Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 4. February ?

Ereignisse an einem 4. February

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02110204             —NACH ihres Vater SEPTIMIUS—SEVERUS Tod,
02110204             CARACALLA und des CARACALLA Bruder GETA, gemeinsame RÖMER—REICH—HERRSCHER, werden.
02110204             † Septimius Severus, römischer Kaiser
07080204             † SISINNIUS—PAPA
08560204             † Rabanus Maurus, Erzbischof von MAINZ, Verfasser zweier lateinischer Enzyklopädien
09000204             OST—FRANKEN—REICH—KÖNIG—LUDWIG—IV—DAS—KIND, in FORCHHEIM, gekrönt, wird zu des.
09000204             —AM, zu des OST—FRANKEN—REICH—KÖNIG—LUDWIG, erhoben, in der PFALZ—FORCH—HEIM, im Alter von 6—JAHREN, wurde.
09000204             DES OST—FRANKEN—REICH—KÖNIG—LUDWIG Krönung ist die älteste überlieferte OST—FRANKEN—KÖNIG—KRÖNUNG.
09600204             Im KAISER—REICH—CHINA kommt durch 1—STAATS—STREICH DER—GENERAL—FELD—MARSCHALL—SONG—TAIZU an die Macht und
10410204             † Fujiwara no Kint?, japanischer Dichter und Aristokrat
11500204             † EKBERT—I—GRAF—VON—TECKLENBURG
11610204             † Inge Krogrygg, KÖNIG—VON—NORWEGEN
11680204             † DIETRICH—VON—ELSASS, Graf von Flandern
11690204             Der Ätna bricht aus und 1—ERDBEBEN erschüttert am selben —TAG Sizilien und Kalabrien.
11690204             Genauere Angaben über Opfer und Schäden fehlen.
11890204             † GILBERT von Sempringham, englischer Ordensgründer
11940204             —FREED—FROM—CAPTIVITY—IN—AUSTRIA, RICHARD—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND, was, with the payment of LEOPOLD—VI—RANSOM—OF—100,000
11940204—11921200    —SEIT, Nach der Zahlung des Lösegelds und der Einlösung aller Bedingungen, unter anderem seiner Unterwerfung unter KAISER—HEINRICH—VI., wird der englische KÖNIG—RICHARD—LÖWENHERZ, der sich in der Gefangenschaft des österreichischen Herzogs Leopold V. befunden hat, freigelassen.
12040204             —USQUE—AD—MORTEM (f. ANNO) E contrario, THEODERICUS—HOLLANDIAE—COMES a parte OTTONIS—REGIS fideliter stetisse asseritur.
12220204             † Wilhelm I—GRAF—VON—HOLLAND und Kreuzritter
13490204             —ANNO, DISPOSITIONI SEDIS—APOSTOLICAE reservata.
13580204             PISA, WALTHER—VON—HOCHSCHLITZ bittet um Ersatz seines Verlustes durch den Brand an seiner Behausung (Fumi 2—SEITE—123, 862).
13710204             REYNA, Tochter des t HENRICH—BINTHELLINCS—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH, hebt den mit EISA,
13710204             REYNA, Tochter des t HENRICH—BINTHELLINCS—BÜRGER—ZU—ZÜLPICH,
14420204             Auf dem Konzil von Florenz wird 1—UNION zwischen der RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHEN und der koptischen Kirche geschlossen, die jedoch ohne weitere Folgen bleibt.
14440204             * ANNE—BEAUCHAMP, 15. Countess of Warwick, englische Adelige
14490204             —ANKÄUFE—VON,
14490204             —AM, WILHELM—II—VON—LÜLSDORF erscheint als MÖNCH
14490204             DIETRICH—VON—HIRTZFELD erwähnt —AM,
14540204             Der —IM—VOR—JAHR durch KAISER—FRIEDRICH—III. für rechtswidrig erklärte Preußische Bund unter HANS—VON—BAYSEN kündigt dem Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens, LUDWIG—VON—ERLICHSHAUSEN, den Gehorsam auf und beginnt —IN—DER—FOLGE den Dreizehnjährigen Krieg.
14550000             And MOHAMMAD—IBRAHIM—KAMEL, 1—PROMINENT—EGYPT—BUSINESSMAN who is close to PRESIDENT—MUBARAK, —JUST told BBC Arabic radio's AKRAM—SHABAN that MISTER—MUBARAK will not leave power —BEFORE THE—END—OF—HIS—TERM, and will not cave in to external pressure from USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA or anyone else.
14580000             HANNAH—ALLAM tweets: "OUT—OF—SQUARE—NOW.
14750204             † GIOVANNI—ANDREA—BUSSI, italienischer Prälat und Humanist
14750204             † Georg I. von Schaumberg, FÜRST—BISCHOF von Bamberg
14830204             * Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, italienischer Maler
14850822—20130204    —ON, scientists announced that they had identified RICHARD—III—KING—OF—ENGLAND—SKELETON, which was found
14920204/14930204    DÉPÊCHE—DE—VALORI aux 8—DE PRATICA, citée en partie à LE—APPENDICE—NUMERO—13.
14930204             —VOYEZ à l'appendice (n<"7—13), les DÉPÊCHEs de LE—AMBASSADEUR—VALORI des, et celle du.
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, RRmi.
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, a fratre Rmi. DOMINUS—KARDINALIS—ALERIENSIS vocati,
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, circa hora 20 venerunt ad domum ejusdem KARDINALIS—ALERIENSIS, quem reperierunt agonizantem;
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, quibus signifîcatum ibidem fuit eumdem KARDINALEM—ALERIENSEM ipsos Neapolitanum et Senensem,
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, 1—CUM KARDINALE—ASCANIO et JOHANNE—EPISCOPO—MUTINENSI ac fratre GARCIA—DE—VILLANOVA testamenti sui exequtores constituisse;
14930204             —FERIA—SECUNDA, fuerunt ibidem PER—HORAM—VEL—CIRCA, congregati, deinde ascenderunt ad PALATIUM ad SS—D—N ubi fuerunt usque CA—HORAM—XXIIII;
14930204             † REQUIESCAT—IN—PACE.
14980204             † ANTONIO—POLLAIUOLO, italienischer Bildhauer, Maler und Kupferstecher
14990204             —RECURRERUNT igitur DIE—LUNE iterum, POST—HORAM—VESPERARUM a CAMPO—FLORE, sive a clavica inter domos Rmi.
15040204             * PHILIPP—GALLICIUS, reformierter Theologe, Kirchenlieddichter und Reformator des Engadins
15050000             We've had 1—FEW—PRO—MUBARAK comments, so to balance things out, here's THE—HEAD—OF—THE—EGYPT—DEMOCRATIC—FRONT, Osama AL—GHAZALI Harb, with his VIEW—OF—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK: "HE—LOST his legitimacy, he lost the respect of his people.
15050204             † S—JOAN—OF—VALOIS—QUEEN—OF—FRANCE, 40—JAHRE—ALT, saint.
15070000             THE—SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—THE—ARAB League, Amr Moussa, has been telling THE—BBC World Service why he joined THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS in Tahrir Square —TODAY: "The demonstrators have their voice loud and clear in asking for change and asking for reform.
15080204             MAXIMILIAN—I. nimmt im Dom zu Trient mit Zustimmung durch JULIUS—II—PAPA. die Kaiserwürde an.
15080204             1—KRÖNUNG durch den PAPA in Rom verhindert DIE—REPUBLIK—VENEDIG, weil sie des MAXIMILIAN—I. Durchzug durch ihr Gebiet ablehnt.
15080204             † CONRAD—CELTIS, deutscher Humanist und Dichter
15080204             —PROCLAMATION—OF—TRENT. [need more data]
15080204             Es darf auch VORAUSGESETZT—ALS,—BEKANNT, soll daher nur kurz hier erwähnt werden, wie
15080204             —AM, IN TRIENT, MAXIMILIAN—I. sich selbst zum RÖMER—KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I. erklärte,
15080204             —DANN, den Zug nach ITALIEN über das Gebirge antrat KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I.
15080204             seinen Truppen überlassend KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I. den KAMPF—MIT—DER REPUBLIK—VENEDIG,
15080204             —DANN, des KAISER—MAXIMILIAN—I—TRUPPEN zurückgeschlagen im CADORE von der REPUBLIK—VENEDIG BEFEHLSHABER—ALVIANO siegreich vordringend wurden.
15100000             Sandmonkey tweets: "SOME—PROTESTERS are demanding 1—MARCH on the presidential palace and people are discussing it.
15130204             † PHILIPP—VON—ROSENBERG, FÜRST—BISCHOF von Speyer
15150204             * Miko?aj Radziwi?? Czarny, litauischer Adeliger, Beamter und Staatsmann
15150204             * MICHAEL—RADVILA—THE—BLACK in Nesvizh.
15160000             THE—BBC—TIM—WILLCOX saying that shots can be heard in CENTRAL—CAIRO.
15200000             THE—BBC—JIM—MUIR at Tahrir Square says shots were heard in the distance but no reaction from the crowd in the square. The scene there is still 1—OF—PEACEFUL—PROTEST.
15220000             THE—BBC—LYSE—DOUCET tweets: "Curfew in CAIRO.
15220204             PADOUE[PADUA].
15230204             † SIMON—PISTORIS der Ältere, deutscher Mediziner
15290204             † LUDWIG—HÄTZER, Schweizer PUBLIZIST—UND—BIBELÜBERSETZER, Märtyrer der Täuferbewegung
15510204             † JOHANN—IV—FÜRST von ANHALT—ZERBST
15510204             † THOMAS—VENATORIUS, deutscher Mathematiker, evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
15530204             † Caspar Othmayr, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher und Komponist
15550204             Der protestantische Theologe JOHN—ROGERS stirbt als verurteilter Ketzer auf der Londoner Richtstätte Smithfield den Feuertod.
15570000             THE—BBC website has collated reaction from the media —AROUND THE—MIDDLE—EAST,including 1—WARNING from Shafiq Nazim AL—GHABRA in PAN—ARAB AL—HAYAT: "THE—WINDS—OF—CHANGE in EGYPT will blow all over the Arab world, carrying with them 1—NEW—ARAB generation".
15630204             † WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG—ANSBACH—KULMBACH, Erzbischof von RIGA
15750204             * PIERRE—DE—BÉRULLE, französischer Theologe und Kardinal
15820204             —BELAGERUNG—VON—PSKOW im Livländischen Krieg endet —NACH—DEM im VERTRAG—VON—JAM—ZAPOLSKI vereinbarten Waffenstillstand mit dem Abzug der letzten POLNISCH—LITAUISCHEN Einheiten von der russischen Stadt.
15900204             † NICOLE—DE—SAVIGNY, Baronin von SAINT—REMY und Mätresse des französischen Königs HEINRICH—II.
15970204             † JOACHIM—VON—BEUST, deutscher Jurist
15980204             † ABDULLAH—II., Fürst der Usbeken
16000204             Die Astronomen Tycho Brahe und JOHANNES—KEPLER treffen einander erstmals im Schloss Benatek nahe Prag.
16000204             1. TIME ,TYCHO—BRAHE, JOHANNES—KEPLER, met, near PRAGUE.
16040000             THE—UN—RIGHTS—CHIEF—NAVI—PILLAY issues 1—STATEMENT making 1—NEW—APPEAL to the authorities, saying: "EGYPT must implement its INTERNATIONAL human rights obligations and prevent further violence.
16070000             Jan25 Voices tweets: "Eyes on PRO—MUBARAK in Mohandessin.
16090204             † García Hurtado de MENDOZA, spanischer Gouverneur von CHILE und Vizekönig von PERU
16120204             † JOSEF—VON—LEONESSA, italienischer KAPUZINER—MISSIONAR, Heiliger
16170000             REPORTS—OF—SHOTS fired NORTH—OF—TAHRIR Square, carried by and Sky News, though no confirmation yet.
16170204             † LOUIS—ELSEVIER, niederländischer Verleger, Buchbinder und Buchhändler
16170204             † HOLLAND—PUBLISHER—LOUIS—ELSEVIER (~76).
16220204             † JACOB—STUDER, Schweizer Bibliophiler und Bibliothekar
16270204             * ROBERT—BOYLE, irischer Chemiker und Naturwissenschaftler
16270204             * Ludolf LORENZ—VON—KROSIGK, kurbrandenburgischer Kriegsrat, Kammerherr und Obrist
16460204             * HANS—ASSMANN—FREIHERR—VON—ABSCHATZ, deutscher Barocklyriker
16460204             * HEINRICH—CHRISTOPH—VON—WOLFRAMSDORF, Fürstpropst von Ellwangen
16480204             FERFOR (?) DEN.
16540214—16710204    —VOM—BIS zu seinem Tod, JOHANN—VON—MÜLLENBECK, wird erwähnt
16670204             * HIERONYMUS—DATHE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
16710204             † JOHANN—VON—MÜLLENBECK
16720204             † ANNA—MARIA—MARTINOZZI, 1—DER—MAZARINETTEN und Fürstin von Conti
16720204             —DONNERSTAG
16720204             —MITTWOCH
16730204             dito de vive force doen attacqueren, overrompelt ende in brandt gesteecken.
16770204             * JOHANN—LUDWIG—BACH, deutscher Komponist
16820204             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BÖTTGER, deutscher Naturforscher und Alchemist, Weiterentwickler des Porzellans in EUROPA
16850204             * WILHELMINE—VON—GRÄVENITZ, Mätresse des württembergischen Herzoges EBERHARD—LUDWIG
16870204             † François de Créquy, französischer GENERAL, MARSCHALL—VON—FRANKREICH
16880204             * PIERRE—CARLET—DE—MARIVAUX, französischer Schriftsteller
16910204             † PAUL—AMMANN, deutscher Mediziner und Botaniker
16940204             * GEORG—GOTTLOB—RICHTER, deutscher Mediziner
16940204             † NATALJA—KIRILLOWNA—NARYSCHKINA, tatarische Adelige, 2. Gattin von Zar Alexei I. von Russland
16960204             * MARCO—FOSCARINI, 117. Doge von Venedig
16970204             Im Tordinona in Rom erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper La clemenza d'Augusto von GIOVANNI—BONONCINI.
16980204             * HEINRICH—AUGUST de la Motte Fouqué, preußischer GENERAL
16990204             * FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRÜHL, kursächsischer und polnischer Geheimer Rat, Landeshauptmann von Thüringen
17020204             † GEORG—MICHAEL—HEBER, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler
17090204             † ANNE—DE—ROHAN—CHABOT, Fürstin von Soubise und Mätresse Ludwigs XIV.
17140204             * WILHELM—II. Roßhirt, Abt des Zisterzienserklosters in Ebrach
17170204             † JOHANN—ADAM—SEUPEL, Straßburger Maler und Kupferstecher
17210204             † HEINRICH—MYLIUS, deutscher Mediziner
17220000             EGYPT—PRIME—MINISTER—AHMAD—SHAFIQ tells BBC Arabic that 80—PERCENT—OF—THE—DEMONSTRATORS' demands have been met, adding that MISTER—MUBARAK—DECISION not to run again is tantamount to the "departure" they have demanded.
17220204             Der Ukas zur unter dem Einfluss Peters des Großen entstandenen Rangtabelle wird in Russland veröffentlicht und tritt —6—TAGE—SPÄTER in Kraft.
17220204             —GEGLIEDERT, In ihr wird das staatliche Laufbahnsystem, das —BIS zur Oktoberrevolution gelten wird.
17250204             * Dru Drury, britischer Entomologe
17290000             DOMINIC—WAGHORN, writing on Sky News' MIDDLE—EAST blog, says: "Hotels near the square have also informed journalists they are not allowed on balconies overlooking the square and camera equipment has been seized by hotel security, apparently under instructions from the government".
17310204             —AM, in SCHEVENHÜTTE]
17330204             ENGLAND, the widow MISTER—S—LYDIA—DUNCOMB, 80—JAHRE—ALT, her long term infirm companion MISTER—S—HARRISON, 60—JAHRE—ALT, and servant Ann Price (26) were murdered —DURING 1—ROBBERY.
17330204             —INDICTED, The servant SARAH—MALCOLM (22) of County DURHAM was.
17330204—17330307    —DEFENDED, She strongly, herself but was convicted and executed.
17380204             Sein Leichnam bleibt mehrere Jahre in einem eisernen Käfig hängen.
17380204             * JOACHIM—WILHELM—VON—BRAWE, deutscher Dramatiker
17380204             † JOSEPH—SÜSS—OPPENHEIMER, deutscher Finanzmakler und Bankier
17380204—17380109    —BEOBACHTET, Eine große MENGE—VON—ZUSCHAUERN, vor den Toren Stuttgarts auf dem Galgenberg die Hinrichtung von JOSEPH—SÜSS—OPPENHEIMER, der sich als Finanzberater unter dem verstorbenen HERZOG—KARL—ALEXANDER—VON—WÜRTTEMBERG in ständischen Kreisen unbeliebt gemacht hat und ohne Begründung zum Tode verurteilt worden ist.
17400204             * ADAM—PHILIPPE de Custine, französischer GENERAL
17410204             * ELIZABETH Batts, englische Wirtstochter, Ehefrau von JAMES—COOK
17450204             † GEORG—ERMEL, deutscher Pädagoge
17460204             * Tadeusz Ko?ciuszko, polnischer Adeliger, GENERAL und Nationalheld
17470204             * TADEUSZ—KOSCIUSKO, patriot, USA—REVOLUTION hero (built WEST—POINT), in POLAND.
17470204—17460000    —SEE
17480204             * MATTHIAS—GOTTFRIED—EICHLER, deutscher Zeichner und Kupferstecher
17480204             † GABRIEL—GIRARD, französischer Romanist, Slawist, Grammatiker und Lexikologe
17490204             —AM Teatro ARGENTINA in Rom wird die Oper Artaserse von Niccolò Jommelli uraufgeführt.
17500204             * JOHANNA—GABRIELE—VON—ÖSTERREICH, Erzherzogin von Österreich und PRINZESSIN—VON—BÖHMEN, Ungarn und der Toskana
17520204             † Louis I. de Bourbon, HERZOG—VON—ORLÉANS und HERZOG—VON—NEMOURS, Großmeister des Lazarusordens
17530204             † ANNA—EMERENTIA—VON—REVENTLOW, deutsche Gräfin, Wohltäterin und Priorin des Klosters Uetersen
17580204             * Iwan Prokofjewitsch Prokofjew, russischer Bildhauer und Hochschullehrer
17610204             * BLASIUS—MERREM, deutscher Professor für Zoologie und Ornithologie
17730204             * LUDWIG—VON—WOLZOGEN, preußischer GENERAL der Infanterie
177370204            † KARL—FREI—HERR—VON—BLITTERSDORF, Abt, in Corvey
17740204             * FREDERICK—TRAUGOTT—PURSH, DEUTSCH—KANADISCHER Botaniker und Gärtner
17760204             * GOTTFRIED—REINHOLD—TREVIRANUS, deutscher Arzt und Naturforscher
17780204             † FRIEDRICH—SELTENDORFF, Baumeister des Leipziger Barock und Rokoko
17800204             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—PASSERI, italienischer Archäologe
17810204             † JOSEF—MYSLIVE?ek, tschechischer Komponist
17820204             * CARL—HEINRICH—ASTER, deutscher Militärschriftsteller
17830204             —DECLARED, BRITAIN, 1—FORMAL—CESSATION—OF—HOSTILITIES with its former colonies, THE—USA—OF—AMERICA.
17870204             † Pompeo Batoni, italienischer Maler
17870204             SHAY—REBELLION, 1—UPRISING—OF—DEBT—RIDDEN—MASSACHUSETTS farmers, failed.
17890204             GEORGE—WASHINGTON wird bei der 1. Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten vom Wahlmännerkollegium einstimmig zum 1. Präsidenten der USA gewählt.
17890204             Vizepräsident wird JOHN—ADAMS.
17890204             Electors unanimously chose GEORGE—WASHINGTON to be the 1.  PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA and JOHN—ADAMS as VICE—PRESIDENT.
17890204             —COUNTED, The results of the balloting were not, in THE—USA—SENATE—UNTIL—2—MONTHS—LATER.
17900204             * JOHN—BACHMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Naturgelehrter und Priester
17900204             Tous les fonctionnaires devront prêter serment de fidélité À—LA—NATION À—LA—LOI et au ROILOUIS—XVI[LUDWIG—XVI—KÖNIG—VON—FRANKREICH]
17930204             † KARL—BLANK, russischer Architekt
17940204             Frankreich schafft im Zuge der Französischen Revolution in allen seinen Territorien die Sklaverei ab.
17940204             —VOTED, FRANCE—1. Republic (Convention), for THE—ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY in all FRANCE—COLONIES.
17940204             —STATED, The abolition decree, that "the Convention declares the slavery of the Blacks abolished in all the colonies; consequently, all men, irrespective of color, living in the colonies are FRANCE—CITIZENS and will enjoy all the rights provided by the Constitution".
17940204             Slaves in HAITI won emancipation.
17940204—18020000    —RESTORED, Slavery was, by the Consulate and
17940204—18480000    —IN, was definitively abolished by the 2. Republic, on VICTOR—SCHOELCHER—INITIATIVE.
17970204             Die Stadt RIOBAMBA im spanischen Vizekönigreich Neugranada, dem heutigen ECUADOR, wird durch 1—ERDBEBEN nahezu völlig zerstört, die HÄLFTE—DER—EINWOHNERSCHAFT kommt ums Leben.
17970204             —KILLED, Earthquake in QUITO—ECUADOR, some, 40,000—PEOPLE.
17970204             —DESTROYED, RIOBAMBA was.
17990204             * Almeida Garrett, portugiesischer Romanschriftsteller, Dichter, Dramaturg und Politiker
18000204             † CHARLOTTE SOPHIE—BENTINCK, deutsche Adlige
18010120—18010204    —ON, He was sworn in.
18010204             JOHN—MARSHALL was sworn in as CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—THE—USA.
18020204             * MARK—HOPKINS, USA—EDUCATOR, philosopher (Williams College).
18040204             * Ulrike von Levetzow, letzte Liebe des JOHANN—WOLFGANG—VON—GOETHE
18050204             * WILLIAM—HARRISON—AINSWORTH, britischer Schriftsteller historischer Romane
18050204             † JOHN—SLOSS—HOBART, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker
18050204             † JOHANN—GEORGE—TROMLITZ, deutscher Flötist, Flötenbauer und Komponist
18070204             † JOHANN—IGNAZ—SEUFFERT, deutscher Orgelbauer
18080204             * JOSEF—KAJETÁN—TYL, tschechischer Theaterdramatiker
18090204             * LOUIS—BRAILLE.
18090204             —BLINDED, LOUIS—BRAILLE was, at age 4 as THE—RESULT—OF—1—ACCIDENT in his father's shop.
18090204             —WITNESSED, At age 15, Louis, 1—DEMONSTRATION there by CHARLES—BARBIER, 1—SOLDIER who had invented "night writing," 1—SYSTEM—OF—LETTERS embossed on cardboard for silent communication along trenches.
18090204             —WHILE BARBIER—SYSTEM was too complex to be practical, Braille simplified and adapted it to a 6—DOT—CODE representing letters that enabled people with impaired vision to not only read but also write for themselves.
18090204—18190000    —ACCOMPLISHED, Nevertheless, he became 1, organist and cellist and won 1—SCHOLARSHIP to attend the National Institute for Blind Youth in PARIS.
18090204—18270000    —IN, the 1. Braille book was published, but Braille himself † of tuberculosis at age 43--before his system gained widespread acceptance.
18100204             Die britische Marine einnimmt, während der Napoleonischen Kriege, die von Frankreich beherrschte KARIBIK—INSEL—GRUPPE—GUADELOUPE.
18100204             † Fjodor Gordejewitsch Gordejew, russischer Bildhauer und Hochschullehrer
18100204             Mariage religieux au LOUVRE.
18100204—18130303    —BIS—ZUM, die KARIBIK—INSEL—GRUPPE—GUADELOUPE bleibt in britischem Besitz.
18110204             * Aristide CAVAILLÉ—COLL, französischer Orgelbauer
18120204             * NICOLAUS—ZINK, DEUTSCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Zivilingenieur und Farmer
18140000—18940204    * † Antoine J "Adolphe" Sax, BELGIUM—BORN instrument maker (saxophone), in PARIS.
18140204             * SAMUEL—J—TILDEN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Gouverneur von NEW—YORK, Präsidentschaftskandidat
18150204             * Josip Juraj Strossmayer, kroatischer Politiker und katholischer Theologe
18160204             † JOHN—ARMSTRONG, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Offizier, Jurist und Politiker
18160204             † JOACHIM—PERINET, österreichischer Schauspieler und Schriftsteller
18180204             * RUDOLF—BAIER, deutscher Museumsgründer und -direktor
18180204             * THEODOR—WILHELM—DANZEL, deutscher Literaturhistoriker
18190204             † Gaspar Smit, spanischer KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
18200204             * Božena N?mcová, tschechische Schriftstellerin
18220204             † JEAN—BAPTISTE—CYRUS—MARIE—ADÉLAÏDE de Timbrune de Thiembronne, französischer GENERAL
18220204             —SETTLED, Free USA—BLACKS, LIBERIA, WEST—AFRICA.
18220204             —LANDED, The 1. GROUP—OF—COLONISTS, in LIBERIA and founded MONROVIA, the colony's capital city, named in HONOR—OF—PRESIDENT—JAMES—MONROE.
18230204             † FRANZ—BÜHLER, deutscher Benediktinermönch, Musiker und Komponist
18240204             J.W. Goodrich introduced rubber galoshes to public.
18250204             Die Februarflut, auch als Halligflut bezeichnete Sturmflut, verursacht schwere Schäden an der gesamten Nordseeküste und kostet rund 800—MENSCHEN das Leben.
18250204             —GERISSEN, Teile Sylts werden ins Meer, das nördliche Jütland wird zur Insel.
18250204             † CARL—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—BERG, deutscher Landwirt
18250204             † BERNHARD—FRIEDRICH—KUHN, Schweizer Politiker und Jurist
18250204             † CARL—GÜNTHER—VON—SCHWARZBURG—RUDOLSTADT, deutscher Polizeidirektor
18260204             * Halbert E. Paine, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker und GENERAL
18290204             * Paul d'Ivry, französischer Komponist
18310204             * OLIVER—AMES, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18350204             † Wade HAMPTON I., USA—AMERIKANISCHER Großgrundbesitzer, GENERAL und Politiker
18360204             —AM Teatro La Fenice in Venedig findet die Uraufführung der Oper Belisario von GAETANO—DONIZETTI statt.
18360204             * FERDINAND—JANNER, deutscher RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Theologe und Pädagoge
18370204             † JOHN—LATHAM, britischer Arzt, Ornithologe, Naturforscher und Autor
18380204             * Tomaso Benvenuti, italienischer Komponist
18380204             † MICHAEL—OESTREICH, deutscher Orgelbauer
18420204             * GEORG—BRANDES, dänischer Schriftsteller
18420204             * HUGO—SCHUCHARDT, deutscher Romanist
18440204             * ANDREAS—AMRHEIN, Schweizer Benediktinermönch
18440204             † WILLEM—DE—CLERCQ, niederländischer Schriftsteller
18460204             The 1. Mormons left NAUVOO—ILLINOIS, and crossed THE—MISSISSIPPI River heading toward UTAH.
18460204             Brigham Young, JOSEPH—SMITH—SUCCESSOR, led the Mormons overland from NAUVOO—ILLINOIS, to the Great Salt Lake Valley.
18460204             —GATHERED, Mormon pioneer SAM—BRANNON, some 250—MORMONS aboard the ship, Brooklyn, and sailed from NEW—YORK to S—FRANCISCO.
18460204—18470000    —SEE
18470204             * Remus von Woyrsch, deutscher GENERAL—FELD—MARSCHALL
18480204             * JEAN—AICARD, französischer Dichter, Romancier und Dramatiker
18480204             * HERMANN—VON—HATZFELDT, preußischer Politiker und Beamter
18480204             † JAN—RICHARD—DE—BRUEYS, niederländischer Rechtswissenschaftler
18490204             CAMPHAUSEN
18490204             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—213—KÖLN.
18490204             Camphausen
18500204             * KARL—FROHME, deutscher Politiker, MdR
18530204             † JEAN—ALEXANDRE—GUILLAUME Leresche, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher, Hochschullehrer und Politiker
18540204             † GEORGE—WATTERSTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Leiter der Bibliothek des USA—KONGRESS
18550204             * JOSEPH—AUER, deutscher Komponist
18560000             Freud, Siegmund -20030204
18560000             Freud, SIEGMUND—BIOGRAFIA 20030204             .html Untitled - -
18570204             —BERICHTET, HERMANN—SCHAAFFHAUSEN, nach Untersuchung fossiler Knochen über einen —BISHER unbekannten Frühmenschen, den Neandertaler, in der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde in BONN.
18570204             Dort zeigt er einen Gipsabdruck des von JOHANN—CARL—FUHLROTT im Neandertal gefundenen Schädeldaches.
18580204             * CARL—SEITZ, deutscher Mediziner
18590204             * JUSTUS—STRANDES, deutscher Kaufmann und Politiker
18600204             Im SPANISCH—MAROKKANISCHEN Krieg besetzen spanische Truppen die marokkanische Stadt Tétouan.
18600204             * JACKSON—WHIPPS—SHOWALTER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schachspieler
18610204             Die —BEREITS—FRÜHER aus der Union ausgetretenen Südstaaten SOUTH—CAROLINA, MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, ALABAMA, GEORGIA und LOUISIANA schließen sich in MONTGOMERY zu den Konföderierten Staaten von AMERIKA zusammen, was einen Sezessionskrieg beinahe unvermeidlich macht.
18610204             * FRANZ—WINTER, deutscher Archäologe
18610204             Delegates from 6—SOUTHERN—STATES met in MONTGOMERY—ALABAMA, to form the Confederate STATES—OF—AMERICA.
18610204             —ELECTED, They, Jefferson Davis as PRESIDENT—OF—CONFEDERACY.
18610204             —DECIDED, Winfield Scott, USA—GENERAL—IN—CHIEF, to relieve LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—ROBERT—E—LEE as COMMANDER—OF—FEDERAL—FORCES in TEXAS and bring him to WASHINGTON DC where Lee could take COMMAND—OF—FORCES guarding DC.
18610204             THE—APACHE—WARS began.
18620204             Facundo Bacardí kauft eine kleine RUM—DESTILLERIE in der Calle Matadero N° 5 in SANTIAGO—DE—CUBA und gründet das Unternehmen Bacardi & CALIFORNIA.
18620204             † HEINRICH—SCHMÜCKERT, Generalpostdirektor des Königreichs Preußen
18640204             An der Hofoper in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der romantischen Oper Die Rheinnixen von JACQUES—OFFENBACH.
18640204             Das Stück gerät bald in Vergessenheit, —BIS auf EINIGE—MELODIEN, die der KOMPONIST—IN—LES—CONTES—DE—HOFFMANN wieder verwendet.
18650204             * Abe Isoo, japanischer Parlamentarier, Intellektueller und Pazifist
18660204             —CURED, MARY—BAKER—EDDY ""  her injuries by opening 1—BIBLE.
18680204             * Constance Markiewicz, irische Freiheitskämpferin, Ministerin
18690204             * WILLIAM—DUDLEY—HAYWOOD, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Gewerkschafter
18710204             * FRIEDRICH—EBERT, deutscher Politiker, MdR, Reichskanzler und Reichspräsident der Weimarer REPUBLIK
18710204             * HEINRICH—SCHNEE, deutscher Gouverneur und Politiker, MdR, Mitglied der LYTTON—KOMMISSION—DES—VÖLKERBUNDES
18710204             † HERMANN—VON—PÜCKLER—MUSKAU, preußischer Standesherr, Generalleutnant, Landschaftsarchitekt, Schriftsteller und Weltreisender
18710204             * FRIEDRICH—EBERT in HEIDELBERG geboren.
18720204             * JAMES—CHAPMAN, englischer Afrikaforscher
18740204             * JOHANNES—GRONOWSKI, deutscher Politiker, MdL
18740204             * EDUARD—KOHLRAUSCH, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler für Strafrecht
18740204             † Hartvig Nissen, norwegischer Schulreformer
18750204             * LUDWIG—PRANDTL, deutscher Physiker
18750204             † JOSEF—ETTENREICH, österreichischer Fleischhauer, vereitelte 1—MESSERATTENTAT auf KAISER—FRANZ—JOSEPH I.
18750204             * LUDWIG—PRANDTL, physicist (FATHER—OF—AERODYNAMICS), in GERMANY.
18770204             † THOMAS—SAMUEL—ASHE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist und Politiker
18790204             * JACQUES—COPEAU, französischer Dramatiker, Schauspieler und Theaterleiter
18800204             * LOUIS—HALPHEN, französischer Historiker
18800204             † François LOUIS—NOMPAR—DE—CAUMONT—DE—LA—FORCE, französischer Naturforscher und Forschungsreisender
18810204             * Fernand Léger, französischer Maler, Grafiker, Keramiker
18810204             * Kliment Woroschilow, Verteidigungsminister, MARSCHALL—DER—SOWJETUNION, VORSITZENDER—DES—PRÄSIDIUMS des Obersten Sowjets
18810204             * KLIMENT—J—WOROSHILOV, MARSHAL, PRESIDENT—USSR (19530000—19600000    ).
18810204—19550000    * † FERNAND—LEGER, FRANCE—PAINTER.
18820204             * ERICH—ASCHENHEIM, deutscher Medizinalrat und Hochschullehrer
18820204             * Raúl Borges, kolumbianischer Komponist, Gitarrist und Musikpädagoge
18820204             * E. J. Pratt, kanadischer Schriftsteller, Hochschullehrer und Kritiker
18820204             † JOHN—HILES, englischer Organist und Musikpädagoge
18830204             * MARY—ACHENBACH, BRITISCH—DEUTSCHE Malerin
18830204             * GEORGE—KENNEDY—ALLEN—BELL, britischer anglikanischer BISCHOF
18840204             Während des MAHDI—AUFSTANDS gelingt es einer Streitmacht unter dem Sklavenhändler Osman Digna, ein von Valentine Baker befehligtes ANGLO—ÄGYPTISCHES Heer bei AT—TAIB im östlichen SUDAN zu besiegen.
18850204             * Franz M. Jansen, deutscher Maler
18860204             † HANS—VICTOR—VON—UNRUH, deutscher Politiker und Regierungsrat
18870204             * Erna von Abendroth, deutsche Krankenschwester
18870204             * Stasys Šimkus, litauischer Komponist
18870204             —ENACTED, It was, to restrict monopolies but did not have much POWER—OF—ENFORCEMENT.
18870204             It regulated railroads and protected farmers from fees that it judged excessive.
18880204             * PAUL—ALTHAUS, deutscher protestantischer Theologe
18890204             Die französische Gesellschaft zum Bau des Panamakanals geht in den gerichtlichen Konkurs, was etwa 85.000—GLÄUBIGER schädigt.
18890204             Der Panamaskandal zieht herauf.
18890204             —RELEASED, HARRY—LONGABAUGH was, from Sundance Prison in WYOMING, thereby acquiring the famous nickname, "the Sundance Kid".
18890204             † THE—PANAMA Canal project under FERDINAND—DE—LESSEPS (18940000             , ) went bankrupt.
18890204             † Over 5,000 FRANCE—PEOPLE, working on the project.
18890204             † In all over 25,000—PEOPLE, —DURING—8—YEARS—OF—WORK, mostly from malaria and yellow fever.
18900204             Entgegen dem Rat des Reichskanzlers OTTO—VON—BISMARCK und ohne dessen vorgeschriebene Gegenzeichnung werden —NACH—DEM Willen KAISER—WILHELMS II. die Februarerlasse veröffentlicht.
18900204             Sie kündigen einen Ausbau des Arbeiterschutzes an.
18900204             * Hora?iu Dimitriu, rumänischer Maler
18900204             † Antoine d'Orléans, HERZOG—VON—MONTPENSIER, französischer Offizier und spanischer Thronprätendent
18900204             † FLETCHER—STOCKDALE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Jurist, Eisenbahnbeamter und Politiker
18900204             —2—WOCHEN—VOR—DEN—REICHS—TAG—WAHLEN,
18900204             —GESCHAFFEN werden sollen gesetzliche Bestimmungen nach denen VERTRETER—DER—ARBEITERSCHAFT an der Regelung gemeinsamer Angelegenheiten mit den ARBEIT—GEBERN beteiligt werden sollen.
18900204             —DIESE ERLASSE wurden gegen des OTTO—VON—BISMARK Widerstand ausgearbeitet, veröffentlicht.
18910204             * CHRISTIAN—KUHLEMANN, deutscher Ingenieur, Unternehmer und Politiker, MdB
18910204             * JOHANNES—PINSK, deutscher katholischer Theologe
18910204             —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION fordert DIE—DEUTSCHEN—ARBEITER auf, DIE—MAI—FEIER am 1. —SONNTAG im;;05;;zu begehen.
18910204             —GENOMMEN, Es soll 1—TAG, werden, der der gesamten Arbeiterschaft die Beteiligung an den Kundgebungen ermöglicht.
18910204             —KRITISIERT, Dieser Aufruf wird in 1—TEIL—DER—PARTEI heftig.
18920204             * Ugo Betti, italienischer Dramatiker
18920204             * Andreu Nin, spanischer Revolutionär aus Katalonien
18930204             * FRITZ—APELT, deutscher Politiker
18930204             * RAYMOND—DART, australischer Anatom und Paläoanthropologe
18930204             * BERNARD—ROGERS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Komponist
18940204             * FRIEDRICH—KARL—FLORIAN, Gauleiter der NSDAP von Düsseldorf
18940204             * Nunzio Malasomma, italienischer Regisseur
18940204             * HANS—WITTWER, Schweizer Architekt
18950204             * KARL—DIEDRICHSEN, deutscher Politiker und MdB
18950204             * HANNS—ALBIN—RAUTER, österreichischer GENERAL der SS, WAFFEN—SS und der Polizei, Kriegsverbrecher
18950204             —OPENED, The 1. rolling lift bridge, in CHICAGO.
18960204             * FRIEDRICH—GLAUSER, Schweizer KRIMI—SCHRIFTSTELLER
18960204             * FRIEDRICH—HUND, deutscher Physiker
18970204             * LUDWIG—ERHARD, deutscher Politiker, MdB, Bundesminister, Bundeskanzler
18970204             * KATHARINA—HEINROTH, deutsche Zoologin und DIREKTORIN—DES—BERLINER—ZOOS
18970204             * Jesus V—KAISER von Äthiopien
18970204             * RUDOLF—STUNDL, österreichischer Musterentwerfer und Tapisserist
18980204             * Magdalena Aebi, Schweizer Philosophin
18980204             * JOSEF—BLUM, österreichischer Fußballspieler und -trainer
18990204             Mit dem Beschuss philippinischer Soldaten durch 1—USA—PATROUILLE beginnt der PHILIPPINISCH—AMERIKANISCHE Krieg zwischen den Philippinen und den USA, die gerade —ERST im SPANISCH—AMERIKANISCHEN Krieg gemeinsam für die Unabhängigkeit der Inselgruppe von Spanien gekämpft haben.
18990204             Die Standseilbahn Neuveville–SAINT—PIERRE nimmt als Wasserballastbahn ihren Betrieb in FREIBURG im Üechtland auf.
18990204             * WIKTOR—BOLCHOWITINOW, sowjetischer Flugzeugkonstrukteur
18990204             * Elfriede Jaeger, deutsche Politikerin und MdB
18990204             —AFTER 1—EXCHANGE—OF—GUNFIRE, fighting broke out between USA—TROOPS and Filipinos near MANILA, sparking THE—PHILIPPINE—USA—WAR (also referred to as THE—PHILIPPINES—INSURRECTION—OF—18990000             ).
18990204             —OPENED, USA—SOLDIERS patrolling in Santa MESA, fire on THE—PHILIPPINES—SOLDIERS—NEAR 1—BRIDGE over THE—S—JUAN—RIVER.
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, patroullierte PRIVATE—WILLIE—GRAYSON die Brücke von S—JUAN, —HEUTE in MANILA—ZENTRUM.
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, 1—MANN, vielleicht auch mehrere, näherten sich.
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, "Ich rief Halt!," erinnerte sich PRIVATE—WILLIE—GRAYSON, "er bewegte sich.
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, Ich rief noch einmal.
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, Er antwortete Halto!
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, Ich dachte, das beste sei, ihn zu erschießen".
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, So BEGANN DER—AMERIKANISCH—PHILIPPINISCHE—KRIEG, der 1. einer Reihe, die man bald BANANEN—KRIEGE nannte.
18990204             Nichts für die allgemeine Mobilmachung, nur
18990204             —AM—ABEND—DES, der Beginn der laten10 Verwicklung der USA im Namen der MONROE—DOKTRIN,
18990204             in MITTEL—AMERIKA und SÜD—AMERIKA, in der KARIBIK, im PAZIFIK.
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, einmarschiert in GUAM, um dort die Völker zu "befrieden" —
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, einmarschiert in SAMOA, um dort die Völker zu "befrieden" —
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, einmarschiert in NICARAGUA, um dort die Völker zu "befrieden" —UND
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, einmarschiert in die DOMINIKANISCHE—REPUBLIK, um dort die Völker zu "befrieden" —
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, dabei häufig, nach amerikanischer Façon, in allerbester Absicht.
18990204             —IN—JENEN—TAGEN, lernten die Truppen vor allem durch "learning by doing",
18990204             wie man sich am besten verhielt in diesen SCHARMÜTZELN und AUFSTÄNDEn und GUERILLA—KÄMPFEN und REVOLUTIONen,
18990204             in KRIEGEN, die eigentlich keine waren, keine großen, territorialen MASSEN—SCHLACHTEN jedenfalls.
18990204             Und in der anschließenden Besatzung. Dies waren Kriege,
18990204             wie sie im Dunstkreis afrikanischer oder asiatischer Stellvertreter
18990204             während des KALTER—KRIEG - stattfanden +
18990204             —AM—ABEND DES—PATROULLIERTE Private WILLIE—GRAYSON die Brücke von S—JUAN, —HEUTE im Zentrum Manilas.
18990204             1—MANN, vielleicht auch mehrere, näherten sich.
18990204             "Ich rief Halt!," erinnerte sich Grayson, "er bewegte sich.
18990204             Ich rief noch einmal.
18990204             Er antwortete Halto! Ich dachte, das beste sei, ihn zu erschießen".
18990204             So begann der AMERIKANISCH—PHILIPPINISCHE Krieg, der 1. einer Reihe, die man bald "Bananenkriege" nannte.
18990204             Nichts für die allgemeine Mobilmachung, nur der Beginn der laten10 Verwicklung der USA im Namen der MONROE—DOKTRIN,
18990204             in MITTEL—UND Südamerika, in der Karibik, im Pazifik.
18990204             WAREN—IN HONDURAS—MEXICO, GUAM, SAMOA, - NICARAGUA und in die
18990204             —EINMARSCHIERT, Dominikanischen REPUBLIK, um dort die Völker zu "befrieden" —
18990204             dabei häufig, nach amerikanischer Façon, in allerbester Absicht.
18990204             In jenen Tagen lernten die Truppen vor allem durch "learning by doing",
18990204             wie man sich am besten verhielt in diesen Scharmützeln und Aufständen und Guerillakämpfen und Revolutionen,
18990204             in Kriegen, die eigentlich keine waren,
18990204             keine großen, territorialen Massenschlachten jedenfalls.
18990204             während des Kalten KRIEGES—STATTFANDEN +
18990204—19340000    —35—JAHRE—SPÄTER. waren USA Marines auf BEFEHL—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN in KUBA + PUERTO—RICO gelandet,
19000204             * JACQUES—PREVERT, FRANCE—POET, screenwriter.
19020204—19740000    * † CHARLES—LINDBERGH, the 1. man to fly solo across the Atlantic (19270000             ), in DETROIT and grew up in MINNESOTA.
19040204             * MACKINLAY—KANTOR, novelist (Andersonville), in Webster CITY—IOWA.
19040204             —OFFERED, RUSSIA, KOREA to JAPAN and defended its right to occupy Manchuria.
19060204             * CLYDE—TOMBAUGH, astronomer who discovered Pluto.
19060204             THE—NEW—YORK Police Department began finger print identification.
19060204—19450000    * † DIETRICH—BONHOEFFER, GERMANY—PROTESTANT theologian.
19060204—19450000    "If you BOARD the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction".
19070204             * OTTO—OHLENDORF, deutscher GENERAL der SS und Polizei, Befehlshaber der Einsatzgruppe D, Amtschef im Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Kriegsverbrecher
19070204             * WALTER—SEUFFERT, deutscher Rechtsanwalt, Politiker, MdB, MdEP, Vizepräsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
19090204             —SEGREGATED, CALIFORNIA law, Japanese and Caucasian schoolchildren.
19100204             DIE—REGIERUNGS—VORLAGE über die Änderung des preußischen Wahlgesetzes wird veröffentlicht.
19100204             DIE—REGIERUNGS—VORLAGE läßt trotz MANCHER—ÄNDERUNGEN das 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT bestehen.
19100204             An die Stelle der indirekten soll die direkte Wahl treten.
19100204             1—REIHE—VON—WAHLBERECHTIGTEN soll DIE—WAHL—IN—DER nächst höheren Klasse ermöglicht werden,
19100204             vorausgesetzt, daß sie bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllen,
19100204             zum Beispiel, MITGLIEDER—DES—REICHS—TAG oder LAND—TAGES, die diesen mindestens 10—JAHRE angehört haben;
19100204             zum Beispiel, LEUTE, die —VOR—10—JAHREN 1—AKADEMISCHE Prüfung bestanden haben;
19100204             zum Beispiel, aktive Offiziere usw.
19110204             † Piet Cronjé, Kommandeur der Buren im 1. und 2. Burenkrieg
19120204             —KILLED, S—FRANCISCO, 2—HORSES were, —WHEN 1—HUGE—TRUCK loaded with 45—TONS—OF—COPPER cable broke free on the steep grade of Steiner Street hill.
19120204             50—HORSES were pulling against the truck with 4—HORSES guiding —WHEN the cable broke.
19120204—19420000    —PUBLISHED, ERICH—LEINSDORF, books and essays on musical matters and became 1—NATURALIZED—USA—CITIZEN.
19120204—19930000    * † ERICH—LEINSDORF, conductor, in VIENNA—AUSTRIA.
19120204—19930000    —EARNED, Leinsdorf, 1—REPUTATION for exacting standards.
19130204             * ROSA—LEE—PARKS, civil rights activist.
19130204             —SEGREGATED, ROSA—LEE—PARKS—REFUSAL to give up her seat on 1, bus in ALABAMA started the Civil Rights Movement.
19150202—19150204    —DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION beschließt, daß DIE—ABSTIMMUNGEN im Plenarsaal geschlossen zu erfolgen haben, soweit nicht für den einzelnen Fall DIE—ABSTIMMUNG ausdrücklich freigegeben sei.
19150202—19150204    Glaubt 1 MITGLIED—DER—FRAKTION an der geschlossenen Abstimmung nicht teilnehmen zu können, so stehe ihm DAS—RECHT zu, der Abstimmung fernzubleiben, ohne daß dies 1—DEMONSTRATIVEN Charakter tragen dürfe.
19150202—19150204    KARL—LIEBKNECHT wird als SOLDAT eingezogen.
19150202—19150204    Für die Sitzungen des REICHS—TAG wird KARL—LIEBKNECHT freigestellt.und
19150202—19150204    Für die Sitzungen des preußischen ABGEORDNETEN—HAUSES wird KARL—LIEBKNECHT freigestellt.
19150202—19150204    Der von KARL—LIEBKNECHT begangene "DISZIPLINB—RUCH" wird auf das schärfste verurteilt.
19150204             * WALTER—REDER, österreichischer SS—STURMBANNFÜHRER und Kriegsverbrecher
19150204             † Baldomero Aguinaldo, philippinischer Revolutionsführer und GENERAL
19150204             —DECREED, Germans, UK—WATERS—PART—OF—WAR—ZONE;
19150204             all ships were to be sunk without warning.
19150204             —AM,—ZURÜCKWEIST, DIE—SPD—REICHS—TAGS—FRAKTION des KARL—LIEBKNECHT Behauptung mit aller Entschiedenheit.
19180201—19180204    —BIS—ZUM DIE—ARBEIT wieder aufzunehmen Den ARBEITern wird —BEFOHLEN, ;
19180201—19180204    —BIS—ZUM Zuwiderhandelnde würden —NACH—DEN STRAF—GESETZEN des BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTANDES bestraft,
19180201—19180204    —BIS—ZUM, Zuwiderhandelnde würden —NACH—DEN STRAF—GESETZEN des BELAGERUNGS—ZUSTANDES DIE—WEHR—PFLICHTIGEN unter ihnen außerdem eingezogen.
19180204             DIE—STREIKENDEN nehmen fast vollzählig wieder DIE—ARBEIT auf.
19190110             Nach der Entwaffnung des INFANTERIE—REGIMENTS BREMEN NUMBER 75—RUFEN KPD und USPD in BREMEN die Räterepublik aus, die jedoch nur —BIS zum 19190204              Bestand haben wird.
19190204             CITY—OF—BREMEN—SOVIET—REPUBLIC was overthrown.
19190204—19190110    —SEIT, 600—FREIWILLIGE unter WALTER—CASPARI, die sich hauptsächlich aus Angehörigen des kurz zuvor entwaffneten INFANTERIE—REGIMENTS BREMEN NUMBER 75—ZUSAMMENSETZEN, greifen die bestehende Räterepublik in BREMEN an und zerschlagen sie innerhalb eines Tages.
19200204             Einer Regelung des Versailler Vertrags folgend, verlassen die deutschen Behörden das Hultschiner Ländchen.
19200204             Es fällt an die Tschechoslowakei, obwohl eine überwältigende Bevölkerungsmehrheit nach einer Umfrage beim Deutschen Reich bleiben mag.
19200204             LIEUTENANT—COL—PIERRE van Ryneveld and Flight LIEUTENANT—CHRISTOPHER—JOSEPH (Flossie) QUINTIN—BRAND left LONDON from Brooklands Aerodrome in SURREY—ENGLAND in the Vimy named the Silver QUEEN—IN—THE 1. flight from LONDON to SOUTH—AFRICA.
19200204             Their flight took 1—TOTAL—OF—45—DAYS with 1—FLIGHT—TIME—OF—109—HOURS and 30—MINUTES.
19210000—19950204    * † PATRICIA—HIGHSMITH, USA—BORN novelist, in SWITZERLAND.
19210204             * BETTY—FRIEDAN, writer, feminist.
19210204—19660000    —FOUNDED, BETTY—FRIEDAN, the National ORGANIZATION—OF—WOMEN.
19230204             FRANCE—TROOPS took Offenburg, Appenweier and Buhl in the Ruhr as 1—PART—OF—THE—AGREEMENT ending —WWI.
19240204             —CLOSED, The 1. —WINTER Olympic games, at CHAMONIX—FRANCE.
19250204             * RUSSELL—HOBAN, artist and writer.
19250204             —INCLUDED, RUSSELL—HOBAN—WORK, "Bedtime for Frances" and "THE—MOUSE and His Child".
19300000—20080204    * † Tata Guines, CUBA—CONGA drummer.
19320204             * ROBERT—COOVER, novelist & short story writer.
19330204             Durch die Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutze des Deutschen Volkes durch Reichspräsident PAUL—VON—HINDENBURG werden die Grundrechte der Weimarer Verfassung, insbesondere Versammlungs- und Pressefreiheit eingeschränkt.
19330204             Reichsinnenminister WILHELM—FRICK erhält weitreichende Vollmachten.
19350202             0000             —DATE: You Lie
19350204             Im Berliner HARNACK—HAUS wird das Reichsfilmarchiv eröffnet.
19350204             * MARTTI—TALVELA, operatic basso, in Hiitola, KARELIA—FINLAND.
19360204             WILHELM—GUSTLOFF, Landesgruppenleiter in der NSDAP—AUSLANDSORGANISATION in der Schweiz, wird von dem jüdischen Medizinstudenten DAVID—FRANKFURTER erschossen, woraufhin Gustloff von den Nationalsozialisten zum "Blutzeugen" hochstilisiert wird.
19360204             † WILHELM—GUSTLOFF, deutscher Nationalsozialist, Landesgruppenleiter der NSDAP—AUSLANDSORGANISATION in der Schweiz
19360204             1. radioactive substance, radium E, was produced synthetically.
19360204             —ABEND—DES, klingelt der, 26—JAHRE—ALTE jüdische Student an 1—BLAUEN Haus am Kurpark 3 in DAVOS.
19380122—19380204    —ON, It opened on Broadway.
19380204             —ÜBERNIMMT, ADOLF—HITLER, mittels Erlass persönlich das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.
19380204             —OPENED, THE—THORNTON—WILDER—PLAY "Our Town", on Broadway.
19380204             —SEIZED, Hitler, CONTROL—OF—GERMANY—ARMY and put Nazis in key posts.
19380204—19380122    —SEE
19390204             STUTTGART, findet die Uraufführung der Operette Die ungarische Hochzeit von NICO—DOSTAL statt.
19390204             † EDWARD—SAPIR, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Ethnologe und Linguist
19400204             † NIKOLAI—IWANOWITSCH—JESCHOW, russischer CHEF—DER sowjetischen Geheimpolizei NKWD
19410204             Für die Erfindung von Teflon erhält der USA—AMERIKANER ROY—PLUNKETT das beantragte USA—PATENT.
19410204             Auf Initiative von USA—PRÄSIDENT—FRANKLIN D. Roosevelt werden die United Service Organizations (USO) zur Unterhaltung der USA—TRUPPEN gegründet.
19410204             —CHARTERED, THE—UNITED—SERVICE—ORGANIZATION (USO) was, in order to provide recreation for ON—LEAVE MEMBERS—OF—THE—USA armed forces and their families.
19420204             JAPAN besiegt die alliierte ABDA—FLOTTE in der Schlacht in der Straße von Makassar im Pazifikkrieg.
19430204             Bertolt Brechts unter der Mitarbeit von RUTH—BERLAU und MARGARETE—STEFFIN entstandenes Theaterstück Der gute Mensch von Sezuan wird am Schauspielhaus Zürich uraufgeführt.
19430204             Regie bei diesem epischen Theaterstück führt LEONARD—STECKEL.
19430204             —AM: "Allgemein ist die Überzeugung vorhanden, daß STALINGRAD 1—WENDE—PUNKT des Krieges bedeute und
19430204             —AM: "die labileren Volksgenossen sind geneigt, im FALL—VON—STALINGRAD den —ANFANG vom Ende zu sehen".
19430204             —AM, Hinter den vorstürmenden SOWJET—DIVISIONEN, rief er, "sehen wir —SCHON die jüdischen LIQUIDATIONS—KOMMANDOS", und
19430204             —AM, hinter diesen erhebe sich "DER—TERROR, das Gespenst des Millionenhungers und 1—VOLLKOMMENEN europäischen Anarchie".
19430204             "GOEBBELS hatte seine Kernsätze und Fragen so formuliert und rhetorisch so akzentuiert, dass
19430204             in dieser historischen Situation und vor diesem Publikum mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit spontane Akklamationen zu erwarten waren;
19430204             dass sie an Hysterie grenzende Formen annahmen, war 1—ÜBERKOMPENSATION der heraufdämmernden Verzweiflungsstimmung".
19430204             —NACH—DER—KUNDGEBUNG indes soll GOEBBELS zu seinen Begleitern gesagt haben:
19430204             —NACH—DER—KUNDGEBUNG, "Diese Stunden der Idiotie!
19430204             —NACH—DER—KUNDGEBUNG, Wenn ich den Leuten gesagt hätte, springt aus dem 3. Stock des Columbushauses, sie hätten es auch getan".
19430204             —NACH—DER—KUNDGEBUNG GOEBBELS verachtete demnach sein Publikum für die Hexenkesselstimmung, die er selbst erzeugte
19440204             —PREMIERED, JEAN—ANOUILH'S "Antigone,", in PARIS.
19440204             —ATTACKED, THE—JAPANESE, the Indian 7. Army in Burma.
19450204             —BEGINNT, Auf der sowjetischen SCHWARZMEER—HALBINSEL Krim, die Konferenz von Jalta, an der USA—PRÄSIDENT—FRANKLIN D. Roosevelt, der britische PREMIERMINISTER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL und der sowjetische Partei- und Regierungschef JOSEF—STALIN teilnehmen.
19450204             Dort wird die Neuordnung Europas —NACH—DEM —WWII besprochen.
19450204             dass auch FRANKREICH BESATZUNGS—MACHT in DEUTSCHLAND wird
19450204—19450211    —KONFERENZ—VON—JALTA: ROOSEVELT, CHURCHILL, STALIN vereinbaren,
19450204—19450211    Konferenz von Jalta: Roosevelt, Churchill und Stalin vereinbaren, dass auch Frankreich Besatzungsmacht in Deutschland wird
19450204—19450212    PRESIDENT—ROOSEVELT, UK—PRIME—MINISTER—WINSTON—CHURCHILL and Soviet leader JOSEF—STALIN held 1—WARTIME conference in the Livadia Palace at Yalta, in THE—SOUTH—UKRAINE.
19450204—19450212    —JOKED, Roosevelt, to Stalin that the only concession he might give to Ibn Saud in SAUDI—ARABIA was "THE—6—MILLION—JEWS in THE—USA".
19450204—20120000    —AUTHORED, MICHAEL—DOBBS, "6—MONTHS 19450000             —IN: FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Truman – From World War to Cold War".
19460204             —PREMIERED, Garson Kanin's "Born —YESTERDAY,", in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19470104—19470204    —SEE
19470204             * DAN—QUAYLE in INDIANAPOLIS.
19470204             —BECAME, DAN—QUAYLE —LATER, VICE—PRESIDENT—UNDER—GEORGE—HW—BUSH (19880000—19920000    ).
19480204             Ceylon, das heutige SRI—LANKA, wird innerhalb des Commonwealth of Nations unabhängig von Großbritannien.
19480204             Das USA—AMERIKANISCHE Experimentalflugzeug DOUGLAS—D 558-II, auch Skyrocket genannt, der USA—NAVY, absolviert seinen Erstflug.
19480204             —ENDED, Colonial rule, and the island nation of Ceylon -- —NOW SRI—LANKA -- became 1—INDEPENDENT dominion within THE—UK—COMMONWEALTH.
19490000—20150204    —GEGRÜNDET, Das gegründete BMI steht —SEIT—LANGEM im Verdacht, einst Hort NS—BELASTETER Beamter gewesen zu sein, weil die VORLÄUFER—BEHÖRDE—DAS—REICHS—MINISTERIUM des INNERN—AM Staatsterror der NAZIs maßgeblich beteiligt war.
19490204             Bei einem Anschlag auf dem Gelände der UNIVERSITÄT—TEHERAN wird Schah MOHAMMAD—REZA—PAHLAVI leicht verletzt.
19490204             † DER—ATTENTÄTER—NASSER—FAKHR—ARA?, wird von Sicherheitskräften erschossen.
19490204             Der Schah nutzt das Attentat —IN—DER—FOLGE, um die TUDEH—PARTEI zu verbieten und eine 2. Kammer im Parlament zu schaffen, um seinen politischen Einfluss zu stärken.
19500204             BEILAGE der KÖLNischen Rundschau NUMMER—3,
19530204             Der Deutsche BUNDESTAG stellt das Anwerben von Deutschen für fremde Militärdienste in § 109h StGB unter Strafe.
19530204             Damit soll dem Zustrom zur französischen Fremdenlegion Einhalt geboten werden.
19560204             Briefmarke zur "Eröffnung des zivilen Luftverkehrs in der DDR"
19560204             Die DDR—FLUGGESELLSCHAFT Deutsche Lufthansa nimmt ihren 1. Linienverkehr auf der Flugroute BERLIN–Warschau auf.
19560204             —ZERSTÖRTEN, Der Neubau der —WWII—IM, Städtischen Bühnen in Münster wird eröffnet.
19610204             —ERUPTED, In THE—PORTUGAL—COLONY—OF—ANGOLA fighting, as 3—ANTI—COLONIAL—GUERRILLA—MOVEMENTS battled for independence.
19610204             —BUTCHERED, Rebels, PORTUGAL—SETTLERS, including women and children, on remote ANGOLA—PLANTATIONS.
19610204             —CARRIED, In revenge, PORTUGAL—MILITIAS and troops, out 1—VICIOUS—CAMPAIGN—OF—REPRESSION, despite pressure from THE—USA—AND—UN to pull out of AFRICA.
19610204             —ASSALTO À—CADEIA—DE—LUANDA e a uma esquadra da polícia por parte de militantes do MPLA, causando alguns mortos, e que
19610204             —O—INÍCIODA—GUERRA—COLONIAL Portuguesa, já que pouco tempo DEPOIS o conflito ALASTROU—SE às restantes colónias africanas.
19610204             O actual Aeroporto Internacional de LUANDA tem o nome de ";;0204;;" para assinalar essa data histórica.
19610204             —SEGUE—SE. O—MASSACRE da baixa do CASSANGE.
19620204             MEMPHIS, (TENNESSEE) wird das S—JUDE—CHILDREN'S—RESEARCH—HOSPITAL gegründet.
19620204             —REPORTED, RUSSIA—NEWSPAPER—IZVESTIA, baseball is 1—OLD—RUSSIA—GAME.
19630204             —BEGINNT, GENF, die 1. internationale Konferenz über Entwicklungshilfe.
19630204             —PILOTED, CANADA—YUKON—TERRITORY, 1—SMALL—PLANE, by RALPH—FLORES crashed shortly —AFTER takeoff from Whitehorse.
19630204             The pilot and passenger Helen Klaben (19410000—20180000    ) survived the crash and endured 49—DAYS—OF—SUBZERO temperatures —BEFORE they were rescued.
19660204             Beim Absturz einer Boeing 727—DER Nippon Airways kurz vor der Küste Japans bei Tokio sterben alle 133—MENSCHEN an Bord.
19660204             —TELEVISED, Senate Foreign Relations Committee began, hearings on THE—VIETNAM War.
19660204             † GILBERT H. Grosvenor (90), PRESIDENT—NATIONAL—GEOGRAPHIC—SOCIETY.
19680204             † Neal Cassady, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Autor, Mitglied der literarischen Gruppe der Beat Generation (Beatniks)
19690204             AL—FATAH—LEADER—YASSER Arafat officially took over as CHAIRMAN—OF—PLO.
19710204             Der britische Auto- und Triebwerkshersteller ROLLS—ROYCE meldet Konkurs an.
19710204             Die ENTWICKLUNG—DES—STRAHLTRIEBWERKS—ROLLS—ROYCE RB211 überfordert die Finanzen des Unternehmens.
19710204             —COLLAPSED, ROLLS—ROYCE, due to rising development costs on THE—RB.211, the sole powerplant selected for the Lockheed TriStar.
19710204             —NATIONALIZED, THE—CONSERVATIVE, the company to save it from collapse.
19720204             Lufthansa und Aeroflot nehmen den Linienverkehr zwischen FRANKFURT am Main und Moskau auf.
19720204             CALIFORNIA, THE—SANTA—ROSA Hitchhiker Murders —WHEN YVONNE—WEBER (13) and Maureen Sterling (13) were seen thumbing 1—LIFT on Guerneville Road.
19720204             Their bones were found —10—MONTHS—LATER 6—MILES into the hills NORTH—OF—SANTA Rosa.
19720204             —INCLUDED, They, KIM—ALLEN (19), Jeannette Kamahele (20), Lori Kursa (13), CAROLYN—DAVIS (15) and Theresa Walsh (23).
19720204—19731200    —BY, 5—MORE—YOUNG—WOMEN had disappeared in the area.
19740204             Patty Hearst, Erbin des HEARST—PRESSEIMPERIUMS, wird von der Symbionese Liberation Army entführt.
19740204             Newspaper heiress Patty Hearst (19540000              *) was kidnapped in BERKELEY—CALIFORNIA, by 1—LEFT—WING urban guerrilla group called the Symbionese Liberation Army.
19740204             Her boyfriend STEVEN—WEED was beaten and she was held for 4½ weeks at 37—NORTHRIDGE Drive in DALY—CITY.
19740204             Patty was then taken to 18270000              Golden Gate Ave, apt.
19740204             #6, in S—FRANCISCO and held for another 4—WEEKS.
19740204             —JOINED, Hearst then, the underground revolutionary group.
19740204             —PROCLAIMED, Mao TSE—TUNG, a new "cultural revolution" in CHINA.
19750204             1—ERDBEBEN der Stärke 7,0 in der Volksrepublik CHINA fordert rund 10.000—TOTE.
19760204             Bei einem Erdbeben in GUATEMALA mit hunderten Erdstößen sterben mehr als 23.000—MENSCHEN.
19760204             THE—WINTER—OLYMPICS were again held in INNSBRUCK—AUSTRIA, —AFTER COLORADO rejected hosting the games.
19760204             —JOINED, Ice dancing, the program for the 1. time.
19760204             A 7.5-7.9—EARTHQUAKE hit GUATEMALA and HONDURAS.
19760204             Some 23,000 Guatemalans, mostly Mayan Indians, were killed.
19760204             It destroyed 58,000 houses in the capital and 300—VILLAGES.
19770204             —KILLED, ILLINOIS, 11—PEOPLE were, —WHEN 2—CARS—OF—1—CHICAGO—TRANSIT—AUTHORITY—TRAIN fell off elevated tracks —AFTER 1—COLLISION with another train.
19790204             S—MATEO, CALIFORNIA, 1—ROBBERY at the Pay Less Super Drug Store at 666—CONCAR Drive left 3—YOUNG—EMPLOYEES—DEAD.
19790204             MICHAEL—OLSON, 23—JAHRE—ALT, BILLY—BAUMGARNTER, 17—JAHRE—ALT and Tracy Anderson (16) were all shot in THE—BACK—OF—THE—HEAD.
19790204             1 estimated $20,000 was stolen.
19790204             —STORMED, PERU, police, the union held Cromotex factory in LIMA.
19790204             —JAILED, Union leader Nestor Cerpa was, for 1—YEAR.
19790204—20070000    —BY, the case was still open with no arrests.
19800000             +1984—JOHN—CARBAUGH attended WACL annual conventions.
19800204             —INSTALLED, Abolhassan BANI—SADR was, as PRESIDENT—OF—IRAN by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
19800204             Syria withdrew its peacekeeping force in BEIRUT.
19820204             —PREMIERED, Musical "Pump Boys & Dinettes,", in NEW—YORK—CITY for 573—PERFORMANCES.
19830000             Country of Origin: ARGENTINA. Agency responsible: Army.
19830204             † SINGER—MUSICIAN Karen Carpenter (32) in DOWNEY—CALIFORNIA.
19830204             —MURDERED, TEXAS, Wanda Lopez was, in CORPUS—CHRISTI.
19830204—19890000    —EXECUTED, CARLOS—DELUNA, 27—JAHRE—ALT was, for her murder.
19830204—20120000    —IN, 1—REPORT, entitled "Los Tocayos Carlos: Anatomy of 1—WRONGFUL—EXECUTION," said DeLuna was not GUILTY—OF—THE—MURDER.
19840606—20140204    —ACKNOWLEDGED, BRITAIN, that it had played 1—ADVISORY—ROLE to INDIA—GOVERNMENT in the attack.
19860128—19860204    —BY, it killed 1 estimated 6,500 common murre seabirds.
19860204             —ISSUED, THE—USA—POST—OFFICE, 1—COMMEMORATIVE stamp featuring Sojourner Truth.
19870000             (262).CASEY WILLIAM JOSEPH: Kessler,R. Inside THE—CIA.
19870204             Congress overrode PRESIDENT—REAGAN—VETO—OF—CLEAN—WATER—ACT.
19870204             † PIANIST—LIBERACE, 67—JAHRE—ALT—OF—AIDS at his home in Palm SPRINGS—CALIFORNIA.
19870204             CARLOS—LEHDER, der Mann des MEDELLIN—KARTELLS...
19870204—19720000    —IN—THE, Changes Act phased out the construction grants program, replacing it with THE—STATE—WATER—POLLUTION—CONTROL—REVOLVING—FUND, more commonly known as the Clean Water STATE—REVOLVING—FUND.
19880204             —CONFRONTED, Senate Republican Leader BOB—DOLE twice, VICE—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH on THE—FLOOR—OF—THE—SENATE, accusing his GOP presidential rival of condoning 1—CAMPAIGN—ATTACK that amounted to "groveling in the mud".
19900204             9—PEOPLE were killed as guerrillas attacked 1—BUS carrying ISRAEL—TOURISTS—NEAR—CAIRO—EGYPT.
19900204             —THRONGED, Cheering protesters, MOSCOW streets to demand that the Communists surrender their stranglehold on power.
19910204             PRESIDENT—BUSH sent Congress a $1.45—TRILLION budget for fiscal 19920000              containing 1—DEFICIT—OF $280.9—BILLION.
19910204             —OFFERED, IRAN—PRESIDENT—HASHEMI—RAFSANJANI, to hold talks with IRAQ and THE—USA in 1—ATTEMPT to mediate 1—END to the Gulf War.
19910204             CUMUTO, Trinidad, Indravani PAMELA—RAMJATTAN, 28—JAHRE—ALT, 1—VICTIM—OF repeated beatings, was again beaten unconscious by her husband, ALEXANDER—JORDAN, 47—JAHRE—ALT.
19910204             1—WEEK—LATER she got 2—MEN, 1—OF—THEM her lover, to murder JORDAN.
19910204             Ramjattan was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER in a 19950000              trial and sentenced to death.
19920204             Das Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200—UNTER HUGO—CHÁVEZ führt einen Putsch gegen den venezolanischen Präsidenten CARLOS—ANDRÉS—PÉREZ durch, der jedoch —NACH—12—STUNDEN niedergeschlagen wird.
19920204             —DEFENDED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—HW—BUSH, his economic recovery plan —BEFORE 1—NATIONAL—GROCERS—ASSOCIATION meeting in ORLANDO—FLORIDA —DURING his visit, Bush appeared intrigued by 1—ELECTRONIC checkout machine, leaving reporters wondering if he'd ever seen such 1—DEVICE—BEFORE.
19920204             CARACAS—VENEZUELA, there was 1—COUP—ATTEMPT but LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—CHAVEZ failed to capture the presidential Palace and was forced to surrender.
19920204             He served 2—YEARS in prison.
19930204             ÖSTERREICH, treten die 5—ABGEORDNETEN Heide Schmidt, Klara Motter, Friedhelm Frischenschlager, HANS—HELMUT—MOSER und THOMAS—BARMÜLLER aus der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) aus und gründen eine eigene Fraktion, das Liberale Forum (LIF).
19930204             1—JURY in ATLANTA found GENERAL—MOTORS negligent in THE—FUEL—TANK—DESIGN—OF—1—PICKUP truck and awarded $105.2—MILLION to the parents of 1—TEEN—AGER killed in 1—FIERY 19890000              crash.
19930204             —OVERTURNED, The negligence verdict was —LATER, and the parents of SHANNON—MOSELEY reached 1—OUT—OF—COURT—SETTLEMENT with GENERAL—MOTORS.
19940204             —INCREASED, THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, interest rates for the 1. time in 5—YEARS in 1—SURPRISE—ANNOUNCEMENT that triggered 1—HUGE—SELL—OFF on WALL—STREET;
19940204             the Fed said the move was designed to HEAD—OFF—ANY—RECURRENCE—OF—HIGH—INFLATION.
19940204             —ADMITTED, ALAN—GREENSPAN —LATER, that the Fed acted to "prick the bubble in the equity markets".
19940204             —ARMED, KHARTOUM—SUDAN, 5, men attacked the mosque of Ansar AL—SUNNA —DURING—FRIDAY prayers, killing 19 and injuring 26—OF—THE—WORSHIPPERS.
19950204             1—STANDOFF between THE—USA—AND—CHINA escalated into 1—TRADE—WAR, with EACH—COUNTRY ordering stiff tariffs against the other.
19950204             —INCLUDED, Her work, 22—NOVELS, 9—SHORT—STORIES and 8,000 pages of diaries and notebooks.
19950204             Her 1. novel, "Strangers on 1—TRAIN" (19500000             ) was made into a 19510000              film by ALFRED—HITCHCOCK.
19950204—20210000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—BRADFORD, her biography "Devils, Lusts and Strange Desires: THE—LIFE—OF—PATRICIA—HIGHSMITH".
19960204             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and Monica had their 6. sexual encounter at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19960204             24—PEOPLE were killed —WHEN 1—COLOMBIA—CARGO—PLANE in PARAGUAY caught fire shortly —AFTER takeoff and crashed into 1—SUBURBAN neighborhood.
19970204             2—ERDBEBEN im Nordosten des IRAN kosten etwa 100—MENSCHEN das Leben, mehrere Dörfer werden vernichtet.
19970204             PRESIDENT—CLINTON in his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH that education was his NUMBER 1—PRIORITY for his 2. term.
19970204             1—CIVIL—JURY in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, found O.J. Simpson liable for the deaths of his EX—WIFE, NICOLE—BROWN—SIMPSON, and her friend, RONALD—GOLDMAN, awarding $8.5—MILLION in compensatory damages to GOLDMAN—PARENTS.
19970204             —6—DAYS—LATER, the jury added $25—MILLION in punitive damages to go to NICOLE—BROWN—SIMPSON—ESTATE and GOLDMAN—FATHER.
19970204             —REPORTED, It was, that $68—MILLION in gold bars, looted by the Nazis from European central banks and stored in the vaults of the Federal Reserve BANK—IN—NEW—YORK and THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND, would be frozen.
19970204             —TURNED, SWITZERLAND, SWEDEN and other nations, them over to the allies —AFTER WW II.
19970204             † THE—DISBURSEMENT—OF—THE—GOLD was to be administered by the Tripartite Commission but claims have been made that PART—OF—THE—GOLD came from private citizens who, in the Holocaust.
19970204             —ANNOUNCED, Investment BANK—MORGAN—STANLEY and DEAN—WITTER, 1—PLAN to merge for 1 combined capitalization of over $20—BILLION.
19970204             Phillip J. Purcell, chairman and CEO—OF—DEAN—WITTER, became chairman and CEO—OF—THE—NEW—COMPANY.
19970204             —VOTED, AUSTRALIA, THE—PARLIAMENT, to begin the process of becoming 1—REPUBLIC.
19970204             1—CONSTITUTIONAL—CONVENTION was planned for the fall and delegates would decide on how to put the issue to the electorate.
19970204             —BACKED, BULGARIA, THE—EX—COMMUNISTS, down and agreed to new elections in April.
19970204             —FROM CHINA it was reported that the government was cracking down on the arts —WHILE attempting to promote PRESIDENT—JIANG—ZEMIN'S "spiritual civilization".
19970204             Writer Mo Yan, AUTHOR—OF "Ample Breasts, Fat Buttocks" was singled out for criticism.
19970204             —BLOCKED, COLUMBIA, the U'wa tribe, Occidental Petroleum from developing 1—OIL—FIELD on their land worth billions.
19970204             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—IRAN, 2—EARTHQUAKES with aftershocks, at least 72—PEOPLE.
19970204             —DAMAGED, Some 43—VILLAGES were.
19970204             —FOLLOWED, Another quake, the next —DAY.
19970204             2—ISRAEL—HELICOPTERS collided at the Shaar Yeshuv kibbutz and 73—SOLDIERS were killed.
19970204             PAKISTAN, the Muslim League won elections with 140—OF—217—PARLIAMENT—SEATS.
19970204             Nawaz Sharif was RE—ELECTED as PRIME—MINISTER.
19970204             5—UN employees were killed.
19970204             —RECOGNIZED, SERBIA, Milosevic said that he would, the opposition victories in 14—TOWNS.
19970204—20050000    —FACED, Purcell, with employee defections, announced his retirement.
19980204             Bei einem Erdbeben der Stärke 6,1 in Tadschikistan und AFGHANISTAN kommen ca.
19980204             2.300—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
19980204             Source: Hardcopy from STOA—LUXEMBOURG. Thanks.
19980204             PRESIDENT—CLINTON ,"If SADDAM rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear.
19980204             —POSED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON ,"We want to seriously diminish the threat, by IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—PROGRAM".
19980204             —REPORTED, It was, that Berkshire Hathaway, the investment vehicle of WARREN—BUFFET, had accumulated 129.7—MILLION ounces of sliver, some 20—PERCENT—OF—THE—WORLD—SUPPLY, valued at $858.6—MILLION.
19980204             ALFRED—MANN, 72—JAHRE—ALT, the originator of 7—MEDICAL—DEVICE and electronics companies, announced $100—MILLION—DONATIONS to both THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—SOUTHERN—CAL. and THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CAL. at LOS—ANGELES to set up biomedical research institutes.
19980204             AFGHANISTAN, a 5.9—EARTHQUAKE hit THE—PROVINCE—OF—TAKHAR in the northeast at the junction of the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountain ranges where hills collapsed into EACH—OTHER making 1—HUGE crater.
19980204             —REPORTED, The number dead was —LATER, to be 2,300 with 8,000 left homeless.
19980204             1—NORTH—KOREA—DIPLOMAT with 1—UN—AGENCY in ROME defected  to SOUTH—KOREA.
19980204             —SLAUGHTERED, RWANDA, Hutu rebels, 33—PEOPLE in the Ruhemgeri region.
19980204—19970000    —EXECUTED, He reported that NORTH—KOREA, its agricultural CHIEF—AND—DOZENS—OF—COMMUNIST—YOUTH—LEAGUE—MEMBERS in 1—PURGE by KIM—JONG—IL.
19980204—19980206    —VOTED, Congress, to name WASHINGTON National Airport —AFTER RONALD—REAGAN, —JUST in time for his 87. birthday.
19990204             Der unbewaffnete Immigrant Amadou Diallo aus GUINEA wird von der New Yorker Polizei bei seiner Verhaftung mit 41—SCHÜSSEN getötet, was einen Aufschrei der Bürgerrechtsbewegung zur Folge hat.
19990204             —VOTED, Senators at PRESIDENT—CLINTON—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL, to permit THE—SHOWING—OF—PORTIONS—OF—MONICA Lewinsky's videotaped deposition.
19990204             —FIRED, NEW—YORK—CITY, plainclothes police officers, 41—SHOTS at Amadou Daillo (22), 1—BRONX street peddler and immigrant from GUINEA, who was unarmed in front of his Bronx home.
19990204             —KILLED, Police were searching for 1—RAPIST and Daillo was, with 19—GUNSHOT wounds.
19990204             Officers KENNETH—BOSS, SEAN—CARROLL, EDWARD—MCMELLON and RICHARD—MURPHY were —LATER indicted for 2. degree murder.
19990204             The 693-foot cargo ship New Carissa ran aground in Coos Bay and began leaking oil.
19990204             CHINA, dissidents set up 5—NEW—BRANCHES—OF—THE banned CHINA Democratic opposition political party.
19990204             Gravely ill with lymphatic cancer, HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDAN left the Mayo Clinic in ROCHESTER—MINNESOTA, and was flown home.
19990204             —REVEALED, THE—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT, 1—NEW—HIGH—TECH—STRATEGY against drug trafficking.
19990204             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—ESTRADA, 1—DOCUMENT as "Jose Velarde" to withdraw $10—MILLION from 1 undeclared account.
19990204             —CONVICTED—OF, In THE—PHILIPPINES LEO—ECHEGARAY, 1—HOUSE—PAINTER, raping his 10-year stepdaughter, was executed by lethal injection.
19990204             It was the 1. execution there in 23—YEARS.
19990204             —ATTEMPTED, RUSSIA—ASTRONAUTS on Mir, to deploy 1—FAN—LIKE—MIRROR—MADE—OF—PLASTIC and coated with aluminum for an 18—HOUR—TEST.
19990204             —FAILED, The test, and another attempt was planned.
19990204             —FAILED, They, again and abandoned the test.
19990204             —FROM SOUTH—AFRICAN—IT was reported that a $650—FLAME—THROWER, invented by Charl Flourie, was available for installation on cars to protect against carjackers.
19990204             This wire story quotes MICHAEL—KRAIG on USA + RUSSIA—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENCE—ANTI—MILLENIUM—HUM—BUG preparations.
19990204—20000000    —TESTIFIED, Clarissa Ocampo, VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—EQUITABLE—BANK, to the false papers —BEFORE 1—IMPEACHMENT—COURT.
20000204             Wegen der rund 10.000—DEMONSTRIERENDEN auf dem Heldenplatz muss das Regierungsteam durch einen unterirdischen Gang zur Angelobungszeremonie in die Hofburg.
20000204             —ÜBERNAHMESCHLACHT, Nach einer monatelangen, stimmt der Aufsichtsrat der Mannesmann AG der Übernahme durch Vodafone Group zu, die damit zum weltweit größten MOBILFUNK—ANBIETER aufsteigt.
20000204             —REUTER—REPORT in the Gulf News "We have asked him to appear [—BEFORE the Senate Intelligence Committee],
20000204             we hope he will....This is strange behavior, very suspicious.
20000204             —UNPRECEDENTED, It's, to my knowledge".
20000204             Lynette Cole, Miss TENNESSEE, won the Miss USA pageant.
20000204             Delta Air Lines said it would provide new PCs and INTERNET access to its 72,000 employees at $12—PER —MONTH over 3—YEARS.
20000204             † FORMER—HOUSE Speaker CARL—ALBERT in MCALESTER—OKLAHOMA, at age 91.
20000204             † Singer Doris KENNER—JACKSON of the Shirelles in GOLDSBORO—NORTH—CAROLINA, at age 58.
20000204             AUSTRIA, the new governing coalition took power and triggered diplomatic sanctions and protests.
20000204             —INCLUDED, PRESIDENT—THOMAS—KLESTIL swore in 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT that, Joerg HAIDER—FAR—RIGHT—FREEDOM—PARTY, 1—DEVELOPMENT which triggered European Union sanctions.
20000204             Russians forces began bombing Katyr Yurt —AFTER Chechen rebels arrived from Grozny.
20000204             —LASTED, The bombing, —FOR—2—DAYS, well —AFTER the rebels fled, and at least 170—CIVILIANS were killed.
20000204             —KILLED, —LATER reports said 343—REFUGEES were.
20000204             —ATTACKED, SOUTH—LEBANON, ISRAEL—FORCES, targets for the 7. straight —DAY.
20000204             1—GUERRILLA—COMMANDER and 7—CIVILIANS were killed.
20000204             —DROPPED, RUSSIA, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—YEVGENY—PRIMAKOV, out of the presidential race.
20000204             —REUTER—REPORT in the Gulf News "We have asked him to appear [—BEFORE the Senate Intelligence Committee], we hope he will....This is strange behavior, very suspicious. It's unprecedented to my knowledge".
20010101—21001231    —CENTURY in Richtung "POST—ANTIBIOTIKA—ÄRA" bewegen.
20010204             "Star Wars": Lowtech gegen Hightech
20010204             Entschlossen will die neue amerikanische Regierung, Verteidigungsminister
20010204             allen voran, an den Plänen festhalten, in Form des "SON—OF—STAR—WARS" das Raketenabwehrsystem NMD (National Missile Defense Program) zu realisieren.
20010204             Es soll die USA und womöglich EINIGE—BEFREUNDETE—STAATEN vor Angriffen mit transkontinentalen Raketen schützen.
20010204             Rumsfeld hat das gerade —ERST auf der Münchener Konferenz zur Sicherheitspolitik noch einmal unmissverständlich klar gemacht.
20010204             Allerdings belegt ein kleines, unscheinbares, weitgehend aus Holz bestehendes,
20010204             über GPS—NAVIGATION sich selbst steuerndes Flugzeug, dass die vielen Milliarden USA—DOLLAR von vorneherein in den Sand gesetzt sein könnten.
20010204             COLOMBIA—INFORMER Says DEA Duped Him [USA USA]
20010204             DONALD—RUMSFELD - THE—NHL, ALL—STAR—GAME, THE—NORTH—AMERICAN—TEAM beat the World squad 14-to-12. In the Pro Bowl, THE—AFC defeated THE—NFC, 38-to-17.
20010204             —APPROVED, Phillips Petroleum and Tosco boards, 1—PHILLIPS acquisition valued at $7—BILLION.
20010204             † IN—FRANCE—IANNIS—XENAKIS, composer and mathematician, at age 78. IN—FRANCE—IANNIS—XENAKIS is credited with having invented "stochastic music" based on mathematical probability systems.
20010204             —INCLUDED, IN—FRANCE—IANNIS—XENAKIS—WORK, the percussion ensemble piece: "THE—PLEIADES".
20010204             RUSSIA, DOCTOR—KENNETH—GLUCK, 1—MEMBER—OF—DOCTORS—WITHOUT—BORDERS, turned up in good health —AFTER being kidnapped in Chechnya —27—DAYS—EARLIER.
20010204             —MARCHED, SPAIN, 1—CROWD—OF—10—40 10000000             , in BARCELONA to protest 1—TOUGH—NEW against illegal immigrants.
20010204             12:19 <<Vorige | Nächste >> - "Star Wars": Lowtech gegen Hightech
20010204             Entschlossen will die neue amerikanische Regierung,Verteidigungsminister DONALD—RUMSFELD allen voran, an den Plänen festhalten, in Form des "SON—OF—STAR—WARS" das Raketenabwehrsystem NMD (National Missile Defense Program) zu realisieren.
20010204             Allerdings belegt ein kleines, unscheinbares, weitgehend aus Holz bestehendes, über GPS—NAVIGATION sich selbst steuerndes Flugzeug, dass die vielen Milliarden USA—DOLLAR von vorneherein in den Sand gesetzt sein könnten.
20010911             Aircraft Oddities-
20011100             [VANITY—FAIR, 8/02 , GUARDIAN, 20020716             ] He began investigating links between shoe bomber RICHARD—REID and PAKISTAN—MILITANTS connected to THE—ISI [WASHINGTON—POST, 20020223             ], investigating Dawood Ibrahim, 1—POWERFUL—TERRORIST and gangster protected by THE—ISI [NEWSWEEK, 20020204             , VANITY—FAIR, 8/02], and may also have been investigating THE—USA—TRAINING and backing of THE—ISI.
20020204             —REPORTED, MISS—NBC, that Cheney threatened to tar Daschle as 1—INTERFERENCE with the war effort.
20020204             Will the world ever get the real answer about 20010911              ?
20020204             Not if BUSH and Cheney have anything to do with it.
20020204             —RELEASED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, his $2.13—TRILLION budget plan for the coming federal —YEAR.
20020204             It included a 12% increase in military spending and cuts in highway and job training.
20020204             —RESIGNED, FORMER—ENRON chairman and CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—KENNETH—LAY, from THE—BOARD, cutting his last tie to the company beyond stock ownership.
20020204             1—NEW—JERSEY teenager (16) began a 2—DAY—SHOOTING spree on the outskirts of PHILADELPHIA that left 6—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20020204             —ARRESTED, He was, 20020222           .
20020204             —BELIEVED, THE—CIA, that it killed 1—TOP—AL—QAEDA official with 1—HELLFIRE missile, Predator aerial drone, near Zawar KILI—AFGHANISTAN.
20020204             7—AL Qaeda members were killed.
20020204             —KILLED, At least SOME—OF—THOSE, were innocent villagers.
20020204             —KILLED, At Zhawara 3—LOCAL villagers were, —WHILE looking for scrap metal.
20020204             —AGREED, AFGHANISTAN, northern militia factions, to withdraw from MAZAR—E—SHARIF and create 1—NEW—JOINT—SECURITY—FORCE.
20020204             ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—PERES said IRAN had put elite forces into LEBANON and had supplied Hezbollah with 10,000 rockets with ranges of 13—44—MILES.
20020204             —KILLED, In THE—GAZA Strip 5—PALESTINIANS were, —WHEN their car exploded.
20020204             ISRAEL—MILITARY said the men were carrying 1—EXPLOSIVE device that went off early.
20020204             † 5—PALESTINIANS, in 1—GAZA helicopter attack.
20020204             Online NewsHour : Sec.
20020204             DONALD—RUMSFELD : Part 2- Defense SECRETARY—RUMSFELD returns from MOSCOW to talk about the.
20020204             And we're still finding documents as —RECENTLY as this —WEEK that demonstrate that fact.
20020204—19940000    —IN, An 8-year corruption investigation of 11—AQUITAINE, 1—FRANCE—OIL—FIRM privatized, ended with 40—PEOPLE implicated.
20020222             1—NEW—JERSEY teenager (16) was arrested for killing 6—PEOPLE in a 2—DAY—SHOOTING spree on the outskirts of PHILADELPHIA that began 20020204           .
20020523             [NEWSWEEK, 20020204             ]
20030131—20030204    —ON, jurors claimed they were duped and called for 1—NEW—TRIAL.
20030204             Durch Parlamentsbeschluss erfolgt die Umwandlung der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien in den losen Staatenbund von Serbien und Montenegro.
20030204             Für die Präsentation durch USA—AUßENMINISTER COLIN—POWELL, in der Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak unter Saddam Hussein nachgewiesen und die Kriegsgegner von der Notwendigkeit eines Irakkriegs überzeugt werden sollen, wird auf Wunsch der USA die im UN—GEBÄUDE hängende Kopie von PABLO—PICASSOS—GUERNICA verhängt.
20030204             for other analysis.) NOTE: Please let me know if you find that 1—LINK to 1—NEWS—STORY is no longer valid.
20030204             I will make 1—LOCAL—COPY here to keep this archive complete.
20030204             Capitolo 142. L'Unitarismo in AMERICA...
20030204             A. Bigelow, Abate di A., C. Francesco, L. Capen, J. Pierpont, JAMES—WALKER, Il Sig.
20030204             240; Alonzo Hill, americano La Biografia Unitario, i. 171.
20030204             BARCELONA: : Lumen, 20030000             . idioma: spa.
20030204             (Memorias y biografías ). reservar el document - Jingle Bells.
20030204             BARCELONA: DAF, 19650000           .
20030204             1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS ago, I read his infamous It Can 't Happen Here
20030204             It can happen here, to revive Sinclair LEWIS—CLAIM about fascism + it is clear that
20030204             People are trying to march us closer to the cliff EACH—DAY
20030204             —VISITED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—JOHNSON—SPACE—CENTER in HOUSTON, where he led 1—TRIBUTE to the lost CREW—OF—THE—SHUTTLE—COLUMBIA and rededicated the nation to space travel.
20030204             † JEROME—HINES, 81—JAHRE—ALT, opera singer in NEW—YORK.
20030204             —STRIPPED, Beauty pageant organizers, Miss BRAZIL of her title —AFTER they discovered she was oo.
20030204             —REPLACED, Joseane Oliveira (21) was, by 1. RUNNER—UP Taiza Thomsen (21).
20030204             The treaty put UK—BORDER—CONTROLS in Calais.
20030204             1—RARE—TELEVISION—INTERVIEW—WITH—SADDAM—HUSSEIN aired in which THE—IRAQ—LEADER charged that USA—CLAIMS—OF—CHEMICAL, biological and nuclear weapons in his country were 1—PRETEXT to seize IRAQ—OIL—FIELDS.
20030204             —LOADED, CENTRAL—PAKISTAN, fireworks being, into shipping containers caught fire, setting off 1—SERIES—OF—POWERFUL—EXPLOSIONS that killed at least 17—PEOPLE, including 2—CHILDREN, and injured dozens.
20030204             —TRANSFORMED, YUGOSLAVIA—PARLIAMENT, the federation into 1—LOOSE—UNION between Montenegro and Serbia and retired the name "YUGOSLAVIA".
20030204             Analysis by JOHN—JUDGE—THIS is 1—E—MAIL ARCHIVE—OF—JOHN—ANALYSIS + observations on "news" specific to the
20030204             (See ALSO—WEB—REFERENCE—LINKS—HIGH—LIGHTED by JOHN—JUDGE for other analysis.) NOTE: Please let me know if you find that 1—LINK to 1—NEWS—STORY is no longer valid.
20030204             Capitolo 142. L'Unitarismo in AMERICA... A. Bigelow, Abate di A., C. Francesco, L. Capen, J. Pierpont, JAMES—WALKER, Il Sig.
20030204             Documents duplicats de la BC -- Resultats de la cerca Diarios.
20030204             (Memorias y biografías ). reservar el document... Pierpont James.
20030204             Jingle Bells.
20030204-20010911    What Aren't We Being Told?
20030204—19990000    —INDICTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, 32—PEOPLE, including 15—INDONESIA—SOLDIERS, on allegations they tortured and killed EAST—TIMORESE —DURING the country's bloody split from INDONESIA.
20030204—20010911    —ON, committed.
20030204—20010911    - What Aren't We Being Told? Analysis by JOHN—JUDGE—THIS is 1—E—MAIL ARCHIVE—OF—JOHN—ANALYSIS + observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity
20030204—20010911    —ON, crimes against humanity committed.
20030204—20070500    THE—AMERICAN—CULTURE: Archives
20031121—20120000    :01 Uhr
20040204             Jóannes Eidesgaard wird —NACH—DEM Wahlsieg seiner Partei Javnaðarflokkurin zum Løgmaður, dem Ministerpräsidenten der Färöer, gewählt.
20040204             MARK—ZUCKERBERG startet das Unternehmen Facebook als Student an der Harvard UNIVERSITY—ALS—PLATTFORM für Kontakte der Kommilitonen untereinander.
20040204             —RATTLED, THE—USA—SENATE, by 1—RICIN attack, began returning to regular business with no illnesses reported.
20040204             —JOINED, JOHN—ASHCROFT, security chiefs from 32—NATIONS at 1—BALI—ANTI—TERRORISM—CONFERENCE.
20040204             1—MASSACHUSETTS advisory OPINION—OF—THE—STATE—SUPREME—COURT said gay couples had the right to marry.
20040204             —PROVOKED, Hilda Hilst (73), who, BRAZIL—READERS with fiction and poetry depicting insanity, the supernatural and erotica, †.
20040204             SIERRA—LEONE, PRESIDENT—AHMED—TEJAH—KABBAH and INTERNATIONAL sponsors declared 1—SUCCESSFUL—END to disarmament, closing 1—FINAL—CHAPTER in an 11-year war that was 1—OF—THE—MODERN—WORLD—MOST vicious.
20040514—20130204    —ON, BRITAIN—AL—SWEADY—INQUIRY began oral hearings in the case.
20040726             2004090204_Sep_2004
20040802             BUSH—MESSER: Terrorangst in Zeiten des Wahlkampfs...
20041218             0 19980206              Microsoft Word 6 -  19980206              19980204          .
20041218—19980206    120050204             Major New Enron Documents —POSTED Online
20050204             Im Irak wird die italienische Journalistin Giuliana Sgrena entführt.
20050204             In der Charta von Florenz erklären zahlreiche Regionen aus Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union, den Anbau von gentechnisch veränderten Kulturen auf ihrem Gebiet abzulehnen.
20050204             KKR + PROVIDENCE to mount bid for ADELPHIA By JAMES—POLITI in NEW—YORK Published: 20050131
20050204             "Not All Grand JURY—RELATED Information Is Confidential Under FOIA"
20050204             Woodward & BERNSTEIN—WATERGATE—PAPERS—OPEN to the Public
20050204             POLAND: Secret COMMUNIST—ERA—FILES Leaked Online
20050204             WALL—STREET—SCHLUSS: Tabakbranche beflügelt den Markt
20050204             Ein internationales Forscherteam hat es nun aber geschafft, bei Hautkrebspatienten eine starke Immunreaktion auf die Tumoren auszulösen.
20050204             Ein spezieller Impfstoff gaukelt dabei dem Körper eine bakterielle Infektion vor und präsentiert dem Immunsystem 1—PEPTID aus der Oberfläche der Tumorzellen als Ziel.
20050204             "Das Immunsystem startet 1—REAKTION gegen das Peptid, das krebsspezifische Ziel im Impfstoff + damit auch gegen die Krebszellen selbst",
20050204             erklärt DANIEL—SPEISER, LUDWIG—INSTITUTE for Cancer Research, LAUSANNE,sw.
20050204             BAKTERIEN—DNS verstärkt Immunreaktion
20050204             Bei klinischen Versuchen zeigten sich beeindruckende Erfolge:
20050204             Bei allen 8—GETESTETEN Krebspatienten hat das neuartige Medikament die Reaktion des Immunsystems um das Zehnfache gesteigert,
20050204             schreibt das Team um Speiser im Fachblatt "Journal of Clinical Investigation"
20050204             DEUTSCHLANDbesuch: Rice und Schröder demonstrieren Einigkeit
20050204             —REHABILITIERT, Amerikas Arbeitsmarkt: Bush
20050204             REKORD—BERGWERK: Gold kommt aus 3—KILOMETERN Tiefe
20050204             BILLIGTANK—TREND: Aral, Esso & Co. verlieren Marktmacht - Erhitzter Pol: Saturn trägt warme Kappe
20050204             IRAN—POLITIK: Rice beschwichtigt die Europäer
20050204             Aktiviertes Immunsystem: Krebsimpfung erstmals erfolgreich
20050204             —FINGIERT, Kalifornische Energiekrise: Enron soll Stromausfälle, haben
20050204             AFGHANISTAN—ENGAGEMENT: Schröder lehnt BUSH—BITTGESUCH ab
20050204             John E JONES BRUCE ( CIA ): Scott,PD Marshall,J. Cocaine Politics... 19910000              (87).
20050204             —SEARCHED, CARBAUGH JOHN E. pages : 29.These - JOHN—RYDER—HORTON
20050204             THE—CONSORTIUM—AMERICAN—POLITICS—JOURNAL -- Little Havanans, Drugs + the Bush...
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—AIDE to Sen.
20050204             CARBAUGH then flew to BUENOS—AIRES for talks with Argentine intelligence
20050204             that THE—CUBA—EXILE—PARTNERS—OF—THE—CIA were dealing...
20050204             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: THE—CONSERVATIVE—CAUCUS...
20050204             OSS, FORERUNNER—OF—USA—CIA, —DURING WWII.
20050204             + was deputy CHIEF—OF—THE—CIA in SEOUL...(30).
20050204             [antibolschewistische Front].. tagged Arbenz as procommunist + sent E. HOWARD—HUNT—OF—THE—CIA (+, —LATER, of... (11) —DURING 19800000              and 19820000             ,
20050204             + THE—ITALY—TERRORIST—STEPHANO Della Chaie, among others;
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, assistant to... to SOME—SOURCES, the money came from secret funds managed by THE—CIA.
20050204             CENTRAL—AMERICA and beyond: ruminations, speculations &...-
20050204             right wing Republicans, people from JESSE—HELMS' office ( JOHN—CARBAUGH ),etc,+...Aubuisson + colleagues long —AFTER everyone, including THE—CIA + Whitehouse
20050204             SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R
20050204             is fascinated by who might have leaked THE—NAME—OF—1—CIA "NON—OFFICIAL
20050204             SOME—IN—WASHINGTON speculate that KARL—ROVE or 1—AIDE told JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—FORMER
20050204             ASIA POLICY WEEKLY-
20050204             In testimony to the House INTERNATIONAL Relations Committee, UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—BOLTON said that THE—PRESIDENT—NEW—PROLIFERATION—SECURITY...
20050204             In his decision —ON—TUESDAY, JUDGE—JOHN—WEISE of
20050204             complaining to supervisors about the billing,
20050204             CARBAUGH is also - suspect —4—YEARS—AGO —AFTER THE—CIA obtained a...
20050204             55—SRWA 19960800              Web Site E—MAIL Traffic
20050204             THE—STORY—OF—10—SHOOTDOWNS 195000001965          - This exhibit has been assembled by GREG—SKAVINSKI + displayed at CIA + DIA+ NSA... CARBAUGH Philip.
20050204             Carey John. AAKROSH—ARTICLE 1—VOL 6—NO 18
20050204             Loud protests + denials by GENERAL—MUSHARRAF notwithstanding, CIA reports suggest that PAKISTAN and NORTH—KOREA were collaborating till
20050204             JOHN—E—CARBAUGH, Jr
20050204             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA: Lessons from the Durrani Affair...
20050204             once described THE—CIA, in which men were "PROFES—SIONALLY trained in
20050204             retired); MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—KIRK—SINGLAUB, USA (retired); JOHN—E—CARBAUGH, JUNIOR; +...
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, assistant du sénateur JESSE—HELMS, et Margo Carlisle, collaborateur du... sources, l'argent provenait de fonds secrets maniés par la CIA.
20050204             Das OSP: Cheneys Amt für's Grobe..
20050204             WTC 19930000             +20010911              verantwortlich gemacht wird;
20050204             Reuel MARC—GERECHT, FRÜHERER—CIA—MANN +...
20050204             L'ENTERAO - La Cía.También asistieron los USA republicanos norteamericanos JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente del senador JESSE—HELMS, y Margo Carlisle, colaboradora del senador...
20050204             Centro de Medios Independientes - ¿CÓMO LA CIA CREÓ LA EPIDEMIA...
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente del senador JESSE—HELMS, y Margo Carlisle, ayudante del senador.. fuentes, el dinero provenía de fondos secretos manejados por la CIA.
20050204             Free NORTH—KOREA!: Military and Defense Archives.
20050204             Damos desde hoy, el inicio de una serie de informes altamente...
20050204             años diversos organismos gubernamentales (el Pentágono, la CIA, la DEA.. el terrorista italiano Stepano delle Chiaie,
20050204             entre otros; JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente del...-
20050204             NTI: Country Overviews: INDIA: Missile Chronology
20050204             LI: ELIAN—CAPTORS—PART—OF—CIA—DRUG and Terrorist Network..
20050204             —AFTER VIOLA—TRIP, PRESIDENT—REAGAN authorized THE—CIA to begin...
20050204             East "expert";. - HARPER—MAGAZINE: LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER...
20050204             weren't nearly as effective as THE—USA—MADE Stingers THE—CIA began sending...USA—GENERAL—SINGLAUB, HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE [ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE FRPNT] ;
20050204             Outlookindia com : Wired...
20050204             of THE—NSA, responsible for TECHINT collection; THE—CIA ; THE—PENTAGON—DIA
20050204             to end crossborder terrorism against INDIA, according to analyst John E CARBAUGH.
20050204             INDIA Monitor
20050204             —QUOTED, CARBAUGH, the Pentagon report as concluding that.. SECRETARY—TOM—RIDGE, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT +... including possibly CHIEFS—OF—THE—CIA + FBI.
20050204             Suárez Mason trabajó con la CIA estadunidense y fue vicepresidente de... SALVADOR, entre otros, y los republicanos estadunidenses JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente del...
20050204             frontline: teacher center: teachers guide: ROOTS—OF—TERRORISM| PBS
20050204             KENYA.
20050204             NORBERT GARRETT, CIA, 196400001991       .
20050204             CIA Press Release 19950517
20050204             E. NORBERT—GARRETT, a former senior officer in THE—DO.
20050204             Nora Slatkin, NEWLY—NAMED Executive Director.
20050204             [CIA Home Page]. There Is No Longer ANY—ROOM—FOR—DOUBT:
20050204             I watch in disgust as the freedom to dissent is regularly treated with contempt and jingoistic violence at the same time as it is rhetorically praised.
20050204             And I watch with shame the paltry responses from ALL—OF—USA at these frightening events, making us complicit in what is to come, as well as what is occurring —NOW.
20050204             —STRAINED, Top military officials say forces :
20050204             THE—ARMY is coming up short in its recruiting of National Guard forces + staffing the next rotation of guardsmen and reservists to serve in IRAQ will be difficult,
20050204             top military officials told lawmakers —WEDNESDAY - Marines come up short on recruits:
20050204             Service fails to attain monthly quota for 1. time in 1—DECADE
20050204             Judge: Yale Can Block Military Recruiters
20050204             Military Recruiting OFFICE—VANDALIZED:
20050204             Police still have no arrests in 1—VANDALISM—CASE.
20050204             —TARGETED, ANTI—WAR—PROTESTERS, 1—LOCAL—MILITARY recruiting office by painting 1—OBSCENITY + throwing 1—BUCKET of manure at the building.
20050204             African Union Offers to Help Aristide:
20050204             —CALLED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION—CHAIRMAN has, the Caribbean ISLAND—OF—HAITI ''1—AFRICAN country outside AFRICA'' and said the Union is ready and willing to help restore democracy there,
20050204             —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT was deposed —LAST—YEAR.
20050204             VENEZUELA—CHAVEZ—CONSIDERS—SALE—OF—USA Refineries
20050204             "Not 1—VENEZUELA—WORKS at these refineries,'' Chavez said in BUENOS—AIRES —YESTERDAY, according to VENEZUELA—COMMUNICATION + Information Ministry. "They don't give us 1—CENT—OF—PROFIT.
20050204             They don't pay taxes in VENEZUELA.
20050204             This is economic imperialism.''
20050204             Rebel at centre of VENEZUELA—COLOMBIA dispute SPEAKS—OF—USA—INVOLVEMENT:
20050204             1—DEBATE on Social Security with PAUL—KRUGMAN vs. THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE.
20050204             Audio + transcript - AMERICA—SENIORS—ARE—NOT—COWARDS:
20050204             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—DEMOCRATS are being, "trying to scare the old folks" by opposing the eventual destruction of the most successful social program in our history.
20050204             It is said that the nation's senior citizens are afraid of losing their benefits + that fear is leading to the opposition by THE—AARP + all other senior organizations.
20050204             Nothing could be further from the truth!
20050204             Global warming: scientists reveal a
20050204             detailed TIMETABLE—OF—THE—DESTRUCTION + distress that global warming is likely to cause the world was unveiled —YESTERDAY.
20050204             —RESIGNED, KEVIN—SHELLEY, as CALIFORNIA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE amidst allegations of questionable fund raising and misuse of federal voting funds.
20050204             Abandoning Liberty; Gaining Insecurity-
20050204             Should USA Americans have to give up THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS in order to be "safe" from terrorists?
20050204             —ACCUSED—OF, John and Linda Dollar, 1—FLORIDA couple, torturing and starving 5 adopted children, were captured in SOUTH—EAST—UTAH.
20050204             Boeing said ETHIOPIA—AIRLINES—PLANS to acquire up to 10—OF—BOEING—CO.'s new 787s at 1—OVERALL—COST—OF about $1.3—BILLION.
20050204             Actually, it doesn't matter what Americans think.
20050204             Speaking out about ISRAEL to save the Jewish soul
20050204             JOHN—PILGER—FEAR + silence in AUSTRALIA,
20050204             once the land of the "fair go", has collaborated with GUANTANAMO more closely than ANY—OTHER—WESTERN—GOVERNMENT + is GUILTY—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES—OF—ITS—OWN.
20050204             SUPREME—CHICKENS?: The high court's Gitmo confusion comes home to roos
20050204             —REPORTED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—DEPARTMENT—OF—EDUCATION, that autism in schoolchildren increased 1,700% nationally 19920000—20020000    —FROM—TO.
20050204             —DISTINGUISHED, Ossie Davis (87), 1—ACTOR, for roles dealing with racial injustice on stage, screen and in real life, was found dead in his hotel room in MIAMI.
20050204             JUDGE—GREEN paints 1—TRULY chilling picture of THE—KAFKA—ESQUE "hearing" of MUSTAFA—AIT—IDR—WHO kept begging his judges to simply tell him THE—NAME—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA member he was alleged to have conspired with.
20050204             Rumsfeld Mulls GERMANY—VISIT Amid Concern Over Possible War Crimes Prosecution:
20050204             He was best known as the husband and PARTNER—OF—ACTRESS—RUBY—DEE.
20050204             Concern that USA—LEADERS and military personnel risk prosecution in GERMANY for alleged war crimes has become 1—FACTOR in deciding whether USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD will attend 1—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY—CONFERENCE in MUNICH, 1—PENTAGON spokesman said.
20050204             BRAZIL—ANNUAL—PRE—LENTEN Carnival got under way.
20050204             It's long been 1—OPEN—SECRET that RIO—ANNUAL samba parade is largely funded by the kingpins of 1—ILLEGAL—NUMBERS—GAME known here as the "jogo do bicho," Portuguese for animal game.
20050204             —CHARGED, GUATEMALA—HIGHEST—COURT said it cannot try soldiers, with participating in 1—WARTIME massacre of more than 300—CIVILIANS—UNTIL 1—SEPARATE—COURT determines if the country's postwar reconciliation law bars such prosecution.
20050204             Administration politicos cite 1—SERIES—OF—DEVELOPMENTS—DURING—LAST—YEAR—CAMPAIGN as evidence that CIA careerists were out to get PRESIDENT—BUSH
20050204             —AGREED, Diplomats said IRAN has, to give THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG—AGENCY 1—FRESH—LOOK at 1—MILITARY—COMPLEX linked by THE—USA to possible atomic arms research.
20050204             —URGED, CIA, to release Nazi records
20050204             —SEIZED, Gunmen, Giuliana Sgrena, 1—ITALY—JOURNALIST—IN—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, in 1—HAIL—OF—GUNFIRE—AFTER she had been interviewing people who fled THE—USA—ASSAULT—LAST—YEAR on the Sunni insurgent STRONGHOLD—OF—FALLUJAH.
20050204             Emails from the 4. Reich:
20050204             —FREED, Sgrena was, 1—MONTH —LATER;
20050204             † however, 1—ITALY—AGENT who'd secured her release was killed by USA—GUNFIRE at 1—CHECKPOINT.
20050204             Why can't 1—HUGE—MASS—OF—CONTEMPORARY—AMERICANS perceive the distorted values that their current leaders radiate at 1—FREQUENCY that has in no time sunk this great country to murky depths unprecedented in its past?
20050204             —CONFIRMED, JAPAN, its 1. human death from MAD—COW—DISEASE.
20050204             BILL—MOYERS: There Is No Tomorrow:
20050204             1—OF—THE—BIGGEST changes in politics in my lifetime is that the delusional is no longer marginal.
20050204             It has come in from the fringe, to sit in THE—SEAT—OF—POWER in the Oval Office and in Congress.
20050204             —RAIDED, NEPAL, DOZENS—OF—PARAMILITARY—POLICE, 1—UNDERGROUND—POLITICAL meeting and rounded up 1—GROUP—OF—PARTY—OFFICIALS, days —AFTER THE—KING seized power and banned public gatherings.
20050204             —QUELLED, THE—NIGERIA—ARMY, 1—DEMONSTRATION at 1—OF—NIGERIA—MAIN—OIL—EXPORT—TERMINALS, —WHILE activists accused the soldiers of killing 4—PROTESTERS.
20050204             For the 1. time in our history, ideology and theology hold 1—MONOPOLY—OF—POWER in WASHINGTON.
20050204             Apocalypse Soon:
20050204             —LASHED, RUSSIA, out at BRITAIN —AFTER 1—INDEPENDENT—TV—CHANNEL there aired 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—CHECHEN rebel warlord Shamil Basayev, saying the broadcast amounted to terrorist propaganda and calling for 1—INVESTIGATION.
20050204             1—SWISS—BASED group said Arab tribes in NORTH—SUDAN have freed 880—SLAVES —DURING the past 2—WEEKS and allowed them to return to SOUTH—SUDAN.
20050204             THE—END—OF—DAYS: 1—SELF—FULFILLING prophecy:
20050204             —APPROVED, THE—UKRAINE PARLIAMENT unanimously, fiery opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko as PM, along with her government's new program to raise living standards, tackle corruption and set UKRAINE on 1—WESTWARD course.
20050204             THE—LAST—DAYS—THEME has also become 1—MAJOR—MOTOR in USA foreign policy.
20050204             1—UKRAINE intelligence official said secret indictments and arrests have taken place against at least 6—ARMS—DEALERS accused of selling nuclear capable missiles to CHINA and IRAN.
20050204             —JUST as in Reformation EUROPE, the Christian right believes we need to sort out the world —BEFORE the Last Days arrive.
20050204             —VOWED, THE—UN, to discipline 2—OFFICIALS implicated in 1—REPORT that detailed CONFLICTS—OF—INTEREST and flawed management in THE—UNITED—NATIONS—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAM.
20050204             SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN will discipline Benon Sevan and another UN official, JOSEPH—STEPHANIDES, who may have "tainted" bidding for 1—OIL—FOR—FOOD—CONTRACT,
20050204             Audio: Gore Vidal Interview:
20050204             This web site represents the effort of 1—PERSON.
20050204             I need your help to offset the costs associated with site hosting and bandwidth usage.
20050204             If you find this site informative please help by clicking here
20050204             —DECRIED, ALLAWI—GOVERNMENT, as corrupt
20050204             1—TOP—SHIA leader tipped to become IRAQ—NEXT—PRIME—MINISTER has branded Iyad ALLAWI—INTERIM—GOVERNMENT the most corrupt in the country's history.
20050204             Elections Are Not Democracy:
20050204             —STOPPED, THE—USA has essentially, trying to build 1—DEMOCRATIC—ORDER in IRAQ + is simply trying to gain stability and legitimacy
20050204             Bush in warning to IRAN and Syria:
20050204             —PROMISED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—TODAY, AMERICA would confront IRAN and Syria if they continued to back terrorists or pursue WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20050204             IRAN, Syria reject terrorism allegations
20050204             Bush to Seek $2.52—BILLION in military and economic aid for ISRAEL
20050204             and $350—MILLION to help THE—PALESTINE—ECONOMY and security forces.
20050204             —UNIMPRESSED, Bush leaves Palestinians :
20050204             —REACTED, Palestinians have, with scepticism to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, saying actions speak louder than words.
20050204             Kurds demand autonomy:
20050204             —ABOUT 70,000 Kurds converged on local government headquarters in Sulaymaniya in NORTH—EAST—IRAQ calling for THE—OIL—RICH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK—OUTSIDE the Kurdish REGION—TO become THE—CAPITAL—OF—1—KURDISH nation.
20050204             Kurdish party says SELF—RULE inevitable:
20050204             Kurdish SELF—RULE is inevitable if not imminent, according to Kurdistan DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—CHIEF—MASUD—BARZANI.
20050204             Sign the Impeach BLAIR—PETITION—ONLINE:
20050204             Impeachment is 1—ACTION taken by MEMBERS—OF—PARLIAMENT to bring another member to THE—COURT—OF—PARLIAMENT to defend him or herself against 1—CHARGE—OF—WRONG—DOING or DERELICTION—OF—DUTY.
20050204             —IMPLICATED, BRITAIN, in OIL—FOR—FOOD—SCANDAL, damning report says:
20050204             —BECAME, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, directly involved in subverting the process for choosing companies to assist in THE—MANAGEMENT—OF—THE—UN s OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME,
20050204             Record Shell $17—BILLION profit spurs windfall tax calls:
20050204             Shell was last night fighting calls for 1—WINDFALL tax as it recorded the biggest profits by 1—UK company.
20050204             —EARNED, The £9.4bn, - Enron Schemes Caught On Tape
20050204             —DURING USA—WEST—COAST—POWER—CRISIS—HOMES went dark + streetlights were out in CALIFORNIA causing injuries + accidents.
20050204             But the danger didn't stop ENRON—ENERGY—TRADERS from having 1—GOOD laugh.
20050204             2—MEN, including EX—CONGRESSMAN, found GUILTY—OF—FRAUD:
20050204             A FORMER—OREGON congressman + another man defrauded investors in the St.
20050204             —RULED, Louis AREA—OF—MORE than $2—MILLION, 1—JURY has.
20050204             Gonzales Nomination, Faith Leaders Seek Forgiveness:
20050204             —OFFERED, Church Folks for 1—BETTER—AMERICA, —TODAY, prayers seeking forgiveness for THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMPLICITY in torture and for confirming 1—MAN who contributed to such 1—INCONSISTENT policy.
20050204             IRAN—CONTRA EX—CON to Lead Democracy Efforts Abroad:
20050204             —PROMOTED, ABRAMS, Elliott was, to USA—DEPUTY national security adviser to USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH [BGW968].
20050204             USA—SENATE—APPROVES—OF—TORTURE As It Confirms Gonzales For ATTORNEY—GENERAL
20050204             THE—6—DEMOCRATS Who Voted For Gonzales Are:
20050204             IRAQ To Be Testing Ground For New Weapon: :
20050204             THE—ADS causes the skin to burn, causing the people to run away.
20050204             THE—IRAQ—WAR currently costs USA taxpayers $1.5—BILLION a —WEEK.
20050204             With 1,438—USA—FATALITIES + calls for withdrawal surfacing, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION wants 1—ADDITIONAL $80—BILLION to maintain the occupation.
20050204             Deputy Defense SECRETARY—WARNS—OF 'substantial' supplemental request:
20050204             in addition to the anticipated $100—BILLION in supplemental funds the Defense Department will receive in fiscal 20050000           .
20050204             Bush to Seek $419.3—BILLION for USA DEFENSE—OFFICIALS:
20050204             That 20060000              Pentagon request, part of 1 proposed federal budget expected to total about $2.5—TRILLION,
20050204             does not include THE—COST—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20050204             —PROVIDED, Those costs in the current —YEAR are, for by supplemental funding expected to total $105—BILLION.
20050204             —PRAISED, The statement, Gen Mattis as 1—BRAVE + brilliant military leader + it seems there will be no disciplinary action
20050204             A CULTURE—OF—SECRECY
20050204             —HAPPENED, What has, to the principle that USA—DEMOCRACY should be accessible + transparent?
20050204             Investigators found that nearly EVERY—1—OF—THE—10—LARGEST—CONTRACTS awarded for work in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN went to companies employing FORMER—HIGH—RANKING government officials + all 10—TOP—CONTRACTORS are established donors in USA—POLITICS,
20050204             contributing nearly $11—MILLION to national political parties,
20050204             candidates + political action committees
20050204             And on THE—EVE—OF—THE—IRAQ war, at least 9—OF—THE—30—MEMBERS—OF—USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD,
20050204             THE—GOVERNMENT—APPOINTED group that advises the Pentagon,
20050204             had ties to companies that had won more than $76—BILLION in defense contracts
20050204             Presseportal: KKR erwirbt MTU von der DaimlerChrysler AG
20050204             KKR erwirbt MTU von der DaimlerChrysler AG.
20050204             —BEGLEITET, KKR wurde von MORGAN—STANLEY + UBS als M&A—BERATERN.
20050204             —BEKOMMT, NETZEITUNG UNTERNEHMEN: Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt...
20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210
20050204             Beim Kauf des Dualen Systems DEUTSCHLAND wird...
20050204             NETZEITUNG UNTERNEHMEN: KKR kann "Grünen Punkt" übernehmen
20050204             —INCREASED, Wincor's, earnings help Goldman, KKR cash out | ATM...
20050204             —INCREASED, Wincor's, earnings help GOLDMAN, KKR cash out.The sale raised 1—ADDITIONAL €333.5—MILLION ($436—MILLION), excluding fees, for KKR + GOLDMAN.
20050204             FT com / Industries / TELECOMS—KKR and PROVIDENCE to mount bid...
20050204             KKR + PROVIDENCE plan to mount joint bid for ADELPHIA By JAMES—POLITI in NEW—YORK
20050204             Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. - Fact SHEET—HOOVER—ONLINE
20050204             The master of the 19800000             S buyout universe,
20050204             KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS (popularly known as KKR ) has shed its hostile takeover image for 1—KINDER, gentler, buy-+...
20050204             ANDALE com, INCORPORATED BB&T (BBT). - CENTERBEAM.
20050204             —BY—GEORGE Anders 20020900              Beard Books 1587981254—PBCK—REPRNT—354—PP.
20050204             —ESTABLISHED, It was, under the auspices of JUNK BOND SPECIALIST KOHLBERG KRAVIS & ROBERTS ( KKR ).
20050204             In ;;12;;. - Boletín Oficial del Estado. 20030705           .
20050204             Sección 3 - GENERAL—DE—ARMAMENTO y Material, por la que se homologa la espoleta PDB—332—PARA granadas de mortero,
20050204             fabricada por la empresa Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ).
20050204             —SUBMITTED, Operative paragraph 9: Transparency reports -
20050204             EXPAL -4B nonmetallic AP Mine.
20050204             73,702. 1,317. - Malvinas Islands.
20050204             FMK—1—EXPAL SB-33. 20,000 AP mines.
20050204             CONCERNES HYDRO ALUMINIUM EXPAL 42—RUE de la Beauce — BP 89—F — 28112 LUCE CEDEX HYDRO ALUMINIUM EXPAL Rue du 7—ÈME BCA F — 02320 PINON...
20050204             PREGUNTA 1: Teniendo en cuenta.
20050204             KARL—ROVE & THE—SPECTRE—OF—FREUD—NEPHEW —
20050204             —ENGINEERED, For the private sector, Bernays, 1—MOST notorious publicity stunt for
20050204             Bernays is here referring to the "idealistic" Wilson administration's...
20050204             EDWARD—BERNAYS: Forger of the "Public Relations" Industry...
20050204             In the 19200000             S and '30s,
20050204             National Security Archive Staff + Fellows
20050204             Tamara Feinstein, Analyst, is THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—PERU—DOCUMENTATION—PROJECT + also assists with THE—MEXICO project.
20050204             —AUTHORED, She has, several Electronic...
20050204             Human Rights Digital LIBRARY—ACADEMIC Info
20050204             Edited by Tamara Feinstein Also includes USA STATE—DEPARTMENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORTS on PERU + independent PERU—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LINKS.
20050204             Latin American and Caribbean HISTORY—NATIONAL—HISTORIES...
20050204             Edited by Tamara Feinstein Also includes USA STATE—DEPARTMENT.
20050204             PERU Coast Earthquake (20010623              ) - 7.9 ... - THE—SEARCH for Truth-
20050204             —DIRECTED, THE—PERU—DOCUMENTATION—PROJECT is, by Tamara Feinstein.
20050204             Tamara Feinstein is DIRECTOR—OF—THE—PERU—DOCUMENTATION—PROJECT at the National Security Archive (GEORGE—WASHINGTON—UNIVERSITY) + Coletta Youngers is a...
20050204             BORR Terrorism News: "Montesinos: Blind Ambition"
20050204             Contact: Tamara Feinstein 202—994—7219—WASHINGTON DC,
20050204             SOLAR—FABRIK AG meldet Rekordumsatz UND—ERGEBNIS für 20040000
20050204             SolarWorld AG gründet Technologiezentrum für Halbleiter
20050204             —PRÄSENTIERT, Wechselrichter: SMA, Neuentwicklungen in Bad Staffelstein
20050204             FDP—SPRECHERIN Brunckhorst: Weltgrößte Windkraftanlage wirft Fragen auf
20050204             —RELATED, CRYSTALLIZING, Public Opinion, Bernays, how governments and... In fact, Bernays wrote Crystallizing Public Opinion 1—YEAR—AFTER...
20050204             JOSEPH—GOEBBELS "was using my book Crystallizing Public Opinion as 1—BASIS
20050204             MP3 RECORDINGS—OF—MAE—BRUSSELL—PART 4 ... - Aliens in their own land.
20050204             Bd. 115,NUMBER 3 - Carbaugh... - Industry. 19890000              97.
20050204             Major New Enron Documents —POSTED Online
20050204             "Das Immunsystem startet 1—REAKTION gegen das Peptid, das krebsspezifische Ziel im Impfstoff + damit auch gegen die Krebszellen selbst", erklärt DANIEL—SPEISER, LUDWIG—INSTITUTE for Cancer Research, LAUSANNE,sw.
20050204             Bei allen 8—GETESTETEN Krebspatienten hat das neuartige Medikament die Reaktion des Immunsystems um das Zehnfache gesteigert, schreibt das Team um Speiser
20050204             im Fachblatt "Journal of Clinical Investigation"
20050204             NUMBER 3) - Deutschlandbesuch: Rice und Schröder demonstrieren Einigkeit
20050204             AFGHANISTAN—ENGAGEMENT: Schröder lehnt BUSH—BITTGESUCH ab - John E Carbaugh... Industry.
20050204             —SEARCHED, CARBAUGH JOHN E. pages : 29.These
20050204             JOHN—RYDER—HORTON 19920000              (79).
20050204             THE—CONSORTIUM—JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—AIDE to Sen.
20050204             Carbaugh then flew to BUENOS—AIRES for talks with Argentine.
20050204             USA—POLITICS—JOURNAL -- Little Havanans, Drugs + the Bush... JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—AIDE to Sen.
20050204             Carbaugh then flew to BUENOS—AIRES for talks with Argentine intelligence... that THE—CUBA—EXILE—PARTNERS—OF—THE—CIA were dealing.
20050204             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: THE—CONSERVATIVE—CAUCUS... OSS, FORERUNNER—OF—USA—CIA, —DURING WWII.
20050204             1980+1984—JOHN—CARBAUGH attended WACL annual conventions.
20050204             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: World ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE.
20050204             [antibolschewistische Front].. tagged Arbenz as procommunist + sent E. HOWARD—HUNT—OF—THE—CIA (+, —LATER, of... (11) —DURING 19800000              and 19820000             , JESSE—HELM—AIDE—JOHN—CARBAUGH, who attended the.
20050204             THE—DOUBLE—ROLE—OF—DRUG TRAFFICKING... + THE—ITALY—TERRORIST—STEPHANO Della Chaie, among others;
20050204             CENTRAL—AMERICA and beyond: ruminations, speculations &... -... right wing Republicans, people from JESSE—HELMS' office ( JOHN—CARBAUGH ),etc,+...Aubuisson + colleagues long —AFTER everyone, including THE—CIA + Whitehouse...
20050204             CENTRAL—AMERICA and beyond: ruminations, speculations &... - Kathryn Stone at THE—USA—ARMY—WAR—COLLEGE is called "ALL NECESSARY MEANS" EMPLOYING CIA OPERATIVES IN 1—WARFIGHTING... SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN
20050204             ASIA POLICY WEEKLY -... is fascinated by who might have leaked THE—NAME—OF—1—CIA "NON—OFFICIAL... SOME—IN—WASHINGTON speculate that KARL—ROVE or 1—AIDE told JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—FORMER...
20050204             NucNews - 20030625              Says Carbaugh : "INDIA—STRATEGIC—LOCATION in the centre... the Justice Department, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JOHN—ASHCROFT and... analysis INDEPENDENT—OF—THE—CIA and other...
20050204             Centro de Medios Independientes - ¿CÓMO LA CIA CREÓ LA EPIDEMIA... JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente del senador JESSE—HELMS, y Margo Carlisle, ayudante del senador.. fuentes, el dinero provenía de fondos secretos manejados por la CIA.
20050204             KOREA lobby in WASHINGTON is dying," 1—CONSERVATIVE—USA—LAWYER, JOHN—E—CARBAUGH, said here on... hacking skills to be good as THOSE—OF—THE—USA—CIA + is.
20050204             Damos desde hoy, el inicio de una serie de informes altamente... años diversos organismos gubernamentales (el Pentágono, la CIA, la DEA.. el terrorista italiano Stepano delle Chiaie, entre otros;
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente DELAWARE.. - 101
20050204             LI: ELIAN—CAPTORS—PART—OF—CIA—DRUG and Terrorist Network.. JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—AIDE to Sen.... Carbaugh then flew to BUENOS—AIRES for talks with Argentine.
20050204             CHENEY... Center attacks; * JOHN—CARBAUGH, former staffer to SENATOR—JESSE—HELMS; * Reuel MARC—GERECHT, FORMER—CIA officer + AEI Middle.
20050204             East "expert";. - HARPER—MAGAZINE: LICENSED TO KILL.(arms dealer ERNST—WERNER... weren't nearly as effective as THE—USA—MADE Stingers THE—CIA began sending...USA—GENERAL—SINGLAUB, HEAD—OF—THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST—LEAGUE [antibolschewistische Front] ;
20050204             JOHN—CARBAUGH, 1—TOP... =
20050204             LOOKSMART—FINDARTICLES—RESULTS for ""R. JAMES—WOOLSEY""... on the News,
20050204             Outlookindia_com : Wired... of THE—NSA, responsible for TECHINT collection;
20050204             THE—CIA ; THE—PENTAGON—DIA... to end crossborder terrorism against INDIA, according to analyst John E Carbaugh.
20050204             011n1mun Suárez Mason trabajó con la CIA estadunidense y fue vicepresidente de... SALVADOR, entre otros, y los republicanos estadunidenses JOHN—CARBAUGH, asistente DELAWARE..
20050204             PBS—FRONTLINE: SAUDI—ARABIA—TIME—BOMB?: transcript 19640000199100       00—DATE—NORBERT GARRETT, USA—CIA "It is 1—OF—THE—5—OBLIGATIONS—OF—ISLAM, anyway, for 1—MUSLIM to give alms.
20050204             HAROUN FAZUL, AL—QAEDA member responsible for driving truck bomb that killed 213—PEOPLE at USA embassy in NAIROBI—KENYA.
20050204             NORBERT GARRETT, CIA, 19640000199100       00—DATE.
20050204             There Is No Longer ANY—ROOM—FOR—DOUBT : I watch in disgust as the freedom to dissent is regularly treated with contempt and jingoistic violence at the same time as it is rhetorically praised.
20050204             THE—ARMY is coming up short in its recruiting of National Guard forces + staffing the next rotation of guardsmen and reservists to serve in IRAQ will be difficult, top military officials told lawmakers —WEDNESDAY
20050204             Marines come up short on recruits:
20050204             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled that Yale Law School can block military recruiters from campus without FEAR—OF—LOSING federal funding
20050204             —CALLED, THE—AFRICAN—UNION—CHAIRMAN has, the Caribbean ISLAND—OF—HAITI ''1—AFRICAN country outside AFRICA'' and said the Union is ready and willing to help restore democracy there, —AFTER THE—PRESIDENT was deposed —LAST—YEAR.
20050204             Rebel at centre of VENEZUELA—COLOMBIA dispute SPEAKS—OF—USA—INVOLVEMENT : RODRIGO—GRANDA said he was kidnapped 20041213              in THE—VENEZUELA—CAPITAL, CARACAS, by COLOMBIA—POLICE assisted by "corrupt VENEZUELA—COLLEAGUES".
20050204             —ASSISTED, USA—AGENTS, in the operation, Granda said.
20050204             THE—NEW—BUSH—AGENDA:
20050204             Audio + transcript
20050204             —ACCUSED—OF, AMERICA—SENIORS—ARE—NOT—COWARDS : THE—DEMOCRATS are being, "trying to scare the old folks" by opposing the eventual destruction of the most successful social program in our history.
20050204             —DETAILED, Global warming: scientists reveal 1, TIMETABLE—OF—THE—DESTRUCTION + distress that global warming is likely to cause the world was unveiled —YESTERDAY.
20050204             Abandoning Liberty; Gaining INSECURITY—SHOULD USA Americans have to give up THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS in order to be "safe" from terrorists?
20050204             JOHN—PILGER—FEAR + silence in AUSTRALIA, once the land of the "fair go", has collaborated with GUANTANAMO more closely than ANY—OTHER—WESTERN—GOVERNMENT + is GUILTY—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—ABUSES—OF—ITS—OWN.
20050204             SUPREME—CHICKENS?: The high court's Gitmo confusion comes home to roos t: JUDGE—GREEN paints 1—TRULY chilling picture of THE—KAFKA—ESQUE "hearing" of MUSTAFA—AIT—IDR—WHO kept begging his judges to simply tell him THE—NAME—OF—THE—AL—QAIDA member he was alleged to have conspired with.
20050204             Rumsfeld Mulls GERMANY—VISIT—AMID Concern Over Possible War Crimes Prosecution : Concern that USA—LEADERS and military personnel risk prosecution in GERMANY for alleged war crimes has become 1—FACTOR in deciding whether USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD will attend 1—INTERNATIONAL—SECURITY—CONFERENCE in MUNICH, 1—PENTAGON spokesman said.
20050204             WHITE—HOUSE—FEARS That the Enemy Is... THE—CIA
20050204             —URGED, CIA, to release Nazi records Released documents show links between USA—INTELLIGENCE + Nazi war criminals.
20050204             Emails from the 4. Reich : Aliens in their own land.
20050204             BILL—MOYERS: There Is No Tomorrow : 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST changes in politics in my lifetime is that the delusional is no longer marginal.
20050204             Apocalypse Soon: Evangelicals in THE—USA—BELIEVE there is 1—BIBLICAL—BASIS for opposing THE—MIDDLE—EAST—ROAD—MAP
20050204             Audio: Gore Vidal Interview : Renowned author and commentator Gore Vidal speaks about THE—BIRTH—OF—THE—REPUBLIC and how far from THE—ORIGINS—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION THE—USA has traveled —SINCE 911.
20050204             Bush in warning to IRAN and Syria : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—TODAY promised AMERICA would confront IRAN and Syria if they continued to back terrorists or pursue WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION.
20050204             Bush to Seek $2.52—BILLION in military and economic aid for ISRAEL and $350—MILLION to help THE—PALESTINE—ECONOMY and security forces.
20050204             —UNIMPRESSED, Bush leaves Palestinians, : Palestinians have reacted with scepticism to PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, saying actions speak louder than words.
20050204             Kurdish party says SELF—RULE—INEVITABLE : Kurdish SELF—RULE is inevitable if not imminent, according to Kurdistan DEMOCRATIC—PARTY—CHIEF—MASUD—BARZANI.
20050204             Record Shell $17—BILLION profit spurs windfall tax calls : Shell was last night fighting calls for 1—WINDFALL tax as it recorded the biggest profits by 1—UK company.
20050204             Enron Schemes Caught On Tape —DURING USA—WEST—COAST—POWER—CRISIS—HOMES went dark + streetlights were out in CALIFORNIA causing injuries + accidents.
20050204             2—MEN, including EX—CONGRESSMAN, found GUILTY—OF—FRAUD : 1—FORMER—OREGON congressman + another man defrauded investors in THE—S—LOUIS AREA—OF—MORE than $2—MILLION, 1—JURY has ruled.
20050204             Gonzales Nomination, Faith Leaders Seek Forgiveness : Church Folks for 1—BETTER—AMERICA, —TODAY offered prayers seeking forgiveness for THE—USA—GOVERNMENT—COMPLICITY in torture and for confirming 1—MAN who contributed to such 1—INCONSISTENT policy.
20050204             THE—6—DEMOCRATS Who Voted For Gonzales Are : JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN, CONNECTICUT + KEN—SALAZAR.
20050204             IRAQ To Be Testing Ground For New Weapon : : THE—ACTIVE—DENIAL—SYSTEM—USES—MILLIMETER—WAVE—ELECTROMAGNETIC—ENERGY that can be directed at targets at 1—RANGE—OF—1—KILOMETER.
20050204             80—BILLION For What?
20050204             Deputy Defense SECRETARY—PAUL—WOLFOWITZ told senators —THURSDAY they can expect a "substantial request for supplemental funding in fiscal 20060000             ,"
20050204             Bush to Seek $419.3—BILLION for USA—DEFENSE—OFFICIALS : That 20060000              Pentagon request, part of 1 proposed federal budget expected to total about $2.5—TRILLION, does not include THE—COST—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20050204             No Disciplinary Action for USA—GENERAL—WHO—LIKES—TO—SHOOT—PEOPLE:
20050204             1—CULTURE—OF—SECRECY—WHAT has happened to the principle that USA—DEMOCRACY should be accessible + transparent?
20050204             Presseportal: KKR erwirbt MTU von der DaimlerChrysler AG KKR erwirbt MTU von der DaimlerChrysler AG.
20050204             Beim Kauf des Dualen Systems Deutschland wird...
20050204             Die Aktionäre des "Grünen Punkts" haben der Übernahme durch den Finanzinvestor.
20050204             —INCREASED, Wincor's, earnings help Goldman, KKR cash out | ATM... Wincor's increased earnings help Goldman, KKR cash out.The sale raised 1—ADDITIONAL €333.5—MILLION ($436—MILLION), excluding fees, for KKR + Goldman.
20050204             Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. - Fact SHEET—HOOVER—ONLINE—THE—MASTER—OF—THE 1980s buyout universe, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (popularly known as KKR ) has shed its hostile takeover image for 1—KINDER, gentler, buy-+...
20050204             Accel PARTNERS—PORTFOLIO Companies... ACCEL—KKR.
20050204             Andale_com, INCORPORATED BB&T (BBT). - - CenterBeam.
20050204             Yodlee.
20050204             —CREATED, ACCEL—KKR ACCEL—KKR is 1—INVESTMENT—FIRM, by Accel Partners + Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
20050204             MERCHANTS—OF—DEBT: Kkr + THE—MORTGAGING—OF—USA—BUSINESS By GEORGE—ANDERS 20020900              Beard Books 1587981254—PBCK—REPRNT—354—PP.
20050204             USA$34.95. - Primedia Group: Overview... titles from Elsevier.
20050204             —ESTABLISHED, It was, under the auspices of junk bond specialist Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts ( KKR ).
20050204             DECEMBER. Boletín Oficial del Estado.
20050204             Sección 3—GENERAL—DE—ARMAMENTO y Material, por la que se homologa la espoleta PDB—332—PARA granadas de mortero, fabricada por la empresa Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ).
20050204             —SUBMITTED, Operative paragraph 9: Transparency reports, 19830000                . Country of Origin: ARGENTINA.
20050204             Agency responsible: Army. EXPAL -4B nonmetallic AP Mine.
20050204             73,702. 1,317.... Malvinas Islands.
20050204             —ENGINEERED, For the private sector, Bernays, 1—MOST notorious publicity stunt for... Bernays is here referring to the "idealistic" Wilson administration's...
20050204             In the 1920s and '30s, Sigmund FREUD—NEPHEW—EDWARD—BERNAYS used his uncle's IDEAS—SOMETIMES to FREUD—CONSTERNATION -- to help create the new field of...
20050204             Latin American and Caribbean HISTORY—NATIONAL—HISTORIES... Edited by Tamara Feinstein Also includes USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT... PERU Coast Earthquake (20010623             ) - 7.9 ...
20050204             National Security Archive Staff + Fellows Tamara Feinstein, Analyst, is THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—PERU—DOCUMENTATION—PROJECT + also assists with THE—MEXICO project.
20050204             Human Rights Digital LIBRARY—ACADEMIC—INFO Edited by Tamara Feinstein Also includes USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—REPORTS on PERU + independent PERU—HUMAN—RIGHTS—LINKS.
20050204             THE—SEARCH for Truth -
20050204             —DIRECTED, THE—PERU Documentation Project is, by Tamara Feinstein.
20050204             THE—PROJECT... Source: National Security Archive Request ( Tamara FEINSTEIN—PERU.
20050204             BORR Terrorism News: "Montesinos: Blind Ambition" Contact: Tamara Feinstein 202—994—7219—WASHINGTON DC,
20050204             apreciar en el anexo 1 A. EXPAL—COMPAÑÍA COMERCIAL CURACAO COMUNICACIÓN DEL 20041102          .
20050204             USA—SENATE—APPROVES—OF—TORTURE As...
20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210              20050204             —BEKOMMT, Finanzinvestor KKR, Grünen Punkt zum SCHNÄPPCHEN—PREIS 20041210              20050214              Date: Sun 19951210             —855—PM—CST From: DAVID—J—SUSSMAN—EMS... initial PHASE—OF—THE—COMPUTER—SPY—EFFORT succeeded in downloading data from... Developed was 1—HIGHLY refined VERSION—OF—THE—INSLAW software called PROMIS
20050204             KKR kann "Grünen Punkt" übernehmen 200412291046    .
20050204—18910000    —MOVED, Born in VIENNA, the Bernays family, to THE—USA—IN—THE... Bernays relates the impact of this war propaganda BUREAU—IN—BIOGRAPHY—OF an...
20050204—19890000    —AROUND, It was suspected that the man † as 1—RESULT—OF—BEEF he consumed in ENGLAND.
20050204—19900000    —SINCE, Investigators found that nearly EVERY—1—OF—THE—10—LARGEST—CONTRACTS awarded for work in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN went to companies employing FORMER—HIGH—RANKING government officials + all 10—TOP—CONTRACTORS are established donors in USA—POLITICS, contributing nearly $11—MILLION to national political parties, candidates + political action committees.
20050204—19920000    (79).
20050204—19920000    CARBAUGH JOHN E: Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. THE—TERRORISM—INDUSTRY.
20050204—19930000    —INCREASED, State services for autism had, from some 5,000 to 26,
20050204—20010000    —IN, And on THE—EVE—OF—THE—IRAQ war, at least 9—OF—THE—30—MEMBERS—OF—USA—DEFENSE—POLICY—BOARD, THE—GOVERNMENT—APPOINTED group that advises the Pentagon, had ties to companies that had won more than $76—BILLION in defense contracts + 20020000           .
20050204—20040000    —REPORTED, It was, that CALIFORNIA—MYSTERIOUS—EXPLOSION—OF—AUTISM—CASES increased by 13%.
20050204—20040000    —IN, 000.
20050204—20040000    —EARNED, The £9.4bn, from oil + gas - £1m an —HOUR + equal to nearly 1—PERCENT—OF—UK s GDP—CAME —AFTER the prices of UK domestic gas, electricity + petrol soared.
20050204—20150000    THROUGH, NTI: Country Overviews: INDIA: Missile Chronology ," CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE Agency, 20011200            .
20050204—20150000    Issue of INDIA Report, a WASHINGTON—BASED consultant JOHN—E—CARBAUGH says "many...
20050305—20050204    —AM, Sgrena, die für die linksgerichtete Zeitung "Il Manifesto" sowie für die deutsche Wochenzeitung "Die Zeit" arbeitet, war in Bagdad verschleppt worden.
20050306             CHERTOFF : WAR—ON—TERRORISTS.
20050628             2004090204_Sep_2004—LEDEEN+Perle, Richard + Timmerman, Kenneth + Mylroie, Laurie are equally hysterical... Here is THE—URL for the 'Men from JINSA and CSP' article (notice the...
20050628             [Found on Google] 3. 2004090204_Sep_2004 1.8—METRES long, came out of the convertor.
20050806             2004090204_Sep_2004... Paul + Feith, Douglas + Luti, AIPAC, SISMI, Ghorbanifar, MOJAHEDIN—E Khalq, MEK, Pollari Feith Pollard 124—PAGES listed LutiWeld, William...
20060129—20060204    ReBelle Nation:
20060202—20060204    —ON, in ARKANSAS Robida shot himself —AFTER he killed 1—GASSVILLE police officer and 1—WOMAN in his car.
20060204             —ASSESSED, CHARLEY—REESE: Guess THE—POLITICIAN : 1—POLITICIAN—RECENTLY, the challenges and threats facing THE—PEOPLE—OF—THE—WORLD in the 20010101—21001231 .
20060204             Post Date:20060107
20060204             Post Date:20060109              - You're Out, Tom
20060204             ARKANSAS, JACOB—D—ROBIDA, 18—JAHRE—ALT shot himself —AFTER he killed 1—GASSVILLE police officer and 1—WOMAN in his car.
20060204             Robida † the next —DAY.
20060204             —2—DAYS—EARLIER—ROBIDA had used 1—HATCHET and 1—GUN to attack 3—PATRONS at 1—GAY—BAR in MASSACHUSETTS.
20060204             —RIOTED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, nearly 2,000 inmates, at the Castaic NORTH—COUNTY—CORRECTIONAL Facility, throwing mattresses and banging heads against bunk beds, in 1—UPROAR that officials said stemmed from racial tensions.
20060204             † 1—INMATE was killed.
20060204             † BETTY—FRIEDAN, 85—JAHRE—ALT, feminist crusader and AUTHOR—OF "THE—FEMININE—MYSTIQUE" (19630000             ), at her home in WASHINGTON.
20060204             —ABOUT 250—AFGHANISTAN—FORCES fought more than 200—REBELS in the area's fiercest fighting in months.
20060204             —KILLED, At least 19—PEOPLE were, in AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20060204             —RIPPED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—LAND—MINE, through 1—POLICE—VEHICLE, killing 6—OFFICERS and wounding 4 in KANDAHAR.
20060204             —SURGED, SAO—PAULO, BRAZIL, THOUSANDS—OF—FANS, through security barriers at 1—AUTOGRAPH session for 1—WILDLY popular MEXICO—BAND, leaving 3—PEOPLE crushed to death and 38 injured.
20060204             Dumarsais Simeus (65), 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE whose name was dropped from the ballot despite 2—HAITI—SUPREME—COURT—RULINGS, said the interim PRESIDENT, THE—PRIME—MINISTER and the electoral council should be jailed.
20060204             —CALLED, INDIA—AIRPORT—WORKERS, off a 4—DAY—ANTI—PRIVATIZATION—STRIKE that had created chaos at the nation's airports —AFTER the government promised them job security.
20060204             —REPORTED, THE—ISNA news agency, that IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD has ordered the cancellation of economic contracts with countries where the media have carried cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
20060204             —REPORTED, THE—UN—NUCLEAR—WATCHDOG, IRAN to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL in 1—RESOLUTION expressing concern that TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM may not be "exclusively for peaceful purposes".
20060204             —RETALIATED, IRAN, —IMMEDIATELY, saying it would resume uranium enrichment at its main plant instead of in RUSSIA.
20060204             A 3—DAY—ENERGY meeting in MEXICO—CITY wrapped up —AFTER moving to 1—MEXICAN—OWNED hotel.
20060204             It was the 1. PRIVATE—SECTOR—OIL—SUMMIT between CUBA and THE—USA.
20060204             The meeting between CUBA—OFFICIALS and USA—ENERGY—EXECUTIVES was moved to another hotel —AFTER the Hotel MARIA—ISABEL—SHERATON asked the Cubans to leave.
20060204             1—PALESTINE—MAN stabbed 5—PEOPLE on 1—MINIBUS in CENTRAL—ISRAEL, killing 1—WOMAN—BEFORE passengers subdued him.
20060204             Jihad Momani, 1—JORDAN—TABLOID editor, was arrested —AFTER his newspaper published controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, —WHILE 1—INVESTIGATION was launched into a 2. weekly newspaper that also printed the cartoons.
20060204             Momani, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—THE—WEEKLY gossip newspaper Shihane, was fired from his job the previous —DAY.
20060204             —LINED, In THE—PHILIPPINES THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE, up outside 1—STADIUM—NEAR—MANILA to watch 1—TV—GAME—SHOW surged toward the gates in the mistaken belief they were open, and at least 88—PEOPLE were trampled to death.
20060204             —INJURED, Over 300—PEOPLE were.
20060204             —REVERED, Rage against caricatures of Islam's, prophet poured out across the Muslim world.
20060204             —CALLED, Aggrieved believers in Syria, for executions, stormed, European buildings and torched the Danish and NORWAY—EMBASSIES in DAMASCUS.
20060204             —MARCHED, In GAZA Palestinians, through the streets, storming European buildings and burning German and DENMARK—FLAGS.
20060204             SOUTH—AFRICAN—ZOLISWA, Nkonyana (19), 1—LESBIAN, was stoned, kicked and stabbed to death —JUST meters (yards) from her CAPE—TOWN—HOME.
20060204             —ASKED, Thaksin said he would step down if THE—KING.
20060204             Bush Urges Study of Math and Science
20060204             PRESIDENT—BUSH told students that studying math + science would help their own futures, as well as the economic HEALTH—OF—THE—USA.
20060204             —PUBLISHED, Democrats want intelligence on N KOREA, (Reuters )
20060204             PRESIDENT—BUSH wants to spend more on bird flu + the physical sciences, BUT would freeze the budget of the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH, documents show.
20060204             WASHINGTON (REUTERS ) - PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will propose funding for the creation of 1—ATOMIC—ENERGY—PARTNERSHIP with RUSSIA in his upcoming fiscal 20070000              budget, according to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20060204             Chavez says Bush worse than Hitler
20060204             In 1—CHANGE—OF—PLANS, Bush Says He WILL—ATTEND—KING—FUNERAL
20060204             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said that PRESIDENT—BUSH would attend the funeral of Coretta SCOTT—KING—ON—TUESDAY, postponing 1—TRIP to NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20060204             NEW—YORK—TIMES—PRESIDENT—BUSH has chosen 1—TELECOMMUNICATIONS—LAWYER + lobbyist for 1—OPEN—SEAT on the Federal Communications Commission.
20060204             REUTERS—CARACAS, Venezuel a (Reuters ) - Venezuel an PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ told 1—RALLY—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS on —SATURDAY that
20060204             —VOWED, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH was worse than Hitler +, to buy more arms to defend his nation as their diplomatic relations...
20060204             NEW—YORK—TIMES—THE—WHITE—HOUSE said that PRESIDENT—BUSH would attend the funeral of CORETTA ON—TUESDAY—KING—OF—SCOTT, postponing 1—TRIP to NEW—HAMPSHIRE.
20060204             —KRITISIERT, Heiliger Stuhl: Vatikan, MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN
20060204             Atomstreit: IRAN untersagt unangekündigte Kontrollen
20060204             Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Mitten im Kampf der Kulturen
20060204             Überlebende Nazi s: SCOTLAND Yard ermittelt gegen hunderte SS—VERBRECHER
20060204             Karikaturenstreit: Skandinavische Botschaften in Brand gesetzt
20060204             However, 1—OF—THE—GEOPHYSICISTS made 1—NOTEWORTH statement:
20060204             "—DURING the collapse, MOST—OF—THE—ENERGY—OF—THE falling debris was absorbed by the towers + the neighboring structures, converting them into rubble + dust or causing other DAMAGE—BUT not causing significant ground shaking".
20060204             If that is the case, then exactly what did cause the ground to shake, as recorded on the seismographs?
20060204             Although official government explanations of why Building 7—FELL —7—HOURS—AFTER the 2. tower fell cite fire that melted the steel, Jones said the fire was not hot enough.
20060204             The way the building fell also was not compatible with the theory, he said + is more telling of 1—EXPLOSION.
20060204             "It's looking impossible to me as I look at these calculations that the official explanation could be correct. It violate s THE—LAWS—OF—PHYSICS," he said.
20060204             CURT—WELDON—CALLED to Testify in Moussaoui Trial
20060204             —SUBPOENAED, Congressman, for 20010911              trial
20060204             Attorneys for al Qaeda conspi rator Zacarias Moussaoui have subpoenaed PENNSYLVANIA Congressman CURT—WELDON to testify at 1—TRIAL that will determine whether Moussaoui should be executed.
20060204             The defense is seeking WELDON—TESTIMONY to try and show that the government knew more about 20010911             —THE attacks than Moussaoui did.
20060204             Weldon, vice CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOUSE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE, contends that
20060204             —MINED, Able Danger, computer data to identify 4—OF—THE—19—HIJACKERS, including leader MOHAMMED—ATTA, as al Qaeda operatives 1—YEAR + 1—HALF—BEFORE 20010911             —THE attacks.
20060204             —SPEARHEADED, Weldon has, the call for Congress to hold public hearings on Able Danger + penned 1—LETTER signed by 1—BIPARTISAN group of 248—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS
20060204             calling on Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD to permit military analysts who worked on the program to testify.
20060204             "It is 1—IMPORTANT—ISSUE in understanding the full scope of 20010911             ," said WELDON—COMMUNICATIONS—DIRECTOR, JOHN—TOMASZEWSKI.
20060204             "The venue + the time has not been decided".
20060204             —POSTED—BY dz at 12:02 AM EST Comments (2) - Supporting THE—PRESIDENT
20060204             As always, please see the original for links to supporting documents + spread it —AROUND!!!
20060204             MANY—AMERICANS support THE—PRESIDENT—BECAUSE—OF—20010911
20060204             free movie downloads CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THOUSANDS—OF—FREE—MOVIES.
20060204             —RELATED, Articles and Posts, to free movie downloads... NO—JETLINER—HIT—THE—PENTAGON and used it to...
20060204             Photek Producuctions UFO (Eklektik) Basshop/Electorofunk Ooah.
20060204             Stew Webb Breaking News BUSH—MILLMAN—CLINTON Crime Family... 20010911              WTC BUSH—CHENEY Attacked AMERICA...
20060204             Basic Physics PhysOrg_com science forums + latest news discussions... WTC towers) had damaged 7—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER, which is about a 50—STORY building,
20060204             at Vesey between WEST—BROADWAY + WASHINGTON... your UFO theories derived... the pentagon don't want...
20060204             Subject: Feelgoodism. USA—FEEL Goodism.
20060204             Score is tied, seconds to go, the underdog's only decent player is out hurt + yet in the last moment they get the winning point.
20060204             evil" - (as you + KING—OF—THE—JEWS jorge bush are so careful to describe it) stems from...
20060204             The set up disasters like WTC, so they can continue our advance...
20060204             CycleForums Archive - I say thank you OSAMA—BIN—LADEN... THE—WTC and on the 767 shaped missile that hit the Pentagon all Goverment... know that THE—WTC even existed in the... with explosives coming into WASHINGTON State?
20060204             God may... - " Bush is 1—WRIGGLER—BUSH is 1—WRIGGLER - Voodoo Blog... JacK Daniels] YAHOO.
20060204             TIMES ONLINE.
20060204             UFO Digest... CNN_COM—PENTAGON officials: USA—MAY have found IRAQ chemical weapons PLANT—MAR.
20060204             wood s lot - 20061201—20151201    ,2001 blog,personal commentary,reflections on the human condition,ephemera,notes from the underbelly
20060204             Maize... GLORIA—PRESSETT; Ivonne Pena;
20060204             JORGE—BUENDIA; KEN—SHOLDERS; Maria... the twin towers of THE—WTC ?
20060204             What significance... relationship with ANY—TOP—RANKING officials here in WASHINGTON...
20060204             TBLOG—MAMBO Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Slience Him.
20060204             —FROM : "Above Top Secret.
20060204             Clusterfuck Nation by JIM—KUNSTLER : Paranoia Runs Deep.
20060204             —ON At Peak. jorge on At Peak. jorge on
20060204             At... top echelons of the Pentagon, National Security Council + in... is not made in WASHINGTON or NEW—YORK, but in...
20060204             1—SKEPTICAL—BLOG—1—SKEPTICAL—LOOK at the world through THE—EYES—OF—MAGICIAN and political activist Dominion... there was anger in the Pentagon.
20060204             Several senior war... Marine Cpl.
20060204             JORGE—A—GONZALEZ, 20, LOS—ANGELES, combat... WASHINGTON (AP ) - Frustrated by 1—THREATENED—FRANCE—VETO, the.
20060204             WhatReallyHappened_com: February 27, 20050000—20050305     Archives Search WRH.
20060204             Categories. Sections. Relinked at reader request.
20060204             - M. R. Did Giuliana Sgrena uncover proof of massive war crimes by THE—USA—INVOLVING the use of banned chemical weapons on civilians? - M. R... new ANTI—USA—JIHADISTS" ( WASHINGTON—POST, February 17, 20050000              ), this... "It was Elvis + THE—UFO aliens!" - M. R... good faith" of the Pentagon, the government organization that is.
20060204             Say Goodbye To TOM—DELAY - Say Goodbye To TOM—DELAY—SONG Parody (Sing to "—YESTERDAY")
20060204             —BY MADELEINE—BEGUN—KANE—TOM—DELAY, HE—GOT troubles.
20060204             They won't go away.
20060204             Jack's pled guilty and he'll have his say. So say goodbye to TOM—DELAY.
20060204             Abramoff, He's pled guilty.
20060204             —NOW Tom won't get off.
20060204             Yes, they've got him cold, though wingnuts scoff.
20060204             Can't wait to hear from Abramoff.
20060204             I am Innocent, I am pure, Says TOM—DELAY.
20060204             Didn't do Nothing wrong. How Tom longs For —YESTERDAY.
20060204             Poor DeLay. Crime was such an easy game to play.
20060204             Soon the Feds will lock DeLay away. So say goodbye to TOM—DELAY.
20060204             I am Innocent, I've been wronged, Claims TOM—DELAY.
20060204             I didn't Break the law. How Tom longs For —YESTERDAY.
20060204             TOM—DELAY. Crime was such a sleazy game to play.
20060204             Say goodbye to TOM—DELAY.
20060204             House Republican s are holding elections in 1—EFFORT to prevent TOM—DELAY from returning to his post as House Majority Leader.
20060204             How the mighty have fallen.
20060204             Cue Nino ROTA—PLAINTIVE trumpet melody: MICHAEL You're not 1—WARTIME—CONSIGLIERI, Tom.
20060204             Things may get rough with the move we're trying. VITO Tom - I advise Michael.
20060204             I never thought you were 1—BAD—CONSIGLIERI.
20060204             I—THOUGHT—SANTINO was 1—BAD—DON, rest in peace.
20060204             Michael has all my confidence, AS—AS you do.
20060204             But UH—THERE are reasons why you must have no part in what is going to happen.
20060204             TOM (to Michael) Maybe I could help... MICHAEL (curtly) You're out, Tom.
20060204             Of course, the big difference here is that TOM—DELAY was very much 1—WARTIME consigliere.
20060204             terrorize.DK—WELCOME This site will be translated into english.
20060204             For —NOW it's written in danish. But look ahead anyway.
20060204             You will find evidence in government complicity and images/videos you probably never has seen —BEFORE.
20060204             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES - 20040313              —SATURDAY, 20040313           .
20060204             SIGNS—OF—THE—TIMES. PICTURE—OF—THE—DAY.
20060204             —PLAYED, The same charade that, out 30—MONTHS ago in THE—USA is —NOW on stage in EUROPE.
20060204             And the population is falling into the trap.
20060204             of issues important to WASHINGTON, including the restructuring of the... rather similar to THE—WTC attacks occurred in MADRID.
20060204             CHIEF—PENTAGON spokesman LAWRENCE—DI—RITA said —FRIDAY night... - Agencies, Commissions... | 100777_com
20060204             For we wrestle not against flesh + blood, but against principalities, against powers, against THE—RULERS—OF—THE—DARKNESS—OF this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (places). - - PINCUS—OF—THE—WASHINGTON—POST.
20060204             " THE—PENTAGON acknowledged LAST—WEEK... that —MORNING out of WTC -7?
20060204             Why did PNAC... claiming the helicopters are associated with " UFO " activity, etc...
20060204             Zevon was the... - AMPP: Monopolies and Transnationals
20060204             —AFTER all, share prices —NOW owe more to faith in the miraculous power of Mammon than... Cultural, political, social and financial events move in lockstep.
20060204             High petrol prices, the story so far Natural gas prices drop back nearly 300% to the normal trend line —AFTER winters demand spike.
20060204             Engdahl FW.2003. - 'A New USA—CENTURY?
20060204             Atomstreit: IRAN will Urananreicherung in vollem Umfang wieder aufnehmen
20060204             IRAN: IAEA verweist Atomstreit an UN—SICHERHEITSRAT
20060204             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: "Forscher sind verantwortlich für Scheitern der Integration"
20060204             Partnersuche: Saurier hupten fürs andere Geschlecht
20060204             (Wissenschaft, Polen: "Der Kampf mit den Deutschen geht weiter"
20060204             SPAIN, Landmine Monitor Report 19990000              Mine Ban Policy.
20060204             Mata Hari 20060000              Straftat die ist, dass sie nicht mit Bush s Irakkrieg + seinen... Morgan, GOLDMANN—SACHS ) Wolfensohn + Wolfowitz von der Weltbank.
20060204             DYNCCORP—PRIVATISIERTE Gewalt (20061203             ) —SEIT dem letzten Irakkrieg ist der Einsatz von sogenannten... dem Wizard einer kaufinteressierten Öffentlichkeit von Goldmann Sachs —BIS zu...
20060204             IMINFORM—NEWSLETTER 20030000—20030000
20060204             der Fälschung + der brutalsten Gewalt, um diese Rolle auszufüllen.
20060204             Das Konsortium Apax, Goldmann Sachs CAPITAL—PARTNERS + PROVIDENCE Equity hat auch.
20060204             IMINFORM—NEWSLETTER 20030000—20030000     Diskussionsforum zum IRAK—KRIEG iminform stellt 1—DISKUSSIONSFORUM zum Austausch... Das Konsortium Apax, Goldmann Sachs CAPITAL—PARTNERS und PROVIDENCE...
20060204             Silbermarkt 20040000              : ein Update - keine Rolle mehr.
20060204             Der meist beachtete Rohstoffindex ist Der Goldman Sachs Commodity Index.
20060204             (GSCI). - - Goldmann Sachs Dow Jones AIG*.
20060204             Jugendnetz Wetzlar Jugendnetz Wetzlar v2 :: Toleranz? (k)1—THEMA... + Rüstungsgütern für den Irakkrieg.[2] —SEIT...
20060204             1. BUSH—ADMINISTRATION eine führende Rolle im HUD... kaufinteressierten Öffentlichkeit von Goldmann Sachs —BIS zu...
20060204             allMystery • THE—UNITED—NATIONS!
20060204             Er spielt somit in unserer Betrachtung eine untergeordnete Rolle.
20060204             Banken/JP MORGAN—CHASE, Goldmann Sachs, Lehmann Bank, UBS Warburg.
20060204             allMystery • Angst vor AMERIKA !
20060204             "das erscheint dem Laien unverständlich,
20060204             Da die Rolle der FED auch die... Banken/JP MORGAN—CHASE, Goldmann Sachs, Lehmann Bank, UBS Warburg...
20060204             WIRTSCHAFTSENTWICKLUNG: PROGNOSE 20020000—20030000 .
20060204             Der drohende Irakkrieg, die nukleare Karte Nordkoreas... 1—VERSCHLECHTERUNG—DES—LÄNDERRISIKOS spielte 1—ROLLE.. Goldmann Sachs wird in die Sumitomo Mitsui...
20060204             130403antiwarblogg.html Tausende Menschen brachten ihren Protest gegen den Irakkrieg sowie gegen den "Permanenten Krieg"... Goldmann & Sachs BANK—NEW—YORK NEW—YORK City BANK—DIE...
20060204             Weitere Beiträge: 1—KAFFEEHAUS: [politik] Man nehme es mir nicht.. stehen bei 80 $ je Barrel, im nächsten —JAHR 100 $ sagt GOLDMANN—SACHS.
20060204             das bedeutet, uneingeschränkte Solidarität hieß also damals Irakkrieg ?
20060204             SENATOR—ROBERTS—BACKS—DOMESTIC—SPYING : Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PAT—ROBERTS on —FRIDAY strongly endorsed THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ARGUMENT that THE—PRESIDENT has the authority to conduct warrantless electronic surveillance in THE—USA in PURSUIT—OF—TERRORISTS.
20060204             JUDGE—SETS—TRIAL for Libby in CIA Leak : 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ON—FRIDAY set FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. Lewis ``Scooter'' LIBBY—TRIAL—DATE for 20070100             , —2—MONTHS—AFTER the midterm congressional elections.
20060204             —TRAINED, Cindy Sheehan terrorizes Bush and his, clapping seals : Diabolic... Cindy Sheehan armed with 1 concealed T—SHIRT boldly snuck into BUSH—STATE—OF—DISUNION—SPEECH.
20060204             JUDGE—ORDERS—PADILLA—SHACKLES—REMOVED : USA—OFFICIALS who want terror suspect Jose Padilla to wear handcuffs and ankle chains —DURING open court appearances must 1. show he poses 1—DIRECT—SAFETY—THREAT, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—SAID—FRIDAY.
20060204             HUNDREDS—OF—MENTALLY—ILL to Be Executed in AMERICA: Amnesty:
20060204             World Tracker turns anyone into 1—CELLPHONE spy : —JUST enter the number you want to track into the service's handy Google MAPS—BASED interface + you'll be able to zoom in on the device's location, with accuracy somewhere between 50 and 500—METERS.
20060204             THE—END—OF—THE—INTERNET?
20060204             The nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting 1—ALARMING SET—OF—STRATEGIES that would transform the free, open and nondiscriminatory INTERNET—OF—TODAY to 1—PRIVATELY run and branded service that would charge 1—FEE for virtually everything we do online.
20060204             JPMorgan faces $2.2—BILLION fraud lawsuit over bonds : JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM.N: Quote, Profile, Research) faces 1—CIVIL racketeering lawsuit accusing THE—NUMBER 3—USA—BANK of defraud ing bond investors and others out of at least $2.2—BILLION over more than 20—YEARS.
20060204             IRAN has no bomb but it will hit back, USA told : IRAN—CLERICAL—REGIME is supremely confident, has 1—FIRM—GRIP on power and is ready to retaliate against attacks by THE—USA—OR—ISRAEL with missiles or by activating terrorist allies, the latest USA—INTELLIGENCE—ASSESSMENT says.
20060204             See if you can guess from his remarks who he is: SCOTT—RITTER WARNS—OF—USA—IRAN war:
20060204             "There is nothing to prevent THE—PRESIDENT from going to war in IRAN. He has no respect for checks and balances. We're heading toward TEHRAN unless we get representative s in Congress who respect the constitution of THE—USA," he said
20060204             TURKEY will construct own nuclear power plant with USA—SUPPORT: On February 9, —DURING 1—VISIT—OF—TURKISH—ENERGY and Natural Resources MINISTER—HILMI—GULER in THE—USA, he will discuss PARTICIPATION—OF—USA—COMPANIES in CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NUCLEAR—POWER—PLANT in TURKEY.
20060204             Astounding Hypocrisy : Few in THE—MIDDLE—EAST will have heard GEORGE—W—BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS without feeling exasperation and anger that this belligerent PRESIDENT appears to have no idea of how USA—POLICY in the region is riddled with double standards.
20060204             Hamas ponders truce with ISRAEL : Hamas will never recognise ISRAEL—RIGHT to exist but it could negotiate terms for 1—LONG—TERM—TRUCE with it, 1—SENIOR—HAMAS leader has said.
20060204             The gap between USA rhetoric and reality : The victory of Hamas in THE—PALESTINE—ELECTIONS ought to lead to 1—FUNDAMENTAL—RETHINKING—OF—USA—STRATEGY in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, especially —SINCE it follows electoral successes for Islamist parties in PAKISTAN, IRAN, SAUDI—ARABIA and EGYPT.
20060204             Confirmed: Israelis kill 15—YEAR—OLD inside LEBANON : LEBANON and THE—UNITED—NATIONS confirmed —THURSDAY ISRAEL—TROOPS killed a 15—YEAR—OLD shepherd inside LEBANON, —AFTER investigations were carried out by peacekeeping forces along THE—LEBANESE—ISRAEL—BORDER.
20060204             FBI Probes AIPAC Leak of IRAN Docs to NYT : THE—FBI is probing 1—EFFORT by 2—FORMER—EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—USA—ISRAEL—PUBLIC—AFFAIRS—COMMITTEE (AIPAC) to disclose classified information to THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20060204             This appears to have been PART—OF—1—EFFORT to cultivate Times reporters in order to selectively leak classified IRAN WMD documents.
20060204             Evangelicals to launch 'CHRISTIAN—AIPAC':
20060204             1—LEADING—USA—EVANGELIST is forming 1—UMBRELLA—ORGANIZATION under which all PRO—ISRAEL Christians in AMERICA can speak as 1 in support of the Jewish state
20060204             —ALLEGED, UK considers curbing citizens' right to arrest, war criminal s : The government is considering weakening laws designed to capture alleged war criminal s and torturers who enter BRITAIN, —AFTER pressure from THE—ISRAEL—GOVERNMENT, THE—GUARDIAN has learned.
20060204             IRAQ—MILITANTS—ACTIVE in AFGHANISTAN' : Several AL—QAEDA militants are coming from IRAQ to take part in the insurgency in AFGHANISTAN;
20060204             1—PROVINCIAL—GOVERNOR said on —THURSDAY—AFTER interrogating 1—IRAQ—CAUGHT sneaking into the country illegally.
20060204             Rumsfeld Likens CHAVEZ—RISE to Hitler : Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD likened Venezuel an PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ to ADOLF—HITLER, reflecting continuing tension in relations between THE—USA—AND—THE—LATIN—USA—GOVERNMENT.
20060204             Rumsfeld and Negroponte Amp Up Attacks on Chavez : : Clearly, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has decided Venezuel 1—AND—PRESIDENT—CHÁVEZ represent a "severe threat" to USA—DOMINATION in the region and USA—CONTROL over energy resources in the hemisphere.
20060204             Venezuel 1—MAY—VERY well be next on the list for a "preemptory war" in the style of IRAQ.
20060204             Venezuel 1—EXPELS—USA naval 'spy' : Venezuel an PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ says he is expelling 1—USA—OFFICIAL accused of spying with Venezuel 1—OFFICERS.
20060204             Venezuel 1—CHAVEZ—TO—RECEIVE—UNESCO—AWARD—IN—CUBA—REPORT : Venezuel an PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ was to travel to CUBA to receive 1—AWARD from THE—UNITED—NATIONS and inaugurate 1—INTERNATIONAL—BOOK—FAIR in the capital, CUBA—STATE—RUN—MEDIA reported —THURSDAY.
20060204             Maxine Waters urges THE—INTER—USA—COMMISSION on Human Rights to investigate the Coup d'État in HAITI
20060204             ROBERT—DREYFUSS : WASHINGTON—IRAQ—BLINDNESS: THE—IRAQ that exists in PRESIDENT—BUSH—IMAGINATION + the real IRAQ, the 1 in which 160,000—USA—TROOPS occupy 1—NATION sliding into civil war, have never seemed further apart.
20060204             USA—OFFICIALS warn of greater threats from terrorists:
20060204             Top USA—INTELLIGENCE and military officials said —THURSDAY that THE—THREAT—OF—TERROR—ATTACKS against USA—INTERESTS might be greater than ever, despite progress against AL—QAIDA and the continuing wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20060204             The administration said war costs for 20060000              would total $120—BILLION.
20060204             Ugly phrase conceals an uglier truth:
20060204             IAEA Vote Concerning IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM—DELAY ed —UNTIL—SATURDAY
20060204             IRAN threatens to abandon RUSSIA—COMPROMISE : The deputy head of the national security council, Javad Vaeidi, said his country would no longer consider 1—PLAN to shift its uranium enrichment programme to RUSSIA if THE—INTERNATIONAL—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY referred IRAN to THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL.
20060204             CHINA—UN—ENVOY: Won't Support Sanctions Against IRAN : CHINA would never support sanctions against IRAN as a " MATTER—OF—PRINCIPLE," THE—CHINA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SAID —FRIDAY, adding that his nation still prefers 1—LOW—KEY—APPROACH in confronting TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS.
20060204             He said, "Having the full cycle of producing nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes, too, is IRAN—NATURAL—RIGHT + it is neither logical, nor possible to deprive your COUNTRY—OF—THAT—LEGAL—RIGHT resorting to unreasonable pretexts".
20060204             IRAQ war is costing $100,000 per —MINUTE:
20060204             The "long war,": Pentagon to Release 20-Year Plan —TODAY: THE—USA is engaged in what could be 1—GENERATIONAL conflict akin to the Cold War, THE—KIND—OF—STRUGGLE that might last decades as allies work to root out terrorists across the globe and battle extremists who want to rule the world, Defense SECRETARY—DONALD—H—RUMSFELD said —YESTERDAY.
20060204             —REVEALED, BLAIR—BUSH deal —BEFORE IRAQ war, in secret memo:
20060204             —PROMISED, PM, to be 'solidly behind' USA—INVASION with or without UN backing
20060204             y - Bush, Blair made war 'deal' : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH and UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR were ready to go to war against IRAQ with or without a 2. UNITED—NATIONS resolution, it was reported —TODAY.
20060204             Revolutionary Movements and Leader ship -
20060204             Creative and visionary ways must be found to bring GROUPS—OF—PEOPLE together in common causes that may appear to be unrelated, but which are in fact interrelated.
20060204             I will leave that to minds more brilliant than my own, but I will participate.
20060204             Pentagon Database Leaves No Child Alone
20060204             —ORGANIZED, All over the country, citizens are fighting to restrict the military's presence in schools.
20060204             But having recruiters troll high schools cafeterias is —JUST 1—WAY the Pentagon inundates our youngsters with messages to "Go Army!"
20060204             IRAQ, NIGER + THE—CIA
20060204             —BY MURRAY—WAAS, special to National Journal
20060204             —NACH—DEN Verhaltenstests untersuchten die Wissenschaftler auch, wie einzelne GEHIRN—NEURONEN im Riechzentrum der Ratten auf Duftreize reagierten: Über 90—PROZENT—DER—AKTIVEN—NERVENZELLEN konnten Gerüche von links und rechts unterscheiden.
20060204             Durch diesen neurologischen Befund sehen die Forscher die Erkenntnisse aus ihrem Experiment noch bekräftigt, schreiben sie in der Fachzeitschrift "Science".
20060204             "Wir glauben, dass bei Ratten mit jedem Schnüffeln ein kompletter Schnappschuss der Geruchsumwelt entsteht", schreiben die Forscher.
20060204             Der Bruchteil einer —SEKUNDE genügt.
20060204             So schnell können Ratten mit einem Schnüffeln feststellen, aus welcher Richtung 1—DUFT kommt.
20060204             Zwar sind die Nasenlöcher der Nager nur rund 3—MILLIMETER voneinander entfernt.
20060204             Doch ihr Gehirn erkennt an den unterschiedlichen Ankunftszeiten der Duftmoleküle in den Nasenlöchern und aus den ungleichen Intensitäten, ob sich die Geruchsquelle links oder rechts von ihnen befindet.
20060204             Eine einsteigerfreundliche Anleitung zur kritischen Analyse für Jedermann, hat Hardwaresecrets_com veröffentlicht.
20060204             Schritt für Schritt wird dort erklärt, wie man die einzelnen Komponenten auf Qualität, Vollständigkeit + Richtigkeit prüft.
20060204             Amerikanische Ureinwohner gegen GUN
20060204             Auf Boycottgun_com ruft die Association for USA—INDIA—DEVELOPMENT zum Boykott gegen das Videospiel "GUN" auf.
20060204             Das Actionspiel, im klassischen Wilden Westen angesiedelt, zeige auf herabwürdigende und stereotype Weise die amerikanischen Ureinwohner und stelle deren Gebräuche und Geschichte verzerrt und falsch dar.
20060204             Activision, der PUBLISHER—DES—SPIELS, reagierte nun auf die Vorwürfe und entschuldigte sich im Namen aller Medien: Niemand habe beabsichtigt, die amerikanischen Ureinwohner herabzuwürdigen.
20060204             Eine kurze GESCHICHTE—DER—INDIANER—DISKRIMINIERUNG im Videospiel auf Gamergod_com erhellt die ganze Geschichte.
20060204             Derweil verhökern böse Russen Sicherheitslücken und die Indianer protestieren gegen Indianerspiele.
20060204             Das ENDE—DES—INTERNET—FREI, kostenlos, offen für JEDEN—DAS INTERNET ist 1—OASE.
20060204             Doch das amerikanische Wochenmagazine "THE—NATION" - sieht das ENDE—DES—INTERNET dräuen.
20060204             Der Grund: Die großen amerikanischen TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—UNTERNEHMEN wollen aus dem öffentlichen NETZ—DER—NETZE ein von Firmen kontrolliertes Angebot machen, bei dem praktisch JEDE—ONLINE—BEWEGUNG etwas kostet und unliebsame Stimmen unterdrückt werden.
20060204             Klingt absurd? Das Center for Digital Democracy
20060204             hat interne Pläne der großen BREITBAND—ANBIETER gesammelt, die die Umstrukturierung des Netzes vorzeichnen.
20060204             —GEGANGEN, Natürlich ist die Gegenseite längst in Stellung, und fordert eine verbriefte Neutralität des Netzes.
20060204             Dem AUTOR—DES "Nation"-Artikels und vielen Kritikern geht das aber nicht weit GENUG—KOMMUNIKATION an sich würde gerade fundamentale Veränderungen durchmachen, die ganz andere Ansätze erforderlich machten.
20060204             Sehr lesenswert!
20060204             Mit der neuen Technik könne die Polizei Verdächtigen somit aus sicherer Entfernung folgen und erspare sich halsbrecherische Verfolgungsjagden, bei denen in der Vergangenheit auch häufig unbeteiligte Passanten verletzt wurden, sagte Bratton.
20060204             Die Polizeiflotte von L.A. soll noch im Lauf des Jahres mit der Wunderwaffe ausgestattet werden.
20060204             Die bei USA—POLIZISTEN zunehmend beliebte GPS—ÜBERWACHUNG von Fahrzeugen ist in den USA durchaus umstritten.
20060204             Kritiker wie etwa die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sind der Meinung, dass solche Verfolgungsmethoden zumindest per Gerichstbeschluss abgesegnet werden sollten.
20060204             1—ANWALT—DER—EFF sagte der IT—SEITE "Cnet_com" —SCHON im vergangenen —JAHR: "Wir leben in einer Welt, in der immer mehr unserer Aktivitäten in der Öffentlichkeit beobachtet werden, und, was vielleicht wichtiger ist, miteinander verknüpft werden können".
20060204             Befürworter der GPS—VERFOLGUNG halten dem entgegen, man könne 1—AUTO ja auch im Streifenwagen verfolgen, ohne dafür einen Richter bemühen zu müssen.
20060204             MOHAMMED—KARIKATUREN: Annan fordert Moslems zu Vergebung auf
20060204             Ephesians 6:12
20060204—19660000    —IN, she CO—FOUNDED the National organization for Women (—NOW).
20060204—19770000    —SINCE, 10—PERCENT of the 1. 1,000—PEOPLE executed in THE—USA suffered from illnesses ranging from schizophrenia to POST—TRAUMATIC—STRESS—DISORDER and brain damage
20060204—20020210    THROUGH, Letters88 Reader Mail 88. Letters.
20060204—20030600    —IN, VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY and his THEN—CHIEF—OF—STAFF—I.—LEWIS "Scooter" Libby were personally informed that THE—CIA no longer considered credible the allegations that Saddam Hussein had attempted to procure uranium from the African nation of NIGER, according to government records and interviews with current and former officials.
20060204—20060000    —ESTIMATED, THE—COST—OF—MILITARY—OPERATIONS is $35—BILLION higher than what Congress had, 1—FEW months ago that the Defense Department would need this —YEAR
20060204—20060206    —LAUNCHED, MEXICO, 1—INVESTIGATION into whether THE—USA—GOVERNMENT pressured THE—AMERICAN—OWNED hotel into expelling CUBA—GUESTS.
20060204—20060310    —EXTENDED, THROUGH—USA Patriot Act, : Senate Democratic Leader HARRY—REID, D—NEVADA, in 1—STATEMENT said, "Democrats... continue to support the reauthorization of the Patriot Act —NOW with modest improve ments.
20060204—20070000    —IN, Bush to Request $439.3B Defense Budget: The figures did not include about $50—BILLION that BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS said —THURSDAY they would request as 1—DOWN payment for the wars in IRAQ + AFGHANISTAN.
20060204—20110000    —IN, 4—MEN were convicted of her murder.
20060204—20120201    —SENTENCED, THE—4—MEN were, to 18—YEARS in prison.
20060216             Post Date:20060204
20060216             Post Date:20060204              - Bizarre Accident In Belmont County
20060224             2 20060204
20060315             146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20060315             20050204              - 146. Edited by Tamara Feinstein.
20060809—20010911    —ATTACKED, Did you mean: why IRAQ, USA—WEB—RESULTS 2004090204_Sep_2004 ...
20061024             2004080204_REPORT—ANOTHER rocket hit 1—OIL—REFINERY depot in THE—CITY—OF—ABADAN, about 30—MILES—EAST—OF—THE...
20070100             ReBelle Nation: 20060129—20060204
20070130             www.911blogger_com/taxonomy/term/2746
20070204             Die Kontaminierung von Greenpoint begann —BEREITS Ende des 18010101—19001231 .
20070204             —ON MIKE—CHAMBERS radio show — 20070130
20070204             —DURING the "Grapevine" segment on 20070130             —THE—EDITION—OF—FOX—NEWS' Special Report, host Brit Hume criticized "mainstream media outlets" for their reporting on the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby JUNIOR, FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF to VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY.
20070204             Updated —TUESDAY, 20070130             , at 8:10 PM ET
20070204             pilotsfor911truth_org New documentary film | 911Blogger_COM—BG—FILMAKERS ROB—BALSAMO and Gideon524 from Pilotsfor911truth_org on MIKE—CHAMBERS radio show — 20070130          .
20070204             —REPORTED, The findings were, in THE—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT'S "Human Capital" Survey report, released 20070131         .
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—PRISON—PLANET—WEDNESDAY, 20070131              1—WAVE—OF—20010911              truth and other alternative
20070204             Updated —THURSDAY, 20070201             , at 11:18 PM ET
20070204             RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, 20070201              - In 1—SERIES—OF—PROBING and sometimes testy exchanges with 1—GOVERNMENT—LAWYER, 2—OF 3—JUDGES on 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—PANEL here indicated —THURSDAY that they might not be prepared to accept the Bush... BUSH—WAR—POWERS—FURTHER scrutinised Financial Times Detainee Rights at Center Of Fight USA Opposes COURT—CHALLENGE—WASHINGTON—POST—HOUSTON—CHRONICLE—KAIT—WHNS—CHRISTIAN—SCIENCE—MONITOR—ALL 88—NEWS—ARTICLES.
20070204             —POSTED—THURSDAY, 20070201             , at 7:33 AM ET
20070204             —POSTED—THURSDAY, 20070201             , at 5:53 AM ET
20070204             —BY—WINTER—PATRIOT 20070202             —ON IRAQ is 1—MUCH more tangled mess than MOST—OF—USA realize + that makes IRAN more attractive,
20070204             —FRIDAY, 20070202             ; 12:58 PM
20070204             —POSTED—FRIDAY, 20070202             , at 5:29 AM ET—FBI Agent Outlines Libby Perjury Case
20070204             —POSTED—SATURDAY, 20070203             , at 4:35 AM ET
20070204             —ADDED, Peyton Manning, the missing ingredient to his Hall of Fame credentials by leading THE—INDIANAPOLIS Colts to a 29—17—VICTORY over THE—CHICAGO Bears in Super Bowl XLI.
20070204             † BARBARA—MCNAIR, black singer and actress, in LOS—ANGELES.
20070204             —INCLUDED, BARBARA—MCNAIR—FILMS, "Change of Habit" (19690000             ).
20070204             —HOSTED, BARBARA—MCNAIR, THE—TV—BARBARA McNair Show 19690000—19720000    —FROM—TO.
20070204             1—NATO—AIRSTRIKE killed 1—SENIOR—TALIBAN leader riding in 1—CAR—NEAR—MUSA—QALA.
20070204             BANGLADESH—SECURITY forces used emergency powers to detain 13—SENIOR—POLITICIANS and former government ministers.
20070204             —RAISED, Some 3—MILLION—MUSLIM devotees, their hands in prayer for global peace, putting aside their country's sometimes violent struggle with political corruption and Islamic extremists, at 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—RELIGIOUS—GATHERINGS.
20070204             EAST—CHINA, 1—FIRE swept through a 2—STORY—BUILDING—OF—SHOPS and apartments, killing at least 17—PEOPLE in Zhejiang province's Taizhou city.
20070204             —SEIZED, Armed kidnappers, 1—USA—MISSIONARY as he left his church near HAITI—CAPITAL and have demanded 1—RANSOM for his release.
20070204             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 103—PEOPLE were, or found dead, mostly in BAGHDAD.
20070204             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—POLICE—PATROL in 1—PREDOMINANTLY—SUNNI area in BAGHDAD, killing 4—POLICEMEN and wounding 3.
20070204             —ORDERED, THE—USA—COMMAND said it has, changes in helicopter flight operations.
20070204             4 had been shot down in the last 2—WEEKS.
20070204             —SEIZED, Gunmen wearing IRAQ—ARMY—UNIFORMS, Jalal Sharafi, the 2. SECRETARY—AT—THE—IRANIAN—EMBASSY, as he drove through CENTRAL—BAGHDAD.
20070204             IRAN said it held THE—USA—RESPONSIBLE for the diplomat's "safety and life".
20070204             —KILLED, KENYA, 1—TOP—KENYAN—AIDS—RESEARCHER was, and 1—USA—WOMAN traveling with him was shot in the face.
20070204             —ABDUCTED, NIGERIA, officials said 9—CHINA—OIL—WORKERS, last —MONTH by militants in 1 armed attack in the southern delta, were released.
20070204             —CRUSHED, EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN, to death 1—GROUP—OF—6—YOUNG—BOYS as they played on 1—RAILWAY—TRACK.
20070204             —ATTACKED, Hamas gunmen, bases of FATAH—ALLIED troops with mortars and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenades, part of a 4—DAY—CAMPAIGN by the Islamic militants to weaken the security forces loyal to PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—ABBAS.
20070204             —OPENED, NEPAL, police, fire on protesters in 2—TOWNS, killing at least 3—PEOPLE and wounding several more.
20070204             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—MARINE—GENERAL and 19—OTHERS were released from 1—MUSLIM rebel camp where they were held —FOR—2—DAYS by guerrillas demanding more benefits under a 19960000              peace accord.
20070204             1—SAUDI—ARABIA—NEWSPAPER reported that 1—SAUDI—ARABIA—JUDGE sentenced 20—FOREIGNERS to receive lashes and spend several months in prison —AFTER convicting them of attending 1—PARTY where alcohol was served and men and women danced.
20070204             —COLLAPSED, TURKMENISTAN, an 8—STORY building, in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—DIYARBAKIR killing 5—PEOPLE.
20070204             A 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY was rescued —36—HOURS—LATER.
20070204             —PLEDGED, ZAMBIA, CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO, $800—MILLION in investments, debt WRITE—OFFS and a "showcase" free trade zone as he ended 1—TOUR there.
20070204             —SPARKED, BEIJING—ECONOMIC—JUGGERNAUT has, tensions in ZAMBIA.
20070204             Scientists create 1—TINY—ENGINE that could become 1—POWER—SOURCE for future NANO—SCALE—DEVICES.
20070204             Exxon Mobil sets USA—PROFIT record
20070204             High energy prices help USA—OIL—GIANT—EXXON Mobil report the highest ever annual profit by 1—USA—COMPANY - $39.5bn.
20070204             —CHARGED, BOSTON ad scare duo
20070204             2—MEN plead not guilty —AFTER their campaign for 1—TV—SHOW prompts 1—SECURITY scare in BOSTON.
20070204             FRANCE—FARMER—AIMS for presidency
20070204             Militant FRANCE—FARMER—JOSE Bove says he will stand in the presidential race if he can muster enough support.
20070204             Shell reports record $25bn profit
20070204             Oil giant Royal HOLLAND—SHELL reports record annual profits of $25.36bn, despite SOME—SETBACKS 20060000           .
20070204             Compiled by TONY—LONG. Big Q: Is Time 1—ILLUSION?
20070204             —GRAPPLED, Einstein, Plato and other big thinkers, with THE—CONCEPT—OF—TIME.
20070204             —NOW it's your turn. In the Wired Wiki.
20070204             Crime Boards Come Crashing Down
20070204             Competing FBI and SECRET—SERVICE—OPERATIONS clash, as the feds prepare to strike deep at the heart of INTERNATIONAL cybercrime rackets.
20070204             Last in a 3—PART—SERIES by KIM—ZETTER.Plus:
20070204             Part 1: Tightening the Net on Cybercrime - Shrimp Bandages Save Soldiers
20070204             Wound dressings MADE—OF—GROUND—SHELLFISH exoskeletons save lives by stopping extreme bleeding in emergency situations.
20070204             LAB—GROWN Diamonds Make the Cut
20070204             GIA grading of artificial diamonds alongside natural stones strikes 1—BLOW to the mining monopoly.
20070204             INDIA—ORGAN Mafia Busted
20070204             3—KIDNEY brokers are arrested by INDIA—POLICE in 1—HUGE—ORGAN—TRADING—SCANDAL—MORE than 500—PEOPLE—AROUND Tamil Nadu may have been duped into selling their organs.
20070204             In Bodyhack.
20070204             Don't be nervous.
20070204             The polygraph will tell us whether you're lying or telling the truth.
20070204             Compiled by TONY—LONG. Did BOSTON Prank Break the Law?
20070204             —CAUSED, THE—AQUA—TEEN—HUNGER—FORCE—GUERILLA marketers, chaos, but are they criminals?
20070204             Plus: Mooninite "explosive" hits eBay (briefly). - In Table of Malcontents.
20070204             What Causes Mad Cow Disease?
20070204             —UNCONVINCED, SOME—SCIENTISTS finger prions, but other researchers remain.
20070204             Blinking Ads Shut Down BOSTON
20070204             1—AQUA—TEEN—HUNGER—FORCE—PR stunt causes chaos in Beantown as authorities scramble to defuse what appears to be 1 coordinated terror attack.
20070204             In Table of Malcontents.
20070204             Gore says he's on 1—CAMPAIGN "more important" than presidential
20070204             Speaking at the Silicon Valley Joint Venture event in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA,
20070204             FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE said there's still time to combat the expected EFFECTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20070204             He said the investment and innovation that built THE—HIGH—TECH and biotech industries is —NOW needed for green tech.
20070204             Gore to Silicon Valley: You can save this civilization
20070204             Speaking at 1—ECONOMIC—FORUM in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT says climate crisis is 1—BUSINESS—OPPORTUNITY for technology pioneers.
20070204             Dictatorships get to grip with Web 2.0
20070204             Reporters Without Borders' JULIEN—PAIN warns that ethical blind spots surrounding technology may usher in 1—WORLD where all our communications are spied on.
20070204             BP to fund biofuel research institute
20070204             CALIFORNIA and ILLINOIS schools beat out competitors for a $500—MILLION—GRANT from the oil giant that will fund 1—NEW, huge energy lab.
20070204             Senate Democrats badger FCC boss on Net neutrality
20070204             But the hearing, cut short by votes on the Senate floor, doesn't produce the fireworks some expected from THE—FACE—OFF.
20070204             Avoiding tech traps for the unwary
20070204             Bartlett Cleland, who heads the Center for Technology Freedom, says politicians should learn how technology really works —BEFORE enacting policy.
20070204             Die Auswirkung ine zienter Kapitalmärkte auf die optimale...
20070204             —VERDEUTLICHT, Allerdings haben die weltweiten Wirtschaftsskandale, dass auch dieses Instru-... we will implode in a wave of accounting scandals.
20070204             —HACKED, USA: the vote was ! : MELBOURNE Indymedia
20070204             they were thinking the same thing because it is so obvious (though I doubt that I
20070204             the extremist CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTION—MOVEMENT...
20070204             fact that BUSH is very closely tied to THE—CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTIONIST—MOVEMENT
20070204             Anyone who had the great good fortune and talent to be 1—PART—OF—IT, would be changed...
20070204             THE—VILLAGE—VOICE: Power PLAYS—OF—THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             ,
20070204             few have been of as much interest to - How MANY—AMERICANS have to die ?
20070204             How much of our freedom and...
20070204             Polls Show MANY—AMERICANS are Simply Dumber Than BUSH
20070204             Americans share this disability with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070204             USA Crusade NEWS—ARCHIVES for: 20051100
20070204             committed to both BUSH and SCANDAL—SCARRED political advisor KARL—ROVE.
20070204             Irak: USA bereiten Offensive in Bagdad vor
20070204             ISRAEL: Neuer Generalstabschef der Armee ernannt
20070204             —VERWEIGERT, EX—SS- Mann Kam: Münchner Gericht, Auslieferung
20070204             FORMER—HOUSE Majority Leader Dick Armey (R—TX)-
20070204             NICO—REGRETS voting for THE—IRAQ War resolution
20070204             —AUTHORIZED, The resolution was 1—RESOLUTION that, THE—PRESIDENT to take that action if he deemed it necessary.
20070204             —BELIEVED, Had I been more true to myself and the principles I, in —AT—THE—TIME, I would have openly opposed the whole adventure vocally and aggressively.
20070204             I had 1—TOUGH—TIME reconciling doing that against THE—DUTIES—OF—MAJORITY—LEADER in the House.
20070204             I would have served myself and my party and my country better, though, had I done so.
20070204             BG—LOOKING for THE—LOGIC—APPENDAGE on Flight 175 - CONCLUSIONS
20070204             —PERFORMED, The same analysis has been, on various images.
20070204             The selected images are FRAGMENTS—OF—PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—ATTACK on 11 ;;09;;
20070204             and 1—BOEING 767-300.
20070204             The studied images are taken from different ANGLES—OF—OBSERVATION.
20070204             The detected cylindrical objects cannot be due to shadows caused by THE—ANGLE—OF—INCIDENCE—OF—THE—SUN on the plane,
20070204             because they always appear to be the same shape and size, though with varying luminosity.
20070204             The detected objects have varying luminosity —AROUND them because they are in relief (this is the only possible explanation).
20070204             The detected objects are clearly distinct from the landing gear.
20070204             Mataró (BARCELONA—SPAIN), 20030326              SPAIN—COPY
20070204             —PROGRAMMED, THE—DRONES hit the towers where they were, to hit them.
20070204             —PROVIDED, And then they, 1—LITERAL smokescreen to hide THE—INITIATION—OF—THE—COLLAPSE as well as to give reason why they collapsed.
20070204             I am sorry if this upset anyone here, but I —JUST couldn't sit tight —WHILE yet another forum trashes absolutely great evidence and proof.
20070204             And as 1—CO—FOUNDER of this forum and website, felt 1—OBLIGATION to speak up on these issues and clear the air.
20070204             I would prefer this evidence to not be relegated to Alternate Theories,
20070204             as it truly isn't 1—THEORY with as much overwhelming proof that there is available through pictures and video.
20070204             This is EVERY—BIT as good as the controlled DEMOLITIONS—OF—THE—TOWERS + to be honest, easier to prove.
20070204             Although both are easy to prove.
20070204             Very Truly Yours, GLEN—CO—FOUNDER—OF—PILOTS for Truth - Google Video of 911: In Plane Site
20070204             MARK—BURNBACK, 1—FOX—NEWS—EMPLOYEE, was 1—EYEWITNESS—OF—THE 2. Plane at the 2. Tower + —WHILE still fresh in his mind,
20070204             only moments —AFTER impact said he saw no passenger windows on this aircraft.
20070204             Listen for yourself.
20070204             —AIRED, This was, on THE—FOX—NETWORK—LIVE—ONLY—MOMENTS—AFTER the 2. Impact:
20070204             —NOW read this quote I got from the front page of letsroll911 org.
20070204             —CALLED, Phil, 1—LOT—OF—CONGRESSMANS—OFFICES + spoke to MANY—PEOPLE.
20070204             Here is 1—QUOTE which says it all in 1—NICE—SHORT—SENTENCE or so.
20070204             —WHEN I called Congressman Wellers office, I was put through to Sandra, who took my call.
20070204             I got her to log onto 'LetsRoll911 org' and open the Cameraplanet footage;
20070204             She didn't have ANY—TIME to even read my website, nor did I tell her what was coming.
20070204             And without ANY—PROMPTING nor guidance, she, all on her own, exclaimed;
20070204             "My God, that looks like 1—WIRE—GUIDED—MISSILE, that —JUST can't be..".
20070204             PALME—MORD wirklich aufgeklärt?-
20070204             Angeblich hatte der Mörder Palmes seiner Geliebten den Mord gestanden, wie die Stockholmer Zeitung ?Aftonbladet? —JETZT schreibt [1].
20070204             Hauptverdächtiger Christer Pettersson,
20070204             des Mordes an Olof Palme ursprünglich verurteilt, wurde in 2. Instanz wegen eines eigenwilligen Ermittlungsfehlers freigesprochen und erhielt einen hohen Entschädigungsbetrag.
20070204             Mass TURKEY cull to halt bird flu
20070204             —GASSED, Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—TURKEYS are, at 1—SUFFOLK farm as efforts continue to prevent bird flu from spreading.
20070204             BG—THIS 100-page report is extremely important and should have been published as 1—BOOK.
20070204             SWAT teams ("special weapons and tactics") were once rare and used only for very dangerous situations,
20070204             often involving hostages held by armed criminals.
20070204             However, in addition to 1—PERSISTENT—CONCERN that AMERICAN—BE 1—SAFE—HAVEN for Jews fleeing OUTBREAKS—OF—ANTI—SEMITISM in foreign countries,
20070204             there is evidence that Jews, much more than ANY—OTHER—EUROPEAN—DERIVED ethnic group in AMERICA,
20070204             have viewed liberal immigration policies as 1—MECHANISM—OF ensuring that AMERICA would be 1—PLURALISTIC rather than 1—UNITARY,
20070204             homogeneous society (e.g., Cohen, 19720000             ).
20070204             —ARRESTED, No Iranians, in GAZA,-
20070204             IRAN—OFFICIAL—LARIJANI, Islamic Jihad leader deny reports of 5—IRAN—CITIZENS being arrested in GAZA in TEHRAN press conference, discuss PALESTINE—MATTER
20070204             WASHINGTON (AP) -- 1—REVOLT against 1—NATIONAL—DRIVER'S—LICENSE, begun in MAINE last —MONTH, is quickly spreading to other states.-
20070204             ASIA—TIMES Online :: MIDDLE—EAST—NEWS - A massacre and a new civil war-
20070204             1—MASSACRE and 1—NEW—CIVIL—WAR—BY Pepe Escobar
20070204             —OCCURRED, The massacre that, in NAJAF—IRAQ, last —SUNDAY by —NOW has been wildly deconstructed over the Arab press.
20070204             What emerges has virtually nothing to do with the official BAGHDAD and WASHINGTON SPIN—OF—IRAQ—TROOPS killing 250-odd heavily armed apocalyptic cultists dubbed "Soldiers of Heaven".
20070204             GEORGE—SOROS: AMERICAN—NEEDS 'DE—NAZI fication'-
20070204             BG—CAPTAIN—ED can't see the Lies of "Homeland" Security, the heinous "Patriot Act" and Military Commissions Act + false flag operations such as 20010911              are clearly Propaganda coups even more powerful overall than tactics of the 3. Reich.
20070204             Geopolitical Diary: ISRAEL—COVERT Operations in IRAN-
20070204             —STARTED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC, quite the uproar with his apparent faux pas made public —ON—THURSDAY in which he downplayed THE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—THREAT.
20070204             Chirac says he thought he was speaking off the record —WHEN, —DURING 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES ,
20070204             INTERNATIONAL Herald Tribune and Le Nouvel Observateur, he said 1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPON would not be much of 1—THREAT because "TEHRAN would be razed to the ground" if it ever tried to deploy such 1—DEVICE.
20070204             CHIRAC—COMMENTS (which were quickly retracted) directly undermine THE—WEST—STANCE on IRAN -- and they do not reflect the official FRANCE—POSITION,
20070204             which was summed up —THURSDAY in 1—STATEMENT from the Elysee Palace that read "FRANCE, with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY, cannot accept the prospect of IRAN with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON".
20070204             There is 1—POSSIBILITY that Chirac is —FOLLOWING 1—STRATEGY to reach out to IRAN and bring FRANCE to the fore in resolving the nuclear controversy.
20070204             Private discussions within THE—IRAN—RULING Cabinet reveal that RUSSIA—SECURITY—COUNCIL—SECRETARY—IGOR—IVANOV—RECENT—VISIT to TEHRAN was successful in RUSSIA—EFFORTS to mediate between THE—USA—AND—IRAN.
20070204             With RUSSIA already in the spotlight, Chirac could have been signaling to TEHRAN with 1—IMPLICIT—ACCEPTANCE—OF—1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM that FRANCE,
20070204             too, is worthy of 1—SEAT at the negotiating table.
20070204             Federal Prosecutors Widen PURSUIT—OF—DEATH—PENALTY-
20070204             BG—THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LOOKS intent on overcoming DEATH—PENALTY—OPPOSITION in SOME—STATES by bringing federal prosecutions....
20070204             It is —NOW clear that despite previous denials by THE—WHITE—HOUSE,
20070204             numerous BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS were PART—OF—1—LARGER—EFFORT not only to leak classified information but also to prepare and execute 1—MASSIVE—PR campaign to sell THE—IRAQ War to 1—SKEPTICAL—USA—PUBLIC.
20070204             —INVOLVED, Also, CHENEY was far more, and directing THE—ACTIONS—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE—IRAQ Group than was previously known.
20070204             There are reasons that congress can't solve problems.
20070204             They are as corrupt as THE—PRESIDENT.
20070204             No matter what party they belong to. It's all about the money.
20070204             Gitmo Wingnut Who Attacked Attorneys For Defending Prisoners Resigns
20070204             —RESIGNED, Senior PENTAGON official CHARLES—STIMSON, —FRIDAY over controversial remarks in which he criticized lawyers who represent terrorism suspects,
20070204             the Defense Department said, making clear that he made the decision to resign and that it was not asked to leave (as he should have been,
20070204             if the Military leadership had character or integrity) - Armchair Activism That Works
20070204             tapping the power of the progressive netroots
20070204             Bush, IRAQ And Groundhog —DAY In Cartoons -
20070204             Check out the 3. 1: election fraud and the electronic voting machines make 1—OMINOUS—APPEARANCE.
20070204             ExxonMobil Backed NeoCon AEI Offered Bribes Of $10,000 To Scientists To Dispute THE—UN—CLIMATE—STUDY
20070204             Yes, the same ExxonMobil whose Exxon Valdez oil is still spilling into Alaskan waters and has racked up another ALL—TIME—RECORD—CORPORATE—PROFIT—OF $39.5—BILLION last yr, is behind THE—AEI...
20070204             Libby:Fighting To Prevent Release Of Grand Jury TAPES—WASHINGTONPOST com
20070204             FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—AIDE I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of 1—CIA—OPERATIVE'S—NAME from being released and broadcast in the media.
20070204             Space Station Moves To Avoid Debris
20070204             PAUL KRUGMAN: Missing Molly Ivins
20070204             Molly never lost sight of 2—ETERNAL—TRUTHS: rulers lie + the times —WHEN people are most afraid to challenge authority are also the times —WHEN it's most important to do —JUST that.
20070204             Libby Trial Reveals 1—FAILED—COVER—UP
20070204             The trial record suggests 1—SIMPLE—ANSWER: THE—WHITE—HOUSE was worried that THE—CIA would reveal that it had been pressured
20070204             —REFUSED, Blair has, to step down —BEFORE police finish 1—POLITICAL—CORRUPTION—PROBE into his party, despite fears the investigation is damaging his party.
20070204             WHAT—AT—STAKE: EPA Set To Abandon 30—YEARS—OF—AIR—QUALITY—CONTROL
20070204             EPA Set to Abandon 30—YEARS—OF—AIR—QUALITY—CONTROL—THE—CLEAN—AIR—ACT requires THE—EPA to regulate all air pollutants that pose 1—THREAT to public health and welfare by establishing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
20070204             —REQUIRED, THE—EPA is, to apply the best available science to update the standards every 5—YEARS.
20070204             6—HIGHLY dangerous air pollutants are monitored under these standards:
20070204             —BY—RAMON Puga - 1—CALL—TO—LINK—ARMS
20070204             The need for 1—COALITION—OF—PEACE, human rights,and environmental groups to take action together.
20070204             SeNATO r Russ Feingold —NOW stands alone in the Senate reminding SeNATO rs that they can stop BUSH—WAR,
20070204             which has —NOW become 1—ILLEGAL—OCCUPATION, by legally and constitutionally withholding funding.
20070204             Here is Russ FEINGOLD—SIMPLE and bold statement on how to end this war and its main premise is that Congress must exercise THE—WILL—OF—THE—PEOPLE ~ not the will of THE—CHENEY /BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070204             —BY—DON WILLIAMS—CRACKED? No,
20070204             —NOW our declared enemies in IRAN---seek to make common cause with IRAQ.
20070204             —CRACKED, This is 1, egg? UNH—UNH, this is 1—BROKEN omelet face down on the kitchen floor.
20070204             —BY—MARK A. GOLDMAN—MY Theory (Guess): WHAT—THE—DEAL—WITH—IRAN?
20070204             If THE—USA and/or ISRAEL goes ahead and bombs IRAN under the pretext of stopping their atomic energy program,
20070204             IRAN might refuse to sell its oil for dollars.
20070204             This probably would precipitate 1—WORLD—WIDE—ECONOMIC—RECESSION with THE—USA—ECONOMY being among the primary losers.
20070204             —BY—CENK UYGUR—IMPEACH, Impeach, Impeach
20070204             What's "new" about the alleged New ANTI—SEMITISM?
20070204             —BY—TODD WEILER—BUSH—DEFIES 1—NATION
20070204             —BY—DAVID SWANSON—RIGHTWINGERS Attack War Supporters - - This is what it's come to.
20070204             The local newspaper in my town in VIRGINIA —TODAY ran 1—OP—ED by rightwinger CAL—THOMAS attacking Hillary Clinton for her past support for the war.
20070204             At the House Judiciary Committee hearings on BUSH—USE—OF signing statements —ON—WEDNESDAY, 2—EXCHANGES at the end were quite revealing.
20070204             —BY—GATTO—WHO—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—IRAQ?
20070204             We Are - - If we really look at who is responsible for this war in IRAQ, if you want to be brutally is "We the People".
20070204             —BY—JAYNE Lyn STAHL—SHOOT 1., Ask —LATER -
20070204             Extraordinary rendition is what happens —WHEN militarism metastizes
20070204             —BY—BRENT BUDOWSKY—THE—CHENEY Trial, Within THE—LIBBY—TRIAL -
20070204             For the judge and jury, it is the Libby trial.
20070204             For AMERICA and USA—POLITICS, it is the Dick CHENEY trial and the stakes are far higher than reported in the media.
20070204             I'm not surprised that THE—CASE—OF—MAHER—ARAR, THE—CANADA—CITIZEN rendered to Syria by THE—USA,
20070204             is all over the news in CANADA.
20070204             But it is surprising how little attention the case is getting here.
20070204             You'll recall that SENATOR—PATRICK—LEAHY (D—VT) went off on THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL —DURING his appearance —BEFORE the Judiciary COMMITTEE—1—COUPLE—OF—WEEKS ago.
20070204             The subject was the Arar case, and...Source:
20070204             It seems that 1—FEW west coast Jewish organizations need to keep their staff members on leashes.
20070204             Otherwise, they take dumps on the steps of local Jewish peace activists who they despise.
20070204             Mainstream UK Muslim Views: Plots and Paranoia-
20070204             In the quiet suburb of Sparkbrook, almost everyone believes that the beheading plot arrests are meant to demonize Muslims:
20070204             Plots and paranoia are mainstream views for Muslims of Sparkbrook.
20070204             To wander THE—STREETS—OF—SPARKBROOK —YESTERDAY, from shabby corner shop to proud, WHITE—DOMED mosque, was to enter 1—WORLD where conspiracy theories are THE—BREATH—OF—LIFE.
20070204             MANY—ORDINARY—MUSLIMS did not believe that —WEDNESDAY—ARRESTS were 1—ACT to foil 1—TERRORIST—PLOT aiming to visit unspeakable barbarity on 1—YOUNG—UK—SOLDIER.
20070204             Rather the entire operation was 1—GIANT con trick.
20070204             This fits 1—GROWING perception of 1—POST—20010911              world in which innocent Muslims are demonised + the terror threat manufactured to suit the dark DESIGNS—OF—THE—WEST—JUDAEO—CHRISTIAN elite.
20070204             The decision to distribute 5,000 multilingual leaflet... Source:
20070204             —TODAY—PAPERS: Hot in Here-
20070204             —BY—JOSHUA Kucera THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070204             of next —YEAR—FEDERAL—BUDGET, including 1—WHOPPING $726—BILLION for the military.
20070204             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070204             of THE—UN—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REPORT, which says that global warming is almost certainly caused by human activities.
20070204             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES
20070204             leads with the bleak National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ.
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL
20070204             WORLD—WIDE newsbox leads with 1—IRAQ catchall including the military budget and THE—NIE.
20070204             The budget for the next fiscal —YEAR will be released —ON—MONDAY, but MOST—OF—THE—PAPERS got 1—EARLY—LOOK.
20070204             It includes $100—BILLION for the rest of this fiscal —YEAR (on top of $70—BILLION already spent),
20070204             $145—BILLION for next —YEAR and $481—BILLION for the regular Defense Department budget ?
20070204             a 10 % increase over —LAST—YEAR.
20070204             The war budget for next —YEAR represents the 1. time THE—PENTAGON has tried to plan for all THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN money at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—BUDGET—CYCLE,
20070204             notes THE—NYT, which runs the story inside.
20070204             The previous practice had been to ask for it in bits and pieces, which had consistently annoyed Congress.
20070204             The budget also, for the 1. time in 3—YEARS, includes 1—INCREASE in NON—DEFENSE spending.
20070204             and if projections of 1—STRONG—ECONOMY—TURN out to be right ?
20070204             the budget should be balanced
20070204             The budget also calls for big cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, notes THE—LAT.
20070204             Finally! Congress To Investigate BUSH—SIGNING—STATEMENTS
20070204             —LAUNCHED, BG—THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY Committee has, 1—INVESTIGATION challenging repeated assertions by PRESIDENT—BUSH that he need not enforce ASPECTS—OF—LAWS he deems unconstitutional.
20070204             Rumsfeld is still running the War DEPARTMENT—THE Smirking Chimp-
20070204             LIBBY—GRAND—JURY—TESTIMONY_the sworn statements he gave to investigators about his conversations with VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY and journalists_is at the heart of his perjury trial.
20070204             Special Prosecutor PATRICK—FITZGERALD plans to play HOURS—OF—RECORDINGS—OF—THAT—TESTIMONY in court next —WEEK to bolster his case that Libby lied and obstructed the investigation.
20070204             Fool Me Once- - The influence of ISRAEL (via AIPAC) on USA—POLITICS is enormous + that influence is pushing us towards war with IRAN.
20070204             THE—DEMOCRATS are, if anything, more in AIPAC—DEBT than the Republicans.
20070204             —ON IRAQ, the Dems are making gestures, at least, of opposition, but IRAN is another story.
20070204             Digby has 1—VERY—IMPORTANT—POST on this subject.
20070204             It deserves to be read in full, but let me —JUST highlight 1—FEW things.
20070204             1., Hillary Clinton speaking the other night at 1—AIPAC dinner (IHT):
20070204             Calling IRAN 1—DANGER to THE—USA and 1—OF—ISRAEL—GREATEST—THREATS,
20070204             USA seNATO r and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said "no option can be taken off the table" —WHEN dealing with that nation.
20070204             "USA policy must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not,
20070204             we must not permit IRAN to build or acquire nuclear weapons," the Democrat
20070204             1—TRADITIONALIST—WONDERS if this nation is on THE—VERGE—OF—TRANSITION or 1—DEVASTATING seismic split.
20070204             THE—CULTURE—WARS are the struggles we Americans face daily to define the heart, soul + IDENTITY—OF—AMERICA.
20070204             —POLARIZED, Our nation has become, by differing moral and ethical understandings of what it means to be 1—AMERICAN.
20070204             —PREPARED, THE—USA has, new charges against GUANTANAMO Bay prisoner DAVID—HICKS, —5—YEARS—AFTER he was detained, but his father has dismissed them as making no sense.... Source:
20070204             Debbie Bond.
20070204             —BY—JOHN Dickerson, Dahlia Lithwick + SETH—STEVENSON
20070204             —FROM : SETH—STEVENSON - Subject: To the Witness Stand, Agent Bond.
20070204             —STARED, Having, at the back of this man's head for hours on end last —WEEK,
20070204             I've come to wonder: Who is this tiny, tiny fellow?
20070204             Not more than 5-foot-7, to my eye.
20070204             Sleek and slight like 1—KITTEN.
20070204             Wears 1—DIGITAL watch with 1—VELCRO band.
20070204             —SEMIPERVERTED, And writes, novels 19030900              JAPAN.
20070204             10:42 a.m.: JUDGE—WALTON arrives, but the jury is held OUT—OF—THE—ROOM as we engage in another lawyer slap fight.
20070204             At issue this time: whether the jury should see VIDEOTAPES—OF—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—SCOTT—MCLELLAN saying,
20070204             THE—ROAD—TO—IMPERIAL—BANKRUPTCY: Empire Vs. Democracy
20070204             FORMER—CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson contrasts the walk versus the talk.
20070204             Is AMERICAN—TRULY 1—SOCIAL—DEMOCRACY or am imperialist tyrant?
20070204             Looking at THE—HISTORY—OF—EMPIRES from ROME to THE—UK,
20070204             it is clear THE—USA is on 1—CRASH—COURSE for failure, but perhaps not 1—MILITARY—COME—UPPANCE so much as 1—FINANCIAL—BELLY—UP:
20070204             our large ASIA—DEBTHOLDERS can devalue the dollar at 1—MOMENT—NOTICE.
20070204             Personal Savings In USA At 74—YEAR Low (Worst —SINCE Great Depression)
20070204             Savings rates are at -1%.
20070204             FBI Agent Testifies Libby Learned About Plame From Cheney
20070204             —CENTURY—OF—DEVASTATION
20070204             "UN scientists have delivered their starkest warning yet about global warming,
20070204             saying fossil fuel pollution would raise temperatures this —CENTURY,
20070204             worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar sea ice and damage the climate system for a 1000—YEARS to come," reports Agence FRANCE Presse.
20070204             Greenhouse gases will cause climate disruptions "for more than 1—MILLENNIUM".
20070204             —BY—JOHN LOYD—NO—SYMPATHY For THE—DEVIL
20070204             If stupidity were 1—RELIGION—GEORGE—W—BUSH would be their Jesus.
20070204             Oh wait... THE—CHRISTIAN—FASCISTS are 1—RELIGION.
20070204             And they do claim GEORGE—W—BUSH as their savior.
20070204             Sadly they are not —JUST ignorant. They are dangerous as well.
20070204             GEORGE—W—BUSH—CLAIMS to take advice from God,
20070204             but it is no God ANY—OF—USA with ANY—SENSE—OF—1—SOUL recognize.
20070204             As both Blacks and Jews could tell you, "getting over" slavery like transcending several MILLENIA—OF—BLOOD—LIBEL,
20070204             doesn't happen overnight.
20070204             —BY—ANDREW Bard SCHMOOKLER—THOUGHTS Regarding "THE—GREAT—DECIDER"
20070204             BUSH—DECLARATION that he is "the Decider" says volumes about the basic incompatibility between his CONCEPT—OF—POWER and THE—IDEALS—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY.
20070204             Between "Decider" and "Dictator" there are deep kinships.
20070204             Why Is Journalism Only On THE—INTERNET?
20070204             People In AMERICA will believe anything.
20070204             It might make them easy to convince, but it's hell trying to get them to care.
20070204             —BY—EILEEN FLEMING—THEY Know NOT What They Do - Christofacists are also NEO—CHRISTIANS.
20070204             —JUST as NEO—CONS are NOT true conservatives, Christians that seek empire through violence are NOT true Christians.
20070204             They also tend to believe God is in the real estate business and may have no clue as to what SOME—MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS are doing this Valentines —DAY.
20070204             —SLANDERED, CRITICS—OF—ISRAEL—POLICIES are once more, as purveyors of "THE—NEW—ANTI—SEMITISM," 1—PHRASE rolled out ever
20070204             —BY—ROB KALL—BUSH—REDEFINES Victory-- And We Don't Want It
20070204             The last thing we want is a "BUSH victory".
20070204             Victory? —WHEN you are in the middle of 1—FOOTBALL—FIELD piled 12—FEET—DEEP with excrement,
20070204             the goal is to get the team out of the sh*t. There is no victory.
20070204             There is 1—DISGUSTING, awful slog to get out and then 1—TIME—OF cleaning up, recovering, getting the stench out and healing the team's trauma.
20070204             Then we can go see about cleaning up the field, which is already 1—DISASTER.
20070204             —BY—MICKEY Z. - What I—HEARD—ON—THE W Train -
20070204             "Passengers are advised that their backpacks and other large containers are subject to random search by the police".
20070204             —BY—CATHY GARGER—DEPLETED Uranium Poison Targets USA—CITIZENS
20070204             DOCTOR—ANDREW—WEAVER will speak out about why SOUTH—METHODIST—UNIVERSITY shoud absolutely reject THE—BUSH—LIBRARY on the Spiritual Politician —TODAY.
20070204             Nearly 10,000—PEOPLE, MANY—CLEARLY identified as Methodists, have put it on the line and say NO.
20070204             The irrational belief in markets as the cure all for our civilization is —NOW beginning to infect THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY as Libertarians gravitate away from religious fundamentalists and neocon radicalism,
20070204             but bringing their dogmatic "market fundamentalism" with them.
20070204             —BY—REV.
20070204             The national DISCUSSION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ is forming into 2—CLEAR—SIDES:
20070204             those who believe it can succeed with minor adjustments;
20070204             and those believe it can never succeed, no matter what we do.
20070204             There is no real middle ground.
20070204             —BY—BOB—GEIGER—COBURN Says Vote Against Minimum Wage Was "to Protect SALARIES—OF—LOW—INCOME—FAMILIES" -
20070204             OKLAHOMA SeNATO r believes in helping poor by paying them less
20070204             —BY—EZEKIEL—AS Easy As 1, 2, 3 -
20070204             Why has all the optimism brought by the Democrats' ;;11;;
20070204             victory been transformed to alarm and despair? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
20070204             —BY—WINSTON Winston - W Has Failed THE—DEMOCRACIES—OF—BOTH—THE—USA—AND MIDDLE—EAST.
20070204             Whatever the reason for THE—IRAQ War was-"whatever Congress voted for", W has failed.
20070204             In his speeches, including his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESSES,
20070204             W is always lying about IRAQ and we likely heard SOME—WHOPPERS in his most recent 1, but we won't know what they are —UNTIL the lies become apparent.
20070204             As 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF lying about THE—PRE—WAR—IRAQ intelligence,
20070204             W has failed the Democracies of both THE—USA—AND—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070204             The biggest evil in THE—WHITE—HOUSE is not THE—PRESIDENT.
20070204             It's THE—VICE—PRESIDENT.
20070204             —MOTIVATED, Dick CHENEY is, by greed, power, profit + conquest.
20070204             So, why is the media still listening to him?
20070204             —BY—DAN Froomkin
20070204             —ACKNOWLEDGED, The revelation —YESTERDAY that Scooter Libby, - ;;09;; 11—RESPONDERS Seek More Funds-
20070204             —VISITED, As PRESIDENT—BUSH, NEW—YORK —YESTERDAY, advocates for ill 1.—RESPONDERS to the attacks of 20010911             ,
20070204             called for greater funding for the health care for the workers.
20070204             THE—21—YEAR—OLD—SON—OF—1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER who † last —WEEK,
20070204             CESAR—BORJA—JUNIOR, met with MISTER—BUSH to push for more money for 1.—RESPONDERS with respiratory and other complications.
20070204             —ON—TUESDAY, MISTER—BUSH announced 1—ADDITIONAL $25—MILLION in federal funding for ;;09;;
20070204             11-related health care, and...Source:
20070204             —DURING the "Grapevine" segment on the ;;01;;
20070204             30—EDITION—OF—FOX—NEWS'—SPECIAL—REPORT, host Brit Hume criticized "mainstream media outlets" for their reporting on the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby JUNIOR,
20070204             —ATTACKED, Hume falsely, a ;;01;;
20070204             to investigate the matter"
20070204             —SURVEYED, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, employees in its various departments this past —SUMMER to find out what they liked and disliked about their jobs.
20070204             —ASKED, Federal workers were, to agree or disagree with such statements as, "The people I work with cooperate to get the job done".
20070204             —REPORTED, The findings were, in THE—OFFICE—OF—PERSONNEL—MANAGEMENT'S "Human Capital" Survey report,
20070204             released 20070131           .
20070204             —RANKED, Guess which agency, dead last?
20070204             —SUPPOSED, THE—1—THAT'S, to prevent terrorists from killing you.
20070204             Judges Pose Questions on BUSH Detainee Policy NEW—YORK—TIMES - 2—HOURS—AGO By ADAM LIPTAK.
20070204             RICHMOND—VIRGINIA, 20070201              - In 1—SERIES—OF—PROBING and sometimes testy exchanges with 1—GOVERNMENT—LAWYER,
20070204             2—OF 3—JUDGES on 1—FEDERAL—APPEALS—COURT—PANEL here indicated —THURSDAY that they might not be prepared to accept THE—BUSH
20070204             —SCRUTINISED, BUSH—WAR—POWERS—FURTHER, Financial Times Detainee Rights at Center Of Fight USA Opposes COURT—CHALLENGE—WASHINGTON—POST—HOUSTON—CHRONICLE—KAIT - WHNS—CHRISTIAN Science Monitor all 88—NEWS—ARTICLES...
20070204             PRESS, Box, JACK—SHAFER dissects
20070204             THE—INNUENDO—LADEN coverage of Citigroup exec TODD—THOMSEN'S "friendship" with CNBC anchor MARIA—BARTIROMO.
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL—REPORTING, which cushions the topic of their flight on 1—CITIGROUP jet in ambiguous language,
20070204             is 1—CLASSIC—EXAMPLE—OF—INSINUATION: "It's not saying the 2 were romantically linked + it's not saying they weren't.
20070204             This is THE—SORT—OF—COPY 1—CLEVER—LAWYER directs reporters to write —WHEN they "know" something but can't prove it.
20070204             NEWSWEEK is guilty, too, Shafer contends, only they blame bloggers for insinuating the relationship:
20070204             "At least BRITAIN—PRIVATE—EYE—MAGAZINE accepts responsibility for its own impiety —WHENEVER it wants to imply 1—UNPRINTABLE—INTIMATE—RELATIONSHIP by referring to a 'UGANDA—DISCUSSION' or 'UGANDA—RELATIONS.' "
20070204             THE—BIG—IDEA, JACOB—WEISBERG considers
20070204             the "2—CLOCKS" ticking in IRAN--1—MARKING the time —BEFORE IRAN develops nuclear bomb, the other waiting for the fall of its clerical regime.
20070204             The nuclear alarm seems much closer to going off than the regime change alarm + THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—CURRENT SABER—RATTLING isn't helping.
20070204             Everyone knows THE—USA "lacks plausible military options" in IRAN.
20070204             "—MEANWHILE," Weisberg writes, "AMERICA—HOSTILITY is supplying Ahmadinejad with 1—EXTERNAL demon for his PROPAGANDA and helping him cover over his domestic failures.
20070204             1—NEW—APPROACH must emphasize "diplomacy over brinksmanship," with 1—OFFER to revoke sanctions in exchange for halting nuclear enrichment.
20070204             But —UNTIL that happens, "[t]he only encouraging news may be that BUSH—CLOCK, with —JUST 103—WEEKS to run, is ticking even faster than the other 2."
20070204             POLITICS, JOHN—DICKERSON watches
20070204             FORMER—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JUDITH Miller take the stand at the Scooter Libby perjury trial.
20070204             The defense's argument hangs partially on THE—QUESTION—OF—MILLER—MEMORY + her repetition of "I don't remember" frustrates defense attorney WILLIAM—JEFFRESS.
20070204             "'Do you remember my question?' he snapped at 1—POINT.
20070204             —SIGHED, Miller.
20070204             She apparently didn't". The next —DAY, Dickerson cringes
20070204             as his former colleague MATTHEW—COOPER painstakingly and publicly combs through his typewritten notes.
20070204             LIBBY—LAWYER latches onto 1—PHRASE--"had somethine and abou the Wilson thing and not sure if it's ever"--and wonders if Cooper meant to type,
20070204             "heard something about the Wilson thing and not sure if it's even true.
20070204             "It all seemed very promising and clever," Dickerson writes.
20070204             "And then Jeffress tried to turn the blank space in COOPER—NOTES into the word 'true.
20070204             That's not evidence. It's magic".
20070204             Dig Yields Surprising Find at Ground 0-
20070204             BG—DIG Yields Surprising Find at Ground 0—UNLIKE the stacked columns, this steel appeared to be burned at 1—END....
20070204             KYOTO—MONEY changers driven from their TEMPLES—NEARLY
20070204             —BY—SHUTTER 20070202             —ON On the —DAY that THE—IPCC crypto scientists and ersatz pols announce that THE—LEVELS—OF—THE—OCEAN will only rise 600—CMS in 100—YEARS ( and not 10—METRES) the carbon market in THE—ETS aproaches terminal collapse.
20070204             —CLOSED, EUA 20071200              contract, at €2.28 - Ah!
20070204             those far off, dim remembered DAYS—OF— 9—MONTHS—AGO, heady days —WHEN contracts were changing hands amongst the money jugglers at Euros 32 a
20070204             EXXON—MOBIL Posts Record Profits Reuters Exxon Mobil Corp. —POSTED the largest annual profit in USA history —THURSDAY,
20070204             even though 4.—QUARTER earnings fell on lower natural gas prices and shrinking gasoline margins.
20070204             —SLIPPED, Net income in the 4. quarter, to $10.25—BILLION, or $1.76 1—SHARE, from $10.71—BILLION, or $1.71 1—SHARE, 1—YEAR—EARLIER.
20070204             Excluding 1—TIME—ITEMS, Exxon Mobil, the world's largest publicly traded company, earned $1.69 1—SHARE.
20070204             Earnings from exploration and production activities were $6.22—BILLION,
20070204             down $818—MILLION from 1—YEAR—EARLIER due to the natural gas price drop and decreased volumes driven by lower demand in EUROPE.
20070204             —TOTALED, Earnings from refining and marketing operations, $1.86—BILLION, down $430—MILLION due to lower margins.
20070204             Recent Personnel Changes Foreshadow 1—WIDENING—OF—THE—WAR—ROBERT—PARRY On Jan.
20070204             4, BUSH ousted the top 2—COMMANDERS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Generals JOHN—ABIZAID and GEORGE—CASEY,
20070204             who had opposed 1—MILITARY—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070204             who had stood by intelligence estimates downplaying THE—NEAR—TERM—THREAT from IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20070204             —APPOINTED, BUSH, Admiral WILLIAM—FALLON as the new CHIEF—OF—CENTRAL—COMMAND for THE—MIDDLE—EAST despite the fact that Fallon,
20070204             1—NAVY—AVIATOR and HEAD—OF—THE—PACIFIC—COMMAND, will oversee 2—GROUND—WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070204             The choice of Fallon makes more sense if BUSH foresees 1—BIGGER—ROLE for THE—2—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER—GROUPS off IRAN—COAST.
20070204             —CONSIDERED, Though not, 1—MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERT, Fallon has moved in neocon circles,
20070204             for instance, attending a 20010000              awards ceremony
20070204             at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, 1—THINK tank dedicated to explaining "the link between USA—DEFENSE—POLICY and the security of ISRAEL".
20070204             —SHIFTED, BUSH also, Negroponte from his CABINET—LEVEL—POSITION as DNI to 1—SUB—CABINET—POST as deputy to SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE.
20070204             —NOMINATED, To replace Negroponte, BUSH, retired Vice Admiral John "Mike" McConnell,
20070204             who is viewed by intelligence professionals as 1—LOW—PROFILE technocrat, not 1—STRONG—INDEPENDENT—FIGURE.
20070204             McConnell is seen as more likely
20070204             than Negroponte to give the administration 1—ALARMING assessment of IRAN—NUCLEAR capabilities and intentions in 1—UPCOMING—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE.
20070204             —LAST—YEAR, to the consternation of neoconservatives, Negroponte splashed cold water on their heated rhetoric about the imminent threat from IRAN.
20070204             at the National Press Club, Negroponte said, "I think it's important that this issue be kept in perspective.
20070204             Operation Deathtrap JAMES—CARROLL 'Who the hell is shooting at us?
20070204             —YELLED, A—USA—SOLDIER, last —WEEK.
20070204             —TEAMED, His platoon was in 1—STRIFE—TORN PART—OF—BAGHDAD, with 1—IRAQI—ARMY—UNIT.
20070204             Gunfire was coming from all directions.
20070204             "WHO—SHOOTING at us? Do we know who they are?"...
20070204             —JUST by being in the streets to shoot at, WELL—ARMED—SOLDIERS empower the gunmen on all sides.
20070204             —UNINTENDED, Perhaps the most destructive, CONSEQUENCE—OF—AMERICA—LETHAL presence has been the way the lethal power of all belligerents has scaled up to match it.
20070204             —SURROUNDED, AMERICA—YOUNG—PEOPLE are, —NOW by killers united only in the will to kill them.
20070204             Operation deathtrap, exactly.
20070204             —FUELED, But anguish about the war is equally, by what is happening in WASHINGTON.
20070204             —AFTER BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, antiwar Republicans and Democrats began vying with EACH—OTHER over ways to challenge USA policy,
20070204             even as VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY bluntly declared of congressional action, "It won't stop us".
20070204             And sure enough, the Democrats and Republicans quickly tempered their opposition.
20070204             Why Attack IRAN? Other Political Considerations ROBERT—PARRY—BUSH and his ISRAEL—COUNTERPART,
20070204             PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, also have powerful political motives for ordering air strikes against IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES.
20070204             —SUFFERED, Both leaders have, military reversals — BUSH in IRAQ and Olmert in LEBANON — and their public approval ratings have plummeted....
20070204             BUSH and Olmert are 2—DESPERATE—POLITICIANS looking for something to put themselves back on top.
20070204             So, if the bombing raid is going to happen, these neocons believe it must occur within the next 2—YEARS, preferably as soon as possible.
20070204             News Summary with Links- - IRAQ In Chaos; IRAN In THE—CROSSHAIRS
20070204             Preparations For War With IRAN Are Advancing ROBERT—PARRY—MILITARY and intelligence sources continue to tell me that preparations are advancing for 1—WAR with IRAN —STARTING possibly as early as MID—TO—LATE ;;02;;....
20070204             There is growing alarm among military and intelligence experts that BUSH already has decided to attack and simply is waiting for a 2. aircraft carrier strike force to arrive in the region — and for 1—PROPAGANDA blitz to stir up SOME—PRO—WAR—SENTIMENT at home.
20070204             He said the plans call for extensive aerial attacks on IRAN, including use of powerful BUNKER—BUSTING ordnance.
20070204             Another source with 1—PIPELINE into ISRAEL—THINKING said THE—IRAN war plan has expanded over the past several weeks.
20070204             —EARLIER thinking had been that ISRAEL—WARPLANES would hit IRAN—NUCLEAR—TARGETS with USA forces in reserve in CASE—OF—IRAN—RETALIATION,
20070204             but —NOW the strategy anticipates 1—MAJOR—USA military FOLLOW—UP to 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK, the source said.
20070204             Both sources used the same word "crazy" in describing the plan to expand the war to IRAN.
20070204             This Ain't No Foolin' —AROUND MARC—LORD—THE—USS—DWIGHT—EISENHOWER is in the Persian Gulf, off SOMALIA near the Horn of AFRICA.
20070204             THE—USS—JOHN C. Stennis should arrive to join it on station in mid-;;02;;.
20070204             THE—USS—RONALD—REAGAN should arrive in the region at THE—BEGINNING—OF—MARCH, right —AFTER Admiral WILLIAM—FALLON is confirmed as CENTCOM COMMANDER.
20070204             There is no need for 3—AIRCRAFT—CARRIERS there, except for 1—ATTACK on IRAN;
20070204             this ain't no party, this ain't no disco.
20070204             IRAQ Is Worse Than You Think ROBERT—PARRY—SOURCES with 1.—HAND KNOWLEDGE—OF—CONDITIONS in IRAQ have told me that THE—USA—POSITION is even more precarious than generally understood.
20070204             Westerners can't even move —AROUND BAGHDAD and MANY—OTHER—IRAQ—CITIES except in armed convoys.
20070204             "In SOME—COUNTRIES, if you want to get OUT—OF—THE—CAR and go to the market, they'll tell you that it might be dangerous," 1 experienced USA—CAMERAMAN told me.
20070204             "In IRAQ, you will be killed.
20070204             Not that you might be killed, but you will be killed.
20070204             The 1. Iraqi with 1—GUN will shoot you + if no 1 has 1—GUN, they'll stone you."..
20070204             —REBELLED, THE—USA—CAMERAMAN said 1—EUROPEAN journalist, at the confinement, took off on her own in 1—CAB — and was never seen again.
20070204             The futility of THE—IRAQ War also is contributing to professional cynicism.
20070204             SOME—INTELLIGENCE—SUPPORT—PERSONNEL are volunteering for IRAQ duty not because they think they can help win the war but because the hazard pay is high and life in the protected Green Zone is relatively safe and easy.
20070204             That USA—OFFICIALS have come to view 1—POSTING in IRAQ as 1—PLEASANT—CAREER enhancer — rather than 1—VITAL—NATIONAL—SECURITY—MISSION for THE—USA—  is another sign that the war is almost certainly beyond recovery.
20070204             BG—BUSH is certifiably delusional, but impeachment is off the table,
20070204             because Democrats can't muster the kind of political will and outrage at 1—TRAGICALLY misconceived war that Republicans could summon for 1—BLOWJOB.
20070204             —BY—DANIEL Politi - THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070204             leads with news that FLORIDA will probably say goodbye to TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines
20070204             and replace them with paper ballots that will be counted by scanning machines in time for 20080000             —THE presidential election.
20070204             Experts say the move could very well be THE—START—OF—1—TREND that will bring 1—END to electronic voting machines,
20070204             particularly of those that don't leave 1—PAPER—RECORD.
20070204             THE—WASHINGTON—POST
20070204             leads with 1—EARLY—LOOK at the latest National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ,
20070204             which, big surprise, says the situation is getting worse
20070204             and is quickly spiraling OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with word that SOME—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—ALLIES in the Senate are proposing their own IRAQ resolution that calls on the local government to meet certain benchmarks.
20070204             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES - leads with the global warming report
20070204             —BY—THE—UNITED—NATIONS'S Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was leaked to SOME—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS in advance of its scheduled release —TODAY.
20070204             The report concludes global warming is "very likely" (90 % certainty) caused by human activities.
20070204             Worst of all, it says global warming has become uncontrollable and "would continue for centuries
20070204             even if greenhouse gas concentrations were to be stabilized".
20070204             USA—TODAY - leads with the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS revealing the location of THE—122—LEVEES
20070204             across the country that could fail if there is 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070204             Some of the levees are close to areas with significant population,
20070204             but others are in rural communities that may find it difficult to raise the money needed to carry out the necessary repairs.
20070204             —ON—MONDAY, USAT reported the existence
20070204             of THE—AT—RISK levees but couldn't get their locations.
20070204             —AFTER FREEDOM—OF—INFORMATION—REQUESTS were filed, THE—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS released the list + the paper posts it online.
20070204             Peretz Chooses ISRAEL—ANTI—MISSILE Defense System - Carlyle Changes Its Stripes-
20070204             BG—1. there were the terrorist attacks of ;;09;; 11. In the aftermath,
20070204             conspiracy theorists seized on CARLYLE—HUGE—PROFITS, intense secrecy + close dealings with wealthy SAUDI—ARABIA—INVESTORS.
20070204             State: Crist wants TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines gone-
20070204             BG—TALLAHASSEE — Eager to end 6—TROUBLESOME YEARS—OF—TOUCH—SCREEN voting in FLORIDA,
20070204             GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST wants EVERY—COUNTY to switch to paper ballots
20070204             USA Issues Guidelines in CASE—OF—FLU—PANDEMIC—NEW—YORK—TIMES-
20070204             —ACKNOWLEDGED, BG—HEALTH—OFFICIALS, that such measures would hugely disrupt public life,
20070204             but they argued that these measure would buy the time needed to produce vaccines and would save lives because flu viruses attack in waves lasting about 2—MONTHS.
20070204             Official Lies Over Najaf BATTLE—EXPOSED—SENT Using Google Toolbar-
20070204             BG—OFFICIAL—LIES Over Najaf BATTLE—EXPOSED
20070204             NAJAF—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT lies over THE—KILLING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—SHIAS in 1—ATTACK—ON—SUNDAY stand exposed by independent investigations carried out by IPS in IRAQ.
20070204             Conflicting reports had arisen —EARLIER on how and why 1—HUGE—BATTLE broke out —AROUND the small village Zarqa,
20070204             located —JUST 1—FEW kilometres northeast of the Shia holy city Najaf, which is 90—KM—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070204             ISRAEL—SECURITY—FIRM to Outfit Surveillance at DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA Airport
20070204             Baker: USA Should Negotiate With Syria to Soften Hamas
20070204             Google has always shown 1—CURIOUS—BIAS towards right wing news sources in its news search.
20070204             —NOW it has delisted Uruk org - 1—NEWSITE frequently cited here.
20070204             What is up with them? HERE—1—EXPLANATION. ALTERNATIVE PRESS REVIEW:
20070204             Google [is] delisting THE—ITALY—WEB—SITE—URUKNET as 1—NEWS—SOURCE, thus removing it from the Google News page.
20070204             According to Alexa, THE—WEB—RANKING organization,
20070204             —RATED, Uruknet is highly, as 1—IRAQ—NEWS—SOURCE.
20070204             "URUKNET is and has been the most consistent, credible + powerful WEB—BASED SOURCE—OF—NEWS and Information on IRAQ —DURING the last 4—YEARS.
20070204             They have incomparable LINES—OF—COMMUNICATION—DIRECT from inside IRAQ that fly in the face of the lies of the Global Corporate Empire.
20070204             —WHEN the imperialists cannot buy off or intimidate websites like URUKNET, th... Source:
20070204             MATT—COOPER—UNMAGICAL notes.
20070204             My FORMER—TIME colleague MATT—COOPER took the stand —WEDNESDAY and faced what no journalist wants to--1—DISPLAY—OF his notes and E—MAILS on 1—BIG—TV—SCREEN.
20070204             It's not —JUST journalists who don't want this: I'm sure Scooter Libby doesn't like seeing his notes up there either.
20070204             But for us, who obsess about crafting our final product, it's never pretty to look at the scraps we put into making it.
20070204             Cooper contends that he asked Libby if he knew WILSON—WIFE worked at THE—CIA + that Libby answered,
20070204             "Yeah I've heard that, too," or words to that effect.
20070204             "Nowhere in his notes though, is there 1—REFERENCE to that exchange.
20070204             To continue reading.
20070204             Bush Is Not Above THE—LAW—NEW—YORK—TIMES-
20070204             BG—LAST—AUGUST, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE found that THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA broke the law..
20070204             Fmr.
20070204             In 1—FASCINATING INTERVIEW—WITH—GERMANY'S—DER—SPIEGEL magazine, FORMER—EUROPEAN CIA CHIEF—TYLER—DRUMHELLER recounts what it was like working for THE—CIA —DURING the run up to THE—IRAQ War and talks — to the extent he can — about how the administration dealt with the extraordinary renditions we've been hearing so much about lately.
20070204             (h/t Glenn) Spiegel INTERNATIONAL: Drumheller: I had assured my GERMANY—FRIENDS that ["Curveball's" claims] wouldn't be in the speech.
20070204             I really thought that I had put it to bed.
20070204             I had warned THE—CIA—DEPUTY—JOHN—MCLAUGHLIN that this case could be fabricated.
20070204             pilotsfor911truth org New documentary film
20070204             BG—FILMAKERS ROB—BALSAMO and Gideon524 from Pilotsfor911truth org
20070204             Information Clearing House BLOG—AN Iron Curtain is Descending: And Most Americans Don't Know-
20070204             BG—MOST Americans are UNAWARE—OF—THE—NEW—POLICE—STATE—PROCEDURES—OF—USA officials
20070204             Compromise ACCOMPLISHED—BY DANIEL—POLITI
20070204             leads with Democratic and Republican seNATO rs who oppose PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops
20070204             to IRAQ announcing last night they have reached 1—COMPROMISE and will support 1—RESOLUTION put forward by Republican Sen.
20070204             JOHN—WARNER—OF—VIRGINIA.
20070204             —WORDED, THE—NON—BINDING resolution isn't as strongly, as THE—1—DEMOCRATS preferred but —AFTER Warner made SOME—CHANGES they decided it was their best chance to get Republican support.
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL tops its worldwide newsbox with the latest quarterly report on IRAQ reconstruction that found TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS were wasted.
20070204             —STOPPED, The paper also notes IRAQ has, all flights to and from Syria and closed 1—BORDER crossing with IRAN as the government prepares for 1—SECURITY—CRACKDOWN.
20070204             leads news that 1—GERMANY—COURT issued arrest warrants
20070204             for 13—PEOPLE who were PART—OF—1—CIA "abduction team" that detained 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN and held him —FOR—5—MONTHS in AFGHANISTAN.
20070204             GERMANY—AUTHORITIES did not name the suspects + said it is still trying to determine their true identities.
20070204             THE—NYT notes THE—LAT was the 1. to report the story.
20070204             USA—TODAY
20070204             to the ecosystem and wildlife.
20070204             It's going to take longer for the oil to disappear than many predicted and it "will be readily detectable for decades," 1—SCIENTIST tells the paper.
20070204             Excerpts from GEORGE—W—BUSH—CONVERSATION with the Journal editorial BOARD.
20070204             1—WELL—MEANING but confused ANTI—WAR—PROTESTER speaks on the problems of the 'Ruling Class', often contradicting himself.
20070204             This protester denies collusion and conspiracy on THE—PART—OF—MASONS or MEMBERS—OF—THE—BILDERBERG—GROUP (which includes THE—ROCKEFELLER family,
20070204             several royal families, the Rothschilds and other highly influential members).
20070204             He also denies 20010911              conspiracies as 1—TOOL—OF clamping down on power-- yet claims systemic racism is THE—REAL—PROBLEM perpetrated by the 'Ruling Class' who seek to divide the people and play them against 1—ANOTHER.... How can 1—ACKNOWLEDGE the role of 'Ruling Elites' seeking to divide us yet reject exposed GROUPS—OF—RULING elites such as THE—BILDERBERG Group-
20070204             - who we know are seeking to divide and conquer ALL—OF—USA?
20070204             Student Scholars for 20010911              Truth-
20070204             BG - ;;01;; 27., 20070000             :-Student Scholars for 20010911              Truth featured on!
20070204             New Website for Scholarly Students
20070204             Chalmers Johnson | Empire v. Democracy: Why Nemesis Is at Our Door-
20070204             Oops: Cartoon Network promo tied to BOSTON bomb SCARE—MARKETWATCH --
20070204             BG—CARTOON Network promo tied to BOSTON bomb SCARE—MARKETWATCH
20070204             1—MARKETING campaign gone awry was apparently behind THE—SHUTDOWN—OF—BOSTON—MAJOR roadways and subway lines —ON—WEDNESDAY—AFTER promotional devices installed —AROUND the city triggered 1—DAY—LONG—BOMB scare.
20070204             ABC NEWS com: ;;09;;. - 11—VOICES—RALLY for Health Care-
20070204             Miller not 'absolutely certain' of TIMING—OF—CIA—LEAK-
20070204             BG—MILLER not 'absolutely certain' of TIMING—OF—CIA—LEAK
20070204             BG—THE—USA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE, 1—ARDENT defender of ISRAEL,
20070204             is known for speaking out against ANTI—SEMITISM, but this conservative advocacy group has —RECENTLY stirred up 1—BITTER and emotional debate with 1—NEW—TARGET: liberal Jews.
20070204             VoteVets Ad To Run —DURING Superbowl-
20070204             —LAUNCHED, Last —WEEK, VoteVets, 1—POWERFUL ad campaign opposing PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—POLICY.
20070204             —LEARNED, ThinkProgress has, that the new ad will run —DURING —TODAY—SUPERBOWL.
20070204             campaign, will air in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, MINNESOTA + MAINE, targeting Sens.
20070204             JOHN—WARNER (R—VA), Norm Coleman (R—MN) + Susan Collins (R—ME), respectively.
20070204             Those 3—SENATO rs say they oppose sending more troops to IRAQ, but haven't signed on to THE—ANTI—ESCALATION—RESOLUTION sponsored by Sens.
20070204             Chuck Hagel (R—NE) and JOE—BIDEN (R—DE).
20070204             This —MORNING on ABC—THIS —WEEK, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) blasted THE—IRAQ war resolution introduced by Sen.
20070204             JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ), which calls for benchmarks, but says nothing about what will occur if the benchmarks aren't met.
20070204             "I think if you want to go to 1—DISINGENUOUS—RESOLUTION, this idea about putting benchmarks on THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT...and then having no consequences,
20070204             —NOW that's intellectually dishonest," he said. "So what are the consequences?
20070204             Are we then going to pull out?
20070204             If the benchmarks are not met by the Maliki government, are we then going to walk out?
20070204             Are we then going to bring our troops home?
20070204             Are we going to cut funding? —NOW, that falls more in the intellectually dishonest category".
20070204             But, he said, "I can't tell you what the other options are,
20070204             because there are no good options to this". Transcript: (more...)
20070204             MCCAIN: Took us 1—LONG—TIME to get in the situation we're in + to say that — and somehow assume that in 1—FEW months,
20070204             that things are going to get all better I think is not realistic.
20070204             —JUST—47—SECONDS—LATER, McCain said we'll know whether the escalation strategy is working "in 1—FEW months":
20070204             STEPHANOPOULOS: You say it's all in.
20070204             How long are you going to give it to work?
20070204             MCCAIN: I think in THE—CASE—OF—THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT cooperating and doing what's necessary, we can know fairly well in 1—FEW months.
20070204             McCain: Consequences Of Missed Benchmarks Are 'Obvious,' But 'I—CAN'T—TELL—YOU'—WHAT—THEY—ARE
20070204             but does not spell out ANY—CONSEQUENCES
20070204             because there are no good options to this".
20070204             McCain isn't the only 1—WHO can't make SENSE—OF—TOOTHLESS benchmarks.
20070204             Senate Minority Leader MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY) said last —WEEK that benchmarks were "the best way to determine if the Iraqis are holding up their end of the bargain but he stopped SHORT—OF—SAYING what THE—USA should do it the Iraqis fall short.
20070204             'I think everyone knows what the consequences are,' McConnell said without specifying what he thinks they are, even —WHEN pressed.
20070204             'I'm not going to start playing out the scenarios,' he added".
20070204             "There has been 1—ONGOING effort to target our helicopters,"-
20070204             FAIZ—CHIEF—USA military spokesman WILLIAM—CALDWELL told reporters in BAGHDAD.
20070204             AEI Letter Offers $10,000 Payments Only For Views CRITICAL—OF—THE—IPCC—REPORT
20070204             —ON—FRIDAY, THE—GUARDIAN reported that THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE — which has received more than $1.6—MILLION from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out
20070204             in 1—EFFORT to push back on the new IPCC climate change study.
20070204             THE—IPCC report states that it is "very likely
20070204             " that MAN—MADE greenhouse gases were the main CAUSE—OF—THE—EARTH—RECENT warming trend.
20070204             —REPORTED, The article, that 1—USA—SCIENTIST — STEVE—SCHROEDER,
20070204             1—PROFESSOR at TEXAS A&M university — turned down the offer
20070204             citing fears that the report could easily be misused for political gain.
20070204             "You wouldn't know if SOME—OF—THE—OTHER—AUTHORS might say nothing's going to happen, that we should ignore it, or that it's not our fault," he said.
20070204             KENNETH—GREEN and STEVEN—HAYWARD, THE—AEI employees who sent the letter,
20070204             claimed they were soliciting views that would highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of THE—IPCC report.
20070204             But, in the letter, Green and HAYWARD clearly indicate they are only seeking views that criticize THE—IPCC.
20070204             They write: As with ANY—LARGE—SCALE "consensus" process, THE—IPCC is susceptible to SELF—SELECTION—BIAS in its personnel,
20070204             resistant to reasonable criticism and dissent + prone to summary conclusions that are poorly supported by the analytical work of the complete Working Group reports.
20070204             We are hoping to sponsor 1—PAPER...that thoughtfully explores THE—LIMITATIONS—OF—CLIMATE—MODEL—OUTPUTS as they pertain to THE—DEVELOPMENT—OF—CLIMATE—POLICY.
20070204             AEI will offer an honoraria of $10,000.... We intend to hold 1—SERIES—OF—SMALL—CONFERENCES and seminars in WASHINGTON and elsewhere...for which we can provide travel expenses and additional honoraria if you are able to participate.
20070204             Indeed, the letter reveals that the oil lobbyists at AEI are quite familiar with "SELF—SELECTION—BIAS".
20070204             Bush : IRAQ war is "sapping our soul".-
20070204             NICO—ATTENDING 1—CAUCUS retreat —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH "told Democrats in private that he empathizes with their anguish on IRAQ, saying the war is 'sapping our soul,'
20070204             according to 2—OFFICIALS who attended the session".
20070204             —PUBLISHED, This —WEEK, THE—UK—DAILY—MAIL, photos of polar bears stranded on ice floes
20070204             Determined to deny the existence of global warming, Rush Limbaugh said —ON—FRIDAY that the bears were "—JUST playing —AROUND
20070204             .—JUST like your cat goes to its litter box": This whole thing is totally misleading.
20070204             —STRANDED, They're not even, on 1—ICE floe that's broken apart.
20070204             They're —JUST out there —JUST playing —AROUND. They're —JUST out there.
20070204             You know, —JUST like your cat goes to its litter box.
20070204             —WHEN'S the last time your cat got stranded in its litter box?
20070204             —JUST like your pit bull attacks and kills the neighbor's baby horse, whatever, I mean these things happen.
20070204             —CALLED, It's, nature.
20070204             This isn't "nature". It's HUMAN—INDUCED global warming.
20070204             In recent months, scientists have found that:
20070204             — Polar bears "are drowning because climate change is melting THE—ARCTIC—ICE shelf.
20070204             —STARTLED, Researchers were, to find bears having to swim up to 60—MILES across open sea to find food.
20070204             —FORCED, They are being, into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting,
20070204             becoming smaller and drifting farther apart".
20070204             are increasingly giving birth on land,
20070204             according to researchers who say global warming is probably to blame".
20070204             — Polar bears "may be turning to cannibalism
20070204             because longer seasons without ice keep them from getting to their natural food".
20070204             In ;;12;;, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION "decided to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act,
20070204             putting THE—USA—GOVERNMENT on record as saying that global warming could drive 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST recognizable animals OUT—OF—EXISTENCE.
20070204             The latest National Intelligence ESTIMATE—KEY—JUDGMENTS
20070204             reached the same conclusion that the Center for USA—PROGRESS reached last ;;10;;:
20070204             that IRAQ was worse than simply 1—CIVIL—WAR because there are at least 4—MAJOR—INTERNAL—CONFLICTS ongoing.
20070204             THE—NIE identifies Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY as 1—OF—THE "very effective accelerators
20070204             " of IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR.
20070204             Reporting from BAGHDAD, TOM—LASSETER—OF—MCCLATCHY—NEWSPAPERS said that MANY—USA—JUNIOR—OFFICERS are convinced that THE—BUSH—MILITARY—ESCALATION in IRAQ will actually hand over portions of BAGHDAD to IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES infiltrated by the Mehdi Army.
20070204             Infiltration is 1—MAJOR—PROBLEM that PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN fails to adequately address.
20070204             The independent Special Inspector GENERAL for IRAQ Reconstruction reported
20070204             In effect, THE—BUSH escalation plan risks handing over territory to forces loyal to Shiite radical cleric Muqtada AL—SADR,
20070204             further accelerating IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR and doing nothing to bridge the growing divides among Iraqis.
20070204             — BRIAN—KATULIS - Neocon Adelman: If IRAQ Doesn't Improve By ;;07;; 4, 'I—WILL—SAY—IT—IS—HOPELESS'
20070204             KENNETH—ADELMAN, "1—LIFELONG neocon activist and Pentagon insider
20070204             —CLAIMED, He famously, in a 20020200              WASHINGTON—POST OP—ED, "I believe demolishing HUSSEIN—MILITARY—POWER and liberating IRAQ would be 1—CAKEWALK.
20070204             —2—MONTHS—AGO, Adelman delivered 1—MEA culpa in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—VANITY—FAIR.
20070204             "I —JUST presumed that what I considered to be the most competent NATIONAL—SECURITY—TEAM—SINCE Truman was indeed going to be competent.
20070204             —TURNED, They, out to be among the most incompetent teams in THE—POST—WAR—ERA.
20070204             Not only did EACH—OF—THEM, individually, have enormous flaws, but together they were deadly, dysfunctional.
20070204             This —WEEK, at 1—DENVER—CITY—CLUB luncheon,
20070204             Adelman said he sees the light at THE—END—OF—THE—TUNNEL:
20070204             Adelman is not optimistic of 1—POSITIVE—OUTCOME to THE—USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ.
20070204             He said if by ;;07;; 4. there is no progress made, "then I will say it is hopeless".
20070204             Nevertheless, Adelman said PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—STRATEGY is "worth 1—TRY,
20070204             " even though its "chances of it succeeding are very low".
20070204             —REFUSED, He also, to express regret for promoting the war.
20070204             "I expected 1—APOLOGY from you —TODAY," said 1—ATTENDEE "who identified himself as 1—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER for THE—USA—ARMY —DURING THE—VIETNAM War".
20070204             "FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE has accepted 1—INVITATION to testify next —MONTH
20070204             in 1—CONGRESSIONAL hearing on the highly controversial ISSUE—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20070204             Gore will appear at 1—JOINT hearing —ON—WEDNESDAY, 20070321           .
20070204             He will be the only witness to appear —BEFORE the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality and the Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment".
20070204             "A—USA—ARMY—HELICOPTER crashed —FRIDAY-
20070204             NICO—IN 1—HAIL—OF—GUNFIRE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, police and witnesses said — the 4. lost in IRAQ in the last 2—WEEKS.
20070204             —KILLED, THE—USA—COMMAND said 2—CREW members were, + the top USA general conceded that insurgent ground fire has become more effective".
20070204             55.- % age of Americans who "favor 1—FIRM—TIMETABLE for withdrawing all USA troops from IRAQ within 1—YEAR.
20070204             That figure includes 37% who favor 1—IMMEDIATE—WITHDRAWAL and 18% who want 1—TIMETABLE that will complete the withdrawal in 1—YEAR," Rasmussen reports.
20070204             —JUST 33% believe USA combat troops should remain in IRAQ "—UNTIL our mission is accomplished".
20070204             "resigned —FRIDAY over controversial remarks in which he criticized lawyers who represent terrorism suspects.
20070204             " In 1—RADIO—INTERVIEW last —MONTH, Stimson said he found it shocking that lawyers at many of the nation's top law firms represent detainees at GUANTANAMO + that companies "might want to consider taking their legal business to other firms that do not represent suspected terrorists".
20070204             Unemployment rate hits 4—MONTH high,-
20070204             This news comes —JUST days —AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH about the "strong
20070204             appeared on last night's edition of Hardball.
20070204             She told host CHRIS—MATTHEWS that she is "getting 1—LOT—OF—PRESSURE" to go along with BUSH from her conservative colleagues.
20070204             "Tensions are definitely there," Collins said.
20070204             "And feelings are running very high on both sides".
20070204             —DESCRIBED, Collins also, a "pretty contentious discussion" in which she stood up and responded to claims by THE—WHITE—HOUSE that the escalation resolutions "send mixed signals to our troops.
20070204             " "I am really offended —WHEN people say that THOSE—OF—USA who are in FAVOR—OF—THE—RESOLUTION are somehow betraying the troops," Collins said.
20070204             "I don't believe that at all".
20070204             She added: "I think all Americans support our troops".
20070204             —UNNAMED, This —MORNING, the Politico quotes 1, conservative saying the debate over escalation is "—STARTING to get really ugly".
20070204             According to the lawmaker,
20070204             those who voice doubts over THE—BUSH—PLAN are being "beaten down - " by other conservatives.
20070204             1—INCREASE in the minimum wage is "unfair to workers
20070204             and, in MANY—CASES, it will be harmful to the very people it is supposedly designed to help," according to Sen.
20070204             TOM—COBURN (R—OK). - See the real facts here.
20070204             1—NEW—STUDY by the Congressional Budget Office shows that the real troop increase associated with PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—POLICY could be as high as 48,000,
20070204             more than double the 21,500 soldiers that BUSH has claimed.
20070204             —REPORTED, Last night on MISS—NBC, NEWSWEEK—HOWARD—FINEMAN, that WHITE—HOUSE counsellor DAN—BARTLETT had written him in 1—EMAIL,
20070204             "[W]e don't agree with THE—CBO estimate and analysis. We think that there are already enough support troops on the ground there that very few will be required".
20070204             In fact, THE—CBO report considers BARTLETT—CLAIM and rejected it.
20070204             "Army and DoD officials have indicated that it will be both possible and desirable to deploy fewer additional support units than historical practice would indicate," the report states.
20070204             those units would still represent 1—SIGNIFICANT—ADDITIONAL—NUMBER—OF—MILITARY—PERSONNEL.
20070204             —ADDED, Fineman, that if the administration is going to "FLAT—OUT deny" THE—CBO report,
20070204             "then the question's going to be, ok, if it's not 15,000, how many is it?
20070204             And where are your plans for actually knowing how MANY—PEOPLE you are putting in there?
20070204             It undermines the whole notion that they know precisely what they are doing at this moment".
20070204             Nico - "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will ask for another $100—BILLION for military and diplomatic operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN this —YEAR and seek $145—BILLION for 20080000             ,
20070204             1—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY".
20070204             —PRESSED, Hadley was, on the issue by ABC News' Martha Raddatz: "Why do you go out of your way not to use that word?
20070204             THE—PRESIDENT goes out of his way as well. You say labels are difficult,
20070204             but is it not important — certainly ANY—MILITARY—STRATEGIST will tell you it's important to know what kind of fight you're in".
20070204             —JUSTIFIED, Hadley, his position by pointing to the new NIE.
20070204             He said THE—WHITE—HOUSE will not use the term "because it's not 1—ADEQUATE—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—SITUATION we find ourselves,
20070204             as the intelligence community says". He added, "We know what kind of fight we're in.
20070204             We know the facts".
20070204             In fact, THE—NIE says that IRAQ is worse than 1—CIVIL—WAR.
20070204             Specifically, it says the term "civil war" "accurately describes key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—CONFLICT,
20070204             " but does not "capture THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT," which also includes "extensive SHIA—ON—SHIA violence,
20070204             AL—QA'IDA and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence".
20070204             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has repeatedly
20070204             that IRAN is responsible for the surging violence in IRAQ.
20070204             But on multiple occasions,
20070204             " to support its claim. USA allies who have seen the evidence said that it "still falls short of 1—AIRTIGHT case".
20070204             In 1—INTEVIEW with —YESTERDAY, UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE—FOR—POLITICAL—AFFAIRS—NICHOLAS—BURNS said that IRAN is "stoking" and "igniting" sectarian violence in IRAQ.
20070204             But he was unable to actually offer ANY—SUCH evidence.
20070204             —TODAY—NEW National Intelligence Estimate
20070204             (NIE) explains why IRAN is not 1—DRIVING force behind IRAQ—VIOLENCE:
20070204             —INFLUENCED, IRAQ—NEIGHBORS—INFLUENCE + are, by, events within IRAQ,
20070204             but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be 1—MAJOR—DRIVER—OF—VIOLENCE or the prospects for stability BECAUSE—OF—THE—SELF—SUSTAINING CHARACTER—OF—IRAQ—INTERNAL—SECTARIAN dynamics.
20070204             Nonetheless, IRAN—LETHAL support for select GROUPS—OF—IRAQI—SHIA militants clearly intensifies the conflict in IRAQ.
20070204             THE—NIE acknowledges that IRAN is trying to cause trouble.
20070204             But it also notes that sectarian violence
20070204             — not IRAN—SUPPORT — is the most immediate threat.
20070204             Moreover, as THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES wrote —YESTERDAY,
20070204             "more threats and posturing are unlikely to get IRAN to back down.
20070204             If MISTER—BUSH isn't careful, he could end up talking himself into another disastrous war + if Congress is not clear in opposing him this time,
20070204             he could drag the country along".
20070204             "PRESIDENT—BUSH is expected to shift $1.3—BILLION away from raising and armoring levees,
20070204             installing floodgates and building permanent pumping in SOUTH—EAST—LOUISIANA in order to plug LONG—ANTICIPATED financial shortfalls in other HURRICANE—PROTECTION—PROJECTS,
20070204             1—MOVE—SENATOR—DAVID—VITTER (R—LA) describes as 1—RETREAT from THE—PRESIDENT—COMMITMENT to protect the whole NEW—ORLEANS area.
20070204             The key judgments of THE—LONG—DELAYED IRAQ National Intelligence Estimate have been released.
20070204             Read them HERE.
20070204             The term "civil war" "accurately describes key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—CONFLICT," though it "does not adequately capture THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT":
20070204             THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—JUDGES that the term "civil war" does not adequately capture THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT in IRAQ,
20070204             which includes extensive SHIA—ON—SHIA violence, AL—QA'IDA and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence.
20070204             Nonetheless, the term "civil war" accurately describes key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—CONFLICT,
20070204             ETHNO—SECTARIAN mobilization + population displacements.
20070204             IRAN is "not likely to be 1—MAJOR—DRIVER—OF—VIOLENCE or the prospects for stability":
20070204             Pentagon tinkers with USA troop casualty count.-
20070204             "Statistics on 1—PENTAGON—WEB—SITE have been reorganized in 1—WAY that lowers the published totals of USA—NONFATAL casualties
20070204             in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN". —ON—MONDAY, the Defense DEPARTMENT—WEBSITE listed 1—TOTAL—OF—47,657 "nonmortal casualties" in IRAQ.
20070204             —LISTED, But —ON—TUESDAY, the same page simply, 31,493 — the total for "medical air transported," which excludes minor injuries and mental illnesses.
20070204             PAUL—SULLIVAN—OF—VETERANS for AMERICA "said the changes actually meant THE—PENTAGON was trying to conceal the rising TOLL—OF—INJURIES and illness".
20070204             " WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL—SHARON—HAYS called the report
20070204             "significant," but stopped SHORT—OF—SAYING whether it would change PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY
20070204             BRITAIN plans to put children on " the front LINE—OF—THE—BATTLE to save the planet ," by making issues of sustainable DEVELOPMENT—SUCH as energy saving and recycling-
20070204             In contrast, MANY—SCHOOLS in THE—USA—ARE banning - AL—GORE—GLOBAL warming documentary.
20070204             1—LONG—AWAITED National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ "outlines 1—INCREASINGLY perilous situation in which THE—USA has little control
20070204             and there is 1—STRONG—POSSIBILITY—OF—FURTHER—DETERIORATION".
20070204             The document cites sectarian violence — not al Qaeda or IRAN — as the primary SOURCE—OF—CONFLICT.
20070204             -1 %: The personal savings rate for Americans, —NOW at the "lowest level —SINCE the Great Depression".
20070204             Economists "warn that the phenomenon exists at 1—PARTICULARLY bad time
20070204             with 78—MILLION—BABY boomers approaching retirement age".
20070204             THE—SENATE—VOTE—YESTERDAY to increase the minimum wage
20070204             included $8.3—BILLION in tax cuts to small businesses.
20070204             —SINCE the minimum wage was last raised —10—YEARS—AGO,
20070204             Congress has given small businesses $36—BILLION in tax breaks.
20070204             "GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST (R—FL) announced plans —ON—THURSDAY to abandon THE—TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines
20070204             that MANY—OF—FLORIDA—COUNTIES installed —AFTER the disputed 20000000              presidential election.
20070204             The state will instead adopt 1—SYSTEM—OF casting paper ballots counted by scanning machines in time for 20080000             —THE presidential election".
20070204             THE—INTERGOVERNMENTAL—PANEL on Climate Change (IPCC), the most authoritative group on global warming,
20070204             will report —ON—FRIDAY that it is "very likely
20070204             wurde bekannt, der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat die DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—COMPUTERN von eventuell Verdächtigen mit Hilfe von ?Trojanern?
20070204             (in diesem Fall dem ?Bundestrojaner?) für unzulässig erklärt.
20070204             Als unmittelbare Antwort darauf erklärte der allseits geliebte MINISTER—SCHÄUBLE...
20070204             (HT: BOB—GEIGER) - AMANDA—RISING to 4.6 %.
20070204             An Inconvenient Truth, BG—TEHRAN official says......
20070204             Back to THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911
20070204             —BEFORE - Below, SOME—IMPORTANT—FINDINGS:
20070204             —FRIDAY, 20070202             ;
20070204             12:58 PM - I admit it: You fascinate me, sir.
20070204             and PETER—JUUL - claimed - for the footage... - if the benchmarks aren't met.
20070204             in THE—ARCTIC.
20070204             leads with 1—SNEAK peak - leads with the release
20070204             —ON greenhouse gas emissions. STATE—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20070204             What's in SLATE—UPDATED —FRIDAY, 20050617             , at 5:21 PM ET
20070204             —FROM 655—HIGH—SCHOOLS showed ADOLF—HITLER was the most disliked foreign... aus dem mittlerweile abgeschafften Geheimfonds für Regierungsmitglieder.
20070204             And the crucial battle, right —NOW, is IRAQ.
20070204             [20061025             ] - That's what I believe.
20070204             [20061025             ] - SNOW: Yes.
20070204             [20061101             ] - [20061103             ]
20070204             Tiny engine boosts nanotech hopes Scientists create 1—TINY—ENGINE that could become 1—POWER—SOURCE for future NANO—SCALE—DEVICES.
20070204             Exxon Mobil sets USA—PROFIT—RECORD—HIGH—ENERGY—PRICES help USA—OIL—GIANT—EXXON Mobil report the highest ever annual profit by 1—USA—COMPANY - $39.5bn.
20070204             —CHARGED, BOSTON ad scare duo, 2—MEN plead not guilty —AFTER their campaign for 1—TV—SHOW prompts 1—SECURITY scare in BOSTON.
20070204             FRANCE—FARMER—AIMS for presidency Militant FRANCE—FARMER—JOSE Bove says he will stand in the presidential race if he can muster enough support.
20070204             Shell reports record $25bn profit Oil giant Royal HOLLAND—SHELL reports record annual profits of $25.36bn, despite SOME—SETBACKS 20060000           .
20070204             Big Q: Is Time 1—ILLUSION?
20070204             Crime Boards Come Crashing Down Competing FBI and SECRET—SERVICE—OPERATIONS clash, as the feds prepare to strike deep at the heart of INTERNATIONAL cybercrime rackets.
20070204             Last in a 3—PART—SERIES by KIM—ZETTER.Plus: Part 1: Tightening the Net on Cybercrime
20070204             Shrimp Bandages Save Soldiers Wound dressings MADE—OF—GROUND—SHELLFISH exoskeletons save lives by stopping extreme bleeding in emergency situations.
20070204             LAB—GROWN Diamonds Make the Cut GIA grading of artificial diamonds alongside natural stones strikes 1—BLOW to the mining monopoly.
20070204             —ARRESTED, INDIA—ORGAN—MAFIA Busted 3—KIDNEY brokers are, by INDIA—POLICE in 1—HUGE—ORGAN—TRADING—SCANDAL—MORE than 500—PEOPLE—AROUND Tamil Nadu may have been duped into selling their organs.
20070204             BODYHACK. Did BOSTON Prank Break the Law?
20070204             Blinking Ads Shut Down BOSTON 1—AQUA—TEEN—HUNGER—FORCE—PR stunt causes chaos in Beantown as authorities scramble to defuse what appears to be 1 coordinated terror attack.
20070204             TABLE, of Malcontents.
20070204             Speaking at the Silicon Valley Joint Venture event in S—JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE said there's still time to combat the expected EFFECTS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20070204             Dictatorships get to grip with Web 2.0—REPORTERS Without Borders' JULIEN—PAIN warns that ethical blind spots surrounding technology may usher in 1—WORLD where all our communications are spied on.
20070204             BP to fund biofuel research institute CALIFORNIA and ILLINOIS schools beat out competitors for a $500—MILLION—GRANT from the oil giant that will fund 1—NEW, huge energy lab.
20070204             Senate Democrats badger FCC boss on Net neutrality But the hearing, cut short by votes on the Senate floor, doesn't produce the fireworks some expected from THE—FACE—OFF.
20070204             Avoiding tech traps for the unwary Bartlett Cleland, who heads the Center for Technology Freedom, says politicians should learn how technology really works —BEFORE enacting policy.
20070204             Die Auswirkung ine zienter Kapitalmärkte auf die optimale... Allerdings haben die weltweiten Wirtschaftsskandale verdeutlicht, dass auch dieses Instru-... we will implode in a wave of accounting scandals.
20070204             —HACKED, USA: the vote was ! : MELBOURNE Indymedia... they were thinking the same thing because it is so obvious (though I doubt that I.. the extremist CHRISTIAN—RECONSTRUCTION—MOVEMENT...
20070204             20070204 20041212 Anyone who had the great good fortune and talent to be 1—PART—OF—IT, would be changed...
20070204             THE—VILLAGE—VOICE: Power PLAYS—OF—THE—MANY—MYSTERIES surrounding 20010911             , few have been of as much interest to... How MANY—AMERICANS have to die ?
20070204             Polls Show MANY—AMERICANS are Simply Dumber Than Bush... Americans share this disability with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070204             The detected cylindrical objects cannot be due to shadows caused by THE—ANGLE—OF—INCIDENCE—OF—THE—SUN on the plane, because they always appear to be the same shape and size, though with varying luminosity.
20070204             Mataró (BARCELONA—SPAIN), 20030326              SPAIN—COPY Back to THE—MYSTERIES—OF—20010911
20070204             I would prefer this evidence to not be relegated to Alternate Theories, as it truly isn't 1—THEORY with as much overwhelming proof that there is available through pictures and video.
20070204             Very Truly Yours, GLEN—STANISH—CO—FOUNDER—OF—PILOTS for Truth
20070204             Google Video of 911: In Plane SITE—CLICK Here
20070204             MARK—BURNBACK, 1—FOX—NEWS—EMPLOYEE, was 1—EYEWITNESS—OF—THE 2. Plane at the 2. Tower + —WHILE still fresh in his mind, only moments —AFTER impact said he saw no passenger windows on this aircraft.
20070204             - PALME—MORD wirklich aufgeklärt?
20070204             - onlineredaktion HARALD—HAACK ?
20070204             Hauptverdächtiger Christer Pettersson, des Mordes an Olof Palme ursprünglich verurteilt, wurde in 2. Instanz wegen eines eigenwilligen Ermittlungsfehlers freigesprochen und erhielt einen hohen Entschädigungsbetrag.
20070204             Mass TURKEY cull to halt bird flu Tens of THOUSANDS—OF—TURKEYS are gassed at 1—SUFFOLK farm as efforts continue to prevent bird flu from spreading.
20070204             THE—EMPIRE—TURNS—ITS—GUNS—ON—THE—CITIZENRY—BG - This 100-page report is extremely important and should have been published as 1—BOOK.
20070204             SWAT teams ("special weapons and tactics") were once rare and used only for very dangerous situations, often involving hostages held by armed criminals.
20070204             Jewish Involvement in Shaping American
20070204             there is evidence that Jews, much more than ANY—OTHER—EUROPEAN—DERIVED ethnic group in AMERICA, have viewed liberal immigration policies as 1—MECHANISM—OF ensuring that AMERICA would be 1—PLURALISTIC rather than 1—UNITARY, homogeneous society (e.g., Cohen, 19720000             ).
20070204             —ARRESTED, No Iranians, in GAZA, - BG—TEHRAN official says......
20070204             GEORGE—SOROS: AMERICAN—NEEDS 'DE—NAZI FICATION'—BG - CAPTAIN—ED can't see the Lies of "Homeland" Security, the heinous "Patriot Act" and Military Commissions Act + false flag operations such as 20010911              are clearly Propaganda coups even more powerful overall than tactics of the 3. Reich.
20070204             Geopolitical Diary: ISRAEL—COVERT Operations in IRAN - February 02, GMT
20070204             Chirac says he thought he was speaking off the record —WHEN, —DURING 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, INTERNATIONAL Herald Tribune and Le Nouvel Observateur, he said 1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—WEAPON would not be much of 1—THREAT because "TEHRAN would be razed to the ground" if it ever tried to deploy such 1—DEVICE.
20070204             CHIRAC—COMMENTS (which were quickly retracted) directly undermine THE—WEST—STANCE on IRAN -- and they do not reflect the official FRANCE—POSITION, which was summed up —THURSDAY in 1—STATEMENT from the Elysee Palace that read "FRANCE, with THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY, cannot accept the prospect of IRAN with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON".
20070204             With RUSSIA already in the spotlight, Chirac could have been signaling to TEHRAN with 1—IMPLICIT—ACCEPTANCE—OF—1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM that FRANCE, too, is worthy of 1—SEAT at the negotiating table.
20070204             Federal Prosecutors Widen PURSUIT—OF—DEATH—PENALTY—BG - THE—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT—LOOKS intent on overcoming DEATH—PENALTY—OPPOSITION in SOME—STATES by bringing federal prosecutions....
20070204             Source: DNC: THE—WHITE—HOUSE—STONEWALL Continues To Crumble
20070204             It is —NOW clear that despite previous denials by THE—WHITE—HOUSE, numerous BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS were PART—OF—1—LARGER—EFFORT not only to leak classified information but also to prepare and execute 1—MASSIVE—PR campaign to sell THE—IRAQ War to 1—SKEPTICAL—USA—PUBLIC.
20070204             Our Corrupt Congress It's about time somebody said it.
20070204             —RESIGNED, Senior Pentagon official CHARLES—STIMSON, —FRIDAY over controversial remarks in which he criticized lawyers who represent terrorism suspects, the Defense Department said, making clear that he made the decision to resign and that it was not asked to leave (as he should have been, if the Military leadership had character or integrity)
20070204             Armchair Activism That Works
20070204             BUSH—IRAQ And Groundhog —DAY In CARTOONS—CHECK out the 3. 1: election fraud and the electronic voting machines make 1—OMINOUS—APPEARANCE.
20070204             The machinations of Cheney, Libby and others were 1—ATTEMPT to weave 1—ALTERNATIVE narrative that blamed THE—CIA.
20070204             —REFUSED, BLAIR—REJECTS—PRESSURE—TO—RESIGN—AMIDST—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL—BLAIR has, to step down —BEFORE police finish 1—POLITICAL—CORRUPTION—PROBE into his party, despite fears the investigation is damaging his party.
20070204             —BY Allen L Roland - - CONGRESS LACKS WILL TO END IRAQ OCCUPATION
20070204             Senato r Russ Feingold —NOW stands alone in the Senate reminding Senato rs that they can stop BUSH—WAR, which has —NOW become 1—ILLEGAL—OCCUPATION, by legally and constitutionally withholding funding.
20070204             If THE—USA and/or ISRAEL goes ahead and bombs IRAN under the pretext of stopping their atomic energy program, IRAN might refuse to sell its oil for dollars.
20070204             —BY Cenk Uygur - - Impeach, Impeach, Impeach
20070204             —BY Rabbi MICHAEL—LERNER -
20070204             There Is No New ANTI—SEMITISM—WHAT'S "new" about the alleged New ANTI—SEMITISM?
20070204             —BY TODD—WEILER - - Bush Defies 1—NATION
20070204             —BY DAVID—SWANSON -
20070204             Rightwingers Attack War SUPPORTERS—THIS is what it's come to.
20070204             How 1—BILL—BECOMES—1—SIGNING—STATEMENT—AT the House Judiciary Committee hearings on BUSH—USE—OF signing statements on —WEDNESDAY, 2—EXCHANGES at the end were quite revealing.
20070204             —BY Gatto - - WHO—RESPONSIBLE—FOR—IRAQ?
20070204             —BY Jayne Lyn Stahl - - Shoot 1., Ask —LATER -
20070204             —BY BRENT—BUDOWSKY -
20070204             THE—CHENEY—TRIAL, Within THE—LIBBY—TRIAL—FOR the judge and jury, it is the Libby trial.
20070204             I'm not surprised...
20070204             I'm not surprised that THE—CASE—OF—MAHER—ARAR, THE—CANADA—CITIZEN rendered to Syria by THE—USA, is all over the news in CANADA.
20070204             Jewish Organizations Harass Jewish Peace Activists
20070204             I refer to 1—NEW—STORY at Muzzlewatch, where Cecilie Surasky reports that 1—JEWISH—FRIEND working for USA—FRIENDS—SERVICE [...].
20070204             In the quiet suburb of Sparkbrook, almost everyone believes that the beheading plot arrests are meant to demonize Muslims: Plots and paranoia are mainstream views for Muslims of Sparkbrook.
20070204             —TODAY—PAPERS: Hot in Here - Hot in Here
20070204             —BY JOSHUA—KUCERA
20070204             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with 1—SNEAK peak of next —YEAR—FEDERAL—BUDGET, including 1—WHOPPING $726—BILLION for the military.
20070204             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with THE—RELEASE—OF—THE—UN—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REPORT, which says that global warming is almost certainly caused by human activities.
20070204             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with the bleak National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ.
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL WORLD—WIDE newsbox leads with 1—IRAQ catchall including the military budget and THE—NIE.
20070204             It includes $100—BILLION for the rest of this fiscal —YEAR (on top of $70—BILLION already spent), $145—BILLION for next —YEAR and $481—BILLION for the regular Defense Department budget ?
20070204             The war budget for next —YEAR represents the 1. time the Pentagon has tried to plan for all THE—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN money at THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—BUDGET—CYCLE, notes THE—NYT, which runs the story
20070204             inside.
20070204             To continue reading, click here.
20070204             Finally! Congress To Investigate BUSH—SIGNING—STATEMENTS—BG - THE—HOUSE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE has launched 1—INVESTIGATION challenging repeated assertions by PRESIDENT—BUSH that he need not enforce ASPECTS—OF—LAWS he deems unconstitutional.
20070204             Libby Fighting To Suppress Grand Jury Tapes
20070204             Source: Fool Me Once
20070204             1., Hillary Clinton speaking the other night at 1—AIPAC dinner (IHT): Calling IRAN 1—DANGER to THE—USA and 1—OF—ISRAEL—GREATEST—THREATS, USA senato r and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said "no option can be taken off the table" —WHEN dealing with that nation.
20070204             "USA—POLICY must be clear and unequivocal: We cannot, we should not, we must not permit IRAN to build or acquire nuclear weapons," the Democrat... Source:
20070204             Warrantless Surveillance: The "Secret COURT—DOMESTIC Syping" Spin
20070204             We've lost our... (Read on Source)... Source: USA—PRESENTS—FRESH—HICKS charges
20070204             Politics: Dispatches From the Scooter Libby Trial
20070204             Dispatches From the Scooter Libby TRIAL—TO the witness stand, Agent Bond.
20070204             —BY JOHN—DICKERSON, Dahlia Lithwick + SETH—STEVENSON
20070204             10:24 a.m.: Scooter Libby arrives and sits at his defense table, 10—FEET in front of me.
20070204             —STARED, Having, at the back of this man's head for hours on end last —WEEK, I've come to wonder: Who is this tiny, tiny fellow?
20070204             —BEADED, Also wears 1—LITTLE, bracelet —AROUND his wrist.
20070204             And WRITES—SEMIPERVERTED novels 20070900             19030000              JAPAN.
20070204             I admit it: You fascinate me, sir.
20070204             (Note: Everyone agrees that McLellan did this only —AFTER being pressured by THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—OFFICE.)
20070204             Looking at THE—HISTORY—OF—EMPIRES from ROME to THE—UK, it is clear THE—USA is on 1—CRASH—COURSE for failure, but perhaps not 1—MILITARY—COME—UPPANCE so much as 1—FINANCIAL—BELLY—UP: our large ASIA—DEBTHOLDERS can devalue the dollar at 1—MOMENT—NOTICE.
20070204             Yes, 20060000              and also THE—2—YEAR—PERIOD are the worst periods as far as personal savings —SINCE the great depression.
20070204             At least 1—MAJOR—INDEX also indicates 1—RECESSION approaching
20070204             "UN scientists have delivered their starkest warning yet about global warming, saying fossil fuel pollution would raise temperatures this —CENTURY, worsen floods, droughts and hurricanes, melt polar sea ice and damage the climate system for a 1000—YEARS to come," reports Agence FRANCE Presse.
20070204             —BY JOHN—LOYD - - No Sympathy For THE—DEVIL
20070204             GEORGE—W—BUSH—CLAIMS to take advice from God, but it is no God ANY—OF—USA with ANY—SENSE—OF—1—SOUL recognize.
20070204             —BY RICHARD—RAPAPORT -
20070204             Looking Towards THE—PROMISED—LAND: Why AMERICAN—CANNOT "Get Over" Slavery
20070204             As both Blacks and Jews could tell you, "getting over" slavery like transcending several MILLENIA—OF—BLOOD—LIBEL, doesn't happen overnight.
20070204             Try more like 3—AND—A—HALF—1000—YEARS.
20070204             —BY ANDREW—BARD—SCHMOOKLER - - Thoughts Regarding "THE—GREAT—DECIDER"
20070204             —BY GATTO—WHY Is Journalism Only On THE—INTERNET?
20070204             —BY Eileen Fleming - - They Know NOT What They Do - Christofacists are also NEO—CHRISTIANS.
20070204             —BY Hilton Obenzinger -
20070204             Meditations In 1—TIME—OF—DELUSIONS—AND—LIES 18: THE—NEW—NEW—ANTI—SEMITISM
20070204             Students at Stanford and other campuses are speaking out + they —NOW join JIMMY—CARTER and such prominent Jews as TONY—KUSHNER, Adrienne Rich, the late ARTHUR—MILLER + others in getting castigated.
20070204             Such crude tactics stifle debate and are dangerous, obscuring real ANTI—SEMITISM.
20070204             —BY ROB—KALL - - Bush Redefines Victory-- And We Don't Want It
20070204             Victory? —WHEN you are in the middle of 1—FOOTBALL—FIELD piled 12—FEET—DEEP with excrement, the goal is to get the team out of the sh*t. There is no victory.
20070204             —BY Cathy Garger - - Depleted Uranium Poison Targets USA—CITIZENS
20070204             But how MANY—OF—AMERICANS realize that this toxic radioactive poison gas is also being used right here, inside THE—USA?
20070204             This is the same uranium weapon that is also being used upon the "enemy" in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ.
20070204             —BY Melinda PILLSBURY—FOSTER -
20070204             —BY JAMES—BRETT - - Market Fundamentalism
20070204             The irrational belief in markets as the cure all for our civilization is —NOW beginning to infect THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY as Libertarians gravitate away from religious fundamentalists and neocon radicalism, but bringing their dogmatic "market fundamentalism" with them.
20070204             —BY REVEREND—BILL—MCGINNIS -
20070204             The national DISCUSSION—OF—THE—WAR in IRAQ is forming into 2—CLEAR—SIDES: those who believe it can succeed with minor adjustments;
20070204             —BY BOB—GEIGER -
20070204             Coburn Says Vote Against Minimum Wage Was "to Protect SALARIES—OF—LOW—INCOME Families" -
20070204             —BY Ezekiel - - As Easy As 1, 2, 3 - Why has all the optimism brought by the Democrats' November victory been transformed to alarm and despair?
20070204             It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
20070204             —BY WINSTON—WINSTON -
20070204             In his speeches, including his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESSES, W is always lying about IRAQ and we likely heard SOME—WHOPPERS in his most recent 1, but we won't know what they are —UNTIL the lies become apparent.
20070204             As 1—CONSEQUENCE—OF lying about THE—PRE—WAR—IRAQ intelligence, W has failed the Democracies of both THE—USA—AND—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070204             —BY SCOTT—SHUSTER -
20070204             Dick Cheney : THE—PURE—EVIL—BEHIND—THE—PRESIDENT—THE biggest evil in THE—WHITE—HOUSE is not THE—PRESIDENT.
20070204             —FROM his NON—STOP lies he's lost ALL credibility.
20070204             —BY DAN—FROOMKIN—SPECIAL to washingtonpost_com —FRIDAY, February 2, 20070000             ;
20070204             —VISITED, As PRESIDENT—BUSH, NEW—YORK —YESTERDAY, advocates for ill 1.—RESPONDERS to the attacks of 20010911             , called for greater funding for the health care for the workers.
20070204             † THE—21—YEAR—OLD—SON—OF—1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—OFFICER who, last —WEEK, CESAR—BORJA—JUNIOR, met with MISTER—BUSH to push for more money for 1.—RESPONDERS with respiratory and other complications.
20070204             —ANNOUNCED, On —TUESDAY, MISTER—BUSH, 1—ADDITIONAL $25—MILLION in federal funding for 20070911             —RELATED health care, and...Source:
20070204             Hume used baseless claim to attack STRAW—MAN—VERSION—OF—WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE on Libby trial
20070204             —CONTRADICTED, But the Post did not report that WILSON—FINDINGS, BUSH—CLAIM.
20070204             —REPORTED, THE—POST, that the r... Source: DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—DISSATISFACTION.
20070204             [more...]... Source:
20070204             Judges Pose Questions on Bush Detainee POLICY—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070204             February 2, 20070000              - HTML: 02022007.html
20070204             DOC: 02022007.doc - PDF: 02022007.pdf - PRESS, Box, JACK—SHAFER—DISSECTS
20070204             THE—WALL—STREET JOURNAL—REPORTING, which cushions the topic of their flight on 1—CITIGROUP jet in ambiguous language, is 1—CLASSIC—EXAMPLE—OF—INSINUATION: "It's not saying the 2 were romantically linked + it's not saying they weren't.... This is THE—SORT—OF—COPY 1—CLEVER—LAWYER directs reporters to write —WHEN they "know" something but can't prove it".
20070204             NEWSWEEK is guilty, too, Shafer contends, only they blame bloggers for insinuating the relationship: "At least BRITAIN—PRIVATE—EYE—MAGAZINE accepts responsibility for its own impiety —WHENEVER it wants to imply 1—UNPRINTABLE—INTIMATE—RELATIONSHIP by referring to a 'UGANDA—DISCUSSION' or 'UGANDA—RELATIONS.' "
20070204             THE, Big Idea, JACOB—WEISBERG—CONSIDERS
20070204             POLITICS, JOHN—DICKERSON watches FORMER—NEW—YORK—TIMES—REPORTER—JUDITH Miller take the stand at the Scooter Libby perjury trial.
20070204             " 'Do you remember my question?' he snapped at 1—POINT. Miller sighed. She apparently didn't".
20070204             The next —DAY, Dickerson cringes as his former colleague MATTHEW—COOPER painstakingly and publicly combs through his typewritten notes.
20070204             LIBBY—LAWYER latches onto 1—PHRASE--"had somethine and abou the Wilson thing and not sure if it's ever"--and wonders if Cooper meant to type, "heard something about the Wilson thing and not sure if it's even true".
20070204             "And then Jeffress tried to turn the blank space in COOPER—NOTES into the word 'true.'... That's not evidence. It's magic".
20070204             Dig Yields Surprising Find at Ground 0 - BG—DIG Yields Surprising Find at Ground 0—UNLIKE the stacked columns, this steel appeared to be burned at 1—END....
20070204             Source:
20070204             EXXON—MOBIL Posts Record Profits Reuters Exxon Mobil Corp. —POSTED the largest annual profit in USA—HISTORY—THURSDAY, even though 4.—QUARTER earnings fell on lower natural gas prices and shrinking gasoline margins.
20070204             Earnings from exploration and production activities were $6.22—BILLION, down $818—MILLION from 1—YEAR—EARLIER due to the natural gas price drop and decreased volumes driven by lower demand in EUROPE.
20070204             —REMOVED, Bush also, DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOHN—NEGROPONTE, who had stood by intelligence estimates downplaying THE—NEAR—TERM—THREAT from IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20070204             —APPOINTED, Bush, Admiral WILLIAM—FALLON as the new CHIEF—OF—CENTRAL—COMMAND for THE—MIDDLE—EAST despite the fact that Fallon, 1—NAVY—AVIATOR and HEAD—OF—THE—PACIFIC—COMMAND, will oversee 2—GROUND—WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN.
20070204             —CONSIDERED, Though not, 1—MIDDLE—EAST—EXPERT, Fallon has moved in neocon circles, for instance, attending
20070204             a 20010000              awards ceremony
20070204             —NOMINATED, To replace Negroponte, Bush, retired Vice Admiral John "Mike" McConnell, who is viewed by intelligence professionals as 1—LOW—PROFILE technocrat, not 1—STRONG—INDEPENDENT—FIGURE.
20070204             McConnell IS—SEEN as more likely than Negroponte to give the administration 1—ALARMING assessment of IRAN—NUCLEAR capabilities and intentions in 1—UPCOMING—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE.
20070204             —TEMPERED, Expressing 1—SIMILARLY, view in
20070204             1—SPEECH at the National Press Club, Negroponte said, "I think it's important that this issue be kept in perspective".
20070204             Operation Deathtrap JAMES—CARROLL 'Who the hell is shooting at us?" A—USA—SOLDIER yelled last —WEEK. His platoon was in 1—STRIFE—TORN PART—OF—BAGHDAD, teamed with 1—IRAQI—ARMY—UNIT. Gunfire was coming from all directions. "WHO—SHOOTING at us?
20070204             Do we know who they are?".
20070204             —AFTER BUSH—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, antiwar Republicans and Democrats began vying with EACH—OTHER over ways to challenge USA—POLICY, even as VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY bluntly declared of congressional action, "It won't stop us".
20070204             Why Attack IRAN? Other Political Considerations ROBERT—PARRY—BUSH and his ISRAEL—COUNTERPART, PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT, also have powerful political motives for ordering air strikes against IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES.
20070204             It also is conventional wisdom among USA—NEOCONSERVATIVES — as well as MANY—ISRAELIS — that PRESIDENT—BUSH may be the only USA—LEADER who would countenance 1—PREEMPTIVE military strike against IRAN.
20070204             News Summary with Links
20070204             1—WELL—INFORMED USA—MILITARY—SOURCE called me in 1—FURY —AFTER consulting with Pentagon associates and discovering how far along the war preparations are.
20070204             —EARLIER thinking had been that ISRAEL—WARPLANES would hit IRAN—NUCLEAR—TARGETS with USA—FORCES in reserve in CASE—OF—IRAN—RETALIATION, but —NOW the strategy anticipates 1—MAJOR—USA—MILITARY—FOLLOW—UP to 1—ISRAEL—ATTACK, the source said.
20070204             THE—USS—JOHN—C—STENNIS should arrive to join it on station in MID—FEBRUARY.
20070204             "In IRAQ, you will be killed. Not that you might be killed, but you will be killed. The 1. Iraqi with 1—GUN will shoot you + if no 1 has 1—GUN, they'll stone you.".
20070204             THE—BLOG | MARTY—KAPLAN: THE—FOUNDERS—FUMBLED | THE—HUFFINGTON—POST—BG - Bush is certifiably delusional, but impeachment is off the table, because Democrats can't muster the kind of political will and outrage at 1—TRAGICALLY misconceived war that Republicans could summon for 1—BLOWJOB.
20070204             —TODAY—PAPERS: So Easy To Say Goodbye - So Easy To Say Goodbye
20070204             —BY DANIEL—POLITI
20070204             —POSTED—FRIDAY, 20070202             , at 5:29 AM ET
20070204             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with news that FLORIDA will probably say goodbye to TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines and replace them with paper ballots that will be counted by scanning machines in time for 20080000             —THE presidential election.
20070204             Experts say the move could very well be THE—START—OF—1—TREND that will bring 1—END to electronic voting machines, particularly of those that don't leave 1—PAPER—RECORD.
20070204             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with 1—EARLY—LOOK at the latest National Intelligence Estimate on IRAQ, which, big surprise, says the situation is getting worse and is quickly spiraling OUT—OF—CONTROL.
20070204             THE—NIE doesn't spend much time discussing IRAN + mentions how IRAQ—SECTARIAN—VIOLENCE has become the main obstacle to USA—GOALS.
20070204             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with the global warming report by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—INTERGOVERNMENTAL—PANEL on Climate Change, which was leaked to SOME—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS in advance of its scheduled release —TODAY.
20070204             Worst of all, it says global warming has become uncontrollable and "would continue for centuries... even if greenhouse gas concentrations were to be stabilized".USA—TODAY—LEADS with the Army CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS revealing the location of THE—122—LEVEES across the country that could fail if there is 1—MAJOR—FLOOD.
20070204             Some of the levees are close to areas with significant population, but others are in rural communities that may find it difficult to raise the money needed to carry out the necessary repairs.
20070204             —REPORTED, On —MONDAY, USAT, THE—EXISTENCE—OF—THE—AT—RISK levees but couldn't get their locations.
20070204             —RELEASED, THE—ARMY—CORPS—OF—ENGINEERS, the list + the paper posts it online.
20070204             Peretz Chooses ISRAEL—ANTI—MISSILE Defense System
20070204             Carlyle Changes Its STRIPES—BG - 1. there were the terrorist attacks of 20070911           .
20070204             —SEIZED, In the aftermath, conspiracy theorists, on CARLYLE—HUGE—PROFITS, intense secrecy + close dealings with wealthy SAUDI—ARABIA—INVESTORS.
20070204             USA—ISSUES—GUIDELINES in CASE—OF—FLU—PANDEMIC—NEW—YORK—TIMES - BG—HEALTH—OFFICIALS acknowledged that such measures would hugely disrupt public life, but they argued that these measure would buy the time needed to produce vaccines and would save lives because flu viruses attack in waves lasting about 2—MONTHS.
20070204             Official Lies Over Najaf BATTLE—EXPOSED—SENT Using Google TOOLBAR—BG - Official Lies Over Najaf BATTLE—EXPOSED
20070204             Conflicting reports had arisen —EARLIER on how and why 1—HUGE—BATTLE broke out —AROUND the small village Zarqa, located —JUST 1—FEW kilometres northeast of the Shia holy city Najaf, which is 90—KM—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20070204             —DELISTED, —NOW it has, Uruk_net 1—NEWSITE frequently cited here.
20070204             According to Alexa, THE—WEB—RANKING organization, Uruknet is highly rated as 1—IRAQ—NEWS—SOURCE.
20070204             Dispatches From the Scooter Libby TRIAL—MATT—COOPER—UNMAGICAL—NOTES.
20070204             Cooper contends that he asked Libby if he knew WILSON—WIFE worked at THE—CIA + that Libby answered, "Yeah I've heard that, too," or words to that effect.
20070204             Bush Is Not Above THE—LAW—NEW—YORK—TIMES - BG—LAST 20070801             —FEDERAL—JUDGE found that THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA broke the law...
20070204             CIA CHIEF: "We Probably Gave Powell the Wrong Speech"
20070204             Drumheller 1. broke his silence —BACK—IN APRIL—OF—LAST—YEAR on CBS' 60—MINUTES.
20070204             pilotsfor911truth_org New documentary film | 911Blogger_COM—BG - Filmakers ROB—BALSAMO and Gideon524 from Pilotsfor911truth_org on MIKE—CHAMBERS radio show —
20070204             Information Clearing House Blog - 1—IRON—CURTAIN is Descending: And Most Americans Don't KNOW—BG - Most Americans are UNAWARE—OF—THE—NEW—POLICE—STATE—PROCEDURES—OF—USA—OFFICIALS
20070204             —TODAY—PAPERS: Compromise Accomplished
20070204             THE—WASHINGTON—POST—LEADS with Democratic and Republican senato rs who oppose PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to IRAQ announcing last night they have reached 1—COMPROMISE and will support 1—RESOLUTION put forward by Republican SENATOR—JOHN—WARNER—OF—VIRGINIA.
20070204             THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—LEADS with 1—LOOK at how IRAQ—NORTHERN—CITY—OF—KIRKUK "could develop into a 3. front in the country's civil war" as different groups vie to control THE—OIL—RICH region.
20070204             —ISSUED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS—NEWS that 1—GERMANY—COURT, arrest warrants for 13—PEOPLE who were PART—OF—1—CIA "abduction team" that detained 1—GERMANY—CITIZEN and held him —FOR—5—MONTHS in AFGHANISTAN.
20070204             This protester denies collusion and conspiracy on THE—PART—OF—MASONS or MEMBERS—OF—THE—BILDERBERG—GROUP (which includes the Rockefeller family, several royal families, the Rothschilds and other highly influential members).
20070204             He also denies 20010911              conspiracies as 1—TOOL—OF clamping down on power-- yet claims systemic racism is THE—REAL—PROBLEM perpetrated by the 'Ruling Class' who seek to divide the people and play them against 1—ANOTHER....
20070204             How can 1—ACKNOWLEDGE the role of 'Ruling Elites' seeking to divide us yet reject exposed GROUPS—OF—RULING elites such as the Bilderberg Group, who we know are seeking to divide and conquer ALL—OF—USA?
20070204             Thanks to MATT—CONNER—OF—INFOWARS_com for the footage...
20070204             Student Scholars for 20010911              TRUTH—BG - 20070127             :-Student Scholars for 20010911              Truth featured on!
20070204             Oops: Cartoon Network promo tied to BOSTON bomb SCARE—MARKETWATCH -- BG—CARTOON Network promo tied to BOSTON bomb SCARE—MARKETWATCH
20070204             ABC NEWS_com: 20070911              Voices Rally for Health CARE—BG -
20070204             Miller not 'absolutely certain' of TIMING—OF—CIA—LEAK—BG - Miller not 'absolutely certain' of TIMING—OF—CIA—LEAK
20070204             USA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE—ANTI—SEMITISM - NEW—YORK—TIMES—BG - THE—USA—JEWISH—COMMITTEE, 1—ARDENT defender of ISRAEL, is known for speaking out against ANTI—SEMITISM, but this conservative advocacy group has —RECENTLY stirred up 1—BITTER and emotional debate with 1—NEW—TARGET: liberal Jews.
20070204             VoteVets Ad To Run —DURING Superbowl - Last —WEEK,
20070204             The ad, part of the
20070204             Americans Against Escalation In IRAQ campaign, will air in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, MINNESOTA + MAINE, targeting Sens.
20070204             Watch the ad focusing on SENATOR—NORM—COLEMAN:
20070204             Hagel: McCain Resolution Is 'Disingenuous' And 'Intellectually Dishonest'
20070204             This —MORNING on ABC—THIS—WEEK, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) blasted THE—IRAQ war resolution introduced by SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ), which calls for benchmarks, but says nothing about what will occur if the benchmarks aren't met.
20070204             "I think if you want to go to 1—DISINGENUOUS—RESOLUTION, this idea about putting benchmarks on THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT...and then having no consequences, —NOW that's intellectually dishonest," he said.
20070204             "So what are the consequences?
20070204             Asked about the resolution this —MORNING on ABC—THIS—WEEK, McCain declared, "Well, the consequences are obvious".
20070204             But, he said, "I can't tell you what the other options are, because there are no good options to this".
20070204             Transcript: (more...)
20070204             McCain FLIP—FLOPS In 47—SECONDS: Claims Success Is Not Realistic In 'A Few Months,' Then Says It Is
20070204             —ON ABC—THIS—WEEK, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) said it is unrealistic to expect the escalation strategy to change the situation in IRAQ in "1—FEW months":
20070204             MCCAIN: Took us 1—LONG—TIME to get in the situation we're in + to say that — and somehow assume that in 1—FEW months, that things are going to get all better I think is not realistic.
20070204             McCain: Consequences Of Missed Benchmarks Are 'Obvious,' But 'I—CAN'T Tell You' What They Are
20070204             —INTRODUCED, SENATOR—JOHN—MCCAIN (R—AZ) has, 1—IRAQ resolution which sets out "benchmarks" for THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT, but
20070204             does not spell out ANY—CONSEQUENCES if the benchmarks aren't met.
20070204             Senate Minority Leader MITCH—MCCONNELL (R—KY) said last —WEEK that benchmarks were "the best way to determine if the Iraqis are holding up their end of the bargain but he stopped SHORT—OF—SAYING what THE—USA should do it the Iraqis fall short. 'I think everyone knows what the consequences are,' McConnell said without specifying what he thinks they are, even —WHEN pressed. 'I'm not going to start playing out the scenarios,' he added".
20070204             Digg It! Transcript: (more...)
20070204             "There has been 1—ONGOING effort to target our helicopters,"- FAIZ—CHIEF—USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN—WILLIAM—CALDWELL told reporters in BAGHDAD.
20070204             "We have had 4—HELICOPTERS shot down... It appears they were all THE—RESULT—OF—SOME—KIND—OF—GROUND—FIRE".
20070204             AEI Letter Offers $10,000 Payments Only For Views Critical Of THE—IPCC Report
20070204             —ON—FRIDAY, THE—GUARDIAN reported that THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE — which has received more than $1.6—MILLION from ExxonMobil — was offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out in 1—EFFORT to push back on the new IPCC climate change study.
20070204             THE—IPCC report states that it is "very likely " that MAN—MADE greenhouse gases were the main CAUSE—OF—THE—EARTH—RECENT warming trend.
20070204             —REPORTED, The article, that 1—USA—SCIENTIST — STEVE—SCHROEDER, 1—PROFESSOR at TEXAS A&M university —
20070204             turned down the offer citing fears that the report could easily be misused for political gain.
20070204             KENNETH—GREEN and STEVEN—HAYWARD, THE—AEI employees who sent the letter, claimed they were soliciting views that would highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of THE—IPCC report.
20070204             They write : As with ANY—LARGE—SCALE "consensus" process, THE—IPCC is susceptible to SELF—SELECTION—BIAS in its personnel, resistant to reasonable criticism and dissent + prone to summary conclusions that are poorly supported by the analytical work of the complete Working Group reports.
20070204             Bush : IRAQ war is "sapping our soul".- NICO—ATTENDING 1—CAUCUS retreat —TODAY, PRESIDENT—BUSH "told Democrats in private that he empathizes with their anguish on IRAQ, saying the war is 'sapping our soul,'according to 2—OFFICIALS who attended the session".
20070204             Limbaugh: Stranded Polar Bears Are '—JUST Playing —AROUND...Like Your Cat Goes To Its Litter Box'
20070204             —PUBLISHED, This —WEEK, THE—UK—DAILY—MAIL
20070204             photos of polar bears stranded on ice floes in THE—ARCTIC.
20070204             Determined to deny the existence of global warming, Rush Limbaugh said on —FRIDAY that the bears were "
20070204             —JUST playing —AROUND...—JUST like your cat goes to its litter box": This whole thing is totally misleading.
20070204             —STRANDED, —WHEN'S the last time your cat got, in its litter box?
20070204             —CALLED, It's, nature. This isn't "nature".
20070204             It's HUMAN—INDUCED global warming.
20070204             —FORCED, They are being, into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting, becoming smaller and drifting farther apart".
20070204             — "Pregnant polar bears in ALASKA, which spend MOST—OF—THEIR—LIVES on sea ice, are
20070204             —DECIDED, DECEMBER, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION " to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, putting THE—USA—GOVERNMENT on record as saying that global warming could drive 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST recognizable animals OUT—OF—EXISTENCE".
20070204             The latest National Intelligence ESTIMATE—KEY—JUDGMENTS reached the same conclusion that the Center for USA—PROGRESS reached last October: that IRAQ was worse than simply 1—CIVIL—WAR because there are at least 4—MAJOR—INTERNAL—CONFLICTS ongoing.
20070204             THE—NIE identifies Muqtada AL—SADR—MAHDI—ARMY as 1—OF—THE "very effective accelerators " of IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR.
20070204             —EARLIER this —WEEK that USA—COMMANDER estimates that 20—25—PERCENT—OF—THE—IRAQ—NATIONAL—POLICE "needed to be weeded out".
20070204             In effect, the Bush escalation plan risks handing over territory to forces loyal to Shiite radical cleric Muqtada AL—SADR, further accelerating IRAQ—CIVIL—WAR and doing nothing to bridge the growing divides among Iraqis.
20070204             BRIAN—KATULIS
20070204             Not only did EACH—OF—THEM, individually, have enormous flaws,
20070204             but together they were deadly, dysfunctional.
20070204             This —WEEK, at 1—DENVER—CITY—CLUB luncheon, Adelman said he sees the light at THE—END—OF—THE—TUNNEL:
20070204             " even though its "chances of it succeeding are very low". He also refused to express regret for promoting the war. "I expected 1—APOLOGY from you —TODAY," said 1—ATTENDEE "who identified himself as 1—FORMER—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER for THE—USA—ARMY —DURING THE—VIETNAM War".
20070204             Congress to hear the inconvenient truth.
20070204             "FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—AL—GORE has
20070204             accepted 1—INVITATION to testify next —MONTH
20070204             "A—USA—ARMY—HELICOPTER crashed —FRIDAY—NICO - in 1—HAIL—OF—GUNFIRE—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD, police and witnesses said — the 4. lost in IRAQ in the last 2—WEEKS. THE—USA—COMMAND said 2—CREW members were killed + the top USA—GENERAL conceded that insurgent ground fire has become more effective".
20070204             55. - %age of Americans who "
20070204             favor 1—FIRM—TIMETABLE for withdrawing all USA—TROOPS from IRAQ within 1—YEAR.
20070204             That figure includes 37% who favor 1—IMMEDIATE—WITHDRAWAL and 18% who want 1—TIMETABLE that will complete the withdrawal in 1—YEAR," Rasmussen reports. —JUST 33% believe USA combat troops should remain in IRAQ "—UNTIL our mission is accomplished".
20070204             Pentagon official resigns over detainee remarks.
20070204             Charles "Cully" Stimson, THE—PENTAGON—TOP—OFFICIAL on detainee affairs, "
20070204             Unemployment rate hits 4—MONTH—HIGH,- AMANDA—RISING to 4.6 %.
20070204             This news comes —JUST days —AFTER PRESIDENT—BUSH—SPEECH about the "strong " STATE—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20070204             Collins: 'Tensions' Among Senate Conservatives 'Are Running Very High' Over Escalation
20070204             —DESCRIBED, Collins also, a "pretty contentious discussion" in which she stood up and responded to claims by THE—WHITE—HOUSE that the escalation resolutions "
20070204             send mixed signals to our troops ". "I am really offended —WHEN people say that THOSE—OF—USA who are in FAVOR—OF—THE—RESOLUTION are somehow betraying the troops," Collins said. "I don't believe that at all". She added: "I think all Americans support our troops".
20070204             According to the lawmaker, those who voice doubts over the Bush plan are being "beaten down " by other conservatives.
20070204             Transcript: (more...) - Coburn: Minimum wage increase will hurt workers.
20070204             1—INCREASE in the minimum wage is "unfair to workers and, in MANY—CASES, it will be harmful to the very people it is supposedly designed to help," according to SENATOR—TOM—COBURN (R—OK).
20070204             See the real facts here. (HT: BOB—GEIGER)
20070204             WHITE—HOUSE Disputes CBO Report, Says Combat Troops Don't Need More Support
20070204             1—NEW—STUDY by the Congressional Budget Office shows that the real troop increase associated with PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—POLICY
20070204             could be as high as 48,000 , more than double the 21,500 soldiers that Bush has claimed.
20070204             —REPORTED, Last night on MISS—NBC, NEWSWEEK—HOWARD—FINEMAN, that WHITE—HOUSE counsellor DAN—BARTLETT had written him in 1—EMAIL, "[W]e don't agree with THE—CBO estimate and analysis. We think that there are already enough support troops on the ground there that very few will be required".
20070204             "CBO expects that, even if the additional brigades required fewer support units than historical practice suggests, those units would
20070204             —ADDED, Fineman, that if the administration is going to "FLAT—OUT deny" THE—CBO report, "then the question's going to be, ok, if it's not 15,000, how many is it?
20070204             $245—BILLION more.
20070204             - Nico - "THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION will ask for another $100—BILLION for military and diplomatic operations in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN this —YEAR and seek $145—BILLION for 20080000             , 1—SENIOR—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY".
20070204             Hadley Ignores NIE, Says WHITE—HOUSE—WILL—STILL—NOT—CALL—IRAQ A 'Civil War'
20070204             At 1—PRESS briefing this —MORNING, National Security Adviser STEPHEN—HADLEY said THE—WHITE—HOUSE will continue to avoid using the term "civil war" to describe events in IRAQ, despite the
20070204             THE—PRESIDENT goes out of his way as well.
20070204             You say labels are difficult, but is it not important — certainly ANY—MILITARY—STRATEGIST will tell you it's important to know what kind of fight you're in".
20070204             He said THE—WHITE—HOUSE will not use the term "because it's not 1—ADEQUATE—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—SITUATION we find ourselves, as the intelligence community says".
20070204             He added, "We know what kind of fight we're in. We know the facts".
20070204             Specifically, it says the term "civil war" "accurately describes key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—CONFLICT," but does not "capture THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT," which also includes "extensive SHIA—ON—SHIA violence, AL—QA'IDA and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence".
20070204             NIE Undermines Administration Claim That IRAN Is 'Igniting' Violence In IRAQ
20070204             —CLAIMED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has repeatedly, that IRAN is responsible for the surging violence in IRAQ.
20070204             But on multiple occasions, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION has "ordered 1—DELAY in PUBLICATION—OF—EVIDENCE " to support its claim.
20070204             USA—ALLIES who have seen the evidence said that it "still falls short of 1—AIRTIGHT case".
20070204             —TODAY—NEW—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE (NIE) explains why IRAN is not 1—DRIVING force behind IRAQ—VIOLENCE:
20070204             —INFLUENCED, IRAQ—NEIGHBORS—INFLUENCE + are, by, events within IRAQ, but the involvement of these outside actors is not likely to be 1—MAJOR—DRIVER—OF—VIOLENCE or the prospects for stability BECAUSE—OF—THE—SELF—SUSTAINING CHARACTER—OF—IRAQ—INTERNAL—SECTARIAN dynamics.
20070204             But it also notes that sectarian violence — not IRAN—SUPPORT — is the most immediate threat.
20070204             Moreover, as THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES wrote —YESTERDAY, "more threats and posturing are unlikely to get IRAN to back down. If MISTER—BUSH isn't careful, he could end up talking himself into another disastrous war + if Congress is not clear in opposing him this time, he could drag the country along".
20070204             Transcript: (more...) - Bush shifts $1.3—BILLION away from levee funding.
20070204             - NICO—COMMENTS - "PRESIDENT—BUSH is expected to shift $1.3—BILLION away from raising and armoring levees, installing floodgates and building permanent pumping in SOUTH—EAST—LOUISIANA in order to plug LONG—ANTICIPATED financial shortfalls in other HURRICANE—PROTECTION—PROJECTS, 1—MOVE—SENATOR—DAVID—VITTER (R—LA) describes as
20070204             1—RETREAT from THE—PRESIDENT—COMMITMENT to protect the whole NEW—ORLEANS area.
20070204             BREAKING: IRAQ National Intelligence Estimate Released
20070204             Read THEM—HERE. Below, SOME—IMPORTANT—FINDINGS:
20070204             THE—INTELLIGENCE—COMMUNITY—JUDGES that the term "civil war" does not adequately capture THE—COMPLEXITY—OF—THE—CONFLICT in IRAQ, which includes extensive SHIA—ON—SHIA violence, AL—QA'IDA and Sunni insurgent attacks on Coalition forces + widespread criminally motivated violence.
20070204             Nonetheless, the term "civil war" accurately describes key ELEMENTS—OF—THE—IRAQ—CONFLICT, including THE—HARDENING—OF—ETHNO—SECTARIAN—IDENTITIES, 1—SEA—CHANGE in THE—CHARACTER—OF—THE—VIOLENCE, ETHNO—SECTARIAN—MOBILIZATION + population displacements.
20070204             The overall security situation "will continue to deteriorate" in next 12—18—MONTHS
20070204             Pentagon tinkers with USA—TROOP—CASUALTY—COUNT.
20070204             "Statistics on 1—PENTAGON—WEB—SITE have been reorganized in 1—WAY that
20070204             lowers the published totals of USA—NONFATAL casualties
20070204             in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN". On —MONDAY, the Defense DEPARTMENT—WEBSITE listed 1—TOTAL—OF—47,657 "nonmortal casualties" in IRAQ. But on —TUESDAY, the same page simply listed 31,493— the total for "medical air transported," which excludes minor injuries and mental illnesses. PAUL—SULLIVAN—OF—VETERANS for AMERICA "said the changes actually meant the Pentagon was trying to conceal the rising TOLL—OF—INJURIES and illness".
20070204             February 2, 20070000
20070204             1—NEW—INTERNATIONAL—CLIMATE—REPORT reveals that "there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities".
20070204             —CALLED, WHITE—HOUSE—OFFICIAL—SHARON—HAYS, the report "significant," but stopped SHORT—OF—SAYING whether it would change PRESIDENT—BUSH—POLICY on greenhouse gas emissions.
20070204             BRITAIN plans to put children on " the front LINE—OF—THE—BATTLE to save the planet," by making issues of sustainable DEVELOPMENT—SUCH as energy saving and recycling - 1—COMPULSORY—PART—OF—THE—SCHOOL—CURRICULUM.
20070204             In contrast, MANY—SCHOOLS in THE—USA—ARE banning 1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH, AL—GORE—GLOBAL warming documentary.
20070204             1—LONG—AWAITED—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—ESTIMATE on IRAQ "outlines 1—INCREASINGLY perilous situation in which the
20070204             USA has little control and there is 1—STRONG—POSSIBILITY—OF—FURTHER—DETERIORATION".
20070204             Economists "warn that the phenomenon exists at a - particularly bad time
20070204             —INCLUDED, THE—SENATE—VOTE—YESTERDAY to increase the minimum wage, $8.3—BILLION in tax cuts to small businesses.
20070204             —RAISED, —SINCE the minimum wage was last, 10—YEARS ago, Congress has given small businesses $36—BILLION in tax breaks.
20070204             FLORIDA shifts to paper ballots.
20070204             "GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST (R—FL) announced plans on —THURSDAY to
20070204             abandon THE—TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines
20070204             Oil Lobby Offers $10,000 Payments To Global Warming Deniers To Push Back On Climate Study
20070204             THE—INTERGOVERNMENTAL—PANEL on Climate Change (IPCC), the most authoritative group on global warming, will report on —FRIDAY that it is "
20070204             very likely " that human activities were the main cause of warming in the past 50—YEARS.
20070204             Prominent global warming deniers, such as Rush Limbaugh and SENATOR—JAMES—INHOFE, have already been downplaying the report and contravening the science.
20070204             —ORCHESTRATED, But THE—GUARDIAN reports that there is 1—MORE, movement going on below the radar to confound the public about THE—IPCC—REPORT.
20070204             The oil lobby is so desperate to push back on the new climate change report that they have been
20070204             offering to pay global warming skeptics to speak out:
20070204             —OFFERED, Scientists and economists have been, $10,000 EACH—BY 1—LOBBY—GROUP funded by 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—OIL—COMPANIES to undermine 1—MAJOR—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REPORT due to be published —TODAY.
20070204             Letters sent by THE—USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE (AEI), 1—EXXONMOBIL—FUNDED thinktank with close links to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, offered the payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of 1—REPORT from THE—UN—INTERGOVERNMENTAL—PANEL on Climate Change (IPCC).
20070204             —OFFERED, Travel expenses and additional payments were also.
20070204             The letters were sent by KENNETH—GREEN, 1—VISITING scholar at AEI, who confirmed that the organisation had approached scientists, economists and policy analysts to write articles for 1—INDEPENDENT—REVIEW that would highlight the strengths and weaknesses of THE—IPCC report.
20070204             —RECEIVED, AEI has, more than $1.6—MILLION from ExxonMobil.
20070204             THE—WELL—HEELED oil lobby is 1—PRIMARY—REASON why doubt still exists in the general public about the cause of global warming.
20070204             —POINTED, As AL—GORE—1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH, out, despite the fact that no PEER—REVIEWED scientific articles published in recent years express ANY—DOUBT that climate change is happening,
20070204             more than 50—PERCENT—OF—NEWS—MEDIA—COVERAGE—OF—THE—ISSUE includes the oil industry's position on the subject.
20070204             Senate passes minimum wage hike.
20070204             - Nico - "—JUST moments ago, by 1—RESOUNDING vote of 94-3 , THE—USA—SENATE passed legislation raising the Federal Minimum Wage for the 1. time in 1—DECADE".
20070204             BOB—GEIGER has details on where the legislation goes from here.
20070204             Concerns over IRAN bombing grow.
20070204             —CONCERNED, USA—NEWS: "Democrats on Capitol Hill are increasingly, that PRESIDENT—BUSH will order air strikes against targets in IRAN in the next few months or even weeks.
20070204             [T]hey suspect Bush will order THE—BOMBING—OF—IRAN—SUPPLY—ROUTES, camps, training facilities + other sites that Administration officials say contribute to USA—LOSSES in IRAQ.
20070204             Under this scenario, Bush would not invade IRAN with ground forces or 0 in on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES.
20070204             But under THE—LIMITED—BOMBING scenario, Bush could ask for 1—CONGRESSIONAL VOTE—OF—SUPPORT...which MANY—DEMOCRATS would feel obliged to endorse or
20070204             risk looking like they weren't SUPPORTIVE—OF—THE—TROOPS.
20070204             Gone Fishing: Cheney Set To Visit Global Warming Hotspot
20070204             VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY—DETERMINATION to ignore global warming will soon be put to the test.
20070204             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, that Cheney will
20070204             travel to AUSTRALIA and JAPAN this —MONTH "to discuss issues of mutual interest including ASIA—SECURITY and the global WAR—ON—TERROR".
20070204             —REPORTED, THE—WASHINGTON tip sheet THE—NELSON—REPORT, this tidbit about his schedule:
20070204             THE—VICE—PRESIDENT—AND—MISTER—S—CHENEY will visit JAPAN as PART—OF—1—ASIA—TOUR which will take them to Tasmania for fly fishing, sources confirm.
20070204             CHENEY—FISHING trip will show him THE—IMPACT—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE 1.—HAND.
20070204             THE—WARMING—OF—TASMANIA—WATERS has led to "exceptionally rare " development of coral reefs and "the invasion of about 30—SPECIES—OF—FISH from warmer areas".
20070204             —FUELED, In December, arid lands, the worst wildfires in years, 15—OF which raged across state forests and burned more than 280,000 hectares.
20070204             —TURNED, And extreme weather patterns have, the country into a "freak show ":
20070204             —RECORDED, May saw the lowest temperature for the —MONTH ever.
20070204             —EXPERIENCED, June, the lowest total rainfall.
20070204             October set records for the hottest —DAY, coldest night, warmest night and lowest rainfall.
20070204             Hopefully Cheney will use his fishing trip to learn something about the global climate crisis he —NOW seems content to ignore.
20070204             Brzezinski warns of coming conflict with IRAN.
20070204             "The war in IRAQ is 1—HISTORIC, strategic + moral calamity," FORMER—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR—ZBIGNIEW Brzezinski said in prepared testimony for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
20070204             "If THE—USA—CONTINUES to be bogged down in 1 protracted bloody involvement in IRAQ," Brzezinski cautioned, "the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be 1—HEAD—ON conflict with IRAN and with MUCH—OF—THE—WORLD—OF—ISLAM at large.... It is obvious by —NOW that THE—USA—NATIONAL—INTEREST—CALLS for 1—SIGNIFICANT—CHANGE—OF—DIRECTION".
20070204             BREAKING: IRAQ Escalation Could Be Twice As Large As Bush Claimed
20070204             —EXPECTED, As DefenseTech notes, extra forces are, because the combat units being sent into IRAQ "
20070204             need to be backed up by support troops,
20070204             'including personnel to staff headquarters, serve as military police + provide communications, contracting, engineering, intelligence, medical + other services.'" THE—CBO—LOW estimate envisions at least 15,000—ADDITIONAL—SUPPORT—PERSONNEL. The alternative scenario "would require about 28,000 support troops in addition to the 20,000 combat troops".
20070204             Additionally, THE—COST—OF—THE—ESCALATION
20070204             could be as much as 5—TIMES—HIGHER than WHITE—HOUSE estimates:
20070204             According to the study, the costs for the "surge" would also be dramatically different than THE—PRESIDENT has said.
20070204             —ESTIMATED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, 1—TROOP—ESCALATION would require about $5.6—BILLION in additional funding, THE—CBO —NOW believes "that costs would range from $9—BILLION to $13—BILLION for a 4—MONTH—DEPLOYMENT and from $20—BILLION to $27—BILLION for a 12-month deployment, depending upon the total NUMBER—OF—TROOPS deployed".
20070204             Read the full CBO REPORT—HERE.
20070204             UPDATE: 1—RELEASE from REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—SPRATT'S (D—SC) office notes that THE—CBO report also predicts addition burdens on USA—FORCES:
20070204             1—AVERAGE—OF—170,000 military personnel has been maintained in THE—IRAQ THEATER—OF—OPERATIONS + this high deployment level has taken 1—TOLL.
20070204             —REPORTED, —LAST—YEAR, CBO, that THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE had reduced the amount of 'dwell' time for MANY—TROOPS from 2—YEARS to 1—YEAR in order to sustain troop levels.
20070204             'Dwell' time is the time troops spend in training at bases in THE—USA—WHILE living with their families.
20070204             —QUESTIONED, CBO, whether such 1—HIGH—PACE—OF—OPERATIONS was sustainable over the long term.
20070204             THE—PRESIDENT—PROPOSAL will increase this level to above 200,000 troops + to reach this level, the Pentagon will probably have to relax 'dwell' time standards even more.
20070204             Bush _Claimed">Digg It! Exxon has record annual profit.
20070204             Exxon Mobil "
20070204             —POSTED the largest annual profit by A—USA—COMPANY
20070204             — $39.5—BILLION.
20070204             —3—MONTHS—AFTER SOUTH—DAKOTA voters rejected 1—ABORTION—BAN at the polls by a 56—44—MARGIN, state legislators have introduced another "
20070204             sweeping abortion bill
20070204             .that supporters hope will lead to 1—LEGAL—CHALLENGE—OF—ROE v. Wade".
20070204             —REJECTED, THE—BAN, in November was "extreme,
20070204             allowing for abortion only in instances to prevent THE—DEATH—OF—1—WOMAN.
20070204             —TITLED, The revised ban, THE—'WOMEN—HEALTH and Human Life Protection Act,' offers additional exceptions, though they are very narrowly defined".
20070204             MISS—MAGAZINE—REPORTS :
20070204             In addition to preventing THE—DEATH—OF—1—WOMAN, 1—ABORTION may be obtained in cases of rape or incest, but the victim must report the rape to the police within 50—DAYS, the physician must obtain 1—COPY—OF—THE—REPORT—RECORD + the victim must provide either the name and last known address or 1—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE alleged rapist to law enforcement.
20070204             Furthermore, the physician would be required to take blood samples from the woman and the fetus to be submitted to law enforcement.
20070204             THE—CASE—OF—INCEST, 1—DOCTOR "would have to get the woman's consent to
20070204             report the crime along with the identity of the alleged perpetrator
20070204             —BEFORE 1—ABORTION could be performed.
20070204             Blood samples from fetuses would have to be provided to police in incest cases too".
20070204             —OUTLINED, Also, the penalties, in the new bill are " - much more severe than —LAST—YEAR—BILL.
20070204             ANY—PHYSICIAN who performs 1—ABORTION outside THE—GUIDELINES—OF—THE—BILL would be GUILTY—OF—1—CLASS 4—FELONY and could face up to 10—YEARS in jail".
20070204             Bush Admits He Lied To Americans About IRAQ In LEAD—UP To Midterm Elections
20070204             In an
20070204             —ACKNOWLEDGED, INTERVIEW—WITH—THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, PRESIDENT—BUSH, that as early as "September/October" 20060000             , he realized 1—MAJOR—CHANGE was needed in IRAQ:
20070204             WSJ: Was there 1—MOMENT in the war —WHEN you said we have to make 1—MAJOR—CHANGE in the way we're doing things in IRAQ?
20070204             GWB: Yes, there was.
20070204             WSJ: —WHEN was that? GWB: September/October.
20070204             —REALIZED, But even —AFTER Bush, that 1—MAJOR—CHANGE was needed — in the weeks —JUST—PRIOR—TO the midterm elections — he continued to knowingly mislead THE—USA—PUBLIC and claim USA was "winning" in IRAQ and that the strategy was "working":
20070204             QUESTION: Are we winning? BUSH : Absolutely we're winning.
20070204             We're winning and we will win, unless we leave —BEFORE the job is done.
20070204             And the crucial battle, right —NOW, is IRAQ. [20061025             ]
20070204             BUSH : But I believe that the military strategy we have is going to work.
20070204             That's what I believe. [20061025             ]
20070204             QUESTION: But —JUST to be clear: —WHEN the commanders on the ground tell THE—PRESIDENT, in the large picture, we are stepping closer to chaos, he believes that can also be 1—PICTURE—OF winning?
20070204             SNOW: Yes.
20070204             [20061101             ] - BUSH : We've got 1—LOT going for us.
20070204             We got 1—STRATEGY that helps us achieve victory + we got 1—MILITARY that is the finest military ANY—COUNTRY has ever assembled.
20070204             [20061103             ] - Previously, Bush
20070204             acknowledged lying about RUMSFELD—RESIGNATION for political purposes in THE—LEAD—UP to the elections.
20070204             Bush _Admits_He_Lied_To_Americans_About_Iraq_In_Lead_Up_To_Midterm_Elections">Digg It!
20070204             USA—COMPANIES lag in fight against global warming.
20070204             "USA—COMPANIES are lagging behind EUROPE in their readiness to identify CLIMATE—CHANGE—RISKS, according to the most comprehensive survey to DATE—OF—INDUSTRY—AWARENESS—OF—THE—ISSUES".
20070204             —STATED, According to the Financial Times, MANY—USA—BANKS, that "climate change had little to do with their business".
20070204             (See the real facts here.) - February 1, 20070000
20070204             MARY—CHENEY, the lesbian DAUGHTER—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, —YESTERDAY publicly defended her decision to become pregnant.
20070204             "I knew it wasn't going to be the most popular decision," she said.
20070204             —GESTURED, Cheney then, to her middle: " - This is 1—BLESSING from God.
20070204             It is not 1—POLITICAL—STATEMENT.
20070204             It is not 1—PROP to be used in 1—DEBATE, on either side of 1—POLITICAL—ISSUE.
20070204             It is my child".
20070204             Reacting to —YESTERDAY—COMPROMISE between Sens.
20070204             CARL—LEVIN (D—MI) and JOHN—WARNER (R—VA) on 1—RESOLUTION opposing escalation, WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESPERSON—DANA Perino said, "These resolutions send mixed signals to our troops and our enemy".
20070204             —MARKED, —YESTERDAY, the 1. time Bush has spoken of 1—PROBLEM—OF—INCOME—INEQUALITY in AMERICA.
20070204             He said, "The fact is that
20070204             income inequality is real ; it's been rising for more than 25—YEAR," adding that he sees the dividing line as between those with good educations and those without.
20070204             Universal health care is "socialist," according to FORMER—SENATOR—RICK—SANTORUM, who believes that such 1—PLAN "would be 1—NIGHTMARE for AMERICA".
20070204             Approximately 69—PERCENT—OF—AMERICANS favor 1—UNIVERSAL—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM.
20070204             BILL—O'REILLY: "You know that the Fondas and [Sean] Penns are going to say, 'Listen, I'm as American as you are...I —JUST see things differently.' And I'm willing to give them THE—BENEFIT—OF—THAT—DOUBT.
20070204             I don't want to say that they're ANTI—AMERICAN.
20070204             Director DAVID—LYNCH: 20010911              & Clips From Barnes & Noble Appearance
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IN studio FOOTAGE—OF—ALEX—JONES ' radio interview with cult director DAVID—LYNCH, who talks
20070204             7/7—BUS Bomb Survivor Contradicts Official Story
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON - 1. hand witness testimony tells of strange occurrences in bombing aftermath
20070204             Who WILL—BE—THE—NEXT 20010911              Truth Superhero?
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—HOW you can help change the paradigm by influencing the cultural zeitgeist
20070204             "Beheading Plot" Latest Terror MERRY—GO—ROUND
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—FEW—BRITS believe Phony Tony on terror alerts anymore, so scriptwriters change the narrative
20070204             Big Brother: Watching, Listening, Shouting And Firing X—RAYS
20070204             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—IF you are 1—SIMPERING jellyfish who accepts Nazi style LEVELS—OF—POLICE and government intrusion
20070204             Truth Videos Surge Into Google Top 100; Terror Storm at Number 11
20070204             Google Sought To Hide Political Dealmaking
20070204             1—BLOG entry by MICHAEL—KANELLOS at ZDNet links to and expands upon 1—ARTICLE in the Carlotte Observer.
20070204             —LAST—YEAR—GOOGLE was apparently throwing its weight —AROUND in NORTH—CAROLINA, seeking tax breaks from state and local legislators.
20070204             —WHEN the company didn't get what it wanted pressure was brought to bear on legislative aides, journalists + politicians.
20070204             The search giant was especially touchy about keeping the negotiations secret: "Executives didn't want anybody even to mention the company's name for fear that competitors could learn of its plans. Most involved with the negotiations were required to sign nondisclosure agreements... That posed challenges for elected officials, charged with conducting the public's business in the open. As the tax measure wended its way through the legislature, SOME—LAWMAKERS began linking it to Google".
20070204             The results of this deal are extremely lucrative for both sides.
20070204             Google brought some $600—MILLION in investment and as many as 200—JOBS to the state + legislation enacted with GOOGLE—HELP is projected to save the company some $89—MILLION in taxes over 30—YEARS.
20070204             "Gamepolitics is reporting that attorney JACK—THOMPSON is to face 1—DISCIPLINARY hearing —BEFORE THE—FLORIDA SUPREME—COURT.
20070204             The attorney faces 5—COUNTS—OF—PROFESSIONAL—MISCONDUCT, 3—OF which are correlated with his ongoing campaign against violent video games. Thompson faces the possibility of disciplinary action up to and including disbarment".
20070204             Material Tougher Than Diamond DEVELOPED—ZONK 185 -sporkme has handed us 1—LINK to 1—NEW—SCIENTIST—ARTICLE.
20070204             The piece outlines the development of 1—NEW—SUBSTANCE reported to be stiffer than diamond.
20070204             1—TEAM—OF—SCIENTISTS from WASHINGTON, WISCONSIN + GERMANY combined the ceramic barium titanate and WHITE—HOT molten tin with 1—ULTRASONIC—PROBE.
20070204             The new material was, in SOME—TESTS, almost 10x more resistant to bending than diamond.
20070204             Composite materials researcher MARK—SPEARING—OF—SOUTHAMPTON—UNIVERSITY—COMMENTS on the result: "The material's stiffness results from the properties of the barium titanate pieces, Spearing says. As the material cools, its crystal structure changes, causing its volume to expand.
20070204             'Because they are held inside the tin matrix, strain builds up inside the barium titanate,' Spearing explains, 'at 1—PARTICULAR—TEMPERATURE that energy is released to oppose 1—BENDING force.'"
20070204             Why Software is Hard
20070204             "SALON—SCOTT—ROSENBERG explains why even SMALL—SCALE programming projects can take years to complete, 1—PROGRAMMER is often better than 2 + the meaning of 'ROSENBERG—LAW.' —AFTER almost 50—YEARS, THE—STATE—OF—THE—ART is still pretty darn bad.
20070204             His point is that as long as you're trying to do something that has already been done, then you have 1—ADEQUATE—FRAME—OF—REFERENCE to estimate how long it will take/cost. But if software is at all interesting, it's because no 1—ELSE has done it —BEFORE".
20070204             Researchers Use 'Decoy' Molecule to Treat Cancer
20070204             "THE—GLOBE and Mail is reporting that scientists in UK—COLUMBIA have successfully used a 'decoy' molecule to shrink advanced prostate tumors. Citing 1—PAPER published in the Proceedings of the National ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES, the the Globe story explains how the researchers are the 1. to find 1—WAY to block the process of androgen reception in cells and prevent, 1—KEY trigger in the onset of prostate cancer".
20070204             NASA Considers Plans for Permanent MOON—BASE—ZONK 268+ -el crowbar sent us 1—LINK to an MISS—NBC article detailing NASA—PLANS for 1—MOON—BASE.
20070204             Interestingly, the space agency is looking far afield for technical expertise.
20070204             Consultants on the project include individuals from Caterpillar, Norcat, Boeing + other manufacturing concerns.
20070204             Right —NOW the only detail for placement and purpose is 'on the rim of 1—CRATER near 1—OF—THE—POLES', but the article outlines 1—FEW other ideas that enterprising individuals have in mind for 1—MOON—BASE.
20070204             Besides HELIUM—3—MINING and lunar hotels, do you have ANY—GOOD—IDEAS for 1—MOON—BASE startup?
20070204             Das Geheimnis der SCHLACHT—VON—NADJAF
20070204             Malte OLSCHEWSKI—ÜBER 1000—MANN einer schiitischen Sekte sollen im Irak bei Nadjaf befestigte Positionen mit Flugabwehrgeschützen errichtet haben.
20070204             Von dort aus hätten die ?Soldaten des Himmels (Jund AL—SAMAA)?
20070204             zum Trauerfest der Aschura einen Angriff auf die in Nadjaf versammelten Geistlichkeit geplant.
20070204             Die irakische Armee habe den Plan entdeckt und am 28.1. angegriffen.
20070204             Die 30—STUNDEN.
20070204             —GEWORDEN, Um GAZA ist es still, - sfux JOHN—PILGER -
20070204             1—GENOZID schwappt gerade über die Menschen im Gazastreifen, während die, die dies aus der Nähe und Ferne beobachten, sich in Schweigen hüllen.
20070204             Etwa 1,4 Millionen Menschen, meistens Kinder, leben zusammengepfercht in einem der am dichtesten bewohnten REGION—DER—ERDE, ohne Bewegungsfreiheit, ohne Spielplatz und ohne einen Ort, um sich zu verbergen und Schutz zu finden?, schrieb.
20070204             Europas gefährliche Sümpfe (1) - SCHWEDEN—ONLINEREDAKTION HARALD—HAACK ?
20070204             EUROPA wird rechtsextrem.
20070204             Die gefährlichen braunen Sümpfe gibt es längst in jedem EU—LAND, nicht nur in Frankreich, in Deutschland oder Italien, sondern auch in Schweden.
20070204             WIKINGER—SÜMPFE—NICHT —ERST durch den bislang ungeklärten Mord an Olof Palme, Sozialdemokrat und zweimaliger PREMIERMINISTER—SCHWEDENS, wurden die Schweden aufgeschreckt, sondern auch durch 1—MORDSERIE vor einigen Jahren...
20070204             IRAN Clock Is TICSFUX ROBERT—PARRY—KING—OF— -
20070204             Time may be running out for Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE to put in place ANY—CONSTRAINTS on PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—BEFORE he plunges ahead with 1—NEW—WAR against IRAN.
20070204             Military and intelligence sources say.
20070204             Deutschland: Haftbefehle gegen 13—CIA—ENTFÜHRER - sfux World Content News -
20070204             Das Amtsgericht München hat —HEUTE gegen die Kidnapper von Khaled el Masri auf Antrag des Oberstaatsanwalts AUGUST—STERN hin Haftbefehl erlassen.
20070204             Sie werden nun in Deutschland wegen des Verdachts der Freiheitsberaubung und der gefährlichen Körperverletzung gesucht.
20070204             —GEKLÄRT, Noch nicht, dagegen ist die Frage: Gab es auch deutsche Helfer und Mitwisser ?Der Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft.
20070204             3—DEUTSCHE Bundesminister ? verfassungswidrig und infam? - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070204             Egal, ob es sich um rechts-, LINKS—ODER RELIGIÖS—EXTREMISTISCHE Organisationen handelt: Penibel werden im Verfassungsschutzbericht Details über diskreditierte Organisationen festgehalten.
20070204             Im aktuellsten 394—SEITEN starken Verfassungsschutzbericht [1] (aus dem —JAHR 20050000             ) wird augenscheinlich jede auch nur annähernd verfassungsfeindliche Organisation oder Person.
20070204             Tests show bird flu is H5N1 virus Experts play down fears as 1—BIRD—FLU—OUTBREAK on 1—SUFFOLK farm is confirmed as the strain potentially fatal to humans.
20070204             Terror stress effect 'widespread' Terrorist attacks affect people's mental health even —WHEN they are not directly involved, experts say.
20070204             'Boutique ultrasound warning PARENTS—TO—BE are urged to be cautious about commercial firms offering ultrasound scans of their unborn baby.
20070204             Noisy NEWCASTLE tops league table 1—SURVEY finds NEWCASTLE has more traffic noise than anywhere else in ENGLAND, with Torquay the quietest place.
20070204             Oils 'make MALE breasts develop' Using lavender and tea tree oils can cause young boys to develop enlarged breast tissue, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070204             Scientists 'reverse' vCJD signs Symptoms of prion diseases, such as the human form of mad cow disease, can be reversed, 1—STUDY suggests.
20070204             JAKARTA floods death toll rises At least 20—PEOPLE have been killed and 340,000 made homeless by floods in THE—INDONESIA—CAPITAL, JAKARTA.
20070204             —DOWNED, IRAQ fire, USA—HELICOPTERS 4—USA—HELICOPTERS lost in IRAQ —RECENTLY were hit by ground fire, THE—USA—MILITARY admits for the 1. time.
20070204             UK vets battle to contain bird flu Government vets work through the night at 1—UK poultry farm to contain 1—OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU.
20070204             Bush pushes for budget restraint USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush says his forthcoming budget plans will seek to curb domestic spending.
20070204             USA—EX—GENERALS reject IRAN strike 3—FORMER—TOP—USA—OFFICERS say attacking IRAN would have "disastrous consequences" for THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070204             RUSSIA seeks UK Litvinenko probe RUSSIA—POLICE seek Home Office permission to visit THE—UK—AS—PART—OF—THEIR—INQUIRY into ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO—DEATH.
20070204             —SUSPECTED, German 1970s 'radicals' surrender 2, members of a 1970s GERMANY—LEFT—WING militant group surrender to police, officials say.
20070204             CHINA to boost ties with ZAMBIA CHINA announces new investment worth $800m in ZAMBIA, the latest stop on PRESIDENT—HU—AFRICAN tour.
20070204             ISRAEL confirms new forces CHIEF—ISRAEL—CABINET approves the appointment of Maj Gen Gabi Ashkenazi as the new head of its armed forces.
20070204             —ACCUSED, Syria, over IRAQ attacks 1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL says HALF—OF—ATTACKS in BAGHDAD are by militants from Syria, —AFTER 1—MAJOR—BLAST in the capital.
20070204             BANGLADESH top politicians held At least 8—TOP—POLITICIANS are detained in BANGLADESH—CAPITAL—DHAKA, officials and media reports say.
20070204             Ministers urge Blair to stay on Tessa Jowell and PATRICIA—HEWITT are among those urging TONY—BLAIR to stay on as PRIME—MINISTER.
20070204             Satellite prepares to go SUPER—COLD—EUROPE—PLANCK satellite will study relic radiation from the Big Bang to answer deep questions about THE—ORIGIN—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
20070204             THE—GREEN—ROOM—THIS —WEEK—GREEN—ROOM argues that THE—IPCC—LATEST—REPORT shows it is time to get serious about tackling climate change.
20070204             UK bird flu virus is ASIA—STRAIN Experts confirm the H5N1 bird flu virus outbreak at 1—TURKEY farm in THE—UK—IS—THE—ASIA—STRAIN.
20070204             AFGHANISTAN—FORCES vow to retake town THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and NATO—LED troops are preparing to recapture 1—TOWN stormed by the Taleban.
20070204             STORM—HIT FLORIDA 'disaster area' THE—USA—PRESIDENT declares 4—FLORIDA counties disaster areas, —AFTER storms killed at least 20—PEOPLE.
20070204             Envoys visit IRAN nuclear plant Ambassadors from NON—ALIGNED countries undertake a "transparency visit" to 1—IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITY.
20070204             —CONFIRMED, NIGERIA bird flu death, NIGERIA—1. human fatality from bird flu is confirmed as the H5N1 virus by the World Health Organisation.
20070204             Bush calls for USA—DEBATE on IRAQ USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush tells Democrats he welcomes debate in 1—CONCILIATORY speech on IRAQ.
20070204             5—DIE as flooding hits JAKARTA Floods hit large PARTS—OF—THE—INDONESIA—CAPITAL—AFTER—2—DAYS—OF—TORRENTIAL rain, forcing thousands out of their homes.
20070204             —ARRESTED, Saudis hold 10 for 'terror funds' 10—PEOPLE are, in SAUDI—ARABIA on suspicion of funding TERROR—RELATED activities, officials say.
20070204             USA to charge GUANTANAMO 3 THE—PENTAGON prepares fresh charges against 3—MEN held at the detention camp at GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070204             Plans for schools to teach Mandarin ENGLAND—HIGH—SCHOOLS may teach Mandarin or Arabic instead of EU languages in new curriculum proposals.
20070204             Blair urges calm —DURING 'storm' TONY—BLAIR calls for Labour to "stay the course" as he addresses the party's national policy forum in LONDON.
20070204             Expert doubts widespread HIV risk The risks of HIV/Aids are being overstated, 1—FORMER—WORLD—HEALTH—ORGANIZATION—EXPERT says.
20070204             Climate paper prompts call to act 1—MAJOR—CLIMATE—CHANGE—REPORT prompts calls for urgent action, but THE—USA—REJECTS controls on emissions.
20070204             MEPs unite to shut out FAR—RIGHT—CENTRE—LEFT and liberal MEPs unite to prevent 1—FAR—RIGHT—BLOC in the European PARLIAMENT getting POSITIONS—OF—POWER.
20070204             'Torture victim' seeks USA—JUSTICE 1—LEBANESE—BORN—GERMANY—VOWS to get 1—APOLOGY from THE—USA, alleging CIA agents abducted and tortured him.
20070204             —EXPECTED, USA—UNEMPLOYMENT on the increase USA—UNEMPLOYMENT—ROSE—MORE than, in January, but consumer sentiment remains strong, 2—REPORTS—SHOW.
20070204             Chirac retracts IRAN remarks FRANCE—PRESIDENT—JACQUES—CHIRAC plays down the threat from 1—NUCLEAR—ARMED—IRAN, but —LATER reconsiders.
20070204             —BLAMED, Humans, for climate change Human activity is likely to increase global temperatures by 1.8-4C over the next —CENTURY, scientists warn.
20070204             Concrete 'to stem Java mud flow' 1—PLAN to drop concrete balls into the mouth of the "mud volcano" in EAST—JAVA should be put into action next —WEEK, scientists say.
20070204             Hunt for FLORIDA tornado victims Rescuers in FLORIDA search for survivors —AFTER storms and 1—TORNADO kill at least 19—PEOPLE in THE—USA—STATE.
20070204             USA warning over IRAQ conflict The term "civil war" describes SOME—ASPECTS—OF—CONFLICT in IRAQ, 1—USA—INTELLIGENCE—REPORT says.
20070204             1,000 UK turkeys DIE—OF—BIRD—FLU—GOVERNMENT vets reveal that 1,000 turkeys found dead at 1—FARM in Suffolk were killed by bird flu.
20070204             CHINA—LEADER—BOOSTS—SUDAN ties CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO agrees on 1—SERIES—OF—ECONOMIC—DEALS in SUDAN, which CHINA protects from UN sanctions.
20070204             FLORIDA struck by deadly tornado At least 19—PEOPLE die as storms and 1—TORNADO—SWEEP through PARTS—OF—THE—USA—STATE—OF—FLORIDA, officials say.
20070204             Serbia rejects Kosovo breakaway SERBIA—LEADER says Kosovo independence will never be accepted, —AFTER seeing UN plans for 1—PARTIAL breakaway.
20070204             Taleban forces retake AFGHANISTAN—TOWN—TALEBAN forces in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN take CONTROL—OF—1—TOWN at the centre of controversial UK peace deal.
20070204             47 arrested in immigration raids 47—PEOPLE are held in connection with alleged immigration offences —AFTER raids across ENGLAND.
20070204             USA tackles CHINA trade subsidies THE—USA—TAKES legal action against CHINA over subsidies which it says breach World Trade Organization rules.
20070204             —FORCED, ROMANIA—MINISTER, to quit ROMANIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER is forced to resign over his failure to flag up the detention of 2—WORKERS in IRAQ.
20070204             TURKEY probes Dink suspect video TURKEY investigates —AFTER 1—MAN charged with killing JOURNALIST—HRANT—DINK appears in 1—VIDEO posing with police.
20070204             Smelly orange snow hits Siberia RUSSIA flies chemical experts to 1—SIBERIAN region to find out why smelly, coloured snow has been falling.
20070204             TANZANIA could seek radar refund TANZANIA—LEADER says he will seek 1—REFUND from THE—UK—IF 1—PROBE into the sale of 1—RADAR—SYSTEM shows corruption.
20070204             Chavez sets oil takeover date VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ says he wants the state to take over oil projects on the Orinoco Belt by May.
20070204             Musharraf admits border problems PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF admits that SOME—BORDER—SECURITY—FORCES have been letting the Taleban into AFGHANISTAN.
20070204             Defiant Blair rejects quit calls TONY—BLAIR tells THE—BBC he will not give in to pressure to stand down over THE—CASH—FOR—HONOURS affair.
20070204             Kosovo 'should split from Serbia' THE—UN—KOSOVO envoy is set to recommend the province be allowed to separate from Serbia, THE—BBC learns.
20070204             CHINA—LEADER—BOOSTS—LIBERIA aid CHINA—PRESIDENT—HU—JINTAO signs 1—NUMBER—OF—DEALS in LIBERIA, pledging more aid and investment.
20070204             Dow Jones closes at record high THE—DOW—JONES—INDEX—CLOSES at 1—RECORD—HIGH—OF—12,673, on strong earnings and interest rate confidence.
20070204             —INTERVIEWED, Blair, again by police PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR has been questioned for a 2. time by police probing CASH—FOR—HONOURS allegations.
20070204             USA—SENATE—BACKS—WAGE—RISE THE—USA—SENATE—VOTES to raise the minimum wage by $2.10—PER —HOUR to $7.25 and cut taxes for small firms.
20070204             Senate grills USA IRAQ COMMANDER—PRESIDENT—BUSH—CHOICE for the new army CHIEF—OF—STAFF denies that current USA—POLICY on IRAQ has failed.
20070204             —ENFORCED, Poultry ban, in JAKARTA New rules take effect in THE—INDONESIA—CAPITAL, JAKARTA, banning people from keeping domestic birds.
20070204             Putin hits back at energy critics RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN denies claims that RUSSIA is using its energy exports as 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—TOOL.
20070204             FRANCE 'dims' for climate protest Lights across FRANCE dim —FOR—5—MINUTES as PART—OF—1—CAMPAIGN designed to raise AWARENESS—OF—CLIMATE—CHANGE.
20070204             USA warns IRAN on IRAQ insurgents THE—USA—ISSUES 1—FURTHER warning to IRAN, telling TEHRAN to stop helping IRAQ—MILITANTS make lethal bombs.
20070204             Air pollution link to heart risk 1—STUDY on women suggests air pollution might significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
20070204             Majestic-12 is working towards creation of 1—WORLD—WIDE—WEB—SEARCH—ENGINE based on concepts of distributing workload in 1—SIMILAR fashion achieved by successful projects such as SETI@home and distributed_net.
20070204             You can read more details on the project here.
20070204             Below you can see recent news highlights, but for full details its best to check our forum.
20070204             "In the magic world, I think MOST—OF—USA would turn away from it at that price," he said.
20070204             —WORKED, Goulet said Walker likely, 1—LOCAL—CIRCUIT, performing PART—TIME.
20070204             In the 1850s, there were MANY—MAGICIANS who did 1—MAN shows, offering up SOME—VENTRILOQUISM and Punch and Judy puppet shows as well.
20070204             RICHARD—C—MALLEY, assistant DIRECTOR—OF—MUSEUM—COLLECTIONS and CURATOR—OF—TECHNOLOGY at the historical society, represented the museum at 20070127             —THE auction.
20070204             He was up against collectors from as far away as NEW—JERSEY.
20070204             —STOPPED, Once the bidding finally, Malley said he was surrounded by antiques dealers who wanted to break up the collection and buy individual pieces.
20070204             —REFUSED, But Malley.
20070204             "Objects tell stories and that's what helps us connect to our past," he said.
20070204             "Taken as 1—WHOLE, there are MANY—STORIES".
20070204             --- On the Web: Historical Society nabs rare collection from 1850s MAGICIAN—COOL.
20070204             Discovered: BRITAIN—VERY—OWN—COLOSSEUM - 23: How weird Is That?
20070204             1—OF—THE—EARLIEST to subscribe to THE—23—ENIGMA was beat poet WILLIAM—S—BURROUGHS.
20070204             For him, it was not —JUST the unusual FREQUENCY—OF—THE—NUMBER;
20070204             it was that in ANY—COINCIDENCE he would find the number 23.
20070204             Public rates Bush worse villain than Saddam, Satan -- real news is that MISS—NBC finally acknowledges it
20070204             "At least in VIETNAM Bush Had 1—EXIT strategy" Bumper Sticker Size Car Magnet
20070204             FRANK—RICH: Why Dick Cheney Cracked Up.
20070204             THE—POOR—VICE—PRESIDENT—WAS—UNDER—PRESSURE as He Was Being Outed as 1—CHRONIC—LIAR for Sending GIs to Die Based on 1—DECEITFUL—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN.
20070204             3—FORMER—HIGH—RANKING USA—MILITARY officers have warned against ANY—MILITARY—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070204             They said such action would have "disastrous consequences" for security in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and also for coalition forces in IRAQ.
20070204             2—MILLION—DESPERATE—SOULS flee from IRAQ as refugees escape slaughterhouse 2/5
20070204             45—NATIONS form new global warming council -- take 2—GUESSES whether THE—USA is 1—OF—THEM 2/5
20070204             So much contractor activity in DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA these days, 1—FRAUD/waste overload became 1—EXCUSE to invite another contractor to help out 2/5
20070204             —DOWNED, Pentagon admits for 1. time that ground fire, 4—USA—HELICOPTERS -- has been consistently downplaying danger of Sunni rifles and rockets 2/5
20070204             Bush tells Dems: "You want to secure this homeland as much as I do".
20070204             Homeland? Try "Republic".
20070204             2/5 - Bush back to plea to fix Medicare, Social Security from collapse.
20070204             If he's the 1 to fix them -- we'll go with the "collapse," thanks.
20070204             As for Obama: This Z Magazine piece goes too far, but it still raises SOME—GOOD—POINTS.
20070204             Obama chose Lieberman to be his mentor.
20070204             He voted for the Patriot Act, he voted for bankruptcy reform + he voted for BUSINESS—FRIENDLY tort reform.
20070204             He —NOW supports universal health care, but (—UNTIL—RECENTLY) he has opposed 1—CANADIAN—STYLE—SYSTEM, which most Americans would prefer.
20070204             He also refuses to rule out the idea of 1—NUIRAN—KING—OF—.
20070204             Are those positions really so "mainstream" in the current context?
20070204             Labels: Biden, Braun, Obama Permalink
20070204             We JUDGE—1—MAN by his associates + McCain —NOW prefers to associate himself with demons.
20070204             We have to make MCCAIN—EMBRACE of sleazeball politics into 1—ISSUE.
20070204             Labels: McCain, sleaze Permalink - Big Brother Incorporated Companies List
20070204             SAUDI—ARABIA.
20070204             INTERNATIONAL Information & Trading Services Co. SOUTH—AFRICA.
20070204             Barlows Electronics Ltd.
20070204             Big Brother Incorporated MONTAGREX—OPTAGREX...
20070204             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA—DA—ENGLAND nur MITHILFE—DER—USA 1—CHANCE gegen Hitler hat... und von derem Gewinn die CIA 10% auf ihre Geheimfonds in der Schweiz, Italien...
20070204             Frankreich und die Remilitarisierung des Rheinlandes einerseits zu einem enormen innenpolitischen Prestigegewinn Hitler s und zu einer...
20070204             fremde Staaten für bestellte Propagandafeldzüge Unsummen bezahlt haben.
20070204             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA—LETZTERE sind explizite Bewunderer ADOLF—HITLER s und besuchten das 3...
20070204             Ich werde JEDE—WOCHE dafür bezahlt, meine ehrliche Meinung aus der Zeitung...
20070204             Mafia, Geheimdienste und POLITIK—DER—USA
20070204             Auf Anweisung von Haldeman bezahlte Kalmbach $400'000 aus Geheimfonds für den... Pinochet, der sich als Nachfolger ADOLF—HITLER s betrachtet, verspricht...
20070204             Deutscher BUNDESTAG: Plenarprotokoll 13/226—VOM 19980401             ...
20070204             Im übrigen: Aus welchem Titel ist Herr Paschke bezahlt worden?
20070204             Wird Herr Paschke weiter so...
20070204             Warum haben Sie den Weg in den Geheimfonds eingeschlagen?...
20070204             Deutscher BUNDESTAG: Plenarprotokoll 13/227—VOM 19980402             ...
20070204             Sie hätte doch nicht der liebe Gott bezahlt + sie wären auch nicht aus irgendeinem Geheimfonds bezahlt worden, sondern die Beitragszahler hätten sie...
20070204             E E ? RÜDIGER—HACHTMANN —VON Instituten verfügte über Sonderetats, Geheimfonds u. ä., die im...
20070204             wahr zu werden: Mit der Machtübernahme Hitler s glaubten große Teile der...
20070204             Wer finanzierte Hitler und die NSDAP?
20070204             Er stellte fest, daß Hitler neben der Parteikasse noch über einen Geheimfonds verfügte.
20070204             Im —SOMMER 19300000              stellte die preußische Polizei fest.
20070204             Enough is enough NUMBER—1 19320000              im Alter von 17—JAHREN begegnete Genoud erstmals ADOLF—HITLER bei einem... nachempfunden war, das die Nazi s für ihre Geheimfonds verwendet hatten.
20070204             Hitler s Auslandsfinanzierung (1)
20070204             strikte bezahlt werden, wenn ich zur Macht komme, sagte Hitler +
20070204             1. dass Hitler 3—DER Parteikontolle nicht unterstehende Geheimfonds besass mit...
20070204             Und Schweizer haben diese Waffen bezahlt, um den Kommunismus zu bekämpfen.
20070204             WAL—KAPITEL—XX—ABSCHNITT 4/6
20070204             Einer davon stellte überdies fest, daß die ausländischen Gelder nicht in die Parteikasse flossen, sondern in 3—GEHEIMFONDS, über die nur Hitler allein...
20070204             Der Moloch - Doch gab es neben der Parteikasse noch einen Geheimfonds + amtliche Stellen Berlins hatten auch Hitler s Finanzierung durch ausländische Geldgeber längst...
20070204             GOOSCH.LU—ZEITUNG vun déi Lénk Volksgrenadierdivision der glorreichen Wehrmacht ADOLF—HITLER s... in einem Metzer Spezialinstitut wiederherzustellen + schliesslich einen Geheimfonds...
20070204             Inhalt Für eine vollständige Schilderung der Tyrannei Hitler s reicht die Zeit nicht aus.
20070204             Die junge REPUBLIK bezahlt den Krieg, den der Kaiser verlor: 160403antiwarblogg.
20070204             sei, auf der Käuferseite zu stehen, sagte hingegen der MORGAN—STANLEY—STRATEGE Barton Biggs.
20070204             (1—QUOTE) 4. 20000500              SKULL & BONES SIGNIFICANT...
20070204             LP: (CFR) Council on Foreign Relations 20060000              Membership Roster...
20070204             Gellman, Barton — 1—CORRESPONDENT and reporter for WASHINGTON—POST ;... H. JUNIOR — retired PARTNER—OF—DEBEVOISE & Plimpton LLP;
20070204             1—MEMBER—OF—SKULL and Bones...
20070204             Saiba como proceder caso esteja incomodado com latido de cães A pessoa que se sinta incomodada com latido de cães pode procurar o Juizado Especial Cível e formalizar uma reclamação. O dono dos animais será então...
20070204             *)A EDUCAÇÃO DOS CÃES...E..DOS DONOS...
20070204             Mas levantar 6—DA manhã no —DOMINGO com cachorro latindo é dose!... pessoa que se sinta incomodada com latido de cães pode procurar o Juizado... possível;...
20070204             Síndico Net :: O braço direito do síndico na INTERNET Tem moradores que querem ter cachorro mas trabalham o dia todo, viajam e os animais ficam latindo dia e noite sentindo falta do dono e incomodando o resto...
20070204             Descendants of AUGUST—THYSSEN and HEDWIG—PELZER—HEDWIG—THYSSEN (19780000—19500000    ), m.1. 18990000              (div 19080000             ) BARON—FERDINAND—VON—NEUFFORGE (18690000—19420000    ), m. 2. 19080000              BARON—MAXIMILIAN—VON—BERG (18590000—19240000    )...
20070204             AUGUST—THYSSEN—WIKIPEDIA Der Ehe entstammten 4—KINDER August, Heinrich, Fritz und Hedwig.
20070204             Um 1—AUFLÖSUNG—DES—THYSSEN—KONZERNS durch die Scheidung zu umgehen, übertrug Thyssen.
20070204             FRITZ—THYSSEN—WIKIPEDIA FRITZ—THYSSEN wurde als ältester SOHN—DES—INDUSTRIELLEN—AUGUST—THYSSEN und seiner Ehefrau HEDWIG—PELZER in Mülheim an der Ruhr geboren.
20070204             Sozialgeschichte der KPD 1918000033           : Chronik... der SPD in HEIDELBERG: Die Delegierten beschließen ein neues Parteiprogramm... mit ihrer ganz eigenen VERBINDUNG—VON—SATIRE, Gesang und Agitation.
20070204             Zu schwer wiegen die Argumente der GE—KRITIKER: JEDER—IRRE, argumentieren nicht nur Regierungen wie die von Südkorea oder die Betreiber von Atomkraftwerken in Australien, habe mit GE Zugang zu Informationsquellen, die sich noch vor wenigen Jahren nur Dienste mit Zugang zu Spionagesatelliten leisten konnten.
20070204             Wie wahr das ist, begreifen die meisten Nutzer —SCHON beim 1. GE—BLICK in den eigenen Garten: Was im 1. Augenblick so viel Spaß macht, hinterlässt dann schnell ein mulmiges Gefühl.
20070204             —BEKOMMT, Wer das Kleingeld hat, erheblich aktuelleres und besseres Material von kommerziellen SAT—FOTO—DIENSTLEISTERN.
20070204             Interessant wird es da, wo man nichts SIEHT—DIE Liste wächst ständig.
20070204             Das ist wenig überraschend: Viele als geheim eingestufte Anlagen fallen —ERST durch die Satellitenbilder überhaupt AUF—ENTWEDER weil man sie sieht, oder weil man eben nichts sieht.
20070204             —BIS—HEUTE gehören Abbildungen von Militärflughäfen, Atomkraftwerken und anderen strategisch wichtigen Zielen zu den populärsten Fundstücken, die die EARTH—NUTZER in Blogs und Foren veröffentlichen und diskutieren.
20070204             Satellitenbilder: Schöner spionieren mit Google
20070204             Fotostrecke starten: Klicken Sie auf 1—BILD (12—BILDER)
20070204             —BEKOMMT, Wobei eines klar scheint: Was wirklich wichtig ist, man in vielen Ländern längst nicht mehr zu sehen.
20070204             Die meisten GOOGLE—EARTH—NEULINGE sehen sich in diesem magischen Moment quasi selbst von oben.
20070204             Sie sitzen irgendwo in dem Haus, über dem sie virtuell schweben.
20070204             Sie zoomen heran, suchen ihre Wohnung, ihr Zimmer, schauen, ob da jemand in Einfahrt oder Garten zu sehen ist.
20070204             Entdecken ihr Auto, das Kinderplanschbecken, was auch IMMER—WIE bei Google "googeln" sich die meisten —ZUNÄCHST einmal selbst.
20070204             Wie unabhängig ist Google? Auf Bitten der indischen Regierung zensiert der ONLINE—KONZERN Satellitenbilder strategisch wichtiger Objekte.
20070204             Es ist nicht das 1. Mal: Das scheinbar so vollständige BILD—DER—ERDE weist immer mehr Lücken auf.
20070204             Was Google nicht zeigt: Das zensierte Weltauge
20070204             Kritik am Westen: Russland beklagt mangelnde Dialogbereitschaft
20070204             Herzinfarkt: Der frühe Tod, der im Erbgut steckt
20070204             Irak: USA—SOLDATEN erschießen Journalistin
20070204             —VERSCHLEIERT, Angst vor Terroristen: Google Earth, indische Verteidigungsanlagen
20070204             JAKARTA unter Wasser: Nach der Sintflut drohen Seuchen
20070204             Flugsicherheit: Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist schlechter
20070204             Flughafen FRANKFURT: Die Sicherheitshölle
20070204             WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, USA: Der Sicherheitsprofi
20070204             Brüssel, EU—GENERALDIREKTION für Energie und Verkehr: Der Sicherheitsanalytiker
20070204             BERLIN, Innenministerium: Die Sicherheitszukunft - RAF—BEWÄLTIGUNG: Schweigen im Packeis
20070204             Der Kongressabgeordnete Weiner will derweil Anhörungen zu Greenpoint abhalten und hat die Abgeordneten zum Ortstermin eingeladen.
20070204             Dies sei "das größte Umweltdesaster in der Geschichte NEW—YORK s", sagt er.
20070204             "Einer Generation der Vertuschung durch die Firmen folgte fast 1—GENERATION—DER—VERSCHLEPPUNG".
20070204             Großkanzlei Girardi & Keese.
20070204             Die hatte 19960000              mit der Anwaltsgehilfin Erin Brockovich die größte Abfindungssumme der Industriegeschichte erzwungen: Der Energiekonzern PG&R musste wegen Trinkwasserverschmutzung 333—MILLIONEN Dollar zahlen.
20070204             —VERFILMT, Der Fall wurde später mit JULIA—ROBERTS ;
20070204             die echte Erin Brockovich kam Ende 20050000              nach Greenpoint und trat auf einer Bürgerversammlung auf.
20070204             "Eine Generation der Verschleppung"
20070204             2—NEUE Sammelklagen wollen nun auch Gesundheitsstudien erzwingen.
20070204             "Unsere Hauptsorge sind Benzol und Methangas", sagt JUSTIN—BLOOM, 1—DER—ANWÄLTE, dessen Klageschrift auf 158—SEITEN insgesamt 392—NEBENKLÄGER auflistet.
20070204             —BENENNT, Das Dokument, noch zahlreiche andere Schadstoffe: Petroleum, Petroleumzusätze, Benzin, Blei, Steinkohlenteeröl, Dimethylbenzol, Kerosin.
20070204             Gegenüber liegt der Reinigungsbetrieb Long Island Carpet Cleaners.
20070204             —INSTALLIERT, Hier hat Exxon außen 1—VENTILATIONSROHR, da die ÖL—ABGASE durch den Boden kriechen und die Arbeiter betäuben.
20070204             "Die Dinge gehen sehr langsam", klagt Firmenchef BARRY—SWINDLER.
20070204             Vorige Woche schloss sich Brooklyns Stadtteilpräsident MARTY—MARKOWITZ—DER—KLAGE an.
20070204             Trotzdem dümpelt der Fall weiter im Vorverfahren.
20070204             Die Beklagten seien nicht gerade kooperativ, sagt Seggos.
20070204             —ERST—JETZT habe Exxon 150.000—HISTORISCHE Aktenseiten freigegeben.
20070204             1—GELDSTRAFE gab es freilich nicht.
20070204             Anders als bei der "Exxon Valdez", für deren Havarie Exxon letztendlich 2,5 Milliarden Dollar Bußgeld zahlen musste.
20070204             150.000—HISTORISCHE Aktenseiten
20070204             Offiziell wurde der gigantische Ölspill aber —ERST 19780000              entdeckt.
20070204             1—HUBSCHRAUBER—PATROUILLE—DER—KÜSTENWACHE bemerkte Öl auf dem Creek.
20070204             Bohrungen ergaben das ganze Ausmaß der Katastrophe.
20070204             Die Versuche, das Problem zu beheben, blieben damals aber nur zaghaft.
20070204             3—DER alten Öltanks rosten —HEUTE noch am Ufer des Creek, hinter Stacheldraht an der Kingsland Avenue.
20070204             "Illegale Substanzen verboten", steht auf einem Warnschild.
20070204             Damals saßen auf der Landzunge über 50—RAFFINERIEN, die meisten betrieben von Standard Oil, dem EXXON—VORLÄUFER.
20070204             —SCHON in jener Zeit leckten die Tanks und Rohre;
20070204             von Umweltschutz war da noch keine Rede.
20070204             Die Detonation riss einen Krater auf, jagte Kanaldeckel in die Luft und zerschmetterte die Fenster an 500—HÄUSERN.
20070204             Wie damals im PRINZ—WILLIAM—SUND steckt auch am Newtown Creek der Ölmulti ExxonMobil dahinter.
20070204             Auf dessen altem Brooklyner Firmengelände ist jahrzehntelang Öl in den Grund gesickert und hat sich dort zu einer unsichtbaren Giftschicht AUSGEBREITET—DIREKT unter einem Wohnviertel mit rund 1000—MENSCHEN.
20070204             "Wir haben uns verpflichtet, unserer Verantwortung voll nachzukommen", bestätigt EXXON—SPRECHERIN Premlata Nair.
20070204             —BEGONNEN, Dazu hat Exxon, das Öl abzusaugen.
20070204             Viel zu spät jedoch, völlig unzureichend und ohne Rücksicht auf die GESUNDHEIT—DER—MENSCHEN, finden Basil Seggos und Hunderte Anwohner, die Exxon in mehreren Zivilklagen vor Gericht gezwungen haben.
20070204             Der Kampf der Davids gegen Goliath währt —SCHON länger, spitzt sich —JETZT aber zu: Der USA—KONGRESS will eingreifen.
20070204             "So was sieht man sonst nur in der 3. Welt", murmelt Seggos, über die Böschung des Creeks kraxelnd.
20070204             "Es ist wie 1—ZEITREISE in die Vergangenheit".
20070204             An einigen Stellen kapseln Gummiringe das Ufer ab, um zu verhindern, dass Öl in den Fluss rinnt;
20070204             davor staut sich ein dünner Ölfilm.
20070204             "Es hilft nicht viel", seufzt Seggos.
20070204             "Weiter hinten ist der Creek tot". Rostende Öltanks am Ufer
20070204             Denn Greenpoint ist Schauplatz der größten Umweltkatastrophe der USA: Der Boden unter den Häusern und Fabriken ist mit Rohöl verseucht, aus Raffinerien und lecken Tanks.
20070204             Dieser unterirdische Ölteppich, der langsam in den Creek sickert, erstreckt sich über mehr als 22—HEKTAR.
20070204             Insgesamt sind hier, unweit der UNO—ZENTRALE am anderen Ufer des EAST—RIVERS, mindestens 65—MILLIONEN Liter ausgelaufen, nach Schätzung von Experten sogar das Doppelte.
20070204             Selbst die geringere Menge wäre noch anderthalbmal so viel wie 19890000              beim Tankerunglück der "Exxon Valdez" in ALASKA.
20070204             "Der Creek ist tot" - "Sie atmen toxische Gase ein. Sie werden krank".
20070204             Kampf um AIRBUS—WERKE: Glos droht EADS mit Entzug von Rüstungsaufträgen
20070204             UMWELT—DESASTER: NEW—YORK s unsichtbare Ölpest
20070204             wurde bekannt, der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat die DURCHSUCHUNG—VON—COMPUTERN von eventuell Verdächtigen mit Hilfe von ?Trojanern? (in diesem Fall dem ?Bundestrojaner?) für unzulässig erklärt.
20070204             Nora Slatkin. Senior MANAGER—OF—GOVERNMENT—RELATIONS.
20070204             —RETIRED, Nora Slatkin, CIA executive director was 1—CITIBANK BOARD member.
20070204             THE—OPERATOR—HE put CIA Executive Director Nora Slatkin --whom many considered clueless--in charge of approving covert operations.
20070204             And he sealed his fate with the D.O. by... - Petros K. Sabatacakis *.
20070204             - ¦. - - Senior Risk Officer. MICHAEL—SCHLEIN.
20070204             Maurice "Hank" GREENBURG—THE—CEO—OF—AIG insurance, manager of the...
20070204             MarketWatch, 1—LEADING PUBLISHER—OF business and financial news...
20070204             No single reinsurer is a material reinsurer to AIG nor is AIG—BUSINESS... Officer 46 19950000              Petros K. Sabatacakis Senior VICE—PRESIDENT—FINANCIAL Services...
20070204             —ARRIVED, NODULE 13—WHEN OSWALD, at the bus station in NEW—ORLEANS, he called Lillian Murret and... HUNTER—LEAKE, CIA representative, NEW—ORLEANS, confirmed to S.A...
20070204             Bay Of Pig McCord, HUNTER—LEAKE (CIA assigned to NEW—ORLEANS in the 19630000             —SUMMER—OF) and DAVID—ATLEE—PHILLIPS... HUNTER—LEAKE confirmed that THE—CIA brought Oswald to.
20070204             JOHN—DEUSS... LIVER Insurance.
20070204             Sightings from THE—CATBIRD—SEAT. Nora Slatkin -.
20070204             —RETIRED, This, CIA Executive Director also sits on CITIBANK—BOARD.
20070204             Maurice "Hank" GREENBURG—THE—CEO—OF—AIG insurance, manager of the... -
20070204             Stop Global Warming - You Can Make 1—DIFFERENCE.
20070204             News, Search & Alerts to Learn How.
20070204             Global Warming - Research, Policy and EDUCATION—THE—EARTH—INSTITUTE at COLUMBIA U.
20070204             Stop Global Warming - Learn how you can help stop GLOBAL—WARMING from destroying our planet.
20070204             AL—GORE on Global Warming- Visit TED site to watch VIDEO—OF—AL—GORE on Climate Change.
20070204             AlGore.TED_COM—GLOBAL Warming</A>
20070204             Learn about global warming at the Center for USA—PROGRESS
20070204             Global Warming - Fight Global Warming with Solar Power.
20070204             Join us at: <<B>Help Stop Global Warming
20070204             You Can Reduce CO2 Emmissions; Plant Trees In THE—TROPICS!
20070204             Learn about its causes & solutions from NRDC scientists & experts.
20070204             LIVING...
20070204             —PLANNED, Unfortunately, poorly, coastal developments and/or management decisions continue to impact THE—PUERTO—RICO shore: 1) New gabions, seawalls and...
20070204             PR [PROPAGANDA] and It's Impact on SOCIETY—CHEATHOUSE_com
20070204             PR [PROPAGANDA] and It's Impact on Society.
20070204             Wikipedia, 1—INTERNET encyclopedia source.
20070204             For businesses, the public does not —JUST CONSIST—OF—THE—COMMUNITY in which...
20070204             Bernays, EDWARD—L IMPACT—PUBLIC relations in AMERICA-.html
20070204             does it. teach us. to use the tools. that are necessary. for engaging in public.
20070204             discussion and debate. in —TODAY—WORLD. In. a. society. where.
20070204             PR [PROPAGANDA] -...
20070204             Group Ltd is... JOHN—CACKETT.
20070204             Mr J W Cackett, Chairman, OSS Group Ltd...
20070204             _Deuss,John_... of Waste Oils.
20070204             Sightings from THE—CATBIRD—SEAT.
20070204             Nora Slatkin -... Maurice "Hank" Greenburg -- THE—CEO—OF—AIG insurance, manager of the...
20070204             There are very close links between the Greenberg family ( AIG, Kroll, Marsh etc.) and the Bush family and they have participated in companies like Harken...
20070204             Democratic Underground FORUMS—PRINTER friendly page, topic ID..
20070204             —CONNECTED, AIG /Kroll/Marsh are closely, to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, to HENRY—KISSINGER.
20070204             More results from www.democraticunderground_com "corpfraud_gen2 Counterpunch search BUSH—ISRAEL, Goldman Sachs;
20070204             —LISTED, Endgame Multimillion dollar fines paid by corporations, ;
20070204             THE—CATBIRD—SEAT—SEARCH—GOLDMAN Sachs...
20070204             HOUSINGPANIC—THE Housing Bubble and Crash Blog with 1—ATTITUDE...
20070204             THE—7—SISTERS need to talk to PRESIDENT—BUSH—FAST, otherwise they might...
20070204             At the moment these guys are, to mix my metaphors, in the catbird seat.
20070204             Cable News CANADA
20070204             Chevron cedes CONTROL—OF—HEBRON oil field to Exxon Globe and Mail... CI Financial in the catbird seat Globe and Mail;
20070204             Separating the useful from the...
20070204             HERE—1—PARTIAL transcript from MISS—NBC—THE—MOST, by WAY—OF—MEDIA—MATTERS -... this story on THE—TESTIMONY—OF—AGENT—BOND, Deborah Bond: VICE—PRESIDENT...
20070204             —MOMENTS—EARLIER:
20070204             MONTAGREX—OPTAGREX
200702040202         —GMT
200702041024         —A—M, Scooter Libby arrives and sits at his defense table, 10—FEET in front of me.
200702041201         —AM—EST, ANTIWAR Activist: Problem is Racism, Not 20010911              or Bilderberg
20070204—18560000    —IN, Eustace Mullins, THE—WORLD—ORDER, ch 7. set up THE—RUSSELL—TRUST at Yale, to finance the Skull and Bones... DIRECTOR—OF—LEHRMAN—INSTITUTE is Barton Biggs of Brookings Institution.
20070204—18650000    —IN, Nor does it happen in THE—SPACE—OF—THE—CENTURY—AND—A—HALF—SINCE the putative ABOLITION—OF—SLAVERY.
20070204—19501000    —IM, dann drang Öl ins Abwassersystem von Greenpoint und explodierte.
20070204—19660000    —SINCE, The annual World Congregation of Muslims, or "Bishwa Ijtema," has been held EACH—YEAR on THE—BANKS—OF—THE—RIVER—TURAG in TONGI, —JUST NORTH—OF—THE—CAPITAL, DHAKA.
20070204—19670000    —SINCE, CRITICS—OF—ISRAEL—POLICIES are once more slandered as purveyors of "THE—NEW—ANTI—SEMITISM," 1—PHRASE rolled out ever.
20070204—19890000    —FROM—THE, leads with 1—EARLY—LOOK at 1—STUDY that says oil Exxon Valdez spill continues to cause problems
20070204—19890000    —FROM—THE, USA—TODAY—LEADS with 1—EARLY—LOOK at 1—STUDY that says oil Exxon Valdez spill continues to cause problems to the ecosystem and wildlife.
20070204—19910000    —SINCE, We all know that Depleted Uranium has been used upon THE—CIVILIANS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070204—20000000    —HIRED, He has, 1—BUNCH—OF—ATTACK ad specialists -- including the "Swift Boat" LIE—MONGERS, as well as the creeps who created the infamous ANTI—MCCAIN ads back.
20070204—20010000    —SEIT, "VIELE—LEUTE wissen —BIS—HEUTE nicht, dass sie auf einer Zeitbombe sitzen", sagt Seggos, der der Sache als Chefforscher der Umweltgruppe Riverkeeper nachgeht.
20070204—20010911    Aircraft ODDITIES—BG - Looking for THE—LOGIC—APPENDAGE on Flight 175
20070204—20020000    —IN, FORMER—HOUSE—MAJORITY—LEADER—DICK Armey (R—TX)- NICO—REGRETS voting for THE—IRAQ War resolution :
20070204—20020000    —IN, The trial record suggests 1—SIMPLE—ANSWER: THE—WHITE—HOUSE was worried that THE—CIA would reveal that it had been pressured and early 20030000              to support administration claims about IRAQ—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION + that in THE—NIGER case, THE—CIA had tried hard to resist this pressure.
20070204—20030000    —IN—THE, 30—WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE as 1 purported EXAMPLE—OF—MEDIA—REPORTS that "continue to say" that PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLAIM STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS that IRAQ had sought uranium in AFRICA "was contradicted by the findings" reported by FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH C. WILSON—IV "—FOLLOWING his CIA mission to NIGER
20070204—20030000    —IN—THE, Hume falsely attacked a 20070130              WASHINGTON—POST—ARTICLE as 1 purported EXAMPLE—OF—MEDIA—REPORTS that "continue to say" that PRESIDENT—BUSH—CLAIM—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS that IRAQ had sought uranium in AFRICA "was contradicted by the findings" reported by FORMER—AMBASSADOR—JOSEPH—C—WILSON—IV "—FOLLOWING his CIA mission to NIGER... to investigate the matter" 20020000             —IN.
20070204—20030712    —ON, So, —WHILE Cooper was mostly calm and measured, it was excruciating to watch him talk through the notes he took —WHILE talking on the phone with Scooter Libby.
20070204—20031000    —IN, At issue this time: whether the jury should see VIDEOTAPES—OF—FORMER—WHITE—HOUSE—PRESS—SECRETARY—SCOTT—MCLELLAN saying, to the assembled media hordes, that he had personally talked to Scooter Libby and that Libby was not involved in the leak of Valerie PLAME—IDENTITY.
20070204—20031100    —ACKNOWLEDGED, The revelation —YESTERDAY that Scooter Libby, that he and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY may have talked in July about whether to tell reporters that Valerie Plame worked at THE—CIA—FURTHER bolsters the theory that Cheney may be the prime force behind this whole sordid tale.
20070204—20040000    —SCHON, verklagte Riverkeeper ExxonMobil, Chevron und BP wegen Verstoßes gegen UMWELTGESETZE—DIE 1. von mehreren Klagen.
20070204—20040929    —AM, 2—JAHRE nach seinem Tod, meldete sich die Frau mit seinem Geständnis.
20070204—20050000    —UNTIL, who served on the Defense Policy BOARD ," was 1—PROMINENT—ADVOCATE—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20070204—20050000    —EARNED, For the —YEAR, Exxon Mobil, $39.5—BILLION, up from its previous record $36.1—BILLION.
20070204—20050000    —UNTIL, KENNETH—ADELMAN, "1—LIFELONG neocon activist and Pentagon insider who served on the Defense Policy BOARD ," was 1—PROMINENT—ADVOCATE—OF—THE—IRAQ war.
20070204—20050000    —IN... 20060000             —THE profit topped Exxon MOBIL—OWN—PREVIOUS—RECORD—OF $36.13—BILLION set ".
20070204—20050000    —J—IM, Die Debatte, ob Google Earth 1—SICHERHEITSRISIKO darstellt, begann nur wenige Tage, nachdem die Software veröffentlicht worden war.
20070204—20060000    —IN, EVERY—MONTH ] but September saw 1—LONG—TERM—MONTHLY rainfall or temperature record broken.
20070204—20060400    —IN, "Our assessment is that the prospects of 1—IRAN—WEAPON are still 1—NUMBER—OF—YEARS off + probably into the next —DECADE," Negroponte said in 1—INTERVIEW—WITH—NBC—NEWS.
20070204—20070104    —ON, Recent Personnel Changes Foreshadow 1—WIDENING—OF—THE—WAR—ROBERT—PARRY, Bush ousted the top 2—COMMANDERS in THE—MIDDLE—EAST, Generals JOHN—ABIZAID and GEORGE—CASEY, who had opposed 1—MILITARY—ESCALATION in IRAQ.
20070204—20070202    —ON, Trial of WH Aide Hinges on Whether There Were Lies,
20070204—20070202    —ON, KYOTO—MONEY changers driven from their TEMPLES—NEARLY via Postman Patel by Shutter On the —DAY that THE—IPCC crypto scientists and ersatz pols announce that THE—LEVELS—OF—THE—OCEAN will only rise 600—CMS in 100—YEARS ( and not 10—METRES) the carbon market in THE—ETS aproaches terminal collapse.
20070204—20070202    —ON, 0202—DATE, 20070000              FBI Agent Outlines Libby Perjury Case via ABC News: Top Stories Trial of WH Aide Hinges on Whether There Were Lies, Not DISCLOSURE—OF—CIA—AGENT—IDENTITY
20070204—20070202    —ON, IRAQ In Chaos; IRAN In THE—CROSSHAIRS via —WINTER Patriot by —WINTER Patriot IRAQ is 1—MUCH more tangled mess than MOST—OF—USA realize + that makes IRAN more attractive, to 1—CERTAIN—SMALL—GROUP—OF—VERY—POWERFUL—PEOPLE.
20070204—20070202    FBI Agent Outlines Libby Perjury Case
20070204—20070704    —BY, Neocon Adelman: If IRAQ Doesn't Improve, 'I—WILL—SAY—IT—IS—HOPELESS'
20070204—20070704    —BY... He said if there is no progress made, "then I will say it is hopeless".
20070204—20070911    —ON, The selected images are FRAGMENTS—OF—PHOTOGRAPHS—OF—THE—ATTACK and 1—BOEING 767-300.
20070204—20080000    —BY, State: Crist wants TOUCH—SCREEN voting machines GONE—BG - TALLAHASSEE — Eager to end 6—TROUBLESOME YEARS—OF—TOUCH—SCREEN voting in FLORIDA, GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—CRIST wants EVERY—COUNTY to switch to paper ballots.
20070204—20080000    —IN, McCain commands the Swift Boat JOHN—MCCAIN, THE—ALMOST—CERTAIN—REPUBLICAN nominee, proves once again that he is no longer 1—MAN—WORTHY—OF—RESPECT.
20070204—20100000    —STAFFED, The permanently, structure could begin construction sometime, with 6—MONTH—DUTY—ROTATIONS the norm 20250000             —BY.
20070204—20120000    —BY, the budget should be balanced, according to THE—WHITE—HOUSE—FIGURES.
20070204—20400000    —BY, INDIA aims to end poverty INDIA—FINANCE—MINISTER says poverty is fast declining in the country and
20070204—20400000    —BY, could be "wiped out".
20071000             using google -> censearchip.jpg...
20071027             if you mentioned "le tumulte noir'" to 1—FRENCHMAN he was likely
20071103—19330204    —AM, nutzte Hitler 1—EINLADUNG—DER—REICHSWEHRFÜHRUNG, das Programm der neuen Regierung mit der Generalität zu besprechen.
20080127             Société Générale muss sich vom 20080204              an in einem anderen Fall vor Gericht verantworten, bei dem es um eine komplexe Schmiergeldaffäre zwischen Frankreich und ISRAEL geht.
20080204             Aus Anlass des 50-jährigen Bestehens der NASA und des 45-jährigen Bestehens des "Deep Space"-Projekts der NASA wird 40—JAHRE nach seiner AUFNAHME—DER—BEATLES—SONG Across the Universe, codiert als MP3, von der Madrider DEEP—SPACE—ANTENNE abgestrahlt, er wird die 2,5 Billiarden Kilometer entfernte POLARSTERN—REGION im —JAHR 2439—ERREICHT haben.
20080204             —BEZEICHNET, Dieser —TAG wird seitdem als Across the Universe —DAY.
20080204             Suharto: '1—OF—THE—GREATEST—MASS—MURDERERS—OF—THE 19010101—20001231    '
20080204             —UNVEILED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, a $3.1—TRILLION budget that supports sizable increases in military spending to fight THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM and protects his signature tax cuts.
20080204             Bush says the plan will keep THE—USA—ECONOMY growing and protect THE—USA—MILITARILY.
20080204             He had become known for his folksy storytelling as he ascended through church ranks.
20080204             —SOARED, Platinum, above $1,800 1—OUNCE for the 1. time as investors bet that 1—POWER—SHORTAGE in SOUTH—AFRICA will tighten global supply for the metal used in jewelry and automobiles.
20080204             Intel said it has built 1—NEW—CHIP with 1—RECORD 2—BILLION transistors.
20080204             Its new QUAD—CORE—ITANIUM processor will operate at frequencies up to 2—GIGAHERTZ.
20080204             —CONDUCTED, Afghan and foreign troops, 2—RAIDS on the homes of suspected Taliban militants, leaving 10—PEOPLE—DEAD, including women and children.
20080204             1—SEPARATE clash in SOUTH—URUZGAN province left 9 suspected militants dead.
20080204             THE—CHIEF—ARUBAN prosecutor said 1—HIDDEN—CAMERA—INTERVIEW—WITH—1—HOLLAND—STUDENT saying missing teenager Natalee Holloway was dead and that he had 1—FRIEND dump her body at sea is admissible in court.
20080204             The tape, which was 1. broadcast the previous —EVENING on HOLLAND—TELEVISION, appeared to spur the investigation.
20080204             —CLASHED, CHAD, government forces and rebels, for a 3. —DAY in THE—CAPITAL—OF N'DJAMENA with gunfire and shelling heard —THROUGHOUT the city.
20080204             CHILE, GENERAL—GONZALO—SANTELICES, HEAD—OF—THE—SANTIAGO army garrison, resigned amid accusations that he was involved in 1—CASE dating back to the nation's military dictatorship.
20080204             —MARCHED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—COLOMBIANS wearing white T—SHIRTS, in their homeland and abroad to demand that FARC, the country's largest rebel group, stop kidnapping people and release those it holds.
20080204             —HELPED, His 6—DECADE—CAREER, popularize AFRO—CUBA—RHYTHMS worldwide.
20080204             —CLOSED, DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—MERCHANTS, 1—POPULAR—BORDER—MARKET that caters to Haitians, punishing their impoverished neighbor for banning DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—POULTRY and egg imports —FOLLOWING 1—OUTBREAK—OF avian flu.
20080204             EU nations gave preliminary approval to plans to send a 1,800-strong policing and administration mission to Kosovo to replace the current UN mission.
20080204             —EXCHANGED, EGYPT—FORCES and PALESTINE—GUNMEN, fire at THE—GAZA—EGYPT border, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 59—OTHERS 1—DAY —AFTER CAIRO closed the breached frontier with THE—HAMAS—RUN—ENCLAVE.
20080204             THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL sent a "firm and unwavering demand" that ERITREA —IMMEDIATELY lift fuel restrictions hampering THE—EFFORTS—OF—PEACEKEEPERS monitoring 1—TENSE—BUFFER—ZONE between ETHIOPIA and ERITREA.
20080204             —SIGNED, INDIA and PAKISTAN, 1—AGREEMENT to exchange security information, opening up 1—NEW—CHANNEL—OF—COMMUNICATION between THE—2—NUCLEAR—ARMED—RIVALS.
20080204             IRAN said it launched 1—RESEARCH—ROCKET and unveiled its 1. major space center, which will be used to launch research satellites.
20080204             —KILLED, At least 3—IRAQIS were, and 1—CHILD was injured —AFTER USA—SOLDIERS stormed 1—TINY 1—ROOM house in the village of Adwar, 10—MILES—SOUTH—OF—TIKRIT, and opened fire.
20080204             IRAQ—POLICE, relatives and neighbors said 1—COUPLE and their son (19) were shot to death in their beds.
20080204             —WOUNDED, IRAQ—POLICE said 2—YOUNG—GIRLS were, and 1 † the next —DAY at 1—HOSPITAL.
20080204             ISRAEL—,1—SUICIDE—BOMBER blew himself up in Dimona, the southern town that houses ISRAEL—SECRETIVE nuclear reactor.
20080204             † 1—ISRAEL—WOMAN, 73—JAHRE—ALT was killed and 7—OTHER—PEOPLE wounded.
20080204             —KILLED, Police, a 2. attacker —BEFORE he had 1—CHANCE to detonate his explosives belt.
20080204             1—ISRAEL—RESPONSE killed 9 armed Hamas men.
20080204             —DISPUTED, KENYA said violence over, elections had eased enough to lift 1—MONTHLONG ban on live television broadcasts.
20080204             —KILLED, The fighting has, over 1,000—PEOPLE and made 300,000 homeless —SINCE 20081227             —THE presidential election.
20080204             —CONTINUED, Violence, as FORMER—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN said the government and governing party have rejected his choice to lead mediation efforts.
20080204             —KILLED, At least 7—PEOPLE were, overnight in battles between Kisii and Kalenjin communities 155—MILES—WEST—OF—THE—CAPITAL.
20080204             —RAMMED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER on 1—MOTORBIKE, into 1—MINIBUS carrying security personnel, detonating 1—BLAST that killed at least 6—PEOPLE and wounded more than 30 in the latest attack in THE—PAKISTAN—GARRISON CITY—OF—RAWALPINDI.
20080204             THE—PHILIPPINES, at least 7—CIVILIANS, including 4—CHILDREN, were killed —DURING 1—MILITARY—OPERATION against AL—QAIDA—LINKED militants on SOUTH—JOLO island.
20080204             —CELEBRATED, SERBIA, BORIS—TADIC, his RE—ELECTION as PRESIDENT by pledging to stay on 1—PRO—WESTERN—COURSE despite nationalist anger over 1—LOOMING DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE by Kosovo province.
20080204             —BLAMED, NORTH—EAST—SRI—LANKA, 1—ROADSIDE bomb attack, on Tamil Tiger rebels tore through 1—CIVIL—BUS.
20080204             14—PEOPLE were killed and 15 injured in the Freedom —DAY attack.
20080204             According to the defense ministry, the rebels have lost at least 913—FIGHTERS—SINCE THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—YEAR, compared with —JUST 37—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS killed.
20080204             —EXPLODED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—BOMB, outside 1—ISLAMIC boarding school, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 12. 1—SEPARATE bombing wounded 6—PEOPLE, in the latest violence attributed to 1—ISLAMIC—SEPARATIST—REBELLION that has entered its 5. —YEAR.
20080204             —KILLED, UGANDA—REBELS from THE—LORD—RESISTANCE—ARMY, 136—PEOPLE and looted property —DURING 1—ATTACK in and —AROUND KAJO—KEJI in SOUTH—SUDAN.
20080204             —FRUSTRATED, In March officials said SUDAN—RENEGADES, with not being absorbed into the military -- and not UGANDA—REBELS—INITIALLY suspected -- were behind the attacks in SOUTH—SUDAN.
20080204             reported that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had sent 1—STATEMENT to AL—JAZEERA denying that he had been involved".
20080204             She also reminds us that THE—FBI says it has no hard evidence that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN was responsible for 20010911           .
20080204             THE—FBI wants Osama for the
20080204             New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Subways:
20080204             In the 1. counterterrorism strategy of its kind in the nation,
20080204             roving TEAMS—OF—NEW—YORK City police officers armed with automatic rifles + accompanied by BOMB—SNIFFING dogs will patrol the city's subway system daily,
20080204             beginning next —MONTH, officials said —ON—FRIDAY.
20080204             Climate Change: : AFRICA, SOUTH—ASIA Could Face Famines:
20080204             Climate change will cause major disruptions in the global food system,
20080204             and adaptation to those changes needs to begin —IMMEDIATELY, experts say.
20080204             Chavez says VENEZUELA—MILITARY 'on alert' for possible threats from COLOMBIA:
20080204             PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said VENEZUELA—MILITARY is on alert for possible threats from COLOMBIA,
20080204             warning the neighboring government not to try to stir up 1 armed conflict.
20080204             BAGHDAD 'drowning in sewage':
20080204             BAGHDAD is drowning in sewage, thirsty for water and largely powerless,
20080204             1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said —TODAY in 1—GRIM—ASSESSMENT—OF—SERVICES in the capital —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA—LED invasion.
20080204             IRAN vows to defend Persian Gulf against all:
20080204             "The powerful armed forces of IRAN do not pose 1—THREAT to ANY—FORCE at the regional level," he said.
20080204             "But, in case they confront ANY—KIND—OF—THREAT,
20080204             they will provide 1—STRONG and crushing response"
20080204             Mukasey explicitly embraces the most extreme theories of presidential omnipotence and lawlessness and displays as much CHENEY—ITE contempt for the notion of Congressional oversight as THE—VICE—PRESIDENT himself.
20080204             —ENDORSED, He repeatedly, patently illegal behavior -- including torture -- and refused even to pretend that he cared what the Senate thought about ANY—OF—IT.
20080204             Continue - Stepford Republicans: All Caught on Tape!-
20080204             Stepford Wives become robotically subservient only to their husbands; they pose no threat to THE—REST—OF—USA.
20080204             But Stepford Republicans become subservient to RIGHT—WING FORCES—OF—CORPORATISM,
20080204             war and prejudice.
20080204             —CONVERTED, Once, into mindless ideologues,
20080204             Stepford Republicans are a threat to us all.
20080204             Continue - THE—MADNESS—OF—JOHN—MCCAIN
20080204             1—MILITARIST suffering from acute narcissism and armed with THE—BUSH—DOCTRINE is not fit to be COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF.
20080204             Continue - Defending ISRAEL to the "End Times"-
20080204             —BY—BILL—BERKOWITZ—THESE are busy days for CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS.Continue
20080204             Bush proposes 3.1—TRILLION—DOLLAR budget:
20080204             BUSH—SPENDING plan, sent to Congress for the fiscal —YEAR—STARTING ;;10;;
20080204             1, forecasts heavy deficits for the government -- 410—BILLION dollars for the current —YEAR and 407—BILLION for the coming fiscal —YEAR.
20080204             'It's going to be much worse':
20080204             Famed investor JIM—ROGERS sees hard times ahead for THE—USA—AND 1—BIG—OPPORTUNITY looming in CHINA.
20080204             HOUSE—OF—CARDS : 60—MINUTES—VIDEO—REPORT:
20080204             STEVE—KROFT reports on how THE—USA—SUB—PRIME—MORTGAGE—MELTDOWN,
20080204             in which risky loans drove 1—HOUSING boom that went bust,
20080204             is —NOW roiling capital markets worldwide.
20080204             Agent ORANGE: Toxic Legacy of VIETNAM Still Demands Remediation:
20080204             —REJECTED, WASHINGTON has, responsibility for THE—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—VIETNAM says have suffered direct or 2.—GENERATION disabilities due to Agent ORANGE,
20080204             with USA—OFFICIALS pointing to 1—LACK—OF mutually agreed data.
20080204             JIM—LOBE: McCain is —NOW THE—NEO—CON Candidate:
20080204             MCCAIN—LITTLE ditty about "BOMB—BOMB—BOMB,
20080204             BOMB—BOMB—IRAN" — not to mention his willingness to maintain USA troops in IRAQ for decades,
20080204             if not centuries — must also appeal to THE—NEO—CONS' NEO—IMPERIAL—AGENDA.
20080204             Does it herald the dissolution of these USA—OF—AMERICA?
20080204             UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—LIKELY to revalue DOLLAR—PEGGED currency:
20080204             —SINCE May, —WHEN KUWAIT dropped its dollar peg and adopted 1—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES,
20080204             there has been constant speculation that THE—UAE and QATAR would follow suit or revalue their currencies.
20080204             Mufti condemns ISRAEL—DECISION to demolish historic mosque:
20080204             —CONDEMNED, THE—GRAND—MUFTI—OF—JERUSALEM, Sheikh MUHAMMAD—HUSSEIN has, 1—DECISION by ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES to demolish THE—AL—OMARI mosque in the village of Umm Tuba near JERUSALEM under the pretext that the building had been built without 1—LICENSE:
20080204             The mosque was built more than —700—YEARS—AGO, and it was last restored 19630000           .
20080204             It is the only mosque in Umm Tuba.
20080204             —SCHEDULED, IRAN oil bourse :
20080204             INTERNET cable cut in MIDDLE—EAST — Should IRAN be worried?:
20080204             There has been SOME—CONCERN that the undersea INTERNET cables,
20080204             that have been cut —RECENTLY, are perhaps no accident?
20080204             USA—ANTI—MISSILE ship to dock in HAIFA:
20080204             1—USA—MISSILE ship set to dock at HAIFA Port —ON—MONDAY is equipped with 1—ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM that could be deployed in the region in the event of 1—IRAN—MISSILE—ATTACK against ISRAEL.
20080204             USA labels IRAN—ROCKET—TESTS as "unfortunate":
20080204             —DESCRIBED, THE—USA, —ON—MONDAY IRAN—LAUNCHING 1—ROCKET into space as "unfortunate," which,
20080204             THE—WHITE—HOUSE said, will isolate the Islamic REPUBLIC—FROM—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20080204             —WATCHED, In the last 2—WEEKS, the Gulf leaders have, nervously —WHILE the Federal Reserve has slashed rates by 1—WHOPPING 125—BASIS points.
20080204             The cuts are steadily eroding the $1—TRILLION—OF—CAPITAL they have invested in USA Treasuries and securities.
20080204             Indeed, THE—PRICE—OF—FRIENDSHIP is quite high.
20080204             Continue - Bankers Gone BONKERS—GLOBAL—FINANCE and the Insanity Defense-
20080204             With WALL—STREET—CAPITAL disappearing as fast as foreclosures are climbing,
20080204             1—FOREIGN—HEAD—OF—STATE had 1—EPIPHANY.
20080204             —ADVANCED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—NICHOLAS—SARKOZY, the idea —RECENTLY that the global financial system is "out of its mind".
20080204             Continue - Disowned By THE—OWNERSHIP—SOCIETY
20080204             —PREDICTED, WASHINGTON THINK—TANKER—GROVER Norquist, that the ownership society would be BUSH—GREATEST—LEGACY,
20080204             remembered "long —AFTER people can no longer pronounce or spell FALLUJAH.
20080204             Yet in BUSH—FINAL—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS,
20080204             THE—ONCE—UBIQUITOUS phrase was conspicuously absent.
20080204             And little wonder: rather than its proud father,
20080204             —TURNED, BUSH has, out to be the ownership society's undertaker.
20080204             —AUTHORIZED, USA—MILITARY—FORCES in IRAQ were, to pursue FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—GOVERNMENT and terrorists across IRAQ—BORDERS into IRAN and Syria,
20080204             according to 1 classified 20050000              document that has been made public by 1—INDEPENDENT—WEB—SITE.
20080204             Continue - Torture Does Not Work, as History Shows-
20080204             "Torture works," 1—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—MAJOR—NOW,
20080204             needless to say, 1—COLONEL—BOASTED to 1—COLLEAGUE—OF—MINE 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS ago.
20080204             —HIRED, It seems that THE—CIA and its, thugs in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ still believe this.
20080204             Continue - Why Were THE—TAPES—DESTROYED?-
20080204             MANY—AMERICANS are content with 20010911             —THE Commission Report,
20080204             but THE—2—CHAIRMEN—OF—THE—COMMISSION, THOMAS—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON are not.
20080204             Neither was commission member MAX—CLELAND,
20080204             THE—GREAT—BETRAYAL  - McCain says we may be in IRAQ a 100—YEARS and warns,
20080204             "there's going to be other wars".
20080204             Take the man at his word. Continue
20080204             The military and intelligence attachés in THE—USA—AND—UK—EMBASSIES were sending helpful death lists to THE—INDONESIA—HIGH—COMMAND—WHEN Suharto struck.
20080204             In THE—MIDST—OF—THE—MASS—EXECUTIONS,
20080204             sent 1—CHILLING telegram to LONDON, saying:
20080204             "I have never concealed from you my belief that 1—LITTLE shooting in INDONESIA would be 1—ESSENTIAL—PRELIMINARY to effective change".
20080204             Continue - Opinion: USA Must Atone For Aiding Suharto-
20080204             —RULED, THE—DEATH—OF—SUHARTO, the strongman who, INDONESIA for more than 3—DECADES,
20080204             is cause for reflection in THE—USA,
20080204             particularly as Americans choose our next PRESIDENT and wrestle with the question of our nation's proper role in the world.
20080204             Continue - THE—YEAR—OF—LIVING—DANGEROUSLY
20080204             —ANGERED, If you are not, indeed enraged,
20080204             —BY the current STATE—OF—THE—USA then you have not been paying attention,
20080204             or you —JUST do not care enough about the future your children will inherit + have to live in.
20080204             Continue - Tapped Out Nation-
20080204             It was to be THE—YEAR—OF—CHANGE, of new ideas, 1—NEW—POLITICS.
20080204             Continue - Debunking THE—HEALTH—CARE—BUGABOO
20080204             —WHEN 1—DARES to broach the idea that "universal health care" is the only practical answer,
20080204             all the politicians grab their own wallets and scream about "rationed care" and "socialism".
20080204             True, it would require the demise of the current health care insurance industry so that THE—300—BILLION dollars in annual profit for those companies could be used instead for the care of ill and injured people.
20080204             Her 1. marriage was to fellow Vassar graduate Elkin Kwesi Pianim,
20080204             1—ASSOCIATE in the corporate finance DEPARTMENT—OF—NEW—YORK investment BANK—ROTHSCHILD
20080204             Environmental Releases for CALCASIEU REFINING CO.
20080204             Rank facilities in LOUISIANA or in CALCASIEU County by chemical releases or waste...
20080204             The share of USA crude oil distillation capacity owned by FDI affiliates declined slightly to 27—PERCENT in
20080204             Transworld OIL—CALCASIEU Refining
20080204             It is clear that foreign upstream spending by the larger USA oil and.
20080204             gas producers has been generally rising
20080204             This —MONTH: LOUISIANA--leasing and permitting data | Energy...
20080204             —COMPLETED, THE—BOUDREAUX A #2 well was, by Transworld Exploration & Production INCORPORATED.
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20080204             Burleson Cemetery (Cemetery); BURLINGTON Resources Oil & Gas Co/Sulphur Mines Fld (Facility)...
20080204             Transworld E & P Inc/Lockport Fld | PlanetHazard - Transworld E & P Inc/Lockport Fld.
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20080204             Urban 2—INDUSTRY: Oil And Gas Extraction - 3 - LOCKPORT FIELD 02—250—LEGAL—NOTICE—STATE—OF—LOUISIANA...-
20080204             THE—MARG—ZONE, Reservoir B, in the Lockport Field,
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20080204             as being that oil +gas bearing zone encountered.
20080204             SOME—OF—ENRON—LOCAL creditors | Chron COM—HOUSTON Chronicle
20080204             Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corp. Calcasieu Gas Gathering System.
20080204             Calpine Energy Services - Transworld Exploration & Production.
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20080204             Yellow Pages online for Oil Refiners (manufacturers) in LAFAYETTE,
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20080204             (Parish of Calcasieu ) 20050000              -C -2459—F. MURRAY BIEDENHARN v....
20080204             LTD. v. DONALD JOE CALLOWAY (Parish of E. BATON—ROUGE)...
20080204             BE—ELECTED" target=_blank>BuzzFlash com's Last Chance Democracy Cafe,
20080204             —BY STEVEN—DAYGOP: The grumpy old party
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20080204             We Highly Recommend Our BuzzFlash Exclusive Weekly Column from GEORGE—LAKOFF—ROCKRIDGE—INSTITUTE:
20080204             "Ask Rockridge: Blamed for the Debacle in IRAQ?"
20080204             BARACK—OBAMA—SUPER—BOWL ad -- BE—ELECTED
20080204             So what should go into 1—WANT ad for PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20080204             Carville, Frist share 1—COKE on national TV, but we're not smiling -- BE—ELECTED
20080204             Obama and Clinton are Connected by 1—CHICAGO—EXPRESSWAY -- 1—BUZZFLASH—EDITOR'S—BLOG
20080204             NYT: "SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON had 1—TEARY—EYED moment on the campaign trail —TODAY—DURING 1—NOSTALGIC visit to Yale,
20080204             where she graduated from law school nearly —35—YEARS—AGO.
20080204             Similar to Event THE—DAY—BEFORE THE—NEW—HAMPSHIRE Primary.
20080204             Yale Daily News, the Student Paper, Threw Its Endorsement to Obama.
20080204             "And —ON—SATURDAY—MORNING, Rosa DeLauro, the Congresswoman who represents NEW—HAVEN,
20080204             announced that she was throwing her support to MISTER—OBAMA".
20080204             Übernahme: Aus NORTH—ROCK soll "Virgin Bank" werden
20080204             INTERNET—SEEKABEL: 4. Netzausfall nährt Verschwörungstheorien
20080204             —BOMBARDIERT, Neue Angriffswelle: Türkische Armee, PKK—STELLUNGEN im Irak
20080204             USA—HAUSHALTSENTWURF: Bush hinterlässt 400- MILLIARDEN—DEFIZIT
20080204             Die Briten weisen —SEIT ;;12;; standfest den Vorwurf zurück,
20080204             sie hätten ohne Wissen der afghanischen Regierung 1—GEHEIMOPERATION durchgeführt;
20080204             der afghanische PRÄSIDENT habe sehr wohl Bescheid gewusst.
20080204             Premier GORDON—BROWN sagte, man werde weiterhin versuchen,
20080204             in AFGHANISTAN auf lokaler Ebene Freiwillige anzuwerben, um Angriffe der Taliban abzuwehren.
20080204             Politisch korrektes Wörterbuch: Britische Beamte lernen ANTI—TERROR- Vokabular
20080204             MILLIARDEN—ZOCKEREI: "Kontrollen bei Société Générale haben versagt"
20080204             EU—STUDIE: Stress ist häufigster Grund für Krankmeldungen
20080204             AFGHANISTAN: Briten planten TALIBAN—TRAININGSCAMP
20080204             BERLIN taz Bernstadt auf dem Eigen ist eine kleine Stadt mit wenigen Helden.
20080204             Der eine hat an der 1. Diesellokomotive mitgebaut.
20080204             Nach ihm benannten sie 1—STRASSE.
20080204             —GEBRACHT, Der andere hat die 1. Raketen zum Fliegen.
20080204             Nach ihm benannten sie 1—LEHRANSTALT.
20080204             1—WOCHE feierte die Mittelschule des sächsischen Städtchens ihren neuen Namenspatron:
20080204             "KLAUS—RIEDEL" steht —JETZT auf dem Plexiglasschild neben der Pforte des PLATTENBAUS—PÜNKTLICH zum Hundertsten des Raketenforschers.
20080204             Dass Riedel auch der Naziwaffe V2 zum Fliegen verhalf, sollte dabei nicht stören.
20080204             Auch nicht, dass je nach Schätzung 10.000—BIS 20.000—ZWANGSARBEITER bei der PRODUKTION—DER—RAKETEN starben und tausende durch die Einschläge in ENGLAND, Holland, Belgien umkamen.
20080204             "Riedel war 1—PIONIER", sagt BÜRGERMEISTER—GUNTER—LANGE,
20080204             "und hier in Bernstadt hat er die 1. Versuche mit Flüssigtreibstoff gemacht.
20080204             Kritik am neuen Namen der Schule weist er zurück.
20080204             "Sein Charakter, seine Zielstrebigkeit und sein Wirken qualifizieren Riedel dazu, der Schule als Vorbild zu dienen".
20080204             Die "ernsthaften russischen Drohgebärden" wurden vom polnischen Außenminister während seiner USA—VISITE als Hauptargument benutzt,
20080204             um Warschaus Forderungen zu legitimieren.
20080204             Das Berliner Protestgeschrei gegen den GATES—BRIEF ist nur 1—ABLENKUNGSMANÖVER.
20080204             Ungewollt klar drückte sich der verteidigungspolitische SPRECHER—DER—SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION,
20080204             RAINER—ARNOLD, aus: Die USA sollten begreifen,
20080204             daß die Bundesregierung die deutsche Bevölkerung "mitnehmen" müsse.
20080204             Mitnehmen wohin?
20080204             In einen Krieg, den eine große und zunehmende MEHRHEIT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG eigentlich ablehnt.
20080204             Deshalb wird die klassische Salamitaktik einer VIELZAHL—VON—EINZELSCHRITTEN verfolgt.
20080204             und in den Jahren
20080204             GROSSBRITANNIEN, hat die Verschuldung im privaten Sektor mit 46000 Euro je Privatperson ein europäisches Rekordniveau erreicht.
20080204             Drittens: steigende Rüstungsausgaben.
20080204             Teilweise kann die zurückbleibende Massennachfrage durch "Investitionen" in Kriege und Rüstungsgüter ausgeglichen werden.
20080204             Die Bundesregierungen unter GERHARD—SCHRÖDER und unter ANGELA—MERKEL haben durch 1—REIHE—VON—MASSNAHMEN dieses spekulative Fieber begünstigt und angeheizt,
20080204             vor allem durch den fortgesetzten Prozeß einer Umverteilung von unten nach oben.
20080204             Die Hunderte Milliarden Euro, die sich bei den Reichsten im Lande und bei den Unternehmen ansammelten,
20080204             wurden überwiegend als Spielgeld im Kapitalkasino "investiert".
20080204             Google schlägt um sich - PARIS weist Société Générale Mitverantwortung zu
20080204             Aufspüren und Rückführug von "Potentatengeldern"
20080204             La policía detiene al dirigente de Batasuna Pernando Barrena
20080204             Société Générale ignoró los avisos internos por el fraude de Kerviel - USA admits killing IRAQ—CIVILIANS
20080204             —GESTRICHEN, Hafterleichterung für Klar : Anwalt beklagt "rechtswidrige Politik"
20080204             —BENANNT, Schule nach NAZI—RAKETEN—ERFINDER : Waffenschmied als Vorbild
20080204             —DEMENTIERT, Ägypten, dass die Unterseekabel von Schiffen zerstört wurden.
20080204             2—CABLES were damaged —EARLIER this —WEEK in the Mediterranean sea and another off THE—COAST—OF—DUBAI,
20080204             causing widespread disruption to INTERNET and INTERNATIONAL telephone services in EGYPT, Gulf Arab states and SOUTH—ASIA.
20080204             A 4. cable linking QATAR to THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES was damaged —ON—SUNDAY causing yet more disruptions, telecommunication provider Qtel said.
20080204             —RECORDED, EGYPT—TRANSPORT—MINISTRY said footage, by onshore video CAMERAS—OF—THE—LOCATION—OF—THE—CABLES showed no maritime traffic in the area —WHEN the cables were damaged.
20080204             Ich finde ja, das riecht langsam nach einer Schutzgeldnummer.
20080204             Interessantes Detail außerdem noch:
20080204             "The area is also marked on maps as 1—NO—GO zone and it is —THEREFORE ruled out that the damage to the cables was caused by ships".
20080204             "With opinion polls showing Obama making significant gains ahead of the contest in 22—STATES,
20080204             —TRIED, Clinton, to undermine OBAMA—CENTRAL—APPEAL—OF being 1—POLITICIAN who operated above the fray".
20080204             BILL—CLINTON is Contrite in His Visit to Black Churches.
20080204             And MARIA—SHRIVER—JOINED—OPRAH at 1—UCLA—RALLY and Said of Obama,
20080204             "If BARACK—OBAMA was 1—STATE he'd be CALIFORNIA, I mean, think about it: diverse, open,
20080204             smart, independent, oppose tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader".
20080204             Okay, enough already.
20080204             Stop Here to Get Buzzed EVERY—MORNING with BuzzFlash Alerts.
20080204             And the afternoon alerts are even better!
20080204             Sign up —NOW. It's completely free.
20080204             Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said —SUNDAY she might be willing to garnish THE—WAGES—OF—WORKERS who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.
20080204             However, 1 should note that approximately half the votes are already in (1 can vote in advance in CA) and waiting to be counted in CALIFORNIA.
20080204             That should favor Clinton who was ahead by double digits —UNTIL Obama pulled even or ahead this weekend in the Golden State.
20080204             Yet, the Democrats award delegates proportionately in primary states,
20080204             so both candidates could potentially end up in 1—VIRTUAL draw —ON—TUESDAY.
20080204             —TUNED, Stay... 2/4
20080204             Wonder Wonk versus MISTER—INSPIRATIONAL 2/4
20080204             Tierseuchen: VIREN—DUO bedroht Seehunde
20080204             Abgeschaltetes Atomkraftwerk: Werksfeuerwehr löscht Schwelbrand in Krümmel
20080204             Kampf gegen Stinker: LONDON führt gebührenpflichtige Umweltzone ein
20080204             Wackelige Märkte: Finanzkrise erreicht Chinas Banken
20080204             Auch soll das Opus Dei mit dem chilenischen Diktator Pinochet liiert gewesen sein.
20080204             und Finanzskandale ohne Mitarbeit des Klerus kaum möglich sein.
20080204             Einige der engsten BERATER—VON—PINOCHET,
20080204             wie der damalige Außenminister Cubillos,
20080204             Der Finanzexperte des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW),
20080204             FLORIAN—ZINSMEISTER, rechnet damit, dass sich die finanzielle Lage der Bundesländer in diesem —JAHR abermals deutlich verbessert.
20080204             "Die Länder dürften 20080000              einen Überschuss von knapp 10—MILLIARDEN Euro erzielen".
20080204             BERLIN. © wjs Verlag 20080000
20080204             "Das postfaschistische System in der BRD ist zu einem präfaschistischen geworden" — derart apodiktisch beschrieb der SDS—BUNDESVORSTAND die Situation —NACH—DEM 2. 19670600           .
20080204             Der alte Verdacht vom Fortwirken des Nazigeistes,
20080204             das schien nun vielen gewiss, hatte sich bestätigt.
20080204             Nicht nur GUDRUN—ENSSLIN sprach an diesem Wendepunkt von der AUSCHWITZ—GENERATION,
20080204             mit der man eben nicht reden könne: "Wir müssen uns bewaffnen!", forderte sie.
20080204             In der "FAZ" schrieb KARL—HEINZ—BOHRER,
20080204             die Polizei habe "ohne gravierende Notwendigkeit,
20080204             mit Planung, einer Brutalität Lauf gelassen,
20080204             wie sie —BISHER nur aus Zeitungsberichten über faschistische oder halbfaschistische Länder bekannt wurde".
20080204             Schärfer noch verurteilte SEBASTIAN—HAFFNER im "Stern" die Berliner "Blutnacht" als einen "systematischen, kaltblütig geplanten Pogrom".
20080204             Selbst MITGLIEDER—DES—BERLINER—ABGEORDNETENHAUSES bedienten sich einer Sprache,
20080204             deren Herkunft aus dem "3. Reich" kaum zu leugnen war.
20080204             In der Parlamentsdebatte vom 8. ;;06;;,
20080204             redete der SPD—ABGEORDNETE Theis davon, dass man die "Unbelehrbaren
20080204             aus dieser Gemeinschaft ausgliedern" müsse,
20080204             während der CDU—PARLAMENTARIER Heinschke ganz bildlich wurde und zum "Herausoperieren" des politisch reniten10,
20080204             gleichsam kranken "Blinddarms" riet.
20080204             "Es gab plötzlich eine für ALLE—ÜBERRASCHENDE—KRAFT zu Begegnungen und Diskussionen",
20080204             erinnert sich SDS—MITGLIED PETER—MOSLER.
20080204             "Studenten, die sich nicht kannten,
20080204             richteten ohne Zögern das Wort aneinander,
20080204             in allen die glühende Wut gegen die Lügen der Zeitungen und die Verdrehungen des Senats
20080204             Das Gefühl großer Gemeinsamkeit und des Zusammenhalts schwappte auf alle über,
20080204             es gab die Stimmung: hic Rhodus, hic salta,
20080204             —JETZT springe ich!" Aus der quälenden Empfindung politischer Machtlosigkeit erwuchs das Gefühl einer neuen, bislang unbekannten Stärke.
20080204             Ein psychiatrisches Gutachten hatte ihm für den —ABEND des 2. ;;06;;
20080204             zudem eine "eingeschränkte KRITIK—UND Urteilsfähigkeit" attestiert.
20080204             Dass dies nicht nur für jene Nacht galt,
20080204             konnten die Zeitgenossen 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KURRAS—IM "Stern" entnehmen,
20080204             dem er wenige Wochen nach der Tat anvertraute:
20080204             "Wenn ich gezielt geschossen hätte, wie es meine Pflicht gewesen wäre, wären mindestens 18—MANN tot gewesen".
20080204             Während FRITZ—TEUFEL wegen eines angeblichen Steinwurfs vor der Oper —BIS zu seinem Freispruch im ;;12;;
20080204             monatelang in Untersuchungshaft genommen wurde,
20080204             blieb KARL—HEINZ Kurras —BIS zur Pensionierung im Polizeidienst, als sei nichts geschehen.
20080204             Von vornherein sowieso nur der "fahrlässigen Tötung" angeklagt,
20080204             von der 14. Großen Strafkammer des Moabiter Landgerichts freigesprochen.
20080204             WIRKLICHKEIT, hatten die Studenten 1—LEKTION gelernt,
20080204             allerdings eine ganz andere als von Albertz & Co. geplant.
20080204             Ein Repräsentant des demokratischen Rechtsstaats hatte einen unbewaffneten Menschen erschossen,
20080204             und die Öffentlichkeit machte nicht den Totschläger verantwortlich,
20080204             sondern sein Opfer und dessen Mitstreiter.
20080204             —NACH—DEM Tod eines Kommilitonen war dies der 2. große Schock des 2. 19670600             :
20080204             —ÜBERMACHT, Die, der organisierten Lüge in einer Gesellschaft,
20080204             die so stolz war auf Menschenrechte, Freiheit und Demokratie.
20080204             Und die "Berliner Morgenpost" war sich ganz sicher:
20080204             "Die Polizei trägt keine Schuld an den Zusammenstößen,
20080204             die eindeutig von den Krawallradikalen provoziert wurden.
20080204             Noch —2—TAGE—DANACH behauptete die "Welt am —SONNTAG",
20080204             Kurras sei von den Demonstranten "in einen Hof abgedrängt",
20080204             dort festgehalten und "mit Messern bedroht" worden.
20080204             Auch der Regierende BÜRGERMEISTER—ALBERTZ reihte sich in die Front der Wahrheitsverdreher ein:
20080204             "Die Geduld der Stadt ist zu Ende", hieß es in einer über den Rundfunk verbreiteten Erklärung.
20080204             —VERBREITET, Unmittelbar nach Ohnesorgs Tod, die Polizei die Legende von zuvor abgegebenen "Warnschüssen",
20080204             blitzenden DEMONSTRANTEN—MESSERN und einer angeblichen "Notwehrsituation",
20080204             in der sich Kurras befunden haben soll.
20080204             Als sei dies nicht GENUG—DER—VERNEBELUNG,
20080204             wurde noch —AM—ABEND das Gerücht gestreut,
20080204             1—DEMONSTRANT hätte einen Polizisten erstochen. Eine glatte Falschmeldung.
20080204             Wäre am Wochenende ein neuer BUNDESTAG gewählt worden,
20080204             hätten CDU und CSU laut Forsa nur noch 35 % bekommen.
20080204             —GEKOMMEN, In der Vorwoche war die Union noch auf 39 %.
20080204             Streit in der Union: Seehofer gegen NEOLIBERALE—SCHÖNBOHM gegen Seehofer
20080204             Guter Wochenstart: Dax überspringt 7000- PUNKTE—MARKE
20080204             —VERMELDET, Raumfahrt: IRAN, Start einer Weltraumrakete
20080204             Unionsstreit: Seehofer wettert gegen "neoliberale Radikalreformer"
20080204             Kühle Rechner: Deutsche Manager kaufen Aktien im großen Stil
20080204             Unerwarteter Geldsegen: Länder erzielen MILLIARDEN—ÜBERSCHUSS
20080204             Konflikte: SPD—POLITIKER fordert Bundeswehreinsätze im umkämpften Südafghanistan
20080204             Der STAAT nimmt nicht nur die Bürger zunehmend in die Mangel, er widmet sich auch den Firmen.
20080204             Wirtschaftsunternehmen sollen im Rahmen von "Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen" an die Repressionsbehörden angebunden werden.
20080204             Laut verschiedenen "Checklisten" aus dem Bundesinnenministerium sollen Unternehmensleitungen Geheimdienste zu Rate ziehen und ihre Angestellten "überprüfen".
20080204             Mir gefällt ja der Begriff "Repressionsbehörden" sehr gut.
20080204             It's the government's idea of 1—REALLY bad —DAY: WASHINGTON—METRO—TRAINS shut down.
20080204             Seaport computers in NEW—YORK go dark.
20080204             Bloggers reveal locations of railcars with hazardous materials.
20080204             —DISRUPTED, Airport control towers are, in PHILADELPHIA and CHICAGO.
20080204             Overseas, a mysterious liquid is found on LONDON—SUBWAY.
20080204             WIR WERDEN ALLE—STÖRBEN!1!!
20080204             —GERISSEN, Und noch 1—UNTERSEEKABEL im Nahen Osten,
20080204             diesmal zwischen QATAR und den Vereinten Arabischen Emiraten.
20080204             —BESTIMMT, Das war, äh, Materialermüdung!1!!
20080204             Die Zukunft des Bankwesens: Banken kündigen Kunden,
20080204             wenn diese ihre Kredite immer rechtzeitig in Gänze zurück zahlen.
20080204             Denn daran verdienen sie ja nichts.
20080204             CREDIT card customers who pay off their balance EACH—MONTH are as much risk from being cut off by their lender as those that have lost CONTROL—OF—THEIR spiralling debts.
20080204             Credit checking agencies say banks are beginning to weed out customers with faultless borrowing histories because they can make little profit on them.
20080204             Die eigentlich Frage ist, wieso die das —JETZT—ERST machen.
20080204             "THE—USA—ALREADY faces capacity issues and other challenges in treating and disposing of radioactive waste produced domestically," said Gordon.
20080204             "We should be working on solving this problem at home —BEFORE taking dangerous waste from —AROUND the world".
20080204             Corporal SEAN—MAXWELL said the unlocked truck was left running —ON—SATURDAY outside 1—HOTEL in Fort McMurray.
20080204             Police believe it was 1—CRIME—OF—OPPORTUNITY and the vehicle was not targeted.
20080204             —SEALED, The radioactive material is in 1, box with warning stickers on it.
20080204             Cpl.
20080204             Maxwell said it would pose no threat to the public unless the box was tampered with.
20080204             THE—WHIG—STANDARD—NEW—REACTORS for vital isotope production may be DUDS—ALREADY 8—YEARS—LATE and 400—PER cent over budget,
20080204             THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BRAND—NEW $600-million nuclear reactors don't work and will likely never be in service,
20080204             highly placed sources told Sun Media.
20080204             The reactors were built specifically to supply all the radioactive medical MATERIALS—CALLED ISOTOPES—USED to diagnose and treat more than 30,000 cancer and heart patients across CANADA EVERY—WEEK.
20080204             Without the new reactors in service, critically ill Canadians will continue to be at the mercy of 1—ANTIQUE 19570000              reactor that the federal nuclear watchdog shut down last ;;12;;
20080204             for safety reasons.
20080204             —CAUSED, THE—1—MONTH shutdown of the Chalk River relic, the cancellation of 1 estimated 65—PER cent of all nuclear treatments and diagnostic tests at hospitals across the country that —MONTH.
20080204             THE—CONSERVATIVE government ultimately got an emergency BILL—THROUGH—PARLIAMENT in mid-;;12;;.
20080204             It overruled the federal nuclear safety commission and forced the reactor to be restarted.
20080204             —FIRED, Natural Resources MINISTER—GARY—LUNN subsequently, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—COMMISSION, Linda Keen, touching off 1—POLITICAL firestorm.
20080204             Lunn told 1—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—COMMITTEE that without government action to get the reactor —BACK—IN service,
20080204             † patients "would have, ".
20080204             The problem is, the Chalk River facility produces about 60—PER CENT—OF—THE—WORLD—SUPPLY—OF—THE most common medical isotopes + is 1—OF—ONLY 1—HALF—DOZEN reactors used for that purpose.
20080204             The miniature synchrotron is more like 1—PC, he says, shared by 1—FEW users and readily available.
20080204             WASHINGTON—POST—SECURING the Cities No Easy Task;
20080204             Developing System for Detecting 'Dirty Bombs' Hits Snags,
20080204             Criticism - 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—HELICOPTER with 1—ULTRA—SENSITIVE—RADIATION—DETECTOR affixed to its tail whipped through 1—WINTRY sky over Lower Manhattan last —MONTH,
20080204             hunting block by block through the concrete CANYONS—OF—WALL—STREET for 1—BLACK—SUV containing the components of 1—HOMEMADE radiological "dirty bomb.
20080204             —FAILED, The 30-minute training exercise, to detect 1—DELIBERATELY planted chunk of radioactive cesium-137,
20080204             1—MATERIAL that -- if dispersed by 1—EXPLOSIVE -- could paralyze the nation's financial nerve center.
20080204             —BLAMED, With time running short, police operators, technical glitches + the pilot turned back to 1—WEST—SIDE landing pad.
20080204             —FOLLOWED, The test sweep, which, 1—SECRET, concerted search for radioactive materials in Manhattan by HUNDREDS—OF—LOCAL,
20080204             state and federal officers —BEFORE the city's New —YEAR—EVE celebration,
20080204             underscores the government's determination to prove this —YEAR that it can detect and disrupt nuclear threats to major cities.
20080204             —RAISED, But critics have, questions about its value, noting its rapid growth in the absence of 1—SPECIFIC—THREAT—OF—URBAN—NUCLEAR—TERRORISM,
20080204             as well as the program's technical challenges and operational limitations.
20080204             NEWS—LEADER - Depleted Uranium Munitions - ;;02;;
20080204             16. 20080000             , —SATURDAY Att: Desert Strom/Desert Shield and soliders that have served in IRAQ.
20080204             MULTI—SYMPTOM Illnesses.
20080204             THE—WAR;s Hidden Cost: Depleted Uranium Munitions !!
20080204             Maranatha Baptist Church, behind the upper MINI—MALL on MISSOURI Ave.
20080204             This class has a $15.00—REGISTRATION—FEE, paid NLT ;;02;;
20080204             15. 20080000             , M—F, 0900-16000000             , due to space limitations.
20080204             —ON 2007016 —JAHR, —DURING a violent —WINTER thunderstorm,
20080204             they recorded 1—LARGE—RADIATION spike lasting over 1—MINUTE, which could not be attributed to background radiation or electrical noise.
20080204             Auszug von journalismus nachrichten von —HEUTE
20080204             "JOURNEY—OF—DEATH": Letzter Stop GUANTANAMO—VON World Content News
20080204             728—VON insgesamt 774—GEFANGENEN, die in GUANTANAMO registriert wurden,
20080204             sind offenbar mit Duldung oder Unterstützung der Regierung Portugals über portugiesisches Staatsgebiet nach GUANTANAMO Bay überstellt worden.
20080204             —GEFOLTERT, Viele von ihnen seien —BEREITS vor dem Transport, worden, berichtet die Menschenrechtsorganisation Reprieve in ihrem Report "JOURNEY—OF—DEATH".
20080204             WCN geht den dokumentierten Flugspuren nach.
20080204             —RECHERCHIERT, Insgesamt 48—FLÜGE hat Reprieve, die über die Azoren ins Gefangenenlager nach GUANTANAMO den portugiesischen Luftraum durchquerten.
20080204             Viele davon waren Sammeltransporte mit Militärflugzeugen, anhand des Abgleichs mit Informationen aus dem USA—VERTEIDIGUNGSMINISTERIUM über die Ankunft der Gefangenen ließ sich nachvollziehen, wer wann in welcher Maschine saß.
20080204             Die Mehrzahl von ihnen dürfte aus FOLTER—GEFÄNGNISSEN in KANDAHAR oder KABUL ausgeflogen worden sein.
20080204             Als Tankstop wurde überwiegend der militärische USA—STÜTZPUNKT Incirlik in der Türkei genutzt, den insgesamt 688—GEFANGENE passieren mussten.
20080204             Bei 46—HÄFTLINGEN konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden,
20080204             auf welchem Weg sie nach GUANTANAMO gelangten.
20080204             the Iranians launched their Kavoshgar 1 "research rocket", claiming that it was in connection with their space programme.
20080204             that profited greatly by their active collaboration with the Nazis...
20080204             However, Siemens adopting the name "Zyklon" for 1—LINE—OF...
20080204             Godlike Productions Banner... RED—LIGHT—CAMERAS have been deployed in THE—USA—SINCE the
20080204             Vote For Godlike Productions !...
20080204             For MILLIONS—OF—VOTERS, and particularly for young people, the response to OBAMA—CAMPAIGN reflects both 1—DEEP—GOING desire for...
20080204             CPUSA ONLINE—NEW Times, New Opportunities
20080204             No matter whether voters support Obama or Clinton in the Democratic primaries, the political intent of their votes is clear: people want change and not any...
20080204             ZNET—IMAGINED Obama Interview
20080204             —SINCE MANY—OBAMA voters anticipate the former outcome, the imagined...
20080204             These MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—THE—WOMEN and men energetically fighting to end the war...
20080204             THE—WASHINGTON—MONTHLY
20080204             "What has happened in the political world is that the people both elected [to...
20080204             Though his TALK—OF—CHANGE and building 1—MOVEMENT echoes Obama's...
20080204             —DÜPIERT, POLEN, RUßLAND - Die neuen Terroristen: Blogger.
20080204             —HEUTE besteht kein Zweifel mehr: Das mit einer einzigen Jahreszahl verknüpfte historische Ereignis — die Revolte von 19680000              — begann 19670602             —AM.
20080204             "Das postfaschistische System in der BRD ist zu einem präfaschistischen geworden" — derart apodiktisch beschrieb der SDS—BUNDESVORSTAND die Situation —NACH—DEM 19670602           .
20080204             Ein psychiatrisches Gutachten hatte ihm für den —ABEND des 20080602              zudem eine "eingeschränkte KRITIK—UND Urteilsfähigkeit" attestiert.
20080204             —NACH—DEM Tod eines Kommilitonen war dies der 2. große Schock des 19670602             : Die Übermacht der organisierten Lüge in einer Gesellschaft, die so stolz war auf Menschenrechte, Freiheit und Demokratie.
20080204             Facility Name: Calcasieu Refining Company Lake Charles, LA 70605 ... Parent Company: Transworld Oil USA, INCORPORATED RMP Facility ID: 100000071469 Submission...,John_.html
20080204             Bush proposes 3.1—TRILLION—DOLLAR—BUDGET: BUSH—SPENDING plan, sent to Congress for the fiscal —YEAR—STARTING 20081001             , forecasts heavy deficits for the government -- 410—BILLION dollars for the current —YEAR and 407—BILLION for the coming fiscal —YEAR.
20080204             New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Subways : In the 1. counterterrorism strategy of its kind in the nation, roving TEAMS—OF—NEW—YORK City police officers armed with automatic rifles + accompanied by BOMB—SNIFFING dogs will patrol the city's subway system daily, beginning next —MONTH, officials said on —FRIDAY.
20080204             Climate Change: : AFRICA, SOUTH—ASIA Could Face Famines: Climate change will cause major disruptions in the global food system, and adaptation to those changes needs to begin —IMMEDIATELY, experts say.
20080204             Chavez says VENEZUELA—MILITARY 'on alert' for possible threats from COLOMBIA : PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said VENEZUELA—MILITARY is on alert for possible threats from COLOMBIA, warning the neighboring government not to try to stir up 1 armed conflict.
20080204             BAGHDAD is drowning in sewage, thirsty for water and largely powerless, 1—IRAQ—OFFICIAL said —TODAY in 1—GRIM—ASSESSMENT—OF—SERVICES in the capital —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—USA—LED invasion.
20080204             "But, in case they confront ANY—KIND—OF—THREAT, they will provide 1—STRONG and crushing response"
20080204             Stepford Republicans: All Caught on Tape!
20080204             But Stepford Republicans become subservient to RIGHT—WING FORCES—OF—CORPORATISM, war and prejudice.
20080204             —CONVERTED, Once, into mindless ideologues, Stepford Republicans are 1—THREAT to us all.
20080204             THE—MADNESS—OF—JOHN—MCCAIN
20080204             Defending ISRAEL to the "End Times"- By BILL—BERKOWITZ—THESE are busy days for CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS.
20080204             'It's going to be much worse' : Famed investor JIM—ROGERS sees hard times ahead for THE—USA—AND 1—BIG—OPPORTUNITY looming in CHINA.
20080204             HOUSE—OF—CARDS : 60—MINUTES—VIDEO—REPORT : STEVE—KROFT reports on how THE—USA—SUB—PRIME—MORTGAGE—MELTDOWN, in which risky loans drove 1—HOUSING boom that went bust, is —NOW roiling capital markets worldwide.
20080204             Agent ORANGE: Toxic Legacy of VIETNAM Still Demands Remediation: WASHINGTON has rejected responsibility for THE—MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE—VIETNAM says have suffered direct or 2.—GENERATION disabilities due to Agent ORANGE, with USA—OFFICIALS pointing to 1—LACK—OF mutually agreed data.
20080204             JIM—LOBE: McCain is —NOW THE—NEO—CON Candidate : MCCAIN—LITTLE ditty about "BOMB—BOMB—BOMB, BOMB—BOMB—IRAN" — not to mention his willingness to maintain USA—TROOPS in IRAQ for decades, if not centuries — must also appeal to THE—NEO—CONS' NEO—IMPERIAL—AGENDA.
20080204             ILLUSION—OF—CHOICE : THE—ILLUSION—OF—CHOICES in THE—USA—ELECTIONS: Does it herald the dissolution of these USA—OF—AMERICA?
20080204             UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—LIKELY to revalue DOLLAR—PEGGED currency : —SINCE May, —WHEN KUWAIT dropped its dollar peg and adopted 1—BASKET—OF—CURRENCIES, there has been constant speculation that THE—UAE and QATAR would follow suit or revalue their currencies.
20080204             Mufti condemns ISRAEL—DECISION to demolish historic mosque : THE—GRAND—MUFTI—OF—JERUSALEM, Sheikh MUHAMMAD—HUSSEIN has condemned 1—DECISION by ISRAEL—AUTHORITIES to demolish THE—AL—OMARI mosque in the village of Umm Tuba near JERUSALEM under the pretext that the building had been built without 1—LICENSE:
20080204             —SCHEDULED, IRAN oil bourse, : IRAN was scheduled to inaugurate its Oil Bourse this coming —WEEK.That probably isn't going to happen because all INTERNET access in IRAN was cut over the weekend (the undersea cables were chopped).
20080204             INTERNET cable cut in MIDDLE—EAST — Should IRAN be worried?: There has been SOME—CONCERN that the undersea INTERNET cables, that have been cut —RECENTLY, are perhaps no accident?
20080204             USA—ANTI—MISSILE ship to dock in HAIFA : 1—USA—MISSILE ship set to dock at HAIFA Port on —MONDAY is equipped with 1—ANTI—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM that could be deployed in the region in the event of 1—IRAN—MISSILE—ATTACK against ISRAEL.
20080204             —DESCRIBED, USA—LABELS—IRAN—ROCKET—TESTS as "unfortunate" : THE—USA, on —MONDAY IRAN—LAUNCHING 1—ROCKET into space as "unfortunate," which, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said, will isolate the Islamic REPUBLIC—FROM—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20080204             Bankers Gone Bonkers- - Global Finance and the Insanity Defense
20080204             With WALL—STREET—CAPITAL disappearing as fast as foreclosures are climbing, 1—FOREIGN—HEAD—OF—STATE had 1—EPIPHANY.
20080204             Disowned By THE—OWNERSHIP—SOCIETY
20080204             —PREDICTED, WASHINGTON THINK—TANKER—GROVER Norquist, that the ownership society would be BUSH—GREATEST—LEGACY, remembered "long —AFTER people can no longer pronounce or spell FALLUJAH".
20080204             Yet in BUSH—FINAL—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, THE—ONCE—UBIQUITOUS phrase was conspicuously absent.
20080204             And little wonder: rather than its proud father, Bush has turned out to be the ownership society's undertaker.
20080204             Leaked Classified Documents Show Bush Authorized USA—TROOPS In IRAN And Syria
20080204             —AUTHORIZED, USA—MILITARY—FORCES in IRAQ were, to pursue FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—SADDAM—HUSSEIN—GOVERNMENT and terrorists across IRAQ—BORDERS into IRAN and Syria, according to 1 classified 20050000              document that has been made public by 1—INDEPENDENT—WEB—SITE.
20080204             Torture Does Not Work, as History Shows
20080204             "Torture works," 1—USA—SPECIAL—FORCES—MAJOR—NOW, needless to say, 1—COLONEL—BOASTED to 1—COLLEAGUE—OF—MINE 1—COUPLE—OF—YEARS ago.
20080204             Why Were THE—TAPES—DESTROYED?
20080204             MANY—AMERICANS are content with 20010911             —THE Commission Report, but THE—2—CHAIRMEN—OF—THE—COMMISSION, THOMAS—KEAN and LEE—HAMILTON are not.
20080204             THE—GREAT—BETRAYAL
20080204             McCain says we may be in IRAQ a 100—YEARS and warns, "there's going to be other wars".
20080204             Take the man at his word.
20080204             —WHEN Morality Demands —WINTER Soldiers
20080204             THE—MIDST—OF—THE—MASS—EXECUTIONS, THE—UK—AMBASSADOR, SIR—ANDREW—GILCHRIST, sent 1—CHILLING telegram to LONDON, saying: "I have never concealed from you my belief that 1—LITTLE shooting in INDONESIA would be 1—ESSENTIAL—PRELIMINARY to effective change".
20080204             Opinion: USA Must Atone For Aiding Suharto
20080204             —RULED, THE—DEATH—OF—SUHARTO, the strongman who, INDONESIA for more than 3—DECADES, is cause for reflection in THE—USA, particularly as Americans choose our next PRESIDENT and wrestle with the question of our nation's proper role in the world.
20080204             —ANGERED, If you are not, indeed enraged, by the current STATE—OF—THE—USA then you have not been paying attention, or you —JUST do not care enough about the future your children will inherit + have to live in.
20080204             Tapped Out Nation
20080204             Yet, AS—OF—TODAY, it appears THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY will be led into the future by 1—BELTWAY FAVORITE—OF—THE—MEDIA and WASHINGTON insider who has spent the last quarter of 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY on Capitol Hill.
20080204             Debunking THE—HEALTH—CARE—BUGABOO
20080204             —WHEN 1—DARES to broach the idea that "universal health care" is the only practical answer, all the politicians grab their own wallets and scream about "rationed care" and "socialism".
20080204             ELISABETH—MURDOCH (businesswoman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20080204             Her 1. marriage was to fellow Vassar graduate Elkin Kwesi Pianim, 1—ASSOCIATE in the corporate finance DEPARTMENT—OF—NEW—YORK investment BANK—ROTHSCHILD...
20080204             Foreign Direct Investment in USA—ENERGY 20040000              -
20080204             —OWNED, The share of USA crude oil distillation capacity, by FDI affiliates declined slightly to 27—PERCENT in... Transworld OIL—CALCASIEU Refining...
20080204             Page 1—FOREIGN—DIRECT—INVESTMENT in USA—ENERGY 20030000              The purpose... -
20080204             It is clear that foreign upstream spending by the larger USA—OIL and. gas producers has been generally rising... Transworld OIL—CALCASIEU Refining...
20080204             —COMPLETED, THE—BOUDREAUX A #2 well was, by Transworld Exploration & Production INCORPORATED in Kings Bayou Field for 1.7—MILLION cu.
20080204             cLocations Home > Browse state landmarks by county > LA > Calcasieu... Burleson Cemetery (Cemetery);
20080204             BURLINGTON Resources Oil & Gas Co/Sulphur Mines Fld (Facility)...
20080204             OFF PRADER RD LOCKPORT—LOUISIANA 70669 Calcasieu Parish Population: Urban 2—INDUSTRY: Oil And Gas Extraction
20080204             - 3 - LOCKPORT FIELD 02—250—LEGAL—NOTICE—STATE—OF—LOUISIANA... -
20080204             THE—MARG—ZONE, Reservoir B, in the Lockport Field, Calcasieu PARISH—LOUISIANA, is hereby defined. as being that oil +gas bearing zone encountered.
20080204             Yellow Pages online for Oil Refiners (manufacturers) in LAFAYETTE, LOS—ANGELES CALCASIEU REFINING CO, 337-478-2130. 4359—W Tank Farm Rd Lake Charles, LA 70605
20080204             BE—ELECTED" target=_blank>BuzzFlash_com's Last Chance Democracy Cafe, by STEVEN—DAYGOP: The grumpy old party
20080204             We're Not Stopping —NOW. No Way.
20080204             We Don't Accept Advertising, Charge Subscriptions, or Charge for Our E—MAIL Alerts.
20080204             We Highly Recommend Our BuzzFlash Exclusive Weekly Column from GEORGE—LAKOFF—ROCKRIDGE—INSTITUTE: -- "Ask Rockridge: Blamed for the Debacle in IRAQ?"
20080204             NYT: "SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON had 1—TEARY—EYED moment on the campaign trail —TODAY—DURING 1—NOSTALGIC—VISIT to Yale, where she graduated from law school nearly 35—YEARS ago".
20080204             "And on —SATURDAY—MORNING, Rosa DeLauro, the Congresswoman who represents NEW—HAVEN, announced that she was throwing her support to MISTER—OBAMA".
20080204             MILLIARDEN—SPEKULATIONEN: USA—BÖRSENAUFSICHT nimmt Société Générale unter die Lupe
20080204             Die Briten weisen —SEIT Dezember standfest den Vorwurf zurück, sie hätten ohne Wissen der afghanischen Regierung 1—GEHEIMOPERATION durchgeführt;
20080204             Premier GORDON—BROWN sagte, man werde weiterhin versuchen, in AFGHANISTAN auf lokaler Ebene Freiwillige anzuwerben, um Angriffe der Taliban abzuwehren.
20080204             "Riedel war 1—PIONIER", sagt BÜRGERMEISTER—GUNTER—LANGE, "und hier in Bernstadt hat er die 1. Versuche mit Flüssigtreibstoff gemacht".
20080204             Die "ernsthaften russischen Drohgebärden" wurden vom polnischen Außenminister während seiner USA—VISITE als Hauptargument benutzt, um Warschaus Forderungen zu legitimieren.
20080204             —AM  - Ablenkungsmanöver Deutschland steckt längst mitten drin im AFGHANISTAN—KRIEG.
20080204             Ungewollt klar drückte sich der verteidigungspolitische SPRECHER—DER—SPD—BUNDESTAGSFRAKTION, RAINER—ARNOLD, aus: Die USA sollten begreifen, daß die Bundesregierung die deutsche Bevölkerung "mitnehmen" müsse.
20080204             1—USA—KRISE und 1—RÜCKGANG—DES—WELT—BIP träfe die BRD außerordentlich hart.
20080204             Die Bundesregierungen unter GERHARD—SCHRÖDER und unter ANGELA—MERKEL haben durch 1—REIHE—VON—MAßNAHMEN dieses spekulative Fieber begünstigt und angeheizt, vor allem durch den fortgesetzten Prozeß einer Umverteilung von unten nach oben.
20080204             Die Hunderte Milliarden Euro, die sich bei den Reichsten im Lande und bei den Unternehmen ansammelten, wurden überwiegend als Spielgeld im Kapitalkasino "investiert".
20080204             Noch am - Manager stürzen sich auf Aktien - STAAT—ODER—MARKT?
20080204             2—CABLES were damaged —EARLIER this —WEEK in the Mediterranean sea and another off THE—COAST—OF—DUBAI, causing widespread disruption to INTERNET and INTERNATIONAL telephone services in EGYPT, Gulf Arab states and SOUTH—ASIA.
20080204             —MARKED, Interessantes Detail außerdem noch: "The area is also, on maps as 1—NO—GO zone and it is —THEREFORE ruled out that the damage to the cables was caused by ships".
20080204             CBS/NEW—YORK—TIMES—POLL: Clinton and Obama both have the support of 41—PERCENT of Democratic primary voters - 1—DRASTIC—CHANGE from early January.
20080204             "With opinion polls showing Obama making significant gains ahead of the contest in 22—STATES, Clinton tried to undermine OBAMA—CENTRAL—APPEAL—OF being 1—POLITICIAN who operated above the fray".
20080204             And MARIA—SHRIVER—JOINED—OPRAH at 1—UCLA—RALLY and Said of Obama, "If BARACK—OBAMA was 1—STATE he'd be CALIFORNIA, I mean, think about it: diverse, open, smart, independent, oppose tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader".
20080204             JF Kennedy niece MARIA—SHRIVER backs Obama, Splits with Husband Who Backed McCain.
20080204             Clinton, Obama in dead heat ahead of big vote.
20080204             Yet, the Democrats award delegates proportionately in primary states, so both candidates could potentially end up in 1—VIRTUAL draw on —TUESDAY.
20080204             pazuzu Einige der engsten BERATER—VON—PINOCHET, wie der damalige Außenminister Cubillos... und Finanzskandale ohne Mitarbeit des Klerus kaum möglich sein.
20080204             Der Finanzexperte des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), FLORIAN—ZINSMEISTER, rechnet damit, dass sich die finanzielle Lage der Bundesländer in diesem —JAHR abermals deutlich verbessert.
20080204             S PIEGEL ONLINE veröffentlicht diesen Buchauszug mit freundlicher Genehmigung wjs VERLAGS—BERLIN.
20080204             © wjs Verlag 20080000
20080204             Der alte Verdacht vom Fortwirken des Nazigeistes, das schien nun vielen gewiss, hatte sich bestätigt.
20080204             Nicht nur GUDRUN—ENSSLIN sprach an diesem Wendepunkt von der AUSCHWITZ—GENERATION, mit der man eben nicht reden könne: "Wir müssen uns bewaffnen!", forderte sie.
20080204             In der "FAZ" schrieb KARL—HEINZ—BOHRER, die Polizei habe "ohne gravierende Notwendigkeit, mit Planung, einer Brutalität Lauf gelassen, wie sie —BISHER nur aus Zeitungsberichten über faschistische oder halbfaschistische Länder bekannt wurde".
20080204             Selbst MITGLIEDER—DES—BERLINER—ABGEORDNETENHAUSES bedienten sich einer Sprache, deren Herkunft aus dem "3. Reich" kaum zu leugnen war.
20080204             In der Parlamentsdebatte vom 20080608             , dem —TAG—DER—ÜBERFÜHRUNG—VON—OHNESORGS—LEICHNAM nach HANNOVER, redete der SPD—ABGEORDNETE Theis davon, dass man die "Unbelehrbaren... aus dieser Gemeinschaft ausgliedern" müsse, während der CDU—PARLAMENTARIER Heinschke ganz bildlich wurde und zum "Herausoperieren" des politisch reniten10, gleichsam kranken "Blinddarms" riet.
20080204             "Es gab plötzlich eine für ALLE—ÜBERRASCHENDE—KRAFT zu Begegnungen und Diskussionen", erinnert sich SDS—MITGLIED PETER—MOSLER.
20080204             "Studenten, die sich nicht kannten, richteten ohne Zögern das Wort aneinander, in allen die glühende Wut gegen die Lügen der Zeitungen und die Verdrehungen des Senats... Das Gefühl großer Gemeinsamkeit und des Zusammenhalts schwappte auf alle über, es gab die Stimmung: hic Rhodus, hic salta, —JETZT springe ich!" Aus der quälenden Empfindung politischer Machtlosigkeit erwuchs das Gefühl einer neuen, bislang unbekannten Stärke.
20080204             Dass dies nicht nur für jene Nacht galt, konnten die Zeitgenossen 1—INTERVIEW—VON—KURRAS im "Stern" entnehmen, dem er wenige Wochen nach der Tat anvertraute: "Wenn ich gezielt geschossen hätte, wie es meine Pflicht gewesen wäre, wären mindestens 18—MANN tot gewesen".
20080204             Während FRITZ—TEUFEL wegen eines angeblichen Steinwurfs vor der Oper —BIS zu seinem Freispruch im Dezember monatelang in Untersuchungshaft genommen wurde, blieb KARL—HEINZ Kurras —BIS zur Pensionierung im Polizeidienst, als sei nichts geschehen.
20080204             WIRKLICHKEIT, hatten die Studenten 1—LEKTION gelernt, allerdings eine ganz andere als von Albertz & Co. geplant.
20080204             1—REPRÄSENTANT des demokratischen Rechtsstaats hatte einen unbewaffneten Menschen erschossen, und die Öffentlichkeit machte nicht den Totschläger verantwortlich, sondern sein Opfer und dessen Mitstreiter.
20080204             Im klirrenden Gleichklang urteilte die "B.Z.": "Wer Terror produziert, muss Härte in Kauf nehmen".
20080204             Und die "Berliner Morgenpost" war sich ganz sicher: "Die Polizei trägt keine Schuld an den Zusammenstößen, die eindeutig von den Krawallradikalen provoziert wurden".
20080204             Noch —2—TAGE—DANACH behauptete die "Welt am —SONNTAG", Kurras sei von den Demonstranten "in einen Hof abgedrängt", dort festgehalten und "mit Messern bedroht" worden.
20080204             Auch der Regierende BÜRGERMEISTER—ALBERTZ reihte sich in die Front der Wahrheitsverdreher ein: "Die Geduld der Stadt ist zu Ende", hieß es in einer über den Rundfunk verbreiteten Erklärung.
20080204             —VERBREITET, Unmittelbar nach Ohnesorgs Tod, die Polizei die Legende von zuvor abgegebenen "Warnschüssen", blitzenden DEMONSTRANTEN—MESSERN und einer angeblichen "Notwehrsituation",
20080204             Als sei dies nicht GENUG—DER—VERNEBELUNG, wurde noch —AM—ABEND das Gerücht gestreut, 1—DEMONSTRANT hätte einen Polizisten erstochen.
20080204             Eine glatte Falschmeldung.
20080204             Wäre am Wochenende ein neuer BUNDESTAG gewählt worden, hätten CDU und CSU laut Forsa nur noch 35 % bekommen.
20080204             Die neuen Terroristen: Blogger.
20080204             Overseas, 1—MYSTERIOUS—LIQUID is found on LONDON—SUBWAY.
20080204             —GERISSEN, Und noch 1—UNTERSEEKABEL im Nahen Osten, diesmal zwischen QATAR und den Vereinten Arabischen Emiraten.
20080204             Die Zukunft des Bankwesens: Banken kündigen Kunden, wenn diese ihre Kredite immer rechtzeitig in Gänze zurück zahlen.
20080204             - CANADA—PRESS—TRUCK stolen in Alberta carried radioactive CARGO—RCMP in Fort McMurray are on the hunt for 1—STOLEN pickup truck carrying radioactive equipment.
20080204             - THE—WHIG—STANDARD—NEW—REACTORS for vital isotope production may be DUDS—ALREADY 8—YEARS—LATE and 400—PER cent over budget, THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—BRAND—NEW $600-million nuclear reactors don't work and will likely never be in service, highly placed sources told Sun Media.
20080204             THE—CONSERVATIVE government ultimately got 1—EMERGENCY BILL—THROUGH—PARLIAMENT in MID—DECEMBER.
20080204             Lunn told 1—HOUSE—OF—COMMONS—COMMITTEE that without government action to get the reactor —BACK—IN service, patients "would have †".
20080204             - WASHINGTON—POST—SECURING the Cities No Easy Task;
20080204             Developing System for Detecting 'Dirty Bombs' Hits Snags, Criticism - 1—NEW—YORK—CITY—POLICE—DEPARTMENT—HELICOPTER with 1—ULTRA—SENSITIVE—RADIATION—DETECTOR affixed to its tail whipped through 1—WINTRY sky over Lower Manhattan last —MONTH, hunting block by block through the concrete CANYONS—OF—WALL—STREET for 1—BLACK—SUV containing the components of 1—HOMEMADE radiological "dirty bomb".
20080204             —FAILED, The 30-minute training exercise, to detect 1—DELIBERATELY planted chunk of radioactive cesium-137, 1—MATERIAL that -- if dispersed by 1—EXPLOSIVE -- could paralyze the nation's financial nerve center.
20080204             —FOLLOWED, The test sweep, which, 1—SECRET, concerted search for radioactive materials in Manhattan by HUNDREDS—OF—LOCAL, state and federal officers —BEFORE the city's New —YEAR—EVE celebration, underscores the government's determination to prove this —YEAR that it can detect and disrupt nuclear threats to major cities.
20080204             —RAISED, But critics have, questions about its value, noting its rapid growth in the absence of 1—SPECIFIC—THREAT—OF—URBAN—NUCLEAR—TERRORISM, as well as the program's technical challenges and operational limitations.
20080204             - NEWS—LEADER—DEPLETED Uranium MUNITIONS—FEBRUARY 16. 20080000             , —SATURDAY Att: Desert Strom/Desert Shield and soliders that have served in IRAQ.
20080204             This class has a $15.00—REGISTRATION—FEE, paid NLT 20080215             , M—F, 0900-1600, due to space limitations.
20080204             728—VON insgesamt 774—GEFANGENEN, die in GUANTANAMO registriert wurden, sind offenbar mit Duldung oder Unterstützung der Regierung Portugals über portugiesisches Staatsgebiet nach GUANTANAMO Bay überstellt worden.
20080204             Bei 46—HÄFTLINGEN konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden, auf welchem Weg sie nach GUANTANAMO gelangten.
20080204             Godlike Productions Banner... RED—LIGHT—CAMERAS have been deployed in THE—USA—SINCE—THE... Vote For Godlike Productions !...
20080204             CPUSA ONLINE—NEW—TIMES, New Opportunities No matter whether voters support Obama or Clinton in the Democratic primaries, the political intent of their votes is clear: people want change and not any...
20080204             ZNET—IMAGINED Obama Interview —SINCE MANY—OBAMA voters anticipate the former outcome, the imagined...
20080204             —HAPPENED, THE—WASHINGTON Monthly "What has, in the political world is that the people both elected [to...
20080204             Though his TALK—OF—CHANGE and building 1—MOVEMENT echoes Obama's... - illo "Mac" Bica
200802041130         —AM, for information call MISTER—DENNIS at 573-855-8444 or E—MAIL at gopherabc@earthlink_net.
20080204—19671121    —AM, wurde er ein halbes —JAHR später,
20080204—19671121    —AM, Von vornherein sowieso nur der "fahrlässigen Tötung" angeklagt, wurde er ein halbes —JAHR später, von der 14. Großen Strafkammer des Moabiter Landgerichts freigesprochen.
20080204—19731000    —ACKNOWLEDGED, Santelices had, that as 1—YOUNG—LIEUTENANT, he followed orders and transferred 14—PRISONERS from 1—JAIL in NORTH—CHILE to 1—DESERT—AREA where they were executed by firing squad.
20080204—20010000    —SEIT—VOR allem in den USA wird ein solcher "militärischer Keynesianismus" praktiziert, indem allein im Zeitraum
20080204—20010100    —FORCED, THE—BIS, its private shareholders, on THE—ZURICH and PARIS stock exchanges, to cash out their 13.5—PERCENT stake.
20080204—20010911    —AFTER, Investigative reporter Kristina Borjesson reminds us that "6—DAYS ,
20080204—20010911    —FROM—THE, 1—USA—SENATOR who resigned Commission, telling THE—BOSTON Globe (
20080204—20010911    —AFTER, Investigative reporter Kristina Borjesson reminds us that "6—DAYS, reported that OSAMA—BIN—LADEN had sent 1—STATEMENT to AL—JAZEERA denying that he had been involved".
20080204—20010911    —FROM—THE, Neither was commission member MAX—CLELAND, 1—USA—SENATOR who resigned Commission, telling THE—BOSTON Globe (
20080204—20060000    -C -0572—TRANSWORLD PROPERTIES,
20080204—20070106    —ON, —DURING 1—VIOLENT—WINTER thunderstorm, they recorded 1—LARGE—RADIATION spike lasting over 1—MINUTE, which could not be attributed to background radiation or electrical noise.
20080304             NIH Record--20030204              --Science Plays Widening Role in Forensic...
20090204             Das deutsche Traditionsunternehmen Märklin meldet Insolvenz für die Standorte in Deutschland (Göppingen und Nürnberg) an.
20090204             —IMPOSED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with "executives being rewarded for failure".
20090204             —SIGNED, ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MIKE—BEEBE, into law new ANIMAL—CRUELTY restrictions that make aggravated cruelty to cats, dogs and horses 1—FELONY on the 1. offense.
20090204             —BECAME, According to THE—USA—HUMANE—SOCIETY—ARKANSAS, the 46. state to make cruelty to animals 1—FELONY.
20090204             1—DOCUMENT was released that listed THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE identified as customers and VICTIMS—OF—BERNARD—MADOFF—PONZI scheme.
20090204             —BOMBED, DOCTOR—RANDEEP—MANN allegedly, THE—CAR—OF—DOCTOR—TRENT—PIERCE, THE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—TENNESSEE STATE—MEDICAL—BOARD, in revenge for punishment —AFTER 10—OF—MANN—PATIENTS fatally overdosed on drugs he had prescribed.
20090204             —BURNED, Pierce lost 1—EYE and was severely.
20090204             NORTH—EAST—AUSTRALIA, RAIN—BATTERED residents were on alert for snakes in their bathrooms and crocodiles in the road —FOLLOWING repeated storms that have sent local wildlife in search of dry land or 1—SAFE—HAVEN.
20090204             —KILLED, BRAZIL—POLICE, at least 10—SUSPECTS, including 2—TEENAGE—BOYS, —DURING operations against drug traffickers in RIO—DE—JANEIRO.
20090204             —ARRESTED, THE—UK—MILITARY said 1—ARMY—OFFICER has been, in AFGHANISTAN on suspicion of leaking official secrets.
20090204             BRITAIN—SUN—NEWSPAPER said LIEUTENANT—COLONEL—OWEN—MCNALLY had leaked figures about CIVIL—DEATHS in coalition operations to 1—WORKER from 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUP.
20090204             Gao Zhisheng, 1—OF—CHINA—MOST daring lawyers, was arrested.
20090204             This was CHINA—1. public comment on the case.
20090204             —DESCRIBED, Gao, his ordeal to THE—ASSOCIATED—PRESS in April and disappeared again —2—WEEKS—LATER.
20090204             GERMANY, countries leading the drive to resolve concerns about IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM welcomed the new USA—ADMINISTRATION—READINESS to engage with TEHRAN.
20090204             Foreign Ministry officials from GERMANY and THE—5—PERMANENT—MEMBERS—OF—THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL: BRITAIN, CHINA, FRANCE, RUSSIA and THE—USA, met in WIESBADEN.
20090204             1—GREECE—POLICE—OFFICER (38) shot and seriously wounded 1—GREECE—PRIVATE—SECURITY—GUARD (31) outside THE—USA—EMBASSY in CENTRAL—ATHENS.
20090204             1—IRAQ—LAWMAKER said THE—PRIME—MINISTER—COALITION will talk to other parties about sharing power in mostly southern areas —AFTER initial projections showed the Shiite leader's allies were the big winners in last weekend's provincial elections.
20090204             —SHOWED, Early results, that PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI—ALLIES, THE—COALITION—OF—THE—STATE—OF—LAW, finished 1. in 10—OF—THE—14—PROVINCES.
20090204             —ALLOWED, KAZAKHSTAN, its currency to devalue 25% in 1—EFFORT to protect its foreign exchange and gold reserves amidst falling oil prices.
20090204             —TORCHED, PAKISTAN, assailants overnight, 10—RETURNING trucks stranded by THE—BOMBING—OF—1—KEY—BRIDGE on the main supply route for USA—FORCES in AFGHANISTAN.
20090204             —STATED, POLAND—DEFENSE—MINISTER, plans to end military missions in LEBANON, the Golan Heights and CHAD in 1—EFFORT to cut spending due to the global economic crisis.
20090204             PUERTO—RICO—SARA—KUSZAK, (35) made 1—DESPERATE—CALL for help from the trunk of her kidnapper's car, about an —HOUR—BEFORE she was found dead with her throat slashed.
20090204             —CONFESSED, Eliezer Marquez Navedo (36), to kidnapping the pregnant tourist as she was jogging and killing her.
20090204             THE—FBI used 1—SIGNAL from the victim's cell phone to help locate the suspect.
20090204             —CONVICTED—OF, Navedo was —LATER, kidnapping, rape and murder and sentenced to 105—YEARS in prison.
20090204             ROMANIA—CENTRAL—BANK cut interest rates by 1—QUARTER—POINT to 10%, still the highest in THE—EU.
20090204             RUSSIA sought to bolster its security alliance with 6—OTHER EX—SOVIET nations (ARMENIA, BELARUS, KAZAKHSTAN, KYRGYZSTAN, TAJIKISTAN and UZBEKISTAN) by forming 1—JOINT—RAPID—REACTION—FORCE in 1—CONTINUING effort to curb USA—INFLUENCE in ENERGY—RICH—CENTRAL—ASIA.
20090204             —KILLED, SOMALIA, gunmen, Said Tahlil Ahmed, THE—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—COUNTRY—LARGEST—MEDIA—COMPANY, HornAfrik, at 1—MARKET in MOGADISHU.
20090204             SRI—LANKA—PRESIDENT said that the Tamil Tiger rebels are on THE—VERGE—OF—DEFEAT, but DOZENS—OF—CIVILIANS were reported killed as fierce fighting continued in ASIA—LONGEST—RUNNING civil war.
20090204             The last hospital in SRI—LANKA—SHRINKING war zone was evacuated as Red Cross staff and wounded civilians fled attacks that apparently included cluster munitions.
20090204             —KILLED, At least 52—CIVILIANS were, by shelling in the war zone.
20090204             —DEMANDED, THE—VATICAN, that BISHOP—RICHARD—WILLIAMSON recant his positions on the Holocaust —BEFORE being admitted as 1—BISHOP—INTO—THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
20090204             Absatzkrise: USA—AUTOZULIEFERER fordern 20—MILLIARDEN Dollar Staatshilfen
20090204             Datenaffäre: SPD—POLITIKER spricht von 44—SPÄHPROJEKTEN bei der Bahn
20090204             URZEIT—FOSSIL: Kohlenschürfer entdecken größte Schlange der Welt
20090204             —VERWEIGERT, Skurriles Hausverbot: VW—WERK, NICHT—VW—FAHRERN den Zutritt
20090204             Neuer Krisenplan: Commerzbank erwägt gemeinsame Bad BANK—MIT—HYPO—REAL—ESTATE
20090204             Tote Zivilisten in AFGHANISTAN: Karsai greift westliche Verbündete an
20090204             IBM invites LAID—OFF USA employees to work in INDIA
20090204             what are currently the world's smallest quantum dots, possibly allowing for startling increases in the efficiency of SEMICONDUCTOR—BASED equipment.
20090204             'Roughly speaking, we predict there could be a 1,000-time reduction in power consumption with electronic computers built in this new way,' said ROBERT—WOLKOW,
20090204             1—PHYSICIST at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA and LEADER—OF—THE—TEAM behind the breakthrough.
20090204             Read the article for 1—DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—WAVE—LIKE—PHENOMENON employed by WOLKOW—TEAM to accomplish 1—VASTLY lower power consumption —DURING the transfer of electrons".
20090204             Green news harvest: Credit crisis slams wind, solar
20090204             The freeze in financing and TAX—BASED incentives is hitting renewable energy project developers and manufacturers hard.
20090204             THE—UK, —MEANWHILE, makes the case for biogas.
20090204             1—MEMBER—OF—THE—ARMY—CONTROVERSIAL—SOCIAL—SCIENCE—PROJECT pleads guilty to manslaughter in 1—PLEA—AGREEMENT that will spare him life in prison.
20090204             DON—AYALA still faces the possibility of 15—YEARS for 1—REVENGE killing in AFGHANISTAN.
20090204             —CLONED, How do you squeeze $9—MILLION from 1—SCANT 100, debit cards?
20090204             —BY removing the withdrawal limits and sending 1—ARMY—OF crooks to ATMs —AROUND the world.
20090204             THE—FBI is investigating what may be the biggest ATM breach in history, which unfolded in —JUST 1—DAY last ;;11;;.
20090204             'Baby boomers' hit by sex CANCERS—BABIES born in the 19500000             S and 19600000             S are experiencing 1—SURGE in "SEXUALLY—TRANSMITTED" cancers, say researchers.
20090204             Fuel help 'not effective enough'
20090204             Help for those struggling with energy bills must be better targeted to prevent more people slipping into fuel poverty, 1—REPORT says.
20090204             'Too many' mentally ill in jails
20090204             THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE with mental health problems are ending up in jail rather than getting treatment, 1—CHARITY says.
20090204             Facebook clocks 5. birthday
20090204             —HELPED, In 5—SHORT—YEARS, Facebook has, 1—GLOBAL—CHANGE in the way people keep in touch with 1—ANOTHER.
20090204             —URGED, Parents, to 'teach' cookery
20090204             Parents must take more responsibility for teaching their children how to cook, the School SECRETARY—ED—BALLS says.
20090204             PM—JOBS pledge 'a huge mistake'
20090204             GORDON—BROWN should apologise for pledging "UK—JOBS for UK—WORKERS" —AFTER wildcat strikes spread across THE—UK, say the Conservatives.
20090204             Hamleys investor seeks protection
20090204             ICELAND—GROUP—BAUGUR, which owns stakes in Hamleys and HOUSE—OF—FRASER, applies for protection from its creditors.
20090204             KYRGYZSTAN moves to shut USA—BASE
20090204             KYRGYZSTAN—GOVERNMENT submits 1—DECREE to PARLIAMENT for the closure of 1—KEY—USA—AIR—BASE in THE—CENTRAL—ASIA—STATE.
20090204             Obama unveils executive pay cap
20090204             USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA announces a $500,000 limit on executive pay at USA—FIRMS that needs government aid.
20090204             Salt running out as schools shut
20090204             —EXPECTED, As HUNDREDS—OF—SCHOOLS in Wales are, to close for a 4. —DAY, 1—COUNTY is told by road salt suppliers there is no more.
20090204             World depression claim 'a slip'
20090204             GORDON—BROWN—COMMENT suggesting he thinks the world is in 1—DEPRESSION was 1—SLIP of the tongue, his spokesman says.
20090204             'Holocaust BISHOP' told to recant
20090204             THE—VATICAN orders 1—BISHOP to recant his views denying the Holocaust if he wants to serve in THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH.
20090204             Ministers face torture pressure
20090204             THE—UK government faces questions over whether it was complicit in the torture of 1—UK—RESIDENT held by THE—USA.
20090204             Miner BHP sees profits fall 25%
20090204             Mining giant BHP Billiton sees its HALF—YEAR—PROFITS—FALL by 1—QUARTER, as worldwide demand for metals has declined.
20090204             Obama wants to avoid 'trade war'
20090204             USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA says he wants to avoid measures which would signal protectionism or spark 1—TRADE—WAR.
20090204             Pulse rate clue to heart attacks
20090204             Simply measuring 1—WOMAN—RESTING heart rate can predict her likelihood of having 1—CORONARY, say USA—RESEARCHERS.
20090204             THE—ICELAND—GROUP—BAUGUR, which owns Hamleys and HOUSE—OF—FRASER, applies for 1—CREDIT—MORATORIUM.
20090204             Rapid Thinking Makes People Happy
20090204             Lousy —DAY? Don't try to think happy thoughts--just think fast.
20090204             1—NEW—STUDY shows that accelerated thinking can improve your mood.
20090204             In 6—EXPERIMENTS, researchers at Princeton and Harvard universities made research participants think quickly by having them generate as MANY—PROBLEM—SOLVING ideas (even bad ones) as possible in 10—MINUTES,
20090204             read 1—SERIES—OF—IDEAS on 1—COMPUTER—SCREEN at 1—BRISK pace or watch 1—I—LOVE—LUCY video clip on FAST—FORWARD.
20090204             —PERFORMED, Other participants, similar tasks at 1 relaxed speed.
20090204             —SUGGESTED, Results, that thinking fast made participants feel more elated, creative and, to 1—LESSER—DEGREE, energetic and powerful.
20090204             Activities that promote fast thinking, then, such as whip­ping through 1—EASY—CROSSWORD puzzle or BRAIN—STORMING quickly about 1—IDEA,
20090204             can boost energy and mood, says psychologist EMILY—PRONIN, the study's lead author.
20090204             Trace FOSSILS—OF—SPONGES—MORE than 635—MILLION—YEARS—OLD have turned up in 1—OIL—FIELD in OMAN.
20090204             They push back the earliest EVIDENCE—OF—HIGHER—LIFE by at least 50—MILLION—YEARS and the discovery has implications for determining the earliest common ancestor of all animals.
20090204             It is increasing in popularity because it works.
20090204             —EXPOSED, The problem is the practice of ear candling is, to accusations of quackery because of the myths and outright fraud surrounding the treatment.
20090204             PART—OF—THE—PROBLEM is the references to 1—HISTORY for which there is no evidence.
20090204             Die durchschnittliche MINIMALTEM—PERATUR in EUROPA im —WINTER ist in den Jahren von
20090204             It's no surprise that authorities can piece together digital information to pursue perpetrators.
20090204             But it is revealing to see —JUST how it was done in this case.
20090204             UNIVERSITY—OF—TEXAS taxonomist DAVID—HILLIS
20090204             called placozoa "among the most interesting animals that almost no 1 has ever heard about," but
20090204             was less enthusiastic about the conclusion, which he said "represents 1—FINE—DISTINCTION in how we reconstruct the ancestral animal".
20090204             We're trying to understand the context of the 1. APPEARANCE—OF—ANIMALS".
20090204             "If you look at COLD—BLOODED animals and their distribution on the planet —TODAY,
20090204             the large ones are in the tropics, where it's hottest, and they become smaller the farther away they are from the equator," he said.
20090204             Based on the snake's size, the team was able to calculate that the mean annual temperature at equatorial SOUTH—AMERICA 60—MILLION—YEARS ago would have been about 91—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT,
20090204             —ABOUT 10—DEGREES—WARMER than —TODAY, Bloch said.
20090204             —OUTSIZED, The presence of, snakes and turtles shows that even 60—MILLION—YEARS ago the foundations of the modern Amazonian tropical ecosystem were in place, he said.
20090204             —BY—THE—WAY, his father is PAUL—R—IGNATIUS, who was THE—SECRETARY—OF—THE—NAVY under LBJ.
20090204             That little factoid may go SOME—WAYS toward validating my pet theory that the younger Ignatius may have been secretly recruited into 1—PROFESSION—OTHER than journalism.
20090204             If I were more paranoid, I could patch together 1—CUTE little theory based on the fact that Liberty attack occurred on the watch of the elder Ignatius.
20090204             PAPA in der Krise: Der Entzauberte
20090204             —IDENTIFIZIERT, Soziale Netzwerke: MySpace, 90.000—SEX—TÄTER
20090204             Mutmaßliche Islamisten hatten —ERST—AM—DIENSTAG 1—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—VERSORGUNGSROUTEN für die NATO—TRUPPEN in AFGHANISTAN lahmgelegt,
20090204             indem sie 1—BRÜCKE am KHYBER—PASS im Nordwesten des Landes sprengten.
20090204             Die Ankündigung Moskaus kommt überraschend: Nur einen —TAG zuvor hatte Kirgisien angekündigt,
20090204             dass der dem AFGHANISTAN—NACHSCHUB dienende USA—STÜTZPUNKT Manas in dem Land geschlossen werden soll.
20090204             MAIL—SYSTEM mit Nachschlüssel?
20090204             müssen Bürger sich eindeutig identifizieren
20090204             erläuterte Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE
20090204             "Jeder soll in die Lage versetzt werden, sich gegen unerwünschtes Mitlesen,
20090204             Diebstahl wichtiger Daten, Betrug im INTERNET und gegen Spam besser zu schützen", erläuterte Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE.
20090204             Einkaufen, Handel und Behördengänge im INTERNET seien mittlerweile alltäglich.
20090204             Zuständig wird das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, das dem Innenministerium untersteht.
20090204             "akkreditierten, staatlich geprüften Providern".
20090204             Das Innenministerium würde hier einen einheitlichen, vorgegebenen Standard statt konkurrierender Systeme,
20090204             auf die auch Sicherheitsbehörden nicht zugreifen können, bevorzugen.
20090204             Der STAAT will POST—WÄCHTER werden
20090204             Das Kabinett beschloss am —MITTWOCH den zugehörigen Gesetzentwurf.
20090204             Er regelt die besonderen Sicherheitsanforderungen, die dazu führen sollen,
20090204             dass die elektronische Post künftig auch bei vertraulichen oder amtlichen Dokumenten so sicher und zuverlässig wird wie Papierpost.
20090204             "Per 'DE—MAIL' sollen in DEUTSCHLAND
20090204             "Mit diesem INTERNATIONAL vorbildlichen Projekt übernimmt DEUTSCHLAND 1—VORREITERROLLE in der elektronischen Geschäftswelt".
20090204             STEVE—JONES glaubt, dass es soweit gar nicht kommen WIRD—WEIL der Mensch sich selbst 1—ENDE setzen wird.
20090204             "In einer Million Jahren, ja —SCHON in 1000—WIRD der Mensch wieder Kohlenstoff sein", lautet seine Prognose.
20090204             "Weil er dumm ist. Und auch Gentechnik wird ihm nicht helfen".
20090204             "Der Mensch hat die natürliche Selektion durch künstliche ersetzt",
20090204             meint HUBLIN—UND diese hat gerade —ERST begonnen:
20090204             "Die Genetik ist einhundert Jahre alt. Wir stehen noch ganz am —ANFANG".
20090204             "Es ist das 1. Mal, dass 1—SPEZIES—KONTROLLE über ihr eigenes Erbgut erlangt hat", sagt Hublin.
20090204             "Das ist ein sehr starker Einfluss auf die Evolution".
20090204             "Die Gene, die in der jüngeren Vergangenheit des Menschen unter starker Selektion standen,
20090204             waren allesamt Gene, die entweder mit der Ernährung, Krankheiten oder unserem Aussehen in Verbindung sind", sagt Hublin.
20090204             "Und die Selektion war ausgelöst durch Umweltveränderungen".
20090204             Es war die Zeit, in der Homo sapiens AFRIKA verließ und nach EUROPA und ASIEN vordrang.
20090204             Neue Kontinente, neue Umweltbedingungen und damit neue, starke Selektionskräfte und genetische Drift wirkten auf ihn ein.
20090204             Die Folge war, dass die Uhr der Evolution schneller tickte.
20090204             die belegen, dass sich in diesen 40—JAHRTAUSENDEN 7—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHLICHEN—GENE verändert haben.
20090204             "Nicht die Evolution, sondern die natürliche Selektion ist am Ende".
20090204             Vorausgesetzt, er hat Zugang zu all den technischen und zivilisatorischen Errungenschaften.
20090204             Wird der Mensch der Zukunft im Angesicht steigender Meeresspiegel Kiemen und Flossen statt Lungen und Beine haben?
20090204             Homo erectus war 1—ZWISCHENSTATION auf dem langen Weg zu uns, dem Homo sapiens, dem "weisen" Mensch.
20090204             —INZWISCHEN, Denn, haben wir selbst die Kontrolle über unsere Evolution übernommen.
20090204             The number 2—MAN at BND, RAINER—KESSELRING, SON—OF—THE—LUFTWAFFE general who bombed BELGRADE (IN 290) —WWII—IN,
20090204             oversaw the operation and arranged...
20090204             deutsche Zentrale in TOKYO und HONG—KONG, RAINER KESSELRING sagt: "Eine seiner.
20090204             1. Aufgaben: Erstellung einer Datenbasis über die asiatischen Märkte.
20090204             7, RAINER—KESSELRING - 19960618—19980900  .
20090204             9, WERNER—SCHOWE (19440000              *), Vizepräsident mil.
20090204             Bundesnachrichtendienst - 7, RAINER—KESSELRING - 19960618           .
20090204             8, RUDOLF—ADAM (19480000              *),
20090204             Quartalsbilanz: Time Warner schreibt 16—MILLIARDEN Dollar Verlust
20090204             Überraschende Entscheidung: USA—TRUPPEN dürfen russisches Gebiet für Logistik nutzen
20090204             Datensicherheit: Regierung beschließt deutsche Alternative zu E—MAIL
20090204             —BEZEICHNET, Fall Williamson: Friedman, PAPA als Lügner
20090204             Homo sapiens: Wir revolutionieren unsere Evolution
20090204             HOLOCAUST—STREIT: BISCHOF—MIXA wirft Merkel Fehlgriff vor
20090204             Datenskandal: BLOGGER—DAVID trotzt BAHN—GOLIATH
20090204             Stattdessen rief er zur Achtung der Menschenrechte in SRI—LANKA auf, wo sich TAMILEN—REBELLEN und die Armee heftige Gefechte liefern.
20090204             Er bedaure die zunehmende Zahl "unschuldiger Opfer" in diesem "grausamen" Konflikt, sagte Benedikt XVI.
20090204             Benedikt XVI. habe zum Zeitpunkt dieser Entscheidung nichts von dem Interview Williamsons gewusst,
20090204             das er dem schwedischen Fernsehen gegeben hatte, heißt es in der VATIKAN—ERKLÄRUNG.
20090204             —UNRUHEN, CHINA drohen in der Folge soziale.
20090204             Auch in der britischen Bevölkerung ist das Bedürfnis nach Staatsschutz offenbar groß:
20090204             Für Aufregung sorgte —ERST—AM vergangenen Wochenende der Streik von mehr als 3000—ARBEITERN in 11—BRITISCHEN Ölraffinerien und Kraftwerken in ganz Großbritannien.
20090204             Die Arbeiter protestieren dagegen, dass für den Bau einer Entschwefelungsanlage keine Briten eingestellt werden,
20090204             sondern Italiener und Portugiesen, weil diese für weniger Geld zu arbeiten bereit sind.
20090204             PREMIERMINISTER—GORDON—BROWN kritisierte den Streik am —SONNTAG.
20090204             Er verstehe die Sorgen der Menschen,
20090204             aber "spontane Arbeitskämpfe seien nicht das Richtige", sagte er der BBC.
20090204             EUROPA, und CHINA war die Empörung groß.
20090204             Europäische Stahlhersteller drängten die EU—KOMMISSION, notfalls gegen die USA zu klagen.
20090204             Der chinesische Ministerpräsident WEN—JIABAO warnte vor einer neuen Protektionismuswelle.
20090204             Bundeskanzlerin Merkel forderte Obama telefonisch auf, keine protektionistischen Signale zu setzen.
20090204             Was die Protestierenden allerdings verschweigen: Auch sie selbst greifen im Angesicht der Krise längst auf staatliche Schutzprogramme zurück.
20090204             Der IWF rechnet für dieses —JAHR mit einem Rückgang um 2,8 %.
20090204             Protektionismus: Welche Staaten die Weltwirtschaft abwürgen
20090204             "COLUMBIA"-Katastrophe: Millionenstreit um KREBS—EXPERIMENT
20090204             ONLINE—ORTUNGSDIENST Latitude: Google weiß, wo du bist
20090204             MACHTWORT—PAPA: Vatikan fordert HOLOCAUST—LEUGNER Williamson zum Widerruf auf
20090204             BANKEN—VERSTAATLICHUNG: Schäuble sieht Verfassungsprobleme
20090204             Karrierekiller Hausarbeit: Warum Frauen weniger Geld verdienen
20090204             PIUSBRÜDER—STREIT: BRUDER—PAPA greift Merkel an
20090204             Katholische Kirche: PAPA schweigt zum HOLOCAUST—STREIT
20090204             "Wissenschaftler, Pharmaindustrie und Regierungen müssen zusammenarbeiten,
20090204             wenn wir die Oberhand im Kampf gegen die Bakterien behalten wollen", schreiben Arias und Murray im "New ENGLAND Journal of Medicine".
20090204             Sonst könnte sich die Menschheit im
20090204             Davor hatte MITCHELL—COHEN,
20090204             Direktor an den USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, der größten Infektionsbehörde der Welt in ATLANTA, —SCHON—VOR—16—JAHREN gewarnt.
20090204             Gemeinsam mit der PAUL—EHRLICH—GESELLSCHAFT und dem Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz hat Kern im vergangenen —JAHR erstmals einen Bericht über den Antibiotikaverbrauch und die Verbreitung von Resistenzen in DEUTSCHLAND herausgegeben.
20090204             "Fast die Hälfte aller Antibiotika, die Ärzte bei Infektionen der oberen Atemwege verschreiben, werden umsonst geschluckt", meint Mikrobiologe UWE—FRANK.
20090204             "Halsschmerzen sind in über 90—PROZENT—DER—FÄLLE viral bedingt, da helfen keine Antibiotika".
20090204             Hinzu kommt, dass nicht ALLE—PATIENTEN die verordneten Medikamente ausreichend lang und in der richtigen Dosierung schlucken.
20090204             Auch der massive Einsatz in der Tierzucht begünstigt die Entstehung von Resistenzen.
20090204             "Bakterien sind die Sieger der Evolution", schreiben die Autoren.
20090204             "Gegen multiresistente Bakterien gibt es keine Zauberwaffe".
20090204             Die tragische Geschichte ist kein Einzelfall.
20090204             JEDES—JAHR sterben Tausende Menschen, weil sich Bakterien in ihrem Körper ausbreiten, gegen die kein Mittel mehr hilft.
20090204             Forscher warnen vor vielfach resisten10 Krankheitserregern, gegen die kein Mittel mehr hilft.
20090204             Dies ist nach Meinung der Wissenschaftler 1—BELEG dafür, dass vom eigentlichen DNA—CODE unabhängige Erbinformationen existieren,
20090204             die im Gegensatz zur DNA im Laufe des Lebens durch die Umwelt beeinflusst werden können.
20090204             Das widerspricht der klassischen Genetik.
20090204             Die Ergebnisse stehen im Widerspruch zur klassischen Genetik.
20090204             Mäuse mit einem genetisch bedingten Gedächtnisdefekt erben nicht nur den DNA—FEHLER, sondern auch, was die Eltern gelernt haben.
20090204             Mit dieser Beobachtung ist USA—FORSCHERN ein spektakulärer Nachweis der sogenannten epigenetischen Vererbung gelungen:
20090204             Nicht nur die von Geburt an feststehende DNA—SEQUENZ wird vererbt, sondern auch Eigenschaften, die im Lauf des Lebens durch Umwelteinflüsse entstehen.
20090204             Der Effekt zeigte sich sowohl im Verhalten der Tiere als auch in physiologischen Untersuchungen ihrer Gehirnzellen,
20090204             schreiben die Forscher um Junko Arai von der Tufts UNIVERSITY—IN—BOSTON im Fachmagazin "JOURNAL—OF—NEUROSCIENCE" (Bd.
20090204             29, S. 1.496). - Wirkungslose Antibiotika: Leichtes Spiel für die Superkeime
20090204             Epigenetik: Mütter können Erfahrungen vererben
20090204             Finanzkrise: Den Deutschen vergeht die Reiselust
20090204             HOLOCAUST—DEBATTE: Vatikan beklagt Komplott gegen Benedikt
20090204             PEKING—CHINA will die Atomkraft deutlich ausbauen.
20090204             —BIS zum —JAHR 20200000              sollen 70—GIGAWATT Strom mit Hilfe von Kernreaktoren produziert WERDEN—GENUG,
20090204             um 70—STÄDTE von der Größe S—FRANCISCOS zu versorgen.
20090204             Dies berichten staatliche chinesische Medien unter Berufung auf die Nationale Energiebehörde.
20090204             Auf diese Weise hoffen die Verwalter des atomaren Arsenals besser einschätzen zu können,
20090204             ob die eingelagerten Sprengkörper noch stabil sind oder langsam zu einer Gefahr für ihre Umgebung werden.
20090204             Unfassbare 20—PETAFLOP pro —SEKUNDE (Petaflop/s) Rechenleistung soll die —NACH—DEM Mammutbaum Sequoia benannte Maschine erreichen,
20090204             wäre damit 20-mal schneller als Roadrunner.
20090204             Zur Erinnerung für alle, die sich nicht regelmäßig mit so großen Zahlen beschäftigen müssen:
20090204             1—FLOP/s ist 1—FLIESSKOMMABERECHNUNG pro —SEKUNDE, eine übliche Einheit zur Einschätzung der Rechenleistung von Computern.
20090204             1—PETAFLOP/s allerdings sind 1—BILLIARDE, mithin 1000—BILLIONEN, solcher Berechnungen, 1—ZAHL mit 15—NULLEN.
20090204             Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters rechnet vor, dass dies der Leistungsfähigkeit von 2—MILLIONEN handelsüblichen Notebooks entspricht.
20090204             Dass eine solch enorme Kapazität nicht für Gehaltsabrechnungen genutzt wird, dürfte klar sein.
20090204             Und so ist denn auch nicht irgendeine Versicherung oder Bank, sondern das LAWRENCE—LIVERMORE—NATIONAL—LABORATORY—IBMS—AUFTRAGGEBER für den Bau von Sequoia.
20090204             Ein korrodierendes Nukleararsenal
20090204             Eine neue STUDIE—VON—USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Forschern um ROBERT—LANZA im Journal " Cloning and Stem Cells
20090204             "stellt den Nutzen von Chimären nun in Frage.
20090204             Lanza und seine Kollegen hatten untersucht, ob die tierischen Eizellen das menschliche Erbgut tatsächlich wie gewünscht reaktivierten,
20090204             so dass die begehrten ALLESKÖNNER—STAMMZELLEN entstehen.
20090204             Das Ergebnis war ernüchternd: "Anstatt die richtigen Gene anzuschalten, stellte sich heraus, dass die tierischen Eizellen sie ausschalteten", sagte Lanza.
20090204             Obama nominierte am —DIENSTAG den langjährigen republikanischen SENATOR—JUDD—GREGG (61) als Handelsminister.
20090204             An der raschen Bestätigung Greggs durch den USA—SENAT besteht kein Zweifel.
20090204             —NACH—DEM Rückzug seines Wunschkandidaten für das Amt des Gesundheitsministers wegen verspäteter Steuerzahlungen gibt sich der USA—PRÄSIDENT ausgesprochen selbstkritisch.
20090204             Er werde die Verantwortung übernehmen und sicherstellen, dass so etwas nicht mehr passiere, sagte Obama.
20090204             "Ich möchte an das amerikanische Volk nicht die Botschaft aussenden,
20090204             dass es zweierlei Standards GIBT—EINEN für mächtige Menschen und einen für normale Leute, die jeden —TAG arbeiten und ihre Steuern bezahlen", sagte Obama dem USA—SENDER NBC.
20090204             Atomwaffen: Obama plant historischen Abrüstungspakt
20090204             Panasonic: Elektronikkonzern streicht 15.000—STELLEN
20090204             DATEN—SKANDALE: Politiker fordern Schutzgesetz für Arbeitnehmer
20090204             Stromlücke: CHINA plant massenweise neue Atomkraftwerke
20090204             Supercomputer: IBM baut den ÜBER—RECHNER
20090204             WAL—VORFAHREN: Nur für Sex und Geburt an Land
20090204             Stammzellforschung: Neue Studie nährt Zweifel an MENSCH—TIER—EMBRYONEN
20090204             Gegenleistung für Staatshilfe: Obama will Managergehälter auf 500.000—DOLLAR begrenzen
20090204             Kritik am PAPA: Zentralrat der Juden lobt MERKEL—VORSTOß
20090204             Palestinians move for GAZA WAR—CRIMES—PROBE
20090204             Google Privacy Counsel Facing Criminal CHARGES—KDAWSON
20090204             ProfJonathan writes "According to 1—STORY in THE—IAPP—PRIVACY—ADVISOR,
20090204             GOOGLE—PARIS—BASED global privacy counsel, PETER—FLEISCHER, is facing criminal charges in ITALY for defamation based upon 1—USER—POSTING—OF—1—VIDEO to Google Video.
20090204             MISTER—FLEISCHER was on his way to THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—MILAN for 1—SPEAKING engagement —WHEN he was met by ITALY—LAW—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS.
20090204             VORAUSGESETZT - 8, RUDOLF—ADAM (19480000              *), 20010700—20040331  .
20090204             IBM invites LAID—OFF USA—EMPLOYEES to work in INDIA
20090204             Efficiently Producing Quantum DOTS—KDAWSON "THE—EDMONTON Journal is reporting on THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA—NATIONAL—INSTITUTE for NANOTECHNOLOGY—RECENT—INVENTION—OF—1—NEW—METHOD to produce quantum dots —
20090204             'Roughly speaking, we predict there could be a 1,000-time reduction in power consumption with electronic computers built in this new way,' said ROBERT—WOLKOW, 1—PHYSICIST at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ALBERTA and LEADER—OF—THE—TEAM behind the breakthrough.
20090204             'Human Terrain' Contractor GUILTY—OF—MANSLAUGHTER—NOAH—SCHACHTMAN
20090204             ATM Megaheists Reach Epidemic LEVELS—KEVIN—POULSEN
20090204             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—FACES—QUESTIONS over whether it was complicit in the torture of 1—UK—RESIDENT held by THE—USA.
20090204             Activities that promote fast thinking, then, such as whip­ping through 1—EASY—CROSSWORD puzzle or BRAIN—STORMING quickly about 1—IDEA, can boost energy and mood, says psychologist EMILY—PRONIN, the study's lead author.
20090204             Oldest Animal Fossil Ever DISCOVERED—BRANDON—KEIM
20090204             —TURNED, TRACE—FOSSILS—OF—SPONGES—MORE than 635—MILLION—YEARS—OLD have, up in 1—OIL—FIELD in OMAN.
20090204             What we know for sure is that in EUROPE and AMERICAN—THERE has been resurgence in POPULARITY—OF—THE—TREATMENT over the past 20—YEARS.
20090204             "If you look at COLD—BLOODED animals and their distribution on the planet —TODAY, the large ones are in the tropics, where it's hottest, and they become smaller the farther away they are from the equator," he said.
20090204             Based on the snake's size, the team was able to calculate that the mean annual temperature at equatorial SOUTH—AMERICA 60—MILLION years ago would have been about 91—DEGREES—FAHRENHEIT, about 10—DEGREES—WARMER than —TODAY, Bloch said.
20090204             Die Ankündigung Moskaus kommt überraschend: Nur einen —TAG zuvor hatte Kirgisien angekündigt, dass der dem AFGHANISTAN—NACHSCHUB dienende USA—STÜTZPUNKT Manas in dem Land geschlossen werden soll.
20090204             "Jeder soll in die Lage versetzt werden, sich gegen unerwünschtes Mitlesen, Diebstahl wichtiger Daten, Betrug im INTERNET und gegen Spam besser zu schützen", erläuterte Innenminister WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE.
20090204             Das Innenministerium würde hier einen einheitlichen, vorgegebenen Standard statt konkurrierender Systeme, auf die auch Sicherheitsbehörden nicht zugreifen können, bevorzugen.
20090204             Er regelt die besonderen Sicherheitsanforderungen, die dazu führen sollen, dass die elektronische Post künftig auch bei vertraulichen oder amtlichen Dokumenten so sicher und zuverlässig wird wie Papierpost.
20090204             "Der Mensch hat die natürliche Selektion durch künstliche ersetzt", meint HUBLIN—UND diese hat gerade —ERST begonnen: "Die Genetik ist einhundert Jahre alt. Wir stehen noch ganz am —ANFANG".
20090204             "Die Gene, die in der jüngeren Vergangenheit des Menschen unter starker Selektion standen, waren allesamt Gene, die entweder mit der Ernährung, Krankheiten oder unserem Aussehen in Verbindung sind", sagt Hublin.
20090204             Im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—SCIENCES" veröffentlichten sie ERGEBNISSE—VON—GEN—ANALYSEN, die belegen, dass sich in diesen 40—JAHRTAUSENDEN 7—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHLICHEN—GENE verändert haben.
20090204             "Kosovo Liberation Army": TOOL—OF—IMPERIALISM and Drug Money A..
20090204             The number 2—MAN at BND, RAINER—KESSELRING, SON—OF—THE—LUFTWAFFE general who bombed BELGRADE (IN 290) —WWII—IN, oversaw the operation and arranged...
20090204             8, RUDOLF—ADAM (19480000              *), 20010700—20040331.
20090204             BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST
20090204             7, RAINER—KESSELRING - 19960618           .
20090204             8, RUDOLF—ADAM (19480000              *), 20010000—20040000.
20090204             BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA habe zum Zeitpunkt dieser Entscheidung nichts von dem Interview Williamsons gewusst, das er dem schwedischen Fernsehen gegeben hatte, heißt es in der VATIKAN—ERKLÄRUNG.
20090204             Die Arbeiter protestieren dagegen, dass für den Bau einer Entschwefelungsanlage keine Briten eingestellt werden, sondern Italiener und Portugiesen, weil diese für weniger Geld zu arbeiten bereit sind.
20090204             Er verstehe die Sorgen der Menschen, aber "spontane Arbeitskämpfe seien nicht das Richtige", sagte er der BBC.
20090204             "Wissenschaftler, Pharmaindustrie und Regierungen müssen zusammenarbeiten, wenn wir die Oberhand im Kampf gegen die Bakterien behalten wollen", schreiben Arias und Murray im "New ENGLAND Journal of Medicine".
20090204             Davor hatte MITCHELL—COHEN, Direktor an den USA—CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention, der größten Infektionsbehörde der Welt in ATLANTA, —SCHON—VOR—16—JAHREN gewarnt.
20090204             Sie raffen auch junge, —BISHER gesunde Menschen HINWEG—WIE jüngst e 20090000             .2000jähriges Model.
20090204             Dies ist nach Meinung der Wissenschaftler 1—BELEG dafür, dass vom eigentlichen DNA—CODE unabhängige Erbinformationen existieren, die im Gegensatz zur DNA im Laufe des Lebens durch die Umwelt beeinflusst werden können.
20090204             Der Effekt zeigte sich sowohl im Verhalten der Tiere als auch in physiologischen Untersuchungen ihrer Gehirnzellen, schreiben die Forscher um Junko Arai von der Tufts UNIVERSITY—IN—BOSTON im Fachmagazin "JOURNAL—OF—NEUROSCIENCE" (Bandd.—29, S. 14960000             ).
20090204             Wirkungslose Antibiotika: Leichtes Spiel für die Superkeime
20090204             Auf diese Weise hoffen die Verwalter des atomaren Arsenals besser einschätzen zu können, ob die eingelagerten Sprengkörper noch stabil sind oder langsam zu einer Gefahr für ihre Umgebung werden.
20090204             Unfassbare 20—PETAFLOP pro —SEKUNDE (Petaflop/s) Rechenleistung soll die —NACH—DEM Mammutbaum Sequoia benannte Maschine erreichen, wäre damit 20-mal schneller als Roadrunner.
20090204             Zur Erinnerung für alle, die sich nicht regelmäßig mit so großen Zahlen beschäftigen müssen: 1—FLOP/s ist 1—FLIEßKOMMABERECHNUNG pro —SEKUNDE, eine übliche Einheit zur Einschätzung der Rechenleistung von Computern.
20090204             Eine neue STUDIE—VON—USA—AMERIKANISCHEN—FORSCHERN um ROBERT—LANZA im Journal "
20090204             Cloning and Stem Cells " stellt den Nutzen von Chimären nun in Frage.
20090204             Lanza und seine Kollegen hatten untersucht, ob die tierischen Eizellen das menschliche Erbgut tatsächlich wie gewünscht reaktivierten, so dass die begehrten ALLESKÖNNER—STAMMZELLEN entstehen.
20090204             Er wird neben Verteidigungsminister ROBERT—GATES und Verkehrsminister RAY—LAHOOD—DER 3. Vertreter der Oppositionspartei in der neuen USA—REGIERUNG sein.
20090204             "Ich möchte an das amerikanische Volk nicht die Botschaft aussenden, dass es zweierlei Standards GIBT—EINEN für mächtige Menschen und einen für normale Leute, die jeden —TAG arbeiten und ihre Steuern bezahlen", sagte Obama dem USA—SENDER NBC.
20090204             ProfJonathan writes "According to 1—STORY in THE—IAPP—PRIVACY—ADVISOR, GOOGLE—PARIS—BASED global privacy counsel, PETER—FLEISCHER, is facing criminal charges in ITALY for defamation based upon 1—USER—POSTING—OF—1—VIDEO to Google Video.
20090204             Global Research - in Kanada wartet die Polizei nicht ab, —BIS Terroristen kommen und das Land bedrohen: Agent der Royal CANADA—MOUNTED Police räumt Schlüsselrolle beim Aufbau und Betrieb eines "Terrorcamps" ein.
20090204             —ARGUED, The defence has, this —WEEK that without Mubin SHAIKH, there would have been no terrorist conspiracy.
20090204             Aber aber, von solchen Details wollen wir uns doch hier nicht aufhalten lassen!
20090204             Bei uns stand ja auch 1—GESETZESÄNDERUNG an, weil 129a nur bei terroristischen Vereinigungen greift, und dabei sind doch die ganzen Sündenböcke immer wahnsinnige Einzeltäter.
20090204             It marshaled the state's resources to consolidate power and relentlessly promote...
20090204             —DEPICTED, Jews were, as AGENTS—OF—DISEASE and corruption.
20090204—19990000    —IN, 3—SOMALIA—CANADIANS had established HornAfrik.
20090204—20030000    —IN—THE, in THE—INTERNATIONAL—CRIMINAL—TRIBUNAL for RWANDA "Media Trial.
20090204—20080000    —IN, FRENCH—USA telecom equipment group ALCATEL—LUCENT said its net loss widened 48.5—PERCENT to 5.215—BILLION euros (6.5—BILLION dollars), blaming asset WRITE—DOWNS in 1—CRUMBLING world economy.
20090204—20090000    könnte das 1. —JAHR—DER—NACHKRIEGSZEIT werden, in dem der Welthandel nicht mehr wächst:
20090204—20100000    —AB, "Per 'DE—MAIL' sollen in Deutschland Nachrichten und Dokumente rechtssicher, zuverlässig und geschützt vor Spam über das INTERNET versendet werden können", meldete das Innenministerium.
20090204—20100100    —IN, THE—BEIJING police officer who took Gao away said he "went missing" in September, leading to fears for the lawyer's safety.
20090204—20100121    —ON, 1—FOREIGN—MINISTRY—OFFICIAL said Zhisheng has been judged by legal authorities and "is where he should be".
20090204—20100328    —RESURFACED, Zhisheng, in NORTH—CHINA, saying he wants spend time with family and away from media attention.
20090204—20200000    —BIS, Bislang war 1—AUSBAU auf 40—GIGAWATT Atomstrom geplant.
20090204—20200000    —JAHR—BIS zum, sollen 70—GIGAWATT Strom mit Hilfe von Kernreaktoren produziert WERDEN—GENUG, um 70—STÄDTE von der Größe S—FRANCISCOS zu versorgen.
20090216—20090204    —AM, LONDON—BEI der Kollision der britischen "HMS Vanguard" und der französischen "Triomphant" am 3. oder seien die U—BOOTE beschädigt worden, es sei aber keine Strahlung ausgetreten, berichteten die "Times", der "Daily Telegraph" und die "Sun" am —MONTAG übereinstimmend.
20100202—20100204    —ON, police arrested KARL—GEORGE—SANFT, 34—JAHRE—ALT for THE—SLAYING—OF—SECURITY—GUARD—ANGELITO Erasquin (63) and truck driver JIM—WIGHTMAN (56).
20100204             1—USA federal judge declared 1—MISTRIAL in THE—CASE—OF—GERARDO—CASTILLO—CHAVEZ, 1 alleged drug cartel hit man, —AFTER 1—JURY in THE—TEXAS—MEXICO border TOWN—OF—LAREDO acquitted him on 1—GUN—CHARGE and deadlocked on other charges.
20100204             —SENTENCED, DENVER—MIGUEL—ANGEL—CARO—QUINTERO, (46) was, to 17—YEARS in federal prison for racketeering in COLORADO and conspiracy to distribute marijuana in ARIZONA.
20100204             His Sonora cartel was tied to 19850000             —THE torture and KILLING—OF—1—UNDERCOVER—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—ADMINISTRATION—AGENT, Enrique "Kiki" Camarena Salazar.
20100204             —DECENTRALIZED, THE—USA "Tea Party Nation," 1, grassroots movement, began its 1. national convention in NASHVILLE—TENNESSEE.
20100204             The event's grand finale was 1—TIRADE against PRESIDENT—OBAMA by FORMER—ALASKA GOVERNOR—SARAH—PALIN.
20100204             JOSEPH—MCSTAY, 40—JAHRE—ALT, his wife, —SUMMER (43), and their 2—CHILDREN disappeared from their S—DIEGO—COUNTY—HOME.
20100204             Their white, 19960000              Isuzu Trooper was found —4—DAYS—LATER in 1—STRIP mall in S—YSIDRO, about 70—MILES from their home.
20100204             AUSTRALIA said it used 1—ANTI—WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION—LAW to block 3—SHIPMENTS to IRAN but calls for new sanctions against the Islamic state opened up 1—NEW—INTERNATIONAL divide.
20100204             BRITAIN—TREASURY said it will rush through new legislation —AFTER 1—COURT ruled the way it freezes the bank accounts of suspected terrorists was unlawful.
20100204             —RULED, BRITAIN—SUPREME—COURT, last —WEEK that THE—ASSET—FREEZING system was unlawful.
20100204             —SENTENCED, CHINA, 2—COURTS in THE—SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—GUANGDONG, 25—PEOPLE to death for their roles in 9—KIDNAPPING cases.
20100204             CHINA told other world powers that discussing broader sanctions against IRAN was counterproductive, striking 1—BLOW to 1—WESTERN push to rein in TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20100204             1—CHINA—MINISTRY—STATEMENT ordered schools to sever all ties and cooperation with Oxfam saying school administrators must ban all campus volunteer recruitment efforts run by the group's HONG—KONG office.
20100204             It accused THE—HONG—KONG branch of having 1—HIDDEN political agenda.
20100204             —OPERATED, Oxfam has, in mainland CHINA —FOR—20—YEARS and worked in cooperation with the government's poverty alleviation department.
20100204             DUBAI—GOVERNMENT, under pressure to repay BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in debt, said it has discovered 1—NEW offshore oil field, the 1. such find by THE—CITY—STATE in decades.
20100204             —HALTED, THE—IRELAND—CATHOLIC—PARTY—SINN Fein, marathon negotiations to save NORTH—IRELAND—POWER—SHARING government and said it's —NOW up to the Protestant side to accept 1—COMPROMISE deal.
20100204             —ERUPTED, PAKISTAN, protests, across the country —AFTER 1—USA—COURT convicted 1—PAKISTAN—SCIENTIST—OF trying to kill USA servicemen in AFGHANISTAN.
20100204             1—JURY in NEW—YORK found Aafia Siddiqui (37), 1—MOTHER and neuroscientist trained, guilty on all charges.
20100204             1—SOUTH—KOREA—NEWS—REPORT said THE—DIRECTOR—OF—NORTH—KOREA—LEADER—KIM—JONG—IL—SECRET moneymaking "Room 39" bureau has been fired.
20100204             Analysts said the move may be 1—WAY to get —AROUND INTERNATIONAL sanctions.
20100204             —DESCRIBED, Room 39 is, as THE—LYNCHPIN—OF—THE—NORTH—SO—CALLED "court economy" centered on the dynastic Kim family.
20100204             —BELIEVED, The department is, to finance his family and top party officials with business ventures, SOME—LEGITIMATE and SOME—NOT, that include counterfeiting and DRUG—SMUGGLING.
20100204             1—LEADING—RUSSIA—LAWMAKER said RUSSIA and Western powers have moved closer to agreement on the need for new sanctions against IRAN over its nuclear program.
20100204             —PASSED, The measure, THE—SUPREME—DEFENSE—COUNCIL and must be approved by PARLIAMENT.
20100204             —HAILED, RUSSIA, 1—NEW—AGREEMENT with THE—USA intended to boost joint ANTI—DRUG—EFFORTS, but urged THE—USA—AND—NATO to do more to stem 1—FLOW—OF—DRUGS from AFGHANISTAN that has sickened MILLIONS—OF—RUSSIANS.
20100204             —KILLED, SUDAN, 16—PEOPLE were, in clashes between SOUTH—SUDAN troops and cattle herders from THE—NORTH—MESSERIA tribe in THE—SOUTH—UNITY—STATE.
20100204             —SCRAPPED, TURKEY—GOVERNMENT, its controversial security and public order "Emsya") protocol, which allowed the army to take charge in the provinces —WHEN law and order breaks down.
20100204             VENEZUELA—POLICE used tear gas, plastic bullets and water cannons to scatter HUNDREDS—OF—STUDENTS protesting against the government, as PRESIDENT—CHAVEZ—SUPPORTERS celebrated the 18. ANNIVERSARY—OF—HIS failed coup as 1—ARMY—OFFICER.
20100204—19420000    —IN, Oxfam, 1—CONFEDERATION—OF—14—NATIONAL—ORGANIZATIONS that works in about 100—COUNTRIES, was founded in BRITAIN.
20100204—20050000    —IN, Chavez, also known as "Cachetes" or "Cheeks" in Spanish, was accused of being 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—MEXICAN—GULF—CARTEL—HIT squads that killed and kidnapped people in LAREDO and 20060000           .
20100204—20090000    —IN—EARLY, THE—NEW—YORK ATTORNEY—GENERAL'S filed civil charges against BANK—OF—AMERICA and FORMER—CEO—KEN—LEWIS for misleading investors about Merrill Lynch —BEFORE it acquired THE—WALL—STREET—FIRM.
201101250906         More on EGYPT—STATE—TV—COVERAGE from Khaled FAHMY—OF—THE—USA—UNIVERSITY—IN—CAIRO: "There are live broadcasts 24/7—SHOWING only 1—SIDE—OF—THE—STORY, only 1—SIDE," he tells THE—BBC World Service.
20110201             —REPORTED, Syrians were, organizing campaigns on Facebook and Twitter calling for a "—DAY—OF—RAGE" in DAMASCUS on 20110204—20110205    , taking inspiration from EGYPT and TUNISIA in using social networking sites to rally their followers for sweeping political reforms.
20110202—20110204    —REPORTED, ALGERIA—OFFICIAL—NEWS—AGENCY, the kidnapping.
20110204             —EXCHANGED, Cambodian and THAILAND—SOLDIERS, heavy fire on THE—2—COUNTRIES' shared border near the 10010101—11001231     Preah Vihear temple killing 1—SOLDIER and 1—CIVILIAN, as tensions between the neighbors boiled over.
20110204             —LAUNCHED, European leaders, 1—TRILLION—EURO—BID to slash dependency on MIDDLE—EAST—OIL and RUSSIA—GAS, clearing the way to place nuclear power at the center of 20010101—21001231     needs.
20110204             —AGREED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA and CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER, to 1—NEW—APPROACH to USA and CANADA—SECURITY that they said would help boost trade by reducing logjams at the border.
20110204             USA federal authorities said they are charging 23—PEOPLE with moving drugs and illicit money through the Caribbean on behalf of 1—MAJOR—COLOMBIA—DRUG—CARTEL.
20110204             THE—USA—TRANSPORTATION—SECURITY—ADMINISTRATION gave more than 40,000 airport screeners the right to vote on limited collective bargaining.
20110204             THE—USA—X—47B jet, which looks like 1—SMALLER—VERSION—OF—THE B—2—STEALTH bomber, stayed in the air —FOR—29—MINUTES and climbed to 5,000 feet in 1—TEST—FLIGHT at Edwards AIR—FORCE—BASE—CALIFORNIA.
20110204             —DESIGNED, The robotic, BAT—WINGED bomber was, to take off from 1—AIRCRAFT—CARRIER.
20110204             —REPORTED, It was, that BANK—OF—AMERICA has agreed to pay $410—MILLION to settle 1—SUIT on overdraft charges.
20110204             —PLEADED, CALIFORNIA, 1—STOCKTON real estate executive, guilty to conspiring to rig bids and commit mail fraud.
20110204             —BECAME, RICHARD—W—NORTHCUTT, 56—JAHRE—ALT, the 4. person to plead guilty in 1—FEDERAL—INVESTIGATION—OF—ANTI—COMPETITIVE—PRACTICES in real estate foreclosure auctions across NORTH—CALIFORNIA.
20110204             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, that USA and EGYPT—OFFICIALS were discussing 1—PLAN for Mubarak to turn power over —NOW to 1—TRANSITIONAL government headed by VICE—PRESIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN.
20110204             USA Sens.
20110204             —SLAMMED, McCain and Lieberman, the Belarusian regime, labeling PRESIDENT—ALEXANDER—LUKASHENKO 1—RUTHLESS tyrant and called on WASHINGTON to take the lead on imposing sanctions on the country.
20110204             —CRITICIZED, THE—USA—AND—THE—UN sharply, 1—VOTE by SOMALIA—PARLIAMENTARIANS to extend their term by 3—YEARS.
20110204             —VOTED, The 500-member body, on the extension despite failing to pass ANY—LAWS in the past 6—YEARS.
20110204             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB struck outside THE—HOUSE—OF—KANDAHAR city police CHIEF—KHAN—MOHAMMAD—MUJAHID, wounding at least 2—PEOPLE.
20110204             It was the 2. attack on him this —WEEK.
20110204             —KILLED, ALGERIA—FORCES, Kamel Bourihane (aka Abou Hafs), 1—SENIOR—ISLAMIC—MILITANT.
20110204             —FREED, Police in BRAZIL said they had, a 45—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN who had been locked in 1—HOUSE—FOR—20—YEARS with no communication with the outside world.
20110204             —LOCKED, PARANA state police said the woman was, in the home by her partner, 1—MAN, 60—JAHRE—ALT, in THE—CITY—OF—MARILUZ.
20110204             —FREED, CUBA, GUIDO—SIGLER, 1—PROMINENT—POLITICAL—PRISONER, and THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH said another, ANGEL—MOYA, would be released soon and allowed to stay in the country.
20110204             EGYPT, protesters demanding PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—OUSTER packed CAIRO—CENTRAL—SQUARE by the tens of thousands, waving flags, singing the national anthem and cheering, appearing undaunted and determined —AFTER their camp withstood 2—DAYS—OF—STREET—BATTLES with regime supporters trying to dislodge them.
20110204             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE have been, in the fighting and more than 800 injured., Finance MINISTER—SAMIR—RADWAN said EGYPT has created a 5—BILLION EGYPT—POUND ($854—MILLION) fund to compensate people for property damaged —DURING the political protests that have rocked the country.
20110204             † 1—EGYPT—REPORTER who was shot —DURING clashes 1—WEEK ago, of his wounds.
20110204             —AMBUSHED, HONDURAS, gunmen, the director of the nation's main prison and shot up the car he was driving, wounding the official in the head and also hitting 1—PRISON—EMPLOYEE who was 1—PASSENGER.
20110204             —CALLED, IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI, for 1—ISLAMIC—REGIME to be installed in EGYPT, saying the wave of Arab revolts is an "earthquake" triggered by 19790000             —THE—IRAN—REVOLUTION.
20110204             IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI said that he'll return HALF—OF—HIS—ANNUAL—SALARY to the government's treasury in 1—SYMBOLIC—EFFORT to narrow the gaps between the nation's rich and poor.
20110204             —SEIZED, Iraqis, on EGYPT—UNREST to protest what they call corruption in their own security forces, rampant unemployment and scant electricity and water supply.
20110204             —REFUSED, ITALY—PRESIDENT—GIORGIO—NAPOLITANO, to sign 1—KEY—GOVERNMENT—DECREE to increase the taxation powers of local authorities, dealing 1—BLOW to embattled PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI.
20110204             —CALLED, KAZAKHSTAN PRESIDENT—NAZARBAYEV, early presidential elections for 20110403             , 1 accelerated timetable that gives the country's weak opposition forces little time to prepare.
20110204             —ELECTED, MYANMAR—NEWLY, PARLIAMENT named Thein Sein (65), 1—KEY—FIGURE in THE—LONG—RULING military junta, as PRESIDENT, ensuring that the 1. CIVIL—GOVERNMENT in decades will be dominated by the army that has brutally suppressed dissent.
20110204             —STRUGGLED, NEW—ZEALAND, rescuers, to save SCORES—OF—PILOT whales —AFTER 80 beached themselves.
20110204             14 † and others were not expected to last the night.
20110204             66—SURVIVORS—OF—THE—POD freed themselves and swam back to sea —DURING 1—LATE—NIGHT—HIGH tide.
20110204             PAKISTAN—RULING party said it plans trim the bloated 50—PLUS—MEMBER—CABINET to help cut spending at 1—TIME—OF—SEVERE—FINANCIAL—CRISIS.
20110204             —INSPECTED, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—ANATOLY—SERDYUKOV, military facilities on the disputed SOUTH—KURIL islands also claimed by JAPAN, prompting 1—SHARP—PROTEST from TOKYO.
20110204             RWANDA, journalists AGNES—NKUSI—UWIMANA and Saidaiti Mukakibibi, were sentenced to 17 and 7—YEARS respectively for publicly criticizing the government in published articles.
20110204             —REDUCED, Her total sentence was, to 4—YEARS from 17. THE—COURT—UPHELD—MUKABIBIBI—CONVICTION for inciting civil disobedience but reduced her sentence from 7—YEARS to 3—YEARS.
20110204             —ARMED, SRI—LANKA, 1—MOB, with clubs attacked opposition protesters who were marching toward 1—PRISON in COLOMBO to demand the release of former army COMMANDER—SARATH—FONSEKA, the defeated presidential candidate from jail.
20110204             SUDAN, 2—DAYS—OF—FIGHTING in Malakal, 1—FLASHPOINT town near THE—NORTH—SOUTH—BORDER, has killed 9—PEOPLE, including 1—UN—STAFF—MEMBER.
20110204             Rest well and fight well tomorrow.
20110204             So much respect for you all. xx"
20110204             tweets: "By 1—VOICE—VOTE, the Senate approved THE—MCCAIN—KERRY resolution calling on Mubarak to give way to 1—INTERIM—CARETAKER—GOVERNMENT in EGYPT".
20110204             "THE—UN has 1—RANGE—OF—HUMANITARIAN and cultural agencies based in EGYPT.
20110204             There've been no attacks on them, but HUNDREDS—OF—NON essential staff members and their families have been flown to CYPRUS.
20110204             UN spokesmen said the security situation in CAIRO was deemed volatile and unstable;
20110204             they also said technical PROBLEMS—SUCH as the government blocking THE—INTERNET—HAD made it difficult to work.
20110204             tweets: "I —JUST want 1—EGYPT like Tahrir square:
20110204             organized, clean, everyone helping, loving EACH—OTHER and expressing opinion freely".
20110204             which is PART—OF—THE—REASON they are WARY—OF—THE—MEDIA.
20110204             If Egyptians had not seen TUNISIA on TV,
20110204             the events in CAIRO wouldn't be happening.
20110204             —QUOTED, Foreign MINISTER—MURRAY—MCCULLY, in THE—NZ Herald
20110204             as saying: "NEW—ZEALAND taxpayers might object to sending 1—CHARTER flight over there for 12—PEOPLE".
20110204             —HELPED, He has, us with ISRAEL and to stymie AL—QAEDA.
20110204             We should be APPRECIATIVE—OF—THAT.
20110204             —ADDED, He —LATER, that the message from the events in CAIRO is that "oppressive and repressive regimes cannot last for ever".
20110204             —ARRANGED, If Mubarak, for his VICE—PRESIDENT to take charge and at the same time to include THE—PRO—DEMOCRACY—FORCES—BUT not the Muslim BROTHERHOOD—IN 1—COALITION—GOVERNMENT that would arrange free and fair elections,
20110204             I think it is very likely there would be calm in EGYPT.
20110204             THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT has said that peaceful marches should not be interfered with, but how do you define peaceful?
20110204             tweets: "Tahrir sq is ours, sleep safe 2nite,
20110204             prepare urself 4 1—LAST fite and our beloved EGYPT will be truly free".
20110204             "He is —NOW portraying himself as 1—LONELY—MAN—AN unfortunate dictator forced to stay in power to guarantee stability.
20110204             Very few Egyptians buy this portrayal at face value.
20110204             But it is 1—FASCINATING insight into what is going on in THE—PRESIDENT—MIND as he surveys the chaos in Tahrir Square in THE—HEART—OF—THE—CAPITAL".
20110204             Ileana ROS—LEHTINEN, says she will call 2—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—OFFICIALS to answer questions about THE—WHITE—HOUSE—RESPONSE to events in EGYPT.
20110204             —ADVOCATED, She has previously, severing aid to nations that do not support USA—POLICIES and ideals.
20110204             "The tone from the administration in general seemed to be hardening —ON—THURSDAY.
20110204             —TRACED, STATE—DEPARTMENT—SPOKESMAN—PJ—CROWLEY said attacks on protesters were, to elements in the government,
20110204             but it was unclear how far up the chain it went.
20110204             SECRETARY—CLINTON came out with 1—STRONG—STATEMENT condemning the violence against journalists,
20110204             foreigners and human rights activists.
20110204             WASHINGTON, —JUST like in CAIRO, they're bracing for tomorrow's demonstrations with SOME—CONCERN.
20110204             tweets: "It is good that ppl are alert and taking CARE—OF—THE—SQUARE, but everybody please calm down.
20110204             Tahrir is currently calm".
20110204             saying: "He is —NOW at 1—HOSPITAL in CAIRO and is being operated on for knife injuries".
20110204             NBC—BRIAN—WILLIAMS and CBS—KATIE—COURIC,
20110204             have left EGYPT amid 1—CRACKDOWN on the media covering the protests.
20110204             They have been anchoring their nightly broadcasts from CAIRO for several days.
20110204             Professor Mamdou Hamza tells BBC World Service how he went to the centre to help his colleagues and witnessed them being arrested:
20110204             "We could not see their faces because they were covered.
20110204             The police said they were from IRAN or Hamas.
20110204             —ARRESTED, But the people there say they are, for being ANTI—MUBARAK".
20110204             looking at the pros and cons of sending your news anchors into hostile territory.
20110204             repeating THE—MANTRA—OF—MANY—FOREIGN—POLITICIANS in recent days by urging that "credible inclusive negotiations begin —IMMEDIATELY in order for EGYPT to transition to 1—DEMOCRATIC—GOVERNMENT that addresses THE—ASPIRATIONS—OF—THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE".
20110204             tweets: "I've —JUST walked —AROUND Tahrir.
20110204             —SLAUGHTERED, No trucks shipping thugs, no people getting,
20110204             and the few thugs on the bridge are bored".
20110204             tweets: "I know u ppl will think I am exaggerating but Tahrir square is the safest place in CAIRO right —NOW!
20110204             And it is cozy.
20110204             2259: Conflicting accounts emerging of current situation in Tahrir Square,
20110204             with SOME—WITNESSES saying everything is calm,
20110204             and others saying 1—ATTACK from Mubarak supporters or police is imminent.
20110204             "We were not allowed to report on what was happening in Tahrir Square.
20110204             I spent the whole —DAY—YESTERDAY at Nile TV and we were —JUST covering THE—PRO—MUBARAK rallies,
20110204             which I thought was ridiculous.
20110204             I don't want to be PART—OF—THEIR—PROPAGANDA—MACHINE.
20110204             You know, —WHEN the system doesn't suit you —JUST walk out".
20110204             tweets: "1—COLUMN—OF at least 6—TROOP—CARRIER—TRUCKS loaded with personnel are lined up facing the protester barricades in Tahrir Square.
20110204             Can't tell whether the passengers in these military vehicles are soldiers or police but all seem to be wearing helmets".
20110204             tweets: "Tahrir news: eyewitness: SOME—ARMY—TANKS are slowly leaving SOME—ENTRANCES—OF—TAHRIR square".
20110204             of his experiences at the hands of THE—PRO—MUBARAK mob —AFTER being mistaken for 1—IRANIAN:
20110204             "I was being dragged through the street like 1 deformed farm animal,
20110204             and the people —AROUND me were yelling 'Iranian!
20110204             Iranian!' —WHILE I cried out in my best English in protest.
20110204             and calls for their immediate release.
20110204             tweets: "Intense contacts on situation for SWEDEN—JOURNALISTS—CAIRO.
20110204             1—SERIOUSLY injured and under treatment at hospital.
20110204             Embassy working hard".
20110204             driven —AROUND CAIRO for hours and eventually dumped at 1—POLICE—STATION.
20110204             He says it was because he was trying to give aid to the protesters.
20110204             "The interview puts at least 1—OF—THE—RUMOURS sweeping CAIRO over the past —WEEK to rest:
20110204             PRESIDENT—MUBARAK—SON, Gamal, has not left the country but remains in the presidential palace with his father.
20110204             But —SINCE it's —NOW clear that Gamal,
20110204             like his father, does not intend to run for office in ;;09;;,
20110204             this is —NOW less relevant than it once was.
20110204             —GAINED, Of more importance is the insight, into the defiant mood of EGYPT's embattled leader.
20110204             —ASKED, He insists that PRESIDENT—OBAMA has not, him to leave office —IMMEDIATELY and he expresses 1—DEGREE—OF remorse about the violence raging on THE—STREETS—OF—CAIRO.
20110204             tweets: "2—AL—JAZEERA journos went missing for 6—HRS —TODAY—NOW been found although beaten up.
20110204             Jazeera won't stop reporting story but RE—ASSESSING safety for us".
20110204             tells THE—BBC he has seen local human rights activists being beaten up and driven off in 1—POLICE—VAN.
20110204             civil society and political factions to begin —IMMEDIATELY serious negotiations on 1—PEACEFUL and orderly transition".
20110204             USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—HILLARY—CLINTON condemns attacks on journalists and says a "free election" in EGYPT "is essential".
20110204             quoting CIA official STEPHANIE—O'SULLIVAN as saying:
20110204             "We have WARNED—OF—INSTABILITY. We didn't know what the triggering mechanism would be for that".
20110204             telling THE—BBC: "We protested against the ruling system and PRESIDENT—MUBARAK.
20110204             —CHANGED, However EGYPT has —NOW, and we need to give Mubarak 1—CHANCE to make things right".
20110204             "Hosni Mubarak may have hoped that unleashing his loyalists would help end the uprising and make Egyptians long for calm.
20110204             But the violence risks alienating him further from Western leaders who've backed him for so long".
20110204             tweets: "STATE—DEPT says gravely concerned about efforts to disrupt, interfere with media activity in EGYPT.
20110204             Hillary Clinton to issue statement".
20110204             tweets: "Hmmm activists disappearing and journalists are being beaten up, keep 1—EYE on me, I might be next".
20110204             he told the channel he would stay on —UNTIL ;;09;;
20110204             because he feared chaos if he stood down —NOW,
20110204             and added: "I was very unhappy about —YESTERDAY.
20110204             I do not want to see Egyptians fighting EACH—OTHER".
20110204             tweets: "Entrance to the square manned by LEGIONS—OF—GUYS in crash helmets. Feels dangerous as soon as you're out".
20110204             has —JUST interviewed PRESIDENT—MUBARAK,
20110204             and she tweets: "I asked Mubarak if he was ready to leave office.
20110204             He said: I am fed up.
20110204             —AFTER 62—YRS in public service I have had enough. I want to go".
20110204             that CBS CHIEF foreign correspondent Lara Logan has been arrested.
20110204             tweets: "Mass HARASSMENT—OF—JOURNALISTS in EGYPT —TODAY and —YESTERDAY must not go unnoticed.
20110204             This is what the current EGYPT regime represents".
20110204             who is Egyptian, says the situation cannot return to how it was —BEFORE the protests:
20110204             "The people are frustrated, the people are angry,
20110204             so if nothing happens the anger will continue and there will be 1—LOT—OF—DAMAGE—LATER on".
20110204             Reporters Without Borders warns of an "ALL—OUT WITCH—HUNT"
20110204             tweets: "EVERY—TIME I think things couldn't get worse here... I'm praying this is the dark —BEFORE the dawn".
20110204             adding: "The whole PROSPECT—OF—DEMOCRATISATION in this country is under threat".
20110204             "There are MANY—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE still in the square, chanting slogans.
20110204             It looks relatively peaceful,
20110204             but further away to the north there is still 1—TENSE—SITUATION going 1.
20110204             CROWDS—OF—PROTESTERS are pressing forward.
20110204             —PUSHED, They have, Mubarak supporters off 2—OVERPASSES.
20110204             They are only about 50m apart and there are only 1—SMALL—NUMBER—OF—SOLDIERS keeping them apart.
20110204             —STABILISED, But the situation has, in THE—REST—OF—THE—SQUARE because the protesters have managed to assemble SOME—PRETTY menacing barricades".
20110204             describing the attack and ARREST—OF—1—GROUP—OF—EGYPTIANS who work with them.
20110204             tweets: "EGYPT STATE—TV—ANCHOR—SHAHIRA—AMIN said she took ''SPUR—OF—MOMENT' decision to resign. Went to Tahrir Square instead".
20110204             says foreigners have had to go into hiding:
20110204             "Anyone who is 1—JOURNALIST has been attacked,
20110204             and if you're 1—FOREIGNER the same problem is happening.
20110204             I have —NOW had to move into hiding, keeping away from windows,
20110204             keeping away from any of the action and reducing my visibility online".
20110204             tweets: "People demanding mubarak step down and yet suleiman says THE—PRESIDENT has met the people's demands. Gov still not listening".
20110204             and warns: "The world will be watching closely how THE—EGYPT—AUTHORITIES respond.
20110204             —DAMAGED, Their reputation will be severely, if we see violence at the levels we have seen —RECENTLY".
20110204             sent in by readers caught up in the turmoil in EGYPT.
20110204             tells THE—BBC World Service: "In THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—SQUARE I can see TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in 1—CELEBRATORY mood.
20110204             Families congregating and lots of young people.
20110204             There isn't much shouting —NOW;
20110204             everyone is sitting —AROUND having 1—CHAT and drinking tea.
20110204             But further down towards THE—EGYPT—MUSEUM,
20110204             there is still SOME—EVIDENCE—OF—1—BATTLE".
20110204             tweets: "Walked back to hotel from bureau. No cabs. 40—MINS.
20110204             Dark balmy —EVENING—CHATTING to Egyptians at ROADBLOCKS—TENSE but friendly".
20110204             Blogger Jenni "Missye" White is on holiday there,
20110204             and tells THE—BBC: "The main thing that is affecting people here is the fact the banks are closed and they worry they are going to run OUT—OF—MONEY.
20110204             —CONCERNED, They are also, about SHORTAGE—OF—FUEL and food.
20110204             —INCREASED, The supermarkets have, their prices 1—GREAT—DEAL".
20110204             tweets: "Pro Mubarak supporters seem very few in number.
20110204             —CHASED, Watching small group being, by anti Mubarak protestors".
20110204             he says the country has lost "at least $1bn" in tourism revenue and 1—MILLION—TOURISTS have left —DURING the turmoil.
20110204             "Intervention in our internal affairs is strange, unacceptable and we will not allow it".
20110204             adding: "Dealing with this crisis by repression and intimidation is not working.
20110204             —HAPPENED, What, —YESTERDAY made 1—LOT—OF—PEOPLE sympathise with the protesters".
20110204             and 1—DOCTOR at the square told the agency:
20110204             "An —HOUR 1—1—HALF ago, 2—PEOPLE were rushed to me with gunshot wounds to the head. They were gasping and †".
20110204             in CAIRO describing how the carnival atmosphere in Tahrir Square is long gone.
20110204             "The power struggle at THE—TOP—OF—THE—EGYPT—ESTABLISHMENT is no longer 1—SECRET.
20110204             The legal measures against some of the most powerful people in the political hierarchy are the confirmation of 1—DEEP split within the ruling elite.
20110204             It began over how to respond to THE—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS demanding that PRESIDENT—MUBARAK should go.
20110204             —BECAME, And it worsened as the protesters, more assertive,
20110204             insisting that THE—PRESIDENT—STEP down —IMMEDIATELY.
20110204             —AFTER his announcement that he wont seek RE—ELECTION this —AUTUMN,
20110204             the split became 1—STRUGGLE for survival.
20110204             and intelligence agents have confiscated their equipment.
20110204             tells THE—BBC: "I'm staying near Tahrir Square —NOW,
20110204             but I have not entered —TODAY as I have been warned that I could be attacked and my medical equipment confiscated by PRO—MUBARAK supporters".
20110204             The brotherhood is the biggest opposition group,
20110204             but was outlawed by MISTER—MUBARAK—GOVERNMENT.
20110204             "Human Rights Watch tell me 'EGYPT—STATE—REPRESSION and abuse are coming OUT—OF—THE—TORTURE chambers and on to the street.'"
20110204             tweets: "Not as much chanting, festivity as there used to be in Tahrir.
20110204             1—HELICOPTER keeps passing flying low overhead.
20110204             chanting ANTI—MUBARAK slogans.
20110204             Hamas is seen as 1—ALLY—OF—EGYPT—OPPOSITION—MUSLIM Brotherhood.
20110204             tweets: "EGYPT—SECURITY seize BBC equipment at CAIRO Hilton in attempt to stop us broadcasting".
20110204             tweets: "Govt is trying to round up journalists.
20110204             I worry about what it is they're planning that they don't want us to see".
20110204             Tanks are being used as barricades but security forces seem to have pulled to 1—SIDE, he says.
20110204             He says THE—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS are pushing FORWARD—LOBBING stones and rock.
20110204             —MOVED, They've, out well beyond THE—PERIMETER—OF—THE—SQUARE.
20110204             Says it's 1—SCENE—OF—COMPLETE—ANARCHY.
20110204             The army had been holding 1—LINE between THE—2—EARLIER in the —DAY,
20110204             but ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS then went on the offensive,
20110204             pushing them OUT—OF—SOME—OF—THE—STREETS—NEAR—CAIRO—TAHRIR—SQUARE.
20110204             tweets: "Like millions - I am glued to Twitter, #AJE.
20110204             I can't pull away to finish writing 2—ARTICLES - #EGYPT has captivated the world #jan25 #CAIRO.
20110204             1—PROTESTOR killed in Abdel Monem Riyad Square in CENTRAL—CAIRO,
20110204             —INJURED, MANY—MORE, among them 3 in critical condition.
20110204             I haven't eaten and I haven't worked.
20110204             I've been standing guard at my street.
20110204             My only request is to give 1—MONTH—OF—PEACE and check the feedback from the government.
20110204             If you still feel that you need to protest,
20110204             go back to Tahrir, they will not remove the square".
20110204             "IRAN watches closely the developments that are stemming from 1—WAVE—OF—ISLAMIC—RENAISSANCE in THE—MIDDLE—EAST region".
20110204             Heavy gunfire heard in Abdel Monem Riyad Square in downtown CAIRO.
20110204             Reuters reports.
20110204             tweets: "Huge PLUMES—OF—SMOKE coming from up the river past national archives.
20110204             Hard to tell but could be Arcadia mall".
20110204             "DOZENS—OF—UNIVERSITY—STUDENTS have demonstrated outside THE—EGYPT—CONSULATE in GAZA in support of THE—EGYPT—PROTESTORS.They chanted ANTI—MUBARAK slogans,
20110204             and called on THE—EGYPT—PROTESTORS not to give up —UNTIL he leaves.
20110204             and in which leaders have been rushing to shore up their positions by making CONCESSIONS—LOWERING prices or promising greater freedoms.
20110204             too.
20110204             PRESIDENT—ABDELAZIZ—BOUTEFLIKA says THE—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY that's been in place will be lifted "in the very near future".
20110204             though THE—PROBABILITY—OF—THAT happening seemed to shrink rapidly with the recent unrest.
20110204             but we should take 1—MOMENT to pick out 1—KEY 1:
20110204             the 1. official statement that Hosni MUBARAK—SON—GAMAL won't run for the presidency.
20110204             tweets: "SANDMONKEY—BEEN released, he's on his way home.
20110204             —DESTROYED, His car has been, and he and friends were beaten.
20110204             #EGYPT#jan25" - including 9 in critical condition, in the Tahrir Square clashes.
20110204             14580000             :
20110204             As for "other" articles, he may be referring to Article 88 which tasks 1 appointed electoral committee with overseeing elections.
20110204             Critics say that should be amended to include full judicial oversight.
20110204             as reported by STATE—TV: He says articles 76 and 77—OF—THE—EGYPT—CONSTITUTION will be amended,
20110204             and other articles are open to amendment as well.
20110204             Article 76—SPECIFIES who can or can't run for PRESIDENT, and article 77—SAYS THE—PRESIDENT c
20110204             an be RE—ELECTED, without specifying 1—TERM—LIMIT.
20110204             tweets: "ANTI—GOVERMENT—PROTESTERS have advanced so far that we are —NOW the front lines between THE—2—SIDES,
20110204             army firing shots in the air".
20110204             Nile TV.
20110204             She told THE—BBC World Service that she had to leave her job because she no longer felt able to report the state view —WHEN what she saw on the street was so different:
20110204             "We were basically showing THE—PRO—MUBARAK rallies all —DAY long,
20110204             as if that was the only thing that was happening.
20110204             I couldn't show what was happening here in Tahrir.
20110204             I couldn't even report the figures as they were.
20110204             So no thank you. I feel liberated.
20110204             FORMER—MEMBER—OF—THE—NATIONAL—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY and billionaire businessman.
20110204             Bank accounts have also been frozen.
20110204             here are the main points from THE—PRIME—MINISTER—PRESS—CONFERENCE:
20110204             he apologised for —YESTERDAY—CLASHES and promised 1—INVESTIGATION;
20110204             called on protesters to respect PRESIDENT—MUBARAK,
20110204             reminded them that MISTER—MUBARAK is —JUST months away from THE—END—OF—HIS—TERM,
20110204             —WHILE appearing to hint that THE—PRESIDENT might transfer SOME—OF—HIS—POWERS even then;
20110204             said no 1 would be excluded from dialogue (in response to 1—QUESTION about the banned Muslim Brotherhood).
20110204             THE—PRIME—MINISTER also said he was in contact by phone with some of the protestors in Tahrir Square.
20110204             tweets: "Kudos to the man at the pharmacy.
20110204             Gave us extra free stuff to deliver #jan25". - "I went early in the —MORNING.
20110204             —CHECKED, They, my ID and let me get inside.
20110204             I passed on the medication and went home again to collect more money and buy more things.
20110204             I bought more gloves, as they needed gloves, food and water.
20110204             I parked the car near the bridge, which is opposite the main entrance.
20110204             At this moment, government thugs were organising themselves in front of the main entrance.
20110204             They were holding sticks and started looking at my bag.
20110204             Luckily there was 1—ARMY—OFFICER—CLOSE to me, so they didn't touch me.
20110204             I went inside and I managed to take footage and pictures.
20110204             —WHEN I got out, they started to walk towards me.
20110204             I thought they'd want my camera, so I ran towards my car and fled.
20110204             At the National Prayer Breakfast in WASHINGTON,
20110204             "We're also MINDFUL—OF—VIOLENCE that we're —NOW seeing in THE—MIDDLE—EAST and we pray that the violence in EGYPT will end and that the rights and ASPIRATIONS—OF—THE—EGYPT—PEOPLE will be realised,
20110204             and that 1—BETTER—DAY will dawn over EGYPT and —THROUGHOUT the world," he said.
20110204             former housing MINISTER—AHMED—EL—MAGHRABI and former tourism MINISTER—ZUHAIR—GARANA.
20110204             journalists and rights activists in EGYPT.
20110204             "THE—LACK—OF—POLICE on the ground responding to the violence is 1—BLATANT SIGN—OF—THE—COMPLICITY—OF—THE—EGYPT—GOVERNMENT in the violence,
20110204             or at best the total ABDICATION—OF—RESPONSIBILITY for law and order at 1—MOMENT—OF—NATIONAL—CRISIS," SECRETARY—GENERAL—SALIL Shetty says in 1—STATEMENT.
20110204             —ON THE—EVACUATION—OF—UK—CITIZENS from EGYPT:
20110204             "About 6—FOREIGN—OFFICE organised buses have delivered —AROUND 200—UK—CITIZENS for 1—SPECIAL—EVACUATION—FLIGHT back to LONDON.
20110204             There were 1—MIX—OF—1—FEW holiday makers,
20110204             SOME—BRITISH—EGYPTIANS who were resident in CAIRO or visiting families and SOME—EXPATS who were working or studying in EGYPT.
20110204             "PREMISES—OF—SATELLITE—CHANNELS, including AL—ALAM TV channel office,
20110204             evacuated in CAIRO —FOLLOWING 1—THREAT to set in on fire".
20110204             largely because it would be so hard for PRO—MUBARAK groups to launch ANY—ATTACK—AROUND Tahrir Sqaure.
20110204             courtesy of AFP: He says THE—EX—MINISTER—OF—THE—INTERIOR will be subject to 1—INVESTIGATION;
20110204             the government doesn't have enough police to guarantee security across the country;
20110204             and the protesters won't achieve anything by staying in Tahrir Square.
20110204             denies that MISTER—SHAFIQ—APOLOGY was 1—ADMISSION—OF—ANY—GOVERNMENT—ROLE in encouraging the violence.
20110204             He told THE—BBC—WORLD at 1—PROGRAMME that it would be 1—MISTAKE if MISTER—MUBARAK stood down sooner than he has already promised to:
20110204             "For EGYPT, this is going to be 1—VERY—BIG—MISTAKE.
20110204             We do not accept that our PRESIDENT would jump the ship because the overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—EGYPTIANS are against it.
20110204             You cannot permit the minority to run the scene for the majority".
20110204             tweets: "They've developed 1—PULLEY system to get stones to those on bridge,
20110204             —WHILE SOME—JUST hit metal against metal like 1—WAR—DRUM".
20110204             tweets: AHMAD—SHAFIQ = good cop, Mubarak = bad cop.
20110204             Old routine. Don't fall for it, ppl! #jan25 #Tahrir.
20110204             "2—OF—MY friends have been ARRESTED—1 is the blogger Sandmonkey.
20110204             They were trying to get food and medical supplies.
20110204             These thugs [supporters of Mubarak] are arresting people and delivering them to the secret police.
20110204             I was at the protest last night and I got injured —AFTER 1—STONE was thrown at my head.
20110204             I'm going to go back —TODAY and get food and medical supplies, if I don't get arrested".
20110204             —SUSPENDED, SANDMONKEY—BLOG appears to have been.
20110204             tweets: "There is 1 concerted campaign to intimidate INTERNATIONAL journalists in #CAIRO and interfere with their reporting.
20110204             We condemn such actions".
20110204             - confirming the —EARLIER Reuters report
20110204             tweets: Gang of thugs stormed the VideoCairo/Reuters building,started smashing windows+doors,army came up to help.we managed to escape #EGYPT #jan25
20110204             prompting cheers from ANTI—MUBARAK demonstrators, reports Reuters.
20110204             reports Reuters. 13220000             :
20110204             THE—PM pledges that the violence "will not be forgotten... [he will] carry out 1—FULL—INQUIRY into THE—LACK—OF—SECURITY on the ground".
20110204             PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—SHAFIQ apologises for the clashes in CAIRO,
20110204             saying the "situation got OUT—OF—CONTROL".
20110204             The situation "hurt Egyptians' hearts", he says. 13150000             :
20110204             AFP reports that EGYPT—PRO—DEMOCRACY—YOUTH—GROUPS—ON—THURSDAY rejected 1—OFFER by PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—SHAFIQ to hold talks,
20110204             saying they would not begin 1—DIALOGUE with the regime —UNTIL PRESIDENT—MUBARAK resigned.
20110204             1—EGYPT—MILITARY and intelligence expert,
20110204             told THE—BBC World Service he believes the army will play 1—MORE—ACTIVE—ROLE in the coming days:
20110204             "The army will put more infantry on the streets to make sure that there will be no mixing between the pro and anti Mubarak groups.
20110204             I believe they will also enforce the curfew positively in the streets.
20110204             1—YOUNG—EGYPT—PROFESSIONAL told THE—BBC World Service that he has concerns for his country's future but that he is hopeful about the protest:
20110204             "I do have concerns but the people who are protesting in Tahrir Square,
20110204             they have the potential to rebuild this country.
20110204             They are very powerful, they are very enthusiastic and they are the future of this country.
20110204             I am very sorry for those old minds because they are not having this space ANY—MORE;
20110204             we are THE—FUTURE—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20110204             We will rebuild this country".
20110204             tweets: "THE—ARMY is still watching and doing nothing.
20110204             we have the feeling the army is choosing the regime over the people #EGYPT #jan25"
20110204             tweets: "2—TANKS that are situated between protestors NORTH—OF—THE—SQUARE are pointing their turrets towards the Pro Mubarak protestors"
20110204             "Under the emergency powers PROVISIONS—OF—THE—TELECOMS—ACT,
20110204             THE—EGYPT—AUTHORITIES can instruct the mobile networks of Mobinil,
20110204             Etisalat and Vodafone to send messages to the people of EGYPT.
20110204             They have used this —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—PROTESTS.
20110204             —SCRIPTED, These messages are not, by any of the mobile network operators and we do not have the ability to respond to the authorities on their content.
20110204             —PROTESTED, Vodafone Group has, to the authorities that the current situation regarding these messages is unacceptable.
20110204             We have made clear that all messages should be transparent and clearly attributable to the originator".
20110204             tweets: "Last we heard from ppl in Hisham mubarak law center is army police was there —NOW all their mobiles are switched off #Jan25" 12520000             :
20110204             AFP quotes the official EGYPT—MENA news agency as saying that PRIME—MINISTER—AHMED—SHAFIQ has declared he is ready to go to Tahrir Square to talk to protesters.
20110204             "I am standing beneath the underpass —JUST outside Tahrir Square where THE—ANTI—MUBARAK protesters have pushed back THE—PRO—MUBARAK people.
20110204             —SEPARATED, THE—2—SIDES are —NOW—JUST, by 1—SMALL—PATCH—OF—GRASS.
20110204             Both are breaking rocks and throwing them at EACH—OTHER.
20110204             There have been bursts of automatic gun fire.
20110204             The anti forces seem for —NOW to have the momentum.
20110204             who tweets: "Reports that an #alarabiya crew is under attack next to STATE—TV building.
20110204             AL—ARABIYA is appealing on air for help from military #EGYPT" 12390000             :
20110204             THE—BBC—PAUL—DANAHAR in Tahrir Square says:
20110204             "There is 1—MASSIVE EXCHANGE—OF—STONE—THROWING going on in front of me.
20110204             Rocks are landing —JUST 1—FEW yards away from me.
20110204             1—MAN has —JUST been led past with blood running from his head.
20110204             The crowd are chanting and banging drums.
20110204             THE—BBC—JOHN—SIMPSON in Tahrir Square points out:
20110204             "—YESTERDAY tanks were pointing their guns inwards towards ANTI—MUBARAK PROTESTERS—NOW they have turned the guns away towards THE—PRO—MUBARAK camp.
20110204             I suspect that may be significant".
20110204             "It's getting increasingly difficult to work as 1—FOREIGN—JOURNALIST here in ALEXANDRIA—THERE—ANGER and tension from all sides,
20110204             not —JUST with the political crisis but also because of the worsening economic situation here.
20110204             —ATTACKED, Twice in the last COUPLE—OF—DAYS we have been, and driven off by angry locals —WHILE trying to film in THE—STREETS—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20110204             saying they are being "temporarily relocated due to the security situation", reports AP.
20110204             tweets: "I hear military police —JUST invaded Hisham Mubarak Law Center,
20110204             we can't reach anyone inside (my dad is there) #Jan25.
20110204             —REPEATED, THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON has, his call for restraint in EGYPT,
20110204             saying he is concerned about the growing violence, reports Reuters.
20110204             AFP quotes POLAND—TELEVISION—TVP as saying.
20110204             2—OTHER—TVP journalists who were detained and then released said police "took all our documents,
20110204             all our equipment and then destroyed our camera",
20110204             —BEFORE handing them over to the army who released them.
20110204             "possibly for their own protection",
20110204             —AFTER they came under attack from Mubarak supporters.
20110204             1—AP reporter saw 1—GROUP—OF—FOREIGN—JOURNALISTS being detained by the military on 1—STREET—NEAR—TAHRIR Square.
20110204             tweets: "Call from source telling us orders have been issued to arrest journos.
20110204             We're staying in secure location, filing stories.
20110204             #EGYPT #Jan25". -
20110204             businessman DOCTOR—IBRAHIM—KAMEL, had urged THE—PRESIDENT—BACKERS onto the streets,
20110204             but he told THE—BBC World Service he felt no responsibility for the violence that took place.
20110204             "I do not condone what happened in the square in ANY—WAY.
20110204             It is absolutely something that we cannot accept as Egyptians.
20110204             —REPRESENTED, But I cannot also accept that EGYPT is, only by the people in the square.
20110204             The reporting of THE—BBC and the reporting of all the foreign media in EGYPT unfortunately was transmitting 1—PICTURE to the entire world that the people in Tahrir Square are EGYPT.
20110204             No. I'm sorry to say they are not EGYPT". Reuters reports.
20110204             The unrest in EGYPT has driven up THE—PRICE—OF—OIL amid concern about disruption to the vital SUEZ shipping route.
20110204             1—ITALY—DOCTOR living in CAIRO,
20110204             sent this account of his attempt to reach Tahrir square:
20110204             "This —MORNING I tried reaching Tahrir SQUARE—ALL entrances were blocked.
20110204             They don't let doctors (or foreigners) in,
20110204             and they take away food, drinks and medical SUPPLIES—IN my case they tried to take my stethoscope and sphygomanometer.
20110204             The situation in the nearest hospital, Kasr el Ainy, is very calm.
20110204             I went there to donate blood and was told by doctors that they didn't need ANY—BECAUSE most of the injured people didn't reach the hospital.
20110204             Blocking medical personnel is unacceptable under ANY—CIRCUMSTANCES.
20110204             It's due to arrive in CAIRO —ON—SATURDAY.
20110204             1—SPOKESMAN has told THE—BBC that sanctions against EGYPT are not on the table but an "orderly transition to 1—BROAD based government" is needed.
20110204             But he stressed that: "We won't get into the position of dictating to other countries who their leader should be".
20110204             —ADVANCED, The tank then, towards the loyalists,
20110204             accompanied by soldiers on the ground who cleared them from the flyover.
20110204             He says he suspects that BECAUSE—OF—THE—POSITION the army has taken up —NOW it would be very hard for PRO—MUBARAK supporters to launch more LARGE—SCALE—ATTACKS.
20110204             "Despite violence, 75—YR old surgeon,
20110204             heart patient, carrying flowers, heads to Square.
20110204             Calls it ''peaceful revolution'' #jan25 #EGYPT"
20110204             1—UPDATE on the situation in YEMEN,
20110204             where protesters gathered for what was billed as a "—DAY—OF—RAGE".
20110204             THE—BBC—LINA—SINJAB in the capital,
20110204             SANAA, says the protests appear to have gone peacefully,
20110204             despite initial fears of clashes between PRO—AND ANTI—GOVERNMENT—SUPPORTERS.
20110204             —ENDED, Although —TODAY—DEMONSTRATIONS have —NOW,
20110204             the protesters have vowed to return to the street EVERY—DAY—UNTIL they get their desired political and economic reforms,
20110204             she adds.
20110204             tweets: "—JUST witnessed 1—FOREIGN tv journalist being carried along the road in front of our hotel by 1—ANGRY—MOB. Not sure where to.".
20110204             "On EDGE—OF—SQUARE heated arguments pro&anti Mubarak.
20110204             SOME—HOLDING sticks, tree branches, iron rods.
20110204             So far only shouting #jan25 #EGYPT"
20110204             "—JUST met 4—DOCTORS running to Square w bags medicine&food.
20110204             —TRIED, Say police, to stop them.
20110204             #EGYPT #jan25" - tweets: "Large crowds still streaming into Tahrir Square but police —NOW blocking SOME—APPROACHES to stop people #jan25 #EGYPT"
20110204             "The atmosphere is very tense.
20110204             There was 1—LOT—OF—VIOLENCE in the local square.
20110204             There are food shortages and most of the supermarkets are OUT—OF—SUPPLIES.
20110204             The local farmers can't tend to their farms.
20110204             70000 of the country's most dangerous criminals have been let loose so all young men are watching guard over their property.
20110204             —THREATENED, My dad has been, by thugs and my whole family is staying in because things have got very violent.
20110204             —IRKED, Everyone is really, at the governments poorly disguised officials whipping and beating its own people.
20110204             —TWISTED, We all feel like we are in SOME—SORT—OF, civil WAR—THE ruling elite against the people.
20110204             —SCARED, Everyone is, about what might happen tomorrow.
20110204             MANY—SAY they are willing to die, if that's what it takes for Mubarak to leave.
20110204             Reuters reports.
20110204             Mubarak must stay till the expiry of his term.
20110204             THE—MAJORITY—OF—PEOPLE really want him to stay till the authority is transferred to someone else.
20110204             Those who are sitting in Tahrir do not love EGYPT.
20110204             tweets: "Counted 17—ID cards from secret policemen on display on 1—TABLE taken by protestors from beaten men #jan25.
20110204             THERE—1—THIN—LINE—OF—CONTROL being held by the army between ANTI—MUBARAK protesters camped out in Tahrir Square and THE—PRO—MUBARAK groups that have been fighting them.
20110204             There were violent clashes —YESTERDAY and overnight,
20110204             with horse and CAMEL—BACK—CHARGES, petrol bombs and gunfire.
20110204             MANY—SAY—THE—PRO—MUBARAK groups have been paid by THE—GOVERNMENT—BUT the government has denied that it is behind the violence.
20110204             "I'm watching —NOW 1—GROUP—OF—ANTI—MUBARAK protestors try to rescue 1—BADLY beaten PRO—MUBARAK man from 1—MOB—OF—MEN.
20110204             They are leading him away to safety as other MEMBERS—OF—THE—CROWD—PUNCH and kick him.
20110204             deception and humiliation by THE—EGYPT—RULING regime,
20110204             because I am forced to protect my wife and daughter along with the brave men of EGYPT from thieves,
20110204             bullies and looters released from prisons.
20110204             I feel cheated and betrayed by my own government,
20110204             which I would never ever be able to trust again!"
20110204             "THE—PRO—MUBARAK protestors have been pushed back along Opera Bridge from the main entrance to Tahrir Square.
20110204             —MOVED, THE—ANTI—MUBARAK protestors have —NOW, forward AHEAD—OF—THE—TANKS.
20110204             known as SAMI—CHEHAB, escaped from prison —ON—SUNDAY, Reuters reports.
20110204             —CONFIRMED, They say Hezbollah had previously, that Chebab was PART—OF—1—GROUP that smuggled weapons from EGYPT to THE—GAZA Strip.
20110204             "We're on 1—BUS—FULL—OF—UK—CITIZENS,
20110204             tourists and residents leaving downtown CAIRO for 1—PROCESSING centre —BEFORE they are due to BOARD—1—FLIGHT back to THE—UK.
20110204             —ORGANISED, The whole operation has been, by THE—UK—FOREIGN—OFFICE.
20110204             —DECIDED, Most say they have, to leave in the past COUPLE—OF—DAYS as the situation on the streets grew more violent and as families back home became more alarmed.
20110204             Haroon, who is a 17—YEAR—OLD—STUDENT from LONDON,
20110204             said he had 1—GREAT—TIME in EGYPT but his parents were worried and struggling to stay in contact with him due to the difficulties with phone lines to EGYPT.
20110204             They've set —FRIDAY as 1—DEADLINE for him to go.
20110204             —EARLIER this —WEEK, MISTER—MUBARAK said he would stay in office —UNTIL elections in ;;09;;, but would not stand for another term.
20110204             as well as the Muslim Brotherhood,
20110204             have rejected 1—CALL from THE—PRIME—MINISTER for talks.
20110204             They want PRESIDENT—MUBARAK to leave office 1.
20110204             "The government is accountable for the welfare and SAFETY—OF—ITS—PEOPLE.
20110204             —CAUSED, Those responsible for THE—LOSS—OF—LIFE and injuries, should be held accountable for their actions and brought to justice".
20110204             —CALLED, GERMANY, BRITAIN, ITALY and SPAIN have, for the political transition in EGYPT to "start —NOW",
20110204             adding that they are watching the unrest in EGYPT with the "utmost concern" and condemn "all those who use or encourage violence,
20110204             which will only aggravate the political crisis in EGYPT".
20110204             tweets: "SCORES—OF—MEN in Tahrir have head wounds. But they remain defiant.
20110204             #jan25 #EGYPT" - tweets: "At front lines, thugs throwing stones across small no mans land at anti Mubarak protesters".
20110204             1—PROTEST organiser showed the news agency 2—ID CARDS—OF—PEOPLE who tried to infiltrate the protest camp.
20110204             tweets: "SENSE—OF—WAITING for —LATER.
20110204             Copters circle, people rest.At most 300—PRO—GOVT in Riyad Sq, the Tahrir front line.
20110204             Maybe 1000 antis. #EGYPT".
20110204             "To accuse the government of mobilising this is 1—REAL—FICTION.
20110204             That would defeat our object of restoring the calm.
20110204             "This is 1—FATAL—ERROR, and —WHEN investigations reveal who is behind this crime and who allowed it to happen,
20110204             I promise they will be held accountable and will be punished for what they did," he says on AL—HAYAT TV.
20110204             "There is no excuse whatsoever to attack peaceful protesters,
20110204             and that is why I am apologising". He urged the protesters "to go home to help end this crisis".
20110204             tweets: "At the Tahrir entrance near the museum.
20110204             Under ANTI—MUBARAK control but rocks keep flying in from the bridges".
20110204             "My daughter is oo to 1—EGYPT—FROM ALEXANDRIA.
20110204             —ORDERED, She reports that her husband's uncle was, to demonstrate for Mubarak —TODAY or he wouldn't receive his pay check!
20110204             The regime has 1—LOT—OF—TRICKS up its sleeve.
20110204             I hope that Western governments are paying close attention to this oppression and deceit".
20110204             expressing "great concern" over the situation, AFP reports.
20110204             EGYPT's 2. city.
20110204             HE—BEEN to 1—SHOPPING centre on OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CITY that had been completely looted and was being protected by army.
20110204             There are REPORTS—OF—PEOPLE being beaten up by vigilante groups.
20110204             The army has been keeping guard at several sites,
20110204             and the only police out in the streets are traffic police.
20110204             tweets: "Thugs are heading to Tahrir.
20110204             Our heroes are ready, but we would love to have ANY—SUPPORT.
20110204             Watch us world #EGYPT #Jan25".
20110204             despite the violence that began —YESTERDAY.
20110204             of the Tahrir Square AREA—OF—CAIRO.
20110204             0858: RUPERT—WINGFIELD—HAYES, who is —FOLLOWING UK—NATIONALS being evacuated from EGYPT,
20110204             advises 1—FLIGHT will probably leave at about 130000001400          GMT—THOUGH the situation is fluid.
20110204             "I strongly support the protests.
20110204             —HAPPENED, They remind me of what, in VILNIUS in
20110204             —JUST as Egyptians who are facing MUBARAK—POLICE—FORCES dressed up as civilians.
20110204             I hope EGYPT—PEOPLE will reach their goal to live as they want, not as Mubarak tells them".
20110204             tweets: "I cried —WHEN my camera was broken by Mubarak thugs.
20110204             My camera was my weapon in this revolt.
20110204             —CREATED, It was the tool that, 1—ROLE for me.
20110204             Yet —LATER she adds: "But I will not be intimidated to stop reporting.
20110204             I am equipped with 2—PHONE—BATTERIES and will tweet as long as I have INTERNET".
20110204             The army plays 1—CENTRAL—ROLE in EGYPT,
20110204             and there have been big questions about how it will react to the continuing unrest.
20110204             For more on EGYPT—SECURITY—APPARATUS, read this recent analysis
20110204             —BY—BBC security correspondent FRANK—GARDNER.
20110204             says PRESIDENT—MUBARAK and his government have to go:
20110204             "We demand that this regime is overthrown and we demand the formation of 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—GOVERNMENT for all the factions," it says in 1—STATEMENT—BROADCAST by AL—JAZEERA.
20110204             He described to THE—BBC World Service the situation in Tahrir Square —ON—THURSDAY—MORNING in graphic detail:
20110204             "We've had 1—VERY—SUCCESSFUL—ATTEMPT at physical and psychological warfare on us all night.
20110204             I myself have seen people with bullet wounds.
20110204             I saw someone with 1—WOUND, 1—BULLET to the head,
20110204             and he had his brain coming out of his forehead.
20110204             It's been 1—VERY, very dark night and the atmosphere here is tense.
20110204             —EXHAUSTED, People are.
20110204             The wounded are absolutely everywhere.
20110204             We've been under siege all night.
20110204             Through the night they were also blocking the streets outside the square in order to stop people coming to us,
20110204             in order to stop supplies coming in to us and we've also had REPORTS—OF—PEOPLE who tried to leave also being arrested".
20110204             tweets: "Walking through the tahrir battlefield.
20110204             NUMBER—OF—INJURIES staggering.
20110204             Morale impressively high. It really is "La Resistance!" "
20110204             The general said he believed the military would move very soon against MISTER—MUBARAK—POSSIBLY as soon as tomorrow.
20110204             Our correspondent says it seems the army is willing —NOW to put its lot very firmly on THE—SIDE—OF—THE—PROTESTERS.
20110204             He was told that if there's more firing from PRO—GOVERNMENT—GROUPS the army is —NOW willing to open fire on them.
20110204             describes the scenes that began —ON—WEDNESDAY at Tahrir square:
20110204             "They attacked them with sticks, threw stones at them,
20110204             brought in men riding horses and CAMELS—IN what must be the most surreal scene ever shown on TV—AND carrying whips to beat up the protesters.
20110204             —STARTED, And then the bullets, getting fired and Molotov cocktails started getting thrown at THE—ANTI—MUBARAK protesters as the Army standing idly by,
20110204             allowing it all to happen and not doing anything about it... "
20110204             tweets: "—JUST tried to enter Tahrir Square near the museum and got held at knifepoint by PRO—MUBARAK thugs.
20110204             Crowd is more aggressive than —YESTERDAY".
20110204             For more on the latest ANALYSIS—OF—THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION—POSITION, read the latest blog entry
20110204             "THE—MAJORITY—OF—THOSE who support THE—PRESIDENT have —NOW left the square.
20110204             OPPONENTS—OF—THE—REGIME have stood their ground overnight despite coming under attack repeatedly.
20110204             They are hoping they will be joined by others in order to maintain CONTROL—OF—THE—SQUARE".
20110204             urging those who want to leave to "—IMMEDIATELY" head for the airport,
20110204             adding that ANY—DELAY was "not advisable".
20110204             The state department said: "Do not wait for 1—CALL from THE—USA—EMBASSY.
20110204             Additional USA—GOVERNMENT—FLIGHTS—AFTER—THURSDAY are unlikely".
20110204             the government spokesman tells FRANCE—RADIO.
20110204             has given THE—BBC her DESCRIPTION—OF—THE—VIOLENCE that erupted —ON—WEDNESDAY and continued overnight:
20110204             "We started hearing gunshots and from that moment on it was really ugly.
20110204             There were people among them with rifles they were aiming at our protesters.
20110204             We had... people dying, we had 1 witnessed by 2—OF—MY friends with 1—SHOT through the head.
20110204             —CONFIRMED, Our paramedics, that at least 8 were shot with live ammunition in their legs and 5 were shot either in the chest or head".
20110204             tweets: "We are not leaving, Mubarak is" is the slogan I hear from Tahrir #Jan25 "
20110204             But there have been reports this —MORNING that soldiers have been arresting people,
20110204             and AL—JAZEERA says tanks have been deployed among protesters in CAIRO.
20110204             He says THE—PRO—GOVERNMENT—PRESS was reporting that millions took to the streets —ON—WEDNESDAY to show solidarity with the government,
20110204             and that EGYPT can rise above "sedition".
20110204             But independent and opposition papers have PICTURES—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS being charged by people on horseback.
20110204             They say it's clear that the government is behind the violence.
20110204             YEMEN is 1—OF—THE—OTHER—ARAB countries that's seen protests inspired by last —MONTH'S "Jasmine REVOLUTION" in TUNISIA.
20110204             There have also been demonstrations in JORDAN and ALGERIA.
20110204             tweets: "Street battles continue in #EGYPT.
20110204             —WOUNDED, Many, in Tahrir sq. SOME—SEEM to be shot.
20110204             He notes that there are fewer people in the square than —ON—WEDNESDAY,
20110204             but it's not clear whether more protesters will arrive —LATER—TODAY.
20110204             What KIND—OF—PEOPLE would want to break into masses of thousands to 'express their PRO—MUBARAK opinions' by throwing rocks,
20110204             petrol bombs, knifes, and medieval horse and camel charging?
20110204             —CAUSED, Everyone understands the damage, to the country's economy and THE—INTERNATIONAL—IMPLICATIONS—OF this situation.
20110204             But the people in Tahrir will keep fighting for their rights to become free,
20110204             civil, not terrorised citizens.
20110204             We refuse to accept ANY—FURTHER—HUMILIATION for ourselves and our EGYPT—BRETHREN".
20110204             News">Lara Setrakian from ABC News
20110204             tweets: "The loudspeaker in Tahrir Square —JUST asked the men to gather,
20110204             protect 1—ENTRANCE. Women to stay in the middle #Jan25".
20110204             tweets: "Our army men, feets away from clashes not budging or helping #Jan25".
20110204             —DECIDED, They either cannot leave of have, not to.
20110204             Those attacking them appear to be either police who've taken off their uniforms or PLAIN—CLOTHES "thugs", our correspondent says.
20110204             —LOBBED, There were petrol bombs being, —DURING the night and —NOW this —MORNING there's been gunfire.
20110204             THE—EPICENTRE—OF—THE—PROTESTS, Reuters reports.
20110204             —TREATED, Of those, 86—ARE still being.
20110204             "MOST—OF—THE—CASUALTIES were THE—RESULT—OF—STONE throwing and attacks with metal rods and sticks," says Health MINISTER—AHMED—SAMIH—FARID.
20110204             —KILLED, Several people are thought to have been.
20110204             This follows 1—DAY—OF—RUNNING battles —ON—WEDNESDAY that left another 3—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110204             where there are continuing clashes between supporters and OPPONENTS—OF—PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK.
20110204             Stay with us for the latest updates,
20110204             incorporating reports from our correspondents on the ground,
20110204             expert analysis, and your reaction from —AROUND the world,
20110204             which you can send via email, text or twitter. We'll publish what we can.
20110204             SAAD—EDDIN—IBRAHIM—OP—ED in WASHINGTON—POST : Mubarak must leave to save EGYPT
20110204             "Der PRÄSIDENT hat die Chance, einen geordneten Machtwechsel einzuleiten", ist Iryani überzeugt.
20110204             "Damit könnte er in die Geschichtsbücher eingehen".
20110204             mehr als einmal entpuppte sich Salih als Lügner.
20110204             Das Vakuum, das bei einem Rückzug Salihs —JETZT entstehen könnte,
20110204             würde die Somalisierung noch weiter beschleunigen.
20110204             Zwischen den Sozialisten, die einst das Kopftuch in der damaligen Volksrepublik Südjemen abschafften,
20110204             und den islamistischen Scheichs der Islah liegen Welten.
20110204             In den 3—JAHRZEHNTEN im Amt hat Salih Macht und Geld unter Söhnen, Cousins, Neffen und Getreuen verteilt.
20110204             Seine Feinde hat der FELDMARSCHALL so geschickt gegeneinander ausgespielt oder an sich gebunden,
20110204             dass ihm keiner mehr gefährlich werden konnte.
20110204             Aber er muss es nicht offenlegen.
20110204             Das Regime vom Husni Mubarak spielt auf Zeit.
20110204             Ewig, so das Kalkül des Autokraten,
20110204             werden die Protestler den TAHRIR—PLATZ nicht besetzen können.
20110204             Tote, Verletzte und Anarchie in der HAUPTSTADT—NIMMT—MUBARAK in Kauf.
20110204             1—LÖSUNG des Machtkampfs ist längst nicht mehr allein für Ägypten bedeutsam.
20110204             Die ganze arabische Welt schaut auf den Konflikt mitten in Kairo.
20110204             Versinkt die Stadt weiter im Chaos und stürzt das Vorzeigeland der Region langfristig ab,
20110204             wäre dies 1—RÜCKSCHLAG für die Oppositionsbewegungen von Algerien —BIS Jemen.
20110204             Der von Mubarak vorgeschlagene Weg, den Übergang zu einer demokratischen Regierung schrittweise —BIS zu den Wahlen im —HERBST zu organisieren,
20110204             ist für die Opposition keine Alternative.
20110204             Niemand glaubt dem arroganten Staatschef,
20110204             dass er in der Lage und willens ist, echte Reformen einzuleiten.
20110204             Die MUBARAK—BEFÜRWORTER, meist junge und aggressive Männer aus den Vorstädten Kairos,
20110204             betrachten die westliche Presse, die den Regimegegnern viel Aufmerksamkeit schenkte,
20110204             als politischen FEIND—IHN wollen sie mit allen Mitteln bekämpfen.
20110204             Auch Aktivisten von AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL und Human Rights Watch wurden festgesetzt,
20110204             ihr Schicksal bliebt —BIS Donnerstagabend unklar.
20110204             gingen die Sicherheitsbeamten von Zimmer zu Zimmer.
20110204             Vor allem den arabischen Sender AL—DSCHASIRA nahmen die Häscher des Systems ins Visier,
20110204             Er würde, so die Kurzform seiner umständlichen Sätze, zwar "gerne" zurücktreten.
20110204             Dann aber müsse er für sein Vaterland völlige Gesetzlosigkeit fürchten.
20110204             So absurd es klingt, so scheint doch genau dies Mubaraks Strategie für den Machterhalt zu sein:
20110204             zuerst 1—EXPLOSION zu erzeugen,
20110204             um dann sich selbst als einzig möglichen Feuerwehrmann ins Spiel zu bringen.
20110204             Dass die HAUPTSTADT—SEINES—LANDES dabei im Chaos versinkt und das Land wirtschaftlich in den Abgrund fällt,
20110204             scheint dem sturen Staatschef egal zu sein.
20110204             Mittlerweile scheint erwiesen, dass Mubarak die Schläger geschickt hat.
20110204             In einem langen Fernsehinterview im gleichgeschalteten STAATS—TV wies der von Mubarak eingesetzte neue VIZE—PRÄSIDENT—OMAR—SULEIMAN,
20110204             —BISHER CHEF—DES gefürchteten Geheimdiensts,
20110204             aber jegliche Beteiligung der Machtclique zurück.
20110204             Vielmehr führte er langatmig aus, die Behörden würden nun die Hintermänner ermitteln und zur Verantwortung ziehen.
20110204             Im Polizeistaat Ägypten ist der Aufmarsch der Tausenden MUBARAK—ANHÄNGER aber schwer vorstellbar ohne grünes Licht aus dem Innenministerium oder dem Präsidentenpalast.
20110204             Neben massiven Versorgungsproblemen gibt es in vielen Stadtteilen weiter 1—SICHERHEITSVAKUUM,
20110204             zur Arbeit geht —SEIT Tagen so gut wie niemand mehr.
20110204             —GERIERT, Brandstifter Mubarak, sich als Feuerwehrmann
20110204             Die Frontlinie in Kairos Innenstadt ist mittlerweile fest gezogen.
20110204             Gleich neben dem Ägyptischen Museum haben beide Seiten aus ausgebrannten Autos,
20110204             Stahlplatten und Gittern Barrikaden errichtet,
20110204             um sich vor den Attacken der Gegenseite zu schützen.
20110204             Der Machtkampf zwischen den Demonstranten,
20110204             die —SEIT Tagen auf dem zentralen TAHRIR—PLATZ ausharren,
20110204             und den Schlägertrupps des MUBARAK—LAGERS setzte sich weiter fort.
20110204             Die ganze Nacht zum —DONNERSTAG und während des Tags lieferten sich beide Seiten teils heftige Auseinandersetzungen.
20110204             Wieder flogen Steine und Molotowcocktails.
20110204             Wieder wurden Dutzende Menschen verletzt und wohl auch mehrere getötet.
20110204             Der Ausnahmezustand wird Normalität: Im Zentrum Kairos - "Unter dem Vorwand einer guten Sache,
20110204             nämlich Kinder dafür zu sensibilisieren,
20110204             dass nicht JEDER—INFORMATION zu trauen ist und dass Quellen unterschiedlich vertrauenswürdig sind,
20110204             erzählt der bayerische 'Medienführerschein' ihnen das Märchen von der Überlegenheit gedruckter Nachricht",
20110204             schreibt etwa der JOURNALIST—STEFAN—NIGGEMEIER in seinem Blog.
20110204             Fazit klar: Im INTERNET steht Quatsch.
20110204             Zeitungen haben recht, das INTERNET nicht. Blogger sind empört.
20110204             I wish we had 1—SATIRIST, 1—BALZAC, chronicling this age.
20110204             It is beyond believability.
20110204             Obviously, Thomas is not going to be indicted over this.
20110204             But how could a man - a MEMBER—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT!
20110204             —JUST openly lie on such 1—FORM? Lie?
20110204             USA v. WOODWARD, 469—USA 105 (19850000             ) - "It could not have been 1—OVERSIGHT".
20110204             "It wasn't 1—MISCALCULATION; he simply omitted - Liberty Central paid VIRGINIA Thomas
20110204             In his 20090000              disclosure,
20110204             —REPORTED, Justice Thomas also, spousal income as "none".
20110204             who doesn't seem to care what he does:
20110204             —GEHÖRT, Sie habe jedenfalls nicht zum "Karlsruher Kommando", das den Anschlag
20110204             Der eine "konservative" USA—SUPREME—COURT—RICHTER—HAT—STEUERN hinterzogen.
20110204             Er hat Einkommen seiner Frau nicht angegeben,
20110204             das sie von einem "konservativen THINK—TANK" gekriegt hat.
20110204             Das alleine ist ja —SCHON gruselig, dass die Frau eines höchsten Richters 1—ART—GEHALT von einem konservativen Think Tank kriegt.
20110204             Und zwar —FÜR—5—JAHRE hat er das nicht angegeben.
20110204             Wir reden hier auch nicht von Peanuts, es geht um 686.589—DOLLAR!
20110204             Wer die Tücken der Technik überwunden hat,
20110204             hat also immer noch die Tücken der Verwaltung vor sich.
20110204             Er beweist noch einmal eindrücklich,
20110204             dass Filmaufnahmen aus der Stratosphäre mittlerweile für einen Spottpreis zu haben sind.
20110204             Noch nicht einmal 400—EURO haben Baker und Ross nach eigenem Bekunden aufgewendet.
20110204             Insgesamt war ihr Ballon 2—STUNDEN und 50—MINUTEN lang unterwegs.
20110204             Auf seiner Reise erreichte er eine Höhe von 37—KILOMETERN.
20110204             Zu dieser Jahreszeit gibt es nicht viel Arbeit auf dem Land.
20110204             Bettelarme Analphabeten, "Hunde des Paschas",
20110204             wie sie auch genannt werden, rücken für 1—HANDGELD von umgerechnet 10—BIS 15—EURO für ihre Auftragsgeber aus.
20110204             Sie sind billig, sie sind verzweifelt, sie stellen keine Fragen.
20110204             Tausende machen mit,
20110204             genaue Zahlen sind schwer zu SCHÄTZEN—AM —MITTWOCH sollen es Augenzeugen zufolge 4000—GEGENDEMONSTRANTEN gewesen sein,
20110204             die sich in Kairo und ALEXANDRIA in die Menge stürzten.
20110204             Mubaraks Getreue greifen zu perfiden Maßnahmen,
20110204             um die Proteste der Regimegegner zu sabotieren und 1—SCHAUSPIEL für die internationalen Beobachter zu inszenieren.
20110204             Dutzende Haftanstalten, darunter Wüstengefängnisse,
20110204             wurden in den vergangenen Tagen geöffnet.
20110204             Insgesamt 14.000—INSASSEN, darunter Mörder und Schwerbrecher,
20110204             kamen auf einen Schlag FREI—IHNEN wurde Haftverschonung in Aussicht gestellt,
20110204             wenn sie für Chaos sorgen: 1—LIZENZ zum Plündern, Töten und Brandschatzen.
20110204             4—BIS Fünftausend der Gefängnisinsassen sollen Kairo erreicht haben, wenige 100—STELLTEN sich freiwillig.
20110204             Ein Großteil will über den Sinai in den GAZA—STREIFEN fliehen,
20110204             in der Hoffnung, von der RADIKAL—ISLAMISTISCHEN Hamas aufgenommen zu werden.
20110204             Die Armen des Landes, die die MEHRHEIT—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG bilden, sind leichte Beute.
20110204             Viele misstrauen den Motiven der Demonstranten und befürchten,
20110204             dass die Bewegung heimlich andere Ziele verfolgt.
20110204             Sie haben alles zu VERLIEREN—UND setzen auf Leute, die nichts mehr zu verlieren haben
20110204             —GELEGEN, Ihnen allen ist daran, sicherzustellen,
20110204             dass sich möglichst wenig ändert, egal was nach Mubarak kommt.
20110204             Es sind Anhänger und Abgeordnete der 3—MILLIONEN Mitglieder zählenden Staatspartei NDP,
20110204        &