Ärzte erscheint – das Video hierzu gilt als kürzestes je veröffentlichtes Musikvideo.
200103050000 in THE—CRIMSON
20010305—20020815    —SENTENCED, Williams was, —50—YEARS to life in prison.
20010611             _From__: beber;__Subject__: Re: Secret Presidential directive (199I WF213589 );__Date__: Mon, 20031103052311        -0600 ...
20010905—20020305    —ARRESTED, JUAN—ANTONIO—DOMINGUEZ, MAYOR—OF—ATIZAPAN, was, in connection with THE—SLAYING—OF—THE—CITY—COUNCIL—MEMBER, who had planned to reveal EVIDENCE—OF—CORRUPTION and drug trafficking.
20020000             Place HOUSTON, TX 77028 Brown & Root Services, INCORPORATED..99 Termination Date: 20021118             THE—BROWN—SCHOOLS 14070000             W.Amount: Less Than $10,000.00—WCC 4200—WACKENHUT Dr # 100 ... 20050305             20020000             Place HOUSTON, TX 77028 Brown & Root Services, INCORPORATED..99 Termination Date: 20021118             THE—BROWN—SCHOOLS 14070000             W.Amount: Less Than $10,000.00—WCC 4200—WACKENHUT Dr # 100 ... 20050305             20020000             Place HOUSTON, TX 77028 Brown & Root Services, INCORPORATED..99 Termination Date: 20021118             THE—BROWN—SCHOOLS 14070000             W.Amount: Less Than $10,000.00—WCC 4200—WACKENHUT Dr # 100 ... 20050305             20021106             —CONCEDED, Siegelman, 20021118            .
20020305             —APPROVED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, tariffs of 8-30% on several types of imported steel.
20020305             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—BUSH met with EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MUBAREK, who, for greater USA—INVOLVEMENT in seeking MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE.
20020305             CALIFORNIA, STATE—ELECTIONS—BILL—SIMON won the Republican race over RICHARD—RIORDAN (49-30) to face GOVERNOR—DAVIS in Nov.
20020305             MODESTO, REPRESENTATIVE—GARY—CONDIT lost to Assemblyman DENNIS—CARDOZA (56-37) for the Democratic nomination to Congress.
20020305             —REJECTED, Voters, Prop 45, 1—EASING—OF—TERM—LIMITS.
20020305             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—TEAM—OF—PHYSICISTS claimed nuclear fusion utilizing 1—BURST—OF—ULTRASOUND on 1—BUBBLE—OF—GASES in 1—PHENOMENON known as sonoluminescence.
20020305             Details were to appear the journal Science.
20020305             Joyce and PETE—COTTRELL—OF—NEW—HAMPSHIRE began to walk THE—TRANS—CONTINENTAL—USA—DISCOVERY Trail.
20020305             They left the Atlantic coast at Cape HENLOPEN—DELAWARE, and arrived at the Pacific Ocean at Point REYES—CALIFORNIA, 20030819            .
20020305             CHINA, Falun Gong members cut into 1—CABLE—NETWORK in CHANGCHUN and broadcast its messages for SOME— —50—MINUTES.
20020305             —KILLED, TEL, Aviv 1—GUNMEN, 3—PEOPLE at 1—RESTAURANT in THE—EARLY—HOURS and wounded 31—OTHER—BEFORE he was killed.
20020305             † 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up at the Afula bus station and 1—ISRAELI was killed.
20020305             —KILLED, In Dura 1—PALESTINE—POLICE—OFFICER was, and 4 wounded —DURING 1—GUNFIGHT with ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20020305             THE—PHILIPPINES, a 6.8—EARTHQUAKE struck about 10—MILES under the sea some 147—MILES—SOUTH—WEST—OF—GENERAL—SANTOS and 4—PEOPLE were killed.
20020305             —REINSTATED, ZIMBABWE, PRESIDENT—MUGABE, controversial election laws that had been struck down by THE—SUPREME—COURT.
20020305             —PLANNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to nominate ELIAS—ZERHOUNI,
20020305             PRESIDENT—BUSH met with EGYPT—PRESIDENT—MUBAREK,
20020305             who called for greater USA—INVOLVEMENT in seeking MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE.
20020305             They left the Atlantic coast at Cape HENLOPEN—DELAWARE,
20020305             and arrived at the Pacific Ocean at Point REYES—CALIFORNIA, 20030819            .
20020305—20080000    —IN, Purdue UNIVERSITY said physicist Rusi Taleyarkhan was GUILTY—OF—MISCONDUCT in his research.
20021028             Jomhouri: The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set...20050305             20021028             Jomhouri: The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set...20050305             20021028             Die neuste Ausgabe ist da!
20021028             Jomhouri: The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set...20050305             20021028             MARKET OPPORTUNITIES IN HOMELAND SECURITY - - THE—TREADSTONE—GROUP 3.156
20030305             —WALKED, THOUSANDS—OF—USA—STUDENTS nationwide, OUT—OF—CLASSES to protest 1—POSSIBLE—WAR.
20030305             —DECLARED, ARGENTINA, the Supreme, unconstitutional 1—GOVERNMENT—DECREE that converted dollar bank accounts to devalued pesos.
20030305             —CLAIMED, The opposition, he was trying to fix the outcome.
20030305             Kocharian had 67.5—PERCENT and challenger Stepan Demirchian had 32.5—PERCENT,
20030305             † SIR—HARDY—AMIES, —93—JAHRE—ALT, Savile Row designer and SELF—DESCRIBED snob.
20030305             —SEALED, CAMBODIA, its border with THAILAND, due to sluggish progress "to normalize relations in border areas" —SINCE—JANUARY—ANTI—THAILAND—RIOTS.
20030305             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB set off by, rebels ripped through 1—SHOPPING center in CUCUTA, killing 7—PEOPLE, injuring at least 20 and setting the complex on fire.
20030305             The foreign ministers of FRANCE, GERMANY and RUSSIA said they will block ANY—ATTEMPT to get UN approval for war against IRAQ.
20030305             ISRAEL—,1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE bombing, the 1. in —2—MONTHS, tore apart 1—PACKED—ISRAEL—BUS in the port CITY—OF—HAIFA, killing 14—ISRAELIS and 1—USA—TEENAGER, and wounding about 55.
20030305             1—KUWAIT—POLICEMAN was sentenced to —15—YEARS in prison for 20020000             —THE attack that wounded 2—USA—SOLDIERS on 1—KUWAIT—DESERT—HIGHWAY.
20030305             † NIGERIA, MARSHALL—HARRY, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—MAIN—OPPOSITION—PARTY, was shot and killed by gunmen who broke into his home in the capital.
20030305             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—EAST—COLOMBIA, 1—BOMB set off by, rebels ripped through 1—SHOPPING center in CUCUTA,
20030305             killing 7—PEOPLE, injuring at least 20 and setting the complex on fire.
20030305             ISRAEL, 1—PALESTINE—SUICIDE bombing, the 1. in —2—MONTHS,
20030305             tore apart 1—PACKED—ISRAEL—BUS in the port CITY—OF—HAIFA, killing 14—ISRAELIS and 1—AMERICA—TEENAGER, and wounding about 55.
20030305             was shot and killed by gunmen who broke into his home in the capital.
20030305             "1—WAR that will not end in our lifetime" said Cheney... " WASHINGTON, - RICHARD—N—HAASS, USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—DIRECTOR—OF—POLICY planning, is...
20030305             edition.
20030305             —REPORTED, The item, that "the.
20030305             informationliberation - - JOHN—LOFTUS—ON—PRESCOTT—BUSH—TIES—TO—HITLER
20030305             BUSH—NAZI Links - Various dates: JOHN—LOFTUS [FORMER—USDOJ Nazi Prosecutor] documents various ASPECTS—OF—THE—BUSH /Nazi connection
20030305             —HELPED, Including how THE—HOLLAND—ROYAL—FAMILY...
20030305             Prescott Bush "[ CO—FOUNDER—BOB] Fertik + others, including FORMER—JUSTICE DEPARTMENT—NAZI war crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS... believe Prescott Bush +...
20030305             "THE—DISCOVERY—OF—THE—BUSH—NAZI documents raises new questions about the role of... FORMER—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—NAZI war crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS...
20030305             GeorgeWalkerBush.NET—THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION by JOHN—LOFTUS.
20030305             For the Bush family, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare.
20030305             For their Nazi clients, THE—HOLLAND—CONNECTION was THE—MOTHER—OF—ALL—MONEY laundering...
20030305             How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis
20030305             Note: This article's author, JOHN—LOFTUS, is 1—FORMER—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF...
20030305             For the Bush family, it is 1—LINGERING nightmare. For their Nazi clients.
20030305             BUSH—NAZI LINK CONFIRMED—PRESCOTT Bush, the grandfather of...
20030305             crimes prosecutor JOHN—LOFTUS, —NOW honorary PRESIDENT... 1—SHORT—PIECE on the " Bush Nazi past" in its
20030305             THE—LOST—HISTORY—OF—THE—USA and IRAQ...
20030305             Casey and involved his deputy, ROBERT—GATES, according to TEICHER—AFFIDAVIT.
20030305             CARLOS—CARDOEN, who used them to manufacture cluster bombs for IRAQ.
20030305             Military intelligence as oxymoron...
20030305             CIA DDCI ROBERT—GATES + his "breakdown", OLLIE—NORTH—HANDY—ABILITY to... investigating British and USA—DEALINGS with DOCTOR—CARLOS—CARDOEN +...
20030305             alt.politics.bush | Google Groups's "THE—SECRET—WORLD—OF—ROBERT—GATES [4]".]... arms dealer CARLOS—CARDOEN ?
20030305             alt.politics.bush | Google Groups [For details, see's "Why Trust ROBERT—GATES on IRAQ [3].
20030305             What do you know about CHILE—ARMS—DEALER—CARLOS—CARDOEN ?
20030305             2.. - GWVRP: Document Detail... FORMER—CIA Director ROBERT—GATES says, "I hear 1—DISTANT bell tinkling.
20030305             CARLOS—CARDOEN, HEAD—OF—CHILE—INDUSTRIAS—CARDOEN, alleges that he was...
20030305             CHILE Security NEWS—MEDIA Monitoring Service by EIN News - ROBERT—GATES & Locking You Up Forever
20030305             NucNews-... Harmful to Your Health: Death Toll Mounting as Connections to Dyncorp, Hadron... JEROME—HAUER + 1—HANDFUL—OF—COUNTERTERRORISM—EXPERTS were painting...
20030305             —FROM THE—WILDERNESS—PUBLICATIONS—STORIES, Essays + News by Category
20030305             JEROME—HAUER —NOW on Bioport BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS—DEMOCRACY—NOW & The...
20030305             New and Ominous Connections to DynCorp + Promis Software Connections Emerging.
20030305             JFK Doodle Predicted "20010911             Conspiracy" - - CIA Helped Nazi Eichmann Hide...
20030305—19510000    —UNTIL, GeorgeWalkerBush.NET—BUSH -Nazi Dealings Continued
20030305—19841200    —IN, 2., you wrote 1—MEMO to CIA Director William...
2003041400305        PERLE hatte kürzlich die Leitung des verteidigungspolitischen Beratungsgremiums abgegeben, war aber Mitglied der PENTAGON—RUNDE geblieben.
20030910             Theme(s) Guerre - 200303050652
20031031             JOHN—LOFTUS, —NOW honorary PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FLORIDA—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM... the " Bush Nazi past" in its 20030305             edition.
20040000             Kreuz des Kommandeurs des GROSS—FÜRST—GEDIMINAS—ORDENS
20040100             - Wilkes treated Foggo to 1—DINNER at THE—CAPITAL—GRILLE,
20040305             "MISTER—BUSH + his aides have planned for more than —1—YEAR to make THE—PRESIDENT—RESPONSE to terrorist attacks the centerpiece of his RE—ELECTION—EFFORT".
20040305             National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, on "Meet the Press," in:NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20040305             "We are fighting 1—GLOBAL—WAR—ON—TERRORISM," National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, on "Meet the Press " in: NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20040305             —WELCOMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—FOX to his TEXAS ranch for a —2—DAY—VISIT.
20040305             —CONVICTED, Martha Stewart was, in NEW—YORK of obstructing justice and lying to the government about why she'd unloaded her Imclone stock —JUST—BEFORE the price plummeted;
20040305             her EX—STOCKBROKER, PETER—BACANOVIC, also was found guilty in the stock scandal.
20040305             —KILLED, USA special operations forces, 9 suspected Taliban rebels in 1—FIREFIGHT in EAST—AFGHANISTAN —AFTER the militants tried to sneak by their position.
20040305             —KILLED, Suspected Taliban gunmen, 1—TURKEY—ENGINEER and 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER—AFTER stopping their car along 1—MAIN—ROAD linking the capital with the turbulent south.
20040305             —ADDRESSED, CHINA—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO, the 2,904-member legislature and turned attention and resources to THE—HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—CITIZENS who work the land.
20040305             —ENDED, CARLOS—JULIO—AROSEMENA, —84—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TIME—PRESIDENT—OF—ECUADOR whose term, in a 19630000             military coup, †.
20040305             HAITI, some 3 1000—SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—JEAN—BERTRAND—ARISTIDE marched on THE—USA and FRANCE—EMBASSIES, shouting their anger at his ouster.
20040305             A 7—MEMBER—COUNCIL met for the 1. time to help form 1—TRANSITIONAL government.
20040305             1—BOMB exploded as SOUTH—LEBANON—POLICE—CHIEF was driving across 1—BRIDGE in the eastern region, blowing off 1—FOOT and mangling another.
20040305             —ACKNOWLEDGED, LIBYA, stockpiling 44,000—POUNDS—OF—MUSTARD gas and disclosed the location of 1—PRODUCTION—PLANT in 1—DECLARATION submitted to the world's chemical weapons watchdog.
20040305             —FILMED, MEXICO—AIR—FORCE—PILOTS, 11 unidentified flying objects in the skies over SOUTH—CAMPECHE state.
20040305             —AIRED, The video was publicly, May10.
20040305             —MARCHED, NEPAL, some 10,000 demonstrators, through THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL, the latest protest against THE—KING for dismissing 1 elected government and replacing it with 1—LOYAL to the monarchy.
20040305             † CARLOS—JULIO—AROSEMENA (84), 1—TIME—PRESIDENT—OF—ECUADOR whose term ended in a 19630000             military coup.
20040305             —MARCHED, NEPAL, some 10,000 demonstrators, through THE—STREETS—OF—THE—CAPITAL,
20040305             the latest protest against THE—KING for dismissing 1 elected government and replacing it with 1—LOYAL to the monarchy.
2004030511           Crossing the threshold_1
2004030511           Crossing the threshold_2
2004030511           Crossing the threshold_4
20040305—19600000    —IN, Elected VICE—PRESIDENT, Arosemena rose to the presidency —FOLLOWING THE—OUSTER—OF—PRESIDENT—VELASCO—IBARRA —1—YEAR—LATER in 1—MILITARY—COUP.
20050305             Operations Behind Enemy Lines 20050304             FM 30-31B It all began —DURING WWII.
20050305             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—EXPERIMENTAL—TECHNIQUE called DEEP—BRAIN—STIMULATION was effective in turning off depression.
20050305             CHINA—FOREIGN—EXCHANGE—CHIEF said 1—SHARP—APPRECIATION—OF—CHINA—YUAN is unlikely and the currency will be kept in 1—SMALL—RANGE as the country gradually implements 1—MORE—FLEXIBLE—EXCHANGE—RATE.
20050305             INDIA—FINANCE—MINISTER—PALANIAPPAN—CHIDAMBARAM said the government would try to ensure economic growth of over 7—PERCENT and urged the Reserve BANK—OF—INDIA (RBI) to maintain benign interest rates, —NOW at —3—DECADE—LOWS, to promote investment.
20050305             —CLINCHED, INDIA, 1—DEAL to operate 1—VENEZUELA—OILFIELD and import the output as ASIA—3. largest consumer and the world's NUMBER5—OIL exporter vowed to strengthen ties.
20050305             —RECOMMENDED, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—THE—LAWLESS—INDIA—EASTERN—STATE—OF—BIHAR, FEDERAL—RULE in the province as no political grouping could muster the required numbers to form 1—GOVERNMENT in polls —LAST—MONTH.
20050305             —ENDED, This, control by the Yadav family.
20050305             IRAN said it will never agree to 1—PERMANENT halt on enriching uranium and warned that 1—MORE—UNSTABLE—MIDDLE—EAST would result from 1—USA—BACKED effort to haul TEHRAN —BEFORE THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL for possible sanctions.
20050305             —RAIDED, PAKISTAN—TROOPS, 1—HIDEOUT of suspected AL—QAIDA militants in 1—REMOTE—TRIBAL—AREA—NEAR—AFGHANISTAN.
20050305             1—SHOOTOUT left 2—FOREIGNERS dead. 11—PEOPLE were arrested.
20050305             —OUTLINED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—ASSAD, a 2—STEP pullback: 1. to LEBANON—BEKAA—VALLEY, nearer to THE—SYRIA—BORDER;
20050305             2., 1—REDEPLOYMENT from there all the way to THE—SYRIA—FRONTIER.
20050305             He failed to address broad INTERNATIONAL demands that he completely withdraw SYRIA—15,000—TROOPS—AFTER nearly —30—YEARS in LEBANON.
20050305             INDIA—FINANCE—MINISTER—PALANIAPPAN—CHIDAMBARAM said the government would try to ensure economic growth of over 7—PERCENT and urged the Reserve BANK—OF—INDIA (RBI) to maintain benign interest rates,
20050305             —NOW at —3—DECADE—LOWS, to promote investment.
20050305             —CLINCHED, INDIA, 1—DEAL to operate 1—VENEZUELA—OILFIELD and import the output as ASIA—3. largest consumer and the world's No.
20050305             —OUTLINED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—ASSAD, a 2—STEP pullback:
20050305             1. to LEBANON—BEKAA—VALLEY, nearer to THE—SYRIA—BORDER;
20050305             INTERVIEW—MIT—RICHARD—VON—WEIZSÄCKER: "Ich habe das Wort Auschwitz nicht vor dem Frühjahr 19450000             gehört"
20050305             Handlesung: Was die Finger erzählen
20050305             Schüsse auf Italiener: "Zeit"-Chefredakteur zweifelt an USA—ANGABEN
20050305             SYRISCHER—TRUPPENABZUG: USA unzufrieden mit Assads Ankündigung
20050305             "Big Brother" endlos: Ein wenig Leben — lebenslänglich
20050305             ANTI—TERRORKAMPF: Bush gab CIA Persilschein für Verhöre
20050305             GUARDIAN Unlimited | Life | What is red mercury?
20050305             Others, including SAM—COHEN, the inventor of the neutron bomb, disagree +...intermediate -+ equally ELUSIVE—COMPOUND from which red mercury is supposedly..
20050305             NTI: Issue Brief: Nuclear Trafficking Hoaxes: 1—SHORT—HISTORY—OF.. 13] 1—OF—THOSE quoted, USA nuclear physicist SAM—COHEN, to this —DAY continues to write passionately about the nuclear applications of red mercury,which he
20050305             Millennia Fever THE—INVENTOR—OF—THE—NEUTRON bomb, SAM—COHEN, graduated with 1—PHYSICS—DEGREE creating 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB is the need for plutonium, but red mercury is the...
20050305             Whistleblower, Prior Knowledge of 20010911             ... SAM—COHEN, 1—USA nuclear weapons expert credited with inventing the neutron bomb.
20050305             I asked Cohen how he would answer critics who ridicule the idea of red mercury.
20050305             WWII.
20050305             - EUROPE—ITALY & THE—VATICAN—THEY also made use of STAY—BEHIND agents equipped with radio.. in THE—OSS + spent —5—MONTHS behind GERMANY—LINES in...Return to WWII.
20050305             EUROPE TABLE—OF—CONTENTS. UK — WWII.
20050305             - SERVICES—SOE - NR Special Operations Executive...SOE plans for 1—STAY—BEHIND operation in IRELAND, as well for 1—RUMOR—PLANTING campaign, ran afoul of both MI5 + MI6 - +.
20050305             Bletchley Park     ?   THE—9—SECRET—SERVICES—OF—WWII. the ' stay behind ' Auxiliary Units...       ?   ?
20050305             THE—PENTAGON'S 'NATO Option'It all began —DURING WWII.
20050305             —WHEN UK PRIME—MINISTER...up with THE—CIA to train " STAY—BEHIND armies" in...have the means of launching special operations which will.
20050305             1—SCARY—TALE—INFORMATION came out about their operations including Operation...of the stay behind s —SINCE WWII. was the...was intimately linked with THE—STAY—BEHIND network on...
20050305    | "Stay Behind ": NATO—TERROR—NETWORK...anticapitalist movements even —BEFORE THE—END—OF—WWII.. The existence of the Stay Behind network was not a...its own "ANTI—COMMUNIST " operations but receiving both...
20050305             Holy Smoke + Mirrors THE—VATICAN—CONSPIRACY...THE—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNS for drugs to finance Contra operations...on the far right that date back to WWII.
20050305             the centre for THE—ANTI—COMMUNIST—ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRONT ANTICOMUNIST LIGUE Stay Behind units of.
20050305             Rangerforce Recon WWII.
20050305             Ranger Battalions from RTB website...including LOW—LEVEL—NIGHT jumps) operations, demolitions, sabotage...Navy Swift Boats + stay behind missions where the.
20050305             Whistle Stopper Political FORUMS—MART Laar's "War in the Woods" -This standard allows great tolerance for PRE—WWII.
20050305             Myths +...SS Legion were instructed to stay behind as a...+ magnify the "ongoing struggle behind the Iron Curtain.
20050305             ?Making Sheeps? Eyes? at Anglo Oil
20050305             -...evasion routes + organize " STAY—BEHIND " guerrilla networks...lead UK to start covert operations in IRAN...began their participation in WWII.
20050305             THE—USSR.
20050305             late 1940s Stay Behind " —AT—THE—END—OF—WWII. to build...BELGIUM (Sdra-8), UK ( Stay Behind ), DENMARK, FRANCE...parallel intelligence + armed operations organization [has
20050305             THE—HISTORY—OF—THE 10. Special Forces Group (Airborne)
20050305             -...THE—CONDUCT—OF—WINTER—COMMANDO—TYPE—OPERATIONS in EUROPE...THE—USA—ARMY—AFTER WWII. volunteered for...Their mission was " stay behind " Unconventional Warfare..
20050305             THE—HISTORY—OF—THE 10. Special Forces Group (Airborne) The story... CONDUCT—OF—WINTER commando­type operations in EUROPE...joined THE—USA—ARMY—AFTER WWII. volunteered for...Their mission was " stay behind " Unconventional Warfare...
20050305             New Documents about WINSTON—CHURCHILL —DURING THE—WWII.
20050305             this war, CHURCHILL has been the mastermind behind the operations...19420500             where he had to stay on —UNTIL.
20050305             NORWAY...trained in guerrilla, mountain + ARCTIC operations + are..". Stay Behind " - This is 1—SUPER—SECRET—SPECIAL—FORCE...Light Tank (This is 1—WWII.
20050305             -era USA.
20050305             USS NICHOLAS—VIRGIL—WING—TAYLOR, Strong + Fletcher enroute to New GEORGIA to support mining operations of TG...O'Bannon was heard to ask permission to stay behind + cover us;
20050305             M's Civics: Politics & Current EVENTS—PAGE 2.the covert importation of NAZI scientists —AT—THE—END—OF—WWII. to the...FLASHBACK: THE—SECRET—GOVERNMENT—CIA—COVERT—OPERATIONS, war, unilateral power: 1—PROPHETIC...
20050305             WHY? THE—DEEPER—HISTORY behind 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks...the primary DESIGNERS—OF—POST—WWII. covert actions...
20050305             These operations do not have the moral justification of...were being told, these were not STAY—BEHIND -forces to...
20050305             90.5 THE—NIGHT: Membership...OHIO Foundation Amoco Corporation Amoco Foundation, INCORPORATED..Inc Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Group Rockwell INTERNATIONAL Corporation Rohm + Haas...
20050305             House FLAGS—OF—USA Shipping Companies: A.Amoco Corporation (18990000             to present).
20050305             Amoco has its origins in the Standard Oil Company (INDIANA), 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—JOHN—D.—ROCKEFELLER—STANDARD—OIL—TRUST.
20050305             Standard Oil Trust Le sue origini risalgono al 18630000             , quando JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER (18390000—19370000...le altre diedero origine a Mobil Oil Corporation, Amoco Corporation, Chevron Corporation...
20050305             Oil Company Histories...7125;
20050305             phone: (312) 856-6111; E—MAIL: info@ Atlantic sold to JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER—STANDARD—OIL—TRUST.
20050305             Fondamentalisti americani alla conquista DELL'AMERICA LATINA — I. linee ferroviarie e in altre 35—CORPORATION i cui...JOHN—D—SENIOR, NELSON—ALDRICH—ROCKEFELLER, che cominciò a...della Standard Oil of INDIANA ( AMOCO ), quella Creole...
20050305             Information Age Associates (IAA): Clients...& Girls CLUBS—OF—AMERICA BP Amoco Brightwork Development...Rockefeller Trust Co.Trinity Church, WALL—STREET United Technologies Corporation Venrock Associates...
20050305             ROCKEFELLER—FACING the Corporate Root S—OF—USA—FASCISM... properties such as THE—USA—STEEL—CORPORATION as well as...1—LEGAL—BATTLE to get ROCKEFELLER— Chevron (Standard Oil CALIFORNIA), Amoco (Standard Oil...
20050305             Olympic Pipe LINE—OUR history...JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER was the most powerful man in...1—INDIRECT subsidiary of BP Amoco INCORPORATED, purchased...the stock interest of GATX Terminals Corporation in Olympic...
20050305             Amoco CORPORATION—ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA—USA petroleum corporation that that from 18700000—19110000 was the industrial empire of JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER + associates...
20050305             empire of JOHN—D—ROCKEFELLER + associates, controlling almost all oil production, processing, marketing, +...>, Amoco Corporation USA—PETROLEUM...
20050305             Standard Oil Company and TRUST—ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica - RAY—MCGOVERN : It sounds crazy, but...
20050305             The notion that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION would mount a "preemptive" air attack on IRAN seems insane.
20050305             But BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—POLICY toward THE—MIDDLE—EAST is being run by MEN—YES, only MEN—WHO were routinely referred to in high circles in WASHINGTON —DURING 19800000             —THE s as the "crazies".
20050305             Inside THE—COMMITTEE—THAT—RUNS—THE—WORLD : The inner CIRCLES—OF—THE—USA—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COMMUNITY—REPRESENT what is probably the most powerful COMMITTEE—IN—THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—WORLD, 1 with more resources, more power, more license to act + more ability to project force further and swifter than ANY—OTHER convened by KING, emperor, or PRESIDENT.
20050305             —ENDED, NORTH—KOREA ends MISSILE—TEST—MORATORIUM—NORTH—KOREA, 1—SELF—IMPOSED moratorium on testing LONG—RANGE—MISSILES + said "hostile" USA—POLICY was forcing it to develop its nuclear arsenal, prompting immediate condemnation from JAPAN.
20050305             Jailed —NUN Won't Pay Missile Silo Fine
20050305             Chavez renews threat to cut oil to USA : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ has renewed 1—THREAT to halt oil supplies to THE—USA—IF—WASHINGTON hurts the Latin USA—COUNTRY.
20050305             S. USA—COUNTRIES agree energy and financial coordination.
20050305             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ has, Petrosur, 1—TRANS—NATIONAL—GOVERNMENTS owned oil corporation.
20050305             INDIA to sign oil cooperation pact with VENEZUELA : INDIA will sign 1—PACT with VENEZUELA —THIS—WEEK for cooperation in the energy sector, joining CHINA in the hunt for petroleum assets in the world's NUMBER 5—OIL exporter.
20050305             RUSSIA Company To Build Oil Refinery In VENEZUELA?
20050305             VENEZUELA and Latin AMERICA: Ready to Rumble : It happened —BEFORE USA—INTERVENTION in CENTRAL—AMERICA in the 1980's;
20050305             it happened —BEFORE the invasion of PANAMA 19890000             ;
20050305             it happened —BEFORE the invasion of IRAQ in 20020000—20030000; it is happening —NOW in VENEZUELA.
20050305             Thousands die —SINCE USA—REGIME—CHANGE in HAITI: The tragic RESULTS—OF—REGIME—CHANGE in HAITI are clear.
20050305             HAITI is in total chaos.
20050305             The interim government, which was put in power by THE—USA and has received unprecedented support from our government, is 1—COMPLETE—FAILURE.
20050305             Violence is widespread + security is NON—EXISTENT.
20050305             Schools are shut down, hospitals are not operating + roads and infrastructure are in disrepair.
20050305             Dead bodies are found lying in the streets.
20050305             HAITI—SOLDIERS, police ACCUSED—OF—MASS rape : It was THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—NIGHT—WHEN masked men armed with SEMI—AUTOMATIC—RIFLES burst into the Cap HAITI—HOME—OF—14—YEAR—OLD—MARJORY, the oldest DAUGHTER—OF—1—LOCAL—TRADE—UNIONIST.
20050305             HAITI still unstable says Annan : THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL has warned that the situation in HAITI still remains volatile and recommended that the Transitional Government investigates the alleged reports of human rights abuses being carried out by the country's police force.
20050305             MOSES—DIDN'T—WRITE—THE—CONSTITUTION : The real issue here is a "camel's nose under the tent" plan of religious conservatives and the new USA—CHRISTIAN—TALIBAN to convince THE—USA—PEOPLE that THE—10—COMMANDMENTS are the very BASIS—OF—USA—LAW.
20050305             PADILLA—INDEFINITE detention puts your rights at risk : This case is not —JUST about JOSE—PADILLA.
20050305             It's about EVERY—CITIZEN—LIBERTY.
20050305             If THE—FOUNDATIONS—OF—FREEDOM crumble under THE—STRESSES—OF—THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM, the terrorists will have won.
20050305             1—FASCIST—AMERICA : How close are we?
20050305             Bush wielding secrecy privilege to end suits: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is aggressively wielding 1—RARELY used executive power known as the state secrets privilege in 1—ATTEMPT to squash HARD—HITTING court challenges to its ANTI—TERRORISM—CAMPAIGN.
20050305             USA—BARS—NICARAGUA heroine as 'terrorist':
20050305             Writers and academics voice anger as state department refuses visa to let Sandinista revolutionary take up post as Harvard professor
20050305             USA Had Plans for Air Strike on N.K. Nuke Facility 19940000             : EX—OFFICIAL: ASHTON—CARTER, 1—FORMER—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for INTERNATIONAL security policy, said he commanded the air strike plans aimed at blowing up THE—NORTH—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES in Yongbyon 19940000            .
20050305             War budget fuels drive for empire : The proposed 20060000             defense budget is $419.3—BILLION.
20050305             1—ADDITIONAL $81—BILLION or so will be requested to conduct military operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20050305             However, this $500—BILLION is only the beginning.
20050305             KEN—LIVINGSTONE: This is about ISRAEL, not ANTI—SEMITISM : Ariel Sharon, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, is 1—WAR—CRIMINAL who should be in prison, not in office.
20050305             Ariel Sharon: THE—ACCUSED : The man who is —NOW ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER, Ariel Sharon, sent LEBANON—MILITIAMEN into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla.
20050305             —WHEN they left —36—HOURS—LATER at least 800—PEOPLE lay dead —AFTER 1—RAMPAGE—OF—MURDER, torture + rape.
20050305             ISRAEL to seize more PALESTINE—LAND:
20050305             —ORDERED, THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT has, the confiscation of large SWATHES—OF—PALESTINE—LAND in THE—WEST—BANK
20050305             "—FOR—YEARS—NOW I have been warning that this is the intention of Ariel Sharon, THE—BASIS—OF—THE—WHOLE—SETTLEMENT—ENTERPRISE planned and set up by him.".
20050305             Ghali Hassan: Fateful Axis : Like IRAQ, IRAN and Syria pose no threat to world peace.
20050305             To the contrary, 1—RECENT—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—PUBLIC opinion poll has found that 59—PERCENT—OF—RESPONDENTS believe ISRAEL represents 1—ENORMOUS—THREAT to world peace.
20050305             Followed by THE—USA in 2. place at 53 %.
20050305             IRAN—SPY—SATELLITES—WORRY Israe l: RUSSIA will shortly launch 2—STATE—OF—THE—ART—IRAN—SPY—SATELLITES enabling Teheran to closely monitor military movements in ISRAEL.
20050305             —EXPRESSED, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS, grave concern at IRAN—GROWING strategic capabilities.
20050305             ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE Training for LONG—RANGE Bombing Missions : The television highlighted that THE—COMMANDER was referring to possible future missions against suspected nuclear facilities in IRAN by showing FOOTAGE—OF—THE—NEW—ATOMIC—POWER—STATION that ISRAEL—ARCH enemy is completing with RUSSIA—ASSISTANCE in the Gulf port of BUSHEHR.
20050305             IRAN accuses IAEA of leaking nuclear secrets : 1—SENIOR—IRAN—SECURITY—OFFICIAL—ON—THURSDAY accused THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AUTHORITY—OF lying + leaking information from INSPECTIONS—OF—IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20050305             Ayatollah Seyed ALI—KHAMENEI—USA—TRYING—TO—UNDERMINE—IRAN:
20050305             "THE—USA—OFFICIALS assume they are THE—CHIEF—OF—THE—GLOBAL—VILLAGE, whom other nations must obey".
20050305             Diplomats: IRAN Digging Tunnels To Store Nuclear Components:
20050305             —REINFORCED, Fearing airstrikes, IRAN is using, materials and tunneling deep underground to store nuclear components — measures meant to make the facility resistant to "bunker busters" and other special weaponry
20050305             —MISLED, HANS—BLIX: Says USA, the world to "free" IRAQ : IRAQ—NUCLEAR—PAST and IRAN—POSSIBLE—NUCLEAR—FUTURE should spur the world toward making THE—MIDDLE—EAST—INCLUDING ISRAEL - 1—ZONE—FREE—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, arms expert HANS—BLIX says.
20050305             33—THINGS—YOU Should Know About THE—MIDDLE—EAST and AMERICA : How can AMERICA ASK for a "nuclear free MIDDLE—EAST" and still allow ISRAEL to keep its atomic and hydrogen bombs?
20050305             Does this make sense to you? Are we so dumb?
20050305             TURKEY deploys 1,357 troops in NORTH—IRAQ:
20050305             —DEPLOYED, TURKEY has, 1,357 military personnel in NORTH—IRAQ to fight against members of the outlawed Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK)
20050305             AMERICA—LOOKS the other way : In the end it was another sad reminder of the heavy price THE—USA has paid for ignoring fundamental human rights in IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and Guantánamo;
20050305             MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS—CALLS for Nuking Syria : REPRESENTATIVE—SAM—JOHNSON (R—TX) has advocated for attacking Syria with nuclear weapons.
20050305             Congressman says he was "joking" with NUKE—SYRIA suggestion
20050305             Suicide Bomb Probably Killed HARIRI—LEBANON Source : The source said RESULTS—OF—THE—PROBE would be released —NEXT—WEEK.
20050305             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STAGE—MANAGES the "Get Syria" Move : THE—NEO—CONS—STAGE—MANAGED facts in the aftermath of the February 14—ASSASSINATION—OF—HARIRI, who had demanded that SYRIA—TROOPS leave LEBANON, so as to point the accusatory finger at the Bashar AL—ASSAD government.
20050305             Headlines, Beliefs and Deceptions:
20050305             —FROM GLOUCESTER to AFGHANISTAN: the making of 1—SHOE bomber : Saajid Badat —THIS—WEEK pleaded guilty to plotting to blow up 1—PLANE.
20050305             What drove this quiet football fan to THOUGHTS—OF—TERROR?
20050305             Key IRAQ wound: Brain trauma: 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—USA—TROOPS whose body armor helped them survive bomb + rocket attacks are suffering brain damage as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—BLASTS.
20050305             It's 1—TYPE—OF—INJURY—SOME—MILITARY—DOCTORS say has become the signature wound of THE—IRAQ war.
20050305             Number of black Army recruits declining : THE—ARMY strains to meet recruiting goals in part because black volunteers have fallen 41 % ---- from 23.5—PERCENT—OF—RECRUITS in fiscal 20000000             down steadily to 13.9 % in the 1. —4—MONTHS—OF—FISCAL 20050000            .
20050305             HELEN—THOMAS: Recalls nearly —45—YEARS as WHITE—HOUSE—CORRESPONDENT : HELEN—THOMAS had 1—FRONT—ROW—SEAT to history unfolding —BEFORE her eyes, but she said the current administration is making her wish she was blind.
20050305             CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—REGROUPS for 1—NEW—ATTACK : Religious conservatives momentarily have shifted their attention away from the stalled campaign to ban SAME—SEX—MARRIAGE and instead are concentrating on getting behind 1—BILL that would allow religious leaders to openly endorse political candidates.
20050305             —INVOLVED, Jihad denies leadership, in Tel Aviv bombing : 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIC—JIHAD leader denied —ON—SATURDAY the group's leadership had ANY—INVOLVEMENT in 1—TEL—AVIV night club bombing which killed 5—ISRAELIS and wounded 50—OTHERS.
20050305             62—PERCENT—OF—ISRAELIS think PRIME—MINISTER—SHARON is corrupt
20050305             Thousands March in HAITI—SLUMS : The march in THE—BEL—AIR—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—PORT—AU—PRINCE—WAS—THE 2. PRO—ARISTIDE demonstration in —5—DAYS.
20050305             —OPENED, —ON—MONDAY, HAITI—POLICE, fire on 1—DEMONSTRATION and killed at least 3—ARISTIDE supporters.
20050305             HAITI, 'hunger in dark places' is real...and ignored:
20050305             USA—MEDIA, rights groups silent on country's torment
20050305             Chavez makes USA—MURDER—PLOT—CLAIM : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ says he has evidence THE—USA was planning to assassinate him, 1—ALLEGATION—THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—EARLIER dismissed as "wild".
20050305             Noam Chomskey: Promoting democracy in MIDDLE—EAST : 1—GENUINE—THREAT is that in recent years THE—USA has dispatched more than 100 advanced jet bombers to ISRAEL, with loud announcements that they are CAPABLE—OF—BOMBING IRAN — updated VERSIONS—OF—THE—PLANES that ISRAEL used to bomb THE—IRAQ—NUCLEAR—REACTOR 19810000            .
20050305             1—FEW—WORDS—FROM A "Liberated" Iraqi : We do not hate AMERICA for its "freedom or democracy".
20050305             We don't hate AMERICA.
20050305             We hate the crimes, the destructions + the devastation committed by AMERICA AGAINST the innocent people in our country.
20050305             Blair still took us to WAR—ON—1—LIE:
20050305             To insist that the ends —NOW justify the means is morally disgraceful
20050305             —NOMINATED, FORMER—SENATOR—BOSCHWITZ, to be Ambassador to THE—UNITED—NATIONS' Commission on Human Rights : He said he would try to steer the Commission on Human Rights in 1—DIRECTION—MORE—FAVORABLE to THE—USA.
20050305             Assad announces LEBANON troop withdrawal:
20050305             —ANNOUNCED, THE—SYRIA—PRESIDENT, Bashar Assad, —TODAY that Syria will move its troops in LEBANON to the country's eastern region, to be followed by 1—WITHDRAWAL to THE—SYRIAN—LEBANON—BORDER
20050305             —OCCUPIED, Assad says Mideast peace impossible without return of, lands : In 1—SPEECH to PARLIAMENT, he said: "Peace in our region will never be achieved unless our land that is occupied is returned to us.
20050305             —EXPECTED, He's, to announce 1—PULLBACK—OF—SYRIA—FORCES in the country.
20050305             90—IRAQ—WEAPONS—INSPECTION—SITES looted or razed: UN : About 90—SITES in IRAQ containing DUAL—USE—EQUIPMENT and materials that can be used for either peaceful ends or acquiring WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION (WMDs) have been looted or razed, 1—UN—PANEL said —ON—FRIDAY.
20050305             Nuclear row: IRAN WARNS—OF—OIL—CRISIS : IRAN—TOP—NUCLEAR—OFFICIAL has warned THE—USA—AND—EUROPE—OF—THE—DANGER—OF—1—OIL—CRISIS if TEHRAN is sent —BEFORE THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its nuclear programme.
20050305             —PROTRACTED, IRAN weary of, nuclear talks : Europeans should focus on the element of "time", Rowhani said, because IRAN will not tolerate prolonged talks.
20050305             USA—MAY—HELP—IRAN—ACTIVISTS : WASHINGTON is considering 1—MORE—AGGRESSIVE—EFFORT to foster opposition inside IRAN and seeking ways to use new funds to support activists without exposing them to THE—RISK—OF—ARREST.
20050305             USA—ATTACK against Italians in BAGHDAD was deliberate: companion : "Giuliana had information + THE—USA—MILITARY did not want her to survive," he added.
20050305             —PLUCKED, USA—TROOPS kill rescuer as ITALY—HOSTAGE is, to safety in IRAQ : USA—SOLDIERS in IRAQ opened fire on 1—CAR carrying 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST who had —JUST been freed by kidnappers last night, injuring the woman and killing 1—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT who tried to protect her.
20050305             —KILLED, ITALY—AGENT, at USA—CHECKPOINT in BAGHDAD had negotiated release of previous hostages : Nicola Calipari was 1—VETERAN—ITALY—SECRET—SERVICE—AGENT and practiced negotiator who had helped return 2—HOSTAGES kidnapped in IRAQ home to their loved ones in ITALY.
20050305             —STUNNED, Berlusconi, by USA—SHOOTING at ITALY—JOURNALIST—IN—IRAQ : ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI said —FRIDAY he was stunned that the newly released ITALY—FEMALE—JOURNALIST—GIULIANA—SGRENA was shot and wounded by USA—SOLDIERS in BAGHDAD + demanded 1—EXPLANATION from WASHINGTON.
20050305             Bush calls ITALY—BERLUSCONI with regrets:
20050305             Bush a hypocrite to lecture Putin
20050305             —VISITED, Suppose that RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, CANADA + announced that THE—USA was retreating from its PRINCIPLES—OF—FREEDOM—SINCE the World Trade Center attack.
20050305             —DENIED, THE—USA, he might have said, has, due PROCESS—OF—LAW to SOME—USA—CITIZENS.
20050305             —ESTABLISHED, It has, 1—CONCENTRATION—CAMP in CUBA.
20050305             —TORTURED, It has, prisoners, indeed often + in MANY—PLACES.
20050305             —INDEED, It denies aliens the right to trial by jury --, it acts like the only ones who have MISTER—JEFFERSON—INALIENABLE—RIGHTS are USA—CITIZENS + not always.
20050305             Protecting 1—REGIME—WITH—BLOOD—ON—ITS—HANDS
20050305             Supporting Blair, in his propaganda and his contemptuous need for another TERM—OF—OFFICE, is supporting mass murder.
20050305             For the Sake of Our Children by ROBERT—F—KENNEDY, JUNIOR.
20050305             —FROM THE—BEGINNING—OF—USA—HISTORY our greatest political LEADERS—THOMAS—JEFFERSON, GEORGE—WASHINGTON, JOHN—ADAMS and ANDREW—JACKSON—HAVE warned AMERICA AGAINST allowing large corporations to dominate our political systems and our lives.
20050305             Is THE—POWER—OF—RIGHT—WING brainwashing so immense that we can be living in poverty + not know it ?
20050305             —AM—FREITAG wurde sie von ihren Entführern schließlich freigelassen.
20050305             "Il Manifesto", die den IRAK—EINSATZ Italiens von —ANFANG an kritisiert hat, titelte —HEUTE: "Giuliana Sgrena ist frei. Die Amerikaner schießen. Ihr Befreier wurde ermordet. Er hieß Nicola Calipari".
20050305             —BEKANNT, Es ist bislang nicht, ob dem Wagen der Geheimdienstleute ein 2. Sicherheitsfahrzeug zur Seite gestellt war.
20050305             Ebenso ist unklar, ob die Italiener das CENTCOM—HAUPTQUARTIER der Amerikaner von ihrer Ankunft am Flughafen informierten, bzw. ob diese NACHRICHT—VON—DEN—AMERIKANERN rechtzeitig an die Posten weitergegeben wurde.
20050305             Die USA—SOLDATEN am Checkpoint vor dem Flughafen waren —ERST kurz zuvor im IRAK eingetroffen.
20050305             Es waren Neulinge, denen noch 1—ANGRIFF—1—WOCHE zuvor an der gleichen Stelle in den Knochen steckte.
20050305             So scheinen 3—UNGLÜCKLICHE Faktoren zusammengetroffen zu sein: Dunkelheit, Kommunikationsfehler und die Unerfahrenheit der Kontrollposten.
20050305             Der Checkpoint befand sich etwa einen Kilometer vor dem Flughafengelände, nach einer Kurve, quasi der letzten Kurve vor der Geraden nach Rom.
20050305             Der Wagen, mit dem Sgrena im Schutz von ITALIENISCHEN—SPEZIALAGENTEN zum Flughafen gebracht werden sollte, sei mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf 1—STRAßENSPERRE zugefahren + habe Aufrufe zum Bremsen mehrfach ignoriert, heißt es in der Erklärung, die die 3. USA—INFANTERIEDIVISION in Bagdad veröffentlichte.
20050305             "USA—SOLDATEN haben einen Zivilisten getötet und 2—WEITERE verletzt, als (der Fahrer) ihres Auto sich bei hoher Geschwindigkeit weigerte, an einem Checkpoint zu stoppen", hieß es darin.
20050305             LIBANON: Jubel in BEIRUT über Assads Truppenabzugsrede
20050305             Antidiskriminierungsgesetz: SPD bleibt trotz starker Kritik auf Kurs
20050305             Arabienreise: KANZLER kehrt mit Milliardenaufträgen zurück
20050305             ÖLPEST—GEFAHR: Tankerbrand vor NORWEGISCHER—KÜSTE
20050305             DEVELOPING...HARD... --> 2—COMMENTS "THE—URI to TrackBack this entry is: /
20050305             Please check out SOME—INFORMATION in the field of Empire POKER—TONS—OF—INTERESDTING stuff!!!
20050305             Comment by Online poker — 20050103             @ 2.10—AM You can also check SOME—HELPFUL—INFO about hold em strategies... Thanks!!!
20050305             Web Results 1 - 100—OF—ABOUT 419 for hai lin nee FLORIDA CHINA.
20050305             ( 0.—40—SECONDS )
20050305             SINGULAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS - -Anthony (Tumac) Accetturo (capo in.
20050305             CHARGE—OF—THE—NEW—JERSEY faction. of the Lucchese organized crime.
20050305             FAMILY—OF—LA—COSA—NOSTRA) fled to.
20050305             -...DiGilio, Anthony (Tumac) Accetturo, DeFazio.
20050305             Napolitano, VINCENT—J (JIMMY—SINATRA) Craparotta. and Macchiarole concerning the incidents related by.
20050305             Entropie oder Das Goldene Zeitalter Page 1. 1—ERIC—FRICKE—ROMAN—PAGE 2. Dem Verfall unterworfen sind ALLE—ZUSAMMENGESETZTEN—DINGE (Buddha) Es war —SCHON fast 1—LUXUS..
20050305             IRAK: Ausrüstung aus UNO—ÜBERWACHTEN Anlagen verschwunden
20050305             Schüsse auf befreite Geisel: Tödliche Fehler auf Iraks gefährlichster Straße
20050305             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Höllenfahrt und strukturiertes Chaos"
20050305             Übergewicht: Die dicken Ratten von INDIEN
20050305    Domestic pollicy in the "3. Reich" 19330000—19390000...
20050305             The will to guide science + arts in the Nazi s sense led from the control...This made people happy + they got more & more in FAVOUR—OF—THE—REGIME, but all...
20050305             Ajopringue: Opinión política: La crisis de legitimación...campaña pudieran pertenecer a algún partido político, a lo mejor podría hasta llegar a entrar dentro de lo excusable: al fin y al cabo, los partidos son...
20050305             Estados Unidos: Violaciones de derechos humanos: resumen de los procedimientos de revisión de denuncias y han llevado a cabo otras reformas en...
20050305             normalmente cuando se los ata "como a un cerdo"( hogtied ), con las... - "Il Manifesto": Das Leben und der Tod
20050305             Schüsse auf Sgrena: Bush entschuldigt sich bei Berlusconi
20050305             USA A Mediziner fürchten um die GESUNDHEIT—DER—USA—BÜRGER, wenn Forschungsgelder weiterhin so verteilt werden wie in den vergangenen —JAHREN.
20050305             In einem offenen Brief werfen die 700—UNTERZEICHNER den National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH (NIH) vor, die Erreger von Volksseuchen wie Tuberkulose und Syphilis aus den Augen zu verlieren.
20050305             Die NIH, eine staatliche Institution, bewilligen die Forschungsgelder im Bereich Medizin.
20050305             Aktienboard.COM—DIE USA auf dem Weg in 1—DIKTATUR?
20050305             auch wenn die Beweise für 1—GERICHTSVERFAHREN nicht ausreichen...
20050305             Nur würden derartige Warnungen, so ein Mitglied einer einflussreichen...
20050305             Uno: USA lenken im Streit um Abtreibung ein
20050305             Senate —EARLIER—THIS—YEAR.The reason lies in the fine PRINT—OF—THE—BILL...Abramoff, Jack.
20050305             PRESTON, Gates et al. Pitney Bowes Inc, Future of Puerto.
20050305             00. - DC—POLITICAL—REPORT: The complete source for campaign summaries Burns Burned by Abramoff : USA—SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS (R—MT) claims that his...lobbyist JACK—ABRAMOFF was distant, but Burns, as CHAIR—OF—THE—SENATE...
20050305             —LINKED, Burns, to school funding for wealthy INDIA—TRIBE 1 published report says MONTANA SENATOR—CONRAD—BURNS pushed the the money for 1—NEW—SCHOOL—LAST—YEAR—WHILE 1—CLIENT—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF...
20050305             Indianz.Com > News > Burns, Dorgan backed $3M grant for Abramoff... subcommittee to steer a $3—MILLION set aside to 1—CLIENT—OF—JACK—ABRAMOFF—EVEN though...Burns looking into Abramoff ties, Dorgan denies link (3/2)...
20050305             1m... - WEBWOOD—BIS 11/2001...09/2001—BÜRGERRECHTLER kritisieren neues ANTI—TERRORISMUS -Konzept telepolis...10/2000—SIMULATOR für AMDs 64BIT—SLEDGEHAMMER—CPU hier...
20050305             EUROPE Maps |;
20050305             " GOERING—ATLAS " Published for the 1. Time...seized his documents including 1—ATLAS—OF—;
20050305             THYSSEN—BORNEMISSZA de Kászon HEINRICH—BARON—THYSSEN—BORNEMISZA de Kászon, adopted by Gábor BARON—BORNEMISZA de...Hedwig, *Mülheim an der Ruhr 18781219             , +Kreuzlingen, Turgau 19500731             ;
20050305             THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—RESPONSE to 20010911             was to push through the most repressive SERIES—OF—LAWS—SINCE the Alien and Sedition Acts, —STARTING with the "PATRIOT Act" + its successors — making it possible for USA—CITIZENS to be held without charges, without public evidence, without trial
20050305             —SHOWED, —LAST—MONTH 1—HARRIS poll, that 64—PER cent of Americans believe SADDAM—HUSSEIN had strong links to AL—QAEDA, that 47—PER cent believe Saddam helped plan and support 20010911             —THE attacks + that 44—PER cent believe several of 20010911             —THE hijackers were Iraqis
20050305232200       THE—TRUTH—ABOUT—HARD—MONEY -
20050305—18890000    —IN, Amoco Corporation formerly (18890000—19850000) STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INDIANA), USA—PETROLEUM corporation that was founded by...
20050305—18890000    —IN, Amoco Corporation -- Encyclopædia Britannica USA petroleum corporation that was founded by the Standard Oil trust (see Standard Oil Company and Trust) to direct the...
20050305—20050000    —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, 1—IMPLANT for vagus nerve stimulation as therapy for depression that fails to respond to other conventional treatments.
20050305—20050204    —AM, Sgrena, die für die linksgerichtete Zeitung "Il Manifesto" sowie für die DEUTSCHE—WOCHENZEITUNG "Die Zeit" arbeitet, war in Bagdad verschleppt worden.
20050305—20050214    —ON, He expected them to show that 1—MUSLIM militant who had appeared in 1—VIDEO—TAPE claimingy responsibility for the attack was in the car that ripped through HARIRI—MOTORCADE in BEIRUT.
20050305—20070000    —BY, IRAN to have nukes by '2007 : ISRAEL—PRESIDENT—MOSHE—KATSAV believes IRAN may have nuclear weapons and threaten not only ISRAEL—EXISTENCE but also provide the world with its most deadly challenge.
20050307             3DCENTER—NEWS—ARCHIV 22. - 20040328             (13. Kalenderwoche)... dann sollen diese Daten wohl in...Politik, Beauftragter: Datenschutz behindert Terrorbekämpfung nicht (d...d) [Heise] Schily hält biometrische Grenzkontrollen in... 0 20050305             20050307             EuroTv EUROPA—FORUM...pushers of this story have been neoconservative extremists RICHARD—PERLE, JAMES—WOOLSEY, KEN—ADELMAN and FRANK—GAFFNEY, who either serve on the Defense Policy... 20050305             20050307             EuroTv EUROPA—FORUM...1—TEAM—OF—USA—NEO—CONS led by —JUST—RESIGNED Pentagon Defense Policy Advisory BOARD—CHAIRMAN—RICHARD—PERLE + present Assistant SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE for... 20050305             20050406             STOCK—WORLD—DIE Performance zählt... INVESTMENT—IDEE der W., DEUTSCHLAND—BANK (19310305             ), Experten... Größere Ölhändler können aufgrund ihrer Kreditlinie nichtmehr die Mengen an Öl bewegen...
20050407             Wackenhut Corporation, 12-CA-23294, JD(ATL)-44-04, Michael A... complaint, as amended 20040305             —ON, alleges that the Respondent, the Wackenhut... See Bottom Line Enterprises, 302—NLRB 373, 374 (19910000             )...
20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             WAKE UP!
20051023             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin
20051023             SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             —FRIDAY, 20040305             —0828—AM—PST Contributed by: Admin Views: 121 Submitted by Reverend Chuck0: SchNEWS Issue 444—FRIDAY 5. 20040300             20051023             WAKE UP!
20060204             WhatReallyHappened_com: February 27, 20050000—20050305     Archives Search WRH.
20060226             WARREN—BUFFET—ANNUAL letter to Berkshire investors " 20040305             20060226             WARREN—BUFFET—ANNUAL—LETTER to Berkshire investors " 20040305             20060226             at 20040306             —1100—AM |
20060303—20060305    Wooden canoes, carrying WEST—AFRICANS seeking 1—BETTER—LIFE in EUROPE, foundered off THE—COAST—OF—MAURITANIA over —3—DAYS leaving at least 45—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20060305             The film Crash" won best picture in THE—ACADEMY—AWARDS. LEAD—ACTING Oscars went to PHILIP—SEYMOUR—HOFFMAN as AUTHOR—TRUMAN—CAPOTE in "Capote" and REESE—WITHERSPOON as country singer JUNE—CARTER in "Walk the Line," —WHILE corporate thrillers earned SUPPORTING—PERFORMER Oscars for GEORGE—CLOONEY in "Syriana" and RACHEL—WEISZ in "THE—CONSTANT—GARDENER.
20060305             "Brokeback Mountain" filmmaker Ang Lee won THE—BEST—DIRECTOR award.
20060305             AT&T INCORPORATED said it would buy BellSouth Corp. for $67—BILLION to acquire the rest of Cingular Wireless it does not already own, and expand into THE—SOUTH—EAST—USA to gain heft to battle growing competition from cable television and INTERNET companies.
20060305             —INJURED, ALGERIA, 1—YOUNG—MAN, 3—POLICE—OFFICERS and was then killed by 1—POLICEMAN in Zeralda, 1—SUBURB—OF—ALGIERS, triggering riots in which youths attacked public buildings.
20060305             —OPENED, Premier WEN—JIABAO, the annual SESSION—OF—CHINA—FIGUREHEAD—PARLIAMENT with promises to spread prosperity to the restive countryside and predictions of fast but steady economic growth.
20060305             CHINA—COMMERCE—MINISTER—BO—XILAI said —ON—SUNDAY that ANTI—DUMPING duties by THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and USA—THREATS—OF—MORE—TRADE—COMPLAINTS contradict the spirit of free trade and add to global protectionism.
20060305             —KILLED, EAST—CONGO, UN troops, several militia fighters —DURING heavy clashes —AFTER 1—JOINT—OPERATION with the government army was aborted by 1—MUTINY among its soldiers.
20060305             JACQUES—BERNARD, 1—TOP—ELECTION—OFFICIAL who fled HAITI under threat, returned to help organize 1—LEGISLATIVE—RUNOFF needed to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20060305             —ARRESTED, EGYPT—SECURITY—FORCES, 3—MORE—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MUSLIM—BROTHERHOOD, taking to 15 THE—NUMBER—OF—ISLAMISTS from the banned opposition group arrested in the last few days.
20060305             —PREACHED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC on 1—TRIP to SAUDI—ARABIA, greater tolerance and respect —AFTER the publication of satirical cartoons of the Prophet MOHAMMAD—1—MONTH ago whipped up protests —AROUND the world.
20060305             —WARNED, IRAN, it will start LARGE—SCALE uranium enrichment if it is referred to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL because of INTERNATIONAL concerns over its nuclear program.
20060305             —KILLED, IRAQ, 8—PEOPLE were, in bombings and clashes —AROUND the country.
20060305             2—UK—NEWSPAPERS, the —SUNDAY Telegraph and —SUNDAY Mirror, quoting unnamed senior UK—ARMY—SOURCES, said the coalition intended to reduce its presence on the ground over the next —12—MONTHS, —WHILE withdrawing forces into bases.
20060305             —DENIED, THE—USA—MILITARY strongly, news reports that coalition forces have finalized plans to quit IRAQ.
20060305             1—TOP—POLITICAL—ALLY said ISRAEL—ACTING—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT plans to withdraw from more WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENTS—IMMEDIATELY—AFTER forming the next government and to set ISRAEL—FINAL—BORDERS within —4—YEARS if it wins upcoming elections.
20060305             —GATHERED, JAPAN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, on THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—OKINAWA to rally against plans to relocate the Futenma USA—AIR—BASE there, with reports saying the protesters numbered as many as 35,000.
20060305             —NAMED, STATE—TV said LIBYA had, 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER, Baghdadi Mahmudi, as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—CABINET reshuffle.
20060305             Ghanem would no longer be PART—OF—THE—CABINET but would HEAD—THE—STATE—OWNED—LIBYA—NATIONAL—OIL.
20060305             —LAUNCHED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ABDULLAH—AHMAD—BADAWI, 1—INFORMATION—OFFENSIVE to counter public dismay —AFTER the government imposed the country's biggest ever fuel price hikes.
20060305             —THREATENED, NIGERIA—MILITANTS, to halve the country's oil output by cutting another 1—MILLION barrels —1—DAY—THIS—MONTH in their campaign to gain more autonomy for the southern delta region.
20060305             HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE lugging bags and bundles of clothes fled Miran Shah, 1—NORTHWESTERN—PAKISTAN, town —AFTER 1—BATTLE—BETWEEN—PRO—TALIBAN tribesmen and security forces killed at least 51—PEOPLE.
20060305             —ATTACKED, The fighting came —JUST days —AFTER the army, 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAIDA camp in the village of Saidgi near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20060305             —MASSED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in PAKISTAN and TURKEY to protest cartoons of ISLAM—PROPHET, Muhammad, that have fired anger —THROUGHOUT the Muslim world.
20060305             MILAN—BABIC (50), THE—SERBIA—LEADER—OF—1—REBEL—REPUBLIC—IN—CROATIA and 1—OF—THE—KEY—FIGURES in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, committed suicide in prison in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20060305             —MARCHED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—THAIS, to Government House, demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA in the 4. protest against him in as MANY—WEEKS.
20060305             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE state media, that foreign hunters have bid 1—TOTAL—OF $1.5—MILLION to shoot leopards, lions, elephants and buffaloes in ZIMBABWE —THIS—YEAR.
20060305             The film Crash" won best picture in THE—ACADEMY—AWARDS.
20060305             LEAD—ACTING Oscars went to PHILIP—SEYMOUR—HOFFMAN as AUTHOR—TRUMAN—CAPOTE in "Capote" and REESE—WITHERSPOON as country singer JUNE—CARTER in "Walk the Line," —WHILE corporate thrillers earned SUPPORTING—PERFORMER Oscars for GEORGE—CLOONEY in "Syriana" and RACHEL—WEISZ in "THE—CONSTANT—GARDENER.
20060305             AT&T INCORPORATED said it would buy BellSouth Corp. for $67—BILLION to acquire the rest of Cingular Wireless it does not already own,
20060305             and expand into THE—SOUTH—EAST—USA to gain heft to battle growing competition from cable television and INTERNET companies.
20060305             —INJURED, ALGERIA, 1—YOUNG—MAN, 3—POLICE—OFFICERS and was then killed by 1—POLICEMAN in Zeralda,
20060305             1—SUBURB—OF—ALGIERS, triggering riots in which youths attacked public buildings.
20060305             JACQUES—BERNARD, a top election official who fled HAITI under threat,
20060305             returned to help organize 1—LEGISLATIVE—RUNOFF needed to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT.
20060305             taking to 15 THE—NUMBER—OF—ISLAMISTS from the banned opposition group arrested in the last few days.
20060305             2—UNITED—KINGDOM—NEWSPAPERS, the —SUNDAY Telegraph and —SUNDAY Mirror,
20060305             quoting unnamed senior UNITED—KINGDOM—ARMY—SOURCES, said the coalition intended to reduce its presence on the ground over the next —12—MONTHS, —WHILE withdrawing forces into bases.
20060305             —GATHERED, JAPAN, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS, on THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—OF—OKINAWA to rally against plans to relocate the Futenma USA—AIR—BASE there,
20060305             with reports saying the protesters numbered as many as 35,000.
20060305             —NAMED, STATE—TV said LIBYA had, 1—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER,
20060305             Baghdadi Mahmudi, as PART—OF—1—MAJOR—CABINET reshuffle.
20060305             HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE lugging bags and bundles of clothes fled Miran Shah,
20060305             1—NORTHWESTERN—PAKISTAN, town —AFTER 1—BATTLE between PRO—TALIBAN tribesmen and security forces killed at least 51—PEOPLE.
20060305             —MASSED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in PAKISTAN and TURKEY to protest cartoons of ISLAM—PROPHET,
20060305             —FIRED, Muhammad, that have, anger —THROUGHOUT the Muslim world.
20060305             —MARCHED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—THAIS, to Government House,
20060305             demanding THE—RESIGNATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—THAKSIN—SHINAWATRA in the 4. protest against him in as MANY—WEEKS.
20060305             YEMEN, Hezam ALI—HASSAN (17) and Khaled Saleh (18),
20060305             —REPORTED, ZIMBABWE state media, that foreign hunters have bid 1—TOTAL—OF $1.5—MILLION to shoot leopards,
20060305             lions, elephants and buffaloes in ZIMBABWE —THIS—YEAR.
20060305—20030000    —SINCE, Mahmudi replaced former premier Shukri Ghanem, who had held the post.
20060305—20030000    —IN, convicted of trying to kill USA—AMBASSADOR—EDMUND—HULL, were sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison.
20060305—20030000    —CONVICTED—OF, YEMEN, Hezam ALI—HASSAN, —17—JAHRE—ALT and Khaled Saleh (18), trying to kill USA—AMBASSADOR—EDMUND—HULL, were sentenced to —5—YEARS in prison.
20060308—20060305    —ON, "How low is 18 %?" This was 1—HEADLINE in THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20060514             ROY—GUTMAN (born 19440305             , NEW—YORK City) is A—USA—JOURNALIST and author.
20061113             the " BUSH NAZI past" in its 20060305             ,
20061221             Lawrence in PARIS—TE LAWRENCE—STUDIES—LIST—RE—GEORGE—HOFFMAN—QUERY—OF—20060305              about where Lawrence stayed in PARIS —DURING the Peace Conference : The letter to his FAMILY—OF—JAN.
20061221             Re GEORGE—HOFFMAN—QUERY—OF—20060305              about where Lawrence stayed in PARIS —DURING the Peace Conference : The letter to his FAMILY—OF—JAN.
20070000             ESTNISCHER—ORDEN des MARIENLAND—KREUZES der 3. Kategorie
20070304—20070305    New Bush intrusion into privacy as Justice Department demands right to know who uploaded pictures to Web sites 3/5
20070304—20070305    GIs kill 16—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS.
20070305             LIBYA—OFFICIALS listen to 1—SPEECH by their leader Muammar GADDAFI at celebration marking the 30. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—LIBYA—JAMAHIRIYAH, or STATE—OF—THE—MASSES, late 20070302             in SEBHA—LIBYA (AFP)
20070305             PRESIDENT—BUSH, facing criticism he'd been ignoring Latin AMERICA, said THE—USA would spend TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to improve education, housing and health care across the region.
20070305             2—4—YEAR—OLD—SISTERS were left clinging to life.
20070305             † Datasha Wilson (4), 20070308            .
20070305             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, NATO—LED troops, 1—OFFENSIVE, dubbed Operation Achilles, against Taliban militants Helmand province where HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANT—FIGHTERS have massed in recent months.
20070305             THE—UN—DRUG—AGENCY—CHIEF said a "CANCER—OF—INSURGENCY" in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN could drive 20070000             —THE opium poppy harvest to record levels.
20070305             —URGED, AFRICA—UNION—COMMISSION—CHIEF—ALPHA—OUMAR—KONARE, GUINEA—PRESIDENT—LANSANA—CONTE to step down as he voiced solidarity with recent protests against the veteran leader.
20070305             in AUSTRIA 1—HELICOPTER and 1—SMALL—PLANE collided in the air and crashed near 1—SKI slope, killing all 8—PEOPLE aboard THE—2—AIRCRAFT.
20070305             Lorscheiter, 1—LEADING ADVOCATE—OF—LIBERATION theology, had also squared off with THE—VATICAN over his progressive beliefs.
20070305             —REBUKED, CAMBODIA, PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN publicly, members in the upper ranks of his CAMBODIA—PEOPLE—PARTY for dodgy land deals as small farmers and SLUM—DWELLERS fell victim to LAND—GRABBING.
20070305             —STARTED, COPENHAGEN—DENMARK, demolition crews, tearing down 1—GRAFFITI—SPRAYED brick building, prompting tears and CRIES—OF—PROTEST from youths whose eviction from the makeshift cultural center led to —3—NIGHTS—OF rioting.
20070305             —CONSIDERED, The squatters, it free public housing, but courts ordered them out —AFTER the city sold the building to 1—CHRISTIAN congregation.
20070305             Badri Patarkatsishvili, 1—OF—THE—MOST famous GEORGIA—OLIGARCHS, left GEORGIA.
20070305             —ANNOUNCED, His departure was, in LONDON as the relocation of his activities of "GEORGIA in the West," underscoring the desire to leave the country definitively.
20070305             The millionaire, who holds 1.—RANK influence in both finances and the media, CO—HOLDS 1—OF—THE—MOST important GEORGIA—MEDIA—CONCERNS, Imedi, which includes 1—RADIO—STATION and 1—TELEVISION—STATION.
20070305             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER shattered 1—RELATIVE lull in BAGHDAD—VIOLENCE, killing at least 38—PEOPLE in 1—BLAST that touched off raging fires and 1—BLIZZARD of bloodstained paper from 1—POPULAR—BOOK—MARKET.
20070305             —OPENED, Gunmen, fire on Shiite pilgrims in several places —AROUND BAGHDAD, killing at least 7—PEOPLE.
20070305             † 6—USA—SOLDIERS, —WHEN 1—BOMB exploded near their vehicles —DURING 1—COMBAT operation in Salahuddin province.
20070305             † Another 3—USA—SOLDIERS, in 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack in Diyala province.
20070305             1—TOKYO paper said JAPAN, THE—USA—AND—INDIA will carry out 1—JOINT—MILITARY—DRILL in the Pacific off JAPAN—COAST amid concerns about CHINA—MILITARY—BUILD—UP.
20070305             KOSOVO—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—RAMUSH—HARADINAJ went on trial in THE—NETHERLANDS at THE—UN—TRIBUNAL on war crimes charges related to his time as 1—GUERRILLA—LEADER in the war against SERBIA—FORCES 19980000—19990000    —BETWEEN.
20070305             —ACCUSED—OF, The bodies of 2—PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN, being USA informers, were found near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER shot dead by suspected PRO—TALIBAN militants.
20070305             1—DAYLONG gunbattle between rival PALESTINE—FACTIONS raged in THE—STREETS—OF—GAZA—CITY as PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS and PRIME—MINISTER—ISMAIL—HANIYEH again failed to agree on the formation of 1—UNITY—GOVERNMENT.
20070305             SOMALIA, gunmen shot dead 5—PEOPLE in 2—SEPARATE—ATTACKS in the lawless CAPITAL—OF—MOGADISHU in 1—ESCALATION—OF—KILLINGS ahead of the planned DEPLOYMENT—OF—AFRICA—UNION—PEACEKEEPERS.
20070305             —KILLED, SUDAN, gunmen, 2—AFRICA—UNION—PEACEKEEPERS and critically wounded a 3. in THE—WEST—DARFUR region.
20070305             —CAUSED, CENTRAL—TURKEY, 1—ROCK—FALL, the roof of 1—HILLSIDE nightclub to collapse in the Cappadocia area, killing 3—PEOPLE.
20070305             JOHN—HOLMES, the new UN humanitarian CHIEF, said THE—UN—PLANS to open 1—OFFICE—IN—JORDAN to deal with the increasingly serious humanitarian problems posed by 1.8—MILLION—IRAQIS who have fled to neighboring countries and 1—SIMILAR—NUMBER who have fled their homes and are still inside IRAQ.
20070305             PRESIDENT—BUSH, facing criticism he'd been ignoring Latin AMERICA,
20070305             said THE—USA would spend TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to improve education, housing and health care across the region.
20070305             † IN—HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA, 3—CHILDREN, aged 3-4, were shot in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting.
20070305             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, NATO—LED troops, 1—OFFENSIVE,
20070305             dubbed Operation Achilles, against Taliban militants Helmand province where HUNDREDS—OF—MILITANT—FIGHTERS have massed in recent months.
20070305             in AUSTRIA 1—HELICOPTER and 1—SMALL—PLANE collided in the air and crashed near 1—SKI slope,
20070305             killing all 8—PEOPLE aboard THE—2—AIRCRAFT.
20070305             Lorscheiter, 1—LEADING ADVOCATE—OF—LIBERATION theology,
20070305             had also squared off with THE—VATICAN over his progressive beliefs.
20070305             —STARTED, COPENHAGEN—DENMARK, demolition crews, tearing down 1—GRAFFITI—SPRAYED brick building,
20070305             prompting tears and CRIES—OF—PROTEST from youths whose eviction from the makeshift cultural center led to —3—NIGHTS—OF rioting.
20070305             said THE—4—STORY—STRUCTURE had to be torn down because it was "1—TOTAL—WRECK" and posed 1—FIRE hazard.
20070305             The millionaire, who holds 1.—RANK influence in both finances and the media,
20070305             CO—HOLDS 1—OF—THE—MOST important GEORGIA—MEDIA—CONCERNS, Imedi, which includes 1—RADIO—STATION and 1—TELEVISION—STATION.
20070305             killing at least 38—PEOPLE in 1—BLAST that touched off raging fires and 1—BLIZZARD of bloodstained paper from 1—POPULAR—BOOK—MARKET.
20070305             resigned as PRIME—MINISTER 20050000             —IN—AFTER being indicted for murder, rape and torture allegedly committed by forces under his command.
20070305             —ACCUSED—OF, The bodies of 2—PAKISTAN—TRIBESMEN, being USA informers,
20070305             were found near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER shot dead by suspected PRO—TALIBAN militants.
20070305             Poster presentation at "Eye movements and vision in the natural world",AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM/NETHERLANDS 20070927—20290927.
20070305             Change blindness occurs —WHEN people do not notice changes in visible... PROCEEDINGS—OF—INFORMATION—VISUALIZATION 20000000             , OCTOBER 20010911             , SALT—LAKE—CITY, UT...
20070305             Marijuana, the wonder drug
20070305             1—NEW—STUDY in the journal Neurology is being hailed as unassailable proof that marijuana is 1—VALUABLE medicine.
20070305             It is 1—SAD commentary on THE—STATE—OF—MODERN medicine that we still need "proof" of something that medicine has known for 5,—000—YEARS.
20070305             Green Tea May Give Full Body Protection
20070305             Research —NOW shows that 1—MAJOR component in green tea may SHORT—CIRCUIT the cancer process more extensively than scientists had realized.
20070305             Technology creates extreme genealogists
20070305             —JUST as modern equipment has made it possible for ANY—REASONABLY motivated person to climb MOUNT—EVEREST or dive to THE—ANDREA—DORIA, new technologies have made it possible to achieve incredible genealogical feats with relatively modest effort.
20070305             Masons are beginning to open their doors to the curious EYES—OF—THE—WORLD
20070305             —STEEPED, As 1—INTERNATIONAL—FRATERNITY, in the rich history and LONG—STANDING traditions of over a 1000—YEARS—OF—OFTEN secretive existence, it's little wonder Freemasonry is looked upon with suspicion and distrust by outsiders.
20070305             Justice official resigns
20070305             Top House Democrat says 'wheels coming off' Bush DEFENSE—OF—USA—ATTORNEY—FIRINGS.
20070305             Why torture is routine in EGYPT:
20070305             Brutality rife in 1—LAND where police are given carte blanche by ALL—POWERFUL—RULER
20070305             RUSSIA to Counter USA Buildup : RUSSIA readies to respond the eventual installation of 1—USA—ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM in the Caucasus, said RUSSIA—AF CHIEF, Army GENERAL—VLADIMIR—MIJAILOV.
20070305             —UNREWARDED, LIBYA, for ending nuclear PLANS—GADDAFI:
20070305             USA to develop new hydrogen bomb : THE—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT will announce —TODAY 1—CONTRACT to develop the nation's 1. new hydrogen bomb in —2—DECADES, involving 1—COLLABORATION between 3—NATIONAL—WEAPONS—LABORATORIES, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES has learned.
20070305             Chavez: "CIA Out To Kill Me":
20070305             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ —ON—SUNDAY said he believes enemies including THE—CIA are out to kill him + called USA—DIPLOMAT—JOHN—NEGROPONTE a "professional killer".
20070305             —AWARDED, WALTER—REED woes bring turmoil at the top: WALTER—REED, a —5—YEAR, $120—MILLION—CONTRACT to IAP Worldwide Services, which is run by AL—NEFFGEN, 1—FORMER—SENIOR—HALLIBURTON official.
20070305             'It Is —JUST Not WALTER—REED' : Soldiers Share Troubling STORIES—OF—MILITARY—HEALTH—CARE Across USA.
20070305             Libby Trial Exposes Neocon SHADOW—GOVERNMENT : —DAY by —DAY, witness by witness, exhibit by exhibit, PATRICK—FITZGERALD, the prosecutor in the trial of Dick CHENEY—MAN, I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, is accomplishing what no 1—ELSE in WASHINGTON has been able to: He has impeached THE—PRESIDENCY—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070305             Correction: this could become a crash —AFTER all:
20070305             As traders brace for fresh turmoil, soothing words may simply be hiding reality
20070305             USA triggers $11bn HSBC FALL—OUT: EUROPE—BIGGEST bank, HSBC, is to write off $11—BILLION to cover mounting losses in its troubled USA—OFFSHOOT, HSBC Finance Corporation.
20070305             Pig at the trough:
20070305             Obama: USA should never dictate what's best for ISRAEL : In speech delivered —BEFORE AIPAC lobbyists in CHICAGO—USA Democratic presidential candidate BARACK—OBAMA reveals strongly PRO—ISRAEL platform:
20070305             2—RULING party lawmakers demanded the ambassador's expulsion.
20070305             USA pressurizing PAKISTAN to support attack on IRAN: Gul : : FORMER—ISI CHIEF, Gen (retd) Hameed Gul has said that the Untied States is paving the way to use PAKISTAN—TERRITORY for its expected attack on IRAN in order to shift the blame of its failure in AFGHANISTAN to PAKISTAN.
20070305             Attack on IRAN would backfire, warns report : ANY—MILITARY action against IRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAMME is likely to backfire and accelerate TEHRAN—DEVELOPMENT—OF—1—NUCLEAR—BOMB, 1—REPORT—TODAY by 1—UK—FORMER—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—SCIENTIST warns.
20070305             —VANISHED, FORMER—IRAN—DEPUTY—DEFENSE—MINISTER, about —1—MONTH—AGO on his way from DAMASCUS to TURKEY.
20070305             —INVOLVED, IRAN—OFFICIALS say Mossad, CIA may have been, in his disappearance
20070305             IRAN to talk with USA only under official REQUEST—FM:
20070305             SOVIET—AFGHANISTAN—WAR: Video : Great documentary on THE—SOVIET—AFGHANISTAN war, the mujahedeen and the taliban fighting with the help and AID—OF—THE—CIA, USA—WEAPONS, manuals, intelligence and money to buy CHINA—WEAPONS.The strategies used in their hit and run guerrilla tactics which is still used —TODAY in AFGHANISTAN with great effect.
20070305             —ERASED, USA ' AFGHANISTAN—ATTACK—FOOTAGE' : Journalists working for AP said USA—OCCUPATION—TROOPS erased images of 1—VEHICLE in which 3—PEOPLE had been shot dead.
20070305             9 Killed As USA—DROPS 2 2,000lb Bombs On AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS : 9—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS were killed —WHEN USA—OCCUPATION—FORCES dropped 2 2,000 lb bombs —DURING 1—BOMBING raid in Kapisa province, AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said.
20070305             IRAQ PM condemns intel HQ raid: PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI has reacted with fury to 1—RAID on his interior ministry's intelligence OFFICE—IN—BASRA by Iraqi and coalition troops, demanding that they be punished.
20070305             Cowards: Democrats scale back plans to challenge BUSH—IRAQ 'surge': Stymied in their efforts to block PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—TROOP—ESCALATION in IRAQ, Democrats have scaled back challenges to his "surge," instead favoring legislation limiting THE—NUMBER—OF—SOLDIERS and length of their stay.
20070305             —RETIRED, THE—NIGHT—OF—THE—GENERALS : The 6, generals who stepped forward last —SPRING to publicly attack Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD—HANDLING—OF—THE—IRAQ war shared 1—EXPERIENCE: 1—GROWING outrage over the administration's incompetence, leading some of the nation's finest soldiers to risk their reputations and cross 1—TIME—HONORED line.
20070305             THE—1.—LINE—OF—DEFENSE—OF—THE—EMPIRE is the Local Client PRESIDENT -
20070305             THE—1.—LINE—OF—OPPOSITION to Bush is to Defeat this Local Client 'PRESIDENT'! -By JAMES—PETRAS—PRESIDENT—BUSH—VISIT to URUGUAY, BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, PERU and MEXICO reflects the 'two tracks' of USA—EMPIRE—BUILDING — military intervention and POLITICAL—DIPLOMATIC—INSTRUMENTS.
20070305             THE—COLD—WAR was not 1—STRUGGLE between THE—USA—AND—THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20070305             It was 1—STRUGGLE between THE—USA—AND—THE 3. World.
20070305             What there was, was people all over the 3. World fighting for economic and political changes against USA—SUPPORTED repressive regimes, or setting up their own progressive governments.
20070305             These ACTS—OF—SELF—DETERMINATION didn't coincide with THE—NEEDS—OF—THE—USA—POWER—ELITE + so THE—USA moved to crush those governments and movements even though THE—SOVIET—UNION was playing virtually no role at all in these scenarios.
20070305             BUSH—DRACONIAN measures range from the suspension of habeas corpus to warrantless eavesdropping to THE—RIGHT—OF—THE—PRESIDENT to decide what constitutes torture, to prisons where hundreds face indefinite detention without ANY—CHARGES being brought against them, to other even more secret CIA facilities filled with "ghost prisoners" for whom THE—CIA has never accounted.
20070305             Stock Market Bloodbath and GREENSPAN—RETREAT
20070305             In the next few weeks, we're going to hear industry mandarins and banking chieftains blame everyone else for the disaster they've created.
20070305             Overstretched and underpaid Americans will be blamed for not saving their paltry wages and people with poor credit will be assailed for taking out loans they had no realistic chance of paying back.
20070305             Why THE—MIDDLE—EAST is More Dangerous —NOW Than in Past —30—YEARS - -1—INTERVIEW—WITH—ROBERT—FISK
20070305             ROBERT—FISK is 1—VETERAN—WAR—CORRESPONDENT and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST experienced journalists covering THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070305             —REPORTED, He has, from across the Arab world for the past —30—YEARS.
20070305             —FROM Esther to AIPAC
20070305             —INDEED, If Jewishness is, 1—RELIGION, the next questions that have to be asked are, "what kind of religion is it?
20070305             What does this religion entail?
20070305             What do its followers believe in?" If it is 1—RELIGION, 1—MAY—WONDER whether it is possible to divorce from it as much as it is possible to step OUT—OF—JUDAISM, Christianity or Islam.
20070305             What Does the Phrase "Support Our Troops" Mean To You?
20070305             Tell Us. -- 1—BUZZFLASH—PARTICIPATORY—EDITORIAL
20070305             BUSH—DIRECTOR for USA—ATTORNEYS Mysteriously Resigns -- A BuzzFlash News Alert
20070305             GOP Family Values, Giuliani Style: "It doesn't look like RUDY—GIULIANI—2—CHILDREN will have 1—ROLE in his presidential campaign. According to press reports, THE—GOP frontrunner's 3. marriage has alienated his son, Andrew, 21 + daughter, Caroline, 18, from their father".
20070305             "Tierney, D—MASSACHUSETTS, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—PANEL, questioned whether problems at the facility are "—JUST another horrific consequence" of inadequate planning that went into war in IRAQ; 1—PROBLEM created by contracting out work there to private business, or SOME—OTHER—CAUSE".
20070305             —KILLED, Bush 's "Surge" of Death: 26, in BAGHDAD suicide bombing
20070305             DENVER 3: Important Revelations Reported This Weekend in DENVER -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20070305             —ASKED, In the Libby trial, the jury, to clarify whether they must conclude that it would not be "humanly possible" for Libby to forget certain conversations in order to convict him;
20070305             Hard to Imagine It's Humanly Possible to Out 1—CIA—AGENT, But It Is 3/6
20070305             No Bush evik Backup Strategy For IRAQ.
20070305             More Delusional Foreign Policy From the Man Who Never Fails to Fail: GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070305             There are more links here: (1 2 3 4 5).
20070305             And 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—INDIRA—SINGH (6 7) #—POSTED—BY damien
20070305             —LINKED, Cheney, to OSAMA—MONEY—MAN I'm still not up for regular posting -- soon, soon -- but for right —NOW, you gotta read this (which comes to us by way of lukery and covert history):
20070305             1—COURT—IN—TURKEY has ruled to freeze the assets of YASIN—AL—QADI [1], a 1—TIME—ACQUAINTANCE—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY [2] and reported "CHIEF money launderer" of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN.
20070305             —IDENTIFIED, AL—QADI, —PRIOR—TO being publicly, as 1—KEY—AL—QAEDA financer, owned 1—PROMINENT—USA—TECHNOLOGY—FIRM and reported CIA front known as Ptech.
20070305             [4] He also escorted USA—OFFICIALS —AROUND—DURING their visits to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20070305             "COUNCIL—OF—STATE—ADMINISTRATIVE—CASES—BUREAU—ON—THURSDAY decided to annul 1—LOWER—COURT'S—DECISION to rescind 1—CABINET—ORDER to freeze the assets of SAUDI—ARABIA—FINANCIER YASIN—AL—QADI, who has been accused of financing terrorism," THE—TURKEY—DAILY—NEWS reported —SATURDAY.
20070305             [6] And: Similar ALLEGATIONS—OF—OBSTRUCTION—OF—JUSTICE and DERELICTION—OF—DUTY have been reported here in THE—USA, where —FOLLOWING 20010911             —THE attacks FBI agent ROBERT—WRIGHT and other MEMBERS—OF—HIS—UNIT claimed that their investigation into YASIN—AL—QADI had been repeatedly blocked by higher ups at THE—FBI.
20070305             As Agent Wright told ABC News 20020000             , "the supervisor who was there from [FBI ] headquarters was right straight across from me and started yelling at me: 'You will not open criminal investigations. I forbid ANY—OF—YOU. You will not open criminal investigations against ANY—OF—THESE intelligence subjects.'" [14]
20070305             Over THE—COURSE—OF—WRIGHT—INVESTIGATION, however, AL—QADI was apparently assisting THE—CIA in ALBANIA, KOSOVO, Bosnia + THE—USA—ITSELF.
20070305             VICTORIA Kos And he's going to be found guilty.
20070305             The jury might not convict him on all counts... Clinton pardoned LIBBY—CLIENT, the fugitive billionaire MARC—RICH.
20070305             —MONITORED, Start here —CAMERAS, by the 911 . center.
20070305             (CHICAGO Sun Times... well as what is known as ' change blindness ' (i.e. looking but not seeing or losing.
20070305             Philosophy at Union College Change Blindness : Where Philosophy and Psychology Intersect... Current DISCUSSIONS—OF—MILITARY action began with the events of 20010911            .
20070305             Free blindness Essays Change BLINDNESS—CHANGE Blindness.
20070305             MONICA—INTERN—BLOG: 20060700             20070305             We had 2—SUBJECTS to run in the change blindness experiment this —MORNING!... have this software that they sell to people like 911—RESPONDERS and firemen. _07_01_monicasinternblog_archive.html
20070305             representation, then 1—CHANGE will be perceived.
20070305             Change blindness suggests that the memory store may... Flight controllers, 911—DISPATCHERS, pilots +...
20070305             Change Blindness in Information Visualization
20070305             The word "theory" usually connotes 1—FORMAL—WAY—OF thinking logically or mathematically.
20070305             In this formal sense, theory takes its place in 1—KNOWLEDGE—GENERATING process called the scientific method.
20070305             The scientific method includes hypothesis formation, experiment planning, execution + data analysis.
20070305             In this scheme, theory is used to make predictions.
20070305             —CREATED, Theory is, by 1—PROCESS that includes hypothesis formation and testing.
20070305             Unfortunately, this NOTION—OF—THEORY and the working METHODS—OF—SCIENCE and invention leaves out imagination.
20070305             This makes it both boring and misleading.... - THE—PROBLEM—OF—THE—WRONG—PUZZLE
20070305             Frequent public references to "failing to connect the dots" are especially problematic for 1—ACCURATE—UNDERSTANDING—OF—INTELLIGENCE—ERRORS and failures.
20070305             This view of the analytic shortfalls is particularly perverse, because it masks the true NATURE—OF—THE—ANALYST—CHALLENGES.
20070305             The flawed "connect the dots" analogy flows from THE—IMAGE—OF—THE—CHILDREN—GAME—BOOK in which lines are to be drawn between 1—SET—OF numbered dots in order to make 1—RECOGNIZABLE—PICTURE.
20070305             That analogy assumes, however, THAT—AS in the children's BOOK—THE—DOTS exist, that it will be obvious which dots connect to which others and in what order.
20070305             [15]The problem is that this simple analogy overlooks 1—WELL—KNOWN—PHENOMENON in psychology that is often illustrated by the "RUBIN—VASE—ILLUSION": that evidence really does not "speak for itself";
20070305             rather, that information is "perceived and interpreted".[16]Humans are extremely good at finding patterns, even —WHEN there is NONE—HENCE the classic intelligence aphorism, "You rarely find what you're not looking for and usually do find what you are looking for".[17]
20070305             If we are to use 1—PUZZLE analogy, perhaps 1—MORE—APPROPRIATE—MODEL might be that of 1—GUEST at 1—RESORT—HOTEL who, on 1—RAINY afternoon, wanders into the game room and finds 1—BOX holding 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF jigsaw puzzle pieces.
20070305             As THE—COVER—OF—THE—BOX is missing, there is no picture to guide him in reconstructing the puzzle, nor is there ANY—ASSURANCE that all the pieces are there.
20070305             Indeed, —WHEN he discovers that there are several other empty puzzle boxes on 1—SHELF, it is not even clear that all the pieces in the box belong to the same puzzle.
20070305             Reconstructing the puzzle in this example is 1—FAR—DIFFERENT and more difficult challenge than linking numbered dots, where THE—OUTLINE—OF—THE—IMAGE is reasonably apparent.
20070305             Talk of a "SCIENCE—OF—ANALYSIS" is 1—CONCEIT... The reality is otherwise.
20070305             Both the dots analogy and THE—MODEL—OF—EVIDENCE—BASED analysis (discussed in the —FOLLOWING section) understate significantly the need for imagination and curiosity on THE—PART—OF—THE—ANALYST.
20070305             THE—MYTH of "Scientific Methodology" - SCHEDULE—OF—CLASSES
20070305             Pannasch, S., Dornhoefer, S.M., Unema, P.J.A., Velichkovsky, B.M. (20000000             ).
20070305             Take Your TIME—JUST for 1—WINK!
20070305             Eye Movements Are Inhibited By Virtually ANY—CHANGE in Situation or SUBJECT—ACTIVITY.
20070305             —WHEN 2—STIMULI are presented in parallel, 1—OF which is 1—TARGET and the other 1—DISTRACTOR, 1—SIGNIFICANT—INCREASE in saccadic reaction time is usually found (Lévy Schoen, 19690000             , L'Anee Psychology 74 43?66;
20070305             Findlay, 19830000             , Spatially Oriented Behavior 281?303;
20070305             Walker et. al., 19950000             , Experimental Brain Research 103 294?310).
20070305             Taking the reciprocal stance, 1—MAY—STATE that the duration of the ongoing fixation is prolonged.
20070305             The implication of taking this viewpoint is not merely 1—SEMANTIC—INVERSION, but instead 1—REORIENTATION to the effects of natural "distractors" in 1—NATURAL—ENVIRONMENT: —WHENEVER something new enters anywhere in our FIELD—OF—VIEW, the ongoing fixation is prolonged, rather than being, as might be intuitively expected, —IMMEDIATELY redirected to the new stimulus. lt should be emphasised, that this prolongation is strictly phasic in nature, i.e. the prolongation occurs —DURING the ongoing fixation only.
20070305             The common explanation of the distractor effect on saccadic reaction time entirely relies upon the assumption that it is 1—OPTOMOTOR reflex, controlled by the superior colliculus (Reingold & Stampe, 20000000             , READING as 1—PERCEPTUAL—PROCESS 1?26).
20070305             —ELICITED, This interpretation leaves no room for effects, by other sensory modalities.
20070305             However, 1—PROLONGATION—OF—THE ongoing fixation is not only elicited by visual (1) bualso by auditory (2) stimuli (Unema & Velichkovsky, 20000000             , Processing stages as revealed by dynamics of visual fixations: Distractor versus relevance, paper presented to the 41. Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 17?20. of 20001100             in NEW—ORLEANS).
20070305             —OBSERVED, Moreover, we, the effect in the absence of discrete phvsical stimulus events, e.g. upon shifting from listening to speaking (and vice versa) (3) or upon the execution of brake responses in 1—DRIVING simulator task (4).The optomotor reflex interpretation of the distractor effect on saccadic reaction times obviously falls short of explaining the effects found in fixation durations.
20070305             —TEMPTED, We are, to interpret the results as another MANIFESTATION—OF—GENERAL—MOTOR—INHIBITION —DURING 1—ORIENTING reaction (Sokolov, 19630000             Perception and the Conditioned Reflex) and perhaps —DURING ANY—ACTIVITY switching.
20070305             Dornhoefer, S.M., Rothert, A., Unema, P.J.A., Joos, M., Pannasch, S. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (20010000             ).
20070305             Blanks, blinks and saccades: How blind we really are for relevant visual events.
20070305             ORAL presentation at THE—11—TH European Conference on Eye Movements, TURKU/FINLAND, 20070822—20250822.
20070305             Change blindness experiments constitute 1—EXCITING chapter of contemporary cognitive research.
20070305             Their ecological validity, practical significance and possible explanation however remain somewhat unclear.
20070305             In the reported STUDY—OF—CHANGE—BLINDNESS, we made USE—OF—THE—EYE tracking methodology to investigate 2—NATURAL—MODES—OF—INTERRUPTION—OF—VISUAL—PRESENTATION, namely blinks and saccades.
20070305             In addition, 2—CONTROL—CONDITIONS—THE—MORE—TRADITIONAL—BLANKS as well as the condition of displaying change —DURING 1—FIXATION—WERE used.
20070305             —PRESENTED, As material, we, real world photographs of different traffic situations.
20070305             —CONTRASTED, We further, 2—CLASSES—OF—CHANGES—RELEVANT and irrelevant from the driving POINT—OF—VIEW.
20070305             Physical parameters of these changes (size of the regions, their location and color) have been counterbalanced.
20070305             18—SS, all with middle to high driving skills, participated in the experiment.
20070305             The main RESULT—OF—THIS study was 1—OVERALL—EFFECT—OF—RELEVANCE on detection rate: in all occlusion conditions (blanks, blinks and saccades), the correct detection of relevant changes was very much better than that of irrelevant changes: 80—VS. 33%.
20070305             Despite these large differences in detection rate, the reaction times to relevant changes were similar to those obtained with irrelevant changes (300—MS longer than in the fixation condition).
20070305             For saccadic occlusion (the most frequent natural interruption of visual information) the difference was as large as 350—MISS—SECONDLY, there emerged 1—DIFFERENCE in detection rate (and reaction times) between BLINK—OCCLUDED changes on 1—HAND and BLANK—AND saccadic occlusions on the other.
20070305             Finally, THE—TYPE—OF—CHANGE (insertion, deletion, translation or color shift) appeared to have 1—MAJOR—INFLUENCE on detection rate in all occlusion conditions, insertion being detected easiest and fastest.
20070305             We want to stress that saccades are similar to blanks in their influence on detection and reaction time, whereas blinks clearly deviate.
20070305             —PRODUCED, The classical change blindness effects, by blanks may be 1—RESULT—OF—UPDATING environmental information connected with EVERY—REFIXATION—OF—VISUAL—SCENE.
20070305             Apparently, this takes place for relevant ASPECTS—OF—THE—SITUATION—ONLY—IRRELEVANT—INFORMATION has but little chance of surviving the occlusion.
20070305             Despite the difference in detection rates between relevant and irrelevant changes, reaction times are similar - 1 unexpected dissociation between perceptual input and motor output?
20070305             Dornhöfer, S.M., Franke, R., Gaber, T.J., Rothert, A. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (20030000             ).
20070305             —ON change blindness in natural scenes: Towards 1—DIRECT—COMPARISON—OF—STATIC and dynamic conditions.
20070305             Perception, 32, Suppl.
20070305             Change blindness can be produced using both, static and dynamic visual environments.
20070305             However, 1—DIRECT—COMPARISON—OF these conditions has not been satisfactorily realised yet.
20070305             —APPROACHED, We, the task with the help of 1—NEW—METHOD—THE—VIDEO—SUPPORTED—SPATIAL—SIMULATION which is normally used by architects for developing and illustration purposes.
20070305             —CONTROLLED, In our experiment, 1—COMPUTER, endoscope video camera moved through 1—REDUCED—SCALE—MODEL (1:100) of 1—URBAN—STREET—SCENARIO simulating the viewpoint of 1—VAN—DRIVER moving at 1—CONSTANT speed of 36—KM/h. Due to the controlled laboratory setting, we were able to repeatedly produce identical video clips of the same scenes.
20070305             —AFTER shooting the initial clip, the same clip was shot again.
20070305             —ADDED, However, this time 1—TARGET—OBJECT was, to or withdrawn from the scene.
20070305             —EDITED, THE—2—CLIPS were digitally, and merged into 1—SINGLE clip, where 1—SUDDEN—CHANGE occurs in ABSENCE—OF—CHANGE—INDICATING 'cuts'.
20070305             12—SUBJECTS were asked to report changes in the scenes of 336—REALISTIC—EGO—MOTION video clips (16—S each).
20070305             —DISTRIBUTED, Randomly, yellow cubes (perceived as lying on the street and having 1—SIZE—OF about 50—CM) were used as targets and distractors.
20070305             —CONSISTED—OF, Change conditions, either the appearance or disappearance of 1—CUBE —DURING 40—MS (simulating 1—SACCADE), 160—MS (simulating 1—EYE blink) or 320—MS blank screen intervals as well as —DURING 1—NON—OCCLUDED control condition.
20070305             —INTRODUCED, In order to avoid guessing, catch trials were, in all blank conditions.
20070305             Corresponding SCREENSHOTS—OF—THE—VIDEO clips were used as the static environments.
20070305             THE—EXTENT—OF—CHANGE—BLINDNESS found in this study was consistently higher in the dynamic visual environments and relatively constant at all blank durations.
20070305             Marx, J., Pannasch, S. & Velichkovsky, B.M. (20030000             ).
20070305             EVENT—RELATED PROLONGATION—OF—FIXATION—DURATION: Evidence for habituation of the intermodal distractor effect Perception, 32, Suppl.
20070305             —WHEN 2—STIMULI are presented at the same time, 1—BEING the target and the other irrelevant distractor, 1—SIGNIFICANT—INCREASE—OF—SACCADIC—LATENCY is found.
20070305             1—SIMILAR—EFFECT can be obtained in free visual exploration of 1—SCENE where fixation durations are prolonged by irrelevant visual stimuli.
20070305             In contrast to the current explanation as 1—OCULOMOTOR reflex (eg Reingold and Stampe, 20020000             Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 371 - 388), we consider the effect rather as 1—RUDIMENTARY manifestation of the orienting reaction, —SINCE our data demonstrated that it can also be produced by acoustic distractors (Pannasch et al, 20010000             Vision Research 41 3345 - 3351).
20070305             However, 1—ORIENTING reaction should habituate and this has never been shown for the distractor effect.
20070305             —PRESENTED, In the actual study, we, visual and acoustic distractors —DURING free viewing of 1—SEQUENCE—OF—NATURALISTIC—PICTURES.
20070305             Eye movements and EVENT—RELATED potentials (ERPs) were recorded simultaneously.
20070305             The data demonstrate 1—CLEAR distractor effect both in fixation durations and —IN—EARLY components of the ERPs (N1), whereby the effect in ERP components was delayed (by up to 40—MS) relative to the evoked PROLONGATION—OF—FIXATIONS.
20070305             Furthermore, 1—SIGNIFICANT—HABITUATION—OF—THE—VISUAL and acoustic distractor effects has been found not only in the ERPs, but also in visual fixations.
20070305             These results indicate 1—GOOD—FEASIBILITY—OF—THE proposed interpretation for mechanisms of the distractor effect.
20070305             —ENJOYED, Landon, intimate ties to both MARK—THATCHER + PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER—THROUGHOUT the 1980s +
20070305             this further facilitated OMAN—KEY—ROLE as 1—WEAPONS conduit to THE—AFGHANISTAN—MUJAHIDEEN.
20070305             1—LOOK at 1—MAP—OF—THE—ARABIAN—SEA + THE—INDIA—SUBCONTINENT shows that
20070305             Ironically, another strong player in OMAN —DURING this period was 1—OF—THE—AMERICA—CIA—FIGURES who most closely followed THE—UK—SAS model: THEODORE—G—SHACKLEY.
20070305             —DIRECTED, Shackley had, THE—CIA 's "secret war in LAOS" —DURING the late 1960s and early 1970s +
20070305             had written 1—BOOK, The 3. Option, spelling out THE—SAS approach to training + controlling local insurgent armies as surrogates.
20070305             —FINANCED, Much of THE—LAOS "secret war" had been, by the sale of Golden Triangle opium.
20070305             Shackley was 1—PIVOTAL—BEHIND—THE—SCENES—PLAYER in GEORGE—BUSH 's "secret parallel government" apparatus that ran the Afghan + NICARAGUA n + Angolan + other covert operations.
20070305             —WHEN Shackley left THE—CIA,
20070305             he went on retainer with 1—SHADOWY—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER named JOHN—DEUSS, who developed 1—SPECIAL—RELATIONSHIP with SULTAN—QABOOS that was almost as tight as THE—OMANI—TIES to BRIGADIER—LANDON.
20070305             Typical SAS uses of these afghansi include:
20070305             —REPORTED, Elevated arsenic levels, in rice grown in SOUTH—CENTRAL—STATES
20070305             The largest market basket survey of the arsenic CONTENT—OF—RICE grown in THE—USA has found elevated levels of arsenic in rice produced in THE—SOUTH—CENTRAL—PART—OF—THE—COUNTRY, scientists report in 1—ARTICLE scheduled for 20070401             —THE issue of ACS` Environmental Science & Technology.
20070305             Test to Reveal Levels of Depleted Uranium in Army Personnel
20070305             1—TEST—RECENTLY used by THE—UK—GOVERNMENT`s Independent Depleted Uranium Oversight BOARD to detect exposure to UK troops by depleted uranium (DU) —DURING 19910000             —THE—GULF—CONFLICT was developed by 1—TEAM led by 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—LEICESTER geologist.
20070305             Geologists Reveal Secrets Behind Supervolcano Eruption
20070305             —DISCOVERED, Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have, what likely triggered the eruption of a ?supervolcano?
20070305             that coated MUCH—OF—THE—WEST—HALF—OF—THE—USA with ash fallout 760,—000—YEARS—AGO.
20070305             Copyright Law Used to Shutdown Site
20070305             driptray writes "THE—SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD reports that 1—AUSTRALIA—MINING industry group has used copyright laws to close 1—WEBSITE that parodied 1—COAL—INDUSTRY ad campaign. 1—GROUP known as Rising Tide created the website using the slogan "Rising sea levels: brought to you by mining" in response to the mining industry's slogan of "Life: brought to you by mining". The mining industry claimed that the "content and layout" of the parody site infringed copyright, but —WHEN Rising Tide removed the copyrighted photos and changed the layout, the mining industry still lodged 1—COMPLAINT. Is this 1—MISUSE—OF—COPYRIGHT—LAW in order to stifle dissent?"
20070305             Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur
20070305             Uryugen writes "1—NEW dinosaur species was 1—PLANT—EATER with YARD—LONG horns over its eyebrows, suggesting 1—EVOLUTIONARY—MIDDLE—STEP between older dinosaurs with even larger horns and THE—SMALL—HORNED creatures that followed, experts said. The dinosaur's horns, thick as 1—HUMAN—ARM, are like those of triceratops — which came 10—MILLION—YEARS—LATER. However, this animal belonged to 1—SUBFAMILY that usually had bony nubbins 1—FEW inches long above their eyes"
20070305             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN on the loose, living in freedom,- Nico - 20010000             days —LATER.
20070305             Our national media embarrassment WAS—AGAIN on full display —ON—FRIDAY.
20070305             —AIRED, The most LOP—SIDED coverage by far was, by FOX—NEWS, which featured only 10—REFERENCES to WALTER—REED compared to 121—OF—ANNA—NICOLE — roughly 12—TIMES the coverage.
20070305             —FEATURED, MISS—NBC, 84—REFERENCES to WALTER—REED and 96 to ANNA—NICOLE.
20070305             —COMPILED, ThinkProgress, 1—REEL of lowlights from —FRIDAY—COVERAGE.
20070305             FOX—NEWS 121 10 - MISS—NBC 96 84 - 40 53
20070305             —BALANCED, If you want to write and thank them for their more, coverage, the feedback form is HERE.
20070305             —FROM serving in IRAQ to living on the streets.
20070305             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS that from "2004 to 20060000             , THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS—AFFAIRS provided shelter to 300—VETERANS—OF—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN TOURS, out of the tens of thousands who have served".
20070305             But that figure "is not even close to accurate," said PAUL—RIECKHOFF, executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN VETERANS—OF—AMERICA, "because it doesn't include the '
20070305             others sleeping in buses, their cars or on the streets.
20070305             Middle class Americans are increasingly unable to afford health insurance.
20070305             "—TODAY, more than 1—3. of the uninsured — - 17—MILLION—OF—THE nearly 47—MILLION
20070305             — have family incomes of $40,000 or more, according to THE—EMPLOYEE—BENEFIT—RESEARCH—INSTITUTE, 1—NONPARTISAN organization.
20070305             More than 2—THIRDS—OF—THE uninsured are in households with at least 1—FULL—TIME—WORKER".
20070305             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—WRITES—OF—CONDITIONS at military and VA hospitals: ' It Is Not —JUST WALTER—REED.' THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—VETERANS—AFFAIRS, headed by FORMER—RNC director JIM—NICHOLSON, is "likely to come under scrutiny at the hearings".
20070305             —ACCUSED, He has been, by SOME—VETERANS and the organizations that represent them of "being primarily 1—MOUTHPIECE for THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION".
20070305             According to THE—USA—CLIMATE—ACTION Report, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION "estimates that emissions by THE—USA—OF—GASES that contribute to global warming will grow nearly as fast through THE—NEXT—DECADE as they did the previous —DECADE".
20070305             —DESCRIBED, Climate change experts " the projected emissions as
20070305             given the rising EVIDENCE—OF—RISKS from unabated global warming".
20070305             —CONDEMNED, AFGHANISTAN—PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI ", USA—TROOPS for shooting dead 10—CIVILIANS at the weekend as officials said 9—MORE — 5—WOMEN, 4—CHILDREN and 1—OLD—MAN—HAD been killed in 1—AIR—STRIKE".
20070305             USA and N KOREA to open key TALKS—USA and NORTH—KOREA—ENVOYS are due to start talks in NEW—YORK aimed at normalising relations.
20070305             EGYPT anger over 19670000             'MASSACRE'
20070305             An ISRAEL—MINISTER postpones a trip to EGYPT, amid MEDIA—REPORTS
20070305             Richter: Keine Beweise für Mord an PRINZESSIN—DIANA
20070305             —BEKOMMT, SAUDI—ARABIEN: Vergewaltigungsopfer, 90—PEITSCHENHIEBE
20070305             Ungezügelter Wirtschaftsboom: CHINA will Wachstum auf 8 % begrenzen
20070305             Chaos beim FC S—PAULI: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen PRÄSIDENT—LITTMANN
20070305             Freizeitforscher: "Recht auf Reisen lässt sich niemand nehmen"
20070305             Kameramann im Terrorknast: "Ich bin keine Bedrohung für die USA"
20070305             Schock aus ASIEN: Börsen in aller Welt sacken ab
20070305             PC und Klimaschutz: Der Stromfresser unterm Schreibtisch
20070305             Krawalle in Kopenhagen: Geräumtes Jugendzentrum wird abgerissen
20070305             Top Secret: We're Wiretapping You The feds accidentally give 1—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA attorney 1 classified document showing that THE—NSA intercepted his phone calls without 1—WARRANT.
20070305             —WHEN they ask for it back, they get a $2—MILLION—LAWSUIT along with it.
20070305             —BY RYAN—SINGEL.
20070305             USA Royalty Rates Hit Webcasting It looks grim for webcasters -- THE—USA—COPYRIGHT—ROYALTY BOARD announces retroactive rates, endorsing 1—PER—PLAY—PROPOSAL by RIAA—ASSOCIATED SoundExchange.
20070305             LISTENING, Post.
20070305             Diebold Weighs Voting Unit Future Execs of THE—150—YEAR—OLD—COMPANY consider dumping its E—VOTING subsidiary for tarnishing 1—REPUTATION built on safes and ATM machines.
20070305             —BY the Associated Press.
20070305             Bush Courts BRAZIL as Ethanol Pal BRAZIL—SUGAR cane provides the ethanol that fuels 8—OUT of every 10—NEW—BRAZIL—CARS.
20070305             —UNDISPUTED, Bush wants 1—ALLIANCE with the planet's, renewable energy leader.
20070305             Scientists Try to Predict Intentions (AP) -- At 1—LABORATORY in GERMANY, volunteers slide into 1—DONUT—SHAPED—MISTER—I machine and perform simple tasks, such as deciding whether to add or subtract 2—NUMBERS, or choosing which of 2—BUTTONS to press.
20070305             —AWARDED, Gasification May Be Key to USA Ethanol (AP) -- The government, $385—MILLION in grants —LAST—WEEK aimed at jumpstarting ethanol production from nontraditional sources like wood chips, switchgrass and citrus peels.
20070305             WHAT—SURPRISING is that HALF—OF—THE—6—PROJECTS chosen will use 1—PROCESS 1. discovered almost 1—CENTURY ago to turn coal into 1—GAS.
20070305             Technology Creates Extreme Genealogists (AP) -- LEE—DREW had 1—CHAT with SOME—COUSINS the other —DAY.
20070305             He was sitting in his home OFFICE—IN—OREM, UTAH.
20070305             4—OF—THE—COUSINS were in ENGLAND.
20070305             1 was in AUSTRALIA, another in SOUTH—AFRICA.
20070305             1—FEW more joined in from other PARTS—OF—NORTH—AMERICA.
20070305             Bird flu breakthrough could halt pandemic says expert Researchers in THE—USA—BELIEVE they have found 1—EASILY—PRODUCED vaccine for the killer H5N1 bird flu that could halt 1 feared pandemic, 1—MEDIA—REPORT said —MONDAY.
20070305             Tibetans carry on as glaciers fall victim to global warming Although the melting of TIBET—MASSIVE glaciers threatens to have dire global repercussions, climate change remains 1—VAGUE—CONCEPT for the people of this Himalayan region.
20070305             High temperatures leave 5—MILLION—CHINA—SHORT—OF—WATER—NEARLY 5—MILLION—CHINA—ARE unable to get enough drinking water because of 1—SERIES—OF—DROUGHTS caused by "abnormally high" temperatures, state media said —SUNDAY.
20070305             YouTube builds NETWORK—OF—CONTENT—PROVIDERS—YOUTUBE, the video SOCIAL—NETWORKING website owned by Google, is building 1—VAST—NETWORK—OF—CONTENT—PROVIDERS, 1—COMPANY—SPOKESMAN told AFP.
20070305             Police Turn to YouTube to Catch Suspects (AP) -- Patrolman BRIAN—JOHNSON—OF—THE—FRANKLIN—MASSACHUSETTS, Police Department studied 1—SURVEILLANCE—VIDEO showing 2—MEN using allegedly stolen credit cards at 1—HOME—DEPOT.
20070305             Museum IDs New Species of Dinosaur (AP) -- 1—NEW dinosaur species was 1—PLANT—EATER with YARD—LONG horns over its eyebrows, suggesting 1—EVOLUTIONARY—MIDDLE—STEP between older dinosaurs with even larger horns and THE—SMALL—HORNED creatures that followed, experts said.
20070305             Tech Firms Go Green As E—WASTE—MOUNTS (AP) -- This is where computers go to die 1—GREEN—DEATH.
20070305             Inside HEWLETT—PACKARD Co.'s cavernous recycling plant in THE—SACRAMENTO suburbs, truckloads of obsolete PCs, servers and printers collected from consumers and businesses nationwide are cracked open by goggled workers who pull out batteries, circuit boards and other potentially hazardous components.
20070305             USA, BRAZIL Launch Biofuels Forum (AP) -- The world's 2—TOP ethanol PRODUCERS—THE—USA and BRAZIL—ANNOUNCED the creation of 1—INTERNATIONAL—FORUM to help expand the global market for biofuels, —JUST days —BEFORE THE—2—COUNTRIES are expected to sign 1—SEPARATE—AGREEMENT promoting ethanol across THE—WEST—HEMISPHERE.
20070305             Raw TEXAS Oysters May Be Contaminated (AP) -- THE—FOOD and Drug Administration says consumers should avoid eating raw oysters harvested from S—ANTONIO—BAY in TEXAS because more than 2—DOZEN—PEOPLE in MARYLAND became ill —LAST—MONTH.
20070305             Computer Forensics to Solve Pioneer Mystery
20070305             MATTHEW—SPARKES writes "Launched —35—YEARS—AGO—ON—FRIDAY, Pioneer 10 was the 1. spacecraft to reach the outer Solar System and return pictures of Jupiter, closely followed by Pioneer 11. However, the twin Pioneer spacecraft drifted off course (see number 8) by HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—KILOMETRES —DURING their —3—DECADE—MISSION + NASA eventually lost contact with them. 1—INTERNATIONAL—TEAM—OF—SCIENTISTS, including MANY—AMATUER hobbyists, are RE—ANALYSING the tracking and telemetry data in the hope of discovering the reason".
20070305             Cassini Returns Amazing New Imagery from Saturn
20070305             "THE—CASSINI spacecraft has —RECENTLY entered 1—HIGHLY—INCLINED orbit —AROUND Saturn, revealing SOME—NEVER—BEFORE—SEEN IMAGES—OF—THE—PLANET—RING system as seen from above and below the planet. 'Sailing high above Saturn and seeing the rings spread out beneath us like 1—GIANT, copper medallion is like exploring 1—ALIEN—WORLD we've never seen —BEFORE. It —JUST doesn't look like the same place. It's so utterly BREATH—TAKING, it almost gives you vertigo.' The spacecraft will eventually return to its standard orbit parallel to the ring plane in —LATE—JUNE".
20070305             THE—PENTAGON—WANTS a 'TiVo' to Watch You
20070305             - Jeremiah Cornelius (—POSTED—BY—ZONK) 176—COMMENTS 1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes
20070305             "Danger Room, 1—WIRED blog, —TODAY cites 1—STUDY—OF—FUTURE—ELECTRONIC snooping technologies from Reuters, WRITTEN—BY—THE—PENTAGON—DEFENSE—SCIENCE—BOARD. More than anything, it seems these outside advisers want 1—SURVEILLANCE—SYSTEM that would put Big Brother to shame + they're looking at the commercial sector to provide it. 'The ability to record terabyte and larger databases will provide 1—OMNIPRESENT KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—PRESENT and the past that can be used to rewind battle space observations in TIVO—LIKE fashion and to run recorded time backwards to help identify and locate even LOW—LEVEL—ENEMY—FORCES. For example, —AFTER 1—CAR—BOMB detonates, 1 would have the ability to play HIGH—RESOLUTION—DATA backward in time to follows the vehicle back to the source + then use that knowledge to focus collection and gain additional information by organizing and searching through archived data.'"
20070305             Humans Hardwired to Believe in Supernatural Deity?
20070305             "According to 1—SUNDAY—NEW—YORK—TIMES—ARTICLE, 6 in 10—AMERICANS believe in the devil and hell, 7 in 10—BELIEVE in angels, heaven and the existence of miracles and life —AFTER death, —WHILE 92% believe in 1—PERSONAL—GOD.
20070305             The article explores the possibility that this belief structure may be ingrained into our genetic makeup.
20070305             '—WHEN 1—TRAIT is universal, evolutionary biologists look for 1—GENETIC—EXPLANATION and wonder how that gene or genes might enhance survival or reproductive success... Which is the better biological explanation for 1—BELIEF in God — evolutionary adaptation or neurological accident?
20070305             Is there something about the cognitive functioning of humans that makes us receptive to belief in 1—SUPERNATURAL deity?'"
20070305             Ocean Floor Crust Wound to Be Explored
20070305             "1—GROUP—OF—SCIENTISTS are disembarking right —NOW to study 1—OPEN gash in the ocean floor where earth's mantle lays exposed without ANY—CRUST covering it. The scientists describe this as the result of the mantle moving too quickly for the crust to keep up. Either that, or the mantle was never covered by the crust and —JUST has always been like this. From the article, 'Regardless of how they formed, the exposed mantle provides scientists with 1—RARE—OPPORTUNITY to study THE—EARTH—ROCKY innards. MANY—ATTEMPTS to drill deep into the planet barely get past the crust.'"
20070305             Objections Over Antibiotic Approved for Use in Cattle
20070305             "THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS that THE—FDA is expected to approve THE—MARKETING—OF—THE—NEW—ANTIBIOTIC called Cefquinome for use in cattle. This is over OBJECTIONS—OF—THE—USA—MEDICAL—ASSOCIATION, THE—FDA—ADVISORY—BOARD—AND—THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION. Cefquinome is from 1—CLASS—OF highly potent 'last LINE—OF—DEFENSE' antibiotics for several serious human infections. It is feared that large scale use in cattle will allow bacteria to develop 1—RESISTANCE to these drugs. This news follows complaints from THE—FDA that it is no longer getting the funds needed to do the research required for the desired LEVEL—OF—FOOD—SAFETY".
20070305             RIAA's 'Expert' Witness Testimony —NOW Online
20070305             "The online community —NOW has 1—OPPORTUNITY to see the fruits of its labor. —BACK—IN December, the Slashdot ('What Questions Would You Ask an RIAA Expert?') and Groklaw ('Another Lawyer Would Like to Pick Your Brain, Please') communities were asked for their input on possible questions to pose to the RIAA's 'expert'. DOCTOR—DOUG—JACOBSON—OF—IOWA—STATE—UNIVERSITY, was scheduled to be deposed in February in UMG v. Lindor, for the 1. time in ANY—RIAA case. MISS—LINDOR—LAWYERS were flooded with about 14000000             responses. THE—DEPOSITION—OF—DOCTOR—JACOBSON went forward on February 23, 20070000             + the transcript is —NOW available online (pdf) (ascii). RAY—BECKERMAN, 1—OF—MISS—LINDOR—ATTORNEYS, had this comment: 'We are deeply grateful to the community for reviewing our request, for giving us thoughts and ideas + for reviewing other readers' responses. —NOW I ask the tech community to review this ALL—IMPORTANT transcript + bear witness to the shoddy investigation and junk science upon which THE—RIAA has based its litigation war against the people. The computer scientists among you will be astounded that THE—RIAA has been permitted to burden our court system with cases based upon such arrant and careless nonsense.'"
20070305             NetTrends'08 at Night:
20070305             "BARACK—OBAMA met with representatives from various draft campaigns, including RunObama, +".
20070305             —MOVED, TechPresident notes: "The participants were, by OBAMA—FRANKNESS and willingness to talk about his campaign structure. From the RunObama blog, 'I can't THINK—OF—ANY—CANDIDATE that I've ever met who would sit down and not —JUST go through the motions, but actually engage in 1—FRANK—DISCUSSION about campaign structure and integration, to best harness all the energy out there surrounding him.'"
20070305             SENATOR—DOMENICI admits calling USA—ATTORNEY.
20070305             "SENATOR—PETE—V—DOMENICI (R—NM) acknowledged —TODAY that he contacted THE—USA—ATTORNEY in ALBUQUERQUE last fall to inquire about the status of 1—ONGOING corruption probe of Democrats, saying he regretted the call but 'never pressured him nor threatened him in ANY—WAY.'" DailyKos has THE—FALL—OUT.
20070305             UPDATE: JOSH—MARSHALL has much more HERE and HERE. Chaos in AFGHANISTAN.
20070305             "USA—TROOPS—OPENED fire on 1—HIGHWAY filled with CIVIL—CARS and bystanders
20070305             —TODAY, American and AFGHANISTAN—OFFICIALS said, in 1—INCIDENT that the Americans said left 16—CIVILIANS—DEAD and 24 wounded as they fled the scene of 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20070305             1—AMERICAN was also wounded".
20070305             UPDATE: "AFGHANISTAN—JOURNALISTS — SOME—WORKING for the Associated Press — covering the aftermath of 1—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK and shooting in EAST—AFGHANISTAN —SUNDAY said
20070305             —DELETED, USA—TROOPS, their photos and video
20070305             and warned them not to publish or air ANY—IMAGES—OF—USA—TROOPS or 1—CAR where 3—AFGHANS were shot to death".
20070305             REPORT: CPAC Speakers Run From Bush Record
20070305             At —LAST—WEEK—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICAL—ACTION—CONFERENCE, attendees gathered to hear partisan attacks against progressives from the likes of ANN—COULTER and FORMER—SWIFT—BOAT—VETERANS—FOR Truth.
20070305             —OBSCURED, All THE—MUD—SLINGING from the right, the fact that rarely was the name of the current sitting PRESIDENT ever mentioned.
20070305             BUSH—JOB—APPROVAL—RESTS at 1—OF—ITS—LOWEST—POINTS—29 %.
20070305             —DROPPED, Moreover, his rating among conservatives has, 13—POINTS—SINCE last fal l. —NOW, 65—PERCENT—OF—HIS—BASE says they APPROVE—OF—THE—WAY he is handling his job as PRESIDENT, compared with 78 % last October.
20070305             1—REVIEW—OF—THE—PROMINENT keynote speeches from speakers at THE—CPAC conference reveals that MANY—OF—THEM view the Bush effect more as albatross than 1—ADVANTAGE:
20070305             FORMER—GOVERNOR—MITT—ROMNEY: MENTIONS—OF—BUSH : 0. Mentions of RONALD—REAGAN : 2.
20070305             FORMER—GOVERNOR—MIKE—HUCKABEE: MENTIONS—OF—BUSH : 1. Mentions of Reagan : 0. In the sole reference, Huckabee said, "I supported the Bush tax cuts 20010000             . I still support them —TODAY".
20070305             SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK: MENTIONS—OF—BUSH : 1. Mentions of Reagan : 2.
20070305             The only reference Brownback made to Bush was —WHEN he said, "On Social Security — and PRESIDENT—BUSH, God bless him, started this debate and discussion [about] personal Social Security accounts".
20070305             REPRESENTATIVE—DUNCAN—HUNTER: MENTIONS—OF—BUSH : 0. Mentions of Reagan : 5.
20070305             RUDY—GIULIANI: MENTIONS—OF—BUSH : 4. Mentions of Reagan : 15. 1—OF—GUILIANI—FEW references to BUSH—RECORD was the —FOLLOWING statement: "You're going to succeed at SOME—THINGS, fail at others".
20070305             Kiley: Post investigation 'yellow journalism.'
20070305             In 1—INTERVIEW, Army SECRETARY—FRANCIS—HARVEY, who resigned —ON—FRIDAY, "defended his decision to temporarily appoint" LIEUTENANT—GENERAL—KEVIN—KILEY as WALTER—REED—COMMANDER.
20070305             "He said Kiley called him 1—FEW days ago and lambasted THE—WASHINGTON—POST—SERIES on the medical center. 'He called me and said, "I'm willing to defend myself.
20070305             I want to have 1—OPPORTUNITY to defend myself + it was wrong and it was yellow journalism at its worst + I plan on doing it.
20070305             Trust me".' Harvey said. 'I said, "Okay, Kevin".'" Though Kiley will no longer oversee WALTER—REED, he remains THE—ARMY—TOP—MEDICAL—OFFICIAL.
20070305             WISCONSIN turns down ABSTINENCE—ONLY—MONEY.
20070305             —DIRECTED, WISCONSIN GOVERNOR—JIM—DOYLE (D) "has, the state to turn down about $600,000 in FEDERAL—ABSTINENCE—EDUCATION—MONEY because new rules would limit how much recipients could talk about contraception or sexually transmitted diseases —THIS—YEAR".
20070305             (Via Feministing)
20070305             NEW—YORK—TIMES' Bumiller: Bush 'Really Is 1—PRAGMATIST—MASKED—IN—IDEOLOGY'
20070305             This —MORNING on THE—CHRIS—MATTHEWS—SHOW, NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—ELISABETH—BUMILLER claimed that if you look at the administration's recent dealings with NORTH—KOREA, Syria + IRAN, "what you're actually seeing is what I think [PRESIDENT—BUSH ] really is, 1—PRAGMATIST masked in ideology".
20070305             It has been —4—YEARS—SINCE THE—USA—INVADED—IRAQ and PRESIDENT—BUSH still refuses to have direct talks with IRAN and Syria about the war, let alone IRAN—NUCLEAR—DEVELOPMENT.
20070305             —MEANWHILE, under Bush 's "pragmatic" leadership, NORTH—KOREA has developed
20070305             10—11—BOMBS worth of plutonium, suitable for use in nuclear weapons + conducted its 1. nuclear weapons test.
20070305             —ON—TUESDAY, the administration announced it would
20070305             join HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS with THE—2—COUNTRIES.
20070305             As THE—WASHINGTON—POST—NOTES, "these conferences [will] be led and organized by THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT and not, as the [IRAQ Study Group] suggested, by THE—USA ".
20070305             This is 1—LONG—OVERDUE 1. baby step, not 1—SIGN—OF—BUSH 's "pragmatism".
20070305             Murtha Laughs Off Cheney : At Least He Didn't Blame Me For THE—UK—PULLING Out
20070305             —TODAY on Meet the Press, REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA (D—PA) laughed off VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—ATTACK that MURTHA—PLAN for IRAQ would "
20070305             validate the al Qaeda strategy.
20070305             "He didn't blame me for at least getting THE—UK—OUT," Murtha said.
20070305             "I thought he might blame me for that".
20070305             —POINTED, Murtha, out that Cheney "—JUST does not listen to what I'm saying".
20070305             Cheney ignores the military's readiness crisis and the fact that "the future threats to this country significantly increased in THE—LAST—YEAR because we have no ground strategic reserve.... He doesn't talk about the policy and the results of what I'm saying".
20070305             Brit Hume On WALTER—REED: 'It Looks Terrible' For THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, 'Which Is THE—PROBLEM'
20070305             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, Brit Hume spoke about THE—WALTER—REED scandal in entirely political terms, saying "the problem" is that it "looks terrible" for the administration.
20070305             —CALLED, Hume, the neglect and deplorable conditions at the military hospital a "potential" political firestorm, but said that the "administration did what it did to try to get it over with + it may well have succeeded".
20070305             —SUGGESTED, Hume, that if Democrats had not taken CONTROL—OF—CONGRESS—IN—NOVEMBER—ELECTION, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION would not have demanded resignations from the Army SECRETARY—AND—THE—CHIEF—OF—WALTER—REED.
20070305             "This is 1—ADMINISTRATION which is known or had been known for sticking by people even —WHEN they were embattled".
20070305             —RESPONDED, NPR—MARA—LIASSON, to HUME—COMMENTS: "I think, you know, to say it looks bad, it also is bad. Those pictures were horrible. These are people — nobody who is being treated for ANY—KIND—OF—INJURY should have to live in that condition, let alone people who —JUST fought in 1—WAR for our country".
20070305             1 in 4. - NICO—SENATOR—GORDON—SMITH (R—OR) "said he —RECENTLY spoke with GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS, the new top military COMMANDER—IN—IRAQ, who told him the troop surge has only a 1 in 4—CHANCE—OF succeeding".
20070305             Last chance to save NEW—ORLEANS.
20070305             revealing the growing belief that "the great sweep of marshes protecting NEW—ORLEANS from the Gulf" will be wiped out far —EARLIER than scientists once believed, "putting the sea at the city's doorstep".
20070305             Says 1—RESEARCHER: " - —10—YEARS is how much time we have left — if that.
20070305             Post Reporter: 'We Are Not Spared' The 'Nasty, Vulgar E—MAIL' From 'Liberal Blog' Readers
20070305             —LAST—WEEK, both conservative and traditional media outlets did their best to turn SOME—HATEFUL and inappropriate statements about VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY by anonymous commenters at liberal blogs into 1—BROAD commentary on the left in general.
20070305             —PREDICTED, As GLENN—GREENWALD, WASHINGTON—POST—MEDIA—CRITIC—HOWARD—KURTZ devoted his column to the "scandal":
20070305             —POINTED, But as Greenwald (and Arianna), out:
20070305             Stray, anonymous comments prove nothing.
20070305             And those who rely on them to make 1—ARGUMENT — especially without bothering to make ANY—EFFORT to prove that they are reflective of anything — should be presumed to have no argument at all.
20070305             That is why they are relying upon such transparently flimsy and misleading methods to make 1—POINT.
20070305             —DURING a
20070305             chat —ON—THURSDAY, 1—READER confronted national political reporter Lois Romano about the coverage:
20070305             "Selectively quoting anonymous posters from ANY—POLITICAL blog is shoddy 'journalism' at its worst. What does MISTER—KURTZ have to say to defend himself on this?"
20070305             Romano had nothing to say about Kurtz.
20070305             Instead, she bemoaned the "new viciousness in the process often generated by the blogs," and likened herself and other reporters to Cheney, complaining that "we are not spared" the "nasty, vulgar E—MAIL" produced by "liberal blogs".
20070305             Romano: We are watching the blogs + —JUST—THIS—MONTH THE—POST assigned 1—YOUNG—REPORTER to cover INTERNET campaigning.
20070305             There certainly is 1—NEW—VICIOUSNESS in the process often generated by the blogs.
20070305             —SPARED, You need to know that we as reporters are not, — if we write 1—ARTICLE the liberals blogs do not like we will be inundated with nasty, vulgar E—MAIL — which has no impact on our coverage.
20070305             —WHILE  "liberal blogs" are lumped together with 1—TINY unrepresentative sample of anonymous commenters, the hate speech by leading figures of the conservative movement is ignored: —TODAY—POST—COVERAGE—OF—THE—CONSERVATIVE—POLITICAL—ACTION—CONFERENCE makes no mention of ANN—COULTER—INFLAMMATORY "faggot " remark.
20070305             "As support for the war fades, - NICO—DEMAND for yellow ribbons has collapsed," the Financial Times reports.
20070305             —NOW has 1—UNSOLD stockpile of about 1m magnets.
20070305             —LINKED, Unit, to scandals may be in IRAQ
20070305             - sfux CHRIS—THORNTON/BELFAST Telegraph -
20070305             —TABLED, Questions have been, in PARLIAMENT about reports that the shadowy Army unit linked to Troubles intelligence scandals is —NOW operating in IRAQ.
20070305             THE—JOINT—SERVICES—GROUP (JSG), which allegedly operates OUT—OF—BAGHDAD—GREEN—ZONE, is said to be the...
20070305             ELI—LILLY: Der Skandal unter dem TEPPICH—SFUX KARL—WEISS -
20070305             Die PSYCHO—DROGE Z. (Wirkstoff: Olanzapin) vom PHARMA—RIESEN ELI—LILLY, verwendet für Schizophrenie, akute Manie + ?Bipolare Störungen I?,
20070305             zeigt heftigste Nebenwirkungen, die —BIS hin zum Tode führen können, so führt sie z.B. häufig zu Zuckerkrankheit.
20070305             Außerdem wird sie für andere als ihre zugelassenen Anwendungen vermarktet.
20070305             ELI—LILLY hat —BEREITS in mehr als 28 000—FÄLLEN außergerichtliche Entschädigungszahlungen.
20070305             Entschuldigungen Sie die Entschuldigungen!
20070305             - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK ?
20070305             Spätestens —SEIT—MITTE der Achtziger —JAHRE, bitte entschuldigen Sie, natürlich des vorigen —JAHRHUNDERTS, ist klar, dass der Klimawandel —JETZT eintreten wird.
20070305             —GENOMMEN, Warum haben Sie das —BISHER nicht ernst ?
20070305             Wollen Sie sich damit entschuldigen, die Medien hätten nicht eindringlich darauf hingewiesen?
20070305             Nein, das ist nicht entschuldbar und diese Anschuldigung bitte ich zu entschuldigen.
20070305             Schließlich wies die NASA frühzeitig auf die aus damaliger Sicht noch bevorstehende.
20070305             Schafft ein, 2? VIELE—IRAKS.
20070305             Oder: Die Friedenspolitik des Herrn G.W. Bush
20070305             - onlineredaktion DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE—AM
20070305             Woman dies from bird flu in LAOS A —42—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN becomes the 1. person in LAOS to DIE—OF—BIRD—FLU and the 2. to be infected, officials say.
20070305             World stock drop hits 2. —WEEK European stocks FALL—MIRRORING heavy losses in ASIA—AS the global share SELL—OFF powers into its 2. —WEEK.
20070305             CHINA fury at CHEN—TAIWAN call CHINA suggests TAIWAN—PRESIDENT is a "criminal" —AFTER he makes 1—STRONGLY—PRO—INDEPENDENCE—SPEECH.
20070305             Litvinenko supporter shot in USA THE—FBI and USA—POLICE investigate the shooting of 1—FRIEND—OF—1—FORMER—KGB agent poisoned in LONDON.
20070305             —DESTROYED, DENMARK rioters' squat, Bulldozers start knocking down 1—BUILDING at the centre of some of the worst rioting in COPENHAGEN —FOR—DECADES.
20070305             EU bans PAKISTAN airline flights THE—EU bars MOST—OF—PAKISTAN—INTERNATIONAL—AIRLINES' fleet within its airspace due to safety concerns.
20070305             CHAD—EX—REBEL leader gets top job CHAD—FORMER rebel leader Mahamat Nour Abdelkerim becomes the country's MINISTER—OF defence.
20070305             Clinton and Obama woo black voters Leading Democratic presidential campaigners descend on ALABAMA town for civil rights anniversary.
20070305             —ERASED, USA ' AFGHANISTAN—ATTACK—FOOTAGE' THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS says USA—TROOPS censored footage of 1—INCIDENT in which several civilians were killed.
20070305             JAPAN refuses sex slave apology JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE says JAPAN will not issue another apology for its —WWII military brothels.
20070305             Report warns against IRAN attack Military strikes against IRAN could prompt it to rapidly pursue nuclear weapons, A—UK—THINK tank says.
20070305             Hundreds held in INDIA party raid INDIA—POLICE—ARREST—281—PEOPLE in 1—DRUGS—RAID on 1—PARTY held in THE—CITY—OF—PUNE, EAST—OF—MUMBAI.
20070305             Blair targets LONG—TERM—JOBLESS—TONY—BLAIR promises more help for THE—LONG—TERM—JOBLESS to find WORK—BUT demands "even greater effort" in return.
20070305             HSBC sees record profits of $22bn HSBC reports record annual profits of $22bn, even as bad debt from its mortgage business in THE—USA—ROSE.
20070305             Stress may 'scar child brains' High LEVELS—OF—STRESS may physically scar 1—CHILD—BRAIN, research suggests.
20070305             The 'new age' of super materials
20070305             Materials that could allow levitating trains and ultra powerful computers to become commonplace are COMING—OF—AGE
20070305             Blair admits causing 'uncertainty' TONY—BLAIR admits he created "uncertainty" for the Government by revealing he would quit —LATER—THIS—YEAR.
20070305             —ARRESTED, Hundreds, in DENMARK—RIOTS—DENMARK—POLICE say they have arrested nearly 600—PEOPLE in —3—DAYS—OF—PROTESTS over the eviction of squatters.
20070305             NIGERIA endorses Islamic leader NIGERIA holds the final ceremony inaugurating the spiritual HEAD—OF—THE—COUNTRY'S estimated 70—MILLION—MUSLIMS.
20070305             GERMANY seeks joint history book THE—GERMANY—EDUCATION—MINISTER suggests that 1—COMMON—EUROPEAN history book could be used in schools.
20070305             'Progress' in IRAN sanction talks World powers are making progress on new SANCTIONS—AGAINST—IRAN over its nuclear activities, USA—OFFICIALS say.
20070305             Damp homes 'could cause asthma' Children living in damp and MOULD—INFESTED houses could be at more risk of developing permanent asthma, say researchers.
20070305             Supermarkets clear petrol pumps As supermarkets clear pumps of contaminated petrol, 1—INDUSTRY—GROUP says prices could rise by 2p 1—LITRE.
20070305             USA—EMISSIONS to Jump 19 % - DER SCHLAPPHUT—TICKER
20070305             Mehrere Entführungsoperationen der CIA starteten vom Flughafen PALMA de... der Terrorgefahr erneut für schärfere Sicherheitsmassnahmen ausgesprochen.
20070305             Doch dem Physiker wollte es nicht gelingen, die Abweichungen von —BIS zu 5—GRAD nach oben vollständig zu erklären.
20070305             Seine Vermutung: Die globale Erwärmung könnte EUROPA über —BISHER unbekannte Rückkopplungen im Klimasystem einheizen.
20070305             Ihre Entschlüsselung dürfte lohnenswert sein.
20070305             "Wäre die WÄRME—ANOMALIE statt —IM—HERBST—IM—SOMMER aufgetreten", heißt es in einer Mitteilung der europäischen Wetterdienste, "hätte sie ähnliche Folgen gehabt wie der KATASTROPHEN—SOMMER 20030000             ".
20070305             Damals starben letzten Schätzungen zufolge —BIS zu 50.000—EUROPÄER.
20070305             —DOKUMENTIERT, Wie extrem —DER—HERBST war, vor allem 1—ZAHL—DES—KNMI: In DEUTSCHLAND, BELGIEN, den Niederlanden, DÄNEMARK und der SCHWEIZ herrschte von
20070305             Oder, anders ausgedrückt:
20070305             Unter der Annahme, dass kein Klimawandel stattfindet, läge die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines solchen —HERBSTES bei 1:10.000.
20070305             Regional lag die Durchschnittstemperatur um —BIS zu 5—GRAD Celsius über dem Mittel für diese Jahreszeit.
20070305             Auch —IM—WINTER Rekordwerte
20070305             Schutz mit MILLIARDENAUFWAND—ODER Zusammenbruch
20070305             Was ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit den Fischbeständen kosten würde, hat der Ozeanograph CALLUM—ROBERTS—VON—DER—BRITISCHEN—UNIVERSITY—OF—YORK ausgerechnet:
20070305             Wirksamer Schutz für rund ein Drittel aller Meere würde jährlich zwischen 3,7 und 14,3 Milliarden Euro kosten, schrieb der Forscher in der Wissenschaftszeitschrift "Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES".
20070305             Er betonte dabei, dass der Schutz der Bestände große Gewinne für die Gesellschaft mit sich bringe.
20070305             —SCHON  Überwachung völlig unzureichend
20070305             "Auf hoher See herrschen Methoden wie im Wilden Westen", fasst RALPH—KAMPWIRTH—VON—DER—UMWELTSTIFTUNG—WORLD—WIDE Fund for Nature (WWF) zusammen.
20070305             Zudem beugten sich VIELE—STAATEN ihrer jeweiligen Fischereilobby, statt die von Experten empfohlenen Quoten zu akzeptieren.
20070305             Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace schlägt vor, für 40—PROZENT—DER—WELTMEERE 1—FISCHFANGVERBOT aufzustellen.
20070305             Vor allem Laichplätze und Wanderrouten der Fische müssten geschützt werden
20070305             VIELE—FISCHBESTÄNDE stehen kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch, heißt es in einem neuen Bericht der WELTERNÄHRUNGS—ORGANISATION.
20070305             Forscher warnen: Beutet die Menschheit die Ozeane weiter aus, könnte wild aufgewachsener Fisch —SCHON—IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—JAHRZEHNTEN von den Tellern verschwinden.
20070305             ROM—DER "Mangel an politischem Willen" sei schuld, beklagt die Welternährungsorganisation (FAO) der Vereinten NATIONEN—NICHT etwa der Erkenntnisstand.
20070305             ROM, stellten FISCHEREI—EXPERTEN—DER—FAO am heutigen —MONTAG erschreckende neue Zahlen über die Gefährdung der Fischbestände vor.
20070305             Getty IMAGES—LEBESMITTEL Wildfisch: —HEUTE bedroht.
20070305             Bald Vergangenheit? Experten warnen —SEIT—JAHREN davor, dass die Ozeane drastisch überfischt sind.
20070305             VIELE—SORTEN könnten bald nicht mehr für die Ernährung der Weltbevölkerung zur Verfügung stehen.
20070305             HUNDERTE—VON—MEERESARTEN stehen erstmals auf der Roten Liste, weil sie vom Aussterben bedroht sind.
20070305             —INZWISCHEN, MANCHE—WISSENSCHAFTLER vergleichen die Folgen des menschlichen Handelns, gar mit den 5—GROßEN Massensterben der Erdgeschichte.
20070305             Das ganze Ausmaß dieser Tragödie bei den Speisefischen zeigt der neue Bericht "STATE—OF—THE—WORLD—FISHERIES and Aquaculture" (SOFIA),
20070305             der auch auf der FAO—WEBSITE veröffentlicht wurde :
20070305             —GEFÄHRDET, Insgesamt sei genau 1—VIERTEL aller MEERESFISCH—BESTÄNDE.
20070305             Von jenem Viertel der Bestände in bedenklichem Zustand seien 17 % übernutzt + 7 % stark zurückgegangen.
20070305             Nur 1 % erhole sich —DERZEIT langsam.
20070305             Mehr als die Hälfte (52 %) der Bestände würden —BEREITS—HEUTE derart intensiv ausgebeutet, dass keine Steigerung mehr möglich sei.
20070305             VW—AFFÄRE: Gebauer und Volkert angeklagt - 89—STRAFTATEN
20070305             Statistisches Bundesamt: ZAHL—DER—AUSLANDSFLÜGE steigt deutlich
20070305             Nahrung aus dem Meer: Uno warnt vor SEEFISCH—KOLLAPS
20070305             Ausstieg aus der Steinkohle: "Ich kann für den Steuerzahler keine Entwarnung geben"
20070305             Ausverkauf an den Börsen: Runter, tiefer, raus
20070305             Rüstung: USA planen Atombombe mit Diebstahlschutz
20070305             EXTREM—TEMPERATUREN: Deutschlands heißer 10.000- JAHRES—HERBST
20070305             Nationaler Volkskongress: Chinesen setzen auf Öko
20070305             Datenbanken: Die Polizei, Dein Freund und Datensammler
20070305             Aktienmärkte 1—ASIEN: "—HEUTE wird es wehtun" - URAN—INVESTMENTS: Strahlende Gewinne
20070305             Klimaschutz: Merkel will radikalen EU—AKTIONSPLAN
20070305             —ENTBRANNT, Clinton und Obama: Heißer Kampf um SCHWARZEN—STIMMEN
20070305             DaimlerChrysler: Kampfabstimmung erschüttert Aufsichtsrat
20070305             DAX—BILANZ: Zigtausende Jobs weg trotz fetter Gewinne
20070305             Klimaschutz: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN für Tempolimit auf Autobahnen
20070305             Tote Zivilisten: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen USA—SOLDATEN in AFGHANISTAN
20070305             Riskante Übernahmen: Das Schuldenspiel der Firmenjäger
20070305             Volkskongress: CHINA will ein bisschen mehr Westen probieren
20070305             However, —THROUGHOUT modern history, my understanding is, you did not change THE—USA—ATTORNEY —DURING 1—ADMINISTRATION, unless there was SOME—EVIDENCE—OF—MISCONDUCT or other really quite significant cause to do so.
20070305             Bush_Falsely_Claims_His_Prosecutor_Purge_Is_A_Customary_Practice_By_a_Pres" Transcript:
20070305             ART—LEVINE: See Kiley Grilled on C—SPAN—TODAY About WALTER—REED...
20070305             The public will get to see Army Surgeon GENERAL—KEVIN—KILEY and other military... KILEY—DUBIOUS—ROLE in covering up detainee abuse and...
20070305             ART—LEVINE: Psy chologists, Torture and the Fight to Close Gitmo...
20070305             THE—PERSECUTION—OF—SAMI—AL—ARIAN: 1—OF—THE 1. big show trials here in the post-20010911             homeland was of 1—MUSLIM professor from FLORIDA, —NOW 49, SAMI—AL—ARIAN.
20070305             —SEIZED, According to Agent Wright, who, $1.4—MILLION directly linked to AL—QADI 19980000             [15], it is very likely that 20010911             would have been prevented if he had simply been allowed to do his job.
20070305             —OWNED, AL—QADI, 1—MASSACHUSETTS—BASED technology firm and defense contractor known as Ptech, which, according to USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICIALS who spoke to 20010911             whistleblower INDIRA—SINGH, was a "CIA clandestine op on the level of IRAN—CONTRA ".
20070305             —AFTER investigating spatial cognition and the... THE—FEAR—OF—TERRORISM set out by the event of 20010911             made it 1—MORE.
20070305             Change blindness occurs —WHEN people do not notice changes in visible... PROCEEDINGS—OF—INFORMATION—VISUALIZATION 20000000             , OCTOBER 20010911             , SALT—LAKE—CITY, UT... dl=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=11111111&CFTOKEN=2222222
20070305             —SEPTEMBER 200712010000                          —BIS—DURCHSCHNITTSTEMPERATUR, wie sie nur alle 10.—000—JAHRE auftritt, verglichen mit den statistischen Normalwerten für das 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY.
20070305—16590000    —BIS, Gleich reihenweise brach —DER—HERBST 20060000             bestehende Wärmerekorde, obwohl die Wetteraufzeichnungen zum Teil sehr weit ZURÜCKREICHEN—IN den Niederlanden —BIS ins —JAHR 17060000             , in ENGLAND sogar.
20070305—19820000    —SINCE, THE—YOUTH—HOUSE served as 1—POPULAR—CULTURAL—CENTER for anarchists, punk rockers and LEFT—WING groups.
20070305—20010000    —IN, RUTH—EVENSEN, leader of the small congregation that bought the Youth House ,
20070305—20010000    —IN, RUTH—EVENSEN, leader of the small congregation that bought the Youth House, said THE—4—STORY—STRUCTURE had to be torn down because it was "1—TOTAL—WRECK" and posed 1—FIRE hazard.
20070305—20040800    —IN, "Magnet AMERICA, the largest MANUFACTURER—OF—THE—PRODUCT, has seen sales fall from 1—PEAK—OF—1.2m to about 4,000 —1—MONTH and
20070305—20050000    —IN, Haradinaj, 1—FORMER—REGIONAL—COMMANDER—OF—THE—KOSOVO—LIBERATION—ARMY (KLA), resigned as PRIME—MINISTER—AFTER being indicted for murder, rape and torture allegedly committed by forces under his command.
20070305—20070101    —IN—THE, SF, RICHARD—AICARDI, —19—JAHRE—ALT and BRIAN—DWYER, —19—JAHRE—ALT were charged with felony assault and battery ASSAULT—ON—MEMBERS—OF—BAKER—DOZEN, 1—YALE singing group.
20070305—20070208    —DEVOTED, Both MISS—NBC and FOX—NEWS, more coverage to ANNA—NICOLE—SMITH — —3—WEEKS—AFTER her death — than they did to the multiple developments involving the neglect and deplorable conditions at WALTER—REED military hospital.
20070305—20070302    —ON, References to ANNA—NICOLE and WALTER—REED on cable networks : NETWORK ANNA—NICOLE—WALTER—REED
20070305—20071201    —SEPTEMBER, —BIS—DURCHSCHNITTSTEMPERATUR, wie sie nur alle 10.—000—JAHRE auftritt, verglichen mit den statistischen Normalwerten für das 19010101—20001231.
20070307—20070305    —ON, The study wll be published online in THE—JOURNAL—OF—EXPERIMENTAL—MEDICINE.
20070312—20070305    —DISCOVERED, The bank, the theft, believing that someone took the stones that —MORNING or the previous —FRIDAY from 1—VAULT used by pawnbrokers and diamond cutters.
20070315             FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY MARY—JO—WHITE, 20070305             :
20070319—20070305    —KIDNAPPED, AFGHANISTAN, ITALY—REPORTER—DANIELE—MASTROGIACOMO, —52—JAHRE—ALT, was freed by the Taliban.
20070331             Mon, 20031103052311        -0600...
20070331             KARL—ROVE in a 20070108             E—MAIL - Mon, 20031103052311        -0600...
20070331             KARL—ROVE in a 20070108             E—MAIL—MON, 20031103052311        -0600...
20070719             Berliner Morgenpost: BERLIN vom 20070305             : Gewalt Berliner...
20080107—20090305    —PLEADED, Luong, guilty and asked to be put to death.
20080305             —RAISED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—HOUSING—AUTHORITY (FHA), loan limits in CALIFORNIA.
20080305             Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh off 1—CAMPAIGN—SAVING comeback, hinted at the possibility of sharing the Democratic presidential ticket with BARACK—OBAMA, with her at the top.
20080305             —PLAYED, Obama, down his losses, stressing that he still holds the lead in number of delegates.
20080305             —SURGED, Oil, to 1—NEW—RECORD—HIGH closing at 104.52 on THE—NY—MERCANTILE—EXCHANGE.
20080305             —RELEASED, According to 1—STUDY, by Fidelity Investments 1—COUPLE retiring —THIS—YEAR will need about $225,000 in savings to cover medical costs in retirement.
20080305             NORTH—CAROLINA, Eve Carson (22), UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA student body PRESIDENT, was found dead on 1—STREET not far from the Chapel Hill campus.
20080305             She had been shot several times, including once in the right temple.
20080305             —1—DAY—LATER Lovette was also charged with 1.—DEGREE murder in THE—DEATH—OF—ABHIJIT—MAHATO, 1—DOCTORAL student in computational mechanics, who was found shot to death inside his apartment 1—FEW blocks SOUTH—OF—DUKE—CAMPUS in January.
20080305             —CANCELLED, AUSTRALIA, a 1—BILLION dollar (930—MILLION—USA) contract for USA—MADE Seasprite helicopters —FOLLOWING 1—REVIEW—OF—THE troubled project.
20080305             —KILLED, CENTRAL—AFRICA—REPUBLIC, rebels, 5—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and lost 1—OF—THEIR—OWN—MEN in —2—DAYS—OF—CLASHES near the country's northwestern border with CHAD.
20080305             —ARMED, NORTH—WEST—CHINA, 1—HIJACKER in Xi'1, with explosives took 1—GROUP—OF—AUSTRALIA—TOURISTS and 1—TRANSLATOR—HOSTAGE—BEFORE police shot and killed him.
20080305             1—FIRE at 1—COAL—MINE in NORTH—EAST—CHINA killed 17—PEOPLE.
20080305             CHINA, at least 13—MINERS were missing at THE—TAIYUAN—COAL—MINE in HEGANG city.
20080305             43—MEN were trapped —WHEN the mine caught fire, but 30 were rescued.
20080305             The mine owners in NORTH—EAST—HEILONGJIANG province —INITIALLY concealed the number of missing workers.
20080305             —STOPPED, But the resolution, short of explicitly condemning the assault.
20080305             PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ said VENEZUELA will search for other countries like ECUADOR, BRAZIL and ARGENTINA to replace products imported from COLOMBIA.
20080305             —ARRESTED, EGYPT, police, 86—BROTHERHOOD members in several provinces.
20080305             —URGED, THE—EU, Serbia to make clear it saw its future with EUROPE and laid out incentives on visas, education and transport to try to boost the bloc's image in the Balkans.
20080305             —CANCELED, GERMANY, SCORES—OF—FLIGHTS were, as HUNDREDS—OF—AIRPORT—WORKERS walked off the job at several airports, PART—OF—1—WIDER—LABOR action to win higher pay for public service workers.
20080305             IRAQ—CABINET gave the green light to the Oil Ministry to sign agreements with INTERNATIONAL oil companies to help increase the nation's crude output.
20080305             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said TURKEY—WARPLANES attacked Kurdish separatist rebels in NORTH—IRAQ less than —1—WEEK—AFTER THE—END—OF—1—LARGE—SCALE—GROUND—OPERATION.
20080305             —FREED, THE—USA—MILITARY, 2—FORMER—HEALTH—MINISTRY—OFFICIALS—AFTER 1—IRAQ—COURT dropped charges of kidnapping, murder, and corruption stemming from Shiite militia activity.
20080305             —COLLIDED, WEST—JAPAN, 3—VESSELS, in 1—STRAIT, killing 1—THE—PHILIPPINES—CREW member and leaving 3—OTHERS missing —WHEN their cargo ship sank.
20080305             † 1—SUSPECTED—RIGHT—WING activist committed suicide by shooting himself in THE—HEAD—IN—FRONT—OF—JAPAN—PARLIAMENT in apparent protest against JAPAN—WARMING ties with CHINA.
20080305             —DETAINED, MYANMAR, PRO—DEMOCRACY—PARTY—OF, opposition leader Aung S—SUU—KYI—SAID they had failed in 1—BID to sue the military government for not recognizing their 19900000             election victory.
20080305             1—AID—GROUP said NORTH—KOREA executed 15—PEOPLE trying to flee of helping others escape.
20080305             —SIGNED, THE—NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER, (NWFP) the Awami National Party (ANP), 1—PROVINCIAL—POWER sharing agreement with THE—PAKISTAN—PEOPLE—PARTY.
20080305             —PERSUADED, Visiting SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE, Palestinians to return to peace talks.
20080305             PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said he will resume peace talks with ISRAEL, backing off 1—THREAT to boycott negotiations —UNTIL ISRAEL reaches 1—TRUCE with Hamas militants in GAZA.
20080305             THE—PHILIPPINES—OFFICIALS said soaring oil prices and the rising cost of living have driven nearly 4—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—PHILIPPINES back into poverty.
20080305             —VOTED, PUERTO—RICO, public school teachers, to suspend a —10—DAY—STRIKE that shuttered classrooms and sparked clashes between protesters and police.
20080305             —DISCOVERED, SWEDEN—KAROLINSKA—INSTITUTE said researchers have, 1—PROTEIN that stimulates the formation of fat cells, 1—FINDING that could potentially be used to treat obesity.
20080305             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA—STATE—GAS monopoly, that it was ending 1—REDUCTION in natural gas supplies to UKRAINE —AFTER THE—2—COUNTRIES' presidents and gas company chiefs reached 1—AGREEMENT aimed at ending 1—DEBT and contract dispute.
20080305             SOMALIA, 1—FIREFIGHT between Islamic insurgents and SOMALIA—POLICE at 1—CHECKPOINT outside the capital has left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20080305             —APPEALED, SOUTH—OSSETIA, for INTERNATIONAL recognition as 1—INDEPENDENT nation, further adding to simmering tensions in GEORGIA and —THROUGHOUT the strategic SOUTH—CAUCASUS region.
20080305             —REPORTED, TURKMENISTAN—STATE—MEDIA, that PRESIDENT—BERDYMUKHAMEDOV had approved 1—PLAN to reward women who give birth to 8 or more children, a 1—TIME—BONUS and lifetime perks.
20080305             1—NATO—OFFICIAL said that UZBEKISTAN has allowed SOME—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ALLIANCE, including THE—USA, to use 1—AIR—BASE on its territory in 1—SIGNAL—OF thawing relations with the West.
20080305             Hillary Rodham Clinton, fresh off 1—CAMPAIGN—SAVING comeback,
20080305             hinted at the possibility of sharing the Democratic presidential ticket with BARACK—OBAMA, with her at the top.
20080305             HASSAN—ABU—JIHAAD (b.1976 as PAUL—R—HALL),
20080305             NORTH—CAROLINA, Eve Carson (22), UNIVERSITY—OF—NORTH—CAROLINA student body PRESIDENT,
20080305             was found dead on 1—STREET not far from the Chapel Hill campus.
20080305             —1—DAY—LATER Lovette was also charged with 1.—DEGREE—MURDER in THE—DEATH—OF—ABHIJIT—MAHATO,
20080305             1—DOCTORAL student in computational mechanics, who was found shot to death inside his apartment 1—FEW blocks SOUTH—OF—DUKE—CAMPUS in January.
20080305             PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ said VENEZUELA will search for other countries like ECUADOR,
20080305             —IMPORTED, BRAZIL and ARGENTINA to replace products, from COLOMBIA.
20080305             —FACED, All, charges of belonging to 1—ILLEGAL—GROUP and possessing BROTHERHOOD—RELATED promotional leaflets.
20080305             —URGED, THE—EU, Serbia to make clear it saw its future with EUROPE and laid out incentives on visas,
20080305             education and transport to try to boost the bloc's image in the Balkans.
20080305             —CANCELED, GERMANY, SCORES—OF—FLIGHTS were, as HUNDREDS—OF—AIRPORT—WORKERS walked off the job at several airports,
20080305             PART—OF—1—WIDER—LABOR action to win higher pay for public service workers.
20080305             —FREED, THE—USA—MILITARY, 2—FORMER—HEALTH—MINISTRY—OFFICIALS—AFTER 1—IRAQ—COURT dropped charges of kidnapping,
20080305             murder, and corruption stemming from Shiite militia activity.
20080305             PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said he will resume peace talks with ISRAEL,
20080305             backing off 1—THREAT to boycott negotiations —UNTIL ISRAEL reaches 1—TRUCE with Hamas militants in GAZA.
20080305             —DISCOVERED, SWEDEN—KAROLINSKA—INSTITUTE said researchers have, 1—PROTEIN that stimulates the formation of fat cells,
20080305             1—FINDING that could potentially be used to treat obesity.
20080305             —APPEALED, SOUTH—OSSETIA, for INTERNATIONAL recognition as 1—INDEPENDENT nation,
20080305             further adding to simmering tensions in GEORGIA and —THROUGHOUT the strategic SOUTH—CAUCASUS region.
20080305             1—NATO—OFFICIAL said that UZBEKISTAN has allowed SOME—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ALLIANCE,
20080305             including THE—USA, to use 1—AIR—BASE on its territory in 1—SIGNAL—OF thawing relations with the West.
20080305             Insurance Fraud Index 20040501             /02
20080305             "USA—BACKED border massacre brings SOUTH—AMERICA to BRINK—OF—WAR," World Socialist Web Site, —WEDNESDAY, )
20080305             CHRIS—KRAUL and PATRICK—J—MCDONNELL, "Neighbors Take Aim at COLOMBIA over Incursion," )
20080305             CHINA Announces Largest Military Budget Ever
20080305             Mueller FBI Improperly Sought Personal Data
20080305             RUSSIA—HEALTH—EXPERTS say global bird flu threat is growing - Boeing questions loss on bid
20080305             Defense SECRETARY stands by tanker contract won by European firm
20080305             —VERSCHIEBT, Medienbericht: KANADA, Auslieferung von Schreiber
20080305             "Forbes"- Ranking der Superreichen: Buffet überholt GATES—MICROSOFT- Gründer nur noch auf Platz 3
20080305             Aufatmen in der EU: Kein Volksentscheid in GROSSBRITANNIEN über Reformvertrag
20080305             —VERBUCHT, Ambac hatte zuletzt Verluste in Milliardenhöhe.
20080305             Grund waren Abschreibungen über 5—MRD. $ auf Kreditderivate.
20080305             Zeitweise war 1—FINANZSPRITZE—VON—GROßBANKEN im Volumen von 3—MRD.
20080305             $ im Gespräch, um das Unternehmen zu stützen.
20080305             —VERSICHERT, Die Branche, Anleihen im Volumen von insgesamt 2400—MRD.
20080305             $. - - - Aufatmen auf dem Parkett: Dax blüht auf
20080305             KARRIERE: Gleiche Leistung, weniger Lohn
20080305             Anleiheversicherer benötigt neue Milliarden
20080305             MITARBEITER—VON—ATOMANLAGEN haben erhöhtes Infarktrisiko
20080305             KOLUMBIEN hat laut OAS Ecuadors Souveränität verletzt
20080305             Clinton schafft Wende und sieht Obama als Vizepräsident
20080305             Streit über den NATO—BEITRITT—VON—GEORGIEN und UKRAINE
20080305             EU will SERBIEN mit Visa und Geld milde stimmen
20080305             Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert BY JAY—WEAVER—AND—ALFONSO—CHARDY—BRIBERY.
20080305             Drug trafficking. Migrant smuggling.
20080305             "THE—FEAR—FACTORY", wie die USA—REGIERUNG ihre "Terroristen" fabriziert, mit denen sie dann die Bevölkerung einschüchtern.
20080305             Das läuft bei uns natürlich genau so, macht euch da mal keine Illusionen, wir haben hier nur keine erwähnenswerten Journalisten, die sowas mal aufdecken würden.
20080305             The expenditure of such massive resources to find WOULD—BE terrorists inevitably requires results.
20080305             Plots must be uncovered. Sleeper cells must be infiltrated.
20080305             Another attack must be prevented -- or, at least, be seen to be prevented.
20080305             But in backwaters like ROCKFORD, the JTTFs don't have much to do.
20080305             To find threats to thwart, the task forces have increasingly taken to using paid informants to cajole and inveigle targets like Shareef into pursuing their harebrained schemes.
20080305             In the affidavit sworn by an FBI special agent in SUPPORT—OF—SHAREEF—INDICTMENT, THE—CO—CONSPIRATOR who called himself Jameel is known only as "CS" (Cooperating Source).
20080305             In fact, CS was WILLIAM—CHRISMAN, 1—FORMER crack dealer with 1—CONVICTION for attempted robbery who was paid $8,500 by THE—JTTF and dispatched specifically to set up Shareef.
20080305             Like other informants in terrorism cases, Chrisman had been "tasked" by FEDERAL—AGENTS to indulge and escalate SHAREEF—FANTASIES -- —WHILE carefully ensuring that Shareef incriminated himself.
20080305             Die Geschichte ist wirklich haaresträubend.
20080305             Ihr "Terrorist" hatte so wenig Geld, dass er nicht mal $100—AUFBRINGEN konnte, um 2—HANDGRANATEN zu kaufen.
20080305             —DETERMINED, Also: So with THE—JTTF, to push the "plot" forward, Chrisman announced that Cap had agreed to exchange the grenades for some used stereo speakers Shareef owned.
20080305             Nicht zu fassen, dass diesem Idioten nicht aufgefallen ist, wie er da verarscht wird.
20080305             "It had all the makings of 1—HOLIDAY bloodbath," FOX—NEWS breathlessly reported.
20080305             —CHARGED, Shareef was, with the ultimate crime in THE—SO—CALLED—WAR—ON—TERROR: attempting to use 1—WEAPON—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20080305             GERICHTSVERFAHREN, kann man sich gegen solche Methoden über "Entrapment" wehren, denn die Polizei darf nicht Bürger zu Straftaten bewegen, um sie dann für diese Straftat zu belangen.
20080305             Aber die "Terroristen" wissen, dass sie vor einem Gerichtsverfahren —ERST mal ein paar —JAHRE in GUANTANAMO o.ä. schmoren würden, wenn sie nicht gar in SYRIEN zum Wassersport geschickt würden, daher kommt es so gut wie nie zu einem Gerichtsverfahren.
20080305             Die geben lieber direkt ihre Schuld zu.
20080305             Und schaut nur, wie hysterisch die da —JETZT alle sind: MIKE—DELEJEWSKI, a SOFT—SPOKEN intelligence analyst, says that EVERY—CALL that comes into THE—JTTF is passed along to THE—FIG, which runs down EVERY—LEAD, no matter how improbable.
20080305             —RECEIVED, Delejewski mentions 1—CALL, regarding the Sears Tower and 3—SUSPICIOUS—LOOKING men seen in the vicinity.
20080305             That was all the report said.
20080305             —RESPONDED, THE—FIG and CT squads.
20080305             —TURNED, The men, out to be MEXICO—TOURISTS.
20080305             Die ganze Situation ist so brachial dämlich, das ist nicht zu fassen.
20080305             Die weigern sich z.B., die Frage nach der größten Bedrohung im Moment zu beantworten, weil der Feind ja mithört.
20080305             Und die Argumentation, dass das doch alles eine furchtbare Bedrohung ist, auch wenn sie keinen einzigen Fall vorweisen können, wo das mal wirklich gefährlich aussah: das FBI sei ja selber bemüht, die Gefährlichkeit herunterzuspielen, um keine Panik in der Bevölkerung auszulösen.
20080305             Yeah, right.
20080305             Und dann die Geschichte mit dem Clicker im Bus.
20080305             Lest selber, das ist echt nicht zu fassen alles.
20080305             Oder die Geschichte, wo auf einem Volksfest einer ihrer Geigerzähler Alarm schlug.
20080305             Sie haben dann Gott und die Welt in Bewegung gesetzt, um zu gucken, ob sie da 1—DIRTY—BOMB hatten, und am Ende war es dann 1—CHEMOTHERAPIE—PATIENT, der auf einer öffentlichen Toilette kacken war.
20080305             Aber das Gold Nugget in der Geschichte ist
20080305             diese Liste von "TERROR—GEFAHREN", was wirklich war, und welche News sie damit überdeckt haben.
20080305             Ausgesprochen wichtige Lektüre.
20080305             Das DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY warnt... vor sich selbst.
20080305             Bribery. Drug trafficking. Migrant smuggling.
20080305             —SUPPOSED, USA—CUSTOMS and Border Protection is, to stop these TYPES—OF—CRIMES.
20080305             Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft hat 20070000             knapp 1—MILLION—TELEFONATE abgehört.
20080305             Bei 3—MILLIONEN Einwohnern finde ich das durchaus sportlich.
20080305             Die neue BLOCKWART—KAMPAGNE der Londoner Polizei.
20080305             GENERAL—MOTORS, Ford, Toyota Post Declines in USA February Sales : GENERAL—MOTORS—LIGHT—VEHICLE—SALES dropped 12.9 %, Ford's slipped 6.6 % and Chrysler was down 14 %.
20080305             Toyota, NUMBER 2 in USA—SALES ahead of Ford and Chrysler, —POSTED its 2. decline of 20080000             and its 6. in —8—MONTHS.
20080305             —SCALED, GENERAL—MOTORS and Ford, back production plans for next quarter.
20080305             —POISED, The $34—TRILLION problem: Medicare is, to wreak havoc on the economy.
20080305             And our presidential candidates are avoiding the issue.
20080305             UK banks write off record £6.8bn in household debt: BRITAIN—BANKS have been forced to write off 1—RECORD—CHUNK—OF—HOUSEHOLD—DEBT in the past —YEAR in the latest sign that families are struggling to keep up their repayments.
20080305             Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, DUBAI executive says: -Mideast sovereign wealth funds may fail to save troubled USA banking giant Citigroup INCORPORATEDunless more cash is pumped into the lender, the head of a $13—BILLION DUBAI—OWNED investment firm said —TUESDAY.
20080305             IRAN wants world ban on nuclear weapons : IRAN wants to ban all nuclear weapons through 1—INTERNATIONAL—TREATY, the country's foreign MINISTER said at THE—UN—CONFERENCE on Disarmament.
20080305             Pro Torture, Zionist Professor Demonizing Islam and Arabic Culture?
20080305             WORSHIPPERS—OF—DEATH
20080305             We must stop them —BEFORE they export their sick and dangerous CULTURE—OF—DEATH to our shores.
20080305             Exclusive: I—WAS—KIDNAPPED by THE—CIA
20080305             Inside THE—CIA—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION—PROGRAM ­and the bungled abduction of WOULD—BE terrorists.
20080305             Wave of the Watch List + Speech Disappears : STEVE—MARSHALL is 1—ENGLAND—TRAVEL—AGENT.
20080305             He lives in SPAIN + he sells trips to Europeans who want to go to sunny places, including CUBA.
20080305             —STOPPED, In October, about 80—OF—HIS—WEB—SITES, working, thanks to THE—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20080305             Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert:
20080305             —CHARGED, Instead, so MANY—OF—ITS—OFFICERS have been, with committing those crimes themselves that their boss in WASHINGTON —RECENTLY issued 1—ALERT about the ''disturbing events'' and the ``increase in THE—NUMBER—OF—EMPLOYEE—ARRESTS.''
20080305             Crude May Rise to $120 in —6—MONTHS, Taqa CEO—SAYS : Crude oil may rise to $120 1—BARREL within —6—MONTHS due to the dollar weakness and global political tensions, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER—OF—ABU—DHABI—NATIONAL—ENERGY—CO. said.
20080305             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ says 'we want peace' despite tensions with COLOMBIA:
20080305             "It must be said: They, the empire and its lackeys, are war," Chavez said in 1 televised speech.
20080305             "We want peace.... We are the path to peace".
20080305             ights Group: More than 50—PERCENT—OF—GAZA casualtieswere not militants:
20080305             The human rights organization B'Tselem —ON—MONDAY said in 1—STATEMENT that more than HALF—OF—THE—PALESTINIANS killed in THE—GAZA—STRIP in ISRAEL—DEFENSE—FORCES—OPERATIONS in recent days did not take 1—ACTIVE—PART in the fighting
20080305             Racism in ISRAEL on the rise:
20080305             Association for Civil Rights in ISRAEL publishes annual report;
20080305             reveals country overwhelmed by racism, restriction of personal freedoms, discrimination, especially towards ISRAELI—ARABS.
20080305             Report not surprising, say Arab MKs
20080305             IRAN MINISTER says no new nuclear talks —AFTER sanctions : IRAN will not hold new talks on its nuclear programme —AFTER the imposition of fresh sanctions by THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL, Foreign MINISTER—MANOUCHEHR—MOTTAKI told AFP —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20080305             IRAN sanctions vote signals 1—GLOBAL—RIFT: SOME—DEVELOPING nations may be —STARTING to sour on push by world powers to control lucrative nuclear technology.
20080305             Here we go again:
20080305             EU—USA say onus on IRAN to disprove nuclear allegations : THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and THE—USA—CHALLENGED—IRAN —TODAY to prove that allegations it was involved in nuclear weapons work were false, as TEHRAN claims.
20080305             War is Hell, But What the Hell Does it Cost?
20080305             —1—WEEK at War in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN for $3.5—BILLION—BY- WILLIAM—D—HARTUNG
20080305             War is HELL—DEADLY, dangerous + expensive.
20080305             But —JUST how expensive is it?
20080305             Patience Is the Best IRAN Policy
20080305             —ARTICULATED, The current USA—POLICY on IRAN, as, by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, centers its goals on THE—ISSUE—OF—REGIME—CHANGE in TEHRAN;
20080305             the nuclear dispute is simply used as 1—FACILITATOR for isolating IRAN economically and politically.
20080305             —SERVED, Democracy is ill, by its SELF—APPOINTED guardians
20080305             —BLOODSHED, Our sonorous moralising lies behind so much, in the past —50—YEARS.
20080305             1—SENSE—OF—HISTORY surely counsels humility.
20080305             The attack on ECUADOR - - Underestimating RAFAEL—CORREA
20080305             —COMMITTED, Imperialism has —JUST, 1—MONSTROUS—CRIME in ECUADOR.
20080305             —DROPPED, Deadly bombs were, in THE—EARLY—MORNING hours on 1—GROUP—OF—MEN and women who, almost without exception, were asleep.
20080305             —DEDUCED, That has been, by all the official reports right from the beginning.
20080305             ANY—CONCRETE—ACCUSATIONS against that GROUP—OF—HUMAN—BEINGS do not justify that action.
20080305             —GUIDED, They were Yankee bombs, by Yankee satellites.
20080305             USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH sagte Bogotá —GESTERN seine "volle Unterstützung" zu und verurteilte die
20080305             "Akte der Provokation" durch VENEZUELA.
20080305             Diese Liberalität und die Vielfalt seines Finanzbereichs bedeute für LIECHTENSTEIN die ständige Herausforderung, sich gegen Missbrauchsrisiken zu wappnen, erklärte der Fonds.
20080305             Das betreffe auch die Frage, wer hinter den FINANZ—GESCHÄFTEN UND—INSTITUTIONEN stehe.
20080305             Normalerweise sei der Bottnische Meerbusen, der nördliche Zipfel der Ostsee zwischen FINNLAND und SCHWEDEN, von Ende —FEBRUAR—BIS—MITTE—MÄRZ vollständig mit Eis bedeckt.
20080305             "—DER—FEBRUAR war der zweitwärmste —SEIT Beginn der Aufzeichnungen —J—IM 1900", sagt Heidi Lippestad SPIEGEL—ONLINE.
20080305             Und die mittelfristige Prognose lasse auch 1—FRÜHJAHR erwarten, in dem die Temperaturen über dem langjährigen Mittel liegen.
20080305             In weiten Teilen Skandinaviens war —DER—WINTER so warm wie noch nie.
20080305             Auch in DEUTSCHLAND war es außergewöhnlich mild.
20080305             Präzedenzfall KOSOVO: SÜD—OSSETIEN fordert Anerkennung seiner Unabhängigkeit
20080305             Eisernes Kreuz für die Bundeswehr: Neues Blech für die Brust
20080305             Flugreisen: Experten kritisieren Klimaspende
20080305             Psychologie: Männer sind rachsüchtiger als Frauen
20080305             NETZWELT—TICKER: Briten sind Europameister beim Verschlampen
20080305             SCHLAGANFALL—THERAPIE: "Training bewirkt eine erhebliche Zunahme der grauen Substanz"
20080305             ANDEN—KRISE: VENEZUELA steht mit 10—PANZER—BATAILLONEN an der Grenze zu KOLUMBIEN
20080305             NEURO—MEDIZIN: Gehirn verfügt über Superkräfte zur Selbstheilung
20080305             FLORES—MENSCH: Forscher halten Hobbits für Kretins
20080305             Temperaturbilanz: —WINTER ABSURD—WÄRMEREKORDE in Nordeuropa
20080305             Steueroase: Währungsfonds rüffelt LIECHTENSTEIN—MEHR Hinweise auf Geldwäsche
20080305             —INDICTED, Dickey, Bell & Lopez, & arrested on health care fraud charges, Iss.
20080305             1. to —2—YEARS for health care fraud & money laundering, Iss.
20080305             12, 5/02, p26. - RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS is the corporate and investment banking division of Royal BANK—OF...
20080305             USA: RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS—CORP and RBC Dain Rauscher INCORPORATED..
20080305             Royal BANK—OF—CANADA—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia Examples include investment banking division RBC CAPITAL—MARKETS...
20080305             (CBA) and registered member with THE—CANADA—DEPOSIT—INSURANCE—CORPORATION (CDIC)...
20080305             UDE: Berechenbarer AUSNAHMEZUSTAND—EVAKUIERUNG von Großstädten...
20080305             Hunderttausende Menschen, die nur raus wollten aus der Stadt ; andere, die rein müssten, um zu helfen.
20080305             0203/379- 18550000             , sarah.bretschneider@UNI— IDW— -
20080305    Geheimdienste bleiben Geheimdienste.
20080305             CIA, BND, MI6, Moussad...., wo soll der Unterschied sein?
20080305             —HEUTE dicke Freunde, —MORGEN bringen sie sich gegenseitig um.
20080305             Bundesverfassungsgericht: Hohe Hürden für ONLINE—DURCHSUCHUNG...
20080305             Sie können ihre Durchsuchungen — legal — durch andere Geheimdienste, wie der CIA, SID, Moussad, etc.pp — durchführen lassen.
20080305             Die Weltgeschichte - His SON—IN—LAW—FOUAD Filali runs Omnium.
20080305             —SURVIVED, The sovereign, who has...
20080305             Forbes.COM—MAGAZINE—ARTICLE—WHEN FORBES 1. spoke with Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz AL—SAUD... 2—ARTHUR—ANDERSEN partners, Fouad Alaeddin and Shadi Sanbar...
20080305             His name is Fouad AL—ZAYAT and —LAST—WEEK this SYRIAN—BORN businessman...
20080305             TECHNIK—VISIONÄRE: Schöner Wohnen unter Wasser
20080305             GAS—STREIT: UKRAINE sichert EUROPA GAS—LIEFERUNG zu
20080305             USA—STUDIE: Sommerzeit erhöht Stromverbrauch - How much does this comment scare you?
20080305             Jen returns... - "I'm confident we'll hold THE—WHITE—HOUSE 20080000             ".
20080305             Is this the desperate wish of 1—VICTIM—OF—KORSAKOFF—SYNDROME, or is Bush alluding to 1—FAR—RIGHT—PLAN to attempt 1—REPEAT—OF '04 in '08?
20080305             CROSS—POSTED on Antifascist Calling... ] Permalink - According to Reuters,
20080305             —BACKED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, COLOMBIA —ON—TUESDAY in 1—ESCALATING—ANDEAN crisis as VENEZUELA moved troops to its border and COLOMBIA accused PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ of genocide for supporting rebels.
20080305             —WEIGHED, Bush, in on the crisis for the 1. time —SINCE—SATURDAY—RAID into ECUADOR.
20080305             —CONDEMNED, —WHILE most Latin USA—GOVERNMENTS, COLOMBIA, he criticized Chavez's "regime" for "provocative maneuvers" and said the superpower opposed ANY—ACT—OF—AGGRESSION that could destabilize the region.
20080305             "Our country's message to PRESIDENT (Alvaro) Uribe and the people of COLOMBIA is that we stand with our democratic ally," Bush said.
20080305             According to analyst RICHARD—GOTT,
20080305             According to analysts JAMES—J—BRITTAIN and R. JAMES—SACOUMAN,
20080305             the assassinations took place —JUST days —BEFORE 1—MAJOR—INTERNATIONAL—DEMONSTRATION was scheduled to take place in Bogotá.
20080305             Numerous STATE—CONTROLLED or connected media outlets, such as El Tiempo...have been parading photographs of THE—BULLET—RIDDEN and mutilated corpse of Raúl Reyes —THROUGHOUT the country's communications mediums.
20080305             Such propaganda is clearly 1—TOOL to psychologically intimidate those preparing to demonstrate against the atrocities perpetrated by the state over the past —7—YEARS.
20080305             Bröckelnder Wohlstand: —SCHON wieder MINUS—JAHR für BUNDESBÜRGER—INFLATION frisst Lohnzuwachs auf
20080305             Gutes Gedächtnis: Schmetterlinge erinnern sich an Leben als Raupe
20080305             Das auf den illegalen Märkten in EUROPA angebotene Heroin stammt fast vollständig aus AFGHANISTAN.
20080305             Das Land am Hindukusch erklimmt beim Drogenanbau immer neue Rekordmarken : Im vergangenen —JAHR stieg der illegale Schlafmohnanbau um satte 17 % - trotz aller internationalen Anstrengungen.
20080305             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass in dem Krisenstaat im vergangenen —JAHR 8200—TONNEN Opium produziert wurden.
20080305             Besonders fatal ist, dass immer wieder größere Mengen ESSIGSÄURE—ANHYDRID auf unbekannten Wegen ins Land kommen.
20080305             Die Chemikalie wird zur Herstellung von Heroin genutzt.
20080305             "AFGHANISTAN muss mehr tun, um sein eskalierendes Drogenproblem in den Griff zu bekommen", fordert das INCB.
20080305             Doch das dürfte ein frommer Wunsch sein, wenn man die Schwäche der AFGHANISCHEN—SICHERHEITSKRÄFTE bedenkt, die diese Aufgabe bestenfalls mit massiver internationaler Hilfe schultern können.
20080305             Hilfe könnte indes auch das INCB selbst gebrauchen, der die Einhaltung der UNO—ABKOMMEN zur Drogenkontrolle überwacht.
20080305             Wegen Finanzproblemen konnte die Gruppe von 13—UNABHÄNGIGEN Experten im vergangenen —JAHR gerade einmal 11—LÄNDER inspizieren.
20080305             Eigentlich sind fast doppelt so VIELE—REISEN geplant.
20080305             In jedem Fall ist der Rat von der Hilfe der Mitgliedsländer abhängig:
20080305             —VERPFLICHTET, Die mehr als 160—VERTRAGSSTAATEN sind, regelmäßig Informationen zu liefern.
20080305             Doch längst nicht ALLE—LÄNDER tun das auch, und so werden unter anderem die USA, JAPAN, die NIEDERLANDE und IRLAND im INCB—BERICHT für ihre schlechte Informationspraxis abgewatscht.
20080305             Kritik auch an DEUTSCHLAND
20080305             Die neuen Experimente könnten auch mit der "Soziologie der Waffenlabore" erklärt werden, sagte die Physikerin.
20080305             Forscher in den vom Militär bezahlten Instituten dürften ihre Studien nicht publizieren, das sei für VIELE—1—PROBLEM.
20080305             Als die USA nach ENDE—DES—KALTEN—KRIEGES schließlich verkündeten, keine Atomtests mehr durchführen zu wollen, hätten die Wissenschaftler in den Waffenlaboren das Gefühl gehabt, dass "alles den Bach runtergeht", erklärte Schaper.
20080305             Die Trägheitsfusion biete zum einen attraktive Forschungsprojekte und könne zum anderen das Dilemma des Arbeitens im Geheimen lösen.
20080305             Umstrittenes Atomexperiment: USA—MILITÄR will Kernfusion im Kleinformat erforschen
20080305             Maischberger über Ärztepfusch: Schlampen mit Kranken
20080305             Steuern: Union erwägt Entlastung von Arbeitnehmern
20080305             Internationaler Drogenbericht: CANNABIS—PLANTAGEN boomen in DEUTSCHLAND
20080305             ---- devant la 11e.
20080305             —TRIPLED, THE—BILLIONAIRES 19900000—19900910     GATES—NET worth has, —SINCE FORTUNE—TALLY—OF—THE billionaires was...
20080305—17200000    —SEIT, Nach ANSICHT—VON—JÜRGEN—HOLFORT vom Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie wird der diesjährige —WINTER wohl als der eisärmste in die Geschichte eingehen.
20080305—19660000    —IN, He was 1—PROFESSOR at MIT —WHEN he introduced ELIZA, named for Eliza Doolittle, the heroine of "My Fair Lady".
20080305—19800400    —IN, The previous INFLATION—ADJUSTED high of $103.76 was reached.
20080305—19960000    —FLOODED, The canyon had been, 2—TIMES—EARLIER and 20040000            .
20080305—20010000    —IN, 1—FORMER—USA sailor, was convicted by 1—JURY for disclosing THE—LOCATION—OF—NAVY ships and their weaknesses to someone suspected of financing terrorism.
20080305—20010000    —IN, HASSAN—ABU—JIHAAD (b.1976 as PAUL—R—HALL), 1—FORMER—USA sailor, was convicted by 1—JURY for disclosing THE—LOCATION—OF—NAVY ships and their weaknesses to someone suspected of financing terrorism.
20080305—20080306    —IN—THE, It is believed that the Uribe and SANTOS administration is utilizing THE—SLAUGHTER—OF—COMMANDER—RAÚL—REYES and others as 1—METHOD to deter activists and socially conscious peoples within and outside COLOMBIA from participating events.
20080305—20080312    —CHARGED, LAWRENCE—ALVIN—LOVETTE—JUNIOR (17) and Demario JAMES—ATWATER (21) were, with 1.—DEGREE—MURDER in THE—DEATH—OF—CARSON.
20080305—20080312    —ON, LAWRENCE—ALVIN—LOVETTE—JUNIOR, —17—JAHRE—ALT and Demario JAMES—ATWATER, —21—JAHRE—ALT were charged with 1.—DEGREE murder in THE—DEATH—OF—CARSON.
20080305—20090000    —IN, he was sentenced to —10—YEARS in prison, the maximum penalty for his crime.
20080305—20100000    —PLEADED, Atwater, guilty to several FEDERAL—CRIMES and agreed to 1—LIFE—SENTENCE.
20080506—20080305    —ON, 1—MEASURE authorizing the released had been signed, but not enacted —UNTIL THE—DEFEAT—OF—THE—PRODI government.
20080514             A 7. Bahai leader was detained 20080305            .
20080730—20090305    —ON, 1—JUDGE ruled that Li would not be judged criminally responsible due to mental illness.
20090000             Großkreuz des SPANISCHEN—ORDEN de Isabel la Católica
20090101—20090305    —FREED, THE—BLUE—STAR and its crew of 28 were, —AFTER 1—RANSOM was dropped from 1—PLANE.
20090114—20100305    —ON, he was sentenced to —2—YEARS in prison for passport fraud.
20090305             Arcebispo diz quem participou do aborto da menina de 9—ANOS está...
20090305             O arcebispo de OLINDA e RECIFE, dom JOSÉ—CARDOSO—SOBRINHO condenou veementemente o aborto da menina de 9—ANOS que engravidou de gêmeos após ser estuprada pelo padrasto.
20090305             Ele reafirmou que a "lei de Deus está a cima de todas as leis humanas"...
20090305             Número de idosos infectados com VIH/sida aumenta
20090305             1—USA—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY in LA charged BRUCE—E—KARATZ, —63—JAHRE—ALT former chairman and CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—KB—HOME, with multiple COUNTS—OF—FRAUD and other crimes related to 1—STOCK option backdating scheme that authorities say bilked shareholders OUT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20090305             —COLLAPSED, BOZEMAN—MONTANA, 1—NATURAL—GAS—EXPLOSION, 3—DOWNTOWN buildings and prompted the evacuation of a 2-block area.
20090305             1—PERSON was left missing.
20090305             —KILLED, OHIO, 5—PEOPLE were found, in 1—OF—CLEVELAND—MOST horrific shootings in years.
20090305             —NEWLYWED, Davon Crawford (33), 1, was suspected of killing his wife, his SISTER—IN—LAW and 3—YOUNG—CHILDREN.
20090305             —CONFRONTED, Crawford shot himself in THE—HEAD—THE—NEXT—DAY as police, in 1—HOME where he was hiding.
20090305             —AGREED, AUSTRALIA and SOUTH—KOREA, —DURING 1—SUMMIT between PRIME—MINISTER—KEVIN—RUDD and PRESIDENT—LEE—MYUNG—BAK to deepen security ties and launch formal talks on 1—FREE—TRADE—AGREEMENT.
20090305             —FLESHED, CHINA, out 1—AMBITIOUS—EXPANSION in government spending designed to prevent the sinking global economy from further dragging down the country's —RECENTLY buoyant growth and sparking unrest among LAID—OFF workers and poorer Chinese.
20090305             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND cut interest rates by 50—BASIS—POINTS to 1—RECORD—LOW—OF—0.5%, and said it would pump 75—BILLION POUNDS—OF—NEW—MONEY into buying assets in its battle with recession.
20090305             1—COLOMBIA—WARLORD who has cooperated closely with prosecutors was extradited to THE—USA—DESPITE human rights groups' objections that sending him away could leave HUNDREDS—OF—MURDERS unsolved.
20090305             —ADMITTED, Heberth Veloza (41), alias "HH," has, to personally killing more than 100—PEOPLE and acknowledged that fighters under his command killed hundreds more.
20090305             THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK cut its main interest rate by 1—HALF—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 1.5—PERCENT, dropping the cost of borrowing in THE—16—COUNTRIES that use the euro to 1—NEW—RECORD—LOW amid grim economic news.
20090305             THE—EUROPEAN—COURT—OF—JUSTICE said BRITAIN—LAW requiring retirement at age 65 is legal under EU rules.
20090305             —RESTORED, GERMANY's, Neues Museum was unveiled —AFTER—6—YEARS—OF painstaking work to repair —WWII bomb damage that ruined much of the renowned BERLIN building.
20090305             —KILLED, INGUSHETIA, 5—POLICEMEN were, trying to defuse 1—BOMB.
20090305             Violence continues to wrack Ingushetia, with bombings, shootings and attacks on police reported almost daily.
20090305             —PASSED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, a $58.6—BILLION budget —AFTER agreeing to sharp cuts amid falling oil prices.
20090305             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1 crowded livestock market selling sheep, cattle and goats SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20090305             —RETURNED, JUSTIN—PAPA, —25—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—VETERAN who, to IRAQ as 1—CIVIL—CONTRACTOR, was shot to death overnight —WHILE protecting USA—DIPLOMATS in KIRKUK.
20090305             —KILLED, ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES, 3—GUNMEN—CLOSE to the border —AFTER they fired 1—ANTI—TANK—MISSILE at ISRAEL—FORCES.
20090305             JERUSALEM, Mari AL—RADEIDEH, —26—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—DRIVER, rammed 1—CONSTRUCTION—VEHICLE into 1—BUS and police car on 1—HIGHWAY, wounding 2—OFFICERS—BEFORE he was shot dead, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS by militants using heavy machinery against ISRAEL—TARGETS.
20090305             THE—ISRAELI and TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTERS met secretly on the sidelines of 1—NATO—CONFERENCE, the 1. HIGH—LEVEL—CONTACT between the countries —SINCE friction erupted over ISRAEL—RECENT—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20090305             1—POLITICAL—SCANDAL in JAPAN widened —WHEN government figures, including 1—INFLUENTIAL—FORMER—PREMIER, said they had taken money linked to 1—FIRM whose murky donations have shaken the opposition.
20090305             —INVESTIGATED, KENYA, OSCAR—KAMAU—KINGARA and JOHN—PAUL—OULU, who, extrajudicial killings, were shot at close range night —WHILE their car was stuck in traffic near THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NAIROBI.
20090305             —CHARGED, THE—NEXT—DAY—KENYA—TOP—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP, that the slaying was PART—OF—1—PATTERN—OF—ASSASSINATIONS—OF—PEOPLE who made allegations about police death squads.
20090305             —AGREED, NATO foreign ministers, to resume HIGH—LEVEL—FORMAL—TIES with RUSSIA, suspended —LAST—YEAR—AFTER MOSCOW—MILITARY thrust into GEORGIA.
20090305             —DETAINED, Police, over 2—DOZEN—MEN and MOST—OF—THEM belonged to JAISH—E—MOHAMMED and LASHKAR—E—MOHAMMED, groups linked to AL—QAIDA and designated as terrorist organizations by THE—USA.
20090305             Protests spread from 2—FRANCE—POSSESSIONS in the Caribbean to THE—ISLAND—OF—REUNION in THE—INDIA—OCEAN, where about 15,000—PEOPLE demonstrated in different cities against high prices.
20090305             † In ZIMBABWE PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI said more than 4,000—PEOPLE have in the cholera epidemic that has hit at least 85,000—PEOPLE, warning the figures were likely 1—UNDERESTIMATE.
20090305             1—USA—FEDERAL—GRAND—JURY in LA charged BRUCE—E—KARATZ (63) former chairman and CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—KB—HOME,
20090305             with multiple COUNTS—OF—FRAUD and other crimes related to 1—STOCK option backdating scheme that authorities say bilked shareholders OUT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20090305             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND cut interest rates by 50—BASIS—POINTS to 1—RECORD—LOW—OF—0.5%,
20090305             and said it would pump 75—BILLION POUNDS—OF—NEW—MONEY into buying assets in its battle with recession.
20090305             THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK cut its main interest rate by 1—HALF—PERCENTAGE—POINT to 1.5—PERCENT,
20090305             dropping the cost of borrowing in THE—16—COUNTRIES that use the euro to 1—NEW—RECORD—LOW amid grim economic news.
20090305             Violence continues to wrack Ingushetia, with bombings,
20090305             shootings and attacks on police reported almost daily.
20090305             1—CAR—BOMB exploded in 1 crowded livestock market selling sheep,
20090305             cattle and goats SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing at least 12—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20090305             —RETURNED, JUSTIN—PAPA (25), 1—USA—VETERAN who, to IRAQ as 1—CIVIL—CONTRACTOR,
20090305             was shot to death overnight —WHILE protecting AMERICA—DIPLOMATS in KIRKUK.
20090305             JERUSALEM, Mari AL—RADEIDEH (26), a PALESTINE—DRIVER,
20090305             rammed 1—CONSTRUCTION—VEHICLE into 1—BUS and police car on 1—HIGHWAY, wounding 2—OFFICERS—BEFORE he was shot dead, the latest in 1—STRING—OF—ATTACKS by militants using heavy machinery against ISRAEL—TARGETS.
20090305             THE—ISRAELI and TURKEY—FOREIGN—MINISTERS met secretly on the sidelines of 1—NATO—CONFERENCE,
20090305             the 1. HIGH—LEVEL—CONTACT between the countries —SINCE friction erupted over ISRAEL—RECENT—OFFENSIVE in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20090305             1—POLITICAL—SCANDAL in JAPAN widened —WHEN government figures,
20090305             including 1—INFLUENTIAL—FORMER—PREMIER, said they had taken money linked to 1—FIRM whose murky donations have shaken the opposition.
20090305             —AGREED, NATO foreign ministers, to resume HIGH—LEVEL—FORMAL—TIES with RUSSIA,
20090305             suspended —LAST—YEAR—AFTER MOSCOW—MILITARY thrust into GEORGIA.
20090305             —DETAINED, Police, over 2—DOZEN—MEN and MOST—OF—THEM belonged to JAISH—E—MOHAMMED and LASHKAR—E—MOHAMMED,
20090305             groups linked to AL—QAIDA and designated as terrorist organizations by THE—USA.
20090305             Protests spread from 2—FRANCE—POSSESSIONS in the Caribbean to THE—ISLAND—OF—REUNION in THE—INDIA—OCEAN,
20090305             where about 15,000—PEOPLE demonstrated in different cities against high prices.
20090305             † In ZIMBABWE PRIME—MINISTER—MORGAN—TSVANGIRAI said more than 4,000—PEOPLE have in the cholera epidemic that has hit at least 85,000—PEOPLE,
20090305             warning the figures were likely 1—UNDERESTIMATE.
20090305             Obama will bei Rüstungsaufträgen sparen (Politik)
20090305             Kosmische Verschmelzung: Schwarze Löcher stehen kurz vor Kollision
20090305             Panarin betonte, er selbst wünsche nicht den Zusammenbruch der USA.
20090305             Konjunkturflaute: Einzelhandel bricht ein
20090305             Bergungskräfte am Kölner Stadtarchiv: "Wir arbeiten immer noch unter Lebensgefahr"
20090305             Abschwung: Wirtschaftsweise sehen für 20090000             schwarz
20090305             SCHWEIZER—BANKGEHEIMNIS: "Wir sind nicht die Bösen"
20090305             DISCLOSURE—OF—USA—NAZI collaboration may open old wounds for CHINA...
20090305             Under mounting pressure from Congress, THE—CIA, AMERICA—MUCH maligned intelligence service, has agreed, in principle, to hand over RECORDS—OF—POST—WAR...
20090305             angrychineseblogger.BLOG— usnazi _ collaboration _may _open_old_wounds_for_china.htm
20090305             USA—NAZI collaboration - 01 -
20090305             [19450000             ]afterWWII 20030000             . - - Gehlen,Reinhard, GENERAL.
20090305             As Nazi GERMANY was collapsing.
20090305             GENERAL—REINHARD—GEHLEN...
20090305             under Panetta--his fresh outsider take is desperately needed.
20090305             NEW—YORK businessman THOMAS—KONTOGIANNIS + his nephew, JOHN—T—MICHAEL
20090305    - Political FRIENDSTER—CIA - Connections - Nora Slatkin.
20090305             FORMER—EXECUTIVE Director.
20090305             —NAMED, CIA executive director and BUSH Cabal Insider, "Dusty" Foggo is under investigation in the bribery
20090305             Hollow MANTRAS—OF—VISION: 20010911             put option trading with Prior Knowledge
20090305             —RETIRED, Nora Slatkin -- This, CIA Executive Director also sits on Citibank's....
20090305             Foggo would be THE—HIGHEST—RANKING CIA official to be prosecuted in the
20090305             Among the new disclosures —THIS—WEEK was an
20090305             —KNIGHTED, Other Americans who have been, but cannot be called SIR—INCLUDE—BILL—GATES, RUDY—GIUILIANI, RONALD—REAGAN, GEORGE—BUSH (41) and ALAN—GREENSPAN.
20090305    /03/04/ CRAIG—FUGATE —OBAMA—FEMA/
20090305             FUGATE—DEPARTMENT was held up as 1—NATIONAL—MODEL—AFTER the ;;09;;.
20090305             11, 20010000             terrorist attacks.
20090305             He said then that the state had been preparing extensively for THE—THREAT—OF—TERRORISM—SINCE the
20090305             Fábrica de Conteúdos - USA- Nazi collaboration 03.
20090305             —AGREED, INDONESIA and SOUTH—KOREA, to cooperate more closely on 1—RANGE—OF—ISSUES including defense, the global financial crisis and alternative SOURCES—OF—ENERGY.
20090305             USA says it has right to kidnap UNITED—KINGDOM—CITIZENS—TIMES—ONLINE
20090305             Pleiteangst: GENERAL—MOTORS zieht USA—BÖRSEN in die Tiefe
20090305             —EXKOMMUNIZIERT, Abtreibung in BRASILIEN: Katholische Kirche, vergewaltigte Neunjährige
20090305             —GEFANGEN, FRANKREICH: Siebenjähriger von Eltern jahrelang, gehalten - Börsenkrise: Dax schließt 5 % im Minus
20090305             —VERSTAATLICHT, VENEZUELA: Chavez kündigt Billighandy an und, Reisfabrik
20090305             Waffenmesse in ABU—DHABI: Drohnen, Panzer und Blutkocher
20090305             Biomedizin: Forscher verwandeln HAUT—IN Nervenzellen
20090305             Krise: SIEMENS—VORSTAND nennt Kündigungen "Gift für sozialen Frieden"
20090305             —BEENDET, Wiederbelebter NATO—RUSSLAND—RAT: Westen, die Eiszeit mit RUSSLAND
20090305             LUXOR: Archäologen entdecken PHARAONEN—STATUEN
20090305             Konjunkturkrise: EZB peilt weitere Zinssenkungen an
20090305             Düstere Klimaprognose: Chinas Treibhausgasausstoß droht sich zu verdoppeln
20090305             —DISKRIMINIERT, Hilfe für Krisenunternehmen: 100—MILLIARDEN—FONDS, Mittelständler
20090305             USA—AUTOKONZERN: GENERAL—MOTORS warnt vor eigener Pleite
20090305             —KURSIERT, Unter Gerichtsmedizinern und Kriminalisten, 1—SPRUCH, der das Dilemma wie folgt zusammenfasst: "Wenn auf jedem Grab eines unentdeckt Ermordeten 1—KERZE stünde, wären Deutschlands Friedhöfe hell erleuchtet".
20090305             Im NOUABALÉ—NDOKI—NATIONAL Park im KONGO fanden Forscher VIELE—SOLCHER—TERMITENANGELN—MIT einer Besonderheit: Häufig war 1—ENDE—DES—STOCKS zu einer ART—PINSEL verfranst.
20090305             —BISHER war unklar, um es sich dabei nur um Abnutzung handelte oder ob die Schimpansen die Werkzeuge vorsätzlich veränderten.
20090305             Reszession: BANK—OF—ENGLAND senkt Leitzins auf Rekordtief
20090305             Werkzeugherstellung: Schimpansen basteln Pinsel zur Termitenjagd
20090305             Internationaler Haftbefehl: CHINA drängt auf Abbruch von BASCHIR—VERFAHREN
20090305             Absatzkrise: Export von Autos um 20 % eingebrochen
20090305             Medizin: Allgemeinärzte beklagen IMPF—IRRSINN
20090305             Bush: Obama will bei Rüstungsaufträgen sparen" href=" /politik/ausland/0,1518,611473,00.html">Kritik an Bush : Obama will bei Rüstungsaufträgen sparen (Politik)
20090305             Aus der Krise werden nach seiner Ansicht RUSSLAND und CHINA gestärkt hervorgehen.
20090305             Beide Nationen sollten deshalb enger zusammenarbeiten und eine neue Währung schaffen, die den USA—DOLLAR ersetze.
20090305             —GESCHEHEN, Was, ist, ist der Zusammenbruch des AMERIKANISCHEN—TRAUMS".
20090305             PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA werde noch —DIESES—JAHR das Kriegsrecht verhängen, sagte IGOR—PANARIN, Dekan der Diplomatenakademie, bei einem Vortrag in Moskau.
20090305             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Fast ALLE—RELEVANTEN—BESTÄNDE vernichtet"
20090305             JAPAN: 1—VERLETZTER bei Brand in Atomkraftwerk
20090305             —VERKÜNDET, Wirtschaftskrise: CHINA, Wachstumsziel von 8 %
20090305             Warner Out as USA—ATTORNEY; Craigo Finally TALKS—STATE—JOURNAL...
20090305             USA says it has right to kidnap UK—CITIZENS—TIMES—ONLINE
20090305             DISCLOSURE—OF—USA—NAZI collaboration may open old wounds for CHINA... Under mounting pressure from Congress, THE—CIA, AMERICA—MUCH maligned intelligence service, has agreed, in principle, to hand over RECORDS—OF—POST—WAR...
20090305             USA—NAZI collaboration - 01 - USA- Nazi collaboration 03.
20090305             Regardless of who Panetta brings with him to execute 1—STRATEGY—OF—REFORM + reconstitution at CIA--it looks like current CIA Deputy Director STEPHEN—R—KAPPES + Intelligence Director MICHAEL—MORELL
20090305             will stay on under Panetta--his fresh outsider take is desperately needed.
20090305             "If they did that knowingly, there is mens rea," Specter said, using the Latin term for 1—GUILTY—MIND.
20090305             "I'd have to search the criminal code, but it sounds to me like it may fall within criminal conduct".
20090305             CRAIG—FUGATE—OBAMA—FEMA!
20090305             —NAMED, Obama has, CRAIG—FUGATE to HEAD—FEMA.
20090305             CRAIG—FUGATE comes to FEMA as FLORIDA—EMERGENCY—MANAGER.
20090305             Obama said of Fugate —TODAY: [He will] improve.
20090305             FUGATE—DEPARTMENT was held up as 1—NATIONAL—MODEL—AFTER 20010911             —THE terrorist attacks.
20090305             This is 1—EXCITING and unprecedented moment in TUNISIA—HISTORY," Feltman on THE—TUNISIA n protests that overthrew THE—PRESIDENT—IN—JANUARY...
20090305             People - /../url%3Fq=—CU8WXVKJLQ
20090305             Key diplomat says USA approves of TUNISIA REVOLT—
20090305             UKRAINE—NAFTOGAZ paid its February BILL—FOR—RUSSIA—GAS—JUST hours —AFTER PRESIDENT—PUTIN said RUSSIA would halt supplies if UKRAINE failed to meet a 20090307             deadline.
20090305—20060000    —IN, The advocacy group Age Concern took THE—UK—GOVERNMENT to court to demand the reversal of the forced retirement rule.
20090305—20090303    —IDENTIFIED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said that they have, the gunmen who ambushed THE—SRI—LANKA—CRICKET team in LAHORE, leaving 8—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090305—20110000    —VOR, "Zerfall in 6—RUMPFSTAATEN": RUSSISCHER—DIPLOMAT prophezeit Kollaps der USA 20090305             Wirtschaftskrise: CHINA verkündet Wachstumsziel von 8 %
20090305—20110000    —VOR, "Zerfall in 6—RUMPFSTAATEN": RUSSISCHER—DIPLOMAT prophezeit Kollaps der USA
20090306             Bloomberg - 5—BY CRISTINA—ALESCI and JEFF—KEARNS 20090305             (Bloomberg) -- USA and European stocks tumbled,
20090306—19960000    —SINCE, Bloomberg - 5—BY CRISTINA—ALESCI and JEFF—KEARNS 20090305             (Bloomberg) -- USA and European stocks tumbled, driving the Standard & POOR—500—INDEX to the lowest level, —AFTER MOODY—INVESTORS—SERVICE said it may cut JPMorgan Chase & Co.
20090309—20090305    —ARRESTED, The attack came —AFTER 1—LOCAL—POLICE—CHIEF, 1—CADET for loitering on 1—STREET—CORNER and refusing to show ANY—ID.
20100305             CHILE, 3—STRONG aftershocks shook THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY, sending panicked residents rushing out of their homes and leveling more buildings in 1—AREA already hard hit by 20100206             —THE monster earthquake.
20100305             ALABAMA, LARRY—LANGFORD (63), THE—FORMER—MAYOR—OF—BIRMINGHAM, was sentenced to —15—YEARS in prison for taking $241,000 in bribes.
20100305             —KILLED, ARIZONA, 6—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 1—PASSENGER—BUS hit another vehicle and rolled over on the interstate SOUTH—OF—PHOENIX.
20100305             † EDGAR—WAYBURN (103), former 5-term PRESIDENT—OF—THE—SIERRA—CLUB, in SF.
20100305             1—AUSTRALIA—COURT ruled that THE—ONCE—POPULAR painkiller Vioxx doubled THE—RISK—OF—HEART—ATTACK and was unfit for consumption, awarding 1—MAN leading 1—CLASS action suit against the drug's maker 287,000 AUSTRALIA—DOLLARS ($259,000) in compensation.
20100305             —REPORTED, It was, that the advocacy group Big Brother Watch found, through 1—SERIES—OF—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS, that MANY—LOCAL—GOVERNMENTS, called councils in BRITAIN, are installing microchips in trash cans distributed to households, but in most cases have not yet activated them — in part because officials know the move would be unpopular.
20100305             —CALLED, Proponents, it 1—BID to push recycling.
20100305             —FITTED, Microchips were 1., into SOME—UK—TRASH bins —8—YEARS—AGO, and the debate over whether the state has the right to weigh or otherwise analyze residents' refuse has surfaced periodically —SINCE.
20100305             HOLLAND—ANTI—ISLAM maverick Geert Wilders (46) took his cinematic ASSAULT—ON—THE—QURAN to BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, sparking heated debate inside the building and angry protests outside.
20100305             —SCREENED, Wilders, his —15—MINUTE—FILM "Fitna" to about 60—PEOPLE, including 1—HALF—DOZEN—PEERS, in 1—WOOD—PANELED committee room in PARLIAMENT.
20100305             The film associates the Quran with terrorism, homophobia and REPRESSION—OF—WOMEN.
20100305             —UNVEILED, CANADA—TIM—HORTONS—INC, 1—FRESH—STRATEGY to take on Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts in THE—USA—MARKET, saying it would open HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—USA—CAFES that break THE—MOLD—OF—TIM—ICONIC—CANADA—COFFEE—SHOPS.
20100305             —AGREED, ETHIOPIA, 25—AFRICA—STATES, to step up efforts to regulate mercenary activity on the continent amid 1—EXPLOSION—OF—PRIVATE—SECURITY—COMPANIES on the continent.
20100305             —SUMMONED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY, bank leaders to his Elysee palace to order them to boost lending to the economy and smaller companies.
20100305             —MASKED, GREECE, youths attacked THE—LEADER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST union and stoned police in ATHENS in 1—OUTBREAK—OF—VIOLENCE over cutbacks proposed by PRIME—MINISTER—GEORGE—PAPANDREOU, who was abroad seeking European leaders' support for his efforts to defuse the country's debt crisis.
20100305             —ERUPTED, ISRAEL, clashes, between Muslim worshippers and ISRAEL—RIOT—POLICE at 1 sacred and disputed hilltop compound —FOLLOWING 1—SERMON on 1—RECENT—ISRAEL—DECISION to include 2—WEST—BANK—SHRINES on 1—LIST—OF—NATIONAL—HERITAGE—SITES.
20100305             —ARMED, MEXICO, heavily, gunmen ambushed 1—CONVOY—OF—FEDERAL—POLICE on 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR the port CITY—OF—LAZARO—CARDENAS, Michoacan state, killing 2—OFFICERS and wounding 3. Soldiers seized 28,000—POUNDS—OF—MARIJUANA, 7—VEHICLES and 18—HIGH—POWERED weapons in Altar, Sonora, 35—MILES—SOUTH—OF—THE—ARIZONA border.
20100305             —TARGETED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, Shiite Muslims on 2—BUSES being escorted by security forces through 1—NORTHWESTERN border area rife with sectarian and insurgent violence, killing 12—PEOPLE.
20100305             —DESTROYED, PAKISTAN army helicopters, 1—SPRAWLING hideout of 1—KEY—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant leader, Maulvi Faqir Mohammed, in the northwestern tribal REGION—OF—BAJUR, killing 25—INSURGENTS.
20100305             Maulvi Faqir Mohammed and fellow COMMANDER—QARI—ZIAUR—REHMAN, top Taliban commanders close to AL—QAIDA, were believed to have been killed in the army airstrike.
20100305             —INFORMED—OF, His relatives were, his death in February, 20120000            .
20100305             —MOVED, Swarms of SOMALIA—PIRATES, into the waters off EAST—AFRICA, triggering 4—SHOOTOUTS with French and SPAIN—FISHING vessels including 1—SKIRMISH with FRANCE—MILITARY—PERSONNEL that sunk 1—PIRATE skiff.
20100305             —HIJACKED, SOMALIA—PIRATES near MADAGASCAR, THE—NORWEGIAN—OWNED ship with 21—CREW members.
20100305             THE—UBT—OCEAN—CHEMICAL—TANKER was carrying fuel oil.
20100305             SPAIN, the regions of MADRID, VALENCIA and SOUTH—MURCIA said they will keep bullfighting legal and give the sport cultural heritage protection.
20100305             —DECLARED, Election officials in TAJIKISTAN, the governing party the overwhelming winner of parliamentary elections that INTERNATIONAL observers say were marred by widespread fraud.
20100305             It was —NOW set to take 54—OF—THE—63—SEATS in THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—NATION—LOWER—CHAMBER—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20100305             THE—ISLAMIC—REVIVAL—PARTY came 1—DISTANT 2. with 8.2—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE.
20100305             was sentenced to —15—YEARS in prison for taking $241,000 in bribes.
20100305             1—AUSTRALIA—COURT ruled that THE—ONCE—POPULAR painkiller Vioxx doubled THE—RISK—OF—HEART—ATTACK and was unfit for consumption,
20100305             awarding 1—MAN leading 1—CLASS action suit against the drug's maker 287,000 AUSTRALIA—DOLLARS ($259,000) in compensation.
20100305             —REPORTED, It was, that the advocacy group Big Brother Watch found,
20100305             through 1—SERIES—OF—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS, that MANY—LOCAL—GOVERNMENTS, called councils in BRITAIN, are installing microchips in trash cans distributed to households, but in most cases have not yet activated them — in part because officials know the move would be unpopular.
20100305             —FITTED, Microchips were 1., into SOME—UNITED—KINGDOM—TRASH bins —8—YEARS—AGO,
20100305             and the debate over whether the state has the right to weigh or otherwise analyze residents' refuse has surfaced periodically —SINCE.
20100305             HOLLAND—ANTI—ISLAM maverick Geert Wilders (46) took his cinematic ASSAULT—ON—THE—QURAN to BRITAIN—HOUSE—OF—LORDS,
20100305             sparking heated debate inside the building and angry protests outside.
20100305             —SCREENED, Wilders, his —15—MINUTE—FILM "Fitna" to about 60—PEOPLE,
20100305             including 1—HALF—DOZEN—PEERS, in 1—WOOD—PANELED committee room in PARLIAMENT.
20100305             —UNVEILED, CANADA—TIM—HORTONS—INC, 1—FRESH—STRATEGY to take on Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts in THE—USA—MARKET,
20100305             saying it would open HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—AMERICA—CAFES that break THE—MOLD—OF—TIM—ICONIC—CANADA—COFFEE—SHOPS.
20100305             CHILE, 3—STRONG aftershocks shook THE—CENTER—OF—THE—COUNTRY,
20100305             sending panicked residents rushing out of their homes and leveling more buildings in 1—AREA already hard hit by 20100206             —THE monster earthquake.
20100305             8—FIJI—MEN were sentenced to jail terms of 3 to —7—YEARS for their roles in a 20070000             plot to assassinate the armed forces CHIEF—COMMODORE—FRANK—BAINIMARAMA,
20100305             —MASKED, GREECE, youths attacked THE—LEADER—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BIGGEST union and stoned police in ATHENS in 1—OUTBREAK—OF—VIOLENCE over cutbacks proposed by PRIME—MINISTER—GEORGE—PAPANDREOU,
20100305             who was abroad seeking European leaders' support for his efforts to defuse the country's debt crisis.
20100305             —ARMED, MEXICO, heavily, gunmen ambushed 1—CONVOY—OF—FEDERAL—POLICE on 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR the port CITY—OF—LAZARO Cardenas,
20100305             Michoacan state, killing 2—OFFICERS and wounding 3.
20100305             —SEIZED, Soldiers, 28,000—POUNDS—OF—MARIJUANA, 7—VEHICLES and 18—HIGH—POWERED weapons in Altar, Sonora, 35—MILES—SOUTH—OF—THE—ARIZONA border.
20100305             —DESTROYED, PAKISTAN army helicopters, 1—SPRAWLING hideout of 1—KEY—AL—QAIDA—LINKED militant leader,
20100305             Maulvi Faqir Mohammed, in the northwestern tribal REGION—OF—BAJUR, killing 25—INSURGENTS.
20100305             Maulvi Faqir Mohammed and fellow COMMANDER—QARI—ZIAUR—REHMAN,
20100305             top Taliban commanders close to AL—QAIDA, were believed to have been killed in the army airstrike.
20100305             —MOVED, Swarms of SOMALIA—PIRATES, into the waters off EAST—AFRICA,
20100305             triggering 4—SHOOTOUTS with French and SPAIN—FISHING vessels including 1—SKIRMISH with FRANCE—MILITARY—PERSONNEL that sunk 1—PIRATE skiff.
20100305             Bauposse Vogelschutzparagraf stoppt ÖKO—PLAN der DEUTSCHEN—BANK.htm
20100305—19990000    —IN, he was awarded the Presidential MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM for his YEARS—OF—EFFORTS in preserving wilderness.
20100305—20060000    —SEIZED, THE—ISLAND nation's PRIME—MINISTER, who [[AKTION]] power in 1—BLOODLESS—COUP.
20100305—20060000    —IN, 8—FIJI—MEN were sentenced to jail terms of 3 to —7—YEARS for their roles in a 20070000             plot to assassinate the armed forces CHIEF—COMMODORE—FRANK—BAINIMARAMA, THE—ISLAND nation's PRIME—MINISTER, who seized power in 1—BLOODLESS—COUP.
20100307—20100305    —ON, 1 armed honor guard had appeared at 1—PARADE marking the 12. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—KILLING—OF—THE—LEADER—OF—THE—KOSOVO—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20110000             verhängten die USA und EU —BIS—HEUTE andauernde Sanktion gegen das ASSAD—REGIME in SYRIEN.
20110126—20090305    This is 1—EXCITING and unprecedented moment in TUNISIA—HISTORY," FELTMAN on THE—TUNISIA n protests that overthrew THE—PRESIDENT in ;;01;;...
20110303             —SEIT—HER—BODY was found 20110305             in 1—SHALLOW—GRAVE in 1—REMOTE—DESERT—AREA about 5—MILES—WEST—OF—WEST—WENDOVER, near THE—UTAH border.
20110305             —CAPTURED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE, MARIO—JIMENEZ—PEREZ, drug cartel suspect allegedly linked to 20110215             —THE—KILLING—OF—USA—AGENT—JAIME—ZAPATA, along with 16—OTHER—SUSPECTS.
20110305             —STRIPPED, BRADLEY—MANNING, naked —FOR—7—HOURS—ON—WEDNESDAY 20110302             to compel him to testify against JULIAN—ASSANGEUS sees CHINA rebalancing trade
20110305             1—ATLAS 5—ROCKET blasted off with the X-35B unmanned space plane from Cape Canaveral.
20110305             THE—AIR—FORCE said the newest craft will serve as 1—TEST—PLATFORM for satellite sensors and systems.
20110305             It's the 2. of its type to be launched.
20110305             SOUTH—WEST—LOUISIANA was hit by 1—TORNADO.
20110305             —KILLED, Jalisa Granger (21) was, —WHEN 1—TREE fell on her house in Rayne, Acadia Parish.
20110305             AFGHANISTAN—STAFF, SERGEANT—MARK—WELLS, —31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—ARMY explosives technician from S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, was killed in Helmand province —WHEN he stepped on 1—HIDDEN bomb.
20110305             —CRAMMED, AUSTRALIA, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—REVELERS, inner SYDNEY streets for 1—OF—THE—WORLD—PREMIER—GAY and lesbian parades.
20110305             —COLLIDED, BRAZIL, 1—PASSENGER—BUS, HEAD—ON with 1—LUMBER truck in THE—SOUTH—STATE—OF—SANTA—CATARINA, killing at least 25—PEOPLE.
20110305             —INJURED, More than 20 were seriously.
20110305             —TURNED, Egyptians, their anger toward his internal security apparatus, storming the agency's main headquarters and other offices seizing documents to keep them from being destroyed to hide EVIDENCE—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20110305             —CLASHED, Christian and Muslim families have, SOUTH—OF—CAIRO in 1—DISPUTE over 1—ROMANCE between children from THE—2—FAMILIES.
20110305             —KILLED, The fathers from both families have been, and 1—CROWD—OF—MUSLIMS torched 1—CHURCH in Soul.
20110305             —CONTROLLED, HONG—KONG, 15—FAMILIES, more than 2—THIRDS—OF—THE stockmarket.
20110305             INDIA, THE—DMK party, 1—KEY MEMBER—OF—THE—RULING coalition, said it was withdrawing from THE—CONGRESS—LED government, dealing 1—HUGE—BLOW to PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH as he battles 1—SERIES—OF—CORRUPTION—SCANDALS.
20110305             —ANNOUNCED, THE—LIBYA—OPPOSITION fighting to overthrow Moamer Kadhafi, its 1. formal meeting.
20110305             Gadhafi loyalists swept into THE—OPPOSITION—HELD city closest to TRIPOLI, tightening security —AROUND THE—REGIME—HELD capital.
20110305             —CAPTURED, To the east, rebel forces, 1—KEY—OIL port as the country veered toward civil war.
20110305             THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANT—WORKERS were on the move in LIBYA, trying to flee the fighting between rebels and forces loyal to GADHAFI—REGIME.
20110305             1—MILITARY—ARSENAL at Rajma, outside BENGHAZI, exploded reportedly killing 40—PEOPLE.
20110305             —REPLACED, OMAN—RULER, 3—TOP—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIALS, a 2. major shakeup that was celebrated by SOME—PROTESTERS but failed to quell more than —1—WEEK—OF widening demonstrations.
20110305             —STAGED, Workers, 1—SIT—IN at 1—MAIN—OIL—FIELD in Haima, about 300—MILES (500—KM) SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MUSCAT, demanding more state investments in the area.
20110305             † In SOUTH—PAKISTAN 1 suspected militant in 1—BLAST at his home on the outskirts of KARACHI.
20110305             —HANDED, Lawmakers in RUSSIA—CHECHNYA region, strongman leader Ramzan Kadyrov 1—NEW —5—YEAR term, unanimously approving the Kremlin nominee in 1—VOTE whose outcome was never in doubt.
20110305             1—MID—SIZED—RUSSIAN—BUILT plane crashed —DURING 1—TRAINING flight in BELGOROD province, killing all 6—PEOPLE on BOARD including 2—PILOTS from MYANMAR.
20110305             SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said demonstrations won't be tolerated and its security forces will act against anyone taking part in them.
20110305             —ALLIED, SOMALIA, militiamen, with the weak transitional government took CONTROL—OF—BELET—HAWO, 1—TOWN bordering KENYA, from Islamist militants —AFTER several hours of fighting.
20110305             5—MILITIAMEN were killed along with 42—AL—SHABAB militants.
20110305             —ATTACKED, Pirates, THE—MV—GUANABARA, 1—JAPANESE—OWNED oil tanker, and 24—CREW members took refuge in 1 protected PART—OF—THE—VESSEL—AFTER reporting they were under attack.
20110305             1—SPECIAL—UNIT from the destroyer USS Bulkeley boarded the tanker THE—NEXT—DAY and detained the suspected pirates off THE—COAST—OF—OMAN.
20110305             —UNIDENTIFIED, SOUTH—KOREA, attackers targeted more than 2—DOZEN—GOVERNMENT and private websites.
20110305             —REPORTED, Officials, no serious damage —1—DAY—AFTER 1—PAIR of similar assaults.
20110305             SWAZILAND, Sphiwe Mazibuko, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—TEACHERS—UNION, said that teachers are using recent turmoil in EGYPT, LIBYA and TUNISIA as momentum for mass mobilization against the government's recent call to cut salaries.
20110305             2000—TEACHERS gathered to discuss means to fight the government, which the union says is to blame for the country's economic collapse.
20110305             SWAZILAND is 1—ABSOLUTE—MONARCHY wrought with corruption.
20110305             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—THAILAND, Muslim militants fatally shot 1—BUDDHIST monk in 1—DRIVE—BY motorcycle attack in the Kok Pho DISTRICT—OF—PATTANI province.
20110305             —DETONATED, In nearby Kapo district insurgents, 1—ROADSIDE bomb as 1—MILITARY—TRUCK passed by, wounding 3—SOLDIERS.
20110305             —CONTINUED, YEMEN, tens of thousands, with protests in several key cities across the country, pressing on with demands that the country's PRESIDENT step down.
20110305             —RESIGNED, Several MEMBERS—OF—SALEH—RULING Congress Party.
20110305             † 1—USA—ARMY explosives technician from S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, was killed in Helmand province —WHEN he stepped on 1—HIDDEN bomb.
20110305             —TURNED, Egyptians, their anger toward his internal security apparatus,
20110305             storming the agency's main headquarters and other offices seizing documents to keep them from being destroyed to hide EVIDENCE—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20110305             INDIA, THE—DMK party, 1—KEY MEMBER—OF—THE—RULING coalition,
20110305             said it was withdrawing from THE—CONGRESS—LED government, dealing 1—HUGE—BLOW to PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH as he battles 1—SERIES—OF—CORRUPTION—SCANDALS.
20110305             Gadhafi loyalists swept into THE—OPPOSITION—HELD city closest to TRIPOLI,
20110305             tightening security —AROUND THE—REGIME—HELD capital.
20110305             THOUSANDS—OF—MIGRANT—WORKERS were on the move in LIBYA,
20110305             trying to flee the fighting between rebels and forces loyal to GADHAFI—REGIME.
20110305             drug cartel suspect allegedly linked to 20110215             —THE—KILLING—OF—USA—AGENT—JAIME—ZAPATA, along with 16—OTHER—SUSPECTS.
20110305             a 2. major shakeup that was celebrated by SOME—PROTESTERS but failed to quell more than —1—WEEK—OF widening demonstrations.
20110305             —STAGED, Workers, 1—SIT—IN at 1—MAIN—OIL—FIELD in Haima,
20110305             —ABOUT 300—MILES (500—KM) SOUTHWEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—MUSCAT, demanding more state investments in the area.
20110305             —HANDED, Lawmakers in RUSSIA—CHECHNYA region, strongman leader Ramzan Kadyrov a new —5—YEAR term,
20110305             unanimously approving the Kremlin nominee in 1—VOTE whose outcome was never in doubt.
20110305             1—MID—SIZED RUSSIAN—BUILT plane crashed —DURING 1—TRAINING flight in BELGOROD province,
20110305             killing all 6—PEOPLE on BOARD including 2—PILOTS from MYANMAR.
20110305             —ALLIED, SOMALIA, militiamen, with the weak transitional government took CONTROL—OF—BELET—HAWO,
20110305             1—TOWN bordering KENYA, from Islamist militants —AFTER several hours of fighting.
20110305             —ATTACKED, Pirates, THE—MV—GUANABARA, 1—JAPANESE—OWNED oil tanker,
20110305             and 24—CREW members took refuge in 1 protected PART—OF—THE—VESSEL—AFTER reporting they were under attack.
20110305             SWAZILAND, Sphiwe Mazibuko, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—TEACHERS—UNION,
20110305             said that teachers are using recent turmoil in EGYPT, LIBYA and TUNISIA as momentum for mass mobilization against the government's recent call to cut salaries.
20110305             2000—TEACHERS gathered to discuss means to fight the government,
20110305             which the union says is to blame for the country's economic collapse.
20110305             —CONTINUED, YEMEN, tens of thousands, with protests in several key cities across the country,
20110305             pressing on with demands that the country's PRESIDENT step down.
20110305             —DISCUSSED, Chavez said speech on live TV he had already, the idea with SOME—MEMBERS—OF—THE—ALBA bloc of LEFT—WING Latin AMERICA—NATIONS and SOME—OTHER—COUNTRIES in EUROPE and SOUTH—AMERICA and hopes they could create 1—COMMISSION that goes to LIBY 1 for talks with THE—LIBYA government and THE—LEADERS—OF—THE—OPPOSITION.
20110305             LIBYA—FORCES' Attack on Brega Intended to Safeguard Strategic Harbour," Seif al Islam
20110305             LIBYA leader Muammar AL—QATHAFI—SON, Seif AL—ISLAM has once again told BRITAIN—SKY—NEWS that the country's AIR—FORCE had not been used to attack civilians protesting against his father's rule,
20110305             and that the attack they made at Brega, was to safeguard the town's important harbour,
20110305             which is 1—1—IMPORTANT—HUB for THE—EXPORT—OF—OIL, the lifeline of all THE—LIBYA people.
20110305             LIBYEN ernennt neuen BOTSCHAFTER—DER—UN
20110305             —MEANWHILE, THE—LIBYA government made its 1. official reaction to sanctions announced by THE—UNITED—NATIONS in 1—LETTER by its foreign MINISTER,
20110305             Mussa Kussa, calling for the travel ban and assets freeze ordered against AL—QATHAFI, his family and his close aides "to be suspended —UNTIL such time as the truth is established".
20110305             —LEAKED, Shocking new, emails show big corporations, defense contractors,
20110305             and corporate law firms conspiring to run a "dirty tricks" campaign against their political enemies,
20110305             including WikiLeaks.
20110305             —PROPOSED, They, infiltrating groups under fake identities,
20110305             smearing their reputation by planting false documents, and even hacking into their computers to try to steal information and disrupt their work.
20110305             But —WHILE WikiLeaks is the target of 1—MAJOR—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATION,
20110305             these guys are still major government contractors! —NOW SOME—BRAVE—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are trying to change that,
20110305             demanding 1—FULL—INVESTIGATION into these potential crimes: They —JUST signed 1—LETTER urging the chairmen of several powerful Congressional committees to start holding hearings.
20110305             Can you join them? Pushing for 1—PALESTINIAN—TAHRIR
20110305             —ABANDONED, Feeling, by their political leadership, PALESTINE—YOUTH are pushing for change.
20110305             —TREATED, Greenwald:Manning, 1—UNCONVICTED—USA—CITIZEN, in ways expressly forbidden by THE—GENEVA—CONVENTION.
20110305             Obama remains silent.
20110305             THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE is warning Britons against all travel to YEMEN because of increasingly violent ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS there.
20110305             SAUDI—ARABIA imposes protest ban
20110305             SAUDI—ARABIA bans all protests and marches in the country and warns police will use measures to prevent disruption.
20110305             EGYPT puts EX—MINISTER on trial
20110305             Hartz IV: Jobcenter drohen Schülern mit Sanktionen
20110305             Neuerdings erhalten Schüler der 9. Klasse sanktionsbedrohte Vorladungen von den Hartz IV Behörden (Jobcenter).
20110305             Teilweise behindern diese Termine sogar die Schulpflicht, wie DIETMAR—BRACH—VON—DER—ARBEITSLOSENHILFE—RHEINLAND—PFALZ berichtet.
20110305             Hier sollten Eltern schnell handeln.
20110305             Denn Schüler erhalten —NACH—DEM SGB II lediglich 1—EXISTENZMINIMUM, welches den Unterhalt sichert.
20110305             Fiedler: Schwachstellen im System der Justiz
20110305             "Nicht nur EINIGE—SCHWARZE—SCHAFE" WIEN — In der Justiz gebe es "nicht nur EINIGE—SCHWARZE—SCHAFE",
20110305             sondern "gewisse Schwachstellen" im System, "die es ehestens ausmerzen gilt".
20110305             FRANZ—FIEDLER, angesichts der Ermittlungen gegen 23—BEAMTE wegen des Verdachts der Weitergabe von Informationen gegen Bestechungsgeld.
20110305             ITALY PM 'to attend all trials'
20110305             THE—ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER—PLANS to attend all hearings in his upcoming trials, his lawyer says.
20110305             Banks 'put profits —BEFORE people'
20110305             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND GOVERNOR accuses banks of seeking to maximise SHORT—TERM—PROFITS at THE—EXPENSE—OF—CUSTOMERS and warns reforms must not fail.
20110305             "Es wird noch viel Blut fließen" - berichtet AFP.
20110305             "Es wird noch viel Blut fließen.
20110305             Wie lange wird der Westen zuschauen und nichts tun?
20110305             sagt 1—MANN in der OST—LIBYEN—STADT. hieß es.
20110305             Grund sei, dass die Sanktionen der Vereinten Nationen und der EU nicht auf die Zentralbank zielten und die Strafmaßnahmen der USA die Firmen LIBY scher Eigner im Ausland nicht beträfen.
20110305             —UNRUHEN, Angesichts der, in zahlreichen arabischen Ländern schauen Händler besorgt auf die Region.
20110305             Proteste in SAUDI—ARABIEN - könnten schwerwiegende Folgen für die Preise
20110305             auf dem Rohstoffmarkt haben, denn das Opec-
20110305             Mitglied ist der weltweit größte Ölexporteur.
20110305             Zuletzt hatte das Land seine Förderung ausgeweitet,
20110305             Geldquelle: ÖL—MILLIONEN füllen täglich die Kasse des Despoten
20110305             —VERBIETET, Sorge vor Aufstand: SAUDI—ARABIEN, Kundgebungen
20110305             Verfolgen Sie die Ereignisse im Liveticker.
20110305             GADDAFI—TRUPPEN scheitern vor dem zentralen Platz von Sawija
20110305             VIELE—BEOBACHTER heben die außergewöhnliche Motivation der Rebellen HERVOR—ZAHLREICHE Menschen in der Stadt haben zuvor erklärt,
20110305             sie würden für die Freiheit "—BIS in den Tod" kämpfen.
20110305             In der Hafenstadt GABES seien 3—BUSSE mit Ägyptern angekommen, sagt 1—SPRECHER—DES—EINSATZFÜHRUNGSKOMMANDOS.
20110305             Sobald die Flüchtlinge auf die 3—DEUTSCHEN—SCHIFFE verteilt seien,
20110305             soll der Verband Kurs auf die ÄGYPTISCHE—HAFENSTADT ALEXANDRIA nehmen.
20110305             Die Reise dauert —3—TAGE.
20110305             —KOORDINIERT, Die Hilfsaktion wird vom UNO—FLÜCHTLINGSHILFSWERK.
20110305             "Die Stadt ist gefallen, Rebellen feiern mit den üblichen Salven aus Maschinengewehren in die Luft.
20110305             Es ist kaum zu glauben, in welchem Tempo sie vorankommen.
20110305             Jeden —TAG 1—STADT". Sawija strategisch wichtig für GADDAFI
20110305             Zum einen sei Sawija ein wichtiger Ölhafen.
20110305             Zum anderen LIEGE der Ort sehr nah an Tripolis, dem Machtzentrum Gaddafis.
20110305             Der REVOLUTION sführer wolle seine Kraft zeigen und demonstrieren,
20110305             dass er die Stadt einnehmen KÖNNE—UND zwar mit allen Mitteln.
20110305             "Wir wissen nicht mehr, wer zu uns gehört und wer nicht"
20110305             "Die Soldaten sind —JETZT in Zivil gekleidet.
20110305             —GEHÖRT, Wir können nicht mehr unterscheiden, wer zu uns, und wer nicht".
20110305             Soldaten feuern auf Häuser in Sawija
20110305             Schiffe können von dort binnen —9—STUNDEN die LIBY sche Küste erreichen, Kampfjets brauchen etwa —20—MINUTEN.
20110305             Im nahegelegenen Flughafen von SOUDA—AKROTIRI sollen Spezialeinheiten aus verschiedenen NATO—STAATEN angekommen sein, darunter auch aus DEUTSCHLAND.
20110305             "Hilflose Menschen liegen am Boden"
20110305             "Wir sehen hilflose Menschen auf dem Boden liegen. Junge Rebellen schießen von Häusern, um die Stadt zu verteidigen".
20110305             Er spricht am Telefon, im Hintergrund sind Schüsse zu hören.
20110305             Transall nach Einsatz in LIBYEN zurückgekehrt
20110305             Zuletzt flogen die Soldaten vergangene —WOCHE 137—MENSCHEN nach Kreta aus, darunter 22—DEUTSCHE.
20110305             "Die Männer sind auf unsere Maschine zugestürmt, alle wollten mit.
20110305             Glücklicherweise mussten wir niemanden zurücklassen", sagt 1—OBERSTAATSFELDWEBEL, der den Einsatz mit koordinierte.
20110305             Der Ort liegt östlich von der GADDAFI—HOCHBURG Sirte.
20110305             Gefechte zwischen Regimegegnern und Regierungstreuen - GADDAFI—TRUPPEN attackieren Sawija
20110305             erklärt 1—AUGENZEUGE—DER—BBC—SIE kämen aus östlicher und westlicher Richtung.
20110305             —TELEFONIERT, Während er mit dem BRITISCHEN—SENDER, wird im Hintergrund geschossen.
20110305             "Die Rebellen versuchen —JETZT, zur nächsten Stadt namens BEN—DSCHAWAD vorzustoßen.
20110305             Es ist angeblich die letzte größere Stadt vor der GADDAFI—HOCHBURG Sirte.
20110305             GADDAFI setzt Kampfjets ein.
20110305             Hier herrscht Angst vor einer Gegenoffensive".
20110305             LIBYEN wirft NIEDERLÄNDISCHEN—SOLDATEN Spionage vor - werden —JETZT der Spionage bezichtigt.
20110305             Das berichtete der NIEDERLÄNDISCHE—RUNDFUNK NOS, er beruft sich auf das LIBY sche Staatsfernsehen.
20110305             Die Soldaten waren am 27.
20110305             ;;02;; mit ihrem Hubschrauber in der LIBYEN—STADT Sirte gelandet, um 2—NIEDERLÄNDER auszufliegen.
20110305             Doch sie wurden von einer GADDAFI—TREUEN Milizgruppe angegriffen und gefangengenommen.
20110305             "Ziel dieses HUBSCHRAUBER—EINSATZES war es, Spione entweder abzuholen oder abzusetzen", heißt es aber —NUN im LIBYEN—FERNSEHEN.
20110305             Zudem wird von einer "internationalen Verschwörung" gegen Muammar AL—GADDAFI gesprochen.
20110305             —PROFITIERT, GADDAFI, noch immer von ÖL—MILLIONEN
20110305             —BERICHTET, Die britische "Financial Times", dass die Zahlungen für ausgeführtes Öl weiter zur LIBYEN—ZENTRALBANK gelangten und so vermutlich auch von GADDAFI kontrolliert würden.
20110305             Die Zeitung beruft sich auf einen westlichen Vertreter und mehrere Händler.
20110305             LIBYEN ist der viertgrößte Ölproduzent Afrikas.
20110305             Die Exporte sind —NUN zwar zurückgegangen.
20110305             Chinesische oder INDISCHE—FIRMEN kaufen dem Bericht zufolge aber weiter LIBY sches Öl.
20110305             Dort würden zahlreiche Trauerfeiern für die Opfer abgehalten, die —AM—FREITAG bei einer Explosion auf 1—WAFFENLAGER starben.
20110305             Ob die Explosion durch einen Unfall, Sabotage oder einen Luftangriff ausgelöst wurde, ist noch unklar.
20110305             Die Einwohner der Stadt könnten sich nur eingeschränkt bewegen, die Internetverbindungen seien gekappt.
20110305             —TRAINIERT, Zivilisten seien von desertierten Soldaten, worden, um die Stadt zu verteidigen,
20110305             so Crawford: "Die Menschen haben das Gefühl, dass dies 1—KAMPF —BIS zum Tod sein wird".
20110305             Panzer der GADDAFI—TRUPPEN rollen auf Sawija zu - Kämpfe zwischen Stämmen in Sirte
20110305             Sie liegt zwischen Misurata und Ras LANUF—UND von dort aus rücken —NUN offenbar Rebellen an.
20110305             —BEREITS—IN—DER—NACHT seien allerdings Kämpfe zwischen GADDAFI—ANHÄNGERN UND—GEGNERN ausgebrochen,
20110305             meldet AL—DSCHASIRA in seinem Liveblog.
20110305             Es handelt sich offenbar um Gefechte zwischen Stämmen.
20110305             Rebellen in Sawija rüsten sich für neue Angriffe
20110305             "Die Rebellen bereiten sich vor und organisieren sich, um die Stadt zu verteidigen", erklärt der Mann am Telefon.
20110305             Die Regierungstruppen würden keine Gnade kennen, sie würden auch Zivilisten beschießen.
20110305             Augenzeugen hatten erzählt, Unbeteiligte seien auch von regierungstreuen Heckenschützen angegriffen worden.
20110305             Der Geheimdienst hatte in ÄGYPTEN —IN—DEN—JAHRZEHNTEN—SEIT der REVOLUTION—VON—19520000              hauptsächlich der Unterdrückung der Bevölkerung gedient.
20110305             So war es in vielen Staaten Osteuropas, so war es in der DDR, als
20110305             ÄGYPTEN: Demonstranten stürmen Geheimdienstzentrale
20110305             Aber wo sonst rund um die Uhr Betrieb sei, arbeite keiner mehr.
20110305             Rebellen kontrollierten auch die Gebäude hier, hätten Autos beschlagnahmt.
20110305             "Wir haben 1—RECHT auf diese Wagen und mehr.
20110305             —GESTOHLEN, GADDAFI hat vom Volk, —NUN holen sich die Menschen das zurück", sagt ein bewaffneter Plünderer dem Reporter.
20110305             —GESTIEGEN, Wegen der LIBYEN—KRISE sind die Ölpreise kräftig.
20110305             Warnung vor zu viel Geheimniskrämerei
20110305             Für riskanter halten Beobachter die Geheimnistuerei selbst.
20110305             Egal, ob die "X-37B" ein "machtvolles militärisches Instrument" sei oder vollkommen friedlichen Zwecken diene - "die Ungewissheit selbst könnte ein strategisches Risiko darstellen",
20110305             schrieb der Rüstungsexperte DAVID—AXE auf der Website "THE—DIPLOMAT".
20110305             —UNRUHEN, Die Arbeiter waren vor den, nach TUNESIEN geflohen.
20110305             Geschätzte 30.000—CHINESEN hatten zuvor in LIBYEN gearbeitet, vor allem in der ÖL—UND Bauindustrie.
20110305             In der Regel schießen Regierungstruppen nicht auf Krankenwagen.
20110305             Liveticker: Rebellen schlagen GADDAFI—TRUPPEN zurück - University bankruptcies warning
20110305             Schützen die Bundesverfassungsrichter die Regierung vor dem Volk?
20110305             Das Bundesverfassungsgericht genießt noch immer höchstes Ansehen bei den BürgerInnen.
20110305             —GEZOGEN, Welche Konsequenzen müßten, werden, wenn es genau umgekehrt wäre?
20110305             Die auch als Hüter der Verfassung genannten Richter werden zur Hälfte von einen speziellen Wahlausschuß des Bundestages und zur anderen Hälfte vom Bundesrat berufen.
20110305             Und da beginnen —SCHON die Probleme.
20110305             Sie werden also von denen berufen, deren Wirken und Handeln sie im Ernstfall beurteilen und bescheiden müssen.
20110305             Das wäre so als ob der Gauner seinen Richter auswählen kann.
20110305             —ELECTED, TIL that MOHAMMAD—MOSADDEGH was the democratically, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—IRAN who was overthrown by THE—USA—CIA
20110305             —DURING 1—BOOK—TOUR, Gingrich told 1—AUDIENCE in 1—SPEECH that was televised on C—SPAN that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had been very successful at intercepting terrorists,
20110305             but had not gotten credit for it, explaining that maybe we should've " allowed 1—ATTACK to get through to remind
20110305             " Americans about THE—DANGER—OF—TERRORISM.
20110305             —STRIPPED, BRADLEY—MANNING, naked —FOR—7—HOURS—ON—WEDNESDAY 20110302             to compel him to testify against JULIAN—ASSANGE
20110305             Censure call for lewd Navy videos
20110305             1—USA—NAVAL—ADMIRAL recommends the Navy censure the top OFFICERS—OF—THE—USS—ENTERPRISE over 1—SERIES—OF—LEWD videos produced on the ship.
20110305             Qaddafi Will be Killed by Sons, Relatives, Echorouk Says — Bloomberg
20110305             LIBYA leader Muammar Qaddafi will be killed either by 1—OF—HIS—SONS,
20110305             relatives or officers, Echorouk reported, citing LIBY a's deputy director of ?military intelligence and COMMANDER—OF—THE—LIBYA—REPUBLICAN—GUARD.
20110305             —DETAINED, INDIA—POLICE, 2—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—ANGRY—MOB—OF fired workers burned to death 1—SENIOR—EXECUTIVE—OF—1—STEEL—FACTORY,
20110305             1—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY.
20110305             —AFTER learning they were laid off, about 12—WORKERS attacked 1—VEHICLE carrying Radhey SHYAM—ROY as he was leaving the factory in EAST—ORISSA STATE—ON—THURSDAY,
20110305             dousing the Jeep with gasoline and setting it on fire, said police Superintendent AJAY—KUMAR—SARANGI.
20110305             " 1—COMPLAINT made of the modern stock market is that it is concerned too much on the short term.
20110305             A 2. is 1—LONG—TIME in CASH—EQUITIES trading.
20110305             4 or —5—YEARS—AGO, trading firms started to talk of trading speeds in terms of milliseconds.
20110305             —STARTED, But in recent weeks trading geeks have, to talk about picoseconds, in what is 1—TRULY—MIND—BOGGLING concept: 1—PICOSECOND is 1—TRILLIONTH of a 2.
20110305             Put another way, 1—PICOSECOND is to 1 2. what 1 2. is to 31,—700—YEARS".
20110305             Read more of this story - Surgeon creates new kidney on TED stage
20110305             1—SURGEON specializing in regenerative medicine —ON—THURSDAY 'printed' 1—REAL kidney using 1—MACHINE that eliminates the need for donors —WHEN it comes to organ transplants.
20110305             LONDON, it will soon be illegal to: lie down on the ground, give away food or drink for free or be homeless
20110305             1—SENIOR—MANAGER—OF—1—INDIA—STEEL—FACTORY is burnt to death in THE—EAST—STATE—OF—ORISSA, allegedly by 1—GROUP—OF—WORKERS.
20110305             Bundesjustizministerin: Websperren sind Augenwischerei
20110305             Bundesjustizministerin SABINE—LEUTHEUSSER—SCHNARRENBERGER (FDP) bleibt bei ihrer klaren Absage an Websperren.
20110305             "Es ist Augenwischerei zu meinen, mit Sperren würden wir Kinder besser schützen",
20110305             sagte die Ministerin —AM—MITTWOCH bei einem Besuch auf dem CEBIT—STAND des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags.
20110305             Für die Jugend: Militärrat wechselt Regierungsspitze aus
20110305             —NOMINIERT, PREMIERMINISTER—AHMED—SCHAFIK, von Mubarak, und bestellt, musste gehen.
20110305             Seine Demission wurde von der Macht im Land, den Generälen des Militärrats (siehe auch "Meet the Generals"),
20110305             USA — unschön - Welche Möglichkeiten haben die USA noch?
20110305             Die wirtschaftliche Situation spitzt sich immer weiter zu,
20110305             die tatsächliche Arbeitslosigkeit steigt ins Unermessliche, Armut und Elend breiten sich aus,
20110305             ganze Staaten haben keine funktionierende Verwaltung mehr, der Staatshaushalt hat 1—ABLAUFZEIT und wurde nur —FÜR—14—TAGE verlängert,
20110305             —BEGINNT, CHINA, mehr und mehr Druck zu machen,
20110305             das Abenteuer in AFGHANISTAN bekommt immer mehr Ähnlichkeit mit VIETNAM
20110305             —FUNDED, CUBAN—AMERICA—EXILE—LEADER, EX—CIA—AGENT on trial.
20110305             —SENTENCED, EX—CIA—STATION—CHIEF, for sexual abuse.
20110305             Analysis: What should THE—CIA be doing in LIBYA
20110305             NASA—CLIMATE—TRACKING Glory Satellite Fails to Reach Orbit-
20110305             MARK—BROWN—THE—ROCKET carrying NASA—GLORY satellite, 1—OBSERVATION spacecraft designed to study the effect atmospheric particles have on the planet's climate,
20110305             fails to reach orbit —AFTER 1—ENGINEERING glitch affects its nose cap.
20110305             Für einen Generalstreik in
20110305             Der Haushalt, den der GOUVERNEUR—VON—WISCONSIN —AM—DIENSTAG vorgelegt hat, schockiert und empört die Arbeiter im ganzen USA—BUNDESSTAAT.
20110305             —JETZT ist hunderttausenden Arbeitern und ihren Familien klargeworden,
20110305             dass ihr Lebensstandard drastisch gesenkt, entscheidende soziale Dienste und Leistungen zerschlagen und sie ihrer demokratischen Rechte beraubt werden sollen.
20110305             "All signs point to much stronger hiring," MARK—ZANDI, MOODY—ANALYTICS—CHIEF—ECONOMIST, told THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS.
20110305             "I think we finally have 1—PRESCRIPTION for 1—BETTER—JOB—MARKET".
20110305             Gleichzeitig verlegte das Pentagon Kriegsschiffe und Militärflugzeuge in Richtung des nordafrikanischen Landes.
20110305             Dieselbe Debatte wie in WASHINGTON findet auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks unter den europäischen Mächten statt,
20110305             die Teile ihrer eigenen Streitkräfte in der Region stationiert haben.
20110305             Berliner Regierungsberater fordern eine öffentliche Debatte über die fortwährenden Rechtsbrüche im Rahmen des sogenannten ANTI—TERROR—KRIEGES.
20110305             Es bestehe kein Zweifel, dass die Verschleppung von Gefangenen, die Erstellung von Todeslisten sowie weitere —HEUTE noch praktizierte Maßnahmen westlicher Geheimdienste und Streitkräfte internationales Recht brächen,
20110305             heißt es in einer jüngst publizierten STUDIE—DER—STIFTUNG—WISSENSCHAFT und Politik (SWP).
20110305             Berichte über antiamerikanische Proteste —NACH—DEN letzten Tötungen in Kunar GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS gab —HEUTE bekannt,
20110305             dass die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA den gestrigen Luftüberfall in der AFGHANISCHEN—PROVINZ Kunar "zutiefst bedauern," bei dem 9—KINDER getötet wurden, die Brennholz sammelten.
20110305             —ENTSCHEIDET, Das Ausgang dieses Dramas, sich im Königreich des Öls
20110305             befürchtet, dass SAUDI—ARABIENS Königshaus mit allen Mitteln versuchen wird, die Demokratisierung anderer arabischer Staaten zu verhindern.
20110305             Iraker begehren auf - In der arabischen Welt brodelt es.
20110305             Ignoriert vom Gros der westlichen Medien hat sich auch im IRAK in den vergangenen —WOCHEN eine massive Protestbewegung ausgebreitet.
20110305             Im Unterschied zu den Demonstrationen in anderen arabischen Ländern wird darüber hierzulande kaum berichtet — vielleicht weil so mancher ernsthaft glaubt,
20110305             das Zweistromland ist —SEIT dem Sturz SADDAM—HUSSEINS 20030000             "befreit"?
20110305             Wie Mannings Anwalt DAVID—COOMBS in seinem Blog mitteilt, wurde Manning vergangene —NACHT gezwungen,
20110305             vollkommen nackt in seiner Zelle auszuharren.
20110305             —MORGENS habe er dann,
20110305             immer noch nackt, vor seiner Zelle antreten müssen, bevor man ihm seine Kleidung zurückgegeben habe.
20110305             —NACHDEM—AM—MITTWOCH ein 21jähriger Kosovare am Flughafen FRANKFURT am Main 2—USA—SOLDATEN erschossen und 2—WEITERE verletzt hatte,
20110305             werden Stimmen laut, die einen konsequenter geführten Kampf gegen Hassprediger im INTERNET fordern.
20110305             RAINER—WENDT, CHEF—DER—GDP: "Wir brauchen mindestens 2.000—SPEZIELL—AUSGEBILDETE—FAHNDER,
20110305             die im INTERNET verdachtsunabhängig auf Streife gehen.
20110305             Auslieferung: Assange legt Berufung ein
20110305             Das teilte sein Anwaltsteam am heutigen —DONNERSTAG mit.
20110305             Für aufmerksame Prozessbeobachter kommt dieser Schritt alles andere als unerwartet.
20110305             —AKZEPTIERT, GADDAFI, Vermittlungskommission
20110305             GADDAFI habe zudem die Entsendung einer DELEGATION—DER—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN nach LIBYEN befürwortet,
20110305             sagte Chávez —AM—DONNERSTAG bei einem Treffen der VENEZOLANISCHEN—SOZIALISTISCHEN Einheitspartei
20110305             Government claims technology will ease transport congestion,
20110305             but experts warn it could be used to control dissent...
20110305             Hungry planet: Food Prices Rise To Record
20110305             —JUMPED, Food prices, to 1—RECORD—HIGH and will be made worse by the recent jump in global oil prices.
20110305             LIBYEN und Imperialismus
20110305             Von allen Kämpfen, die in Nordafrika und LIBYEN —JETZT ablaufen, ist der am schwierigsten zu duchschauende derjenige in LIBYEN.
20110305             Was ist der Charakter der Opposition zu dem GADDAFI Regime,
20110305             die Berichten zufolge —JETZT die östliche Stadt BENGHAZI kontrolliert?
20110305             Ist es nur 1—ZUFALL, dass die Rebellion in BENGHAZI begann, die nördlich von LIBYENs größten Erdölfeldern liegt und nahe der meisten GAS—UND Ölpipelines,
20110305             Raffinerien und seinem LNG Hafen?
20110305             Gibt es einen Teilungsplan für das Land?
20110305             Welches Risiko gibt es durch eine imperilistische Militärintervention,
20110305             die eine ernste Gefahr für die Völker der gesamten Region darstellt?
20110305             Lebensmittel von geklonten Tieren In der EU auf dem Markt
20110305             Das wird von einem Papier der EU—KOMMISSION für Handel bestätigt,
20110305             noch ist nicht entschieden, ob Lebensmittel von geklonten Tieren gekennzeichnet werden müssen
20110305             DEUTSCHE—KRIEGSSCHIFFE vor LIBYEN: Staatsparteien, Militär und Informationsindustrie decken Vorbereitung zum Angriffskrieg
20110305             DIE—FREGATTE—F—209—RHEINLAND—PFALZ und DIE—FREGATTE—F—123— BRANDENBURG "Richtung Mittelmeer" aus Wilhelmshaven.
20110305             RHEINLAND—PFALZ und BRANDENBURG zum "Einsatzausbildungsverband 20110000             (EAV)" und äußerte zu derem Auftrag im Mittelmeer:
20110305             "1—AUFTRAG—DES—EAV: Die praxisnahe Ausbildung der OA (Offizieranwärter)"
20110305             Poll: 57% Of Floridians Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana
20110305             ';;02;; dip' for house prices - UK house prices fell by 0.9% in ;;02;;
20110305             compared with the previous —MONTH, cancelling out 1—RISE in ;;01;;, THE—HALIFAX says.
20110305             —REQUESTED, For 20120000             , THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, $558—BILLION for THE—PENTAGON—ANNUAL "base" budget, plus 1—ADDITIONAL $118—BILLION to fund military operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20110305             Think of it as the gigantic tip of 1—HUMONGOUS—ICEBERG.
20110305             To get closer to 1—REAL—FIGURE,
20110305             it's necessary to start peeking at other PARTS—OF—THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET where so MANY—OTHER—POTS—OF—SECURITY spending are squirreled away.
20110305             —STORMED, EGYPT ian security agency
20110305             Protesters storm THE—ALEXANDRIA—HQ—OF—EGYPT ' s state security agency, with several people injured in clashes with police.
20110305             Schweigen in Damaskus - Keine Spur von Unruhe unter der SYRISCHEN—JUGEND.
20110305             1—BERICHT—DER—KNA—KORRESPONDENTIN KARIN—LEUKEFELD—WÄHREND die Jugend der arabischen Welt in Aufruhr ist,
20110305             herrscht in SYRIEN Schweigen.
20110305             Nicht 1—WORT verlor PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD zum politischen Ende seines ÄGYPTISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN Hosni Mubarak,
20110305             mit dem ihn weder politische noch persönliche Freundschaft verband.
20110305             Auch den Abgang des TUNESISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI kommentierte Assad nicht,
20110305             und bei dem Aufstand gegen Muammar AL—GADDAFI in LIBYEN geht es der Regierung offiziell nur um die Sicherheit von Zehntausenden SYRISCHEN—GASTARBEITERN.
20110305             Das "Gesicht Ägyptens, der Region und der gesamten Welt" werde sich ändern, hieß es in der staatlichen BAATH—ZEITUNG.
20110305             Auch ISRAEL werde seine Politik überdenken müssen,
20110305             weil es nach der TÜRKEI mit Mubarak einen weiteren Bündnispartner verloren habe.
20110305             Tatsächlich sprach vor wenigen —TAGEN Israels Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak erstmals wieder von Friedensgesprächen mit SYRIEN.
20110305             MEXICO soldiers on drug charges
20110305             1—MILITARY—COURT—IN—MEXICO charges 13—SOLDIERS with trafficking —AFTER arresting them allegedly carrying 1—TONNE—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE and 30kg of cocaine.
20110305             Frenetischer Empfang für Scharaf auf TAHRIR—PLATZ
20110305             Auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ in Kairo haben zehntausende Demonstranten dem neuen ÄGYPTISCHEN—INTERIMS—REGIERUNGSCHEF Essam Scharaf einen stürmischen Empfang bereitet.
20110305             —NACHDEM er zum Volk gesprochen hatte, trugen die Demonstranten Scharaf auf ihren Schultern über den Platz.
20110305             Tunesier machen weiteren Schritt zur Demokratie
20110305             Tunesiens Interimspräsident Fouad Mebazaa hat für den 24. ;;07;;
20110305             die Wahl einer verfassungsgebenden Versammlung angekündigt.
20110305             Dieses Gremium soll eine neue Verfassung ausarbeiten, um die Ordnung des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI zu ersetzen,
20110305             wie Mebazaa in einer im Fernsehen übertragenen Rede an die Nation sagte.
20110305             —POISED, BRITAIN, to send military advisers to BENGHAZI
20110305             BRITAIN is preparing to send advisers to help ANTI—GADDAFI forces in EAST—LIBY a,
20110305             it emerged as Nato commanders were instructed to draw up plans for 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—MILITARY options, including 1—NO—FLY zone.
20110305             EU 'won't change carbon target'
20110305             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION will not urge nations to set tougher climate targets despite analysis showing that it would be COST—EFFECTIVE, BBC News understands.
20110305             LIBYA removes itself from the net
20110305             As fighting inside LIBY 1—INTENSIFIES, the nation's links to THE—INTERNET appear to have been completely severed.
20110305             CBS: Wondering why drug violence in MEXICO is skyrocketing?
20110305             Because THE—USA—ATF has been secretly arming the drug cartels.
20110305             Seriously.
20110305             Don't let this slip down the memory hole, reddit! [VIDEO]
20110305             —BLAMED, USA and ISRAEL, for Stuxnet
20110305             —CREATED, ISRAEL and THE—USA, the Stuxnet worm to sabotage IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, 1—LEADING security expert has claimed.
20110305             EGYPT ' s PM vows democratic change
20110305             EGYPT ' s new PRIME—MINISTER, Essam Sharaf, pledges to meet the demands for democratic change sought by protesters, and to step down if he fails.
20110305             BUNDESKANZLERIN, Merkels Amtszeit sei die Lieferung militärischer Geländewagen,
20110305             Hubschrauber, Störsender und Kommunikationstechnik genehmigt worden JÜRGEN—GRÄSSLIN,
20110305             Bundessprecher der DEUTSCHEN—FRIEDENSGESELLSCHAFT — Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegenerInnen (DFG—VK) und VORSITZENDER—DES—RÜSTUNGSINFORMATIONSBÜROS (RIB),
20110305             hat der Bundesregierung 1—MITSCHULD an der Flucht aus LIBYEN und Unterdrückung der Demokratiebewegung gegeben.
20110305             Ok —NOW THE—MEXICO—DRUG—WAR is interesting:
20110305             MEXICO—ARMY—SOLDIERS caught transporting cocaine by the ton...
20110305             GabriellaKat submits this snippet from —YAHOO! news, writing "'YASIR—AFIFI,
20110305             20, says 1—MECHANIC doing 1—OIL—CHANGE on his car in ;;10;;
20110305             discovered the device stuck with magnets between his right rear wheel and exhaust.
20110305             They weren't sure what it was, but Afifi had the mechanic remove it and 1—FRIEND—POSTED photos of it online to see whether anyone could identify it.
20110305             —2—DAYS—LATER, Afifi says, agents wearing BULLET—PROOF vests pulled him over as he drove away from his apartment in S—JOSE,
20110305             CALIFORNIA, and demanded their property back.' —NOW he has decided to sue THE—FBI.
20110305             —COVERED, This story was also, —LAST—YEAR—WHEN he found the tracking device".
20110305             Read more of this story
20110305             —CAPTURED, LIBYA shows, HOLLAND—CREW
20110305             THE—CREW—OF—1—HOLLAND—NAVY—HELICOPTER are shown on LIBYA STATE—TV—AFTER being captured —WHILE attempting 1—EVACUATION.
20110305             Forces 'fire on YEMEN protesters'
20110305             —ARMED, Shia rebels in NORTH—YEMEN say, forces have fired on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, leaving 2—PEOPLE killed and at least 7 injured.
20110305             New TEXAS bills would ban TSA Body Scanners, reject searches without probable cause.
20110305             Felony charges for TSA agents.
20110305             Forget WISCONSIN for —1—MINUTE.
20110305             The entire teaching force was —JUST FIRED in PROVIDENCE, RI!
20110305             Secret Space Plane Headed Back Into Orbit-
20110305             —HEADED, DAVID—AXE—THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—MOST mysterious spacecraft is, back into orbit —AFTER a —4—MONTH hiatus.
20110305             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—FLORIDA —ON—THURSDAY refused to order THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION to stop implementing its FAR—REACHING healthcare law,
20110305             1—SMALL—VICTORY for PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA in his HIGH—STAKES—EFFORT to overhaul THE—USA—HEALTHCARE system.
20110305             Republican Pollster: GOP Is Jumping Off 1—CLIFF, Chased By Tea Party
20110305             Most Americans — including independents — don't want spending cuts.
20110305             In 1—POWERFUL ruling for government transparency and accountability,
20110305             WISCONSIN Effect: WALKER—UNION—WAR and 20120000             —THE—BALLOT
20110305             WORLD—1. artificial partial lung transplant 'a success'
20110305             The world's 1. artificial partial lung transplant carried out on a —78—YEAR—OLD—PATIENT with lung cancer has been declared 1—SUCCESS,
20110305             2 and 1—HALF—YEARS—AFTER the operation took place.
20110305             Fox blames Obama for oil subsidies...even though he proposed to end those subsidies —LAST—MONTH...and then GOP voted to protect them.
20110305             "Documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) suggest that THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY has signed contracts for the development of MOBILE and static systems that can be used scan pedestrians and people at rail and bus stations and special event venues — apparently at times without their knowledge.
20110305             Under consideration: 1—INTELLIGENT—PEDESTRIAN—SURVEILLANCE platform;
20110305             an X—RAY—BACKSCATTER system that could detect concealed metallic and HIGH—DENSITY—PLASTIC—OBJECTS on people from up to 10—METERS away;
20110305             1—WALK—THROUGH X—RAY screening system that could be deployed at entrances to special events or other POINTS—OF—INTEREST,
20110305             which could be installed in corridors and likely scan people walking through it without them knowing it, EPIC said".
20110305             —FOR—MONTHS, Republicans have relentlessly promoted the Tea PARTY—DRIVEN message that the government spends too much,
20110305             and that social welfare programs should be 1. on the chopping block.
20110305             "To not address - But 1—COMPREHENSIVE—NEW—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—NBC News poll
20110305             suggests Republicans significantly overestimated the public's eagerness to tackle THE—FEDERAL—DEFICIT by cutting programs like Medicare,
20110305             Medicaid, and Social Security.
20110305             —REFLECTED, As, in the growing " Main Street Movement,
20110305             " the poll, released —YESTERDAY, found sizable majorities of Americans prefer steps like eliminating oil company subsidies, enacting 1—SURTAX on the income of millionaires, and rolling back THE—BUSH cuts.
20110305             —FAVORED, Additionally, only 22—PERCENT of respondents, cuts to Social Security (with 77—PERCENT finding it unacceptable).
20110305             —OPPOSED, Majorities also
20110305             reducing funding for K through 12—EDUCATION, unemployment insurance, and Planned Parenthood.
20110305             (House Republicans already pushed through
20110305             1—EFFORT to defund Panned Parenthood, claiming Americans supported their efforts.)
20110305             Reacting to the results, 1—GOP pollster told NBC—1.—READ that Republicans may have gravely miscalculated in their headlong rush slash spending,
20110305             as demanded by the Tea Party.
20110305             "It may be hard to understand why 1—PERSON might jump off 1—CLIFF, unless you understand they're being chased by 1—TIGER. That tiger is the Tea Party," he said.
20110305             TUNISIA PRESIDENT calls election
20110305             TUNISIA—INTERIM—PRESIDENT—FOUAD—MEBAZAA says elections for 1—ASSEMBLY to rewrite the constitution will take place by 24 ;;07;;.
20110305             Parteispenden von EADS, PHILIP—MORRIS und KRAUSS—MAFFEI:
20110305             BUNDESTAG lüftet Geheimnis nach mehr als einem —JAHR
20110305             Etliche Millionen Euro sind den Parteien im Superwahljahr 20090000             in die Kassen geflossen,
20110305             doch von wem, das war —BIS—JETZT ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis.
20110305             —DIESER—TAGE hat Bundestagspräsident NORBERT—LAMMERT die Rechenschaftsberichte der Parteien heimlich,
20110305             —STILL und leise ins Netz gestellt, und so lässt sich endlich die Frage beantworten:
20110305             Welches Unternehmen, welcher Verband, welche Privatperson ist CDU,
20110305             CSU, SPD, FDP, Grüne und Linke so verbunden, dass sie sie 20090000             mit einer Großspende bedachte? [..]
20110305             BRAZIL court gives dam GO—AHEAD
20110305             1—CONTROVERSIAL—PROJECT to build 1—HUGE—DAM in BRAZIL—AMAZON rainforest is approved by 1—COURT, overturning 1—EARLIER ruling.
20110305             - 63—PERCENT of Americans across party lines " want the government to be doing more than it's currently doing" to hold polluters accountable.
20110305             - Nearly 7 in 10 "believe that EPA scientists, rather than Congress, should set pollution standards.
20110305             To be fair, Scott is not the 1.
20110305             —GEMELDET, Trotz Verbot: 90—HEKTAR Genmais
20110305             —OILED, NOBODY—GOING to shed 1—TEAR for 1, microbe, but the Deepwater HORIZON—IMPACTS include bacteria,
20110305             underscoring —JUST how subtle and fundamental the blowout's ecological consequences may be.
20110305             MAGHREB—MONOPOLY: Warum ist HUGO—CHÁVEZ nicht gegen
20110305             Die Länder des Südens nehmen eine strategische Position ein.
20110305             Ihr Ziel ist es, 1—MILITÄRINVASION—DER—USA zu verhindern. ie Haltung des VENEZOLANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN HUGO—CHÁVEZ und auch die seiner Amtskollegen aus KUBA und NICARAGUA im Fall LIBYEN ist auf den 1. Blick schwer nachzuvollziehen.
20110305             Warum, so fragt sich die halbe Welt, sind die Lateinamerikaner nicht gegen GADDAFI?
20110305             Mittlerweile scheint klar zu sein, so Politikwissenschaftler und Berliner GAZETTE—AUTOR—DARIO—AZZELLINI,
20110305             dass es sich hier um eine strategische Position handelt:
20110305             Es gilt 1—MILITÄRINVASION—DER—USA zu verhindern.
20110305             —INTRODUCED, REPRESENTATIVE—FRED—UPTON (R—MI) —TODAY, legislation
20110305             with SENATOR—JIM—INHOFE (R—OK) to block the Environmental Protection Agency from implementing Clean Air Act protections against global warming pollution,
20110305             1—BOON to Koch Industries
20110305             Grund dafür war Berichten der Zeitung ABC zufolge ein internationaler Haftbefehl gegen den 45-jährigen,
20110305             der in PARAGUAY unter dem Namen "THOMAS—SCHILLING" auftrat.
20110305             das sie ihm für 1—ARBEITSSTELLE im Ausland zur Verfügung gestellt hatten.
20110305             Oil nations 'must share wealth'
20110305             CITIZENS—OF—OIL producing nations must see more benefit from their country's national resources, billionaire investor GEORGE—SOROS has told THE—BBC.
20110305             Kairo/HAMBURG—DIKTATUREN und diktatorische Regime überleben nur,
20110305             wenn sie sich eines Apparates bedienen, der das Volk ausspioniert, gängelt und oppositionelle Bewegungen bei Bedarf brutal unterdrückt.
20110305             —ENTBRENNT, Wenn so 1—STAAT dann untergeht, der Kampf um jene hochbrisanten Akten,
20110305             die festhalten, wer wann welche Untaten angeordnet hat, wer verantwortlich WAR—UND wer also zur Verantwortung gezogen werden kann, später, vor Gericht.
20110305             —KILLED, INDIA manager ' by workers'
20110305             LIBYA—REBELS set out conditions - LIBYENs GADDAFI?
20110305             TRAUERFEIERN IN BENGASI - UK warns against travel to YEMEN - UM ANLEGERPANIK VORZUBEUGEN.
20110305             USA sees CHINA rebalancing trade - VERLASSENE ÖL—BÜROS IN RAS LANUF - WISCONSIN !
20110305             Tunesiens Interimspräsident Fouad Mebazaa hat für den 20110724             die Wahl einer verfassungsgebenden Versammlung angekündigt.
20110305             Bürgerkrieg in LIBYEN: Rebellen kämpfen um JEDE—STADT
20110305             Rare earth hunt leads to frontier AFRICA
20110305             AFRICA, AUSTRALIA and CANADA likely hold the key to 1—GEOPOLITICAL—BATTLE being fought to end CHINA—STRANGLEHOLD over obscure elements used to build HIGH—TECH—ITEMS from headphones to missiles.
20110305             Chavez Proposes INTERNATIONAL Mediation for Liby a
20110305             "We want 1—PEACEFUL—SOLUTION... We support peace in the Arab world and in the whole world," he said.
20110305             LIBYA leader Muammar AL—QATHAFI—SON, Seif AL—ISLAM has once again told BRITAIN—SKY—NEWS that the country's AIR—FORCE had not been used to attack civilians protesting against his father's rule, and that the attack they made at Brega, was to safeguard the town's important harbour, which is 1—1—IMPORTANT—HUB for THE—EXPORT—OF—OIL, the lifeline of all THE—LIBYA people.
20110305             —MEANWHILE, THE—LIBYA government made its 1. official reaction to sanctions announced by THE—UNITED—NATIONS in 1—LETTER by its foreign MINISTER, Mussa Kussa, calling for the travel ban and assets freeze ordered against AL—QATHAFI, his family and his close aides "to be suspended —UNTIL such time as the truth is established".
20110305             Investigate Corporations' Dirty Tricks Campaign!
20110305             —LEAKED, Shocking new, emails show big corporations, defense contractors, and corporate law firms conspiring to run a "dirty tricks" campaign against their political enemies, including WikiLeaks.
20110305             —PROPOSED, They, infiltrating groups under fake identities, smearing their reputation by planting false documents, and even hacking into their computers to try to steal information and disrupt their work.
20110305             But —WHILE WikiLeaks is the target of 1—MAJOR—GOVERNMENT—INVESTIGATION, these guys are still major government contractors!
20110305             —NOW SOME—BRAVE—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are trying to change that, demanding 1—FULL—INVESTIGATION into these potential crimes: They —JUST signed 1—LETTER urging the chairmen of several powerful Congressional committees to start holding hearings.
20110305             Can you join them?
20110305             —ABANDONED, Pushing for 1—PALESTINIAN—TAHRIR—FEELING, by their political leadership, PALESTINE—YOUTH are pushing for change.
20110305             JON—STEWART points out Faux News practicing hypocrisy in comparing the teachers in WISCONSIN and the douchebags on WALL—STREET...
20110305             SAUDI—ARABIA imposes protest ban SAUDI—ARABIA bans all protests and marches in the country and warns police will use measures to prevent disruption.
20110305             "Nicht nur EINIGE—SCHWARZE—SCHAFE" WIEN — In der Justiz gebe es "nicht nur EINIGE—SCHWARZE—SCHAFE", sondern "gewisse Schwachstellen" im System, "die es ehestens ausmerzen gilt".
20110305             Dies meint der VORSITZENDE—VON—TRANSPARENCY—INTERNATIONAL—ÖSTERREICH, FRANZ—FIEDLER, angesichts der Ermittlungen gegen 23—BEAMTE wegen des Verdachts der Weitergabe von Informationen gegen Bestechungsgeld.
20110305             In einem Untersuchungsausschuss könnte der Frage nachgegangen werden, "was systemisch in der Justiz falsch läuft", meinte Fiedler in der "ZiB 24?
20110305             ITALY PM 'to attend all trials' THE—ITALY—PRIME—MINISTER plans to attend all hearings in his upcoming trials, his lawyer says.
20110305             Banks 'put profits —BEFORE people' THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—GOVERNOR accuses banks of seeking to maximise SHORT—TERM—PROFITS at THE—EXPENSE—OF—CUSTOMERS and warns reforms must not fail.
20110305             —BERICHTET, In Bengasi sind VIELE—MENSCHEN erbost, AFP.
20110305             "Es wird noch viel Blut fließen. Wie lange wird der Westen zuschauen und nichts tun?", sagt 1—MANN in der ost liby schen Stadt.
20110305             LIBYENs Zentralbank habe die Kontrolle über Gelder aus den ROHÖLEXPORTEN—UND damit potentiell auch GADDAFI, hieß es.
20110305             Proteste in SAUDI—ARABIEN könnten schwerwiegende Folgen für die Preise auf dem Rohstoffmarkt haben, denn das OPEC—MITGLIED ist der weltweit größte Ölexporteur.
20110305             Zuletzt hatte das Land seine Förderung ausgeweitet, um Anlegerpanik vorzubeugen.
20110305             Golfregion: Proteste in OMAN erreichen Ölfördergebiet
20110305             "Sie töten Frauen und Kinder", sagt 1—AUGENZEUGE.
20110305             VIELE—BEOBACHTER heben die außergewöhnliche Motivation der Rebellen HERVOR—ZAHLREICHE Menschen in der Stadt haben zuvor erklärt, sie würden für die Freiheit "—BIS in den Tod" kämpfen.
20110305             150—LIBYEN—FLÜCHTLINGE—VON—DEUTSCHEN—SCHIFFEN aufgenommen
20110305             Sobald die Flüchtlinge auf die 3—DEUTSCHEN—SCHIFFE verteilt seien, soll der Verband Kurs auf die ÄGYPTISCHE—HAFENSTADT ALEXANDRIA nehmen.
20110305             Rebellen feiern mit Gewehrsalven in BEN—DSCHAWAD
20110305             LIBYEN—EXPERTE IBRAHIM—JIBREEL erklärt die Bedeutung der Stadt bei AL—DSCHASIRA: Zum einen sei Sawija ein wichtiger Ölhafen.
20110305             Der Revolution sführer wolle seine Kraft zeigen und demonstrieren, dass er die Stadt einnehmen KÖNNE—UND zwar mit allen Mitteln.
20110305             Die Soldaten hätten das Feuer auf Häuser eröffnet.
20110305             1—REPORTERIN—VON—SKY—NEWS berichtet, die Stadt sei etwa —10—MINUTEN mit schweren Waffen bombardiert worden.
20110305             USA—MARINESCHIFFE laufen von Stützpunkt auf Kreta aus - Muammar AL—GADDAFI zu verstärken.
20110305             Die USA und andere NATO—STAATEN ziehen —ZURZEIT starke Einheiten auf dem großen Stützpunkt im Westen Kretas zusammen.
20110305             Der Mann fordert 1—FLUGVERBOTSZONE, um weitere Angriffe der GADDAFI—TRUPPEN zu stoppen.
20110305             "Die Männer sind auf unsere Maschine zugestürmt, alle wollten mit. Glücklicherweise mussten wir niemanden zurücklassen", sagt 1—OBERSTAATSFELDWEBEL, der den Einsatz mit koordinierte.
20110305             Aufständische Truppen in BEN—DSCHAWAD
20110305             Dutzende Panzer würden das ZENTRUM—DER—STADT beschießen, erklärt 1—AUGENZEUGE—DER—BBC.
20110305             Sie kämen aus östlicher und westlicher Richtung.
20110305             Rebellen wollen BEN—DSCHAWAD einnehmen
20110305             —ZUNÄCHST war den 3—FLIEGERN Verletzung internationalen Rechts vorgeworfen worden.
20110305             Emissionshandel: Firmen sollen STAAT um 850—MILLIONEN Euro betrogen haben
20110305             Im Einsatz sei zuvor auch die berüchtigte ELITE—BRIGADE—VON—GADDAFI—SOHN Khamis gewesen.
20110305             —TRAINIERT, Zivilisten seien von desertierten Soldaten, worden, um die Stadt zu verteidigen, so Crawford: "Die Menschen haben das Gefühl, dass dies 1—KAMPF —BIS zum Tod sein wird".
20110305             —BERICHTET, AL—DSCHASIRA, 35—PANZER würden auf Sawija zurollen.
20110305             —BEREITS—IN—DER—NACHT seien allerdings Kämpfe zwischen GADDAFI—ANHÄNGERN UND—GEGNERN ausgebrochen, meldet AL—DSCHASIRA in seinem Liveblog.
20110305             —3—WOCHEN—NACH—DEM STURZ—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN—HUSNI—MUBARAK stürmten mehrere 100—DEMONSTRANTEN —IN—DER—NACHT zum —SAMSTAG das Hauptquartier der Staatssicherheit in der Hafenstadt ALEXANDRIA.
20110305             1—REUTERS—REPORTER berichtet, dass die Büros wichtiger Ölfirmen —NUN verlassen sind.
20110305             EINIGE—COMPUTER seien zwar noch angeschaltet, 1—KAFFEEMASCHINE laufe noch.
20110305             "Wir haben 1—RECHT auf diese Wagen und mehr. GADDAFI hat vom Volk gestohlen, —NUN holen sich die Menschen das zurück", sagt ein bewaffneter Plünderer dem Reporter.
20110305             Egal, ob die "X-37B" ein "machtvolles militärisches Instrument" sei oder vollkommen friedlichen Zwecken diene - "die Ungewissheit selbst könnte ein strategisches Risiko darstellen", schrieb der Rüstungsexperte DAVID—AXE auf der Website "THE—DIPLOMAT".
20110305             Letzte GRUPPE—VON—CHINESEN ausgeflogen
20110305             1—FLUGZEUG habe mehr als 300—MENSCHEN ausgeflogen, sie hätten inzwischen GUANGZHOU in Südchina erreicht.
20110305             Mysteriöses Raumschiff: USA—LUFTWAFFE schickt 2. MINI—SHUTTLE ins All
20110305             More universities in ENGLAND could be put at RISK—OF—BANKRUPTCY as 1—RESULT—OF—CUTS and changes to funding, the National Audit Office has warned.
20110305             Ist es doch AUFGABE—DES—BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHTS, das Volk vor der Regierung zu schützen.
20110305             10. GINGRICH SAID WE SHOULD ALLOW SOME—TERRORIST—ATTACKS—TO—REMIND—USA—OF—THE—DANGER: —DURING 1—BOOK—TOUR, Gingrich told 1—AUDIENCE in 1—SPEECH that was televised on C—SPAN that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION had been very successful at intercepting terrorists, but had not gotten credit for it, explaining that maybe we should've "
20110305             allowed 1—ATTACK to get through to remind " Americans about THE—DANGER—OF—TERRORISM.
20110305             USA—TREASURY—SECRETARY—TIMOTHY—GEITHNER says CHINA is taking steps to rebalance trade policy, though more needs to be done.
20110305             Censure call for lewd Navy videos 1—USA—NAVAL—ADMIRAL recommends the Navy censure the top OFFICERS—OF—THE—USS—ENTERPRISE over 1—SERIES—OF—LEWD videos produced on the ship.
20110305             LIBYA leader Muammar Qaddafi will be killed either by 1—OF—HIS—SONS, relatives or officers, Echorouk reported, citing Liby a's deputy director of ?military intelligence and COMMANDER—OF—THE—LIBYA—REPUBLICAN—GUARD.
20110305             Fired workers burn INDIA—EXECUTIVE to death
20110305             —DETAINED, INDIA—POLICE, 2—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—ANGRY—MOB—OF fired workers burned to death 1—SENIOR—EXECUTIVE—OF—1—STEEL—FACTORY, 1—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY.
20110305             —ATTACKED, —AFTER learning they were laid off, about 12—WORKERS, 1—VEHICLE carrying Radhey SHYAM—ROY as he was leaving the factory in EAST—ORISSA STATE—ON—THURSDAY, dousing the Jeep with gasoline and setting it on fire, said police Superintendent AJAY—KUMAR—SARANGI.
20110305             Contemplating Financial Trading At Picosecond Resolution
20110305             " 1—COMPLAINT made of the modern stock market is that it is concerned too much on the short term. A 2. is 1—LONG—TIME in CASH—EQUITIES trading. 4 or —5—YEARS—AGO, trading firms started to talk of trading speeds in terms of milliseconds. But in recent weeks trading geeks have started to talk about picoseconds, in what is 1—TRULY—MIND—BOGGLING concept: 1—PICOSECOND is 1—TRILLIONTH of a 2.. Put another way, 1—PICOSECOND is to 1 2. what 1 2. is to 31,—700—YEARS".Read more of this story LIBYA rebels set out conditions
20110305             Rebels in EAST—LIBY 1—HAVE said they will not engage in negotiations unless Col Muammar GADDAFI quits and goes into exile.
20110305             Surgeon creates new kidney on TED stage 1—SURGEON specializing in regenerative medicine —ON—THURSDAY 'printed' 1—REAL kidney using 1—MACHINE that eliminates the need for donors —WHEN it comes to organ transplants.
20110305             Republicans Believe in 'Climate Change,' But Not 'Global Warming'
20110305             A new study suggests it's all in the wording
20110305             LONDON, it will soon be illegal to: lie down on the ground, give away food or drink for free or be homelessIndia manager 'killed by workers'
20110305             "Es ist Augenwischerei zu meinen, mit Sperren würden wir Kinder besser schützen", sagte die Ministerin —AM—MITTWOCH bei einem Besuch auf dem CEBIT—STAND des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags.
20110305             Die liberale Politikerin bekräftigte ihre Unterstützung für den Ansatz "Löschen statt Sperren".
20110305             Der ÄGYPTISCHE—AUFSTAND gegen das "Regime Mubarak" sieht seine nächste Forderung erfüllt.
20110305             Seine Demission wurde von der Macht im Land, den Generälen des Militärrats (siehe auch "Meet the Generals"), angenommen und wahrscheinlich auch dur
20110305             Welche Möglichkeiten haben die USA noch?
20110305             Die wirtschaftliche Situation spitzt sich immer weiter zu, die tatsächliche Arbeitslosigkeit steigt ins Unermessliche, Armut und Elend breiten sich aus, ganze Staaten haben keine funktionierende Verwaltung mehr, der Staatshaushalt hat 1—ABLAUFZEIT und wurde nur —FÜR—14—TAGE verlängert, CHINA beginnt mehr und mehr Druck zu machen, das Abenteuer in AFGHANISTAN bekommt immer mehr Ähnlichkeit mit VIETNAM
20110305             —MISSED, News you may have, #480 (CIA edition)
20110305             Analysis: What should THE—CIA be doing in Liby a?
20110305             NASA—CLIMATE—TRACKING—GLORY—SATELLITE—FAILS to Reach ORBIT—MARK—BROWN - The rocket carrying NASA—GLORY satellite, 1—OBSERVATION spacecraft designed to study the effect atmospheric particles have on the planet's climate, fails to reach orbit —AFTER 1—ENGINEERING glitch affects its nose cap.
20110305             Für einen Generalstreik in WISCONSIN ! Walker muss abtreten!
20110305             —JETZT ist hunderttausenden Arbeitern und ihren Familien klargeworden, dass ihr Lebensstandard drastisch gesenkt, entscheidende soziale Dienste und Leistungen zerschlagen und sie ihrer demokratischen Rechte beraubt werden sollen.
20110305             USA—UNEMPLOYMENT rate dips to 8.9%, the lowest in nearly —2—YEARS
20110305             Regierungen in USA und EUROPA erwägen Militärintervention in LIBYEN
20110305             Spitzenbeamte der OBAMA—REGIERUNG und des Kongresses sprachen bei Anhörungen —AM—DIENSTAG und —MITTWOCH und in Erklärungen an die Medien offen über die Aussichten einer USA—MILITÄRINTERVENTION in LIBYEN.
20110305             Dieselbe Debatte wie in WASHINGTON findet auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks unter den europäischen Mächten statt, die Teile ihrer eigenen Streitkräfte in der Region stationiert haben.
20110305             An den GRENZEN—DES—RECHTSSTAATS
20110305             Es bestehe kein Zweifel, dass die Verschleppung von Gefangenen, die Erstellung von Todeslisten sowie weitere —HEUTE noch praktizierte Maßnahmen westlicher Geheimdienste und Streitkräfte internationales Recht brächen, heißt es in einer jüngst publizierten STUDIE—DER—STIFTUNG—WISSENSCHAFT und Politik (SWP).
20110305             Die EU manövriere mit ihrer Beteiligung "an den GRENZEN—DER—RECHTSSTAATLICHKEIT".
20110305             Ein solches Vorgehen sei auf längere Sicht "nicht durchzuhalten, ohne dass der Rechtsstaat selbst Schaden nimmt".
20110305             Petraeus entschuldigt sich für die Tötung von 9—AFGHANISCHEN—KINDERN
20110305             Berichte über antiamerikanische Proteste —NACH—DEN letzten Tötungen in Kunar GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS gab —HEUTE bekannt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA den gestrigen Luftüberfall in der AFGHANISCHEN—PROVINZ Kunar "zutiefst bedauern," bei dem 9—KINDER getötet wurden, die Brennholz sammelten.
20110305             ROBERT—FISK, der NAH—OST—KORRESPONDENT der BRITISCHEN—ZEITUNG THE—INDIPENDENT, befürchtet, dass SAUDI—ARABIENS Königshaus mit allen Mitteln versuchen wird, die Demokratisierung anderer arabischer Staaten zu verhindern.
20110305             In der arabischen Welt brodelt es.
20110305             Im Unterschied zu den Demonstrationen in anderen arabischen Ländern wird darüber hierzulande kaum berichtet — vielleicht weil so mancher ernsthaft glaubt, das Zweistromland ist —SEIT dem Sturz SADDAM—HUSSEINS 20030000             "befreit"?
20110305             BRADLEY—MANNING: Haftbedingungen verschlechtern sich weiter
20110305             Die Haftbedingungen des USA—SOLDATEN und mutmaßlichen Whistleblowers BRADLEY—MANNING werden offenbar weiter verschärft.
20110305             Wie Mannings Anwalt DAVID—COOMBS in seinem Blog mitteilt, wurde Manning vergangene —NACHT gezwungen, vollkommen nackt in seiner Zelle auszuharren.
20110305             —MORGENS habe er dann, immer noch nackt, vor seiner Zelle antreten müssen, bevor man ihm seine Kleidung zurückgegeben habe.
20110305             2.000—INTERNET—JÄGER gefordert
20110305             —NACHDEM—AM—MITTWOCH ein 21jähriger Kosovare am Flughafen FRANKFURT am Main 2—USA—SOLDATEN erschossen und 2—WEITERE verletzt hatte, werden Stimmen laut, die einen konsequenter geführten Kampf gegen Hassprediger im INTERNET fordern.
20110305             RAINER—WENDT, CHEF—DER—GDP: "Wir brauchen mindestens 20000000             speziell ausgebildete Fahnder, die im INTERNET verdachtsunabhängig auf Streife gehen.
20110305             JULIAN—ASSANGE hat gegen die Gerichtsentscheidung, ihn an SCHWEDEN auszuliefern — wo gegen ihn wegen mutmaßlicher Sexualverbrechen ermittelt wird — Berufung eingelegt.
20110305             LIBYENs STAATSCHEF—MUAMMAR—AL—GADDAFI hat nach Worten von Venezuelas STAATSCHEF—HUGO—CHÁVEZ den Vorschlag für eine internationale Vermittlungskommission akzeptiert.
20110305             GADDAFI habe zudem die Entsendung einer DELEGATION—DER—VEREINTEN—NATIONEN nach LIBYEN befürwortet, sagte Chávez —AM—DONNERSTAG bei einem Treffen der VENEZOLANISCHEN—SOZIALISTISCHEN Einheitspartei
20110305             CHINA Plans to Track BEIJING Citizens Through Their Mobiles
20110305             Government claims technology will ease transport congestion, but experts warn it could be used to control dissent...
20110305             —JUMPED, Hungry planet: Food Prices Rise To Record Food prices, to 1—RECORD—HIGH and will be made worse by the recent jump in global oil prices.
20110305             Was ist der Charakter der Opposition zu dem GADDAFI Regime, die Berichten zufolge —JETZT die östliche Stadt BENGHAZI kontrolliert?
20110305             Ist es nur 1—ZUFALL, dass die Rebellion in BENGHAZI begann, die nördlich von LIBYENs größten Erdölfeldern liegt und nahe der meisten GAS—UND Ölpipelines, Raffinerien und seinem LNG Hafen?
20110305             Welches Risiko gibt es durch eine imperilistische Militärintervention, die eine ernste Gefahr für die Völker der gesamten Region darstellt?
20110305             Das wird von einem Papier der EU—KOMMISSION für Handel bestätigt, noch ist nicht entschieden, ob Lebensmittel von geklonten Tieren gekennzeichnet werden müssen
20110305             CHINA plans to float currency by end of 20110000             — WELT ONLINE [DE]
20110305             Source: Crisis_Manager's BOOKMARKS—CRISIS_Manager
20110305             As 1—DIRECT—ATTACK on the Dollar, CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK stated that all foreign trade will be performed by quoting in Yuan by end of 20110000            .
20110305             Alle 3—SCHIFFE gehören zur Einsatzflottille 2, deren Standorthafen und Einsatzstab sich in Wilhelmshaven befindet.
20110305             1—BIG—MAJORITY—OF—FLORIDA residents support the legalization of medical marijuana, according to 1—NEW—SURVEY from 1—REPUBLICAN pollster.
20110305             According to the poll, 57—PERCENT of Floridians would back such 1—MOVE.
20110305             'February dip' for house prices UK house prices fell by 0.9% in February compared with the previous —MONTH, cancelling out 1—RISE in January, THE—HALIFAX says.
20110305             1.2—TRILLION Dollar for national security?
20110305             At $676—BILLION, that's already nothing to sneeze at, but it's —JUST the barest of beginnings —WHEN it comes to what USA—TAXPAYERS will actually spend on national security.
20110305             To get closer to 1—REAL—FIGURE, it's necessary to start peeking at other PARTS—OF—THE—FEDERAL—BUDGET where so MANY—OTHER—POTS—OF—SECURITY spending are squirreled away.
20110305             —STORMED, EGYPT ian security agency, Protesters storm THE—ALEXANDRIA—HQ—OF—EGYPT ' s state security agency, with several people injured in clashes with police.
20110305             Keine Spur von Unruhe unter der SYRISCHEN—JUGEND.
20110305             1—BERICHT—DER—KNA—KORRESPONDENTIN—KARIN—LEUKEFELD—WÄHREND die Jugend der arabischen Welt in Aufruhr ist, herrscht in SYRIEN Schweigen.
20110305             Nicht 1—WORT verlor PRÄSIDENT—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD zum politischen Ende seines ÄGYPTISCHEN—AMTSKOLLEGEN Hosni Mubarak, mit dem ihn weder politische noch persönliche Freundschaft verband.
20110305             Auch den Abgang des TUNESISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI kommentierte Assad nicht, und bei dem Aufstand gegen Muammar AL—GADDAFI in LIBYEN geht es der Regierung offiziell nur um die Sicherheit von Zehntausenden SYRISCHEN—GASTARBEITERN.
20110305             Die Medien in Damaskus hingegen feierten den Sturz des "Pharao".
20110305             Auch ISRAEL werde seine Politik überdenken müssen, weil es nach der TÜRKEI mit Mubarak einen weiteren Bündnispartner verloren habe.
20110305             MEXICO soldiers on drug charges 1—MILITARY—COURT—IN—MEXICO charges 13—SOLDIERS with trafficking —AFTER arresting them allegedly carrying 1—TONNE—OF—METHAMPHETAMINE and 30kg of cocaine.
20110305             Der studierte Ingenieur hielt seine 1. Ansprache im symbolischen ZENTRUM—DES—AUFSTANDES gegen das Regime von PRÄSIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110305             —GESPROCHEN, —NACHDEM er zum Volk, hatte, trugen die Demonstranten Scharaf auf ihren Schultern über den Platz.
20110305             Dieses Gremium soll eine neue Verfassung ausarbeiten, um die Ordnung des gestürzten Präsidenten Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI zu ersetzen, wie Mebazaa in einer im Fernsehen übertragenen Rede an die Nation sagte.
20110305             ATF Agent Admits To Reporter That He Was Ordered To Let Guns Cross Into MEXICO On Orders From THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT.
20110305             BRITAIN is preparing to send advisers to help ANTI—GADDAFI forces in EAST—LIBY a, it emerged as Nato commanders were instructed to draw up plans for 1—WIDE—RANGE—OF—MILITARY options, including 1—NO—FLY zone.
20110305             EU 'won't change carbon target' THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION will not urge nations to set tougher climate targets despite analysis showing that it would be COST—EFFECTIVE, BBC News understands.
20110305             Liby 1—REMOVES itself from the net As fighting inside Liby 1—INTENSIFIES, the nation's links to THE—INTERNET appear to have been completely severed.
20110305             —BLAMED, USA and ISRAEL, for Stuxnet ISRAEL and THE—USA—CREATED—THE—STUXNET worm to sabotage IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME, 1—LEADING security expert has claimed.
20110305             EGYPT ' s PM vows democratic change EGYPT ' s new PRIME—MINISTER, Essam Sharaf, pledges to meet the demands for democratic change sought by protesters, and to step down if he fails.
20110305             JUDGE—ALLOWS—SONY to Unmask Anybody Who Visited GeoHot Site
20110305             1—FEDERAL—MAGISTRATE is granting Sony the right to acquire THE—INTERNET—IP addresses of anybody who has visited PlayStation 3—HACKER GEORGE—HOTZ' website
20110305             Kritik an mutmaßlichem G36-Export nach LIBYEN
20110305             BUNDESKANZLERIN, Merkels Amtszeit sei die Lieferung militärischer Geländewagen, Hubschrauber, Störsender und Kommunikationstechnik genehmigt worden JÜRGEN—GRÄSSLIN, Bundessprecher der DEUTSCHEN—FRIEDENSGESELLSCHAFT — Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegenerInnen (DFG—VK) und VORSITZENDER—DES—RÜSTUNGSINFORMATIONSBÜROS (RIB), hat der Bundesregierung 1—MITSCHULD an der Flucht aus LIBYEN und Unterdrückung der Demokratiebewegung gegeben.
20110305             Ok —NOW THE—MEXICO—DRUG—WAR is interesting: MEXICO—ARMY—SOLDIERS caught transporting cocaine by the ton...
20110305             Student Sues FBI For Planting GPS Tracker
20110305             GabriellaKat submits this snippet from Yahoo!
20110305             news, writing "'YASIR—AFIFI, 20, says 1—MECHANIC doing 1—OIL—CHANGE on his car in October discovered the device stuck with magnets between his right rear wheel and exhaust. They weren't sure what it was, but Afifi had the mechanic remove it and 1—FRIEND—POSTED photos of it online to see whether anyone could identify it. —2—DAYS—LATER, Afifi says, agents wearing BULLET—PROOF vests pulled him over as he drove away from his apartment in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, and demanded their property back.' —NOW he has decided to sue THE—FBI. This story was also covered —LAST—YEAR—WHEN he found the tracking device".
20110305             —CAPTURED, Liby 1—SHOWS, HOLLAND—CREW—THE—CREW—OF—1—HOLLAND—NAVY—HELICOPTER are shown on LIBYA STATE—TV—AFTER being captured —WHILE attempting 1—EVACUATION.
20110305             Forces 'fire on YEMEN protesters' Shia rebels in NORTH—YEMEN say armed forces have fired on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS, leaving 2—PEOPLE killed and at least 7 injured.
20110305             30,000,000 are losing their homes, 50,000,000 have no health care, but we have another 100—BILLION $ for War.
20110305             How do we support the troops? We support them by bringing them home — DENNIS—KUCINICH
20110305             THE—IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT, Laurent Gbagbo, has cut off electricity and water supplies to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE in THE—NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY "for political reasons", THE—UN has said.
20110305             Secret Space Plane Headed Back Into ORBIT—DAVID—AXE —THE—USA—AIR—FORCE—MOST mysterious spacecraft is headed back into orbit —AFTER a —4—MONTH hiatus.
20110305             The military still won't say what it's doing up there.
20110305             FLORIDA judge refuses to halt new healthcare law
20110305             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—IN—FLORIDA —ON—THURSDAY refused to order THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION to stop implementing its FAR—REACHING healthcare law, 1—SMALL—VICTORY for PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA in his HIGH—STAKES—EFFORT to overhaul THE—USA—HEALTHCARE system.
20110305             Republican Pollster: GOP Is Jumping Off 1—CLIFF, Chased By Tea Party Most Americans — including independents — don't want spending cuts.
20110305             THE—GOP—AGENDA is appealing to its FAR—RIGHT—BASE, not THE—USA—MAINSTREAM.
20110305             In 1—POWERFUL ruling for government transparency and accountability, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—REJECTED—SO—CALLED—PRIVACY—PROTECTIONS for corporate entities under THE—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—ACT (FOIA).
20110305             Republican GOVERNOR—SCOTT—WALKER—WAR on the public unions in WISCONSIN could change the game across THE—USA in 2012
20110305             WORLD—1. artificial partial lung transplant 'a success' The world's 1. artificial partial lung transplant carried out on a —78—YEAR—OLD—PATIENT with lung cancer has been declared 1—SUCCESS, 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS—AFTER the operation took place.
20110305             DHS Eyes Covert Body Scans
20110305             "Documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) suggest that THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY has signed contracts for the development of MOBILE and static systems that can be used scan pedestrians and people at rail and bus stations and special event venues — apparently at times without their knowledge. Under consideration: 1—INTELLIGENT—PEDESTRIAN—SURVEILLANCE—PLATFORM; an X—RAY—BACKSCATTER system that could detect concealed metallic and HIGH—DENSITY—PLASTIC—OBJECTS on people from up to 10—METERS away; 1—WALK—THROUGH X—RAY screening system that could be deployed at entrances to special events or other POINTS—OF—INTEREST, which could be installed in corridors and likely scan people walking through it without them knowing it, EPIC said".
20110305             —PROMOTED, —FOR—MONTHS, Republicans have relentlessly, the Tea PARTY—DRIVEN message that the government spends too much, and that social welfare programs should be 1. on the chopping block.
20110305             "To not address entitlement programs, as is the case with the budget THE—PRESIDENT has put forward, would be 1—ECONOMIC and moral failure," House Speaker JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OH) declared.
20110305             But 1—COMPREHENSIVE—NEW—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—NBC News poll suggests Republicans significantly overestimated the public's eagerness to tackle THE—FEDERAL—DEFICIT by cutting programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
20110305             —REFLECTED, As, in the growing "Main Street Movement," the poll, released —YESTERDAY, found sizable majorities of Americans prefer steps like eliminating oil company subsidies, enacting 1—SURTAX on the income of millionaires, and rolling back the Bush cuts.
20110305             Only 23—PERCENT think it's acceptable to, for example, make cuts to Medicare, —WHILE 81—PERCENT favor instituting 1—MILLIONAIRE—SURTAX:
20110305             —OPPOSED, Majorities also, reducing funding for K through 12—EDUCATION, unemployment insurance, and Planned Parenthood.
20110305             (House Republicans already pushed through 1—EFFORT to defund Panned Parenthood, claiming Americans supported their efforts.)
20110305             Reacting to the results, 1—GOP pollster
20110305             told NBC—1.—READ that Republicans may have gravely miscalculated in their headlong rush slash spending, as demanded by the Tea Party.
20110305             Parteispenden von EADS, PHILIP—MORRIS und KRAUSS—MAFFEI: BUNDESTAG lüftet Geheimnis nach mehr als einem —JAHR
20110305             Etliche Millionen Euro sind den Parteien im Superwahljahr 20090000             in die Kassen geflossen, doch von wem, das war —BIS—JETZT ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis.
20110305             —DIESER—TAGE hat Bundestagspräsident NORBERT—LAMMERT die Rechenschaftsberichte der Parteien heimlich, still und leise ins Netz gestellt, und so lässt sich endlich die Frage beantworten: Welches Unternehmen, welcher Verband, welche Privatperson ist CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP, Grüne und Linke so verbunden, dass sie sie 20090000             mit einer Großspende bedachte? [..]
20110305             BRAZIL court gives dam GO—AHEAD 1—CONTROVERSIAL—PROJECT to build 1—HUGE—DAM in BRAZIL—AMAZON rainforest is approved by 1—COURT, overturning 1—EARLIER ruling.
20110305             2—OF—EVERY 3—AMERICANS—OPPOSE GINGRICH—PLAN to abolish THE—EPA.
20110305             - 63—PERCENT of Americans
20110305             across party lines " want the government to be doing more than it's currently doing" to hold polluters accountable.
20110305             Trotz Anbauverbot für die Sorte Mon 810—IST der Landkreis Kitzingen bundesweite Hochburg für Genmais.
20110305             Knapp 90—HEKTAR (Bund: 160—HEKTAR) an 15—STANDORTEN stehen im Standortregister des Bundesamts für Verbraucherschutz.
20110305             Deepwater HORIZON—IMPACTS—FOUND in Bacteria
20110305             —OILED, NOBODY—GOING to shed 1—TEAR for 1, microbe, but the Deepwater HORIZON—IMPACTS include bacteria, underscoring —JUST how subtle and fundamental the blowout's ecological consequences may be.
20110305             MAGHREB—MONOPOLY: Warum ist HUGO—CHÁVEZ nicht gegen LIBYENs GADDAFI?
20110305             Mittlerweile scheint klar zu sein, so Politikwissenschaftler und Berliner GAZETTE—AUTOR—DARIO—AZZELLINI, dass es sich hier um eine strategische Position handelt: Es gilt 1—MILITÄRINVASION—DER—USA zu verhindern.
20110305             —INTRODUCED, REPRESENTATIVE—FRED—UPTON (R—MI) —TODAY, legislation with SENATOR—JIM—INHOFE (R—OK) to block the Environmental Protection Agency from implementing Clean Air Act protections against global warming pollution, rejecting THE—COUNSEL—OF—AMERICA—PUBLIC—HEALTH—ADVOCATES.
20110305             1—BOON to Koch Industries and the other polluters who supported his campaign, UPTON—LEGISLATION would nullify THE—EPA—SUPREME—COURT—MANDATED scientific finding that burning fossil fuels is damaging our climate system.
20110305             —JUSTIFIED, At 1—CLIMATE hearing on —THIS—WEEK—UPTON, his legislation by claiming the threat greenhouse gases pose to air quality and public health is a "myth":
20110305             So let's dispel 1—MYTH: air quality and public health will not be harmed or affected in ANY—WAY by efforts to slow and then stop EPA—EXPANSIVE global warming agenda under the Clean Air Act.
20110305             So we can stop THE—EPA from imposing cap and tax and the Clean Air Act will continue to make our families and communities healthier places.
20110305             So let's listen to the facts: this issue is not about air quality and public health, it's about jobs.
20110305             EX—DIREKTOR—DER—KOLPING—STIFTUNG in PARAGUAY festgenommen
20110305             Asunción. Sicherheitskräfte haben —AM—MONTAG den ehemaligen Generaldirektor des Berufsbildungswerkes der ADOLPH—KOLPING—STIFTUNG in PARAGUAY festgenommen.
20110305             Grund dafür war Berichten der Zeitung ABC zufolge ein internationaler Haftbefehl gegen den 45-jährigen, der in PARAGUAY unter dem Namen "THOMAS—SCHILLING" auftrat.
20110305             Oil nations 'must share wealth' CITIZENS—OF—OIL producing nations must see more benefit from their country's national resources, billionaire investor GEORGE—SOROS has told THE—BBC.
20110305             Kairo/HAMBURG—DIKTATUREN und diktatorische Regime überleben nur, wenn sie sich eines Apparates bedienen, der das Volk ausspioniert, gängelt und oppositionelle Bewegungen bei Bedarf brutal unterdrückt.
20110305             —ENTBRENNT, Wenn so 1—STAAT dann untergeht, der Kampf um jene hochbrisanten Akten, die festhalten, wer wann welche Untaten angeordnet hat, wer verantwortlich WAR—UND wer also zur Verantwortung gezogen werden kann, später, vor Gericht.
20110305             BHUBANESHWAR—INDIA AP) —
20110305             UK warns against travel to YEMEN THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE is warning Britons against all travel to YEMEN because of increasingly violent ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS there.
20110305             Dutzende Panzer würden das ZENTRUM—DER—STADT beschießen, BENGASI, sind VIELE—MENSCHEN erbost,
20110305             Dutzende Panzer würden das ZENTRUM—DER—STADT beschießen,
20110305             BENGASI, sind VIELE—MENSCHEN erbost,
20110305             Walker muss abtreten!
201103051121         Das Staatsfernsehen in Peking meldet, die letzten CHINESISCHEN—ARBEITER hätten LIBYEN sicher verlassen.
201103051237         Der Ölhafen Ras Lanuf ist mehreren Berichten zufolge in der Hand der REBELLEN—OBWOHL die GADDAFI—REGIERUNG das dementiert.
201103051303         1—EINWOHNER—VON—SAWIJA berichtet dem Sender AL—DSCHASIRA, dass die Regimegegner sich auf neue, heftige Attacken einstellen.
201103051311         Die Stadt Sirte gilt als Hochburg von MACHTHABER—MUAMMAR AL—GADDAFI.
201103051311         Die Stadt Sirte gilt als Hochburg von Machthaber Muammar AL—GADDAFI.
201103051322         Die GADDAFI—TREUEN Truppen rücken vor.
201103051329         Die GADDAFI—TRUPPEN greifen —JETZT die Stadt Sawija an, berichtet die Reporterin von Sky News, ALEX—CRAWFORD.
201103051338         —BERICHTET, AL—DSCHASIRA, aus der OST—LIBYEN—STADT Bengasi:
201103051338         —BERICHTET, AL—DSCHASIRA, aus der ostliby schen Stadt Bengasi: Dort würden zahlreiche Trauerfeiern für die Opfer abgehalten, die —AM—FREITAG bei einer Explosion auf 1—WAFFENLAGER starben.
201103051434         Trotz internationaler Sanktionen verfügt die LIBY sche Führung um Machthaber Muammar AL—GADDAFI einem Bericht zufolge nach wie vor über MILLIONEN—EINNAHMEN aus Ölexporten.
201103051453         3—NIEDERLANDE—MARINEFLIEGER, die bei einer missglückten Befreiungsaktion in LIBYEN in Gefangenschaft geraten sind, werden —JETZT der Spionage bezichtigt.
201103051453         3—NIEDERLANDE—MARINEFLIEGER, die bei einer missglückten Befreiungsaktion in LIBYEN in Gefangenschaft geraten sind,
201103051527         —BERICHTET, SPIEGEL—REPORTER CLEMENS—HÖGES, aus der Nähe von Ras Lanuf:
201103051527         —BERICHTET, SPIEGEL—REPORTER CLEMENS—HÖGES, aus der Nähe von Ras Lanuf: "Die Rebellen versuchen —JETZT, zur nächsten Stadt namens BEN—DSCHAWAD vorzustoßen. Es ist angeblich die letzte größere Stadt vor der GADDAFI—HOCHBURG Sirte. GADDAFI setzt Kampfjets ein. Hier herrscht Angst vor einer Gegenoffensive".
201103051534         Die regierungstreuen Truppen greifen die Stadt Sawija nahe Tripolis erneut an, melden Reuters und BBC.
201103051537         AL—DSCHASIRA meldet —JETZT heftige Kämpfe zwischen GADDAFI—ANHÄNGERN UND—GEGNERN in Sawija.
201103051553         Reporter melden, in die Stadt BEN—DSCHAWAD seien Truppen der Rebellen eingezogen.
201103051557         Nach Evakuierungseinsätzen in LIBYEN sind 6—TRANSALL—MASCHINEN der Bundeswehr nach DEUTSCHLAND zurückgekehrt.
201103051607         1—BEWOHNER—VON—SAWIJA berichtet von den heftigen Kämpfen in der Stadt: "Wir sehen hilflose Menschen auf dem Boden liegen. Junge Rebellen schießen von Häusern, um die Stadt zu verteidigen".
201103051607         1—BEWOHNER—VON—SAWIJA berichtet von den heftigen Kämpfen in der Stadt:
201103051612         2—SCHIFFE der USA—MARINE sind von einer Basis auf der Mittelmeerinsel Kreta GESTARTET—OFFENBAR um die militärischen Drohungen gegenüber
201103051612         2—SCHIFFE der USA—MARINE sind von einer Basis auf der Mittelmeerinsel Kreta GESTARTET—OFFENBAR um die militärischen Drohungen gegenüber Muammar AL—GADDAFI
201103051616         GADDAFI—TRUPPEN rücken in Sawija ein, meldet AFP.
201103051620         —BERICHTET, Per Telefon, 1—AUGENZEUGE namens MOHAMED—AL—DSCHASIRA von den Gefechten in Sawija:
201103051620         —BERICHTET, Per Telefon, 1—AUGENZEUGE namens MOHAMED—AL—DSCHASIRA von den Gefechten in Sawija: "Die Soldaten sind —JETZT in Zivil gekleidet. Wir können nicht mehr unterscheiden, wer zu uns gehört und wer nicht".
201103051637         Warum ist Sawija so wichtig?
201103051637         Warum ist Sawija so wichtig? LIBYEN—EXPERTE IBRAHIM—JIBREEL erklärt die Bedeutung der Stadt bei AL—DSCHASIRA:
201103051650         —BERICHTET, SPIEGEL—REPORTER CLEMENS—HÖGES, aus BEN—DSCHAWAD: "Die Stadt ist gefallen, Rebellen feiern mit den üblichen Salven aus Maschinengewehren in die Luft. Es ist kaum zu glauben, in welchem Tempo sie vorankommen. Jeden —TAG 1—STADT".
201103051704         Mehr als 150—ÄGYPTEN—FLÜCHTLINGE aus LIBYEN sind an der TUNESIEN—KÜSTE—VON—DEUTSCHEN—SCHIFFEN aufgenommen worden.
201103051710         1—AUGENZEUGE berichtet der BBC, Gaddafis Truppen hätten trotz der schweren Waffen bislang nicht den zentralen Platz von Sawija einnehmen können.
201103051819         Weder Regierungsgegner noch Regimeanhänger scheinen momentan in der Lage, die vollständige Kontrolle über das LIBYEN zu gewinnen.
20110305—19530000    —ELECTED, TIL that MOHAMMAD—MOSADDEGH was the democratically, PRIME—MINISTER—OF—IRAN who was overthrown by THE—USA—CIA for having the audacity to nationalize THE—IRAN—OIL—INDUSTRY to wrest it from the hands of the Brits and the Yanks who wanted to plunder it.
20110305—19900100    —IM, So war es in vielen Staaten Osteuropas, so war es in der DDR, als die STASI—ZENTRALE in der Berliner Normannenstraße gestürmt WURDE—UND so geschieht es —JETZT in ÄGYPTEN.
20110305—20050000    —J—IM, Laut Interpol habe Schilling in DEUTSCHLAND mehrere Menschen um ihr Geld betrogen,
20110305—20050000    —J—IM, Laut Interpol habe Schilling in DEUTSCHLAND mehrere Menschen um ihr Geld betrogen, das sie ihm für 1—ARBEITSSTELLE im Ausland zur Verfügung gestellt hatten.
20110305—20060000    —ELECTED, PRESIDENT—BONI—YAYI, 1., faced 12—OPPOSITION—CANDIDATES in his bid for a 2. term.
20110305—20110122    —AM, Die EF 2—IST an 4—INTERNATIONALEN Kriegseinsätzen beteiligt... erklärte die Marine der Bundeswehr die EF 2-Kriegsschiffe BERLIN,
20110305—20110122    —AM, Die EF 2—IST an 4—INTERNATIONALEN Kriegseinsätzen beteiligt... erklärte die Marine der Bundeswehr die EF 2-Kriegsschiffe BERLIN, RHEINLAND—PFALZ und BRANDENBURG zum "Einsatzausbildungsverband 20110000             (EAV)" und äußerte zu derem Auftrag im Mittelmeer: "1—AUFTRAG—DES—EAV: Die praxisnahe Ausbildung der OA (Offizieranwärter)"
20110305—20110215    —AM, —2—TAGE bevor der Aufstand in Liby en begann, liefen der Einsatzgruppenversorger A 14110000             BERLIN, die Fregatte F 209—RHEINLAND—PFALZ und die Fregatte F 123—BRANDENBURG "Richtung Mittelmeer" aus Wilhelmshaven aus.
20110305—20110215    —AM, —2—TAGE bevor der Aufstand in LIBYEN begann, ausliefen der Einsatzgruppenversorger A—1411—BERLIN,
20110305—20110227    —AM, Die Soldaten waren mit ihrem Hubschrauber in der liby schen Stadt Sirte gelandet, um 2—NIEDERLÄNDER auszufliegen.
20110305—20110313    —UNTIL, BENIN—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, due to take place 20110306             , was postponed.
20110305—20110724    —BY, TUNISIA PRESIDENT calls election TUNISIA—INTERIM—PRESIDENT—FOUAD—MEBAZAA says elections for 1—ASSEMBLY to rewrite the constitution will take place.
20110306             Von petrapez | 20110305             20110306             Russlands Militär: keine Bombardierung auf BENGHAZI - Von petrapez | 20110305             20110308             It last made contact the night of 20110305             and failed to arrive in port THE—NEXT—MORNING.
20120000             World Leader Circle Award der Economic Faculty Association ROTTERDAM
20120117—20120305    —ON, 2—GERMANS held hostage were released.
20120305             —CENTERED, It was, about 15—MILES—NORTH—EAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO, and was at 1—DEPTH—OF—5.5—MILES.
20120305             —RULED, THE—COLORADO—SUPREME—COURT, that THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—COLORADO overstepped its authority —WHEN the school's BOARD of regents imposed 1—BAN on the carrying of concealed weapons at its 4—CAMPUSES.
20120305             —POSED, NEW—JERSEY STATE—SENATOR—RICHARD—CODEY, as 1—HOMELESS—MAN looking for shelter.
20120305             —DENIED, He was, admission to about 25—LOCAL—SHELTERS because he was not receiving welfare or other government assistance.
20120305             Goodwill took him in, offering 1—THIN bedroll, 1—BLANKET and 1—SPOT on 1—LINOLEUM floor with 20—OTHER—MEN.
20120305             —FEATURED, He composed the popular tune, in Disney theme parks, "It's 1—SMALL—WORLD (—AFTER All)," as well as the score to "MARY—POPPINS," featuring songs such as "1—SPOONFUL—OF—SUGAR," "Chim Chim CHER—EE," and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".
20120305             AUSTRALIA, New SOUTH—WALES officials said Muslim women will have to remove veils to have their signatures officially witnessed under the latest laws giving state officials authority to look under religious and other face coverings.
20120305             —BEACHED, BRAZIL, 30, dolphins were rescued by beachgoers.
20120305             —CAPTURED, The rescue was, on video and became 1—INTERNET—SENSATION.
20120305             CANADA said it has shut its embassy in DAMASCUS and is imposing fresh sanctions on Syria, banning all dealings with THE—CENTRAL—BANK—AS—PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN to stop PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—CRACKDOWN against rebels.
20120305             —LOWERED, CHINA, its growth target to 7.5%.
20120305             CHINA said it will send 1—NEW—ENVOY to Syria and is ready to support INTERNATIONAL aid under the auspices of THE—UNITED—NATIONS or another "impartial" organization.
20120305             EGYPT, the ultra conservative Islamist party AL—NUR said Islamist MP Anwar AL—BILKIMY has been forced to resign from PARLIAMENT and from his party —AFTER claiming that he was injured in 1—CARJACKING, —WHEN he had in fact had 1—NOSE—JOB.
20120305             —SMUGGLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said THE—NUMBER—OF—WEAPONS, into EGYPT across THE—LIBYA—BORDER is on the increase, with THOUSANDS—OF—WEAPONS flooding into the country.
20120305             —EXTENDED, RESIDENTS—OF—SOUTH—EGYPT, where, families often accumulate large arsenals to protect property and settle feuds, were the main buyers.
20120305             GAMBIA—SUPREME—COURT upheld 1—REQUEST by the government to lift economic sanctions imposed on LIBYA—ASSETS —DURING the toppled REGIME—OF—MOAMER—KADHAFI.
20120305             The move restores TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS (euros) in property invested by THE—LIBYA—ARAB AFRICA—INVESTMENT—COMPANY (LAAICO) in GAMBIA to the ruling National Transitional Council in TRIPOLI.
20120305             THE—INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCE, the group representing private creditors in talks on GREECE—DEBT, said 12—BANKS, insurers and investment funds holding GREECE—BONDS will participate in 1—MASSIVE—DEBT—RELIEF—PLAN for the country.
20120305             —BANNED, INDIA—COMMERCE—MINISTRY, the export of cotton.
20120305             —DISGUISED, WEST—IRAQ, 1—GANG—OF—GUNMEN, in MILITARY—STYLE—UNIFORMS and carrying forged arrest warrants killed 27—POLICE, then hoisted THE—BATTLE—FLAG—OF—AL—QAIDA in 1—CAREFULLY planned —EARLY—MORNING shooting spree in Haditha.
20120305             3—ATTACKERS were reported killed.
20120305             JAMAICA, a —13—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, 2—ELDERLY—MEN and 3—OTHERS were killed —DURING reported shootouts between police and gunmen.
20120305             Residents of the Denham Town slum in WEST—KINGSTON blame officers for the killings and the gritty area was put under curfew amid 1—ONGOING security operation to seize illegal guns and fugitives.
20120305             —SUSPECTED, NIGERIA—TROOPS in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAIDUGURI shot dead 3, MEMBERS—OF—THE—ISLAMIST—BOKO—HARAM sect as they allegedly tried to burn down 1—SCHOOL.
20120305             —TESTED, PAKISTAN successfully, its short range, nuclear capable Abdali missile.
20120305             MOHAMMED—ABU—AWAD, —19—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PALESTINE—MAN throwing rocks at solders, had his skull smashed by 1—TEAR gas canister fired by 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER in THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—BIR—ZEIT.
20120305             ABU—AWAD was in critical condition.
20120305             —GATHERED, THOUSANDS—OF—RUSSIANS, in MOSCOW for 1—MASSIVE—RALLY to challenge PRIME—MINISTER—VLADIMIR—PUTIN—VICTORY in the presidential election.
20120305             —ARRESTED, Police at night, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS who remained on MOSCOW—PUSHKIN—SQUARE—AFTER 1—OFFICIALLY approved rally finished.
20120305             † SOMALIA, 1—BURUNDI soldier with THE—AFRICA—UNION—TROOPS was killed and another injured in MOGADISHU, —WHEN 1—BOMB they were defusing was detonated by Shebab rebels.
20120305             —ESCAPED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—MINER, from underground mine collapse at the Grootvlei mine near JOHANNESBURG and alerted police.
20120305             —KILLED, At least 20—ILLEGAL miners were, in the rockfall.
20120305             1—SEARCH was called off —AFTER—5—DAYS.
20120305             —OWNED, The mine, by PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—NEPHEW and 1—GRANDSON—OF—NELSON—MANDELA, had been officially closed but not made secure.
20120305             1—MARKETING campaign was launched by THE—UGANDA—ADVOCACY group Invisible Children ( to vastly increase awareness about JOSEPH—KONY, 1—JUNGLE militia leader wanted for atrocities by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT and hunted by 100—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—ADVISERS and local troops.
20120305             YEMEN, unknown assailants shot and wounded 1—POLICE—CHIEF traveling between ADEN and the nearby PROVINCE—OF—LAHIJ.
20120305             CANADA said it has shut its embassy in DAMASCUS and is imposing fresh sanctions on Syria,
20120305             banning all dealings with THE—CENTRAL—BANK—AS—PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN to stop PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD—CRACKDOWN against rebels.
20120305             —SMUGGLED, EGYPT—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said THE—NUMBER—OF—WEAPONS, into EGYPT across THE—LIBYA—BORDER is on the increase,
20120305             with THOUSANDS—OF—WEAPONS flooding into the country.
20120305             THE—INSTITUTE—OF—INTERNATIONAL—FINANCE, the group representing private creditors in talks on GREECE—DEBT,
20120305             said 12—BANKS, insurers and investment funds holding GREECE—BONDS will participate in 1—MASSIVE—DEBT—RELIEF—PLAN for the country.
20120305             —DISGUISED, WEST—IRAQ, 1—GANG—OF—GUNMEN, in MILITARY—STYLE—UNIFORMS and carrying forged arrest warrants killed 27—POLICE,
20120305             then hoisted the battle flag of AL—QAIDA in 1—CAREFULLY planned —EARLY—MORNING shooting spree in Haditha.
20120305             MOHAMMED—ABU—AWAD (19), a PALESTINE—MAN throwing rocks at solders,
20120305             had his skull smashed by 1—TEAR gas canister fired by 1—ISRAEL—SOLDIER in THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—BIR—ZEIT.
20120305             —WHEN 1—BOMB they were defusing was detonated by Shebab rebels.
20120305             1—MARKETING campaign was launched by THE—UGANDA—ADVOCACY group Invisible Children (www.
20120305    to vastly increase awareness about JOSEPH—KONY,
20120305             1—JUNGLE militia leader wanted for atrocities by THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT and hunted by 100—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—ADVISERS and local troops.
20120305—20130101    —FROM, SINGAPORE MINISTER—OF—STATE—FOR—MANPOWER—MINISTER—TAN—CHUAN—JIN said 1—MANDATORY—WEEKLY—REST—DAY would apply to maids whose work permits are issued or renewed.
20120305—20250000    —BY, THE—SCOTLAND—GOVERNMENT said SCOTLAND plans to fit all its existing COAL—FIRED power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology and require new coal stations to be fully equipped with CCS from THE—TURN—OF—THE—DECADE.
20130305             —PASSED, THE—PAN—STARRS comet, within 100—MILLION—MILES—OF—EARTH, its closest approach in its 1.—EVER cruise through the inner solar system.
20130305             —REACHED, THE—USA—AND—CHINA, 1—DEAL that "significantly expands" UN sanctions on NORTH—KOREA for its 3. nuclear test, eliciting 1 renewed threat by PYONGYANG to scrap 1—ARMISTICE that ended the 19500000—19530000     Korean War.
20130305             THE—S—FRANCISCO—BAY—BRIDGE lit up with 25,000 LED lights in the debut of LEO—VILLAREAL'S $8—MILLION "Bay Lights" installation.
20130305             The 1.8—MILE—LIGHT—SHOW will continue —FOR—2—YEARS.
20130305             1—AFGHANISTAN—TRIBUNAL sentenced 2—TOP—EXECUTIVES—OF—KABUL Bank, Sherkhan Farnood and Khalilullah Ferozi, to —5—YEARS in prison for misappropriating 1 combined $808—MILLION.
20130305             They were among 21—KABUL Bank and government employees found GUILTY—OF—WRONGDOING.
20130305             Frozen food maker Birds Eye said horse meat DNA found in 2—OF—ITS—PRODUCTS came from 1—IRELAND—MEAT—PROCESSOR that is PART—OF—1—OF—IRELAND—LARGEST—AGRICULTURAL—BUSINESSES.
20130305             The company said investigations had found its BELGIUM—SUPPLIER—FRIGILUNCH NV had unknowingly sourced meat with horse DNA from IRELAND—MEAT—PROCESSOR QK Meats.
20130305             —ISOLATED, BRITAIN stood, against 1—BROAD—MAJORITY—OF—EUROPEAN—UNION—COUNTRIES in refusing to back legislation that would strictly limit bankers' bonuses.
20130305             Stealth action game "Dishonored," featuring 1—MASKED—BODYGUARD—TURNED—ASSASSIN, was named best video GAME—OF—THE—YEAR at 1—AWARD—CEREMONY in LONDON.
20130305             —OPENED, CHINA, the National PEOPLE—CONGRESS, for a —12—DAY—SESSION.
20130305             Premier WEN—JIABAO and PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO will stand down at the end for incoming Premier Li Keqiang and PRESIDENT—XI—JINPING.
20130305             —PLEDGED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, to repair the country's ravaged environment and boost public services under its new leadership, 1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT that QUALITY—OF—LIFE was sidelined —DURING the outgoing administration's —DECADE—OF—BREAKNECK economic growth.
20130305             1—REVENGE attack by 1—HUAORANI war party —LATER killed 1—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE at the settlement of Taromenane.
20130305             —CONVICTED, EGYPT, 1—CAIRO court, 1—POLICE—SNIPER for attacks on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS and sentenced him to —3—YEARS in prison.
20130305             —BECAME, Police officer MAHMOUD—EL—SHENAWI, known as the "eye sniper" —AFTER he was shown in footage on social networking sites allegedly firing at protesters in THE—EGYPT—CAPITAL and aiming for their eyes.
20130305             —DECIDED, EU finance ministers, that European bankers' bonuses should be capped at 1—MEXIMUM—OF—1—TIMES—THEIR—BASE—SALARY, rising to 2—TIMES if shareholders explicitly agree.
20130305             IRAQ, 1—LOCAL—LEADER—OF—ANTI—AL—QAIDA militiamen was shot dead in WEST—BAGHDAD, 1—OF 4—PEOPLE killed in violence in the city.
20130305             KENYA, the electronic transmission system meant to collate voting results broke down —1—DAY—AFTER the elections.
20130305             —KILLED, MADAGASCAR police said 2—PROTESTERS were, in 1—RIOT at 1—PRISON in Mandritsara holding the alleged killers of FRANCE—NUN Sister MARIE—EMMANUELLE—HELESBEUX.
20130305             —UNLEASHED, MALAYSIA, airstrikes and mortar attacks on nearly 200—FILIPINOS occupying 1—BORNEO coastal village but could not declare 1—IMMEDIATE—END to a —3—WEEK—SIEGE that has turned into 1—SECURITY nightmare for both MALAYSIA and THE—PHILIPPINES.
20130305             —BOMBED, SYRIA—JETS, OPPOSITION—HELD buildings in Raqqa.
20130305             —KILLED, Activists said 16—PEOPLE were, in Raqqa, including 10—FIGHTERS who † in clashes with troops.
20130305             1—UN—AID—AGENCY canceled THE—GAZA marathon —AFTER THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY'S—MILITANT—HAMAS rulers banned women from participating in the annual sporting event.
20130305             —ANNOUNCED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, THE—DEATH—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ (19540000             *), THE—LARGER—THAN—LIFE firebrand socialist who led the nation —FOR—14—YEARS.
20130305             VICE—PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO stood as interim PRESIDENT—IN—THE—WAKE—OF—CHAVEZ—DEATH and will run as the governing party candidate in elections to be called within —30—DAYS.
20130305             —ESCAPED, ZIMBABWE, 1—MAN, from 1—LION—ATTACK on THE—SHORES—OF—LAKE—KARIBA, but the woman with him was savaged to death.
20130305             1—ARM and remains of a 2. corpse were found by rangers hunting for the lions.
20130305             —PASSED, THE—PAN—STARRS comet, within 100—MILLION—MILES—OF—EARTH,
20130305             its closest approach in its 1.—EVER cruise through the inner solar system.
20130305             —REACHED, THE—UNITED—STATES and CHINA, 1—DEAL that "significantly expands" UN sanctions on NORTH—KOREA for its 3. nuclear test,
20130305             eliciting 1 renewed threat by PYONGYANG to scrap 1—ARMISTICE that ended the 19500000—19530000     Korean War.
20130305             —PASSED, THE—DJIA, its previous ALL—TIME—HIGH—OF—14,164.53 and closed at 14,253.77.
20130305             —CONVICTED—OF, LAS—VEGAS, XIAO—YE—BAI (26), being 1—ENFORCER for 1—TAIWAN—BASED criminal gang,
20130305             1—AFGHANISTAN—TRIBUNAL sentenced 2—TOP—EXECUTIVES—OF—KABUL Bank,
20130305             Sherkhan Farnood and Khalilullah Ferozi, to —5—YEARS in prison for misappropriating 1 combined $808—MILLION.
20130305             Stealth action game "Dishonored," featuring 1—MASKED—BODYGUARD—TURNED—ASSASSIN,
20130305             was named best video GAME—OF—THE—YEAR at 1—AWARD—CEREMONY in LONDON.
20130305             —PLEDGED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, to repair the country's ravaged environment and boost public services under its new leadership,
20130305             1—ACKNOWLEDGMENT that QUALITY—OF—LIFE was sidelined —DURING the outgoing administration's —DECADE—OF—BREAKNECK economic growth.
20130305             † IN—ECUADOR—A—HUAORANI—COUPLE, including village leader Ompure, in 1—SPEARING attack.
20130305             —DECIDED, EU finance ministers, that European bankers' bonuses should be capped at 1—MEXIMUM—OF—1—TIMES—THEIR—BASE—SALARY,
20130305             rising to 2—TIMES if shareholders explicitly agree.
20130305             IRAQ, a local LEADER—OF—ANTI—AL—QAIDA militiamen was shot dead in WEST—BAGHDAD,
20130305             1—OF 4—PEOPLE killed in violence in the city.
20130305             THE—GOVERNOR—OF—RAQQA province in fierce clashes overnight.
20130305             —ANNOUNCED, VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT, THE—DEATH—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ (19540000             *),
20130305             THE—LARGER—THAN—LIFE firebrand socialist who led the nation —FOR—14—YEARS.
20130305             Es handelt sich hierbei um die mittlerweile 10. Veröffentlichung der gleichnamigen ACTION—ADVENTURE—VIDEOSPIEL—TOMB—RAIDER—REIHE.
20130305—20090700    —IN, was sentenced to life in 1—NEVADA prison without parole for murder in 1—BLOODY stabbing and slashing that left WEN—JUN—LI dead and 2—PEOPLE wounded in 1—LAS—VEGAS karaoke bar.
20130305—20090700    —CONVICTED—OF, LAS—VEGAS, XIAO—YE—BAI, —26—JAHRE—ALT, being 1—ENFORCER for 1—TAIWAN—BASED criminal gang, was sentenced to life in 1—NEVADA prison without parole for murder in 1—BLOODY stabbing and slashing that left WEN—JUN—LI dead and 2—PEOPLE wounded in 1—LAS—VEGAS karaoke bar.
20130305—20130302    —ON, Her body was found in the Mandritsara marketplace.
20140305             —UNVEILED, CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 1—AGREEMENT with ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU to boost joint projects in high technology, the environment and cybersecurity.
20140305             —FILED, Alpha Natural Resources INCORPORATED, a proposed settlement in a WEST—VIRGINIA court to pay a $27.5—MILLION—FINE and spend $200—MILLION to reduce illegal toxic discharges across 5—APPALACHIAN states.
20140305             —ISSUED, WASHINGTON state, its 1. legal marijuana business license.
20140305             334—RETAIL—LICENSES were expected to be issued STATE—WIDE.
20140305             THE—ALGERIA—ARMY shot dead 1—CIVILIAN and wounded 2—OTHERS—WHEN their car failed to stop at 1—CHECKPOINT in the Kabylie region.
20140305             —VOWED, CHINA—PRIME—MINISTER—LI—KEQIANG, to act against corruption and to declare WAR—ON—POLLUTION.
20140305             —BACKED, EcoMotors, 1—STARTUP, by BILL—GATES and Khosla Ventures, unveiled 1—JOINT—VENTURE with 1—DIVISION—OF—CHINA—FAW—GROUP to produce 100,000 new 2—STROKE—ENGINES —1—YEAR.
20140305             NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 1—FIRE on 1—PUBLIC—BUS in JILIN province left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD and 17 injured.
20140305             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP.
20140305             1—PRAGUE court ruled that 1—IRAN—NATIONAL can be extradited to face trial in THE—USA.
20140305             —PREPARED, THE—EU, a $15—BILLION aid package to UKRAINE and froze the assets of 18—PEOPLE blamed for looting the treasury of the nearly bankrupt country.
20140305             GERMANY—FINANCE—MINISTER—WOLFGANG—SCHAEUBLE said that GERMANY is ready to help UKRAINE in its difficult phase and added that this would include financial assistance.
20140305             —KILLED, INDONESIA, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—NAVY—AMMUNITION—WAREHOUSE, 1—MAN and injured more than 80—OTHER—NAVY—PERSONNEL.
20140305             —ACQUIRED, IRAN—POWERFUL—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD said it had, missiles with multiple warheads, the latest armaments advance to be claimed by the Islamic Republic.
20140305             —KILLED, IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—EXPLOSIONS, at least 24—PEOPLE.
20140305             —SEIZED, THE—ISRAEL—NAVY, 1—SHIP in the Red Sea that was carrying DOZENS—OF—ADVANCED—IRANIAN—SUPPLIED rockets made in Syria and intended for PALESTINE—GUERRILLAS in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20140305             —VOTED, MACEDONIA—LAWMAKERS, to dissolve PARLIAMENT so elections can be held —1—YEAR—AHEAD—OF—TIME—AFTER parties in the governing coalition failed to agree on 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE.
20140305             —PUSHED, THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, forward with Taliban peace negotiations, despite recent militant attacks that include 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the country's northwest that killed 6—SOLDIERS.
20140305             —SEARCHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT—FORCES, for 1—TOWN—VICE mayor —AFTER her family reported that she has been abducted outside 1—SHOPPING mall in the country's restive south.
20140305             SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES and BAHRAIN withdrew their ambassadors from QATAR in 1 unprecedented public SPLIT between Gulf Arab allies who have fallen out over THE—ROLE—OF—ISLAMISTS in 1—REGION in turmoil.
20140305             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, at least 35—PEOPLE were, —AFTER heavy fighting broke out in the Giada military barracks in JUBA, underscoring serious tensions within the national army as it battles 1—REBEL uprising.
20140305             1—SUDAN—COURT overturned 1—ORDER by state security agents which has stopped the presses at AL—TAYAR, 1—PROMINENT—DAILY—NEWSPAPER, for almost —2—YEARS.
20140305             1—JOURNALISTS' rights group said the National Intelligence and Security Service have seized the press runs of 3—OTHER—NEWSPAPERS.
20140305             —CONFIRMED, TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—ERDOGAN, the authenticity of 1—TAPE asking his THEN—JUSTICE—MINISTER—SADULLAH—ERGIN to pressure 1—COURT into convicting media mogul AYDIN—DOGAN, 1—LONG—TIME foe.
20140305             —INCLUDED, The tape, 1—SLIGHT to the country's large Alevi community.
20140305             —FOLLOWED, The tape, the publication —LAST—MONTH in local daily Taraf of internal government documents that appeared to show ANTI—ALEVI discrimination in the recruitment process for civil servants.
20140305             —EMBATTLED, UKRAINE—NEW—PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENIY—YATSENYUK said that, Crimea must remain PART—OF—UKRAINE, but may be granted more local powers.
20140305             —BACKED, EcoMotors, 1—STARTUP, by BILL—GATES and Khosla Ventures,
20140305             unveiled 1—JOINT—VENTURE with 1—DIVISION—OF—CHINA—FAW—GROUP to produce 100,000 new 2—STROKE—ENGINES —1—YEAR.
20140305             tortured him, drove him out to 1—DESERT—SPOT where the men believed the victim had hidden his money and cut off his penis.
20140305             —ACQUIRED, IRAN—POWERFUL—REVOLUTIONARY—GUARD said it had, missiles with multiple warheads,
20140305             the latest armaments advance to be claimed by the Islamic Republic.
20140305             —PUSHED, THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, forward with Taliban peace negotiations,
20140305             despite recent militant attacks that include 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the country's northwest that killed 6—SOLDIERS.
20140305             —KILLED, SOUTH—SUDAN, at least 35—PEOPLE were, —AFTER heavy fighting broke out in the Giada military barracks in JUBA,
20140305             underscoring serious tensions within the national army as it battles 1—REBEL uprising.
20140305             1—SUDAN—COURT overturned 1—ORDER by state security agents which has stopped the presses at AL—TAYAR,
20140305             1—PROMINENT—DAILY—NEWSPAPER, for almost —2—YEARS.
20140305             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—AMERICA—DRONE—ATTACK, local AL—QAIDA leader ALI—SALEH—JURAIM and 2—OTHERS—WHILE they were traveling by car in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—AL—JAWF.
20140305             Gas, Öl, Autos, Maschinen: So eng sind DEUTSCHLAND und RUSSLAND verflochten
20140305             BERLINer Flughafendesaster: Mehdorns "—MANAGEMENT by TERROR"
20140305             VOR—HERRSCHAFT—IN—SÜD—OST—ASIEN: CHINA kündigt drastische Aufrüstung an
20140305             KANADA—BEHÖRDEN schicken totem Soldaten EIN—CENT—SCHECK
20140305             Stabilitätspakt: BUNDES—REGIERUNG erkennt Exportüberschuss als Problem an
20140305             KRIM—KRISE—IM—ÜBERBLICK: BUNDESWEHRbeobachter sollen auf DIE—KRIM reisen
20140305             VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—BKA: Grüne drücken bei EDATHY—AUSSCHUSS aufs Tempo
20140305             Umfrage, Union schwächelt, Linke und AfD im Aufwind
20140305             KRIM—KRISE, NASA will weiter mit RUSSLAND zusammenarbeiten
20140305             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "Sexbesessen —BIS in die vorderste REIHE—DES—SPIELZEUGREGALS"
20140305             Tiergesänge: 1—VOGELWEIBCHEN wollte Hochzeit machen
20140305             Familie Romeike: DEUTSCHE—SCHUL—VERWEIGERER dürfen ohne Asyl in USA bleiben
20140305             ALT—BETRIEBS—SYSTEM: XP läuft NOCH—IMMER auf jedem 3. WINDOWS—RECHNER
20140305             Familienreise durch DIE—USA : "Eure Kinder sind so deutsch!"
20140305             Konjunktur: Unternehmen optimistisch wie lange nicht
20140305             —VERWÜSTET—NEW—JERSEY: GAS—EXPLOSION, Dutzende Häuser
20140305             KRIM—STATUT: Warum RUSSLAND an Sewastopol festhält
20140305             —IM, "Kleinen Prinzen"heißt es: "Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut, das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar".
20140305             Ihren statistischen Berechnungen zufolge ist es nahezu sicher, daß —SCHON die Urahninnen der heutigen Singvogelfamilien ihre Stimme ertönen ließen.
20140305             Um herauszufinden, wie lange es den Gesang der Vogelweibchen im Verlauf der EVOLUTION —BEREITS gibt, verglichen DIE—FORSCHER ihre DATEN mit 1—STAMMBAUM, in dem ALLE—BEKANNTEN—ERB—GUT—SEQUENZEN verschiedener Singvögel hinterlegt sind.
20140305             DAS—ERGEBNIS: Alle 3—RECHENMODELLE kamen zu dem Ergebnis, daß die Vorfahrenweibchen wahrscheinlich —BEREITS Lieder geträllert haben.
20140305             DIE—FORSCHER fragen sich, warum die Weibchen MANCHER—SINGVOGELARTEN ihren Gesang aufgegeben zu haben scheinen.
20140305             Doch —DER—VERTRAG sagt auch: Die inneren Angelegenheiten DER—UKRAINE sind für MOSKAU tabu.
20140305             Da spazierte in POTSDAM der greise FRIEDRICH—II—KÖNIG—VON—PREUßEN mit seinen Hunden durch den Park von Sanssouci.
20140305             LEO—TOLSTOIS "Sewastopoler Erzählungen"berichten von diesen dramatischen KÄMPFEn.
20140305             DIE—VON—RUSSEN bewohnte Flottenstadt und im RUSSISCHEN—VERSTÄNDNIS "Heldenstadt"Sewastopol hat ihre Einfügung in DIE—UKRAINE nie akzeptiert.
20140305             "über den Status und die Aufenthaltsbedingungen der Schwarzmeerflotte der RUSSISCHEN—FÖDERATION auf dem Territorium DER—UKRAINE".
20140305             —NACH—DEM VERTRAG sind die Flotteneinheiten verpflichtet: "DIE—SOUVERÄNITÄT DER—UKRAINE zu 8.",
20140305             "keine Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten DER—UKRAINE zuzulassen",
20140305             ihre dienstlichen TRANSPORT—MITTEL mit "einer Registrierungsnummer und 1—DEUTLICHEN Kennzeichen"auszuzeichnen,
20140305             Bewegungen RUSSISCHER—MILITÄR—EINHEITEN außerhalb der STATIONIERUNG—SORTE nur "nach Abstimmung mit den zuständigen Organen DER—UKRAINE"durchzuführen.
20140305             Für die Klärung von Streitfragen sieht —DER—VERTRAG 1—VON beiden Seiten gebildete "Gemischte KOMMISSION"vor.
20140305             DIE—VEREINBARUNG galt —ZUNÄCHST für —25—JAHRE.
20140305             In der Werchowna Rada kam es zu 1—SCHLÄGEREI zwischen Anhängern und Gegnern der Verlängerung des Stationierungsabkommens.
20140305             OPPOSITIONelle Abgeordnete bewarfen den PARLAMENTS—PRÄSIDENTEN mit Hühnereiern.
20140305             Unterstützt wurde die VERTRAGsverlängerung von der Partei der REGIONEN—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN—JANUKOWITSCH und der KOMMUNISTISCHE—PARTEI.
20140305             Auch 9—VON 154—ABGEORDNETEN der Partei der SPÄTER inhaftierten Julija TIMOSCHENKO votierten
20140305             "keine Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten DER—UKRAINE zuzulassen"1—SATZ der auch in DER—UNO—CHARTA in 1—ÄHNLICHEN Form gewicht hat.
20140305             Keine Einmischung in 1—INNER—STAAT—KONFLIKT.
20140305             Aber leider wird diese Bestimmung überall verletzt.
20140305             Wo nicht militärisch oder mit WAFFEN—LIEFERUNGEN Interveniert wird, versucht man mit sogenannten NGO—DIE—BESTIMMUNGEN aus zu hebeln.
20140305             [4]alles vertraglich geregelt
20140305             PUTIN hatte absolut recht. es ist alles geregelt vertraglich und er handelt danach.
20140305             EUROPA hat VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIG gehandelt mit der Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten DER—UKRAINE.
20140305             RUßLAND sollte aus diesem Grund SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—EUROPA in Betracht ziehen.
20140305             DIE—SEITEN ziehen blank, die östliche wie die westliche, und endlich kommen mal die Macharten zum Vorschein.
20140305             DER—WESTEN kann's nur noch übers GELD.
20140305             SACHEN, Diplomatie hat er sich noch nicht einmal —2—MINUTEN im Schneepflug auf den Brettern gehalten und ist GEGEN—DIE—NÄCHSTE Fichte gekracht, daß die ach, nur was!
20140305             so nadelte.
20140305             DIE—UKRAINE bezieht um die 30 % des für sie nötigen Erdgases von insgesamt 80—KM³ PRO—JAHR—VON—RUßLAND, also um die 25—KM³.
20140305             Wenn RWE sagt, es könne 10—KM³ ZU—STEUERN, fehlen noch 15, um den Wegfall von RUSSISCHEN—GAS zu kompensieren.
20140305             Wobei es aber doch auch hier nicht um 1—WEGFALL sich handeln muß, sondern vor allem einmal um keine PREIS—NACHLÄSSE mehr von 30 %.
20140305             Ob das Erdgas über den Westen bezogen —NUN billiger wird dabei als über RUßLAND bezogen, ist die Frage?
20140305             Was DIE—EU über 1—ASSOZIERUNGSABKOMMEN nicht hinbekommen hat, bekommt sie hin, indem sie Geld in DIE—UKRAINE bumst.
20140305             DIE—EU sagt sich, was WEST—DEUTSCHLAND
20140305             Im VERTRAG - Steht auch, daß DIE—RUSSEN die Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten DER—UKRAINE nicht zulassen dürfen.Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.
20140305             Ich nehme eher an wenn PUTIN sowas vorhat, dann wird er bei den Besten abkupfern: Z.B. ECUADOR 19600000             : "Um den unfolgsamen Präsidenten loszuwerden, infiltrierte DIE—CIA Parteien, GEWERKSCHAFTEN und STUDENTEN—ORGANISATIONEN, heuerte den —CHEF—DES—ECUADORIANISCHEN—POSTDIENSTES an, der —FORTAN ALLE—BRIEFE aus KUBA oder der SOVIET—UNION an den AMERIKA—GEHEIM—DIENST weiterleitete.
20140305             CIA—AGENTEN bombardierten Kirchen und Einrichtungen der politischen Rechten, um den Eindruck zu erwecken, linke EXTREMISTEN operierten im Lande.
20140305             CIA—AGENTEN organisierten Demonstrationen, trugen antiMILITARistische Banner und riefen antiMILITARistische Parolen, um DIE—MILITÄRS zu verärgern und 1—MILITÄR—PUTSCH herbeizuführen.
20140305             PUTIN muss den Realgefahren ins Auge schauen.
20140305             Das er dabei mit üblichen politischen Mitteln arbeitet, sollte kaum verwundern.
20140305             Ist halt Karma.
20140305             ökonomische und strategische Verknüpfungen können nicht einfach so gekappt werden. es geht nicht um DIE—UKRAINE sondern um geostrategische und ökonomische Verschiebung.
20140305             1—ANTIRUSSISCHE Regierung in KIEW stellt 1—ERHEBLICHE Gefahr da, zumal diese zur Zeit keine DEMOKRATEN—IST.
20140305             PUTIN ist völlig klar, wo die Drahtzieher diverser "REVOLUTIONen"sitzen, und was deren Ziel ist.
20140305             DIE—NEUEN/alten "Feinde"des Westens sind CHINA und RUSSLAND.
20140305             DIE—AKTEURE auf der anderen Seite;
20140305             Wie siehts es mit "Black Water"oder anderen USA—EINHEITEN—IN—KIEW aus?
20140305             Sind sie legitim? Was machen sie dort?
20140305             Vermitteln? Welcher internationaler VERTRAG regelt deren Einmischung in die innerukrainischen Angelegenheiten?
20140305             Der Agressor und Spalter ist hier ganz klar und deutlich zu BENENNEN—USA—REGIERUNG und deren Entourage.
20140305             —VERGESSEN, Wie gut, daß wir, - Da ist einiges interpretationswürdig.
20140305             Und man kann gewiss auch unterschiedlicher Meinung sein.
20140305             DIE—URSPRÜNGLICHEN Aggressoren waren aber jene, die aus DEM—WESTEN UKRAINErn vorgauKELTEN, sie könnten doch ohne Probleme in DIE—NATO eintreten.
20140305             DIE—WAREN es auch, die den IRAK angriffen und den dortigen Völkern Frieden und Freiheit bringen wollten.
20140305             Mit Hilfe des christlichen Gottes. Ogottogott.
20140305             —LAUT, VERTRAG können sich 25.000—RUSSLAND—SOLDATEN AUF—DER—KRIM aufhalten.
20140305             Momentan sind es an die 16.000. Wo ist Ihr Problem?
20140305             Mit ca.
20140305             50.000—USA—SOLDATEN und einigen USA—ATOMSPRENGKÖPFEN auf deutschem BODEN haben Sie doch sicherlich kein Problem oder?
20140305             (1) Die friedlichen DEMONSTRANTEN wurden von westlichen Politikern offen unterstuetzt.
20140305             1—INTERESSANTES Gespräch zwischen Ashton und PATE...
20140305             das ist 1—WAHRE Enthüllung, hören Sie mal rein:
20140305             es geht darum dass DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN und DIE—STAATLICHEN SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE auf dem Maiden aus den gleichen Waffen von den selben Schützen ermordet wurden, welche von den RECHTS—RADIKALEN Kräften die —DERZEIT, IN—DER—UKRAINE an der MACHT sind geraubt wurden und —SEITHER im —EINSATZ sind....
20140305             DIE—EU ist nichts anderes als die Speerspitze der NATO.
20140305             Wäre DIE—KRIM in DIE—EU, dann wäre binnen —2—WOCHEN die halbe NATO an den Grenzen zu RUSSLAND.
20140305             Was ist mit der NATO—OST—ERWEITERUNG?
20140305             "Wir sind sicherlich mit der NATO—OST—ERWEITERUNG näher an RUSSLAND herangerückt, als
20140305             Haben Sie auch Fakten? Oder nur plumpe Lügen und PROPAGANDA?
20140305             —GEPUTSCHT, Wie ist denn JANUKOWITSCH aus dem Amt, worden? —STUNDEN—NACH—DEM STEINMEIERschen VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—JANUKOWITSCH und der OPPOSITION haben bewaffnete Putschisten des Rechten Sektors das von SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTEN entblößte REGIERUNGS—VIERTEL eingenommen und DAS—PARLAMENT besetzt. email von Klitschko an den LITAUISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—BERATERS Laurynas Jonavicius:
20140305             —NOCH, 1—ABGEHÖRTES Gespräch wurde gerade bekannt:
20140305             Sollte das Telefonat überhaupt authentisch sein oder unverändertsein, so erzählt der ESTLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER etwas aus 2. Hand (ab 08:00), was man ihm erzählt hat.
20140305             Und man möchte dem nachgehen (ab- 9:10). - - Hören Sie mal genauer rein.
20140305             —VERHINDERT, DIE—"momentane"Regierung, laut Paet solche Untersuchungen, was für sich spricht und er die NAZIbande beschuldigt.... er sagt auch dass die momentane Regierung nicht vom Volk gestellt wurde und auch nicht akzeptiert werde.... bedenken Sie bitte auch die NULAND-"Fuck THE—EU"-Mitschnitte!
20140305             Da ergibt sich doch —SCHON—SEIT—WOCHEN, 1—KLARES BILD—VON—DER—EINMISCHUNG fremder Mächte IN—DER—UKRAINE, das ganze läuft in der TRADITION—DES—ARABISCHER—FRÜHLINGS, statt AL—KAIDA und AL—NUSRA treiben hier UltraRechte, Nationalisten und NAZIbanden Ihr UN—WESEN... statt Al la Hu Akbar heben diese den rechten Arm.... wer diese neue Masche des "Westen"NOCH—IMMER nicht kapiert hat soll weiterpennen!
20140305             es waere zu diskutieren, ob es 1—EINMISCHUNG ist, wenn das Ausland bestimmte Parteien und Gruppierungen finanziell und mit Training unterstuetzt.
20140305             IN—DEN—USA beispielsweise darf man als Auslaender keine Partei (also weder DIE—DEMOKRATEN noch DIE—REPUBLIKANER) finanziell unterstuetzen.
20140305             Zu den KO—OPERATIONS—PARTNERNN der Forschungsstelle OST—EUROPA - es sollen dafür auch Beweise vorliegen.
20140305             Dass die aktuelle ÜBERGANGS—REGIERUNG die Ermittlungen dazu verweigert, ist für den LETTISCHEN—AUSSENMISTER 1—INDIZ dafür, daß Teile DER—ÜBERGANGS—REGIERUNG darin wahrscheinlich verwickelt sind.
20140305             DIE—ECHTHEIT des Telefonats wurde —BEREITS bestätigt.
20140305             BILD, DIE—ZEIT, NZZ, FAZ... berichten —BEREITS darüber.
20140305             Warum DER—SPIEGEL nicht?
20140305             —FEST steht: der Inhalt des Gesprächs zwischen ESTLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER—URMAS—PAET und der EU—AUßENBEAUFTRAGTEN CATHERINE—ASHTON ist heikel.
20140305             Paet zeigt sich darin beunruhigt über die prowestliche Führung in KIEW.
20140305             KRIM—KRISE, Prorussischer Mob jagt UNO—BEOBACHTER durch SIMFEROPOL
20140305             Scharfschützen auf dem Maidan: Heikles Telefonat zwischen Ashton und estnischem MINISTER veröffentlicht
20140305             —VERBIETET, LARS—VON—TRIERS neuer Film: TÜRKEI, "Nymphomaniac"in den Kinos
20140305             —KRISEN—DIPLOMATIE: RUSSLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER blockt den Westen ab
20140305             DAS—VERHALTEN KIEWs sei "beunruhigend", sagte Paet in dem Gespräch.
20140305             Er bestätigte —AM—MITTWOCH die Echtheit des Mitschnitts.
20140305             Der ESTLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER erwähnt darin den Verdacht 1—UKRAINISCHEN—AKTIVISTIN, daß die SCHÜSSE—AUF—DEMONSTRANTEN und SICHERHEITS—KRÄFTE von denselben Scharfschützen abgegeben worden seien. es gebe demnach mehr und mehr Hinweise, daß hinter den Mördern "nicht (der entmachtete —PRÄSIDENT—WIKTOR) JANUKOWITSCH, sondern jemand von DER—NEUEN KOALITION"stehe, sagte Paet in dem Telefonat.
20140305             Paet wies —JETZT mit Nachdruck zurück, 1—BEURTEILUNG darüber abgegeben zu haben, daß die damalige OPPOSITION—IN—KIEW an der Gewalt beteiligt gewesen sei.
20140305             RUSSLAND, lief das Telefonat als Topnachricht bei DER—STAATLICHEN NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Ria Nowosti.
20140305             DER—STAATLICHE NACHRICHTEN—SENDER Rossyia-24 übersetzte TEILE—DES—GESPRÄCHS ins Russische und behauptete, DIE—EU habe —NUN Beweise dafür, daß dieselben Scharfschützen auf DEMONSTRANTEN und POLIZEI geschossen hätten.
20140305             1—SOLCHE Interpretation wies die ESTNISCHE—REGIERUNG —AM—MITTWOCHABEND scharf zurück: DER—AUßEN—MINISTER beschuldige in dem Gespräch nicht die Gegner JANUKOWITSCHs, die Scharfschützen engagiert zu haben.
20140305             "Er gibt 1—ÜBERBLICK darüber, was er am vorangegangenen —TAG in KIEW gehört hat und drückt seine Betroffenheit über die Situation vor Ort aus", heißt es in der STELLUNGNAHME—DER—ESTNISCHEN—REGIERUNG.
20140305             "es ist ÄUß—ERST bedauerlich, daß Telefonate abgehört werden", sagte Paet in TALLINN.
20140305             DIE—VERÖFFENTLICHUNG des Anrufs sei "kein Zufall".
20140305             1—SPRECHERIN—VON—CATHERINE—ASHTON sagte, es gebe keinen Kommentar zu dem veröffentlichten Gespräch.
20140305             vergebens.
20140305             SERGEJ—LAWROW zeigte ihnen die kalte Schulter.
20140305             1—SEITENHIEB aber kann sich LAWROW nicht verkneifen, nicht umsonst ist PUTINs Gesandter für seine schneidende Ironie bekannt.
20140305             —GETROFFEN, Ob er denn seinen neuen Kollegen aus KIEW in PARIS, habe, fragte 1—JOURNALISTIN den MINISTER, als der ins Auto steigt.
20140305             Genüsslich wendet er sich zurück und sagt höflich: "Ich habe niemanden gesehen", sagt er, "ich weiß auch gar nicht, von wem sie reden".
20140305             Diese abendliche Szene mit LAWROW muss man wohl als vorläufiges ENDE—DER—BISHERIGEN diplomatischen Bemühungen des Westens in der Auseinandersetzung mit RUSSLAND werten.
20140305             Den ganzen —TAG lang hatten DER—USA—AUßEN—MINISTER—JOHN—KERRY, FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER und seine EU—KOLLEGEN versucht, den RUSSEN doch 1—EINLENKEN abzuringen.
20140305             Viel wollten sie ihm nicht abverlangen.
20140305             Er sollte lediglich zustimmen, daß —BALD—SCHON 1—INTERNATIONAL begleitete KONTAKT—GRUPPE zwischen DER—NEUEN UKRAINE—REGIERUNG und RUSSLAND zusammenkommt.
20140305             MOSKAU erkennt die neue Führung in KIEW, nur —STUNDEN nach der Flucht von —PRÄSIDENT—WIKTOR—JANUKOWITSCH vom PARLAMENT gewählt, nicht an.
20140305             Fast schnippisch hatte WLADIMIR—PUTIN auf seiner PRESSE—KONFERENZ AM—DIENSTAGGESAGT, es gebe niemanden, mit dem man in KIEW verhandeln könne.
20140305             DIE—NEUE—REGIERUNG bezeichnete er vielmehr als DIE—GEWINNER 1—STAATS—STREICHS, die von den RADIKALEn ins Amt gehoben worden sei.
20140305             Mit dieser Haltung scheinen Gespräche zwischen KIEW und MOSKAU so gut wie ausgeschlossen.
20140305             —NACH—DEM—MITTWOCH scheinen —NUN SANKTIONEN—DER—EU gegen RUSSLAND unvermeidlich.
20140305             —AM—DONNERSTAG, —TREFFEN sich DIE—STAAT—CHEFS der Gemeinschaft in BRÜSSEL zum Krisengipfel.
20140305             —IM—SCHON Vorfeld hatte man RUSSLAND signalisiert, daß man die MILITÄR—INTERVENTION auf DER—KRIM nicht ohne RE—AKTION hinnehmen könne.
20140305             Deswegen sind —SEIT—TAGEN VISA—SPERREN, DAS—EINFRIEREN—VON—GEMEINSAMEN Wirtschaftsprojekten oder Kontosperren für RUSSEN im Gespräch.
20140305             DEUTSCHLAND hatte solche Sanktionen —BIS zuletzt verhindern wollen, da man nach 1—SOLCHEN —ENTSCHEIDUNG gar nicht mehr mit RUSSLAND verhandeln könne.
20140305             1—LÖSUNG vor der Sitzung DER—STAAT—CHEFS aber scheint fast unmöglich.
20140305             Zwar wollen DIPLOMATEN bei LAWROW 1.Anzeichen von 1—EINLENKEN erkannt haben, doch DER—AUßEN—MINISTER kann nur so weit gehen, wie ihn sein —CHEF—LÄSST.
20140305             PUTIN aber scheint vom westlichen Druck nicht wirklich beeindruckt zu sein.
20140305             —AM—MITTWOCH hatte KANZLERIN—MERKEL erneut bei PUTIN angerufen.
20140305             Genutzt, so jedenfalls der Eindruck —NACH—DEN gescheiterten —VERHANDLUNGEN, hat es nicht viel.
20140305             [l] Wieso war diese UKRAINISCHE—POLIZEIEINHEIT Berkut eigentlich so gut ausgebildet, die den JANUKOWITSCH mit Knüppeln und Tränengas —BIS zuletzt verteidigt hat?
20140305             Na klar! DEUTSCHLAND hat bei der Ausbildung geholfen!
20140305             [l] Ihr wisst ja, daß DIE—DIENSTE HACABTEILUNGEN—KING—OF— haben.
20140305             —KONTROLLIERT, Und ihr wisst, daß die angeblich vom PARLAMENT ""werden.
20140305             Jaja, ich weiß. - - Und ihr wisst, daß die Kontrollgremien und PARLAMENTe Computer benutzen.
20140305             Wenn man da 1—UND 1—ZUSAMMENZÄHLT, wo kommt man dann raus?
20140305             Na klar! DIE—DIENSTE hacken die Kontrollgremien. Das war ja einfach!
20140305             [l] Diverse VERSCHWÖRUNGS—BLOGS gerüchten gerade, daß —DER—NEUE—PREMIER—MINISTER—VON—DER—UKRAINE 1—SCIENTOLOGE ist, sogar OT6, das ist 1—SEHR hohes Level.
20140305             [l] Also alleine aus PROPAGANDA—BEOBACHTER—PERSPEKTIVE ist diese UKRAINE—NUMMER ja mal wieder echt ihren Eintritt wert.
20140305             DIE—RUSSEN leaken 1—ANGEBLICHES Telefonat zwischen EU—AUßEN—MINISTERIN Chatherine Ashton und ESTLAND—AUßEN—MINISTER, in dem behauptet wird, die Sniper, die auf dem Maidan DIE—DEMONSTRANTEN zusammengeschossen haben, die seien von den MAIDAN—LEUTEN selbst angeheuert worden.
20140305             Und dann dieser klare Fall von "DIE—UKRAINERINNEN sehen alle gleich aus":-)
20140305             —UPDATE, ESTLAND bestätigt die Echtheit des geleakten Telefonats.
20140305             [l] Und noch 1—LAW&ORDER—TYP stürzt über zu viel Law&Order: SARKOZYs langjähriger MIT—ARBEITER hat ihr —JAHRE—LANG mit dem Diktiergerät aufgenommen und —JETZT sind 1—PAAR dieser Bänder weggekommen und bei der Presse gelandet.
20140305             Okay, I know that there's SOME—SORT—OF—WAR or NEAR—WAR or something going on THE—UKRAINE, and I've been kind of concerned about that -- especially —NOW that HILLARY, of all people, has played THE—HITLER card.
20140305             (Why, HILLARY, why?) And IRAQ is falling apart —NOW that we pulled out, and AFGHANISTAN is likely to do the same soon, and SYRIA is 1—HUGE damned bloody mess.
20140305             Also there are 20.000.000 slaves IN—THE—WORLD—AND—THE—NSA has apparently been spooking THE—SENATE.
20140305             ALL—OF—THIS evil stuff can definitely harsh your buzz, no doubt about it.
20140305             But —NOW I want to direct your attention to 1—REAL—SCANDAL.
20140305             Due to SOME—INSANE import restrictions, it is becoming difficult to bring real Kolinksy artist's brushes into THE—UNITED—STATES.
20140305             THE—USA—FISH and Wildlife Service is currently preventing ANY—IMPORTING or exporting of natural sable hair brushes.
20140305             —NEEDED, It has to do with specific forms, by THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and the original SOURCE—OF—THE—HAIRS used.
20140305             —PREVIOUSLY, THE—EUROPEAN brush manufacturers had been using their own VERSION—OF—THIS form and the Fish and Wildlife Service had been accepting it.
20140305             —BECAME, That was —UNTIL the sable, 1 endangered animal.
20140305             Please keep in mind though, that the species of sable used to make the artist brushes are not endangered.
20140305             But because of this, THE—USA is requiring their form be filled out and stricter regulations followed.
20140305             —THEREFORE, we and MANY—OTHER—ART—SUPPLY—COMPANIES in AMERICA, cannot get replenishment for our sable brushes.
20140305             This has been going on for at least —6—MONTHS and we are hoping that 1—AGREEMENT can be reached by the 1.of —THE—YEAR.
20140305             Also there are 20.000.000 slaves IN—THE—WORLD.
20140305             And THE—NSA has apparently been spooking THE—SENATE.
201403052141;;       06;;
20140305—20120000    —KIDNAPPED, Hossein Nayeri was 1—OF 4—MEN that allegedly, 1—CALIFORNIA marijuana dispensary owner ,
20140305—20120000    —KIDNAPPED, Hossein Nayeri was 1—OF 4—MEN that allegedly, 1—CALIFORNIA marijuana dispensary owner, tortured him, drove him out to 1—DESERT—SPOT where the men believed the victim had hidden his money and cut off his penis.
20140305—20140407    —MARRED, INDIA, street clashes, 1—ANNOUNCEMENT that 1—GENERAL—ELECTION will start in 1—RACE that pits Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi against the unpopular NEHRU—GANDHI family's ruling party.
20140820—18980305    * Rekord hält 1—FRAU: Die —116—JAHRE—ALTE Misao Okawa wurde am im JAPANISCHEN—OSAKA.
20150305             —FOUNDED, Nimrud was, in the 12010101—13001231     BC and was considered the jewel of the Assyrian era.
20150305             —EXPECTED, As many as 300—USA—SOLDIERS were, to serve a —7—MONTH training mission.
20150305             CALIFORNIA, protesters shut down the campus of UC at SANTA—CRUZ, on the 4. —DAY—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS that organizers said were over planned tuition hikes as well as police brutality.
20150305             † ALBERT—MAYSLES, —88—JAHRE—ALT, EMMY—AWARD winning documentarian, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20150305             —INCLUDED, ALBERT—MAYSLES—WORK, "Gimme Shelter" (19700000             ), based on 19690000             —THE—ROLLING—STONES—USA—ROAD—TOUR.
20150305             PHILADELPHIA, PENNSILVANIA, Officer ROBERT—WILSON—III, —30—JAHRE—ALT was gunned down —DURING 1—ROBBERY at 1—VIDEO—GAME—STORE where he had gone to buy 1—PRESENT for his —9—YEAR—OLD—SON.
20150305             THE—NEXT—DAY 2—BROTHERS, RAMONE—WILLIAMS, —24—JAHRE—ALT and Carlton Hipps (29) were charged with murder, attempted murder, robbery and other offenses.
20150305             Ringling Bros. and Barnum & BAILEY—CIRCUS, owned by FLORIDA—BASED Feld Entertainment, announced that it will remove its traveling CADRE—OF—ELEPHANTS from the Big Top over the next —3—YEARS.
20150305             —PASSED, ALGERIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW criminalizing violence against women, in 1—MOVE criticized by both Islamist lawmakers as well as AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL called for 1—AMENDMENT dropping 1—CLAUSE which allows THE—SURVIVOR—OF—DOMESTIC—VIOLENCE to pardon the perpetrator, warning it was "1—DANGEROUS precedent".
20150305             —SEIZED, BANGLADESH—CUSTOMS—AUTHORITIES, nearly 27—KG—OF—GOLD, worth about $1.67—MILLION, from NORTH—KOREA—DIPLOMAT—SON—YOUNG—NAM —AFTER he tried to smuggle in the bullion using diplomatic immunity.
20150305             THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS—NORMAN—LEE, 1—POPULAR—MARVEL and DC Comics artist from THE—BOSTON region, disappeared —WHILE snorkeling with his wife near THE—SOUTH—EAST—COAST—OF—GRAND—CAYMAN.
20150305             —CALLED, CHINA—PM—LI—KEQIANG, for about 7% growth —THIS—YEAR at THE—OPENING—OF—THE—OPENING of the annual session of the National PEOPLE—CONGRESS.
20150305             —MOBILIZED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, several men, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who broke into the jail in Dimapur city, Nagaland state, and seized the rape suspect, whom they also accused of being 1—ILLEGAL—MIGRANT from BANGLADESH.
20150305             —PELTED, They, him with stones and beat him to death.
20150305             † 1—PERSON was killed and several others were injured —WHEN police fired to disperse the mob.
20150305             —FREED, IRAN said that 1—TEAM—OF—SPECIAL—OPERATIVES has, Nour AHMAD—NIKBAKHT, 1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT abducted more than —19—MONTHS—AGO in YEMEN.
20150305             —UNLEASHED, IRAQ, insurgents, 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS mostly targeting CIVIL—AREAS in and —AROUND BAGHDAD, killing at least 16.
20150305             —BULLDOZED, IRAQ, the Islamic State "" the ruins of Nimrud near MOSUL.
20150305             —SUSPENDED, ENERGY—RICH—KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIA—FUEL and gas imports to protect its domestic market from 1—SURPLUS due to 1 weakened ruble which has sent ripples of economic uncertainty through CENTRAL—ASIA.
20150305             —DISCHARGED, LIBERIA, its last confirmed Ebola patient, as it reported for the 1. time in —9—MONTHS it had gone 1—FULL—WEEK without ANY—NEW—INFECTIONS.
20150305             —RECOGNIZED, Warplanes from LIBYA—INTERNATIONALLY, government carried out air strikes on 1—TRIPOLI airport —JUST hours —BEFORE UNITED—NATIONS—BACKED peace talks were due to start in MOROCCO.
20150305             —ENDED, MEXICO—PRESIDENT—ENRIQUE—PENA—NIETO, his —3—DAY—STATE—VISIT to BRITAIN by overseeing THE—SIGNING—OF—DEALS that boost ties between THE—2—COUNTRIES in energy, including a $1—BILLION oil agreement.
20150305             —CRACKED, MYANMAR police, down on students and other activists opposing 1—NEW—EDUCATION—LAW, charging protesters with batons and dragging them into trucks at 1—WELL—KNOWN pagoda in the heart of YANGON.
20150305             —ARRESTED, Police, 5—STUDENTS from among 1—CROWD—OF about 200—PROTESTERS.
20150305             —HALTED, THE—GAZA—STRIP—SOLE—POWER—PLANT has, production overnight, —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE with THE—WEST—BANK—BASED PALESTINE—AUTHORITY over fuel tax.
20150305             Even with the plant running, GAZA suffers —12—HOURS—OF—POWER—OUTAGES—EACH—DAY, and that is expected to increase to —18—HOURS—AFTER the plant's shutdown.
20150305             —TORCHED, Suspected Jewish extremists, 2—CARS and scrawled graffiti on 1—NEARBY—WALL in 1—WEST—BANK—VILLAGE—BEFORE dawn.
20150305             PUERTO—RICO, THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS, education officials and community leaders protested 1 proposed 16—PERCENT VALUE—ADDED tax that officials say would strengthen THE—ISLAND—ECONOMY.
20150305             PUERTO—RICO was struggling to reduce $73—BILLION in public debt and generate more revenue amid concerns that SOME—OF—ITS—PUBLIC—CORPORATIONS might go bankrupt.
20150305             —CLASSIFIED, THE—MOSCOW—CITY—COURT—FOUND—ROMAN—USHAKOV—GUILTY—OF—TREASON for handing over, information to THE—USA and sentenced him to —15—YEARS in prison.
20150305             —CRITICIZED, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS sharply, USA—FAST—FOOD—GIANTS—COCA—COLA and McDonald's for their "unhealthy" products, comparing aggressive advertising campaigns to 1—WAR—ON—CITIZENS.
20150305             SOUTH—KOREA, 1—KNIFE—ATTACK by KIM—KI—JONG, —55—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ANTI—USA—PROTESTER screaming demands for uniting North and SOUTH—KOREA, injured USA—AMBASSADOR—MARK—LIPPERT.
20150305             The slashing left deep gashes and damaged tendons and nerves.
20150305             —SENTENCED, —IN—SEPTEMBER KIM—KI—JONG was, to —12—YEARS in prison.
20150305             —BOMBED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIPS, THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—ALEPPO, killing at least 18—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20150305             † 1—COURT—IN—TANZANIA sentenced 4—PEOPLE to death for THE—MURDER—OF—1—ALBINO woman who was killed so her HACKED—OFF limbs could be used in magic.
20150305             —INCLUDED, The killers, CHARLES—NASSORO, the husband of the murdered woman.
20150305             —CAPTURED, TUNISIA—TROOPS, 1—LARGE—ARMS cache near the border with LIBYA, including Kalashnikov rifles, rockets and landmines.
20150305             TURKEY, Umarali Kuvatov (Quvvatov), LEADER—OF—1—TAJIKISTAN—MOVEMENT called Group 24, was shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD outside 1—RESTAURANT in ISTANBUL.
20150305             He went into exile to 1. RUSSIA and —LATER THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—AFTER TAJIKISTAN asked for his extradition.
20150305             —KILLED, UKRAINE said 1—GOVERNMENT serviceman was, and another wounded in fighting over the last —24—HOURS with PRO—RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS in the east.
20150305             1—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said rebels had attacked UKRAINE—TROOPS' positions or CIVIL—TARGETS 40—TIMES within the previous —24—HOURS, including 17—ARTILLERY attacks.
20150305             For their part, the rebels accuse UKRAINE—FORCES almost daily of shelling and firing.
20150305             —ARRIVED, AMERICA—FORCES, in UKRAINE to train government soldiers on use of overseas military equipment.
20150305             CALIFORNIA, protesters shut down the campus of UC at SANTA—CRUZ,
20150305             —ON the 4. —DAY—OF—DEMONSTRATIONS that organizers said were over planned tuition hikes as well as police brutality.
20150305             Ringling Bros. and Barnum & BAILEY—CIRCUS, owned by FLORIDA—BASED Feld Entertainment,
20150305             announced that it will remove its traveling CADRE—OF—ELEPHANTS from the Big Top over the next —3—YEARS.
20150305             —PASSED, ALGERIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW criminalizing violence against women,
20150305             in 1—MOVE criticized by both Islamist lawmakers as well as AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL called for 1—AMENDMENT dropping 1—CLAUSE which allows THE—SURVIVOR—OF—DOMESTIC—VIOLENCE to pardon the perpetrator, warning it was "1—DANGEROUS precedent".
20150305             worth about $1.67—MILLION, from NORTH—KOREA—DIPLOMAT—SON—YOUNG—NAM —AFTER he tried to smuggle in the bullion using diplomatic immunity.
20150305             THE—CAYMAN—ISLANDS—NORMAN—LEE, 1—POPULAR—MARVEL and DC Comics artist from THE—BOSTON region,
20150305             disappeared —WHILE snorkeling with his wife near THE—SOUTH—EAST—COAST—OF—GRAND—CAYMAN.
20150305             —MOBILIZED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, several men, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE who broke into the jail in Dimapur city,
20150305             Nagaland state, and seized the rape suspect, whom they also accused of being 1—ILLEGAL—MIGRANT from BANGLADESH.
20150305             —FREED, IRAN said that 1—TEAM—OF—SPECIAL—OPERATIVES has, Nour AHMAD—NIKBAKHT,
20150305             1—IRAN—DIPLOMAT abducted more than —19—MONTHS—AGO in YEMEN.
20150305             Officials said ISRAEL will start buying SOME—FRUIT and vegetables from THE—GAZA—STRIP —NEXT—WEEK,
20150305             —DISCHARGED, LIBERIA, its last confirmed Ebola patient,
20150305             as it reported for the 1. time in —9—MONTHS it had gone 1—FULL—WEEK without ANY—NEW—INFECTIONS.
20150305             —CRACKED, MYANMAR police, down on students and other activists opposing 1—NEW—EDUCATION—LAW,
20150305             charging protesters with batons and dragging them into trucks at 1—WELL—KNOWN pagoda in the heart of YANGON.
20150305             —HALTED, THE—GAZA—STRIP—SOLE—POWER—PLANT has, production overnight,
20150305             —FOLLOWING 1—DISPUTE with THE—WEST—BANK—BASED PALESTINE—AUTHORITY over fuel tax.
20150305             Even with the plant running, GAZA suffers —12—HOURS—OF—POWER—OUTAGES—EACH—DAY,
20150305             and that is expected to increase to —18—HOURS—AFTER the plant's shutdown.
20150305             —CRITICIZED, RUSSIA—OFFICIALS sharply, USA—FAST—FOOD—GIANTS—COCA—COLA and McDonald's for their "unhealthy" products,
20150305             comparing aggressive advertising campaigns to 1—WAR—ON—CITIZENS.
20150305             —IN—SEPTEMBER KIM—KI—JONG was sentenced to —12—YEARS in prison.
20150305             —CAPTURED, TUNISIA—TROOPS, 1—LARGE—ARMS cache near the border with LIBYA,
20150305             including Kalashnikov rifles, rockets and landmines.
20150305             TURKEY, Umarali Kuvatov (Quvvatov), LEADER—OF—1—TAJIKISTAN—MOVEMENT called Group 24,
20150305             was shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD outside 1—RESTAURANT in ISTANBUL.
20150305             Aufklärung der SPÄH—AFFÄRE—BND gibt AKTEN—SCHLUDEREI zu
20150305             Mietpreisbremse: Wohltat für Besserverdiener
20150305             USA—GEHALTS—SZEHNE: In den 1.—10—JAHREN müssen Sie ranklotzen (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 06:28)
20150305             —URTEIL—IN—SINGAPUR: Stockhiebe für DEUTSCHE—GRAFFITI—SPRAYER
20150305             Frühere USA—AUSSEN—MINISTERIN—CLINTON will ihre E—MAILS veröffentlichen
20150305             Hilfskredite: GRIECHENLAND zahlte DEUTSCHLAND 360.000.000—EURO ZINSEN
20150305             Prozess zum ATTENTAT—IN—BOSTON: Die Vorwärtsverteidigung
20150305             —BEREITET, WIRTSCHAFTS—WACHSTUM: CHINA, die sanfte Landung vor
20150305             Milder —WINTER: 33—PROZENT—DER—BIENENVÖLKER ist tot
20150305             Roboterfilm "Chappie": Mein knuddeliges TECHNO—KÄNGURU
20150305             Manöver über Atlantik: Passagierflugzeug musste russischem Bomber ausweichen
20150305             KORRUPTIONS—AFFÄRE: Mehdorn schrieb Empfehlung für verdächtigen Manager
20150305             Mein Leben als SCHÖFFE: Aufstehen, POLIZEI!
20150305             —GESICHTET, Wildtiere: Vermehrt Wölfe in Wohngebieten
20150305             —1—JAHR—LANG—KONSUMVERZICHT: —SPÄTER, trug er auch wieder Unterhose...
20150305             GROßE—KOALITION: BUNDES—TAG beschließt Mietpreisbremse - Reiserecht: Geld zurück bei Notlandung
20150305             PSYCHO—POLITIK,Die neurotischen STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA
20150305             GABRIEL auf GOLF—REISE: —4—TAGE Weltpolitiker - FALL—EDATHY: Niedere Instinkte
20150305             Hohe Nachfrage: Diamanten werden Mangelware
20150305             SETH—ROGEN gegen Amy Pascal: "Mein Gras riecht gut"
20150305             Offenes WLAN: Freifunker zerpflücken GESETZ—ENTWURF
20150305             EUGH—URTEIL: Hersteller haftet für fehlerhafte Herzschrittmacher
20150305             —GESTELLT, World PRESIDENT—PHOTO: Auch die Sexszene war
20150305             EZB—ENTSCHEIDUNG: LEIT—ZINS im EURO—RAUMBLEIBT auf Rekordtief
20150305             Kollisionsgefahr: Ausschuss des HOUSE—OF—LORDS fordert ONLINE—DATEN—BANK—FÜR—DROHNEN
20150305             —STREIT—UM—DAS—ENERGIENETZ: SÜD—DEUTSCHLAND muss höhere Strompreise fürchten
20150305             MEDIEN—WANDEL, Trau keinem von der Presse!
20150305             ANLEIHENkäufe: EZB öffnet ab —MONTAG die Geldschleusen - Berufstätige Eltern: Wo ist Papa?
20150305             Epidemie: LIBERIA entlässt —VORERST letzten EBOLA—PATIENTEN
20150305             NSA—AUFKLÄRUNG: BND muss wegen AKTEN—SCHLUDEREI nachsitzen
20150305             —KONFLIKT—IM—DONBASS: UKRAINE beschließt Truppenaufstockung auf 250.000—MANN
20150305             REAKTIONEN—AUF—EDATHY—URTEIL: Das ungesunde Volksempfinden
20150305             BUNDES—WEITE Warnstreiks: 4000—LEHRER bleiben dem Unterricht fern
20150305             —BÜRGER—KRIEG—SYRIEN, Heftige Gefechte erschüttern ALEPPO
20150305             Energie aus Urin: Beim Pinkeln geht das Licht an
20150305             EZB—ANLEIHE—KÄUFE: Draghis GELD—SCHWEMME hilft SCHÄUBLE
20150305             —DOKUMENTARFILM—ÜBER—ANDREAS—BAADER: "Eine dämonische Ausstrahlung"
20150305             KARL—LAGERFELD gegen Tierschützer: Das bisschen Pelz, no?
20150305             GROß—BRITANNIEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTE sollen Agentinnen in MÜTTER—FOREN rekrutieren
20150305             Horrorfilm im Unterricht: USA—LEHRERIN muss —90—TAGE ins Gefängnis
20150305             Ferientrends: BUNDES—BÜRGER urlauben häufiger daheim
20150305             Gewinneinbruch: RUSSLAND—KRISE schadet Adidas
20150305             —NEUEN—GUTACHTEN: Genpollen fliegen statt 30—METER —BIS zu 4,5—KM weit
20150305             FLUCHT—AUS—DER Milchstraße: Stern stellt GESCHWINDIGKEITS—REKORD auf
20150305             ARGENTINIEN: Familie will MORD—AN—STAATS—ANWALT Nisman belegen können
20150305             TERROR—IN—NIGERIA: BOKO—HARAM wappnet sich gegen internationale Offensive
20150305             KORRUPTIONS—SKANDAL—IN—SPANIEN: 40—VERDÄCHTIGE werden angeklagt
20150305             TEENAGER—TÖTUNG in FERGUSON: Familie Brown gibt nicht auf
20150305             CLINTON—E—MAIL—AFFÄRE—ÄRGER:
20150305             —AM, verkündete DIE—EZB dann, dass
20150305—20070000    —IN, 1—PARTIAL—RESUMPTION—OF imports halted —WHEN the Islamist group Hamas took over THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20150305—20070000    —IN, Officials said ISRAEL will start buying SOME—FRUIT and vegetables from THE—GAZA—STRIP —NEXT—WEEK, 1—PARTIAL—RESUMPTION—OF imports halted —WHEN the Islamist group Hamas took over THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20150305—20080000    —IN, 1—USA—JURY in ARIZONA failed again to agree on whether to sentence Jodi Arias (34) to death for the grisly KILLING—OF—HER boyfriend, effectively sparing her the death penalty.
20150305—20090000    —IN, 1—THAILAND—COURT sentenced 15—MEMBERS—OF—THE "Red Shirt" political movement to —4—YEARS in prison for inciting rioting that disrupted 1—IMPORTANT—REGIONAL—CONFERENCE.
20150305—20120000    —IN, Kuvatov had fled TAJIKISTAN reportedly —AFTER 1—DEAL with THE—PRESIDENT—SON went wrong.
20150305—20150227    —ON, † IN—SYRIA—ABU—HAMMAM—AL—SHAMI, the military CHIEF—OF—THE—AL—QAEDA—AFFILIATED AL—NUSRA, REPORTEDLY—OF—INJURIES believed to have suffered from 1—AIR—STRIKE.
20150305—20150414    —SENTENCED, Arias was, to life in prison without THE—POSSIBILITY—OF—RELEASE.
20150316—20150305    —SINCE, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN made his 1. public appearance meeting Kyrgyz PRESIDENT—ALMAZBEK—ATAMBAYEV at THE—CONSTANTINE—PALACE outside RUSSIA—2. CITY—OF—S—PETERSBURG.
20160305             —JOINED, BHUTAN PRIME—MINISTER—TSCHERING—TOBGAY, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—VOLUNTEERS in planting the trees to honor the newest member of the royal family, who was born 20160205            .
20160305             THE—TALIBAN said they will not participate in 1—PEACE—PROCESS with THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—UNTIL foreign forces stop attacking their positions and leave the country.
20160305             † RAY—TOMLINSON, former engineer at Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN).
20160305             —INVENTED, RAY—TOMLINSON had, 1—E—MAIL program that allowed users to exchange messages across 1 distributed network and devised the @ symbol to designate 1—DIGITAL—ADDRESS.
20160305             Celebrated AUSTRIA—CONDUCTOR—NIKOLAUS—HARNONCOURT (19290000             *), considered to be the "PAPA" of the Baroque music revival, †, —3—MONTHS—AFTER announcing his retirement, his family announced.
20160305             CHINA—NATIONAL—PEOPLE—CONGRESS Opened.
20160305             —DELIVERED, Premier Li Keqiang, his annual address —BEFORE PARLIAMENT, laying out the government's development agenda in a 13. —5—YEAR—ECONOMIC—PLAN.
20160305             CHINA said it will build a 2. railway line connecting restive and remote TIBET with others PARTS—OF—CHINA that will link Tibetan CAPITAL—LHASA with THE—SOUTH—WEST—CITY—OF—CHENGDU.
20160305             —ANNOUNCED, THE—GEORGIA—GOVERNMENT, that it had signed 1—DEAL with neighboring AZERBAIJAN to increase gas supplies enough to fully cover demand.
20160305             —ARMED, HONDURAS, assailants, with AK—47—ASSAULT—RIFLES burst into 1—POOL—HALL in TEGUCIGALPA and opened fire, killing at least 12—PEOPLE and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20160305             —CONTROLLED, The pool hall was, by the Barrio 18—GANG.
20160305             IRAN and TURKEY said they aim to triple their annual trade to $30—BILLION within —2—YEARS as TURKEY—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMET—DAVUTOGLU met IRAN—1.—VICE—PRESIDENT—ESHAQ—JAHANGIRI in TEHRAN.
20160305             —REMAINED, THE—2—COUNTRIES, at odds over fighting in Syria.
20160305             —GATHERED, MOROCCO, some 1,300 ICAAN participants, in MARRAKECH for 346—SESSIONS.
20160305             —REGISTERED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY said it had, 9—CEASEFIRE—VIOLATIONS in Syria over the past —24—HOURS.
20160305             —VOTED, Slovaks, in 1—GENERAL—ELECTION expected to hand firebrand leftist PRIME—MINISTER—ROBERT—FICO a 3. term on the back of 1—STAUNCHLY—ANTI—REFUGEE—PLATFORM.
20160305             The leftist ruling party won the parliamentary election, but will need coalition partners to form 1—MAJORITY—GOVERNMENT.
20160305             —SHOCKED, THE—ANTI—IMMIGRATION, ANTI—EURO—PEOPLE—PARTY—OUR—SLOVAKIA, MANY—WHEN it won 8—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, or almost 210,000 votes, to enter PARLIAMENT for the 1. time.
20160305             —COOPERATED, SOMALIA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE, with USA in airstrikes that killed 1 estimated 130—AL—SHABAB members.
20160305             —KILLED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said 1—TOTAL—OF—135—PEOPLE were, in the 1. —WEEK—OF—1—FRAGILE—TRUCE in Syria in areas covered by the cessation of hostilities agreement.
20160305             —ENGAGED, TAJIKISTAN border guards, in 1—FIREFIGHT with 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—MILITANTS trying to enter the country from AFGHANISTAN.
20160305             † 1—GUARD † from wounds and 1—MILITANT was killed.
20160305             —FIRED, TURKEY—POLICE, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters outside the country's biggest newspaper, Zaman, —AFTER authorities seized CONTROL—OF—IT in 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—RELIGIOUS—GROUP whose leader the government accuses of treason.
20160305             —CONDUCTED, THE—UNITED—STATES and its allies, 19—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160305             † CELEBRATED—AUSTRIAN—CONDUCTOR—NIKOLAUS—HARNONCOURT, —3—MONTHS—AFTER announcing his retirement, his family announced.
20160305             hina's National PEOPLE—CONGRESS—OPENED.
20160305             —DELIVERED, Premier Li Keqiang, his annual address —BEFORE PARLIAMENT,
20160305             laying out the government's development agenda in a 13. —5—YEAR—ECONOMIC—PLAN.
20160305             —REPORTED, The official Xinhua news agency, that the government plans to invest about $17—BILLION in 100—PROJECTS in THE—VIOLENCE—PRONE—FAR—WESTERN—REGION—OF—XINJIANG.
20160305             —CRAMMED, GREECE, some 13,000 refugees were, in unhygienic conditions on the border with MACEDONIA,
20160305             —CHARGED, The meeting of the global organization, with the smooth RUNNING—OF—THE—INTERNET, continued to 20160310            .
20160305             The leftist ruling party won the parliamentary election,
20160305             but will need coalition partners to form 1—MAJORITY—GOVERNMENT.
20160305             or almost 210,000 votes, to enter PARLIAMENT for the 1. time.
20160305             —AFFECTED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—LAWYER representing 4,365 claimants, by silicosis said that Anglo AMERICA—SOUTH—AFRICA and AngloGold Ashanti have agreed to pay the equivalent of $32,595,800.
20160305             —FIRED, TURKEY—POLICE, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters outside the country's biggest newspaper, Zaman,
20160305             —AFTER authorities seized CONTROL—OF—IT in 1—CRACKDOWN on 1—RELIGIOUS—GROUP whose leader the government accuses of treason.
20160305             THE—SYRIA—VIOLATIONS—DOCUMENTATION—CENTRE (SVDC) is in AUSTRALIA, selling the story that ASSAD (and ASSAD alone!) has committed HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES.
20160305             Yet SVDC website mentions nothing of this, nor ANY—ATROCITIES or murders committed by jihadist forces.
20160305             "[The victims] also includes all other armed ELEMENTS—OF—BRIGADES and battalions that do not directly affiliate to the Free SYRIA—ARMY'S—COMMAND, and THE—FOREIGN—FIGHTERS that are fighting against THE—REGIME—FORCES".
20160305             Get that.
20160305             —BACKED, And this group, by AMNESTY, is in AUSTRALIA seeking government ACCEPTANCE—OF—SYRIA—REFUGEES.
20160305             But really....
20160305             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS fred : 5:26 am
20160305             —POLIZEI stürmt REDAKTION der "Zaman": "DIE—REGIERUNG hat unsere Zeitung konfisziert"
20160305             MEXIKANISCHER—DROGEN—BOSS: "EL—CHAPO"soll auf Flucht Abstecher nach KALIFORNIEN gemacht haben
20160305             BRIEF—AN—HOLLANDE: Dreyer fordert Abschaltung grenznaher Kernkraftwerke
20160305             Offensichtlich mit Blick auf den innenpolitischen —KURS des TÜRKEI—PRÄSIDENTEN RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN und der AKP—REGIERUNG fügte der CDU—BUNDES—INNEN—MINISTER hinzu: "Wir sollten nicht der Schiedsrichter beim Thema MENSCHEN—RECHTE für DIE—GANZE—WELT sein".Kritisiert wird vor allem DAS—VORGEHEN gegen DIE—KURDEN und oppositionelle Medien wie zuletzt GEGEN—DIE—TÜRKISCHE—ZEITUNG "Zaman", deren Redaktionsräume von DER—POLIZEI gestürmt worden waren.
20160305             Oh, ach?
20160305    -
20160305—19720000    —MODIFIED, RAY—TOMLINSON, the program to run on ARPANET where it became 1—QUICK hit.
20160305—19720000    —IN, he modified the program to run on ARPANET where it became 1—QUICK hit.
20160305—19890000    —IN—THE, SUDAN, HASSAN—AL—TURABI (19320000             *), the Islamist who played 1—KEY—ROLE—COUP that brought PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR to power and who once hosted OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, † in KHARTOUM.
20160305—20160307    —ON, with all eyes on 1—KEY—EU—TURKEY summit that is seen as the only viable solution to the crisis.
20160305—20160307    —CRAMMED, GREECE, some 13,000 refugees were, in unhygienic conditions on the border with MACEDONIA, with all eyes on 1—KEY—EU—TURKEY summit that is seen as the only viable solution to the crisis.
20160305—20200000    —PUBLISHED, CHINA, 1—NEW —5—YEAR—PLAN with aims to keep energy consumption within 5—BILLION TONS—OF—STANDARD—COAL—EQUIVALENT.
20161103             —LAUNCHED, CHINA successfully, its new Long 20160305             rocket from the Wenchang launch center.
20170205—20170305    —UNTIL, ISRAEL—SUPREME—COURT gave 1—SMALL—GROUP—OF—SETTLERS in the occupied WEST—BANK—1—BRIEF respite from 1—DEMOLITION—ORDER, giving them to leave.
20170216—20170305    —ON, the sister and BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—PASCAL Troadec were remanded in custody.
20170305             USA—AGRICULTURE—OFFICIALS said that TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—CHICKENS have been destroyed at 1—TENNESSEE chicken farm due to 1—BIRD—FLU—OUTBREAK.
20170305             30—OTHER—FARMS within a 6—MILE radius were being quarantined.
20170305             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—FEDERAL—AUTHORITIES have approved 1—PLAN to move nearly 1,500 desert tortoises from CALIFORNIA—MARINE—BASE at 29—PALMS so that the marine Corps can use the area for training with tanks and live ammunition.
20170305             † GLADYS—HANSEN (19250000             ), S—FRANCISCO historian.
20170305             —INCLUDED, GLADYS—HANSEN—BOOKS, "DENIAL—OF—DISASTER" (19890000             ) in which she showed that 19060000             —THE—S—FRANCISCO earthquake left 3,000 — 4,000—PEOPLE—DEAD as opposed to the official count of 478.
20170305             AFGHANISTAN, at least 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—AFGHANISTAN—SECURITY—FORCES were killed —EARLY—TODAY—WHEN their checkpoint came under 1—INSURGENT—ATTACK in NORTH—EAST—KUNDUZ province.
20170305             18—INSURGENTS were killed by airstrikes in the Imam Sahib DISTRICT—OF—KUNDUZ province.
20170305             —AGREED, AZERBAIJAN and IRAN, to work towards completing their portion of 1 planned freight railway route from EUROPE to SOUTH—ASIA.
20170305             —APPROVED, BAHRAIN—PARLIAMENT, 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CHANGE allowing military courts to try civilians.
20170305             —AGREED, BRITAIN, to arrange 10—BILLION pounds ($12.3—BILLION) in loans to finance infrastructure projects in IRAQ over a —10—YEAR—PERIOD, in 1—PROGRAM that would only benefit UK—COMPANIES.
20170305             —PLEDGED, CHINA—PREMIER Li Keqiang, to make the country's smoggy skies blue again and "work faster" to address pollution caused by THE—BURNING—OF—COAL for heat and electricity at the opening of the annual National PEOPLE—CONGRESS.
20170305             —TRIMMED, CHINA—TOP—ECONOMIC—OFFICIAL, the country's growth target and WARNED—OF—DANGERS from global pressure for trade controls as BEIJING tries to build 1—CONSUMER—DRIVEN economy and reduce reliance on exports and investment.
20170305             —ARRESTED, THE—IRAN—JUDICIARY said on authorities have, 1—IRANIAN—AMERICAN on charges of defrauding people seeking USA—RESIDENCE—OF $2.6—MILLION.
20170305             —BATTLED, IRAQ—FORCES, the Islamic State group in hours of heavy clashes in WEST—MOSUL.
20170305             —TOPPED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who fled fighting in the area, 45,000. At least 6—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBS dispatched by militants were destroyed —BEFORE reaching troops.
20170305             CENTRAL—JAPAN, 1—HELICOPTER conducting 1—MOUNTAIN rescue exercise crashed with 9—LOCAL—OFFICIALS aboard.
20170305             —FEARED, At least 3—PEOPLE were, dead.
20170305             PANAMA, 1—BUS carrying farmworkers went off 1—HIGHWAY in Anton killing 18—PEOPLE and injuring 37—OTHERS.
20170305             1—SUDAN—COURT sentenced 3—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVISTS to —1—YEAR each in jail —AFTER convicting them of publishing fake reports or spying.
20170305             THE—UN said tens of THOUSANDS—OF—CIVILIANS have fled offensives against the Islamic State group in IRAQ and Syria, where the jihadists are battling to keep what remains of their territory.
20170305             —LAUNCHED, YEMEN, THE—USA, 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—AIR—RAIDS against AL—QAEDA, as jihadists fled from towns being targeted to mountainous areas.
20170305             —OPENED, Suspected al Qaeda militants, fired on 1—MILITARY—CHECKPOINT in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—ABYAN, killing 6—TROOPS and 1—CIVILIAN.
20170305             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE—JUNIOR—DOCTORS, off a —3—WEEK—STRIKE saying the government had partially met their demands, —1—DAY—BEFORE a —1—DAY walkout by other public sector workers.
20170305             —TOPPED, THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE who fled fighting in the area, 45,000.
20170305             —DISPATCHED, At least 6—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBS, by militants were destroyed —BEFORE reaching troops.
20170305             —APPROVED, JAPAN—RULING party, 1—CHANGE in party rules that could pave the way for PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE to become the country's LONGEST—SERVING leader in THE—POST—WORLD—WAR II era.
20170305             —ARRESTED, Khalafalla AL—AFIF, Midhat Hamdan and MUSTAFA—ADAM were, 20170523             —ON—LAST—YEAR—AFTER security agents raided their OFFICE—IN—KHARTOUM.
20170305             VOLKS—KONGRESS—CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT soll nur noch um 6,5 % wachsen
20170305             "Gruppe Freital"vor Gericht: DER—STAAT gegen den FREMDEN—HASS
20170305             ADOLF—HITLERS—FREUNDIN: Das Rätsel der Unity Mitford
20170305             Gleichstellung für Schwule und Lesben: SPD will "Ehe für alle"in KOALITION durchsetzen
20170305             DRUCK—AUF—PREMIER—MAY: BREXIT—BEFÜRWORTER fordern Bleiberecht für EU—BÜRGER
20170305             —POSTED—BY—BLOGGER 1—FEMALE—FAUST : 0836—PM
20170305             UMFRAGE—MEHRHEIT—DER Griechen will den EURO behalten
20170305             Müllers Memo: EUROPA—ZWISCHEN Aufbruch und Totalschaden
20170305             BERICHT, DONALD—TRUMP erwägt CYBER—ATTACKEN—GEGEN—NORD—KOREA fortzusetzen
20170305             [l] Novartis soll an Obdachlosen in POLEN VOGELGRIPPE—IMPFSTOFF getestet haben.
20170305             [l] Bei 1—MESSUNG kam DIE—UNIVERSITÄT—TWENTE auf —BIS zu 6x abweichende "Messwerte"bei Stromzählern.
20170305             [l] DIE—USA haben zwar ihre LUFT—VERSCHMUTZUNG gesenkt, aber der Smog geht weiter hoch an der WEST—KÜSTE.
20170305             DONALD—TRUMP is right
20170305             —INDEED, DONALD—TRUMP is right: Immigrants can, be scumbags.
20170305             TÜRKISCHER—WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER: POLIZEI in KÖLN auf Zeybekcis Auftritt vorbereitet
20170305             —KÄMPFEUM—DIE IS—HOCHBURG, Zehntausende Kinder fliehen aus MOSSUL
20170305             Absage von Auftritten TÜRKISCHER—MINISTER: ERDOGAN wirft DEUTSCHLAND "NAZI—PRAKTIKEN"vor
20170305             BULGARISCHE—ZWANGSPROSTITUIERTE in DEUTSCHLAND: "Mindestens 30—FREIER PRO—TAG"(Leben und Lernen, 15:41)
20170305             WEIßES—HAUS, USA—KONGRESS soll ABHÖRVORWÜRFE—GEGEN—OBAMA untersuchen
20170305             Umstrittener PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDAT: FRANÇOIS—FILLON wirft Kritikern "Fahnenflucht"vor
20170305             —STREIT—UM—DEUTSCHLANDAUFTRITTE: MERKEL hält still, ERDOGAN dreht frei
20170305             Fall Wendt: NRW bezahlt weitere POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFTER aus STEUER—GELDERN
20170305             Absurder VOR—SCHLAG, RUSSISCHER—RECHTS—EXTREMIST will Hooliganismus zum "Sport"machen
20170305             UNIONS—FRAKTION—CHEF—KAUDER: "Ich weiß nicht, ob jemand ERDOGAN deeskalieren kann"
20170305             TÜRKISCHER—WIRTSCHAFTS—MINISTER—IN—KÖLN: "Wir lassen uns nichts vorschreiben"
20170305             —BEKANNT, Anders als —BISHER, verständigten sich führende Politiker von CDU/CSU und SPD
20170305             Wie immer also.
20170305             Und nicht nur lag das alles in der Schublade, die Planung war sogar —SCHON angelaufen:
20170305             Auch der Einsatzbefehl, den DIE—FÜHRUNG DER—BUNDES—POLIZEI schrieb, wies in seiner ursprünglichen Fassung DIE—POLIZEI—DIREKTIONEN ausdrücklich an, Migranten ohne notwendige Papiere "auch im Falle eines Asylgesuches" zurückzuweisen.
20170305             Aber dann gab es —PLÖTZLICH, 1.Rolle rückwärts.
20170305             —GERETTET, Das Ass Covering der —POLITIK hat DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE.
20170305—18850000    —IN, The story starts with DONALD—TRUMP—GRANDFATHER—FRIEDRICH, who emigrated to NEW—YORK—CITY from Kallstadt in SOUTH—WEST—GERMANY.
20180118—20180305    —ON, TORONTO police said they have found a 20180907             of remains related to the investigation into alleged serial killer BRUCE—MCARTHUR.
20180305             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said that NORTH—USA—NEIGHBORS—CANADA and MEXICO will get no relief from his new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports unless a "new and fair" free trade agreement is signed.
20180305             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP and ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU held talks that offered 1—CHANCE to project 1—COMMON—FRONT against IRAN.
20180305             —ACCUSED, THE—SENTRY—WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA—BASED group, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—OF funneling cash from the state oil company to militias responsible for atrocities and attacks on civilians.
20180305             —DISMISSED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT, the accusations.
20180305             CHINA—PREMIER—LI—KEQIANG 20180901             —ROBUST growth target and promised more market opening and cuts in 1 bloated steel industry at the opening of the National PEOPLE—CONGRESS.
20180305             —UNVEILED, CHINA, its largest rise in defense spending in —3—YEARS, setting 1—TARGET—OF—8.1—PERCENT growth for —THIS—YEAR.
20180305             EGYPT gave 1—WARM—WELCOME to SAUDI—ARABIA—CROWN—PRINCE—MOHAMMED bin Salman (32), with military fanfare and 1—TRIP to THE—SUEZ—CANAL meant to underline 1—GROWING strategic partnership.
20180305             FRANCE—INTERIOR—MINISTER—GERARD—COLLOMB said the government is introducing a 90-euro fine ($110) for street harassment and sexist comments.
20180305             —FLOODED, Journalists, IRAN—NATIONAL—MUSEUM for the arrival of more than 50—ARTWORKS from the Louvre, the 1. major show by 1—WESTERN—MUSEUM in the country's history.
20180305             —REPORTED, ISRAEL—MEDIA, that Nir Hefetz, 1—FORMER—SPOKESMAN for the Netanyahu family, has signed 1—STATE—WITNESS—DEAL in 1—CORRUPTION—PROBE linked to his former boss.
20180305             ITALY, 1—MAN, —66—JAHRE—ALT shot 1—AFRICA—STREET vendor to death in FLORENCE, 1—OF—ITALY—MOST popular tourist destinations.
20180305             Police found 1—SUICIDE—NOTE in the suspect's apartment and that checks on social media had shown he had 1—PASSION for guns.
20180305             —POURED, KASHMIR, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—PROTESTERS, into THE—STREETS—OF—SHOPIAN more than 12—TIMES, hurling rocks and shouting ANTI—INDIA slogans —AFTER soldiers killed 4—CIVILIANS and 2 suspected militants.
20180305             —RESPONDED, Government forces, with tear gas.
20180305             MEXICO—POLICE said 4—GUNMEN burst into 1—HOSPITAL in CANCUN and shot to death ALFONSO—CONTRERAS—ESPINOZA and his female companion.
20180305             —HEADED, Espinoza purportedly, THE—CANCUN operations of the Gulf drug cartel.
20180305             THE—JALISCO cartel has been moving into the resort.
20180305             —MARCHED, MYANMAR, 200—PEOPLE, in YANGON to protest government plans to amend 1—LAW governing public demonstrations to make it easier to charge participants with crimes and increase penalties for violations.
20180305             —KILLED, NIGERIA—POLICE said least 10—PEOPLE were, in several DAYS—OF—VIOLENCE between herdsmen and farmers in 1—NUMBER—OF—REMOTE herding villages in the Mambilla DISTRICT—OF—TARABA state.
20180305             —KILLED, Cattle drivers said 19—PEOPLE have been, and 23 injured.
20180305             —OUSTED, PANAMA—CITY, executives of 1—LUXURY—TRUMP hotel were, —AFTER 1—PANAMA—JUDICIAL—OFFICIAL and police backed Orestes Fintiklis, the hotel's majority owner.
20180305             Lawyers for the Trump organization held that their management contract was still valid.
20180305             —ASKED, THE—PHILIPPINES—GOVERNMENT'S—LEGAL—COUNSEL, THE—SUPREME—COURT to expel THE—CHIEF—JUSTICE for allegedly not declaring her assets, in 1—NEW—ATTEMPT to remove the nation's judicial leader.
20180305             1—SOUTH—KOREA—DELEGATION met NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN, —AFTER arriving in the North on 1—VISIT aimed at encouraging NORTH—KOREA and THE—USA to talk.
20180305             —IMPOSED, SRI—LANKA, 1—CURFEW in KANDY, 1—CENTRAL—HILL—STATION—TOWN—POPULAR with tourists, —AFTER DAYS—OF—COMMUNAL unrest that saw 1—MAN killed and Muslim businesses set alight.
20180305             —ENTERED, SYRIA, a 46-truck aid convoy began entering, THE—TOWN—OF—DOUMA in besieged EAST—GHOUTA, the 1. such shipment in months.
20180305             The government did not allow 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—HEALTH—SUPPLIES to be loaded, and would not allow them to be replaced by other items.
20180305             —TARGETED, Government air strikes, along with shelling, front lines near Harasta, Beit Sawa and Hosh AL—ASHARI in EAST—GHOUTA.
20180305             —KILLED, NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, at least 13—CIVILIANS were, in TURKEY—SHELLING on THE—TOWN—OF—JINDARIS, as TURKEY—FORCES try to press their advances on THE—KURDISH—HELD Afrin enclave.
20180305             —KILLED, Another 3—CIVILIANS were, in TURKEY—SHELLING near Rajo, also in Afrin.
20180305             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, 4—IRAQ—NATIONALS on suspicion of planning 1—ATTACK on THE—USA—EMBASSY in ANKARA, hours —AFTER the mission temporarily closed due to 1—SECURITY—THREAT.
20180305             —COMPILED, The report was, by Asma Jahangir, 1—PAKISTAN—LAWYER serving as UN special rapporteur on human rights in IRAN, who † suddenly —LAST—MONTH.
20180305             accused SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—OF funneling cash from the state oil company to militias responsible for atrocities and attacks on civilians.
20180305             hurling rocks and shouting ANTI—INDIA slogans —AFTER soldiers killed 4—CIVILIANS and 2 suspected militants.
20180305             —PUSHED, MALAYSIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NAJIB—RAZAK'S—SCANDAL—HAUNTED government, plans for legislation outlawing "fake news" as PARLIAMENT convened for the last time —BEFORE 1—ELECTION due by —AUGUST.
20180305             † 1—UN—REPORT said IRAN has arrested activists and political opponents in 1—CLAMPDOWN on FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION as USE—OF—TORTURE continues despite PROMISES—OF—REFORM.
20180305             USA—ERMITTLUNGEN zur Wahleinmischung: PUTIN strikt gegen Auslieferung von RUSSEN
20180305             —VERLIERT, ITALIEN nach der Wahl: Rechts legt zu, links
20180305             VOLKS—KONGRESS—CHINA steigert MILITÄR—AUSGABEN um 8,1 %
20180305             FINANZ—CHEF—DES—VATIKANS: KARDINAL wegen Missbrauchsvorwürfen vor Gericht
20180305             —TRIUMPHIERT, Hochrechnung ITALIEN—WAHL: 5—STERNE, BERLUSCONI verpasst Durchmarsch
20180305             RECHENSCHAFTS—BERICHT auf VOLKS—KONGRESS—CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT soll langsamer wachsen
20180305             Unternehmensgewinne: EU—FINANZ—MINISTER—WOLLEN—DIGITAL—KONZERNE härter BE—STEUERN
20180305             Trotz Sanktionen: AUßENHANDEL—MIT—RUSSLAND legt kräftig zu -
20180305             Historische Gespräche in PJÖNG—JANG: KIM—JONG—UN trifft DELEGATION—AUS—SÜD—KOREA
20180305             CHINA vor dem VOLKS—KONGRESS: 16.000—NEUE UNTERNEHMEN—PRO—TAG
20180305             POLIZIST als mutmaßlicher G20—RANDALIERER: Kommt ein "Astra"geflogen
20180305             Regulierung von KRYPTO—WÄHRUNGEN, "Wir sollten den Bitcoin sich selbst überlassen"
20180305             —RECHTS—RUCK—IN—ITALIEN: FREMDEN—FEINDLICHE Lega will regieren
20180305             ANT—ARKTIS: MEGA—KOLONIEN von Pinguinen entdeckt
20180305             Studie: Sozialer Status hängt von Urgroßeltern ab
20180305             Geschlechtergerechte Sprache: MERKEL will Nationalhymne nicht ändern
20180305             Afrin: Offenbar mehrere SYRISCHE—ZIVILISTEN bei LUFT—ANGRIFFEN der TÜRKEI getötet
20180305             —VERHINDERT, Sichelzellanämie: Wenn RASSISMUS Therapien
20180305             KORRUPTION—ERMITTLUNGEN, NETANYAHU unter DRUCK—WEITERER Vertrauter wird Kronzeuge
20180305             Umgekehrt gelte: Je höher DER—SOZIALE Status der Urgroßeltern, desto höher der Status ihrer Nachfahren —HEUTE.
20180305             DIE—FORSCHER kommen zum Ergebnis, dass - [l] 1—BOMBENINVESTMENT, so 1—ICO!
20180305             Trawling through 900—ICOS in 1—SITTING is 1—DEEPLY depressing experience, can report
20180305             Schockierend!
20180305             [l] SPIEGEL—ONLINE hat euch ausgeschlossen?
20180305             —UPDATE, So sieht SPIEGEL—ONLINE übrigens ohne AD—BLOCKER aus
20180305             [l] Habt ihr ANGST—VOR—DEN—GEHEIM—DIENSTEN?
20180305             Da habe ich schlechte Nachrichten für euch
20180305             [l] Der RUSSISCHEN—TROLL—BEHÖRDE sind ein paar zentrale Akten geleaked.
20180305             [l] In der SCHWEIZ haben sich über 70—PROZENT—DER—WÄHLER für das Beibehalten der Rundfunkgebühren ausgesprochen.
20180305             [l] Guckt euch mal Sektion 3—VON diesem Dokument an
20180305             Rückblickend liest sich das Dokument wie 1.Regieanweisung
20180305             DIE—AKTUELLEN CYBER—VERHANDLUNGEN zwischen USA und RUSSLAND sind übrigens gerade abgebrochen worden.
20180305             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON? Er habe aber so gezielt, dass
20180305             Wenn ihr denkt, das ist —SCHON der Höhepunkt,
20180305             Seine Motive: Wut, Hilflosigkeit und ANGST—VOR—POLIZEI—GEWALT
20180305             Ja, äh, was sollen denn die anderen Menschen —ERST sagen, wenn —SCHON DIE—COPS ANGST—VOR—POLIZEI—GEWALT haben!?
20180305             [l] Smith & Wesson hat übrigens vor ner Weile 1.Reform versucht und ist dafür von der NRA gelyncht worden
20180305             [l] Um DONALD—TRUMP herum sind ja nicht ALLE—INKOMPETENTE—STÜMPER - Es gibt auch Hochbegabte
20180305             MELANIA—TRUMP hat ein "EINSTEIN Visa"gekriegt, weil sie im Modeling so hochbegabt war.
20180305             DIE—JÜDISCHE Gemeinde reagierte empört auf Glenns Äußerungen
20180305             Es sei "beleidigend und unangemessen", den Davidstern auf 1.Stufe mit dem HAKEN—KREUZ und Mugabe zu stellen.
20180305             BRITISCHEN—MEDIEN—BERICHTEN zufolge sagte Glenn, die Regularien würden "höchst kontroverse"Symbole untersagen
20180305             [l] NETANJAHUs "Spin Doctor"bietet sich DER—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT als Kronzeuge gegen NETANJAHU an
20180305             Der Mann ist —INZWISCHEN, selbst VERDÄCHTIGEr (BESTECHUNG und Behinderung der Justiz), das wird bei der Entscheidungsfindung geholfen haben
20180305             Er bietet Tonaufnahmen von NETANJAHU und seiner Frau an.
20180305             Das ist halt der Nachteil von so GEGENSEITIGES—KOMPROMAT—SYSTEMEN
20180305             Da gibt es dann keine ehrlichen Teilnehmer, auf deren Loyalität man sich verlassen kann, weil sie nicht erpressbar sind.
20180305             In der PHILOSOPHIE ist die Auseinandersetzung mit dem "Nichts" im SPANNUNGS—VERHÄLTNIS zum "Etwas" 1.ihrer Grundfragen
20180305             In der modernen Kosmologie stellt die "creatio ex nihilo" 1—WICHTIGES epistemologisches Instrument dar
20180305             ARGENTINIENs EX—PRÄSIDENTIN CRISTINA—FERNÁNDEZ—DE—KIRCHNER kommt wegen mutmaßlicher Verschleierung im Fall eines Attentats gegen das jüdische Gemeindehaus Amia
20180305             —FREITAG—AM, hatte ein anderer BUNDES—RICHTER—DIE—AUFNAHME eines Verfahrens gegen Kirchner wegen Betrugs und Bildung 1—KRIMINELLEN Vereinigung zur Vergabe von öffentlichen Bauaufträgen an befreundete Unternehmer beschlossen.
20180305—20170000    —SIGNED, Fintiklis, 1—AGREEMENT not to challenge TRUMP—MANAGEMENT—CONTRACT, but changed course arguing mismanagement.
20190305             —GESPROCHEN, DIE—CHACHAPOYA, wie "Tschatschapoja", lebten etwa 08000101—08991231    —ZWISCHEN—DEM, 15000101—15991231    —UND, in den nordöstlichen Anden des heutigen Perus, am Rande des Amazonasbeckens.
20190305             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said that authorities have, DOZENS—OF—SUSPECTS in the wake 20190214             —THE suicide bombing in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir that killed 40—INDIA—TROOPS.
20190305             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FDA, Spravato, 1—MIND altering medication that is 1—COUSIN of ketamine, for THE—TREATMENT—OF—PATIENTS who have failed to find relief with at least 2—ANTI—DEPRESSANTS.
20190305             —ADOPTED, Ketamine has been, by the underground rave culture due to its ability to produce psychedelic, OUT—OF—BODY—EXPERIENCES.
20190305             —REPORTED, It was, that for —JUST the 2. time ever an HIV patient was in sustained remission from the virus in what was hailed by experts as proof that THE—AIDS—CAUSING condition could —1—DAY be curable.
20190305             —CONTINUED, AFGHANISTAN, relief efforts, —1—DAY—AFTER flooding subsided.
20190305             † THE—NORWAY—REFUGEE—COUNCIL said more than 32—PEOPLE have, and thousands displaced as heavy rains and flooding swept away homes across AFGHANISTAN.
20190305             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—ALGERIA—STUDENTS, in protest at ailing PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA—DETERMINATION to stand for RE—ELECTION, brushing aside his pledge not to serve 1—FULL 5. term.
20190305             —CALLED, BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, for better ties with NATO and lifted restrictions on USA—DIPLOMATS, 1—APPARENT—BID to win concessions from MOSCOW by dangling THE—PROSPECT—OF—RAPPROCHEMENT with the West.
20190305             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA, 1—ROBUST annual economic growth target and a 7.5—PERCENT rise in military spending as it convened 1—ANNUAL—LEGISLATIVE—SESSION overshadowed by 1—TARIFF war with WASHINGTON.
20190305             —OPENED, CHINA—TECH—COMPANY—HUAWEI, 1—CYBERSECURITY—LAB in BRUSSELS, THE—HEART—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, as it tries to win over government leaders and fight back USA—ALLEGATIONS that its equipment poses 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—RISK.
20190305             FRANCE—OFFICIALS said rioters in THE—CITY—OF—GRENOBLE set fire to 65—CARS and targeted security forces with fireworks and Molotov cocktails, —AFTER a 3. NIGHT—OF—VIOLENCE sparked by the death of 2—TEENAGERS on 1—STOLEN scooter —DURING 1—POLICE—CHASE.
20190305             —WARNED—OF, FRANCE—CUSTOMS—OFFICIALS, lengthy delays at the port of Calais as their WORK—TO—RULE—STRIKE snarled traffic for a 2. —DAY, leading to QUEUES—OF—TRUCKS several km (miles) long.
20190305             —JAILED, THE—BERLIN district court, —48—YEAR—OLD—ALEKSANDR—T, 1—GERMAN—RUSSIA—DUAL—CITIZEN whose full name wasn't released in line with GERMANY—PRIVACY—RULES.
20190305             † 1—OF—THE—VICTIMS—LATER, of his injuries.
20190305             1—HUNGARY—COURT ruled that RUI—PINTO, 1—PORTUGAL—MAN linked to the publication of internal documents that embarrassed top European clubs and soccer officials in the Football Leaks case, will be extradited to his home country.
20190305             —TOPPLED, ITALY—ENERGY—COMPANY—ENI said 1—CRANE, from 1—METHANE gas extraction platform, plunging into the Adriatic Sea and killing the crane's operator (63).
20190305             —CREDITED, JAPAN—ARCHITECT Arata Isozaki, with bringing together the East and West in his innovative designs, was awarded —THIS—YEAR—PRITZKER—ARCHITECTURE—PRIZE, known internationally as the highest honor in the field.
20190305             1—TOKYO court approved the release of FORMER—NISSAN Chairman CARLOS—GHOSN on 1—BILLION yen ($8.9—MILLION) bail, rejecting 1—APPEAL by prosecutors to keep him jailed.
20190305             —REPORTED, It was, that NEPAL has chosen 1—RAILWAY—TRACK gauge used by CHINA for its network and not the main 1—INDIA uses citing lower costs, 1—SETBACK for INDIA as it tries to limit CHINA—INVOLVEMENT in the Himalayan country.
20190305             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that NICARAGUA—PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA—LEFTIST—GOVERNMENT and the opposition have agreed a "roadmap" for extended peace talks to resolve —10—MONTHS—OF—CRISIS sparked by 1—DEADLY—CRACKDOWN on dissent in which HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE were killed.
20190305             —ARRESTED, Among those, was Mufti ABDUL—RAUF, THE—BROTHER—OF—THE—GROUP—LEADER, MASOOD—AZHAR.
20190305             SOUTH—AFRICA GROWING, unrest at SIBANYE—STILLWATER—GOLD—OPERATIONS has left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD—SINCE workers downed tools —IN—NOVEMBER, prompting the country's mines MINISTER to call on the police to step in and protect the local community.
20190305             —PROPOSED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT, increases in spending on public servants and incentives to boost agriculture and fisheries in 1—NEW—NATIONAL—BUDGET, which opposition lawmakers criticized as 1—ATTEMPT to attract voters ahead of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—THIS—YEAR.
20190305             —SHUTTERED, SUDAN, a —1—DAY—STRIKE, businesses and emptied streets in KHARTOUM, and other PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20190305             The opposition SUDAN—CONGRESS—PARTY said authorities have released OMAR—EL—DIGEIR, 1—SENIOR—OPPOSITION—LEADER, who had been detained —SINCE—DECEMBER in connection with demonstrations against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—RULE.
20190305             —STREAMED, EAST—SYRIA, civilians, out of the Islamic State group's last SYRIA—STRONGHOLD into territory held by USA—BACKED forces battling to finish off the jihadists' dying "caliphate" near the village of Baghouz.
20190305             —CALLED, KIEV, USA—AMBASSADOR—MARIE—YOVANOVITCH, on UKRAINE—OFFICIALS to fire the special ANTI—CORRUPTION—PROSECUTOR, Nazar Kholodnytsky, who has been accused of helping suspects avoid corruption charges.
20190305             —CALLED, She also, for 1—COMPLETE audit of 1—STATE—OWNED military procurement company and greater transparency for defense contracts.
20190305             UN High Commissioner for Human Rights MICHELLE—BACHELET said BURUNDI has forced THE—UNITED—NATIONS to shut its local human rights office —AFTER—23—YEARS.
20190305             † In AFGHANISTAN relief efforts continued —1—DAY—AFTER flooding subsided.
20190305             brushing aside his pledge not to serve 1—FULL 5. term.
20190305             —CALLED, BELARUS PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO, for better ties with NATO and lifted restrictions on USA—DIPLOMATS,
20190305             1—APPARENT—BID to win concessions from MOSCOW by dangling THE—PROSPECT—OF—RAPPROCHEMENT with the West.
20190305             —OPENED, CHINA—TECH company Huawei, a cybersecurity lab in BRUSSELS,
20190305             THE—HEART—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, as it tries to win over government leaders and fight back USA—ALLEGATIONS that its equipment poses 1—NATIONAL—SECURITY—RISK.
20190305             FRANCE—OFFICIALS said rioters in THE—CITY—OF—GRENOBLE set fire to 65—CARS and targeted security forces with fireworks and Molotov cocktails,
20190305             —AFTER a 3. NIGHT—OF—VIOLENCE sparked by the death of 2—TEENAGERS on 1—STOLEN scooter —DURING 1—POLICE—CHASE.
20190305             † THE—BERLIN district court jailed —48—YEAR—OLD—ALEKSANDR T.
20190305             1—GERMAN—RUSSIA—DUAL—CITIZEN whose full name wasn't released in line with GERMANY—PRIVACY—RULES.
20190305             as it seeks to gradually regain the confidence of INTERNATIONAL investors and wean itself off bailout funds.
20190305             —TOPPLED, ITALY—ENERGY—COMPANY—ENI said 1—CRANE, from 1—METHANE gas extraction platform,
20190305             plunging into the Adriatic Sea and killing the crane's operator (63).
20190305             —CREDITED, JAPAN—ARCHITECT Arata Isozaki, with bringing together the East and West in his innovative designs,
20190305             was awarded —THIS—YEAR—PRITZKER—ARCHITECTURE—PRIZE, known internationally as the highest honor in the field.
20190305             1—TOKYO court approved the release of FORMER—NISSAN Chairman CARLOS—GHOSN on 1—BILLION yen ($8.9—MILLION) bail,
20190305             rejecting 1—APPEAL by prosecutors to keep him jailed.
20190305             —REPORTED, It was, that NEPAL has chosen 1—RAILWAY—TRACK gauge used by CHINA for its network and not the main 1—INDIA uses citing lower costs,
20190305             1—SETBACK for INDIA as it tries to limit CHINA—INVOLVEMENT in the Himalayan country.
20190305             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said that authorities have, DOZENS—OF—SUSPECTS in the wake the Feb.
20190305             14—SUICIDE bombing in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir that killed 40—INDIA—TROOPS.
20190305             SOUTH—AFRICA, growing unrest at SIBANYE—STILLWATER—GOLD—OPERATIONS has left 9—PEOPLE—DEAD—SINCE workers downed tools —IN—NOVEMBER,
20190305             prompting the country's mines MINISTER to call on the police to step in and protect the local community.
20190305             —PROPOSED, SRI—LANKA—GOVERNMENT, increases in spending on public servants and incentives to boost agriculture and fisheries in 1—NEW—NATIONAL—BUDGET,
20190305             which opposition lawmakers criticized as 1—ATTEMPT to attract voters ahead of 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION—THIS—YEAR.
20190305             The opposition SUDAN—CONGRESS—PARTY said authorities have released OMAR—EL—DIGEIR,
20190305             1—SENIOR—OPPOSITION—LEADER, who had been detained —SINCE—DECEMBER in connection with demonstrations against PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR—RULE.
20190305             —ACCUSED—OF, Nazar Kholodnytsky, who has been, helping suspects avoid corruption charges.
20190305             Sogar aus den Böden afrikanischer Hütten haben Wissenschaftler Hinweise auf das Schicksal des Erdmagnetfeldes gewonnen.
20190305             riesigen Landgutes Rensselaerwyck Manor
20190305             Das AN—WESEN gehörte zum ZEIT—PUNKT seiner Vermessun
20190305             —STUDIE—ZU—HOMEOFFICE: Väter nehmen sich nicht mehr Zeit für ihre Kinder, selbst wenn sie es können
20190305             —DIE—LAGE—AM—DIENSTAG: DIE—GRÜNEN—LINKE Ideen, bürgerlich verpackt
20190305             ERFOLGS—BETEILIGUNG trotz Krisenjahr: JEDER—VW—MIT—ARBEITER erhält 4750—EURO Bonus
20190305             ARCHÄOLOGIE—ÜBERRASCHUNGSFUND in PERU: 2—KÖLNER entdecken das Dorf der Nebelkrieger
20190305             MACRONs Appell an ALLE—EU—BÜRGER: "Wir dürfen nicht Schlafwandler in einem erschlafften EUROPA sein"
20190305             Selbst den Namen Chachapoya hatten sie sich nicht selbst gegeben, sondern die Inka.
20190305             CHINA: Wirtschaft wächst langsamer, MILITÄR—AUSGABEN steigen deutlich
20190305             Zollvergünstigungen: DONALD—TRUMP will INDIEN und TÜRKEI Vorteile beim Handel nehmen
20190305             —BERICHT, zu ÖKO—PROBLEMEN der ZUKUNFT: UNO WARNT—VOR—5 unterschätzten Umweltgefahren
20190305             Aids: 2. Patient WELT—WEIT—VON—HIV befreit
20190305             Tödliche Schlammlawine in BRASILIEN: BERGBAU—KONZERN kündigte PRÜF—FIRMA vor Dammbruch
20190305             Auf Menschen und Natur kämen große Probleme zu, wenn gentechnisch veränderte LEBE—WESEN freigesetzt werden oder der arktischer Permafrostboden weiter auftaut.
20190305             —ZUDEM, würden die Lebensräume von Tieren und Pflanzen immer mehr durch Straßen und Infrastruktur begrenzt, weiter große Mengen an Stickstoff in die Umwelt gelangen und MANCHE—MASSNAHMEN zum KLIMA—SCHUTZ die Situation eher verschlimmern,
20190305             In "nur ein paar —JAHRZEHNTEN" habe die Menschheit die globalen Temperaturen 170-mal schneller als normal steigen lassen, 75—PROZENT—DER—ERD—OBERFLÄCHE verändert und 93 % aller Flussläufe umgebaut,
20190305             "Das zeigt, daß wir Menschen nicht nur drastische Veränderungen in der Biosphäre verursachen, sondern auch, daß wir —INZWISCHEN, fähig sind, die Bausteine des Lebens neu zu schreiben und aus dem Nichts zu erschaffen", heißt es mit Blick auf die Gentechnik.
20190305             —GELUNGEN, Im Labor sei es —BEREITS, durch die Aussetzung von genveränderter Mücken "1—POPULATION—VON—MALARIAMÜCKEN erfolgreich zusammenbrechen zu lassen", 1—FELD—VERSUCHDAZU laufe in BURKINA—FASO an.
20190305             Immer mehr Straßen, Dämme oder Zäune durchschneiden Naturräume.
20190305             —BEREITS—JETZT, legten VIELE—SÄUGETIERE nur noch etwa halb so lange Distanzen zurück, um Futter zu suchen oder sich zu paaren,
20190305             Zwar stünden 15—PROZENT—DER—WELTWEITEN—LANDFLÄCHE unter Naturschutz, aber nur 50—PROZENT—DER—GEBIETE sei mit anderen Naturregionen verbunden.
20190305             "Schutzgebiete allein retten DIE—ARTEN—VIELFALT nicht",
20190305             "ihre Verbindung ist die Verkörperung der Ökologie".
20190305             In den Böden der ARKTIS schlummert 1.ZEIT—BOMBE: Dort lagert im gefrorenen Zustand 50—PROZENT—DES—KOHLENSTOFFES, der WELT—WEIT in den Böden gespeichert ist.
20190305             —BISHER ist DIE—SÜD—GRENZE—DER—PERMAFROST—REGION —BEREITS 30—BIS 80—KM nach Norden gewandert,
20190305             —VERSCHLIMMERT, DIE—SITUATION wird durch häufigere WALD—BRÄNDE, aber auch Bergbau, Infrastruktur und LAND—WIRTSCHAFT tragen dazu bei.
20190305             —BEKANNT, DIE—ROLLE des Kohlenstoffs für den KLIMA—WANDEL ist, - "aber verglichen damit gibt es wenig öffentliche DEBATTE—ÜBER—DIE—NOTWENDIGKEIT, beim Stickstoff zu handeln",
20190305             —WÄHREND, Stickstoff im Wert von PRO—JAHR—$ als Abfallstoff in die Umwelt gelange, werde er auf der anderen Seite künstlich ERZEUGT—1—RECYCLING—SYSTEM sei dringend notwendig.
20190305             Wenn Deiche und Straßen in Gegenden von BANGLADESCH gebaut werden, die 20500000             sicher unter Wasser stehen werden, führe das dazu, daß —JETZT mehr Menschen dorthin zögen, statt in sicheren Gegenden zu siedeln
20190305             SOMALIA, stellen Farmer wegen der Dürre verstärkt Holzkohle her und dezimierten so die WÄLDER—DAS wiederum trage zu noch größerer Trockenheit bei.
20190305             "Aber es ist gut, wenn die UNEP ein weltweites BEWUSSTSEIN für diese Themen schafft, die —BISHER nicht auf dem Bildschirm von Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien sind".
20190305             —ENTZAUBERT, MIT—FORSCHERIN im Interview: "KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ muss, werden"
20190305             Angesichts der rasant wachsenden Zahl an Milliardären, 2.158—BEI letzter Zählung und allein in CHINA kommen täglich 2—HINZU, finde man sicherlich 1—KÄUFER.
20190305             MACRONs BRIEF—AN—DIE—EU—BÜRGER im Wortlaut: "Der Moment des Neubeginns in EUROPA"
20190305             Hassrede von Politikern und Geistlichen: EUROPArat wirft RUSSLAND Homophobie vor
20190305             USA—PRÄSIDENT—WAHL 20200000             HILLARY—CLINTON schließt erneute Kandidatur aus
20190305             FOOTBALL—LEAKS: UNGARN will WHISTLE—BLOWER RUI—PINTO nach PORTUGAL ausliefern
20190305             61.000.000.—000—STUNDEN: BUNDES—BÜRGER arbeiten so viel wie noch nie
20190305             EU—PARLAMENT zu Artikel 13: Konservative wollen URHEBER—RECHTS—ABSTIMMUNG vorziehen
20190305             EU—URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM: Uploadfilter machen die Mächtigsten im INTERNET noch mächtiger
20190305             [l] Wisst ihr noch, als ich mich darüber lustig gemacht habe, wie IN—DEN—USA skrupellose WAHL—MANIPULATOREN den Leuten den falschen Wahltermin gesagt haben, damit sie die richtige Wahl verpassen?
20190305             Stellt sich raus: Die CDU will DIE—ABSTIMMUNG—ÜBER—ARTIKEL—13—UPLOADFILTER vorziehen, um die demokratischen Proteste auszuschalten.
20190305             Keine Taktik ist zu schäbig für die CDU.
20190305             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN, GOOGLE hat sich mal um das Gender Pay Gap gekümmert.
20190305             Ergebnis:
20190305             —WHEN, GOOGLE conducted 1—STUDY—RECENTLY to determine whether the company was underpaying women and MEMBERS—OF—MINORITY—GROUPS, it found, to the surprise of —JUST about everyone, that men were paid less money than women for doing similar work.
20190305             [l] Habt ihr DIE—GESCHICHTE mit dem Sprengstoffenthusiasten in RHEINLAND—PFALZ gehört?
20190305             Boah.
20190305             [l] Sagten wir, bloß 5—PROZENT—DER—LEUTE, die "freiwillig ihre DATEN an FACEBOOK verkauft" haben, seien Teenager gewesen?
20190305             Bedauerliches Missverständnis! Wir meinten 18%.
20190305             [l] Wo wir uns immer alle so schön über die BERATER—AFFINITÄT von Frau VON—DER—LEYEN aufregen: Die leitet da noch eines der sparsameren Ressorts.
20190305             Bei DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG laufen aktuell 903—VERTRÄGE für "BERATUNGS—UND Unterstützungsleistungen".
20190305             Das meiste Geld in Beratungen versenkt das INNEN—MINISTERIUM.
20190305             Gastbeitrag von MARTIN—SCHULZ (SPD): Scheitert MACRON, ist EUROPA in Gefahr
20190305             —REAKTIONEN—AUF—MACRONS Reformvorschläge : "Nicht Skepsis, sondern Zuversicht"
20190305             Masern, Mumps, Röteln: Forscher widerlegen These von ZUSAMMENHANG—ZWISCHEN—IMPFUNG und Autismus
20190305             Klare Worte auf dem VOLKS—KONGRESS: Little CHINA
20190305             DEUTSCHE—REAKTIONEN—AUF—DEN WWF—SKANDAL, "Naturschutz kann lebensbedrohlich sein"
20190305             Algerier in FRANKREICH über den — AUFSTAND in der Heimat: "Etwas Historisches passiert"
20190305             Antwort auf EMANUEL—MACRON: ORBÁN weist Reformideen für DIE—EU zurück - Linke: Roter Adel (SPIEGEL+, 20:28)
20190305             Ermittlungen der KANADISCHEN—STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT gegen SNC—LAVALIN, die
20190305             Dem KANADISCHEN—INGENIEUR—UND Bauunternehmen mit WELT—WEIT 50.000—MITARBEITERN wird vorgeworfen,
20190305             Außerdem soll die Firma LIBYENs Regierung um umgerechnet mehr als 85.000.000—EURO geprellt haben.
20190305             BERICHT—ÜBER—FOX—NEWS und DONALD—TRUMP: "Sein Schild und sein Schwert"
20190305             CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT und DER—WESTEN: "Am STAATS—KAPITALISMUS wird nicht gerüttelt"
20190305             —NACH, 1—BERECHNUNG des Umweltbundesamts entsteht bei der Verbrennung von Holz im Schnitt 2.500—MAL mehr FEIN—STAUB als bei 1—GASHEIZUNG.
20190305             DEUTSCHLAND, gibt es gut 11—MILLIONEN mit Holz betriebene sogenannte Kleinfeuerungsanlagen.
20190305             —LAUT, Umweltbundesamt stoßen si
20190305             "Wenn im Mittel 10—PROZENT—DES—FEIN—STAUBS in der Stadt aus der Holzverbrennung kommt, dann hört sich das nicht viel an, aber von den krebserregenden Verbindungen entfallen 30—BIS 40 % auf diese Quelle.
20190305             Holzrauch enthält viel mehr polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe als zum Beispiel Dieselabgas".
20190305             DIE—KLEINEN PARTIKEL sind noch gefährlicher, weil sie tief in die Lunge eindringen können.
20190305             [l] Diverse Kommunen in UK haben 1.automatisierte BETRUGSERKENNUNGS—SOFTWARE installiert, und die hat wohl Tausenden zu Unrecht DIE—SOZIAL—LEISTUNGEN gestrichen.
20190305             Ealing, the lead council for THE—PROJECT, found the automated ELEMENTS—OF—THE—SYSTEM targeting single person discount fraud was 80% EFFECTIVE—WHICH is seen as 1—ACCEPTABLE benchmark.
20190305             80%! Bei 10000 SOZIAL—LEISTUNGSEMPFÄNGERN also 20000000             bedauerliche Einzelfälle.
20190305             [l] Völlig überraschend hat FACEBOOK die 2FA—TELEFONNUMMERN auch anderweitig genutzt.
20190305             —ABSTIMMUNGSTERMIN zur URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM: EVP will COPYRIGHT—VOTUM doch nicht vorziehen
20190305             Waterloo Station, Heathrow und City Airport: Mehrere Briefbomben in LONDON entdeckt
20190305             ISS—AUßEN—EINSATZ nur mit Astronautinnen: 1—KLEINER Schritt für DIE—FRAUEN...
20190305             —SENTENCED, He was, to —8—YEARS in prison over 20190722             —THE—ATTACK—ON 2—HOMELESS—MEN at Schoeneweide station.
20190305—20100000    —SINCE, GREECE successfully launched its 1. —10—YEAR—BOND—AUCTION ,
20190305—20100000    —SINCE, GREECE successfully launched its 1. —10—YEAR—BOND—AUCTION, as it seeks to gradually regain the confidence of INTERNATIONAL investors and wean itself off bailout funds.
20190305—20180000    —IN, 2—GROUPS monitoring air pollution said NEW—DELHI was the world's most polluted capital city in 1—STUDY—OF—THE—AMOUNT—OF—FINE particulate matter known as PM2.5 in 61—CAPITAL—CITIES—AROUND the world.
20190305—20190226    —IN—THE, INDONESIA, the effort to find victims mine collapse recovered more bodies and body parts as the death toll rose to at least 13.
20190305—20190303    —SINCE, 280 IS fighters were among those who quit the pocket.
20200304             1—GOVERNMENT—SOURCE said ITALY is to close all schools and universities —STARTING 20200305             to try to contain its worsening CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak.
20200305             PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP said he would withhold money from SO—CALLED sanctuary jurisdictions —AFTER 1—USA—COURT ruled that his administration could block FEDERAL—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—FUNDS to states and cities that do not cooperate with FEDERAL—IMMIGRATION—AUTHORITIES.
20200305             —RULED, But 3—OTHER—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURTS have, against blocking such funds, setting up 1—POSSIBLE—APPEAL to THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT.
20200305             —RAISED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, its HAITI travel advisory to Level 4: Do Not Travel, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF what HAITI National Police have described as a "spectacular rise" in kidnappings for ransom, along with other violent crimes including car jackings and robberies, carried out mostly by armed criminal gangs.
20200305             —REPORTED, It was, that 6—USA—MILITARY—INDIVIDUALS in SOUTH—KOREA have tested positive for COVID—19.
20200305             ALABAMA put 1—INMATE to death for 20040000             —THE slayings of 3—POLICE—OFFICERS who were shot by another man at 1 suspected drug house.
20200305             —RECEIVED, NATHANIEL—WOODS, 1—LETHAL injection at the state prison in Atmore.
20200305             —CONVICTED, Woods had been, as 1—ACCOMPLICE—OF—THE gunman, Kerry Spencer.
20200305             Both were CONVICTED—OF—CAPITAL murder and sentenced to die.
20200305             —SUSPECTED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM said 1—SHIP with, links to 2—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, 1—FATAL, was being held off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO—UNTIL everyone on BOARD could be tested.
20200305             At least 21—PEOPLE on the ship had symptoms.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, NEW—JERSEY, its 1. CASE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, 1—MAN, —32—JAHRE—ALT who had been hospitalized —JUST across the Hudson River from NEW—YORK City.
20200305             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK officials, 11—NEW—POSITIVE—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in Westchester County, bringing the state's total count to 24, with 21—OF—THOSE in in Westchester County and 4 in NEW—YORK City.
20200305             —SENTENCED, Krystle Concepcion Villanuev (27) was, to life in prison without parole.
20200305             † 1—MAN in his 60s, the ninth fatality associated with the outbreak at 1—SEATTLE area nursing home.
20200305             —AGREED, VIENNA, OPEC members, to cut oil output by 1—EXTRA 1.5—MILLION barrels per —DAY (bpd) in the 2. quarter of 20200000             to support prices that have been hit by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak, but made its action conditional on RUSSIA and others joining in.
20200305             RUSSIA and KAZAKHSTAN, both members of the broader and informal group known as OPEC+, said they had not yet agreed to 1—DEEPER cut.
20200305             —TESTED, BRITAIN—HSBC sent more than 100—STAFF—HOME—AFTER 1—WORKER, positive for CORONA€"VIRUS, the 1. known case at 1—MAJOR—COMPANY in LONDON.
20200305             —COUNTED, BRITAIN, 90—CASES.
20200305             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—UK—JUDGE has ruled that DUBAI—RULER—SHEIKH Mohammed bin Rashid AL—MAKTOUM, —70—JAHRE—ALT ordered the abduction of 2—OF—HIS—DAUGHTERS and orchestrated 1—CAMPAIGN—OF—INTIMIDATION against PRINCESS—HAYA, —45—JAHRE—ALT, his former wife.
20200305             —DECLARED, BULGARIA, 1—NATIONWIDE influenza epidemic to deal with the rapid RISE—OF—TYPE B flu cases.
20200305             Scientists in CHINA studying the outbreak say they have found that 2—MAIN—STRAINS—OF—THE—VIRUS are circulating in humans and causing infections.
20200305             —REOPENED, EGYPT, DJOSER—STEP—PYRAMID, the 1. pyramid ever built, —AFTER a —14—YEAR—RESTORATION costing nearly $6.6—MILLION.
20200305             THE—EU—HIGHEST—COURT said changes by HUNGARY to its law on higher education, which effectively forced 1—UNIVERSITY founded by GEORGE—SOROS to leave the country, were not in line with EU law.
20200305             —REPORTED, It was, that FRANCE has 377 confirmed CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS and reported 2—MORE—DEATHS, bringing the total to 6.
20200305             —JUMPED, GERMANY—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, by 109 in —1—DAY, to 349.
20200305             —REPORTED, IRAN, 15—NEW—DEATHS from the novel CORONA€"VIRUS, raising the national toll to 107, and said it would keep schools and universities closed —UNTIL early 35130400             people in IRAN have —NOW been infected with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN, it would put checkpoints in place to limit travel between major cities, hoping to stem THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             † Hossein Sheikholeslam, 1—ADVISER to IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTER, from CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             —DEMOLISHED, ISRAEL—MILITARY—FORCES, the homes of 2—PALESTINIANS accused of being behind 1—DEADLY—BLAST in THE—WEST—BANK—LAST—YEAR.
20200305             ISRAEL says WALID—HANATSHEH and Yazan Mughamis were PART—OF—1—CELL that carried out the attack —IN—AUGUST, which killed ISRAEL—RINA—SHNERB (17) and injured her father and brother as they hiked down to —1—SPRING in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20200305             —FIRED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, missiles —EARLY—TODAY toward military positions in CENTRAL—SYRIA.
20200305             State news agency SANA said all were shot down by SYRIA—AIR—DEFENSES—BEFORE reaching their targets.
20200305             ITALY, the death toll from 1—OUTBREAK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in THE—NORTH—REGION—OF—LOMBARDY, which has borne the brunt of 1—NATIONWIDE contagion, has risen over the past —DAY to 98—FROM 73.
20200305             IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA said that he will not run for RE—ELECTION in October, ending speculation that he would try for a 3. term.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, JAPAN, INFECTIONS—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS—ROSE to 1,036.
20200305             —KILLED, PALESTINE, at least 9—PEOPLE were, and 60 injured —WHEN 1—BAKERY fire spread through 1 crowded market in 1—REFUGEE—CAMP in THE—GAZA—STRIP.
20200305             —CANCELLED, PORTUGAL—FLAG—CARRIER—TAP said it has, 1—TOTAL—OF—AROUND 1,000 flights —THIS—MONTH and next due to 1—FALL in demand over concerns about the spreading CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             —ANNOUNCED, RUSSIA, 1—AGREEMENT on 1—CEASEFIRE in Syria was, —AFTER a —6—HOUR meeting between the Turkish and RUSSIA—PRESIDENTS in MOSCOW.
20200305             The deal essentially froze the conflict lines and did not force SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FORCES to roll back military gains made in the past —3—MONTHS.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—AFRICA, its 1. CASE—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—KOREA, 6,088 CORONA€"VIRUS cases, with 1—DEATH—TOLL—OF—37.
20200305             —IDENTIFIED, SPAIN—HEALTH—AUTHORITIES said they had, as many as 193—CORONA€"VIRUS—CASES, including 3—CHILDREN.
20200305             —REPORTED, SPAIN, its 1. death —2—DAYS—EARLIER from the outbreak in VALENCIA.
20200305             —BECAME, SWITZERLAND, 1—WOMAN, —74—JAHRE—ALT, the 1. local person to die from the novel CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             NORTH—WEST—SYRIA, 1—AIRSTRIKE on 1—REBEL—HELD village hit 1—POULTRY—FARM where several displaced families were sheltering, killing at least 15—PEOPLE including children.
20200305             —BLAMED, Activists, RUSSIA—WARPLANES for the strike on Maaret Musreen village.
20200305             —REPORTED, THAILAND, 4—NEW—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, bringing its total to 47—SINCE January.
20200305             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY, that another TURKEY—SOLDIER was killed in 1—ATTACK in Idlib, Syria, raising THE—NUMBER—OF—TURKEY—SOLDIERS killed in the past —36—HOURS to 3.
20200305             TURKEY said it would deploy special forces along its land border with GREECE to prevent GREECE—AUTHORITIES pushing back people trying to cross into EUROPE, —AFTER TURKEY declared its previously guarded gateways to EUROPE open.
20200305             1—NEW—UN—STUDY said nearly 90—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—POPULATION holds SOME—PREJUDICE against women.
20200305             THE—UN said 1—BRITISH—UN—EMPLOYEE is 1—OF—THE—4—PEOPLE who have tested positive for the novel CORONA€"VIRUS in SENEGAL.
20200305             —RAISED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, its HAITI travel advisory to Level 4:
20200305             Do Not Travel, —IN—THE—WAKE—OF what HAITI National Police have described as a "spectacular rise" in kidnappings for ransom, along with other violent crimes including car jackings and robberies, carried out mostly by armed criminal gangs.
20200305             —SUSPECTED, CALIFORNIA—GOVERNOR—GAVIN—NEWSOM said 1—SHIP with, links to 2—CORONA€"VIRUS cases,
20200305             1—FATAL, was being held off THE—COAST—OF—S—FRANCISCO—UNTIL everyone on BOARD could be tested.
20200305             —INCLUDED, The cases, guests who were on the previous Grand PRINCESS voyage from Feb.
20200305             —ELECTRIFIED, MASSACHUSETTS SENATOR—ELIZABETH—WARREN, who, progressives with her "plan for everything" and strong message of economic populism, dropped out of the Democratic presidential race.
20200305             —REPORTED, NEW—YORK officials, 11—NEW—POSITIVE—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in Westchester County,
20200305             bringing the state's total count to 24, with 21—OF—THOSE in in Westchester County and 4 in NEW—YORK City.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, HOUSTON officials, the 1. 3—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in HARRIS—COUNTY, the nation's 3.—LARGEST—COUNTY.
20200305             † In WASHINGTON state at least 39—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS cases have been reported in THE—SEATTLE area.
20200305             —AGREED, VIENNA, OPEC members, to cut oil output by 1—EXTRA 1.5—MILLION barrels per —DAY (bpd) in the 2. quarter of 20200000             to support prices that have been hit by THE—CORONA€"VIRUS outbreak,
20200305             but made its action conditional on RUSSIA and others joining in.
20200305             —TESTED, BRITAIN—HSBC sent more than 100—STAFF—HOME—AFTER 1—WORKER, positive for CORONA€"VIRUS,
20200305             the 1. known case at 1—MAJOR—COMPANY in LONDON.
20200305             —AFTER a —14—YEAR—RESTORATION costing nearly $6.6—MILLION.
20200305             THE—EU—HIGHEST—COURT said changes by HUNGARY to its law on higher education,
20200305             which effectively forced 1—UNIVERSITY founded by GEORGE—SOROS to leave the country, were not in line with EU law.
20200305             —REPORTED, IRAN, 15—NEW—DEATHS from the novel CORONA€"VIRUS,
20200305             raising the national toll to 107, and said it would keep schools and universities closed —UNTIL—EARLY—APRIL.
20200305             3513—PEOPLE in IRAN have —NOW been infected with THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20200305             ISRAEL says WALID—HANATSHEH and Yazan Mughamis were PART—OF—1—CELL that carried out the attack —IN—AUGUST,
20200305             which killed ISRAEL—RINA—SHNERB (17) and injured her father and brother as they hiked down to —1—SPRING in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20200305             ITALY, the death toll from 1—OUTBREAK—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS in THE—NORTH—REGION—OF—LOMBARDY,
20200305             which has borne the brunt of 1—NATIONWIDE contagion, has risen over the past —DAY to 98—FROM 73.
20200305             IVORY—COAST—PRESIDENT—ALASSANE—OUATTARA said that he will not run for RE—ELECTION in October,
20200305             ending speculation that he would try for a 3. term.
20200305             † IN—PERU—JAVIER—PEREZ—DE—CUELLAR (100), FORMER—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL (19810000—19910000    ) known for his PEACE—MAKING efforts including brokering 1—CEASEFIRE in THE—IRAN—IRAQ war.
20200305             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 760—NEW—CORONA€"VIRUS cases.
20200305             —REPORTED, THAILAND, 4—NEW—CASES—OF—CORONA€"VIRUS, bringing its total to 47—SINCE—JANUARY.
20200305             —KILLED, Syria, raising THE—NUMBER—OF—TURKEY—SOLDIERS, in the past —36—HOURS to 3.
20200305             TURKEY said it would deploy special forces along its land border with GREECE to prevent GREECE—AUTHORITIES pushing back people trying to cross into EUROPE,
20200305             —AFTER TURKEY declared its previously guarded gateways to EUROPE open.
20200305             —DONNERSTAG,
20200305             —GERECHT, Nur 17—PROZENT empfinden sie hingegen als.
20200305             Dabei machen sie übrigens keinen Unterschied zwischen der Verteilung von Einkommen und Vermögen
20200305             allein die 45—REICHSTEN DEUTSCHEN—HAUSHALTE besitzen so viel wie die gesamte ärmere HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG.
20200305             Auch im Vergleich mit anderen Industriestaaten ist die Einkommensungleichheit in der Bundesrepublik eher unauffällig (EU—STAATEN) oder sogar unterdurchschnittlich (OECD—STAATEN) — die Vermögensungleichheit ist hingegen überdurchschnittlich ausgeprägt.
20200305             In der Wahrnehmung der DEUTSCHEN sind sie jedoch gleich ungerecht.
20200305             —GERECHT, Wie, oder ungerecht die Verteilung bewertet wird, hängt offenbar weniger von objektiven und messbaren Lebensumständen ab, sondern vor allem von der politischen Einstellung.
20200305             bei fast allen Kriterien, nach denen die Befragten unterschieden werden können, fallen die Antworten relativ gleichmäßig aus: ob nach Geschlecht, Alter, Schulbildung, Religion, OST— oder Westdeutschland, Stadt oder Land — stets sind die Unterschiede recht gering.
20200305             Immerhin 29—PROZENT—DER—LEITENDEN—ANGESTELLTEN empfinden die Verteilung als gerecht, aber nur 11—PROZENT—DER—ARBEITER.
20200305             Wähler der FDP, der Union und mit Abstrichen der AfD halten die Verteilung noch am ehesten für gerecht, wobei auch bei ihnen jeweils 1—MEHRHEIT anderer Meinung ist.
20200305             Anhänger der Linken, der SPD und der Grünen empfinden die Verteilung hingegen fast geschlossen als ungerecht.
20200305             Hier bilden sich die Lager —NACH—DEM klassischen Gegensatz zwischen links und rechts.
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS, Kultusministerin gegen flächendeckende Schulschließungen (09:15 Panorama
20200305             —STONED, The kids were too, to vote in this election, because they're too stoned to vote in EVERY—ELECTION.
20200305             WOHNUNGS—KONZERN, Vonovia macht Milliardengewinn (10:11 Wirtschaft
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS, So rüsten sich Bundesregierung und Bundeswehr für den Ernstfall
20200305             —4—TAGE QUARANTÄNE: Wie ich versuchte, in BERLIN einen CORONA—TEST machen zu lassen
20200305             DIE—BUNDESWEHR hat —SCHON zu Beginn der CORONA—KRISE strenge Vorschriften erlassen, um 1—AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS in der Truppe zu stoppen.
20200305             DIE—SANITÄT ordnete für ALLE—SOLDATEN, die aus einem der Risikogebiete wie CHINA, IRAN oder auch ITALIEN zurückkehren, eine zweiwöchige QUARANTÄNE an.
20200305             —BEREITET, Wie bei der Bundeswehr üblich, sich die Truppe immer auf den Ernstfall vor.
20200305             1—STABSSOLDAT—DER—FLUGBEREITSCHAFT hatte sich vor wenigen —WOCHEN bei einem befreundeten Ehepaar INFIZIERT—NACHDEM er sich gemeldet hatte, WURDEN—CA—60 Soldaten der Flugbereitschaft, die mit ihm Kontakt hatten, nach Hause geschickt.
20200305             Es werde zu "Stress im System" kommen, sagte er.
20200305             Es sei wichtig, besonnen zu bleiben, zusammenzuhalten und einander zu vertrauen.
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS—VERDACHT: Kreuzfahrtschiff darf S—FRANCISCO nicht anlaufen (11:13 Panorama
20200305             Weniger Gäste, hohe PREISE, "Automessen stehen vor dem Niedergang" 1—ANALYSE—VON—EMIL—NEFZGER und ANDREAS—EVELT (Video) (11:20 Mobilität
20200305             150.000—EURO Schadensersatz: Erdogan verklagt OPPOSITIONsabgeordneten nach KRITIK—AN—SYRIENPOLITIK (11:20 Politik
20200305             EU—WEIßBUCH zu künstlicher Intelligenz: Diese Kamera weiß, wer du bist
20200305             Auch Nichtparlamentarier mögen GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG im öffentlichen Raum nicht.
20200305             So sprachen sich 20170000             3—VIERTEL der Befragten in einer STUDIE—ZUM—BEISPIEL gegen GESICHTS—ERKENNUNGS—SYSTEME in Supermärkten aus, auch wenn es dafür Rabatte geben sollte.
20200305             In einer anderen UM—FRAGE fanden nur 17—PROZENT, daß DEUTSCHE—BEHÖRDEN uneingeschränkt GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG einsetzen dürfen sollten.
20200305             Das Weißbuch stuft nämlich "remote biometric identification", also biometrische Identifikation von Weitem, womöglich ohne Wissen der Betroffenen, explizit als "Hochrisikofall" ein.
20200305             Ja, es erwähnt sogar explizit "spezifische Grundrechtsrisiken".
20200305             Grundsätzlich verboten werden soll der EINSATZ—VON—GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG und ähnlicher Technik aber —NUN doch nicht.
20200305             Sie soll aber nur eingesetzt werden dürfen, wenn das "gerechtfertigt und verhältnismäßig" sei und zudem "angemessenen SICHERHEITSvorkehrungen" unterliege.
20200305             Man wolle —JETZT eine "breite europäische Debatte" darüber in Gang setzen, über Umstände, die "wenn überhaupt", den Einsatz rechtfertigen könnten.
20200305             Gerade DER—DEUTSCHE—INNEN—MINISTER—HORST—SEEHOFER hat diverse MALE deutlich gemacht, daß er Kameras mit GESICHTS—ERKENNUNGSSYSTEMEN im öffentlichen Raum eigentlich wirklich gern hätte, stößt aber auf Widerstand.
20200305             DIE—EU ist in Sachen KI und maschinelles Lernen in einer schwierigen Lage: Sie droht zwischen dem Geld und dem KNOW—HOW der SILICON—VALLEY—GIGANTEN und dem unbedingten Fortschrittswillen der CHINESISCHEN—FÜHRUNG zerrieben zu werden.
20200305             —GESTORBEN, DEUTSCHLAND: Mehr als 200—MENSCHEN an Grippe, (12:07 Wissenschaft
20200305             —KLIMA—WANDEL, Regenwälder speichern —BIS zu 30—PROZENT weniger CO2 (12:49 Wissenschaft
20200305             —CORONA—KRISE: FLUG—BRANCHE fürchtet Verluste —BIS zu 113—MILLIARDEN DOLLAR (12:51 Wirtschaft
20200305             —BEDAUERT, Treffen mit Erdogan: PUTIN, Tötung TÜRKISCHER—SOLDATEN in SYRIEN (12:57 Politik
20200305             Ausnahmegenehmigung: Apotheken dürfen Handdesinfektionsmittel selbst herstellen (13:04 Wirtschaft
20200305             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, Bildungsmesse didacta wird verschoben (13:56 Panorama
20200305             Internationaler Strafgerichtshof: Ermittler dürfen möglichen Kriegsverbrechen in AFGHANISTAN nachgehen (14:31 Politik
20200305             Kritische Gutachten: Scheuer räumt Nachholbedarf bei KLIMA—SCHUTZ ein (14:37 Wirtschaft
20200305             Nicht nur für Strafverfolger: Clearviews GESICHTS—ERKENNUNG wurde auch privat genutzt (14:40 Netzwelt
20200305             Experimente mit Keas: 1—PAPAGEI, der rechnen kann (14:53 Wissenschaft
20200305             Ihre Intelligenz nutzt den Keas im Alltag allerdings wenig.
20200305             Sie sind akut vom AUS—STERBEN bedroht;
20200305             ihre Bestandsgröße in NEUSEELAND wird auf unter 7000—TIERE geschätzt.
20200305             Zum Verhängnis werden den lernbegierigen Bodenbrütern insbesondere freilaufende Katzen.
20200305             RKI—CHEF—ZU COVID—19 in DEUTSCHLAND: "Bei den meisten Patienten wissen wir, wo sie sich angesteckt haben" (15:33 Wissenschaft
20200305             Schutz vor UV—STRAHLUNG: Ozonschicht über dem Nordpol schrumpft (17:08 Wissenschaft
20200305             DIE—OZONSCHICHT über dem Nordpol ist —IN—DIESEM—WINTER besonders dünn.
20200305             Der Grund: Niedrige Temperaturen in einer hohen Luftschicht, der sogenannten Stratosphäre, aktivieren Chlor, das die Ozonverbindungen zerstört.
20200305             1—POLARWIRBEL verstärkt den Effekt.
20200305             —NEUE—ART: TIEFSEE—FLOHKREBSE mit Plastik im Magen entdeckt (17:51 Wissenschaft
20200305             —DIE—LAGE—AM—ABEND: Autokraten entscheiden über Leben und Tod (17:52 Politik
20200305             Dax rutscht unter 12.000—ZÄHLER: VIRUSsorgen haben Börsen erneut im Griff (18:16 Wirtschaft
20200305             —NACH, Milliardenverlust: Continental verschärft den SPAR—KURS (18:24 Wirtschaft
20200305             —KONFLIKT in Nordsyrien: PUTIN und Erdogan vereinbaren neue Waffenruhe in Idlib (18:29 Politik
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS, EZB lässt Banken offenbar NOTFALL—PLÄNE prüfen (19:17 Wirtschaft
20200305             —NACH, BERICHT—ÜBER—GEHEIMDIENST: 2—JOURNALISTEN in der TÜRKEI verhaftet (19:19 Politik
20200305             HARVARD—FORSCHER über Religion: Glaube kann sich LOHNEN—FINANZIELL 1—INTERVIEW—VON—ALEXANDER—PREKER (19:26 Wirtschaft
20200305             Sorge vor unbemerktem Ausbruch: So bereiten sich afrikanische Länder auf DAS—CORONA—VIRUS— vor
20200305             New SOUTH—WALES in AUSTRALIEN: Nach mehr als —240—TAGEN feuerfrei (20:04 Panorama
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS, Starbucks verbietet Kunden Nutzung eigener Kaffeebecher (20:05 Wirtschaft
20200305             —RECHTS—STREIT—MIT—PRINZESSIN—HAYA: EMIR—VON—DUBAI wegen Entführung und Folter verurteilt (20:16 Politik
20200305             TÜRKISCH—GRIECHISCHE—LANDGRENZE: Leid, Hoffnung, Stacheldraht (20:34 Politik
20200305             Thu
20200305             [l] DER—INTERNATIONALE Strafgerichtshof hat einen Fall über Kriegsverbrechen der USA—ARMY in AFGHANISTAN angenommen.
20200305             Der Fall liegt da wohl —SCHON länger rum und wurde zuletzt abgelehnt.
20200305             Begründung: Die betroffenen Parteien (hust DIE—USA hust) würden wahrscheinlich nicht kooperieren.
20200305             Und der ICC ist halt 1—FREIWILLIGENGERICHT.
20200305             Jedenfalls hatten sie völlig Recht mit ihrer Einschätzung damals:
20200305             THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, MIKE—POMPEO, said —AT—THE—TIME that WASHINGTON would revoke or deny visas to ICC staff seeking to investigate alleged war crimes and other abuses committed by USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN or elsewhere.
20200305             —CONFIRMED, Bensouda —LATER, that her USA visa had been revoked.
20200305             Fatou Bensouda ist Chefanklägerin des ICC. Das war vielleicht kein so schlauer Move, der ihr Visum zu zerreißen.
20200305             Jedenfalls hat das Gericht dann nochmal das Kleingedruckte durchgelesen und fand spontan:
20200305             —ON—THURSDAY THE—ICC—APPEALS chamber said the lower court had misinterpreted SOME—OF—THE—COURT—RULES, and it declared that THE—INVESTIGATION should be allowed to go ahead.
20200305             Das ist besonders pikant, weil das Verfahren nicht auf AFGHANISTAN beschränkt ist:
20200305             —APPROVED, It also, that THE—SCOPE—OF—THE—INVESTIGATION should include CIA black sites operated in POLAND, LITHUANIA, and ROMANIA, where detainees were taken.
20200305             DIE—BLACK Sites in EUROPA sind vergleichsweise geklärtes Terrain, denn POLEN hat —SCHON mal Strafe dafür gezahlt.
20200305             Da kam dann auch raus, daß DIE—USA natürlich den POLEN ins Gesicht gelogen hatten, das sei bloß 1—GEHEIMDIENST—TRAININGS—EINRICHTUNG und kein Folterknast.
20200305             Einen Winkel hat die Story noch: Den THE—HAGUE—INVASION—ACT, der in den USA —JETZT Gesetz ist.
20200305             Offizieller Name ist AMERICA—SERVICEMEMBER Protection Act of 20020000            .
20200305             Inhalt: The new law authorizes THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE to LIBE—RATE—ANY—AMERICAN or CITIZEN—OF—1—USA—ALLIED country being held by the court, which is located in THE—HAGUE.
20200305             —DUBBED, This provision, the "Hague invasion clause," has caused 1—STRONG—REACTION—FROMUSA—ALLIES—AROUND the world, particularly in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20200305             Well yeah!
20200305             Und dann haben sie natürlich noch wirtschaftlichen Druck probiert in dem Gesetz.
20200305             In addition, the law provides for THE—WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—MILITARY—ASSISTANCE from countries ratifying THE—ICC treaty, and RESTRICTSUSA—PARTICIPATION in UNITED—NATIONS peacekeeping unless THE—USA obtains immunity from prosecution.
20200305             Wer also vor dem CORONA—VIRUS— Angst hat, sollte sich überlegen, ob er nicht lieber von den USA—STREITKRÄFTEN Angst haben sollte.
20200305             [l] CORONA—VIRUS—UPDATE:
20200305             As the global CORONA—VIRUS—CRISIS worsens, CHINA—RESEARCHERS have found that THE—VIRUS has mutated into 1—MORE—AGGRESSIVE strain.
20200305             —DISCOVERED, Actions soon —AFTER THE—OUTBREAK was, in CHINA in December may have changed THE—ABUNDANCE—OF—EACH—TYPE, the report said.
20200305             THE—CHINA—CENTRAL and local governments' drastic containment measures, including LOCKDOWNS—OF—CITIES and travel bans, may have curbed the spread of the "L" type.
20200305             [l] So 1—PANDEMIE ist ein toller Anlass, endlich mal fett ÜBERWACHUNGS—TECH auszurollen!
20200305             CHINA drückt gerade ihren Bürgern 1—APP auf, die einen roten, gelben oder grünen QR—CODE anzeigt.
20200305             Bei grün darf man weiterfahren, bei gelb und rot muss man in 1— oder 2-wöchige QUARANTÄNE.
20200305             Wie die App den Code "errechnet", sagen sie nicht.
20200305             Ich fühle mich an Lottery of Doom erinnert.
20200305             [l] Kennt ihr eigentlich —SCHON das "Klimamanifest" der "Werteunion"?
20200305             Für eine stabile, bezahlbare und sichere Energieversorgung
20200305             — Gegen Ökodiktatur und PSEUDO—WISSENSCHAFTLICHE Untergangspanik
20200305             —VERDAMMT, Wer DIE—AFD, weil sie ihren faschistischen "Flügel" nicht rausschmeißen, der sollte auch die CDU verdammen, weil sie ihre "Werteunion" nicht rausschmeißen.
20200305             Ich würde ja vor allem gerne mal wissen, was für Werte diese Union verteidigt.
20200305             Denn den Erhalt des Planeten, eine an sich urkonservative Idee, ist es ja offensichtlich nicht.
20200305             Shareholder Value vielleicht?
20200305             [l] Aktueller Stand: 119.280—LABORDIAGNOSTISCH verifizierte Infektionsfälle, 17% mussten ins Krankenhaus, 200—TOTE.
20200305             Wie? Nein, nicht das neue CHINA—CORONA—VIRUS—. - - Das alte GRIPPE—VIRUS.
20200305             [l] In den Debatten um den "Ausbau" von "CYBER Capabilities" hab ich ja ein paar Mal argumentiert, daß es keinen Grund für die Annahme gibt, daß die Leute da wissen, was sie tun.
20200305             Aktueller DATEN—PUNKT dazu:
20200305             1—SOURCE with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—INCIDENT told TechCrunch that the defense contractor paid 1—RANSOM of about $500,000 shortly —AFTER the incident in MID—JANUARY, but that the company was not yet fully operational.
20200305             CALIFORNIA—BASED Communications & Power Industries (CPI) makes components for MILITARy devices and equipment, like radar, missile seekers and electronic warfare technology.
20200305             DIE—MACHEN Electronic Warfare!
20200305             Die, die von einer Ransomware monatelang runtergefahren werden.
20200305             [l] 1—LESER empfiehlt den ARD—PODCAST mit einem Virologen über DAS—CORONA—VIRUS—.
20200305             Der scheint der in der Charité das Labor zu leiten, das die Tests durchführt.
20200305             In der aktuellen Folge erklärt er, welche Limits es bei Laborkapazitäten gibt, und dass das Hochschrauben auch gar nicht so viel bringen würde, wenn es ginge, was nicht der Fall ist.
20200305             Man müsste deutlich überlinear mehr Tests durchführen.
20200305             Außerdem gibt es langsam Lieferschwierigkeiten bei den Reagenzien, die vom Test benutzt werden.
20200305             Der aktuelle Test weist auch den VIRUS nach, nicht Antikörper für den VIRUS.
20200305             Einen ANTIVIRUS—TEST gibt es wohl —JETZT gerade, die Produktion läuft gerade an.
20200305             DIE—BEHÖRDEN hatten das Kreuzfahrtschiff —NACH—DEM CORONA—VIRUS—TOD eines FRÜHEREN—PASSAGIERS—CA—100 Kilometer vor der Küste Kaliforniens gestoppt.
20200305             DIE—USA lagern Dollarscheine aus ASIEN für 7—BIS—10—TAGE ein.
20200305             —ERST danach würden sie bearbeitet und wieder in den Geldkreislauf eingespeist.
20200305             Immer am 1. —FREITAG—IM—MÄRZ strömen 1.000—GLÄUBIGE zu einer Kirche im Zentrum MADRIDs, um den rechten Fuß einer Christusstatue zu küssen.
20200305             Dadurch sollen Wünsche in Erfüllung GEHEN—THEORETISCH.
20200305             —IN—DIESEM—JAHR aber hat der ERZ—BISCHOF—IN—ABSPRACHE mit den Gesundheitsbehörden 1—KUSS—VERBOTFÜR die Zehen des "Cristo de Medinaceli" erteilt.
20200305             Die Figur darf weder mit den Lippen noch mit den Händen berührt werden, um die COVID—19—GEFAHR einzudämmen.
20200305             DIE—BUNDESREGIERUNG hat —MITTE—DER—WOCHE den Export von Schutzausrüstung wie ATEM—MASKEN und Handschuhen verboten.
20200305             Mehrere EU—LÄNDER protestierten —JETZT gegen das Vorgehen.
20200305             Diese Art einseitiger Maßnahmen berge das Risiko, den "kollektiven Ansatz" der EU zu untergraben, warnte EU—KATASTROPHENSCHUTZKOMMISSAR Janez Lenarcic bei einem Sondertreffen der EU—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER in BRÜSSEL.
20200305             Das Gerücht, Hühner seien Überträger des neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS—, hat den Umsatz der Geflügelzüchter in INDIEN einbrechen lassen.
20200305             Verband der Geflügelzüchter.
20200305             "DIE—LEUTE ESSEN kein Geflügel mehr zu Hause. Sie gehen nicht mehr zum ESSEN aus".
20200305             Es gebe keine NACH—FRAGE mehr.
20200305             FRANKREICH, ist die ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN binnen eines Tages um 154—AUF 577—GESTIEGEN.
20200305             Auch in der SCHWEIZ gibt es einen 1. Todesfall.
20200305             Die ZAHL—DER—INFIZIERTEN stieg in dem Land auf 210.
20200305             DIE—DEUTSCHEN haben offenbar aus Furcht vor dem CORONA—VIRUS—IN—DER vergangenen —WOCHE massiv Hamsterkäufe bei Konserven und haltbaren Lebensmitteln getätigt.
20200305             —LAUT—ANGABEN—DES—NÜRNBERGER—FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS—GFK sind die Umsätze mit Fertigsuppen im LEBENSMITTELEINZEL—HANDEL um 112—PROZENT im Vergleich zur Vorwoche gestiegen.
20200305             "Solche Ausschläge haben wir sonst nirgends",
20200305             Bei FISCH—UND Obstkonserven habe der Anstieg jeweils 70—PROZENT betragen, bei Teigwaren wie Nudeln 73—PROZENT.
20200305             Gemüsekonserven gingen gar um 80—PROZENT in die Höhe.
20200305             Möglich sei, daß die Menschen nach Abflauen der VIRUSangst vermehrt Lust auf frische Produkte hätten,
20200305             "Volle Stadien mit Zehntausenden von FANS—GERADE in Gegenden wie dem vom CORONA—VIRUS— —JETZT stark betroffenen RHEINLAND—MÜSSTEN aus medizinischer Sicht eigentlich gestoppt werden", sagte CHRISTIAN—DROSTEN, DIREKTOR—DES—INSTITUTS für Virologie der Charité,
20200305             1—BERATER—DES—IRANISCHEN—AUSSENMINISTERS ist an den Folgen seiner CORONA—VIRUS—INFEKTION gestorben.
20200305             Hussein Scheicholeslam, "ein altgedienter und revolutionärer Diplomat", sei —AM—DONNERSTAG, —67—JAHRE—ALT, gestorben, wie die staatliche NACHRICHTEN—AGENTUR Irna —AM—FREITAG mitteilte.
20200305             Scheicholeslam war vor seinem Tod BERATER—VON—AUSSEN—MINISTER—MOHAMMED—DSCHAWAD—SARIF.
20200305             IRAN, wurden —BISHER mehr als 4700—INFEKTIONEN—MIT—DEM neuartigen CORONA—VIRUS— bestätigt.
20200305             Unter den Toten sind offiziellen Angaben zufolge mindestens 6—POLITIKER und Regierungsbeamte.
20200305             —GESTORBEN, DEUTSCHLAND: Mehr als 200—MENSCHEN an Grippe
20200305             —KLIMA—WANDEL, Regenwälder speichern —BIS zu 30—PROZENT weniger CO2
20200305             —NEUE—ART: TIEFSEE—FLOHKREBSE mit Plastik im Magen entdeckt
20200305             —DIE—LAGE—AM—ABEND: Autokraten entscheiden über Leben und Tod
20200305             HARVARD—FORSCHER über Religion: Glaube kann sich LOHNEN—FINANZIELL
20200305             —REOPENED, EGYPT, DJOSER—STEP—PYRAMID, The 1. pyramid ever built,
20200305             —CORONA—VIRUS, Kultusministerin gegen flächendeckende Schulschließungen
20200305             —CLOSED, All schools in the Black Sea STATE—OF—7—MILLION were, to 20200311            .
20200305             —CONFIRMED, More than 95,000—CASES—OF—THE—DISEASE have been, worldwide and over 3000—PEOPLE have †, with ITALY surpassing CHINA in its daily NUMBER—OF—NEW—INFECTION for THE 1. time —SINCE THE—VIRUS spread.
20200305—20170000    —IN, 1—TEXAS woman was convicted of stabbing and beheading her —5—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER.
20200305—20200211    —FROM, The cases included guests who were on the previous Grand PRINCESS voyage to 21.
20200305—20200226    —ON, the 2. USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS in Manhattan ruled in FAVOR—OF—THE—ADMINISTRATION and said the funding cuts were valid.
20200326—20200305    —AM, 1—FRAU hatte in Westport im USA—BUNDES—STAAT CONNECTICUT ihren 40. Geburtstag mit etwa 50—LEUTEN gefeiert.
20200513—20200305    —SEIT—DEM, ITALIEN, öffnen die Schulen landesweit —IM, ;;0900;;wieder.
20200513—20200305    Das kündigt Bildungsministerin LUCIA—AZZOLINA während einer Anhörung im Parlament an.
20200513—20200305    1—FRÜHERER—START sei angesichts der gegenwärtigen Bedingungen zu unsicher.
20200513—20200305    —GESCHLOSSEN, In ITALIEN sind Schulen und Universitäten.
20200513—20200305    —SEIT—DEM, In ITALIEN sind Schulen und Universitäten geschlossen.
20201124             CHINA—CHANG'E 5—MISSION to the moon began as THE—4—MODULES of the spacecraft blasted off atop 1—MASSIVE—LONG—20200305              Y rocket from the Wenchang launch center on Hainan ISLAND.
20210121             —EXTENDED, NORTH—IRELAND, its COVID—19—LOCKDOWN for 1—ADDITIONAL —4—WEEKS to 20210305             and its deputy 1. MINISTER said the measures might have to be extended again.
20210121             —VERLÄNGERT, Die BRITISCHE—PROVINZ Nordirland, den Lockdown wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE —BIS zum 20210305            .
20210121—20210305    THROUGH, ALABAMA—GOV. kay Ivey announced 1—EXTENSION—OF—1—STATEWIDE ordnance requiring facemasks in public to help slow THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—CORONA€"VIRUS.
20210126             —VERLÄNGERT—IRLAND, CORONA—LOCKDOWN —BIS zum 20210305             20210305             —FREITAG, 20210305
20210305             POLITIK—IKONE Rosa LUXEMBURG: Der Traum von der Eroberung der Zukunft
20210305             Nach Putsch in MYANMAR: USA setzen Ministerien und Armeekonglomerate auf schwarze Liste
20210305             Präsidentin der Kultusministerkonferenz: ALLE—SCHÜLER sollen noch —IM—MÄRZ zur Schule gehen
20210305             Rekordinvestition: Bahn will 13—MILLIARDEN Euro für Schienennetz ausgeben
20210305             Kritik an CORONA—POLITIK: Der Druck aus der Nölerecke
20210305             Erklärung vor Volkskongress: CHINA strebt mehr als 6—PROZENT Wirtschaftswachstum an
20210305             New Yorker GOUVERNEUR—CUOMO: ZAHL—DER—CORONA—TOTEN in Altersheimen wurde wohl manipuliert
20210305             GREENSILL—SKANDAL: "Auf die Aufsicht müssen wir uns —SCHON verlassen"
20210305             —GEWINNT, Identitätspolitik: Wer schreit, 1—KOMMENTAR—VON—RENÉ—PFISTER
20210305             Erneuerbare Energien: Windkraft löst Kohle als wichtigsten Energieträger in DEUTSCHLAND ab
20210305             Nach Putsch: Sicherheitskräfte in MYANMAR schlagen Proteste erneut gewaltsam nieder
20210305             —VERZEICHNET, Konjunkturdaten: DEUTSCHE—INDUSTRIE, deutlich mehr Aufträge
20210305             Der Gesundheitsminister sollte zurücktreten: Es reicht, Herr Spahn!
20210305             Gesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN: CORONA—ÖFFNUNGEN "an der Grenze dessen, was verantwortbar ist"
20210305             TIGRAY—KONFLIKT: Human Rights Watch wirft Truppen Eritreas Massaker vor
20210305             BANKER—BONI: SCHWEIZER—GROSSBANK—UBS schüttet 3,3 Milliarden Dollar an Boni aus
20210305             Weitere Politiker in CORONA—DEALS verstrickt: Abgeordneter bezeichnet seine 250.000—EURO MASKEN—PROVISION als "marktgerecht"
20210305             ATOM—MORATORIUM: STAAT zahlt Energiekonzernen 2,4 Milliarden Euro
20210305             RECHTSEXTREMISMUS—VERDACHT: Verwaltungsgericht untersagt Verfassungsschutz vorerst Beobachtung der AfD
20210305             Proteste gegen Privatresidenz MAR—A—LAGO: "Wir verwehren uns gegen tollwütige, gesetzlose TRUMP—ANHÄNGER" Aus Palm Beach berichtet MARC—PITZKE
20210305             Vertrauliches Verfassungsschutzgutachten zur AfD: "Gewaltsamer Widerstand kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden"
20210305             Von Zecken übertragene Krankheit: 5—NEUE FSME—RISIKOREGIONEN in DEUTSCHLAND
20210305             3—METER pro —STUNDE: Fast 1000—METER lange Autobahnbrücke wird verschoben
20210305             Brutales Vorgehen des Militärs in MYANMAR: "Die Strategie besteht darin, willkürlich ausgewählte Menschen zu töten"
20210305             Vielflieger betroffen: Hacker erbeuten Kundendaten von LUFTHANSA—DIENSTLEISTER
20210305             —GESTIEGEN, Trotz Pandemie: ZAHL—DER—DEMOS in BERLIN deutlich
20210305             Erzbistum Köln: Woelki will zurückgehaltenes Missbrauchsgutachten zur Einsicht auslegen
20210305             Trotz neuer E—AUTO—ZIELE: VW setzt weiter auf den Verbrennungsmotor
20210305             Reaktionen auf CORONA—DEALS: "Der moralische Kompass ist anscheinend vollkommen kaputt"
20210305             Vermögensabschöpfung: STAAT darf Geld von Straftätern auch bei verjährten Taten zurückfordern
20210305             "Die Waffen sollen schweigen": PAPA ruft Führung des IRAK zum Schutz aller religiösen Gruppen auf
20210305             Deals mit CORONA—SCHUTZMASKEN: CSU—POLITIKER Nüßlein zieht sich aus der Politik zurück
20210305             NIEDERSACHSEN: Waffen und Munition in Erddepot entdeckt
20210305             Es ist —BEREITS das 2. Erdversteck, das innerhalb weniger —MONATE entdeckt wurde.
20210305             —ZUGEORDNET, Anfangs wurde es der Roten Armee Fraktion, was inzwischen als unwahrscheinlich gilt.
20210305             Die Ermittlungen dauern an.
20210305             —BEKANNT, Dem Landeskriminalamt sei der aktuelle "Fund ", so 1—SPRECHERIN.
20210305             "Die 1. Bewertung" lasse nicht auf "politisch motivierte Kriminalität schließen".
20210305             Brexit: GROSSBRITANNIEN weicht NORDIRLAND—PROTOKOLL offenbar weiter auf
20210305             Terrorermittlungen: SOLDAT fabulierte vom Sturm des Reichstagsgebäudes
20210305             Monitoring the Right Wing: GERMANY—OFFICIALS—SEEK to Turn up the Heat on the AfD By Jörg Diehl, ANN—KATRIN—MÜLLER, Ansgar Siemens und WOLF—WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT
20210305             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Mehrheit für Beobachtung der AfD durch Verfassungsschutz
20210305             Seehofer über Verfassungsschützer: "Da platzt mir der Kragen"
20210305             Prozess gegen KSK—SOLDATEN: "Wir verschießen mehr in einer —NACHT als die Polizei in einem —JAHR"
20210305             Fri
20210305             [l] Datenreichtum bei niederländischem E—TICKETING—ANBIETER Ticketcounter.
20210305             Eine Datenbank mit 1,9 Millionen Datensätzen lag auf einem ungesicherten STAGING—SERVER herum.
20210305             —FROM THE—SAMPLES—OF—THE—DATABASE seen by BleepingComputer, the data exposed can include full names, email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and hashed passwords.
20210305             Größer Lacher an der ganzen Geschichte:
20210305             In what should be 1—MODEL—OF—TRANSPARENCY,
20210305             Ticketcounter CEO—SJOERD—BAKKER has told BleepingComputer that
20210305             they copied 1—DATABASE to 1—MICROSOFT—AZURE server to test an 'anonymization process' that replaces personal data with fake data.
20210305             MONSTER—FACEPALM
20210305             Betroffen sind unter anderem 400.000—GÄSTE vom Berliner Zoo und Tierpark.
20210305             Oh und wo wir gerade bei Datenreichtümern waren: Bei der Star Alliance hat jemand die Vielfliegerdaten rausgetragen.
20210305             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2236—(+1)—ÓBITOS—43—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2132—(+5)—CASOS—ATIVOS—61—(-4)
20210305             ALCOUTIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—72—(=)—ÓBITOS—4—(=)—RECUPERADOS—66—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(=)
20210305             ALJEZUR—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—65—(=)—ÓBITOS—2—(=)—RECUPERADOS—62—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(-3)
20210305             CASTRO—MARIM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—383—(=)—ÓBITOS—1—(=)—RECUPERADOS—372—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—10—(-2)
20210305             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3102—(+4)—ÓBITOS—51—(=)—RECUPERADOS—2907—(+4)—CASOS—ATIVOS—144—(=)
20210305             LAGOA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—614—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—577—(+3)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(-3)
20210305             LAGOS—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1343—(+1)—ÓBITOS—27—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1291—(+9)—CASOS—ATIVOS—25—(-8)
20210305             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—3665—(+12)—ÓBITOS—61—(=)—RECUPERADOS—3499—(+7)—CASOS—ATIVOS—105—(+5)
20210305             MONCHIQUE—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—177—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—153—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—13—(=)
20210305             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1692—(+1)—ÓBITOS—21—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1603—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—68—(-1)
20210305             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—2036—(+3)—ÓBITOS—26—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1863—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—147—(-3)
20210305             SILVES—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1209—(=)—ÓBITOS—12—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1144—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—53—(-2)
20210305             SÃO—BRÁS—DE—ALPORTEL—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—376—(=)—ÓBITOS—11—(=)—RECUPERADOS—363—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—2—(-2)
20210305             TAVIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1464—(+1)—ÓBITOS—29—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1414—(+2)—CASOS—ATIVOS—21—(-1)
20210305             VRSA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—1236—(=)—ÓBITOS—19—(=)—RECUPERADOS—1195—(+6)—CASOS—ATIVOS—22—(-6)
20210305             VILA—DO—BISPO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—126—(=)—ÓBITOS—6—(=)—RECUPERADOS—119—(=)—CASOS—ATIVOS—1—(=)
20210305             LK—DÜREN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—324—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—122,4—FÄLLE—GESAMT—9.350—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.533,1—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—229—EINWOHNERZAHL—264.638
20210305             SK—KÖLN—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE—811—FÄLLE—LETZTE—7—TAGE/100.000—EW—74,5—FÄLLE—GESAMT—34.327—FÄLLE—GESAMT/100.000—EW—3.155,5—TODESFÄLLE—GESAMT—538—EINWOHNERZAHL—1.087.863
20210305             Die federführende Entwicklerin des ASTRAZENECA—IMPFSTOFFS, SARAH—GILBERT, erhält für ihren Beitrag zum Allgemeinwohl eine wichtige Auszeichnung.
20210305             Die Royal SOCIETY—OF—ARTS verleiht der Immunologin die ALBERT—MEDAILLE, die vor GILBERT —BEREITS historische Größen wie STEPHEN—HAWKING, MARIE—CURIE oder WINSTON—CHURCHILL erhalten haben.
20210305             "Die ALBERT—MEDAILLE zelebriert die Innovativsten, und der OXFORD—IMPFSTOFF ist ein großer Triumph für BRITISCHE—KREATIVITÄT, Forschung und Entwicklung",
20210305             sagte der CHEF—DER—ROYAL—SOCIETY—OF—ARTS, MATTHEW—TAYLOR,
20210305             ALLE—SCHÜLER sollen laut Kultusministerkonferenz noch —IM—MÄRZ zur Schule
20210305             "Auch wenn wir durch die Virusmutation eine veränderte Situation haben, können wir nicht noch mal mehrere —WOCHEN warten",
20210305             sagte Ernst, die Bildungsministerin in BRANDENBURG ist.
20210305             Zwar sei die für —DEN—SOMMER angekündigte Einführung "wohl unvermeidlich", sagte der Regionaldirektor der WHO/EUROPE, HANS—KLUGE, der "Welt".
20210305             "Aber es ist keine Empfehlung der WHO".
20210305             Es gebe ernste Bedenken: So sei unsicher, wie lang 1—IMMUNITÄT anhalte.
20210305             Auch könne 1—IMPFSTOFF "nicht unbedingt die Ansteckung anderer Menschen verhindern".
20210305             Kluge rechnet damit, dass die CORONA—PANDEMIE in rund —10—MONATEN zu Ende sein werde.
20210305             Er gehe davon aus, dass 20210000             ein weiteres COVID—JAHR werde, 20200000             sei "Terra Incognita" gewesen.
20210305             "—1—JAHR später wissen wir viel mehr.
20210305             Was nicht heiße, dass das Virus weg sei.
20210305             "Aber hoffentlich braucht es dann KEINE—DER—DISRUPTIVEN—INTERVENTIONEN mehr".
20210305             USA verzeichnen erstmals —SEIT—OKTOBER weniger als 40.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20210305             Bei dem Vorhaben, in den 1. einhundert —TAGEN der Amtszeit Bidens einhundert Millionen Menschen impfen zu lassen, liegen die Behörden —DERZEIT vor ihrem Zeitplan.
20210305             Die Gesundheitsämter in DEUTSCHLAND haben dem ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUT (RKI) binnen einem —TAG 10.580—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN gemeldet.
20210305             Zudem wurden innerhalb von —24—STUNDEN 264—WEITERE Todesfälle verzeichnet.
20210305             Der bundesweite —7—TAGE—R—WERT lag laut RKI—LAGEBERICHT vom —DONNERSTAG bei 0,99 (Vortag 0,93).
20210305             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass 100—INFIZIERTE rechnerisch 99—WEITERE Menschen anstecken
20210305             Trotz der rasanten AUSBREITUNG—DES—CORONA€"VIRUS hält der BRASILIANISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO nichts von Ausgangsbeschränkungen im Kampf gegen die Pandemie — ganz im Gegenteil: "Ihr seid nicht zu Hause geblieben.
20210305             —GEWESEN, Ihr seid nicht feige ", sagte Bolsonaro Medienberichten zufolge bei der Einweihung eines Teilstücks einer Eisenbahnlinie in Sao Simao im Bundesstaat Goiás —AM—DONNERSTAG (Ortszeit) zu den Arbeitern.
20210305             "Schluss mit dem Gejammere".
20210305             Diejenigen, die die Regierung zum Kauf von Impfstoffen auffordern, hatte er bei einer anderen Veranstaltung zuvor als "Idioten" bezeichnet.
20210305             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE trifft einem Bericht zufolge vor allem die unteren Einkommensschichten.
20210305             Bei einer Unterteilung der Bevölkerung in 5—GLEICH große Teile würden gut 30—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN im untersten TEIL—VON—PROBLEMEN bei der Deckung der laufenden Ausgaben berichten,
20210305             Wie —SCHON in den FRÜHEREN—ARMUTS—UND Reichtumsberichten enthält die Regierungsanalyse dem Bericht zufolge auch Aussagen zu der Frage, wie die Vermögen in DEUTSCHLAND verteilt sind.
20210305             Demnach entfielen auf die Haushalte in der unteren HÄLFTE—DER—VERTEILUNG rund 1—PROZENT—DES—GESAMTEN—NETTOVERMÖGENS, während
20210305             die vermögensstärksten 10—PROZENT—DER—HAUSHALTE über die HÄLFTE—DES—GESAMTEN—NETTOVERMÖGENS auf sich vereinten.
20210305             Rund 6—PROZENT—DER—COVID 19-Fälle in FRANKREICH sind laut Gesundheitsminister OLIVIER—VERAN auf die ansteckendere Variante, die zuerst in BRASILIEN und SÜDAFRIKA entdeckt wurde, zurückzuführen.
20210305             Der Impfstoff Coronavac des CHINESISCHEN—HERSTELLERS Sinovac könnte einer Studie zufolge gegen die neu in BRASILIEN entdeckte Virusvariante zu schwach sein.
20210305             Untersuchungen des Blutplasmas von 8—MIT dem Wirkstoff geimpften Patienten hätten gezeigt, dass die Vakzine es nicht geschafft habe, die neue Virusvariante effektiv zu neutralisieren,
20210305             Die Teststrategie des Gesundheitsministers wird zum Fiasko: In Discountern sind die Kits inzwischen zu kaufen, Schulen und Kitas müssen warten.
20210305             GROSSBRITANNIEN warnt die Europäische Union, Exportbeschränkungen für Impfstoffe könnten den weltweiten Kampf gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS gefährden.
20210305             Die globale Überwindung der Pandemie fuße auf internationaler Zusammenarbeit, sagt 1—SPRECHER—VON—PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON.
20210305             Die SCHWEDISCHE—REGIERUNG hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, —BIS zum —SOMMER ein digitales System für den Nachweis von Impfungen zu entwickeln.
20210305             Digitalisierungsminister Anders Ygeman sagte,
20210305             JEDER—SCHWEDE, der gegen das CORONA€"VIRUS geimpft wurde, soll dafür 1—INTERNATIONAL gültige Bestätigung bekommen, entweder als App oder 1—DOKUMENT zum Herunterladen.
20210305             Tschechien bittet DEUTSCHLAND, POLEN und die SCHWEIZ um Hilfe bei der Versorgung von COVID—19—PATIENTEN.
20210305             Grund sei, dass die Situation in den eigenen Krankenhäusern inzwischen kritisch sei,
20210305             Die SCHWEIZ startet 1—TEST—OFFENSIVE im Kampf gegen die CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20210305             Zur Begleitung der laufenden Öffnung des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens will die Regierung ab dem 20210315             kostenlose Tests für alle anbieten.
20210305             Pro Person sollen monatlich 5—SELBSTTESTS gratis abgegeben werden, sobald verlässliche Tests zur Verfügung stehen.
20210305             Die Stadt PARIS hat wegen der CORONA—LAGE das Alkoholverbot auf öffentlichen Plätzen massiv ausgeweitet.
20210305             So ist Alkoholkonsum ab sofort zum Beispiel an den Ufern der Seine, des Canal SAINT—MARTIN, auf der berühmten Place du Tertre nahe der Basilika SACRÉ—COEUR und an vielen weiteren Orten der Stadt verboten,
20210305             —BELASTET, CORONA—PANDEMIE, Menschen mit niedrigen Einkommen stärker
20210305             In 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—N—TV hat sich KARL—LAUTERBACH skeptisch hinsichtlich anstehender Lockerungen geäußert:
20210305             "Die Öffnungsschritte, die in dem Papier drin sind, werden zum größten Teil nie umgesetzt, weil die Voraussetzungen dafür — entweder stabile oder gar sinkende Fallzahlen — nie erreicht werden",
20210305             sagte der SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE.
20210305             Lockerungen selbst zu Ostern —ANFANG—APRIL hält er für unrealistisch.
20210305             "Ich glaube nicht, dass wir in den nächsten —4—WOCHEN sinkende Fallzahlen oder gar nur stabile Fallzahlen sehen werden".
20210305             Hoffnung setzt er auf ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS: "Wir müssen darauf hoffen, dass endlich diese ANTIGEN—SCHNELLTESTS in ausreichender Stückzahl zur Verfügung stehen.
20210305             So könnten wir Schulen und Betriebe sicherer machen und auch den R—WERT senken.
20210305             Das würde die 3. Welle richtig abbremsen"
20210305             Der Impfstoff des SCHWEDISCH—BRITISCHEN—KONZERNS AstraZeneca ist nach einer STUDIE—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—OXFORD auch gegen die aus BRASILIEN stammende, hochansteckende Mutante des CORONA€"VIRUS wirksam.
20210305             Verkauf von CORONA—SELBSTTESTS im Handel startet —AM—SAMSTAG
20210305             Reisende, die ENGLAND ohne triftigen Grund verlassen wollen, riskieren hohe Geldstrafen.
20210305             Passagiere müssen ab kommenden —MONTAG in einem Formular den Grund ihrer Ausreise angeben und dieses mit sich führen
20210305             Die akzeptierten Gründe für Auslandsreisen sind unter den aktuellen CORONA—BESCHRÄNKUNGEN nur wenige — dazu gehören Arbeit, Bildung oder Beerdigungen.
20210305             —SEIT WELTKRIEGS—ENDE, ITALIEN, 20200000             so VIELE—TODESFÄLLE wie nie zuvor
20210305             EU—KOMMISSION macht Druck bei Impfzertifikaten
20210305             WHO—CHEF—KÜNDIGT—WUHAN—BERICHT für üBERNächste —WOCHE an
20210305             KANADA erteilt Zulassung für Impfstoff von Johnson & Johnson
20210305             Dieser hat den Vorteil, dass für 1—IMMUNISIERUNG nur 1—DOSIS nötig ist und er sich zudem bei normalen Kühlschranktemperaturen lagern lässt.
20210305             1—ARZTHELFERIN aus Düsseldorf war trotz Krankheitssymptomen zur Arbeit GEKOMMEN—NUN sind 270—MENSCHEN wegen des Kontakts mit ihr in Quarantäne.
20210305             —GEARBEITET, Die Frau, die zeitweise ohne Schutzmaske, haben soll, ist mit dem CORONA€"VIRUS infiziert.
20210305             Im Norden von ARGENTINIEN haben zahlreiche Menschen gegen neue Ausgangsbeschränkungen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—PANDEMIE protestiert.
20210305             Nach ANGABEN—VON—MENSCHENRECHTSORGANISATIONEN holte die Polizei zuletzt Menschen bei CORONA—VERDACHT zum Teil —NACHTS aus ihren Häusern und
20210305             Bei den Demonstrationen feuerte die Polizei offenbar mit Gummigeschossen auf die Demonstranten und setzte Tränengas ein.
20210305             Verschärfte Lage in ITALIEN: Kampanien wird Rote Zone
20210305             1. Konzert in Tel Aviv mit hunderten geimpften Menschen
20210305             BRANDENBURG lockert BESCHRÄNKUNGEN—FÜR Geschäfte, Museen und Sport
20210305             Amtsmissbrauch: USA verhängen Sanktionen gegen UKRAINISCHEN—OLIGARCHEN Kolomoiski
20210305             —FREITAG, 20210305
20210305             ITALIEN, 2020, so VIELE—TODESFÄLLE wie nie zuvor —SEIT WELTKRIEGS—ENDE
20210305             brachte sie in QUARANTÄNE—ZENTREN, wo sie unter schlechten hygienischen Bedingungen —BIS zu einem —MONAT lang festgehalten wurden.
20210305             GLOBAL—CASES—115.921.721—GLOBAL—DEATHS—2.578.637
20210305—20200800    —ENDE—BIS, mussten —BEREITS 15,5 Millionen Haushalte in DEUTSCHLAND Einkommenseinbußen hinnehmen,
20210305—20201200    —ENDE, hatten Waldarbeiter südlich von HAMBURG 1—PLASTIKFASS mit Schriften der Revolutionären Zellen sowie 1—BOMBENBAUANLEITUNG und Chemikalien entdeckt.
20210305—20220000    —ANFANG, WHO EUROPA lehnt geplante Impfpässe ab — Pandemie vorbei
20210305—20220000    —ANFANG, Deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass die Pandemie vorbei ist".
20210322             20210323003059
20210323003059       Ungefähr 150—BERUFSPENDLER aus POLEN standen bei frostigen Temperaturen an, wollten sich testen lassen und das Ergebnis mitnehmen.
20210429             —BLASTED, THE—TIANHE, or "Heavenly Harmony," module, into space atop 1—LONG 20210305             B rocket from the Wenchang Launch Center on THE—SOUTH—ISLAND—PROVINCE—OF—HAINAN.
20220305             —SAMSTAG,
20220305             PUTIN—TREUER Altkanzler Schröder: Doris SCHRÖDER—KÖPF springt ihrem EX—MANN zur Seite
20220305             Geflüchtete aus der UKRAINE, Ankunft in BERLIN: Eltern, Oma, 2—KINDER, 1—LABRADOR, 8—KATZEN
20220305             News zum Krieg in Osteuropa: RUSSLAND kündigt Waffenruhe in Mariupol zur Evakuierung der Stadt an
20220305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Welternährungsprogramm besorgt über Versorgungslage in der Bevölkerung
20220305             Putins KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE: Hafen von Mariupol offenbar unter RUSSISCHER—BLOCKADE — das geschah —IN—DER—NACHT
20220305             "Grünes Licht für weitere Bombardierung": ZELENSKYY kritisiert Nato wegen Ablehnung einer Flugverbotszone
20220305             CORONA€"VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND: —7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt erneut leicht an
20220305             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Wann wird Putin weich?
20220305             Tanken, heizen, Lebensmittel: Handelsexperten befürchten weiteren Preisschub durch Krieg in der UKRAINE
20220305             —GEFEIERT, Prorussische Demonstration: Putin wird in Belgrad
20220305             In der SERBISCHEN—HAUPTSTADT—BELGRAD sind rund 1000—PRORUSSISCHE Demonstranten auf die Straße gegangen, um ihrer Unterstützung für den RUSSISCHEN—EINMARSCH in die UKRAINE Ausdruck zu verleihen.
20220305             Viele skandierten dabei NATO—FEINDLICHE Parolen.
20220305             "Die UKRAINE wird —DERZEIT von Neonazis befreit",
20220305             sagte der 22-jährige Demonstrant Nikola Babic der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
20220305             "Die Russen — unsere Brüder — befreien das Land und hoffentlich die Welt".
20220305             1—REIHE SERBISCHER—MEDIEN verteidigte in den vergangenen —TAGEN dessen Angriff auf das Nachbarland.
20220305             In der UNO—VOLLVERSAMMLUNG stimmte SERBIEN zwar für 1—RESOLUTION, die den Angriff Russlands auf die UKRAINE verurteilt.
20220305             Den westlichen Sanktionen gegen RUSSLAND hat sich das Land aber nicht angeschlossen.
20220305             SERBIEN ist energiepolitisch stark von RUSSLAND abhängig.
20220305             —BEGRÜNDET, Putin, den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE damit, dass es sich um einen Kampf gegen "Neonazis" handele, von denen das Nachbarland befreit werden müsse.
20220305             Ukrainer und Russen seien "1—VOLK".
20220305             —BEHAUPTET, Im "Kiewer Regime" hätten die Neonazis das Sagen, Putin.
20220305             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY hat jüdische Wurzeln und bestreitet die Vorwürfe vehement.
20220305             Jüdische Einrichtungen im Land unterstützen ZELENSKYY.
20220305             Trotz hoher Infektionszahlen: Coronarestriktionen in ÖSTERREICH weitgehend aufgehoben
20220305             Trotz UNO—VERBOT: NORDKOREA testet erneut Rakete
20220305             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, Sanktion wegen Kriegs in der UKRAINE: ITALIEN, Jacht von russischem Oligarchen Mordaschow
20220305             —SEIT Jahresbeginn: Siebter JOURNALIST—IN—MEXIKO getötet
20220305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Migrationsforscher erwartet 10—MILLIONEN Flüchtlinge
20220305             Verteidigungsexpertin zu Russlands Kriegsführung: "Wir müssen uns darauf einstellen, dass die Brutalität zunimmt"
20220305             —KONFLIKT um TAIWAN: CHINA steigert Militäretat um mehr als 7—PROZENT
20220305             MALI: Dutzende Tote bei Terrorangriff auf Militärlager
20220305             Sat
20220305             [l] Gute Nachrichten!
20220305             Der UKRAINE—KRIEG ist so gut wie vorbei.
20220305             —GEWONNEN, Die UKRAINE hat so gut wie, sagt der UKRAINISCHE—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER auf Facebook.
20220305             The  "elimination" of at least 1—RUSSIA—GENERAL has been confirmed.
20220305             Source: Reznikov on Facebook
20220305             —CREATED, This website was, with THE—SUPPORT—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and THE—INTERNATIONAL—RENAISSANCE—FOUNDATION within the framework "EU4USociety" initiative.
20220305             Its content is the exclusive RESPONSIBILITY—OF—THE—AUTHORS and does not necessarily reflect THE—VIEWS—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—UNION and THE—INTERNATIONAL—RENAISSANCE—FOUNDATION.
20220305             INTERNATIONAL Renaissance Foundation - Andrius Kubilius
20220305             He served as PRIME—MINISTER—OF—LITHUANIA 19990000—20000000    —FROM—TO and again 20080000—20120000    —FROM—TO.[1] He was leader of the conservative political party Homeland Union.
20220305             —BECAME, Kubilius, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—PRO—INDEPENDENCE S?j?dis movement, who favoured separation from THE—SOVIET—UNION.
20220305             —BECAME, He —LATER, the Executive SECRETARY—OF—THE S?j?dis Council.
20220305             Soon —AFTER THE—RE—ESTABLISHMENT—OF—LITHUANIA—INDEPENDENCE, Kubilius was elected to the Seimas (PARLIAMENT).
20220305             —SINCE then Kubilius has been 1—ACTIVE—FIGURE in LITHUANIA—POLITICS.
20220305             Kubilius said it is "impossible" to have good relations with RUSSIA and called for THE—EU to phase out its IMPORTS—OF—OIL and natural gas from RUSSIA.[9] He praised TURKEY for "proving thrice [in Syria, LIBYA and NAGORNO—KARABAKH] that the Kremlin fears the fist".
20220305             He is also a MEMBER—OF—THE—SPINELLI—GROUP
20220305             —GEHÖRT, Kubilius, zu den 89—PERSONEN aus der Europäischen Union, gegen die RUSSLAND — wie Ende 20150500             bekannt wurde — 1—EINREISEVERBOT verhängt hat
20220305             Neuer PREMIERMINISTER wurde sein Vorgänger Paksas. Auszeichnungen
20220305             THE—INTERNATIONAL—RENAISSANCE—FOUNDATION (IRF) (Ukrainian: ???????????
20220305             ) is 1—UKRAINIAN—NGO founded by GEORGE—SOROS
20220305             IRF is 1—INTEGRAL—PART—OF—THE—OPEN—SOCIETY—FOUNDATIONS which incorporates national and regional foundations in more than 30—COUNTRIES—AROUND the world, primarily in Central and EAST—EUROPE, as well as THE—FORMER—SOVIET—UNION.
20220305             These foundations share 1—COMMON—GOAL—OF supporting educational, social and legal initiatives that promote the development and establishment of 1—OPEN—SOCIETY.
20220305             Its main objective is to provide financial and operational assistance to the development of 1—OPEN and democratic society in UKRAINE by supporting key civic initiatives in this area.
20220305             Over the period 19900000—20100000    —FROM—TO THE—INTERNATIONAL—RENAISSANCE—FOUNDATION supported numerous UKRAINE—NON—GOVERNMENTAL—ORGANIZATIONS, community groups, academic and cultural institutions, publishing houses etc. in THE—AMOUNT—OF—OVER $100—MILLION.
20220305             IRF—EXECUTIVE—BOARD—AND—PROGRAM—BOARDS determine the program priorities.
20220305             Composed of prominent public figures and experts, the Boards address IRF—KEY action areas: civil society, RULE—OF—LAW, education, mass media, health care etc.
20220305             As THE—CHIEF—CIVIC—STRUCTURE within IRF, it elaborates the general strategy for the entire organization.
20220305             (20150300             ) - PayPal suspends services in RUSSIA
20220305             Elementarteilchen: Die neue Atomgefahr
20220305             BRITISCHES—TV—TEAM unter Beschuss: "Was war das? Eine Kugel?"
20220305             —ZENSIERT, Kriegsberichterstattung: RUSSLAND, das INTERNET in Rekordzeit
20220305             Reisen in der Klimakrise: Nach mir kam die Sintflut
20220305             UKRAINE im Krieg: Das falsche Versprechen vom EU—BEITRITT
20220305             Volksentscheid in BERLIN: Attacke aufs Auto
20220305             Abhängigkeit von RUSSLAND: DEUTSCHLAND will Gasverbrauch schneller senken
20220305             CORONA —IN—DEN—NÄCHSTEN—MONATEN: Lauterbach warnt vor "Sommerwelle"
20220305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: UKRAINISCHE—BEHÖRDEN erwarten Massenflucht aus Mariupol
20220305             Fußballschauen in Zeiten des Kriegs: —90—MINUTEN Trost
20220305             RUSSISCHER—RENNFAHRER in der Formel 1: Team Haas trennt sich von NIKITA—MASEPIN und Sponsor
20220305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: RUSSLAND wirft dem Westen "Banditentum" vor
20220305             Wiedereröffnung der Klubs: Feiern geht wieder. Geht man wieder feiern?
20220305             Ein nächtlicher Spaziergang von Jana Felgenhauer
20220305             Galoppierende Energiepreise: Endlich anders heizen 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HERMANN—JOSEF—TENHAGEN
20220305             Als Marxist*innen und Sozialist*innen teilen wir nicht die Überzeugung, dass Sanktionen 1—MITTEL sind, den Krieg in der UKRAINE zu beenden oder die Fähigkeit haben, RUSSLAND zu der Einsicht zu zwingen, seine militärischen Operationen zu beenden.
20220305             —IGNORIERT, Es ist 1—TRUGSCHLUSS, der, dass der UKRAINE—KONFLIKT ein imperialistischer Krieg ist.
20220305             Sanktionen sind ein weiteres Mittel der Kriegsführung — nur auf ökonomischer Ebene.
20220305             Wie in allen Kriegen LEIDEN am Ende die Arbeiter*innen und Armen.
20220305             Sanktionen sind kein Mittel der friedlichen Politik.
20220305             Sie haben nicht das Ziel zu deeskalieren, sondern sind nur ein weiteres Mittel, um im Krieg seinen Gegner wehrlos zu machen, sodass er sich fügt.
20220305             Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mittel — und zwar mit Mitteln physischer Gewalt.
20220305             Trotz aller Behauptungen begrenzen sich die Auswirkungen der Sanktionen nicht auf die Oligarchen.
20220305             Selbst die Wortwahl der Politiker*innen widerspricht dieser Erzählung.
20220305             —GESPROCHEN, Es wird davon, dass man RUSSLAND wirtschaftlich niederringen müsse, die RUSSISCHE—WIRTSCHAFT zu Grunde richten bzw.
20220305             RUSSLAND ökonomisch vernichten wolle.
20220305             Wie kann die Vernichtung der RUSSISCHEN—WIRTSCHAFT durch ökonomische Mittel nicht der einfachen RUSSISCHEN—ZIVILBEVÖLKERUNG schaden?
20220305             Keine wirksame Sanktion trifft jemals nur die Herrschenden.
20220305             —BEGINNT, Niemand, einen Krieg ohne sich auf diesen wirtschaftlich vorzubereiten.
20220305             Schließlich ist RUSSLAND der größte Schuldner Chinas.
20220305             während die RUSSISCHE—KAPITALIST*innenklasse und das politische Establishment die Sanktionen aussitzen können, trifft es die einfache Bevölkerung hart.
20220305             führt die Sprache der Sanktionspolitik und sowie der freiwillige Boykott RUSSISCHER—WAREN —BIS hin zur Kultur zunehmend zu ANTI—RUSSISCHEN—RESSENTIMENTS in der Gesellschaft.
20220305             Es wurde erklärt, das Ziel der Sanktionen sei, die Gewalt des Regimes gegen die eigene Bevölkerung zu stoppen und die Verantwortlichen zu bestrafen.
20220305             1—STUDIE—DER—LONDON—SCHOOL—OF—ECONOMICS kam zum Schluss das Phase 2—DER Sanktionen — Sanktionen gegen den Bankensektor, Behinderung internationaler Transaktionen bei Handel, Geldtransfers und offenen Krediten — die brutalste Periode des Syrienkonflikts einleitete, weil es die einfachen Menschen am härtesten trafen.
20220305             Der Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaft führte zu steigender Armut, während die Preise für Lebensmittel ins unermessliche stiegen.
20220305             Schlussendlich profitierten Warlords und Kriminelle, sowie Assad selbst von den Sanktionen, in dem sie ihre Kontrolle über die SYRISCHE—GESELLSCHAFT in dieser Situation verstärken konnten.
20220305             Chauvinismus - In den Kriegskonventionen von Den Haag sind Maßnahmen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung verboten.
20220305             Trotzdem greifen Staaten immer wieder zu diesem Mittel und ihre Stärke in der Weltpolitik bestimmt darüber, ob sie für ihre Verbrechen geahndet werden.
20220305             Besonders arme Wohnbezirke, in denen die Hisbollah bei vorangegangenen Wahlen besonders hohe Werte bekommen hatte, wurden mit Hilfe von Flächenbombardements dem Erdboden gleichgemacht.
20220305             —VERNICHTET, Immer wieder wurde gezielt zivile Infrastruktur.
20220305             In FORM—VON—SANKTIONEN sind Maßnahmen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung aber nicht mal auf dem Papier verboten.
20220305             Stattdessen werden sie als ein politisches Mittel angesehen.
20220305             Die Vorstellung, dass Menschen durch Verschlechterung ihres Lebens dazu gezwungen werden können, sich gegen ihre Regierung zu erheben, ist eine ÄUß—ERST chauvinistische Idee.
20220305             Die Arbeiter*innen sollen nicht aus freiem Willen die —ENTSCHEIDUNG treffen im Kampf gegen ihre Regierung ihre Freiheit oder sogar ihr Leben zu riskieren, sondern weil man ihnen die Pistole auf die Brust setzt: Entweder ihr erhebt euch, —JETZT und sofort, oder wir vernichten euren Lebensstandard.
20220305             Wieder wird der Kampf der Herrschenden auf dem Rücken der einfachen Menschen ausgetragen.
20220305             Decision to start military operation in UKRAINE was HARD—PUTIN
20220305             [l] BBC, CNN, CBS, ARD und ZDF stellen Berichterstattung aus RUSSLAND ein.
20220305             Hintergrund ist ein RUSSISCHES—GESETZ, das kritische Berichterstattung über den Ukrainefeldzug unter Strafe stellt.
20220305             —JETZT brauchen die Russen nur noch 1—GULAG auf KUBA und ein paar Folterknäste in anderen Ländern, Drohnenmorde, RENDITION—FLÜGE, dann haben sie aufgeholt.
20220305             Oh und natürlich Militärbasen in aller Herren Länder, versteht sich.
20220305             1—SPITZELSYSTEM ala ECHELON / SNOWDEN—AUFDECKUNGEN werden sie ja wohl haben, so als aufstrebende Supermacht.
20220305             Wieviele Geheimdienste haben die Russen eigentlich?
20220305             Können die mit dem Marktführer mithalten?
20220305             Ich finde das ja immer schade, dass nie jemand in der Dimension Anstand und Humanismus antritt.
20220305             Wobei.
20220305             Vielleicht gab es da ja welche von, aber die sind halt alle tot —JETZT, von BULLY—STAATEN plattgemacht.
20220305             [l] Im Moment gibt es lauter Stories über Firmen, die sich aus RUSSLAND zurückziehen.
20220305             PROTEST, gegen den Krieg.
20220305             Es gibt sogar 1—STORY, dass UKRAINISCHE—EINZELHANDELSKETTEN Coca Cola aus dem Sortiment nehmen, weil Coca Cola weiterhin in RUSSLAND verkauft.
20220305             Ich frage mich gerade, was —JETZT die ganzen DEUTSCHEN—FIRMEN machen, die Outsourcing nach RUSSLAND oder die UKRAINE gemacht haben.
20220305             POLEN und RUMÄNIEN sind in meiner persönlichen Erfahrung —BISHER häufiger vertreten, aber ich glaube es gibt da auch recht VIELE—PROJEKTE mit Programmierern aus der UKRAINE und RUSSLAND.
20220305             Die dann natürlich VPN—ZUGANG haben.
20220305             Machen die sich —JETZT Sorgen, die DEUTSCHEN—FIRMEN?
20220305             —KONKRETISIERT, Abhängigkeit von RUSSLAND: Bundesregierung, Bau eines LNG—TERMINALS in Brunsbüttel
20220305             ESTNISCHE—PREMIERMINISTERIN über RUSSISCHE—BEDROHUNG: "Putin will, dass wir uns fürchten"
20220305             —SEIT Machtübernahme —IM—AUGUST: TALIBAN—INNENMINISTER Hakkani zeigt erstmals öffentlich sein Gesicht
20220305             In seiner Rede sagte er den Polizisten, er zeige sich vor den Medien, um Vertrauen zu schaffen, dass die Taliban ihre Versprechen erfüllten.
20220305             Dazu gehöre insbesondere, die Sicherheitskräfte der vorherigen Regierung nicht zu bedrohen.
20220305             Die Taliban hielten sich an das mit den USA unterzeichnete DOHA—ABKOMMEN, fügte er hinzu.
20220305             Die Welt werde nicht von AFGHANISTAN bedroht, und die Taliban kämpften für die FREIHEIT—DES—LANDES.
20220305             Das USA—AUßENMINISTERIUM hat 1—BELOHNUNG—VON—BIS zu 10—MILLIONEN Dollar für Hinweise ausgesetzt, die zu Hakkanis Verhaftung führen.
20220305             Außerdem soll er mutmaßlich an Anschlägen gegen die Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten und deren Koalitionsmächten beteiligt gewesen sein.
20220305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: RUSSLAND erhöht militärischen Druck auf Großstädte
20220305             Präsidentschaftswahlen in FRANKREICH: Macron führt in Umfrage deutlich
20220305             Russlands Krieg und der Altkanzler: 2—STIMMEN für Schröder
20220305             "Lawine aggressiver Sanktionen": Kreml stellt mögliche Atomeinigung mit IRAN infrage
20220305             Zensur in RUSSLAND: PUTIN—SPRECHER rechtfertigt Vorgehen gegen Medien mit "Informationskrieg"
20220305             Zensur in RUSSLAND: ARD und ZDF setzen Berichterstattung aus Moskau vorerst aus
20220305             Kremlchef setzt weiter auf Konfrontation: Putin warnt Westen vor Flugverbotszone über der UKRAINE
20220305             Neue Adresse für RUSSISCHE—BOTSCHAFT: TIRANA ändert Straßennamen in "Free UKRAINE"
20220305             Wegen Nähe zu Putin: Die AWO erkennt Schröder wichtige Auszeichnung ab
20220305             Wegen Angriffskrieg auf die UKRAINE: BRITISCHER—POLITIKER fordert Tribunal nach Vorbild der Nürnberger Prozesse für Putin
20220305             Grüne Fraktionschefin über die neue Sicherheitspolitik: Frau Haßelmann, verlängern Sie mit DEUTSCHEN—WAFFEN den Krieg?
20220305             Bei Auswärtsspiel gegen Burnley: CHELSEA—FANS stören UKRAINE—SOLIDARITÄT mit "Abramowitsch"-Rufen
20220305             Podcast "Inside AUSTRIA": RENÉ—BENKO — 1—SYSTEM aus Deals, Tricks und falschen Versprechen 1—PODCAST—VON—LUCIA—HEISTERKAMP und Zsolt Wilhelm
20220305             Friedensforscherin über das UKRAINE—DILEMMA: "Es braucht dringend pazifistische Stimmen, die 1—GEGENMEINUNG vertreten"
20220305             Geheimtrips am Schabbat: Israels Regierungschef Bennett trifft —ERST Putin, dann Scholz
20220305             Arabische Sicht auf Russlands Überfall: "Die Doppelmoral ist verblüffend"
20220305             "CYBER—KOLLATERALSCHADEN" auch in DEUTSCHLAND: Satellitennetzwerk Viasat offenbar gezielt in Osteuropa gehackt
20220305             Vierfacher Mord in GRIECHENLAND: Vermieter tötet offenbar Familie wegen Mietschulden
20220305             Weltweiter Protest gegen Putins Krieg: Imagine all the people
20220305             Der Hackerangriff auf den SATELLITENNETZ—PROVIDER Viasat war offenbar eine gezielte Cyberattacke.
20220305             Man vermute einen "Zusammenhang mit dem UKRAINE—KONFLIKT",
20220305             heißt es in einem internen Papier der Bundesregierung, das dem SPIEGEL vorliegt.
20220305             —VERMUTET, Unter anderem wegen dieser "zeitlichen Koinzidenz", die Bundesregierung inzwischen einen Zusammenhang mit dem Krieg in der UKRAINE.
20220305             Laut dem Vermerk gibt es dafür einen weiteren Grund: Das angegriffene KA—SAT—SEGMENT in MITTEL—UND Osteuropa werde intensiv durch das UKRAINISCHE—MILITÄR genutzt.
20220305             Die Folgen der Attacke waren auch in DEUTSCHLAND zu spüren.
20220305             Mindestens 3000—WINDRÄDER, die über den Satellitenanbieter am Netz sind und darüber normalerweise ferngewartet werden können, waren plötzlich nicht mehr erreichbar — wobei sie weiter liefen und Strom erzeugen konnten.
20220305             Im aktuellen Fall hat sich 1—FORSCHER—DER—UNIVERSITÄT—DER—BUNDESWEHR—MÜNCHEN zu Wort gemeldet.
20220305             Das betroffene KA—SAT—ANGEBOT, das über sogenannte SPOT—BEAMS unter anderem auch Kiew versorge, sei auf der Erde über 8—GATEWAY—STATIONEN angebunden — wenn eines dieser Gateways durch einen Cyberangriff ausfalle, seien alle damit verbundenen Beams betroffen: "Und so kann es sein, dass die Russen eigentlich die Internetverbindungen in der UKRAINE kappen wollten, aber damit auch die Windanlagen in Zentraleuropa vom INTERNET getrennt haben".
20220305             "Freie SACHSEN": Mehr als 1000—RECHTSEXTREME demonstrieren am "Friedenstag" in CHEMNITZ
20220305             Die Polizei war unter anderem mit Wasserwerfern und Räumpanzern vor Ort, um mögliche Ausschreitungen zu verhindern.
20220305             Größere Gegendemonstrationen gab es laut Augenzeugen nicht.
20220305             Nach ANGABEN—DER—STADT starben in den Flammen und Trümmern 2100—MENSCHEN.
20220305             Mehr als 27.000—WOHNUNGEN, VIELE—FABRIKEN, Büros und öffentliche Gebäude wurden zerstört.
20220305             "Diese —NACHT —WWII—IM veränderte für immer das Gesicht unserer Stadt und ihrer Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner",
20220305             sagte der Chemnitzer Oberbürgermeister SVEN—SCHULZE (SPD).
20220305             Es gehe vor allem darum, Lehren aus der Vergangenheit für das Zusammenleben —HEUTE zu ziehen.
20220305             "Ein friedliches Miteinander der Gesellschaft beginnt mit ehrlicher, aber auch wertschätzender Sprache, mit Respekt voreinander.
20220305             Hass und Hetze — egal gegen wen — sind nie der richtige Weg.
20220305             Weder in unserer Stadt noch darüber hinaus".
20220305             CANNABIS—KARTUSCHEN im Gepäck: USA—BASKETBALLERIN an Moskauer Flughafen festgenommen
20220305             Brittney Griner spielte bei einem RUSSISCHEN—TEAM, um ihr Gehalt aufzubessern.
20220305             RUSSLAND, gibt es harte Strafen für CANNABIS—BESITZ, sowohl der Konsum als auch der Besitz kann —BEREITS mit GELD—UND kurzen Haftstrafen geahndet werden.
20220305             Die möglichen —10—JAHRE, die —NUN von der Zollbehörde aufgerufen werden, sind eigentlich —ERST bei Besitzmengen von mehr als 100—GRAMM fällig.
20220305             733_DGS_boletim_20220305
20220305             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 1512,7 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220305             Continente: 14320000             ,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19 por 100 000—HAB.
20220305             R(t) Nacional: 0,78 Continente: 0,76
20220305             Total Cases 444.587.348  Total Deaths 5.993.388  Total Vaccine Doses Administered
20220305             [l] Hmm, war bei dieser UKRAINISCHEN—DELEGATION nicht —GESTERN noch einer mehr am Start?
20220305             Ja.
20220305             1—DER—DELEGATION ist vom UKRAINISCHEN—GEHEIMDIENST wegen Hochverrats erschossen worden.
20220305             Die Autoübersetzung von deepl ist krass:
20220305             Quelle: Hochrangige Gesprächspartner aus dem Sicherheitsblock und aus politischen Kreisen
20220305             Klartext: "Er ist —BEREITS ein toter Mann".
20220305             Details: Nach ANGABEN—VON—GESPRÄCHSPARTNERN aus politischen Kreisen hatte der Sicherheitsdienst eindeutige Beweise für den Verrat an Kirejew, darunter auch Telefongespräche.
20220305             Direkte Aussage einer anderen Quelle: "Er war 1—AGENT.
20220305             —GETÖTET, Sie wissen, wofür Agenten, werden".
20220305             Das ist ja wie bei den Sopranos". Er redete zuviel". Weia.
20220305             OK, stellts ich natürlich die Frage, ob das eine akzeptable Quelle ist. sagt mir erstmal nichts.
20220305             Es gibt eine RUSSISCHE—PRAVDA, und die ist noch unterhalb der "Bild" vom Niveau her.
20220305             Die haben aber nichts miteinander zutun.
20220305             Wikipedia zu Ukrajinska Prawda schreibt:
20220305             Die Zeitung entstand als Reaktion auf die zunehmend schwieriger werdende Lage für UKRAINISCHE—JOURNALISTEN, unter der Regierung LEONID—KUTSCHMA unabhängig zu arbeiten.
20220305             Um der Zensur zu entgehen, wich sie daher auf das INTERNET aus.
20220305             Ukrajinska prawda kennzeichnete sich vor allem durch eine kritische Berichterstattung über das hohe Maß an Korruption unter den führenden Politikern und zog sich schnell Feinde aus der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Elite des Landes zu.
20220305             OK. Hmm.
20220305             Na gut, klingt erstmal unabängig.
20220305             Klicken wir doch mal dem Gründer hinterher:
20220305             Öhm.
20220305             —IM—APRIL gründet er die Zeitung, —IM—SEPTEMBER wird seine enthauptete Leiche gefunden?!?
20220305             Meine Fresse ey. Eine lupenreine Demokratie!
20220305             [l] AMDs Börsenwert ist erstmalig größer als der von Intel.
20220305             [l] Cogent schmeißt RUSSISCHE—KUNDEN raus.
20220305             Cogent ist ein großer BACKBONE—PROVIDER, ursprünglich groß geworden mit 2.-HAND—NETZWERKEQUIPMENT—VON—PLEITE—STARTUPS nach der geplatzte Blase.
20220305             Die haben da die ganzen Insolvenzmassen aufgekauft und konnten dann billiger anbieten als andere.
20220305             Mit der so gewonnenen Marktmacht sind sie dann zu einem der bedeutensten BACKBONE—PROVIDER geworden, weil sie halt deutlich billiger anbieten konnten.
20220305             Cogent macht hier keine halben Sachen und kappt nur das Routing.
20220305             Die haben auch COLOCATION—KUNDEN, die bei ihnen Server im Rack stehen haben.
20220305             Auch die werden alle abgeklemmt.
20220305             Die CLOUD—ANBIETER waren da deutlich zaghafter und haben alle nur "keine Neukunden aus RUSSLAND" angesagt, was die Vermutung nahelegt, dass die USA—REGIERUNG denen gesagt hat, sie sollen mal die Füße stillhalten, sonst eskalieren die Russen ihren Cyberwar und das wird für alle sehr schmerzhaft.
20220305             Dieser COGENT—RAUSWURF betrifft in RUSSLAND auch einmal alles, was Rang und Namen hat.
20220305             Die beiden größten Telcos, die beiden größten Mobilfunkanbieter, und Yandex.
20220305             —NUN werden die auch noch andere Anbindungen als Cogent haben, aber wahrscheinlich nicht dick genug um das komplett aufzufangen, und werden —JETZT teuer nachkaufen müssen.
20220305             Insofern ist das —JETZT selbst für redundant angebundene Marktteilnehmer eine potentiell sehr teure Entwicklung.
20220305             Übrigens, apropos Cyberwar: Kaum stoppt Samsung Lieferungen nach RUSSLAND, taucht plötzlich ein fetter Datenklumpen aus deren ENTWICKLER—NETZEN im INTERNET auf.
20220305             Angeblich inklusive Quellcode zu TRUSTZONE—KRAM, Bootloadern und AUTH—ZEUG und sogar mit CRYPTO—KEYS.
20220305             Soll wohl auch geheime Unterlagen von Qualcomm beinhalten.
20220305             Das klingt mal wie 1—PEARL—HARBOR für Samsung.
20220305             [l] Gönnt euch mal den Kontrast zwischen dem ehemaligen Nachrichtenmagazin und "Mit offenen Karten" auf arte an.
20220305             Und deshalb, meine Damen und Herren, zahle ich gerne meine Rundfunkgebühren.
20220305             Da krieg ich wenigstens was für mein Geld.
20220305             Kaum zu glauben, dass die Hamburger mal als namhaftes Nachrichtenmagazin galten.
20220305             Naja, ist 1—FRAGE für Historiker.
20220305             —ZERSCHELLT, Update: Der SPIEGEL—LINK, an der Paywall.
20220305             —GELESEN, Mehr als Überschrift und Anreißer habe ich auch nicht.
20220305             Tonaufnahmen aufgetaucht: Mexikos Generalstaatsanwalt manipulierte offenbar Justiz, um seine Nichte einzusperren
20220305             CASOS—DE—COVID—19/INCIDÊNCIA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS:—137723—(+813)—|—ATIVOS:—10853—(+)—|—ÓBITOS:—695—(+2)—|—RECUPERADOS:—126175—(+)
20220305             Internados: 60 (+1)  | Em UCI: 4 (+1)  | Ventilados: 3 (=)  Incidência 100—MIL / hab.: 2147 (-)
20220305             OLHÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—12775—(+106)—ÓBITOS—55—RECUPERADOS—11687—CASOS—ATIVOS—10330000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2137
20220305             FARO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—22274—(+178)—ÓBITOS—108—RECUPERADOS—19984—CASOS—ATIVOS—2182—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—3073
20220305             LOULÉ—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—23078—(+121)—ÓBITOS—127—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—21387—CASOS—ATIVOS—15640000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—2162
20220305             ALBUFEIRA—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—14945—(+42)—ÓBITOS—69—(+1)—RECUPERADOS—13998—CASOS—ATIVOS—878—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1894
20220305             PORTIMÃO—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS—18346—(+75)—ÓBITOS—82—RECUPERADOS—17099—CASOS—ATIVOS—11650000—1—INCIDÊNCIA—100—MIL/HAB—1800
202203050125         Searches in Memorial Human Rights Centre, INTERNATIONAL Memorial FINISHED—LAWYER
202203050640         RUSSIA declares ceasefire, opens humanitarian passages for civilians to leave Mariupol, VOLNOVAKHA—RUSSIA—DEFENSE Ministry
202203050723         Samsung suspends product shipments to RUSSIA
202203050843         RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—RELEASES—VIDEO—OF Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters operating in UKRAINE
202203050919         RUSSIA to demonstrate defense products at exhibition in SAUDI—ARABIA
202203050944         RUSSIA—COS have —18—MONTHS reserve if all foreign purchases STOP—EXPERTS
202203050952         PayPal suspends services in RUSSIA
202203051009         Gazprom continues supplying gas on schedule for transit via UKRAINE, —SATURDAY demand consistently booked
202203051021         Wrong to speak about RUSSIA—ISOLATION, USA and EUROPE are not the whole WORLD—PESKOV
202203051120         —ARRESTED, USA Olympic women's basketball champion, in RUSSIA on suspicion of smuggling vapes with hash OIL—RUSSIA—FEDERAL—CUSTOMS—SERVICE
202203051155         Humanitarian situation in UKRAINE keeps WORSENING—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202203051157         Nationalists preventing UKRAINE—CIVILIANS from passing via humanitarian corridors toward RUSSIA—RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY
202203051236         Rossiya Special Flight Squadron flight en route to WASHINGTON to bring home RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS declared personae non grata by USA - Foreign Ministry
202203051327         RUSSIA—OPPOSITION activist Yulia Galyamina given —30—DAYS—OF—ADMINISTRATIVE arrest
202203051338         —IMPOSED, Sanctions, on RUSSIA are like DECLARATION—OF—WAR—PUTIN
202203051352         Only professional soldiers participating in UKRAINE operation;
202203051352         conscripts not being USED—PUTIN
202203051358         Henkel continues production and operating activities in RUSSIA
202203051426         RUSSIA—DETERRENCE—FORCES were put on high alert —AFTER LIZ—TRUSS' statement on NATO—INVOLVEMENT in UKRAINE situation, no 1 checked HER, PUTIN
202203051433         RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK—NOTES—SLOWDOWN in operations of FPS because of rising DDoS attacks
202203051451         MOSCOW lodges protest with WASHINGTON over SENATOR—GRAHAM—REMARKS
202203051457         Industry and Trade Ministry recommends suspending exports of pentaethrite and urotropine to EU due to problems with methanol exports
202203051625         —BANNED, RUSSIA—BANKS—HAVEN'T been, from lending to foreign bank subsidiaries in interests of financial STABILITY—CBR
202203051659         RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, ISRAEL—PM hold talks at Kremlin, discuss UKRAINE
202203051722         UKRAINE being cooperative at talks, but nationalists impeding exit via humanitarian CORRIDORS—SLUTSKY
202203051754         USA Embassy in MOSCOW spokesperson Rebholz steps down from his post
202203052144         —ADVANCED, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY urges West to stop shipping, weapons to UKRAINE
20220305—19450305    —AM, TEILE—VON—CHEMNITZ wurden bei Luftangriffen der Alliierten zerstört.
20220305—19900400    —FOUNDED, It was.
20220305—19991103    —AM, wurde Kubilius zum PREMIERMINISTER—DES 10. Kabinetts gewählt.
20220305—20000400    —IM, Ukrajinska Prawda (ukrainisch, wörtlich UKRAINISCHE—WAHRHEIT) ist 1—VON—HEORHIJ—GONGADSE gegründete, populäre UKRAINISCHE—ONLINE—ZEITUNG.
20220305—20000916    —AM, Er verschwand ;
20220305—20001026    —AM, trat er von diesem Amt zurück, —NACHDEM seine Partei bei der Parlamentswahl vom 20001008             eine deutliche Niederlage und den Verlust von 61—IHRER —BISHER 70—MANDATE hinnehmen musste.
20220305—20060000    —J—IM, Im LIBANON—KRIEG bombardierte ISRAEL gezielt Wohnblöcke, um die Zivilbevölkerung für ihre Unterstützung der Hisbollah zu bestrafen.
20220305—20080100    —IM, Laut FBI wird Hakkani gleich im Zusammenhang mit 2—VERBRECHEN 20080000             zur Vernehmung gesucht: Der Planung des Attentats auf den AFGHANISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN HAMID—KARZAI sowie einem Anschlag auf 1—HOTEL in KABUL, bei dem auch 1—USA—BÜRGER ums Leben gekommen sei.
20220305—20150519    —AM, wurde öffentlich, dass er zum offiziellen Beraterkreis des UKRAINISCHEN—PRÄSIDENTEN Petro Poroschenko gehört — ebenso, wie: Gela Beschuaschwili, JACEK—SARYUSZ—WOLSKI, CARL—BILDT, Mikuláš Dzurinda, MICHEIL—SAAKASCHWILI, ALEKSANDER—KWA?niewski, ELMAR—BROK und Anders Åslund.
20220305—20190000    —SINCE, ANDRIUS—KUBILIUS (19561208             *) is 1—LITHUANIA—POLITICIAN who has been serving as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT (MEP).
20220305—20220224    —AM, um 5—UHR —MORGENS aktivierten die Angreifer demnach ein fehlerhaftes Update, wodurch KA—SAT—KUNDEN ihre Netzzugänge verloren.
20220305—20220309    —ON, S&P Dow Jones to remove RUSSIA—COS from indices
20220305—20221102    —AM, desselben Jahres wurde sein enthaupteter Leichnam in der Oblast Kiew nahe der Stadt Taraschtscha aufgefunden.
20230305             —SONNTAG, 20230305
20230305             Marathonverhandlungen in NEW—YORK: UNO—STAATEN einigen sich auf historisches Abkommen zum Schutz der Weltmeere
20230305             Diskriminierung und Anfeindungen: Warum sich Geflüchtete aus SYRIEN in der TÜRKEI nicht mehr sicher fühlen
20230305             Spannungen mit den USA: CHINA erhöht Militärausgaben deutlich
20230305             Athen und THESSALONIKI: Proteste in GRIECHISCHEN—STÄDTEN nach verheerendem Zugunglück
20230305             "Plastikose" bei Sturmtauchern: Forscher entdecken durch Müll verursachte Krankheit bei Seevögeln
20230305             Streit über Inflation Reduction Act: Maschinenbauer warnen vor Subventionswettlauf
20230305             "Trauriger Niedergang der einstigen Friedenspartei": Wagenknecht attackiert Linkenführung
20230305             Die Kritik an 1—VON—WAGENKNECHT und Publizistin ALICE—SCHWARZER organisierten Kundgebung gegen Waffenlieferungen an die UKRAINE zeuge "vom traurigen Niedergang der einstigen Friedenspartei",
20230305             sagte Wagenknecht dem "Tagesspiegel".
20230305             Die Unterschiede zwischen ihr und dem Linkenvorstand seien "mittlerweile so groß, dass die Vorstellung, wie das noch einmal zusammenfinden soll, meine Fantasie überfordert".
20230305             Das Verhalten des Parteivorstandes bestärke bei ihr den Eindruck, "dass zumindest die Mehrheit in diesem Gremium mit dem Gründungskonsens der Linken nichts mehr am Hut hat",
20230305             Die Demonstration gegen Waffenlieferungen sei "1—AUFTAKT" gewesen, um "der HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG 1—STIMME zu geben, die sich mehr Diplomatie statt Panzerlieferungen wünscht",
20230305             sagte Wagenknecht weiter. "Über weitere Schritte beraten wir".
20230305             —VERLOREN, CHEF—DER—INTERNATIONEN—ENERGIEAGENTUR: "RUSSLAND hat die Energieschlacht "
20230305             DONALD—TRUMP auf REPUBLIKANER—KONGRESS: "Ich werde den 3. Weltkrieg verhindern, ganz einfach" 1—VIDEO—VON—JANITA—HÄMÄLÄINEN
20230305             Proteste nach Zugunglück in GRIECHENLAND: Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Demonstranten
20230305             Künstliche Intelligenz: BRITISCHE—MINISTERIN erwägt EINSATZ—VON—CHATGPT in Regierungsarbeit
20230305             Sun 20230305
20230305             [l] Die Bahn will ihren Mitarbeitern Bodycams mitgeben, weil es offenbar immer mehr Übergriffe von Fahrgästen auf das Personal gibt.
20230305             Ich weiß ja nicht, was für Leute Bahnpersonal angreifen, aber voll bei Verstand können die ja wohl nicht sein.
20230305             Was können denn die armen Mindestlohner im Zug dafür, was der Vorstand und das Verkehrsministerium alles verkackt haben?
20230305             Das USA—MILITÄR bildet Regierungskreisen zufolge 2—UKRAINISCHE—PILOTEN an Flugsimulatoren aus, das berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.
20230305             Dabei gehe es darum, die beiden Piloten an ihren eigenen MILITÄR—FLUGZEUGEN zu schulen, nicht an AMERIKANISCHEN—F 16,
20230305             Auch von anderen Verbündeten habe es —BEREITS ähnliche Programme gegeben.
20230305             "Unsere Sanktionen sind nicht so scharf, wie wir denken," so Geoökonom TOBIAS—GEHRKE vom European Council for Foreign Relations im Gespräch mit dem ARD—HAUPTSTADTSTUDIO.
20230305             Vor allem wenn es um Drittländer gehe, gebe es bislang kaum Handhabe.
20230305             —BEGONNEN, ESTLAND, hat die Parlamentswahl.
20230305             Geprägt wird die Abstimmung auch von einem Streit um die Militärhilfen für die UKRAINE im KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—RUSSISCHEN—INVASIONSTRUPPEN.
20230305             Die amtierende Ministerpräsidentin Kaja Kallas ist eine entschiedene Befürworterin der Waffenlieferungen.
20230305             Die Rechtsaußenpartei Ekre sprach sich gegen 1—FORTSETZUNG aus.
20230305             Die Wahlberechtigten des Landes, in dem 1,3 Millionen Menschen leben und das sowohl zur EU als auch zur NATO gehört, sind aufgerufen, die 101—ABGEORDNETEN des Einkammerparlaments zu wählen.
20230305             Umfragen zufolge hat Kallas' Reformpartei die besten Aussichten auf den Wahlsieg.
20230305             Zweitstärkste Kraft könnte demnach Ekre bleiben.
20230305             NEW—DELHI, 20230303            .
20230305             /TASS/. - RUSSIA will no longer rely on Western partners in its energy policy, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said —ON—FRIDAY.
20230305             "Of course, the war that we are attempting to end and that was started by the West against us using Ukrainians has influenced RUSSIA—POLICY, including energy policy.
20230305             —CHANGED, What has, is that we will no longer rely on ANY—WESTERN—PARTNERS.
20230305             We won't let them blow up gas pipelines again," THE—MINISTER said.
20230305             —WHEN RUSSIA requested 1—INVESTIGATION into THE—NORD—STREAM—EXPLOSIONS, THE—MINISTER said, "the request was —IMMEDIATELY rejected".
20230305             "THE—AMERICANS called it 'nonsense,' and —WHEN Seymour Hersh published his findings, you could see the reaction of Europeans and Americans," Lavrov said, adding, "GERMANY was humiliated in EVERY—WAY, physical, moral, and otherwise".
20230305             He noted that all current USA actions aim to make EUROPE a "subordinate player" to WASHINGTON.
20230305             "RUSSIA—ENERGY—POLICY will prioritize dependable and trustworthy partners.
20230305             —CONCLUDED, INDIA and CHINA are unquestionably among them," Lavrov.
20230305             RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—RYABKOV said —EARLIER that MOSCOW has no doubts that THE—USA is preventing RUSSIA from participating in the probe into the explosions at THE—NORD—STREAM and NORD—STREAM 2—GAS pipelines".
20230305             —ALLOWED, We were not, to involve our experts in the investigation.
20230305             Neither as participants, nor as experts, including those from Gazprom.
20230305             Undoubtedly, THE—USA is behind this," he said.
20230305             —ON February 8, USA investigative JOURNALIST—SEYMOUR—HERSH published 1—ARTICLE in which he claimed, citing sources, that USA Navy divers had placed explosive devices under THE—NORD—STREAM 1 and 2—GAS—PIPELINES under the cover of THE—BALTOPS exercise 20220600             —IN, and that the Norwegians had activated the bombs —3—MONTHS—LATER.
20230305             According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by USA—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN personally, —AFTER—9—MONTHS—OF—DISCUSSIONS with WHITE—HOUSE—SECURITY—SPECIALISTS.
20230305             WHITE—HOUSE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SPOKESPERSON Adrienne Watson said in 1—COMMENT to TASS that HERSH—ACCOUNT was "utterly false and complete fiction".
20230305             MOSCOW insists on its participation in this investigation, he added.
20230305             MOSCOW, 20230303            .
20230305             /TASS/. - 1—INCREASE—OF—WESTERN—ARMS—SHIPMENTS to UKRAINE becomes 1—HEAVY—BURDEN for the economy of Western countries and negatively affects THE—WELFARE—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF these states, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters —FRIDAY.
20230305             THE—2—LEADERS will discuss matters of increasing PRODUCTION—OF—WEAPONS for Kiev, who increasingly frequently states SHORTAGE—OF—AMMUNITION.
20230305             "We note the continued USA—COURSE towards increasing their own arms shipments and to incline their proteges in EUROPE—MEANING EU member STATES—TO increase similar shipments," he said.
20230305             "This [increased shipments to UKRAINE—TASS] becomes 1—SIGNIFICANT—BURDEN for the economy of these countries, it negatively affects THE—WELFARE—OF—THE—PEOPLE—OF these COUNTRIES—IN this particular case, GERMANY—TAXPAYERS.
20230305             Their lives will become tougher BECAUSE—OF—THAT," the spokesman said, commenting on the upcoming meeting.
20230305             Answering 1—QUESTION if this carries 1—RISK—OF—DETERIORATION—OF—THE—CONFLICT in UKRAINE, Peskov underscored that it would not radically affect the outcome.
20230305             "But it is 1—FACT that this would make the conflict longer and will cause more tragic consequences for THE—UKRAINE—PEOPLE," he concluded.
20230305             MINSK, 20230303            .
20230305             /TASS/. - THE—LENINSKY—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MINSK —ON—FRIDAY found Nobel laureate Ales Bialiatski, who heads the unregistered Vesna Human Rights Center, guilty of the criminal charges lodged against him, sentencing him to —10—YEARS in 1—MAXIMUM—SECURITY penal colony and fining him about $65,000.
20230305             1—TASS correspondent reports from the courtroom that Vesna representatives VALENTIN—STEFANOVICH and VLADIMIR—LABKOVICH, who were implicated in the case together with Bialiatski, were sentenced to 9 and —7—YEARS, respectively, in 1—MAXIMUM—SECURITY penal colony.
20230305             Dmitry Solovyov, who is currently outside of BELARUS and whose case was heard separately in absentia, was sentenced to —8—YEARS in prison.
20230305             —FINED, All 3—DEFENDANTS were, approximately $40,000 each.
20230305             The verdict may be appealed within —10—DAYS.
20230305             All pled not guilty.
20230305             According to investigators, —DURING the period 20160404—20210714    —FROM—TO Bialiatski and the other Vesna members involved in the case cashed out funds received in LITHUANIA from various organizations and foundations on THE—BANK—ACCOUNTS—OF—1—FOREIGN—ENTITY under their control.
20230305             The relevant amounts came to at least €201,000 and $54,000.
20230305             —MOVED, These funds were gradually, across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union "with THE—HELP—OF—OTHER—PERSONS" in several undeclared tranches.
20230305             These actions constitute 1—CRIME under Part 4, Article 228—OF—THE—BELARUSIAN—CRIMINAL—CODE, which establishes liability for smuggling of contraband by 1 organized group, carrying 1—MAXIMUM—PENALTY—OF—12—YEARS—OF—INCARCERATION.
20230305             He did not admit his guilt.
20230305             MOSCOW, 20230303             . - /TASS/.
20230305             —OPENED, The incident where fire was deliberately, from UKRAINE on THE—RUSSIA—SECURITY—TEAM meeting IAEA experts who were on their way to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant for rotation cannot be ignored, Renat Karchaa, advisor to the director general of the Rosenergoatom company, said on RUSSIA—TELEVISION—ON—FRIDAY.
20230305             "I think that there will definitely be 1—NOTE from RUSSIA —FOLLOWING this incident.
20230305             —ARMED, In our opinion, such, provocations cannot be ignored.
20230305             —RISKED, We can say that MEMBERS—OF—THE—RUSSIA—SECURITY—TEAM, their lives, but showed 1—GREAT—DEAL—OF composure and SELF—CONTROL," he said.
20230305             According to Karchaa, the rotation took place amid 1—DIFFICULT—SITUATION.
20230305             —DEFUSED, RUSSIA, 7—TRIPWIRE landmines along the mission's route, —WHILE the security team responsible for meeting THE—IAEA inspectors came under heavy gunfire and then machine gun fire, which was accurate, the adviser to the Rosenergoatom CEO stressed.
20230305             —EXPLAINED, He also, that RUSSIA had agreed on the location for the delegation's crossing into its AREA—OF—RESPONSIBILITY, which was suggested by THE—UN—DEPARTMENT—OF—SAFETY and Security, and ensured THE—SAFETY—OF—THE—ROUTE.
20230305             BEIJING, 20230303            .
20230305             /TASS/. - THE—USA is the world's largest source of nuclear threat and it must rethink its security policy, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—SPOKESPERSON—MAO Ning told 1—NEWS briefing —ON—FRIDAY.
20230305             "THE—UNITED—STATES is the world's largest source of nuclear threat.
20230305             It should carefully rethink its nuclear policy, diligently fulfill its special and primary duty to disarm, thus reducing the role of nuclear weapons in the national security policy, and take meaningful practical steps to ease nuclear risks," the diplomat said.
20230305             —STRESSED, Mao also, that speculations about the nuclear threat allegedly posed by CHINA were 1—PRETEXT for THE—USA to expand its own nuclear arsenal.
20230305             As THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL said —IN—EARLY—FEBRUARY, citing THE—USA—STRATEGIC—COMMAND, CHINA had more launchers for LAND—BASED ICBMs than THE—USA.
20230305             —NOTED, THE—AUTHORS—OF—THE—PUBLICATION, that SOME—USA—LAWMAKERS were calling for 1—INCREASE in the country's nuclear potential to confront CHINA and RUSSIA.
20230305             WASHINGTON, 20230304             . - /TASS/.
20230305             —INTRODUCED, Sanctions, by THE—USA—AGAINST 6—RUSSIA—NATIONALS working the justice system are meddling in RUSSIA—DOMESTIC—AFFAIRS, press SECRETARY—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—EMBASSY in WASHINGTON IGOR—GIRENKO said in 1—COMMENT.
20230305             "We remind that Mr.
20230305             —ACCUSED—OF, KARA—MURZA is, serious crimes: high treason, dissemination of deliberately false information about THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—ARMED—FORCES—OF—THE—RUSSIAN—FEDERATION, as well as cooperation with 1—UNDESIRABLE—ORGANIZATION in RUSSIA, which are subject to criminal punishment," Girenko noted.
20230305             "Instead of waving 1—SANCTIONS—CLUB, it's time for THE—USA—AUTHORITIES to get in touch with reality and pay attention to the deplorable domestic situation in the field of human rights and freedoms," he added.
20230305             Zank über Özdemirs Gesetzentwurf: "Bei Kinderwerbung sind Firmen zynisch"
20230305             Nach Zugunglück in GRIECHENLAND: Gewaltsame Zusammenstöße in Athen
20230305             Zugunglück in GRIECHENLAND: Der diensthabende Bahnvorsteher war wohl unerfahren und überfordert
20230305             Krieg in der UKRAINE: Bachmut heftig umkämpft, Frontbesuch von Russlands Verteidigungsminister gemeldet
20230305             Angriffe radikaler Siedler im Westjordanland: "Wir sind auf uns allein gestellt"
20230305             Kanzlersohn PETER—BRANDT: "WILLY—BRANDT wäre vielleicht nach Kiew gefahren"
20230305             Russlands Krieg und die Wissenschaft: "Von einem —TAG auf den anderen waren die Verbindungen gekappt"
20230305             Bundeskanzler Scholz über Russlands PRÄSIDENT: "Er hat die Einigkeit falsch eingeschätzt"
20230305             —ZERSTÖRT, Tausende obdachlos: Feuer, ROHINGYA—FLÜCHTLINGSLAGER
20230305             —BISHER haben wir keine Beweise dafür. Aber man muss jeden —TAG das beobachten",
20230305             Zum Thema von Sanktionen gegen CHINA für den Fall solcher Lieferungen ergänzte VON—DER—LEYEN, dies sei "eine hypothetische Frage, die —ERST beantwortet werden kann, wenn Sie Realität und Tatsache würde".
20230305             Scholz sagte: "Wir sind uns alle einig, dass es keine Waffenlieferungen geben darf".
20230305             —BEKUNDET, Er fügte hinzu: "Die CHINESISCHE—REGIERUNG hat ja, auch keine zu liefern.
20230305             Das fordern wir ein und das beobachten wir".
20230305             Der RUSSISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN hat nach AUSSAGEN—VON—BUNDESKANZLER—OLAF—SCHOLZ die Einigkeit des Westens bei der Unterstützung der UKRAINE unterschätzt".
20230305             Er hat die Einigkeit Europas, der Vereinigten Staaten und aller Freunde der UKRAINE sowie die ständige Lieferung von Waffen, die wir der UKRAINE zur Verfügung stellen, falsch eingeschätzt",
20230305             sagte Scholz auf Englisch in 1—INTERVIEW—VON—USA—SENDERS CNN,
20230305             "Wir sind —JETZT der stärkste Unterstützer der UKRAINE in Kontinentaleuropa, und das werden wir auch weiterhin sein",
20230305             betonte Scholz".
20230305             Und das liegt auch an den Waffen, bei denen wir uns mit den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Freunden abstimmen".
20230305             Der UKRAINISCHE—PRÄSIDENT—WOLODYMYR—ZELENSKYY ist nach eigener Aussage fest davon überzeugt, dass die Verantwortlichen in RUSSLAND für den KRIEG—GEGEN—SEIN—LAND ihrer gerechten Strafe entgegensehen".
20230305             ALLE—RUSSISCHEN—MÖRDER, JEDER—ORGANISATOR dieser Aggression, jeder, der in irgendeiner Weise für den KRIEG—GEGEN—UNSER—LAND und den Terror gegen unser Volk sorgt, sie alle müssen bestraft werden",
20230305             sagte ZELENSKYY in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache.
20230305             Der Grundstein dafür sei —BEREITS bei der internationalen Konferenz "United for Justice" ("Vereint für Gerechtigkeit") in den vergangenen —TAGEN in Lwiw gelegt worden.
20230305             Die Bestrafung der Verantwortlichen für den KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE sei "nicht nur 1—TRAUM—VON—GERECHTIGKEIT",
20230305             unterstrich ZELENSKYY".
20230305             Das ist 1—ARBEIT, die —BEREITS—IM Gange ist". Die Welt sei "stark genug",
20230305             um RUSSLAND für den Krieg zu bestrafen".
20230305             Und wir werden der Welt den Mut und die Mittel geben, um die Bestrafung zu vollziehen".
20230305             —VEREINBART, Bei der KONFERENZ—IN—LWIW wurde unter anderem, ein neues Internationales Zentrum für die Verfolgung von Kriegsverbrechen einzurichten.
20230305             Das Zentrum soll Beweise für künftige Gerichtsverfahren sichern.
20230305—19960000    —FOUNDED, Bialiatski, who, the Vesna Center, was detained 20110800             —IN and sentenced —IN—NOVEMBER to 4.—5—YEARS in 1—MAXIMUM—SECURITY penal colony for tax evasion.
20230305—20140600    —IN, he was released —BEFORE THE—END—OF—HIS—SENTENCE.
20230305—20200500    —FROM, to 20210714             , the defendants in the case trained various individuals to take part in actions constituting gross VIOLATIONS—OF—PUBLIC—ORDER, and also financed such events "under the guise of human rights and charitable activities".
20230305—20210700    —DETAINED, THE—VESNA—CENTER—REPRESENTATIVES were, and
20230305—20220100    —IN—LATE, 1—GOMEL court deemed all content produced by the Vesna Center as extremist, based on evidence presented by the Interior Ministry.
20230305—20220926    —REGISTERED, SWEDEN—SEISMOLOGISTS, 2—EXPLOSIONS along the pipeline routes.
20230305—20220927    —REPORTED, NORD—STREAM AG, unprecedented damage that occurred THE—DAY—BEFORE on 3—STRINGS—OF—THE—NORD—STREAM 1 and NORD—STREAM 2—OFFSHORE gas pipelines.
20230305—20221000    —IN—EARLY, THE—NORWAY—NOBEL COMMITTEE—AWARDED—THE—NOBEL—PEACE—PRIZE to Ales Bialiatski, THE—RUSSIA—MEMORIAL Center (deemed 1—FOREIGN—AGENT and shuttered by court order) and THE—UKRAINE—CENTER for Civil Liberties.
20230305—20230105    —ON, put on trial.
20230305—20230200    —IN—EARLY, the Basmanny COURT—OF—MOSCOW extended THE—ARREST—OF—KARA—MURZA in THE—CASE—OF—HIGH treason and public dissemination of knowingly false information about RUSSIA—ARMED—FORCES' operations.
20230305—20230302    —ON, At 1—MEETING—OF—G20 foreign ministers, RUSSIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SERGEY—LAVROV said that MOSCOW would continue to seek 1—PROMPT and impartial investigation into THE—SABOTAGE—OF—THE—GAS—PIPELINES.
20230305—20230303    —ON, "We regard the sanctions imposed by THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION against 1—NUMBER—OF—RUSSIA—OFFICIALS under the pretext of their alleged involvement in THE—VIOLATION—OF—VLADIMIR—KARA—MURZA—RIGHTS as interference in the internal affairs of our country in order to obstruct justice," the official SPOKESMAN—OF—THE—RUSSIA—MISSION said.
20240305             —DIENSTAG, 20240305
20240305             der sich über den europäischen Kontinent gezogen habe, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, in 1—REDE in FULTON—MISSOURI.
20240305             ALLEN—WEISSELBERG vor Gericht: Trumps langjähriger Finanzchef gibt Meineid zu
20240305             —GEKAPPT, Möglicher Angriff der Huthis: Unterseekabel im Roten Meer
20240305             Besuch der Weltgesundheitsorganisation: WHO beklagt verhungernde Kinder im Gazastreifen
20240305             Interne Vorlage: Pistorius will "Richtungsentscheidung zur Wehrpflicht" —BIS 2025
20240305             Verpackungsmüll: EU einigt sich auf strengeres Verbot von Einwegplastik
20240305             Nationaler Volkskongress: CHINA steigert Militärausgaben um 7,2 Prozent
20240305             Chemiekonzern: Bayer schreibt Verlust von fast 3—MILLIARDEN Euro — vorerst keine Aufspaltung
20240305             Russlands KRIEG—GEGEN—DIE—UKRAINE: RUSSISCHES—KRIEGSSCHIFF laut Kiew bei Drohnenattacke versenkt
20240305             Golf von ADEN: HUTHI—RAKETEN treffen Containerschiff
20240305             Abhöraffäre bei der Bundeswehr: Verteidigungsminister Pistorius spricht von "individuellem Anwendungsfehler"
20240305             Das Schicksal von JULIAN—ASSANGE: Der VATER—DES—STAATSFEINDES
20240305             Bericht von Menschenrechtsorganisationen: IRANISCHES—REGIME soll mehr als 830—MENSCHEN binnen eines Jahres hingerichtet haben
20240305             Ermittlungen in NEBRASKA: Ehemaliger USA—OFFIZIER soll militärische Geheimnisse auf DATING—APP verraten haben
20240305             Berühmter Herrscher: Archäologen graben Teil einer meterhohen Statue von Ramses II. aus
20240305             "Er wirkt nicht wie 1—ANFÜHRER": FRÜHERER—NATO—CHEF—RASMUSSEN kritisiert Scholz als zu zögerlich
20240305             —REKLAMIERT, Grünheide bei BERLIN: Linksextremistische Gruppe, Anschlag gegen Tesla für sich
20240305             Studie zum Klimawandel: Fische stellen bei höheren Wassertemperaturen auf Magerkost um
20240305             Internationale Raumstation: 3—AMERIKANER und 1—RUSSE sind auf der ISS angekommen
20240305             Vorstoß von Verteidigungsminister Pistorius: Grüne und FDP äußern sich ablehnend zum Thema Wehrpflicht
20240305             Beschädigte Unterseekabel im Roten Meer: "Wir gehen davon aus, dass es kein gezielter Angriff war"
20240305             Muslimischer Fastenmonat: Erstmals RAMADAN—BELEUCHTUNG in FRANKFURT installiert
20240305             Schwarze Liste: Moskau erklärt SPD—NAHE FRIEDRICH—EBERT—STIFTUNG zur "unerwünschten Organisation"
20240305             Elon Musk abgelöst: JEFF—BEZOS ist wieder der reichste Mann der Welt
20240305             Waffenhilfe für die UKRAINE: Macron unterstützt Initiative zum Munitionskauf — und warnt vor Feigheit
20240305             TESLA—WERK bei BERLIN: Elon Musk macht "dümmste ÖKO—TERRORISTEN" für mutmaßlichem Brandanschlag verantwortlich
20240305             Tue 20240305
20240305             [l] Der USA—SUPREME—COURT findet nicht, dass einzelne Bundesländer Trump vom Wahlzettel nehmen dürfen, bloß weil er einen Coup versucht hat.
20240305             Das Urteil war abzusehen, aber nicht abzusehen war, dass es einstimmig sein würde.
20240305             —GESTIMMT, Nicht nur von Trump dort hingesetzte Richter haben so, auch alle anderen.
20240305             MOSCOW, 20240305            .
20240305             /TASS/. - The leak of 1—CONVERSATION among senior Bundeswehr (GERMANY—ARMED—FORCES) officers, who were discussing 1—POTENTIAL—UKRAINE—STRIKE on RUSSIA—CRIMEAN—BRIDGE using GERMAN—SUPPLIED Taurus missiles, has evoked 1—MAJOR—RESPONSE—WORLDWIDE.
20240305             —ANALYZED, TASS has, coverage of the developing story by over 150—MEDIA—OUTLETS from countries across the globe.
20240305             —DESCRIBED, GERMANY, itself, MANY—NEWS—OUTLETS, the incident as 1—MAJOR—SCANDAL that could impair BERLIN—REPUTATION.
20240305             —NOTED, In particular, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, that the incident brought shame on GERMANY—SECURITY—STRUCTURES—WHILE RHEIN—ZEITUNG stated that the leak evinces 1—IRRESPONSIBLE, cavalier attitude toward events in UKRAINE even among THE—BUNDESWEHR—SENIOR—OFFICER corps.
20240305             —FOCUSED, THE—FRANCE—MEDIA, in particular on the damage caused to THE—REPUTATION—OF—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—OLAF—SCHOLZ among his NATO—ALLIES.
20240305             —REITERATED, For instance, Le Figaro, that, quite —RECENTLY, attempting to substantiate his refusal to deliver LONG—RANGE—TAURUS missiles to UKRAINE, Scholz had disclosed classified military information about THE—PRESENCE—OF—NATO—WEAPONS—TECHNICIANS on the frontline on UKRAINE, thus putting his French and UNITED—KINGDOM—PARTNERS in 1—TIGHT—SPOT.
20240305             —NOW, THE—CHANCELLOR is being forced to put up even stronger defenses under 1—BARRAGE—OF—CRITICISM from allies.
20240305             USA—MEDIA—OUTLETS concur that this was 1—UNFORTUNATE—INCIDENT for THE—GERMANY—MILITARY.
20240305             That said, 1—NUMBER—OF—NEWSPAPERS, including THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, noted that due to the leaked conversation, the delivery of Taurus missiles to UKRAINE is —NOW becoming even less likely.
20240305             THE—UNITED—KINGDOM—MEDIA is unanimous in pointing out that, as 1—RESULT—OF—THE—INCIDENT, LONDON and other allies have begun to view BERLIN as 1—UNRELIABLE—PARTNER.
20240305             SOME—NEWSPAPERS, including the Daily Telegraph, echo GERMANY—POLITICIANS who have already expressed concern that the scandal is merely the 1. in 1—LONG—SUCCESSION—OF humiliating leaks.
20240305             CHINA, THE—MAJORITY—OF—MEDIA—OUTLETS think that BERLIN lost face over the incident.
20240305             For example, Xingdao Ribao notes that THE—GERMANY—OFFICERS were discussing THE—DETAILS—OF—POTENTIAL—MILITARY—OPERATIONS and strikes using Taurus missiles even as THE—GERMANY—CHANCELLOR was publicly ruling out the possibility of supplying UKRAINE with these very missiles.
20240305             —BEZEICHNET, Venezuelas STAATSCHEF: Nicolás Maduro, Fernsehsender DEUTSCHE—WELLE als "NAZI—MEDIUM"
20240305             Propaganda zum TAURUS—LEAK: RUSSISCHES—AUSSENMINISTERIUM nennt abgehörte DEUTSCHE—OFFIZIERE "unrühmliche Bastarde"
20240305             Raumfahrtbehörde Roskosmos: RUSSLAND erwägt Atomkraftwerk auf dem Mond
20240305             Regieren vom geheimen Ausweichdienstsitz: Kanzleramt übt den NOTFALL—UMZUG
20240305—12130000    —BIS, Er war auch als Ramses der Große bekannt, als 3. Pharao der 19. Dynastie regierte er das Alte ÄGYPTEN—VON—12790000              vor Christus: Ramses II.