_HEUTE_0209 :

_00880209            DER—RÖMER—KÖNIG—HERODES errichtete, in CAESAREA, 1—DER größten Seehäfen des RÖMER—REICH
_00880209            —ERRICHTETE, DIE—METROPOLE—CAESAREA, der RÖMER—KÖNIG—HERODES   dort 1—DER größten Seehäfen des RÖMER—REICH
_00880209—20180209   —VOR—CA—2.030—JAHREN
00000209             S—APOLLONIA am HEILIGEN—FEST
09670209             † SAIF—AD—DAULA, EMIR—VON—ALEPPO
10110209             † BERNHARD—I—HERZOG—IN—SACHSEN
11110209             geheime Verhandlungen zu des INVESTITURSTREIT—BEENDIGUNG, In SUTRI, führen HEINRICH—V—KÖNIG—VON—, PASCHALIS—II—PAPA.
11110209             —VERGLEICH—VON—SUTRI,
11110209             —EINIGEN sich, HEINRICH—V—KÖNIG—VON—, PASCHALIS—II—PAPA, auf die IURAMENTUM—SUTRINUM genannte radikale Lösung.
11110209—11110212    —AM, die IURAMENTUM—SUTRINUM Bekanntgabe bei der Kaiserkrönung in Rom löst schwere Tumulte und Gewaltausbrüche aus, die zum Abbruch der Krönung führen.
11190209—11190202    —AM, Der gewählte CALIXT—II—PAPA. wird im französischen Vienne inthronisiert.
11380209             † KIYA—BUZURG—UMID, Oberhaupt der NIZARI—ISMAILITEN
11440209             † LAMBERT—VON—NEUWERK, Heiliger
11650209             HILDEBOLD, PRIESTER t —VOR
11850209             † DIETRICH—VON—LANDSBERG und Eilenburg, Markgraf
11990209             † MINAMOTO—NO—YORITOMO, 1. Shogun Japans
12120209             † BERNHARD—III—HERZOG—VON—SACHSEN
12200209             AUBAGNE, 1. RECONNAISSANCE—DE—HUGUES—DE—BAUX et sa femme Barraie
12200209             —NUNC, per D. g. ARCHI—EPISCOPO—ARELALENSI...
12200209             in presentia ALDEBERTI—DE—FOICALQUERIO, canonici et OPERARII—ECCLESIE—MASSILIENSIS.
12200209             REINARDI dicti prepositi. liBLSLSCE, Anliii.
12200209             (Il' l'i'yl. DE—MARSEILLE, 1. Il, PAGINA—108—1).
12350209             † NIKOLAOS—VON—OTRANTO, griechischer Klostervorsteher und Schriftsteller
12430209             —BY—THE—CHARTER—QUOTED—BELOW, this suggested FAMILY—ORIGIN is disproved
12430209             —BY—URKUNDE—VOM, "AGNES COMITISSA—DE—CASTRIS" granted "medietatem castri in Hunolstein" to "genero nostro viro —SALMIS HENRIco cum Loretha filia mea eiusdem H. uxore", with the consent of "comitis Seynensis domini HENRIci fratris mei",
12580209             —AM,—SCHIEßEN ließ HULAGU mit 1—PFEIL seine Bedingungen in DIE—BELAGERTE—STADT—BAGDAD
12580209             —GESCHONT, Bei kampfloser KAPITULATION innerhalb von 24—STUNDEN, würde DIE—BELAGERTE—STADT—BAGDAD.
12670209             —SYNOD—OF—BRESLAU, JEWS—OF—SILESIA, ordered to wear SPECIAL—CAPS.
12800209             —MARSEILLE, Dicussions entre l'crêque DE—MARSEILLE et LES—HABITANTS—DE S—CANNAT, trrininées par JEAN—DE—COMIS—ABBÉ—DE—S—MCLOR.
13720209             † UILLEAM—EARL—OF—ROSS, 5., schottischer Adeliger
13720209             —PAPA et cum cedula sui THESAURARII—DOMINO—LUCIO—COMITI—DE—LANDO—IN—SUEVIA^
14070209             † WILHELM—I—MARKGRAF—VON—MEIßEN
14410209             * Mir—?ALI—SCHIR—NAW??i, uigurischer Politiker, Bauherr, Dichter, Mystiker
14500209             AGNÈS—SOREL, maîtresse en titre de CHARLES—VII—ROI—DE—FRANCE
15080209             † KONRAD—IV—VON—RIETBERG—BISCHOF—VON—OSNABRÜCK und Münster
15120209             † BERNARDINO—FERNÁNDEZ—DE—VELASCO—Y—MENDOZA, spanischer Militärführer und Politiker
15130209             undici giorni appresso al dì delle ceneri (di ::;;).
15340209             wird DAS—TÄUFER—REICH errichtet, in MÜNSTER, von den Täufern unter JAN—MATTHYS unter der Mitarbeit von JAN—VAN—LEIDEN.
15340209             —ON, THE—MÜNSTER—ANABAPTISTS, made themselves MASTERS—OF—THE—TOWN—OF—MÜNSTER.
15400209             1. RECORDED—RACE met, in ENGLAND, at ROODEE—FIELDS—CHESTER.
15550209             † der reformierte JOHN—HOOPER—BISCHOF—VON—GLOUCESTER, fällt der Rekatholisierung unter MARIA—I—KÖNIGIN—VON—ENGLAND zum Opfer und stirbt auf dem Scheiterhaufen.
15550209             † CHRISTIAN—EGENOLFF, deutscher Buchdrucker und Verleger
15550209             † JOHN—HOOPER, englischer reformierter Theologe und Reformator
15590209             † MELCHIOR—TROST, deutscher Steinmetz, Brückenherr und Baumeister
15670209             HENRY—STUART, EARL—OF—DARNLEY, Lord Darnley, the 2. oo MARY, QUEEN—OF—SCOTS, was murdered in his SICK—BED in 1—HOUSE in EDINBURGH —WHEN the house blew up.
15670209—20030000    —AUTHORED, Alison Weir, "MARY, QUEEN—OF—THE—SCOTS, and THE—MURDER—OF—LORD—DARNLEY".
15710209             —ATTACKED, Algonquin Indians, the Jesuit mission on THE—VIRGINIA peninsula killing Fr.
15710209             JUAN—BAUTISTA—DE—SEGURA and 4—OTHER remaining priests.
15710209             —ATTACKED, Algonquin Indians, THE—JESUIT—MISSION on THE—VIRGINIA peninsula killing Fr.JUAN—BAUTISTA—DE—SEGURA and 4—OTHER remaining priests.
15780209             * GIAMBATTISTA—ANDREINI, ITALY—PLAYWRIGHT, actor (L'adamo).
15830209             * MARTIN—RÖBER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15860209             * GEORG—WOLMAR—VON—FAHRENSBACH, polnischer GOUVERNEUR—VON—LIVLAND und Offizier im 3ßigjährigen Krieg
15880209             † Alvaro de Bazán, spanischer Flottenkommandant
16010209             LE—ROI et LA—REINE arrivent à PARIS.
16020209             * FRANCISCUS—VAN—DE—ENDEN, FLEMISH JESUIT, free thinker, tutor of SPINOZA.
16060209             * FRANZ—ICO—VON—FRYDAG, deutscher Offizier und Diplomat
16170209             † HANS—CHRISTOPH—HAIDEN, 44—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
16170209             † HANS—CHRISTOPH—HAIDEN (44), composer.
16190209             † LUCILIO—VANINI, italienischer Philosoph
16210209             GREGOR—XV—PAPA—ALESSANDRO—LUDOVISI, das letzte im Konklave durch Akklamation gewählte Kirchenoberhaupt.
16330209             † CATHERINE—HENRIETTE—DE—BALZAC—DE—ENTRAGUES, französische Adlige und Mätresse
16330209             —AM, ASCHERMITTWOCH bewegten Lohausen, Bullach selbst das Heer näher an die STADT—BAMBERG heran,
16400209             † MURAD—IV, 27—JAHRE—ALT, sultan of TURKEY (16230000—16400000    ), in BAGHDAD.
16400209             † MURAD—IV. (27), SULTAN—OF—TURKEY (1623020940           ), in BAGHDAD.
16400209             —SUCCEEDED, IBRAHIM (164002091648         ), MURAD—IV. in the Ottoman HOUSE—OF—OSMAN.
16400209             JOHANN—BOCK—VON—PATTERN ist in den SIEGBURGer Quellen 1. —AM, bezeugt - ADOLF—FRIEDRICH—VON—EFFEREN
16450209             * JOHANN—EGIDIUS—BACH, deutscher Bratschist und Altist
16450209             † MUTIO—VITELLESCHI, italienischer Ordensgeneral
16510209             —NUIT, LA—FOULE envahit LE—PALAIS—ROYAL pour voir le petit ROI
16580209             —DATUM—HAAG, GLÜCKWÜNSCHUNG wegen des FRIEDEN—MIT—POLEN.
16580209             KEIJSERLIJCKE, auch zwischen u n und DÄNEMARK Frieden auf dem Status quo ante herzustellen.
16580209             Bereitwillig- it, sich im FALL—DES—MISSLINGENS mit BRANDENBURG über fernere Massregeln zu verständigen.
16580209             Soll sich sofort an den Hof des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG begeben,
16580209             ihn Ihres WohldleuH und ihrer Affection für seine Person und sein Haus versichern, ihn wegen des FRIEDEN—MIT—POLEN beglückwünschen.
16620209             † MICHAEL—WALTHER—DER—ÄLTERE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16660209             —DATUM,
16700209             † FRIEDRICH—III—KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK und Norwegen
16720209             —DIENSTAG
16730209             DER—PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN an AMERONGEN.
16730209             [Reiterei nach FRIESLAND[VRIESLAND]. Stand der Dinge in HOLLAND]
16730209             Den Heer Lt.-GENERAEL RABENHOUPT heeft my gesonden eene missive,
16740209             —RECONQUERED, English, NEW—YORK from NETHERLANDS.
16750209             † GERARD—DOU, niederländischer Maler des Barock
16770209             * MARIO—MILLINII[MARIO—MELLINI], last name is also listed as MELLINI{MEHLING}, ROME[ROM,ROMA].
16770209—17560000    MARIO—MILLINII[MARIO—MELLINI] The other siblings were TERESA, DOMENICA, NICOLA.[MEHLING]
16830209             —DATUM—HAAG, Des AMERONGEN—RAPPORT.
16830209             —BERATUNG mit dem PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN und einigen Regenten.
16830209             Ausdehnung derselben DEFENSIV—ALLIANZ auf ALLE—LANDE des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG einerseits,
16830209             Ausdehnung derselben DEFENSIV—ALLIANZ auf bloss die SPANISCHE—NIEDERLANDE andererseits;
16830209             nähere Bestimmungen über die gegenseitige Hilfe;
16830209             —EINTRITT in die ASSOZIATION;
16830209             —VERZICHT auf ALLE—FERNEREN—ANSPRÜCHE.
16830209             HÖHE—DER—VON—DER—REPUBLIK und SPANIEN in Aussicht gestellten Gelder.
16830209             —NOCH, vorhandene Differenzen.
16830209             —GEEXAMINEERT, Als ick by myn selven hebbe, het RAPPORT,
16850209             * FRANCESCO—LOREDAN—DOGE—VON—VENEDIG, 116.
16910209             * JOHANN—GOTTLIEB—TAMITIUS, deutscher Orgelbauer
16930209             * JOHANN—LUDWIG—KONRAD—ALLENDORF, deutscher Pädagoge, lutherischer Pfarrer und Dichter von Kirchenliedern
16950209             * JOHAN—ARCKENHOLTZ, finnischer Bibliothekar, politischer Pamphletist und Historiker
16970209             FOLIAS—186V.-187.
16990209             * ÉTIENNE—JEAURAT, französischer Maler und Kupferstecher
17020209             † JOHANN—BAPTIST—FISCHER, Grazer Bildhauer
17080109             JACOB—GRAFF aus STOLBERG oo [17080209            STOLBERG] CATHARINA—GRAFF aus STOLBERG apostolischer DvBl 2.-3.GRADES
17090209             † JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—BOECKLIN, deutscher Kupferstecher
17110209             HAMBURG, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Henrico IV. des JOHANN—MATTHESON statt.
17170209             * JOHANN—AUGUST—VON—HELLFELD, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
17190209—16850000    KARL—VI. erneuerte. das Edikt von, und KUR—SACHSEN erlaubte ihren öffentlichen Gebrauch 17650000             — —ERST.
17190209—16850219    KARL—VI. erneuerte. das EDIKT—VOM, derselben —MASCHINE Gebrauch in ganz DEUTSCHLAND untersagt.und
17310209             * GASPARO—ANGIOLINI, italienischer Tänzer, Choreograf und Theoretiker
17310209             * JOHANN—UPHAGEN, deutscher Reeder, Kaufmann und bibliophiler Sammler
17320209             —ZUNFTORDNUNG vom -sollte es am 1. —MONTAG nach Neujahr sein - wählten die
17360209             * MARIA—ELISABETH—VON—SACHSEN, königliche PRINZESSIN—VON—POLEN und PRINZESSIN—VON—SACHSEN und Sternkreuzordensdame
17370209             * THOMAS—PAINE, BRITISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER politischer PUBLIZIST, 1—DER—GRÜNDERVÄTER der Vereinigten Staaten
17410209             * FERDINAND—FRANZ—MARIA—BOUGET, OBERST im nassauischen Kürassierregiment
17410209             * HENRI—JOSEPH—RIGEL, composer.
17480209             * LUTHER—MARTIN, 1—DER—USA—GRÜNDERVÄTER
17500209             * FRIEDRICH—TRAUGOTT—WETTENGEL, böhmischer lutherischer Theologe
17510209             —AM Teatro Apollo in Rom erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Ifigenia in Aulide von Niccolò Jommelli.
17510209             † HENRI—FRANÇOIS d'Aguesseau, französischer Politiker
17530209             † CARL—HÅRLEMAN, schwedischer Architekt und Politiker
17560209             * KAREL—BLAžej Kop?iva, tschechischer Komponist
17560209             † JACOB—CARL—STAUDER, österreichischer Maler
17630209             * LUDWIG—I—GROß—HERZOG—VON—BADEN
17650209             † ELISABETTA—DE—GAMBARINI, 33—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
17660209             * JOHN—ROANE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17680209             † im 58. JAHRE in VENEDIG †
17690209             * GEORGE—W—CAMPBELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Finanzminister
17700209             * SAMUEL—BELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17720209             † Mang ANTON—STAPF, süddeutscher Rokokobildhauer
17730209             * WILLIAM—HENRY—HARRISON, the 9. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA (17730304—18410404    ), in CHARLES—CITY—COUNTY, VIRGINIA.
17740000—18240209    * † ANNA—KATHARINA—EMMERICK, 1—SICKLY, virtually illiterate GERMANY—NUN.
17750209             Die britische Regierung erklärt ihre nordamerikanische KOLONIE—MASSACHUSETTS zur abtrünnigen Provinz.
17750209             —HERAUFZIEHT, Der Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg.
17750209             * FARKAS—WOLFGANG—BOLYAI, ungarischer Mathematiker
17750209             † JOHANNA—KATHARINA—VON—SCHARFFENSTEIN, genannt Pfeil, Priorin
17770209             * LOUISE—BRACHMANN, deutsche Schriftstellerin
17770209             † SETH—POMEROY, BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHER Waffenschmied und GENERAL
17790209             * MADEMOISELLE—MARS, französische Schauspielerin
17800209             * WALENTY—KAROL—KRATZER, composer.
17810209             * JOHANN—BAPTIST—VON—SPIX, deutscher Naturwissenschaftler
17820209             † GIUSEPPE—LUIGI—ASSEMANI, Priester, Orientalist und Liturgiker
17830209             * WASSILI—ANDREJEWITSCH—SCHUKOWSKI, russischer Dichter und Übersetzer
17840209             WOLFGANG—AMADEUS—MOZART schreibt sein 14. Klavierkonzert in ES—DUR das KV 449.
17840209             * FERDINAND—KÄMMERER, deutscher Rechtsgelehrter
17890209             * FRANZ—XAVER—GABELSBERGER, deutscher Erfinder der Stenografie
17920209             —LA—ASSEMBLÉE décide la CONFISCATION—DES—BIENS des émigrés
17920209             —DÉCIDE, LA—ASSEMBLÉE, LA—CONFISCATION—DES—BIENS des émigrés
17950209             * MORITZ—VON—PRITTWITZ, preußischer GENERAL und Festungsbaudirektor
17950209             † JOHN—PENN, letzter britischer KOLONIALGOUVERNEUR—VON—PENNSYLVANIA
17960209             —ÜBERNIMMT, Jiaqing aus der QING—DYNASTIE, für seinen betagten Vater Qianlong das Amt des KAISERS—VON—CHINA.
17960209             Tatsächlich kann er jedoch —ERST—NACH—DEM Tod seines Vaters regieren.
17960209             * KARL—NEUHAUS, Schweizer Politiker
17970209             —EMERGED, JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS—SENIOR, victorious from AMERICA's 1. contested PRESIDENT—ELECTION.
17980209             † FRIEDRICH—ERNST—CONSTANTIN—VON—ARNOLD, deutscher Landrat und Gutsbesitzer
17990209             † GIOVANNI—ARCHINTO, italienischer Jurist, Priester und Kardinal
18010209             2. Koalitionskrieg
18010209             —FRIEDE—VON—LUNÉVILLE, zwischen Frankreich und Österreich beendet den 2. Koalitionskrieg.
18010209             Frankreich erhält die von ihm beanspruchten linksrheinischen Gebiete.
18010209             Österreich muss außerdem 3—FRANZÖSISCHE Tochterrepubliken, die Batavische, die Helvetische und die Ligurische REPUBLIK, anerkennen.
18010209             † FRIEDRICH—KONRAD—HORNEMANN, deutscher Afrikaforscher in britischen Diensten
18010209             —NACH—DEM, FRIEDEN—VON—LUNEVILLE, wird das linke RHEIN—UFER an FRANKREICH ganz abgetreten.
18010209             —PAIX—DE—LUNEVILLE avec LA—AUTRICHE.
18010209             —FRIEDEN—VON—LUNEVILLE,—DANACH, ganz abgetreten an FRANKREICH, das linke RHEIN—UFER wird.
18010209             —PAIX—DE—LUNEVILLE avec LA—AUTRICHE[ÖSTEREICH].
18020209             * Étienne Arago, französischer Schriftsteller
18020209             * JOSEF—FRANTIŠEK—HUNKE, böhmischer Komponist
18070209             † JOSEPH—BENOÎT Suvée, flämischer Maler
18070209             —CONVENED, FRANCE—SANHEDRIN was, by Napoleon.
18100209             † RICHARD—CHANDLER, britischer Archäologe
18120209             † FRANZ—ANTON—HOFFMEISTER, deutscher Komponist
18120209             † FRANZ—ANTON—HOFFMEISTER, 57—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
18140209             * SAMUEL—JONES—TILDEN, philanthropist.
18150209             * RAFFAELE—CADORNA—DER—ÄLTERE, italienischer GENERAL
18150209             * FEDERICO—DE—MADRAZO—Y—KUNTZ, spanischer Maler
18170209             * Eugenio LUCAS—VELÁZQUEZ, spanischer Maler
18170209             † FRANZ—WILHELM—TAUSCH, deutscher Klarinettenvirtuose und Komponist
18180209             * CHRISTIAN—REITHMANN, Uhrmacher und Erfinder
18190209             * LYDIA—E—PINKHAM, PATENT—MEDICINE maker and entrepreneur.
18220209             —ANNEKTIERT, HAITI, unter seinem Präsidenten JEAN—PIERRE Boyer den ausgerufenen benachbarten Unabhängigen STAAT SPANISCH—HAITI, einen kurzlebigen Vorläufer der Dominikanischen REPUBLIK.
18220209             —ORGANIZED, THE—USA—INDIA—SOCIETY.
18240209             † ANNA—KATHARINA—EMMERICK, deutsche Ordensschwester und Mystikerin
18240209             Her gory visions of Jesus' last hours of suffering —BEFORE his crucifixion drew pilgrims to her bedside in the years —BEFORE her death.
18240209—20040000    —IN, she was beatified by JOHN—PAUL—VI—PAPA.
18250209             Das USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS wählt – nachdem KEINER—DER—KANDIDATEN bei der Präsidentschaftswahl eine absolute MEHRHEIT—DER—WAHLMÄNNER—STIMMEN hat erreichen können – überraschend JOHN—QUINCY—ADAMS zum Präsidenten, und nicht ANDREW—JACKSON, der ursprünglich mehr Stimmen gehabt hatte.
18270209             Die von FRIEDRICH—WEINBRENNER und dessen Schüler FRIEDRICH—THEODOR—FISCHER erbaute Münzstätte in KARLSRUHE nimmt im Beisein des Großherzogs LUDWIG—VON—BADEN ihren Betrieb auf.
18270209             Erstmals erscheint in LONDON eine Ausgabe der Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, einer Fachzeitschrift für Astronomie und Astrophysik.
18290209             An der OPÉRA—COMIQUE in PARIS wird die komische Oper Pierre et Catérine von ADOLPHE—ADAM uraufgeführt.
18310209             † ERNST—HEINRICH—VON—SCHIMMELMANN, deutscher MINISTER
18320209             * ADELE—SPITZEDER (auch ADELE—VIO), deutsche Schauspielerin und Betrügerin
18340209             * FELIX—DAHN, deutscher Jurist, Schriftsteller, Historiker
18340209             * GUSTAV—RITTER—VON—MEYER, Justizrat und EHRENBÜRGER—VON—BAYREUTH
18340209             * KAMEHAMEHA—IV—KÖNIG—VON—HAWAII
18340209             * FRANZ—XAVER—WITT, composer.
18360209             * PETER—HEINRICH—BRINCKER, deutscher Missionar in DEUTSCH—SÜDWESTAFRIKA
18380209             * Evelyn HENRY—WOOD, britischer FELDMARSCHALL
18390209             JOHN—BALLENY, der Kapitän eines britischen Walfängers, entdeckt im Südlichen Ozean mit Sturge Island die 1. Insel der nach ihm benannten BALLENY—INSELN.
18390209             JOHN—BALLENY—BEGLEITER—THOMAS—FREEMAN betritt das Land.
18410209             † CHRYSTIAN—PIOTR—AIGNER, polnischer Architekt
18420209             † JOHANN—DIEDERICH—GRIES, deutscher Übersetzer
18430209             * NATHAN—GOFF, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker, Marineminister, Kongressabgeordneter
18450209             * LUDWIG—FORRER, Schweizer Politiker
18460209             * LEOPOLD—VON—BAYERN, deutscher Generalfeldmarschall
18460209             * WILHELM—MAYBACH, deutscher Autokonstrukteur und Unternehmer
18460209             —DESIGNED, WILHELM—MAYBACH, the 1. MERCEDES automobile.
18480209             Wegen Handgreiflichkeiten zwischen der Bevölkerung und der studentischen Leibgarde seiner Geliebten Lola Montez verfügt der bayerische KÖNIG—LUDWIG I. die sofortige Schließung der UNIVERSITÄT—MÜNCHEN und fordert ALLE—STUDENTEN zum Verlassen der Stadt auf.
18480209             Dies löst tags darauf starke Proteste in der Stadt aus.
18480209—18480211    in BAYERN,wo der Boden —BEREITS durch die Ereignisse vom mehr als anderswo vorbereitet war.
18480209—18480211    —EREIGNISSE—VOM, DURCH—DIE, in BAYERN, wo der Boden —BEREITS mehr als anderswo vorbereitet war.
18490209             Im Kirchenstaat ruft GIUSEPPE—MAZZINI im Rahmen des Risorgimento die Römische REPUBLIK aus.
18490209             Dies führt umgehend zum Eingreifen französischer und spanischer Truppen, die die REPUBLIK —BIS zum 18490703              gewaltsam niederschlagen.
18490209             * GIOVANNI—PASSANNANTE, italienischer Anarchist
18490209             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—217—KÖLN.
18530209             * GUSTAV—AUFSCHLÄGER, deutscher Sprengstoffchemiker und Unternehmensführer
18530209             * Leander Jameson, südafrikanischer PREMIERMINISTER
18550209             —AM—MORGEN ängstigen im Süden der englischen Grafschaft Devon mysteriöse Spuren im Schnee die Bevölkerung.
18550209             —VERMUTET, Man, "Fußspuren des Teufels".
18570000—19210209    * † JAMES—HUNEKER, USA—MUSICAL—WRITER and critic.
18580209             † GEORG—WIGAND, deutscher Verleger und Buchhändler
18590209             * Yoshifuru Akiyama, japanischer GENERAL
18590209             * ROBERT—HOPE—JONES, BRITISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Erfinder im Orgelbau
18590209             † KARL—CÄSAR—ANTZ, deutscher Arzt und Botaniker
18600209             * Jacobus MARINUS—JANSE, niederländischer Biologe
18610209             Jefferson Davis wird von der verfassungsgebenden Versammlung zum Präsidenten der Konföderierten STAATEN—VON—AMERIKA gewählt.
18610209             * HANS—BARTSCH—VON—SIGSFELD, deutscher Luftfahrtpionier
18610209             † KARL—OTTO—LUDWIG—VON—ARNIM, deutscher Schriftsteller
18610209             † FRANCIS—DANBY, irischer Landschaftsmaler
18610209             —DECLARED, THE—CONFEDERATE—PROVISIONAL—CONGRESS, meeting in ALABAMA, all laws under THE—USA—CONSTITUTION were consistent with constitution of Confederate states.
18610209             Jefferson Davis' MEXICO—WAR exploits led him to the Confederate WHITE—HOUSE.
18610209             —VOTED, TENNESSEE, against secession.
18630209             * Leopoldine Augustin, österreichische Theaterschauspielerin und Sängerin
18630209             * ANTHONY—HOPE, britischer Rechtsanwalt und Schriftsteller
18630209             * ERNST—KREIDOLF, Schweizer Grafiker und Illustrator von Kinderbüchern
18630209             1—FIRE extinguisher was patented by Alanson Crane.
18630209             —ADDRESSED, HENRI—DUNANT (18280000—19100000    ), THE—GENEVA Society for Public Welfare and asked the members to form 1—VOLUNTEER society to aid wounded soldiers.
18630209             THE—INTL.
18630209             COMMITTEE—OF—RED—CROSS (Nobel 19170000             , 19440000             , 19630000             ) was formed in GENEVA, Switz.
18630209             —BASED, The red cross design, on THE—SWITZERLAND—FLAG with the colors reversed.
18640209             —AFTER 1—COURTSHIP that began at 1—PARTY on Thanksgiving —DAY 18620000             , Brevet GENERAL—GEORGE—ARMSTRONG—CUSTER and Miss ELIZABETH Bacon, both of MONROE—MICHIGAN, oo.
18640209             † —UNTIL Custer, at THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—LITTLE—BIGHORN —12—YEARS—LATER, Libbie followed him to postings —THROUGHOUT THE—WEST—WHENEVER possible.
18640209             —REMARRIED, Libbie never, even though she outlived her husband by 50—YEARS, preferring to keep his memory alive by lecturing and writing books about their life together on the Plains.
18640209             109—UNION—PRISONERS escaped through 1—TUNNEL from the Confederate Libby Prison in RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, including LIEUTENANT—JAMES—M—WELLS—OF—MICHIGAN.
18640209—19040000    —PUBLISHED, Wells, 1—ACCOUNT—OF—THE escape in the Jan.
18640209—19040000    ISSUE—OF—MCCLURE—MAGAZINE.
18640209—19330408    —LIVED, ELIZABETH—CUSTER, comfortably in NEW—YORK—CITY—UNTIL her death, at the age of 91.
18640209—19330408    † —UNTIL her death ON, ELIZABETH—CUSTER lived comfortably in NEW—YORK—CITY, at the age of 91.
18650209             * WILSON—BENTLEY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Farmer, Fotograf und Schneeforscher
18650209             * ERICH—VON—DRYGALSKI, deutscher Polarforscher
18650209             * Mrs.
18650209             [Beatrice] PATRICK—CAMPBELL, actress (Pygmalion), in ENGLAND.
18650209—18850115    —ON, WILSON—BENTLEY—INTEREST in snow flakes led him to make the 1. PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—SNOW crystals.
18650209—19310000    * † WILSON—BENTLEY on 1—FARM—NEAR—JERICHO—VERMONT.
18660209             * GEORGE—ADE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schriftsteller
18660209             * ALEXANDRE—FRANÇOIS—LOUIS Cailler, Schweizer Unternehmer der Schokoladenindustrie
18660209             * CLAIRE—HELIOT, deutsche Tierbändigerin und Dompteurin
18660209             * EDUARD—THÖNY, österreichischer Zeichner und Karikaturist (Simplicissimus)
18660209             † Rehuel Lobatto, niederländischer Mathematiker
18670209             * EDWARD—W—NAYLOR, englischer Organist, KOMPONIST—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18670209             * Natsume S?seki, japanischer Schriftsteller
18680209             * PAUL—REUSCH, deutscher Industrieller der Montanindustrie und des Maschinenbaus (Gutehoffnungshütte)
18700209             * PAUL—MAX—EUGEN—ADLOFF, deutscher Zahnmediziner und Anthropologe
18700209             * ARTHUR—ILLIES, deutscher Maler und Grafiker
18700209             * Jacobus Adrianus CORNELIS—VAN—LEEUWEN, niederländischer reformierter Theologe
18700209             —CONTINUED, Congress under, petition from Smithsonian SECRETARY—JOSEPH—HENRY and colleagues, passed 1—MILITARY—APPROPRIATION enabling THE—USA—ARMY—SIGNAL—SERVICE to make standardized weather observations.
18710209             * Fran Saleški Finžgar, slowenischer RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Priester und Schriftsteller
18710209             * HOWARD—T—RICKETTS, pathologist.
18720209             * KARL—PRINZ, österreichischer Altphilologe
18740209             * Amy LOWELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Dichterin
18740209             * Wsewolod Emiljewitsch Meyerhold, russischer Regisseur und Schauspieler
18740209             † JULES—MICHELET, französischer Historiker
18740209             JULES—MICHELET was the 1. historian to use and define the word Renaissance ("RE—BIRTH" in French), as 1—PERIOD in EUROPE—CULTURAL—HISTORY that represented 1—DRASTIC—BREAK from the Middle Ages.
18740209—19250000    * † AMY—LOWELL, poet, critic.
18740209—19250000    "Youth condemns; maturity condones".
18750209             * PAUL—VON—ELTZ—RÜBENACH, deutscher Ingenieur und Politiker, Reichsverkehrsminister
18750209             † CECIL—DE—VERE, britischer Schachmeister
18770209             * HERMANN—FÖTTINGER, deutscher Elektroingenieur und Erfinder
18780209             † ADOLF—THEODOR—HERMANN—FRITZSCHE, deutscher Altphilologe
18790209             * Natanael Berg, schwedischer Komponist
18800209             * LEOPOLD—FEJÉR, ungarischer Mathematiker
18800209             † ADOLPHE—CRÉMIEUX, französischer Rechtsanwalt, Politiker und Journalist
18800209—19500000    * † JAMES—STEPHENS, IRELAND—POET and novelist.
18800209—19500000    "Originality does not consist in saying what no 1 has ever said —BEFORE, but in saying exactly what you think yourself".
18810209             † Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, russischer Schriftsteller (Schuld und Sühne / Verbrechen und Strafe, Der Idiot, Die Brüder Karamasov)
18810209             † Feodor M. Dostoevsky (59), RUSSIA—NOVELIST (Crime & Punishment).
18820209             * ARTHUR—DURAY, FRANZÖSISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Automobilrennfahrer
18830209             * FRITZ—AUGUST—BREUHAUS—DE—GROOT, deutscher Architekt und Gestalter
18830209             * FRITZ—WINDGASSEN, deutscher Sänger (Tenor)
18850000—19690209    * † Gabby Hayes, USA—FILM and TV actor.
18850209             * Alban Berg, österreichischer Komponist
18850209             * Anita Rée, deutsche Malerin
18850209             † JOHAN—CESAR—GODEFFROY, deutscher Kaufmann
18850209             * ALBAN—MARIA—JOHANNES—BERG, composer, in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
18850209             —ARRIVED, The 1. Japanese, in HAWAII.
18860209             * MAX—BEHRENS, deutscher Gewerkschaftsführer und Politiker, SENATOR—VON—ALTONA, MdL
18860209             * IVO—HAUPTMANN, deutscher Maler
18860209             * WILHELM—VOCKE, deutscher Finanzfachmann und Bankier
18860209             † Winfield SCOTT—HANCOCK, USA—AMERIKANISCHER GENERAL und Politiker
18860209             Modest Mussorgsky's (18390000—18810000    ) opera "Khovanschchina," arranged by RIMSKY—KORSAKOV, premiered in S—PETERSBURG.
18860209             THE—GREGORIAN date is 18860221           .
18870209             * WASSILI—IWANOWITSCH—TSCHAPAJEW, Kommandeur der Roten Armee im Russischen Bürgerkrieg
18880209             * Cas Ruffelse, niederländischer Fußballspieler
18880209             † BENJAMIN—EGGLESTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18900209             * HANNS—HOPP, deutscher Architekt
18910209             * RONALD—COLMAN, britischer Schauspieler
18910209             * PIETRO—NENNI, italienischer Politiker
18910209             † OTTO—BENEKE, Hamburger Archivar und Schriftsteller
18910209             † JOHAN—BARTHOLD—JONGKIND, niederländischer Maler
18910209             * RONALD—COLMAN, 19470000              ACADEMY—AWARD actor (Tale of 2—CITIES), in ENGLAND.
18920209             * JOSEPH—BRAUNSTEIN, österreichischer Musiker, Schriftsteller und Bergsteiger
18920209             * RICHARD—FREUDENBERG, deutscher Unternehmer und Politiker
18920209             † Gonville Bromhead, britischer Offizier
18930209             GIUSEPPE—VERDIS letzte Oper, die lyrische Komödie Falstaff, mit dem Libretto von Arrigo Boito nach WILLIAM—SHAKESPEARES—DIE lustigen Weiber von WINDSOR, wird mit großem Erfolg am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand uraufgeführt.
18930209             * JOHANN—WOLFGANG—AMSCHLER, deutscher Biologe
18930209             * ROBERT—GERITZMANN, deutscher Politiker, MdB, Oberbürgermeister
18930209             * Giorgos ATHANASIADIS—NOVAS, griechischer Schriftsteller und Politiker, Ministerpräsident
18930209             GIUSEPPE—VERDI—LAST opera, "Falstaff," was 1. performed in MILAN—ITALY.
18930209             —SENTENCED, SUEZ Canal builder De Lesseps and others were, to prison for fraud.
18940209             * PETER—GEORG—COHRS, deutscher Politiker, MdL
18940209             * Rahel Sanzara, deutsche Tänzerin, Schauspielerin und Schriftstellerin
18940209             † Maxime Du Camp, französischer Schriftsteller
18950000             INRIA :: [inria-00000209, version 1] Stigmergy in MULTI—AGENT...
18950000             Title:: Stigmergy in MULTI—AGENT... we describe how certain aspects of the biological phenomena of stigmergy can be...
18950209             * Fjodor Alexandrowitsch Ozep, russischer Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor
18950209             * HERMANN—BRILL, deutscher Politiker und Widerstandskämpfer, MdB, Ministerpräsident
18950209             * MAX—VALIER, ÖSTERREICHISCH—ITALIENISCHER Schriftsteller, Astronom und RAKETENBAU—PIONIER
18950209             —INVENTED, Volleyball was, by W.G. Morgan in MASSACHUSETTS.
18950209             1—GAME called "mintonette" was created by WILLIAM—GEORGE—MORGAN, physical director at THE—YMCA in HOLYOKE—MASSACHUSETTS, to accommodate players who thought basketball was too strenuous.
18950209             The objective was to hit 1—BASKETBALL over 1—ROPE.
18950209             It was the predecessor to volleyball.
18960209             * JOHN—SCHEHR, deutscher Politiker, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus
18960209             * ALBERTO—VARGAS, peruanischer PIN—UP Zeichner
18970209             * HANS—BREITENSTRÄTER, deutscher Schwergewichtsboxer
18980209             * WILHELM—AHRENS, deutscher Uhrmacher, Redakteur und Politiker, Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Amtsvorsteher
18980209             * FRANZ—GURK, deutscher Politiker, MdL, Landtagspräsident
18990000—19790209    * † ALLEN—TATE, poet and EXPONENT—OF—THE—NEW—CRITICISM, in NASHVILLE.
19020209             —PERFORMED, Doctor Doyen of PARIS, 1—SUCCESSFUL—OPERATION on Siamese twins from the Barnum and BAILEY—CIRCUS.
19030000—19870209    * † ANTANAS—SABANIAUSKAS, LITHUANIA—LEADING pop tenor.
19040209             —LANDED, JAPAN—TROOPS, near SEOUL—KOREA, —AFTER disabling 2—RUSSIA—CRUISERS.
19060209             † POET—PAUL—LAURENCE—DUNBAR, 33—JAHRE—ALT, SON—OF—FORMER—SLAVES, of TB in his hometown of DAYTON—OHIO.
19060209             —PROCLAIMED, NATAL, 1—STATE—OF—SIEGE in Zulu uprising.
19070209             LONDON, demonstrieren 3000—BRITISCHE Suffragetten für die Einführung des Stimmrechts für Frauen, an ihrer Spitze Lady FRANCES—BALFOUR und Lady Millicent GARRETT—FAWCETT.
19090209             * DEAN—RUSK.
19090209             DEAN—RUSK was SECRETARY—OF—STATE (19610000—19690000    ) under presidents JOHN—F—KENNEDY and Lyndon B. Johnson.
19090209             The 1. USA federal legislation prohibiting narcotics was directed at opium.
19090209             The new resaturant came to be called THE—FLY—TRAP due to fly paper rolls hung from the ceiling.
19090209             —CONTINUED, Operations, to 19630000           .
19090209             —AGREED, FRANCE, to recognize GERMANY—ECONOMIC—INTERESTS in MOROCCO in exchange for political supremacy.
19090209             Mention was then MADE—OF—THE—FACT that on
19090209             —DURING the sitting of THE—INTERNATIONAL—OPIUM Commission, the Congress
19090209             thus cutting out by a
19090209             had passed and THE—PRESIDENT had approved of 1—ACT forbidding THE—IMPORTATION—OF—OPIUM into THE—USA—EXCEPT for medicinal purposes,
19090209             —DURING the sitting of THE—INTERNATIONAL—OPIUM Commission, the Congress had passed and THE—PRESIDENT had approved of 1—ACT forbidding the importation of opium into THE—USA—EXCEPT for medicinal purposes, thus cutting out by a... From JSTOR: THE—INTERNATIONAL—OPIUM Conference - jstor_org
19090209—18980000    —OPENED, S—FRANCISCO—LOUIS—FASHION—RESTAURANT, at 73—SUTTER S—IT had begun operations under LOUIS—BESOZZI, but was destroyed 19060000             —IN—THE—EARTHQUAKE.
19120209             Bei der Wahl des 1. VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN erhält PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN 188—GEGENÜBER 174—STIMMEN für den Konservativen H. DIETRICH—SAGE.
19120209             PHILIPP—SCHEIDEMANN nimmt DAS—AMT an.
19120209             Zum 2. VIZE—PRÄSIDENTEN wird der NATIONAL—LIBERALE Abgeordnete H. Paasche gewählt.
19120209             Bei der Schriftführerwahl werden mit D. Stücklen und R. Fischer zum 1. Mal SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN für diese Funktion gewählt.
19120209             Doch —SCHON—WENIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, legen P. Spahn und H. Paasche ihre Ämter nieder.
19120209             —WAHL—DES REICHS—TAG—PRÄSIDENTEN im 3. Wahlgang AUGUST—BEBEL unterliegt nur knapp P. Spahn (Zentrum).
19120209             Für AUGUST—BEBEL werden 175—STIMMEN, für P. Spahn 196—STIMMEN abgegeben.
19130209             * Leo van der Kar, masseur, businessman, founder (Sports funds).
19130209—19130218    THE—10—DAY—TRAGEDY—OF—MEXICO—CITY—WHEN 3,000 †.
19140000—19930209    * † Saburo Okita, JAPAN—ECONOMIST and former foreign MINISTER (19790000—19800000    ).
19140000—19950209    * † DAVID—WAYNE, [WAYNE—MCMEEKAN], USA—ACTOR (DALLAS).
19140209             * GYPSY—ROSE—LEE, stripper, in SEATTLE WASHINGTON.
19140209             * Bill "Rhymes with Wreck" Veeck, baseball club owner.
19160209             Conscription began in GREAT—BRITAIN as the Military Service Act becomes effective.
19170209—19160722    —IN—THE, S—FRANCISCO—THOMAS—MOONEY, was found GUILTY—OF—MURDER, Preparedness —DAY parade bombing on Market St. that left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19170209—19160722    —IN—THE, S—FRANCISCO, THOMAS—MOONEY was found GUILTY—OF—MURDER.
19170209—19160722    Preparedness —DAY parade bombing on Market St. that left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD.
19180000—20140209    * † GABRIEL—AXEL, the 1. Dane to win 1—OSCAR for best foreign film with "BABETTE—FEAST" (19870000             ) which he directed.
19180209             Die Mittelmächte schließen zur Beendigung des Krieges im Osten einen separaten Friedensvertrag ("Brotfrieden") mit der UKRAINE.
19180209             —ORGANIZED, Army chaplain school, at FORT—MONROE, VIRGINIA.
19180209             GERMANY—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—VON—KUHLMANN issues 1—ULTIMATUM at BREST—LITOVSK, which THE—RUSSIA ns consider as annexationist.
19180209             This causes division within the Soviet leadership. (Polyakov)
19180309—19180209    GERMANY—FOREIGN SECRETARY—VON—KUHLMANN issues an ultimatum at BREST—LITOVSK,
19200209             Im Pariser Vorort Sèvres schließen zahlreiche Staaten den Spitzbergenvertrag, der Norwegen die Souveränität über SPITZBERGEN[SVALBARD] zuspricht.
19200209             Allerdings dürfen ALLE—VERTRAGSPARTEIEN auf der Inselgruppe, die zur entmilitarisierten Zone erklärt wird, ökonomisch tätig sein.
19200209             THE—SVALBARD—TREATY gave NORWAY sovereignty over THE—ARCTIC archipelago of Svalbard, but allowed other countries to establish settlements there  and to exploit its natural resources.
19200209             —ALLOWED, The treaty, RUSSIA to pursue mining at Spitsbergen.
19200209—20170000    —BY, there were more than 40—COUNTRIES—PARTY to the treaty.
19210209             * WILHELM—DÖRR, deutscher SS—UNTEROFFIZIER, stellvertretender KZ—LAGERKOMMANDANT und Kriegsverbrecher
19220209             —ESTABLISHED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, the World War Foreign Debt Commission.
19230209             —AM Theater an der WIEN in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette Die gelbe Jacke von FRANZ—LEHÁR.
19230209             Der Text stammt von LUDWIG—HERZER und FRITZ—LÖHNER—BEDA nach einer Vorlage von VICTOR—LÉON.
19230209             Unter dem Namen Das Land des Lächelns wird das Werk Jahre später 1—WELTERFOLG.
19230209             * BRENDAN—BEHAN, IRELAND—PLAYWRIGHT and poet, in DUBLIN—IRELAND.
19230209             * NORMAN—E—SHUMWAY, pioneer cardiac transplant surgeon, in MICHIGAN.
19230209             —FORMED, Soviet Aeroflot airlines.
19250000—19810209    * † BILL—HALEY, vocalist (Rock —AROUND Clock), —OF—HEART—ATTACK.
19260209             Der norwegische Ingenieur ERIK—ROTHEIM erfindet die Sprühdose.
19260209             Teaching THEORY—OF—EVOLUTION was forbidden in ATLANTA—GEORGIA, schools.
19270203—19270209    —a Rebelião MILITAR, fracassada, em LISBOA e PORTO contra a ditadura MILITAR.[2]
19270203—19270209    —REBELIÃO—MILITAR, fracassada, em LISBOA e PORTO contra a DITADURA—MILITAR.
19280209             * FRANK—FRAZETTA, USA—FANTASY and science fiction artist, in Brooklyn.
19280209             —BECAME, FRANK—FRAZETTA, noted for work in comic books, paperback book covers, paintings, posters, RECORD—ALBUM covers, and other media.
19280209—20030000    —IN, 1—FEATURE—FILM documenting the life and career of Frazetta was released, entitled: "FRANK—FRAZETTA: Painting With Fire".
19290209             BUDAPEST, findet die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Der Tenor von ERNST—VON—DOHNÁNYI statt.
19330209             —ENDORSED, THE—OXFORD—UNION, OXFORD UNIVERSITY—DEBATING society, 275-153, 1—MOTION stating "that this House will in no circumstances fight for its KING—AND—COUNTRY," 1—PACIFIST—STAND widely denounced by Britons.
19330209—19830209    —SEE
19340000—20070209    * † IAN—RICHARDSON, SCOTTISH—BORN film and TV actor, in LONDON.
19340209             ATHEN, schließen die Türkei, Griechenland, Rumänien und Jugoslawien den Balkanpakt, 1—MILITÄRBÜNDNIS gegen bulgarische Vormachtbestrebungen auf der Balkanhalbinsel.
19360209             * GEORG—STERZINSKY, deutscher Kardinal und ERZBISCHOF—VON—BERLIN
19370209             —CRASHED, S—FRANCISCO—UNITED—AIRLINES—DC, 3, 2—MILES from Mills Field.
19370209             —DROPPED, THE—CO—PILOT had, his microphone which jammed the controls preventing the pilot from pulling out of the glide.
19370209             —CRASHED, The plane, killing all 11—ABOARD.
19410209             —CONQUERED, UK—TROOPS, El Agheila.
19410209             —DESTROYED, Nazi collaborators, THE—PRO—JEWISH—CAFE—ALCAZAR AMSTERDAM.
19410209             —REFUSED, Alcazar had, to hang "No Entry for Jews" signs in front.
19420209             THE—USA—JOINT—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF held its 1. formal meeting to coordinate military strategy —WWII—DURING.
19420209             —REIMPOSED, FDR, daylight saving time (DST) in THE—USA—CALLING it "war time" with clocks turned 1—HOUR—FORWARD.
19420209             —REPEALED, It was, —AFTER the war.
19420209             —REGARDED, It was once, as most elegant ocean liner ever built.
19420209             Chiang KAI—SHEK met with SIR—STAFFORD—CRIPPS, THE—UK—VICEROY in INDIA.
19420209             —HARRIED, Detachment 101, the Japanese in Burma and provided close support for regular Allied forces.
19420209             —LANDED, JAPAN—TROOPS, near Makassar, SOUTH—CELEBES.
19420209—19350000    —LAUNCHED, THE—FORMER—FRANCE—CRUISE ship Normandie, burned in NEW—YORK Harbor —DURING its conversion to 1—ALLIED trip transport ship.
19420209—19470000    —IN, it was cut up for scrap.
19420209—19660000    —SEE
19420209—20070000    —AUTHORED, JOHN—MAXTONE—GRAHAM, "Normandie".
19430209             Nach der verlorenen Schlacht um Guadalcanal im Pazifikkrieg ziehen die Japaner ihre letzten Truppen von der Pazifikinsel ab, die in der Folge zu einem alliierten Stützpunkt ausgebaut wird.
19430209             —ORDERED, FDR, a minimal 48—HOUR work —WEEK in war industry.
19430209             The —WWII BATTLE—OF—GUADALCANAL in THE—SOUTH—WEST—PACIFIC ended with 1—ALLIED victory over JAPAN—FORCES.
19430209             THE—RUSSIANS took back KURSK —15—MONTHS—AFTER it fell to the Nazis.
19440209             * ALICE—WALKER, Pulitzer prize winning author.
19440209             U-734 and U—238—SANK off IRELAND.
19450209             wurde das deutsche Flüchtlingsschiff "GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN" in der Ostsee versenkt und riss 3400—MENSCHEN in den Tod.
19450209             "GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN" von einem russischen U—BOOT vor der Danziger Bucht torpediert,
19450209             sank.Nur 600—MENSCHEN überlebten das Desaster, gilt das als drittgrößte Schiffskatastrophe der Geschichte.
19450209             * [Maria] MIA—FARROW, actress (ROSEMARY—BABY, Purple Rose of CAIRO, in LOS—ANGELES.
19450209             THE—GERMANY—SUBMARINE U-864 with 1—CREW—OF—73—SANK about 2 1/2—MILES off FEDJE—NORWAY.
19450209             —ADVANCED, It was on 1—DESPERATE—MISSION to supply JAPAN with, weapons technology and carried 1—POISONOUS—CARGO—OF—70—TONS—OF—MERCURY.
19450209             "GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN" von einem russischen U—BOOT vor der Danziger Bucht torpediert, sank.Nur 600—MENSCHEN überlebten das Desaster, gilt das als drittgrößte Schiffskatastrophe der Geschichte.
19450209             DRESDEN, "Jeder hat vor jedem Angst" - Die Stimmung in DRESDEN ist gedrückt.
19450209             Gerüchte gehen um, dass 1—ANGRIFF—DER—ALLIIERTEN bevorsteht.
19450209             Die Furcht wächst.
19450209             Der jüdischstämmige AUTOR—VICTOR—KLEMPERER hat die Geschehnisse in seinem Tagebuch festgehalten.
19450209             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, SPIEGEL—ONLINE, seine Aufzeichnungen - - Freitagvormittag
19450209             —VERSENKT, DEUTSCHES—FLÜCHTLINGS—SCHIFF—GENERAL—VON—STEUBEN, in der OST—SEE wurde, und riss 3.400—MENSCHEN in den Tod.
19450209—19450213    —AM, täglich —BIS zur Bombardierung Dresdens.
19450209—20060000    —POSED, Leakage of the mercury, 1—SEVERE—THREAT and plans were made to encase the wreck.
19450209—20070000    —IN, NORWAY—GOVERNMENT said it would be buried in special sand to protect the coastline.
19460209             Die niederländische PARTIJ—VAN—DE Arbeid gründet sich aus den bisherigen Parteien Vrijzinnig Democratische Bond, Sociaal Democratische Arbeiders Partij und CHRISTEN—DEMOCRATISCHE Unie.
19460209             —ANNOUNCED, Stalin, the new 5—YEAR—PLAN for THE—USSR, calling for production boosts of 50—PERCENT.
19490209             (ABl.
19490209             AHK S. 103); siehe für Baden das die Landesschlichtungsordnung vom - (ABl.
19500209             In 1—SPEECH at the Republican WOMEN—CLUB in Wheeling, W. VIRGINIA, SENATOR—JOSEPH—MCCARTHY, R—WISCONSIN, charged THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT was riddled with Communists and that he had 1—LIST—OF them.
19500209             He asserted that SECRETARY—OF—STATE—DEAN—ACHESON knew this and refused to do anything about it.
19500209             McCarthy said there were 205—COMMUNISTS working in THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT.
19510209             —SIGNED, S—LOUIS—BROWNS, baseball pitcher Satchel Paige (45).
19510209             Actress Greta Garbo got USA—CITIZENSHIP.
19530209             "Adventures of Superman" TV series premiered in syndication.
19530209             —ENDED, GENERAL—WALTER—BEDELL—SMITH, USA, term as 4. DIRECTOR—OF—CIA.
19530209             —BECAME, ALLEN—W—DULLES, acting DIRECTOR—OF—CIA and served to 19610000           .
19530209             —DESTROYED, THE—FRENCH, 6—VIET Minh war factories hidden in the jungles of VIETNAM.
19550209             Nach NIKOLAI—ALEXANDROWITSCH—BULGANINS—AUFSTIEG zum sowjetischen Regierungschef wird GEORGI—KONSTANTINOWITSCH—SCHUKOW, 1945/46—VERTRETER der Sowjetunion im Alliierten Kontrollrat und Leiter der SMAD, neuer Verteidigungsminister.
19550209             Die USA—GEWERKSCHAFTEN AFL und CIO schließen sich zur Einheitsgewerkschaft AFL—CIO zusammen.
19550209             —AGREED, USA—FEDERATIONS—OF—TRADE—UNIONS, to merge into THE—AFL—CIO: THE—USA—FEDERATION—OF—LABOR and the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
19550209             —ARMED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—SOME, 2,000 policemen, with handguns, rifles and clubs known as knobkierries, forcefully moved the black families of Sophiatown to Meadowlands, SOWETO.
19551201—19551205    19550209             —SEE
19560209             Erstmals —NACH—DEM —WWII wird in WIEN wieder der Opernball veranstaltet.
19580000—20180209    * † Reg E. Cathey, USA—TV and film actor, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19600209             Die USA—AMERIKANISCHE Schauspielerin JOANNE—WOODWARD erhält den allerersten Stern auf dem HOLLYWOOD Walk of Fame.
19600209             THE—HOLLYWOOD—CALIFORNIA, Walk of Fame began with 1—INSTALLATION—OF—ITS 1. pink terrazzo star for, actress JOANNE—WOODWARD, at 6801—HOLLYWOOD Blvd.
19600209             —FOUNDERED, THE—ANGELO—PETRI, the world's largest wine tanker, outside THE—S—FRANCISCO—GOLDEN—GATE.
19600209             It carried 1—CAPACITY load of 2,383,000 GALLONS—OF—WINE and vegetable oil.
19600209             † ERNST—VON—DOHNANYI, 82—JAHRE—ALT, USA composer.
19600209—19460000    —IN, the vessel had broken in 2—NEAR—HONOLULU.
19600209—19580900    —DEDICATED, The 1. 8—STARS were, and placed in the sidewalk on the northwest corner of HOLLYWOOD Blvd. and Highland Ave.
19610209             † Grigory Levenfish (70), INTERNATIONAL chess grandmaster from RUSSIA.
19620209             1—AGREEMENT was signed to make JAMAICA 1—INDEPENDENT nation within THE—UK—COMMONWEALTH —LATER in the —YEAR.
19630209             1. flight of Boeing 727—JET.
19640209             Die Beatles haben ihren 1. Auftritt im USA—FERNSEHEN.
19640209             Mit 5—LIEDERN (All My Loving, Till There Was You, She Loves You, I—SAW—HER—STANDING—THERE und I—WANT to Hold Your Hand) in der ED—SULLIVAN—SHOW werden sie einem Millionenpublikum bekannt.
19640209             THE—BEATLES made their 1. live USA—TELEVISION—APPEARANCE on "THE—ED—SULLIVAN—SHOW".
19640209             —STONED, THE—USA—EMBASSY in MOSCOW was, by Chinese and VIETNAM—STUDENTS.
19640209             BRITAIN, MARIA—CALLAS sang in 1—LIVE—PRODUCTION—OF—PUCINI—TOSCA produced at Covent Garden by FRANCO—ZEFFIRELLI.
19640209             It was —LATER made available on video.
19660209             † SOPHIE—TUCKER, 79—JAHRE—ALT, RUSSIAN—USA—SINGER, actress (My Yiddish Mama).
19670209—19600101    —SINCE, THE—USA—MILITARY said USA—CASUALTIES in THE—VIETNAM War —NOW number 50,529. This included 8,790 killed.
19690209             THE—BOEING 747, the world's largest airplane, made its 1. commercial flight.
19690209             He played the sidekick to Hopalong Cassidy and —LATER ROY—ROGERS—WESTERNS.
19690209             Behemoth Aloft The world's 1. jumbo jet, BOEING—747, shows that it's ready for service.
19690209             Compiled by TONY—LONG.
19690209—20000000    —NAMED, THE—JUAN—T—TRIPPE, —AFTER THE—FOUNDER—OF—PAN—AM, was sold to 1—SOUTH—KOREA couple, who transformed it into 1—AVIATION themed restaurant.
19690209—20050000    —BIS, Die Boeing 747, das größte Verkehrsflugzeug der Welt, startet zu ihrem Jungfernflug.
19690209—20050000    —FAILED, The venture, and
19690209—20100000    —IN—LATE, the plane was demolished.
19710209             Apollo 14—WASSERT nach ihrem Mondflug mit den Astronauten ALAN—SHEPARD, EDGAR—MITCHELL und STUART—ROOSA sicher im Pazifik.
19710209             Es handelt sich um die bislang erfolgreichste Mission des APOLLO—PROGRAMMS.
19710209             Das S—FERNANDO—VALLEY in Kalifornien wird von einem Erdbeben der Stärke 6,6 (MOMENTEN—MAGNITUDEN—SKALA) erschüttert.
19710209             Das Epizentrum des Bebens, das 65—MENSCHENLEBEN fordert und Schäden über eine halbe Milliarde Dollar verursacht, liegt in den S—GABRIEL—MOUNTAINS zwischen Sylmar, einem Stadtteil von LOS—ANGELES, und S—FERNANDO.
19710209             Der Eisenbahnunfall von Aitrang erweist sich als größtes Desaster in der GESCHICHTE—DER—TRANS—EUROP—EXPRESS—ZÜGE.
19710209             Das Entgleisen des TEE 56—VERBUNDEN mit der Kollision eines ihm entgegenkommenden Nahverkehrszuges verursacht 28—TOTE und 42—SCHWERVERLETZTE.
19710209             —BECAME, Satchel Paige, the 1. NEGRO—LEAGUE—PLAYER elected to baseball HOF.
19710209             —RETURNED, The "Apollo 14" spacecraft, to Earth —AFTER man's 3. landing on the moon.
19710209             —KILLED, S—FERNANDO, CALIFORNIA, a 6.5—EARTHQUAKE, 65—PEOPLE.
19720203             Im IRAN setzt 1—SCHNEESTURM ein, der —BIS zum 19720209              mehrere 1000—MENSCHEN das Leben kosten wird.
19720209             Paul und Linda McCartney haben ihren 1. Auftritt mit ihrer Band Wings an der UNIVERSITY—OF—NOTTINGHAM.
19730209             Großbritannien und Frankreich nehmen diplomatische Beziehungen zur DDR auf.
19740209             USA female Figure Skating championship was won by DOROTHY—HAMILL.
19750209             1—TRANSALL—C 160—DES Lufttransportgeschwaders 63—FLIEGT beim Landeanflug auf den Flughafen Chania bei dichtem Schneetreiben wegen eines Navigationsfehlers in einen Berg.
19750209             Keiner der 42—INSASSEN – neben der Besatzung sind noch Angehörige eines Flugabwehrraketengeschwaders auf dem Weg zu einer Übung nach Kreta mit an Bord – überlebt das Unglück.
19770209             —PREMIERED, THE—TV—SERIES "THE—LIFE and Times of Grizzly Adams", with DAN—HAGGERTY (19420000—20160000    ) as Grizzly Adams.
19770209             —BASED, It was, on 19740000             —THE movie, which was based on the book by CHARLES—SELLIER—JUNIOR.
19780209             Der Film Krieg der Sterne startet in den deutschen Kinos.
19780209             —KILLED, Kimberly Leach (12) was, by TED—BUNDY in Lake CITY—FLORIDA.
19780209             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA, it was expelling 13—SOVIET—DIPLOMATS who it said had tried to recruit 1—ROYAL—CANADIAN—MOUNTED—POLICE—OFFICER.
19780209             TANZANIA, cholera broke out and killed 300—PEOPLE.
19810209—19870000    —INDUCTED, Haley was posthumously, into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
19820209             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Die deutsche Band Trio, die Single Da Da Da ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha, die sich im Laufe des Jahres zu einem Welthit entwickelt.
19820209             —ON approach to Haneda Airport 1—JAPAN—AIRLINES—DC 8 plunged into TOKYO Bay killing 24—PEOPLE.
19820209             141 survived the crash caused —WHEN THE—CAPTAIN pushed the nose down prematurely and engaged in 1—STRUGGLE with THE—CO—PILOT.
19830209             In 1—DRAMATIC reversal from —50—YEARS—EARLIER, THE—OXFORD—UNION—SOCIETY at OXFORD University rejected, 416 to 187, 1—MOTION "that this House would not fight for QUEEN—AND—COUNTRY".
19830209—19330209    —SEE
19830604—19830209    —ON, Cooper won 1—LAST—MINUTE reprieve pending 1—RE—EXAMINATION—OF—THE—CASE.
19840209             Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov (69) †, less than —15—MONTHS—AFTER succeeding LEONID—BREZHNEV.
19840209             —SUCCEEDED, He was, by Konstantin U. Chernenko.
19840209             USA—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN said he wouldn't go to ANY—MEMORIAL for Andropov: "I don't want to honor that prick".
19850209             —ADMITTED, SEOUL, using force against opposition leader KIM—DAE—JUNG.
19850209             —CONFRONTED, RAFAEL—CARO - Quintero was, by.
19850209             MFJP officers at THE—GUADALAJARA.
19850209—19840000    —RELEASED, MADONNA—ALBUM "Like 1—VIRGIN,", reached #1.
19860209             —REACHED, HALLEY—COMET, 30. perihelion, its closest approach to Sun.
19860209             The tomb of TUTANKHAMEN—TREASURER, Maya, was found in EGYPT.
19860209—19860000    —IN—EARLY, 5—SPACECRAFT from THE—USSR—JAPAN, and the European Community visited Comet Halley.
19860626             GAPUD ROLANDO C: WASHINGTON Times (4). alfatomega.com/20050209.html
19870209             ROBERT—MCFARLANE (19190000—20060000    ), FORMER—USA national security adviser, attempted suicide.
19890209             —PROPOSED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, in his 1. major speech to Congress, a $1.16—TRILLION "common sense" budget for fiscal 19900000           .
19890209             —ABDUCTED, MISSOURI, Kelli Hall (17) was, as she finished her shift at 1—GAS—STATION in suburban S—LOUIS.
19890209             —NAKED, Her, body was found —13—DAYS—LATER on 1—S—LOUIS—COUNTY—FARM.
19890209—20140326    —CONVICTED, JEFFREY—HALL, 59—JAHRE—ALT, who was, for her murder and sentenced to death, was executed.
19900209             JOHN—GOTTI (19400000—20020000    ) was ACQUITTED—OF—CHARGES that he commissioned the Westies gang to shoot 1—UNION—OFFICIAL in MANHATTAN—HELL—KITCHEN.
19900209             —EARNED, This, him the nickname "THE—TEFLON—DON".
19900209             —ANNOUNCED, Perrier GROUP—OF—AMERICA—INCORPORATED, it was voluntarily recalling its INVENTORY—OF—MINERAL—WATER in THE—USA—AFTER tests showed the presence of benzene in 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—BOTTLES.
19900209             —LAUNCHED, THE—GALILEO satellite, 19891018             , made its closest approach to Venus.
19910209             In einer Volksabstimmung stimmt das litauische Volk mit über 90 % bei einer Beteiligung von 85 % für die Unabhängigkeit von der Sowjetunion.
19910209             Im Timorgraben liegen große Erdöl- und Erdgasvorkommen.
19910209             Osttimor wird Jahre später auf die Einhaltung des Vertragswerks pochen.
19910209             Während der bislang letzten größeren Choleraepidemie weltweit ruft die peruanische Regierung den nationalen Notstand aus.
19910209             Das kann ein Übergreifen der Epidemie auf ECUADOR, Kolumbien, Mexiko und NICARAGUA jedoch nicht verhindern.
19910209             Von den rund 400.000—ERKRANKTEN sterben schätzungsweise 12.000.
19910209             Defense SECRETARY—DICK—CHENEY and Joint Chiefs Chairman COLIN—L—POWELL met with military commanders in SAUDI—ARABIA to evaluate a possible ground assault against IRAQ—FORCES.
19910209             —CALLED, In 1—NATIONAL—POLL 3—QUARTERS—OF—LITHUANIA—CITIZENS, for independence from THE—SOVIET—UNION in 1—NON—BINDING plebiscite.
19910209—19891211    —AM, Der zwischen Indonesien und Australien ausgehandelte Timor Gap Treaty tritt in Kraft.
19920209             —RETURNED, Magic Johnson, to professional basketball by playing in THE—NBA ALL—STAR—GAME.
19920209             —NAMED, Johnson was, most valuable player as his side, THE—WEST—CONFERENCE, defeated THE—EAST—CONFERENCE—153—TO—113.
19920209             —DECLARED, The government of ALGERIA, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY to quell spreading Muslim fundamentalist unrest.
19920209             1—AIR—SENEGAL flight chartered by Club Med crashed and 30—PEOPLE were killed.
19920209—20000000    —IN, 1—FRANCE—COURT—CONVICTED—CLUB—MED FOUNDER—GILBERT—TRIGANO and his son, Serge, for involuntary manslaughter.
19930209             —MURDERED, ARKANSAS, Debra Reese (26) was.
19930209             He maintained his innocence from the time of his arrest —UNTIL his 20170420             , execution.
19930209             —ANNOUNCED, NBC News, it had settled 1—DEFAMATION—LAWSUIT brought by GENERAL—MOTORS over the network's "inappropriate demonstration" of 1—FIERY pickup truck crash on its "Dateline NBC" program.
19930209             —INTRODUCED, He to 1—LARGE—PART, the "flying geese" pattern of economic development to the Western political and business audiences.
19930209             Kaname Akamatsu, JAPAN—ECONOMIST, had developed THE—MULTI—TIER—HIERARCHICAL 'flying geese' model in the 1930s to describe how industrialization spreads from developed countries to the developing countries.
19930209—19951000    —SENTENCED, Ledell Lee was, to death in Pulaski COUNTY—ARKANSAS, —AFTER he was convicted of murdering Reese.
19930209—20210000    —IN, attorneys working on BEHALF—OF—LEE—FAMILY said they have uncovered new DNA profiles that belong to someone else.
19940209             PLO leader Yasser Arafat and ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—SHIMON—PERES initialed 1—AGREEMENT on security measures that had been blocking 1—PEACE—ACCORD.
19940209             —DELIVERED, NATO, 1—ULTIMATUM to BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS to remove heavy guns encircling SARAJEVO, or face air strikes.
19940209             —ISSUED, Hours —BEFORE the ultimatum was, THE—BOSNIA—HERZEGOVINA—SERBS agreed to withdraw their artillery and mortars from —AROUND SARAJEVO.
19940209             † JARMILA—NOVOTNA, 86—JAHRE—ALT, CZECH—USA soprano (Madame Butterfly).
19950209             USA—TODAY. Miller, John.
19950209             THE—CELL: Inside 20010911             —THE Plot... Johnson, Kevin + KELLEY, Jack.
19950209             "Terror arrest triggers 'mad scramble'". - USA—TODAY.
19950209             1—PREVIEW—OF "Heiress" opened at Cort Theater NEW—YORK—CITY for 340—PERFORMANCES.
19950302—19950209    —ON, "Smokey JOE—CAFÉ," previewed, opened at VIRGINIA Theater in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19960209             Forscher der Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in DARMSTADT geben die Entdeckung des später auf den Namen Copernicium getauften Elements bekannt.
19960209             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, the new telecommunications bill into law.
19960209             It included 1—SUBSIDY program, "E—RATE," to provide schools with 1—CONNECTION to THE—INTERNET.
19960209             1—COLLISION—OF—RUSH—HOUR commuter trains in SECAUCUS—NEW—JERSEY, claimed the lives of both engineers and 1—PASSENGER.
19960209             —EXECUTED, LEO—JENKINS was, under 1—NEW—TEXAS law that allowed THE—FAMILY—OF—HIS—VICTIMS to witness his execution.
19960209             1—FILM was MADE—OF—THE—EXECUTION for HBO titled: "1—KILL for 1—KILL".
19960209             —ENDED, THE—IRELAND—REPUBLICAN Army, its CEASE—FIRE with 1—MASSIVE—BLAST that killed 2—PEOPLE in LONDON—EAST—END and injured nearly a 100—PEOPLE.
19960209             The bomb was a 500—POUND device hidden in 1—REBUILT truck.
19960209             † ADOLF—GALLAND, 83—JAHRE—ALT, GERMANY—GENERAL (Luftwaffe Ace).
19960209—19980000    —IN, Phone companies began charging their LONG—DISTANCE—CUSTOMERS 1—SURCHARGE to cover the subsidies.
19960209—19990000    —INCLUDED, It also, 1—BAN on INTERNET smut that was upheld by THE—SUPREME—COURT.
19970000             Caro Quintero had made 1—FORTUNE running marijuana and cocaine into the United... 20050209
19970209             —AIRED, Fox cartoon series "Simpsons", its 167. episode, the longest running animated series in cartoon history.
19970209             THE—EAST beat the West in THE—NBA ALL—STAR game, 132-to-120.
19970209             —CLOSED, Best Products, the last of its stores, 1—VICTIM—OF—THE diminishing allure of the catalog showroom concept of retailing.
19970209             † NEWTON—MASSACHUSETTS, an 8-month old baby, —WHILE under the care of a 19-year-old UK—NANNY.
19970209             —PLEADED, LOUISA—WOODWARD, innocent, but was tried and convicted on 2.-degree murder charges in Oct.
19970209             —REACHED, ECUADOR, 1—AGREEMENT was, to have Rosalia Arteaga serve as interim PRESIDENT —UNTIL the passing of 1—CONSTITUTIONAL—AMENDMENT to elect 1—SUCCESSOR.
19980205—19980209    —ON, 2—TEENAGERS, MARK—ANTHONY—CHRISTENSON (Christeson) (18) and JESSE—CARTER, 17—JAHRE—ALT, charged in the slaying were arrested in BLYTHE—CALIFORNIA.
19980209             —REACHED, Estimated storm damage, over $275—MILLION.
19980209             —ANNOUNCED, THE—PENTAGON, that some 3,000 ground troops from Fort HOOD—TEXAS, were to be sent to the Persian Gulf region over the next 10—DAYS.
19980209             The move was to discourage "creative thinking" on THE—PART—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—OF—IRAQ.
19980209             —FROM GEORGIA it was reported that Steuart and JANE—DEWAR were attempting to set up 1—GORILLA—HAVEN for retired gorillas in THE—AREA—OF—MORGANTOWN on part of 275—ACRES they owned in Fannin County.
19980209             There was substantial neighbor opposition.
19980209             At THE—NAGANO Games, GERMANY—GEORG Hackl won the men's luge for the 3. consecutive Olympics.
19980209             COLUMBIA, rebels blew up the nation's main oil pipeline spilling 15,000 gallons and forcing 1—SUSPENSION—OF pumping.
19980209             It was the 7. attack on 1—PIPELINE this —YEAR.
19980209             —ARMED, TBILISI—GEORGIA, attackers ambushed PRESIDENT—SHEVARDNADZE, 70—JAHRE—ALT.
19980209             1—ATTACKER and 1—BODYGUARD were killed.
19980209             —IMPOSED, INDONESIA, 1—CURFEW was, on THE—TOWN—OF—ENDE —AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—RIOTS burned 21—STORES owned by the ethnic Chinese, who dominate MOST—OF—THE—BUSINESSES.
19980209             NORTH—IRELAND, 1—PROTESTANT—DRUG dealer, BRENDAN—CAMPBELL, 33—JAHRE—ALT, and 1—PROTESTANT—MILITANT, BOBBY—DOUGAN, 38—JAHRE—ALT, were slain in separate incidents.
19980209             —BLAMED, Police, THE—IRA and 1—DISSIDENT—GANG.
19980209             —VOTED, SOUTH—KOREA—UNIONS, down 1—PACT to make it easier for businesses to lay off workers.
19980209             —CALLED, The unions also, for 1—NATIONWIDE strike this —WEEK.
19980209             —CALLED, The strike was, off.
19980209             —REPORTED, MEXICO, it was, that flash floods in TIJUANA killed at least 13—PEOPLE.
19980209             [CTRL] 7/2000 - Written Statement of Celerino Castillo, 3. (3)OVERT ACT ON MONEY LAUNDERING (13) OVERT ACT ON DRUG TRAFFICKING WALTER—LEE—GRASHEIM (Wally),
19980209             This individual is 1—USA—CITIZEN who was, as far as I was...
19980209             THE—CONSORTIUM... said that in mid-19840000             , he was approached by CIA counsel LEE—STRICKLAND.
19980209             —DENIED, Grasheim, ANY—DRUG—ROLE and explained that he had been hired by.
19980209             Wally Grasheim GRASHEIM WALLY.
19980209             Click on a name for a new proximity search: ADAME ALBERTO (LT COL)... Castillo,C. Harmon,D. Powderburns.
19980209             PHILLIPS HOMER LEE.
19980209             FRANK—JOSEPH—CAMPER—GUARDIAN (NEW—YORK) 19810401              (6).
19980209             GRASHEIM WALLY - NEWSWEEK 19861103              (39)... Covert Action Information Bulletin 19 82-#16 (45).
19990209             THE—SENATE began CLOSED—DOOR—DELIBERATIONS in PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL, even though members from both parties acknowledged that THE—2—THIRDS—MARGIN for conviction could not be attained.
19990209             —REPORTED, It was, that USA—NETWORKS would merge its CABLE—TELEVISION AT Home Shopping Network with the Lycos INTERNET portal.
19990209             —INDUCTED, CAMBODIA, some 1,700 guerrillas of the Khmer Rouge were, into THE—CAMBODIA—MILITARY.
19990209             1—ETHIOPIA—PLANE bombed 1—ERITREA—VILLAGE and at least 5—CIVILIANS were killed.
19990209             —REPORTED, ERITREA, that 1—LARGE—NUMBER—OF—ETHIOPIA—FORCES were killed near Tsorena, but ETHIOPIA denied THE—ERITREA—VERSION—OF—THE fighting.
19990209             —CAUSED, EUROPE, heavy snows, avalanches that killed at least 5—PEOPLE.
19990209             10—PEOPLE were killed in THE—FRANCE—ALPS.
19990209             IRAN, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—MINISTRY, Qorbanali DORRI—NAJAFABADI, resigned along with 3—DEPUTIES due to —LAST—YEAR—KILLINGS—OF—DISSIDENT—WRITERS and politicians.
20000209             —BECAME, His presidency quickly, the most antipoor, antiblackantidisadvantaged in the latter HALF—OF—THE 19010101—20001231 .
20000209             in THE—BOSTON Globe-
20000209             —UNDERPLAYED, Last —WEEK, in 1—GRADUATION—CEREMONY mysteriously, by the white press, GEORGE—W—BUSH earned his master's degree from THE—RONALD—REAGAN—INSTITUTE—OF—RACE—POLICY and Management.
20000209             —UNDERPLAYED, Last —WEEK, in 1—GRADUATION—CEREMONY mysteriously, by the white press,
20000209             —EARNED, GEORGE—W—BUSH, his master's degree from THE—RONALD—REAGAN—INSTITUTE—OF—RACE—POLICY and Management.
20000209             —ESTABLISHED, Reagan, the institute
20000209             THE—NESHOBA—COUNTY—FAIR for decades had been the legendary gathering SPOT—OF—SEGREGATIONISTS and near the site of the grisly murders of 3—CIVIL—RIGHTS—WORKERS.
20000209             Reagan took the microphone and, to THE—ROAR—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WHITE fairgoers, said, ''I believe in states' rights.''
20000209             Anyone who knows Southern race policy knows that saying ''states' rights'' is like waving 1—CONFEDERATE flag,
20000209             telling racists they can do whatever they want to black folks.
20000209             —HOUNDED, Reagan was never, by the press as to how he could make such 1—STATEMENT and expect to be elected as PRESIDENT.
20000209             At THE—URBAN—LEAGUE—SPEECH, Reagan said:
20000209             ''For too MANY—PEOPLE, conservative has come to mean antipoor, antiblackantidisadvantaged.
20000209             Perhaps SOME—OF—YOU question whether 1—CONSERVATIVE really feels sympathy and compassion for THE—VICTIMS—OF—SOCIAL + economic misfortune and of racial discrimination.... If you think of me as the caricatured conservative,
20000209             then I ask you to listen carefully and maybe you'll be surprised by our broad AREAS—OF—AGREEMENT.''
20000209             History shows that the real Reagan was THE—1—WHO spoke at the Neshoba County Fair and not the 1 at THE—URBAN—LEAGUE.
20000209             —NOW, —20—YEARS—LATER, here comes GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20000209             Stung by his defeat in THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE primary,
20000209             —NEEDED, BUSH, 1—TRUMP card in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican primary.
20000209             This was 1—PROBLEM, —SINCE he and JOHN—MCCAIN are running NECK—AND—REDNECK on issues dear to racists.
20000209             —CHICKENED, Both have, out on saying it is time to stop flying the Confederate flag over the state capitol.
20000209             BUSH may have found his ace.
20000209             BOB—JONES represents 1—OF—REAGAN—EARLY—SIGNS—OF being antiblack.
20000209             Reagan fought to revoke the Internal Revenue SERVICE—AUTHORITY to deny charitable tax exemptions to the school.
20000209             The denial was over the school's ban on interracial dating.
20000209             —REBUKED, THE—SUPREME—COURT, in an 8—1—DECISION, Reagan, saying schools that practice racial segregation can indeed be denied tax exemptions.
20000209             Reagan would —LATER appoint the lone dissenter, WILLIAM—REHNQUIST, to CHIEF justice.
20000209             GEORGE W.'s brother Jeb, THE—FLORIDA GOVERNOR who is oo to 1—LATINA, could not have graduated.
20000209             BOB—JONES also practices homophobia.
20000209             —2—YEARS—AGO, —WHEN 1—GAY, 60-year-old alum asked if he could come back to visit the school,
20000209             THE—DEAN—OF—STUDENTS wrote back, ''With grief we must tell you that as long as you are living as 1—HOMOSEXUAL,
20000209             you, of course, would not be welcome on the campus and would be arrested for trespassing if you did.
20000209             We take no delight in that action.
20000209             Our greatest delight would be in your return to the Lord.''
20000209             —PERVERTED, GEORGE W. took delight in validating this, VERSION—OF—CHRISTIANITY,
20000209             telling 6,000 students, almost all white, ''I look forward to publicly defending our conservative philosophy.
20000209             ' He said he would seek ''compassionate results.'' But compassion could not have been foremost on BUSH—MIND,
20000209             —SINCE it was only —AFTER the speech that he criticized the school's racial policies, not —DURING it and not directly to the students.
20000209             RENTON—WASHINGTON, some 17,000 Boeing engineers and technical workers began a 40—DAY—STRIKE, 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—WHITE—COLLAR strikes in USA—HISTORY.
20000209             —STEPPED, Hackers, up their "DENIAL—OF—SERVICE" attacks on popular INTERNET sites, zeroing in on such targets as eTrade and ZDNet, inconveniencing MILLIONS—OF—WEB—USERS and unnerving WALL—STREET.
20000209             INDONESIA, clashes between troops and rebels in Aceh province left 15—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20000209             ISRAEL—JETS struck targets in SOUTH—LEBANON for the 11. —DAY and Foreign MINISTER—DAVID—LEVY threatened that it would set LEBANON on fire if militants retaliated with rockets.
20000209             —REPORTED, NIGERIA, it was, that 17—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—YOUNG—MAN, who was not allowed to participate, lit 1—MATCH at 1—SITE where people were siphoning off fuel from 1—PIPELINE in Ogwe.
20000209             —ANNOUNCED, TURKEY, Kurdish rebels of THE—PKK, that they had given up their war and would press their cause "within THE—FRAMEWORK—OF—PEACE and democracy".
20000209             —EARNED, Having, his masters in Reagan race policy, by speaking at BOB—JONES—UNIVERSITY—GEORGE—W—BUSH is well on his way to his PhD: philosopher of demagoguery.
20000209             Derrick Z. JACKSON is 1—GLOBE columnist.
20000209             Anyone who knows Southern race policy knows that saying ''states' rights'' is like waving 1—CONFEDERATE flag, telling racists they can do whatever they want to black folks.
20000209             Perhaps SOME—OF—YOU question whether 1—CONSERVATIVE really feels sympathy and compassion for THE—VICTIMS—OF—SOCIAL + economic misfortune and of racial discrimination.... If you think of me as the caricatured conservative, then I ask you to listen carefully and maybe you'll be surprised by our broad AREAS—OF—AGREEMENT.''
20000209             —NEEDED, Stung by his defeat in THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE primary, Bush, 1—TRUMP card in THE—SOUTH—CAROLINA Republican primary.
20000209             He kicked off his homestretch drive in SOUTH—CAROLINA by speaking at BOB—JONES—UNIVERSITY.
20000209             BOB—JONES—UNIVERSITY still bans interracial dating.
20000209             —APPOINTED, SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—CLARENCE—THOMAS, who has 1—WHITE—WIFE and who was, by GEORGE—W—FATHER, could not have graduated.
20000209             2—YEARS ago, —WHEN 1—GAY, 60-year-old alum asked if he could come back to visit the school, THE—DEAN—OF—STUDENTS wrote back, ''With grief we must tell you that as long as you are living as 1—HOMOSEXUAL, you, of course, would not be welcome on the campus and would be arrested for trespassing if you did.
20000209             —PERVERTED, GEORGE—W took delight in validating this, VERSION—OF—CHRISTIANITY, telling 6,000 students, almost all white, ''I look forward to publicly defending our conservative philosophy.'' He said he would seek ''compassionate results.'' But compassion could not have been foremost on BUSH—MIND, —SINCE it was only —AFTER the speech that he criticized the school's racial policies, not —DURING it and not directly to the students.
20000209             NucNews - SNIDER—REPORT criticizes Slatkin + FORMER—CIA—GENERAL—COUNSEL—MICHAEL—O'NEILL, another Deutch loyalist, concluding that they took actions that "had the...
20000209—19800000    —ESTABLISHED, Reagan, the institute by kicking off his presidential campaign at the Neshoba County Fair in PHILADELPHIA—MISSISSIPPI.
20010209             Bei einem Notauftauchmanöver in der Nähe von O?ahu, HAWAII, rammt das USA—AMERIKANISCHE ATOM—U—BOOT der LOS—ANGELES—KLASSE USS Greeneville (SSN-772) das japanische Fischereischulschiff Ehime Maru, das innerhalb weniger Minuten sinkt.
20010209             Dabei kommen 9—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER ums Leben.
20010209             THE—USA—NUCLEAR—SUBMARINE—GREENEVILLE struck THE—JAPAN—FISHING boat, Ehime Maru, near Oahu with 35—PEOPLE on BOARD including 13—STUDENTS.
20010209             —KILLED, The boat sank in 5—MINUTES and 9—MEN and boys were.
20010209             The sub was practicing 1—RAPID ascent and had 15—CIVIL—GUESTS—ONBOARD.
20010209             —REVEALED, It was —LATER, that CIVIL—VISITORS sat at 2—OF—THE—SUBS 3—MAIN—CONTROLS—WHEN it surfaced.
20010209             CAPTAIN—SCOTT—WADDLE, the sub skipper, was RELIEVED—OF—DUTY pending investigation.
20010209             —ESTABLISHED, Sonar contact with the fishing vessel had been, over an —HOUR—BEFORE the accident.
20010209             —REPRIMANDED, CAPTAIN—WADDLE was —LATER, and submitted his resignation.
20010209             —AGREED, COLOMBIA, PRESIDENT—PASTRANA and FARC COMMANDER—MARULANDA, to resume peace negotiations.
20010209             —ASKED, ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON, Ehud Barak to serve as defense MINISTER.
20010209             † 1—PALESTINE—SHEPHERD was killed by 1—ISRAEL—BULLET.
20010209             —INAUGURATED, MEXICO, PRESIDENT—FOX, a $50—MILLION—AID—PLAN for Chiapas.
20010209             —REFUSED, YUCATAN—PRI—GOVERNOR—VICTOR—CERVERA, to accept 1—STATE electoral commission.
20010209             p.A2)(SFC, 20010215             , p.A3)(SFC, 20010221             . p.A2)(SFC, 20010315             , p.A3)(WSJ, 20010424             , p.A1)(AP, 20080209             )
20010215             —1—, p.A3)(SFC, 20010221             . p.A2)(SFC, 20010315             , p.A3)(WSJ, 20010424             , p.A1)(AP, 20080209             )
20010320             THE—SKIPPER—OF—THE—USS—GREENEVILLE took the stand in 1—NAVY—COURT and accepted sole responsibility for 20010209             —THE collision of his submarine with 1—JAPAN—TRAWLER off HAWAII that killed 9—JAPANESE.
20010900             —COMPLETED, AMEC had —JUST, 1—PROJECT to strengthen + renovate a... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20010911             —THE—NORTH—TOWER—AIR—SHOW
20010911             —THE—PENTAGON Engine Story
20011100             In the next several months, at least 12—USA—OR—UK—ARTICLES mentioned SAEED—LINKS to AL—QAEDA [ABC News, 20020207             , BOSTON Globe, 20020207             , AP, 20020224             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020315             ], including his financing of 20010911              [NEW—YORK Daily News, 20020207             , CNN, 20020208             , AP, 20020209             , GUARDIAN, 20020209             , Independent, 20020210             , Time, 20020210             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020210             , —EVENING Standard, 20020212             , LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020213             , NEW—YORK Post, 20020222             , —SUNDAY Herald, 20020224             , USA—TODAY, 20020308             ], and at least 16—ARTICLES mentioned his links to THE—ISI.
20011100             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020209             ]He developed close ties with AL—QAEDA —WHILE training there.
20011100             [GUARDIAN, 20020209             ]
20011100             [AP, 20020209             , KARACHI News, 20020213             ] On February 5, Saeed turned himself in, not to the police, but to his ISI boss Ijaz Shah.
20020111—20020209    —TURNED, Gruttadauria, himself.
20020209             At the —WINTER Olympics in SALT—LAKE—CITY, Jochem Uytdehaage of THE—NETHERLANDS won the gold medal in the men's 5,000-meter speedskating race in world record time of 6:14.66.
20020209             OAKLAND—RICH—GANNON led THE—AFC to a 38—30—VICTORY over THE—NFC in the Pro Bowl.
20020209             —SIGNED, THE—USA—AND—PAKISTAN, 1—AGREEMENT to enhance defense cooperation.
20020209             —RELEASED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT, 320 captured Taliban fighters and gave EACH—SOLDIER the equivalent of $15 as 1—GESTURE—OF—RECONCILIATION.
20020209             —KILLED, ALGERIA, security forces, Antar Zouabri, HEAD—OF—THE—ARMED—ISLAMIC—GROUP, and 2—OTHER—INSURGENTS in Boufarik.
20020209             —APPROVED, EAST—TIMOR, 1—DRAFT for 1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20020209             —SCHEDULED, Full independence was, for 20020520           .
20020209             HONDURAS, police broke up 1—DRUG—SMUGGLING, kidnapping and bank robbery ring in Lempira.
20020209             —BASED, It was 1—ARM—OF—CARTELS, in TIJUANA.
20020209             SOUTH—AFRICAN—BULELANI, Vukwana (29), shot and killed his girlfriend and 9—OTHERS—BEFORE killing himself in Mdantsane SUBURB—OF—EAST—LONDON.
200209122002091220020912             _
20021202             ---- Date: —MONDAY, 20021202095539        EST Topic: War & Terrorism By HARLEY—SORENSEN, S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE—HARLEY—SORENSEN is...
20030209             Schweinfurt - U$ -$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich vor -WIE DER... - 09042003antiwarblogg.html
20030209             1. Appell des Vorsitzenden Joao PEDRO—STÉDILE gegen den Irakkrieg
20030209             Gemeinsam gestalten wir... Antikriegsdemonstration.. 14.-.15 .;;02;;.20 03 >
20030209             Kissinger,H.-illegal right —NOW;UNCONSTITUTIONAL—TAKE a little longer...
20030209             This is evident in the popular folklore that surrounds SO—CALLED "subliminal advertising".
20030209             Whether or not "sex" is actually hidden in the ice cubes in liquor ads, the fact that people...
20030209             SCHWEINFURT—U$-$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich - vor — Wie der HERR — SO—GESCHERR -
20030209             Der Konflikt zwischen Deutschland + den U$A in der Irak -Frage eskaliert weiter:
20030209             alfatomega.com/noname57.html - WIE DER HERR, SO ' S GESCHERR * ) >>
20030209             Rhetorische Aufrüstung.
20030209             Rumsfeld droht mit "bilateralen Maßnahmen" Der Konflikt zwischen Deutschland und den U$A in der IRAK—FRAGE eskaliert.
20030209             —1— Das neue Forum ist da. Diskutieren Sie mit uns!
20030209             THE—WEST beat the East 155-145 in the 1. double overtime game in NBA ALL—STAR—HISTORY.
20030209             PRESIDENT—BUSH told congressional Republicans at 1—POLICY—CONFERENCE that IRAQ had fooled the world for more than 1—DECADE about its banned weapons and THE—UNITED—NATIONS was —NOW facing "1—MOMENT—OF—TRUTH" in disarming Saddam Hussein.
20030209             —ENDED, THE—USA—NAVY, its last planned bombing exercises on PUERTO—RICO—VIEQUES—ISLAND.
20030209             —ISSUED, CHINA, XINHUA—1. SARS report was, for leaders' eyes only.
20030209             —BY this time there were already some 300—CASES and 5—DEATHS dating back to 20021100           .
20030209             —REPORTED, CHINA, state media, that scientists had discovered 1—MASSIVE—UNDERGROUND—LAKE, some 35—BILLION cubic feet, in the arid northwest beneath the Taklimakan desert.
20030209             —RENEWED, The leaders of GERMANY and RUSSIA, their calls for 1—PEACEFUL—RESOLUTION in IRAQ, restating their opposition to ANY—USA—LED war to disarm and oust Saddam Hussein.
20030209             —REPORTED, IRAN, THE—DISCOVERY—OF—URANIUM reserves and planned production facilities for peaceful use of nuclear energy.
20030209             MONTENEGRO—2. attempt in 2—MONTHS to elect a PRESIDENT failed.
20030209             3—PALESTINIANS were killed —WHEN their EXPLOSIVES—LADEN car blew up outside 1—ISRAEL—ARMY—POST—AFTER crashing into 1—CEMENT block barrier.
20030209             —OFFERED, In secret talks last —WEEK ISRAEL, the Palestinians 1—GRADUAL—CEASE—FIRE.
20030209             —APPROVED, SWITZERLAND—VOTERS, measures to further extend their direct democracy.
20030209             Das neue Forum ist da. Diskutieren Sie mit uns!
20030209             WHO—MASSENIMPFPROGRAMM verursachte: doppelt hohes Sterberisiko!
20030209             Schweinfurt - U$ -$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich vor...
20030209             Gemeinsam gestalten wir... Antikriegsdemonstration.. 14.-.20200215              03 >
20030209             Bernays, EDWARD—L impact -public relations in AMERICA
20030209             - This is evident in the popular folklore that surrounds SO—CALLED "subliminal advertising".
20030209             Schweinfurt - U$ -$oldat täU$chte Anschlag auf sich vor (WIE DER HERR,SO—GESCHERR...)
20030209             alfatomega.com/noname57.html
20030209             WIE DER HERR, SO ' S GESCHERR * ) >> - Rhetorische Aufrüstung.
20030213             020030209              Das neue Forum ist da. Diskutieren Sie mit uns!
20030312—20120209    —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 3—MEN, including Milisavljevic, who had been 1—FUGITIVE —FOR—5—YEARS—AFTER being convicted for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—DJINDJIC.
20040209             In 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DEM—FERNSEHSENDER—NBC gibt USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH zum 1. Mal zu, dass Zweifel an Geheimdienstberichten über Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak gerechtfertigt sind.
20040209             Der Irakkrieg sei trotz dieser nun fragwürdigen Begründung nötig gewesen.
20040209             —SPARRED, PRESIDENT—BUSH and Democratic FRONT—RUNNER JOHN—KERRY, over THE—PRESIDENT—ECONOMIC—LEADERSHIP, —WHILE KERRY—RIVALS sought to slow his brisk pace.
20040209             —FILED, Tower Records INCORPORATED, for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION, —AFTER the music and entertainment chain has so far proven unable to cope with competition from large retailers, digital downloading and file copying.
20040209             —KILLED, Rebel attacks and land mines in Chechnya, at least 9—RUSSIA—SERVICEMEN and local PRO—MOSCOW police over the last 24—HOURS.
20040209             1—EGYPTIAN enraged at the events in THE—MIDDLE—EAST stabbed 2—FOREIGN—TOURISTS in CAIRO—HISTORIC—GHAWRIYA district.
20040209             —SEIZED, HAITI, government police retook 2—OF—NEARLY 12—TOWNS, by rebels as the death toll in the violent uprising rose to at least 40.
20040209             Culturecom Holdings Ltd. of HONG—KONG unveiled 1—DVD player and WORD—PROCESSING device built with chips developed by CHINA—COMPUTER—SCIENTIST—CHU—BONG—FOO.
20040209             Chu found 1—WAY to put ASIA characters in position to command binary code.
20040209             —PASSED, JAPAN, 1—LAW making it easier to impose economic sanctions on impoverished NORTH—KOREA, prompting the communist country to demand that TOKYO be barred from future multilateral talks on its nuclear program.
20040209             † SALOUM—COHEN, 82—JAHRE—ALT, high priest of the tiny Samaritan community and 1—PALESTINE—LAWMAKER.
20040209             —ADOPTED, THE—UN, Resolution 15590000           .
20040209             It called for free elections in LEBANON and the withdrawal of all foreign forces and the disbanding of all militias.
20040209             —DEVALUED, VENEZUELA, its currency by 17—PERCENT against THE—USA—DOLLAR, 1—SURPRISE—DECISION that could fuel inflation but help the government meet financing needs.
20040209—20010000    —SINCE, Cohen had been the spiritual HEAD—OF—THE—660—STRONG Samaritans.
20050200             alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050200             —JUST 1—CIA—DRUG ring, that of RAFAEL—CARO—QUINTERO + MIGUEL—ANGEL—FELIX..of CIA ),Felix... alfatomega.com/20050209.html - 545
20050200             spokesperson for the Pentagon s renovation entity known as PENREN. alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050200             No event in our entire fire service history has. alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050200             "The people you want," he said, "are THEODORE—SHACKLEY + THOMAS—CLINES... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050200             Northrop Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050204             USA—SENATE—APPROVES—OF—TORTURE As... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050207             Terraforming: Treibhausgas... alfatomega.com/20050209.html - OMEGA—NEWS-
20050209             Tourismusmessen : Deutsche organisieren ihren Urlaub lieber selbst... —5—MONATE—SPÄTER nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, abgemagert und verstört...
20050209             SHINY HAPPY GULAG: Wetware Debugging Archives...
20050209             best last chance to declare 1—TITANIC—VICTORY, then... of the heroic RESISTANCE—OF—THE—PASSENGERS on Flight...
20050209             —CRITICIZED, BEIRUT (CP) - LEBANON, CANADA —ON—FRIDAY for...
20050209             IRAQ in pursuit of 1—NEOCON utopia": With...
20050209             Free Trade Agreements PILGER ON INDIA JOHN—PILGER : In the...
20050209             THE—RED—PILL: Your Daily Dose of Deprogramming!... - book reading list. documentary films.
20050209             Usenet Archive - HALLIBURTON did business with Muammar EL—QADDAFI + the ayatollahs of IRAN...
20050209             —PROMISED, Woodward has, to reveal the name —WHEN Throat dies.
20050209             suchhai- ;;04;; Bundesregierung
20050209             469E-11D4-AE7B-000 8C7F31E1E} (c) FAZ Bundeswehr Bundesregierung...
20050209             200807221637         ) BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG Treibjagd auf Teufel
20050209             .wie in den Niederlanden vorbeugen soll Protest gegen Kontenabfrage BERLIN.
20050209             JUAN—COLE: THE—REPUBLICANS'—IRAQ and the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ:
20050209             THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—SPIN—MACHINE was bouncing —AROUND the airwaves like 1 overloaded washing machine —ON—SUNDAY
20050209             attempting to obscure from THE—USA—PUBLIC that they had by their actions managed to install 1—SHIITE religious ruling class in IRAQ.
20050209             THE—SIEGE—OF—DEMOCRACY:
20050209             —DISAPPOINTED, The election in IRAQ has, the vast MAJORITY—OF—ARAB people.
20050209             The whole process made us wonder whether this election was to serve the Iraqi or THE—USA—PURPOSE.
20050209             —DECLARED, Even —BEFORE the results were, USA—LEADERS started claiming the credit for THE—CONDUCT—OF—THE—ELECTION.
20050209             JUDGE—REJECTS 'Stop Loss' Suit Vs. Army:
20050209             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ON—MONDAY dismissed 1—LAWSUIT challenging THE—USA—ARMY—RIGHT to force soldiers to serve past the dates of their enlistments,
20050209             THE—SO—CALLED ``stop loss'' policy that can keep men + women in uniform —DURING war or national emergencies.
20050209             APPARENTLY—AS that is what it has done to ADAM—MOWERY
20050209             Back from IRAQ - and suddenly out on the streets:
20050209             Social service agencies say the number of homeless vets is rising, in part because of high housing costs and gaps in pay.
20050209             Gimme Shelter: SOME—IRAQ veterans are returning home, only to face homelessness and mental problems.
20050209             —MEANWHILE, THE—VA is MIA.
20050209             Bush Budget Raises Prescription Prices for MANY—VETERANS:
20050209             —CHARGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUDGET would more than double THE—CO—PAYMENT, to MANY—VETERANS for prescription drugs + would require some to pay 1—NEW—FEE—OF $250 1—YEAR for the privilege of using government health care, administration officials said —SUNDAY.
20050209             Bush budget: Military wins:
20050209             —PROPOSED, BUSH, a $2.57—TRILLION budget for 20060000              —ON—MONDAY that would erase SCORES—OF—PROGRAMS,
20050209             cull savings from Medicaid and cut housing for the disabled + MANY—OTHER—PROGRAMS.
20050209             Its fate will be decided by Congress over coming months.
20050209             BUSH—BUDGET axe to fall on poor:
20050209             PRESIDENT—BUSH is proposing to reduce spending on public health and social welfare in THE—USA to help pay for tax cuts and the war in IRAQ,
20050209             according to early REPORTS—OF—TODAY—WHITE—HOUSE—BUDGET.
20050209             PAUL—KRUGMAN: Spearing the Beast:
20050209             PRESIDENT—BUSH isn't trying to reform Social Security.
20050209             He isn't even trying to "partially privatize" it.
20050209             His plan is, in essence, to dismantle the program, replacing it with 1—SYSTEM that may be social but doesn't provide security.
20050209             And the goal, as with his tax cuts, is to undermine the legacy of FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT.
20050209             Antiwar Protesters to Use New Peace "Tax Return":
20050209             —OPPOSED, THOUSANDS—OF—USA taxpayers, to the war in IRAQ are expected to use 1—NEW "Peace Tax Return" as 1—MEANS to PROTEST—OR even RESIST—THE spending of their federal tax dollars for the war.
20050209             Hamas says not bound by CEASE—FIRE—DECLARATIONS:
20050209             Hamas said —ON—TUESDAY that it will not be bound by ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CEASE—FIRE—DECLARATIONS made at the Sharm EL—SHEIK summit,
20050209             the group's REPRESENTATIVE—IN—LEBANON said.
20050209             EGYPT, JORDAN envoys to return to ISRAEL:
20050209             EGYPT + JORDAN, the only Arab countries to sign peace treaties with ISRAEL, have not had ambassadors in ISRAEL
20050209             —SINCE early in THE—PALESTINE—UPRISING which broke out - Sharon visit stirs protests in EGYPT:
20050209             —STAGED, University students, demonstrations on campuses across the country + the journalists' syndicate organised a 2—HOUR—SIT—IN at its headquarters in downtown CAIRO to register disapproval at the visit.
20050209             WMD official cautions USA over IRAN:
20050209             —DECLARED, USA—OFFICIAL who, THE—WHITE—HOUSE—HUNT for illicit weapons in IRAQ to be 1—FAILURE driven by faulty intelligence has warned THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION against repeating its mistakes in the current WAR—OF—WORDS with IRAN.
20050209             USA nuclear upgrade may violate test ban:
20050209             As it accuses IRAN of trying to develop nuclear weapons, USA is preparing to upgrade + renew parts of its own ageing nuclear arsenal.
20050209             Critics believe the upgrades could lead THE—USA to breach the treaty banning the testing of nuclear weapons.
20050209             Kurds gain in election at expense of the Shias:
20050209             —UNDERMINED, The results were, by REVELATIONS—OF—VOTE—RIGGING and intimidation in THE—CITY—OF—MOSUL,
20050209             where masked gunmen had burst into polling stations + stolen ballot boxes, stuffing them with their own papers.
20050209             Kurdish Ticket Makes Gains in IRAQ Voting:
20050209             GEORGE—MONBIOT: Fraud and corruption : Forget THE—UN.
20050209             —HELPED, THE—USA—OCCUPATION—REGIME, itself to $8.8—BN of mostly IRAQ—MONEY in —JUST 14—MONTHS
20050209             —SUGGESTED, Justice Department memos, that in 1—WAR—LIKE the present 1,
20050209             presidential power can override both congressional laws and "customary INTERNATIONAL law":
20050209             in short, that THE—PRESIDENT can choose to suspend AMERICA—OBLIGATION to comply with THE—GENEVA Conventions if he wishes,
20050209             authorize torture or detain prisoners without 1—HEARING.
20050209             6—KUWAIT—PRISONERS allege abuse torturee:
20050209             Dire prison conditions, violence against women persist in Afghanistans:
20050209             THE—UN—INDEPENDENT—EXPERT on Human Rights in AFGHANISTAN, Cherif Bassiouni,
20050209             has also voiced "grave concern" over "1—VERY—UNUSUAL—PRACTICE" in which foreign coalition forces have taken upon themselves the right,
20050209             without legal process, to arrest people, detain them, mistreat them and possibly even torture them.
20050209             'It's torture, it's sheer torture': :
20050209             Detainees at SOUTH—AUSTRALIA—BAXTER—DETENTION—CENTRE were being psychologically tortured and humiliated,
20050209             1—VOLUNTEER worker at the centre said —TODAY.
20050209             AUSTRALIA: Mental illness rife at detention centre: nurse:
20050209             Mental illness was rife at the Woomera detention centre, but went untreated because management wanted to hide it, 1—FORMER—NURSE at the centre said —TODAY.
20050209             Sharon, ABBAS—DECLARE—CEASE—FIRE:
20050209             —SIGNED, Neither side, 1—TRUCE—DECLARATION at THE—EGYPT—SUMMIT—TUESDAY.
20050209             But - THE—PALESTINE—LEADER described what he called 1—NEW—OPPORTUNITY for restoring THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS.
20050209             —DECLARED, He then, 1—END to THE—PALESTINE—UPRISING against ISRAEL—OCCUPATION.
20050209             Falluja Residents Testify to THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THEIR—CITY:
20050209             —3—MONTHS—AFTER THE—USA—OFFENSIVE and CAPTURE—OF—THE—SUNNI bastion, barely 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION has returned.
20050209             SOME—RESIDENTS survive in the ruins.
20050209             THE—RED—CRESCENT tries to help, —WHILE THE—IRAQ—ARMY—PATROLS and loots whatever remains.
20050209             Imperial Delusions
20050209             —RELIED, It has, on local relays--uniformed despots, corrupt oligarchs,
20050209             pliant politicians + obedient monarchs--rather than lengthy occupations + NATION—BUILDING with CAREFULLY—CONTROLLED FORMS—OF—ELITE, LOW—INTENSITY—DEMOCRACY.
20050209             —THREATENED, It was only —WHEN rebellions from below, to disrupt this order that the Marines were dispatched and wars were fought.
20050209             "THE—GATES": Münsterländer Weber liefert den Stoff für Christo
20050209             Schröder in Köln: "Stoiber pfeift im dunklen Keller"
20050209             Mutmaßlicher Selbstmord in Polizeizelle: Asylbewerber war gefesselt
20050209             —FINANZIERT, Bauprojekt der Superlative: Deutsche Bank, neuen Trump Tower
20050209             Israelis und Palästinenser: 1. Anzeichen der Verständigung
20050209             1—MANN habe der Polizei eigene Fotos aus einem Hotelzimmer im Port Orleans Hotel in ORLANDO per Mail geschickt.
20050209             Diese zeigten eine große Übereinstimmung mit den veröffentlichten Bildern.
20050209             Ein 2. Anrufer habe ebenfalls das Hotel im Walt Disney Park angegeben.
20050209             —INZWISCHEN, Die kanadische Polizei hat, die USA—BEHÖRDEN eingeschaltet.
20050209             Diese ermitteln —JETZT in dem Fall weiter.
20050209             Tourismusmessen: Deutsche organisieren ihren Urlaub lieber selbst
20050209             USA—SITTENWÄCHTER: SCHLÜPFER—SCHOCKER müssen Strafe zahlen
20050209             WOLFGANG—BECKER, Mitinhaber einer SENATOR—TOCHTER + Regisseur des Erfolgsfilms "Good Bye,
20050209             Lenin!", schimpfte trotzdem, als er von dem Einstieg der Deutschen Bank hörte:
20050209             "Dieser anarchische Kapitalismus ist grauenhaft".
20050209             Nun baut JOACHIM—KOOLMANN, der sein Handwerk bei der Bankers Trust gelernt hat, das Geschäft von LONDON aus auf.
20050209             Mit dem Kauf der Schulden sollen gleichzeitig geliehene KARSTADT—AKTIEN an der Börse verkauft worden sein,
20050209             um sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder billiger einzukaufen.
20050209             Durch das nicht ganz zufällige Bekanntwerden des Kreditgeschachers fiel prompt der Börsenkurs + die Fonds verbuchen wohl —BEREITS 1. Gewinne.
20050209             "Mit der Kombination von hoch besicherten Krediten + der Spekulation auf einen fallenden Aktienkurs können die Fonds eigentlich nur gewinnen", sagt ein
20050209             Frankfurter Wirtschaftsanwalt.
20050209             Neben Investmentbanken wie Goldman Sachs + den bekannten Investoren wie Cerberus, Blackstone oder Lone Star
20050209             steigen vor allem HEDGE—FONDS immer öfter in das Geschäft mit faulen Unternehmensschulden ein.
20050209             Avenue, Ramius Capital, KING—INVESTMENT + PERRY—PARTNERS heißen die Stars der Szene.
20050209             Die Wertentwicklung gibt den meist angelsächsischen Investmenthäusern Recht.
20050209             Im vergangenen —JAHR war mit der Strategie der sogenannten Distressed Securities 1—RENDITE von fast 13,5 % zu machen, 12—MONATE zuvor gar über 25 %.
20050209             Die alten Gepflogenheiten der Deutschland AG kümmern die neuen Investoren nicht.
20050209             Während die deutschen Banken gegenüber der Prominenz der einheimischen Wirtschaft oft nicht die üblichen Abwicklungsstandards anwenden,
20050209             haben die ausländischen Geldgeber "keinen Respekt vor großen Namen wie zum Beispiel Karstadt", meint Spezialist Schalast.
20050209             Konkret bedeute dies, dass die in den Kreditverträgen vereinbarten Rechte durch die Aufkäufer viel kompromissloser ausgeübt würden.
20050209             Außerdem haben die meist geheimen Transaktionen für die Banken noch einen bequemen Nebeneffekt, meint Schalast.
20050209             Sie werden "die moralische Verantwortung" los, für harte Maßnahmen könne man dann "die Ausländer verantwortlich machen".
20050209             Die Ruhe währte nur kurz.
20050209             —BEKANNT, In der 1. Februarwoche wurde, dass mindestens 4—DER insgesamt 16—GLÄUBIGERBANKEN einen Teil ihrer Darlehen gegenüber KarstadtQuelle
20050209             unter anderem über die USA—INVESTMENTBANK Goldman Sachs —SCHON wieder weiterverkauft haben - an Hochrisikoinvestoren aus den USA und mit Abschlägen auf den Nennwert.
20050209             Trotz weitreichender Absicherung durch Pfandrechte auf Immobilien + Firmenbeteiligungen war den Bankmanagern der HypoVereinsbank,
20050209             der WestLB sowie der Landesbanken BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG + HESSEN—THÜRINGEN das Engagement bei KarstadtQuelle zu brisant geworden.
20050209             Kredite über mehrere 100—MILLIONEN Euro liegen nun in ausländischen Händen.
20050209             Karstadt ist nicht allein.
20050209             Der Ausverkauf deutscher Unternehmensschulden hat gerade —ERST begonnen.
20050209             Mehrere 100—DEUTSCHE Sanierungsfälle gelten im Londoner Finanzdistrikt als lukrative Anlage für die risikobereiten HEDGE—FONDS—MANAGER + Wagnisfinanzierer + Investmentbanker.
20050209             Sie spekulieren auf eine vollständige Rückzahlung der Schulden oder die billige Übernahme der Restrukturierungskandidaten.
20050209             Das Angebot wächst beinahe täglich.
20050209             Die Bankvorstände leiden unter den Altlasten der einst unbekümmerten Kreditvergabe.
20050209             Laut Schätzungen der Deutschen Bank sitzt die heimische Hochfinanz auf einem über 240—MILLIARDEN Euro hohen Berg von Problemkrediten.
20050209             —SCHEDULED, Ceremonies were, for a 1.—DAY—OF—ISSUE stamp commemorating PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN (19110000—20040000    ).
20050209             Carly FIORINA—NEARLY 6—YEAR—REIGN at HEWLETT—PACKARD Co. ended as the company's BOARD forced her out as CHIEF executive.
20050209             Immer mehr Banken müssen heikle Kredite loswerden, um die Börsenbewertung zu heben + sich so "für eine mögliche Übernahme zu wappnen", sagt
20050209             PATRICIA—DUNN took over as chairman.
20050209             WAL—MART said it planned to close its store in Jonquiere, QUEBEC, where workers were seeking to become the 1. ever to win 1—UNION—CONTRACT with WAL—MART.
20050209             Investmentbanken: "Dieser anarchische Kapitalismus ist grauenhaft"
20050209             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Liebesentzug durchs Establishment"
20050209             Doors were shut 20050506           .
20050209             Kampf der Superchips: Cell gegen DOPPEL—PENTIUM
20050209             —CELEBRATED, Ethnic CHINA—COMMUNITIES across ASIA, the start of the lunar —YEAR 4703, the —YEAR of the Rooster, with visits to crowded temples and family banquets.
20050209             Feindbild Deutsche Bank: GRÜNEN—CHEF—NENNT—ACKERMANN verantwortungslos
20050209             —VERSCHWINDET, Spontanheilung: Wenn Krebs von selbst
20050209             Schadenersatzklage: JUKOS—MUTTER will MILLIARDEN—VON—MOSKAU
20050209             —INTRODUCED, THE—SOCIALIST—MEASURE had been, to cut unemployment but is —NOW blamed by the right for doing exactly the reverse.
20050209             Naher Osten: Waffenruhe stößt weltweit auf positives Echo
20050209             —KILLED, Gunmen, 1—IRAQ—JOURNALIST working for 1—USA—FUNDED television station and his son as they left their home in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—BASRA.
20050209             Abschaffung des Bankgeheimnisses: Chancen für Verfassungsbeschwerde steigen
20050209             —KILLED, Gunmen also, 3—MEMBERS—OF—1—KURDISH—POLITICAL—PARTY and 1—HOUSING—MINISTRY official.
20050209             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—MILITARY, the deaths of 4—USA—SOLDIERS.
20050209             Wahlen in SAUDI—ARABIEN: Ein bisschen Freiheit
20050209             —SUSPECTED, KASHMIR, Muslim rebels shot dead a popular municipal councilor outside a mosque.
20050209             —KILLED, Separately INDIA—TROOPS, 4—MILITANTS in a gunbattle inside a mountain cave.
20050209             PALESTINE—LEADER—MAHMOUD—ABBAS said ISRAEL will lift travel restrictions on Palestinians in PARTS—OF—THE—WEST—BANK and abandon several major checkpoints as PART—OF—ITS—WITHDRAWAL from 5—TOWNS in the coming weeks.
20050209             Northrop Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20050209             THE—NORTHROP—CORPORATION was 1—LEADING aircraft manufacturer of THE—USA
20050209             1—EXPLOSION ripped through 1—MINE in 1—COAL—RICH—REGION—OF—SIBERIA, killing at least 18—WORKERS and leaving 8—MISSING.
20050209             548—DEUTSCHE werden noch vermisst
20050209             † SOMALIA, BBC JOURNALIST—KATE—PEYTON was shot to death outside 1—MOGADISHU hotel where she had interviewed SOME—MEMBERS—OF—THE—INTERIM—PARLIAMENT.
20050209             Die ZAHL—DER—NACH—DER—FLUTWELLE in ASIEN vermissten Deutschen hat sich —SEIT Wochen kaum geändert:
20050209             —EXPLODED, SPAIN, 1—CAR—BOMB, in 1—BUSINESS—PARK on the outskirts of MADRID —JUST—AFTER the —MORNING rush —HOUR, injuring 43—PEOPLE.
20050209             —BLAMED, Government officials, the Basque separatist group ETA.
20050209             Noch immer fehlt JEDE—SPUR—VON—548—BUNDESBÜRGERN.
20050209             SUDAN—AVIATION—MINISTER—ALI—TAMIM—FARTAK said European aviation consortium Airbus Industrie has cancelled the 45-million dollar debt owed to it by SUDAN Airways.
20050209             —IDENTIFIZIERT, Bislang konnten lediglich 60—DEUTSCHE Todesopfer, werden.
20050209             BERLIN - 1—SPRECHERIN—DES—AUSWÄRTIGEN—AMTES gab —HEUTE in BERLIN die neusten Zahlen bekannt.
20050209             —ADDRESSED, Faure Gnassingbe, TOGO—NEW—PRESIDENT, the nation for the 1. time —SINCE succeeding his father.
20050209             Nach ihren Worten ist die Identifizierung der Toten schwierig und gehe nur sehr langsam voran.
20050209             He offered talks with the exiled opposition and promised general elections as soon as possible.
20050209             —BEENDET, Momentan sei auch nicht abzusehen, wann dieser Prozess, sein werde.
20050209             —RESCUED, Helicopters, stranded Venezuelans —AFTER flood waters struck the mountainous central coast, triggering landslides, destroying homes and washing out roads.
20050209             Unterdessen muss die schwedische Polizei die Namen der noch mehr als 500—VERMISSTEN Personen veröffentlichen.
20050209             —KILLED, Officials said at least 13—PEOPLE were, and THOUSANDS—OF—OTHERS were forced from their homes.
20050209             Das Oberste Verwaltungsgericht hatte das gestern verfügt und damit einer Klage der Nachrichtenagentur TT stattgegeben.
20050209             Diese hatte verlangt, dass die Namen + andere Informationen auf der Liste bekannt gemacht werden.
20050209             52—TODESFÄLLE wurden bestätigt, 523—WEITERE werden vermisst.
20050209             Die Polizei hatte die Offenlegung der Liste bislang unter Hinweis der Privatsphäre der Betroffenen abgelehnt.
20050209             Das Gericht urteilt aber: "Die Information, dass eine bestimmte Person über Weihnachten an einem bei Schweden beliebten Urlaubsort war + dann Opfer einer Naturkatastrophe wurde,
20050209             greift nicht in die Privatsphäre ein".
20050209             FVS: BERNHARD—MILOW und ROLF—BRENDEL neue Sprecher
20050209             Messe CARBON EXPO 20050000              : enormer Ausstellerzuwachs
20050209             FREIBURG: Solares MARKETING—TRAINING für Handwerker - alfatomega.com//20050209.html
20050209             SHINY HAPPY GULAG: Wetware Debugging Archives... best last chance to declare 1—TITANIC—VICTORY, then... of the heroic RESISTANCE—OF—THE—PASSENGERS on Flight...
20050209             Frame Document - This documentary also reveals the secrets of FORMER—FOX...
20050209             THE—RED—PILL: Your Daily Dose of Deprogramming!
20050209             book reading list. documentary films.
20050209             —UNNAMED, Rumor has it that Deep Throat, THE—AS—YET, inside source who helped Woodward + Bernstein uncover the Watergate scandal, is ILLINOIS.
20050209             suchhai- April Bundesregierung
20050209             Neuigkeiten: Ministerium: Verfassungsklage gegen Kontenabfrage ohne Chance KARLSRUHE/BERLIN... 469E-11D4-AE7B-000 8C7F31E1E} (c) FAZ Bundeswehr Bundesregierung...
20050209             >> PRESSE—SUCHE.de <<
20050209             Is THE—ARMY—MANPOWER—PROBLEM—SO—BAD it Must —NOW Recall the Injured?
20050209             Back from IRAQ - and suddenly out on the streets : Social service agencies say the number of homeless vets is rising, in part because of high housing costs and gaps in pay.
20050209             Bush Budget Raises Prescription Prices for MANY—VETERANS : PRESIDENT—BUSH—BUDGET would more than double THE—CO—PAYMENT charged to MANY—VETERANS for prescription drugs + would require some to pay 1—NEW—FEE—OF $250 1—YEAR for the privilege of using government health care, administration officials said —SUNDAY.
20050209             —PROPOSED, Bush budget: Military wins : Bush, a $2.57—TRILLION budget for 20060000              on —MONDAY that would erase SCORES—OF—PROGRAMS, cull savings from Medicaid and cut housing for the disabled + MANY—OTHER—PROGRAMS.
20050209             BUSH—BUDGET axe to fall on poor : PRESIDENT—BUSH is proposing to reduce spending on public health and social welfare in THE—USA to help pay for tax cuts and the war in IRAQ, according to early REPORTS—OF—TODAY—WHITE—HOUSE—BUDGET.
20050209             PAUL—KRUGMAN: Spearing the Beast : PRESIDENT—BUSH isn't trying to reform Social Security.
20050209             Antiwar Protesters to Use New Peace "Tax Return" : THOUSANDS—OF—USA taxpayers opposed to the war in IRAQ are expected to use 1—NEW "Peace Tax Return" as 1—MEANS to PROTEST—OR even RESIST—THE spending of their federal tax dollars for the war.
20050209             Hamas said on —TUESDAY that it will not be bound by ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CEASE—FIRE—DECLARATIONS made at the Sharm EL—SHEIK summit, the group's REPRESENTATIVE—IN—LEBANON said.
20050209             —SINCE early in THE—PALESTINE—UPRISING which broke out 20000000             —IN.
20050209             Sharon visit stirs protests in EGYPT :
20050209             —UNDERMINED, The results were, by REVELATIONS—OF—VOTE—RIGGING and intimidation in THE—CITY—OF—MOSUL, where masked gunmen had burst into polling stations + stolen ballot boxes, stuffing them with their own papers.
20050209             —FOLLOWING 1—PAPER—TRAIL to THE—ROOTS—OF—TORTURE : Justice Department memos suggested that in 1—WAR—LIKE the present 1, presidential power can override both congressional laws and "customary INTERNATIONAL law": in short, that THE—PRESIDENT can choose to suspend AMERICA—OBLIGATION to comply with THE—GENEVA Conventions if he wishes, authorize torture or detain prisoners without 1—HEARING.
20050209             6—KUWAIT—PRISONERS said they were severely beaten, given electric shocks and sodomized by USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN
20050209             Dire prison conditions, violence against women persist in Afghanistans : THE—UN—INDEPENDENT—EXPERT on Human Rights in AFGHANISTAN, Cherif Bassiouni, has also voiced "grave concern" over "1—VERY—UNUSUAL—PRACTICE" in which foreign coalition forces have taken upon themselves the right, without legal process, to arrest people, detain them, mistreat them and possibly even torture them.
20050209             'It's torture, it's sheer torture' : : Detainees at SOUTH—AUSTRALIA—BAXTER—DETENTION—CENTRE were being psychologically tortured and humiliated, 1—VOLUNTEER worker at the centre said —TODAY.
20050209             —DESCRIBED, But - THE—PALESTINE—LEADER, what he called 1—NEW—OPPORTUNITY for restoring THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS.
20050209             Falluja Residents Testify to THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—THEIR—CITY : —3—MONTHS—AFTER THE—USA—OFFENSIVE and CAPTURE—OF—THE—SUNNI bastion, barely 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION has returned.
20050209             Imperial Delusions By TARIQ ALI THE—USA, unlike the Empires of old EUROPE has always preferred to excersize its hegemony indirectly.
20050209             —RELIED, It has, on local relays--uniformed despots, corrupt oligarchs, pliant politicians + obedient monarchs--rather than lengthy occupations + NATION—BUILDING with CAREFULLY—CONTROLLED FORMS—OF—ELITE, LOW—INTENSITY—DEMOCRACY.
20050209             WOLFGANG—BECKER, Mitinhaber einer SENATOR—TOCHTER + Regisseur des Erfolgsfilms "Good Bye, Lenin!", schimpfte trotzdem, als er von dem Einstieg der Deutschen Bank hörte:
20050209             Mit dem Kauf der Schulden sollen gleichzeitig geliehene KARSTADT—AKTIEN an der Börse verkauft worden sein, um sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder billiger einzukaufen.
20050209             Trotz weitreichender Absicherung durch Pfandrechte auf Immobilien + Firmenbeteiligungen war den Bankmanagern der HypoVereinsbank, der WestLB sowie der Landesbanken BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG + HESSEN—THÜRINGEN das Engagement bei KarstadtQuelle zu brisant geworden.
20050209             CHRISTOPH—SCHALAST, Professor an der Frankfurter HFB—BUSINESS SCHOOL—OF—FINANCE & Management.
20050209             Northrop Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia THE—NORTHROP—CORPORATION was 1—LEADING aircraft manufacturer of THE—USA
20050209             Ermittlungen: PORNO—BILDER auf dem Polizeicomputer - Panorama...
20050209             4—POLIZISTEN aus dem SACHSEN—ANHALTINISCHEN Merseburg sollen im INTERNET pornobilder heruntergeladen, gesammelt + getauscht haben.
20050209             Die.
20050209             —BELASTET, Betrugsprozess: Kronzeuge, ehemaligen WORLDCOM—CHEF—EBBERS
20050209             Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): 20040100              Archives... borders, ports + POWER—PLANTS) or remote or uninhabitable... altitude, range, duration) + their command + control + data... capability to stay in the air for up...
20050209             AFGHANISTAN: Struck will BUNDESWEHR—EINSATZ ausweiten
20050209             —CANNIBALIZED, Medicaid being, by Dubya Bush & THE—MCCLELLAN—GANG!
20050209             This company spun off of the notorius WR Grace company which saturated THE—USA with..GW Bush can not literally sleep in peace —UNTIL we are all dead bodies from... unemployment_
20050209             WASHINGTON - Page 6 - DUKE—ENERGY—EMPLOYEE—ADVOCATE "—DURING his tenure, Walker snared major companies such as WR Grace & Co., Cendant Corp.. GW Bush + Dick Cheney are concerned BECAUSE—OF—UNEMPLOYMENT.
20050209             Health Issues... not run into DUKE executives or GW Bush in the... THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION argued in support of the... asbestos companies including Owens Corning, WR GRACE—USA Gypsum...
20050209             20050209 20041100              Defend UNIVERSITY—NEWSLETTER for SELF—DEFENSE... According to Dr.
20050209             Amy FT Arnsten of the Yale Medical School, THE—PKC enzyme impairs memory and other functions in THE—PRE—FRONTAL cortex.
20050209             CBS News | Study: Stress Impairs Memory | 200410282115         ... THE—SHORT—TERM—MEMORY and other functions in the prefrontal cortex, THE—EXECUTIVE—DECISION—PART—OF—THE—BRAIN, says Dr.
20050209             Amy FT Arnsten of Yale Medical School.
20050209             Gute Kandidaten für Kohlenstoffgebilde wären die Planeten, die den Pulsar PSR 1257+12—UMKREISEN, berichteten die Wissenschaftler.
20050209             —GEBILDET, Sie könnten sich beim Zerfall eines Sterns, haben, der während seines Alterungsprozesses Kohlenstoff produziert hat.
20050209             Auch Planeten in der Nähe des Milchstraßenzentrums könnten kohlenstoffhaltig sein, denn dort sind die Sterne im Durchschnitt kohlenstoffreicher als unsere Sonne.
20050209             Kuchner und Seager vermuten sogar, ALLE—IN—ZUKUNFT entstehenden Planeten könnten Kohlenstoffplaneten sein, da sich der Kohlenstoff in der gesamten Galaxie anreichert.
20050209             Giftanschlag auf Juschtschenko: Generalstaatsanwalt beschuldigt alte Regierung
20050209             Dienstbeflissen: Post wollte Hitler Karte im BUNDESTAG zustellen
20050209             Öffentlicher Dienst: Tarifpartner führen Bezahlung nach Leistung ein
20050209             Deutsche BANK—IM—KREUZFEUER: Manager weisen Kritik an Ackermann zurück
20050209             Fiorinas Rauswurf: HPs verlorene Jahre - ROM—FÜHRUNG: Rätsel des "Illuminati"
20050209             BILD—DES—TAGES: Saturn im Blaumann
20050209             DRESDEN, 19450209             : "Jeder hat vor jedem Angst"
20050209             —BESCHWÖRT, NATO—ANTRITTSBESUCH: Rice, die neue Einheit mit EUROPA
20050209             Naturkatastrophen: Formel macht Lawinen berechenbar
20050209             Flutopfer: 548—DEUTSCHE werden noch vermisst
20050209             Billiglohnland CHINA: Die blassen Mädchen von SHENZHEN
20050209             KOHLENSTOFF—PLANETEN: Im All schweben Riesendiamanten - 548—DEUTSCHE werden noch vermisst
20050209             Die ZAHL—DER—NACH—DER—FLUTWELLE in ASIEN vermissten Deutschen hat sich —SEIT Wochen kaum geändert: Noch immer fehlt JEDE—SPUR—VON—548—BUNDESBÜRGERN.
20050209             Das Gericht urteilt aber: "Die Information, dass eine bestimmte Person über Weihnachten an einem bei Schweden beliebten Urlaubsort war + dann Opfer einer Naturkatastrophe wurde, greift nicht in die Privatsphäre ein".
20050209             Die Liste, auf der sich neben Namen auch das Alter, die Adressen und Nummern der mutmaßlichen Flutopfer befinden, sollte —HEUTE öffentlich gemacht werden.
20050209             Jungle World 06/1999 :Leichen im Keller... Mit einer groß angelegten Operation befreit sich die türkische Staatsmacht... mit dem Umfeld des PAPA -Attentäters ALI—AGCA und den Verbindungen der...
20050209             Hintergrund... Gladio hat die Kommunisten in Italien 30—JAHRE lang mit den... bei dem Attentat auf den PAPA eingesetzt, nachdem 1—PAß für ihn beschafft worden war...
20050209             Neue Solidarität 20041516             :Die "Strategie der Spannung" in... wieder Ministerpräsident war, hatte die EXISTENZ—VON—GLADIO gerade enthüllt... wie seinen Freund PAUL—VI—PAPA., die über seine Freilassung verhandeln...
20050209             ZOOM 3/98 - Interview Molden... Zoom: Im Zusammenhang mit der Aufdeckung der Gladio -Struktur 19900000              wurde im... Zoom: Gab es 1—ART—BEZEICHNUNG für die Operation, einen Decknamen zum...
20050209             Die VATIKAN—NAZI Connection... Genoud verfügte —BEREITS 19430000              über die für eine derartige Operation notwendigen... daß der spätere PAPA, der vatikanische UNTER—STAATSSEKRETÄR—MONTINI..
20050209             + the Islamic REPUBLIC—OF—IRAQ: THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—SPIN—MACHINE was bouncing... SCOTT—BROCKMEIER, DAVID—CHALMERS, MARK—CHANGIZI, ADAM—CONSTABARIS.. alfatomega.com//20050209.html
20050209             ".. Rice bittet die "alten Europäer" um einen Neuanfang
20050209             In particular I will analyze the machinations of JOHN—DEUSS + ROGER—TAMRAZ in this...
20050209             AMEC is 1—INFORMAL acronym for Asset Management and Engineering...
20050209             —KNIGHTED, Bush + Reagan are both, in THE—ORDER—OF—THE—BATH.
20050209             OVER NAZI...to THE—VATICAN was the mysterious Liccio Gelli, 1—FORMER—ITALIAN—BLACK—SHIRT... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050209             Die kurdische Regierung im Nordirak hat die Türkei am —DONNERSTAG davor gewarnt... 4- bzw 5-tägiger Tennisurlaub in Deutschland —SCHON ab 189. 20061031             ...
20050209             FREIBURG: Solares MARKETING—TRAINING für Handwerker
20050209             das Virus der Demokratie solle Arabiens Diktaturen ganz von allein zersetzen.
20050209             MONOPOLY p1 Among the depositions the commission took were THOSE—OF—SELF—CONFESSED Marcos cronies Jose Yao CAMPOS + Rolando Gapud, who attested to Marcos...
20050209             Jovito R. Salonga, SOME—HIGHLIGHTS—COJUANGCO + his son, ANTONIO—TONYBOY—COJUANGCO,
20050209             Imelda Cojuangco, Herminio Disini, Rolando Gapud, Jose Yao CAMPOS, ROBERTO—BENEDICTO + MANY—OTHERS.
20050209             adrian... - He further went on to say that he was in 1—BOARD meeting in HOUSTON... took were THOSE—OF—SELF—CONFESSED Marcos cronies Jose Yao CAMPOS + Rolando Gapud...
20050209             CAMPOS - Research the news about CAMPOS - from HighBeam Research
20050209             HOUSTON Chronicle Politics column: CAMPOS ' clout declines as Latino power grows.
20050209             Jose Yao CAMPOS, Founder & Chairman Emeritus of United Laboratories.
20050209             CAMPOS News HOUSTON Chronicle, Perera quickest as Barca test ends.
20050209             Yahoo! Answers - best singer ever?
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20050209             In particular I will analyze the machinations of JOHN—DEUSS + ROGER—TAMRAZ... 19431200              Konferenz in Teheran mit Churchill, Roosevelt und Stalin: Einigung...  - 545
20050209             Ricardo "El Mono" Morales Navarette "THE—MONKEY ": Index to.
20050209             "Well," says DAVID—ICKE, THE—ILLUMINATI want a world government + army.
20050209             alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050209             Nora Slatkin, NEWLY—NAMED Executive Director.
20050209             [ CIA Home Page]. ALFATOMEGA—COM/20050209.html
20050209             PAKISTAN 19640000—19690000     JORDAN 19700000—19720000     EGYPT 19720000—19810000  .
20050209             Galiullin,R. THE—CIA in ASIA.
20050209             James M Potts ANGOLA CIA IN - Ray, E.. Dirty Work 2. 19790000              (129-131).
20050209             ANSCHUETZ NORBERT L. - Information Security INTERNATIONAL.
20050209             Brochure. GARRETT EARL—NORBERT.
20050209             Die USA—INVESTMENTFIRMA Kohlberg Kravis Robert & Co. ( KKR ) übernimmt den... alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050209             nur das Normale nur das Normale Ungeheuer ist Ungeheuer ist
20050209             Der einfluss reiche Waffenhändler PIERRE—FALCONE diente als Zwischenhändler: "Es gibt. einen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen den Waffenverkäufen Falcone s...
20050209             Dead on Time - arms transportation, brokering and the threat to...
20050209             THE—SLEEPER SCENARIO: TERRORISM—SUPPORT—LAWS AND THE—DEMANDS—OF... Kathryn Stone, All Necessary Means -Employing CIA Operatives in 1—WARFIGHTING—ROLE—ALONGSIDE—SPECIAL—OPERATIONS—FORCES 2 (20030000              ) (unpublished manuscript...
20050209             —BELIED, Besides this, Pimeco also, the claims of THE—PCGG regarding the executed affidavits of Rolando Gapud, the financial advisor of Marcos, in HONG—KONG in...
20050209             steigen vor allem Hedge -Fonds immer öfter in das Geschäft mit faulen... In particular I will analyze the machinations of JOHN—DEUSS + ROGER—TAMRAZ in this...
20050209             Ron Paul : Democracy Is Not Freedom : GEORGE—ORWELL wrote about "meaningless... THE—LAST—DAYS—THEME has also become 1—MAJOR—MOTOR in USA foreign policy. alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050209             —TESTIFIED, FORMER—SECURITY—BANK—PRESIDENT—ROLANDO—GAPUD, at IMELDA—NEW—YORK trial that he helped... GAPUD ROLANDO C: WASHINGTON Times 19860626              (4). alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20050209             -... Sachs + den bekannten Investoren wie Cerberus, Blackstone oder Lone Star...
20050209             —HEARTENED, Source: VATICAN Web Site - "We're extremely, by the remarkable progress made by DOCTOR—PETER—ZHOU... -
20050209             Tourismusmessen: Deutsche organisieren ihren Urlaub lieber selbst... habe zwar keine Gebietsansprüche im Nordirak, "doch manchmal zwingen einen die...
20050209             Einfach einmal Segelurlaub und Mitsegeln ermöglicht Ihnen unser Kojencharter... Türkei will im Nordirak gegen PKK vorgehen...
20050209             AZ—WEB.de - Ich fahre in Urlaub und bitte um Nachsendung an untenstehende Urlaubsadresse:
20050209             Christen im Nordirak und im Tur Abdin
20050209             Christen im Nordirak und im Tur Abdin, Homepage von HORST—OBERKAMPF, D - 88348 ... die ihren Sommerurlaub in ihrem renovierten oder neuen Haus verbringen bzw.
20050209             Latest News and Financial Information | Reuters.co.de
20050209             —VERLOREN, Schmidt gibt bezahlten Pflegeurlaub vorerst.
20050209             Türkisches Parlament billigt Militäreinsatz im Nordirak...
20050209             Wirtschaft in guter Verfassung...
20050209             Türkei - INTERNATIONAL - ZEIT online
20050209             Kritik kam aus den USA und dem Irak, Nordirak,PKK,Türkei... Webnews | Skiurlaub | Hotels und Pensionen | Kfz Versicherung | Testberichte...
20050209             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Türkei, 1. Militärpläne für den Nordirak (Südkurdistan) - Reiseberichte: Billiger Urlaub im Urlaubs...
20050209             00. - AMEC is 1—INFORMAL acronym for Asset Management and Engineering... THE—LONDON—BASED firm AMEC, ranked by Engineering News Record magazine as the world s...
20050209             Advanced Search.
20050209             Aurevilly, Barbey d', AURORA Black, AURORA Rose Lynn, Auslander, Shalom.. Thomas / Shân Wareing / Ishtla Singh / JOANNA—THORNBORROW / JASON—JONES...
20050209             —BESCHLUSS—VOM, Oberlandesgericht KARLSRUHE, Aktenzeichen 2—WS 15/05.
20050209—19940000    —OPERATED, WAL—MART began operations in CANADA and currently, 254—STORES there.
20050209—20020115    Aktueller Kommentar "Die antiterroristische Operation in AFGHANISTAN ist nur 1—TARNUNG für... die Geheimorgan isation Gladio oder der mysteriöse TOD—VON—PAPA—JOHANNES
20050209—20060000    —AUTHORED, Fiorina, "Tough Choices," 1—MEMOIR—OF—HER tenure at H—P.
20050211—20050209    Outsourcing Torture:
20050308             Kommentar zu BUSH ordnet Herausgabe seiner Militärakten an.
20050329             NTI: Global Security Newswire - —WEDNESDAY, 20050209             ...
20050330             20050209 20050200              PIERRE—FALCONE, presumível FIGURA—CHAVE, do processo de tráfico de armas... C. McFarlane, THEODORE—SHACKLEY, FRANK—CARLUCCI, Rafael " CHI—CHI...
20050415             SCOTT—BROCKMEIER, DAVID—CHALMERS, MARK—CHANGIZI, ADAM—CONSTABARIS.. alfatomega.com/20050209.html.
20050700             BBC block staff access to www.bilderberg org
20060104             Letters: 20050209              Logan spent the war at 1—TEXTILE factory in THE—SLAVE—LABOR—CAMP—OF... GEORGE—BUSH—GRANDFATHER, Prescott Bush, was HITLER—BANKER in AMERICA +...
20060209             Die ägyptische Altertümerbehörde teilt offiziell mit, dass im Tal der Könige ein weiteres Grabmal entdeckt worden ist.
20060209             Es erhält in der Folge die Bezeichnung KV63 und wird unter wissenschaftlicher Begleitung ausgegraben.
20060209             Noch an Greenspan s letztem —TAG im Amt, 20060131              hatte die Federal Reserve den Zinssatz zum 14. Mal in Folge ERHÖHT—ER stieg um 0,25 Punkte auf 4,5 %.
20060209             —OUTLINED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, details of 1 alleged plot to hijack 1—AIRLINER and fly it into 1—SKYSCRAPER in LOS—ANGELES.
20060209             The next —DAY security officials and terrorism experts in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA said MALAYSIA—ENGINEER—ZAINI Zakaria (38) was among 3—MEN AL—QAIDA was preparing to take part in 1—ATTACK on LOS—ANGELES.
20060209             THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT sold $14—BILLION—OF—30—YEAR—BONDS at 5.52%.
20060209             NEIL—ENTWISTLE, 27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—MAN, whose wife and daughter were found shot dead in their MASSACHUSETTS home, was arrested in BRITAIN and charged with murder.
20060209             —AGREED, USA—INTERNATIONAL—GROUP, INCORPORATED (AIG), to pay $1.64—BILLION to resolve allegations that it used deceptive accounting practices to mislead investors and regulatory agencies.
20060209             † SIR—FREDDIE—LAKER, 83—JAHRE—ALT, PIONEER—OF—LOW—COST airline travel, in FLORIDA.
20060209             1—AUSTRALIA—INQUIRY into alleged kickbacks paid to IRAQ under THE—UN—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM claimed its 1. scalp with the resignation of ANDREW—LINDBERG, THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF wheat exporter AWB.
20060209             —CLASHED, AFGHANISTAN, HUNDREDS—OF—SHIITE—MUSLIMS and Sunnis, in HERAT —DURING 1—IMPORTANT—SHIITE festival, exchanging fire, hurling grenades and burning mosques.
20060209             —KILLED, At least 5—PEOPLE were, and 51 injured.
20060209             —VOTED, AUSTRALIA—SENATORS, to remove an effective ban on abortion drug RU-486.
20060209             Tesco, BRITAIN—BIGGEST retailer and the world's 3.—BIGGEST retailer, said it is preparing to take on NUMBER—1—WAL—MART on its own turf —AFTER unveiling plans to set up shop in THE—USA—NEXT—YEAR.
20060209             Rene Preval took 1—STRONG—LEAD in HAITI—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, with MOST—OF—THE 1. votes counted going to THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT who is seen as 1—CHAMPION of the poor.
20060209             1—ROADSIDE bomb blast killed 2—USA—MARINES—NEAR THE—WEST—ANBAR province CITY—OF—FALLUJAH.
20060209             —APPEARED, Kidnapped USA—JOURNALIST—JILL—CARROLL, in 1—VIDEO aired on 1—PRIVATE—KUWAITI—TV—CHANNEL, appealing for her supporters to do whatever it takes to win her release and saying "there is 1—VERY—SHORT—TIME".
20060209             Velasquez says the gas station's security cameras are close enough to THE—PENTAGON to have recorded THE—MOMENT—OF—IMPACT.
20060209             "I've never seen what the pictures looked like," he said.
20060209             Premier Silvio BERLUSCONI—GOVERNMENT easily won 1—CONFIDENCE—VOTE in THE—CHAMBER—OF—DEPUTIES on 1—BILL that included financing the country's military in IRAQ.
20060209             "THE—FBI was here WITHIN MINUTES + took the film".
20060209             1—ITALY—JUDGE dismissed 1—ATHEIST—PETITION that 1—SMALL—TOWN—PRIEST should stand trial for asserting that Jesus Christ existed.
20060209             KARL—SCHWARZ has the full story on All of the missing PENTAGON videos:
20060209             —RETIRED, LUIGI—CASCIOLI, a 72-year-old, agronomist, had accused THE—REVEREND—ENRICO—RIGHI of violating 2—LAWS with the assertion, which he called 1—DECEPTIVE fable propagated by THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
20060209             View THE—RENSE article, 20010911             —THE—NORTH—TOWER—AIR—SHOW, for the complete photo sequence:
20060209             —SUSPECTED—OF, JAPAN—OFFICIALS said 45—COWS at 1—FARM in NORTH—JAPAN were, having mad cow disease and will be destroyed.
20060209             —SHOWED, Another video shot from across the river, the military helicopter, the white jet + the Boeing 737.
20060209             —CALLED, PAUL—THOMPSON said that video is, THE—JAPAN—TOURIST—VIDEO but he thought the moving object was 1—BIRD,:
20060209             —REPORTED, MOROCCO—STATE—MEDIA, that THE—USA has handed over 3 suspected Islamic militants held at THE—GUANTANAMO Bay prison.
20060209             —FLOODED, NEPAL, THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—PROTESTERS, THE—STREETS—OF—KATHMANDU, as early results showed PRO—GOVERNMENT—CANDIDATES sweeping local elections that were marred by rebel attacks, THE—SHOOTING—OF—PROTESTERS and low turnout.
20060209             THE—IDENTIFICATION—OF—THE—SOUTH—TOWER Boeing 737—ENGINE that landed in THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—STREET was covered in THE—RENSE article,
20060209             Some 58—CONTAINERS were swept from the P&O Nedlloyd ship Mondriaan, which got caught in 1—STORM about 9—MILES off THE—COAST—OF—THE—ISLAND—OF—TERSCHELLING, in THE—NORTH—SEA.
20060209             The next —DAY THOUSANDS—OF—TENNIS shoes, aluminum briefcases and children's toys washed onto the beach of 1—HOLLAND—ISLAND, drawing crowds of TREASURE—HUNTING residents.
20060209             —IMPOSED, Health authorities, 1—QUARANTINE on poultry farms across NORTH—NIGERIA.
20060209             2—MORE—STATES reported cases of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus.
20060209             AND Positive ID - 20010911             —THE—SOUTH—TOWER—AIRLINER 'PODS':
20060209             —REQUESTED, NORTH—KOREA has, 150,000 TONS—OF—FERTILIZER from SOUTH—KOREA, months —AFTER it demanded that THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM halt emergency food shipments.
20060209             —SAVED, RENSE has, the article:
20060209             Not only did THE—SPAIN—UNIVERSITY—ANALYSIS—SHOW the napalm bombs in 3D but 1—PLANAR—ANTENNA (for REMOTE CONTROL ) stood out on the vertical tail stabilizer as well as 2—REMOTE—CONTROL blade ANTENNA s
20060209             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN—NORTH—WEST—FRONTIER, province 1, suicide bombing and gunfire killed at least 29—MINORITY—SHIITE Muslims and gunmen killed at least 4—MORE—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK on 1—BUS in HANGU.
20060209             —ON the underbody neither typical for a 767, (or a 737).
20060209             PALESTINE—PROSECUTORS froze bank accounts and seized ASSETS—OF—DOZENS—OF—SUSPECTS in 1—WIDENING corruption probe of senior government officials believed to have stolen HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in public funds.
20060209             The blade ANTENNA s were used by the white jet to bring the empty 737 to MANHATTAN Island.
20060209             2 masked gunmen shot out the tires of 1—DIPLOMATIC—VEHICLE and kidnapped EGYPT—MILITARY attache to THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY, in 1—BRAZEN daylight abduction —JUST outside the heavily guarded EGYPT—MISSION in GAZA City.
20060209             —INVITED, RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, leaders of Hamas to MOSCOW, saying his country does not see THE—PALESTINE—GROUP as 1—TERRORIST—ORGANIZATION.
20060209             Final guidance into the towers was by 1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER in position above THE—SOUTH—TOWER.
20060209             For more information see THE—RENSE article,
20060209             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE in MADRID, RICARDO—TADDEI (63), 1—FORMER—ARGENTINE police officer, wanted in connection with kidnappings and torture —DURING his country's "dirty war" against leftist dissidents.
20060209             —WOUNDED, TURKEY, 1—BOMB—ATTACK, at least 17—PEOPLE at 1—INTERNET—CAFE in ISTANBUL.
20060209             2. 20010911              ST Airliner REMOTE CONTROL ANTENNA Verified:
20060209             1—HARDLINE—KURDISH—MILITANT—GROUP claimed responsibility.
20060209             SO WHY DIDN'T GORE RAT ON THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—FOR DOING 20010911              ???
20060209             More solid circumstantial evidence that CLINTON + GORE had foreknowledge of 20010911              + made quick trips to AUSTRALIA + AUSTRIA to set up their alibis.
20060209             —UNLEASHED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, more criticism toward PRESIDENT—BUSH and accused THE—USA—AND—BRITAIN of planning to invade IRAN.
20060209             —JUST the similar spellings of those countries may be 1—CLUE that they were in 1—BIG hurry.
20060209             See THE—RENSE article, On 911 ...1—ILL—WIND—BLEW—CLINTON—TO—AUSTRALIA:
20060209             DON'T MISS more 20010911              analysis + photos that THE—NEW—YORK Times finds NOT FIT TO PRINT:
20060209             Hunt THE—CHEROKEE - 20010911             —THE—PENTAGON Impact
20060209             Professor Jones Teaches Tucker About 911
20060209             GERMANY—INTEL Agent Von Bulow Solves 20010911
20060209             FBI Claims 84—VIDEOS Show NO Flight 77—IMPACT
20060209             THE—911—NORTH—TOWER—DEMOLITION Explained - THE—REST—OF—THE—911—FLIGHT 93—STORY
20060209             SOUTH—TOWER Exit Wounds Tell 20010911              Tale
20060209             Dirty Little 20010911              Secrets Exposed - BUSH Responds To 911—FIREWORKS
20060209             HOLLYWOOD—LIKE—FAKE Smoke Made 20010911
20060209             CBC 20010911              Video Secrets Revealed
20060209             911—CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC - Sneak Preview - 911—PENTAGON Tapes
20060209             NEW—YORK—CITY Photos, Flight 93—WITNESSES Identify 20010911              White Jet
20060209             New Evidence - Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop
20060209             Lab 'Excited' By New H—BOMB—PROJECT - THE—LAW—THEY—HOPE—YOU—NEVER—READ
20060209             911—TIMELINE Missing Pieces - WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT
20060209             is 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES + internationally bestselling author of 2—BOOKS:
20060209             WAR—ON—IRAQ: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know - THE—GREATEST—SEDITION—IS—SILENCE.
20060209             —ON—TUESDAY, by his own design.
20060209             —TRAPPED, GEORGE—W—BUSH was, like 1—RAT on that stage.
20060209             —FORCED, He was, to listen to eloquent denunciations of his politics + his policies, perhaps for the 1. time —SINCE he took office.
20060209             The effect upon him was clear;
20060209             —DURING the speeches delivered by REVEREND—LOWERY + PRESIDENT—CARTER, BUSH looked as if he was sucking on 1—PARTICULARLY bitter lemon.
20060209             —WHEN 1—SPEAKS truth to power, especially arrogant power, that is usually the effect.
20060209             —APPROVED, Coretta SCOTT—KING would have.
20060209             —LIVED, This was the maxim by which Coretta SCOTT—KING, her life + the maxim by which her husband lived and ultimately † by.
20060209             —INVOLVED, Had her funeral not, speaking truth to power, the ceremony would have been incomplete.
20060209             GEORGE—W—BUSH heard —ON—TUESDAY SOME—HARD—TRUTHS that his fanatical insulation has to date spared him from.
20060209             It may have been the healthiest moment this republic has absorbed in years.
20060209             PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, who has come to be 1—OF—THE—HARSHEST—CRITICS—OF Mr.
20060209             —HURLED, BUSH, fire across the stage over the deplorable administration response to Hurricane Katrina.
20060209             "This commemorative ceremony this —MORNING and this afternoon is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin,
20060209             but to remind USA—THAT the struggle for equal rights is not over," said CARTER.
20060209             "We only have to recall THE—COLOR—OF—THE—FACES—OF those in LOUISIANA,
20060209             —DEVASTATED, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI, those who were most, by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all AMERICAN—NS".
20060209             Trapped Like 1—RAT—BY—WILLIAM Rivers Pitt - t r u t h o u t | Perspective
20060209             The funeral for civil rights leader Coretta SCOTT—KING—ON—TUESDAY was quite 1—SIGHT to see.
20060209             THE—DEPTH—OF—SADNESS in the room could not be overcome by the happiness that came with the celebration of her life + accomplishments.
20060209             And then, of course, the foolishness began.
20060209             —BLITHERED, The nattering NABOBS—OF—NETWORK nonsense, into their cable news studios to deplore all the political statements that were served up —BEFORE the appreciative crowd in that church.
20060209             It was the Wellstone funeral all over again.
20060209             Brits Can Be Held Up To 2—WEEKS W/Out Charges
20060209             EX—AIDE To House Leader Tied To Abramoff
20060209             FINLAND—MILITARY Expert Explains POSSIBLE
20060209             2—RECENT—POLLS, 1—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES/Bloomberg poll and 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES /CBS News poll, indicate why BUSH is getting away with impeachable offenses.
20060209             The biggest truth to face —NOW ­ what is probably making me unfunny —NOW for the remainder of my life ­ is that I don't think people give 1—DAMN whether the planet goes on or not.
20060209             BANK—OF—DELMARVA. BANKERS TRUST Company of Wilmington
20060209             —CONTINUED, Your, donations help Wikipedia grow + improve!
20060209             BANKERS TRUST From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20060209             —BECAME, Under the management of CHARLIE—SANFORD, BANKERS TRUST, 1—LEADER in the nascent derivatives business in the early..
20060209             "Ich bin ein wenig verblüfft"
20060209             Die Berichte über GREENSPAN s Zinskommentare gaben dem Dollar einen Schub, weil Händler daraus schlossen, dass der Zinssatz in den USA weiter steigen wird.
20060209             Dies könnte Investitionen in USA -Anleihen lukrativer machen.
20060209             Noch an GREENSPAN s letztem —TAG im Amt,
20060209             —VERWUNDERT, Beobachter der USA -Notenbank zeigten sich zudem, darüber,
20060209             dass GREENSPAN sich so frühzeitig nach seinem Dienstende zu aktuellen Entwicklungen äußere -
20060209             "Ich bin ein wenig verblüfft", sagte 1—EXPERTE, der anonym bleiben wollte, laut REUTERS.
20060209             "Während seiner Amtszeit war GREENSPAN vernünftig und umsichtig.
20060209             —GEDACHT, Ich hätte nicht, dass er so schnell in den privaten Sektor wechselt".
20060209             1—SPRECHERIN—VON—GREENSPAN—ASSOCIATES, einer Beratungsfirma, die GREENSPAN gegründet hat, wollte sich zu der Kritik an ihrem CHEF nicht äußern.
20060209             Weggefährten GREENSPAN s bei der Notenbank verteidigten ihn dagegen.
20060209             "GREENSPAN hat 1—GEFÜHL dafür, was angemessen ist und was nicht.
20060209             Ich bin mir sicher, dass er sich mit öffentlichen Bemerkungen zu geldpolitischen Fragen zurückhält",
20060209             erklärte der FRÜHERE—NOTENBANKER—LYLE—GRAMLEY laut REUTERS.
20060209             "Ich wüsste nicht, was er falsch gemacht hat".
20060209             RICHARD—LAND von der SOUTH—BAPTIST CONVENTION betonte, dass es unter den Evangelikalen in den USA mitnichten einen Konsens über die Ursachen des Klimawandels gebe.
20060209             —GEHÖRT, Land, zu den Unterzeichnern eines Briefes an die NATIONAL ASSOCIATION—OF—EVANGELICALS (NAE) ,
20060209             die nach eigenen Angaben 30—MILLIONEN CHRISTEN repräsentiert.
20060209             In dem Brief wird die NAE aufgefordert, sich von der ÖKO—KAMPAGNE zu distanzieren - + Beobachter halten es für sehr wahrscheinlich,
20060209             dass die Organisation diesem Wunsch folgt.
20060209             Zwar haben TEILE—DER—RELIGIÖSEN—RECHTE —SCHON vor längerer Zeit den Klimaschutz als Thema entdeckt +
20060209             SOWIE - CHEFS CHRISTLICHER HOCHSCHULEN + RELIGIÖSER INSTITUTIONEN, fordern in einer ErklÄrung strenge Gesetze zum Klimaschutz.
20060209             Das Statement erschienen, als ganzseitige Anzeige AUSGERECHNET IM EHER LIBERALEN OSTKÜSTEN—BLATT "NEW—YORK—TIMES ",
20060209             "Mit Gottes Hilfe kÖnnen wir die globale ErwÄrmung stoppen
20060209             "Wir von der evangelikalischen Bewegung haben uns erlaubt, einen toten Winkel zu haben",
20060209             In dem Geflügelbetrieb in der nordnigerianischen Provinz KADUNA waren 46.000—HÜHNER, Gänse + Strauße an der Seuche gestorben.
20060209             Das H5N1-Virus wurde wenig später auch in den Nachbarregionen KANO und Plateau festgestellt, wie 1—SPRECHER—DES—LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMINISTERIUMS mitteilte.
20060209             Die Regierung tue alles, um eine weitere Ausbreitung zu verhindern.
20060209             Die Gesundheitsbehörden ordneten für ALLE—GEFLÜGELFARMEN im Norden des Landes 1—QUARANTÄNE an.
20060209             —UNTERDESSEN, RUMÄNIEN, werden, erneut Hühner im DONAU—DELTA getötet, nachdem dort auf einem Familienhof ein neuer VOGELGRIPPE -Verdachtsfall aufgetreten war.
20060209             —GESTELLT, Das Dorf Jurilovca wurde unter Quarantäne.
20060209             —SEIT ;;10;; vergangenen Jahres wurden in Rumänien 55.000—NUTZVÖGEL getötet.
20060209             Putin says he will invite Hamas leaders to MOSCOW:
20060209             —ON—THURSDA,Y RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN said he would invite Hamas leaders to MOSCOW, opening 1—CRACK in 1—WALL—OF—USA -led opposition to dealing with THE—PALESTINE—ELECTION winner —UNTIL it recognized ISRAEL.
20060209             Hamas cautions Abbas:
20060209             —REITERATED, Exiled political leader Khaled Mashaal, that Hamas would not bow to Arab + INTERNATIONAL pressure to recognize ISRAEL +
20060209             that the group - once in power - would not act to prevent militant attacks on the Jewish state.
20060209             ISRAEL plans to build 'MUSEUM—OF—TOLERANCE' on Muslim graves:
20060209             JUAN—COLE: All cartoon politics are local:
20060209             Such Depictions Have Been Used as 1—WEAPON—AGAINST—OPPRESSED—PEOPLES for Centuries
20060209             Falsehoods About GUANTANAMO:
20060209             The administration's unspoken logic appears to be: Better to ruin the lives of 10—INNOCENT—MEN than to let 1—WHO might be 1—TERRORIST go free.
20060209             —DESCRIBED, HUGO—CHÁVEZ, In 1—CHARACTERISTICALLY forthright tirade, THE—PRIME—MINISTER as "1—PAWN—OF—IMPERIALISM" + told him to "go right to hell".
20060209             VENEZUELA hopes to increase oil exports to CHINA:
20060209             VENEZUELA hopes to nearly double its oil exports to CHINA in the near future, VENEZUELA—OIL and Energy MINISTER—RAFAEL—RAMIREZ said here —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20060209             The 7,000 kilometer (4,350 mile) pipeline project, proposed by CHAVEZ in ;;01;;,
20060209             would allow VENEZUELA—STATE—CONTROL led oil company Petroleos de VENEZUELA SA,
20060209             or PDVSA, to ship gas from fields in VENEZUELA for sale to energy consumers in BRAZIL, ARGENTINA and CHILE.
20060209             Chavez says Exxon Mobil did not meet requirements for project :
20060209             —EXCLUDED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said his government, USA oil company Exxon Mobil Corp.
20060209             —FROM a $ 3—BILLION petrochemical project because the company did not meet requirements
20060209             BOLIVIA Energy Firms Concerned About Morales' Accusations: -
20060209             BOLIVIA—HYDROCARBONS—CHAMBER, which represents private oil firms in the country, said
20060209             it was concerned about declarations by PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES that multinational energy companies were conspiring to destabilize his new leftist government.
20060209             USA cutting military aid to BOLIVIA 96 %:
20060209             Less than 1—MONTH—AFTER 1—ASSERTIVELY—ANTI —AMERICAN—N PRESIDENT—TOOK—OFFICE—IN—BOLIVIA, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is planning to cut military aid to the country by 96 %.
20060209             Church offers apology for its role in slavery:
20060209             SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD: BUSH—WARRANTLESS—WIRETAPPING—PROGRAM is Illegal and Unconstitutional:
20060209             —ISSUED, THE—PRESIDENT, 1—CALL to spread freedom —THROUGHOUT the world + then he admitted that he has deprived AMERICAN—NS—OF—1—OF—THEIR most basic freedoms under the 4. AMENDMENT - to be free from unjustified government intrusion.
20060209             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL: THE—PRESIDENT, the stripper and THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL:
20060209             1—CLOSE—LOOK suggests that the feds' definition of a "suspected terrorist" may not meet the laugh test.
20060209             USA—PLANS massive data sweep:
20060209             LITTLE—KNOWN DATA—COLLECTION system could troll news, blogs, even E—MAILS.
20060209             Will it go too far?
20060209             Hastert, Frist said to rig bill for drug firms:
20060209             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST + House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT engineered a backroom legislative maneuver to protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits,
20060209             say witnesses to THE—PRE—CHRISTMAS power play.
20060209             —WHEN Corporations Rule the World: Modern Slavery:
20060209             Descriptions of the working CONDITIONS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—WORKERS, even in the 'modern + affluent" North,
20060209             sound like 1—THROWBACK to the days of the early industrial revolution.
20060209             Consider this DESCRIPTION—OF—CONDITIONS at contract clothing shops in modern affluent S—FRANCISCO:
20060209             Tale Of 1—CONNECTICUT—DONKEY:
20060209             —WHILE LIEBERMAN was polishing his commentary, 88—AMERICAN—N servicemen were killed.
20060209             THE—USA—ENERGY—INFORMATION—ADMINISTRATION estimates that home heating oil prices this —YEAR will be 23 % higher than —LAST—YEAR; —THROUGHOUT the Northern states,
20060209             this means not only discomfort but real hardship, even death for some of the elderly
20060209             Report: IRAQ rebuilding costs 'much higher' than $ 56B:
20060209             IRAQ will need more money to rebuild than the $ 56—BILLION forecast by the World Bank + THE—UNITED—NATIONS
20060209             IRAQ—BASIC—SERVICES are worse —NOW than —BEFORE war began:
20060209             Virtually EVERY—MEASURE—OF—THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—IRAQ—OIL, electricity,
20060209             water + sewerage sectors has fallen below PRE—INVASION—VALUES, even though $ 16—BILLION—OF—USA taxpayer money has already been disbursed.
20060209             Gasoline Crisis in IRAQ:
20060209             Citing 1—MOUNTAIN—OF unpaid bills, the governments of TURKEY + SAUDI—ARABIA have shut off gasoline exports to IRAQ.
20060209             It was 1—HISTORIC—MOMENT at the National Press Club in WASHINGTON, only blocks from THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20060209             1—VERY—GOOD—REASON—TO—GET—WORRIED: Seymour HERSH—ADVICE: Keep Your 2. Passport Alive.
20060209             Real Audio - ISRAEL 'may rue Saddam overthrow':
20060209             THE—HEAD—OF—ISRAEL—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—AGENCY, Shin Bet, has said his country may come to regret THE—OVERTHROW—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20060209             War pimp alert: IRAN may need force, warns Hurd:
20060209             FORMER—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—LORD—HURD has said BRITAIN cannot "realistically" rule out using military force against IRAN over its nuclear programme.
20060209             RUSSIA confirms missile defence contract with IRAN:
20060209             Amid the escalating crisis —AROUND IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME,
20060209             RUSSIA said —ON—THURSDAY that it will still arm TEHRAN with missiles that can secure nuclear facilities from attacks.
20060209             USA shield blunts ISRAEL i military option on IRAN:
20060209             —PURSUED, ISRAEL has long, 1—POLICY—OF preemptive attack as its preferred FORM—OF—DEFENCE.
20060209             But —WHEN it comes to tackling ARCH—FOE IRAN, that option may have been put on hold under 1—PROTECTIVE "umbrella" on offer from THE—USA.
20060209             IRAN dismisses USA—THREAT over nukes:
20060209             "We are not AFRAID—OF—ATTACKS by THE—USA or by other countries on IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS because we have nothing to hide,
20060209             we have no installations to produce nuclear weapons," IRAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—ESFANDYAR—RAHIM—MASHAEE said
20060209             Parallels Between IRAN and PRE—WAR—IRAQ: IRAN is not IRAQ + the
20060209             but 1—CANNOT stop wondering about the uncanny similarities between IRAQ at THE—VERGE—OF—WAR + the present STATE—OF—AFFAIRS in IRAN.
20060209             Parallels are abound: CHINA says welcomes IRAN—RUSSIA nuclear talks:
20060209             CHINA said —ON—THURSDAY it welcomed talks between IRAN + RUSSIA next —WEEK on plans to defuse the crisis over TEHRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAMME,
20060209             but refused to say whether it would join the meeting.
20060209             20010911              Special - "Was 20010911              more than —JUST 1—ATTACK?
20060209             2—PROMINENT European politicians, MICHAEL—MEACHER + ANDREAS—VON—BÜLOW,
20060209             express their serious doubts about the official version of 20010911             —THE story".
20060209             HOLLAND—TELEVISION Documentary
20060209             Report Says NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS by Insurgents in IRAQ Increases:
20060209             Sweeping statistics on insurgent violence in IRAQ that were declassified for 1—SENATE hearing —ON—WEDNESDAY appear to portray 1—REBELLION whose ability to mount attacks has steadily grown in the nearly 3—YEARS—SINCE the invasion.
20060209             THE—BOLIVARIAN—REVOLUTION
20060209             —SPAWNED, THE—BOLIVARIAN—REVOLUTION, by HUGO—CHAVEZ has given hope to countless millions,
20060209             granting millions more the bravery to confront AMERICA + its vast TENTACLES—OF—MARKET—COLONIALISM that has devastated the entire region.
20060209             No longer SCARED—OF—AMERICA—MIGHT, no longer afraid to challenge the status quo, MANY—LEADERS adopting CHAVEZ—REVOLUTION are changing THE—RULES—OF—THE—GAME.
20060209             Government without Representation: 1—CALL to Action:
20060209             —PLAGUED, Regimes such as THE—BUSH—CABAL have always, AMERICAN—THEY are 1—RECURRING cancer that pervades EVERY—CELL—OF—SOCIETY.
20060209             They recur because we are treating symptoms, not underlying causes.
20060209             Life in THE—USA -
20060209             NEITHER WAS THE—TORTURE.
20060209             USA—MILITARY—AUTHORITIES have taken tougher measures to FORCE—FEED detainees engaged in hunger strikes at Guantánamo BAY—CUBA,
20060209             —AFTER concluding that some were determined to commit suicide to protest their indefinite confinement,
20060209             military officials have said.
20060209             IRAN: the next war - Has ONY BLAIR, our minuscule Caesar, finally crossed his -TONY BLAIR - Rubicon?
20060209             THE—DEATH—OF—1—HUNDREDTH—UK—SOLDIER in IRAQ
20060209             Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information
20060209             "Down by the River: Drugs, Money, Murder + Family".
20060209             "We read this book more than —2—YEARS—AGO and it still haunts us.
20060209             In fact, its vivid depiction of 1—FAILED—AMERICAN—N drug policy - grounded in THE—STORY—OF—THE—MURDER—OF—1—YOUNG—MAN in EL—PASO - kept returning to us ,
20060209             perhaps to force us to make amends and offer the riveting book as 1—BUZZFLASH premium".
20060209             WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS that GONZALES—DOMESTIC spying testimony —ON—MONDAY directly contradicts what BUSH—ADMINISTRATION told FISA judges privately.
20060209             Did Gonzales lie to the Senate again? It looks that way.
20060209             —BY the Way, Where Did 15—OF—THE 19 20010911              Hijackers Come From?
20060209             Why SAUDI—ARABIA. None from IRAQ,IRAN or Syria.
20060209             Bush Wants Us to Forget the Destruction of "AMERICA the Beautiful" at the Hands of Rapacious, Unregulated Corporate Cronies.
20060209             Don't Let Him Get Away With It.
20060209             House Republicans Say "Yes" to Torture by Refusing to Investigate It, Yet Again
20060209             THE—BUZZFLASH—MAILBAG - Uncensored and Unvarnished Truth from BuzzFlash Readers.
20060209             —GRANTED, TOM—DELAY, coveted seat on Appropriations Committee.
20060209             Ethics? We don't got no stinkin' ethics.
20060209             Rove Needs "Character Assassination" Management.
20060209             —NOW, He Wants to "Bloody Up" Hillary.
20060209             What is He Still Doing in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—ANYWAY?
20060209             Didn't He Compromise Our National Security by Outing 1—CIA—OPERATIVE—SPECIALIZING in Tracking the Illicit TRANSFER—OF—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTIONS?
20060209             What is He Still Doing in OUR House?
20060209             Go, Discuss Amongst Yourselves.
20060209             2—FURTHER—POINTS: 1. What is MICHAEL—LEDEEN up to these days?
20060209             —REFERENCED, The same poll, above reveals that the vast MAJORITY—OF—THE—AMERICAN—N people, —STILL, want to see this issue resolved via THE—UNITED—NATIONS - not unilaterally.
20060209             In order to change that opinion, something big will have to take place.
20060209             Something really big. Of course they did.
20060209             To do otherwise would be Thoughtcrime.
20060209             But hey...—JUST to be on the safe side, let's nuke TEHRAN anyways.
20060209             Otherwise, people could get hurt.
20060209             The document dump: Last - but certainly not least - are the "leaked" faked documents.
20060209             REMEMBER THE—YELLOWCAKE FORGERIES - Meet their older siblings.
20060209             (In case Effwit has —POSTED more, scroll down to "WHITE—HOUSE—TAKES IRAN Propaganda To New Low".)
20060209             —APPEARED, The original story, in THE—WASHINGTON—POST :
20060209             Analysts cannot completely rule out the possibility that internal OPPONENTS—OF—THE—IRAN—LEADERSHIP could have forged them to implicate the government,
20060209             or that the documents were planted by TEHRAN itself to convince the West that its program remains at 1—IMMATURE stage.
20060209             —INVOLVED, CIA analysts, SOME—OF—WHOM had been, only 1—YEAR—EARLIER on the flawed ASSESSMENTS—OF—IRAQ—WEAPONS—PROGRAMS,
20060209             —INITIALLY speculated that a 3. country, such as ISRAEL, may have fabricated the evidence.
20060209             —DISCOUNTED, But they eventually, that theory.
20060209             I have always said that the prelude to war would be marked by 1—STEPPED—UP DEMONIZATION—OF—IRAN—LEADERSHIP.
20060209             All righty, there we have it: The inevitable comparison to ADOLF.
20060209             As you know, THIS IS THE 1. STEP IN ANY—MODERN—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20060209             RUMSFELD rattles the saber : —WHEN 1—GUY—LIKE—RUMSFELD says that military force is "1—OPTION"
20060209             he usually means "it's 1—DONE deal".
20060209             The administration line is that IRAN will hand nukes to terror groups.
20060209             Of course, there is no evidence that they have ANY—SUCH intention.
20060209             If THE—POWERS—THAT—BE in TEHRAN possess even 1—IOTA—OF—SANITY (+ I think they must possess several),
20060209             they must be praying that no terrorist cell sets off 1—WMD in THE—USA -
20060209             because the Iranians know full well who will be blamed, regardless of who actually did what.
20060209             Those of you who still think that the next target is Syria, not IRAN, should wake up and note the distinct AROMA—OF—MAXWELL—HOUSE in the air...
20060209             —SUCCEEDED, The propaganda has.
20060209             According to 1—RECENT—POLL, 2—OUT—OF—3—AMERICAN—NS
20060209             (roughly the same prcentage age favoring increased funding for mass transit)
20060209             —NOW view IRAN as 1—MAJOR—THREAT.
20060209             "The threat from IRAN has really penetrated, with 2—OF 3—SAYING IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM represents 1—MAJOR—THREAT," said
20060209             "Among people who have been —FOLLOWING news about the issue, there's even greater concern".
20060209             Die Tests fielen jedoch negativ aus, so dass die Polizei —NACH—3—STUNDEN Entwarnung geben konnte.
20060209             Rettungsteams + ABC—WAFFEN—EXPERTEN in Schutzkleidung bestimmten wÄhrend des Einsatzes das Bild vor dem RUSSEL—GEBÄUDE.
20060209             Schneechaos in BAYERN: Einsa tzkräfte weiten Katastrophenalarm aus
20060209             Bilanzskandal bei AIG: Weltgrößter Versicherer zahlt Milliardensumme
20060209             Aufrüstung: Rumsfeld droht indirekt mit Angriff auf Irans Atomanlagen
20060209             —VERBIETET, KARIKATUREN—STREIT: Ägypten, "Spiegel" und "Focus"
20060209             Nahost: Hamas will im KARIKATUREN—STREIT vermitteln
20060209             Terror: Bush nennt Details zu AL—QAIDA—ANSCHLAGSPLAN auf LOS—ANGELES
20060209             HIGHTECH—SCHIFF: Meeresforscher übernehmen "MARIA—S—MERIAN"
20060209             Genug Reserven: ENERGIE—AGENTUR hält Ölausfall aus IRAN für unkritisch
20060209             Vogelgrippe in AFRIKA: Experten befürchten Einschleppung nach Deutschland
20060209             —VERBANNT, LEBENSMITTEL—MARKE: Unilever, Käpt'n Iglo
20060209             PRIVAT—RAUMFAHRT: SELBSTBAU—RAKETE vor dem Start ins All
20060209             CHINA: —YAHOO erneut beschuldigt, Regimekritiker verraten zu haben
20060209             Atomstrom: Koch ermuntert Konzerne zu AKW—NEUBAUTEN
20060209             KLIMASCHUTZ—KAMPAGNE: Religiöse Rechte wagt Konflikt mit Bush
20060209             Elektronische Fußfessel: "Herr T. läuft in der Spur"
20060209             "Economist"-Studie: Deutschland braucht 1—WUNDER
20060209             EX—NOTENBANKCHEF: Greenspan kassierte und plauderte
20060209             NETZWELT—TICKER: Echte Kriege mit dem PLAYSTATION—CHIP
20060209             HANNOVER—FLUG: USA -Düsenjäger kollidierten fast mit Passagierflugzeug
20060209             —INFORMIERT, Geheimdienste: USA -Regierung, über umstrittenes Lauschprogramm
20060209             Komplizierte Innovationsförderung: Wohin die Milliarden fließen
20060209             Fleischfresser: Forscher graben TYRANNOSAURUS—URVATER aus
20060209             Niederbayern: Hunderte Helfer kämpfen gegen das Schneechaos
20060209             —EVAKUIERT, Fehlalarm: USA -Senatsgebäude nach GIFT—ALARM
20060209             Altersversorgung: Millionen drohen kräftige Rentenabschläge
20060209             BIKINI—ATOLL: Das Paradies, in das die Bombe fiel
20060209             SIDNEY—BLUMENTHAL, WEAPONS—OF—MASS Dissembling, ThinkingPeace com
20060209             In phase 2—OF—INTEL probe, focus on ITALY
20060209             —LOCATED, THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY has —NOW, and declassified files on a...
20060209             THE—ITALIAN—JOB—TIMELINE: 2. Course | CorrenteWire
20060209             BERLUSCONI—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, Nicolo' POLLARI + THE—USA—NEOCONS work hand in hand to
20060209             It's 1—OLD—DISINFORMATION—TECHNIQUE from the Cold War.
20060209             He sells it to THE—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY which promptly recognizes it as crap +
20060209             THE—CIA—ROME station CHIEF presses his ITALY—COUNTERPARTS for...
20060209             Propaganda + Disinformation - How THE—CIA—MANUFACTURES History
20060209             —WHILE SOME—OF—THE—OTHER—AGENCIES, namely the National Security Agency + the Defense INTELLIGENCE Agency ,
20060209             did'nt agree with USA, CIA director JOHN—MCCONE...
20060209             THE—WASHINGTON—NOTE: Comment on THE—CIA—PUTSCH: SOMEONE CALL...
20060209             PORTER—GOSS, the new INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, has told CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY—EMPLOYEES that their job is to "support the administration and its policies in...
20060209             Democracy —NOW! | EX—CIA—AGENT on Cheney IRAQ Speech: "Longest...
20060209             went to CIA headquarters to pressure the Agency on IRAQ INTELLIGENCE
20060209             MELVIN GOODMAN: Well, this is the longest STATEMENT—OF—DISINFORMATION that I...
20060209             THE—PSYOPS—WAR - UK—INTELLIGENCE and the covert propaganda...
20060209             THE—CAMPAIGN for Press and Broadcasting Freedom
20060209             The latter is 1—MORE—ACCURATE—STATEMENT.
20060209             KARIKATUREN—STREIT: Internationaler Appell an Muslime - ZDFHEUTE.DE - —VOR—17—STUNDEN gefunden
20060209             Im Konflikt um die MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN haben mehrere internationale Organisationen die gewaltsamen Proteste verurteilt.
20060209             UNO, EU + die.
20060209             Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz haben Muslime in aller Welt zur Ruhe aufgerufen.
20060209             Dresdner Bank soll nicht ins Museum
20060209             Guantánamo: Anwälte halten MEHRHEIT—DER—HÄFTLINGE nicht für "feindliche Kämpfer"
20060209             Genfood: EU—STAATEN empört über WTO—BESCHLUSS
20060209             ; A20 ULAN BATOR—MONGOLIA -- On the vast FLATLANDS—OF—EAST—MONGOLIA,
20060209             enclosed by a 2—MILE—WALL in the form of 1—OVAL, diggers have uncovered tantalizing clues to the solution of 1—OF—HISTORY—ENDURING mysteries:
20060209             the site of Genghis KHAN—SECRET—GRAVE.
20060209             Finding the spot where the great MONGOLIA—CONQUEROR was laid to rest
20060209             House Homeland Security Chairman PETER—KING (R—NY) spoke at the Merrick Jewish Center in MERRICK—NEW—YORK KING told his constituents that "the situation [in IRAQ] is more stable than you think".
20060209             He cited "bumper to bumper traffic," shopping centers, restaurants, video stores, vendors + hotels to conclude that being in BAGHDAD is "like being in Manhattan".
20060209             —OBTAINED, ThinkProgress has, exclusive video from 1—PERSON who was at the event.
20060209             Life in BAGHDAD is nothing like life in Manhattan. There have been 441—MURDERS
20060209             † In contrast, approximately 14,458 Iraqis have,
20060209             in the war this —YEAR according to iCasualties, which counts casualties based on media reports.
20060209             1—STUDY in THE—UK—MEDICAL journal Lancet suggests the real number may be much higher.
20060209             —WHEN they think the media aren't watching, politicians like KING are willing to grossly distort the facts on IRAQ to their constituents for political purposes.
20060209             As we go through THE—CITY—OF—BAGHDAD, it was like being in Manhattan.
20060209             I mean, I'm talking about bumper to bumper traffic, talking about shopping centers,
20060209             talking about restaurants, talking about video stores, talking about guys selling (inaudible) on the street corner, talking about major hotels.
20060209             And so, at that moment, people must be (inaudible) resilient and you would never know that there was 1—WAR going on.
20060209             —NOW, car bomb goes off + that street or those streets for that —HOUR and people will (inaudible) but THE—REST—OF—THE—COUNTRY is functioning.
20060209             Up in MOSUL, I remember seeing news reports about roller coasters?
20060209             —FILLED, Where you had 2 or 3—PARKING lots, with their cars on 1—SUNDAY afternoon.
20060209             Again, that's not something you'd see on television + at ANY—GIVEN time 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER can walk into 1—AMUSEMENT—CENTER,
20060209             but the point I'm making is that the situation is more stable than you think.
20060209             hatte sich 1—MITARBEITERIN mit Brucellen infiziert, den Erregern einer gefährlichen Tierseuche, die im Einzelfall auch Menschen töten kann.
20060209             Die Forscherin erkrankte für mehrere Wochen, nachdem sie 1—AEROSOLKAMMER in einen Labor der Biosicherheitsstufe 3—GESÄUBERT hatte.
20060209             —ERST nach Monaten wurde bei ihr Brucellose diagnostiziert - und schließlich mit einer starken ANTIBIOTIKA—KUR behandelt.
20060209             BIOWAFFEN—LABORS gefährlicher als BIO—TERRORISMUS?
20060209             Öffentlich wurde dieser Zwischenfall —ERST im ;;04;;
20060209             dieses Jahres, nachdem 1—AKTIVIST der ANTI—BIOWAFFEN—ORGANISATION Sunshine Project die Tamu gezwungen hatte, interne Dokumente zu dem Fall offenzulegen.
20060209             —ERST—AM—TAG zuvor meldete die UNIVERSITÄT—DEN—VORFALL auch den CDC - wozu sie gesetzlich verpflichtet ist.
20060209             Aus internen E—MAILS ging hervor, dass die Verantwortlichen sich der Meldepflicht von —ANFANG an bewusst gewesen waren.
20060209             Selbst dem Wissenschaftsjournal "Science" war der Fall 1—MELDUNG wert.
20060209             Das populärwissenschaftliche Magazin "New Scientist" ätzte
20060209             im ;;04;;: "Man kann ja in den Kühlschrank klettern, um ihn mit Desinfektionsmittel auszuwischen - aber in 1—AEROSOLKAMMER,
20060209             in der Versuchstiere mit möglichen Biowaffen angesteckt werden?" - Doch es kam noch dicker.
20060209             Im Frühjahr musste die Uni - mit einem —JAHR Verspätung - einen 2. Vorfall einräumen: Am
20060209             Lord CHADLINGTON ( PETER—GUMMER is CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—PR group Huntsworth, 1—OF—THE—GLOBAL—TOP 15—COMMUNCIATIONS comglomerates.
20060209             —ERSCHIEN, Als CHARLIE—HEBDO, war das kleine Blatt auf einmal weltberühmt.
20060209             Muslime verklagten das Magazin.
20060209             —AM, PRÄSIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC schimpfte, dass sie die umstrittenen dänischen Karikaturen abdruckten.
20060209             Making it personal:
20060209             FBI Claims 84—VIDEOS Show NO Flight 77—IMPACT www.rense_com/general67/fbi cl.htm 20010911              Flight 93—PASSENGERS 'Lost'
20060209             CBC 20010911              Video Secrets Revealed www.rense_com/general65/911—B.htm 911—CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
20060209             Sneak Preview - 911—PENTAGON Tapes
20060209             THE—REST—OF—20010911             —THE Street Engine Story
20060209             Lab 'Excited' By New H—BOMB—PROJECT - THE—LAW—THEY—HOPE—YOU—NEVER—READ - 911—TIMELINE Missing Pieces
20060209             WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT is 1—NEW—YORK—TIMES + internationally bestselling AUTHOR—OF—2—BOOKS: WAR—ON—IRAQ: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know +
20060209             STAUNCH—KING—OF—MISTER—S opposition to the occupation of IRAQ.
20060209             The central tenet - of the civil rights movement - has, is + will - always be
20060209             1—SIMPLE truth: 1 must speak truth to power - in order to affect change.
20060209             PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER, who has come to be 1—OF—THE—HARSHEST—CRITICS—OF—MISTER—BUSH, hurled fire across the stage over the deplorable administration response to Hurricane Katrina.
20060209             "This commemorative ceremony this —MORNING and this afternoon is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin, but to remind us that the struggle for equal rights is not over," said Carter.
20060209             "We only have to recall THE—COLOR—OF—THE—FACES—OF those in LOUISIANA, ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI, those who were most devastated by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all AMERICAN—NS".
20060209             Trapped Like a Rat
20060209             —BY WILLIAM—RIVERS—PITT - t r u t h o u t | Perspective
20060209             The funeral for civil rights leader CORETTA ON—TUESDAY—KING—OF—SCOTT was quite 1—SIGHT to see.
20060209             It was THE—MEASURE—OF—MISTER—S—KING—IMPACT upon our society that 4—PRESIDENTS — Carter + Bush [BGHW948] + Clinton + Bush [BGW968] - sat —BEFORE her FLOWER—DRAPED casket and spoke of her life.
20060209             Banking History... of PAONIA—COLORADO.
20060209             Bankers Trust Company of Wilmington... National BANK—AND—TRUST—HISTORY, ADA—OKLAHOMA.
20060209             HISTORY—OF—SECURITY...
20060209             Bankers Trust From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... Under the management of CHARLIE—SANFORD, Bankers Trust became 1—LEADER in the nascent derivatives business in the early.. 20060209
20060209             —VERWUNDERT, Beobachter der USA -Notenbank zeigten sich zudem, darüber, dass Greenspan sich so frühzeitig nach seinem Dienstende zu aktuellen Entwicklungen äußere -
20060209             noch bevor sein Nachfolger BEN—BERNANKE seine Ansichten habe verdeutlichen können.
20060209             Ich bin mir sicher, dass er sich mit öffentlichen Bemerkungen zu geldpolitischen Fragen zurückhält", erklärte der FRÜHERE—NOTENBANKER—LYLE—GRAMLEY laut Reuters. "Ich wüsste nicht, was er falsch gemacht hat".
20060209             —GEHÖRT, Land, zu den Unterzeichnern eines Briefes an die National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), die nach eigenen Angaben 30—MILLIONEN Christen repräsentiert.
20060209             In dem Brief wird die NAE aufgefordert, sich von der ÖKO—KAMPAGNE zu distanzieren - + Beobachter halten es für sehr wahrscheinlich, dass die Organisation diesem Wunsch folgt.
20060209             —GESTARTET, Kampagnen, wie :
20060209             "What Would Jesus Drive?" - ("Was würde Jesus fahren?")
20060209             85—FÜHRER der religiösen Rechten,
20060209             darunter der prominente BESTSELLER—AUTOR—RICK—WARREN
20060209             sowie - Chefs christlicher Hochschulen + religiöser Institutionen,
20060209             fordern in einer Erklärung strenge Gesetze zum Klimaschutz.
20060209             Das Statement erschienen, als ganzseitige Anzeige
20060209             ausgerechnet - im eher liberalen OSTKÜSTEN—BLATT
20060209             "NEW—YORK—TIMES ", stellt den Umweltschutz praktisch auf 1—STUFE mit
20060209             anderen Herzensanliegen der religiösen Rechten,
20060209             wie etwa das Verbot von Abtreibungen + - HOMOSEXUELLEN—EHEN.
20060209             Die - Unterzeichner
20060209             fordern Gesetze zur Reduzierung der KOHLENDIOXID—EMISSIONEN - +
20060209             Sie betonen, ihr Glaube habe sie zu diesem Schritt bewegt, da die Folgen des Klimawandels besonders die ARMEN—DER—WELT bedrohten.
20060209             "Wir von der evangelikalischen Bewegung haben uns erlaubt, einen toten Winkel zu haben", sagte Duane Litfin, PRÄSIDENT—DES—WHEATON—COLLEGE in ILLINOIS,
20060209             über das bisherige Schweigen der religiösen Rechten in Sachen Klimaschutz.
20060209             sagte: "So wie wir die Welt behandeln, behandeln wir Jesus, denn Er hält den Kosmos zusammen".
20060209             ISRAEL plans to build 'MUSEUM—OF—TOLERANCE' on Muslim graves : Skeletons are being removed from the site of 1—ANCIENT—MUSLIM cemetery in JERUSALEM to make way for a $ 150m (£86m) "MUSEUM—OF—TOLERANCE" being built for THE—LOS—ANGELES -based SIMON—WIESENTHAL—CENTRE.
20060209             who commissioned the mohamed - CARTOONS,
20060209             —CONDUCTED, Flemming Rose, 1—UNCRITICAL—INTERVIEW with
20060209             THE—AMERICAN—N neocons ervative + Islamophobe DANIEL—PIPES.
20060209             Chávez tells Blair to go to hell : HUGO—CHÁVEZ, In 1—CHARACTERISTICALLY forthright tirade, described THE—PRIME—MINISTER as "1—PAWN—OF—IMPERIALISM" + told him to "go right to hell".
20060209             VENEZUELA hopes to increase oil exports to CHINA : VENEZUELA hopes to nearly double its oil exports to CHINA in the near future, VENEZUELA—OIL and Energy MINISTER—RAFAEL—RAMIREZ said here on —WEDNESDAY.
20060209             BRAZIL May Press VENEZUELA to Pay HALF—OF—PROPOSED—GAS—PIPELINE : The 7,000 kilometer (4,350 mile) pipeline project, proposed by Chavez in January,
20060209             would allow VENEZUELA—STATE—CONTROL led oil company Petroleos de VENEZUELA SA, or PDVSA, to ship gas from fields in VENEZUELA for sale to energy consumers in BRAZIL, ARGENTINA and CHILE.
20060209             t : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said his government excluded USA—OIL—COMPANY—EXXON Mobil Corp. from a $ 3—BILLION petrochemical project because the company did not meet requirements
20060209             USA—THREATS to VENEZUELA—REVOLUTION escalate :
20060209             BOLIVIA Energy Firms Concerned About Morales' Accusations:
20060209             - BOLIVIA—HYDROCARBONS—CHAMBER, which represents private oil firms in the country, said
20060209             USA cutting military aid to BOLIVIA 96 % : Less than 1—MONTH—AFTER 1—ASSERTIVELY anti —AMERICAN—N PRESIDENT—TOOK—OFFICE—IN—BOLIVIA, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is planning to cut military aid to the country by 96 %.
20060209             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Last night THE—GENERAL—SYNOD, complicity in the trade —AFTER hearing that the Church had run 1—SLAVE—PLANTATION in THE—WEST—INDIES +
20060209             SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD: BUSH—WARRANTLESS—WIRETAPPING—PROGRAM is Illegal and Unconstitutional : THE—PRESIDENT issued 1—CALL to spread freedom —THROUGHOUT the world + then he admitted that he has deprived AMERICAN—NS—OF—1—OF—THEIR most basic freedoms under the 4. Amendment - to be free from unjustified government intrusion.
20060209             The extraordinary legal DEFENCE—OF—GEORGE—BUSH—DOMESTIC spying reads like 1—BLEND—OF—KAFKA, Le Carré + Mel Brooks
20060209             JAMES—BOVARD: 1—TERRORIST on EVERY—CORNER?
20060209             USA—PLANS massive data sweep : LITTLE—KNOWN DATA—COLLECTION system could troll news, blogs, even E—MAILS.
20060209             Senate Majority Leader BILL—FRIST + House Speaker DENNIS—HASTERT engineered 1—BACKROOM legislative maneuver to protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits, say witnesses to THE—PRE—CHRISTMAS power play.
20060209             Descriptions of the working CONDITIONS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—WORKERS, even in the 'modern + affluent" North, sound like 1—THROWBACK to the days of the early industrial revolution.
20060209             Tale Of 1—CONNECTICUT—DONKEY: —WHILE Lieberman was polishing his commentary, 88—AMERICAN—N servicemen were killed.
20060209             RE—TURN—OIL—PROFITS to AMERICAN—N peopl e :
20060209             THE—USA—ENERGY—INFORMATION—ADMINISTRATION estimates that home heating oil prices this —YEAR will be 23 % higher than —LAST—YEAR;
20060209             —THROUGHOUT the Northern states,
20060209             IRAQ—BASIC—SERVICES are worse —NOW than —BEFORE war began : Virtually EVERY—MEASURE—OF—THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—IRAQ—OIL, electricity, water + sewerage sectors has fallen below PRE—INVASION—VALUES,
20060209             even though $ 16—BILLION—OF—USA taxpayer money has already been disbursed.
20060209             Gasoline Crisis in IRAQ: Citing 1—MOUNTAIN—OF unpaid bills, the governments of TURKEY + SAUDI—ARABIA have shut off gasoline exports to IRAQ.
20060209             Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
20060209             1 must read: Milton Mayer: They Thought They Were Free: THE—GERMANS, 19330000194500       00—DATE :
20060209             Real Audio - ISRAEL 'may rue Saddam overthrow' : THE—HEAD—OF—ISRAEL—DOMESTIC—SECURITY—AGENCY, Shin Bet, has said his country may come to regret THE—OVERTHROW—OF—FORMER—IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20060209             War pimp alert: IRAN may need force, warns Hurd : FORMER—FOREIGN—SECRETARY—LORD—HURD has said BRITAIN cannot "realistically" rule out using military force against IRAN over its nuclear programme.
20060209             RUSSIA confirms missile defence contract with IRAN : Amid the escalating crisis —AROUND IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAMME,
20060209             USA—SHIELD blunts ISRAEL i military option on IRAN : ISRAEL has long pursued 1—POLICY—OF preemptive attack as its preferred FORM—OF—DEFENCE.
20060209             "We are not AFRAID—OF—ATTACKS by THE—USA or by other countries on IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS because we have nothing to hide, we have no installations to produce nuclear weapons," IRAN—VICE—PRESIDENT—ESFANDYAR—RAHIM—MASHAEE said
20060209             Parallels are abound:
20060209             CHINA says welcomes IRAN—RUSSIA nuclear talks : CHINA said on —THURSDAY it welcomed talks between IRAN + RUSSIA next —WEEK on plans to defuse the crisis over TEHRAN—ATOMIC—PROGRAMME,
20060209             Report Says NUMBER—OF—ATTACKS by Insurgents in IRAQ Increases : Sweeping statistics on insurgent violence in IRAQ that were declassified for 1—SENATE hearing on —WEDNESDAY appear to portray 1—REBELLION whose ability to mount attacks has steadily grown in the nearly 3—YEARS—SINCE the invasion.
20060209             —SPAWNED, THE—BOLIVARIAN—REVOLUTION, by HUGO—CHAVEZ has given hope to countless millions, granting millions more the bravery to confront AMERICA + its vast TENTACLES—OF—MARKET—COLONIALISM that has devastated the entire region.
20060209             Life in THE—USA - - There were no - intelligence failures
20060209             concerning - IRAQ - The invasion was not 1—MISTAKE.
20060209             Neither was the torture. Instead, bright, rational - people
20060209             acted in the best tradition of USA foreign policy
20060209             —SINCE the birth of our great nation.
20060209             USA—STEPS up FORCE—FEEDING at Guantánamo Bay -
20060209             —AFTER concluding that some were determined to commit suicide to protest their indefinite confinement, military officials have said.
20060209             IRAN: the next war - - Has - TONY—BLAIR, our minuscule Caesar,
20060209             finally crossed his —TONY—BLAIR - Rubicon?
20060209             —SUBVERTED, TONY—BLAIR - Having, the laws of the civilised world +
20060209             TONY—BLAIR - brought carnage to 1—DEFENCELESS—PEOPLE +
20060209             —BLOODSHED, TONY—BLAIR -, to his own, people +
20060209             TONY—BLAIR - having lied + - TONY—BLAIR - lied + - TONY—BLAIR - used
20060209             to indulge his —TONY—BLAIR - profane SELF—PITY,
20060209             is TONY—BLAIR about to collude in 1—MORE—CRIME—BEFORE he —TONY—BLAIR - goes?
20060209             "We read this book more than 2—YEARS ago and it still haunts us. In fact, its vivid depiction of 1—FAILED—AMERICAN—N drug policy - grounded in THE—STORY—OF—THE—MURDER—OF—1—YOUNG—MAN in EL—PASO - kept returning to us, perhaps to force us to make amends and offer the riveting book as 1—BUZZFLASH premium".
20060209             MARK—CRISPIN—MILLER—CONNECTS—THE—DOTS on Election Problems, Part II. 1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW.
20060209             BUSH—SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—DANISH—CARTOON + Misleading THE—AMERICAN—N Public.
20060209             Read "Lost Mountain: 1—YEAR in the Vanishing Wilderness, Radical Strip Mining and the Devastation of Appalachia".
20060209             Don't Let Him Get Away With It. Available from BuzzFlash_com.
20060209             "There is always 1—CHANCE this could be the biggest scam perpetrated on USA—INTELLIGENCE,"
20060209             1—USA—SOURCE acknowledged.
20060209             —DISCOUNTED, But they eventually, that theory. Making it personal:
20060209             I have always said that the prelude to war would be marked by 1—STEPPED—UP
20060209             the latest effort comes from 1—STRIKING source: GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL compared PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD—OF—IRAN to ADOLF—HITLER...
20060209             Rumsfeld rattles the saber : —WHEN 1—GUY—LIKE—RUMSFELD says that military force is "1—OPTION"he usually means "it's 1—DONE deal".
20060209             Cannon here: Those of you who still think that the next target is Syria, not IRAN,
20060209             should wake up and note the distinct AROMA—OF—MAXWELL—HOUSE in the air...
20060209             As —RECENTLY as OCTOBER—IRAQ + CHINA were seen as the biggest threats, closely followed by NORTH—KOREA.
20060209             nahe des Kapitols in WASHINGTON gestern —ABEND mögliche Spuren von Nervengift fest,
20060209             woraufhin sich das Alarmsystem einschaltete.
20060209             darunter auch die Demokraten JOHN—KERRY, TED—KENNEDY und Hillary Clinton.
20060209             —GEBRACHT, Sie wurden während des Polizeieinsatzes in 1—GARAGE.
20060209             THE—ITALY—JOB—TIMELINE: 2. Course | CorrenteWire BERLUSCONI—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF, Nicolo' Pollari + THE—USA—NEOCONS work hand in hand to... It's 1—OLD—DISINFORMATION—TECHNIQUE from the Cold War.
20060209             He sells it to THE—FRANCE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY which promptly recognizes it as crap +... THE—CIA—ROME station CHIEF presses his ITALY—COUNTERPARTS for...
20060209             —WHILE SOME—OF—THE—OTHER—AGENCIES, namely the National Security Agency + the Defense Intelligence Agency, did'nt agree with us, CIA director JOHN—MCCONE...
20060209             went to CIA headquarters to pressure the Agency on IRAQ intelligence... MELVIN GOODMAN: Well, this is the longest STATEMENT—OF—DISINFORMATION that I..
20060209             " Disinformation might be THE—CHIEF—JOB—OF—1—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY ".
20060209             - JAMES ANGLETON, HEAD—OF—CIA counter- intelligence.
20060209             ; A20 ULAN BATOR—MONGOLIA -- On the vast FLATLANDS—OF—EAST—MONGOLIA, enclosed by a 2—MILE—WALL in the form of 1—OVAL, diggers have uncovered tantalizing clues to the solution of 1—OF—HISTORY—ENDURING mysteries: the site of Genghis KHAN—SECRET—GRAVE.
20060209             —GALLOPED, Although he and his descendants, out of MONGOLIA to subdue most of the known world, Genghis Khan was buried without 1—MONUMENT or even 1—HEADSTONE, in keeping with Mongol belief that the dead should not be disturbed.
20060209             —CARRIED, Legend has it that the soldiers who, out the mission were slaughtered to make sure the secret was safe for all time.
20060209             Life in BAGHDAD is nothing like life in Manhattan.
20060209             There have been - 441—MURDERS in NEW—YORK City so far this —YEAR.
20060209             In contrast, approximately
20060209             † 14,458 Iraqis have, in the war this —YEAR according to iCasualties, which counts casualties based on media reports.
20060209             much higher.
20060209             Full transcript below:
20060209             I mean, I'm talking about bumper to bumper traffic, talking about shopping centers, talking about restaurants, talking about video stores, talking about guys selling (inaudible) on the street corner, talking about major hotels.
20060209             Again, that's not something you'd see on television + at ANY—GIVEN time 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER can walk into 1—AMUSEMENT—CENTER, but the point I'm making is that the situation is more stable than you think.
20060209             CHÁVEZ tells BLAIR to go to hell:
20060209             Öffentlich wurde dieser Zwischenfall —ERST im April dieses Jahres, nachdem 1—AKTIVIST—DER—ANTI—BIOWAFFEN—ORGANISATION—SUNSHINE—PROJECT die Tamu gezwungen hatte, interne Dokumente zu dem Fall offenzulegen.
20060209             im April: "Man kann ja in den Kühlschrank klettern, um ihn mit Desinfektionsmittel auszuwischen - aber in 1—AEROSOLKAMMER, in der Versuchstiere mit möglichen Biowaffen angesteckt werden?"
20060209             Doch es kam noch dicker.
20060209             This programme traces the historic events up to and —AFTER the revolution and THE—IMPACT—OF—PEOPLE—POWER on THE—PHILIPPINES over the past 2 ...
20060209—12270000    —IN, Finding the spot where the great MONGOLIA—CONQUEROR was laid to rest by his famed horseback warriors would fill in 1—BLANK that has fascinated historians for centuries.
20060209—20010815    —ON, The last 30-year auction was.
20060209—20010911    —ON, Photos supporting the case that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT Napalmed THE—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER—TOWERS can be seen in THE—RENSE article,
20060209—20010911    —ON, WTC 7—SMOKE & Mirrors
20060209—20010911    Flight 93—PASSENGERS 'Lost'
20060209—20010911    Timeline Missing Pieces
20060209—20010911    —ON, Photos supporting the case that THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT Napalmed the World Trade Center Towers can be seen in THE—RENSE article, SOUTH—TOWER—EXIT Wounds Tell 911—TALE:
20060209—20021200    —DETAINED, Zaini has been, without trial under the Internal Security Act in MALAYSIA —SINCE he surrendered.
20060209—20030000    —IN, Report: IRAQ rebuilding costs 'much higher' than $ 56B : IRAQ will need more money to rebuild than the $ 56—BILLION forecast by the World Bank + THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 2—GOVERNMENT—WATCHDOGS said.
20060209—20040000    —IN, It is worth noting that THE—DENMARK—EDITOR
20060209—20060000    —YEAR, Parallels Between IRAN and PRE—WAR—IRAQ : IRAN is not IRAQ + the is not the same as 20030000             —YEAR for GEORGE—BUSH ;
20060209—20060330    —FREED, She was.
20060209—20200000    —BIS, Radikaler Plan: Schweden will sich vom Öl befreien
20060228—20060209    —ON, 1—CHILLING threat in freedom's land : The —FOLLOWING happened in THE—USA—OF—AMERICA—OF this —YEAR.
20060312—20060209    —RESIGNED, Top domestic advisor to Bush who, arrested for shoplifting at least 25—TIMES!
20061128             alfatomega.com/20050209.html - Brain D. Watson. alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20070209             USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES told reporters in MUNICH—GERMANY, that serial numbers and other markings on bombs suggested that Iranians were linked to deadly explosives used by IRAQ—MILITANTS.
20070209             FRED—EVERTS, 36—JAHRE—ALT, the former roommate of DEAN—ARTHUR—SCHWARTZMILLER (1—OF—THE—NATION—MOST prolific child molesters), was sentenced in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, to at least 800—YEARS in prison for sexually abusing 3—BOYS.
20070209             —BECAME, Fortress Investment Group LLC, the 1. private equity group to go public.
20070209             —ISSUED, Shares were, on THE—NYSE at $18.50 and closed at $31.
20070209             —REPORTED, It was, that researchers at THE—MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE—OF—TECHNOLOGY have overcome 1—MAJOR—OBSTACLE in harnessing the full power and SPEED—OF—THE—LIGHT—WAVES for INTERNET FIBER—OPTIC—NETWORKS.
20070209             —AMBUSHED, Taliban militants, 1—TRUCK—FULL—OF—AFGHANISTAN—POLICE in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, killing 4—OFFICERS and injuring 3. 1—SEPARATE gunfight left 11—TALIBAN fighters dead.
20070209             —DECLARED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES, the Vinto tin smelter to be nationalized.
20070209             —BASED, Glencore, the Swiss, owner, demanded compensation saying the seizure violated a 19910000              bilateral agreement between BOLIVIA and SWITZERLAND.
20070209             —ANNOUNCED, LONDON, airline tycoon RICHARD—BRANSON, a $25—MILLION prize for the 1. person to come up with 1—WAY—OF scrubbing greenhouse gases OUT—OF—THE—ATMOSPHERE in the battle to beat global warming.
20070209             UK—GOVERNMENT—SCIENTISTS said the avian flu strain that hit the farm in Suffolk owned by poultry giant BERNARD—MATTHEWS appeared to be identical to that found in HUNGARY, where Matthews owns local company SAGA Foods.
20070209             UK—BUS and train operator FirstGroup PLC said it agreed to buy USA—BASED bus company Laidlaw INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED in a 1.9—BILLION pound ($2.7—BILLION) deal.
20070209             —PLAYED, IAN—RICHARDSON, the evil FRANCIS—URQUHART in 3—TV miniseries "HOUSE—OF—CARDS" (19900000             ), "To Play THE—KING" (19930000             ) and "The final Cut" (19950000             ).
20070209             —DOCKED, CAMBODIA, THE—USA—NAVY—USS—GARY, at Sihanoukville, becoming the 1. USA—MILITARY craft to visit the former communist country in more than 30—YEARS.
20070209             —VOWED, CHINA—STATE—FOOD and Drug Administration, to probe up to 170,000 medicines produced by manufacturers, which allegedly bribed its sacked HEAD—ZHENG—XIAOYU for production licenses.
20070209             —INVESTIGATED, The top drug safety official was being, for bribery —AFTER 1—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS and scandals were linked to shoddy medicines.
20070209             CHINA, envoys to INTERNATIONAL talks on ending NORTH—KOREA—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM struggled to find 1—COMPROMISE as differences emerged over 1—CHINA—PROPOSAL on how to begin the disarmament process.
20070209             1—FRANCE—APPEALS—COURT ruled that PIERRE—PINONCELLI, 78—JAHRE—ALT, who attacked MARCEL—DUCHAMP'S famed porcelain urinal (fountain) with 1—HAMMER —LAST—YEAR, does not have to pay $260,000 in damages.
20070209             FRANCE, ALCATEL—LUCENT SA said it plans to cut another 3,500 jobs —AFTER it swung to 1—LOSS in the 4. quarter, the 1. for which the telecom equipment maker reported combined earnings.
20070209             —NAMED, GUINEA, PRESIDENT—LANSANA—CONTE, EUGENE—CAMARA, 1—RECENTLY appointed cabinet member, as PRIME—MINISTER.
20070209             —AIMED, The move was apparently, at appeasing union leaders who led 1—CRIPPLING 2—WEEK strike.
20070209             —SIGNED, Under 1—AGREEMENT, by THE—2—SIDES, the new PM cannot have previously served in the government.
20070209             —RAIDED, HUNDREDS—OF—UN—PEACEKEEPERS, HAITI—LARGEST and most violent slum, seizing 1—PORTION—OF it in a 6—HOUR—GUNBATTLE that left 1—GANG—MEMBER—DEAD and 2—SOLDIERS wounded.
20070209             —SUSPENDED, THE—UN—ATOMIC—MONITOR, nearly half the technical aid it provides to IRAN, 1—SYMBOLICALLY significant punishment for nuclear defiance that only NORTH—KOREA and Saddam HUSSEIN—IRAQ had faced in the past.
20070209             —DRESSED, Gunmen, in IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS swept into 1—VILLAGE—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, kidnapping 13—CIVILIANS and killing at least 11—OF—THEM.
20070209             † 1—UK—SOLDIER was killed and 3—OTHERS were hurt in 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20070209             † 3—USA—SOLDIERS, in 1—EXPLOSION in volatile Diyala province NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070209             —STORMED, ISRAEL—POLICE, the grounds of ISLAM—3.—HOLIEST shrine, firing stun grenades and tear gas to disperse THOUSANDS—OF—MUSLIM worshippers who hurled stones, bottles and trash in 1—ERUPTION—OF—OUTRAGE over ISRAEL—RENOVATION—NEARBY.
20070209             —RECALLED, Nichiro Corp., 1—JAPAN—FOOD—COMPANY, nearly 5—MILLION cans of tuna —AFTER 1—CUSTOMER found PART—OF—1—BOX cutter blade in 1 can.
20070209             —PRODUCED, The small piece of blade was found in 1 can of tuna, in VIETNAM in February 20060000              and imported to JAPAN by a 3. company for sale by Nichiro.
20070209             1—OFFICIAL said flooding in CENTRAL—MOZAMBIQUE threatened some 285,000—PEOPLE.
20070209             —REJOICED, Gazans, in the streets to celebrate 1—HAMAS—FATAH—POWER—SHARING deal they hope will avert civil war, but PALESTINE—OFFICIALS preached patience, saying implementing the agreement would be 1—CHALLENGE.
20070209             THE—KREMLIN said oil tycoon and Chelsea soccer club owner Abramovich will stay on as GOVERNOR—OF—THE—CHUKOTKA region in NORTH—EAST—RUSSIA.
20070209             —SUBMITTED, Abramovich had, his resignation in December.
20070209             VIETNAM, THE—USA—AMBASSADOR said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT will give VIETNAM $400,000 toward cleaning up 1—FORMER—USA—MILITARY—BASE contaminated by Agent ORANGE, its biggest step yet toward resolving 1—OF—THE—MOST contentious legacies of THE—VIETNAM War.
20070209             —AGREED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, to 1—SERBIA—REQUEST to delay final talks on the fate of breakaway Kosovo province by 1—WEEK to give BELGRADE time to appoint delegates.
20070209             Hickhack um Atomverhandlungen: Irans Unterhändler zieht Krankmeldung zurück
20070209             —KONSERVIERT, ANNA—NICOLE—SMITH: Totes Busenwunder wird
20070209             Tempelberg: Muslimische Hetze gegen Bauarbeiten
20070209             —BEGEISTERT, Fulminantes Börsendebüt: Hedgedfonds, Anleger in NEW—YORK
20070209             —ESKALIERT, Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz: Atomstreit mit IRAN
20070209             1—DAUERBRENNER dürfte insbesondere aber das Thema Russland werden.
20070209             In den vergangenen Tagen heizten der russische Verteidigungsminister Sergej Iwanow sowie der USA—SENATOR und republikanische Präsidentschaftsaspirant JOHN—MCCAIN die Debatte um einen in Osteuropa stationierten amerikanischen Raketenabwehrschirm an.
20070209             Beide haben sich auch für die Sicherheitskonferenz angekündigt.
20070209             Iwanow sprach in der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" von einem "unfreundlichen Signal",
20070209             dass Russland zu Gegenmaßnahmen zwinge.
20070209             Inzwischen hat der MINISTER—DIE—MODERNISIERUNG des russischen Raketenarsenals angekündigt.
20070209             Und McCain derweil spricht über den "imperialistischen Einfluss" der Russen auf ihre Nachbarn.
20070209             Umweltschützer hatten in den letzten Jahren immer wieder vor der Gefahr einer ÖL—KATASTROPHE in den teils engen + schwer befahrbaren OSTSEE—GEWÄSSERN vor Finnland gewarnt -
20070209             zumal aus Russland immer mehr Öltransporte kommen.
20070209             Rüstungslobbyist auf freiem Fuß: Staatsanwaltschaft warnt vor Flucht Schreibers
20070209             DRM- Debatte: EMI erwägt Verzicht auf Kopierschutz
20070209             Atomstreit: Laridschani sagt Teilnahme an Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz ab
20070209             JERUSALEM: VIELE—VERLETZTE bei Krawallen am Tempelberg
20070209             Nato- Einsatz in AFGHANISTAN: Kanadische Presse empört über die Deutschen
20070209             Erfinder- Wettbewerb: Milliardär lockt Klimaschützer mit Millionen- Preis
20070209             AFGHANISTAN- Einsatz: "Militärische Mittel reichen nicht aus"
20070209             Streit über Grabungsarbeiten: Krawalle am Tempelberg
20070209             110.000—TONNEN Rohöl an Bord: Tanker läuft im finnischen Meerbusen auf Grund
20070209             Saturn- Mond Enceladus: Lackiermeister des Sonnensystems
20070209             Streit über Heimflüge: Republikaner nehmen Pelosi ins Visier
20070209             Dienstwagen: SPD will Steuervorteile für Umweltverpester einschränken
20070209             PEPIS messages for 20030000              - 1—ARCHIVE
20070209             View' or ROBERT—REDFORD'S 'Three DAYS—OF—THE—CONDOR'.
20070209             TONY—GOSLING — - Democracy Watch ~ Stories from the Press
20070209             Watch THE—BBC fall back into the worst of the old days.
20070209             —COWED, Watch it become. The governors' OVER—REACTION
20070209             See also THE—DAY—AUNTIE—† by TONY—GOSLING...
20070209             Trade2Win Boards - Bush or Kerry?
20070209             The cost of such litigation will be great - with THE—CAPITAL—OF—CITIZENS' trust in their
20070209             leftists such as activist TONY—GOSLING are equally critical.
20070209             —SHOCKED, Yet, 1—BBC employee, who was so, at this story and the censorship...
20070209             It is said that THE—BBC was paid $500000 not to air the documentary.
20070209             GERMANY 195500001966          CUBA 196200001964          Laos.
20070209             Click on 1—NAME for 1—NEW—PROXIMITY—SEARCH:
20070209             Neue Solidarität 13/2004:Die "Strategie der Spannung" in Italien
20070209             Es begann eine neue Strategie, in deren Mittelpunkt wiederum die Loge P2 steht.
20070209             THEODOR—SHACKLEY, der Verbindungen zum P2 -Boß Gelli hatte.
20070209             Octolewinsky
20070209             —ALLEGED, Octopus familiar TED—SHACKLEY appears, —AFTER his, retirement from the
20070209             to OLIVER—NORTH and alleged P2 member MICHAEL—LEDEEN in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070209             that TED—SHACKLEY, deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—CIA—STATION in ROME
20070209             aangirfan: THE—BOLOGNA—BOMB 19800000             , Gladio, terrorism in EUROPE
20070209             P2 ,widely believed to have been involved in the
20070209             comeDonChisciotte - politica e informazione - LA BOMBA DI BOLOGNA...
20070209             "Dei documenti declassificati del servizio segreto rivelano che TED—SHACKLEY...
20070209             La P2 era un governo ombra di destra, pronto a prendere il potere in...
20070209             "Licio Gelli, grandmaster of the P2 masonic lodge - which a... - CRIMES—OF—THE—STATE: THE—OCTOPUS
20070209             —MENTIONED, Another name Khun Sa, repeatedly was TED—SHACKLEY.
20070209             —RUMORED, It is, that he was looking forward to inheriting THE—ITALY—FASCIST P2 account.
20070209             Operation Gladio...
20070209             The P2 Lodge behind the terrorism was 1—SECRET—SOCIETY on the right, not the left... but TED—SHACKLEY was arguably 1—GIANT in the clandestine world...
20070209             THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY
20070209             'P2' (Propaganda 2) are perhaps the most visible + are named —AFTER THE—PROPAGANDA...
20070209             1—STRATEGY—OF—TENSION THE—OKLAHOMA city bombing
20070209             —SUSPECTED—OF, The P2 organization was also, 19760000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—ITALIAN
20070209             Shackley, Singlaub + North would go on to orchestrate the secret and...
20070209             Lo Stay Behind e la sovranità limitata dell'EUROPA
20070209             e all'organizzazione dello Stay Behind (ma la loggia massonica P2 non e' una
20070209             di ROMA della CIA guidata allora da THEODORE—SHACKLEY e MARC—WYATT... - Wikipedia search result
20070209             The P2 lodge did undoubtedly have 1—CERTAIN—POWER in ITALY, given the public
20070209             "Declassified SECRET—SERVICE—PAPERS reveal that TED—SHACKLEY, deputy CHIEF...
20070209             —EXCERPTED, GROWTH—OF—REAGAN—CONTRA—COMMITMENT, from the book The...
20070209             Then note that MICHAEL—LEDEEN was working with TED—SHACKLEY in ITALY —AROUND
20070209             check out Ledeen in connection with the "STRATEGY—OF—TENSION" and P2 . - Whose terrorists?
20070209             P2 was 1—ANTI—COMMUNIST—SOCIETY hat had extensive illegal activities, in-... Among this group were RICHARD—SECORD, THEODORE—SHACKLEY, THOMAS—CLINES...
20070209             The phoenix program 260—VIETNAM, 68—73—COS shackley had orders to close down most
20070209             Parapolitics x 80—P2 VIETNAM, phoenix program most notorious of...
20070209             Centenarians Hold THE—KEY—TO—FOUNTAIN—OF—YOUTH
20070209             It is common knowledge that only 1—SMALL—PERCENTAGE—OF—PEOPLE have ever lived to be 100,
20070209             but new research shows THE—FOUNTAIN—OF—YOUTH may be found in 1—OF—THE—LEAST expected places--the very old.
20070209             Mystery notes, bombs threaten USA financial firms
20070209             Pipe bombs sent to USA asset management firms in KANSAS City and CHICAGO last —WEEK appear linked to 1—INDIVIDUAL known as "THE—BISHOP" who has authored 1—ESCALATING SERIES—OF—THREATS to firms over the last 18—MONTHS,
20070209             —DECIPHERED, Secret of moth flight
20070209             Edizioni Achab, informazione internazionale. Informazione da CUBA.
20070209             Durante gli anni trascorsi in Viet Nam, Shackley prese parte
20070209             alla loggia P2 di oltre 400—UFFICIALI delle forze armate italiane e della Nato.
20070209             THE—CIA in URUGUAY
20070209             Buddy the Dog Exposes THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER
20070209             once employed CIA spymaster Ted " Blond Ghost " Shackley ( —AFTER Shackley left the
20070209             —FOUNDED, With help from Lucio Gelli, who, the P2 P—2—ITALY—FREEMASON Lodge,
20070209             USA—SET for NORTH—KOREA climbdown:
20070209             THE—USA was set for embarrassing climbdown as 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—6—NATION talks over NORTH—KOREA opened —TODAY,
20070209             offering the best hope of 1—BREAKTHROUGH—SINCE the standoff over PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME began
20070209             Political fudge can't hide sham of Hicks charges:
20070209             So —AFTER—5—YEARS all we have are these pathetic and phoney charges.
20070209             —CHARGED, But DAVID—HICKS is still not.
20070209             THE—USA is walking all over THE—PRIME—MINISTER—MID-;;02;;
20070209             deadline - CHRIS—HEDGES: THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—WAR—ON—AMERICA:
20070209             ROBERT—SCHEER and JAMES—HARRIS speak with CHRIS—HEDGES, the veteran JOURNALIST—AND—AUTHOR—OF—THE—NEW—BOOK "USA—FASCISTS," about the threat of the radical Christian movement + about how getting it right on IRAQ ended his relationship with THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20070209             Exxon Record Shows Company Took Less Profit In Run Up To THE—ELECTION
20070209             ;: THE—FOUNDATION for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) said —TODAY—EARNINGS—REPORTS—SHOW that industry leaders cut domestic refining profits in THE—RUN—UP to the ;;11;;
20070209             election in order to lower gasoline prices,
20070209             very likely hoping to influence THE—MID—TERM—ELECTION.
20070209             —TANGLED, BUSH—UNCLE, in options probe:
20070209             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—UNCLE, William H.T. "Bucky" BUSH, was PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—OUTSIDE—DIRECTORS at 1—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR who realized about $6—MILLION in unauthorized pay from 1—OPTIONS backdating scheme,
20070209             according to USA securities investigators.
20070209             HSBC warns over USA—MORTGAGE bad debt:
20070209             HSBC, EUROPE—BIGGEST bank, last night gave warning that bad debts in its troubled USA—MORTGAGE lending business would be 20—PER cent higher than forecast.
20070209             —CONGRATULATED, Marine '' men for MURDER—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIAN: witness:
20070209             1—USA—MARINE—SQUAD—LEADER congratulated soldiers "for getting away with murder" —AFTER 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN was bound and shot dead at POINT—BLANK—RANGE, 1—MILITARY—COURT has heard.
20070209             USA—FEARS—IRAQ—INSURGENTS have better missiles as helicopter is downed:
20070209             —IMPROVED, Fears that IRAQ—INSURGENTS may be using either, missiles or better tactics mounted —AFTER the 5. helicopter in —JUST over 2—WEEKS was shot down by 1—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILE—NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070209             USA detains IRAQ MINISTER in raid:
20070209             —DETAINED, USA and IRAQ—FORCES have, the deputy health MINISTER —DURING 1—RAID on the Health Ministry building in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD,
20070209             1—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN and witnesses said.
20070209             IRAN—OFFICIAL: USA seeks to mask failure in IRAQ by scapegoating IRAN:
20070209             —PUBLISHED, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS said in 1—COMMENTARY, —THURSDAY that THE—USA was trying to use IRAN as its "scapegoat" for the failed policy in IRAQ and called on THE—USA to cooperate to end violence in THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20070209             —ATTACKED, IRAN will defend itself with 'worldwide strike' if :
20070209             —WARNED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH Khamenei has —TODAY, that if under attack, IRAN will hit back at USA—INTERESTS—WORLDWIDE.
20070209             IRAN tests missiles "able to sink big warships":
20070209             "These missiles, with 1—MAXIMUM—RANGE—OF—350—KM (220—MILES), can hit different kinds of big warships in ALL—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF,
20070209             ALL—OF—THE—SEA—OF—OMAN and THE—NORTH—OF—THE—INDIA—OCEAN," senior Revolutionary Guards naval COMMANDER—ALI—FADAVI said.
20070209             —DETECTED, IRAN says CIA, Mossad spy ring :
20070209             —DETECTED, IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—MINISTER—SAID—THURSDAY the government had, 1—NETWORK—OF—USA and ISRAEL—SPIES + detained a 2. GROUP—OF—PEOPLE who planned to go abroad for espionage training, state television reported.
20070209             —CONFRONTED, Rice, over IRAN evidence:
20070209             Condoleezza Rice, THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, has been confronted in congress over THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—FAILURE to provide firm evidence for IRAN's alleged nuclear weapons development.
20070209             Alliance split over IRAN nuclear defiance:
20070209             Europeans are accusing Americans of STRONG—ARMING them into cracking down on IRAN in the latest TRANS—ATLANTIC—CONFLICT,
20070209             1—DISPUTE that is straining efforts to maintain 1—JOINT—FRONT on TEHRAN over its refusal to freeze uranium enrichment.
20070209             We must oppose ANY—ATTACK on IRAN:
20070209             We Iranians, MPs and campaigners demand that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT oppose and condemn ANY—FORM—OF—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with IRAN.
20070209             Poll: 40—PERCENT—OF—USA voters believe THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY has been 1—KEY—FACTOR in going to war in IRAQ and —NOW confronting IRAN:
20070209             1—NEW—POLL commissioned by the Council for the National Interest Foundation shows that 1—SIGNIFICANT—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS are WARY—OF—THE—POWER—OF—THE—ISRAEL lobby + believe it is behind the invasion of IRAQ and the current belligerent TONE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Congress toward IRAN.
20070209             ISRAEL, USA begin discussions on renewal of foreign aid package:
20070209             —ASKED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION this —WEEK, Congress for $2.4—BILLION in financial aid for ISRAEL—SECURITY—NEEDS,
20070209             the highest amount possible under AMERICA—CURRENT—AGREEMENT with ISRAEL.
20070209             Palestinians agree on unity government:-
20070209             —REACHED, Rival PALESTINE—FACTIONS, 1—COMPREHENSIVE—DEAL—THURSDAY on forming 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—UNITY at marathon talks in MECCA, officials from both sides said.
20070209             ISRAEL—PM to UK: Enact law prohibiting IDF officers' arrest in BRITAIN:
20070209             BRITAIN is a 'police STATE—FOR—MUSLIMS':
20070209             "It's 1—POLICE—STATE—FOR—MUSLIMS," MISTER—BAKR told THE—BBC.
20070209             "It's not 1—POLICE—STATE for everyone else, because these terror laws are designed specifically for Muslims," he said.
20070209             The same neocon ideologues behind THE—IRAQ war have been using the same TACTICS—ALLIANCES with shady exiles,
20070209             dubious intelligence on W.M.D.—TO push for THE—BOMBING—OF—IRAN.
20070209             As PRESIDENT—BUSH ups the pressure on TEHRAN,
20070209             is he planning to double his MIDDLE—EAST bet?
20070209             THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION can also contribute to ending the current nightmare — and preventing future ones — by recognizing that occupation and the threat or USE—OF—FORCE are not merely impermissible under INTERNATIONAL law,
20070209             but indeed imprudent in purely political calculations of national interest.
20070209             New Format- - THE—WORLD—CAN'T—WAIT, Won't Wait, Isn't Waiting
20070209             Cynthia McKinney Speech - KUALA—LUMPUR Peace Conference
20070209             "Something is happening in our world!" The world's marginalized, exploited + dispossessed are taking center stage because they have decided to defy imperial domination.
20070209             They are saying that resource wars that hurt the masses and benefit the few are illegal, immoral + —JUST plain wrong.
20070209             New Format- - USA Caves In on NORTH—KOREA-
20070209             THERE—BEEN plenty of saber rattling and bold talk about forcing NORTH—KOREA to abandon its nuclear weapons program,
20070209             but —AFTER a 6—YEAR standoff, BUSH has decided to give in to KIM—JUNG—IL—DEMANDS.
20070209             New Format- - JONAH—GOLDBERG—GAMBLING—DEBT
20070209             Will the Tribune Company Pay It Off? -By JEFF—COHEN
20070209             There are MANY—SHADES of rightwing punditry in our country.
20070209             Among the shadiest is JONAH—GOLDBERG.
20070209             New Format- - CANADIAN—USA and MEXICO—OFFICIALS held secretive meeting on integration-
20070209             —DISCUSSED, CANADIAN—USA and MEXICO—POLITICIANS, using "stealth" to overcome public resistance to the integration of THE—3—COUNTRIES at 1—CONFIDENTIAL meeting —LAST—YEAR,
20070209             according to documents —JUST released under USA FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—LAWS.
20070209             New Format- - Credible Report: IRAN Offered Comprehensive Talks with USA and the Recognition of ISRAEL.
20070209             Condi RICE—PULLS 1—SCOOTER—LIBBY and Claims That She Can't Quite Remember It All.
20070209             With Gore Nominated for 1—ACADEMY—AWARD and 1—NOBLE—PRIZE, Here is the Book That Started It All: "Earth in the Balance"
20070209             House Democratic leaders said —THURSDAY that members will vote next —WEEK on 1—RESOLUTION stating opposition to PRESIDENT—BUSH—DECISION to send more forces into combat and voicing support for the troops.
20070209             Faced with VICE—PRESIDENT—AUTHORIZATION—OF—TREASON at Libby Trial and Continued Deterioration in THE—GOP IRAQ Fiasco,
20070209             Republicans Try Swift Boating Pelosi.
20070209             He Should Have 1—CELL in Gitmo.
20070209             (Will it Work as Body Armor?) -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT - Supporters push Gore to run
20070209             PAUL—KRUGMAN: Edwards Gets It Right on Health Insurance 2/9 - Support the Troops: Stop the Escalaton
20070209             Sign the Petition Against Mandatory Gun Ownership!
20070209             Do You Want to be FORCED to Own 1—GUN?
20070209             Madness. "InstaPundit" Thinks you Should be.
20070209             Banning Toy Guns? How About Dealing with the Real Guns?
20070209             Sign the Statement That We Need to Deal With Real Guns —BEFORE Toy Guns.
20070209             Dubya and Laura: THE—GLOBE tabloid says that they are going through 1—TRIAL—SEPARATION.
20070209             Of course, tabs lie.
20070209             WHAT—ODD is that their lies always skew right.
20070209             Like Fox, they are 1—PROPAGANDA—ARM—OF—THE—REPUBLIC—PARTY.
20070209             So what's going on here...? Labels: ANNA—NICOLE—SMITH,
20070209             JOSEPH—STIGLITZ, along with Harvard budget expert, Linda Blimes, suggests the total costs of THE—IRAQ War will be between $1—TRILLION and $2—TRILLION...
20070209             Inzucht: Verblüffende Geschwisterliebe unter Fischen
20070209             Atomstreit: Baradei warnt USA und IRAN vor unkontrollierter Kettenreaktion
20070209             Nuklearstreit: Nordkorea soll Atomwaffenprogramm innerhalb von 2—MONATEN einfrieren
20070209             AFGHANISTAN- Strategie: USA loben Deutsche und fordern mehr Einsatz
20070209             Verteidigung: Unionspolitiker wollen Deutschland unter USA- Raketenschild
20070209             Vereinbarung: Hamas und Fatah teilen sich die Macht - OS and Servers News
20070209             —20—YEARS—BEFORE most scientists expected it, 1—COMMERCIAL—COMPANY has announceda quantum computer that promises to massively speed up searches and optimisation calculations.
20070209             D—WAVE - of UK—COLUMBIA has promised to demonstrate
20070209             1—QUANTUM computer next —TUESDAY, that can carry out 64,000 calculations simultaneously (in parallel "universes"), thanks to 1—NEW—TECHNIQUE
20070209             which rethinks THE—ALREADY—UNCANNY world of quantum computing.
20070209             But the academic - UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR—CHASTISED—FOR—USING—TOR
20070209             with a 1.—PERSON account from THE—CHRONICLE—OF—HIGHER—EDUCATION by 1—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSOR
20070209             who was asked to stop using Tor.
20070209             UNIVERSITY—IT and campus security staffers came knocking on PAUL—CESARINI—DOOR asking why he was using the anonymizing network.
20070209             —REQUESTED, They, that he stop and also that he not teach his students about it.
20070209             The visitors said it was likely against university policy (1—POLICY they probably were not aware that Cesarini had helped to draft).
20070209             The professor seems genuinely to appreciate the problems that 1—CAMPUS—IT department faces;
20070209             but in the end he took 1—STAND for academic freedom.
20070209             "INDONESIA has apparently decided to play THE—IP game, with the world's health at stake.
20070209             The country, 1—OF—THE—HARDEST—HIT by avian flu, has stopped submitting virus samples to the World Health Organization + is negotiating to sell them to 1—USA—DRUG—COMPANY that makes the vaccine.
20070209             —SLIGHTED, They feel, —WHEN they give away such samples, but then cannot afford the patented vaccines.
20070209             Logical to me, given THE—RULES—OF—THE—GAME;
20070209             however, can't we come up with SOME—GPL'ISH license to free ANY—PRODUCT based on this data?"
20070209             "The big media companies —IMMEDIATELY assume you are guilty by your mere presence on 1—BITTORRENT swarm,
20070209             1—INVESTIGATION by 1—UNIVERSITY—SECURITY—WORKER reveals.
20070209             Turns out companies like BayTSP (which the media companies employ) will send shutdown notices to ISPs without ANY—EVIDENCE—OF—COPYRIGHT—INFRINGMENT;
20070209             all they feel they need is 1—INDICATION that you are reported by the tracker to be in the swarm.
20070209             —FROM the post: "For my investigation, I wrote 1—VERY—SIMPLE—BITTORRENT client.
20070209             —ACTED, My client sent 1—REQUEST to the tracker + generally, like 1—NORMAL—BITTORRENT client up to sharing files.
20070209             —REFUSED, The client, to accept downloads of, or upload copyrighted content.
20070209             It obeyed the law... With —JUST this, completely legal, BitTorrent client, I was able to get notices from BayTSP.
20070209             To put this in to perspective,
20070209             if BayTSP were trying to bust me for doing drugs, it'd be like getting arrested because I was hanging out with SOME—DEALERS,
20070209             but they never saw me using, buying, or selling ANY—DRUGS".
20070209             Harvard Physicists Make Light Dance-
20070209             —KDAWSON—93 - tetrikphimvin and others clued us to the latest work by HARVARD—LENE—VESTERGAARD—HAU,
20070209             being published —TODAY in the journal Nature.
20070209             —ENCODED, THE—NYTIMES has 1—GOOD layman's overview of how HAU—TEAM, 1—LIGHT beam in 1—CLUMP of atoms and —LATER reconstituted it elsewhere.
20070209             "D—WAVE—SYSTEMS—OF—UK—COLUMBIA is all set to demonstrate a 16-qubit quantum computer.
20070209             Simple devices have been built in the lab —BEFORE + this is still 1—PROTOTYPE,
20070209             but it is 1—COMMERCIAL—PROJECT that aims to get quantum devices into computer rooms, solving tricky problems such as financial optimization.
20070209             Most quantum computers have to be isolated from the outside world (look at them and they stop working).
20070209             This 1 is an 'adiabatic' quantum computer — which means (in theory, says D—WAVE) that it can live with thermal noise and give results without having to be isolated.
20070209             THERE—1—DESCRIPTION—OF it here — and pretty pictures too".
20070209             "USA—SENATORS introduced 1—BILL that better protects THE—PRIVACY—OF—CITIZENS' personal information in THE—FACE—OF—DATA—SECURITY breaches across the country.
20070209             Key features of the bipartisan legislation include increasing criminal penalties for identity theft involving electronic personal data and making it 1—CRIME to intentionally or willfully conceal 1—SECURITY breach involving personal data".
20070209             "2—SCIENTISTS have rendered amazing pictures using datafiles from the human genome project.
20070209             —ASSIGNED, They, different colors to THE—DNA and rendered images showing interesting patterns and strange structures of our chromosomes.
20070209             It might be 1—GROUNDBREAKING new idea for displaying and maybe better understanding our genes.
20070209             With it's fascinating pictures it is 1—BEAUTIFUL—MIX—OF—SCIENCE and art".
20070209             "The website of 1—COSMETIC surgery patient critical of her SACRAMENTO surgeon's work is protected free speech,
20070209             1—APPEALS—COURT said in 1—OPINION that could have statewide implications.
20070209             The website contains —BEFORE and —AFTER photographs of 33-year-old Georgette GILBERT,
20070209             who said the surgery left her with 1—EYEBROW higher than the other and 1 surprised look permanently affixed to her face.
20070209             —CHALLENGED, The website was, in 1—DEFAMATION—SUIT filed by surgeon JONATHAN—SYKES, 1—PROMINENT—PROFESSOR and television commentator on the subject of cosmetic surgery.
20070209             the opinion suggests that others who use 'hot topics' of public interest in their advertisements and promotions may shed protections against defamation afforded to ordinary citizens".
20070209             THE—PENTAGON—INSPECTOR—GENERAL has found that RUMSFELD aide DOUGLAS—FEITH—ROGUE PRE—WAR intel group was an "inappropriate" USE—OF—INTELLIGENCE by PENTAGON civilians + was "predisposed to finding 1—SIGNIFICANT—RELATIONSHIP between IRAQ and AL—QAEDA".
20070209             Senate intel chairman JAY—ROCKEFELLER (D—WV) says he will probe whether THE—PENTAGON broke the law by "failing to notify Congress about the group's work.
20070209             All 435—HOUSE—MEMBERS will be allowed to view the classified VERSION—OF—THE—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE on IRAQ, providing "fuel for 1—HOUSE—DEBATE
20070209             " next —WEEK in which all members "will be given 5—MINUTES to speak" on BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070209             For the 1. time in history, " MORE—OF—AMERICA—POOR are living in the suburbs than the cities — 1.2—MILLION—MORE,
20070209             according to a 20050000              survey.
20070209             'The suburbs have reached 1—TIPPING point,
20070209             ' says Brookings Institution analyst ALAN—BERUBE".
20070209             1—COMPETITION announced to see "who comes up with the best way of removing significant AMOUNTS—OF—CARBON dioxide
20070209             —RELEASED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, a "fact sheet" —YESTERDAY saying Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES and Joint Chiefs Chairman PETER—PACE didn't mean it —WHEN they said
20070209             voting on 1—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION will not hurt the morale of USA troops.
20070209             Carlyle in line for £350m from QinetiQ float - Business News... - Bush - Edwards,
20070209             —FROM the atmosphere".
20070209             —LINKED, The article, below lists 1—POSSIBLE—DATE—OF—20070707           .
20070209             Iwanow sprach in der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" von einem "unfreundlichen Signal", dass Russland zu Gegenmaßnahmen zwinge.
20070209             PEPIS messages for 20030000              - 1—ARCHIVE—CHECK out for 1—COPY, if THE—BBC won't...
20070209             - TONY—GOSLING — - Democracy Watch ~ Stories from the Press
20070209             —COWED, Watch it become.
20070209             The governors' OVER—REACTION... See also THE—DAY—AUNTIE † by TONY—GOSLING.
20070209             The cost of such litigation will be great - with THE—CAPITAL—OF—CITIZENS' trust in their... leftists such as activist TONY—GOSLING are equally critical.
20070209             —SHOCKED, THE—TYRANNY—RESPONSE—UNIT—NEWS—YET, 1—BBC employee, who was so, at this story and the censorship...
20070209             GERMANY 19550000196600       00—DATE CUBA 19620000196400       00—DATE Laos.
20070209             PROPAGANDA DUE (P2) PROPAGANDA DUE ( P2 ).
20070209             Neue Solidarität 13/2004:Die "Strategie der Spannung" in Italien... Es begann eine neue Strategie, in deren Mittelpunkt wiederum die Loge P2 steht.
20070209             THEODOR—SHACKLEY, der Verbindungen zum P2 -Boß Gelli hatte. www.solidaritaet_com/neuesol/2004/13/spannung.htm
20070209             —ALLEGED, Octolewinsky Octopus familiar TED—SHACKLEY appears, —AFTER his, retirement from the... to OLIVER—NORTH and alleged P2 member MICHAEL—LEDEEN in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070209             Licio Gelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
20070209             In 1—INTERVIEW, 1—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that TED—SHACKLEY, THE—CIA—DEPUTY... P2 ,widely believed to have been involved in the
20070209             propaganda matrix_com/articles/august2005/170805operationgladio.htm">THE—KILLING—OF—DE—MENEZES and Operation Gladio
20070209             Operation Gladio... Licio Gelli "In 1—INTERVIEW—THE—EX—NATO—OPERATIVE said that TED—SHACKLEY... He said P2 was also involved in arms and drugs trafficking for THE—CIA.
20070209             Amazon_com: Profile For ROBERT—D—STEELE: Reviews
20070209             THE—JOHN—BIRCH—SOCIETY ' P2 ' (Propaganda 2) are perhaps the most visible + are named —AFTER the propaganda...
20070209             —SUSPECTED—OF, The P2 organization was also, 19760000             —THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—ITALIAN... Shackley, Singlaub + North would go on to orchestrate the secret and...
20070209             e all'organizzazione dello Stay Behind (ma la loggia massonica P2 non e' una... di ROMA della CIA guidata allora da THEODORE—SHACKLEY e MARC—WYATT...
20070209             Wikipedia search result
20070209             The P2 lodge did undoubtedly have 1—CERTAIN—POWER in ITALY, given the public... "Declassified SECRET—SERVICE—PAPERS reveal that TED—SHACKLEY, deputy CHIEF...
20070209             Democratic Underground Forums - Printer friendly page, topic ID..
20070209             Then note that MICHAEL—LEDEEN was working with TED—SHACKLEY in ITALY —AROUND... check out Ledeen in connection with the "STRATEGY—OF—TENSION" and P2.
20070209             Whose terrorists?
20070209             The phoenix program 260—VIETNAM, 68—73—COS shackley had orders to close down most... Parapolitics x 80—P2 VIETNAM, phoenix program most notorious of...
20070209             It is common knowledge that only 1—SMALL—PERCENTAGE—OF—PEOPLE have ever lived to be 100, but new research shows THE—FOUNTAIN—OF—YOUTH may be found in 1—OF—THE—LEAST expected places--the very old.
20070209             Pipe bombs sent to USA asset management firms in KANSAS City and CHICAGO last —WEEK appear linked to 1—INDIVIDUAL known as "THE—BISHOP" who has authored 1—ESCALATING SERIES—OF—THREATS to firms over the last 18—MONTHS, 1—CORPORATE—COUNTER—TERRORISM—EXPERT said on —THURSDAY.
20070209             —BY severing moths' antennae then supergluing them back together, USA—SCIENTISTS may have cracked the mystery of how these insects balance —DURING flight.
20070209             Edizioni Achab, informazione internazionale.
20070209             Informazione da CUBA... Durante gli anni trascorsi in Viet Nam, Shackley prese parte... alla loggia P2 di oltre 400—UFFICIALI delle forze armate italiane e della Nato.
20070209             SPARK 4/85—P2 -4. BLUM W. (19950000             ). - - KILLING HOPE, 201-2, 64-70, URUGUAY.
20070209             BUDDY—THE—DOG—EXPOSES—THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER ' P2 ' (Propaganda 2) are perhaps the most visible + are named —AFTER the...
20070209             THE—USA is walking all over THE—PRIME—MINISTER—MID—FEBRUARY deadline
20070209             CHRIS—HEDGES: THE—CHRISTIAN—RIGHT—WAR—ON—AMERICA : ROBERT—SCHEER and JAMES—HARRIS speak with CHRIS—HEDGES, the veteran JOURNALIST—AND—AUTHOR—OF—THE—NEW—BOOK "USA—FASCISTS," about the threat of the radical Christian movement + about how getting it right on IRAQ ended his relationship with THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20070209             Exxon Record Shows Company Took Less Profit In Run Up To THE—ELECTION ;: THE—FOUNDATION for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) said —TODAY—EARNINGS—REPORTS—SHOW that industry leaders cut domestic refining profits in THE—RUN—UP to the November election in order to lower gasoline prices, very likely hoping to influence THE—MID—TERM—ELECTION.
20070209             —TANGLED, BUSH—UNCLE, in options probe :PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—UNCLE, WILLIAM—HT "Bucky" Bush, was PART—OF—1—GROUP—OF—OUTSIDE—DIRECTORS at 1—DEFENSE—CONTRACTOR who realized about $6—MILLION in unauthorized pay from 1—OPTIONS backdating scheme, according to USA—SECURITIES—INVESTIGATORS.
20070209             HSBC warns over USA—MORTGAGE—BAD—DEBT : HSBC, EUROPE—BIGGEST bank, last night gave warning that bad debts in its troubled USA—MORTGAGE lending business would be 20—PER cent higher than forecast.
20070209             —CONGRATULATED, Marine '' men for MURDER—OF—IRAQ—CIVILIAN: witness : 1—USA—MARINE—SQUAD—LEADER congratulated soldiers "for getting away with murder" —AFTER 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN was bound and shot dead at POINT—BLANK—RANGE, 1—MILITARY—COURT has heard.
20070209             USA—FEARS—IRAQ—INSURGENTS have better missiles as helicopter is downed : Fears that IRAQ—INSURGENTS may be using either improved missiles or better tactics mounted —AFTER the 5. helicopter in —JUST over 2—WEEKS was shot down by 1—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILE—NORTH—WEST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070209             USA detains IRAQ MINISTER in raid : USA and IRAQ—FORCES have detained the deputy health MINISTER —DURING 1—RAID on the Health Ministry building in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, 1—MINISTRY—SPOKESMAN and witnesses said.
20070209             IRAN—OFFICIAL: USA seeks to mask failure in IRAQ by scapegoating IRAN : IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS said in 1—COMMENTARY published —THURSDAY that THE—USA was trying to use IRAN as its "scapegoat" for the failed policy in IRAQ and called on THE—USA to cooperate to end violence in THE—WAR—TORN nation.
20070209             —ATTACKED, IRAN will defend itself with 'worldwide strike' if, : IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH Khamenei has —TODAY warned that if under attack, IRAN will hit back at USA—INTERESTS—WORLDWIDE.
20070209             IRAN tests missiles "able to sink big warships" : "These missiles, with 1—MAXIMUM—RANGE—OF—350—KM (220—MILES), can hit different kinds of big warships in ALL—OF—THE—PERSIAN—GULF, ALL—OF—THE—SEA—OF—OMAN and THE—NORTH—OF—THE—INDIA—OCEAN," senior Revolutionary Guards naval COMMANDER—ALI—FADAVI said.
20070209             —DETECTED, IRAN says CIA, Mossad spy ring, : IRAN—INTELLIGENCE—MINISTER—SAID—THURSDAY the government had detected 1—NETWORK—OF—USA and ISRAEL—SPIES + detained a 2. GROUP—OF—PEOPLE who planned to go abroad for espionage training, state television reported.
20070209             —CONFRONTED, Rice, over IRAN evidence : Condoleezza Rice, THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE, has been confronted in congress over THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—FAILURE to provide firm evidence for IRAN's alleged nuclear weapons development.
20070209             Alliance split over IRAN nuclear defiance : Europeans are accusing Americans of STRONG—ARMING them into cracking down on IRAN in the latest TRANS—ATLANTIC—CONFLICT, 1—DISPUTE that is straining efforts to maintain 1—JOINT—FRONT on TEHRAN over its refusal to freeze uranium enrichment.
20070209             We must oppose ANY—ATTACK on IRAN : We Iranians, MPs and campaigners demand that THE—UK—GOVERNMENT oppose and condemn ANY—FORM—OF—MILITARY—CONFRONTATION with IRAN.
20070209             Poll: 40—PERCENT—OF—USA—VOTERS believe THE—ISRAEL—LOBBY has been 1—KEY—FACTOR in going to war in IRAQ and —NOW confronting IRAN : 1—NEW—POLL commissioned by the Council for the National Interest Foundation shows that 1—SIGNIFICANT—NUMBER—OF—AMERICANS are WARY—OF—THE—POWER—OF—THE—ISRAEL lobby + believe it is behind the invasion of IRAQ and the current belligerent TONE—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE and Congress toward IRAN.
20070209             ISRAEL, USA begin discussions on renewal of foreign aid package : THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION this —WEEK asked Congress for $2.4—BILLION in financial aid for ISRAEL—SECURITY—NEEDS, the highest amount possible under AMERICA—CURRENT—AGREEMENT with ISRAEL.
20070209             Palestinians agree on unity government: - Rival PALESTINE—FACTIONS reached 1—COMPREHENSIVE—DEAL—THURSDAY on forming 1—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—UNITY at marathon talks in MECCA, officials from both sides said.
20070209             BRITAIN is a 'police STATE—FOR—MUSLIMS' : "It's 1—POLICE—STATE—FOR—MUSLIMS," MISTER—BAKR told THE—BBC.
20070209             —FROM the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You IRAQ
20070209             The same neocon ideologues behind THE—IRAQ war have been using the same TACTICS—ALLIANCES with shady exiles, dubious intelligence on W.M.D.—TO push for THE—BOMBING—OF—IRAN.
20070209             As PRESIDENT—BUSH ups the pressure on TEHRAN, is he planning to double his MIDDLE—EAST bet?
20070209             New Format - Old Format - How Not to Inflame IRAQ - IRAN—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS
20070209             THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION can also contribute to ending the current nightmare — and preventing future ones — by recognizing that occupation and the threat or USE—OF—FORCE are not merely impermissible under INTERNATIONAL law, but indeed imprudent in purely political calculations of national interest.
20070209             New Format - Old Format - THE—WORLD—CAN'T—WAIT, Won't Wait, Isn't Waiting
20070209             New Format - Old Format - USA Caves In on NORTH—KOREA
20070209             THERE—BEEN plenty of saber rattling and bold talk about forcing NORTH—KOREA to abandon its nuclear weapons program, but —AFTER a 6—YEAR standoff, Bush has decided to give in to KIM—JUNG—IL—DEMANDS.
20070209             New Format - Old Format - JONAH—GOLDBERG—GAMBLING—DEBT
20070209             Among the shadiest is JONAH—GOLDBERG. New Format - Old Format
20070209             —DISCUSSED, CANADIAN—USA and MEXICO—POLITICIANS, using "stealth" to overcome public resistance to the integration of THE—3—COUNTRIES at 1—CONFIDENTIAL meeting —LAST—YEAR, according to documents —JUST released under USA—FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—LAWS.
20070209             New Format - Old Format
20070209             Faced with VICE—PRESIDENT—AUTHORIZATION—OF—TREASON at Libby Trial and Continued Deterioration in THE—GOP IRAQ Fiasco, Republicans Try Swift Boating Pelosi.
20070209             —BY the Way, Did You Know Rumsfeld Still Has 1—DESK at the Pentagon?
20070209             ARMY—LAST—DITCH—ATTEMPT to Reduce Spiking Casualties: 1—NEW—HANDBOOK—CALLED "Surviving IRAQ".
20070209             (Will it Work as Body Armor?) -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ALERT
20070209             So what's going on here...? Labels: ANNA—NICOLE—SMITH, bloggers, Edwards, Bush " rel=—TAG>Laura Bush, tabloids Permalink
20070209             S—JUAN—SENTINEL: DYING TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY JOSEPH—STIGLITZ, along with Harvard budget expert, Linda Blimes, suggests the total costs of THE—IRAQ War will be between $1—TRILLION and $2—TRILLION...
20070209             08—FEBRUARY 20070000              Quantum computer to debut next —WEEK
20070209             —PROMISED, D—WAVE—OF—UK—COLUMBIA has, to demonstrate 1—QUANTUM computer next —TUESDAY, that can carry out 64,000 calculations simultaneously (in parallel "universes"), thanks to 1—NEW—TECHNIQUE which rethinks THE—ALREADY—UNCANNY world of quantum computing.
20070209             INDONESIA Stops Sharing Avian Virus Samples
20070209             "INDONESIA has apparently decided to play THE—IP game, with the world's health at stake. The country, 1—OF—THE—HARDEST—HIT by avian flu, has stopped submitting virus samples to the World Health Organization + is negotiating to sell them to 1—USA—DRUG—COMPANY that makes the vaccine. They feel slighted —WHEN they give away such samples, but then cannot afford the patented vaccines. Logical to me, given THE—RULES—OF—THE—GAME; however, can't we come up with SOME—GPL'ISH license to free ANY—PRODUCT based on this data?"
20070209             To Media Companies, BitTorrent Implies Guilt
20070209             "The big media companies —IMMEDIATELY assume you are guilty by your mere presence on 1—BITTORRENT swarm, 1—INVESTIGATION by 1—UNIVERSITY—SECURITY—WORKER reveals. Turns out companies like BayTSP (which the media companies employ) will send shutdown notices to ISPs without ANY—EVIDENCE—OF—COPYRIGHT—INFRINGMENT; all they feel they need is 1—INDICATION that you are reported by the tracker to be in the swarm".
20070209             —FROM the post: "For my investigation, I wrote 1—VERY—SIMPLE—BITTORRENT client. My client sent 1—REQUEST to the tracker + generally acted like 1—NORMAL—BITTORRENT client up to sharing files. The client refused to accept downloads of, or upload copyrighted content. It obeyed the law... With —JUST this, completely legal, BitTorrent client, I was able to get notices from BayTSP. To put this in to perspective, if BayTSP were trying to bust me for doing drugs, it'd be like getting arrested because I was hanging out with SOME—DEALERS, but they never saw me using, buying, or selling ANY—DRUGS".
20070209             Harvard Physicists Make Light Dance - kdawson 93 - tetrikphimvin and others clued us to the latest work by HARVARD—LENE—VESTERGAARD—HAU, being published —TODAY in the journal Nature.
20070209             THE—HARVARD—GAZETTE offers additional details, 1—PHOTO + video links.
20070209             Quantum Computer To Launch Next —WEEK
20070209             "D—WAVE—SYSTEMS—OF—UK—COLUMBIA is all set to demonstrate a 16-qubit quantum computer. Simple devices have been built in the lab —BEFORE + this is still 1—PROTOTYPE, but it is 1—COMMERCIAL—PROJECT that aims to get quantum devices into computer rooms, solving tricky problems such as financial optimization. Most quantum computers have to be isolated from the outside world (look at them and they stop working). This 1 is an 'adiabatic' quantum computer — which means (in theory, says D—WAVE) that it can live with thermal noise and give results without having to be isolated. THERE—1—DESCRIPTION—OF it here — and pretty pictures too".
20070209             Senate Introduces Strong Privacy Bill
20070209             "USA—SENATORS introduced 1—BILL that better protects THE—PRIVACY—OF—CITIZENS' personal information in THE—FACE—OF—DATA—SECURITY breaches across the country. Key features of the bipartisan legislation include increasing criminal penalties for identity theft involving electronic personal data and making it 1—CRIME to intentionally or willfully conceal 1—SECURITY breach involving personal data".
20070209             "2—SCIENTISTS have rendered amazing pictures using datafiles from the human genome project. They assigned different colors to THE—DNA and rendered images showing interesting patterns and strange structures of our chromosomes. It might be 1—GROUNDBREAKING new idea for displaying and maybe better understanding our genes. With it's fascinating pictures it is 1—BEAUTIFUL—MIX—OF—SCIENCE and art".
20070209             Woman Wins Right to Criticize Surgeon on Website
20070209             "The website of 1—COSMETIC surgery patient critical of her SACRAMENTO surgeon's work is protected free speech, 1—APPEALS—COURT said in 1—OPINION that could have statewide implications. The website contains —BEFORE and —AFTER photographs of 33-year-old Georgette GILBERT, who said the surgery left her with 1—EYEBROW higher than the other and 1 surprised look permanently affixed to her face. The website was challenged in 1—DEFAMATION—SUIT filed by surgeon JONATHAN—SYKES, 1—PROMINENT—PROFESSOR and television commentator on the subject of cosmetic surgery. Although THE—SACRAMENTO—BASED 3. DISTRICT—COURT—OF—APPEAL—ONLY—MENTIONS—SYKES, the opinion suggests that others who use 'hot topics' of public interest in their advertisements and promotions may shed protections against defamation afforded to ordinary citizens".
20070209             February 9, 20070000
20070209             Senate intel chairman JAY—ROCKEFELLER (D—WV) says he will probe whether the Pentagon broke the law by "
20070209             failing to notify Congress about the group's work.
20070209             fuel for 1—HOUSE—DEBATE " next —WEEK in which all members "will be given 5—MINUTES to speak" on BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070209             For the 1. time in history, " MORE—OF—AMERICA—POOR are living in the suburbs than the cities — 1.2—MILLION—MORE, according to a 20050000              survey.
20070209             —ANNOUNCED, SIR—RICHARD—BRANSON and AL—GORE, $25—MILLION will go to THE—WINNER—OF—THE—EARTH—CHALLENGE—PRIZE, 1—COMPETITION announced to see "who comes up with the best way of
20070209             removing significant AMOUNTS—OF—CARBON dioxide
20070209             said voting on 1—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION will not hurt THE—MORALE—OF—USA—TROOPS.
20070209             THE—WHITE—HOUSE—INSISTS both believe in "the importance of Congressional support for our mission in IRAQ".
20070209             20070212 52: - Nico - The number of oversight hearings on IRAQ the 110. Congress has held in its 1. —MONTH.
20070209             Update 9:44 p - Blogger thoughts: Does this point to the timing of the next major FALSE—FLAG—TERRORIST—EVENT.
20070209             Pat Robertson said watch out in the 2. half of 20070000           .
20070209             1—SERIES—OF—CONCERTS "bigger than Live Aid" is being planned for July, in 1—BID to put THE—SUBJECT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE—BEFORE 1—AUDIENCE—OF—1—GLOBAL—AUDIENCE—OF 2bn.
20070209             THE—USA—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM—CARLYLE Group sold its remaining 10% stake in THE—UK—DEFENCE—RESEARCH—COMPANY—QINETIQ for £140m
20070209             Carlyle in line for £350m from QinetiQ float - Business News...
20070209             Massenvernichtungswaffen in den IRAN - Schmierige Geschäfte internationaler Kriegstreiber DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
200702090000 from the atmosphere".
20070209—19700000    —IN—THE, 'S introduced the notorious Licio Gelli — HEAD—OF—THE—NEO—FASCIST P2 masonic lodge...
20070209—19700000    —FOLLOWED, Rodriguez, his CIA boss TED—SHACKLEY to SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20070209—20020000    —SINCE, Pinoncelli urinated on "Fountain" —DURING a 19930000              exhibition in NIMES in SOUTH—FRANCE, and cut off his own finger as 1—EXPRESSION—OF—SOLIDARITY with COLOMBIAN—FRANCE—POLITICIAN—INGRID Betancourt, held hostage by leftist guerrillas in COLOMBIA.
20070209—20020000    —IN, USA—SET for NORTH—KOREA climbdown : THE—USA was set for embarrassing climbdown as 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—6—NATION talks over NORTH—KOREA opened —TODAY, offering the best hope of 1—BREAKTHROUGH—SINCE the standoff over PYONGYANG—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAMME began.
20070209—20070208    Quantum computer to debut next —WEEK
20070209—20070208    —DATE
20070209—20070714    —ON, Genesis to play free ROME concert The concert at the Circo Massimo will be the final SHOW—OF—THE—BAND—1. tour in 15—YEARS.
20070209—20080000    —IN, Supporters push Gore to run 2/9
20070213             WRITTEN—BY—HYPERCOG —ON—FRIDAY, 20070209              —NOW everyone can have their very own MICRO—UAVS (more likely only THE—PENTAGON will have them).
20070223             —PROTECTED, The official and other conspirators are being, by THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT "in 1—COVER—UP to escape its responsibility for THE—LOSS—OF—LIFE in OKLAHOMA," Nichols claims in a 20070209              affidavit.
20070304—20070209    —ON, Tara Grant (34) was last seen.
20070400             www.alfatomega.com/20050209.html...
20070425             spokesperson for the Pentagon s renovation entity known as PENREN. alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20070517             [See "MOON—RELATED Funds Filter to Evangelicals," Christian ity —TODAY, 19980209             ]
20071023—20100209    —ON, his conviction was overturned —AFTER 1—COURT—IN—SCOTLAND ruled that the trial judge did not properly instruct the jury.
20080101—20080209    —ARRESTED, SUDAN—SECURITY—FORCES, 2—SUSPECTS in the murder.
20080209             SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA swept THE—LOUISIANA primary and caucuses in NEBRASKA and WASHINGTON state, slicing into SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON—SLENDER delegate lead in their historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
20080209             Obama also won almost 90% in THE—VIRGIN—ISLANDS.
20080209             McCain narrowly won WASHINGTON —WHILE Huckabee took KANSAS along with 1—NARROW—WIN in LOUISIANA.
20080209             S—MATEO—COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, police found JOHN—ALFRED—DENNIS—JUNIOR, 59—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OAKLAND historian and respected college teacher, slain in 1—VEHICLE at Montara STATE—BEACH.
20080209             TROY—TYRONE—THOMAS, 43—JAHRE—ALT, THE—DRIVER—OF—THE—VEHICLE, was arrested.
20080209             —MENTORED, Dennis had, Thomas for SOME—YEARS.
20080209             —TOPPED, MICHIGAN—UNEMPLOYMENT—RATE, the nation at 7.6%.
20080209             1—MASSIVE—FIRE in LONDON's famed Camden market caused extensive damage to the market and area buildings.
20080209             —RULED, EGYPT—HIGHEST—CIVIL—COURT, that 12—COPTIC—CHRISTIANS who had converted to Islam could return to their old faith, ending 1—YEARLONG legal battle over the predominantly Muslim state's tolerance for conversion.
20080209             —SUSPENDED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, the use of genetically modified corn crops in FRANCE —WHILE it awaits EU approval for 1—FULL—BAN.
20080209             —BLAMED, HAITI, 1—MAN, for kidnappings in THE—PORT—AU—PRINCE—SUBURB—OF—PETIONVILLE was pummeled with rocks and killed by neighbors in the seaside Cite Soleil slum.
20080209             —RESCUED, The next —DAY UN and HAITI—POLICE, 1 suspected kidnapper (27) from 1—MOB in downtown PORT—AU—PRINCE.
20080209             † IN—INDIA—BABA—AMTE, 93—JAHRE—ALT, FOUNDER—OF—1—LEPER center in Warora (19510000             ), at the center in WEST—MAHARASHTRA state.
20080209             1—STAMPEDE at 1—INDONESIA—PUNK rock concert left 10—PEOPLE—DEAD and dozens more injured, MOST—OF—THEM teenagers.
20080209             —KILLED, IRAQ—POLICE, ABU—OMAR—AL—DORI, 1—LOCAL—AL—QAIDA in IRAQ leader, in his home in SAMARRA.
20080209             12 decomposed bodies were discovered in 1—MASS—GRAVE—NEAR—BAQOUBA.
20080209             —ARRESTED, IRAQ—POLICE, 31—SHIITE activists —IN—EARLY—MORNING raids SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20080209             An 8-year-old boy lost his leg in 1—ROCKET—ATTACK on Sderot, 1—OF—THE—11—ROCKETS fired at SOUTH—ISRAEL.
20080209             4—ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES—AFTER the attack killed 1—GAZA gunman and targeted WEAPONS—MAKING operations of the Islamic militant Hamas group.
20080209             —PLEDGED, JAPAN, the world's leading economies, to work together to secure stability in volatile markets but brushed off the idea of 1—SINGLE—UNIFORM remedy for the Group of 7 (G7) industrialized nations.
20080209             —DEMANDED, Raila Odinga, KENYA—OPPOSITION—LEADER, that PRESIDENT—KIBAKI resign, 1—SHARP—TURNAROUND from his conciliatory tone —DURING talks with the government —EARLIER this —WEEK.
20080209             NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER struck at 1—ELECTION—RALLY in PESHAWAR, killing 27—PEOPLE and wounding more than 25.
20080209             SUDAN and the African UNION—UN peacekeeping mission for Darfur signed 1—AGREEMENT determining how the joint force will operate, capping weeks of DRAWN—OUT negotiations.
20080209             —VOTED, TURKEY—PARLIAMENT, to amend the constitution to lift 1—DECADES—OLD—BAN on Islamic head scarves at TURKEY—UNIVERSITIES, despite fierce opposition from the secular establishment.
20080209             fällig, heißt es im "WSJ" - und auch dieser Kredit wackle.
20080209             —ENGAGIERT, Vor kurzem habe Macklowe —SCHON 1—BROKERFIRMA,
20080209             die einen Verkauf des GENERAL—MOTORS—GEBÄUDES ausloten soll,
20080209             um diesen Kredit zurückzahlen zu können.
20080209             "Rulers believe they can build 1—BETTER—SYSTEM and get others to follow.
20080209             But even though they want to change THE—INTERNET, it is part of 1 globalised world and nobody can afford to build 1 isolated system.
20080209             —CONTROLLED, Its 1—OF—THE—MOST strictly, in the world,
20080209             but netizens' behaviour still confounds the government's expectations.
20080209             They ban websites and delete posts, but they haven't got everything under control".
20080209             But with THE—INTERNET expanding so fast, there is 1—LIMIT to the number of blocking orders the government can send out or how widely it can impose its authority on small websites,
20080209             such as blogs and bulletin boards.
20080209             For that, it must rely on SELF—CENSORSHIP, which is far from guaranteed.
20080209             THE—INTERNET is 1—CAUSE—OF—THAT, but it is also 1—EFFECT.
20080209             It won't lead to revolution, but it will play 1—PART in THE—EVOLUTION—OF—PUBLIC—DEBATE".
20080209             If we didn't have the net, I wouldn't know what to do".
20080209             The scene this —WEEK at 1—SUBURBAN wangba in BEIJING was typical: scores of young people hunched in FRONT—OF—SCREENS in 1—DIMLY lit room;
20080209             the men in hoodies and parkas jabbing at their keyboards,
20080209             blasting aliens and soldiers, —WHILE the women are transfixed by weepy Korean soaps and TAIWAN—GAMESHOWS.
20080209             CHINA is exporting 1—MODEL where THE—INTERNET is 1—TOOL for economical development, social networking, marketing business and PROPAGANDA, but not for free expression.
20080209             CHINA is very proud of this.
20080209             "This is 1—BIG landmark.
20080209             —REACHED, THE—USA has almost, the point where it has not much room to grow.
20080209             CHINA is the opposite.
20080209             In TERMS—OF—NEW—CONNECTIVITY and economic growth,
20080209             CHINA is definitely the place," says XIAO—QIANG, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA—BASED—CHINA—DIGITAL—TIMES.
20080209             Sina and Sohu have 1—LOCKHOLD on the news.
20080209             In EVERY—SECTOR in CHINA, domestic players are on top.
20080209             SOME—ARE —NOW—STARTING to look overseas.
20080209             —LAUNCHED, Baidu —RECENTLY, 1—JAPAN—SERVICE.
20080209             But CHINA is adding 6—MILLION—NEW—USERS 1—MONTH - more than 10—TIMES THE—PACE—OF—USA—GROWTH.
20080209             Such competing public opinions - unheard of —10—YEARS—AGO - are becoming familiar in CHINA these days as the world's biggest censor struggles to cope with the explosive GROWTH—OF—THE—INTERNET.
20080209             With 200,000 new netizens EVERY—DAY, CHINA—ONLINE population is on the brink of overtaking THE—USA as the biggest in the world.
20080209             Die 3D-Darstellung eines Menschen in voller Größe sei so nicht ausgeschlossen, was zum Beispiel in der Medizin von großer Bedeutung wäre.
20080209             Dazu Peyghambarians Kollege Savas Tay:
20080209             "Wenn es uns gelingt, größere und vollfarbige 3D-Hologramme zu entwickeln, wird JEDES—KRANKENHAUS dieser Welt eines haben wollen".
20080209             ( ggo - AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Hitzige Debatte um AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ - Regierung spielt auf Zeit
20080209             Sicherheitskonferenz: Streit um AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ—DER—BUNDESWEHR
20080209             —GEMACHT, Britische Medien: Was haben wir bloß falsch ?
20080209             Integration: Türkische Schulen in Deutschland? Gibt es längst!
20080209             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Die ANGST—DER—DEUTSCHEN vor dem Neinsagen
20080209             Die Linke kommt: Deutliches Muffensausen
20080209             Tentative Deal Is Reached in Writers' Strike
20080209             —YAHOO Expected to Reject MICROSOFT—TAKEOVER—OFFER
20080209             —FROM Bush, Foe of Earmarks, Similar Items in Budget
20080209             Afghanischer Versuchsballon - Erdogans flammender Appell - Weltpolitik im Bayerischen Hof
20080209             ZEIT—BILDUNGSKANON: Wie baut man einen STAAT?
20080209             SICHERHEITSKONFERENZ: Mal die Zukunft in Ordnung bringen
20080209             BERLINALE: "Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen"
20080209             Steinbrück wirft Banken Verschleierung vor
20080209             Spekulationen um AFGHANISTAN—MANDAT - Konjunkturfurcht ergreift EUROPA
20080209             Forscher entwickeln wiederbeschreibbares Hologramm - Irans Parlamentswahlen
20080209             Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Steinmeier und Baradei warnen vor Wettrüsten
20080209             —GEHÖRT, Inventur: Wem, Deutschland?
20080209             AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Verwirrung um Ausweitung der Kampfzone - AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZ: Jung lehnt ab
20080209             Sicherheitskonferenz: El Baradei warnt vor Atomschmuggel
20080209             La junte birmane promet un référendum et des élections
20080209             —BEWERTET, BK—CHEF: Mitteilung im Fall Kampusch "falsch "
20080209             Immer wenn man denkt, tiefer können die USA nicht sinken, dann kommt 1—MELDUNG wie diese:
20080209             —VERSUCHT, Die Amis haben, Freiwillige des Peace Corps als Spione in Bolivien anzuwerben.
20080209             USA retail results are worst in 4—DECADES:
20080209             —DELIVERED, USA retailers, more EVIDENCE—OF—1—STUMBLING economy —TODAY as merchants reported their weakest ;;01;;
20080209             performance in nearly 4—DECADES,
20080209             extending 1—MALAISE that has deepened —SINCE the holiday shopping season.
20080209             Not all Jews are Zionist: Regarding THE—ZIONIST—MASSACRE in GAZA:
20080209             —FOLLOWING is 1—LETTER that was sent from Neturei Karta USA and CANADA to DOCTOR—MAHMOUD—AL—ZAHAR CO—FOUNDER—OF—HAMAS:
20080209             Clinton wins tacit SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT:
20080209             —SUCCEED, Although the race to, MISTER—BUSH has narrowed to 1—CHOICE between JOHN—MCCAIN,
20080209             Hillary Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA, the Republican candidate is not the 1 THE—ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT would most like to see in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080209             Putin cautious over 'new arms race' :
20080209             VLADIMIR—PUTIN, THE—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT, has said that RUSSIA will not allow itself to be drawn into what he called 1—NEW—ARMS—RACE—WHILE saying it is developing more sophisticated weapons.
20080209             Lawyers: Gitmo detainee breaking down:
20080209             Confined alone in his GUANTANAMO cell nearly —AROUND the clock, 1—YEMEN—PRISONER and former driver for OSAMA—BIN—LADEN has begun to break down mentally and cannot focus on preparing for his upcoming WAR—CRIMES—TRIAL, his attorneys say.
20080209             UK: Terrorism bill opens way for secret inquests:
20080209             —CRITICISED, The government was —YESTERDAY, over plans to hold inquests without juries,
20080209             which campaigners fear could limit hearings into THE—DEATHS—OF—UK—SOLDIERS and people shot by police.
20080209             USA—RUSSIA nuclear deal upstages IRAN:
20080209             —BELIEVED, There was 1—TIME—WHEN IRAN might have, that 1—MULTIPOLAR world order would be —JUST and fair from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—THE "suppressed nations".
20080209             —SHATTERED, If that notion wasn't, long ago, it was surely was last —FRIDAY—WHEN THE—DIRECTOR—OF—ROSATOM,
20080209             RUSSIA—FEDERAL—AGENCY for nuclear power, SERGEI—KIRIYENKO, urgently flew to WASHINGTON on a 1—DAY "working visit".
20080209             THE—CABLE—CUTTER Mystery:
20080209             Spies, lies + "conspiracy theories" — what's behind THE—MIDDLE—EAST—INTERNET—OUTAGE
20080209             ISRAEL—POWER Cuts to GAZA Violate LAWS—OF—WAR: HRW:
20080209             ISRAEL—MOVE to cut energy supplies to THE—GAZA Strip amounts to collective punishment of civilians and violates THE—LAWS—OF—WAR,
20080209             —PUBLISHED, Human Rights Watch said in 1—REPORT, —YESTERDAY.
20080209             GERMANY Agrees to Expanded Military Role in AFGHANISTAN:
20080209             GERMANY stays in NORTH—AFGHANISTAN despite pleas to join battle in south:
20080209             GERMANY—TROOPS are staying in the calmer northern regions of AFGHANISTAN,
20080209             the defence MINISTER—SAID—FRIDAY, despite pleas from CANADA + THE—USA for more military muscle to help fight insurgents in the south.
20080209             Mounting social distress among returning USA—TROOPS:
20080209             —AFTER serving tours in occupied IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS are returning wounded and psychologically traumatized from the experience.
20080209             USA warns IRAN over nuclear centrifuges-
20080209             1—TOP—USA—ENVOY warned IRAN —FRIDAY that its pursuit of more advanced URANIUM—ENRICHING technology would intensify THE—LONG—RUNNING INTERNATIONAL standoff over its disputed atomic drive
20080209             THE—ARROGANCE—OF—POWER: USA—OFFICIAL: IRAN Has No Need to Build More Nuclear Power Plants:
20080209             Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—NICHOLAS—BURNS made the remark in 1—INTERVIEW—FRIDAY with the Reuters news service.
20080209             He was responding to comments —TODAY by IRAN—AMBASSADOR to RUSSIA,
20080209             —STARTED, Gholamreza Ansari, that TEHRAN has, building a 2. nuclear plant and is considering ways to fuel the facility.
20080209             Taliban CHIEF, commanders hiding in PAKISTAN, says USA—OFFICIAL:
20080209             Taliban supremo MULLAH—MOHAMMAD—OMAR and the strategic command of the militant group fighting 1—INSURGENCY in AFGHANISTAN are hiding in PAKISTAN,
20080209             —LINKED, EUROPE—RELUCTANT to fight in AFGHANISTAN is, to IRAQ:
20080209             Lingering anger in EUROPE over THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ explains why SOME—ALLIES are reluctant to heed USA calls for more combat troops in AFGHANISTAN,
20080209             Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —TODAY.
20080209             —UNARMED, Army SERGEANT says he ordered soldier to kill, IRAQ—CIVILIAN:
20080209             —WHEN asked why he didn't kill AL—JANABI himself, Hensley said: "Sgt.
20080209             —HAPPENED, Vela, to be the guy with the pistol.
20080209             THE—IRAQI—HEAD was at his (Vela's) feet.
20080209             I would have gladly shot him myself".
20080209             Advancing the Civilized State - Inch by Bloody Inch-
20080209             Strange how the most CIVILIZED—OF—THE—WORLD in their time carry on experiments in extermination of their brothers and sisters,
20080209             not as conquerors, but as VICTIMS—OF—1—EVIL they define.
20080209             —CIVILIZED, Stranger still how the most, find justice for their behavior in THE—WORDS—OF—THE—GOD they created,
20080209             the only real + true God, whose beneficence to them justifies their indifference to their enemies even as it makes sacred THE—THEFT—OF—THAT—ENEMIES' land.
20080209             Continue - Particide In 6—EASY Steps - Diligent Democrats Demonstrate Dumbness Daily-
20080209             Suppose you had 1—POLITICAL—PARTY you were trying to get rid of.
20080209             How would you do it? Continue - THE—BATTLE—FOR—AMERICA—HAS—BEGUN
20080209             Must watch - 4—MINUTE—VIDEO - "We do the dirty WORK—OF—DEMOCRACY".
20080209             Guns And Butter-
20080209             —BOOED, McCain also spoke but was, by the conservatives.
20080209             Those BUSH -ite and NEO—BUSH -ite politicians, military and Mainstream media executives complicit in THE—AFGHANISTAN—GENOCIDE should be arraigned —BEFORE THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—COURT.
20080209             In 1—MCCAIN—REGIME, Cheney will be —BACK—IN office with another stint as SECRETARY—OF—WAR.
20080209             RUDY—GIULIANI will be THE—MINISTER—OF—INTERIOR in CHARGE—OF—HALLIBURTON—DETENTION—CENTERS into which will be herded all CRITICS—OF—WAR and the police state.
20080209             billy kristol will be CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE spokesliar.
20080209             —CLAIMED, Ritter and Peck.
20080209             The ultimate goal, they said, is overthrow of IRAN—ISLAMIC theocracy.
20080209             Continue - THE—ARMAGEDDON—SHUFFLE
20080209             —ARMED, Nobody wants 1—MADMAN at the helm of 1—NUCLEAR, country, right?
20080209             I certainly don't, yet I can't understand how Americans tolerate the outrageous HYPOCRISY—OF—GEORGE—BUSH calling Ahmadinijad 1—DANGEROUS madman.
20080209             Continue - Behind Obama and Clinton-
20080209             WHO—WHISPERING in their ears says 1—LOT—BY—STEPHEN—ZUNES
20080209             What about Senators BARACK—OBAMA and Hillary Clinton?
20080209             —PICKED, Who have they, to help them deal with IRAQ war and the other immensely difficult foreign policy decisions that they'll be likely to face as PRESIDENT?
20080209             Continue - WILL—JOHN—MCCAIN—HAVE—THE—DECENCY—TO Apologize?-
20080209             I expect SENATOR—MCCAIN to drop the hate rhetoric and apologize to Muslims in AMERICA, or at least have the decency not to use the words "Islamic Terrorism" or "Muslims Terrorism".
20080209             Call Terrorism for what it is, do not suffix or prefix or hang my religion to the evil acts;
20080209             fear mongering is also evil. Continue - AMERICA—BLINDERS
20080209             1—MORE—HONEST estimate of ourselves as 1—NATION would prepare us all for the next barrage of lies that will accompany the next proposal to inflict our power on SOME—OTHER—PART—OF—THE—WORLD.
20080209             It might also inspire us to create 1—DIFFERENT—HISTORY for ourselves, by taking our country away from the liars and killers who govern it.
20080209             Continue
20080209             —WHILE We Await —SATURDAY—PRIMARY and Caucus Results, Take 1—MOMENT to Invest in Democracy.
20080209             We Accept no Advertising, —JUST Your Support.
20080209             Buy 1—PREMIUM, Make 1—DONATION, or Become 1—MONTHLY—SUPPORTER.
20080209             —DISGRACED, Romney, himself and his party by charging that 1—DEMOCRATIC—VICTORY in the presidential race will turn AMERICAN—OVER to the terrorists.
20080209             Chuck Hagel Spills the Beans on the Bloomberg 3. Party Trial Balloon
20080209             —AROUND 200—DELEGATES to THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—NOMINATING convention are at stake over the weekend + the biggest prize will be WASHINGTON state which has 78—DELEGATES up for grabs.
20080209             HARRY—TRUMAN—EXHORTS—DEMS to Fight Entrenched Financial Interests -- Great Archival Audio on BuzzFlash.
20080209             Thanks to THOM—HARTMANN.
20080209             G.I. Tells of Ordering Unarmed Iraqi?s Death 2/10
20080209             —JUST Click Here, Click to the Upper Right, Or Go to THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—HOMEPAGE.
20080209             Huckabee Wins in KANSAS and Says That He is Staying in the Race.
20080209             Either God Wills It or the Huckster Wants SOME—LEVERAGE in Getting on the Ticket as VP.
20080209             —ROCKED, WASHINGTON State: "SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA, 1—OVERFLOW crowd at KeyArena —ON—FRIDAY in 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST political rallies the state has ever seen.
20080209             —SHOWED, So MANY—PEOPLE, up to catch 1—GLIMPSE—OF—OBAMA, police had to help keep the peace —AFTER thousands were shut out....Clinton drew 1—CAPACITY—CROWD—OF—5,000 —ON—THURSDAY for 1—RALLY at Pier 30 on SEATTLE—WATERFRONT + 6,000 at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PUGET—SOUND in TACOMA —ON—FRIDAY.
20080209             If the crowds are ANY—INDICATION—OF what's to come in —TODAY—DEMOCRATIC precinct caucuses, turnout should easily shatter the record 100,000 who showed up 20040000              ".
20080209             2/10 - It's Another WEEKEND—OF—PRIMARIES and Caucuses.
20080209             WASHINGTON STATE—IS—THE—BIG 1 to Watch.
20080209             —ASKED, REPRESENTATIVE—JACK—BROOKS (D—TX), OLIVER—NORTH about the plan to suspend the Constitution + it was Sen.
20080209             DANIEL—INOUYE (D—HI) as chair presiding over the joint Congressional hearings who admonished Brooks that the program was classified + that ANY—FURTHER—DISCUSSION on the matter must be held in camera or closed executive sessions.
20080209             (Not clear that it was —LATER examined in such closed hearings or not.)
20080209             (1—RARE—EXAMPLE—OF how being old is 1—BENEFICIAL thing at times, —SINCE I know of this because I WAS—OF—AGE and paying attention SOME— 22—YEARS—AGO).
20080209             —LIBERATED, Seriously, EVERY—1—OF—THOSE guys knows that in 1, free society the women would run away from them faster than you could say LICKETY—SPLIT.
20080209             But the truth is + here's the killing joke, CPAC is no laughing matter.
20080209             As THE—USA—EMPIRE slips EVER—CLOSER towards 1—ABYSS—OF—ITS—OWN making + the "IRAN threat" looms like Lord Sauron on 1—EVER—DARKENING horizon,
20080209             the right is preparing a (nuclear) "night of the long knives" for us all.
20080209             And there won't be film at 11... Permalink
20080209             Watching snippets of THE—CPAC convention on C—SPAN (granted, I could tolerate only 1—BRIEF peek —BEFORE running from the room,
20080209             gasping for air) was analogous to observing 1—LATTER—DAY—NUREMBERG RALLY—OF—WAR mongers,
20080209             —UNALLOYED, Christian dominionist zombies, racists, †—IN—THE—WOOL UNION—BUSTERS, Islamophobes and antiabort fanatics obsessed with "moral purity" (paging Gen.
20080209             Ripper, white courtesy telephone please!) Admittedly, this is not "entertainment" meant for the kids or those prone to sudden outbursts of rage.
20080209             I think he's running for VICE—PRESIDENT.
20080209             That choice would suit this Democrat —JUST fine.
20080209             MCCAIN—NOT easy for independents to hate,
20080209             but Reverend Huckleberry riles up everyone who has had ENOUGH—OF—IGNORANT, superstitious Jesus Christers romping through our political scene.
20080209             If put on the ticket, he'll fetch 1—FEW movement conservative into the voting booth.
20080209             But he'll scare 1—EVEN greater number of NON—THEOCRATS into voting against THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY.
20080209             100—FEUERWEHRLEUTE im Einsatz: Großbrand auf Londoner Straßenmarkt
20080209             AFGHANISTAN- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Truppen- Aufstockung, Halbherziges aus den Ministerien
20080209             Kritisiertes Atomkraftwerk: RWE fährt Biblis A wieder hoch
20080209             AFGHANISTAN- Einsatz: Heftige Debatte über Aufstockung deutscher Truppen
20080209             Microsofts Übernahmeangebot: —YAHOO findet Ballmers Offerte zu mickrig
20080209             SAUDI—ARABIA, CHINA Censorship and Censorware Companies
20080209             Companies Compete to Provide SAUDI—ARABIA—INTERNET—VEIL - By JENNIFER 8. LEE THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - Security Crisis
20080209             —MONDAY ;;11;; 19 02:59 PM EST [FULL TEXT]
20080209             use Web sites that protect the user's identity or engage in 1—CAT—AND—MOUSE game with Web sites that frequently change their addresses to elude filters.
20080209             Islah_org, users send E—MAIL to 1 fixed address and receive the new Web address.
20080209             SAUDI—ARABIA is in contract with 10—COMPANIES from THE—USA, BRITAIN, GERMANY and THE—NETHERLANDS.
20080209             Secure Computing,
20080209             MATTHEW—HOLT, oversees sales operations in THE—MIDDLE—EAST for that currently provides INTERNET—FILTERING software to THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—GOVERNMENT under 1—CONTRACT that expires
20080209             "We are the owners, operators + experts of our critical infrastructure,
20080209             —FROM THE—CEO—OF—1—LARGE—COMPANY in agriculture or high finance to the guy who turns the valve at the water utility," says Schneck,
20080209             who by —DAY is THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—RESEARCH—INTEGRATION at Secure Computing.
20080209             "It gave me goose bumps. It chilled me to the bone".
20080209             WISCONSIN.
20080209             She says she's 1—INFRAGARD member + she confirms that she has attended InfraGard meetings that went into the details about what kind of civil patrol function -- including engaging in lethal force -- that InfraGard members may be called upon to perform.
20080209             "There have been discussions like that, that I've heard of and participated in," she says.
20080209             "Then they said —WHEN -- not if -- martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our PORTION—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE + if we had to use deadly force to protect it,
20080209             we couldn't be prosecuted," he says.
20080209             In it, he instructed THE—SECRETARY—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY to coordinate with "private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure,
20080209             as appropriate, in order to provide for the delivery of essential services —DURING 1—EMERGENCY
20080209             This special status concerns THE—ACLU.
20080209             "THE—FBI should not be creating 1 privileged class of Americans who get special treatment," says JAY—STANLEY,
20080209             public education DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ACLU—TECHNOLOGY and liberty program.
20080209             "THERE—NO 'business class' in law enforcement.
20080209             If there's information THE—FBI can share with 22,000 corporate bigwigs,
20080209             why don't they —JUST share it with the public?
20080209             —SUPPOSED, That's who their real 'special relationship' is, to be with.
20080209             Secrecy is not 1—PARTY favor to be given out to friends.
20080209             This bears 1—DISTURBING resemblance to THE—FBI—HANDING out 'goodies' to corporations in return for folding them into its domestic surveillance machinery".
20080209             If you had to call 1-800-FBI, you probably wouldn't bother," she says.
20080209             "But if you knew Joe from 1—LOCAL meeting you had with him over 1—DONUT, you might call them.
20080209             Either to give or to get.
20080209             We want everyone to have 1—LITTLE—BLACK—BOOK".
20080209             "What InfraGard brings you is reach into the regional and local communities.
20080209             —VETTED, We are a 22,000-member, BODY—OF—SUBJECT—MATTER—EXPERTS that reaches across 17—MATRIXES.
20080209             All the different stovepipes can connect with InfraGard".
20080209             —PERTURBED, Maviglio still sounds, about this: "You'd think 1 elected official would be the 1. to know, not the last".
20080209             "There is evidence that InfraGard may be closer to 1—CORPORATE—TIPS program, turning PRIVATE—SECTOR—CORPORATIONS
20080209             some of which may be in 1—POSITION to observe THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—MILLIONS—OF—INDIVIDUAL—CUSTOMERS - into surrogate eyes and ears for THE—FBI," THE—ACLU warned in its
20080209             To join, EACH—PERSON must be sponsored by "1—EXISTING—INFRAGARD member, chapter, or partner organization".
20080209             In den USA geht die "Zusammenarbeit" zwischen Repressionsbehörden und Industrie noch deutlich weiter als bei uns.
20080209             —TODAY, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with THE—FBI + THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY.
20080209             —CALLED, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS rapidly growing group, InfraGard, receive secret WARNINGS—OF—TERRORIST—THREATS—BEFORE the public does - +,
20080209             at least on 1—OCCASION, —BEFORE elected officials.
20080209             In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms THE—ACLU.
20080209             But there may be more to it than that.
20080209             1—BUSINESS—EXECUTIVE, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to "shoot to kill" in the event of martial law.
20080209             InfraGard is "1—CHILD—OF—THE—FBI," says MICHAEL—HERSHMAN, the chairman of the advisory BOARD—OF—THE—INFRAGARD—NATIONAL—MEMBERS—ALLIANCE and CEO—OF—THE—FAIRFAX—GROUP, 1—INTERNATIONAL consulting firm.
20080209             Äh, wie meinen?
20080209             Das muß man sich mal vorstellen, BUSH ruft Kriegsrecht auf, um im Amt zu bleiben, und dann laufen da die Schlipsträger mit Pumpguns durch die Straßen und ballern Leute ab.
20080209             Oh Mann.
20080209             Den Briten fällt auf, dass ihr Schnüffelstaat außer Kontrolle ist.
20080209             Die beschnüffeln da Abgeordnete, Anwälte, sogar die Gespräche zwischen Anwälten und ihren im Gefängnis einsitzenden Mandanten.
20080209             Whatever the guys at the top are planning, it's not in our best interests.
20080209             Our constitution is being rewritten without our approval.
20080209             This stuff sends chills up and down my spine.
20080209             I don't know what country we're living in, but it's not AMERICAN—ANYMORE.
20080209             Another scary quote from the article in the Progressive:
20080209             I had to read this several times and hear it from another source —BEFORE I believed it.
20080209             THE—ACLU is also commenting on this:
20080209             Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ACLU.
20080209             "The government has always recruited informers to help convict criminals,
20080209             but —TODAY that recruitment is being computerized, automated + used against innocent individuals on 1—MASSIVE—SCALE that is unprecedented in THE—HISTORY—OF—OUR nation".
20080209             "In more than 3—DOZEN—INTERVIEWS, friends, classmates and mentors from his high school and Occidental recalled Mr.
20080209             —GROUNDED, Obama as being, motivated and poised, someone who did not appear to be grappling with ANY—DRUG—PROBLEMS and seemed to dabble only with marijuana.
20080209             Of course, the Republicans forgave Bush for his YEARS—OF—BEING lost in 1—CLOUD—OF cocaine and booze.
20080209             2/10 - P.M. Carpenter: The warmonger in CHIEF is already in the game, RE—HAMMERING the prefabricated message that this election will "present the country with 1—STARK ideological choice at 1—TIME—OF—WAR".
20080209             Feminist Peace Network: "I may be 1—PACIFIST, but if SOME—ASSHOLE said this about my kid, let alone on television, I would be 1—MIGHTILY pissed off mama.
20080209             It doesn?t matter if you are supporting Clinton, Obama or for that matter, McCain or Huckabee, or even RALPH—NADER (no don?t even think about it)?this isn?t ok.
20080209             Write to MISS—NBC?s PHIL—GRIFFIN + their News Director STEVE—CAPUS and share your thoughts" About DAVID—SHUSTER—VILE—COMMENT—ABOUT—CHELSEA—CLINTON.
20080209             McCain Said Despicable, Mean, Crude Things About Chelsea Clinton Too, Way Back —WHEN.
20080209             What is With These Guys? And McCain is Running for PRESIDENT.
20080209             Why do Right Wingers Not Like McCain.
20080209             HE—GOT 1—REPREHENSIBLE "Limbaugh" SENSE—OF—HUMOR.
20080209             Remember, His Recent NEW—HAMPSHIRE Rendition of "Bomb, Bomb, IRAN"?
20080209             1—INFRAGARD whistleblower who had attended a "partnership for protection" meeting told Rothschild,
20080209             "The meeting started off innocuously enough, with the speakers talking about corporate espionage," he says.
20080209             "From there, it —JUST progressed.
20080209             ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN we were knee deep in what was EXPECTED—OF—USA —WHEN martial law is declared.
20080209             —EXPECTED, We were, to share all our resources, but in return we'd be given specific benefits.
20080209             —INCLUDED, These, he says, the ability to travel in restricted areas and to get people out.
20080209             But that's not all.
20080209             "I have nothing to gain by telling you this + everything to lose," he adds.
20080209             "I'm so nervous about this + I'm not someone who gets nervous".
20080209             But as JEFF—WELLS over at Rigorous Intuition,
20080209             writing on the "new reality" of 1—AMERICA in terminal mode cautions, "The harder truth may be that this is our destination.
20080209             And they're not coming for us;
20080209             they're here already + they've always had us".
20080209             InfraGard: like new pod people, they're here already... [CROSS—POSTED on Antifascist Calling...]
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             0000             —DATE
20080209             White Collar Crime Prof Blog: L.A. Attorney Charged With...
20080209             USA DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE : Antitrust Division
20080209             She is THE—EX—WIFE—OF billionaire investor KIRK—KERKORIAN,
20080209             who has made headlines —RECENTLY with his large
20080209             the truth about THE—CHURCH—OF—SCIENTOLOGY and TOM—CRUISE
20080209             —PROVIDED, Stevens' guilty plea, the 1. official link between Pellicano and the
20080209             CHIEF—OF—THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT'S organized crime and racketeering...
20080209             Die japanischen Pläne laufen unter dem Namen Space Solar Power System (SSPS).
20080209             In den USA denkt man in eine ähnliche Richtung: Das National Security Space Office (NSSO) des Pentagon hat der USA—REGIERUNG im vergangenen ;;10;;
20080209             empfohlen, 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar innerhalb der nächsten 10—JAHRE in einen TEST—SATELLITEN zu investieren,
20080209             der in der Lage sein soll, einen Strahl von 10—MEGAWATT elektrischer Energie zur Erde zu schicken.
20080209             Geostationäre Satelliten sollen Sonnenlicht einfangen, bündeln und zur Erde schicken.
20080209             In wenigen Tagen beginnen Experimente, mit deren Ergebnissen man das ungelöste PROBLEM—DES—TRANSPORTS—ORBIT—ERDE angehen will.
20080209             Russland: Steinmeier fordert Putin zu Abrüstungsverhandlungen auf
20080209             Bundeswehr in AFGHANISTAN: "Unsere Kommunikationsstrategie ist gescheitert"
20080209             Webshop: Nordkorea entdeckt den E- Commerce
20080209             Strom aus dem All: Satelliten sollen Sonnenlicht gebündelt zur Erde schicken
20080209             PAKISTAN: Anschlag bei Wahlveranstaltung - VIELE—TOTE
20080209             Türkische Universitäten: Parlament erlaubt Kopftuch - Zehntausende protestieren
20080209             Großspenden: Deutsche Firmen steckten 1—MILLION in USA- Wahlkampf
20080209             ICP - Credit reports for major and emerging world markets
20080209             View credit report on EXACT PAY NV Curacao (Neth.
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20080209             1. Curaçao INTERNATIONAL Bank raided - MajorWager Forums
20080209             Bij het kantoor op het adres Kaya Jombi Mensing, tot slot, STAAT verder ook het bordje van het bedrijf Exact Pay NV.
20080209             Het is een E—COMMERCE onderneming met... - ExactPay : Membership Agreement
20080209             "Exact Pay NV " means Exact Pay NV, 1—COMPANY formed under the laws of the...
20080209             The initial Password will be assigned by Exact Pay NV and may be changed by
20080209             The other 2—COMMISSIONERS are TIMOTHY—ULRICH from Staten Island, NEW—YORK in THE—USA + LUCIUS—HALLEY, born in St.
20080209             BREK ENERGY CORP - BREK Annual Report (Small Business Issuers...
20080209             —ASSIGNED, WHEREAS, FCIB, its rights under THE—FEDS Purchase Agreement to FCBC...
20080209             —BY—: /s/ signed By: /s/ signed Name: Nasr (Victor) Farag Name: Nasr (Victor)
20080209             —REGISTERED, Other persons, as directors of FCIB are Nasr Faraq, owner JAN—DEUSS, who lives in BERMUDA and has the Egyptian and USA—NATIONALITY...
20080209             Als directeuren staan verder ingeschreven Nasr Faraq, evenals eigenaar JAN—DEUSS woonachtig op BERMUDA,
20080209             met de Egyptische en Amerikaanse nationaliteit;...
20080209             FCIB is van de Nederlander Johannes 'Jan' DEUSS (64), die op BERMUDA woont.
20080209             Süddeutsche Zeitung- Der neokonservative Politikberater
20080209             "Solange Russland schwach und arm und willens war, sich in den Westen zu integrieren, war das alles noch zu lösen...
20080209             Putin, der offenbar der Sowjetunion hinterher trauert, möchte wieder hegemonialen Einfluss über die Baltischen Staaten + Osteuropa gewinnen,
20080209             außerdem über die UKRAINE, Georgien, Moldawien und über all jene Staaten, die Russland als sein 'nahes Ausland' bezeichnet.
20080209             Diese werden nun aber —BEREITS von den Europäern als 'neue Nachbarn' begrüßt und jene sind —SCHON längst formales Mitglied der EU.
20080209             Im Dossier des taz mag denkt
20080209             der AUTOR—STEPHAN—WACKWITZ mit LUDWIG—WITTGENSTEIN über die Eifersucht und noch grundsätzlichere Dinge nach:
20080209             "Auf dem Grund allen sinnvollen Denkens liegt keine logische Ableitung, Überlegung, Beweisführung, sondern paradoxerweise vielmehr 1—HANDLUNG.
20080209             'Warum überzeuge ich mich nicht davon, dass ich noch 2—FÜSSE habe,
20080209             wenn ich mich von dem Sessel erheben will?
20080209             Es gibt kein Warum. Ich tue es einfach.'"
20080209             in der "Welt" sieht NIALL—FERGUSON die Demokratie auf dem Rückzug.
20080209             Geheimdienstchef GRZEGORZ—RESZKA erstattete Strafanzeige gegen 3—EHEMALIGE MITARBEITER—DER—BEHÖRDE,
20080209             weil sie im Auftrag der Vorgängerregierung der rechtskonservativen Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit [PiS] illegal geheime Daten in großem Ausmaß kopiert und mitgenommen haben sollen.
20080209             "Wenn sich die Informationen bestätigen, ist Skandal ein zu schwaches Wort",
20080209             sagte der CHEF—DES—SKW—VORGÄNGERDIENSTES—WSI, MAREK—DUKACZEWSKI, der Tageszeitung "Gazeta Wyborcza" [—DONNERSTAG—AUSGABE].
20080209             Nachricht an die NATO
20080209             Die Anzeige sei —SCHON vergangene Woche erfolgt, schreibt die Zeitung.
20080209             Demnach habe die Aktion kurz vor der Parlamentswahl im vergangenen ;;10;;
20080209             stattgefunden, als die PiS als Regierungspartei abgewählt wurde.
20080209             Dukaczewski sagte, dass sich Informanten nun vom Geheimdienst abwenden könnten, weil sie nicht mehr darauf vertrauen könnten, dass sie geheim blieben.
20080209             Polen müsse über den Vorfall auch die NATO informieren, sagte der GENERAL
20080209             Guru Rebranded - Wikipedia portrays Prem Rawat "as 1—SPEAKER on the subject of inner peace".
20080209             —CULTIVATED, This fits with the public persona Rawat has, —SINCE the mid-80s.
20080209             But it doesn't tell the whole story.
20080209             Wikipedia doesn't —JUST omit references to THE—RAWAT—PRIVATE persona.
20080209             It omits references to the very public persona he fostered from the 60s through to the early 80s.
20080209             Tokio - Die G—7—RECHNEN als Folge der aktuellen Finanzkrise mit einem Abschreibungsbedarf von rund 400—MILLIARDEN USA—DOLLAR bei den Banken weltweit.
20080209             —GEWESEN, Dies sei die allgemeine Einschätzung der Runde, sagte Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) am —SAMSTAG in Tokio —NACH—DEM G-7-Treffen.
20080209             Er wandte sich jedoch zum wiederholten MALE dagegen, in Deutschland dem USA—BEISPIEL zu folgen und 1—KONJUNKTURPROGRAMM zur Ankurbelung der Wirtschaft aufzulegen.
20080209             Finanzkrise: G7 glauben nicht an USA- Rezession
20080209             Innenministerium plant zentrales Melderegister - Heise.de berichtet von Plänen
20080209             der Bundesregierung ein zentrales Bundesmelderegister einzurichten.
20080209             In dieser Datenbank sollen deutlich mehr Informationen über die rund 82—MILLIONEN Einwohner Deutschlands gespeichert werden als —HEUTE in den Meldestellen.
20080209             Das gehe aus einem Referentenentwurf des Bundesinnenministeriums zum Meldegesetz vor.
20080209             Auch die 5000—MELDESTELLEN in den Kommunen sollen mehr personenbezogene Daten vorhalten.
20080209             Die Behörden sollen Daten leichter abrufen und austauschen können.
20080209             Durch zentralisierte Strukturen, so das Innenministerium, solle ein "effizienter und wirtschaftlicher Vollzug" erreicht werden.
20080209             Die "Qualität der Daten" solle erhöht, den "zu Recht eingeforderten datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen" damit Rechnung getragen werden.
20080209             Die gesamte Antwort der Bundesregierung auf 1—KLEINE—ANFRAGE der FDP—FRAKTION gibt es als PDF—DOWNLOAD.
20080209             Darin werden auch weitere Fragen zum Melderecht + zur "Einführung des Datenaustauschformats X—MELD" beantwortet.
20080209             Datenschützer wie der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte ALEXANDER—DIX kritisieren das zentrale Melderegister als "Rückfall in die Zeit des zentralen Einwohnerregisters der ehemaligen DDR mit seinen Personenkennzeichen:
20080209             "Es darf kein Bundesmelderegister geben!"
20080209             Bundeskriminalamt: Mehrere Deutsche zur Ausbildung in Terrorcamps
20080209             Netzwelt- Ticker: Surfer sollen sich selbst überwachen
20080209             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Demokratie auf allen Kontinenten auf dem Rückzug"
20080209             Erdbeben in Mexiko: Hunderttausende Menschen ohne Strom
20080209             Nach Wahlerfolg der Linken: Beckstein will sozialere Union
20080209             —BEREITET, Bundeswehr: BERLIN, Ausweitung des AFGHANISTAN- Einsatzes vor
20080209             AFGHANISTAN- Einsatz: USA bestehen auf mehr Bundeswehr- Engagement
20080209             Nixon bomb the "dikes" in THE—NORTH—OF—VIETNAM.
20080209             —CRITICIZED, He also, THE—REVEREND—MARTIN—LUTHER—KING, JUNIOR for speaking out against the war.
20080209             Atom- Konflikt mit dem IRAN: USA besorgt über "mögliche Eskalation"
20080209             in der Berliner Umschau - Hier geht es zum Teil 2—DER 'TÜRKEI—CONNECTION'
20080209             TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | THE—DAILY—MUCK
20080209             —CONTRIBUTED, GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS has, to various political candidates...
20080209             COFFEE —HOUR: GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS, Ana Grabovenko, BETTY—JO Spyropoulos, Chloe Kontogiannis, Nina Koumoulis.
20080209             WALL—STREET—JOURNAL; Blame Bernanke and Paulson
20080209             Leahy endorses 'truth commission' to investigate BUSH DOJ abuses.
20080209             - Amanda Terkel
20080209             —TODAY in 1—SPEECH at GEORGETOWN University, Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) said that he — like other congressional Democrats,
20080209             such REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS (MI) and Sens.
20080209             Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and CARL—LEVIN (MI) —
20080209             supports the idea of a "truth commission" to investigate abuses at THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE:
20080209             1—PATH to that goal would be 1—RECONCILIATION—PROCESS, 1—TRUTH—COMMISSION.
20080209             We could develop and authorize 1—PERSON or GROUP—OF—PEOPLE universally recognized as fair minded without ANY—AX to grind.
20080209             Their straightforward mission would be to find the truth.
20080209             People would be told to come forward and share their knowledge and experiences,
20080209             not for purposes of conducting criminal indictments but to assemble the facts.
20080209             Indeed, such 1—PROCESS could involve subpoena powers and even the authority to obtain immunity from prosecutions for anything accept perjury in order to get to the full truth.
20080209             —ADDED, Leahy —LATER, "Rather than vengeance, we need 1—FAIR—MINDED pursuit of what actually happened.
20080209             And sometimes is the best way to move forward is to find out the truth, find out what happened.
20080209             And we do that to make sure it never happens again". Transcript: More "
20080209             Obama DOJ affirms BUSH—STATE secrets position in extraordinary rendition lawsuit.
20080209             - ALI—FRICK
20080209             5—MEN who say they were VICTIMS—OF—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION — including current GUANTANAMO detainee and torture victim Binyam Mohamed — sued,
20080209             but the case was thrown out —LAST—YEAR—AFTER BUSH declared it to be 1—MATTER—OF—STATE—SECRETS.
20080209             In 1—APPEAL—TODAY, the new administration took the same position:
20080209             that new administration stands behind arguments that previous administration made, with no ambiguity at all.
20080209             THE—DOJ lawyer said the entire subject matter remains 1—STATE—SECRET.
20080209             —REVEALED, Last —WEDNESDAY, BRITAIN—HIGH—COURT—OF—JUSTICE, that THE—USA had threatened to stop sharing evidence with BRITAIN if it disclosed EVIDENCE—OF—THE—TORTURE—BINYAM Mohamed has endured.
20080209             Antilles) - of S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA,
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807             20080806              NEPAL, 1—CONTEST to choose the next "Miss NEPAL," slated 20080807             , was cancelled —AFTER Maoist female lawmakers denounced the beauty pageant.
20080209             —MONDAY 20021119             :59 PM EST - [FULL TEXT]
20080209             —ENGAGIERT, Vor kurzem habe Macklowe —SCHON 1—BROKERFIRMA, die einen Verkauf des GENERAL—MOTORS—GEBÄUDES ausloten soll, um diesen Kredit zurückzahlen zu können.
20080209             "THE—CHINA—INTERNET has 1—DISTINCTIVE—CHARACTER. Its 1—OF—THE—MOST strictly controlled in the world, but netizens' behaviour still confounds the government's expectations. They ban websites and delete posts, but they haven't got everything under control".
20080209             But with THE—INTERNET expanding so fast, there is 1—LIMIT to the number of blocking orders the government can send out or how widely it can impose its authority on small websites, such as blogs and bulletin boards.
20080209             the men in hoodies and parkas jabbing at their keyboards, blasting aliens and soldiers, —WHILE the women are transfixed by weepy Korean soaps and TAIWAN—GAMESHOWS.
20080209             "This is 1—BIG landmark. THE—USA has almost reached the point where it has not much room to grow. CHINA is the opposite. In TERMS—OF—NEW—CONNECTIVITY and economic growth, CHINA is definitely the place," says XIAO—QIANG, THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA—BASED—CHINA—DIGITAL—TIMES.
20080209             Dazu Peyghambarians Kollege Savas Tay: "Wenn es uns gelingt, größere und vollfarbige 3D-Hologramme zu entwickeln, wird JEDES—KRANKENHAUS dieser Welt eines haben wollen".
20080209             Abgabenlast: Wie der deutsche STAAT—DEN—AUFSCHWUNG frisst
20080209             Immer wenn man denkt, tiefer können die USA nicht sinken, dann kommt 1—MELDUNG wie diese: Die Amis haben versucht, Freiwillige des Peace Corps als Spione in Bolivien anzuwerben.
20080209             USA retail results are worst in 4—DECADES : USA—RETAILERS delivered more EVIDENCE—OF—1—STUMBLING economy —TODAY as merchants reported their weakest January performance in nearly 4—DECADES, extending 1—MALAISE that has deepened —SINCE the holiday shopping season.
20080209             Not all Jews are Zionist: Regarding THE—ZIONIST—MASSACRE in GAZA : —FOLLOWING is 1—LETTER that was sent from Neturei Karta USA and CANADA to DOCTOR—MAHMOUD—AL—ZAHAR—CO—FOUNDER—OF—HAMAS:
20080209             Clinton wins tacit SUPPORT—OF—ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT: Although the race to succeed MISTER—BUSH has narrowed to 1—CHOICE between JOHN—MCCAIN, Hillary Clinton and BARACK—OBAMA, the Republican candidate is not the 1 THE—ISRAEL—ESTABLISHMENT would most like to see in THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20080209             UK: Terrorism bill opens way for secret inquests : The government was —YESTERDAY criticised over plans to hold inquests without juries, which campaigners fear could limit hearings into THE—DEATHS—OF—UK—SOLDIERS and people shot by police.
20080209             USA—RUSSIA nuclear deal upstages IRAN : There was 1—TIME—WHEN IRAN might have believed that 1—MULTIPOLAR world order would be —JUST and fair from THE—POINT—OF—VIEW—OF—THE "suppressed nations".
20080209             —SHATTERED, If that notion wasn't, long ago, it was surely was last —FRIDAY—WHEN THE—DIRECTOR—OF—ROSATOM, RUSSIA—FEDERAL—AGENCY for nuclear power, SERGEI—KIRIYENKO, urgently flew to WASHINGTON on a 1—DAY "working visit".
20080209             ISRAEL—POWER—CUTS to GAZA Violate LAWS—OF—WAR: HRW : ISRAEL—MOVE to cut energy supplies to THE—GAZA Strip amounts to collective punishment of civilians and violates THE—LAWS—OF—WAR, Human Rights Watch said in 1—REPORT published —YESTERDAY.
20080209             GERMANY—TROOPS are staying in the calmer northern regions of AFGHANISTAN, the defence MINISTER—SAID—FRIDAY, despite pleas from CANADA + THE—USA for more military muscle to help fight insurgents in the south.
20080209             Mounting social distress among returning USA—TROOPS : —AFTER serving tours in occupied IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—TROOPS are returning wounded and psychologically traumatized from the experience.
20080209             THE—ARROGANCE—OF—POWER:
20080209             USA—OFFICIAL: IRAN Has No Need to Build More Nuclear Power Plants : Assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE—NICHOLAS—BURNS made the remark in 1—INTERVIEW—FRIDAY with the Reuters news service.
20080209             He was responding to comments —TODAY by IRAN—AMBASSADOR to RUSSIA, Gholamreza Ansari, that TEHRAN has started building a 2. nuclear plant and is considering ways to fuel the facility.
20080209             Taliban CHIEF, commanders hiding in PAKISTAN, says USA—OFFICIAL: Taliban supremo MULLAH—MOHAMMAD—OMAR and the strategic command of the militant group fighting 1—INSURGENCY in AFGHANISTAN are hiding in PAKISTAN, 1—SENIOR—USA—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY.
20080209             Lingering anger in EUROPE over THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ explains why SOME—ALLIES are reluctant to heed USA—CALLS for more combat troops in AFGHANISTAN, Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES said —TODAY.
20080209             —WHEN asked why he didn't kill AL—JANABI himself, Hensley said: "SERGEANT—VELA happened to be the guy with the pistol. THE—IRAQI—HEAD was at his (Vela's) feet. I would have gladly shot him myself".
20080209             Advancing the Civilized State -
20080209             Inch by Bloody Inch —WILLIAM—A—COOK, Ph.D.
20080209             Strange how the most CIVILIZED—OF—THE—WORLD in their time carry on experiments in extermination of their brothers and sisters, not as conquerors, but as VICTIMS—OF—1—EVIL they define.
20080209             —CIVILIZED, Stranger still how the most, find justice for their behavior in THE—WORDS—OF—THE—GOD they created, the only real + true God, whose beneficence to them justifies their indifference to their enemies even as it makes sacred THE—THEFT—OF—THAT—ENEMIES' land.
20080209             Particide In 6—EASY Steps -
20080209             Diligent Democrats Demonstrate Dumbness Daily
20080209             How would you do it?
20080209             THE—BATTLE—FOR—AMERICA—HAS—BEGUN - Must watch - 4—MINUTE—VIDEO - "We do the dirty WORK—OF—DEMOCRACY".
20080209             Guns And Butter - By Ron Paul- Ron Paul —TODAY speaking 20080702              at CPAC —AFTER Romney announces he is leaving the race.
20080209             Top USA—LAWYER And UNICEF Data Reveal AFGHANISTAN—GENOCIDE
20080209             Norman "BOMB—BOMB—BOMB—IRAN" Podhoretz will be UNDERSECRETARY—FOR—NUCLEAR—WAR with GENERAL—JOHN "Nuke them" Shalikashvili as his deputy.
20080209             RUDY—GIULIANI will be THE—MINISTER—OF—INTERIOR in CHARGE—OF—HALLIBURTON—DETENTION—CENTERS into which will be herded all CRITICS—OF—WAR and the police state. billy kristol will be CHIEF—WHITE—HOUSE spokesliar.
20080209             USA Heading To War in IRAN, Says FORMER—INSPECTOR
20080209             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is using outright fabrications and exaggerations to persuade THE—USA—PUBLIC that IRAN has 1—ACTIVE—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM, Ritter and Peck claimed.
20080209             THE—ARMAGEDDON—SHUFFLE
20080209             Behind Obama and Clinton - - WHO—WHISPERING in their ears says 1—LOT—BY—STEPHEN—ZUNES
20080209             fear mongering is also evil. AMERICA—BLINDERS
20080209             BuzzFlash —JUST Keeps Getting Better and Better.
20080209             —NOW View Daily Feeds from GoLeft.TV and TheRealNews_com.
20080209             —ASKED, REPRESENTATIVE—JACK—BROOKS (D—TX), OLIVER—NORTH about the plan to suspend the Constitution + it was SENATOR—DANIEL—INOUYE (D—HI) as chair presiding over the joint Congressional hearings who admonished Brooks that the program was classified + that ANY—FURTHER—DISCUSSION on the matter must be held in camera or closed executive sessions.
20080209             sofla
20080209             #—POSTED—BY—AITCHD: 2:18 PM
20080209             As THE—USA—EMPIRE slips EVER—CLOSER towards 1—ABYSS—OF—ITS—OWN making + the "IRAN threat" looms like Lord Sauron on 1—EVER—DARKENING horizon, the right is preparing a (nuclear) "night of the long knives" for us all.
20080209             And there won't be film at 11... Permalink - Antifascist Calling...
20080209             Watching snippets of THE—CPAC convention on C—SPAN (granted, I could tolerate only 1—BRIEF peek —BEFORE running from the room, gasping for air) was analogous to observing 1—LATTER—DAY—NUREMBERG RALLY—OF—WAR mongers, Christian dominionist zombies, unalloyed racists, †—IN—THE—WOOL UNION—BUSTERS, Islamophobes and antiabort fanatics obsessed with "moral purity" (paging GENERAL—RIPPER, white courtesy telephone please!) Admittedly, this is not "entertainment" meant for the kids or those prone to sudden outbursts of rage.
20080209             Huck yeah! Huckabee won KANSAS (of WHAT—THE—MATTER—WITH... fame) + has sworn to stay in the race because he "majored in miracles".
20080209             MCCAIN—NOT easy for independents to hate, but Reverend Huckleberry riles up everyone who has had ENOUGH—OF—IGNORANT, superstitious Jesus Christers romping through our political scene.
20080209             "We are the owners, operators + experts of our critical infrastructure, from THE—CEO—OF—1—LARGE—COMPANY in agriculture or high finance to the guy who turns the valve at the water utility," says Schneck, who by —DAY is THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—RESEARCH—INTEGRATION at Secure Computing.
20080209             —ASSURED, We were, that if we were forced to kill someone to protect our infrastructure, there would be no repercussions," the whistleblower says. "It gave me goose bumps.
20080209             It chilled me to the bone".
20080209             CHRISTINE—MOERKE is 1—BUSINESS—CONTINUITY consultant for Alliant Energy in MADISON—WISCONSIN.
20080209             In it, he instructed THE—SECRETARY—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY to coordinate with "private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate, in order to provide for the delivery of essential services —DURING 1—EMERGENCY
20080209             "THE—FBI should not be creating 1 privileged class of Americans who get special treatment," says JAY—STANLEY, public education DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ACLU—TECHNOLOGY and liberty program.
20080209             If there's information THE—FBI can share with 22,000—CORPORATE bigwigs, why don't they —JUST share it with the public?
20080209             Secrecy is not 1—PARTY favor to be given out to friends.... This bears 1—DISTURBING resemblance to THE—FBI—HANDING out 'goodies' to corporations in return for folding them into its domestic surveillance machinery".
20080209             - some of which may be in 1—POSITION to observe THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—MILLIONS—OF—INDIVIDUAL—CUSTOMERS - into surrogate eyes and ears for THE—FBI," THE—ACLU warned in its
20080209             —CALLED, THE—MEMBERS—OF—THIS rapidly growing group, InfraGard, receive secret WARNINGS—OF—TERRORIST—THREATS—BEFORE the public does - +, at least on 1—OCCASION, —BEFORE elected officials.
20080209             Another scary quote from the article in the Progressive: This special status concerns THE—ACLU.
20080209             "THE—USA—SECURITY—ESTABLISHMENT is reaching deeper and deeper into our private lives by forcing the corporate sector to inform on THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—INDIVIDUALS," said ANTHONY—D—ROMERO, Executive DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ACLU.
20080209             "The government has always recruited informers to help convict criminals, but —TODAY that recruitment is being computerized, automated + used against innocent individuals on 1—MASSIVE—SCALE that is unprecedented in THE—HISTORY—OF—OUR nation".
20080209             "In more than 3—DOZEN—INTERVIEWS, friends, classmates and mentors from his high school and Occidental recalled MISTER—OBAMA as being grounded, motivated and poised, someone who did not appear to be grappling with ANY—DRUG—PROBLEMS and seemed to dabble only with marijuana".
20080209             Feminist Peace Network: "I may be 1—PACIFIST, but if SOME—ASSHOLE said this about my kid, let alone on television, I would be 1—MIGHTILY pissed off mama. It doesn?t matter if you are supporting Clinton, Obama or for that matter, McCain or Huckabee, or even RALPH—NADER (no don?t even think about it)?this isn?t ok. Write to MISS—NBC?s PHIL—GRIFFIN + their News Director STEVE—CAPUS and share your thoughts" About DAVID—SHUSTER—VILE—COMMENT—ABOUT—CHELSEA—CLINTON.
20080209             If this isn't troubling enough, it gets worse...much worse.
20080209             "From there, it —JUST progressed. ALL—OF—1—SUDDEN we were knee deep in what was EXPECTED—OF—USA —WHEN martial law is declared. We were expected to share all our resources, but in return we'd be given specific benefits".
20080209             "Then they said —WHEN--not if--martial law is declared, it was our responsibility to protect our PORTION—OF—THE—INFRASTRUCTURE + if we had to use deadly force to protect it, we couldn't be prosecuted," he says.
20080209             writing on the "new reality" of 1—AMERICA in terminal mode cautions, "The harder truth may be that this is our destination. And they're not coming for us; they're here already + they've always had us".
20080209             THE—MAN—WHO—BAGGED—THE—PELICAN - 20070807
20080209             USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—JUSTICE : Antitrust Division... She is THE—EX—WIFE—OF billionaire investor KIRK—KERKORIAN, who has made headlines —RECENTLY with his large...
20080209             —PROVIDED, Stevens' guilty plea, the 1. official link between Pellicano and the... CHIEF—OF—THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT'S organized crime and racketeering...
20080209             In den USA denkt man in eine ähnliche Richtung: Das National Security Space Office (NSSO) des Pentagon hat der USA—REGIERUNG im vergangenen Oktober empfohlen, 10—MILLIARDEN Dollar innerhalb der nächsten 10—JAHRE
20080209             in einen TEST—SATELLITEN zu investieren, der in der Lage sein soll, einen Strahl von 10—MEGAWATT elektrischer Energie zur Erde zu schicken.
20080209             Mint Portal - EXACT PAY NV EXACT PAY NV. EXACT PAY NV.
20080209             Location, WILLEMSTAD, Curacao...
20080209             BANK—BRANDS—EXACTPAY—INFO, EXACT PAY NV Info.
20080209             —BY : /s/ signed By: /s/ signed Name: Nasr (Victor) Farag Name: Nasr (Victor)... SECRETARY—EDGAR—ONLINE_com/2007 /04/16/0001176256-07-000230/Section41.asp
20080209             Süddeutsche Zeitung- Der neokonservative
20080209             Politikberater ROBERT—KAGAN sieht zwischen EUROPA und Russland Konflikte heraufziehen, die längst überwunden schienen:
20080209             Putin, der offenbar der Sowjetunion hinterher trauert, möchte wieder hegemonialen Einfluss über die Baltischen Staaten + Osteuropa gewinnen, außerdem über die UKRAINE, Georgien, Moldawien und über all jene Staaten, die Russland als sein 'nahes Ausland' bezeichnet.
20080209             Im Dossier des taz mag
20080209             denkt der AUTOR—STEPHAN—WACKWITZ mit LUDWIG—WITTGENSTEIN über die Eifersucht und noch grundsätzlichere Dinge nach: "Auf dem Grund allen sinnvollen Denkens liegt keine logische Ableitung, Überlegung, Beweisführung, sondern paradoxerweise vielmehr 1—HANDLUNG.
20080209             'Warum überzeuge ich mich nicht davon, dass ich noch 2—FÜßE habe, wenn ich mich von dem Sessel erheben will?
20080209             Geheimdienstchef GRZEGORZ—RESZKA erstattete Strafanzeige gegen 3—EHEMALIGE MITARBEITER—DER—BEHÖRDE, weil sie im Auftrag der Vorgängerregierung der rechtskonservativen Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit [PiS] illegal geheime Daten in großem Ausmaß kopiert und mitgenommen haben sollen.
20080209             "Wenn sich die Informationen bestätigen, ist Skandal ein zu schwaches Wort", sagte der CHEF—DES—SKW—VORGÄNGERDIENSTES—WSI, MAREK—DUKACZEWSKI, der Tageszeitung "Gazeta Wyborcza" [—DONNERSTAG—AUSGABE].
20080209             Demnach habe die Aktion kurz vor der Parlamentswahl im vergangenen Oktober stattgefunden, als die PiS als Regierungspartei abgewählt wurde.
20080209             Innenministerium plant zentrales Melderegister
20080209             Heise.de berichtet von Plänen der Bundesregierung ein zentrales Bundesmelderegister einzurichten.
20080209             Die gesamte Antwort der Bundesregierung auf 1—KLEINE—ANFRAGE—DER—FDP—FRAKTION
20080209             gibt es als PDF—DOWNLOAD.
20080209             in der Berliner Umschau Originalartikel Hier geht es zum Teil 2—DER 'TÜRKEI—CONNECTION'
20080209             TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | THE—DAILY—MUCK—GEORGIA—KONTOGIANNIS has contributed to various political candidates...
20080209             —TODAY in 1—SPEECH at GEORGETOWN University, Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) said that he — like other congressional Democrats, such REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—CONYERS (MI) and Sens.
20080209             People would be told to come forward and share their knowledge and experiences, not for purposes of conducting criminal indictments but to assemble the facts.
20080209             5—MEN who say they were VICTIMS—OF—EXTRAORDINARY—RENDITION — including current GUANTANAMO detainee and torture victim Binyam Mohamed — sued, but the case was thrown out —LAST—YEAR—AFTER Bush declared it to be 1—MATTER—OF—STATE—SECRETS.
20080209             1—SOURCE inside of the Ninth USA—DISTRICT—COURT—TELLS—ABC—NEWS that 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OF—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT stood up to say that its position hasn't changed,
20080209—20050000    0409—FIGHTING BACK Saudis dial up foreign INTERNET service providers,
20080209—20070509    —ON, 0000             —DATE, GEORGE—BUSH issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 entitled "National Continuity Policy.
20080209—20070509    —ISSUED, GEORGE—BUSH, National Security Presidential Directive 51—ENTITLED "National Continuity Policy".
20080209—20080707    —PLEADED, Thomas, guilty and faced life in prison.
20080226             RESURRECTION CHURCH — —SUNDAY, 20070415              — Vol. 31 #27-
20080328             —ATTACKED, THE—UN said rebel fighters, CAR villages 20080209—20080310    —BETWEEN raping women and taking 150—HOSTAGES, including 55—CHILDREN.
20080404             alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20080515             KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—IRAK—RUMSFELD droht mit Sanktionen spiegel 20030209             ... Memorandum von Deutschland, Frankreich und der Russischen Föderation zur Lage im Irak 20032502             ...
20090103—20090209    —ON, 1—CHINA—COURT sentenced him to death for the murders.
20090209             Radioterapia trata quase 50% dos cancros
20090209             PORTUGAL com falta de médicos e equipamentos
20090209             Protestos terminam na refinaria britânica
20090209             Portugueses podem regressar a Inglaterra
20090209             Coimas altas para quem nega Livro de Reclamações
20090209             Estabelecimentos podem pagar até 30—MIL euros
20090209             O Executivo sublinha que o dispositivo não porá em causa o direito à privacidade dos proprietários e/ou condutores e a protecção dos respectivos dados pessoais,
20090209             dado que o sistema funciona através da transmissão de um código e não de qualquer elemento de identidade dos proprietários.
20090209             Em comunicado, o Governo garante ainda que os equipamentos de detecção electrónica de veículos são dotados de um alcance meramente local,
20090209             não permitindo um acompanhamento permanente dos veículos em circulação.
20090209             Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND pode pagar US1,5 bi em bônus
20090209             Rumores de que o Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND deve conceder a seus funcionários 1—BILHÃO de libras em bônus disseminaram discussões na GR×BRETANHA neste —DOMINGO, em uma época de aumento de desemprego em um cenário de recessão profunda.
20090209             —ORDERED, USA Federal judges tentatively, CALIFORNIA to release TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—INMATES, up to a 3. of all prisoners, in the next 3—YEARS to stop dangerous overcrowding.
20090209             —ADMITTED, Baseball player ALEX—RODRIGUEZ, to using PERFORMANCE—ENHANCING drugs with THE—TEXAS Rangers 20010000—20030000    —FROM—TO.
20090209             ARGENTINA, the ultraconservative Society of S—PIUS X said UK—BISHOP—RICHARD—WILLIAMSON, whose denials of the Holocaust led to VATICAN demands he recant, has been removed as THE—HEAD—OF—1—ARGENTINE seminary.
20090209             ARGENTINA, at least 12—PEOPLE were missing and over 10000000              evacuated —AFTER 1—MUDSLIDE swept away 1—RAILROAD bridge and homes in the northern border TOWN—OF—TARTAGAL.
20090209             —DECLARED, AUSTRALIA, police, incinerated towns crime scenes, and PRIME—MINISTER—RUDD spoke of "mass murder" —AFTER investigators said arsonists may have set SOME—OF—THE—COUNTRY—WORST wildfires in history.
20090209             —DOWNGRADED, The official death toll from the wildfires was —LATER, to 173—FROM 1—PREVIOUS—COUNT—OF—210.
20090209             MONTREAL—CANADA, researchers said that 1—INDEVUS—PHARMACEUTICALS gel formulated to protect women from the virus that causes AIDS appeared to protect about a 3. of them from infection, the 1. time 1—SO—CALLED microbicide has been shown to work.
20090209             —COMPLETED, BEIJING—CHINA, the tower of 1—NEARLY, skyscraper was destroyed by 1—FIRE believed to have ignited by 1—FIREWORKS display marking THE—END—OF—THE—LUNAR—NEW—YEAR—CELEBRATIONS.
20090209             CUBA, ORLANDO "Cachaito" Lopez (19330000              *), considered the "heartbeat" of CUBA—LEGENDARY Buena Vista Social Club for his internationally acclaimed bass playing, †—OF—COMPLICATIONS from prostate surgery.
20090209             THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT said it would give $8.4—MILLION in low interest loans to Renault SA and PSA PEUGEOT—CITROEN in exchange for pledges that the car makers won't close ANY—FACTORIES—OF lay off workers in FRANCE for the duration of the funding.
20090209             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated his car near 1—USA—ARMY—PATROL in MOSUL killing 4—SOLDIERS and their IRAQ—TRANSLATOR.
20090209             † In NORTH—ITALY Eluana Englaro (38) at her clinic as THE—ITALY—SENATE discussed legislation clarifying the right to die.
20090209             † Englaro had been in 1—VEGETATIVE state —SINCE a 19920000              car accident and, —AFTER her family cut off her food and water.
20090209             Nissan said it is slashing 20,000 jobs, or 8.5—PERCENT of its global work force, to cope with what JAPAN—3.—LARGEST automaker expects will be its 1. annual loss in 9—YEARS.
20090209             —REPORTED, Scientists in JAPAN, that they have identified 1—ENZYME which appears to suppress breast cancer and they hope the finding will spur new therapies to control the 2. most common cancer in the world.
20090209             MADAGASCAR, defense MINISTER—CECILE—MANOROHANTA said she has resigned because civilians were killed —WHEN security forces fired on ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS over the weekend.
20090209             † 1—PALESTINE—FIGHTER in 1—CLASH with ISRAEL—TROOPS and ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT attacked 2—TARGETS in GAZA as mediators tried to broker 1—LONG—TERM—CEASE—FIRE—1—DAY—BEFORE ISRAEL holds national elections.
20090209             THE—PHILIPPINES, ABU—SAYYAF militants holding 3 Red Cross workers tried to break 1—MILITARY cordon that has boxed them in for days, setting off 1—CLASH that wounded 5—MARINES and sparked concerns over the hostages' safety.
20090209             —CLEARED, SOUTH—KOREA—PROSECUTORS, police of ANY—WRONGDOING over 1—COMMANDO raid last —MONTH that left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD in 1—CLASH with displaced tenants in CENTRAL—SEOUL.
20090209             —BLAMED, SPAIN—INTERIOR—MINISTER, the armed Basque separatist group ETA for 1—EXPLOSION in THE—EAST—OF—MADRID, which police said caused extensive damage but no casualties.
20090209             —STRAPPED, SRI—LANKA, 1—WOMAN with 1—BOMB, to her body hid in 1—CROWD—OF—CIVILIANS at 1—REFUGEE—CAMP in Vishvamadu, blowing herself up and killing 29—PEOPLE as security forces frisked people fleeing the northern war zone.
20090209             —DUMPED, SRI—LANKA, 9—BODIES were, on farmland in the northerly DISTRICT—OF—MULLAITIVU —AFTER they were killed in 1—ARMY—MULTI—BARREL shell attack.
20090209             —REPORTED, Another mass grave was, to be 200—METERS away.
20090209             —CLAIMED, SWITZERLAND, Paula Oliviera (26), 1—LAWYER from BRAZIL, she was attacked by 3—SKINHEADS, 1 with 1—NAZI symbol tattooed on the back of his head, outside 1—ZURICH train station.
20090209             Rumores de que o Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND deve conceder a seus funcionários 1—BILHÃO de libras em bônus disseminaram discussões na GR×BRETANHA neste —DOMINGO,
20090209             em uma época de aumento de desemprego em um cenário de recessão profunda.
20090209             y Governo britânico critica bónus do RBS - Stomp actuam
20090209             —VIEWED, Photosynthesis, in 1—FLASH - Jeppesen - Chatman Thomsen
20090209             JEPPESEN GMBH JEPPESEN GMBH; JEPPESEN $60,866
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20090209             Find news and products from Jeppesen GmbH.
20090209             Quick links for investor relations and press. Jeppesen GmbH contact and.
20090209             "This is not change," Romero said in 1 prepared statement.
20090209             "Candidate Obama ran on 1—PLATFORM that would reform THE—ABUSE—OF—STATE—SECRETS,
20090209             but PRESIDENT—OBAMA'S—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has disappointingly reneged on that important civil liberties issue".
20090209             —PRESENTED, The case, OBAMA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT with 1—OF—THE 1. of MANY—POLICY and legal decisions it faces in countless actions across the country left over from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20090209             Madoff Claims Another Victim
20090209             —CHALKED, Forbes- BERNARD—MADOFF has, up another victim in his alleged $50—BILLION swindle:
20090209             the Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement CHIEF who failed to detect it.
20090209             SEC—TOP cop wasn't tough enough - SEC—TOP enforcer to leave agency
20090209             Obama lawyers maintain Bush position in suit
20090209             Obama DoJ Asserts "STATE—SECRETS;" ACLU Blasts Obama
20090209             Obama Stands Behind 'STATE—SECRETS'—DEFENSE
20090209             400—RICHEST—AMERICANS' incomes doubled under BUSH.
20090209             —RELEASED, Bloomberg reports that, according to —RECENTLY, IRS data, "the average tax rate paid by the richest 400—AMERICANS fell by a 3. to 17.2 % through the 1. 6—YEARS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION and their average income doubled to $263.3—MILLION".
20090209             Much of their income came from capital gains resulting from THE—BUSH [...]
20090209             —CONFIRMED, FBI officials, the ;;12;; incident.
20090209             "As 1—MATTER—OF protocol in this TYPE—OF—MATTER, THE—FBI was called in to investigate and we determined there was no nexus to terrorism or risk to public health," said BRYAN—TRAVERS,
20090209             1—SPOKESMAN for THE—FBI OFFICE—IN—NEWARK.
20090209             —INFECTED, UMDNJ concedes it lost 2—DEAD—MICE, with plague
20090209             —RETURNED, The compliment was, —WHEN the 85-year-old veteran of the Nixon # Ford administrations said last —MONTH that the young PRESIDENT was in 1—POSITION to create a "new world order"
20090209             —BY—SHIFTING USA foreign policy away from the hostile STANCE—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20090209             "new world order"
20090209             1—SPOKESMAN said: "Prof NUTT—ACADEMIC—RESEARCH does not prejudice the work that he conducts as chair of THE—ACMD".
20090209             There are 500,000 regular users and between 30—MILLION and 60—MILLION—ECSTASY—PILLS in circulation in THE—UK.
20090209             If the advisory council recommends downgrading ecstasy next —WEEK, the Government can OVER—RULE it - as happened with cannabis this —YEAR.
20090209             The council heard —LAST—YEAR that deaths among ecstasy users had trebled from 10 to 30 1—YEAR over the past 15—YEARS.
20090209             —SLUMPED, THE—COST—OF—PILLS had, from £15.50 to £2.30.
20090209             "There is not much difference between horse riding and ecstasy".
20090209             —TITLED, In the article, "Equasy: 1 overlooked addiction with implications for the current debate on drug harms",
20090209             Prof Nutt wrote that "equasy", short for "Equine Addiction Syndrome", had caused 10—DEATHS and more than 100—ROAD—TRAFFIC—ACCIDENTS 1—YEAR.
20090209             "As for the dreaded NWO -- it's 1—MYTH".
20090209             Frequent visits by MISTER—KISSINGER to RUSSIA
20090209             —VERWEIGERT, PLEITE—BANK: Island, deutschen KAUPTHING—KUNDEN Entschädigung
20090209             Katholische Kirche: Kardinal Lehmann fordert Ausschluss des HOLOCAUST—LEUGNERS
20090209             Es ist kein Einzelfall, dass GOOGLE—MAP—MASHUPS an die Grenze zum unheimlichen Überwachungsregister gehen.
20090209             Bekannt sind TRACKING—DIENSTE, die in den USA —SEIT Jahren via Google Maps den Aufenthaltsort verurteilter,
20090209             aus der Haft entlassener Sexualstraftäter
20090209             Diese müssen sich in vielen Staaten melden und werden regional öffentlich gemacht.
20090209             Die Maps tragen ihre Bilder um die Welt.
20090209             Den Russen schwebt eher 1—DACHORGANISATION über Russland und der Nato vor, 1—ART neue OSZE", betont Rahr.
20090209             Die Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in EUROPA (OSZE) war in den siebziger Jahren gegründet worden und leistete —BIS zum ENDE—DER—SOWJETUNION einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entspannung und Kooperation zwischen Ost und West.
20090209             —REGISTRIERT, Mit Befriedigung, der "Kommersant", dass das Zusammentreffen der hochrangigen Vertreter aus AMERIKA und Russland herzlich verlaufen ist
20090209             Einer am —MONTAG veröffentlichten Umfrage zufolge kann sich Obama bei seinen Konjunkturplänen der Unterstützung der meisten USA—BÜRGER gewiss sein.
20090209             In der GALLUP—ERHEBUNG gaben 67—PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN an, sie seien mit Obamas Vorgehen in der Debatte um das Konjunkturpaket zufrieden.
20090209             Lediglich 31 % äußerten sich zufrieden mit dem Ansatz der Republikaner im Kongress.
20090209             sagte Obama.
20090209             "Die Lage, mit der wir konfrontiert sind, könnte nicht ernster sein".
20090209             Doch das Bundeskriminalamt hat andere Zahlen: Demnach ist die
20090209             von dem Moment an, als der Anschlag auf das World Trade Center auch die kriminalistische Arbeit in Deutschland erschütterte.
20090209             —SEIT damals hätten Mafiaermittlungen keine Priorität mehr, Beamte seien verstärkt zur Terrorbekämpfung abgezogen worden, so Jansen:
20090209             "Und wenn nicht ermittelt wird, gehen auch die Zahlen zurück".
20090209             Danach wurde Deutschland wieder zum Ruheraum. Das bedeute vor allem eines:
20090209             —GELASSEN, Die Mafia werde hier in Ruhe, und könne sich ums Geldverdienen kümmern,
20090209             "Die Mafia gefährdet schleichend unsere Demokratie".
20090209             So fehlte in vielen Bundesländern der politische Wille für aufwendige Ermittlungen.
20090209             "Die Landesregierungen fragen oft nicht, aus welchen dunklen Kanälen Investitionsgelder stammen".
20090209             "Kalte Wirtschaftlichkeit" der MAFIA—CLANS
20090209             Konjunkturpaket: Obama auf Werbetour an der Basis
20090209             Italienische Komapatientin: Streit um Sterbehilfe spitzt sich zu
20090209             Absatzkrise: Sarkozy stützt Autobranche mit 6—MILLIARDEN Euro
20090209             —GEFÄHRDET, Organisierte Kriminalität: "Die Mafia, unsere Demokratie"
20090209             Neue Sicherheitsarchitektur: Herzliches Missverständnis zwischen Russland und dem Westen
20090209             —GEMACHT, Laxton hat schnell Karriere, er war —BEREITS mehrere Jahre in PAKISTAN und AFGHANISTAN und ist —DERZEIT CHEF—DER—SÜD—ASIEN—ABTEILUNG des britischen Außenministeriums und
20090209             unterrichtet in diesen Fragen direkt Außenminister DAVID—MILIBAND, der aus einer POLNISCH—JÜDISCHEN Familie stammt.
20090209             Der Vorfall ereignete sich für das britische Außenministerium in einer besonders heiklen Phase:
20090209             In der kommenden Woche ist Großbritannien Gastgeber für einen Gipfel mit Politikern aus 35—LÄNDERN - bei dem Treffen soll es um den Kampf gegen den Antisemitismus gehen.
20090209             Klage gegen Reformvertrag: "Verfassungsgericht wird EU eindeutig in ihre Schranken weisen"
20090209             CHINA Zentrale des Staatsfernsehens steht in Flammen
20090209             Die Ursache des Feuers ist noch unbekannt.
20090209             Die Pekinger haben am Montagabend mit einem gewaltigen,
20090209             stundenlangen Feuerwerk den letzten —TAG des zweiwöchigen chinesischen Neujahrsfestes gefeiert.
20090209             —VERWIRRT, Binärsystem, Telekom
20090209             Immerhin sind die Rollen hier klar verteilt: Die großen ANWENDER—BETRIEBSSYSTEME halten sich nicht an den Standard, die HARDWARE—HERSTELLER —SCHON.
20090209             In welchen Einheiten aber nun zum Beispiel T—ONLINE, Telekom und T—MOBILE ihre Datenübertragungsraten und INKLUSIV—VOLUMEN berechnen, ist nicht wirklich ersichtlich.
20090209             —BERECHNET, Die Telekom
20090209             mal auf ihrer WEB—SEITE in Binärlogik, ein "Megabit habe 1024—KILOBIT",
20090209             T—MOBILE wiederum gibt in Zehnersystematik - an, 1—MEGABIT habe "1—MILLION—BIT".
20090209             1—ANFRAGE—VON—SPIEGEL—ONLINE vom —DONNERSTAG, nach welchem Standard man nun rechne, hat die Telekom —BIS—HEUTE nicht beantwortet.
20090209             cinco dias " o país kamikaze
20090209             Já o PIUS—IX—PAPA ( Syllabus errorum ) falava desta conspiração tenebrosa, chamando às lojas maçónicas as "sinagogas de Satanás".
20090209             Entlarvende Schriften: Auch deutsche Piusbrüder hetzen gegen Juden
20090209             ANTISEMITISMUS—VORWURF: Polizei nimmt britischen TOP—DIPLOMATEN fest
20090209             —NACH—DEM Angriff: Chinas Regierungschef bittet um Gnade für Schuhwerfer
20090209             Umfrage: Afghanen stellen USA und Nato vernichtendes Zeugnis aus
20090209             Stabilitätspakt: 6—EURO—STAATEN müssen mit Defizitverfahren rechnen
20090209             Exportschwierigkeiten: Mehr als 4000—SPIELZEUGFIRMEN machen dicht
20090209             —GETRIEBEN, SIERRA—LEONE: Beschneidungsgegnerinnen nackt durch Ort
20090209             Kommentar: Wieso die Schuldenbremse Wahnsinn ist
20090209             —GEFUNDEN, Ägypten: Grabkammer mit 30—MUMIEN
20090209             Finanzkrise: Barclays' Milliardengewinn stützt Europas Börsen
20090209             Schnee in den Alpen: ZAHL—DER—PASSSPERREN erreicht Rekordwert
20090209             DEUTSCHE—BANK—TRADER Weinstein: 1—POKERSPIELER stürzt ab
20090209             6 contracted pilots working for 1—VIRGINIA—BASED firm, Dyncorp... GEORGE—CLOSE, SOUTHCOM—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATION, who noted that Green Clover...
20090209             könnten klein und billig werden, so dass erstere in Schwärmen für die Erdüberwachung oder für ANTISATELLITEN—ANGRIFFE genutzt werden könnten.
20090209             -. globale Beherrschung, Kontrolle + Kommunikation im.
20090209             JAN—DÖRNER, afp bei —HEUTE.de, PowerPoint Presentation
20090209             Nationaler Nutzerworkshop "Operationelle Satellitensysteme der Erdüberwachung "
20090209             4—CAMERAS 16—DEG coverage (shifted N). - • 160—MM aperture.
20090209             • ˜ 100—KG.
20090209             Radio Islam: ISRAEL—BUSINESSMEN SUSPECTED—OF—TIES to Peruvian...
20090209             "1—ISRAEL—LAWYER named Mordechai Mincher is THE—1—WHO represented Montesinos at THE—ISRAEL—BANKS in SWITZERLAND and he is also the person upon whose...
20090209             Perils of PERU - Haaretz - ISRAEL—NEWS
20090209             They include arms dealer Zvi Sudit, businessman Rony Lerner, lawyer Mordechai Mincher (formerly 1—LEGAL—ADVISER to the Eisenberg Group), Ilan Weil and James...
20090209             —FILED, DLJ Buys $50—MILLION in Bogus Loans - Lawsuit, against Thomas...
20090209             —DILAPIDATED, RUSSIA's, nuclear stockpile is no longer sustainable
20090209             Despite pressure from MOSCOW, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was reluctant to begin negotiations on 1—SUCCESSOR to START because it feared losing the flexibility needed to respond to potential challenges from rising nuclear powers such as CHINA.
20090209             —BELIEVED, MISTER—KISSINGER is, to have won 1—VERBAL rather than written undertaking for the deal.
20090209             TOM—GRAHAM, 1—SENIOR—ASSOCIATE at Kissinger Associates and 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY council in THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20090209             —ON—THURSDAY confirmed that MISTER—KISSINGER had met MISTER—MEDVEDEV but denied that ANY—NEGOTIATIONS had taken place and said he had not met with MISTER—PUTIN.
20090209             "It is essential where such activities are carried out that security is at the highest levels and records be maintained for 1—LONG—PERIOD—OF—TIME, if not indefinitely," Ebright said.
20090209             "I'm confident we run 1—SAFE and secure facility. We run a 1.—RATE operation, and we will be OUT—OF—BUSINESS—FAST if people don't believe we have credibility," he said.
20090209             "We have very strict controls. Safety. Security.
20090209             Everything.
20090209             But you're always running the risk of even 1—VERY—SMALL—MINOR—INCIDENT, which is what this is".
20090209             —FUNDED, The mice were part 1—ONGOING work in 1—FEDERALLY, biodefense program
20090209             It would have been irresponsible to raise concerns
20090209             Nicht nur die britische Marine lässt sich von Computerviren runterfahren, die französische Luftwaffe war mehrere Tage wegen "Conficker" nicht einsatzbereit.
20090209             Die Franzosen waren halt —SCHON immer ein im Herzen friedliebendes Volk.
20090209             Spitzelaffäre: Kunden machen einen Bogen um Lidl
20090209             Globale Rezession: Deutsche Industrieumsätze brechen um 12 % ein
20090209             MARIHUANA—KONSUM: Joints erhöhen HODENKREBS—RISIKO
20090209             Buschfeuer in Australien: Ministerpräsident spricht von "Massenmord"
20090209             —ATTACKIERT, NAHOST—KRISE: Israelisches Militär, Ziele im GAZA—STREIFEN
20090209             —VERSCHIEBT, Raumfähre "Discovery": Nasa, SHUTTLE—FLUG
20090209             Burmas Minderheiten: THAILAND schickt Flüchtlinge in den sicheren Tod
20090209             Katholische Kirche: Piusbrüder degradieren HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Williamson
20090209             Weltwirtschaftskrise: EXPORT—WACHSTUM sinkt auf 5—JAHRES—TIEF - LATIN AMERICAN—POVERTY 'MAY SOAR'
20090209             1—SENIOR—UN—OFFICIAL says the world's economic crisis could cause poverty in Latin AMERICA to rise by 15% this —YEAR.
20090209             Using ULTRA—SHORT—LASER pulses, scientists hope to understand how plants harvest THE—SUN—ENERGY.
20090209             USA seeks to rework foreign ties
20090209             Temperatures set to drop further
20090209             The coldest snap —FOR—20—YEARS shows no sign of letting up, with temperatures expected to plummet overnight.
20090209             POUND—SLIDE—HITS—FOREIGN—OFFICE—THE—COLLAPSE—OF—THE—POUND will put the Foreign Office under "serious financial pressures" in the coming —YEAR, 1—PARLIAMENTARY—REPORT warns.
20090209             Maternity units 'shut to mothers
20090209             —TURNED, More hospitals in ENGLAND, away women in labour 20080000              because they were full, figures obtained by the Tories suggest.
20090209             Government plans travel database
20090209             The government is compiling 1—DATABASE to track and store THE—INTERNATIONAL—TRAVEL—RECORDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—BRITONS.
20090209             Treasury orders probe into banks
20090209             THE—TREASURY is to order 1—INDEPENDENT—PROBE into how banks are managed, CHANCELLOR—ALISTAIR—DARLING says.
20090209             In a 20060500              OP—ED in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, Hoekstra wrote:
20090209             —CLASSIFIED, But EVERY—TIME, national security information is leaked, our ability to gather information on those who would do us harm is eroded.
20090209             "I regret that I see little SIGN—OF—INTOLERANCE for unauthorized DISCLOSURES—OF—INTELLIGENCE to the media from SOME—OF—MY—DEMOCRATIC colleagues —TODAY.
20090209             "We are 1—NATION at war.
20090209             —CLASSIFIED, Unauthorized disclosures of, information only help terrorists and our enemies — and put USA—LIVES at risk.
20090209             —UNAUTHORIZED, Hoekstra leaks, intelligence information via Twitter.
20090209             SENATE CENTRISTS' PLAN = 600,000 FEWER JOBS.
20090209             - Faiz Shakir - THE—SENATE "centrists," led by BEN—NELSON (D—NE) and Susan Collins (R—NE), are cheering the fact that they've cut $86—BILLION in spending from the economy recovery package.
20090209             Spending for the states and education took the biggest hit, compared with the House bill.
20090209             State fiscal stabilization funding was cut back $40—BILLION, school construction dropped $16—BILLION,
20090209             and 1 proposed $3.5—BILLION line for higher education construction was zeroed out".
20090209             Nobel PRIZE—WINNING economist PAUL—KRUGMAN puts those cuts in perspective:
20090209             —NOW the centrists have shaved off $86—BILLION in spending — much of it among the most effective and most needed PARTS—OF—THE—PLAN.
20090209             In particular, aid to state governments, which are in desperate straits,
20090209             is both fast — because it prevents spending cuts rather than having to start up new projects — and effective,
20090209             because it would in fact be spent;
20090209             plus state and local governments are cutting back on essentials,
20090209             so the social value of this spending would be high.
20090209             But in THE—NAME—OF—MIGHTY—CENTRISM, $40—BILLION—OF—THAT—AID has been cut out.
20090209             My 1. cut says that the changes to the Senate
20090209             This is 1—NASTY looking chart: Time Magazine - CRS reports by date
20090209             —JETZT hat der Forscher sein Modell nun auf IRAN angewandt -
20090209             Zürich schafft Steuerprivilegien für reiche Ausländer ab
20090209             EU—STAATEN wird das Geld knapp - THE—BIG—PICTURE -
20090209             —COMBINED, At 1, value for Hershel and Planck of approximately 1.7—BILLION euros, you get 1—IDEA—OF—JUST how risky this strategy is.
20090209             If the rocket fails, both missions are lost.
20090209             1 is tempted to say "good luck"; but as Göran Pilbratt points out,
20090209             —WHEN you have put as much effort into these missions as Esa has over the past 20—YEARS, "luck doesn't come into it".
20090209             —SUMMED, Professor Griffin, up the Esa mission in this way: "Herschel is not about studying mature stars or galaxies;
20090209             it is really about studying the processes by which they are created.
20090209             "We know very little about that and we need to understand it in order to put together 1—PICTURE—OF how the Universe we live in —TODAY grew from the earliest stages —AFTER the Big Bang".
20090209             —INTERVIEWED, Of those, by YouGov, 75% said newspapers frequently published stories they knew to be inaccurate,
20090209             —WHILE 70% said there were too MANY—INVASIONS—OF—PRIVACY by newspapers.
20090209             —TRUSTED, The 7% LEVEL—OF—PEOPLE who, newspapers to behave responsibly was lower than that for banks.
20090209             "We owe it to future generations and our wallets —TODAY to take action —NOW".
20090209             —STOPPED, THE—GO—GREENER—CAMPAIGN—CLAIMS that if everyone in SCOTLAND, wasting food, the environmental impact would be the equivalent of taking 1 in 4—CARS off the roads.
20090209             Ancient sewers
20090209             —TALKED, Human rights activists and trade unionists I have, to ask 1—SIMPLE—QUESTION.
20090209             If the government of INDIA can spend billions on its space programme,
20090209             if DELHI can reach all its targets for THE—BEAUTIFICATION—OF—THE—CITY in time for the, no longer sustainable - sustainable
20090209             —VIEWED, Photosynthesis, in 1—FLASH - Jeppesen
20090209             Chatman Thomsen - JEPPESEN GMBH JEPPESEN GMBH; JEPPESEN $60,866
20090209             "Candidate Obama ran on 1—PLATFORM that would reform THE—ABUSE—OF—STATE—SECRETS, but PRESIDENT—OBAMA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has disappointingly reneged on that important civil liberties issue".
20090209             The lawsuit claims that S—JOSE—BASED—JEPPESEN—DATAPLAN—INCORPORATED should be punished for allegedly providing THE—CIA—AIRPLANES and crew to carry out the program that included torture.
20090209             —CHALKED, Madoff Claims Another Victim Forbes- BERNARD—MADOFF has, up another victim in his alleged $50—BILLION swindle: the Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement CHIEF who failed to detect it.
20090209             Obama lawyers maintain Bush position in suit S—JOSE—MERCURY—NEWS—AP—SAN—FRANCISCO—AN—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—LAWYER is urging 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—PANEL to throw out 1—LAWSUIT accusing 1—BOEING—CO.
20090209             —CONFIRMED, FBI officials, the December incident.
20090209             "As 1—MATTER—OF protocol in this TYPE—OF—MATTER, THE—FBI was called in to investigate and we determined there was no nexus to terrorism or risk to public health," said BRYAN—TRAVERS, 1—SPOKESMAN for THE—FBI OFFICE—IN—NEWARK.
20090209             "As for the dreaded NWO -- it's 1—MYTH". "new world order"
20090209             Bekannt sind TRACDIENSTE—KING—OF—, die in den USA —SEIT Jahren via Google Maps den Aufenthaltsort verurteilter, aus der
20090209             Haft entlassener Sexualstraftäter erfassen.
20090209             —GELASSEN, Die Mafia werde hier in Ruhe, und könne sich ums Geldverdienen kümmern, sagt KLAUS—JANSEN, VORSITZENDER—DES—BUNDES—DEUTSCHER—KRIMINALBEAMTER (BDK):
20090209             Die Pekinger haben am Montagabend mit einem gewaltigen, stundenlangen Feuerwerk den letzten —TAG des zweiwöchigen chinesischen Neujahrsfestes gefeiert.
20090209             —BERECHNET, Die Telekom, mal auf ihrer WEB—SEITE in Binärlogik, ein "Megabit habe 1024—KILOBIT", T—MOBILE wiederum gibt in Zehnersystematik an, 1—MEGABIT habe "1—MILLION—BIT".
20090209             Reluctant Recruits - Transnational Institute... 6 contracted pilots working for 1—VIRGINIA—BASED firm, Dyncorp... GEORGE—CLOSE, SOUTHCOM—DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATION, who noted that Green Clover...
20090209             Potential Military Applications of Microsystem Technologies
20090209             könnten klein und billig werden, so dass erstere in Schwärmen für die Erdüberwachung oder für ANTISATELLITEN—ANGRIFFE genutzt werden könnten.
20090209             Bundesrat - Diese Satelliten benutzen Film- und elektronische Kameras, um... Erdüberwachung vom Weltall.
20090209             DFG—PROJEKT "Kultur, Kontrolle, Weltbild" - DOCTOR—NILS—ZURAWSKI—UNTER den Augen tausender Kameras.
20090209             Nationaler Nutzerworkshop "Operationelle Satellitensysteme der Erdüberwachung "... 4—CAMERAS 16—DEG coverage (shifted N). • 160—MM aperture. • ˜ 100—KG.
20090209             Perils of PERU - Haaretz - ISRAEL—NEWS—THEY include arms dealer Zvi Sudit, businessman Rony Lerner, lawyer Mordechai Mincher (formerly 1—LEGAL—ADVISER to the Eisenberg Group), Ilan Weil and James...
20090209             TOM—GRAHAM, 1—SENIOR—ASSOCIATE at Kissinger Associates and 1—FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY council in THE—WHITE—HOUSE, on —THURSDAY confirmed that MISTER—KISSINGER had met MISTER—MEDVEDEV but denied that ANY—NEGOTIATIONS had taken place and said he had not met with MISTER—PUTIN.
20090209             —VIEWED, Photosynthesis, in 1—FLASH
20090209             THE—USA—SEEKS 1—NEW—TONE in its foreign policy and wants to "reset" ties with MOSCOW, VICE—PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN says.
20090209             State fiscal stabilization funding was cut back $40—BILLION, school construction dropped $16—BILLION, and 1 proposed $3.5—BILLION line for higher education construction was zeroed out".
20090209             In particular, aid to state governments, which are in desperate straits, is both fast — because it prevents spending cuts rather than having to start up new projects — and effective,
20090209             plus state and local governments are cutting back on essentials, so the social value of this spending would be high.
20090209             Job Losses: Comparing Recessions - BARRY—RITHOLTZ - This is 1—NASTY looking chart:
20090209             Time Magazine - CRS reports by date
20090209             1 is tempted to say "good luck";
20090209             but as Göran Pilbratt points out, —WHEN you have put as much effort into these missions as Esa has over the past 20—YEARS, "luck doesn't come into it".
20090209             —INTERVIEWED, Of those, by YouGov, 75% said newspapers frequently published stories they knew to be inaccurate, —WHILE 70% said there were too MANY—INVASIONS—OF—PRIVACY by newspapers.
20090209             If the government of INDIA can spend billions on its space programme, if DELHI can reach all its targets for THE—BEAUTIFICATION—OF—THE—CITY in time for THE 20090209            no longer sustainable
20090209—20000000    —SINCE—FREQUENT—VISITS by MISTER—KISSINGER to RUSSIA have largely gone unreported in the Western press.
20090209—20010000    —SEIT, ZAHL—DER—TATVERDÄCHTIGEN + der Ermittlungsverfahren im BEREICH—DER—ORGANISIERTEN—KRIMINALITÄT rückläufig - also
20090209—20090213    —ON, investigators said  was not pregnant and probably cut wounds into herself.
20090209—20090219    —ORDERED, THE—BISHOP was, to leave ARGENTINA within 10—DAYS.
20090209—20100000    —IN, 1—BEIJING court sentenced 20—PEOPLE to up to 7—YEARS in prison over the deadly fire at CCTV—ICONIC—HEADQUARTERS.
20090209—20140000    —DISCOVERED, The grave was.
20091022—20100209    —FREED, THE—AL—KHALIQ cargo ship was, —AFTER 3.1—MILLION—USA—DOLLARS were paid to the pirates.
20100205—20100209    —ON, SHELBY—OFFICE said he will stop blocking Senate confirmation of some 70—NOMINEES.
20100209             —CLOSED, USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—OFFICES were, for a 2. straight —DAY and utility workers struggled to restore power knocked out by 1—WEEKEND blizzard.
20100209             —CALLED, CALIFORNIA lawmakers, for federal and state investigations into Anthem BLUE—CROSS regarding new rates hikes of as much as 39% for THOUSANDS—OF—POLICYHOLDERS statewide.
20100209             † WALTER—FREDRICK—MORRISON, 90—JAHRE—ALT, the man credited with inventing the Frisbee, at his home in MONROE—UTAH.
20100209             —RENAMED, The plastic flying disc was —LATER, the "Frisbee," with sales surpassing 200—MILLION discs.
20100209             † 2—NATO—SERVICE—MEMBERS were killed in separate attacks, including 1—USA—WHO, in 1—BOMBING in the south.
20100209             † 1—FRANCE—SOLDIER was killed —DURING 1—GUNFIGHT —AFTER insurgents attacked 1—AFGHANISTAN—ARMY—CONVOY being escorted by FRANCE—TROOPS in THE—EAST—KAPISA province.
20100209             —ROARED, AFGHANISTAN, massive avalanches, down 1—NORTHERN—MOUNTAIN pass.
20100209             —REACHED, The death toll soon, 171 and it was unclear how MANY—MORE—BODIES might be buried in the snow.
20100209             Defense MINISTER—ABDUL—RAHIM—WARDAK said 3,000—PEOPLE had been trapped in vehicles along the mountain pass at 3,400 meters (11,000) feet.
20100209             —NAMED, CHILE—PRESIDENT—ELECT—SEBASTIAN—PINERA, 1—CABINET—OF technocrats to run his government, calling more on political independents than MEMBERS—OF—THE—CHILE—CONSERVATIVE—PARTIES that made him their STANDARD—BEARER.
20100209             1—CHINA—COURT sentenced activist Tan Zuoren (56), who investigated the deaths of THOUSANDS—OF—SCHOOLCHILDREN in the country's massive 20080000              earthquake, to 5—YEARS in jail for inciting SUBVERSION—OF—STATE—POWER.
20100209             CHINA said its 1. national pollution census has mapped nearly 6—MILLION—SOURCES—OF—INDUSTRIAL, residential and agricultural waste.
20100209             The 2-year survey results gave the government 1—YEAR to shape the next 5-year environmental protection plan.
20100209             —ASKED, GERMANY, GENERAL—MOTORS—OPEL unit, European governments for BILLIONS—OF—EUROS (dollars) in aid even as it formally presented 1—RESTRUCTURING plan that will result in some 8,300 job cuts in EUROPE.
20100209             They were among 17—SOLDIERS in the army's elite Kaibil unit blamed for the bloodshed.
20100209             —HALTED, INDIA, THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—WORLD—1. genetically modified eggplant, saying further study needed to be done to guarantee consumer safety —BEFORE it could be cultivated in the country.
20100209             † INDONESIA—POLICE said 8—PEOPLE have —AFTER drinking liquor laced with methanol on the country's main ISLAND—OF—JAVA.
20100209             IRAN began enriching uranium to 1—HIGHER—LEVEL over the vociferous OBJECTIONS—OF—THE—USA and its allies who fear the process could eventually be used to give the Islamic republic nuclear weapons.
20100209             Toyota officials went to JAPAN—TRANSPORT—MINISTRY to formally notify officials the company is recalling 20100000             —THE Prius GAS—ELECTRIC—HYBRID.
20100209             The automaker is also recalling 2—OTHER—HYBRID—MODELS in JAPAN, the Lexus HS250h sedan, sold in THE—USA—AND—JAPAN, and the Sai, which is sold only in JAPAN.
20100209             —AMOUNTED, The total recall, to 437,000 Prius and other hybrid vehicles worldwide to fix brake problems.
20100209             —ADDED, Honda Motor Co., 378,000—USA—VEHICLES and 41,000 in CANADA to its 15-month-old global recall for faulty air bags in the latest quality problem to hit 1—JAPAN—AUTOMAKER.
20100209             —ADDED, The next —DAY 17,000 cars in JAPAN were, to the list.
20100209             —CANED, Authorities in MALAYSIA, 3—MUSLIM women for having extramarital sex, making them the 1. women in the country to receive such punishment under Islamic law.
20100209             —RECEIVED, EACH—WOMAN reportedly, between 4 and 6—STROKES—OF—1—RATTAN cane.
20100209             —EMPOWERED, NIGERIA—PARLIAMENT, VICE—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN to take over for ailing PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA, whose absence has stoked unrest.
20100209             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 18—PEOPLE in the Khyber region on THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER.
20100209             1—MILITARY—HELICOPTER—GUNSHIP crashed in another PART—OF—KHYBER, where security forces are fighting militants, killing THE—2—CREW.
20100209             —OPENED, Militants —LATER, fire on 1—ARMY rescue party, killing 1—SENIOR—OFFICER and wounding 2—MEN.
20100209             THE—UN said in 1—INTERNATIONAL—APPEAL that aid groups in PAKISTAN need nearly $538—MILLION over the next 6—MONTHS to help HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE displaced by army clashes against the Taliban.
20100209             —FILED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PROSECUTORS, charges against Andal Ampatuan senior, THE—HEAD—OF—1—POWERFUL—CLAN, and 195—OTHERS in the biggest and deadliest murder case —SINCE the country's WW II war crimes trials.
20100209             —RAGED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—FIRE, through the Hope in Christ Home orphanage at NEWCASTLE in THE—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—KWAZULU—NATAL.
20100209             —KILLED, The blaze, SARAH—HOLLAND, the director and FOUNDER—OF—THE—HOPE—OF—CHRIST—HOME in KWAZULU—NATAL province, along with 2—ADULTS and 8—CHILDREN between the ages of 4 and 15. Holland † 1—HERO, rescuing 9—CHILDREN as their rural home burned.
20100209             —DISSOLVED, SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT, THE—PARLIAMENT, setting the stage for new elections 1—DAY—AFTER authorities arrested THE—LEADER—OF—THE—OPPOSITION, 1—MOVE—ANALYSTS said was meant to prevent him from contesting the vote.
20100209             —CALLED, The opposition, for countrywide protests —AFTER its defeated presidential candidate was arrested for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government —WHILE serving as army COMMANDER.
20100209             —RAIDED, SUDAN, militias, 1—DARFUR refugee camp, shooting dead 2—PEOPLE and injuring at least 10. The raid followed THE—MURDER—OF—1—MILITIA—MEMBER'S—RELATIVE who appeared to be searching the camps in Kass, SOUTH—DARFUR for the suspect.
20100209—19480000    —IN, Morrison began manufacturing his flying discs.
20100209—19570000    —IN, WALTER—FREDRICK—MORRISON sold the production and manufacturing rights to his "Pluto Platter".
20100209—19820000    —IN—THE, GUATEMALA, MANUEL—POP—SUN and Reyes Collin Gualip, 2—FORMER sergeants who belonged to 1—MILITARY—SQUAD specializing in counterinsurgency, were arrested for their roles massacre of more than 200—PEOPLE in the village of Dos Erres in the country's NORTH—PETEN region.
20100209—20100000    —IN, the Sichuan provincial high court  upheld the ruling.
20100209—20100129    —ON, PHIL—HARRIS (53), the fishing boat CAPTAIN whose adventures off THE—ALASKA coast were captured on the television show "Deadliest Catch", † in ANCHORAGE —FOLLOWING 1—MASSIVE—STROKE.
20100209—20100205    —ON, The victims had bought the drink from the same stall.
20100209—20100213    —ANNOUNCED, Anthem, that it would delay the increase —FOR—2—MONTHS to allow state regulators to conduct 1—REVIEW.
20100209—20100429    —ON, WellPoint, the parent of Anthem BLUE—CROSS, said it was withdrawing the proposed rate increase and planned to file new rates.
20100301—20100209    —DETAINED, NIGERIA, 1—SPOKESMAN said police, 17—OFFICERS over the weekend for questioning —AFTER THE—AL—JAZEERA news channel aired 1—VIDEO showing uniformed men executing people in Boko Haram town where religious rioting left 700—PEOPLE—DEAD—LAST—YEAR.
20101202—20110209    —CHARGED, Jimenez was, with the homicides and other crimes, including arms possession and transporting cocaine.
20110124—20110209    —REPORTED, ITAR—TASS, that YEVLOYEV—BROTHER Akhmed (16) and sister Fatima (22) have been arrested.
201102020909         THE—BBC website has SOME—ANALYSIS from ROGER—HARDY of the Woodrow WILSON—CENTER on the precarious predicament of Arab leaders
201102020918         More from Wyre Davies in ALEXANDRIA:
201102020934         For those wishing to dig 1—BIT—MORE on THE—USA—ADMINISTRATION—SHIFTING position,
201102020936         Reuters reports that THE—EGYPT—ARMY is to make 1—STATEMENT shortly.
201102020943         EGYPT—ARMY—CALLS for resumption of normal life in CAIRO.
201102020947         EGYPT—ARMY spokesman to demonstrators:
201102020949         THE—BBC—MARK—GEORGIOU reports from CAIRO:
201102020950         Amany Hassan, from ALEXANDRIA,
201102020953         EL—MOHARMEDY, from CAIRO, writes:
201102020955         THE—BBC—JON—LEYNE reports from CAIRO that there's are THOUSANDS—OF—PRO—MUBARAK supporters in the Mohandiseen district.
201102020958         Food analyst VINCENT—TRUGLIA has told BBC World Service he believes food shortages have been playing 1—SIGNIFICANT—ROLE in EGYPT—UNREST.
20110209             zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231
20110209             Tatsächlich kann man den gesellschaftlichen Wert des Idioten zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231     nicht hoch genug einschätzen.
20110209             MEXICO—JOURNALIST—CARMEN—ARISTEGUI said that she was let go by MVS radio for refusing to apologize for her
20110209             —ANNOUNCED, USA federal prosecutors, charges against 41 alleged gang members for activities ranging from racketeering conspiracy to drug and gun trafficking and murder in 4—STATES and WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Some 29—DEFENDANTS were arrested and more arrests are expected in connection with the separate cases from LOS—ANGELES;
20110209             —ORDERED, USA—AUTHORITIES, sanctions on 2—AFGHANISTAN—NATIONALS said to be part of the financial network that supports AL—QAEDA, the Taliban and the Haqqani network.
20110209             —NAMED, THE—USA—TREASURY, as Specially Designated Global Terrorists Said JAN—ABD—AL—SALAM and Khalil AL—RAHMAN Haqqani.
20110209             1—USA—JUDGE approved the extradition to MEXICO—OF—CHINESE—MEXICO—BUSINESSMAN, Zhenli Ye Gon, on drug trafficking and money laundering charges.
20110209             NEW—YORK STATE—REPUBLICAN—CONGRESSMAN—CHRISTOPHER—LEE, 46—JAHRE—ALT said he is resigning —AFTER the release of E—MAILS he allegedly sent through 1—ONLINE personals site.
20110209             —PUBLISHED, The website Gawker hours —EARLIER, 1 exchanged between the oo Lee and 1 unidentified woman that included 1—SHIRTLESS photo of him.
20110209             —APPEARED, ENRICO—PONZO, aka JAY—SHAW, in 1—BOISE courtroom to face charges from a 19970000              indictment for racketeering and attempted murder.
20110209             —UNVEILED, HEWLETT—PACKARD, its new TouchPad computer.
20110209             —UPDATED, It used Palm's, webOS software.
20110209             A 2. powerful blizzard in 1—WEEK roared through PARTS—OF—THE—USA—MIDSECTION, bringing biting winds and dumping more than 1—FOOT—OF—SNOW on areas still digging out from last —WEEK—MAJOR—STORM.
20110209             Up to 2—FEET—OF—SNOW fell on parts of ARKANSAS and OKLAHOMA.
20110209             † In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN 2—NATO—SERVICE members.
20110209             —EXPLODED, In the north 1—ROADSIDE bomb, and killed THE—DIRECTOR—OF—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATIONS in Chimtal DISTRICT—OF—BALKH province.
20110209             —FACED, BRAZIL, with climbing inflation and slowing growth, unveiled $30—BILLION in cuts to its 20110000              budget.
20110209             Finance MINISTER—GUIDO—MANTEGA said this would affect "all ministries".
20110209             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT said it has struck 1—DEAL with the country's top banks to curb bonus payments and boost lending to businesses as it seeks to draw 1—LINE under 1—CRISIS that culminated in 1—MULTIBILLION pound (dollar) STATE—BAILOUT—OF—THE—SECTOR.
20110209             —AGREED, THE—LONDON Stock Exchange, to buy CANADA—STOCK—MARKET—OPERATOR—TMX, —WHILE GERMANY—DEUTSCHE—BOERSE was in talks to buy NYSE Euronext, signaling that exchanges globally are looking to consolidate.
20110209             CHINA—OFFICIALS said they were preparing for 1—SEVERE, LONG—LASTING drought in several parched provinces, causing wheat prices to spike on THE—PROSPECT—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—CONSUMER putting pressure on 1—GLOBAL—SUPPLY that's already squeezed.
20110209             —RELEASED, He was the 15. captive, by THE—FARC —SINCE early 20080000              in what was widely seen as GOOD—FAITH—GESTURES seeking 1—PEACE—DIALOGUE.
20110209             —ARRESTED, DENMARK—POLICE, a 44-year-old man —AFTER he allegedly shot and killed his 3—CHILDREN and attempted to commit suicide.
20110209             —PUSHED, EGYPT—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS, to expand their protests and sought to drum up labor unrest as thousands launched strikes at state firms and offices —AROUND the country, in DEFIANCE—OF—THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—WARNING that demonstrations calling for PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—OUSTER would not be tolerated for much longer.
20110209             HAITI, Radio Kiskeya JOURNALIST—GARRY—DESROSIERS was fatally shot on 1—BUSY—STREET in PORT—AU—PRINCE—AFTER withdrawing about $1,000. 1—OFF—DUTY—POLICE—OFFICER fatally shot 1—GUNMAN.
20110209             2—OTHER—SUSPECTS escaped.
20110209             —FANNED, INDIA, MILLIONS—OF—CENSUS workers, out across the country as they began 1—MAMMOTH effort to document EVERY—PERSON in the world's 2. most populous country over the next 3—WEEKS.
20110209             —PLEDGED, INDONESIA—BIGGEST palm oil producer (Golden Agri), to follow new standards to protect CARBON—RICH—FORESTS and peatlands, in 1—MOVE cautiously welcomed by environmentalists including Greenpeace.
20110209             1—SUSPECT was arrested in his JAKARTA art shop —DURING 1—RAID carried out by police and forestry officials for allegedly using THE—INTERNET to sell HUNDREDS—OF—ILLEGAL wildlife parts, from ivory and tiger skins to THE—TEETH—OF—THE—WORLD—SMALLEST—BEARS.
20110209             IRAN—STATE—PROSECUTOR said the opposition should not stage its own rally in SUPPORT—OF—EGYPT—PROTESTERS, WARNING—OF—REPERCUSSIONS if it does so.
20110209             —REPORTED, IRAN media, that science MINISTER—KAMRAN—DANESHJOU has called for universities to enforce strict sex segregation, saying allowing men and women to mingle on campus is 1—SIGN—OF—THE—INFLUENCE—OF—ALIEN—WESTERN—VALUES.
20110209             Hussein Abdullahi, IRAN—AMBASSADOR to NIGERIA, said that 1—GAMBIA—BOUND arms shipment seized at NIGERIA—BUSIEST port 3—MONTHS ago did not breach sanctions imposed by THE—UN, because IRAN and GAMBIA had signed 1—SECRET—AGREEMENT —2—YEARS—BEFORE the UN's 20100000              ban on IRAN—ARMS—EXPORTS.
20110209             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER posing as 1—DAIRY deliveryman struck 1—KURDISH—SECURITY—HEADQUARTERS, setting off 1—SERIES—OF—RAPID—FIRE—ATTACKS against THE—OIL—RICH—IRAQ—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20110209             3—CAR—BOMBS killed 10—PEOPLE and wounded up to 80. The attacks were blamed on Sunni militant group Ansar AL—ISLAM.
20110209             —WOUNDED, The airstrikes lightly, 8—PALESTINIANS.
20110209             —FILED, ITALY—PROSECUTORS, 1—REQUEST for 1—IMMEDIATE—TRIAL—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—BERLUSCONI on criminal charges relating to prostitution and ABUSE—OF—POWER.
20110209             1—IVORY—COAST—REGULATORY—BOARD—LOYAL to incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo ordered UNITED—NATIONS radio off the air.
20110209             UN radio director SYLVAIN—SEMILINKO said the next —DAY that work continued as normal at UN radio headquarters as preparations were being made in case their signal was jammed.
20110209             ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF—JORDAN swore in 1—NEW 27-member Cabinet —FOLLOWING protests demanding jobs, reduced prices for food and fuel and changes to 1—ELECTION—LAW giving government loyalists more seats in the national Assembly.
20110209             MEXICO—JOURNALIST—CARMEN—ARISTEGUI said that she was let go by MVS radio for refusing to apologize for her 20110204              comments regarding 1—CONGRESSMAN—ALLEGATION that PRESIDENT—FELIPE—CALDERON is 1—ALCOHOLIC.
20110209             —STIRRED, The firing, 1—DEBATE over FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION in MEXICO and allegations that the government still holds sway over the media.
20110209             —KILLED, MEXICO, 1—SHOOTOUT between troops and armed men, 1—SOLDIER and 8—GUNMEN in ZACATECAS state.
20110209             —STALKED, NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY—OFFICERS, out of the 1. official talks with rival SOUTH—KOREA in months, dashing hopes for eased tensions —AFTER 1—DEADLY artillery attack in November increased FEARS—OF—WAR on the peninsula.
20110209             —DISAGREED, The meeting was sunk because THE—2—SIDES, about what should be on the agenda of their next talks.
20110209             —RESIGNED, PAKISTAN—FEDERAL—CABINET, to allow PRIME—MINISTER—YUSUF—RAZA—GILANI to set up 1—NEW, smaller cabinet and reduce government expenditure.
20110209             PAKISTAN, 1—TRIBAL elder and 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said Sunni and Shiite communities in 1—REGION close to THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER have agreed to end their 4—YEAR—LONG—CONFLICT.
20110209             The main road leading to Kurram from PESHAWAR was —NOW open again and both Shiites and Sunnis were using it.
20110209             —FORCED, PAKISTAN, strike action, PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL Airlines (PIA) to ground or delay all flights, affecting THOUSANDS—OF—PASSENGERS and heaping further woes on the troubled state carrier.
20110209             THE—PUERTO—RICAN—ASSOCIATION—OF—UNIVERSITY—PROFESSORS began staging a 24-hour strike in SUPPORT—OF—STUDENTS who have clashed with police —DURING protests over 1—NEW—FEE.
20110209             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—DMITRY—MEDVEDEV made it clear he will not give up THE—SOUTH—KURIL islands to JAPAN.
20110209             In fact, he said RUSSIA will send more weapons to the disputed islands to keep them secure.
20110209             10—MODERATE—SAUDI—ARABIA—SCHOLARS asked THE—KING for recognition of their Umma Islamic Party, the kingdom's 1. political party.
20110209             —SEIZED, Pirates, THE—IRENE—SL, 1—GREEK—FLAGGED supertanker, off THE—COAST—OF—OMAN bound for THE—USA—CARRYING 1—CREW—OF—25 and 1—LOAD of more than 1.9—MILLION—BARRELS—OF—OIL.
20110209             1—SOUTH—SUDAN—MINISTER, JIMMY—LEMI—MILLA, and his bodyguard were shot dead in JUBA in 1—REVENGE killing by THE—MINISTER—BROTHER—IN—LAW.
20110209             —ATTACKED, At least 16—PEOPLE † —WHEN rebels, troops in troubled Jonglei state, breaking 1—CEASEFIRE signed last —MONTH.
20110209             —AGREED, TUNISIA—SENATE, unanimously to grant wide powers to the interim PRESIDENT struggling to restore order to the country —FOLLOWING THE—OVERTHROW—OF—EX—LEADER—ZINE El Abidine BEN—ALI.
20110209             zu Beginn des 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY
20110209             GAR is the world's 2.—LARGEST PRODUCER—OF—PALM—OIL, 1—PRODUCT mainly used in food, fuels and cosmetics.
20110209             Die Materialien sind selbstverständlich bei Wikileaks sicher.
20110209             Wikileaks ist arbeitsfähig.
20110209             Wikileaks ist in der Lage, die Materialien sicher zu verwahren und zu veröffentlichen.
20110209             Solange Microsoft nicht erklärt, was die eigenen Programme tun, und solange Informatiker nicht ohne weiteres nachvollziehen können, was wirklich passiert, muss sich das Unternehmen nicht über Misstrauen wundern.
20110209             Mit derlei intransparenten Ausführungen zum Datenschutz fallen auch andere MICROSOFT—PROGRAMME auf.
20110209             Die millionenfach installierten BROWSER—ERWEITERUNGEN "MSN Toolbar" (die inzwischen "Bing Bar" heißt) und die "Windows Live Toolbar" erfassten standardmäßig Informationen zum Surfverhalten der Nutzer, wie SPIEGEL—ONLINE berichtete.
20110209             In einer ONLINE—ANLEITUNG zum INTERNET Explorer 8—ERKLÄRT das Unternehmen die mysteriöse INPRIVATE—FILTERUNG etwas genauer:
20110209             "Standardmäßig werden von der INPRIVATE—FILTERUNG die von Ihnen besuchten Websites und die verwendeten Inhaltsanbieter analysiert, wobei diese aber nicht automatisch blockiert werden".
20110209             Ob das 1—DATENSCHUTZ—SKANDAL oder nur extrem verbraucherfeindliche Informationspolitik ist, hängt davon ob, welche Daten Microsoft wo sammelt.
20110209             Und wie das Unternehmen sie auswertet.
20110209             —GELUNGEN, Es sei den Verantwortlichen beim IWF nicht, die Zusammenhänge zu erkennen.
20110209             Ergebnis: Der IWF hat bei der Einschätzung der weltweiten Finanzkrise massiv versagt.
20110209             AL—DSCHASIRA - kann wieder mit amtlichem Segen
20110209             Weite TEILE—DER—OPPOSITION, darunter die meisten Demonstranten der Protestbewegung, fordern allerdings eine völlig neue Verfassung.
20110209             Wer Mubarak den Abgang empfehle, "beleidigt nicht nur den Präsidenten, sondern auch das ägyptische Volk".
20110209             Suleimans Äußerung sei eine "Drohung mit dem Kriegsrecht", meinten MANCHE—DEMONSTRANTEN.
20110209             Versuche der Regierung, die Armee mit ihren Panzern meterweise auf den TAHRIR—PLATZ vorrücken zu lassen, scheiterten.
20110209             Stattdessen weiteten sich die Demonstrationen in der HAUPTSTADT aus.
20110209             Die Polizei habe in der 500—KILOMETER südlich von Kairo gelegenen Stadt Tränengas eingesetzt und mit scharfer Munition auf Protestierer geschossen.
20110209             Die Demonstranten setzen die örtliche Zentrale der Regierungspartei NDP sowie 1—POLIZEISTATION und 1—GERICHTSGEBÄUDE in Brand.
20110209             Keine Warnung vor Finanzkrise: Interner Bericht watscht Währungsfonds ab
20110209             Abgang des BUNDESBANK—CHEFS: Finanzbranche rätselt über Webers Volte
20110209             BERLUSCONI—ANKLAGE: Italien schämt sich für seinen peinlichen Regenten
20110209             Kampf gegen Mubarak: Tote bei Protesten im Süden Ägyptens
20110209             Dokumentation: Die Erklärung von Assanges Anwalt im Wortlaut
20110209             Streit um vertrauliche Daten: Assange wirft WIKILEAKS—AUSSTEIGERN Diebstahl vor
20110209             THE—USA—CENSORS AL—JAZEERA for no good reason.
20110209             Staring down governments that want to monopolize information in the Arab world is hardly new to AL—JAZEERA, but in THE—USA?
20110209             1—REPORTER—WONDERS whether this is what has also happened to AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH in AMERICA, where they are almost completely shut out, too.
20110209             Opinion: INDONESIA—MILITARY gets away with torture - Elaine Pearson - 3—DAYS—OF—TORTURE, it seems, is not 1—SERIOUS—HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATION in INDONESIA. read more
20110209             USA—STARTS—WAR—GAMES—NEAR—THAI—CAMBODIA—CLASH Among THE—USA—MARINE—UNITS participating in THAILAND are: OKINAWA—31. Marine Expeditionary Unit, with the 2. Battalion, 5. Marine Regiment acting as its ground combat element;
20110209             Marine Wing Support Squadron 172;
20110209             Marine Aircraft Group 36; and Combat Logistics Regiments 35 and Combat Logistics Regiment 3, it said.
20110209             Noch beunruhigender, dass es von denen keine Hilfe erhielt, die hätten helfen können.
20110209             Zum Beispiel das USA—MILITÄR. Dessen IT—EXPERTEN besäßen die Kenntnisse und Ausrüstung, eine deaktivierte NETZ—INFRASTRUKTUR zumindest in Teilen wiederherzustellen, so JOHN—ARQUILLA,
20110209             Professor der MARINE—UNIVERSITÄT, im Gespräch mit "Wired".
20110209             Drohende Krise: —JAHRHUNDERT—DÜRRE in CHINA treibt Getreidepreise
20110209             Neuer ANTIBIOTIKA—ANSATZ: Bakterien sollen sich selbst umbringen - Ministerurlaub: Sarkozys Billigflieger
20110209             PRÄSIDENT—MUBARAK: Ägypten rätselt über das Palastgespenst
20110209             INSIDER—SKANDAL: HEDGEFONDS—MANAGER verpfeift sich aus Versehen selbst
20110209             Einreiseverbot: Ägypten lässt keine Palästinenser ins Land
20110209             NETZWELT—TICKER: USA—MILITÄR hätte ägyptisches INTERNET wieder aktivieren können
20110209             Für La Repubblica ist die Affäre Tommasi "1—GESCHICHTE, die in der Grauzone begann, wo sich das Showbusiness mit Prostitution vermengt und von dort aus Kreise in die Drogen- und Mafiaszene zieht".
20110209             und nennt den Vorwurf "skandalös". Bargeld vom Premier
20110209             Die Mailänder Staatsanwälte sind jedoch überzeugt, Berlusconi
20110209             weshalb die Mailänder Staatsanwaltschaft —HEUTE 1—SCHNELLVERFAHREN gegen Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi beantragt hat.
20110209             Die Anklagepunkte lauten auf Begünstigung von Prostitution mit Minderjährigen und Amtsmissbrauch.
20110209             —WARNED, THE—STATE—RUN—NEWS—MEDIA in CHINA, —MONDAY that the country's major agricultural regions were
20110209             facing their worst drought in 60—YEARS.
20110209             —BIS—HEUTE hat sich noch kein westlicher Politiker blicken lassen an diesem Ort, keine Zeichen der Solidarität, keine Geste der Unterstützung.
20110209             Wenn EUROPA die einmalige arabische Demokratiebewegung allein lässt
20110209             2—STUNDEN auf dem Midan al Tahrir genügen, um wieder an das Gute im Menschen zu glauben zu können.
20110209             das klammheimliche Wohlwollen des Westens
20110209             Ägyptens Revolution, die ALLE—SCHICHTEN—DER—GESELLSCHAFT erfasst hat - Säkulare und Religiöse, Intelektuelle und Tagelöhner, Muslime und Christen - beweist gerade, wie sehr wir uns täuschten.
20110209             Bei den Amis gab es kurz 1—DISKUSSION, ob man vielleicht die exorbitante Militärhilfe an den Folterknecht Mubarak einstellen oder zumindest kürzen sollte.
20110209             Selbstverständlich verpuffte das wirkungslos und es wird weitergezahlt.
20110209             Freedom, liberty, and democracy for all!
20110209             Land of the free, home of the brave!
20110209             —AM tollsten ist die Begründung: Influential USA—LAWMAKERS have eased their threats to cut aid to EGYPT, reflecting 1—GROWING consensus in WASHINGTON for preserving USA—LEVERAGE with EGYPT—POWERFUL—MILITARY amid the country's civil upheaval.
20110209             Natürlich geht das mal wieder von der ISRAEL—LOBBY aus.
20110209             PRO—ISRAEL groups fear that 1—LOSS—OF—AID could jeopardize ISRAEL—SECURITY.
20110209             Leuchtet ja auch ein.
20110209             Mehr Waffen in die Gegend liefern ist gut für die Stabilität!
20110209             Wusstet ihr, dass "verfassungsgemäß" heutzutage Verhandlungssache ist?
20110209             Das ist nicht mehr SCHWARZ—WEIß, sondern das Wort ist quantifizierbar.
20110209             Aktuelles Beispiel: Leyen betont —SEIT Monaten, die neuen Sätze seien transparent und so verfassungsgemäß wie noch nie ermittelt worden.
20110209             Wie in der Waschmittelwerbung!
20110209             Das sauberste sauber, das es je von dieser Marke zu kaufen gab!1!!
20110209             Den Amis fällt auf, dass sie nichts gegen JULIAN—ASSANGE in der Hand haben.
20110209             —INKRIMINIERT, BRADLEY—MANNING hat sich nicht brechen lassen und Julian, sondern die Schuld komplett auf sich genommen.
20110209             Ich bin immer mehr von dem beeindruckt, muss ich sagen.
20110209             Insbesondere wenn man sich mal anguckt, wie er da behandelt wird, und mit was für Leuten der es da zu tun hat: Army investigators —NOW believe Pfc.
20110209             —DECIDED, Manning, to steal the documents and give them to WikiLeaks on his own, out of his own malice toward the military or the government, according to 1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL.
20110209             Chinas Weizenernte fällt wohl weitgehend aus.
20110209             Die haben da gerade die schlimmste Dürre —SEIT—200—JAHREN.
20110209             Ach nee, die TEA—PARTY—SPRALLOS sind doch für was gut: PATRIOT—ACT—VERLÄNGERUNG scheitert im Congress.
20110209             —EXTENDED, The measure would have, 3—KEY—PROVISIONS—OF—THE—PATRIOT Act that are set to expire on —MONDAY, 20110228             , unless Congress moves to reauthorize them.
20110209             1—OF—THE—PROVISIONS authorizes THE—FBI to continue using roving wiretaps on surveillance targets;
20110209             the 2. allows the government to access "ANY—TANGIBLE—ITEMS," such as library records, in THE—COURSE—OF—SURVEILLANCE;
20110209             and the 3. is a "lone wolf" PROVISION—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE—REFORM and Terrorist Prevention Act that allows for THE—SURVEILLANCE—OF—TARGETS who are not connected to 1 identified terrorist group.
20110209             Überalterung - wegen der Überalterung der Bevölkerung
20110209             Es sind wir alle - - Der Idiot muss der Maßstab für die Wirtschaft sein:
20110209             Das Überraschende ist: Die Idioten haben recht.
20110209             —GEGEBEN, Das INTERNET hat den Idioten einen Rückkanal,
20110209             Der Idiot als Maßstab für die Wirtschaft
20110209             Besonders aktiv ist der Idiot im INTERNET,
20110209             und nicht nur Apple ist von solchen vorschnellen, unvernünftigen, werbegläubigen, unsachverständigen Idiotenkunden abhängig.
20110209             Die brillante, weltverändernde Idee des neuen Bedienungskonzepts war zu Beginn eingesperrt in einen Käfig aus veralteten Bauteilen.
20110209             Grundeigenschaften des Idioten
20110209             Das 1. iPhone von 20070000
20110209             Klimawandel: Eismangel bedroht Fortpflanzung der Eisbären
20110209             —VERLÄNGERT, Öffentlicher Dienst: Kabinett, STASI—ÜBERPRÜFUNG
20110209             Großrazzia: Korruptionsverdacht bei NRW—BAUPROJEKTEN
20110209             Bildungsstudie: Warum Privatschulen schlechter sind als ihr Ruf
20110209             Prognose: Industrie rechnet mit 300.000—NEUEN Jobs
20110209             Bluttat in JUBA: MINISTER—IM—SÜDSUDAN—VON—CHAUFFEUR ermordet
20110209             Vor Küste Omans: Piraten kapern Supertanker
20110209             Geplatzte HARTZ—GESPRÄCHE: Taktierer, Blockierer, Verlierer
20110209             Plan für Milliardeninvestition: Obama will Amerikas Bahnnetz revolutionieren
20110209             lächelte süffisant und sprach: "So denke ich einfach nicht".
20110209             "schädigenden Ablenkung" zu Gunsten - forsche Behauptung, er wisse, wo
20110209             —BEDAUERT, Was Rumsfeld, ist an einer Hand abzuzählen und meist relativ belanglos.
20110209             Etwa flotte Äußerungen wie "stuff happens" ("1—FEHLER") oder seine forsche Behauptung, er wisse, wo sich Iraks Massenvernichtungswaffen befänden ("1—VERSPRECHER").
20110209             Die Geschichte, schreibt er triumphal, hätte ALLE—IHRE—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN von damals bestätigt.
20110209             Keine Reue zeigt Rumsfeld für den IRAK—KRIEG, der —BISHER mehr als 4400—USA—SOLDATENLEBEN und 700—MILLIARDEN Dollar gekostet hat:
20110209             Deutschland zählt für Rumsfeld, dem weiteren Verlauf des Buches nach zu urteilen, sowieso nur als USA—TRUPPENSTÜTZPUNKT oder abschreckendes Geschichtsbeispiel.
20110209             "Er bat mich, den Zustand unserer militärischen Pläne für den Irak unter die Lupe zu nehmen".
20110209             habe Bush ihn angewiesen, seine Kriegspläne zu aktualisieren
20110209             Bush schoss sich nach Rumsfelds Darstellung —SCHON—KURZ—NACH dem 20010911              auf den Irak ein.
20110209             Bonmot von 20030000              über die Nachkriegsplünderungen im Irak: "Stuff happens".
20110209             Was er jedoch nicht vergaß, war, sich ein winziges Trümmerstück der AMERICAN—AIRLINES—MASCHINE, die gerade ins Pentagon gejagt war, in die Tasche zu stecken - als Talisman und nachfühlbares Argument für alles, was darauf folgen sollte.
20110209             —PORTRÄTIERT, Der Rest der Bush -Regierung, Rumsfeld als 1—CLIQUE aus Jasagern, Streithälsen und Intriganten.
20110209             Er war, wie er selbst herauszuheben nicht umhinkann, sowohl der jüngste USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTER (von 19750000              19770000             —BIS, unter GERALD—FORD) wie auch der älteste (von 20010000              20060000             —BIS, unter GEORGE—W—BUSH ).
20110209             Während dieser Zeit merkte er sich penibel jeden Widerspruch, JEDE—KRÄNKUNG, JEDE—PRESSEKRITIK, JEDES—VERSAGEN anderer - nur um —JETZT ALLE—RECHNUNGEN auf einen Schlag zu begleichen.
20110209             Kleinlichkeit ist seine Kunst.
20110209             Rumsfeld - RUMSFELD—ZWIRBELZITAT,
20110209             und voll im Trend der Bush s Memoiren: 1—PRÄSIDENTSCHAFT wie im Märchenbuch"autobiografischen Geschichtsklitterung durch MITGLIEDER—DER—LETZTEN—USA—REGIERUNG.
20110209             Doch er ist kein ROBERT—MCNAMARA. Rumsfeld
20110209             —FORDERUNGEN, Auch aus dem Ausland kommen immer wieder, an das Regime: Die USA—REGIERUNG forderte Ägyptens Machthaber auf, sofort ALLE—POLITISCHEN—GEFANGENEN freizulassen.
20110209             Das Innenministerium solle angewiesen werden, "Festnahmen, Drangsalierungen und die Inhaftierung von Journalisten sowie politischen Aktivisten sofort zu beenden".
20110209             "Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir unser Ziel, nämlich freie Wahlen in einem freien Ägypten, —SCHON bald erreichen werden", sagt Scharkawi.
20110209             Das Versprechen der Regierung einer friedlichen Machtübergabe weist er wie ALLE—DEMONSTRANTEN zurück.
20110209             "Mubarak versucht auf Zeit zu spielen, wenn wir das akzeptieren, endet unsere Bewegung auf halber Strecke".
20110209             Außerdem bestehe die Gefahr, dass ein neuer autoritärer Herrscher an die Macht komme, sollte es keine echten Wahlen geben.
20110209             hatten die staatlichen Kontrolleure - Misstrauen gegen das Entgegenkommen
20110209             —GELASSEN, Mubarak versichern, dass die Demonstranten in Frieden, würden.
20110209             Mubarak habe betont, dass die ägyptische Jugend "die Wertschätzung der Nation" verdiene.
20110209             Es sei 1—VERFÜGUNG erlassen worden, die vorsehe, die Demonstranten zu schützen und ihnen das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung zu garantieren.
20110209             Alles andere würde in einem unglaublichen Blutbad enden".
20110209             Die Angst vor der Gewalt des Regimes ist offenbar bei vielen Ägyptern verschwunden.
20110209             "—SEIT wann lassen wir uns unser Recht zu demonstrieren verbieten?
20110209             Ginge es nach der Regierung, wären sowieso ALLE—DEMONSTRATIONEN, die —BISHER stattgefunden hätten, illegal.
20110209             "Uns kümmert das nicht".
20110209             Noch —JETZT erinnern zahlreiche Plakate mit Porträtfotos und blutigen Bildern an die Menschen, die hier ums Leben gekommen sind.
20110209             Auch Vizepräsident OMAR—SULEIMAN hat angeblich genug von den permanenten Protesten.
20110209             1—OFFIZIER, der neben einem Panzer auf dem TAHRIR—PLATZ steht, bestätigt: Ja, die Armee denke darüber nach, "wie man diese Situation zu einem vernünftigen Ende bringen kann".
20110209             wollen die Regimegegner wieder die Massen mobilisieren
20110209             "Hau ab, Mubarak!" - "Es reicht!" - "Seid nicht müde, seid nicht müde!
20110209             Die Freiheit ist noch nicht befreit!"
20110209             Anders gesagt: Beliebte Kinder mobben, weil sie es sich leisten können.
20110209             —AM—DIENSTAG kamen
20110209             erneut mehr als 100.000—DEMONSTRANTEN auf den TAHRIR—PLATZ im ZENTRUM—VON—KAIRO zusammen, um den Rücktritt des —SEIT—30—JAHREN regierenden Präsidenten Husni Mubarak zu erzwingen.
20110209             Die vorwiegend jungen Demonstranten warfen der Regierung 1—SPIEL auf Zeit vor.
20110209             Sie schworen, es nicht bei einer "halben Revolution" zu belassen.
20110209             verlangten die USA ein sofortiges ENDE—DER—VERHAFTUNGEN und Misshandlungen von Journalisten sowie Aktivisten aus Politik und Zivilgesellschaft.
20110209             Biden habe auf einen "sofortigen und nicht mehr rückgängigzumachenden Fortschritt" gedrängt, "der auf die Wünsche des ägyptischen Volkes eingeht".
20110209             Tausende Mörder und Schwerverbrecher kamen auf einen Schlag frei - ihnen wurde Haftverschonung in Aussicht gestellt, wenn sie für Chaos sorgen.
20110209             Aus Ägypten stammen einige der bekanntesten QAIDA—MITGLIEDER, darunter MOHAMMED—ATTA, der die Attentäter vom 20010911              anführte.
20110209             VIELE—DIESER—MÄNNER seien noch immer der Überzeugung, gottlose Staaten mit Gewalt bekämpfen zu müssen, sagte Vizepräsident OMAR—SULEIMAN am —DIENSTAG vor Journalisten.
20110209             "Das ist eine große Bedrohung. Wir müssen uns sehr anstrengen, sie wieder ins Gefängnis zurückzubekommen".
20110209             Ausländische Journalisten, darunter auch Reporter von SPIEGEL—ONLINE, hatten während der schweren Unruhen von
20110209             systematischen Öffnungen mehrerer Gefängnisse berichtet.
20110209             Massenprotest in Kairo: Revolutionäre trommeln für —FREITAG der Freiheit
20110209             RUBY—AFFÄRE: Italiens Justiz beantragt Prozess gegen Berlusconi
20110209             Kein Klinikaufenthalt: Mubarak lehnt DEUTSCHLAND—ASYL ab
20110209             —ENTFÜHRT, ASSANGE—GEGNER: WIKILEAKS—AUSSTEIGER haben Datenschatz
20110209             380—MILLIONEN Übernachtungen: Deutschland feiert Besucherrekord
20110209             40-Jahres-Vergleich: ZAHL—DER—KREBSTOTEN in der EU sinkt
20110209             Gefängnisöffnungen: Ägypten ließ QAIDA—TERRORISTEN frei
20110209—19730000    —J—IM, Mubarak sei ein "Held" des Krieges gegen ISRAEL gewesen.
20110209—20010911    —NACH, war er die Stimme der Vernunft in der Regierung
20110209—20090000    —IN, that, THE—LAST—YEAR—AVAILABLE, CHINA produced almost twice as much wheat as THE—USA—OR—RUSSIA and more than 5—TIMES as much as AUSTRALIA.
20110209—20090600    —IN, COLOMBIA, MARCOS—BAQUERO, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—TOWN councilman taken hostage, was released by FARC rebels, the 1. of 5—CAPTIVES they promised to free this —WEEK.
20110209—20110125    —AM, Wir haben niemanden um Erlaubnis gefragt, und wir werden auch künftig niemanden um Erlaubnis fragen", sagt er.
20110209—20110208    —CARRIED, ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT overnight, out retaliatory airstrikes in THE—GAZA territory —AFTER militants launched rockets into ISRAEL.
20110209—20110214    —REINSTATED, Aristegui was.
20120204—20120209    —BY, 51—BODIES were recovered and the rest remained missing.
20120209             —FREED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, 10—STATES from the strict and sweeping REQUIREMENTS—OF—THE—NO—CHILD—LEFT Behind law, giving leeway to states that promise to improve how they prepare and evaluate students.
20120209             5—OF—THE—LARGEST—USA—BANKS agreed to a $26—BILLION, 3-year settlement over reckless lending practices in 49—STATES.
20120209             The agreement would provide SOME—FORECLOSURE relief and partially compensate those who have lost their homes.
20120209             —PASSED, THE—USA—HOUSE, 1—BILL, "Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge" (STOCK), making it explicit that MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are not allowed to engage in insider trading and get away with it.
20120209             —APPROVED, THE—USA—EPA, 1—FEDERAL—RULE banning ships from flushing their sewage into the sea within 3—MILES—OF—THE—CALIFORNIA coast.
20120209             —VOTED, THE—USA—NUCLEAR—REGULATORY—COMMISSION, 4-1 to grant 1—LICENSE to build 2—MORE—NUCLEAR—REACTORS at Plant Vogtle in EAST—GEORGIA.
20120209             THE—OGLALA—SIOUX—TRIBE—OF—SOUTH—DAKOTA sued SOME—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST beer makers for $500—MILLION claiming they knowingly contributed to ALCOHOL—RELATED problems on the Pine Ridge INDIA—RESERVATION.
20120209             † ALGERIA—CHANNEL—3—RADIO said 30 in road accidents over the past —WEEK caused by cold weather, and 14—OF—ASPHYXIA because of poor heating devices.
20120209             —EXTENDED, THE—IMF said it has, its $1.34-billion (1—BILLION—EURO) loan program in ANGOLA to 20120330              to allow time for 1—FINAL—REVIEW—BEFORE the last payout.
20120209             BRAZIL, striking police officers in THE—NORTH—EAST—CITY—OF—SALVADOR evacuated the Bahia state legislative building they occupied in protest for more than 1—WEEK.
20120209             —OFFERED, The state government has, 1—RAISE—OF—6.5—PERCENT as well as bonuses but refused to offer amnesty for the striking officers.
20120209             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND said it will inject another £50—BILLION into BRITAIN—WEAK—ECONOMY and keep interest rates at 1—RECORD—LOW 0.50—PERCENT.
20120209             —OPENED, BRITAIN, 1—NEW—367—MEGAWATT offshore wind farm, off the Cumbrian coast and will supply up to 320,000 households with renewable power 1—YEAR.
20120209             —VISITED, CHINA said 1—SYRIA—OPPOSITION—DELEGATION, BEIJING and met Vice Foreign MINISTER—ZHAI—JUN as the country insisted it wants to maintain contacts and communication with SYRIA—OPPOSITION—GROUPS.
20120209             CHINA, security forces shot dead 2—TIBETAN brothers who were on the run —AFTER protesting against CHINA—RULE.
20120209             ECUADOR—FOREIGN—MINISTER said police in ITALY found nearly 90—POUNDS (40—KILOS) of cocaine last —MONTH in diplomatic mail sent to the Mediterranean country and 2—SUSPECTS have been arrested.
20120209             —INSPECTED, The crates had been, by police dogs —BEFORE leaving ECUADOR, but had traveled to ITALY through a 3. country.
20120209             —EXPELLED, GERMANY, 4—SYRIA—DIPLOMATS.
20120209             GREECE—POLITICAL—LEADERS struck 1—DEAL to make deep cuts in government jobs and spending to help save the country from default.
20120209             —CONFIRMED, PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA—AUTHORITIES, charges against army COLONEL—MOUSSA—TIEGBORO—CAMARA in connection with a 20090928             , MASSACRE—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS at 1—SOCCER stadium, making him the 1. HIGH—RANKING official to face trial for the atrocities.
20120209             † IN—BUNCRANA, IRELAND, Andrew "Chubby" Allen (24) —AFTER 1—GUNMAN on foot opened fire through 1—WINDOW—OF his home and struck the victim at least once in the head.
20120209             Allen —LAST—YEAR fled his NORTH—IRELAND hometown of Londonderry —AFTER receiving death threats from Republican Action Against Drugs, 1—ORGANIZATION forged by FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—BOTH—THE—IRA and 1—RIVAL—GROUP called THE—IRELAND—NATIONAL—LIBERATION—ARMY.
20120209             ISRAEL, half 1—MILLION—PUBLIC and private sector workers were on general strike for a 2. —DAY.
20120209             —REPORTED, Media, signs of 1—EMERGING agreement between unions and government.
20120209             —IMPRISONED, ISRAEL—KHADER—ADNAN, (33), 1, MEMBER—OF—1—PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUP, has waged 1—HUNGER—STRIKE for almost 2—MONTHS, trying to draw attention to ISRAEL—MILITARY—JUSTICE—SYSTEM and its TREATMENT—OF—DETAINEES who can be held without charge for lengthy periods.
20120209             —IGNORED, JORDAN—PUBLIC—SCHOOL—TEACHERS, government calls to halt their strike to press for full annual bonuses, leaving HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS at home.
20120209             1—MALDIVES court issued 1—ARREST—WARRANT for FORMER—PRESIDENT—MOHAMED—NASHEED, 1—DAY—AFTER his supporters rampaged in the capital and his claim of being ousted by 1—COUP left unclear the stability of the fledging INDIA—OCEAN—DEMOCRACY.
20120209             MEXICO, BRUCE—BERESFORD—REDMAN, former "Survivor" reality television producer, arrived in Quintana Roo escorted by nearly 12—AGENTS—AFTER being extradited from THE—USA—SO he can face trial in his wife's killing.
20120209             His wife's body was found in 1—SEWER cistern at 1—SWANK—CANCUN resort —FOLLOWING an 20100400              family vacation.
20120209             —INAUGURATED, MOROCCO, Renault, 1—GIANT—FACTORY to build LOW—COST—CARS, sparking controversy at home in FRANCE where 1—LOSS—OF—INDUSTRIAL—COMPETITIVENESS has rankled.
20120209             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—WOMAN, 35—JAHRE—ALT —RECENTLY walked through 1—FIELD in NORTH—MOZAMBIQUE, near where 1—GROUP—OF—TEENAGE—BOYS were undergoing their ritual circumcision into adulthood.
20120209             —SACRED, Accusing her of trespassing on, ground forbidden to women, the traditional leader meted out his punishment: He ordered 17—OF—HIS—YOUNG initiates to gang rape her.
20120209             4—OF—THE—YOUTHS were arrested.
20120209             —ON the Caribbean ISLAND—OF—NEVIS 1—MACHETE—WIELDING robber took $1000—FROM USA—SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICE—STEPHEN—BREYER and his guests.
20120209             —ARRESTED, Police soon, Vedel Brown and charged him with aggravated robbery.
20120209             —KILLED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said USA—MISSILES in Miranshah, Badar Mansoor, the most senior Pakistani in AL—QAEDA, 1—OF—THE—AMERICANS' main targets in the country and wanted for attacks that killed SCORES—OF—PEOPLE.
20120209             4—MILITANTS were reported killed in THE—PRE—DAWN drone strike.
20120209             PERU, the rebel known as Comrade Artemio (50), Florindo "Jose" Flores, was reported wounded.
20120209             Artemio had practically lost his right arm.
20120209             —APPROVED, ROMANIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—GOVERNMENT led by former spy CHIEF—MIHAI—RAZVAN—UNGUREANU, 43—JAHRE—ALT, which the ruling coalition hopes will improve its popularity ahead of parliamentary elections this —YEAR.
20120209             His Cabinet has 7—MINISTERS from the previous cabinet, but new, younger ministers for the key PORTFOLIOS—OF—ECONOMY, finance, interior ministry and agriculture.
20120209             —KILLED, SAUDI—ARABIA, MUNIR—AL—MEDANI, 21—JAHRE—ALT was, and 3 wounded —WHEN security forces exchanged gunfire with "masked men" in the Qatif DISTRICT—OF—THE—KINGDOM—OIL—RICH—EAST—PROVINCE.
20120209             —OPENED, Activists and witnesses said that security forces, fire —WHEN 1—SHIITE procession marking the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, 1—CELEBRATION forbidden in ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—SUNNI Muslim SAUDI—ARABIA, turned into 1—DEMONSTRATION for reform and the release of Shiite detainees.
20120209             SOUTH—AFRICA—PRESIDENT—ZUMA said the government will invest 300—BILLION rand ($39.6—BILLION, €29.7—BILLION) in rail and port projects over the next 7—YEARS in 1—BID to create jobs.
20120209             —CELEBRATED, SPAIN—JUDGE—BALTASAR—GARZON, 56—JAHRE—ALT, for pursuing INTERNATIONAL human rights cases, was convicted of overstepping his jurisdiction in 1—DOMESTIC—CORRUPTION—PROBE and barred from the bench —FOR—11—YEARS.
20120209             —ARRESTED, SPAIN—POLICE, 3—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SERBIA—PARAMILITARY—GROUP known as "ARKAN—TIGERS" as well as belonging to Zemun Clan.
20120209             —INCLUDED, They, VLADIMIR—MILISAVLJEVIC, who had been 1—FUGITIVE —FOR—5—YEARS—AFTER being convicted in absentia for 20030312             —THE, ASSASSINATION—OF—SERBIA—PRIME—MINISTER—ZORAN—DJINDJIC.
20120209             —ARRESTED, LUKA—BOJOVIC, 39—JAHRE—ALT and Sinisa Petric were also.
20120209             —WANTED, Bojovic was, in connection with 20—MURDERS in Serbia, THE—NETHERLANDS and SPAIN.
20120209             —REPORTED, SWITZERLAND—NEWS, that Hafez Makhlouf, 1—COUSIN—OF—SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD, has won 1—LEGAL—BID to unfreeze euro3 million ($4—MILLION) held in bank accounts in SWITZERLAND, overturning 1—LAST—DITCH effort by SWITZERLAND—PROSECUTORS to block THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—FUNDS on SUSPICION—OF—MONEY laundering.
20120209             —FIRED, SYRIA—FORCES, mortars and rockets that killed SCORES—OF—PEOPLE in the rebellious CITY—OF—HOMS.
20120209             —ESTIMATED, THE—LOCAL—COORDINATION—COMMITTEES said 1, 90—PEOPLE were killed in HOMS, but the death toll was impossible to independently verify.
20120209             —REPORTED, Activists also, violence in Zabadani and Daraa.
20120209             UGANDA said it will set up 1—NATIONAL—OIL—COMPANY to handle commercial interests in its emerging oil sector —AFTER the government tabled 1—LONG—DELAYED BILL—IN—PARLIAMENT.
20120209             YEMEN—SECURITY—FORCES shot dead 2—SOUTH—YEMEN—ACTIVISTS —DURING 1—DEMONSTRATION in Daleh against presidential elections to be held —LATER this —MONTH.
20120209             Moussa Tiegboro Camara in connection with a 20090928           .
20120209             MASSACRE—OF—PRO—DEMOCRACY—DEMONSTRATORS at 1—SOCCER stadium, making him the 1. HIGH—RANKING official to face trial for the atrocities.
20120209—19930100    —ARMORED, MISSOURI, EDWARD—JOHN—MAHER, 56—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BRITISH, car driver SUSPECTED—OF—DRIVING off with $1.5—MILLION, was arrested in the small TOWN—OF—OZARK.
20120209—20070000    —CONVICTED, Milisavljevic was, and sentenced in absentia in Serbia to 35—YEARS for his involvement in THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—DJINDJIC and to another 40—YEARS for other crimes.
20120209—20100000    —IN, 1—UK—JUDGE sent 9—UK—MUSLIMS men to prison with sentences of 5—16—YEARS for plots to bomb THE—LONDON Stock Exchange.
20120209—20100000    —IN, THE—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said 1—FOOD—CRISIS in MAURITANIA as 1—RESULT—OF—DROUGHT is expected to be 3—TIMES—WORSE that, —WHEN the Sahel was crippled by food shortages.
20120209—20120108    —DEPARTED, RESTREPO—COLOMBIA and his whereabouts was unknown.
20120209—20120212    —ON, government troops captured the badly wounded LEADER—OF—1—REMNANT—OF—THE—ONCE—POWERFUL Shining Path rebel group that lives off the cocaine trade.
20130125             alfatomega.com/20090209.html
20130205—20130209    —RESIGNED, Schavan.
20130209             1—RECORD—BREAKING blizzard packing HURRICANE—FORCE—WINDS hammered THE—NORTH—EAST—USA, cutting power to 700,000 homes and businesses, shutting down travel and leaving at least 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20130209             —CENTERED, The storm, its fury on CONNECTICUT, RHODE—ISLAND and MASSACHUSETTS.
20130209             38—INCHES fell in MILFORD—CONNECTICUT.
20130209             29.3—INCHES fell on PORTLAND—MAINE, breaking a 19790000              record.
20130209             † In SOUTH—CALIFORNIA 3—WOMEN walking in ANAHEIM —AFTER they were hit by 1 suspected drunk driver.
20130209             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—WOMEN and 4—MEN were, in the blast in the Nad Ali district, Helmand province.
20130209             —PLUNGED, CHILE, 1—BUS carrying fans of 1—SOCCER team, into 1—RAVINE killing 16—PEOPLE and injuring 21—OTHERS.
20130209             1—CAIRO court ordered the government to block access to THE—VIDEO—SHARING website YouTube —FOR—30—DAYS for carrying 1—ANTI—ISLAM film that caused deadly riots across the world.
20130209             The ruling can be appealed and based on precedent may not be enforced.
20130209             —PROMISED, THE—FRENCH and UK—GOVERNMENTS, to punish those found responsible for selling horsemeat in beef products.
20130209             FRANCE—CONSUMER—SAFETY—AUTHORITIES said companies from ROMANIA, CYPRUS and THE—NETHERLANDS were PART—OF—1—SUPPLY—CHAIN that resulted in horsemeat being disguised as beef in frozen lasagna sold —AROUND the continent.
20130209             —CONFESSED, Guru had, in TV interviews that he helped plot the attack, but —LATER denied ANY—INVOLVEMENT and said he was tortured into confessing.
20130209             Protests broke out in at least 4—PARTS—OF—INDIA—KASHMIR, including THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—SOPORE, which was GURU—HOME.
20130209             —URGED, THE—UN, THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT to ensure the safety of the about 3,100 camp residents and move quickly to find THE—STILL—UNIDENTIFIED attackers.
20130209             —MARCHED, IRELAND, trade unionists, in DUBLIN and other cities to protest the continuing high COST—OF—THE—COUNTRY—BANK—BAILOUT—PROGRAM.
20130209             ISRAEL—TROOPS drove some 100—PALESTINE—ACTIVISTS out of 1—ILLEGAL—TENT—CAMP they had set up near THE—CITY—OF—HEBRON in THE—SOUTH—WEST—BANK.
20130209             —MARKED, The operation, the 5. time in the past —MONTH ISRAEL—FORCES broke up 1—PALESTINE—ENCAMPMENT.
20130209             —LANDED, MEMBERS—OF—1—MUSLIM royal clan from THE—SOUTH—PHILIPPINES, in MALAYSIA—COASTAL—VILLAGE—OF—LAHAD Datu, Sabah state to claim the territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s.
20130209             NORTH—MALI, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER wearing military fatigues blew himself up near 1—CHECKPOINT at the entrance to Gao, wounding 1—SOLDIER in the 2. attack to hit the same location in 36—HOURS.
20130209             —KILLED, Assailants in NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 3—NORTH—KOREA—DOCTORS, beheading 1—OF—THE—PHYSICIANS in Potiskum.
20130209             RUSSIA, SERGEI—UDALTSOV, 1—TOP—OPPOSITION—FIGURE, was placed under house arrest —FOR—2—MONTHS.
20130209             —BANNED, The move also, him from using most FORMS—OF—COMMUNICATION, including THE—INTERNET, telephone and mail.
20130209             He faced charges in connection with 1—PROTEST in May that ended in clashes with police and for allegedly plotting to conduct mass disorder aimed at overthrowing the government.
20130209             —KILLED, SENEGAL, 1—WOMAN and her son were, by 1—LANDMINE in THE—SOUTH—CASAMANCE region near THE—GAMBIA—BORDER.
20130209             —RAGED, SYRIA, fighting in DAMASCUS and its suburbs, for a 4. consecutive —DAY.
20130209             —RESHUFFLED, PRESIDENT—ASSAD, his Cabinet, appointing 7—NEW—MINISTERS in 1—MOVE that appeared aimed at trying to shore up 1—ECONOMY that has been ravaged by the country's 2-year-old revolt.
20130209             Several 1000—SUPPORTERS—OF—TUNISIA—RULING moderate Islamist party rallied in the capital in 1—PRO—GOVERNMENT—DEMONSTRATION.
20130209             —HURLED, Protesters, insults at FRANCE, accusing the former colonial ruler of interfering in THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country's politics.
20130209             —MARKED, At THE—VATICAN  the Knights of MALTA, its 900. birthday with 1—COLORFUL—PROCESSION through S—PETER—SQUARE, 1—MASS in the basilica and 1—AUDIENCE with BENEDICT—XVI—PAPA, himself 1—MEMBER—OF—THE onetime chivalrous order drawn from EUROPE—NOBILITY.
20130209             THE—KNIGHTS are at once 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—RELIGIOUS—ORDER, 1—AID—GROUP that runs soup kitchens, hospitals and ambulance services —AROUND the globe, and 1—SOVEREIGN entity that prints its own passports and enjoys diplomatic relations with 104—COUNTRIES — yet has no country to call its own.
20130209—20011213    —CONVICTED, INDIA, MOHAMMED—AFZAL—GURU, 1—KASHMIRI man, attack on INDIA—PARLIAMENT that left 14—PEOPLE—DEAD, was hanged —AFTER 1—FINAL mercy plea was rejected.
20130209—20050000    —SINCE, They had lived in THE—STATE—AS—PART—OF—1—MEDICAL—PROGRAM between NIGERIA and THE—NORTH—KOREA—GOVERNMENT.
20130209—20130212    —ON, IRAQ, rockets and mortar rounds struck 1—REFUGEE—CAMP for IRAN—EXILES, MEMBERS—OF—MUJAHEDEEN E—KHALQ, next to BAGHDAD—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT—BEFORE dawn, killing 6—PEOPLE and wounding about 40. 1—OF—THE injured †.
20130209—20130313    —ON, Another of the injured †.
20130211             INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir 3—YOUNG—PEOPLE were left dead in violence despite 1—CURFEW that continued for a 3. —DAY—FOLLOWING 20130209             —THE execution of 1—KASHMIRI man convicted in 1—DEADLY 20010000              attack on INDIA—PARLIAMENT.
20140209             MICHAEL—SAM, 1—DEFENSIVE—END—FORM THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MISSOURI, publicly came out as gay.
20140209             —EXPECTED, He was, to be a 3. A10of 4. round pick at THE—NFL draft.
20140209             BAHAMAS' military said it has taken 40—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—FISHERMEN into custody on suspicion of poaching in BAHAMAS—WATERS.
20140209             —MARCHED, BOSNIA, hundreds, in SARAJEVO to protest alleged police ABUSE—OF—PEOPLE arrested —DURING ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS and to call for their release.
20140209             Police said all but 10—OF 44—PEOPLE have been let go.
20140209             Severe flooding and landslips cut off rail links to large PARTS—OF—SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND for more than 24—HOURS as the government came under pressure for its HANDLING—OF—STORMS battering BRITAIN.
20140209             Violence in CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—CAPITAL, including mob attacks and 1—APPARENT—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT targeting the country's former justice MINISTER, killed at least 10—PEOPLE over the last 24—HOURS.
20140209             —MURDERED, Gunmen, politician JEAN—EMMANUEL Djarawa, 1—CHRISTIAN REPRESENTATIVE—FOR—EAST—HAUTE—KOTTO province, outside his house in BANGUI.
20140209             —KILLED, DENMARK—COPENHAGEN—ZOO, a 2-year-old giraffe and fed its remains to lions as visitors watched, ignoring 1—PETITION signed by thousands and offers from other zoos and 1—PRIVATE—INDIVIDUAL to save the animal.
20140209             EGYPT—INTERIOR—MINISTRY said it has broken up a "military wing" of the Muslim Brotherhood, allegedly formed to attack policemen, in the most detailed accusation yet implicating the group in militant attacks.
20140209             —KILLED, EGYPT—HEALTH—MINISTRY said THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE, by swine flu in the country —SINCE December has reached 38.
20140209             DENMARK—DIRECTOR—LARS—VON—TRIER brought 1—EXTRA—LONG—VERSION—OF—HIS "Nymphomaniac Volume I" to THE—BERLIN INTERNATIONAL Film Festival, 1—CUT that increases to nearly 2½ hours the 1. installment of THE—2—PART—DRAMA about 1—WOMAN—SEXUAL—LIFE from girlhood to age 50.
20140209             —KILLED, NORTH—INDIA, 1—TIGER prowling near villages, its 10. person in 6—WEEKS, 1—DAY—AFTER eluding 1—TRAP set by hunters with 1—LIVE—CALF as bait.
20140209             —AGREED, IRAN, to start addressing UN nuclear agency suspicions that it may have worked on designing 1—ATOMIC—WEAPON, 1—POTENTIAL—BREAKTHROUGH in unblocking 1—LONG—STALLED investigation into TEHRAN's disputed atomic activities.
20140209             IRAQ, 9—PEOPLE were found dead in 2—BRUTAL incidents, 1—WHERE militants forced Shiite policemen to pray —BEFORE killing them, and another where decapitated heads were left in 1—MARKET.
20140209             —DENIED, ISRAEL, entry permits to some 50—PALESTINE—MEDICAL—PATIENTS from THE—GAZA Strip because the words "STATE—OF—PALESTINE" was on the letterhead of their application.
20140209             1—PALESTINE—MILITANT was in critical condition —AFTER 1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE on CENTRAL—GAZA that the army said targeted a "key" figure responsible for CROSS—BORDER—ROCKET—FIRE.
20140209             —EMPLOYED, RUSSIA, 1—MAN, as 1—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARD (24) opened fire in 1—CATHEDRAL on RUSSIA—SAKHALIN—ISLAND in the Pacific, killing 1—NUN and 1—PARISHIONER and wounding 6—OTHERS.
20140209             —BACKED, SWITZERLAND—VOTERS narrowly, proposals to reintroduce immigration quotas with the European Union.
20140209             50.3% backed THE—SO—CALLED "Stop mass immigration" initiative.
20140209             SYRIA, THE—GOVERNOR—HOMS said that over 600—PEOPLE have been evacuated from REBEL—HELD PARTS—OF—THE—CITY, in 1—RARE 3—DAY—CEASE—FIRE with rebels.
20140209             —DROPPED, Government aircraft, barrel bombs on ALEPPO, killing at least 11—PEOPLE.
20140209             Extremist Islamic rebels overran Maan village in Hama province, populated by the Alawite minority, and killed at least 40—PEOPLE
20140209             —WARNED—OF, UKRAINE—SECURITY—AGENCY, 1 heightened RISK—OF—TERRORISM, including from nearly 3—MONTHS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS.
20140209             1 estimated 70,000 PRO—WEST—UKRAINIANS thronged the heart of Kiev vowing never to give up their drive to oust PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YANUKOVYCH for his alliance with old master RUSSIA.
20140209             —AGREED, YEMEN, Shiite rebels and YEMEN—TRIBESMEN, 1—CEASEFIRE—AFTER deadly clashes between THE—2—SIDES in the Arhab DISTRICT—NEAR—SANAA.
20140209             1—BOMB planted in the car of 1—YEMEN—INTELLIGENCE—COLONEL exploded near the oil ministry, killing the officer and wounding 3—PEOPLE.
20140217—20140209    —ON, ANTI—ASSAD Islamic fighters overran the village.
20150207—20150209    —CALLED, EL—SISSI, leaders of SAUDI—ARABIA, KUWAIT and THE—UAE, praising their wisdom and saying relations won't be undermined by "nefarious attempts" to do so.
20150209             THE—28—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN had been staying with her sister —WHEN she went missing 20150201         .
20150209             —PLEDGED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, $3.2—MILLION to help save the monarch butterfly.
20150209             —BECAME, ALABAMA, the 37. state where gays can legally wed.
20150209             STATE—CHIEF—JUSTICE—ROY—MOORE told judges not to let gays marry.
20150209             —ISSUED, At least 7—OF 67—COUNTIES, gay marriage licenses.
20150209             —PUBLISHED, New evidence, in the journal Nature Geoscience that human activity can disrupt the climate suggested that air pollution tied to industrialization in the northern hemisphere almost certainly reduced rainfall over CENTRAL—AMERICA.
20150209             † AFGHANISTAN, ABDUL—RAUF, the top recruiter for the Islamic State group's affiliate, was killed by 1—DRONE—STRIKE along with 7—OTHER—MILITANTS.
20150209             —FIRED, AFGHANISTAN—FORCES, the missile.
20150209             † In AUSTRALIA 1—JAPAN—CITIZEN—AFTER 1—SHARK tore off his legs —WHILE he was surfing off THE—COAST—OF—NEW—SOUTH—WALES.
20150209             —BACKED, BAHRAIN said it suspended 1—NEW—PAN—ARAB news channel, by 1—BILLIONAIRE—SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE within hours of its 1. broadcast because it failed to obtain 1—PROPER—LICENSE and did not meet ANTI—TERRORIST—STANDARDS.
20150209             —ARRESTED, Police in INDIA said that they had, 8—PEOPLE suspected in the rape and MURDER—OF—1—NEPAL—WOMAN in THE—NORTH—WEST—STATE—OF—HARYANA.
20150209             —MUTILATED, Her, body was discovered —3—DAYS—LATER.
20150209             —SEARCHED, In NORTH—INDIA police, for 1—MAN who raped 1—JAPAN—STUDENT sightseeing in JAIPUR 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20150209             —KILLED, IRAQ, attacks in BAGHDAD, 22—PEOPLE with dozens left wounded.
20150209             —ACCUSED, MACEDONIA—CHIEF—OPPOSITION—FIGURE, PRIME—MINISTER—NIKOLA—GRUEVSKI—OF—WIRE—TAPPING journalists, religious and opposition leaders, deepening 1—SCANDAL that has engulfed the European Union candidate country in recent weeks.
20150209             MYANMAR troops fought Kokang ethnic rebels in clashes near THE—CHINA—BORDER that the government says the guerrillas provoked.
20150209             —LAUNCHED, Warlord Phone Kyar Shin, aka Peng Jiasheng, attacks on the government army —AROUND Laukkai.
20150209             —ARMED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, scores of militants, with guns and explosives stormed 1—POLICE—STATION in THE—TOWN—OF—KANAMMA in Yobe state.
20150209             —REPORTED, Several police officers were, killed.
20150209             —ATTACKED, Islamist fighters from NIGERIA—BOKO—HARAM sect, 1—PRISON in neighboring NIGER overnight.
20150209             —OPENED, SENEGAL, THE—4—DAY—AFRICAN Land Forces Summit, in DAKAR.
20150209             It brought together top USA—MILITARY—BRASS and the heads of 35—AFRICAN armies.
20150209             —APPROVED, SOMALIA—LAWMAKERS, 1—NEW—CABINET, hours —AFTER Shebab insurgents assassinated 1—COLLEAGUE as he made his way to PARLIAMENT.
20150209             FORMER—SOUTH—KOREA—SPY—CHIEF—WON—SEI—HOON was sent to prison —FOR—3—YEARS—AFTER being found GUILTY—OF—ORDERING 1—ILLICIT online campaign to support THEN—RULING party candidate and current PRESIDENT—PARK—GEUN—HYE ahead of 20120000             —THE presidential election.
20150209             —REPORTED, SYRIA, at least 15—PEOPLE were, killed and dozens wounded on in government air strikes on 1—AREA outside DAMASCUS.
20150209             Barrel bombs over the next 48—HOURS left at least 18—PEOPLE—DEAD in Douma, 1—REBEL—HELD AREA—OF—DAMASCUS.
20150209             TURKEY, G20 finance ministers met in ISTANBUL.
20150209             —CALLED, BRITAIN and THE—USA, on leading world powers to overhaul their economies and keep budgets in line to encourage growth.
20150209             THE—UKRAINE military said At least 1,500 RUSSIA—TROOPS and CONVOYS—OF—MILITARY—HARDWARE entered UKRAINE over the weekend.
20150209             THE—UN said over 2.5—MILLION—SOUTH—SUDAN—ARE on the brink of famine, with the civil war likely to intensify as it launched a $1.8—BILLION aid appeal.
20150209             —GEWINNT, REGIERUNGS—KRISE—IN—AUSTRALIEN: Premier Abbott, Vertrauensabstimmung
20150209             Der australische STAAT—CHEF ist —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—WOCHEN zunehmend unter Beschuss geraten und hat in Umfragen massiv an Popularität eingebüßt:
20150209             Für Empörung im ganzen Land sorgte seine Entscheidung, ausgerechnet am australischen Nationalfeiertag den britischen Prinzen PHILIP in den RITTER—STAND zu erheben.
20150209             Dass nur 61—DER 100—ABGEORDNETEN Abbott DAS—VERTRAUEN ausgesprochen haben, mache ihn zur "lame duck", zur lahmen Ente: Seine Autorität gilt als instabil, seine Handlungsfähigkeit scheint begrenzt.
20150209             berichten "SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG", NDR und WDR unter Berufung auf vertrauliche Dokumente, die französische Fahnder 20090000              von Hervé Falciani, 1—EHEMALIGEN MIT—ARBEITER der Bank, bekommen hatten.
20150209             In den Dokumenten finden sich die Namen von mehr als 100.000—MENSCHEN aus mehr als 200—LÄNDERN, darunter auch die von Verwandten und Regierungsmitgliedern von Autokraten wie SYRIENs MACHT—HABER—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD,
20150209             Finanzermittler aus DEUTSCHLAND und 11—ANDEREN Ländern sollen dank der vertraulichen Unterlagen —SCHON mehr als 1—MILLIARDE—EURO STEUERN und Strafen eingetrieben haben.
20150209             DIE—BANK hat gegenüber der SÜD—DEUTSCHE—ZEITUNG1 "Kontrollversagen —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT"eingeräumt.
20150209             MITHILFE—DER—INFORMATIONEN wurden Hunderte STEUERbetrüger enttarnt, unter ihnen die spanische BANKIERS—FAMILIE Botín.
20150209             —NACHDEM, 1—SPANISCHES Gericht die Auslieferung des ITALO—FRANZOSEN an DIE—SCHWEIZ verweigerte, kehrte er 20130000              nach FRANKREICH zurück.
20150209             Dort lebt er —DERZEIT, unter POLIZEI—SCHUTZ an 1—UNBEKANNTEN Ort.
20150209             SCHWEIZer Bank?
20150209             DIE—HSBC SWITZERLAND in Genf ist ebenso wenig 1—SCHWEIZER Bank, wie DIE—DEUTSCHE—BANK (SCHWEIZ) AG in ZÜRICH auch!
20150209             Ja wie —JETZT?
20150209             GROß—OFFENSIVE angekündigt: IRAK schickt BODENtruppen in den KAMPF—GEGEN—IS
20150209             —ZERSTÖRT, UKRAINE—KRISE, PUTIN, Hoffnung auf schnelle Einigung
20150209             MERKEL in AMERIKA: Wir müssen reden
20150209             —KRISEN—TALK bei Jauch: Die TRANS—ATLANTISCHE Distanz
20150209             Streik an 3—AIRPORTS: POLIZEI sperrt Zugänge zu HAMBURGer Flughafen ab
20150209             PEGIDA—ABTRÜNNIGE in DRESDEN: Wo ist DAS—VOLK?
20150209             —REDUZIERT, Waffengeschäfte: GABRIEL, Genehmigungen für RÜSTUNGS—EXPORTE
20150209             DATEN—LECK bei HSBC: Ermittler trieben 1—MILLIARDE—EURO STEUERN und Strafen 1
20150209             Kommissar vor Gericht: Die schützende Hand des Staates
20150209             Labor am Smartphone: HIV—, SYPHILIS—TEST in 15—MINUTEN
20150209             Exportrekord: DEUTSCHLAND knackt wieder die Billionenmarke
20150209             Griechischer AUßEN—MINISTER—KOTZIAS: "Wir sind arm, aber gleichberechtigt"
20150209             —NACH, Hinrichtung 1—UNSCHULDIGEN: CHINA verhängt in Mordfall erneut TODES—STRAFE
20150209             GRIECHENLAND—POKER: TSIPRAS schickt BÖRSEn mit Kampfrede auf Talfahrt
20150209             —KRIEG—GEGEN—DSCHIHADISTEN: PUTIN nennt ANTI—IS—KAMPF "plump"und "unverhältnismäßig"
20150209             GROß—BRITANNIEN ist die Wiege des angelsächsischen KAPITALISMUS.
20150209             —SEIT—WANN findet jemand das NORMAL—GESCHÄFT 1—JEDEN Bank, "MILLIARDEN—GESCHÄFTE—MIT—KRIMINELLEN"zu machen, als 1—SKANDAL.
20150209             —KRIEG—IN—DER—UKRAINE—KIEW meldet —INVASION—VON—1.500—RUSSISCHEN Soldaten —AM—WOCHEN—ENDE
20150209             Lauschfunktion: Samsung warnt vor eigenen SMART—TVS
20150209             Merkels AUSSEN—POLITIK,Die entzauberte Strategin
20150209             Verfahren wegen Verkehrsgefährdung: Strafbefehl gegen Notarzt zurückgenommen
20150209             DEUTSCHEr Helfer in SYRIEN: "Kobane ist frei, aber zerstört"
20150209             DSCHIHAD—VORWURF, In DEUTSCHLAND verhaftete TERROR—VERDÄCHTIGE freigesprochen
20150209             Mangelnder Reformeifer: OECD warnt vor lang anhaltender Stagnation
20150209             TERROR—IN—AFRIKA: BOKO—HARAM verstärkt Angriffe im NIGER
20150209             AKW Brunsbüttel: Bergung löchriger ATOM—MÜLLFÄSSER kann beginnen
20150209             Schummeln mit Smartwatch: Britische Unis verbieten Uhren in Klausuren
20150209             MAFIA—VORWÜRFE: CHINA richtet schwerreichen INDUSTRIE—MOGUL hin
20150209             FRANKREICH: Vermummte schießen auf POLIZEIfahrzeug in MARSEILLE
20150209             DER—NEUE GRIECHENLAND—FINANZ—MINISTER fällt auf.
20150209             Doch 1—GENAUER Blick auf das, was VAROUFAKIS einst im australischen Radio gesagt hat, zeigt: Seine Haltung war zwar auf 1—TYPISCH linke Art israelkritisch.
20150209             VAROUFAKIS kritisierte vor allem die Sperranlagen, die das WEST—JORDAN—LAND—VON—ISRAEL trennen.
20150209             THOMAS WEBER, Dozent an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—ABERDEEN, war der 1., der die angeblich antiisraelische Gesinnung des Griechen thematisierte.
20150209             "Im AUFRUHR über die griechische FINANZ—POLITIK wird DIE—JUDENFEINDLICHKEIT der Regierung TSIPRAS glatt übersehen", schrieb er in 1—GASTKOMMENTAR für DIE—WELT.
20150209             SYDNEY habe 1—UNAUSLÖSCHLICHEN EINDRUCK—AUF—DEN neuen griechischen FINANZ—MINISTER gemacht, freute sich der "SYDNEY —MORNING Herald".
20150209             Der australische Thinktank "ISSUES—OF—CONCERN for Justice and Society"hat 1—TRANSKRIPT der Sendung auf Englisch online gestellt - NACHDEM er 1—BESCHWERDE beim Radiosender eingeleitet hatte.
20150209             —LAUT—TRANSKRIPT nennt VAROUFAKIS GAZA 1 "nutzloses, feindliches Land", das ISRAEL GEGEN—DIE—WESTBANK getauscht habe, um Geld und Personal zu sparen und "das VERBRECHEN—GEGEN—DIE—MENSCHLICHKEIT im WEST—JORDAN—LAND zu vollenden".
20150209             Das WEST—JORDAN—LAND werde von ISRAEL illegal besetzt, und für DIE—PALÄSTINENSER sei es unmöglich, dort 1—NORMALES Leben zu führen, heißt es weiter.
20150209             Um jeweils auf die andere Seite zu kommen, müssten sie kilometerweit zum nächsten Checkpoint laufen und dort erniedrigende Durchsuchungen über sich ergehen lassen.
20150209             Knapp 3—MONATE—SPÄTER, antwortete der Radiosender auf die Beschwerde des Thinktanks: VAROUFAKIS habe mit seinem Kommentar gegen DIE—REGELN des Senders verstoßen.
20150209             Als Lehrbeauftragter für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der UNIVERSITÄT—VON—ATHEN sei er 1—GEEIGNETER Ansprechpartner für Wirtschaftsthemen, aber nicht für den NAH—OST—KONFLIKT.
20150209             —BEGLEITET, Sein Kommentar hätte von 1—GEGENKOMMENTAR, werden müssen, dies sei aber versäumt worden.
20150209             Man entschuldige sich und werde die weitere ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT überdenken.
20150209             DIE—SENDUNG wurde dennoch eingestellt, nach 16—JAHREN.
20150209             In 1—BLOGBEITRAG hat VAROUFAKIS 20100000              zu dem Vorfall Stellung genommen: Er habe —DAMALS, nur gesagt, was selbst in der israelischen Zeitung "Haaretz"nachzulesen gewesen sei.
20150209             ISRAEL, wurde der nun ausgegrabene NAH—OST—KOMMENTAR—DES—FINANZ—MINISTERS relativ gelassen aufgenommen.
20150209             Grund zur Sorge bestünde wohl nicht, schreibt die "TIMES—OF—ISRAEL": Das sei "typisch linke Kritik", erklärt dort 1—POLITOLOGE —, DER—VORFALL LIEGE lange zurück.
20150209             —HEUTE, sind die meisten MITGLIEDER—VON—SYRIZA deutlich moderater", zitiert DIE—ZEITUNG VICTOR Eliezer vom Zentralvorstand der jüdischen Gemeinden in GRIECHENLAND.
20150209             es ist —HEUTE...
20150209             sehr gefährlich, jemanden als ANTI—SEMITEN zu bezeichnen, nicht etwa, weil es ihm schadet, Im Gegenteil.
20150209             1—INTERNETNUTZER hat sich
20150209             Inhaltlich ergänzen kann man noch, dass der Internationale GERICHT—HOF—DEN—HAAG in 1—GUTACHTEN DIE—GRENZANLAGE innerhalb der Westbank für VÖLKER—RECHT—WIDRIG erklärt hat.
20150209             —KRISENGESPRÄCHE in BERLIN: Diplomaten ringen um Lösung für DIE—UKRAINE
20150209             Griechischer EURO—AUSTRITT: BRITEN wappnen sich für Grexit
20150209             DIE—HSBC PRIVATE—BANK (Suisse), um die geht es konkret, ist zwar 1—TOCHTER der britischen HSBC Group.
20150209             THE—NUMBER—OF—SLAVES IN—THE—WORLD —TODAY: 27—MILLION, ACCORDING—TO—1 respected source.
20150209             —TREATED, Slaves are often, even worse —TODAY than they were 200—YEARS—AGO, because human beings are worth less.
20150209             1—AVERAGE—SLAVE in THE—USA—SOUTH
20150209             This "supply" makes slaves —TODAY cheaper than they have ever been.
20150209             Tucker Carlson would be surprised to learn how MANY—SLAVES exist in "CHRISTIAN"AMERICA.
20150209             You don't have to go far to see slavery in AMERICA.
20150209             1—LESS—VISIBLE but still prevalent FORM—OF—SLAVERY in AMERICAN—INVOLVES illegal migrant laborers who are lured with THE—PROMISE—OF—WORK and then manipulated into forced servitude, living without wages or FREEDOM—OF—MOVEMENT, under constant THREAT—OF—BEING turned over to the police should they let up in their work.
20150209             —AM, this site devoted to USA—HISTORY, we read:
20150209             —NOTED, DEFENDERS—OF—SLAVERY, that in the Bible, Abraham had slaves.
20150209             THE—SOUTH—USE—OF—THE—BIBLE to defend slavery and THE—MASTER—SLAVE—RELATION—SHIP was thus 1—ATTEMPT to erect 1—MORAL—DEFENSE—OF—SLAVERY.
20150209             SOME—SOUTH—CHRISTIANS still use the Bible to offer 1—JUSTIFICATION for slavery, or at least 1—RATIONALIZATION for abuses committed by their white ancestors.
20150209             —SANCTIONED, Proslavery clergymen could cite biblical references that, slavery and particularly the enslaving of the black race.
20150209             —POPULATED, CANAAN—DESCENDANTS were said to have, AFRICA, and THE—CLERGY had only to point to history to demonstrate that the prophecy had been fulfilled.
20150209             Fascinating Fact: THE—BABYLONIAN—TALMUD states that negroes were the children of Ham, who was cursed with blackness.
20150209             MANY—CHRISTIAN ministers and theologians taught that whites were the Chosen people, blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation.
20150209             In den Dokumenten finden sich die Namen von mehr als 100.000—MENSCHEN aus mehr als 200—LÄNDERN, darunter auch die von Verwandten und Regierungsmitgliedern von Autokraten wie SYRIENs MACHT—HABER—BASCHAR—AL—ASSAD, 20150516              ÄGYPTEN—EX—PRÄSIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK und CHINAs ehemaligem PREMIER—LI—KEQIANGPENG.
20150209—20070000    —RELEASED, Rauf was, from GUANTANAMO and sent home to AFGHANISTAN.
20150209—20150202    —DISAPPEARED, THE—ALARAB network, from TV screens early, 1—DAY—AFTER its launch.
20150209—20150213    —BY, 47—OF—THE—STATE—67—COUNTIES were issuing licenses.
20150209—20150213    —TURNED, The accused tour guide, himself in.
20160209             Beim Eisenbahnunfall von Bad Aibling kollidieren auf der Mangfalltalbahn bei BAD—AIBLING 2—MERIDIAN—ZÜGE der Bayerischen Oberlandbahn (BOB) auf eingleisiger Strecke.
20160209             11—MENSCHEN kamen ums Leben, und es gab 18—SCHWER- und 63—LEICHTVERLETZTE.
20160209             —DELIVERED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 1—MAJOR—BLOW to PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA by putting on hold federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions mainly from COAL—FIRED power plants, the centerpiece of his administration's strategy to combat climate change.
20160209             —CALLED, LOS—ANGELES, sometimes, the homeless CAPITAL—OF—AMERICA, adopted a $1.87—BILLION plan to help its 44,000 DOWN—AND—OUT people without homes.
20160209             Voting began in NEW—HAMPSHIRE in the 1. USA presidential primary.
20160209             Republican DONALD—TRUMP led with 35% and Bernie Sanders won with 60%.
20160209             1—SWEEP involving teams of sniffer dogs and 1—HELICOPTER was conducted simultaneously in PARIS and CRAIOVA, in SOUTH—ROMANIA.
20160209             The joint operation by ROMANIA and FRANCE against pickpockets targeting visitors to Disneyland PARIS and other FRANCE—TOURIST—SITES nabbed the ringleaders and exposed their methods.
20160209             —NOTED, The probe began last March —AFTER local police, 1—SPIKE in pickpocketing by Romanians and ethnic ROMA outside Disneyland and on the train that links PARIS to the amusement park.
20160209             JULY, GERMANY—PROSECUTORS brought charges against 1—RAIL dispatcher accused of causing the crash that killed 12—WHILE playing 1—MOBILE—PHONE—GAME on duty.
20160209             1—INDONESIA—COURT sentenced 7—MEN for conspiring with the Islamic State group, the 1. time the country has sent anyone to prison for IS links, as radical cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR appealed his conviction.
20160209             —INTENSIFIED, Protests, in IRAQ—KURDISTAN region —AFTER the government unveiled new austerity measures to avert 1—ECONOMIC—COLLAPSE that officials warn could undermine the war effort against Islamic State.
20160209             —KILLED, MALI, 3—SOLDIERS were, —AFTER their vehicle hit 1 improvised explosive device in THE—CENTRAL—MOPTI region.
20160209             † In NEPAL FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—SUSHIL—KOIRALA, 78—JAHRE—ALT, a moderate figure in NEPAL's unsettled politics, presenting a potential hurdle in attempts to win greater rights for minorities in a new constitution.
20160209             —SUSPENDED, SAUDI—ARABIA said it had, $4—BILLION in funding for the French and Americans to train and equip the Lebanonese army and security forces.
20160209             —MARCHED, SOUTH—AFRICA—OPPOSITION—PROTESTERS, on the country's Constitutional COURT—IN—JOHANNESBURG, where judges heard 1—CASE over public money spent on PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—PRIVATE—HOUSE.
20160209             —FACED, SPAIN, tens of THOUSANDS—OF—COMMUTERS in BARCELONA, travel chaos as smoke from 1—FIRE filled railway tunnels and forced authorities to suspend train service.
20160209             SYRIA, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER blew himself up at 1—POLICE—OFFICERS' club in 1—RESIDENTIAL—DISTRICT—OF—DAMASCUS, killing at least 10—PEOPLE and causing wide material damage.
20160209             —SPOTTED, TURKEY—SOLDIERS, 7—PKK militants entering Sirnak province's Cizre DISTRICT—FROM—SYRIA and, as they clashed, 1—SOLDIER was killed and 1 wounded.
20160209             —DETAINED, Military officials have, 1—GROUP—OF—34—PEOPLE at the border with Syria and seized luggage containing 4—SUICIDE vests and explosives.
20160209             —CLASHED, YEMEN—FORCES, with AL—QAEDA militants in ADEN as THE—SAUDI—LED coalition provided air cover, in 1—BID to drive the jihadists OUT—OF—THE—CITY.
20160209             SCHWEDEN: GENERAL—SEKRETÄR der NOBEL—PREISVERSAMMLUNG zurückgetreten
20160209             —VERÄRGERT, FRANZISKUS—I—PAPA über Anruf von MERKEL: "Sie war ein bisschen "
20160209             FLÜCHTLINGE: 37.000—ABGEWIESENE ASYL—BEWERBER verlassen DEUTSCHLAND freiwillig
20160209             Globale Bilanz: HAI—ANGRIFFE erreichen REKORD—HOCH
20160209             Gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen: Dutzende POLIZISTEN in HONGKONG verletzt
20160209             —MORNING Briefing vom 201602             —SPIEGEL startet neuen Newsletter DIE LAGE
20160209             Nervöse Anleger: JAPAN—BÖRSE bricht ein - GOLD—PREIS schnellt nach oben
20160209             Syrer an der Grenze zur TÜRKEI: "Wir sind wütend auf DIE—GANZE—WELT!"
20160209             —GEISEL—NAHME in SYRIEN— USA—JUSTIZ klagt o†o von früherem IS—FINANZ—CHEF—AN
20160209             ROSENMONTAG: KÖLN feiert weiter
20160209             BUNDES—RAT—PRÄSIDENT: Tillich nimmt polnische Regierung in Schutz
20160209             Sorgen um Reformpaket: Panikverkäufe an GRIECHENLANDs Aktienmarkt
20160209             DÄNEMARK: Familie entdeckt Meteorit vor ihrer Haustür
20160209             Stabile Konjunktur: Rekordjahr für DEUTSCHLANDs Exporteure
20160209             —KLIMA—SCHUTZ, LUFTFAHRT—ORGANISATION legt CO2—GRENZ—WERTE für Flugzeuge fest
20160209             Tui: TÜRKEI—BUCHUNGEN brechen um 40 % ein
20160209             —NEUE—STRATEGIE: So will DIE—EU PUTINs GAS—HERRSCHAFT brechen
20160209             FLÜCHTLINGE: GABRIEL will über Familiennachzug "nach Nächstenliebe"entscheiden
20160209             Raketenstart: NORD—KOREAS Satellit auf SCHLINGER—KURS
20160209             ALEPPO: Syrische REBELLEN hoffen auf arabische Intervention
20160209             EU—KOMMISSION: JUNCKER gibt geheime STEUER—DOKUMENTE frei
20160209             Elektronische Patientenakte: Techniker Krankenkasse will auf Fitnessdaten zugreifen
20160209             Fall ASSANGE: Anklägerin startet neuen BEFRAGUNGS—VERSUCH
20160209             —ÜBERSCHATTET, SYRIEN—GESPRÄCHE: SCHLACHT—UM—ALEPPO, Münchner Sondergipfel
20160209             TRAKTOR—BLOCKADE griechischer BAUERn: Highway to Hellas
20160209             DATEN—SCHUTZ, Französische Behörden rüffeln FACEBOOK - See in BOLIVIEN: Der Poopó ist weg
20160209             Bilanz nach ROSENMONTAG: 45—ANGEZEIGTE Sexualdelikte in KÖLN
20160209             Dramatischer WERT—VERLUST: Investoren bangen um DEUTSCHE—BANK
20160209             Gesprächsprotokoll: ERDOGAN soll EU mit Grenzöffnung gedroht haben
20160209   —DOLLAR—PAKET: OBAMA will Etat für CYBERabwehr aufstocken
20160209             —STREIT—ÜBER—FLÜCHTLINGS—POLITIK,SEEHOFER unterstellt MERKEL "Herrschaft des Unrechts"
20160209             Dementi aus BERLIN: "DIE—BUNDES—KANZLERIN kann sich an 1—ANRUF beim PAPA nicht erinnern"
20160209             PREIS—ANSTIEG des Edelmetalls: Comeback des Goldes
20160209             —PRODUZIERT, Erkenntnisse DER—USA—GEHEIM—DIENSTE: NORD—KOREA, offenbar wieder Plutonium
20160209             HOLZ—DIEBSTAHL in BRANDENBURG: KRIMinelle roden unbemerkt 8—HEKTAR Wald
20160209             DÜSSELDORF: Karnevalsumzug wird
20160209             —KRISE—IN—GRIECHENLAND: "Dann sind wir die Dummen"
20160209             [l] Liebe Leser, der Schuldige an dem "FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA"konnte endlich identifiziert werden!
20160209             Tjaaa, und dabei war es doch die ganze Zeit —SCHON klar wie Kloßbrühe!
20160209             Wie?
20160209             MONATE—LANG haben die armen Zivilisten in SYRIEN den Bombenhagel geduldig erduldet, aber als DIE—RUSSEN auch noch bombardiert haben, da war Schluss!
20160209             KANZLERIN—MERKEL hat RUSSLANDs MILITÄRaktionen in SYRIEN DIE—SCHULD für das neue FLÜCHTLINGS—DRAMA in dem Land gegeben und der TÜRKEI deutsche Hilfe zur Bewältigung der Lage angeboten.
20160209             [l] USA—"Uni"("CHRISTIAN university") verlangt von ihren Studenten, daß sie 1—FITNESS—TRACKER kaufen und tragen und jeden —TAG 10000 Schritte nachweisen.
20160209             [l] In MICHIGAN ist —JETZT Analsex, 15—JAHRE—ALT Knast belegt.
20160209             THE—LAW—STATES that it is 1—FELONY for anyone to commit "the abominable and detestable crime against nature with mankind or with ANY—ANIMAL".
20160209             It's the "with mankind" wording that creates the loophole to keep the sodomy ban intact, even though 20030000             —THE ruling in Lawrence v.
20160209             [l] Hacker hacken das PERSONAL—VERZEICHNIS des - [l] Zugunglück in Oberbayern.
20160209             —BEFINDET, Dort, sich 1.der historisch größten Abhörinstallationen der NSA im EUROPA, —INZWISCHEN, "von DER—BUNDESWEHR betrieben".
20160209             [l] DIE—WIKINGER hatten 1—WURM—PARASITENPROBLEM, und anscheinend ist ihre evolutionäre Verteidigung dagegen DER—GRUND dafür, daß Raucher —HEUTE Lungenemphysem kriegen.
20160209             [l] Hacker hacken den Rubelkurs.
20160209             [l] Hacker hacken die persönlichen von 20.000—FBI—AGENTEN.
20160209             Archaeological excavations of Viking latrine pits in DENMARK have revealed that these populations suffered massive worm infestations
20160209             Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema affect over 300—MILLION—PEOPLE, or nearly 5—PERCENT—OF—THE—GLOBAL—POPULATION.
20160209             MANY—OF—YOU know the story of LEONARD—PELTIER, THE—USA—INDIAN Movement activist convicted of killing rookie FBI—AGENTS—JACK—COLER and RONALD—WILLIAMS —ON—THE—MORNING—OF—19750626           .
20160209             Innate teaching skills 'PART—OF—HUMAN—NATURE', study says
20160209             —OCCURRED, Model suggests Neanderthal extinction, due to human cultural superiority
20160209             (Phys_org)—1—TRIO—OF—RESEARCHERS, 2 with STANFORD—UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—USA—AND the 3. with Meiji UNIVERSITY—IN—JAPAN has created 1—MODEL that showed that it might be possible that the Neanderthal extinction that occurred...
20160209             But obviously, the most interesting PART—OF—HIS—VOYAGE happened at 1—JOINT—PRESS—CONFERENCE—BETWEEN—KERRY and Gentiloni, ITALY—MINISTER—OF—FOREIGN—AFFAIRS.
20160209             —HANDCUFFED, The woman was —IMMEDIATELY, and made to leave the room.
20160209             —MEANWHILE, this terrific article from Wall of Controversy notes 1—MEETING of political luminaries
20160209             WoC also notes that THE—EVENT sponsor, KUWAIT, was 1—MAJOR—AGENT for THE—ARAB—STATES and their FINANCING—OF—THE—SYRIA—JIHADISTS.
20160209             Coincidence?
20160209—19760000    SOME 40—YEARS—AGO, WASHINGTON—STATE—UNIVERSITY—ANTHROPOLOGIST—BARRY—HEWLETT noticed that —WHEN the Aka pygmies stopped to rest between hunts, parents would give their infants small axes, digging sticks and knives.
20160209—20151100    —SEIT—20.000—MENSCHEN beantragen kleinen Waffenschein (Panorama, 06:30)
20160209—20161205    —ON, dispatcher MICHAEL—PAUL, 40—JAHRE—ALT was sentenced to 3—AND—A—HALF—YEARS in prison.
20160303             alfatomega.com/20050209.html
20170209             —REFUSED, THE—NINTH—USA—CIRCUIT—COURT—OF—APPEALS, to reinstate 1—TEMPORARY—TRAVEL—BAN on refugees and citizens from 7—MUSLIM—MAJORITY—COUNTRIES, but the government planned to fight back on multiple legal fronts.
20170209             —DEPORTED, ARIZONA, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), GUADALUPE Garcia de Rayos, 1—IMMIGRANT—MOTHER in PHOENIX, to MEXICO.
20170209             7—PROTESTERS were arrested.
20170209             LOUISIANA, 1—EXPLOSION and fire at 1—PHILLIPS 66—PIPELINE—STATION in Paradis left 2—EMPLOYEES hospitalized and 1—MISSING.
20170209             MISSOURI, FRANK—ANCONA, 51—JAHRE—ALT, THE—LEADER—OF—1—KU—KLUX—KLAN group, was fatally shot.
20170209             His wife Melissa (44) and stepson PAUL—EDWARD—JINKERSON, 24—JAHRE—ALT were soon charged with his murder.
20170209             —CANCELED, THE—FEDERAL—AVIATION—ADMINISTRATION, all inbound and outbound flights at JOHN—F—KENNEDY—AIRPORT amid 1—WINTER—STORM that barreled its way through THE—NORTH—EAST—USA.
20170209             —CANCELED, More than 3,500 flights were, across the region.
20170209             WASHINGTON, STATE—1—ELECTRICAL—FAILURE at the 32-acre WEST—POINT—TREATMENT—PLANT, next to SEATTLE—LARGEST—PARK, resulted in catastrophic flooding and damaged 1—UNDERGROUND—NETWORK—OF—EQUIPMENT.
20170209             —ESTIMATED, Damages were, at $25—MILLION.
20170209             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 22—CIVILIANS, mostly women and children, were killed —DURING 1—JOINT—OPERATION against Taliban insurgents carried out by USA and AFGHANISTAN—FORCES in the Sangin DISTRICT—OF—HELMAND province.
20170209             The top USA—COMMANDER—IN—AFGHANISTAN said he needs several 1000—MORE—INTERNATIONAL—TROOPS in order to break 1—STALEMATE in the long war with Taliban insurgents, signaling the matter may soon be put —BEFORE PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20170209             —FILED, THE—NATIVE—USA—STANDING Rock Sioux Tribe, 1—LAST—DITCH legal challenge to block the $3.8—BILLION DAKOTA—ACCESS—OIL—PIPELINE—PROJECT—AFTER the company constructing it won federal permission to tunnel under THE—MISSOURI River.
20170209             —REPORTED, BRAZIL, more than 100—PEOPLE have been, killed, with schools and businesses closed and public transportation at 1—STANDSTILL, as a 6—DAY—STRIKE by police in THE—STATE—OF—ESPIRITO—SANTO showed no signs of abating.
20170209             1—UK—IMMIGRATION tribunal upheld 1—GOVERNMENT decision to strip 4—MEN—OF—CITIZENSHIP.
20170209             —CONVICTED—OF, They had been, grooming girls for sex in 1—CASE that fueled racial tensions.
20170209             —FACED, They —NOW, deportation to PAKISTAN.
20170209             THE—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION (WHO) said that CHINA has taken steps to end its ONCE—WIDESPREAD—PRACTICE—OF harvesting organs from executed prisoners but that it's impossible to know what is happening across the entire country.
20170209             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, aid worth 225—MILLION—EUROS ($240—MILLION) for GAMBIA as PRESIDENT—ADAMA—BARROW warned that the nation was "virtually bankrupt" due to economic mismanagement by the former regime.
20170209             1—FRANCE—COURT threw out 1—COMPLAINT by 1—FEDERATION—OF—CATHOLIC—FAMILIES that dating site GLEEDEN—BUSINESS—MODEL is illegal and ANTI—SOCIAL because it encourages extramarital affairs.
20170209             FRANCE—CARMAKER PSA Group, maker of Peugeot and Citroen vehicles, said it has been referred to prosecutors over its diesel emissions.
20170209             —REPORTED, GERMANY, the world's largest CURRENT—ACCOUNT—SURPLUS—OF about €270—BILLION ($300—BILLION).
20170209             —COORDINATED, Some 450—GERMANY—SPECIAL commandos made 12, raids and arrested 2—MEN suspected of planning 1—IMMINENT—ISLAMIST—ATTACK in Goettingen.
20170209             —SENTENCED, GERMANY—NEO—NAZI Maik Schneider (29) was, to 8—YEARS—JAIL for 20150800             —THE arson in the high school sports hall in Nauen that had been designated to house refugees.
20170209             He received 1—ADDITIONAL—TERM—OF—1—YEAR and 6—MONTHS for other xenophobic crimes.
20170209             HUNGARY said it plans to hold migrants in border camps made up of shipping containers —WHILE their asylum requests are settled.
20170209             —OPENED, CENTRAL—ISRAEL, 1—PALESTINIAN, 18—JAHRE—ALT, fire and stabbed shoppers with 1—SCREWDRIVER near 1—BUSY—OPEN—AIR—MARKET wounding at least 6—PEOPLE in Petah Tikva.
20170209             —BLOCKED, KENYA—HIGH—COURT, the government's decision to close the Dadaab refugee camp -- the world's largest -- and force SOMALIA—REFUGEES to return home.
20170209             1—STUDY by MEXICO—GOVERNMENT and independent experts was released indicating the number of monarch butterflies wintering in MEXICO dropped by 27—PERCENT this —YEAR, reversing —LAST—YEAR—RECOVERY from historically low numbers.
20170209             MYANMAR, production at HANGZHOU 100—TEX Garment Company in YANGON was halted.
20170209             —DEMANDED, Workers had, 1—BETTER—PERFORMANCE—REVIEW—SYSTEM and healthcare coverage.
20170209             —STORMED, —LATER in the —MONTH HUNDREDS—OF—WORKERS, THE—CHINESE—OWNED factory making clothes for SWEDEN—FASHION retailer Hennes & Mauritz.
20170209             —DAMAGED, They, facilities including textile machinery, computers and surveillance cameras.
20170209             NATO—ALLIANCE—DEPUTY—HEAD—ROSE—GOTTEMOELLER said all 28—MEMBER—ALLIES fully support UKRAINE as it faces the worst upsurge in fighting against PRO—RUSSIA—REBELS in 2—YEARS.
20170209             NIGERIA, more than 700—PEOPLE took to the streets in ABUJA to protest against the government's economic policy in 1—SIGN—OF mounting public anger in the oil producer grappling with recession.
20170209             —KILLED, NORTH—NIGERIA, Boko Haram, 1—PERSON and abducted a 7—YEAR—OLD—BOY from the village of Kaumutaiyahi near Chibok.
20170209             PANAMA—PROSECUTORS took law firm partners Ramon Fonseca Mora and Jurgen Mossack into custody and searched their offices.
20170209             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—MOSSACK—FONSECA firm has been, setting up offshore accounts that allowed THE—BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTION—FIRM—ODEBRECHT to funnel bribes to multiple countries.
20170209             1—SERBIA—COURT rejected 1—EXTRADITION—REQUEST by Montenegro for Nemanja Ristic, 1—SUSPECT in 1—ALLEGED—PRO—RUSSIA plot to overthrow the small Balkan country's government.
20170209             NORTH—SYRIA, 1—RUSSIA—WARPLANE "accidentally" hit 1—BUILDING on with TURKEY—SOLDIERS inside, killing at least 3—TROOPS and wounding 11—NEAR AL—BAB.
20170209             —INTERVENED, RUSSIA, to halt 1—CLASH between SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and TURKEY—BACKED SYRIA—REBELS, the 1. confrontation between them as both sides fight Islamic State in the area.
20170209             —DETAINED, TURKEY—OFFICIALS said police have, 4—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP—SUSPECTS who were allegedly planning to carry out a "sensational" attack and seized 24—SUICIDE—ATTACK belts —DURING 1—ANTI—TERROR—OPERATION in GAZIANTEP.
20170209             —NACH, IBU—ENTSCHEIDUNG: Russischer Verband will BIATHLON—WM 20210000              nicht freiwillig zurückgeben
20170209             USA—NEWSBLOG, SENAT bestätigt Sessions als neuen USA—JUSTIZ—MINISTER
20170209             "Unfaire"Behandlung: DONALD—TRUMP attackiert Kaufhauskette wegen Ivanka
20170209             EINWANDERUNGS—POLITIK, Was KANADA bei der Integration alles richtig macht
20170209             WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE bei "Maischberger": "Zur Not eben ohne DIE—USA "
20170209             Waffenbesitzer IN—DER—UKRAINE: Gut aufgerüstet
20170209             "Demoralisierend und entmutigend": DONALD—TRUMP—KANDIDAT für OBERSTES—GERICHT kritisiert USA—PRÄSIDENTEN
20170209             Wegen nationaler SICHERHEITS—BEDENKEN, USA—REGIERUNG legt INFINEON—ÜBERNAHME auf Eis
20170209             Wegen fauler Schiffskredite: COMMERZ—BANK macht nur MINI—GEWINN
20170209             ABU—HANI—AL—MASRI: USA töten hochrangigen QAIDA—TERRORISTEN
20170209             6—MIT—ARBEITER ermordet: Rotes Kreuz stoppt Arbeit in AFGHANISTAN
20170209             Neubau IN—DEN—USA dank DONALD—TRUMP?: Intel täuscht Öffentlichkeit mit neuer CHIP—FABRIK
20170209             Außenhandel: DEUTSCHLANDs Exporte auf neuem REKORD—HOCH
20170209             GEWALT—AUSBRUCH bei ARBEITS—KAMPF: POLIZEIstreik in BRASILIEN - mindestens 90—TOTE
20170209             Beziehung von USA und TÜRKEI—ERDOGAN dient sich DONALD—TRUMP an
20170209             GROß—RAZZIA—IN—GÖTTINGEN: 2—GEFÄHRDER aus islamistischer Szene festgenommen
20170209             Übergewicht bei Kindern: Kenn ich aus'm Fernsehen!
20170209             —FOTOGRAFIERT, WETTER—PHÄNOMEN BLUE—JETS: Astronaut, blaue Blitze
20170209             Weniger Buchungen: DONALD—TRUMP—EINREISE—VERBOT schreckt Touristen ab
20170209             —URTEIL: Bundesverwaltungsgericht erklärt Elbvertiefung in Teilen für rechtswidrig
20170209             [l] DONALD—TRUMP—TWEETS haben selbst auf dem Aktienmarkt keinen erwähnenswerten Einfluss mehr.
20170209             [l] Wie geil: DER—IRAN hat 1—VIDEO "AMERICA 1., IRAN 2."gemacht.
20170209             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, SAMSUNG—TELEFONE und -Waschmaschinen explodieren.
20170209             [l] AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL wirft SYRIEN vor, in 1—GEFÄNGNIS bei DAMASKUS FOLTER und MASSEN—HINRICHTUNGEN durchgeführt zu haben.
20170209             —EXECUTED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, up to 13,000 prisoners in mass hangings and carried out systematic torture at 1—MILITARY—JAIL—NEAR—DAMASCUS, rights watchdog AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said ON—TUESDAY.
20170209             Das "up to"klingt ein bisschen nach DSL—BANDBREITENVERSPRECHEN und in der Tat: AMNESTY sagt "zwischen 5000—UND 13.000—MENSCHEN".
20170209             DIE—SYRIEN—REGIERUNG streitet DIE—VORWÜRFE ab.
20170209             —AMNESTY beruft sich auf DIE—BERICHTE von Zeugen, unter ihnen auch EHEMALIGE—GEFÄNGNISMITARBEITER.
20170209             —ISSUED, It followed 1—REPORT, 1—YEAR ago by THE—UN—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY—ON—SYRIA, whose WAR—CRIMES—INVESTIGATORS said they had documented 1—HIGH—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS in Sednaya MILITARY prison.
20170209             "AMNESTY—FINDINGS are almost completely IN—LINE with our 'Death in Detention' paper,"PAULO—PINHEIRO, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—UN—PANEL, told REUTERS.
20170209             [l] Und WÄHREND wir uns hier alle schön über DONALD—TRUMP aufregen, zeigt 1.UM—FRAGE in EUROPA, daß DIE—LEUTE auch hier auf das Modell DONALD—TRUMP stehen.
20170209             —AGREED, Majorities in all but 2—OF—THE—10—STATES, ranging from 71% in POLAND, 65% in AUSTRIA, 53% in GERMANY and 51% in ITALY to 47% IN—THE—UK and 41% in SPAIN.
20170209             SPANIEN und UK sind die einzigen Länder, in denen weniger als 50% für 1—EINWANDERUNGS—VERBOTAUS mehrheitlich muslimischen STAATEN waren.
20170209             —GEMACHT, DIE—UMFRAGE wurde, bevor DONALD—TRUMP sein MOSLEM—VERBOT angekündigt hatte.
20170209             (broadly defined) - Quantenmechanik: Und EINSTEIN hatte doch nicht recht
20170209             —AM, SCHUL—SYSTEM verzweifelt: "Ich wäre fast kaputtgegangen"(Leben und Lernen, 10:52)
20170209             Verhör in PARIS: LOUVRE—ANGREIFER weist Verbindungen zum IS zurück
20170209             "Unternehmen ALBERICH"im WWI: "Alles fliegt in die Luft"
20170209             NOBEL—ÖKONOM Shiller: "Es ist Angst, die den Boom befeuert"
20170209             ALBERT—EINSTEINS Verhältnis zur THEORIE der kleinsten Teilchen war stets ambivalent:
20170209             Einerseits hat er die Quantentheorie maßgeblich mitentwickelt, andererseits wollte sich EINSTEIN mit den Konsequenzen der THEORIE nie so recht anfreunden.
20170209             "Kann die quantenmechanische Beschreibung der physikalischen Welt vollständig sein?", fragte EINSTEIN dort mit seinen Kollegen BORIS—PODOLSKY und NATHAN—ROSEN.
20170209             DIE—3—FORSCHER schrieben auf, was 1.akzeptable physikalische THEORIE ihrer Meinung nach erfüllen muss —, zeigten, daß die Quantenmechanik dagegen verstößt und demnach falsch sein muss.
20170209             Mit 1—EXPERIMENT auf den Dächern WIENs hat ein internationales FORSCHER—TEAM die quantenmechanische Vorstellung der Welt nun erneut bestätigt —, dabei ein wichtiges Schlupfloch geschlossen.
20170209             In ihrem Aufsatz stellten EINSTEIN und Kollegen unter anderem die folgenden 2—BEDINGUNGEN an 1.THEORIE, welche DIE—WELT beschreiben soll:
20170209             Realität: 1—TEILCHEN - zum Beispiel 1—LICHTTEILCHEN oder Photon - soll festgelegte Eigenschaften haben.
20170209             Lokalität: Die Messung des Teilchens A beeinflusst nicht die Eigenschaften des Teilchens B - sofern die Teilchen räumlich getrennt sind.
20170209             Beide Bedingungen zusammen werden als lokaler Realismus bezeichnet.
20170209             DIE—QUANTENMECHANIK widerspricht den beiden Bedingungen von EINSTEIN, Podolsky und Rosen:
20170209             Realität: In der Quantenmechanik hat 1—TEILCHEN —ERST dann 1.bestimmte Eigenschaft, wenn es von 1—FORSCHER vermessen wurde.
20170209             Lokalität: In der Quantenmechanik lassen sich Teilchenpaare erzeugen, bei denen die Messung des Teilchens A die Eigenschaft des Teilchens B festlegt.
20170209             —ERST der theoretische Physiker JOHN Bell machte
20170209             Bell lieferte den Physikern damit 1—KOCHREZEPT, um die Quantentheorie experimentell zu überprüfen.
20170209             DAS—ERGEBNIS war JEDES—MAL: Die Vorhersagen der Quantenmechanik sind richtig, EINSTEIN lag falsch, wir leben nicht in 1—LOKAL—REALISTISCHEN Welt.
20170209             Versteckte Variablen, die wir nicht kennen, lassen die physikalischen Experimente zufällig aussehen - obwohl sie eigentlich gar nicht zufällig sind.
20170209             —NUN, hat das FORSCHER—TEAM in WIEN das 1.und das 3. Hintertürchen gleichzeitig geschlossen —, können damit DIE—IDEE der "versteckten Variablen"fast ganz ausschließen.
20170209             NOBEL—PREIS—TRÄGER Shiller: "Es ist Angst, die den Boom befeuert"
20170209             STATISTISCHES—BUNDES—AMT: Tourismus in DEUTSCHLAND weiter auf REKORD—KURS
20170209             FRANKREICH: Verletzte nach EXPLOSION—IN—AKW
20170209             Rückholaktion: BUNDES—BANK zieht 300—TONNEN—GOLD aus NEW—YORK ab
20170209             Volkswagen: ISRAELischer GEHEIM—DIENST wusste früh über DIESEL—SKANDAL Bescheid
20170209             DIE—TRESORE der FEDERAL—RESERVE BANK—IN—NEW—YORK werden mit 1236—TONNEN auch —IN—ZUKUNFT, ein wichtiger Lagerort bleiben.
20170209             DEUTSCHLAND besitzt mit 3378—TONNEN den zweitgrößten GOLD—SCHATZ der Welt.
20170209             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, mehr als 270.000—BARREN, die insgesamt gut—EURO —WERT sind.
20170209             —WÄHREND—DES, KALTER—KRIEG wurde deutsches Gold zudem auch gezielt außerhalb der Landesgrenzen aufbewahrt, weil man hoffte, das Gold im Krisenfall direkt in entsprechende Devisen umtauschen zu können.
20170209             Landgericht DARMSTADT: Bombenleger von VIERN—HEIM muss in Psychiatrie
20170209             Göttinger POLIZEI vereitelte offenbar AN—SCHLAG, "DIE—GEFAHRENLAGE war eindeutig"
20170209             —NACH, MASSEN—PROTESTEN: RUMÄNIENs JUSTIZ—MINISTER tritt zurück
20170209             JUSTIN—TIMBERLAKE: "Diese leicht zu beeindruckenden Mädchen"
20170209             ANKLAGE—GEGEN—HAROLD Martin: NSA—SAMMLER drohen 200—JAHRE—HAFT
20170209             —GETÖTET, SYRIEN: TÜRKEI—SOLDATEN bei russischem LUFT—SCHLAG
20170209             Unsterbliche Wassertiere: Wie aus 1—ZERHACKTEN Hydra viele neue wachsen
20170209             Vorbild TÜRKEI—DEAL: So will DIE—EU AFRIKAner von der Flucht abhalten
20170209             DONALD—TRUMP—INTERVIEW—MIT—"Bild"& "TIMES": Murdoch saß offenbar mit im Raum
20170209             [l] Endlich tut mal jemand was!
20170209             [l] Aus der beliebten Serie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: EXPLOSION—IN—KERN—KRAFTWERK Flamanville.
20170209             "?Il n'y a pas eu de conséquence pour la sûreté des installations ni l'environnement?", a aussi insisté EDF, soulignant "?l'absence de tout risque nucléaire?".
20170209             Sehr ihr?
20170209             [l] 1—FRANZOSE verklagt Uber auf 45.000.000—EURO Schadensersatz.
20170209             [l] Oh gucke mal, dem NSU—AUSSCHUSS ist mal wieder überraschend 1.Zeugin weggestorben.
20170209             Man stelle sich mal vor, so etwas würde in MOSKAU passieren.
20170209             Als MIT—ARBEITER der CONSULTING—FIRMA Booz ALLEN—HAMILTON hat Martin —ÜBER—DIE—JAHRE hinweg für die jeweiligen Behörden 1.SICHERHEITS—FREIGABE erhalten, die ihm Zugang zu den GEHEIMEN Dokumenten verschafft hat.
20170209             Der IT—SPEZIALIST arbeitete unter anderem auch für die ELITE—HACKER der NSA, die Tailored Access Operations.
20170209             SKY—SERIE "Legion": Nur Verrückte können diese Welt noch retten
20170209             Besuch im KANZLER—AMT: RICHARD Gere hofft auf MERKELs Hilfe
20170209             PUTIN—KRITIKER KARA—MURSA: Der nächste GIFT—VERDACHT
20170209             —KRITISIERT, TÜRKEI vor dem REFERENDUM: "Wer ERDOGAN, gilt als TERRORIST"
20170209             16—PUNKTE—PLAN: Bund und Länder einig über schnellere und konsequentere Abschiebungen
20170209             "Kauft Ivankas Sachen": DONALD—TRUMP—VERTRAUTE macht Werbung für DONALD—TRUMP—PRODUKTE
20170209             DIE—ZEUGIN ist übrigens praktischerweise —BEREITS eingeäschert.
20170209             Der Verurteilte sitzt als Abgeordneter in der Stadtverordnetenversammlung und dem KREIS—TAG Havelland und war sogar Kandidat für den EINZUG—IN—DEN BUNDES—TAG.
20170209             [l] Oh Mann.
20170209             Also erstens Mal: Ivanka hat sich angeblich vollständig von der IVANKA—MARKE getrennt.
20170209             2., Breitbart (!) sprang auf den Zug auf und schrieb über 3000—WORTE zur Verteidigung von Ivanka.
20170209             Drittens: KELLYanne Conway, DONALD—TRUMP—SPRECHERIN, stellt sich im WEIßES—HAUS vor die Kameras und sagt: Kauft IVANKA—ZEUG!
20170209             Da werden sich DIE—DIKTATUREN in AFRIKA aber warm anziehen müssen, um noch unseriöser als das rüberzukommen!1!!
20170209             [l] 1—DER—VORAUSSAGEN zu selbstfahrenden Autos war ja, daß dann die Versicherungen alle pleite gehen werden, weil selbstfahrende Autos viel weniger UN—FÄLLE bauen.
20170209             Zumindest in UK kommt es —JETZT anders:
20170209             THE—DEPARTMENT—FOR—TRANSPORT will unveil plans for new, 2—IN—1—INSURANCE—PRODUCTS for automated vehicles, which cover both the motorist —WHEN they are driving and the car —WHEN it is in DRIVER—LESS mode.
20170209             Man sollte nie die Lobby der FINANZ—BRANCHE unterschätzen.
20170209             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, Großer AHORNSIRUP—RAUB in KANADA
20170209             NEW—HOTNESS, Großer BLAUBEEREN—RAUB in KANADA.
20170209             Nicht ganz so groß, aber doch noch $100.000
20170209             Kontext: Editorial in USA—TODAY
20170209             KANADA—PREMIER in WASHINGTON: DONALD—TRUMP trifft Trudeau
20170209             [l] Aus der beliebten postfaktischen Reihe "Unbequeme Nachrichten sind FAKE—NEWS", —HEUTE: Der VW—SKANDAL erreicht endlich den niedersächsischen POLITIK—SUMPF.
20170209             Hintergrund ist diese Räuberpistole, in der Piech sagt, er habe Winterkorn FRÜH—ZEITIG informiert, und Piech wusste es angeblich vom EX—BOTSCHAFTER—ISRAELS.
20170209             [l] Und dann war da noch der Moment, als bei DER—BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG—IM—BRITISCHEN Unterhaus DIE—ABGEORDNETEN aus SCHOTTLAND DIE—EUROPAHYMNE sangen träneverdrück
20170209             Believe it or not, this LINE—OF—INVESTIGATION goes back to the "DUKE"CunnINGHAM bribery scandal, —NOW more than 1—DECADE—OLD.
20170209             —THEN, read about what happened to MZM.
20170209             —THEN, read my posts about the HBGary scandal.
20170209             —THEN, read about what happened to that company.
20170209             —THEN, read my posts about THE—DEATH—OF—MICHAEL HASTINGS.
20170209             —THEN, read about how all of the above -- yes, ALL—OF—IT -- links up with the Breitbart crew.
20170209             If you go on to do SOME—HEAVY—DUTY—RESEARCH, you'll also discover how ALL—OF—THIS ties in with MICHAEL Flynn and to THE—ALT—RIGHT—MOVEMENT.
20170209             DONALD—TRUMP, terror and the coming coup
20170209             3—MAJOR—PUBLICATIONS are out this —WEEK that suggest we should be ready for 1—RUNNING coup, 1—PLANNED—TERROR—ATTACK and the subsequent power grab by BANNON and DONALD—TRUMP.
20170209             CNN, warning of 1—IMPENDING coup: "Get used to it. THE—SHOCK—DOCTRINE
20170209             RYAN—LIZZA, writing in THE—NEW—YORKER, predicts Big Wedding II
20170209             [l] Die WEB—SEITE des OFFICE—FOR—GOVERNMENT—ETHICS ist zusammengebrochen, vermutlich weil so VIELE—LEUTE versuchen, KELLYanne Conway zu melden.
20170209             [l] Wisst ihr, was wir —SCHON lange nicht mehr hatten?
20170209             —UPDATE, Public schools in Oroville will be closed —FRIDAY due to the possibility of flooding.
20170209             This led to 1—RAW—SEWAGE—FLOW into the Puget Sound that continued to 20170216          .
20170209             alfatomega.com/20070802.html
20170209—19350000    Doch —IN—DEN—VERGANGENEN—80—JAHREN wurde nicht die Quantenmechanik widerlegt, sondern EINSTEIN und seine Kollegen.
20170209—20170421    —RELEASED, Mora and Mossack were, on bail.
20170209—20181100    —UNTIL, ALABAMA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—LUTHER—STRANGE was sworn in as the new interim Republican SENATOR and will serve —WHEN 1—SPECIAL—ELECTION will be held to fill the seat for THE—REMAINDER—OF—JEFF—SESSIONS' term,
20170209—20190419    —SENTENCED, Malissa Ancona was, to life in prison —FOLLOWING 1—DEAL in which she pleaded guilty to 2.—DEGREE murder and abandonment of 1—CORPSE.
20170209—20200100    —IN, which ends.
20170213             —KILLED, CONGODRC, more than 100—PEOPLE were, in clashes between CONGO—SOLDIERS and militia fighters mainly armed with machetes and spears in clashes that began 20170209              in the Dibaya AREA—OF—KASAI—CENTRAL—PROVINCE.
20170723             alfatomega.com/20090209.html
20180209             —SIGNED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, 1—CRUCIAL spending bill, reopening THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—AFTER 1—BRIEF shutdown, the 2. in 3—WEEKS, and 1—NIGHT—OF—HIGH—DRAMA in Congress.
20180209             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP told ISRAEL that it too would need to make "significant compromises" for peace with the Palestinians, even as they accused 1—OF—HIS—MIDDLE—EAST—ENVOYS—OF bogging down diplomacy with what they see as PRO—ISRAEL bias.
20180209             —NOTIFIED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE formally, the House intelligence COMMITTEE—THAT—PRESIDENT—TRUMP is unable to declassify 1—MEMO drafted by Democrats that counters GOP allegations about ABUSE—OF—GOVERNMENT—SURVEILLANCE—POWERS in THE—FBI—RUSSIA probe.
20180209             —IMPOSED, THE—USA—SAID it had, sanctions on 3—PEOPLE and 3—COMPANIES in THE—PHILIPPINES, TURKEY and SOMALIA that supported the Islamic State militant group, including 1—BUSINESS that procured parts for unmanned aircraft.
20180209             He was known for his work on THE—TV shows "HOUSE—OF—CARDS" and "THE—WIRE".
20180209             1—MAJOR—WINTER—STORM pounded THE—USA—MIDWEST and forced CANCELLATION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—FLIGHTS as heavy snow and plummeting temperatures threatened to bring travel to 1—STANDSTILL across the region.
20180209             —KILLED, —WINTER weather this —WEEK, several people in accidents in the Midwest, including 6 in IOWA, 2 in MISSOURI and 1 in MONTANA.
20180209             AFGHANISTAN, 2—REMOTE—CONTROLLED explosions went off —DURING local cricket matches in 2—DIFFERENT—DISTRICTS—OF—EAST—NANGARHAR province, killing 3—PLAYERS and wounding another 6—PEOPLE, including spectators.
20180209             —KILLED, At least 6—LOCAL—POLICE were, in 1—TALIBAN attack on their checkpoints in SOUTH—HELMAND province.
20180209             —CRITICIZED, BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—MICHEL—TEMER, the leftist government of neighboring VENEZUELA for leading that country into 1—CRISIS that is causing 1—EXODUS—OF—REFUGEES into NORTH—BRAZIL.
20180209             Trinity Mirror, THE—PUBLISHER—OF—BRITAIN—LEFT—WING—DAILY—MIRROR—NEWSPAPER, struck a £126.7—MILLION—DEAL to buy 1—SERIES—OF—TITLES including THE—RIGHT—WING Daily Express in 1—BID to stem 1—DECLINE in advertising revenues and sales.
20180209             —REPORTED, THE—TIMES—OF—LONDON, that misconduct allegations against 7—FORMER—OXFAM staff in HAITI included the use of prostitutes — SOME—OF—WHOM may have been under 18— and downloading pornography —FOLLOWING 20100000             —THE earthquake.
20180209             —ARRESTED, CAMBODIA, 1—WOMAN, SAM—SOKHA, —AFTER she was repatriated from THAILAND, where THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY reportedly had formally recognized her as 1—REFUGEE.
20180209             She had thrown 1—SHOE at 1—BILLBOARD depicting PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN.
20180209             —REPORTED, It was, that FORMER—CAMBODIA—OPPOSITION—LEADER—SAM—RAINSY has filed 1—LEGAL—CASE in THE—USA to get Facebook to release information on PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN—USE—OF—THE—SOCIAL—MEDIA platform.
20180209             —DETAINED, CHINA, book PUBLISHER—GUI—MINHAI surfaced nearly —3—WEEKS—AFTER disappearing into police custody, confessing in 1—VIDEO—OF wrongdoing and accusing his adopted country SWEDEN of manipulating him like a "chess piece".
20180209             —FLANKED, The video of his confession shows him, by 2—POLICE—OFFICERS.
20180209             COLOMBIA—FORMER—FARC rebel group, —NOW 1—POLITICAL—PARTY, temporarily suspended its presidential and legislative election campaigns due to security concerns —AFTER angry protests disrupted their campaign stops.
20180209             —DESTROYED, The military, DOZENS—OF—TARGETS, killed 16—MILITANTS and detained over 30—SUSPECTS as PART—OF—ITS—LATEST—OPERATION against Islamic militants.
20180209             HUNGARY—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said 1—FORTHCOMING deal to import natural gas from neighboring ROMANIA means that the "AGE—OF—THE—RUSSIA—GAS monopoly in HUNGARY is ending".
20180209             —SEIZED, INDONESIA—NAVY, more than 1—TON of crystal methamphetamine and arrested 4—TAIWAN—CREW members in 1—MAJOR—DRUG bust.
20180209             —PLANNED, The boat crew told the military they, to bring the drugs to AUSTRALIA.
20180209             —CALLED, IRAN—AUTHORITIES, the wife of SEYED—EMAMI to say her husband had committed suicide in TEHRAN—EVIN prison.
20180209             Human Rights Watch said in report that the Kurdish Asayish police force in IRAQ —LAST—YEAR executed DOZENS—OF—ISLAMIC—STATE—FIGHTERS in their custody and disposed of their bodies in 1—MASS—GRAVE—NORTH—WEST—OF—MOSUL.
20180209             —KILLED, EAST—LIBYA, 2—PEOPLE were, and 55 wounded in 1—TWIN bombing inside 1—MOSQUE in BENGHAZI.
20180209             —OWNED, In THE—MALDIVES privately, television station Rajje TV, which highlights the views of the political opposition, said it has gone off the air BECAUSE—OF—THREATS —DURING the country's current STATE—OF—EMERGENCY.
20180209             —KILLED, CENTRAL—MALI, 5—CIVILIANS were, and another 18 wounded —WHEN their passenger vehicle struck 1—LANDMINE in THE—MOPTI region.
20180209             NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—UN—YOUNGER—SISTER took her place among dignitaries from —AROUND the world, including USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—MIKE—PENCE, at the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang —WINTER Olympics in 1 unprecedented visit to SOUTH—KOREA.
20180209             —ORDERED, THE—PHILIPPINES—PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE, the cancellation of a $233—MILLION—DOLLAR—DEAL to buy 16—HELICOPTERS from CANADA and said PURCHASES—OF—USA—ARMS should also be stopped because of too many imposed conditions, although he said he still supports PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20180209             PRESIDENT—RODRIGO—DUTERTE said he will ask its private airlines to evacuate its nationals from KUWAIT within —72—HOURS—AFTER THE—DISCOVERY—OF—1—THE—PHILIPPINES—MIGRANT—WORKER—DEAD in 1—FREEZER.
20180209             —CONFIRMED, THE—RUSSIA—FEDERAL—NUCLEAR—CENTER, the arrest of 2—EMPLOYEES—OF—ITS—TOP—NUCLEAR research institute in Sarov for using the facility's supercomputer for CRYPTO—CURRENCY mining.
20180209             SAUDI—ARABIA, 1—SENIOR—MEMBER—OF—THE—TOP—MUSLIM clerical body said SAUDI—ARABIA—WOMEN need not wear the abaya - THE—LOOSE—FITTING, FULL—LENGTH robes symbolic of religious faith, another INDICATION—OF—THE—KINGDOM—EFFORTS towards modernization.
20180209             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—PRIDE—OF—LIONS, 1 suspected poacher at the Umbabat Private Nature Reserve.
20180209             —SUGGESTED, Human tracks found nearby, the alleged poacher had companions who escaped.
20180209             SYRIA, fresh air strikes hit the rebel ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA, the 5. straight —DAY—OF—1—BOMBING campaign that has killed more than 230—CIVILIANS.
20180209             1—THAILAND—COURT issued arrest warrants for 4—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS for staging 1—PUBLIC—PROTEST amid growing pressure on the junta to hold elections as promised.
20180209             —REPORTED, It was, that TURKEY has launched 1—DOMESTIC messaging app to rival FACEBOOK—POPULAR—WHATSAPP Messenger service, raising concerns among government critics that ANKARA could use the new platform to tighten surveillance and bolster an 18-month-old crackdown.
20180209             —BOMBARDED, TURKEY—WARPLANES, Kurdish militia targets in SYRIA—AFRIN region.
20180209             1—MONITOR said the strikes killed 7—FIGHTERS and 2—CIVILIANS.
20180209             1—KURDISH—OFFICIAL and top MEMBER—OF—AFRIN—CIVIL—ADMINISTRATION, Hevi Mustafa, said THE—TURKEY—OFFENSIVE had killed 160—PEOPLE so far.
20180209             —STOPPED, TURKEY—WARSHIPS, 1—RIG belonging to THE—ITALY—ENERGY—FIRM—ENI as it headed toward 1—AREA—SOUTH—EAST—OF—CYPRUS.
20180209             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM (WFP) said poor rains and crop infestations in SOUTH—AFRICAN—ARE threatening deeper hunger across the region, with MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE, particularly children, at risk.
20180209             —PUSHED, THE—UN said that surging violence across YEMEN had, some 85,000—PEOPLE from their homes in the past 10—WEEKS, with hundreds continuing to flee EACH—DAY.
20180209             NIGERIA: Regierungsbeamte wegen BESITZ—VON—86—LUXUSAUTOS vor Gericht
20180209             —NACH, LUFT—ANGRIFF: SYRIEN wirft USA Massaker vor
20180209             Handwerker: Warum es glücklich machen kann, auf 1—BAUSTELLE zu leben
20180209             Keine Entscheidung über Haushalt: Erneuter Shutdown IN—DEN—USA
20180209             —NACH, Verlusten an der WALL—STREET : JAPANische BÖRSE schließt mit minus 2 %
20180209   —DOLLAR für USA—CHIP—KONZERN, Qualcomm weist höheres Gebot von Broadcom zurück
20180209             Partys mit Prostituierten: OXFAM—MIT—ARBEITER sollen Orgien auf HAITI veranstaltet haben
20180209             Trotz KURS—RUTSCH in USA und ASIEN: DAX startet stabil
20180209             Unterbeschäftigte Keas: NEUSEELAND startet Therapie für Problemvögel
20180209             —ÜBERNIMMT, Britische Medien: "DAILY—MIRROR"-Verlag, Konkurrenzzeitungen
20180209             Gesteinsbrocken aus dem All: ASTEROID—2018—CB nähert sich der Erde
20180209             Vorteil von Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen sind 1.größere Reichweite im Vergleich zu batterieelektrischen Modellen und die Möglichkeit, in wenigen Minuten den Tank zu füllen, statt mehrere Stunden an der Steckdose zu laden.
20180209             Pragma Industries
20180209             DIE—FRANZOSEN bezeichnen sich selbst als 1. Hersteller eines Wasserstofffahrrades in Serie - dem Alpha Bike, von dem sie
20180209             —J—IM—VERGANGENEN, DIE—FRANZOSEN 60—STÜCK an Flottenbetreiber verkauften.
20180209             Zu groß seien die Vorbehalte gegenüber Wasserstoff, glaubt Forté und
20180209             sieht als Grund die HINDENBURG—KATASTROPHE—VON—1937
20180209             Gut 70.000—SOGENANNTER Stacks werden WELT—WEIT produziert, erklärt Forté, im Vergleich zu MILLIARDEN—VON—LITHIUM—IONEN Akkus.
20180209             1—ERST—AM—WOCHEN—ENDE entdeckter Asteroid SOLL—FREITAG—AM, relativ nah an der Erde vorbeifliegen
20180209             Der Himmelskörper namens "2018—CB"solle um 2330—UHR in 1—ENTFERNUNG—VON—CA—64.000—KILOMETERN unseren Planeten passieren, teilte DIE—USA—RAUMFAHRT—BEHÖRDE NASA mit
20180209             —ENTSPRICHT, Diese Entfernung, weniger als 20—PROZENT—DER—STRECKE zwischen Erde und Mond.
20180209             DER—ASTEROID wird auf 1—DURCHMESSER zwischen 15—UND 40—METERN geschätzt
20180209             1—GEFAHR—FÜR—DIE—ERDE stelle "2018—CB"nicht dar, aber er sei 1.Seltenheit,
20180209             "Asteroiden von dieser Größe kommen vielleicht ein oder zweimal PRO—JAHR an unserem Planeten vorbei".
20180209             —BEREITS, AM—DIENSTAGWAR 1—ASTEROID—IN—CA—184.000—KM Entfernung an der Erde vorbeigerast
20180209             "2018—CC"wurde wie "2018—CB"von den Forschern in ARIZONA entdeckt und wird auf 1—DURCHMESSER—VON—15—BIS 30—METERN geschätzt.
20180209             Spannend wird es, wenn sich 20290000              DER—ASTEROID Apophis der Erde nähert
20180209             Seine Größe wird auf mehr als 300—METER geschätzt, und er soll DIE—ERDE in 1—ABSTAND von nur 1—ZEHNTEL der Entfernung zum Mond passieren.
20180209             —EINIGUNG im Kongress: Erneuter Shutdown IN—DEN—USA beendet
20180209             —STREIT—UM—THERAPIETIER an Bord: Wie Hamster Pebbles im FLUGHAFEN—KLO starb
20180209             KOALITIONS—VERHANDLUNGEN: CSU verweigerte CDU die Digitalzuständigkeit
20180209             Sichere Jobs: MARKT—FORSCHER sehen DEUTSCHE auch 20180000              in Kauflaune
20180209             Bitcoin & Co: BERLIN und PARIS wollen Verständigung der G20—STAATEN zu Digitalwährungen
20180209             —ERST warm, —DANN kalt: Was das Wechselwetter für Pflanzen und Tiere bedeutet
20180209             UNO—BERICHT, KÄMPFE—IM—JEMEN vertreiben 10—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN
20180209             JOHN KELLY und sein geschasster Mitarbeiter: DONALD—TRUMP—STABS—CHEF—IN Nöten
20180209             —REDUZIERT, Umstrittener chinesischer Investor: HNA, ANTEIL—AN—DEUTSCHE—BANK
20180209             ISRAEL: ARCHÄOLOGEN entdecken Mosaik aus der RÖMER—ZEIT
20180209             SEK—ZUGRIFF: Mann bei POLIZEI—EINSATZ—IN—WUPPERTAL erschossen
20180209             Aus Sicht des Naturschutzes gibt es keine "Schädlinge", da JEDES—TIER im ÖKO—SYSTEM 1.wichtige Funktion hat.
20180209             Wir sprechen lieber von Nahrungskonkurrenten - zum Beispiel bei Schnecke und Salat, oder von Parasiten, die nach unserem Blut lüstern, wie zum Beispiel Stechmücken.
20180209             Problematisch wird es, wenn die Tiere bei Kälteeinbrüchen in unserer aufgeräumten Landschaft keine verfügbaren Versteckmöglichkeiten finden oder NABU—MIT—ARBEITER noch keine Krötenzäune an Straßen stellen konnten.
20180209             Carbon Engineering
20180209             kanadischen Unternehmen Carbon Engineering ab, das —DERZEIT, an Fahrt gewinnt.
20180209             —SEIT, ein paar Wochen stellt die Anlage - erweitert um die erforderlichen Geräte - 1.durchsichtige Flüssigkeit her, die es in sich hat
20180209             Es handelt ES—SICH um 1.Mischung aus Benzin und Diesel, verwendbar in Millionen Motoren, die —DERZEIT, noch mit Sprit aus Rohöl betrieben werden.
20180209             auch das Dresdner Unternehmen Sunfire, Investoren in NORWEGEN und der AUTO—HERSTELLER Audi beschäftigen sich intensiv mit der WUNDERDIESEL—PRODUKTION
20180209             Spannend wird nun, wer dabei am schnellsten vorankommt
20180209             —KONFLIKT—MIT—DEN—USA: GAZPROM warnt EUROPA vor Lieferengpässen
20180209             SPD nach SCHULZ—RÜCKZUG: Nur noch Entsetzen
20180209             —NACH, KURS—RUTSCH: Dow nimmt langsam wieder Fahrt auf
20180209             TUI—LEIHMASCHINE: Im Ferienjet nach GUANTANAMO
20180209             —SPIEGEL—LEIT—ARTIKEL, Etwas Unsicheres nähert sich
20180209             ICCT—STUDIE, Elektroautos deutlich klimafreundlicher als Fahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotor
20180209             Stillstand bei Verhandlungen: EU stellt Übergangsphase nach BREXIT IN—FRAGE
20180209             Verbrechersyndikat: Mexikanische Marine fasst mutmaßlichen Boss der "Los Zetas"
20180209             Identitäre Bewegung: Wie AFD—LEUTE und RECHTS—EXTREME kooperieren
20180209             —VERLIERT, BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: DOW—JONES nach Auf und Ab im Plus - DAX, erneut
20180209             TERROR—IN—ÄGYPTEN : Sisi startet auf dem SINAI—GROSSEINSATZ—GEGEN—IS—ABLEGER
20180209             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "bei UNS ist Kernkraft SICHER", —HEUTE: Im AKW Beznau (SCHWEIZ) hatte die Notstromversorgung 1—SOFTWAREPROBLEM.
20180209             Demnach hätten Signale aus Teilen der Anlage, die nicht für die Beherrschung des SSE notwendig sind, bei 1—SOLCHEN ERDBEBEN dazu geführt, dass
20180209             Tja - [l] Wisst ihr noch, wie wir über DIE—USA—S Zumwalt gelacht haben?
20180209             Nun, bei unserer Marine sieht es nicht viel besser aus
20180209             Oh und DER—BUNDESWEHR gehen gerade die Feldrationen aus.
20180209             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES:
20180209             Student says she flushed 'emotional support hamster' —AFTER airline denied passage
20180209             [l] Passend zu den olympischen Spielen setzt —DIE—SPD athletische Maßstäbe: SCHULZ kippt noch WÄHREND des vorigen Umkippmanövers um
20180209             Hey, vielleicht sollten wir mal die politische BERICHT—ERSTATTUNG ändern, vom Ton und Stil her —JETZT
20180209             [l] Hmm, eigentlich müsste man —NACH—DEM SCHULZ 1.Einheit für Stichtiefe des Dolches im Rücken benennen
20180209             VOR—ALLEM: Wenn Siggi —JETZT AUßEN—MINISTER bleibt, ist der doch von —ANFANG an 1.tragische Figur
20180209             —SCHON, 1.tolle Partei, diese SPD
20180209             —UPDATE, 1—EINSENDER korrigiert:
20180209             Eigentlich war es anders: Seine verabredeten 5—JAHRE als PRÄSIDENT—DES—EUROPÄISCHEN PARLAMENTs waren vorbei
20180209             —GEWESEN, Seine Perspektive wäre einfacher EU—PARLAMENTARIER, - das war SCHULZ zu wenig...
20180209             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20180209             —ARRESTED, RUSSIA—SECURITY—OFFICERS have, several scientists working at 1—TOP—SECRET—RUSSIA—NUCLEAR—WARHEAD—FACILITY for allegedly mining CRYPTO—CURRENCIES.
20180209             —TRIED, The suspects had, to use 1—OF—RUSSIA—MOST powerful supercomputers to mine Bitcoins, MEDIA—REPORTS say.
20180209             Naja wozu haben wir denn Supercomputer, wenn wir die dann nicht nutzen?!
20180209             [l] Hey, wieso kommen eigentlich DIE—GELD—WÄSCHE—ERMITTLUNGEN des Zolls nicht voran?
20180209             Tut es aber nicht
20180209             —BIS zuletzt schickten BANKEN und andere Stellen ihre Meldungen an die FIU vor allem per Fax, da 1.SOFTWARE—LÖSUNG noch nicht bereitstand
20180209             Wie schlimm ist es denn?
20180209             Im vergangenen ;;12;; musste DAS—BUNDES—FINANZ—MINISTERIUM auf 1.AN—FRAGE eines Abgeordneten der LINKSFR—AKTION im BUNDES—TAG einräumen, dass
20180209             Das flutscht!!
20180209             Ja gut, denkt ihr euch —JETZT vielleicht, das ist ja bald vorbei
20180209             DURCHBRUCH—BEI—DEN GROKO—VERHANDLUNGEN in BERLIN: DIE—ARBEITS—GRUPPE "Digitales" hat sich auf konkrete Projekte verständigt, die unter anderem 1.dezidierte GAMES—FÖRDERUNG und 1.politische Anerkennung des ESPORT—SEGMENTS erwarten lassen.
20180209             Oh ach soooo!
20180209             Nun, äh, —NACH—DEN Meldungen neulich über die ausgebremsten STEUER—FAHNDER stellt sich ja die Frage, ob das nicht Absicht ist.
20180209—20160000    —IN—LATE, Official figures showed that 51—FARC members have been killed —SINCE the peace deal was signed.
20180209—20180124    —ON, The environmental activist, 1—DUAL—NATIONAL—OF—CANADA and sociology professor at IRAN—IMAM—SADEGH—UNIVERSITY, had been arrested with at least 9—OTHER—STAFF—MEMBERS and executives of the Persian Wildlife Heritage Foundation.
20180209—20180323    —UNTIL, The bipartisan package extended funding.
20180209—20200000    —BIS, soll das WASSERSTOFF—BIKE für Endverbraucher auf dem Markt sein.
20190209             Police in VALLEJO—CALIFORNIA, shot dead WILLIE—MCCOY, 21—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LOCAL rapper, —AFTER finding him asleep in 1—CAR in 1—TACO—BELL—DRIVE—THROUGH lane with 1—HANDGUN in his lap.
20190209             Ron Miller (85), FORMER—CEO—OF—THE—WALT—DISNEY—CO. (19780000—19840000    ), † in NAPA—CALIFORNIA.
20190209             —EMBATTLED, VIRGINIA's, LIEUTENANT—GOVERNOR—JUSTIN—FAIRFAX called for authorities, including THE—FBI, to investigate sexual assault allegations against him —WHILE defying widespread demands for his resignation.
20190209             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, the Taliban, at least 8—POLICE in 1—ATTACK on 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—NORTH—SARI Pul province.
20190209             BOSNIA, 1—POLICEMAN was shot dead in Suhodol.
20190209             —BELIEVED, Suspect Edin Gacic (42) was also, to have killed 1—GROCERY—STORE—OWNER—NEAR—KONJIC, SOUTH—WEST—OF—SARAJEVO, 1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20190209             —PUBLISHED, THE—UK—DAILY—TELEGRAPH, DETAILS—OF—ALLEGATIONS—OF—SEXUAL and racial misconduct by retail tycoon PHILIP—GREEN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, —AFTER the Topshop owner dropped 1—LEGAL—BID to stop the claims being reported.
20190209             —CANCELLED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, 1—FERRY contract it had awarded to 1—FIRM with no ships, ending WEEKS—OF—PUBLIC sniggering and indignation.
20190209             THE—SEABORNE—FREIGHT contract was the smallest of 3—EMERGENCY ferry deals transport SECRETARY—CHRIS—GRAYLING quietly approved over the Christmas break.
20190209             † UK rising rapper Cadet (28), aka BLAINE—CAMERON—JOHNSON, was killed in 1—CAR—CRASH—EARLY—TODAY on the way to 1—PERFORMANCE in CENTRAL—ENGLAND.
20190209             —CAPTURED, THE—CHAD—MILITARY said it had, more than 250—REBELS, including SOME—TOP—LEADERS, —AFTER 1—OPERATION against 1—CONVOY—OF—MILITANTS trying to cross into the country from LIBYA in late January that also involved FRANCE—AIRSTRIKES.
20190209             1—ANTI—DEBY rebel group, THE—UNION—OF—RESISTANCE—FORCES (UFR), claimed to have crossed into NORTH—CHAD with "3—COLUMNS" of vehicles.
20190209             —CONDEMNED, CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI—VISIT to the disputed northeastern border STATE—OF—ARUNACHAL—PRADESH, saying it "resolutely opposes" activities by INDIA—LEADERS in the region.
20190209             —REPORTED, CHINA—STATE—MEDIA, that blizzards in Tibetan AREAS—OF—WEST—CHINA have left THOUSANDS—OF—HEAD—OF livestock dead and roads covered in up to 45—CENTIMETERS (18—INCHES) of snow.
20190209             —ATTACKED, CROATIA, water polo team players from Serbia were, at 1—SEASIDE café in SPLIT.
20190209             3—PEOPLE were soon detained over the attack and faced hate crime charges.
20190209             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—FRENCH "yellow vest" demonstrators, for their 13. weekend of action, with scuffles in PARIS.
20190209             1—DEMONSTRATOR—HAND was blown off by 1—FLASH—BALL—GRENADE.
20190209             —KILLED, FRANCE, 1—WOMAN and 1—CHILD were, in 1—FIRE—LATE—TODAY in THE—EAST—CITY—OF—LYON believed to have been sparked by 1—GAS—BLAST in 1—BAKERY.
20190209             † INDIA—OFFICIALS said at least 39—PEOPLE have and another 27—FALLEN sick from drinking cheap spurious liquor containing toxic methanol in several villages in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand states.
20190209             —DEMONSTRATED, ITALY, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in ROME led by unions demanding PRO—GROWTH—POLICIES from the populist government, the biggest such protest in 4—YEARS.
20190209             LATVIA, several 1000—PEOPLE, mostly elderly RUSSIA—SPEAKING protesters, rallied in front of RIGA City Hall in support of NILS—USAKOVS, the city's mayor and LEADER—OF—THE—PRO—KREMLIN—HARMONY party, who is under investigation for corruption.
20190209             —SUPPORTED, The gathering was, by THE—LATVIA—UNION—OF—RUSSIANS, 1—LOCAL—PUTINIST—PARTY.
20190209             —DIRECTED, The strikes were said to be warnings, at rival COMMANDER—ALI—KENNAH, who was inside the compound at THE—TIME—OF—THE—STRIKES.
20190209             —BACKED, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—ACCORD (GNA), by THE—UN, said in 1—STATEMENT that the strike targeted 1—CIVIL—PLANE that was trying to evacuate 1—NUMBER—OF wounded people from the oilfield to TRIPOLI.
20190209             —KILLED, MEXICO, Ingrid Escamilla (25) was, and skinned by her partner, Robledo Rosas, at her home in MEXICO—CITY.
20190209             —FORCED, NIGERIA—MAIN—POLITICAL—OPPOSITION said it had been, to cancel 1—KEY—PRESIDENTIAL—CAMPAIGN—RALLY in THE—CAPITAL—ABUJA, and blamed PRESIDENT—MUHAMMADU—BUHARI and the ruling party.
20190209             —DETAINED, PAKISTAN—AUTHORITIES, rights activist DOCTOR—AMMAR—ALI—JAN, who led 1—PROTEST, and JOURNALIST—RIZWAN—UR—REHMAN—RAZI, who allegedly criticized state agencies on social media.
20190209             THE—USA—BACKED SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF) said it had begun to seize the last 4—SQUARE—KM (1—SQUARE—MILE) patch from the jihadists in EAST—SYRIA.
20190209             THE—THAILAND—RAKSA Chart Party swore loyalty to THE—KING—1—DAY—AFTER its stunning decision to nominate the monarch's sister as its candidate for PRIME—MINISTER backfired —WHEN THE—KING called the move inappropriate and unconstitutional.
20190209             —CALLED, TURKEY, on CHINA to close its internment camps for Muslims, saying the camps which reportedly hold 1—MILLION—ETHNIC—UIGHUR people are a "great shame for humanity".
20190209             —REPORTED, It was, that shantytowns across the Turks and Caicos grow EVERY—DAY as THOUSANDS—OF—YOUNG—HAITIANS try to escape the poorest economy in the Caribbean, where 60—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION—OF—11—MILLION—PEOPLE—LIVE on less than $2 1—DAY.
20190209             —TRIED, UKRAINE, FAR—RIGHT—ACTIVISTS, to storm 1—POLICE—STATION in Kiev —AFTER 40—OTHERS were detained at 1—CAMPAIGN—EVENT for presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko.
20190209             The activists were demanding justice in THE—KILLING—OF—1—ANTI—CORRUPTION—ACTIVIST.
20190209             ACTIVE—DUTY—VENEZUELA—ARMY—DOCTOR—COLONEL—RUBEN—PAZ—JIMENEZ said in 1—VIDEO he has dropped his allegiance to PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO, backing opposition leader JUAN—GUAIDO instead and urged his fellow soldiers to help allow humanitarian aid into VENEZUELA.
20190209             † Conjoined twin boys born 2—WEEKS ago in YEMEN, who were in urgent NEED—OF—TREATMENT abroad, overnight in HOUTHI—CONTROLLED SANAA.
20190209             Gift fürs Geschäft (SPIEGEL+, 02:46)
20190209             Ihre Mutter hatte, wie auch 1.Freundin der Mutter, ebenfalls 1.Affäre mit einem französischen KRIEG—GEFANGENEN.
20190209             Und bezahlte dafür höchstwahrscheinlich mit dem Leben.
20190209             In der Urteilsbegründung ist von Orgien bei "Kuchen, Bohnenkaffee, Rot- und Weißwein" die Rede; —BIS "—MORGENS um 3—UHR" hätten die 3—PAARE am Heiligabend "geschlechtlich" verkehrt.
20190209             Ähnliches habe sich danach regelmäßig wiederholt.
20190209             VENEZUELA: INTERIMS—PRÄSIDENT—GUAIDÓ schließt Einmarsch des USA—MILITÄRS nicht mehr aus
20190209             In ganz CHINA mit immerhin knapp 150.000—KILOMETERN Autobahn gibt es —BISLANG, nur 18—SOLCHER Ladestationen, und auch nur entlang des G4 Expressways von PEKING nach Macao.
20190209             Und an diesen 18—STATIONEN werden jeweils 5—AKKUS bereitgehalten.
20190209             Verschwundener SOCIAL—MEDIA—AUFTRITT: Wissenschaftler wollen MERKELs FACEBOOK—SEITE für Nachwelt erhalten
20190209             Designer vor Gericht: Nur Louboutin darf Schuhe mit roten Sohlen verkaufen
20190209             RASSISMUS und mutmaßliche Übergriffe: SKANDAL—UM—USA—DEMOKRATEN in VIRGINIA weitet sich aus
20190209             Mobilfunktechnik von Huawei: GEFAHR—DURCH—CHINAS Spitzel (SPIEGEL+, 09:09)
20190209             Zahlungsdienstleister in Turbulenzen: So rächt sich Wirecards DAX—AUFSTIEG für VIELE—ANLEGER
20190209             Sexualwissenschaft: Warum zieht es den Menschen zum Tier?
20190209             —STREIT—ÜBER—STILLGELEGTE Bergwerke: Das SAARLAND fürchtet die Flut
20190209             Zu seinen besten Zeiten hielt der 20160000              verstorbene kubanische DIKTATOR FIDEL—CASTRO Reden, die durchaus auch mal 5—STUNDEN dauern konnten.
20190209             Studie: MEHRHEIT—DER—DEUTSCHEN hält Reiche für egoistisch
20190209             RECHTE—IN—FRANKREICH: Das schleichende Comeback der Marine LE—PEN
20190209             Elektronische Wahlen: WIDERSTAND—GEGEN—E—VOTING in der SCHWEIZ
20190209             Berühmter französischer Zeichner: TOMI—UNGERER ist tot
20190209             PORSCHE—BETRIEBSRATSCHEF—HÜCK tritt nun doch für SPD an
20190209             † TOMI—UNGERER, der Künstler im Haus seiner Tochter im irischen CORK.
20190209             "TOMI—UNGERER war nicht nur ein großer Künstler, TOMI—UNGERER verkörperte auch die Komplexität des ELSASS, seiner Doppelkultur",
20190209             TOMI—UNGERER, Im Laufe seiner Karriere veröffentlichte mehr als 150—BÜCHER, die in 28—SPRACHEN übersetzt wurden.
20190209             Zudem schuf TOMI—UNGERER etwa 40.000—ZEICHNUNGEN, mehr als 300—PLAKATE, Dutzende Ölbilder, Lithographien und Skulpturen.
20190209             NETANYAHU im israelischen WAHL—KAMPF: Die Methode DONALD—TRUMP
20190209             truth so carefully parceled as to be tantamount to lying.
20190209             The "spooks vs. DONALD—TRUMP" framing -- so beloved of MALCOLM—NANCE and THE—MISS—NBC crowd -- simply doesn't square with what we know.
20190209             The current HEAD—OF—THE—NSA is MIKE—ROGERS, 1—OBAMA pick, but he has to share information with other agencies —WHEN required.
20190209             And then we must consider ERIK PRINCE—PROPOSAL to set up 1—PRO—TRUMP "private" spy shop.
20190209             THE—FOUNDER—OF—THE—CONTROVERSIAL—MILITARY contracting firm BLACKWATER, ERIK PRINCE, and his allies lobbied contacts inside the administration to provide THE—CIA with 1—PRIVATE—NET—WORK—OF—INTELLIGENCE—CONTRACTORS, ACCORDING—TO—1—USA—OFFICIAL with KNOWLEDGE—OF—THE—PROPOSAL.
20190209             "This idea is going nowhere," the official said and stressed neither THE—AGENCY nor THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA is or was ever considering the proposal.
20190209             Onlineinhalte: EU—STAATEN einigen sich auf URHEBER—RECHT—REFORM
20190209             Rechtes Denken: DEUTSCHLAND sucht den Superpopulisten
20190209             —PROTESTE—IN—FRANKREICH: GELBWESTEN—AKTIVIST verliert Hand bei Demonstration
20190209             —SEIT, etwa 19800000              wachsen in Industriestaaten die BRUTTOINLANDS—PRODUKTE 1. schneller als DER—ANTEIL—VON—LÖHNEN und Gehältern daran
20190209             DIE—REALEINKOMMEN stagnieren oder sinken sogar - —ERST bei den Arbeitern, —SEIT 10—15—JAHREN dank Digitalisierung auch bei Angestellten.
20190209             Der "kleine Mann" macht dicht, wenn Begriffe wie "Produktivität", "Mehrwert" oder "Bruttoinlandsprodukt" fallen - und reagiert sich lieber an PUNCH—BAG Themen ab wie "ASYLRECHTS—REFORM in der EU", "illegale Migration", obwohl beides ihn unmittelbar nicht ansatzweise so betrifft wie wenn ich 1.NEUE—MASCHINE mit vollautomatischem Materialmagazin kaufe oder meine 140—FLÜGE im —JAHR mit dem Smartphone buche - ganz nebenei zwischen Hauptmahl und Milchkaffee.
20190209             —BEVORSTEHENDER—BREXIT: 42—UNTERNEHMEN siedeln in DIE—NIEDERLANDE über - und das ist —ERST DER—ANFANG
20190209             VENEZUELA: Warum FRÜHERE—CHÁVEZ—ANHÄNGER sich gegen MACHT—HABER MADURO stellen (SPIEGEL+, 17:02)
20190209             —AUSGERUFEN, Notstand : Russische Insel meldet "INVASION" aggressiver Eisbären
20190209             ROM: 100.000e demonstrieren für bessere WIRTSCHAFTS—POLITIK
20190209             ZUKUNFTsanalyse: Was nach der Leistungsgesellschaft kommt
20190209             JEAN—THOMAS "Tomi" Ungerer wurde 19310000              als jüngster Sohn 1—RENOMMIERTEN UHRMACHER—FAMILIE in STRASBOURG geboren.
20190209             9—JAHRE—SPÄTER wurde STRASBOURG zu STRAßBURG und seine Muttersprache, das Französische, ebenso verboten wie das Elsässische.
20190209             Kaum hatte DER—KNABE sich des DEUTSCHEN bemächtigt, war STRAßBURG—WIEDER STRASBOURG - und —DIESMAL alles DEUTSCHE ebenso streng verboten wie das Elsässische.
20190209             Fördern könne nur, wer Überforderung riskierte.
20190209             Solche subversiven Umtriebe riefen DAS—FBI auf den Plan.
20190209             —GESTELLT, Auf 1—KONFERENZ—DER—BIBLIOTHEKARE der USA zur Rede, platzte 19690000              Ungerer der Kragen: "Wenn DIE—LEUTE nicht ficken würden, gäbe es gar keine Kinder, und ohne Kinder wärt ihr alle arbeitslos!"
20190209             IN DER FOLGE verschwand sein Werk aus den Bibliotheken und er selbst aus DEN—USA.
20190209             Das Glück seiner frühen —JAHRE war, daß es kein INTERNET gab.
20190209             1—RIGOROSEN Prüfung durch die Gesinnungstechniker vom neopuritanischen TÜV unserer Zeit würde sein Werk nicht standhalten
20190209             "Ich glaube, daß sich DIE—REALITÄT durch das Absurde selbst illustriert", sagte er einmal.
20190209             Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie würden in 1—WELT leben, in der Sie sich frei entwickeln können.
20190209             Es ist möglich, daß wir die Anfänge eines solchen Zeitalters gerade erleben.
20190209             Genauer gesagt: dass sich VIELE—MENSCHEN fundamental weiterentwickeln.
20190209             VIELE—PSYCHOLOGEN glauben, daß in der gezielten ENTWICKLUNG—DES—ICHS, dieser geheimnisvollen, uns allen innewohnenden Instanz, der Schlüssel zu 1—OFFENEREN Gesellschaft liegt.
20190209             —INZWISCHEN, JANE—LOEVINGER, 1. verstorbene USA—ENTWICKLUNGSPSYCHOLOGIN der WASHINGTON UNIVERSITÄT, hat ihr halbes Leben damit verbracht, 1.THEORIE zur Vermessung des Ichs zu erarbeiten.
20190209             Und dass sich dadurch vieles erklären lässt, was ansonsten nur schwer zu verstehen ist;
20190209             DIE—ENTSTEHUNG unserer Leistungsgesellschaft,
20190209             unserer - der zeitgleiche Aufstieg der Grünen und der AfD.
20190209             Ebenso verhält ES—SICH mit unserer Gesellschaft.
20190209             Auch hier befinden sich die meisten Menschen auf 1—BESTIMMTEN Stufe
20190209             —SEIT, den SECHZIGER—JAHREN wurden umfassende Erhebungen dazu durchgeführt, welche ICH—STUFEN in NORD—AMERIKA sowie in WEST— und Mitteleuropa am stärksten verbreitet sind.
20190209             Der ORGANISATIONS—BERATER THOMAS Binder, der —SEIT—JAHREN zur ICH—ENTWICKLUNG—THEORIE forscht, sagt, daß sich DIE—ZAHL—DER—BÜRGER auf späteren Entwicklungsstufen in westlichen Gesellschaften über die letzten 100—JAHRE erhöht hat.
20190209             —DENN, aktuellen Testergebnissen zufolge befindet sich gut 1—ZEHNTEL der Bevölkerung in westlichen Gesellschaften —BEREITS auf der Stufe E7 - einem Entwicklungsniveau, daß sich radikal von den vorigen Stufen unterscheidet.
20190209             —GENANNT, Menschen der Stufe E7, Individualisten oder Pluralisten, beginnen, DIE—REGELN des sozialen Zusammenlebens mit Abstand zu sehen
20190209             Wenn der ANTEIL—DER—STUFE E7 1.kritische Größe erreicht, dann dürfte sich die Art unseres Zusammenlebens stark verändern:
20190209             Nicht zuletzt scheint die NACH—FRAGE nach persönlicher Entwicklung gestiegen zu sein
20190209             Es gibt allerdings auch Tendenzen, die auf 1—RÜCKSCHRITT der Gesellschaft hindeuten:
20190209             DIE—USA—AMERIKANISCHE Gesellschaft hat sich 1—PRÄSIDENTEN gewählt, den ICH—FORSCHER Binder auf der Stufe E3 verortet.
20190209             Eines aber ist —SCHON—JETZT klar: Sollte unsere Gesellschaft ihren SCHWER—PUNKT irgendwann wirklich auf Stufe E7 verlagern, dann sollten führende Politiker und obere Führungskräfte sich am besten —SCHON auf Stufe E8 befinden.
20190209             Der THEORIE zufolge wären das Menschen, die in der Lage sind, in hochkomplexen und auch widersprüchlichen Welten zu agieren.
20190209             Noch aber ist die Prozentzahl von Menschen auf diesem Entwicklungsniveau überschaubar.
20190209             Umstrittene Marschflugkörper: RUSSLAND hat offenbar weit mehr Raketen stationiert als bekannt
20190209             Linke Demokratin: ELISABETH WARREN will 2020—USA—PRÄSIDENTIN werden
20190209—20150000    —IN, 1—TUNISIA—COURT sentenced 7—JIHADISTS to life in prison over attacks at 1—MUSEUM and on 1—BEACH that killed 60—PEOPLE, MANY—OF—THEM—UK—TOURISTS.
20190209—20180000    —CLASSIFIED, MEXICO, 980—KILLINGS as femicides.
20190209—20190213    —ON, 5—BODIES were recovered and 40—PEOPLE remained trapped.
20200207             —INFORMED, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—ISRAEL—CROSSINGS, all exporters and all relevant parties that all PALESTINE—AGRICULTURE products would be banned from export to world markets through THE—JORDAN—CROSSING —STARTING 20200209         .
20200209             HOLLYWOOD, "Parasite," 1—SUSPENSEFUL—SOUTH—KOREA—FILM, became the 1. NON—ENGLAND—MOVIE to win best picture.
20200209             It also won the Oscar for best INTERNATIONAL film, original screenplay and best director.
20200209             —PICKED, JOAQUIN—PHOENIX and RENEE—ZELLWEGER, up the Oscars for best actor and actress.
20200209             BRAD—PITT and Laura Dern won the supporting actor and actress categories.
20200209             1—REPORT released by Recorded Future, 1—CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, said NORTH—KOREA has vastly expanded its USE—OF—THE—INTERNET in ways that enable its leader, KIM—JONG—UN, to evade a "maximum pressure" USA—SANCTIONS—CAMPAIGN and turn to new forms of cybercrime to prop up his government.
20200209             —WALKED, NEW—YORK, City 1—GUNMAN, into 1—POLICE—STATION in the Bronx and started shooting early —TODAY, wounding 1—OFFICER—JUST hours —AFTER he shot 1—DIFFERENT—OFFICER in 1—PATROL—VAN.
20200209             The suspect was taken into custody.
20200209             Amazon_com Inc said it is pulling out of this —MONTH—MOBILE—WORLD—CONGRESS—BECAUSE—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS—OUTBREAK, in another blow to 1—OF—THE—TELECOM industry's biggest gatherings which attracts over 100,000 visitors to BARCELONA.
20200209             THE—GSMA telecoms industry association said the 20200224—20270224     event will go ahead as planned.
20200209             —LAUNCHED, FLORIDA—EUROPE and NASA—SOLAR—ORBITER was, at Cape Canaveral late —TODAY to capture the 1. PICTURES—OF—THE—SUN—ELUSIVE poles.
20200209             1—ATTACK on 1—ALGERIA—MILITARY barracks near the country's border with MALI killed 1—SOLDIER and the driver of 1—VEHICLE rigged with explosives.
20200209             —CLAIMED, THE—ISLAMIC—STATE soon, responsibility.
20200209             AZERBAIJAN voters chose a new PARLIAMENT in an early election —AFTER a short and LOW—KEY campaign.
20200209             —BATTERED, Storm Ciara, THE—UK—AND—NORTH—EUROPE with HURRICANE—FORCE—WINDS and heavy rains, halting flights and trains and producing heaving seas that closed down ports.
20200209             —DERAILED, CAMEROON, 1—SURGE—OF—VIOLENCE, voting in ENGLISH—SPEAKING regions because residents were too scared to cast ballots in legislative and municipal elections —AFTER militant separatists kidnapped SCORES—OF—CANDIDATES and threatened violence.
20200209             —RAISED, CHINA, the death toll from its coronavirus outbreak to 811. Total confirmed coronavirus cases in CHINA stood at 37,198.
20200209             INDIA, the regional Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) party held 1—RALLY in Mumbai to support 1—CITIZENSHIP—LAW introduced by PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI —LAST—YEAR that has triggered nationwide protests.
20200209             1—IRAN—ROCKET failed to put 1—COMMUNICATIONS—SATELLITE into orbit —TODAY, the latest setback for 1—PROGRAM—THE—USA—CLAIMS—HELPS—TEHRAN advance its ballistic missile program.
20200209             —RULED, IRELAND, Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, out governing with Sinn Fein, the former political wing of THE—IRA, which presented itself as 1—LEFT—WING alternative to the centrist consensus which has largely dominated government —SINCE THE—FOUNDATION—OF—THE—STATE—IN—THE 19/20s.
20200209             —BLOCKED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, PALESTINE—AGRICULTURAL—EXPORTS in the latest escalation of 1—MONTHS—LONG—TRADE—WAR that comes amid fears of renewed violence as well.
20200209             —FORCED, LIBYA—AZZAWIYA—OIL—REFINING—COMPANY said that it was, to stop refining operations due to 1—LACK—OF—CRUDE—SUPPLIES and no inventory.
20200209             1—DINGHY carrying migrants left GARABULLI—LIBYA, and soon disappeared.
20200209             —PRESUMED, All aboard were, drowning.
20200209             —MARCHED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, in MOROCCO—CAPITAL to protest USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—PEACE—PLAN for the Mideast and to oppose what they see as THE—MOROCCO—GOVERNMENT—LENIENT position toward it.
20200209             —RALLIED, HUNDREDS—OF—MYANMAR nationalists, in the country's commercial capital in 1—SHOW—OF—SUPPORT for the military, amid tensions between THE—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT and the army AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS expected —LATER this —YEAR.
20200209             —CONFIRMED, THE—PHILIPPINES, that African swine fever infections had spread in THE—SOUTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, which accounts for nearly a 3. of the nation's 12.8—MILLION pig herd.
20200209             —CONFIRMED, SPAIN—NATIONAL—CENTER for Microbiology, the country's 2. CASE—OF—NEW—CORONAVIRUS, —AFTER tests on 1—OF 4—PEOPLE suspected of having the virus in Mallorca came back positive.
20200209             The other 3 were negative.
20200209             1—SWITZERLAND—REFERENDUM cleared the way for the country to close 1—LOOPHOLE in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights by extending ANTI—RACISM—LAWS to cover sexual orientation.
20200209             —SUPPORTED, Voters, outlawing antigay discrimination 63.1% to 36.9%.
20200209             —VOWED, SYRIA—MILITARY, to keep up its campaign to regain CONTROL—OF—THE—WHOLE—COUNTRY, days —AFTER capturing large CHUNKS—OF—TERRITORY from the last rebel holdout in the northwest.
20200209             Locusts began to arrive in UGANDA, reaching 1—VILLAGE—NEAR THE—KENYA—BORDER as 1—NEW swarm in NORTH—SOMALIA threatened more than 10—MILLION—PEOPLE across the region with 1—SEVERE—HUNGER—CRISIS.
20200209             —RESTORED, THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES, mail services to QATAR, frozen for more than 2—YEARS amid 1—DIPLOMATIC—RIFT, —AFTER 1—REGIONAL meeting attended by both Gulf states and THE—UNITED—NATIONS' postal agency.
20200209             —SONNTAG, Tödlicher Giftmüll in ITALIEN: "Der Krebs ist wie 1—SCHATTEN"
20200209             IRLAND: 3—PARTEIEN bei Parlamentswahl gleichauf (00:19 Politik
20200209             EPIDEMIE—IN—CHINA: CORONA—VIRUS— fordert 1. mehr Tote als Sars (07:53 Wissenschaft
20200209             Als Schwulsein in DEUTSCHLAND strafbar war: "Was das für 1—SCHEISSLEBEN ist, wenn man sich verstecken muss" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARIANNE—WELLERSHOFF (08:17 Partnerschaft
20200209             Historiker über Bombenopfer in DRESDEN: "Goebbels war damit erstaunlich erfolgreich" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KLAUS—WIEGREFE (08:23 Panorama
20200209             —SPIEGEL: Herr Professor Müller, der AFD—PARTEICHEF Tino Chrupalla behauptet,
20200209             ROLF—DIETER Müller: Das sind die alten Gerüchte, die Hitlers Propagandachef JOSEPH Goebbels noch in die Welt gesetzt hat.
20200209             Er war damit erstaunlich erfolgreich.
20200209             Bei Kriegsende war ein beträchtlicher TEIL—DER—ÖFFENTLICHKEIT im Westen und in DEUTSCHLAND der gleichen Meinung wie —HEUTE DIE—AFD.
20200209             —SPIEGEL: Chrupalla verweist auf das Rote Kreuz: 19480000              habe es 275.000—TOTE vermeldet.
20200209             Müller: Das Rote Kreuz hat damals nicht ermittelt, die Angabe beruhte auf Hörensagen.
20200209             Wir sind allen Argumenten nachgegangen und haben am Ende überprüfbare Beweise dafür vorgelegt, daß es nicht mehr als 25.000—OPFER gegeben hat.
20200209             Müller: Es gab eine bürokratische Prozedur für den Umgang mit den Toten.
20200209             Für JEDE—LEICHE wurden mehrere Karteikarten angelegt, die größtenteils erhalten sind.
20200209             —REKONSTRUIERT, Wir haben, wie die Leichen geborgen, wie sie registriert, auf welchen Friedhöfen sie beigesetzt wurden.
20200209             —RECHERCHIERT, Wir haben Straße für Straße.
20200209             Am Ende hatten wir 1—DATEN—BANK mit den Namen eines Großteils der Opfer.
20200209             Die Größenordnung 25.000—TAUCHT übrigens auch in überlieferten offiziellen Dokumenten von 19450000              und 19460000              auf.
20200209             —BEURKUNDET, DEUTSCHLAND, muss der Tod eines Menschen offiziell, werden.
20200209             Da hängen Witwen- und Waisenrenten dran, Erbschaften und vieles mehr.
20200209             EBERHARD—MATTHES, dem STABSCHEF—DES—DRESDNER Festungskommandanten
20200209             Matthes hat an 1—ZAHL aus einem zeitgenössischen Dokument eine 0—ANGEHÄNGT.
20200209             Zeugen dieser Qualität gibt es mehrere, ebenso gefälschte Dokumente, das können Sie alles vergessen.
20200209             DRESDEN, ist ein traditionell übersteigertes Selbstbewusstsein verbreitet, das geht noch auf ;;08;;den Starken zurück.
20200209             DIE—AFD spricht von "Bombenterror".
20200209             Das ist 1—SPRACHE, die —HEUTE die Neonazis benutzen.
20200209             —NACH, heutigen Maßstäben kann man die Angriffe als Kriegsverbrechen werten, —NACH—DEN Maßstäben der Zeit waren sie es nicht.
20200209             DIE—DDR—PROPAGANDA hat dann 1—GEDENKEN gepflegt, das die Wunden offen hielt.
20200209             Da war von den "ANGLO—AMERIKANISCHEN Luftgangstern" die Rede in der durchschaubaren Absicht, die Westintegration der Bundesrepublik zu diskreditieren.
20200209             "Goebbels war damit erstaunlich erfolgreich" - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama
20200209             F - "Batterien sind mittlerweile so langlebig, daß sie sich zum Beispiel als Solarstromspeicher weiterverwenden lassen, wenn die Autos verschrottet werden",
20200209             —BEREITS in ein, 2—JAHREN werden die 1. NATRIUM—IONEN—BATTERIEN auf dem Markt sein, erwartet FICHTNER.
20200209             "Anders als beim Verbrennungsmotor — wo vom Rasenmäher —BIS zum Öltanker im Prinzip die gleiche Technologie eingesetzt wird — werden wir bei den Batterien 1—VIELZAHL verschiedener Konzepte sehen",
20200209             Das Rennen um die Batterie der Zukunft - DER SPIEGEL - Wissenschaft
20200209             DIE—MEISTEN kamen im Glauben, dort tatsächlich für einen Euro ein ganzes Haus zu bekommen.
20200209             Sie irrten natürlich.
20200209             NATÜRLICH - Sambuca in Sizilien Ein sizilianisches Wirtschaftswunder - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama
20200209             —NACH, Post von TRUMP: FACEBOOK und Twitter wollen PELOSI—FAKE—VIDEO nicht entfernen (10:48 Netzwelt
20200209             —VERBIETET, Nahostkonflikt: ISRAEL, Export landwirtschaftlicher Güter aus Palästinensergebieten (12:11 Wirtschaft
20200209             —WELT—WEIT leben nur noch etwa 1000—BERGGORILLAS.
20200209             Blitzschlag tötet Berggorillas - DER SPIEGEL - Wissenschaft
20200209             Kosovo ALBIN—KURTI will AL—PREMIER—ALLES anders machen - DER SPIEGEL - Politik
20200209             2,77 Milliarden Gigabyte: Nutzer verbrauchen immer mehr mobiles Datenvolumen (15:33 Netzwelt
20200209             Antiglobalisierungsbewegung: TRUMP ist nur der Vollstrecker 1—KOLUMNE—VON—HENRIK—MÜLLER (16:13 Wirtschaft
20200209             —ÜBERQUERT, Vom Orkan gepusht: Boeing, Atlantik in Rekordzeit (18:28 Panorama
20200209             —ÜBERQUERT, Orkantief "Sabine" Boeing, Atlantik in Rekordzeit - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama
20200209             CORONA—VIRUS—ZENTRUM: CHINA schickt Tausende Mediziner nach WUHAN (20:04 Politik
20200209             Härterer Sparkurs: Daimler will offenbar —BIS zu 15.000—MITARBEITER loswerden (20:08 Wirtschaft
20200209             [l] Macht ihr beim —SUMMER—OF—CODE mit?
20200209             Wie? Nein, nicht der von Google. Der mit dem guten Namen.
20200209             Der, der wichtige und relevante FREIE—SOFTWARE—PROJEKTE fördert, zum Nutzen aller.
20200209             Nein, nicht der. der —SUMMER—OF—CODE vom BND!
20200209             —GELESEN, Ja, richtig.
20200209             Der BND klaut Google den Namen ihres WELT—WEIT bekannten und gut beleumundetem Förderprogramm.
20200209             Wieso würde der BND sowas machen wollen?
20200209             —GELOGEN, Gegenüber Heise haben sie, daß es um die Förderung von freier Software geht, und dass es ihnen dabei gar nicht wichtig ist, ob die Software tatsächlich vom BND benutzt wird.
20200209             DIE—TATSÄCHLICHE Story kann man aber gut an der URL erkennen.
20200209             Das hat nichts mit Altruismus zu tun.
20200209             Der BND ist so verzweifelt auf der Suche nach moral- und ethikbefreiten Halbkriminellen, die sie ganz in eine kriminelle Laufbahn ziehen wollen, daß sie —JETZT gezielt PSYCHO—TRICKS anwenden, wie sie —SCHON der Kahnemann am BEISPIEL—DER—HARE—KRISHNAS erläutert in seinem Buch.
20200209             Die Krishnas "schenken" Passanten 1—PAPIERBLUME.
20200209             Die Passanten fühlen sich dann genötigt, sozialem Druck folgend dieses vergiftete Geschenk durch 1—RÜCK—GESCHENK von etwas anderem zu beantworten.
20200209             Und so will der BND Rekruten reinziehen.
20200209             Sturmtief "Sabine" DEUTSCHE Bahn will frühestens am MONTAGvormittag wieder fahren - DER SPIEGEL - Panorama
20200209             Erfolg für Sinn Féin in IRLAND: Einst TERROR—UNTERSTÜTZER, —HEUTE Wohnungsbauer
20200209             Unwetter in Australien: —NACH—DEN Feuern - der heftige Regen (03:27 Panorama
20200209             Satellitenbild der Woche: Zerfall am "WELTUNTERGANGS—GLETSCHER" (04:22 Wissenschaft
20200209             —NEUE—ESA—SONDE: "Solar Orbiter" in Richtung Sonne gestartet (06:45 Wissenschaft
20200209             CORONA—VIRUS—: —JETZT 130—INFIZIERTE Kreuzfahrer in JAPAN — Opferzahl in CHINA steigt auf mehr als 900 (07:35 Wissenschaft
20200209             Bedrohte Raubtiere: RUSSLAND zählt seine Eisbären (08:04 Wissenschaft
20200209             2,77 Milliarden Gigabyte: Nutzer verbrauchen immer mehr mobiles Datenvolumen
20200209             Satellitenbild der Woche: Zerfall am "WELTUNTERGANGS—GLETSCHER"
20200209             —JETZT, 130—CORONA—VIRUS—INFIZIERTE KREUZ—FAHRER in JAPAN — OPFER—ZAHL in CHINA steigt auf mehr als 900
20200209             —CORONA—VIRUS—ZENTRUM—CHINA schickt Tausende Mediziner nach WUHAN
20200209             —CORONA—VIRUS—EPIDEMIE—IN—CHINA fordert 1. mehr Tote als SARS
20200209—19380000    —SEIT, wurden ALLE—TODESERKLÄRUNGEN zentral beim Standesamt I—BERLIN gesammelt.
20200209—20010000    —CALLED, INDIAN—HELD Kashmir was hit by 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, by the separatist JAMMU Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) to mark THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—DEATH—OF—AFZAL—GURU, 1—KASHMIRI man who was executed for his part in 1—ATTACK on INDIA—PARLIAMENT.
20200209—20200118    —SINCE, Oil output in LIBYA has fallen sharply because of 1—BLOCKADE of ports and fields by groups loyal to EASTERN—BASED COMMANDER—KHALIFA—HAFTAR.
20200209—20300000    —BIS, DIE—NACH—FRAGE nach LITHIUM—IONEN—ZELLEN allein für die Elektromobilität steigt um den Faktor 20—BIS 40, erwartet das FRAUNHOFER—INSTITUT für System- und INNOVATIONS—FORSCHUNG ISI.
20210209             THE—USA—SENATE began TRUMP—2. impeachment trial.
20210209             6—REPUBLICANS joined with Democrats to vote to proceed with the impeachment trial of DONALD—TRUMP, but the 56—44—VOTE was far from THE—2—THIRDS threshold of 67—VOTES that would be needed for conviction.
20210209             —APPROVED, THE—FDA, 1—COVID 19—THERAPY by the drug maker ELI—LILLY, giving doctors another option for patients who are at high risk of becoming seriously ILLINOIS.
20210209             MICHELLE—OBAMA —POSTED that she is launching 1—NETFLIX children's food show with 1—PAIR of puppets "to bring 1—BIT—OF—LIGHT and laughter to homes —AROUND the world".
20210209             —CALLED, The show, "Waffles + Mochi" launches 20210316           .
20210209             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,422,171 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 45,007 deaths.
20210209             THE—SF Bay Area had 389,334 cases and 4,646 deaths.
20210209             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 27,190,160 with the death toll at 468,106.
20210209             † CHICK—COREA, 79—JAHRE—ALT, 1—ARCHITECT—OF—THE—JAZZ—ROCK fusion boom in the 1970s, at his home in TAMPA, Fl.
20210209             CHICK—COREA spent more than 1—HALF—CENTURY as 1—TOP jazz pianist, but never abandoned his 1. love, the acoustic piano.
20210209             MINNESOTA, GREGORY—PAUL—ULRICH, 67—JAHRE—ALT, unhappy with the health care he'd received, opened fire at 1—CLINIC, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 4—OTHERS—BEFORE being arrested.
20210209             Bomb technicians were investigating 1—SUSPICIOUS—DEVICE left there and others at 1—MOTEL where he was staying.
20210209             COCA—COLA Co said it will sell its popular sodas in bottles made from 100% recycled plastic material in THE—USA, in 1—MAJOR—SHIFT to combat plastic waste and reduce its carbon footprint.
20210209             —RELEASED, Qualcomm Inc, 1—NEW—CHIP for connecting devices to 5G networks that it hopes will be adopted for home INTERNET use and inside businesses as 1—COMPETITOR to WI—FI.
20210209             Walgreens and Uber Technologies Inc said they will team up to provide educational programs and free transportation to USA COVID—19—VACCINE—CLINICS to underserved communities and people in rural areas.
20210209             AUSTRIA—CHANCELLOR—SEBASTIAN—KURZ said that people will have to produce 1—NEGATIVE—CORONAVIRUS—TEST to leave the country's Tyrol province as authorities try to prevent THE—SPREAD—OF—1—CORONAVIRUS variant 1. discovered in SOUTH—AFRICA.
20210209             —ARRESTED, Police in THE—UK, 8—MEN as PART—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—INVESTIGATION into 1—GANG that's been hacking celebrities and stealing their cryptocurrency.
20210209             PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU said CANADA will ramp up its fight against COVID—19—BY obliging citizens returning home from THE—USA—BY land to show 1—NEGATIVE—COVID 19—TEST.
20210209             —TAPPED, CANADA—SATELLITE—COMPANY—TELESAT, Thales Alenia Space to build 300—LOW—EARTH orbit (LEO) telecommunications satellites in 1—CONTRACT worth about $3—BILLION, saying the 1. launch would be in about 2—YEARS.
20210209             —KILLED, EGYPT, Islamic State group militants, at least 6—BEDOUINS in 1—AMBUSH for their alleged collaboration with the military in the country's restive PART—OF—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20210209             —SECURED, ETHIOPIA said it has, 9—MILLION doses of COVID—19—VACCINES up —UNTIL April and hopes to inoculate at least a 5. of its 110—MILLION—PEOPLE by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20210209             —CHARGED, GERMANY—AUTHORITIES said prosecutors have, a 100-year-old man with 3,518 counts of being 1—ACCESSORY to murder on allegations he served —WWII—DURING as 1—NAZI—SS guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp on the outskirts of BERLIN.
20210209             Volkswagen said it is conducting 1—FEASIBILITY—STUDY in CHINA about flying cars, joining 1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—COMPANIES looking into the potential technology.
20210209             —SUSPENDED, GHANA—PARLIAMENT was, for at least 3—WEEKS —FOLLOWING 1—SURGE in COVID—19—CASES among PARLIAMENT members and staff.
20210209             —CONFIRMED, GHANA—HEALTH—SERVICES, that there have been 73,003 cases, including 482—DEATHS—SINCE the outbreak began —LAST—YEAR.
20210209             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—INDIA—ARMY is training dogs to find COVID-19 in its ranks by sniffing human sweat and urine.
20210209             —LAUNCHED, IRAN, 1—CORONAVIRUS—INOCULATION—CAMPAIGN among healthcare professionals with —RECENTLY delivered RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V vaccines as the country struggles to stem the worst OUTBREAK—OF—THE—PANDEMIC in THE—MIDDLE—EAST with its death toll nearing 59,000.
20210209             —APPROVED, PAKISTAN said it has, RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V making it the 3. COVID—19—VACCINE to be approved for emergency use —AFTER CHINA—SINOPHARM and the ones developed by AstraZeneca and OXFORD University.
20210209             POLAND—VIDEO—GAMES—MAKER CD Projekt said 1—CYBER attack will slow fixes to its flagship Cyberpunk 2077—GAME and other development work.
20210209             Health experts said PORTUGAL—COVID 19—INFECTION—RATE has dropped sharply —AFTER 1—LOCKDOWN aimed at addressing 1—DEVASTATING—JANUARY pandemic surge, but it is still recording the most daily deaths in the world by SIZE—OF—POPULATION.
20210209             1—ALLY—OF—KREMLIN critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY urged Russians to gather near their homes fora brief VALENTINE—DAY—PROTEST this weekend, shining their mobile phone torches and lighting candles in heart shapes to flood social media.
20210209             —CHARGED, Prosecutors in THAILAND, 4—PROMINENT—PRO—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS with sedition and defaming the monarchy for their protest activities.
20210209             1—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES spacecraft entered MARS—ORBIT, the 1. interplanetary mission by 1—ARAB nation.
20210209             —CALLED, The unmanned craft, Amal, Arabic for Hope, had reached THE—END—OF—ITS nearly 7—MONTH, 300-million-mile journey and had begun circling the red planet.
20210209             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—PRELIMINARY—UN—INQUIRY into the theft of $281—MILLION—WORTH—OF—ASSETS from 1—CRYPTOCURRENCY—EXCHANGE last September "strongly suggests" links to NORTH—KOREA.
20210209             —POINTED, Industry analysts, to SEYCHELLES—BASED KuCoin as the victim of 1—OF—THE—LARGEST reported digital currency heists.
20210209             1—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION—EXPERT said the coronavirus is unlikely to have leaked from 1—CHINA—LAB and most probably jumped to humans via 1—INTERMEDIARY species.
20210209             YEMEN—OFFICIALS—HEAVY fighting between government forces and Houthi rebels has killed at least 29—PEOPLE in the past 3—DAYS in THE—CENTRAL—MARIB province.
20210209             —DIENSTAG, 20210209
20210209             MYANMAR: Militärjunta verhängt Kriegsrecht
20210209             Wissenschaftler erforschen die Liebe: Die Erfolgsgeheimnisse lebenslanger Beziehungen Von MAREN—KELLER
20210209             EZB—DIREKTOR Panetta über die Zukunft des Bargelds: "Wir werden niemanden zwingen, mit dem digitalen Euro zu zahlen"
20210209             Debatte über Lockerungen: Wirtschaft fordert Öffnungsperspektive im CORONA—LOCKDOWN
20210209             Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Russland und EUROPA — eine schwere Beziehungskrise Von SUSANNE—BEYER, Autorin im SPIEGEL—HAUPTSTADTBÜRO
20210209             Cyberangriff auf Versorgungsnetz: Hacker wollte Wasser in FLORIDA verseuchen
20210209             Folgen des Wintersturms: Schneechaos hält an — Hunderte harren nachts auf Autobahn aus
20210209             Streit über NORD—STREAM 2: UKRAINE empört über Steinmeiers Aussagen zur Ostseepipeline
20210209             UNO—BERICHT: Nordkorea baut Atomprogramm offenbar weiter aus
20210209             2. Impeachment gegen Trump: Der Anstifter Aus WASHINGTON berichtet ALEXANDER—SAROVIC
20210209             Terrororganisation ELN: Kuba warnt Kolumbien vor Anschlag von Guerillagruppe
20210209             Einmalzahlung: Neuer Kinderbonus soll im Mai ausgezahlt werden
20210209             Streit über Insektenschutz: Tote Bienen, tobende Bauern Von JONAS—SCHAIBLE und GERALD—TRAUFETTER
20210209             Hongkonger Medienunternehmer: JIMMY—LAI muss in Haft bleiben
20210209             CORONA—JAHR 20200000             : Stärkster Exporteinbruch —SEIT Finanzkrise
20210209             Covid-19: DGS torna obrigatória lista de pessoas a convocar se sobrarem vacinas
20210209             Espanha prolonga medidas restritivas nas fronteiras com PORTUGAL até Março
20210209             Hospital de Serpa encerrado devido a surto de COVID—19—REABRE "em breve"
20210209             CENTRAL—SOLAR—COMEÇ1—1—OPERAR no final de Março no concelho de Alcácer do Sal
20210209             —BEREITET, Mit einem umfangreichen Schulungsprogramm, die Lufthansa ihre Pilotinnen und Piloten auf den Neustart nach der CORONA—PANDEMIE vor.
20210209             "Bei einer Abwesenheit von einem —JAHR üben wir in mindestens 5—BIS 6—SIMULATORSCHICHTEN den kompletten Betrieb — Checklisten, Handgriffe, manuelles Fliegen und Notverfahren wie bei zum Beispiel einem Triebwerksausfall",
20210209             Das Training könne sich auf —BIS zu 12—SCHICHTEN ausweiten — "das wäre dann die komplette Grundausbildung im Simulator.
20210209             In der Pandemie mit einem deutlich reduziertem Flugangebot sind etliche Piloten der Lufthansa —ZURZEIT gar nicht im Einsatz, zum Beispiel alle 350—PILOTEN die den Superjumbo Airbus A380 steuern.
20210209             Der LUFTHANSA—KONZERN habe in der CORONA—PANDEMIE 400—SEINER 700—FLUGZEUGE geparkt oder längerfristig abgestellt,
20210209             Masken könnten wie Warnwesten in Autos Pflicht werden
20210209             plant das Bundesverkehrsministerium eine "Mitführpflicht" von MUND—NASE—BEDECKUNGEN auch für die Zeit nach der CORONA—PANDEMIE.
20210209             Das gehe aus einer STELLUNGNAHME—DES—RESSORTS an den Petitionsausschuss des Bundestages hervor,
20210209             Das Verkehrsministerium erklärte auf DPA—ANFRAGE, es prüfe, bei der nächsten Änderungsverordnung der STRAßENVERKEHRS—ZULASSUNGS—ORDNUNG (StVZO) 1—MITFÜHRPFLICHT—VON—2—MUND—NASEN—BEDECKUNGEN vorzuschlagen.
20210209             Wirtschaft fordert Öffnungsperspektive im CORONA—LOCKDOWN
20210209             Wirtschaft - Vielen Unternehmen in Deutschland fehle "jeglicher Planungshorizont",
20210209             In der deutschen Wirtschaft sei es "kurz vor 12",
20210209             Im deutschen Leistungssport weiß man nach wie vor zu wenig über die möglichen Langzeitfolgen einer CORONA—INFEKTION für Profisportler.
20210209             "Was uns fehlt, ist eine einheitliche Dokumentation.
20210209             1—DATENBANK, in der Fälle von positiv getesteten Leistungssportlern gesammelt werden",
20210209             Das Innenministerium in BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG hat zu Abstand und Disziplin auch während der närrischen Tage im Südwesten aufgerufen.
20210209             "Angesichts der Lage kann freilich auch bei der Fastnacht kein Auge zugedrückt werden",
20210209             Normalerweise starten die Narren im Südwesten in dieser Woche in die heiße Phase.
20210209             Als 1—DER—HÖHEPUNKTE der SCHWÄBISCH—ALEMANNISCHEN Fastnacht gilt der —DONNERSTAG, der "Schmotzige Dunschtig".
20210209             7—TAGE—INZIDENZ sinkt erstmals —SEIT—3—MONATEN unter 75
20210209             Nach mehreren Verstößen gegen die Impfverordnung hat der Städte- und Gemeindebund Kommunalpolitiker aufgerufen, sich an die bundesweit festgelegte Reihenfolge bei den CORONA—IMPFUNGEN zu halten.
20210209             "Für die BÜRGERMEISTER ist es sicher ratsam, sich zurückzuhalten, wenn sie nicht zur 1. Gruppe gehören",
20210209             —AM Wochenende war unter anderem bekannt geworden, dass in HALLE —BEREITS Oberbürgermeister BERND—WIEGAND (parteilos) und 10—STADTRÄTE geimpft worden waren, obwohl sie nicht zur 1. Prioritätsgruppe gehören.
20210209             Wiegand hatte angegeben, mit einer übrig gebliebenen Impfdosis geimpft worden zu sein, nachdem niemand sonst für 1—IMPFUNG zur Verfügung gestanden und ein "Zufallsgenerator" ihn ausgewählt habe.
20210209             Kinobetreiber: Öffnung zu Ostern wäre wichtig
20210209             Die Beschränkungen wegen der CORONA—PANDEMIE haben den weltgrößten Reisekonzern TUI auch Ende 20200000              tief in die roten Zahlen gerissen.
20210209             Im 1. Geschäftsquartal —BIS Ende Dezember stand unter dem Strich 1—VERLUST von rund 803—MILLIONEN Euro,
20210209             Wegen des Einbruchs im Reisegeschäft brach der Umsatz nun um fast 88—PROZENT auf 468—MILLIONEN Euro ein.
20210209             Für den bevorstehenden —SOMMER zeigte sich TUI—CHEF—FRITZ—JOUSSEN vor allem mit Blick auf den Fortschritt der Impfungen in Großbritannien weiterhin zuversichtlich.
20210209             Der deutsche Außenhandel ist im CORONA—JAHR 20200000              so stark eingebrochen wie —SEIT der Finanzkrise nicht mehr.
20210209             gingen die Exporte um 9,3 Prozent und die Importe um 7,1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr zurück.
20210209             Niedersachsens Regierungschef Weil für längeren Lockdown
20210209             —BEGONNEN, IRAN hat mit den Impfungen gegen das Coronavirus.
20210209             PRÄSIDENT—HASSAN—RUHANI nahm per Videoschalte an einer im Staatsfernsehen übertragenen Zeremonie anlässlich des Beginns der Impfkampagne in einem Krankenhaus in Teheran teil.
20210209             Er erinnerte dabei an die an COVID—19—GESTORBENEN Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen.
20210209             In den USA geht die Zahl der täglich erfassten CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN weiter zurück.
20210209             Die Behörden meldeten am —MONTAG 86.646—NEUE Fälle,
20210209             MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN, werden —HEUTE die 1. von rund 5,2 Millionen FFP2-Masken verteilt.
20210209             Die Masken sollen laut Landesregierung zuerst im Landkreis VORPOMMERN—GREIFSWALD ausgegeben werden, dann an der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte, in LUDWIGSLUST—PARCHIM und in der Landeshauptstadt Schwerin.
20210209             Der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie hat Bund und Länder aufgefordert, bei ihren morgigen Beratungen "Kurzfristmaßnahmen und Kleinstaaterei in der Pandemiebekämpfung" zu beenden.
20210209             Stattdessen müssten sie einen verlässlichen Fahrplan mit einheitlichen Kriterien "für eine sichere und faire Öffnung der Wirtschaft, wo immer dies epidemiologisch verantwortbar ist", vorlegen.
20210209             Es sei nicht nachzuvollziehen, warum Bundesländer mit vergleichbarer Inzidenz verschiedene Maßnahmen treffen würden - etwa bei Impforganisation, Schulschließungen oder Tests.
20210209             Industrie fordert
20210209             —BEGINNT, Tel Aviv, CORONA—IMPFUNGEN für Asylsuchende
20210209             Vor einem neuen Impfzentrum für Ausländer, in dem 600—IMPFUNGEN pro —TAG vorgenommen sollen, bildete sich nach ANGABEN—DER—STADTVERWALTUNG eine lange Schlange.
20210209             Personen, die nach Großbritannien einreisen, müssen künftig neben einem negativen CORONA—TEST bei der Ankunft 2—WEITERE Tests während einer zehntägigen Quarantäne vorlegen.
20210209             ANTI—LOCKDOWN—DEMOS trugen zur Verbreitung des Virus bei
20210209             Demonstrationen von Gegnern der Maßnahmen gegen die Pandemie haben nach einer STUDIE—DES—WIRTSCHAFTSFORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS—ZEW und der HUMBOLDT—UNIVERSITÄT—BERLIN im November zu einer starken Verbreitung des Virus beigetragen.
20210209             Die Untersuchung stützt sich auf das Infektionsgeschehen in den Landkreisen, in denen auf die Kundgebungen spezialisierte Busunternehmen Fahrten zu den großen Demonstrationsorten BERLIN und LEIPZIG angeboten hatten.
20210209             Den Angaben nach stieg in diesen Kreisen die 7—TAGES—INZIDENZ stärker an als in Kreisen, in denen die Busunternehmen keine Reisen anboten.
20210209             Russland: Nachfrage nach Sputnik V aus dem Ausland sehr groß
20210209             Der Kreml - erklärt, die ausländische Nachfrage —NACH—DEM russischen Impfstoff Sputnik V sei derart groß, dass nicht schnell an ALLE—INTERESSENTEN geliefert werden könne.
20210209             Russland werde aber alles Notwendige tun, den Impfstoff dem Ausland zur Verfügung zu stellen, sobald die heimische Nachfrage erfüllt sei, sagt Präsidialamtssprecher Dmitry Peskow in Moskau.
20210209             Norwegen rät —BIS—MITTE April von Reisen in ALLE—WELT ab
20210209             WHO—EXPERTEN: Tier als Auslöser von CORONA—PANDEMIE weiter nicht identifiziert
20210209             Eine Übertragung von Tieren auf den Menschen sei wahrscheinlich, aber "das Erregerreservoir muss noch identifiziert werden", sagte der Leiter des chinesischen Wissenschaftlerteams, Liang Wannian.
20210209             Bundesregierung plant weitere 6,2 Milliarden Euro für Impfstoff ein
20210209             Besitzer von Ferienwohnungen in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN dürfen laut einem Beschluss des Verwaltungsgerichts Greifswald Gäste auch dann nicht beherbergen, wenn diese gegen COVID—19—GEIMPFT oder von einer Covid-19-Erkrankung genesen sind.
20210209             Das Gericht begründete das Urteil am —DIENSTAG unter anderem damit, dass es —DERZEIT keine hinreichend gesicherten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse dahin gehend gebe, dass durch Geimpfte oder Genesene keine Übertragung des CORONA—VIRUS mehr erfolgen könne
20210209             Russland hält 1—LIEFERUNG seines selbst entwickelten Impfstoffs Sputnik V in die Europäische Union nicht vor Mai oder Juni für möglich.
20210209             Das sagte der CHEF—DES staatlichen Direktinvestmentfonds (RDIF), Kirill Dmitrijew, im russischen Staatsfernsehen Rossija 24.
20210209             "Die großen Lieferungen in die EU sind —ERST dann möglich, wenn die Massenimpfungen in Russland beendet werden".
20210209             Dobrindt fordert deutsche Prüfungen von chinesischen und russischen Impfstoffen
20210209             fordert - "Wir könnten natürlich auch nationale Zulassungen machen".
20210209             natürlich - Die deutschen Amtsärzte befürworten 1—LOCKDOWN—VERLÄNGERUNG, weil sonst eine 3. WELLE—DER—CORONA—PANDEMIE anrollen könnte.
20210209             "Wir müssen mit den CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN weiter deutlich nach unten.
20210209             Andernfalls droht uns eine neue 3. Pandemiewelle, die unser Gesundheitssystem überfordern könnte", sagte die VORSITZENDE—DES—BUNDESVERBANDS der deutschen Amtsärzte,
20210209             "Wir müssen unter 10—NEUERKRANKUNGEN pro 100.000—EINWOHNER in der Woche.
20210209             —AM—DIENSTAG war diese sogenannte 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ erstmals —SEIT mehr als 3—MONATEN unter der Schwelle von 75—GESUNKEN,
20210209             Neue, linke USA—INNENPOLITIK: Genosse Biden Von ROLAND—NELLES, WASHINGTON
20210209             Engpass in der Wärmeversorgung: Brand in Nürnberger Kraftwerk — Stadt ruft Katastrophenfall aus
20210209             Schub für kontaktloses Bezahlen: Girocard meldet Rekordzahlen
20210209             Tödliches Missverständnis: Mann erschießt YouTuber bei fingiertem Überfall
20210209             "Blechtrommel"-Drehbuchautor: OSCAR—PREISTRÄGER JEAN—CLAUDE Carrière gestorben
20210209             Brexitprobleme: Fische sollen appetitlichere Namen erhalten
20210209             Brisante CORONA—LAGE: Tiroler Politiker verspotten Reisewarnung als "Rülpser aus WIEN"
20210209             Nach Teslas Investment: Bitcoin peilt Marke von 50.000—DOLLAR an
20210209             Kitas und Schulen im Shutdown: Giffey sieht bei Kindern "depressive Verstimmungen und Vereinsamung"
20210209             "Erniedrigende" MOSKAU—REISE: EU—PARLAMENTARIER drängen Außenbeauftragten Borrell zum Rücktritt
20210209             ERGEBNISSE—DER—WUHAN—MISSION: WHO kann Übertragung des Coronavirus auf den Menschen nicht abschließend klären
20210209             AKTIEN—APP: FAMILIE—VON—SUIZID—OPFER verklagt Handelsplattform Robinhood
20210209             Proteste in MYANMAR: Polizei setzt Wasserwerfer gegen Demonstranten ein
20210209             INTERVIEW—WITH—WASHINGTON—POST—EDITOR—MARTIN—BARON: "We Had To Be Much More Forthright about Trump" Interview Conducted By MARC—PITZKE und ROLAND—NELLES
20210209             CUM—EX—BANKER: Ermittler fahnden öffentlich nach PAUL—MORA
20210209             Masken, Abstand, Homeoffice: Behörden setzen CORONA—ARBEITSSCHUTZ offenbar nur selten durch
20210209             Primeira fase prolongada até Abril por falta de vacinas.
20210209             70% da população vacinada até Setembro — SALVAM—SE 3500—VIDAS
20210209             Covid-19: Algarve com 88—CASOS e um óbito, PORTUGAL com menos 274—INTERNADOS
20210209             Confinamento vai continuar até meados de Março
20210209             Covid-19: Alentejo com 16—ÓBITOS e mais 119—CASOS num dia em que os internamentos baixaram no país
20210209             Covid-19: Primeira fase da vacinação prolongada para Abril
20210209             Umstellung: Bahn will in Zügen nur noch digitale Fahrkarten verkaufen
20210209             Coronakrise: Bundesregierung will Notlage über März hinaus verlängern
20210209             Ehemalige Kindersoldaten: "Wenn wir die Kinder fallen lassen, landen sie wieder an der Waffe" Von Heiner Hoffmann, NAIROBI
20210209             Stau auf der A2: Notrufe aus dem Schnee
20210209             BLOCKCHAIN—FORSCHER: "Der Bitcoin braucht so viel Strom wie Norwegen"
20210209             Kurioser Fall für die bayrische Kripo: Knochenfund stellt sich als 4000—JAHRE altes Skelett heraus
20210209             —KRITISIERT, CORONA—HILFEN: Mittelstand, komplizierte Anträge und späte Auszahlung
20210209             Lächerliche PRESSEKONFERENZ—VON—TRUMPS—ANWALT: "4—SEASONS Total Landscaping" wird verfilmt
20210209             Eindämmung von Virusmutation: Österreich erlaubt Ausreise aus Tirol nur noch mit negativem CORONA—TEST
20210209             WINDPARK—DEAL vor der britischen Küste: Finanzsegen für die Königsfamilie
20210209             Schneemassen auf Dach: AMAZON—LAGER in LEIPZIG stellt Betrieb ein
20210209             Hackerangriff auf Spielefirma: Die Macher von "Cyberpunk 2077" werden erpresst
20210209             Bremer BÜRGERMEISTER—BOVENSCHULTE: "Wer von der Pandemie profitiert, muss größere Lasten tragen"
20210209             Mission der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Marssonde "Hope" erreicht Umlaufbahn des Roten Planeten
20210209             Niedrigzinsen: Die klassische private Rentenversicherung wird zum Auslaufmodell
20210209             Der Absturz des ATTILA—HILDMANN: Vom Veganer zum Verschwörer 1—FILM—VON—ADRIAN—ALTMAYER
20210209             Schusswaffe mit Gadgets: Kalaschnikow für Hipster
20210209             Sozialministerium: Asylsuchende erhalten keine kostenlosen CORONA—SCHUTZMASKEN
20210209             Nach Rücktrittsforderungen: EU—AUßENBEAUFTRAGTER Borrell droht Russland mit Sanktionen
20210209             Verfahren um Staatsanleihenkäufe: Verfassungsrichterin im EZB—VERFAHREN für befangen erklärt
20210209             Zoff um Überbrückungshilfen: UNIONS—ABGEORDNETE rebellieren gegen Altmaier Von KEVIN—HAGEN und Veit Medick
20210209             Arabische Kinopionierin: Tunesische Regisseurin Moufida Tlatli gestorben
20210209             Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Belege für VITAMIN—D—WIRKUNG gegen CORONA fehlen
20210209             Isoliertes Palästinensergebiet: Ägypten öffnet Grenzposten zum Gazastreifen dauerhaft
20210209             Ölriese ExxonMobil in der Krise: Der Gigant wankt Von INES—ZÖTTL, WASHINGTON
20210209             Die Lage —AM—ABEND: Trumpisten gegen Trump Von OLIVER—TRENKAMP, Blattmacher in der Chefredaktion
20210209             MYANMAR: Polizei durchsucht offenbar Zentrale der Partei von Aung S—SUU—KYI
20210209             Tue 20210209
20210209             [l] NEVADA will TECH—FIRMEN örtliche Regierungsmacht abtreten.
20210209             Cyberpunk, fuck yeah!
20210209             Auf der anderen Seite ist das für die USA kein so großer Schritt mehr, wie es für uns klingt.
20210209             Die haben eh merkwürdige Vorstellungen.
20210209             Da kann es passieren, dass 1—DORF irgendwo im Nirgendwo an einer Durchgangsstraße gegründet wurde, und dann die Ampelphase manipuliert, damit möglichst VIELE—LEUTE glauben, es sei noch gelb und sie könnten noch rüberfahren, aber der Sheriff von dem Dorf verteilt dann Knöllchen wegen bei rot über die Ampel fahren.
20210209             Die Ampel wird von der Kommune aufgestellt, die Polizei wird von der Kommune gestellt, und 1—GERICHT haben die auch (brauchen sie aber gar nicht, denn die Knöllchen sind landesweit einklagbar).
20210209             Diese Konstellation führt zu Schlagzeilen wie dieser mit dem grandiosen Begriff "speed trap town".
20210209             [l] 1—ERPRESSER erpresst gerade CD Projekt Red (die Macher von Witcher 1—3—UND Cyberpunk 2077).
20210209             Wo wir gerade bei Leuten waren, die mal an ihren Schamhaaren aufgehängt werden sollten: Angreifer versucht aus der Ferne das Trinkwasser in einem Wasserwerk in FLORIDA zu vergiften.
20210209             Ich finde bei solchen Meldungen immer beachtlich, wie sie es schaffen, völlig unerwähnt zu lassen, in was für beschissenem Zustand das System war, dass da jemand aus der Ferne 1—HINTERTÜR oder Ransomware installieren kann.
20210209             [l] Die Bahn will keine Tickets mehr an Bord verkaufen.
20210209             Man könne die ja an Bord auch noch im INTERNET klicken.
20210209             Das kann auch nur jemand sagen, der noch nie an Bord eines BAHN—ZUGES war und dort das INTERNET nutzen wollte.
20210209             Vor gut einem halben —JAHR haben die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate 1—MARSSONDE ins All geschickt.
20210209             —AM—DIENSTAG hat das Fluggerät mit dem Namen "AL—AMAL" oder "Hope" (Hoffnung) eine wichtige Etappe erreicht und ist in 1—UMLAUFBAHN des Roten Planeten eingetreten.
20210209             "Mission erfüllt", schrieb Ministerpräsident Mohammed bin Raschid AL—MAKTUM am Dienstagabend auf Twitter.
20210209             Die 1. interplanetare RAUMFAHRT—MISSION eines arabischen Staates ist von großer Symbolkraft: Sie könnte der Modernisierung der Emirate einen Schub geben
20210209             Die Sonde wird nun in 40—TAGEN einmal um den Mars kreisen.
20210209             Anschließend soll "Hope" in eine geeignete Umlaufbahn wechseln, um mit dem Sammeln wissenschaftlicher Daten zu starten.
20210209             Ein hochauflösendes Bildgerät sammelt Informationen zu Ozonwerten in der MARS—ATMOSPHÄRE, und 1—SPEKTROMETER für ultraviolettes Licht misst Sauerstoff- und Wasserstoffgehalt.
20210209             Zudem wollen die Emirate mit der Mission "eine starke Botschaft an die arabische Jugend senden und sie daran erinnern, dass wir Erzeuger von Wissen waren", sagte Omran Scharaf, Projektleiter der Mission, mit Blick auf die goldenen Zeiten der Wissenschaft in der arabischen Welt im Mittelalter.
20210209             Er war der 1. Araber an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation ISS, allerdings nur 8—TAGE lang.
20210209             Die "Hope"-Mission soll nur der —ANFANG einer umfassenden Erforschung des Mars sein.
20210209             —BIS 2117—WOLLEN die Emirate 1—SIEDLUNG dort aufbauen.
20210209             Haltungsfragen: Warum "Aktivistin" kein Schimpfwort ist
20210209             Begehrte Digitalwährung: Der Bitcoin entwächst den Kinderschuhen Von MICHAEL—BRÄCHER
20210209             Tausende mit Fernwärmeproblemen in Nürnberg: "Wärmeleistung auf 10—BIS 15—GRAD gedrosselt"
20210209             Analyse des MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTS: Experten halten Grundrente für doppelt ungerecht
20210209             Burg in SACHSEN—ANHALT: Wo 1—VERSCHWÖRUNGSIDEOLOGE—BÜRGERMEISTER werden könnte Von ROMAN—HÖFNER und Timo Lehmann
20210209             Gerichtsurteil: Unabhängiger ungarischer Radiosender muss Betrieb einstellen
20210209             Förderung von Ökostrom: Altmaier will EEG—UMLAGE abschaffen
20210209             Prozess gegen polnische Historiker: HOLOCAUST—FORSCHER müssen sich entschuldigen Von JAN—PUHL
20210209             Böden als Kohlenstoffsenke: Klimaschutz von unten Von RALPH—DIERMANN
20210209             Unterbrechung wegen Gewaltandrohungen: Kontrollen in nordirischen Häfen werden wieder aufgenommen
20210209             Spionage durch den CHEF: Wie kann ich mich gegen Überwachung im Job wehren?
20210209             "Strategie für den Sieg": Opposition in BELARUS will Neuwahlen durchsetzen
20210209             Pandemie: Abgewandelte CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTE beunruhigt britische Wissenschaftler
20210209             Impeachment: USA—SENAT erklärt Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump für verfassungsgemäß
20210209             ENGLAND: Bußgelder und Gefängnis für Falschangaben bei der Einreise
20210209             —BIS zu 10.000—PFUND müssen bezahlt werden, wenn die verordnete Hotelquarantäne nicht eingehalten wird.
20210209             Wer bei seiner Einreise Aufenthalte in Risikogebiete verschweigt, muss sogar mit —BIS zu 10—JAHREN Haft rechnen, so der MINISTER.
20210209             Schweden will Fernverkehr mit Bus und Bahn einschränken
20210209             Die Maßnahme solle nach einer kurzen Prüfung durch die Behörden an diesem —SONNTAG in Kraft treten und voraussichtlich —BIS Mai gelten.
20210209             Die Bundesregierung will für die weltweite Bekämpfung der CORONA—PANDEMIE zusätzlich 1,5 Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung stellen.
20210209             Demnach sind 620—MILLIONEN Euro für Impfdosen für Entwicklungsländer und 100—MILLIONEN Euro für Impfstoffe zur Abgabe für humanitäre Zwecke vorgesehen.
20210209             Facebook will schärfer gegen Falschinformationen über die Pandemie und Impfungen vorgehen.
20210209             —GEMACHT, Zudem soll es den Nutzern leichter, werden, sich über Möglichkeiten für 1—IMPFUNG zu informieren, heißt es in einem BLOG—POSTING des USA—KONZERNS.
20210209             ISRAEL, waren knapp 3—PROZENT—DER—CORONA—TOTEN geimpft
20210209             ISRAEL, waren weniger als 3—PROZENT—DER—CORONA—TOTEN im vergangenen —MONAT vorher gegen das Coronavirus geimpft.
20210209             Mehr als 97—PROZENT der nach einer Infektion gestorbenen Menschen seien nicht gegen das Virus geimpft gewesen.
20210209             Abruptes Ende einer Geburtstagsparty — 27—CORONA—VERSTÖSSE
20210209             Der Vermieter der Ferienwohnung muss mit einer Anzeige wegen des —DERZEIT bestehenden Beherbergungsverbots rechnen.
20210209             USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN spricht sich dafür aus, Lehrer vorrangig impfen zu lassen.
20210209             Biden wolle sich in der Frage jedoch auf den Rat von Wissenschaftlern für eine umfassende Wiedereröffnung der Schulen verlassen,
20210209             Sie gilt als die älteste Frau Europas und hat mit fast 117—JAHREN 1—CORONA—INFEKTION überstanden: die französische Ordensschwester André, mit bürgerlichem Namen Lucile Randon.
20210209             "Ich hatte keine Angst", sagte sie dem Fernsehsender BFM—TV.
20210209             Denn der Tod schrecke sie nicht.
20210209             Allerdings konnte das Virus ihr wenig anhaben.
20210209             "Ich habe gar nicht bemerkt, dass ich es hatte"
20210209             New Yorker Gastronomie darf wieder öffnen
20210209             SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEINS Ministerpräsident DANIEL—GÜNTHER (CDU) hält 1. Lockerungsschritte in seinem Land —BEREITS im Februar für möglich.
20210209             SACHSEN öffnet Schulen ab —MONTAG wieder - Athen geht in harten Shutdown
20210209             Husum: ALLE—SCHLACHTHOF—BESCHÄFTIGTE in Quarantäne - Mehr als 3—MILLIONEN Fälle in Spanien
20210209             Mit 766—NEUEN Todesfällen binnen 24—STUNDEN wurde zudem der höchste Wert —SEIT April verzeichnet.
20210209             Britische CORONA—MUTATION auf Norderney festgestellt
20210209             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 2112 (=) Óbitos - 34 (=) Recuperados - 1852 (+92) Casos ativos - 226 (-92)
20210209             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 66 (+3) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 44 (+1) Casos ativos - 18 (+2)
20210209             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 61 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 42 (+1) Casos ativos - 18 (-1)
20210209             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 347 (+5) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 288 (+16) Casos ativos - 58 (-11)
20210209             Faro Casos confirmados - 2857 (+10) Óbitos - 29 (+1) Recuperados - 2352 (+106) Casos ativos - 476 (-97)
20210209             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 564 (+5) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 458 (+35) Casos ativos - 61 (-30)
20210209             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 1269 (=) Óbitos - 19 (=) Recuperados - 1083 (+41) Casos ativos - 167 (-41)
20210209             Loulé Casos confirmados - 3441 (+6) Óbitos - 48 (=) Recuperados - 2880 (+135) Casos ativos - 513 (-129)
20210209             MONCHIQUE Casos confirmados - 166 (+6) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 55 (+3) Casos ativos - 109 (+3)
20210209             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1559 (+8) Óbitos - 18 (=) Recuperados - 1343 (+102) Casos ativos - 198 (-94)
20210209             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1864 (+8) Óbitos - 23 (=) Recuperados - 1500 (+44) Casos ativos - 341 (-36)
20210209             Silves Casos confirmados - 1127 (+3) Óbitos - 12 (=) Recuperados - 938 (+68) Casos ativos - 177 (-65)
20210209             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 355 (=) Óbitos - 11 (=) Recuperados - 296 (+11) Casos Ativos - 48 (-11)
20210209             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1414 (=) Óbitos - 29 (=) Recuperados - 1306 (+38) Casos ativos - 79 (-38)
20210209             VRSA Casos confirmados - 1129 (+23) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 909 (+69) Casos ativos - 205 (-46)
20210209             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 121 (=) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 107 (+1) Casos ativos - 9 (-1)
20210209             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 15,8 Fälle gesamt 1.266—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 950,5 Todesfälle gesamt 39—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210209             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 180—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 68,0 Fälle gesamt 8.534—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.224,8 Todesfälle gesamt 219—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210209             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 147—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 75,9 Fälle gesamt 4.811—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.484,3 Todesfälle gesamt 176—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210209             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 21,3 Fälle gesamt 1.001—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.014,1 Todesfälle gesamt 29—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210209             LK Heidekreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 34—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 24,2 Fälle gesamt 2.082—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.480,0 Todesfälle gesamt 86—EINWOHNERZAHL 140.673—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210209             LK Hof Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 247—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 260,5 Fälle gesamt 3.486—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.677,2 Todesfälle gesamt 100—EINWOHNERZAHL 94.801—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210209             LK NEUBURG—SCHROBENHAUSEN Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 22—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 22,6 Fälle gesamt 2.646—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.719,3 Todesfälle gesamt 59—EINWOHNERZAHL 97.303—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210209             LK Osterholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 27—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 23,7 Fälle gesamt 1.673—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.468,5 Todesfälle gesamt 49—EINWOHNERZAHL 113.928—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210209             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 24—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 18,7 Fälle gesamt 784—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 609,2 Todesfälle gesamt 20—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210209             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 347—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 73,7 Fälle gesamt 11.165—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.372,4 Todesfälle gesamt 282—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20210209             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 203—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 71,7 Fälle gesamt 6.933—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.447,5 Todesfälle gesamt 105—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210209             LK Tirschenreuth Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 283—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 392,8 Fälle gesamt 3.700—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 5.135,6 Todesfälle gesamt 204—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.046—BUNDESLAND Bayer
20210209             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 32—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 23,3 Fälle gesamt 2.543—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.854,4 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210209             LK Wunsiedel i.Fichtelgebirge Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 206—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 283,5 Fälle gesamt 3.117—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.290,1 Todesfälle gesamt 137—EINWOHNERZAHL 72.655—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210209             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 207—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 64,5 Fälle gesamt 14.655—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.563,7 Todesfälle gesamt 307—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210209             SK Hof Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 130—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 283,7 Fälle gesamt 1.997—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.357,9 Todesfälle gesamt 65—EINWOHNERZAHL 45.825—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210209             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 784—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 72,1 Fälle gesamt 31.595—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.904,3 Todesfälle gesamt 461—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210209             SK Wilhelmshaven Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 19—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 25,0 Fälle gesamt 1.005—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.320,8 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 76.089—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210209             Global Cases 106.862.101 Global Deaths 2.338.004
20210209—20090000    —J—IM, In der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise waren die Exporte um 18,4 Prozent und die Importe um 17,5 Prozent zurückgegangen.
20210209—20190900    —IM, flog zudem Hassa AL—MANSURI als 1. Emirati ins All.
20210209—20191200    —VOR, Hinweise, dass es —BEREITS Infektionen mit SARS—COV—2—BEIM Menschen gab, wurden demnach ebenfalls nicht gefunden.
20210209—20210601    —BIS, Gesundheitsnotstand in Frankreich verlängert