Was geschah in der Geschichte an einem 20. January ?

Ereignisse an einem 20. January

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_430.000-20160120             —SCHON—VOR—JAHREN DER—MENSCHheit ältester nachgewiesener Mordfall im heutigen SPANIEN stattfand.
00000120             S—FABIAN—UND—S—SEBASTIAN am HEILIGEN—FEST und
02250120             * RÖMER—KAISER—GORDIAN—III.
02500120             RÖMER—KAISER—DECIUS.
04730120             † EUTHYMIUS—VON—MELITENE, judäischer Asket
06400120             † EADBALD—VON—KENT—KÖNIG—VON—KENT
06490120             WEST—GOTEN—KÖNIG—CHINDASWINTH, der betagte,
06490120             WEST—GOTEN—KÖNIG—CHINDASWINTH, erhebt, um die gewünschte Nachfolge zu sichern, seinen Sohn, zu der WEST—GOTEN—REICH—MIT—REGENT—REKKESWINTH.
06610120             um 11 Uhr sterbend musste AMRU—BEN—BEKR hören, dass AMRU—BEN—AASS —TAG—AN—DIESEM, unpässlich gewesen sei.
06610120             um 11 Uhr MUAWIAs Leibgarde ließ BAREK—AT—TEMIN keine Zeit mehr zu 1 2. Hieb.
06610120             um 11 Uhr "Allahu akbar", murmelte DER—KALIF—ALI ganz mechanisch, "Gott ist groß, wie er sonst immer gerufen hatte, wenn er jemandem den Schädel einschlug.
06610120             —AM, auf seinen STATT—HALTER DAS—VOLK—VON—FOSTAT wartete in der Moschee
06610120             —ZEIT—IN—DIESER, kam ein neues Wort in den ISLAM, KISMET.
06610120             IN DIESE DÜSTERE ZEIT—DER—GLAUBE, ein unabänderliches Schicksal stünde ohnedies von —ANFANG an fest, passte so recht.
0661012011           —UHR, Pünktlich betrat DER—STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT die Eingangshalle, 1—MAJESTÄTISCHE Gestalt weiß verschleiert.
0661012011           —UHR, Aus der wartenden Menge stürzte 1—VERSCHLEIERTER auf den STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT zu.
0661012011           —UHR, In dessen schwarzer Hand blitzte 1—DOLCH und traf den Eintretenden STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT direkt ins Herz.
0661012011           —UHR, Lautlos sackte zusammen DER—STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT
0661012011           —UHR, —IN—DIESEM—AUGENBLICK riss AMRU—BEN—BEKR seinen Schleier vom Gesicht und schrie verzweifelt auf:
0661012011           —UHR, des Toten STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT Schleier hatte sich verschoben und zeigte 1—FREMDES Gesicht.
0661012011           —UHR, AMRU—BEN—BEKR hatte nicht AMRU—BEN—AASS, STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT getötet, sondern dessen STELL—VERTRETER.
0661012011           —UHR, AMRU—BEN—BEKR wurde noch in der Moschee umgebracht, und
0661012011           —UHR, ZUR SELBEN —STUNDE stürzte sich BAREK—AT—TEMIN in der MOSCHEE—VON—DAMASKUS auf MUAWIA.
0661012011           —UHR, BAREK—AT—TEMIN traf schlecht, und
0661012011           —UHR, Pech hatte nur, wie immer, ALI.
0661012011           —UHR, Unverschleiert und pünktlich um 11—UHR betrat DER ALI STATT—HALTER—VON—FOSTAT DIE—MOSCHEE—VON—KUFA.
0661012011           —UHR, ABDELRACHMAN—BEN—MOLDSCHEM spaltete ALI mit 1—EINZIGEN Schwertstreich das Haupt.
0661012011           —UHR, Damit war genau das eingetreten, was DIE—CHARIDSCHITEN verhindern wollten: Nichts konnte den ISLAM mehr vor MUAWIA retten.
066101201100         † BAREK—AT—TEMIN, des MUAWIA—LEIB—GARDE ließ keine Zeit mehr zu 1 2. Hieb.
066101201100         † DER—KALIF—ALI, "ALLAHU—AKBAR"[GOTT—IST—GROß], murmelte ganz mechanisch, wie er sonst immer gerufen hatte, wenn er jemandem den Schädel einschlug.
066101201100         † AMRU—BEN—BEKR, sterbend musste hören, daß AMRU—BEN—AASS —TAG—AN—DIESEM, unpässlich gewesen sei.
066101201100         † des MUAWIA—LEIB—GARDE—BAREK—AT—TEMIN, ließ keine Zeit mehr zu 1 2. Hieb.
08670120             1—TAUSCH—URKUNDE zwischen KÖNIG—LOTHAR—II., seinem VASALL OTBERUS über 2—Mühlstellen bei BARDENBERG belegt die Siedlung—zwischen—AACHEN, HERZOGENRATH
08820120             DIE—NORMANNEN[NORMANDES,WIKINGER] plünderten und verbrannten KÖLN,
08820120             † er starb am in FRANKFURT und wurde im KLOSTER—LORSCH beigesetzt.
08820120             † LUDWIG—DER—JÜNGERE, in FRANKFURT und wurde im KLOSTER—LORSCH beigesetzt.
08820120             † OST—FRANKEN—KÖNIG—LUDWIG—III.
11070120             † Benedikt—Ricasoli, italienischer Mönch und Einsiedler
11650120             —VOR, Egolf—MÖNCH t  (Totenbuch—Deutz).
11910120             † FRIEDRICH—VI—HERZOG—VON—SCHWABEN, 1—ANFÜHRER—DES 3. Kreuzzugs
12050120             † JOSEPH—IBN—SHOSHAN, founder of synagogue, TOLEDO
12200120             BULLE[BULLA]s en plomb du CHAPITRE et de l'ouDricr de LA—CATHÉDRALE—DE—MARSEILLE.
12590120             * AVELINE—DE—FORZ, englische Adelige
12650120             1. ENGLISH—PARLIAMENT called into session by the EARL—OF—LEICESTER
12650120             SIMON—V—DE—MONTFORT zwingt den HEINRICH—III—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND, 1—PARLIAMENT einzuberufen, dem erstmals auch Bürgerliche angehören — 1—VORLÄUFER—DES—UNTERHAUSES.
12650120             —CALLED, The 1. ENGLAND—PARLIAMENT was, into session by EARL—OF—LEICESTER.
12920120             (PRAGUE —WY?EHRAD 13300928             BUR KÖNIGSAAL)..
12920120             * Elisabeth, letzte Angehörige des böhmischen Herrschergeschlechts der P?emysliden
13200120             WLADYSLAW—I—ELLENLANG—KÖNIG—VON—POLEN, gekrönt, in KRAKAU, wird.
13250120             † JOHN—HASTINGS—BARON—HASTINGS 2., englischer Adeliger
13270107—13270120    —SEE
13270120             —DEPOSED, EDWARD—II—OF—ENGLAND was, by his eldest son, EDWARD—III.
13270120             —DEPOSED, EDWARD—II—OF—ENGLAND was, by his eldest son, EDWARD—III. 13270107             —SEE
13290120             † WALTER—NORWICH, englischer Beamter, RICHTER—UND—MINISTER
13360120             † JOHN—DE—BOHUN—EARL—OF—HEREFORD, 5., englischer Magnat
13550120             —DIENSTAG dem KAISER—KARL—IV. gerne leisteten den TREU—EID nicht alle der in der STADT—PISA Sold stehenden (deutschen) RITTER."freilich
13550120             —DIENSTAG, den ließ KAISER—KARL—IV. die in der STADT—PISA Sold stehenden Truppen den TREU—EID schwören,^
13550120             —DIENSTAG, eingestellt neue deutsche RITTER, die zum RÖMER—ZUG herbeigekommen waren und
13550120             —DIENSTAG, —NACH—DES KAISER—KARL—IV—HERRSCHAFT—ÜBERNAHME in der STADT—PISA entlassen Die wenigen BURGUNDISCH—FRANZÖSISCHEN, italienischen Reiter der STADT—PISA wurden und
13550120             selbst von dem VILLANI—GESCHICHTSCHREIBER—VON—FLORENZHOHES Lob erhalten, neue deutsche RITTER, die zum RÖMER—ZUG herbeigekommen waren ^.
13560120             —VERZICHTET, EDWARD—BALLIOL, zugunsten des DAVID—II. auf Thronansprüche als KÖNIG—VON—SCHOTTLAND.
13560120             Dafür erhält EDWARD—BALLIOL vom EDUARD—III—KÖNIG—VON—ENGLAND, 1—RENTE.
13660120             (m. V.) ;;01;;  gegen, FREDERICUS—DE—AUSTRIA',
14360120             * ASHIKAGA—YOSHIMASA, Sh?gun des ASHIKAGA—SHOGUNATES, 8. japanischer Herrscher,
14600120             —AM—KURZ—NACH—DEM MARK—GRAF, verliess PIUS—II—PAPA MANTUA und
14600120             —AM—KURZ—NACH, PIUS—II—PAPA auf dem Weg den er gekommen war nach SIENA[SIENNE] zurückkehrte,
14600120             PIUS—II—PAPA verlässt MANTUA, verweilt in SIENA[SIENNE] und in den Bädern von Macereto und Petriolo.
14880120             * SEBASTIAN—MÜNSTER, deutscher Kosmograph und Hebraist
14920120             * WERNER—STEINER—DER—JÜNGERE, Schweizer Reformator
14920120/14930000    Curieuse conversation de Valori avec LE—PAPA.
14920120/14930000   C—DÉPÊCHE—DE—Valori aux 8 de Pratica,
15030120             -entsteht, die den Handel mit den spanischen Kolonien regelnde CASA—DE—CONTRATACIÓN—SEVILLA—BEHÖRDE.
15110120             † OLIVIERO—CARAFA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—NEAPEL und RÖMISCH—katholische—Kirche—Kardinal
15170120             —CAPTURED, Ottoman sultan Selim I, CAIRO.
15170120             —TRANSFERRED, THE—CENTER—OF—POWER, then to ISTANBUL.
15170120             —RETAINED, THE—OTTOMAN—EMPIRE, the Mamluks as 1—EGYPT—RULING class.
15180120             * CHRISTOPH—FISCHER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15230120             —AM, We therefore believe that we shall best conclude our examination of ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM by introducing
15230120             1 passage from a letter written by GLAREANUS(HENRY—LORITI—OF—MOLLIS) to ZWINGLE :
15230120             "ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM is an old man, and longs for repose.
15230120             Each party would fain win ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM for its own, but
15230120             And which could prevail upon ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM to join it ?
15230120             ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM sees plainly whom he should avoid, but
15230120             whom ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM should join ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM sees not"
15230120             ERASMUS—VON—ROTTERDAM is unwilling to belong to ANY—PARTY.
15230120             —NACH—DEM VERLUST—DER—SCHWEDISCHEN—KÖNIGSKRONE an GUSTAV—I—WASA wird KÖNIG—CHRISTIAN—II. nun auch zur Abdankung als KÖNIG—VON—DÄNEMARK und Norwegen gezwungen.
15250120             NEILLIS—VAN—LYRE und seine oo Katheryna verkaufen an Goedert Guldeman, BÜRGER—ZU—DÜREN (Du-), und dessen oo Elyzabeth 1.ERB—RENTE—von—3—MARK WÄHRUNG—VON—ZÜLPICH, fällig auf S—MARTINS—MESSE, zu beziehen aus 25—prozent Weingarten, welchen sie von ihren Eltern geerbt haben, und gelegen zu ZÜLPICH uff dem Blanckert zwischen Rynart up deme Ord und JACOB—VAN—Swerven. Den Weingarten hat —DERZEIT, PETER Wale, Einwohner zu ZÜLPICH, zu 3—MARK ERB—PACHT inne.
15280120             * SEBASTIAN—STARCK, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
15290120             † GREGOR—BREITKOPF, deutscher Humanist
15300120             * VALENTIN—FORSTER, deutscher Jurist
15380120             * LUDWIG—VON—NASSAU—DILLENBURG, niederländischer Feldherr, BRUDER—VON—WILHELM—I—VON—ORANIEN
15540120             ALLI.
15540120             * SEBASTIAN—I—KÖNIG—VON—PORTUGAL
15600120             † NIKOLAUS—GERBEL, deutscher Humanist
15670120—15551101    —AM, Die von NICOLAS—DURAND—DE—VILLEGAGNON gegründete FRANZÖSISCHE—KOLONIE FRANCE Antarctique zwischen den heutigen Städten RIO—DE—JANEIRO und CABO—FRIO wird von den Portugiesen unter ESTÁCIO—DE—SÁ zerschlagen.
15680120             * DANIEL—CRAMER, deutscher lutherischer Theologe;
15680120             Chronist und Autor - * Ventura Salimbeni, italienischer Maler und Kupferstecher
15860120             * JOHANN—HERMANN—SCHEIN, deutscher Musiker und Komponist
15880120             * FRANCESCO—GESSI, italienischer Maler
15900120             † GIOVANNI—BATTISTA—BENEDETTI, venezianischer Mathematiker, Physiker, Astronom, Architekt und Philosoph
15910120             Nouvel échec D'HENRI—IV. devant PARIS JOURNÉE—DES—FARINES
16120120             † RUDOLF starb am
16120120             † RUDOLF—II., Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reichs
16120120             † RUDOLF—II—VON—HABSBURG, 59—JAHRE—ALT, emperor of GERMANY (15760000—16120000    ), in PRAGUE and Matthias became Holy ROMAN—EMPEROR.
16120120—19120000    —IN, 1—ENIGMATIC manuscript, once owned by RUDOLF—II, was acquired by Wilfrid Voynich and came to be known as the Voynich manuscript.
16130120             —VERLIERT, Schweden, die Finnmark und zahlt 1—MILLION—REICHSTALER, um die Festung Älvsborg behalten zu können.
16130120—16110000    —SEIT, Der FRIEDEN—VON—KNÄRED beendet den andauernden Kalmarkrieg zwischen Dänemark und Schweden.
16160120             DOMINUS IN TURNICH,
16160120             BUTGENBACH ET
16160120             TRIMPORTEN,
16160120             DOMINI GULIELMl ET
16160120             DOMINI JOANNIS GULIELMl,
16160120             DUCUM JULIAE,
16160120             CLIVIAE,
16160120             MONTIUM ETC.
16160120             A CONSILIIS INTIMIS
16160120             * JERZY—SEBASTIAN—LUBOMIRSKI, polnischer Magnat und Reichsfürst im Heiligen Römischen Reich
16160120             † MELCHIOR—ECKHART, deutscher Theologe
16170120             † FAUSTO—VERANZIO, Diplomat, Universalgelehrter, Erfinder
16220120             * DANIEL—BERNHARDI, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16310120             † JAKOB—MATHAM, niederländischer Kupferstecher
16380120             * JOHANN—WOLFGANG—TEXTOR—DER—ÄLTERE, deutscher Jurist und Archivar
16390120             † MUSTAFA—I—OSMANEN—SULTAN
16450120             † GEORG—SALUZ, Schweizer reformierter Geistlicher
16490120             —BEGINNT, ENGLAND, nach seiner Niederlage im Englischen Bürgerkrieg der Hochverratsprozess gegen KÖNIG—KARL—I vor dem Rumpfparlament auf Betreiben OLIVER—CROMWELLS.
16630120             —BEGINNT, REGENSBURG, zur Beratung der Bedrohung durch das Osmanische Reich 1—REICHSTAG, aus dem der Immerwährende Reichstag hervorgehen wird.
16630120             * LUCA—CARLEVARIJS, italienischer Maler
16660120             † ANNE—DE—AUTRICHE
16660120             † LA—REINE—ANNE—DE—AUTRICHE (MÈRE—DE—LOUIS—XIV.).
16660120             —DÉBUT—DE—1—GUERRE—NAVALE entre LE—ANGLETERRE et LA—FRANCE associée aux PROVINCES—UNIES.
16660120             † ANNA—VON—ÖSTERREICH, KÖNIGIN—VON—FRANKREICH und Regentin
16720120             —MITTWOCH
16750120             —TRANSFORMED, CHRISTIAN—HUYGENS, HOLLAND—SCIENTIST, 1—THEORETICAL—INSIGHT on springs into 1—PRACTICAL—MECHANISM with the 1. sketch of 1—WATCH balance regulated by 1 coiled —SPRING.
16760120             † Reinier Pauw, PRÄSIDENT—DES—HOHEN—RATES—VON—HOLLAND, Zeeland und Westfriesland
16780120             —DATUM, JACOB—VON—DER—TOCHT wird beauftragt, noch einmal den KUR—FÜRST ernstlich zu bitten, alle Truppen, die er irgend entbehren kann, nach den spanischen
16780120             —DATUM, [Erklärung SCHWERIN's. Geneigtheit des GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG zur Erneuerung der ALLIANZ. Annahme der meisten der von den Staaten vorgeschlagenen Aenderungen. Wesel. Zölle.
16780120             Genneper Licent. Gelderscher Compromiss.
16780120             Friede—von—Oliva.
16780120             Einquartierungsfrage.]  ;;0130;;Actum den
16780120             in des HERR—OBER—PRÄSIDENTen Gemach, praesentibus :
16790000—17310120    * † ANTONIO—FARNESE, the 8. and ultimate Farnese DUKE—OF—PARMA and Piacenza.
16820124—16820120    —VOM, ist beschlossen bei DER—GENERALITÄT zu beantragen, daß auf das Memorial geantwortet werde,
16890120             —NOCH unter dem ermahnt 1—Erlass zur eifrigen Vollendung der Befestigung.
16910120             † Achilles Kern, deutscher Bildhauer
16930120             * CARLO—FRANCESCO—DURINI, italienischer Kardinal der Römischen Kirche
16990120             ANTON—DAHMEN [AUS—FREUND] oo [16910513             KORNELIMÜNSTER] TEILA—ZIMMERMAN [oder Uckel] [AUS—BRAND] DvBl 3.GRADES
16990120             LUDWIG—XIV. gibt der 16660000             —VON—JEAN—BAPTISTE Colbert gegründeten, bislang informellen Académie des sciences ihr 1. Reglement.
16990120             Sie erhält den Titel einer Académie royale und wird im Louvre angesiedelt.
17060120             * FRIEDRICH—KARL—AUGUST, Graf und Edler Herr zur LIPPE—BIESTERFELD
17090120             † François DE—AIX—DE—LACHAISE, französischer Jesuit
17130120             † PAUL—RITTER—VITEZOVI?, kroatischer Schriftsteller, Historiker und Politiker
17140120             ROM, findet die Uraufführung der Oper Amor d'un ombra e gelosia d'un aura (Liebe eines Schattens und Eifersucht einer Morgenröte) von DOMENICO—SCARLATTI statt.
17160120             * KARL—III—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
17180120             * AMBROSIO—DE—BENAVIDES, spanischer Kolonialverwalter, GOUVERNEUR—VON—PUERTO—RICO, Charcas und CHILE
17180120             * Élie CATHERINE—FRÉRON, französischer Literat und PUBLIZIST
17200120             † GIOVANNI—MARIA—LANCISI, RÖMER—MEDIZINER und Naturforscher
17240120             * PHILIPPE—HENRI—DE—SÉGUR, französischer GENERAL
17290120             * Joaquín del Pino SÁNCHEZ—DE—ROJAS, spanischer GOUVERNEUR—VON—MONTEVIDEO, GOUVERNEUR—VON—CHILE und Vizekönig des RÍO—DE—LA Plata
17290120             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—WENTZEL, deutscher Maler und Radierer
17310120             † ANTONIO—FARNESE—HERZOG—VON—PARMA und Piacenza
17310120             —PASSED, THE—FARNESE art collection, to CHARLES—III—KING—OF—NAPLES.
17320120             * RICHARD—HENRY—LEE, PRÄSIDENT—VON amerikanischen Kontinentalkongresses
17330120             * JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—REHKOPF, deutscher Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
17340120             * CHARLES—ALEXANDRE—DE—CALONNE, französischer Staatsmann
17390120             † FRANCESCO—GALLI da Bibiena, italienischer Szenograph und Architekt, Bühnenbildner und Dekorationsmaler
17410120             * CARL—VON—LINNÉ der Jüngere, schwedischer Botaniker
17430120             † ANDRÉ—HERCULE—DE—FLEURY, französischer Kardinal und Staatsmann
17440120             † RICHARD—JONES, englischer Violinist und Komponist
17450120             † CHARLES—VII.
17450120             † Er starb wenige Monate, NACHDEM er im Gefolge eines französischen Heeres nach MÜNCHEN zurückgekehrt war, den u.
17450120             Der TOD—DES—RÖMISCH—DEUTSCHEN—KAISERS—KARL—VII. bringt im Kurfürstentum BAYERN seinen Sohn MAXIMILIAN—III. Joseph an die Macht.
17450120             † KARL—VII—KAISER des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
17450120—17450913    —AM, Als KAISER—FOLGT dem Verstorbenen KAISER—FRANZ—I—STEPHAN nach.
17460120             * JOHANN—CHRISTOPH—DÖDERLEIN, deutscher Theologe
17520120             (t )
17520120             —AM GEBURTSTAG—VON—KÖNIG—KARL—III. erfolgt in Caserta die Grundsteinlegung für den Bau des königlichen Palastes, der zukünftigen Residenz der Bourbonen im Königreich beider Sizilien.
17530120             † HENRIETTE—CHRISTINE—VON—BRAUNSCHWEIG—WOLFENBÜTTEL, Äbtissin des Stiftes Gandersheim
17530120             † JOHANN—HEINRICH—SCHRAMM, deutscher Theologe
17550120             * JOHANNES—ALOYSIUS—MARTYNI—LAGUNA, deutscher Privatgelehrter
17580120             * MARIE—LAVOISIER, französische Chemikerin, Illustratorin und Salonnière
17600120             † JOHANN—LUDWIG—ALEFELD, deutscher Philosoph und Physiker
17600120             * CHARLES—III—KING—OF—SPAIN.
17620120             —AM Teatro S—CARLO in Neapel erfolgt die Uraufführung der Oper Alessandro nell'Indie von JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BACH.
17620120             * JOHANN—LUDWIG—VÖLKEL, deutscher Altphilologe und Archäologe
17640120             FEBRUARY, he was found guilty, in absentia, of seditious libel (for THE—NORTH—BRITON) and of obscene and impious libel (for Essay on Woman, 1—PARODY on PAPA which he had CO—WRITTEN with THOMAS—POTTER years —BEFORE, intended for 1—SELECT—GROUP—OF—FRIENDS).
17650120             * CARL—SAMUEL—HERMANN, deutscher Apotheker
17670120             † ÉTIENNE—DE—SILHOUETTE, französischer Generalkontrolleur der Finanzen
17730120             * HENRY—WELLESLEY—BARON—COWLEY, 1., britischer Staatsmann und Diplomat
17750120             * ANDRÉ—MARIE—AMPÈRE, französischer Physiker und Mathematiker
17780120             —LANDET, auf Kaua?I—HAWAII, JAMES—COOK.
17780120             * François Baillon, französischer Zoologe
17790120             † DAVID—GARRICK, britischer Schauspieler, Theaterdirektor und Autor
17820120             * JOSEPH—VON—HORMAYR, österreichischer Geschichtsschreiber
17820120             * ERZ—HERZOG—JOHANN—VON—ÖSTERREICH, FELDMARSCHALL, deutscher Reichsverweser, Modernisierer der Steiermark
17820120             * ADOLF—THEODOR—ROSCHER, deutscher Industrieller
17820120             † CHRISTIAN—ERNST—SIMONETTI, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17830120             Das musikalische Drama Tancredi von IGNAZ—HOLZBAUER wird in München uraufgeführt.
17830120             * FRIEDRICH—DOTZAUER, deutscher Cellist und Komponist
17830120             —ENDED, The fighting of the Revolutionary War.
17830120             —SIGNED, BRITAIN, 1—PEACE—AGREEMENT with FRANCE and SPAIN, who allied against it in THE—USA—WAR—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
17850120             * THEODOR—GROTTHUß, DEUTSCH—LITAUISCHER Physiker und Chemiker
17880120             —ORGANIZED, The pioneer African Baptist church was, in SAVANNAH—GEORGIA.
17890120             † FRANCESCO—POZZI, Schweizer Stuckateur
17900120             * JOHN—BLACKWALL, britischer Naturforscher
17900120             † MAXIMILIAN—VON—FÜRST und Kupferberg, königlich preußischer GroßKANZLER
17920120             † JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—BLASCHE, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
17930120             Le MINISTRE—DE—LA—JUSTICE Garat
17930120             * CARL—VON—HEYDEN, deutscher Politiker und Entomologe
17930120             † LOUIS—MICHEL Le PELETIER—DE—SAINT—FARGEAU, Politiker während der Französischen Revolution
17930304—17930120    —REQUIRED, The 20. Amendment, THE—TERMS—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT to begin at —NOON, —WHILE CONGRESS—TERMS begin 17930103             —ON.
17940120             * Emilie Reinbeck, deutsche Salonnière und Landschaftsmalerin
18010120             —CREATED, Marshall effectively, the legal framework within which free markets in goods and services could establish themselves.
18010120—18010204    —ON, He was sworn in.
18030120             * JOHANN—JAKOB—STEHLIN—DER—ÄLTERE, Schweizer Politiker
18030120             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—VON—RYHINER, Schweizer Staatsmann und Geograph
18050120             Helene Marthea HANSEN(MELAND) F */~ <Sande, Westfold, NORWAY[NORWEGEN]>
18070120             —CONVENED, Napoleon, the great Sanhedrin in PARIS.
18090120             —PUBLISHED, The 1. USA geology book was, by WILLIAM—MACLURE.
18100120             * FERDINAND—DAVID, deutscher Violinvirtuose und Komponist
18110120             * JULIUS—LASKER, preußischer Mediziner und Schriftsteller
18120120             1—BRITISCH—PORTUGIESISCHE—ARMEE unter dem Kommando ARTHUR—WELLESLEYS beendet während der Napoleonischen Kriege auf der Iberischen Halbinsel die BELAGERUNG—VON—CIUDAD Rodrigo mit dem —ERSTÜRMEN der von den Franzosen gehaltenen Festung.
18120120             * Édouard Séguin, französischer Arzt und Pädagoge
18130120             † CHRISTOPH—MARTIN—WIELAND, deutscher Dichter, Übersetzer
18140000—18750120    * † JEAN—FRANCOIS—MILLET, FRANCE—PAINTER.
18140120             —AM, —HIERAUF folgte 1—ZUSÄTZLICHE Einquartierung der Verbündeten SACHSEN, SCHWEDEN, RUSSEN.
18140120             —SCHON, abgelöst in DÜREN DIE—KOSAKEN von den PREUßEN wurden.
18150120             † CAROLINE—FRIEDERIKE—FRIEDRICH, deutsche Malerin
18190120             FRANKFURT, am Main wird unter maßgeblichem Einfluss des Reichsfreiherrn HEINRICH—FRIEDRICH—KARL vom und zum Stein die wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde gegründet.
18190120             † KARL—IV—KÖNIG—VON—SPANIEN
18190120             Sie ediert in den Folgejahren die Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
18200120             * WILHELM—PAUL—CORSSEN, deutscher Altphilologe und Etruskologe
18200120             * ANNE—CLOUGH, promoter of higher education.
18200120—18200129    As GEORGE—IV was about to become KING—OF—ENGLAND, his wife Caroline (THE—GERMANY—PRINCESS—OF—BRUNSWICK) returned to claim her rights.
18200120—18200129    —RUMORED, She had been living on the continent and was, to have had as lovers such men as: the politician GEORGE—CANNING, the admiral SIR—SYDNEY—SMITH, the painter SIR—THOMAS—LAWRENCE.
18200120—18200129    —INTRODUCED, THE—HOUSE—OF—LORDS, 1—BILL—OF—PAINS and Penalties, which sought to strip Caroline of her TITLE—OF—QUEEN on the grounds of her scandalous conduct.
18200120—18200129    oo GEORGE had previously, MARIA—ANNE—FITZHERBERT in secret.
18200120—18200129    1—TRIAL ensued, but witnesses refused to speak against THE—QUEEN and the bill had to be amended.
18230120             * Imre Madách, ungarischer Dichter
18300120             —AM Theater am Kärntnertor in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette BARON—LUFT—VON—CONRADIN—KREUTZER.
18310120             † JUSTINIAN—VON—ADLERFLYCHT, deutscher Jurist
18310120             —SIGNED, Protocols were, in LONDON that recognized BELGIUM as 1—INDEPENDENT nation.
18310120             —BECAME, BELGIUM, 1—NATION and combined French and FLEMISH—SPEAKING lands.
18310120             —FINANCED, THE—ROTHSCHILD banking empire, the founding of BELGIUM.
18320120             * WILLIAM—LARRABEE, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker, Gouverneur des Bundesstaates IOWA
18330120             * ERNST—VON—PRITTWITZ und Gaffron, PREUßISCH—DEUTSCHER Generalleutnant
18340120             * Adolph Frank, deutscher Chemiker
18340120             * Petrus Jacobus Joubert, südafrikanischer Burengeneral und Generalkommandant der südafrikanischen REPUBLIK
18340120             * Théodore Salomé, französischer Organist und Komponist
18360120             * ROBERT—BEAVEN, kanadischer Politiker
18370120             † ADAM—AFZELIUS, schwedischer Botaniker
18390120             In der SCHLACHT—VON—YUNGAY im PERUANISCH—BOLIVIANISCHEN Konföderationskrieg besiegt GENERAL—AGUSTÍN—GAMARRA mit seinen Truppen und der Hilfe Chiles das HEER—DER—ALLIANZ aus PERU und Bolivien unter ANDRÉS—DE—SANTA—CRUZ, der damit sein Amt als Protektor der PERU—BOLIVISCHEN REPUBLIK verliert.
18390120             GENERAL—GAMARRA wird erneut PRÄSIDENT—PERUS.
18400120             1—VON—JULES—DUMONT—DE—URVILLE angeführte französische Antarktisexpedition entdeckt Adélieland.
18410120             Großbritannien besetzt im 1. Opiumkrieg gegen CHINA die Insel Hongkong.
18410120             † Minh M?ng, 2. Kaiser der vietnamesischen Nguy?N—DYNASTIE
18410120             —OPPOSED, It became 1—CAPITALIST—BASTION as, to THE—REST—OF—CHINA.
18410120             THE—UK—WON the 1. Opium War and forced CHINA to open markets to foreign trade.
18410120             —ESTABLISHED, BRITAIN soon, 1—FORMAL—POLICE—FORCE commanded mostly by UK—OFFICERS.
18410120—19970700    —RETURNED, HONG—KONG, to CHINA—CONTROL.
18420120             * Miklós KONKOLY—THEGE, ungarischer Astronom
18430120             * GIULIO—ASCOLI, italienischer Mathematiker
18440120             * JOHAN—PETER—SELMER, norwegischer Komponist
18450120             † EDWARD—RACZY?ski, polnischer Adliger, GRÜNDER—DER—RACZYNSKI—BIBLIOTHEK
18470000—19130120    * † KARL—WITTGENSTEIN, Viennese industrialist and FATHER—OF—PHILOSOPHER—LUDWIG—WITTGENSTEIN (18890000—19510000    ), of throat cancer.
18470120             DER—BUND beabsichtige, sich zu reorganisieren und dabei die Auffassungen von KARL—MARX und FRIEDRICH—ENGELS in sein—Programm aufzunehmen.
18470120             DIE—LONDONER Zentrale des "BUND—DER—GERECHTEN" fordert KARL—MARX und FRIEDRICH—ENGELS auf, dem Bund beizutreten.
18470120             —VOLLMACHT—DATIERT, womit JOSEPH—MAXIMILIAN—MOLL in BRÜSSEL bei KARL—MARX und danach bei ENGELS in PARIS erschien, ist noch sehr vorsichtig abgefaßt;
18490120             NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—200—KÖLN—Beilage.
18500120             † ADAM—OEHLENSCHLÄGER, dänischer Nationaldichter der Romantik
18510120             —AM Stadttheater in FRANKFURT am Main wird die komische Oper Die Opernprobe oder Die vornehmen Dilettanten von ALBERT—LORTZING uraufgeführt, während der KOMPONIST—IN—BERLIN im Sterben liegt.
18540120             * IMMANUEL—LÖW, ungarischer Rabbiner und Gelehrter
18550120             * ERNEST—CHAUSSON, französischer Komponist
18550120             * HUGO—CONWENTZ, deutscher Botaniker und Naturschützer
18560120             * ~ MELIN Emma Kristina F Gottrora, STOCKHOLM—SCHWEDEN
18560120             Emma Kristina MELIN F */~ Gottrora, Stckhl, SCHWEDEN
18560120             * Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Suffragette und Publizistin
18580120             * KARDINAL—ENRIQUE—REIG y CASANOVA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—TOLEDO, spanischer Priester und
18580120             :"Nach Verlesen des Geständnisses von Oberst Mechmed Bey auf den Sitzungen vom
18580120             † WILHELM—AUGUST—FRIEDRICH—GENßLER, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
18590120             † BETTINA—VON—ARNIM, deutsche Schriftstellerin der Romantik
18590120             THE—FEDERAL—WAR began in VENEZUELA.
18590120—18600110    —ON, EZEQUIEL—ZAMORA (18170000—18600000    ) led THE—FEDERALIST—ARMY—UNTIL his assassination.
18590120—18600110    —ON, EZEQUIEL—ZAMORA, led THE—FEDERALIST—ARMY—UNTIL his assassination.
18610120             † JOHANN—LUDWIG—URBAN—BLESSON, preußischer Militärschriftsteller
18620120             * Xaver Terofal, deutscher Schauspieler
18620120             * CARL—VON—TUBEUF, deutscher Pflanzenpathologe
18650120             * JOSEF—FISCHER, deutscher Radsportler, 1. Sieger PARIS—ROUBAIX
18660120             * JOHANNES—WERTHAUER, deutscher Jurist und Strafrechtsreformer
18660120             † GEORG—KASPAR—NAGLER, deutscher Kunsthistoriker und Kunstschriftsteller
18670120             —IN—DIESEM—AUGENBLICK, in russischen, spanischen, italienischen, anderen fremden Anleihen angelegt."("Reynolds' Newspaper", )
18670120             —IN—DIESEM—AUGENBLICK, WÄHREND englische —ARBEITER mit Weib und Kind an Kälte und Hunger sterben,
18670120             —AUGENBLICK—IN—DIESEM, WÄHREND englische —ARBEITER mit Weib und Kind an Kälte und Hunger sterben,
18670120             —AUGENBLICK—IN—DIESEM, werden MILLIONEN—VON—ENGLISCHEM GELD, dem Produkt englischer ARBEIT,
18670120             —AUGENBLICK—IN—DIESEM, in russischen, spanischen, italienischen, anderen fremden Anleihen angelegt".(REYNOLDS—NEWSPAPER)
18670120             † JULES—AMIGUET, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher und Hochschullehrer
18670120             † JULIA—BULETTE, amerikanische Prostituierte
18680120             * WILHELM—SCHÄFER, deutscher Schriftsteller
18680120             † JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—DANNEIL, deutscher Prähistoriker und Pädagoge
18690120             * FREDERICK—MATTHIAS—ALEXANDER, australischer Schauspieler
18690120             † KARL—WILHELM—GÖTTLING, deutscher Altphilologe
18700120             * Centa Bré, deutsche Schauspielerin - * GUILLAUME—LEKEU, belgischer Komponist
18700120             * FAUSTO—SALVATORI, italienischer Schriftsteller und Librettist
18720120             * HARRIET—STRAUB, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18720120             † LUDWIG—LEOPOLD—LIEBIG, deutscher Gärtner und Pflanzenzüchter
18730120             * Iwano H?mei, japanischer Schriftsteller, Literaturkritiker und Übersetzer
18730120             * JOHANNES—VILHELM—JENSEN, dänischer Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger
18730120             * ALFRED—WI?komirski, polnischer Geiger, Bratschist und Musikpädagoge
18740120             Mit dem VERTRAG—VON—PANGKOR zwischen Großbritannien und dem RAJA—ABDULLAH—VON—PERAK beginnt der britische Einfluss auf malaiische Staaten.
18740120             * STEVE—BLOOMER, englischer Fußballspieler
18740120             * KARL—HEIM, deutscher protestantischer Theologe
18750120             † MAXIMILIAN—WERNER, badischer Politiker
18760120             * LUCIEN—BOYER, französischer Chansonnier und Komponist
18760120             * Józef Hofmann, POLNISCH—USA—AMERIKANISCHER Pianist, Komponist, Musiklehrer und Erfinder
18770120             * Aymé Kunc, französischer Komponist, DIRIGENT—UND—MUSIKPÄDAGOGE
18790120             * WALTHER—AHLHORN, deutscher Jurist
18790120             * WILHELM—BURKAMP, deutscher Philosoph
18790120             * RUTH—S—DENIS, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Tänzerin, Choreographin und Pädagogin
18790120             * CLIFFORD—HUGH—DOUGLAS, britischer Wirtschaftstheoretiker, Ingenieur
18800120             Nach einem Erdbeben taucht im ILOPANGO—SEE im Vulkan Ilopango in S—SALVADOR 1—INSEL auf.
18800120             * RUDOLF—BERNAUER, österreichischer CHANSON—AUTOR, OPERETTEN—LIBRETTIST und Theaterdirektor
18820120             * KARDINAL—SEBASTIÃO Leme da Silveira CINTRA—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—RIO—DE—JANEIRO, brasilianischer Priester und
18850120             Der USA—AMERIKANER LaMarcus Adna Thompson lässt die 1. realisierte Achterbahn patentieren.
18860120             * HANS—ABRAHAM, deutscher Gewichtheber - † ERNST—METHFESSEL, deutscher Komponist
18870120             —KOLLIDIERT, An der brasilianischen Küste, das britische Auswandererschiff Kapunda mit der Bark Ada Melmore und sinkt innerhalb von 5—MINUTEN.
18870120             Von den 313—MENSCHEN an Bord kommen 297—UMS Leben, darunter ALLE—FRAUEN und Kinder.
18870120             —APPROVED, THE—USA—SENATE, 1—AGREEMENT to lease Pearl Harbor in HAWAII as 1—NAVAL—BASE.
18880120             * PAUL—WEYLAND, deutscher Hochstapler, Antisemit und nationalistischer Agitator
18890120             * Leadbelly, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Bluesmusiker
18890120             * Lois Welzenbacher, österreichischer Architekt
18900120             * RUDOLF—AHORN, deutscher Fußballspieler
18900120             † FRANZ—LACHNER, deutscher KOMPONIST—UND—DIRIGENT
18910120             * MISCHA—ELMAN, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Violinvirtuose
18910120             † DAVID—KALAKAUA—KING—OF—, sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands, at THE—SF Palace Hotel.
18920120             Die lyrische Oper La Wally von Alfredo Catalani auf 1—LIBRETTO—VON—LUIGI—ILLICA —NACH—DEM ROMAN—GEIERWALLY—VON—WILHELMINE—VON—HILLERN wird am Teatro alla Scala in Mailand uraufgeführt.
18920120             Das 1. Basketballspiel findet —NACH—DEN Regeln des Erfinders JAMES—NAISMITH in SPRINGFIELD—MASSACHUSETTS statt.
18920120             † JOHN—COUCH—ADAMS, britischer Mathematiker
18930120             * NILS—GEORG—ÅBERG, schwedischer WEIT—UND Dreispringer
18930120             * BESSY—COLMAN, 1. African USA—AVIATOR.
18940120             * HAROLD—GRAY, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Comiczeichner
18940120             * Nishiwaki Junzabur?, japanischer Schriftsteller
18940120             * WALTER—PISTON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Komponist
18950120             * EVA—JESSYE, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Chordirigentin und Komponistin
18960120             * GEORGE—BURNS, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Schauspieler
18960120             —HOSTED, GEORGE—BURNS, radio and television show with his wife Gracie Allen —BEFORE going into movies like THE—SUNSHINE—BOYS.
18960120             "By the time you're 80—YEARS—OLD, you've learned everything. You only have to remember it".
18960120—19960309    * † GEORGE—BURNS, vaudeville comedian and actor, NATHAN—BIRNBAUM in NEW—YORK—CITY.
18980120             John Carlos MEILING M */~ Mount Pleasant, Snpt, Utah <USA>
18980120             † Kosta Abraševi?, serbischer Poet
18990120             * MICHAEL—LAßLEBEN, deutscher Verleger
18990120             * ALEXANDER—TCHEREPNIN, composer.
18990120             —APPOINTED, PRESIDENT—WILLIAM—MCKINLEY, 1—PHILIPPINE—COMMISSION led by JACOB—G—SCHURMAN, PRESIDENT—OF—CORNELL—UNIVERSITY, to study the situation in the island and to submit 1—REPORT to serve as 1—BASIS for setting up 1—CIVIL—GOVERNMENT.
18990120             —ISSUED, The commission, findings in June suggesting the ultimate independence for the islands but, for 1—INDEFINITE period continued USA—RULE.
19000120             * FRANZ—ESSER, deutscher Fußballspieler
19000120             * BORIS—SEMJONOWITSCH—SCHECHTER, russischer Komponist
19000120             † JOHN—RUSKIN, britischer Schriftsteller, Maler, Kunsthistoriker
19020000—19880120    * † PHILIPPE—DE—ROTHSCHILD, BORDEAUX Vineyard manager, in PARIS.
19020120             Das Königliche Hoftheater in STUTTGART brennt nieder.
19030000—20030120    * † AL—HIRSCHFIELD, caricaturist of HOLLYWOOD stars, in NEW—YORK—CITY at age 99.
19040120             —AM Carltheater in WIEN erfolgt die Uraufführung der Operette Der Göttergatte von FRANZ—LEHÁR.
19050120             S—PETERSBURG, stürzt die ÄGYPTISCHE—BRÜCKE, 1—BAUWERK aus dem 1. Drittel 18010101—19001231    —DES,, ein.
19050120             1—TRAGSEIL reißt, als 1—KAVALLERIE—SCHWADRON die Kettenbrücke überquert.
19050120             Alle 60 in den Fluss Fontanka gestürzten Soldaten werden gerettet, mehrere Pferde verenden.
19100120             * JOY—ADAMSON, UK—AUTHOR and naturalist.
19100120             —LIVED, JOY—ADAMSON, in KENYA and wrote "Born Free".
19130000—20070120    * † GEORGE—SMATHERS, former 3-term USA—SENATOR—FROM—FLORIDA.
19130120             —CREATED, JOSE—GUADALUPE—POSADA had, Catrina, the Skeleton Lady in her elegant BROAD—BRIMMED hat in 1—SATIRICAL engraving sometime between 19100000             and his death.
19130120             JOSE—GUADALUPE—POSADA—IMAGE grew over the years to symbolize MEXICO—DAY—OF—THE—DEAD.
19150119—19150120    Bombing attacks on Britain by Zeppelin dirigibles, under the control of the German navy, result in few casualties, causing more anger than panic. During the year, 18 more raids will take place.
19190000—20160120    * † GEORGE—WEIDENFELD, UK—PUBLISHER and philanthropist, in LONDON.
19190101—20160120    * +GEORGE—WALKERIDENFELD, in WIEN geborene und nun verstorbene
19190120             —QUOTED, THE—TIMES—NEWSPAPER—OF—LONDON, FEISAL as saying,
19190120             "THE—ARABS of this most ancient race...desire to become the youngest independent STATE—IN—ASIA + they appeal to AMERICA as the most powerful PROTECTOR—OF—THE—FREEDOM—OF—MAN".
19190120             The direct appeal to THE—AMERICANS + THE—TONE—OF—THE—LANGUAGE were interpreted as arrogant and assertive by CERTAIN—OF—THE—ENGLAND—DELEGATION + by the French.
19200120             * Movie director Federico Fellini in RIMINI—ITALY.
19220120             Der —WWI—IM gegründete pazifistische Bund Neues Vaterland, dem unter anderem ALBERT—EINSTEIN, STEFAN—ZWEIG und ERNST—REUTER angehören, wird in Anlehnung an das französische Vorbild Französische Liga für Menschenrechte in Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte umbenannt.
19240000—19270120    —AM, WINSTON—CHURCHILL, der die treibende Kraft hinter dem 1. Feldzug gegen den Bolschewismus war, hatte diese Funktion des Faschismus genau erkannt, er sagte :
19280120             * MARTIN—LANDAU, actor (Mission Impossible, Tucker, Space 19990000             ), in BROOKLYN—NEW—YORK.
19290120             The Soviet—OGPU (General Political Administration) orders that Trotsky be deported to the Turkish island of Prinkipo, once used by the Byzantine emperors to exile their opponents. He will live in Turkey (1929-33), France (1933-35), Norway (1935-36), and Mexico (1936-40).
19300120             * DOCTOR—EDWIN 'Buzz' Aldrin, 2. man to walk on the moon.
19300120             —ARRIVED, CHARLES—LINDBERGH, in NEW—YORK, setting 1—CROSS—COUNTRY flying record of 14.75—HOURS.
19310120             Gifford Pinchot (18650000—19460000    ) began serving a 2. term as the 28. GOVERNOR—OF—PENNSYLVANIA and continued to 19350000             .
19310120             His 1. term was 19230000—19270000    —FROM—TO.
19310120—19330000    —IN, —FOLLOWING THE—OF—PROHIBITION, Pinchot kept restrictions on the sale of alcohol.
19330120             was the date set for THE—PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT.
19330206—19330120    —BECAME, USA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, the 1. to be inaugurated 19370000             —IN.
19340120             Mit dem Gesetz zur Ordnung der nationalen Arbeit wird nachträglich die im Vorjahr erfolgte Gründung der nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeitsfront formal legitimiert.
19340120             An der Wiener Staatsoper wird die Operette Giuditta von FRANZ—LEHÁR unter der Leitung des Komponisten uraufgeführt.
19340120             In den Wirtschaftsunternehmen wird damit das Führerprinzip eingeführt.
19340120             Das Libretto stammt von PAUL—KNEPLER und FRITZ—LÖHNER—BEDA.
19340120             Ihrem Vorgesetzten gegenüber werden Mitarbeiter zu absolutem Gehorsam verpflichtet.
19340120             In der Titelrolle ist Jarmila Novotná zu sehen, die männliche Hauptrolle singt RICHARD—TAUBER.
19350120             —ARRESTED, BELGIUM, SOME—NAZI agitators who were urging for 1—RETURN to the Reich.
19350120—19350121    the—National—Conference on Palestine is held in Washington, D.C.
19360120             Edward VIII is crowned king of Great Britain.
19360120             Mit dem Tod Georgs V. wird dessen ältester Sohn EDUARD—VIII. britischer KÖNIG.
19360120             † BRITAIN—V—KING—OF—GEORGE, served 19100000—19360000    —FROM—TO, at age 70;
19360120             —SUCCEEDED, GEORGE—KING—OF—BRITAIN was, by EDWARD—VIII.
19360120             —REMEMBERED, He is, for saying: "ANY—MAN who is not 1—SOCIALIST—BEFORE he is 30 has no heart, and ANY—MAN who is 1—SOCIALIST—AFTER he is 30 has no head".
19360120             - GEORGE—V—KING—OF— dies; EDWARD—VIII becomes KING
19361211—19360120    —ON, —AFTER EDWARD—VIII—KING—OF—BRITAIN his ascension to the throne, EDWARD—VIII—KING—OF—BRITAIN expressed his desire to marry MISTRES—SIMPSON and, if he could not do so and remain KING, he said he was "prepared to go".
19361211—19360120    —ON, —AFTER his ascension to the throne, EDWARD—VIII expressed his desire to marry MISTER—S—SIMPSON and, if he could not do so and remain KING, he said he was "prepared to go".
19370120             President Roosevelt is inaugurated and begins his second term.
19370120             Zu Beginn seiner 2. Amtszeit als USA—PRÄSIDENT—LEGT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT seinen Amtseid ab.
19370120             —INAUGURATED, PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—ROOSEVELT was, for a 2. term.
19370120             —GUTTED, S—FRANCISCO, 1—FIRE, the 7-story Wilson building at 975—MARKET St.
19370120—19370120    —ON, He became the 1. CHIEF executive to be inaugurated instead of 19370304             .
19370120—19370304    —AM, Seitdem werden alle regulär gewählten Präsidenten —AN—DIESEM—TAG statt wie zuvor in ihr Amt eingeführt.
19390120             —PROCLAIMED, Hitler, to GERMANY—PARLIAMENT his intention to exterminate all European Jews.
19400120             Dr. Ritter writes in a progress report to the DFG: "Through our work we have been able to establish that more than 90—Prozent of so-called native Gypsies are of mixed blood, The Gypsy question can only be considered solved when the main body of asocial and good-for-nothing Gypsy individuals of mixed blood is collected together in large labour camps and kept working there, and when the further breeding of this population of mixed blood is stopped once and for all." (Science)
19410120             —INAUGURATED, USA—PRESIDENT—FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT was, for his 3. term.
19410120             It was the 1. time ANY—USA—PRESIDENT had been elected for more than 2—TERMS.
19410120             Hitler met with Mussolini and offered aid in ALBANIA and GREECE.
19420120             The Wansee Conference on the "Final Solution" of the Jewish question is held at Interpol headquarters in Wansee, a quiet Berlin suburb. Reinhard Heydrich presents a PLAN—for—the "Final Solution" to the "Jewish PROBLEM."
19420120             —WWII, "Diese MÄNNER haben überhaupt keine moralischen Skrupel gehabt.
19420120             —WWII, sondern ETAPPE war Die WANNSEE—KONFERENZ
19420120             —WWII, wenn Diese MÄNNER der MASSEN—MORD befahlen".
19420120             —WWII, IM—GEGENTEIL, Diese MÄNNER glaubten sich sogar moralisch im RECHT,
19420120             —AM Großen Wannsee in BERLIN findet 1—VON—REINHARD—HEYDRICH einberufene Konferenz statt, bei der über organisatorische Fragen einer "Endlösung der Judenfrage", den Holocaust, beraten wird.
19420120             Protokollführer der Konferenz ist ADOLF—EICHMANN.
19420120             Top Nazis met at GROSSEN—WANNSEE, outside BERLIN, and there formulated the infamous "Final Solution" to the Jewish question.
19420120             Chaired by SS GENERAL—REINHARD—HEYDRICH, THE—1—DAY—CONFERENCE was designed to address the Nazi efforts at removing the Jews.
19420120             —AGREED, THE—15—TOP—RANKING men of THE—GERMANY—REICH, upon 1—BLUEPRINT for the extermination of EUROPE—JEWS.
19420120             —CALLED, Their "final solution", for exterminating EUROPE—JEWS.
19420120             SS CHIEF—HEINRICH—HIMMLER would be in charge.
19420120             —NOTED, Those unfit to work would be, the conference minutes, "appropriately dealt with".
19420120             —UNEXPLAINED, This phrase was left, but there was no doubt of its sinister meaning.
19420120             —AFTER approving genocide as Nazi policy, the conference attendees adjourned for lunch.
19420120             The minutes were taken by ADOLF—EICHMANN.
19420120             —INVADED, Japanese, Burma.
19420120             There was 1—JAPAN—AIR—RAID on Rabaul, New BRITAIN.
19420120—19420000    —BY, —UNTIL this time, the plan had been to deport all Jews to THE—ISLAND—OF—MADAGASCAR off AFRICA, but this plan was rejected in favor of transporting Jews to the east where THE—ABLE—BODIED would become slave laborers for the Reich.
19420120—20040000    —AUTHORED, CHRISTOPHER—R—BROWNING, "THE—ORIGINS of the Final Solution".
19430120             † GIACOMO—BENVENUTI, 57—JAHRE—ALT, composer.
19440120             Allied forces began unsuccessful operations to cross the Rapido River and seize Cassino.
19440120             —DROPPED, RAF, 2300 1-ton bombs on BERLIN.
19450120             President Roosevelt is inaugurated for a fourth term. Harry S Truman is sworn is as Vice President.
19450120             The Soviet offensive in East Prussia breaks through and Tilsit is taken. In the West, Patton's Third Army takes Brandenburg.
19450120             4,200—Jews are shot to death at Birkenau. A total of more—than—98,000—Jews have been evacuated from Auschwitz. (Atlas)
19450120             FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT, der 32. USA—PRÄSIDENT, wird als einziger Amtsinhaber zum 4. Mal vereidigt.
19450120             —INAUGURATED, FRANKLIN—D—ROOSEVELT was, for his 4. term.
19450120             —SIGNED, THE—ALLIES, 1—TRUCE with the Hungarians.
19450120—19450127    29,000—Jews, most of them women are evacuated from Stutthof by boat and train to Germany. 26,000 of them perish during the journey. (Atlas)
19460120             —HANDED, FRANCE—CHARLES—DEGAULLE, in his resignation.
19470120             † JOSH—GIBSON, 35—JAHRE—ALT, Negro League slugger, of 1—BRAIN tumor.
19490120             * IVANA—TRUMP, former wife of DONALD—TRUMP.
19490120             —INAUGURATED, PRESIDENT—TRUMAN was, for his 2. term.
19490120             He presented a 4-point plan for USA—FOREIGN—POLICY.
19490120             —CALLED, Point 4, for "1—BOLD—NEW—PROGRAM" of assistance to economically underdeveloped areas.
19490120             —BRANDED, In his inaugural address, Truman, communism a "false philosophy" as he outlined his program for USA—WORLD—LEADERSHIP.
19510120             —KILLED, USA—BOMBING and strafing, about 300—KOREAN refugees at Youngchoon.
19510120             —TRAPPED, Korean witnesses —LATER said 300—PEOPLE were, and suffocated in Gokgyegul.
19510120—19500910    —ON, The 1. at Wolmi, a 2. at Sansong 19510119             —ON and a 3. at Tanyang 19510120             —ON, where At—least—167—VILLAGERS killed—were.
19510120—20080520    —ON, 1—SOUTH—KOREA—TRUTH and Reconciliation Commission identified 3—USA—ATTACKS—OF—INDISCRIMINANT USE—OF—NAPALM that killed At—least—228—CIVILIANS.
19520120             —OCCUPIED, UK—TROOPS, ISMALIA—EGYPT.
19530120             Das Zentralkomitee der SED beschließt "Maßnahmen" gegen Spekulation: ALLE—LEBENSMITTEL und Industriewaren dürfen in der gesamten DDR und in OST—BERLIN nur noch gegen Vorzeigen des Personalausweises oder des Stammabschnitts der Lebensmittelkarte abgegeben werden
19530120             Auch in Restaurants und Cafés ist der Personalausweis vorzuzeigen
19530120             Zudem werden verbindliche Höchstabgabemengen für ALLE—GRUNDNAHRUNGSMITTEL sowie Bekleidung, Stoffe und technische Geräte festgelegt.
19530120             He succeeded HARRY—S—TRUMAN.
19530120             TV coverage sent the event to 21—MILLION—SETS.
19540120             "THE—CAINE—MUTINY—COURT—MARTIAL," 1—PLAY by Herman Wouk based on PART—OF—HIS 19510000             novel "THE—CAINE—MUTINY," opened on Broadway.
19540120             —TURNED, Over 22,000 ANTI—COMMUNIST—PRISONERS were, over to THE—UN—FORCES in KOREA.
19540120             THE—CIA built 1—TUNNEL from WEST—BERLIN to EAST—BERLIN to tap Soviet and EAST—GERMANY—COMMUNICATIONS.
19550120             * JOE—DOHERTY, IRA activist (jailed in USA), in IRELAND.
19570120             —AM Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in München wird das Musical KATHARINA—KNIE—VON—MISCHA—SPOLIANSKY —NACH—DEM gleichnamigen "Seiltänzerstück" von CARL—ZUCKMAYER uraufgeführt.
19570120             HANS—ALBERS spielt in diesem Stück seine letzte Bühnenrolle.
19570120             PRESIDENT—EISENHOWER and VICE—PRESIDENT—NIXON were sworn in for their 2. TERMS—OF—OFFICE in 1—PRIVATE—SUNDAY ceremony.
19570120             1—PUBLIC—CEREMONY was held the next —DAY.
19590120             Der Erstflug der Vickers Vanguard findet statt.
19590120             Sie wird das letzte große europäische Passagierflugzeug mit Propellerantrieb sein.
19600120             PAGE—20;
19600120             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—20;
19600120             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—20;
19610120             JOHN—F—KENNEDY wird als 35. USA—PRäSIDENT——VON—AMERIKA vereidigt
19610120             JOHN—F—KENNEDY tritt die Nachfolge von Dwight D. Eisenhower an.
19610120             —ÜBERGIBT, Dwight D. Eisenhower, das Amt des USA—PRÄSIDENTEN an JOHN—F—KENNEDY.
19610120             Aus einem Treffen in MADRID zwischen JEAN—JACQUES Susini, GENERAL—RAOUL—SALAN und PIERRE—LAGAILLARDE entsteht die OAS, die französische Untergrundbewegung in der Endphase des Algerienkriegs.
19610120             Durch Terroraktionen will sie die sich abzeichnende Unabhängigkeit Algeriens konterkarieren.
19610120             —PREMIERED, FRANCIS—POULENC'S "Gloria,", in BOSTON.
19610120             PRESIDENT—KENNEDY made his inaugural address from THE—STEPS—OF—THE—USA—CAPITAL.
19610120             Awarded the Pulitzer Prize 4—TIMES, MOST—OF—FROST—WORK drew on themes from rural New ENGLAND life.
19610120             —COMPOSED, Although 86—YEAR—OLD—ROBERT—FROST had, 1—NEW poem, titled "Dedication," for THE—INAUGURATION—OF—PRESIDENT—JOHN—F—KENNEDY, he was unable to recite it at the ceremony because he could not read his own typewritten manuscript.
19610120             1—DIM typewriter ribbon conspired with FROST—FAILING eyesight and bright glare on 1—SUNNY—DAY with snow cover, making it impossible for the poet to read the poem written especially for the occasion.
19610120             —RECITED, Instead Frost, from memory his famous poem "THE—GIFT—OUTRIGHT".
19610120—18740326    —ON, Frost, born in S—FRANCISCO, was the 1. poet to participate in 1—PRESIDENTIAL—INAUGURATION.
19610120—19630129    —ON, He †.
19610120—20040000    —AUTHORED, Thurston Clarke, "Ask Not: THE—INAUGURATION—OF—JOHN—F—KENNEDY and the Speech That Changed AMERICA".
19650120             —RECORDED, Byrds, "MISTER—TAMBOURINE—MAN".
19650120             Generalissimo FRANCISCO—FRANCO met with Jewish representatives to discuss legitimizing Jewish communities in SPAIN.
19660120             —AM Schauspielhaus Zürich wird FRIEDRICH—DÜRRENMATTS—SCHAUSPIEL—DER—METEOR uraufgeführt.
19660120             BERLIN—KÖPENICK, wird der Fußballverein 1. FC Union BERLIN gegründet, nachdem sich der FDGB—VORSITZENDE HERBERT—WARNKE für einen zivilen Verein der Werktätigen eingesetzt hat.
19660120             LEIPZIG, entsteht der 1. FC Lokomotive LEIPZIG als Nachfolger des SC LEIPZIG.
19670120             —FIRED, CLARK—KERR, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—UC system, was, by GOVERNOR—REAGAN and THE—UC Regents for being too soft on student protesters at BERKELEY.
19670120—20030000    —AUTHORED, Kerr, vol.
19680120             Protokoll NUMMER—144 vom )—SEITE—7 bestätigt werden könnte, wonach
19690120             Amtsantritt von RICHARD—M—NIXON als 37. USA—PRäSIDENT—.
19690120             2—BEWAFFNETE dringen in 1—MUNITIONSDEPOT—DER—BUNDESWEHR im saarländischen Lebach ein und verüben den Aufsehen erregenden SOLDATENMORD—VON—LEBACH.
19690120             Sie leitet die deutsche Vertretung beim Straßburger Europarat.
19690120             Die Täter werden später nach einem Fahndungsaufruf in der ZDF—SENDUNG Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst festgenommen.
19690120             —PROCLAIMED, RICHARD—NIXON in his 1. inaugural address, that Americans "cannot learn from 1—ANOTHER —UNTIL we stop shouting at 1—ANOTHER".
19690120             He also said: "the greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. This honor —NOW beckons AMERICA".
19700120             PAGE—17;
19700120             LA—VANGUARDIA—ESPANOLA—PAGE—17;
19700120             WILLIAM—T—CAHILL (19120000—19960000    ), began serving as THE—GOVERNOR—OF—NEW—JERSEY and continued to 19740000             .
19720120             Der Dissident ROBERT—HAVEMANN übt in 1—INTERVIEW—MIT—DER—SCHWEDISCHEN—TAGESZEITUNG Expressen scharfe Kritik an den Verhältnissen in der DDR.
19720120             INDIEN, wird das GEBIET—DER—NORTH—EAST—FRONTIER—AGENCY in 1—UNIONSTERRITORIUM mit dem Namen "ARUNACHAL—PRADESH" umgewandelt.
19720120-19870000             wird ARUNACHAL—PRADESH ein vollgültiger indischer Bundesstaat.
19740120             —APPOINTED, HOWARD—C—ULRICH was, by GOVERNOR—RONALD—REAGAN to serve as THE—CHIEF—OF—CALTRANS and served from this—DAY to 19750808             .
19740614—19770120    —UNTIL, He continued as ambassador there.
19760120             Im Libanesischen Bürgerkrieg verüben PALÄSTINENSER—UND muslimische Milizen das MASSAKER—VON—DAMUR, wobei mutmaßlich etwa 330—MENSCHEN getötet werden.
19760120             Es ist die Reaktion auf das MASSAKER—VON—KARANTINA durch Phalangisten an mehreren 100—ZIVILISTEN 2—TAGE davor.
19760120—19760126    —Vor—dem Strafgericht in OST—BERLIN wird gegen den "professionellen Menschenhändler" RAINER—SCHUBERT verhandelt;
19760120—19760126    er erhält —15—JAHRE Freiheitsentzug
19760130             —REVIVED, Bush, THE—REPUTATION—OF—THE—ORGANIZATION and left it 19770120             .
19770120             —SURPRISED, PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER was sworn in and then, everyone as he walked from THE—USA—CAPITOL to THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19780120             COLUMBIA Pictures paid $9.5—MILLION for movie rights to "Annie".
19781106—19810120    —AFTER, It governs the official RECORDS—OF—PRESIDENTS and Vice Presidents created or received and mandates the preservation of all presidential records.
19791104             The students held 52—USA—HOSTAGES—FOR—444—DAYS, and were released on THE—DAY—OF—THE—INAUGURATION—PRESIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN, 19810120             .
19810120             The hostages were released 5 minutes after RONALD—REAGAN's inauguration on. ;
19810120             RONALD—REAGAN wird als USA—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt.
19810120             Mit der Freilassung der in der USA—AMERIKANISCHEN Botschaft festgehaltenen Geiseln endet die 444—TAGE andauernde GEISELNAHME—VON—TEHERAN.
19810120             RONALD—REAGAN was sworn in as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
19810120             He inherited 10% inflation and 20% interest rates.
19810120             —RELEASED, IRAN, 52—AMERICANS held hostage —FOR—444—DAYS, minutes —AFTER the presidency had passed from JIMMY—CARTER to RONALD—REAGAN.
19820716—19890120    —UNTIL, THE—REVEREND—SUN—MYUNG—MOON served.
19820716—19890120    —UNTIL, He served.
19830000—20010120    —SEIT bestehende ANKLAGE—MIT einem Federstreich war die wegen Steuerhinterziehung, Ölpreismanipulationen und Handel mit dem Feind ebenso aus der Welt geschafft wie die drohende Höchststrafe von 325—JAHREN.
19840120             † JOHNNY—WEISSMULLER, 79—JAHRE—ALT, ROMANIA—BORN USA swimmer (OLYMPICS—5—GOLD—19240000             , 28), movie actor (Tarzan), in ACAPULCO—MEXICO.
19840120—20020000    —IN, his son (19400000—20060000    ) published "Tarzan, My Father".
19850120             —DEFEATED, THE—SF 49ers, THE—MIAMI Dolphins 38-16 in the Super Bowl played at Stanford Stadium.
19850120             —CAPPED, This, the winningest season in national Football League history, with 18—WINS and only 1—LOSS.
19850120             It being 1—SUNDAY, the public SWEARING—IN was held THE—FOLLOWING—DAY.
19860120             —BEREITET, Das Ministerium—für—Staatssicherheit, Internierungslisten vor, Oppositionelle sollen im "Spannungsfall" in gesonderte Lager eingewiesen werden.
19860120             THE—USA—OBSERVED—THE 1. federal holiday in honor of slain civil rights leader MARTIN—LUTHER—KING—JUNIOR.
19860120             —ANNOUNCED, BRITAIN and FRANCE, plans to build the Channel Tunnel.
19870120             —DISAPPEARED, Anglican Church envoy TERRY—WAITE, in BEIRUT—LEBANON, —WHILE attempting to negotiate the release of Western hostages.
19870120—19911100    —FREED, He was.
19880120             1—ARIZONA—HOUSE—COMMITTEE opened hearings on the possible impeachment of GOVERNOR—EVAN—MECHAM.
19890120             Der Republikaner GEORGE—BUSH tritt die Nachfolge von RONALD—REAGAN als 41. USA—PRäSIDENT— an.
19890120             GEORGE—BUSH was sworn in as the 41. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA;
19890120             DAN—QUAYLE was sworn in as VICE—PRESIDENT.
19890120—18400000    —SINCE, Reagan became the 1. pres elected in a "0" —YEAR, to leave office alive.
19900120             Die SED/PDS fordert die Oppositionsgruppen auf, in die Regierung einzutreten
19900120             Sie bietet den Verzicht auf EINIGE—MINISTERPOSTEN an
19900120             Gründung der DEUTSCHEN—SOZIALEN Union (DSU) durch 12—CHRISTLICH—LIBERAL—KONSERVATIVE Gruppen in LEIPZIG
19900120             —BEFÜRWORTET, Die Partei, eine schnelle DEUTSCHE—WIEDERVEREINIGUNG und wird von der bayern—CSU unterstützt.
19900120             —GEGRÜNDET, Die Deutsche Soziale Union wird in LEIPZIG.
19900120             BAKU, wird die aserbaidschanische Unabhängigkeitsbewegung gewaltsam niedergeschlagen (Schwarzer Januar).
19900120             —RETURNED, The space shuttle COLUMBIA, from an 11—DAY—MISSION.
19900120             † Actress Barbara Stanwyck in Santa MONICA—CALIFORNIA, at age 82.
19900120             —ATTACKED, THE—SOVIETS, BAKU, leaving dozens dead and wounded.
19900120             GENERAL—LEBED led RUSSIA—FORCES in BAKU to crush the nationalist Azeri Popular Front.
19900120             62—CIVILIANS were killed and more than 200 wounded —WHEN the Soviet army stormed into THE—CITY—OF—BAKU to end what Soviet leader MIKHAIL—GORBACHEV called fratricidal killing between Muslim Azerbaijanis and CHRISTIAN—ARMENIANS.
19900120—19900121    Gründung des Sozialistischen Studentenbundes des DDR (SSB) in POTSDAM.
19910120             Sowjetische Polizeieinheiten beschießen das LETTISCHE—INNENMINISTERIUM in RIGA
19910120             —GETÖTET, Dabei werden 5—MENSCHEN, und 10—VERLETZT
19910120             —DISTANZIERT, Der sowjetische PRÄSIDENT—MICHAIL—GORBATSCHOW, sich von dem Gewaltakt.
19910120             Er bildet einen Großen Senat aus CDU, SPD und parteilosen Mitgliedern.
19910120             —DURING the Gulf War, IRAQ—MISSILES were shot down by USA Patriot rockets as they approached DHAHRAN—SAUDI—ARABIA.
19910120             —SHOWED, IRAQ—TELEVISION, interviews with 7 downed allied pilots, 3—OF—THEM—AMERICANS.
19910120             LATVIA, "black beret" commandos of the Soviet Interior Ministry attacked the republic's Interior Ministry headquarters, killing 5—PEOPLE.
19910120             —SUPPORTED, Communist leader ALFRED—RUBIKS, 1—SOVIET—CRACKDOWN against 1—MOVE by his countrymen for independence.
19920120             1—FRENCH—AIRBUS A-320 crashed near STRASBOURG, killing 87—PEOPLE.
19920120             1—GERMANY—COURT convicted 2—FORMER—EAST—GERMANY—BORDER—GUARDS—OF—THE last killing at THE—BERLIN Wall.
19930120             —THE—DAY, CLINTON INAUGURATED.was.
19930120             —5—WEEKS—LATER, WENDY—LEE—GRAMM was named to ENRON—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS.
19930120             THE—PART—TIME—POSITION—PAYS—WENDY—LEE—GRAMM $22,000, plus $1,250 for EACH—MEETING she attends.
19930120             BILL—CLINTON was sworn in as the 42. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA; AL—GORE was sworn in as VICE—PRESIDENT.
19930120             —PICKED, That night, Clinton, up 1—SAXOPHONE and jammed at 5—OF—THE—12—INAUGURAL balls he and his wife, Hillary, attended.
19930120             -the —DAY Clinton was inaugurated.
19930120             —5—WEEKS—LATER, she was named to ENRON—BOARD—OF—DIRECTORS.
19930120—19960000    —IN, † AUDREY—HEPBURN, actress in SWITZERLAND at age 63. The 8. biography of her life was WRITTEN—BY—BARRY—PARIS.
19930120—19980000    —SERVED, Christopher, —FOR—4—YEARS and published "In THE—STREAM—OF—HISTORY: Shaping Foreign Policy for 1—NEW—ERA," 1—COMPILATION—OF—41—OF—HIS—MAJOR—SPEECHES.
19940120             —APPOINTED, ROBERT—B—FISKE—JUNIOR was, by ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JANET—RENO as the special Whitewater prosecutor to investigate PRESIDENT—AND—MISTER—S—CLINTON—ARKANSAS land deals.
19940120             —BECAME, SHANNON—FAULKNER, the 1. woman to attend classes at THE—CITADEL in SOUTH—CAROLINA.
19940120—19950800    —IN, She joined the cadet corps, under court order, but soon dropped out, citing isolation and stress.
19950120             Zwischen LE—HAVRE und Honfleur wird nahe der Seinemündung die Schrägseilbrücke PONT—DE—NORMANDIE eingeweiht, die Brücke mit der größten Spannweite in EUROPA.
19950120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—STATE—DEPARTMENT, 1—PARTIAL lifting of economic sanctions against NORTH—KOREA.
19950120             THE—MOUNT—ZION—AME—CHURCH in Williamsburg Co., SOUTH—CAROLINA., burned down.
19950120             —SUSPECTED, Arson was, and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19950120             —CRITICIZED, THE—JAPAN—GOVERNMENT, for being slow to respond to KOBE—DEVASTATING earthquake, admitted its initial reaction might have been "confused".
19950120             "JUNCKER—CURSE" was named —AFTER JEAN—CLAUDE Juncker, who famously quipped: "We all know what to do. But we don't know how to get reelected once we've done it".
19950817—20010120    —ON, She received 1—FULL—PRESIDENTIAL—PARDON from outgoing USA—PRESIDENT—BILL—CLINTON in the final hours of his presidency.
19960120             Jassir Arafat wird zum Präsidenten der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde gewählt.
19960120             —LANDED, The space shuttle "Endeavour", —AFTER a 9—DAY—MISSION that included snaring 1—JAPAN—SATELLITE.
19960120             USA—AMBASSADOR—SWANEE Hunt gave THE—AUSTRIA—GOVERNMENT 1—LIST—OF—SITES where weapons were stockpiled by THE—USA—IN—THE 1950s as 1—PRECAUTION against 1—SOVIET takeover.
19960120             —ELECTED, Yasser Arafat was, PRESIDENT—IN—THE 1. PALESTINE—ELECTIONS.
19960120             —TURNED, HUNDREDS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—PALESTINIANS, out to vote in the festive 1. election, solidly endorsing Arafat and his peace policies.
19960416—19980226    —ON, TEXAS jury selection in —THE—TRIAL—OF—Oprah began 19960120             and she was acquitted by the jury.
19970120             CONSPIRACISM : Who's at Fault for THE—DISTRUST?
19970120             —INVOLVED, With USA—GOVERNMENT, in NATIONAL—SECURITY—COVER—UPS from Roswell to CONTRA—COCAINE + the media failing to cover these stories accurately,
19970120             is it ANY—WONDER—AMERICANS believe CONSPIRACY—THEORIES?
19970120             PRESIDENT—CLINTON and VICE—PRESIDENT—GORE were sworn in for 2. TERMS—OF—OFFICE.
19970120             —CALLED, In his inaugural address, Clinton, for 1—END to "the politics of petty bickering and extreme partisanship".
19970120             —DELIVERED, Poet MILLER—WILLIAMS, the inaugural poem.
19970120             † EDITH—HAISMAN (100), the oldest SURVIVOR—OF—TITANIC.
19970120             SCOTLAND, an 18000000             —YEAR—OLD sculpture of 1—LIONESS devouring 1—MAN was found in the mud of the Almond River near EDINBURGH.
19970120             —INVOLVED, With USA—GOVERNMENT, in national security COVER—UPS from Roswell to CONTRA—COCAINE + the media failing to cover these stories accurately, is it ANY—WONDER—AMERICANS believe conspiracy theories?
19980120             She was being sued by TEXAS cattlemen for remarks on her 19960416             show about mad cow disease.
19980120             Der mutmaßlich witterungsbedingte Ausfall einer alten Stromleitung beschwört in der Folgezeit 1—STROMKRISE in der Innenstadt von AUCKLAND herauf.
19980120             —ERST—NACH—5—WOCHEN ist dort die Versorgung mit elektrischer Energie vollständig, aber provisorisch wiederhergestellt.
19980120             —PLANNED, THE—IDAHO Coeur d'Alene INDIA—TRIBE, to begin 1—NATIONAL online lottery called USA Lottery.
19980120             USA residents will be restricted by their local state laws.
19980120             TEXAS, jury selection in THE—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—LAWSUIT—TRIAL—OF—OPRAH Winfrey began.
19980120             The case was —INITIALLY 1—TEST—OF—THE—STATE'S 19950000             "veggie libel" law that protected perishable food products from false and defamatory statements, but was ruled to proceed as 1—COMMON—LAW—BUSINESS—DEFAMATION—CASE.
19980120             —CONCLUDED, ALGERIA, the European envoys, their mission as 3—PEOPLE were killed by 1—BOMB in BEN—AKNOUN—DISTRICT, another 3—BY 1—BOMB in the village of Ziralda.
19980120             2—PEOPLE † from 1—BOMB thrown into 1—CAFE in Boussaken.
19980120             —OFFERED, FAHD—KING—OF—SAUDI—ARABIA, his nation's assistance to end the bloodshed.
19980120             —FILED, The 1. criminal suit was, against CHILE—GENERAL—PINOCHET for human rights violations.
19980120             THE—CONGO, JOSEPH—OLENGANKOY, opposition leader, was arrested in KINSHASA.
19980120             —REFUSED, He had, to meet with PRESIDENT—KABILA to discuss his criticism.
19980120             —ANNOUNCED, INDONESIA, PRESIDENT—SUHARTO, 76—JAHRE—ALT, plans for another 5-year term.
19980120             He hinted that his VICE—PRES. would be Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (61).
19980120             —ORDERED, ZIMBABWE, army troops were, into HARARE to quell 2—DAYS—OF—UNREST.
19980120—19980226    —ON, Winfrey won the case.
19990120             —ARGUED, For a 2. —DAY, PRESIDENT—CLINTON—LEGAL—TEAM, its case —BEFORE the Senate, saying that HOUSE—PASSED ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT were "flawed and unfair".
19990120             —PLEDGED, THE—CLINTON administration, $6.6—BILLION over 5—YEARS for 1—NATIONAL—MISSILE—DEFENSE—SYSTEM.
19990120             THE—MALCOLM X postage stamp, the 22. in the Black heritage series, went on sale.
19990120             CHINA, Lin Hai, 1—SOFTWARE entrepreneur, was sentenced to 2—YEARS in jail for giving E—MAIL addresses to dissidents abroad.
19990120             —EXTENDED, INDONESIA, rioting, for a 3. —DAY on AMBON Island where at least 22—PEOPLE were killed.
19990120             —MOVED, NATO, forces within striking distance of YUGOSLAVIA and warned BELGRADE to stop its repression in Kosovo.
19990120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—UN, that it would release over $81—MILLION to IRAQ to buy electricity generating equipment.
19990120             —INCLUDED, This, $6.5—MILLION for oil industry spare parts.
19991226—20140120    —ON, he was freed on parole.
20000000             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES 20020120             ;
20000120             —ISSUED, THE—CLINTON administration, visas to the grandmothers of Elian Gonzalez, enabling them to visit THE—USA to make their case for THE—6—YEAR—OLD—RETURN to CUBA.
20000120             Census 20000000             officially got under way as Census BUREAU—DIRECTOR—KENNETH—PREWITT knocked on the door of 1—SMALL—WOOD—FRAME house in UNALAKLEET—ALASKA, to begin the nationwide head count.
20000120             MADELEINE—ALBRIGHT told visiting INDONESIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, Alwi Shihab, that THE—USA would increase aid from $75—MILLION to $125—MILLION.
20000120             —ADDRESSED, JESSE—HELMS, THE—UN—SECURITY—COUNCIL and argued that THE—USA—CONGRESS has the right to dictate conditions for PAYMENT—OF—USA—DEBT to the organization.
20000120             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—NUMBER—OF—INTERNET—USERS in CHINA had more than doubled over the last 6—MONTHS from 4 to 8.9—MILLION, MOST—OF—THEM young single men.
20000120             —SIGNED, GREECE and TURKEY, 1—SERIES—OF—ACCORDS to regulate commerce, provide for cooperation in fighting organized crime, preventing illegal immigration, promoting tourism and protecting the Aegean Sea environment.
20000120             —REPORTED, Weizman was, to have accepted $453,465 from Edouard Saroussi, 1—FRANCE—EXECUTIVE, 19880000—19930000    —FROM—TO.
20000120             —EXPELLED, POLAND, 9—RUSSIA—DIPLOMATS under allegations of spying.
20000120             —UNEARTHED, TURKEY, authorities, 3—BODIES from 1—COAL shed in ANKARA 1—DAY—AFTER 10—BODIES were found strangled and left in 1—COAL bin of 1—ISTANBUL house.
20000120             —BLAMED, Hezbollah militants were.
20010120             Dismantling the arguments—against—impeachment, by occams hatchet by manonfyre on Tue 20080610             —055151—AM—PDT
20010120             PRE—INAUGURAL Discussions about Removing SADDAM—HUSSEIN.
20010120             —SEIT—DEM—ERST, führt MARC—RICH wieder ein — fast — normales Leben.
20010120             —TAG—AN—DIESEM, wurde der so geniale wie berüchtigte ROHSTOFF—HÄNDLER—MARC—RICH—VON—USA—PRÄSIDENT—BILL—CLINTON begnadigt — nur wenige Stunden vor dem ENDE—VON—DESSEN—AMTSZEIT.
20010120             attended by ENRON, EXXON, BRITISH—PETROLEUM, et al —
20010120             — where THE—REAL—PLANS for THE—INVASION (denationalizing IRAQ—OIL;
20010120             expelling "foreign suitors" and delivering CONTROL—OF—IRAQ—OIL to "OUR" OIL—GIANTS) were hatched.
20010120             —DESCRIBED, THE—VICE—PRESIDENT led the work of 1—SECRET—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE, as, in Article XXXII below,
20010120             Nach einem Korruptionsskandal um den letzten Präsidenten JOSEPH—ESTRADA wird die umstrittene GLORIA—MACAPAGAL—ARROYO als Staatspräsidentin auf den Philippinen vereidigt.
20010120             MICHELLE—KWAN won her 4. straight USA—FIGURE Skating Championship title —WHILE TIMOTHY—GOEBEL won his 1. men's title.
20010120             —ISSUED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON in his final hours, 36—COMMUTATIONS and 140—PARDONS that included Susan McDougal, PATRICIA—HEARST, HENRY—CISNEROS, JOHN—DEUTCH and ROGER—CLINTON.
20010120             —REVEALED, It was —LATER, that HUGH—RODHAM, the brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton, received $400,000 to help 2—FELONS win clemency.
20010120             —INAUGURATED, GEORGE—BUSH, the 1. PRESIDENT with an MBA, was, as the nation's 43. PRESIDENT—IN—WASHINGTON—DC.
20010120             —VOWED, The "compassionate conservative", to lead "through civility, courage, compassion and character".
20010120             —SUSPENDED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, all LATE—TERM executive orders issued by PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
20010120             —GATHERED, Some 25,000 protesters, in WASHINGTON DC for THE—INAUGURATION—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH along with some 7,000 police.
20010120             —EXPLODED, BANGLADESH, 1—BOMB, at 1—LEFTIST—POLITICAL—RALLY in DHAKA and at least 6—PEOPLE were killed.
20010120             —KILLED, INDONESIA, mudslides in NORTH—SULAWESI province, at least 33—PEOPLE.
20010120             —KILLED, IRAQ, the government said USA and UK—WARPLANES, 6—CITIZENS in air attacks over SOUTH—AL—MUTHANA province.
20010120             —STEPPED, In THE—PHILIPPINES PRESIDENT—ESTRADA, down as tens of thousands, united by cell phone messages, marched on his residence.
20010120             -Context OF—BEFORE- : PRE—INAUGURAL Discussions...
20010120             —RELATED, It contains events, to the event —BEFORE 20010120             : PRE—INAUGURAL Discussions about Removing Saddam Hussein.
20010120             You can narrow or broaden the...
20010120             —ERST—SEIT DEM—FÜHRT MARC—RICH wieder EIN—FAST - normales Leben.
20010120             -launched —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER the inauguration;
20010120             Article XII: THE—VICE—PRESIDENT led the work of 1—SECRET—ENERGY—TASK—FORCE, as described in Article XXXII below,
20010120             1—TASK—FORCE that focused on, among other things, THE—ACQUISITION—OF—IRAQ—OIL through developing 1—CONTROLLING private corporate interest in said oil.
20010120             FULL TEXT—OF—ARTICLES I—XXXV [pdf] Thank you, Congressman!
20010120—20010118    —IN—THE, In THE—WEST—BANK—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS captured MONA—NAJAR (25), suspected luring and MURDER—OF—OPHIR—RAKHUM.
20010120—20090100    CHENEY war von bis der Stell—VERTRETER von USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH.
20011100             [LOS—ANGELES—TIMES, 20020120             ]But it stands to reason that Saeed wouldn't have sent only 1—MONEY—TRANSFER on ORDERS—OF—MAHMOOD and the rest on his own initiative.
20020118             His BULLET—RIDDLED body was found 20020120             .
20020120             In the 59. annual Golden Globes Ron Howard's "1—BEAUTIFUL—MIND" was named best drama and its star, RUSSELL—CROWE, the top dramatic actor;
20020120             —NAMED, Sissy Spacek was, best dramatic actress for "In the Bedroom" —WHILE Baz Luhrmann's "Moulin Rouge" won 3—AWARDS including best musical or comedy.
20020120             † CARRIE—HAMILTON, actress and daughter of CAROL—BURNETT, of cancer at age 38.
20020120             † JOHN—JACKSON, VIRGINIA bluesman, at age 77.
20020120             1—USA—CH 53E Super Stallion helicopter crashed in AFGHANISTAN —AFTER take off from Bagram air base.
20020120             † Marines Dwight Morgan and WALTER—COHEE—III were killed.
20020120             —AGREED, COLOMBIA, rebel and government negotiators, to 1—TIMETABLE for CEASE—FIRE—TALKS.
20020120             THOUSANDS—OF—CONGO—LEFT RWANDA to return to GOMA —AFTER receiving scant help.
20020120             ISRAEL—FORCES took CONTROL—OF—TULKAREM in THE—WEST—BANK and soldiers arrested dozens of suspected militants.
20021017             "Euromoney Best BANK—IN—RUSSIA 2002010120021231    — ",
20021017             " Global—FINANCE—BEST—RUSSIAN—BANK in 2002010120021231    — "&
20021017             "Best Trade Finance RUSSIA—BANK in 2002010120021231    — ",
20021017             in TERMS—OF—THE—QUALITY—OF—USA $ clearing payments for the —YEAR 2001010120011231    —
20021017             " BANK—OF—THE—YEAR 2000010120001231    — "in: "THE—BANKER".
20030120             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—WALKER—BUSH, in THE—STATE—OF—THE—UNION—SPEECH utters 16—POORLY vetted (or perhaps deliberately fallacious) words:
20030120             "THE—UK—UK—GOVERNMENT has learned that SADDAM—HUSSEIN —RECENTLY sought significant quantities of uranium from AFRICA".
20030120             IRAK—KRISE: LONDON schickt 26.000—SOLDATEN an den Golf
20030120             —FACED, SECRETARY—OF—STATE—COLIN—POWELL, with stiff resistance and calls to go slow, bluntly told THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL that THE—UNITED—NATIONS "must not shrink" from its responsibility to disarm Saddam HUSSEIN—IRAQ.
20030120             —AGREED, Energizer, to buy THE—SHICK—WILKINSON Sword razor business for $930—MILLION from Pfizer as it aimed to expand beyond batteries.
20030120             † Pollster Burns W. "Bud" Roper, in Cape COD—MASSACHUSETTS, at age 77.
20030120             —KILLED, CANADA, 7—MEMBERS—OF—1—SKI party were, in 1—AVALANCHE—NEAR—DURRAND Glacier outside of Banff National Park.
20030120             NORTH—EAST—CHINA, 1—GAS—EXPLOSION tore through 1—COAL—MINE, killing 16—WORKERS at 1—FACILITY in the same city where another blast killed scores of miners —LAST—YEAR.
20030120             —AMBUSHED, NORTH—COLOMBIA, FARC rebels, 1—PICKUP truck carrying policemen, killing 6—OFFICERS and their CIVIL—DRIVER in 1—HAIL—OF—GUNFIRE and grenades.
20030120             —AGREED, THE—CHIEF—UN—ARMS—INSPECTORS and IRAQ—OFFICIALS, on practical steps to greater IRAQ—COOPERATION in THE—UN—DISARMAMENT—PROGRAM, including BAGHDAD—ENCOURAGEMENT—OF—WEAPONS—SCIENTISTS to submit to private UN interviews.
20030120             —ELECTED, THE—UN—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCHDOG, 1—LIBYA—DIPLOMAT as its PRESIDENT for this —YEAR, despite concern from THE—USA—ABOUT the country's poor record on civil liberties and its alleged role in sponsoring terrorism.
20030120             1—ORGANIZATION—OF—AMERICAN—STATES—REPORT accused NICARAGUA—OF—NEGLIGENCE for authorizing 1—DEAL that allowed 3,000 Kalashnikov rifles meant for PANAMA to go to 1—COLOMBIA—PARAMILITARY—MILITIA.
20030120             —REAFFIRMED, The leaders of RUSSIA and BELARUS, their commitment to closer integration under 1—UNION—TREATY that has developed slowly —SINCE it was created nearly 7—YEARS ago.
20030120             —SURRENDERED, MILAN—MILUTINOVIC, SERBIA—FORMER—PRESIDENT, to THE—YUGOSLAVIA—WAR—CRIMES—TRIBUNAL to face charges that he was complicit in 1—CRACKDOWN on ethnic Albanians.
20030120             1—POWERFUL—EARTHQUAKE hit THE—SOLOMON—ISLANDS, causing residents to flee homes and buildings.
20030120             SOUTH—AFRICA, 1—EXECUTION—STYLE—ATTACK at 1—CAPE—TOWN—HOUSE used as 1—GAY—MASSAGE—PARLOR killed 8—MEN and badly wounded 2.
20030120             "THE—UK—UK government has learned THAT—SADDAM Hussein
20030120             —RECENTLY sought significant quantities of uranium from AFRICA".
20030120             COLIN—POWELL (re) bleibt auf KRIEGS—KURS, Joschka Fischer warnte vor den Folgen... IRAK—KRISE: LONDON schickt 26.000—SOLDATEN an den Golf...
20030120—20030127    HONDURAS, 1—DRASTIC—DROP in oxygen in rivers and ponds may have, 5—people—killed.5—MILLION—FISH—NEAR the El Cahon hydroelectric plant.
20030425             [ATTAC—PRESS] Declaration of Attac in EUROPE for Evian G8 _Summit 20030601200306       03—DATE
20030816—20031208    —ON, BILL—JANKLOW was found GUILTY—OF—FELONY manslaughter and announced his resignation effective 20030120             .
20031229—20040120    —CAPTURED, Goldman was, in FRANCE.
20040000             This area contains news from 20040101200406       31—DATE—YOU can view 2004070120041231    — here.
20040120             PRESIDENT—BUSH gave his 3. STATE—OF—THE—UNION—ADDRESS hailing progress fighting terrorism, recharging the economy and helping Americans afford health care.
20040120             He embraced the conservative move to ban SAME—SEX—MARRIAGES and called for making his tax cuts permanent.
20040120             —ABANDONED, Democrat Dick Gephardt, his 2. bid for the presidency.
20040120             Martha STEWART—STOCK—TRADING trial formally began in NEW—YORK.
20040120             —ANNOUNCED, Salvation Army officials, a $1.5—BILLION donation by the late JOAN—KROC (20030000             †), heiress to THE—MCDONALD—FORTUNE, for 25—30—COMMUNITY—CENTERS.
20040120             —CALLED, THE—INTERNET—VIRUS, the "Bagle" or "Beagle" worm was reported to be arriving on computers in 1—E—MAIL with the subject "hi" and the word "test" in the message body.
20040120             FRANCE—TRANSPORT—WORKERS went on a 1—DAY—TRAIN—STRIKE.
20040120             —ROCKED, INDONESIA, blasts, 1—CHEMICAL—PLANT in Gresik, sparking 1—SERIES—OF—FIRES at the complex that killed 2—PEOPLE and injured nearly 70—OTHERS.
20040120             IRAN, HARD—LINE—AUTHORITIES said they were reinstating 200—CANDIDATES barred from running in next —MONTH—LEGISLATIVE—ELECTIONS and will reconsider the cases of thousands more —AFTER fierce opposition from reformists who threatened to boycott the vote.
20040120             † ISRAEL—WARPLANES struck Hezbollah guerrilla bases in SOUTH—LEBANON —AFTER 1—SOLDIER was killed there 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20040120             —RELEASED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, 1—REPORT at the World Social Forum in BOMBAY—INDIA, that charged NORTH—KOREA with public EXECUTIONS—OF—PEOPLE stealing food.
20040120             Asha KEITA—CONNEH, THE—WIFE—OF—THE—LEADER—OF—LIBERIA—MOST powerful rebel movement announced she was taking charge, backed by DOZENS—OF—GUERRILLA—COMMANDERS in ousting 1—HUSBAND whose ambitions she said were endangering the nation's HARD—WON peace.
20040120             —AMBUSHED, MEXICO, gunmen, and shot to death 2—FEDERAL—AGENTS and 1—ARMY—CAPTAIN as they drove along 1—MEXICO—CITY expressway.
20040120—20050000    —IN, Stewart was serving a 5—MONTH—PRISON—SENTENCE for lying about 1—STOCK—SALE.
20040724             20040101—20041231    —FÜR—REDUZIERTE Außerdem Microsoft seine Gewinnschätzung wegen sinkender Investmentgewinne.
20040724             "Denn auch die Konjunkturdaten 20040601200406       30—DATE sahen nicht gut aus.
20040803             As for SIERRA—LEONE, THE—UNITED—NATIONS Human—development report for 20040101200407       15—DATE—PUBLISHED ON—WHICH measures overall living standards —AROUND the—world, puts that beneficiary of western INTERVENTION—in—177. place out of 177, 1—AUGUST position it has continued to occupy —EVER—SINCE our boys went in: SIERRA—LEONE is literally the most miserable place on earth.
200411012055         BUSH[BGW968] WILL—LOSE
20041102             —MONDAY
20041102             —MONDAY - BUSH[BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041102205155       BUSH[BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
20041102205155       BUSH [BGW968] WILL—LOSE 200411012055
200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911             200411030736         —POSTED, AEDT SPAIN links MADRID bombers to 20010911—20041110    Referring to the departing MISTER—ASHCROFT, McClellan said, "JOHN—ASHCROFT played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in hunting down abortion providers, medical marijuana smokers + euthanasia practitioners, all major threats to GOD—FEARING Americans. His failure to prevent or capture terrorists can be seen as all PART—OF—GOD—PLAN to allow 20010911             to happen, thus helping pave the way for USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] to be RE—ELECTED despite 1—OF—THE—MOST abysmal records in the last—CENTURY. Who knows, if JOHN—ASHCROFT had listened to whiners like RICHARD—CLARKE, 20010911             might have been averted and Kerry [KFJ966] or even AL—GORE might be PRESIDENT 20040120             ".
20041110             Referring to the departing MISTER—ASHCROFT, McClellan said, "JOHN—ASHCROFT played 1—MAJOR—ROLE in hunting down abortion providers, medical marijuana smokers + euthanasia practitioners, all major threats to GOD—FEARING Americans. His failure to prevent or capture terrorists can be seen as all PART—OF—GOD—PLAN to allow 20010911             to happen, thus helping pave the way for USA—PRESIDENT—BUSH[BGW968] to be RE—ELECTED despite 1—OF—THE—MOST abysmal records in THE—LAST—CENTURY. Who knows, if JOHN—ASHCROFT had listened to whiners like RICHARD—CLARKE, 20010911             might have been averted and Kerry [KFJ966] or even AL—GORE might be PRESIDENT 20040120             "
20041110             —NOW I have no grand illusions that we can stop THE—INAUGURATION—OF—BUSH to a 2. stolen term, but we can undermine his LEGITIMACY—HOPEFULLY, enough to cripple his "presidency", —BEFORE he takes THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—WE have 20040120             —UNTIL to do so.
20041114—20050120    Upcoming Events
20041118—20050120    Counterinaugural demonstrations
20041118—20050120    Counterinaugural Ball
20041226             full article) - Counter CORONA—tion RALLY—COLORADO STATE—CAPITAL 14. & Bannock 20050120             (Time TBA) Flyer (
20050120             Unfiltered: Unfiltered 20041213             Zetter quotes 1—STATEMENT from Yang attorney, Michael, his THEN—EMPLOYER to write software to alter, of DANNY—CASOLARO, who investigated THE—PROMIS system, which...
20050120             Why THE—EMPEROR has no clothes
20050120             —RENEGED, UNCLE—SAM has, and defaulted on up to 40—PERCENT—OF—ITS—TRILLION—DOLLAR—FOREIGN—DEBT + nobody has said 1—WORD except for 1—LINE in THE—ECONOMIST.
20050120             In plain ENGLAND—THAT—MEANS—UNCLE—SAM runs 1—WORLDWIDE—CONFIDENCE racket with his SELF—MADE dollar based on the confidence that he has elicited and received from others —AROUND the world + he is 1—ALSO—1—DEADBEAT in that he does not honor and return the money he has received.
20050120             The inauguration ceremony for PRESIDENT—BUSH was held in WASHINGTON DC. CHIEF—JUSTICE—WILLIAM—H—REHNQUIST, ill with thyroid cancer, delivered THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE.
20050120             —JEERED, ANTI—BUSH—DEMONSTRATORS, THE—PRESIDENT—MOTORCADE —DURING the inaugural parade.
20050120             —EXPECTED, The event was, to cost $40—MILLION the administration asked DC to use 11.9—MILLION—OF—ITS—FEDERAL—HOMELAND security funds to help pay costs.
20050120             —PLEDGED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, to spread democracy and support democratic movements worldwide.
20050120             —WALKED, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE in DOZENS—OF—CITIES across THE—USA, OUT—OF—WORK and school, held mock coronations, intoned the names of THE—IRAQ war dead and held candlelight vigils to show their DISAPPROVAL—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20050120             —REPORTED, It was, that the global car industry had 1—ANNUAL—EXCESS—CAPACITY—OF some 24—MILLION—VEHICLES.
20050120             —REPORTED, Delta Airlines, 1—RECORD $5.2—BILLION loss for 20040000             .
20050120             —REVERSED, ALZHEIMER—SCIENTISTS said they had, BRAIN—CELL—DAMAGE in mice by clearing plaque with antibodies.
20050120             BRAZIL—CENTRAL—BANK—SAID—BRAZIL —POSTED 1—CURRENT—ACCOUNT—SURPLUS—OF $11.7—BILLION for 20040000             , its 2. straight annual surplus.
20050120             CHILE, the world's biggest copper producer, and INDIA, the world's biggest grains producer, agreed to launch talks to reduce import tariffs on SOME—GOODS to boost bilateral trade.
20050120             ESTONIA—JEWISH—COMMUNITY broke ground on 1—NEW synagogue to replace THE—HOUSE—OF—WORSHIP destroyed by bombing —WWII—IN.
20050120             —LAUNCHED, USA—TROOPS, MOSUL raids.
20050120             5 suspected insurgents were killed.
20050120             MEXICO, 6—PRISON—WORKERS were shot to death and left outside their lockup in MATAMOROS, —FOLLOWING 1—FEDERAL—CRACKDOWN against drug gangs at lockups across the nation.
20050120             —REPORTED, It was, that 1—ZIMBABWE government crackdown on dissent is deepening 1—CLIMATE—OF—FEAR ahead of parliamentary elections due in March.
20050120             —APPOINTED, PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE, 1—NEW—ELECTORAL—COMMISSION to run parliamentary polls due in March under 1—LAW which the opposition says does not guarantee 1—FREE and fair vote.
20050120             Counterinaugural Ball - (Time TBA) Flyer (
20050120             Inaugurate our commitment to Challenge bush's "mandate"
20050120             Demand the preservation of social, economic & environmental JUSTICE—PROTECT civil liberties & choice
20050120             Advocate for PEACE—IF you don't rise up to speak and be heard who will?
20050120             What better place than here? What better time than —NOW?
20050120             We are gathering together for you and for ME—DEMOCRACY!
20050120             USA—OFFICIAL confirms Allawi shot 6—DEAD : 1—FORMER—JORDAN—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER has told THE—NEW—YORKER that 1—USA—OFFICIAL confirmed to him that THE—IRAQ—INTERIM—PRIME—MINISTER, Iyad Allawi, executed 6 suspected insurgents at 1—BAGHDAD police station —LAST—YEAR.
20050120             —RENEGED, Why the emperor has no clothes Uncle Sam has, and defaulted on up to 40—PERCENT—OF—ITS—TRILLION—DOLLAR—FOREIGN—DEBT + nobody has said 1—WORD except for 1—LINE in THE—ECONOMIST.
20050120             Satire: FRANCE Invades USA, part 7 "THE—CAUSE" GEORGE—BUSH, Chirac claimed, had links to terrorist groups.
20050120             —INVADED, He also, his neighbors, used lethal chemical weapons against prisoners —WHILE GOVERNOR—OF—TEXAS + even tortured, killed and humiliated prisoners at ABU—GHRAIB and GUANTANAMO, said Chirac.
20050120             LET—ATTACK—IRAN! The talk is still macho, but the performance is not there to back it up.
20050120             What THE—USA—PUBLIC gets for all the taxes it pays on DEFENCE—CURRENTLY —AROUND $2,000 1—YEAR for EVERY—USA—MAN, woman and CHILD—IS armed forces that are barely capable of holding down 1—MIDDLE—SIZED Arab country.
20050120             THE—SALVADOR option
20050120             —BY ANY—STANDARD, the ongoing USA—OCCUPATION—OF—IRAQ is 1—DISASTER.
20050120             —BY SCOTT—RITTER
20050120             —VAUNTED, The highly, USA—MILITARY—MACHINE, laurelled and praised for its historic march on BAGHDAD in March + 20030400             , —TODAY finds itself 1—BROKEN force, on the defensive in 1—LAND that it may occupy in part, but does not control.
20050120             ""Reviews for Crime"".
20050120             including 1—SUCCESSFUL—LAWSUIT by the software developers that... of whoever they sold THE—PROMIS program to... THE—TAIWAN—FILM—DIRECTOR—EDWARD—YANG once gave a
20050120             12:20 p.m. Hello Cliff,
20050120             As gullible as I am + as much as I want to believe in 1—PRESS that cares I am coming to really see that the press does not report such things.
20050120             Observation seems to be the only way to get news.
20050120             We live on a - houseboat (in SF bay) and we have really concrete daily tide markers.
20050120             —SLOPED, —WHEN the gangway is flat, not, I think, wow that´s the highest I´ve seen in 1—WHILE, except that it has been that way EVERY—DAY for months.
20050120             I´m going to poll my friends on another dock because their parking lot starts flooding at really high tides and give you their observations.
20050120             —ON another note, —YESTERDAY I was driving into the city and the radio announcers were talking about power surges that had stopped the cable cars and cut out lights in BART stations that —MORNING.
20050120             Quite 1—FEW traffic lights were out.
20050120             It really is getting kooky (not —JUST politically).
20050120             Thanks for your help in recording this all.
20050120             S" *** Hi "S" - Hey! That information about the power surges sure rang 1—BELL.
20050120             We have been having them here in CENTRAL—WASHINGTON too.
20050120             Lots of them!
20050120             Several weeks ago we had 1—THAT was so strong it turned on THE—DVD player and the television set!
20050120             I came home to 1 locked house with music blaring at full volume from EVERY—WINDOW!
20050120             Hows that for wierd?
20050120             —FRIED, Then, last —WEEK 2—SURGES in 1—ROW, my computer.
20050120             —WHEN I took it in to be fixed the repair shop told me that over the last few months they have been replacing 1—AVERAGE—OF—12 to 14—POWER—SUPPLYS 1—WEEK!
20050120             And that´s —JUST 1—SHOP! I suspect this is happening all over the place but no 1—KNOWS it because it is not reported in the press.
20050120             Everyone thinks it is —JUST 1—LOCAL—PROBLEM.
20050120             I would love to read the secret internal memos being passed —AROUND inside the power companines however!
20050120             I´ll bet they are as clueless as everyone else! LOL!
20050120             —INFORMED, Please continue to keep me, on the unusual EXTRA—HIGH tides and other anomalies.
20050120             Trust 1., what your eyes tell you + not what your eyes are "told" to tell you!
20050120             Therein lies the path.
20050120             "Ich gebe alles zu, was ihr wollt"
20050120             Als der Rückkehrer den Ulmer Anwalt MANFRED—GNJIDIC anrief, alles schilderte + ihm sagte, er wolle Anzeige erstatten, war dessen 1. Reaktion: "Die...
20050120             Badische Zeitung ONLINE—UNGEPLANTE Reise mit später Wiederkehr
20050120             for the 2. time, Mr.
20050120             Die Umstände des Drogenfundes in Tixkokob weisen frappierende Ähnlichkeiten zu einem
20050122             —DURING CNN—LIVE—COVERAGE—OF—THE—PRESIDENTIAL inaugural parade 20050120             —ON, anchor WOLF—BLITZER, CNN analyst JEFF—GREENFIELD + Harvard University researcher and lecturer BARBARA—KELLERMAN provided 1—RUNNING commentary on the festivities.
20050123             CDU—AUßENPOLITIK: Merkel fürchtet die IRAN—FALLE (20050120             ).
20050126             —POSTED By: Leeq 200501200758          p.m.
20050126             NEXT STAGE BEGINS: BUSH 2. TERM, WILL HE FINISH? —POSTED—BY: Leeq 20050120             —758—P.m.
20050211             STRAF—ANZEIGE in DEUTSCHLAND gegen DONALD—RUMSFELD, 20050120             ...
20050211             STRAF—ANZEIGE in DEUTSCHLAND gegen DONALD—RUMSFELD, 20050120             , Die auf Rumsfeld bezogene Passage der STRAF—ANZEIGE erläutert dies wie...gegen das Völkerrecht, für die in ihm bezeichneten Verbrechen auch dann...
20050217—20050120    —IN, LaLa & NETGYRL—TAVERN—WALL: 20040000             ELECTIONS Not —SINCE THE—SPANISH—USA—WAR has THE—USA—GONE off, to take office, he'll, We face too MANY—HUGE—CHALLENGES...
20050226             20010901200109       24—DATE—HARPAZO—ARCHIVES..... found 1—FORT—LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, broker who... group, the Revolutionary PEOPLE—LIBERATION—PARTY—FRONT... 4.8—CATAMARCA PROVINCE—ARGENTINA;
20050310             AP Wire | 20040120             | PERU EX—SPY—CHIEF—GOES on Trial THE—AYBAR brothers implicated Montesinos as their boss and Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—USA—BASED INTERNATIONAL arms dealer who brokered the —TRANSACTION with JORDAN...
20050310             AP Wire | 20040120             | PERU EX—SPY—CHIEF—GOES on Trial, " —TODAY—PHOTOS...THE—AYBAR brothers implicated Montesinos as their boss + Sarkis Soghanalian, THE—USA—BASED INTERNATIONAL arms dealer who brokered the..
20050321             —WARNED—OF, USA has, 1—POSSIBLE—IMMINENT—Threat—to—USA—INTERESTS in THE—VENEZUELA—CAPITAL—OF—CARACAS + advised Americans there to boost their security precautions through to 20050120             Jailed Without Charges:
20050321             —WARNED—OF, USA warns its citizens in VENEZUELA USA has, 1—POSSIBLE—IMMINENT—Threat—to—USA—INTERESTS in THE—VENEZUELA—CAPITAL—OF—CARACAS + advised Americans there to boost their security precautions through to 20050120             Jailed Without Charges: Yvon Nept
20050321             ESA Panorama: Mosaik mehrerer ENVISAT—BILDER, die 20050101200501       10—DATE entstanden sind.
20050329             NucNews - 20000120             .
20051023             096700120X : Manners That Sell: Adding THE—POLAND—THAT—BUILDS PROFITs : Ramsey, Lydia.
20051023             Manners That Sell: Adding THE—POLAND—THAT—BUILDS Profits : Ramsey, Lydia.
20051113             Information Clearing House News Links 16-20060120—20051113    | Tue, 201231    —IN, 4031        -0300 | Source:
20051113             Information Clearing House News Links 16-20060120
20051229             —PUBLISHED, The speech was, 20060120             .
20060100             Insiderhandel : DAIMLER—AUFSICHTRATSCHEF Kopper unter Verdacht...
20060120             —ISSUED, THE—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT, 1—LICENSE allowing the Cubans to participate in the 16-team World Baseball Classic.
20060120             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—ORDERED—LOS—ANGELES to pay $1.1—MILLION in legal costs to THE—FAMILY—OF—SLAIN rapper Notorious B.I.G. as sanctions for intentionally withholding evidence —DURING the family's civil lawsuit trial.
20060120             MICHAEL—FORTIER, the government's star witness in THE—OKLAHOMA City bombing trials, was released from federal prison —AFTER serving more than 10—YEARS for failing to warn authorities about the plot.
20060120             —AGREED, FirstEnergy, to 1—RECORD $28—MILLION—FINE as workers at its OHIO DAVIS—BESSE nuclear power station were accused of providing false statements on cleaning and inspections at the reactor vessel head.
20060120             Greenpeace said that its 2—VESSELS shadowing THE—JAPAN—WHALING fleet in the icy SOUTH—OCEAN were ending their protests because their fuel and food were running short.
20060120             CHILE, former dictator Augusto Pinochet was STRIPPED—OF—IMMUNITY from prosecution on charges involving 59—CASES—OF—TORTURE and kidnapping at 1—SECRET—DETENTION—CENTER where HUNDREDS—OF—DISSIDENTS were held.
20060120             —KILLED, ETHIOPIA, at least 2—PEOPLE were, and 36 injured, 3—SERIOUSLY, —AFTER commotion erupted in ADDIS—ABABA on the final —DAY—OF—CELEBRATIONS marking THE—2—DAY—ORTHODOX—EPIPHANY, or Timkat.
20060120             GERMANY—FACTORY—WORKERS at SWEDEN—HOME—APPLIANCES—MAKER AB Electrolux launched 1—STRIKE, demanding 1—BETTER—SEVERANCE—PACKAGE—WHEN the plant shuts down late next —YEAR.
20060120             —EXPLODED, INDIA, 1—BOMB, at the entrance of 1—STATE—OWNED petroleum Refinery in THE—NORTH—EAST—STATE—OF—ASSAM, leaving 10—PEOPLE injured.
20060120             —OPENED, INDONESIA—SECURITY—FORCES, fire on 1—GROUP—OF—PROTESTERS outside 1—CENTRAL—PAPUA police station, killing 1—PERSON and injuring 2.
20060120             IRAN—CENTRAL—BANK—GOVERNOR—SAID—IRAN moving its foreign currency reserves out of European banks as 1—PRE—EMPTIVE measure against ANY—POSSIBLE—UN—SANCTIONS over its nuclear program.
20060120             IRAQ—ELECTION—COMMISSION said 1—ALLIANCE—OF—SHIITE religious parties won the most seats in IRAQ—NEW—PARLIAMENT but not enough to rule without coalition partners.
20060120             1—TOP—SUNNI politician appealed for THE—RELEASE—OF—USA—JOURNALIST—JILL—CARROLL and urged USA and IRAQ—FORCES to stop arresting IRAQ—WOMEN as 1—DEADLINE set by the reporter's kidnappers was set to lapse.
20060120             —HALTED, JAPAN, IMPORTS—OF—USA beef —JUST 1—MONTH—AFTER lifting 1—BAN, —FOLLOWING THE—DISCOVERY—OF—SPINAL material in 1—SHIPMENT that should have been removed due to the risk of mad cow disease.
20060120             1 crowded bus veered off 1—STEEP—MOUNTAIN—ROAD in INDIAN—CONTROLLED Kashmir, killing at least 53—PEOPLE.
20060120             —AGREED, KUWAIT—PRIME—MINISTER—SHEIK—SABAH—AL—AHMED—AL—SABAH, to take charge of KUWAIT due to the poor HEALTH—OF—THE—NEW emir.
20060120             —PERCEIVED, The move was, as a 1. step toward his eventually taking over the top office.
20060120             —SUSPECTED, WEST—NEPAL, communist rebels attacked 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT, killing at least 4—POLICEMEN and injuring 4—OTHERS.
20060120             PAPUA—NEW—GUINEA, 1—LANDSLIDE sent mud and boulders smashing through 1—REMOTE—VILLAGE, killing at least 8—PEOPLE and leaving 5—MORE missing and feared dead.
20060120             —DETAILED, THE—HEAD—OF—RUSSIA—ATOMIC—ENERGY—AGENCY said that IRAN is ready for, discussions on the proposal to conduct IRAN—URANIUM enrichment in RUSSIA.
20060120             —KILLED, RUSSIA—COLDEST—WINTER in 1—GENERATION, 7—MORE—PEOPLE overnight lifting the reported death toll to 123—PUTTING huge pressure on THE—SOVIET—ERA heating and power network.
20060120             —ALLOWED, TAIWAN, students and tour groups to fly direct to CHINA for the 1. time in the 3. annual installment of symbolic CHINA—NEW—YEAR—FLIGHTS aimed at warming tense relations with the mainland.
20060120             Who was B. Traven?
20060120             1—INVESTIGATION into the true IDENTITY—OF—THE—AUTHOR—OF—THE—TREASURE of the Sierra Madre.
20060120             Virtuelles Panel der BBC zu... 5—COMMENTS.
20060120             Average rating: (5—RATINGS)
20060120             Description: AN UPDATE ON THE—WAR—ON—TERRORISM
20060120             Segment 1: BRIAN—ROSS—OF—ABC—NEWS discusses the latest news regarding al Qaeda and THE—USA—EFFORTS to combat terrorism.
20060120             Segment 2: MAJOR—GENERAL—DOUGLAS—LUTE, DIRECTOR—OF—OPERATIONS, Centcom Segment 3: JOHN—MCLAUGHLIN, former acting DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA
20060120             —RENAMED, It was, once more to N126CH + registered to XXXXX, 2930—BISCAYNE Blvd, MIAMI, FL 33137-4122.
20060120             J.. - Jose Y. - CAMPOS, Rolando Gapud and FRANCISCO—DE—GUZMAN.
20060120             "Q: Was it the standard operating procedure in Jose Yao CAMPOS holdings companies that the stock...
20060120             said that the Sandiganbayan failed to appreciate the testimonies of Jose Yao CAMPOS, JUNIOR, PHI incorporator + FORMER—PHI PRESIDENT—ROLANDO—C.—GAPUD...
20060120             News Updates: THE—CASE—OF—THE—CONSTRUCTION and Development...
20060120             That Jose Yao CAMPOS was 1—FRONT for Marcos in Universal Holdings was revealed... further alleged that Universal Holdings was organized by Rolando Gapud...
20060120             Chapter 10—ASSIGNED Jose CAMPOS Yao to look into Yao then organized Oesco Timber for Marcos
20060120             Yuchengo vs Sandiganbayan : 149802 : J. Carpio...
20060120             It is for this reason that Rolando C. Gapud and my business associates...
20060120             Die Schließung des Fonds 'Grundbesitz Invest' habe "die gesamte Branche schwer beschädigt", sagte die Managerin des offenen Immobilienfonds SEB Immoinvest...
20060120             Biografie... bin Chalifa AL—THANI—KATEGORIEN : Personen nach Nationalität
20060120             Katar... AL—CHALIFA... HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er...
20060120             _A_O_inzoome_... AMERICAN—RADIO AIR AMERICA 95—AIR Defenses Aktien, Millionen AL—QAEDA AL—THANI, Khalifa ALASKA, Organisation ALASKA—EXPERTIN Alaveses, Explosivos Alerts, BuzzFlash Allenby, BY—EDMUND Altius Investment Corp USA—EUGENIC Society USA—EUGENICS SOCIETY 4—AMERICAN...
20060120             _A_O_inzoome_... Ahmanson, HOWARD—AHMANSON—HOWARD F 11—AID, PALESTINE—AL—MUHAJABAH AL—QAIDA—ZEUGEN AL—THANI, Khalifa Alert-, Pimp AlertNet, Reuters Ali, Tariq ALI TARIQ 3—ALLEN, Booz Alpert, RICHARD—ALPERT—RICHARD 8—AMERICAN—INC N-30D AMERICA...
20060120             _over_view_01 ... auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er für langjährige Verbundenheit dankte.
20060120             "Sie sind ein zuverläiger Freund der USA gewesen
20060120             _Deuss,John_... twee vliegtuigen. ELITE—RESEARCH His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL—THANI R.. JOHN—CHR. MAM Deuss, Chairman, Transworld Oil Limited.
20060120             HENRY—O—DORMANN, Chairman + EDITOR—IN—CHIEF, LEADERS Magazine.
20060120             IRENE—FARBER.
20060120             _A_O_inzoome_... Kampf, Im Kandidat, Bush s Kandidaten, Bush s KAROLINSKA—INSTITUT Kategorien, Chalifa AL—THANI—KENNEDY, EDWARD—KENNEDY—EDWARD E 1—KENNEDY EDWARD M (D—MA) 137—KENNEDY EDWARD P 1—KHAKSAR, MOHAMMED—KHAN, MOHAMMED—JAN—KING...
20060120             Search results for "Powell"... auch mit dem EMIR—VON—KATAR, SCHEICH—HAMAD—BIN—CHALIFA—AL—THANI, zusammen, dem er... - 129k
20060120             _Deuss,John_ - _A_O_inzoome_... AILES ROGER E 52—AIRWAYS, UK—AL—ARIBYA AL—JAZEERA AL—QAEDA AL—QAIDA AL—THANI, Khalifa Almog, Generalmajor USA—ENTERPRISE Institute USA—ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE 129—ANGOLAGATE, Indymedia Anno, MARTY—ANTI—TERROR—KAMPF—APE—SHIT—ARMEE, Israelische Armee, Israels Associated...
20060120             Mind CONTROL—BEWUßTSEINSKONTROLLE "Zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit ist den sogenannten HPM—QUELLEN ( HPM—WAFFEN ) zu widmen ( HPM : High Power Microwave)...
20060120             -NucNews -- NUCLEAR -- BRITAIN...
20060120             BEN—MENASHE said he was in PARIS as part of a 6—MEMBER—ISRAEL—DELEGATION that...
20060120             In his memoirs, PROFITS—OF—WAR, BEN—MENASHE said he recognized several...
20060120             Alleged Use of False Flag Attacks by Intelligence Agencies By his own account, ISRAEL—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICER—ARI—BEN—MENASHE runs a... his PRIME—MINISTER, SERGEI—STEPASHIN + the entire RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT...
20060120             —CONFIRMED, The deal was, by UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR —DURING the G-8 ... markets of the rich countries with 1—PROVISION—OF quota and tariff free.
20060120—19810000    —RETURNED, MEHMET—ALI—AGCA, the man who shot JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA, to prison, —AFTER 1—APPEALS—COURT ruled that he should serve more time for THE—KILLING—OF—1—TURKEY—JOURNALIST and other crimes.
20060128             economist STEPHEN—ROACH, wrote this in his 20060120             newsletter on MORGAN—STANLEY—WEBSITE...
20060130             RIVERSIDE CHURCH—NEW—YORK, 20060120             .
20060130             Holding Bush Accountable for His Crimes : Opening Remarks to the culminating SESSION—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMISSION—OF—INQUIRY On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, RIVERSIDE CHURCH—NEW—YORK, 20060120             .
20060212             USA—REGIERUNG will Zugriff auf GOOGLE—ANFRAGEN. 20060120             :
20060212—20060120    : USA—REGIERUNG will Zugriff auf GOOGLE—ANFRAGEN.
20060212—20060120    : Virtuelles Panel der BBC zu - 5—COMMENTS.
20060322—20020120    —ON, New Right Wing Blogger for WP is WELL—CONNECTED to Bushevism Corruption: "His father, DOUGLAS—DOMENECH, 1—REPUBLICAN—PARTY—ACTIVIST, also has worked for THE—WHITE—HOUSE. Ben announced it himself on his own blog, THE—BEN—FILE, : "My father is —NOW THE—WHITE—HOUSE liaison for the Interior Department". Among DAD—DUTIES, asserted JOSH—MARSHALL at the liberal Talking Points Memo blog, he was the "WHITE—HOUSE—GUY to make sure JACK—ABRAMOFF got what he wanted with the Indians and the Pacific ISLAND stuff".
20060322—20060120    —ANNOUNCED, Ben, it himself on his own blog, THE—BEN—FILE,
20060513—20010120    —AM, —SEIT dessen Amtsantritt wurden die—CIA—MITTEL zum STURZ—DER—REGIERUNG in Bagdad erhöht.
20060819             Politics and Economics - 20060120             | EnergyBulletin_net | Peak Oil, SYDNEY—MORNING—HERALD—FUNDS owned by AUSTRALIA—WHEAT farmers were used to provide nearly $US8—million (10.6—MILLION—DOLLAR) to 1—BHP joint venture partner under...
200610120000         and fuel sectarian violence".
200610120000         from 1—DIPLOMA mill".
200611090120         Special Reports They hate our freedom: The truth—about the—military Commissions Act By AARON—SUSSMAN—ON
20070100             Kartelle: Stromkonzerne nutzen ihre Marktmacht für Wucherpreise...
20070105             [20040120             ]
20070120             Globalisation + THE—RISE—OF—INEQUALITY | Rich man, poor man | Economist_com
20070120             -1—POISONOUS—MIX—OF—INEQUALITY + sluggish wages threatens 20070118
20070120             "Alleged CANADA Terror Leader Was 'TIME—BOMB': Mole"--headline, Reuters, 20070118
20070120             [20061004             ]
20070120             [20061030             It's, —JUST say no.
20070120             —EXPLAINED, JUDGE—HUVELLE, to Ney why she delivered the tough sentence: "As 1—MEMBER—OF—CONGRESS, you had the responsibility, above all else really, to 20070901             —EXAMPLE and uphold the law".
20070120             —BY harping on IRAQ's alleged complicity 20010911             —IN and the "terrorist threat" posed by that nation, the BUSH WHITE—HOUSE has left our troops seething with rage and HELL—BENT on vengeance
20070120             "I think CHENEY—BEEN at the center of cooking up farcical estimates of national risks, WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION and 20010911             —THE CONNECTION—to—IRAQ".
20070120             —RECENTLY disbanded domestic spying program as 1—CRITICALLY important 20010911             —post-change in intelligence practices.
20070120             SPIONAGE—MÜNZE war eine "Ente"-
20070120             Das USA—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM hat einen SPIONAGE—BERICHT zurückgezogen, in dem vor kanadischen Münzen mit eingebauten MINI—SENDERN gewarnt worden war.
20070120             Der Bericht über die Existenz solcher Münzen sei falsch, erklärte der SICHERHEITS—DIENST des PENTAGONs am —DONNERSTAG auf seiner Website.
20070120             —GEHABT, Man habe nie einen Beweis dafür, + inzwischen habe sich DER—VERDACHT als unbegründet erwiesen.
20070120             ABC Falsely Claims HOUSE—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI Opposes Cutting Funds For IRAQ—ESCALATION-
20070120             Apparently in desperate search for 1—HEADLINE, ABC last night issued the —FOLLOWING "BREAKING—NEWS" alert:
20070120             —REPEATED, In fact, HOUSE—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI merely, her stated view that she does not support cutting funds to USA—FORCES already in IRAQ.
20070120             [20061030             ] - It's, —JUST say no. [20061030             ]
20070120             —EMBARKED, Democratic SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON, on 1—WIDELY anticipated campaign for THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
20070120             The former 1. lady, intent on becoming the 1. female PRESIDENT, said on her Web site: "I'm in and I'm in to win".
20070120             KANSAS SENATOR—SAM—BROWNBACK began 1—LONG—SHOT—BID for the Republican presidential nomination.
20070120             He withdrew in October.
20070120             —HELPED, GEORGE—SMATHERS, pass bills to create Medicare, the Small Business Administration and Everglades National Park.
20070120             —PUSHED, He also, for federal holidays to be moved to Mondays and ardently supported the war in VIETNAM.
20070120             † RICHARD—VOLLENWEIDER (19220000—20070000    ), SWITZERLAND—SCIENTIST.
20070120             RICHARD—VOLLENWEIDER—METHODS were used to save Lake ERIE and helped form the basis of 19720000             —THE Great Lakes Water Quality Act.
20070120             —DECIDED, THE—TALIBAN—GOVERNING body said it has, to open schools in the areas controlled by the militants in AFGHANISTAN.
20070120             The bodies of 2—OTHER—MEN were found in the well, but it wasn't —IMMEDIATELY clear whether they had ANY—CONNECTION to the bank heist.
20070120             —TRACKED, THE—LONDON—TIMES said police had, down the man, who was introduced to FORMER—RUSSIA—SPY—ALEXANDER—LITVINENKO and his associates as "Vladislav", using details that THE—EX—AGENT recounted on his deathbed.
20070120             THE—UN—FOOD—AGENCY said some 800,000 Burundians face 1—SERIOUS—FOOD—CRISIS—AFTER devastating floods ravaged several regions of the tiny CENTRAL—AFRICAN nation.
20070120             —MENTIONED, POLAND was also, as 1—POTENTIAL—SITE.
20070120             —WARNED—OF, RUSSIA in response, 1—ARMS—RACE.
20070120             —DROPPED, Elite IRAQ—POLICE—FORCES, off by USA—HELICOPTERS staged 1—RAID against 1—AL—QAIDA—LINKED—SUNNI militant group, killing 15—INSURGENTS and capturing 5—OTHERS.
20070120             —KILLED, At least 25—USA—SERVICE—MEMBERS were, in military operations in the deadliest —DAY for USA—FORCES in 2—YEARS, including 13—WHO † in 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH and 5—SLAIN in 1—ATTACK by militia fighters in KARBALA.
20070120             1—USA—GENERAL—LATER said IRAN—FORCES helped plan THE—KARBALA raid in which gunmen posed as 1—USA—SECURITY—TEAM and launched 1—ATTACK that killed 5—USA—SOLDIERS.
20070120             —CALLED, Laith AL—KHAZALI, 1—KEY—MEMBER—OF—1—GROUP, Asaib Ahl AL—HAQ (League of the Righteous), and his brother Qais, were —LATER accused of organizing THE—KARBALA raid.
20070120             4—USA—SOLDIERS and 1—MARINE were killed —DURING combat in Anbar province.
20070120             —DESCENDED, NAIROBI—KENYA, more than 80,000—PEOPLE from —AROUND the globe, on the massive Kibera SHANTY—TOWN, home for at least 700,000—OF—KENYA—POOREST, to KICK—OFF the 7. annual World Social Forum.
20070120             —WORKED, MEXICO, Rodolfo Rincon (54), who, for the newspaper Tabasco Hoy, was last seen —AFTER he reported on local drug dealers.
20070120             —REPORTED, THE—RUSSIA—POPULATION was, to be shrinking by some 750,000—PEOPLE per —YEAR.
20070120             New rules put severe restrictions on foreign workers in retail operations.
20070120             —PLANNED, RUSSIA, to make available 6—MILLION—WORK—PERMITS for migrants from poor EX—SOVIET—REPUBLICS.
20070120             Konstantin Borovko (25), 1—RUSSIA—TELEVISION journalist, was beaten to death in VLADIVOSTOK.
20070120             —RELATED, Colleagues said they did not think the killing was, to his work.
20070120             —SURRENDERED, The last major warlord in SOMALIA, his weapons and 200—MILITIAMEN to the army, —WHILE 1—ISLAMIC—LEADER claimed responsibility for 1—STRING—OF—GUERRILLA—ATTACKS and promised there would be more —UNTIL the government agreed to talks.
20070120             1—ETHIOPIA—MILITARY—CONVOY was ambushed in 1—NEW—ROUND—OF—DEADLY—VIOLENCE in THE—SOMALIA—CAPITAL—MOGADISHU, hours —AFTER the African Union agreed to send peacekeepers to THE—WAR—TORN country.
20070120             —HANDED, KENYA, over 34—ISLAMIC—MILITIAMEN to SOMALIA—TRANSITIONAL government.
20070120             —ARRESTED, ISTANBUL police, Ogun Samast, 1—TEENAGE—BOY (16-17), for the fatal shooting of Hrant Dink, 1—ETHNIC—ARMENIA—JOURNALIST.
20070120             —CONFESSED, Samast, to the murder.
20070120             Está na moda associar as autarquias à corrupção e ao despesismo.
20070120             Claro que há fenómenos perturbadores nas autarquias locais, agora não são...
20070120             jornal da praceta
20070120             Para o comum dos cidadãos, a questão é outra: - Porque são tão poucos os casos de corrupção nas autarquias que chegam à comunicação social?
20070120             Aufmarsch rund um den IRAN—SFUX - Spekulation um ISRAELISCH—AMERIKANISCHEN LUFTANGRIFF—MALTE Olschewski -
20070120             Von SOMALIA —BIS Südkorea sind in den letzten Wochen verdächtige Aktionen amerikanischer Militärs registriert worden.
20070120             —SEIT USA—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH seine Mannschaft umgebaut und 1—VERSTÄRKUNG—DER—TRUPPEN im Irak angekündigt hat, wird das Schlimmste befürchtet.
20070120             Die Amtszeit.
20070120             Outline the role of social factors in THE—FORMATION—OF—IDENTITIES
20070120             —AFTER recovering from the 2. World WAR—BRITAIN regained it?s strength, building up 1—STRONG—ECONOMY and increasing consumption possibilities.
20070120             But this period of social stability was not to last.
20070120             1—QUOTE from 1—MINER, JOHN—GREAVES, who spent his working life in the mines and witnessed the crumbling.
20070120             CIA—HEIMATGEBIET: DEUTSCHLAND—SFUX Die Absurditäten des Falles AL—MASRI werden immer GRÖSSER—KARL—WEISS -
20070120             Nach allem, was man —HEUTE weiß, hat der CIA, gedeckt von deutschen Polizeibeamten, im Raum ULM Überwachungen von islamischen Verdächtigen durchgeführt.
20070120             Es gibt 1—AUSSAGE—VON—EINEM—EHEPAAR, die beeidigt werden kann, in deren Wohnung 1—PERSON, die sich nicht auswies und einen amerikanischen Akzent...
20070120             —FUNKTIONIERT, Wie, Restriktion in Deutschland? - SFUX—HARALD Haack? -
20070120             Ein hinterfotziger Terrorist! Vielenorts hat er zugeschlagen und mächtig was abgelassen.
20070120             Er tobte in ganz Deutschland und nicht nur dort, sondern ebenso in Irland, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Belgien, Niederlande und in der Schweiz und demnächst vielleicht noch in Südschweden und in Polen.
20070120             Aber der deutsche Innenminister, WOLFGANG—SCHÄUBLE, sonst so erpicht darauf sich mit scharfen...
20070120             —BEKANNT, In dem in der vorigen Woche, gewordenen Bericht hatte...
20070120             ABC Falsely Claims Pelosi Opposes Cutting Funds For IRAQ Escalation
20070120             Breaking News from ABC NEWS_com:
20070120             Watch 'Good —MORNING AMERICA' for the full interview.
20070120             In fact, Pelosi said NOTHING—OF—THE—SORT on Good —MORNING AMERICA.
20070120             —REPEATED, She merely, her
20070120             stated view that she does not support cutting funds to USA—FORCES already in IRAQ.
20070120             Pelosi told Sawyer, "[W]e will hold THE—PRESIDENT—ACCOUNTABLE.
20070120             He has to answer for his war.
20070120             He has dug 1—HOLE so deep he can't even see the light on this.
20070120             It's 1—TRAGEDY. It's 1—HISTORIC blunder".
20070120             Asked ABOUT—REPORTS that PRESIDENT—BUSH has already begun increasing USA—TROOP—LEVELS by 3,500 soldiers,
20070120             Pelosi said, "THE—PRESIDENT knows that because the troops are in harm's way that we won't cut off the resources. That's why he's moving so quickly to put them in harm's way".
20070120             THE—WHITE—HOUSE hit back against Pelosi —TODAY.
20070120             —CLAIMED, Administration spokesperson Dana Perino, PELOSI—COMMENT was "poisonous," adding,
20070120             "I think questioning THE—PRESIDENT—MOTIVATIONS and suggesting that he,
20070120             for SOME—POLITICAL—REASON, is rushing troops into harm's way,
20070120             is not appropriate, it is not correct + it is unfortunate because we do have troops in harm's way".
20070120             —ADMITTED, But —EARLIER this —MONTH, 1—SENIOR—PENTAGON official, to NBC News that "this surge option is
20070120             more of 1—POLITICAL—DECISION than 1—MILITARY 1.
20070120             SAWYER: On IRAQ, as we sit here right —NOW, 3,500 troops are moving in.
20070120             That's the 1. of the surge. It has begun.
20070120             Are you going to move to cut off funding for troops going into IRAQ as part of the surge?
20070120             PELOSI : Democrats will never cut off funding for our troops —WHEN they are in harm's way.
20070120             But we will hold THE—PRESIDENT—ACCOUNTABLE. He has to answer for his war.
20070120             SAWYER: Are you acquiescing in the surge... - (CROSSTALK) - SAWYER:
20070120             PELOSI : THE—PRESIDENT knows that because the troops are in harm's way that we won't cut off the resources.
20070120             That's why he's moving so quickly to put them in harm's way.
20070120             —MANIPULATED, SAWYER: Are you saying that THE—PRESIDENT deliberately, the timing that he sent the troops in, in order to avoid congressional action?
20070120             PELOSI : Well, I would certainly hope he didn't manipulate the timing of sending the troops in.
20070120             I think he could have told us about it sooner + invited ANY—COMMENTS we might have had, ANY—CONSTRUCTIVE—PROPOSALS we might have had.
20070120             We found out about it as the troops were going in.
20070120             Rhetorical flourishes set to solve Mideast strife.
20070120             "SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE made 1—DEAL with Arab leaders this —WEEK: WASHINGTON will show 1—INTEREST in THE—ISRAELI—PALESTINE—CONFLICT and the Arabs will say they support the new USA—STRATEGY for IRAQ," Reuters reports.
20070120             "But the actions ON—BOTH SIDES—OF—THE—DEAL are largely cosmetic or rhetorical,
20070120             because the parties are either unable or unwilling to deliver, Arab analysts and diplomats say".
20070120             Note to ROBERT—GATES: - NICO—WE already do have leverage over IRAN.
20070120             Friedman Blasts Liberals, Claims They BELIEVE—ARABS—ARE 'INCAPABLE—OF—DEMOCRACY'
20070120             —ON  - 'Singe, don't burn.'
20070120             back off PRESIDENT—BUSH and THE—IRAQ war.
20070120             "I cannot be more clear that we never mentioned IRAQ, we never gave him ANY—GUIDELINES,
20070120             " says STEVE—SCULLY, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WHCA. "The only thing we told him is that we want to follow the policy of the Gridiron Dinner, which is 'singe, don't burn'".
20070120             I told you so.
20070120             —FROM TERRY—MCAULIFFE—NEW—BOOK: "Asked by Cherie Blair what Americans thought of her husband, McAuliffe responded that '
20070120             most people think you're 1—LAP—DOG for PRESIDENT—BUSH.
20070120             —ELBOWED, Cherie Blair then, her husband and said 'See, Tony, I told you so.'"
20070120             BUSH—ADMINISTRATION Pushed Out Lead Prosecutor On Abramoff Case
20070120             —PUSHED, As many as - 8—USA—ATTORNEYS are leaving or being, out of their positions by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070120             Several of these prosecutors are working on HIGH—PROFILE—CASES, such as CAROL—LAM, who ran the investigation into
20070120             the corruption of FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—RANDY "DUKE" Cunningham (R—CA).
20070120             —NOTED, THE—S—DIEGO—UNION—TRIBUNE has, that Lam appears to be the "VICTIM—OF—STRONG—ARM—POLITICAL—PRESSURE from WASHINGTON, where officials apparently wanted to hand her job to 1—PARTISAN operative".
20070120             —PUSHED, USA—ATTORNEY—BUD Cummins, who was, out by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in December, was replaced with a "
20070120             37—YEAR—OLD PROTEGE—OF—WHITE—HOUSE political adviser KARL—ROVE.
20070120             —DENIED, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES has, political motivations behind the resignations, —RECENTLY telling Congress, "
20070120             Nothing could be further from the truth. He added that they were a "
20070120             sign of good management " by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070120             But these replacements are not the 1. time the administration has punished USA—ATTORNEYS for going —AFTER WHITE—HOUSE—ALLIES.
20070120             —SENTENCED, Ney, to 30—MONTHS in prison.
20070120             —SENTENCED, FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—BOB—NEY (R—OH) was, to a 30-month prison term —TODAY, 1—PENALTY that is "
20070120             stiffer than THE—27—MONTHS recommended by prosecutors.
20070120             —PLEADED, Ney, guilty last October "to making false statements and conspiracy to commit fraud" as PART—OF—THE—ABRAMOFF—INFLUENCE—PEDDLING scandal.
20070120             Obama Smeared As Former 'Madrassa' Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist
20070120             —FEATURED, This —MORNING, FOX—NEWS, 1—SEGMENT highlighting a
20070120             —ATTENDED, RIGHT—WING report that SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA (D—IL), 1—ISLAMIC "madrassa" school as a 6—YEAR—OLD—CHILD.
20070120             —POINTED, Fox & Friends host STEVE—DOOCY, out that madrassas are "financed by Saudis" and "teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us," then declared, "The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?" —LATER, 1—CALLER to the show questioned whether OBAMA—SCHOOLING means that "maybe he doesn't consider terrorists the enemy".
20070120             —RESPONDED, Fox anchor BRIAN—KILMEADE, "Well, we'll see about that".
20070120             —FAILED, THE—FOX hosts, to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim.
20070120             1—CALLER, referring to Obama, said, "I think 1—MUSLIM would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary. At least you know what the Muslims are up to".
20070120             —RESPONDED, Anchor Gretchen Carlson, "We want to be clear, too, that this isn't all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up".
20070120             As 1—CHILD, Obama spent 4—YEARS in INDONESIA with his STEP—FATHER, 1—NON—PRACTICING—MUSLIM + his mother.
20070120             —ATTENDED, Between ages 6 and 8, Obama, 1—LOCAL—MUSLIM school in JAKARTA;
20070120             —AFTER that, he was enrolled in 1—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—SCHOOL.
20070120             In his book Dreams Of My Father (p.142), OBAMA—WRITES :
20070120             INDONESIA, I'd spent 2—YEARS at 1—MUSLIM school, 2—YEARS at 1—CATHOLIC—SCHOOL.
20070120             In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces —DURING Koranic studies.
20070120             In the Catholic school, —WHEN it came time to pray, I'd pretend to close my eyes, then peek —AROUND the room.
20070120             —HAPPENED, Nothing.
20070120             —DESCENDED, No angels.
20070120             In his more recent book, THE—AUDACITY—OF—HOPE, Obama writes (p.274), "Without the money to go to THE—INTERNATIONAL—SCHOOL that most expatriate children attended, I went to local INDONESIA—SCHOOLS and ran the streets with THE—CHILDREN—OF—FARMERS, servants, tailors + clerks".
20070120             DOOCY: Why didn't anybody ever mention that that man right there was raised — spent the 1. —DECADE—OF—HIS—LIFE, raised by his Muslim father — as 1—MUSLIM and was educated in 1—MADRASSA?
20070120             DOOCY: We should also point out that BARACK—OBAMA—FATHER is THE—1—WHO gave him the middle NAME—OF—HUSSEIN.
20070120             And the thing about the madrassa + you know, let's —JUST be honest about this, in the last NUMBER—OF—YEARS, madrassas have been, we've learned 1—LOT about them, financed by Saudis, they teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us.
20070120             The big question is was that on the curriculum back then?
20070120             Probably not, but it was 1—MADRASSA and the big question is whether or not ANY—OF—THESE revelations about the fact that he was 1—MUSLIM — right —NOW I understand he does go to the Trinity United CHURCH—OF—CHRIST in CHICAGO, although not 1—REGULAR parishioner — but raised as 1—MUSLIM, went to 1—MADRASSA.
20070120             DOOCY: Is it ancient history or do you think madrassa matters.
20070120             [phone ringing] Josh joins us from COLORADO. Good —MORNING to you Josh.
20070120             CALLER: WHAT—UP? DOOCY: What do you think?
20070120             CALLER: I think that ultimately this will probably be 1—OF—THE—MAIN—REASONS is he not elected.
20070120             DOOCY: —JUST the fact that his father was 1—MUSLIM, he was raised as 1—MUSLIM for awhile + went to 1—MADRASSA school in JAKARTA?
20070120             CALLER: Right.
20070120             I mean, you think that would possibly give him better insight on the enemy, maybe he doesn't consider terrorists the enemy.
20070120             KILMEADE: Well, we'll see about that.
20070120             Yeah, Josh says that. CALLER: Hi, good —MORNING. Yes, I think it does matter.
20070120             The fact that he omitted it must mean that he feels that somebody is going to have 1—OPINION.
20070120             And PRESIDENT—BUSH certainly comes under scrutiny, so why shouldn't he?
20070120             KILMEADE: Well, he didn't admit it.
20070120             I mean that's the issue. CARLSON: Well she said he didn't.
20070120             KILMEADE: Says he didn't come out + I was over in INDONESIA —FOR—5—YEARS, or roughly 5—YEARS, went to 1—MADRASSA and there is SOME—REPORTS that Wahhabism was the curriculum there, which is 1—PROBLEM because they start with "We hate AMERICA" and work their way back from there.
20070120             —FRAMED, DOOCY: Well, the way it was, in 1—OF—HIS biographies, he said, "I was sent 1.," this is in INDONESIA, "to 1—CATHOLIC—SCHOOL and then to 1—PREDOMINANTLY—MUSLIM school".
20070120             He doesn't say, "I went to 1—MADRASSA, where they taught Wahhabism".
20070120             He simply says, "I went to 1—PREDOMINANTLY—MUSLIM school".
20070120             CARLSON: Alright, Jim from ALABAMA, what do you think?
20070120             DOOCY: Jim? CALLER: Yeah. CARLSON: What do you think?
20070120             CALLER: I think 1—MUSLIM would be fine in the presidency, better than Hillary.
20070120             At least you know what the Muslims are up to.
20070120             [Laughter] - CARLSON: We want to be clear, too, that this isn't all Muslims, of course, we would only be concerned about the kind that want to blow us up.
20070120             Pentagon Counsel: New Rules Convict Detainees 'Based On Nothing But 1—COERCED—CONFESSION'
20070120             —FOLLOWING the guidelines Congress set down in the Military Commissions Act late —LAST—YEAR, the Pentagon —YESTERDAY unveiled new rules for detainee trials "that could allow terror suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay testimony and coerced statements".
20070120             At 1—PENTAGON briefing, DAN—DELL'ORTO, deputy to the Defense DEPARTMENT—TOP—COUNSEL, said the new rules will "afford all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized people".
20070120             —CRAFTED, The rules appear carefully, to ensure than 1 accused can be convicted — and possibly executed — based on nothing but 1 coerced confession.
20070120             —ACCUSED, The rules would allow 1, to be executed based on nothing but hearsay.
20070120             —CLASSIFIED, The rules' broad protections for, information threaten to swallow everything.
20070120             These rules are particularly scary coming in THE—WAKE—OF—NEW—GUANTÁNAMO classification guidelines that make even the prisoners' own name classified as 'SECRET.'
20070120             The rules violate the principle that the jury shouldn't be allowed to see anything that the defendant can't see.
20070120             Witnesses can be shielded so that the defendant can't see them, but the jury can.
20070120             Read SULLIVAN—FULL STATEMENT—HERE.
20070120             House votes to expand House Page BOARD.
20070120             The bipartisan resolution requires "
20070120             regular MEETINGS—OF—THE—HOUSE—PAGE—BOARD,
20070120             which oversees the program" and adds "members including 1—FORMER—PAGE and 1—PARENT—OF—1—CURRENT or former page". The measure is intended to "ensure that current and former teenage pages are no longer vulnerable to improper conduct by lawmakers like FORMER—REPRESENTATIVE—MARK—FOLEY, R—FLORIDA"
20070120             Gonzales: 'There Is No Express GRANT—OF—HABEAS—CORPUS—IN—THE—CONSTITUTION'
20070120             —YESTERDAY, —DURING Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES claimed there is no express
20070120             right to habeas corpus - in THE—USA—CONSTITUTION.
20070120             Gonzales was debating SENATOR—ARLEN—SPECTER (R—PA) about whether THE—SUPREME—COURT—RULING on GUANTANAMO detainees —LAST—YEAR cited the constitutional right to habeas corpus.
20070120             —CLAIMED, Gonzales, the Court did not cite such 1—RIGHT, then added, "There is no express grant of habeas in the Constitution".
20070120             —PUSHED, Specter, back.
20070120             "Wait 1—MINUTE. The constitution says you can't take it away, except in THE—CASE—OF—REBELLION or invasion. Doesn't that mean you have the right of habeas corpus, unless there is 1—INVASION or rebellion?" Specter told Gonzales, "You may be treading on your interdiction and violating common sense, MISTER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL".
20070120             —NOTED, As McJoan, the right of habeas corpus is clear in Article I, Section 9, Clause 2—OF—THE—CONTITUTION: "THE—PRIVILEGE of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless —WHEN in CASES—OF—REBELLION or Invasion the public Safety may require it".
20070120             Digg It! Full transcript:
20070120             SPECTER: Where you have the Constitution having 1—EXPLICIT—PROVISION that the writ of habeas corpus cannot be suspended except for rebellion or invasion + you have THE—SUPREME—COURT saying that habeas corpus rights apply to GUANTANAMO detainees — aliens in GUANTANAMO — —AFTER 1—ELABORATE—DISCUSSION as to why, how can the statutory taking of habeas corpus — —WHEN there's 1—EXPRESS constitutional provision that it can't be suspended + 1—EXPLICIT—SUPREME—COURT holding that it applies to GUANTANAMO alien detainees.
20070120             GONZALES: 1—COUPLE things, SENATOR.
20070120             I believe that THE—SUPREME—COURT—CASE you're referring to dealt only with the statutory right to habeas, not the constitutional right to habeas.
20070120             SPECTER: Well, you're not right about that.
20070120             It's plain on its face they are talking about the constitutional right to habeas corpus.
20070120             —GUARANTEED, They talk about habeas corpus being, by the Constitution, except in cases of 1—INVASION or rebellion.
20070120             They talk about JOHN—RUNNINGMEADE and the Magna Carta and the doctrine being imbedded in the Constitution.
20070120             GONZALES: Well, sir, the fact that they may have talked about the constitutional right to habeas doesn't mean that the decision dealt with that constitutional right to habeas.
20070120             SPECTER: —WHEN did you last read the case?
20070120             GONZALES: It has been 1—WHILE, but I'll be happy to — I will go back and look at it.
20070120             —LOOKED, SPECTER: I, at it —YESTERDAY and this —MORNING again.
20070120             GONZALES: I will go back and look at it.
20070120             The fact that the Constitution — again, there is no express grant of habeas in the Constitution.
20070120             There is 1—PROHIBITION against taking it away.
20070120             But it's never been the case + I'm not 1—SUPREME — - SPECTER: —NOW, wait 1—MINUTE.
20070120             Wait 1—MINUTE.
20070120             The constitution says you can't take it away, except in THE—CASE—OF—REBELLION or invasion.
20070120             Doesn't that mean you have the right of habeas corpus, unless there is 1—INVASION or rebellion?
20070120             GONZALES: I meant by that comment, the Constitution doesn't say, "EVERY—INDIVIDUAL in THE—USA or EVERY—CITIZEN is hereby granted or assured the right to habeas".
20070120             It doesn't say that.
20070120             It simply says the right of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except by —
20070120             SPECTER: You may be treading on your interdiction and violating common sense, MISTER—ATTORNEY—GENERAL.
20070120             GONZALES: Um. Reid to challenge Bush on IRAN.
20070120             "—WHEN the Democratic LEADERS—OF—CONGRESS—OFFER—THEIR—STATE—OF—THE—UNION prebuttals at the National Press Club —LATER—TODAY, Senate Majority Leader HARRY—REID, D—NEVADA, plans to challenge for the 1. time PRESIDENT—BUSH—AUTHORITY to pursue 1—INCURSION into IRAN without prior congressional approval.
20070120             'This —MORNING, I'd like to be clear,' Reid plans to say according excerpts of his speech obtained by ABC News, 'THE—PRESIDENT
20070120             does not have the authority to launch military action in IRAN
20070120             without 1. seeking congressional authorization.'"
20070120             —ON multiple occasions leading up to the November elections, PRESIDENT—BUSH accused opponents of his domestic warrantless wiretap program of not wanting to listen to terrorist phone calls:
20070120             BUSH: In all these vital measures for fighting THE—WAR—ON—TERROR, the Democrats —JUST follow 1—SIMPLE—PHILOSOPHY: —JUST say no.
20070120             —WHEN it comes to listening to the terrorists, what's the Democrats' answer?
20070120             It's, —JUST say no. [20061030             ]
20070120             BUSH: If the people of THE—USA—DON'T think we ought to be listening in on THE—CONVERSATIONS—OF—PEOPLE who could do harm to THE—USA, then go ahead and vote for the Democrats.
20070120             BUSH: The stakes in this election couldn't be more clear.
20070120             If you don't think we should be listening in on the terrorist, then you ought to vote for the Democrats.
20070120             If you want your government to continue listening in —WHEN al Qaeda planners are making phone calls into THE—USA, then you vote Republican.
20070120             —DURING —TODAY—SENATE—JUDICIARY—COMMITTEE hearing, SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD (D—WI) confronted ATTORNEY—GENERAL—GONZALES with these accusations.
20070120             —DENIED, Gonzales, they referred to elected officials, but instead to certain "
20070120             blogs —TODAY... who don't want us eavesdropping at all":
20070120             —OPPOSED, FEINGOLD: Do you know of any 1 in the country who, eavesdropping on terrorists?
20070120             GONZALES: Sure, if you look at blogs —TODAY, there is 1—LOT—OF—CONCERN about all types of eavesdropping, who don't want us eavesdropping at all.
20070120             FEINGOLD: Do you know anyone in government who ever took that position?
20070120             GONZALES: No, but that is not what I said.
20070120             FEINGOLD: It is 1—DISGRACE and disservice to your OFFICE—AND—THE—PRESIDENT to have accused people on this Committee of opposing eavesdropping on terrorists.
20070120             GONZALES: I didn't have you in mind or anyone on the Committee —WHEN I referred to people who oppose eavesdropping on terrorists.
20070120             Perish the thought.
20070120             —INDEED, Perish the thought. GOOGLE—SINISTER(?) Plans
20070120             "This —WEEK, ROBERT—X—CRINGELY makes SOME—INTERESTING observations as to what GOOGLE—UP to next.
20070120             He theorizes that Google is looking to create 1—BANDWIDTH shortage that will drive ISP/cable/telephone customers into it's open arms (often with the blessing of THE—ISP/cable/telephone company).
20070120             The evidence: leasing massive AMOUNTS—OF—NETWORK—CAPACITY + huge data centers in rural areas (close to POWER—GENERATION—FACILITIES).
20070120             The shortage will only occur if the average bandwidth consumption by individual consumers skyrockets;
20070120             think mainstream BitTorrent, streaming moves from NetFlix, tv episodes from iTunes, video games on demand, etc, etc.
20070120             Spooky and sinister, or sublime and smart?"
20070120             Fury in TURKEY at editor's murder THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE—RALLY in ISTANBUL to protest at THE—MURDER—OF—1—OUTSPOKEN—TURKISH—ARMENIA—WRITER.
20070120             Hezbollah head hails resignation Hezbollah HEAD—SHEIKH—HASSAN—NASRALLAH welcomes THE—RESIGNATION—OF—ISRAEL—ARMY CHIEF—LT—GEN—DAN—HALUTZ.
20070120             Chavez defends VENEZUELA model VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ defends his country is "fully democratic" at 1—LATIN—USA—SUMMIT.
20070120             USA wants answers on CHINA test WASHINGTON asks CHINA to explain its intentions —AFTER BEIJING reportedly carried out 1—ARMS—TEST in space.
20070120             New Horizons targets Jupiter kick THE—NEW—HORIZONS probe is bearing down on Jupiter and 1—FLYBY that will swing the spacecraft out to Pluto.
20070120             Deaths on —DAY 10—OF—GUINEA strike 2—MORE—PEOPLE die on the 10. —DAY—OF—GUINEA—NATIONAL—STRIKE, as unionists insist that PRESIDENT—CONTE resign.
20070120             —SENTENCED, Republican Ney, to jail Former congressman BOB—NEY is jailed —FOR—30—MONTHS for his role in the Abramoff corruption scandal.
20070120             'Progress' in N KOREA—USA—TALKS N KOREA and THE—USA—CALL—RECENT—TALKS—POSITIVE, as WASHINGTON—ENVOY prepares for more nuclear negotiations.
20070120             Genoa riot evidence 'disappears' Key evidence vanishes in THE—TRIAL—OF—ITALY—POLICEMEN over violence at the G8 summit 20010000             , police say.
20070120             IRAQ troops 'seize Shia militant' Security forces in IRAQ have seized 1—HIGH—LEVEL—MILITIA—LEADER in 1—RAID in BAGHDAD, THE—USA—MILITARY says.
20070120             Mother wins dead son sperm case 1—COURT ruling allowing 1—DEAD—ISRAELI—SPERM to impregnate 1—WOMAN he never met is hailed as 1—BOOST for family rights.
20070120             —ARRESTED, Honours police arrest Blair aide 1—NUMBER 10—AIDE is, on suspicion of perverting THE—COURSE—OF—JUSTICE in THE—CASH—FOR—HONOURS inquiry.
20070120             Vitamin pill for prostate cancer Scientists develop 1—VITAMIN D pill in 1—BID extend THE—LIFE—OF—PATIENTS with advanced prostate cancer.
20070120             Moving on from HWANG—FALL The discovery that 1—CLONING superstar's research was fraudulent leaves as lasting impression upon science.
20070120             Storm chaos prompts virus surge
20070120             —SURPRISED, Experts say they are, how quickly computer virus writers take advantage of the European storms
20070120             Redford demands apology over IRAQ Actor ROBERT—REDFORD calls for USA—LEADERS to apologise for the war in IRAQ at THE—OPENING—OF—THE—SUNDANCE—FILM—FESTIVAL.
20070120             USA—DEFENCE—CHIEF arrives in IRAQ USA—DEFENCE—SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES arrives in THE—IRAQ—CITY—OF—BASRA, on 1 unannounced visit.
20070120             SOMALIA—WARLORDS hand over weapons 1—OF—SOMALIA—MAIN warlords surrenders "battle wagons" to the government and his militia join the army.
20070120             RWANDA 'to scrap death penalty' RWANDA—CABINET—VOTES to scrap the death penalty, meaning genocide suspects abroad could face extradition.
20070120             —PASSED, Rule by decree, for Chavez VENEZUELA—PARLIAMENT—GRANTS—INITIAL—APPROVAL to 1—PLAN allowing PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ to rule by decree —FOR—18—MONTHS.
20070120             RUSSIA to return envoy to GEORGIA—RUSSIA—PRESIDENT—PUTIN announces his ambassador will return to GEORGIA —AFTER—LAST—YEAR—DIPLOMATIC row.
20070120             Democrats reject USA—OIL subsidies THE—DEMOCRAT—CONTROLLED HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES—VOTES to overturn billions in subsidies to the oil industry.
20070120             HP CEO denies 'bullet dodging' with stock sale Hurd sold 100,000 shares —2—WEEKS—BEFORE HP—ILL—FATED probe into 1—NEWS—LEAK became public.
20070120             —BLINKED, Tech Politics Podcast: Why Bush, This —WEEK saw 1—REMARKABLE reversal by the administration over electronic surveillance.
20070120             Also, tough talk by THE—USA—OVER managing THE—INTERNET.
20070120             Judge allows music industry to sue XM Satellite Record labels say the satellite radio broadcaster allows customers to turn songs into MP3 files, infringing on their copyrights.
20070120             KEVIN—BACON uses 'Six Degrees' to help the world Blog: Actor KEVIN—BACON has finally embraced the fact that he's connected to MOST—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD by —JUST 6—DEGREES, and...
20070120             E—VOTING test labs get initial nod Blog: 2—COLORADO—BASED laboratories this —WEEK became the 1. companies to receive the initial GO—AHEAD in their quest for federal...
20070120             SWEDEN—BANK hit by 'biggest ever' online heist Phishing E—MAILS encouraged at least 250—CUSTOMERS to download antivirus application containing 1—TROJAN.
20070120             Lobby bill spares political bloggers Senators strike 1—SECTION that would have required some "grassroots" lobbying groups to register or face prison time.
20070120             'Storm Worm' rages across the globe MASS—MAILED Trojan horse baits people with timely information about 1—DEADLY, REAL—LIFE—STORM—FRONT in EUROPE.
20070120             Cheaper LEDs to light a green path?
20070120             Using plastic could help LIGHT—EMITTING diodes sell for less and compete with POWER—HUNGRY—TRADITIONAL bulbs, company says.
20070120             Report highlights mistakes in search for Kims OREGON sheriffs group finds that search for missing senior EDITOR—AT—CNET was plagued by squabbling among agencies, confusion and indifference.
20070120             Digital archivists look to porn, Flash for tips Symposium focuses on models that will help preserve digital art on THE—INTERNET with the same success that REAL—WORLD—MUSEUMS preserve traditional WORKS—OF—ART.
20070120             Feds out for hacker's blood NEW—YORK—TIMES hacker ADRIAN—LAMO cites religious objections for not giving blood for DNA sample;
20070120             hearing to explore whether alternatives are acceptable.
20070120             NEW—YORK to use cell phone photographers to help fight crime Mayor says city will equip 911—CALL—CENTERS to accept photos and video sent from cell phones to help nab criminals.
20070120             Solipsize It - "Uncontacted" people are 1. and mainly —JUST people.
20070120             —UNELECTED, Handing more LIFE—AND—DEATH—POWER to, judges.
20070120             Jan
20070120             —FIGURED, JACK—CASHILL looks into SANDY—BERGER—PANTS and thinks he's, out what Berger was Bergling.
20070120             - BG - - Hicks supporters decry new USA—MILITARY commission rules
20070120             [JURIST] The father and military lawyer of AUSTRALIA—GUANTANAMO Bay
20070120             [JURIST news archive] detainee DAVID—HICKS [JURIST news archive] spoke out against new USA—MILITARY—COMMISSION rules [manual, PDF;
20070120             JURIST report] —THURSDAY, insisting that the regulations... Source:
20070120             Gadget Lab: USA—NAVY—INVENTS Railgun (Commenters say Railgun is misnomer)- BG—WORKING 8-megajoule electromagnetic mass driver.
20070120             Gonzales raps 'activist' JUDGES—USA—SECURITY—MISS—NBC_COM—BG - Gonzales: Judges unfit to rule on terror
20070120             —BY DAVE—LINDORFF - - What Do Bush And Gonzales Take Us For, Idiots?
20070120             The new administration policy of obeying THE—FISA law in spying on people's communications is not about saving face, it's about saving THE—PRESIDENT—ASS.
20070120             —BY BOB—GEIGER—ANTI—MCCAIN—DOCTRINE Legislation For Dummies
20070120             3—BILLS to stop IRAQ escalation have different approaches
20070120             —BY PATRICIA—JOHNSON
20070120             The "N" Word The administration is as loathe to negotiate with prescription drug companies as with IRAN.
20070120             —BY Rady ANANDA—ELECTRONIC Voting & Fair Vote Counts: 15—EXPERT—REPORTS
20070120             Annotated bibliography of 15—EXPERT—REPORTS on electronic voting and fair vote counts -- summarized and sourced for your reference.
20070120             —BY LARRY—BEINHART—FAILURE Is Not 1—OPTION—FAILURE is not 1—OPTION.
20070120             It's standard! On EVERY—POLICY we make!
20070120             Name 1—POLICY + it's got failure!
20070120             Guaranteed! Or your government back!
20070120             —BY BRENT—BUDOWSKY
20070120             THE—GREAT—DEMOCRATIC—LANDSLIDE—OF—20080000              GEORGE—BUSH will go down in history as the new HERBERT—HOOVER for THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY, creating momentous changes in USA—POLITICS that will lead to 1—REALIGNMENT as powerful as THE—FDR coalition.
20070120             —BY PHILIP—FARRUGGIO—SILENCE IS Betrayal
20070120             what of the overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THOSE—AMERICANS who do not support this mess in IRAQ + never did?
20070120             —WHEN will they finally understand what AND—ELI—WIESEL—KING—OF—REVEREND meant?
20070120             We are reaching the 1. stage of 1—CRITICAL—MASS—OF—EVENTS.... the street corners are still mostly empty.
20070120             Silence is betrayal.
20070120             —BY DAVID—SWANSON—IT All Started With An USA—TALIBAN
20070120             —NEEDED, It began with that monstrous young man so evil we, to blindfold him and strap him to 1—BOARD, that confusing young man who looked like Christ but cast us in the role of crucifiers, that treasonous young man who brought dark and heathen evils across linguistic and cultural borders and brought torture onto the list of accepted government actions.
20070120             —BY MARC—MCDONALD
20070120             —BY Timothy V. Gatto
20070120             Politics And Whores The oldest profession in the world isn't prostitution, it'd politics.
20070120             Then again, there isn't much of 1—DIFFERENCE between the 2.
20070120             —BY MICHAEL—RICHARDSON
20070120             Voting Machine Test Lab Merger Despite EAC Ban On Ciber Puts Wyle Lab Partnership In Question
20070120             —APPROVED, Banned voting machine test lab Ciber merger with EAC, lab calls into question both labs —MEANWHILE the Defense Department has its own Ciber problem
20070120             —BY DAVID—SWANSON—FOLLOW Pelosi, Or Follower Pelosi
20070120             LARRY—EVEREST made 1—INTERESTING comment on 1—PANEL we did in MEMPHIS last weekend.
20070120             JOURNALIST—MIRIAM—RAFTERY questions REPRESENTATIVE—KUCINICH at the media reform conference in MEMPHIS.
20070120             ROBERT—GATES is spewing the company line and Condoleeza Rice is making 1—SILK purse out of 1—SOW—EAR, —WHILE EVERY—DAY stuck in this horrible IRAQ atrocity causes more LOSSES—OF—LIVES.
20070120             —BY STEVE—KING—THE—HEALTH And WELL—BEING Of Another River Threatened
20070120             —THREATENED, THE—INTEGRITY—OF—QUEBEC—RUPERT—RIVER is, by diversion for hydroelectricity.
20070120             —BY GUSTAV—WYNN—HILLARY Scores, Obama Fumbles And Kucinich Blitzes Rush
20070120             Hillary Clinton? Master puppeteer.
20070120             BARACK—OBAMA? Again proven human with flawed energy policy.
20070120             DENNIS—KUCINICH? The slow, steady engine that could, chugging away for THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070120             —BY Amy FRIED—CHENEY 1—MASTER—OF "Framing" Dick Cheney uses multiple levels of the "framing" that GEORGE—LAKOFF made famous —DURING the last presidential election to distort the debate on IRAQ.
20070120             Let the Bible guide us in salvaging BAGHDAD.
20070120             County websites are displaying much more about you than you would want your closest friends to know, let alone THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD
20070120             Yeah, I'm Angry Another rant about our rights, our government + 1—RAINY nasty —DAY.
20070120             Retired Generals Slam BUSH—PLAN—FOR—IRAQ
20070120             "Too little and too late," is the way GENERAL—JOSEPH—P—HOAR, 1—FORMER—CHIEF—OF—THE—CENTRAL—COMMAND, described the effort to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
20070120             —INTENDED, The additional troops are, to help pacify BAGHDAD and 1—RESTIVE province, but GENERAL—HOAR said USA—LEADERS had failed to understand the political forces at work in the country.
20070120             "The solution is political, not military," he said.
20070120             —WORRIED, STATE—OF—HEALTH—CARE—THE—USA—HEALTH—CARE—SYSTEM is not healthy and Americans are.
20070120             Democrats Move To Counter Bush Surge
20070120             PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLAN to send 21,500 additional USA—TROOPS to IRAQ was met with fierce opposition —WEDNESDAY as Democratic lawmakers introduced competing proposals aimed at reversing THE—PRESIDENT—PLAN to escalate the war.CALIFORNIA Congresswomen Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey + Maxine Waters drafted legislation calling for USA—SOLDIERS to begin withdrawing from the region within 4 to 6—MONTHS.
20070120             THE—TRIAD - REPRESENTATIVE—LYNN—WOOLSEY stood with fellow Congressional Progressive Caucus CO—CHAIR, REPRESENTATIVE—BARBARA—LEE + the Chair of the Out of IRAQ Caucus, REPRESENTATIVE—MAXINE—WATERS, to introduce the Bring Our Troops Home and Sovereignty of IRAQ Restoration Act.
20070120             "We are 1—TRIAD to be dealt with," REPRESENTATIVE—WOOLSEY said.
20070120             "And we will be heard from".
20070120             1—INVASION—OF—PREGNANT—WOMEN from mainland CHINA flooding into HONG—KONG to give birth has forced the territory's authorities to take action to turn them back at the border.
20070120             —CROSSED, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—WOMEN in the past 3—YEARS have, into HONG—KONG, checked into hospitals to give birth + returned home again, often without paying their bills.
20070120             —BY doing so, they can evade CHINA—1—CHILD—POLICY.
20070120             Did you not know that your father, Bush, SENIOR, his SEC—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER and his Natl Security AG Scowcroft were all opposed to your invasion?
20070120             Wouldn't you, our troops, THE—USA—PEOPLE and the Iraqis all be much better off if you had listened...
20070120             IRAQ Tells IRAN, USA To Take Their Fight Elsewhere
20070120             IRAQ told THE—USA & IRAN to settle their scores elsewhere, —WHILE THE—USA—MILITARY confirmed it had searched SUDAN—EMBASSY in BAGHDAD as PART—OF—1—ANTI—INSURGENT—OPERATION.
20070120             Pentagon Sets Rules For Detainee TRIALS—HEARSAY Evidence In
20070120             —DRAFTED, THE—PENTAGON has, 1—MANUAL for upcoming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorists to be convicted on hearsay evidence and coerced testimony and imprisoned or put to death.
20070120             1—TERROR—SUSPECT'S—DEFENSE—LAWYER cannot reveal classified evidence in the person's defense —UNTIL the government has 1—CHANCE to review it.
20070120             Senate Panel Grills Gonzales Over Spy Program
20070120             —DEMANDED, Senators, details from AG Gonzales about new orders putting the govt's domestic spying program under COURT—REVIEW—AND questioned why it took so long to do so.
20070120             Gonzales, testifying in FRONT—OF—THE—SENATE—JUDICIARY Comm, said he may not be able to release DETAILS—OF—THE—ORDER.
20070120             "Are you saying that you might object to the court giving us 1—DECISION that you publicly announced?" chair Leahy asked.
20070120             McCain Is 'Tanking'
20070120             RESIGNATION—OF—LAWYERS At FEC Raises Concern
20070120             The announcement —YESTERDAY that the top 2—LAWYERS for the Federal Election Commission had resigned helped spread 1—UNDERCURRENT—OF—CONCERN about the diminishing role of 1—ONCE—PROMINENT—PUBLIC—VOICE on THE—INTERSECTION—OF—MONEY and politics.
20070120             USA Says It Wants To Modify Labor Portion Of 3—FREE—TRADE—DEALS
20070120             —BACKED, Democrats, by USA—LABOR—UNIONS, have long complained that the free trade deals being negotiated by the Bush did not include enough protections for USA—WORKERS.
20070120             They said that because of this, THE—USA—WORKERS' jobs would be jeopardized by competition from LOW—WAGE—COUNTRIES with lax labor laws.
20070120             —SNUBBED, CONFIRMED: VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY ' IRAN Concessions Offer' 20030000
20070120             —OFFERED, IRAN, THE—USA—1—PACKAGE—OF—CONCESSIONS 20030000             , but it was rejected.
20070120             —PROPOSED, TEHRAN, ending support for Lebanese and PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS and helping to stabilise IRAQ —FOLLOWING THE—USA—LED invasion.
20070120             Offers, including making its nuclear programme more transparent, were conditional on THE—USA—ENDING hostility.
20070120             —REJECTED, But VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE, the plan.
20070120             Energy Control And Political POWER—IN part 2, we learn that aggressive nations are flexing their PETRO—POWER + we're on the verge of 1—NUCLEAR—RENAISSANCE.
20070120             Stocks Waver —AFTER Bernanke Comments
20070120             —LISTENED, Investors, closely to USA Federal Reserve Chairman BEN—BERNANKE—TESTIMONY to the Senate Budget Committee, in which he warned that LONG—TERM—PROBLEMS could arise if the national debt and Social Security and Medicare issues aren't dealt with.
20070120             MySpace Hit With Online Predator Suits
20070120             4—FAMILIES have sued News Corp. and its MySpace SOCIAL—NETWORKING site —AFTER their underage daughters were sexually abused by adults they met on the site, lawyers for the families said —THURSDAY.
20070120             USA Harsh Weather Extends Its Grip
20070120             Harsh —WINTER weather gripping PARTS—OF—THE—USA in recent days has spread to the normally balmy SOUTH—WEST, as storms threaten SOUTH—EASTERN—STATES.
20070120             † At least 65—PEOPLE have.
20070120             Rare snow fell on the hills above the popular Malibu resort in CALIFORNIA, as temperatures reached NEAR—RECORD—LOWS.
20070120             Storm warnings have gone out in GEORGIA and the Carolinas.
20070120             Maliki Stresses Urgency In Arming IRAQ—FORCES
20070120             THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT'S need for USA—TROOPS would "dramatically go down" in 3 to 6—MONTHS if THE—USA accelerated the process of equipping and arming IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES.
20070120             Maliki can not even secure his capital city, BAGHDAD...what guarantees exist that the arms will not end up in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—INSURGENTS instead?
20070120             —CRITICISED, Rice implicitly, FRANCE—PLANS to send 1—ENVOY to IRAN to discuss the situation in LEBANON and THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070120             "I think we all need to stay focused on the fact that IRAN is in violation of 1—SECURITY—COUNCIL—RESOLUTION—UNTIL it suspends its enrichment and reprocessing activities," Rice said, —WHILE added that EACH—COUNTRY took its own decisions.
20070120             —RETIRED, THE—OPPOSITION—CONTROLLED USA—CONGRESS is to hear from, generals on military options in IRAQ, as sentiment against the war mounts —FOLLOWING BUSH—ANNOUNCEMENT that more troops are going to the region.
20070120             The retired generals testifying at the Senate Foreign Relations COMMITTEE—THURSDAY include JOSEPH—HOAR, THE—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND in the 1990s, FORMER—NSA director WILLIAM—ODOM + FORMER—NATO—CHIEF—WESLEY—CLARK.
20070120             Car Bombs Rock IRAQ, Killing At Least 19
20070120             —ROCKED, Car bombs have, BAGHDAD and THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing at least 19—PEOPLE, as PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI pressed Bush to better equip his army so that foreign troops can withdraw from IRAQ.
20070120             AL—MALIKI wants more weapons but what about the ones stolen & lost already?
20070120             Do we really want new weapons in THE—HANDS—OF—THE—INSURGENTS?
20070120             Weren't IRAQ—ARMY—MEMBERS stealing & selling them on the open market?
20070120             MORE BUSH CRIMES: In From THE—COLD
20070120             THE—USA—PUBLIC—NEEDS to know why PRESIDENT—BUSH broke the law for more than 5—YEARS and what should be done to ensure there will be no more abuses of the wiretap statute.
20070120             How the Natural Gas Industry Extracted 1—BILLION—DOLLAR—BOONDOGGLE from CONGRESS—BIG—OIL, under THE—GUISE—OF—THE—RESEARCH—PARTNERSHIP to Secure Energy for AMERICA (RPSEA), is looking for 1—HAND—OUT.
20070120             To Hasten Apocalypse, Evangelicals Lobby For Attack On IRAN
20070120             "Biblical literalists, convened together through S—ANTONIO megapastor JOHN—HAGEE—CHRISTIANS—UNITED for ISRAEL (CUFI), are —NOW seeing the fruits of their yearlong campaign to convince THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to attack IRAN," reports SARAH—POSNER in 1—HAIR—RAISING article on AlterNet.
20070120             More And More Americans Get THE—NEWS—ONLINE
20070120             "Americans are increasingly using THE—INTERNET as their primary source of political news, 1—STUDY has found," reports THE—BBC.
20070120             "'Broadband is —NOW PART—OF—THE—RHYTHM—OF—PEOPLE—LIVES, including the civic rhythm,' said report AUTHOR—LEE—RAINIE".
20070120             Atheist RICHARD—DAWKINS—ON 'THE—GOD—DELUSION'
20070120             In the last few years, Americans have seen the harm that results —WHEN political decisions are made in THE—NAME—OF—RELIGION.
20070120             —NOW, THE—NON—BELIEVERS are fighting back.
20070120             "Patron S—OF—POLITICAL—SATIRE" ART—BUCHWALD—DIES
20070120             The child of foster homes, he took "humorous jabs at WASHINGTON politicians in syndicated columns for decades," reports.
20070120             Where would the likes of Molly Ivins and Maureen Dowd have been without him?
20070120             Attacking IRAN: WHAT—IN—IT—FOR—BUSH ?
20070120             THE—BUSH—REGIME—LATEST—BIG lie is that THE—USA is not winning in IRAQ because of IRAN.
20070120             —SINCE his "surge" speech, Bush and his team have said far more about IRAN than about IRAQ.
20070120             Senate Actually Follows Through And Presents Bipartisan Measure To Halt Troop BUILD—UP
20070120             "The nonbinding resolution... moves Congress 1—MAJOR—STEP—CLOSER to 1—PUBLIC—CONFRONTATION with THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION over war policy".
20070120             Bush & Co. Snubbed Major IRAN—CONCESSIONS 20030000
20070120             "TEHRAN proposed ending support for Lebanese and PALESTINE—MILITANT—GROUPS and helping to stabilise IRAQ —FOLLOWING THE—USA—LED invasion," reports THE—BBC.
20070120             "Offers, including making its nuclear programme more transparent, were conditional on THE—USA—ENDING hostility. But VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE rejected the plan, the official said".
20070120             ISRAEL—AND—SYRIA—TALKING -- With CHENEY—APPARENT—APPROVAL—GUESS you're never too old to become 1—STATESMAN.
20070120             If there's hope for Cheney, there's hope for anyone.
20070120             USA—HOUSE—TAKES On Big Oil
20070120             1—BILL to be voted on —TODAY would cut federal benefits to big oil by a 3. and give them to RENEWABLE—ENERGY—PROGRAMS.
20070120             —PROPOSED, Butthe, cuts go only so far.
20070120             Even if THE—HOUSE—NEW—CLEAN—ENERGY—LEGISLATION becomes law, the oil and gas industry will remain by far the largest recipient of federal energy largesse.
20070120             Time Limits On Active Duty For Guard And Reserves Lifted
20070120             There was a 24—MONTH—LIMIT on the time that 1—NATIONAL—GUARD—OF—RESERVE—UNIT could spend on Active duty.
20070120             —NOW instead of 24—MONTHS out of 6—YEARS, it could be 48—MONTHS.
20070120             Law enforcement agencies have known for years that criminals were using government websites to gather information on victims.
20070120             SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN—NEW—LEGISLATION could cut criminals off from this rich source of sensitive data.
20070120             JUSTIN—RAIMONDO—ON—LIBBY - It's all about LYING, writes JUSTIN—RAIMONDO—OF—ANTIWAR.
20070120             Lying about the war, lying about the yellowcake, lying about WMDs.
20070120             But like AL—CAPONE and his tax evasion rap, the only thing that seems to count is lying to 1—GRAND—JURY.
20070120             That, they will still bust you for.
20070120             —ESCAPED, CARL—ROVE, —WHILE it looks like Scooter Libby will be the sacrificial lamb for THE—ADMINISTRATION—LIES.
20070120             Globalisation + THE—RISE—OF—INEQUALITY | Rich man, poor man | Economist_COM—BG -1—POISONOUS—MIX—OF—INEQUALITY + sluggish wages threatens 20070118             0118—DATE, 20070000             - BG—BEST—OF—THE—WEB—TODAY
20070120             —BY JAMES TARANTO—NO—FIGHT Over FISA
20070120             What is 1 to MAKE—OF—YESTERDAY—ANNOUNCEMENT that THE—PRESIDENT has decided to end the Terrorist Surveillance Program, bringing the wiretapping of INTERNATIONAL calls to or from THE—USA—UNDER the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court?
20070120             It is 1—MUDDLE, as THE—WASHINGTON—POST—REPORTS:
20070120             —REMAINED, MANY—DETAILS—OF—THE—NEW—APPROACH, unclear —YESTERDAY, because administration officials declined to describe specifically how the program will work.
20070120             Officials would not say, for example, whether the administration will be required to seek 1—WARRANT for EACH—PERSON it wants to monitor or whether THE—FISA court has issued 1—BROADER SET—OF—ORDERS to cover multiple cases.
20070120             —INVOLVED, Authorities also would not say how MANY—COURT—ORDERS are, or which judge on the surveillance court had issued them.
20070120             THE—SEATTLE Times: Politics: Detainee trials may allow hearsay testimony in DEATH—PENALTY—CASES—BG -
20070120             BBC NEWS | UK | 'LONDON bomb plot was —JUST a HOAX'—BG -
20070120             JOSHUA—HOLLAND: More on (THE—CIA 's?) counterfeit "Supernotes"- BG -
20070120             Vaccine drive cuts measles deaths Child deaths from measles have fallen by 60% —FOLLOWING 1—MASSIVE—GLOBAL—VACCINATION—CAMPAIGN, 1—STUDY confirms.
20070120             'Community superbug tests' needed Rapid tests for deadly superbugs that are spreading in the community are urgently needed, say experts.
20070120             —DEVELOPED, THUMB—PRINT Banking Takes INDIA 1—PILOT—PROGRAM, to help illiterate farmers use cash machines could revolutionize personal banking.
20070120             If it takes off, 1—BILLION—INDIANS will need only 1—THUMB print to withdraw cash.
20070120             See Taser Lightning Strike Twice Reality TV producers rejoice: Taser stun guns are about to get 1—NEW—CAMERA—ATTACHMENT that records everything —BEFORE and —AFTER the devices are used.
20070120             Better Biofuels From Termite Guts Mining insects' microbial genes could boost ethanol production.
20070120             These Young Models Might Be Porn —WHEN 1—TEENAGER is fully dressed and not in 1—PROVOCATIVE pose + yet the photograph somehow conveys 1—SEXUAL—MESSAGE, is it child porn?
20070120             Right to TIME—SHIFT Threatened 1—JUDGE gives the music industry's attack on RADIO—RECORDING devices 1—BOOST, coinciding with Diane FEINSTEIN—ATTACK on digital recording tech.
20070120             BEETLE—AMAZING—DISAPPEARING—ACT 1—BUG—TINY—SCALES manipulate light to help the creature blend in with white fungi.
20070120             Navy Invents REAL—LIFE—RAILGUN These incredibly destructive weapons aren't —JUST for Quake anymore.
20070120             DHS Pays for Wired News FOIA Suit Homeland Security must pony up $66,000 in legal fees for stonewalling about 1—COMPUTER—ATTACK that shut down BORDER—SCREENING computers.
20070120             Space Arms Race Is Most Definitely On
20070120             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—USA "concerns" over CHINA satellite intercept test have nothing to do with keeping space WEAPONS—FREE
20070120             Reporter Claims ISRAEL—NUKE Strike On IRAN Averted By USA—FIGHTERS
20070120             - PAUL—JOSEPH—WATSON—SOURCES say F16 suicide mission armed with 20-kiloton bomb recalled by Israelis under
20070120             Folic acid boosts elderly brains Folic acid supplements can improve the memory and brain power of ageing brains, research shows.
20070120             INDIA airline gun security breach Airline chiefs order an inquiry —AFTER industrialist Nusli Wadia takes a pistol and bullets on an INTERNATIONAL flight.
20070120             USA congressmen seek IRAN block 1—BIPARTISAN GROUP—OF—USA congressmen propose 1—NEW—LAW to block 1—ATTACK on IRAN without congressional approval.
20070120             'Health check' for farm wildlife Scientists say a "biodiversity health check" can predict how changes to farming methods will affect wildlife.
20070120             "I think that Cheney has stepped way over the line," said FRITZ—MONDALE, VICE—PRESIDENT—UNDER—JIMMY—CARTER.
20070120             Visualize Peace by Wearing This Button.
20070120             Pelosi said Bush "has dug 1—HOLE so deep he can't even see the light on this. It's 1—TRAGEDY. It's 1—STARK blunder".
20070120             THE—DEMS—HAVE—THEIR—PLATFORM—NOW + They are Using It.
20070120             Thank You, NANCY!
20070120             1—NEW—POLL has found that THE—USA—PEOPLE dislike PRESIDENT—BUSH—MORE than they dislike... Dick Cheney.
20070120             The poll ? by FOX—NEWS, of all people ?
20070120             finds that PRESIDENT—BUSH—UNFAVORABLE rating is 58%, —WHILE CHENEY—UNPOPULARITY rating is 5—POINTS—LOWER at 53%.
20070120             "THE—PRESIDENT does not have the authority to launch military action in IRAN without 1. seeking congressional authorization," Senate Democratic leader HARRY—REID, D—NEVADA, told the National Press Club.
20070120             BUSH—CONSIGLIERE, Gonzales, Meets 1—OF—THE—BASIC—CRITERIA for Being 1—BUSH evik: He Lies with Impunity.
20070120             Read This Story About the "Patriot Act" Appointment of 1—GOP—OPPOSITION—RESEARCH—OPERATIVE as the Acting USA—ATTORNEY in LITTLE—ROCK.
20070120             THE—GUY is 1—KARL—ROVE—PROTEGE.
20070120             House Democrats brought their "100-hour" legislative agenda to 1—SUCCESSFUL—CLOSE—THURSDAY —EVENING with PASSAGE—OF—LEGISLATION designed to force oil and gas companies to pay more royalties on SOME—OFFSHORE leases and end subsidies and tax deductions they have been receiving amid record prices for crude.
20070120             Take That Newt Gingrich!
20070120             1—JOURNALIST who faced constant threats and legal proceedings as 1—OF—THE—MOST prominent voices of TURKEY—SHRINKING ARMENIA—COMMUNITY was shot to death —FRIDAY at the entrance to his newspaper's offices, police said.
20070120             —DEPLETED, FORMER—GOP ARKANSAS GOVERNOR—MIKE—HUCKABEE, THE—GOVERNOR?s office emergency fund in the final weeks of his administration in part to pay for THE—DESTRUCTION—OF—COMPUTER—HARD—DRIVES in his office.
20070120             —NOW, why did 1—REPUBLICAN have to destroy hard drives with records of his administration as GOVERNOR.
20070120             Doesn't that information belong to the citizens of ARKANSAS?
20070120             Guess not, if you are 1—SOVIET—STYLE—REPUBLICAN.
20070120             Richardson Looking to Explore Presidential Bid 1/20
20070120             1. - THE—CHINA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY says that the test came as 1—SURPRISE to them.
20070120             1—CHINA—OFFICIAL even told 1—GERMANY—PRESS—AGENCY "We don't know what's going on".
20070120             1—REMARKABLE—ADMISSION!
20070120             2. - The test appears to be in response to THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—OWN forays into
20070120             SPACE—BASED weaponry.
20070120             —AUTHORIZED, In late August, PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—NEW—NATIONAL—SPACE—POLICY that ignored calls for 1—GLOBAL—PROHIBITION on such tests.
20070120             The policy said THE—USA would "preserve its rights, capabilities + FREEDOM—OF—ACTION in space" and "dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing capabilities intended to do so".
20070120             (Emphasis added.) THE—CHINESE conducted their own test in order to force Bush back into treaty mode.
20070120             —ACTED, Clearly they, in haste, because the foreign ministry was caught unawares.
20070120             And this unseemly haste would indicate that we have done something —RECENTLY to make THE—CHINA—MILITARY—NERVOUS.
20070120             Could SPACE—BASED weaponry be responsible for the strange flaming objects seen in the sky over the past few years?
20070120             —TALKED, We've, about that mystery.
20070120             New examples keep coming to our attention.
20070120             Seems to me that 1—SUFFICIENTLY—ADVANCED—ANTI—SATELLITE—WEAPONS—SYSTEM might also be able to take out more than satellites.
20070120             "It looks very much like aluminum oxide dust".
20070120             The white smoke is clearly coming OUT—OF—THE—EAST—SIDE—OF—THE—BUILDING and is also seen behind the orange and sooty cloud that is rising on THE—NORTH—SIDE—OF—THE—TOWER.
20070120             It is very clear that 2—VERY—DIFFERENT—MATERIALS are exploding in the crash area: jet fuel and SOME—FORM—OF—THERMATE, which is producing the telltale white smoke.
20070120             THE—NIST report does not mention the white smoke or dust seen coming OUT—OF—THE—NORTH—TOWER and attributes these clouds to 10,000 gallons of burning fuel mixed with dust:
20070120             Atomized jet fuel is highly flammable (similar to kerosene), so both the hot debris and the numerous pieces of electrical and electronic gear in the offices were more than sufficient as ignition sources.
20070120             1—SURGE of combusting fuel rapidly filled the floors, mixing with dust from the pulverized walls and floor slabs.
20070120             —CREATED, The pressure, by the heated gases forced the ignited mist out the entrance gash and BLOWN—OUT windows on the east and SOUTH—SIDES—OF—THE—TOWER.
20070120             The resulting fireballs could be seen for miles, precipitating many 911—CALLS.
20070120             Isn't it odd that the explosion, which was supposedly caused by jet fuel combusting in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—BUILDING, did not affect the western façade as it had the eastern?
20070120             Why did THE—EAST—SIDE—OF—THE—BUILDING react so differently from the west side?
20070120             And why is the smoke coming from the east side such 1—BRIGHT—WHITE and completely lacking ANY—OF—THE—CHARACTERISTICS—OF burning jet fuel?
20070120             —PLACED, Is this where Thermate incendiary devices had been, — in the computer room of Marsh & McLennan ?
20070120             If Thermate bombs had been PRE—PLACED in the 95. floor computer room, who put them there?
20070120             Certainly Marsh & McLennan must know or have records of who had access to that room and what was in it.
20070120             This information needs to be revealed.
20070120             70—COLLEGE—STUDENTS killed in IRAQ
20070120             Why would Iraqis kill their own students?
20070120             ISRAEL is destroying IRAQ + killing Iraqis with intelligence and skills, leaving behind 1 disorganized nation of stupid sheeple, as they are doing to EUROPE and THE—USA.
20070120             —WATCHED, Have you, our video about "false flag " operations?
20070120             "We must clandestinely cooperate with SAUDI—ARABIA"
20070120             1—FORMER—ISRAELI—GENERAL openly discusses how to manipulate the stupid Americans
20070120             The "WAR—ON—TERROR"; 1—EXPENSIVE—WAY to destroy IRAQ
20070120             THE—USA—CANNOT keep electricity on —DURING
20070120             routine storms, but we can afford to destroy IRAQ.
20070120             We are all going to suffer if we cannot find enough people who are fed up with this corruption, so don't give up spreading information
20070120             Business History Review: Archives... R. W., THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—BRITISH—PETROLEUM—COMPANY: THE—DEVELOPING—YEARS... Mason, RONALD—M, Participatory and Workplace Democracy: 1—THEORETICAL...
20070120             Transatlantic ELITE—BAP - UK—USA—PROJECT for the...
20070120             In the Cabinet, Mo Mowlam, PETER—MANDELSON and CHRIS—SMITH are project alumni...
20070120             —COMBINED, Alongside 1—CAREER in UK—PETROLEUM, Butler has, political...
20070120             ARP/ATP Project Selection Process - 20030000             - UK—PETROLEUM.
20070120             Dow Chemical Company. ENTECH, INCORPORATED... PETER—MASON.
20070120             Validation and Verification of Critical Control Points in Small TEXAS Beef Slaughter.
20070120             Telegraph Shares & Funds - PAUL—KRUGMAN: 'Bösartiger als Reagan ' -
20070120             —HEUTE ziehen die Hardliner ihre Politik rigoros durch.
20070120             Da gibt es kein Zögern und kein Schwanken.
20070120             Reagan war nur ein schwacher Vorgeschmack auf Bush.
20070120             Christlicher Fundamentalismus —HEUTE A. Geschichte und Theorie —... presbyterianische Christ W.J. Bryan.
20070120             —GEWINNT, Mit ihm, die gesamte christlichfundamentalistische.
20070120             Reagan war ihr Gewährsmann in WASHINGTON.
20070120             Amery: Die Reichsreligion des Totalen MARKTES—IMPRIMATUR 3/2002
20070120             Una visita presidencial a Auschwitz El Holocausto y la fortuna de...
20070120             EMIL—RAHM—PRÜFEN & HANDELN—MEMOPRESS Verlag
20070120             The 1. time I saw MARK—HYMAN on COLUMBUS' Sinclair Television ABC affiliate,
20070120             I told the listeners of my WVKO radio show that he looked like 1—STEPFORD—CIA clone with 1—MICROCHIP
20070120             Rigorous Intuition: Brother LOVE—TRAVELLING—SALVATION—SHOW... of either stripe seem to fawningly praise Rockefeller at these.
20070120             THE—GOLDEN—LILY, Prior of Sion, Trilateral Commission, Illuminati et. al. lore only...
20070120             Suomessa polvitarkastetut chihuahuat -
20070120             Napoletano di S—GIMIGNANO* e: Golden LILY—HOT—TOUCH*... Misty MEADOW—MAGIC—MUSIC * i: Misty MEADOW—ROCKEFELLER * e: Misty MEADOW—MAGIC—FLUTE*...
20070120             THE—SPOILS OF WARBlack market gold feeds the drug trade...
20070120             In contrast to these figures, —JUST 1—OF—THE—MANY "777" Golden Lily sites... once 1—DIRECTOR—OF—THE—ROCKEFELLER—FOUNDATION + the Schroder bank (that...
20070120             Common Ground Common Sense > Connections:| Bush & YAMASHITA—GOLD.
20070120             then approached by 1—EMISSARY from DAVID—ROCKEFELLER—TRILATERAL—COMMISSION... His organisation was codenamed kin no yuri ( Golden Lily ), the title of...
20070120             Antykwariat Pabianice
20070120             Generals in grey suits : the directors of THE—INTERNATIONAL 'I.G. Farben ' cartel, their conspiracy and trial...
20070120             48. Unfortunately, SOME—OF—THE—GOLD may have been appropriated by agents operating on BEHALF—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20070120             The broadcast concludes with EXAMINATION—OF—THE—POSSIBILITY that SOME—OF—THE—GOLD was included in GEORGE—W—BUSH—BLIND—TRUST.
20070120             —MANAGED, That trust is, for him by WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH —1—CLOSE ASSOCIATE—OF—THE—BUSH—FAMILY + the descendant of 1—OF—THE—STANDARD—OIL magnates who arranged SOME—OF—THAT—COMPANY'S—AGREEMENTS with I.G. Farben.
20070120             (For more about this, see Miscellaneous Archive Show M11 —AVAILABLE from Spitfire.
20070120             FTR#370 examines the inclusion in W's blind TRUST—OF—FUNDS derived from the Bush family's involvement with the Nazis.)
20070120             "The buzz among gold hunters in Luzon was that ASSOCIATES—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH and his family were privately in the market to buy some of the bullion still being recovered from Golden Lily sites.
20070120             1—OF—THE—NAMES were being dropped by goldbugs in MANILA was THAT—OF—EAST—TEXAS oil billionaire WILLIAM—STAMPS—FARISH, 1—INTIMATE—FRIEND and fishing COMPANION—OF—THE—BUSH—FAMILY.
20070120             WILL—FARISH, who raises horses in KENTUCKY and is BOARD—CHAIRMAN—OF—CHURCHILL downs where THE—KENTUCKY DERBY is staged, had —JUST been nominated by PRESIDENT—BUSH to be AMERICA—NEW—AMBASSADOR to THE—COURT—OF—S—JAMES'S, where he was 1—PERSONAL—FRIEND—OF—QUEEN—ELIZABETH.
20070120             The buzz had special resonance because WILL—FARISH is said to be THE—MANAGER—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—BLIND—TRUST".
20070120             (Idem.) - 46. "1—OF—REAGAN—1. acts was to sign Executive Order 12333, which authorized THE—CIA + other government agencies to enter into contracts with PRIME—MINISTER—F'S, 'and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized intelligence purposes.' This put Casey —BACK—IN harness with Cline, Singlaub, Shackley, Lansdale and MANY—OTHERS purged —EARLIER, —WHILE obscuring their activities keeping THEM—THEORETICALLY at LEAST—IN the private domain. Simultaneously, Casey personally took over handling PRESIDENT—MARCOS, pressing him to provide black gold for covert purposes + finally masterminded the downfall and removal of Marcos + his bullion".
20070120             (Idem.) - Concluding the broadcast, we look at indications that Golden Lily gold may well have been recovered in the early MONTHS—OF—GEORGE—W—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070120             SOME—OF—THIS gold allegedly was used to shore up THE—USA—GOLD—RESERVES—IN and of itself 1—COMMENDABLE—USE for this Axis loot.
20070120             FTR#451—PETALS from the Golden Lily —(2 30-minute segments...
20070120             —STASHED, MUCH—OF—THE—JAPAN—GOLDEN—LILY loot that was, in THE—PHILIPPINES was...
20070120             "—WHEN Nixon resigned, PRESIDENT—FORD set up the Rockefeller Commission to...
20070120             FTR#446—FUNDS and Games—(2 30-minute segments) (Sources are...
20070120             (For more about Golden Lily and related subjects, see FTR#'s 290, 291, 426, 427... which handled the affairs of the Rockefeller family + its CHASE—BANK...
20070120             GEORGIA—COAST—TRAVEL—WRITING and Photography by LEE—FOSTER... FEATURES—OF—THE—SWAMP, such as the blue iris or golden lily pad flowers.
20070120             Place:SAXONY—GENEALOGY Foundation of the 2. Saxon state.
20070120             —BECAME, SAXONY—WITTENBERG, in present SAXONY—ANHALT, subject to the margravate of Meißen (town), DRESDEN, Saxony.
20070120             "THE—GEMA (GERMANY—RIAA) obtained 1—TEMPORARY—INJUNCTION against 'ONE—CLICK—HOSTER' Rapidshare_com. If their lawsuit is successful, THE—GEMA intends to use it as 1—BEACHHEAD against their next targets, including Youtube and MySpace.  'According to GEMA, the service... has at times boasted of making some 15—MILLION—FILES—AVAILABLE to its users. The operator had however failed to obtain from GEMA 1—LICENSE for making copyright protected files available... Through its injunctions THE—DISTRICT—COURT—IN—COLOGNE had —NOW made it clear to the company that the fact that it was the users and not THE—OPERATOR—OF—THE—SERVICES that uploaded the content onto the sites did not, from 1—LEGAL—POINT—OF—VIEW, lessen the operator's liability for copyright infringements that occurred within THE—CONTEXT—OF—THE—SERVICES, the spokesman added.'"
20070120             THE—BIRTH—OF—QUANTUM—BIOLOGY
20070120             "—JUST—WHEN you finally have grasped the concept of quantum mechanics, it's time to wake up and to see the arrival of 1—NASCENT field named quantum biology. This is the scientific study of biological processes in terms of quantum mechanics and it uses —TODAY—HIGH—PERFORMANCE—COMPUTERS to precisely model these processes. And this is what researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) are doing, using powerful computer models to reveal biological mechanisms. Right —NOW, they're working on a "nanoswitch" that might be used for 1—VARIETY—OF—APPLICATIONS, such as targeted drug delivery to sensors".
20070120             Startup Tries Watermarking Instead of DRM
20070120             "1—UK startup called Streamburst has 1—NOVEL—IDEA: selling downloadable video with watermarks instead of DRM. The system works by adding a 5-2. intro to EACH—DOWNLOAD that shows THE—NAME—OF—THE—PERSON who bought the movie along with something like 1—WATERMARK: 'it's not technically 1—WATERMARK in the usual SENSE—OF—THAT—TERM, but the encoding process does strip out 1—UNIQUE—SERIES—OF—BITS from the file. The missing information is 1—MINUSCULE portion of the overall file that does not affect video quality, according to Bjarnason, but does allow the company to discover who purchased 1—PARTICULAR—FILE.' The goal is to 'make people accountable for their actions without artificially restricting those actions.'"
20070120             Slow Light = Fast Computing
20070120             "THE—WASHINGTON—POST is reporting that scientists have been able to slow THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT—WHILE still maintaining its ability to transmit information. The researchers have even developed 1—WAY to 'tune' the process, modulating how fast or slow the light goes within controlled circumstances.  'Scientists said —YESTERDAY that they had achieved 1—LONG—SOUGHT goal of slowing WAVES—OF—LIGHT to 1—RELATIVELY leisurely pace and using those harnessed pulses to store 1—IMAGE. Physicists said the new approach to taming light could hasten the arrival of 1—FUTURISTIC—ERA in which computers and other devices will process information on optical beams instead of with electricity, which for all its spark is still cumbersome compared with light.'"
20070120             Behind the Scenes at MIT—NETWORK
20070120             "MIT—HEAD—OF—COMPUTER—NETWORKS and security gives 1—INSIDE look at how the techie school is fending off hackers, cranking up its network to handle voice over IP and become 1—FIBER network operator to link to other research institutions.
20070120             'Q—HOW do you actually enforce security standards among MIT—DEPARTMENTS and network users?
20070120             A - Enforce is not 1—WORD you can use at MIT.
20070120             We try to entice people to do the right thing. We've made 1—LOT—OF—PROGRESS.
20070120             —REMOVED, We've, the financial incentive to run your own network, which used to be cheaper than having us do it.
20070120             We've been 1—COST—RECOVERY—NETWORK—SINCE forever —NOW though.
20070120             At MANY—UNIVERSITIES the network is free and they —JUST fund it out of operating costs.'"
20070120             Solar Power Eliminates Utility Bills in USA—HOME
20070120             "Yahoo! News is running 1—ARTICLE about 1—NEW—JERSEY home that uses solar power to provide 100—PERCENT—OF—ITS—ENERGY—NEEDS, including fuel for the owner's hydrogen fuel CELL—POWERED automobile.  'Strizki runs the 3,000—SQUARE—FOOT—HOUSE with electricity generated by a 1,000—SQUARE—FOOT—ROOF—FULL—OF—PHOTOVOLTAIC—CELLS on 1—NEARBY building, 1—ELECTROLYZER that uses the solar power to generate hydrogen from water + 1—NUMBER—OF hydrogen tanks that store the gas —UNTIL it is needed by the fuel cell. In the —SUMMER, the solar panels generate 60—PERCENT more electricity than THE—SUPER—INSULATED house needs. The excess is stored in the form of hydrogen which is used in the —WINTER -- —WHEN the solar panels can't meet all the domestic demand -- to make electricity in the fuel cell.'"
20070120             USA To Certify Labs For Testing E—VOTING Machines
20070120             "In 1—CLEAR counter to the recent CRITICISMS—OF—SECRECY involving Ciber labs the National INSTITUTE—OF—STANDARDS and Technology (NIST) has issued recommendations (pdf) to the Election Assistance Commission (EAC). NIST recommends the accreditation of 2—LABS, iBeta Quality Assurance and SysTest Labs. The recommendation, emphasizing the need for transparency, includes ON—SITE—ASSESSMENT—REPORTS, lab responses + ON—SITE—REVIEWS for EACH—LAB. These reports shed much needed light into the process of voting machine certification. Learn more from the Q&As About NIST EVALUATION—OF—LABORATORIES that Test Voting Systems".
20070120             Surgical Microbot Developed
20070120             - Zonk 96 -Wired article about the 1. surgical nanobot developed for practical use.
20070120             —INTENDED, No wider that 2—HUMAN—HAIRS, the machine is, to swim through arteries and the digestive tract + can perform surgical procedures in spaces no bigger than 250—MICRONS.
20070120             The article also addresses safety concerns;
20070120             the bot will swim upstream from blood flow, so if something goes wrong it can be retrieved on its way back.
20070120             Likewise, for the most delicate procedures it can be fitted with 1—TETHER, to ensure it doesn't get lost.
20070120             "The tiny robot, small enough to pass through the heart and other organs, will be inserted using 1—SYRINGE. Guided by remote control, it will swim to 1—SITE within the body to perform 1—SERIES—OF—TASKS, then return to THE—POINT—OF—ENTRY where it can be extracted, again by syringe. For example, the microrobot might deliver 1—PAYLOAD of expandable glue to the site of 1 damaged cranial artery -- 1—PROCEDURE typically fraught with risk because posterior human brain arteries lay behind 1 complicated set of bends at the base of the skull beyond the reach of all but the most flexible catheters".
20070120             Pluto Probe Snaps Jupiter Pictures
20070120             "THE—NEW—HORIZONS probe, on its way to Pluto and beyond, is —NOW speeding toward Jupiter. —TODAY the team released some of the early data and pictures, which are the 1. CLOSE—RANGE—SHOTS—OF—THE—GIANT planet —SINCE the robotic Cassini spacecraft passed that way 20010000             ".
20070120             BILL—TO—TREAT—BLOGGERS as Lobbyists Defeated
20070120             "The attempt to require political bloggers to register as lobbyists previously reported by Slashdot has been stripped out of the lobbying reform bill. The vote was 55 to 43 to defeat the provision. All 48—REPUBLICANS, as well as 7—DEMOCRATS, voted against requiring bloggers to register; all 43—VOTES in favor of keeping the registration provision were by Democrats".
20070120             Nobel Prize Winners Live Longer
20070120             "1—NEW—STUDY finds those who won Nobel Prizes 19010000—19500000    —BETWEEN lived about 2—YEARS—LONGER than nominees who didn't win. The researchers conclude that the instantly conferred social status leads to health benefits. From the story: 'The research rules out the possibility that intervening PRIZE—RELATED money itself adds the years through improved prosperity.' If you're thinking of aiming for the prize, pick the right field. Nobel laureates in physics lived nearly 1—YEAR—LONGER than winners in chemistry".
20070120             Listening Robot Senses Snipers
20070120             "Popular Science has 1—BRIEF—PIECE on the RedOwl, 1—BRAINY—LOOKING flightless robot that can 'read 1—NAMETAG from across 1—FOOTBALL—FIELD and identify the make and model of 1—RIFLE fired 1—MILE away simply by analyzing the sound of the distant blast.' For 1—PALTRY $150,000, the machine utilizes robotic hearing technology originally developed by BOSTON UNIVERSITY—PHOTONICS—CENTER to improve hearing aids to sense 1—SHOT fired and pinpoint its source, identify it as 1—HOSTILE or friendly weapon + illuminate the target with 1—LASER—VISIBLE—ONLY with night vision. THE—REDOWL, built on 1—IROBOT packbot platform and controlled via 1—MODIFIED—XBOX videogame controller, can figure out the location of 1—TARGET 3,000—FEET away, allowing troops to call in 1—PRECISION—AIR—STRIKE".
20070120             FBI Arrests Neteller Execs
20070120             "In 1—FOLLOW—UP to 20060000             —THE law attacking INTERNET gambling, THE—FBI arrested 2—FORMER—NETELLER executives in 'connection with the creation and operation of 1—INTERNET—PAYMENT—SERVICES—COMPANY that facilitated THE—TRANSFER—OF—BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS—OF—ILLEGAL gambling proceeds.' Apparently, the execs were 'ambushed' as they passed through THE—USA on connecting flights. Consequently, Neteller has dropped all GAMBLING—RELATED activity to USA—CUSTOMERS, 1—MOVE not expected for several months".
20070120             60ER—BAND "THE—MAMAS and the Papas": Papa DENNY—DOHERTY gestorben
20070120             Älteste Frau der Welt: Friedlich entschlafen mit 115—JAHREN
20070120             JOURNALISTEN—MORD in der Türkei: "Es gibt genug Verrückte mit der Pistole in der Hand"
20070120             E20070000             .2002 involvierter, namentlich nicht genannter SPD—POLITIKER sagte den "Stuttgarter Nachrichten": "BERLIN wünschte sich einen erstklassigen Freispruch für Kurnaz ".
20070120             Er fügte hinzu: "Die Regierung wollte sich nicht jemanden ans Bein binden, der keinen deutschen, sondern einen türkischen Pass hatte und der aus USA—SICHT immerhin so gefährlich war, dass er 24—STUNDEN am —TAG zu beobachten ist".
20070120             Der VIZE—FRAKTIONSCHEF der Grünen, JÜRGEN—TRITTIN, sagte der "Frankfurter Rundschau", es sei unbestritten, "dass das Bundesinnenministerium damals mit Deckung des Kanzleramts versucht hat, die Freilassung von Murat Kurnaz zu hintertreiben".
20070120             Der CDU—AUßENPOLITIKER ANDREAS—SCHOCKENHOFF sagte der "Welt am —SONNTAG": "Die Bundesregierung muss —SCHON sehr starke sicherheitspolitische Gründe gehabt haben, um sich nicht für die Freilassung von Kurnaz einzusetzen".
20070120             Die CDU—ABGEORDNETE Kristina Köhler sagte der Zeitung, es habe keinerlei Gründe gegeben, "Kurnaz in diesem rechtlosen Zustand in Guantánamo verharren zu lassen".
20070120             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—AUSSCHUSSES, SIEGFRIED—KAUDER (CDU), sagte der "Welt", für konkrete Vorwürfe sei es noch zu früh. Sollte sich aber nach Aufklärung des Falls bewahrheiten, dass die damalige ROT—GRÜNE Bundesregierung es tatsächlich unterlassen habe, sich für einen unschuldig einsitzenden Bürger einzusetzen, "dann kann das nicht ohne Konsequenzen bleiben".
20070120             Steinmeiers Sprecher stellte —HEUTE eine baldige AUSSAGE—DES—MINISTERS in Aussicht.
20070120             Warum ging die Bundesregierung 20020000             nicht auf die Angebote der USA—BEHÖRDEN ein, den deutschen GUANTÁNAMO—HÄFTLING Murat Kurnaz freizulassen?
20070120             FRANK—WALTER Steinmeier, damals Kanzleramtschef, gerät zunehmend unter Druck.
20070120             Der MINISTER kündigte an, bald vor dem Untersuchungsausschuss auszusagen.
20070120             Das Rheinland ist den Eburonen 1—AUSSTELLUNG schuldig.
20070120             —GEMACHT, Es sollte 1—AUSSAGE über ihr Schicksal, werden, über die ganze Tragik uns so, am besten irgendwo am Rhein.
20070120             XANTEN, Köln, BONN oder MAINZ oder so.
20070120             Als Thema käme Supergeil das Schicksal einer KELTISCH—GERMANISCHEN Familie in der Zeit der gallischen Kriege à la Tolstoi zum Tragen (zum heulen).
20070120             Arbeitstitel: Römer, Kelten und Germanen.
20070120             Krieg und Frieden im Rheinland und die daraus resultierende Romanisierung (zu lang).
20070120             Fall Kurnaz : Steinmeier in Erklärungsnot
20070120             MEDIEN—KRISE: Älteste Zeitung der Welt wird nicht mehr gedruckt
20070120             Zurück ins Weiße Haus: Hillary Clinton steigt in Präsidentschaftswahlkampf ein
20070120             The idiot's guide to pronouncing "nuclear" and other difficult words (satire)
20070120             —CRITICISED, THE—HEAD—OF—ISRAEL—CENTRAL—HOLOCAUST memorial has, Jewish settlers who harass Palestinians in THE—WEST—BANK—CITY—OF—HEBRON.
20070120             Gonzales ' Trojan horse.
20070120             —BY PATRICK—RADDEN—KEEFE—SLATE MAGAZINE—BG - Gonzales ' Trojan HORSEFISA—APPROVED surveillance may not be 1—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—COUP.
20070120             Unbowed - - JOE—LIEBERMAN believes 1—BIPARTISAN stampede out of IRAQ will result in devastating consequences.
20070120             —BY KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL—THE Coming Exaflood -
20070120             'Network neutrality' will inhibit all the technological innovations currently on the edge.
20070120             —BY BRET SWANSON—AL—JAZEERA—ENGLISH - Central/S. ASIA
20070120             —DENIED, PAKISTAN—ARMY has, claims by tribesmen that 1—USA—AIRCRAFT was involved in 1—BOMBING raid on their village in which innocent people †.
20070120             Context to the coverage of THE—LONDON Bombings, etc.
20070120             —REPORTED, It was, by AP that THE—ISRAEL—EMBASSY received advance WARNING—OF—THE—ATTACKS from SCOTLAND Yard.
20070120             —REPORTED, USA—ARMY—RADIO, very much the same thing.
20070120             —REPORTED, —LATER, LONDON Police CHIEF—SIR—IAN—BLAIR is, as stating that there was no advance warning.
20070120             Obviously, both can't be true.
20070120             Either there was 1—WARNING —BEFORE the bombs went off, or there wasn't. The contradiction was quickly... Source:
20070120             Reversing itself, the Defense Department says 1—ESPIONAGE—REPORT it produced that warned about CANADA—COINS with tiny RADIO—FREQUENCY transmitters
20070120             Negroponte: Spy Program Was 'Critical'
20070120             Defense official says Pentagon hid unspent funds in ACCOUNTS—USATODAY_COM—BG - Defense official says Pentagon hid unspent funds in accounts
20070120             HENRY—KISSINGER : IRAQ really is all about the oil + we'll be there for 1—LONG, long time | CorrenteWire
20070120             PRESIDENT—AND—VICE—PRESIDENT—SAY—AMERICANS dont know enuff
20070120             USA trying to spread instability from IRAQ to LEBANON
20070120             IRAN Focus: TEHRAN—IRAN, Kucinich Supports War, Zionism And GLOBALIZATION—BG -
20070120             GERMANY—EX—CHANCELLOR—ACCUSED—OF 'abandoning' GERMAN—BORN Gitmo detainee
20070120             [JURIST] MEMBERS—OF—1—GERMANY—PARLIAMENTARY—COMMITTEE investigating the detention of GERMAN—BORN Turk Murat Kurnaz [Wikipedia profile] at GUANTANAMO Bay alleged —THURSDAY that THE—GOVERNMENT—OF—GERMANY—EX—CHANCELLOR—GERHARD—SCHROEDER [BBC profile] allowed hi...
20070120             Source: AIPAC is pushing us to war with IRAN for ISRAEL - What Would We Do Without Moles?
20070120             LIBBY—TRIAL—CRAFTED to Protect BUSH—CHENEY Gang (by WILLIAM—HUGHES) - Media Monitors Network (MMN)- BG -
20070120             "1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR—ON—IRAN"
20070120             —DETAINED, The soldiers, 6—PEOPLE, including diplomats, according to the Iranians + seized documents and computers in THE—PRE—DAWN raid which was condemned by IRAN.
20070120             1—LEADING—UK—BASED—IRAN specialist, ALI—ANSARI, said the incident was an "extreme provocation".
20070120             —DELIVERED, RUSSIA—MISSILES, to IRAN Excerpt:
20070120             —DELIVERED, RUSSIA has, new ANTI—AIRCRAFT—MISSILE—SYSTEMS to IRAN and will consider further requests by TEHRAN for defensive weapons, RUSSIA—DEFENSE—MINISTER—SERGEI—IVANOV said on —TUESDAY.
20070120             "We have supplied the modern SHORT—RANGE—ANTI—AIRCRAFT—SYSTEMS—TOR—M1 in accordance with our contracts," Ivanov told reporters.
20070120             "IRAN is not under sanctions and if it wants to buy defensive... equipment for its armed forces then why not?"
20070120             Impeachment: Hurry up! HERE—WHY...
20070120             —BY Pavel C., Unknown News Excerpt:
20070120             Bush doesn't see that he is creating his own failures.
20070120             He thinks that all this is someone else's fault.
20070120             And he is emotionally lashing out, using THE—USA—MILITARY as 1—SUBSTITUTE for facing reality.
20070120             He is in denial, still thinking he has 1—CHANCE to redeem everything by continuing as —BEFORE.
20070120             The coming 3. front in BUSH—WAR
20070120             —BY THE—CANADIAN, Unknown News
20070120             Excerpt: There is nothing more dangerous than 1—ZEALOT, be they Persian, Arab, Israeli or USA—FUNDAMENTALIST—CHRISTIAN.
20070120             —ANTICIPATED, THE—USA—HAS—RE—ELECTED 1—MAN more dangerous than I had.
20070120             SOMALIA for dummies
20070120             Comment: In brief, we are attacking 1—POPULAR—MUSLIM group that has had 1—STABILIZING effect on SOMALIA and which has no proven ties to al Qaeda, by claiming that they're in league with al Qaeda.
20070120             Plus, our violent actions are creating MANY—ACTUAL—TERRORISTS.
20070120             It's 1—LITTLE—LIKE—IRAQ, if Saddam had been really popular and if the invasion of IRAQ got almost no press coverage.
20070120             Madeline ZANE—PERMANENT LINK
20070120             I hate to say Bush is right about anything, but...
20070120             —BY Herb Ruhs, MD, Unknown NEWS—EXCERPT: What goes —AROUND comes —AROUND.
20070120             We should consider ourselves lucky to eventually suffer anything less than complete annihilation at THE—HANDS—OF—THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD for the crimes AMERICA has participated in.
20070120             Bush the liar and unfortunately still the decider
20070120             Excerpt: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, posing as THE—LEGITIMATELY—ELECTED GOVERNMENT—OF—THE—PEOPLE, is 1—CRIMINAL—ENTITY which has seized + maintained power through the manipulation of 2—NATIONAL—ELECTIONS in order to carry out 1—AGENDA based on the Project for the New USA—CENTURY, the blueprint for American + ISRAEL—HEGEMONY over the oil producing NATIONS—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20070120             Obama /Muslim smear spreads.
20070120             - NICO—MEDIA—MATTERS—TRACKS —TODAY—RIGHT—WING talking point.
20070120             Chavez admits Castro gravely ill VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ says that CUBA—LEADER—FIDEL Castro is "battling for his life".
20070120             Bird flu prompts cull in S KOREA SOUTH—KOREA prepares to destroy almost 300,000 poultry —AFTER a fresh outbreak of a virulent STRAIN—OF—BIRD flu.
20070120             —KILLED, Tests confirm ABU—SAYYAF death DNA tests confirm 1—MAN, by PHILIPPINES troops was AL—QAEDA—LINKED ABU—SAYYAF leader Khaddafy Janjalani.
20070120             Australians face snake invasion AUSTRALIA—WILDLIFE experts warn that 1—DROUGHT is driving tens of THOUSANDS—OF—THIRSTY snakes into urban areas.
20070120             World Social Forum opens in KENYA Activists march in NAIROBI at THE—START—OF—THE—WORLD—SOCIAL—FORUM, 1—ANNUAL—MEETING—OF—ANTI—CAPITALIST—GROUPS.
20070120             MEXICO extradites drug suspects MEXICO—EXTRADITES key drugs smuggling suspects to THE—USA, including the reputed LEADER—OF—1—POWERFUL—DRUG—CARTEL.
20070120             Bush to be briefed on MIDDLE—EAST—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush is to be briefed on THE—MID—EAST—TRIPS—OF his SECRETARY—OF—STATE and defence CHIEF.
20070120             Labour anger over honours arrest Labour politicians question police tactics in arresting 1—SENIOR—AIDE to TONY—BLAIR in the "CASH—FOR—HONOURS" probe.
20070120             How the Camera Phone Changed the World
20070120             "—10—YEARS—AFTER the amazing PHILIPPE—KAHN oo 1—CELL—PHONE and 1—DIGITAL—CAMERA to capture THE—BIRTH—OF—DAUGHTER—SOPHIE, Slate takes 1—LOOK at THE—IMPACT—OF—THE—CAMERA—PHONE, the gadget that perverts, vigilantes + celebrity stalkers can all agree on. 'With this KIND—OF—DEVICE,' Kahn told Wired, 'you're going to see the best and THE—WORST—OF—THINGS.'"
20070120             Microsoft, Google Agree to NGO CODE—OF—CONDUCT
20070120             Aditi.Tuteja writes "Technology companies have come under fire for providing equipment or software that permits governments to censor information or monitor the online or offline activities of their citizens. For example, —LAST—YEAR, GOOGLE—APPROACH to THE—CHINA—MARKET was criticized over its creation of 1 censored, local VERSION—OF—ITS—SEARCH—ENGINE. Microsoft, Google + 2—OTHER—TECHNOLOGY—COMPANIES will develop 1—CODE—OF—CONDUCT with 1—COALITION—OF nongovernmental organizations (NGO) to promote FREEDOM—OF—EXPRESSION and privacy rights, they announced —FRIDAY. THE—2—COMPANIES along with Yahoo + Vodafone Group said the new guidelines are THE—RESULT—OF—TALKS with Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) and the Berkman Center for INTERNET & Society at Harvard Law School".
20070120             So we were beyond infinite! ('To infinity and beyond,' to steal 1—LINE from Toy Story.) In our experiment, we measured 1—NEGATIVE—TRANSIT—TIME corresponding to 1—NEGATIVE—GROUP—VELOCITY—OF -52—M/s".
20070120             Robertson.
20070120             "Using the definition for speed as being equal to distance divided by time, we measured 1—NEGATIVE—TIME and thus realized 1—NEGATIVE—VELOCITY".
20070120             —EXCEED, It might not seem that 1—NEGATIVE—VELOCITY would, THE—SPEED—OF—LIGHT, but in this case, Robertson said, the speed of the pulse is actually much faster than c.
20070120             Corals show Aussie drought link to ASIA—MONSOON Space & Earth science /Earth Sciences 19—HOURS—AGO | User rating: not shown ( 3—VOTE(s) )
20070120             Droughts of greater severity and length could be in store for AUSTRALIA and INDONESIA if the Asian
20070120             Improved Nanodots Could Be Key to Future Data Storage Nanotechnology /Physics 16—HOURS—AGO | User rating: 5/5—AFTER 7—VOTE(s)
20070120             The massive global challenge of storing digital data--storage needs reportedly double EVERY—YEAR--may be met with 1—TINY yet powerful solution: magnetic particles —JUST 1—FEW billionths of 1—METER across.
20070120             This.
20070120             ULTRA—DENSE—OPTICAL—STORAGE -- on 1—PHOTON
20070120             There is 1—DARK—SIDE to the humble raindrop - USA high school physics enrollment up
20070120             CHINA under pressure to explain satellite missile strike
20070120             Hackers Attack GORBACHEV—WEB—SITE
20070120             "If you have the most valuable nickel in the world + if nobody knows about it, it's —JUST worth 1—NICKEL" he said.
20070120             It may be that the world's most famously enigmatic woman has shed SOME—OF—HER—MYSTERY.
20070120             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX at 4:56 PM
20070120             Mystery visitor makes 58. appearance at POE—GRAVE
20070120             For the 58. —YEAR in 1—ROW, 1—MYSTERY—VISITOR has paid tribute to EDGAR—ALLAN—POE by placing roses and 1—BOTTLE—OF cognac on the writer's grave to mark his birthday.
20070120             Finding Aid Name Index Browse (full view)
20070120             PEP WEB—FREUD + Moses. THE—LONG—JOURNEY—HOME
20070120             —REFLECTED, FREUD—LONG—COURTSHIP—OF + problems in marrying Martha Bernays, the discomfort within the Bernays family about permitting a "Galician Jew" to...
20070120             ArchiveGrid_ORG—HISTORICAL—SOURCES from THOUSANDS—OF—ARCHIVES
20070120             Bernays family ; Bernays, ISAAC—CORRESPONDENCE; Bernays, Jacob... Megillas´ V?ints;
20070120             Heller FAMILY—ARCHIVES; Heller FAMILY—GENEALOGY;
20070120             Hempel... - Sigmund FREUD—WIKIPEDIA BERNAYS—MOTHER, ANNA—FREUD—BERNAYS, was sister to Sigmund.
20070120             BERNAYS—FATHER... Freud also recommended it to MANY—OF—HIS—CLOSE—FAMILY and friends.
20070120             Finding Aid Search Results (full view) 3—FINDING Aids were found containing bernays family.
20070120             1, EDWARD—L—BERNAYS : 1—REGISTER—OF—HIS—PAPERS in THE—LIBRARY—OF—CONGRESS -- (filesize 580K).
20070120             Bernays biography PAUL—BERNAYS—FAMILY were SWITZERLAND—BUT, —AFTER 1—SHORT—TIME in LONDON, his family moved to PARIS.
20070120             —MOVED, From PARIS the family, to BERLIN where Paul attended the.
20070120             WATCH—ARCHIVED news and commentary: 20070904—20100904    , 20060000
20070120             But the protests 'rose and fell in tandem with the suicide bomb attacks... EDWARD—KAPLAN—OF—YALE—UNIVERSITY—SCHOOL—OF—MANAGEMENT + CHARLES—SMALL—OF...
20070120             —FOILED, Suicide bombers not easily, by TECHNOLOGY—MECH—TECH - 04 ...
20070120             —WHEN it comes to preventing SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACKS—TECHNOLOGY cannot beat good... according to EDWARD—KAPLAN at Yale UNIVERSITY—CONNECTICUT, USA.
20070120             Tears reveal SOME—OF—THEIR—DEEPEST—SECRETS to RESEARCHERS—IT—NO—SECRET why we shed tears.
20070120             —REMAINED, But exactly what our tears are made of has, 1—MYSTERY to scientists.
20070120             Whoops! Spy coins not true
20070120             Suuuure. With pic.
20070120             —POSTED—BY—PROFESSOR—HEX—USA condemns CHINA 'space weapon' :
20070120             THE—AMERICANS say THE—CHINA—SENT up 1—BALLISTIC—MISSILE to destroy 1—AGEING weather satellite.
20070120             They say the test went against THE—SPIRIT—OF—CO—OPERATION both countries aspire to in THE—AREA—OF—CIVIL—SPACE.
20070120             —BASED, Pentagon 'detainee" manual may lead to executions, on 'hearsay evidence':
20070120             "We have learned that the Pentagon has —JUST completed 1—MANUAL for the coming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorist to be imprisoned or executed using hearsay evidence or coerced testimony," said Nora O'Donnell, THE—CHIEF—WASHINGTON correspondent for NBC
20070120             Gonzales warns judges not to meddle : ATTORNEY—GENERAL—ALBERTO—GONZALES on —WEDNESDAY warned federal judges not to meddle in cases involving national security, —FOLLOWING 1—STRING of judicial REBUKES—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—ANTI—TERRORISM—INITIATIVES.
20070120             2—USA—ATTORNEYS—QUIT, Critics Say Bush Forced Them Out :
20070120             2—USA—ATTORNEYS in CALIFORNIA announced they are stepping down, as critics alleged political pressure from THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION was pushing them and others out of their jobs.
20070120             ACLU Report Shows Widespread Pentagon SURVEILLANCE—OF—PEACE—ACTIVISTS : THE—USA—CIVIL—LIBERTIES—UNION—TODAY released 1—NEW—REPORT revealing that the Pentagon monitored at least 186—ANTI—MILITARY—PROTESTS in THE—USA and collected more than 2,800 reports involving Americans in 1—ANTI—TERRORIST—THREAT—DATABASE.
20070120             Foreclosures Up 35% from '05 - '06; Subprime to Blame:
20070120             Americans continue having difficulties paying their mortgage obligations, with December foreclosure rates above the 100,000 mark for the 5. straight —MONTH
20070120             USA—HOUSING bust getting worse, warns Goldman Sachs :
20070120             THE—USA—FEDERAL—RESERVE will need to slash interest rates 3—TIMES this —YEAR as the housing slump goes from bad to worse + THE—USA—CONSUMER begins to buckle, Goldman Sachs has warned.
20070120             "Americans have shown 1—COMPLETE—LACK—OF—SELF—CONTROL.
20070120             EXISTING—HOME—SALES to fall 8.1% 20070000             : Fannie Mae :
20070120             Bernanke WARNS—OF—THREAT to USA—PROSPERITY :
20070120             —WARNED, Fed chairman BEN—BERNANKE, in stark terms on —THURSDAY—OF—THE—LONG—TERM—THREAT to USA—PROSPERITY posed by the soaring cost of unfunded entitlement programmes such as Medicare and Social Security.
20070120             Hysteria Over IRAN and 1—NEW—COLD—WAR with RUSSIA:
20070120             Peak Oil, Petrocurrencies and the Emerging MULTI—POLAR World
20070120             —DISCOVERED, IRAN discovers new onshore oil field : IRAN has, 1—NEW onshore oil field with 1 estimated reserve of 2—BILLION barrels, STATE—RUN—TELEVISION reported —THURSDAY.
20070120             MICHAEL—T—KLARE : PETRO—POWER and the Nuclear Renaissance:
20070120             -Not "ISLAMO—FASCISM" but "ENERGO—FASCISM" -- the heavily militarized global struggle over diminishing SUPPLIES—OF—ENERGY—WILL dominate world affairs (+ darken the lives of ordinary citizens) in the decades to come
20070120             It's 5—MINUTES to Armageddon - + Hawking tells the world to wake up
20070120             BUSH—WAR—STRATEGY—SHIFTS to IRAN, CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS—GEAR—UP for the Apocalypse : CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS are dancing the hora in S—ANTONIO.
20070120             Armageddon appears to be at hand.
20070120             ISRAEL calls for harsher IRAN sanctions:
20070120             —URGED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER—TZIPI—LIVNI —TODAY, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMUNITY to impose harsher sanctions on IRAN over its nuclear program, but
20070120             stopped short of calling for military action.
20070120             IRAN 'ready' for nuke strike: IRAN believes that 1—MILITARY—STRIKE against its nuclear installations is "highly improbable" but has nonetheless taken the necessary precautions in case it is attacked.
20070120             TURKEY welcomes USA—RAID on IRAQ camp, wants more:
20070120             —WELCOMED, TURKEY on —THURSDAY, 1—RAID by USA and IRAQ—FORCES on 1—REFUGEE—CAMP—OF—TURKEY—KURDS in NORTH—IRAQ as a 1. step towards combating Kurdish rebels, but insisted the camp must be shut down
20070120             —WANTED, IRAQ seeks, SADDAM—AIDES in Syria : Talabani told Reuters 1—OFFICIAL—REQUEST will be made —AFTER security officials accompanying him on 1—VISIT to Syria -- the 1. by 1—IRAQ—PRESIDENT in decades -- finish meetings with their SYRIA—COUNTERPARTS and return to BAGHDAD.
20070120             —TORTURED, SADDAM—AIDES were, by executioners, defence team claims : The defence team of executed IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM Hussein on —WEDNESDAY charged that 2—FORMER—SADDAM aides were 'killed and tortured' and not executed as claimed by THE—IRAQ—AUTHORITIES.
20070120             Top IRAQ—REBUKES USA on IRAN: 1—OF—THE—MOST powerful Shia leaders in IRAQ has condemned recent USA action against IRAN.
20070120             —CAPTURED, IRAN envoy: IRAQ to free, Iranians : IRAN—AMBASSADOR said —THURSDAY that IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER promised him that Iranians captured by USA—TROOPS in NORTH—OF—THE—COUNTRY last —WEEK will be freed "within days," adding that their detention was 1—INSULT to THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT and people.
20070120             SENATOR—HAGEL introduces resolution opposing Bush troop plan : The resolution, sponsored by Senators.
20070120             Hagel, JOSEPH—BIDEN, D—DELAWARE, CARL—LEVIN, D—MICHIGAN + Olympia Snowe, R—MAINE, is the latest effort congressional OPPONENTS—OF—BUSH—WAR—PLAN are using to persuade THE—PRESIDENT to change course on AMERICA—WAR in IRAQ.
20070120             Full Text of Bipartisan Resolution Opposing IRAQ War Escalation [pdf]
20070120             Genocide in GAZA, Ethnic Cleansing in THE—WEST—BANK
20070120             1—CREEPING transfer in THE—WEST—BANK and 1 measured genocidal policy in THE—GAZA Strip are THE—2—STRATEGIES—ISRAEL employs —TODAY.
20070120             —FROM 1—ELECTORAL—POINT—OF—VIEW, the 1 in GAZA is problematic as it does not reap ANY—TANGIBLE—RESULTS;
20070120             THE—WEST—BANK—UNDER—ABU—MAZEN is yielding to ISRAEL—PRESSURE and there is no significant force that arrests THE—ISRAEL—STRATEGY—OF—ANNEXATION and dispossession.
20070120             1—NEW—CHANCE—FOR—PEACE?
20070120             The clear fact is that ISRAEL will never find peace —UNTIL it is willing to withdraw from its neighboring occupied territories and permit the Palestinians to exercise their basic human and political rights.
20070120             Nothing but the oil truth
20070120             It is not SURPRISING—THAT—BUSH will order additional 20,000 USA—SOLDIERS to risk their lives in IRAQ.
20070120             They will be needed to fight "terrorism" that is sure to rise as Iraqis resist the raping of their country.
20070120             The world will be treated to 1—CONTINUING spectacle of bloodletting.
20070120             Young Iraqis dying to stop and young Anglo/Americans dying to ensure IRAQ—WEALTH going to enrich Bush and CHENEY—ALREADY rich buddies.
20070120             —ASKED, My question, MISTER—PRESIDENT: If God, you to bombard, invade and occupy IRAQ —FOR—4—YEARS, why did he send 1—OPPOSITE—MESSAGE to THE—PAPA?
20070120             Did you not know that your father, GEORGE—BUSH, SENIOR, his SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JAMES—BAKER and his National Security Advisor GENERAL—SCOWCROFT were all opposed to your invasion?
20070120             Wouldn't you, our troops, THE—USA—PEOPLE and the Iraqis all be much better off if you had listened to your more experienced elders including your earthly father?
20070120             Instead of blaming God for the awful catastrophe you have unleashed in IRAQ.
20070120             WEST—COMPLICITY In THE—HALABJA—MASSACRE -5—MINUTE VIDEO—SHOCKING clip from 1—FRANCE—DOCUMENTARY exposing how governments and corporations in the west knowingly aided and abetted SADDAM—MOST ruthless crimes.
20070120             Is ENERGO—FASCISM In Your Future?
20070120             It has once again become fashionable for the dwindling SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—BUSH—FUTILE war in IRAQ to stress the danger of "ISLAMO—FASCISM" and the supposed drive by followers of OSAMA—BIN—LADEN to establish 1—MONOLITHIC, TALIBAN—LIKE—REGIME -- a "Caliphate" -- stretching from GIBRALTAR to INDONESIA.
20070120             —PREORDAINED, History is not : 1—NEW—COLD—WAR can be averted
20070120             USA—MILITARY—ARROGANCE has led to 1—GLOBAL—CRISIS.
20070120             But there is still time to change course and build 1—DEMOCRATIC—WORLD—ORDER.
20070120             IRAN—PRESIDENT—DID—NOT—SAY "ISRAEL must be wiped off the map"
20070120             Across the world, 1—DANGEROUS rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications.
20070120             —THREATENED, According to legend, IRAN—PRESIDENT has, to destroy ISRAEL, or, to quote the misquote, "ISRAEL must be wiped off the map".
20070120             Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as this article will prove.
20070120             —BLASTED, SENATOR—LEAHY—SLAMS—GONZALEZ—OVER—TORTURE : SENATOR—LEAHY, ALBERTO—GONZALEZ at todays briefing over the treatment of Maher Arar, 1—CANADA—CITIZEN who was detained and sent to Syria, where he was regularly tortured for almost 1—YEAR—BEFORE being released uncharged.
20070120             Medical Apartheid:
20070120             THE—DARK—HISTORY—OF—MEDICAL—EXPERIMENTATION on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present
20070120             BILL—MOYERS: Life on the Plantation : Video: It has long been said (ostensibly by BENJAMIN—FRANKLIN, but we can't be sure) that "democracy is 2—WOLVES and 1—LAMB voting on what to have for dinner.
20070120             Liberty is 1—WELL—ARMED lamb contesting the vote".
20070120             My fellow lambs: ROBERT—PARRY : Scooter LIBBY—TIME—TRAVEL—TRIAL:
20070120             The real significance of the Libby trial is that it could demonstrate how far GEORGE—W—BUSH went
20070120             Prosecutor: OHIO County Rigged Recount:
20070120             3—COUNTY—ELECTIONS—WORKERS conspired to avoid 1—MORE—THOROUGH—RECOUNT—OF—BALLOTS in the
20070120             Rogers Says Oil WILL—RISE to $100—AFTER `Correction':
20070120             Oil will resume its march toward $100 1—BARREL —AFTER a ``correction,'' said JIM—ROGERS, who in
20070120             Professor says AMERICAN—SEEKS AFGHANISTAN Oil Deal:
20070120             The mounting USA—MILITARY—PRESENCE in AFGHANISTAN and other CENTRAL—ASIA—COUNTRIES may enable Chevron, EXXON—MOBIL, UNOCAL + other giant corporations to lay claim to "THE—NUMBER—1—PRIZE in world oil".
20070120             But THE—EXTENSION—OF—USA—MILITARY—POWER and economic domination into this region comes with very grave risks
20070120             —REACHED, PYONGYANG claims deal, with USA on N—TALKS : NORTH—KOREA—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said 3—DAYS—OF—TALKS in BERLIN between USA—ENVOY—CHRISTOPHER—HILL and NORTH—KOREA—MAIN—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR—KIM—KYE—GWAN had been held "in 1—POSITIVE and sincere atmosphere and 1—CERTAIN—AGREEMENT was reached there".
20070120             No further details were given.
20070120             THE—USA should consider military action against NORTH—KOREA if CHINA and SOUTH—KOREA refuse to prod PYONGYANG to end its nuclear weapons program, FORMER—USA—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—WILLIAM—PERRY proposed —THURSDAY
20070120             Simplify, then exaggerate:THE—NEO—CONS' route to disaster: NEO—CONSERVATIVE—COLUMNISTS have tended to follow the trial lawyers' approach to expertise.
20070120             1., decide what you want to argue then find 1—EXPERT who agrees with you.
20070120             THE—LETTER: 'Sick or injured children, are left to die in hundreds' : We ask that all the revenues from IRAQ—OIL—NOW pass directly to THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE + that illegal contracts entered into by the Coalition Provisional Authority are revoked.
20070120             IRAQ War Costs Going Through Stratosphere : The cost of THE—IRAQ War in addition to costing THOUSANDS—OF—AMERICAN and IRAQ—LIVES is bleeding THE—USA—TREASURY at dangerous levels.
20070120             Auditors Report Billions in Reconstruction Waste and Fraud in IRAQ : PRESIDENT—BUSH is asking for another $1.2—BILLION for rebuilding and jobs in IRAQ.
20070120             But with so much uncertainty, the committee chairman wants the government auditors to return in 2—MONTHS with estimates on how much money has been wasted in IRAQ—RECONSTRUCTION.
20070120             IRAQ tells IRAN, USA to take their fight elsewhere : "We demand that all respect IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY. We don't want to be 1—PARTY to ANY—STRIFE aimed at settling scores," IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—SPOKESMAN—ALI—AL—DABBAGH told 1—BAGHDAD news conference.
20070120             Talabani says Iranians ready for talks with USA on regional security:
20070120             Talabani, currently on 1—VISIT to Syria, said "the Iranians showed flexibility. I will say it for history that they said they are ready for 1—UNDERSTANDING with USA—FROM AFGHANISTAN to LEBANON. They are ready for discussions in order to reach results that please both sides".
20070120             USA—FIRM on nuclear condition for IRAN talks: THE—USA—ON—FRIDAY stuck by its demand that IRAN freeze sensitive nuclear activity —BEFORE ANY—BILATERAL—TALKS, —AFTER IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SAID—TEHRAN was ready to discuss several key disputes.
20070120             USA Launches Armed Force to "Block IRAN—INFLUENCE" in IRAQ: The special operations mission, known as Task Force 16, was created late —LAST—YEAR to target Iranians trafficking arms and training Shiite militia forces.
20070120             —MODELED, The operation is, on Task Force 15, 1—CLANDESTINE CADRE—OF—NAVY—SEALS, Army Delta Force soldiers + CIA operatives with 1—MISSION to capture or kill al Qaeda operatives and Baathist insurgents in IRAQ.
20070120             USA—LAWMAKERS—DEMAND—BUSH ask Congress —BEFORE invading IRAN : The bill, introduced by longtime IRAQ war critic WALTER—JONES, 1—REPUBLICAN + 5—OTHER—USA—LAWMAKERS—CALLS on THE—PRESIDENT obtain authorization for 1—ATTACK on IRAN, unless THE—USA—OR—USA—INTERESTS are attacked 1.
20070120             JORDAN will develop nuclear power : JORDAN aspires to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes and believes that unless all sides move quickly toward 1—PEACE—SETTLEMENT in the region, the recent confrontation in LEBANON is only 1—HINT—OF—DISASTERS to come.
20070120             Main Aide of Muqtada AL—SADR Arrested:
20070120             1—ADVISER to PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI, however, denied the government knew in advance about the raid
20070120             Who will stop THE—USA—FROM attacking IRAN?
20070120             HARD AS IT IS TO IMAGINE, it is likely that another major war is being planned by THE—USA, this time against IRAN.
20070120             —MARSHALLED, And the arguments being, by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION are exactly identical to what was being said against IRAQ in THE—BUILD—UP to that war 20030000             .
20070120             BBC Report: Cheney Rejected IRAN's 'HELP'VIDEO—NEWSNIGHT has uncovered 1—EXTRAORDINARY—LETTER written —AFTER the invasion of IRAQ 20030000             where TEHRAN offers to withdraw military backing for Hamas and Hezbollah as well as give open access to their nuclear facilities, but VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY—OFFICE rejected the plan, the official said.
20070120             —TRUSTED, IRAQ—SHIITE radical leader Moqtada AL—SADR said he has never, PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI nor his predecessor Iyad Allawi, whom he described as the brains behind 1—USA—BACKED plot to destroy him and his militia.
20070120             Nouri AL—MALIKI can see what is coming. Put me down on MALIKI—SIDE.
20070120             It is he who is taking the real risk here — with his life.
20070120             It is he who is likely to learn what Kissinger meant —WHEN he observed that in this world, —WHILE it is often dangerous to be 1—ENEMY—OF—THE—USA, to be 1—FRIEND is fatal.
20070120             The battle to save IRAQ—CHILDREN
20070120             —BY COLIN—BROWN, Deputy Political Editor
20070120             "Sick or injured children who could otherwise be treated by simple means are left to die in hundreds because they do not have access to basic medicines or other resources," the doctors say.
20070120             "Children who have lost hands, feet and limbs are left without prostheses. Children with grave psychological distress are left untreated," they add.
20070120             Rogue STATE—AMERICA
20070120             What exactly are we doing in the horn of AFRICA, where we have encouraged the Christian government of ETHIOPIA to invade SOMALIA and replace its Islamic government?
20070120             —VIOLATED, As far as I can tell, we have, INTERNATIONAL law, committed war crimes, helped AL—QAEDA recruit new members + involved ourselves in 1—GUERRILLA—WAR that could last decades.
20070120             Democrat Agenda Omissions
20070120             It 1—SYSTEM—OF—SAVAGE—CAPITALISM at its worst, bordering on the tipping EDGE—OF—FASCISM.
20070120             —BASED, It's, on corporatism, patriotism and nationalism backed by IRON—FISTED militarism and "homeland security" enforcers.
20070120             It's waging 1—PERMANENT—WAR—ON—HUMANITY, intolerant of dissent and opposition in 1—AGE where the law is what THE—CHIEF—EXECUTIVE says it is and checks and balances no longer exist.
20070120             Cruelty and xenophobia shame and stir the lucky country
20070120             —DESCRIBED, JOHN—PILGER returns to his homeland, AUSTRALIA +, the social regression of 1—ONCE proud liberal democracy and says that THE—FLAG—WAVING "values" of THE—NEO—CON PRIME—MINISTER may be coming unstuck in GUANTANAMO Bay.
20070120             Lieberman And THE—PALESTINIAN "Demographic Threat"
20070120             —BY JONATHAN—COOK in Nazareth
20070120             The other —DAY I was at 1—CHECKPOINT—NEAR—NABLUS, 1—OF—SEVERAL that are being converted by ISRAEL into what look suspiciously like INTERNATIONAL border crossings, even though they fall deep inside PALESTINE—TERRITORY.
20070120             Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft: Abteilung Verfassungs...
20070120             Unternehmer wie AUGUST—THYSSEN, ALFRED—KRUPP und HUGO—STINNES sind auch —HEUTE noch...
20070120             Regelmäßige Vorbereitung und Teilnahme, Referat (und Handout )...
20070120             THE—REALITY—OF—BUSH—KAFKAESQUE—FIASCO: Insurgent TV channel turns into IRAQ—NEWEST—CULT hit
20070120             God Protest Us from Rasputin (Cheney ) + His Sociopath (Bush ):
20070120             "USA—CONTINGENCY planning for military action against IRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM goes beyond limited strikes +
20070120             would effectively unleash 1—WAR against the country.
20070120             "You're talking about 1—WAR against IRAN" that likely would destabilize THE—MIDDLE—EAST for years,
20070120             White told THE—MIDDLE—EAST—POLICY Council, a WASHINGTON think tank".
20070120             Pelosi said Bush "has dug 1—HOLE so deep he can't even see the light on this.
20070120             Thank You, NANCY! 1/20
20070120             —PLAYED, Party politics, 1—ROLE in decisions over whether to take federal CONTROL—OF—LOUISIANA + other areas affected by Hurricane Katrina, FORMER—FEMA director MICHAEL—BROWN said —FRIDAY.
20070120             "Unbeknownst to me, certain people in THE—WHITE—HOUSE were thinking
20070120             'We had to federalize LOUISIANA because she's 1—WHITE, female Democratic GOVERNOR + we have 1—CHANCE to rub her nose in it," he said.
20070120             Can the Bush Crime Family Get ANY—MORE—REVOLTING? 1/20
20070120             Dems to fight terror trial rules allowing hearsay evidence that could be the basis for executing 1—PERSON under Bush evik guidelines 1/20
20070120             House Minority Leader JOHN—BOEHNER (R—OHIO) told Roll Call that his party is ?low on new ideas".
20070120             REVEREND—ANDREW—GREELEY: Bush is 1—PICTURE—OF—DEFEAT 1/20
20070120             New Rules Still Allow Congress MANY—PERKS: Policies on Lobbying Are Selectively Strict 1/20
20070120             C&H: Afghans get Wood This is too funny...
20070120             BOGOTA—COLOMBIA—THE—USA ' top military official said —FRIDAY that AMERICAN—BACKED ANTI—DRUG and counterinsurgent operations in COLOMBIA — the world's largest producer of cocaine —
20070120             could serve as 1—TEMPLATE for AFGHANISTAN—EFFORTS to fight drug production.
20070120             More... AFGHANISTAN has been plagued by skyrocketing heroin production.
20070120             But critics say it would be 1—MISTAKE for the country to duplicate COLOMBIA—MODEL, which they say has been ineffective.
20070120             PACE—COMMENTS, —AT—THE—END—OF a 2—DAY—VISIT, were made in THE—PRESENCE—OF—WILLIAM—WOOD, who on —THURSDAY was nominated by THE—WHITE—HOUSE to become its next ambassador in AFGHANISTAN.
20070120             Is ANY—FURTHER—COMMENT—NECESSARY?
20070120             Probably not. I trust the hipness of my readers.
20070120             But —WHILE we are on THE—SUBJECT—OF—WOOD, let's recall this
20070120             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass die Akteure das kurzfristige Risiko als hoch einschätzen.
20070120             Laut einer STUDIE—DER—USA—ZENTRALBANK—FEDERAL—RESERVE ist eine inverse Zinsstruktur in der Vergangenheit der sicherste Indikator für eine bevorstehende Rezession GEWESEN—MIT einem Vorlauf von rund einem —JAHR.
20070120             "Die Hoffnung auf eine sanfte Landung hatten wir in JEDER—REZESSION", meint dazu Claus Vogt, Leiter Research und Vermögensverwaltung der Berliner Effektenbank + CO—AUTOR—EINES—BUCHS mit Leuschel.
20070120             Dass es 20070000             , von den USA ausgehend, zu einer neuen Wirtschaftskrise kommt, hält Vogt für beinahe ausgemacht:
20070120             "Die Wahrscheinlichkeit beziffere ich auf 80—BIS 90 %".
20070120             Sogar den Zeitpunkt kann Vogt eingrenzen, nämlich auf das 2. oder 3. Quartal.
20070120             Im 1. Quartal spiele das ungewöhnlich milde Wetter noch mit.
20070120             USA—IMMOBILIENMARKT liefert Grund zur Skepsis
20070120             —BEGINNT, Doch nun, auf der anderen Seite die große MEHRHEIT—DER—NOTORISCHEN—OPTIMISTEN zu zweifeln.
20070120             "Inzwischen ist die Volatilität einzelner Aktien —SCHON wieder sehr hoch, und 1—KORREKTUR —NACH—DEN jüngsten Kursanstiegen ist eigentlich absehbar", sagte
20070120             PETER—OPPENHEIMER, EUROPA—STRATEGE der Investmentbank Goldman Sachs, jüngst auf einer Strategiekonferenz der Bank.
20070120             Korrektur wohlgemerkt, von einem Crash mochte Oppenheimer nicht sprechen.
20070120             Langfristig gehe das Börsenwachstum weiter, versprach der Investmentbanker.
20070120             MANCHE—DER—MAHNER und Warner haben ihr feines Gespür für künftige Entwicklungen —SCHON mehrfach unter Beweis gestellt. sind —SCHON lange im Geschäft.
20070120             Der Vermögensverwalter und ehemalige DIREKTOR—DER—BANQUE—BRUXELLES—LAMBERT (—HEUTE ING) ROLAND—LEUSCHEL etwa sah die Börsencrashs von
20070120             Selbst den Vergleich mit 19290000             hält Albrecht für passend.
20070120             "Die bemerkenswerteste Parallele ist die Liquiditätsblase", sagt der ehemalige Hedgefondsmanager.
20070120             Das Finanzvermögen in den G8-Ländern wachse um 1—VIELFACHES schneller als die Produktivität, davon lasse sich nur 1—BRUCHTEIL mit der Inflation erklären.
20070120             "Also ist es 1—BLASE", folgert Albrecht.
20070120             Seine Hauptsorge sei, dass 1—ANSTURM auf Hedgefonds zu einer großen Krise der internationalen Finanzmärkte führt.
20070120             Selbst Optimisten beginnen zu zweifeln
20070120             HAMBURG—DIE Zwerge haben zu tief und zu gierig geschürft.
20070120             So lautet in J.R.R. Tolkiens FANTASY—EPOS "Herr der Ringe" die düstere Erklärung, warum das einstmals goldene Minenreich Moria von Tod + Verderben überzogen wurde und nun schreckliche Fabelwesen, die Balrogs, beherbergt.
20070120             Ähnlich mystisch und abwegig mögen Beobachtern der Börsenhausse im
20070120             Fall Litwinenko: Giftmörder soll aus HAMBURG angereist sein
20070120             Bundeswehr: Kanzleramt fürchtet Ausweitung des AFGHANISTAN—EINSATZES
20070120             Journalistenmord in CHINA: KOHLEGRUBE—BETREIBER unter Verdacht
20070120             Karneval: Kuba feiert die wildeste Party
20070120             ANGST—ERFORSCHUNG: Phobiker sollen Spinnen anfassen - ONLINE—TRENDS: Vormarsch der Senioren
20070120             GUANTANAMO—HÄFTLING: Neue KURNAZ—VORWÜRFE - Kritik an Steinmeier wächst
20070120             Psychiatrieprojekt: Kranke helfen Kranken
20070120             Börse: Experten warnen vor dem großen Crash
20070120             "I cannot be more clear that we never mentioned IRAQ, we never gave him ANY—GUIDELINES," says STEVE—SCULLY, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WHCA.
20070120             "The only thing we told...
20070120             - X—CLIM.
20070120             l'ancien PRÉSIDENT FRANK—CALUCCI—DE—CARLYLE, l'université des laboratoires contrôlés par Californie d'armes nucléaires chez Los Alamos et Livermore... /01/20/
20070120             under the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court ?... PETER—MASON.
20070120             THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, WASHINGTON D. C. Current Cases
20070120             THE—MASON—LAW—FIRM, P.C., THE—LAW—OFFICES—OF—PETER—N—WASYLYK... —BEFORE or —AFTER the surveillance, whether by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court... www.mason lawdc_com/main.php?tN=currentCases&pageName=Current%20Cases
20070120             National Security Law -- STUART—S—MALAWER 5.53 -- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
20070120             PETER P. SWIRE -
20070120             Network Security," GEORGE—MASON—CONFERENCE on the Law and Economics of... "THE—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—ACT and Agents ofForeign Powers," Joint...
20070120             IRAQ panel heads know ins, OUTS—OF—INTELLIGENCE | www.azstarnet_com ® Other articles by PETE—YOST:
20070120             Justices seem SKEPTICAL—OF—INVESTORS' suit SEC.. 68,
20070120             IRAQ panel heads know ins, OUTS—OF—INTELLIGENCE | www.azstarnet_com ®
20070120             —BY PETE—YOST. THE—ASSOCIATED PRESS.
20070120             WASHINGTON - - The men put in charge of... 68, sat —UNTIL—RECENTLY on THE—USA—FOREIGN—INTELLIGENCE—SURVEILLANCE—COURT—OF...
20070120             History News Network Pete du Pont: BEN—FRANKLIN understood the need for secrecy in matters of...
20070120             —YESTERDAY on NPR—ON—POINT—RADIO—SHOW, Friedman began attacking liberals... USA—ATTORNEY—BUD Cummins, who was pushed out by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION in...
2007012020070120     Experts Call Sharks Misunderstood Fish
20070120—19880000    —SINCE, Obama is Christian, 1—MEMBER—OF—CHICAGO—TRINITY—UNITED—CHURCH—OF—CHRIST.
20070120—20020000    —SINCE, Americans relying more on Net for political news USE—OF—THE—INTERNET as 1—PRIMARY—SOURCE—OF—POLITICAL—NEWS has doubled, according to 1—RECENT—STUDY by the Pew Research Center.
20070120—20020000    —AB, BERLIN—POLITIKER der Oppositionsparteien wollen von Steinmeier, vormals CHEF—DES—BUNDESKANZLERAMTS, vor allem wissen, warum die damalige ROT—GRÜNE Bundesregierung an nicht auf die angeblichen Angebote amerikanischer Behörden einging, den aus BREMEN stammenden Deutschtürken Kurnaz aus dem USA—GEFANGENENLAGER Guantánamo zu übernehmen.
20070120—20030000    —SINCE, Wood has served as USA—AMBASSADOR to BOGOTA.
20070120—20050000    —ACCUSED—OF, Anselmo Oliveira Magalhaes (32), 1—MAN, helping steal more than $70—MILLION in cash from 1—BRANCH—OF—BRAZIL—CENTRAL—BANK, was found dead with 1—BROKEN neck and his hands and feet tied inside a 75-foot well at 1—RANCH in Santa Izabel.
20070120—20050000    —FROM, Read BOLLYN—ARTICLES such as this + this new 1 + our inteview with him.
20070120—20050100    —SINCE, Despite their $200—BILLION profits, they want us, the taxpayers, to pay them up to $1.5—BILLION over the next 10—YEARS to research new sources for natural gas.
20070120—20070000    THROUGH—UK general: UK troops to stay in IRAQ : BRITAIN—SENIOR—REPRESENTATIVE—IN—IRAQ on —FRIDAY said UK—FORCES will remain in IRAQ 20070000             THROUGH and perhaps into 20080000             if THE—BAGHDAD government asks for continued help.
20070120—20070127    —ON, He said that if NANCY—Pelosi, who claims her top priority is ending the war and who claims to support democracy, were to ask people to come to WASHINGTON—DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, to march—against—the war, probably 20—MILLION—PEOPLE would come.
20070120—20070201    —AM, —ZUNÄCHST müssten aber Kurnaz ' erneute Vernehmung und die AUSSAGEN—DER—VERHÖRPERSONEN in Guantánamo abgewartet werden, sagte Ministeriumssprecher MARTIN—JÄGER—DER "Welt am —SONNTAG".
20070120—20090000    —ACCUSED—OF, Shiite militant Laith AL—KHAZALI, being involved in the killings at KARBALA, was released as part of "the wider IRAQ—GOVERNMENT—RECONCILIATION—PROCESS—OF reaching out to groups that are willing to set aside violence in favor of taking part in the political process".
20070120—20100000    —KILLED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES said he was, by 1—DRUG—CARTEL'S hit men who dissolved his body in acid.
20070120—20100100    —RELEASED, Qais AL—KHAZALI was, by THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20070124             NEWSWEEK, 20070120             ; OFFICE—OF—SPEAKER—NANCY—PELOSI (D—CA);
20070223             von GERTRUDE—ROTEN,
20070223—20070120    —SINCE, If confirmed, it will be the ninth helicopter downed in IRAQ.
2007040120010911     THE—BRITISH, Muslim Terrorism + MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her MAJESTY—SECRET—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICE...
20070727             —THURSDAY, 20050120             I didn't speak up. thecontrarian_org/?m=2005 01 - Fwd: I didn't speak up.
20070727             —THURSDAY, 20050120             I didn't speak up.
20071103             —WHEN, he departs THE—WHITE—HOUSE 20090120             —ON, the current resident will bequeath to THE—USA—PEOPLE and the next administration 1—INTERMINABLE—war—in—THE—MIDDLE—EAST and 1 depreciated currency.
20080104—20080120    —ORGANIZED, The race, by THE—FRANCE—BASED Amaury Sport Organization (ASO), had been DUE—TO—START in LISBON—PORTUGAL, and finish in DAKAR—SENEGAL.
20080120             Her body was found 20080215             , 8—MILES away near 1—BUSINESS—PARK and 1—AUTOPSY confirmed that she †—OF—STRANGULATION.
20080120             Electoral fraud claim in PARAGUAY : several—1000—PARAGUAYANS held 1—PROTEST—RALLY in the country's capital last night, claiming there was electoral fraud in the primary to pick the ruling party's candidate—for—20080420             —the—president—election.
20080120             —DONATED, THE—NATURE—CONSERVANCY said the Hewlett and Packard families had, the 28,359-acre S—FELIPE—RANCH, SOUTH—EAST—OF—S—JOSE, as 1—CONSERVATION—EASEMENT to protect the property from development.
20080120             —CRASHED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, THE—2—SMALL—CESSNAS, near the small CORONA Municipal Airport, killing 5 and raining debris and bodies down on car dealership parking lots.
20080120             Brianna Denison (19) last was seen at THE—EDGE—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—NEVADA, RENO.
20080120             —LINKED, DNA evidence, her kidnapping to 2—OTHER—ATTACKS on women near the university late —LAST—YEAR.
20080120             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—EXPLOSION struck 1—NATO—PATROL—VEHICLE outside 1—FORMER—TALIBAN town, killing 1—UK—SOLDIER and wounding 5—OTHERS.
20080120             † In ALGERIA 2 armed suspects in the Eddough mountains, near THE—EAST—CITY—OF—ANNABA, —AFTER they failed to follow orders to surrender.
20080120             —ARRIVED, BRITAIN—PRIME—MINISTER—GORDON—BROWN, in INDIA hailing relations between THE—2—COUNTRIES as a "partnership of equals" as he looked to further boost links.
20080120             —EXPECTED, BURUNDI is, to deploy 1—TOTAL—OF—1,700—SOLDIERS in SOMALIA, alongside —AROUND 1,600 troops from UGANDA who have been in THE—CAPITAL—MOGADISHU —SINCE March.
20080120             —FORCED, CAMBODIA, USA—ACTRESS MIA—FARROW was, to cancel 1—CEREMONY in PHNOM—PENH highlighting human rights abuses in SUDAN —AFTER authorities barred her access to the city's genocide museum.
20080120             —RATIFIED, Some 8.4—MILLION—CUBANS, 1—SLATE of parliamentary candidates that included the ailing Fidel Castro (81).
20080120             —SKIDDED, WEST—INDIA, 1—BUS carrying Hindus on 1—RELIGIOUS—PILGRIMAGE, off 1—HILL and plunged into 1—GORGE, killing at least 38—PEOPLE and injuring 40—OTHERS.
20080120             —REPORTED, IRAN—OFFICIAL—ISLAMIC—REPUBLIC—NEWS—AGENCY, that a 4. RUSSIA—SHIPMENT—OF—NUCLEAR—FUEL had arrived, destined for 1—POWER—PLANT being constructed in the southern port of BUSHEHR.
20080120             —KILLED, WEST—IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE bombing, 6—PEOPLE—NEAR—FALLUJAH.
20080120             The attacker (18) was 1—RELATIVE carrying 1—BOX—OF candy at 1—GATHERING—OF—TRIBAL—MEMBERS to celebrate the recent release of 1—RELATIVE, Hadi Hussein, who had been released —AFTER more than 1—WEEK in USA custody.
20080120             —KILLED, Hussein and 5—OTHER—PEOPLE were, in the blast.
20080120             —RENEWED, KENYA, ethnic fighting broke out in 1—NAIROBI slum —FOLLOWING the deaths of more than 20—PEOPLE in demonstrations against the disputed RE—ELECTION—OF—PRESIDENT—MWAI—KIBAKI.
20080120             Several people were beaten and hacked to death with machetes.
20080120             JOSHUA—MILTON—BLAHYI, 37—JAHRE—ALT, 1—OF—LIBERIA—MOST notorious rebel commanders, known as GENERAL—BUTT—NAKED for charging into battle wearing only boots, spoke of his role under CHARLES—TAYLOR in the civil war.
20080120             He returned last —WEEK to confess his role in terrorizing the nation, saying he is responsible for 20,000 deaths.
20080120             —PLUNGED, MYANMAR, 1—BUS, over the side of 1—ROAD and flipped over, killing 27—PASSENGERS and injuring 10—OTHERS.
20080120             —LAUNCHED, PAKISTAN villagers said army helicopter gunships, strikes in 1—AREA regarded as 1—STRONGHOLD—OF—1—TALIBAN COMMANDER linked with THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—BENAZIR Bhutto.
20080120             GAZA—POWER—PLANT shut down late in THE—DAY—AFTER 1—ISRAEL—BORDER closure blocked THE—ENTRY—OF—FUEL that powers it.
20080120             —PLUNGED, This, GAZA City into darkness, and gas stations and MANY—BAKERIES stopped operating.
20080120             —WARNED, Health officials, that hospital generators were running OUT—OF—FUEL.
20080120             5—ROCKETS were fired into ISRAEL, down from 53 in THE—2—PREVIOUS—DAYS.
20080120             1—PRO—WESTERN and 1—NATIONALIST—CANDIDATE faced off in 1—CLOSELY contested race.
20080120             The electoral commission, giving preliminary results —AFTER counting 30—PERCENT—OF—BALLOTS, said that so far Radical Party leader Tomislav Nikolic had 38% support, —WHILE incumbent BORIS—TADIC% had 35—PERCENT.
20080120             Both Tadic and Nikolic reject independence for Kosovo, but Nikolic, unlike the current PRESIDENT, has promised tough measures against countries that recognize KOSOVO—STATEHOOD.
20080120             SRI—LANKA, troops overran at least 6—REBEL—BUNKERS in Adampan village, killing 2—FEMALE—FIGHTERS.
20080120             Simultaneous clashes took place in the villages of Periyathampanai and Madu and, killing 1—TOTAL—OF—4—REBELS.
20080120             —KILLED, Soldiers, 1—AREA—REBEL—LEADER on THE—JAFFNA peninsula.
20080120             —FIRED, Soldiers on THE—NORTH—JAFFNA peninsula, on the Tiger boats as they sailed near the shore.
20080120             —GEWINNT, Präsidentenwahl in Serbien: Nationalist Nikolic, 1. Runde
20080120             Serbien: Rekordbeteiligung bei Präsidentenwahl
20080120             Erhöhte Terrorgefahr: Jüdische Einrichtungen schützen sich mit Betonsperren
20080120             Neues ELITE—NETZWERK: Facebook für ANGELA—MERKEL und TONY—BLAIR
20080120             Hartz IV: Für Millionen reicht der Arbeitslohn nicht zum Leben
20080120             Einigkeit in Klimapolitik: FDP bietet CLEMENT—MITGLIEDSCHAFT an
20080120             Overseas Investors Buy Aggressively in USA.
20080120             THE—FOOD—CHAIN: 1—NEW, Global Oil Quandary: Costly Fuel Means Costly Calories
20080120             Timber Thieves Strike at HEART—OF—LANDS Held Dear
20080120             Caution: Elephants Brake for Food on BANGKOK—ROADS
20080120             NASA—MONDRAKETE: Rütteln beim Start könnte Ares I zerreißen
20080120             BLACKOUT—GEFAHR: Glos warnt vor Engpässen in der Stromversorgung
20080120             Telekommunikation: Experten warnen vor weiterem JOB—KAHLSCHLAG
20080120             Umfrage: Jeder 4. Deutsche fürchtet um seinen Arbeitsplatz
20080120             1—UMFRAGE hatte im August ergeben, dass sich 46—PROZENT—DER—LONDONER nachts in ihren Vierteln nicht sicher fühlen.
20080120             Mehrere Morden von Jugendlichen im vergangenen —JAHR schürten zudem Ängste, dass die Jugendgewalt außer Kontrolle geraten könnte
20080120             Eine rechtlich einwandfreie Lösung des Problems müsse klarstellen, dass die alte Unterscheidung zwischen Angriffen von außen und innen —HEUTE obsolet sei.
20080120             Das Ozeanographische Instituts (IEO) in MADRID hat in einer Langzeitstudie ausgerechnet, dass das Wasser an Spaniens Küsten —BIS zum Jahre 20500000             um 25—BIS 30—WEITERE Zentimeter steigen könnte, sagte IEO—DIREKTOR ENRIQUE—TORTOSA am —FREITAG der spanischen Zeitung "El Pais".
20080120             Laut seiner Studie sei der Meeresspiegel in den vergangenen 60—JAHREN —BEREITS um rund 8—ZENTIMETER angestiegen, schuld sei der Klimawandel.
20080120             Land unter am Ballermann
20080120             —VERBITTET, FLUGZEUG—ABSCHUSS: Schäuble, sich Ratschläge von Verfassungsrichtern
20080120             Attacke gegen Ypsilanti: Struck verlangt Clements Rauswurf aus der SPD
20080120             Hettstedt in SACHSEN—ANHALT: Frau auf dem Marktplatz zu Tode geprügelt
20080120             Herausforderung Zivilcourage: Was tun, wenn die Schläger kommen?
20080120             Angst vor Überfällen: Britische Innenministerin fühlt sich in LONDON unsicher
20080120             Klimawandel: Spaniens Urlaubsstrände saufen ab
20080120             "Koch sagt alles, nur nicht die Wahrheit"
20080120             Rezessionssorgen lasten auf der WALL—STREET
20080120             Schäuble wirft Zypries gezielte Indiskretionen bei BKA—GESETZ vor
20080120             Schäuble greift Verfassungsrichter Papier scharf an
20080120             Nach Wahlaufruf gegen HESSEN—SPD: Clement zum Austritt aus der SPD aufgefordert
20080120             Ungarische Löhne für Deutschland?
20080120             Serbische Präsidentenwahl im Zeichen des KOSOVO—KONFLIKTS
20080120             JAPAN to let USA omit VERIFICATION—OF—FUEL usage
20080120             Unsere Junta macht den nächsten Akt in ihrer Muppet Show: oberster Bankenaufseher bei BaFin wechselt zur Deutschen Bank.
20080120             Der aktuelle BULLSHIT—BINGO—FUDSCHLEUDER—AWARD geht an: "Hacks Have Attacked Foreign Utilities, CIA Analyst Says".
20080120             Das muß man gar nicht lesen, das merkt man gleich am Gestank, dass das Bullshit ist.
20080120             Die Sozialdemokraten verraten nicht nur uns, sondern auch sich gegenseitig: EX—WIRTSCHAFTSMINISTER Clement warnt davor, in HESSEN SPD zu wählen.
20080120             WTF, könnte man sich —JETZT fragen, aber wie immer bei den Sozis sind die EX—MINISTER fest von der Energiemafia vereinnahmt.
20080120             Na kein Wunder, dass er dann gegen nicht geschmierte Politiker ist, die am Ende noch sinnvolle Energiepolitik machen könnten.
20080120             Scheißegal, dass der Planet den Bach runter geht, der Clement muß seine Pfründe wahren, so lange macht der eh nicht mehr, dass ihn das noch persönlich betreffen könnte.
20080120             Die halten uns wirklich für so dämlich. Ja, echt.
20080120             —SIMULIERT, Die Zypries, mal wieder unglaubwürdig Widerstand gegen SSchäuble und seine GESTAPO—GESETZE.
20080120             Und in einer Woche kippt sie dann um, wie immer. Ich könnte kotzen.
20080120             —INZWISCHEN, Selbst die Tagesschau hat, verstanden, was für 1—FARCE dieser "Friedensprozess" ist.
20080120             Bush und sein Gastgeber Ehud Olmert hatten zuvor —BEREITS besprochen, wie diese "Gespräche" zu führen seien: PALÄSTINENSER—PRÄSIDENT—MACHMUD—ABBAS müsse für 1—ENDE—DES—BESCHUSSES mit KASSAM—RAKETEN aus dem GAZA—STREIFEN sorgen — wozu dieser bekanntermaßen —SEIT der Machtübernahme der Hamas in dem Küstenstreifen nicht in der Lage ist.
20080120             ISRAEL dürfe den Bau von Häusern in OST—JERUSALEM und in den großen jüdischen Siedlungen weiter fortsetzen.
20080120             Dazu gab der USA—PRÄSIDENT seine ausdrückliche Einwilligung.
20080120             Mit Blick auf den von der Hamas beherrschten GAZA—STREIFEN wurde festgelegt, dass der Kampf gegen die extremistischen Gruppierungen fortgesetzt werden müsse.
20080120             Selbst den Hofberichterstattern vom Bayerischen Rundfunk gelingt es angesichts solcher Fakten —JETZT nicht mehr, dem einen positiven Spin abzugewinnen.
20080120             Da werden wir wohl auf die "Springer"-"Presse" vertrauen müssen, um uns hier noch mal was von Frieden vorzulügen, und die Schuld an alle dem den fiesen ARABER—TERRORISTEN in die Schuhe zu schieben.
20080120             BAYERN will im Alleingang den Bundestrojaner einsetzen.
20080120             Dann wohl der Freistaatstrojaner 🙂
20080120             CALIFORNIA home prices drop nearly 15—PERCENT:
20080120             Plummeting median cost in December —DURING a 20-year record sales falloff
20080120             FORMER—JAG lawyer: Only AMERICA 'parses' torture : THE—USA has lost so much of its credibility and prestige on the world stage because of its HEAVY—HANDED interrogation tactics that PRESIDENT—BUSH—INSISTENCE that USA—INTERROGATORS don't torture holds as much water as "IRAN denying it has 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPONS—PROGRAM," 1—RETIRED—NAVY—LAWYER says.
20080120             JOHN—MCCAIN—REAL—WAR—RECORD : On the campaign trail he touts his sharp criticism of DONALD—RUMSFELD and THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION on IRAQ.
20080120             But 1—LOOK at MCCAIN—RECORD reveals 1—DIFFERENT—WAR—STORY.
20080120             Fund stops investor withdrawals : 1—RUSH to withdraw money from its commercial property funds has forced SCOTLAND—EQUITABLE to introduce delays of up to 12—MONTHS for its customers.
20080120             CIA CHIEF: Mehsud behind Bhutto killing : Toeing THE—PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT—LINE, THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—CHIEF has said he has "no reason to question" the assertion that AL—QAEDA and ALLIES—OF—TRIBAL—LEADER—BAITULLAH Mehsud were responsible for THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—FORMER—PREMIER—BENAZIR—BHUTTO.
20080120             House passes $696—BILLION "defense" bill:
20080120             Overall, the bill authorizes about $696—BILLION in defense spending, including $189—BILLION for the wars in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN
20080120             IRAN slams USA—SANCTIONS—DRIVE, CHINA backs dialogue: IRAN—CHIEF—NUCLEAR—NEGOTIATOR Saeed Jalili on —FRIDAY criticised 1—USA—DRIVE to impose sanctions over its atomic programme + claimed support from BEIJING ahead of crunch HIGH—LEVEL—TALKS—NEXT—WEEK.
20080120             —RECEIVED, IRAN receives nuke fuel : IRAN, a 3. shipment of nuclear fuel from RUSSIA on —FRIDAY for 1—POWER—PLANT being constructed in THE—SOUTH—PORT—OF—BUSH ehr, state radio reported.
20080120             ISRAEL "would not dare attack IRAN" : Ahmadinejad: IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD said on —THURSDAY that ISRAEL "would not dare attack IRAN," —AFTER ISRAEL said it tested 1—MISSILE and warned against TEHRAN—NUCLEAR—PROGRAM.
20080120             —TESTED, ISRAEL—TESTS—NEW—LONG—RANGE—MISSIL e: ISRAEL successfully, 1—NEW—LONG—RANGE—MISSILE on —THURSDAY, defense officials said + reports indicate the missiles might be capable of being armed with nuclear warheads.
20080120             Manufacturing Consent For War With IRAN?
20080120             IRAN, ISRAEL and Nuclear War: 1—ILLUSTRATIVE—SCENARIO—ANALYSIS : This briefing provides the material used in 1—SCENARIO—ANALYSIS and interactive game that looks at SOME—OF—THE—CONSEQUENCES—OF—1—FUTURE—NUCLEAR—EXCHANGE between ISRAEL and IRAN + the possible impact of its expansion to cover targets in SYRIA—EGYPT + the Gulf.
20080120             ROMANIA prepares to pull out troops from IRAQ : ROMANIA is preparing the pullout of its troops from IRAQ, —AFTER THE—NATO April summit in BUCHAREST, ROMANIA—CARETAKER—DEFENSE—MINISTER—TEODOR—MELESCANU said on —FRIDAY in IASI, EAST—ROMANIA.
20080120             GEORGE—OF—ARABIA: Better Kiss Your Abe 'Goodbye'
20080120             Bend over, pull out your wallet and kiss your Abe 'goodbye.' THE—LINCOLNS have got to GO—AND so do the Hamiltons and Jacksons.
20080120             Those bills in your billfold aren't yours anymore.
20080120             The landlords of our CURRENCY—CITIBANK, the national TREASURY—OF—CHINA and THE—HOUSE—OF—SAUD—ARE foreclosing and evicting all Americans from THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20080120             Congressman ROBERT—WEXLER—CHENEY Impeachment Stronger than Watergate
20080120             ROBERT—WEXLER (D—FL) took to the House floor to urge the House Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment hearings into VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY for "high crimes and misdemeanors".
20080120             - History demands that we take action, because the case against VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY is far stronger than the illegalities surrounding Watergate.
20080120             Top Rumsfeld Aide Wins Contracts From Spy OFFICE—HE—SET—UP
20080120             —BY TIM—SHORROCK, Special to CorpWatch
20080120             1—PENTAGON office that claims to monitor terrorist threats to USA—MILITARY—BASES in NORTH—AMERICA -- and was once reprimanded by THE—USA—CONGRESS for spying on antiwar activists -- has —JUST awarded 1—MULTI—MILLION—DOLLAR—CONTRACT to 1—COMPANY that employs 1—OF—DONALD—RUMSFELD—FORMER—AIDES.
20080120             —HELPED, That aide, STEPHEN—CAMBONE, create the very office that issued the contract.
20080120             Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims
20080120             - Leader and VASSAL—BY PAUL—CRAIG—ROBERTS
20080120             —AFTER pandering to ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—RIGHT—WING government last —WEEK, USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH carried the Israeli/neoconservative campaign against IRAN to Arab countries.
20080120             Is Hamas Saving More Jewish Lives Than Olmert?
20080120             HAMAS—2. in command, MAHMOUD—AL—ZAHAR, has saved more Jewish lives in his short tenure as PALESTINE—FOREIGN—MINISTER, than ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER E hud Olmert.
20080120             —REWARDED, And how has he been ?
20080120             GEORGE—GALLOWAY vs Neocon DAVID—FRUM
20080120             As PRESIDENT—BUSH began his last big TOUR—OF—THE—MIDDLE—EAST—AND threatens USA—SANCTIONS on IRAN—GEORGE—GALLOWAY and DAVID—FRUM debate the issues.
20080120             This Is THE—DEBATE—GENERAL—ELECTRIC—DIDN'T Want You To Hear.
20080120             Audio & TRANSCRIPT—DEMOCRACY—NOW! - Broadcast -
20080120             In 1—EXCLUSIVE—BROADCAST, we RE—BROADCAST—EXCERPTS—OF—THE—DEBATE and give THE—OHIO Congressman 1—CHANCE to answer the questions he might have faced if he hadn't been silenced.
20080120             Find the Truth About BUSH—WARS
20080120             NANCY Pelosi, You Must Impeach! - By RICHARD—BEHAN—MADAM Speaker, if you will not impeach, then you must refute this history, if you can?
20080120             What THE—CIA Had To DESTROY—BY Nat HENTOFF—HE MANY—REASONS this torture evidence was too hot to handle.
20080120             Monsters Of Our Own MAKING—BY Rosa BROOKS—FOREIGN—POLICY nightmares are everywhere for THE—USA—THESE days.
20080120             —MISSED, In case you, it - - merica Is 1—BULLY. OK. There, I—SAID—IT!
20080120             Blowback In THE—WAR—ON—TERROR
20080120             Can the war against global terrorism be won?
20080120             Or do 2—BADLY bent prongs in AMERICA—ANTI—TERRORIST—CAMPAIGN, in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ, suggest that the war is unwinnable, in part because THE—USA has engaged in unrealistic realpolitik, flouted INTERNATIONAL law and disregarded human rights?
20080120             1—OFFICIAL—CANADA—GOVERNMENT—DOCUMENT has put both THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL on 1—WATCH LIST—OF—COUNTRIES where prisoners run the risk of being tortured, CTV television reported on —THURSDAY.
20080120             No Peace - LET—REVIEW the situation from the standpoint of INTERNATIONAL law.
20080120             THE—WEST—BANK, GAZA, the Golan Heights, EAST—JERUSALEM and 1—SMIDGEN—OF—LEBANON—THE—ISRAELIS still occupy are officially designated as occupied territories.
20080120             Bush 's "Stimulus" Cash Giveaway; "Gentlemen, Start THE—HELICOPTERS"
20080120             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is —NOW in FULL—PANIC mode.
20080120             In fact, the falling stock market has the administration so worried that Bush will deliver 1—SPEECH—LATER—TODAY that will lay out the details of a "stimulus package" designed to REV—UP flagging consumer spending.
20080120             Hezbollah leader taunts ISRAEL:
20080120             Rice setback as IRAN policy envoy resigns : THE—USA—DIPLOMAT at THE—HEART—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—IRAN policy is to leave his post, in 1—MOVE that represents 1—SETBACK for Condoleezza Rice, USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE.
20080120             BUSH—IRAN/ARGENTINA Terror FRAME—UP : USA—OFFICIALS also seek to tar IRAN as the world's leading SPONSOR—OF—TERRORISM.
20080120             And Team BUSH—LATEST—TACTIC is to play up a 13—YEAR—OLD—ACCUSATION that IRAN was responsible for the notorious BUENOS—AIRES bombing that destroyed the city's Jewish Community Center,
20080120             —HATRED, Tribal, didn't cause violence in KENYA : FROM READING recent headlines about KENYA, 1 would think that THE—POST—ELECTION—VIOLENCE is THE—RESULT—OF—TRIBAL hatreds.
20080120             But this assessment is wrong.
20080120             —SUSPENDED, Unity talks, in BOLIVIA : Talks to end BOLIVIA—POLITICAL—CRISIS and forge 1—NATIONAL—UNITY—PACT are in disarray —AFTER Evo Morales, THE—BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT, shocked political rivals by slashing provincial budgets.
20080120             1—LETTER from Guantánamo (By AL—JAZEERA Cameraman SAMI—AL—HAJ) : THE—USA was the country that prided itself by bringing peace;
20080120             —NOW, sadly, instead it rains down violence and discord.
20080120             Guantánamo is the most obvious example of this.
20080120             Torture awareness manual 'wrongly' lists Cdn allies, to be rewritten : : Foreign Affairs MINISTER—MAXIME—BERNIER found himself backtracking —SATURDAY over his department's training manual that lists THE—USA and GUANTANAMO Bay as sites of possible TORTURE—ALONGSIDE such countries as IRAN and Syria.
20080120             ANTI—TERROR—COPS to combat surging violence : VICTORIA—TOP cop has adopted 1—NEW "get tough" approach to street violence that will see ANTI—TERRORIST—POLICE deployed at trouble spots across the state.
20080120             All signs point to USA—CONSUMERS hunkering down in recession bunkers:
20080120             'I'm walking down 5. Avenue the other —DAY + all the stores have big signs saying 50 to 70 % off everything + the only people in there doing ANY—ACTUAL buying are, like, from CANADA or EUROPE".
20080120             MBIA, Ambac Bond Default Risk Exceeds 70%,
20080120             MBIA INCORPORATED and Ambac Financial Group INCORPORATED, THE—2—BIGGEST bond insurers, have 1—MORE than 70—PERCENT chance of going bankrupt, CREDIT—DEFAULT swaps show
20080120             Panic selling shuts £2bn fund : 1—OF—BRITAIN—BIGGEST property funds was forced to shut its doors to withdrawals —YESTERDAY—AFTER the slump in commercial prices triggered panic selling by small investors.
20080120             Shares in freefall amid fears of 1—GLOBAL—DOWNTURN : THE—AUSTRALIA—SHARE—MARKET has made 1—GRIM—START to the —YEAR.
20080120             —CONTINUED, The market, to haemorrhage this —MORNING, plunging 2.65 % in the 1. 15—MINUTES—OF trading amid growing fears of 1—USA—RECESSION.
20080120             No need to panic, says RBA : RESERVE BANK—GOVERNOR—GLENN—STEVENS has played down the effects of massive falls on the Australian and INTERNATIONAL stock markets.
20080120             —ENDURED, The local market has, 1—OF—ITS—WORST—PERFORMANCES in its history this —WEEK, notching up its biggest losing streak in more than 17—YEARS.
20080120             —TIPPED, Bread, milk, meat prices, to soar: AUSTRALIA—CONSUMERS are facing another sharp rise in meat, dairy and bread prices, stretching budgets already under pressure from rising mortgages, rents and petrol.
20080120             —RAPPED, ISRAEL's 'war crime', by UN : ISRAEL—TARGETING—OF—1—HAMAS government office which caused serious casualties at 1—NEARBY wedding party was a "war crime" and those responsible should be punished, 1—UN—OFFICIAL said —YESTERDAY.
20080120             Collective punishment for GAZA is wrong —UNITED—NATIONS: ISRAEL has 1—RIGHT to respond to security threats but should not collectively punish THE—GAZA population for rocket attacks from THE—PALESTINE—TERRITORY, THE—UNITED—NATIONS—HUMANITARIAN—AFFAIRS—CHIEF said on —FRIDAY.
20080120             Livni: Inconceivable that RUSSIA is supplying IRAN with nuclear fuel :
20080120             Foreign affairs MINISTER meets with RUSSIA—LAVROV in MOSCOW, slams SHIPMENTS—OF—FUEL to Bush ehr nuclear plant despite TEHRAN—REFUSAL to stop enriching uranium.
20080120             Livni also defends ISRAEL—RESPONSE to Qassam rocket attacks: 'Unlike terrorists, THE—IDF does not aim its weapons towards women, the elderly and children'
20080120             USA—OFFERS—PAKISTAN help against attacks : 1—SENIOR—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDER will visit PAKISTAN this —MONTH to discuss the growing unrest in the country and possible deeper USA—MILITARY—ENGAGEMENT, according to senior Pakistani and western officials.
20080120             PAKISTAN arrests teen suspect in Bhutto plot: officials: PAKISTAN—POLICE have arrested 1—TEENAGER who was allegedly part of a 5—MAN—SQUAD in the plot to kill opposition leader Benazir Bhutto last —MONTH, security officials said —SATURDAY.
20080120             Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense
20080120             Democracy —NOW! Audio & Transcript
20080120             How government subsidies and new regulations have quietly funneled money from the poor and the middle class to the rich and politically connected.
20080120             It Was THE—HOPE—OF—THE—WORLD
20080120             Their handiwork has left behind 1—MULTITUDE of dead bodies, still uncounted.
20080120             The murdered, the dispossessed, THE—MIND—DAMAGED + THE—BROKEN—BODIED suffering souls remind us that something evil has been going on in our name that we don't understand... something that by official decree we are forbidden to understand.
20080120             1—TIME to Break Silence
20080120             "SENATOR—HILLARY—RODHAM—CLINTON won THE—NEVADA caucuses on —SATURDAY, capturing strong support from women voters and adding 1—FRESH—BOOST—OF momentum to her campaign as the Democratic presidential race heads to SOUTH—CAROLINA, where she is engaged in 1—FIERCE—BATTLE with her rival, SENATOR—BARACK—OBAMA".
20080120             Bloomberg Keeps Teasing: "NEW—YORK Mayor MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG, who says he's not 1—CANDIDATE for PRESIDENT, chose electoral VOTE—RICH—CALIFORNIA —SATURDAY from which to deliver 1—SCORCHING assessment of WASHINGTON for failing to keep up with the need for new airports, roads, water systems and bridges across AMERICA".
20080120             THE—PLIGHT of the Homeless Veteran
20080120             Schwarzenegger to remain neutral in presidential race.
20080120             THE—CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR says he will not be endorsing ANY—CANDIDATE.
20080120             He denies that he's waiting for his 'soul mate,' MICHAEL—BLOOMBERG to enter the race.
20080120             Obama and the Age Gap 1/20
20080120             "NEW—YORK—FORMER mayor decided to sit out the 1. Republican primaries and start his run for THE—WHITE—HOUSE in FLORIDA, with its 57—DELEGATES to the national convention. But the polls suggest he may have blundered badly..".
20080120             Hillary Clinton Wins THE—NEVADA Caucuses.
20080120             Edwards Comes in a Distant 3. - SOUTH—CAROINA GOP Primary Live Results.
20080120             McCain Likely to Triumph Over Huckabee.
20080120             Uncle Fred "Flinstone" Thompson Will be Returning to Hibernation Soon.
20080120             QinetiQ Goes Kinetic: Top Rumsfeld Aide Wins Contracts From Spy OFFICE—HE—SET—UP by TIM—SHORROCK, Special to CorpWatch
20080120             TIM—SHORROCK—BOOK on THE—OUTSOURCING—OF—USA—INTELLIGENCE, Spies for Hire, will be published in May by Simon & Schuster.
20080120             Within DAYS—OF—THE—TIMES—PIECE, C4ISR Journal, 1—MILITARY—PUBLICATION, described Cambone as 1—GRIM and determined ideologue.
20080120             "'Unpleasant,' 'deeply unpleasant,' 'doesn't joke much' and 'Rumsfeld without the personality' are —JUST SOME—OF—THE—WAYS—OTHER—REPORTERS and analysts" describe Cambone, the Journal said.
20080120             —AFTER Rumsfeld became defense SECRETARY 20010000             —IN, he selected Cambone as his special assistant.
20080120             —BECAME, Cambone quickly, his most trusted TROUBLE—SHOOTER.
20080120             And in the initial MONTHS—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, there was PLENTY—OF—TROUBLE.
20080120             Rumsfeld, with CHENEY—SUPPORT, set out from the beginning to "transform" THE—USA—MILITARY into 1—HIGH—TECH, computerized fighting force designed specifically to shoot down missiles from "rogue states" and defeat counterinsurgencies and other "low intensive" threats to USA national security, primarily in THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20080120             NONE—OF—THIS sat very well with the uniformed military and the defense industry, both of which were slow to embrace RUMSFELD—NETWORK—CENTRIC—POLICIES and the accompanying cuts imposed on Cold WAR—ERA—WEAPONS such as aircraft carriers and artillery systems.
20080120             —PROVIDED, The position, enormous powers: under the law, he exercised THE—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE'S "authority, direction and control" over all DoD intelligence, counterintelligence and security policy, plans and programs.
20080120             —INCLUDED, That, the key national agencies, which Rumsfeld and Cambone tenaciously fought to keep within THE—PENTAGON—COMMAND and control system (for more on this struggle, see Foreign Policy in Focus
20080120             —REPORTED, In theory, they also, to Rumsfeld and Tenet.
20080120             —NOTED, But Cambone, the newspaper, "has made himself their most active overseer".
20080120             With their newfound power, Rumsfeld and Cambone set about to give the Pentagon greater authority in THE—AREA—OF—HUMAN—INTELLIGENCE, traditionally dominated by THE—CIA.
20080120             —VERGLEICHT, SCIENTOLOGY—VIDEO: Knopp, TOM—CRUISE mit Goebbels
20080120             Friedlich ging dagegen in S—GALLEN 1—DEMONSTRATION gegen das Weltwirtschaftsforum über die Bühne.
20080120             Nach ANGABEN—DER—POLIZEI versammelten sich rund 150—MENSCHEN und zogen mit Transparenten durch die Innenstadt.
20080120             Verschiedene Redner forderten eine "Globalisierung von unten und nicht von oben, in die ALLE—BEVÖLKERUNGSSCHICHTEN—DER—WELT einbezogen werden".
20080120             Schweiz: Mehr als 100—FESTNAHMEN bei Protesten gegen Weltwirtschaftsforum
20080120             USA—DEMOKRATEN: Clinton siegt in NEVADA
20080120             ( letsibeledmondsspeak. blogspot_com,) UK —SUNDAY Times Scoops USA—MEDIA Again, Confirms FBI COVER—UP—OF—DOCUMENTS in Sibel Edmonds Nuke Secrets Case...
20080120             Junge Welt 19 12—SIBEL Edmonds: COURT—DOCUMENTS—SHED—LIGHT on CIA Illegal Operations in CENTRAL—ASIA,
20080120—19800000    —SINCE, Biggest drop in USA—HOUSING starts : New residential building in THE—USA—LAST—YEAR suffered its biggest drop in nearly 3—DECADES, according to government data published on —THURSDAY that highlighted the dramatic downturn in USA—HOUSING.
20080120—19850000    —FROM, Fujimori 'ordered kidnapping' of PM : PERU—PRIME—MINISTER has testified that ALBERTO—FUJIMORI, THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT, ordered his kidnapping and the attempted ASSASSINATION—OF—ALAN—GARCIA, the incumbent PRESIDENT and leader and 19900000             .
20080120—20020000    —EMBRACED, THE—USA—CONGRESS, 1—PROPOSAL backed by Cheney and Rumsfeld to create 1—NEW undersecretary slot at the Pentagon specifically for intelligence + Cambone was given the job.
20080120—20030000    —IN, MAD in THE—MIDDLE—EAST : —7—WEEKS—AFTER they dealt 1—SERIOUS—BLOW to THE—USA' plans to use military force against IRAN—NUCLEAR—SITES, SEVERAL—OF—THE—USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS who were involved in the drafting of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), according to which IRAN suspended its secret nuclear military program back, are due to visit ISRAEL.
20080120—20040000    —BY, according to 1—PROFILE in THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES, Cambone was presiding biweekly conference calls that included THE—3—STAR—GENERALS and 1—ADMIRAL who ran the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), THE—NGA, THE—NRO and THE—NSA.
20080120—20050000    —J—IM, Clement sitzt —SEIT seinem Abschied aus der Politik im Aufsichtsrat der RWE—KRAFTWERKSTOCHTER RWE Power.
20080120—20050000    —CREATED, Rumsfeld, 1—NEW clandestine espionage branch called the Strategic Support Branch, run out of THE—DIA and under CAMBONE—CONTROL, to end what he called his "near total dependence" on THE—CIA.
20080120—20050000    —BY, under THE—COMMAND—OF—CAMBONE—CONTROVERSIAL—DEPUTY, Army LT—GENERAL—WILLIAM—G "Jerry" Boykin, the support branch was deploying small, covert TEAMS—OF—CASE—OFFICERS, interrogators and special operations forces to places like SOMALIA, IRAN and THE—PHILIPPINES, sometimes without contacting THE—USA—AMBASSADOR or THE—CIA—STATION—CHIEF, to launch covert military operations and prepare for future USA action.
20080120—20080911    —AFTER, But the grumbling stopped, which provided the opening for RUMSFELD and his allies in the administration to make intelligence the centerpiece of their new "WAR—ON—TERROR".
20080505             Validation + VERIFICATION—OF—CRITICAL—CONTROL—POINTS in,
20080529—19680120    —ON, As 1—FORMER—USA—MARINE—CORPS SERGEANT who was shot and paralyzed from my MID—CHEST down —DURING my 2. TOUR—OF—DUTY in VIETNAM, I am sending my complete support and admiration to all those —NOW involved in the courageous struggle to stop military recruitment in BERKELEY and across the country.
20080720             "Sozialistische Mitteilungen", NUMBER 2—VOM 19400120             —JANUAR sprach R.C. Attlee, der Führer der GROSSBRITANNIEN—LABOUR Party, in BLACKBURN und, biographischen Angaben ermittelt werden.
20081011             aangirfan: 20080901200810       01—DATE " BRADFORD Keiller, 1—LAS—VEGAS—STRIP club entrepreneur with 1—TASTEFULLY named string of...
200810120000 - Spreegurke [Ursula Pidun]
20081109             BUSH will einer reibungslosen Amtsübergabe 20080120             —BIS—ZUM, nicht im Wege stehen.
20081109             Bush will einer reibungslosen Amtsübergabe —BIS zum 20080120             nicht im Wege stehen.
20081110             —WHEN BARACK—OBAMA takes THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE 20080120             —ON, Americans won't —JUST get 1—NEW—PRESIDENT;
20081110—20090120    —BIS—ZUM, BUSH ist noch im Amt, dann übernimmt Obama die Verantwortung.
20081110—20090120    Unter anderem wegen der weltweiten FINANZ—KRISE gilt die jetzige Übergangszeit als 1—der schwierigsten in der GESCHICHTE—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN.
20081113             'ISRAEL—WAR—ON—IRAN on the radar': 1—SENIOR—EUROPEAN—UNION—DIPLOMAT says the perfect time for ISRAEL to strike IRAN—NUCLEAR—INSTALLATIONS 'is between —NOW and 20080120             '.
20081200—20080120    —AM, Der Prozess soll beginnen.
20081216—20080120    —AM, Wir gehen —DERZEIT durch die härteste Zeit —SEIT—DER—GROßEN Depression", betonte Obama, der das Präsidentenamt übernimmt.
20090112—20090120    —RELEASED, Panagopoulos was, unharmed —FOLLOWING 1—LARGE ransom payment.
20090116—20090120    —ON, Lim was FOUND—DEAD—OF—APPARENT—SUICIDE.
20090119—20090120    —ON, ISRAEL—OFFICIALS said they hope to pull all its troops out of THE—GAZA—STRIP by the time BARACK—OBAMA is inaugurated as PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
20090120             that of heartless inhuman beasts, who treat GAZA not only as 1—PRISON—STATE, but also as the world's largest closed laboratory.
20090120             HELLMANN20:39
20090120             HELLMANN20:50
20090120             A briefing paper dated, records advice given by GCHQ officials to their director, Sir Iain Lobban, who was planning to meet the then foreign secretary, David Miliband.
20090120             The officials summarised Brown's aims for THE—MEETING—OF—G20 heads of state Due—to—begin on ;;0402;;,
20090120             The briefing paper added: "The GCHQ intent is to ensure that intelligence relevant to HMG's desired outCOMES for its presidency of the G—20 reaches customers at the right time and in a form which allows them to make full use of it."
20090120             records advice given by GCHQ officials to their director, Sir Iain Lobban, who was planning to meet the then foreign secretary, David Miliband. The officials summarised Brown's aims for THE—MEETING—OF—G20 heads of state Due—to—begin on 2 ;;04;;, which was attempting to DEAL—with—the economic aftermath of the 2008 banking crisis. The briefing paper added: "The GCHQ intent is to ensure that intelligence relevant to HMG's desired outCOMES for its presidency of the G—20 reaches customers at the right time and in a form which allows them to make full use of it."
20090120             Beim Untergang der Segelyacht Taube vor der Westküste Marokkos kommen 6—DER 7—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER ums Leben.
20090120             —PACKED, WASHINGTON, DC some 2—MILLION—PEOPLE, the National Mall to celebrate the inauguration of BARACK—OBAMA as AMERICA—44. and 1. black PRESIDENT.
20090120             "THE—QUESTION we ask —TODAY is not whether government is too big or too small, but whether it works".
20090120             —ORDERED, OBAMA—NEW—ADMINISTRATION, all federal agencies and departments to stop ANY—PENDING regulations —UNTIL they can be reviewed by incoming staff, halting LAST—MINUTE—BUSH—ORDERS.
20090120             THE—HEAD—OF—USA—CENTRAL—COMMAND said THE—USA has struck deals with RUSSIA and neighboring countries allowing it to transport supplies to USA—TROOPS in AFGHANISTAN through their territory.
20090120             USA—OFFICIALS have said that 1—LIKELY—ROUTE is overland from RUSSIA through KAZAKHSTAN and on through UZBEKISTAN using trucks and trains.
20090120             Another possible route is via AZERBAIJAN across the Caspian Sea to THE—KAZAKHSTAN—PORT of Aktau and then through UZBEKISTAN.
20090120             STATE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—JERRY—BROWN said CALIFORNIA will get $54—MILLION as its share of 1—NATIONAL—SETTLEMENT with drug maker ELI—LILLY & Co. for marketing the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa for unapproved uses.
20090120             —AGREED, Lilly, to pay $1.415—BILLION to USA—STATE—AND—THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT, the largest recovery in 1—HEALTH—CARE—FRAUD—CASE in USA—HISTORY.
20090120             JACK—MARKELL (19600000             *) began serving as GOVERNOR—OF—DELAWARE.
20090120             He made education reform 1—CENTERPIECE of his tenure.
20090120             —CONFIRMED, Chrysler and ITALY—FIAT, they had reached 1—AGREEMENT on 1—ALLIANCE that would give Fiat a 35% stake in Chrysler, but only if Chrysler gets $3—BILLION more in financial help from WASHINGTON.
20090120             USA—SOFTWARE—PROTECTION—FIRM F—SECURE said 1—COMPUTER—WORM known as "Conficker" or "Downadup" had infected more than 9—MILLION—COMPUTERS and was spreading at 1—RATE—OF—1—MILLION—MACHINES—DAILY.
20090120             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, the coalition said 1—NIGHTTIME raid had, 19—MILITANTS, including MULLAH—PATANG, 1—LOCALLY feared leader, —DURING 1—OPERATION in the Tagab Valley, in Kapisa province —JUST 30—MILES (50—KILOMETERS) NORTH—OF—KABUL.
20090120             —QUOTED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—NEWS—AGENCY—PAJHWOK, villagers saying 25—CIVILIANS had been killed.
20090120             —APOLOGIZED, THE—AMERICANS also, for ANY—CIVILIANS killed in the operation.
20090120             BELGIUM, the "Entropa" art installation at THE—EU headquarters, by CZECH—REPUBLIC—ARTIST—DAVID—CERNY, covered up the part that showed BULGARIA as 1—SQUAT toilet —AFTER protests from the aggrieved nation.
20090120             THE—BANK—OF—CANADA cut its key interest rate by 1—HALF—POINT to 1—FRESH 50-year low of 1—PERCENT, as expected, and predicted 1—PERIOD—OF falling prices this —YEAR as 1—ECONOMIC—RECESSION takes hold.
20090120             THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—MAIN—OPPOSITION grouping said it refused to join PRIME—MINISTER—FAUSTIN—ARCHANGE—TOUADERA—GOVERNMENT because he failed to play by allegedly established rules.
20090120             —RALLIED, CHECHNYA, HUNDREDS—OF—PEOPLE, in Grozny to protest THE—SLAYING—OF—STANISLAV—MARKELOV, 34—JAHRE—ALT, 1—LAWYER who opposed the early release of 1—RUSSIA—ARMY—OFFICER convicted of strangling an 18—YEAR—OLD—CHECHEN woman.
20090120             † In CENTRAL—CHINA a 16—YEAR—OLD—BOY infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus, the country's 3. fatality from the disease this —MONTH.
20090120             IRAQ, THE—SPOKESMAN—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MALIKI said IRAQ is willing to have THE—USA—WITHDRAW all its troops and assume security for the country —BEFORE the end of 20110000             , the departure date agreed to by FORMER—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH.
20090120             BAGHDAD, 2—BOMBINGS left 5—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20090120             —TAPPED, JAPAN, Toyota, Akio Toyoda, GRANDSON—OF—THE—AUTOMAKER—FOUNDER, as PRESIDENT, paying homage to its roots at 1—TIME—WHEN the company faces its 1. operating loss in 70—YEARS.
20090120             —DIVIDED, KUWAIT, the deeply, Arab League failed to come up with 1—PLAN to reconstruct the devastated GAZA Strip and could not agree on whether to back EGYPT—PEACE—EFFORTS to end the crisis.
20090120             MEXICO—PROSECUTORS said 3—HEADS were found in 1—ICE—BOX—SOUTH—OF—CIUDAD Juarez, which lies across from EL—PASO, TEXAS.
20090120             —BELONGED, The heads, to 3 unidentified men and were found in 1—RURAL—TOWN about 50—KILOMETERS (30—MILES) from CIUDAD—JUAREZ.
20090120             1—HEADLESS—BODY was discovered in 1—CANAL—1—FEW miles (kilometers) away.
20090120             —SUSPECTED, MEXICO—FEDERAL—POLICE said they have found 3, drug tunnels under construction in NOGALES near THE—ARIZONA border.
20090120             —SUSPECTED, PAKISTAN—POLICE said, Taliban militants killed 6 alleged USA spies in 1—LAWLESS—REGION—OF—NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN where USA—MISSILE—ATTACKS have reportedly killed several AL—QAIDA leaders in recent months.
20090120             1—INDUSTRY—OFFICIAL said bus drivers in NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN have begun removing audio and video equipment from their vehicles —AFTER Taliban militants threatened suicide attacks against those who played music or movies for their passengers.
20090120             —VOICED, GAZA, UN CHIEF—BAN—KI—MOON, sorrow and frustration over the suffering of civilians —DURING ISRAEL—3—WEEK—WAR—ON—HAMAS rulers.
20090120             —CELEBRATED, ISMAIL—RADWAN, 1—HAMAS legislator, the blood battles as proof of Hamas strength and defiance.
20090120             —REACHED, RUSSIA—GAS, EUROPE via UKRAINE for the 1. time in —2—WEEKS—AFTER MOSCOW and Kiev ended 1—CONTRACT—ROW that cut supplies to about 20—EUROPEAN countries.
20090120             Abdullahi Yusuf (75), SOMALIA—FORMER—PRESIDENT and 1—EX—WARLORD who was forced from government, arrived in YEMEN in 1—PRIVATE—JET from his impoverished homeland, seeking political asylum.
20090120             —CLASHED, Islamic insurgents and SOMALIA—FORCES, in MOGADISHU, killing at least 14—PEOPLE in the latest sign the Islamists are making inroads into the few areas THE—UN—BACKED government still controls.
20090120             —STORMED, SOUTH—KOREA—POLICE commandos, 1—VACANT—OFFICE building occupied by displaced tenants in CENTRAL—SEOUL, sparking 1—CLASH and 1—BLAZE that killed 6—PEOPLE and injured 23.
20090120             —ARRESTED, SPAIN, 6—PEOPLE—OF—PAKISTAN—ORIGIN were, on suspicion of "fraud" in BARCELONA.
20090120             —SUSPECTED—OF, They were, financing terrorist activities by carrying out thefts and sending money raised from criminal activities to PAKISTAN.
20090120             —CHALLENGED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA to remake USA—POLICY toward Latin AMERICA, but said he isn't holding out much hope for major changes.
20090120             Police used tear gas, plastic bullets and 1—WATER—CANNON to break up 1—PROTEST by university students against CHAVEZ—ATTEMPT to eliminate term limits.
20090120             zu lange vor.
20090120             -bei Obamas Amtseinführung AM—ER wird der 10. USA—PRÄSIDENT sein, der das Weiße Haus verlässt, während die CASTRO—DIKTATUR Bestand hat.
20090120             -also gleich am 1. —TAG, die besten Leute beieinander haben, die sich sofort im NAHOST—FRIEDENSPROZESS als Ganzes engagieren".
20090120             offiziell zum Präsidenten der USA ernannt wird.
20090120             erben und dann entscheiden, ob er Bush s Kurs fortführe.
20090120             ANTARCTIC ice shelf set to collapse due to warming
20090120             GAZA war widens lead of ISRAEL—CONSERVATIVE—LIKUD Party
20090120             Farewell to GEORGE—W—BUSH is smooth but shows SOME—CRACKS
20090120             Obama and his predecessor are cordial, but the crowd reactions and the inaugural address display evidence of the controversies surrounding BUSH—TENURE.
20090120             Stocks tumble on Inauguration —DAY - BIZJOURNALS—COM -
20090120             —BY ROB—CURRAN—NEW—YORK (MarketWatch) --
20090120             Fear held sway on the stock market despite PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA—MESSAGE—OF—CONFIDENCE as financial stocks fell to their lowest EBB—OF—THE—CREDIT—CRISIS and broad indexes hit 2—MONTH—LOWS.
20090120             THE—DOW—JONES—INDUSTRIAL—AVERAGE fell 332.13, or 4.01%, to.
20090120             Bank warns of continuing slowdown THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND—GOVERNOR warns business leaders it remains uncertain how long it will be —BEFORE 1—ECONOMIC—RECOVERY.
20090120             Finanzkrise: Hypo Real Estate erhält weitere 12—MILLIARDEN Euro vom Bund
20090120             Largest Data Breach Disclosed —DURING Inauguration
20090120             rmogull writes "BRIAN—KREBS over at THE—WASHINGTON—POST—JUST published 1—STORY that Heartland Payment Systems disclosed what may be the largest data breach in history. —TODAY. —DURING the inauguration. Heartland processes over 100—MILLION—TRANSACTIONS 1—MONTH, mostly from small to MEDIUM—SIZED businesses, and doesn't know how MANY—CARDS were compromised. The breach was discovered —AFTER tracing fraud in the system back to Heartland, and involved malicious software snooping their internal network. I've written SOME—ADDITIONAL—ANALYSIS on this and similar breaches. It's interesting that the biggest breaches —NOW involve attacks installing malicious software to sniff data — including TJX, Hannaford, Cardsystems, and —NOW Heartland Payment Systems".
20090120             1—BIT—OF—GOOD—NEWS out of this massive breach is that, according to HEARTLAND—CFO, "The nature of the [breach] is such that CARD—NOT—PRESENT—TRANSACTIONS are actually quite difficult for the bad guys to do because 1—PIECE—OF—INFORMATION we know they did not get was 1—ADDRESS".
20090120             Heartland —JUST put up 1—PRESS—RELEASE on the breach.
20090120             Nile RUN—OFF 'boosts fish stocks' Fertilisers and sewage entering the Nile delta boosts fish numbers in Mediterranean coastal waters, 1—STUDY suggests.
20090120             Karzai blames allies for problems HAMID—KARZAI accuses his foreign allies of not doing enough to reduce CIVIL—DEATHS or cut opium production.
20090120             6—PENNSYLVANIA Teens Face Child Porn Charges For PICS—OF—SELVES
20090120             mikesd81 writes "MISS—NBC reports 6—PENNSYLVANIA high school students are facing child pornography charges —AFTER 3—TEENAGE—GIRLS allegedly took nude or SEMI—NUDE photos of themselves and shared them with MALE classmates via their cell phones. Apparently, female students at Greensburg SALEM High School in Greensburg, PENNSILVANIA, all 14 or 15—YEARS—OLD, face charges of manufacturing, disseminating or possessing child pornography —WHILE the boys, who are 16 and 17, face CHARGES—OF—POSSESSION. Police told the station that the photos were discovered in October, —AFTER school officials seized 1—CELL—PHONE from 1—MALE—STUDENT who was using it in violation against school policy and the photos were discovered at that time. Police CAPTAIN—GEORGE—SERANKO was quoted as saying that the 1. photograph was 'a self portrait taken of 1—JUVENILE female taking pictures of her body, nude.' The school district issued 1—STATEMENT—TUESDAY saying that the investigation turned up 'no EVIDENCE—OF—INAPPROPRIATE—ACTIVITY on school grounds... other than the violation of the electronic devices policy.'"
20090120             Internationale Reaktionen: Sarkozy will mit Obama die Welt ändern
20090120             Große Kriegszerstörungen: GAZA versinkt in Elend und Verzweiflung
20090120             "Die Beweise liegen auf dem Tisch", sagte Nowak dem ZDF—MAGAZIN Frontal 21, das am Dienstagabend ausgestrahlt werden sollte.
20090120             Bush und Rumsfeld seien für brutale Verhörmethoden und die unmenschliche Behandlung von Gefangenen.
20090120             "Man soll hier nicht herumreden, das war Folter", sagte Nowak laut ZDF.
20090120             Die neue USA—REGIERUNG unter BARACK—OBAMA sei juristisch verpflichtet, gegen Bush, Rumsfeld und andere Verantwortliche strafrechtlich vorzugehen.
20090120             —RATIFIZIERT, Denn die USA hätten die UNO—KONVENTION gegen Folter, und damit als bindend anerkannt.
20090120             Sie müssten deshalb alles tun, damit Menschen, denen vorgeworfen werde gefoltert zu haben, vor Gericht kämen, fügte Nowak hinzu.
20090120             Englischer Wortlaut der Rede: "We Have Chosen HOPE—OVER—FEAR"
20090120             Milliardenverluste: DZ Bank braucht frisches Kapital
20090120             Obamas dramatische Antrittsrede: "Wir haben Hoffnung GEWÄHLT—NICHT Furcht"
20090120             Zeremonie vor dem Kapitol: BARACK—OBAMA als 44. PRÄSIDENT—DER—USA vereidigt
20090120             Bush - Foltervorwürfe in GUANTANAMO: UNO—SONDERBERICHTERSTATTER fordert Anklage gegen Bush (Politik)
20090120             Lufthansa: Stewardessen planen Warnstreik
20090120             Autokrise: Volkswagen meldet Kurzarbeit an
20090120             Operation geglückt: Blasenstein wiegt mehr als 1—KILO
20090120             17,000 Downloads Does Not Equal 17,000 Lost Sales
20090120             Andrew_Rens writes "Ars Technica has 1—STORY on 1—RULING by 1—USA—DISTRICT—JUDGE who rejects claims by THE—RIAA that the number of infringing downloads amounts to proof of the same number of lost sales.
20090120             T - he judge ruled that 'although it is true that someone who copies 1—DIGITAL—VERSION—OF—1—SOUND recording has little incentive to purchase the recording through legitimate means, it does not necessarily follow that the downloader would have made 1—LEGITIMATE—PURCHASE if the recording had not been available for free.' The ruling concerns the use of the criminal courts to recover alleged losses for downloading through 1—PROCESS known as restitution.
20090120             The judgement does not directly change how damages are calculated in civil cases".
20090120             INDIEN, sterben JEDES—JAHR tausende Menschen bei Zugunglücken.
20090120             Angesichts hoffnungslos überfüllter Züge finden die Menschen häufig nur noch auf den Dächern Platz, viele entziehen sich so auch einer Fahrscheinkontrolle.
20090120             Die staatlichen Bahnen befördern jeden —TAG rund 13—MILLIONEN Menschen.
20090120             "Sobald man eingeräumt hat, dass 1—ART in eine andere übergehen kann, wankt und stürzt das ganze Gebäude", notiert Darwin.
20090120             Denn seine Selektionstheorie steht in krassem Widerspruch zur Unveränderlichkeit der Geschöpfe, die von der Kirche propagiert wird.
20090120             —SCHOCKIERT, Besuch im Kriegsgebiet: UNO—GENERALSEKRETÄR, über Zerstörungen im GAZA—STREIFEN
20090120             Is plague still 1—KILLER? WHO, WHAT, WHY?
20090120             THE—MAGAZINE—ANSWERS... Reports that "black death" has swept through 1—AL—QAEDA camp in NORTH—AFRICA, killing DOZENS—OF—TRAINEES, are unproven, but the story highlights how plague has never been wiped out.
20090120             Bank woes push pound below $1.40
20090120             y -20010000             sinceContinued fears about THE—HEALTH—OF—THE—UK—BANKING sector cause sterling to hit its lowest level against the dollar.
20090120             CHINA bird flu 'epidemic' warning 1—HEALTH—EXPERT warns that CHINA could face 1—BIRD—FLU—EPIDEMIC, and needs to work harder to prevent outbreaks.
20090120             MARTY—LEDERMAN joins the Obama Justice Department.
20090120             GEORGETOWN Law Professor MARTY—LEDERMAN will serve as Assistant ATTORNEY—GENERAL in THE—OFFICE—OF—LEGAL—COUNSEL, working under Dawn Johnsen, who will head the office.
20090120             Over the past few years, LEDERMAN—LEGAL blogging at Balkanization has provided invaluable insight and strength to CRITICS—OF—KEY—BUSH—POLICIES, including torture and warrantless wiretapping.
20090120             Lederman wrote passionately against THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—EFFORTS to legalize THE—USE—OF—TORTURE:
20090120             I am increasingly confident that —WHEN THE—HISTORY—OF—THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION is written, this systematic violation of statutory and TREATY—BASED law concerning fundamental war crimes and other horrific offenses will be seen as the blackest mark in our nation's recent history — not only because of what was done, but because the programs were routinely sanctioned, on 1—ONGOING basis, by numerous esteemed professionals — lawyers, doctors, psychologists and government officers — without whose approval such 1 systematized torture regime could not be sustained.
20090120             Obama to overturn global gag rule 'in 1—OF—HIS 1. acts.'
20090120             "In 1—OF—HIS 1. acts as PRESIDENT,BARACK—OBAMA is planning to lift 1—RULE " that bars federal money from going to INTERNATIONAL family planning groups that counsel women on abortion or perform the procedure.
20090120             THE—SO—CALLED "global gag rule " (also referred to as the "MEXICO—CITY—POLICY") was created by the Reagan administration, then overturned by PRESIDENT—CLINTON, and was —LATER RE—INSTITUTED by PRESIDENT—BUSH as his 1. act in office.
20090120             INDIA army officer on bomb charge 1—SERVING—INDIA—ARMY—OFFICER is among 11—PEOPLE charged over 1—DEADLY—BOMB—BLAST in 1—LARGELY—MUSLIM—INDIA—TOWN—LAST—YEAR.
20090120             —RAISED, Staff at 'higher risk' of cancer Concerns are, over 1—CHEMICAL used in rubber production —AFTER research into cancer rates in staff at 1—PLANT.
20090120             Why to buy into global warming TIM—O'REILLY offers up 1—COMPELLING reason to believe in global warming--even if you don't believe in it: The downside to belief is quite small.
20090120             The upside is quite big.
20090120             DNA—PROBE: Wissenschaftler wollen Galileo Galilei exhumieren
20090120             —PROTESTIERT, Rassismus: USA—AMERIKANER, gegen Araber an Bord
20090120             Obamas Amtseinführung: USA sehnen sich nach RUCK—REDE
20090120             Hirnaktivität: Männer können Hunger besser unterdrücken als Frauen
20090120             L'investiture de BARACK—OBAMA étant la première prestation de serment depuis le
20090120             Herabstufung Spaniens: Die Angst vorm Staatsbankrott
20090120             "Banker haben sich wie Raubritter aufgeführt"
20090120             Investiture : le plus grand dispositif de sécurité jamais déployé
20090120             ROBERT—GATES, l'homme le mieux caché du jour
20090120             Magical spell that will open 1—NEW—AMERICA - Krönungsmesse für einen Demokraten
20090120             "The choreography is planned almost down to the —MINUTE," Walters said.
20090120             Sterling in freefall, hit by UK econ, bank woes
20090120    By Tamawa Desai LONDON, (Reuters) -
20090120             —SEIZED, Sterling fell broadly on —TUESDAY as investors, on concerns about the ailing UK—BANKING sector and the government's potential debt burden, —WHILE data showed UK inflation fell less than expected.
20090120             y
20090120             —MIXED, EUROPE shares, as RBS bounces, oils drop
20090120             CHINA urges Hamas to 'face reality,' stop attacks INTERNATIONAL Herald TRIBUNE—AP BEIJING:
20090120             Fiat Acquires 35% Stake in Chrysler
20090120             GERMANY—JAN—ZEW—EXPECTATIONS -31.0—VS -45.2 In Dec
20090120             MANNHEIM—GERMANY (Dow Jones)--GERMANY—FINANCIAL—EXPERTS are hoping a 2. economic stimulus package will brighten the economic outlook, but the government said —TUESDAY the future will worse than previously estimated.
20090120             GERMANY—INVESTOR—CONFIDENCE—ROSE—MORE Than Forecast
20090120             Unglaublich: 40+ AL—KAIDA—TERRORISTEN in TERROR—TRAININGSCAMP in Algerien von Beulenpest dahin gerafft.
20090120             Wer das —JETZT für unglaubwürdig hält, der sei auf die aus USA-"Labors" "verschwundenen" 3—PESTMÄUSE verwiesen.
20090120             Tolles Zitat aus dem Artikel: 1—SECURITY—SOURCE told the paper: "This is the deadliest weapon yet in the war against terror.
20090120             —NEEDED, MOST—OF—THE—TERRORISTS do not have the basic medical supplies, to treat the disease.
20090120             "It spreads quickly and kills within hours. This will be really worrying AL—QAEDA".
20090120             Toll, wie der Westen den KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR führt!
20090120             Wir sind ja so viel besser als die Terroristen in unseren Methoden!1!!
20090120             Falls jemand glaubt, naja, Pest, das kann —SCHON mal vorkommen in der Gegend: The new epidemic began in the cave hideouts of AQLIM in Tizi Ouzou province, 150km EAST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—ALGIERS, the Sun reports.
20090120             —WANTED, The group, led by, terror figure Abdelmalek Droudkal, was forced to turn its shelters in the Yakouren forest into mass graves and flee.
20090120             The group —NOW fears THE—HIGHLY—INFECTIOUS—DISEASE could have spread to other AL—QAEDA training camps or Taliban fighters in AFGHANISTAN, the paper said.
20090120             Ganz großartig. Priiiiiima.
20090120             Was können wir mal wieder stolz sein, dass wir auf der zivilisierten Seite kämpfen.
20090120             Der Vollständigkeit halber: die Quelle ist der
20090120             Telegraph, vergleichbar mit der "Welt" bei uns.
20090120             Müsst ihr wissen, ob ihr das unbesehen glaubt, was die schreiben.
20090120             Bankendomino: Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND steht offenbar kurz vor Verstaatlichung.
20090120             Vodafones Rekord als größter anzunehmender Hazardeur wurde endlich überwunden!1!!
20090120             Länderdomino: S&P senkt Ratings für Spanien, Griechenland und Irland.
20090120             Lacher am Rande: "The only country that should be able to keep its AAA rating is GERMANY," said Jose CARLOS—DIEZ, CHIEF economist in MADRID at Intermoney SA, SPAIN—LARGEST—BOND—DEALER.
20090120             "There should be 1—QUESTION—MARK over the rest".
20090120             Auch ISRAEL baut —JETZT eine "BLOGGER—ARMEE" auf, um ISRAEL in problematischen Blogs im Ausland zu "vertreten".
20090120             Und bizarrerweise ist auch Deutschland auf der Liste, dabei haben wir doch —SCHON 1—AUSSENSTELLE: "PI—NEWS".
20090120             Lustig ist, wer dafür zuständig ist: das Einwanderungsministerium.
20090120             Denn da kommen ja auch die ganzen Leute mit Fremdsprachenkenntnissen an 🙂 Halfon said volunteers who send the Absorption Ministry their contact details by E—MAIL, at, will be registered according to language, and then passed on to the Foreign MINISTRY—MEDIA department, whose personnel will direct the volunteers to Web sites deemed "problematic".
20090120             Folgen der Wirtschaftskrise: Managern droht Schockstarre
20090120             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Welche anderen Themen als die der Ernährungskrise werden Sie der nächsten Außenministerin nahe zu bringen versuchen?
20090120             Fedoroff: Ich halte es für eine drängende Aufgabe, dass wir in AMERIKA wieder genug Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aus der eigenen Bevölkerung heraus heranziehen anstatt einseitig die besten Köpfe aus der ganzen Welt anzulocken.
20090120             AFRIKA, gibt es viel berechtigte Kritik daran, dass es eigentlich wir Amerikaner sind, die Entwicklungshilfe BEKOMMEN—IN Gestalt der vielen hoch qualifizierten jungen Leute, die zu uns auswandern.
20090120             Im Gegenzug schicken wir den afrikanischen Regierungen dann sündhaft teure Berater, die selten Neues zu erzählen wissen.
20090120             SPIEGEL—ONLINE: Das wäre eine radikale Kehrtwende, denn die amerikanische Forschung lebt vom Zustrom von außen.
20090120             Die Untersuchung der Notlandung der Maschine wird vermutlich ein ganzes —JAHR in Anspruch nehmen.
20090120             Die Daten über den spektakulären Unfall würden jedoch noch lange Zeit hilfreich sein, sagte der NTSB—CHEF—ERMITTLER, ROBERT—BENZON
20090120             Finanzlücke: Niedriger Ölpreis zwingt Russland zu neuem Staatshaushalt
20090120             Inflation: Rentenniveau sinkt zum 5. Mal in Folge
20090120             Clintons Wissenschaftsberaterin: "Gentechnikgegner richten großen Schaden an"
20090120             Sprachkritik: "Notleidende Banken" ist Unwort des Jahres
20090120             PERU: Regen beschädigt berühmte NAZCA—LINIEN
20090120             —VERSIEBENFACHT, Indien: Genmutation, Risiko für Herzkrankheit
20090120             Beschwerde: IBM droht neues EU—KARTELLVERFAHREN
20090120             Energiestreit: Russland pumpt wieder Gas nach EUROPA
20090120             Ruling on Records Delivers 1—WIN to Cheney - WASHINGTON—POST—BY R. JEFFREY—SMITH
20090120             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE—YESTERDAY rejected the claim by 1—COALITION—OF—HISTORIANS and nonprofit groups that VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY intended to illegally discard SOME—OF—HIS—OFFICIAL—RECORDS, and instead accepted the pledge of 1—SENIOR—WHITE...
20090120             Cheney pulls muscle moving boxes, WHITE—HOUSE says
20090120             Teenager 'seriously ill' with bird flu
20090120             A 16—YEAR—OLD—BOY in Hunan province is seriously ill —AFTER contracting the H5N1 STRAIN—OF—THE—BIRD—FLU—VIRUS, THE—MINISTRY—OF—HEALTH said —MONDAY.
20090120             Video: CHINA Reports 2. Bird Flu Death of 20090000             '));
20090120             Video: CHINA Reports 2. Bird Flu Death of 20090000             AssociatedPress CHINA reports 2. bird flu death this —MONTH I—REALLY—SHOULD—STUDY
20090120             "Obama has said that no 1 is above the law. Bush and Cheney have admitted proudly they condoned torture. We will never regain our moral standing in the world if we —JUST allow these criminals to say, 'Bye bye.' "
20090120             "Hold onto your shoes," Murphy said to the crowd of about 100—PROTESTERS.
20090120             "The struggle is not over".
20090120             —RETIRED, Barbara Cummings, 1, government worker from S—DIEGO, solicited signatures for 1—PETITION urging Atty.
20090120             Gen.-designate ERIC—H—HOLDER—JUNIOR to appoint 1—SPECIAL—PROSECUTOR to investigate and prosecute Bush and VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY for war crimes.
20090120             She also sold posters featuring Bush and CHENEY—FACES behind bars, with the slogan "I have 1—DREAM".
20090120             "This is totally cathartic," Hill said as he snapped 1—SHOT—OF—ASHLEY launching the sandals.
20090120             "How can you resist?"
20090120             —BOUNCED, The shoes, off the midsection of the giant Bush, forcing 1—LOCAL—TELEVISION—CAMERAMAN to duck as they sailed past his head.
20090120             Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
20090120             —PULLED, VICE—PRESIDENT—DICK—CHENEY, 1—MUSCLE in his back on —MONDAY—WHILE moving boxes into 1—NEW—HOUSE and will be in 1—WHEELCHAIR for the inauguration of BARACK—OBAMA as the next PRESIDENT, THE—WHITE—HOUSE said.
20090120             —PULLED, Cheney in wheelchair with, back muscle
20090120             WHITE—HOUSE—SAYS Cheney to Be in Wheelchair —TUESDAY
20090120             —ON 1. Full —DAY, Obama WILL—DIVE—INTO—FOREIGN—POLICY
20090120             WASHINGTON—POST By MICHAEL—D—SHEAR and Karen DeYoung
20090120             PRESIDENT—ELECT BARACK—OBAMA will plunge into foreign policy on his 1. full —DAY in office tomorrow, finally freed from THE—CONSTRAINTS—OF—TRADITION that has forced him and his staff to remain muzzled about world...
20090120             GAZA Conflict ANGERS, Alienates ISRAEL—ARAB—CITIZENS
20090120             3—WEEKS—OF—BLOODY—CONFLICT in THE—GAZA Strip and 1—CRACKDOWN on dissent inside ISRAEL have fueled SLOW—BURNING anger among MEMBERS—OF—ISRAEL—ARAB minority and will continue to sow division despite the...
20090120             GAZA 'looks like earthquake zone'
20090120             OBAMA—PAGEANT - 1—DAY—OF—CELEBRATION for the new PRESIDENT
20090120             —TIPPED, UK inflation, for big fall UK inflation is widely predicted to show 1—SHARP—FALL—WHEN official figures for December are released —LATER.
20090120             Bush won't pardon Libby. - Amanda Terkel
20090120             "I'm flabbergasted," said 1—INFLUENTIAL—REPUBLICAN activist, who had raised the issue with WHITE—HOUSE—AIDES, but who asked not to be identified criticizing THE—PRESIDENT.
20090120             Ambassador RICHARD—CARLSON, the vice CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—FOUNDATION for DEFENSE—OF—DEMOCRACIES, 1—NEO—CONSERVATIVE think tank, added that he too was "shocked" at BUSH—DENIAL—OF—1—PARDON for Libby.
20090120             "GEORGE—BUSH has always prided himself on doing the right thing REGARDLESS—OF—THE—POLLS or the pundits," Carlson said.
20090120             "—NOW he is leaving office with 1—SHAMEFUL—CLOUD over his head".
20090120             THE—RIGHT—WING had been mounting 1—FIERCE—CAMPAIGN to secure 1—PARDON for Libby.
20090120             —NECESSITATED, FRED—BARNES wrote in the Weekly Standard that Libby, 1—PARDON because he was "
20090120             1—INDIRECT—VICTIM " of BUSH—POLICIES.
20090120             —CLAIMED, And THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL editorial BOARD, that Bush " - owe[d] it
20090120             In - 1. EARTH—SIZED Exoplanet May Have Been Found
20090120             1—NEW—ANALYSIS suggests the planet weighs less than half the original estimate of 3.3—EARTH—MASSES;
20090120             the new estimate pegs the planet's size at 1.4—EARTH—MASSES.
20090120             The planet orbits 1—SMALL—RED—DWARF—STAR, some 3,000 LIGHT—YEARS from here, at 1—ORBITAL distance of 0.62—ASTRONOMICAL—UNITS, about the same distance as Venus from our sun.
20090120             1—SIGNIFICANCE—OF—THE—PLANET—DISCOVERY is that it points to the probable ubiquity of smaller terrestrial planets in somewhat EARTH—LIKE orbits —AROUND red dwarf stars, the oldest and most numerous stars in the galaxy.
20090120             Here is 1—VIDEO—REPORT from the discoverers".
20090120             World has 'high hopes' for Obama
20090120             1—BBC poll suggests there is widespread and growing optimism —AROUND the globe that BARACK—OBAMA—PRESIDENCY will improve USA—RELATIONS with THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20090120             CALIFORNIA controller to suspend tax refunds, welfare checks, student grants:
20090120             JOHN—CHIANG announces that his office will suspend $3.7—BILLION in payments owed to Californians —STARTING
20090120             New RFID Technology Allows You to be Tracked WITHOUT Your Knowledge :
20090120             This system is exactly what the privacy advocates have long feared: Big Brother tracking us with spy chips.
20090120             Unless we are decisive BRITAIN faces bankruptcy:
20090120             Our financial institutions are fighting for their lives and the Treasury may not be able to bail them out.
20090120             The government needs to get serious to avert meltdown
20090120             AL—QAEDA—DOESN'T Exis t —THE—AL—QAEDA—DOESN'T Exist documentary from THE—CORBETT—REPORT, dealing with the founding and funding of what we know as AL—QAEDA.
20090120             900—PEOPLE killed in PHILIPPINES by 'mysterious death squads ' : Peasant leaders, environmental campaigners and student activists in THE—PHILIPPINES are being murdered by mysterious death squads who appear to have close links to the army.
20090120             —ARMED, SOUTH—KOREA raises military alert: SOUTH—KOREA has put its, forces on heightened alert —FOLLOWING 1—SERIES—OF—STATEMENTS from NORTH—KOREA threatening military action against what it says are SOUTH—KOREA—PLANS to invade.
20090120             Qassams Are Road Flares: THE—ZIONIST (American and Israeli) governments are no longer afraid for the world to see their true natures, that of heartless inhuman beasts, who treat GAZA not only as 1—PRISON—STATE, but also as the world's largest closed laboratory.
20090120             —LEVELED, Entire neighborhoods have been, by ISRAEL—AIRSTRIKES and bodies are still being recovered.
20090120             Bush" href=" - Wallace hat im Wesentlichen ähnliche Theorien aufgestellt wie er selbst.
20090120             In aller Eile schreibt er 1—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG aus 20—JAHREN Arbeit.
20090120             Er entschließt sich zu einem Kompromiss: Gemeinsam mit dem Manuskript von Wallace veröffentlicht er seine Evolutionshypothese.
20090120             "Die Theorie zu veröffentlichen ist so, als würde man einen Mord gestehen", schreibt er an einen Kollegen.
20090120             "Sicher werden sie mich am liebsten lebendig kreuzigen".
20090120             Doch die Veröffentlichung bleibt fast unbeachtet.
20090120             —ERST als Darwin 1—JAHR später seine Theorie in dem Buch "Über die Entstehung der Arten" niederschreibt, kommt es zum Aufruhr.
20090120             —KARIKIERT, Darwin wird als Ketzer beschimpft und als Affe.
20090120             Ein erbitterter Kampf zwischen Wissenschaft und Kirche BEGINNT—BIS —HEUTE ist er nicht beendet.
20090120             In den USA glaubt noch immer fast die HÄLFTE—DER—BEVÖLKERUNG, Gott habe den Menschen vor rund 10.000—JAHREN so geschaffen, wie er ist.
20090120             Darwins Ideen sind auch —HEUTE noch für viele zu fortschrittlich, um sie zu akzeptieren.
20090120             L'investiture de BARACK—OBAMA étant la première prestation de serment depuis le 11—SEPTEMBRE 20010000             , des
20090120             mesures de sécurité exceptionnelles ont été prises.
20090120             UK Boosts Its Bailout As BANK—LOSSES—RISE
20090120             CHINA urges Hamas to 'face reality,' stop attacks
20090120             AP BEIJING: The militant Islamic group Hamas should "face reality" and join THE—MIDDLE—EAST—PEACE—PROCESS, 1—CHINA—ENVOY said —MONDAY, adding the conflict between ISRAEL and the Palestinians cannot be resolved by war.
20090120             ADAM—KORBITZ writes "New Scientist is reporting the extrasolar planet MOA-20070000             -BLG-192Lb — whose discovery was announced —JUST last —SUMMER — may actually be the 1. truly EARTH—SIZED exoplanet to be identified.
20090120—18580618    —AM, Als DARWIN die Post von den Molukken liest, sieht er sein Lebenswerk —zerstört.
20090120—19940000    —SINCE, HUNDREDS—OF—RWANDA—TROOPS rolled into the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO to join CONGO—FORCES hunting RWANDA—REBELS operating there.
20090120—20010000    —SINCE, Bank woes push pound below $1.40 Continued fears about THE—HEALTH—OF—THE—UK—BANKING sector cause sterling to hit its lowest level against the dollar.
20090120—20010101    —IN, BRAD—BLAKEMAN, 1—FORMER—DEPUTY—ASSISTANT to PRESIDENT—BUSH and GATEKEEPER—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—SCHEDULE called it a "military precision operation because you are working against the clock.
20090120—20040400    —IN, SF, EDGAR—DIAZ, 23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—DOWN—BELOW—GANG, was sentenced to 40—YEARS in federal prison —AFTER admitting that he took part in 3—MURDERS: BEVERLY—ROBINSON and
20090120—20040600    —IN, KENYA Taylor and ANTOINE—MORGAN.
20090120—20060000    —IN, RBS said —TODAY it may post 1—LOSS—OF as much as 28—BILLION pounds this —YEAR, surpassing Vodafone Group PLC—22—BILLION—POUND—NET—LOSS.
20090120—20070000    —IN, CANADA investigates Taser death CANADA launches 1—INQUIRY into THE—DEATH—OF—1—MAN stunned by police with 1—TASER gun at 1—AIRPORT.
20090120—20080000    —IN, SAUDI—ARABIA—PRINCE—ALWALEED bin Talal said his conglomerate Kingdom Holding Co. lost about $7.9—BILLION.
20090120—20090119    UN Says MORE—THAN—50,000—LEFT Homeless in GAZA —FOLLOWING ISRAEL—ATTACKS
20090120—20090127    —TRAVELED, USA—COMMANDERS, to the village and distributed 40.000—dollar to relatives of 15—PEOPLE—killed in THE—USA—RAID.
20090120—20091104    —AM, Der des VOR—JAHRES gewählte Demokrat BARACK—OBAMA wird von CHIEF—JUSTICE—OF—THE—USA—JOHN—ROBERTS als 1. Afroamerikaner zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten vereidigt.
20090120—20091120    —SINCE, USA—STOCKS—SLIDE On Fincls;
20090120—20091120    DJIA Lowest
20090121             "Weil wir ja ALLE—TERRORISTEN sind.". - - MONA—SARKIS 20090120
20090307—20120120    —ON, BRIAN—SHIVERS, 46—jahre—alt was found GUILTY—OF—THE—SHOOTING and sentenced to at least —25—YEARS—in—prison.
20090503—20090120    —AM, [...] Je mehr die OBAMA—REGIERUNG sich die Sache angeschaut habe, "desto weniger sahen die Militär—tribunale so schlecht aus wie ", zitierte die Zeitung 1—ungenannte Regierungs—quelle.
20091026             BERND—BARENBERG, 20090120
20100101—20100120    —ON, ISRAEL—MILITARY said Rahma was the victim of 1—MEDICAL—ERROR and was not killed by tear gas.
20100120             1—FRANCE—COURT ruled that 1—RUSSIAN—ORTHODOX cathedral built on THE—FRANCE—RIVIERA nearly 1—CENTURY—AGO under TSAR—NICHOLAS—II—NOW belongs to MOSCOW.
20100120             —EXTRADITED, THE—USA, to Bosnia Nedjo Ikonic (45), 1—FORMER—SERBIA—POLICEMAN.
20100120             THE—USA—CONSUMER—PRODUCT—SAFETY—COMMISSION said about 1.5—MILLION—GRACO strollers sold at WAL—MART, Target and other major retailers are being recalled —AFTER SOME—CHILDREN—FINGERTIPS were amputated by hinges on the products.
20100120             The strollers were made in CHINA by Graco and sold at AAFES, BURLINGTON Coat Factory, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, Kmart, FRED—MEYER, Meijer, Navy Exchange, Sears, Target, WAL—MART and other retailers nationwide 20041000—20091200    —FROM—TO.
20100120             —REPORTED, USA—RESEARCHERS, that shaving 3—GRAMS off the daily salt intake of Americans could prevent up to 66,000 strokes, 99,000 heart attacks and 92,000 deaths in THE—USA, —WHILE saving $24—BILLION in health costs per —YEAR.
20100120             —AGREED, THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT and its INTERNATIONAL partners, to significantly increase the country's security forces and outlined plans to lure Taliban militants from the fight and combat corruption in 1—BID to turn THE—TIDE—OF—THE—WAR.
20100120             1—NATO—RAID in the Qara Bagh district targeted 1—TALIBAN COMMANDER and killed 4 suspected insurgents, including a 15—YEAR—OLD—BOY shot —WHILE allegedly reaching for 1—SOLDIER—GUN.
20100120             —INSISTED, Villagers, the dead were civilians.
20100120             BELGIUM, the world's largest brewer, ANHEUSER—BUSCH InBev SA, shut down production in its home country, in 1—ESCALATION—OF—1—STANDOFF over job cuts with its BELGIUM—WORKERS which is causing beer shortages in shops.
20100120             1—TOP—REGULATOR said CHINA will slow its massive lending spree and step up MONITORING—OF—BANKS as it tries to prevent speculative bubbles in real estate and other assets —WHILE keeping the country's economic recovery on track.
20100120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—GOVERNMENT, 1—DEAL with HONDURAS' PRESIDENT—ELECT to give ousted leader MANUEL—ZELAYA safe passage to this Caribbean nation.
20100120             MAHMOUD—AL—MABHOUH (19600000             *), 1—OF—THE—FOUNDERS—OF—HAMAS' military wing, was poisoned and electrocuted overnight in his hotel room in DUBAI.
20100120             † 3—MORE—EGYPTIANS in flooding in THE—SOUTH—SINAI—DESERT, bringing the toll —FOR—3—DAYS—OF—UNSEASONABLY heavy rains to 10.
20100120             —FOUNDED, The ruling was 1—DEFEAT for 1—ASSOCIATION, by Russians who fled the Bolshevik Revolution that has been fighting to maintain its control over THE—S—NICHOLAS—CATHEDRAL in NICE, and its archbishop is accusing THE—RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT—OF—1—LAND grab as PART—OF—1—NATIONAL—PRIDE—CAMPAIGN.
20100120             GREECE, DOZENS—OF—PROSTITUTES, most using headscarves or hoods to hide their faces, demonstrated in CENTRAL—ATHENS, demanding working licenses for brothels across GREECE.
20100120             A 6.1—AFTERSHOCK struck HAITI, shaking more rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets —8—DAYS—AFTER the country's capital was devastated by 1—APOCALYPTIC quake.
20100120             IRAQ, 1—AUDACIOUS—ROBBERY—ATTEMPT in BAGHDAD left 3—DEAD and 6 wounded.
20100120             —ESCAPED, The suspects.
20100120             1—ROADSIDE bomb struck 1—PATROL in KIRKUK killing 1—POLICE—LIEUTENANT.
20100120             † 1—USA—SOLDIER, —OF—INJURIES from 1—VEHICLE—ACCIDENT that was not related to combat.
20100120             —DEPORTED, ISRAEL, JARED—MALSIN, THE—USA—EDITOR—OF—1—PALESTINE—NEWS—AGENCY, back to NEW—YORK—CITY—AFTER he was questioned about his "ANTI—ISRAELI" views.
20100120             Malsin was THE—CHIEF—ENGLISH—EDITOR—OF—THE—MAAN—NEWS—AGENCY based in Bethlehem.
20100120             JERUSALEM—ISRAEL, burglars broke into the Ashdod Museum where HUNDREDS—OF—ARTIFACTS recovered from THE—BLACK—MARKET were on show and snatched several valuable items, including 1—SILVER ring belonging to ALEXANDER—THE—GREAT and gold earrings.
20100120             —ANNOUNCED, MALAYSIA—POLICE, the arrest of 8—MUSLIM men who allegedly attacked 1—CHRISTIAN church with 1—FIREBOMB, the 1. suspects in 1—SPATE—OF—ASSAULTS on churches —AFTER 1—COURT ruled that NON—MUSLIMS could use the word "Allah" to refer to God.
20100120             —ABANDONED, MEXICO—AUTHORITIES found 7—CORPSES in 2, cars between the resort communities of ACAPULCO and Zihuatanejo along with written messages referring to drug cartels.
20100120             24—INMATES were killed and several others injured —DURING 1—PRISON brawl at 1—PENITENTIARY in NORTH—DURANGO city.
20100120             4—DAYS—OF—RAIN unleashed heavy flooding in PARTS—OF—THE—BORDER—CITY—OF—TIJUANA, killing a 5—YEAR—OLD—GIRL and leaving at least 10—OTHER—PEOPLE missing.
20100120             —CHARRED, JOS—NIGERIA, bodies with scorched hands reaching skyward lay in the streets and 1—MOSQUE with blackened minarets smoldered —AFTER several DAYS—OF—FIGHTING between Christians and Muslims killed more than 200—PEOPLE.
20100120             —REACHED, PAKISTAN—GOVERNMENT, 1—AGREEMENT to hand back responsibility for maintaining order in SOUTH—WAZIRISTAN to tribal leaders, —FOLLOWING a 3-month military offensive.
20100120             † IN—SIBERIA—KONSTANTIN—POPOV, 47—JAHRE—ALT, 1—REPORTER for Tomskaya Nedelya weekly, —AFTER nearly 2—WEEKS in 1—COMA.
20100120             IN—SIBERIA—KONSTANTIN—POPOV had been taken in police custody to sober up.
20100120             Police officer ALEXEI—MITAYEV, 26—JAHRE—ALT shot him in the genitals —AFTER beating him up.
20100120             SOUTH—KOREA—HEALTH—MINISTRY said in 1—STATEMENT that switches will be flicked at 7.30—PM every 3. —WEDNESDAY in the —MONTH to "help staff get dedicated to childbirth and upbringing".
20100120             Low birthrate was 1—PRESSING issue in this FAST—AGEING society.
20100120             —EXPOSED, TURKEY, the independent Taraf newspaper, 1 alleged military plan, codenamed "Sledgehammer," which sought to create chaos and panic to justify 1—MILITARY—TAKEOVER—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT.
20100120             —CONVICTED, VIETNAM, 4—DEMOCRACY—ACTIVISTS—OF trying to overthrow the communist government and sentenced them to up to 16—YEARS in prison for promoting multiparty democracy.
20100120             Le cong Dinh (41), 1—LAWYER, was sentenced —FOR—5—YEARS and activist Nguyen Tien Trung (26) was sentenced to 7—YEARS.
20100120             It reduced THE—SENTENCE—OF—BUSINESSMAN Le Thang Long.
20100120             —TARGETED, YEMEN—AIRSTRIKES, Ayed AL—SHABWANI, 1—OF—THE—COUNTRY—MOST wanted AL—QAIDA figures, for the 2. time in 1—WEEK.
20100120—19890000    —INVOLVED, AL—MABHOUH was, in the kidnapping and killing of 2—ISRAEL—SOLDIERS.
20100120—19950000    —SUSPECTED—OF, He was, taking part in genocide against Muslims in Srebrenica, EUROPE—WORST—MASSACRE—SINCE WWII.
20100120—20100129    —ACCUSED, Hamas, ISRAEL—AGENTS—OF assassinating the veteran operative.
20100120—20110211    —CONVICTED—OF, Mitayev was, beating and shooting Popov and was sentenced—to—12—YEARS—in—prison.
20100120—20130000    —IN, it was reported that BEN—ZYGIER took part in the killing by 1—MOSSAD—HIT—TEAM—OF—HAMAS operative MAHMOUD—AL—MAHBOUH.
20100219—20100120    —IN—THE, Hamas claimed that 2—EX—OFFICERS from the rival Fatah organization were involved ASSASSINATION—OF—1—HAMAS operative in DUBAI, and Fatah shot back by insinuating Hamas members were the ones who collaborated with the killers.
20100501             —IN—COURT—UPHELD—THE 16-year sentence against INTERNET entrepreneur Tran Huynh Duy Thuc and the 5-year sentence against USA—TRAINED human rights attorney Le Cong Dinh.
20100730—20120120    —AGREED, province and Welch, to plead guilty to charges—of—carjacking resulting in death, conspiracy and other charges.
20100930—20100120    —QUOTED, THE—ARABIC—LANGUAGE AL—ITTIHAD daily, DUBAI—police CHIEF—DAHI—KHALFAN as saying he had "received 2—DEATH—THREATS based on THE—CASE—OF—HAMAS militant" MAHMUD—AL—MABHUH—ASSASSINATION in 1—DUBAI hotel.
20101217—20110120    —DETAINED, HOLLAND—ENGINEER—VINCENT—TABAK, 32—JAHRE—ALT was, —AFTER—POLICE uncovered fresh evidence.
20110120             —RETURNED, All crew members, to VIETNAM 20110923             —ON—AFTER shipping firm Hoang Son Ltd Co. paid more—than—2—MILLION—dollar in ransom.
20110120             WikiLeaks provided 1—LOT—OF—KINDLING.
20110120             USA FBI agents dealt another major blow to NEW—YORK—5—MAFIA crime families by arresting some 127 suspected mobsters —THROUGHOUT the Northeast on charges including murder, extortion and narcotics trafficking.
20110120             —RESUMED, THE—USA, the deportation of Haitians for the 1. time —SINCE the devastating earthquake that struck the poor Caribbean nation —LAST—YEAR.
20110120             —LAUNCHED, THE—USA—NATIONAL—RECONNAISSANCE—OFFICE, 1 classified defense satellite on a 235-foot Delta IV Heavy Launch Vehicle at Vandenberg AIR—FORCE—BASE in CALIFORNIA.
20110120             CALIFORNIA, REGENTS—OF—THE—UNIVERSITY—OF—CAL. awarded HUNDREDS—OF—EMPLOYEES over $4—MILLION in incentive pay and raises 1—DAY—AFTER UC PRESIDENT. mark Yudof said USA would need to close a $1—BILLION budget gap next —YEAR.
20110120             —ERUPTED, FLORIDA, 1—SHOOTOUT, in the Liberty City section of MIAMI leaving 2—POLICE—OFFICERS and suspect JOHNNY—SIMMS, 22—JAHRE—ALT dead.
20110120             THE—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT—OF—UZBEKISTAN said in 1—ONLINE post that Bekkay Harrach, known by the pseudonym ABU—TALHA—AL—ALMANI, "ABU—TALHA—THE—GERMAN," was killed leading 1—ATTACK on the Bagram Air Field in AFGHANISTAN.
20110120             It didn't specify —WHEN.
20110120             —FLOODED, AUSTRALIA, 1—SURGING river, and isolated Kerang, VICTORIA state, the latest community hit in the deadly flood disaster, straining 1—LEVEE serving as the main protection between the muddy waters and residents' homes.
20110120             The flooding shut down much of QUEENSLAND—LUCRATIVE coal industry and has caused 30—DEATHS.
20110120             —REPORTED, DUBAI media, that undercover agents have wrapped up 1—REAL sting operation, finding devices that delivered electric shocks to camels to make them run faster in races.
20110120             Small vibrating robot "jockeys" were being used atop camels for racing in THE—UNITED—ARAB—EMIRATES.
20110120             EGYPT—HIGHEST—ISLAMIC—AUTHORITY, AL—AZHAR, said it was freezing all dialogue with THE—ROMAN—CATHOLIC—CHURCH over what it called BENEDICT—PAPA'S repeated insults toward Islam.
20110120             —ARRESTED, WWF officials said GABON has, 5—PEOPLE, 4—NIGERIANS and 1—WOMAN from BENIN. who were found with the heads of 12—CHIMPANZEES and 1 endangered gorilla.
20110120             The seizure was the largest of its kind in 1—DECADE.
20110120             —ORDERED, IVORY—COAST—INCUMBENT leader Laurent Gbagbo, the military to stop and search UN vehicles, the latest escalation of hostilities between the man who refuses to leave office and the global body that declared his rival the election winner.
20110120             KENYA, photos on the front page of Daily Nation, KENYA—LARGEST—NEWSPAPER, showed shocking images of what appeared to be undercover police shooting 3—COMPLIANT suspects at POINT—BLANK—RANGE in THE—MIDDLE—OF—THE—DAY on 1—BUSY—NAIROBI highway.
20110120             3—POLICE—OFFICERS were suspended and placed under investigation.
20110120             —KILLED, IRAQ, 56—PEOPLE were, in triple suicide bombings at security checkpoints targeting pilgrims headed to the Shiite holy CITY—OF—KARBALA for rituals.
20110120             —BELIEVED, As many as 175—PEOPLE were, to be wounded.
20110120             —BATTLED, MEXICO—POLICE, armed suspects at 1—POPULAR mall in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, sending terrified shoppers scrambling and leaving 1—OFFICER—DEAD.
20110120             —NABBED, Officials, Jose Lozano (21), the alleged top hit man for 1—ACAPULCO drug gang, suspected in the slayings of 22—PEOPLE—EARLIER this —MONTH.
20110120             6—OTHER suspected MEMBERS—OF—THE—INDEPENDENT—CARTEL—OF—ACAPULCO were also arrested.
20110120             1—PALESTINE—MAN opened fire at 1—ISRAEL—GUARD—POST in THE—WEST—BANK and soldiers returned fire, killing him.
20110120             —SEIZED, THE—EU Naval Force said that SOMALIA—PIRATES have, 1—VIETNAMESE—OWNED bulk carrier, THE—MV Hoang Son Sun, with 24—CREW onboard.
20110120             SOUTH—AFRICA—POLICE found 2—DEAD—BODIES in the rural west.
20110120             —IDENTIFIED, They were, as PHILIPPE—MENIERE and AGNES—JARDEL, 1—FRANCE—COUPLE wanted for allegedly shooting at 1—POLICE—OFFICER last —WEEK.
20110120             —AGREED, SOUTH—KOREA, to 1—NORTH—KOREA—OFFER—OF—HIGH—LEVEL—MILITARY—TALKS, 1—MAJOR—BREAKTHROUGH in the crisis on the peninsula which improves the prospect of renewed AID—FOR—DISARMAMENT—NEGOTIATIONS.
20110120             —CLASHED, SUDAN—ARMY, with fighters from 2—REBEL—FACTIONS in Darfur in a 4—HOUR fight that left 21—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110120             —FIRED, TUNISIA—POLICE, shots into the air to try to disperse HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS demanding that ministers associated with THE—RULE—OF—OUSTED—PRESIDENT—ZINE—AL—ABIDINE—BEN—ALI leave the government.
20110120             —ARRESTED, TUNISIA—AUTHORITIES, 33—MEMBERS—OF toppled dictator Zine El Abidine BEN—ALI—FAMILY and paraded 1—TREASURE trove of jewelry seized in raids on their homes on state television.
20110120             8—MINISTERS in the new national unity cabinet, who had up —UNTIL—NOW remained MEMBERS—OF—BEN—ALI'S disgraced Constitutional Democratic Rally, resigned from the party.
20110120             Die Familien haben beträchtliche TEILE—DER—WIRTSCHAFT in NEW—YORK und Umgebung infiltriert.
20110120             vielleicht die größte ANTI—MAFIA—RAZZIA in der USA—GESCHICHTE—STARTETE im Morgengrauen.
20110120             Mehr als 800—BEAMTE waren im Einsatz und nahmen in NEW—YORK, NEW—JERSEY und New ENGLAND einem Bericht der "NEW—YORK—TIMES " zufolge am —DONNERSTAG
20110120             in einer beispiellosen Aktion 127—PERSONEN fest.
20110120             Ihnen wird Mord, Schutzgelderpressung, Drogenhandel, Einbruch, Erpressung, Raub, illegales Glücksspiel und Lohnbetrug vorgeworfen.
20110120             "Moora" lebte vor rund 2650—JAHREN, ärgert sich FDP—MANN Kurth.
20110120             "Der Deutsche BUNDESTAG ist der richtige Ort, um über die Pressefreiheit in Ungarn zu reden", beschied THOMAS—OPPERMANN, Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer der SPD—FRAKTION, seinen Kollegen von der FDP.
20110120             Falls die SCHWARZ—GELBE Koalition das verhindern wolle, dann offensichtlich, weil es ihr unangenehm sei, über die Pläne ihrer konservartiven Parteifreunde in Ungarn zu reden.
20110120             Für die FDP steckt dahinter ein durchsichtiges taktisches Manöver.
20110120             "1—TERMIN so spät am —FREITAG erreicht deutlich weniger Öffentlichkeit als am Donnerstagmittag", sagt PATRICK—KURTH.
20110120             —AM—FREITAG nach 15—UHR leert sich das Plenum schlagartig, da VIELE—ABGEORDNETE zu Terminen in ihre Wahlkreise oder ins Wochenende aufbrechen.
20110120             Auch für die Samstagszeitungen kommt 1—DEBATTE am Freitagnachmittag wohl zu spät.
20110120             Um die Diskussion doch noch am —DONNERSTAG zu ermöglichen, hatten die Liberalen versucht, die SPD zum Tausch der Aktuellen Stunden zu BEWEGEN—ALSO Ungarns neues Mediengesetz am —FREITAG zu besprechen
20110120             Die Linke bediente sich einer Verfahrensregel, um den Zeitplan durcheinander zu bringen.
20110120             —BEREITS—AM—MITTWOCH nutzte die Partei die Möglichkeit, aus einer Fragestunde der Bundesregierung eine ausgedehntere Aktuelle —STUNDE zu entwickeln.
20110120             Ihr Abgeordneter JAN—KORTE wollte wissen, warum der Bundesnachrichtendienst die Veröffentlichung einer Akte über den NS—VERBRECHER ADOLF—EICHMANN verhindere.
20110120             sich - ärgert sich der Liberale Kurth.
20110120             "Die Restrukturierungsfantasien zu Griechenland basieren auf Gerüchten und nicht auf Fakten", sagte Finanzstaatssekretär Steffen Kampeter am —DONNERSTAG.
20110120             —DERZEIT arbeiteten ALLE—EURO—STAATEN aktiv an ihrer Haushaltskonsolidierung und der Verbesserung ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.
20110120             Großrazzia: USA—POLIZEI erklärt New Yorks MAFIA—CLANS den Krieg
20110120             Archäologie: Forscher rekonstruieren Gesicht von Moorleiche
20110120             Tunesiens EX—PRÄSIDENT: EU friert BEN—ALIS—MILLIONEN ein
20110120             EURO—KRISE: Spanien pumpt Milliarden in Sparkassen
20110120             Bundestagsposse: Parlamentarier zanken um Krawattenzwang
20110120             Leider ist auch die SACHLICH—NÜCHTERNE Erzählstimme der englischen Fassung in der Übersetzung verlorengegangen.
20110120             Anstatt sich auf die Interviewten zu verlassen, spitzt der SPRECHER—DER—DEUTSCHEN—VERSION zu: Mehr Krieg, mehr Cyber, mehr Rebellen.
20110120             Dabei hätte der Film das gar nicht nötig.
20110120             Die STUXNET—ENTWICKLUNG stünde hinter dem zurück, was ein "bulgarischer Teenager in den Neunzigern —BEREITS getan hat".
20110120             Vor allem sind sich Lawson und Parkner in einer Vermutung einig: All diese Fehler deuten darauf hin, dass,
20110120             trotz anderslautender Gerüchte, womöglich kein westlicher STAAT—HINTER—STUXNET stehe.
20110120             —SPEKULIERT, Vielleicht, Lawson, wurde Stuxnet ja sogar —ZUNÄCHST von einem PROFI—TEAM entwickelt, DAS—AUS welchen Gründen auch IMMER—DEN WURM—ENTWURF dann einem AMATEUR—TEAM überließ, das Stuxnet dann auf eigene Faust weiterentwickelte.
20110120             "—JETZT reden alle darüber, dass dies 1—AL—DSCHASIRA—REVOLUTION war", ärgert sich Bisbes über die Bedeutung, die der TUNESIEN—BERICHTERSTATTUNG des panarabischen Kanals zugesprochen wird.
20110120             "Das ist maßlos übertrieben. Facebook, Twitter und AL—DSCHASIRA haben nur die Impulse verstärkt, die aus dem Volk kamen".
20110120             Die beiden größten Zeitungen Tunesiens haben in nicht einmal einer Woche eine radikale Wandlung durchgemacht.
20110120             Früher schmückte das Konterfei des Despoten
20110120             BEN—ALI JEDE—TITELSEITE, —HEUTE wird auf ihnen zur Jagd auf den Staatschef geblasen.
20110120             Denn die Flucht BEN—ALIS ins Ausland war am Wochenende auch die Geburtsstunde der Pressefreiheit.
20110120             Razzien rund um NEW—YORK: USA—POLIZEI setzt mehr als 100—MAFIOSI fest
20110120             —GEBROCHEN, Pressefreiheit in Tunesien: "Bei uns sind ALLE—DÄMME "
20110120             Genforschung: Wie sich Bettwanzen vor Pestiziden schützen
20110120             —ÜBERRASCHT, Erfolgreiche Großbank: MORGAN—STANLEY, mit starken Zahlen
20110120             KRIEG—GEGEN—DEN—TERROR: Obama plant neue GUANTANAMO—VERFAHREN
20110120             Ermittlungen in Argentinien: "Gorch Fock" muss nach MEUTEREI—VORWÜRFEN umkehren
20110120             Die Zeitschrift Marianne sprach aus, was manche dachten: Wo waren denn, als die Tunesier für ihre Freiheit auf die Barrikaden gingen, die Intellektuellen, die BERNARD—HENRI Levys, ANDRE—GLUCKSMANNS, Alain Finkielkrauts oder auch 1—BERNARD—KOUCHNER, geblieben, die sonst immer wie Pflichtverteidiger der Menschenrechte in IRAN, Tibet oder Russland auftreten?"
20110120             Jungle World, 20110120
20110120             den tunesischen Aufstand mit den osteuropäischen Revolutionen von 19890000             : "Keine andere heutige REGION—DER—WELT ist objektiv so reif für einen grundlegenden Wandel. Dabei spielt es tatsächlich nur eine nebensächliche Rolle, ob die jeweils herrschenden Regimes sich nun prowestlich geben, den politischen Islam verkörpern oder ihre Staatsräson noch mit Versatzstücken von Panarabismus und 'Antiimperialismus' auskleiden. Für einen Jugendlichen in Damaskus oder Teheran sieht die politische Umwelt nur graduell anders aus als für einen in TUNIS oder Algier".
20110120             THE—BAADER—MEINHOF GROUP—OF—LEFT—WING terrorists in GERMANY also briefly claimed responsibility but it is THE—YUGOSLAVIA—CONNECTION suggested by Sindicic that remains the most convincing.
20110120             —HEUTE in den Feuilletons: Das Schweigen der französischen Intellektuellen
20110120             Debra Brock und ihre MITARBEITER—VON—DER—RICE—UNIVERSITY—IN—HOUSTON (USA—BUNDESSTAAT TEXAS) zeigten nun, dass etwa 1—DRITTEL aller freilebenden Amöben 1—ART—VON—LANDWIRTSCHAFT betreiben.
20110120             Die Forscher nennen diese Gruppen "Bauern".
20110120             LABORVERSUCHEN, wiesen sie nach, dass die Bauern nicht wie ihre Artgenossen ALLE—BAKTERIEN in einer Kulturschale fraßen.
20110120             Stattdessen stellten sie zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt das Futtern ein, bildeten einen mehrzelligen Organismus und schlossen dabei die verbleibenden Bakterien in den Sorus ein.
20110120             Auch Bauernpräsident GERD—SONNLEITNER erklärt die Phase der billigen Lebensmittel für beendet.
20110120             "Die Zeiten sind vorbei", sagte der CHEF—DES—DEUTSCHEN—BAUERNVERBANDES
20110120             Grund dafür sei, dass die Agrarrohstoffpreise im Laufe des Jahres 20100000             "sprunghaft" gestiegen seien.
20110120             Auch in diesem —JAHR dürften die Lebensmittelpreise weiter steigen.
20110120             —BEREITS—SEIT Jahren zeichnet sich der Trend ab.
20110120             —SEIT dem —JAHR 20050000             wurden Nahrungsmittel um 13—PROZENT teurer.
20110120             ALLE—VERBRAUCHERPREISE zusammen stiegen in dem Zeitraum dagegen nur um 8,2 Prozent.
20110120             Damit sind Niedrigverdiener besonders stark von den steigenden Preisen betroffen, da sie einen relativ großen Teil ihres Geldes für Lebensmittel ausgeben müssen.
20110120             BILDER—VON—HOBBYASTRONOMEN: Amateurfotos lassen Weltall funkeln
20110120             Preisentwicklung: Alles wird teurer, nur Telefonieren nicht
20110120             Verunglückter Säuretanker: RHEIN—BLOCKADE bremst Produktion bei BASF
20110120             Mikroorganismen: Schleimpilze betreiben Ackerbau
20110120             WASHINGTON—DER chinesische Staatschef Hu Jintao hat nach einem Treffen mit USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA erklärt, dass in seinem Land bei den Menschenrechten noch viel Handlungsbedarf bestehe.
20110120             CHINA erkenne und respektiere, dass diese Rechte "universell seien", sagte Hu am —MITTWOCH auf einer gemeinsamen PRESSEKONFERENZ—MIT—OBAMA in WASHINGTON.
20110120             Diesen Schlingerkurs kommentierte die linke Pariser Tageszeitung "Libération" mit hämischem Unterton: "Von einem auf den anderen —TAG aus dem totalen Beistand für 1—DIKTATUR hinüberwechseln zur Unterstützung einer nachfolgenden demokratischen BEWEGUNG—DAS ist kein leichtes Unterfangen".
20110120             "Wir haben mit TUNIS staatliche Beziehungen, und man kann ja nicht JEDES—MAL, wenn es soziale Bewegungen in einem Land gibt, den Rücktritt der entsprechenden Führer fordern".
20110120             —BIS zum bitteren Ende hatte Frankreichs Staatschef seinem Kollegen BEN—ALI in TUNIS zur Seite gestanden, der die Demonstranten als "maskierte Gauner" und "feindliche Elemente" verunglimpft hatte.
20110120             Den Strategen sei nun klar, dass "Frankreichs ursprünglicher Kurs den Karren vor die Wand fährt".
20110120             Sarkozys Lobeshymnen gen TUNIS
20110120             Auch Sozialist DOMINIQUE—STRAUSS—KAHN, CHEF—DES—WELTWÄHRUNGSFONDS, behauptete einst: "Tunesien ist 1—VORBILD für Entwicklungsländer".
20110120             Der Verband von Frankreichs AFRIKA—INVESTOREN (CIAN) pries seinerzeit die Nation "für ihre solide Wirtschaft, die einhergeht mit politischer Stabilität".
20110120             FRAGE, steht —JETZT der außenpolitische Kurs Frankreichs in der gesamten Region Maghreb und Naher Osten, den —BISHER kaum jemand öffentlich in Frage gestellt hat.
20110120             Während die USA —SCHON früh Unterstützung für die Protestbewegung in TUNIS signalisierten, beharrte PARIS auf seiner POLITIK—DER—REGIMEHILFE.
20110120             "Die ist völlig übergeschnappt", zitiert der Pariser "Canard Enchaîné" Ministerpräsident François Fillon.
20110120             Und PRÄSIDENT—NICOLAS—SARKOZY grummelte angeblich: "Das sind Äußerungen, die Frankreichs Position geschwächt haben".
20110120             Denn noch am —DIENSTAG vergangener WOCHE—INMITTEN der blutigen Revolte gegen die Herrschaft von Staatschef Zine EL—ABIDINE BEN—ALI—HATTE ALLIOT—MARIE vor der Pariser Volksvertretung "Frankreichs weltweit anerkanntes 'KNOW—HOW' unserer Sicherheitskräfte" zum Einsatz in TUNIS ANGEBOTEN—ZUR Stärkung der Regierung BEN—ALI, mit der nun niemand mehr etwas zu tun haben möchte.
20110120             die Republikaner, die inzwischen die Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus haben, stimmten nun für die Rücknahme der
20110120             Gesundheitsreform.
20110120             Belastung für Verbraucher: Lebensmittelpreise steigen stark an
20110120             Gesundheitsreform: USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS hebt Obamas Gesetz auf
20110120             Frankreichs TUNESIEN—POLITIK: Alter Freund, neues Problem
20110120             GIGA—WACHSTUM: Chinas Wirtschaft legt um mehr als 10—PROZENT zu
20110120             Chinas Staatschef: Hu räumt Defizite bei Menschenrechten ein
20110120—20110923    —RETURNED, All crew members, to VIETNAM —AFTER shipping firm Hoang Son Ltd Co. paid more than $2—MILLION in ransom.
201101301207         Die LANG—JAHRE—ALT DIREKTORIN—DES—ÄGYPTISCHEN—MUSEUMS in Kairo, Wafaa AL—SADDIK, hat das Wachpersonal und Polizisten für die Plünderungen in der Kunstsammlung während der Unruhen verantwortlich gemacht.
20110130—20060120    —CONFIRMED, The deal was, by UK PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR —DURING the G-8
2011020220120000     reports that there have been protests by ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS and SUPPORTERS—OF—PRESIDENT—MUBARAK in EGYPT's 2. CITY—OF—ALEXANDRIA.
20110215230120       Beim CO2-Ausstoß halten sich beide TRANSPORT—MITTEL die Waage
20110910—20120120    —ON, 1—SWEDEN—COURT acquitted 3—MEN accused—of—plotting to murder Vilks.
20111231—20110120    —INDICTED, Hirata was, for his role in the abduction and
20120116—20120120    —ON, the Globe and Mail newspaper said 2—DIPLOMATS and 2—TECHNICAL—STAFF at THE—RUSSIA—EMBASSY had been dropped from the official list of diplomatic, consular and foreign government representatives recognized by OTTAWA.
20120120             —CONVICTED, 20120301             —IN—PAKISTAN—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL, 2—SOLDIERS and sentenced them to —1—YEAR in prison.
20120120             —RULED, THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HEALTH and Human Services, that religiously affiliated nonprofit organizations, including hospitals and universities, will have to offer BIRTH—CONTROL—COVERAGE to women employees but gave the organizations 1—EXTRA—YEAR to comply.
20120120             1—USA federal appeals COURT—IN—BOSTON upheld MULTIMILLION—DOLLAR—JUDGMENTS that found THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—LIABLE for the deaths of 3—PEOPLE allegedly murdered by James "Whitey" Bulger.
20120120             THE—FBI had used Bulger and associate STEPHEN—FLEMMI as informants and had shielded them from prosecution.
20120120             —ANNOUNCED, THE—FBI, that it had closed down 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST—FILE sharing sites Megauploader_com.
20120120             —REGISTERED, The site, which had over 180—MILLION, users, was ACCUSED—OF—COPYRIGHT—VIOLATION and its FOUNDER—KIM—DOTCOM, 37—JAHRE—ALT, aka KIM—SCHMITZ, was arrested in NEW—ZEALAND.
20120120             —LAUNCHED, Shortly —AFTER, Anonymous, 1—ATTACK on several USA based sites, including THE—FBI and Universal Music.
20120120             —DESIGNATED, USA federal regulators, nearly 42,000 square MILES—OF—OCEAN along THE—WEST—COAST as critical habitat for the endangered Pacific leatherback turtle.
20120120             ETTA—JAMES (19380000             *), the powerhouse singer who combined blues, gospel and R&B and emerged as 1—MAJOR—STAR in the '50s and '60s, † —AFTER 1—LONG—BATTLE with leukemia in 1—RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, hospital.
20120120             —PLACED, James, NUMBER 62 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the greatest artists of all time.
20120120             —TITLED, Her 19950000             autobiography was, "Rage to Survive".
20120120             1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER shot dead 4 unarmed FRANCE—TROOPS —DURING 1—SPORTS—SESSION inside 1—BASE.
20120120             —SUSPENDED, PRESIDENT—SARKOZY, FRANCE—MILITARY training and joint combat operations with AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS, and sent Defense MINISTER—GERARD—LONGUET to probe the attack in which at least 15—FRANCE—SOLDIERS were also wounded.
20120120             —JOINED, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL and THE—USA in signing 1—ACCORD to cooperate in THE—CONTROL—OF—COCA plant cultivation.
20120120             The agreement creates 1—COCA cultivation tracking system, with THE—USA—PROVIDING—GPS equipment and BRAZIL capturing satellite images.
20120120             —REVOKED, UK—AUTHORITIES, THE—LICENSE—OF—PRESS TV, THE—IRAN—STATE broadcaster's ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—OUTLET, saying the channel had breached 1—STRING—OF—REGULATIONS.
20120120             —RETIRED, CHILE, 2, generals in CHILE were found GUILTY—OF—ILLEGAL—WEAPONS—SALES to CROATIA in violation of 1—UN—EMBARGO.
20120120             THE—SUPREME—COURT—SENTENCED—HECTOR—LETELIER—SKINNER and Vicente Rodriguez Bustos to 3—YEARS each.
20120120             8—OTHERS also were convicted.
20120120             —ALLOWED, All are, to serve their terms at home.
20120120             † THE—EUROPEAN—MEDICINES—AGENCY said it is investigating 1—MULTIPLE sclerosis drug made by Novartis —AFTER at least 11—PATIENTS taking the drug.
20120120             The drug, Gilenya, was licensed —LAST—YEAR in THE—EU to treat patients with 1—SEVERE—TYPE—OF—MULTIPLE sclerosis.
20120120             —RAPED, HAITI, PAKISTAN—PEACE—KEEPERS, a 14—YEAR—OLD boy in Gonaives.
20120120             —DECLARED, INDONESIA—POLICE said 1—CIVIL—SERVANT, who, himself 1—ATHEIST on Facebook, has been arrested and is —NOW facing jail for blasphemy —AFTER being attacked by 1—ANGRY—MOB.
20120120             An was also 1—ADMINISTRATOR—OF—1—FACEBOOK group promoting atheism with 1,243 followers.
20120120             —APPEARED, His postings no longer, online —FOLLOWING his arrest.
20120120             —DETAINED, IRAQ—SECURITY—FORCES, 1—SUNNI—ARAB politician in CENTRAL—IRAQ —WHILE a 2. escaped in the latest ROUND—OF—DETENTIONS to hit the minority group amid 1—POLITICAL—ROW.
20120120             JAPAN, ESTONIA—SUMO wrestler Baruto won his 1. tournament, logging 1—UNBEATABLE 13. straight victory with only 2—BOUTS to go in the New —YEAR basho.
20120120             —OUTRAGED, MALAWI, hundreds of, girls and women, among them prominent politicians, protested the recent public STRIPPING—OF—WOMEN—OF—THEIR miniskirts and pants.
20120120             —EMBLAZONED, MANY—WORE pants or miniskirts and T—SHIRTS, with such slogans as: "Real men don't harass women".
20120120             Men also took part.
20120120             —FILED, MALAYSIA—PROSECUTORS, 1—NOTICE—OF—APPEAL against THE—ACQUITTAL—OF—OPPOSITION—LEADER—ANWAR Ibrahim on sodomy charges, sending THE—LONG—RUNNING divisive case back to court.
20120120             —ARRESTED, THE—MALDIVES, DOZENS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—ACTIVISTS were, in THE—CAPITAL—MALE, as the government accused them of whipping up religious extremism.
20120120             MALI—MILITARY said its army has taken control of 3—NORTHERN—TOWNS which were attacked by Tuareg rebels, leading to 2—DAYS—OF—FIERCE clashes.
20120120             MEXICO, MEMBERS—OF—1—ARMY—SPECIAL—FORCES—UNIT fatally shot 1—HIGH—RANKING aide to the country's MOST—WANTED drug dealer in 1—GUNFIGHT in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—DURANGO.
20120120             LUIS—ALBERTO—CABRERA—SARABIA, know as "THE—ARCHITECT," was responsible for THE—OPERATIONS—OF—GUZMAN—SINALOA—CARTEL in DURANGO and part of the neighboring STATE—OF—CHIHUAHUA.
20120120             —CAPTURED, Police in NORTH—MEXICO, ENRIQUE—ELIZONDO—FLORES, 35—JAHRE—ALT, 1 alleged MEMBER—OF—THE—ZETAS drug gang.
20120120             He confessed to killing at least 75—PEOPLE, including MANY—WHO were pulled off buses.
20120120             —BARGED, MEXICO, police officers in Jalisco state, into 1—LAGOS—DE—MORENO hotel and kidnapped 3—MEN.
20120120             —SEIZED, Hours —AFTER the 3 were, they were found asphyxiated and beaten to death.
20120120             —CAPTURED, The action was, on video and the faces of several officers were clearly visible.
20120120             —SEIZED, NEW—ZEALAND police, 1—TREASURE trove of luxury goods from THE—FOUNDER—OF—FILE—SHARING site Megaupload_com as 4 suspected INTERNET pirates wanted in THE—USA appeared in court.
20120120             —RIPPED, NIGERIA, 1—EXPLOSION, through 1—ZONAL police headquarters in KANO, the largest city in the Muslim north.
20120120             Bomb attacks targeting security forces and gun battles killed at least 150—CIVILIANS, 29—POLICE—OFFICERS, 3—SECRET—POLICE—OFFICERS, 2—IMMIGRATION—OFFICERS and 1—CUSTOMS—OFFICIAL, bringing the death toll in KANO to 185—DEAD.
20120120             1—LOCAL—TELEVISION—JOURNALIST was among those shot dead as he covered the unrest.
20120120             † In NORTH—IRELAND officials confirmed that 3—BABIES have in the last —WEEK to —10—DAYS—AFTER 1—INFECTIOUS—OUTBREAK linked to the pseudomonas bacteria in 1—BELFAST hospital.
20120120             —GATHERED, ROMANIA, crowds, in BUCHAREST for the 8. —DAY as 1—USA—OFFICIAL urged Romanians to avoid the violence that has tarred ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS that have left more than 60—PEOPLE injured.
20120120             SENEGAL, more than 200—WOMEN were let OUT—OF—JAIL—FOR—24—HOURS—AFTER PRESIDENT—ABDOULAYE—WADE declared a "—DAY—OF—GIVING" in which no ladies should be in prison.
20120120             —PARDONED, Wade also, 34—WOMEN convicted for various crimes.
20120120             —RAIDED, SOMALIA, African UNION—BACKED government forces, Islamist rebel hideouts in MOGADISHU with tanks and artillery, sparking 1—RETALIATION that killed 3—GOVERNMENT—SOLDIERS and 1—OFFICIAL.
20120120             —LIFTED, SOUTH—KOREA, its 9—YEAR import ban on CANADA—BEEF.
20120120             —ORDERED, SOUTH—SUDAN, THE—SHUTDOWN—OF—OIL—PRODUCTION that provides some 98—PERCENT of its revenue, amid 1—DEEPENING row with KHARTOUM over pipeline fees.
20120120             Shutting down production would not be immediate, and that SOUTH—SUDAN—PRESIDENT—SALVA—KIIR would meet with SUDAN—PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR —BEFORE it was stopped.
20120120             —KILLED, At least 8—PEOPLE were, by security forces across the country.
20120120             EGYPT, 2—ARAB League officials said the organization is likely to extend its observer mission.
20120120             —RAISED, THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY, concern over the record numbers of Ethiopians and Somalis flocking to YEMEN, despite the deteriorating security situation there.
20120120             —LAST—YEAR—103,000 refugees, asylum seekers and migrants crossed the Gulf of ADEN and Red Sea, almost double 20100000             —THE figure of 53,000.
20120120             THE—UN—REFUGEE—AGENCY said 1—UPSURGE in violence involving government troops and militia in EAST—DEMOCRATIC—REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO has forced 100,000—PEOPLE from their homes —SINCE November.
20120120             —UNIDENTIFIED, YEMEN, gunmen shot dead 3—POLICEMEN in the center of ADEN.
20120120—20120118    —ON, ALEXANDER—AAN, 30—JAHRE—ALT, who wrote "God doesn't exist" on his Facebook page, was beaten by 1—MOB—OF—DOZENS in his hometown in Pulau Punjung, WEST—SUMATRA province.
20120120—20120606    —ON, 5—POLICE—OFFICERS were detained, —WHEN soldiers and state police raided their police station.
20120121—20110120    —ON, She had set out from S—MAARTEN.
20120304             Residents have COMPLAINED—OF—HARASSMENT and extortion by security personnel at checkpoints that dot the city —FOLLOWING 20120120             —THE coordinated Boko Haram bomb and gun attacks that killed 185—PEOPLE.
20120716—20120120    —SENTENCED, AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER—ABDUL—SABOR was, to—death for killing 4—FRANCE—TROOPS, in EAST—AFGHANISTAN.
20121116—19930000    —SEIT, Dass DER—VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ das THULE—NETZ aufbaut wußten wir —BEREITS—UND—SEIT—DEM 19940120             hatten wir es auch amtlich.
20130120             EURO—KRISE : SCHÄUBLE will erneut GELD—WÄSCHE-Kontrolleure nach ZYPERN schicken
20130120             Deutscher —EINSATZ—IN—WEST—AFRIKA: Westerwelle verspricht mehr Geld für Mali
20130120             Zitterwahl im NORDEN: 5—Szenarien für NIEDER—SACHSEN
20130120             —ANTIquarische Bücher: Versandantiquariat Hans-Jürgen Lange,..
20130120             EDUARD—STADTLER - WeltREVOLUTIONS—KRIEG [WeltREVOLUTIONS—KRIEG]. Erstausg., DÜSSELDORF, Verlagsanstalt Tyrolia, München, Vereinigung Natur und Kultur e.V, 1926;
20130120             Win7
20130120             1360x768—Mexico Flag Mexico Gestión De Direccionamiento Uninet (
20130120             NIEDER—SACHSEN—Wahl: CDU stärkste Partei, FDP jubelt - Patt im LAND—TAG
20130120             1—Mandat Vorsprung: Hauchdünner Sieg für SPD und Grüne in NIEDER—SACHSEN
20130120             In der 1. landesweiten Volksbefragung spricht sich die Bevölkerung für die Beibehaltung der Wehrpflicht in Österreich aus.
20130120             ALGERIA—BOMB—SQUADS scouring 1—GAS—PLANT, where Islamist militants took DOZENS—OF—FOREIGN—WORKERS—HOSTAGE, found 25—NEW—BODIES as they searched for explosive traps left behind by the attackers, 1—DAY—AFTER 1—BLOODY—RAID ended THE—4—DAY—SIEGE—OF—THE—REMOTE desert refinery.
20130120             —REPORTED, At least 81—PEOPLE have been, dead, including 32—ISLAMIST—MILITANTS.
20130120             —REMAINED, Nearly 2—DOZEN—FOREIGN—WORKERS, unaccounted.
20130120             AUSTRIA held 1—REFERENDUM on the future of its army.
20130120             —VOTED, Austrians, overwhelmingly to retain their conscript army, with preliminary results showing —AROUND 60% rejecting the proposed shift to 1—PROFESSIONAL—FORCE.
20130120             —CANCELLED, LONDON—HEATHROW—AIRPORT, a 5. of flights and airlines scrapped 40—PERCENT—OF—FLIGHTS to PARIS—MAIN—AIRPORTS as snow continued to blanket parts of EUROPE, with more forecast.
20130120             EGYPT, overnight clashes between police and residents of 1—DISTRICT—JUST—NORTH—OF—CAIRO left 4—PEOPLE—DEAD and 12 wounded.
20130120             The clashes began —WHEN 1—BYSTANDER in Shubra AL—KHEIMA was hit by 1—STRAY bullet fired by police chasing 1 suspected drug dealer.
20130120             —RAIDED, Gunmen, 1—POST—OFFICE—IN—THE—NILE—DELTA—TOWN—OF—KAFR—EL—DAWAR, killing 1—POLICE—GUARD—BEFORE making away with 2—MILLION—POUNDS (—AROUND $300,000).
20130120             1—COURTHOUSE went up in flames in ALEXANDRIA —DURING a 2. straight —DAY—OF—CLASHES between protesters and riot police.
20130120             —PROTESTED, GEORGIA, more than 1,000—PEOPLE, OUTSIDE—OF—THE—PRESIDENT—RESIDENCE in TBILISI to demand that he —IMMEDIATELY resign and hand over executive power to THE—SPEAKER—OF—PARLIAMENT.
20130120             —EXPLODED, GREECE, 1—BOMB, at 1—SHOPPING mall in ATHENS, slightly wounding 2—SECURITY—GUARDS and forcing the evacuation of about 200—PEOPLE.
20130120             —HANGED, IRAN, 2—MEN, 24—JAHRE—ALT publicly —AFTER 1—VIDEO—POSTED on YouTube showing them robbing and assaulting 1—MAN with 1—MACHETE on 1—TEHRAN street.
20130120             —IDENTIFIED, IRAQ, 1—MAN, by police as Talal ALI—ABBAS, ignited himself in 1—CENTRAL—SQUARE in MOSUL where protesters have been rallying for weeks.
20130120             They say other protesters quickly put the blaze out by smothering the flames with their coats.
20130120             —EXTENDED, MALI, FRANCE—FORCES, their deployment northward up from THE—CENTRAL—TOWN—OF—MARKALA, reinforcing their presence in the towns of Niono and MOPTI.
20130120             —ARRIVED, Some 400—TROOPS from NIGERIA, TOGO and BENIN, in BAMAKO to help train 1—AFRICAN force for MALI.
20130120             —INDICTED, NEW—ZEALAND, Megaupload FOUNDER—KIM—DOTCOM launched "Mega," 1—NEW—FILE—SHARING website that promised users greater privacy and defied THE—USA—PROSECUTORS who accuse him of facilitating massive online piracy.
20130120             —BATTLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT troops, rebels in several areas outside DAMASCUS.
20130120             —BOMBED, Regime warplanes, OPPOSITION—HELD areas —AROUND the capital, including 1—AIRSTRIKE on the village of AL—BARIKA that killed at least 7—PEOPLE.
20130120             THE—UNITED—NATIONS said that AFGHANISTAN—AUTHORITIES were still torturing prisoners, such as hanging them by their wrists and beating them with cables, 1—YEAR—AFTER THE—UN 1. documented the abuse and THE—AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT promised detention reform.
20130120             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—EXPLOSION in THE—PROVINCE—OF—BAYDA, at least 13 suspected AL—QAIDA militants.
20130120             —OWNED, It went off in 1—HOUSE, by 1—KNOWN—AL—QAIDA operative, AHMED—ABDULLAH—DEIF—ALLAH—AL—ZAHAB, and appeared to be 1—ACCIDENT.
20130121—20130120    —SUFFERED, GERMANY, passengers, delays and flight cancellations at FRANKFURT airport, EUROPE—3. busiest, —AFTER freezing rain had forced the airport to shut late.
20130720             CALIFORNIA,
20130720   —LOS—ANGELES, (No referring link) - Apple iPhone - 320x480—COLUMBUS,
20130804             USA—PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA has rarely used the term, but in his inaugural address on  20090120, he stated "Our nation is at war, against 1—FAR—REACHING NET—WORK—OF—VIOLENCE and hatred".
20130929—20080120    —PREMIERED, The series had, in THE—USA—AND—CANADA.
20131210             —GESTELLT, Ihr Wecker ist auf den 20140120, 11—UHR MEZ, erklärt —JETZT 1—ESA—SPRECHER.
20131210             —SEIT—DEM, 20110608             befindet sich "Rosetta"in 1 energiesparenden Tiefschlafphase. Ihr Wecker ist auf den 20140120, 11—Uhr MEZ, gestellt, erklärt jetzt 1 esa—SPRECHER. Dann soll die Sonde ihre Navigationsinstrumente aufwärmen und die Hauptantenne zur Erde ausrichten, um mit dem esa-Kontrollzentrum in DARMSTADT in Kontakt zu treten. Die Mit—ARBEITER dort seien nicht ganz frei von Sorgen, immerhin sei "R zehn ta"bereits seit 10—JAHREn in den Tiefen des Alls unterwegs.
20140112—20140120    —FROM, IRAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said that the "joint plan of action," the landmark agreement the Islamic republic clinched with world powers on its disputed nuclear program, will take effect.
20140120             NEBRASKA, there was 1—EXPLOSION at THE—INTERNATIONAL—NUTRITION building in OMAHA.
20140120             —KILLED, At least 2—PEOPLE were, and 10—OTHERS injured at the animal feed processing plant.
20140120             —LAUNCHED, SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 9—TALIBAN militants, 1—SUICIDE—ASSAULT against 1—USA—BASE killing 1—NATO—SOLDIER.
20140120             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—STEPHEN—HARPER said the staunch ISRAEL—ALLY would provide additional financial support for THE—WEST—BANK, as he met PALESTINE—PRESIDENT—MAHMUD—ABBAS in Ramallah.
20140120             —ELECTED, CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC—CATHERINE—SAMBA—PANZA, the mayor of BANGUI, was, interim PRESIDENT and tasked with restoring peace to the country torn by sectarian bloodshed.
20140120             —DECIDED, THE—EU foreign ministers, to send up to 1,000 soldiers to help stabilize CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC, deploying its 1. major army operation in 6—YEARS.
20140120             1—SMALL fishing boat crammed with 28—PEOPLE entered GREECE illegally from TURKEY.
20140120             THE—GREECE—COAST—GUARD said it was towing the boat to 1—NEARBY—GREECE—ISLAND—WHEN it capsized.
20140120             —KILLED, The mishap, at least 2 and left 10—MISSING.
20140120             —WATCHED, Survivors —LATER recounting in tears how they, their children drown —WHILE coast guard officials looked on.
20140120             3—AFGHANS who survived the sinking of 1—MIGRANT—BOAT—LATER described how GREECE—AUTHORITIES had tried to forcibly tow them back to TURKEY.
20140120             —ARRESTED, Law WAN—TUNG, 44—JAHRE—ALT—OF—HONG—KONG was, on suspicion of abusing her INDONESIA—MAIDS as she tried to leave for THAILAND.
20140120             —SPARKED, The case, widespread outrage and drawn fresh attention to the risks faced by the migrant community.
20140120             Erwiana Sulistyaningsih (23), 1—MAID who said she had been badly beaten by her employer, was recovering at 1—HOSPITAL in Sragen, CENTRAL—JAVA, —AFTER flying out from HONG—KONG —IN—EARLY—JANUARY.
20140120             INDIA, Arvind Kejriwal, NEW—DELHI—CHIEF—MINISTER, and his supporters launched 1—SIT—IN against the city police, creating traffic chaos and 1—STANDOFF with HUNDREDS—OF—OFFICERS in the latest radical step by THE—ANTI—GRAFT crusader who has shaken up 1—NATIONAL—ELECTION.
20140120             —CALLED, Kejriwal, on the public to join him in a 10—DAY—PROTEST to demand the police be transferred from the Home Ministry to his control.
20140120             —ASSAULTED, INDIA, 1—WOMAN, 20—JAHRE—ALT was, by 13—MEN in Birbhum DISTRICT—IN—WEST—BENGAL.
20140120             Police —LATER said was GANG—RAPED on THE—ORDERS—OF—1—VILLAGE—COURT as punishment for having 1—RELATIONSHIP with 1—MAN from 1—DIFFERENT—COMMUNITY.
20140120             —ARRESTED, The village CHIEF and all 13—MEN were soon.
20140120             —HALTED, IRAN, production of 20—PERCENT enriched uranium, marking the entry into force of 1—INTERIM—DEAL with world powers on its disputed nuclear program.
20140120             —EASED, THE—USA, SOME—SANCTIONS on IRAN, pausing efforts to reduce IRAN—CRUDE—OIL—EXPORTS, as PART—OF—1—NUCLEAR—DEAL between TEHRAN and world powers that went into effect.
20140120             —AGREED, THE—EU also, to suspend SOME—ECONOMIC—SANCTIONS against IRAN as PART—OF—THE—GROUND—BREAKING nuclear deal.
20140120             In response UN leader Ban KI—MOON withdrew his surprise invitation to IRAN, less than —24—HOURS—AFTER he announced it.
20140120             —KILLED, CENTRAL—IRAQ, 1—SERIES—OF—BOMBS, 28—PEOPLE, mostly in BAGHDAD, as security forces battled Sunni Muslim militants —AROUND the western cities of Falluja and Ramadi.
20140120             † CLAUDIO—ABBADO, 80—JAHRE—ALT, conductor, in BOLOGNA.
20140120             CLAUDIO—ABBADO was 1—STAR in the great GENERATION—OF—ITALY—CONDUCTORS who was revered by musicians in the world's leading orchestras for developing 1—STRONG rapport with them —WHILE still allowing them their independence.
20140120             —TRACKED, NIGERIA, Boko Haram suspects, a man to his house in Wulgo, killed him and injured another man who was hospitalized.
20140120             PAKISTAN, 1—TALIBAN suicide bomber blew himself up near the country's main military headquarters in RAWALPINDI, killing 13—PEOPLE.
20140120             —CRASHED, ROMANIA, 1—SMALL—UK—PLANE, on 1—MOUNTAIN.
20140120             —SURVIVED, All 7—ABOARD —INITIALLY, but 2—PEOPLE † —WHILE waiting for medical assistance.
20140120             Hypothermia was among THE—CAUSES—OF—DEATH.
20140120             —APOLOGIZED, SOUTH—KOREA, the heads of 3—BIG—CREDIT—CARD—FIRMS, and resigned over THE—LARGEST—EVER THEFTS—OF—CUSTOMER—DATA.
20140120             —SEIZED, SOUTH—SUDAN—ARMY said it has, back full control of the strategic TOWN—OF—MALAKAL, the last major settlement under rebel control.
20140120             —SENTENCED, VIETNAM, 30—DRUG—SMUGGLERS to death in the communist country's largest ever narcotics case, involving scores of MALE and female defendants and nearly 2—TONS—OF—HEROIN.
20140120             —KILLED, NORTH—YEMEN, at least 12—PEOPLE were, overnight —AFTER Sunni Muslim tribesmen fought with 1—SHI'ITE group which was trying to capture 1—MOUNTAIN.
20140120—20120000    —REBUFFED, IRAN, 1—PRECONDITION for taking part in Syria peace talks in GENEVA this —WEEK, saying it could not accept 1—PLAN for 1—SYRIA—POLITICAL—TRANSITION agreed at talks in THE—SWITZERLAND—CITY.
20140120—20140118    —SINCE, LEBANON—MEDICAL and security sources said sectarian sniper fire in TRIPOLI has killed 5—PEOPLE.
20150110—20150120    —CHARGED, LEBANON, 28—PEOPLE for involvement in 1—DOUBLE—SUICIDE—BOMB—ATTACK.
20150120             Howells, 18891028
20150120             Howells, 18891028—20151028    "Top NATO—GENERAL: Russians —STARTING to build AIR—DEFENSE—BUBBLE over SYRIA", THOMAS—GIBBONS—NEFF, THE—WASHINGTON—POST, 20150929             .
20150120             TERROR—ANGST-Talk bei Plasberg: Liebe Ängstliche, ihr seid doch nur einsam
20150120             Kommentar zur USA—AUSSEN—POLITIK: OBAMA vergisst DIE—WELT
20150120             Schwacher Export: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT wächst so langsam wie seit 1990 nicht mehr
20150120             PEGIDA in Dresden: DEMONSTRATIONS—VERBOT gerät in die Kritik
20150120             TERROR—VERDACHT: SPEZIAL—KRÄFTE durchsuchen ISLAMISTEN-Wohnungen in BERLIN
20150120             Autobahn in USA: Brücke eingestürzt - 1—Toter
20150120             Filmfestival von Cannes: Coen-Brüder übernehmen Jury—VORsitz
20150120             JAPANische Geiseln des IS: DSCHIHADISTEN verlangen 200.000.000 $
20150120             SpaceX: GOOGLE will 1—MILLIARDE $ in Raumfahrtfirma stecken
20150120             Aus für "Sun—Models: Der Fluch der nackten Brüste
20150120             Tarifeinkommen: Deutsche Angestellte verbuchen kräftiges Lohnplus
20150120             Amnesty—BERICHT: Diese europäischen Länder halfen DER—CIA beim FOLTERn
20150120             Insulin als Waffe: Meeresschnecke jagt mit Giftcocktail
20150120             NORD—IRAK: Kanadische Soldaten liefern sich Gefecht mit IS—KÄMPFERn
20150120             Browser-Spiel: Mit Lightbot lernen, wie 1—Programmierer zu denken
20150120             Führungskultur: Zu strenge Hierarchie kann tödlich sein
20150120             Ohne EUROPAs Hilfe wäre DIE—FOLTER DER—CIA nicht möglich gewesen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt 1—Bericht von AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL.
20150120             fordert Amnesty vor allem POLEN, RUMÄNIEN, Litauen, MAZEDONIEN und GROß—BRITANNIEN dazu auf, ihre Rolle offenzulegen und DIE—VERANTWORTLICHEN strafrechtlich zu verfolgen.
20150120             die Existenz Geheim—FOLTERlager.
20150120             Die betroffenen Länder dürften sich nicht länger auf DIE—NATIONALe Sicherheit berufen, um die Wahrheit über ihre Verantwortung zu verschleiern.
20150120             DER—BERICHT kritisiert auch DIE—ROLLE DEUTSCHLANDs im Fall der Verschleppung des DEUTSCH—Libanesen Khaled el-Masri.
20150120             Der vom BUNDES—TAG —J—IM 2009 eingesetzte BND—UNTERSUCHUNGS—AUSSCHUSS, der DIE—DEUTSCHE—KO—OPERATION mit dem CIA—PROGRAMM klären sollte, habe "keine vollständige Aufarbeitung"geleistet, kritisierte Amnesty.
20150120             So habe der Ausschuss nicht alle nötigen Unterlagen erhalten, weil viele Informationen von Regierungs—stellen unter Verweis auf die GEHEIM—HALTUNGspflicht zurückgehalten worden seien.
20150120             10. Das
20150120             neuronenuser heute, 10:03—Uhr
20150120             POLEN, RUMÄNIEN, Litauen, MAZEDONIEN und GROß—BRITANNIEN stellen dann wohl das "neue—EUROPA"dar, von dem der halluzunierende Zyniker und SECRETARY—OF—"DEFENSE"RUMSFELD immer faselte. Andererseits ist das Schweigen und die damit einhergehende Komplizenschaft z.B. auch DER—DEUTSCHLAND—REGIERUNG beschämend.
20150120             Bergsteiger—GRUPPEn im Himalaja kann die Gruppendynamik über Leben und Tod entscheiden.
20150120             Welche Route wird gewählt, wie schnell wird gestiegen, wer sichert wen? Bergsteigen im Team erfordert viele Absprachen - oder Befehle. Vor allem in den gefährlichen Höhen des Himalajas können manche Entscheidungen fatal enden. und wie diese Entscheidungen zustande kommen, hängt auch von der hierarchischen Struktur des Teams ab.
20150120             JeDER—MENSCH trägt die kulturellen Werte seines Heimatlandes in sich, darunter auch 1 gewisse Einstellung zu hierarchischen Strukturen.
20150120             Studien haben gezeigt, dass sich Menschen sehr wahrscheinlich gemäß dieser Werte verhalten, insbesondere in 1 unsicheren Situation - wie der Besteigung 1—AchttausenDERSELBE
20150120             Doch welches Modell ist besser, um an den Gipfel zu kommen: 1 strikte Rangfolge oder Gleichberechtigung?
20150120             1 im Fachblatt "PROCEEDINGS—OF—THE—NATIONAL—ACADEMY—OF—Sciences"erschienene Studie zeigt nun: Bergsteigerteams mit 1 hierarchischen Kultur liegen an der Spitze - sowohl bei den Erfolgen, als auch bei den Misserfolgen.
20150120             Eric M. Anicich von der Columbia Business School und seine Kollegen hatten Archivmaterial von über 5.000—Expeditionen untersucht, die sich zwischen 1905 und 2012 in den Himalaja aufmachten.
20150120             Über 30.600 erfahrene Bergsteiger aus 56—Ländern waren daran beteiligt.
20150120             Störende Einflüsse wie UN—WETTER, Verletzungen und die besonderen Gefahren von einzelnen Routen hatten DIE—FORSCHER in ihrer Auswertung berücksichtigt.
20150120             DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER befragten auch Bergführer aus verschiedenen Ländern, um herauszufinden, wie wichtig —GRUPPEninterne Vorgänge und Hierarchien bei Expeditionen aus deren Sicht sind.
20150120             Die Befragten schätzten die Abläufe innerhalb des Teams als wichtiger ein, als persönliche Charakterzüge der Kletterer.
20150120             Außerdem glaubten sie, dass Menschen aus Ländern mit 1 hierarchisch geprägten Kultur eher zu Gruppen—prozessen im Stande sind, die den Erfolg der Tour sowohl fördern als auch beeinträchtigen können.
20150120             Diese Annahme bestätigte sich in der empirischen Untersuchung:
20150120             Die Teams aus hierarchisch geprägten Ländern brachten mehr Bergsteiger auf den Gipfel als die aus 1 eher egalitären Kultur.
20150120             —GLEICHZEITIG kamen bei den an Rangordnungen Gewöhnten aber auch mehr ums Leben.
20150120             Offenbar gehen hierarchisch strukturierte Teams größere Risiken 1 - was wohl zu mehr Erfolgen, aber eben auch zu mehr Unglücken führt.
20150120             DIE—FORSCHER glauben übrigens nicht, dass die kulturellen Werte die Gruppenstrukturen an sich beeinflussen.
20150120             Diese seien meist gleich, schreiben sie in der Studie.
20150120             Vielmehr verändere das Hierarchieverständnis DIE—KOMMUNIKATION und den Umgang innerhalb der Gruppe.
20150120             —HEUTE—IN—DEN—FEUILLETONS: "Alles Vulgäre und Gedankenlose"
20150120             —NACH, Bomben—ANSCHLAG: Schiedsrichter auf ZYPERN streiken
20150120             —zerstörtes AKW: 2 —ARBEITER in FUKUSHIMA tödlich verunglückt
20150120             Wachstumseinbruch: CHINA—WIRTSCHAFT schwächelt. Zum Glück!
20150120             WAHL—IN—GRIECHENLAND: Linksbündnis Syriza legt in Umfrage kräftig zu
20150120             Unfall in Missouri: Fünfjähriger erschießt Baby-Bruder
20150120             [l]DIE—US—POLIZEI rollt gerade Radar zum durch-die-Wände—VON—Häusern-gucken aus. Damit kann man dann sehen, ob jemand zuhause ist.
20150120             MARK—TWAIN, with a very serious and somber look, was often heard to say the following line after delivering one of his magnificent stand-up comedy lectures:
20150120             “ And that’s the gospel truth – for the most part! “
20150120             Anonymous : 7:35—PM
20150120             "It is true I have a passion for LYING—TO—rich people, but I do not lie to men who get their bread by thankless hard work."
20150120             —Letter to W. D. Howells, 28 ;;10;; 1889
20150120             The MARK—TWAIN they didn't teach us about in school.
20150120             Shadow9echo : 10:27—PM
20150120             WELT—ArbeitsMARKT: —EXPERTEN—WARNEN—VOR—steigender Jobnot
20150120             GUANTANAMO: Wärterinnen zwangen Häftlinge zum Sex
20150120             TERROR—ANGST in FRANKREICH: Unbekannte Drohne überfliegt Elysée-Palast
20150120             Athens Wahlfavorit TSIPRAS: Mamas Liebling greift nach—der—MACHT
20150120             Tod nach Brechmittel—EINSATZ—IN—BREMEN: Erinnerung muss sein
20150120             Weltenbauspiel: ZUGANGS—DATEN—VON—"Minecraft"—ACCOUNTs im Netz
20150120             Tragbare Radargeräte: USA—Ermittler durchleuchten Wände
20150120             Erwarteter STAATS—ANLEIHEnkauf der EZB: und schon schimpfen sie
20150120             FRANKREICH: Premier Valls attestiert seinem Land Apartheid
20150120             URHEBER—RECHT—VERLETZUNG: Abmahnungen für deutsche Nutzer von Popcorn Time
20150120             FILM—ÜBER—Rostock-Lichtenhagen: Das hässliche DEUTSCHLAND
20150120             Studie: Jeder Dritte würde Gesundheits—daten an Versicherer geben
20150120             Raif Badawi: ISLAMkritischer Blogger muss neue—Peitschenhiebe fürchten
20150120             Jesidische EX—Geiseln: "Die IS—KÄMPFER haben keinen Gott"
20150120             —BÜRGER—KRIEG: Syrische Luft—waffe attackiert IS—Gebiet mit Fassbomben
20150120             Ceres-Fotos: Raumsonde "Dawn"nimmt fremde Welt ins Visier
20150120             Ceres wurde 1801 von Giuseppe Piazzi entdeckt.
20150120             Die
20150120             Mithilfe des esa-Teleskops "Herschel"hatten Forscher Anfang 2014—Wasser auf Ceres NACHGEWIESEN.
20150120             RÜCKGANG—DER—Bewerberzahlen: BUNDES—freiwilligendienst wird immer unbeliebter
20150120             —REVOLUTIONäre Jugendbewegungen: Der DSCHIHAD ist die neue—RAF
20150120             MILLIARDEN—PROJEKT: Rechnungshof bemängelt VON—DER—LEYENs Hubschrauber—DEAL
20150120             TERROR—VERDACHT: 5—Männer in SÜD—FRANKREICH festgenommen
20150120             Toter TERRORermittler in ARGENTINIEN: REGIERUNG—GEGNER zweifeln an Suizidthese
20150120             Sekte: "12—Stämme—Mütter wegen Körperverletzung verurteilt
20150120             Heftige KÄMPFE—UM—Donezk: STEINMEIER lädt zu UKRAINE—GIPFEL nach BERLIN
20150120             ANGRIFF—AUF—BUNDES—TAGs-Webseite: SICHERHEITS—firma identifiziert MITGLIED—DER—HACKER—GRUPPE
20150120             Putsch im JEMEN: REBELLEN erobern PRÄSIDENTEN—PALAST
20150120             WELT—WIRTSCHAFTsforum in Davos: Elite im Alarmzustand
20150120             Getöteter Offizier: IRAN droht ISRAEL mit Vergeltung
20150120             Urteil im Währungs—wetten—PROZESS, BUNDES—GERICHT—HOF urteilt zugunsten der BANKEN
20150120             Rituale der 'Ndrangheta: ITALIEN—POLIZEI entdeckt den "Kodex von S—Luca"
20150120             Isoliertes AMAZONAS—VOLK: Lebensgefährlicher Erstkontakt
20150120             —MASSAKER—IN—MEXIKO: Identifizierung der getöteten Studenten —VORERST gescheitert
20150120             Vor Ein—TREFFEN DER—US—Delegation: Russisches SPIONAGE—schiff läuft in Havanna 1
20150120             Einsätze in SYRIEN und im IRAK: Irans teure Kriege
20150120             MigrationsBERICHT—DER—BUNDES—REGIERUNG: MEHRHEIT—DER Einwanderer stammt aus EUROPA
20150120             Mehr—als—30—Gramm wiegen die neuen Portable SSDs von Samsung nicht, obwohl sie BIS—zu—1—Terabyte Speicherplatz bieten.
20150120             HAMBURG - Für Ufologen beginnen aufregende Zeiten. Sie können 130.000—SEITEn über angebliche Ufo-Sichtungen durchblättern, welche DIE—LUFTWAFFE der USA, DIE—US—AIR—FORCE, zwischen 1947 und 1969 angelegt hatten. Der Freizeitforscher John Greenewald besorgte sich die von der Regierung längst freigegebenen Unterlagen über JAHRE hínweg bei den Behörden, jetzt hat er sie auf seinem Blog veröffentlicht.
20150120             In den Dokumenten finden sich vor allem Fälle, bei denen seltsame Lichter gesichtet wurden. Mit verblüffender Sorgfalt widmeten sich Air-Force—EXPERTEn —DAMALS, den Einsendungen. die unterlagen zeigen eindrucksvoll, dass jeder noch so kuriose Brief, jedes skurrile Foto genau analysiert wurde —, jeweils 1 langwierigen und oft aufwendigen bürokratischen Vorgang auslöste.
20150120             Denn gerade für Ufologen gilt die Maxime: Solange etwas unbewiesen ist, könnte es wahr sein.
20150120             Angriff russischer Einheiten: KIEW erhebt schwere VORWÜRFE—GEGEN—MOSKAU
20150120             —INCLUDED, His proposals, making 2—YEARS—OF—COMMUNITY—COLLEGE—FREE.
20150120             —FILED, Court papers were, indicating that THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT has reached a $134,000 settlement with 1—NEW—YORK woman —AFTER federal agents used information from her cellphone to set up 1—FAKE—FACEBOOK page in her identity to trick friends and associates into revealing drug secrets.
20150120             Animal rescuers said some 100—BIRDS have been found dead and more than 300—OTHERS coated with 1—UNIDENTIFIED—GLUE—LIKE compound mostly along the eastern shoreline of SF Bay.
20150120             TEXAS, GREG—ABBOTT, 57—JAHRE—ALT took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE as the state's 48. GOVERNOR.
20150120             Schlumberger Ltd. said it will spend about $1.7—BILLION for 1—MINORITY—STAKE in 1—BIG—RUSSIA—ENERGY—COMPANY at 1—TIME—WHEN that country's relations with the West are under strain and as energy prices hit multiyear lows.
20150120             Gordon ran THE—CHICAGO confectioner —FOR—53—YEARS.
20150120             THE—ARMENIA—DEFENSE—MINISTRY—OF—THE—SEPARATIST—NAGORNO—KARABAKH region said 1—OF—ITS—SOLDIERS has been killed —WHILE repelling 1—AZERBAIJAN—INCURSION over the last 24—HOURS.
20150120             1—BAHRAIN court sentenced prominent Shiite activist NABEEL—RAJAB to 6—MONTHS in prison —AFTER it found him GUILTY—OF—INSULTING public institutions in his tweets.
20150120             The ruling was subject to appeal.
20150120             —ARRESTED, BELGIUM—POLICE, a 4. man (19930000             *) as PART—OF—THEIR—INVESTIGATION into Islamist militants suspected of plotting attacks on police.
20150120             A 5. suspect was apprehended in BRUSSELS.
20150120             1—SENIOR—CANADA—OFFICER said CANADA—SPECIAL—FORCES exchanged gunfire with Islamic State fighters in IRAQ in recent days, in the 1. confirmed ground BATTLE—BETWEEN—WESTERN—TROOPS and IS.
20150120             1—DAY—EARLIER 2—WORKERS for 1—CATHOLIC—MEDICAL—ORGANIZATION, 1—LOCAL and 1—FRANCE—WOMAN, 67—JAHRE—ALT, were kidnapped.
20150120             —CONFRONTED, CONGODRC, HUNDREDS—OF—YOUTHS, police in the capital —AFTER deadly protests over 1—DRAFT—LAW that would enable PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA to extend his stay in power.
20150120             —ISSUED, THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC, $2.5—BILLION in bonds, the largest amount in the country's history.
20150120             —ISSUED, Some $1—BILLION in bonds were, at 5.5—PERCENT interest —WHILE $1.5—BILLION in bonds were issued at 6.85—PERCENT interest.
20150120             SOUTH—FRANCE, 1—LOCAL mayor said 5—RUSSIANS from Chechnya have been arrested, including 1 with 1—CACHE of explosives in Beziers.
20150120             4—OTHER—MEN appeared at 1—COURT—IN—PARIS, the 1. to face charges in THE—PARIS terror attacks.
20150120             —KILLED, IRAQ, 2—BOMBINGS targeting Shiite neighborhoods, 8—PEOPLE in BAGHDAD.
20150120             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—LED coalition, nearly 20—MORE—AIR—STRIKES against Islamic State militants in Syria and IRAQ over the last 24—HOURS.
20150120             —RELEASED, The militant group Islamic State, 1—ONLINE video purporting to show 2—JAPAN—CAPTIVES and threatening to kill them unless it received $200—MILLION in ransom.
20150120             —NAMED, The footage, the men as Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto.
20150120             —DECLARED, Leaders of ISRAEL—1.7—MILLION—ARABS, 1—GENERAL—STRIKE—THROUGHOUT the country in protest at the recent deaths of 2—BEDOUIN men in confrontations with police.
20150120             —STABBED, ISRAEL—,1—KNIFE—WIELDING—PALESTINIAN, 11—MORNING commuters on and near 1—BUS, striking in the heart of Tel Aviv and reigniting fears of continued violence AHEAD—OF—ISRAEL—ELECTIONS in March.
20150120             —IDENTIFIED, Police, the attacker as HAMZA—MOHAMMED—MATROUK, 23—JAHRE—ALT from THE—WEST—BANK—TOWN—OF—TULKAREM.
20150120             —SEIZED, ITALY—POLICE, more than 600—KG (1,320 pounds) of cocaine and hashish in ROME and fanned out to arrest 31 suspected mobsters in what they say further indicates the 'ndrangheta crime syndicate is making THE—CAPITAL—1—STRATEGIC—BASE for its global operations.
20150120             SOUTH—KAZAKHSTAN, 1—LIGHT—PASSENGER—PLANE belonging to KAZAKHSTAN—COPPER miner Kazakhmys crashed, killing 6—OF 7—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20150120             —REVOKED, KUWAIT—OFFICIALS, the operating LICENSE—OF—NEWSPAPER AL—WATAN and ordered it shut down.
20150120             —RELATED, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—SHEIKH—KHALIFA—ALI—AL—SABAH said he believes the latest closure order is, to 1—DECISION to report on 1 alleged coup plot.
20150120             MYANMAR, 1—CHINA—EMBASSY spokesman in YANGON said more than 100—CHINA—CITIZENS trapped by fighting between government troops and insurgents in the north, have been arrested and are being held by THE—MYANMAR government.
20150120             NEPAL, opposition politicians threw chairs and attacked the parliamentary speaker —DURING 1—VIOLENT—GENERAL—STRIKE aimed at blocking the government from pushing through 1—DRAFT—OF—1—NEW—CONSTITUTION.
20150120             —KILLED, SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—AIR—STRIKES, at least 12—CIVILIANS in 2—TOWNS in Idlib province.
20150120             1—AIRSTRIKE in the village of Khansaa, in far EAST—SYRIA near THE—IRAQ border reportedly killed dozens.
20150120             —KILLED, EAST—UKRAINE, shelling in THE—DONETSK region, at least 6—CIVILIANS, as fighting intensified between government and rebel forces.
20150120             —SEIZED, YEMEN, Shiite militiamen, the presidential palace in SANAA in what 1—MINISTER said was 1—BID to overthrow PRESIDENT—ABDRABUH—MANSUR—HADI and his USA—BACKED government.
20150120             ZAMBIA held presidential elections.
20150120             THE—WINNER—OF—THE—ELECTION will serve out the remainder of late PRESIDENT—MICHAEL—SATA—TERM—UNTIL elections next —YEAR.
20150120             —RECEIVED, Patriotic Front candidate EDGAR—LUNGU, 58—JAHRE—ALT, 48.3—PERCENT—OF—THE—VOTE, —WHILE Hakainde Hichilema (52) of the United Party for National Development came in 2. with 46.7—PERCENT —AFTER votes were tallied from all 150—CONSTITUENCIES.
20150124             ZAMBIA, opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema held 1—BRIEFING in which he described 20150120             —THE election as 1—SHAM.
20150125—20150124    —INAUGURATED, ZAMBIA, EDGAR—LUNGU was, as the country's new PRESIDENT —AFTER being declared the winner of ZAMBIA's 20150120             presidential election late.
20151007             TANZANIA, YANG—FENG—CLAN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHINA—WOMAN, was charged in DAR—ES—SALAAM alongside 2—TANZANIANS with smuggling 1.9—TONS—OF—IVORY 20000101—20000120    —BETWEEN140522       .
20160120             1—COMPUTER im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MISSOURI hat die längste Primzahl errechnet: 274207281—Minus—1[M74207281].
20160120             1—COMPUTER im USA—BUNDES—STAAT—MISSOURI hat die längste Primzahl errechnet: 274207281 - 1—ODER auch M74207281             genannt.
20160120             TERROR—MILIZ in Geldnot: IS halbiert offenbar Zahlungen an seine KÄMPFER
20160120             22,34—MILLIONEN—Stellen lang: Neue REKORD—Primzahl entdeckt
20160120             Es handelt sich um 1.Zahl mit 22.338.618—Stellen, das sind Fast—5.000.000—Mehr—als der —BISHERige Rekord aus dem 20130100             vorzuweisen hatte
20160120             M74207281             ist dabei selbst unter den ohnehin schon seltenen Primzahlen 1.Besonderheit,
20160120             es handelt sich um 1.sogenannte Mersenne-Primzahl:
20160120             Diese lassen sich mit der Formel 2n-1 darstellen.
20160120             Mersenne-Zahlen haben 1.besondere Eigenschaft: Wenn 2n - 1 1. Primzahl ist, dann muss auch n 1.Primzahl sein.
20160120             —BISHER, sind laut Gimps 49 davon bekannt,
20160120             —NACH wie vor ist unklar, ob es unendlich viele Mersenne-Primzahlen gibt.
20160120             DER—NAME geht zurück auf den französischen Mönch Marin Mersenne, der
20160120             "432—Park Avenue"ist 426—Meter hoch und damit WELT—WEIT der hundertste echte Wolkenkratzer, so haben es DIE—SPEZIALISTEN des ehrwürdigen, in Chicago ansässigen Gremiums Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat verkündet:
20160120             SARAH—PALIN im USA—WAHL—KAMPF: TRUMP—Frau fürs Grobe
20160120             LOS—ANGELES: 60—JAHRE zu Unrecht im Knast - 24,3.000.000 $
20160120             GREENPEACE-Ratgeber: Gnade dem Alaska-Seelachs
20160120             MEDIEN—BERICHT: EX—US—Elitesoldat besaß angeblich Foto von BIN—LADENs Leiche
20160120             Für DAS—PENTAGON enthält das Buch "Kein einfacher Tag"über den USA—SonderEINSATZ—GEGEN—TERROR—CHEF OSAMA—BIN—LADEN geheime und sensible Informationen.
20160120             Geschrieben hat es DER—FRÜHERE—US—Elitesoldat Matt Bissonnette unter dem Pseudonym MARK Owen.
20160120             1 anderer Soldat, der BIN—LADEN mit 1—Kopfschuss getötet haben will, hat ebenfalls ein Buch über die Ereignisse geschrieben - auch Robert O'Neill war Angehöriger der NAVY—SEALs. Seinen Aussagen zufolge gaben außer ihm mindestens—2 weitere Seals-Soldaten Schüsse ab.
20160120             DER—CHEF des Führungskommandos Naval Special Warfare Command, Sean Pybus, hatte —DAMALS, DIE—MITGLIEDER der NAVY—SEALs in 1—Brief vor den Gefahren gewarnt, die durch Veröffentlichungen und Äußerungen der Soldaten entstehen könnten.
20160120             D. war der Pro—totyp des Gescheiterten - ohne Plan, Halt und Orientierung.
20160120             Schwede PETER Dahlin: CHINA—STAATS—FERNSEHEN führt AKTIVISTen vor
20160120             DONALD—TRUMPs deutsche Wurzeln: PFALZ im Blut
20160120             Öl—preisverfall: SHELL streicht 10.000—Arbeits—plätze
20160120             Kurden im NORD—IRAK: Amnesty wirft Peschmerga—KÄMPFErn Vertreibungen vor
20160120             Öl—preisverfall: DAX—FÄLLT auf tiefsten Stand seit Mehr—als—1—Jahr
20160120             "Frikadellenkrieg": Dänische Stadt verordnet Schweinefleisch-Verzehr
20160120             Kallstadt in der PFALZ
20160120             Klar, es sei schon etwas Besonderes, wenn berühmte Menschen ihre Wurzeln im eigenen Ort hätten.
20160120             Der Mann, der IN—DEN—USA—GEGEN—AUSLÄNDER hetzt, hat 1.klassische Einwanderergeschichte. Sie beginnt 18850000             —J—IM .
20160120             —DAMALS, so erzählt man sich, packt DONALD—TRUMP—Großvater FRIEDRICH in 1—Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion in Kallstadt seine Sachen und bricht in Richtung Amerika auf.
20160120             Das KÖNIG—REICH—BAYERN, das —DAMALS, noch über die PFALZ herrscht, e
20160120             nicht nur die TRUMPs stammen aus dem pfälzischen Dorf, sondern auch Familie Heinz, die mit Ketchup ebenfalls MILLIARDEN machte.
20160120             Es ist typisch in der Gegend, dass sich DIE—GEMEINDEn gegenseitig auf solche Weise veralbern.
20160120             —VOR, 1—paar—Tagen, in KÖLN: 45—Minuten Hubschrauber—EINSATZ über KÖLN—NIPPES. DIE—BUNDES—POLIZEI suchte per Hubschrauber nach GRAFFITI—Sprayern. Nein, wirklich! Hubschrauber gegen Graffiti!
20160120             Who made ISIS? More proof
20160120             This speaks for itself:
20160120             Speaking at the INSTITUTE—FOR—NATIONAL—SECURITY Studies' (INSS) conference in TEL—AVIV, defense—minister—Moshe Ya'alon stressed that "IRAN is our main enemy,” and if he were to choose between IRAN and ISLAM—STATE (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in an open KONFLIKT, he would "prefer ISIS."
20160120             IAB—STUDIE: MINDEST—LOHN hat reguläre Jobs geschaffen
20160120             Öl—preisverfall: Rubel sackt auf Rekord—tief
20160120             "TERRORISTENhaus": Englische POLIZEI befragt Zehnjährigen wegen Schreibfehler
20160120             HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH: Bulgarische POLIZEI soll FLÜCHTLINGE bestohlen haben
20160120             —KLIMA: 2015 war das wärmste JAHR—SEIT—BEGINN—DER—Messungen
20160120             UMWELT—SCHUTZ: Schwimmbarrieren sollen Müll aus Meer fischen
20160120             Gewinneinbruch: Hypotheken-Debakel holt GOLDMAN—SACHS ein
20160120             Szenarien für GRENZ—SCHLIEßUNG: Wenn DEUTSCHLAND dichtmacht
20160120             TERROR—GRUPPE: Die Rätsel der 3. RAF—Generation
20160120             —PROZESS—GEGEN—IS—KÄMPFER: 1—Taugenichts als TERRORIST
20160120             SONNEN—SYSTEM: Astronomen wollen neuen Planeten gefunden haben
20160120             WIEN beschließt Obergrenze für FLÜCHTLINGE: Es wird einsam um MERKEL
20160120             RECHTS—EXTREMismus: Starker Anstieg von NEO—NAZI—Straftaten in SACHSEN
20160120             Der DDR—WendePOLITIKER—STASI—SPITZEl Wolfgang Schnur ist tot.
20160120             Im Wendeherbst 1989 gründete Schnur zusammen mit den Pfarrern Rainer Eppelmann und FRIEDRICH Schorlemmer DIE—BÜRGERbewegung "Demokratischer Aufbruch"(DA).
20160120             Durch ihre enge ZUSAMMEN—ARBEIT—MIT—der BONNer CDU vor den 1. freien Volkskammerwahlen
20160120             In jenen turbulenten Monaten machte er auch ANGELA—MERKEL bekannt - als seine Pressesprecherin.
20160120             Er galt als brillanter Anwalt, der sich für seine Klienten mit dem DDR—STAAT anlegte.
20160120             Wolfgang Schnur betreute bis zur Wende vor allem DDR—BÜRGER—RECHTler und Dissidenten.
20160120             Als engagierter Anwalt der Evangelischen Kirche war er für sie absolut vertrauenswürdig.
20160120             —NOCH NACHDEM DER—SPIEGEL seine IM-Tätigkeit enthüllte, leugnete Schnur vehement jegliche Spitzeltätigkeit.
20160120             —VOR, diesem Hintergrund erscheint Schnurs Arbeit im DA in 1 anderen Licht:
20160120             : Er hatte noch im —SOMMER 1989 versucht, die Gründung der Oppositionsbewegung zu verhindern. Weil das misslang, lies sich Schnur an die DA-Spitze wählen.
20160120             —SPÄTER wurde bekannt, dass er bereits 1964 1.Verpflichtungserklärung unterschriebe hatte.
20160120             Wenige TAGE vor der 1. freien Volkskammerwahl
20160120             DAS—JAHR 20150000             war im Durchschnitt 0,9—Grad wärmer als der Durchschnitt des
20160120             —Laut—NOAA war 2015 um 0,16—Grad wärmer als der —BISHERige Rekord—halter 2014.
20160120             Der ;;12;; sei der wärmste Monat seit Messungsbeginn 1880, berichtet die NOAA.
20160120             Zum 1 sorgte der ungebremste Ausstoß KAPITALIST Treibhaus—gase für—1.stete Erwärmung.
20160120             Zum anderen heizt das WETTER—PHÄNOMEN EL—NIÑO dieses Jahr ein:
20160120             Allerdings, betonen DIE—FORSCHER, gab es ähnlich starke El Niños —IN—DER—VERGANGENHEIT, ohne dass sich die Luft derart erwärmt hätte wie vergangenes Jahr.
20160120             NACHDEM bereits 2014 1 globalen Temperaturrekord aufgestellt hatte, halten die NOAA-Forscher nach der erneuten Höchstmarke die JAHRE—LANGe Pause der klima—erwärmung für beendet.
20160120             Eine neue—Studie soll beweisen, warum die Erwärmung der bodennahen Luft seit der Jahrhundert—wende stockte: DIE—OZEANE hätten doppelt so viel Wärme geschluckt wie —NOCH—VOR 2—Jahrzehnten, berichten Forscher um PETER Gleckler vom Lawrence Livermore National—Laboratory IN—DEN—USA im Fachblatt "Nature CLIMATE—CHANGE".
20160120             Eine weitere Erwärmung ist KLIMA—FORSCHERn zufolge nicht mehr zu verhindern, weil DIE—MENSCHHEIT bereits ca—2000—MILLIARDEN—Tonnen Kohlendioxid (CO2) ausgestoßen hat, deren Wärmewirkung sich noch nicht voll entfaltet habe.
20160120             3200—MILLIARDEN—Tonnen wären nötig, um die Luft mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf 2—Grad im globalen Durchschnitt aufzuwärmen, zeigen Rechnungen
20160120             —JETZT—SCHON, gelangten jedes Jahr mindestens—8——MILLIONEN—Tonnen Plastik in die Meere.
20160120             Eine 100K—METER—LANGe Barriere könnte binnen 10—JAHREn nahezu 50—prozent des gigantischen Müllstrudels im Pazifik abfischen, sagen die PROJEKTleiter. DIE—KOSTEN beliefen sich auf 4,50—EURO—pro—Kilo.
20160120             simpel: Luft—gefüllte Planken, an deren Unterseite ein harter Schirm senkrecht ins Wasser ragt, treiben in V-Form auf dem Wasser. Müll, der von Strömung GEGEN—DIE—Barriere getrieben wird, bleibt gefangen, er sammelt sich im Zentrum des V. Dort fängt er sich in 1—Behälter, dessen Inhalt regelmäßig mit Schiffen entsorgt werden soll.
20160120             Das sogenannte Ma1—Papier ist die GEBURTS—URKUNDE der 3. Generation der Roten Armee FRAKTION (RAF).
20160120             Anders als im Deutschen Herbst 1977 will die Gruppe nun nicht mehr inhaftierte Mitglieder durch GEISEL—NAHMEn und Entführungen freipressen, sondern präzise geplante Angriffe durchführen. "Wir sagen, dass es jetzt möglich und notwendig ist, 1 neuen Abschnitt in der REVOLUTIONären Strategie im imperialistischen Zentrum zu entfalten", teilt DIE—RAF mit.
20160120             Konstantin Batygin und Michael Brown vom CALIFORNIA—INSTITUTE—OF—Technology in Pasadena berichten im "Astronomical Journal"von 1 ziemlichen Brocken, etwa zehnmal so massereich wie DIE—ERDE. Nach ihren Berechnungen könnte der mächtige Gasplanet die Sonne alle 10.000 bis 20.000—JAHRE einmal umrunden - im Schnitt ca—20-mal so weit von unserem Zentralgestirn entfernt wie Neptun, der aktuell äußerste Planet.
20160120             "1. seit Mehr—als—150—JAHREn gibt es ernsthafte Belege dafür, dass die Zählung der Planeten in unserem SONNEN—SYSTEM nicht vollständig ist",
20160120             Der Planet wäre, so glauben DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER, 5000-mal massereicher als der Pluto —, hätte durch seine Anziehungskraft nicht nur seine Umlaufbahn von kosmischem Müll befreit, das ist Grundvoraussetzung für den Planetenstatus, sondern auch die umliegenden Gebiete.
20160120             Im sogenannten Kuipergürtel jenseits der Neptunbahn soll es allein 70.000—Objekte mit Mehr—als—100—KM Durchmesser geben —, ungezählte kleinere—Exemplare.
20160120             Knochenfund in Kenia: Gemetzel am See - Vor—10.000—JAHREn
20160120             An 1—TAG vor 9.500 bis 10.500—JAHREn fiel im heutigen Kenia 1.Gruppe Jäger und Sammler über 1.andere her.
20160120             —AM, Ufer des Turkana-Sees beschossen sie ihre Gegner in 1 1. Welle mit Pfeilen, im Nahkampf danach kamen stumpfe Schlagwaffen wie zum Beispiel Keulen zum Einsatz, die sie auf die Schädel ihrer Feinde niedersausen ließen. —AM—ENDE lagen mindestens—27—Tote am Ufergürtel.
20160120             10 dieser 12—Toten starben durch Gewalteinwirkung. Sie waren womöglich Opfer 1 kriegerischen Handlung.
20160120             Die Toten vom Turkana-See sind nicht die frühesten bekannten KONFLIKT—OPFER.
20160120             —SCHON—in der AltSTEIN–ZEIT dürften sich Menschen gegenseitig die Schädel eingeschlagen haben. Dafür sprechen gleich mehrere, 500.000—JAHRE—alte—unde an Schädeln von HOMO—ERECTUS und HOMO—HEIDELBERGensis noch aus dem Altpaläolithikum.
20160120             Dort entdeckten Forscher in der Sima de los Huesos in der Sierra de Atapuerca den Schädel eines jungen Erwachsenen mit 2 nebeneinanderliegenden nahezu rechteckigen Löchern über DER—LINKEN Augenhöhle. Und diesmal war die Verletzung tödlich, der Knochen zeigt keinerlei Heilungsspuren. 1—Schlag kann noch Zufall sein - 2 dagegen sprechen klar für Mord.
20160120             —WÄHREND—DES, ittelpaläolithikums (300.000 bis 40.000—JAHRE—VOR unserer Zeit) änderte sich offenbar wenig an der Austragung von Konflikten.
20160120             Auch im Jungpaläolithikum (40.000 bis 12.000—JAHRE—VOR unserer Zeit) sah es kaum anders aus.
20160120             —VOM—Ende dieser Epoche, um 14.000 bis 12.000—JAHRE—VOR unserer Zeit, stammt allerdings der älteste Nachweis 1 größeren kriegerischen Auseinandersetzung. Auf dem Fundplatz Jebel Sahaba im heutigen SUDAN fanden Archäologen 59—Bestattete, in deren Körperresten noch insgesamt 110—Feuersteinspitzen steckten. Ob diese Toten alle gemeinsam starben, lässt sich zwar nicht genau sagen. Die Skelette von Jebel Sahaba aber belegen eindeutig, dass hier 1.geschlossene Gruppe DAS—ZIEL von Angriffen wurde.
20160120             Eine letztendliche Definition für KRIEG gibt es nicht
20160120             Ist damit lediglich ein organisiert gewaltsam ausgetragener KONFLIKT—ZWISCHEN—2—Gruppen gemeint, dann finden wir ihn auch im Tierreich.
20160120             —so wie er überhaupt die vernetzte Existenz der Juden als 1.Art "tausende JAHRE—altes—FACEBOOK"betrachtete, in deren Tradition er sich ohne Zweifel sah und in der er handelte.
20160120             [l]DONALD—TRUMP ist anscheinend echt unbeliebt bei der Wählerschaft IN—DEN—USA.
20160120             [l]Völlig überraschend hat sich jetzt herausgestellt, dass die Telefonie-Verschlüsselung, die GCHQ da entwickelt hat, 1.Hintertür hat.
20160120             —STAGED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 16—STRIKES in IRAQ and Syria targeting the against Islamic State militant group.
20160120             Federal lawyers made opening statements in 1—CASE targeting the polygamous towns of COLORADO CITY—ARIZONA, and HILDALE—UTAH, where the dominant religion is the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus CHRIST—OF—LATTER—DAY—SAINTS.
20160120             —CLOSED, MOST—OF—DETROIT—PUBLIC—SCHOOLS, for the —DAY due to teacher absences, as disgruntled educators stepped up efforts to protest GOVERNOR—RICK—PERRY—PLANS for the district.
20160120             —EXECUTED, TEXAS, RICHARD—MASTERSON, 43—JAHRE—ALT for 20010000             —THE strangulation of Darin SHANE—HONEYCUTT, which he claimed was accidental.
20160120             —TARGETED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—CAR—BOMBER, 1—VAN carrying journalists working for 1—PRIVATE—AFGHANISTAN—TELEVISION—CHANNEL, killing 7—PEOPLE —DURING—EVENING rush —HOUR close to the national PARLIAMENT in KABUL.
20160120             —KILLED, SOUTH—CHINA, 1—MASSIVE—EXPLOSION at 1—FIREWORKS plant, 3—PEOPLE and injured 53, —WHILE shattering WINDOWS—OF—HOMES in the area.
20160120             —KILLED, EGYPT, gunmen, 5—POLICEMEN at 1—CHECKPOINT in THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, in the latest attack claimed by the Islamic State group.
20160120             —RELEASED, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL, 1—REPORT saying IRAQ—KURDISH—FORCES are deliberately destroying Arab villages under their control.
20160120             —BARRED, The group also found that Arab civilians were, from returning to their villages by Kurdish forces.
20160120             —ORDERED, THE—EUROPEAN—UNION, BELGIUM to recoup $230—MILLION from the Duferco steel group because of illegal state aid that distorted competition.
20160120             FRANCE, the defense ministers of 7—COUNTRIES leading THE—BATTLE—AGAINST—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE—GROUP met in PARIS to review strategy as the jihadists spread their influence —AROUND the globe.
20160120             —HOSTED, THE—FRENCH and USA—DEFENSE—MINISTERS, the meeting attended by their Australian, British, Dutch, German and ITALY—COUNTERPARTS.
20160120             —ANNOUNCED, German and TURKEY—POLICE, major coordinated raids against 1—CRIMINAL trafficking network that used unseaworthy ships to send more than 1,700 refugees to EUROPE.
20160120             GREECE—FARMERS used tractors to block 1—NORTHERN—HIGHWAY and hundreds more prepared to close other roads to protest unpopular draft pension reforms that will further cut incomes in THE—AUSTERITY—WEARY country.
20160120             —CALLED, IRAN—REFORMIST—POLITICAL—FACTIONS, on the country's constitutional watchdog to reverse its decision to disqualify large numbers of moderates and reformists from running in next —MONTH—PARLIAMENTARY—ELECTIONS.
20160120             —ERUPTED, INDIAN—CONTROLLED, Kashmir clashes between police and protesters, leaving 1—MAN—DEAD and 2—OTHERS wounded.
20160120             The protesters were angry that INDIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES had killed 1 suspected rebel in 1—GUNBATTLE—AFTER they had surrounded the village of Naina on 1—TIP that ANTI—INDIA militants were hiding there.
20160120             —APPROVED, MOLDOVA—PARLIAMENT, 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT, ending MONTHS—OF—DEADLOCK between THE—PRESIDENT and the legislature.
20160120             —APPROVED, PARLIAMENT, THE—PRO—EUROPEAN government of Pavel Filip, the Technology MINISTER and former candy factory manager with 57—VOTES.
20160120             —BOYCOTTED, THE—PRO—RUSSIA—OPPOSITION, the vote.
20160120             —ARMED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, militants stormed Bacha Khan UNIVERSITY—IN—THE—CITY—OF—CHARSADDA, killing at least 20—PEOPLE and wounding dozens.
20160120             —REPORTED, It was, that PERU—AUTHORITIES are outfitting vultures with GPS tracking devices and GoPro cameras to monitor the city from above.
20160120             Serbia said it will deny migrants access to its territory unless they plan to seek asylum in AUSTRIA or GERMANY.
20160120             —ARRESTED, SINGAPORE said it has, 27—BANGLADESH—CONSTRUCTION—WORKERS who supported Islamist groups including al Qaeda and Islamic State and deported 26—OF—THEM.
20160120             FRANCIS—PAPA sent 1—LETTER to executive chairman KLAUS—SCHWAB beseeching those gathered to remember the poor.
20160120             This —YEAR—THEME was the "4. industrial revolution".
20160120             SYRIA—STATE—RUN—NEWS—AGENCY and opposition activists said some 500 displaced families have returned to their homes in 1—NEIGHBORHOOD on the southwestern edge of DAMASCUS.
20160120             They had fled their homes fled in 20130000—20140000     battles.
20160120             —RATCHETED, UKRAINE, up its trade war with RUSSIA in reprisal for MOSCOW—SEEMING efforts to slash its WESTWARD—LEANING neighbor's economic ties with other FORMER—SOVIET—STATES.
20160120             PRIME—MINISTER—ARSENIY—YATSENYUK said Kiev was adding 70—FOOD and other products to its existing LIST—OF—ITEMS—RUSSIA cannot sell in UKRAINE.
20160120             THE—UN—WORLD—FOOD—PROGRAM said that some 2.5—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—CENTRAL—AFRICAN—REPUBLIC face hunger.
20160120             —DOUBLED, The number has, in —JUST 1—YEAR.
20160120             —OUTLAWED, ZIMBABWE—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, child marriage in 1—EFFORT to end 1—PRACTICE that 1—RIGHTS—GROUP says is common in THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—NATION.
20160120—19590000    —IN, He was responsible for publishing VLADIMIR—NABAKOV'S "Lolita".
20160120—19700000    —SEIT, hat sich die bodennahe Luft im globalen Durchschnitt laut NOAA um 0,17—Grad PRO–JAHRzehnt erwärmt.
20160120—20140000    —SINCE, Officials and media reports said ISRAEL is moving to declare 150—HECTARES in the occupied WEST—BANK as state land in what would be the largest such seizure.
20160120—20141200    —IN—THE, UMAR—MANSOOR, 1—SENIOR—PAKISTANI—TALIBAN COMMANDER involved attack on the army school in PESHAWAR, claimed responsibility for the Charsadda assault and said it involved 4—OF—HIS—MEN, who were all killed.
20160120—20500101    —BIS, werde - bezogen aufs Gewicht - mehr Plastik—müll in den Weltmeeren schwimmen als Fisch, behauptet 1—Studie der Ellen-MacArthur—STIFTUNG, die AM—DIENSTAGzur Eröffnung des WELT—WIRTSCHAFTsforums im schweizerischen Davos vorgestellt wurde. Der Plastik—müll stammt hauptsächlich von Verpackungsmaterial.
20160217—20170120    —BIS—ZUM, "Ich habe vor, meinen Job zu machen", sagte OBAMA.
20160217—20170120    —BIS—ZUM, "Ich habe vor, meinen Job zu machen", sagte OBAMA. Und ergänzte in Richtung DER—SENATsmitglieder: "Ich erwarte von ihnen, dass sie es auch tun."
20160702—20090120    —SINCE, The administration will announce that, it believes airstrikes have killed roughly 100—CIVILIANS in countries including YEMEN, PAKISTAN, LIBYA, and SOMALIA, ACCORDING—TODEFENSE—OFFICIAL.
20161117             Darüber wird er —BIS zum 20170120             im Detail informiert.
20161224—20160120    —ON, media reported that THE—2—MEN were suspected of recruiting and spying for Kachin ethnic rebels, as well as spreading false information on their behalf.
20161229—20160120    —UNTIL, People will —NOW have to stop using the old bills.
20170120             —DESTROYED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and experts said ISLAM—STATE—MILITANTS have, parts of 01010101—02001231    —the, Roman amphitheater and 1—ICONIC—MONUMENT known as the Tetrapylon in the historic TOWN—OF—PALMYRA.
20170120             1. TRUMP took the office on.
20170120             —AM, als 45. USA—PRÄSIDENT— vereidigt.
20170120             —SIGNED, PRESIDENT—OBAMA, his final bill.
20170120             It codified the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program.
20170120             Its mandate: bring top tech talent to WASHINGTON to address 1—RANGE—OF—ISSUES facing FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT—PROGRAMS, from transparency to technology education.
20170120             DONALD—TRUMP was sworn in as the 45. PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA, ushering in 1—NEW—POLITICAL—ERA that has been cheered and feared in equal measure.
20170120             —ROCKED, WASHINGTON DC was, by violent protests against THE—BUSINESSMAN—TURNED—POLITICIAN, with BLACK—CLAD ANTI—ESTABLISHMENT—ACTIVISTS smashing windows, setting vehicles on fire and fighting with riot police who responded with stun grenades.
20170120             —CHARGED, WASHINGTON, DC, at least 6—JOURNALISTS were, with felony rioting —AFTER they were arrested —WHILE covering violent protests that took place —JUST blocks from the inauguration PARADE—OF—PRESIDENT—TRUMP.
20170120             —DETAINED, The journalists were among 230—PEOPLE, in THE—ANTI—TRUMP protests.
20170120             —DELIVERED, As PRESIDENT—TRUMP, his inauguration speech MICHAEL—FLYNN, TRUMP—NATIONAL—SECURITY—ADVISOR, sent 1—TEXT to 1—BUSINESS—PARTNER that 1—JOINT—PLAN between RUSSIA and FLYNN—BUSINESS—ALLIES to build nuclear power plants in THE—MIDDLE—EAST was "good to go".
20170120             † JOHN—ALBERS, 17—JAHRE—ALT was shot and killed by police as he backed 1—MINIVAN out of his family's garage.
20170120             Officers were responding to 1—REPORT that he was making suicidal comments on social media.
20170120             Albers was shot 13—TIMES.
20170120             LOUISIANA, Sylvester Holt shot and killed SIMONE—VEAL, 32—JAHRE—ALT and police Officer MICHAEL—LOUVIERE, 26—JAHRE—ALT, who had tried to intervene.
20170120             Holt then shot and killed himself —FOLLOWING an HOURS—LONG standoff on 1—NEW—ORLEANS bridge.
20170120             —INVOLVED, Holt had been romantically, with Veal.
20170120             THE—MICHIGAN School Reform Office said that 38—STATE—SCHOOLS are failing and subject to closure.
20170120             —REACHED, MONTANA, a $25—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with more than 1,000 VICTIMS—OF—ASBESTOS—RELATED disease over claims that health officials failed to bring attention to the hazards of 1 contaminated mine in Libby.
20170120             —AGREED, Sheldon ADELSON—LAS—VEGAS—SANDS—CORP., to pay $6.96—MILLION to USA—AUTHORITIES to end 1—MORE than 5—YEAR corrupt practices INVESTIGATION—OF—THE—FIRMS' former relationship with 1—CONSULTANT in CHINA and Macao.
20170120             This was in addition to a $9—MILLION—PAYMENT made in April to settle 1—USA—SEC investigation that found SOME—PAYMENTS to the consultant were not properly authorized or documented.
20170120             NORTH—AFGHANISTAN, 2—PEOPLE, including 1—POLICE—COMMANDER, were killed in 1—EXPLOSION—AFTER 1—STICKY—BOMB was attached to THE—COMMANDER—CAR in Balkh province.
20170120             —STORMED, Taliban insurgents, 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in THE—NORTH—EAST—PROVINCE—OF—KAPISA, killing 3—POLICEMEN.
20170120             1—DAY—LATER Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, in 1—TEXT to journalists, accused government forces of killing 6—CIVILIANS in a 20170120             attack in Kapisa.
20170120             AUSTRALIA, 1—MAN, 26—JAHRE—ALT deliberately drove into pedestrians, killing 4 and injuring more than 20, in the center MELBOURNE.
20170120             —RAMMED, Police eventually, the car and shot the driver in the arm, —BEFORE dragging him from the vehicle and arresting him.
20170120             Police said the incident was not TERRORISM—RELATED.
20170120             —KILLED, CENTRAL—CHINA, at least 12—PEOPLE were, —AFTER 1—HOTEL was buried in 1—LANDSLIDE in Nanzhang county, Hunan province.
20170120             GAMBIA—ARMY—CHIEF—GENERAL—OUSMAN—BADJIE said that he recognized new PRESIDENT—ADAMA—BARROW as the new COMMANDER—AND—CHIEF and would not fight 1—REGIONAL—FORCE poised to depose YAHYA—JAMMEH, who has refused to step down.
20170120             —HELPED, GERMANY said its diplomats have, broker 1—CEASEFIRE between THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and rebel forces in 1—MOUNTAINOUS—VALLEY—NEAR—DAMASCUS, 1—DEAL designed to restore water supplies to the capital.
20170120             IRAQ, the Islamic State blew up 1—LANDMARK hotel in WEST—MOSUL in 1—APPARENT—ATTEMPT to prevent advancing IRAQ—FORCES from using it as 1—BASE in their offensive to capture the city.
20170120             NORTH—ITALY, 1—BUS carrying HUNGARY—STUDENTS—HOME from 1—SCHOOL ski trip to FRANCE slammed into 1—HIGHWAY—BARRIER and burst into flames —JUST—BEFORE midnight, killing at least 16—PEOPLE.
20170120             39—OTHERS survived, but some were seriously injured.
20170120             —WANTED, KOSOVO—DEPUTY—PRIME—MINISTER—HAJREDIN—KUCI said that the government, to modernize its property system and foster greater equality and prosperity in the Balkan country.
20170120             This will, for the 1. time, clearly define formal ownership and encourage women to inherit and own land in their own right.
20170120             MEXICO—NATIONAL—IMMIGRATION—INSTITUTE said it put 91—CUBANS on 1—FEDERAL—POLICE—AIRPLANE and flew them back to CUBA —AFTER THE—CUBA—GOVERNMENT accepted their return.
20170120             —ARRESTED, Police in PERU, former transport official Edwn Luyo as PART—OF—1—MASSIVE—GRAFT—SCANDAL implicating BRAZIL—CONSTRUCTION—GIANT—ODEBRECHT and several regional governments.
20170120             1—SOUTH—KOREA—COURT said that the government had broken the law —DURING the 1960s and 1970s by detaining prostitutes who catered to USA—SOLDIERS and by forcing them to undergo treatment for venereal diseases.
20170120             —ORDERED, The court, the government to pay 57—PLAINTIFFS $4,240 each in compensation for physical and psychological damage.
20170120             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, the Islamic State group, 5—TURKEY—SOLDIERS and wounded 9—OTHERS in 1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK in the village of Sulfaniyeh, near AL—BAB.
20170120             TURKEY, rocket attacks hit THE—ISTANBUL police headquarters and THE—OFFICES—OF—THE—RULING AK Party.
20170120             There were no REPORTS—OF—CASUALTIES.
20170120             —ENDED, UN human rights envoy Yanghee Lee, a 12—DAY—VISIT to MYANMAR with 1—BLEAK—EVALUATION—OF—THE—GOVERNMENT—ABILITY to deal with the problems facing the country's ethnic minorities.
20170120             She said the situation there was deteriorating.
20170120             —KILLED, YEMEN, 1—SUSPECTED—USA—DRONE—STRIKE, 1—LOCAL—MILITARY instructor for AL—QAEDA in SOUTH—AL—BAYDA province.
20170120—19990000    —CLOSED, The mine was.
20170120—20090000    —HEADED, Luyo, the committee that awarded Odebrecht 1—CONTRACT to build LIMA's elevated metro.
20170120—20120000    —IN, The program, which he created.
20170120—20171108    —AM, Der des VOR—JAHRES gewählte Republikaner und KAPITALIST DONALD—TRUMP wird zum 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten vereidigt.
20170120—20190000    —IN, his mother reached a $2.3—MILLION—SETTLEMENT with THE—CITY—OF—OVERLAND—PARK.
20170602             NORBERTO—FUENTES, ERNEST—HEMINGWAY, —JAHRE—ALTIN KUBA, AUFBAU—VERLAG, 19880000             , ISBN 978-3351012076
20180120             —DEFINED, FRANCE, PAUL—BOCUSE, 91—jahre—alt, the master CHEF who, FRANCE—CUISINE for more than 50—years, † at COLLONGES—AU—MONT—DE—OR.
20180120             [l]Amazon may give app developers access—to—Alexa audio recordings
20180120             —SCHON, schön, so 1.Wohnzimmer-Wanze
20180120             [l]Vom VERFASSUNGS—SCHUTZ lernen heißt siegen lernen: DIE—NSA vernichtet Beweise gegen sich.
20180120             THE—NATIONAL—SECURITY—AGENCY destroyed surveillance data it pledged to preserve in connection with pending lawsuits and apparently never took some of the steps it told a federal court it had taken to make sure THE—INFORMATION wasn’t destroyed, ACCORDING—TO—recent court filings.
20180120             Bestimmt auch aus DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRÜNDEn!
20180120             Dass denen überhaupt noch jemand glaubt, dass
20180120             [l]Ja Moment MOMENT, so schnell geht das ja nun auch wieder nicht mit dem Rüstungs—exportstopp!
20180120             DIE—BUNDES—REGIERUNG will im Zuge der schrittweisen Normalisierung des deutsch-türkischen Verhältnisses 1.umfangreiche Modernisierung türkischer Leopard-Panzer genehmigen.
20180120             So normalisiert man heute Verhältnisse zwischen STAATEN
20180120             Was DIE—TÜRKEI wohl mit den Leopard-Panzern machen will? Friedens—MAßNAHMEn bei den Kurden? ODER—FLÜCHTLINGS—CAMPs befrieden?
20180120             [l]"British 15—YEAR-old gained access—to—intelligence operations in AFGHANISTAN and IRAN by pretending to be HEAD—OF—CIA, court hears"
20180120             Wait, what? 1—Brite auch noch!
20180120             The teenager persuaded call handlers at an internet giant that he was JOHN—BRENNAN, THE—THEN DIRECTOR—OF—THE—CIA, to gain access—to—his computers and an FBI helpdesk that he was MARK Giuliano, then THE—AGENCY’s DEPUTY—DIRECTOR, to re-gain access—to—an intelligence database.
20180120             He also targeted THE—US—SECRETARY—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY and BARACK—OBAMA's DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE from his semi—detached council house in Coalville.
20180120             Und ich bin mir sicher, das wäre alles unter den Teppich gekehrt worden, aber
20180120             Gamble taunted his victims online, released personal information, bombarded them with calls and messages, downloaded pornography onto their computers and took control of their iPads and TV screens, a court heard.
20180120             OK, wenn beim Super—bowl ungefragt der Kanal wechselt,
20180120             Was ich ja das tollste an der Story finde: Der hat sich nicht in DIE—CIA gehackt
20180120             [l]LACHER—DES—TAGES: Die BERLINer SPD will hunderte Millionen in den Flughafen investieren.
20180120             Wie? Nein, nicht in DEN Flughafen
20180120             Der riesige EX—Flughafen Tempelhof ist stark sanierungsbedürftig
20180120             Ja warum auch!
20180120             Und wenn DIE—SPD —AM—SCHON, freidrehen ist,
20180120             Im Tagesspiegel-Interview hatte REGIERUNGS—CHEF Müller kürzlich auch die Überlegung ins Spiel gebracht, die durch 1—Volksentscheid verhinderte Randbebauung des Tempelhofer Feldes doch noch zu realisieren.
20180120             Weil, äh, Volksentscheid, das ist 1.völlig irreführende Benamung
20180120             Keine Einigung im HAUSHALTS—STREIT: "Shutdown"legt USA—REGIERUNG lahm
20180120             Massive technische PROBLEMe: HIGHTECH—Fregatte fährt in die Werft statt in die Karibik
20180120             Signal an TRUMP: BERLIN treibt neue—SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—IRAN voran
20180120             DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG: Das große Schwanken DER—SOZIAL—DEMOKRATEN
20180120             —KAMPF—UM—US—Haushalt: Amerika—Regierung macht dicht
20180120             Britische PREMIER—MINISTERin: May erteilt neuem BREXIT—REFERENDUM 1.Absage
20180120             Kampagne—gegen—FAKE—NEWS: FACEBOOK—Nutzer sollen Glaubwürdigkeit von Medien bewerten
20180120             "Shutdown": Diese USA—INSTITUTionen sind besonders betroffen
20180120             Einmischung in USA—WAHL—KAMPF: Twitter findet weitere 1000—Fake—ACCOUNTs mit RUSSLAND-Verbindungen
20180120             SPIONAGE—in—DEUTSCHLAND: Mutmaßliche IRAN—AGENTen spähten womöglich juden—Anschlagsziele aus
20180120             Diskreter RÜSTUNGS—DEAL—MIT—der TÜRKEI: Panzer gegen Häftling
20180120             Linke Volkspartei: TRITTIN kritisiert Wagenknechts Sammlungsbewegung
20180120             TRUMP—Ärger über "Shutdown": "DEMOKRATEN wollten mir wohl ein hübsches Geschenk machen"
20180120             1—Jahr TRUMP: Versprochen, gebrochen
20180120             Immer rasanter geht es —IN—LETZTER—ZEIT mit den USA—AKTIEN—KURSen aufwärts, und nicht wenige dürften sich fragen, wie lange das noch so weiter gehen kann
20180120             Selten zuvor in der GESCHICHTE—des—US—AKTIEnhandels hat es 1 längeren —ZEIT—RAUM gegeben, in dem DIE—KURSE nicht wenigstens einmal zwischenzeitlich signifikant, also etwa um 5—prozent oder mehr, gefallen wären.
20180120             DIE—ZEITspanne übersteigt bei weitem den Durchschnitt der vergangenen Jahrzehnte von ca—90—TAGEn.
20180120             in den letzte—Wochen gab es die Intel—PANNE und INDIENs biometrische DATEN—BANK wurde gehackt.
20180120             EX—SILICON—VALLEY—Gewinner Antonio García Martínez
20180120             Herr Martínez hat seinen Job bei FACEBOOK gekündigt und sich 1.Insel in KANADA gekauft
20180120             —NACH der MASCHINELLE—REVOLUTION vergingen nur 50—JAHRE, bis DIE—MENSCHHEIT sich an die neuen ARBEIT—BEDINGUNGen angepasst hat.
20180120             Das Traurige ist doch, dass
20180120             MILITÄR—OFFENSIVE: Türkische Jets bombardieren KURDEN—STELLUNGen
20180120             Neues VW—WERK in Ruanda: Polos für AFRIKA
20180120             Women's March: Zehntausende demonstrieren in USA—Städten gegen TRUMP
20180120             Kassensturz beim "ISLAMISCHER—STAAT": Öl—quellen weg, Geldschrank voll
20180120             Türkische "Operation—Olivenzweig": OFFENSIVE—GEGEN—Kurden lässt weitere Eskalation—in—SYRIEN befürchten
20180120             —FAILED, PARTS—OF—THE—USA—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT shut down early —TODAY as the House and Senate, to break 1—DEADLOCK over a 4. stopgap spending bill —SINCE the fiscal —YEAR ran out last fall.
20180120             —KILLED, SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, 1—HELICOPTER—CRASH, 2—SOLDIERS at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin.
20180120             FLORIDA, police shot and killed JASON—CABLES, 46—JAHRE—ALT —WHEN he failed to drop 1—ASSAULT—RIFLE —FOLLOWING 1—DOMESTIC—VIOLENCE—CALL in which Cables attacked his wife with mace and 1—POOL cue at his Lake Wales home.
20180120             1—NEW—YORK—TIMES online story reported that USA REPRESENTATIVE—PATRICK—MEEHAN—OF—PENNSYLVANIA used taxpayer money to settle 1—COMPLAINT that stemmed from his hostility toward 1—FORMER—AIDE who rejected his romantic overtures.
20180120             —STORMED, AFGHANISTAN, gunmen in army uniforms, KABUL—INTERCONTINENTAL—HOTEL—LATE—TODAY and battled AFGHANISTAN—SPECIAL—FORCES through the night killing at least 22—PEOPLE and wounding 12—MORE.
20180120             —KILLED, All 5—ATTACKERS were.
20180120             AFGHANISTAN—KAM—AIR was left reeling —AFTER 9—PERSONNEL including 5—PILOTS were killed in the Taliban attack.
20180120             —DECLARED, BRAZIL, the government of Minas Gerais state, 1—STATE—OF—EMERGENCY for its public health system because of 1—OUTBREAK—OF—YELLOW fever in 94—OF—ITS—853—CITIES.
20180120             1—TEAM—OF—UK—SOLDIERS became the 1. ALL—FEMALE—GROUP to cross ANTARCTICA using only muscle power.
20180120             —SKIED, The team, 1—TOTAL—OF—1,700 km (1,056 miles), traveling coast to coast pulling sleds weighing 80—KG (176—POUNDS) over 62—DAYS.
20180120             —BUSTED, Police in CROATIA and SLOVENIA said they have, 1—HUMAN trafficking operation and released DOZENS—OF—MOSTLY—CHINA—NATIONALS who were forced to work in illegal call centers.
20180120             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP.
20180120             1—FIRE broke out this —EVENING at the Eurostars DAVID—HOTEL, situated on 1—NARROW—STREET in PRAGUE 1—BLOCK away from the Vltava River.
20180120             —REPORTED, By the next —DAY at least 4—DEATHS were.
20180120             —REJECTED, ETHIOPIA—PRIME—MINISTER—HAILEMARIAM—DESALEGN, arbitration by the World Bank on 1—DISAGREEMENT with EGYPT over the hydroelectric dam that ETHIOPIA is building on the Nile River.
20180120             —DEFINED, FRANCE, PAUL—BOCUSE, 91—JAHRE—ALT, the master CHEF who, FRANCE—CUISINE for more than half 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY, † at COLLONGES—AU—MONT—DE—OR.
20180120             —DETAINED, FORMER—GUATEMALA—PRESIDENTIAL—CANDIDATE—MANUEL—BALDIZON was, —WHILE trying to enter THE—USA—WITHOUT 1—VISA and was awaiting deportation.
20180120             He faced graft charges upon his return home.
20180120             —CARRIED, GUATEMALA—PROSECUTOR—OFFICE, out 10—RAIDS and arrested 3—PEOPLE as PART—OF—THE—ODEBRECHT investigation.
20180120             † 1—FISHERMAN was killed and 9—OTHERS were rescued —AFTER their boat was involved in 1—COLLISION with Vestas 11. —HOUR Racing some 30—NAUTICAL—MILES off HONG—KONG as the yacht was sailing toward the finish LINE—OF—LEG 4—OF—THE—VOLVO—OCEAN—RACE.
20180120             —TRADED, Indian and PAKISTAN—TROOPS, fire along their volatile frontier in Kashmir, killing at least 5—CIVILIANS and 1—SOLDIER in the latest ESCALATION—OF—VIOLENCE in the disputed region.
20180120             † In INDIA 17—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—FIRE broke out at 1—PLASTIC—FACTORY in the Bawana industrial area on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—NEW—DELHI.
20180120             —ORDERED, IRAN—DEFENSE—MINISTER—GENERAL—AMIR—HATAMI said SUPREME—LEADER—AYATOLLAH ALI—KHAMENEI has, both the country's regular military and the Revolutionary Guard to get OUT—OF—BUSINESSES not directly affiliated to their work.
20180120             —RENEWED, Abadi, his conditions for lifting restrictions imposed on the Kurdistan region —AFTER the referendum.
20180120             A 17-meter (56—FOOT) ferry with 50—PEOPLE on BOARD was reported missing —2—DAYS—AFTER it departed Nonouti Island on a 250—KM (155—MILE) trip to Betio in KIRIBATI.
20180120             —RESUMED, LIBYA, the Mitiga airport serving the capital, flights —FOLLOWING a 5—DAY—SUSPENSION—AFTER deadly clashes —AROUND the facility that also damaged planes on the tarmac.
20180120             —BLACKLISTED, THE—NORTH—KOREAN—FLAGGED tanker "Rye Song Gang 1" -, by THE—UN last —MONTH for carrying banned CARGO—WAS spotted by 1—JAPANESE—MARITIME—SELF—DEFENCE—FORCE—PATROL—PLANE with THE—DOMINICAN—FLAGGED tanker "Yuk Tung" tied up beside it in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA.
20180120             THE—INTERNATIONAL—OLYMPIC—COMMITTEE—NORTH—KOREA will send 22—ATHLETES to next —MONTH—WINTER—GAMES in the South, approving 1—LANDMARK deal between 2—NATIONS still officially at war.
20180120             —CLASHED, THE—PHILIPPINES—TROOPS, briefly with PRO—ISLAMIC—STATE—MILITANTS in the volatile south, in their 1. engagement —SINCE the government retook MARAWI city in the country's biggest BATTLE—SINCE—WORLD—WAR 2.
20180120             —RELOCATED, RUSSIA said it has, RUSSIA—MILITARY—OPERATIONAL—GROUP and military police from SYRIA—AFRIN where TURKEY has started its military operation against the Kurds.
20180120             SYRIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES and supporting militias retook ABU—ZUHOUR air base, in Idlib province.
20180120             The advance, which began in earnest in late December, has displaced more than 200,000 civilians.
20180120             —BLOCKED, THAILAND, HUNDREDS—OF—POLICE, protestors planning to march from BANGKOK to KHON—KAEN in THE—NORTHEAST—OF—THE—COUNTRY in 1—RARE—DISPLAY—OF—PUBLIC discontent in THE—JUNTA—RULED country.
20180120             —LAUNCHED, THE—TURKEY—MILITARY, operation "Olive Branch", its 2. major incursion into SYRIA—TERRITORY—DURING—THE—7—YEAR—CIVIL—WAR.
20180120             Afrin is —NOW home to at least 800,000 civilians, including MANY—WHO arrived fleeing the fighting in other parts of Syria.
20180120             —KILLED, TURKEY, 11—PEOPLE were, and 44 injured in ESKISEHIR province —WHEN 1—INTERCITY—BUS taking families bound for 1—HALF—TERM skiing trip crashed into trees —WHILE travelling on 1—MOTORWAY to BURSA.
20180120             —REPORTED, It was, that ZIMBABWE has given illegal vendors and pirate taxis 48—HOURS to leave HARARE—STREETS, failing which it will forcibly remove them with the military's help, as PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA seeks to restore order in cities.
20180120—20150000    —IN, The key air base was lost to rebels.
20180120—20180128    —ON, 7—SURVIVORS from the ferry were found adrift in 1—DINGHY by 1—NEW—ZEALAND search plane.
20180123—20180120    —SINCE, 24—CIVILIANS, 24—KURDISH—FIGHTERS, and 25—TURKISH—BACKED SYRIA—MILITIAMEN PEOPLE—killed—were in the clashes in Afrin.
20180211—20180120    —ON, The announcement brought to 31—THE—NUMBER—OF—TURKEY—SOLDIERS killed —SINCE the operation started.
20180321—20180120    —SUSPENDED, He was, —AFTER 4—MEN, including aspiring model Naqibullah Mehsud, killed—were in 1—SHOOT—OUT with police.
20190120             —DRESSED, THOUSANDS—OF—COLOMBIANS, in white poured into the streets to repudiate terrorism —AFTER 20190117             —THE car bombing at 1—BOGOTA—POLICE—ACADEMY 21—PEOPLE—KILLED and left dozens more wounded.
20190120             —MARCHED, FRANCE, several—1000—PROTEST—ERS, in PARIS—against—abortion and medically assisted reproduction 20190313             —IN—THE for Life.
20190120             Dokumentation über Super—reiche: Die Exzesse der Generation Pro—tz
20190120             EXPLOSION—IN—NORD—IRLAND: POLIZEI—ermittelt—wegen—möglicher AUTO—BOMBE
20190120             BREXIT—Verhandlungen: "Das Spiel mit der Zeit ist immer ein Spiel um die MACHT"
20190120             Zwei JAHRE im Weißes—haus: Lügen, beleidigen, golfen - TRUMP in Zahlen
20190120             Trotz Vorwürfen des WAHL—BETRUGs im Kongo: VERFASSUNGS—GERICHT erklärt Tshisekedi zum Sieger
20190120             ERDOGAN—Kritiker Enes Kanter: NBA-Star bekommt jeden Tag "Hunderte Morddrohungen"
20190120             Rüstungs—lieferungen: Rheinmetall will Schadensersatz für Lieferstopp nach SAUDI—ARABIEN
20190120             —Laut—Guinness—BUCH ältester Mann der Welt: JAPANer mit 113—JAHREn gestorben
20190120             Unfallschutz: Amazon rüstet Mit—ARBEITER mit Roboterwarnwesten aus
20190120             Zwei Todesopfer: Schweres—ERDBEBEN erschüttert CHILE
20190120             Syrien: Offenbar Tote bei EXPLOSION—IN—DAMASKUS
20190120             Überparteilicher Plan: Britische Abgeordnete wollen BREXIT—Entscheidung verzögern
20190120             Historiker über AfD, Brexiteers und Gelbwesten: "Sie haben 1 unglaublich guten Riecher für die Wut DER—MENSCHen"
20190120             ENERGIE—WENDE: "Missionarisches Predigen hilft nicht"
20190120             Sascha Lobos Medien—kritik: Warum der Journalismus wütend macht
20190120             GILLETte-Werbespot: Männer sind an allem schuld
20190120             NEW—YORK: Hotels bieten Opfern des Shutdowns Gratisübernachtung
20190120             Athen: Krawalle bei MAZEDONIEN-Kundgebung
20190120             Schrott im All : WELT—RAUM—PANNEndienst soll Satelliten helfen
20190120             Schnee, Eis und Chaos: Eisiges Wetter legt nordost—US—STAATen lahm
20190120             WASHINGTON: Jugendliche TRUMP—Fans provozieren Ureinwohner
20190120             —PROTEST—E—IN—Frankreich: Gelbanlage
20190120             Zwei JAHRE—alt USA—PRÄSIDENT—TRUMP: "Wir müssen zeigen, was dieser Mann getan hat"
20190120             INF—VERTRAG: USA verpassen Chance für Abrüstung
20190120             BREMEN: Weil sie 1.Frau ist - BÜRGER—MEISTERin darf nicht zu Spendengala
20190120             DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES über alte Bücher, die von heutigen Lesern durch die Brille heutiger Social Justice-Vorstellungen betrachtet werden. Der Autor ist selbst Buchautor und DIE—GESCHICHTE geht los, als er in der Bahn 1—Studenten trifft, der an 1—Buch über 1.Zeit—MASCHINE schreibt, und gerade 1—Klassiker weggelegt hat, weil ihm der Anti—semitismus darin zuviel wurde.
20190120             I think it’s a general misunderstanding, not just his. It’s as if we imagine an old book to be a time machine that brings the writer to us. We buy a book and take it home, and the writer appears before us, asking to be admitted into our company. If we find that the writer’s views are ethnocentric or sexist or racist, we reject the application, and we bar his or her entry into the present.
20190120             As the student had put it, I don’t want anyone like that in my house.
20190120             I think we’d all be better readers if we realized that it isn’t the writer who’s the time traveler. It’s the reader. When we pick up an old novel, we’re not bringing the novelist into our world and deciding whether he or she is enlightened enough to belong here; we’re journeying into the novelist’s world and taking a look around.
20190120             Ich möchte nochmal darauf hinweisen, dass das nicht nur Leute trifft, die es halt verdient haben, weil sie sich nicht geimpft haben. Das trifft auch kleine Kinder, deren Eltern ihre Pflichten verkackt haben, und es trifft Menschen, die nicht geimpft werden konnten, weil ihr Immun—SYSTEM angegriffen ist oder die Impfung bei ihnen nicht gezogen hat. Nicht umsonst hat DIE—WHO IMPF—GEGNER zur globalen Bedrohung erklärt.
20190120             Oh wow. Erinnert ihr euch noch, als die TU München 1 guten Ruf hatte? Das war, bevor sie sich ein KI-Ethik-Institut von FACEBOOK bezahlen ließen.
20190120             FACEBOOK Inc. is endowing a new institute devoted to the ethics of artificial intelligence at the Technical UNIVERSITY—OF—Munich, in GERMANY.
20190120             Bestimmt haben die sich das total schön ausgemalt. 1 tolles neues Institut, unabhängige Forschung, auch FACEBOOK-kritisch natürlich, und Pecunia non olet. Aber ich vermute mal, dass die Studentenschaft da nicht so glücklich mit sein wird.
20190120             Gut, was man nach dem Studium mit 1—Ethik-Abschluss macht, ist mir gerade eh nicht so klar, aber wenn da auch noch FACEBOOK draufsteht…?
20190120             Wieso ist FACEBOOK damit zur TU München gegangen? Ob die sich vorher informiert haben?
20190120             An der TU DRESDEN gibt es auch gerade 1—Masernfall. Nur falls jemand dachte, das betrifft uns nicht, weil nur DIE—AMIS so bekloppt sind.
20190120             Update: In Waldbröl gibt es auch 1—Masernausbruch, zwei Schulen sind betroffen.
20190120             Update: 1—Leser weist darauf hin, dass Impfungen nicht ewig halten und aufgefrischt werden müssen. die—Nicht aufgefrischt—Quote sieht noch deutlich schlechter aus als die "Gar nicht erst geimpft—Quote.
20190120             DIE—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE hat sich ja viel zu Schulden kommen lassen. Die hat eigentlich bei so gut wie allen schlimmen Dingen teilgenommen, die DIE—MENSCHHEIT so gemacht hat, oder war sogar treibende Kraft hinter ihnen. Nur BIG—DATA und SOCIAL—MEDIA noch nicht. Nun, das ist jetzt vorbei. Es gibt jetzt 1.Bet-App vom Papst, mit Accounts und Login. DIE—KATHOLISCHE—KIRCHE lässt sich doch nicht von 1—paar—TECH—Firmen abhängen!1!!
20190120             Facepalm des Tages:
20190120             DAS—MITTELhessische Neustadt hat aus DATEN—SCHUTZ—GRÜNDEn seine FACEBOOK-Seite deaktiviert.
20190120             Super! Kein Fußbreit den Daten—kraken!!1! Was benutzen sie denn jetzt stattdessen?
20190120             Stattdessen informiert DIE—STADT nun über den Nachrichten-Dienst Whatsapp.
20190120             Oooooh. Äh. Nun ja. *papierraschel* Das Wetter.
20190120             1—PERSON—INFECTED—WITH—MEASLES attended 1—PORTLAND—TRAIL—BLAZERS home game in OREGON —LAST—WEEK amid 1—OUTBREAK that has left at least 19—PEOPLE—ILL—THIS—MONTH in neighboring WASHINGTON—STATE.
20190120             Contagious people also went to PORTLAND—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT, as well as to hospitals, schools, stores, churches and restaurants across WASHINGTON—CLARK—COUNTY and THE—2—STATE—REGION, COUNTY—OFFICIALS said.
20190120             BREXIT: In GROßBRITANNIEN werden Medikamente knapp
20190120             DIE—NEW—YORK—TIMES über alte Bücher, die von heutigen Lesern durch die Brille heutiger SOCIAL—JUSTICE—VORSTELLUNGEN betrachtet werden.
20190120             DER—AUTOR—ARGUMENTIERT in dem Essay, daß ein altes Buch ja auch sowas wie 1.ZEIT—MASCHINE ist.
20190120             —STRETCHED, USA, 1—WINTER—STORM, across at least 15—STATES from MISSOURI to MAINE and caused the cancellation of more that 1,500 flights.
20190120             SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN, 1—CAR—BOMB—ATTACK on 1—CONVOY—OF—THE—GOVERNOR—OF—LOGAR province killed at least 8—SECURITY—FORCE—MEMBERS, but left the provincial CHIEF unharmed.
20190120             —CLAIMED, THE—TALIBAN, responsibility. WEST—CENTRAL—AFRICAN, Rep.
20190120             13—PEOPLE were killed in 1—ATTACK, —JUST days —BEFORE THE—OPENING—OF—PEACE—TALKS.
20190120             1—UN—SOURCE—LATER said the perpetrators were believed to be Fulani from THE—SO—CALLED 3R group ("return, reclamation, reconciliation").
20190120             —CONFIRMED, CONGO—CONSTITUTIONAL—COURT, the victory of FELIX—TSHISEKEDI, dismissing the claims of massive vote fraud by RUNNER—UP MARTIN—FAYULU.
20190120             † In THE—FRANCE—ALPS 2—PEOPLE and 25—MORE were injured, 4—SERIOUSLY, in 1—FIRE at the ski resort of Courchevel.
20190120             SEA—WATCH 3, run by 1—GERMAN—NGO, said it has contacted ITALY, MALTA, LIBYA as well as THE—NETHERLANDS, —SINCE the boat is DUTCH—FLAGGED, asking where it can bring THE—47—MIGRANTS it had taken aboard.
20190120             —CROWDED, Another vessel, with panicking migrants and taking on water, —MEANWHILE, put out 1—URGENT, separate appeal for help in THE—SOUTH—MEDITERRANEAN.
20190120             —REPORTED, SPIEGEL—ONLINE, that GERMANY—WEAPONS—MAKER—RHEINMETALL plans to sue the government over its decision to stop all arms exports to SAUDI—ARABIA —AFTER THE—KILLING—OF—JOURNALIST—JAMAL—KHASHOGGI.
20190120             —FIRED, GREECE, police, tear gas to disperse protesters outside PARLIAMENT as tens of thousands rallied in ATHENS to protest against 1—NAME—DEAL with MACEDONIA.
20190120             —CONFIRMED, ISRAEL, 1—DIPLOMATIC—RAPPROCHEMENT with MUSLIM—MAJORITY—CHAD as PRIME—MINISTER—BENJAMIN—NETANYAHU used 1—VISIT to THE—CHAD—CAPITAL to stress their mutual interest in confronting Islamist insurgencies.
20190120             ISRAEL—MILITARY said its Iron Dome interceptor system shot down 1—ROCKET that had been fired at the northern part of the occupied Golan Heights on the Syria frontier.
20190120             † MASAZO—NONAKA (113), the world's oldest man, early —TODAY—WHILE sleeping at home in Ashoro on JAPAN—NORTHERN—MAIN—ISLAND—OF—HOKKAIDO.
20190120             —WOUNDED, KENYA, 4—PEOPLE were, —WHEN gunmen opened fire late —TODAY on 1—CHINA—CONSTRUCTION—SITE in the remote northeast, —BEFORE being quickly repelled.
20190120             —SUSPECTED, The attack was, to be THE—WORK—OF—SOMALIA—ISLAMISTS AL—SHABAAB.
20190120             —URGED, LEBANON, world powers to step up efforts for SYRIA—REFUGEES to return home regardless of 1—POLITICAL—SOLUTION to the conflict in its WAR—WRACKED neighbor, as it hosted the 4. annual Arab Economic and Social Development Summit.
20190120             Most Arab HEADS—OF—STATE were absent.
20190120             LIBYA—SECURITY—OFFICIALS said 1—TEMPORARY—CEASE—FIRE has taken hold in THE—CAPITAL—OF—TRIPOLI, —AFTER deadly fighting between rival militias that dominate the city flared up last —WEEK.
20190120             —KILLED, NORTH—MALI, AL—QAIDA—LINKED jihadists, 10—UN—PEACEKEEPERS from CHAD in 1—ATTACK at the Aguelhok base 200—KM (125—MILES) NORTH—OF—KIDAL.
20190120             MEXICO, 3—GUNMEN in CANCUN shot 7—PEOPLE to death at a home in an apparent dispute between STREET—LEVEL drug dealers.
20190120             —ARRESTED, Police in NORTH—IRELAND police, 4—MEN -- 2 21—YEAR—OLDS, a 34—YEAR—OLD and a 42—YEAR—OLD in relation to 1—BOMB—BLAST 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190120             A 5. man was also soon arrested.
20190120             —ARRESTED, PAKISTAN—OFFICIALS said authorities have, more than 12—COUNTER—TERRORISM—OFFICERS—AFTER police shot and killed 1—MIDDLE—AGED couple, their 13—YEAR—OLD—DAUGHTER and another man in what they —INITIALLY claimed was 1—SHOOTOUT with insurgents 1—DAY—EARLIER.
20190120             —RESPONDED, PORTUGAL, police, to 1—CALL about 1—BRAWL between 2—WOMEN and entered the "JAMAICA" neighborhood in Seixal, where mostly young local residents greeted them with 1—HAIL—OF—STONES.
20190120             1—VIDEO published on THE—INTERNET showed police officers beating up several black people.
20190120             —LAUNCHED, SAUDI—LED forces, overnight air strikes on YEMEN—CAPITAL, described by 1—RESIDENT as the worst in 1—YEAR.
20190120             —INCLUDED, The overnight targets, AL—DULAIMI Air Base, 1—DRONE—STORAGE—SITE, and military training sites.
20190120             —KILLED, At least 2—CIVILIANS were, and others injured.
20190120             —CLASHED, SUDAN—POLICE, with demonstrators in and —AROUND THE—CAPITAL—KHARTOUM, —AFTER they deployed in large numbers in anticipation of fresh protests calling on longtime ruler OMAR—AL—BASHIR to step down.
20190120             —KILLED, NORTH—SYRIA, 1—BLAST aboard 1—BUS, at least 3—PEOPLE in Afrin.
20190120             TONGA lost INTERNET contact —AFTER something went wrong with 1—FIBER optic cable that connects it to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD.
20190120             1—SMALL—INTERNET—COMPANY that uses satelites soon stepped in to help restore INTERNATIONAL calls and SOME—OTHER—SERVICES.
20200115             VIRGINIA GOVERNOR—RALPH—NORTHAM said he plans to declare 1—TEMPORARY—EMERGENCY banning all guns and weapons from the area —AROUND the Capitol in RICHMOND ahead of 1—MAJOR—GUN—RIGHTS—DEMONSTRATION set for 20200120             .
20200120             IMPEACHMENT—VERFAHREN: TRUMP—ANWÄLTE kritisieren "unverschämten politischen Akt"
20200120             H5N8—VIRUS: 1. neuer FALL—VON—VOGEL—GRIPPE in DEUTSCHLAND
20200120             —NEUARTIGES—CORONA—VIRUS in CHINA: ZAHL—DER—PATIENTEN steigt sprunghaft an — auf 201
20200120             —INSTALLIERT, Android: WhatsApp wurde mehr als 5—MILLIARDEN Mal
20200120             UNICEF—STUDIE: 33—PROZENT—DER—MÄDCHEN aus armen Haushalten hat nie 1—SCHULE besucht
20200120             Zu hoher PHOSPHOR—VERBRAUCH: Aquakulturen gefährden die NAHRUNGS—SICHERHEIT
20200120             Erholung der WELT—WIRTSCHAFT: IWF rechnet mit stabilem Wachstum
20200120             —BETREIBT, Firma, GESICHTER—DATEN—BANK: —ERST heimlich, dann unheimlich
20200120             Internationales Ranking: Die meisten deutschen Unternehmen versagen beim KLIMA—SCHUTZ
20200120             4,221
20200420             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             PORTIMÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 33—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             LAGOA (FARO) CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 4—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             SILVES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 21—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             ALBUFEIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 64—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             LOULÉ CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 53—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             FARO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 56—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             OLHÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 14—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             TAVIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 34—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             CASTRO—MARIM CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             ALMODÔVAR CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             SINES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 4—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             SANTIAGO—DO—CACÉM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 13—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             BEJA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 9—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             SERPA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 18—DATA 202004201200          —NACHMITTAG
20200420             LAGOS CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             PORTIMÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 33—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             LAGOA (FARO) CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 4—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             SILVES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 21—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             ALBUFEIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 64—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             LOULÉ CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 53—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             FARO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 56—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             OLHÃO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 14—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             TAVIRA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 34—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             VILA—REAL—DE—SANTO—ANTÓNIO CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 14—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             CASTRO—MARIM CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             ALMODÔVAR CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 3—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             SINES CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 4—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             SANTIAGO—DO—CACÉM—CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 13—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             BEJA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 9—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             SERPA CASOS—CONFIRMADOS 18—DATA 202004201200          nachm.
20200420             LAGOS Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             PORTIMÃO Casos confirmados 33—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             LAGOA (FARO) Casos confirmados 4—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             SILVES Casos confirmados 21—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             ALBUFEIRA Casos confirmados 64—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             LOULÉ Casos confirmados 53—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             FARO Casos confirmados 56—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             OLHÃO Casos confirmados 14—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             TAVIRA Casos confirmados 34—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO Casos confirmados 14—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             CASTRO MARIM Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             ALMODÔVAR Casos confirmados 3—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             SINES Casos confirmados 4—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             SANTIAGO DO CACÉM Casos confirmados 13—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             BEJA Casos confirmados 9—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
20200420             SERPA Casos confirmados 18—DATA 202004201200          NACHMITTAG
202004201200         —NACHMITTAG
20200430             CORONA—BEKÄMPFUNG: Das Für und Wider eines IMMUNITÄTSPASSES—DATA 202004301200 —NACHMITTAG
20200430             DATA NACHMITTAG
202004301200         —NACHMITTAG
20200501             Sollte die Lage länger andauern, gingen den betroffenen Ländern bald die Impfstoffe ganz aus.
2020050120200322     —SEIT DEM, Kein Flieger, kein Nachschub: sind nach ANGABEN—DES—WELTKINDERHILFSWERKS—UNICEF die IMPFSTOFF—LIEFERUNGEN wegen der zahlreichen Flugstreichungen um 70—BIS 80—PROZENT zurückgegangen.
20200503             Besonders beklagt wird demnach, dass CHINA noch 20200120             —BIS—ZUM, bestritten hatte, dass sich das Virus von Mensch zu Mensch übertrage.
20200510             STATISTIK—QUELLEN—DATA 202005101200          nachm.
202005101200         —DATA—NACHMITTAG
20200516—20200120    —AM, Patient 1—SASS bei 1—Besprechung in einem 12—QUADRATMETER kleinen Raum direkt neben der Infizierten aus CHINA.
20200525             Der AUSBRUCH—DES—MOUNT—S—HELENS gilt als 1—DER—STÄRKSTEN—ERUPTIONEN—DES 1901010120001231    —und als die tödlichste in der GESCHICHTE—DER—USA.
20201111—20200120    —AM, Aber auch wenn es dabei bleibt, dass der Demokrat BIDEN als PRÄSIDENT vereidigt wird, dürfte es noch 1—WEILE dauern, —BIS der neue—BOTSCHAFTER—SEIN—BÜRO—MIT—BLICK aufs Brandenburger Tor in BERLIN bezieht.
20201113             Sorry, but Trump would not ATTEMPT—TO—REMAKE the—military at this late STAGE—OF—THE—GAME unless there was 1—PLAN—FOR—HIM to continue past 20200120             .
20201114—20200120    —AM, "Ich bin der gewählte PRÄSIDENT, aber PRÄSIDENT werde ich —ERST—IM—NÄCHSTEN—JAHR sein", führte Biden mit Blick auf den Amtsantritt aus.
20201114—20210120    —AM, Die Frage war, ob Trump zu der Amtseinführungsfeier kommen werde — was die Zeremonie für WAHL—SIEGER JOE—BIDEN sein wird.
20201127             PRESSEKONFERENZ—VON—DONALD—TRUMP: "Es wird 1—MENGE passieren 20200120             —BIS—ZUM, "
20201127             PRESSEKONFERENZ—VON—DONALD—TRUMP: "Es wird 1—MENGE passieren —BIS zum 20200120             "
20201201—20200120    —AM, Der 1. offizielle CORONA—FALL in den USA—WAR bestätigt geworden.
20201209—20200120    —AM, Er hoffe darauf, dass dann auch der neue—USA—PRÄSIDENT—JOE—BIDEN dabei sein kann, der vereidigt werden soll.
20201215—20200120    —PASSIERT, Wenn nicht noch ein großes Wunder, wird jedoch JOE—BIDEN als 46. USA—PRÄSIDENT— eingeschworen.
20201215—20200120    —AM, Besonders beim 78-jährigen Biden wäre es wünschenswert, wenn er mit vollem Schutz sein Amt antreten könnte.
20201215—20200120    —AM, Biden werde den eigentlichen Eid auf den Stufen des Kapitols ablegen,
20201215—20200120    —PASSIERT, Wenn nicht noch ein großes Wunder, wird jedoch JOE—BIDEN als 46. PRÄSIDENT—DER—VEREINIGTEN—STAATEN eingeschworen.
20210105             —VERLÄNGERT, Die Bundesregierung, nach SPIEGEL—INFORMATIONEN wegen 2—NEUARTIGEN Mutationen des Coronavirus die geltende Einreisesperre für Flugpassagiere aus dem Vereinigten Königreich und Südafrika —BIS zum 20210120             .
20210107—20210120    —ON, Install MIKE—PENCE right away as the 46. PRESIDENT and work with him to manage the transition to JOE—BIDEN as the 47.
20210112—20210120    —AM, werde JOE—BIDEN als künftiger USA—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt und so zum nächsten Oberbefehlshaber über die Streitkräfte, betonten die TOP—GENERÄLE in ihrem Schreiben.
20210113—20210120    —AM, Ursprünglich hatte Pompeo vorgehabt, vor der Vereidigung des neuen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN JOE—BIDEN eine letzte Reise nach EUROPA zu unternehmen.
20210113—20210120    —AM, Der Sender ABC News meldet, die Bundespolizei habe auch Informationen erhalten, wonach eine militante Gruppe plane, in allen 50—BUNDESSTAATEN Regierungseinrichtungen zu "stürmen".
20210120             Der Abschalttag ist der 20210315             .
20210120             —MITTWOCH, 20210120
20210120             Organisierte Kriminalität in Rom: Die Pandemie ist für die Mafia eine historische Chance
20210120             Biden beim Gedenken an CORONA—TOTE: "Um zu heilen, müssen wir uns erinnern"
20210120             Trumps Pläne: Neuer PENTAGON—CHEF—WILL—USA—ABZUG aus Deutschland überdenken
20210120             Enthüllungsvideo des Kremlkritikers: Nawalnys Paukenschlag gegen den "Zaren"
20210120             Der Kreml reagierte schnell auf die Veröffentlichung, wies sie als unwahr zurück.
20210120             "Wir haben —SCHON vor vielen Jahren erklärt, dass Putin keine Paläste hat", sagte Sprecher DMITRI—PESKOW dazu.
20210120             —AM—MITTAG hatte er —BEREITS geäußert, man fürchte sich im Kreml nicht vor Protesten.
20210120             Geprüft werden müsse aber, ob es sich bei Nawalnys Ankündigung nicht um einen Aufruf zu "etwas Ungesetzlichem" handele.
20210120             Nawalny habe mit seinem neuen Enthüllungsfilm seinen Einsatz erhöht, sagte der Politologe ALEXANDER—KYNEW.
20210120             "Die Situation bewegt sich vorwärts, auf 1—ART—HÖHEPUNKT zu, wie der ausfallen wird, können wir nicht sagen".
20210120             Aber Nawalny habe keine Wahl und mache weiter.
20210120             Betrugsvorwürfe: Trump begnadigt EX—BERATER STEPHEN—BANNON
20210120             Neue CORONA—BESCHLÜSSE: Wirtschaft wehrt sich gegen Recht auf Homeoffice
20210120             Energiewende: Windparks in der Nordsee produzieren so viel Strom wie nie
20210120             Neue USA—REGIERUNG: Künftiger USA—AUßENMINISTER geht auf Distanz zur Türkei — und kritisiert Deutschland
20210120             Trumps finale Gnadenwelle: Du kommst aus dem Gefängnis frei
20210120             Im November schmiss Twitter STEVE—BANNON raus, weil er zum Mord an FBI—CHEF—CHRISTOPHER—WRAY und CORONA—EXPERTE ANTHONY—FAUCI aufgerufen hatte.
20210120             Die vollständige LISTE—DER—BEGNADIGUNGEN und Strafnachlässe
20210120             LAST—MINUTE—BEGNADIGUNGEN sind nichts Neues in den USA.
20210120             Andere Präsidenten waren in der Hinsicht sogar noch emsiger.
20210120             BILL—CLINTON sprach mehr als die Hälfte seiner fast 400—BEGNADIGUNGEN und Strafumwandlungen im letzten Amtsmonat aus, davon allein 170—AM letzten —TAG — etwa an den Steuerbetrüger MARC—RICH, dessen Frau mehr als 1—MILLION—DOLLAR an die Demokraten gespendet hatte.
20210120             Doch keiner hat "pardons" so brutal, amoralisch und eigennützig instrumentalisiert wie Trump.
20210120             Die meisten Nutznießer waren Kriminelle ohne Reue, doch mit Connections: Sie hatten einen direkten Draht zu Trump oder kannten jemanden, der Zugang zum Präsidenten hatte.
20210120             Bannons Begnadigung ist zusätzlich dubios, weil er den Sturm auf das Kapitol mitaufgeheizt hatte — und nun wieder 1—ROLLE in Trumps Zukunft spielen könnte, etwa bei der Gründung einer neuen Partei, wie es Trump angeblich vorhat.
20210120             Profitiert von seiner Willkür hatten zuvor —SCHON Trumps FRÜHERER—WAHLKAMPFMANAGER—PAUL—MANAFORT, EX—SICHERHEITSBERATER MICHAEL—FLYNN und ROGER—STONE, Trumps berüchtigter "Mann fürs Grobe".
20210120             Außerdem CHARLES—KUSHNER, VATER—DES—TRUMP—SCHWIEGERSOHNS JARED—KUSHNER, und — zum Entsetzen von Menschenrechtlern — 4—FRÜHERE—MITGLIEDER—DER—SÖLDNERTRUPPE—BLACKWATER, die wegen eines Massakers im Irak verurteilt worden waren.
20210120             1—BEGNADIGUNG ist das ultimative Machtsymbol eines USA—PRÄSIDENTEN, sie kann weder angefochten noch annulliert werden.
20210120             Gnadenurteile - Mehr als 90—PROZENT, so 1—STUDIE, seien außerhalb des regulären, BÜROKRATISCH—KOMPLEXEN Gnadenverfahrens im USA—JUSTIZMINISTERIUM zustande gekommen — sondern direkt durch "persönliche und politische Beziehungen" zu Trump.
20210120             Die einzige Begnadigung, die Barr "präventiv zu stoppen versuchte", sei die des Whistleblowers EDWARD—SNOWDEN gewesen.
20210120             Trump muss seine Gnadenakte nicht zwingend veröffentlichen.
20210120             Er könnte sich also sehr wohl selbst begnadigt haben, das aber geheim halten — und es dann irgendwann —ERST aus dem Ärmel ziehen, wenn er angeklagt wird.
20210120             DONALD—TRUMP 143—BEGNADIGUNGEN in letzter —MINUTE—DER SPIEGEL
20210120             Verschwundener chinesischer Multimilliardär: JACK—MA offenbar erstmals —SEIT Oktober wieder öffentlich aufgetreten
20210120             —VERLÄNGERT, Furcht vor Anstiftung zu Gewalt: YouTube, Sperre von Trumps Nutzerkonto
20210120             WHO warnt vor Kollaps der Kliniken in AMERIKA - in NORD—UND Südamerika.
20210120             "In der ganzen Region arbeiten VIELE—KLINKEN an der Grenze oder nahe der Grenze ihrer Kapazitäten",
20210120             Mangel an medizinischem Sauerstoff in bestimmten Regionen.
20210120             "In der vergangenen Woche haben wir über 2,5 Millionen neue Covid-19-Fälle in der Region registriert — mehr als die Hälfte aller Fälle weltweit.
20210120             Im gleichen Zeitraum haben wegen der Pandemie 42.000—MENSCHEN in NORD—UND Südamerika ihr Leben verloren",
20210120             "Unsere Region und die Welt scheitern bei dem Versuch, das Coronavirus zu kontrollieren.
20210120             In zu vielen Ländern passen die politischen Maßnahmen nicht zum Ernst der Lage",
20210120             "Und zu viele von uns haben die Maßnahmen gelockert, von denen wir wissen, dass sie funktionieren, die uns gesund und die Kliniken am Laufen gehalten haben".
20210120             Die Paho ist die Regionalorganisation der WHO in NORD—UND Südamerika.
20210120             Die Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für INTENSIV—UND Notfallmedizin (DIVI) fordert eine schnelle Senkung der Infektionszahlen, um die Kapazitäten der Intensivstationen zu entlasten.
20210120             Es geht auch darum, wieder aufnahmebereit zu sein, falls die VIRUS—MUTATION sich in Deutschland trotz aller Maßnahmen verbreitet und zu mehr Infektionen und damit auch mehr Intensivpatienten führt",
20210120             falls die - die VIRUS—MUTATION sich
20210120             verbreitet - Kommunen nehmen Hilfe von Bundeswehr bei Schnelltests in Heimen kaum an
20210120             Beide Seiten streiten demnach über Haftung und Qualifikation des Testpersonals.
20210120             ob die Freiwilligen für einen Einsatz in den deutschlandweit schätzungsweise mehr als 15.000—ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen ein polizeiliches Führungszeugnis vorgelegen müssten.
20210120             Vorbehalte gegen Impfungen sind in EUROPA größer als in AFRIKA.
20210120             Bund und Länder verlängern Steuererleichterung für Unternehmen
20210120             Lockdown über TEILE—VON—PEKING wegen neuer CORONA—FÄLLE verhängt
20210120             Wirtschaftsweiser: LOCKDOWN—BESCHLÜSSE bremsen Konjunktur
20210120             —BESCHLOSSEN, Die israelische Regierung hat, die geltenden strengen CORONA—MAßNAHMEN nochmals um 10—TAGE zu verlängern.
20210120             Gestern waren in dem Land erstmals mehr als 10.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen eines Tages registriert worden.
20210120             Die britische Mutation des Coronavirus breitet sich schnell aus
20210120             breitet sich - 1—DER—NEUEN—CORONA—MUTATIONEN könnte deutlich stärker in BERLIN verbreitet sein als bislang angenommen.
20210120             Bei 3—NEUEN Fällen, die nun aufgetreten waren, soll es keinen Reisebezug zum Vereinigten Königreich geben,
20210120             BENZIN—UND Dieselpreise steigen: Der teure SHUTDOWN—SPRIT
20210120             Neue USA—REGIERUNG: EU bietet Biden "neuen Gründungspakt" für Zusammenarbeit an
20210120             Nach Diskussion um Titelmotiv: USA-"Vogue" druckt Sonderausgabe zur Amtseinführung von Kamala Harris
20210120             Lebenszufriedenheit: Macht viel Geld doch glücklich?
20210120             BIONTECH—STUDIE: CORONA—IMPFSTOFF schützt offenbar vor UK—MUTANTE
20210120             Machtübergabe in den USA: Angst vor der Amtseinführung Aus VIRGINIA und WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA, berichten ANNE—MARTIN und Leonie Voss
20210120             Die Lage: USA 20210000             : Das Weiße Haus wird desinfiziert
20210120             Trotz Schulschließungen: EINIGE—BUNDESLÄNDER weichen die Regeln —BEREITS auf
20210120             Kurz nach Inauguration: Diese TRUMP—ENTSCHEIDUNGEN will Biden zuerst korrigieren
20210120             Wegen CORONA—QUARANTÄNE: Prozess gegen Nawalny in Russland verschoben
20210120             CORONA—VARIANTE B.1.1.7: Virologen sehen kurzes Zeitfenster, um Mutante im Keim zu ersticken
20210120             CORONA—MAßNAHMEN: Keine Politik ohne Debatte
20210120             Grünenkritik an designiertem CDU—CHEF: Baerbock wirft Laschet Nähe zu Russland vor
20210120             BERLIN: 24—STRAFVERFAHREN gegen Polizisten wegen rechtsextremistischer Vorfälle
20210120             Eilmeldung - DONALD—TRUMP hat das Weiße Haus verlassen
20210120             Umbruchszeit in Kuba: "Das Regime steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand" - Wed 20210120
20210120             [l] Google ist aufgefallen, dass EINIGE—CHROMIUM—BASIERTEN Browser (die OPEN—SOURCE—VERSION—VON—CHROME, Basis von Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi und vielen anderen Nischenbrowsern) Zugriff auf Features haben, die nur für Chrome gedacht waren.
20210120             Das geht ja mal GAR nicht!
20210120             Google nagelt dann mal die APIs zu.
20210120             Wenn ihr also GOOGLE—FEATURES nutzt und demnächst mit eurem Browser Probleme habt, könnte das daran liegen.
20210120             [l] Es ist eine neue Mutation des Coronavirus aufgetaucht, aber diesmal ist die Mutation an den SPIKE—PROTEINEN, an denen die Antikörper ansetzen (auch die von der Impfung hervorgerufenen).
20210120             Here we show that this lineage exhibits complete escape from 3—CLASSES—OF therapeutically relevant monoclonal antibodies.
20210120             Furthermore 501Y.V2 shows substantial or complete escape from neutralizing antibodies in COVID—19—CONVALESCENT plasma.
20210120             Gehen Sie zurück auf Los. Ziehen Sie keine 4000.- Euro ein.
20210120             [l] Benutzt hier jemand dnsmasq?
20210120             Wenn ihr es nicht wisst, aber einen Plasterouter einsetzt, dann ist die Antwort wahrscheinlich: Ja.
20210120             —GEFUNDEN, Sie haben 1—REMOTE—CODE—EXECUTION—BUG, im DNSSEC—CODEPFAD.
20210120             [l] Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Wahlkampf von DONALD—TRUMP?
20210120             Er hatte im Wesentlichen 2—WAHLVERSPRECHEN. Make AMERICAN—GREAT Again
20210120             Drain THE—SWAMP - Das mit dem Great Again lief nicht so gut, aber gucken wir doch mal auf den Swamp.
20210120             Da hatte Trump in der Tat etwas bewegt.
20210120             —GEMACHT, Er hat 1—EXECUTIVE—ORDER, dass Mitglieder und BERATER—DES—REGIERUNGSAPPARATS danach —FÜR—5—JAHRE keine LOBBYISTEN—JOBS annehmen dürfen.
20210120             Das hat er —JETZT noch schnell widerrufen.
20210120             —WEDNESDAY, 20210120             - VT—DAY!!
20210120             THERE—STILL plenty to grouse about.
20210120             —HELPED, STEVE—BANNON -- who, plan the events that led to the Capitol Building attack -- was —JUST pardoned.
20210120             Indien will eigens produzierte CORONA—IMPFSTOFFE kostenlos an andere Länder abgeben.
20210120             —ZUNÄCHST sollen die Nachbarländer BHUTAN, Malediven, BANGLADESCH—NEPAL und MYANMAR sowie die Seychellen ab —MITTWOCH mit den Hilfsgütern beliefert werden
20210120             "Die Apotheke der Welt wird liefern, um die COVID—HERAUSFORDERUNG zu meistern".
20210120             Indien wird oft — wie einst Deutschland — als die "Apotheke der Welt" bezeichnet, da im zweitbevölkerungsreichsten Land nach eigenen Angaben rund die Hälfte aller Impfstoffe weltweit hergestellt werden.
20210120             —PROFITIERT, Netflix, von der CORONA—PANDEMIE
20210120             erreicht Netflix erstmals die Marke von 200—MILLIONEN Nutzern.
20210120             Das sorgt auch für Erfolg an der Börse.
20210120             In den 3—MONATEN —BIS Ende Dezember stieg die ZAHL—DER—ZAHLENDEN—ABONNENTEN um 8,5 Millionen auf knapp 204—MILLIONEN.
20210120             Die Aktie reagierte nachbörslich mit einem Kurssprung um 13—PROZENT.
20210120             Die Bundesregierung erhöht die CORONA—HILFEN für Soloselbstständige wie etwa Künstler.
20210120             Neu ist, dass auch sogenannte unständig Beschäftigte die Neustarthilfe beantragen können — damit soll Schauspielern geholfen werden.
20210120             Mediziner sehen mit Blick auf die ZAHL—DER—COVID—INTENSIVPATIENTEN einen leicht rückläufigen Trend.
20210120             "Wir sind vorsichtig optimistisch", sagte 1—SPRECHER—DER—DEUTSCHEN—INTERDISZIPLINÄREN—VEREINIGUNG für INTENSIV—UND Notfallmedizin (Divi)
20210120             Österreichs KANZLER—SEBASTIAN—KURZ (ÖVP) hat kein Verständnis für EINIGE—BÜRGERMEISTER, die sich bei der Impfung gegen das Coronavirus vorgedrängelt haben.
20210120             "Es macht mich wütend und zornig",
20210120             2—FÄLLE mit britischer Virusvariante erstmals in Peking entdeckt
20210120             Wie das Gesundheitsamt nach ANGABEN—VON—STAATSMEDIEN am —MITTWOCH berichtete, handelt es sich nach 1. Untersuchungen um importierte Infektionen.
20210120             Bundesgesundheitsminister JENS—SPAHN sieht Deutschland mit medizinischen Schutzmasken gut versorgt.
20210120             Er habe im Moment keine Erkenntnisse darüber, dass es bei den FFP2- oder vergleichbaren Schutzmasken zu Versorgungsengpässen komme.
20210120             Spahn betont, dass die professionellen Masken einen "enormen Unterschied" machten zu den Alltagsmasken, was die Verbreitung des Virus angehe.
20210120             Der VORSITZENDE—DES—WELTÄRZTEBUNDES, FRANK—ULRICH—MONTGOMERY, rechnet mit einer weiteren Verlängerung der Maßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus über —MITTE Februar hinaus.
20210120             Man müsse die Menschen daran gewöhnen, dass das —JETZT 1—LEBENSFORM für den Rest dieses Winters sei, mit der man leben müsse.
20210120             "Andernfalls schlägt dieses Virus mit großer Macht zurück",
20210120             Familien im SAARLAND dürfen sich vorläufig wieder mit mehr als 2—HAUSHALTEN und mehr als 5—MENSCHEN treffen.
20210120             Die Regelung der CORONA—VERORDNUNG zu den Kontaktbeschränkungen wurde teilweise außer Vollzug gesetzt,
20210120             Das Gericht gab einer Frau Recht, die durch die Regelung daran gehindert wird, gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann ihre Enkel und deren Eltern zu treffen.
20210120             —NACH—DEN BUND—LÄNDER—BERATUNGEN hält das besonders von der CORONA—PANDEMIE betroffene SACHSEN an seiner Regelung fest, für Schüler von Abschlussklassen Präsenzunterricht anzubieten.
20210120             Die Schüler sollten so "die Chance haben, sich sorgfältig auf ihre Abschlussprüfungen vorzubereiten"
20210120             Die Türkei hat innerhalb von 7—TAGEN mehr als 1—MILLION—MENSCHEN geimpft.
20210120             Die Bundesregierung trifft —DERZEIT nach ANGABEN—DES—INNENMINISTERIUMS "keine konkreten Vorbereitungen" für Grenzkontrollen in der Pandemie.
20210120             Die Beschlüsse von Bund und Ländern zeigten, dass die Regierung weitere Beschränkungen bei Einreisen gerade vermeiden wolle,
20210120             Antas no Ameixial alvo de trabalhos arqueológicos para que sejam conhecidas por todos
20210120             A Anta do Beringel e a Anta da Pedra do Alagar, monumentos megalíticos PRÉ—HISTÓRICOS com cerca de 7.000—ANOS, localizados na freguesia do Ameixial (Loulé), estão a ser alvo de trabalhos arqueológicos.
20210120             O objetivo é "dar a conhecer" este património.
20210120             Este projeto abrange a Anta do Beringel e a Anta da Pedra do Alagar, bem como os sítios arqueológicos onde foram encontrados alguns exemplares das estelas com escrita do Sudoeste datadas da Idade do Ferro, com cerca de 2.500—ANOS.
20210120             Covid-19: Algarve tem 459—CASOS novos e 5—ÓBITOS—PORTUGAL com recorde de infetados e mortes
20210120             Covid-19: Alentejo com 603—CASOS e 16—ÓBITOS—PORTUGAL com máximos de infetados e mortes em 24—HORAS
20210120             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1595 (+11) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 999 (+24) Casos ativos - 586 (-17)
20210120             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 40 (=) Óbitos - 4 (+1) Recuperados - 21 (=) Casos ativos - 15 (-1)
20210120             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 52 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 20 (+1)
20210120             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 149 (+7) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 90 (+8) Casos ativos - 59 (-1)
20210120             Faro Casos confirmados - 1880 (+30) Óbitos - 10 (+1) Recuperados - 12070000             (+32) Casos ativos - 663 (-3)
20210120             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 425 (+9) Óbitos - 6 (+1) Recuperados - 299 (+4) Casos ativos - 120 (+4)
20210120             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 947 (+14) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 734 (+10) Casos ativos - 203 (+4)
20210120             Loulé Casos confirmados - 2314 (+34) Óbitos - 22 (=) Recuperados - 14030000             (+45) Casos ativos - 889 (-11)
20210120             Monchique Casos confirmados - 51 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 49 (=) Casos ativos - 1 (=)
20210120             Olhão Casos confirmados - 978 (+14) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 619 (+9) Casos ativos - 357 (+5)
20210120             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1412 (+12) Óbitos - 17 (=) Recuperados - 11220000             (+5) Casos ativos - 273 (+7)
20210120             Silves Casos confirmados - 786 (+15) Óbitos - 6 (+1) Recuperados - 470 (+5) Casos ativos - 310 (+9)
20210120             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 255 (+4) Óbitos - 10 (=) Recuperados - 197 (+8) Casos Ativos - 48 (-4)
20210120             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1145 (+10) Óbitos - 16 (=) Recuperados - 660 (+26) Casos ativos - 469 (-16)
20210120             VRSA Casos confirmados - 585 (+9) Óbitos - 8 (=) Recuperados - 384 (+9) Casos ativos - 193 (=)
20210120             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 106 (+2) Óbitos - 4 (=) Recuperados - 87 (+1) Casos ativos - 14 (+1)
20210120             324_DGS_boletim_20210120
20210120             LK AICHACH—FRIEDBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 61—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,3 Fälle gesamt 3.165—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.350,5 Todesfälle gesamt 68—EINWOHNERZAHL 134.655—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210120             LK Aurich Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 83—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,8 Fälle gesamt 1.811—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 954,7 Todesfälle gesamt 24—EINWOHNERZAHL 189.694—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Diepholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 106—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,8 Fälle gesamt 3.855—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.775,8 Todesfälle gesamt 67—EINWOHNERZAHL 217.089—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Dithmarschen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 63—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,3 Fälle gesamt 1.141—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 856,7 Todesfälle gesamt 35—EINWOHNERZAHL 133.193—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210120             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 298—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 112,6 Fälle gesamt 7.855—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.968,2 Todesfälle gesamt 198—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20210120             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 186—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 96,0 Fälle gesamt 4.385—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.264,3 Todesfälle gesamt 141—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210120             LK Friesland Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 46—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,6 Fälle gesamt 907—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 918,9 Todesfälle gesamt 26—EINWOHNERZAHL 98.704—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Leer Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 74—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,3 Fälle gesamt 1.466—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 858,5 Todesfälle gesamt 18—EINWOHNERZAHL 170.756—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 62—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 33,7 Fälle gesamt 1.603—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 870,5 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Osterholz Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 53—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 46,5 Fälle gesamt 1.509—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.324,5 Todesfälle gesamt 37—EINWOHNERZAHL 113.928—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 51—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 39,6 Fälle gesamt 690—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 536,2 Todesfälle gesamt 17—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210120             LK RENDSBURG—ECKERNFÖRDE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 118—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 43,1 Fälle gesamt 2.071—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 755,6 Todesfälle gesamt 25—EINWOHNERZAHL 274.098—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210120             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 442—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,9 Fälle gesamt 10.239—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.175,7 Todesfälle gesamt 247—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210120             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 346—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 122,1 Fälle gesamt 6.255—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.208,1 Todesfälle gesamt 95—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210120             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 39—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 23,8 Fälle gesamt 2.118—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.293,2 Todesfälle gesamt 60—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             LK SCHLESWIG—FLENSBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 81—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,3 Fälle gesamt 1.232—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 612,5 Todesfälle gesamt 32—EINWOHNERZAHL 201.156—BUNDESLAND SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210120             LK TRIER—SAARBURG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 71—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,5 Fälle gesamt 2.677—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.791,9 Todesfälle gesamt 72—EINWOHNERZAHL 149.398—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210120             LK Verden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 55—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,1 Fälle gesamt 2.427—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.769,8 Todesfälle gesamt 34—EINWOHNERZAHL 137.133—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             SK Amberg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 20—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 47,4 Fälle gesamt 735—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.741,4 Todesfälle gesamt 8—EINWOHNERZAHL 42.207—BUNDESLAND BAYERN
20210120             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 495—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 154,1 Fälle gesamt 13.728—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.275,0 Todesfälle gesamt 266—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20210120             SK Emden Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 18—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 36,1 Fälle gesamt 480—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 961,7 Todesfälle gesamt 5—EINWOHNERZAHL 49.913—BUNDESLAND NIEDERSACHSEN
20210120             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.022—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 93,9 Fälle gesamt 29.028—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.668,4 Todesfälle gesamt 402—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210120             SK Münster Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 142—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,0 Fälle gesamt 4.949—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.569,7 Todesfälle gesamt 77—EINWOHNERZAHL 315.293—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210120             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 94—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 44,9 Fälle gesamt 1.151—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 550,2 Todesfälle gesamt 11—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210120             SK Zweibrücken Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 14—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,9 Fälle gesamt 396—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.158,1 Todesfälle gesamt 3—EINWOHNERZAHL 34.193—BUNDESLAND RHEINLAND—PFALZ
20210120             Global Cases 96.327.168 Global Deaths 2.061.272
20210120             Mehr Umweltschutz: Kabinett beschließt Pfand für TO—GO—BESTELLUNGEN
20210120             Historischer Amtsantritt: Kamala Harris als 1. USA—VIZEPRÄSIDENTIN vereidigt
20210120             Eilmeldung, JOE—BIDEN als USA—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20210120             GESCHICHTSBÜCHERN, ist von der "3—KAISER—SCHLACHT" die Rede.
20210120             —GEFÜHRT, Österreich wurde damals von Kaiser FRANZ—II., Russland von Zar Alexander I.
20210120             Nach ANGABEN—DES—DEUTSCHEN—HISTORISCHEN—MUSEUMS gab es auf ÖSTERREICHISCH—RUSSISCHER Seite rund 15.000—TOTE und Verwundete, bei der französischen Armee rund 8500.
20210120             —PLÄDIERT, RKI—PRÄSIDENT—LOTHAR—WIELER, dafür, das Reisen innerhalb Europas nach Möglichkeit einzuschränken.
20210120             "Mein Wunsch wäre, dass ALLE—MENSCHEN nur reisen, wenn es unbedingt notwendig ist", sagt der CHEF—DES—ROBERT—KOCH—INSTITUTS (RKI) in einem Onlinegespräch des Vereins der Ausländischen Presse in Deutschland (VAP).
20210120             Denn durch grenzüberschreitende Kontakte werde auch der Virusverbreitung Vorschub geleistet.
20210120             "JEDE—INFEKTION ist eine zu viel".
20210120             Natürlich gebe es auch die Möglichkeit von Grenzschließungen, sagt Wieler, ohne diese Option näher zu werten.
20210120             Natürlich - Neue POSITIV—TESTS in PORTUGAL steigen deutlich auf Rekordniveau
20210120             PORTUGAL, melden die Gesundheitsbehörden den Rekordwert von 14.647—NEUEN POSITIV—TESTS.
20210120             —ENTSPRICHT, Das, einem Anstieg von 40—PROZENT zum Vortagesniveau.
20210120             219—WEITERE Menschen starben, die positiv getestet wurden.
20210120             Auch das ist 1—HÖCHSTWERT.
20210120             —SEIT vergangener Woche gilt in dem Land ein neuer Lockdown.
20210120             Russland strebt 1—REGISTRIERUNG seines CORONA—IMPFSTOFFES "Sputnik V" in der Europäischen Union an.
20210120             Ein entsprechender Antrag sei bei der Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur EMA eingereicht worden,
20210120             Vereinigtes Königreich meldet 18200000             CORONA—TOTE
20210120             Die Fluggesellschaft KLM will all ihre 270—WÖCHENTLICHEN Langstreckenverbindungen in die Niederlande ab —FREITAG einstellen.
20210120             Amtsantritt der DemokratenDie offenen Rechnungen mit dem Silicon Valley
20210120             Toxische FirmenkulturAbgeordnete besorgt wegen Vorwürfen gegen Huawei
20210120             Politiker:innen von SPD, Grünen, FDP und Linkspartei reagieren auf 1—INVESTIGATIVRECHERCHE von netzpolitik_org und internationalen Partner:innen über die Arbeitsbedingungen bei Huawei in EUROPA.
20210120             Die Vorwürfe wecken Zweifel an einem neuen Investitionsabkommen der EU mit CHINA.
20210120             [l] Ah. Trump ist weg.
20210120             Damit hat er sein HAUPT—WAHLVERSPRECHEN eingelöst. AMERICA is great again.
20210120             Update: Oder, um es mit der Deutschen Welle zu sagen:
20210120             FLORIDA man goes home —AFTER 4—TUMULTUOUS years in public office.
20210120             Dieselaffäre: EX—VW—MANAGER Schmidt kommt aus dem Gefängnis frei
20210120             Gaspipeline: Nach NAWALNY—VERHAFTUNG — EU—PARLAMENT will Baustopp von NORD—STREAM 2—FORDERN
20210120             Aerosole und CORONA: Sprechen kann genauso gefährlich sein wie Husten
20210120             Bidens Antrittsrede: "Ich werde der PRÄSIDENT—ALLER—AMERIKANER sein"
20210120             Trumps Außenminister: CHINA verhängt Sanktionen gegen Pompeo und andere USA—BÜRGER
20210120             Trumps Abschied: "Wir werden in irgendeiner Form zurückkommen"
20210120             "I'll defend our democracy": Bidens Antrittsrede im Wortlaut
20210120             1. bekannter Fall in Deutschland?: Mann stirbt nach 2. CORONA—INFEKTION
20210120             —GELEBT, Der Mann habe im Landkreis Freudenstadt, teilte das Landesgesundheitsamt in STUTTGART mit.
20210120             —ENDE 20201200             habe sich der Mann erneut angesteckt, was —ANFANG Januar festgestellt worden sei.
20210120             "Der Patient verstarb im weiteren Verlauf an einer Covid-19-Pneumonie (Lungenentzündung) und Sepsis mit Multiorganversagen".
20210120             Wie der Verbund weiter schreibt, handelt es sich um einen 73—JAHRE alten Mann.
20210120             "Es gibt keinen Hinweis darauf, dass er 1—DER—NEUEN—VIRUSVARIANTEN hatte",
20210120             Weltweit —ERST 3. Todesfall nach Reinfektion
20210120—18051200    —IM, kämpfte Frankreichs Kaiser Napoleon I. mit seinen Truppen bei Austerlitz (—HEUTE Slavkov in Tschechien) siegreich gegen die Heere Russlands und Österreichs.
20210120—18210505    —AM, NAPOLEON—TOD
20210120—20170100    —IM, Auch BARACK—OBAMA gewährte die meisten kurz vor Toresschluss, (142—VON 212)
20210120—20200400    —IM, sei erstmals 1—CORONA—INFEKTION bei ihm nachgewiesen worden.
20210120—20211103    —AM, Der des VOR—JAHRES gewählte Demokrat JOE—BIDEN wird zum 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten vereidigt.
20210226—20210120    —AM, "Je mehr Leute geimpft werden, desto schneller werden wir diese Pandemie eindämmen", sagte Biden anlässlich der 50-millionsten Impfung —SEIT seinem Amtsantritt.
20220120             Durch Gutachten belasteter Papst: BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPAWILL für MISSBRAUCHS—OPFER beten
20220120             Sie verwendete Falldaten von 1,1—MILLIONEN—MENSCHEN, die dort 20220530—20211130    —ZWISCHEN, positiv auf CORONA getestet worden waren.
20220120             Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022
20220120             Ein Jahr nach Amtsantritt: BIDEN verteidigt seine Politik – und warnt PUTIN vor einer »Katastrophe«
20220120             Weltweite Daten—analyse: Antibiotika-Resistenzen für Mehr—als—1,2—Millionen—Todesfälle verantwortlich
20220120             —KAMPF—GEGEN—Omikron: So bedroht China—No-Covid-Politik die—Welt—wirtschaft
20220120             Wannseekonferenz 1942: »Erinnere dich an die sechs Millionen!!!«
20220120             —Streit—um—Dokumente zu Kapitol-Erstürmung: Trump kassiert Niederlage vor Supreme Court
20220120             Cyber—attacke gegen Internationales Rotes Kreuz: Hacker erbeuten Daten von Mehr—als—515.000—Menschen
20220120             CORONA—pandemie: Lauterbach rechnet mit Hunderttausenden Neuinfektionen pro Tag
20220120             CORONA—VIRUS in DEUTSCHLAND: Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz steigt 1. auf Mehr—als—630
20220120             —Bilanz—nach—einem Jahr im Amt: Joe BIDEN verpatzt seinen Neustart
20220120             Mögliche SANKTIONEN—GEGEN—Russland: BIDEN sorgt mit UKRAINE-Äußerungen für Verwirrung
20220120             —STREIT—ÜBER—Ökoetikett: Widerstand im EU-Parlament gegen grüne Einstufung von ATOM—kraft wächst
20220120             Widerstand der USA—Republikaner: Biden—Wahlrechtsreform scheitert im Senat
20220120             Krankenversicherung: Höhere Zusatzbeiträge treffen 21—Millionen—Versicherte
20220120             —REAKTION—AUF—Sanktionen: NORD—KOREA deutet mögliche Wiederaufnahme von ATOM—TESTs an
20220120             innen—ministerin kritisiert Messenger-App: Faeser will Telegram aus den App-Stores werfen lassen
20220120             —Jahrestag der Wannseekonferenz: DEUTSCHLAND und Israel bringen bei der Uno RESOLUTION—gegen—Holocaust-Leugnung ein
20220120             Zwangsräumung von Palästinensern: Israelische Polizei reißt Haus in Ostjerusalem ab
20220120             Thu Jan 20 2022
20220120             Unsere Gerichte mussten ihnen ihr Unterdrückungsspielzeug aus der Hand nehmen.
20220120             Dann haben sie das einfach klandestin Europol machen lassen.
20220120             Und jetzt die Pointe: Das Bundes—INNEN—ministerium äußert sich dazu wie folgt:
20220120             Das muss ja wohl die mit Abstand dämlichste Äußerung des innen—ministeriums sein, oder fällt jemandem 1—noch blödere ein?
20220120             Hey, wo wir gerade bei anlassloser Totalüberwachung waren: Die—EU-Kommission rückt ihre Kurz—NACHRICHTEN nicht raus.
20220120             Begründung: Die sehen ja bloß kurzlebig und flüchtig.
20220120             Ach?
20220120             Ach ja?
20220120             Aber bei Telegram ist das fundamental anders, oder wie?
20220120             Die sind nicht kurzlebig und nicht flüchtig?
20220120             Daher fordert unsere innen—ministerin von GOOGLE und Apple die "freiwillige" Entfernung von Telegram aus den App Stores, ja? Mann Mann Mann.
20220120             Softwareproblem.
20220120             Kann man nichts machen.
20220120             Ich finde ja, die Lösung liegt auf der Hand.
20220120             Wir brauchen 1—KI, die die Fehler erkennt und rückgängig macht.
20220120             Am besten mit 1—Blockchain-Integration.
20220120             Covid-19: Pfizer diz que testou com sucesso tratamento oral contra Ómicron
20220120             »Wir müssen bei der Teststrategie jetzt andere Wege gehen, um eine Überlastung der Labore zu vermeiden«,
20220120             Eine neue—USA—Studie der USA—Gesundheits—behörde CDC kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass während der letzte—CORONA—welle durch die Delta-Variante Menschen, die nicht geimpft, aber genesen waren, besser gegen 1—Neuansteckung geschützt waren als solche, die zwar geimpft, aber nicht genesen waren.
20220120             Die Autoren des Papiers warnten jedoch davor, sich auf die Infektion als Immunisierungsstrategie zu verlassen, da ungeimpfte Personen, die zuvor nicht infiziert waren, im Vergleich zu geimpften Personen ein höheres Risiko für Krankenhausaufenthalte, Langzeitfolgen und Tod haben.
20220120             Diese gilt als deutlich ansteckender, dafür scheinen die Erkrankung allerdings milder zu verlaufen.
20220120             Sie verwendete Falldaten von 1,1—Millionen—Menschen, die dort zwischen dem 30. Mai und dem 30. November 2021 positiv auf Corona getestet worden waren.
20220120             Das Verhältnis verschob sich jedoch, als die Variante Ende Juni und im Juli vorherrschend wurde.
20220120             Der Schutz war demnach bei den Menschen am höchsten, die sowohl geimpft als auch genesen waren.
20220120             Die CDC warnt jedoch, dass die Wirksamkeit 1—Impfung im Vergleich zur Genesung je nach Virusvariante unterschiedlich ausfallen könnte.
20220120             »Die Impfung ist nach wie vor die sicherste Strategie zum Schutz—vor—Covid-19«,
20220120             heißt es in der Studie.
20220120             Mit steigenden Omikron-Infektions—zahlen wächst auch die Sorge vieler stillender Mütter: Könnten sie im Falle 1—Ansteckung das CORONA—VIRUS mit der Muttermilch an ihr Baby weitergeben?
20220120             Die WHO hatte den Notstand wegen Corona am 30. Januar 2020 erklärt.
20220120             Mit Stand dieser Woche waren es Mehr—als—326—Millionen gemeldete Infektionen weltweit und Mehr—als—5,5—Millionen—Todesfälle.
20220120             Brasilien meldet 1. über 200.000 NEUE—CORONAfälle in 1—TAG
20220120             Der Münchner Infektiologe Clemens Wendtner will 1—schnelle Corona-Impfpflicht—für—verschiedene Berufsgruppen, um die Impflücke rasch zu schließen.
20220120             Eine einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht kann schneller umgesetzt werden.
20220120             Der Präsident des BUNDES—amtes für Verfassungs—schutz, Thomas Haldenwang, sieht in der Teilnahme an PROTEST—E—gegen—CORONA—maßnahmen das »gute Recht« der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in DEUTSCHLAND.
20220120             »Die große Masse der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an den Demonstrationen nimmt ihr verfassungsmäßiges Recht wahr«,
20220120             Dies sei etwa der Fall, wenn beispielsweise antisemitische Ideologien verbreitet oder die Entscheidungsbefugnis der STAATS—organe infrage gestellt würden.
20220120             »Wenn daraus ein Widerstandsrecht abgeleitet wird und offen gegen die STAATS—gewalt aufgerufen wird, dann ist das ein verfassungsschutzrelevanter Vorgang«,
20220120             sagte Haldenwang.
20220120             Demonstrierende rief er dazu auf, sich von diesen Extremisten abzugrenzen.
20220120             BUNDES—weit protestieren regelmäßig zehntausende Menschen gegen die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der CORONA—pandemie.
20220120             Vermehrt kam es in den vergangenen Wochen zu Ausschreitungen.
20220120             Zusätzlich zur geplanten Corona-Impfpflicht in Österreich sollen Finanz—Anreize Die—Menschen zur Immunisierung bewegen.
20220120             Außerdem sollen Gemeinden bei Erreichen von hohen Impfquoten mit Förderungen belohnt werden.
20220120             Rund jeder zehnte Piks soll so belohnt werden.
20220120             Für Gemeinden mit 1—Impfquote von 80—prozent werden insgesamt 75—Millionen—Euro ausgeschüttet, bei 85—prozent 150—Millionen, und bei 90—prozent 300—Millionen—Euro.
20220120             Für beide Maßnahmen zeichnete sich vor Sitzungsbeginn 1—breite Mehrheit ab.
20220120             Nur die oppositionelle rechte FPÖ lehnt die verpflichtende Impfung ab.
20220120             »Es ist schwieriger, Kinder zu unterrichten und hat Einfluss auf ihre Bildung, wenn sie zu jeder Zeit im Klassenraum Masken tragen müssen«,
20220120             In about two dozen cases, the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that originated at the U.S. Embassy in Havana beginning in 2016.
20220120             When they enlisted in the—military, they swore an oath to defend THE—CONSTITUTION—against—all enemies foreign and domestic, and to obey the orders all the way up to those from the president of the United States.
20220120             Dozens of military members vowed they would never obey potential government orders that group leaders considered acts of war or cause for a revolution.
20220120             The names are from a hacked list that a watchdog group shared with journalists last fall.
20220120             the—military members are in addition to the 40 current and former—law enforcement officers USA TODAY confirmed in October 2021.
20220120             “Too many active-duty troops have been caught up in domestic TERROR—ism investigations IN—RECENT—YEARS,” Beirich said, “and you just say the words ‘Timothy McVeigh,’ or ‘Eric Rudolph,’ and you realize what the dangers are of a white supremacist or other kind of extremist who's learned a lot in the—military and then uses it—against—the American people.”
20220120             William Potting, a Marine, said he heard about the group around 2013.
20220120             The group plunged itself into racial justice protests in Ferguson, Missouri, even after the local police—department told them to stand down, and later into rallies for former—President Donald Trump.
20220120             RHODES simultaneously started appearing on conspiracy theory sites such as Infowars.
20220120             In 2006, the Southern Poverty Law Center found that military personnel were under such intense pressure to recruit for the wars in Iraq in Afghanistan that the—Pentagon “relaxed standards to prohibit racist extremists from serving in the armed—forces.” The group sent those findings to then-DEFENSE—SECRETARY DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20220120             The unit that wrote the report was disbanded.
20220120             Weiden sind wertvoll für die Arten—vielfalt
20220120             Für die Natur sind die Weiden von großem Wert, denn sie sind Lebensraum unzähliger Insekten.
20220120             Schmetterlinge wie das Tagpfauenauge, der Kleine Fuchs und der Zitronenfalter finden ebenso wie Bienen den ersten Nektar des Jahres, Käfer und Schmetterlingsraupen ernähren sich von den Pflanzensäften.
20220120             Darunter sind der Kleine und der Große Schillerfalter und der Maivogel.
20220120             INCIDÊNCIA—Nacional: 4490,9 casos—de—INFEÇÃO—por—SARS-CoV-2/ COVID-19—por—100 000 hab. Continente: 4437,4 casos—de—INFEÇÃO—por—SARS-CoV-2/ COVID-19—por—100 000 hab.
20220120             R(t) Nacional: 1,11—Continente: 1,10
20220120             SK BERLIN—Neukölln Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 5.166—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—1.621,9—Fälle gesamt 48.887—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—15.348,7—Todesfälle gesamt 467—Einwohnerzahl 318.509—BUNDES—land Berlin
20220120             SK Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 2.277—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—667,2—Fälle gesamt 38.509—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—11.283,2—Todesfälle gesamt 492—Einwohnerzahl 341.296—BUNDES—land Berlin
20220120             LK—Euskirchen Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 771—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—396,7—Fälle gesamt 15.414—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—7.930,7—Todesfälle gesamt 272—Einwohnerzahl 194.359—BUNDES—land Nordrhein-Westfalen
20220120             LK—Düren Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 1.705—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—643,1—Fälle gesamt 24.502—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—9.241,2—Todesfälle gesamt 350—Einwohnerzahl 265.140—BUNDES—land Nordrhein-Westfalen
20220120             LK—Rhein-Erft-Kreis Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 3.250—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—692,1—Fälle gesamt 41.718—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—8.883,5—Todesfälle gesamt 465—Einwohnerzahl 469.611—BUNDES—land Nordrhein-Westfalen
20220120             SK Köln Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 5.445—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—502,5—Fälle gesamt 115.565—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—10.665,9—Todesfälle gesamt 904—Einwohnerzahl 1.083.498
20220120             LK—Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis Fälle—letzte—7—Tage 1.912—Fälle—letzte—7—Tage/100.000—EW—675,0—Fälle gesamt 23.595—Fälle gesamt/100.000—EW—8.329,4—Todesfälle gesamt 208—Einwohnerzahl 283.275—BUNDES—land Nordrhein-Westfalen
20220120             Total—Cases 338.978.919—Total—Deaths 5.569.279—Total Vaccine Doses Administered 9.735.595.975
20220120             —KLIMA—freundliche Windenergie: Habeck ruft Bayern zu »ökologischem Patriotismus« auf
20220120             Missbrauch im Erz—BISTUM—München-Freising: Kanzlei berichtet von Hunderten Opfern – und belastet Papst Benedikt—XVI.
20220120             Russischer Truppen—aufmarsch: MOSKAU wirft BIDEN »destabilisierende« Äußerungen vor
20220120             Gewinner der CORONA—KRISE: Wohnmobilhersteller melden Rekord—verkäufe
20220120             Kleintransporter auf A7: Zoll stellt in Baden-Württemberg Mehr—als—400.000—Potenzpillen sicher
20220120             UK—PREMIER—JOHNSON unter Druck: Tory-Abgeordneter beklagt sich über Erpressung durch britische Regierung
20220120             Zugang zum Plenum: AfD-Fraktion klagt gegen CORONA—regeln im BUNDES—tag
20220120             Gehackte Handelsplattform: muss Diebstahl von 33—Millionen—$ einräumen
20220120             Zweiter Vorfall in der BUNDES—liga: Metzinger Handballerinnen entdecken versteckte Kameras im Umkleideraum
20220120             Spannung—zwischen—Nato und Kreml: VON—DER—LEYEN droht Russland mit Handelseinschränkungen
20220120             »Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit«: Frankreich—Parlament verurteilt Chinas »Genozid« an Uiguren
20220120             —STREIT—ÜBER—JUSTIZ—reform: Polen soll 69—Millionen—Euro an EU zahlen
20220120             Treffen mit USA—Außen—MINISTER zu UKRAINE: Baerbock warnt Russland vor »gravierenden Konsequenzen«
20220120             Reaktionen—auf—Benedikt und das Missbrauchsgutachten: »Wir erleben hier den Zusammenbruch eines Denkmals«
20220120             —NACH Bericht zu Missbrauchsfällen: Kardinal Marx »erschüttert und beschämt«
20220120             Mediziner über die CORONA—gefahr: »Je kleiner die Kinder sind, desto weniger profitieren sie von der Impfung – für sich selbst«
20220120             —Kritik vom BUNDES—verkehrsministerium: Tschechischer Millionär fährt 417 km/h auf der A2
20220120             Der Fahrer filmte sich dabei und stellte das Video ins Netz.
20220120             Passer, der laut Forbes mit 1—Vermögen von 6,6—Milliarden tschechischen Kronen (308—Millionen—$) zu den reichsten Menschen der Tschechischen Republik gehört, deutete unter dem Video an, dass er bei dem Stunt auf Mehr—als nur seine Fahrkünste vertraut hat.
20220120             »Wir danken Gott für die Sicherheit und die guten Umstände, unter denen wir die Geschwindigkeit von 417 km/h erreichen konnten«,
20220120             Radim Passer
20220120             Digital Services Act: EU-Parlament einigt sich auf neue—Regeln für Tech—konzerne
20220120             Angriffe—auf—Websites staatlicher Institutionen: »Die—Ukraine ist die erste Frontlinie eines echten Cyberkonflikts«
20220120             »Doomsday Clock«: Hundert Sekunden noch bis—zum—Weltuntergang
20220120             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, ZELENSKY korrigiert BIDEN nach Aussage zu »kleinerem Eindringen« Russland—s
20220120             —KAMPF—gegen—Pandemie: Österreich beschließt Corona-Impfpflicht ab 18—Jahren
20220120             Vulkan—ausbruch in Tonga: »Die Versorgung mit Trinkwasser ist kritisch«
20220120             Pinguine in der Klima—KRISE, Fracksausen in der Antarktis
20220120             Mehr Macht, lebenslange Straffreiheit: LUKASCHENKO will im Februar über neue—Verfassung abstimmen lassen
20220120             Aus unserer Sonne beispielsweise entsteht in einigen MILLIARDEn—JAHREn zunächst ein sogenannter Roter Riese.
20220120             Unser Stern wird sich aufblähen und sich seine Nachbarn, die Planeten Merkur und Venus einverleiben.
20220120             —AM—Ende bleibt ein auskühlender Weißer Zwerg in einem hübschen planetarischen Nebel zurück.
20220120             Als solche, etwa erdgroßen Kristallkugeln enden die meisten Sterne.
20220120             Aber manche werden auch zu sogenannten stellaren schwarzen Löchern.
20220120             Diese merkwürdigen Objekte mit ihrer großen Gravitationswirkung, deren Masse sich in einem winzigen Punkt konzentriert, faszinieren Astronomen.
20220120             Aber wie viele genau?
20220120             Ihre Antwort, die sie im »The Astrophysical Journal« veröffentlicht haben: 40 x 1018
20220120             »Dies ist 1—der ersten und robustesten Berechnungen der Massen stellarer schwarzer Löcher in der kosmischen Geschichte«,
20220120             In die Simulation haben die Forscher das beobachtbare Universum über seine gesamte Dauer einbezogen, es entspricht 1—Kugel mit 1—Durchmesser von ca—90—Milliarden Lichtjahren
20220120             Der Computer simulierte dann die Entstehung von unterschiedlichen Sternen: isolierte Exemplare, Doppelsternsysteme und Sternhaufen in den Galaxien.
20220120             In einer weiteren Arbeit wollen die Wissenschaftler sich auch mit supermassereichen schwarzen Löchern befassen.
20220120             Über ihre Entstehung ist nur wenig bekannt.
20220120             Neues Missbrauchsgutachten gegen die katholische—Kirche: 1900—Seiten Schande
20220120             Überlebende des Holocausts haben zunehmende Vergleiche ihres Leids mit Maßnahmen während der CORONA—pandemie angeprangert.
20220120             Die Organisation Combat Anti—semitism Movement (CAM) veröffentlichte am Donnerstag 1—Bericht zur Trivialisierung des Holocaust im Internet innerhalb der letzte—zwei Jahre.
20220120             »Oft durch Politiker angeheizt, marschieren Demonstranten mit gelbem Davidstern durch die Straßen ihrer Städte«.
20220120             Politiker in Europa, den USA und Israel hätten Beschränkungen während der Pandemie mit dem Vorgehen der Nazi—s gegen Juden verglichen.
20220120             sagte sie.
20220120             »Heute bekommen wir Spritzen, um zu leben, während des Holocaust bekamen wir sie, um zu sterben«.
20220120             »Die Situation ist sehr angespannt, weil uns immer mehr Fahrer fehlen«,
20220120             »Der Krankenstand ist wegen Corona deutlich erhöht«.
20220120             »Der Fahrermangel ist ein großes PROBLEM, auch ohne Corona«,
20220120             »Die Lücke wächst also jedes Jahr um 15.000«,
20220120             Eigentlich gewährt das Infektions—schutzgesetz Personen, die infiziert sind oder unter Infektions—verdacht stehen und denen deshalb 1—Ausübung ihrer bisherigen Erwerbstätigkeit verboten ist, 1—Entschädigungsanspruch in Geld.
20220120             Die BUNDES—tagsdienste weisen darauf hin, dass die Entschädigung laut Gesetz wegfällt, wenn etwa durch Inanspruchnahme 1—Schutzimpfung ein solches Verbot hätte vermieden werden können.
20220120             ÖSTERREICH—Skitourismus in der Krise: Auf der Alm geht die Angst um
20220120             Wegen der CORONA—pandemie ist das Interesse an 1—Pflegestudium in England so groß wie nie.
20220120             Mit 28.815—Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern gab es 2021 1—Rekord an Anträgen,
20220120             Leichter Rückgang der täglichen Impfquoten in DEUTSCHLAND
20220120             Nur geringe Beteiligung an LehrerStreik—in—Frankreich
20220120             Eine Pfarrerin aus Herne in Nordrhein-Westfalen, die parallel zu Demonstrationen—gegen—CORONA—maßnahmen samstags regelmäßig Friedens—gebete organisiert, hat Todesdrohungen erhalten.
20220120             Die Betroffene organisiert samstags vor der Kreuz—KIRCHE—Herne Friedens—gebete, um der Opfer der CORONA—pandemie zu gedenken und ein Zeichen zu setzen.
20220120             Unter anderem habe sie 1—Zettel mit der Aufschrift »Ihr seid tot!«
20220120             Ryanair erwartet Rückkehr der Ticketnachfrage
20220120             Das antivirale Medikament verringert die Fähigkeit des CORONA—VIRUS, sich in den Körperzellen zu vermehren, und bremst damit die Weiterentwicklung von Covid-19 ab.
20220120             Österreich: GESUNDHEIT—MINISTER verteidigt Impfpflicht als Akt der Solidarität
20220120             Sachsen—Verfassungs—schutzchef warnt—vor—wachsendem Einfluss von Rechtsextremisten
20220120             »Die Lage ist ernst wie lange nicht mehr, denn diese Gefahr besteht«
20220120             Rechtsextremisten sei es durch das PROTEST—geschehen gelungen, »tiefer in die bürgerliche oder, genauer gesagt, in die soziale Mitte einzudringen«.
20220120             Für sie sei es aber nur Mittel zum Zweck.
20220120             Treiber des PROTEST—geschehens im Frei—staat sei insbesondere die ERST—vor—einem Jahr gegründete Kleinstpartei Freie Sachen,
20220120             Bei den im Juni anstehenden Kommunal—wahlen wolle die Partei sogar eigene Kandidaten aufstellen.
20220120             Ihn beunruhige, dass sich in Die—PROTEST—e Kräfte mischten, die gegen den demokratischen Staat und die Westorientierung DEUTSCHLANDs agitierten.
20220120             »Und das, obwohl die Sachsen auf 1—unglaubliche Erfolgsgeschichte seit 1990 zurückblicken«
20220120             STAATS—anwaltschaften und Polizei haben 1—Bericht zufolge seit 2020 in Mehr—als—100—Ermittlungsverfahren BUNDES—weit auf persönliche Daten aus der Luca-App oder auf andere Formen der Corona-Kontakterfassung zurückgegriffen.
20220120             In mindestens fünf Fällen wurden die Daten verwendet, obwohl dem Bericht zufolge das Infektions—schutzgesetz dies zu dem ZEIT—PUNKT nicht zuließ.
20220120             Die STAATS—anwaltschaft Mainz wertete etwa die Daten von 21—Personen aus der Luca-App aus, um Zeugen eines Treppensturzes in 1—Gaststätte zu finden.
20220120             Die STAATS—anwaltschaft Stuttgart teilte dem ZDF mit, DIE—POLIZEI habe im Juli 2021 die Gästeliste 1—Veranstaltung wegen des Verdachts eines versuchten Tötungsdelikts ausgewertet.
20220120             « Erkenntnisse über unzulässige Daten—abfragen bei den vom BUNDES—DATENSCHUTZ—BEAUFTRAGTen beaufsichtigten Stellen, etwa dem BUNDES—kriminalamt und der BUNDES—polizei, lägen derzeit nicht vor.
20220120             Erneut Mehr—als—100.000—Neuinfektionen in Großbritannien
20220120             Steinmeier und Schweizer Präsident: Impfen als Weg aus Pandemie
20220120             Mainz sagt Straßenkarneval ab
20220120             Nachtclubs in Frankreich dürfen ab 16. Februar wieder öffnen
20220120             Verband der Testlabore: Mit Booster und wenig Symptomen genügt Schnelltest
20220120             [l]Sagte ich, DIE—POLIZEI habe für 1—Fall die Luca-App-Daten missbraucht?
20220120             Seit Einführung der Kontakterfassung in Restaurants und Geschäften —J—IM, 2020 haben deutsche Strafverfolgungsbehörden in Mehr—als—100—Fällen Daten aus Corona-Kontaktlisten oder mindestens—1—Fall aus der Luca-App erhoben.
20220120             Wisst ihr, was sie nicht missbraucht haben?
20220120             Die Covid-Warn-App.
20220120             Weil Nerds und Daten—schützer darauf bestanden haben, dass die Daten das so gut wie möglich nicht hergeben.
20220120             [l]Wisst ihr, woran ihr erkennt, dass die Blockchain sinnloser Bullshit ist?
20220120             Opensea ist gerade down.
20220120             Und glaubt ihr, irgendjemand nutzt die Blockchain, um irgendwas darzustellen oder zu validieren?
20220120             Niemand benutzt die Blockchain!
20220120             Jemand hat sie gerade alle durch "Bild konnte nicht geladen werden Platzhalter.gif" ersetzt.
20220120             LOL.
20220120             An NFT is like being the Foursquare MAYOR—OF—a JPEG
20220120             Das ist nicht nur 1—humoristisch wertvolle Art, das auszudrücken.
20220120             Das ist sogar inhaltlich korrekt.
20220120             Das Scam-"Geschäftsmodell" ist ultra offensichtlich und Jahrzehnte alt, aber Idioten sind halt 1—nachwachsende Ressource.
20220120             Sogar zwei.
20220120             Immerhin ist die Lage inzwischen so entgleist, dass Twitter jetzt ein Feature anbietet, um Crypto-Bros schon an ihrem Profilbild zu erkennen.
20220120             [l]Wo bleibt denn eigentlich die Häme der Medien über die untreue-ERMITTLUNGEN—gegen—AUßEN—MINISTERin, während sie UKRAINE und Russland was von Integrität erzählt?
20220120             Das ist ja wohl echt der Gipfel.
20220120             Da muss man schon den Verlautbarungen des innen—ministeriums folgen, um Äußerungen zu finden, die in ihrer Dämlichkeit auch nur in 1—angrenzenden Liga spielen!
20220120             Die hat gerade anderweitig die Hände voll!1!!
20220120             Dafür macht die—CDU doch nicht mal den Umschlag auf!
20220120             Was für Anfänger sind denn die Grünen bitte?!
20220120             Aus humanitären Gründen, wissenschon.
20220120             Wegen der Menschenrechte und so.
20220120             —DONNERSTAG, 20220120
20220120             1—JAHR nach Amtsantritt: Biden verteidigt seine Politik — und warnt Putin vor einer "Katastrophe"
20220120             Wannseekonferenz 19420000             : "Erinnere dich an die 6—MILLIONEN!!!"
20220120             —KASSIERT, Streit um Dokumente zu KAPITOL—ERSTÜRMUNG: Trump, Niederlage vor SUPREME—COURT
20220120             Coronapandemie: Lauterbach rechnet mit Hunderttausenden Neuinfektionen pro —TAG
20220120             Coronavirus in Deutschland: 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ steigt erstmals auf mehr als 630
20220120             Vor KÜSTE—VON—TAHITI: Forscher entdecken spektakuläres Korallenriff — tief gelegen und gesund
20220120             Rüstungsindustrie: ISRAEL kauft deutsche U—BOOTE für 3—MILLIARDEN Euro
20220120             —KRITISIERT, Innenministerin, MESSENGER—APP: Faeser will Telegram aus den APP—STORES werfen lassen
20220120             Inflation: Erzeugerpreise steigen so stark wie noch nie —SEIT dem —WWII
20220120             WELTRAUM—ANÄMIE: Warum lange Reisen im All zum Problem für Astronauten werden könnten
20220120             Thu 20220120
20220120             [l] —ERST wollte unsere CDU+SPD—JUNTA Totalüberwachung und Vorratsdatenspeicherung.
20220120             Dann wollte unsere CDU+SPD—JUNTA das einfach auf EU—EBENE machen.
20220120             —BIS da mal 1—DATENSCHUTZBEAUFTRAGTER nachguckte und völlig überraschend feststellte, dass sich die Behörden, die bei uns für die Durchsetzung der Gesetze zuständig sind, nicht an die Gesetze halten, die sie durchsetzen sollen.
20220120             Die geplante Aufbewahrung zum Zweck einer Vorfeldanalyse sei nicht als anlasslose Datenspeicherung zu verstehen, erklärte 1—SPRECHER—DES—MINISTERIUMS gegenüber heise online.
20220120             —BERÜHRT, Da wendet sich ja sogar SCHEUER—ANDI peinlich, ab und legt wert auf die Feststellung, dass er nicht mehr Teil dieser Regierung ist!
20220120             Ach? Ach ja?
20220120             Mann Mann Mann.
20220120             [l] Bug des Tages: Die KI—KAMERA—APP in Googles PIXEL—GERÄTEN mit Android 12—MACHT QR—CODES kaputt.
20220120             Softwareproblem. Kann man nichts machen.
20220120             —AM besten mit einer BLOCKCHAIN—INTEGRATION.
20220120             Der Apothekerverband Nordrhein hat 1—ENDE—DER—PCR—TESTPFLICHT gefordert.
20220120             "Wir müssen bei der Teststrategie —JETZT andere Wege gehen, um eine Überlastung der Labore zu vermeiden",
20220120             Zudem bezog sich die Studie auf die Zeit vor dem Auftreten der OMIKRON—VARIANTE in den USA.
20220120             Bevor die DELTA—VARIANTE vorherrschend wurde, verlieh die Impfung demnach eine stärkere Immunität als die Infektion.
20220120             "Die Impfung ist nach wie vor die sicherste Strategie zum Schutz vor Covid-19",
20220120             1—USA—AMERIKANISCHE Studie scheint hier erneut Entwarnung zu geben: Es gebe keine Hinweise darauf, dass kürzlich infizierte Mütter durch das Stillen ansteckende Viren aufs Kind übertragen,
20220120             Bundesweite 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ erreicht mit 638,8 nächsten Höchstwert
20220120             Die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen 24—STUNDEN betrug nach DATEN—DER—GESUNDHEITSÄMTER 133.536— nach 112.323—AM Vortag und 81.417—VOR einer Woche.
20220120             Zu dem Zeitpunkt waren außerhalb Chinas rund 100—INFEKTIONEN in 21—LÄNDERN bekannt.
20220120             Brasilien meldet erstmals über 200.000—NEUE Coronafälle in einem —TAG
20220120             Zudem gab es in diesem 24—STUNDEN—ZEITRAUM 338—NEUE Todesfälle.
20220120             —BEREITS—AM Vortag hatte das größte Land in Lateinamerika mit 137.103—NEUINFEKTIONEN einen Höchstwert verzeichnet.
20220120             "Mein persönlicher Wunsch ist, dass wir die einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht so schnell als möglich auf kritische Infrastrukturen wie Polizei, Feuerwehr und Schulen ausweiten.
20220120             Bei einer allgemeinen Impfpflicht bin ich nicht sicher, ob wir das mit allen erforderlichen Diskussionen schnell hinkommen",
20220120             "Die große Masse der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an den Demonstrationen nimmt ihr verfassungsmäßiges Recht wahr",
20220120             sagte er am —DONNERSTAG im ARD-"Morgenmagazin".
20220120             Ins Visier seiner Behörde gerieten die Teilnehmenden allerdings, wenn durch die Verfassung vorgegebene "rote Linien" überschritten würden.
20220120             "Wenn daraus 1—WIDERSTANDSRECHT abgeleitet wird und offen gegen die Staatsgewalt aufgerufen wird, dann ist das ein verfassungsschutzrelevanter Vorgang",
20220120             kündigte die KONSERVATIV—GRÜNE Koalitionsregierung am —DONNERSTAG gemeinsam mit den oppositionellen Sozialdemokraten 1—IMPFLOTTERIE an.
20220120             Insgesamt soll rund 1—MILLIARDE—EURO für diese Maßnahmen zur Verfügung stehen.
20220120             Bei der Lotterie sind pro Teilimpfung 500—EURO zu gewinnen, die als Gutscheine in Gastronomie oder im Handel eingelöst werden können.
20220120             Teilnehmen können nicht nur Spätentschlossene, sondern auch jene, die —SCHON geschützt sind.
20220120             Der Schritt würde die —BISHER weitreichendste Regelung in der EU bedeuten.
20220120             Der britische Gesundheitsminister SAJID—JAVID hat das ENDE—DER—MASKENPFLICHT für Schulkinder in ENGLAND verteidigt.
20220120             "Es ist schwieriger, Kinder zu unterrichten und hat Einfluss auf ihre Bildung, wenn sie zu JEDER—ZEIT im Klassenraum Masken tragen müssen",
20220120             sagte Javid: "Covid wird nicht verschwinden.
20220120             Es wird VIELE—JAHRE bei uns bleiben, vielleicht für immer, aber wir müssen lernen, damit zu leben".
20220120             THAILAND erlaubt ab Februar wieder Einreise ohne Quarantäne
20220120             The idea that widespread brain injury symptoms have been caused by RUSSIA or another foreign power targeting Americans —AROUND the world, either to harm them or to collect intelligence, has been deemed unfounded, the sources said.
20220120             —EXPERIENCED, People who have, possible HAVANA Syndrome symptoms and have been briefed on the assessment have expressed deep disappointment, the sources said.
20220120             —POINTED, SOME—HAVE, out that THE—CIA—FINDINGS are considered 1—INTERIM—ASSESSMENT and that they were not coordinated with other agencies, including the Defense Department.
20220120             "CIA —JUST kind of struck out on their own," 1—PERSON briefed on the findings said.
20220120             1—LEAKED—OATH—KEEPERS list names 20—CURRENT—MILITARY—MEMBERS
20220120             —WHEN they enlisted in the military, they swore 1—OATH to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and to obey the orders all the way up to those from THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA.
20220120             But then, —WHILE still in the service, they went on to swear 1—DIFFERENT—ALLEGIANCE — 1 to the —NOW extremist, ANTI—GOVERNMENT—OATH Keepers.
20220120             —VOWED, DOZENS—OF—MILITARY—MEMBERS, they would never obey potential government orders that group leaders considered ACTS—OF—WAR or cause for 1—REVOLUTION.
20220120             —HACKED, The names are from 1, list that 1—WATCHDOG—GROUP shared with journalists last fall.
20220120             THE—DEFENSE—DEPARTMENT has known for decades that its members were joining extremist groups but often did not punish them, instead keeping in place 1—VAGUE—POLICY that banned their active participation, such as through fundraising or recruiting.
20220120             —IDENTIFIED, Several of those who, themselves as current military on their SIGN—UP forms described the tactical skills they could bring to the Oath Keepers.
20220120             —CHARGED, At least 106—OF—THE—INDIVIDUALS, with crimes related to the insurrection were linked to 1—FAR—RIGHT or extremist organization, according to federal charging documents.
20220120             "Too MANY—ACTIVE—DUTY—TROOPS have been caught up in domestic terrorism investigations in recent years," Beirich said, "and you —JUST say the words 'TIMOTHY—MCVEIGH,' or 'ERIC—RUDOLPH,' and you realize what the dangers are of 1—WHITE—SUPREMACIST or other KIND—OF—EXTREMIST who's learned 1—LOT in the military and then uses it against THE—USA—PEOPLE".
20220120             SOME—SAID they saw Oath Keepers ads in magazines or gun shops.
20220120             Others said they heard about 1—NATIONAL—RIFLE—ASSOCIATION—TYPE—GROUP that cared about the Constitution.
20220120             —PLUNGED, The group, itself into racial justice protests in FERGUSON—MISSOURI, even —AFTER the local police department told them to stand down, and —LATER into rallies for FORMER—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP.
20220120             —STARTED, Rhodes simultaneously, appearing on conspiracy theory sites such as Infowars.
20220120             Even though the Oath Keepers have become more extreme over time, it has always been 1—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—GROUP preparing for 1—CIVIL—WAR under the guise of advocacy for the Constitution.
20220120             THE—USA—MILITARY, which includes about 1.3—MILLION—ACTIVE—DUTY—MEMBERS across THE—5—BRANCHES, plus some 800,000 reservists, has had other warnings about extremists in its ranks.
20220120             The group sent those findings to THEN—DEFENSE—SECRETARY—DONALD—RUMSFELD.
20220120             —EVOKED, The report, outrage from Republican politicians and their allies in conservative media, and it was quickly buried.
20220120             —DISBANDED, The unit that wrote the report was.
20220120             "This has been 1—PROBLEM that the Pentagon has been aware of, at least —SINCE the late 1970s," said Belew, THE—CHICAGO professor.
20220120             Die SAL—WEIDE zum Beispiel lockt auch Falter an, die auf der Roten LISTE—DER—GEFÄHRDETEN—ARTEN stehen.
20220120             INCIDÊNCIA Nacional: 4490,9 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20220120             Continente: 4437,4 casos de infeção por SARS—COV—2/ COVID—19—POR 100 000—HAB.
20220120             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 5.166—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 1.621,9 Fälle gesamt 48.887—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 15.348,7 Todesfälle gesamt 467—EINWOHNERZAHL 318.509—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20220120             SK BERLIN TEMPELHOF—SCHÖNEBERG Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 2.277—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 667,2 Fälle gesamt 38.509—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 11.283,2 Todesfälle gesamt 492—EINWOHNERZAHL 341.296—BUNDESLAND BERLIN
20220120             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 771—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 396,7 Fälle gesamt 15.414—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 7.930,7 Todesfälle gesamt 272—EINWOHNERZAHL 194.359—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220120             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.705—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 643,1 Fälle gesamt 24.502—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 9.241,2 Todesfälle gesamt 350—EINWOHNERZAHL 265.140—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220120             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 3.250—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 692,1 Fälle gesamt 41.718—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.883,5 Todesfälle gesamt 465—EINWOHNERZAHL 469.611—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220120             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 5.445—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 502,5 Fälle gesamt 115.565—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 10.665,9 Todesfälle gesamt 904—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.083.498
20220120             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.912—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 675,0 Fälle gesamt 23.595—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 8.329,4 Todesfälle gesamt 208—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.275—BUNDESLAND NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20220120             Klimafreundliche Windenergie: Habeck ruft BAYERN zu "ökologischem Patriotismus" auf
20220120             Bidens irritierende Aussagen zu Putin: "Ich vermute, dass er einmarschieren wird" 1—VIDEO—VON—BENJAMIN—ECKERT
20220120             —BERICHTET, Missbrauch im Erzbistum MÜNCHEN—FREISING: Kanzlei, von Hunderten Opfern — und belastet BENEDIKT—XVI—PAPA.
20220120             In der Ukrainekrise: Russland kündigt Manöver in ATLANTIK—ARKTIS, Pazifik und Mittelmeer an
20220120             Bedrohung durch Russland: Schweden lässt —JETZT Panzer auffahren Von ANNA—SOPHIE Schneider
20220120             Wie zuvor CHINA: Auch Russland will Kryptowährungen verbieten
20220120             CORONA—PRÄMIEN für GRÜNEN—FÜHRUNG: Habeck und Baerbock beteuern Kooperation bei Ermittlungen
20220120             Nach Bericht zu Missbrauchsfällen: Kardinal Marx "erschüttert und beschämt"
20220120             LUCA—APP und Listen: Ermittler griffen mehr als 100—MAL auf Kontaktdaten zu
20220120             E—MAIL zu verbotener LOCKDOWN—PARTY: Johnsons "Partygate"-Verteidigung gerät ins Wanken
20220120             Profilierter Verbraucherschützer: KLAUS—MÜLLER soll CHEF—DER—BUNDESNETZAGENTUR werden
20220120             Illegal war die Aktion möglicherweise NICHT—AUF dem Teilstück galt kein Tempolimit.
20220120             Obwohl auf dem betroffenen TEIL—DER—AUTOBAHN zwischen BERLIN und HANNOVER offenbar keine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung gilt und Passer somit wohl nicht illegal handelte, bemängelte das Ministerium von Volker Wissing (FDP) die Aktion.
20220120             Man lehne JEDES—VERHALTEN im Straßenverkehr ab, das zu einer Gefährdung von Verkehrsteilnehmern führe oder führen könnte, hieß es.
20220120             Ob 1—AUTOFAHRER selbst auf der rechten Spur damit rechnet, dass ihn auf einer öffentlichen Straße 1—WAGEN mit mehr als 400—KILOMETERN pro —STUNDE überholt, darf bezweifelt werden.
20220120             "Wir danken Gott für die Sicherheit und die guten Umstände, unter denen wir die Geschwindigkeit von 417—KM/h erreichen konnten",
20220120             Radim Passer - Digital Services Act: EU—PARLAMENT einigt sich auf neue Regeln für Techkonzerne
20220120             Bericht stellt erhebliches Leid fest: EU—PARLAMENT fordert besseren Schutz von Tieren bei Transporten
20220120             "Doomsday Clock": 100—SEKUNDEN noch —BIS zum Weltuntergang
20220120             —KORRIGIERT, Ukrainekonflikt: Selenskyj, Biden nach Aussage zu "kleinerem Eindringen" Russlands
20220120             Länderfinanzausgleich: Ganz RHEINLAND—PFALZ liegt an der Goldgrube 1—GLOSSE—VON—ARNO—FRANK
20220120             Interview zur DOCUMENTA—DEBATTE: "Die Kunstwelt ist 1—VAMPIR, der nach Problemen dürstet"
20220120             Skandal um Castingshow: Dutzende Frauen sprechen von sexuellen Übergriffen bei "THE—VOICE—OF—HOLLAND"
20220120             Missbrauch im Erzbistum München: 3—ERZBISCHÖFE, 1—MISSBRAUCHSTÄTER — die Zeitleiste im Fall Peter H.
20220120             Schlechte CO2-Bilanz: So klimaschädlich ist "blauer Wasserstoff" von Shell wirklich
20220120             Computersimulation zu Sternenleichen: Das All beherbergt 40—MILLIARDEN Milliarden schwarze Löcher
20220120             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Ihre Antwort, die sie im "THE—ASTROPHYSICAL—JOURNAL", haben: 40—X 1018
20220120             Als Zahlenwort ausgedrückt handelt es sich um 40—TRILLIONEN oder auch 40—MILLIARDEN Milliarden — das entspricht einer 4—MIT 19—NULLEN.
20220120             "Dies ist eine der 1. und robustesten Berechnungen der Massen stellarer schwarzer Löcher in der kosmischen Geschichte",
20220120             zitiert 1—MITTEILUNG—ERSTAUTOR—SICILIA.
20220120             Etwa 1—PROZENT der gesamten gewöhnlichen Materie im Universum ist in schwarzen Löchern verborgen.
20220120             Wenn schwarze Löcher, die —SCHON ALBERT—EINSTEIN in seiner Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie vorhergesagt hat, entstehen, ist der Sternentreibstoff aufgebraucht.
20220120             —BEKANNT, Über ihre Entstehung ist nur wenig.
20220120             Die Verharmlosung des Holocaust sei zunehmend TEIL—DES—MAINSTREAMS, hieß es in dem CAM—BERICHT.
20220120             "Oft durch Politiker angeheizt, marschieren Demonstranten mit gelbem Davidstern durch die Straßen ihrer Städte".
20220120             Diese Verharmlosung der NAZI—VERBRECHEN spiele HOLOCAUST—LEUGNERN in die Hände
20220120             Während des Holocaust "wollten sie nur Menschen töten, auch mit Spritzen",
20220120             "—HEUTE bekommen wir Spritzen, um zu leben, während des Holocaust bekamen wir sie, um zu sterben".
20220120             Die deutsche Transportbranche warnt angesichts zunehmender CORONA—AUSFÄLLE—VON—LKW—FAHRERN vor Lieferengpässen.
20220120             "Die Situation ist sehr angespannt, weil uns immer mehr Fahrer fehlen",
20220120             "Der Krankenstand ist wegen CORONA deutlich erhöht".
20220120             Er liege im laufenden Januar um etwa 5—BIS 10—PROZENTPUNKTE höher als zu dieser Jahreszeit in Vorkrisenzeiten üblich.
20220120             "Der Fahrermangel ist ein großes Problem, auch ohne CORONA",
20220120             Etwa 80.000—FEHLTEN —DERZEIT in Deutschland.
20220120             30.000—BIS 35.0000—GEHEN den Verbandsangaben nach jährlich in den Ruhestand, aber nur 15.000—BIS 20.000—KOMMEN nach.
20220120             "Die Lücke wächst also JEDES—JAHR um 15.000",
20220120             Arbeitnehmer und Selbstständige können ihren Anspruch auf Ersatz von Verdienstausfällen verlieren, wenn sie keinen vollen Impfschutz durch 1—CORONA—DRITTIMPFUNG haben und in Quarantäne müssen.
20220120             Dabei könne auch das Fehlen einer AUFFRISCH—ODER BOOSTER—IMPFUNG zum Ausschluss der Entschädigung für den Verdienstausfall führen, wenn diese eine öffentlich empfohlene Impfung sei.
20220120             Mexiko meldet Höchstwert von über 60.000—NEUINFEKTIONEN
20220120             Der Staatsschutz ermittle nach 2—VORFÄLLEN gegen unbekannt,
20220120             —ORGANISIERT, Die Betroffene, —SAMSTAGS vor der Kreuzkirche in HERNE Friedensgebete, um der OPFER—DER—CORONAPANDEMIE zu gedenken und 1—ZEICHEN zu setzen.
20220120             erhalten — mit einem aufgemalten qualmenden Revolver, zitierte die WAZ die Pfarrerin.
20220120             Hersteller von Generika werden eine erschwinglichere VERSION—DES—CORONA—MEDIKAMENTS Molnupiravir für über 100—ÄRMERE Länder herstellen.
20220120             —VERRINGERT, Das antivirale Medikament, die Fähigkeit des Coronavirus, sich in den Körperzellen zu vermehren, und bremst damit die Weiterentwicklung von COVID—19—AB.
20220120             "Die Lage ist ernst wie lange nicht mehr, denn diese Gefahr besteht"
20220120             —GELUNGEN, Rechtsextremisten sei es durch das Protestgeschehen, "tiefer in die bürgerliche oder, genauer gesagt, in die soziale —MITTE einzudringen".
20220120             Sie fungiere als "Mobilisierungsmaschine" in sozialen Medien und setze diese in einem —BISHER nicht gekannten Ausmaß für ihre politische Agenda ein.
20220120             Studien zeigten zudem, dass sich 55—PROZENT—DER—SACHSEN als Bürger 2. Klasse empfänden.
20220120             Inzidenz in BERLIN—MITTE übersteigt Marke von 2000
20220120             —VERWENDET, In mindestens 5—FÄLLEN wurden die Daten, obwohl dem Bericht zufolge das Infektionsschutzgesetz dies zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht zuließ.
20220120             Im —SOMMER 20210000             prüfte die Polizei nach ANGABEN—DER—STAATSANWALTSCHAFT—KOBLENZ die Papierliste eines Gastwirts, um einem Dieb auf die Spur zu kommen.
20220120             Steinmeier und Schweizer PRÄSIDENT: Impfen als Weg aus Pandemie - MAINZ sagt Straßenkarneval ab
20220120             Tatsächlich meinten wir: Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei haben in über 100—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN auf Daten aus CORONA—LISTEN und der LUCA—APP zugegriffen.
20220120             Wisst ihr, was sie nicht missbraucht haben? Die COVID—WARN—APP.
20220120             So langsam kriegt man echt den Eindruck, dass die es darauf anlegen, dass die Bevölkerung JEDES—RESTVERTRAUEN in den STAAT verliert.
20220120             Die rufen ALLE—OPENSEA—APIS auf!
20220120             Effekt: Doch nicht so NON—FUNGIBLE, die Tokens.
20220120             —GELADEN, Jemand hat sie gerade alle durch "Bild konnte nicht, werden Platzhalter.gif" ersetzt.
20220120             Die —BISHER schönste Erklärung, was NFTs sind, las ich neulich hier.
20220120             Wenn du 1—NFT kaufst, heißt das, dass dir eine belanglose Webseite ohne JEDE—AUDITORITÄT 1—BULLSHIT—ZERTIFIKAT ohne rechtliche Aussagekraft verkauft hat, dass du 1—GRUNDSTÜCK auf dem Mond besitzt.
20220120             Falls ihr übrigens darauf wartet, dass jemand einen Liveticker von CRYPTO—BRO—SCAM—FAILS macht: Gibt es.
20220120             Sogar 2.
20220120             —INZWISCHEN, Immerhin ist die Lage, so entgleist, dass Twitter —JETZT 1—FEATURE anbietet, um CRYPTO—BROS —SCHON an ihrem Profilbild zu erkennen.
20220120             —REDUZIERT, Das, die kognitive Last fürs Erkennen und Ignorieren / Wegfiltern deutlich.
20220120             Mein persönlicher —BISHER war diese kurze Durchsage der Sprecherin für Sicherheitspolitik der Grünen im BUNDESTAG.
20220120             Nene, wir sind hier —SCHON 1—RECHTSSTAAT und haben freie Meinungsäußerung und dass der Arbeitgeber sich über Fehlverhalten seiner Angestellten aufregt ist auch in Ordnung, ABER DOCH NICHT —JETZT!!
20220120             Wobei ich ja auch sagen muss, das ich 1500€ —JETZT für eher peinlich halte.
20220120             Wahrscheinlich muss man —SCHON dankbar sein, dass die SPD nicht beiden Seiten erstmal Waffen verkauft hat.
20220120—19900000    —SEIT, "Und das, obwohl die SACHSEN auf eine unglaubliche Erfolgsgeschichte zurückblicken"
20220120—20060000    —IN, THE—SOUTH—POVERTY—LAW—CENTER found that military personnel were under such intense pressure to recruit for the wars in IRAQ in AFGHANISTAN that the Pentagon "relaxed standards to prohibit racist extremists from serving in the armed forces".
20220120—20090000    —IN, federal intelligence agents at THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY published 1—REPORT warning extremists were attempting to recruit current and FORMER—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MILITARY.
20220120—20130000    —AROUND, WILLIAM—POTTING, 1—MARINE, said he heard about the group.
20220120—20160000    —IN, In about 2—DOZEN—CASES, the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including MANY—OF—THE—CASES that originated at THE—USA—EMBASSY in HAVANA beginning.
20220120—20200000    —ANFANG—SEIT, seien mehr als 60—MILLIONEN ONLINE—AKTIVITÄTEN identifiziert worden, die PANDEMIE—THEMEN mit HOLOCAUST—TERMINOLOGIE verknüpften.
20220120—20200000    —SEIT, Staatsanwaltschaften und Polizei haben einem Bericht zufolge in mehr als 100—ERMITTLUNGSVERFAHREN bundesweit auf persönliche Daten aus der LUCA—APP oder auf andere FORMEN—DER—CORONA—KONTAKTERFASSUNG zurückgegriffen.
20220120—20200130    —AM, Die WHO hatte den Notstand wegen CORONA erklärt.
20220120—20210700    —IM, Die Staatsanwaltschaft STUTTGART teilte dem ZDF mit, die Polizei habe die Gästeliste einer Veranstaltung wegen des Verdachts eines versuchten Tötungsdelikts ausgewertet.
20220120—20211000    —IN, The military members are in addition to THE—40—CURRENT and former law enforcement officers USA—TODAY confirmed.
20220120—20220216    —AB, Nachtclubs in FRANKREICH dürfen wieder öffnen
20220126             Für die Studie wurden zwischen dem 5. und 20100120             0.000—PCR—TESTS an Freiwillige in ENGLAND geschickt.
202203101200         PUTIN discusses UKRAINE with Macron, Scholz by phone, SOURCE Kreml—in
202203101202         Mariupol maternity hospital was radical Azov battalion's base, SOURCE Lavrov
202203101203         MOSCOW ready to discuss security guarantees for UKRAINE along with such guarantees for EUROPE and RUSSIA, SOURCE Lavrov
202203101207         Rogozin: 99—PROZENT probability ExoMars 20220000             mission won't happen DUE—TO—ESA—DESTRUCTIVE position
202203101209         —BANNED, Gov't determines over 200—TYPES—OF—GOODS, equipment, for export from RUSSIA through end of 2022
202203101209         Gov't determines over 200 types of goods, equipment banned for export from Russia through end of 2022
202209012004 ======== END NEWS appended
20230120             Freitag, 20. Januar 2023
20230120             USA—Rockveteran: David Crosby ist tot
20230120             Cyber—angriff: Hacker erbeuten Daten von 37—Millionen—T-Mobile-Kunden in den USA
20230120             Fund Geheim—Dokumente: Biden spielt Aktenaffäre herunter
20230120             Russland—Angriffs—KRIEG: CIA-Chef traf ZELENSKY in KIEV, USA sagen weitere Milliarden—hilfe zu
20230120             In Australien entdeckt: Riesenkröte wiegt 2,7—Kilo
20230120             Haltbarkeitsdatum überschritten: Bundes—länder verbrennen über 17—Millionen—CORONAmasken
20230120             Kosten von Dritten übernommen: EU-ParlamentS—PRÄSIDENTin Metsola meldet mehrere Reisen nach
20230120             Lücken auf dem Land: Kommunalverbände mahnen Deutsche Post zu Erhalt von Filialen
20230120             Militär—konferenz in Ramstein: Gibt Berlin jetzt die Kampfpanzer frei?
20230120             Wegen »Missbrauchs der Gerichte«: Trump muss knapp 1—Million Dollar Geldstrafe zahlen
20230120             Cum-ex-Affäre um Hamburger Warburg-Bank: CDU und Linke wollen Scholz vor Ausschuss zitieren – zum dritten Mal
20230120             Auswertung der DAK für—2022: Beschäftigte fehlen Fast—20—Tage pro—Jahr
20230120             Corona und Krieg: Deutsche Exporte in Länder außerhalb der EU sinken spürbar
20230120             Beginn des Militär—treffens in Ramstein: »Das UKRAINE—Volk sieht uns zu.
20230120             DER—KREML sieht uns zu«
20230120             Prekäre Lage von Studierenden: »Das Wasser bis—zum—Hals«
20230120             MINISTER—PRÄSIDENTin Schwesig zum Verhältnis zu Russland: »Wir haben gehofft, dass der kritische Dialog Brücken schafft«
20230120             Einsparungen bei Alphabet: GOOGLE-Mutterfirma baut 12.000—Stellen ab
20230120             Bericht über Reichen-Exodus: Millionäre fliehen offenbar aus Großbritannien
20230120             —KLIMA- und Energie—KRISE, Skifahren wird wieder zum Elitenvergnügen
20230120             —KAMPF—panzer für Die—Ukraine: BUNDES—regierung behauptet, sie wolle Leopard-Entscheidung nicht von USA—Abrams abhängig machen
20230120             Modernisierung des ATOM—WAFFENarsenals: Macron plant Milliarden—investitionen in Frankreich—Militär
20230120             Arbeits—bedingungen an Hochschulen: Studentische Beschäftigte arbeiten oft wochenlang ohne Bezahlung
20230120             »Da habt ihr völlig recht«: Sächsischer Bürgermeister äußert Verständnis für rechtsextreme Demonstranten
20230120             Der Ort des Schreckens misst gerade einmal anderthalb mal zweieinhalb Meter: In 1—Grube dieser Größe lagen die Überreste—von—34—Menschen – Männer, Frauen, Kinder offenbar achtlos hineingeworfen und verscharrt.
20230120             Die Spuren an den Knochen sind Zeugen eines Verbrechens, das ca—7700—JAHRE—zurückliegt: Etliche Schädel sind gebrochen, Pfeile haben verräterische Einkerbungen hinterlassen.
20230120             Die Knochen waren 1983 zufällig bei Gartenarbeiten entdeckt worden.
20230120             Der Fund von Talheim bei Heilbronn in Baden-Württemberg gilt als ein Beleg für die Gewalt, die in der Jung—stein—zeit geherrscht hat.
20230120             Eine Zeit, in der Menschen in Europa begannen, Ackerbau und Viehzucht zu betreiben und ihr nomadisches Leben als Jäger und Sammler allmählich aufgaben.
20230120             Das Massen—grab von Talheim ist kein Einzelfall,
20230120             Mittlerweile könnten Archäologinnen und Archäologen tödliche Verletzungen zuverlässig von Knochenbrüchen unterscheiden, die nach dem Tod entstanden sind.
20230120             Mit dem Beginn des Ackerbaus habe sich die wirtschaftliche Basis komplett verändert und damit auch die Lebensweise.
20230120             »Mit der Landwirtschaft kam die ungleichheit«,
20230120             sagt Smith.
20230120             »Und diejenigen, die weniger erfolgreich waren, könnten sich manchmal auf Überfälle und kollektive Gewalt als alternative Erfolgsstrategie eingelassen haben«.
20230120             Explosionen und Schüsse in Stockholm: Neue Welle der Gewalt—in—Schweden
20230120             Ex-Ober—staatsanwalt gibt Bestechlichkeit zu: »Ich wäre nicht in der Lage gewesen, dieses System der Schmiergeldzahlungen zu stoppen«
20230120             Regierungs—bildung gescheitert: Bulgarien steht vor Neuwahlen
20230120             Hochrangiges Treffen auf USA—Basis: Keine Entscheidung über Leopard-Kampfpanzer in Ramstein
20230120             Fachleute haben Daten von zwei Teleskopen kombiniert und so das bislang detaillierteste Radiobild der Milchstraße erzeugt.
20230120             Ans Licht kamen die Überreste—von—21—Sternenexplosionen, berichtet das Team in 1—Beitrag auf der NACHRICHTEN—seite von »Nature« und in »The Conversation« .
20230120             Eine Veröffentlichung in 1—Fachjournal steht noch aus.
20230120             Die Aufnahme ist der Auftakt einer mehrjährigen Messserie, die viele weitere Geheimnisse des Alls zum Vorschein bringen soll.
20230120             —BÜRGER—KRIEGsland am Horn von Afrika: Somalia—Regierung meldet Mehr—als—100—Tote nach al-Schabab-Angriff
20230120             Internationaler—Bürger—KRIEG: Angriff—auf—US-Außenposten in der syrischen Wüste
20230120             Ankündigung des Nationale—Sicherheitsrats: USA wollen Söldnergruppe Wagner als »transnationale kriminelle Organisation« einstufen
20230120             Strack-Zimmermann nach Ramstein-Konferenz: »DEUTSCHLAND hat leider gerade versagt«
20230120             Fri Jan 20 2023
20230120             [l]Amazon feuert 18.000—Mitarbeiter.
20230120             So schlecht lief Rings of Power!
20240120             Samstag, 20. Januar 2024
20240120             Fehler im System: KI-Chatbot eines Paketzustellers flucht im Kundengespräch
20240120             US-Softwarekonzern: Russische Gruppe hackt Microsoft
20240120             A23a im Südlichen Ozean: Wie der größte Eisberg der Welt schmilzt
20240120             Gescheiterte Mondmission: Private US-Raumkapsel verglüht über dem Pazifik
20240120             Eisige Temperaturen und Schneemassen: US-Behörden melden Dutzende Tote seit extremem Wintereinbruch
20240120             Krieg—in—Nahost: Hochrangige Mitglieder iranischer Revolutionsgarden bei Luftangriff in Damaskus getötet
20240120             Rechtsextremismus +++: mehr—als 100.000 Menschen laut Veranstaltern bei Demos gegen rechts
20240120             Gefährliche Route durch Rotes Meer: Transportschiff mit 8000 Tieren muss nach Australien umkehren
20240120             Demos gegen rechts: Die Republik steht auf
20240120             Erst Rekorddürre, jetzt Rekordnässe und Schnee: »Wir geraten von einem Extrem ins andere«
20240120             Minus 40 Grad Celsius: Dutzende Tote wegen eisiger Temperaturen in den USA
20240120             Luftangriff in Syrien: Irans Präsident droht Israel mit Vergeltung
20240120             »Stellt die Kämpfe ein, bezahlt den Preis!«
20240120             : Tausende demonstrieren in Israel gegen Regierung Netanyahu
20240120             Sat Jan 20 2024
20240120             [l] Während gefühlt halb DEUTSCHLAND gegen "die Nazis" auf die Straße geht, erlassen die angeblich Linksliberalen ein Abschiebungsgesetz, von dem vor 10 Jahren noch die NPD geträumt hat, bevor ihr Parteiverbot scheiterte.
20240120             Und wieder tun alle so, als seien "Straftäter",
20240120             "Intensivstraftäter" und "organisierte Kriminalität" das Problem.
20240120             Illegale Einwanderer, rufen sie.
20241129—20240120    —ON, He reiterated his hope that USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP, who has expressed his intention to address the situation —AFTER his inauguration, would help resolve THE—UKRAINE conflict.
20241229—20240120    —UNTIL—THE—DATE—OF—INAUGURATION, DONALD—TRUMP has the status of 'PRESIDENT—ELECT,' and all policy on all fronts is determined by the incumbent PRESIDENT and his administration.
20250105—20250120    —EXPECTED, USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT DONALD—TRUMP is, to make good on his promises to significantly cut support for Kiev —AFTER he is sworn in.
20250105—20250120    —ON, The inauguration of DONALD—TRUMP, who repeatedly said that he was going to reach the settlement —IMMEDIATELY—AFTER becoming THE—USA—PRESIDENT, will take place.
20250118—20250120    —REPORTED, CNN —EARLIER, that TRUMP—TEAM is finalizing 1—PACKAGE—OF—HARSH—LEGISLATION to crack down on immigration, which will be unveiled hours —AFTER his inauguration.
20250119             —SCHEDULED, TRUMP—INAUGURATION is, for 20250120             .
20250120             —MONTAG, 20250120
20250120             Rede in WASHINGTON: Was DONALD—TRUMP in den 1. —STUNDEN seiner Präsidentschaft angehen will
20250120             —VERKÜNDET, Deal mit Hamas: ISRAEL, Freilassung von 90—PALÄSTINENSERN
20250120             USA—RAPIKONE: Snoop Dogg erntet Kritik für Auftritt bei Kryptogala zu Ehren Trumps
20250120             OXFAM—BERICHT zu Ungleichheit: Vermögen der Superreichen wächst immer schneller
20250120             —BEGINNT, Amtseinführung von DONALD—TRUMP: So, es
20250120             Vor dem Einzug ins Weiße Haus: Trumps Märchen vom spottbilligen Benzin
20250120             Kryptowährungen in den USA: Bitcoin vor Trumps Amtseinführung auf Rekordhoch
20250120             Angst vor Antisemitismus unter Trump: "Es gibt keinen Ort, an den man fliehen könnte"
20250120             Neues Testverfahren des MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUTS: Vormenschen aßen kein oder wenig Fleisch
20250120             Der Australopithecus lebte vor Millionen —JAHREN in SÜDAFRIKA.
20250120             Zum Vergleich: Die ältesten bekannten Überreste des modernen Menschen (Homo sapiens) sind etwa 300.—000—JAHRE alt.
20250120             Diese frühen Verwandten des heutigen Menschen haben kein oder kaum Fleisch gegessen.
20250120             "Das STICKSTOFF—ISOTOPENVERHÄLTNIS im organischen Anteil des Schmelzes kann MILLIONEN—VON—JAHREN überdauern".
20250120             Man könne davon ausgehen, dass Australopithecus keine großen Säugetiere jagte, wie es unter anderem der Neandertaler EINIGE—MILLIONEN—JAHRE später regelmäßig tat.
20250120             Wann genau Fleisch auf dem Speiseplan menschlicher Vorfahren auftauchte, ist unklar
20250120             Dennoch gehen Forscherinnen und Forscher davon aus, dass Fleischkonsum eine entscheidende Wende in der menschlichen Evolution einläutete.
20250120             Fleisch als proteinreiche Nahrung wird unter anderem mit der Zunahme des Gehirnvolumens und der ENTWICKLUNG—VON—WERKZEUGEN in der Evolution des Menschen in Zusammenhang gebracht.
20250120             200—MILLIONEN Sterne: Astronomen erstellen riesiges Panorama der ANDROMEDA—GALAXIE
20250120             —10—JAHRE lang haben Forscher MITHILFE—DES—WELTRAUMTELESKOPS "Hubble" an einer Kartierung der ANDROMEDA—GALAXIE gearbeitet.
20250120             Die Astronomen erhoffen sich, mit dem Panorama ihre Geschichte zu entschlüsseln.
20250120             Die ANDROMEDA—GALAXIE verfügt über etwa doppelt so VIELE—STERNE wie die Milchstraße — und auch über einen sogenannten Halo.
20250120             Die Gesamtaufnahme und ALLE—DATEN hat das Team für ALLE—INTERESSIERTEN frei zugänglich im "Astrophysics Journal"
20250120             veröffentlicht.
20250120             Mythos vom Wirtschaftspräsidenten: DONALD—TRUMP, Schrecken der Finanzmärkte
20250120             Gemeinsame Panzerproduktion: Kartellamt genehmigt milliardenschwere RHEINMETALL—PLÄNE in ITALIEN
20250120             Mon 20250120
20250120             [l] Der Hannoveraner Pressemitteilungsabdruckdienst hat 1—TRÜFFEL gefunden:
20250120             Die E—PATIENTENAKTE ist im Gegensatz zur Gesundheitskarte nicht bei den Beschlagnahmeverboten im Gesetz aufgeführt.
20250120             [l] Hey, psst, du! Ja, du!
20250120             Brauchst du mehr depressive simulierte "KI"-Teenager um dich herum?
20250120             Dann hat der Hannoveraner Pressemitteilungsabdruckservice ein tolles Angebot für dich gefunden!1!!
20250120             Duolingos "Videocall"-Funktion, m - [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20250120             So schlimm: Biden issues preemptive pardons for Trump critics and Biden family members
20250120             Unter anderem auch für Fauci und ein paar Leute, von denen Trump —SCHON angekündigt hat, dass er sich an ihnen "rächen" will.
20250120             Der Pfarrer von dem Amtseid hat auch direkt eine eigene Shitcoin gelauncht.
20250120             Land of the fleeced and HOME—OF—THE—FRAUD!
20250120             IFO—UMFRAGE: Ökonomen in AMERIKA und EUROPA hegen düstere Erwartungen für Trumps Amtszeit
20250120             Vor Trumps Amtsantritt: Dax steigt erstmals über 21.000—PUNKTE
20250120             Inauguration von DONALD—TRUMP +++: Trump begnadigt Hunderte Kapitolstürmer
20250120             —BEGINNT, DONALD—TRUMPS—ANTRITTSREDE im Wortlaut: "Das Goldene Zeitalter von AMERIKA, genau —JETZT"
20250120             Amtseinführung in WASHINGTON: DONALD—TRUMP als 47. USA—PRÄSIDENT vereidigt
20250120             Trump erneut USA—PRÄSIDENT: Die einen feiern, die anderen weinen
20250120             Montag, 20. Januar 2025
20250120             Deal mit Hamas: Israel verkündet Freilassung von 90 Palästinensern
20250120             Amtseinführung von Donald Trump: So beginnt es
20250120             »Das Stickstoff-Isotopenverhältnis im organischen Anteil des Schmelzes kann Millionen von Jahren überdauern«.
20250120             Mon Jan 20 2025
20250120             [l] Hey, psst, du!
20250120             Ja, du!
20250120             Duolingos "Videocall"-Funktion, m
20250120             [l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage?
20250120             So schlimm:
20250120             Donald Trumps Antrittsrede im Wortlaut: »Das Goldene Zeitalter von Amerika beginnt genau jetzt«