Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 22. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 22. January

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02050122             † RÖMER—POLITIKER—PLAUTIAN,
06280122             † Anastasius, persischer Mönch, Märtyrer und Heiliger
12520122             † ISABELLA—KÖNIGIN—VON—ARMENIEN
12630122             * IBN—TAIM?ya, islamischer Theologe und Rechtsgelehrter
12760122             —INTHRONISIERT, INNOZENZ—V—PAPA, wird als.
13420122             † HEINRICH—IV., HERZOG—VON—GLOGAU, Sagan und Steinau
13490122             Die etwa 400—MITGLIEDER umfassende jüdische Gemeinde in Speyer wird durch 1—POGROM bei den JUDEN—VERFOLGUNGEN zur Zeit des Schwarzen Todes vernichtet.
13550122             * WILHELM—II—GRAF—VON—NAMUR
13970122             * LOUIS—DE—VALOIS, duc de Guyenne, französischer Thronfolger, Dauphin von Vienne
14400122             * IWAN—III—GROß—FÜRST—VON—GANZ—RUSSLAND
14590122             —VERLIESS, PIUS—II—PAPA ROM.
14590122             —ABREISE, von ROM, PIUS—II—PAPA,
14620000—15050000    IVAN—III—THE—GREAT—TSAR—OF—RUSSIA
14620122             Die Portugiesen entdecken die Insel São Vicente, 1—DER—IM—ATLANTIK gelegenen Kapverdischen Inseln.
15030122             "Pagato a MESTRO—LITTI, FLORENUM—1" (IVI—FOLIA—108 ";
15040122             * PELBART—VON—TEMESWAR, ungarischer Franziskaner, Prediger und AUTOR—VON—UMFANGREICHEN—BIBELKOMMENTAREN und Predigtsammlungen
15060122             Die 1. 150—SÖLDNER der von JULIUS—II—PAPA gerufenen Schweizergarde, im Vatikan eintreffen, geleitet von PETER—VON—HERTENSTEIN,.
15100122             —EXPELLED—FROM—COLMAR—GERMANY, Jews were.
15170122             † Had?m Sinan Pascha, Großwesir des Osmanischen Reiches
15280122             —LATER—EXPELLED—FROM—NAPLES, THE—FRANCE—ARMY, was and
15310122             † Andrea del Sarto, italienischer Maler
15310122             † ANDREA—DEL—SARTO (44), ITALY—PAINTER.
15360122             Hinrichtung der Täufer
15360122             Auf dem Prinzipalmarkt in Münster werden die ANFÜHRER—DER—MÜNSTERSCHEN—TÄUFER, Jan van LEIDEN, BERND—KRECHTING und BERND—KNIPPERDOLLING, öffentlich gefoltert und hingerichtet.
15360122             † BERND—KNIPPERDOLLING, Führer der Täufer in Münster
15360122             † BERND—KRECHTING, einer der "TÄUFER—VON—MÜNSTER"
15360122             † Jan van LEIDEN, Wanderprediger der Täufer
15430122             * Hartmann Pistoris, Rechtswissenschaftler und Geheimer Rat der sächsischen Kurfürsten
15450000–15630000    —NACH—DEM—KONZIL—VON—TRIENT, neue Kongregationen ein und führt 1—UMGLIEDERUNG der vorhandenen Kongregationen durch.
15520122             † EDWARD—SEYMOUR—DUKE—OF—SOMERSET, 1., englischer Staatsmann
15520122             † EDWARD—SEYMOUR—DUKE—OF—SOMERSET, WAS—BEHEADED, for treason.
15560122             —MORNING—OF, was 1—WORTHY—OF—1—MODERN—BELGIUM—PAINTER.
15560122             —EXPLAINED, THE—CHANCELLOR, THE—MYSTERIES—OF—THE—ORDER as symbolized by the robes, REGALIA—OF—THE—KNIGHTS.
15560122             9—KNIGHTS were present, including PHILIP, THE—4—OFFICERS—OF—THE—ORDER.
15560122—15560121    —ON THE—NEXT—DAY, Mass was celebrated, and
15560123—15560122    —ON THE—NEXT—DAY, 1—MASS was sung for the souls of those who had † —SINCE THE—LAST—CHAPTER,
15580122             —BEGINNT, Mit dem Einmarsch russischer Truppen in Livland, der Livländische Krieg.
15610122             * FRANCIS—BACON, englischer Philosoph, Staatsmann, AUTOR—UND als Wissenschaftler Wegbereiter des Empirismus
15610122             * SIR—FRANCIS—BACON (e.16260000           ), ENGLAND—PHILOSOPHER, in LONDON.
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON was 1—STATESMAN and essayist.
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, Educated at CAMBRIDGE,
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, served under QUEEN—ELIZABETH and
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, served under JAMES—I—KING—OF—ENGLAND,
15610122             —THROUGHOUT his life, SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, wrote the "Essays" and these are filled with pithy wisdom and homely charm.
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, "Advancement of Learning" and "Novum Organon" constitute his most important contribution to knowledge.
15610122             SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, held for the inductive method of learning as opposed to the deductive method.
15610122             The deductive method, according to SIR—FRANCIS—BACON, failed because the seeker —AFTER knowledge deduced from certain intuitive assumptions conclusions about the real world that might have been logically correct but were not true to nature.
15610122             The inductive method succeeded because THE—STUDENT—OF—NATURE ascended by what Bacon called a "ladder of intellect" from the most careful and indeed humble observations to general conclusions that had to be true because their foundation was experience.
15610122             "If 1—MAN will begin in certainties he shall end in doubts, but if 1—MAN will be content to begin in doubts he shall end in certainties".
15610122—19980000    —IN, Perez Zagorin published "FRANCIS—BACON".
15700122             † JOBST—VON—BRANDT, deutscher Edelmann und Komponist
15720122             * JOHN—DONNE, englischer Schriftsteller
15730122             † ANTON—I—LANDES—HERR und REICHS—GRAF—VON—OLDENBURG und Delmenhorst
15750122             † JAMES—HAMILTON—EARL—OF—ARRAN, 2., schottischer Adeliger und Regent für MARIA—STUART
15880122             Mit der Apostolischen Konstitution Immensa Aeterni Dei setzt SIXTUS—PAPA V.
15880122—15590000    —SEIT, Eine dieser Kongregationen ist die Sacra Congregazione della Consulta, die —SCHON gerichtliche und beratende Aufgaben für die Kurie wahrnimmt.
15920122             * PIERRE—GASSENDI, französischer Philosoph, Theologe, Mathematiker, Astronom und Physiker
15920122             † ELISABETH—VON—ÖSTERREICH, österreichische PRINZESSIN, oo KARL—IX.
16370122             —AM, J. —VON—HOLZERN, eidlich abhören ließ, 11—EINWOHNER—VON—OBER—PLEIS, sowie, den Landdinger des Lands und AMT—BLANKENBERG über folgende Punkte :
16370122             —GEWÄHLT, die PRÖPSTE, würden vom Kapitel von SIEGBURG, erhielten die Kollation vom Abt, würden in OBER—PLEIS von der Kanzel öffentlich verkündigt und
16370122             —INVESTIERT, BERGischen Beamten mit Glockenläuten.
16370122             Nach dieser Einführung verfüge DER—PROPST über die Güter und Gerechtsame DER—ABTEI als absolutus administrator.
16370122             Im gleichen Zusammenhang ließ DER—PROPST feststellen, DIE—PROPSTEI sei URSPRÜNGLICH für 11—GEISTLICHE Personen GESTIFTET worden
16370122             —BEHAUPTET, Weiter wurde, der Vorgänger des jetzigen ABT habe —SCHON—ZUR—ZEIT—DES PROPSTes SCHEIFFART—VON—MERODE,
16370122             versucht, DER—PROPSTEI bestimmte Einkünfte und vor allem den von der Mosel kommenden Wein zu entziehen.
16370122             —BEHAUPTET, Weiter wurde, Unter Verletzung der OBER—PLEISER Immunität habe der jetzige ABT durch bewaffnete geistliche und weltliche Personen 1—ÜBERFALL vornehmen lassen, bei dem es zu schweren Schädigungen und Plünderungen gekommen sei.
16400122             † ERASMUS—QUELLINUS—I., flämischer Bildhauer
16490122             † ALESSANDRO—TURCHI, italienischer Maler
16570122             † Niels Aagaard, dänischer Schriftsteller und Gelehrter
16660122             —DEVIENT, S—GERMAIN la principale RÉSIDENCE—DU—ROI
16680122             * JACOB—FRIEDRICH—REIMMANN, deutscher Theologe, Philosoph und Historiker
16720122             —FREITAG
16730122             † KONRAD—GUMPRECHT—VON—ALDENBRÜCK, Rat, Kämmerer, Generalwachtmeister und Geheimer Rat
16780122             —AM, In 1—KONFERENZ—MIT—DEN Ministern der ALLIIERTEN verlangte DER—PRINZ für 1—CORPS an der Maß VON BRANDENBURG 3.000—MANN—ZU—FUSS[M.z.F.] und 3000—Z.
16780122             Pf.
16830122             * CHRISTIAN—LÖBER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
16870122             * JOHANN—BERNHARD—WIEDEBURG, deutscher Mathematiker und Astronom
16890122             —REACHED, ENGLAND's "Bloodless Revolution", its climax —WHEN PARLIAMENT invited William and MARY to become joint sovereigns.
16890122             1—SPECIALLY—CALLED PARLIAMENT declared that James had abdicated and offered the throne to William and MARY.
16890122—19380000    —IN, G.M. Trevelyan authored "THE—ENGLAND—REVOLUTION".
16890122—20090000    —AUTHORED, STEVE—PINCUS, "The 1. Modern Revolution".
16900122             * NICOLAS—LANCRET, französischer Maler
16980122             † FRIEDRICH—KASIMIR—KETTLER, HERZOG—VON—KURLAND und Semgallen
17000122             † HANS—MÖSSNER, deutscher Kunstschmied
17070122             * JEAN—ESPRIT—ISNARD, französischer Dominikaner und Orgelbauer
17090122             * JOSEPH—RIEPEL, deutscher Musiktheoretiker, Violinist und Komponist
17100122             * HANS—VON—AHLEFELDT, deutscher Geheimrat und Amtmann
17100122             * JEAN—NICOLAS—JADOT—DE—VILLE—ISSEY, lothringischer Architekt
17110122             * JOHANN—PHILIPP—FABRIZIUS, deutscher evangelischer Missionar, lutherischer Pastor und Bibelübersetzer
17110122             † JOHANN—VON—BACMEISTER, deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler und Reichshofrat
17240122             * HEINRICH—XXIV., Graf Reuß zu Ebersdorf
17290122             * Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, deutscher Dichter der Aufklärung
17330122             * PHILIPP—CARTERET, britischer Seefahrer und Entdecker
17330122             † THOMAS—HERBERT, 8. EARL—OF—PEMBROKE, britischer Politiker
17350122             * Elise Reimarus, deutsche Schriftstellerin, Pädagogin, Übersetzerin und Salonnière
17500122             † FRANZ—XAVER—JOSEF—VON—UNERTL, kurfürstlich bayerischer Geheimer Ratskanzler und Konferenzminister
17510122             École MILITAIRE—PARIS, wird auf INITIATIVE—VON—MADAME de Pompadour mit UNTERSTÜTZUNG—VON—LUDWIG—XV. die École Militaire, die älteste Militärakademie der Welt, gegründet.
17560122             * VINCENZO—RIGHINI, italienischer Komponist
17570122             * CHRISTIAN—DANIEL—BECK, deutscher Philologe
17580122             * ANDREA—AMORETTI, italienischer Kupferstecher und Drucker
17610122             * GEORG—NIKOLAUS—NISSEN, dänischer Diplomat und Biograph W. A. Mozarts
17620122             Das tragikomische Märchen Turandot von CARLO—GOZZI hat seine Uraufführung am Teatro S—SAMUELE in Venedig.
17630122             * JOHANN—GABRIEL—VON—CHASTELER, österreichischer GENERAL
17650122             oo XTIANUM—WOLLSEIFFEN M oo : rK.
17670122             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—PIERER, deutscher Mediziner und Lexikograf
17670122             † JOHANN—GOTTLOB—LEHMANN, deutscher Mineraloge und Geologe
17700122             * KARL—FERDINAND—FRIEDRICH—VON—NAGLER, deutscher Jurist, Generalpostdirektor des Norddeutschen Bundes
17710122             * JAMES—FENNER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
17730122             Die Uraufführung der Oper Der Töpfer von JOHANN—ANDRÉ findet in Hanau statt.
17730122             * René CHARLES—GUILBERT—DE—PIXÉRÉCOURT, französischer Theaterautor
17730122             * Clemens AUGUST—DROSTE zu Vischering, Erzbischof des Erzbistums Köln
17740122             † JOHANN—JAKOB—KOLLMANN, deutscher Stadtphysikus
17740122             † GOTTLIEB—WERNSDORF I., deutscher Pädagoge, Rhetoriker und Autor
17770122             * JOSEPH—HUME, britischer Politiker
17810122             * FRANÇOIS—ANTOINE Habeneck, französischer Violinist und Komponist
17850122             * JOHANN—PETER—BACHEM, deutscher Verleger
17880122             * GEORGE—GORDON—BYRON, britischer Dichter, Enkel von JOHN—BYRON, Teilnehmer am Freiheitskampf der Griechen
17880122             † GEORG—JOACHIM—ZOLLIKOFER, SCHWEIZERISCH—DEUTSCHER Theologe und Kirchenliederdichter
17880122—18240000    * † GEORGE—GORDON—BARON—BYRON, (6. ) aka Lord Byron, ENGLAND—POET, with 1 deformed foot.
17880122—18240000    —INCLUDED, GEORGE—GORDON—WORK, "Lara," "Childe HAROLD—PILGRIMAGE" and "DON—JUAN".
17880122—19970000    —PUBLISHED—IN, the biography: "Byron: The flawed Angel" by Phyllis Grosskurth was.
17910122             * PAUL—VON—HAUGWITZ, preußischer SOLDAT, Landrat, Gutsbesitzer und Schriftsteller
17960122             * KARL—ERNST—CLAUS, DEUTSCH—RUSSISCHER Chemiker und Entdecker des Rutheniums
17980122             † LEWIS—MORRIS, Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung der USA
17980122             † Matija Antun Relkovi?, kroatischer Aufklärer
17990122             Neapolitanische Patrioten rufen während der Eroberung Neapels durch französische Truppen die kurzlebige Parthenopäische REPUBLIK aus.
17990122             † HORACE—BÉNÉDICT de Saussure, Schweizer Naturforscher
18000122             * CHRISTOPH—MERIAN, Schweizer Großgrundbesitzer, Rentier und Stiftungsgründer
18000122             * Carlo d'Arco, italienischer Kunsthistoriker, Maler und Nationalökonom
18040122             Der französische Gesandte am BERLINer Hof, LAFOREST, erwirkte durch
18040122             1—AM an den PREUSSEN—MINISTER—GRAF—HAUGWITZ gerichtetes Schreiben, daß
18060122             * ANTONIO—CACCIA der Ältere, Schweizer Schriftsteller
18130122             1—BRITISCH—INDIANISCHE Armee besiegt in der Schlacht bei Frenchtown im BRITISCH—AMERIKANISCHEN Krieg eine etwa 1.000—MANN zählende amerikanische Truppe und zwingt sie zur Kapitulation.
18130122             Indianer ermorden anschließend etwa 30–60—VERWUNDETE Amerikaner, was von den USA propagandistisch als River Raisin Massacre ausgeschlachtet wird.
18130122             —DURING the War of 18120000             , UK—FORCES under HENRY—PROCTOR along with INDIA—ALLIES under Tecumseh defeated A—USA—CONTINGENT planning 1—ATTACK on Fort DETROIT.
18130122             1—COMBINED—BRITISH and INDIA—FORCE attacked 1—USA—MILITIA retreating from DETROIT near Frenchtown, —LATER known as MONROE—MICHIGAN Only 33—MEN—OF some 700—MEN escaped THE—BATTLE—OF—THE—RIVER—RAISIN.
18130122             —KILLED, Over 400—KENTUCKY frontiersmen were.
18140122             * EDUARD—ZELLER, deutscher Theologe und Philosoph
18150122             * Theophan Goworow, russischer BISCHOF - * KARL—VOLKMAR—STOY, deutscher Pädagoge
18170122             * EUGEN—ADAM, deutscher Schlachtenmaler
18170122             * JOHANN—CASPAR—HARKORT—VI., Pionier des deutschen Großbrückenbaus
18200122             * HERMANN—LINGG, deutscher Dichter
18240122             * HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—OTTO—ABEL, deutscher Historiker
18240122             * JOSEF—LEOPOLD—ZVONA?, tschechischer Komponist
18240122             † Rochus FRANZ—IGNAZ—EGEDACHER, österreichischer Orgelbauer
18240122             † JAMES—SCHUREMAN, Delegierter für NEW—JERSEY im Kontinentalkongress
18240122             1—UK—FORCE was wiped out by 1—ASANTE army under Osei Bonsu on the African GOLD—COAST.
18240122             This was the 1. defeat for 1—COLONIAL—POWER.
18300122             * CARL—GUSTAV—ADOLF—SIEGFRIED, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18310122             † JOHN—BLENKINSOP, britischer Grubenbetriebsleiter und Ingenieur
18370122             † JUAN—BAUTISTA—ARRIAZA y Superviela, spanischer Staatsmann und Dichter
18370122             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—JAKOB—SCHNEIDER, deutscher Mediziner
18370122             1—EARTHQUAKE in SOUTH—SYRIA killed thousands.
18380000—19220122    * † JAMES—BRYCE—VISCOUNT—BRYCE, 1., UK—JURIST, historian and politician.
18380122             * ADELE—PASSY—CORNET, deutsche Opernsängerin (Sopran)
18400122             * ADOLPHE—DESLANDRES, französischer KOMPONIST—UND—ORGANIST
18400122             † Rosa MARIA—ASSING, deutsche Lyrikerin, Erzählerin, Übersetzerin, Scherenschnittkünstlerin und Erzieherin
18400122             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—BLUMENBACH, deutscher Anatom und Anthropologe
18400122             † ERNST—GEORG—JULIUS—HECHT, deutscher Jurist
18420122             * HENRI—MARÉCHAL, französischer Komponist
18430122             * FRIEDRICH—BLASS, deutscher Altphilologe
18430122             * HEINRICH—THEODOR—SCHMIDT, deutscher Architekt
18430122             * LUDWIG—WINTER, deutscher Architekt
18450122             * JACOB—VERDAM, niederländischer Niederlandist
18460122             * OSCAR—OLDBERG, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Pharmakologe
18470122             † HERMANN—FITTING, deutscher Gutsbesitzer und Politiker
18480122             † KARL—GOTTLIEB—BRETSCHNEIDER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18490121—18490122    Montesquieu LVI.
18490121—18490122    —DATE
18490122             * AUGUST—STRINDBERG, schwedischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker
18490122             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—202—KÖLN.
18500122             * KARL—LITZMANN, deutscher GENERAL
18500122             † VINCENZO—PALLOTTI, italienischer Priester und Ordensgründer
18520122             * JOSHUA—W—ALEXANDER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18530122             * FRANCIS—HAGERUP, norwegischer Politiker, Jurist und Diplomat
18530122             —THE—ECONOMIST—VOM,
18540122             † CHRISTIAN—VON—APPEL, österreichischer Feldmarschalleutnant
18550122             * ERNST—KULLAK, deutscher Pianist und Komponist - * ALBERT—NEISSER, deutscher Dermatologe
18550122             † Mariano de Aycinena y Piñol, Staatschef in der Provinz GUATEMALA der Zentralamerikanischen Konföderation
18560122             * Martha Nopitsch, deutsche Malerin
18560122             † GEORG—WILHELM—VON—WEDEKIND, deutscher Forstmann
18580122             * FREDERICK—LUGARD, 1. BARON—LUGARD, britischer Entdecker und Kolonialbeamter
18580122             * Beatrice Webb, britische Sozialistin und Sozialreformerin
18580122             † LUDWIG—II., badischer GroßHERZOG
18580122             † CARL—FRIEDRICH—PLATTNER, deutscher Hüttenkundler und Chemiker
18590122             * PAUL—GILBERT, deutscher Richter, Kommunalpolitiker, Heimatforscher, VEREINS—UND Verbandsfunktionär
18590122             † JOSEPH—LUDWIG—RAABE, Schweizer Mathematiker
18590122             —PREMIERED, Brahms' 1. piano concerto (in D minor), in Hanover.
18600122             * Aennchen Schumacher, deutsche Gastronomin, Sammlerin studentischen Liedguts (ÄNNCHEN—LIEDERBUCH)
18610122             † FRIEDRICH—TIEDEMANN, deutscher Anatom und Physiologe
18610122             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—VELLUTI, italienischer Opernsänger, letzter der großen Kastraten
18620122             —RAISED, Confederate government, the premium for volunteers from $10 to $20.
18630122             —BEGINNT, POLEN, mit dem Januaraufstand unter Ludwik Mieros?awski eine erneute Erhebung gegen die russische Herrschaft, die —BIS zum 18640400              dauern wird.
18630122             In 1—ATTEMPT to out flank ROBERT—E—LEE—ARMY—OF—NORTH—VIRGINIA, GENERAL—AMBROSE—BURNSIDE led his army on 1—MARCH—NORTH—FREDERICKSBURG, but foul weather bogged his army down in what became known as "Mud March".
18630122             —ANNOUNCED, The interim LITHUANIA—GOVERNMENT in WARSAW, 1—UPRISING against RUSSIA—RULE.
18630122             —ASPIRED, The uprising, to restore THE—POLISH—LITHUANIA—STATE and was supported by large numbers of peasants.
18640122             † Baruch Auerbach, deutscher Pädagoge
18650122             * JEAN—PAUL—ERTEL, deutscher Komponist
18650122             * FRIEDRICH—PASCHEN, deutscher Physiker
18650122             * WILBUR—LINCOLN—SCOVILLE, Der Mann, der es 1. möglich machte, die Schärfe von PAPRIKA—PFLANZEN zu messen, wäre —HEUTE 151—JAHRE—ALT geworden:
18650122             * WILBUR—LINCOLN—SCOVILLE arbeitete bei 1—PHARMA—FIRMA und
18680122             * OTTO—STÄHLIN, deutscher Altphilologe
18700122             * CHARLES—TOURNEMIRE, französischer Komponist
18710122             THE—PARIS proletariat and the National Guards held 1—REVOLUTIONARY—DEMONSTRATION, initiated by the Blanquists.
18710122             —DEMANDED, They, THE—OVERTHROW—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT and the establishment of 1—COMMUNE.
18710122             —AFTER massacring the unarmed workers, the government began preparations to surrender PARIS.
18710122             —BY, ORDER—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—NATIONAL—DEFENSE, the Breton MOBILE Guard, which was defending THE—HÔTEL—DE—VILLE, opens fire on the demonstrators.
18710122             THE—WORKING—CLASS wishes only "to LIBE—RATE THE—ELEMENTS—OF—THE—NEW—SOCIETY".
18710122             —THE—PARIS—COMMUNE—OF, BY THAT— the clear perception THE—WORKING—CLASS has "no ideals to realise",
18710122             —AFTER MASSACRING THE—UN—ARMED—WORKERS, THE—GOVERNMENT begins preparations to surrender PARIS to THE—GERMANS.
18720122             † FRANZ—VON—ELSHOLTZ, deutscher Dichter und Schriftsteller
18730122             Der britische Klipper Northfleet wird vor der Landzunge Dungeness an der KÜSTE—DER—ENGLISCHEN—GRAFSCHAFT—KENT von dem spanischen Dampfer Murillo gerammt und geht unter, wobei 293—PASSAGIERE und Besatzungsmitglieder ums Leben kommen.
18740122             * VINCENZO—LAPUMA, italienischer Priester und Kurienkardinal
18740122             * WINCENTY—WITOS, polnischer Politiker
18740122             * D.W. [DAVID—WARK] GRIFFITH—USA—FILM director.
18740122             He was the most influential figure —IN—EARLY—FILM—HISTORY, and made "THE—BIRTH—OF—1—NATION" and "Intolerance".
18750122             * D. W. Griffith, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schauspieler, Regisseur und Filmproduzent
18760122             † Hippolyte Dussard, französischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
18770122             * Hjalmar Schacht, deutscher Politiker, MINISTER—UND—REICHSBANKPRÄSIDENT
18770122             Hjalmar Schacht wird als Sohn eines Kaufmanns in Tinglev (Nordschleswig) geboren.
18780122             † AUGUST—WILLICH, deutscher Führer der Aufständischen der Badischen Revolution und GENERAL im Amerikanischen Sezessionskrieg
18790122             In der Schlacht bei Isandhlwana wird ein britisches Kontingent unter Lord CHELMSFORD im Zulukrieg von einer Zuluarmee unter der Führung des 70-jährigen Ntshingwayo Khoza vollständig vernichtet.
18790122             Am gleichen —TAG halten bei RORKE—DRIFT 145—BRITEN unter JOHN—ROUSE—MERRIOTT—CHARD und Gonville Bromhead dem Angriff von ungefähr 4.000—ZULU—KRIEGERN stand.
18790122             Dafür werden 11—MÄNNER mit dem VICTORIA—KREUZ ausgezeichnet.
18790122             * FRANCIS—PICABIA, französischer Maler und Grafiker
18790122             † HENRIETTE—VON—BISSING, deutsche Erzählerin
18790122             —ARMED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—BATTLES, at Isandlwana Zulu impis or regiments, with spears and shields killed —AROUND 1,300 UK—TROOPS bearing rifles.
18790122             —LIVED, Private SAMUEL—WASSALL, through the battle and was awarded THE—VICTORIA Cross along with 14—OTHERS.
18790122—18790124    82—UK—SOLDIERS with rifles held off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors with spears at THE—BATTLE—OF—RORKE—DRIFT in SOUTH—AFRICA.
18790122—18790124    1—LARGE—UK—TROOP had —JUST been massacred —PRIOR—TO this battle.
18790122—19640000    —THE film "Zulu" was based on this event.
18800122             * Frigyes Riesz, ungarischer Mathematiker
18810122             * Sigismund Freyer, deutscher Springreiter und Offizier
18810122             Ancient EGYPT—OBELISK, "CLEOPATRA—NEEDLE," was erected in CENTRAL—PARK.
18820122             * Ernesto Drangosch, argentinischer KOMPONIST—UND—PIANIST
18820122             * KARL—ETTLINGER, deutscher Journalist, Schriftsteller und Humorist
18830122             † ERNST—VON—WALDTHAUSEN, deutscher Kaufmann
18840122             * Helena Johnová, tschechische Keramikerin und Bildhauerin
18840122             † GUIDO—VON—USEDOM, preußischer Diplomat
18850122             * Eugène Christophe, französischer Radrennfahrer
18850122             * KARL—GRUNE, österreichischer Filmregisseur
18860122             * JOHN—J—BECKER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Komponist
18860122             * OSKAR—JELLINEK, österreichischer Schriftsteller
18860122             † AUGUST—WILHELM—THEODOR—ADAM, deutscher Musikdirektor
18870122             * FRANZ—KLEBUSCH, deutscher Schauspieler
18870122             † António MARIA—DE—FONTES—PEREIRA—DE—MELO, portugiesischer Politiker und Staatsmann
18880122             * WILLY—MOOG, deutscher Philosoph
18880122             † Eugène Labiche, französischer Lustspieldichter
18890122             * WILLI—BAUMEISTER, deutscher Maler
18890122             * HARRY—HAWKER, australischer Luftfahrtpionier
18890122             * GUIDO—KISCH, TSCHECHISCH—DEUTSCHER Jurist und Rechtshistoriker
18890122             * HENRI—PÉLISSIER, französischer Radrennfahrer
18890122             * HERMANN—TROPPENZ, deutscher Politiker, MdB
18900122             * FRED—VINSON, 13. CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT (19460000—19530000    ).
18900122             —FORMED, Jose Marti, La Liga (UNION—OF—CUBA—EXILES) in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18910122             Der HAPAG—SCHNELLDAMPFER Augusta VICTORIA startet von Cuxhaven aus zur 1. luxuriösen Kreuzfahrt dieser Schifffahrtsgesellschaft.
18910122             * ANTONIO—GRAMSCI, italienischer Schriftsteller, Politiker und Philosoph
18910122             † Miklós Ybl, ungarischer Architekt
18920122             * MARCEL—DASSAULT, französischer Luftfahrtunternehmer
18930122             * CONRAD—VEIDT, deutscher Schauspieler
18930122             † VINZENZ—LACHNER, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18930122             † Kawatake Mokuami, japanischer KABUKI—AUTOR
18940122             * HEINZ—HECK, deutscher Biologe und Zoodirektor in München
18940122             * Timofei Wassiljewitsch Prochorow, russischer Eremit in München
18950122             † EDWARD—SOLOMON, britischer KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18960122             * HELMUT—BERVE, deutscher Althistoriker
18960122             * NORMAN—THOMAS—GILROY, australischer Telegrafist, ERZBISCHOF—VON—SYDNEY und 1. australischer Kardinal
18970000—19900122    * † ROMAN—VISHNIAC, RUSSIAN—USA—STREET photographer, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18970122             * ARTHUR—GREISER, deutscher Politiker der NS—ZEIT, Kriegsverbrecher
18970122             * Efraín Orozco, kolumbianischer Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—INSTRUMENTALIST
18970122             * FRANCIS—PICABIA, französischer Maler und Grafiker
18970122             * Rosa Ponselle, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Opernsängerin
18970122             * ROSA—PONSELLE, opera diva (Norma, La FORZA—DEL—DESTINO).
18970122             82—UK—SOLDIERS held off attacks by 4,000 Zulu warriors at THE—BATTLE—OF—RORKE—DRIFT in SOUTH—AFRICA.
18980122             * SERGEI—MICHAILOWITSCH—EISENSTEIN, sowjetischer Regisseur
19000122             An der Hofoper in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Märchenoper Es war einmal... von ALEXANDER—VON—ZEMLINSKY.
19000122             † CARL—AUSFELD, deutscher RICHTER—UND—POLITIKER
19010122             Mit dem TOD—VON—KÖNIGIN—VICTORIA endet in Großbritannien das Viktorianische Zeitalter.
19010122             EDWARD—VII. folgt seiner Mutter auf den britischen Thron.
19010122             MIDDLE—EAST (Persia) Oil drilling started
19010122             † BRITAIN—QUEEN—VICTORIA at age 82. She was the monarch of GREAT—BRITAIN and IRELAND and Empress of INDIA, and † —AFTER presiding over her vast empire for nearly 64—YEARS--the longest reign in UK—HISTORY.
19010122             † FOLGENDEN JAHREN - † QUEEN—VICTORIA,
19010122             —CONNECTED, Through dynastic marriages, VICTORIA—DESCENDANTS are, to almost all 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY EUROPE—ROYAL—HOUSES.
19010122             —DURING VICTORIA—LONG—REIGN the monarchy lost much of its political power to PARLIAMENT, but she was the beloved SYMBOL—OF—THE—VICTORIAN—ERA -1—GOLDEN—AGE—OF—UK—HISTORY.
19010122             —AFTER—63—YEARS—ENGLAND stopped THE—SALE—OF—QUEEN—VICTORIA postage stamps series & began THE—KING—EDWARD—VII series.
19010122—18190000    —IN, Born the only child of GEORGE—III—4. son,
19010122—18370000    —BECAME, VICTORIA, QUEEN.
19010122—18400000    —IN, she oo PRINCE—ALBERT—OF—SAXE—COBURG—GOTHA.
19010122—18610000    —DEVOTED, Although the match was 1—POLITICAL 1, the 2 were, to EACH—OTHER, having 9—CHILDREN—BEFORE ALBERT—DEATH.
19040109—19040122    —SEE
19040122             Die Oper Nal und Damajanti (Orig.: Nal' i Damajanti) von ANTON—STEPANOWITSCH—ARENSKI wird am BOLSCHOI—THEATER in Moskau uraufgeführt.
19040122             * GEORGE—BALANCHINE, composer, choreographer.
19040122—19040109    —SEE
19050000—20020122    * † STANLEY—MARCUS, FORMER—PRESIDENT—AND—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—TEXAS based Nieman Marcus department store chain.
19050109—19050122    —SEE
19050122             Demonstranten auf dem Weg zum Winterpalast
19050122             Beim Petersburger Blutsonntag töten die Truppen des russischen Zaren NIKOLAUS—II. über 1.000—MENSCHEN, die unter Führung des Priesters GEORGI—APOLLONOWITSCH—GAPON friedlich vor dem Winterpalast demonstrieren.
19050122             Das führt zur Russischen Revolution 19050000            .
19050122             —BEGINN der RUSSISCHE—REVOLUTION.
19050122             (New Style calendar) On what would become known as "Bloody —SUNDAY," RUSSIA—ORTHODOX—FATHER—GEORGE—GAPON led 1—PROCESSION in S—PETERSBURG of some 200,000 who were marching on the —WINTER Palace to present their grievances to TSAR—NICHOLAS.
19050122             —PANICKED, Troops on the scene, firing into the crowd and killing hundreds, thus igniting the Revolution of 19050000           .
19050122             —ATTACKED, Across RUSSIA, government officials were, peasants seized private estates and workers' strikes virtually paralyzed the economy.
19050122             —THREATENED, S—PETERSBURG, 1—COUNCIL (soviet) of workers' delegates, to take over the government.
19050122             —CONSENTED, Nicholas, to the adoption of 1—CONSTITUTION and election of 1—PARLIAMENT (Duma).
19050122—19050109    —SEE
19050122—19060000    —IN, The 1. Duma met.
19060121—19050122    DER SOZIALISTISCHE—INTERNATIONALE—BÜRO vorschlägt diesen —TAG als Gedenktag für die Opfer des "Blutsonntags" —AM, von S—PETERSBURG.
19060122             —KOLLIDIERT, Der amerikanische Passagierdampfer VALENCIA, bei schwerer See vor VANCOUVER Island mit einem Riff.
19060122             Wegen der schlechten Wetterverhältnisse und der aufgewühlten See können Rettungsschiffe nichts für die Schiffbrüchigen tun.
19060122             136—MENSCHEN kommen ums Leben.
19060122             Es handelt sich um eines der schwersten Schiffsunglücke im pazifischen Nordwesten.
19060122             * WILLA—BROWN—CHAPPELL, pioneering aviator.
19070122             THE—RICHARD—STRAUSS opera "Salome" made its USA—DEBUT at the Metropolitan Opera in NEW—YORK—CITY;
19070122             its racy content (including the Dance of THE—7—VEILS) sparked outrage.
19080122             IM REICHS—TAG wird auf Grund 1—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Interpellation das preußische 3—KLASSEN—WAHL—RECHT behandelt.
19080122             —BECAME, Katie Mulcahey, the 1. woman to run AFOUL—OF—NEW—YORK CITY—JUST—PASSED ban on females smoking in public.
19080122             Declaring, "No man shall dictate to me," Mulcahey served 1—NIGHT in jail —AFTER being unable to pay a $5—FINE.
19090121—19090122    1—EARTHQUAKE in MOROCCO—NORTHERN region, near TETOUAN, killed up to 100.
19090122             Unter dem Vorsitz von Wassily Kandinsky gründen mehrere Maler die Neue Künstlervereinigung München.
19090122             DIE—2. sächsische Kammer zustimmt mit großer Mehrheit 1—PLURAL—WAHL—RECHT.
19090122             * HARIETTE—LAKE (aka Ann Sothern, d. 20010000             ), film and TV actress, in Valley CITY—NORTH—DAKOTA.
19090122             * U Thant, SECRETARY—GENERAL—OF—UNITED—NATIONS—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY (19620000—19720000    ), in Burma.
19090122             He played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in THE—CUBA—CRISIS.
19110000—19820122    * † EDUARDO—FREI—MONTALVA, FORMER—CHILE—PRESIDENT (19640000—19700000    ), from septic shock as he recovered from stomach surgery at 1—SANTIAGO clinic.
19110122             In ganz PREUßEN werden HUNDERTE—VON—WAHL—RECHTSVERSAMMLUNGEN abgehalten, NACHDEM bei den Etatberatungen der preußische INNEN—MINISTER J. v. Dallwitz das Einbringen 1—NEUEN Vorlage ZUR—ZEIT für zwecklos erklärt hatte, da DIE—PARTEIEN ihre Haltung nicht geändert hätten.
19110122             * BRUNO—KREISKY, bandleader, CHANCELLOR (19700000—19830000    ), in AUSTRIA.
19120000—20070122    * † Abbe Pierre, 1—FRANCE—PRIEST praised as 1—LIVING legend for devoting his life to helping the homeless, using prayer and provocation to tackle misery, in PARIS.
19120122             2. MONTE—CARLO auto race began.
19130122             An der Hofoper in DRESDEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der komischen Oper Tante Simona von ERNST—VON—DOHNÁNYI.
19130122             —CONSENTED, TURKEY, to the Balkan peace terms and gave up Adrianople.
19170122             —PLEADED, PRESIDENT—WILSON, for 1—END to war in EUROPE, calling for "peace without victory".
19170122             —BY April, however, AMERICA was also at war.
19180122             —IM, HAUPTAUSSCHUSS—DES—REICHS—TAGPROTESTIEREN DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Vertreter gegen DAS—VERBOT des VORWÄRTS, das verhängt worden war, weil er über 1—STREIK in WIEN berichtet hatte.
19180122             —IN des REICHS—TAG—HAUPT—AUSSCHUSSPROTESTIEREN DIE—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATISCHEN Vertreter gegen DAS—VERBOT des VORWÄRTS, das verhängt worden war, weil er über 1—STREIK in WIEN berichtet hatte.
19200000—20100122    * † JAMES—MITCHELL, theater, film and TV actor.
19200122             —VERWEIGERT, Die REGIERUNG—DER—NIEDERLANDE, die von den alliierten Siegermächten beantragte Auslieferung des ehemaligen deutschen Kaisers WILHELM—II.
19200122             * WILLIAM—WARFIELD, singer (Show Boat).
19220122             —SERVED, He had, as ambassador to THE—USA 19070000—19130000    —FROM—TO.
19220122             † BENEDICT—XV—PAPA; he was succeeded by Pius XI.
19220122             * JEAN—PIERRE—RAMPAL (d.20000520             ), flautist, in Marseilles FRANCE.
19220122—20000520    * † JEAN—PIERRE—RAMPAL, flautist, in Marseilles FRANCE.
19240122             Mit RAMSAY—MACDONALD wird als Nachfolger von STANLEY—BALDWIN erstmals 1—MITGLIED der Labour Party PREMIERMINISTER—GROSSBRITANNIENS.
19240122             * JJ—JOHNSON, composer, jazz trombonist.
19290000—20180122    * † AMERICAN—SCIENCE—FICTION—AUTHOR—URSULA—K—LE—GUIN, at her home in PORTLAND, Ore.
19320122             1—VOLKSAUFSTAND der hauptsächlich aus dem indigenen VOLK—DER—PIPIL stammenden Bauern in EL—SALVADOR unter der Führung von Farabundo Martí wird von Staatschef Maximiliano Hernández Martínez blutig niedergeschlagen.
19320122             —GETÖTET, Rund 30.000—MENSCHEN werden vom Militär.
19320122             —PAINTED, PABLO—PICASSO, "Repose".
19320122             —CRUSHED, Government troops, 1—COMMUNIST uprising in NORTH—SPAIN.
19340122             Die Oper Lady Macbeth von Mzensk von DMITRI—DMITRIJEWITSCH—SCHOSTAKOWITSCH wird mit überwältigendem Erfolg am MARIINSKI—THEATER in Leningrad uraufgeführt.
19340122             * BILL—BIXBY, actor (Incredible Hulk, My Favorite Martian), in SF—CALIFORNIA.
19340122             TUCSON—ARIZONA, 1—FIRE broke out at the Hotel Congress, where MEMBERS—OF—THE—DILLINGER gang were staying.
19340122             —SALVAGED, Firefighters, baggage belonging to the gang and the next —DAY 1—OF—THE—FIREFIGHTERS spotted 1 the gang's mug shots in 1—ISSUE—OF—TRUE—DETECTIVE—MAGAZINE.
19340122             —ARRESTED, Within 1—FEW days 5—MEMBERS—OF—THE—DILLINGER gang were, including JOHN—DILLINGER and girlfriend Evelyn Frechette.
19340122             —PREMIERED, DMITRI—SHOSTAKOVICH, his 19320000              opera: "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District," in Leningrad.
19340122—19360128    —BIS—ZUM, feiert die Oper einen Erfolg —NACH—DEM anderen.
19360122             —APPEARED, S—FRANCISCO, 5—THE—PHILIPPINES—MEN, —BEFORE 1—MUNICIPAL—JUDGE on vagrancy charges and admitted to intermingling with white girls.
19360122             —INSTRUCTED, Police CHIEF—QUINN, police officers to take into custody all white girls seen with Filipinos, together with their escorts.
19370122             —SURGED, S—FRANCISCO, riots between longshoremen factions, through the financial district.
19370122             33—MEN were sent to jail and 4 to the hospital.
19370122             This was the 1. major disturbance in THE—85—DAY—OLD maritime strike.
19380122             PRINCETON, wird das Schauspiel Unsere kleine Stadt von Thornton Wilder uraufgeführt.
19380122             Damit gelingt ihm der Durchbruch.
19380122             Thornton WILDER—PLAY "Our Town," 1—PORTRAIT—OF—SMALL—TOWN—LIFE in GROVER—CORNERS, NH, was performed publicly for the 1. time, in PRINCETON—NEW—JERSEY.
19380122—19380204    —ON, It opened on Broadway.
19380204—19380122    —SEE
19390122             1—NAZI order erased the old officer caste, tying the army directly to the Party.
19410109—19410122    —SEE
19410122             Britische Einheiten erobern —WWII—IM die zur Festung ausgebaute Stadt TOBRUK in der italienischen Kolonie Libyen.
19410122             —GEFANGEN—GENOMMEN, Dabei werden 25.000—ITALIENISCHE Soldaten.
19410122             —CAPTURED, British and AUSTRALIA—TROOPS, TOBRUK from Italians.
19410122             The 1. mass KILLING—OF—JEWS took place in ROMANIA.
19410122—19410109    —SEE
19430122             Nach viertägigem Widerstand der Jüdischen Kampforganisation unter Mordechaj Anielewicz im Warschauer Ghetto ziehen sich die Deutschen vorläufig aus dem Ghetto zurück.
19430122             BATTLE—OF—ANZIO: ITALY.
19430122             —PULLED, Axis forces, out of TRIPOLI for TUNISIA, and destroyed bases as they left.
19440122             Landung amerikanischer Truppen bei Anzio
19440122             Alliierte Truppen landen —WWII—IM im Rahmen der Operation Shingle in der Umgebung von Anzio und Nettuno in Italien.
19440122             executive order signed by PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews.
19440122             —IGNORED, The lawyers claim THE—ORDER was, BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURE brought by 1—GROUP—OF—BIG—USA—COMPANIES,
19440122             including BBH, where PRESCOTT—BUSH was 1—DIRECTOR.
19440122             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and THE—BUSH—FAMILY deny all the claims against them.
19440122             In addition to EVA—SCHWEITZER—BOOK, 2—OTHER—BOOKS are about to be published that raise THE—SUBJECT—OF—PRESCOTT—BUSH—BUSINESS—HISTORY.
19440122             THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE 2. book, to be published next —YEAR, JOHN—LOFTUS, is 1—FORMER—USA—ATTORNEY who prosecuted NAZI war criminals in the 70s.
19440122             —NOW living in St PETERSBURG—FLORIDA and earning his living as 1—SECURITY—COMMENTATOR for FOX—NEWS and ABC radio,
19440122             LOFTUS is working on 1—NOVEL which uses SOME—OF—THE—MATERIAL he has uncovered on BUSH.
19440122             "You can't blame BUSH for what his grandfather did ANY—MORE than you can blame JACK—KENNEDY for what his father DID—BOUGHT NAZI STOCKS—BUT
19440122             "This was the mechanism by which HITLER was funded to come to power,
19440122             this was the mechanism by which THE—3.—REICH—DEFENCE—INDUSTRY was RE—ARMED,
19440122             this was the mechanism by which NAZI profits were repatriated back to THE—USA—OWNERS,
19440122             this was the mechanism by which investigations into the financial laundering of THE—3.—REICH were blunted," said LOFTUS ,
19440122             who is VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM in St Petersburg.
19440122             "THE—UNION—BANKING—CORPORATION was 1—HOLDING company for THE—NAZIS, for FRITZ—THYSSEN ," said LOFTUS.
19440122             "At various TIME s, THE—BUSH—FAMILY has tried to spin it,
19440122             saying they were owned by 1—HOLLAND—BANK +
19440122             it wasn't —UNTIL THE—NAZIS took over Holland that they realised that —NOW THE—NAZIS controlled the apparent company +
19440122             that is why THE—BUSH—SUPPORTERS—CLAIM—WHEN the war was over they got their money back.
19440122             Both THE—USA—TREASURY—INVESTIGATIONS + the intelligence investigations in EUROPE completely bely that, it's absolute horse****.
19440122             "As 1—FORMER—FEDERAL—PROSECUTOR, I would make 1—CASE for PRESCOTT—BUSH + his FATHER—IN—LAW (GEORGE—WALKER) + Averill HARRIMAN [to be prosecuted] for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
19440122             LOFTUS said PRESCOTT—BUSH must have been aware of what was happening in GERMANY at THE—TIME.
19440122             "My take on him was that he was 1—NOT terribly successful IN—LAW who did what HERBERT—WALKER told him to.
19440122             Walker and HARRIMAN were THE—2—EVIL geniuses, they didn't care about THE—NAZIS ANY—MORE than they cared about their investments with the Bolsheviks".
19440122             What is also at issue is how much money BUSH made from his involvement.
19440122             His supporters suggest that he had 1—TOKEN share.
19440122             LOFTUS disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" + suggesting that THE—BUSH—FAMILY,
19440122             through GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER and Prescott, got $1.5m OUT—OF—THE—INVOLVEMENT.
19440122             There is, however, no paper trail to this sum.
19440122             The 3. person going into print on the subject is JOHN—BUCHANAN, 54, 1—MIAMI—BASED magazine journalist who started examining the files —WHILE working on 1—SCREENPLAY.
19440122             —LAST—YEAR, Buchanan published his findings in the venerable but SMALL—CIRCULATION—NEW—HAMPSHIRE Gazette under the headline
19440122             "Documents in National Archives Prove GEORGE—BUSH—GRANDFATHER—TRADED—WITH—THE—NAZIS—EVEN —AFTER Pearl Harbor".
19440122             He expands on this in his book to be published next —MONTH—FIXING AMERICA:
19440122             Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media and the Religious Right.
19440122             In the article, Buchanan, who has worked mainly in the trade + music press with 1—SPELL as 1—MUCKRAKING reporter in MIAMI, claimed that
19440122             he responded with 1—SERIES—OF—THREATS against the journalists and media outlets that had spurned him.
19440122             —CONTAINED, The threats, in E—MAILS, suggested that he would expose the journalists as "traitors to the truth".
19440122             —RETURNED, Unsurprisingly, he soon had difficulty getting his calls.
19440122             —AGGRAVATED, Most seriously, he faced, stalking charges in MIAMI, in connection with 1—MAN with whom he had fallen out over the best way to publicise his findings.
19440122             —DROPPED, The charges were, last —MONTH.
19440122             Both LOFTUS and Schweitzer say Buchanan has come up with previously undisclosed documentation.
19440122             —RESPONDED, THE—BUSH—FAMILY have largely, with no comment to ANY—REFERENCE to PRESCOTT—BUSH.
19440122             —DECLINED, Brown Brothers HARRIMAN also, to comment.
19440122             —PROMISED, The publishers, Rutledge Hill Press, the book would "deal honestly with PRESCOTT—BUSH 's alleged business relationships with NAZI industrialists and other accusations".
19440122             —COMMANDED, MAJOR—GENERAL—LUCAS, Operation Shingle, 1—SURPRISE landing behind GERMANY—LINES in ITALY.
19440122             —HARBORED, GENERAL—LUCAS, grave doubts about the chances for success in this, the most daring OPERATION—OF—THE—ITALY—CAMPAIGN.
19440122             —PLANNED, The seaborne operation was, as 1—WAY—OF outflanking GERMANY—STRENGTH on ITALY—GUSTAV—LINE and swiftly capturing ROME, but almost nothing went according to plan.
19440122             —INFORMED, BUSH and his partners at Brown Brothers HARRIMAN, the government regulators that the account,
19440122             —ACTED, PRESCOTT—BUSH, quickly and openly on BEHALF—OF—THE—FIRM, served well by 1—REPUTATION that had never been compromised.
19440122             He made available all records and all documents.
19440122             —CONDEMNED, THE—PRESCOTT—BUSH—STORY has been, by both conservatives and SOME—LIBERALS as having nothing to do with the current PRESIDENT.
19440122             —SUGGESTED, It has also been, that PRESCOTT—BUSH had little to do with Averill HARRIMAN and that THE—2—MEN opposed EACH—OTHER politically.
19440122             However, documents from THE—HARRIMAN papers include 1—FLATTERING—WAR—TIME—PROFILE—OF—HARRIMAN in THE—NEW—YORK Journal American +
19440122             next to it in the files is 1—LETTER to the financial EDITOR—OF—THAT—PAPER from PRESCOTT—BUSH congratulating the paper for running the profile.
19440122             He added that HARRIMAN 's "performance and his whole attitude has been 1—SOURCE—OF—INSPIRATION and pride to his partners and his friends".
19440122             In 1—STATEMENT—LAST—YEAR they said that "rumours about the alleged NAZI 'ties' of the late PRESCOTT—BUSH
19440122             have circulated widely through THE—INTERNET in recent years.
19440122             —MOTIVATED, These charges are untenable + politically...
19440122             PRESCOTT—BUSH was neither a NAZI nor a NAZI sympathiser".
19440122             However, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—OLDEST Jewish publications, the Jewish Advocate, has aired the controversy in detail.
19440122             his grandson is facing 1—DIFFERENT—KIND—OF scrutiny but 1 underpinned by the same perception that, for SOME—PEOPLE, war can be 1—PROFITABLE—BUSINESS.
19440122             —IGNORED, The lawyers claim the order was, BECAUSE—OF—PRESSURE brought by 1—GROUP—OF—BIG—USA—COMPANIES, including BBH, where Prescott Bush was 1—DIRECTOR.
19440122             Lissmann said: "If we have 1—POSITIVE ruling from the court it will cause [PRESIDENT] Bush huge problems and make him personally liable to pay compensation".
19440122             THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and the Bush family deny all the claims against them.
19440122             In addition to EVA—SCHWEITZER—BOOK, 2—OTHER—BOOKS are about to be published that raise the subject of Prescott BUSH—BUSINESS—HISTORY.
19440122             —NOW living in St PETERSBURG—FLORIDA and earning his living as 1—SECURITY—COMMENTATOR for FOX—NEWS and ABC radio, Loftus is working on 1—NOVEL which uses SOME—OF—THE—MATERIAL he has uncovered on Bush.
19440122             —STRESSED, Loftus, that what Prescott Bush was involved in was —JUST what MANY—OTHER—AMERICAN and UK—BUSINESSMEN were doing —AT—THE—TIME.
19440122             what is important is THE—COVER—UP, how it could have gone on so successfully for half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY + does that have implications for us —TODAY?" he said.
19440122             "This was the mechanism by which Hitler was funded to come to power, this was the mechanism by which the 3. REICH—DEFENCE—INDUSTRY was RE—ARMED,
19440122             this was the mechanism by which investigations into the financial laundering of the 3. Reich were blunted," said Loftus, who is VICE—CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—HOLOCAUST—MUSEUM in St Petersburg.
19440122             "At various time s, the Bush family has tried to spin it, saying they were owned by 1—HOLLAND—BANK +
19440122             They always knew who the ultimate beneficiaries were".
19440122             "There is no 1—LEFT alive who could be prosecuted but they did get away with it," said Loftus.
19440122             —REMAINED, They, on the boards of these companies knowing that they were of financial benefit to the nation of GERMANY".
19440122             Loftus said Prescott Bush must have been aware of what was happening in GERMANY —AT—THE—TIME.
19440122             Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" + suggesting that the Bush family, through GEORGE—HERBERT—WALKER and Prescott, got $1.5m OUT—OF—THE—INVOLVEMENT.
19440122             He expands on this in his book to be published next —MONTH—FIXING AMERICA: Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media and the Religious Right.
19440122             "the essential facts have appeared on THE—INTERNET and in relatively obscure books but were dismissed by the media + Bush family as undocumented diatribes".
19440122             Buchanan suffers from hypermania, 1—FORM—OF—MANIC—DEPRESSION + —WHEN he found himself rebuffed in his initial efforts to interest the media,
19440122             —DAMAGED, Biography Buchanan said he regretted his behaviour had, his credibility but his main aim was to secure publicity for the story.
19440122             —APPROVED, THE—BUSH—FAMILY—RECENTLY, 1—FLATTERING biography of Prescott Bush entitled Duty, Honour, Country by MICKEY—HERSKOWITZ.
19440122             In fact, the allegations are dealt with in less than 2—PAGES.
19440122             The book refers to THE—HERALD—TRIBUNE story by saying that "1—PERSON—OF—LESS established ethics would have panicked...
19440122             —INFORMED, Bush and his partners at Brown Brothers Harriman, the government regulators that the account, opened in the late 1930s, was '1—UNPAID courtesy for 1—CLIENT'...
19440122             Viewed —6—DECADES—LATER in the era of serial corporate scandals and shattered careers, he received what can be viewed as the ultimate clean bill".
19440122             However, documents from the Harriman papers include 1—FLATTERING wartime profile of Harriman in THE—NEW—YORK Journal American +
19440122             THE—ANTI—DEFAMATION—LEAGUE in THE—USA is supportive of Prescott Bush + the Bush family.
19440122             In 1—STATEMENT—LAST—YEAR they said that "rumours about the alleged Nazi 'ties' of the late Prescott Bush... have circulated widely through THE—INTERNET in recent years.
19440122             Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathiser".
19440122             More than —60—YEARS—AFTER Prescott Bush came briefly under scrutiny —AT—THE—TIME—OF—1—FARAWAY war,
19440122             —SIGNED—BY—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT, EXECUTIVE—ORDER calling on THE—GOVERNMENT to take all measures to rescue THE—EUROPEAN—JEWS.
19440122—19300000    —IN—THE—LATE, opened S, was '1—UNPAID courtesy for 1—CLIENT'...
19450122             There was 1—HEAVY—USA—AIR—RAID on Okinawa.
19450122             —REOPENED, THE—BURMA highway.
19460122             Flagge der REPUBLIK Kurdistan
19460122             Qazi Mohammed ruft auf dem CAR—CIRA—PLATZ in MAHABAD die REPUBLIK Kurdistan auf iranischem Territorium aus.
19460122             Der bislang einzige kurdische Nationalstaat wird nur —BIS zum 19461216              des gleichen Jahres Bestand haben.
19460122—19450000    —IN—LATE, he had coordinated various intelligence reform plans considered in the drafting of the directive that created THE—CIG.
19460122—19460122    —AM, Auf der 1. Zonenausschusstagung der Christlich Demokratischen Union (CDU) im Herforder Rathaus wurde KONRAD—ADENAUER zum Vorsitzenden der CDU in der britischen Zone gewählt.
19460122—19470000    —IN, it was RE—NAMED THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA).
19470122             FRANKREICH, nimmt das Kabinett PAUL—RAMADIER/MAURICE—THOREZ, das 1. der 4. REPUBLIK, seine Arbeit auf.
19490122             Police broke into Rm.
19490122             203—OF—THE—MARK—TWAIN—HOTEL in S—FRANCISCO and arrested BILLIE—HOLIDAY (19150000—19590000    ) and her manager, JOHN—LEVY, on CHARGES—OF—POSSESSION—OF opium.
19490122             —FINGERED, Her defense attorney, JAKE—ERLICH, Levy as 1—INFORMER and persuaded the jury to return 1—VERDICT of not guilty.
19510122             Fidel Castro, as 1—BASEBALL pitcher, was ejected from 1—WINTER—LEAGUE—GAME—AFTER beaning 1—BATTER.
19530122             Uraufführung des Dramas Hexenjagd von ARTHUR—MILLER in NEW—YORK.
19530122             —OPENED, THE—ARTHUR—MILLER drama "THE—CRUCIBLE", on Broadway.
19540122             Die Schaumburger Märchensänger stoßen unerwartet mit ihrer Interpretation des Liedes THE—HAPPY—WANDERER (Mein Vater war 1—WANDERSMANN) auf Platz 2—DER britischen SINGLE—CHARTS vor und behalten ihn 23—WOCHEN lang.
19550000—20170122    * † JAMES—STEPHEN—BOGGS, artist and trickster, in TAMPA—FLORIDA.
19570122             —BECAME, The "Truth or Consequences" TV show with BOB—BARKER, the 1. program to be recorded on videotape for subsequent airing in all time zones.
19570122             —ACCUSED—OF, Suspected "Mad Bomber" GEORGE—P—METESKY, planting more than 30—EXPLOSIVE devices in THE—NEW—YORK City area, was arrested in WATERBURY—CONNECTICUT.
19570122             He was —LATER found mentally ill and committed to 1—MENTAL—HOSPITAL;
19570122—19730000    —IN, he was released and
19570122—19940000    —IN, † at age 90.
19590122             —CONCLUDED, USAF, that less than 1—PERCENT—OF—UFO—ARE unknown objects.
19590122             —INTRODUCED, THE—ADOLPH—COORS—CO. of GOLDEN—COLOMBIA, the aluminum beer can.
19610122             1—PORTUGAL—OCEAN liner, the "SANTA—MARIA," was hijacked in the Caribbean with some 600—PASSENGERS aboard;
19610122             the drama ended —11—DAYS—LATER—WHEN the ship docked in BRAZIL.
19620122             Auf Druck der USA schließt die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS) Kuba von der Teilnahme an ihren weiteren Aktivitäten aus.
19630000             CHICAGO Tribune; 20040122              ARIZONA Republic]-LATER—CHENEY dismissed questions about his failure to serve by simply saying, "I had other priorities in the '60s".
19630122             Unterzeichnung des Vertrages im Pariser ÉLYSÉE—PALAST
19630122             Der deutsche Bundeskanzler KONRAD—ADENAUER und der französische Staatspräsident CHARLES—DE—GAULLE unterzeichnen im ÉLYSÉE—PALAST in PARIS den DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN Freundschaftsvertrag, bekannt als ÉLYSÉE—VERTRAG.
19630122             —SIGNED, GENERAL—CHARLES—DE—GAULLE and GERMANY—CHANCELLOR—KONRAD—ADENAUER, THE—FRANCO—GERMAN "reconciliation treaty," aka the Elysee friendship treaty.
19640122             —MANUFACTURED, WORLD—LARGEST cheese (15,723 kg) was, in WISCONSIN.
19670122             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—51;
19680122             Von Cape Canaveral AIR—FORCE Station startet Apollo 5—ZU einem unbemannten Testflug in 1—ERDUMLAUFBAHN.
19680122             Die Mondlandefähre soll erprobt werden.
19680122             THE—TV—VARIETY—SHOW "Laugh In" began on NBC with comedians DAN—ROWAN and Dick Martin.
19680122             It continued running to 19730514           .
19680122             The off Broadway show "JACQUES—BREL—IS—ALIVE and Well and Living in PARIS" premiered at the Village Gate Theater.
19680122             Brel (19290000—19780000    ), 1—BELGIUM—SINGER, was —LATER buried in the Marquesas ISLAND—OF—HIVA—OA, in the same cemetery as PAUL—GAUGUIN.
19680122             —LAUNCHED, Apollo 5 was, to the Moon from Cape CANAVERAL—FLORIDA.
19680122—19750000    —IN, 1—FILM—VERSION was produced.
19690122             —BECAME, MASSACHUSETTS, FRANCIS—SARGENT (19150000—19980000    ), GOVERNOR—AFTER—JOHN—VOLPE was made transportation SECRETARY—IN—THE—NIXON administration.
19710122             —SHELLED, Communist forces, PHNOM—PENH, CAMBODIA for the 1. time.
19720122             THE—TV—SERIES "Emergency" began with JULIE—LONDON and BOBBY—TROUP.
19720122             —JOINED, BRITAIN, DENMARK, IRELAND and NORWAY, the European Economic Community.
19720122—19770000    —UNTIL, It ran.
19730122             —LEGALISIERT, Der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten, im Fall Roe v. Wade das Recht auf Schwangerschaftsabbruch auf Grundlage des Rechts auf Privatsphäre und fällt damit 1—DER kontroversesten und politisch schwerwiegendsten Urteile seiner Geschichte.
19730122             1—BOEING 707—DER Royal Jordanian (im Auftrag der NIGERIA—AIRLINES) verunglückt in KANO auf dem Rückweg von Mekka (SAUDI—ARABIEN) mit 193—PILGERN und 9—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDERN an Bord.
19730122             † † ? 176—DER 202—INSASSEN sterben.
19730122             SUPREME—COURT decision in the Roe v. Wade abortion rights case - † FORMER—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—B—JOHNSON,
19730122             —HANDED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT in a 7—2—RULING, down its Roe vs. Wade decision, which legalized abortion, using 1—TRIMESTER approach.
19730122             —RULED, The court, that 1—WOMAN—RIGHT to privacy encompasses her decision to terminate 1—PREGNANCY.
19730122             She ended up having her 3. baby 2 and 1—HALF—YEARS—BEFORE the final decision was made.
19730122—19890000    —REVEALED, NORMA—MCCORVEY (19470000—20170000    ), the anonymous JANE—ROE, her identity.
19730122—19980000    —IN, FORMER—PRESIDENT—LYNDON—B—JOHNSON (19630000—19690000    ) † at his TEXAS ranch at age 64. ROBERT—DALLEK published the biography "Flawed Giant".
19750122             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT—IN—THE—GOSS vs. Lopez case, that students had the right to due process, informal hearings were considered sufficient, —WHEN threatened with suspension of more than 10—DAYS.
19760122             A PLO bank robbery in BEIRUT netted a world record $20—50—MILLION.
19790122             In den 3. Programmen der ARD wird die 1. Folge der Fernsehserie Holocaust – Die GESCHICHTE—DER—FAMILIE—WEISS ausgestrahlt.
19790122             † ABU—HASSAN (ALI—HASSAN—SALAMEH), the alleged planner of 19720000             —THE—MUNICH raid, was killed by 1—BOMB in BEIRUT.
19790122             ABU—HASSAN was THE—CHIEF—OF—OPERATIONS for the Black September militant PALESTINE—GROUP.
19790122             —RECRUITED, ERICA—CHAMBERS, 1—UK—PASSPORT—HOLDER, by Mossad, triggered the huge car bomb.
19800122             Nach Protesten gegen die sowjetische Intervention in AFGHANISTAN wird der sowjetische Dissident und Nobelpreisträger ANDREI—DMITRIJEWITSCH—SACHAROW verhaftet und in der Folge nach Gorki verbannt.
19820122             —LINKED, PRESIDENT—REAGAN formally, progress in arms control to Soviet repression in POLAND.
19820122             6—PEOPLE were charged in the case.
19820122—20070000    —IN, his family filed 1—COURT—COMPLAINT claiming that Frei had been assassinated by poisoning —AFTER 1—BELGIUM—UNIVERSITY—INVESTIGATION found mustard gas in THE—BODY—OF—THE—FORMER—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATIC—LEADER.
19820122—20090000    —IN, 1—CHILE—JUDGE ruled that Montalva was assassinated and that his killing was covered up by people linked to THE—DICTATORSHIP—OF—GENERAL—PINOCHET.
19840122             —PREMIERED, THE—USA—TV—SERIES "Airwolf", with JAN—MICHAEL Vincent.
19850122             1—COLD—WAVE damaged 90—PERCENT—OF—FLORIDA—CITRUS crop.
19860122             THE—BODY—OF—YVONNE—COLEMAN, 15—JAHRE—ALT was found in 1—PARK in INGLEWOOD—CALIFORNIA.
19860122—20080000    —LINKED, DNA evidence, MICHAEL—HUGHES, 51—JAHRE—ALT, already in jail for 4—OTHER—MURDERS (19920000—19930000    ), to her murder and 3—OTHERS.
19860122—20110000    —DUBBED, Hughes, 1—FORMER—SECURITY—GUARD, the "Southside Slayer," was found GUILTY—OF—STRANGLING 3—MORE victims in 1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS that stretched over 1—DECADE.
19870122             Der USA—AMERIKANISCHE Politiker Budd Dwyer tötet sich bei einer von ihm einberufenen PRESSEKONFERENZ—EINEN—TAG vor Urteilsverkündung in seinem Strafprozess vor laufender Kamera.
19870122             Ihm drohte eine langjährige Haftstrafe.
19870122             R. Budd Dwyer, Penn.
19870122             STATE—TREASURER, facing prison for conspiracy & perjury, shot himself to death at 1 televised news conference.
19880122             1—USA federal appeals court ruled that court appointment of independent counsels to investigate allegations of wrongdoing by HIGH—RANKING government officials was unconstitutional;
19880122             however, THE—SUPREME—COURT upheld the law the —FOLLOWING June.
19890122             SUPER, Bowl XXXIII, THE—S—FRANCISCO 49ers came from behind to defeat THE—CINCINNATI Bengals 20-to-16 in MIAMI—JOE—ROBBIE—STADIUM.
19890122             —RIFLED, JOE—MONTANA, a 10-yard touchdown pass to JOHN—TAYLOR with —JUST 34—SECONDS left in the game to win.
19900122             In den USA wird der Student ROBERT—TAPPAN—MORRIS schuldig gesprochen, 19880000              den nach ihm benannten Computerwurm Morris freigesetzt zu haben.
19900122             —BECAME, SF GIANT—1. baseman WILL—CLARK, the baseball's highest paid player as he signed a 4-year contract for $15—MILLION.
19900122             1—JURY in SYRACUSE—NEW—YORK, convicted graduate student ROBERT—T—MORRIS of federal computer tampering charges for unleashing a "worm" that crippled 1—COMPUTER—NETWORK.
19900122             ROMAN—VISHNIAC is best known for capturing on film the culture of Jews in Central and EAST—EUROPE —BEFORE the Holocaust.
19900122             —MARCHED, Up to 2—MILLION—AZERBAIJANIS, through the republic's capital to mourn those killed —WHEN Soviet troops put down 1—NATIONALIST revolt.
19910122             —DURING the Gulf WAR—IRAQ fired 6—SCUD missiles into SAUDI—ARABIA;
19910122             all were either intercepted, or fell into unpopulated areas.
19910122             —ELUDED, However, in Tel Aviv, 1—SCUD, the Patriot missile defense system and struck the city, resulting in 3—DEATHS.
19920122             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, ANDREW—H—CARD—JUNIOR to be transportation SECRETARY.
19920122             —VOTED, THE—S—FRANCISCO—PORT—COMMISSION, unanimously to install some 300—PALM—TREES along the Embarcadero roadway.
19920122—19920130    —BLASTED, The space shuttle Discovery, off with 7—ASTRONAUTS.
19920122—19920130    Roberta Bondar was the 1. CANADA—WOMAN in space.
19920122—19920130    She rode the shuttle Discovery and performed life and MATERIAL—SCIENCE—EXPERIMENTS.
19930122             —BEGINNT, Die kroatische Armee, im Kroatienkrieg mit der Operation Maslenica, einer Offensive gegen serbische Truppen in Dalmatien, die —BIS zum 19930201              dauern wird.
19930122             —RESUMED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, his search for 1—ATTORNEY—GENERAL, —FOLLOWING THE—EARLY—MORNING withdrawal of nominee Zoe Baird in the face of 1—COMPLAINTS over her hiring of illegal aliens.
19930122             —REVERSED, Clinton, the federal policy barring THE—MENTION—OF—ABORTION by doctors in federally financed institutions.
19930122             —ON the 20. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—ROE vs. Wade decision, PRESIDENT—CLINTON lifted 1—SERIES—OF—ABORTION—RESTRICTIONS imposed by his Republican predecessors.
19930122             —BECAME, DONNA—E—SHALALA, USA—SECRETARY—OF—HEALTH and Human Services (HHS).
19930122             —FOUNDED, NORWAY—AIR—SHUTTLE was, by BJORN—KJOS to take over the regional airline services produced by Busy Bee for Braathens in WEST—NORWAY.
19940122             "SCHINDLER—LIST," STEVEN—SPIELBERG—DRAMA about the Holocaust, won Golden Globes for best dramatic picture and best director.
19940122             † JEAN—LOUIS—BARRAULT, 83—JAHRE—ALT, FRANCE—ACTOR (La Ronde).
19940122             † Actor Telly Savalas in Universal CITY—CALIFORNIA, 1—DAY—AFTER turning 70.
19950122             —BURNED, THE—MACEDONIA Baptist Church in MANNING—SOUTH—CAROLINA, down.
19950122             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19950122             4—KLANSMEN were —LATER arrested and convicted.
19950122             † Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy at the family compound in Hyannis PORT—MASSACHUSETTS, at age 104.
19950122             2—PALESTINIANS blew themselves up at Beit Lid junction in CENTRAL—ISRAEL and killed 21—ISRAELIS.
19950122             —INJURED, DOZENS—OF—OTHERS were, and the Islamic Jihad took responsibility.
19960122             —BEENDET, Der Mutterkonzern DAIMLER—BENZ, die Verhandlungen mit Fokker, trennt sich von dem Unternehmen und besiegelt so dessen Insolvenz.
19960122             —DECLARED, CLINTON—PENNSYLVANIA 1—DISASTER—AREA—AFTER floods on the Susquehanna and other rivers killed 8 and forced a 100,000—PEOPLE to leave their homes.
19960122             —ANNOUNCED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE, that 1. Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton had been subpoenaed by the Whitewater special prosecutor to testify —BEFORE 1—GRAND—JURY investigating the mysterious DISCOVERY—OF—HER—LAW—FIRM billing records in THE—WHITE—HOUSE—RESIDENCE.
19960122             O.J. Simpson testified for the 1. time —SINCE the killings of his EX—WIFE—NICOLE and her friend, RONALD—GOLDMAN, as he gave 1 videotaped deposition for 1—WRONGFUL—DEATH—LAWSUIT.
19970122             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE, MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT as SECRETARY—OF—STATE, the 1. woman to hold that office.
19970122             1—JURY in FLORIDA ruled that OWENS—CORNING Fiberglass Co. must pay $31—MILLION to 1—MISSISSIPPI man DYING—OF—CANCER from exposure to asbestos.
19970122             —ANNOUNCED, CANADA and CUBA, a 14-point agreement.
19970122             —PLEDGED, They, cooperation on human rights and sought to shield foreign investors targeted for punishment by WASHINGTON.
19970122             —KILLED, RWANDA, gunmen, at least 20—CIVILIANS.
19970122—19940000    —IN—THE, In KIGALI 1—SPECIAL—COURT sentenced 2—HUTU men to be executed for their roles mass killings.
19980122             —PLEADED, THEODORE—J—KACZYNSKI, guilty in SACRAMENTO—CALIFORNIA, to the Unabomber killings in return for 1—SENTENCE—OF—LIFE in prison without parole.
19980122             DEC.
19980122             —SIGNED, Microsoft under court pressure, 1—AGREEMENT giving PC makers the freedom to install Windows 95—WITHOUT 1—INTERNET—EXPLORER icon.
19980122             THE—ENDEAVOUR space shuttle shot up on its way to meet with the Mir space station.
19980122             —TRADED, ASTRONAUT—ANDREW—THOMAS, places with DAVID—WOLF for a 4-month stint.
19980122             —DETAINED, Goran Jelisic (29) was, by UN peace troops in Bijeljina.
19980122             —ACQUITTED, He was, on the charge of genocide as the court did not believe the prosecution had proved this beyond reasonable doubt.
19980122             was transferred to ITALY to serve the remainder of his sentence with credit for time served —SINCE his arrest.
19980122             —ON the 1. full —DAY—OF—HIS—VISIT to CUBA, JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA celebrated Mass, preaching the message, "Be not afraid".
19980122             —CLASHED, PRISTINA, Serbia, ethnic Albanians, with SERBIA—POLICE.
19980122             —INJURED, There was 1—DEATH and 2 were.
19980122—19920500    —IN, 1—INDICTMENT against him held that he commanded the Luka prisoner camp in Brcko and killed 16—MUSLIMS, and that he was responsible for the deaths of countless detainees.
19980122—19990000    —IN, he was found guilty on all COUNTS—OF—CRIMES against humanity and violating THE—CUSTOMS—OF—WAR.
19980122—20030529    —ON, Jelisi?
19990122             —ALLEGED, Press REPORTS—OF—THE—POLICE—VERSION have, that the Sayed ABU—NASIR,
19990122             along with 6—OTHERS—4—FROM EGYPT and 1 EACH—FROM—THE—SUDAN and MYANMAR "are believed to be close associates of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN" and that they had " active assistance and guidance from THE—ISI to blow up THE—USA consulates.
19990122             Terrorism 19990000              : Changing Profile
19990122             —CALLED, SENATOR—ROBERT—C—BYRD, D—WVA, abruptly, for DISMISSAL—OF—CHARGES against PRESIDENT—CLINTON to "end this sad and sorry time for our country".
19990122             —CALLED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON, for spending $2.8—BILLION to protect the nation from cyber terrorism and chemical and germ warfare.
19990122             —KILLED, More twisters hit the South and 3—MORE—PEOPLE were, in ARKANSAS and 1 in TENNESSEE.
19990122             THE—100—YEAR—OLD—QUAPAW DISTRICT—OF—LITTLE—ROCK was hit hard as was the historic DISTRICT—OF—CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE.
19990122             † CHARLES—BROWN, blues legend, in OAKLAND at age 78.
19990122             JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA began a 5—DAY—PILGRIMAGE to MEXICO and S—LOUIS.
19990122             —GREETED, He was, by PRESIDENT—ZEDILLO some 2—DOZEN—OFFICIAL sponsors who would help defray the $2—MILLION—COSTS—OF—THE—4—DAY—VISIT.
19990122             —DETERMINED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND (IMF), that members having more than 85—PERCENT—OF—THE—TOTAL—OF—FUND quotas have consented to increases in their quotas under the 11. GENERAL—REVIEW—OF—QUOTAS.
19990122             —INDICTED, ARGENTINA, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE, 7—FORMER—MILITARY—OFFICIALS for the disappearances of over 200—BABIES —DURING the 19760000—19830000     dictatorship.
19990122             —ISSUED, BEIJING, telecommunications authorities, 1—CIRCULAR clamping down on THE—USE—OF—PHONE—LINES for telephone sex.
19990122             —ACCEPTED, EAST—CONGO, government and rebel authorities, UN care for HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS displaced by war.
19990122             —CONVICTED, FRANCE, 107—PEOPLE for supporting insurgents in ALGERIA.
19990122             MANOHARPUR—INDIA, GRAHAM—STEWART—STAINES, 58—JAHRE—ALT, 1—AUSTRALIA—MISSIONARY, and his 2—SONS (10 & 8) were burned to death by activists of the radical Bajrang Dal.
19990122             DARA—SINGH led some 30—MEN in the attack.
19990122             † In INDONESIA order was restored on THE—ISLAND—OF—AMBON —AFTER 45—PEOPLE in 4—DAYS—OF—RIOTING.
19990122             —INFORMED, HUSSEIN—KING—OF—JORDON, his brother Hassan that he would be removed as successor and would be appointed as 1—DEPUTY.
19990122             —DESIRED, Hussein, to move his own sons in line for the Crown.
19990122             —REPEALED, MONGOLIA, THE—PARLIAMENT, its law authorizing casinos.
19990122             —ALLEGED, Press REPORTS—OF—THE—POLICE—VERSION have, that the Sayed ABU—NASIR, along with 6—OTHERS—4—FROM EGYPT and 1 EACH—FROM—THE—SUDAN and MYANMAR "are believed to be close associates of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN" and that they had " active assistance and guidance from THE—ISI to blow up THE—USA—CONSULATES".
19990122—20000100    —CAPTURED, Singh was.
19990122—20020000    —IN, 1—SECURITY—GUARD, stood by the statement he gave in 1—LOWER—COURT that he burned the missionary's jeep, killing the missionary and young sons as they slept.
19990122—20030000    —IN, Mahendra Hembram (23),
19990122—20030000    —IN, 13—MEN were convicted for the murders.
19990122—20110000    —IN, 1—TRIAL—COURT—LATER sentenced DARA—SINGH to death but it was reduced to life in prison on appeal.
20000122             Einen —TAG—NACH—DEM STURZ—VON—STAATSPRÄSIDENT—JAMIL—MAHUAD durch das Militär und die Indigenenbewegung in ECUADOR wird der bisherige Vizepräsident Gustavo Noboa von den Putschisten als Staatspräsident eingesetzt.
20000122             EAST—TIMOR, UN investigators found the bodies of 8—PEOPLE in 1—MASS—GRAVE.
20000122             —RECOVERED, This brought the total NUMBER—OF—BODIES, —SINCE Sep to about 200.
20000122             —DIVIDED, Participants were, into 4—TEAMS, sent into 4—ROOMS, with the ability to communicate with EACH—OTHER + with 1—COMMAND—HEADQUARTERS through the computers.
20000122             Elian GONZALEZ—GRANDMOTHERS met privately with USA—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JANET—RENO as they appealed for help in removing the boy from his FLORIDA relatives and reuniting him with his father in CUBA.
20000122             † Food writer CRAIG—CLAIBORNE at 1—NEW—YORK hospital at age 79.
20000122             —CLAIMED, CHECHNYA, RUSSIA—FORCES, control over a 3. of Grozny.
20000122             —WOUNDED, RUSSIA—COMMANDER—VIKTOR—KAZANTSEV said PRESIDENT—ASLAN—MASKHADOV was, in fighting in the Argun Gorge.
20000122             —DESCRIBED, TURKEY, THE—BODY—OF—KONCA—KURIS, as 1—MUSLIM feminist, was exhumed in KONYA, 220—MILES—NORTH—WEST—OF—MERSIN.
20000122             Her body was 1—OF 33—FOUND at properties used by Hezbollah, 1—RADICAL—GROUP dedicated to overthrowing THE—TURKEY—STATE and establishing 1—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC.
20000122             —PARTICIPATED, Woolsey, in 1—CFR—PROJECT—RUN as 1—WAR—GAME—SIMULATION at its Manhattan headquarters.
20001213—20010122    —ESCAPED, Police in COLORADO caught 4, convicts.
20010122             Deutschland und die Volksrepublik CHINA unterzeichnen einen Vertrag zum Bau der Magnetschwebebahn Transrapid.
20010122             Gebaut werden soll eine 200—KILOMETER lange Bahnverbindung zwischen SHANGHAI und HANGZHOU.
20010122             Burma Net News:
20010122             —DOCUMENTED, THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL —LAST—YEAR carefully, the devious involvement of HALLIBURTON + CHENEY in BURMA.
20010122             "HALLIBURTON—BURMA connection is a... - THE—BUSH—YEARS—BEGIN
20010122             (This was not the last time that 1—HALLIBURTON company did business with BURMA.
20010122             Halliburton — ZNet
20010122             —BANNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, USA funding for overseas abortion counseling.
20010122             —ON THE—ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT—DECISION legalizing abortion, Bush signed 1—MEMORANDUM reinstating full abortion restrictions on USA overseas aid.
20010122             —ESCAPED, USA—POLICE in COLORADO caught 4, TEXAS convicts.
20010122             † A 5. committed suicide.
20010122             The 2 at large were caught 1—DAY—LATER.
20010122             —PASSED, BRITAIN, THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, legislation that effectively legalized the creation of cloned human embryos.
20010122             Israeli and PALESTINE—NEGOTIATORS met in TABA—EGYPT.
20010122             —RESIGNED, JAPAN, Fukushiro Nukaga, economics MINISTER, in 1—BRIBERY—SCANDAL and was succeeded by Taro Aso.
20010122             RUSSIA, PRESIDENT—PUTIN put his domestic security agency in CHARGE—OF—THE—WAR—EFFORT in Chechnya.
20010122             —THE—BUSH—YEARS—BEGIN
20010122             Burma Net News: THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL —LAST—YEAR carefully documented the devious involvement of Halliburton + Cheney in Burma.
20010122             (This was not the last time that 1—HALLIBURTON company did business with Burma.
20010911             was an inside job says Shayler 20070122              by Paddy Shennan,
20011100             14—PEOPLE, including THE—5—ATTACKERS, were killed.
20011100—20010122    —ON, [VANITY—FAIR, 8/02, WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20030123             ], FBI Director ROBERT—MUELLER visited INDIA + was told by INDIA—INVESTIGATORS that Saeed Sheikh sent ransom money to hijacker MOHAMED—ATTA in THE—USA.
20011100—20020122    —ON, 1—CROWD—OF mostly unarmed INDIA—POLICE—NEAR THE—USA—INFORMATION—SERVICE building in CALCUTTA—INDIA, were attacked by gunmen;
20020000             —INTRODUCED, MISTER—BUSH, the —MILLENNIUM Challenge program as 1—NEW—APPROACH to fix the perceived FAILURES—OF—OVERSEAS—DEVELOPMENT—ASSISTANCE".
20020000             [WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, 20070122             ]
20020122             Das deutsche Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie erlässt die TELEKOMMUNIKATIONS—ÜBERWACHUNGS—VERORDNUNG, mit der die Abhörung von Telekommunikationsanlagen in Deutschland geregelt wird.
20020122             Kmart, 1—DER—GRÖSSTEN—EINZELHANDELSKONZERNE—DER—USA, beantragt Gläubigerschutz nach Kapitel 11—DES USA—KONKURSRECHTS.
20020122             article in the magazine THE—ADVOCATE
20020122             [5]SOURCE: TIME EUROPE | Viewpoint: His FATHER—SON | 20010122
20020122             Kmart Corp., the discount chain that gave AMERICA the BlueLight Special, filed for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION.
20020122             † JACK—SHEA, 91—JAHRE—ALT, 1—GOLD—MEDAL—WINNING speedskater and patriarch of the nation's 1. family with 3—GENERATIONS—OF—OLYMPIANS, in Lake PLACID—NEW—YORK, of injuries suffered in 1—CAR—ACCIDENT.
20020122             —REPORTED, USA—OFFICIALS, that Ibn AL—SHAYKH AL—LIBI, 1—FORMER—HEAD—OF—AL—QAEDA training in AFGHANISTAN, had provided information on 1 alleged plot to blow up THE—USA—EMBASSY in YEMEN 1—WEEK—EARLIER.
20020122             —CHARGED, THE—MYANMAR—ARMY was, by AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—OF killing and torturing HUNDREDS—OF—ETHNIC—SHAN villagers.
20020122             —FORCED, Some 300,000 Shan villagers have been, to flee their homes in the past 2—YEARS.
20020122             —KILLED, At least 4—POLICE—OFFICERS were, —WHEN 2—GUNMEN opened fired at THE—USA—CENTER in CALCUTTA.
20020122             19—PEOPLE were wounded.
20020122             3—BANGLADESHIS and 3—TEACHERS from 1—ISLAMIC—SCHOOL were —LATER arrested and charged with murder.
20020122             —ARRESTED, Gangster Aftab Ansari was —LATER, in DUBAI and said his motive was to punish police for killing his friend, ASIF—RAZA—KHAN, —LAST—YEAR.
20020122             INDONESIA, troops shot and killed ABDULLAH—SYAFEI, COMMANDER—OF—THE—FREE—ACEH—MOVEMENT.
20020122             —KILLED, ISRAEL—TROOPS, 4—HAMAS militants in NABLUS.
20020122             Yousef Soragji (42), MASTERMIND—OF—SEVERAL suicide bombings, was among the dead.
20020122             —KILLED, ISRAEL—,1—PALESTINE—GUNMAN, 2—WOMEN in JERUSALEM and wounded 14—OTHERS—BEFORE he was killed by police.
20020122             PRESIDENT—PUTIN said that RUSSIA—FITNESS and sports infrastructure had so declined in the last —DECADE that only 1 in 10—CITIZENS—EXERCISE—OF—PLAY—SPORTS.
20020122             Amnesty anmoder om adgang til GUANTANAMO basen... - article in the magazine THE—ADVOCATE
20020122             [4]Source: BENHAMOU—BIOGRAPHY on the 3Com website - [5]Source:
20020122—20050000    —IN, 7—PEOPLE were sentenced to death for the killings.
20020129             In his 1. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS, PRESIDENT—BUSH named... ships were activated and ordered to be operational no —LATER than 20020122           .
20020205—20030000    —IN, the murder charges against Pickton rose to 22. PICKTON—TRIAL began 20070122             , with prosecutors saying the he had confessed to killing 49—WOMEN.
20021025             TIME EUROPE | Viewpoint: His FATHER—SON | 20010122              Investigators believe this was 1—COMMISSION for introducing Brenco PRESIDENT—PIERRE—FALCON e — also under investigation — to ANGOLA—AUTHORITIES and thus...
20030122             —VERWENDET, USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER—DONALD—RUMSFELD, auf 1 PRESSEKONFERENZ, die Phrase Das alte EUROPA, die —SPÄTER zum Wort des Jahres wird.
20030122             Bei den vorgezogenen niederländischen Parlamentswahlen gewinnt die christdemokratische Partei (CDA) von Ministerpräsident JAN—PETER—BALKENENDE.
20030122             he attacked liberals for failing to recognize that "regime change in IRAQ is not SOME—DISTRACTION from THE—WAR—ON—AL—QAEDA,
20030122             —RALLIED, Opponents and SUPPORTERS—OF—ABORTION—RIGHTS, on the 30. ANNIVERSARY—OF—THE—SUPREME—COURT—ROE v. Wade ruling.
20030122             —KIDNAPPED, COLOMBIA, ELN rebels, SCOTT—DALTON, photographer and native of CONROE—TEXAS;
20030122             and RUTH—MORRIS, 1—UK—REPORTER in Arauca state.
20030122             —RELEASED, They were, 20030201           .
20030122             —JOINED, FRANCE and GERMANY, forces to prevent ANY—USA—LED WAR—ON—IRAQ.
20030122             Countering blunt TALK—OF—WAR by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, FRANCE and GERMANY defiantly stated they were committed to 1—PEACEFUL—SOLUTION to THE—IRAQ crisis.
20030122             —REJECTED, In THE—NETHERLANDS voters, 1—ANTI—IMMIGRATION—PARTY and gave 44—SEATS to THE—CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRATS and 42 to the Labor party.
20030122             he attacked liberals for failing to recognize that "
20030122             regime change in IRAQ is not SOME—DISTRACTION from THE—WAR—ON—AL—QAEDA,
20030122—19450000    —IN, BILL—MAUDLIN (19210000              *), WW—II era cartoonist, † in NEWPORT BEACH—CALIFORNIA he won 1—PULITZER—PRIZE for his war cartoons and authored "Up Front," 1—COLLECTION—OF cartoons and 1—ESSAY on war.
20030122—19580000    —IN, A 2. Pulitzer followed.
20030122—19910519    —INDUCTED, He was, into THE—S—LOUIS—WALK—OF—FAME.
20030122—20100331    —RELEASED, THE—USA—POST—OFFICE, a 1.—CLASS denomination ($.44) postage stamp in MAULDIN—HONOR depicting him with WWII characters Willie & Joe.
20031021—20040122    —ON, police SERGEANT—DAGO—SERY was sentenced to 17—YEARS in prison for the murder.
20040122             —APPROVED, USA—CONGRESS, an $820—BILLION spending bill.
20040122             It included 1—LABELING law for the seafood industry for "country of origin".
20040122             —SENTENCED, SOUTH—DAKOTA politician BILL—JANKLOW was, to 100—DAYS in jail for 1—AUTO accident that killed 1—MOTORCYCLIST and ended JANKLOW—CAREER in disgrace.
20040122             Enron CORPORATION—FORMER—TOP—ACCOUNTANT, RICHARD—CAUSEY, surrendered to federal authorities;
20040122             he pleaded innocent to conspiracy and fraud charges.
20040122             —REPORTED, It was, that Kodak, headquartered in ROCHESTER, NY, planned to cut its work force by as much as 21% by the end of 20060000           .
20040122             NASA said it lost contact with the Mars spirit rover.
20040122             † ANN—MILLER, 81—JAHRE—ALT, tap dancing film actress, in LOS—ANGELES.
20040122             —ASSASSINATED, CAMBODIA, gunmen, Chea Vichea, 1—PROMINENT—LABOR—LEADER linked to the main opposition party, as he read 1—NEWSPAPER on 1—CAPITAL—STREET.
20040122             —USHERED, THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR (Lunar —YEAR 4702), in THE—YEAR—OF—THE—MONKEY.
20040122             —CALLED, In KOREA the event is, Solnal and in VIETNAM it is called Tet.
20040122             —MARKED, THE—CHINA—NEW—YEAR, 1—TRADITIONAL—TIME—OF settling debts.
20040122             Migrant workers in THE—CHINA—CONSTRUCTION—INDUSTRY were reportedly owed over $40—BILLION in back pay.
20040122             —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen firing from 1—VAN, 2—IRAQ—POLICEMEN and wounded 3—OTHERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—CHECKPOINT between FALLUJAH and Ramadi.
20040122             ISRAEL—SOLDIERS shot and killed a 14—YEAR—OLD—PALESTINE—BOY as he and 6—OTHER unarmed teenagers tried to sneak from THE—GAZA Strip into ISRAEL.
20040122             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—TRIBUNAL ordered the immediate transfer to the government of $683—MILLION in illegally accumulated funds from SWITZERLAND—BANK—ACCOUNTS—OF—FORMER—DICTATOR FERDINAND—MARCOS.
20040122             TANZANIA, JUDGE—WILLIAM—SEKULE said the tribunal found JEAN—DE—DIEU—KAMUHANDA, 51—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—MINISTER for culture and higher education, GUILTY—OF—GENOCIDE and extermination for his role 19940000             —THE—RWANDA genocide.
20040122             —ACQUITTED—OF, He was, 8—OTHER—CHARGES—OF—CRIMES against humanity.
20040122             —HACKED, SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—BUDDHIST monk was, to death.
20040122             —BLAMED, Muslim extremists were.
20040122             —SNATCHED, ZIMBABWE—ONLY—INDEPENDENT—DAILY—NEWSPAPER brought out 1—SLIM—EDITION that was, up by readers —AFTER 1—COURT ordered police to allow the popular Daily News to resume publishing.
20040122             —DISMISSED, ARIZONA Republic]-LATER—CHENEY, questions about his failure to serve by simply saying, "I had other priorities in the '60s".
20040122             —BY DAVID—CROMWELL—THE—REAL—BBC : Balanced, Fair and Honest... Unless it Really Matters
20040122             —BY—DAVID CROMWELL THE—REAL—BBC : Balanced, Fair and Honest... Unless it Really Matters —JUST kidding 200411012205
20040900             "Outfoxed" remixed: Dreh deinen eigenen MURDOCH—FILM
20041000             Indische Schulbücher : Wo Hitler noch der GröFaZ ist
20041102             —JUST kidding 200411012205          - "BRAD—MENFIL"
20041102             —MONDAY 20041101              20041102             —JUST kidding 200411012205          - "BRAD—MENFIL"
20050122             Spyware opponents win another BATTLE—ENTERPRISE - CNETAsia
20050122             "We view the court's granting of temporary relief as 1—STRONG—VICTORY for consumers," said Laura Sullivan,
20050122             1—ATTORNEY for the Federal Trade Commission... - Reblog: Publizität, Politik, Theorie
20050122             Der Wortlaut zeigt, daß dies in keinem Fall gegen... wie JOHANNES—PAUL—II, die beiden BUSH—PRÄSIDENTEN oder... Werte: da ist die nervtötende Rede von Demokratie...
20050122             Unmittelbar nach seiner Inauguration versuchte er sein...
20050122             vom 19991217              wiedergegeben im Wortlaut des Dekrets des...
20050122             führe ich DAVID—ICKES—TEXT im englischen Wortlaut an. so viel von einer globalen Rezession die Rede war
20050122             CIA Agents Infest USA—MASS Media Clinton, BUSH and Drugs...
20050122             Terror vor den Wahlen: Grausamkeiten sollen Iraker einschüchtern
20050122             Pannenprojekt Eurofighter: Kampfjet ohne Kanone
20050122             Freiheit für den Irak: Verrückt nach Bush
20050122             Hochbetrieb bei der UFO—HOTLINE: Anrufer melden "Besuch von Außerdimensionalen"
20050122             Partei Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit":
20050122             —GEGRÜNDET, Linkspartei in Göttingen offiziell
20050122             1. Everyone is recognised as having the right to his or her personal identity,
20050122             personality development, civil capacity, citizenship, good name and reputation + likeness,
20050122             the right to speak out and the right to THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—PRIVACY—OF his or her personal and family life and to legal protection against ANY—FORM—OF—DISCRIMINATION.
20050122             In order to defend personal rights, liberties and guarantees, the law shall provide citizens with legal procedures that are characterised by swiftness and priority,
20050122             so that there is effective and timely protection against threats or violations of these rights.
20050122             Article 21 - Right to resist
20050122             Everyone has the right to refuse to comply with 1—ORDER that infringes his or her rights,
20050122             freedoms or guarantees and to resist by force ANY—FORM—OF—AGGRESSION—WHEN recourse to 1—PUBLIC—AUTHORITY is impossible.
20050122             Article 22—LIABILITY—OF—PUBLIC—BODIES
20050122             THE—STATE and other public bodies shall be jointly and severally liable under the civil law,
20050122             with THE—MEMBERS—OF—THEIR—ORGANS, their officials and their personnel,
20050122             for acts or omissions in THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THEIR—FUNCTIONS, or caused by THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THEIR—FUNCTIONS,
20050122             which result in CONTRAVENTION—OF—RIGHTS, freedoms or guarantees or in damage to another person.
20050122             Article 23—OMBUDSMAN
20050122             1. Citizens may present complaints concerning acts or omissions on THE—PART—OF—PUBLIC—BODIES to the Ombudsman,
20050122             who shall undertake 1—REVIEW, without POWER—OF—DECISION + shall make such recommendations to the competent organs as are necessary to prevent or make good injustice.
20050122             4. Everyone shall have the right to have 1—CAUSE which affects him determined in 1—FAIR—TRIAL within 1—REASONABLE—TIME.
20050122             UK Indymedia | Purveyors of fine technologies of political control
20050122             WACKENHUT seems quite 1—BIT—LIKE 1—COMPANY that CARLYLE Group would have a
20050122             by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), the industry's trade association + lobbying...
20050122             search warrants issued by RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS for managers of the embattled oil company.
20050122             CONSTITUTION—OF—THE—PORTUGAL—REPUBLIC—REVISION 19970000             ...
20050122             THE—DUTY—OF—THE—STATE to organise, CO—ORDINATE and subsidise 1 unified and decentralised social security system,
20050122             FIN—LEHTOMAKI, PAULA—MINISTER—OF—FOREIGH—TRADE and Development.
20050122             USA — McDonough, William J. - Chairman and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight BOARD...
20050122             Meeting of European Left Parties -"THE—SOCIAL—ISSUE, the left...
20050122             Privatisation, company delocations and THE—DISMANTLING—OF—THE—STATE—SOCIAL—FUNCTIONS
20050122             destroyed, collective bargaining is undermined and trade union rights are...
20050122             PHANG—NGA, µÐ¡ÑèÇ"èÒ. - 638, BRUNO TAJCVI, N/A, M, 0, MISSING
20050122             THEO HURKMANS Discharged DUTCH 20041228              ER MISS PETRA—IPD Mr.
20050122             THEO—HURKMANS terug uit THAILAND zonder zijn geliefde Stefania.
20050122             In januari meeste kans op inbraak. 'Ik ben extreem gelukkig.
20050122             THE—FAMILY—OF—CONOR—KEIGHTLEY, 31, from Cookstown in County Tyrone are still awaiting contact from him.
20050122             —BELIEVED, MISTER—KEIGHTLEY is, to have taken 1—BOAT—TRIP—NEAR—PHI Phi on Christmas —DAY.
20050122             His birthday was on New —YEAR`s Eve.
20050122             † ROBERT—WHYMANT, 60, 1—FORMER—FOREIGN—CORRESPONDENT for THE—TIMES was killed —WHILE swimming near his hotel in SRI—LANKA.
20050122             —DISAPPEARED, ROBERT—WHYMANT, —WHEN he and his JAPAN—WIFE, Minako, were separated by 1—HUGE—WAVE—WHILE enjoying 1—MORNING swim.
20050122             † STUART—SHIELDS, 37, 1—KEEN—AMATEUR footballer, was killed —WHILE swimming in the sea off THE—MALDIVES with wife Tania,
20050122             34. She survived and has contacted relatives in their home TOWN—OF—RIDGEWELL, Essex, with the news.
20050122             JULIAN—AYER, son of the late philosopher FREDDIE—AYER, † in SRI—LANKA as he travelled with wife HARRIET—CRAWLEY,
20050122             56, to see her son Spencer, 17, play cricket in Galle on 1—HARROW—SCHOOL—TOUR.
20050122             † FATHER—OF—2—PETER—WESTON, 47, of Owslebury, Hants, —WHEN THE—TSUNAMI struck the White Sands Resort on THE—ARI—ATOLL—ISLAND, in THE—MALDIVES.
20050122             —ISSUED, LISTS—OF—DEATHS, by Patong hospital, near Phuket, include the names of Britons Mike and CAROL—HALL, both 60.
20050122             † Garden designer Piers Simon, 33, of Chilthorne Domer, Yeovil, Somerset, —AFTER being swept out to sea —WHEN 1—WAVE hit 1—KOH—PHI—PHI cafe.
20050122             —CONFIRMED, City broker LINCOLN—ABRAHAM has been, dead.
20050122             THE—34—YEAR—OLD from Hampstead, NORTH—LONDON, was on holiday on Koh Phi Phi with friends who survived the disaster.
20050122             She was on holiday with her father Nicholas,
20050122             mother Sally and sister Mazie, 6, —WHEN THE—TSUNAMI struck.
20050122             † LOUISE—WILLGRASS, 43, from Colney, near NORWICH, was killed as she holidayed in THAILAND with husband NIGEL and their 4—CHILDREN.
20050122             † Actor and film director Lord Attenboroughs 14—YEAR—OLD granddaughter Lucy was killed in Phuket, 20050122              THAILAND, —WHILE on holiday with her mother Jane and other family members.
20050122             They were on holiday in PHUKET—THAILAND.
20050122             † 6—YEAR—OLD—TAYLOR—HOWARD, from Hayle in Cornwall, was killed in THE—THAILAND—RESORT—OF—KHAO—LAK Phang Nga.
20050122             6—YEAR—OLD—TAYLOR—HOWARD was on holiday with his brother Mason, 8, his mother SHARON—HOWARD,
20050122             37, from Hayle + her boyfriend DAVID—PAGE, 44. MISTER—PAGE, of Graffham, WEST—SUSSEX + Mason are missing, feared dead.
20050122             —FEARED, Conservationist Lisa Jones is, to have † on the tiny THAILAND—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHRA—THONG —WHEN THE—TSUNAMI hit.
20050122             Miss Jones, 31, had been working at the Golden Buddha beach resort on Koh Phra Thong for the Naucrates organisation, which protects sea turtles.
20050122             Clare JACKSON, of BRISTOL, is feared dead —AFTER the torrent pulled her away from boyfriend ALEX—HILL, 24, in TANGARRA—SRI—LANKA.
20050122             JOHN—HOFTON, 62 + wife Annie, 57, of WORCESTER, are missing, feared dead on Khao Lak, in THAILAND.
20050122             CATHERINE—MULLAN, 53 + LEONARD—BARRATT, 49, of Cornwall, the parents of LOUIS—BARRATT—MULLAN, 16 + Theo, 12, are missing, feared dead in Phuket.
20050122             Fashion photographer SIMON—ATLEE, 33, of LONDON, is missing —AFTER being swept away —WHILE on holiday in Koh Lak,
20050122             THAILAND, with supermodel girlfriend PETRA—NEMCOVA, 25.
20050122             Honeymooners Natalie and ANDREW—MCLEISH, 28 and 31—RESPECTIVELY, of SHEFFIELD, are missing on THAILAND`s Phi Phi island.
20050122             Briton STEVEN—LEUNG—SAI—WAI, 39, is believed to have been killed in THAILAND.
20050122             He had been living in HONG—KONG.
20050122             Radiographer Amanda Britton, 40, her brother ADRIAN—LESTER, 41 + father KEITH—LESTER, 71, are missing in THAILAND.
20050122             Samantha Fayet, 32 + her 6—MONTH—OLD daughter Ruby are also missing in THAILAND.
20050122             Missing on Koh Phi Phi are student SARAH—BENT, 19, of YORK + her boyfriend ROBERT—ROWBOTTOM.
20050122             Backpacker Leanne Cox, 23, of Hartlepool, was staying in 1—BEACH hostel with friends on Phi Phi island,
20050122             THAILAND, —WHEN the disaster struck.
20050122             Her father Alan has spoken to her companions, ALL—OF—WHOM survived, but she is still missing.
20050122             JON—HUGHES, 33, from Kirkstall, LEEDS, was holidaying with his girlfriend SALLY—SHEARING on THE—THAILAND—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI —WHEN 1—GIANT—WAVE engulfed their beach hut.
20050122             —PLUCKED, She was, to safety and was rescued by locals but he has not been seen —SINCE.
20050122             JEZ—STEPHENS, 29, from NORWICH, who was on holiday on Phi Phi, has not been seen —SINCE Christmas —DAY.
20050122             She is understood to be the only person from her group not accounted for.
20050122             FATHER—OF—3—STEPHEN—MAGSON, 54, from Holgate Bridge GARDENS—YORK, remains missing in Phuket.
20050122             —SURVIVED, His wife Denise and daughter INDIA, both, the earthquake.
20050122             Businessman GARETH—SMITH, in his mid 40s, was on THE—ISLAND—OF—SIPORA,
20050122             NORTH—WEST—OF—SUMATRA, with his wife Floryda, 1—CARE—ASSISTANT in her 30s + their sons Joshua, 6 + Zerubbabel, 9, are missing in INDONESIA.
20050122             JOY—SUNDERLAND, 77, from STAMFORD, in Lincolnshire, was on holiday with husband Arthur in Phuket —WHEN she was swept away by the giant wave.
20050122             Her 2—DAUGHTERS have flown out to help in the search for her.
20050122             ROSS—BAKER, 26, from SOUTH—BRENT, Devon, was staying with friends he met —WHILE travelling on THE—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI —WHEN the giant waves struck.
20050122             He has not been in contact with his family —SINCE the disaster.
20050122             Childhood friends BENJAMIN—WATTS, 29 + Nova Mills, 28, from Holme upon Spalding Moor,
20050122             Yorkshire, who were holidaying in THAILAND, have not been seen —SINCE THE—TSUNAMI hit.
20050122             KEVIN—BRICKEL, 32, 1—SOUND—ENGINEER from Hertford, was on holiday in Phi Phi with his THAILAND—GIRLFRIEND —WHEN the wave struck.
20050122             She has not heard from him —SINCE.
20050122             DOMINIC—STEPHENSON, 27 + Eileen Lee, 24, of EDINBURGH, who were holidaying on THE—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI to celebrate moving in together last —MONTH, are missing.
20050122             Pippa Rea, 40, from Nutbourne, WEST—SUSSEX, was on holiday in Phuket with her husband Bill, 42, —WHEN THE—TSUNAMI struck and has been missing —SINCE.
20050122             Backpacker Lisa 20050525             , 1—FORMER—CHEF—FROM—CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, was in Phi Phi —AT—THE—TIME—OF—THE—DISASTER.
20050122             LUKE—PUDDY, 31 + ALICE—CLAYPOOLE, 31, from LONDON, have been missing from Khao Luk in THAILAND —SINCE THE—TSUNAMI struck on Boxing —DAY.
20050122             Zell MILLER—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia...
20050122             Zell Miller, D—GEORGIA, hangs in THE—GEORGIA—STATE—CAPITOL. line contrasting his —LATER endorsements,
20050122             Miller said, "Not ALL—OF—USA can be born rich, handsome +...
20050122             In 1—MEMORABLE—LINE contrasting his —LATER endorsements, Miller, Zell said, "Not ALL—OF—USA can be born rich, handsome + lucky + that's why we have 1—DEMOCRATIC...
20050122             Pauline Kersten Netherland Thammasat UNIVERSITY—DUTCH... 25472912              5137.
20050122             Tracing Request PARENT—NAME (at least 1—OF—BOTH), FATHER—NAME.
20050122             Sex, M. DATE—OF—BIRTH or Age (at least 1—OF—BOTH).
20050122             "Aktion Kehraus": Innenminister bereiten Ausweisung Hunderter Islamisten vor
20050122             Terror im Irak: Sarkawi lässt auf offener Straße köpfen
20050122             CNN paid scant attention to inaugural demonstrators,
20050122             focused instead on license plates and limos
20050122             —DURING CNN—LIVE—COVERAGE—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL inaugural parade on ;;01;;
20050122             20, anchor WOLF—BLITZER, CNN analyst JEFF—GREENFIELD + Harvard University researcher and lecturer Barbara Kellerman provided 1—RUNNING commentary on the festivities.
20050122             —IGNORED, Cable news nets, progressives in covering inaugural
20050122             Social Security update - songs collections
20050122             "Whether you characterize it as fraud or sharp business practices,
20050122             the bottom line is the same: the government was not getting what it paid for," says MICHAEL—HIRST,
20050122             of THE—USA—ATTORNEY'S—OFFICE—IN—SACRAMENTO, who litigated the suit on BEHALF—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20050122             HALLIBURTON is hiring temps to work in IRAQ: $100 1—MONTH for locals, $300 for Indians and $8,000 for Texans.
20050122             —MEANWHILE taxpayers are getting charged top dollar,
20050122             prompting investigations from THE—USA—MILITARY.
20050122             Halliburton Hit with Multiple Lawsuits
20050122             Companies working in support of USA troops in IRAQ are hauling HOUSTON—HEADQUARTERED defense contractor,
20050122             HALLIBURTON, into USA federal court with claims that the company stiffed them for HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—AFTER they provided essential services in the war effort.
20050122             —REVEALED, Newly, documents, dating
20050122             FORMER—HALLIBURTON CEO and —NOW VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY who looks out for its interests from THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20050122             The result? $2—BILLION in contracts "rebuilding" IRAQ
20050122             The biggest windfall in the invasion of IRAQ has most certainly gone to the oil services and logistics company HALLIBURTON.
20050122             The company, which was formerly run by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY ,
20050122             has won over $8—BILLION in contracts in IRAQ
20050122             But HALLIBURTON—HISTORY—OF—BENEFITING from government largesse goes back 1—WAYS.
20050122             —WHEN CHENEY quit his Pentagon job, he landed the job of HALLIBURTON—CEO, bringing with him his trusted deputy DAVID—GRIBBIN.
20050122             oo DONALD—TRUMP, 58—JAHRE—ALT, SLOVENIA—MODEL—MELANIA Knauss (34) with all the glamour, glitz and gold that money and star power can buy.
20050122             But don't feel too sorry for the media organizations that paid for the bad data,
20050122             —ON the 32. ANNIVERSARY—OF—ROE vs. Wade rival SIDES—OF—THE—ABORTION—ISSUE staged dueling marches on Market St. in SF.
20050122             or for THE—LEFT—WINGERS whose hopes were lifted by the exit polls and then crushed by the real results.
20050122             —JEERED, Some 6,000 antiabortion activists were, by some 3,000 advocates for abortion rights.
20050122             —PLAYED, INDIA, actress Parveen Babi, who, the siren in DOZENS—OF—BOLLYWOOD films, was found dead at her suburban Bombay apartment.
20050122             And that is truly scary.
20050122             —PLAYED, Exit polling has traditionally, another important function, helping to reveal the real INTENTIONS—OF—THE—VOTERS.
20050122             As UNIVERSITY—OF—MICHIGAN professor MICHAEL—TRAUGOTT says, they provide "1—PUBLIC
20050122             —FAMED, Babi, for her unconventional western looks, starred in more than 50—HINDI films mostly in the 1970s and early 1980s.
20050122             protection against the false claim of 1—MANDATE".
20050122             —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE—RUN—TELEVISION, that THE—HARD—LINE—CONSTITUTIONAL—WATCHDOG has decided that women can run for PRESIDENT—IN—JUNE elections.
20050122             —EXECUTED, Insurgents said they had, 15 kidnapped IRAQ—NATIONAL—GUARDSMEN for cooperating with USA—FORCES.
20050122             In his acceptance speech, THE—PRESIDENT laid claim to such 1—MANDATE.
20050122             —DECIDED, Insurgents, to release 8—CHINA—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS taken hostage in IRAQ —AFTER CHINA pledged to discourage its citizens from traveling to IRAQ.
20050122             The exit polls, were they bankable, might tell another story: of 1—AMERICAN—APPREHENSIVE about changing leaders in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—WAR against terror but still deeply suspicious about the direction the country is heading in.
20050122             ITALY, 1—WAR within the Camorra, the regional mafia of Naples, was reported to have claimed 35—LIVES over the last 4—MONTHS.
20050122             —ENDED, JAPAN, the world's nations, their tsunami conference and agreed to work together to better guard their people against natural disasters.
20050122             But all we can truly know about 20040000              is the bottom line:
20050122             51—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS checked 1—BOX for BUSH, 48—PERCENT checked 1 for Kerry.
20050122             Maldivians cast votes to elect 1—PARLIAMENT, —3—WEEKS—AFTER the election was postponed BECAUSE—OF—THE—INDIA—OCEAN—TSUNAMI.
20050122             —ARRESTED, Police, 20—OPPOSITION backers.
20050122             Sabato also says this: "I used to believe it was possible to structure exit polls in 1—WAY to make them accurate.
20050122             —BECAME, Consuelo Velazquez (84), whose song "Besame Mucho", 1—STANDARD in MANY—LANGUAGES and STYLES—OF—MUSIC, † in MEXICO—CITY.
20050122             I am —NOW—STARTING to wonder if it is even possible".
20050122             In other words, exit polling--like polling itself--may simply be 1—UNRELIABLE—SCIENCE in —TODAY—WORLD.
20050122             —KILLED, Nepali troops, at least 9—MAOIST—GUERRILLAS including 4—WOMEN in weekend gunbattles in THE—WEST—OF—THE—REVOLT—TORN Himalayan kingdom.
20050122             Early voting and absentee voting further complicates the challenge of accurate predictions.
20050122             —VOWED, SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT, to bring to justice militiamen who exhumed HUNDREDS—OF—SKELETONS from 1—ITALIAN—COLONIAL—ERA cemetery and dumped them near MOGADISHU—AIRPORT.
20050122             —ARRIVED, SOUTH—SUDAN leader JOHN—GARANG, in his southern bastion for the 1. time —SINCE 1—PEACE—ACCORD ended AFRICA—LONGEST—RUNNING civil war.
20050122             who CO—WROTE 1—INTERNAL—REPORT for CNN about 20000000             —THE debacle.
20050122             —REPORTED, TURKEY—LARGE—DEBT was, to amount to about 74—PERCENT—OF—ITS—GDP.
20050122             EUROPA, stellt man nicht nur nicht die richtigen Fragen...
20050122             Die NACH—KALTE—KRIEGSZEIT scheint in der neuen Außenpolitikdoktrin der Regierung BUSH ihr Ende gefunden zu haben.
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN und das Völkerrecht:
20050122             Bücher: ARTHUR—R—KREUTZER by ARTHUR—R—KREUTZER.
20050122             GSoA Zeitung 104 - Irak nächstes OPFER—DER—BUSH—DOKTRIN
20050122             Der USA—PRÄSIDENT hat die wesentlichen Elemente der neuen BUSH—DOKTRIN in 2—PROGRAMMATISCHEN Grundsatzreden Ende ;;01;;
20050122             und - Die ZEIT—JOERGLAU " Untote BUSH—DOKTRIN ?
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN sei keineswegs tot, wie VIELE—ANGESICHTS—DER—MISSERFOLGE der amerikanischen
20050122             —REKONSTRUIERT, Podhoretz, die BUSH—DOKTRIN, die —NACH—DEM 11....
20050122             Analyse der BUSH—DOKTRIN : Vom Containment zur Pax AMERICANA—DIE...
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN ist deshalb 1—AUSDRUCK der Entscheidung des Präsidenten
20050122             Er bescheinigt der BUSH—DOKTRIN :
20050122             "Sie diktiert einen Verhaltenskodex am Rande...
20050122             Die " BUSH—DOKTRIN " betont zum einen die Notwendigkeit präventiver
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN enthält 2—PRÄMISSEN, die nicht miteinander vereinbar sind und...
20050122             Die Welt der Muslime: Die BUSH—DOKTRIN : Selektives Engagement im...
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN : Selektives Engagement im Nahen Osten.
20050122             Essay von KENNETH—W—STEIN.
20050122             Erschienen in: Ausgabe 20030300           .
20050122             In den Vereinigten Staaten ist in der...
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN, der Irakkrieg und die amerikanische Demokratie.
20050122             THE—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY—REDUX: Der 11. ;;09;; und die BUSH—DOKTRIN...
20050122             Weltweite Demokratisierung: Republikaner distanzieren sich von...
20050122             Republikaner distanzieren sich von BUSH—DOKTRIN.
20050122             Freiheit und Demokratie in der Welt zu verbreiten, ist der Anspruch von GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20050122             Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes...
20050122             Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch.
20050122             —BY—PRATAP Chatterjee, Special to CorpWatch 20040212
20050122             Spyware opponents win another BATTLE—ENTERPRISE - CNETAsia "We view the court's granting of temporary relief as 1—STRONG—VICTORY for consumers," said Laura Sullivan, 1—ATTORNEY for the Federal Trade Commission...
20050122             Reblog: Publizität, Politik, Theorie Der Wortlaut zeigt, daß dies in keinem Fall gegen... wie JOHANNES—PAUL—II, die beiden BUSH—PRÄSIDENTEN oder... Werte: da ist die nervtötende Rede von Demokratie...
20050122             RUSSLAND UND ZENTRALASIEN: THE 'GREAT GAME' REVISITED Unmittelbar nach seiner Inauguration versuchte er sein...
20050122    | Community | Foren... führe ich DAVID—ICKES—TEXT im englischen Wortlaut an. so viel von einer globalen Rezession die Rede war... CIA Agents Infest USA—MASS Media Clinton, Bush and Drugs...
20050122             Irrlauf unter der Erde: Franzose 35—TAGE in CHAMPIGNON—GROTTE gefangen
20050122             Partei Arbeit und soziale Gerechtigkeit": Linkspartei in Göttingen offiziell gegründet
20050122             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Hommage ans ARABISCH—ISLAMISCHE Erbe - Árticle 26—OTHER personal rights
20050122             1. Everyone is recognised as having the right to his or her personal identity, personality development, civil capacity, citizenship, good name and reputation + likeness, the right to speak out and the right to THE—PROTECTION—OF—THE—PRIVACY—OF his or her personal and family life and to legal protection against ANY—FORM—OF—DISCRIMINATION.
20050122             In order to defend personal rights, liberties and guarantees, the law shall provide citizens with legal procedures that are characterised by swiftness and priority, so that there is effective and timely protection against threats or violations of these rights.
20050122             Everyone has the right to refuse to comply with 1—ORDER that infringes his or her rights, freedoms or guarantees and to resist by force ANY—FORM—OF—AGGRESSION—WHEN recourse to 1—PUBLIC—AUTHORITY is impossible.
20050122             THE—STATE and other public bodies shall be jointly and severally liable under the civil law, with THE—MEMBERS—OF—THEIR—ORGANS, their officials and their personnel, for acts or omissions in THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THEIR—FUNCTIONS, or caused by THE—PERFORMANCE—OF—THEIR—FUNCTIONS, which result in CONTRAVENTION—OF—RIGHTS, freedoms or guarantees or in damage to another person.
20050122             1. Citizens may present complaints concerning acts or omissions on THE—PART—OF—PUBLIC—BODIES to the Ombudsman, who shall undertake 1—REVIEW, without POWER—OF—DECISION + shall make such recommendations to the competent organs as are necessary to prevent or make good injustice.
20050122             UK Indymedia | Purveyors of fine technologies of political control Zone Box 3061—HERZLIA ISRAEL—PHONE— 972 9 9555464 Fax- 972 9 9559146 EMAIL— DEFEX SA SPAIN 1. INI (National Institute for Industry) has...
20050122             CONSTITUTION—OF—THE—PORTUGAL—REPUBLIC—REVISION 19970000             ... THE—DUTY—OF—THE—STATE to organise, CO—ORDINATE and subsidise 1 unified and decentralised social security system, with THE—PARTICIPATION—OF—THE—TRADE—UNIONS and...
20050122             USA — McDonough, WILLIAM—J—CAHIRMAN and CEO, Public Company Accounting Oversight BOARD...
20050122             Meeting of European Left Parties -"THE—SOCIAL—ISSUE, the left... Privatisation, company delocations and THE—DISMANTLING—OF—THE—STATE—SOCIAL—FUNCTIONS... destroyed, collective bargaining is undermined and trade union rights are...
20050122             Noordhollands Dagblad Dries Roelvink is meer dan dankbaar.
20050122             —ON
20050122             —REFUSED, THE—FOREIGN—OFFICE has, to speculate on the number of Britons who are still missing —FOLLOWING the catastrophe.
20050122             Here is 1—LIST—OF some of the dead and missing Britons:
20050122             † 5—YEAR—OLD—ISABELLA Peatfield, from the village of Mappleton, near Ashbourne in Derbyshire, in the disaster.
20050122             She was on holiday with her parents in SRI—LANKA —WHEN the giant waves struck.
20050122             He disappeared —WHEN he and his JAPAN—WIFE, Minako, were separated by 1—HUGE—WAVE—WHILE enjoying 1—MORNING swim.
20050122             † STUART—SHIELDS, 37, 1—KEEN—AMATEUR footballer, was killed —WHILE swimming in the sea off THE—MALDIVES with wife Tania, 34. She survived and has contacted relatives in their home TOWN—OF—RIDGEWELL, Essex, with the news.
20050122             † JAMES—HURREN, 22, on THE—THAILAND—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI, his father DALE—HURREN, 46, of CAISTER—NORFOLK, confirmed.
20050122             † JULIAN—AYER, son of the late philosopher FREDDIE—AYER, in SRI—LANKA as he travelled with wife HARRIET—CRAWLEY, 56, to see her son Spencer, 17, play cricket in Galle on 1—HARROW—SCHOOL—TOUR.
20050122             † In Phuket, BRITISH—BORN grandfather BRIAN—CLAYTON, 58, originally from NEWCASTLE—UPON—TYNE, attempting to help children escape the waves.
20050122             City broker LINCOLN—ABRAHAM has been confirmed dead.
20050122             † Holly Riddle, in her early 20s, from Nutbourne, WEST—SUSSEX, in KRABI—THAILAND, 1—RELATIVE confirmed.
20050122             She was on holiday with her father Nicholas, mother Sally and sister Mazie, 6, —WHEN the tsunami struck.
20050122             Jane, Lord Attenborough`s elder daughter, is still missing along with her MOTHER—IN—LAW, JANE—HOLLAND.
20050122             He was on holiday with his brother Mason, 8, his mother SHARON—HOWARD, 37, from Hayle + her boyfriend DAVID—PAGE, 44. MISTER—PAGE, of Graffham, WEST—SUSSEX + Mason are missing, feared dead.
20050122             † Conservationist Lisa Jones is feared to have, on the tiny THAILAND—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHRA—THONG —WHEN the tsunami hit.
20050122             Clare JACKSON, of BRISTOL, is feared dead —AFTER the torrent pulled her away from boyfriend ALEX—HILL, 24, in TANGARRA—SRI—LANKA.
20050122             JOHN—HOFTON, 62 + wife Annie, 57, of WORCESTER, are missing, feared dead on Khao Lak, in THAILAND.
20050122             CATHERINE—MULLAN, 53 + LEONARD—BARRATT, 49, of Cornwall, the parents of LOUIS—BARRATT—MULLAN, 16 + Theo, 12, are missing, feared dead in Phuket.
20050122             Fashion photographer SIMON—ATLEE, 33, of LONDON, is missing —AFTER being swept away —WHILE on holiday in Koh LAK—THAILAND, with supermodel girlfriend PETRA—NEMCOVA, 25.
20050122             Honeymooners Natalie and ANDREW—MCLEISH, 28 and 31—RESPECTIVELY, of SHEFFIELD, are missing on THAILAND`s Phi Phi island.
20050122             Briton STEVEN—LEUNG—SAI—WAI, 39, is believed to have been killed in THAILAND.
20050122             Radiographer Amanda Britton, 40, her brother ADRIAN—LESTER, 41 + father KEITH—LESTER, 71, are missing in THAILAND.
20050122             Samantha Fayet, 32 + her 6—MONTH—OLD daughter Ruby are also missing in THAILAND.
20050122             Also unaccounted for by THAILAND—AUTHORITIES are garden designer CRAIG—STANLEY, 30, of NOTTINGHAM, his girlfriend Barbara McTaggart, 29 + scuba diver ANDREW—BARBER, 37.
20050122             Missing on Koh Phi Phi are student SARAH—BENT, 19, of YORK + her boyfriend ROBERT—ROWBOTTOM.
20050122             Backpacker Leanne Cox, 23, of Hartlepool, was staying in 1—BEACH hostel with friends on Phi Phi island, THAILAND, —WHEN the disaster struck.
20050122             JON—HUGHES, 33, from Kirkstall, LEEDS, was holidaying with his girlfriend SALLY—SHEARING on THE—THAILAND—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI —WHEN 1—GIANT—WAVE engulfed their beach hut.
20050122             JEZ—STEPHENS, 29, from NORWICH, who was on holiday on Phi Phi, has not been seen —SINCE Christmas —DAY.
20050122             FATHER—OF—3—STEPHEN—MAGSON, 54, from Holgate Bridge GARDENS—YORK, remains missing in Phuket.
20050122             Businessman GARETH—SMITH, in his mid 40s, was on THE—ISLAND—OF—SIPORA, NORTH—WEST—OF—SUMATRA, with his wife Floryda, 1—CARE—ASSISTANT in her 30s + their sons Joshua, 6 + Zerubbabel, 9, are missing in INDONESIA.
20050122             ROSS—BAKER, 26, from SOUTH—BRENT, Devon, was staying with friends he met —WHILE travelling on THE—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI —WHEN the giant waves struck.
20050122             Childhood friends BENJAMIN—WATTS, 29 + Nova Mills, 28, from Holme upon Spalding Moor, Yorkshire, who were holidaying in THAILAND, have not been seen —SINCE the tsunami hit.
20050122             KEVIN—BRICKEL, 32, 1—SOUND—ENGINEER from Hertford, was on holiday in Phi Phi with his THAILAND—GIRLFRIEND —WHEN the wave struck.
20050122             DOMINIC—STEPHENSON, 27 + Eileen Lee, 24, of EDINBURGH, who were holidaying on THE—ISLAND—OF—KOH—PHI—PHI to celebrate moving in together last —MONTH, are missing.
20050122             Her father John and sister Nicola have both flown to INDONESIA to search for her among the devastation.
20050122             Zell Miller, D—GEORGIA, hangs in THE—GEORGIA—STATE—CAPITOL. line contrasting his —LATER endorsements, Miller said, "Not ALL—OF—USA can be born rich, handsome +...
20050122             MOBILE Prionen: BSE—ERREGER dringt in Niere und Leber
20050122             Nach NPD—EKLAT in SACHSEN: SPD fordert Bürgeraufstand
20050122             —FOCUSED, CNN paid scant attention to inaugural demonstrators, instead on license plates and limos
20050122             —DURING CNN—LIVE—COVERAGE—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL inaugural parade 20050120             —ON, anchor WOLF—BLITZER, CNN analyst JEFF—GREENFIELD + Harvard University researcher and lecturer Barbara Kellerman provided 1—RUNNING commentary on the festivities.
20050122             —NOTED, At 1—POINT, Kellerman, that despite frequent references to protesters, she, Blitzer + Greenfield hadn't actually discussed what they were protesting or why.
20050122             —IGNORED, Cable news nets, progressives in covering INAUGURAL—SOCIAL—SECURITY update
20050122             "Whether you characterize it as fraud or sharp business practices, the bottom line is the same: the government was not getting what it paid for," says MICHAEL—HIRST, of THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—SACRAMENTO, who litigated the suit on BEHALF—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20050122             "We alleged that they exploited the contracting process and increased their profits at the governments expense".
20050122             Operation Sweatshop IRAQ
20050122             —CHARGED, —MEANWHILE taxpayers are getting, top dollar, prompting investigations from THE—USA—MILITARY.
20050122             —BY DAVID—PHINNEY, Special to CorpWatch 20041027
20050122             Companies working in SUPPORT—OF—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ are hauling HOUSTON—HEADQUARTERED defense contractor, Halliburton, into USA federal court with claims that the company stiffed them for HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—AFTER they provided essential services in the war effort.
20050122             KUWAIT Documents Allege Halliburton Bribe Scandal
20050122             —BY DAVID—PHINNEY, Special to Corpwatch 20041111
20050122             HALLIBURTON—THIS company truly has 1—GUARDIAN angel:
20050122             CEO: DAVID—J—LESAR—MILITARY contracts 20030000             : $3.9—BILLION
20050122             —DOGGED, And —WHILE HALLIBURTON—DEALINGS in IRAQ have been, everywhere by scandal — including —NOW 1—CRIMINAL—INVESTIGATION into overcharging by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root for gas shipped into IRAQ — VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY manages to be doing quite well from the deal.
20050122             —UNEXERCISED, He owns $433,000, Halliburton stock options worth more than $10—MILLION—DOLLARS.
20050122             —HIRED, The company was 1—OF—THE—MAIN—CONTRACTORS, to construct THE—DIEGO—GARCIA air base in THE—INDIA—OCEAN, according to Pentagon military histories.
20050122             —AWARDED, In the early 1990s the company was, the job to study and then implement the privatization of routine army functions under THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DICK Cheney.
20050122             —INCLUDED, This, a $2.2—BILLION bill for 1—BROWN and Root contract to support USA—SOLDIERS in Operation —JUST Endeavor in the Balkans.
20050122             But don't feel too sorry for the media organizations that paid for the bad data, or for THE—LEFT—WINGERS whose hopes were lifted by the exit polls and then crushed by the real results.
20050122             The real tragedy is that journalists and historians must —NOW analyze the election without 1—CLEAR—WINDOW into what the voters actually thought.
20050122             "AMERICA has spoken + I'm humbled by the trust and confidence of my fellow Americans," he said.
20050122             But all we can truly know about 20040000              is the bottom line: 51—PERCENT—OF—VOTERS checked 1—BOX for Bush, 48—PERCENT checked 1 for Kerry.
20050122             Sabato also says this: "I used to believe it was possible to structure exit polls in 1—WAY to make them accurate. I am —NOW—STARTING to wonder if it is even possible".
20050122             Perhaps we are —NOW too busy or impatient to talk to 1—POLLSTER over the phone, or to stop to answer questions —AFTER waiting in long lines to vote.
20050122             "Exit polls are FULL—OF—HOLES," says JOAN—KONNER—OF—THE—COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—GRADUATE—SCHOOL—OF—JOURNALISM, who CO—WROTE 1—INTERNAL—REPORT for CNN about 20000000             —THE debacle.
20050122             "Nobody should ever take these things seriously".
20050122             Have all these men been players in 1—HIDDEN game that has continued for 17+ years?
20050122             TODD—BLODGETT was "1—ADVISOR to GEORGE—BUSH—ELECTION—COMMITTEE" (the reference here is to the elder Bush ).
20050122             At the same time (according to KEVIN—PHILLIPS) Bush the younger coordinated the campaign's outreach to the Fundamentalist community, 1—EFFOR in which BRUCE—EBERLE also (reportedly) participated.
20050122             (Bruce, KEEPER—OF—THE—RIGHT—WING mailing lists, has also been linked to something called Grace ministries.) BRUCE—EBERLE has denied 1—NEWSPAPER—REPORT that Bobby is his brother, but has elsewhere refered to Bobby as 1—MEMBER—OF—HIS "clan".
20050122             1—FAIR—AMOUNT—OF—SMOKE + we may yet find the fire.
20050122             But I must remind readers that, so far, no hard evidence links Guckert with the astonishing stories surrounding TODD—BLODGETT.
20050122             DIE—BUSH—DOKTRIN - USA—AUSSEN—POLITIKUNTER neuen Vorzeichen.
20050122             NEO—NAZI—EKLAT: Politik streitet über neuen NPD—VERBOTS—ANTRAG
20050122             CAP—AKTUELL - MEDIENSPIEGEL—DIE BUSH—DOKTRIN Die NACH—KALTE—KRIEGSZEIT scheint in der neuen Außenpolitikdoktrin der Regierung Bush ihr Ende gefunden zu haben.
20050122             Die USA—ADMINISTRATION hat eine neue. Preemptive SELF—DEFENSE.
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN und das... Preemptive SELF—DEFENSE.
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN und das Völkerrecht: Bücher: ARTHUR—R—KREUTZER by ARTHUR—R—KREUTZER.
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN sei keineswegs tot, wie VIELE—ANGESICHTS—DER—MISSERFOLGEDER amerikanischen... Podhoretz rekonstruiert die BUSH—DOKTRIN, die —NACH—DEM 11....
20050122             Analyse der BUSH—DOKTRIN : Vom Containment zur Pax AMERICANA—DIE... Die BUSH—DOKTRIN ist deshalb 1—AUSDRUCK—DER—ENTSCHEIDUNG—DES—PRÄSIDENTEN... Er bescheinigt der BUSH—DOKTRIN : "Sie diktiert einen Verhaltenskodex am Rande...
20050122             AMERIKA — der müde Titan?: Was taugt die BUSH—DOKTRIN ?
20050122             Die " BUSH—DOKTRIN " betont zum einen die Notwendigkeit präventiver... Die BUSH—DOKTRIN enthält 2—PRÄMISSEN, die nicht miteinander vereinbar sind und...
20050122             Die Welt der Muslime: Die BUSH—DOKTRIN : Selektives Engagement im... Die BUSH—DOKTRIN : Selektives Engagement im Nahen Osten.
20050122             - In den Vereinigten Staaten ist in der.
20050122             Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, NUMBER 45 20040000             , 20041101              - Die Bush... Die BUSH—DOKTRIN, der Irakkrieg und die amerikanische Demokratie.
20050122             THE—IMPERIAL—PRESIDENCY—REDUX: Der 20050911              und die BUSH—DOKTRIN.
20050122             Die BUSH—DOKTRIN Amerikanische Außenpolitik unter neuen Vorzeichen.
20050122             Neue BUSH—DOKTRIN im strengen,objektiven Sinn des Wortes imperialistisch.
20050122             —BY DAVID—PHINNEY, Special to CorpWatch 20041027              20050222             —ANNOUNCED, Library Juice 3:47 As you know, Harcourt GENERAL, last —FRIDAY (20051027             .---- ) that it had accepted 1—BID from REED—ELSEVIER and Thomson to purchase Harcourt.
20050122             Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, NUMBER 45 20040000             , 20041101             —DIE Bush...
20050122             "—NOW it's 1—WARFARE—COMPANY- 20041215              Castro,
20050122—19620000    —FROM, to 19720000              the Pentagon paid the company TENS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS to work in SOUTH—VIETNAM, where they built roads, landing strips, harbors + military bases from the demilitarized zone to the Mekong Delta.
20050122—19900000    —IN—THE—EARLY, S the company was awarded the job to study and then implement the privatization of routine army functions under THEN—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—DICK—CHENEY.
20050122—20020600    —ANFANG, GSoA Zeitung 104 - Irak nächstes OPFER—DER—BUSH—DOKTRIN—DER—USA—PRÄSIDENT hat die wesentlichen Elemente der neuen BUSH—DOKTRIN in 2—PROGRAMMATISCHEN Grundsatzreden Ende Januar und ausgeführt.
20050122—20030000    —IN, The result? $2—BILLION in contracts "rebuilding" IRAQ.
20050122—20030000    —IN, The company, which was formerly run by VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, has won over $8—BILLION in contracts in IRAQ alone.
20050122—20031200    —FROM, Newly revealed documents, dating and the early months of 20040000             , allege that Halliburton staff in KUWAIT asked for kickbacks from selected contractors —WHILE undermining others who were looking for work from THE—MULTI—BILLION dollar contracts that the company oversees for the military occupation force in IRAQ.
20050127             The case is built —AROUND a 19440122              executive order signed by PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT calling on the government to take all measures to rescue the European Jews.
20050700             BUSH s berüchtigte Rede von
20051017             The top rating went to Rolling Stone for its 19810122              cover of JOHN—LENNON and Yoko Ono lying in bed.
20060121             Chavez said he wanted something on paper by —SUNDAY (20060122             ), in time for Morales' inauguration
20060122             —GEWINNT, Der Konservative Aníbal Cavaco Silva, die Präsidentschaftswahlen in PORTUGAL gegen mehrere linke Kandidaten, unter ihnen Mário Soares.
20060122             BOLIVIEN, wird mit Evo Morales erstmals 1—STAATSPRÄSIDENT indigener Abstammung vereidigt.
20060122             2—OTHERS were released 20060115          .
20060122             —SCORED, KOBE—BRYANT, 81—POINTS, the 2.—HIGHEST in NBA history, in THE—LOS—ANGELES Lakers' 122—104—VICTORY over THE—TORONTO Raptors.
20060122             THE—PITTSBURGH Steelers won THE—AFC title game over THE—DENVER—BRONCOS 34-17. THE—SEATTLE Seahawks claimed THE—NFC title over THE—CAROLINA Panthers 34-14.
20060122             MASSACHUSETTS, the bodies of Rachel (27) and 9—MONTH—OLD—DAUGHTER—LILLIAN Entwistle were found in their home in Hopkinton.
20060122             Rachel was shot in the head and the young baby in the body.
20060122             —KILLED, They had been, as much as —3—DAYS—EARLIER.
20060122             —EXTRADITED, He was soon, back to MASSACHUSETTS.
20060122             1—AFGHANISTAN—BOY and 4—MEN, including staff of 1—USA—SECURITY—FIRM, were freed —AFTER being briefly kidnapped by Taliban rebels.
20060122             —ESCAPED, AFGHANISTAN, 7—TALIBAN rebels, from Policharki Prison, the main HIGH—SECURITY—PRISON outside KABUL.
20060122             10—PRISON—GUARDS suspected of aiding the escape were arrested.
20060122             1—OPPOSITION—SPONSORED strike closed shops and shut down public transport across BANGLADESH as authorities deployed THOUSANDS—OF—SECURITY—FORCES to deter violence.
20060122             Evo Morales, BOLIVIA—1. INDIA—PRESIDENT, took office with 1—PROMISE to lift his nation's struggling indigenous majority OUT—OF—CENTURIES—OF—POVERTY and discrimination.
20060122             CAMBODIA held its 1. Senate election.
20060122             —SECURED, PRIME—MINISTER—HUN—SEN—RULING party, 1—LANDSLIDE victory.
20060122             Only 123—PARLIAMENTARIANS and 11,261 MEMBERS—OF—COMMUNE councilors, local administrative bodies, were able to vote.
20060122             —REPORTED, Xinhua News, that USA—BASED GENERAL—ELECTRIC has won an 196—MILLION—DOLLAR—BID to help build CHINA—WEST—EAST—GAS—PIPELINE.
20060122             GEORGIA began receiving natural gas late in the —DAY from AZERBAIJAN —FOLLOWING explosions on pipelines in SOUTH—RUSSIA that cut off DELIVERY—OF—GAS to GEORGIA and its neighbor ARMENIA —DURING 1—COLD snap.
20060122             IRAN said it was not withdrawing its foreign currency reserves from European banks, despite reports late last —WEEK that it already had begun the process.
20060122             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—MILITARY, that the last of 2—REUTERS journalists detained by USA—MILITARY in IRAQ was freed —AFTER nearly 8—MONTHS without being charged.
20060122             Bomb blasts, shootings and ROCKET—PROPELLED grenade attacks killed at least 13—PEOPLE—THROUGHOUT IRAQ, including 1—POLICEMAN—4—CHILDREN.
20060122             —OPPOSED, Sunni Arab leaders, anyone linked with sectarian violence being given ministries in the next government.
20060122             † 2—USA—AIRMEN, in 1—ROADSIDE bombings near Taji.
20060122             —EXPLODED, Another car bomb, on 1—HIGHWAY about 20—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD, killing 1—IRAQ—CIVILIAN and wounding 4—OTHERS.
20060122             —WORKED, DRIVE—BY gunmen shot dead 1—DOCTOR who, at THE—IRAQ—HEALTH—MINISTRY as he drove to work in BAGHDAD—SAYDIYAH neighborhood.
20060122             1—ISRAEL—AIRCRAFT fired at 3—PALESTINE—GUNMEN trying to infiltrate ISRAEL from THE—GAZA Strip, killing 1—MAN and wounding the other 2.
20060122             —MURDERED, NEPAL, 1—ELECTORAL—CANDIDATE in Janakpur was.
20060122             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—ANGRY—PAKISTANIS, against 1—USA—AIRSTRIKE that killed civilians, chanting "Long live OSAMA—BIN—LADEN!" as ANTI—USA—RALLIES in the country entered their 2. —WEEK.
20060122             —VOTED, PORTUGAL, in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20060122             Anibal Cavaco Silva (66), 1—FORMER—CENTRE—RIGHT—PRIME—MINISTER (19850000—19950000    ), won over his 5—LEFT—WING rivals.
20060122             —PLEDGED, He has, to help lead PORTUGAL out of 1—ECONOMIC—SLUMP and supports deeper European Union integration.
20060122             Explosions hit pipelines running through SOUTH—RUSSIA, cutting the natural gas supply to GEORGIA and ARMENIA —DURING 1—COLD snap.
20060122             —URGED, SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—HASSAN—AL—BASHIR, the world to provide more equipment and other support for CASH—STRAPPED African forces monitoring 1—TENTATIVE truce in SUDAN—VIOLENT—DARFUR region.
20060122             Adictos a la guerra, de JOEL—ANDREAS
20060122             —RAIDED, SUDAN—POLICE, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS meeting, seized documents and laptops and briefly detained participants on THE—EVE—OF—1—AFRICAN summit in the country.
20060122             —CAPSIZED, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said 1—SMUGGLER—BOAT, off THE—COAST—OF—YEMEN, killing at least 22—PEOPLE.
20060122             La siniestra historia de los Estados Unidos que nos cuenta Andreas es fácil de seguir.
20060122             La NBC es propiedad de GE [GENERAL—ELECTRIC], CBS es de Viacom, 28 were reported missing.
20060122             1—PFLANZENEXTRAKT in Hustenpastillen eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten im Kampf gegen die Vogelgrippe.
20060122             Sollte sich die antivirale Wirkung bei Tests bestätigen, könnten Betroffene die Infektion eines Tages regelrecht weglutschen, hoffen Wissenschaftler.
20060122             BERLIN/TÜBINGEN—ES wäre zu schön, um wahr zu sein.
20060122             Die Vogelgrippe KOMMT—UND wird nicht etwa durch aufwändige und teure Präparate bekämpft,
20060122             sondern durch simple Hustenbonbons.
20060122             Genauer GESAGT—DURCH einen Wirkstoff, den es —SCHON in allerlei Pastillen gibt: CYSTUS—EXTRAKT.
20060122             According to Rand (no HOTBED—OF—LIBERALISM), we are losing THE—WAR—ON—TERROR:
20060122             The sum of "INTERNATIONAL" and "domestic" TERRORIST—ATTACKS
20060122             In contrast, in THE—LAST—YEAR—OF—THE—CLINTON presidency (20000000             ), there were 11380000              attacks and 776—DEATHS.
20060122             attacks have increased by 250% and deaths by 1—WHOPPING 550%.
20060122             LET—FORCE THE—REPUBLICAN s to run on that record.
20060122             For the reactionaries, reality does not matter.
20060122             What is real is what they want to be real.
20060122             Could the Osama tape be another concoction?
20060122             The audio technology is certainly there. The motive is there.
20060122             More importantly, THE—HISTORY—OF—FAKERY is there -- for all to see.
20060122             PAKISTAN PM: No EVIDENCE—OF—AL—QAIDA dead:
20060122             PRIME—MINISTER—SHAUKAT—AZIZ said security agencies in THE—AREA—OF—DAMADOLA "have not found ANY—TANGIBLE—EVIDENCE that 1—PARTICULAR—GROUP or ANY—INDIVIDUAL was there".
20060122             AL—QAEDA—NUMBER 2—FOLLOWS OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LEAD and Resurfaces:
20060122             —CONFIRMED, THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY, —TODAY that the voice on the 18-minute audiotape, —POSTED on 1—INTERNET—FORUM that has carried AL—QAEDA communiqués —BEFORE, was MISTER—ZAWAHIRI'S.
20060122             Extraordinary renditions:
20060122             OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, who, like BUSH, is the privileged SON—OF—1—OIL dynasty, was once the good friend of THE—USA.
20060122             —NOW THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF has turned his guns on this 1—TIME—ALLY in 1—REPETITIVE mantra of demonology.
20060122             Decoding the latest "OSAMA—BIN—LADEN" tape:
20060122             Ah, yes, another LOW—QUALITY tape from OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—SECRET cave complex.
20060122             Pardon my skepticism - Rove: GOP to Use Terror As Campaign Issue:
20060122             —VOWED, Embattled WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE, —FRIDAY to make THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM 1—CENTRAL—CAMPAIGN issue in ;;11;;.
20060122             —LOOKED, He also said DEMOCRAT ic senators, "MEAN—SPIRITED and SMALL—MINDED" in questioning SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO.
20060122             Bush Leads Defense of NSA Domestic Spying:
20060122             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is opening 1—CAMPAIGN to push back against criticism of its domestic spying program,
20060122             ahead of congressional hearings into whether PRESIDENT—BUSH has the legal authority to eavesdrop on Americans.
20060122             Kennedy resolution demands Bush wiretap probe:
20060122             "If PRESIDENT—BUSH can make his own rules for domestic surveillance, Big Brother has run amok," Kennedy said —YESTERDAY.
20060122             "We need 1—THOROUGH—INVESTIGATION—OF these activities.
20060122             Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE deserve answers + they deserve answers —NOW".
20060122             THE—WAR—ON—DISSENT—GETS—CREEPY: "Civil disobedience is not our problem.
20060122             Our problem is civil obedience.
20060122             —OBEYED, Our problem is that people all over the world have, THE—DICTATES—OF—THE—LEADERS—OF—THEIR—GOVERNMENT and have gone to war + millions have been killed because of this obedience...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in THE—FACE—OF—POVERTY and starvation and stupidity + war + cruelty.
20060122             Belafonte: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION backs Gestapo tactics:
20060122             "We've come to this dark time in which THE—GESTAPO—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY lurks here,
20060122             where citizens are having their rights suspended," Belafonte told THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE at the annual MEETING—OF—THE—ARTS—PRESENTERS Members Conference.
20060122             —LINKED, Mystery firm, to USA—LOBBYIST—SCANDAL:
20060122             Among the likely SUBJECTS—OF—INTEREST here is 1—PREVIOUSLY unknown company called Rose Garden Holdings.
20060122             Libby lawyers to subpoena reporters in CIA leak:
20060122             LIBBY—LAWYERS also said that it may be necessary for the defense to issue subpoenas to government agencies but they did not indicate which agencies.
20060122             JOHN—LINDH not 1—TRAITOR, father argues:
20060122             —RESCUED, He says he didn't fight USA, but was
20060122             USA losing edge in world market, Edwards says at poverty forum:
20060122             With CHINA and INDIA aggressively investing in math and technology,
20060122             THE—USA—NEEDS—LEADERS who think about how to keep the nation competitive for coming generations, JOHN—EDWARDS, 1—FORMER—DEMOCRAT ic vice presidential candidate, said —YESTERDAY.
20060122             A must watch video : DOCTOR—MICHAEL—PARENTI: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy":
20060122             Globalization is 1—ATTEMPT to extend corporate monopoly control over the whole globe.
20060122             Over EVERY—NATIONAL economy.
20060122             Over EVERY—LOCAL economy. Over EVERY—LIFE.
20060122             BOLIVIA—MORALES—URGES—UNITY, Strength:
20060122             To roars from the crowd of tens of thousands, Morales _ the 1. Indian to be elected as BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT and 1—FIERCE—CRITIC—OF—THE—USA _ called his landslide election 1—VICTORY for indigenous populations —AROUND the world,
20060122             saying it was evidence that poor countries can rise up to challenge richer ones.
20060122             Sometimes you —JUST got to laugh: USA : VENEZUELA Overspending on Military:
20060122             VENEZUELA is planning a "buying spree" for military equipment that goes beyond the country's legitimate needs, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—FRIDAY.
20060122             Plan COLOMBIA—CASHING In on the Drug War Failure
20060122             "Fixed" Intelligence from Feith's "Gestapo Office,":
20060122             Inspired by Mossad, FEITH—ROGUE intelligence cell appears to have solicited,
20060122             reexamined, digested and regurgitated evidence from the programmed liars put forward by CHALABI—IRAQI—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—EVIDENCE that the Intelligence Community already had considered, —BEFORE dismissing as unreliable
20060122             War pimp alert: TEHRAN plans nuclear weapon test by March:
20060122             I wouldn't worry about that.
20060122             I believe they are both bluffing.
20060122             IRAN will be taught 1—LESSON: Burns:
20060122             —CALLED, USA—UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE R NICOLAS—BURNS has, IRAN "1—THREAT to world peace" and vowed to "teach it 1—LESSON".
20060122             TALK—OF—MILITARY—ACTION As IRAN Nuclear Standoff Continues:
20060122             ISRAEL—DEFENSE—MINISTER—HINTED—SATURDAY that the Jewish state is preparing for military action to stop IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM
20060122             IRAN—CONVENTIONAL—FORCES remain key to deterring potential threats:
20060122             —REQUIRED, The minimum force packages, for 1—ISRAEL i or USA—STRIKE would vary widely.
20060122             1—ISRAEL i strike on even 1—SINGLE—IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITY would stretch ISRAEL—NASCENT LONG—RANGE—STRIKE—CAPABILITY and require innovative basing and airborne refuelling solutions
20060122             ITALY Min Warns Against ANY—ISRAEL i Action Vs IRAN: -
20060122             —WARNED, ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—GIANFRANCO—FINI, —FRIDAY that ANY—PRE—EMPTIVE strike by ISRAEL on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would have potentially disastrous consequences for THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the world.
20060122             GORDON—PRATHER: Currency War:
20060122             both of which are owned by USA—CORPORATIONS + whose transactions are denominated in Dollars.
20060122             IRAN shifts billions from banks in EUROPE amid FEARS—OF—UN—SANCTIONS: -
20060122             —INTENSIFIED, TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—STAND—OFF, by transfers
20060122             Hillary Outflanks W.on IRAN--On the Right:
20060122             —LAMBASTED, MISS—CLINTON, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION — not for its threats against IRAN, but for weakness.
20060122             In particular, she hit the administration for going along with THE—EUROPEAN—LED negotiations over IRAN—NUCLEAR—RESEARCH,
20060122             accusing BUSH of "outsourcing" USA IRAN policy.
20060122             For more than 50—YEARS—ISRAEL has been directly and illegitimately funded and aided in its nuclear weapons production by FRANCE,
20060122             THE—USA, BRITAIN, GERMANY and NORWAY yet maintaining "ambiguity".
20060122             —DURING that time, ISRAEL has also refused to sign or negotiate ANY—COMMITMENT against the use of biological weapons
20060122             ROBERT—FISK: My challenge for STEVEN—SPIELBERG:'
20060122             Former analyst gets 12—YEARS for giving secrets to ISRAEL:
20060122             The sentence given to the analyst, LAWRENCE—A—FRANKLIN, 59, by USA DISTRICT—JUDGE—TS—ELLIS—III in COURT—IN—ALEXANDRIA,
20060122             VIRGINIA, was at the low end of the federal sentencing guidelines.
20060122             I will not support HILLARY—CLINTON for PRESIDENT- - Enough.
20060122             Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation.
20060122             Enough clever straddling, enough not offending anyone This is not 1—DICK—MORRIS election.
20060122             Sen.
20060122             Continue - THE—ENDURING—THREAT: 1—BRIEF—HISTORY
20060122             IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS and USA—FOREIGN—POLICY—BY Terence M. Gatt
20060122             Was, wenn das gesamte beobachtbare Universum eine solche Membran wäre,
20060122             an die ALLE—TEILCHEN + Kräfte gefesselt sind?
20060122             Wenn also die Welt nur eine von vielen dreidimensionalen Inseln in einem viel gewaltigeren Universum wäre?
20060122             Randall rechnete und kam zu dem Schluss, dass eine dreidimensionale Membran tatsächlich den sie umgebenden Raum so gründlich verbiegen kann,
20060122             dass sie von der Außenwelt vollständig isoliert WÄRE—FAST vollständig jedenfalls + genau dieses "fast" faszinierte sie besonders.
20060122             Anders als bei den meisten Stringtheorien nämlich scheinen ihre Ideen überprüfbar zu sein.
20060122             —SCHON wenn im nächsten —JAHR—DER—GEWALTIGE—TEILCHENBESCHLEUNIGER—LHC am Cern nahe Genf in Betrieb geht,
20060122             dürfte sich zeigen, wie viel Randalls Spekulationen mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun haben.
20060122             Im Schauer der Splitter, die bei diesen Crashs entstehen, hofft Randall Spuren jener Dimensionen zu finden, die es —BISHER nur in ihren Gleichungen gibt.
20060122             Eine kleine GRUPPE—VON—KOLLEGEN hatte da —SCHON einen Vorsprung von fast 20—JAHREN.
20060122             —ANFANG der achtziger Jahre hatten sie entdeckt, dass sich 1—VIELZAHL —BISHER rätselhafter Phänomene erklären ließ,
20060122             wenn man annimmt, dass die Welt in Wirklichkeit nicht aus Teilchen, sondern aus aberwitzig winzigen Fädchen besteht.
20060122             Viel zu kurz sind diese "Strings", als dass sie mit Mikroskopen welcher Art auch immer sichtbar gemacht werden könnten.
20060122             Wahrnehmbar sind nur ihre VIBRATIONEN—SIE äußern sich in Gestalt von Teilchen.
20060122             Elektronen, Lichtquanten und Quarks sind demnach also nichts anderes als die Schwingungen der eigentlich elementaren Strings.
20060122             Rasch allerdings mussten die Physiker einsehen, dass Strings, die im gewöhnlichen dreidimensionalen Raum schwingen,
20060122             mathematischen Unfug produzieren.
20060122             Gutmütig verhalten sie sich nur in 9—RÄUMLICHEN Dimensionen.
20060122             Das, so hätte man meinen mögen, sollte reichen, einer Idee den Garaus zu machen.
20060122             —VERLIEBT, Doch die Physiker waren zu sehr, in die phantastischen Eigenschaften ihrer Strings, um sich von den 6—ZUSÄTZLICH erforderlichen Dimensionen schrecken zu lassen.
20060122             Da sie nicht sichtbar seien, so argumentierten sie forsch, müssten sie eben unsichtbar sein.
20060122             Aufgerollt zu Knäueln, abermilliardenfach kleiner als Atomkerne, seien sie den Physikern —BISHER verborgen geblieben.
20060122             Eiswinter: Grimmige Kälte erreicht Deutschland
20060122             Tierseuche: Verdacht auf Vogelgrippe bei Französin
20060122             —VERGLEICHT, Verbale Breitseite: Belafonte, USA—MINISTERIUM mit Gestapo
20060122             CYSTUS—BONBONS: Lutschen gegen die Vogelgrippe
20060122             Monarchie: Australier wollen keinen KÖNIG—CHARLES
20060122             Physik: Suche nach verborgenen Dimensionen des Alls - Atomstreit: ISRAEL warnt IRAN
20060122             —DECIDED, In the end, campaign officials, not to go with HERSKOWITZ—ACCOUNT, and, moreover, demanded everything back.
20060122             "The lawyer called me and said, 'Delete it. Shred it. —JUST do it.' "
20060122             "They took it and [communications director] Karen [Hughes] rewrote it," he said.
20060122             1—CAMPAIGN—OFFICIAL arrived at his home at 7 a.m. on 1—MONDAY —MORNING and took his notes and computer files.
20060122             So, said Herskowitz, the best material was left on the cutting room floor, including BUSH—TRUE—FEELINGS.
20060122             "He told me that as 1—LEADER, you can never admit to 1—MISTAKE," Herskowitz said.
20060122             "That was 1—OF—THE—KEYS to being 1—LEADER".
20060122             You can read the whole article here,
20060122             —MEANWHILE QINETIC await flotation to enrich THE—CARLYLE shareholders (PROP G
20060122             about to... - Ministers not to forget MI6\s mouthpiece Dame NEVILLE JONES
20060122             about to spearhead the Conservative... - "D" Notice for Diplomatic Baggage.
20060122             I am puzzled.
20060122             RandomPottins: 20060100             -
20060122             —BECAME, Dame PAULINE—NEVILLE—JONES, who last —WEEK, a policy adviser to David...
20060122             —OBEYED, Star has so far, the government's D—NOTICE against naming their names.
20060122             argues that 1—EVENT that seemingly ushered the world into 1—NEW - ujic117695 653..681...
20060122             to know + BECAUSE—OF—THE—OPERATION—OF—THE—D—NOTICE—SYSTEM, all they...
20060122             —WARNED, PAULINE—NEVILLE—JONES, that: ''It is dangerous to start making this...
20060122             if you can stand it! Adictos a la guerra, de JOEL—ANDREAS
20060122             La NBC es propiedad de GE [GENERAL—ELECTRIC], CBS es de Viacom,
20060122             Die Vogelgrippe KOMMT—UND wird nicht etwa durch aufwändige und teure Präparate bekämpft, sondern durch simple Hustenbonbons.
20060122             According to Rand (no HOTBED—OF—LIBERALISM), we are
20060122             —SINCE then, —AFTER—5—YEARS—OF—BUSH—MACHO 84—BILLION—DOLLAR—A—YEAR—WAR—ON—TERROR®, attacks have increased by 250% and deaths by 1—WHOPPING 550%.
20060122             LET—FORCE the Republican s to run on that record.
20060122             AL—QAEDA—NUMBER 2—FOLLOWS OSAMA—BIN—LADEN—LEAD and Resurfaces : THE—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY confirmed —TODAY that the voice on the 18-minute audiotape, —POSTED on 1—INTERNET—FORUM that has carried AL—QAEDA communiqués —BEFORE, was MISTER—ZAWAHIRI'S.
20060122             Extraordinary renditions: OSAMA—BIN—LADEN, who, like Bush, is the privileged SON—OF—1—OIL dynasty, was once the good friend of THE—USA.
20060122             —TURNED, —NOW THE—COMMANDER—IN—CHIEF has, his guns on this 1- time ally in 1—REPETITIVE mantra of demonology.
20060122             Pardon my skepticism
20060122             Rove: GOP to Use Terror As Campaign Issue : Embattled WHITE—HOUSE—ADVISER—KARL—ROVE vowed —FRIDAY to make THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM 1—CENTRAL—CAMPAIGN issue in November.
20060122             Bush Leads Defense of NSA Domestic Spying: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is opening 1—CAMPAIGN to push back against criticism of its domestic spying program, ahead of congressional hearings into whether PRESIDENT—BUSH has the legal authority to eavesdrop on Americans.
20060122             "We need 1—THOROUGH—INVESTIGATION—OF these activities. Congress and THE—USA—PEOPLE deserve answers + they deserve answers —NOW".
20060122             Belafonte: BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BACKS—GESTAPO tactics: "We've come to this dark time in which THE—GESTAPO—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY lurks here, where citizens are having their rights suspended," Belafonte told THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE at the annual MEETING—OF—THE—ARTS—PRESENTERS Members Conference.
20060122             Libby lawyers to subpoena reporters in CIA leak : LIBBY—LAWYERS also said that it may be necessary for the defense to issue subpoenas to government agencies but they did not indicate which agencies.
20060122             USA losing edge in world market, Edwards says at poverty forum : With CHINA and INDIA aggressively investing in math and technology, THE—USA—NEEDS—LEADERS who think about how to keep the nation competitive for coming generations, JOHN—EDWARDS, 1—FORMER—DEMOCRAT ic vice presidential candidate, said —YESTERDAY.
20060122             A must watch video :
20060122             DOCTOR—MICHAEL—PARENTI: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy" : Globalization is 1—ATTEMPT to extend corporate monopoly control over the whole globe.
20060122             BOLIVIA—MORALES—URGES—UNITY, Strength : To roars from the crowd of tens of thousands, Morales _ the 1. Indian to be elected as BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT and 1—FIERCE—CRITIC—OF—THE—USA _ called his landslide election 1—VICTORY for indigenous populations —AROUND the world, saying it was evidence that poor countries can rise up to challenge richer ones.
20060122             Sometimes you —JUST got to laugh:
20060122             USA : VENEZUELA Overspending on Military : VENEZUELA is planning a "buying spree" for military equipment that goes beyond the country's legitimate needs, THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT—SAID—FRIDAY.
20060122             Inspired by Mossad, FEITH—ROGUE intelligence cell appears to have solicited, reexamined, digested and regurgitated evidence from the programmed liars put forward by CHALABI—IRAQI—NATIONAL—CONGRESS—EVIDENCE that the Intelligence Community already had considered, —BEFORE dismissing as unreliable
20060122             War pimp alert: IRAN—BOMB: THERE—BEEN 1—LOT—OF—TALK—RECENTLY about ISRAEL and/or THE—USA—BOMBING the nuclear facilities in IRAN.
20060122             IRAN will be taught 1—LESSON: Burns: USA—UNDERSECRETARY—OF—STATE R NICOLAS—BURNS has called IRAN "1—THREAT to world peace" and vowed to "teach it 1—LESSON".
20060122             ITALY Min Warns Against ANY—ISRAEL i Action Vs IRAN : —ITALY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—GIANFRANCO—FINI warned —FRIDAY that ANY—PRE—EMPTIVE strike by ISRAEL on IRAN—NUCLEAR—FACILITIES would have potentially disastrous consequences for THE—MIDDLE—EAST and the world.
20060122             GORDON—PRATHER: Currency War : THE—IRAN—BOURSE will be competing directly with LONDON—INTERNATIONAL—PETROLEUM—EXCHANGE and NEW—YORK—MERCANTILE—EXCHANGE, both of which are owned by USA—CORPORATIONS + whose transactions are denominated in Dollars.
20060122             IRAN shifts billions from banks in EUROPE amid FEARS—OF—UN—SANCTIONS:
20060122             - TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—STAND—OFF intensified by transfers
20060122             Hillary Outflanks W.on IRAN--On the Right : MISS—CLINTON lambasted THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION — not for its threats against IRAN, but for weakness.
20060122             In particular, she hit the administration for going along with THE—EUROPEAN—LED negotiations over IRAN—NUCLEAR—RESEARCH, accusing Bush of "outsourcing" USA IRAN policy.
20060122             For more than 50—YEARS—ISRAEL has been directly and illegitimately funded and aided in its nuclear weapons production by FRANCE, THE—USA, BRITAIN, GERMANY and NORWAY yet maintaining "ambiguity".
20060122             'MUNICH' suggests for the 1. time on the big screen that ISRAEL—POLICY is immoral
20060122             Former analyst gets 12—YEARS for giving secrets to ISRAEL : The sentence given to the analyst, LAWRENCE—A—FRANKLIN, 59, by USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE—TS—ELLIS—III in COURT—IN—ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, was at the low end of the federal sentencing guidelines.
20060122             I will not support Hillary Clinton for PRESIDENT - Enough.
20060122             SENATOR—CLINTON is apparently incapable of taking 1—CLEAR—STAND on the war in IRAQ + that alone is enough to disqualify her.
20060122             The controversial ISSUE—OF—IRAN—AMBITIONS for 1—CIVIL—NUCLEAR—ENERGY—PROJECT ironically began with the assistance of THE—USA—DURING the reign of MUHAMMAD—REZA—SHAH—PAHLEVI.
20060122             Was, wenn das gesamte beobachtbare Universum eine solche Membran wäre, an die ALLE—TEILCHEN + Kräfte gefesselt sind?
20060122             Randall rechnete und kam zu dem Schluss, dass eine dreidimensionale Membran tatsächlich den sie umgebenden Raum so gründlich verbiegen kann, dass sie von der Außenwelt vollständig isoliert WÄRE—FAST vollständig jedenfalls + genau dieses "fast" faszinierte sie besonders.
20060122             —SCHON wenn im nächsten —JAHR—DER—GEWALTIGE—TEILCHENBESCHLEUNIGER—LHC am Cern nahe Genf in Betrieb geht, dürfte sich zeigen, wie viel Randalls Spekulationen mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun haben.
20060122             Auf einem 27—KILOMETER langen Tunnelparcours werden dort Teilchen beschleunigt, um am Ende mit nie zuvor erreichter Wucht aufeinanderzukrachen.
20060122             —VOR—8—JAHREN—ERST begann sich Randall für mögliche Zusatzdimensionen des Universums zu interessieren.
20060122             —ANFANG der achtziger Jahre hatten sie entdeckt, dass sich 1—VIELZAHL —BISHER rätselhafter Phänomene erklären ließ, wenn man annimmt, dass die Welt in Wirklichkeit nicht aus Teilchen, sondern
20060122             aus aberwitzig winzigen Fädchen besteht.
20060122             Rasch allerdings mussten die Physiker einsehen, dass Strings, die im gewöhnlichen dreidimensionalen Raum schwingen, mathematischen Unfug produzieren.
20060122             IMAGE—SORGEN: Schweizer BANK—SCHLIESST—SCHALTERFÜR Schurkenstaaten
20060122             Folter: Militärgericht spricht USA—OFFIZIER schuldig
20060122             You can read the whole ARTICLE—HERE, if you can stand it!
20060122             1—PFLANZENEXTRAKT in Hustenpastillen eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten im KAMPF—GEGEN—DIE—VOGEL—GRIPPE.
20060122             —FOR—MORE—THAN—50—YEARS, ISRAEL has been directly and illegitimately funded and aided in its NUCLEAR—WEAPON—PRODUCTION by FRANCE, THE—USA, BRITAIN, GERMANY, NORWAY, yet maintaining "ambiguity".
20060122             For THE—REACTIONARIES, reality does not matter.
20060122             TIER—SEUCHE—VERDACHT—AUF—VOGEL—GRIPPE bei Französin
20060122             —VERGLEICHT, Verbale Breitseite: BELAFONTE, USA—MINISTERIUM mit GESTAPO
20060122             -Postman PATEL—MEANWHILE Qinetic await flotation to enrich the Carlyle shareholders (Prop G.. Ministers not to forget MI6\s mouthpiece Dame Neville Jones... about to...
20060122             —MEANWHILE Qinetic await flotation to enrich the Carlyle shareholders (Prop... a 75 % stake in GEORGIA—AES—TELASI joint venture from AES Silk Road...
20060122             Postman Patel: RandomPottins: 20060100              - Dame Pauline NEVILLE—JONES, who last —WEEK became a policy adviser to David...
20060122—19670000    —PURCHASED, Additionally, under this program IRAN, 1—RESEARCH—NUCLEAR—REACTOR from THE—USA—THAT was put into operation.
20060122—20020500    —NOTIFIED, Abramoff, THE—USA—SENATE that Rose Garden had hired him and Greenberg Traurig, his firm —AT—THE—TIME, to represent Rose Garden's "interests —BEFORE federal agencies and [the] USA—CONGRESS".
20060122—20040000    —RESULTED, THE—NUMBER—OF—DEATHS that, from those attacks was 6872, which is 36% higher than the 5066—THAT occurred...
20060122—20050000    —IN, losing THE—WAR—ON—TERROR : The sum of "INTERNATIONAL" and "domestic" terrorist attacks was 3991, up 51% from the previous —YEAR—FIGURE—OF—2639.
20060122—20060127    —ON, NEIL—ENTWISTLE, 27—JAHRE—ALT was seen leaving his parents home in Worksop, Nottinghamshire, accompanied by 2—PLAIN—CLOTHES detectives.
20060122—20060320    —ON, TEHRAN is planning 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—TEST—BEFORE THE—IRAN—NEW—YEAR 0000             —DATE says 1—GROUP opposed to the regime in TEHRAN.
20060122—20060320    —ON, TEHRAN plans nuclear weapon test by March: TEHRAN is planning 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—TEST—BEFORE THE—IRAN—NEW—YEAR says 1—GROUP opposed to the regime in TEHRAN.
20060122—20080000    —IN, Entwistle was CONVICTED—OF—MURDER.
20060205             NADIR—AKTUELL | Eintrag 20020122              Bush, im "berüchtigten Skulls&Bones Orden" der UNIVERSITÄT—YALE hin.
20060906             Mock CORONATION—OF—EMPEROR—GEORGE—FAIRBANKS 20060122              "We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our...
20070100             -2—YEARS—AGO, Muslim groups protested —WHEN the plot...
20070105             "But the point is that, 1, we will win this conflict. We will win it easily. " [MISS—NBC, 20030122             ]
20070109             —DEMANDED, The parties, the postponement of 20070122              elections, alleging that they cannot be fair without massive changes to the voter list.
20070121             to be "National Sanctity of Human Life —DAY, 20070000             ".
20070122             Der Prozess gegen den kanadischen Schweinezüchter und mutmaßlichen Serienmörder ROBERT—PICKTON beginnt.
20070122             Hayal said he provided 1—GUN and money to the teenager who is suspected of carrying out 20070119             —THE shooting.
20070122             THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT struck down 1—CALIFORNIA sentencing law because it allowed judges to add years to 1—PRISON—TERM based on their own fact finding.
20070122             The court said juries must rule on ANY—EVIDENCE used to justify longer prison terms.
20070122             —REPORTED, It was, that federal officials had arrested 119—PEOPLE in Contra Costa COUNTY—CALIFORNIA, in 1—WEEKLONG immigration crackdown that was part of "Operation Return to Sender".
20070122             —ARRESTED, Immigration officials, over 750—ILLEGALS in THE—LOS—ANGELES area.
20070122             —ANNOUNCED, Intel and Sun Microsystems, 1—MAJOR—PARTNERSHIP under which Sun would begin selling business computers running on INTEL—XEON microprocessors, —WHILE Intel will endorse and support sun's Solaris operating system.
20070122             —SURGED, Nickel prices, to 1—ALL—TIME peak above $37,000 per ton in LONDON trading owing to concerns over dwindling STOCKPILES—OF—THE—METAL.
20070122             —SWOOPED, HUNDREDS—OF—SCAVENGERS, onto 1—BEACH in SOUTH—WEST—ENGLAND and carted away motorcycles, wine barrels, car parts and tennis shoes spilling from 1—CONTAINER ship damaged in recent storms and listing about 1—MILE off shore.
20070122             —THREATENED, THE—EU, SUDAN with sanctions if it refused to allow UN peacekeepers into WAR—TORN Darfur, but rights groups and analysts said the warning was not enough to stop the killings.
20070122             He founded THE—INTERNATIONAL—EMMAUS Community for the poor.
20070122             —SERVED, Abbe Pierre, born as HENRY—GROUES, as 1—SPOKESMAN for FRANCE—CONSCIENCE—SINCE the 1950s —WHEN he persuaded PARLIAMENT to pass 1—LAW, still on the books, forbidding landlords to expel tenants —DURING—WINTER—MONTHS.
20070122             —FIRED, GUINEA, security forces, on protesters marching on the presidential palace.
20070122             —KILLED, At least 30—PEOPLE were, and over a 100 injured.
20070122             INDONESIA, 16—PEOPLE, including 1—POLICEMAN, were shot dead and others wounded in 1—SHOOTOUT with residents on Sulawesi, as police searched for suspected militants in the restive TOWN—OF—POSO.
20070122             —BARRED, IRAN, 38—NUCLEAR—INSPECTORS on 1—UN—LIST from entering the country in what appeared to be retaliation for THE—UN—SANCTIONS imposed last —MONTH.
20070122             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER crashed his car into 1—CENTRAL—BAGHDAD market crowded with Shiites —JUST seconds —AFTER another car bomb tore through the stalls where vendors were hawking DVDs and used clothing, leaving 88—DEAD in the bloodiest attack in 2—MONTHS.
20070122             1—EGYPT—EMBASSY worker was kidnapped in BAGHDAD —WHILE on 1—TRIP outside the compound.
20070122             137—PEOPLE were killed or found dead across IRAQ.
20070122             2—USA—SOLDIERS were killed in IRAQ, 1 in fighting in Anbar province and the other in 1—ROADSIDE bombing.
20070122             Leftist NICARAGUA—PRESIDENT—DANIEL—ORTEGA, who took power —EARLIER this —MONTH, said that he was slashing his salary and THOSE—OF—CABINET—MEMBERS.
20070122             —PUBLISHED, NORTH—IRELAND, 1—REPORT was, that detailed how some in the old Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) protected 1—BAND—OF—LOYALIST—PARAMILITARY—KILLERS.
20070122             —LODGED, PAKISTAN—MILITARY, 1—PROTEST saying USA—LED forces in AFGHANISTAN mistakenly fired at 1—PAKISTAN—BORDER—POST and killed 1—SOLDIER.
20070122             1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER attacked 1—MILITARY—CONVOY in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, killing himself and at least 4—SOLDIERS.
20070122             —FULFILLED, Rosoboronexport CHIEF—SERGEI—CHEMEZOV said RUSSIA had, 1—CONTRACT to sell air defense missiles to IRAN.
20070122             —INDICATED, Voting results in Serbia, that THE—ULTRA—NATIONALIST—RADICALS won the most votes in parliamentary elections, but several PRO—DEMOCRATIC—GROUPS collected enough seats to form 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT if they can unite.
20070122             —COLLIDED, NORTH—UGANDA, 1—MINIBUS with 21—PEOPLE, with 1—TRUCK.
20070122             Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur internationalen Politik
20070122             AGENDA—SETTING durch DICK—CHENEY und GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070122             Langschläfer leiden demnach wegen des frühen SCHUL—UND Arbeitsbeginns unter einem permanenten Schlafdefizit - + greifen häufiger zu Alkohol + Zigaretten.
20070122             Auch die Kirchen in dem bitterarmen Land an der Westküste Afrikas kritisieren die "schlechte Regierungsführung" und halten Conté die Verschlechterung der Lebensbedingungen der Bevölkerung vor.
20070122             —BEZEICHNET, Die Regierung, den Generalstreik als "politischen Aufstand".
20070122             Fall Kurnaz : USA boten angeblich nie Freilassung an
20070122             —HINTERTREIBT, Autobranche: Deutschland, strengere KLIMASCHUTZ—REGELN
20070122             Citigroup: Kronprinzessin steigt um
20070122             NORD—IRLAND: Britische Polizei soll Morde gedeckt haben
20070122             Geplante Radaranlage: Russland fühlt sich durch USA—RAKETENABWEHR in Osteuropa bedroht
20070122             Innere Uhr: OST—DEUTSCHE wachen früher auf
20070122             Hintermann im Fall Dink: EXTREMIST soll Jugendlichen zu JOURNALISTEN—MORD angestiftet haben
20070122             KURNAZ—AFFÄRE: Merkel stellt sich hinter Steinmeier
20070122             EX—RAF—TERRORISTIN: Bundesanwaltschaft fordert Freilassung von MOHNHAUPT
20070122             —VERLIERT, EXPORT—PROGNOSE: Deutschland, WELTMEISTER—TITEL 20090000              an CHINA
20070122             Indien: Raumkapsel in Bengalischer Bucht eingeschlagen
20070122             KSK—KRÄFTE in AFGHANISTAN: Elektroschocks im Drahtkäfig
20070122             AFGHANISTAN: Wie PSYCHO—KRIEGER die Taliban bekämpfen
20070122             —VERBANNT, Rauswurf: Airline, Passagier wegen ANTI—BUSH - T—SHIRT von Bord
20070122             Kohlendioxid: EU will Autohersteller zu besserem Klimaschutz zwingen
20070122             Akrobaten der Lüfte: Fledertiere sollen Flugzeugen Modell stehen
20070122             Atomstreit: USA und Nordkorea nähern sich an - What Really Happened)
20070122             "It is worth noting that THE—PENTAGON—TOP—FINANCIAL—OFFICER—AT—THE—TIME, DOV—ZAKHEIM, who also acknowledged the 'missing' trillions, had 1—COMPANY that specializes in aircraft remote control technology".
20070122             Curiously, like MANY—TOP—LEVEL—CIVILIANS working at THE—PENTAGON on 911 , ZAKHEIM held duel citizenship, USA and ISRAEL.
20070122             —CONTROLLED, Flight 77, or the remote, aircraft that blew concentric holes through 6—WALLS (airplane parts indicate the latter),
20070122             slammed into the newly remodeled Army financial management/audit area + the Army personnel offices, 1—OF 2—MAIN—WEST section offices heavily destroyed in THE—PENTAGON attack.
20070122             The other section being the Naval Command Center.
20070122             Casualties were heavy. No 1—KNOWS.
20070122             THE—NEW—YORK city media, once again as complicit as CO—CONSPIRATORS,
20070122             chose to ask few embarrassing questions about that crushed truck found weeks —LATER below THE—WTC or who had loaded it.
20070122             —HOUSED, SEVERAL—OF—THE—FLOORS, Security & Exchange records pertaining to MULTI—BILLION dollar investigations.
20070122             —REPORTED, THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, on - Consider the targets chosen.
20070122             THE—WTC complex was 1—ENORMOUS—ARCHITECTURAL—WHITE—ELEPHANT filled with asbestos and with far too few tenants.
20070122             But - suppose 1—BUYER stepped forward and purchased the property,
20070122             with the foresight to realize the towers were targets?
20070122             —POSSESSED, And suppose that buyer, insider information about 1—ATTACK + insured them against such 1—FATE?
20070122             —COLLECTED, And suppose that buyer, —WHEN those white elephants crashed to the ground within months?
20070122             Perle : 'I—HAVE—VERY—LITTLE—DOUBT'—THAT—BUSH—WOULD Order 'Necessary Military Action' Against IRAN-
20070122             "This whole concept of moving against IRAN is bizarre,
20070122             —WHEN Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID (D—NV) warned
20070122             - last —WEEK—THAT—PRESIDENT—BUSH does not have the authority to launch 1—ATTACK against IRAN without congressional approval,
20070122             —RESPONDED, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino, that she was "puzzled" because Reid seemed "to be fanning [the] flames where there's no fire.
20070122             That's not the view of RICHARD—PERLE,
20070122             1—LEADING neoconservative proponent of THE—IRAQ war.
20070122             Speaking at 1—CONFERENCE this weekend in ISRAEL,
20070122             —SUGGESTED, PERLE, Bush would attack IRAN —BEFORE he leaves office:
20070122             "Would this PRESIDENT do it?
20070122             I think that —UNTIL the —DAY he leaves office, this is 1—PRESIDENT that, if he is told, 'MISTER—PRESIDENT, you are at THE—POINT—OF—NO—RETURN,' I have very little doubt that this PRESIDENT would order the necessary military action".[...]
20070122             "I'm not convinced that we have 1—LOT—OF—TIME.
20070122             Given the peril that would result,
20070122             its astonishing to me that we do not —NOW have 1—SERIOUS—POLITICAL—STRATEGY with IRAN," he said,
20070122             adding he thought regime change is "the only significant effective way" to deal with THE—IRAN—THREAT.
20070122             —HAPPENED, So what I'm urging + this should have, 1—VERY—LONG—TIME ago, is that we make 1—SERIOUS—EFFORT to work with the internal (IRANian) opposition," PERLE said.
20070122             —REPORTED, PERLE is, to have once said, "The 1. time I met BUSH 43 ... 2—THINGS became clear.
20070122             1, he didn't know very much.
20070122             —UNRAVELLED, Defence cell genetics
20070122             USA—SCIENTISTS unravel the genetic MAKE—UP—OF—CELLS—VITAL to the body's defences against infection.
20070122             Missile shield 'threatens RUSSIA'
20070122             A—USA—PLAN to expand its missile defence scheme to EAST—EUROPE directly threatens RUSSIA, MOSCOW says.
20070122             IRAN—CLERIC attacks PRESIDENT
20070122             Key IRAN—DISSIDENT—CLERIC—GRAND—AYATOLLAH Montazeri attacks THE—PRESIDENT over nuclear and economic issues.
20070122             CANADA acts to protect rainforest
20070122             CANADA announces 1—CASH—INJECTION to help preserve 1—VAST swathe of temperate rainforest on its western coast.
20070122             'Altruistic' brain region found
20070122             Scientists say they have found PART—OF—THE—BRAIN that predicts whether 1—PERSON will be selfish or altruistic.
20070122             Tuna conservation talks in JAPAN
20070122             1—MAJOR—EFFORT to reverse the dramatic decline in global tuna stocks gets under way in JAPAN.
20070122             MADRID clashes over Latin gangs
20070122             —ABOUT 1,000 SPAIN—YOUTHS—ANGRY about Latin USA—GANGS clash with police on the outskirts of MADRID.
20070122             Nuclear Areva targets clean power
20070122             FRANCE—NUCLEAR—FIRM—AREVA makes a $1bn offer for GERMANY—REPOWER, in 1—BID to tap into the clean energy market.
20070122             Requiem for the Magic Bullets
20070122             ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT bacteria aren't heading to the hills.
20070122             The buggers are on the rise + there's no super drug to defeat these super bugs.
20070122             1—NEW—CROP—OF—KIDS: Generation We
20070122             TECH—SAVVY, homes, researchers say, kids are gaining 1—MUCH more global outlook at 1—YOUNGER—AGE.
20070122             "In 1—PATHBREAKING event heralding its arrival as 1—SPACE—POWER with capability to recover 1—ORBITING satellite, INDIA
20070122             —TODAY successfully brought back 1—SPACECRAFT to earth, giving 1—NEW—IMPETUS to the proposed manned mission to space in the next —DECADE".
20070122             Does this explain the Neocons and 20010911             —THE Inside Job?-
20070122             —WHEN Lying, Cheating + Manipulating is Okay
20070122             —HAPPENED, It's 8:46am and let's say you —JUST, to see 1—PLANE—CRASH into THE—WTC.Is your 1. thought really going to be to try to find the number for or ABC or FOX and then try to call and get through?
20070122             And what are the odds of getting over the initial shock, then thinking you should call the news,
20070122             then FINDING the number + then getting hold of 1—PRODUCER or someone who will put you on air-
20070122             - all within 15—MINUTES (giving you 2—MINUTES to talk on air), the time —BEFORE the 2. hit?
20070122             It's not like cable networks are CALL—IN shows like they have on C—SPAN with the number on THE—BOTTOM—OF—THE—SCREEN.
20070122             So how else would these networks get EYE—WITNESSES to the 1. plane early on?It stands to reason that ANY—EYEWITNESSES to the 1. + 2. planes who spoke early on live network TV are plants.
20070122             Pure and simple. Follow the money to THE—911—PLAYERS-
20070122             You have to admire such chutzpah (Yiddish word for audacity). - You have to admire,
20070122             grudgingly, such COLD—BLOODED, calculating cruelty, such amazing vision, however sadistic and criminal.
20070122             911—REMAINS 1—MASTER—PLAN ridden with obvious flaws.
20070122             PARIS in ;;01;;-
20070122             Parisians walk past tents for the homeless as THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT announced new measures to accommodate homeless people.
20070122             —THURSDAY hearings by the Judiciary COMMITTEE—INTO—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—WARRANTLESS wiretaps + hadn't heard anything about the protesters (4—OR—5—OF—THEM, maybe more) —AT—THE—END—OF—THE—HEARINGS.
20070122             —ARRESTED, Amazingly, they were not, or LED—OUT by Capitol Hill security!
20070122             They got PRETTY—LOUD, but only once the hearings were officially over.
20070122             1—OF—THE—PROTESTERS was 1—OLDER—MAN in 1—ORANGE top + another man —AROUND his age had 1—MAKESHIFT—SIGN made from 1—NEWSPAPER with something about GUANTANAMO.
20070122             —SEEMED, That, to comprise what MOST—OF—THEIR—COMMENTS were about + ILLEGAL—RENDITION.
20070122             —OMITTED, Interesting how most coverage, LEAHY—COMMENTS on restoring Habeus Corpus, or the protesters.
20070122             1—CURIOUS
20070122             —PROTESTED, CLIFTON—NEW—JERSEY (AP) -- —2—YEARS—AGO, Muslim groups, —WHEN the plot of the hit Fox drama "24" cast Islamic terrorists as the villains who launched 1—STOLEN nuclear missile in 1—ATTACK on AMERICA.
20070122             —SAVED, Unlike last time, —WHEN agent JACK—BAUER, the —DAY, the terrorists this time have already succeeded in detonating 1—NUCLEAR—BOMB in 1—LOS—ANGELES suburb.
20070122             —PORTRAYED, Being, again as the heartless wrongdoers has drawn renewed protests from Muslim groups, including 1—THAT had 1—MEETING with Fox executives —2—YEARS—AGO over the issue.
20070122             (Watch why "24" is worrying Muslims )
20070122             —LEARNED, VENICE—FLORIDA, where 3—OF—THE—4—TERRORIST—PILOTS, to fly, is the biggest 20010911              crime scene that wasn't reduced to rubble.
20070122             Investigative JOURNALIST—DANIEL—HOPSICKER went searching for evidence that MOHAMED—ATTA and his HAMBURG cadre received outside help —WHILE they were in THE—USA,
20070122             as authorities —INITIALLY stated, from 1—SHADOWY 'global network,' or even from foreign governments.
20070122             Foreword and Links to My Podcast!-
20070122             1. ISRAEL (or Zionist Influences) are wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             2. - THE—NEW—WORLD—ORDER (NWO) is wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             3. CHENEY (or THE—BUSH—CRIME—FAMILY) are wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             5. WALL—STREET and INTERNATIONAL Bankers are wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             I think there can be 1—FAIR—ARGUMENT made that all of the above have preferred (and supported in SOME—CASES) the cover UP—OF—THE—TRUTH—OF—20010911              + will fare poorly if the complete truth is revealed.
20070122             Summary: DISCUSSION—OF—TRUTH—OF 20010911              THE—LEGEND—OF—911—TRUTH:
20070122             Former spy lines up to replace ISRAEL—LEADER—SENT Using GOOGLE Toolbar-
20070122             Telegraph | News | Former spy lines up to replace ISRAEL—LEADER
20070122             For Tzipi Livni, her role as VICE—PRIME—MINISTER—MEANS that in 1—EMERGENCY — such as the sudden illness that snatched THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER,
20070122             Ariel Sharon, from office —LAST—YEAR — the position would automatically be hers.
20070122             Police hit back at cash for honours 'scheming' | Politics | THE—OBSERVER
20070122             Police go to war over No 10—HONOURS arrest
20070122             —YESTERDAY.
20070122             (Read on Source)... Source: Daily Kos: Habeas: Gonzales NOT Wrong- - THE—LA Times sinks lower-
20070122             —PLAYED, FORMER—FEMA HEAD—IN—NEW—YORK—CITY: party politics, role in Katrina-
20070122             'This is exactly what we were living but could not bring ourselves to believe.
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people would find it odd that key videos of the 2. WTC attack have such 1—STRONG—BLUE coloring:
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people might be surprised that there is no exit hole in the north face of WTC2,
20070122             —AFTER videos were shown where THE—NOSE—OF—THE—PLANE passed through the building:
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911             ... most people might think it very strange how... Source:
20070122             "PRESIDENT—BUSH—RECORD—OF getting his STATE—OF—THE—UNION—PROPOSALS enacted, —AFTER successes in his early years in office, has dropped off substantially".
20070122             Of THE—12—INITIATIVES that he proposed or called on Congress to pass 20060000              ,
20070122             THE—WHITE—HOUSE can claim complete success on —JUST 3.
20070122             25: Number of USA service members killed —ON—SATURDAY, marking "THE—3.—DEADLIEST—DAY for USA—TROOPS
20070122             —STILL know little about either IRAN—INTERNAL—DYNAMICS or its intentions in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070122             'To be quite honest, I'm 1—LITTLE concerned that it's IRAQ again.
20070122             '" ROCKEFELLER had sharp words for PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070122             "I don't think he understands the world," MISTER—ROCKEFELLER said.
20070122             "I don't think he's particularly curious about the world.
20070122             I don't think he reads like he says he does".
20070122             CHENEY said "you cannot run 1—WAR by committee," + whatever Congress does "would not affect THE—PRESIDENT—ABILITY to carry out his policy".
20070122             —TODAY, SENATOR—CHUCK—HAGEL (R—NE) said it "is complete nonsense to say we're undercutting THE—SUPPORT—OF—THE—TROOPS".
20070122             He —RECENTLY said:
20070122             I do not believe that sending more troops to IRAQ is the answer.
20070122             IRAQ requires 1—POLITICAL rather than 1—MILITARY—SOLUTION.
20070122             —ON ABC—THIS —WEEK, Brownback explained that —AFTER talking to Iraqi and USA military leaders on 1—RECENT—TRIP to IRAQ,
20070122             he was convinced that the escalation plan could not succeed.
20070122             —PRESSED, But —WHEN, by host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS on whether he would register his opposition by supporting 1—BIPARTISAN—SENATE—RESOLUTION opposing BUSH—PLAN,
20070122             Instead, he attacked the resolution, arguing, "That —JUST says, OK, we're against this".
20070122             STEPHANOPOULOS: But last —WEEK, you spoke out against the idea.
20070122             —CHANGED, What ? BROWNBACK: I went to BAGHDAD.
20070122             I was there last —WEEK.
20070122             I was there THE—WEEK—BEFORE last, rather.
20070122             I met with the military officials.
20070122             I met with the Sunni and Shiite leaders, none of which really supported the idea.
20070122             I went to Erbil and I met with MISTER—BARZANI, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—KURDISH region.
20070122             STEPHANOPOULOS: I thought they were doing that, though.
20070122             BROWNBACK: HE—NOT sending the core of his troops.
20070122             —ASKED, And I, him,
20070122             would you send — if you were me, would you vote for more troops?
20070122             And he said, I don't see why you would do that at this point in time? [...]
20070122             —JOINED, STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, SENATOR—HAGEL has, the Democrats in introducing 1—RESOLUTION to oppose THE—PRESIDENT—SENDING of more troops.
20070122             Will you vote for that? BROWNBACK: No.
20070122             That doesn't give us 1—ROUTE—FORWARD.
20070122             That —JUST says, OK, we're against this.
20070122             What I think we really have got to do —TODAY is sit down with Democrat leaders and say, what will you support?
20070122             KRISTOL said, "It's —JUST unbelievable.... It's so irresponsible that they can't be quiet for 6 or 9—MONTHS," adding,
20070122             "You really wonder, do they want it to work or not?
20070122             I really wonder that".
20070122             NPR—JUAN—WILLIAMS told KRISTOL his analysis was "totally ahistorical," and pointed out that —YESTERDAY was the deadliest —DAY for U.S forces in IRAQ in 2—YEARS.
20070122             KRISTOL : They're playing — they're LEAP—FROGGING EACH—OTHER in THE—DEGREES—OF—IRRESPONSIBILITY they're willing to advocate.
20070122             And I really think people are being too sort of complacent and forgiving almost of the Democrats.
20070122             'Oh, it's politics, of course.
20070122             1—OF—THEM has 1—NON—BINDING resolution. It's —JUST unbelievable.
20070122             THE—PRESIDENT is sending over 1—NEW—COMMANDER,
20070122             he's sending over troops + the Democratic Congress, in 1—PSEUDO—BINDING way or NON—BINDING way, is saying, 'It won't work.
20070122             Forget it.
20070122             You troops, you're going over there in 1—POINTLESS—MISSION.
20070122             Iraqis who might side with us, forget it, we're going to pull the plug.'
20070122             It's so irresponsible that they can't be quiet for 6 or 9—MONTHS and say THE—PRESIDENT has made 1—DECISION,
20070122             we're not going to change that decision, we're not going to cut off funds and insist on the troops coming back,
20070122             so let's give it 1—CHANCE to work.
20070122             I really wonder that. I hate to say this about the Democrats.
20070122             They're people I know personally and I respect SOME—OF—THEM.
20070122             —SUCCEED, Do they want it to, or not?
20070122             —SUCCEED, WILLIAMS: I think everybody wants it to, who believes in the idea that we are over there and our people are at stake.
20070122             I don't think there's ANY—QUESTION.
20070122             I think that's sort of 1—RHETORICAL—TOOL on your part.
20070122             But your analysis seems to be totally ahistorical.
20070122             It's as if mistakes haven't been made repeatedly,
20070122             as if people don't feel like they've been misled down this path, that there's been tremendous support for this PRESIDENT and war effort and it's come to naught.
20070122             It's come to 1—BAD—PLACE.
20070122             —YESTERDAY was the deadliest, I think, in 2—YEARS. 19—AMERICANS killed.
20070122             —OPPOSED, THERE—SOMETHING going on here you might pay attention to as, to —JUST the politics of,
20070122             if you don't support this PRESIDENT, you don't really want us to win.
20070122             Nothing. 0. Except, except no reinforcements.
20070122             You guys are on your own. That's what they're saying.
20070122             WILLIAMS: If you think — do you think reinforcements will make SOME—RADICAL—CHANGE?
20070122             No.
20070122             I think what people are saying is, it's time to redeploy, look at new strategies, look at political compromise.
20070122             That's what's not being done by this administration.
20070122             "more than 3,000—USA—TROOPS have arrived in BAGHDAD,
20070122             the 1. deployment of extra forces promised for THE—IRAQ—CAPITAL—BY—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070122             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—MILITARY, the troops' arrival, as 7—PEOPLE were killed in BAGHDAD by 2—BOMBINGS".
20070122             Pelosi and Reid say no- - NICO—TO the Bush /Lieberman terrorism "working group".
20070122             National Sanctity of Human Life —DAY helps foster 1—CULTURE—OF—LIFE and reinforces our commitment to building 1—COMPASSIONATE society that respects the value of EVERY—HUMAN being.
20070122             1—OF—OUR society's challenges —TODAY is to harness THE—POWER—OF—SCIENCE to ease human suffering without sanctioning practices that violate the dignity of human life.
20070122             With the right policies, we can continue to achieve scientific progress —WHILE living up to our ethical and moral responsibilities.
20070122             —ON the very same —DAY, Story Landis, the National INSTITUTES—OF—HEALTH—OFFICIAL overseeing PRESIDENT—BUSH—RESTRICTIVE—EMBRYONIC stem cell policy,
20070122             suggested that BUSH—APPROACH is delaying LIFE—SAVING cures
20070122             —WHEN SENATOR—EDWARD—M—KENNEDY (D—MASSACHUSETTS) asked her how the policy was affecting medical research, she said, "We are missing out on possible breakthroughs".
20070122             —DERIVED, The ability to work on newly, stem cell colonies — precluded from federal funding under THE—BUSH—PLAN — "would be incredibly important," she added.
20070122             —DECLARED, Landis also, that "science works best —WHEN scientists can pursue all AVENUES—OF—RESEARCH.
20070122             If the cure for PARKINSON—DISEASE or juvenile diabetes lay behind 1—OF 4—DOORS, wouldn't you want the option to open all 4—DOORS at once instead of 1—DOOR?"
20070122             The promise of stem cell research is clear.
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used to help paralyzed rats walk
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used to create T—CELLS, which could lead to 1—CURE for AIDS
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used to reduce THE—SYMPTOMS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE in rats
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used toto create INSULIN—SECRETING cells, which could be used to treat diabetes
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used toto make 1—VACCINE that protects mice from lung cancer
20070122             —NOTED, In —JUST the last 6—MONTHS, media reports have, that embryonic stem cells have been used to create cardiovascular "precursor" cells, which could be used to treat heart disease.
20070122             PRESIDENT—BUSH says he plans to veto the stem cell research bill passed last —WEEK by THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20070122             Angeklagt sind 5—EINWANDERER aus Jemen sowie je 1—IRAKER und 1—SOMALIER.
20070122             Sie alle sollen sich an einer vom Hauptangeklagten, einem 59-jährigen Jemeniten, gebildeten kriminellen Organisation beteiligt haben.
20070122             —10—YEARS—AGO, 1—HORRIFIC—CAR—ACCIDENT grimly illuminated how TURKEY—STATE—OFFICIALS colluded with drug barons to traffic drugs into EUROPE + BRITAIN.
20070122             —SMOOTHED, ADRIAN—GATTON investiGATES how corruption has, the path of heroin from AFGHANISTAN into THE—UK.
20070122             Adrian.
20070122             Das Lügennetz über dem IRAN- - Rund 40—KILOMETER von Maschad entfernt,
20070122             nahe der Stadt Neyshapur, unter Gemüsefeldern und in 150—METER Tiefe:
20070122             Die israelische Agentur DEBKA will es genau wissen:
20070122             Kampf um Rohstoffe und ABSATZMÄRKTE—KÖHLER —SCHON wieder in AFRIKA-
20070122             Vergangenes Wochenende fand in GHANA 1—TREFFEN statt.
20070122             Eingeladen hatten der Bundespräsident von Deutschland,
20070122             Das Ganze nannte sich ?AFRIKA—FORUM?
20070122             50 ?Young Professionals?, zur Hälfte aus AFRIKA und Deutschland,
20070122             sollten mit ihren Präsidenten über Umwelt, Bildung, Krieg und Konflikte, Demokratie und...
20070122             Show Me the Intelligence!-
20070122             1—IMPORTANT back story of THE—IRAQ War disaster has been THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—SUCCESS in manipulating and/or ignoring intelligence that didn't fit with preordained decisions.
20070122             ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE früher und —HEUTE-
20070122             SFUX—ROBERT Harris´ These über das neue DETAINEE—TREATMENT—GESETZ in den USA—KARL Weiss-
20070122             In einem Artikel von überraschender Aktualität über 1—GESCHICHTE aus dem alten ROM,
20070122             die über 20000000              Jahre her ist, berichtet die ?NEW—YORK—TIMES ?
20070122             über weitgehende Schlußfolgerungen angesichts der Verabschiedung der ?DETAINEE—TREATMENT—BILL?
20070122             im USA—KAPITOL. Wird es das ENDE—DER—USA—REPUBLIK.
20070122             Brain cancers shrink in drug test
20070122             1—NEW—TREATMENT to starve brain TUMOURS—OF—BLOOD has shown positive results in clinical trials.
20070122             LIBYA to axe public sector staff
20070122             THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT is to lay off more than a 3. of its workforce to help to ease public spending.
20070122             UK report criticises GUANTANAMO
20070122             —VISITED, MPs who, GUANTANAMO—BAY say BRITAIN and THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY should help THE—USA close it.
20070122             Home Office split 'within months'
20070122             Splitting the Home Office into separate justice and security departments "would not take long", 1—MINISTER says.
20070122             USA suffers heavy losses in IRAQ
20070122             USA—FORCES in IRAQ suffer SOME—OF—THEIR—HEAVIEST—CASUALTIES in recent months, with 18—PERSONNEL killed.
20070122             —CLEARED, GUANTANAMO Moroccans
20070122             5—MOROCCO—MEN freed from GUANTANAMO—BAY are CLEARED—OF—TERRORISM—RELATED charges in MOROCCO.
20070122             MEXICO extradites drug suspects
20070122             MEXICO—EXTRADITES key drugs smuggling suspects to THE—USA, including the reputed LEADER—OF—1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL.
20070122             —BRIEFED, Bush, on MIDDLE—EAST—TRIPS
20070122             Home Office could be split in 2
20070122             Home SECRETARY—JOHN—REID suggests the Home Office be split into separate justice and security departments.
20070122             Cleaning Up NO—FLY Lists
20070122             We're looking into it.
20070122             1—OHIO—STATE—UNIVERSITY—TEAM gets $1.6—MILLION from THE—DOE for a 3—YEAR—PROJECT
20070122             Sundance: Power to the People - Games Packing Political Punch
20070122             1—GROWING NUMBER—OF—GAMES focus on political and social issues -- 1—DESIGNER calls such games "playable editorial cartoons".
20070122             Question: Why on earth would SISMI want to goad THE—USA into invading IRAQ?
20070122             Answer: They wouldn't. Someone else was using Pollari, Nucera and so forth.
20070122             POWELL—BOOKS—DECONSTRUCTING Public Relations PR by Utilizing case studies from public relations, advertising + marketing to illustrate deconstruction and ANALYSIS—OF—PUBLIC—RELATIONS...
20070122             Advertising, Public Relations + PROPAGANDA (YALE Research Guide - Public relations (NOTE:
20070122             the term " Public relations " may also be a subheading, as... - Mystery in the Potomac
20070122             —2—YEARS—AGO—WHEN Sharpsburg resident DAVE—LEMARIE learned that MALE fish containing eggs had been discovered in the Potomac River basin,
20070122             he and his wife stopped drinking tap water.
20070122             Lemarie, 1—BIOLOGIST who is not studying THE—RIVER—REASONED that if the water did that to the fish, it could not be good for people.
20070122             —POISONED, Police identify man they believe, RUSSIA—SPY The suspected killer was captured on cameras at Heathrow as he flew into BRITAIN to carry out the murder.
20070122             —HIRED, FRIENDS—OF—THE—EX—SPY say that the man was 1, killer, sent by the Kremlin, who vanished hours —AFTER poisoning ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO.
20070122             Surge in carbon levels raises fears of runaway warming:
20070122             Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere much faster than scientists expected, raising fears that humankind may have less time to tackle climate change than previously thought.
20070122             Landmark UN study backs climate theory:
20070122             2,000 scientists all but end the debate: Human activity causes global warming
20070122             —ARRESTED, TONY—BLAIR top aid, over 'cash for honors': Video:
20070122             Turner was arrest and questioned in connection to the "cash for honours" affair.
20070122             3—OTHERS with close connections to TONY—BLAIR have also been arrested.
20070122             —THURSDAY, arguing that atrocities against tribals would lead to 1—VIOLENT—SITUATION.
20070122             GOOGLE News As Censors?
20070122             We think THE—EXCLUSION—OF—ALTERNATIVE—MEDIA through search engines results is government/corporate tactics to harness the free FLOW—OF—INFORMATION on THE—INTERNET.
20070122             Initial Rule By Decree BILL—APPROVED—FOR—CHAVEZ :
20070122             —PASSED, The country's National Assembly has, its initial APPROVAL—OF—THE—BILL that will allow PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ to rule by decree —FOR—18—MONTHS.
20070122             —EXPECTED, It is, to easily gain final approval on its 2. reading at the assembly next —WEEK.
20070122             describing the proposal allowing presidents to rule by decree as "1—BIT—ODD" in 1—DEMOCRACY.
20070122             Chávez accuses telecom of spying:
20070122             —ACCUSED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ —ON—FRIDAY, his nation's main telecommunications company of spying on him and suggested it was at the bidding of THE—USA.
20070122             Bush Orders More CIA Activity in VENEZUELA:
20070122             —REVEALED, Current CIA CHIEF—GENERAL—MICHAEL V. HAYDEN, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH had requested his agency "pay more attention" to THE—ACTIVITIES—OF—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ + his government in VENEZUELA.
20070122             USA, IRAN and VENEZUELA—BATTLING for influence in ORTEGA—NEW—NICARAGUA:
20070122             S—JOSE, NICARAGUA — THE—USA is again battling leftists in DANIEL—ORTEGA—NICARAGUA.
20070122             UK admits prior knowledge of secret CIA prison network:
20070122             GUANTANAMO "fails to meet basic UK—STANDARDS":
20070122             THE—USA—DETENTION—CENTRE in GUANTANAMO fails to meet even basic UK—STANDARDS for prisoners, MPs who visited the base said —ON—SUNDAY.
20070122             USA—PRISON is 'threat' to GENEVA treaties:
20070122             THE—USA is undermining INTERNATIONAL law by unilaterally rejecting demands to grant detainees at THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY prison camp protection against mistreatment and torture,
20070122             1—INFLUENTIAL—COMMITTEE—OF—BRITISH—MPS has warned.
20070122             World Social Forum focuses on AFRICA—ECONOMIC—STRUGGLES:
20070122             —GATHERED, More than 80,000—PEOPLE, for 1—ANNUAL—ANTICAPITALISM—CONFERENCE—YESTERDAY in KENYA—CAPITAL and marched on NAIROBI—LARGEST slum to protest globalization policies they say hurt the poor.
20070122             "A true friend of ISRAEL" Shalom, Ayalon Respond to Clinton Candidacy:
20070122             She supported ISRAEL—RIGHT to build the separation wall —AFTER THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—IN—THE—HAGUE ruled that it should be removed.
20070122             —AIMED, CHINA tries to reassure the world on space missile ' at peace'
20070122             USA asks Czechs to host radar base:
20070122             —ASKED, THE—USA has, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC to host 1—KEY—PART—OF—ITS—GLOBAL—ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM, the country's PRIME—MINISTER has said.
20070122             Tribesmen from 1—PAKISTAN—MOUNTAIN—VILLAGE where 1—AIRSTRIKE hit 1—SUSPECTED—AL—QAIDA hideout claimed
20070122             —FRIDAY that missiles were fired from 1—USA—PLANE and denied the dead were terrorists.
20070122             Jewish Groups HEAD—TO—EMIRATES, as Worries Grow Over IRAN:
20070122             The main umbrella GROUP—OF—AMERICAN—JEWISH—ORGANIZATIONS is set to visit DUBAI + ABU—DHABI
20070122             Troops as pawns: THE—TRUE—FACE—OF—THIS—ADMINISTRATION—FULLY Revealed:
20070122             I cannot imagine in ANY—OTHER—DEMOCRACY that the person who made this statement would not —IMMEDIATELY be told to resign from his NON—ELECTED high OFFICE—OF—INFLUENCE
20070122             Defense official says Pentagon hid unspent funds in accounts:
20070122             THE—PENTAGON has hidden at least $1.4—BILLION in other agencies' accounts instead of returning unspent money to THE—USA—TREASURY,
20070122             the Defense DEPARTMENT—INTERNAL—WATCHDOG told Congress —WEDNESDAY
20070122             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—URGES—USA to talk to Syria: -
20070122             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI is urging THE—USA to talk with Syria, claiming in 1—INTERVIEW that DAMASCUS "supports" IRAQ in fighting the insurgency.
20070122             Rice: More IRAN sanctions may come:
20070122             "I think people ought to think about the risk of further sanctions.
20070122             THE—USA is clearly sanctioning IRAN—BANKS and our laws are very tough on those who deal with banks that we have sanctioned".
20070122             IRAN plans 3—DAYS—OF—MISSILE—WAR—GAMES:
20070122             IRAN plans 3—DAYS—OF—MILITARY—MANEUVERS, including SHORT—RANGE—MISSILE—TESTS, beginning —SUNDAY — its 1. —SINCE THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL imposed sanctions against it in late ;;12;;, STATE—RUN—TELEVISION said.
20070122             IRAN—STRONGMAN loses grip as ayatollah offers nuclear deal:
20070122             IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER is considering 1—CHANGE—OF—POLICY on the country's nuclear programme in 1—EFFORT to defuse growing tension with THE—WEST, according to senior sources in TEHRAN.
20070122             War pimp alert: Netanyahu: West must stop IRAN from executing new Holocaust:
20070122             Opposition leader BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU —ON—SUNDAY passionately called on the world to stop IRAN—NUCLEAR—AMBITIONS in its tracks by imposing sanctions on THE—TEHRAN regime.
20070122             —IMPOVERISHED, Did we really think that —AFTER we had, them and destroyed so MANY—OF—THEIR—CHILDREN; —AFTER 1—GENERATION—OF—IRAQIS had been "physically and morally crippled",
20070122             they were going to welcome our "liberation"?
20070122             I've spoken out against HUMAN—RIGHTS—VIOLATIONS—SINCE my early years.
20070122             CAIRO, I stood in alliance with students protesting government crackdowns;
20070122             in SEATTLE, I marched for equal opportunities for AFRICAN—USA—STUDENTS demanding the preservation of affirmative action.
20070122             I lived MOST—OF—MY life in 1—PALESTINE—REFUGEE—CAMP, under ISRAEL—MILITARY—OCCUPATION in GAZA.
20070122             Continue - THE—ISRAEL Lobby Trips and TILTS—BY ALEXANDER—COCKBURN
20070122             —HURLED, For weeks —NOW the lobby has, its legions into BATTLE—AGAINST—CARTER.
20070122             —STIGMATIZED, He has been, as 1—ANTI—SEMITE, 1—HOLOCAUST denier, 1—PATRON of former concentration camp killers,
20070122             1—CHRISTIAN madman, 1—PAWN of the Arabs who "flatly condones mass murder" of ISRAEL—JEWS.
20070122             (This last was from MURDOCH—NEW—YORK Post editorial, relayed to its mailing list by the Zionist ORGANIZATION—OF—AMERICA.) Continue
20070122             UK Spying On Muslims Who Visit MECCA-
20070122             —BY—DAVID LEPPARD—THE—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCIES are monitoring EVERY—MUSLIM who travels from BRITAIN to MECCA on pilgrimage in 1—WIDER—EFFORT to piece together intelligence on suspected AL—QAEDA terrorist activity.
20070122             If Congress can protect THE—RIGHTS—OF—DOGS and cats in foreign trade,
20070122             will it do the same for the young girls -- some as young as 11 -- who work in sweatshops?
20070122             They stitch garments for as little as 6—CENTS an —HOUR and typically work 12—TO 16—HOUR—DAYS,
20070122             sometimes longer and often in brutal conditions.
20070122             Continue - Lying Like It's 20030000             -
20070122             SCOOTER LIBBY, the mastermind behind THE—WHITE—HOUSE—BOGUS scenarios for ginning up the war in IRAQ,
20070122             is back at WASHINGTON—CENTER—STAGE, proudly defending the indefensible in 1—PERJURY trial.
20070122             —FLAWED, AHMAD—CHALABI, the peddler of, prewar intelligence hyped by MISTER—LIBBY, is —BACK—IN clover in BAGHDAD,
20070122             where he purports to lead the government's SHIITE—BAATHIST—RECONCILIATION—EFFORTS in between visits to his pal MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD in IRAN.
20070122             Continue - Diseases kills hundreds in SOUTH—SUDAN:
20070122             —KILLED, Meningitis and another unknown disease have, at least 1,000—PEOPLE in 1—WEEK in SOUTH—SUDAN, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—WARAP state has said.
20070122             For 1—DESERVEDLY brutal treatment of AG GONZALES by SENATOR—LEAHY last —THURSDAY,
20070122             I recommend readers go to this As It Happens website - and listen to the 1. part's audio.
20070122             Krugman: GOLD—PLATED indifference -- —NOW Bush doesn't even try to hide callousness towards uninsured Americans
20070122             5—AMERICANS killed by insurgents wearing USA uniforms
20070122             "EVERY—SINGLE—PERSON out there that IS—OF—ANY—CONSEQUENCE knows THE—VICE—PRESIDENT doesn't know what he's talking about.
20070122             I can't be more blunt than that," BIDEN said.
20070122             "He is yet to be right 1—SINGLE—TIME on IRAQ".
20070122             "IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI had 1—SURPRISE for PRESIDENT—BUSH—WHEN they sat down with their aides in THE—4—SEASONS—HOTEL in AMMAN—JORDAN.
20070122             Bush wants to tax worker health benefits 1/22
20070122             —DESTINED, Global warming is, to have 1—FAR—MORE—DESTRUCTIVE and —EARLIER impact than previously estimated,
20070122             the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn next —WEEK.
20070122             Stars join fight to save diamond industry from "Blood Diamond" movie's bad press 1/22
20070122             Hurt badly by closeness to Bush policies, McCain desperately searches for ways to disassociate himself:
20070122             How about criticizing the Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF nominee?
20070122             Yes surge, no surge BUSH has told Maliki: "No extra troops unless you start doing your part".
20070122             —NOW we learn that Mailiki told BUSH : "But we don't want ANY—MORE—OF your troops!" As JOY—TOMME
20070122             So, watch out MISTER—PRIME—MINISTER, if you don't obey Crazy GEORGE, he's not going to give you something you don't want.
20070122             GESCHICHTE—DES—GLASES
20070122             Den ägyptischen KönigsgräBERN werden die 1. GLAS—URNEN mit Überfang +
20070122             EINHARD Kunsthandwerkstätten für Mosaik und Glasmalerei in AACHEN errichten...
20070122             ADOLF—HITLER.
20070122             "Die katholische Kirche hat 1.500—JAHRE—LANG DIE—JUDEN als Schädlinge angesehen.
20070122             Der Tunfisch ist nicht die einzige Tierart, die vom Fischfang bedroht ist.
20070122             —ERST im ;;11;; haben Forscher Berechnungen veröffentlicht, denen zufolge —SCHON im —JAHR
20070122             Umweltschutzorganisationen, die als Beobachter an der Konferenz teilnehmen, fordern die Regierungen zum sofortigen Schutz der Tunfische auf.
20070122             Im Indischen Ozean sei der Bestand des Roten Tuns —BEREITS um 90 % geschrumpft.
20070122             Die Zahl der erwachsenen atlantischen BLAUFLOSSEN—TUNFISCHE auf 19—PROZENT—DES—NIVEAUS von
20070122             —ÜBERFISCHT, KOBE/Tokio - "Die TUNFISCH—BESTÄNDE sind, + wir müssen dieses Problem aus globaler Sicht angehen",
20070122             sagte Toshiro Shirasu, Generaldirektor des japanischen Fischereiamts.
20070122             Fischfang: Konferenz soll Tunfisch retten
20070122             Strommarkt: Gutachter kritisieren fehlende Transparenz
20070122             PRÄSIDENTSCHAFTS—KANDIDATUR: Umfragen sehen HILLARY—CLINTON vorn
20070122             Serbien: Ultranationalisten gewinnen Parlamentswahl
20070122             "In my opinion, Bush is either incompetent, insane or morally corrupt.
20070122             The scariest ? + perhaps most likely, given the litany of his offenses ?
20070122             is that he?s 1—COMBINATION of all 3.
20070122             —ANESTHETIZED, Our collective national consciousness has been, by the staggering number + enormity of the egregious acts committed by this PRESIDENT against our nation?s principles, its people, its resources + against the world at large".
20070122             BIDEN: I can't be more blunt than that.
20070122             He is yet to be right 1—SINGLE—TIME on IRAQ".
20070122             MORE—OF—THE—BUSH /Cheney Foreign Policy for Losers: PAKISTAN is Likely Aiding the Taliban Resurgence,
20070122             Which Ends up in THE—DEATH—OF—OUR—GIS 1/22
20070122             Why Not —JUST Have THE—RNC Buy the Tribune Company + Make Republican Media Ownership Official?
20070122             —EMERGED, CARLYLE has, as THE—PRIVATE—EQUITY—FIRM bidding for Tribune?s TV station group, reports THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL".
20070122             THE—CIA 's "rendition" flights have given rise to 1—HOBBYIST—SUBCULTURE—OF—PLANE—SPOTTERS.
20070122             —WONDERED, But how MANY—OF—THEM have, if those flights also carried 1—NON—HUMAN—CARGO?
20070122             The "Bayard" jet is known informally as THE—GUANTANAMO—BAY—EXPRESS.
20070122             Originally N581GA, it became N379P 20000000              —WHEN it was acquired by Premier Executive Transport Services.
20070122             —BEFORE proceeding, you must realize is that the Skyway bust was hardly the 1. 1.
20070122             With those facts in mind, let me RE—QUOTE the —EARLIER piece:
20070122             Hopsicker scores 1—BREAKTHROUGH, however, —WHEN he identifies 1—MAJOR stockholder in Skyway (which, you will recall, was 1—SCAM—OPERATION designed to bilk investors):
20070122             —ARRANGED, ARGYLL previously, for a $17—MILLION—LOAN to 1—MEXICO—BUSINESSMAN,
20070122             who in turn provided "significant capital" to a "CHILE—NARCOTICS—TRAFFICKER" named MANUEL—VICENTE—LOSADA,
20070122             arrested in THE—CHILE—CAPITAL—OF—SANTIAGO —AFTER being "linked to 1—SHIPMENT—OF—5—TONS—OF—COCAINE which USA drug enforcement officials in MIAMI intercepted over —6—YEARS—AGO on the vessel Harbour, as it headed toward GUANTANAMO—BAY".
20070122             "GUANTANAMO—BAY"? asks Hopsicker.
20070122             The implications hang in the air.
20070122             We have harrowing tales by THE—PRISONERS themselves; see the accounts here
20070122             passage from THE—AMNESTY—REPORT: THE—GULFSTREAM—IV plane that took ABU—OMAR to EGYPT from GERMANY —AFTER his kidnapping in ITALY.
20070122             —ADMITTED, Its owners have, leasing the plane to THE—CIA, but have said it is not used exclusively by the agency.
20070122             —CAPTURED, Are we to believe that THE—USA has really, THOUSANDS—OF—GENUINE—AL—QAEDA terrorists?
20070122             -- from AFGHANISTAN to the wilder areas of PAKISTAN.
20070122             CIA—RENDITION—FLIGHTS have taken off and landed in SPAIN, THE—UK.
20070122             Although officially civilian,
20070122             the jets are allowed to land at USA—MILITARY—BASES.
20070122             Virtually anything could be shipped without detection on those flights.
20070122             Look at the destinations. Look at the transport capacities.
20070122             Look at AMERICA—APPARENT—UNWILLINGNESS to deal with the real AL—QAEDA fighters.
20070122             MIT Labs Moves Ahead In Synthesizing Spider Silk-
20070122             —ZONK—113 -icepick72 writes in with 1—LINK to 1—EXTREMETECH article on new methods for creating synthetic spider silk.
20070122             This material, like lycra in MANY—WAYS, has 1—NUMBER—OF—UNIQUE—PROPERTIES.
20070122             "The secret of spider silk's combined strength and flexibility, according to scientists,
20070122             has to do with the arrangement of THE—NANO—CRYSTALLINE reinforcement of the silk as it is being produced--in other words,
20070122             the way these tiny crystals are oriented towards (and adhere to) the stretchy protein.
20070122             Emulating this process in 1—SYNTHETIC polymer, THE—MIT team focused on reinforcing solutions of commercial rubbery substance known as polyurethane elastomer with NANO—SIZED clay platelets instead of simply heating the mixing the molten plastics with reinforcing agents".
20070122             "Wired has 1—INTERESTING editorial on laptop searches and seizures.
20070122             It raises SOME—INTERESTING issues, including employee rights against police searches in the workplace,
20070122             routine vs. NON—ROUTINE searches at PORTS—OF—ENTRY + police use of unrelated data found in 1—DATABASE—SEARCH.
20070122             The article ends saying: 'Of course, there's 1—CHANCE that the courts will not recognize the different SCOPE—OF—PRIVACY—INTERESTS at stake in computer searches,
20070122             or will not be adept at crafting 1—RULE that gives enough leeway and guidance to law enforcement, —WHILE also protecting privacy.
20070122             At that point, the Constitution may fail us + we will have to turn to Congress to create rules that are better adapted for the information age.'"
20070122             CHINA—PROF Cracks SHA—1—DATA Encryption Scheme-
20070122             —ZONK—188+ -Hades1010 writes to mention 1—ARTICLE in the Epoch Times (1—CHINA—NEWSPAPER) about 1—BRILLIANT—CHINA—PROFESSOR who has cracked her 5. encryption scheme in 10—YEARS.
20070122             This one's 1—DOOZY, too: she and her team have taken out THE—SHA—1—SCHEME, which includes the (highly thought of) MD5 algorithm.
20070122             As 1—RESULT, "These 2—MAIN—ALGORITHMS are currently the crucial technology that electronic signatures and MANY—OTHER password securities use —THROUGHOUT THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY.
20070122             They are widely used in banking, securities + E—COMMERCE.
20070122             —RECOGNIZED, SHA-1 has been, as the cornerstone for modern INTERNET security.
20070122             According to the article, in the early STAGES—OF—WANG—RESEARCH, there were other data encryption researchers who tried to crack it.
20070122             —SUCCEEDED, However, NONE—OF—THEM.
20070122             This is why in 15—YEARS—HASH research had become the domain of hopeless research in MANY—SCIENTISTS' minds.
20070122             ULTRA—DENSE—OPTICAL—STORAGE on 1—PHOTON-
20070122             —SUBMITTED, CowboyNeal 93+ - Andreaskem, this story about researchers being able to encode 1—IMAGE into 1—PHOTON and to —LATER retrieve it intact.
20070122             "It's analogous to the difference between snapping 1—PICTURE with 1—SINGLE—PIXEL and doing it with 1—CAMERA — this is like a 6-megapixel camera... You can have 1—TREMENDOUS—AMOUNT—OF—INFORMATION in 1—PULSE—OF—LIGHT,
20070122             but normally if you try to buffer it, you can lose MUCH—OF—THAT—INFORMATION... We're showing it's possible to pull out 1—ENORMOUS—AMOUNT—OF—INFORMATION with 1—EXTREMELY high SIGNAL—TO—NOISE—RATIO even with very low light levels".
20070122             MarkusQ (—POSTED by CowboyNeal) 162 -
20070122             THE—AKRON—BEACON—JOURNAL is reporting that the trial of THE—3—ELECTION—WORKERS accused of rigging 20040000             —THE presidential election recount in Cuyahoga County is finally underway.
20070122             As you may recall, this was the case where poll workers 'randomly' selected the precincts to recount by 1. eliminating from consideration precincts where THE—NUMBER—OF—BALLOTS handed out on Election —DAY failed to match THE—NUMBER—OF—BALLOTS cast and,
20070122             then opening the ballot boxes in private and PRE—COUNTING —UNTIL they found cases which would match up.
20070122             —ADMITTED, What is interesting here is that they have already, doing this and that it was clearly counter to the letter and THE—SPIRIT—OF—THE—LAW,
20070122             but still insist it wasn't really 'wrong,' presumably —SINCE they only did it to avoid having to go to the bother of 1—FULL recount as required by law.
20070122             Wahlen in Serbien: Ultranationalisten nach Hochrechnungen stärkste Partei
20070122             Bürgervotum: Kreuzberger wollen ihre RUDI—DUTSCHE- Straße - florais e comportamento
20070122             Trata animais que fazem barulho para chamar a atenção ou por sentirem solidão.
20070122             Para animais barulhentos, inoportunos.
20070122             Para tratar cães que latem, rosnam.
20070122             Nosso objetivo é ajudar donos de cães barulhentos a melhorar a situação por meio de gerenciamento do problema,
20070122             compreendendo por que o cão está fazendo...
20070122             ABC ANIMAL—ASSOCIAÇÃO Brasileira pela Causa Animal
20070122             Para tratar animais barulhentos, inoportunos, destrutivos ou sujos quando deixados sozinhos.
20070122             recycles his error from - IRS tapes missing in KANSAS City
20070122             26—COMPUTER—TAPES containing taxpayer information disappear from City Hall.
20070122             Officials are investigating.
20070122             —UNTAPPED, MIT—LED study finds geothermal energy potential
20070122             Heat mining technology can be improved and deployed broadly to generate clean electricity, says 1—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—SPONSORED report.
20070122             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "At 1—RECENT—TALK at the Computer History Museum ROBERT—KAHN,
20070122             —WARNED, CO—INVENTOR—OF—TCP/IP, against net neutrality legislation that could hinder experimentation and innovation.
20070122             —CAUTIONED, Calling 'net neutrality' 1—SLOGAN, Khan also, against 'dogmatic VIEWS—OF—NETWORK—ARCHITECTURE.
20070122             A VIDEO—OF—THE—TALK is also available".
20070122             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "Chemists from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at RIVERSIDE designed —2—YEARS—AGO 1—MOLECULE which could move straight on 1—FLAT—SURFACE — 1—NANO—WALKER if you wish.
20070122             —NOW, they've found 1—WAY to force this walking molecule to carry packages.
20070122             THE—NANO—WORKER can —NOW carry 2—CO2 molecules.
20070122             And like yourself —WHEN you carry 2—HEAVY—BAGS, this NANO—WORKER is slower —WHEN it carries other molecules.
20070122             The researchers think their discovery will lead to reliable ways of carrying molecules,
20070122             1—EQUIVALENT—OF—THE conveyor belts in —TODAY—FACTORIES".
20070122             A Peek Inside DARPA—CURRENT—PROJECTS
20070122             dthomas731 that Computerworld has 1—BRIEF—ARTICLE on SOME—OF—DARPA—CURRENT—PROJECTS.
20070122             "—LATER in the program, Holland says, PAL will be able to 'automatically watch 1—CONVERSATION between 2—PEOPLE and,
20070122             using NATURAL—LANGUAGE processing, figure out what are the tasks they agreed upon.'
20070122             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes to mention NewScientist is reporting that 1—SMALL—FORCE—OF—ROBOTS designed to explode could help reveal 1—ASTEROID—INNER—STRUCTURE.
20070122             This could in turn allow scientists 1—BETTER understanding of how to divert 1—ROGUE asteroid on 1—COLLISION—COURSE with Earth.
20070122             "The main spacecraft would stay 1—FEW dozen kilometers away, perhaps nudging the probes towards the asteroid using springs.
20070122             Once on the surface, the protective spherical SHELL—OF—EACH—PROBE would open to allow the probe to scan the surface nearby.
20070122             To reduce complexity and costs, the probes lack solar panels and run on battery power, limiting their lifetime to 1—FEW days.
20070122             But EACH—PROBE could still cover 1—LOT—OF—GROUND in that time,
20070122             as they could be fitted with small thrusters to let them hop across the surface.
20070122             Eventually the probes could detonate onboard explosives, sacrificing themselves for science 1—BY 1.
20070122             —DETONATED, Probes that had not yet, would listen for ANY—SEISMIC—WAVES sent rippling out from the explosion + the main spacecraft could observe the craters left behind.
20070122             That would tell scientists about the asteroid's strength and internal structure".
20070122             PoliTech writes to mention 1—INTERNATIONAL—HERALD—TRIBUE article that is reporting the unthinkable:
20070122             Record companies are considering ditching DRM for their mp3 albums.
20070122             For the 1. time, flagging sales of online music tracks are beginning to make the big recording companies consider the wisdom of selling music without 'rights management' technologies attached.
20070122             "Most independent record labels already sell tracks digitally compressed in MP3 format,
20070122             which can be downloaded, E—MAILED or copied to computers, cellphones, portable music players and compact discs without limit.
20070122             Partially, the independents see providing songs in MP3 as 1—WAY—OF generating publicity that could lead to future sales.
20070122             Should 1—OF—THE—BIG 4—TAKE that route, however, it would be 1—CAPITULATION to THE—POWER—OF—THE—INTERNET,
20070122             which has destroyed their monopoly over the worldwide DISTRIBUTION—OF—MUSIC in the past —DECADE and allowed FILE—SHARING to take its place".
20070122             davidwr writes "1—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS at DUKE—UNIVERSITY published 1—PAPER linking the brain's posterior superior temporal cortex to altruistic behavior.
20070122             —PICKED, THE—BBC also, up the story.
20070122             —CONFIRMED, If, this has applications in neurology, psychology, CHILD—REARING + 1—HOST—OF—OTHER domains.
20070122             From THE—BBC piece:
20070122             'Using brain scans, THE—USA—INVESTIGATORS found this region related to 1—PERSON—REAL—LIFE—UNSELFISH—BEHAVIOUR.
20070122             —PUBLISHED, THE—DUKE—UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTER—STUDY on 45—VOLUNTEERS is, in Nature Neuroscience.
20070122             —ASKED, The participants were, to disclose how often they engaged in different helping behaviours, such as doing charity work + were also asked to play 1—COMPUTER—GAME designed to measure altruism.'"
20070122             UK—COPS—HACK Into Government Computers-
20070122             —HACKED, CmdrGravy writes "THE—UK—POLICE have, into Government computers as PART—OF—THE—ON—GOING 'cash for peerages' investigation.
20070122             —UNCOVERED, They've, evidence which has, so far, led to 1—ARREST and charge of perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE for 1—LEADING—LABOUR—PARTY—FIGURE.
20070122             This charge carries 1—POTENTIAL—LIFE—SENTENCE.
20070122             THE—UK—POLICE have the power to hack into computer systems as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION.
20070122             —ON previous occasions they have said they did not believe the government was providing them with the information they had been asking for and had warned that they would seek other methods to gather evidence.
20070122             The police won't say what tools they have used.
20070122             'The investigators did not have to notify No 10—IF they were "hacking" into its system.
20070122             1—LEGAL—EXPERT said: "In SOME—CASES, 1—SENIOR—OFFICER can give permission.
20070122             In other cases, you might need the authorization of 1—INDEPENDENT—COMMISSIONER, who is usually 1 retired judge appointed by the Home Office".'"
20070122             IAEO—SPRECHERIN MELISSA—FLEMING sagte dazu in WIEN, die Organisation verfüge ungeachtet des Einreiseverbots über "eine ausreichende ZAHL—VON—INSPEKTEUREN" zur Überprüfung des iranischen Atomprogramms.
20070122             Laut dem Überprüfungsabkommen zur Einhaltung des Atomwaffensperrvertrags zwischen Teheran + der IAEO hat der IRAN offiziell das Recht,
20070122             einzelnen IAEO—INSPEKTEUREN die Einreise und damit den Zugang zu seinen Atomanlagen zu verweigern.
20070122             Allerdings machen Mitgliedstaaten des Atomwaffensperrvertrags gewöhnlich nur sehr selten von diesem Recht Gebrauch.
20070122             Mottaki machte deutlich, dass die Entscheidung Teherans eine direkte Folge der vom UNO—SICHERHEITSRAT beschlossenen SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—DEN IRAN sei.
20070122             Unklar ist noch, welcher Nationalität die betroffenen Inspekteure angehören.
20070122             Der IRAN hat grundsätzliche Bedenken gegen Inspekteure aus den USA.
20070122             Auszüge aus dem Video zeigte das unabhängige Washingtoner Institut Site ("THE—SEARCH—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISTS—ENTITIES"),
20070122             das sich mit Antiterrorismusforschung befasst, auf seiner Website.
20070122             Site gab an, die Botschaft abgefangen zu haben, machte aber keine weiteren Angaben zur Quelle und zur Authentizität des Videos.
20070122             Die Organisation hatte —SCHON in der Vergangenheit Videos von AL—QAIDA gezeigt.
20070122             An die USA—BÜRGER gewandt sagte Sawahiri, sie sollten "die Fantasien ablehnen, mit denen BUSH sie betrüge".
20070122             —BEHINDERT, IRAN: Teheran, UNO— Atominspekteure
20070122             Republican Opposition to the Bush Sociopathic Death Warrant on Our GIs Grows, But
20070122             There are Still 1—LOT—OF—REPUBLICANS on Capitol Hill Who Don't Care How MANY—GIS—DIE for the Pathology of 1—DELUSIONAL—ADMINISTRATION
20070122             "In Debt We Trust" DVD.
20070122             THE—CREDIT—CARD—INDUSTRY—GETS—ITS—WAY with Both the Republicans and Democrats -- and the Consumer Gets the Shaft.
20070122             Were weapons inspectors thrown out of IRAN? Yes, says Reuters and AP.
20070122             —CHECKED, But Larisa Alexandrovna of Raw Story, the facts and found that it —JUST ain't so;
20070122             —DENIED, She called THE—IAEA, which, that ANY—INSPECTIONS have been impeded.
20070122             3—CHEERS for Larisa! —NOW Permalink
20070122             (Spike) Zywicki — biography... but in those days BOOZ—ALLEN,
20070122             Senior management: JOHN—CHR—MAM—DEUSS — Chairman + CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OFFICER;
20070122             JOHN—WARNER (R—VA), once 1—OF—THE—STAUNCHEST supporters of the
20070122             Terror Watch: Is Pentagon Creating 1—SECRET—POLICE—FORCE...
20070122             Intelligence experts warn that 1—PROPOSAL to merge 2—PENTAGON
20070122             could "disestablish" CIFA and DSS and "consolidate their components into the Department...
20070122             1—CIFA merger with DSS could also alter the job responsibilities of THE—280—INSPECTORS employed by DSS to inspect security arrangements and procedures at...
20070122             —SUGGESTED, The merger was —INITIALLY, by 1—GOVERNMENT—COMMISSION set up to recommend...
20070122             It would appear that CIFA is merging to inherit DSS—INVESTIGATION...
20070122             NEWSWEEK - Is Pentagon Creating 1—SECRET—POLICE—FORCE...
20070122             1—MERGER between CIFA and DSS would weaken those internal controls, the source said.
20070122             1—CIFA merger with DSS could also alter the job responsibilities of the.
20070122             Majikthise : RUMMY—SECRET police
20070122             If the merger goes through, THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED CIFA may also gain access to THE—DSS—VAULTS of secret files on Defense Department employees...
20070122             Counterintelligence Field ACTIVITY—WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia
20070122             Discussions are underway (20060000              ) that propose 1—CONTROVERSIAL—MERGER between CIFA and Defense Security Service ( DSS ) [2].
20070122             Critics say the merger would create. Carroll PUBLISHING—NEWS
20070122             1—MERGER—OF—THE—AGENCIES would weaken those internal controls, the source said.
20070122             CIFA has - Homeland SECURITY—AGE—OF—TYRANNY News
20070122             The proposed CIFA /DSS merger would mesh nicely with NORTHCOM's and THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY—FUSION centers; + —WHEN supplied with
20070122             DSS also maintains MILLIONS—OF—CONFIDENTIAL—FILES containing THE—RESULTS—OF—BACKGROUND—INVESTIGATIONS on defense contractors¹ employees.
20070122             The merger was. [Intelforum] Miscellaneous News
20070122             Both PENTAGON insiders and privacy experts fear that if CIFA merges with...
20070122             Intel experts warn that 1—PROPOSAL to merge 2—PENTAGON intelligence units could create 1—OMINOUS—NEW—AGENCY.
20070122             DSS also maintains MILLIONS—OF—CONFIDENTIAL files containing the results of
20070122             1—POSSIBLE—MERGER between the Counterintelligence Field Activity ( CIFA )...
20070122             THIS, Issue Bensoussan, Marling receive high honors from SCIP-
20070122             —ABOUT how to proceed with 1—POSSIBLE—MERGER between the.
20070122             Field Activity ( CIFA ), 1—POST—20010911              PENTAGON creation that has. been accused of domestic spying,
20070122             God is NOT 1—ASSHOLE
20070122             —CIRCULATED, As stories about THE—CIFA scandals, —EARLIER this —YEAR, talk about merging the controversial unit with the less controversial DSS appeared to stall...
20070122             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Creating 1—SECRET—POLICE? (Common Sense +
20070122             THE—PENTAGON could "disestablish" CIFA + DSS + "consolidate their components into THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—COUNTERINTELLIGENCE and Security Agency".
20070122             Kriegsschauplatz IRAK—'MASSAKER' von Halabja - THE—POSADA—FILE: Part II
20070122             LUIS—POSADA—CARRILES SPOKE—OF—PLANS to "hit" a CUBA—AIRLINER only days —BEFORE...
20070122             At 1—POINT—RICHARD—SECORD sent him $1000.00 for 1—OF—HIS—PAINTINGS.
20070122             5—CUBA—PRISONERS—ANTITERRORISTAS.CU—CUBA vs Terrorism
20070122             The humans don't understand us they can't do anything W e'll ha ve...-
20070122             COLOMBIA—RULING party is ACCUSED—OF—TIES with paramilitaries
20070122             1—TROUBLING relationship in COLOMBIA - Report Has 'Smoking Gun' on Climate...
20070122             22.Jan2007 Brit REALITY—TV—CONTESTANT Calls For RETURN—OF—SLAVERY...
20070122             Triggered By Evil - Bush Tells Americans To Take 1—FLYING—LEAP - Only Impeachment Can Prevent More War
20070122             THINKING SUNSHINE - How to Interpret THE—10—COMMANDMENTS
20070122             Terror Watch: Is Pentagon - TPMmuckraker: BRENT—WILKES—ARCHIVES
20070122    - ; to slow vision loss in rats - Brownback said he would not.
20070122             CIFA - Se som - The merger of CIFA and DSS  - WASHINGTON DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA.
20070122             What the Fuss is All About: and here.) - declaring - " he said.
20070122             AGENDA—SETTING durch Dick Cheney und GEORGE W. - Bush.
20070122             Jeder 2. Deutsche lebt in einer ART—DAUER—JETLAG, hatte Rönneberg —ANFANG vergangenen Jahres in der Fachzeitschrift "Chronobiology INTERNATIONAL" geschrieben.
20070122             —AM—SONNTAG hatte UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR Ban KI—MOON—REGIERUNG und Opposition in GUINEA zur Zurückhaltung aufgerufen.
20070122             Nordirland: Britische Polizei soll Morde gedeckt haben
20070122             Innere Uhr: Ostdeutsche wachen früher auf
20070122             Hintermann im Fall Dink: Extremist soll Jugendlichen zu Journalistenmord angestiftet haben
20070122             SERBIEN—WAHL: Trügerischer Erfolg für EUROPA
20070122             EX—RAF- Terroristin: Bundesanwaltschaft fordert Freilassung von Mohnhaupt
20070122             Weltweiter Einsatz: Überfordertes USA—MILITÄR vernachlässigt Drogenbekämpfung
20070122             Unglücksfrachter "MSC NAPOLI": Hunderte Strandräuber fallen über Ladung her
20070122             —CONTROLLED, Flight 77, or the remote, aircraft that blew concentric holes through 6—WALLS (airplane parts indicate the latter), slammed into the newly remodeled Army financial management/audit area + the Army personnel offices, 1—OF 2—MAIN—WEST section offices heavily destroyed in the Pentagon attack.
20070122             No 1—KNOWS.
20070122             THE—NEW—YORK city media, once again as complicit as CO—CONSPIRATORS, chose to ask few embarrassing questions about that crushed truck found weeks —LATER below THE—WTC or who had loaded it.
20070122             WTC—7—BURST into flame, 1—SUSPICIOUS, haphazard fire that raged hours through several key floors long —AFTER the twin towers fell.
20070122             BUT—BECAUSE THE—WTC had been built much too big and much too well, THE—COST—OF—DECONSTRUCTION, 1 estimated 15—BILLION, far outweighed whatever profit 1—OWNER might gain from YEARS—OF—OWNERSHIP.
20070122             —STEPPED, BUT—SUPPOSE 1—BUYER, forward and purchased the property, with the foresight to realize the towers were targets?
20070122             In fact that is exactly what did happen, to the extent of 3.5—BILLION dollars.
20070122             Senate Intelligence COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—JAY—ROCKEFELLER (D—WV) —RECENTLY warned that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is building 1—CASE against IRAN.
20070122             "This whole concept OF—MOVING against IRAN is bizarre," he said.
20070122             - last —WEEK—THAT—PRESIDENT—BUSH does not have the authority to launch 1—ATTACK against IRAN without congressional approval, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino responded that she was "puzzled" because Reid seemed "to be fanning [the] flames where there's no fire".
20070122             That's not the view of RICHARD—PERLE, 1—LEADING neoconservative proponent of THE—IRAQ war.
20070122             —SUGGESTED, Speaking at 1—CONFERENCE this weekend in ISRAEL, Perle, Bush would attack IRAN —BEFORE he leaves office:
20070122             "I'm not convinced that we have 1—LOT—OF—TIME. Given the peril that would result, its astonishing to me that we do not —NOW have 1—SERIOUS—POLITICAL—STRATEGY with IRAN," he said, adding he thought regime change is "the only significant effective way" to deal with THE—IRAN—THREAT.
20070122             "If we continue on our current course, we have only 1—MILITARY option.
20070122             The other, that he had the confidence to ask questions that REVEALED—HE didn't know very much.
20070122             —UNRAVELLED, Defence cell genetics, USA—SCIENTISTS unravel the genetic MAKE—UP—OF—CELLS—VITAL to the body's defences against infection.
20070122             Missile shield 'threatens RUSSIA' A—USA—PLAN to expand its missile defence scheme to EAST—EUROPE directly threatens RUSSIA, MOSCOW says.
20070122             IRAN—CLERIC—ATTACKS—PRESIDENT—KEY—IRAN—DISSIDENT—CLERIC—GRAND—AYATOLLAH Montazeri attacks THE—PRESIDENT over nuclear and economic issues.
20070122             CANADA acts to protect rainforest CANADA announces 1—CASH—INJECTION to help preserve 1—VAST swathe of temperate rainforest on its western coast.
20070122             'Altruistic' brain region found Scientists say they have found PART—OF—THE—BRAIN that predicts whether 1—PERSON will be selfish or altruistic.
20070122             Tuna conservation talks in JAPAN A major effort to reverse the dramatic decline in global tuna stocks gets under way in JAPAN.
20070122             MADRID clashes over Latin gangs About 1,000 SPAIN—YOUTHS—ANGRY about Latin USA—GANGS clash with police on the outskirts of MADRID.
20070122             Nuclear Areva targets clean power FRANCE—NUCLEAR—FIRM—AREVA makes a $1bn offer for GERMANY—REPOWER, in 1—BID to tap into the clean energy market.
20070122             Requiem for the Magic Bullets ANTIBIOTIC—RESISTANT bacteria aren't heading to the hills.
20070122             1—NEW—CROP—OF—KIDS: Generation We In TECH—SAVVY homes, researchers say, kids are gaining 1—MUCH more global outlook at 1—YOUNGER—AGE.
20070122             INDIA Brings Back Orbiting Satellite to Earth
20070122             Does this explain the Neocons and 20010911             —THE Inside Job? - BG—WHEN Lying, Cheating + Manipulating is Okay
20070122             Bogus Eyewitnesses (20010911              )
20070122             And what are the odds of getting over the initial shock, then thinking you should call the news, then FINDING the number + then getting hold of 1—PRODUCER or someone who will put you on air-
20070122             Pure and simple.
20070122             An... Source: Follow the money to THE—911—PLAYERS
20070122             You have to admire such chutzpah (Yiddish word for audacity).
20070122             You have to admire, grudgingly, such COLD—BLOODED, calculating cruelty, such amazing vision, however sadistic and criminal.
20070122             The master planners stood to gain TRILLIONS in profits, (although paid in blood money), for their skillful concept carried out like the climax of 1—SUSPENSEFUL :
20070122             1—CURIOUS...Source: Muslims protest '24'
20070122             —NOW, —AFTER a 1—YEAR respite —DURING which RUSSIA—SEPARATISTS played the bad guys on the critically acclaimed series, Muslims are —BACK—IN the evil spotlight.
20070122             MOHAMED—ATTA and the Venice Flying Circus
20070122             Investigative JOURNALIST—DANIEL—HOPSICKER went searching for evidence that MOHAMED—ATTA and his HAMBURG cadre received outside help —WHILE they were in THE—USA, as authorities —INITIALLY stated, from 1—SHADOWY 'global network,' or even from foreign governments.
20070122             Foreword and Links to My Podcast! - BG1 This BLOG—RSS 2.0 Feed: Link
20070122             3. Cheney (or the Bush Crime Family) are wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             4. Drug Running INTERNATIONAL Gangsters are wholly responsible for 20010911           .
20070122             —WHILE I reject all of the above arguments,
20070122             Former spy lines up to replace ISRAEL—LEADER—SENT Using Google TOOLBAR—BG - Telegraph | News | Former spy lines up to replace ISRAEL—LEADER
20070122             For Tzipi Livni, her role as VICE—PRIME—MINISTER—MEANS that in 1—EMERGENCY — such as the sudden illness that snatched THE—FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER, Ariel Sharon, from office —LAST—YEAR — the position would automatically be hers.
20070122             Police hit back at cash for honours 'scheming' | Politics | THE—OBSERVER—BG - Police go to war over No 10—HONOURS arrest
20070122             GUANTANAMO fails to meet basic UK—STANDARDS: lawmakers
20070122             THE—USA—DETENTION—CENTER in GUANTANAMO fails to meet even basic UK—STANDARDS for prisoners,
20070122             —VISITED, UK—LAWMAKERS who, the base said on —SUNDAY... Source:
20070122             AL—MALIKI Blames Strengthened Insurgency on USA Refusal to Provide More Equipment, Arms to Iraqis
20070122             Daily Kos: Habeas: Gonzales NOT WRONG—BG - Daily Kos: Habeas: Gonzales NOT Wrong
20070122             THE—LA Times sinks LOWER—BG -
20070122             —PLAYED, FORMER—FEMA HEAD—IN—NEW—YORK—CITY: party politics, role in KATRINA—BG -.. to BROWN—REMARKS.
20070122             KARL—ROVE was playing politics —WHILE our people were dying,' Blanco said through 1—SPOKESWOMAN, referring to BUSH—TOP—POLITICAL... Source:
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY—BUT 20010911           .
20070122             most people would find it odd that the video that is supposed to show a 767—ATTACKING THE—WTC doesn't really show a 767:
20070122             —ON ANY—OTHER—DAY but 20010911
20070122             most people would find the damage pattern to the steel columns of the outer WTC wall supposedly made by 1—PLANE wing very odd:
20070122             most people would find it odd that key videos of the 2. WTC attack have such 1—STRONG—BLUE coloring:
20070122             most people might be surprised that there is no exit hole in the north face of WTC2, —AFTER videos were shown where THE—NOSE—OF—THE—PLANE passed through the building:
20070122             most people might think it very strange how... Source:
20070122             Of THE—12—INITIATIVES that he proposed or called on Congress to pass 20060000             , THE—WHITE—HOUSE
20070122             can claim complete success on —JUST 3.
20070122             25: NUMBER—OF—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS killed on —SATURDAY, marking " - the 3.—DEADLIEST—DAY for USA—TROOPS
20070122             Senate Intel Chairman warns of IRAN drumbeat.
20070122             —CONCERNED, To be quite honest, I'm 1—LITTLE, that it's IRAQ again.
20070122             '" Rockefeller had sharp words for PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070122             "I don't think he's particularly curious about the world. I don't think he reads like he says he does".
20070122             McCain: Bush Escalation Is Too Small
20070122             Hagel Says Cheney Criticism Is 'Complete Nonsense'
20070122             Last weekend on FOX—NEWS—SUNDAY, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY claimed congressional opposition to the administration's escalation plan
20070122             undermines the troops.
20070122             Brownback Opposes Escalation, But Attacks Senate Resolution Against Bush Plan
20070122             SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK (R—KS) has come out against PRESIDENT—BUSH—ESCALATION—PLAN.
20070122             —ON ABC—THIS—WEEK, Brownback explained that —AFTER talking to Iraqi and USA—MILITARY—LEADERS on 1—RECENT—TRIP to IRAQ, he was convinced that the escalation plan could not succeed.
20070122             —PRESSED, But —WHEN, by host GEORGE—STEPHANOPOULOS on whether he would register his opposition by supporting
20070122             1—BIPARTISAN—SENATE—RESOLUTION opposing BUSH—PLAN, Brownback said he would not.
20070122             —CHANGED, What ? BROWNBACK: I went to BAGHDAD. I was there last —WEEK.
20070122             And then, the capstone on ALL—OF—IT was, I went to the Kurdish region.
20070122             —ASKED, And I, him, will you send Kurdish troops, your Kurdish troops, into BAGHDAD to quell the violence?
20070122             And he said, why should I get in the middle of 1—SUNNI—SHIITE fight?
20070122             —ASKED, And I, him, would you send — if you were me, would you vote for more troops?
20070122             Kristol On War Critics: 'It's So Irresponsible That They Can't Be Quiet For 6 Or 9—MONTHS'
20070122             This —MORNING on FOX—NEWS, Weekly Standard EDITOR—WILLIAM—KRISTOL said that OPPONENTS—OF—ESCALATION in Congress are "LEAP—FROGGING EACH—OTHER in THE—DEGREES—OF—IRRESPONSIBILITY they're willing to advocate".
20070122             Kristol said, "It's —JUST unbelievable.... It's so irresponsible that they can't be quiet for 6 or 9—MONTHS," adding, "You really wonder, do they want it to work or not?
20070122             "THERE—SOMETHING going on here you might pay attention to as opposed to —JUST the politics of, 'If you don't support this PRESIDENT, you don't really want us to win.'"
20070122             1—OF—THEM has 1—NON—BINDING resolution.
20070122             The other has 1—CAP.' It's all totally irresponsible.
20070122             It's —JUST unbelievable.
20070122             THE—PRESIDENT is sending over 1—NEW—COMMANDER, he's sending over troops + the Democratic Congress, in 1—PSEUDO—BINDING way or NON—BINDING way, is saying, 'It won't work.
20070122             It's so irresponsible that they can't be quiet for 6 or 9—MONTHS and say THE—PRESIDENT has made 1—DECISION, we're not going to change that decision, we're not going to cut off funds and insist on the troops coming back, so let's give it 1—CHANCE to work.
20070122             It's as if mistakes haven't been made repeatedly, as if people don't feel like they've been misled down this path, that there's been tremendous support for this PRESIDENT and war effort and it's come to naught.
20070122             —OPPOSED, THERE—SOMETHING going on here you might pay attention to as, to —JUST the politics of, if you don't support this PRESIDENT, you don't really want us to win.
20070122             KRISTOL : What are Democrats doing that would change THE—19—AMERICANS that were killed —YESTERDAY?
20070122             Escalation begins.
20070122             Despite overwhelming opposition among Americans, "
20070122             As Bush Celebrates 'Sanctity Of Human Life —DAY,' NIH Official Says Stem Cell Policy Is Blocking Cures
20070122             in "an unusually blunt assessment for an executive branch official".
20070122             —DECLARED, Landis also, that "science works best —WHEN scientists can pursue all AVENUES—OF—RESEARCH. If the cure for PARKINSON—DISEASE or juvenile diabetes lay behind 1—OF 4—DOORS, wouldn't you want the option to open all 4—DOORS at once instead of 1—DOOR?"
20070122             to create T—CELLS, which could lead to 1—CURE for AIDS;
20070122             to slow vision loss in rats; to reduce THE—SYMPTOMS—OF—PARKINSON—DISEASE in rats;
20070122             to create INSULIN—SECRETING cells, which could be used to treat diabetes;
20070122             and to make 1—VACCINE that protects mice from lung cancer;
20070122             to create cardiovascular "precursor" cells, which could be used to treat heart disease.
20070122             PRESIDENT—BUSH says he
20070122             plans to veto the stem cell research bill passed last —WEEK by THE—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES.
20070122             Mutmasslicher TERROR—HELFER in Lugano vor Gericht
20070122             Vor dem Bundesstrafgericht, das ausnahmsweise nicht in Bellinzona, sondern in Lugano tagt, beginnt —HEUTE—MONTAG der 1. AL—QAIDA—PROZESS in der Schweiz.
20070122             THE—SUSURLUK—LEGACY
20070122             Adrian... - Das Lügennetz über dem IRAN—SFUX Malte Olschewski -
20070122             Rund 40—KILOMETER von Maschad entfernt, nahe der Stadt Neyshapur, unter Gemüsefeldern und in 150—METER Tiefe:
20070122             Dort sollen in einem gewaltigen, unteridischen Technopalast 155 000—TURBINEN sausen, um Uran für die Atombombe der Mullahs anzureichern.
20070122             Kampf um Rohstoffe und ABSATZMÄRKTE—KÖHLER —SCHON wieder in AFRIKA—SFUX DOCTOR—ALEXANDER—VON—PALESKE -
20070122             Eingeladen hatten der Bundespräsident von Deutschland, HORST—KÖHLER + der PRÄSIDENT—VON—GHANA, JOHN—AGYEKUM—KUFUOR.
20070122             50 ?Young Professionals?, zur Hälfte aus AFRIKA und Deutschland, sollten mit ihren Präsidenten über Umwelt, Bildung, Krieg und Konflikte, Demokratie und.
20070122             Show Me the Intelligence! - sfux RAY—MCGOVERN @ Consortiumnews -
20070122             ANTI—TERROR—GESETZE früher und —HEUTE—SFUX - ROBERT—HARRIS´ These über das neue DETAINEE—TREATMENT—GESETZ in den USA—KARL—WEISS -
20070122             In einem Artikel von überraschender Aktualität über 1—GESCHICHTE aus dem alten Rom, die über 20000000              Jahre her ist, berichtet die ?NEW—YORK—TIMES ? über weitgehende Schlußfolgerungen angesichts der Verabschiedung der ?DETAINEE—TREATMENT—BILL?
20070122             Brain cancers shrink in drug test A new treatment to starve brain TUMOURS—OF—BLOOD has shown positive results in clinical trials.
20070122             LIBYA to axe public sector staff THE—LIBYA—GOVERNMENT is to lay off more than a 3. of its workforce to help to ease public spending.
20070122             —VISITED, UK report criticises GUANTANAMO MPs who, GUANTANAMO Bay say BRITAIN and THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY should help THE—USA—CLOSE it.
20070122             Home Office split 'within months' Splitting the Home Office into separate justice and security departments "would not take long", 1—MINISTER says.
20070122             USA suffers heavy losses in IRAQ USA—FORCES in IRAQ suffer SOME—OF—THEIR—HEAVIEST—CASUALTIES in recent months, with 18—PERSONNEL killed.
20070122             —CLEARED, GUANTANAMO Moroccans, 5—MOROCCO—MEN freed from GUANTANAMO Bay are CLEARED—OF—TERRORISM—RELATED charges in MOROCCO.
20070122             MEXICO extradites drug suspects MEXICO—EXTRADITES key drugs smuggling suspects to THE—USA, including the reputed LEADER—OF—1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL.
20070122             —BRIEFED, Bush, on MIDDLE—EAST—TRIPS—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush is briefed on THE—MID—EAST—TRIPS—OF his SECRETARY—OF—STATE and defence CHIEF.
20070122             Home Office could be split in 2—HOME—SECRETARY—JOHN—REID suggests the Home Office be split into separate justice and security departments.
20070122             Cleaning Up NO—FLY Lists 1—HOMELAND—SECURITY—OFFICIAL says names of innocent people are being scrubbed from airport security watch lists -- but who's doing that + how?
20070122             In 27B Stroke 6. - GRANT—FUNDS—COAL—TO—HYDROGEN—PLAN
20070122             to generate hydrogen from coal in 1—PROCESS they say is economical, efficient + LOW—EMISSION.
20070122             Documentary CHICAGO 10—EXAMINES the
20070122             Advertising, Public Relations + Propaganda (Yale Research Guide... Public relations (NOTE: the term " Public relations " may also be 1—SUBHEADING, as...
20070122             2—YEARS ago —WHEN Sharpsburg resident DAVE—LEMARIE learned that MALE fish containing eggs had been discovered in the Potomac River basin, he and his wife stopped drinking tap water.
20070122             —REASONED, Lemarie, 1—BIOLOGIST who is not studying the river -, that if the water did that to the fish, it could not be good for people.
20070122             —POISONED, Police identify man they believe, RUSSIA—SPY
20070122             —CAPTURED, The suspected killer was, on cameras at Heathrow as he flew into BRITAIN to carry out the murder.
20070122             —ARRESTED, TONY—BLAIR top aid, over 'cash for honors': Video : Turner was arrest and questioned in connection to the "cash for honours" affair.
20070122             Custodial deaths highest in INDIA:
20070122             Arundhati Roy: INDIA accounts for the highest number of custodial deaths, WRITER—ACTIVIST—ARUNDHATI Roy said
20070122             Google News As Censors?
20070122             Initial Rule By Decree BILL—APPROVED—FOR—CHAVEZ : The country's National Assembly has passed its initial APPROVAL—OF—THE—BILL that will allow PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ to rule by decree —FOR—18—MONTHS.
20070122             Chavez tells USA to 'go to hell':
20070122             Chávez accuses telecom of spying : VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHÁVEZ on —FRIDAY accused his nation's main telecommunications company of spying on him and suggested it was at the bidding of THE—USA.
20070122             USA, IRAN and VENEZUELA—BATTLING for influence in ORTEGA—NEW—NICARAGUA : S—JOSE, NICARAGUA — THE—USA is again battling leftists in DANIEL—ORTEGA—NICARAGUA.
20070122             —WAGED, This time, the fight is being, not with guns and guerrilla warfare, but with free tractors, health clinics and donated electrical plants.
20070122             GUANTANAMO "fails to meet basic UK—STANDARDS" : THE—USA—DETENTION—CENTRE in GUANTANAMO fails to meet even basic UK—STANDARDS for prisoners, MPs who visited the base said on —SUNDAY.
20070122             USA—PRISON is 'threat' to GENEVA treaties: THE—USA is undermining INTERNATIONAL law by unilaterally rejecting demands to grant detainees at THE—GUANTANAMO Bay prison camp protection against mistreatment and torture, 1—INFLUENTIAL—COMMITTEE—OF—BRITISH—MPS has warned.
20070122             "1—TRUE—FRIEND—OF—ISRAEL" Shalom, Ayalon Respond to Clinton Candidacy : She supported ISRAEL—RIGHT to build the separation wall —AFTER THE—INTERNATIONAL—COURT—IN—THE—HAGUE ruled that it should be removed.
20070122             —SIGNALLED, CHINA, —YESTERDAY that its 1. missile strike against 1—ORBITING satellite was intended to force THE—USA—INTO talks aimed at abolishing weapons in space
20070122             —ASKED, USA asks Czechs to host radar base : THE—USA has, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC to host 1—KEY—PART—OF—ITS—GLOBAL—ANTI—MISSILE—SYSTEM, the country's PRIME—MINISTER has said.
20070122             Tribe: USA, not PAKISTAN, hit village:
20070122             next —MONTH in 1—SIGN—OF—THE growing concern among Sunni regimes over IRAN—NUCLEAR and regional ambitions.
20070122             THE—PENTAGON has hidden at least $1.4—BILLION in other agencies' accounts instead of returning unspent money to THE—USA—TREASURY, the Defense DEPARTMENT—INTERNAL—WATCHDOG told Congress —WEDNESDAY
20070122             IRAQ—PRESIDENT—URGES—USA to talk to Syria : - IRAQ—PRESIDENT—JALAL—TALABANI is urging THE—USA to talk with Syria, claiming in 1—INTERVIEW that DAMASCUS "supports" IRAQ in fighting the insurgency.
20070122             "I think people ought to think about the risk of further sanctions. THE—USA is clearly sanctioning IRAN—BANKS and our laws are very tough on those who deal with banks that we have sanctioned".
20070122             IRAN plans 3—DAYS—OF—MISSILE—WAR—GAMES : IRAN plans 3—DAYS—OF—MILITARY—MANEUVERS, including SHORT—RANGE—MISSILE—TESTS, beginning —SUNDAY — its 1. —SINCE THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL imposed sanctions against it in late December, STATE—RUN—TELEVISION said.
20070122             ROBERT—FISK: Fear climate change, not our enemies
20070122             —IMPOVERISHED, Did we really think that —AFTER we had, them and destroyed so MANY—OF—THEIR—CHILDREN;
20070122             —AFTER 1—GENERATION—OF—IRAQIS had been "physically and morally crippled", they were going to welcome our "liberation"?
20070122             —FROM this wreckage of IRAQ was bound to come the insurgencies and the hatreds —NOW tearing its people apart and destroying THE—PRESIDENCY—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH and the prime MINISTERSHIP—OF—TONY—BLAIR.
20070122             THE—ARABS'—FEELINGS—OF—LOVE and hate for Saddam Hussein - I am certainly not 1—FAN of tyranny.
20070122             1. Bomb Carter; Then Nuke IRAN!
20070122             —STIGMATIZED, He has been, as 1—ANTI—SEMITE, 1—HOLOCAUST denier, 1—PATRON of former concentration camp killers, 1—CHRISTIAN madman, 1—PAWN of the Arabs who "flatly condones mass murder" of ISRAEL—JEWS.
20070122             (This last was from MURDOCH—NEW—YORK—POST—EDITORIAL, relayed to its mailing list by the Zionist ORGANIZATION—OF—AMERICA.)
20070122             THE—BEGINNING—OF—THE—END for CORPORATE—LED Globalization?
20070122             If Congress can protect THE—RIGHTS—OF—DOGS and cats in foreign trade, will it do the same for the young girls -- some as young as 11 -- who work in sweatshops?
20070122             They stitch garments for as little as 6—CENTS an —HOUR and typically work 12- to 16—HOUR—DAYS, sometimes longer and often in brutal conditions.
20070122             Lying Like It's 20030000
20070122             Scooter Libby, the mastermind behind THE—WHITE—HOUSE—BOGUS scenarios for ginning up the war in IRAQ, is back at WASHINGTON—CENTER—STAGE, proudly defending the indefensible in 1—PERJURY trial.
20070122             Diseases kills hundreds in SOUTH—SUDAN : Meningitis and another unknown disease have killed at least 1,000—PEOPLE in 1—WEEK in SOUTH—SUDAN, THE—GOVERNOR—OF—WARAP state has said.
20070122             For 1—DESERVEDLY brutal treatment of AG Gonzales by SENATOR—LEAHY last —THURSDAY, I recommend readers go to this As It Happens website and listen to the 1. part's audio.
20070122             I can't be more blunt than that," Biden said. "He is yet to be right 1—SINGLE—TIME on IRAQ".
20070122             Firing up 1—POWERPOINT presentation, Maliki and his national security adviser proposed that USA—TROOPS withdraw to the outskirts of BAGHDAD and let Iraqis take over security in THE—STRIFE—TORN capital.
20070122             Maliki said he did not want ANY—MORE—USA—TROOPS at all, —JUST more authority".
20070122             In "JAW—DROPPING" bungle at Dep't of Interior, oil companies were allowed to drill without paying $10—BILLION in royalties as required 1/22
20070122             —DESTINED, Global warming is, to have 1—FAR—MORE—DESTRUCTIVE and —EARLIER impact than previously estimated, the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn next —WEEK.
20070122             Hurt badly by closeness to Bush policies, McCain desperately searches for ways to disassociate himself: How about criticizing the Army CHIEF—OF—STAFF nominee?
20070122             JOY—TOMME puts it:
20070122             GESCHICHTE—DES—GLASES—DEN ägyptischen KönigsgräBERN werden die 1. GLAS—URNEN mit Überfang +... Einhard Kunsthandwerkstätten für Mosaik und Glasmalerei in AACHEN errichten...
20070122             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, —ERST im November haben Forscher Berechnungen, denen zufolge —SCHON
20070122             im —JAHR - Einer STUDIE—DES—WWF zufolge zählen die Tiere zu den am stärksten überfischten ARTEN—DER—WELTMEERE.
20070122             —ÜBERFISCHT, KOBE/Tokio - "Die TUNFISCH—BESTÄNDE sind, + wir müssen dieses Problem aus globaler Sicht angehen", sagte Toshiro Shirasu, Generaldirektor des japanischen Fischereiamts.
20070122             Er sprach zum Auftakt der Konferenz in der Hafenstadt KOBE vor rund 300—VERTRETERN der Fischfangindustrie und Regierungen aus rund 60—LÄNDERN und Regionen.
20070122             Havarierte "MSC NAPOLI": Schiffsbetreiber gerät in die Kritik
20070122             Präsidentschaftskandidatur: Umfragen sehen Hillary Clinton vorn
20070122             A useful comparison: Congress also reined in Nixon from attacking CAMBODIA 1/22
20070122             against the world at large".
20070122             Biden: "EVERY—SINGLE—PERSON out there that IS—OF—ANY—CONSEQUENCE knows THE—VICE—PRESIDENT doesn't know what he's talking about. I can't be more blunt than that. He is yet to be right 1—SINGLE—TIME on IRAQ".
20070122             MORE—OF—THE—BUSH /Cheney Foreign Policy for Losers: PAKISTAN is Likely Aiding the Taliban Resurgence, Which Ends up in THE—DEATH—OF—OUR—GIS 1/22
20070122             THE—CIA—AIRLINES: What's in the baggage compartment?
20070122             It changes N—NUMBERS—MORE rapidly than SOME—MEN—CHANGE—THEIR—PANTS.
20070122             Also understand that, for whatever reasons, 5—TONS (or thereabouts) seems to be the standard coke payload on these flights.
20070122             With those facts in mind, let me RE—QUOTE the
20070122             —EARLIER piece : Hopsicker scores 1—BREAKTHROUGH, however, —WHEN he identifies 1—MAJOR stockholder in Skyway (which, you will recall, was 1—SCAM—OPERATION designed to bilk investors): ARGYLL—EQUITIES—OF—BOERNE, TEXAS, 1—SUBSIDIARY—OF—THE—ARGYLL—GROUP—OF—LA—JOLLA.
20070122             —ARRANGED, Argyll previously, for a $17—MILLION—LOAN to 1—MEXICO—BUSINESSMAN, who in turn provided "significant capital" to a "CHILE—NARCOTICS—TRAFFICKER" named MANUEL—VICENTE—LOSADA, arrested in THE—CHILE—CAPITAL—OF—SANTIAGO —AFTER being "linked to 1—SHIPMENT—OF—5—TONS—OF—COCAINE which USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—OFFICIALS in MIAMI intercepted over 6—YEARS ago on the vessel Harbour, as it headed toward GUANTANAMO Bay".
20070122             We have harrowing tales by the prisoners themselves; see the accounts here and here.)
20070122             Everyone is —NOW waking up to the fact that MOST—OF—THOSE detainees in CUBA were innocents, fingered by local Afghans to collect the reward offered by Americans.
20070122             CIA rendition flights have taken off and landed in SPAIN, THE—UK, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, PORTUGAL, FRANCE, THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC, IRELAND, BELGIUM, GERMANY, GREECE, THAILAND, UZBEKISTAN and other nations.
20070122             —ALLOWED, Although officially civilian, the jets are, to land at USA—MILITARY—BASES.
20070122             Then ask yourself: Do you think prisoner rendition is the only reason for all those flights?
20070122             Comments: interesting that THE—CIA still uses tail numbers.... MANY—WHITE—AIRCRAFT without letters and numbers fly in my area.... low enough for everyone to notice and see... + frequently enough to be frightened about.
20070122             MIT Labs Moves Ahead In Synthesizing Spider SILK—ZONK 113 -icepick72 writes in with 1—LINK to 1—EXTREMETECH article on new methods for creating synthetic spider silk.
20070122             —CREATED, THE—MIT lab that, it is being monitored by military elements, keenly interested in applications of this material to FRONT—LINE—TECHNOLOGIES.
20070122             "The secret of spider silk's combined strength and flexibility, according to scientists, has to do with the arrangement of THE—NANO—CRYSTALLINE reinforcement of the silk as it is being produced--in other words, the way these tiny crystals are oriented towards (and adhere to) the stretchy protein. Emulating this process in 1—SYNTHETIC polymer, THE—MIT team focused on reinforcing solutions of commercial rubbery substance known as polyurethane elastomer with NANO—SIZED clay platelets instead of simply heating the mixing the molten plastics with reinforcing agents".
20070122             "Wired has 1—INTERESTING editorial on laptop searches and seizures. It raises SOME—INTERESTING issues, including employee rights against police searches in the workplace, routine vs. NON—ROUTINE searches at PORTS—OF—ENTRY + police use of unrelated data found in 1—DATABASE—SEARCH. The article ends saying: 'Of course, there's 1—CHANCE that the courts will not recognize the different SCOPE—OF—PRIVACY—INTERESTS at stake in computer searches, or will not be adept at crafting 1—RULE that gives enough leeway and guidance to law enforcement, —WHILE also protecting privacy. At that point, the Constitution may fail us + we will have to turn to Congress to create rules that are better adapted for the information age.'"
20070122             CHINA—PROF Cracks SHA—1—DATA—ENCRYPTION—SCHEME—ZONK 188+ -Hades1010 writes to mention 1—ARTICLE in the Epoch Times (1—CHINA—NEWSPAPER) about 1—BRILLIANT—CHINA—PROFESSOR who has cracked her 5. encryption scheme in 10—YEARS.
20070122             As 1—RESULT, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT and major corporations will cease using the scheme within the next few years.
20070122             " These 2—MAIN—ALGORITHMS are currently the crucial technology that electronic signatures and MANY—OTHER password securities use —THROUGHOUT THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY. They are widely used in banking, securities + E—COMMERCE. SHA-1 has been recognized as the cornerstone for modern INTERNET security. According to the article, in the early STAGES—OF—WANG—RESEARCH, there were other data encryption researchers who tried to crack it. However, NONE—OF—THEM succeeded. This is why in 15—YEARS—HASH research had become the domain of hopeless research in MANY—SCIENTISTS' minds. "
20070122             —SUBMITTED, ULTRA—DENSE—OPTICAL—STORAGE on 1—PHOTON—COWBOYNEAL 93+ - Andreaskem, this story about researchers being able to encode 1—IMAGE into 1—PHOTON and to —LATER retrieve it intact.
20070122             "It's analogous to the difference between snapping 1—PICTURE with 1—SINGLE—PIXEL and doing it with 1—CAMERA — this is like a 6-megapixel camera... You can have 1—TREMENDOUS—AMOUNT—OF—INFORMATION in 1—PULSE—OF—LIGHT, but normally if you try to buffer it, you can lose MUCH—OF—THAT—INFORMATION... We're showing it's possible to pull out 1—ENORMOUS—AMOUNT—OF—INFORMATION with 1—EXTREMELY high SIGNAL—TO—NOISE—RATIO even with very low light levels".
20070122             OHIO Recount Rigging Case Goes to Court - - MarkusQ (—POSTED—BY—COWBOYNEAL) 162 -
20070122             As you may recall, this was the case where poll workers 'randomly' selected the precincts to recount by 1. eliminating from consideration precincts where THE—NUMBER—OF—BALLOTS handed out on Election —DAY failed to match THE—NUMBER—OF—BALLOTS cast and, then opening the ballot boxes in private and PRE—COUNTING —UNTIL they found cases which would match up.
20070122             —ADMITTED, What is interesting here is that they have already, doing this and that it was clearly counter to the letter and THE—SPIRIT—OF—THE—LAW, but still insist it wasn't really 'wrong,' presumably —SINCE they only did it to avoid having to go to the bother of 1—FULL recount as required by law.
20070122             Rivalen: PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—ABBAS trifft HAMAS—CHEF
20070122             florais e comportamento Trata animais que fazem barulho para chamar a atenção ou por sentirem solidão. Para animais barulhentos, inoportunos.
20070122             Agiliteiros_com Nosso objetivo é ajudar donos de cães barulhentos a melhorar a situação por meio de gerenciamento do problema, compreendendo por que o cão está fazendo...
20070122             ABC ANIMAL—ASSOCIAÇÃO Brasileira pela Causa Animal Para tratar animais barulhentos, inoportunos, destrutivos ou sujos quando deixados sozinhos.
20070122             Para tratar cães que latem, rosnam, choramingam ou uivam.
20070122             IRS tapes missing in KANSAS City 26—COMPUTER—TAPES containing taxpayer information disappear from City Hall.
20070122             —UNTAPPED, MIT—LED study finds geothermal energy potential, Heat mining technology can be improved and deployed broadly to generate clean electricity, says 1—ENERGY—DEPARTMENT—SPONSORED report.
20070122             1—ANONYMOUS—READER writes "At 1—RECENT—TALK at the Computer History Museum ROBERT—KAHN, CO—INVENTOR—OF—TCP/IP, warned against net neutrality legislation that could hinder experimentation and innovation. Calling 'net neutrality' 1—SLOGAN, Khan also cautioned against 'dogmatic VIEWS—OF—NETWORK—ARCHITECTURE.' 1—VIDEO—OF—THE—TALK is also available".
20070122             Walking Molecule —NOW Carries Packages
20070122             ROLAND—PIQUEPAILLE writes "Chemists from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALIFORNIA at RIVERSIDE designed 2—YEARS 20070801             —MOLECULE which could move straight on 1—FLAT—SURFACE — 1—NANO—WALKER if you wish. —NOW, they've found 1—WAY to force this walking molecule to carry packages. THE—NANO—WORKER can —NOW carry 2—CO2 molecules. And like yourself —WHEN you carry 2—HEAVY—BAGS, this NANO—WORKER is slower —WHEN it carries other molecules. The researchers think their discovery will lead to reliable ways of carrying molecules, 1—EQUIVALENT—OF—THE conveyor belts in —TODAY—FACTORIES".
20070122             "—LATER in the program, Holland says, PAL will be able to 'automatically watch 1—CONVERSATION between 2—PEOPLE and, using NATURAL—LANGUAGE processing, figure out what are the tasks they agreed upon.'
20070122             Exploding Robots May Scout Hazardous Asteroids
20070122             "The main spacecraft would stay 1—FEW dozen kilometers away, perhaps nudging the probes towards the asteroid using springs. Once on the surface, the protective spherical SHELL—OF—EACH—PROBE would open to allow the probe to scan the surface nearby. To reduce complexity and costs, the probes lack solar panels and run on battery power, limiting their lifetime to 1—FEW days. But EACH—PROBE could still cover 1—LOT—OF—GROUND in that time, as they could be fitted with small thrusters to let them hop across the surface. Eventually the probes could detonate onboard explosives, sacrificing themselves for science 1—BY 1. Probes that had not yet detonated would listen for ANY—SEISMIC—WAVES sent rippling out from the explosion + the main spacecraft could observe the craters left behind. That would tell scientists about the asteroid's strength and internal structure".
20070122             Music Companies Mull Ditching DRM - - PoliTech (—POSTED—BY—ZONK) 223 -
20070122             PoliTech writes to mention 1—INTERNATIONAL—HERALD—TRIBUE article that is reporting the unthinkable: Record companies are considering ditching DRM for their mp3 albums.
20070122             The article notes that this is 1—STEP the recording industry vowed 'never to take'.
20070122             "Most independent record labels already sell tracks digitally compressed in MP3 format, which can be downloaded, E—MAILED or copied to computers, cellphones, portable music players and compact discs without limit. Partially, the independents see providing songs in MP3 as 1—WAY—OF generating publicity that could lead to future sales. Should 1—OF—THE—BIG 4—TAKE that route, however, it would be 1—CAPITULATION to THE—POWER—OF—THE—INTERNET, which has destroyed their monopoly over the worldwide DISTRIBUTION—OF—MUSIC in the past —DECADE and allowed FILE—SHARING to take its place".
20070122             Scientists Find 'Altruistic' CENTER—OF—THE—BRAIN
20070122             davidwr writes "1—TEAM—OF—RESEARCHERS at DUKE—UNIVERSITY published 1—PAPER linking the brain's posterior superior temporal cortex to altruistic behavior. THE—BBC also picked up the story. If confirmed this has applications in neurology, psychology, CHILD—REARING + 1—HOST—OF—OTHER domains. From THE—BBC piece: 'Using brain scans, THE—USA—INVESTIGATORS found this region related to 1—PERSON—REAL—LIFE—UNSELFISH—BEHAVIOUR. THE—DUKE—UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTER—STUDY on 45—VOLUNTEERS is published in Nature Neuroscience. The participants were asked to disclose how often they engaged in different helping behaviours, such as doing charity work + were also asked to play 1—COMPUTER—GAME designed to measure altruism.'"
20070122             UK—COPS—HACK Into Government COMPUTERS—ZONK 202 -
20070122             —HACKED, CmdrGravy writes "THE—UK—POLICE have, into Government computers as PART—OF—THE—ON—GOING 'cash for peerages' investigation. They've uncovered evidence which has, so far, led to 1—ARREST and charge of perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE for 1—LEADING—LABOUR—PARTY—FIGURE. This charge carries 1—POTENTIAL—LIFE—SENTENCE. THE—UK—POLICE have the power to hack into computer systems as PART—OF—1—INVESTIGATION. On previous occasions they have said they did not believe the government was providing them with the information they had been asking for and had warned that they would seek other methods to gather evidence. The police won't say what tools they have used.  'The investigators did not have to notify No 10—IF they were "hacking" into its system. 1—LEGAL—EXPERT said: "In SOME—CASES, 1—SENIOR—OFFICER can give permission.
20070122             Laut dem Überprüfungsabkommen zur Einhaltung des Atomwaffensperrvertrags zwischen Teheran + der IAEO hat der IRAN offiziell das Recht, einzelnen IAEO—INSPEKTEUREN die Einreise und damit den Zugang zu seinen Atomanlagen zu verweigern.
20070122             Auszüge aus dem Video zeigte das unabhängige Washingtoner Institut Site ("THE—SEARCH—FOR—INTERNATIONAL—TERRORISTS—ENTITIES"), das sich mit Antiterrorismusforschung befasst, auf seiner Website.
20070122             —BEHINDERT, IRAN: Teheran, UNO—ATOMINSPEKTEURE
20070122             Yes, says Reuters and AP.
20070122             see here + here.
20070122             Intelligence experts warn that 1—PROPOSAL to merge 2—PENTAGON... could "disestablish" CIFA and DSS and "consolidate their components into the Department...
20070122             Pentagon May Merge 2—INTEL Units To Create Secret Police Force...
20070122             NEWSWEEK _TerrorWatchIsPentagon CreatingaSecretPoliceForce.html">Terror Watch: Is Pentagon Creating 1—SECRET—POLICE—FORCE...
20070122    0412_Newsweek _TerrorWatchIsPentagon CreatingaSecretPoliceForce.html
20070122             Majikthise : RUMMY—SECRET—POLICE If the merger goes through, THE—SCANDAL—PLAGUED CIFA may also gain access to THE—DSS—VAULTS of secret files on Defense Department employees...
20070122             Critics say the merger would create.
20070122             As 1—RESULT, the source told NEWSWEEK, DSS rejected the requests.
20070122             The merger was.
20070122             [Intelforum] Miscellaneous News The merger of CIFA and DSS
20070122             Comments on: Breaking: Another GENERAL—CALLS—FOR—RUMSFELD'S..
20070122             DSS also maintains MILLIONS—OF—CONFIDENTIAL—FILES containing the results of... 1—POSSIBLE—MERGER between the Counterintelligence Field Activity ( CIFA )...
20070122             THIS, Issue Bensoussan, Marling receive high honors from SCIP—ABOUT how to proceed with 1—POSSIBLE—MERGER between the.
20070122             God is NOT 1—ASSHOLE—AS stories about THE—CIFA scandals circulated —EARLIER this —YEAR, talk about merging the controversial unit with the less controversial DSS appeared to stall...
20070122             COLOMBIA—RULING party is ACCUSED—OF—TIES with paramilitaries - 1—TROUBLING relationship in COLOMBIA
20070122             Republican Opposition to IRAQ Plan Grows...
20070122             Was IRAQ War a "Blunder" or Was It Treason?
20070122             Treason is the number 1—IMPEACHABLE—CRIME under the Constitution + we're at 1—POINT where Congress is going to have to act or go down in history as having acquiesced in the worst presidential crime in the history of the nation. by DAVE LINDORFF
20070122             Bush Tells Americans To Take 1—FLYING—LEAP
20070122             —NOW Is THE—MOMENT—TO—TAKE—TO—THE—STREETS - How to Interpret THE—10—COMMANDMENTS
20070122             Terror Watch: Is Pentagon...—TPMMUCKRAKER: BRENT—WILKES—ARCHIVES
20070122             Straussianism offers more questions than answers.
20070122             FRANCE—BABY smuggling case begins.
20070122             BBC News : 1—GROUP—OF—56—PEOPLE.
20070122             JOHN—DEUSS, a 64—YEAR—OLD—HOLLAND—OIL—TRADER and banker, was detained by...
20070122             Ein deutscher Neocon (Tageszeitung junge Welt)
20070122             Der JOURNALIST—RICHARD—HERZINGER, Politikredakteur der Welt am —SONNTAG, kann für die Popularisierung des gegenwärtigen Herrschaftsdenkens eine...
20070122             Environment
20070122             declaring
20070122             —SINCE the
20070122—20010911    —IN—THE, Let me start by listing the major "red herrings" that exist Truth Movement
20070122—20010911    —ON, Bush gets caught off guard prior knowledge question
20070122—20010911    —FROM, We know : Press for Truth (and other sources) that THE—USA—MILITARY deliberately allowed AL—QAEDA fighters to escape -- by plane!
20070122—20010911    —FROM, We know : Press for Truth (and other sources) that THE—USA—MILITARY deliberately allowed AL—QAEDA fighters to escape -- by plane! -- from AFGHANISTAN to the wilder areas of PAKISTAN.
20070122—20051200    —INCLUDED, This, 29 sophisticated missile systems under a $700—MILLION—CONTRACT signed.
20070122—20060600    —SINCE, The operation has arrested 13,000 nationwide people.
20070122—20370000    —BY, that most would be gone.
20070122—20500000    —WARNED, Scientists, that glaciers will all but disappear from the Alps and
20070124             THE—ECHO has 1—READERSHIP—OF—400,000. 20010911              was 1—INSIDE job says Shayler 20070122              by Paddy Shennan, LIVERPOOL Echo EX—MI5 officer DAVID—SHAYLER, who will be in LIVERPOOL to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about THE—NEW—YORK terror attacks FORMER spy DAVID—SHAYLER doesn't have 1—STORY to tell.
20070129             In a 20070122              report on the Justice DEPARTMENT—OFFICE—OF—THE—INSPECTOR—GENERAL'S (OIG) REVIEW—OF—THE—HANDLING—OF—THE—MARK—FOLEY case, correspondent CAROL—COSTELLO made no mention of 1—FINDING by THE—OIG that the Justice DEPARTMENT—AND—THE—FBI "inaccurately suggested" that actions by the nonprofit group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in WASHINGTON (CREW) "were THE—CAUSE—OF—THE—FBI—DECISION not to investigate the emails".
20070304             Dutchman JOHN—DEUSS.
20070304—19820122    —ON, 2—GOT 1—LETTER from THE—SRB and.
20070307             In a 19980122              editorial, THE—WASHINGTON—POST write, "The allegations against PRESIDENT—CLINTON are allegations of extremely serious crimes.... Subornation of perjury is 1—FEDERAL—CRIME—PUNISHABLE by up to 5—YEARS in prison".
20070308             Postman Patel: 20060122             ...
20070328             Deals - 20070122              - Broadcasting & Cable
20070411             Dutchman JOHN—DEUSS.
20070411—19820122    —ON, 2—GOT 1—LETTER from THE—SRB and it.
20070411—19820122    —ON, Dutchman JOHN—DEUSS.
20070703             Mantius, Peter.
20070703             "Shell game," In These Times (19960122             ):25.
20070703             "Shell game," In These Times (19960122             ):25.... LH SELF—DEFENSE in INTERNATIONAL Law: THE—ISRAEL—RAID on THE—IRAQ—NUCLEAR—REACTOR (NY: St.
20070708             —CONDUCTED, Interviews, meetings, briefings + site visits, by Commissioners or by MEMBERS—OF—THE—COMMISSION—STAFF are cited, for example, as "GEORGE—TENET interview (20040122              ).
20070905—20080122    —ON, Thompson quit the race.
20080122             In 1—SURPRISE—MOVE THE—USA—FED move cutting its key lending rate 1—STEEP 3—QUARTERS—OF—1—PERCENTAGE point reducing the federal funds rate to 3.5%, 1—WEEK—BEFORE its regularly scheduled meeting.
20080122             —AIMED, It was, at fears troubling the financial markets from THE—USA—SUBPRIME crisis was spreading to the broader economy.
20080122             1—USA—OFFICIAL said THOUSANDS—OF—VIETNAM—LIVING illegally in THE—USA—NOW face deportation —AFTER THE—2—COUNTRIES completed 1—AGREEMENT —FOLLOWING 1—DECADE—OF—WORK on the pact.
20080122             —VOTED, THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—BOARD—OF—HEALTH, to require restaurant chains to state the number of calories in everything on their menus.
20080122             Full enforcement began in July.
20080122             Heath Ledger (28), 1—AUSTRALIAN—BORN actor, was found dead at 1—MANHATTAN apartment.
20080122             † THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—MEDICAL—EXAMINER—LATER said Ledger, of 1—ACCIDENTAL overdose of painkillers, sleeping pills, ANTI—ANXIETY medication and other prescription drugs.
20080122             —SENTENCED, AFGHANISTAN, Sayed Parwez Kaambakhsh (23) was, to death by a 3—JUDGE—PANEL in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MAZAR I—SHARIF for distributing 1—REPORT he printed off THE—INTERNET to fellow journalism students at Balkh University.
20080122             —HUMILIATED, The judges said the article, Islam, and MEMBERS—OF—1—CLERICS—COUNCIL had pushed for Kaambakhsh to be punished.
20080122             1—MEDIA—GROUP said he is actually being punished for reporting by his brother about abuses by northern warlords.
20080122             —REDUCED, On appeal the death sentence was, to 20—YEARS.
20080122             THE—BANK—OF—CANADA held —BACK—IN the face of 1—AGGRESSIVE—INTEREST—RATE cut by THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE, shaving —JUST 1—QUARTER—POINT off its own key rate, but it signaled more cuts to come as USA—RECESSION worries spiral.
20080122             The foreign MINISTERS—OF—CHINA and GERMANY said that ties between their countries had normalized —AFTER MONTHS—OF—STONY silence over BERLIN receiving the Dalai Lama.
20080122             1—NEW—SURVEY said war, disease and malnutrition are killing 45,000 CONGO—EVERY—MONTH in 1—CONFLICT—DRIVEN humanitarian crisis that has claimed 5.4—MILLION—VICTIMS in nearly 1—DECADE.
20080122             INDIA, officials said 1—OUTBREAK—OF—BIRD—FLU in INDIA—MOST densely populated state could spiral OUT—OF—CONTROL, as the disease spread to a 7. DISTRICT—IN—WEST—BENGAL.
20080122             —PASSED, IRAQ—PARLIAMENT, 1—LAW to change the Saddam HUSSEIN—ERA—FLAG, meeting THE—DEMANDS—OF—IRAQ—KURDISH—MINORITY who threatened not to fly the banner —DURING 1—PAN—ARAB meeting in THE—KURDISH—RUN—NORTH—NEXT—MONTH.
20080122             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER detonated his explosives in front of 1—HIGH—SCHOOL in Baqouba.
20080122             † 1 25—YEAR—OLD—MALE bystander was killed and 21—PEOPLE were wounded, including 12—STUDENTS and 8—TEACHERS.
20080122             Gunmen broke into 1—HOUSE and killed 6—MEN in 1—FAMILY for cooperating with THE—IRAQ—ARMY.
20080122             The men had given information on AL—QAIDA movements to local Awakening Council members.
20080122             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed and another was injured —WHEN their vehicle rolled over in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—KIRKUK.
20080122             —EASED, ISRAEL, a 5—DAY—BLOCKADE—OF—GAZA for 1—DAY, allowing in SHIPMENTS—OF—FUEL and medicine.
20080122             —ERUPTED, But tensions, over EGYPT—CLOSURE of its GAZA border, with PALESTINE—PROTESTERS breaking through the crossing and clashing with EGYPT—GUARDS.
20080122             LITHUANIA, MICHAEL—CAMPBELL, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1—PROMINENT—IRA dissident, was arrested along with 1—FEMALE companion in 1—STING operation —WHILE allegedly trying to purchase weapons and explosives.
20080122             —ALLEGED, MEXICO, 11, hit men for 1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL were captured at 2—MEXICO—CITY—MANSIONS stocked with grenades and automatic weapons, 1—DAY—AFTER MEXICO—AUTHORITIES reported nabbing 1—OF—THE—CARTEL'S reputed leaders.
20080122             —ACCUSED, NORTH—KOREA, THE—USA of failing to meet its commitments toward the communist nation, blaming WASHINGTON for the slow progress in 1—NUCLEAR—DISARMAMENT—DEAL.
20080122             NORTH—KOREA said it will close its embassy in AUSTRALIA because it can no longer afford it.
20080122             1—INFLUENTIAL—GROUP—OF retired officers from PAKISTAN—POWERFUL—MILITARY urged PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF to —IMMEDIATELY step down, saying his resignation would promote democracy and help combat religious militancy.
20080122             —ATTACKED, Islamic militants in PAKISTAN, 1—FORT near THE—AFGHANISTAN—BORDER, 1—OF 2—CLASHES with government forces that left 7—TROOPS and 37—FIGHTERS—DEAD.
20080122             EUROPE, PRESIDENT—PERVEZ—MUSHARRAF said border attacks were "pinpricks" that his government must manage.
20080122             This would boost MOSCOW—CONTROL over gas supplies to EUROPE.
20080122             —ARMED, According to ANTI—KHARTOUM SUDAN—REBELS, militias backed by SUDAN—GOVERNMENT killed 21—PEOPLE in 1—ATTACK on Sureif Judad, 1—VILLAGE in WEST—DARFUR.
20080122             —AGREED, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL—PERMANENT—MEMBERS and GERMANY, on 1—NEW—DRAFT—RESOLUTION on sanctions against IRAN, strengthening existing measures over the country's refusal to suspend its nuclear program.
20080122             1—UN—REPORT said 1—NEWBORN in SIERRA—LEONE has the lowest chance in the world of surviving —UNTIL age 5, and the prospects are almost as bad for children in ANGOLA and AFGHANISTAN.
20080122             There Is No "WAR—ON—TERROR"
20080122             —BY—EDWARD S. Herman and DAVID—PETERSON
20080122             1—OF—THE—MOST telling signs of the political naiveté of liberals and the Left in THE—USA has been their steadfast faith in MUCH—OF—THE—WORLDVIEW that blankets the imperial state they call home.
20080122             —DAY—OF—RECKONING in THE—USA glasshouse:
20080122             —MARKED, There is 1—GROWING consensus: AMERICA is going into 1, slowdown, if not 1—DOWNRIGHT recession.
20080122             There will be 1—LARGE—GAP between potential growth — usually estimated at 3 % to 4 % — and actual growth,
20080122             meaning lost OUTPUT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20080122             —RELATED, AMERICAN—ACTUALLY faces 3—SEPARATE but, problems;
20080122             1—CREDIT crunch, 1—DEBT—CRISIS and 1—MACRO—ECONOMIC—PROBLEM.
20080122             FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft:
20080122             —ACCUSED—OF, THE—FBI has been, covering up 1—KEY—CASE—FILE detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with 1—NETWORK stealing nuclear secrets.
20080122             Email missing from CHENEY—OFFICE on —DAY WHITE—HOUSE told to preserve documents in CIA leak:
20080122             New report shows archives gone on several key days in Plame investigation
20080122             GORDON—BROWN has begun secret talks with other world leaders on FAR—REACHING reform of THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council as PART—OF—1—DRIVE to create a "new world order" and "global society".
20080122             Continue - European Collusion in ISRAEL—SLOW—GENOCIDE
20080122             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, ISRAEL—LARGEST—TRADE—PARTNER in the world, is watching by as ISRAEL tightens its barbaric siege on GAZA,
20080122             collectively punishing 1.5—MILLION—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS, condemning them to devastation + visiting imminent death upon HUNDREDS—OF—KIDNEY dialysis and heart patients,
20080122             prematurely born babies + all others dependent on electric power for their very survival.
20080122             Continue - Fed Cuts Rate 0.75%, but Dow Drops:
20080122             THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, responding to 1—INTERNATIONAL—STOCK—SELL—OFF and fears about 1—POSSIBLE—USA—RECESSION,
20080122             cut its benchmark interest rate by 3—QUARTERS—OF—1—PERCENTAGE—POINT—ON—TUESDAY.
20080122             Crash! Biggest fall in shares
20080122             WHITE—HOUSE says Bush is open to idea of larger stimulus package:
20080122             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is open to the idea of 1—LARGER—STIMULUS—PACKAGE than THE—145—BLN usd package he proposed —FRIDAY but is not actively pushing such 1—MEASURE,
20080122             WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino said —TODAY.
20080122             Bush Becomes Supplicant for SAUDI—AID to Help Avoid Recession:
20080122             —DEPENDED, THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—MONARCHY once, on THE—USA to protect its reign and its oil from foes like Saddam Hussein.
20080122             Dollar Falls as Fed Makes Emergency Cut in Interest Rates:
20080122             —DROPPED, The dollar, 0.7—PERCENT to $1.4560—AGAINST the euro at 10:03 a.m. in NEW—YORK from $1.4454—YESTERDAY.
20080122             Horror —DAY for AUSTRALIA—STOCK—MARKET:
20080122             THE—AUSTRALIA—SHARE—MARKET had its worst —DAY in 1—DECADE—TODAY, plunging over 7 % as investors panicked in the face of 1—LOOMING—USA—RECESSION.
20080122             HK shares dive, CHINA plays in worst —DAY in 10—YRS:
20080122             —COLLAPSED, HONG—KONG stocks, for a 2. straight —DAY—ON—TUESDAY, as investors fretted over how well ASIA—ECONOMIES will hold up in A—USA—RECESSION, sparking 1—SELL—OFF across the region.
20080122             TOKYO falls 6%, HONG—KONG 9% as rout continues:
20080122             —SUBJECTED, ASIA—MARKETS, to intense SELL—OFF; trading briefly halted in Mumbai
20080122             BANK—OF—AMERICA'S 4Q income plummets 95—PERCENT:
20080122             —INCREASED, BANK—OF—AMERICA—CORP. says, credit losses contributed to a 95—PERCENT drop in 4.—QUARTER net income.
20080122             Earnings for the full-
20080122             We drove him insane and then gave Jose Padilla 17-year USA—JAIL—TERM:
20080122             Cooke said that —WHILE the crimes were "serious", there was "no evidence the defendants had personally killed or maimed anyone".
20080122             Democracies Don't Torture:
20080122             Adverse publicity may finally force Americans to face the torture issue.
20080122             - What has taken us so long?
20080122             Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals;
20080122             SCARE—SENSORS: USA—MILITARY—RESEARCHERS are working to uncover and harness the most terrifying chemical imaginable:
20080122             that most primal odor, THE—SCENT—OF—FEAR.
20080122             USA—LUST for oil fuels AFGHANISTAN—MISSION:
20080122             —MISUSED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, the post-20010911              goodwill of its allies to obtain 1—SAFE—ROUTE for the newly liberated oil reserves and install 1—PUPPET—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT composed of the same collection of warlords and drug runners who filled the vacuum left by the departing Russians
20080122             n unlawful policy of collective punishment:
20080122             INTERNATIONAL law specifically forbids collective punishment of occupied populations.
20080122             ISRAEL may have to strike: BOLTON
20080122             FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN—JOHN—BOLTON said —YESTERDAY that ISRAEL may have to take military action to prevent IRAN from acquiring 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20080122             BOLTON: Near 0—CHANCE—BUSH will attack IRAN:
20080122             FORMER—USA ambassador to THE—UN—JOHN—BOLTON said —ON—TUESDAY that there is almost no chance that USA PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will approve 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN —BEFORE he leaves office
20080122             Western powers pledge resolve on IRAN:
20080122             The poor and the sick suffer as ISRAEL cuts power to GAZA:
20080122             —CLAIMED, DOCTOR—AL—ARANI also, that 5—PATIENTS brought to the hospital in the past 24—HOURS,
20080122             including 3—BABIES, had † either from hypothermia or from power cuts interrupting their vital oxygen supplies at home.
20080122             PALESTINE—WATER—AUTHORITY: 40—PERCENT—OF—GAZANS lack running water:
20080122             40—PERCENT—OF—GAZA Strip homes - 600,000—PEOPLE—HAD no running water —MONDAY, THE—PALESTINE—WATER—AUTHORITY said.
20080122             —BY—SHLOMO Shamir and Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondents + News Agencies
20080122             THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL will not approve 1—RESOLUTION condemning ISRAEL over the closure of THE—GAZA Strip,
20080122             due to pressure applied by THE—USA.
20080122             Continue - A Crusader in KING—ABDULLAH'S—COURT
20080122             —BY—MOHAMED KHODR—THE Dying of GAZA As the World Turns Away: No Light, Heat, or Bread.
20080122             Continue - THE—BUSH—DOLLAR—TRAP—BY DAVE—LINDORFF
20080122             The 1. government response to AMERICA—SINKING economy was denial.
20080122             —NOW we are told that the economy is in trouble, but that the government is taking decisive action to shore it up.
20080122             Continue
20080122             —SUFFERED, THE—USA has, recessions only twice in the past quarter —CENTURY + both were short and mild.
20080122             But there are good reasons to fear that the looming recession, if it arrives, could be worse.
20080122             Continue - Latin AMERICAN—BANKS on INDEPENDENCE
20080122             —BY—ITSELF, the bank represents 1—SERIOUS—CHALLENGE to USA—DOMINATED institutions,
20080122             As PART—OF—1—LARGER trend, it signals 1—MAJOR—BREAK from the policies of "free trade" neoliberalism that dominated in the region —THROUGHOUT the '80s and '90s.
20080122             The introduction of the Amero is 1—INTEGRAL—ASPECT—OF—THE—PROCESS—OF creating 1—NORTH—AMERICAN—UNION,
20080122             much like the European Union.
20080122             This process is being undertaken through THE—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—SECURITY and Prosperity PARTNERSHIP—OF—NORTH—AMERICA (SPP),
20080122             Continue - THE—WEST must be ready to resort to 1—PRE—EMPTIVE nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" SPREAD—OF—NUCLEAR and other WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION,
20080122             according to 1—RADICAL manifesto for 1—NEW—NATO by 5—OF—THE—WEST—MOST senior military officers and strategists.
20080122             Continue - wunderte sich einer. "Ist das noch rational?"
20080122             Der Dow Jones berappelte sich und schloss mit 11.971,19 Punkten, 1,06 % niedriger als am Vortag.
20080122             Die Fed senkte in einer dramatischen Geste eineinhalb Stunden vor Börsenbeginn den LEITZINS—UM satte 75—BASISPUNKTE, was es
20080122             Und zumal die Händler zum Frühstück ein "WALL—STREET—JOURNAL" auf ihrer Türschwelle gefunden hatten mit der Schlagzeile:
20080122             "USA—WARNZEICHEN deuten auf tiefe Rezession hin".
20080122             merkte sogar der Wachmann am Börseneingang, der die MENGE—DER—WARTENDEN mit den Worten kommentierte:
20080122             "Der Markt wird CRASHEN—DESHALB ist jeder hier, oder?"
20080122             WALL—STREET- Drama: Alarmstimmung an den BÖRSEN—MISSTRAUEN gegen Bernanke wächst
20080122             Medicinal plants 'facing threat'
20080122             HUNDREDS—OF—MEDICINAL plants are at RISK—OF—EXTINCTION, threatening future cures for disease, experts warn.
20080122             Must Read, Actually About Public Policy, Not the Horse Race.
20080122             DAVID—CAY—JOHNSTON—SHOWS—THAT the Rich Are Getting a 'Free Lunch' -- and Guess WHO—PICKING—UP the Tab?
20080122             How the Government Gives To the Rich By Taking From THE—REST—OF—USA.
20080122             1—BUZZFLASH—INTERVIEW
20080122             Dow down 128.11—POINTS for the —DAY, —AFTER the Fed announced the interest rate cut;
20080122             THE—DOW had been down over 400—POINTS—EARLIER in the —DAY; 1. time below 12,000
20080122             No word on whether his time being held will count toward that time.
20080122             Does age matter in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE? -- BE—ELECTED
20080122             Nominees for the 80. ACADEMY—AWARDS for ;;02;;
20080122             24, including SOME—BUZZFLASH friendly items available at the BuzzFlash store 1/23
20080122             THE—BUSH—DOLLAR—TRAP -- DAVE—LINDORFF
20080122             OLIVER—STONE—NEXT, movie, the subject is 1—MAN—MORE—SIMPLISTIC than FORREST—GUMP.
20080122             The movie will simply be titled: 'Bush.' 1/23
20080122             Londoner Times deckt FBI—LÜGEN im PROLIFERATIONS—SKANDAL auf-
20080122             bei der hochrangige Beamte des Außenministeriums bestochen worden sein sollen,
20080122             um türkischen und israelischen Agenten Zugang zu Atomwaffenlabors zu verschaffen (WCN berichtete)...
20080122             VIELE—ÖKONOMEN glauben,
20080122             Auch die Anlagestrategen lagen völlig daneben: HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt etwa
20080122             prognostizierte noch —VOR—4—WOCHEN
20080122             für den —SOMMER - Daraus wird wohl nichts.
20080122             Zudem gerät in den USA das Unternehmen Ambac Financials in die Bredouille.
20080122             Bei der Firma haben VIELE—FINANZINSTITUTE ihre Kredite und Hypotheken gegen Ausfälle versichert.
20080122             HAMBURG—DIE Vertrauenskrise an den Finanzmärkten hat sich —HEUTE rund um den Globus ausgebreitet.
20080122             Die Nervosität der Anleger spiegelte sich in heftigen Kursausschlägen bei Aktien, Staatsanleihen und dem Euro wider.
20080122             Auch an den europäischen Börsen ging der Ausverkauf weiter, wenn auch in abgemilderter Form.
20080122             —BEANTWORTET, SPIEGEL—ONLINE, die wichtigsten Fragen:
20080122             —VERSPRICHT, Allerdings, sich Enderlein von den Zinssenkungen nicht viel:
20080122             "Die Leitzinssenkung war 1—VERSUCH, die Panikstimmung ein wenig abzuschwächen".
20080122             Sie sei jedoch nur ein "Tropfen auf dem heißen Stein" und —SCHON verpufft.
20080122             "Die Fed hat etwas Dramatisches getan", sagte auch der Marktstratege AL—GOLDMAN—VON—AG—EDWARDS.
20080122             BUSH kann sich umfangreicheres Notpaket vorstellen - Auch der Dax hat sich berappelt.
20080122             Bleibt die psychologische Komponente, die schwer einzuschätzen IST—DIE Banik aber für nicht unwesentlich hält.
20080122             "VIELE—PRIVATANLEGER reagieren auf Verluste an den Aktienmärkten irrational:
20080122             Unabhängig davon, ob diese tatsächlich das Wirtschaftswachstum widerspiegelten, verkaufen sie ihre Positionen".
20080122             —GEMACHT, Der Fall Padilla hatte weltweit Schlagzeilen, weil der gebürtige Puertoricaner dreieinhalb Jahre lang ohne formelle Anklage in einem USA—MILITÄRGEFÄNGNIS festgehalten wurde.
20080122             Er war —BEREITS im
20080122             Die Bilanzierungsregeln ließen Spielraum bei der Bewertung, sagte er.
20080122             Außerdem haben Fälle wie jener der Hypo Real Estate gezeigt, dass EINIGE—BANKENVORSTÄNDE offenbar schlichtweg keinen genauen Überblick darüber haben,
20080122             welch gefährliches Material noch in ihrem Portfolio SCHLUMMERT—UND wie viel ihre Kreditderivate wirklich wert sind.
20080122             Spektakulärer Überfall: Posträuber sichern Flucht mit Bomben
20080122             Deutsche BANKEN—KRISE: Angst vor neuen Milliardenrisiken
20080122             NETZWELT—TICKER: EUROPA—GRÜNE preisen Tauschbörsen
20080122             Globale Rezessionsfurcht: Asiens irre Angst vor dem Absturz
20080122             Gentherapie: Forscher bekämpfen Schmerz mit Viren
20080122             Diplomatie: Deutschland und CHINA beenden ihre Eiszeit - Börsenkrise: Warum? Warum —JETZT?
20080122             THE—USA federal deficit — which hit $412bn, or 3.5—PERCENT—OF—GDP in the fiscal —YEAR...
20080122             "—DURING the next few months we will finally be able to prove that our technology works in practice and significantly reduces fuel consumption and emissions," he said on the company's website.
20080122             Free energy - Fuel burnt by ships accounts for 4—PERCENT—OF—GLOBAL—CO2 EMISSIONS—TWICE as much as the aviation industry produces.
20080122             Boeing 787—HIT by security fears
20080122             —ORDERED, Boeing is, to ensure passengers on its new 787—DREAMLINER jet cannot hack into computer flight systems.
20080122             ABU—DHABI plots hydrogen future
20080122             The government of ABU—DHABI pledges $15bn to renewable energy development, including 1—MAJOR hydrogen plant.
20080122             'Safe Ebola' created for research
20080122             Scientists have made the lethal virus Ebola harmless in the lab, aiding research into 1—VACCINE or cure.
20080122             Refugee link to wildlife decline
20080122             The hunting of wild animals by hungry refugees in EAST—AFRICAN—THREATENS wildlife populations, say conservationists.
20080122             Barroso trade threat on climate
20080122             THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—PRESIDENT warns he may impose carbon tariffs if THE—USA fails to back 1—CLIMATE—DEAL.
20080122             'Huge' gas field found off BRAZIL
20080122             1—MASSIVE—NATURAL—GAS—FIELD is found off RIO—DE—JANEIRO—COASTLINE, BRAZIL—STATE—CONTROLLED oil company says.
20080122             PAKISTAN weapons 'in safe hands'
20080122             Stocks rebound on FED—RATE cut
20080122             Global shares rebound as THE—USA Federal Reserve slashes rates to boost growth and stave off 1—RECESSION.
20080122             Kite to pull ship across Atlantic
20080122             —POWERED, The world's 1. cargo ship partially, by 1—GIANT kite is setting sail from GERMANY to VENEZUELA.
20080122             UK vote system 'open to fraud'
20080122             It is "childishly simple" to register bogus voters in UK elections, 1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—BODY—INVESTIGATION suggests.
20080122             Padilla given long jail sentence
20080122             —SENTENCED, USA—CITIZEN—JOSE Padilla is, to more than 17—YEARS in jail on charges of conspiring to kill abroad.
20080122             FAS Opposes New Nuclear Weapons
20080122             FAS opposes THE—SO—CALLED—RELIABLE—REPLACEMENT—WARHEAD (RRW) and asks you to tell your SENATOR to vote against the funding for this new nuclear bomb.
20080122             Doch über Umweltprobleme ist nur selten Genaues zu hören — und dann meist nur, wenn sie beinahe apokalyptische Ausmaße annehmen.
20080122             —GEWESEN, Es sei an der Zeit, sich systematisch mit den möglichen Gefahren und Problemen zu befassen.
20080122             Der Bericht warnt unter anderem vor den Gefahren durch defekte Rohrleitungen und Tankerunglücke:
20080122             "Ausgetretenes Öl ist in der ARKTIS besonders gefährlich, weil sich die kalten und sehr stark jahreszeitabhängigen Ökosysteme nur langsam erholen.
20080122             Außerdem ist die Beseitigung von Ölschäden in abgelegenen und kalten Regionen sehr schwierig, vor allem in Meeresbereichen mit Eisvorkommen".
20080122             Er prangert auch die Landschaftszerstörung beim Pipelinebau an und schildert,
20080122             wie arktische Dörfer verändert werden, wenn auf einmal das Geld der Ölfirmen ALLE—TRADITIONELLEN—GESELLSCHAFTSSTRUKTUREN auf den Kopf stellt.
20080122             Das Wort "Klimawandel" ist unerwünscht
20080122             Auch von der Europäischen Zentralbank verlangen die WALL—STREET—HÄNDLER niedrigere Zinsen.
20080122             —ZENSIERT, Alarmierender Bericht: Öl aus der ARKTIS—POLITIK, FORSCHER—WARNUNGEN
20080122             Börsencrash: Warum staatliche Eingriffe nichts nützen
20080122             BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: Dax erholt SICH—BANGES Warten auf die WALL—STREET
20080122             Nun drohen neue Schwierigkeiten: Die chinesische Regierung versucht Investitionen im Bausektor unter anderem durch höhere Zinsen zu erschweren.
20080122             Damit will sie verhindern, dass sich die Wirtschaft überhitzt.
20080122             Gleichzeitig steigen die Preise.
20080122             Dies könnte die Banken erheblich treffen: Noch mehr Kleinanleger und Betriebe werden nicht in der Lage sein, ihre Kredite zurückzuzahlen.
20080122             FRANKFURT am MAIN—UM 15.30—UHR schlägt in NEW—YORK die —STUNDE der Wahrheit.
20080122             Wenn die WALL—STREET nach verlängertem Wochenende den Handel wiedereröffnet,
20080122             zeigt sich, wie tief die Kursverluste an Europas und Asiens Börsen die USA—AKTIENMÄRKTE mit hinabziehen.
20080122             Die Zeiten, als es nach einem kurzen Rücksetzer wieder stramm aufwärts ging, seien vorbei.
20080122             Doch zum Wochenauftakt gehörte E.on zu den größten Verlierern im Dax :
20080122             "Fonds brauchen Liquidität. Daher verkaufen sie Werte, die gut gelaufen SIND—UNABHÄNGIG davon, ob sich die Perspektiven des Unternehmens dramatisch verändert haben oder nicht".
20080122             sagt Iredi.
20080122             "Da wird um jeden Preis verkauft, wenn die Kurse —ERST einmal rutschen".
20080122             —ÜBERRASCHT, HAMBURG—DASS der Jahresstart so desaströs wird, hat fast alle.
20080122             Dabei sollte der ;;01;; historisch gesehen eher ein guter Börsenmonat sein.
20080122             Faquhar.
20080122             "Der Mond ist nicht 1—SPRUNGBRETT zum Mars, sondern 1—KLOTZ am Bein".
20080122             Die USA sollten lieber gleich Richtung Mars fliegen, fordert Pascal Lee
20080122             "Der Mond ist von gestern", sagt LOU—FRIEDMAN, CHEF—DER—PLANETARY—SOCIETY, der größten WELTRAUM—INTERESSENSVEREINIGUNG der USA.
20080122             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Auslöser der Finanzkrise war, dass Kreditpakete UND—RISIKEN über die ganze Welt verschoben wurden und kaum einer an die Risiken dachte.
20080122             Sind die Gefahren der Globalisierung nicht zu kontrollieren?
20080122             Schwab: Ich sehe weniger die SUBPRIME—KREDITE an sich als Auslöser,
20080122             also die Kreditgeschäfte mit schlechten SCHULDNERN—SONDERN dass die Risiken so lange weitergegeben wurden,
20080122             —BIS niemand mehr wusste, wo sie liegen, und sie preislich nicht mehr berücksichtigt wurden.
20080122             Deshalb müssen wir mehr Transparenz im Finanzsystem schaffen.
20080122             Weltweit.
20080122             Die Bilanzmeldung drückte die USA—AKTIENFUTURES stark ins Minus: Der S&P—FUTURE notierte 5,1 % tiefer bei 12570000              Stellen,
20080122             der Nasdaq100-Future 4,53 % schwächer bei 17650000              Stellen, der DOW—JONES—FUTURE verlor 4,42 % und steht —JETZT bei 11.558—STELLEN.
20080122             Die Aktie der BANK—OF—AMERICAN—NOTIERT vorbörslich 34,16 DOLLAR—1—MINUS von über 5 %.
20080122             Die Zinssenkung kommt nicht nur überraschend, sondern ist auch deutlich:
20080122             Der Zielsatz für Tagesgeld werde um 0,75 %punkte auf 3,50 % reduziert, teilte die Federal Reserve (Fed) am —DIENSTAG in WASHINGTON mit.
20080122             —GERECHNET, Volkswirte hatten mit einem Zinsschritt nach unten zwar,
20080122             allerdings —ERST für Ende ;;01;;
20080122             beim nächsten regulären Treffen des geldpolitischen Ausschusses (FOMC),
20080122             das in der kommenden Woche stattfinden wird.
20080122             Allerdings waren nach der Talfahrt der weltweiten Börsen Stimmen laut geworden,
20080122             die eine schnelle Reaktion der Fed für möglich hielten.
20080122             Rezessionsgefahr: "Wenn wir das nicht in den Griff kriegen, sind die Folgen katastrophal"
20080122             BÖRSEN—TURBULENZEN: Nervöses Auf und Ab in FRANKFURT—BANGES Warten auf die WALL—STREET
20080122             Finanzmärkte: Die verheerende Mechanik des Börsencrashs
20080122             —GENOMMEN, Milliardenverlust: Krise erfasst CHINA—STAATSBANK aus dem Handel
20080122             Jugendgewalt: Einfache Parolen schüren den Hass
20080122             HANDY—STRAHLUNG: Studie weckt Ängste vor Schlafstörungen
20080122             Aktuelle Gerüchte, wonach die Citigroup kurz vor der Pleite stehe, helfen seiner Einschätzung —NACH—DEM Markt ebenfalls nicht weiter.
20080122             Die Finanzminister der Europäischen Union tagen —DERZEIT in Brüssel über die Turbulenzen auf den internationalen Finanzmärkten.
20080122             Der spanische WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Finanzminister PEDRO—SOLBES sprach von einer schwierigen Situation,
20080122             verweist aber auch darauf, dass die wirtschaftliche Situation in den rezessionsbedrohten USA und in EUROPA unterschiedlich sei.
20080122             Seine französische Kollegin, Finanzministerin CHRISTINE—LAGARDE,
20080122             sagt: "In EUROPA beobachten wir 1—WACHSTUM—VON—2 % und haben mit Sicherheit keine Rezessionsgefahr".
20080122             Turbulenzen an der Börse: ZINSSPEKULATIONEN—DAX erholt sich von Startverlusten
20080122             Italien: Prodi will Vertrauensfrage stellen
20080122             "Es gibt zu VIELE—BLASEN, —SEIT zu langer Zeit.
20080122             Die Fed hat wirklich keine Kontrolle über die Situation".
20080122             Das Schlimmste ist: Selbst TOP—BANKER sind überfragt, wie tief die Börsenkurse stürzen werden.
20080122             Diese Krise, ahnt MERRILL—LYNCH—ÖKONOM DAVID—ROSENBERG, werde schlimmer und länger als die Rezession von 20010000             , die 8—MONATE währte.
20080122             wonach die Krise noch "mindestens so schlimm wird wie die 5—KATASTROPHALSTEN Finanzkrisen, die die Industriestaaten —SEIT dem —WWII heimgesucht haben".
20080122             Die Zeitung titelte: "Warnzeichen deuten auf tiefe Rezession hin".
20080122             1—ANSICHT, die inzwischen die meisten Analysten teilen.
20080122             Denn die Immobilienkrise ist keineswegs bezwungen.
20080122             Doch ab —HEUTE schlägt auch in NEW—YORK die —STUNDE der Wahrheit: "Der schwere Trübsinn,
20080122             der über der WALL—STREET lastet, könnte sich diese Woche noch weiter verdüstern",
20080122             fürchtet selbst der sonst eher unaufgeregte TV—WIRTSCHAFTSSENDER CNBC und verweist auf die mit allerlei Bangen erwarteten Quartalsbilanzen der kommenden Tage (Apple, BANK—OF—AMERICA, Ford, Microsoft).
20080122             —SPEKULIERT, WEB—PORTAL- Krise: Branche, über Massenkündigungen bei —YAHOO
20080122             BERMUDA—CONNECTIONS with world business leaders SOME—ARE residents,
20080122             others base their multinational operations here
20080122             —VERLIERT, Finanzkrise: Dax, —SCHON zu Börsenbeginn 5 %
20080122             Australien: Brötchendiebe müssen ins Gefängnis
20080122             Die Reaktionen der Experten fielen düster aus: Japans Wirtschaftsministerin Hiroko Ota warnte vor einem "globalen Dominoeffekt".
20080122             Koji Takeuchi, leitender Analyst des MIZUHU—FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS in Tokio,
20080122             sagte: "Solange wir nicht einige positive 'Schockeffekte' wie etwa drastische Maßnahmen der USA—REGIERUNG bekommen,
20080122             gibt es keine Hoffnung auf 1—KURSERHOLUNG".
20080122             —BEREITS gestern hatte der Nikkei zu Handelsschluss um 3,86 % nachgegeben.
20080122             Der indische Leitindex Sensex brach kurz nach Handelsbeginn um 11,53 % ein, fiel um 20290000              auf 15.576—PUNKTE.
20080122             —ERST um 11—UHR Ortszeit begann der Handel wieder.
20080122             Der indische Finanzminister Palaniappan Chidambaram rief die Anleger zur Ruhe auf.
20080122             —BEREITS gestern war der Sensex um 7,41 % eingebrochen.
20080122             Kuba: Kranker Fidel in Nationalversammlung gewählt
20080122             Lebenserwartung: Bildhauer leben länger als Maler
20080122             Wissenschaftsportal: GOOGLE schenkt Forschern Speicherplatz
20080122             Nahost: Energieengpass in GAZA—KRISENSITZUNG des Sicherheitsrats
20080122             Finanzkrise: Neuer Börseneinbruch in ASIEN—INDIEN setzt Handel aus
20080122             Schachlegende: BOBBY—FISCHER in Island beerdigt
20080122             UK—MEDIA confirms FBI whistleblower Edmonds' account of secret file
20080122             —OBTAINED, THE—SUNDAY—TIMES has, 1—DOCUMENT that confirms that 1—FILE,
20080122             which THE—FBI denied existed, could contain information about USA—OFFICIALS stealing nuclear secrets for Turkish and ISRAEL—SPIES,
20080122             who would then sell the secrets to PAKISTAN and SAUDI—ARABIA.
20080122             —ANNOUNCED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION quietly, ON—THAT THE—PRESIDENT would like Congress to approve the sale of nuclear secrets to TURKEY.
20080122             As with most stories of this magnitude, THE—USA—MEDIA has put on blinders, opting to not report either Edmonds' story or BUSH—RECENT—ANNOUNCEMENT.
20080122             Wal Buchenberg für Indymedia, There Is No "WAR—ON—TERROR"
20080122             —BY EDWARD—S—HERMAN and DAVID—PETERSON
20080122             Nowhere has this critical failure been more evident than in their acceptance of the premise that there really is something called a "WAR—ON—TERROR" or "terrorism"
20080122             —DAY—OF—RECKONING in THE—USA—GLASSHOUSE : There is 1—GROWING consensus: AMERICA is going into 1 marked slowdown, if not 1—DOWNRIGHT recession.
20080122             There will be 1—LARGE—GAP between potential growth — usually estimated at 3 % to 4 % — and actual growth, meaning lost OUTPUT—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS.
20080122             FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft : THE—FBI has been accused of covering up 1—KEY—CASE—FILE detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with 1—NETWORK stealing nuclear secrets.
20080122             UN Transformation Proposed To Create 'New World Order'
20080122             European Collusion in ISRAEL—SLOW—GENOCIDE
20080122             THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, ISRAEL—LARGEST—TRADE—PARTNER in the world, is watching by as ISRAEL tightens its barbaric siege on GAZA, collectively punishing 1.5—MILLION—PALESTINE—CIVILIANS, condemning them to devastation + visiting imminent death upon HUNDREDS—OF—KIDNEY dialysis and heart patients, prematurely born babies + all others dependent on electric power for their very survival.
20080122             Fed Cuts Rate 0.75%, but Dow Drops: THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE, responding to 1—INTERNATIONAL—STOCK—SELL—OFF and fears about 1—POSSIBLE—USA—RECESSION, cut its benchmark interest rate by 3—QUARTERS—OF—1—PERCENTAGE—POINT on —TUESDAY.
20080122             Recession fears wipe £84bn off the value of BRITAIN—BIGGEST companies as stock markets tumble across the globe
20080122             WHITE—HOUSE says Bush is open to idea of larger stimulus package : PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is open to the idea of 1—LARGER—STIMULUS—PACKAGE than THE—145—BLN usd package he proposed —FRIDAY but is not actively pushing such 1—MEASURE, WHITE—HOUSE spokeswoman Dana Perino said —TODAY.
20080122             Bush Becomes Supplicant for SAUDI—AID to Help Avoid Recession : THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—MONARCHY once depended on THE—USA to protect its reign and its oil from foes like Saddam Hussein.
20080122             These days, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—NEEDS the world's biggest exporter of crude more than it needs him.
20080122             Dollar Falls as Fed Makes Emergency Cut in Interest Rates : The dollar dropped 0.7—PERCENT to $1.4560—AGAINST the euro at 10:03 a.m. in NEW—YORK from $1.4454—YESTERDAY.
20080122             Horror —DAY for AUSTRALIA—STOCK—MARKET: THE—AUSTRALIA—SHARE—MARKET had its worst —DAY in 1—DECADE—TODAY, plunging over 7 % as investors panicked in the face of 1—LOOMING—USA—RECESSION.
20080122             HK shares dive, CHINA plays in worst —DAY in 10—YRS: HONG—KONG stocks collapsed for a 2. straight —DAY on —TUESDAY, as investors fretted over how well ASIA—ECONOMIES will hold up in A—USA—RECESSION, sparking 1—SELL—OFF across the region.
20080122             BANK—OF—AMERICA'S 4Q income plummets 95—PERCENT : BANK—OF—AMERICA—CORP. says increased credit losses contributed to a 95—PERCENT drop in 4.—QUARTER net income.
20080122             We drove him insane and then gave
20080122             Jose Padilla 17-year USA—JAIL—TERM : Cooke said that —WHILE the crimes were "serious", there was "no evidence the defendants had personally killed or maimed anyone".
20080122             Democracies Don't Torture : Adverse publicity may finally force Americans to face the torture issue.
20080122             SCARE—SENSORS: USA—MILITARY—RESEARCHERS are working to uncover and harness the most terrifying chemical imaginable: that most primal odor, THE—SCENT—OF—FEAR.
20080122             n unlawful policy of collective punishment : INTERNATIONAL law specifically forbids collective punishment of occupied populations.
20080122             THE—GENEVA Conventions stipulate that occupying powers have 1—OBLIGATION to supply utilities such as water and power to occupied populations.
20080122             ISRAEL may have to strike: BOLTON FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN—JOHN—BOLTON said —YESTERDAY that ISRAEL may have to take military action to prevent IRAN from acquiring 1—ATOMIC—BOMB.
20080122             GERMANY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—FRANK—WALTER—STEINMEIER said he could not predict if the meeting would produce 1—RESOLUTION on possible new sanctions
20080122             The poor and the sick suffer as ISRAEL cuts power to GAZA : DOCTOR—AL—ARANI also claimed that 5—PATIENTS brought to the hospital in the past 24—HOURS, including 3—BABIES, had † either from hypothermia or from power cuts interrupting their vital oxygen supplies at home.
20080122             PALESTINE—WATER—AUTHORITY: 40—PERCENT—OF—GAZANS lack running water : 40—PERCENT—OF—GAZA Strip homes - 600,000—PEOPLE—HAD no running water —MONDAY, THE—PALESTINE—WATER—AUTHORITY said.
20080122             USA—PRESSURE—THWARTS UN Censure of GAZA Strip Blockade
20080122             THE—UNITED—NATIONS Security Council will not approve 1—RESOLUTION condemning ISRAEL over the closure of THE—GAZA Strip, due to pressure applied by THE—USA.
20080122             1—CRUSADER in KING—ABDULLAH—COURT—BY MOHAMED—KHODR—THE Dying of GAZA As the World Turns Away: No Light, Heat, or Bread.
20080122             Hard Times A—COMING
20080122             We were told as —RECENTLY as 1—MONTH ago by administration officials and WALL—STREET charlatans that the economy was robust and that there would not be 1—RECESSION.
20080122             1—RECESSION, If It Comes, Could Be Worse Than Those of Recent Past
20080122             Latin AMERICAN—BANKS on INDEPENDENCE
20080122             —BY itself, the bank represents 1—SERIOUS—CHALLENGE to USA—DOMINATED institutions, such as THE—INTERNATIONAL—MONETARY—FUND (IMF), the World BANK—AND—THE—INTER—AMERICAN—DEVELOPMENT—BANK (IDB).
20080122             NORTH—USA—MONTETARY Integration: Here Comes the Amero
20080122             The introduction of the Amero is 1—INTEGRAL—ASPECT—OF—THE—PROCESS—OF creating 1—NORTH—AMERICAN—UNION, much like the European Union.
20080122             PRE—EMPTIVE Nuclear Strike a Key Option, NATO Told
20080122             The west must be ready to resort to 1—PRE—EMPTIVE nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" SPREAD—OF—NUCLEAR and other WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION, according to 1—RADICAL manifesto for 1—NEW—NATO by 5—OF—THE—WEST—MOST senior military officers and strategists.
20080122             Und zumal die Händler zum Frühstück ein "WALL—STREET Journal" auf ihrer Türschwelle gefunden hatten mit der Schlagzeile: "USA—WARNZEICHEN deuten auf tiefe Rezession hin".
20080122             merkte sogar der Wachmann am Börseneingang, der die MENGE—DER—WARTENDEN mit den Worten kommentierte: "Der Markt wird CRASHEN—DESHALB ist jeder hier, oder?"
20080122             THE—DOW had been down over 400—POINTS—EARLIER in the —DAY;
20080122             —SENTENCED, Jose Padilla was, to 17—YEARS, 4—MONTHS on terrorism conspiracy charges that don't even mention the alleged "dirty bomb".
20080122             PETER—MICHAELSON: Let Them Eat Corn, or Why We Shouldn't Fear 1—RECESSION -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION
20080122             Transcript from —MONDAY night's Democratic presidential debate 1/23
20080122             Nominees for the 80. ACADEMY—AWARDS for 20080224             , including SOME—BUZZFLASH friendly items available at the BuzzFlash store 1/23
20080122             Londoner Times deckt FBI—LÜGEN im PROLIFERATIONS—SKANDAL AUF—SOFTLABHENNEF World Content News -
20080122             Im Zusammenhang mit wohl einem der größten Skandale in der USA—GESCHICHTE,
20080122             bei der hochrangige Beamte des Außenministeriums bestochen worden sein sollen, um türkischen und israelischen Agenten Zugang zu Atomwaffenlabors zu verschaffen (WCN
20080122             berichtete )... - VIELE—ÖKONOMEN glauben,
20080122             "Dies ist keine Panik der Privatanleger, sondern 1—PANIK—DER—PROFIS", wie es in der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " Finanzguru JAMES—SINCLAIR ausdrückt.
20080122             prognostizierte noch —VOR—4—WOCHEN—FÜR den —SOMMER
20080122             ASIEN, setzte sich die von Rezessionsängsten ausgelöste Talfahrt fort.
20080122             Grund für die Stabilisierung: Die USA—ZENTRALBANK hatte mit einer drastischen Maßnahme auf die weltweiten Kursstürze REAGIERT—UND den Leitzins um satte 75—BASISPUNKTE gesenkt.
20080122             1—MASSNAHME die zum Teil heftiges Kopfschütteln bei Analysten und Konjunkturexperten auslöste:
20080122             Die Zinssenkung sei "fast 1—PANIKREAKTION—DER—FED", sagte Henrik Enderlein von der Hertie SCHOOL—OF—GOVERNANCE.
20080122             "Sie hat festgestellt, dass sie die Rezession nicht aufhalten kann".
20080122             —VERSPRICHT, Allerdings, sich Enderlein von den Zinssenkungen nicht viel: "Die Leitzinssenkung war 1—VERSUCH, die Panikstimmung ein wenig abzuschwächen".
20080122             "Dennoch ist es im Großen und Ganzen so, dass wir entweder —BEREITS in einer Rezession sind oder aber darauf zusteuern".
20080122             "VIELE—PRIVATANLEGER reagieren auf Verluste an den Aktienmärkten irrational: Unabhängig davon, ob diese tatsächlich das Wirtschaftswachstum widerspiegelten, verkaufen sie ihre Positionen".
20080122             Auch der USA—BANK—WACHOVIA verhagelten neue Wertberichtigungen das Ergebnis.
20080122             BUNDESBANK—CHEF—WEBER ist skeptisch, dass die Jahresabschlussberichte der Banken —BEREITS vollständige Klarheit bringen.
20080122             Außerdem haben Fälle wie jener der Hypo Real Estate gezeigt, dass EINIGE—BANKENVORSTÄNDE offenbar schlichtweg keinen genauen Überblick darüber haben, welch gefährliches Material noch in ihrem Portfolio SCHLUMMERT—UND wie viel ihre Kreditderivate wirklich wert sind.
20080122             Atomstreit: Vetomächte einigen sich auf UNO—RESOLUTION gegen IRAN
20080122             Terrorismus: USA—BÜRGER Padilla muss 17—JAHRE in Haft
20080122             WALL—STREET: USA—NOTENBANK senkt Zinsen DRASTISCH—WALL—STREET und Dax stabilisieren sich
20080122             "The maiden voyage marks the beginning of the practical testing —DURING regular shipping operations of the SkySails System," says STEPHAN—WRAGE, managing DIRECTOR—OF—SKYSAILS—GMBH.
20080122             —ORDERED, Boeing 787—HIT by security fears Boeing is, to ensure passengers on its new 787—DREAMLINER jet cannot hack into computer flight systems.
20080122             ABU—DHABI plots hydrogen future The government of ABU—DHABI pledges $15bn to renewable energy development, including 1—MAJOR hydrogen plant.
20080122             'Safe Ebola' created for research Scientists have made the lethal virus Ebola harmless in the lab, aiding research into 1—VACCINE or cure.
20080122             Barroso trade threat on climate THE—EUROPEAN—COMMISSION—PRESIDENT warns he may impose carbon tariffs if THE—USA—FAILS to back 1—CLIMATE—DEAL.
20080122             'Huge' gas field found off BRAZIL 1—MASSIVE—NATURAL—GAS—FIELD is found off RIO—DE—JANEIRO—COASTLINE, BRAZIL—STATE—CONTROLLED oil company says.
20080122             Stocks rebound on FED—RATE cut Global shares rebound as THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE slashes rates to boost growth and stave off 1—RECESSION.
20080122             Kite to pull ship across Atlantic The world's 1. cargo ship partially powered by 1—GIANT kite is setting sail from GERMANY to VENEZUELA.
20080122             Padilla given long jail sentence USA—CITIZEN—JOSE Padilla is sentenced to more than 17—YEARS in jail on charges of conspiring to kill abroad.
20080122             FAS Opposes New Nuclear Weapons FAS opposes THE—SO—CALLED—RELIABLE—REPLACEMENT—WARHEAD (RRW) and asks you to tell your SENATOR to vote against the funding for this new nuclear bomb.
20080122             "Wir haben die Fakten zur ÖL—UND Gasförderung in der ARKTIS in einem Dokument zusammengetragen".
20080122             Der Bericht warnt unter anderem vor den Gefahren durch defekte Rohrleitungen und Tankerunglücke: "Ausgetretenes Öl ist in der ARKTIS besonders gefährlich, weil sich die kalten und sehr stark jahreszeitabhängigen Ökosysteme nur langsam erholen. Außerdem ist die Beseitigung von Ölschäden in abgelegenen und kalten Regionen sehr schwierig, vor allem in Meeresbereichen mit Eisvorkommen".
20080122             Er prangert auch die Landschaftszerstörung beim Pipelinebau an und schildert, wie arktische Dörfer verändert werden, wenn auf einmal das Geld der Ölfirmen ALLE—TRADITIONELLEN—GESELLSCHAFTSSTRUKTUREN auf den Kopf stellt.
20080122             Handelsstart an der WALL—STREET: Dow Jones stürzt AB—ZINSSENKUNG der USA—NOTENBANK verpufft
20080122             Wenn die WALL—STREET nach verlängertem Wochenende den Handel wiedereröffnet, zeigt sich, wie tief die Kursverluste an Europas und Asiens Börsen die USA—AKTIENMÄRKTE mit hinabziehen.
20080122             —AM—MONTAG war die WALL—STREET wegen des MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—FEIERTAGS geschlossen.
20080122             Ein großer TEIL—DES—LOHNPLUS werde durch steigende ENERGIE—UND Lebensmittelpreise sowie durch höhere Versicherungsbeiträge wieder aufgefressen.
20080122             Doch zum Wochenauftakt gehörte E.on zu den größten Verlierern im Dax : "Fonds brauchen Liquidität. Daher verkaufen sie Werte, die gut gelaufen SIND—UNABHÄNGIG davon, ob sich die Perspektiven des Unternehmens dramatisch verändert haben oder nicht".
20080122             "VIELE—INVESTOREN sind über Derivate Risiken eingegangen, die —BIS zum Totalverlust reichen können", sagt Iredi.
20080122             Um mehr als 15 % hat der Dax binnen 3—WOCHEN nachgegeben, davon allein gestern 7 % - und —HEUTE fallen die Kurse erneut.
20080122             —GESEHEN, Dabei sollte der Januar historisch, eher ein guter Börsenmonat sein.
20080122             Schwab: Ich sehe weniger die SUBPRIME—KREDITE an sich als Auslöser, also die Kreditgeschäfte mit schlechten SCHULDNERN—SONDERN dass die Risiken so lange weitergegeben wurden, —BIS niemand mehr wusste, wo sie liegen, und sie preislich nicht mehr berücksichtigt wurden.
20080122             Die Bilanzmeldung drückte die USA—AKTIENFUTURES stark ins Minus: Der S&P—FUTURE notierte 5,1 % tiefer bei 12570000              Stellen, der Nasdaq100-Future 4,53 % schwächer bei 17650000              Stellen, der DOW—JONES—FUTURE verlor 4,42 % und steht —JETZT bei 11.558—STELLEN.
20080122             Die Zinssenkung kommt nicht nur überraschend, sondern ist auch deutlich: Der Zielsatz für Tagesgeld werde um 0,75 %punkte auf 3,50 % reduziert, teilte die Federal Reserve (Fed) am —DIENSTAG in WASHINGTON mit.
20080122             —GERECHNET, Volkswirte hatten mit einem Zinsschritt nach unten zwar, allerdings —ERST für Ende Januar beim nächsten regulären Treffen des geldpolitischen Ausschusses (FOMC), das in der kommenden Woche stattfinden wird.
20080122             Allerdings waren nach der Talfahrt der weltweiten Börsen Stimmen laut geworden, die eine schnelle Reaktion der Fed für möglich hielten.
20080122             Kreditkrise: USA—NOTENBANK senkt Leitzinsen um 0,75 %punkte
20080122             USA—RAUMFAHRTPROGRAMM: Wissenschaftler machen Front gegen Bush s MOND—PLÄNE
20080122             Rohstoffe: Börsenpanik drückt Ölpreis unter 90—DOLLAR
20080122             USA—VORWAHLSCHLACHT: Krawallduell in Myrtle Beach
20080122             Die geringe Berichterstattung sei allerdings 1—PROBLEM, da dadurch die Dramatik der Lage nur schwer eingeschätzt werden könne.
20080122             Der spanische WIRTSCHAFTS—UND Finanzminister PEDRO—SOLBES sprach von einer schwierigen Situation, verweist aber auch darauf, dass die wirtschaftliche Situation in den rezessionsbedrohten USA und in EUROPA unterschiedlich sei.
20080122             Seine französische Kollegin, Finanzministerin CHRISTINE—LAGARDE, sagt: "In EUROPA beobachten wir 1—WACHSTUM—VON—2 % und haben mit Sicherheit keine Rezessionsgefahr".
20080122             "Wir haben die Grenze dessen erreicht, was verantwortliche Zinspolitik tun kann".
20080122             "Bernanke ist in einer sehr schwierigen Lage", räumte sein VOR—VORGÄNGER PAUL—VOLCKER im "NEW—YORK—TIMES Magazine" am Wochenende ein.
20080122             "Es gibt zu VIELE—BLASEN, —SEIT zu langer Zeit. Die Fed hat wirklich keine Kontrolle über die Situation".
20080122             Das "WALL—STREET Journal" zitierte gestern 1—STUDIE—DER—ÖKONOMEN—CARMEN—REINHART von der UNIVERSITY—OF—MARYLAND und KENNETH—ROGOFF aus Harvard, wonach die Krise noch "mindestens so schlimm wird wie die 5—KATASTROPHALSTEN Finanzkrisen, die die Industriestaaten —SEIT dem —WWII heimgesucht haben".
20080122             Doch ab —HEUTE schlägt auch in NEW—YORK die —STUNDE der Wahrheit: "Der schwere Trübsinn, der über der WALL—STREET lastet, könnte sich diese Woche noch weiter verdüstern", fürchtet selbst der sonst eher unaufgeregte TV—WIRTSCHAFTSSENDER CNBC und verweist auf die mit allerlei Bangen erwarteten Quartalsbilanzen der kommenden Tage (Apple, BANK—OF—AMERICA, Ford, Microsoft).
20080122             USA—FINANZKRISE: Börse BANGT—BERNANKE machtlos
20080122             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Chancenlose Jugendliche contra Alte
20080122             BERMUDA—CONNECTIONS with world business leaders SOME—ARE residents, others base their multinational operations here
20080122             Koji Takeuchi, leitender Analyst des MIZUHU—FORSCHUNGSINSTITUTS in Tokio, sagte: "Solange wir nicht einige positive 'Schockeffekte' wie etwa drastische Maßnahmen der USA—REGIERUNG bekommen, gibt es keine Hoffnung auf 1—KURSERHOLUNG".
20080122             Der Nikkei lag erstmals —SEIT—26—MONATEN unter der psychologisch wichtigen 13.000—PUNKTE—MARKE.
20080122             Gegen 14—UHR Ortszeit (6—UHR MEZ) notierte das Kursbarometer einen Verlust von 741—PUNKTEN oder 5,56 % beim Zwischenstand von 12.584—PUNKTEN.
20080122             Finanzkrise: Glos warnt vor BÖRSEN—PANIK
20080122             —OBTAINED, The —SUNDAY Times has, 1—DOCUMENT that confirms that 1—FILE, which THE—FBI denied existed, could contain information about USA—OFFICIALS stealing nuclear secrets for Turkish and ISRAEL—SPIES, who would then sell the secrets to PAKISTAN and SAUDI—ARABIA.
20080122             Wal Buchenberg FÜR—INDYMEDIA,
20080122             DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and... State, local, and tribal law.
20080122             States have police power functions to.
20080122             In most states, breaking 1—QUARANTINE—ORDER is 1—CRIMINAL—MISDEMEANOR.
20080122185124       DEUTSCHE—BANKEN—KRISE ANGST—VOR—NEUEN Milliardenrisiken.htm
20080122—19840000    —SEIT, Die Fed senkte in einer dramatischen Geste eineinhalb Stunden vor Börsenbeginn den LEITZINS—UM satte 75—BASISPUNKTE, was es nicht mehr gegeben hatte.
20080122—20010911    —SINCE, Crash! Biggest fall in shares :
20080122—20050000    —UNVEILED, THE—FRANCE—GOVERNMENT, proposals to slash youth unemployment in THE—HIGH—IMMIGRANT suburbs that exploded into rioting, pledging to create TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—NEW—JOBS.
20080122—20050300    —IN, which was signed by the leaders of THE—3—NORTH—USA—GOVERNMENTS —DATE.
20080122—20050300    —IN, This process is being undertaken through THE—IMPLEMENTATION—OF—THE—SECURITY and Prosperity PARTNERSHIP—OF—NORTH—AMERICA (SPP), which was signed by the leaders of THE—3—NORTH—USA—GOVERNMENTS.
20080122—20060000    —IN—THE, He received 1—OSCAR nomination for his role as 1 troubled gay cowboy film, "Brokeback Mountain".
20080122—20061100    —SINCE, 1. time below 12,000.
20080122—20070000    —YEAR, Earnings for THE—FULL fell 29—PERCENT.
20080122—20080000    einen DAX—STAND—VON—8700—PUNKTEN.
20080122—20080121    Finanzkrise: Glos warnt vor BÖRSEN—PANIK
20080122—20090000    —FREED, Kaambakhsh was, and left the country —FOLLOWING 1—PARDON signed by PRESIDENT—HAMID—KARZAI.
20080122—20090100    —IN, BOLTON: Near 0—CHANCE—BUSH will attack IRAN : FORMER—USA—AMBASSADOR to THE—UN—JOHN—BOLTON said on —TUESDAY that there is almost no chance that USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH will approve 1—MILITARY—STRIKE on IRAN —BEFORE he leaves office.
20080223—20080122    —AM, als also —BEREITS der 2. Artikel hierüber erschienen war, legte die BUSH—REGIERUNG einen Gesetzentwurf dem Repräsentanenhaus vor, der schlicht und einfach beinhaltet, ATOM—GEHEIMNISSE an die Türkei weitergeben zu können.
20080505             Burwell Development LLC.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122             . - Individual. Amos, Kent.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122             . - $500.00. 20070122           .
20080505             - Comcast. Amos, Kent.
20080505             $500.00. 20070122           .
20090121             —BANNED, GERMANY, the production, sale or possession of 1—SYNTHETIC—MARIJUANA—LIKE—DRUG known as "Spice," effective as of 20090122             , becoming the 4. nation to ban the substance, marketed as an herbal ROOM—FRESHENER, —AFTER AUSTRIA, THE—NETHERLANDS and SWITZERLAND.
20090122             Die Droge Spice wird per Eilverfahren in Deutschland verboten.
20090122             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER to shutter GUANTANAMO within 1—YEAR, fulfilling his campaign promise to close 1—FACILITY that critics —AROUND the world say violates THE—RIGHTS—OF—DETAINEES.
20090122             —BANNED, Obama also, THE—CIA from operating secret prisons.
20090122             —NAMED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, GEORGE—MITCHELL as envoy to the Mideast and RICHARD—HOLBROOK as envoy to AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20090122             —RAIDED, USA federal agents, Kuchera Industries and Kuchera Defense systems, 2—SMALL—PENNSYLVANIA defense contractors.
20090122             They were given millions in federal funding by REPRESENTATIVE—JOHN—MURTHA, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—DEFENSE—APPROPRIATIONS—COMMITTEE.
20090122             JOHN—THAIN, 53—JAHRE—ALT, FORMER—HEAD—OF—MERRILL—LYNCH, was forced OUT—OF—TOP—JOB at BANK—OF—AMERICA, —AFTER it was revealed that he had approved MULTI—MILLION bonuses for Merrill executives —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—BIG quarterly losses ahead of its acquisition by BANK—OF—AMERICA.
20090122             BANGLADESH, the Awami League won 1—LANDSLIDE victory in the country's 481—UPAZILAS (subdistricts).
20090122             3—PEOPLE were killed, 150 injured and voter intimidation was rife.
20090122             BOLIVIA, THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—PRESIDENT—EVO—MORALES began publishing its own newspaper "Cambio" (Change).
20090122             —IRKED, Morales grew so, at the local press last —MONTH that he said he would no longer hold press conferences for local reporters and said that only 10—PERCENT—OF—JOURNALISTS are "honorable".
20090122             —WORSENED, ASIA—ECONOMIC gloom, —WHEN CHINA said growth plunged in the final quarter of 20080000              —WHILE JAPAN said exports fell at 1—RECORD—PACE in December amid weakening Western consumer demand.
20090122             1—CHINA—COURT condemned 2—MEN to death and gave 1—DAIRY boss life in prison in the 1. sentences handed down in the tainted milk scandal, which ignited public anger and ACCUSATIONS—OF—COVER—UPS.
20090122             —ADVANCED, Congolese and RWANDA—TROOPS, on the headquarters of Tutsi rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda, as KINSHASA used its neighbor to smother 1—REBELLION in EAST—DR CONGO.
20090122             —ARRESTED, RWANDA, CONGO rebel leader Laurent Nkunda —AFTER he fled 1—JOINT—OPERATION launched by the armies of THE—2—NATIONS.
20090122             ESTONIA said it will end its nearly 6—YEAR—MILITARY—MISSION in IRAQ —AFTER it failed to agree with THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT on terms for its troop deployment.
20090122             —RAIDED, European Union antitrust regulators said they, SLOVAKIA—MAIN telecom operator last —WEEK on suspicion of monopoly abuse.
20090122             GERMANY, KLAUS—ZUMWINKEL (65), THE—FORMER—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE—OF—DEUTSCHE—POST, admitted in court that he evaded taxes by squirreling money away in LIECHTENSTEIN, calling it the greatest mistake of his life.
20090122             —KILLED, IRAQ, gunmen, 8—MEMBERS—OF—1—SUNNI family and kidnapped 2—OTHERS in 1—TENSE—AREA—NORTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD where Shiite militiamen still operate.
20090122             † 1—USA—SOLDIER was killed in 1—NON—COMBAT vehicle accident.
20090122             ISRAEL said it is lifting restrictions on foreign journalists entering THE—GAZA Strip, 1—BAN that had drawn strong criticism from news media.
20090122             —ACCUSED—OF, MEXICO, 1—MAN, helping 1—DRUG kingpin DISPOSE—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—VICTIMS by dissolving their bodies in caustic soda was arrested in the border CITY—OF—TIJUANA.
20090122             —CONFESSED, Authorities said SANTIAGO—MEZA—LOPEZ, to disposing of at least 300—BODIES over 1—DECADE.
20090122             —RAIDED, Army troops acting on 1—TIP, 1—CHILI—DRYING warehouse, belonging to the brother of ZACATECAS STATE—SENATOR—RICARDO—MONREAL, and found people loading marijuana onto trucks.
20090122             —SEIZED, More than 11.4—TONS—OF—THE—DRUG were, at the plant, near THE—CITY—OF—FRESNILLO.
20090122             NATO—SECRETARY—GENERAL—JAAP—DE—HOOP—SCHEFFER said PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—PLAN to nearly double USA—TROOP—NUMBERS in AFGHANISTAN needs to be matched by 1—SIMILAR surge in development workers and aid funding.
20090122             —TOILED, HUNDREDS—OF—WORKERS, in SOUTH—GAZA to repair DOZENS—OF—TUNNELS dug under tents or fake greenhouses —WHILE smugglers brought in food and fuel —JUST days —AFTER ISRAEL ended 1—BARRAGE—OF—BOMBS and missiles aimed at cutting off the supply route from EGYPT.
20090122             RUSSIA—CENTRAL—BANK said it will widen the ruble's trading range to allow 1—EFFECTIVE 10—PERCENT devaluation of the national currency.
20090122             —SHELLED, THE—SRI—LANKA—MILITARY, 1—VILLAGE and 1—MAKESHIFT—HOSPITAL inside 1—GOVERNMENT—DECLARED "safe zone" for civilians in the north, killing at least 30—PEOPLE and injuring SCORES—OF—OTHERS, according to local health officials.
20090122             —BATTLED, SUDAN—TROOPS, with rebels in SOUTH—DARFUR, and the fighting killed 5—REBELS and 2—SOLDIERS.
20090122             —DETAINED, TURKEY—POLICE, 39—MORE—SUSPECTS in 1—NEW—WAVE—OF—ARRESTS connected with Ergenekon, 1 alleged secularist plot to bring down THE—ISLAMIC—ROOTED government.
20090122             ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF: Obama will CIA—GEHEIMKNÄSTE schließen
20090122—20070000    —IDENTIFIED, THE—WSJ, Murtha as the largest earmarker in the House.
20090122—20090126    —ON, 1—COURT—CONVICTED—ZUMWINKEL—OF—TAX—EVASION, giving him a 2—YEAR suspended sentence and 1—HEFTY fine.
20090207             It renamed THE—FORMER—REPUBLIC—THE "Plurinational STATE—OF—BOLIVIA," effective as of 20100122           .
20100122             For nearly 3—DECADES he played gruff patriarch Palmer Cortland on THE—ABC soap opera "All My Children".
20100122             His film credits include "THE—BAND—WAGON" (19530000             ) with FRED—ASTAIRE, "Deep in My Heart" (19540000             ) and "OKLAHOMA" (19550000             ).
20100122             † JEAN—SIMMONS, 80—JAHRE—ALT, BRITISH—BORN film actress, in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA.
20100122             —BANNED, AFGHANISTAN, the use of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which was also used to make bombs, giving farmers and other holders 1—MONTH to turn in their supplies.
20100122             4—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIERS were killed and 1 wounded —WHEN the convoy of THE—GOVERNOR—OF—WARDAK province near KABUL was struck by 1—BOMB.
20100122             7—AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS were killed and 1 wounded in THE—NORTH—WHEN they tried to dig out 1—BOMB left over from the Soviet invasion.
20100122             BELGIUM—SCIENTISTS said nearly 80—PERCENT of the 300,000 CONFLICT—RELATED deaths in Darfur were due to diseases like diarrhea, not violence.
20100122             —RAISED, THE—UK—GOVERNMENT, its terror threat assessment from substantial to severe, suggesting 1—ATTACK was "highly likely", ahead of INTERNATIONAL meetings on YEMEN and AFGHANISTAN in LONDON next —WEEK.
20100122             BRITAIN, 2—BROTHERS, ages 10 & 11, from the Yorkshire village of Edlington were convicted of torturing and sexually abusing 2—YOUNGER—BOYS in 1—ORDEAL that 1—OF—THEM close to death.
20100122             —NEGOTIATED, SIR—PERCY—CRADOCK, 86—JAHRE—ALT, THE—UK—DIPLOMAT who, the terms for returning HONG—KONG to CHINA—RULE, †.
20100122             —GAINED, BRITAIN, 1—AGREEMENT on the principle of "1—NATION, 2—SYSTEMS" which preserved SOME—OF—HONG—KONG—DEMOCRATIC and economic freedoms.
20100122             —ISSUED, BEIJING, 1—STINGING response to USA—CRITICISM that it is jamming the free FLOW—OF—WORDS and ideas on THE—INTERNET, accusing THE—USA of damaging relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES by hoisting its "information imperialism" on CHINA.
20100122             1—ATTORNEY for 1—USA free speech group said USA—TRADE—OFFICIALS have asked for more information as they consider whether to pursue 1—POSSIBLE—WORLD—TRADE—ORGANIZATION—CASE against CHINA—INTERNET—BARRIERS.
20100122             Some 124—REFUGEES, who said they are Kurds and Tunisians, landed on the southern shore of Corsica —AFTER 1—LENGTHY—JOURNEY at sea.
20100122             —LAUNCHED, EAST—TIMOR, police, 1—FULL—SCALE—ANTI—NINJA operation and —LATER extended it —FOR—6—MONTHS with support from the armed forces.
20100122             Aid officials said Haitians are fleeing their QUAKE—RAVAGED CAPITAL—BY—THE—HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS, as their government promised to help nearly 1—HALF—MILLION—MORE—MOVE from squalid camps on curbsides and vacant lots into safer, cleaner tent cities.
20100122             —CAUSED, INDONESIA, incessant rain, floods in 2—REMOTE—VILLAGES in EAST—INDONESIA leaving 8—PEOPLE—DEAD and 13—OTHERS missing.
20100122             Intelligence officials said he was responsible for bringing HUNDREDS—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBERS across the border from Syria.
20100122             —RESCUED, Police in MEXICO—CITY, 150—FERRETS from armed robbers —AFTER 1—HIGH speed chase.
20100122             14—BOXES—OF ferrets imported from THE—USA were taken by force by 3—ROBBERS from 1—TRUCK—AFTER it left THE—MEXICO—CITY—AIRPORT.
20100122             2—SUSPECTS were under arrest and another escaped.
20100122             NEW—ZEALAND—COMMERCE—MINISTER, SIMON—POWER, said NEW—ZEALAND is reviewing its liberal SYSTEM—OF—COMPANY—REGISTRATION—AFTER investigators found 1—SHELL company based here leased 1—AIRPLANE that smuggled arms from NORTH—KOREA.
20100122             1—NEW—ZEALAND shell company, SP Trading Ltd., leased 1—AIRPLANE seized last —MONTH in THAILAND carrying 1—ILLEGAL—ARMS—SHIPMENT from NORTH—KOREA.
20100122             —POUNDED, PAKISTAN—GUNSHIP—HELICOPTERS, 1 suspected militant hideout in 1—NORTHWESTERN tribal area known for sheltering Taliban and AL—QAEDA fighters.
20100122             —SANCTIONED, RUSSIA, 1—COURT, on fraud charges THE—ARREST—OF—ALEXEI—DYMOVSKY, 1—POLICE—OFFICER who has complained on YOUTUBE—OF—ABUSE and corruption in the country's law enforcement system.
20100122             NOVEMBER, Dymovsky —POSTED 3—VIDEOS on YouTube in which he said he was promised 1—PROMOTION in return for jailing 1—INNOCENT—PERSON.
20100122             —ACCUSED, He also, his superiors of forcing officers to fake reports on unsolved crimes.
20100122             —FIRED, Dymovsky was, and founded 1—RIGHTS—DEFENSE—GROUP.
20100122             RWANDA, the latest feature film on 19940000             —THE—RWANDA genocide premiered in KIGALI.
20100122             BELGIUM—DIRECTOR—PHILIPPE—VAN—LEEUW shot "Le jour ou Dieu est parti en voyage" (THE—DAY—GOD—STAYED—AWAY) over 2—MONTHS -- June to 20080800              -- partly in KIGALI, partly in THE—SOUTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—CYANGUGU.
20100122             It shows in excruciating detail what —DAY—TO—DAY—LIFE must have been like for those who survived beyond the 1. days of the killing.
20100122             —CALLED, SERBIA, Irinej Gavrilovic, 1—MODERATE who —RECENTLY, for better ties with THE—ROMAN—CATHOLICS, was chosen as the new head of the influential SERBIA—ORTHODOX—CHURCH.
20100122             —REJECTED, SINGAPORE, allegations by 1—USA—BASED human rights group that it is a "politically repressive state".
20100122             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICA, the national parks authority said poachers have, 14—RHINOS this —YEAR.
20100122             —ANNOUNCED, The parks authority, military patrols in Kruger National Park, where 7—OF—THE—RHINOS were killed.
20100122             —KILLED, The other 7 were, in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE.
20100122             —TARGETED, SRI—LANKA, 1—KEY—OPPOSITION—ACTIVIST was, at home by 1—BOMB—ATTACK blamed on the ruling party as violence escalated ahead of next —WEEK—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION.
20100122             1—SWITZERLAND—COURT ruled that SWITZERLAND cannot hand over files on 26 suspected tax cheats to USA—AUTHORITIES because their failure to declare assets does not constitute fraud under SWITZERLAND—LAW.
20100122             —LAUNCHED, TURKEY—POLICE, 1—NATIONWIDE crackdown on suspected militants linked to THE—AL—QAIDA terror network, rounding up 120—PEOPLE in simultaneous PRE—DAWN raids.
20100122             VIETNAM, 19—RARE—ASIATIC—MOON—BEARS, found at 1—ILLEGAL—TAIWANESE—OWNED operation in SOUTH—VIETNAM, reached 1—NEW—HOME at Tam Dao National Park, joining 29—BEARS already at the rescue center.
20100122             —THICKENED, Ultrasound tests had found evidence of, gall bladders, 1—TELLTALE sign of gall bladder milking.
20100122             —REMOVED, SOME—MAY need to have the organ, because of extensive damage.
20100122             —APPEARED, YEMEN rebel leader, ABDEL—MALEK AL—HAWTHI, in 1—VIDEO—POSTED on the group's Web site to disprove YEMEN—GOVERNMENT—CLAIMS that he was killed in 1—ATTACK last —MONTH.
20100122             AL—HAWTHI was shown sitting on 1—CHAIR and speaking into 1—MICROPHONE.
20100122—19830000    —OPENED, He was ambassador to BEIJING —WHEN BRITAIN, negotiations on THE—HAND—OVER—OF—HONG—KONG.
20100123             —HALTED, THE—UK—DEPARTMENT—FOR—BUSINESS—INNOVATION and Skills, the export of the ADE651 —AFTER a 20100122              BBC Newsnight investigation challenged THE—CLAIMS—OF—THE—COMPANY, ATSC.
20100125—20100122    —ON, 1—STORY stated that MISTER—S—NETANYAHU fired a 70—YEAR—OLD gardener at THE—PRIME—MINISTER—OFFICIAL—RESIDENCE.
20110122             OAKLAND—CALIFORNIA, schools police officer SERGEANT—BARHIN—BHATT shot and killed Raheim Brown (20) as Brown allegedly tried to stab SERGEANT—JONATHAN—BELLUSA with 1—SCREWDRIVER.
20110122             —CONTRADICTED, Bellusa —LATER, BHATT—STORY and 1—FEDERAL—LAWSUIT was filed in connection with the shooting.
20110122             —ESCALATED, ALBANIA, 1—POLITICAL—CRISIS, as the government and the opposition traded blame for the deaths of 3—PROTESTS —DURING 1—VIOLENT—DEMONSTRATION against 1—ADMINISTRATION accused of deeply rooted corruption.
20110122             —CLASHED, ALGERIA, riot police, with protesters in ALGIERS as they broke up 1—BANNED—PRO—DEMOCRACY—RALLY amid mounting public grievances that have fuelled FEARS—OF—TUNISIA—STYLE—UNREST.
20110122             † KARIM—BENDINE, 35—JAHRE—ALT, in 1—HOSPITAL in Douera, 1—SUBURB—OF—ALGIERS, where he was admitted —EARLIER this —WEEK with MOST—OF—HIS—BODY covered in 3.—DEGREE burns.
20110122             —ANNOUNCED, IRELAND—PRIME—MINISTER—BRIAN—COWEN, his resignation as leader of the dominant Fianna Fail party but intends to keep leading the government through the March election.
20110122             1—JAPAN—ROCKET carrying supplies for THE—INTERNATIONAL—SPACE—STATION lifted off from 1—REMOTE—ISLAND on 1—MISSION designed to help fill 1—HOLE left by THE—RETIREMENT—OF—NASA—SPACE—SHUTTLE—PROGRAM.
20110122             † In MEXICO 1—POLICE—COMMANDER and 3—OFFICERS were wounded —WHEN 1—CAR—BOMB exploded in THE—CENTRAL—STATE—OF—HIDALGO.
20110122             —HANDED, THE—HEAD—OF—NEPAL—FORMER—COMMUNIST—REBELS, command of his fighters over to the government as PART—OF—1—PEACE—DEAL that ended the Himalayan nation's —DECADE—LONG—CONFLICT.
20110122             —TRIED, NIGERIA, soldiers shot and killed 1—MOTORCYCLIST who, to avoid 1—ARMY—CHECKPOINT, mistaking him for 1—ISLAMISTS seeking to carry out 1—ATTACK.
20110122             THE—RWANDA—ARMY said its FORMER—CHIEF—OF—STAFF and 1—EX—SPY—CHIEF, both exiled in SOUTH—AFRICA, have formed 1—REBEL—GROUP operating in neighboring Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO.
20110122             Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa and PATRICK—KAREGEYA and 2—OTHER—FORMER—TOP—OFFICIALS, also in exile, were last —WEEK sentenced to heavy jail terms for threatening state security.
20110122             TUNISIA, protesters who overthrew THE—PRESIDENT took to the streets again to accuse his lieutenants of clinging to power and to demand new leaders —NOW.
20110122             —STAGED, TUNISIA—ONCE—FEARED police, 1—RALLY—OF—THEIR—OWN, demanding better salaries and insisting they're not to blame for shooting deaths among protesters.
20110122             1—OFFICIAL—COUNT put 78—CIVILIANS—DEAD.
20110122             TURKEY, talks meant to nudge IRAN toward meeting UN Security Council demands to stop uranium enrichment collapsed, with TEHRAN shrugging off calls by 6—WORLD—POWERS to cease the activity that could be harnessed to make nuclear weapons.
20110122             † In WEST—UGANDA 15—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—BUS lost control —WHEN it hit 1—COW on the road and rammed into 1—ONCOMING truck.
20110122             "It —JUST goes to show that sometimes,
20110122             great scientific discoveries come not —WHEN we are looking for specific answers but —WHEN we are thorough
20110122             in our EXAMINATION—OF—THE—EVIDENCE and open to what data it provides," the university press release quoted Belknap as saying.
20110122             this is believed to be the oldest known evidence of domesticated dogs, rather than wolves, in the Americas.
20110122             9,—000—YEARS—AGO, man's best friend may also have been his dinner.
20110122             sagte Polizeisprecher GERHARD—GLASER.
20110122             "Es ist unseres Wissens nach die größte Menge Sprengstoff,
20110122             die je in RHEINLAND—PFALZ an einer Stelle gefunden wurde".
20110122             Den Europäern warf Ghannouchi vor, das alte Regime trotz gravierender Menschenrechtsverletzungen unterstützt zu haben.
20110122             "Damit", so Ghannouchi, "hat EUROPA seine Werte verraten.
20110122             —VERLÄNGERT, Das Schweigen Europas hat die Diktatur ".
20110122             0110122 Energieversorgung: Brüderle warnt vor Zusammenbruch des Stromnetzes
20110122             —EVAKUIERT, Dorf : Rentner hortet Nitroglyzerin in der Scheune
20110122             "Gorch Fock"-Kapitän abberufen: Der SCHNELLSCHUSS—MINISTER
20110122             —GEWINNT, Griechenland: Umschuldungsplan, immer mehr Anhänger
20110122             Tunes ien: Islamistenführer Ghannouchi plant Rückkehr
20110122             Einigung : Datenschützer erringen Sieg über Facebook
20110122             Nach Kapitänsabsetzung: Guttenberg lässt die "Gorch Fock" stilllegen
20110122             DIOOXIN—SKANDAL: Niederländischer Händler unter Verdacht
20110122             [l] Im DIOXIN—SKANDAL beginnt gerade mein Lieblingsteil bei sowas: Der "DIE—OPFER—SIND—SCHULD"-Teil.
20110122             Unsere Agrarministerin sagt an, dass Qualität halt seinen Preis hat,
20110122             und wer billig kauft, der wird halt vergiftet. Oder so.
20110122             In der —MITTE von ihrem Vortrag setzte dann kognitive Dissonanz ein:
20110122             "Qualität hat ihren Preis", erinnerte sie und forderte damit indirekt zu einem Mentalitätswechsel AUF—WEG vom "GEIZ—IST—GEIL—DENKEN".
20110122             Die Menschen müssten lernen, "den Wert von Lebensmitteln besser zu schätzen".
20110122             Allerdings müssten Lebensmittel sicher und bezahlbar zugleich sein.
20110122             Paradiesen der - [l] 1—DER—RANZIGEN—BOULEVARD—MAGAZINE in BERLIN am Kiosk hat —HEUTE fett getitelt,
20110122             der DIOXIN—VERANTWORTLICHE sei früher für die Stasi tätig gewesen.
20110122             Ich hab mir nicht gemerkt, welches Blatt das war,
20110122             weil ich meinen Brechreiz unterdrücken musste.
20110122             Die Süddeutsche hat auch was dazu
20110122             Ich bin ja bei solchen Meldungen immer erschüttert, dass die damit durchkommen.
20110122             Wieso steht da nicht "ist CDU—MITGLIED" oder von mir aus FDP, wenn der in der FDP ist.
20110122             Oder "ist in der katholischen Kirche"?
20110122             Was soll das —JETZT? Wem nützt das?
20110122             Ich interpretiere solche Aktionen immer als Versuch der CDU, die Schuld von sich wegzuschieben.
20110122             Achtet mal darauf, wer gerade am lautesten nach Strafen schreit.
20110122             Fast ausschließlich CDU—POLITIKER.
20110122             DAX—GEFLÜSTER: Es ist nicht alles Goldman, was glänzt
20110122             "Gorch Fock": Guttenberg setzt Kommandanten ab
20110122             Schmiergeldzahlungen: Justiz ermittelt gegen Pharmafirma wegen Bestechung
20110122             Es sei 1—SKANDAL, dass 1—MILLIARDE—MENSCHEN—HUNGER leiden, obwohl genug Lebensmittel produziert werden, um die gesamte Weltbevölkerung zu ernähren.
20110122             Davon erreichten jedoch 14000000              Kalorien niemals einen Magen.
20110122             hieß es.
20110122             —VERBESSERT, Hier müssten die Handelsströme, werden.
20110122             Hinzu kommt, dass der Anbau von Biokraftstoffen immer mehr die Lebensmittelproduktion verdrängt.
20110122             Außerdem verteuern gestiegene Energiepreise die landwirtschaftliche Produktion und damit die Lebensmittel.
20110122             vielen Ländern müsse man sich auf 1—HUNGERSNOT oder zumindest 1—WELLE—VON—KRANKHEITEN durch Mangelernährung gefasst machen.
20110122             —ANFANG des Jahres sagte Abdolreza Abbassian,
20110122             Ökonom und Getreideexperte bei der UNO—WELTERNÄHRUNGSORGANISATION FAO, man müsse mit Ausschreitungen rechnen.
20110122             Im Nachbarland PAKISTAN sind die Kosten für Mehl, Gemüse, Obst, Speiseöl, Linsen, Milch,
20110122             —GESTIEGEN, Eier und Fleisch so stark,
20110122             dass MANCHE—POLITIKER von einer "existentiellen Krise" sprechen.
20110122             —GRASSIERT, In weiten Teilen Asiens, 1—INFLATION,
20110122             die Lebensmittel fast unbezahlbar macht.
20110122             und 1—HANDVOLL—REIS kaufen, damit seine Frau,
20110122             die 3—KINDER und er etwas zu essen haben. die üblichen Aktivisten,
20110122             Fällt die Arbeitspartei weg, dann gibt es kein Gegengewicht mehr gegen die ANTI—DEMOKRATISCHEN und nationalistischen Kräfte in der Regierung
20110122             weiter gestärkt.
20110122             Verhandlungen mit den Palästinensern dürften noch schwerer werden,
20110122             gleichzeitig steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen KRIEG—GEGEN—IRAN.
20110122             ISRAEL, macht man sich über das Führungspersonal keine Illusionen mehr.
20110122             —VERURTEILT, EX—PRÄSIDENT—KATZAV wurde gerade wegen Vergewaltigung,
20110122             EX—PREMIER Ehud Olmert hat Gelder veruntreut und private Spenden angenommen,
20110122             gegen Außenminister Avigdor Lieberman laufen ebenfalls Ermittlungen wegen Korruption.
20110122             Der künftige Armeechef steht —SCHON vor Amtsantritt unter dem Verdacht, sich illegal Staatsland angeeignet zu haben,
20110122             gegen den Kandidaten für den Posten als neuer Polizeichef wird wegen Vergewaltigung ermittelt.
20110122             diesen wochenlang von Barak und Netanjahu im Geheimen vorbereiteten Coup,
20110122             Dann werden die Abgeordneten aus dem Parlament verwiesen.
20110122             Die ABSPALTUNG—VON—DER—ARBEITSPARTEI und Gründung einer neuen Partei mit dem schönen Namen "Unabhängigkeit".
20110122             Gleichzeitig ist es 1—BANKROTTERKLÄRUNG für die konservative Presse, die den Fall größtenteils ignoriert HAT—TEILS aus Angst vor dem Zorn der Regierung,
20110122             teils aus falsch verstandener Branchensolidarität.
20110122             Besonders peinlich ist die Episode für die Medien aus dem Hause Murdoch, zu denen auch die "NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD" gehört:
20110122             Die ganze Gruppe hatte sich selbst einen Maulkorb auferlegt und nur mit größter Zurückhaltung berichtet.
20110122             LINKEN—FRAKTION—VIZE—ULRICH—MAURER wies die Kritik der anderen Parteien als "opportunistisch und scheinheilig" zurück.
20110122             DIE IDEE DES KOMMUNISMUS sei —BEREITS in der Apostelgeschichte der Bibel enthalten,
20110122             später sei DIE IDEE DES KOMMUNISMUS wie alle anderen großen Utopien missbraucht worden.
20110122             LINKEN—FRAKTION—VIZE—ULRICH—MAURER verwies dabei auf die Verbrechen Stalins und das Grenzregime an der Berliner Mauer.
20110122             Die anderen Parteien wollten mit der KOMMUNISMUS—DEBATTE nur von den eigentlichen Problemen ablenken.
20110122             † COUNT—HANS—GRAF—HUYN
20110122             —DISCOVERED, Archaeologists say they've, EVIDENCE—OF—WHAT'S believed to be the oldest domesticated dog in the Americas, and that more than
20110122             "It —JUST goes to show that sometimes, great scientific discoveries come not —WHEN we are looking for specific answers but —WHEN we are thorough... in our EXAMINATION—OF—THE—EVIDENCE and open to what data it provides," the university press release quoted Belknap as saying.
20110122             "Es ist unseres Wissens nach die größte Menge Sprengstoff, die je in RHEINLAND—PFALZ an einer Stelle gefunden wurde".
20110122             "Damit", so Ghannouchi, "hat EUROPA seine Werte verraten. Das Schweigen Europas hat die Diktatur verlängert".
20110122             0110122 - Energieversorgung: Brüderle warnt vor Zusammenbruch des Stromnetzes
20110122    Im DIOXIN—SKANDAL beginnt gerade mein Lieblingsteil bei sowas:
20110122             Der "DIE—OPFER—SIND—SCHULD"-Teil.
20110122             Unsere Agrarministerin sagt an, dass Qualität halt seinen Preis hat, und wer billig kauft, der wird halt vergiftet.
20110122             Oder so.
20110122             In der —MITTE von ihrem Vortrag setzte dann kognitive Dissonanz ein: "Qualität hat ihren Preis", erinnerte sie und forderte damit indirekt zu einem Mentalitätswechsel AUF—WEG vom "GEIZ—IST—GEIL—DENKEN".
20110122             Die BAHAMAS gehören zu den Paradiesen der Erde
20110122    1—DER—RANZIGEN—BOULEVARD—MAGAZINE in BERLIN am Kiosk hat —HEUTE fett getitelt, der DIOXIN—VERANTWORTLICHE sei früher für die Stasi tätig gewesen.
20110122             Ich hab mir nicht gemerkt, welches Blatt das war, weil ich meinen Brechreiz unterdrücken musste.
20110122             Die Süddeutsche hat auch was dazu und bezieht sich auf die "B.Z.".
20110122             Was ist die Botschaft? ALLE—STASI—MITARBEITER sind Unmenschen, die mal eben massenweise Menschen vergiften würden?
20110122             Wie der WWF unter Berufung auf wissenschaftliche Schätzungen mitteilte, erzeugt die Landwirtschaft weltweit 4600—KILOKALORIEN pro —TAG und Mensch.
20110122             ENTWICKLUNGSLÄNDERN, gingen Lebensmittel durch falsche oder fehlende Lagerung und Verarbeitung verloren, hieß es.
20110122             —ANFANG des Jahres sagte Abdolreza Abbassian, Ökonom und Getreideexperte bei der UNO—WELTERNÄHRUNGSORGANISATION FAO, man müsse mit Ausschreitungen rechnen.
20110122             Im Nachbarland PAKISTAN sind die Kosten für Mehl, Gemüse, Obst, Speiseöl, Linsen, Milch, Eier und Fleisch so stark gestiegen, dass MANCHE—POLITIKER von einer "existentiellen Krise" sprechen.
20110122             —GRASSIERT, In weiten Teilen Asiens, 1—INFLATION, die Lebensmittel fast unbezahlbar macht.
20110122             und 1—HANDVOLL—REIS kaufen, damit seine Frau, die 3—KINDER und er etwas zu essen haben.
20110122             "Wir haben uns längst daran gewöhnt, auf Fleisch, Eier und Milchprodukte zu verzichten".
20110122             die üblichen - weiter gestärkt.
20110122             Verhandlungen mit den Palästinensern dürften noch schwerer werden, gleichzeitig steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen KRIEG—GEGEN—IRAN.
20110122             —VERURTEILT, EX—PRÄSIDENT—KATZAV wurde gerade wegen Vergewaltigung, EX—PREMIER Ehud Olmert hat Gelder veruntreut und private Spenden angenommen, gegen Außenminister Avigdor Lieberman laufen ebenfalls Ermittlungen wegen Korruption.
20110122             Der künftige Armeechef steht —SCHON vor Amtsantritt unter dem Verdacht, sich illegal Staatsland angeeignet zu haben, gegen den Kandidaten für den Posten als neuer Polizeichef wird wegen Vergewaltigung ermittelt.[...]
20110122             Stinkende Politik, so nennen Israelis das, was Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak am —MONTAG verkündete:
20110122             Gleichzeitig ist es 1—BANKROTTERKLÄRUNG für die konservative Presse, die den Fall größtenteils ignoriert HAT—TEILS aus Angst vor dem Zorn der Regierung, teils aus falsch verstandener Branchensolidarität. Besonders peinlich ist die Episode für die Medien aus dem Hause Murdoch, zu denen auch die "NEWS—OF—THE—WORLD" gehört: Die ganze Gruppe hatte sich selbst einen Maulkorb auferlegt und nur mit größter Zurückhaltung berichtet.
20110122             Spekulanten, die an Terminbörsen Saatgut verteuerten, hätten unter den heutigen Verhältnissen VIELE—MENSCHENLEBEN auf dem Gewissen, sagte Maurer.
20110122             DIE—IDEE des Kommunismus sei —BEREITS in der Apostelgeschichte der Bibel enthalten, später sei sie wie alle anderen großen Utopien missbraucht worden.
20110122             Er verwies dabei auf die Verbrechen Stalins und das Grenzregime an der Berliner Mauer.
20110122—20110112    —SINCE, 7—OTHER—ALGERIANS have set themselves on fire, apparently inspired by THE—SELF—IMMOLATION in TUNISIA—OF—26—YEAR—OLD MOHAMMED—BOUAZIZI.
20110122—20130000    —AGREED, THE—OAKLAND Unified School District, to pay $995,000 to settle 2—LAWSUITS in connection with BROWN—DEATH.
20110122—20140000    —AGREED, Bellusa (39), to settle his suit for $550,000.
20110305—20110122    —AM, Die EF 2—IST an 4—INTERNATIONALEN Kriegseinsätzen beteiligt... erklärte die Marine der Bundeswehr die EF 2-Kriegsschiffe BERLIN, RHEINLAND—PFALZ und BRANDENBURG zum "Einsatzausbildungsverband 20110000              (EAV)" und äußerte zu derem Auftrag im Mittelmeer: "1—AUFTRAG—DES—EAV: Die praxisnahe Ausbildung der OA (Offizieranwärter)"
20120122             Bei einem Referendum in Kroatien stimmt eine deutliche Mehrheit für den EU—BEITRITT des Landes.
20120122             —ANNOUNCED, USA REPRESENTATIVE—GABRIELLE—GIFFORDS—OF—ARIZONA, she intends to resign from Congress this —WEEK to concentrate on recovering from wounds suffered in 1—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT 1—LITTLE—MORE than 1—YEAR ago.
20120122             † JOE—PATERNO, 85—JAHRE—ALT, the longtime Penn State coach.
20120122             JOE—PATERNO won more games than anyone in major college football but was fired amid 1—CHILD—SEX—ABUSE—SCANDAL that scarred his reputation for winning with integrity.
20120122             —SENTENCED, ALGERIA, in absentia Mokhtar Belmokhtar, 1—TOP—LEADER in AL—QAEDA—NORTH—AFRICAN branch, to death along with 3—OTHERS for ACTS—OF—TERRORISM and "participation in voluntary acts of homicide" against members of the armed forces.
20120122             THE—ARAB—LEAGUE—OFFICIALS said its observer's mission in Syria has been extended for another —MONTH.
20120122             —ACCUSED, UK—AUTHOR—SALMAN—RUSHDIE, INDIA—POLICE—OF making up 1—UNDERWORLD plot to assassinate him that forced him to pull out of 1—LITERARY—FESTIVAL this weekend.
20120122             Voters in CHAD went to the polls for the 1. local elections in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN country's history, —AFTER the ballot had been rescheduled several times.
20120122             † In SOUTH—WEST—CHINA 1—MAN who contracted the bird flu virus, the 2. human death from the virulent disease in the country in —JUST under 1—MONTH.
20120122             —VOTED, Croatians, in 1—REFERENDUM on whether to join the European Union.
20120122             68% approved the referendum with 1—TURNOUT—OF—47—PERCENT—OF—ELIGIBLE—VOTERS.
20120122             —VOTED, Finns, for 1—NEW—PRESIDENT.
20120122             PEKKA—HAAVISTO—OF—THE—GREENS—PARTY was 2. with 18.8%.
20120122             † INDIA—AUTHORITIES said at least 26—INFANTS have in the past 5—DAYS in 1—STATE—RUN—HOSPITAL in WEST—BENGAL state.
20120122             MOST—OF—THEM were underweight and had been suffering from birth asphyxia.
20120122             Human Rights Watch said IRAQ—SHIITE—LED government is turning the country into a "budding police state" as security forces routinely abuse protesters, harass journalist, torture detainees and intimidate activists.
20120122             —SUSPENDED, THE—HEAD—OF—LIBYA—TRANSITIONAL government, delegates from BENGHAZI.
20120122             ABDUL—JALIL said he appointed 1—COUNCIL—OF—RELIGIOUS—LEADERS to investigate corruption charges and identify people with links to the Gadhafi regime.
20120122             —RESIGNED, NTC deputy HEAD—ABDEL—HAFIZ—GHOGA, from his post, as THOUSANDS—OF—STUDENTS demonstrated against him in BENGHAZI—UNIVERSITY—OF—GHAR—YUNIS.
20120122             —INJURED, MEXICO—GUERRERO—STATE—ATOYAC—DE—ALVAREZ, municipal police officers found 7—DEAD and 2, at the scene of 1—FUNERAL vigil.
20120122             † 1—OF the injured —LATER.
20120122             —DUMPED, ACAPULCO police said that 3—BODIES were found, in 1—VACANT—LOT in the resort city, —WHILE a 4. was found decapitated in 1—CAR and another man † in 1—SHOOTOUT with police.
20120122             MOZAMBIQUE, storms left 12—PEOPLE—DEAD in THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—ZAMBEZIA.
20120122             10—DEATHS in southern areas had been reported —EARLIER in the aftermath of 1—TROPICAL—DEPRESSION that brought fierce rains and wind last —WEEK.
20120122             —KILLED, NORTH—NIGERIA, 11—PEOPLE were, overnight in 1—ATTACK in BAUCHI state.
20120122             PAKISTAN, 1—KENYA—AID—WORKER and his PAKISTAN—DRIVER working for CARE Int'l went missing in SOUTH—PROVINCE—OF—SINDH.
20120122             1—PHILIPPINES' military statement said communist insurgents have stepped up "EXTORTION—BASED violence" and attacks on "soft targets" to raise funds amid waning public support.
20120122             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 2—KENYAN and 1—SOMALIA—SOLDIERS were, —DURING 1—ATTACK on hardline Shehab positions at Delbio and Hosingo.
20120122             —RETREATED, SYRIA—SECURITY—FORCES, from the center of Douma 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST—DAMASCUS suburbs —AFTER intense clashes with ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ARMY defectors.
20120122             STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY, SANA, said 1 estimated 5,255 prisoners have been released over the past —WEEK under 1—RECENT—AMNESTY, raising the total freed —SINCE November to more than 9,000. 11—RESIDENTS—OF—DOUMA were either shot dead by security forces or killed in clashes between army defectors and troops.
20120122             1—TURKEY—DOCTOR whose 25-member team performed the world's 1. triple limb transplant, 2—ARMS and 1—LEG, said the leg has been removed due to tissue incompatibility.
20120122             —DELIVERED, Outgoing YEMEN—PRESIDENT—ALI—ABDULLAH—SALEH, 1—FAREWELL speech, apologizing for mistakes and saying it is time to hand over power.
20120122             He announced THE—PROMOTION—OF—VICE—PRESIDENT—ABED—RABBO—MANSOUR—HADI to THE—RANK—OF—MARSHAL and left the country for medical treatment in NEW—YORK—CITY.
20120122             —DEMANDED, Tens of thousands, SALEH—EXECUTION protesting against 1—LAW giving him full immunity from prosecution.
20120122—19170000    —IN, FINLAND—12. PRESIDENT —SINCE independence from RUSSIA will replace Tarja Halonen.
20120122—19930000    —SINCE, ALGERIA has had 1—MORATORIUM on the death penalty.
20120122—20100000    —IN, It also said THE—STRENGTH—OF—THE—NEW—PEOPLE—ARMY (NPA) has fallen to —JUST over 4,000 —LAST—YEAR from about 4,300.
20120122—20120205    —ON, THE—FRONT—RUNNER, EX—FINANCE—MINISTER—SAULI—NIINISTO, won 37% setting up a 2. round.
20120122—20130700    —SIGNED, CROATIA, 1—EU accession treaty —LAST—YEAR and is on track to become 1—MEMBER.
20120714—20140122    —ON, her husband PABLO—CASELLAS, THE—SON—OF—1—USA—DISTRICT—COURT—JUDGE, was found guilty on charges including murder, weapons offenses and destroying evidence.
20130121—20210122    —SENTENCED, Cuadras was, to life in prison.
20130122             USA—OFFICIALS said the Pentagon has found that GENERAL—JOHN—ALLEN did not engage in inappropriate communications with JILL—KELLEY, 1—CIVIL—WOMAN linked to the sex scandal that led retired GENERAL—DAVID—PETRAEUS to resign as CIA director.
20130122             —PLEADED, CONNECTICUT, KEVIN—WALLIN, 61—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CATOLIC—PRIEST, not guilty to federal charges of selling crystal meth to 1—UNDERCOVER police officer.
20130122             —ACCUSED—OF, He was, making over $300,000 in methamphetamine sales —WHILE running 1—ADULT—VIDEO and sex toy shop.
20130122             —APPROVED, NEBRASKA GOVERNOR—DAVE—HEINEMAN, 1 revised route for the Keystone XL pipeline through NEBRASKA.
20130122             —CLOSED, RYAN—WALKER—GRANT, 1—CO—OWNER—OF—1—NOW, TEXAS strip club, was sentenced to 10—YEARS in prison for 1 failed plot to hire hit men to kill ARLINGTON Mayor ROBERT—CLUCK and 1—DALLAS lawyer.
20130122             1—ALGERIA—OFFICIAL said the search is on for THE—5—FOREIGNERS unaccounted for from the terrorist attack on the remote natural gas site, who may be lost in the vast SAHARA desert.
20130122             11—EU countries received the green light to plan 1—FINANCIAL—TRANSACTION—TAX that could generate BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in revenue for CASH—STRAPPED governments.
20130122             French and GERMANY—CABINETS held 1—JOINT meeting —BEFORE both countries' Parliaments met in the landmark Reichstag building to mark the anniversary of the signing of 19630000             —THE Elysee Treaty, 1—MILESTONE for 2—COUNTRIES that had fought 3—WARS in 70—YEARS.
20130122             1—FOUL—SMELLING CLOUD—OF—GAS escaped from 1—FACTORY in NORTH—FRANCE, making life unpleasant from the outskirts of PARIS to BRITAIN—SHORES and prompting SCORES—OF—EMERGENCY—CALLS.
20130122             The mercaptan gas from THE—ROUEN chemical factory was said to be harmless.
20130122             1—INDONESIA—COURT—SENTENCED—UK—GRANDMOTHER Lindsay JUNE—SANDIFORD (56), to death for smuggling 8.4—POUNDS—OF—COCAINE worth $2.5—MILLION in her suitcase onto the resort ISLAND—OF—BALI — even though prosecutors had sought only a 15-year sentence.
20130122             1—MAGNITUDE 6.0—EARTHQUAKE rocked PARTS—OF—WEST—INDONESIA, killing a 9—YEAR—OLD—GIRL, panicking residents and ruining homes.
20130122             IRAQ, 1—STRING—OF—CAR—BOMB—ATTACKS, MOST—OF—THEM in and —AROUND BAGHDAD, killed at least 25—PEOPLE and wounded dozens.
20130122             —VOTED, Israelis, in 1—ELECTION—LIKELY to keep hardline PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU at THE—HELM—OF—GOVERNMENT for a 3. term despite 1—TURBULENT record.
20130122             —DEADLOCKED, The parliamentary election left THE—2—MAIN—BLOCS, with 60—SEATS each, based on nearly complete official vote counts.
20130122             Yesh Atid (There is 1—FUTURE), led by Yair Lapid (49), emerged as the 2.—LARGEST party in PARLIAMENT.
20130122             THE—PHILIPPINES took 1—DESPERATE—LEGAL—STEP against CHINA—CLAIMS to virtually the entire SOUTH—CHINA—SEA, formally notifying THE—ASIA—SUPERPOWER that MANILA is seeking INTERNATIONAL arbitration to declare BEIJING—MOVES in the potentially OIL—RICH—WATERS "unlawful".
20130122             —FIRED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—POLICE, rubber bullets at protesters —DURING a 3. —DAY—OF—VIOLENT clashes.
20130122             —PROPOSED, Residents of Sasolburg were angry over 1, change in municipal boundaries, which they say could affect THE—DELIVERY—OF—SERVICES.
20130122             —BATTLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and rebels, in the suburbs of DAMASCUS and elsewhere.
20130122             4—BUSES carrying RUSSIA—CITIZENS escaping the civil war crossed into LEBANON, in the 1. evacuation organized by MOSCOW —SINCE THE—START—OF—THE—CONFLICT nearly 2—YEARS ago.
20130122             UN agencies and INTERNATIONAL aid groups said YEMEN—GOVERNMENT and INTERNATIONAL donors must allocate over $700—MILLION to help ease 1—DEEPENING humanitarian crisis that includes widespread malnutrition in the Arabian peninsula's poorest country.
20130122             VENEZUELA—GOVERNMENT said PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ is in good spirits and recovering —6—WEEKS—AFTER he underwent cancer surgery in CUBA.
20130122             EURO—GRUPPEN—CHEF—DIJSSELBLOEM: Solidarisch, sparsam, DIPLOMAtisch
20130122             OBAMA—VEREIDIGUNG: ROMNEY bleibt Feier fern
20130122             WAHLEN—IN—ISRAEL: WIRTSCHAFTS—KRISE könnte NETANJAHU den Sieg kosten
20130122             Unbefristete Anleihekäufe: JAPAN—NOTEN—BANK—DREHT—GELDHAHN weit auf
20130122             MALI—EINSATZ: Britische Armee in Alarmbereitschaft
20130122             —NACHBAR FRANKREICH: "Arbeit für jeden, 10—AUF Deutsch —BIS 10—ZÄHLEN kann"
20130122             Instinktives Verhalten des Menschen: Geborene Helfer
20130122             BERLINer TUNNEL—GANGSTER: Täter hatten wohl Schließfach in Bank
20130122             SMARTPHONE—APP verrät Verkehrssünder: Petze an Bord
20130122             —VERURTEILT, INDONESIEN: Britin wegen Drogenschmuggels zum Tode
20130122             50—JAHRE ELYSÉE—VERTRAG: Freundschaft im Dienst EUROPAs
20130122             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS, "FRANKREICH ist Aufnahmeland für Fremdes"
20130122             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: MOSKAU startet RETTUNGS—AKTION für RUSSEN in SYRIEN
20130122             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Freundschaft: "Prachtvoller Ball der Scheinheiligen"
20130122             PLAN—GEGEN STEUERdrücker: Gutachten empfiehlt FRANKREICH DATEN—STEUER
20130122             —ENDE, für BSE—TESTS: Britisches Roulette beim BURGER—ESSEN
20130122             Ärger über kurze TOILETTEN—ZEITEN: Chinesische —ARBEITER nahmen Manager als Geiseln
20130122             —LAUT—DER—ANALYSE teilen sich der TIANYUAN—MENSCH, die —HEUTE lebenden Asiaten und die amerikanischen UR—EINWOHNER 1—GEMEINSAME Herkunft.
20130122             DIE—GESCHICHTE lehrt uns, daß diese Wahrheiten vielleicht SELBST—VERSTÄNDLICH sind, aber sie stellen sich nicht von alleine ein.
20130122             Das amerikanische Volk kann die Anforderungen der Welt nicht mehr allein erfüllen, so wenig wie amerikanische Soldaten KOMMUNISMUS und FASCHISMUS mit Musketen und —MILIZEN bekämpfen konnten.
20130122             —JETZT, mehr als jemals zuvor, müssen wir zusammenarbeiten".
20130122             "Wir, DAS—VOLK, glauben, daß unser Land nicht erfolgreich besteht, wenn es 1—IMMER kleiner werdenden Minderheit sehr gut geht und 1—IMMER größer werdende Mehrheit kaum über die Runden kommt.
20130122             "Wir, DAS—VOLK, "Wir, DAS—VOLK, erklären —HEUTE,
20130122             Körperkamera: Auf Beutezug mit Pinguinen
20130122             Spekulation mit NAHRUNGS—MITTELN: AIGNER rügt DEUTSCHE—BANK
20130122             THE—SECRET—CIA—KNOCK—LIST—OF (agents, operatives, spies and
20130122             [l] DIE—UNO hat sich mal die Gefängnisse in AFGHANISTAN angeguckt.
20130122             UNAMA found 1—PERSISTENT—LACK—OF—ACCOUNTABILITY for PERPETRATORS—OF—TORTURE with few investigations and no prosecutions for those responsible
20130122             [l] Wie kommt es eigentlich, daß die Ärzte in katholischen Kliniken keine Zivilcourage haben?
20130122             [l] Gaswarnung in SÜD—ENGLAND, aber Schuld sind DIE—FRANZOSEN.
20130122             Gas Incident across the south east
20130122             —TODAY (—TUESDAY ;;0122;;) 1—STRONG—SMELL—OF—GAS has been reported across PARTS—OF—SOUTH—EAST—ENGLAND and this is believed to have come from 1—CHEMICAL—FACTORY in NORTH—FRANCE.
20130122             —RECEIVED, THE—NATIONAL—GAS—EMERGENCY—PHONE—LINE has, 1 unprecedented NUMBER—OF—CALLS.
20130122             —EXTENDED, Due to these call VOLUMES, there may be 1, waiting time —BEFORE 1—CALL is answered.
20130122             WTF?
20130122             —UPDATE, Oh gucke mal, gab tatsächlich 1—STINKENDE Chemiewolke aus FRANKREICH.
20130122             Das INNEN—MINISTERIUM bemühte sich zu beruhigen: Das Gas sei harmlos.
20130122             Keinerlei Gefahr, wenn man von den paar winzigen Unwichtigkeiten hier absieht:
20130122             In schwachen Konzentrationen kann das Gas Augen, Atemwege und Haut reizen.
20130122             Völlig harmlos also.
20130122             [l] 1—FÜR die Geschichtsbücher: Verzweifelte USA—VERBRAUCHER—SCHUTZ—ORGANISATIONEN betteln DIE—EU an, sie möge ordentliche DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELN vorgeben, weil EU—REGELUNGEN ja WELT—WEIT 1—VORBILD seien und IN—DEN—USA DATEN—SCHUTZ—REGELUNGEN immer an Lobbyisten scheitern.
20130122             Vegas officer kills wife, son and himself
20130122             A 20-year police veteran killed his w... - Slain American 'felt safe' in ALGERIA
20130122             —EXCITED, VICTOR Lovelady was, about the...
20130122             SCHULDEN—KRISE, Die meisten DEUTSCHEN trauen dem EURO nicht
20130122             Emissionshandel: VERBRAUCHER—SCHÜTZER werfen Airlines PASSAGIER—NEPP vor
20130122             "Letzte Meile": Millionen DEUTSCHEN drohen höhere Telefonkosten
20130122             CHEMIEUN—FALL—IN—ROUEN: Stinkende Gaswolke beunruhigt FRANZOSEN
201301221939         —HEUTE, Psychische Krankheiten: Mehr USA—SCHUL—KINDER erhalten ADHS—DIAGN        kuac
20130122—20060000    —SINCE, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL voted unanimously to adopt Resolution 2087, the 3. of its kind, condemning 1—NORTH—KOREA—ROCKET—LAUNCH as violating 1—BAN on missile activity.
20130122—20080000    —SINCE, INDONESIA has not carried out 1—EXECUTION, —WHEN 10—PEOPLE were put to death.
20130122—20130402    —PLEADED, Wallin, guilty to 1—FEDERAL—DRUG—CHARGE.
20130920             —AM, 20090122, dem 2. genannten DATUM, referierte er vor $—EU—AUSSCHUSS über den EURO.
20131125—20130122    —ON, THE—UN said SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and opposition will hold their 1. peace talks in GENEVA, in 1—ATTEMPT to halt the nearly 3—YEAR—OLD—CIVIL—WAR that has killed more than 100,000—PEOPLE.
20140104—20140122    —ON, THE—RUSSIA—TRAWLER left the port of DAKAR —FOLLOWING 1—AGREEMENT by MOSCOW to pay $1—MILLION.
20140119             —INVITED, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON said IRAN has been, to attend a 20140122              meeting of foreign ministers in THE—SWITZERLAND—CITY—OF—MONTREUX ahead of internationally brokered peace talks between SYRIA—WARRING factions.
20140122             —SIGNED, THE—NEW—YORK Yankees, JAPAN—PITCHING ace Masahiro Tanaka to a $155—MILLION—CONTRACT.
20140122             THE—WASHINGTON—BASED INTERNATIONAL—CONSORTIUM—OF—INVESTIGATIVE—JOURNALISTS (ICIJ) said it has obtained documents showing the identities of nearly 22,000 OWNERS—OF—COMPANIES and trusts in THE—UK—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, SAMOA and other offshore centers.
20140122             It said they include THE—BROTHER—IN—LAW—OF—CHINA—PRESIDENT—XI, FORMER—PREMIER—WEN—JIABAO—SON and SON—IN—LAW and RELATIVES—OF—OTHER ruling party figures.
20140122             —DUMPED, THE—NORTH—EAST—USA dug out from 1—STORM that, more than 15—INCHES—OF—SNOW in SOME—PLACES with frigid, windy weather closing SOME—SCHOOLS and offices and delaying or canceling THOUSANDS—OF—FLIGHTS.
20140122             CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR—JERRY—BROWN, 75—JAHRE—ALT took credit for his state's fiscal rebound in 1—STATE—OF—THE—STATE—ADDRESS.
20140122             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, EDGAR—TAMAYO—ARIAS, 46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEXICAN convicted of killing 1—POLICEMAN, despite 1—DIPLOMATIC—OUTCRY and pressure from THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT to further review his case.
20140122             —ANNOUNCED, USA—HOTEL—GIANT—MARRIOTT, it had finalized 1—DEAL to buy THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—BASED Protea group, AFRICA—LARGEST—HOTEL—CHAIN, for $186—MILLION.
20140122             TransCanada began delivering oil from CUSHING—OKLAHOMA, to customers in NEDERLAND—TEXAS, through the southern portion of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
20140122             —REPELLED, AZERBAIJAN said it had, 1—CROSS—BORDER—RAID by ARMENIA—FORCES in the latest OUTBREAK—OF—VIOLENCE over the disputed Nagorny Karabakh region.
20140122             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—THE—RED—CROSS, said it has found 11—CORPSES, most burnt beyond recognition, dumped in BANGUI.
20140122             —KILLED, At least 10—PEOPLE were, in clashes between FORMER—SELEKA fighters and civilians in BANGUI.
20140122             HUNDREDS—OF—CHRISTIANS went on 1—RAMPAGE in BANGUI, looting and setting fire to MUSLIM—OWNED homes and businesses and threatening to go on 1—KILLING spree as the country prepared to inaugurate 1—NEW—INTERIM—PRESIDENT.
20140122             —CONDEMNED, THE—CHINA—GOVERNMENT, 1—REPORT on THE—WEALTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY—ELITE being hidden in overseas tax havens as illogical and having ulterior motives, as the government blocked websites and censored MENTION—OF—THE—STORY online.
20140122             SOUTH—INDIA, forest officials in Tamil Nadu state shot dead 1—TIGER suspected of killing 3—PEOPLE, ending its 3—WEEK—REIGN—OF—TERROR which forced DOZENS—OF—SCHOOLS to close.
20140122             INDONESIA, ANDREA—WALDECK, UK—WOMAN, was jailed —FOR—14—YEARS but escaped the death penalty —AFTER admitting that she smuggled crystal methamphetamine into INDONESIA from CHINA. she had confessed to taking the drugs through the airport in SURABAYA.
20140122             IRAQ, several neighborhoods in SOUTH—FALLUJAH were hit by shelling late —TODAY, with 4—PEOPLE killed and 18—OTHERS wounded.
20140122             1—ISRAEL—AIR—STRIKE killed 2—PALESTINIANS including 1—MILITANT in NORTH—GAZA.
20140122             —BLAMED, ISRAEL, 1—OF—THEM for firing rockets across the border —DURING FORMER—ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—ARIEL—SHARON—FUNERAL last —WEEK.
20140122             —ARRESTED, ISRAEL said it has, 1—AL—QAEDA—RUN—MILITANT—CELL in annexed EAST—JERUSALEM which was planning to bomb THE—USA—EMBASSY.
20140122             —MOVED, ISRAEL, forward with plans for 261—NEW—HOMES in 2—SETTLEMENTS located deep in the occupied WEST—BANK.
20140122             —INCLUDED, The plans, 256—HOUSING units in Nofei Prat settlement, between EAST—JERUSALEM and Jericho, and another 5 in the sprawling Ariel settlement in the north.
20140122             —SEIZED, ITALY—POLICE, 27—PIZZERIAS, cafes and other eateries in the heart of ROME and elsewhere in 1—PROBE highlighting the seemingly legitimate business fronting for organized crime in places far from the mobsters' Naples base.
20140122             —APPROVED, THE—LATVIA—PARLIAMENT, the country's 1. woman PRIME—MINISTER, Laimdota Straujuma, who pledged to stick to the fiscal discipline of the previous cabinet and to push ahead with liberalizing the country's gas market.
20140122             MALI, Issaka Sidibe, 1—HIGH—RANKING ruling party lawmaker and RELATIVE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT, became the country's 2. most powerful politician as he was elected to lead the nation's new PARLIAMENT.
20140122             NORTH—NIGERIA, THOUSANDS—OF—PROTESTERS threw stones into the Shariah COURT—IN—BAUCHI city, urging the speedy convictions and executions of 11—MEN arrested for belonging to gay organizations.
20140122             —ATTACKED, Suspected Islamist extremists, another farming settlement in NORTH—EAST—BORNO state, killing another 8—PEOPLE and razing homes.
20140122             —OPENED, PAKISTAN, gunmen, fire on police escorting SPAIN—CYCLIST—JAVIER COLORADO through Baluchistan province, killing 6—OFFICERS and wounding the Spaniard.
20140122             —REPORTED, He was, to be cycling —AROUND the world.
20140122             —RIGGED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, 1—BOMB, to 1—BICYCLE exploded next to 1—POLICE—PATROL on its way to guard 1—POLIO—VACCINATION—TEAM outside PESHAWAR.
20140122             6—OFFICERS were killed as well as 1—BOY who was nearby.
20140122             —INTENDED, SWITZERLAND, peace talks, to carve 1—PATH OUT—OF—SYRIA—CIVIL—WAR got off to 1—ROCKY start in Montreux as 1—BITTER clash over PRESIDENT—BASHAR—ASSAD—FUTURE threatened to collapse the negotiations even —BEFORE they really begin.
20140122             —HAILED, Syria, the reopening of ALEPPO INTERNATIONAL airport —AFTER 1—YEAR—CLOSURE as 1—MILITARY—VICTORY over rebels.
20140122             —REPORTED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights, clashes between government forces and opposition fighters in the suburbs of DAMASCUS, Daraa in the south, Idlib and ALEPPO in the north and THE—CENTRAL—PROVINCE—OF—HOMS.
20140122             NORTH—EAST—THAILAND, 1—LEADING—PRO—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVIST was shot and wounded.
20140122             A 60—DAY—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY began in BANGKOK where protesters were trying to force PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA from power.
20140122             1—UGANDA—COURT ordered the deportation of BERNARD—RANDALL, 65—JAHRE—ALT, 1—UK—MAN, facing criminal charges related to images of him having sex with another man.
20140122             UKRAINE, Unity —DAY protests left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20140122             The bodies of 2—PROTESTERS were found near the site of clashes with police in Kiev.
20140122             Prosecutors said they were shot with live ammunition, the 1. deaths —AFTER—2—MONTHS—OF—LARGELY peaceful protest.
20140122             Some 25—PEOPLE went missing.
20140122             Yanukovich met opposition leaders in 1—ATTEMPT to defuse street violence in which 3—PEOPLE were killed overnight.
20140122—20140124    —ON, the talks moved to GENEVA.
20140130—20140122    —ON, He had gone missing.
20150122             THE—USA—AND—CUBA began historic discussions on restoring diplomatic relations, aiming to reach agreement on the opening of embassies in EACH—OTHER—COUNTRIES.
20150122             —MOVED, THE—BULLETIN of the Atomic Sciences, its famous "Doomsday Clock" ahead 2—MINUTES placing it 3—MINUTES from 1—CATASTROPHIC midnight due to global warming and nuclear weaponry.
20150122             NEW—YORK, Sheldon Silver, THE—SPEAKER—OF—THE—STATE—ASSEMBLY, was arrested on federal corruption charges for using his office to secure MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in bribes and kickbacks.
20150122             —APPROVED, BENIN—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—LAW that removes custodial sentences for offences deemed offensive against THE—HEAD—OF—STATE, and regulates access to news sources.
20150122             BOLIVIA, Evo Morales (55) was sworn in for a 3. term as PRESIDENT at 1—CEREMONY in the country's national assembly as THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS cheered outside.
20150122             —APPEARED, BRITAIN, 1—TOPLESS—MODEL, on THE—SUN—3. page, —AFTER 1—ABSENCE—OF several days sparked reports that the controversial feature had been dropped.
20150122             1—COALITION—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—GROUPS said 42—PEOPLE were killed by security forces firing on protesters.
20150122             —PROPOSED, In the east 4—MORE—PEOPLE † —DURING protests over 1, law the opposition fears will prolong THE—PRESIDENT—TIME in power.
20150122             1—EGYPT—COURT ordered the release of ousted PRESIDENT—HOSNI—MUBARAK—2—SONS pending their retrial on corruption charges.
20150122             THE—EUROPEAN—CENTRAL—BANK began 20150000              with 1—QE (quantitative easing) stimulus, revealing plans for 1—MASSIVE—TRILLION—EURO—BOND—PURCHASE—PROGRAM to ward off deflation and end stagnation in the eurozone economy.
20150122             1—EUROPEAN—UNION—HIGH—COURT annulled sanctions that the 28-nation bloc imposed on 1—IRAN—BANK and 1—SHIPPING line and companies linked to it, over TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20150122             —ORDERED, INDIA, 1—COURT, the release of frail activist Irom Sharmila (42), who has been on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE for nearly 15—YEARS to protest alleged military brutality in the remote northeast.
20150122             She has been protesting against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which is in effect in INDIAN—RULED Kashmir and in northeastern areas like Manipur that are wracked by separatist insurgencies.
20150122             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMB at 1—MILITARY—BASE in Taji and 1—EXPLOSIVE device hidden in 1—BOOBY—TRAPPED house near SAMARRA killed 14—SOLDIERS and Shiite militiamen.
20150122             —CLAIMED, Kurdish officials, they had cut 1—KEY—ROAD linking THE—IS STRONGHOLD—OF—MOSUL with Tal Afar to the west as USA and coalition bombers, fighter jets and drones carried out 1—TOTAL—OF—31—AIR—RAIDS over the last 24—HOURS, including 10 in Syria and 21 in IRAQ.
20150122             —PROTESTED, NEPAL—OPPOSITION—PARTIES, both inside PARLIAMENT and on the streets against governing coalition plans to push through 1—DRAFT—OF—1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20150122             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—MARITIME—SECURITY—AGENCY, 38—INDIA—FISHERMEN for violating its waters in the Arabian Sea.
20150122             —ANNOUNCED, PAKISTAN, that JAMAAT—UD—DAWA, the political wing of LASHKAR—E—TAIBA, was banned.
20150122             —ARRESTED, ROMANIA—PROSECUTORS, CRISTIAN—DAVID, 1—SENATOR—AND—FORMER—MINISTER, on suspicion of taking 1—BRIBE—OF—500,000 euros ($580,000) in a 20080000              land ownership case.
20150122             In 1—SEPARATE—CASE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT—JUDGE—TONI—GREBLA was indicted on suspicion of trying to violate RUSSIA—EMBARGO on THE—EU by exporting food there via TURKEY.
20150122             —POSTPONED, SAUDI—ARABIA, THE—FLOGGING—OF—BLOGGER—RAEF Badawi, whose case has sparked INTERNATIONAL criticism, for a 2. —WEEK on medical grounds.
20150122             —KILLED, SOMALIA, at least 5—PEOPLE were, in 1—SUICIDE—CAR bombing against 1—HOTEL in MOGADISHU, where TURKEY—PRESIDENT—ERDOGAN was due to arrive 1—DAY—LATER.
20150122             EAST—UKRAINE, 1—ARTILLERY shell or mortar struck 1—PUBLIC—TRANSPORT stop in THE—REBEL—CONTROLLED CITY—OF—DONETSK, killing at least 13—CIVILIANS in 1—INCIDENT both sides blamed on the other.
20150122             10—UKRAINE—SOLDIERS were reported killed overnight, 6 at the airport complex.
20150122             THE—UN—GENERAL—ASSEMBLY held its 1.—EVER meeting devoted to countering ANTI—SEMITISM.
20150122             —WELCOMED, YEMEN—HOUTHI rebels, proposed concessions by the government on POWER—SHARING but their gunmen still held positions outside THE—RESIDENCE—OF—PRESIDENT—ABD—RABBU—MANSOUR—HADI.
20150122             1—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN said the cabinet has submitted its resignation to PRESIDENT—ABED—RABBO—MANSOUR—HADI amid 1—STANDOFF with Shiite rebels.
20150122             Beschädigte Totenmaske: Bart von Tutanchamun hastig mit Klebstoff angeklebt
20150122             Kommentar zu EZB—ANLEIHE—KÄUFEN: Deutschlands scheinheilige DRAGHI—KRITIK
20150122             Skurrile Folge der RUSSLAND—SANKTIONEN: Kalaschnikow made in USA
20150122             —VOR, Reise in DIE—USA : LONDON—BÜRGER—MEISTER begleicht USA—STEUERSCHULD
20150122             kurz & krass: DROGEN—DROHNE stürzt auf Parkplatz in MEXIKO
20150122             Mutmaßliche IS—MITGLIEDER: GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT lässt SYRIEN—RÜCKKEHRER festnehmen
20150122             Muslime und Toleranz: Wer Allah liebt, verteidigt keinen Mord
20150122             —NEUE—FRONT Golanhöhen: ISRAEL unterstützt indirekt DSCHIHADISTEN
20150122             Smog in CHINA: 90—PROZENT—DER—STÄDTE überschreiten Grenzwerte
20150122             [l] Lesetipp: THOMAS Fischer (BGH—RICHTER) über das Feindstrafrecht.
20150122             [l] Kennt ihr den —SCHON?
20150122             Regierungspartei will den obersten GERICHT—HOF entmachten, weil er ihnen zu VIELE—GESETZE weggeschossen hat?
20150122             TÜRKEI? Denkt ihr —JETZT vielleicht. Oder USA?
20150122             Nein, nicht USA, dort ist der oberste GERICHT—HOF mit Parteisoldaten besetzt.
20150122             Wer dann? NIGERIA? Aber nicht doch! DEUTSCHLAND!
20150122             Deshalb wollen CDU und CSU nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN —JETZT die Rechte DER—RICHTER—IN—KARLSRUHE beschneiden.
20150122             Klar, die ewigen VERFASSUNGS—FEINDE von der Union.
20150122             Wieso sitzen die eigentlich noch im PARLAMENT und nicht im Knast?
20150122             [l] Du weißt, dass du in 1—GEFÄHRLICHEN Stadt wohnst, wenn DIE—POLIZEI bei FAHRRAD—KONTROLLEN auf 1—BRÜCKE 1—MASCHINENPISTOLE dabei hat.
20150122             Wie z.B. in FREIBURG.
20150122             [l] DIE—SACHSENN haben durchaus RECHT damit, dass mehr und mehr religiöse AUS—LÄNDER nach SACHSEN wollen.
20150122             Aber das sind keine Moslems sondern KATHOLIKEN, und SACHSEN selbst ist größtenteils Atheisten und von den CHRISTEN sind 66 % Protestanten.
20150122             [l] "Massenhafte HANDY—BESCHLAGNAHMUNG war wohl rechtswidrig".
20150122             POLIZIST hat jemanden totgeprügelt, muss dafür in den Knast?
20150122             Ihr habt völlig RECHT, bei uns undenkbar. Das war in der TÜRKEI.
20150122             [l] Wer meldet eigentlich diese PEGIDA—TRITTBRETTFAHRER—DEMOS an?
20150122             Was sind das so für LEUTE?
20150122             Hier ist 1—ARTIKEL—ÜBER—DIE FRANKFURTer Demo.
20150122             MONEY—QUOTE: Angemeldet hat die 1.FRANKFURTer PEGIDA—DEMO nach HR—INFORMATIONEN Heidi Mund.
20150122             Sie leitet gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann, dem FREIEN—WÄHLER—STADT—VERORDNETEN MATHIAS—MUND, die fundamentalchristliche Bewegung "Himmel über FRANKFURT"und organisiert sogenannte Jesusmärsche.
20150122             Nach ihrer eigenen Aussage hat WÄHREND 1—AUFENTHALTES in JERUSALÉM Gott mit ihr gesprochen.
20150122             Keine weiteren Fragen, Euer Ehren!
20150122             [l] Das hier wird der 1—ODER andere nicht mehr auf dem Radar haben, weil es —SCHON 1—PAAR JAHRE her ist.
20150122             —ON—WEDNESDAY, 1—SENIOR—AMERICAN—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN provided 1—NEW—EXPLANATION for BAGHDADI—ABILITY to escape attack: He never existed.
20150122             BRIGADIER—GENERAL—KEVIN—BERGNER, THE—CHIEF—AMERICAN—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN, said the elusive BAGHDADi was actually 1—FICTIONAL character whose AUDIO—TAPED declarations were provided by 1—ELDERLY—ACTOR named ABU—ADULLAH—AL—NAIMA.
20150122             Auf Deutsch: AL—BAGHDADI, der Führer des ISLAMISCHER—STAAT, existiert gar nicht.
20150122             Dafür haben sie von 1—AL—KAIDA—ÜBERLÄUFER Beweise zugesteckt gekriegt.
20150122             [l] Endlich trägt DIE—TERRORISMUS—BEKÄMPFUNG und TOTAL—ÜBERWACHUNG—IN—ENGLAND Früchte!
20150122             THE—UK—GOVERNMENT—E—BORDERS—INITIATIVE and the Immigration Act 2014
20150122             make it easier for police and 3. parties to share information and carry out more IN—DEPTH checks on those going on holiday or attempting to leave BRITAIN.
20150122             Das ist selbst für britische Verhältnisse echt krass, und diese Quelle kenne ich nicht, daher hoffe ich mal, dass sich das noch als Ente herausstellt.
20150122             Krasse Kacke.
20150122             [l] Wenn man die Rechtsauffassungen und so für übliche Straftaten ergehenden Urteile vergleicht, findet man nicht viel Unterschied zwischen SAUDI—ARABIEN und dem ISLAMISCHER—STAAT.
20150122             [l] Du weißt, dass der israelische PREMIER—MINISTER—1—KRASSER—HARDLINER ist, wenn seine —POLITIK dem Mossad zu krass ist und er hinter dem Rücken der Regierung DIE—USA warnt, dass DIE—POLITIK—DES—PREMIERS gerade die VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEM IRAN torpediert und sie mal nicht auf ihn hören sollen.
20150122             ÄGYPTEN—GERICHT ordnet Freilassung von MUBARAK—SÖHNEN an
20150122             —PROTESTIERT, Auftritt in DRESDEN: Grönemeyer, gegen PEGIDA—DEMO
20150122             Kauf von STAATS—ANLEIHEN: EZB flutet Märkte mit 60—MILLIARDEN—EURO PRO—MONAT
20150122             —BESCHLAGNAHMT, SCHWEIZ: Archäologische Schätze in Millionenwert
20150122             Öffentliche Stockschläge: Ärzte empfehlen erneute Schonfrist für Blogger Badawi
20150122             FRANKREICH: HOLLANDE plant ANTI—TERROR—UNTERRICHT an Schulen
20150122             Schnellüberblick zum EZB—ENTSCHEID: Draghis neue Billionenspritze
20150122             BGH—URTEIL: HOOLIGAN—GRUPPE kann kriminelle Vereinigung sein
20150122             MegaChat: KIM—DOTCOM startet verschlüsselten CHAT—DIENST
20150122             Toter FLÜCHTLING in DRESDEN: Haftbefehl gegen Mitbewohner von Khaled B. erlassen
20150122             UKRAINE—KRISE, NATO sieht prorussische Separatisten auf dem Vormarsch
20150122             Illegale Jagd in SÜD—AFRIKA: Wilderer erlegen 12000000              Nashörner
20150122             Folgen des EZB—ANLEIHENKAUFS: Sparer leiden, Kreditnehmer jubeln
20150122             —NACH, EZB—ENTSCHEID: DAX beflügelt, EURO stürzt auf 11—JAHRES—TIEF
20150122             Quantitative Easing: STAATS—ANLEIHENKÄUFE—WER hat's vorgemacht?
20150122             EZB—ANLEIHENKAUF: Die große Geldflut
20150122             UNO—SONDER—SITZUNG zu ANTI—SEMITISMUS: "Die Mutter allen Hasses"
20150122             WASHINGTON— USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA wird den israelischen Premier BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU bei dessen BESUCH—IN—WASHINGTON nicht treffen.
20150122             Der Termin LIEGE zu nah an der israelischen PARLAMENTS—WAHL am ;;0317;;, teilte die SPRECHERIN—DES—NATIONALER—SICHERHEITS—RATES, BERNADETTE Meehan, mit.
20150122             Der REPUBLIKANERFÜHRER—JOHN Boehner hatte NETANYAHU ohne Rücksprache mit dem WEISSES—HAUSIN den Kongress eingeladen.
20150122             —VERSTIMMT, OBAMA reagierte, und ließ mitteilen, dass ES—SICH dabei um 1—VERSTOSS—GEGEN—DASPROTOKOLL handele.
20150122             Boehner und DIE—REPUBLIKANER, so schreibt es DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, hätten mit ihrem Coup auch demonstriert, dass sie ihre ANGRIFFE—AUF—OBAMAS Agenda nicht nur auf die INNEN—POLITIK beschränken wollen, schreibt DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES.
20150122             OBAMA sei bei der Vorbereitung für den Auftritt systematisch ausgeklammert worden, schreibt die israelische Zeitung "Haaretz".
20150122             ISRAEL, heißt es, die geplante Rede vor dem Kongress sei geradezu 1—GESCHENK an NETANYAHU—ES erhöhe S1—CHANCEN bei der anstehenden PARLAMENTS—WAHL.
20150122             DAS—URTEIL der Kommentatoren in ISRAEL: Der Angeschmierte ist OBAMA.
20150122             —VERBINDET, Mit führenden REPUBLIKANERn, ihn 1—WEITAUS engeres Verhältnis als mit OBAMA.
20150122             [l] NIEDER—ÖSTERREICH erlaubt auch nichtamtliche Stimmzettel zur Wahl.
20150122             DIE—REGIERENDE ÖVP hat dann mal 1—PAAR Millionen vorangekreuzte Stimmzettel verteilt.
20150122             1—ZUKUNFTSWEISENDE und effiziente Erweiterung des Demokratieangebots!
20150122             [l] Hat jemand VERSCHLÜSSELUNGS—HINTERTÜREN gesagt?
20150122             Da ist ÖSTERREICH natürlich sofort auch mit dabei!
20150122             es geht dabei um Mobbing und DIE—KRIMINALITÄT sstatistik.
20150122             DER—VEREINBARUNG, mit dem STATISTIK—EXPERTEN sollten offenbar HÖCHST—GRENZEN—FÜR—DIE—ZAHL—DER—STRAFTATEN festgelegt werden.
20150122             Das lehnte dieser aber als unwissenschaftlich ab. Was zur Hölle!?
20150122             [l] Hier ging —HEUTE übrigens der Hinweis ein, dass das britische AUSREISE—MODELL in den NIEDERLANDEn —SCHON—LÄNGER praktiziert wird.
20150122             und auch bei uns kann man offenbar LEUTE am Flughafen abfangen lassen, wenn man 1—GÜLTIGEN Titel gegen sie hat (oder natürlich wenn 1—HAFTBEFEHL besteht).
20150122             [l] Barrett Brown wurde zu 63—MONATE—GEFÄNGNIS verurteilt.
20150122—20080000    —IN, LASHKAR—E—TAIBA was responsible for the bloody attacks on Mumbai.
20150122—20100000    —ACCUSED—OF, IN—SOUTH—AFRICA—JACKIE—SELEBI was CONVICTED—OF—CORRUPTION, accepting bribes from 1—DRUG—SMUGGLER in exchange for tipoffs into police investigations.
20150122—20150119    —ON, † In CongoDRC government spokesman Lambert Mende said that 12—PEOPLE have in 3—DAYS—OF—UNREST and pillaging that began.
20150122—20150205    —ON, the government raised the death toll in GOMA and KINSHASA to 27.
20160122             THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION said it will overhaul 30—YEAR—OLD—REGULATIONS for oil and gas operations on public and tribal lands to limit the "wasteful release" of natural gas and curb methane emissions.
20160122             The leading USA—REGULATOR for the coal industry said it suspects WYOMING officials have wrongly allowed mining companies to forego cleanup insurance.
20160122             Technology giant Google said it will pay £130—MILLION ($185.4—MILLION, 172—MILLION—EUROS) in back taxes to BRITAIN —FOLLOWING 1—GOVERNMENT—INQUIRY into its tax arrangements.
20160122             —CANCELLED, THOUSANDS—OF—FLIGHTS were, and supermarket shelves were left bare as MILLIONS—OF—AMERICANS hunkered down for 1—WINTER—STORM expected to dump historic AMOUNTS—OF—SNOW in THE—EAST—USA.
20160122             ARGENTINA—NATIONAL—ELECTRICAL—UTILITY—ENRE said 1—HEAT—WAVE has led to power cuts in the capital and surrounding areas.
20160122             1—BELGIUM—JUDGE charged an 11. person with TERRORISM—RELATED offences over the deadly PARIS attacks, —2—DAYS—AFTER the suspect, identified as Zakaria J, was arrested in 1—RAID in BRUSSELS.
20160122             —RAIDED, BURKINA—FASO, former members of the presidential guard, 1—ARMORY outside the capital.
20160122             11—SOLDIERS from the disbanded elite unit were soon arrested.
20160122             —OPENED, WEST—CANADA, 1—GUNMAN, fire at 1—HIGH—SCHOOL and 1—HOME in 1—ABORIGINAL community, leaving 4—DEAD including 1—TEACHER and wounding at least 2—PEOPLE in the remote Dene aboriginal community of La Loche, Saskatchewan.
20160122             The gunman was taken in custody.
20160122             —APPROVED, CROATIA—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—CENTER—RIGHT—GOVERNMENT led by political novice Tihomir Oreskovic, who warned "difficult decisions" lie ahead as THE—EU—NEWEST—MEMBER—STRUGGLES with meagre economic growth and 1—INFLUX—OF—REFUGEES.
20160122             FRANCE said it will provide 1—BILLION euros ($1.1—BILLION) to TUNISIA over the next 5—YEARS as PART—OF—1—ECONOMIC—SUPPORT—PACKAGE.
20160122             —BLOCKED, FRANCE—FARMERS in THE—WEST—REGION—OF—BRITTANY, 1—NATIONAL—HIGHWAY with 1—PILE of smoldering tires to protest falling prices.
20160122             —DROWNED, At least 46—PEOPLE, including 17—CHILDREN, —WHEN their boats capsized off 2—GREECE—ISLANDS—NEAR THE—TURKEY—COAST.
20160122             —CALLED, HAITI, off its presidential election, —2—DAYS—BEFORE it was due, over concerns of escalating violence sparked by the opposition candidate's refusal to take part in 1—PROCESS he said was riddled with fraud.
20160122             —REPORTED, THE—LAO state news agency KPL, that the 10. Congress of THE—LAO PEOPLE—REVOLUTIONARY—PARTY closed with the selection of Bounnhang Vorachit, succeeding Choummaly Sayasone, who was party SECRETARY general —FOR—10—YEARS.
20160122             —BATTLED, NORTH—LIBYA, firefighters, 1—BLAZE at 1—OIL—FACILITY for a 2. —DAY, —AFTER 1—ASSAULT by jihadists aiming to seize export terminals.
20160122             —DETAINED, Authorities have —NOW, 113—PEOPLE, including police officers and drug cartel suspects.
20160122             —PROTESTED, MOLDOVA, some 3,000—PEOPLE, in the capital for a 3. —DAY running calling for early elections, better governance and demanding 1—END to widespread corruption.
20160122             —RELEASED, MYANMAR—MILITARY—BACKED government, at least 20—POLITICAL—PRISONERS, —JUST 1—FEW months —BEFORE it is scheduled to hand over power to 1—ELECTED—PRO—DEMOCRACY—PARTY.
20160122             NIGER said nearly 1—QUARTER—OF—ITS—POTENTIAL—VOTERS - 1.5—MILLION—PEOPLE—WILL be barred from casting ballots in next —MONTH—PRESIDENTIAL—POLL, —AFTER politicians failed to agree on 1—SYSTEM for registering them.
20160122             —LIFTED, PAKISTAN—SUPREME—COURT, 1—BAN on hunting 1—RARE—BIRD, —AFTER the government argued it hurt relations with Gulf states whose wealthy hunters traditionally travel to PAKISTAN to pursue the endangered species with falcons.
20160122             —EXECUTED, SAUDI—ARABIA, 47—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—WHOM were terrorists linked to AL—QAIDA.
20160122             SUDAN—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY said THE—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—BASHIR has ordered revisions to the economic agreements struck with SOUTH—SUDAN in 1—POSITIVE—GESTURE to the breakaway southern state.
20160122             —DECLARED, TUNISIA, 1—NIGHTTIME curfew across the country —AFTER 1—WAVE—OF—PROTESTS and clashes that constitute the most serious outbreak of social unrest —SINCE its 20110000              revolution.
20160122             The government of UGANDA said it will stop sending housemaids to SAUDI—ARABIA, eclipsing 1—DEAL between THE—2—NATIONS to ship workers to the wealthy Gulf nation amid complaints of poor conditions and mistreatment.
20160122             —CALLED, VANUATU held 1—SNAP election, —AFTER more than 1—QUARTER—OF—MPS were jailed in 1—CORRUPTION—SCANDAL.
20160122             —INDICATED, Unofficial results, 1—NUMBER—OF—LONG—SERVING politicians, including former justice MINISTER—ROBERT—BOHN and former parliamentary speaker PHILIP—BOEDORO, were set to lose their seats.
20160122             YEMEN, 1—AMBULANCE for an MISS—F—SUPPORTED hospital was hit in 1—SAUDI—LED coalition airstrike.
20160122             26—PEOPLE were reported killed —DURING THE—BOMBING—OF—DAHYAN.
20160122             22 were reported killed in strikes on SANAA.
20160122             SOLINGEN: POLIZEI schießt bei CANNABIS—KONTROLLE auf fahrendes Auto
20160122             Tierische Empathie: Präriewühlmäuse trösten einander bei Stress
20160122             —REAKTION—AUF—DE—MAIZIÈRE: POLIZEI—GEWERKSCHAFT hält längere GRENZ—KONTROLLEN für unmöglich
20160122             PROPAGANDA: Wie RUSSLAND DAS—ABEND—LAND untergehen lässt
20160122             Toter bei Zusammenstößen: Tausende Tunesier PROTESTIEREN—GEGEN—MASSENARBEITSLOSIGKEIT
20160122             ASYL—POLITIK,DEUTSCHE—WIRTSCHAFTSVERBÄNDE fordern europäische Solidarität
20160122             SCHÄUBLE über DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "DIE—ZEIT für Lösungen läuft uns weg"
20160122             Fatwa: SAUDI—ARABIEN—GROSS—MUFTIVERBIETET Schach
20160122             USA—KLIMA—SCHUTZPAKET: RICHTER—BESCHEREN—OBAMA wichtigen Zwischensieg
20160122             FRANKREICH—PREMIER—VALLS zur FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, "Wir müssen DEUTSCHLAND helfen"
20160122             FALSCHGELD—SCHWEMME: So VIELE—EURO—BLÜTEN gab es noch nie
20160122             Wenn ein nahestehender Artgenosse gestresst ist, zeigen zahlreiche Tiere Mitgefühl: Hunde gehören dazu, Delfine auch, Elefanten ebenso.
20160122             —GEKANNT, Präriewühlmäuse, die sich nicht, hätten, zeigten demnach kein Mitgefühl.
20160122             Ja, klar, EUROPA hat es —DERZEIT, nicht leicht und ganz besonders DEUTSCHLAND nicht.
20160122             Da sind DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE und 1—STAAT, der mit dem Problem nicht fertig wird, der innenpolitische Streit, den die Massenflucht nach DEUTSCHLAND ausgelöst hat,
20160122             das Misstrauen der Bevölkerung gegenüber DER—POLIZEI u
20160122             und die überbordende politische Korrektheit, die 1.offene DEBATTE—ÜBER—DAS Dilemma fast unmöglich macht.
20160122             Das alles lässt sich nicht kleinreden.
20160122             Aber es gibt 1—LAND, dem das nicht genug zu sein scheint.
20160122             Ganze Scharen von Sonderkorrespondenten haben DIE—STAATSNAHEN russischen Medien nach DEUTSCHLAND entsandt, um —DAS—ENDE—DES—ABENDLANDES zu illustrieren.
20160122             DIE—LIBERALE—DEMOKRATIE zeichne sich dadurch aus, schreibt die MOSKAUer Zeitung "Iswestija", daß 1.Minderheit (die liberale Oberschicht) die Meinung der Mehrheit (also des Volkes) hochmütig ignoriere.
20160122             Der Plebs habe lediglich die Möglichkeit, zwischen 2—POLITISCHEN Parteien zu wählen, die sich in nichts UNTERSCHIEDEN—DEN rechten CHRIST—DEMOKRATEN und DEN—LINKEN SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN.
20160122             Der Mann, der es 1. möglich machte, die Schärfe von PAPRIKA—PFLANZEN zu messen, wäre —HEUTE 151—JAHRE—ALT geworden: Wilbur LINCOLN Scoville wurde
20160122             [l] Die Würde des Menschen ist —BIS FLÜCHTLING 37.500—UNANTASTBAR.
20160122             GECKO—TRICK beim Menschen: Er ist hin, der TRAUM von Spiderman
20160122             nutzen die vergleichsweise großen Geckos 200—MAL mehr Fläche auf ihrem Körper für Hafthärchen als die leichteren Milben,
20160122             Hochgerechnet auf 1—MENSCHEN heißt das: Es wird nichts mit dem SPIDERMAN—EFFEKT.
20160122             —HALBIERT, GROSSRAUM—FLUGZEUG747—8: Boeing, die JUMBO—PRODUKTION
20160122             SPANIEN: Protestpartei PO—DEMOS will mit SOZIALISTEN regieren
20160122             RAF—GRÜNDER—UND—NEONAZI: Gericht hebt Bewährung von HORST—MAHLER auf
20160122             Millionen Zuwanderer: Wie DIE—FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE den ARBEITS—MARKT unter Druck setzt
20160122             KÜNSTLICHE—INTELLIGENZ: Diese SOFTWARE verwandelt Worte in Bilder
20160122             DROHENDER—BREXIT: DAS—PFUND stürzt —SCHON mal ab
20160122             DAS—PFUND—STERLING hat gegenüber dem EURO —SEIT
20160122             Doch —JUST - HARVEY glaubt an 1.anhaltende Pfundschwäche, in 2—JAHREN sieht er DAS—PFUND—STERLING bei 1,17—EURO—SELBST wenn GROSS—BRITANNIENIN der EU bleibt.
20160122             Bei 1—AUSTRITT würden ALLE—PROGNOSEN obsolet.
20160122             Sollte sich in den Umfragen 1—BREXIT abzeichnen, könnten DIE—FINANZ—MÄRKTE gegen DAS—PFUND wetten und seinen Absturz herbeiführen.
20160122             TERROR—ERMITTLUNGEN: PARISer Angreifer nutzte 20—IDENTITÄTEN in 7—LÄNDERN
20160122             Niedriger Ölpreis: Fracking ist gut für DIE—MENSCHEN—RECHTE
20160122             —UNRUHEN, und Proteste: TUNESIEN verhängt landesweite Ausgangssperre
20160122             PKK—HOCHBURG, EX—BÜRGER—MEISTERIN von Cizre festgenommen
20160122             [l] Wer Obergrenze sagt, muss auch Tränengas sagen.
20160122             JACOB kritisierte angesichts der Erkenntnisse DIE—EUROPÄISCHE ASYL—BANK—EURODAC.
20160122             TERROR—SERIE in PARIS: HOLLANDE will AUSNAHME—ZUSTAND erneut verlängern
20160122             SPANIEN: MINISTER—PRÄSIDENT scheitert mit Regierungsbildung
20160122             Störche im —WINTER—QUARTIER: Müllhalde statt AFRIKA
20160122             VOLKSWAGEN—ABGAS—SKANDAL, Führungskräfte sollen an MANIPULATIONen beteiligt gewesen sein
20160122             Tiere, die es zumindest etwas weiter in den SÜDEN schaffen, bleiben aber auch immer öfter auf der Strecke hängen: auf Abfallbergen in SPANIEN oder MAROKKO.
20160122             VIELE—STÖRCHE fliegen —WINTER—IM, nicht mehr weit nach AFRIKA hinein.
20160122—17890000    —IN, MADISON, THE—FATHER—OF—THE—CONSTITUTION and its principle author, said the same thing about USA—CITIZENSHIP, that it was FOUNDED upon jus soli.
20160122—20140000    —ARRESTED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said they have, 3—MORE—SUSPECTS in connection with the disappearance and presumed slaughter of 43—STUDENTS in IGUALA.
20160122—20150000    —REJECTED, VENEZUELA—OPPOSITION—LED congress, PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO—REQUEST for emergency powers amid 1—PLUNGING national economy, the depths of which were dramatized by 1—IMF estimate that inflation this —YEAR will top 700—PERCENT up from 1 estimated 200%.
20160122—20160129    —SURRENDERED, Bac Duong (43).
20160122—20160130    —RECAPTURED, Hossain Nayeri (37) and JONATHAN—TIEU, 20—JAHRE—ALT were, in THE—SF Bay Area.
20160122—20250000    —LAUNCHED, In THE—PHILIPPINES ASEAN tourism ministers, a 10-year plan to ramp up marketing of their region as 1—SINGLE—DESTINATION to raise tourism's share of the regional economy to 15—PERCENT.
20160124—20160122    —ON, UK—ADVENTURER—HENRY—WORSLEY was —JUST 30—MILES (48km) from the finish —WHEN he called for help and was airlifted to 1—HOSPITAL in CHILE suffering from exhaustion and severe dehydration.
20170117—20170122    —ON, CHRISTOPHER—ELLEBRACHT, 38—JAHRE—ALT, a 1—TIME handyman for Shwe, was arrested.
20170119—20170122    —ON, BULGARIA, Rumen Radev took his OATH—OF—OFFICE—AS—PRESIDENT, preparing the way for him to formally take over the post from Rosen Plevneliev.
20170122             —KILLED, FLORIDA, MARK—BAUMER, 33—JAHRE—ALT was, on Highway 90—WHILE walking barefoot across THE—USA to raise awareness about climate change.
20170122             JAMES—STEPHEN—BOGGS is best known for his HAND—DRAWN depictions of banknotes.
20170122             † IN—GEORGIA (USA) 14—PEOPLE in weekend tornadoes and thunderstorms, with 7—DYING in Cook County in THE—SOUTH—PART—OF—THE—STATE.
20170122             —ARRESTED, THE—PORT—AUTHORITY—OF—NEW—YORK and NEW—JERSEY police said they have, Alesandel RODRIGUEZ—OF—NEW—JERSEY for avoiding tolls nearly 900—TIMES owing unpaid fees of more than $56,000. 1—INVESTIGATION found some 888—VIOLATIONS.
20170122             —KILLED, TEXAS, 1—PERSON was, and 5—OTHERS injured —AFTER 2—MEN robbed 1—JEWELRY store in S—ANTONIO.
20170122             1—ROBBER was wounded and the 2. was arrested —LATER that night.
20170122             —PREMIERED, The documentary film "Plastic CHINA", at THE—UTAH Sundance Film Festival.
20170122             —CAPTURED, Director JIU—LIANG Wang, 1—CHINA—COUNTRYSIDE covered almost entirely in imported plastic.
20170122             —ORDERED, CHINA—STATE—PLANNER, the closure of 111—GOLF—COURSES, —AFTER 1—MULTI—YEAR—CAMPAIGN to tackle illegal development in the sector.
20170122             1—FURTHER 18—GOLF courses have been ordered to return illegally occupied land, and 47—HAVE been told to stop construction.
20170122             —DENOUNCED, EQUATORIAL—GUINEA—OPPOSITION, the government's decision to welcome exiled GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—YAHYA—JAMMEH, who flew to THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN nation over the weekend —AFTER—22—YEARS in power.
20170122             1—SPECIAL—ADVISER to GAMBIA—PRESIDENT—BARROW accused Jammeh of plundering state coffers for $11—MILLION and shipping out luxury vehicles by cargo plane —PRIOR—TO his departure.
20170122             —EXTENDED, EGYPT—NATIONAL—DEFENSE—COUNCIL, the military's participation in 1—SAUDI—LED operation in YEMEN.
20170122             It did not specify how long the extension would be for.
20170122             FRANCE—LEFT—WING voters cast ballots in 1—NATIONWIDE presidential primary aimed at producing 1—SOCIALIST—CANDIDATE—STRONG enough to confront formidable conservative and nationalist rivals in THE—APRIL—MAY—GENERAL—ELECTION.
20170122             GAMBIA, WEST—AFRICAN troops were seen approaching the capital, BANJUL, as they sought to secure the country and allow new PRESIDENT—ADAMA—BARROW to take office.
20170122             Dictator YAHYA—JAMMEH fled GAMBIA overnight en route to EQUATORIAL—GUINEA as the regional force was poised to remove him.
20170122             GERMANY, the agriculture ministers of the G20 leading economies said greater global efforts should be taken to safeguard precious world water supplies to secure food production.
20170122             —PASSED, INDIA, lawmakers in Tamil Nadu state, 1—EMERGENCY—ORDER allowing BULL—TAMING festivals (Jallikattu) to resume —AFTER 1—COURT—BAN on the traditional events led to mass protests.
20170122             —AMBUSHED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, rebels, 1—PATROL—VEHICLE in Assam state, killing 2—PARAMILITARY—SOLDIERS.
20170122             1—ONGOING government counterattack has killed several rebels.
20170122             —INCLUDED, Rebels participating in the attack, the United Liberation Front of Assam and groups from neighboring Manipur state.
20170122             She works for THE—THOMSON—REUTERS—FOUNDATION, 1—LONDON—BASED charity that is independent of THOMSON—REUTERS and operates independently of Reuters News.
20170122             IRAQ—FORCES retook 2—AREAS from the Islamic State group in MOSUL, sealing their CONTROL—OF—THE—EAST—BANK 3—MONTHS into 1—OFFENSIVE to reclaim the city.
20170122             † Army COLONEL—SABHAN—HASAN—AL—JUBOURI, in fighting on the eastern bank.
20170122             —GRANTED, ISRAEL, the municipality of JERUSALEM, final approval for THE—CONSTRUCTION—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—NEW—HOMES in EAST—JERUSALEM, —WHILE 1—HARD—LINE—CABINET—MINISTER pushed the government to annex 1—MAJOR—WEST—BANK—SETTLEMENT as emboldened ISRAEL—NATIONALISTS welcomed the presidency of DONALD—TRUMP.
20170122             † MASAYA—NAKAMURA, 91—JAHRE—ALT, the "FATHER—OF—PAC—MAN," in JAPAN.
20170122             —MARCHED, ROMANIA, thousands, through BUCHAREST and other cities to protest 1—GOVERNMENT—PROPOSAL to pardon THOUSANDS—OF—PRISONERS which critics say could reverse THE—ANTI—CORRUPTION fight.
20170122             —ARRESTED, Police in SPAIN said that 75—PEOPLE have been, and more than 3,500 stolen artifacts and PIECES—OF—ART seized in 1—JOINT—OPERATION with 17—OTHER—EUROPEAN countries that dismantled 1—INTERNATIONAL—CULTURAL—GOODS trafficking ring.
20170122             —ARRESTED, SWEDEN, teenager and 2—MEN in their 20s were, in THE—CITY—OF—UPPSALA, —AFTER police received tips about 1—RAPE and live streaming in 1—CLOSED—FACEBOOK group from users.
20170122             —CONDUCTED, SYRIA, USA—LED coalition jets, 14—AIR strikes near Deir AL—ZOUR.
20170122             TAIWAN, THOUSANDS—OF—MILITARY—PERSONNEL, teachers, police and civil servants protested 1—PLAN to reform the pension system outside of the Presidential OFFICE—IN—TAIPEI, as 1—NATIONAL—CONFERENCE to discuss reform was held in the Office.
20170122             1—OF—THE—ASSAILANTS was captured by police early —TODAY, —WHILE the other was shot dead —LATER in the —DAY in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—TEKIRDAG.
20170122             —IDENTIFIED, Police, them as 1—MEMBERS—OF—THE outlawed Revolutionary PEOPLE—LIBERATION—ARMY—FRONT (DHKP—C).
20170122             —SUSPECTED, YEMEN, 3, MEMBERS—OF—AL—QAEDA were killed by what local officials said they believed were 2—SEPARATE—USA—DRONE—STRIKES in THE—AL—SOUMAA DISTRICT—OF—SOUTH—AL—BAYDA province.
20170122             —KILLED, Clashes, at least 66—PEOPLE over the last 24—HOURS, as PRO—GOVERNMENT—FORCES pushed to oust rebels from 1—KEY stretch of coastline.
20170122—19800000    —DESIGNED, PAC—MAN, by Namco engineer and video game maker Toru Iwatani, went on sale, at 1—TIME—WHEN there were few rival games, such as Space Invaders.
20170122—20140000    —BANNED, THE—SUPREME—COURT had, Jallikattu and upheld the ban —EARLIER this —MONTH.
20170122—20170120    —CAPTURED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES said they have, 2—MEN believed to be among those responsible for rocket attacks on THE—ISTANBUL police headquarters and THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—RULING AK Party.
20170122—20200000    —EXPECTED, Pensions for the armed forces wee, to go bust ;
20170122—20210000    —IN, and for civil servants.
20170122—20270000    —IN, for private sector workers ;
20170122—20300000    —IN, for teachers ;
20170127—20170122    —SINCE, SPAIN—RESCUERS pulled nearly 300—PEOPLE from 2—RUBBER—BOATS in waters off THE—LIBYA—COAST and were looking for 100—MORE believed to be on another boat missing.
20170425             —ARRESTED, The men were, last 20170122           .
20180122             —ENDED, THE—USA 3—DAY—GOVERNMENT shut down, as Senate Democrats voted for 1—STOPGAP spending bill with 1—PROMISE by Republican leaders to hold debates on immigration that will provide legal status for the 690,000 Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) immigrants.
20180122             USA—VICE—PRESIDENT—MIKE—PENCE told ISRAEL—PARLIAMENT that THE—USA—EMBASSY will be moved from Tel Aviv to JERUSALEM by the end of 20190000           .
20180122             The road would connect THE—KING—COVE fishing community to 1—ALL—WEATHER—AIRPORT at Cold Bay.
20180122             —EXPLODED, OKLAHOMA, 1—NATURAL—GAS rig, killing 5—WORKERS nerar Quinton.
20180122             3—COMPANIES were —LATER fined 1—TOTAL—OF $118,000 for exposing employees to fire and explosion hazards.
20180122             —INCLUDED, Her work, 21—NOVELS, more than 10—BOOKS—OF poetry and more than 100—SHORT—STORIES.
20180122             THE—PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME—COURT struck down THE—BOUNDARIES—OF—THE—STATE—18—CONGRESSIONAL districts, saying they violate the state constitution.
20180122             —ARGUED, Democratic voters had, that the districts were gerrymandered to benefit Republicans.
20180122             —INJURED, TEXAS, 1—GIRL, 15—JAHRE—ALT was, in 1—SHOOTING at her high school cafeteria and 1—BOY, 16—JAHRE—ALT was taken into custody in THE—TOWN—OF—ITALY, 45—MILES—SOUTH—OF—DALLAS.
20180122             —FAILED, ANGOLA—FORMER—VICE—PRESIDENT—MANUEL—VICENTE, to appear at 1—PORTUGAL—COURT where he was scheduled to stand trial for corruption.
20180122             The prime ministers of BULGARIA and THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC called for swift reform of the European UNION—ASYLUM—SYSTEM.
20180122             —SMASHED, CYPRUS, DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE waving THE—TURKEY—FLAG, windows and hurled stones, eggs and other items at THE—OFFICE—OF—AFRIKA, 1—LEFT—WING—TURKISH—CYPRUS—NEWSPAPER in NICOSIA.
20180122             —INCITED, EDITOR—SENER—LEVENT said TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN had, supporters to attack the publication's office because the paper had criticized ANKARA—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE in Syria.
20180122             —IMPOSED, THE—EU, travel bans and asset freezes on NORTH—KOREANS accused of helping PYONGYANG evade UNITED—NATIONS sanctions linked to the secretive country's nuclear and ballistic missile tests.
20180122             —ANNOUNCED, THE—EU, new sanctions on 7—SENIOR—VENEZUELA—OFFICIALS, saying this was 1—EXPRESSION—OF—THE—BLOC—CONCERN with the political crisis under PRESIDENT—NICOLAS—MADURO.
20180122             —HOSTED, FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, 140—WORLD—BUSINESS—LEADERS in 1—BID to convince them to invest and hire in FRANCE — and to persuade THE—FRANCE—THEMSELVES—OF—THE—MERITS—OF his economic policies.
20180122             —BLOCKED, FRANCE, protesting guards, DOZENS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—188—PRISONS as the conflict triggered by attacks on guards entered its 2. —WEEK.
20180122             —STRESSED, German and FRANCE—LAWMAKERS, the need for closer cooperation between THE—2—NATIONS as they mark the 55. anniversary of 19630000             —THE signing of the Elysee friendship treaty.
20180122             GERMANY—PUBLIC—PROSECUTORS said they had brought new charges against former nurse Niels Hoegel, already serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE for murdering 2—PATIENTS, accusing him of killing another 97—PEOPLE with lethal injections.
20180122             —TARGETED, Indian and PAKISTAN—SOLDIERS again, EACH—OTHER—POSTS and villages along their volatile frontier in disputed Kashmir —AFTER 1—DAY—LULL, killing at least 1—CIVILIAN and wounding 3—OTHERS.
20180122             The recent FLARE—UP has left 13—CIVILIANS and 9—SOLDIERS—DEAD and dozens injured on THE—2—SIDES.
20180122             —SIGNED, IRAQ, 1—DEAL with USA—COMPANY—ORION Gas Processors to tap natural gas in 1—OF—ITS—SOUTHERN—OIL—FIELDS, 1—STEP toward exploiting 1—NATURAL—RESOURCE that has been neglected for decades.
20180122             —GATHERED, JAPAN, trade officials, —FOR—2—DAYS—OF—TALKS to try to forge 1—TRADE—PACT that USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP abandoned —LAST—YEAR.
20180122             The member countries of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TRANS—PACIFIC—PARTNERSHIP (CPTTP), also known as TPP 11, reached 1—BASIC—AGREEMENT on the pact in November.
20180122             LIBERIA, former football star GEORGE—WEAH was sworn in as PRESIDENT.
20180122             PAKISTAN, 1—STUDENT shot and killed 1—COLLEGE—PRINCIPAL in THE—NORTH—WEST—TOWN—OF—SHABQADAR —AFTER being scolded for regularly showing up late.
20180122             —LINKED, In LAHORE students, to rival groups clashed for hours at THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—PUNJAB, with dozens reported wounded.
20180122             The radical Islami JAMIAT—E—TALABA party dominates the university and has 1—HISTORY—OF—CLASHING with rival groups.
20180122             —EJECTED, In THE—PHILIPPINES THE—MOUNT—MAYON volcano, 1—HUGE—COLUMN—OF lava fragments, ash and smoke in 1—THUNDEROUS—EXPLOSION.
20180122             —RAISED, The alert level was, to 4 on 1—SCALE—OF—5, which means 1—EXPLOSIVE eruption is possible within hours or days.
20180122             —CONFIRMED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING party, that discussions were underway on PRESIDENT—JACOB—ZUMA—DEPARTURE from office, possibly signaling the coming end to his SCANDAL—TAINTED 9—YEAR—REIGN.
20180122             SWITZERLAND, film star Cate Blanchett, SINGER—SONGWRITER Elton John and Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan received awards at the World Economic Forum in Davos for their work raising awareness about human rights issues.
20180122             THE—CRYSTAL—AWARD is given, by THE—WEF to artists who make 1—POSITIVE—CHANGE in society.
20180122             —KILLED, SYRIA—STATE—TELEVISION said 9—CIVILIANS were, by insurgent shelling of the old quarter of DAMASCUS.
20180122             Rebel factions in the besieged ENCLAVE—OF—EAST—GHOUTA have escalated their SHELLING—OF—GOVERNMENT—CONTROLLED areas in and —AROUND DAMASCUS —SINCE November.
20180122             —SUFFERED, At least 21—PEOPLE, including children, breathing difficulties in 1—SUSPECTED—SYRIA—REGIME—CHEMICAL—ATTACK on Douma in EAST—GHOUTA.
20180122             The spokesman for THE—SYRIA—DEMOCRATIC—FORCES (SDF) militia alliance said the death toll from 1—TURKEY—OFFENSIVE in the Afrin REGION—OF—NORTH—WEST—SYRIA stands at 18—CIVILIANS, including women and children.
20180122             —INTENSIFIED, TURKEY, its offensive against Kurdish militia targets in Syria as PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN vowed there would be no stepping —BACK—IN 1—CAMPAIGN that has stoked concern among ANKARA—ALLIES and neighbors.
20180122             † A 2. TURKEY—SOLDIER was killed in action in TURKEY—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE on 1—KURDISH—HELD enclave in NORTH—SYRIA.
20180122             —LAUNCHED, THE—UN—AGENCY for PALESTINE—REFUGEES, an "unprecedented" appeal seeking HUNDREDS—OF—MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in response to funding cuts by THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION.
20180122             VIETNAM, Trinh Xuan Thanh, 1—EX—CHAIRMAN—OF—PETROVIETNAM—CONSTRUCTION—ARM, was sentenced to life in prison.
20180122             —RECEIVED, FORMER—PETROVIETNAM chairman Dinh La Thang, a 13—YEAR prison term.
20180122             —ORDERED, Thanh was also, to pay compensation of $1.5—MILLION and Thang $1.3—MILLION at THE—END—OF—1—MAJOR—CORRUPTION—TRIAL.
20180122             22—DEFENDANTS in the case, mostly current or former executives at PetroVietnam, were CONVICTED—OF—MISMANAGEMENT, embezzlement or both in their tenures at the state energy giant.
20180122             —FIRED, YEMEN—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said Houthi rebels, Katyusha rockets on 1—MILITARY—PARADE—NEAR THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—TAIZ, killing at least 7—PEOPLE, including 1—LOCAL—JOURNALIST, in 1—APPARENT—ASSASSINATION—ATTEMPT on the interior MINISTER and his deputy.
20180122             —REPORTED, THE—PRO—HOUTHI Masirah channel, that overnight and into the —MORNING, coalition airstrikes —AROUND the Houthi STRONGHOLD—OF—SAADA in the north killed at least 7—PEOPLE, including 5—CHILDREN.
20180122             Hochverschuldete STAATEN (wie ITALIEN, GRIECHENLAND oder PORTUGAL) müssten wohl ein weiteres Mal ihre Budgets zusammenkürzen.
20180122             "Shutdown"IN—DEN—USA: Einigung VERTAGT—USA—REGIERUNG liegt weiter lahm
20180122             Oxfam prangert Ungleichheit an: 2043—MILLIARDÄRE - 3.700.000.000—MENSCHEN in Armut
20180122             Schweizer GROSS—BANK—UBS—GEWINN bricht wegen USA—STEUER—REFORM ein
20180122             Studie: Forscher entwickeln künstliche Haut mit MAGNETFELD—SENSOR
20180122             "Sanchi"-Untergang: Größe der Ölteppiche hat sich verdreifacht
20180122             PAPA nach LATEIN—AMERIKA—REISE: "DIE—POLITISCHE Kultur ist eher krank als gesund"
20180122             OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—KURDEN: TÜRKEI rückt in SYRIEN VOR—MIT deutschen Panzern
20180122             NETANYAHU empfängt Pence: "JERUSALÉM ist die HAUPT—STADT—VON—ISRAEL"
20180122             NOTFALL—MANÖVER: Flugzeuge lassen Hunderte Tonnen Treibstoff über DEUTSCHLAND ab
20180122             KRYPTO—WÄHRUNG—BITCOIN—BOOM bringt deutschem FISKUS 726.000.000—EURO
20180122             IWF—PROGNOSE, USA—STEUER—REFORM sorgt für weltweiten Wachstumsschub
20180122             TÜRKEI—INVASION in SYRIEN: ERDOGANs Geschenk an ASSAD
20180122             BITCOIN—NACHFOLGER: Warum VW, Bosch und Björk —JETZT ihr eigenes Geld erfinden
20180122             —EINIGUNG im SENAT, USA—HAUSHALTSSPERRE wird aufgehoben
20180122             In der ostchinesischen Provinz Henan hat es
20180122             —DIE—LAGE—DERZEIT, an den FINANZ—MÄRKTEN
20180122             —GEWINNT, Der Aufschwung in DER—EURO—ZONE, rascher an Fahrt als erwartet.
20180122             EINMARSCH—IN—SYRIEN: Ditib lässt in DEUTSCHLAND für türkischen Sieg beten
20180122             EURO—FINANZ—MINISTER—TREFFEN—IN—BRÜSSEL: Hilfsmilliarden für GRIECHENLAND gebilligt
20180124—20180122    —ON, 21—PEOPLE were treated for respiratory problems —AFTER rockets were fired on the rebel BASTION—OF—EAST—GHOUTA outside DAMASCUS, which residents and medical sources said contained chlorine.
20190000             hatte es 1—MINUS von nur rund 4—PROZENT gegeben.
20190109—20190122    —ON, The extension to the Elysee Treaty will be signed.
20190122             —DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER—FREUNDSCHAFTS—VERTRAG[AACHENER—VERTRAG], Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin ANGELA—MERKEL, der französische STAATS—PRÄSIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON unterzeichnen im Aachener Rathaus, den neuen,
20190122             —MOVED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, toward allowing PRESIDENT—TRUMP to exclude most transgender from military service.
20190122             —REPORTED, It was, that research from THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—ARKANSAS shows that more than 12,000—PEOPLE from THE—MARSHALL—ISLANDS—NOW live in NORTH—WEST—ARKANSAS.
20190122             Terminix reportedly paid $9.2—MILLION in criminal fines in the case.
20190122             1—IOWA state judge struck down the state's "fetal heartbeat" abortion law finding it unconstitutional.
20190122             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN—MAIN—SPY—AGENCY reportedly, the Taliban COMMANDER behind 1—DEADLY—ATTACK on 1—OF—ITS—BASES 1—DAY —EARLIER, and vowed to hunt down and kill all the rest of those involved.
20190122             6—GUNMEN were also reported killed in the air strike in Maidan Wardak province.
20190122             —ISSUED, THE—TALIBAN, 1—STATEMENT, denying that THE—COMMANDER had been killed.
20190122             Officials in Maidan Wardak gave conflicting ACCOUNTS—OF—THE—VIOLENCE.
20190122             BULGARIA said it plans to stop allowing wealthy foreigners to buy citizenship against investment, saying the scheme had failed to bring ANY—SIGNIFICANT—ECONOMIC—BENEFITS for the country.
20190122             —PROCEED, CANADA—AMBASSADOR to THE—USA—SAID—THE—USA will, with the formal extradition from CANADA of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, as BEIJING vowed to respond to WASHINGTON—ACTIONS.
20190122             —DEMANDED, CHINA, THE—USA—DROP 1—REQUEST that CANADA extradite Meng Wanzhou, 1—TOP—EXECUTIVE—OF—THE—TECH—GIANT—HUAWEI, shifting blame to WASHINGTON in 1—CASE that has severely damaged BEIJING—RELATIONS with OTTAWA.
20190122             EGYPT said at least 7—TROOPS, including 1—OFFICER, have been killed in clashes with militants in recent operations in restive NORTH—SINAI—PENINSULA.
20190122             —KILLED, The military said in 1—STATEMENT that forces have, at least 59 suspected militants and arrested another 142 suspected militants and criminals.
20190122             —GRANTED, ETHIOPIA said it had, more than 13,000—PEOPLE—AMNESTY as PART—OF—1—BROAD—REFORM—AGENDA pushed by PRIME—MINISTER—ABIY—AHMED.
20190122             —COMMITTED, THE—EU and African Union, to work closely with CONGO—PRESIDENT—ELECT—FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, backing off reservations about the disputed vote.
20190122             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that the European Commission has fined MasterCard $650—MILLION for breaching antitrust rules by raising PAYMENT—PROCESSING fees artificially.
20190122             —ROBBED, FRANCE, several suspects were on the run —AFTER they, 1—BANK—ON—THE—CHAMPS—ELYSEES in broad daylight.
20190122             FRANCE—OFFICIALS said USA—SINGER—CHRIS—BROWN, 29—JAHRE—ALT and 2—OTHER—PEOPLE are in custody in PARIS —AFTER 1—WOMAN filed 1—RAPE complaint.
20190122             GERMANY, CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL and FRANCE—PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON signed 1—NEW—TREATY in AACHEN to update their 19630000              POST—WAR—RECONCILIATION—ACCORD (Elysee Treaty), aiming to reinvigorate the European UNION—MAIN—AXIS as growing eurosceptic nationalism tests the bloc's cohesion.
20190122             —ARRESTED, NORTH—EAST—INDIA, police, 31—ROHINGYA In Tripura state —AFTER they spent 2—DAYS in the open in 1—NO—MAN'S—LAND along the border with BANGLADESH.
20190122             INDONESIA—PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO said that elderly Islamic cleric ABU—BAKAR—BASHIR, who inspired the Bali bombers and other extremists, won't be released from prison unless he renounces radicalism, backing down from plans to free him without conditions.
20190122             —TESTED, ISRAEL said that it has successfully, THE—ARROW—3—INTERCEPTOR, the country's advanced missile defense system.
20190122             ITALY, ANTI—MAFIA police said they had dealt 1—FRESH—BLOW to the Cosa Nostra, arresting 7 suspected RISING—STAR mobsters —AFTER 2—OF—THE organized crime group turned state witnesses.
20190122             1—TOKYO COURT—REJECTED—FORMER—NISSAN chairman CARLOS—GHOSN—LATEST—REQUEST for bail, more than —2—MONTHS—AFTER his arrest.
20190122             1—KOSOVO court convicted 1—MAN for participating in terror groups in Syria and jailed him —FOR—5—YEARS.
20190122             —CONVICTED, In 1—SEPARATE—TRIAL, the same COURT—IN—PRISTINA, 5—OTHERS to prison terms for participation in terror groups and other acts related to terrorism.
20190122             LIBYA—COASTGUARD said 473—MIGRANTS trying to reach ITALY by inflatables had been brought back to THE—NORTH—AFRICAN country.
20190122             —CRITICIZED, THE—UN, European countries for not allowing migrants to disembark at safe ports.
20190122             † MOZAMBIQUE, SOUTH—AFRICA—BUSINESSMAN—ANDRE—MAYER—HANEKOM, 61—JAHRE—ALT, held on suspicion of being 1—JIHADIST—LEADER, in hospital under mysterious circumstances.
20190122             —ARRESTED, Hanekom, who ran 1—MARITIME business in PALMA, was, in August alongside 2—LOCALS and 2—TANZANIANS, with prosecutors accusing them of being PART—OF—1—JIHADIST—GROUP.
20190122             —UNIDENTIFIED, PORTUGAL, attackers threw petrol bombs at 1—POLICE—STATION in THE—CITY—OF—SETUBAL and torched cars in THE—CAPITAL—LISBON, hours —AFTER 1—PROTEST against alleged RACIALLY—MOTIVATED police violence ended in clashes.
20190122             ROMANIA—PRESIDENT—KLAUS—IOHANNIS said that 1—GOVERNMENT—DECREE that could invalidate HUNDREDS—OF—CORRUPTION—CASES involving senior officials is "crassly unconstitutional," 1—DEVELOPMENT that also prompted concern from THE—EU.
20190122             RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN met with JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—SHINZO—ABE in the Kremlin for the latest ROUND—OF—TALKS on the dispute over 1—CHAIN—OF—ISLANDS in the Pacific Ocean.
20190122             —DETAINED, Police, 11—PEOPLE protesting against territorial concessions outside THE—JAPAN—EMBASSY in MOSCOW.
20190122             RUSSIA, Anastasia Vashukevich, 1—BELARUSIAN model and SELF—STYLED sex instructor who —LAST—YEAR claimed to have EVIDENCE—OF—RUSSIA—INTERFERENCE 20160000             —IN—THE—USA—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTION, was released from detention pending trial.
20190122             1—RUSSIAN—1—LONG—RANGE—TU 22M3 bomber CRASH—LANDED in THE—ARCTIC, leaving 3—OF—ITS crew of 4—DEAD.
20190122             † RUSSIA—TRANSPORT—MINISTRY said 10—CREW and another 10 were missing presumed dead in 1—FIRE that broke out on 2—SHIPS —WHILE they were transferring fuel in the Black Sea.
20190122             The vessels which caught fire 1—DAY—EARLIER have the same names as 2—TANZANIA—FLAGGED ships, the Maestro and Venice, which —LAST—YEAR were included on 1—USA—SANCTIONS—ADVISORY as delivering fuel to Syria.
20190122             SPAIN, taxi drivers striking to demand tighter regulations for companies using RIDE—HAILING apps blocked traffic for another —DAY in MADRID and BARCELONA, —WHILE threatening to take their protest to THE—FRANCE—BORDER.
20190122             —FIRED, SUDAN—POLICE, tear gas at crowds demonstrating in the capital's twin CITY—OF—OMDURMAN against THE—DEATH—OF—1—FELLOW—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTER.
20190122             —EMBATTLED, SUDAN's, PRESIDENT flew to QATAR, the wealthy Gulf state that has offered him help.
20190122             —OPENED, SWITZERLAND, the annual World Economic Forum, in Davos.
20190122             BRAZIL—PRESIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO gave the keynote address vowing 1—INVESTMENT—FRIENDLY—AGENDA and attacking leftwing politics in Latin AMERICA.
20190122             USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP along with the leaders kof FRANCE, BRITAIN and ZIMBABWE stayed away from the forum as they fought political fires back home.
20190122             —DETONATED, SYRIA, 1—CAR—BOMB, in THE—GOVERNMENT—HELD CITY—OF—LATAKIA, killing 1—PERSON and wounding 14.
20190122             SYRIA, 7—SIBLINGS were asleep late —TODAY in their apartment in DAMASCUS —WHEN 1—FIRE broke out and spread quickly, suffocating 6 in their bedroom and burning to death the 7., 1—GIRL, who was stuck under 1—FALSE ceiling that collapsed as she tried to flee.
20190122             —WASHED, THAILAND police said DNA tests show that 2—BODIES found, up on the shore of the Mekong River in the northeast are THE—CORPSES—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS.
20190122             The 2, known by the pseudonyms Puchana and Kasalong, were among 3 exiled activists who disappeared in December from homes in Laos, where they took shelter —AFTER fleeing THAILAND.
20190122             1—TURKEY—COURT sentenced prominent JOURNALIST—NAZLI—ILICAK, already serving 1—LIFE—SENTENCE, to almost 6—ADDITIONAL—YEARS in prison for leaking information deemed secret by the government.
20190122             —CALLED, ZIMBABWE—PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA, for 1—NATIONAL—DIALOGUE among political parties and civic leaders, even as arrests continued.
20190122             FRÜHERER—USA—PRÄSIDENTEN—BERATER packt aus: Als BARACK—OBAMA falsches Spiel mit PUTIN spielte (SPIEGEL+, 00:21)
20190122             NORD—IRLAND: 4—VERDÄCHTIGE nach AUTO—BOMBENANSCHLAG freigelassen
20190122             —VERSPRICHT, DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Freundschaft: Was der "VERTRAG—VON—AACHEN"
20190122             Projekt in MOSKAU: DONALD—TRUMP—ANWALT nimmt Aussage zu RUSSLAND—GESCHÄFT zurück
20190122             Technik aus DEN—USA: STIRnband misst Aufmerksamkeit von Schülern (Leben und Lernen, 07:56)
20190122             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHER VERTRAG: Große Pläne, kleine Schritte
20190122             —BEZIFFERT, DEUTSCHE—BAHN: GEWERKSCHAFT, Investitionsrückstand auf—EURO
20190122             AFGHANISTAN: Dutzende Tote bei ANSCHLAG—AUF—GEHEIM—DIENST—BASIS
20190122             DAVOS—BLOG: Chinesische Ökonomin: "Der HANDELS—KRIEG ist ein versteckter Segen"
20190122             —AKZEPTIERT, Steuerhinterziehung: Ronaldo, BEWÄHRUNGS—STRAFE—UND muss knapp 19.000.000—EURO zahlen
20190122             Gefahren der Digitalisierung: Damit uns DIE—ZUKUNFT nicht nach —GESTERN, katapultiert
20190122             VERTRAG—VON—AACHEN: MERKEL und MACRON besiegeln Freundschaftspakt
20190122             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Freundschaft: Die Unterschiede machen uns stark
20190122             DIE—2018—ZUGELASSENEN Autos haben im Schnitt wohl mehr CO2 emittiert als 20170000           .
20190122             Schlecht fürs Klima ist zudem die ungebremste NACH—FRAGE nach durstigen SUVs und Geländewagen.
20190122             DIE—WACHSENDE ZAHL—VON—ELEKTROAUTOS gleicht den Trend steigender EMISSIONEN bei weitem nicht aus.
20190122             Reine Elektroautos erreichten
20190122             Hybridautos kommen auf 3,8 % (130.258—NEUZULASSUNGEN).
20190122             [l] Morgenluft! MAX—SCHREMS und La Quadrature du Net haben es geschafft, daß GOOGLE von der französischen DATEN—SCHUTZBEHÖRDE 1.DSGVO—STRAFE aufgebrummt wurde.
20190122             GOOGLE teilte mit, DAS—UNTERNEHMEN wolle nach 1—AUSFÜHRLICHEN Prüfung des Beschlusses über sein weiteres Vorgehen in dem Fall entscheiden.
20190122             Hahaha, ja nee, klar.
20190122             Das lässt —SCHON echt tief blicken, wenn GOOGLE—VON—APPLE in Sachen DATEN—SCHUTZ überholt wird.
20190122             Fragile Rollenbilder: Männlichkeit am Limit
20190122             Zu hohe Gebühren: Mastercard muss 570.000.000—EURO Strafe zahlen
20190122             RHEINLAND—PFALZ: Mann stirbt nach TASER—EINSATZ DER—POLIZEI
20190122             GELE—AKTE DATEN—VON—POLITIKERN und Prominenten: Spuren führen in die rechte INTERNETszene
20190122             Fall PAUL—WHELAN: Angeblicher USA—SPION bleibt in russischer Haft
20190122             Mehr tot als lebendig: Es war einmal —DIE—SPD (SPIEGEL+, 12:58)
20190122             —GESTRICHEN, KOLUMBIEN: Frieden ist
20190122             —ENDE—DER—VERBRENNUNGSMOTOREN: SCHWEDEN verbietet Verkauf von DIESEL— und Benzinautos 20300000             —VON, an
20190122             "Lehrende" statt "Lehrer": HANNOVER führt gendergerechte Sprache ein (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 13:57)
20190122             EU—AUSTRITT der Briten: Was ein harter BREXIT im Alltag bedeuten würde
20190122             Studie: Jeder 3. EU—BÜRGER nimmt wachsenden Antisemitismus wahr
20190122             DIE—WICHTIGSTEN Player im BREXIT—STREIT: Ultras, Aufschieber, Sturköpfe
20190122             DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Freundschaft: TSCHECHIENs EX—PRÄSIDENT—SPRICHT—VON "Geheimvertrag"
20190122             —KANDIDIERT, UKRAINE, Tymoschenko, bei PRÄSIDENTEN—WAHL
20190122             JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Teure Klagen wegen angeblichen ASBEST—BABYPUDERS
20190122             SCHOTTLAND: Vermeintlich uralter Steinkreis offenbar nur, 20—JAHRE—ALT
20190122             Frischer Salat, Tomaten und GURKEN—PRODUKTE, die britische SUPER—MARKTREGALE füllen, wären im Fall eines chaotischen BREXITs ohne Abkommen wohl schnell vergriffen.
20190122             DIE—BRITISCHE—REGIERUNG plant daher, DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG auf 1.Ernährungsumstellung einzuschwören.
20190122             —DANN, könnte statt Garnelen und Thunfisch aus der EU etwa heimische Makrele auf dem Speiseplan STEHEN—UND statt frischem Gemüse Kartoffeln und Kohl.
20190122             Für die nächsten 6—MONATE seien die Kühlhäuser auf der Insel ausgebucht, ausländische Kunden seien —BEREITS abgewiesen worden, verkündeten VERTRETER—DER Industrie.
20190122             Mehr als 10.000—LASTWAGEN verlassen an einem durchschnittlichen —TAG den HAFEN im britischen Dover Richtung Frankreich.
20190122             —SCHON wenige Minuten, die 1.gesonderte Überprüfung dauern würde, ergäbe 1 50—KILO—METER—LANGEN Rückstau auf den Straßen Richtung Inland.
20190122             wenn die 75.000—ERNTE—HELFER, die —BISHER —JAHR für —JAHR überwiegend aus den östlichen EU—LÄNDERN auf DIE—INSEL—BRITANNIEN kommen, nicht mehr einfach so einreisen dürfen.
20190122             80—ARZNEIMITTEL sind in ENGLAND —BEREITS—JETZT derart rar, daß DIE—REGIERUNG sie auf 1 "ENGPASS—LISTE" führt.
20190122             Selbst häufig verschriebene Antidepressiva und Schmerzmittel könnten bald knapp werden.
20190122             DIE—REGIERUNG verweist mit NACHDRUCK—AUF—SCHWANKUNGEN auf dem Weltmarkt.
20190122             Broschüre "Wie ich mich darauf vorbereite, falls GROßBRITANNIEN DIE—EU ohne Deal verlässt".
20190122             Kreise mit einem liegenden Stein, den sogenannten "Recumbent Stone Circles" wurden vor über 3500—BIS 4.500—JAHREN errichtet und sind vorwiegend in Nordosten von SCHOTTLAND zu finden.
20190122             [l] CAPTAIN—OBVIOUS macht nicht nur Studien.
20190122             Was THE—FACEBOOK '10 —YEAR Challenge' 1—WAY—TO—MINE—DATA—FOR—FACIAL Recognition AI?
20190122             NA WAS DENN SONST?!
20190122             Demenz: BLUT—TEST sagt Alzheimer JAHRE—VOR den 1.Symptomen voraus
20190122             Mögliche PROFIT—STEIGERUNG: HEDGE—FONDS drängt EBAY zur Aufspaltung
20190122             —DER—TAG—KOMPAKT, Frankreich und DEUTSCHLAND, 1.Liebesgeschichte
20190122             MERKEL und MACRON: Gemeinsam den Kopf hingehalten
20190122             —DOKUMENTATION über Superreiche: Geradezu asketisch
20190122             —BEFÜRCHTET, SATELLITEN—DATEN, GRÖNLAND—EIS schmilzt schneller als
20190122             —VERERBT, Bundesarbeitsgericht: Urlaubsanspruch kann, werden (KARRIERE—SPIEGEL, 18:01)
20190122             Insekten auf der Speisekarte: 1—MEHLWURM—EIS zum Dessert
20190122             VERTRAG—VON—AACHEN: DEUTSCH—FRANZÖSISCHE Paartherapie
20190122             BREXIT: Britische Firmen starten Notfallpläne
20190122             Wetter in DEUTSCHLAND: Eisige Nächte, frostige Tage
20190122             AfD als Prüffall für den VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ, "Das kann 1—NEGATIVEN Eindruck hinterlassen"
20190122             —KAMPF—GEGEN—SCHLEUSER: DEUTSCHLAND zieht sich aus EU—MITTELMEERMISSION zurück
20190122             Autobahnen: VERKEHRS—EXPERTEN fordern TEMPO—LIMIT für mehr Sicherheit
20190122             USA—BÜRGER Whelan in russischer Haft: Der angebliche Agent
20190122             SPON—UMFRAGE: BÜRGER sehen keine klare Kompetenz bei der SPD
20190122             Kinderpsychiater über Transgender: "Wir erleben 1—ENORMEN Zulauf an Jugendlichen, die ihr Geschlecht wechseln wollen"
20190122             MIKROSCHWIMM—ROBOTER: Auf in die Blutbahn
20190122             Hautbemalung: Zebramuster schützt Menschen vor Stichen
20190122             DEUTSCHLAND, NIEDERLANDE, SPANIEN und BRASILIEN betroffen: Nutzer von WhatsApp melden massive Störungen
20190122             Dass solche Streifen 1.angenehme Begleiterscheinung haben können, haben ungarische und schwedische Forscher nun in 1—STUDIE nachgewiesen.
20190122             Kommunikation im WEISSES—HAUS DONALD—TRUMP stellt PRESSE—KONFERENZEN infrage
20190122             KURZE—DURCHSAGE des GOOGLE CFO:
20190122             GOOGLE—CHIEF—FINANCIAL—OFFICER—RUTH—PORAT said data is more like sunlight than oil.
20190122             Porat said GOOGLE was using data for positive developments, like diagnosing breast cancer.
20190122             Seht ihr? Dafür braucht GOOGLE eure DATEN!
20190122             Für den KAMPF—GEGEN—BRUSTKREBS!!1!
20190122             —BEFÜRCHTET, GRÖNLAND—EIS schmilzt schneller als, SATELLITEN—DATEN,
20190122—20150000    —IN, DELAWARE, Jose Rivera (59), THE—EX—MANAGER—OF—1—PEST—CONTROL—COMPANY in THE—USA—VIRGIN—ISLANDS, was sentenced to 1—YEAR in prison for poisoning 1—DELAWARE family with 1 banned pesticide.
20200122             —ANNOUNCED, THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION, new regulations barring IRAN—INVESTORS and business people from entering or staying in THE—USA on certain types of visas effective 20200123           .
20200122             THE—REPUBLICAN—CONTROLLED USA—SENATE heard opening arguments in PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT—TRIAL, beginning several DAYS—OF—ARGUMENT on whether to remove Trump from office.
20200122             —APPROVED, THE—USA—FEDERAL—ENERGY—REGULATORY—COMMISSION, Kinder MORGAN—INC'S 20201213              request to start CONSTRUCTION—OF—ITS proposed Lockridge natural gas pipeline in the Permian basin in WEST—TEXAS.
20200122             —REPORTED, THE—ENVIRONMENTAL—WORKING—GROUP (EWG), that THE—CONTAMINATION—OF—USA drinking water with MAN—MADE "forever chemicals" is far worse than previously estimated with some of the highest levels found in MIAMI, PHILADELPHIA and NEW—ORLEANS.
20200122             The chemicals, resistant to breaking down in the environment, are known as perfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.
20200122             —FACED, USA—HOUSE—PROSECUTORS, fidgeting senators as they rolled out their case against PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, the trial's previous session having lasted 1—FATIGUE—INDUCING 13—HOURS.
20200122             —INCLUDED, PRESIDENT—TRUMP sent 120-plus tweets that, trial commentary and criticism.
20200122             1—SENIOR—USA—OFFICIAL said on CHINA has failed to send home NORTH—KOREA—WORKERS by a 20201222              deadline in violation of a 20170000              UNITED—NATIONS resolution.
20200122             —ESTIMATED, THE—USA has, PYONGYANG was earning more than $500—MILLION 1—YEAR from nearly 100,000 workers abroad, of which some 50,000 were in CHINA and 30,000 in RUSSIA.
20200122             —BECAME, UTAH, THE—USA 19. state to ban THE—PRACTICE—OF—CONVERSION—THERAPY for LGBTQ children.
20200122             —OPENED, WASHINGTON, state several people in 1—DISPUTE, fire, killing 1—WOMAN, in the busiest PART—OF—DOWNTOWN—SEATTLE at the height of the —EVENING commute.
20200122             2—MEN involved in the shooting were —LATER arrested in LAS—VEGAS.
20200122             A 3. suspect injured in the shooting was located by police in 1—SEATTLE hospital.
20200122             —OVERTURNED, The lower HOUSE—OF—BRITAIN—PARLIAMENT, changes made by the upper house to the legislation needed to ratify the country's divorce agreement with THE—EU.
20200122             TERRY—JONES, 77—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—THE—BRITISH—MONTY—PYTHON comedy team and DIRECTOR—OF—RELIGIOUS satire "Life of Brian", † —AFTER 1—LONG—BATTLE with dementia.
20200122             —APPROVED, BURUNDI—GOVERNMENT, draft legislation to make PRESIDENT—PIERRE—NKURUNZIZA "Paramount Leader, CHAMPION—OF—PATRIOTISM and Leadership Core," as his troubled 3. term nears 1—END.
20200122             Deaths from CHINA—NEW—VIRUS—ROSE to 17 with more than 540—CASES confirmed, increasing fears of contagion from 1—INFECTION suspected to originate from ILLEGALLY—TRADED wildlife.
20200122             † 1—PATIENT infected with the new coronavirus, in Hebei province, marking the 1. confirmed death outside Hubei province where the outbreak began.
20200122             —RAISED, This, the death toll from the outbreak to 18.
20200122             —STARTED, EGYPT, ETHIOPIA and SUDAN, USA—MONITORED talks in KHARTOUM to try hammer out 1—DRAFT—DEAL to resolve their dispute over 1—NILE dam that ETHIOPIA is constructing.
20200122             FRANCE—FINANCE—MINISTER—BRUNO—LE—MAIRE said FRANCE and THE—USA—HAVE brokered 1—TRUCE in their bilateral row over digital taxation but still have to hammer out how talks for 1—GLOBAL—DEAL should proceed.
20200122             —CONVICTED, GERMANY, 1—BERLIN court, 2—GERMANY—MEN—OF—MURDER in the fatal shooting of a 25—YEAR—OLD—POLAND—WOMAN.
20200122             —SENTENCED, THE—2—MEN were, to life imprisonment.
20200122             GREECE—MERCHANT marine ministry said 8—CREW MEMBERS—OF—1—GREEK—FLAGGED tanker ship have been freed more than —20—DAYS—AFTER being kidnapped by gunmen off THE—COAST—OF—CAMEROON.
20200122             —MASKED, SOUTH—WEST—IRAN, gunmen ambushed and killed Abdolhossein Mojaddami, the local HEAD—OF—THE—BASIJ paramilitary security force.
20200122             JAPAN—BASED Toyota Motor Corp said it is recalling 361,000 older vehicles worldwide for potentially defective air bag inflators.
20200122             1—DAY—EARLIER Honda Motor Co said it will recall 2.7—MILLION older USA—VEHICLES in NORTH—AMERICA for the same type of Takata inflator that Toyota is also recalling.
20200122             1—KOSOVO court convicted 8—ETHNIC—ALBANIA—MEN—OF preparing terrorist acts and trying to destabilize the country's constitutional order.
20200122             —HANDED, THE—COURT—IN—PRISTINA, out prison terms ranging from 2 to 12—YEARS to 8—MEMBERS—OF—THE—SO—CALLED—PEOPLE—EYE—GROUP.
20200122             LEBANON—NEW—GOVERNMENT held its 1. meeting, 1—DAY—AFTER it was formed —FOLLOWING a 3—MONTH—POLITICAL vacuum, with THE—PRIME—MINISTER saying his Cabinet will adopt financial and economic methods different than those of previous governments.
20200122             —REOPENED, LIBYA, the only functioning airport in TRIPOLI, —AFTER coming under attack, despite 1—TENUOUS—TRUCE that world powers have pushed warring parties to respect.
20200122             —CRASHED, Authorities at Mitiga airport said 6—GRAD missiles had, into the tarmac.
20200122             —BANNED, NORTH—KOREA, foreign tourists to guard against THE—SPREAD—OF—1—NEW—VIRUS from CHINA.
20200122             —REPORTED, It was, that SAUDI—ARABIA—DE—FACTO ruler, known as MBS, started 1—HACKING process by sending the Amazon_com INCORPORATED CHIEF—JEFF—BEZOS 1—WHATSAPP message containing hidden malware, which gave the Saudis access to the billionaire's phone.
20200122             —PLEADED, SOUTH—KOREA—1. known transgender soldier, to be allowed to continue serving —AFTER the military decided to discharge her for undergoing gender reassignment surgery.
20200122             Tank driver Byun HUI—SU, held 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE at which she asked military leaders to reconsider their decision and let her serve as 1—FEMALE—SOLDIER.
20200122             —SUSPECTED, SOUTH—SUDAN, Misseriya tribesmen killed at least 29—PEOPLE, at least SOME—OF—WHOM burned to death in their homes, in 1—ATTACK on 1—VILLAGE in the disputed Abyei border region.
20200122             The death toll from the attack soon rose to at least 32—PEOPLE.
20200122             SWITZERLAND, top NGOs including Greenpeace and AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL called for the $1.1—BILLION sale of the_org INTERNET domain to 1—PRIVATE—COMPANY to be blocked, saying it could do "irreparable harm".
20200122             —PUBLISHED, The directors of 10—LEADING NGOs, 1—OPEN—LETTER at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos urging ISOC and ICANN, THE—INTERNET—GOVERNING authority, to stop the sale.
20200122             Führungskrise bei der 5—STERNE—BEWEGUNG: "Wir sind im Chaos" Aus ROM berichtet FRANK—HORNIG
20200122             SPANIEN: Mindesten 9—MENSCHEN —STERBEN durch Sturmtief "Gloria"
20200122             12—KILOMETER vor deutscher Grenze: Afrikanische Schweinepest rückt näher
20200122             —STREIT—IN—JERUSALEMS Altstadt: Macron legt sich mit ISRAEL—POLIZISTEN an
20200122             —NACH, UNO—BESCHLUSS: Bundesregierung will keine KLIMA—FLÜCHTLINGE anerkennen
20200122             HARALD—SCHMIDT über den Aktienmarkt: Wie TRUMP, THUNBERG und Blackrock den Dax in die Höhe treiben Die Videokolumne von HARALD—SCHMIDT
20200122             CORONA—VIRUS—: Was Geschäftsreisende —JETZT wissen müssen
20200122             —NEUEN—CORONA—VIRUS—: Was würde ein internationaler Gesundheitsnotstand bedeuten?
20200122             AfD und rechter Terror: Von der HETZE zum Mord
20200122             USA—DONALD—TRUMP plant weitere EINREISE—SPERREN
20200122             Auch GRÜNEN—CHEF—HABECK betroffen: Autovermieter BUCH—BINDER ließ Millionen Kundendaten offen IM—NETZ stehen
20200122             —KLIMA—PROTEST—IN—DAVOS: "Dann müssen wir eben rebellieren" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—FABIAN—SCHMIDT
20200122             † MONTY—PYTHON—KOMIKER: TERRY—JONES ist tot - Wed 20200122
20200122             [l] JEFF—BEZOS wurde vom SAUDI—ARABIEN—KRON—PRINZEN gehackt.
20200122             Jedenfalls kam die Malware als Video in einer WHATSAPP—NACHRICHT von dem.
20200122             CORONA—VIRUS—: CHINA spricht von 440—INFIZIERTEN PATIENTEN—UND 9—TOTEN
20200122             TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT: Zank zum Auftakt Aus WASHINGTON berichten ROLAND—NELLES und MARC—PITZKE
20200122             VENEZUELA—GEHEIM—DIENST soll BÜRO—VON—OPPOSITIONS—FÜHRER Guaidó durchsucht haben
20200122             Neuer IS—CHEF—AL—SALBI: Baghdadis Erbe
20200122             USA—SENAT beschließt Regeln für Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen TRUMP
20200122             —NEUE—PISA—AUSWERTUNG: Jugendliche klammern sich an traditionelle Berufe
20200122             FRANKFURTer BÖRSE—DAX springt auf neues Rekordhoch
20200122             1. Frau im Amt: Ekaterini Sakellaropoulou zur Präsidentin Griechenlands gewählt
20200122             Unrest in FRANCE: EMMANUEL—MACRON—RISKS—IT—ALL in Act II of His Presidency By Britta Sandberg
20200122             [l] Wer kam eigentlich auf die brillante Idee, Software in Lautsprecher zu packen?
20200122             Das war doch klar, daß wir dann bald Schlagzeilen über aus dem Support fallende Lautsprecher haben werden.
20200122             Ich habe hier noch analoge Lautsprecher.
20200122             Komisch. Die brauchen gar keinen Support! Die funktionieren einfach!
20200122             [l] —JETZT ist auch noch TERRY—JONES—VON—MONTY—PYTHON tot.
20200122             [l] Hahaha, geil! APPLE, die selbsternannten Hüter von Anstand und Moral, hatten ja Werbung in Apps für Kinder ausgesetzt, nachdem die Kids Werbung für Pornos und gewalttätige Spiele gekriegt hatten.
20200122             —DANN, passierte das hier:
20200122             Entwickler von KINDER—APPS hatten zuvor beklagt, das neue Regelwerk sei zu unspezifisch und mache Geschäftsmodelle wie 1—WERBEFINANZIERUNG praktisch unmöglich
20200122             [l] DATENREICHTUM—BEI—MICROSOFT.
20200122             250M Datensätze über ihre SUPPORT—UND SERVICE—KUNDEN.
20200122             In 5—ELASTICSEARCH—INSTANZEN, die offen am INTERNET hingen.
20200122             Das ist m.W. das 1. Mal, daß 1—DER—GROSSEN—CLOUD—FIRMEN—KUNDENDATEN verliert.
20200122             Also die Firma selber —JETZT, nicht ihre Kunden.
20200122             Und: Microsoft setzt Elasticsearch ein?
20200122             Das ist immerhin ein großer DATEN—BANK—ANBIETER! Haben die da nichts eigenes?
20200122             DIE—METEOROLOGEN warnen im BUNDES—STAAT FLORIDA davor, daß Leguane von den Bäumen fallen könnten.
20200122             "Bitte seien sie nicht überrascht", heißt es in dem Tweet.
20200122             DIE—AUSSERGEWÖHNLICHEKÄLTE, die —DERZEIT, in FLORIDA herrscht.
20200122             In dem wärmeverwöhnten BUNDES—STAAT waren für die Nacht zum —MITTWOCH vielerorts Temperaturen —BIS um den GEFRIER—PUNKT herum prognostiziert worden.
20200122             Ab FAHRENHEIT—GRADEN in den Vierzigern (etwa 4—BIS 9—GRAD—CELSIUS) ist es laut NWS möglich, daß die Tiere von den Bäumen fallen.
20200122             USA—NOBELPREISTRÄGER Shiller in DAVOS: "Der nächste Crash könnte massiv sein" 1—INTERVIEW aus DAVOS—VON—DAVID Böcking und MICHAEL Sauga
20200122             Vorwurf des Geheimnisverrats: VW geht offenbar gegen EX—FBI—CHEF—VOR
20200122             Flughäfen und Bahnhöfe dicht: Regierung kappt Verbindungen nach WUHAN
20200122             —RATIFIZIERT, Lords geben nach: Britisches Parlament, BREXIT—ABKOMMEN
20200122             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Weniger Wissen = mehr Hass
20200122             —VERBIETET, Razzia bei Rechtsextremen: Seehofer, NEONAZI—GRUPPE "Combat 18" Von WOLF—WIEDMANN—SCHMIDT
20200122             VIZEAUSSEN—MINISTEREINGELADEN: Nordkorea nimmt 1. an Münchner SICHERHEITS—KONFERENZ teil
20200122             Feiern zur Amtseinführung: STAATS—ANWALTSCHAFT erhebt Anklage gegen TRUMP—FESTKOMITEE
20200122             Saison 20200000             : KRAMP—KARRENBAUER plant keine Karnevalsauftritte
20200122             —KLIMAZIELE im Verkehr: Die riskante Wette auf synthetische Kraftstoffe
20200122             Internationaler Gerichtshof: MYANMAR muss Rohingya vor VÖLKER—MORD schützen
20200122             Verfassungsänderungen in RUSSLAND—PARLAMENT stimmt PUTINs Reformpaket zu
20200122             Ungesicherte DATEN—BANK: MICROSOFT—KUNDENGESPRÄCHE standen offen IM—NETZ
20200122             Microsoft hat am Mittwochabend ein mittlerweile behobenes SICHERHEITS—PROBLEM offengelegt.
20200122             Demnach war 1—DATEN—BANK, die Informationen zu Gesprächen zwischen SUPPORT—MITARBEITERN und Kunden enthält, mehrere Wochen lang per Webbrowser und ohne PASSWORTAB—FRAGE erreichbar.
20200122             Zu den darin abgelegten Daten gehören der IT—SICHERHEITSFIRMA Comparitech zufolge Aufzeichnungen von Kundendienstgespächen aus den 14—JAHREN zwischen 20050000              und 20190000           .
20200122             —BEZEICHNET, Microsoft, durch Fehlkonfigurationen wie diese provozierte SICHERHEITSprobleme als "in der Branche bedauerlicherweise weit verbreitet".
20200122             Aufgezeichnete Kundengespräche        CROSOFT—DATENBANK stand WOCHEN—LANG offen IM—NETZ—DER SPIEGEL—NETZWELT
20200122             [l] Benutzt hier jemand APPLE—GERÄTE?
20200122             Habt ihr die gekauft, weil APPLE mit ihrem Trackingschutz Werbung gemacht hat?
20200122             —DANN, habe ich schlechte Nachrichten für euch.
20200122             —FUNKTIONIERT, Der, nicht nur nicht, der ist kontraproduktiv.
20200122             APPLE erinnert langsam so ein bisschen an Intel.
20200122             Da sind ja auch ALLE—INNOVATIONEN der letzten JAHRE—NACH—HINTEN losgegangen.
20200122             [l] Lacher des Tages:
20200122             BRANDENBURGs Regierung sagt ausreichenden DATEN—SCHUTZ bei Kennzeichenfahndung zu
20200122             Wie machen sie das? Na ganz einfach.
20200122             Sie stellen sich so in den Regen, daß sie nicht nass werden!
20200122             Dabei führen sie noch kurz die Quadratur des Kreises durch.
20200122             DIE—BRANDENBURGER Landesregierung hat die massenhafte Kennzeichenerfassung auf Autobahnen grundsätzlich verteidigt, aber zugesagt, DATEN—SCHUTZVERSTÖSSEZU stoppen.
20200122             DIE—KENNZEICHENERFASSUNG ist der DATEN—SCHUTZVERSTOSS ihr Pfeifen!
20200122             Mit anderen Worten: Sie lügen wie gedruckt. Wie immer.
20200122             Oh übrigens, wo wir gerade bei Branderburger Politik waren: Potsdams Behörden ist gerade von einem "CYBERangriff" die IT lahmgelegt worden.
20200122             Ich gehe davon aus, daß sie uns auch da einfach dreist ins Gesicht lügen und das 1—WALD—UND Wiesentrojaner war.
20200122             CYBERangriff, my ass.
20200122             [l] FACEBOOK verkündet einen DURCHBRUCH—BEI—"mapless navigation" mit AI für ZUSTELL—ROBOTER.
20200122             Gemeint ist Paketzustellung, nicht Bombenzustellung, aber das wird sicher nicht lange dauern, —BIS DAS—MILITÄR anklopft.
20200122             Ich wollte aber auf was anderes hinaus.
20200122             —LEARNED, As ever, the team doesn't know exactly how THE—AI, to navigate
20200122             Wenn —IN—ZUKUNFT, also eure Pakete verlorengehen, dann wird niemand sagen können warum.
20200122             THE—FUTURE is —NOW!
20200122             "It's Complete Nonsense" - DER SPIEGEL—INTERNATIONAL
20200122             Wegen CORONA—VIRUS—: Peking sagt große Neujahrsfeier ab
20200122             BERLIN: Ermittler zerschlagen groß angelegten KOKAIN—LIEFERSERVICE
20200122             Rede in DAVOS: Auch für MERKEL ist DONALD—TRUMP der Gegner 1—ANALYSE—VON—MICHAEL—SAUGA, DAVOS
20200122             Antike STADT—HERCULANEUM: Vesuv schmolz menschliches GEHIRN zu Glas
20200122             KATASTROPHE in 3—LÄNDERN: Heuschreckenschwarm von der Größe des Saarlands zieht über Ostafrika her
20200122             Heuschreckenschwarm von der Größe des Saarlands zieht über Ostafrika HER—DER SPIEGEL—WISSENSCHAFT
20200122             —DONNERSTAG, CORONA—VIRUS, CHINA spricht von 440—INFIZIERTE—PATIENTEN, 9—TOTE
20200122             CHINA—REGIERUNG kappt Verbindungen nach WUHAN,Flughäfen, Bahnhöfe dicht
20200122             TEIL—DER—IN—KOMPETENZ ist, gar nicht zu merken, wie wenig Ahnung man hat.
20200122             —ABSAGT, Wegen CORONA—VIRUS, PEKING, große NEUJAHRS—FEIER
20200122             12—KILOMETER vor deutscher Grenze: AFRIKANISCHE—SCHWEINE—PEST rückt näher
20200122             UNO—OZEAN—BEAUFTRAGTER über KLIMA—WANDEL, "Wir müssen anfangen, wie in einem KRIEGS—ZUSTAND zu denken"
20200122             † TERRY—JONES, MONTY—PYTHON—KOMIKER,ist tot
20200122             Heuschreckenschwarm von der Größe des SAARLANDS zieht über OST—AFRIKA her
20200122—20180500    —PRECEDED, The message to Bezos, the grisly MURDER—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI, in THE—SAUDI—ARABIA—CONSULATE in ISTANBUL, by 5—MONTHS.
20200122—20181200    —INJURED, The woman was found fatally, in 1—BERLIN driveway.
20200122—20201231    —KIDNAPPED, Pirates hade, the crew from the Happy Lady tanker, which had been lying at anchor 2—NAUTICAL—MILES (2.3—MILES, 3.7—KM) outside the port of Limboh.
20210107—20210122    —BIS, Tschechien verlängert LOCKDOWN—MASSNAHMEN
20210110             —ZUNÄCHST sollten die Maßnahmen 20210122             —AM enden.
20210122             325_DGS_boletim_20210121
20210122             —CONFIRMED, THE—USA—SENATE (90-2), PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—NOMINEE, retired Army GENERAL—LLOYD—AUSTIN, to serve as SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE—THE 1. Black American in the role.
20210122             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE—FINANCE—COMMITTEE unanimously, JANET—YELLEN—NOMINATION as the 1. woman Treasury SECRETARY, indicating that she will easily win full Senate approval, but Republicans called for her to work with them in developing economic policies.
20210122             Kelu Chao, the acting CHIEF—OF—THE—USA—AGENCY for Global Media, fired the leaders of multiple federally funded news outlets as PART—OF—THE—BIDEN—ADMINISTRATION—SWEEPING effort to clear THE—AGENCY—OF—ALLIES—OF—FORMER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20210122             —RESCUED, THE—FBI said 33—CHILDREN were, in 1—TRAFFICKING operation, including 8—WHO were being sexually exploited at THE—TIME—OF—RECOVERY.
20210122             THE—USA—CENSUS—BUREAU said that it would discontinue efforts to create citizenship tabulations at THE—CITY—BLOCK—LEVEL using 20200000              census data combined with administrative records.
20210122             1—USA—OFFICIAL said between 150 and 200—NATIONAL—GUARD deployed to WASHINGTON, DC, to provide security for PRESIDENT—JOE—BIDEN—INAUGURATION have tested positive for the coronavirus.
20210122             —STARTED, Legal sales of recreational marijuana, in ARIZONA, 1—ONCE—UNTHINKABLE—STEP in the former conservative stronghold that joins 14—OTHER—STATES that have broadly legalized pot.
20210122             ARIZONA, 1—LAS—VEGAS tour bus heading to the Grand Canyon rolled over killing 1—PERSON and critically injuring 2—OTHERS.
20210122             Researchers said new VARIANT—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS appears to account for the recent SURGE—OF—CASES in SOUTH—CALIFORNIA.
20210122             —CALLED, The variant, CAL.20C, accounted for fewer than 1 in every 1,000 COVID—19—CASES in LOS—ANGELES county in July.
20210122             —DETECTED, It was not, again —UNTIL October, but by December accounted for 36—PERCENT—OF—CASES.
20210122             THE—SF, Bay Area DERICK—ALMENA, the remaining defendant in OAKLAND's 20160000              Ghost Ship warehouse fire, pleaded guilty to 36—COUNTS—OF involuntary manslaughter, avoiding a 2. trial.
20210122             CALIFORNIA to date had 3,108,076 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 35,925 deaths.
20210122             THE—SF Bay Area had 353,546 cases and 3,701 deaths.
20210122             —REACHED, Total cases nationwide, over 24,806,034 with the death toll at 413,818.
20210122             FORMER—DETROIT Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who —RECENTLY had his 28-year prison sentence commuted by —NOW—FORMER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP in his term's final hours, returned to family in GEORGIA —FOLLOWING his release from prison.
20210122             —DEFRAUDED, He and his associates are said to have, the Motor CITY—PENSION—FUNDS for more than $95—MILLION through shady investment deals that never materialized.
20210122             —FACED, Hank Aaron (86), who, down racism to become 1—OF—BASEBALL—GREATEST—PLAYERS and its home run KING, † in ATLANTA—GEORGIA.
20210122             The 3.—LARGEST lottery prize in USA—HISTORY went to 1—WINNING ticket sold in MICHIGAN for the $1—BILLION Mega Millions jackpot.
20210122             —CLAIMED, Weeks —LATER a 4—MEMBER suburban DETROIT lottery club, the $1.05—BILLION jackpot and opted to receive $557—MILLION—AFTER taxes.
20210122             —REPORTED, It was, that 3—USA—TICKET brokers, all based in Great NECK—NEW—YORK, have agreed to settle civil charges that they cheated consumers by illegally purchasing TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—TICKETS for concerts, theater, sports and other events, and reselling them at substantial markups.
20210122             —REPORTED, It was, that Dupont Co. and its spinoff business Chemours have agreed to resolve legal disputes over environmental liabilities for pollution related to MAN—MADE chemicals associated with 1 increased RISK—OF—CANCER and other health problems.
20210122             —SUSPENDED, Twitter, 1—ACCOUNT linked to IRAN—SUPREME—LEADER—ALI—KHAMENEI —AFTER it made 1—POST apparently threatening FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20210122             Former presidential candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the main opposition challenger in BELARUS' disputed presidential election urged THE—UN to call for 1—HALT to "violence and lawlessness" in the country, including media censorship, INTERNET shutdowns, website blockages and CANCELLATION—OF—ACCREDITATION for journalists.
20210122             PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—DE—CROO said BELGIUM is banning all leisure travel abroad for its citizens as of next —WEEK and —UNTIL March, in 1—EFFORT to contain THE—SPREAD—OF—COVID 19 and its virulent variants.
20210122             1—SURVEY showed that BRITAIN—RELAPSE into a 3. national COVID—19—LOCKDOWN has sparked the sharpest drop in business activity —SINCE May, with services companies hit hardest.
20210122             —PREMIERED, CHINA, 1—PATRIOTIC documentary film to mark THE—1—YEAR—ANNIVERSARY—OF—WUHAN—CORONAVIRUS—LOCKDOWN, PART—OF—1—BROADER—EFFORT by authorities to cast the government's early response to COVID-19 in 1—POSITIVE—LIGHT.
20210122             —PASSED, CHINA, 1—COAST—GUARD—LAW empowering its coast guard to take all necessary measures including THE—USE—OF—WEAPONS, —WHEN its jurisdiction is infringed by foreign organizations or individuals at sea.
20210122             CHINA—CENTRAL—BANK said it will require NON—BANK—PAYMENT—INSTITUTIONS, with Ant GROUP—ALIPAY as the leading player, to set up bank accounts to deal with fund product transactions for customers.
20210122             —ORDERED, BEIJING, more coronavirus tests for about 2—MILLION—PEOPLE in its downtown area —AFTER new cases were reported in THE—CHINA—CAPITAL.
20210122             —ANNOUNCED, CHINA—NATIONAL—HEALTH—COMMISSION, 103—NEW—CASES had been detected over the past 24—HOURS.
20210122             —HALTED, DENMARK said it has, all flights arriving from THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES—FOR—5—DAYS due to potentially unreliable coronavirus tests in DUBAI.
20210122             EU Council PRESIDENT—CHARLES—MICHEL told RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN by telephone to release opposition politician ALEXEI—NAVALNY and insisted on 1—INVESTIGATION into his August poisoning.
20210122             —REGISTERED, FRANCE, 1—FURTHER 23,292 new confirmed COVID—19—CASES and 649—MORE—DEATHS from the virus in the last 24—HOURS as PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON—GOVERNMENT fought against the possibility of a 3. national lockdown.
20210122             CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—CENTER—RIGHT—PARTY said that ARMIN—LASCHET (59), THE—GOVERNOR—OF—GERMANY—MOST populous state, has been confirmed as its new leader.
20210122             —REPORTED, GERMANY, 859—CORONAVIRUS—DEATHS were, over the past 24—HOURS, taking the total so far to 50,642.
20210122             —SIGNED, HUNGARY said it has, 1—DEAL to buy RUSSIA—SPUTNIK V COVID—19—VACCINE, the 1. European Union country to do so.
20210122             PRIME—MINISTER—NARENDRA—MODI said INDIA was completely SELF—RELIANT on coronavirus vaccine supplies as the world's 2.—MOST populous country inoculated more than 1—MILLION—PEOPLE within 1—WEEK—OF—STARTING 1—MASSIVE—CAMPAIGN.
20210122             Talks between leaders of protesting farmers and THE—INDIA—GOVERNMENT ended abruptly in 1—STALEMATE —WHEN the Agriculture MINISTER—NARENDRA—SINGH—TOMAR said he had nothing more to offer than an 18-month suspension of contentious agricultural reform laws.
20210122             —ATTACKED, ISRAEL—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—JEWS, 1—UNMARKED—ISRAEL—POLICE—VEHICLE overnight, pelting it with stones and smashing the windows —WHILE officers were inside, and igniting 1—RIOT in which at least 6—PEOPLE were arrested.
20210122             —FIRED, ISRAEL—WARPLANES, several missiles toward CENTRAL—SYRIA early —TODAY, killing 1—FAMILY—OF—4— including 2—CHILDREN — and wounding 4—OTHER—PEOPLE.
20210122             —CROSSED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY said it downed 1—DRONE that had, into ISRAEL from LEBANON.
20210122             —ORDERED, THE—ITALY—DATA—PRIVACY—WATCHDOG, video app TikTok to block THE—ACCOUNTS—OF—ANY—USERS in ITALY whose age it could not verify —FOLLOWING the death of a 10—YEAR—OLD—GIRL who had been using THE—CHINESE—OWNED app.
20210122             The girl had reportedly been participating in 1—SO—CALLED—BLACKOUT—CHALLENGE on TikTok, putting 1—BELT —AROUND her neck and holding her breath —WHILE recording herself on her phone.
20210122             —CONFIRMED, JAPAN—CARMAKER Nissan, that it will maintain its operations in BRITAIN in THE—WAKE—OF—THE—POST—BREXIT trade deal between the country and the European Union.
20210122             LITHUANIA—PRESIDENT—GITANAS—NAUSEDA said the country would receive enough COVID—19—VACCINES to inoculate 70—PERCENT—OF—ITS—POPULATION by early July, and that this would achieve herd immunity.
20210122             —RECEIVED, MOROCCO, 2—MILLION doses of ASTRAZENECA—COVID 19—VACCINE, becoming the 1. African country to get 1—LARGE enough shipment to roll out 1—NATIONWIDE immunization program.
20210122             —RECEIVED, MYANMAR, 1.5—MILLION doses of 1—COVID 19—VACCINE supplied by INDIA to inoculate 750,000—PEOPLE, the 1. vaccine batch delivered to THE—SOUTH—EAST—ASIA—COUNTRY as it fights 1—OF—THE—WORST—COVID 19—OUTBREAKS in the region.
20210122             Drug kingpin Tse CHI—LOP, 57—JAHRE—ALT, the alleged ringleader of ASIA—BIGGEST crime syndicate and 1—OF—THE—WORLD—MOST wanted men, was arrested in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20210122             Lop is the suspected LEADER—OF—THE—ASIAN—MEGA—CARTEL known as "SAM—GOR", 1—MAJOR—PRODUCER and SUPPLIER—OF—METHAMPHETAMINES globally.
20210122             —SIGNED, PARAGUAY said it has, agreements with 2—PHARMACEUTICAL—COMPANIES to buy 3—MILLION—DOSES—OF—CORONAVIRUS—VACCINES and plans to start vaccinations in the 2. HALF—OF—FEBRUARY.
20210122             —REGISTERED, PARAGUAY has, 125,518 CASES—OF—CORONAVIRUS and 2,570 deaths.
20210122             RUSSIA, several leading opposition activists and Navalny associates were detained over the last 24—HOURS—AHEAD—OF—THE—RALLIES scheduled for tomorrow.
20210122             —DELETED, RUSSIA said that TikTok had, SOME—OF—WHAT it called illegal posts promoting weekend protests aimed at securing the release of Kremlin critic ALEXEI—NAVALNY.
20210122             —REPORTED, SOUTH—KOREA, 346—NEW—CORONAVIRUS—CASES, down from 1—CHRISTMAS —DAY high of 1,241. The national total rose to 74,262 cases and 1,328 deaths.
20210122             —ISSUED, TURKEY—AUTHORITIES, arrest warrants for 44—JUDGES and prosecutors SUSPECTED—OF—LINKS to the group ANKARA blames for 20160000             —THE—COUP—ATTEMPT.
20210122             —ACCUSED, UGANDA—PRESIDENTIAL—CHALLENGER—BOBI Wine, the country's longtime PRESIDENT—OF staging a "coup" in last —WEEK—ELECTION and urged people to protest his loss through nonviolent means.
20210122             —ENTERED, The 1.—EVER treaty to ban nuclear weapons, into force, hailed as 1—HISTORIC—STEP to rid the world of its deadliest weapons but strongly opposed by the world's NUCLEAR—ARMED nations.
20210122             NONE—OF—THE—9—COUNTRIES known or believed to possess nuclear weapons — THE—USA, RUSSIA, BRITAIN, CHINA, FRANCE, INDIA, PAKISTAN, NORTH—KOREA and ISRAEL — supported it and neither did the 30-nation NATO—ALLIANCE.
20210122             —FREITAG, 20210122
20210122             Probleme bei Sinovac: Chinas Impfstoffdebakel
20210122             Elternkolumne: "Mama, ich habe endlich wieder 1—SOZIALLEBEN!"
20210122             Gipfel zum Coronavirus: EU—STAATEN wollen Reiseregeln verschärfen
20210122             USA—SENAT: Republikaner wollen IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN gegen Trump aufschieben
20210122             Doch keine Verschiebung in den Juli: RIO—DE—JANEIRO sagt weltberühmten Karneval komplett ab
20210122             1—JAHR—CORONA—PANDEMIE: "Wir müssen durchhalten — und vor allem: auf die Bremse treten" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—RAFAELA—VON—BREDOW und Veronika Hackenbroch
20210122             USA—CORONA—BERATER: Fauci spricht über sein schwieriges Verhältnis zu Trump
20210122             USA—WAFFENLOBBY: NRA erleidet Rückschlag im Streit mit New Yorker Justiz
20210122             Ministerpräsident Haseloff zu LOCKDOWN—SZENARIEN: "Mathematisch lässt sich das leicht modellieren, aber realpolitisch schwer umsetzen"
20210122             —VERZEICHNET, Nudelnachfrage durch CORONA: Italien, PASTA—EXPORTBOOM nach Deutschland
20210122             —INVESTIERT, Kleinbetriebe von Minderheiten: JAY—Z, 10—MILLIONEN Dollar in Cannabisfirmen
20210122             20—PROZENT mehr Tiere verkauft: Immer mehr Ministerpräsid... äh, Menschen legen sich einen Hund zu
20210122             Internetzugang aus der Luft: GOOGLE—MUTTER Alphabet gibt BALLON—PROJEKT Loon auf
20210122             Innenministerium fürchtet Radikalisierung der "Querdenker"-Szene
20210122             "—SEIT Beginn der Coronakrise versuchen rechtsextreme Akteure aktiv, den bei Demonstrationsteilnehmenden aus dem esoterischen oder verschwörungsideologischen Milieu bestehenden Unmut über die Maßnahmen zum Infektionsschutz und über Einschränkungen des öffentlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens zu nutzen",
20210122             Es sei nicht ausgeschlossen, dass Esoteriker und Verschwörungsideologen sich radikales Gedankengut aneignen.
20210122             radikales - Gedankengut - aneignen - "Quer
20210122             denker"-Szene - Auch europäische Reisende müssen bei der Einreise nach Frankreich künftig einen negativen CORONA—TEST vorweisen.
20210122             Dieser PCR—TEST dürfe nicht älter als 72—STUNDEN sein,
20210122             Ausnahmen seien für "essenzielle" Reisen vorgesehen — das betreffe vor allem Grenzgänger und den Warenverkehr.
20210122             Ob noch weitere Reisegründe als Ausnahme gelten, war —ZUNÄCHST unklar.
20210122             Fauci spricht von "befreiendem Gefühl" unter Biden
20210122             Es sei für ihn "befreiend", nun ohne Sorge wegen möglicher negativer "Rückwirkungen" über die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur CORONA—PANDEMIE sprechen zu können, sagte Fauci zu Journalisten im Weißen Haus.
20210122             Fauci sagte, die neue Regierung wolle ALLE—IHRE—MASSNAHMEN gegen die Pandemie auf die "Wissenschaft und Beweise" stützen.
20210122             Von der vorherigen Regierung seien hingegen "unangenehme", weil nicht auf wissenschaftliche Fakten gestützte Botschaften verbreitet worden, wie etwa die Empfehlung des MALARIA—MITTELS Hydroxychloroquin gegen die CORONA—INFEKTION.
20210122             Dass er nun "die Wissenschaft sprechen lassen" könne, sei "irgendwie ein befreiendes Gefühl", merkte der Virologe an.
20210122             Tausende Pubs und Restaurants in Großbritannien wegen CORONA pleite
20210122             Unterm Strich hätten fast 6000—BETRIEBE dichtgemacht,
20210122             Das seien etwa dreimal so viele wie 20190000           .
20210122             "Es ist leider unvermeidlich, dass es Tausende weitere treffen wird",
20210122             es - vor allem Mieten seien eine große Belastung.
20210122             CGA—EXPERTE Chessell zeigte sich dennoch optimistisch
20210122             Wissenschaftler fordern —BEREITS, Bars und Restaurants —BIS mindestens Mai zu schließen.
20210122             Katastrophenschützer rechnen absehbar nicht mit TRIAGE—SITUATION
20210122             PRÄSIDENT—ARMIN—SCHUSTER warnte vor Panikmache im Zusammenhang mit Medienberichten über sogenannte CORONA—TRIAGEN.
20210122             "Es gibt entgegen MANCHER—MEDIENBERICHTE keine Triagen in einem deutschen Krankenhaus",
20210122             Triage.
20210122             Das Wort stammt vom französischen Verb "trier", was "sortieren" oder "aussuchen" bedeutet.
20210122             Schuster sagte den Zeitungen zudem, eine 3. Infektionswelle sei auch nach ausgiebigem Impfen möglich.
20210122             Wohltätigkeitsorganisation: Britischen Museen droht das Aus
20210122             Mehrere Kunststätten kämpften ums finanzielle Überleben, teilte die unabhängige Wohltätigkeitsorganisation ART—FUND mit.
20210122             Mehr Hilfe sei nötig, um vor allem kleinere Museen zu unterstützen.
20210122             Mit einem Notfallfonds habe man nur 15—PROZENT—DER—ANTRAGSTELLER unterstützen können.
20210122             —DERZEIT stehen 2,23 Millionen Pfund (etwa 2,5 Millionen Euro) an Hilfsgeldern bereit — bei Anträgen in Höhe von mehr als 16—MILLIONEN Pfund (etwa 18—MILLIONEN Euro).
20210122             "Unsere jüngsten Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass 6—VON 10—MUSEEN, Galerien und historischen Häusern um ihre Zukunft bangen"
20210122             Infektiologe: Auch 4. und 5. Welle möglich
20210122             Womöglich würden diese aber flacher als die 1. und 2. Welle verlaufen.
20210122             "Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass wir eine riesige 3. Welle bekommen, weil wir relativ früh mit dem Lockdown eingegriffen haben",
20210122             "Wir haben es mit unserem Verhalten selbst in der Hand.
20210122             Die Kunst wird darin liegen, dass wir von diesen Wellen nicht ganz so viel mitbekommen und sie flach halten.
20210122             —FUNKTIONIERT, Und das, wenn wir uns eher früher als später konsequent dazu entschließen, Einschränkungen zu akzeptieren".
20210122             Es darf keine Anstrengung zu groß sein, um zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Großteil unserer Bevölkerung zu erreichen.
20210122             Das ist das A und O in dieser Pandemie.
20210122             Jeder könne etwa mit MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ, Abstand und auch Impfung dazu beitragen, dass die Pandemie unter Kontrolle komme und einschränkende Maßnahmen gelockert werden könnten.
20210122             "Das ist noch mal 1—APPELL an die Vernunft und an die Solidarität. - Nur gemeinsam können wir es schaffen".
20210122             In den USA ist die ZAHL—DER—CORONA—INFEKTIONEN binnen 24—STUNDEN um mindestens 191.982—AUF 24,51 Millionen bestätigte Fälle gestiegen.
20210122             Die ZAHL—DER—IM—ZUSAMMENHANG mit CORONAVIRUS—INFEKTIONEN in Deutschland verzeichneten Todesfälle —SEIT Beginn der Pandemie hat die Marke von 50.000—ÜBERSCHRITTEN.
20210122             Zuletzt wurden binnen 24—STUNDEN 859—NACH einer CORONA—INFEKTION Verstorbene erfasst.
20210122             Die sogenannte 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ betrug 115,3.
20210122             Sie war damit etwas niedriger als am Vortag, an dem sie bei 119,0 gelegen hatte.
20210122             Fri 20210122
20210122             [l] Tilo Jung hat mal die Merkel gefragt, was sie von "No Covid" hält und wieso es Geld für Wirtschaftsförderung gibt aber nicht für kostenlose Masken für Hartzer, Studenten und Soloselbständige.
20210122             PORTUGAL teve ano "muito quente e seco" em 2020
20210122             Covid-19: Proibido circular entre concelhos no continente a partir das 20h00 e até segunda
20210122             Costa anuncia interrupção de voos com o Reino Unido a partir de —SÁBADO
20210122             Gesundheitsminister Spahn zur CORONA—LAGE: "Es ist noch nicht vorbei, noch gar nicht"
20210122             Ugandas Oppositionskandidat unter Hausarrest: Der Gettopräsident
20210122             —KORRIGIERT, SHUTDOWN—FOLGE: Altmaier, Wachstumsprognose kräftig nach unten
20210122             Probleme mit Sauerstoff, Klimaanlage: Wie gefährlich sind die Technikpannen auf der ISS?
20210122             Prozess gegen KSK—SOLDAT: Elitesoldat gibt Lagerung von Waffen zu
20210122             Einstufung als Verdachtsfall: AfD klagt gegen Verfassungsschutz
20210122             1. Ansprache der 1. Lady: JILL—BIDEN schreibt Geschichte
20210122             —VERURTEILT, Russland: Nawalnys Sprecherin zu 9—TAGEN Haft
20210122             Trotz Coronakrise: Volkswagen macht 20200000              10—MILLIARDEN Euro Betriebsgewinn
20210122             Luisa Neubauer im SPIEGEL—SPITZENGESPRÄCH: "Im Schatten von CORONA wird Klimazerstörung vorangetrieben"
20210122             Geplantes Mediengesetz: Google droht Australien mit Abschaltung der Suchmaschine
20210122             Coronakrise in Großbritannien: Polizei löst illegale Hochzeitsfeier mit Hunderten Gästen auf
20210122             "Rache unausweichlich": Ajatollah ALI—CHAMENEI droht Trump auf Twitter
20210122             Hohe Zollgebühren: Britische Modehändler nehmen Retouren aus der EU nicht mehr an
20210122             Die Welt leidet, die Volksrepublik erstarkt: Lässt sich Chinas Durchmarsch noch aufhalten?
20210122             Vorbild EUROPA: Die beste aller Weltmächte 1—ESSAY—VON—ULLRICH—FICHTNER
20210122             Endloser CORONA—SHUTDOWN: Ein bisschen ist nicht genug
20210122             Mögliche AFD—BEOBACHTUNG: Seehofer lässt VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ—GUTACHTEN nochmals prüfen
20210122             Früheres Kohlekraftwerk Moorburg: HAMBURG plant Großprojekt zur Wasserstofferzeugung
20210122             Bilanz der Bundesbank für 20200000             : Geldfälscher setzen wieder mehr auf 10- und 20—EURO—BLÜTEN
20210122             Falschinformationen zu Covid-19: YouTube sperrt KEN—JEBSENS—KANAL endgültig
20210122             Die Polizei hat am Donnerstagabend in ESSEN einen Gottesdienst mit etwa 90—TEILNEHMERN aufgelöst.
20210122             —GETRAGEN, Die Gottesdienstbesucher hätten weder Masken, noch den vorgeschriebenen Abstand eingehalten, sagte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER am —FREITAG.
20210122             —GEGEBEN, Es habe auch keine Teilnehmerliste.
20210122             ALLE—TEILNEHMER erhielten Anzeigen und müssten mit Bußgeldern rechnen.
20210122             Alle positiv auf CORONA getesteten Menschen in ENGLAND sollen Regierungsplänen zufolge je 500—PFUND (gut 560—EURO) erhalten.
20210122             Mit dieser Sonderzahlung wolle die Regierung für eine bessere Einhaltung der Selbstisolation sorgen,
20210122             Das Ministerium wollte die Berichte nicht kommentieren.
20210122             Medien zitierten 1—REGIERUNGSQUELLE, wonach es sich —BISHER nur um eine Überlegung handele.
20210122             Wie der "GUARDIAN" unter Berufung auf interne Regierungsdokumente schrieb, lassen sich nur 17—PROZENT—DER—MENSCHEN mit CORONA—SYMPTOMEN testen,
20210122             nur jeder 4. positiv Getestete hält sich an die Vorschriften und bleibt 10—TAGE in Quarantäne.
20210122             15—PROZENT—DER—BETROFFENEN gingen einfach weiter zur Arbeit — aus Angst, ihren Job zu verlieren.
20210122             Saarlands Ministerpräsident Hans: "Wenige Wochen" zur Eindämmung der Mutante
20210122             "Wir können —JETZT nicht abwarten, um —ERST mal zu sehen, ob sich B.1.1.7—DENN bei uns tatsächlich so aggressiv ausbreitet wie in Irland oder Großbritannien",
20210122             Dänemark stoppt Flugverkehr aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten
20210122             —GESEHEN, Wir haben in der Vergangenheit, dass Mutationen über DUBAI ins Land gekommen sind, und wir können einen solchen Verdacht nicht ignorieren".
20210122             Man befinde sich auf dem "Höhepunkt der Pandemie", sagte Spahn.
20210122             Das Infektionsniveau sei trotz eines leichten Rückgangs der Zahlen weiter deutlich zu hoch, das Aufkommen neuer, infektiöserer Varianten des Virus mache es erforderlich, die derzeitigen CORONA—MASSNAHMEN weiter konsequent durchzuhalten.
20210122             Andernfalls ließen sich die Fallzahlen nicht senken.
20210122             Höhere Ausgaben für Hygieneartikel, geschlossene Schulen:
20210122             Die Pandemie verschärft die Geldsorgen vieler Menschen in der Grundsicherung.
20210122             Nun kündigt Arbeitsminister HUBERTUS—HEIL (SPD) einen Aufschlag an — und Maskengutscheine.
20210122             Mehr als 15.000—CORONA—TOTE in Tschechien —SEIT Pandemiebeginn
20210122             Die Regierung aus populistischer Ano und Sozialdemokraten hat den CORONA—NOTSTAND —BIS zum 20210214              verlängert.
20210122             Das Parlament hatte dem am Donnerstagabend nach einer stürmischen Debatte zugestimmt, bei der es sogar zu Handgreiflichkeiten kam.
20210122             Rentenversicherung trotz CORONA ohne Finanzsorgen
20210122             Die sogenannte Nachhaltigkeitsrücklage lag den Angaben zufolge Ende 20200000              bei rund 37,1 Milliarden Euro, was 1,57 Monatsausgaben entspreche.
20210122             Berliner Karneval der Kulturen abgesagt
20210122             Pflicht zu medizinischen Masken auch im Luftverkehr
20210122             Erstmals ist in Deutschland 1—NACHWEIS der in Brasilien kursierenden CORONA—VARIANTE bekannt geworden.
20210122             Die Mutante sei bei einem Reiserückkehrer in HESSEN entdeckt worden,
20210122             Neben der erstmals in Brasilien nachgewiesenen Variante stehen 2—WEITERE im Fokus, die —ZUNÄCHST in Großbritannien und in Südafrika entdeckt worden waren und ebenfalls in Deutschland —BEREITS nachgewiesen wurden.
20210122             Alle 3—VARIANTEN stehen im Verdacht, ansteckender zu sein als der Wildtyp des Coronavirus SARS—COV—2.
20210122             Es gebe aber keine Hinweise, dass sie zu schwereren Verläufen führten,
20210122             Trotz schwerer Herzkrankheit hat ein 73-jähriger Mann aus NIEDERSACHSEN nach einem Gerichtsbeschluss keinen Anspruch auf eine sofortige Impfung gegen das Coronavirus.
20210122             —ARGUMENTIERT, Er hatte, dass er wegen seiner Vorerkrankung ein besonders hohes Risiko habe, schwer an COVID—19—ZU erkranken oder gar zu sterben.
20210122             Das Sozialgericht OLDENBURG wies den Eilantrag am —DONNERSTAG aber zurück.
20210122             —KRITISIERT, Steinmeier, "Ignoranten": "Können manches gefährden"
20210122             Sie könnten "vor allem dafür sorgen, dass die Beschränkungen noch länger anhalten, als wir uns das alle wünschen".
20210122             Weil sie sich an Bord eines Flugzeugs nicht an die dort geltende Maskenpflicht gehalten haben sollen, droht 2—FLUGREISENDEN 1—BUSSGELD von jeweils 25.000—EURO.
20210122             Die beiden 35—UND 40—JAHRE alten Männer waren mit einem Ferienflieger von Punta Cana in der Dominikanischen REPUBLIK nach FRANKFURT geflogen, wie die Bundespolizei des dortigen Flughafens am —FREITAG mitteilte.
20210122             Während des Flugs sollen sie nicht nur das Tragen einer Maske verweigert, sondern auch die Anweisungen des Flugpersonals missachtet haben.
20210122             Bevor sie ihre Heimreise nach Moskau antreten durften, musste jeder von ihnen zudem 500—EURO Sicherheitsleistung hinterlegen.
20210122             Patientenschützer warnen wegen CORONA—IMPFUNGEN vor Ausfall hausärztlicher Sprechstunden
20210122             CORONA—SCHNELLTESTS sollen für arme Länder günstiger werden
20210122             Während in reichen Ländern täglich 252—SCHNELLTESTS auf 100.000—EINWOHNER kommen, sind es in ärmeren Ländern nur 24.
20210122             BREMEN kann Infektionsketten wieder nachvollziehen angesichts gesunkener Infektionszahlen
20210122             1. CORONA—IMPFUNGEN durch Hausärzte in MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210122             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1671 (+29) Óbitos - 14 (+2) Recuperados - 1038 (+32) Casos ativos - 619 (-5)
20210122             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 41 (+1) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 23 (+1) Casos ativos - 14 (=)
20210122             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 54 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 22 (+1)
20210122             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 185 (+12) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 94 (+2) Casos ativos - 91 (+10)
20210122             Faro Casos confirmados - 2018 (+60) Óbitos - 11 (+1) Recuperados - 1251 (+38) Casos ativos - 756 (+21)
20210122             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 442 (+11) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 306 (+6) Casos ativos - 130 (+5)
20210122             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 985 (+19) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 749 (+11) Casos ativos - 226 (+8)
20210122             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2463 (+82) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 1498 (+44) Casos ativos - 943 (+13)
20210122             Monchique Casos confirmados - 52 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 2 (+1)
20210122             Olhão Casos confirmados - 1048 (+27) Óbitos - 3 (+1) Recuperados - 645 (+20) Casos ativos - 400 (+6)
20210122             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1442 (+20) Óbitos - 17 (=) Recuperados - 1130 (+8) Casos ativos - 295 (+12)
20210122             Silves Casos confirmados - 830 (+19) Óbitos - 6 (=) Recuperados - 497 (+27) Casos ativos - 327 (-6)
20210122             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 272 (+12) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 200 (+3) Casos Ativos - 62 (+9)
20210122             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1211 (+24) Óbitos - 18 (+1) Recuperados - 701 (+28) Casos ativos - 492 (-5)
20210122             VRSA Casos confirmados - 660 (+27) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 388 (=) Casos ativos - 262 (+26)
20210122             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 112 (+1) Óbitos - 5 (=) Recuperados - 87 (=) Casos ativos - 20 (+1)
20210122             LK AMBERG—SULZBACH Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 43—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,7 Fälle gesamt 2.591—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.514,3 Todesfälle gesamt 104—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.049—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210122             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 69—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,4 Fälle gesamt 1.833—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 966,3 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK BITBURG—PRÜM Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,4 Fälle gesamt 2.006—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.025,1 Todesfälle gesamt 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 99.058—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210122             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 64—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,1 Fälle gesamt 1.172—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 879,9 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210122             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 277—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 104,7 Fälle gesamt 7.962—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.008,6 Todesfälle gesamt 199—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210122             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 120—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 62,0 Fälle gesamt 4.385—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.264,3 Todesfälle gesamt 141—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210122             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 37—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 37,5 Fälle gesamt 916—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 928,0 Todesfälle gesamt 27—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK Goslar Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 67—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,2 Fälle gesamt 1.286—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 943,6 Todesfälle gesamt 47—EINWOHNERZAHL 136.292—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK LÜCHOW—DANNENBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 21—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,4 Fälle gesamt 438—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 904,7 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 48.412—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 56—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 30,4 Fälle gesamt 1.635—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 887,9 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK Nordwestmecklenburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 77—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,9 Fälle gesamt 1.566—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 995,4 Todesfälle gesamt 28—EINWOHNERZAHL 157.322—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210122             LK Northeim Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 64—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,4 Fälle gesamt 1.240—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 937,4 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 132.285—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 35,7 Fälle gesamt 706—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 548,6 Todesfälle gesamt 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210122             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 400—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 85,0 Fälle gesamt 10.370—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.203,5 Todesfälle gesamt 255—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210122             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 328—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 115,8 Fälle gesamt 6.377—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.251,2 Todesfälle gesamt 96—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210122             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 69—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,1 Fälle gesamt 2.167—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.323,1 Todesfälle gesamt 63—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 73—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,3 Fälle gesamt 1.255—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 623,9 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210122             LK Tübingen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 114—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 49,9 Fälle gesamt 5.677—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.482,5 Todesfälle gesamt 143—EINWOHNERZAHL 228.678—BUNDESLAND BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG
20210122             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 58—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,3 Fälle gesamt 2.452—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.788,0 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             SK Amberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 26—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 61,6 Fälle gesamt 751—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.779,3 Todesfälle gesamt 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.207—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210122             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 18—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 484—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 969,7 Todesfälle gesamt 6—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.008—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 92,7 Fälle gesamt 29.400—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.702,5 Todesfälle gesamt 405—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210122             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 124—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,3 Fälle gesamt 5.004—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.587,1 Todesfälle gesamt 87—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293
20210122             SK OLDENBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 72—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 42,6 Fälle gesamt 2.192—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.296,5 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 169.077—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210122             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 95—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,4 Fälle gesamt 1.181—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 564,6 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210122             Global Cases 97.629.138 Global Deaths 2.093.948
20210122             Covid-19: Algarve com 459—CASOS e 8—MORTES, país com novo máximo diário de óbitos
20210122             Alentejo com 19—MORTES, um novo máximo diário, e 491—CASOS de Covid-19
20210122             Algarve vive "momento complicado e de exigência" no combate à Covid-19
20210122             Nos últimos 10—DIAS, a região teve "uma média de 350 a 400—CASOS diários", números nunca antes alcançados.
20210122             Em termos acumulados, desde o início da pandemia, o Algarve já registou 13.910—INFETADOS.
20210122             Segundo a delegada regional de saúde, as escolas, que hoje já estão fechadas por decisão do Governo, tiveram "muitas infeções" nas últimas semanas.
20210122             "São casos que vinham de transmissão familiar e que fizeram com que muitas turmas fossem para isolamento profilático", explicou.
20210122             De acordo com PAULO—MORGADO, presidente da Administração Regional de Saúde (ARS) do Algarve, há atualmente 47—PROFISSIONAIS de saúde infetados, a "maior parte deles do Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve, mas nenhum internado".
20210122             Há surtos em 12—LARES do Algarve, envolvendo um total de 421—CASOS
20210122             Franzosenhass im 18010101—19001231    —CENTURY: Wie deutsche Dichter Frankreich zum "Erzfeind" machten
20210122             Modelleisenbahnbauer in der Coronakrise: Märklin mit Auftragssprung im Weihnachtsgeschäft
20210122             Nach Machtwechsel in WASHINGTON: Pelosi will IMPEACHMENT—KLAGE gegen Trump am —MONTAG im Senat einreichen
20210122             Angeblich zusammen mit dem Ausbilder: Polizeischüler in BAYERN feiern CORONA—PARTY
20210122             Kampf gegen CORONA: Bundesregierung stuft mehr als 20—LÄNDER als Hochrisikogebiete ein
20210122             Bidens Kabinett: USA—SENAT bestätigt LLOYD—AUSTIN als Verteidigungsminister
20210122             BORIS—JOHNSON über CORONA—MUTATIONEN: "Hinweise, dass britische CORONA—VARIANTE tödlicher ist"
20210122             MONSANTO—DEAL: Investoren klagen wegen Kursverlusten gegen Bayer
20210122             83—PROZENT für CDU—CHEF—IN—BRIEFWAHL: Gestärkter Vorsitzender, gespaltene Partei
20210122             JOE—BIDENS—NORDKOREA—PROBLEM: Erpressung mit Atomwaffen
20210122             —VEREINBART, Coronakrise: Auch AstraZeneca liefert weniger Impfstoff als
20210122             Bidens Migrationspolitik: Die Mauer zu den USA öffnet sich - Atomwaffen sind —JETZT verboten.
20210122             Halten wir uns daran.
20210122             Prozess gegen KSK—AUSBILDER: Der Elitesoldat und sein geheimes Waffenlager Aus LEIPZIG berichtet Wiebke Ramm
20210122             Die Bundeswehr will nach der Verschärfung der CORONA—SCHUTZREGELN die rund 180.000—SOLDATEN möglichst schnell FFP2- oder sogenannten OP—MASKEN ausstatten.
20210122             —BISHER hatte die Truppe ihre Soldaten mit hunderttausenden Alltagsmasken aus Stoff ausgestattet.
20210122             Die Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Verdi und die Gewerkschaft NAHRUNG—GENUSS—GASTSTÄTTEN (NGG) fordern wegen der anhaltenden Einschränkungen in der CORONA—KRISE 1—MINDEST—KURZARBEITERGELD in Höhe von 1200—EURO.
20210122             Hunderttausende Beschäftigte etwa in Hotels, Cafés, Restaurants oder Kinos seien erneut in Kurzarbeit oder hätten ihre Arbeit verloren,
20210122             Trumps CORONA—INFORMATIONSPOLITIK kostete laut USA—VIROLOGE Fauci Leben
20210122             —GEWESEN, Es insbesondere "eindeutig nicht hilfreich", über Dinge zu sprechen, "die medizinisch und wissenschaftlich" keinen Sinn ergeben.
20210122             "Weiterhin dramatische Lage" für KULTUR—UND Veranstaltungsbranche
20210122             erzielten die befragten Unternehmen einen durchschnittlichen Umsatzrückgang von 77,25 Prozent im Vergleich zum —JAHR 20190000              vor der Pandemie.
20210122             An der Umfrage haben knapp 600—UNTERNEHMEN teilgenommen.
20210122             4,4 Prozent entschieden sich aufgrund der aussichtslosen Lage sogar für 1—BETRIEBSAUFGABE zum —ANFANG des Jahres oder spätestens —BIS Mai.
20210122             "Viele weitere bangen mit jedem —TAG um ihre Existenz, versuchen aber weiterhin, sich mit Nebenjobs, dem Verkauf ihres Equipments oder durch private Rücklagen über Wasser zu halten",
20210122             Gleichzeitig nehme die Akzeptanz der wirtschaftlichen Hilfen ab:
20210122             Während am —ANFANG der Pandemie noch 84,1 PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN die CORONA—SOFORTHILFE beantragt hätten und diese mit 39,19 Prozent als sehr gut oder gut bewertet haben, hätten die Anträge bei der Soforthilfe I und II deutlich abgenommen.
20210122             So wurde die Überbrückungshilfe I noch von 54,8 PROZENT—DER—BEFRAGTEN—UNTERNEHMEN beantragt, die Überbrückungshilfe II nur noch von 49,3 PROZENT—DER—UNTERNEHMEN.
20210122             "Wenn selbst Steuerbüros mit den Anträgen und vielen nachträglichen Änderungen teilweise überfordert sind, dann läuft hier etwas ganz Grundsätzliches schief",
20210122             Britische CORONA—VARIANTE auch in Skandinavien immer häufiger
20210122             —ANGENOMMEN, Es wird, dass die tatsächliche Zahl weitaus höher liegt, weil —BIS dahin nur 1—FÜNFTEL der positiven Proben auf die britische Variante hin geprüft wurde.
20210122             "Die Mutation hat das Potential, eine 3. Infektionswelle mit einer gewaltigen Kraft in Norwegen auszulösen",
20210122             Aiwanger fordert Öffnung von Hotels und Skiliften im Februar
20210122             "Bei Hotels seh' ich überhaupt keinen Grund, nicht öffnen zu dürfen", sagte der stellvertretende bayerische Ministerpräsident und Bundesvorsitzende der Freien Wähler.
20210122             forderte Aiwanger auf einem TOURISMUS—FORUM der Vereinigung der bayerischen Wirtschaft.
20210122             forderte - Hotels und Gaststätten in Deutschland schöpfen Zuversicht aus Überlegungen für einen EU—IMPFPASS und die EU—WEITE Anerkennung von CORONA—SCHNELLTEST—ERGEBNISSEN.
20210122             Die Coronakrise hat den Rückgang der Briefmengen in Deutschland deutlich verstärkt.
20210122             sank die Sendungszahl schätzungsweise um 9—PROZENT auf 12,4 Milliarden.
20210122             Im Coronajahr 20200000              kam als Negativfaktor hinzu, dass VIELE—VON—DER—KRISE betroffene UNTERNEHMEN—VOR allem EINZELHÄNDLER—AUF Werbepost verzichteten.
20210122             Zugleich boomt der Paketmarkt wegen des ONLINE—HANDELS.
20210122             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat den Außenhandel in Lateinamerika und der Karibik einbrechen lassen.
20210122             Die Exporte aus der Region gaben im vergangenen —JAHR um 13—PROZENT im Vergleich zum Vorjahr nach, die Einfuhren um 20—PROZENT,
20210122             wie aus einem am —FREITAG vorgestellten Bericht der UN—WIRTSCHAFTSKOMMISSION für Lateinamerika und die Karibik (Cepal) hervorgeht.
20210122             war 20200000              für den Außenhandel der Region das schlechteste —JAHR —SEIT der Finanzkrise 2008/2009.
20210122             Weltweit rechnet die Welthandelsorganisation mit einem Rückgang des Warenverkehrs um etwa 9—PROZENT.
20210122             Mehr als 20—LÄNDER als Hochrisikogebiete eingestuft
20210122             gehören dazu das Nachbarland Tschechien, die Urlaubsländer PORTUGAL, Spanien und Ägypten sowie die USA.
20210122             Entgegen Berichten über Impfskepsis unter Pflegern bescheinigt die Bundespflegekammer dem Personal in der Branche eine hohe Impfbereitschaft.
20210122             "Die Impfbereitschaft ist groß und Aufklärung der zentrale Schlüssel",
20210122             KLINIKEN, sei die Bereitschaft unter Pflegern höher als in Altenheimen, schätzt die Bundespflegekammer.
20210122             Die bundesweite Debatte und die Berichterstattung in den Medien zur Impfpflicht sei beim Pflegepersonal nicht gut angekommen,
20210122             Der Hersteller Astrazeneca wird —ZUNÄCHST weniger CORONA—IMPFSTOFF an die EU liefern als geplant.
20210122             Sollte der BRITISCH—SCHWEDISCHE Konzern die Zulassung von der EU erhalten, werde die Menge zu Beginn niedriger sein,
20210122             Grund seien geringere Erträge an einem Produktionsstandort "innerhalb unserer europäischen Lieferkette".
20210122             Wie "Bild" berichtete, muss der Impfstoff —NACH—DEN Mutationen in einigen Ländern angepasst werden.
20210122             —BEREITS auf Halde produzierte Impfstoffmengen könnten deshalb womöglich nicht ausgeliefert werden.
20210122             Zudem seien die Auswirkungen auf die Produktion nach einem Brand in einem Werk in Indien noch nicht klar.
20210122             Ibiza wegen stark steigender CORONA—ZAHLEN abgeriegelt
20210122             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN je 100.000—EINWOHNER binnen 14—TAGEN sei auf Ibiza auf mehr als 18000000              gestiegen,
20210122             Auf Mallorca demonstrierten am —FREITAG erneut Gastronomen gegen die Schließung der Gaststätten und die aus ihrer Sicht zu geringen staatlichen Hilfen.
20210122             Die zuerst in ENGLAND nachgewiesene CORONAVIRUS—MUTATION B.1.1.7—IST nach britischen Erkenntnissen offenbar tödlicher als FRÜHERE—VIRUS—VARIANTEN.
20210122             Es gebe mittlerweile "Hinweise", dass die Mutante nicht nur ansteckender sei, sondern auch "mit einer höheren Sterblichkeitsrate in Verbindung gebracht werden" könne, sagte PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON.
20210122             Nach Experteneinschätzung ist die VIRUS—VARIANTE —BIS zu 70—PROZENT ansteckender als das ursprüngliche neuartige Coronavirus.
20210122             Überdies ist in Südafrika eine ebenfalls deutlich ansteckendere CORONAVIRUS—MUTATION aufgetreten, die mittlerweile in mehr als 20—LÄNDERN nachgewiesen wurde.
20210122             Söder spricht sich gegen rasche Lockerungen aus
20210122             —VERBIETET, Belgien, nicht notwendige Reisen
20210122             "Wenn die Menschen reisen, reist das Virus mit ihnen", sagte de Croo.
20210122             MICROSOFT—GRÜNDER—UND—MULTIMILLIARDÄR—BILL—GATES ist gegen das Coronavirus geimpft worden.
20210122             "1—DER—VORTEILE, 65—ZU sein, ist der Zugang zum Covid-19-Impfstoff", schrieb Gates bei Twitter.
20210122             Eine der irrigen und vollkommen unbelegten Behauptungen ist, dass Gates unter dem Vorwand der Impfungen Chips zur Kontrolle über die Menschheit einpflanzen wolle.
20210122             praxiskollektiv BERLIN zu der 0—COVID—KAMPAGNE.. - Die Krise der Linken
20210122             COVID—19—DAS CORONA—NARRATIV bringt VIELE—LINKE auf Regierungskurs — weil sie insgeheim auf 1—ENDE—DES—NEOLIBERALEN—ZEITALTERS hoffen.
20210122             Aber ist das realistisch?
20210122             Timo Reuter - Mal abgesehen davon, dass der AUTOR—NEOLIBERALE wie den Hamburger BÜRGERMEISTER, Cem Özdemir und SPON—REDAKTEURE unreflektiert der "Linken" zuordnet:
20210122             —BASIERT, Der Artikel, jedoch auch sonst auf einer Verwechslung, einer Zuschreibung.
20210122             Die im wesentlichen besagt, dass Linke ausschließlich für die Ausgestaltung individueller Freiheitsrechte zuständig sind.
20210122             Die (echte) Linke ist jedoch keinesfalls 1—PAPIERTIGER.
20210122             In ihrer Geburtsstunde während der Französischen Revolution brachte sie durchaus drastische Einschränkungen auf den Weg:
20210122             die Enteignung von Adel und Klerus, für letztere den Eid auf die Verfassung, die levée en masse, den WOHLFAHRTS—UND Sicherheitsausschuss sowie das Maximum.
20210122             Neuer CDU—VORSITZENDER: Laschet fordert Nawalnys "sofortige Freilassung"
20210122—20170000    —APPROVED, The treaty, received its 50. ratification 20201024             —ON, triggering a 90—DAY—PERIOD—BEFORE its entry into force 20210122             —ON.
20210122—20210111    —ON, "Operation Lost Angels" began —DURING Human Trafficking Awareness —MONTH.
20210122—20210127    —FROM, THE—FINLAND—GOVERNMENT said it would put in place stricter regulations for entering the country, due to new VARIANTS—OF—THE—CORONAVIRUS spreading within its borders.
20210122—20210301    —FROM, The new rules will take effect.