_HEUTE_0113 :

_350.000—20160113    —DURING, Cyclic variations in CO2 and CH4 driven by EARTH—ORBITAL changes predict decreases —THROUGHOUT—THE—HOLOCENE, but
_6.000—20160113      —BEGAN 8.000—YEARS—AGO the CO2 trend ananomalous increase,
_6.000—20160113      —THE—START—OF—FOREST—CLEARANCE by and
_3.000—20160113      —THE—START—OF—RICE—IRRIGATION by.
_00860112            † RÖMER—FELDHERR—GAIUS—MARIUS, Politiker
_00270113            1—MEHRTÄGIGER Staatsakt in ROM, beginnt, mit dem der Bürgerkrieg offiziell für beendet erklärt wird.
_00270113            Dabei wird formal die REPUBLIK wiederhergestellt, de facto jedoch 1 auf OCTAVIAN zugeschnittene Ordnung geschaffen,
_00270113            —SPÄTER—BEKANNT, 1 auf OCTAVIAN zugeschnittene Ordnung, als Prinzipat wird.
05320113             —NIKA—AUFSTAND, KONSTANTINOPEL, ausbricht, wegen des JUSTINIANS—I. rigide Steuerpolitik und
05320113             —NIKA—AUFSTAND, KONSTANTINOPEL, ausbricht, wegen des JUSTINIANS—I. strenge Vorgangsweise gegen die Zirkusparteien.
05320113             —ATTENDED, Justinian and his wife Theodora had, festivities at the Hippodrome, 1—STADIUM for athletic competition.
05320113             —ESCALATED, Team support, from insults to mob riots and in the end Constantinople lay in ruins.
05320113             —PROCEEDED, Justinian, to rebuild the city with extensive commissions for religious art and architecture, including the new Hagia Sophia.
05320113—05320114    The 2. Hagia Sophia cathedral burned down in Constantinople —DURING THE—NIKA—UPRISING, which failed leaving some 30-40,000—PEOPLE—DEAD.
05320113—05410113    † KÖNIG—CHLODWIG—I. Sein seliges Hinscheiden ERFOLGTE—AM, oder
05330113             † REMIGIUS—VON—REIMS, französischer BISCHOF
05410113             † KÖNIG—CHLODWIG—I. Sonst meinte man, er sei —J—IM, oder
06120113             † MUNGO—BISCHOF—VON—GLASGOW, 1., Heiliger
07030113             † JITO—KAISERIN—VON—JAPAN, 41.
08580113             † ÆTHELWULF—KÖNIG—VON—WESSEX
08880113             † KARL—III—FRANKEN—HERRSCHER
08880113             KARL—III—DER—DICKE—LE—GROS zog sich auf ein paar Güter in SCHWABEN zurück, wo er —SCHON—BALD—AM, in NEUDINGEN verstarb;
08880113             † KARL—III—DER—DICKE—LE—GROS.
09030113             † FRANCO—BISCHOF—VON—LÜTTICH
09270113             † BERNO—VON—BAUME, 1. ABT—VON—CLUNY
09750113             † RUPRECHT—ERZ—BISCHOF—VON—MAINZ
10160113—20160113    —LAST 1.000—YEARS, in the
10160113—20160113    CO2 oscillations of ~ 10—PPM are too large to be explained by external (SOLAR—VOLCANIC) forcing, but
10160113—20160113    CO2 oscillations of ~ 10—PPM can be explained by outbreaks of bubonic PLAGUE that caused historically documented farm abandonment in WEST—EURASIA.
10160113—20160113    —ABANDONED, Forest regrowth on, farms sequestered enough carbon to account for the observed CO2—DECREASES.
10160113—20160113    PLAGUE—DRIVEN CO2—CHANGES were also a significant causal factor in TEMPERATURE—CHANGES
10490113             † DIETRICH—IV—GRAF—VON—HOLLAND
10990113             Crusaders set fire to Mara, Syria.
11270113             † GOTTFRIED—VON—CAPPENBERG, westfälischer Graf und Heiliger der katholischen Kirche
11290113             —KONZIL—VON—TROYES, des TEMPLER—ORDEN—UNABHÄNGIGKEIT anerkannt wird
11460113             † ALBERT—II—VON—BOGEN—GRAF—VON—BOGEN
11470113             † ROBERT—DE—CRAON, Großmeister des Templerordens
11510113             † SUGER—VON—SAINT—DENIS, französischer Abt und Staatsmann
11510113             † SUGER à S—DENIS
11770113             † HEINRICH—II., 1. österreichischer HERZOG
12000113             † OTTO—I—PFALZGRAF—VON—BURGUND
12280113             † JUTTA—VON—HUY, flandrische Wohltäterin und christliche Mystikerin
12460113             —URKUNDE—VOM, "—SALMES" confirmed that, if he acquired "LE—BLANMONT" by settlement with "mon coisin HENRI—DE—SALME", he would hold it as 1—FIEF from "mon cosin JAIQUE—EVESQUES—DE—METZ", (O.S.)
12500113             —URKUNDE—RECORDS 1—DONATION—TO—MERIENWERDE made by "domini OTTOnis comitis Gelrensis", WITNESSED—BY "domina Margreta comitissa Gelrensi, domina RICHARDa comitissa Juliacensi... "
12560000/12570000    —DOPPEL—WAHL—VON
12570113             —AM, bei FRANKFURT GRAF—RICHARD—VON—CORNWALLIS wirklich zum KÖNIG erwählt wurde bekanntlich und
12730113             under which "JOHANNES—DE—AREBERG, burgravius COLONIENSIS"agreed with "socer meus WILHELMUS—COMES—JULIACENSIS"for the release of "GERHARDum filium GERHARDi militis"
12740113             als Preis der Entlassung aus der Gefangenschaft,
12740113             1—ZWISCHEN JÜLICH und CASTER gelegenes Gut, das noch —ERST gekauft werden musste, ZU—LEHEN—AUFTRAGEN werde ^
12740113             Dieser RITTER—GERHARD—HAGEN—VON—DINSLAKEN war vielleicht als KÖLNischer VASALL mit dem ERZ—BISCHOF gefangen worden.
12760113             † DIETHER—V., Herrscher der GRAFSCHAFT—KATZENELNBOGEN
12760113             (—, BUR MAINZ KLARISSEN—KLOSTER ).
12760113             —AM, ist MARGARETHA o†o geworden •;
12990113             SOUS—COMMISSION—DU—BONIFACIUS—VIII—PAPA[)rc|)iisito MASSILIENSIS eccles.
13020113             † LUDWIG—I—VON—SAVOYEN, Herr der Waadt
13300113             † Friedrich der Schöne, HERZOG—VON—ÖSTERREICH und der Steiermark, Gegenkönig des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
13330113             CECCHARELLO JOHANNIS—DE—BRANDELLIO pro expensis in suo itinere, qui presentialiter mittitur per dominum nostrum DOMINUM—KAROLUM
13480113             —DIE—URKUNDE—VOM, aus der wir erfahren, daß
13480113             ISFART—BUCH, SOHN—DES—RITTERS (domini) GERHARD—BUCH aus dem ERZ—BISTUM—KÖLN, in der DOM—PFARREI—S—MARIA—MAGGIORE—PISA wohnend, die Edeldame (domina) Tedda, Tochter des Cimeo von Settimo bei PISA^ geheiratet hatte.
13480113             —DAMALS—SCHON, Beide waren ziemlich hoch bejahrt (provecte etatis), also etwa, 60—JAHRE—ALT.
13480113             —DEMNACH dürfte ISFART—BUCH zu den unter HEINRICH—VII. nach PISA gekommenen deutschen EDEL—LEUTEN gehören.
13480113             und seine Gattin Tedda, Tochter des EDEL—HERR—CISMEO—DA—SETTIMO bei PISA, übergeben sich und ihre Güter dem Neuen Hospital zu PISA.
13480113             —ET Tedda eius uxor et filia CISMEI—DE—SEPTIMO, consentientes sibi ad invicem et cetera obtullerunt se ipsos et cetera ut supra per cartam inde
13480113             (ARCHIVIO—DI—STATO in PISA: Arch. degh Spedali, Memorie diverse, Busta n. 2631, FASCICOLO 111°, a c. 6.
13480113             GERHARD—BUCH, PISA und SEITE—47
13510113             "Mensura et ratio operis nouorum palatiorum COMUNIS—EUGUBII mensurati per MATHEUM—GATAPONIS de Q. S—P. " (RIFORME—TOME—IV—FOLIA—342'':
13510113             SUB I 364
13560113             2—WEINGÄRTEN zu Winden
13560113             ADELHEID Frau des TEIPOT—VON—WINDEN verkaufen 2—WEINGÄRTEN zu Winden.
13560113             TEIPOT—VON—WINDEN und
13610113             * ROBERT—DE—VERE, DUKE—OF—IRELAND, Berater Richards II.
13630113             † Meinhard III., GRAF—VON—TIROL und HERZOG—VON—OBERBAYERN
13680113             † MARCO—CORNER, 59. DOGE—VON—VENEDIG
13710113             HENRICO—DE—REICH, Petri tiL S—MARIA—IN—TRANSTIBERIM presbyteri Cardinalis familiari^ confertur canonicatm et reservatur [PFRÜNDE]PRAEBENDA—IN—ECCLESIA
13720113             THESAURARIO—ECCLESIAE—ALDENZELENSIS mandatur^ ut praepositissae et CAPITULO—SAECULARIS ECCLESIAE—IN—VREDENE—MONASTERIENSIS—DIOECESIS efftcads praesidio defensionis assistenSy non permittat easdem in personis ac bonis suis molestari.
13730113             vacarent vigore gratiae exspectativae a SEDE—APOSTOLICA impetratae acceptavit.
13730113             † GERLAC—DE—HEMBACH[GERLACH—VON—HENGEBACH] vacarent vigore gratiae exspectativae a SEDE—APOSTOLICA impetratae ACCEPTAVIT.
13810113             * COLETTE—VON—CORBIE, französische Äbtissin der Klarissinnen, katholische Heilige
13970113             oo JOHN—OF—GAUNT, Katherine Rouet.
14000113             † Thomas le Despenser, 1. EARL—OF—GLOUCESTER, englischer Adeliger und Rebell
14030113             * Ulrich II—VON—ROSENBERG, HERR—VON—ROSENBERG und Statthalter in Böhmen
14060113             * MATTEO—PALMIERI, italienischer Humanist
14080113             —SCHLACHT—BEI—BREGENZ
14080113             1—NIEDERLAGE gegen das S—JÖRGENSCHILD—RITTER—HEER, erleidet, DER—BUND—OB—DEM—SEE, unter der FÜHRUNG—VON—APPENZELL.
14080113             —IN—DER FOLGE, Die APPENZELLER—KRIEGE, sich wieder reduzieren, auf den Konflikt zwischen APPENZELL und der FÜRST—ABTEI—S—GALLEN.
14500113             † HENRY—GREY, GRAF—VON—TANCARVILLE, englischer Adeliger
14530113             —AM, ENDETE er in Gegenwart der Kurie und vielen Volkes auf den Zinnen der ENGELS—BURG am Galgen.
14530113             —VOM, Brief in der Bibl. zu NIMES,
14650113             † ELISABETH—VON—BRANDENBURG, deutsche Adlige, HERZOGIN—VON—POMMERN
14700113             —AM, 1—FRATERNITY—LETTER granted by CHRIST—CHURCH to THE—BISHOP, mentions the help he gave to SELLYNG in ROME[ROM,ROMA]
14760113             MASSILIENSIS—LAUDINIUM.
14760113             — MATHIEU—GEORGII, alius de Oleriis.
14760113/14770000    JOHANNES—DE—COREYS, prothonotarius sanctissinii DOMINI n. PAPA et PREPOSITUS—ECCLESIE sodis civ.
14830113             † Heinrich III., LANDGRAF—VON—OBERHESSEN
14840113             * Gottfried WERNER—VON—ZIMMERN, deutscher Adeliger
14930113             —DOMINGO
14950113             LA—LETTRE suivante du bâtard MATHIEU—DE—BOURBON, en date de ROM, à son frère CHARLES
15020113             * ANTON—LAUTERBACH, lutherischer Theologe, Superintendent in Pirna
15050113             * Joachim II., KURFÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG
15080113             L'nlil)esse \de S—SANVENR] Jil ouvrir [ta caisse des relifjue.t]à JEAN—DE—COREIS, prolonotnire du S. Sièi/e. conseiller du ROI au PARTENU—NL de PROVENCE et vicaire- ' fjénèrnl de LE—ÉVÈCHÉ—DE—MARSEILLE, etc.
15100113             † Florian Waldauf, Tiroler Ritter im Dienste Kaiser Maximilians und Mitglied des Kannenordens
15160113             * Adriaen Pauw, niederländischer Kaufmann und Politiker
15170113             * Bohuslav FELIX—VON—LOBKOWITZ und Hassenstein, böhmischer Ständepolitiker
15220113             PADOUE[PADUA].
15270113—15300000    —VOM, ROLAND—VON—WALDENBURGGEN.
15270113—15300000    Schinckern —BEZEUGT—IST als MÖNCH
15320113             —AM, 500—GULDEN à 20—STÜBER venloer Währung zu diesem Zwecke;
15320113             Joachim Gelis 17120000              100—GULDEN und die Eheleute JOHANN—WILHELM—VON—BOCHOILTZ und ANNA von Hoensbroich vermachten 16780000              eine jährliche Rente von 15—THALER, um PRO—JAHR 5—ARME zu kleiden.
15320113             Die anderen HAUSARMEN—LEGATE sind meistens von 25 - 30—GULDEN.
15350113             L'impression des livres en FRANCE doit se faire avec l'autorisation ecclésiastique.
15390113             —VOR—DEM, KONRAD—VON—COBBENRODT starb
15430113             † KONRAD—TREGER, deutscher AUGUSTINER—EREMIT und katholischer Kontroverstheologe
15440113             Auf dem 2. REICHSTAG—VON—VÄSTERÅS wird bekanntgegeben, dass Schwedens KÖNIG—GUSTAV—I—WASA und die Stände dem evangelischen Glauben anhängen.
15520113             † JAKOB—GRESEL, Professor an der UNIVERSITÄT—KÖLN und Kanonikus zu Rees/Rhein
15530113             † Georg II., HERZOG—VON—MÜNSTERBERG und Oels, GRAF—VON—GLATZ
15610113             † Friedrich MAGNUS—I, GRAF—VON—SOLMS—LAUBACH
15680113             Der siebenbürgische LANDTAG unter KÖNIG—JOHANN—SIGISMUND erlässt das EDIKT—VON—TORDA, das Katholiken, Lutheraner, Reformierte und Unitarier gleichstellt.
15710113             * CARLO—ANTONIO—PROCACCINI, italienischer Maler
15710113             † JOHANN—VON—KÜSTRIN, Fürst der Markgrafschaft BRANDENBURG—KÜSTRIN
15720113             † JAN—AUGUSTA, BISCHOF—DER—UNITÄT—DER—BÖHMISCHEN—BRÜDER - † WILLIAM—PETRE, englischer Politiker
15930113             † SZYMON—BUDNY, POLNISCH—WEIßRUSSISCHER Humanist und Bibelübersetzer, führender Vertreter des POLNISCH—LITAUISCHEN Unitarismus
15950113             † Ercole Procaccini der Ältere, italienischer Maler
15960113             * Jan van Goyen, holländischer Landschaftsmaler
15970113             † JOHANN—VON—KOCHERN—ABBAS—IN lacu JOHANNis
15980113             Der Londoner Stalhof der Hanse wird auf Weisung der KÖNIGIN—ELISABETH—I geschlossen und ALLE—WARE beschlagnahmt.
15980113             —REAGIERT, Sie, damit auf die Schließung der Stader Niederlassung der Merchant Adventurers durch Kaiser Rudolf II.
15980113             † Reichard, Pfalzgraf und HERZOG—VON—SIMMERN
15990113             † Edmund Spenser, englischer Dichter
16090113             PRIOR und KONVENT der Brüder der AUGUSTINER—EREMITEN in KÖLN bekunden, daß
16100113             * Maria Anna von Österreich, Erzherzogin von Österreich
16100113             I
16250113             † JAN—BRUEGHEL—DER—ÄLTERE, flämischer Maler
16280113             * CHARLES—PERRAULT, lawyer, writer (Mother Goose), in FRANCE.
16340113             —PILSENER—REVERS, Ergebenheitsadresse, maßgeblich gefördert durch GENERAL—CHRISTIAN—VON—ILOW, GENERAL—ADAM—ERDMANN—TRCKA—VON—LÍPA,
16340113             —PILSENER—REVERS, Ergebenheitsadresse, die Treue versichert des WALLENSTEIN—OFFIZIER—KORPS, Wallenstein.
16340113             —BEWERTET, Kaiser Ferdinand II., das Bekenntnis als Hochverrat seines Generalissimus und gibt in der Folge den Auftrag zu seiner Festnahme.
16350113             * Philipp JACOB—SPENER, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
16420113             † JEAN—LOUIS—DE—NOGARET—DE—LA—VALETTE, HERZOG—VON—ÉPERNON, französischer Feldherr
16450113             * JAKOB—DIETLOF—VON—ARNIM, kurbrandenburger Obrist, Generalmajor und Hauptmann
16570113             DORP—AN—DEN—GRIFFIER.
16620113             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—ADAMI—DER—ÄLTERE, deutscher Theologe und Kirchenlieddichter
16620113             † CHRISTIAN—KEIMANN, deutscher Dichter
16660113             —DATUM - DIE—DEPUTIERTEN für DIE SACHEN—VON—BRANDENBURG BERICHTEN—ÜBER den Stand der VERHANDLUNGEN—MIT—DEN brandenburgischen Ministern über das Schliessen eines ALLIANZ—UND Assistenztractats
16660113             DIE—DEPUTIERTEN für DIE SACHEN—VON—BRANDENBURG und schlagen vor, seen habil persoon'* nach CLEVE zu schicken, um den VERTRAG zu Ende zu bringen.
16680113             Die Uraufführung der Komödie Amphitryon von Molière findet mit großem Erfolg im Palais Royal in PARIS statt.
16680113             Das Stück ist zum großen Teil 1—BEARBEITUNG—DES—AMPHITRUO—VON—PLAUTUS.
16720113             * Lucia Filippini, italienische Gründerin der Schwesternkongregation Maestre Pie Filippini
16720113             —MITTWOCH
16730113             † Severus CHRISTOPH—OLPIUS, deutscher Moralphilosoph und lutherischer Theologe
16730113             —VERHINDERT, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG wird immer wieder vou MONTECUCCOLI, gegen KÖLN[CÖLN] und MÜNSTER ernstlich einzuschreiten.
16730113             MONTECUCCOLI verhandelt mit dem MÜNSTERschen DOM—DECHANT Schmising, ohne dem GROSSER—KUR—FÜRST—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—VON—BRANDENBURG davon Kenntniss zu geben,
16730113             was FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG sehr übel nimmt.
16730113             Sicher ist, daß die Pfaffen alles tun werden, um jene 2—BISCHÖFE ä couvert zu stellen gegen DIE—MACHT BRANDENBURGs und der GENERAL—STAATEN,
16730113             —VOR, denen sie —SEIT des COEVORDEN Eroberung *) grosse Angst haben.
16730113             Wenn des KAISER—TRUPPEN handeln wollten, würde man noch in diesem —WINTER etwas Gutes schaffen können;
16730113             —DENN, FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—KUR—FÜRST—VON—BRANDENBURG bleibt NOCH—IMMER sehr "animeux''.
16740113             —NACHDEM, der Versammlung berichtet worden, daß DER—PRINZ—VON—ORANIEN sich für möglichst baldigen Abschluss eines Bündnisses zwischen ÖSTERREICH, SPANIEN und den NIEDERLANDEN einerseits,
16740113/16740123    Der GENERALlieutenant Arensdorf^) hat von BERLIN mitgebracht, daß er den VERTRAG—ZWISCHEN—BRANDENBURG—UND—SCHWEDEN nicht habe hindern können,
16840113             † HENRY—HOWARD, 6. DUKE—OF—NORFOLK, englischer Adeliger
16910113             † GEORGE—FOX, englischer Gründervater der Quäker
17000101—20160113    —SEIT—DEM aber sorgte die Industrialisierung für 1—NOCH deutlichere Erwärmung:
17010113             † Friedrich Ulrich Calixt, deutscher Theologe
17030113             * ELIAS—DOLLHOPF, böhmischer Maler des Barock
17040113             † Hans JAKOB—GESSNER, Schweizer evangelischer Geistlicher
17050113             † MARIE—CATHERINE d'Aulnoy, französische Schriftstellerin
17140113             * CHRISTIAN—FRIEDRICH—POLZ, deutscher Logiker und evangelischer Theologe
17170113             † Maria Sibylla Merian, Schweizer Naturforscherin und Künstlerin
17260113             * SIMON—LOUIS—DU—RY, deutscher Architekt
17270113             † JOHANN—CONRAD—ZIESENIS, deutscher Bildhauer
17310113             * CARL—VON—GONTARD, deutscher Architekt
17330113             † ALEXANDER—VON—DER Schulenburg, kurfürstlich BRAUNSCHWEIG—LÜNEBURGISCHER Generalleutnant und GOUVERNEUR—VON—CELLE sowie Besitzer eines Teils des Rittergutes Altenhausen
17330113             † ANTON—SEPP, Tiroler Jesuitenmissionar in der Jesuitenprovinz PARAGUAY
17330113             * ~ MELLIN, (Olof) Olaus M Lovanger, V—BOTTEN—SCHWEDEN[MEHLING]
17340113             * LUKA—SORKOCEVIC, kroatischer Diplomat und Komponist
17370113             * JOSEPH—HILARIUS—ECKHEL, österreichischer Jesuit und Numismatiker
17420113             * Franz ANTON—DONAT—HEUßLEIN—VON—EUßENHEIM, fränkischer Obristlieutenant und HOCHFÜRSTLICH—WÜRZBURGISCHER Kammerherr
17450113             * Gottlieb Ludolph Krehl, deutscher evangelischer Geistlicher
17490113             * Maler Müller, deutscher Maler, Kupferstecher und Dichter
17500113             —VERTRAG—VON—MADRID, SPANIEN, PORTUGAL, verständigen sich auf 1—NEUDEFINITION—DER—GRENZEN ihrer Besitzungen in Südamerika.
17500113             —VERTRAG—VON—MADRID, ersetzt mehrere ältere Vertragsdokumente.
17520113             * Eleonora Fonseca Pimentel, portugiesische italienischsprachige Dichterin
17530113             * JOHANN—CHRISTIAN—STARK—DER—ÄLTERE, deutscher Mediziner
17530113             † JAKOB—HENDRIK—CROESER, niederländischer Mediziner
17560113             —AM,
17590113             † JOSé de Mascarenhas da Silva e Lencastre, portugiesischer HERZOG—VON—AVEIRO
17590113             oo in Niedermertz
17610113             † Franz CHRISTOPH—JANNECK, österreichischer Maler
17620113             * JOHANN—GOTTFRIED—HAGEMEISTER, deutscher Schauspieler, Dichter, PUBLIZIST—UND—LEHRER
17630113             * Alexandre Andrault de Langeron, russischer GENERAL, Gouverneur der Krim und GENERALGOUVERNEUR—VON—NEURUSSLAND
17630113             † JOHANN—MICHAEL—HARTUNG, deutscher Orgelbaumeister
17640113             * JOHANN—MARCUS—DAVID, deutscher Maler
17650113             * ANTON—HEINRICH—DAMMERT, deutscher Wasserbauingenieur
17670113             * SAMUEL—FRIEDRICH—LÜTHARDT, Schweizer Politiker und Jurist
17680113             † GIUSEPPE—SIMONE—ASSEMANI, arabischer Orientalist
17680113             † PIERRE—GABRIEL Buffardin, französischer Flötist
17700113             * CARL—FRIEDRICH—WILHELM—GOTTLOB—VON—BIBRA, deutscher Landwirt und Politiker
17740113             * ANTON—DREYSSIG, deutscher Musiker
17750113             Das Dramma giocoso La finta giardiniera (Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe) von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hat seine Uraufführung in München.
17750113             † JOHANN—GEORG—WALCH, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
17780113             * JOHANN—GOTTHELF—RICHTER, deutscher Jurist
17800113             * Vinzenz Adelmann, deutscher Mediziner
17800113             * PIERRE—JEAN Robiquet, französischer Chemiker
17820113             —AM Nationaltheater MANNHEIM erfolgt die Uraufführung von Friedrich Schillers STURM—UND—DRANG—DRAMA Die Räuber unter der Regie von Wolfgang HERIBERT—VON—DALBERG.
17820113             Da der Hauptdarsteller August Wilhelm Iffland in zeitgenössischer Kleidung auftritt, kommt es zu einem Skandal wegen der unverblümten Kritik an der Feudalherrschaft.
17830113             —AM, wurde der AHR—WEILER FAßBINDER—ZUNFT —JAHRESABSCHLUß von den Zunftmitgliedern beschlossen.
17850113             * Ernst CARL—VON—AHLEFELDT, deutscher Adliger, Landrat, Herr der Güter Oehe und Rögen
17860113             * Philippe Jacques van Bree, belgischer Maler, Bildhauer und Architekt
17870113             * Julius Constantijn Rijk, niederländischer und GOUVERNEUR—VON—SURINAME
17890113             * Ignacy Hilary Ledóchowski, polnischer GENERAL und KOMMANDANT—DER—FESTUNG—MODLIN
17900113             † LUC—URBAIN—DU—BOUËXIC—DE—GUICHEN, französischer Admiral
17920113             * FRIEDRICH—VON—SCHMAUß, bayerischer Festungsbaumeister
17920113             JOHANN—BAPTIST—INNOZENZ—FERDINAND—VON—BUSECK wurde in der Krypta DER—ABTEI—SIEGBURG in der unteren Reihe begraben.
17940113             —APPROVED, PRESIDENT—WASHINGTON, 1—MEASURE adding 2—STARS and 2—STRIPES to THE—USA—FLAG, —FOLLOWING the admission of VERMONT and KENTUCKY to the union.
17940113             —REDUCED, THE—NUMBER—OF—STRIPES was —LATER, to the original 13.
18000113             † PETER—VON—BIRON, HERZOG—VON—KURLAND und Semgallen sowie HERZOG—VON—SAGAN
18020113             * EDUARD—VON—BAUERNFELD, österreichischer Lustspieldichter
18030113             * Friedrich Beckmann, deutscher Komiker
18040113             * PAUL—GAVARNI, französischer Lithograph
18050113             † Franz ANTON—ERNST, böhmischer Komponist
18060113             * Michel Chevalier, französischer Ökonom und Freihändler
18060113             * Eugen NAPOLEON—NEUREUTHER, deutscher Maler
18070113             * Theodor Julius Hertel, deutscher Jurist und BÜRGERMEISTER
18080113             * Salmon P. Chase, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker und Jurist
18080113             His picture was —LATER put on the $10,000 bill.
18090113             * Friedrich FERDINAND—VON—BEUST, sächsischer und österreichischer Politiker
18100113             * THOMAS—ARBOUSSET, französischer Missionar
18110113             —AM, Das 5. Klavierkonzert op.
18110113             73 in ES—DUR Uraufführung erfolgte in 1—HALBÖFFENTLICHEN Konzert im WIENer Palais des Fürsten JOSEPH—LOBKOWITZ mit dem Erzherzog als Solist.
18120113             * VICTOR—DE—LAPRADE, französischer Dichter
18150113             * Ernst ELIAS—NIEBERGALL, deutscher Schriftsteller
18150113             * Rosine Stoltz, französische Opernsängerin
18190113             * CARL—VON—DIEBITSCH, preußischer Architekt
18190113             * Franz Hettinger, RÖMISCH—KATHOLISCHER Priester und Professor
18200113             * Leopold Hoesch, deutscher Unternehmer
18230113             † MATTHIAS—JORISSEN, deutscher Pfarrer und Kirchenliederdichter
18260704—18640113    * † STEPHEN—FOSTER (STEPHEN—COLLINS—FOSTER, composer, near PITTSBURGH.
18270113             † JEAN—DENIS Lanjuinais, französischer Politiker
18300113             † CHRISTIAN—MAGNUS—FALSEN, norwegischer Politiker
18300113             There was 1—GREAT—FIRE in NEW—ORLEANS.
18300113             1—GREAT—FIRE in NEW—ORLEANS, was thought to be set by REBEL—SLAVES.
18320113             * Horatio Alger, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Autor
18320113             HORATIO—ALGER, JUNIOR, THE—AUTHOR—OF—MORE than 100—INSPIRATIONAL books for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY, was born THE—SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18320113             Rejected by the Union Army because of asthma, HORATIO—ALGER was 1—POET, teacher and newspaper correspondent —BEFORE he eventually followed in his father's footsteps and became 1—MINISTER—ON—CAPE—COD.
18320113             HORATIO—ALGER is BEST—KNOWN, however, for his books with RAGS—TO—RICHES themes.
18320113             ALGER—WORLD, everyone, no matter how poor or powerless, could succeed through hard work, honesty and high moral values.
18320113             HORATIO—ALGER His "pluck and luck" BOOKS—OF—HOPE in THE—FACE—OF—ADVERSITY were always bestsellers and almost EVERY—HOME, school and church owned 1—LARGE—COLLECTION.
18320113             More than 250—MILLION—COPIES—OF HORATIO—ALGER his books have been sold worldwide.
18320113             HORATIO—ALGER His books include "Ragged Dick" and "Tattered Tom".
18320113             * HORATIO—ALGER—JUNIOR, AUTHOR—OF—MORE—THAN—100—INSPIRATIONAL—BOOKS for young people from the Civil War to the turn of the 19010101—20001231    —CENTURY, SON—OF—1—UNITARIAN—MINISTER.
18340000—18950113    * † J.R. Seeley, ENGLAND—ESSAYIST and historian.
18340113             Die Erstfassung der Oper Das Nachtlager in GRANADA von Conradin Kreutzer mit gesprochenen Dialogen wird am Theater in der Josefstadt in WIEN uraufgeführt.
18340113             Das Libretto stammt von KARL—JOHANN—BRAUN—VON—BRAUNTHAL —NACH—DEM Schauspiel Das Nachtlager von GRANADA—VON—JOHANN—FRIEDRICH—KIND.
18340113             * JOHN—GILBERT—BAKER, britischer Botaniker, Taxonom und Ökologe
18350113             * Gustave ROLIN—JAEQUEMYNS, belgischer Jurist, Politiker und Diplomat, Mitbegründer des Institut de droit INTERNATIONAL
18350113             † KARL—GOTTFRIED—ERDMANN, deutscher Mediziner und Botaniker
18360113             * GIUSEPPE—ABBATI, italienischer Maler
18370113             * HUGO—VON—STRAUß und Torney, preußischer Landrat, Polizei- und Senatspräsident
18370113             † Gerhard Philipp Heinrich Norrmann, deutscher Jurist und Hochschullehrer
18380113             —EROBERN, des konservativer MILITÄR—JOSÉ—RAFAEL—CARRERA—TURCIOS—TRUPPEN, das von Liberalen regierte GUATEMALA—STADT.
18380113             —BEGINNEN, mit Plünderungen, Morden, Vergewaltigungen, des konservativer MILITÄR—JOSÉ—RAFAEL—CARRERA—TURCIOS—TRUPPEN—SOLDATEN.
18380113             —WENIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, Die Ausschreitungen führen zu MEHRERE—GUATEMALA—PROVINZEN—ABSPALTUNG ,
18380113             —WENIGE—WOCHEN—SPÄTER, MEHRERE—GUATEMALA—PROVINZEN—ABSPALTUNG zusammenschließen sich zum kurzlebigen STAAT—LOS—ALTOS.
18380113             * Ernst CHRISTIAN—ACHELIS, deutscher evangelischer Theologe
18380113             † Ferdinand Ries, deutscher Klavierspieler und Komponist
18400113             Wegen schwerwiegender Konstruktionsfehler bricht auf dem Schaufelraddampfer Lexington, der sich auf dem Weg von Manhattan nach STONINGTON—CONNECTICUT, befindet, 1—FEUER aus, woraufhin dieser steuerlos auf dem EAST—RIVER treibt.
18400113             Von den 143—PERSONEN an Bord überleben nur 4.
18400113             * MICHAEL—HALLER, deutscher Kirchenmusiker und Komponist
18410113             Die Aufhebung aller Klöster im Schweizer Kanton Aargau führt zum Aargauer Klosterstreit.
18420102—18420112    The incident is the backdrop for GEORGE—MACDONALD—FRASER—NOVEL "Flashman"
18420113             Während des 1. ANGLO—AFGHANISCHEN Kriegs kommt es zur SCHLACHT—VON—GANDAMAK.
18420113             Nur 6—MÄNNER der britischen Armee von WILLIAM—GEORGE—KEITH—ELPHINSTONE überleben die Niederlage gegen die Afghanen,
18420113             —EINIGE—TAGE—SPÄTER, erreicht, von 6—MÄNNER der britischen Armee von WILLIAM—GEORGE—KEITH—ELPHINSTONE, nur WILLIAM—BRYDON das ursprüngliche Ziel Dschalalabad.
18420113             * Heinrich Hofmann, deutscher Komponist
18420113             † Wilhelm Traugott Krug, deutscher Philosoph
18420113             —SEE.
18420113             In the 1. BRITISH—AFGHANISTAN—WAR UK—TROOPS retreating from KABUL were ambushed and nearly all slaughtered at THE—KHYBER—PASS, even though the Afghans had promised them safe passage —DURING their withdrawal from THE—AFGHANISTAN—CAPITAL [see 18420102—18420112    ].
18420113             —WOUNDED, DOCTOR—WILLIAM—BRYDON (18110000—18730000    ), badly, reached JALALABAD as the only survivor of a 16,000 person retreat from KABUL.
18430113             * ADRIAN—SPAMANN, DEUTSCH—LOTHRINGISCHER Orgelbauer
18430113             * DAVID—FERRIER, britischer Neurowissenschaftler
18440113             * Ernst Marno, österreichischer Afrikaforscher
18450113             * Karel Eichler, tschechischer Priester und Autor
18450113             * Félix Tisserand, französischer Mathematiker und Astronom
18460113             * EMIL—HUNDRIESER, deutscher Bildhauer
18460113             † Hans CONRAD—STADLER, Schweizer Architekt
18460113             —DISPATCHED, PRESIDENT—JAMES—POLK, GENERAL—ZACHARY—TAYLOR and 4,000 troops to THE—TEXAS Border as war with MEXICO loomed.
18460113             At THE—OUTSET—OF—THE—MEXICAN—USA—WAR, THE—MEXICO—ARMY numbered 32,000 and THE—USA—ARMY consisted of 7,200—MEN.
18460113             42—PERCENT—OF—THE—ARMY was made up of recent German or IRELAND—IMMIGRANTS.
18460113—18150000    —SINCE, THE—USA—ARMY had, only fought against 1—FEW—INDIA—TRIBES.
18460113—20080000    —EMPLOYED, In THE—COURSE—OF—THE—WAR, the total USA—FORCE, reached 104,000. MARTIN—DUGARD authored "The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in THE—MEXICO—WAR, 18460000—18480000    ".
18460113—20120000    —AUTHORED, Amy S. Greenberg, "1—WICKED—WAR: Polk, Clay, LINCOLN and 18460000             —THE—USA—INVASION—OF—MEXICO".
18480113             * RICHARD—EILENBERG, deutscher Komponist
18480113             * Lilla Cabot Perry, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Malerin
18480113             * FRANZ—VON—SOXHLET, deutscher Agrikulturchemiker
18490113             * Alfhild Agrell, schwedische Schriftstellerin
18490113             * Erwin Bälz, deutscher Internist und Anthropologe, Leibarzt der Kaiserlichen Familie und Mitbegründer der modernen Medizin in JAPAN
18490113             † FRANCISCO—RAMÓN—VICUÑA—LARRAÍN, chilenischer Politiker, Staatspräsident
18490113             Der magyarische Kampf
18490113             —NEUE—RHEINISCHE—ZEITUNG—NUMMER—194—KÖLN.
18510113             * Franz Friedrich Kohl, österreichischer Entomologe und Volksliedforscher
18530113             * Carola BRUCH—SINN, österreichische Schriftstellerin
18540113             * Leonhard Romeis, deutscher ARCHITEKT—DES—HISTORISMUS
18540113             † Awraam Iwanowitsch Melnikow, russischer Architekt
18540113             —PATENTED, ANTHONY—FOSS, 1—ACCORDION.
18540113             [see 18500000             , 18520000             ]
18550113             * OTTO—LEHMANN, deutscher Physiker, "Vater" der FLÜSSIGKRISTALL—FORSCHUNG
18560113             * Rudolf Bullerjahn, städtischer Musikdirektor in Göttingen
18570113             * PAUL—EWALD, deutscher evangelischer Theologe und Hochschullehrer
18570113             * HENRY—THODE, deutscher Kunsthistoriker
18580113             * OSKAR—MINKOWSKI, deutscher Mediziner
18590113             * KARL—BLEIBTREU, deutscher Schriftsteller
18610113             * MAX—NONNE, deutscher Neurologe
18610113             —AM, im WÜRZBURGER—ANZEIGER, dem Beiblatt zur Neuen Zeitung, erschien die Mitteilung:
18610113             WÜRZBURG, daß die von den RANGSCHIFFERN GEBRÜDER BROD und MEHLING gestellte Bitte,
18610113             ihrer neuen SCHWIMM—UND Badanstalt den königlichen Namen beilegen zu dürfen.
18610113             WÜRZBURG, WÜRZBURG, Allerhöchst zu genehmigen und ZUGLEICH allergnädigst zu gestatten geruht, daß
18610113             WÜRZBURG, den GEBRÜDERN BROD und MEHLING eröffnet wurde,
18610113             WÜRZBURG, wie seine Majestät mit Wohlgefallenvon deren Unternehmen Kenntnis genommen haben
18610113             WÜRZBURG, und ihnen hierüber die Allerhöchste Zufriedenheit kund geben lassen".
18630113             —PIONEERED, THOMAS—CRAPPER, a 1—PIECE pedestal flushing toilet.
18630504—18650113    —ON, arrived in KNOXVILLE—TENNESSEE.
18640113             * JOSEF—KERSCHENSTEINER, deutscher Maler
18640113             * Wilhelm WIEN, deutscher Physiker, Nobelpreisträger
18640113             † COMPOSER—STEPHEN—FOSTER, 37—JAHRE—ALT, COMPOSER—AND—USA—SONG writer, in 1—NEW—YORK—CITY hospital.
18640113             —AUTHORED, KEN—EMERSON —LATER, his biography.
18640113—19280000    * † WILHELM—KW—WIEN, GERMANY—PHYSICIST (Nobel 19110000             ).
18650113             * PETER—BRUCKMANN, deutscher Fabrikant
18650113—18650114    —BOMBED, Union fleet, Fort Fisher, NC.
18660113             * Wassili Sergejewitsch Kalinnikow, russischer Komponist
18660113             —VOM, "WORKMAN—ADVOCATE".)
18670113             † VICTOR—COUSIN, französischer Philosoph und Kulturtheoretiker - † Franz Kirchgeßner, deutscher Jurist
18680113             * JULIAN—BORCHARDT, deutscher JOURNALIST—UND—POLITIKER - * Julius Wieting, deutscher Chirurg
18690113             * WILLIAM—J—BULOW, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18690113             * Ivo Cipiko, serbischer Schriftsteller kroatischer Herkunft
18700113             * Jedrzej Moraczewski, polnischer Politiker, Ministerpräsident - * Henryk Opienski, polnischer Komponist
18700113             † EMANUEL—FRIEDRICH—VON—FISCHER, Schweizer Politiker
18710000—19560113    * † Lyonel Feininger, AMERICAN—GERMANY—PAINTER.
18710113             † Henriette d'Angeville, französische Bergsteigerin - † SAMUEL—PREISWERK, Schweizer Theologe
18720113             † OTTO—VON—MÜNCHHAUSEN, preußischer Landrat
18721209             —CONTINUED, Pinchback, as the state's 24. GOVERNOR to 18730113       .
18730113             * Walther Bensemann, deutscher Fußballpionier
18730113             WILLIAM—PITT—KELLOGG (18300000—19180000    ), USA—POLITICIAN and carpetbagger, began serving as THE—GOVERNOR—OF—LOUISIANA and continued to 18770000          .
18730113—19800000    —IN, He was the state's last Republican GOVERNOR —UNTIL the inauguration of DAVID—C—TREEN.
18740000             Le 19150113             , ils obtiennent gain de.
18740113             * JOZEF—ERNEST VAN Roey, belgischer Geistlicher, ERZBISCHOF—VON—MECHELEN und Kardinal
18740113             † VICTOR—BALTARD, französischer Architekt
18740113             —BATTLE—BETWEEN—JOBLESS and police in NEW—YORK—CITY left 100s injured.
18750113             † ROBERT—ADAMS, irischer Chirurg und Kardiologe
18760113             * KARL—ANDRES, deutscher Gutsbesitzer, Weinbaulobbyist und Politiker
18760113             * Georg Baesecke, deutscher Altgermanist
18760113             * Erhard Schmidt, deutscher Mathematiker
18760113             † Heinrich Lang, deutscher EVANGELISCH—REFORMIERTER Pfarrer und Theologe
18770113             † KARL—HOECK, deutscher Altphilologe und Althistoriker
18780113             * SYDNEY Arnold, 1. BARON—ARNOLD, britischer Politiker
18790113             † JAKOB—DUBS, Schweizer Bundesrat
18800113             * HERBERT—BRENON, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Schauspieler
18810113             * Friedrich Knutzen, deutscher Politiker
18820113             * DARIUS—PAUL—DASSAULT, französischer GENERAL, Mitglied der Résistance
18820113             * Alois Hitler JUNIOR, Halbbruder von Adolf Hitler
18830113             * NATE—CARTMELL, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Leichtathlet
18830113             * Friedrich Klinge, deutscher Politiker, MdB
18830113             * Franz Xaver Seppelt, deutscher Kirchenhistoriker
18830113             * Ludwig Strecker, deutscher Musikverleger
18830113             † JOSEF—KLEUTGEN, deutscher Theologe
18830113             —KILLED, Fire in circus Ferroni in BERDITSCHOFT—POLAND, 430.
18840113             * JOSEPH—FRANCIS—ROCK, ÖSTERREICHISCH—AMERIKANISCHER Forscher, Geograf, Sprachwissenschaftler und Botaniker
18840113             * Sophie Tucker, USA—AMERIKANISCHE Komödiantin und Sängerin
18850113             * ROGER—BOUCHER, französischer Organist und Komponist
18850113             † Schuyler Colfax, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Politiker
18860113             * Art Ross, kanadischer Eishockeytrainer
18870113             * Friedrich Gogarten, deutscher lutherischer Theologe
18880113             * Wassil Boschinow, bulgarischer Komponist
18890000—19430113    * † Artist SOPHIE—TAEUBER—ARP, of CARBON—MONOXIDE poisoning from 1—BADLY installed stove in THE—SWITZERLAND—HOME—OF—1—FELLOW—ARTIST.
18900113             * Jüri Uluots, estnischer Jurist und Politiker
18900113             wurde DIE—GENEHMIGUNGS—URKUNDE für die damals in BERLIN ansässige ALLIANZ—VERSICHERUNG
18910113             * BRUNO—KURZWEIL, österreichischer Rechtsanwalt
18910113             * MIGUEL—PRO, mexikanischer katholischer Priester und Märtyrer
18920113             * Freddy Kindell, britischer Autorennfahrer
18930113             * ARMGARD—VON—ALVENSLEBEN, deutsche Äbtissin, Hauptgeschäftsführerin der Evangelischen Deutschen Bahnhofsmission
18930113             * CLARK—ASHTON—SMITH, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Dichter, Bildhauer, Maler und Autor
18930113             † Melitta OTTO—ALVSLEBEN, deutsche Opernsängerin
18930113             BRITAIN—INDEPENDENT—LABOUR—PARTY, 1—PRECURSOR to the current Labour Party, had its 1. meeting.
18930113             —HELPED, SCOTLAND—SOCIALIST—KEIR—HARDIE (18560000—19150000    ), form the Independent Labour Party (ILP).
18930113—19000000    —IN, SCOTLAND—SOCIALIST—KEIR—HARDIE helped form THE—UNION—BASED Labour Representation Committee, soon renamed the Labour Party, with which THE—ILP —LATER merged.
18950113             —SCHLACHT—VON—COATIT,
18950113             * ANTON—BETZNER, deutscher Schriftsteller, Essayist und Hörspielautor
18950113             * ABRAHAM—BINDER, USA—AMERIKANISCHER Komponist
18950113             * Rudolf JAKOB—HUMM, Schweizer Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
18950113—18660000    —PUBLISHED, His essay Ecce Homo, anonymously, and afterwards acknowledged by him, was widely read, and prompted MANY—REPLIES, being deemed 1—ATTACK on Christianity.
18960113             † Friedrich Ludwig Theodor Friese, deutscher Orgelbauer
18970113             * Gerty Spies, deutsche Schriftstellerin
18970113             † DAVID—SCHWARZ, ungarischer Erfinder, Erbauer des 1. flugfähigen Starrluftschiffs
18980113             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Der französische AUTOR—ÉMILE—ZOLA, seinen offenen Brief J'accuse...! (Ich klage an...!) zur DREYFUS—AFFÄRE an den französischen Staatspräsidenten Félix Faure.
18980113             Der Artikel führt zur WIEDERAUFNAHME—DES—VERFAHRENS gegen ALFRED—DREYFUS und letztendlich zu seiner Rehabilitation, allerdings auch zu zahlreichen Schikanen gegen Zola selbst, unter anderem einer Anklage wegen "Diffamierung".
18980113             * JAN—CYž, sorbischer Jurist und Verleger, LANDRAT—VON—BAUTZEN
18980113             * Kaj Munk, dänischer Pastor und Poet, Widerstandskämpfer und Märtyrer
18980113             —ACCUSED, The open letter to FRANCE—PRESIDENT—FELIX—FAURE, THE—FRANCE—JUDICIARY of giving into pressure from the military to perpetuate 1—COVER—UP in the Dreyfus treason case.
18990113             * KARL—FRIEDRICH—BONHOEFFER, deutscher Chemiker
18990113             * Lew Wladimirowitsch Kuleschow, sowjetischer Regisseur
19000113             * JOSEF—HUFNAGEL, deutscher Politiker
19000113             * Siegfried Schürenberg, deutscher Schauspieler
19000113             To combat CZECH—REPUBLIC—NATIONALISM, Emperor Franz JOSEPH—OF—AUSTRIA—HUNGARY decreed that German would be the language of the imperial army.
19020113             Im Roten Rathaus in BERLIN entsteht die 1. Volkshochschule im Deutschen Reich.
19020113             Mit seiner in einem Vortrag vor der Deutschen ORIENT—GESELLSCHAFT geäußerten These, die jüdische Religion und das Alte Testament fußten auf babylonischen Wurzeln, löst der Assyriologe Friedrich Delitzsch den BABEL—BIBEL—STREIT aus.
19040000—19740113    * † SALVADOR—NOVO, gay MEXICO—WRITER, poet and official CHRONICLER—OF—MEXICO—CITY.
19060113             —OPENED, The Golden Gate Hotel, on FREMONT Street in LAS—VEGAS—NEVADA.
19071229—19970000    [see 20180113             , 19660000             ]
19080113             Dem Franzosen HENRI—FARMAN gelingt mit seinem Doppeldecker der 1. Motorflug über 1—DISTANZ von mehr als einem Kilometer.
19080113             Er erhält dafür den Grand Prix d'Aviation.
19080113             In einem wissenschaftlichen Fachvortrag in STUTTGART unter dem Titel Über den Nachweis der Vererbung beim Menschen formuliert der Arzt und Vererbungsforscher Wilhelm Weinberg das später nach ihm und dem Mathematiker Godfrey Hardy benannte HARDY—WEINBERG—GLEICHGEWICHT der Populationsgenetik.
19100113             Aus der Metropolitan Opera in NEW—YORK City gibt es die 1. Opernübertragung in der GESCHICHTE—DES—HÖRFUNKS, bei der auch ENRICO—CARUSOS—STIMME ertönt.
19100113             —WHILE in 1—MESMERIC (hypnotic) trance, could allegedly communicate with the spirit world and accurately diagnose medical disorders.
19100113—18500000    —IN, in his book the "Great Harmonia," Davis talks about how man evolved from animals and that evolution also took place in plants and animals up to man.
19110110—19110113    —RETIRED, Admiral Barry, in lieu of resigning or suicide.
19110113             —AM Berliner Lessingtheater wird die Tragikomödie Die Ratten von Gerhart Hauptmann uraufgeführt.
19110113             Ein arbeitslos gewordener Marinekoch sticht im Amsterdamer Rijksmuseum auf Rembrandts Gemälde Die Nachtwache mit einem Messer ein.
19120113             1—TEMP. of 40F (-40C), OAKLAND—MARYLAND, 19120901             —STATE record.
19120113             —ATTEMPTED, SIAM, (THAILAND) resentful army officers, 1—COUP against VAJIRAVUDH—KING—OF— (Rama VI).
19150000—20060113    * † RAUL—ANGUIANO, MEXICO—PAINTER, sculptor and muralist, in MEXICO—CITY.
19150112—19150113    —DER—PARTEI—AUSSCHUß verlangt nachdrücklich, DIE—DISKUSSION—ÜBER DIE—PARTEI—POLITIK nur innerhalb —DER—PARTEI—ORGANISATIONEN zu führen und dabei den parteigenössischen Geist aufrechtzuerhalten.
19150112—19150113    Er hält es für wünschenswert, daß JEDE—GELEGENHEIT ergriffen wird, um mit der gesamten Internationale, insbesondere den BRUDER—PARTEIEN in den KRIEG—FÜHRENDEN Ländern, 1—GEMEINSAME Aktion zugunsten des Friedens einzuleiten.
19150113             1—ERDBEBEN—DER—STÄRKE 7,5 in Avezzano, Italien fordert über 30.000—TODESOPFER.
19150113             1—EARTHQUAKE in AVEZZANO—ITALY, killed 29,800.
19160113             In der Thronrede zur ERÖFFNUNG des preußischen LAND—TAGES wird 1—REFORM—DES—PREUßISCHEN WAHL—RECHTS —NACH—DEM Kriege angekündigt.
19170113             Bei einem der schwersten Eisenbahnunfälle weltweit entgleist ein mit verwundeten russischen Soldaten und Flüchtlingen überfüllter Zug im Bahnhof der rumänischen Ortschaft Ciurea.
19170113             Der Unfall fordert zwischen 600—UND 10000000              Todesopfer.
19190000—19620113    * † Ernie Kovacs, COMEDIAN—AND—TV—STAR, at age 42 in 1—CAR—CRASH in WEST—LOS—ANGELES.
19190113             * JACKIE—ROBINSON, baseball star.
19190113             * ROBERT—STACK, actor best know for his role as ELLIOT—NESS in THE—TV—SERIES "The Untouchables,".
19190113             —VOTED, CALIFORNIA, to ratify the Prohibition amendment.
19190113—19470000    —IN, JACKIE—ROBINSON broke the apartheid ban.
19200113             Gegen die geplante Verabschiedung des Betriebsrätegesetzes rufen USPD und KPD zur Demonstration vor dem Berliner Reichstagsgebäude auf.
19200113             Sicherheitskräfte eröffnen das Feuer auf die Menschenmenge.
19200113             42—KUNDGEBUNGSTEILNEHMER sterben, 105—WERDEN verletzt.
19200113             1—NY—TIMES—EDITORIAL excoriated DOCTOR—ROBERT—H—GODDARD, and reported that rockets can never fly.
19200113—19690000    —APOLOGIZED, THE—NY Times belatedly.
19230113             —DENOUNCED, Hitler, the Weimar republic as 5,000 storm troopers demonstrated in GERMANY.
19230113—19230926    passiver Widerstand
19250113             Wiederaufstieg Deutschlands "zur stärksten Großmacht auf.. werden ( Denkschrift des Auswärtigen Amtes vom.- für die Regierungen BAYERN...
19250113             DEA—DAS Elektronische Archiv Hitlers Weg —BIS zu den mächtigsten Männern des imperialistischen Deutschlands war aber...
19250113—19280000    —VON—BIS, WURDEN die Nazis von den meisten Großindustriellen...
19270113             1—WOMAN took 1—SEAT on THE—NY Stock Exchange breaking THE—ALL—MALE—TRADITION.
19280000—20090113    * † PATRICK—MCGOOHAN, Emmy winning TV and film actor.
19280113             —APPEARED, The 1. television station, in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19290113             † Frontiersman WYATT—EARP in LA—CALIFORNIA, —AFTER 1—ILLUSTRIOUS—LIFE in the West.
19290113             —SERVED, Cowboy stars WILLIAM—S—HART and TOM—MIX, as pallbearers.
19290113             —DISAGREED, Western historians have, about THE—PARTICULARS—OF—WYATT—EARP—LIFE, but he is said to have been 1—FREIGHTER—TEAMSTER, railroad construction worker, policeman, prisoner, saloon keeper and horse farmer, and he was involved in several gunfights--for reasons that may or may not have been related to law enforcement.
19290113             —KILLED, —WHEN Morgan was, Wyatt avenged his death by killing FRANK—STILWELL, 1—OUTLAW he had previously arrested.
19290113—18480000    —IN, Born in ILLINOIS, he served as 1—LAWMAN in WICHITA and Dodge CITY—KANSAS, as well as TOMBSTONE—ARIZONA Territory, where Wyatt and his brothers Morgan and Virgil were notorious for violent clashes with outlaws.
19290113—20030000    —BURIED, WYATT—BERRY—STAPP—EARP † and was, in COLMA—CALIFORNIA LEE—A—SILVA authored WYATT—EARP, 1—BIOGRAPHY—OF—THE—LEGEND, Volume 1, the Cowtown Years".
19300000—20170113    * † Lord Snowdon, born as ANTONY—ARMSTRONG—JONES, the society photographer and filmmaker who oo BRITAIN—PRINCESS—MARGARET and continued to mix in royal circles even —AFTER their divorce.
19300113             Bei der UK—AUSTRALIAN and NEW—ZEALAND ANTARCTIC Research Expedition unter SIR—DOUGLAS—MAWSON wird 1—GRUPPE—VON—10—KLEINEN Inseln entdeckt, die den Namen Aagaard Islands erhält.
19340113             * RIP—TAYLOR, comedian (Gong Show, $1.98—BEAUTY Show).
19350113             In der Saarabstimmung entscheiden sich 90,7 PROZENT—DER—TEILNEHMER für die Wiedereingliederung des Saargebiets in das Deutsche Reich.
19350113             Vor der Abstimmung wird vermutlich erstmals auch der Spruch Heim ins Reich verwendet.
19370113             THE—USA—BARRED—AMERICANS from serving in THE—SPAIN—WAR.
19390113             5—MEN attempted to escape THE—USA—FEDERAL—PRISON on Alcatraz island.
19390113             —KILLED, Kidnapper Arthur "Doc" Barker was, by guards.
19390113             † JACOB—RUPPERT, CEO—OF—THE—NY—YANKEES (19150000—19390000    ).
19390113—19350000    —IN, He was 1—OF—THE—4—SONS—OF Ma Barker (18730000              *), killed behind 1—MACHINE—GUN by federal agents in FLORIDA.
19410113             † JAMES—JOYCE, IRISH—BORN novelist, in ZURICH—SWITZERLAND.
19410113—19830000    —AUTHORED, RICHARD—ELLMANN, the 900-page "JAMES—JOYCE" biography.
19410113—19990000    —AUTHORED, Edna O'Brien, the pocket bio "JAMES—JOYCE".
19420113             Der Automobilbauer HENRY—FORD erhält 1—USA—PATENT auf 1—AUTOCHASSIS—KONSTRUKTION, die er im Fahrgestell des Soybean Cars —SCHON verwirklicht hat.
19420113             † IGNAZ—JEŽOWER, RIGA wurde mit Transport 8, Zug Da 44—VON BERLIN nach RIGA deportiert und dort ermordet.
19420113             IGNAZ—JEŽOWER war mit GEORGE—GROSZ, ELSE—LASKER—SCHÜLER[1], ALFRED—DÖBLIN, KURT—SCHWITTERS und anderen Künstlern befreundet[
19430113             —BEGINNT, Mit der EINNAHME—DER—OASE—ADIRI, der Vormarsch der Forces françaises libres auf Tripolis.
19430113             —KATAPULTIERT, Der deutsche Versuchspilot Rudolf Schenk, sich als 1. Mensch mit einem Schleudersitz aus einer Heinkel He 280.
19430113             —RAMMED, THE—CANADA—CORVETTE Ville de QUEBEC, THE—GERMANY—U 224—SUBMARINE, which sank in the Mediterranean Sea with 57—OF—ITS crew.
19430113             GERMANY—LIEUTENANT—WOLF—DANCKWORTH was the only survivor.
19430113             —ESTABLISHED, Years —LATER Danckworth, contact with CANADA—SAILOR FRANK—ARSENAULT, who was on the Ville de QUEBEC —WHEN it rammed the sub, and THE—2—BECAME good friends.
19430113—19660000    —IN, Her husband Hans Arp, also 1—ARTIST, †.
19440113             3—REICH plane plants were wrecked;
19440113             64—USA—AIRCRAFT were lost in 1—AIR—ATTACK in GERMANY.
19450113             Mit dem Angriff auf Königsberg durch die 3. Weißrussische Front der Roten Armee beginnt die —BIS zum 19450425              dauernde SCHLACHT—UM—OSTPREUßEN —WWII—IM.
19450113             Ein schwerer Luftangriff der britischen Royal AIR—FORCE mit 274—FLUGZEUGEN richtet sich gegen Saarbrücken.
19450113             MOSKAU, erfolgt die Uraufführung der PATRIOTISCH—HEROISCHEN 5. Sinfonie von SERGEI—SERGEJEWITSCH—PROKOFJEW.
19450113             —OPENED, The Red Army, 1—OFFENSIVE in SOUTH—POLAND, crashing 25—MILES through THE—GERMANY—LINES.
19470113             —REPLACED, UK—TROOPS, striking truck drivers.
19480113             * T Bone Burnett, rocker.
19500000—20100113    * † R&B singer Teddy Pendergrass, of colon cancer.
19520113             NÜRNBERG, wird die komische Oper Die schlaue SUSANNE—VON—FRANZ Xaver Lehner uraufgeführt.
19520113             * CORNELIUS—BUMPUS, keyboardist (Doobie BROS—MINUTE by —MINUTE).
19530113             Sogenannte Ärzteverschwörung: In einem Artikel der Prawda werden einige der angesehensten und bekanntesten Ärzte der Sowjetunion (VIELE—DAVON—JUDEN) beschuldigt, an einer angeblichen Verschwörung zur Ermordung der obersten sowjetischen Politik- und Militärführung beteiligt zu sein.
19550113             —AGREED, CHASE—NATIONAL and THE—BANK—OF—MANHATTAN, to merge resulting in the 2. largest USA—BANK.
19560113             —SIGNED, LEBANON and Syria, 1—DEFENSE—PACT providing for joint retaliation against ISRAEL if either was attacked.
19560113             —INCLUDED, His work, the woodcut "Kreuzende Segelschiffe" (19190000             ) and the pen and ink wash "3—GHOSTS" (19530000             ).
19560113             1—CATALOG of his prints was made by Leona Prasse (18970000—19840000    ), late curator of prints at THE—CLEVELAND MUSEUM—OF—ART.
19560113             —PUBLISHED, Feininger, comics for THE—CHICAGO Tribune 19060000—19070000    —FROM—TO.
19570113             —PRODUZIERT, Die Firma Wham-O, die von WALTER—FREDERIC—MORRISON entwickelten PLUTO—PLATTEN, die später unter dem Namen FRISBEE—SCHEIBEN bekannt werden.
19570113             —PRODUCED, The Wham-O Company, the 1. Frisbee.
19570113             —CALLED, It was —INITIALLY, the Pluto Platter.
19580113             9,000 scientists of 43—NATIONS petitioned THE—UN for 1—NUCLEAR—TEST—BAN.
19600503             It closed 20020113              —AFTER 17,162 shows.
19610113             —LANDED, PROFESSOR—ANCEL—KEYS—OF—THE—UNIV—OF—MINNESOTA, on THE—COVER—OF—TIME—MAGAZINE for providing 1—SOLUTION to why MIDDLE—AGED men were dropping dead from heart disease: eat less fat.
19610113—19800000    —IN, This led THE—USA—GOVERNMENT to its 19800901              of dietary guidelines.
19620113             ''Nothing in moderation'' was his credo and appeared on his epitaph.
19630113             Der 1. STAATSPRÄSIDENT—VON—TOGO, Sylvanus Olympio, wird von Putschisten unter der FÜHRUNG—VON—GNASSINGBÉ Eyadéma und EMMANUEL—BODJOLLÉ ermordet.
19630113             NICOLAS—GRUNITZKY wird als neuer STAATSCHEF—VON—TOGO eingesetzt.
19630113             † TOGO—1. PRESIDENT, Sylvanus Olympio, was killed by 1—MILITARY junta led by Gngassigbe Eyadema (29).
19630113             —SUSPENDED, Eyadama, the constitution and instituted direct military rule.
19630113             —SUCCEEDED, NICHOLAS—GRUNITZKY, Olympio.
19630113             Gnassingbe went on to become the country's military dictator, ruling for nearly 4—DECADES —DURING which time he celebrated THE—DAY—OF—OLYMPIO—ASSASSINATION as 1—NATIONAL—HOLIDAY.
19630113             Born 1—GERMAN, of JEW ish origin, KISSINGER has made no secret of his support for...
19630113             The Big Scoop Series #13: All That MATTERS—FOR —NOW!
19630113             TIMOTHY—GEITHNER, PRESIDENT—OF—THE—FEDERAL—RESERVE—BANK—OF—NEW—YORK, our current debacle in IRAQ isn't the 1. war engineered by JEW ish elitists.
19630113             * Tim Kelly on in TRENTON—NEW—JERSEY.
19630113             Bilderberg Group Born 1—GERMAN, of Jew ish origin, Kissinger has made no secret of his support for...
19630113             our current debacle in IRAQ isn't the 1. war engineered by Jew ish elitists.
19640113             KAROL—JÓZEF—WOJTYLA wird zum ERZBISCHOF—VON—KRAKAU geweiht.
19640807—19710113    —AMOUNTED, The resolution, which, to 1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR, was repealed by Congress.
19650113             —TRADED, THE—SF Warriors, Wilt Chamberlain (19360000—19990000    ) to THE—PHILADELPHIA 76ers for 3—PLAYERS and $150,000 cash.
19650113             —ASSUMED, The 76ers, Wilt's $65,000 annual salary.
19650113             2—USA—PLANES were shot down in Laos —WHILE on 1—COMBAT mission.
19660113             —BECAME, ROBERT—C—WEAVER, the 1. black Cabinet member as he was appointed SECRETARY—OF—HOUSING and URBAN—DEVELOPMENT by PRESIDENT—JOHNSON.
19670113             TOGO, putscht Gnassingbé Eyadéma erneut.
19670113             Staatspräsident NICOLAS—GRUNITZKY muss ins Ausland fliehen.
19670113             —ÜBERNIMMT, Gnassingbé Eyadéma, seine Aufgaben.
19670113             —SUSPENDED, Eyadama, the constitution and instituted direct military rule.
19680113             JOHNNY—CASH nimmt im Folsom STATE—PRISON in Kalifornien gemeinsam mit June Carter und den TENNESSEE 3—SEIN 1. LIVE—ALBUM in einem Gefängnis auf.
19680113             At Folsom Prison wird eines der erfolgreichsten Alben aller Zeiten.
19680113             Hester & APPOLINAR—MUSICAL "Your Own Thing," premiered in NEW—YORK—CITY.
19680113             —REPORTED, THE—USA, shifting most air targets from NORTH—VIETNAM to Laos.
19700000             hatte man erstmals angenommen, dass sie existieren.
19720113             Nach einer drastischen Abwertung der ghanaischen Währung Cedi führt OBERST—IGNATIUS—KUTU—ACHEAMPONG einen unblutigen Putsch gegen PRÄSIDENT—EDWARD—AKUFO—ADDO und PREMIERMINISTER—KOFI—ABREFA—BUSIA durch und übernimmt die Staatsführung in GHANA.
19730113             —KILLED, BERNARDSVILLE—NEW—JERSEY, Rabbit Wells (21) was shot 1, by 1—LOCAL patrolman.
19730113—19980000    —AUTHORED, WILLIAM—LOIZEAUX, "The Shooting of Rabbit Wells: 1—AMERICAN—TRAGEDY".
19760113             —BECAME, Sarah Caldwell, the 1. woman to conduct at NEW—YORK—METROPOLITAN—OPERA—HOUSE as she led 1—PERFORMANCE—OF "La Traviata".
19760113             —OUSTED, ARGENTINA, a UK—ENVOY in dispute over FALKLAND—ISLANDS War.
19770113             1—GROßUNFALL im Reaktorblock A des Kernkraftwerks Gundremmingen führt zum Totalschaden des Kernreaktors.
19770113             Es ist in Deutschland der 1. und —BISHER einzige Großunfall eines Kernkraftwerks mit Totalschaden.
19770113—19830000    —J—IM, beginnt der Rückbau des Reaktorblocks.
19780113—19780115    —HELD—ON, EKMS[EUROPEAN—CONFERENCE—FOR—HUMAN—RIGHTS—AND—SELF—DETERMINATION]Völker in Ketten: Nichtrussen in der Sovietunion[Peoples In Chains: NON—RUSSIANS IN—THE—SOVIET—UNION], in LUZERN, published by SOI;
19800104—19800113    —WHEN Brown solicited CHINA—AID for the covert war against THE—SOVIET—TROOPS occupying AFGHANISTAN.
19800104—19800113    The negotiations were successful;
19800113             Auf ihrer Bundesversammlung in KARLSRUHE wird von linken und ökologischen Gruppen die deutsche Bundespartei Die Grünen gegründet.
19800113             THE—USA—OFFERED—PAKISTAN a 2—YEAR—AID—PLAN to counter the Soviet threat in AFGHANISTAN.
19820113             1—AIR—FLORIDA 737 crashed into the capital's 14. Street Bridge —AFTER takeoff and fell into the Potomac River, killing 78—PEOPLE.
19840113             —STABBED, ARIZONA inmate ROBERT—HENRY—MOORMANN beat, and suffocated his adoptive mother, Roberta Moormann (74), who allegedly sexually abused him into adulthood.
19840113—19720000    —IN, He was OUT—OF—PRISON in FLORENCE on furlough for another crime, the kidnapping and molesting of an 8—YEAR—OLD—GIRL.
19840113—20120000    —EXECUTED, ROBERT—HENRY—MOORMANN was.
19850113             Bei der äthiopischen Stadt Awash stürzt 1—PERSONENZUG von einer Brücke.
19850113             Mindestens 392—MENSCHEN sterben, etwa 370—WERDEN verletzt.
19850113             1—TRAIN plunged into 1—RAVINE in EAST—ETHIOPIA and killed at least 392—PEOPLE.
19860113             Im Südjemen bricht 1—BÜRGERKRIEG aus, als PRÄSIDENT—ALI—NASIR—MUHAMMAD—DEM—POLITBÜRO—DES—LANDES fernbleibt und seine Leibwächter den Vizepräsidenten und 4—WEITERE Politbüromitglieder töten.
19860113             Auf Voyager 2-Aufnahmen werden mit Desdemona, Rosalind und Belinda 3—WEITERE Monde des Uranus entdeckt.
19860113             Letter from JOHN—N—MITCHELL to Sarkis SOGHANALIAN.
19860113             Letter from JOHN—N—MITCHELL to Sarkis Soghanalian
19870113             —ARRESTED, WEST—GERMANY—POLICE, MOHAMMED—ALI—HAMADI at THE—FRANKFURT airport, —WHEN customs officials discovered liquid explosives in his luggage.
19870113             —CONVICTED, THE—LEBANON—MAN was, and served 1—LIFE—SENTENCE in GERMANY for 19850000             —THE hijacking of 1—TWA jetliner and KILLING—OF—A—USA—NAVY diver.
19870113             CHICO—CALIFORNIA, DOCTOR—WILLIAM—CHIAPELLA, 67—JAHRE—ALT and his wife Katherine were beaten and stabbed to death in their home.
19870113—19890000    —CONVICTED—OF, STEVEN—CRITTENDEN, 21—JAHRE—ALT was, their murder and sentenced to death.
19870113—20051200    —CONVICTED, Although, and sentenced to life, Hamadi was paroled by GERMANY.
19870113—20130000    —IN, his conviction and sentence were tossed out because prosecutors had dismissed the only African American in the jury pool.
19871020—19890113    —SEE
19880113             —RULED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, 5—3—THAT—PUBLIC—SCHOOL—OFFICIALS had broad powers to censor school newspapers, school plays and other "SCHOOL—SPONSORED expressive activities".
19890113             FRANCE captures HEAD—OF—ETA, JOSé ANTONIO Urrutikoetxea Bengoetxea (Josu Ternera)
19890113             NEW—YORK City subway gunman Bernhard H. Goetz was sentenced to 1—YEAR in prison for possessing 1 unlicensed gun that he used to shoot 4—YOUTHS he said were about to rob him.
19890113             (He was freed the —FOLLOWING September.)
19890113             There was 1—SIT—IN at SF GENERAL—HOSP. by ACT—UP to call attention to the difficulty of obtaining foscarnet, 1—DRUG to stabilize CMV retinitis, 1—COMMON—AIDS—ILLNESS that could lead to blindness.
19900113             DOUGLAS—WILDER wird GOUVERNEUR—VON—VIRGINIA und damit der 1. gewählte afroamerikanische Gouverneur in einem USA—BUNDESSTAAT.
19900113             L. DOUGLAS—WILDER—OF—VIRGINIA, the nation's 1. elected black GOVERNOR, took THE—OATH—OF—OFFICE—IN—RICHMOND.
19910000             HERES—NICKEL - —NOW—BEAT - IT—YOU - filthy. alfatomega.com/20050113.html
19910112—19910113    —NACHT—VOM, In der, sowjetische OMON—TRUPPEN besetzen en Fernsehturm in VILNIUS—LITAUEN, das Gebäude des Komitees für Radio und Fernsehen.
19910112—19910113    Bei dem letztlich erfolglosen Putschversuch werden insgesamt 14—MENSCHEN getötet und über 1.000—MENSCHEN verletzt,
19910112—19910113    die Ereignisse eingehen als Januarereignisse in Litauen, in die Geschichte.
19910113             Staff interview, ABOL HELMY. - BCCI, Report, Chap.2. - Leh khaletny ahebak (20000000             )
19910113             Raga El GEDDAOUI—MORE. Additional Details.
19910113             Also Known As: Why Did You Make Me Love You.
19910113             —AM, Es kam zum Blutsonntag von VILNIUS,
19910113             —AM, 14—ZIVILISTEN wurden bei diesem ANGRIFF getötet, über 1000—VERLETZT.
19910113             UN SECRETARY—GENERAL Javier Perez de Cuellar met with IRAQ—PRESIDENT—SADDAM—HUSSEIN in a bid to avoid war in the Persian Gulf.
19910113             —BESIEGED, Soviet troops, THE—VILNIUS TV tower and crushed 1—WOMAN under 1—TANK, but failed to quash the drive for independence.
19910113             —CLAIMED, The assault, 14—LIVES.
19910113             —OCCUPIED, The Soviets, strong points in VILNIUS—LITHUANIA, in 1—ATTEMPT to stop the independence movement.
19910113             42—PEOPLE were killed in 1—BRAWL and stampede —DURING 1—SOCCER match in JOHANNESBURG—SOUTH—AFRICA.
19910113             Staff interview, Abol Helmy. BCCI, Report, Chap.
19910113             2. - Leh khaletny ahebak (20000000             ) AHMED—HELMY—HALA SHEHA—KHALED Abol NAGA... Khaled Abol NAGA.
19910113—19780000    —SEIT, Lothar Späth (CDU), Ministerpräsident BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERGS, gibt im Zuge der TRAUMSCHIFF—AFFÄRE seinen Rücktritt bekannt.
19920113             Der 9. Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu, dessen Identität der Dalai Lama über 50—JAHRE geheim hielt, wird in Dharamsala symbolisch inthronisiert.
19920113             EDWIN—W—EDWARDS began his 4. term as GOVERNOR—OF—LOUISIANA and continued to 19960108      .
19920113             USA serial killer JEFFREY—DAHMER in 1—PRETRIAL hearing pleaded guilty but insane in 15—OF—THE—17—MURDERS he confessed to committing.
19920113             Israeli, Palestinian and JORDAN—NEGOTIATORS began talks in WASHINGTON on PALESTINE—AUTONOMY.
19920113             —APOLOGIZED, JAPAN, for forcing tens of THOUSANDS—OF—KOREAN women to serve as sex slaves for JAPAN—SOLDIERS —WWII—DURING.
19921228—19930113    —ON, she was found alive in a 6—FOOT—BY—7—FOOT—CONCRETE—BUNKER under the garage of JOHN—ESPOSITO.
19930113             Der ehemalige Staats- und Parteichef in der Deutschen Demokratischen REPUBLIK—ERICH—HONECKER und seine Frau Margot gehen ins Exil nach CHILE.
19930113             —BEGINNT, PARIS, die Unterzeichnung der Chemiewaffenkonvention.
19930113             —RAIDED, American and allied warplanes, SOUTH—IRAQ.
19930113             —BLASTED, The space shuttle Endeavor, off from Cape Canaveral.
19930113             Marine PRIVATE.
19930113             1. Class —DOMINGO Arroyo became the 1. USA serviceman to be killed in SOMALIA.
19930113             —FREED, FORMER—EAST—GERMANY—LEADER—ERICH Honecker was, from prison and allowed to leave for CHILE.
19940113             —DECLARED, LOS—ANGELES, THE—JUDGE—IN—THE—ERIK—MENENDEZ murder case, 1—MISTRIAL —AFTER jurors could not reach 1—VERDICT.
19940113             Authorities in PORTLAND, Ore., arrested SHAWN—ECKARDT, 1—BODYGUARD for figure skater Tonya Harding, and Derrick Smith in connection with the attack on NANCY Kerrigan.
19950113             —BURNED, THE—JOHNSON—GROVE—BAPTIST—CHURCH in BELLS—TENNESSEE, down as did THE—MACEDONIA Baptist Church in DENMARK—TENNESSEE Arson was suspected and investigations by THE—FBI and ATF were —LATER begun.
19950113             He pledged to resign —AFTER approval of 1—DEFICIT cutting budget.
19950113             —UNEARTHED, Authorities in THE—PHILIPPINES said they had, 1—CONSPIRACY by militant Muslims to assassinate JOHN—PAUL—II—PAPA —DURING his visit.
19960113             PRESIDENT—CLINTON paid 1—FRONT—LINE—VISIT to USA—FORCES in Bosnia, praising the troops as "warriors for peace".
19960113             9—REPUBLICAN presidential hopefuls debated in DES—MOINES, IOWA, where FRONT—RUNNER BOB—DOLE and FLAT—TAX champion STEVE—FORBES found themselves facing repeated, bristling criticism.
19970113             —QUESTIONED, SUPREME—COURT—JUSTICES aggressively, both sides in 1—BATTLE over whether 1—SEXUAL—HARASSMENT—LAWSUIT should be allowed to proceed against PRESIDENT—CLINTON —WHILE he was in office.
19970113             —RULED, The —FOLLOWING May, the justices, unanimously that it could.
19970113             7—BLACK—SOLDIERS received the Medal of Honor for —WWII valor;
19970113             the lone survivor, FORMER—LIEUTENANT—VERNON—BAKER, received his medal from PRESIDENT—CLINTON at THE—WHITE—HOUSE.
19980113             DUMPING ON HAITI
19980113             1—VISITOR to Gonaives, on HAITI—NORTHERN—COAST, would likely write it off as 1—TYPICAL—DOWN—AT—THE—HEELS 3. World port town.
19980113             Like most everywhere else in HAITI, it is desperately poor, with dilapidated colonial buildings and HORDES—OF—PEOPLE.
19980113             The visitor might never guess the city's most distinctive and bizarre characteristic:
19980113             its history as 1—GARBAGE dump for THE—CITY—OF—PHILADELPHIA.
19980113             —COMPLETED, The National Football League, 1—BLOCKBUSTER $9.2—BILLION deal with the Walt Disney Co., which got to keep "—MONDAY Night Football" for ABC and won the entire —SUNDAY night cable package for ESPN.
19980113             Linda Tripp, 1—PENTAGON aide, met with Monica Lewinsky —WHILE wearing 1—SECRET listening device, and recorded 1—CONVERSATION concerning Lewinsky's 19950000              alleged affair with PRESIDENT—CLINTON.
19980113             Tripp came forward with allegations that Lewinsky was planning to commit perjury in the Jones vs. Clinton case.
19980113             3—ROBBERS stole $1.17—MILLION at THE—NEW—YORK—CITY—WORLD—TRADE—CENTER from guards delivering money to 1—CURRENCY—EXCHANGE—CENTER.
19980113             —RETURNED, They, to their Brooklyn neighborhood where neighbors reported them and 2/3 were arrested.
19980113             —DUBBED, The robbers were, the blundering bandits —AFTER authorities said they removed their masks —WHILE under video surveillance;
19980113             3—SUSPECTS were arrested.
19980113             —ROBBED, SF, 4 to 5—MEN, 1—JEWELRY salesman in Chinatown near 3—PLAINCLOTHES police officers for some $2—MILLION in jewels and escaped.
19980113             —REPORTED, It was, that scientists at Geron Corp. demonstrated 1—METHOD to reproduce human cells without signs of aging. the process incorporated the use of the telomerase protein.
19980113             —REPORTED, It was, that bycatch (unintended catch that is discarded) from overfishing depletes the world's oceans of 20—MILLION tons 1—YEAR, or roughly 1—OF—EVERY 4—POUNDS caught.
19980113             —WASTED, This, bycatch is equivalent to about 10—POUNDS—OF—FOOD for EVERY—PERSON on Earth.
19980113             1—AFGHAN—RUSSIAN—MADE cargo plane crashed in SOUTH—WEST—PAKISTAN with as many as 90—TALIBAN militia and all were killed.
19980113             AUSTRALIA, a federal court upheld the armed forces' right to expel HIV—POSITIVE soldiers.
19980113             —BLOCKED, IRAQ, 1—UN—WEAPONS—INSPECTION tem led by 1—AMERICAN.
19980113             —ADOPTED, ISRAEL—THE—CABINET, a 12-page LIST—OF—CONDITIONS for the Palestinians to meet —BEFORE THE—TRANSFER—OF—ANY—MORE—WEST—BANK—LAND.
19980113             —FROM RWANDA The government reported that 9—ROMAN—CATHOLIC nuns were killed last —WEEK by Hutu rebels near THE—CONGO border.
19980113             The visitor might never guess the city's most distinctive and bizarre characteristic: its history as 1—GARBAGE dump for THE—CITY—OF—PHILADELPHIA.
19980113—19960000    —REPORTED, It was —LATER, that she had visited THE—WHITE—HOUSE over 3—DOZEN—TIMES—AFTER leaving her job there to work at the Pentagon.
19990000             konnte man sie durch Schwankungen in der kosmischen Hintergrundstrahlung nachweisen,
19990113             60—MINUTES II premiered on TV.
19990113             —ANNOUNCED, MICHAEL—JORDAN, his retirement from basketball and THE—CHICAGO Bulls.
19990113             —DISPATCHED, PRESIDENT—CLINTON—LEGAL—TEAM, 1—FORMAL—TRIAL—BRIEF to the Senate, arguing that neither "fact or law" warranted his removal from office;
19990113             House officials sent the Senate all public evidence in the case.
19990113             —FILED, Lawyers, suit against major garment retailers for inhumane working conditions for THOUSANDS—OF—ASIA—WOMEN on Saipan, 1—USA commonwealth island.
19990113             The expedition to reach THE—SOUTH—POLE by JON—MUIR, PETER—HILLARY and ERIC—PHILLIPS, called in outside support for food.
19990113             1—EXPLOSION on SMACKOVER—ARKANSAS, killed 3—MEN working on 1—NAPHTHA tank valve.
19990113             1—KC 135—REFUELING tanker crashed —WHILE landing near GEILENKIRCHEN—GERMANY, and 4—USA—AIRMEN were killed.
19990113             —ATTACHED, They were, to 1—AIR—NATIONAL—GUARD—UNIT based in SPOKANE.
19990113             —FORCED, BRAZIL was, to allow its currency to slide and global markets fell in response.
19990113             Gustavo Franco, head of the central bank, quit and was replaced by FRANCISCO—LOPES ('Chico').
19990113             —ANNOUNCED, Lopes, 1—NEW trading range for the real between 1.2 and 1.32 to the dollar.
19990113             DOZENS—OF—ILLEGAL—REFUGEES on Crete went on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE to support their demand for political asylum.
19990113             The refugees were Kurds, Indians and Sudanese.
19990113             —FREED, KOSOVO, rebels, 8—YUGOSLAVIA—SOLDIERS—AFTER getting private incentives from INTERNATIONAL officials.
19990113             1—BOAT that was to take them to ITALY ran aground in 1—STORM 19991127       .
19990113—19990114    —SIGNED, MOSCOW, agreements were, with IRAQ to reinforce air defenses and upgrade squadrons of MiG fighters.
19990113—19990125    —COVERED, MARVIN—KALB, this period of the Monicagate story in his 20010000              book: "1—SCANDALOUS—STORY: Clinton, Lewinsky, and 13—DAYS That Tarnished USA—JOURNALISM".
19990113—19991207    —APPROVED, The $160—MILLION—DEAL had been reportedly, by PRIME—MINISTER—PRIMAKOV.
19991116             He will be released 20070113             , —WHEN he turns 21.
20000113             —STEPPED, BILL—GATES, down as CEO—OF—MICROSOFT and handed the leadership over to STEVE—BALLMER.
20000113             ALGERIA, the deadline for the surrender of Islamic militants expired.
20000113             —ARRESTED, BRAZIL, MEXICO—SINGER—GLORIA Trevi was, with her manager SERGIO—ANDRADE and Maria Raquenal Portillo on MEXICO—CHARGES—OF corrupting Karina Yapor (17).
20000113             —BECAME, Trevi, pregnant in May and rape was suspected.
20000113             —REMOVED, BRASILIA federal police CHIEF—PAULO—MAGALHAES was, from his post in October.
20000113             —PERFORMED, FRANCE, a 50—MEMBER—SURGICAL—TEAM, the world's 1. DOUBLE—HAND and forearm transplant at EDOUARD—HERRIOT Hospital in a 17-hour operation led by DOCTOR—JEAN—MICHEL—DUBERNARD.
20000113             —CHARGED, SERBIA—AUTHORITIES, 144 jailed ethnic Albanians with terrorism in Kosovo —DURING 19990000          .
20000113             VITINA, Kosovo, Merita Shabiu, an 11—YEAR—OLD—ALBANIA—GIRL, was raped and murdered.
20000113             —CONFESSED, Ronghi —LATER, and was sentenced to life in prison.
20000113             1—SWISS—SHORTS—300—360—AIRPLANE carrying LIBYA—OIL—WORKERS to 1—REFINERY at Marsa EL—BREGA crashed off THE—LIBYA coast and at least 15—OF 41—PEOPLE were killed.
20000113—20000116    —CHARGED, USA—SOLDIER, Staff SERGEANT—FRANK—J—RONGHI, 35—JAHRE—ALT, was, for the rape and murder.
20010113             Bei einem Erdbeben der Stärke 7,7 in EL—SALVADOR kommen 944—MENSCHEN ums Leben.
20010113             —CONDEMNED, No PAKISTAN—RULER has, the Jihadi culture and terrorism as squarely as GENERAL—MUSHARRAF has done in his 20010112              speech.
20010113             —WELCOMED, INDIA has guardedly, his speech but will have to wait to see it implemented.
20010113             Terrorist Attack on PARLIAMENT: Striking at THE—HEART—OF—INDIA—DEMOCRACY
20010113             —CRASHED, UTAH, 1—SMALL—PLANE, into the Great Salt Lake and all 9—PEOPLE aboard were killed.
20010113             EL—SALVADOR, a 7.6—EARTHQUAKE hit near S—SALVADOR.
20010113             —ACCOUNTED, Some 1200—PEOPLE were not, for in the buried Las Colinas neighborhood.
20010113             —ORIGINATED, The "slab earthquake", 24—36—MILES below the surface.
20010113             —CLIMBED, The earthquake death toll —LATER, to over 840. Damages were estimated at $1—BILLION.
20010113             —EXECUTED, THE—PALESTINE—AUTHORITY, the 1. 2—PALESTINIANS ever convicted of collaborating with ISRAEL.
20010113             —THE—EL—SALVADOR earthquake death toll climbed to over 707 and damages were estimated at $1—BILLION 20010113             —SEE.
20010113—20010000    Topics
20010114—20010113    —FROM—THE, EL—SALVADOR, aftershocks continued earthquake and the death toll climbed to over 400.
20011219—20011224    —ARRESTED, Longo was, in MEXICO 20010113          .
20020112—20020113    —FOLLOWED, MEXICO, 1—RAIN—STORM was, by 1—FREEZE and as many as 270—MILLION monarch butterflies were killed at THE—ROSARIO and Sierra Chincua colonies in Michoacan state.
20020113             —PERFORMED, THE—OFF—BROADWAY musical "The Fantasticks" was, for the last time, ending 1—RUN—OF nearly 42—YEARS and 17,162 shows.
20020113             PRESIDENT—BUSH lost consciousness briefly —AFTER he choked on 1—COOKIE —WHILE watching 1—FOOTBALL—GAME on TV.
20020113             Treasury SECRETARY—PAUL—O'NEILL and Commerce SECRETARY—DON—EVANS said on talk shows they had never considered intervening in ENRON—SPIRAL toward bankruptcy, nor informed PRESIDENT—BUSH—OF—REQUESTS for help from the fallen energy giant.
20020113             Longo had fled THE—USA and impersonated JOURNALIST—MICHAEL—FINKEL —WHILE abroad.
20020113             —FIRED, Finkel was, by THE—NY Times Magazine in February for creating 1—COMPOSITE character in 1—STORY on child slavery in WEST—AFRICA.
20020113             † TED—DEMME, film and TV director, at age 38—WHILE playing in 1—CELEBRITY basketball game in Santa Monica.
20020113             —ARMED, INDIA, militants in Tripura state killed 16 and wounded 10 in the Singicherra area.
20020113             —TARGETED, The outlawed National Liberation Front of Tripura, Bengali immigrants.
20020113             —CONCLUDED, Muslim scholars, a 6—DAY—CONFERENCE in MECCA and issued 1—DEFINITION—OF—TERRORISM as: "all ACTS—OF—AGGRESSION committed by individuals, groups or states against human beings, including attacks on their religion, life, intellect or property.
20020113—20010000    —WANTED, CHRISTIAN—MICHAEL—LONGO, 27—JAHRE—ALT, on charges of killing his wife and 3—CHILDREN and dumping their bodies into coastal waters off OREGON, was arrested in MEXICO.
20020113—20050000    —AUTHORED, Finkel, "True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa".
20020806             —RETURNED, They, to GUATEMALA 20030113          .
20030113             Mobilization Against the Military and Economic USA Intervention in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean "Otro Mundo Es POSIBLE—ANOTHER
20030113             Overview and Analysis of Current USA Unilateral Economic Sanctions
20030113             —JUMPED, CONNECTICUT SENATOR—JOSEPH—LIEBERMAN, into 20040000             —THE race for PRESIDENT.
20030113             —FILED, The owners of FAO Schwarz, for Chapter 11—BANKRUPTCY—PROTECTION.
20030113             —ARRESTED, Rock musician Pete Townshend was, in LONDON on suspicion of possessing indecent IMAGES—OF—CHILDREN.
20030113             —ACKNOWLEDGED, Townshend, using 1—INTERNET—WEB—SITE advertising child pornography, but said he was not 1—PEDOPHILE and was only doing research for 1—AUTOBIOGRAPHY dealing with his own suspected childhood sexual abuse;
20030113             he was eventually cleared of possessing pornographic IMAGES—OF—CHILDREN.
20030113             USA—WARPLANES struck 1—ANTI—SHIP missile launcher in SOUTH—IRAQ.
20030113             —DROPPED, USA—PLANES also, leaflets over An Najaf, about 85—MILES—SOUTH—EAST—OF—BAGHDAD.
20030113             It was the 14. drop in 3—MONTHS.
20030113             —REPORTED, It was, that IRAQ has experienced 1—DRAMATIC—INCREASE in child cancers in recent years.
20030113             —DEPLETED, Blame was cast on THE—USA—USE—OF, uranium —DURING 19910000             —THE Gulf War.
20030113             HOLLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—JAAP—DE—HOOP—SCHEFFER took over as HEAD—OF—THE 55-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in EUROPE for 20030000          .
20030113             He said THE—VIENNA—BASED OSCE would sharpen its efforts to improve border security and police cooperation and cut off THE—FLOW—OF—CASH to terrorist groups.
20030113             —BANNED, UN inspectors took their hunt for, arms to science and technology colleges in BAGHDAD, and the top nuclear inspector said his teams' mission would take several more months.
20030113             1—INDONESIA COURT—SENTENCED—ANG—KIEM—SOEI, 1—HOLLAND—CITIZEN—OF—CHINA—DESCENT, to death for operating what police say was 1—OF—THE—BIGGEST ecstasy factories in SOUTH—EAST—ASIA.
20030113             2—PALESTINIANS threw grenades at 1—ISRAEL—BUS in THE—GAZA Strip and were shot dead by ISRAEL—TROOPS, and 1—ISLAMIC—JIHAD activist was killed in 1—EXPLOSION in THE—WEST—BANK.
20030113             —WAVED, Protesters, Puerto Rican flags and shouted "Navy get out!" as fighter jets dropped inert bombs over Vieques in what the Navy says will be its last ROUND—OF—TRAINING on the island.
20030113             —CELEBRATED, TOGO—PRESIDENT—GNASSINGBE—EYADEMA, 36—YEARS in power —MONDAY with 1—MILITARY—PARADE, 1—DISPLAY derided by opposition groups as "1—SHEER—WASTE—OF—TIME".
20030113             —FROM mareichl@ping.at Mon From: mareichl@ping...
20030113             Mobilization Against the Military and Economic USA—INTERVENTION in Latin AMERICA and the Caribbean "Otro Mundo Es POSIBLE—ANOTHER...
20030113             Meenakshi Ganguly, "1—BANKING—SYSTEM... 20020000             );
20031003—20040113    —SEE
20031229—20030113    —ON, Police found his parents dead by suicide.
20040113             Helmut Kohl erhält den Internationalen Adalbertpreis.
20040113             —ENDORSED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, THE—USE—OF—POLICE—ROAD—BLOCKS as 1—INVESTIGATIONAL tool for finding witnesses to recent crimes.
20040113             1—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH report said more than $4—BILLION in oil revenue disappeared from ANGOLA—STATE coffers 19970000—20020000    —BETWEEN, even as the country was struggling to recover from 27—YEARS—OF—CIVIL—WAR.
20040113             —KILLED, MARYLAND, 1—FIERY explosion, 5 on the northbound lanes of Interstate 95. 1—TANKER carrying flammable material plunged off 1—OVERPASS on Interstate 895, landing in the northbound lane of I-95.
20040113             CANADA—PRIME—MINISTER—PAUL—MARTIN met USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH officially for the 1. time.
20040113             —ANNOUNCED, Bush, that CANADA will be allowed into a 2. round of bidding for contracts to rebuild IRAQ.
20040113             —PROPOSED, The European Commission, 1—INITIATIVE aimed at creating 1—SINGLE—MARKET for services within the European Union (EU), similar to the single market for goods act of 19860000          .
20040113             It came to be known as Bolkestein Directive —AFTER THE—HOLLAND—COMMISSIONER—FRITS Bolkestein (19330000              *), who launched it.
20040113             —OPPOSED, Trade unions, it.
20040113             —ON 16—FEBRUARY 20060000             , the European PARLIAMENT in plenary session in STRASBOURG voted in favor of 1—COMPROMISE proposal that went 1—LONG—WAY towards meeting the trade union demands.
20040113             —CONVICTED, CHARLES—GRANER was, on 5—COUNTS—OF—ASSAULT and sentenced to 10—YEARS in 1—MILITARY stockade.
20040113             —OPERATED, Graner said he had, under orders from superior officers.
20040113             Hostile fire brought down A—USA—ARMY—APACHE attack helicopter in IRAQ, but THE—2—CREW members escaped injury.
20040113             —ENDED, MEXICO, the 34-nation SUMMIT—OF—THE—AMERICAS.
20040113             —REACHED, THE—USA, out to its neighbors on free trade and battling corruption, smoothing tense relations with Latin USA—LEADERS.
20040113             —HANGED, NORTH—ENGLAND, DOCTOR—HAROLD—SHIPMAN was found, in his Wakefield prison cell 1—DAY—BEFORE his 58. birthday.
20040113             —MAINTAINED, He always, his innocence.
20040113             1—HOLLAND—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENT walked into his school's crowded cafeteria and shot Hans van Wieren (49), 1—ECONOMICS—TEACHER, POINT—BLANK in the head, fatally wounding him.
20040113             1—SENIOR—SWAZILAND aide said MISS—WATI—III—KING—OF— has ordered 9—PALACES built within existing royal compounds to house 7—OF—HIS 10—WIVES and 2—FUTURE brides.
20040113             —IMPOVERISHED, Some $15—MILLION—OF his, kingdom's national budget would be used on the project.
20040113             Thai and MALAYSIA—MILITARY—FORCES began joint land and air patrols along their jungle border for the 1. time —SINCE the 1970s.
20040113             —CRASHED, TASHKENT—UZBEKISTAN, 1—DOMESTIC airliner, on approach to the airport.
20040113             All 37—PEOPLE, including the top UNITED—NATIONS official for UZBEKISTAN, were killed.
20040113—20000000    —CONVICTED, He was, of killing 15—PATIENTS and —LATER was found to have murdered at least 200—MORE, mostly by lethal injection.
20040113—20040320    —LODGED, Criminal charges were, against 6—SOLDIERS.
20040113—20050000    —IN, Spc.
20041031             Dem Bitch Kicks Student 1—PART—TIME—COLLEGE instructor has apologized for kicking 1—STUDENT because he was wearing 1—REPUBLICAN shirt.
20041118—20050113    DC: Counterinaugural planning
20050110             USA: Schwerer Wintersturm fordert mehrere Tote... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             Lefterer_com Progress Report (Permalink) By BENJAMIN—HARRISON on —SATURDAY, 20050108      .
20050113             New Feature:Republicans On The March By BENJAMIN—HARRISON on —MONDAY, 20050110              Read This Feature
20050113             Doomsday for Democracy: THE—GOP Goes Apocalyptic (Permalink) By BENJAMIN—HARRISON on —TUESDAY, 20050111              20050113             Lefterer, in its roughly 4 and 1—HALF—MONTHS—OF—OPERATION, has...
20050113             The twins" snatch profit from disaster.
20050113             Heretical Librarian: 20040606—20040612
20050113             The bubble is —JUST waiting to be burst.
20050113             can see 1—RECIPE for disaster in the making;
20050113             Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster + who don't.
20050113             The Inger Letter
20050113             In all the advances —SINCE the 1800's, post BUBBLE—BURST phases were followed by... funds into the market then (far from wanting to profit from disaster, but if it...
20050113             New Feature:Republicans On The March By BENJAMIN—HARRISON
20050113             Doomsday for Democracy: THE—GOP Goes Apocalyptic (Permalink)
20050113             HERE—1—INTERESTING exercise: go to THE—NEW—YORK Times story from this —MORNING on soldiers testifying in the trial of CHARLES—GRANER,
20050113             the accused RING—LEADER in the tortures carried out in THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison —LAST—YEAR.
20050113             —NOW go to your browser's menu and select 'find.' In the window that pops up type in the word 'torture' and run the search,
20050113             then go to the 2. PAGE—OF—THE—ARTICLE and run the search again.
20050113             At least on my computer that word shows up 0—TIMES in 1—ENTIRE—ARTICLE about 1—TORTURE—TRIAL.
20050113             WARNING : ODDITIES AHEAD ! THIS SITE called WEIRD Find Future Answer s @ :
20050113             or powered by we need COMMON—SENSE—JUDGES who understand that our rights were derived from God.
20050113             1—COLLECTION—OF—THOUGHTS: 20041000              Archives
20050113             —SUNDAY, 20041031              Dem Bitch Kicks Student 1—PART—TIME—COLLEGE instructor has apologized for kicking 1—STUDENT because he was wearing 1—REPUBLICAN shirt.
20050113             Whiskey Bar: BYOB
20050113             Maybe it's 1—LINGERING —AFTER effect of my trip, or maybe it's —JUST because the news has been so particularly,
20050113             Lefterer com ~ Stoking the fire in your loins. I mean heart.
20050113             Lefterer com Progress Report (Permalink) By BENJAMIN—HARRISON —ON—SATURDAY, ;;01;;
20050113             8., 20050000          .
20050113             Lefterer, in its roughly 4 and 1—HALF—MONTHS—OF—OPERATION, We've only been going for 1—FEW months.
20050113             Politics, humor, community etc.
20050113             Majority Report Radio: post show POST—MONDAY
20050113             Lefterer By BENJAMIN—HARRISON 20041018          .
20050113             THE—SON—OF—FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER pleaded guilty —ON—THURSDAY to 1—ROLE in 1 foiled mercenary plot in WEST—AFRICAN—UNDER 1—PLEA bargain to avoid prison
20050113             Thatcher heads for THE—USA—AFTER court drama:
20050113             —EXPECTED, SIR—MARK—THATCHER is, to leave SOUTH—AFRICA for THE—USA—WITHIN the next few days, sentenced to 1—R3—MILLION—FINE for his involvement in THE—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA coup plot.
20050113             Ridge seeks fingerprints on passports:
20050113             Americans' fingerprints should be added to their passports, outgoing Homeland Security SECRETARY—TOM—RIDGE said —WEDNESDAY,
20050113             hoping to include THE—USA in 1—GROWING global security standard but risking 1—PRIVACY fight at home.
20050113             REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAU: Government IDs and Identity Theft:
20050113             This act protects THE—USA—PEOPLE from GOVERNMENT—MANDATED uniform identifiers that facilitate private crime as well as THE—ABUSE—OF—LIBERTY.
20050113             The major PROVISION—OF—THE—IDENTITY—THEFT—PREVENTION—ACT halts the practice of using the Social Security number as 1—IDENTIFIER by requiring the Social Security Administration to issue all Americans new Social Security numbers within —5—YEARS—AFTER THE—ENACTMENT—OF—THE—BILL.
20050113             Woman loses insurance coverage for her politics:
20050113             —RETIRED, Helen Johnston is an 80—YEAR—OLD, pediatrician who hardly considers herself much of 1—RISK for being sued.
20050113             That's not how her insurance company sees it, however.
20050113             Ruling gives cops leeway with GPS:
20050113             In 1—DECISION that could dramatically affect criminal investigations nationwide,
20050113             1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled police didn't need 1—WARRANT—WHEN they attached 1—SATELLITE tracking device to the underbelly of 1—CAR being driven by 1—SUSPECTED—HELLS—ANGELS operative.
20050113             FBI may give up on $500M computer overhaul:
20050113             USA officials are preparing to scrap a $500—MILLION—PROJECT to update FBI computers so they can better share information about terrorists and other threats.
20050113             Sharp rise in ;;11;;'s USA—DEFICIT hits dollar:
20050113             —WIDENED, THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT, sharply in ;;11;; to 1—RECORD $60.3bn,
20050113             renewing pressure on the ailing dollar and causing economists to scale back their forecasts for economic growth.
20050113             —DECRIED, USA, ISRAEL—PRESSURE on Syria :
20050113             THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL are perpetuating the military gap between ISRAEL and Syria by controlling THE—BALANCE—OF—POWER, 1—SYRIA—ANALYST has said.
20050113             —QUESTIONED, Lies that are never :
20050113             Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500—TONS—OF—SARIN,
20050113             mustard and VX nerve agent.
20050113             20030128              20050113             The Truth Shall Set You Back: Lying Is No Sin For BUSH—MINIONS:
20050113             It is not surprising that 1—ADMINISTRATION that rose so directly from corporate AMERICA would operate the same way.
20050113             Has anyone, for instance, lost his job for being wrong about WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION or for failing to put enough troops in place to secure IRAQ —BEFORE 1—DEADLY—INSURGENCY could take hold?
20050113             THOM—HARTMANN : Hyping Terror For Fun, PROFIT—AND Power:
20050113             What if there really was no need for MUCH—OR even MOST—OF—THE—COLD—WAR?
20050113             —MISSED, In case you, it?: Video: Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and THE—USA—EMPIRE:
20050113             Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson,
20050113             joins host HARRY—KREISLER for 1—CONVERSATION on the nature of THE—USA—EMPIRE and its costs and consequences for THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY and power in the world.
20050113             —BANNED, Search for, weapons in IRAQ ends quietly:
20050113             —CONFIRMED, THE—WHITE—HOUSE has, that THE—USA—SEARCH in IRAQ for banned weapons,
20050113             which it —EARLIER cited as justification for the war against Saddam Hussein, has been quietly ended —AFTER nearly 2—YEARS, with no EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—EXISTENCE.
20050113             More Dissent In Pentagon Ranks Over IRAQ War:
20050113             For the 2. time in as MANY—MONTHS, 1—REPORT by 1—KEY—PENTAGON advisory group has implicitly taken THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to task for major failures in PRE—WAR planning, particularly with respect to IRAQ.
20050113             —DEFIED, Pentagon ban on filming coffins :
20050113             1—USA—NATIONAL—GUARD—UNIT has defied 1—PENTAGON request that sought to stop television news crews filming 6—FLAG—DRAPED soldiers' coffins arriving in LOUISIANA.
20050113             —NAKED, Female MPs at ABU—GHRAIB were told to laugh at, detainees: witness:
20050113             Interrogators at ABU—GHRAIB routinely told female soldiers to ridicule naked detainees and asked MPs to rough up 1—PRISONER,
20050113             1—WITNESS said at 1—COURT martial examining abuses at THE—USA—RUN—IRAQ—PRISON.
20050113             WHITE—HOUSE—FOUGHT New Curbs on Interrogations, Officials Say:
20050113             At THE—URGING—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Congressional leaders scrapped 1—LEGISLATIVE—MEASURE last —MONTH that would have imposed new restrictions on the use of extreme interrogation measures by USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS, Congressional officials say.
20050113             Human Rights Watch Calls On USA To Change Policy On Interrogations, Appoint Prosecutor:
20050113             The report's lead essay raises alarm about the treatment of THE—550—MOSTLY Afghan and IRAQ—DETAINEES at THE—USA—MILITARY—BASE at GUANTANAMO Bay,
20050113             CUBA, as well as THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—OTHER—DETAINEES.
20050113             Misdemeanors But No Felonies in UN OIL—FOR—FOOD—AUDIT:
20050113             1—SERIES—OF—58—INTERNAL—AUDITS—OF—THE—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME in IRAQ has revealed overbilling and management lapses by its UNITED—NATIONS supervisors, but no LARGE—SCALE—FRAUD.
20050113             Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to AMERICA:
20050113             —WHILE SOME—PEOPLE might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and WELL—BEING—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE,
20050113             nothing could be further from the truth.
20050113             Academic Sector Organizations and Programs:
20050113             For more than 3—DECADES, conservative strategists have mounted 1—EXTRAORDINARY—EFFORT to reshape politics and public policy priorities at the national,
20050113             state and local level.
20050113             —DESCRIBED, Although this effort has often been, as a "WAR—OF—IDEAS," it has involved far more than scholarly debate within the halls of academe.
20050113             The Myth of the Liberal Media:
20050113             The Propaganda MODEL—OF—NEWS: EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture,
20050113             the idea of the "liberal media".
20050113             —SUBORDINATED, They reveal the manner in which the news media are so, to corporate and conservative interests that their function can only be described as that of "elite propaganda".
20050113             16—HOUSE—DEMS urge Bush to start pullout from IRAQ:
20050113             16—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS led by REPRESENTATIVE—LYNN—WOOLSEY—OF—PETALUMA called on PRESIDENT—BUSH—ON—WEDNESDAY to begin the immediate withdrawal of USA troops from IRAQ,
20050113             —JUST as SOME—ADMINISTRATION—SUPPORTERS are —STARTING to question the wisdom of staying the course in the war.
20050113             ROBERT—FISK : We won't go home and we won't vote, say refugees of FALLUJAH:
20050113             They live beneath old FLY—BLOWN tents in THE—CAR—PARK—OF—THE—MUSTAFA mosque and their CANVAS—ROOFED kitchen stands next to 1—POOL—OF—RAW—SEWAGE,
20050113             but the refugees from FALLUJAH will not return home.
20050113             —PLAYED, THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION, down voter turnout —YESTERDAY in determining the elections' legitimacy and urged Americans not to get bogged in 1—NUMBERS—GAME in judging the balloting
20050113             This election could plunge IRAQ further into the abyss:
20050113             The elections are likely at best to be irrelevant, at worst to plunge IRAQ deeper into the abyss.
20050113             The Normalization of Horror
20050113             USA USA—GULAGS BECOME PERMANENT BY Ted Rall
20050113             A new documentary, "HITLER—HIT—PARADE," runs 76—MINUTES without narration.
20050113             Comprised entirely of archival footage, the film prompts its reviewers to remark upon Hannah ARENDT—FAMOUS—OBSERVATION about the banality of evil.
20050113             —SUBJUGATED, GERMANY—TROOPS, EUROPE and shoved MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE into ovens;
20050113             GERMANY—CIVILIANS went to the movies,
20050113             attended concerts + gossiped about their neighbors.
20050113             —LIVED, People, mundane, normal lives —WHILE their government carried out unspeakable monstrosities.
20050113             Sound familiar? Continued - Worker Bees and Soldier Ants: AMERICA—ARMY—OF—FASCISM
20050113             —TRAINED, Brainwashed from birth to adore the red, white and blue, to never question THE—AUTHORITY—OF—GOVERNMENT or THE—DECISIONS—OF—POLITICIANS,
20050113             conditioned in the fine arts of nationalistic propaganda, manipulated into loyalty to the state and deceived to the altruistic FICTIONS—OF—USA—HISTORY,
20050113             children are subjected to 1—EDUCATION designed to eradicate FREE—THINKING minds,
20050113             transforming questioning entities into subservient soldiers DEVOID—OF—REBELLION or resistance to bad governance.
20050113             MILITARY—MESHES com Forums - ´120mm Mortar By EXPAL...
20050113             120mm, made by EXPAL + 2—GRENADES, Aerodinamic by EXPAL & Cluster
20050113             use by soldiers, the same version are carrier by TOAS M -113 & - The time —NOW is 11 :35 PM...
20050113             beatiful for me, with authorization of yankee M -4 & - 11 . - Uh 60—BLACKHAWK.
20050113             Views: 343. —POSTED By karras. 3. ´120mm Mortar By EXPAL.
20050113             Views: 74. —POSTED.
20050113             3DM Community / Pro Digital ARTS—SEARCH Results...
20050113             2th.- Number 15 3th.- Number 13 1.- Number 11 2th.- Number
20050113             also I upload 1—MODEL—OF—EXPAL Mortar and the web
20050113             —POSTED By KaS. Hi Stryker, —NOW yes, i' m ready &.
20050113             Paz Digital - 11-M. Extrañas relaciones entre la Unión Española...
20050113             —AGREED, USA baseball owners and players, to 1—MORE stringent drug policy.
20050113             Comisión 11 - M. - Auto del juez DEL—OLMO
20050113             It would suspend 1.—TIME offenders —FOR—10—DAYS and randomly tested players —YEAR—ROUND.
20050113             de Masa en BURGOS es propiedad de la empresa Explosivos de BURGOS (EDB), que pertenece al Grupo EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses...
20050113             THE—FBI said it may have to scrap 1—COSTLY—COMPUTER—SYSTEM—OVERHAUL.
20050113             —ENTERED, THE—EUROPEAN—BUILT space probe Huygens, THE—ATMOSPHERE—OF—SATURN—LARGEST—MOON, Titan.
20050113             LAUNCH—OF—1—MISSILE produced entirely in TURKEY 20001102
20050113             1—BLACK—HAWK helicopter crashed —DURING 1—COUNTERNARCOTICS—MISSION in THE—JUNGLES—OF—SOUTH—WEST—COLOMBIA, killing all 20—SOLDIERS aboard.
20050113             was in the past acquired by TURKEY from SPAIN—COMPANY—EXPAL.
20050113             —PLEADED, SIR—MARK—THATCHER, guilty to unwittingly helping to finance 1 foiled coup plot in OIL—RICH—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA, accepting a $506,000 fine and suspended jail sentence.
20050113             El Periódico Extremadura...
20050113             —IGNITED, IRAN, 1—MALFUNCTIONING heater in 1—IRAN—SCHOOL, 1—BARREL of kerosene, touching off 1—BLAZE that killing 13—CHILDREN.
20050113             —OPENED, IRAQ, gunmen, fire on 1—MINIBUS picking up 1—TURKEY—BUSINESSMAN from the Bakhan Hotel in CENTRAL—BAGHDAD, killing 6—IRAQIS and kidnapping the Turk, who reportedly ran 1—CONSTRUCTION—COMPANY that worked with USA—LED occupation authorities.
20050113             raiz de los atentados perpetrados por grupos islamistas el pasado 11 - M en MADRID
20050113             .firma forma parte de la compañía Explosivos Alaveses SA ( Expal ), dedicada a...
20050113             —KILLED, IRAQ—WEST—ANBAR, province 2—USA—MARINES were, in action, and 1—SOLDIER † near the restive NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL.
20050113             DIARIOVASCO com | ECONOMÍA—LA empresa de explosivos Expal
20050113             fabricaba en Iruña de Oca granadas, morteros y munición para tanques, pero la... las crecientes medidas de seguridad a partir del 11 -Sy del 11 - M, junto a...
20050113             IRAQ, 28—PRISONERS held by IRAQ—AUTHORITIES for common crimes escaped as they were being transported by bus from THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison to another facility.
20050113             10 were quickly recaptured.
20050113             Boletín de Noticias de Defensa com...
20050113             —ADVANCED, ISRAEL—FOREIGN—MINISTER said the planned sale of, RUSSIA—MISSILES to Syria will disrupt regional stability and MOSCOW should call off the deal.
20050113             que las bombas que contenían esos gases no eran de la española Expal, entonces...Hasta tú sabes en tu fuero interno que el 11 - M fue definitivo a la hora del...
20050113             que se hundieran las torres gemelas en el 11 -S. El... una bombona de butano, una cuerda de 20—M amarrada en... Esta bomba fue diseñada por EXPAL para Irak pero se...
20050113             NEPAL—PRIME—MINISTER—SHER—BAHADUR—DEUBA said he would call elections and intensify 1—CRACKDOWN against Maoist rebels —AFTER they turned down his OFFER—OF—PEACE—TALKS.
20050113             Independencia 27...
20050113             —KILLED, PALESTINE—MILITANTS, 6—ISRAEL—WORKERS at 1—GAZA crossing.
20050113             3—PALESTINE—ATTACKERS were also killed.
20050113             armamentos, posteriormente confirmada, que la empresa española EXPAL iba a
20050113             POLAND, 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW that allows authorities to shoot down hijacked planes as 1—LAST—RESORT took effect, PART—OF—EFFORTS to protect the country from attacks similar to those of 20050911          .
20050113             El 11—DE Agosto de 19360000              moría Blas Infante
20050113             mu bien lo ke dehe xikitiyo m 'a'nzeñao...
20050113             1—RUSSIA—PASSENGER—PLANE with 10—PEOPLE on BOARD went missing on 1—FLIGHT over Siberia.
20050113             [DOC] RAMON SAIZARBITORIA...
20050113             —SENTENCED, SAUDI—ARABIA—JUDICIAL—OFFICIALS said 1—RELIGIOUS—COURT has, 15—SAUDIS, including 1—WOMAN, to as many as 250—LASHES each and up to 6—MONTHS in prison for participating in 1—PROTEST against the monarchy.
20050113             esanda:
20050113             Talleres Iruña SA eta M. - Torres Diseños - 1—GAS leak was suspected.
20050113             GAMESA, SPASA, EXPAL, FABRINOR eta SAFT IBERICA, Araban.
20050113             BOMBAS... - 11.
20050113             moleculares do explosivo, a uma velocidade de aproximadamente 340—M /s (velocidade
20050113             .Abaixo vai um exemplo de granada moderna " Expal " que utiliza esse tipo de...
20050113             Red ÁFRICA—EUROPA, Fe y Justicia
20050113             La Red está presente en 11—PAÍSES europeos (a través de Antenas nacionales) y tiene un secretariado en Bruselas para hacer el seguimiento de la legislación...
20050113             El largo éxodo de los refugiados y desplazados.
20050113             el mismo senti­miento pa­trio" ( M.
20050113             Chilinda, del - ( 11 ) Aunque al­gu­nos flujos sean co­yunturales
20050113             en España corre a cargo de EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses SA...
20050113             Actualites... - USA, 11—SEPTEMBRE 20010000              : "NI RIRE NI PLEURER,
20050113             MAIS - ont été fabriquées par l'entreprise Expal,
20050113             dont des - M. - Axworthy a également déclaré qu'en décembre à.
20050113             A-Infos HYPER—ARCHIVE: (Cast) Acratador 54.txt...
20050113             de la DGA los okupas rurales, que abandonaron en m = ayo Sase
20050113             o Del 4—AL 11—DE agosto el colectivo PRO—INSUMISION
20050113             l= a marcha fue a la fabrica Expal que fabrica...
20050113             RESOLUCION de 11—DE abril de 20030000             ,
20050113             de la - combinado, código 4G, marca "Cartonajes M. - Petit, SA.
20050113             BOE—MARTES, 23—DE marzo de 20040000              20050113             ... y gestión del tráfico en la autovía M -50 (MADRID
20050113             convoca concurso del pliego de bases 11 /03—DE... - Las minas antipersonal...
20050113             hace saltar entre 1—MY 2—M antes de... mismo epígrafe que bombas, granadas, municiones y proyectiles ( 11 ).
20050113             19910000             , la empresa Explosivos Alaveses ( EXPAL ) logró un...
20050113             Antimilitarismo. Gastos de armamento. Guerra. Datos sobre la.
20050113             su cabecera del grupo de Defensa EXPAL (Explosivos Alave
20050113             Tabla IV: Principales Inversiones militares del M º de Defensa
20050113             en la factoría de explosivos ( 20001106             ... - REVISTA FUSION.
20050113             También por efectos del 11—DE septiembre, están en un proceso de
20050113             con espoleta de la empresa española Explosivos Alaveses ( EXPAL ), una de...
20050113             Industrie de fabrication
20050113             Alimentation (27) - Caoutchouc ( 11 ) - Équipement et machinerie (550) - Métaux et minéraux (146) - Mobilier (81).
20050113             [RTF] EL LLARG EXILI DELS-
20050113             Però els uneix el mateix sentiment patri" ( M.
20050113             Chilinda, del SJR... Unit (de 44,7 a 24,6 mil).( 11 ) Encara que... a Espanya va a càrrec d' EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses.
20050113             [DOC] EL LARGO ÉXODO - Pero les une el mismo sentimiento patrio" ( M.
20050113             Chilinda, del SJR - de 44,7 a 24,6 mil).( 11 ) Aunque algunos - Septiembrerécord parafondosycoches
20050113             15y24 VivendiPublishing..... 11—VIVENDIUNIVERSAL
20050113             ...8 ... Explosivos,quecuentaconuna unidaddedefensaencabezada porExplosivosAlaveses( Expal ).
20050113             es NNTP—POSTING—DATE: National Environmental Strategies...
20050113             with other government agencies and private eonsorUato cooperate to promote research, development and deployment oftechnological advances m vehicles, component...
20050113             armada INTERNATIONAL—THE—AIR, sea and land communities'...
20050113             joint development by Raytheon and Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), based on
20050113             —SELECTED, THE—AUP—3( M ) version has been, for
20050113             penetrator is THE—550—KG B61- 11, designed... - SELF—PROPELLED Artillery
20050113             Page 1. 43—ARMADA INTERNATIONAL 4/2003—COMPLETE—GUIDE—SELF—PROPELLED ARTILLERY—THE passing of the Crusader left MANY—UNCERTAINTIES in its wake.
20050113             ve Director STEPHEN—D—GOOSE—PROGRAM—DIRECTOR—WILLIAM M.
20050113             Progress in implementing Article 5: 1—OVERVIEW—OF—THE—MINE...-
20050113             Page 11 . - 11—PERIOD—NUMBER—OF—STAFF—PRODUCTIVITY ( m ²) Costs ($) —YEAR 1 2,347 14,335,000.00 10,649,092.00
20050113             Overview Defense Industry Environment
20050113             Barbara) C EDB C Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ) C Fabricaciones - C M -60—TANK upgrade C M -113 Armored
20050113             C Harrier AV-8B AIRCRAFT—REMANUFACTURE—OF—11—AIRCRAFT C F...
20050113             Soft viscoelastic robot skin capable of accurately sensing contact...
20050113             skin attribute specific gravity (25"e) 0.98—PENETRATION (JISKZ220) 55—VISCOSITY [rnPa.sCP 1,
20050113             m linear expal ,sion co]eficient - di ni = (Pi, ni) ni ( 11 )...
20050113             BOLETÍN ELECTRÓNICO ANTIMILITARISTA Nº 8 / 19980900             ...
20050113             auto del 19980508             , se acordó dar traslado al M.
20050113             Fiscal por - USA, 20010911              : "NI RIRE NI PLEURER, MAIS
20050113             New World Order, Conspiracy, UFOs photographs -
20050113             the declaration of human rights, a specifically masonic endeavour
20050113             In reality, the pentagon doesn't exactly fit in
20050113             at the entrance of 1—FINANCIAL building in the...
20050113             Famous (and NOT—SO—FAMOUS) Pentagrams of WASHINGTON DC—PART 4 - + architectural perspectives for 1—OFFICE building to house
20050113             1—SIGNIFICANT clue to the possible Masonic reverence for
20050113             into the wall of the Pentagon, as seen...
20050113             ALEX—JONES—PRESENTS—INFOWARS com to Fight the New World Order
20050113             - Bombers Attack Masonic Lodge... CIA: Pentagon lied in RUN—UP to War.
20050113             RUSSIA—GOVERNMENT to Install Cameras in EVERY—MOSCOW—APARTMENT—BUILDING
20050113             Monticello,Jefferson vs. Templar Reshel "L Gates" by William
20050113             -... the city 4-Square and L. THE—PENTAGON—LATER placement
20050113             at least been used to enhance normal Masonic telepathic bonding
20050113             The main building is in the center of a...
20050113             Mega Conspiracy Government Secret Society Page -
20050113             —SHOWED, The Zetans, the Pentagon scientists how to construct
20050113             me if I'm wrong) accepting 1—MASONIC—FLAG which
20050113             Orion Culture Pays The Sirions to build Nibiru but
20050113             20041216 Lucio, the infamous HEAD—OF—THE P2 masonic lodge
20050113             more than 2,500° Celsius within the building + to have
20050113             the original story that highlighted THE—PENTAGON—BAN—VIA
20050113             building, were set according to Masonic ritual.
20050113             to do business in their sacred buildings unaware of...
20050113             -... The office, 1—DIVISION—OF—THE—PENTAGON—DEFENSE—ADVANCED
20050113             Projects Agency, is not only building the Orwellian
20050113             from the dollar bill, in Masonic terms, represents...
20050113             [Save] NE Climate & Enviro Calendar * 2/1 - 20040308              -
20050113             8w7eie2lj7wi68 Noted: *Climate Collapse: THE—PENTAGON—WEATHER—NIGHTMARE
20050113             btw Police Statn & Masonic Bldg).=20 ... MON, ;;02;;
20050113             23—SUSTAINABLE Building Design in Newton...
20050113             The African contribution to the edification of the modern world...
20050113             was subjected to lengthy moral torture + was
20050113             to negotiate 1—RALLY which displeased the Red Brigades.
20050113             Secondly, Aldo Moro is 1—FIGURE—OF—EUROPEAN democratic...
20050113             That's what leads to torture 1) FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PRESIDENT,
20050113             —CAPTURED, CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT—ALDO—MORO was, in ROME by the Red Brigades on the
20050113             DeepBlackLies - WINDS—OF—CHANGE—NET: Interrogating Terrorists
20050113             —WHEN PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO was kidnapped by the Red Brigades, ITALY—AUTHORITIES...whereabouts + they seriously considered using torture to get...
20050113             Commission of Human Rights found GREECE GUILTY—OF—TORTURE, murder + other
20050113             —INFILTRATED, They, the Red Brigades + carried out THE—MURDER—OF—ALDO—MORO in 00.000 ...
20050113             Operation Gladio - Terrorism / CIA - MSN ENCARTA—PRINT PREVIEW—TERRORISM.
20050113             involved beatings, unlawful detentions, torture, SO—CALLED
20050113             —ACHIEVED, The Red Brigades, their greatest notoriety for
20050113             of FORMER—ITALY—PREMIER—ALDO Moro - Britannica Student Encyclopedia...
20050113             ;;09;;; + THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—ALDO—MORO,
20050113             FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY, by the Red Brigades - Meinten Sie: "Stopping the Bum Rush"
20050113             —HUSTLED, PAUL—KRUGMAN: Stopping THE—BUM—RUSH : The people who, AMERICAN—INTO 1—TAX cut to eliminate 1—IMAGINARY budget surplus + 1—WAR to eliminate
20050113             Systems INCORPORATED—OF—ORLANDO—FLORIDA, + Hai Lin Nee, 1—CHINA—CITIZEN who works at Azure Systems.
20050113             —CHARGED, They are, with... www.GUARDIAN.
20050113             Neue Therapiechance: AFFEN—GENE könnten Aids stoppen
20050113             Indonesien: MINISTER—RELATIVIERT—FORDERUNG nach Truppenabzug
20050113             Start in der Werbebranche: Geist ist geil - Leading the Legislature: TOM—FEENEY...
20050113             same chamber where he demands decorum from others, House Speaker TOM—FEENEY stepped to a
20050113             1—CRIMINAL—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY + he read countless books on the Mafia
20050113             Reports EMERGE—OF—LINKS to Mafia + Misuse of..
20050113             INTL News by JOE—BROADHURST :: Main Page...
20050113             investigation has turned up 1—LINK between current FLORIDA Republican REPRESENTATIVE—TOM—FEENEY,
20050113             a customized - View Article Naples Police in Huge Mafia Swoop.
20050113             BeatBushBlog... - in OVIEDO—FLORIDA, he was asked in late ;;09;;
20050113             or early ;;10;;, 20000000              by TOM—FEENEY to create 1—PROTOTYPE—OF—1—VOTING program that could alter the vote in...
20050113             Haarp quer e pode manipular clima - 1. Fiquei a saber, - mais vale tarde do que nunca -, que há um programa militar de comunicações, e que, segundo...
20050113             Ondas - Haarp quer e pode manipular clima - 3. "Os recursos finitos do mundo e as contínuas necessidades conduzirão o desejo de proteger as pessoas,
20050113             a propriedade e - A corrida às armas...
20050113             e no transporte e distribuição de energia eléctrica e que podem ser utilizadas na alteração do estado meteorológico;
20050113             o sistema HAARP utiliza esse..URL :
20050113             Science Forum :: View TOPIC—LINK found between NASA and HAARP
20050113             Don't forget the Carlyle Group Halliburton in addition to Kellogg Root Brown.
20050113             URL : Die folgenden Patente sind ALLE—VOM—GEDANKENVATER—DES—HAARP—PROJEKTS, BERNARD—EASTLUND.
20050113             Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunftsaussichten der HAARP—TECHNOLOGIE.
20050113             Die Übereinstimmung zwischen der Theorie und der tatsÄchlichen Galaxienverteilung ist fÜr die Physiker allerdings mit bitterer Ironie verbunden,
20050113             denn sie bringt keine neuen AnsÄtze fÜr weiterfÜhrende Forschungen.
20050113             "Gerade weil alles so gut zusammenpasst und unser bisheriges Standardmodell bestÄtigt wird,
20050113             kÖnnen wir aus unseren Messungen keine neuen Erkenntnisse zur eigentlichen Natur der dunklen Energie und der dunklen Materie gewinnen", sagte SDSS—LEITER DANIEL—EISENSTEIN.
20050113             SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY-
20050113             TatsÄchlich entsprechen die —JETZT entdeckten Galaxienmuster genau den Vorhersagen.
20050113             "Wir haben —JETZT einen Zollstock, mit dem wir die Ausdehnungsrate des Universums bestimmen kÖnnen", sagte Idit Zehavi von der UNIVERSITY—OF—ARIZONA.
20050113             Die Ausdehnung sei abhÄngig von der dunklen Materie und der dunklen ENERGIE—JENEN beiden rÄtselhaften PhÄnomenen,
20050113             die nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen gemeinsam —BIS zu 95—PROZENT—DER—MASSE—DES—UNIVERSUMS ausmachen, aber noch nie direkt nachgewiesen werden konnten.
20050113             —1— Der Grund fÜr das Muster von Materie sollen Schwingungen im Raum sein,
20050113             die noch auf den Urknall zurÜckgehen.
20050113             "Im frÜhen Universum gab es einen Bereich mit Überdurchschnittlich viel Materie,
20050113             den 1—WECHSELWIRKUNG—VON—DRUCK und Gravitation zum Schwingen brachte.
20050113             —ENTSTANDEN, Dabei, GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN, genauso als wÜrde man einen Kiesel in einen Teich werfen", erklÄrte BOB—NICHOL von der UNIVERSITY—OF—PORTSMOUTH in ENGLAND. "Diese SCHWERKRAFT—WELLEN breiteten sich Über MILLIONEN—VON—JAHREN aus,
20050113             —BIS das Universum abkÜhlte und sie einfror.
20050113             Die heutige Verteilung der Galaxien ist 1—ABDRUCK—DER—WELLEN", so der SDSS—FORSCHER Nichol.
20050113             Die EXISTENZ—DER—TIEFKÜHL—WELLEN ist keine Neuigkeit fÜr Astronomen.
20050113             den NachglÜhen des Urknalls im Mikrowellenbereich das Universum fÜllt.
20050113             "Wir haben —JETZT einen Zollstock"
20050113             Katastrophenhelfer: Schlafstörungen, Angstzustände, Depressionen
20050113             Milliardenklage: Don KING—FORDERT—DISNEY zum Duell
20050113             Privatgefängnisse: Lebenslänglich in der Knast AG
20050113             Erdbebenwarnung für jedermann: Forscher bauen "VOLKS—SEISMOGRAPHEN" - Despite False Claim, His Star Rises:
20050113             GREG—PALAST: CBS' Cowardice Behind Purge: "Independent" my ass.
20050113             —EXPOSED, CBS' cowardly purge of 5—JOURNALISTS who, GEORGE—BUSH—DODGING—OF—THE—VIETNAM War draft was done under cover of what the network laughably called an "Independent Review Panel".
20050113             Bush Paints Grim Outlook to Sell Social Security Plan:
20050113             —WARNED, PRESIDENT—BUSH, younger workers —ON—TUESDAY—OF—1—GRIM—FUTURE for their Social Security benefits but critics accused him of exaggerating the retirement system's problems to try and sell his plan to change it.
20050113             Homeland Security CHIEF—NOMINEE—CHERTOFF
20050113             helped oversee THE—DETENTION—OF—HUNDREDS—MUSLIM and Arab men without pressing charges by using the "material witness" statute.
20050113             1—SUBSEQUENT—REPORT by the Justice DEPARTMENT—INSPECTOR—GENERAL determined that immigrants were rounded up in a "indiscriminate and haphazard manner," held for months —WHILE denied access to attorneys and sometimes mistreated behind bars.
20050113             GOVERNOR—BUSH—WANTS to Privatize Medicaid:
20050113             Bush says THE—40—YEAR—OLD—HEALTH—CARE—SAFETY—NET for the poor and elderly is in DANGER—OF—TOTAL—FAILURE without 1—COMPLETE revamping.
20050113             He notes that double digit annual cost increases can't be predicted.
20050113             Ghali Hassan: ISRAEL—FORGOTTEN—TSUNAMI:
20050113             —KILLED, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has, more unarmed Palestinians civilians
20050113             ISRAEL—WANTS—USA to Partly Fund New Checkpoints:
20050113             ISRAEL is asking THE—USA to help pay for a $450—MILLION—PROPOSAL to set up new crossing points and upgrade others along its barrier with PALESTINE—AREAS,
20050113             —BRIEFED, USA sources, on the plan said —ON—TUESDAY.
20050113             —ELECTED, TONY—BENN, who was, an MP in BRITAIN 19510000—20010000    —BETWEEN—JAHR—BIS,
20050113             criticized also UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for accepting THE—USA—POLICIES,
20050113             particularly occupying IRAQ, adding that THE—UK—PEOPLE strongly opposed THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ and sympathize with THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20050113             IRAQ rebels in video taunt:
20050113             —LAUNCHED, Departing from fiery Islamic slogans, IRAQ—GUERRILLAS have, 1—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN with 1—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—VIDEO urging USA troops to lay down their weapons and seek refuge in mosques and homes.
20050113             IRAQ—POWER supply sinks to record low
20050113             USA—GENERAL : IRAQ—NATIONAL—ELECTRICITY—SUPPLY has fallen well below its level of —BEFORE 20030000             —THE invasion,
20050113             A—USA—ARMY—COMMANDER told reporters —WEDNESDAY.
20050113             Why aren't our TV companies and newspapers running fundraisers to help Iraqis whose lives have been wrecked by the invasion?
20050113             Why aren't they screaming with outrage at THE—MAN—MADE tsunami that we have created in THE—MIDDLE—EAST?
20050113             It truly is baffling.
20050113             Arab Intellectual Alleges Report Coverup:
20050113             1—ARAB intellectual has accused THE—USA—AND—EGYPT of keeping THE—UNITED—NATIONS from publishing 1—SURVEY—OF—THE—ARAB world because it criticizes THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and THE—STATE—OF—DEMOCRACY in EGYPT.
20050113             Audio: Noam Chomskey 'The Imperial Presidency.':
20050113             Chomsky speaks on the war CRIMES—OF—BUSH II, how his legal advisers are attempting to further insulate Bush & Co.
20050113             —FROM prosecution under INTERNATIONAL law + about the meaning of the recent election.
20050113             Ayatollah alarms Sunnis with PLEDGE—OF—SECURITY—FORCE purge:
20050113             Ayatollah ABDELAZIZ—AL—HAKIM told The Times that under USA—OCCUPATION and the interim administration the security forces had become infested with former officers of Saddam HUSSEIN—SUNNI—LED regime and needed to be shaken up.
20050113             His comments are likely to worry Sunnis, who already fear that their grip on government is slipping.
20050113             ROBERT—FISK: Fear stalks city where the police hide behind masks:
20050113             Journalism yields 1—WORLD—OF clichés but here, for once, the 1. cliché that comes to mind is true.
20050113             BAGHDAD is 1—CITY—OF—FEAR.
20050113             Fearful Iraqis, fearful militiamen, fearful USA—SOLDIERS, fearful journalists.
20050113             ROBERT—PARRY: Bush's 'Death Squads':
20050113             GEORGE—W—BUSH is pushing THE—USA—TOWARD becoming what might be called 1—PERMANENT "COUNTER—TERRORIST" state,
20050113             which uses torture, CROSS—BORDER—DEATH—SQUADS and even collective punishments to defeat perceived enemies in IRAQ and —AROUND the world.
20050113             Health fears for 'torture victims':
20050113             THE—4—BRITONS soon to be released from Guantánamo Bay —AFTER up to 3—YEARS in detention may need MONTHS—OF—CARE—WHEN they arrive back home,
20050113             experts in treating torture victims warned
20050113             —HUMILIATED, Tortured, and crying out for SOME—JUSTICE - 4—GUANTÁNAMO Britons are coming home.
20050113             Don't forget those left behind
20050113             IRAQ—VICTIM—SAYS USA Torture Worse That Saddam
20050113             1—FORMER—INMATE at IRAQ—ABU—GHRAIB prison forced by USA guards to masturbate in public and piled onto 1—PYRAMID—OF naked men said —ON—TUESDAY even IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM Hussein did not do such things.
20050113             RUSSIA—DEPUTY FM discusses crisis with ISRAEL—OFFICIALS
20050113             —VISITED, RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—SALTANOV, ISRAEL —ON—WEDNESDAY and discussed with government officials 1—RECENT—CRISIS between MOSCOW and JERUSALEM over reported RUSSIA—PLANS to sell Syria missiles capable of striking targets within ISRAEL.
20050113             —REPORTED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT to visit RUSSIA on, missile shopping trip:
20050113             sources said, amid reports that he is shopping for 1—MISSILE that can strike anywhere in ISRAEL.
20050113             is officially over.
20050113             The group in charge of searching for WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION in IRAQ has left the country + returned home to USA
20050113             The Right Is Wrong Again
20050113             —BY—ANGIE Pratt For ALL—OF—THEIR—PIOUSNESS, the Right —JUST doesn't get it.
20050113             Their new tactic for making the prisoner torture scandal go away is to say that it wasn't really torture.
20050113             Torture by ANY—OTHER—NAME is still torture.
20050113             The Financial IMMORALITY—OF—USA—GENEROSITY
20050113             The bottom line is that we are willing to spend much more to kill people than to save people + that our giving is minuscule compared to our hedonistic quest for power.
20050113             Fluthilfe: Indonesien lehnt Schuldenerlass ab
20050113             Desktopsuche von —YAHOO: Schneller SCHREIBTISCH—SCHNÜFFLER
20050113             1.666—STUNDEN Arbeit - Galaxienmuster: Urknall schlug Wellen ins All
20050113             Fluthilfe: Kabinett streitet über Schuldenerlass
20050113             Rockband Tocotronic: "Verweigerung als Prinzip"
20050113             —VERSTEIGERT, EBAY—AUKTION: Verlag, leere Seiten
20050113             Appell: Australische Politiker sollen Samen spenden
20050113             Terrorabwehr: UNIONS—LÄNDER wollen gegen Luftsicherheitsgesetz klagen
20050113             ALG—II—BESCHEIDE: MIETERBUND—CHEF—BEFÜRCHTET—GHETTOS mit Langzeitarbeitslosen
20050113             —ERSCHIEN, Royals: PRINZ—HARRY, im NAZI—KOSTÜM
20050113             Suche nach Saddams Waffen eingestellt: Bush verteidigt IRAK—KRIEG, trotz alledem
20050113             USA—OFFICER TELLS—OF—ORDER to Lie in Abuse Probe :
20050113             A senior USA—ARMY - alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             22—CMAC presentation in PHNOM—PENH, 20030326          .
20050113             led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi SASAKAWA—OF—JAPAN + the Rev... this war is about: the flag draped caskets, the funerals, the grieving..
20050113             DC: Counterinaugural planning
20050113             patents based on the work of Nicolas > Tesla + E-Systems, THE—CIA—FAVORITE contractor,besides > Halliburton Biografia Edgardo Sogno è nato 1—TORINO nel 19150000             .. 20050114              CUBA—CONTRA la guerra y el terrorismo mediático.
20050113             Noticias... una cronología exhaustiva de los hechos más importantes de su biografía.
20050113             basadas en las investigaciones del científico yugoslavo Nicolás Tesla, muchas de.
20050113             —ON the Blair government - HERE—1—INTERESTING exercise: go to the
20050113             NEW—YORK—TIMES—STORY from this —MORNING on soldiers testifying in the trial of CHARLES—GRANER, the accused RING—LEADER in the tortures carried out in THE—ABU—GHRAIB prison —LAST—YEAR.
20050113             —NOW go to your browser's menu and select 'find.' In the window that pops up type in the word 'torture' and run the search, then go to the 2. PAGE—OF—THE—ARTICLE and run the search again.
20050113             WARNING : ODDITIES AHEAD ! THIS SITE called WEIRD Find Future Answer s @ : ------- or powered by we need COMMON—SENSE—JUDGES who understand that our rights were derived from God.
20050113             1—COLLECTION—OF—THOUGHTS: Archives —SUNDAY,
20050113             Lefterer, in its roughly 4 and 1—HALF—MONTHS—OF—OPERATION, has...
20050113             Wampum: Koufax Awards Nominations Closing.
20050113             We've only been going for 1—FEW months.
20050113             Politics, humor, community etc.
20050113             —POSTED—BY: BENJAMIN—HARRISON at
20050113             Majority Report Radio: post show post —MONDAY Lefterer By BENJAMIN—HARRISON 20041018          .
20050113             Little something from THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES this weekend, that MANY—PEOPLE may have missed:
20050113             —PLEADED, THE—SON—OF—FORMER—UK—PRIME—MINISTER—MARGARET—THATCHER, guilty on —THURSDAY to 1—ROLE in 1 foiled mercenary plot in WEST—AFRICAN—UNDER 1—PLEA bargain to avoid prison
20050113             Thatcher heads for THE—USA—AFTER court drama : SIR—MARK—THATCHER is expected to leave SOUTH—AFRICA for THE—USA—WITHIN the next few days, sentenced to 1—R3—MILLION—FINE for his involvement in THE—EQUATORIAL—GUINEA coup plot.
20050113             Ridge seeks fingerprints on passports : Americans' fingerprints should be added to their passports, outgoing Homeland Security SECRETARY—TOM—RIDGE said —WEDNESDAY, hoping to include THE—USA in 1—GROWING global security standard but risking 1—PRIVACY fight at home.
20050113             REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAU: Government IDs and Identity Theft : This act protects THE—USA—PEOPLE from GOVERNMENT—MANDATED uniform identifiers that facilitate private crime as well as THE—ABUSE—OF—LIBERTY.
20050113             Woman loses insurance coverage for her politics : Helen Johnston is an 80—YEAR—OLD retired pediatrician who hardly considers herself much of 1—RISK for being sued.
20050113             Ruling gives cops leeway with GPS : In 1—DECISION that could dramatically affect criminal investigations nationwide, 1—FEDERAL—JUDGE has ruled police didn't need 1—WARRANT—WHEN they attached 1—SATELLITE tracking device to the underbelly of 1—CAR being driven by 1—SUSPECTED—HELLS—ANGELS operative.
20050113             FBI may give up on $500M computer overhaul : USA—OFFICIALS are preparing to scrap a $500—MILLION—PROJECT to update FBI computers so they can better share information about terrorists and other threats.
20050113             Sharp rise in NOVEMBER—USA—DEFICIT hits dollar : THE—USA—TRADE—DEFICIT widened sharply in November to 1—RECORD $60.3bn, renewing pressure on the ailing dollar and causing economists to scale back their forecasts for economic growth.
20050113             —DECRIED, USA, ISRAEL—PRESSURE on Syria, : THE—USA—AND—ISRAEL are perpetuating the military gap between ISRAEL and Syria by controlling THE—BALANCE—OF—POWER, 1—SYRIA—ANALYST has said.
20050113             Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500—TONS—OF—SARIN, mustard and VX nerve agent.
20050113             The Truth Shall Set You Back: Lying Is No Sin For BUSH—MINIONS : It is not surprising that 1—ADMINISTRATION that rose so directly from corporate AMERICA would operate the same way.
20050113             What's the right thing for the press to do?
20050113             People like GEORGE—BUSH have no incentive to stop lying if the press lets them get away with it.
20050113             THOM—HARTMANN : Hyping Terror For Fun, PROFIT—AND Power : What if there really was no need for MUCH—OR even MOST—OF—THE—COLD—WAR?
20050113             What if, in fact, the Cold War had been kept alive —FOR—2—DECADES based on phony WMD threats?
20050113             —MISSED, In case you, it?:
20050113             Video: Chalmers Johnson: Militarism and THE—USA—EMPIRE:
20050113             Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, joins host HARRY—KREISLER for 1—CONVERSATION on the nature of THE—USA—EMPIRE and its costs and consequences for THE—FUTURE—OF—USA—DEMOCRACY and power in the world.
20050113             —BANNED, Search for, weapons in IRAQ ends quietly : THE—WHITE—HOUSE has confirmed that THE—USA—SEARCH in IRAQ for banned weapons, which it —EARLIER cited as justification for the war against Saddam Hussein, has been quietly ended —AFTER nearly 2—YEARS, with no EVIDENCE—OF—THEIR—EXISTENCE.
20050113             More Dissent In Pentagon Ranks Over IRAQ War : For the 2. time in as MANY—MONTHS, 1—REPORT by 1—KEY—PENTAGON advisory group has implicitly taken THE—ADMINISTRATION—OF—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH to task for major failures in PRE—WAR planning, particularly with respect to IRAQ.
20050113             —DEFIED, Pentagon ban on filming coffins, : 1—USA—NATIONAL—GUARD—UNIT has defied 1—PENTAGON request that sought to stop television news crews filming 6—FLAG—DRAPED soldiers' coffins arriving in LOUISIANA.
20050113             —NAKED, Female MPs at ABU—GHRAIB were told to laugh at, detainees: witness : Interrogators at ABU—GHRAIB routinely told female soldiers to ridicule naked detainees and asked MPs to rough up 1—PRISONER, 1—WITNESS said at 1—COURT martial examining abuses at THE—USA—RUN—IRAQ—PRISON.
20050113             WHITE—HOUSE—FOUGHT New Curbs on Interrogations, Officials Say : At THE—URGING—OF—THE—WHITE—HOUSE, Congressional leaders scrapped 1—LEGISLATIVE—MEASURE last —MONTH that would have imposed new restrictions on the use of extreme interrogation measures by USA—INTELLIGENCE—OFFICERS, Congressional officials say.
20050113             Human Rights Watch Calls On USA To Change Policy On Interrogations, Appoint Prosecutor : The report's lead essay raises alarm about the treatment of THE—550—MOSTLY Afghan and IRAQ—DETAINEES at THE—USA—MILITARY—BASE at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, as well as THE—DISAPPEARANCE—OF—OTHER—DETAINEES.
20050113             Misdemeanors But No Felonies in UN OIL—FOR—FOOD—AUDIT : 1—SERIES—OF—58—INTERNAL—AUDITS—OF—THE—MULTI—BILLION—DOLLAR—OIL—FOR—FOOD—PROGRAMME in IRAQ has revealed overbilling and management lapses by its UNITED—NATIONS supervisors, but no LARGE—SCALE—FRAUD.
20050113             Augusto Pinochet and the Conservative Threat to AMERICA: —WHILE SOME—PEOPLE might believe that those on the Left wing of the political spectrum pose the bigger threat to the freedom and WELL—BEING—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE, nothing could be further from the truth.
20050113             Academic Sector Organizations and Programs : For more than 3—DECADES, conservative strategists have mounted 1—EXTRAORDINARY—EFFORT to reshape politics and public policy priorities at the national, state and local level.
20050113             Fascism Anyone?
20050113             FASCISM—PRINCIPLES are wafting in the air —TODAY, surreptitiously masquerading as something else, challenging everything we stand for.
20050113             The Propaganda MODEL—OF—NEWS: EDWARD—HERMAN and Noam Chomsky demolish 1—OF—THE—CENTRAL tenets of our political culture, the idea of the "liberal media".
20050113             16—HOUSE—DEMS urge Bush to start pullout from IRAQ : 16—HOUSE—DEMOCRATS led by REPRESENTATIVE—LYNN—WOOLSEY—OF—PETALUMA called on PRESIDENT—BUSH on —WEDNESDAY to begin the immediate WITHDRAWAL—OF—USA—TROOPS from IRAQ, —JUST as SOME—ADMINISTRATION—SUPPORTERS are —STARTING to question the wisdom of staying the course in the war.
20050113             ROBERT—FISK : We won't go home and we won't vote, say refugees of FALLUJAH : They live beneath old FLY—BLOWN tents in THE—CAR—PARK—OF—THE—MUSTAFA mosque and their CANVAS—ROOFED kitchen stands next to 1—POOL—OF—RAW—SEWAGE, but the refugees from FALLUJAH will not return home.
20050113             USA Lowers Expectations On IRAQ Vote:
20050113             This election could plunge IRAQ further into the abyss : The elections are likely at best to be irrelevant, at worst to plunge IRAQ deeper into the abyss.
20050113             Both common sense and 1. principles dictate that no election in 1—COUNTRY invaded and controlled by foreign troops can conceivably be regarded as free and fair.
20050113             USA USA—GULAGS Become Permanent by Ted Rall
20050113             1—NEW documentary, "HITLER—HIT—PARADE," runs 76—MINUTES without narration.
20050113             —ATTENDED, GERMANY—CIVILIANS went to the movies, concerts + gossiped about their neighbors.
20050113             Sound familiar?
20050113             Worker Bees and Soldier Ants: AMERICA—ARMY—OF—FASCISM
20050113             —TRAINED, Brainwashed from birth to adore the red, white and blue, to never question THE—AUTHORITY—OF—GOVERNMENT or THE—DECISIONS—OF—POLITICIANS, conditioned in the fine arts of nationalistic propaganda, manipulated into loyalty to the state and deceived to the altruistic FICTIONS—OF—USA—HISTORY, children are subjected to 1—EDUCATION designed to eradicate FREE—THINKING minds, transforming questioning entities into subservient soldiers DEVOID—OF—REBELLION or resistance to bad governance.
20050113             MILITARY—MESHES_com Forums - ´120mm Mortar By EXPAL... 120mm, made by EXPAL + 2—GRENADES, Aerodinamic by EXPAL & Cluster... use by soldiers, the same version are carrier by TOAS M -113 &... The time —NOW is 11 :35 PM...
20050113             MILITARY—MESHES_com FORUMS—SEARCH—RESULTS... beatiful for me, with authorization of yankee M -4 &... Replies: 11.
20050113             Uh 60—BLACKHAWK. Views: 343. —POSTED—BY karras.
20050113             Replies: 3. ´120mm Mortar By EXPAL. Views: 74. —POSTED.
20050113             3DM Community / Pro Digital ARTS—SEARCH—RESULTS... 2th.- Number 15 3th.- Number 13 1.- Number 11 2th.- Number... also I upload 1—MODEL—OF—EXPAL Mortar and the web... —POSTED—BY—KAS.
20050113             Hi Stryker, —NOW yes, i' m ready &.
20050113             Paz Digital - 11-M. Extrañas relaciones entre la Unión Española... Comisión 11 - M.
20050113             Auto del juez DEL—OLMO... de Masa en BURGOS es propiedad de la empresa Explosivos de BURGOS (EDB), que pertenece al Grupo EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses.
20050113             NEW TURKEY—MISSILE... to THE—CHINA—CSS 7—MOD 2 ( M -1.
20050113             El Periódico Extremadura... raiz de los atentados perpetrados por grupos islamistas el pasado 11 - M en MADRID...firma forma parte de la compañía Explosivos Alaveses SA ( Expal ), dedicada a...
20050113             DIARIOVASCO_com | ECONOMÍA—LA empresa de explosivos Expal fabricaba en Iruña de Oca granadas, morteros y munición para tanques, pero LOS—ANGELES.. las crecientes medidas de seguridad a partir del 11 -Sy del 11 - M, junto a...
20050113             Boletín de Noticias de Defensa_com... que las bombas que contenían esos gases no eran de la española Expal, entonces...Hasta tú sabes en tu fuero interno que el 11 - M fue definitivo a la hora DELAWARE..
20050113             Boletín de Noticias de Defensa_com... que se hundieran las torres gemelas en el 11 -S. El... una bombona de butano, una cuerda de 20—M amarrada en... Esta bomba fue diseñada por EXPAL para Irak pero se...
20050113             Independencia 27... armamentos, posteriormente confirmada, que la empresa española EXPAL iba a... El 11—DE Agosto de 19360000              moría Blas Infante... mu bien lo ke dehe xikitiyo m 'a'nzeñao...
20050113             [DOC]RAMON SAIZARBITORIA... 20031113              Abuztuaren 1a da eta, kasualitatea!, atzo... esanda: Talleres Iruña SA eta M.
20050113             Torres Diseños... GAMESA, SPASA, EXPAL, FABRINOR eta SAFT IBERICA, Araban.
20050113             BOMBAS... 11 . - - moleculares do explosivo, a uma velocidade de aproximadamente 340—M /s (velocidade...Abaixo vai um exemplo de granada moderna " Expal " que utiliza esse tipo de.
20050113             Versione HTML... La Red está presente en 11—PAÍSES europeos (a través de Antenas nacionales) y tiene un secretariado en Bruselas para hacer el seguimiento de la legislación...
20050113             CHILINDA—DELAWARE.. ( 11 ) Aunque al­gu­nos flujos sean co­yunturales... en España corre a cargo de EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses SA.
20050113             Axworthy a également déclaré qu'en décembre à.
20050113             A-Infos HYPER—ARCHIVE: (Cast) Acratador 54.txt... de la DGA los okupas rurales, que abandonaron en m = ayo Sase... o Del 4—AL 11—DE agosto el colectivo PRO—INSUMISION... l= a marcha fue a la fabrica Expal que fabrica...
20050113             SUMARIO DEL BOE MA-84), fabricada por la empresa Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ).
20050113             RESOLUCION de 11—DE abril de 20030000             , de LOS—ANGELES.. combinado, código 4G, marca "Cartonajes M.
20050113             Petit, SA.
20050113             BOE —MARTES, 23—DE marzo de 20040000              85), fabricada por la Empresa Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ).
20050113             y gestión del tráfico en la autovía M -50 (MADRID... convoca concurso del pliego de bases 11 /03—DE.
20050113             Las minas antipersonal... hace saltar entre 1—MY 2—M antes de... mismo epígrafe que bombas, granadas, municiones y proyectiles ( 11 ).
20050113             Antimilitarismo. Gastos de armamento. Guerra. REVISTA FUSION.
20050113             IRAK, la guerra premeditada Foto: M. - Couto.
20050113             También por efectos del 11—DE septiembre, están en un proceso de... con espoleta de la empresa española Explosivos Alaveses ( EXPAL ), una de.
20050113             Industrie de fabrication Alimentation (27) - Caoutchouc ( 11 ) - Équipement et machinerie (550) - Métaux et minéraux (146) - Mobilier (81).
20050113             M.Macaron INCORPORATED.
20050113             [RTF]EL LLARG EXILI DELS—VERSIONE HTML... Però els uneix el mateix sentiment patri" ( M.
20050113             [DOC]EL LARGO ÉXODO Versione HTML Pero les une el mismo sentimiento patrio" ( M.
20050113             Chilinda, del SJR... de 44,7 a 24,6 mil).( 11 ) Aunque algunos... en España corre a cargo de EXPAL (Explosivos Alaveses.
20050113             Versione HTML.. 15y24 VivendiPublishing..... 11—VIVENDIUNIVERSAL.....8 ... Explosivos,quecuentaconuna unidaddedefensaencabezada porExplosivosAlaveses( Expal ).
20050113             M.Á - Newsgroup From: femenia@power.ci.uv.es (Jose M.
20050113             Femenia Herrero... es NNTP—POSTING—DATE: 19981112              11 :31:43 ... Javier Gaspar expal @lettera_net ARTURO—BAREA f038317603@abonados... ausad m /
20050113             National Environmental Strategies... with other government agencies and private eonsorUato cooperate to promote research, development and deployment oftechnological advances m vehicles, component...
20050113             armada INTERNATIONAL—THE—AIR, sea and land communities'... joint development by Raytheon and Explosivos Alaveses ( Expal ), based on... THE—AUP—3( M ) version has been selected for... penetrator is THE—550—KG B61- 11, designed...
20050113             SELF—PROPELLED Artillery Page 1. 43—ARMADA INTERNATIONAL 4/2003—COMPLETE—GUIDE—SELF—PROPELLED ARTILLERY—THE passing of the Crusader left MANY—UNCERTAINTIES in its wake.
20050113             Arkin Senior... Appendix 1:Submunition Stockpiles by Country and Type..... 11—APPENDIX 2.
20050113             Progress in implementing Article 5: 1—OVERVIEW—OF—THE—MINE... - Versione HTML 22—CMAC presentation in PHNOM—PENH, 20030326          .
20050113             Page 11. - 11—PERIOD—NUMBER—OF—STAFF—PRODUCTIVITY ( m ²) Costs ($) —YEAR 1 2,347 14,335,000.00 10,649,092.00 ...
20050113             Overview Defense Industry Environment Versione HTML... Barbara) C EDB C Explosivos Alaveses, SA ( EXPAL ) C Fabricaciones... C M -60—TANK upgrade C M -113 Armored... C Harrier AV-8B AIRCRAFT—REMANUFACTURE—OF—11—AIRCRAFT C F..
20050113             Soft viscoelastic robot skin capable of accurately sensing contact... skin attribute specific gravity (25"e) 0.98—PENETRATION (JISKZ220) 55—VISCOSITY [rnPa.sCP 1, m linear expal,sion co]eficient... di ni = (Pi, ni) ni ( 11 )...
20050113             la discrepancia entre la cifra que citan fuentes de Expal y LOS—ANGELES.. ( 11 ) El caso de Marcela Rodríguez.
20050113             Actualites USA, 20010911              : "NI RIRE NI PLEURER, MAIS... ont été fabriquées par l'entreprise Expal, dont des... M.
20050113             New World Order, Conspiracy, UFOs photographs -... the declaration of human rights, 1—SPECIFICALLY masonic endeavour... In reality, the pentagon doesn't exactly fit in... at the entrance of 1—FINANCIAL building in the...
20050113             Famous (and NOT—SO—FAMOUS) Pentagrams of WASHINGTON DC—PART 4 - + architectural perspectives for 1—OFFICE building to house... 1—SIGNIFICANT clue to the possible Masonic reverence for... into the wall of the Pentagon, as seen...
20050113             ALEX—JONES—PRESENTS—INFOWARS_com to Fight the New World Order... - 20020000             , 1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—MASONIC occult intiations.
20050113             THE—PENTAGON—SECRET—SCREAM—SONIC—DEVICES that can inflict pain... JAPAN—ARCHITECT to design UN building.
20050113             ALEX—JONES—PRESENTS—INFOWARS_com to Fight the New World Order... - Bombers Attack Masonic Lodge... CIA: Pentagon lied in RUN—UP to War.
20050113             Monticello,Jefferson vs. Templar Reshel "L Gates" by William... -... the city 4-Square and L. THE—PENTAGON—LATER placement... at least been used to enhance normal Masonic telepathic bonding... The main building is in the center of a...
20050113             Mega Conspiracy Government Secret Society Page -... The Zetans showed the Pentagon scientists how to construct... me if I'm wrong) accepting 1—MASONIC—FLAG which... Orion Culture Pays The Sirions to build Nibiru but
20050113             The African contribution to the edification of the modern world... was subjected to lengthy moral torture + was... to negotiate 1—RALLY which displeased the Red Brigades.
20050113             INTERVIEW—WITH—1—MEMBER—OF—THE—RED—BRIGADES [The —FOLLOWING... That's what leads to torture 1) FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—AND—PRESIDENT, CHRISTIAN—DEMOCRAT—ALDO—MORO was captured in ROME by the Red Brigades on the
20050113             WINDS—OF—CHANGE_net: Interrogating Terrorists —WHEN PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO was kidnapped by the Red Brigades, ITALY—AUTHORITIES...whereabouts + they seriously considered using torture to get...
20050113             Leading the Legislature: TOM—FEENEY... same chamber where he demands decorum from others, House Speaker TOM—FEENEY stepped to a... 1—CRIMINAL—DEFENSE—ATTORNEY + he read countless books on the Mafia
20050113             URL : Ondas Haarp quer e pode manipular clima - 3. "Os recursos finitos do mundo e as contínuas necessidades conduzirão o desejo de proteger as pessoas, 1—PROPRIEDADE e...URL :
20050113             A corrida às armas... e no transporte e distribuição de energia eléctrica e que podem ser utilizadas na alteração do estado meteorológico;
20050113             Die Übereinstimmung zwischen der Theorie und der tatsächlichen Galaxienverteilung ist für die Physiker allerdings mit bitterer Ironie verbunden, denn sie bringt keine neuen Ansätze für weiterführende Forschungen.
20050113             "Gerade weil alles so gut zusammenpasst und unser bisheriges Standardmodell bestätigt wird, können wir aus unseren Messungen keine neuen Erkenntnisse zur eigentlichen Natur der dunklen Energie und der dunklen Materie gewinnen", sagte SDSS—LEITER DANIEL—EISENSTEIN.
20050113             Sloan Digital Sky SURVEY—USA—ASTRONOMICAL Society
20050113             —SCHON lange hatte man vermutet, dass die beim Urknall ausgesendeten Erschütterungen auch die Materie für die Entstehung von Galaxien zusammengeschoben haben.
20050113             Die 500—MILLIONEN Lichtjahre großen kosmischen Wellentäler könnten den Astronomen bei weiteren Messungen helfen.
20050113             Die Ausdehnung sei abhängig von der dunklen Materie und der dunklen ENERGIE—JENEN beiden rätselhaften Phänomenen, die nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen gemeinsam —BIS zu 95—PROZENT—DER—MASSE—DES—UNIVERSUMS ausmachen, aber noch nie direkt nachgewiesen werden konnten.
20050113             Der Grund für das Muster von Materie sollen Schwingungen im Raum sein, die noch auf den Urknall zurückgehen.
20050113             "Im frühen Universum gab es einen Bereich mit überdurchschnittlich viel Materie, den 1—WECHSELWIRKUNG—VON—DRUCK und Gravitation zum Schwingen brachte. Dabei entstanden GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN, genauso als würde man einen Kiesel in einen Teich werfen", erklärte BOB—NICHOL von der UNIVERSITY—OF—PORTSMOUTH in ENGLAND.
20050113             "Diese SCHWERKRAFT—WELLEN breiteten sich über MILLIONEN—VON—JAHREN aus, —BIS das Universum abkühlte und sie einfror. Die heutige Verteilung der Galaxien ist 1—ABDRUCK—DER—WELLEN", so der SDSS—FORSCHER Nichol.
20050113             Milliardenklage: Don FORDERT—DISNEY—KING—OF— zum Duell
20050113             —INSISTED, Despite False Claim, His Star Rises : The man who, that PRESIDENT—BUSH make the claim that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium for nuclear weapons in AFRICA is poised to assume 1—TOP—STATE—DEPARTMENT—JOB that would make him the lead USA—ARMS—NEGOTIATOR with IRAN + NORTH—KOREA, according to administration officials.
20050113             Bush Paints Grim Outlook to Sell Social Security Plan : PRESIDENT—BUSH warned younger workers on —TUESDAY—OF—1—GRIM—FUTURE for their Social Security benefits but critics accused him of exaggerating the retirement system's problems to try and sell his plan to change it.
20050113             —HELPED, Homeland Security CHIEF—NOMINEE—CHERTOFF, oversee THE—DETENTION—OF—HUNDREDS—MUSLIM and Arab men without pressing charges by using the "material witness" statute.
20050113             GOVERNOR—BUSH—WANTS to Privatize Medicaid : Bush says THE—40—YEAR—OLD—HEALTH—CARE—SAFETY—NET for the poor and elderly is in DANGER—OF—TOTAL—FAILURE without 1—COMPLETE revamping.
20050113             —KILLED, In 1—CALLOUS—COLD—BLOOD, THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has, 622—CHILDREN on their way to schools, in the street, at checkpoints + in their homes.
20050113             ISRAEL—WANTS—USA to Partly Fund New Checkpoints: ISRAEL is asking THE—USA to help pay for a $450—MILLION—PROPOSAL to set up new crossing points and upgrade others along its barrier with PALESTINE—AREAS, USA—SOURCES briefed on the plan said on —TUESDAY.
20050113             —ELECTED, FORMER—UK—MINISTER—CRITICIZES—USA—SUPPORT to ISRAEL : TONY—BENN, who was, an MP in BRITAIN 19510000—20010000    —BETWEEN, criticized also UK—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR for accepting THE—USA—POLICIES, particularly occupying IRAQ, adding that THE—UK—PEOPLE strongly opposed THE—WAR—ON—IRAQ and sympathize with THE—PALESTINE—PEOPLE.
20050113             IRAQ rebels in video taunt : Departing from fiery Islamic slogans, IRAQ—GUERRILLAS have launched 1—PROPAGANDA—CAMPAIGN with 1—ENGLISH—LANGUAGE—VIDEO urging USA—TROOPS to lay down their weapons and seek refuge in mosques and homes.
20050113             IRAQ—POWER—SUPPLY sinks to record low USA—GENERAL : IRAQ—NATIONAL—ELECTRICITY—SUPPLY has fallen well below its level of —BEFORE 20030000             —THE invasion, 1—USA—ARMY—COMMANDER told reporters —WEDNESDAY.
20050113             TERRY—JONES: Why are there no fundraisers for THE—IRAQ—DEAD?
20050113             Arab Intellectual Alleges Report Coverup : 1—ARAB intellectual has accused THE—USA—AND—EGYPT of keeping THE—UNITED—NATIONS from publishing 1—SURVEY—OF—THE—ARAB world because it criticizes THE—USA—INVASION—OF—IRAQ and THE—STATE—OF—DEMOCRACY in EGYPT.
20050113             Audio: Noam Chomskey 'The Imperial Presidency.' : Chomsky speaks on the war CRIMES—OF—BUSH II, how his legal advisers are attempting to further insulate Bush & Co. from prosecution under INTERNATIONAL law + about the meaning of the recent election.
20050113             Ayatollah alarms Sunnis with PLEDGE—OF—SECURITY—FORCE purge : Ayatollah ABDELAZIZ—AL—HAKIM told The Times that under USA—OCCUPATION and the interim administration the security forces had become infested with former officers of Saddam HUSSEIN—SUNNI—LED regime and needed to be shaken up.
20050113             ROBERT—FISK: Fear stalks city where the police hide behind masks : Journalism yields 1—WORLD—OF clichés but here, for once, the 1. cliché that comes to mind is true.
20050113             ROBERT—PARRY: Bush's 'Death Squads' : GEORGE—W—BUSH is pushing THE—USA—TOWARD becoming what might be called 1—PERMANENT "COUNTER—TERRORIST" state, which uses torture, CROSS—BORDER—DEATH—SQUADS and even collective punishments to defeat perceived enemies in IRAQ and —AROUND the world.
20050113             THE—4—BRITONS soon to be released from Guantánamo Bay —AFTER up to 3—YEARS in detention may need MONTHS—OF—CARE—WHEN they arrive back home, experts in treating torture victims warned
20050113             IRAQ—VICTIM—SAYS USA—TORTURE—WORSE That Saddam 1—FORMER—INMATE at IRAQ—ABU—GHRAIB prison forced by USA—GUARDS to masturbate in public and piled onto 1—PYRAMID—OF naked men said on —TUESDAY even IRAQ—DICTATOR—SADDAM Hussein did not do such things.
20050113             RUSSIA—DEPUTY FM discusses crisis with ISRAEL—OFFICIALS—RUSSIA—DEPUTY—FOREIGN—MINISTER—ALEXANDER—SALTANOV visited ISRAEL on —WEDNESDAY and discussed with government officials 1—RECENT—CRISIS between MOSCOW and JERUSALEM over reported RUSSIA—PLANS to sell Syria missiles capable of striking targets within ISRAEL.
20050113             USA Officially Abandons IRAQ—WMD Search - is officially over.
20050113             The Right Is Wrong Again by Angie Pratt For ALL—OF—THEIR—PIOUSNESS, the Right —JUST doesn't get it.
20050113             In other words, far from being the generous nation that we portray ourselves to be, we USA Americans are morally bankrupt.
20050113             Frühzeitig buchen: "2005—WIRD das absolute AMERIKA—JAHR"
20050113             Das —JAHR 20040000             : 16660000              Stunden Arbeit (Wirtschaft,
20050113             USA—REGIERUNG: "IRAK—WAHLEN werden nicht perfekt sein"
20050113             Dominikanische REPUBLIK: Brunft der Buckelwale
20050113             DEFEX SA—SPAIN.
20050113             ADSI AMD 20050000              AUSTRALIA.
20050113             DEFEX SA—SPAIN. DENEL (PTY) LTD.
20050113             DEPARTMENT - Facts???, 153—EXHIBITOR.
20050113             Participating country pavilion: ????, Civipol (FRANCE), Defex ( SPAIN ) Rosoboronoexport (RUSSIA).
20050113             Exhibitors' comments
20050113             DEFEX—SPAIN MISS—PEGGY—LAMBERT "Established new prospective client for SPAIN—COMPANIES".
20050113             DSM—THE—NETHERLANDS MISTER—ADRI—VAN—DER—WAALS "Good event for us".
20050113             ICG SPACES—COMMUNITY—WEBLOG—WEAPONS & Technology Public From what I could make of limited ENGLAND—TEXT, there were 3—COUNTRY pavilions: Civipol (FRANCE), Defex ( SPAIN ) + Rosoboronoexport (RUSSIA).
20050113             another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley... to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed... LOS ALAMOS ken.....
20050113             THE—OKLAHOMA City Bombing and THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR, by David.. - Page 1. Click on image for more information THE—OKLAHOMA City Bombing + THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR by DAVID—HOFFMAN
20050113             his agents; + GeoMilitech ( GMT ), another...GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + Singlaub partner, Studley... in addition to Kellogg Root Brown Wackenhut & Lockheed...
20050113             Article 9866—OF—ALT.conspiracy Subject EXPOSE Rockefeller... MIA's;
20050113             It is the same group behind E. HOWARD—HUNT, JOHN—SINGLAUB, OLLIE—NORTH... make 1—DIRECT—CONNECTION here with —JUST what CIABASE says on WACKENHUT that also...
20050113             IRC | RightWeb | Group Watch: WEST—GOALS—FOUNDATION... 20) Guell is —NOW working with JOHN—SINGLAUB at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation... to government agencies, JOHN—REES provided information to the Wackenhut Agency, a...
20050113             Godlike Productions -- Forum This was no accident," Singlaub said about... early 1980s Michael also served as THE—DIRECTOR—OF—RESEARCH for 1—JOINT—VENTURE between the Wackenhut Corporation of...
20050113             Octopus Update... in the Octopus included such notorious spooks as JOHN—SINGLAUB + the... project the tribal administrators had with 1—PRIVATE—SECURITY—FIRM known as Wackenhut.
20050113             Things Are Gonna Slide!
20050113             ED—LANSDALE; ANDY—MESSING, JUNIOR, executive director, National Defense Council ;
20050113             Medardo Justiano; MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB ; LIEUTENANT—COL.
20050113             Wackenhut Invades ENGLAND UK.
20050113             CS Mahoney MAJOR—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB ran the assassinations ARM—OF—THE—ENTERPRISE....The newest INCARNATION—OF—AIR—AMERICA has turned up in the Wackenhut corporation.
20050113             The Public Eye : Website of Political Research Associates... —WHILE FORMER—WEST—GOALS director Linda Guell went to SINGLAUB—FREEDOM—FOUNDATION.
20050113             —PASSED, —WHEN the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was, Wackenhut gave the.
20050113             The Case Against THE—CIA... FOUNDER—TED—TURNER + TIME—WARNER —WHEN HENRY—KISSINGER, COLIN—POWELL + (CIA vet) JOHN—SINGLAUB put the... 1—OF—THOSE, Wackenhut, is 1—VIRTUAL—CIA proprietary...
20050113             Nazi Gold: THE—EMPEROR—GOLDEN—LILY—WACKENHUT—CORPORATION, 1—CORPORATION with deep ties to both the military +... was PART—OF—1—OPERATION involving THE—CIA + FORMER—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB.
20050113             [RP] Vidas ejemplares Tambien fue parte de un Complot CIA / Wackenhut para asesinar al Embajador LOUIS—TAMBS, y culpar a los... SINGLAUB, y tuvo varias reuniones con REagan y BUSH.
20050113             E-Systems Director Admiral WF Raborn, who also sits on THE—BOARD—OF—WACKENHUT - 1—LARGE...by THE—CIA—WILLIAM—COLBY, Ted Shackley + fielded by GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB.
20050113             Christic Institute RICO IRAN Contra CIA Home Page Covert Operations A great expose' Magazine Wackenhut Security Corp. well as a notorious USA—SUPPORTER MAJOR—GENERAL JOHN—SINGLAUB, with "ARKANSAS...
20050113             ANTIFA INFO—BULLETIN News * Analysis * Research * Action... —WHILE FORMER—WEST—GOALS—DIRECTOR—LINDA Guell went to SINGLAUB—FREEDOM—FOUNDATION...intelligence is provided by companies such as Pinkerton, Wackenhut + Ma...
20050113             The Bush Family Preys Together JOHN—SINGLAUB + Contra leader Adolfo Calero... plant on the Cabezon INDIA—RESERVATION—NEAR—PALM—SPRINGS—CALIFORNIA, in partnership with Wackenhut, THE—FLORIDA...
20050113             —FROM : OWNER—DELTAGREEN@revolutionsf_com on behalf of RW [moonduck... have moved Camp 21 to SOUTH—CALIFORNIA, where Singlaub + Secord... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT, USIA, PRIMETIME...
20050113             Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC Well, —WHEN you have the likes of NeoCons like JOHN—K—SINGLAUB—OLLIE—NORTH... cop + law enforcement stalkers, mobbed up goomba schmucks, Wackenhut goons, Yakuza...
20050113             CIA and GUATEMALA SANDINISTAS.
20050113             Brenda Negri Murdered JOURNALIST—BRIAN was further bringing out SOME—OLD—CHARLES—KEATING—WALTER—BUSH—GENERAL—JOHN—SINGLAUB evidence, that people —NOW have... Negri: "BAB—WACKENHUT—LAWYER goes...
20050113             Marihemp: Politics: Archived Messages #32500 to #32599 Everyone there was fascinated by the undeniable Keating/ Singlaub /Bush connection.
20050113             These guys seem to be doing great;
20050113             Echelon keyword database... C4 Malcolm X revolution BILL—EARTH 1. Clinton Wackenhut terrorist anarchist... Sandinistas, FSLN, FMLN, WILLIAM—CASEY, EDEN—PASTORA, JOHN—SINGLAUB, JOHN—KERRY...
20050113             Tue 19920407             —120P By: JOHN—DINARDO—TO: All Re: Despite Gov... Singlaub would probably enjoy burning these books... 00010101—01001231    —CENTURY will NOT be too frightened to stand up against the bullets of the Wackenhut Security Corporation...
20050113             Drugs Prisons Prohibition Propaganda Class War News Ties Between OKC + Wackenhut.Ties Between OKC +Wackenhut.
20050113             Privatizing Latin AMERICA.
20050113             Singlaub. Can You Say.Hegelian
20050113             "THE—OKLAHOMA City Bombing and THE—POLITICS—OF—TERROR" 11 13080000          .
20050113             * It was also discovered by THE—BELGIUM—PRESS that Wackenhut guards had... 13230000          .
20050113             * In fact, Singlaub is known to control at least 1—AIRFIELD in ARIZONA.
20050113             Mailgate: UK.finance.stockmarket: FINOVA IS SPOOKED UP...+ proprietaries to thrive + keep JOHN—K—SINGLAUB fat, slick... PROGRESSIVE, STRATEGIC, GEMINI, WORLD, WORLDWIDE, VECTOR, VORTEX, WACKENHUT, USIA, PRIMETIME...
20050113             <1—HREF="'AMERICA had it COMING'—THE—TIMES—OF—INDIA.htm "> 61584 ...
20050113             A HREF="99—SINGLAUB Mind Control.htm "> 16861 99—SINGLAUB Mind Control.
20050113             Marihemp: Politics: Thread #35879
20050113             DEFEX SA—SPAIN....Defense News, VICE—PRESIDENT, Marketing & Business DEVELOPMENT—USA.
20050113             DEFEX, sa, SPAIN... [More results from alfatomega.com]
20050113             KINETIC—SINGAPORE Technologies brought to you by eGuide eGuide, Please Select :-...
20050113             —ABOUT us... DCA FRANCE F, Details >, DEFEX, SA FOR SPAIN—GROUP STAND www.defex.es, E, Details >, DEISTER ELECTRONIC, F, Details >, DELTA SPE, UKR, Details...
20050113             Big Brother Incorporated Companies List... SOUTH—AFRICA.
20050113             Barlows Electronics Ltd Night Vision Optics. SPAIN. Defex SA.
20050113             SWITZERLAND. Security Systems INTERNATIONAL. TAIWAN. Startek Engineering.
20050113             UK.
20050113             EUPF—EUROPEAN Procurement Forum: THE—EU UN—PROCUREMENT Seminar... INTERNATIONAL AB UK—CONSULATE GENERAL -C- Carbone+ Caterpillar Consulate GENERAL—OF—THE—NETHERLANDS—CONTROL—RISKS—GROUP -D- Defex SA Degremont Development...
20050113             :: ADSI AMD 20050000             ... DEFENCE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION—AUSTRALIA.
20050113             DEFEX SA—SPAIN. DENEL (PTY) LTD. - DENEL.
20050113             Big Brother Incorporated... Night Vision Optics. SPAIN. Defex SA.
20050113             SWITZERLAND.
20050113             Security Systems INTERNATIONAL.TAIWAN...._____. - - DEFEX SA.
20050113             GENERAL—PERON 38. - 9. Floor.
20050113             UK Indymedia | Purveyors of fine technologies of political control... Zone Box 3061—HERZLIA ISRAEL—PHONE— 972 9 9555464 Fax- 972 9 9559146 EMAIL—ISPRA@netvision_net.il DEFEX SA SPAIN 1. INI (National Institute for Industry) has...
20050113             Walsh IRAN /Contra REPORT—CHAPTER 8 The Enterprise and Its... accounts were: Energy Resources INTERNATIONAL, SA;
20050113             Lake Resources INCORPORATED;
20050113             Hyde Park Square Corporation; Albon Values Corporation;
20050113             Defex, SA ; Dolmy Business, INCORPORATED..
20050113             —BY GOVERNMENTS -... SWITZERLAND—COMPANY—RESPONSIBLE for setting up shell companies for the Enterprise, transferring funds + managing several secret bank accounts;
20050113             Defex, SA, 1—FRONT...
20050113             ACrowd Control Technologies : An ASSESSMENT—OF—CROWD Control... -... weapons Gasin Gases Industriale /SPAIN DEFEX SA ///East /WEST—ENGINEERINGCO /Falken SA //NitSpy Defensa Y contraespionaje //...
20050113             Flight Daily News... Defence Science & Technology Organisation, C130. Defense News, A121. Defex, SA, C221. Delta Techops, A412. Derco Aerospace, INCORPORATED A821. Desso Carpets, A1236...
20050113             List Of Exhibitors... 124, DEFENCE PROCUREMENT ANALYSIS—UK.
20050113             126, DEFEX, SA, SPAIN. 127, DENEL GROUP—SOUTH—AFRICA.
20050113             Marcas publicadas en la Gaceta # 461/Junio 20030000             ...90. BANCO CENTRO MUNDO, 134720. DEFEX (MIXTA), 13. DEFEX SA, 134880. DEFEX (MIXTA) (SERVICIOS), 35. DEFEX SA, 134879. DELIT, 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 134501...
20050113             ACTUALIDAD—CONSEJO de Ministros...SEPI) para que su filial al 100—POR cien, Izar Construcciones Navales, SA, lleve a cabo la fusión por absorción de Defex, SA, (sociedad absorbente) y Defoback...
20050113             Modelco SL, the model company >> EQUIPO—FRANCISCO—BLANCO... FB has been GENERAL—SALES—MANAGER for IBERIA SPAIN—AIR—LINES, Managing Director at the Trader DEFEX SA, Sales Manager at AVIACO, Deputy Manager, Services...
20050113             Modelco SL, the model company >> EQUIPO—FRANCISCO—BLANCO...FB ha sido Director GENERAL—COMERCIAL en IBERIA, Líneas Aéreas de España, Director GENERAL en el Trader DEFEX SA, Director Adjunto a la Gerencia y Director...
20050113             Entrevista...Eléctrica.
20050113             Es miembro del Consejo de Administración de Isdefe desde marzo de 19910000              y consejero de Defex, SA desde octubre de 19800000          .
20050113             Ha. El Sector P?lico Empresarial.
20050113             Informe econ?ICO—FINANCIERO 19990000              p age 1. Sector Público Empresarial Informe ECONÓMICO—FINANCIERO 19990000              Sector Público Empresarial Informe ECONÓMICO—FINANCIERO 19990000          .
20050113             Es;IMC,Technologies of political control,20050629             ... n Web site evidente, informacio'n garnered de este sitio: * * * FABRICANTE: DEFEX SA PAI'S: Espa~a...
20050113             EL SECRETO OFICIAL EN LAS VENTAS DE ARMAS - 19720000              se creó, previa aprobación del Gobierno, la empresa pública Defensa y Exportación ( DEFEX—SA ), para fomentar la exportación de las empresas de...
20050113             Yahoo! SINGAPORE—BUSINESS—FINDER... Search by name or category (eg, Hilton or Hotel).
20050113             Business Listing. Defex SA.
20050113             Address: 101—THOMSON—ROAD #22-02 UNITED SQUARE SINGAPORE 307591. Suburb: Thomson.
20050113             Yahoo! SINGAPORE—BUSINESS Finder... D & G Marketing Pte Ltd, BEDOK INDUSTRIAL PARK 'E', Tanah Merah, Defex SA—UNITED SQUARE, Thomson, ELS Defence Equipment, 57—YISHUN Industrial Park A, Yishun...
20050113             DEFEX, sa, SPAIN. EINSA—SPAIN... =
20050113             COMPANIES—LANDSYSTEMS Club... Defense News, National Sales MANAGER—USA.
20050113             Defense News, VICE—PRESIDENT, Marketing & Business DEVELOPMENT—USA.
20050113             DEFEX, sa, SPAIN. DEFEX PO—INDIA.
20050113             OFICINAS—CLIENTES...CENTRO DE SEGUROS, SA, MADRID, 300, Mobiliario.
20050113             CITROEN, VIGO/MADRID, 50, Mampara.DEFEX, SA, ANGOLA, 350, Mobiliario.
20050113             DIARIO LA RAZÓN, MADRID, 250, Mobiliario.
20050113             riot... DEFEX SA—SPAIN, 1. INI (National Institute for Industry) has a 51% majority, the other 49% is held by privately owned defence companies...
20050113             riot...DEFEX SA, España, 1. INI (instituto nacional para la industria) tiene una mayoría 51%, el otro 49% es sostenido por las compañías privado poseídas de LOS—ANGELES.
20050113             [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA—DRUGS] The Enterprise and Its Finances... Corporation; Albon Values Corporation; Defex, SA ;
20050113             Dolmy Business....named ` Defex SA '' The new corporation was intentionally given a...
20050113             FEVE::Noticias...de Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión del País Vasco (SPRI);
20050113             de la Sociedad de CAPITAL—DE—RIESGO—DE—EUSKADI, de IRAMAIN, SA y de DEFEX, SA (MADRID)...
20050113             Search... DANNY COM. IMPORT—EXPORT LTDA.
20050113             DEFEX SA. DIST. SURAMERICANA LTDA.
20050113             DANNY cOM. IMPORT—EXPORT LTDA.
20050113             " Huygens " auf die Oberfläche des geheimnisvollen Saturnmonds Titan... 20050100              USA—OFFICER TELLS—OF—ORDER to Lie in Abuse Probe : A senior USA—ARMY... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             html - a man could stand up—: 20050201              — 20050228             ...
20050113             once the judicial probe was complete, the findings would be made public."... [Bush and Chiraq ] ont mangé du risotto au homard, nappé d'une sauce à LOS—ANGELES..
20050113             led by WWII. fascist war criminal Ryoichi SASAKAWA—OF—JAPAN + the Rev... this war is about: the flag draped caskets, the funerals, the grieving.. alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             Doomsday for Democracy: THE—GOP Goes Apocalyptic
20050113             DAF Special Products Division in THE—NETHERLANDS ;
20050113             Nauteknik Defence & Security in NORWAY ;
20050113             Bravia - - Sodedade LUSO—BRASILEIRA & ITB in PORTUGAL ;
20050113             DEFEX... - This... LAUNCH—OF—1—MISSILE produced entirely in TURKEY 20001102             ... was in the past acquired by TURKEY from SPAIN—COMPANY—EXPAL.
20050113             Datos sobre LOS—ANGELES.. su cabecera del grupo de Defensa EXPAL (Explosivos Alave... Tabla IV: Principales Inversiones militares del M º de Defensa... en la factoría de explosivos ( 20001106       .
20050113             It is his chronic DENIAL—OF—RESPONSIBILITY for THE—ABU—GHRAIB atrocity +...
20050113             Femenia Herrero... es NNTP—POSTING—DATE: 19981112              11 :31:43 ... Javier Gaspar expal ARTURO—BAREA
20050113             —BECAME, Studley, the former beauty QUEEN—FROM—MIAMI who, 1—CONSERVATIVE... represented Barbara Studley, THE—PRESIDENT—OF—GMT...
20050113             Castillo Addresses the House Select COMMITTEE—ON—INTELLIGENCE...
20050113             Louis + MIAMI, the ride through the criminal justice funhouse is —JUST getting started.
20050113             1—FORMER—S—PAUL cop has —JUST copped 1—PLEA + —NOW former cops...
20050113             patents based on the work of Nicolas > Tesla + E-Systems, THE—CIA—FAVORITE contractor,besides > Halliburton Biografia Edgardo Sogno è nato a...
20050113             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA : Lessons from the Durrani Affair
20050113             The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by Barbara F.
20050113             Studley... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             Church & Scaife : Secular Conservative Philanthropies WAGING—MANAGING the finances for Scaife was ROBERT—GENE—GATELY, 1—CIA—OFFICER who —LATER headed THE—CIA... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             Revell Group INTERNATIONAL—STAFF & USA—ASSOCIATE s
20050113             R. GENE—GATELY—SENIOR Consultant/INTERNATIONAL Affairs.
20050113             1 retired senior executive in THE—CIA—DIRECTORATE for Operations, diplomat, journalist.
20050113             A-list message, [A-List] fwd from ANNE—WILLIAMSON
20050113             Genesis Intermedia, once 1—HIGHFLYING stock with ties to SAUDI—ARABIA—CROOK ADNAN—KHASHOGGI, is under investigation... Its PRESIDENT—RAMY—EL—BATRAWI has resigned.
20050113             Responses... to other Arabs like ADNAN—KHASHOGGI in GenesisIntermedia (GENI) + 1—FELLOW—EGYPT—FROM CAIRO, Ramy EL—BATRAWI - + also Sheikh Khaled Abdullah...
20050113             —RESPONDED, Top MEXICO—OFF—LIMITS to USA—DRUG—AGENTS THE—CIA, tersely that they...
20050113             Neben Tickets bekommen die MEGA—SPENDER Zugang zu jenen PARTY—BEREICHEN...
20050113             Dog Skin Report - CIA operator dating back to VIETNAM where he assisted in the drug trade under Ted Shackley.
20050113             Center for Cooperative Research: Halliburton Corp...
20050113             According to knowledgeable insiders, Khashoggi used 1—COMPANY called Triad to...
20050113             Breaking News Stew Webb.com BUSH—MILLMAN—CLINTON Crime Family who is EXTORTION—FRIENDLY + both controlled by Mega Mossad...
20050113             1—HALLIBURTON subsidiary tied to the Royal BANK—OF—SCOTLAND and various domestic political
20050113             —CONNECTED, Honduran, JUAN—RAMON—MATTA—BALLESTEROS, Alberto Sicilia Falcon to... will forevermore have 1—ASTERISK beside his name in the history books.
20050113             The origins of IRAN—CONTRA: Lessons from the Durrani Affair The firm, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation ( GMT ), was established by Barbara F. Studley...
20050113             Gdzie sie podzialy miliony Solidarnosci? - Racjonalista|Neutrum Barbara Stanosz - W cieniu Kosciola czyli demokracja po polsku... osiemdziesiatym piatym Maxwell zaklada w Izraelu FIRME—SLUP o nazwie GeoMiliTech (GMT )...
20050113             Gdzie sie podzialy miliony Solidarnosci? - Racjonalista|Neutrum
20050113             nekanego obrazami filmowymi, które lacza gatunek.. Barbara Stanosz... piatym Maxwell zaklada w Izraelu FIRME—SLUP o nazwie GeoMiliTech (GMT )...
20050113             Terrorismo CRISTIANO—ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO—FASCISMO y TERRORISMO... GeoMilitech, founded by Singlaub + his partner, Barbara Studley, procured \\$5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero...
20050113             Un Informe de la ONU sobre los Tecos
20050113             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub + his partner, Barbara Studley, procured $5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero...
20050113             [eDebate] operation unrelenting shitbag
20050113             HOWARD EDWARD (ROCKY) 2—STUDLEY BARBARA F 2—SULLIVAN DAVID S 2 ... - Edgardo Sogno : cosa pensarne?
20050113             A un anno... Edoardo Pezzoni Mauri.
20050113             Edgardo Sogno con il collega, ambasciatore SERGIO—ROMANO... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050113             —HONORED, Singlaub was, along with other prominent contras like Adolfo Calero + his brother, by BILL—CLINTON with an "ARKANSAS Traveller" award.
20050113             Source : Untitled material on DRUG—RUNNING and ARKANSAS
20050113             JOHN—SINGLAUB and THE—CHINA—CONNECTION—THE—EDUCATION—FORUM As THE—IRAN—CONTRA investigation discovered, Singlaub did not keep his promise and used his own company, GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT) to...
20050113             THE—MARCOS—DYNASTY
20050113             It may be only coincidence that the biggest corporation in McDonald's
20050113             with Singlaub in 1—WASHINGTON consulting firm called GeoMiliTech Corporation.
20050113             EAST—EUROPE—ARSENAL on the Loos By Abdel Fatau Musah and ROBERT—CASTLE, Consultants...
20050113             —SHIPPED, POLAND—WEAPONS worth $5—MILLION were, to Contra forces in NICARAGUA by GeoMilitech...
20050113             BASIC PAPERS.... NICARAGUA by GeoMilitech, 1—ARMS—COMPANY implicated in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair [9].
20050113             Singlaub and Barbara Studley, THE—HEAD—OF—GEOMILITECH, had —EARLIER arranged for...
20050113             He is —NOW 1—CONSULTANT in Labor Department efforts to clean up the...
20050113             Terrorismo CRISTIANO—ULTRA DERECHA, CLERO—FASCISMO y TERRORISMO... - Lenczowski, consultant.
20050113             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub and his partner, Barbara... terrorismocristiano.freeservers.com/amigos.html
20050113             —FOUNDED, Un Informe de la ONU sobre los Tecos GeoMilitech, by Singlaub and his partner, Barbara Studley, procured $5.3 ... research fellow;
20050113             MICHAEL—CAPUTO; JOHN—LENCZOWSKI, consultant.
20050113             Un Informe de la ONU sobre los Tecos: El Documento Larry Pratt...
20050113             —FOUNDED, GeoMilitech, by Singlaub and his partner, Barbara Studley, procured $5.3—MILLION in weapons which were transferred to Contra leader, Adolfo Calero... INFORME—ONU.blogspot.com/2007/04/EL—DOCUMENTO—LARRY—PRATT—TRADUCIDO.html
20050113             Who.is is 1—WEBSITE for performing whois lookups on domain names... GEOMATIC—CONSULTANTS.COM—GEOMATIC- consultants.INFO—GEOMATIC- consultants_net..... geomilitech_NET—GEOMILITECH_org.... GEON—CORP.com...
20050113             Skiing & SNOWBOARDING—LICENSED To KILL—ARMS—DEALER—ERNST... gathered archconservative military + political leaders to establish 1—WASHINGTON—BASED arms company called GeoMiliTech Consultants Corporation (GMT).
20050113             Re: Foreign intelligence agency attack warnings -- 20010911              Studley PRESIDENT—OF—GEOMILITECH—CONSULTANTS—CORPORATION—BARBARA—G—FAST—SENIOR intelligence officer in IRAQ Barbara LEE—USA—HOUSE—REPRESENTATIVE...
20050113             20050112    —ON, Results 1 - 3—OF—ABOUT 3—CONTAINING " events in fallugah,IRAQ " Web Pages: More Info
20050113             ...patents based on the work of Nicolas > Tesla + E-Systems.
20050113             Khashoggi
20050113—14000000    THE—SPAIN—INQUISITION used torture and execution
20050113—19780000    —IN—EARLY, DeepBlackLies, PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO was kidnapped and... by P2 + that both the " Red "+"Black.. Within MONTHS—OF—MORO—ASSASSINATION, the world
20050113—19780000    —IN—EARLY, Operation Gladio, PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO was kidnapped and... by P2, and that both the " Red " and "Black... Within MONTHS—OF—MORO—ASSASSINATION, the world awoke to...
20050113—19780000    —IN, MSN ENCARTA—PRINT PREVIEW—TERRORISM. involved beatings, unlawful detentions, torture, SO—CALLED... The Red Brigades achieved their greatest notoriety for... of FORMER—ITALY—PREMIER—ALDO Moro.
20050113—19780000    —IN, Britannica Student Encyclopedia... 1400s, THE—SPAIN—INQUISITION used torture and execution... September; + THE—ASSASSINATION—OF—ALDO—MORO, FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—OF—ITALY, by the Red Brigades...
20050113—19820000    —APPROACHED, Dog Skin Report Khashoggi also, top NIGERIA—LEADERS to set up 1—COMPANY...
20050113—19840000    —SUBJECTED, Terrorism / CIA +, to medical torture by Dr... Willan looks closely at the Red Brigades,best known for the kidnap and MURDER—OF—PRIME—MINISTER—ALDO—MORO
20050113—20000900    —SINCE, Ghali Hassan: ISRAEL—FORGOTTEN—TSUNAMI : THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has killed more unarmed Palestinians civilians than Americans † 20010911             —IN attacks.
20050113—20010000    —YEAR, Annual ReportPage 1. Annual Report FISCAL Page 2. We excel in environmental research + THE—APPLICATION—OF—TECHNOLOGIES to improve people...
20050113—20010911    —ON.. impossible that the attack against the Pentagon 20050113             Spitting Image: 20040600              Archives -
20050113—20020000    1—OF—THE—HIGHEST—MASONIC occult intiations.
20050113—20030000    - 11 -13—ABUZTUAREN 1a da eta, kasualitatea!, atzo
20050113—20040521    BYOB For SOME—REASON I —JUST can't seem to get into the mood for blogging.
20050113—20050112    —ON, Results 1 - 3—OF—ABOUT 3—CONTAINING " events in fallugah,IRAQ " Web Pages: More Info
20050113—20050124    —ON, SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD will travel to RUSSIA for talks with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN,
20050113—20050124    —REPORTED, SYRIA—PRESIDENT to visit RUSSIA on, missile shopping trip: SYRIA—PRESIDENT—BASHAR—AL—ASSAD will travel to RUSSIA for talks with PRESIDENT—VLADIMIR—PUTIN, sources said, amid reports that he is shopping for 1—MISSILE that can strike anywhere in ISRAEL.
20050113—20070316    THE—PRESIDENT—OF—GMT... alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20050114             to join his 'STRIKE—BREAKING army' to crush... including MARGARET—THATCHER—MENTOR—AIREY Neave, began discussing...
20050114—20050113    —BIS, Die Umfrage wurde in der Zeit vom 11. unter 12730000              befragten Wahlberechtigten gemacht.
20050115             SAIC—AN EMPLOYEE—OWNED—COMPANY... www.saic.com - © Science Applications INTERNATIONAL Corporation,20050113              20050130             —NOW : Yes, MISTER—PRESIDENT, 20050113—20200113    , 20050000             ... plug on road plan News.
20050211             BRAD—DELONG—SEMI—DAILY—JOURNAL, 20050113              20050221             AVIATION SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION Avionics Coffee Break GREGORY—S—CHURCHILL—PRESIDENT, Government Systems Rockwell Collins DOCTOR—WILLIAM H.
20050306             cannabisnews com: NORML—WEEKLY—NEWS—BULLETIN
20050323             nicolas tesla ". " nicole tesla ".
20050327             Disseminative Systems and Global Governance... 'Doomed,'" Times,
20050415             alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20060113             —CONFIRMED, Foreign MINISTER—WALTER—STEINMEIER, that GERMANY had 2—AGENTS in BAGHDAD, who helped American with coordinates for NON—TARGETS.
20060113             USA—ATTORNEYS—GENERAL in 12—STATES said that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—PLAN to ease rules on reporting legal toxin releases would compromise the public's right to know about possible health risks in their neighborhoods.
20060113             —CLOSED, NBC—NASHVILLE affiliate, "The Book of Daniel" —AFTER the show, whose main character is 1—PILL—POPPING—EPISCOPAL priest with 1—GAY—SON and 1—POT—DEALING daughter, drew THOUSANDS—OF—COMPLAINTS.
20060113             NORTH—DAKOTA—STATE—UNIVERSITY—NORTH—CENTRAL—RESEARCH—CENTER, Basin Electric Power Cooperative and other partners described plans for 1—STATION in Minot to refuel HYDROGEN—POWERED vehicles using wind power.
20060113             † ELDON—DEDINI, cartoonist, in CARMEL—CALIFORNIA.
20060113             —APPEARED, ELDON—DEDINI—RIBALD drawings, in the New Yorker and Playboy magazines.
20060113             THE—BAHAMAS, the Compleat Angler Hotel on NORTH—BIMINI Island was destroyed by fire.
20060113             —HELPED, The hotel's owner JULIAN—BROWN, the guests escape —BEFORE disappearing in the flames to fight the fire.
20060113             —CLAIMED, The hotel, to be a 1—TIME writing headquarters for Ernest Hemingway and advertised room NUMBER 1 as the place where Hemingway worked on "To Have and Have Not".
20060113             —ENDED, BOLIVIA—PRESIDENT—ELECT, 1—AROUND—THE—WORLD—TOUR with 1—PROMISE to respect foreign investments and vowed not to nationalize THE—BOLIVIA—OPERATIONS—OF—BRAZIL—STATE—OIL—COMPANY—PETROBRAS SA.
20060113             1—BATTLE for livestock between Ethiopian and KENYA—NOMADS left 38—PEOPLE—DEAD in DROUGHT—STRICKEN NORTH—KENYA, in the remote village of Lokamarinyang, along THE—KENYA—ETHIOPIA border.
20060113             —KILLED, The fighting, 30—OF—THE—DONGIRO raiders and 8—KENYANS, ALL—OF—THEM women and children.
20060113             1—DROUGHT that has impoverished some 11.5—MILLION—PEOPLE in the area, MOST—OF—THEM nomads, has exacerbated tensions between the tribes.
20060113             Maimuma TAAL—NDURE, GAMBIA—DIRECTOR—OF—AVIATION, was arraigned on charges of economic crime, mostly related to the improvement of BANJUL Airport.
20060113             —RESISTED, TAAL—NDURE had, efforts transfer aviation agency funds to another government agency.
20060113             —DISMISSED, Her case was, —FOLLOWING 1—TRIAL that stretched over 18—MONTHS.
20060113             —REAFFIRMED, THE—HARD—LINE—PRESIDENT, his country's intention to produce nuclear energy.
20060113             1—USA—ARMY—RECONNAISSANCE—HELICOPTER was shot down by insurgents in THE—NORTH—CITY—OF—MOSUL, killing its 2—PILOTS.
20060113             LITHUANIA, Mykolas Burokevicius (78), FORMER—COMMUNIST—PARTY—LEADER, was freed from Lukiskes Prison —AFTER serving 12—YEARS for murder and other crimes.
20060113             1—HONG—KONG newspaper reported that NORTH—KOREA—SECRETIVE leader Kim Jong Il is on a 2—DAY—VISIT to THE—SOUTH—CHINA—PROVINCE—OF—GUANGDONG.
20060113             1—LOCAL—LAWMAKER said 1—USA—AIRSTRIKE on 1—PAKISTAN—VILLAGE—NEAR the border with AFGHANISTAN killed at least 17—PEOPLE, including women and children.
20060113             THE—USA—MILITARY said it had no reports of 1—ATTACK.
20060113             † The provincial government said at least 4—FOREIGN—TERRORISTS, in the purported USA—AIRSTRIKE aimed at AL—QAIDA—NUMBER 2—LEADER in Damadola.
20060113             —DESTROYED, The strike, 3—HOUSES and killed 18—PEOPLE.
20060113             1—THE—PHILIPPINES—JUDGE issued arrest warrants for 4—USA—MARINES charged with rape, putting pressure on THE—USA to hand them over to THE—PHILIPPINES—AUTHORITIES.
20060113             SOUTH—RUSSIA, 1—BUS transporting workers —AFTER their shift at 1—LOCAL—FACTORY collided with 1—TRAIN, killing at least 21—PEOPLE and severely injuring 5.
20060113             —AGREED, SOUTH—KOREA, to resume imports of SOME—USA—BEEF, banned 2—YEARS ago over fears of mad cow disease.
20060113             —PRESSED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, SOUTH—KOREA to accept all USA beef imports.
20060113             —REJECTED, SUDAN, 1—SUGGESTION by UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—KOFI—ANNAN that THE—USA—AND—EUROPE help set up 1—POSSIBLE—MOBILE—FORCE in Darfur to supplement African troops —NOW on the ground.
20060113             UKRAINE—PRESIDENT—VIKTOR—YUSHCHENKO said that his country should produce its own nuclear fuel for power plants.
20060113             The next USA—EMPIRE-
20060113             Jobs such as surveillance and reconnaissance can increasingly be done from AMERICA
20060113             bases, loosely based on oil platforms, which might help to circumvent - das vor 2—MILLIONEN Jahren starb.
20060113             Der Fund bestätigte, das AFRIKA die Wiege der Menschheit ist.
20060113             —JETZT scheint festzustehen, wie das "Kind von Taung" zu Tode kam.
20060113             JOHANNESBURG—DAS "Kind von Taung", das als 1—DER—WICHTIGSTEN—FUNDE für die Stammesgeschichte des Menschen gilt,
20060113             fiel einem Adler zu Opfer.
20060113             Der USA—WISSENSCHAFTLER LEE—BERGER hat —JETZT dafür starke Indizien vorgelegt.
20060113             NEW—YORK—DIE Einschaltung des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATES im Atomstreit mit IRAN "könnte die Sache komplizierter machen",
20060113             sagte Wang Guangya, chinesischer BOTSCHAFTER bei den Vereinten Nationen, —HEUTE in NEW—YORK.
20060113             Zudem könnten sich die Positionen verhärten.
20060113             CHINA hat im Sicherheitsrat 1—VETORECHT und könnte damit Sanktionen gegen den IRAN verhindern.
20060113             ZEIT—ZEICHEN: ZEIT—FRAGEN NUMBER 62—VOM 19991201             , Seite 2, 6, 8, 11—U.
20060113             NATO—POLITIKER als Kriegsverbrecher angeklagt... HENRY—KISSINGER, Giovanni Agnelli (Fiat), DAVID—ROCKEFELLER, BARON—ROTHSCHILD, Flavio Cotti.
20060113             Onlinezeitung USA—REBEL...
20060113             den vermutlich größten noch lebenden Kriegsverbrecher des vergangenen Jahrhunderts... Die Hauptakteure namens Pinochet, Nixon und Kissinger sowie ihre...
20060113             —BISHER galt HENRY—KISSINGER als hochverdienter STAATSMANN—NUN will ihn 1—PUBLIZIST—ALS—KRIEGSVERBRECHER überführen.
20060113             —VERURTEILT, Nur symbolisch.
20060113             BERLINOnline: Archiv: BERLINer Zeitung vom 20010630             ...
20060113             ein ehemaliges Staatsoberhaupt als Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht gestellt
20060113             Wanted: KISSINGER—WANTED: 3. WAY—WAS habe ich in meiner Tasche?...
20060113             —GRILLED, Pentagon, over database on war critics:
20060113             —ASKED, SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN —ON—THURSDAY, for answers on 1—OBSCURE—PENTAGON agency that included reports on student ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS and other peaceful CIVIL—DEMONSTRATIONS in 1—DATABASE meant to detect terrorist activities.
20060113             USA SUPREME—COURT—TO—DECIDE if Police Can Barge in Unannounced:
20060113             NEWT—NEW—CON: Of all the voices berating THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY for its CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION, none rings more hollow than Newt Gingrich's. According to the Associated Press,
20060113             THE—FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER has said he is considering running for PRESIDENT
20060113             Hang in + Raise Hell: Corrupt politicians think we're morons.
20060113             It's time to strike back -- with reform, not cheap cynicism.
20060113             National ID, STATE—NIGHTMARE:
20060113             1—ANTI—TERRORISM law creating 1—NATIONAL standard for all driver's licenses
20060113             USA—BUDGET deficit to surge above $400bn:
20060113             Spending on Gulf Coast reconstruction has led THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to revise upwards sharply its estimates for the federal budget deficit
20060113             SOS for African drought victims:
20060113             According to THE—UN—FOOD—AID—AGENCY, preliminary assessments show that those affected include 1 estimated 2.5—MILLION in KENYA,
20060113             1.4—MILLION in SOMALIA, 1.5—MILLION in ETHIOPIA and 60,000 in DJIBOUTI.
20060113             USA formally prohibits arms sale to VENEZUELA:
20060113             —PROHIBITED, THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has formally, SPAIN from selling 12—MILITARY—PLANES and 8—FRIGATES to HUGO—CHÁVEZ in VENEZUELA,
20060113             because they contain NORTH—USA—TECHNOLOGY.
20060113             JOHN—PERKINS: Predictions of an Economic Hit Man:
20060113             ISRAEL—ARMY uprooting olive groves:
20060113             THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has been destroying, uprooting and in SOME—CASES, stealing PALESTINE—OLIVE trees in several PARTS—OF—THE—WEST—BANK, grove owners and witnesses say.
20060113             USA—THREATS —AFTER boycott support:
20060113             Norwegian: MINISTER—APOLOGY—OVER—BOYCOTT—BACKING:
20060113             1—SENIOR—NORWAY—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER has apologised —AFTER she lent her backing to 1—BOYCOTT—OF—ISRAEL—GOODS.
20060113             SUPREME—COURT—NOMINEE—SAMUEL—ALITO said USA—LAW is unclear as to whether PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH could launch 1—MILITARY—INVASION—OF—IRAN or Syria without congressional approval
20060113             List of Alito "Murder BOARD" Participants;
20060113             Includes Lawyers Who Approved Warrantless Surveillance:
20060113             —DURING this —MORNING—HEARING, SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD noted that the same lawyers who created the legal justifications for BUSH—WARRANTLESS—DOMESTIC spying program coached Alito about how to answer questions —DURING the confirmation hearings:
20060113             Alito Witness Disappears From List: Report:
20060113             —PULLED, Name, —AFTER group dissed nominee - Nato denies misuse of Kosovo camp:
20060113             —DENIED, Nato has, that 1—OF—ITS—KOSOVO detention centres has been used by THE—USA to interrogate militant Islamist suspects under its rendition programme.
20060113             SWITZERLAND—SENATOR—DICK—MARTY, who is investigating THE—CIA—AFFAIR for the European Council,
20060113             believes recent evidence intercepted by SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE is an 'additional INDICATOR—OF—THE—EXISTENCE—OF—SECRET—PRISONS.'
20060113             Padilla Pleads Not Guilty and Is Ordered Held Without Bail:
20060113             "He pleads absolutely not guilty to the charges contained in the indictment," Mr.
20060113             Need a laugh?: We found PADILLA—AL—QAEDA application, USA says:
20060113             —DISCOVERED, Prosecutors said THE—USA—GOVERNMENT, alleged terrorist JOSé PADILLA—WRITTEN application to join al Qaeda
20060113             USA Seeks to Avoid Detainee Ruling:
20060113             THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took the unusual step —YESTERDAY of asking THE—SUPREME—COURT to call off 1—LANDMARK confrontation over THE—LEGALITY—OF—MILITARY—TRIALS for terrorism suspects,
20060113             arguing that 1—LAW enacted last —MONTH eliminates the court's ability to consider the issue.
20060113             —WANTED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—GUANTANAMO defense team: help :
20060113             THE—CHIEF—DEFENSE—COUNSEL for detainees at THE—USA—MILITARY—DETENTION—CENTER at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, says more defense attorneys are needed.
20060113             Marine COLONEL—DWIGHT—SULLIVAN says the prosecution team has 17—MEMBERS—WHILE the defense has only 4.
20060113             Foreign fighters flood into AFGHANISTAN:
20060113             The fighters, including Jordanians, Yemenis, Egyptians and Gulf Arabs,
20060113             stepped up their campaign —2—MONTHS—AGO with 1—SERIES—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS against NATO—PEACEKEEPERS,
20060113             RAY—MCGOVERN : Proof Bush Deceived AMERICA:
20060113             —CONCLUDED, Senior CIA officials had, that "THE—QUALITY—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE on WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION didn't really matter," —SINCE war was inevitable.
20060113             War pimp alert: USA PRESIDENT: IRAN trying to secretly develop nuclear weapon, wants to destroy ISRAEL:
20060113             USA PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, speaking at 1—WASHINGTON press conference, said: "IRAN armed with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON poses 1—GREAT—THREAT to THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—WORLD.
20060113             —PUNISHED, USA wants IRAN, for asserting its rights:
20060113             —PUNISHED, THE—USA—SAYS it supports IRAN being, for moving ahead with civil nuclear research and development,
20060113             because THE—USA—CLAIMS to know what IRAN intends to do with such civil technology
20060113             —REFERRED, IRAN threatens to end all voluntary cooperation if, to UNITED—NATIONS Security Council:
20060113             —THREATENED, IRAN, —ON—FRIDAY to block inspections of its nuclear sites if confronted by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its atomic activities.
20060113             CHINA:Referring IRAN To UN Might Toughen Its Nuclear Stand: -
20060113             —EXPRESSED, CHINA—UNITED—NATIONS ambassador, concern —FRIDAY that referring IRAN to the Security Council might toughen TEHRAN—POSITION on its nuclear program.
20060113             ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE—INTELLIGENCE: IRAN beefing up air defenses:
20060113             —DESCRIBED, The source, the present IRAN—AIR—DEFENSES as "good".
20060113             —DEPLOYED, It is known that IRAN has, SOVIET—ORIGIN ANTI—AIRCRAFT—SYSTEMS—AROUND 10000000             —THE—MEGAWATT BUSHEHR nuclear reactor.
20060113             1—PROUD—NATION—SURROUNDED by Nuclear States:
20060113             Can there be 1—MILITARY—SOLUTION to the dispute?
20060113             MIKE—WHITNEY: The Countdown to War with IRAN:
20060113             —DEVELOPED, We know that THE—USA has, 1—NEW—REGIME—OF—LOW—YIELD "usable" nuclear weapons to destroy underground bunkers.
20060113             We also know that the militarists in the Pentagon have threatened to use nuclear weapons in a "1. strike" preemptive attack.
20060113             USA—SET to clinch nuclear deal with INDIA:
20060113             AS WASHINGTON steps up pressure on IRAN and NORTH—KOREA to abandon suspected nuclear weapons programs,
20060113             USA—OFFICIALS are completing 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL with INDIA that critics says is 1—THREAT to NON—PROLIFERATION—EFFORTS.
20060113             New Pentagon Memos Show HIGH—LEVEL AUTHORIZATION—OF—DETAINEE Abuse:
20060113             "It —JUST confirms that the policies that were adopted at GUANTANAMO were adopted as 1—MATTER—OF—POLICY and over significant objections,
20060113             not —JUST within THE—FBI but within UNITS—OF—THE—ARMY,"
20060113             BAGHDAD Burning: IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: I've spent the last 2—DAYS crying:
20060113             † It is said he lived long enough to talk to police and then he.
20060113             THE—NSA—VAST DATA—MINING activities began shortly —AFTER Bush was sworn in as PRESIDENT and the document contradicts his assertion that 20010911             —THE attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing 1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER authorizing THE—NSA to monitor 1—SELECT—NUMBER—OF—USA—CITIZENS thought to have ties to terrorist groups.
20060113             USA Bombs PAKISTAN - The soul of 1—NATION is fatally WOUNDED—BY ABID—ULLAH—JAN
20060113             —ATTACKED, Aircraft from AFGHANISTAN have once more, PAKISTAN killing 18—PAKISTANIS in remote villages.
20060113             —ADOPTED, Even NON—USA—SOURCES, such as AL—JAZEERA has, the tone of embedded journalists,
20060113             telling the world that THE—USA—ATTACK on PAKISTAN killed 18—PEOPLE in "1—VILLAGE—STRONGHOLD—OF—PRO—TALIBAN—ISLAMISTS".
20060113             GUANTANAMO: Bush lehnt Schließung ab
20060113             Besuch im Weißen Haus: Bush voller Lob für Merkel
20060113             ATOM—KRISE: "Teheran lassen Sanktionsdrohungen kalt"
20060113             Menschheitsgeschichte: Adler tötete "Kind von Taung"
20060113             Vogelgrippe: Gefährliche H5N1-Variante in der Türkei angekommen
20060113             Massenpanik bei Mekka: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Sicherheitskräfte
20060113             Atomstreit: IRAN zeigt sich von DROHUNGEN—DER—USA unbeeindruckt
20060113             Orionnebel: Tiefer Blick in den Hexenkessel der Sterne
20060113             Boomjahr 20060000             : Ein klassisches Zwischenhoch
20060113             Abgabensegen: Unternehmen füllen Steuerkasse
20060113             Ein weiteres Thema, das bei Gerichtsnominierungen in der Vergangenheit nur eine geringe Rolle spielte,
20060113             aber bei den jetztigen Anhörungen an Brisanz gewonnen hat, ist die —SEIT dem 11..20010900              ständig wachsende Machtfülle des Präsidenten.
20060113             Alito unterstellte er Obrigkeitstreue und warf ihm vor, dass er sich im Zweifelsfall stets auf die Seite der Mächtigen schlage.
20060113             Dies sei Besorgnis erregend "zu einer Zeit, in der das Weiße Haus Macht missbraucht, Folter entschuldigt und amerikanische Bürger ausspioniert", so Kennedy.
20060113             Nicht erklären konnte Alito dagegen seine Mitgliedschaft in einer konservativen ALUMNI—ORGANISATION der Princeton University.
20060113             Die "Concerned Alumni of Princeton" haben sich vor allem in der Öffentlichkeit damit einen Namen gemacht,
20060113             dass sie sich gegen die AUFNAHME—VON—FRAUEN und Minderheiten an der UNIVERSITÄT ausgesprochen haben.
20060113             Auf seine Zugehörigkeit zu dieser Gruppe angesprochen, litt Alito plötzlich an ERINNERUNGSVERLUST—IMMER wieder eine beliebte Möglichkeit, unliebsamen Fragen auszuweichen.
20060113             —ERST als die Demokraten Alito zu einem Memo befragten, dass er 19850000              als Anwalt im Justizministerium unter PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN zur Abtreibungfrage verfasst hatte,
20060113             war er kurzzeitig um 1—ANTWORT verlegen.
20060113             —ARGUMENTIERT, Alito hatte in dem Memo, dass die amerikanische Verfassung keinerlei Basis für das Recht auf Abtreibung biete.
20060113             Die Abtreibungsfrage spielt während der SENATS—ANHÖRUNGEN eine bedeutende Rolle, weil das Thema auch in Zukunft ganz sicher wieder vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof landen wird.
20060113             weil es das Grundrecht auf persönliche Freiheit verletze.
20060113             —GEOUTET, Immer wieder als Hardliner
20060113             Während seiner 15-jährigen Tätigkeit am Bundesberufungsgericht in PHILADELPHIA hatte Alito sich 19910000              in einem weiteren Urteil als Hardliner geoutet:
20060113             Er sprach sich dafür aus, Frauen in PENNSYLVANIA vor einer geplanten Abtreibung dazu zu verpflichten,
20060113             ihren Ehemann über den Schwangerschaftsabbruch zu informieren.
20060113             Alito wirkte während der Anhörungen nervös, doch er bemühte sich gekonnt,
20060113             seine FRÜHERE—HALTUNG zur Abtreibung als irrelevant darzustellen und sich stattdessen als typischen Amerikaner mit moderaten MAINSTREAM—ÜBERZEUGUNGEN zu präsentieren.
20060113             Gute Richter, erklärte Alito vor dem Ausschuss in diesem Zusammenhang, "sind immer offen gegenüber der Möglichkeit, ihre Meinung zu ändern".
20060113             Außerdem bekräftigte er, dass "das Gesetz immer über persönlichen Ansichten und Einstellungen steht".
20060113             Vertrauenskrise: Publikum flüchtete aus IMMOBILIEN—FONDS
20060113             Geheimdienst im Irak: Grüne lehnen Verantwortung für BND—AKTIVITÄTEN ab
20060113             Atomstreit: USA wollen IRAN noch 1—CHANCE geben - elexica: In Brief: Insurance
20060113             (Submitted: ); CONTRACT—CONSTRUCTION - insurance: Absalom (on behalf of LLOYD—SYNDICATE 957 ) v TCRU Limited: Log in required: 1—BROKERAGE...
20060113             FEASEY, v Sun Life Insurance of CANADA [20030000              ] LLOYD—REP—IR 637,
20060113             BerlinOnline: Archiv: Berliner Zeitung vom 20010630             ... ein ehemaliges Staatsoberhaupt als Kriegsverbrecher vor Gericht gestellt... Wanted: KISSINGER—WANTED: 3. WAY—WAS habe ich in meiner Tasche?... /
20060113             Group: Overfishing More Destructive than Tsunami, Earthquake to INDONESIA—REEFS
20060113             UKRAINE: Juschtschenko will eigenständiges Atomprogramm
20060113             The next USA—EMPIRE—JOBS such as surveillance and reconnaissance can increasingly be done from AMERICA... bases, loosely based on oil platforms, which might help to circumvent...
20060113             Der Forscher RAYMOND—DART, der ebenfalls in Witwatersrand lehrte, hatte das "Kind von Taung" 19240000              entdeckt.
20060113             Es handelt sich dabei um den Schädel eines etwa 3—JAHRE alten Australopithecus africanus, der 1—BRÜCKENGLIED zwischen Menschenaffen und den heutigen Menschen ist.
20060113             NEW—YORK—DIE Einschaltung des UNO—SICHERHEITSRATES im Atomstreit mit IRAN "könnte die Sache komplizierter machen", sagte Wang Guangya, chinesischer BOTSCHAFTER bei den Vereinten Nationen, —HEUTE in NEW—YORK.
20060113             Jahrelang wurde Polens EX—PRÄSIDENT—LECH—WALESA als Führer der ANTI—KOMMUNISTISCHEN SOLIDARNOSC—BEWEGUNG von Polizeispitzeln überwacht.
20060113             —JETZT will er tausende der dabei entstandenen Dokumente im INTERNET veröffentlichen lassen
20060113             Onlinezeitung USA—REBEL... den vermutlich größten noch lebenden Kriegsverbrecher des vergangenen Jahrhunderts... Die Hauptakteure namens Pinochet, Nixon und Kissinger sowie ihre...
20060113             BerlinOnline: Archiv: Berliner Zeitung vom 20010710              —BISHER galt HENRY—KISSINGER als hochverdienter STAATSMANN—NUN will ihn 1—PUBLIZIST—ALS—KRIEGSVERBRECHER überführen.
20060113             —GRILLED, Pentagon, over database on war critics : SENATOR—DIANNE—FEINSTEIN on —THURSDAY asked for answers on 1—OBSCURE—PENTAGON agency that included reports on student ANTI—WAR—PROTESTS and other peaceful CIVIL—DEMONSTRATIONS in 1—DATABASE meant to detect terrorist activities.
20060113             USA—SUPREME—COURT—TO—DECIDE if Police Can Barge in Unannounced:
20060113             "Forget the ongoing privacy debate over USA—GOVERNMENT spying on telephone conversations--soon you may not have the right to tell cops to wait —UNTIL you open your door
20060113             NEWT—NEW—CON: Of all the voices berating THE—REPUBLICAN—PARTY for its CULTURE—OF—CORRUPTION, none rings more hollow than Newt Gingrich's. According to the Associated Press, THE—FORMER—HOUSE—SPEAKER has said he is considering running for PRESIDENT in 2008
20060113             SOS for African drought victims: According to THE—UN—FOOD—AID—AGENCY, preliminary assessments show that those affected include 1 estimated 2.5—MILLION in KENYA, 1.4—MILLION in SOMALIA, 1.5—MILLION in ETHIOPIA and 60,000 in DJIBOUTI.
20060113             USA formally prohibits arms sale to VENEZUELA : THE—USA—GOVERNMENT has formally prohibited SPAIN from selling 12—MILITARY—PLANES and 8—FRIGATES to HUGO—CHÁVEZ in VENEZUELA, because they contain NORTH—USA—TECHNOLOGY.
20060113             ISRAEL—ARMY uprooting olive groves: THE—ISRAEL—ARMY has been destroying, uprooting and in SOME—CASES, stealing PALESTINE—OLIVE trees in several PARTS—OF—THE—WEST—BANK, grove owners and witnesses say.
20060113             USA—THREATS—AFTER boycott support : USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—CONDOLEEZZA—RICE threatened NORWAY with "serious political consequences" —AFTER Finance MINISTER—AND—SOCIALIST—LEFT—PARTY—LEADER—KRISTIN—HALVORSEN admitted to supporting 1—BOYCOTT—OF—ISRAEL—GOODS.
20060113             Norwegian: MINISTER—APOLOGY—OVER—BOYCOTT—BACKING : 1—SENIOR—NORWAY—GOVERNMENT—MINISTER has apologised —AFTER she lent her backing to 1—BOYCOTT—OF—ISRAEL—GOODS.
20060113             USA—LAW—UNCLEAR if Bush Can Invade Without Congress OK: Alito:
20060113             Includes Lawyers Who Approved Warrantless Surveillance : —DURING this —MORNING—HEARING, SENATOR—RUSS—FEINGOLD noted that the same lawyers who created the legal justifications for BUSH—WARRANTLESS—DOMESTIC spying program coached Alito about how to answer questions —DURING the confirmation hearings:
20060113             —PULLED, Name, —AFTER group dissed nominee
20060113             —DENIED, Nato denies misuse of Kosovo camp : Nato has, that 1—OF—ITS—KOSOVO detention centres has been used by THE—USA to interrogate militant Islamist suspects under its rendition programme.
20060113             —ALMOST No Governments Are Telling The Truth' About CIA Affair:
20060113             SWITZERLAND—SENATOR—DICK—MARTY, who is investigating THE—CIA—AFFAIR for the European Council, believes recent evidence intercepted by SWITZERLAND—INTELLIGENCE is an 'additional INDICATOR—OF—THE—EXISTENCE—OF—SECRET—PRISONS.'
20060113             Padilla Pleads Not Guilty and Is Ordered Held Without Bail : "He pleads absolutely not guilty to the charges contained in the indictment," MISTER—PADILLA—LAWYER, MICHAEL—CARUSO, said —BEFORE Magistrate JUDGE—BARRY—GARBER of the Federal DISTRICT—COURT—IN—MIAMI.
20060113             USA Seeks to Avoid Detainee Ruling: THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION took the unusual step —YESTERDAY of asking THE—SUPREME—COURT to call off 1—LANDMARK confrontation over THE—LEGALITY—OF—MILITARY—TRIALS for terrorism suspects, arguing that 1—LAW enacted last —MONTH eliminates the court's ability to consider the issue.
20060113             —WANTED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—GUANTANAMO defense team: help, : THE—CHIEF—DEFENSE—COUNSEL for detainees at THE—USA—MILITARY—DETENTION—CENTER at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, says more defense attorneys are needed.
20060113             Foreign fighters flood into AFGHANISTAN : The fighters, including Jordanians, Yemenis, Egyptians and Gulf Arabs, stepped up their campaign 2—MONTHS ago with 1—SERIES—OF—SUICIDE—BOMBINGS against NATO—PEACEKEEPERS, USA—TROOPS and AFGHANISTAN—GOVERNMENT—LEADERS.
20060113             RAY—MCGOVERN : Proof Bush Deceived AMERICA : Senior CIA officials had concluded that "THE—QUALITY—OF—THE—INTELLIGENCE on WEAPONS—OF—MASS—DESTRUCTION didn't really matter," —SINCE war was inevitable.
20060113             War pimp alert: USA—PRESIDENT: IRAN trying to secretly develop nuclear weapon, wants to destroy ISRAEL : USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH, speaking at 1—WASHINGTON press conference, said: "IRAN armed with 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON poses 1—GREAT—THREAT to THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—WORLD.
20060113             —PUNISHED, THE—USA—SAYS it supports IRAN being, for moving ahead with civil nuclear research and development, because THE—USA—CLAIMS to know what IRAN intends to do with such civil technology
20060113             —REFERRED, IRAN threatens to end all voluntary cooperation if, to UNITED—NATIONS Security Council : IRAN threatened on —FRIDAY to block inspections of its nuclear sites if confronted by THE—UNITED—NATIONS—SECURITY—COUNCIL over its atomic activities.
20060113             CHINA:Referring IRAN To UN Might Toughen Its Nuclear Stand : -CHINA—UNITED—NATIONS ambassador expressed concern —FRIDAY that referring IRAN to the Security Council might toughen TEHRAN—POSITION on its nuclear program.
20060113             ISRAEL—AIR—FORCE—INTELLIGENCE: IRAN beefing up air defenses: The source described the present IRAN—AIR—DEFENSES as "good".
20060113             1—PROUD—NATION—SURROUNDED by Nuclear States : Can there be 1—MILITARY—SOLUTION to the dispute?
20060113             MIKE—WHITNEY: The Countdown to War with IRAN : We know that THE—USA has developed 1—NEW—REGIME—OF—LOW—YIELD "usable" nuclear weapons to destroy underground bunkers.
20060113             USA—SET to clinch nuclear deal with INDIA : AS WASHINGTON steps up pressure on IRAN and NORTH—KOREA to abandon suspected nuclear weapons programs, USA—OFFICIALS are completing 1—NUCLEAR—DEAL with INDIA that critics says is 1—THREAT to NON—PROLIFERATION—EFFORTS.
20060113             "It —JUST confirms that the policies that were adopted at GUANTANAMO were adopted as 1—MATTER—OF—POLICY and over significant objections, not —JUST within THE—FBI but within UNITS—OF—THE—ARMY,"
20060113             † BAGHDAD Burning: IRAQ—GIRL—BLOG: I've spent the last 2—DAYS crying : It is said he lived long enough to talk to police and then he.
20060113             Bush Authorized Domestic Spying —BEFORE 20010911              20060113             THE—NSA—VAST DATA—MINING activities began shortly —AFTER Bush was sworn in as PRESIDENT and the document contradicts his assertion that 20010911             —THE attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing 1—SECRET—EXECUTIVE—ORDER authorizing THE—NSA to monitor 1—SELECT—NUMBER—OF—USA—CITIZENS thought to have ties to terrorist groups.
20060113             USA—BOMBS PAKISTAN
20060113             —WOUNDED, The soul of 1—NATION is fatally, -By ABID—ULLAH—JAN
20060113             —ADOPTED, Even NON—USA—SOURCES, such as AL—JAZEERA has, the tone of embedded journalists, telling the world that THE—USA—ATTACK on PAKISTAN killed 18—PEOPLE in "1—VILLAGE—STRONGHOLD—OF—PRO—TALIBAN—ISLAMISTS".
20060113             CIA—AFFÄRE: EU—ERMITTLER wirft EUROPA "Heuchelei" vor - GUANTANAMO: Bush lehnt Schließung ab
20060113             Atomstreit mit IRAN: CHINA stellt Druck des Westens in Frage
20060113             Internationale Pressestimmen: "MERKEL—KEIN Speichellecker der USA—REGIERUNG"
20060113             Trotz Atomstreit: Russland will IRAN Raketen liefern
20060113             Ein weiteres Thema, das bei Gerichtsnominierungen in der Vergangenheit nur eine geringe Rolle spielte, aber bei den jetztigen Anhörungen an Brisanz gewonnen hat, ist die —SEIT dem 11..20010900              ständig wachsende Machtfülle des Präsidenten.
20060113             Der demokratische SENATOR—EDWARD—KENNEDY kritisierte in diesem Zusammenhang die von Bush angeordneten Lauschangriffe und die Behandlung von Terrorverdächtigen.
20060113             Alito verteidigte sich gegen die Attacken des Demokraten und machte klar, dass die USA—VERFASSUNG sowohl in FRIEDENS—ALS auch in Kriegszeiten unantastbar sei.
20060113             "Kein Mensch steht über dem Gesetz" und selbst der PRÄSIDENT dürfe in Krisenzeiten keinen Blankoscheck für seine Entschiedungen erhalten, erklärte Alito.
20060113             Die "Concerned Alumni of Princeton" haben sich vor allem in der Öffentlichkeit damit einen Namen gemacht, dass sie sich gegen die AUFNAHME—VON—FRAUEN und Minderheiten an der UNIVERSITÄT ausgesprochen haben.
20060113             —ERST als die Demokraten Alito zu einem Memo befragten, dass er 19850000              als Anwalt im Justizministerium unter PRÄSIDENT—RONALD—REAGAN zur Abtreibungfrage verfasst hatte, war er kurzzeitig um 1—ANTWORT verlegen.
20060113             Militärtribunale in GUANTANAMO: USA—REGIERUNG will Obersten Gerichtshof außen vor lassen
20060113             USA—BESUCH: Zum Auftakt spart Merkel GUANTANAMO—KRITIK aus
20060113             Höchstes USA—GERICHT: Wie sich die Demokraten an Bushs Kandidat die Zähne ausbeißen
20060113             Atomstreit: USA wollen IRAN noch 1—CHANCE geben
20060113             elexica: In Brief: Insurance (Submitted: );
20060113             CONTRACT—CONSTRUCTION - insurance: Absalom (on behalf of LLOYD—SYNDICATE 957 ) v TCRU Limited: Log in required: 1—BROKERAGE...
20060113             FEASEY, v Sun Life Insurance of CANADA [2003 ] LLOYD—REP—IR 637,
20060113—19240000    entdeckten Forscher in Südafrika den Schädel eines dreijährigen Mädchens,
20060113—19730000    hatte der Oberste Gerichtshof das damals geltende Abtreibungsverbot für verfassungswidrig erklärt,
20060113—20030407    —FACED, GERMAN—SECURITY—SERVICES, the prospect of 1—PARLIAMENTARY—INQUIRY, triggered by reports that GERMANY—AGENTS in BAGHDAD had helped THE—USA—PINPOINT bombing targets.
20060113—20060000    —IN, USA—BUDGET—DEFICIT to surge above $400bn : Spending on Gulf Coast reconstruction has led THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION to revise upwards sharply its estimates for the federal budget deficit, by 17 % to $400bn, sparking calls for further spending restraint and adding to concerns about extending tax cuts.
20060113—20080000    —BY, National ID, STATE—NIGHTMARE : 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—LAW creating 1—NATIONAL—STANDARD for all driver's licenses isn't —JUST upsetting civil libertarians and immigration rights activists.
20060201—20060113    —ON, AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—TODAY wrote to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH to express its concern that between 13 and 18—PEOPLE were killed ,
20060201—20060113    —ON, PAKISTAN: USA—INVOLVEMENT in CIVIL—DEATHS : AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL—TODAY wrote to USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH to express its concern that between 13 and 18—PEOPLE were killed, —WHEN missiles were fired into 3—HOUSES in Damadola in Bajaur Agency, 1—FEDERALLY administered tribal area.
20060317—20040113    —ON, The human rights scandal —NOW known as "ABU—GHRAIB" began its journey toward exposure, —WHEN Spc.
20060809             Le 19150113             , ils obtiennent gain de...
20061014             "The phenomenon hasn't happened in 476—YEARS, said Heinrich Hemme, 1—PHYSICIST at GERMANY—UNIVERSITY—OF—AACHEN who crunched the numbers to find that THE—DOUBLE—WHAMMY last occurred 15200113             ".
20061019—20150113    —ON, 1—FEDERAL—COURT unanimously ruled that the Appeals Court was wrong in reversing THE—FINDINGS—OF—THE—TRIAL—COURT.
20061117—19940700    —PLEADED, Bucci had, no contest to 2—MISDEMEANOR—CHARGES—OF vehicular manslaughter —AFTER 1—DOUBLE—FATALITY—CRASH 19940113             , on Interstate 80 in NEVADA County, according to NEVADA County Superior Court records in Truckee.
20070113             Undersea Cable Repair Via 18010101—19001231     Tech- - 15% erhöhen könne.
20070113             (20070112             /ac/a/u)
20070113             BuzzFlash Thoughts from the Media Reform Conference in MEMPHIS -- 20070112—20140112.
20070113             —AGREED, THE—NORTH—CAROLINA STATE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL—OFFICE, to take over the sexual assault case against 3—DUKE—UNIVERSITY lacrosse players at the request of embattled DURHAM County DISTRICT—ATTORNEY—MIKE—NIFONG.
20070113             —EXONERATED, All 3—PLAYERS were —LATER.
20070113             SF, the Muni METRO T-3. line began operations.
20070113             —REPORTED, It was, that Kink, 1—WEB—BASED pornography distributor, had purchased 19120000             —THE old armory building on Mission St. in S—FRANCISCO for $14.5—MILLION.
20070113             —KILLED, HUNTINGTON, W.Va, 9—PEOPLE were, in 1—APARTMENT building fire.
20070113             MCDOWELL, County, W.VIRGINIA, 2—MINERS were killed —WHEN 1—ROOF collapsed inside the Brooks Run Mining COMPANY—CUCUMBER coal mine.
20070113             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—ASIA—VULTURE had declined by up to 99% in the last —DECADE due to poisoning from diclofenac, 1—ANTI—INFLAMMATORY drug for cattle.
20070113             —SUPPORTED, AFGHANISTAN, UK—MARINES, by Dutch and UK—ATTACK—HELICOPTERS, staged 1—PRE—DAWN attack on 1—MUD—BRICK compound atop 1—BARREN hill where insurgents were thought hiding, setting off 1—BATTLE that killed 16 suspected militants and 1—MARINE in Helmand province.
20070113             —DROPPED, USA—WARPLANES, 500-pound bombs.
20070113             —SIGNED, ASEAN leaders meeting in THE—PHILIPPINES, 1—AGREEMENT to regulate migrant workers.
20070113             —REPORTED, It was, that THOUSANDS—OF—BIRDS had dropped dead over the past 3—WEEKS in WEST—AUSTRALIA.
20070113             —ARRESTED, BANGLADESH—POLICE and soldiers, more than 2,500—PEOPLE overnight and raided the homes of several political leaders —AFTER 1—NEW—CARETAKER—GOVERNMENT was sworn in to quell unrest AHEAD—OF—ELECTIONS.
20070113             1—BOLIVIA—AIR—FORCE—PLANE crashed in 1—SOUTHERN—STATE, killing all 8—PEOPLE on BOARD.
20070113             CANADA, groundbreaking took place in CALGARY on the 58-story Encana tower, The Bow.
20070113             —VANISHED, YOU—THENG had, —EARLIER this —MONTH amid accusations he stole MILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS from his TAIWAN company.
20070113             —VISITED, Pranab Mukherjee, INDIA—FOREIGN—MINISTER, ISLAMABAD to discuss SIR—CREEK and other disputes.
20070113             —2—DAYS—LATER Indian and PAKISTAN—SURVEYORS began mapping the creek in preparation for settling their maritime border there.
20070113             —KILLED, IRAQ, at least 11—PEOPLE were, or found dead, including 1—SUNNI cleric who was shot to death near his home in SAMARRA, 60—MILES—NORTH—OF—BAGHDAD and 5—WHO were slain in separate attacks in NORTH—IRAQ.
20070113             They had laid waste to the villages of Marzabotto, Grizzana and Vado di Monzuno near BOLOGNA, as the Germans retreated —BEFORE Allied troops.
20070113             —REPORTED, It was, that swarms of locusts had descended on THE—MEXICO—STATE—OF—YUCATAN and threatened over 12,000 ACRES—OF—VEGETATION.
20070113             —RECORDED, Suspected avian influenza was, in NORTH—NIGERIA—SOKOTO—STATE, 1—DAY—AFTER the disease reportedly infected 5,000 birds in nearby Kastina state.
20070113             —AUTHORIZED, SOMALIA—LAWMAKERS, the government to declare martial law as the country's internationally recognized leaders struggled to assert their authority —AFTER battling 1—ISLAMIC—MOVEMENT that had controlled MUCH—OF—SOUTH—SOMALIA.
20070113             SOUTH—THAILAND, 1—BUDDHIST—MAN and his wife were working at 1—RUBBER—PLANTATION in Yala province —WHEN 1—GROUP attacked them, shooting the man 3—TIMES in the chest —BEFORE beheading him and killing his wife.
20070113             —KILLED, Another Buddhist was, in 1—DRIVE—BY shooting in 1—SEPARATE—ATTACK in Yala.
20070113             "If you are afraid to speak out, you are not in AMERICAN—ANY—MORE" - 'unknown' - By Soraya SEPAHPOUR—ULRICH
20070113             THE—USA, once known as THE—BEACON—OF—DEMOCRACY, finds itself in 1—DILEMMA.
20070113             —FACED, It is, with 1—PRESIDENT that is deaf to the people.
20070113             Norwegen: Ölpest nach FRACHTER—HAVARIE
20070113             Peace Action WEST—TIMELINE—OF—THE—CONFLICT in IRAQ
20070113             RICHARD—SECORD is responsible for planning a 2. rescue attempt, which never takes...
20070113             The deal would be carried out by SARKIS SOGHANALIAN. who the Army...
20070113             USAF, (Ret.) Federal BUREAU—OF—PRISONS.
20070113             Arms dealer, SARKIS SOGHANALIAN. a CIA AGENT—IN—PLACE in IRAQ was playing SADDAM
20070113             SEATON, business associate of RICHARD—SECORD. THE—RIGHT—WING USA—ARMY
20070113             Democratic Underground Forums -
20070113             —WORKED, TURKI, directly with agency operatives like SARKIS SOGHANALIAN + ED—WILSON, + ALBERT—HAKIM was PART—OF—THE—HAKIM /SECORD /ZUCKER MONEY—LAUNDERING...
20070113             M of A - Open Thread 05-96
20070113             According to SARKIS SOGHANALIAN ADHAM brought MARK—THATCHER into the arms business.
20070113             about EACH—OTHER—ACTIVITIES allowed SHACKLEY + SECORD—VON—MARBOD...
20070113             who accompanied MCFARLANE on his IRAN mission.
20070113             has on at least 1—OCCASION turned to LEBANON—ARMS merchant SARKIS SOGHANALIAN.
20070113             SPY article on Wackenhut
20070113             —CONSIDERED, WACKENHUT agent DAVID—RAMIREZ, the company, SOGHANALIAN "1—VERY
20070113             the hands of SECORD by THE—CIA + SECORD called in WACKENHUT to handle...
20070113             SPY MAGAZINE: WACKENHUT
20070113             —CREDITED, SOGHANALIAN who has been, with being SADDAM HUSSEIN—LEADING arms
20070113             was placed in the hands of SECORD by THE—CIA + SECORD called in WACKENHUT...
20070113             BARBOUTI met with SECORD in FLORIDA on several occasions + phone records
20070113             We would be greeted as liberators, with flowers.
20070113             As they stood UP—WE would stand down,
20070113             we would stay the course, we were never 'stay the course', The enemy was al Qaeda, was foreigners, terrorists, Baathists.
20070113             The war would pay for itself, it would cost 1—POINT—7—BILLION dollars, 100—BILLION, 400—BILLION, half 1—TRILLION dollars.
20070113             And —AFTER ALL—OF—THAT, —TODAY it is his credibility versus THAT—OF—GENERALS,
20070113             diplomats, allies, Republicans, Democrats, THE—IRAQ Study Group, past presidents, voters last ;;11;; + THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070113             MISS—NBC has more - ABC NEWS com: ISRAEL is Seen Abusing Caged Palestinians-
20070113             BG—ISRAEL is Seen Abusing Caged Palestinians -
20070113             To listen to BUSH—SPEECH—ON—WEDNESDAY, you would imagine that AL—QAEDA has occupied large swathes of IRAQ with the help of Syria and IRAN and is brandishing missiles at THE—USA—MAINLAND.
20070113             That THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA can come out —AFTER nearly 4—YEARS—OF—SUCH lies and try to put this fantasy over on THE—USA—PEOPLE is shameful.
20070113             (Read on Source)... Source: ARTICLES—OF—IMPEACHMENT—OF
20070113             THE—PRESIDENT, VICE—PRESIDENT and all civil Officers of THE—USA, shall be removed from OFFICE—ON—IMPEACHMENT for + Conviction of,
20070113             Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
20070113             Opinion polls show declining public confidence in BUSH—CONDUCT—OF—THE—WAR, with the majority opposed to his proposal to send more troops to secure BAGHDAD.
20070113             Risk To World Economy Rises From Climate And Disease
20070113             The world economy is under growing threat from risks such as climate change,
20070113             terrorism, pandemics and oil prices because of inadequate action by governments and business, 1—NETWORK—OF—EXPERTS said —ON—WEDNESDAY.
20070113             1—REPORT by the World Economic Forum,
20070113             the reinsurer SWITZERLAND—RE, Citigroup BANK—AND—USA broker Marsh and McLennan warned of "1—FUNDAMENTAL disconnect between risk and mitigation".
20070113             It said LEVELS—OF—RISK were rising. Defiance And Delusion
20070113             GEORGE—BUSH—ANNOUNCEMENT last night that he is going to pour more troops into IRAQ was the last throw of the dice in 1 misconceived enterprise that has dragged his country,
20070113             this country + THE—MIDDLE—EAST into 1—NIGHTMARE.
20070113             Democratic Senators Want Agency DATA—MINING Reports
20070113             lawmakers said —WEDNESDAY.
20070113             "The overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THESE—DATA—MINING programs use,
20070113             collect + analyze personal information about ordinary USA—CITIZENS," says Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY.
20070113             —BY—RUSS WELLEN—JUST Like With Torture, CHENEY—GOT—HIS—TEETH—SUNK—INTO—IRAN
20070113             So much creative destruction, so little time.
20070113             —BY—DAVE LINDORFF—BUSH—ADDRESS: Blood For Face -
20070113             MANY—AMERICANS + many, MANY—MORE—IRAQIS will die simply because BUSH is too cowardly to admit that his IRAQ War has been 1—COLLOSSAL disaster.
20070113             —BY—DEAN POWERS—MEDIA "Deeply Divided" About Rhetoric
20070113             —AFTER weeks of destructive accounts of a "deeply divided" majority party,
20070113             —PROPOSED, Democrats are threatening to hold 1—VOTE on BUSH 's, troop surge that could signal strong Democratic unity and call into question the agendas or at least ACCURACY—OF—MAJOR—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS.
20070113             —BY—DOUG THOMPSON—SAME—GAME, Same Results, Same Madness
20070113             You can draw MANY—ANALOGIES out of what BUSH said in his disjointed,
20070113             rambling speech to the nation but 1—REASONABLE—PERSON can come to only 1—CONCLUSION:
20070113             THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA has run out of excuses, options or rationalizations for 1 failed,
20070113             ILL—CONCEIVED, illegal and immoral action that will go down in history as 1—MASSIVE—POLITICAL and military debacle.
20070113             Markos Moulitsas, Material Girl
20070113             "The challenge playing out across the broader MIDDLE—EAST is more than 1—MILITARY—CONFLICT," PRESIDENT—BUSH said last night.
20070113             "It is the decisive ideological struggle of our time".
20070113             Markos "Kos" Moulitsas begs to differ:
20070113             If BUSH and his pals truly believe the fate of Western civilization hangs in the balance, they should show they mean it.
20070113             Mobilize the country. Call for 1—DRAFT.
20070113             And yeah, of course they won't go anywhere near 1—DRAFT.
20070113             They don't believe in their war that much, enough to kill them electorally for 1—GENERATION.
20070113             But if the struggle is so dire and dark,
20070113             why not do something as tame as repeal their precious tax cuts for the wealthy?
20070113             —ORCHESTRATED, Is the surge 1, distraction from the real war plan?
20070113             1—GOOD—CASE can be made that it is.
20070113             —FOCUSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS and media are, on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PROPOSAL for 1—INCREASE—OF—20,000—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ,
20070113             —WHILE ISRAEL and its USA—NEOCONSERVATIVE allies prepare 1—ASSAULT on IRAN.... Source:
20070113             The epic DUKE—CUNNINGHAM scandal gets weirder: Carole Lam, THE—S—DIEGO—USA Attorney who prosecuted the corrupt former lawmaker,
20070113             is being quietly pushed out by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070113             LAM—OFFICE has —RECENTLY been troubling THE—CIA and Capitol Hill... (Read on Source)... Source:
20070113             —AUTHORIZED, WASHINGTON—AN order from PRESIDENT—BUSH, 1—SERIES—OF—USA raids against Iranians in IRAQ as PART—OF—1—BROAD—MILITARY—OFFENSIVE,
20070113             —ON the Editorial Page -
20070113             THE—CASE—OF—SANDY—BERGER and the purloined archives gets stranger all the time.
20070113             The Post lead plays stenographer
20070113             at —YESTERDAY—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE—HEARINGS, in which SECRETARY—GATES offered details on BUSH—PLANS for IRAQ + said that the potential success or failure of the big BAGHDAD surge would be evident in 1—FEW months.
20070113             —ASSURED, Pace, —MEANWHILE, the senators that THE—USA has no immediate plans to invade IRAN,
20070113             1—NOTION also dismissed by Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, who called it "urban legend".
20070113             To continue reading, click here.
20070113             of Capitol Hill hearings, in which Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES + Joint CHIEFS—OF—STAFF—CHAIRMAN—PETER—PACE took more questions on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PLANS for IRAQ.
20070113             THE—NEW—YORK Times - leads with Condoleezza RICE—ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
20070113             that BUSH authorized raids against Iranians in IRAQ.
20070113             Watch "THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF" on Google Video- - THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF -
20070113             58—MIN 16—SEC — 06-Aug-20060000              - Average rating: (131—RATINGS) - Description:
20070113             The best documentary ever!! 1—MASTERPIECE from BBC4 that shows THE—REALITY—OF—THE—USA—IDENTITY !!
20070113             —BELONGED, The artefacts most likely, to modern humans and dated to about as early as 45,—000—YEARS—AGO, said Professor Hoffecker.
20070113             However they were dissimilar to artefacts found at the other European sites, he added.
20070113             WHITE—HOUSE—TRIES Economic Pressure on Lawyers Representing GUANTANAMO Detainees
20070113             I'm sorry, but this is —JUST disgusting.
20070113             —NOW that there's 1—REAL—CHANCE that the might lose in the courts,
20070113             THE—WHITE—HOUSE is trying to put the economic screws on lawyers representing GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070113             heralds the start of 1 organized campaign by THE—WHITE—HOUSE to encourage major law firm clients to pressure those firms to drop their PRO—BONO representation of GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070113             THE—WASHINGTON—POST had 1—FORCEFUL—EDITORIAL about this —TODAY,
20070113             which says almost everything that needs saying:
20070113             [JURIST] The federal district court that will hold the trial of alleged terrorist Jose Padilla [BBC profile;
20070113             —ALLEGED, JURIST news archive] and 2—OTHER, AL—QAEDA operatives announced —FRIDAY that it will delay the trial —FOR—3—MONTHS, partly in response to t... Source:
20070113             USA—STRIKES on AL—QA'IDA chiefs kill nomads-
20070113             Independent Online Edition > UK Politics-
20070113             BG—SHOOT the messenger: PM blames media for ANTI—WAR mood
20070113             Americans aren't fat because they lack willpower; they're fat because they're broke -
20070113             —AM I getting through to you people yet?
20070113             —ELEVATED, Impeaching, prosecuting Nixon could have, the nation -
20070113             —BY—AMY Goodman, SEATTLE POST—INTELLIGENCER
20070113             Excerpt: Rather than explain Watergate, we hear the same chorus from all the networks,
20070113             that the nation needed to move beyond Watergate, needed to "heal," and that the pardon, —WHILE controversial, was needed.
20070113             But there is another scenario.
20070113             Impeachment and/or prosecution could have shown Americans that no person is above the law,
20070113             that all governments must be held accountable.
20070113             Excerpt: If we condone ISRAEL using 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON against 1—MUSLIM country,
20070113             then we will not have a "WAR—ON—TERROR" anymore, we will have the war against Islam that some of the conservative NUT—JOBS in this country have been hoping and pushing for.
20070113             Do you know that there are 1—BILLION Muslims in the world?
20070113             1—BILLION.
20070113             Comment: It's WELL—KNOWN that ISRAEL has nuclear weapons + increasingly common knowledge that ISRAEL has plans to use those weapons.
20070113             In light of this, the silence from THE—BUSH—CHENEY administration makes it pretty dang obvious that this criminal WHITE—HOUSE would indeed support ISRAEL—USE—OF nukes.
20070113             Excerpt: Had somebody told Iraqis even in late 80's that AMERICA would attack them, they would have ridiculed him at great lengths.
20070113             —MENTIONED, Had somebody even merely, to Afghans in 90's that —AFTER RUSSIA,
20070113             —CONSIDERED, USA will attack their country, they would have, him crazy.
20070113             Comment: Note that such 1—ATTACK isn't FAR—FETCHED at all.
20070113             —EXISTED, There have, contingency plans for 1—ATTACK in the event that THE—USA—PUPPET leader there falls,
20070113             for years —NOW -- due to THE—PAKISTAN—NUKE arsenal + how OSAMA—BIN—LADEN or others might get 1—PIECE—OF it (there's been several assassination and coup attempts).
20070113             1—FEW years back.
20070113             And lastly, if the puppet strays too far from BUSH—ORDERS, that too could cause 1—ATTACK.
20070113             JR Mooneyham - IRAN: The next senseless war - 2. USA carrier group to deploy to Gulf
20070113             Excerpt: THE—PENTAGON will send a 2. aircraft carrier and its escort ships to the Gulf,
20070113             Defense [sic] officials said —ON—WEDNESDAY, as 1—WARNING to Syria + IRAN and to give commanders more flexibility in the region.
20070113             "1—USA—STRIKE in IRAN is essential for our existence," says ISRAEL i GENERAL
20070113             As SCOTT—RITTER says, A—USA—WAR in IRAN will be 1—WAR made in ISRAEL.
20070113             Excerpt: The effect would also be devastating on USA—ARAB relations,
20070113             —ON ISRAEL—LONG—TERM—SECURITY, on THE—FLOW—OF—OIL from the Gulf, on the oil price, on the economies of the industrial world + on the already highly fragile dollar.
20070113             And yet, SOME—INFLUENTIAL—VOICES argue that the only way THE—USA can hope to "win" in IRAQ is to destroy IRAN.
20070113             ISRAEL plans nuclear strike on IRAN
20070113             2—ISRAEL i AIR—FORCE squadrons are training to blow up 1—IRAN—FACILITY using LOW—YIELD—NUCLEAR "BUNKER—BUSTERS",
20070113             according to several ISRAEL i military sources.
20070113             - Blast at USA Embassy Called 'Terrorism'
20070113             - Gov't: SOMALIA—WARLORDS Agree to Disarm
20070113             —AGREED, MOGADISHU—SOMALIA (AP) -- SOMALIA—WARLORDS have, to disarm and join 1—NEW—NATIONAL—ARMY,
20070113             1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY as violence in the capital brought home the challenge of restoring order in this fractious and heavily armed country..
20070113             - Intelligence Chiefs Pessimistic In Assessing Worldwide Threats...
20070113             IRAQ is at 1—VIOLENT and "precarious juncture," —WHILE AL—QAEDA is significantly expanding its global reach,
20070113             effectively immune to THE—LOSS—OF—LEADERS in battle, DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOHN—D—NEGROPONTE told Congress —YESTERDAY.
20070113             Daily Kos: Wes Clark takes on AIPAC!- - MISTER—PRESIDENT, This War Is Over
20070113             In 1—FINAL—ATTEMPT to salvage his presidency and secure his legacy, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH has announced yet another "strategy for victory" which calls for introducing 21,000 additional troops into the killing fields of IRAQ.
20070113             The point that THE—PRESIDENT and much of THE—WASHINGTON establishment refuses to concede is that THE—IRAQ war is already over.
20070113             IRAQ: Escalating Failure
20070113             —DISREGARDED, Last night, PRESIDENT—BUSH, the opposition of USA military commanders,
20070113             lawmakers of both parties, THE—IRAQ Study Group (ISG) + THE—USA—PUBLIC and announced to the nation that he plans to increase AMERICA—PRESENCE in IRAQ by approximately 21,500 troops,
20070113             with no timetable for —WHEN troop levels would be drawn back down.
20070113             New UNITED—NATIONS SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN KI—MOON believes THE—USA—PRISON at CUBA—GUANTANAMO—BAY should be shut down, he said —ON—THURSDAY.
20070113             Surge Plan Actually 2—YEARS—OLD, Devised By USA—ENTERPRISE—INSTITUTE
20070113             BUSH and CHENEY aren't —JUST FLIP—FLOPPING they're flopping.
20070113             Or maybe it should be called "flail and fail".
20070113             —AFTER replacing Rumsfeld and top generals,
20070113             they —NOW want to try suggestions in THE—AEI—REPORT "Choosing Victory:
20070113             1—PLAN for Success in IRAQ". The idea 1 can "Choose Victory" in war shows how haughty BUSH—FANTASY world is,
20070113             although CHENEY, who hand picked THE—AEI "SELL—JOB", —JUST has 1—SOFT—SPOT for war profiteers.
20070113             THE—REAL—BUSH/MALIKI DEAL: IRAQ—REGIME Set To Hand Over Oil Reserves To USA—ENERGY—GIANTS
20070113             As THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION prepares to escalate military violence against THE—IRAQ—PEOPLE THE—USA—INSTALLED regime in BAGHDAD is set to approve 1—NEW hydrocarbon law
20070113             that will hand unprecedented CONTROL—OF—THE—COUNTRY—VAST—OIL—RESERVES to USA + UK—ENERGY conglomerates.
20070113             The new law makes 1—MOCKERY—OF—ANY—CLAIMS—OF—IRAQ—SOVEREIGNTY and underscores that the real aim of the bloody enterprise by USA—IMPERIALISM...
20070113             Where They Come From - 1—MAP—OF—THE—BUSH /Cheney /Rumsfeld/RICE—DEAD - 3022—USA—CASUALITIES.
20070113             Whom is zooming who? Take the electoral college for 1—SPIN on this 1. - BARRAGE—OF—CRITICISM—FOR Bush IRAQ Plan
20070113             —SLAMMED, Democrats and Republicans, the new USA—PLAN to surge troops into IRAQ as 1—TRAGEDY and the worst blunder —SINCE VIETNAM,
20070113             as THE—BUSH—ADMIN admitted it had no idea how long the forces would stay.
20070113             —FACED, BUSH + top aides, fierce criticism as they launched 1—HARD sell to convince 1—NATION weary of 1—WAR which has claimed 3,000—USA—LIVES that THE—LAST—DITCH bid to step up the battle can work.
20070113             ISRAEL does not wish to see its vital interests hurt by regional radicalization&THE—SPILLOVER—OF—VIOLENCE beyond IRAQ.
20070113             USA Embassy In ATHENS Hit By Rocket Attack
20070113             —ROCKED, The attack, the embassy compound but caused no injuries.
20070113             A "Revolutionary Struggle" terror group claimed responsibility.
20070113             Arab Allies See Bush Fix For What It IS—NOT Much -
20070113             With THE—SHRAPNEL—OF—WAR flying outward from IRAQ, even THE—USA—ARAB allies are greeting NEWS—OF—BUSH—TROOP 'surge' with gloomy silence, writes IAN—BLACK
20070113             —BY—ANTHONY WADE—THE—BLOOD Stained Hands Of Rhetoric And Accountability
20070113             Enough is enough. Words matter.
20070113             If you are reporting on this ongoing dance between the cautious dems + the insane PRESIDENT,
20070113             you need to stop using phrases designed to frame things unfairly.
20070113             Not doing so makes you —JUST as guilty as those who pull triggers.
20070113             The pen is 1—WEAPON, words can kill.
20070113             —BY—DAVE JOHNSON—THE—ESCALATION
20070113             —DESIGNED, Surge is 1—FOCUS—GROUP—WORD, to sell 1—ESCALATION—OF—THE—WAR.
20070113             It is ALWAYS about appearances and political strategies not reality or THE—GOOD—OF—THE—COUNTRY with this crowd.
20070113             —BY—RANDOLPH T. Holhut The Ultimate COST—OF—BUSH—HUBRIS—IN—IRAQ
20070113             —BY—DAN LEE—BUSH—IS—SHINING
20070113             I tuned in the speech to try and keep 1—OPEN—MIND + not dismiss THE—PRESIDENT without giving him 1—HEARING.
20070113             PRESIDENT—GEORGE—BUSH is sending THOUSANDS—OF—ADDITIONAL—TROOPS to IRAQ + there is nothing that Congress can or will do about it.
20070113             The primary reason for Congressional impotence goes back to the 1. time THE—PRESIDENT sent troops into IRAQ.
20070113             THE—OUTCOME—OF—AMERICA—IRAQ—ADVENTURES will greatly impact AMERICA—PRESTIGE and influence in the world + as 1—CONSEQUENCE the dollar's strength and STATE—OF—THE—USA—ECONOMY.
20070113             —BY—STEVEN LESER—BUSH To USA—LET Me Risk Your Children To Try To Fix THE—UN—FIXABLE In IRAQ
20070113             Like 1—FEUDAL monarch, BUSH is deepening our risk and commitment to war despite the fact that over 70—PERCENT—OF—THE—COUNTRY disagrees with his actions and policies.
20070113             BUSH does not care what ANY—OF—USA think or want and in 1—FURTHER—ILLUSTRATION—OF this,
20070113             he engaged the troops —IMMEDIATELY—BEFORE the congress had the opportunity to advise + consent (or dissent) to his actions.
20070113             —BY—MICHAEL RICHARDSON—SUPREME—COURT—HITS—RALPH—NADER—WITH $89,821 BILL—FOR—HIS 20040000              PENNSYLVANIA Ballot Bid Upholding 1.—OF—KIND Ruling
20070113             —PENALIZED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, RALPH—NADER for seeking THE—PENNSYLVANIA ballot
20070113             Why is BUSH not only repackaging 1—OBVIOUS—FAILURE but why is he continuing to lie with such feigned sincerity ?
20070113             Because BUSH and CHENEY will not take their hands OUT—OF—THE—IRAQ—OIL—MONKEY—TRAP ~ + are willing to expend BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS + THOUSANDS—OF—LIVES in order to legally obtain the long term oil agreements ( PSA'S or Production Sharing Agreements ) from 1—USATAINTED IRAQ—GOVERNMENT that Iraqis do not trust.
20070113             How The Democrats Can Keep From Being Arrested
20070113             What the Democrats need to do to keep from Being Arrested —AFTER THE—BUSH—COUP
20070113             The world continues to fight the war against terrorism, yet, how MANY—INDIVIDUALS,
20070113             legal, government, political or religious leaders have actually taken the time to analyze the serious life long disabilities + "terror" that children + families are forced to endure,
20070113             without resources, due process or justice in 1—COURT—OF—LAW?
20070113             —BY—EVELYN PRINGLE—PUBLIC Has Right To Know Secrets Revealed In Zyprexa Documents
20070113             BUSH enflames tensions in KURDISTAN—SOMALIA and IRAN.
20070113             In light of recent INTERNATIONAL incidents,
20070113             Congress may need to quickly consider impeachment in the interest of national security!
20070113             —BY—MICHAEL SANDSTROM—YOU Are 1—SOLDIER, Help Save AMERICA -
20070113             Save AMERICA, the Constitution, THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS, our children because you can.
20070113             He keep's on gambling, saying to his friends, all I need is 1—MORE—CHANCE, I'm hot, I can feel it this time, I know I can still win.
20070113             Eventually, if he's lucky, his friends drag him OUT—OF—THE—CASINO, cutting his losses.
20070113             —BY—DAVID SWANSON—LAND—OF—ENCHANTMENT And Impeachment
20070113             There is 1—DECENT—CHANCE that within the next —MONTH or 2 THE—NEW—MEXICO STATE—LEGISLATURE will ask THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES to begin impeachment proceedings against PRESIDENT—BUSH and VICE—PRESIDENT—CHENEY.
20070113             EXPLANATION—OF—BUSH—DYSLEXIA, concrete thinking, dyslexia, poor reading skills,
20070113             current manifestation of his chronic alcoholism and addiction, HYPER—RELIGIOSITY, IQ at low END—OF—AVERAGE...
20070113             SAP Downgrade - Man habe zunehmend Bedenken, ob SAP wieder das Wachstum der Lizenzerlöse auf ca.
20070113             Bush challenges IRAQ plan critics-
20070113             —REVISED, PRESIDENT—BUSH hits back at critics of his, plan for IRAQ, as his SECRETARY—OF—STATE begins 1—TOUR—OF—THE—MID—EAST.
20070113             —PASSED, The House this afternoon, legislation to repeal THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION—BACKED provision of 20030000             —THE Medicare prescription drug law that forbids Medicare from negotiating lower prices for seniors.
20070113             "The 255 to 170 - vote wasn't enough to override 1 threatened veto from PRESIDENT—BUSH,
20070113             who said he won't accept the measure in its current form.
20070113             Supporters said the government could save $96—BILLION over 10—YEARS by negotiating for drugs bought in bulk".
20070113             The official DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—DICTIONARY—OF—MILITARY and Associated Terms
20070113             offers new evidence in the debate over IRAQ terminology.
20070113             As MoveOn org's ADAM—GREEN—NOTES,
20070113             THE—PENTAGON—DICTIONARY has no entry for "surge" but does have 1—ENTRY for "escalation":
20070113             escalation - (DOD) 1—DELIBERATE or unpremeditated increase in scope or violence of 1—CONFLICT.
20070113             —ARGUED, ThinkProgress has
20070113             that media outlets are misleading Americans —WHEN they use the term "surge" to describe PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—IRAQ proposal.
20070113             —DOCUMENTED, As we, —WEDNESDAY, —WHEN "surge" was 1. adopted by the mainstream media
20070113             sometimes totaling more than $100,000 1—YEAR, under 1—MEASURE unanimously approved by the Senate —FRIDAY".
20070113             Trump —TODAY on BUSH—SPEECH: "You know, THE—1—THING I sorta liked was what they were saying about IRAN.
20070113             I believe you have to go in and strike IRAN — not with soldiers.
20070113             You know, it's not 1—WORLD—OF—SOLDIERS anymore. It's 1—WORLD—OF—AIR.
20070113             It's 1—WORLD—OF—DIFFERENT—KINDS—OF, you know, we've changed".
20070113             —AFTER Negotiating INDIA Nuclear Deal, STATE—DEPARTMENT
20070113             Official Gets Lucractive Job Lobbying For INDIA- - STEPHEN—G—RADEMAKER,
20070113             USA assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE for arms control, is leaving THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—LUCRATIVE lobbying job at the firm of Barbour Griffith & Rogers.
20070113             —WHILE assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE, Rademaker negotiated 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DEAL allowing THE—USA to sell nuclear technology to INDIA,
20070113             which is not 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—IMPORTANT—NUCLEAR Nonproliferation Treaty.
20070113             —ARGUED, Critics, that THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION "abandoned THE—1—INCENTIVE—STATES have to stay in THE—NPT,
20070113             without providing 1—ALTERNATIVE framework
20070113             —RATIFIED, Less than 1—MONTH—AFTER that deal was, by Congress —DURING its lame duck session
20070113             "—LATER, asked about reaching the right balance between American and IRAQ—FORCES, he told the panel he was 'no expert on military matters.
20070113             —RIPPED, NICO—MISS—NBC : "1—EXPLOSION, through THE—USA—EMBASSY compound in CENTRAL—ATHENS —ON—FRIDAY, 1—POLICE—SOURCE said".
20070113             —WHEN your military is already overstretched: "THE—PENTAGON has abandoned its limit on the time 1—CITIZEN—SOLDIER can be required to serve on active duty,
20070113             officials said —THURSDAY, 1—MAJOR—CHANGE that reflects 1—ARMY stretched thin by LONGER—THAN—EXPECTED combat in IRAQ.
20070113             —UNTIL—NOW, THE—PENTAGON—POLICY on the Guard or Reserve was that members' cumulative time on active duty for THE—IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN—WARS could not exceed 24—MONTHS.
20070113             —LIFTED, That cumulative limit is —NOW ;
20070113             the remaining limit is on THE—LENGTH—OF—ANY—SINGLE—MOBILIZATION,
20070113             which may not exceed 24—CONSECUTIVE months".
20070113             —REQUESTED, POSADA, political asylum in THE—USA—THROUGH his attorney.
20070113             He is being held on accusations he entered the country illegally across THE—MEXICO—BORDER.
20070113             approved 1—EXTRADITION—REQUEST for him.
20070113             Speaking the same —DAY in WASHINGTON, DISTRICT—OF—COLUMBIA,
20070113             stated that POSADA might not have been in THE—USA.
20070113             —ADDED, Noriega, that charges against him "may be 1—COMPLETELY manufactured issue".
20070113             —DECLASSIFIED, However, FBI and CIA reports show that the agencies suspected his involvement in the airline bombing within DAYS—OF—ITS—OCCURRENCE.
20070113             —DISAPPOINTED, POSADA was reportedly, with THE—RELUCTANCE—OF—USA—NEWS—ORGANISATIONS to report the bombing attacks,
20070113             saying "If there is no publicity, the job is useless.
20070113             Contras and CENTRAL—AMERICA - CENTRAL—AMERICA,
20070113             —ASSIGNED, POSADA was, as deputy to Félix Rodríguez,
20070113             Kanada droht eine millionenschwere Sammelklage wegen der mutmasslichen Unterstützung eines CIA—FORSCHUNGSPROGRAMMS zur Bewusstseinskontrolle während des Kalten Krieges.
20070113             Die Kanadierin Janine Huard beantragte vor einem Bundesgericht in Montréal die Zulassung einer Klage gegen die kanadische Regierung,
20070113             wie ihr Anwalt ALAN—STEIN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—AFP am —FREITAG sagte.
20070113             Huard wirft dem kanadischen STAAT—KOMPLIZENSCHAFT...
20070113             Die USA—BOTSCHAFT in Athen ist mit einer Rakete angegriffen worden.
20070113             Dies teilte die griechische Polizei —AM—MORGEN mit.
20070113             Verletzt wurde niemand.
20070113             Die Rakete sei in der Nähe des Haupteingangs eingeschlagen und im Innern des Gebäudes explodiert, sagte die Polizei weiter.
20070113             Wer für den Angriff verantwortlich war, war —ZUNÄCHST nicht bekannt.
20070113             —GEHÖRT, Die Explosion sei um 04.55—UHR MEZ, worden, teilte die Feuerwehr mit.
20070113             THE—USA is deploying 1—SQUADRON of stealth fighters to SOUTH—KOREA,
20070113             A—USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said —ON—WEDNESDAY, amid speculation that NORTH—KOREA may be ready to test a 2. nuclear device.
20070113             THE—USA is sending about 15 to 20—OF—ITS F-117A Nighthawk fighters to South...
20070113             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (10) SUPERSCHNÜFFLER—VERFASSUNGSKILLER-
20070113             Zum ?Wohl des Volkes? gehört ein gewisser Wohlstand, der aber in diesen Zeiten des gekürzten Arbeitslosengeldes und gestiegenen Ausgaben für ?Verteidigung?
20070113             für VIELE—MENSCHEN längst nicht mehr gegeben ist + obwohl die Armee im Grundgesetz dazu verpflichtet ist das Wohl des eigenen Volkes zu schützen,
20070113             kommt sie dieser Aufgabe immer weniger nach.
20070113             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (9) Angriffskriege über alles-
20070113             Im Weißbuch unterstreicht die Bundeswehr den Status des Grundgesetzes als höchstes Gut der deutschen Gesellschaft und stellt sich wie selbstverständlich unter diese Verfassung.
20070113             Dabei handelt die Bundeswehr oft mit sehr zweifelhaften und unrechtmäßigen Methoden:
20070113             Scientists decode sex bug genes
20070113             Scientists crack the genetic code of 1—ORGANISM that causes MILLIONS—OF—SEXUALLY transmitted infections 1—YEAR.
20070113             Wonder organ transplant solution
20070113             1—NEW—LIQUID to preserve organs could significantly improve THE—OUTCOME—OF—TRANSPLANT—OPERATIONS.
20070113             Bird flu returns to NIGERIA farms
20070113             —RECORDED, New CASES—OF—BIRD—FLU are, on 2—FARMS in NORTH—WEST—NIGERIA, officials say.
20070113             Rice begins MID—EAST peace push
20070113             THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE is in ISRAEL as PART—OF—EFFORTS to revive peace talks and win support for USA IRAQ plans.
20070113             INDIA—PAKISTAN talks 'positive'
20070113             PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF says conditions are good to resolve outstanding issues with INDIA.
20070113             ASIA—NATIONS pledge closer ties
20070113             10—ASIA—NATIONS meeting at 1—PHILIPPINES summit agree on closer ties, free trade and 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—PACT.
20070113             Ahmadinejad tours Latin AMERICA
20070113             IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD flies into Latin AMERICA for 1—VISIT—LIKELY to alarm WASHINGTON.
20070113             —ARRESTED, Argentine EX—PRESIDENT
20070113             2—DIE—OF—BIRD flu in INDONESIA
20070113             † INDONESIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS say 2—MORE—PEOPLE have, —OF—BIRD—FLU, raising the country's death toll to 61.
20070113             ISRAEL names 1. Arab MINISTER
20070113             —APPOINTED, ISRAEL 's 1. Arab cabinet MINISTER is, by Labour party leader and defence MINISTER—AMIR—PERETZ.
20070113             AL—QAEDA 'rebuilding' in PAKISTAN
20070113             USA—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF—JOHN—NEGROPONTE says AL—QAEDA leaders have found a secure hideout in PAKISTAN.
20070113             1. stars in telescope's sights
20070113             UK—EXISTENCE is at RISK—BROWN
20070113             THE—UK—EXISTENCE as 1—SINGLE—COUNTRY is at risk from nationalists, GORDON—BROWN says.
20070113             Clues found for early Europeans
20070113             1—ARCHAEOLOGICAL find in RUSSIA sheds light on the migration of modern humans into EUROPE.
20070113             RUSSIA proposes BELARUS oil deal
20070113             RUSSIA agrees to slash the duty it plans to charges BELARUS for crude oil, —AFTER 1—LONG—DISPUTE.
20070113             USA—HOUSE backs Medicare bill
20070113             THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES passes 1—BILL requiring the government to directly negotiate lower drug prices.
20070113             CHINA will have 30—MILLION—MORE—MEN than women - Blair defends intervention policy
20070113             TONY—BLAIR admits his foreign policy is "controversial" but says it should continue —AFTER he has stepped down.
20070113             New USA IRAQ policy faces scrutiny
20070113             Rocket hits USA embassy in ATHENS
20070113             Attackers fire 1—ROCKET at THE—USA—EMBASSY in THE—GREECE—CAPITAL, ATHENS, causing SOME—DAMAGE but no injuries.
20070113             RUSSIA seeks UK help in spy probe
20070113             RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS seek UK permission to question more than 100—WITNESSES in the Litvinenko case.
20070113             —SEIZED, IRAQ backs Iranians, by USA
20070113             Government looks at data SHAKE—UP
20070113             Access to public sector information could soon be completely free the government has revealed.
20070113             "Science Daily reports that 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALGARY academic has published 1—PAPER titled THE—NATURE—OF—PROCRASTINATION:
20070113             1—META—ANALYTIC and Theoretical Review of Quintessential SELF—REGULATORY—FAILURE in the Psychological Bulletin.
20070113             The research reveals that most people's New —YEAR—RESOLUTIONS are doomed to failure,
20070113             most SELF—HELP—BOOKS have it completely wrong —WHEN they say perfectionism is at THE—ROOT—OF—PROCRASTINATION + procrastination can be explained by 1—SINGLE—MATHEMATICAL—EQUATION.
20070113             The research is apparently the culmination of 10—YEARS—WORK.
20070113             However, no indication was given of how much time was spent putting it off —BEFORE it was begun.
20070113             "Essentially, procrastinators have less confidence in themselves, less expectancy that they can actually complete 1—TASK... Perfectionism is not the culprit.
20070113             In fact, perfectionists actually procrastinate less, but they worry about it more".
20070113             PAUL—WEYRICH, FOUNDER—OF—HERITAGE—FOUNDATION + Free Congress Foundation,
20070113             who employed Fabianist/UK—RACE—SCIENTIST—ROGER—PEARSON—OF—THE—WORLD—ANTI—COMMUNIST
20070113             BuzzFlash Thoughts from the Media Reform Conference in MEMPHIS -- ;;01;;
20070113             12-14. 1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070113             Bush Challenges the World: WHAT—YOUR—PLAN to Clean up the Mess I—MADE?
20070113             Huh? 1/14 - Lieberman to Katrina Victims: Drop Dead, If You Haven't Already 1/14
20070113             Colbert I. KING: From DOCTOR—KING, 1—REMINDER on IRAQ 1/14
20070113             BILL—MOYERS—SPEAKING at the National Conference for Media Reform: Part I 1/13
20070113             Nominate the "BuzzFlash WINGS—OF—JUSTICE" Award Winner for Next —WEEK
20070113             As the Media Reform Movement Meets in MEMPHIS, 1—MUST—READ.
20070113             ELLIOT—D—COHEN: How Do You Spell ?DICTATOR?? -- 1—BUZZFLASH—GUEST—CONTRIBUTION.
20070113             "The mainstream, corporate media need collectively to set the record straight if only for the sake of their own survival.
20070113             (Behemoth corporations like GE and Time Warner have deep pockets but no inherent moral conscience.) Under their watch,
20070113             1—DICTATOR has risen to power.
20070113             —BETRAYED, These news organizations have, their constitutional charge as "4. Estate" —DURING 1—TIME—WHEN checks and balances were so direly needed".
20070113             Was BUSH—GI—DEATH—WARRANT—ESCALATION—SPEECH—REALLY about Goading IRAN Into War?
20070113             Why Do We Let 1—PSYCHIATRICALLY—IMPAIRED—MAN—KEEP—TOSSING—MATCHES on Gasoline?
20070113             "Recent USA military raids against Iranians in IRAQ were authorized by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH under 1—ORDER for 1—BROAD—OFFENSIVE against IRAN—OPERATIVES in the country,
20070113             THE—NEW—YORK Times said on its Web site —ON—FRIDAY".
20070113             INTERNET—BOTSCHAFT: Iraks AL—QAIDA spottet über Bush s neue Strategie
20070113             Mehreinnahmen: Bundesministerien verzeichnen explodierendes Gebührenaufkommen
20070113             —VERVIERFACHT, Übertritt zum Islam: ZAHL—DER—KONVERTITEN hat sich
20070113             In der GOOGLE—ZENTRALE in Kalifornien sorgen die jüngsten Meldungen nicht für Verwunderung.
20070113             1—SPRECHER erklärte, die Software könne zu "guten und schlechten Zwecken" genutzt werden, schließlich sei sie offen zugänglich.
20070113             —GENOMMEN, Die Bedenken würden jedoch ernst.
20070113             Language Fluency and Alzheimers
20070113             1—NEW—CANADA—STUDY shows bilingualism may delay the onset of dementia.
20070113             Tech Politics Podcast: Net neutrality —BACK—IN new Congress
20070113             START—OF—THE—110. Congress brings with it proposals for privacy and digital copyright as well.
20070113             Data broker in HP 'pretext' case pleads guilty
20070113             Blog: THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—ON—FRIDAY won the 1. conviction in the Hewlett Packard spying case.BRYAN—WAGNER, 1—DATA broker hired...
20070113             BP to build 5—WIND power facilities
20070113             —ANNOUNCED, Blog: BP (formerly UK—PETROLEUM), —ON—FRIDAY that it plans to build wind power projects at 5—SITES—AROUND the United...
20070113             "If you enjoy MP3 or OGG STREAMS—OF—INTERNET—RADIO, it's time to pay attention.
20070113             This —WEEK USA Senators Lamar Alexander, JOSEPH—BIDEN, DIANNE—FEINSTEIN + Lindsey Graham decided to reintroduce the 'Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music (PERFORM) Act'.
20070113             1—ARS—TECHNICA article explains that PERFORM would restrict our rights to make NON—COMMERCIAL—RECORDINGS under the Audio Home Recording Act of 19920000              + require satellite and INTERNET broadcasters to use 'technology to prevent music theft'.
20070113             That means goodbye to your favorite streaming audio formats, hello DRM.
20070113             THE—EFF said pretty much the same —WHEN this bill last reared its ugly head in ;;04;;
20070113             of 20060000          .
20070113             It's too soon to get the text of this —YEAR—VERSION (S.256) online, but it likely to resemble —LAST—YEAR—S2644, which is available through Thomas".
20070113             "Despite past efforts of 19700000             —THE S and 19800000              S,
20070113             THE—USA—REMAINS 1—OF—ONLY 3—COUNTRIES (others are LIBERIA and MYANMAR) that does not use the metric system.
20070113             —SERVED, Staying with imperial measurements has only, to handicap USA—INDUSTRY and economy.
20070113             Attempts to get Americans using the Celsius scale, or putting up speed limits in kilometers per —HOUR have been squashed dead.
20070113             Not only that, but SOME—AMERICANS actually see metrication efforts as 1—ASSAULT on 'our way' of measuring.
20070113             I personally deal with European scientists on 1—DAILY—BASIS + find our lack of common measurement to be extremely frustrating.
20070113             —ENTRENCHED, Are we so, with imperial units that we cannot get our fellow citizens to simply learn something new?
20070113             What are THOSE—OF—USA who wish to finally see AMERICAN—CATCH up to THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD supposed to do?
20070113             Are there ANY—ORGANIZATIONS that we may back,
20070113             or ANY—PRO—METRIC—LEGISLATORS who we can support?"
20070113             —ZONK—46— Story going across the wires about 1—OLD—FASHIONED—WAY to fix 1—MODERN—CONVENIENCE.
20070113             TAIWAN—BOATERS are using simple hooks to fish up THE—FIBER—OPTIC—CABLES damaged in 1—EARTHQUAKE—LATE—LAST—YEAR.
20070113             —RESULTED, The outage that, kept MILLIONS—OF—USERS offline in half 12—COUNTRIES—AROUND the Pacific rim.
20070113             "They work 24—HOURS 1—DAY but the weather can hinder their progress.
20070113             Walters said 1—SHIP is waiting for 30 to 40—MILE—AN—HOUR—WINDS (48 to 64—KILOMETRES—AN—HOUR) to die down in the Bashi Channel.
20070113             —STIRRED, The winds have, up 10 to 12—METRE waves
20070113             —AFTER arriving at the scene they survey the ocean bottom to assess whether the contour has changed + THE—DEGREE—OF—SEDIMENT—MOVEMENT.
20070113             Then the traditional tools are brought out.
20070113             1—ROPE with 1—GRAPNEL on the end is played out,
20070113             down into the depths + towed over the sea floor —UNTIL tension registers on 1—GRAPH on the ship, indicating contact has been made with the cable.
20070113             —TODAY—FIBRE optic cables are —JUST 21—MILLIMETRES in diameter".
20070113             —ZONK—153 - CARL—BIALIK from WSJ writes
20070113             "Your most trivial missteps are increasingly ripe for exposure online,
20070113             reports THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, thanks to cheap cameras and entrepreneurs hoping to profit from websites devoted to the exposure.
20070113             'The most trivial missteps by ordinary folks are increasingly ripe for exposure as well.
20070113             —DEDICATED, There is 1—PROLIFERATION—OF—NEW—SITES, to condemning offenses ranging from bad parking and leering to littering and general bad behavior.
20070113             1—SITE—DOCUMENTS—LOCATIONS where people have failed to pick up —AFTER their dogs.
20070113             Capturing NEWSPAPER—STEALING neighbors on video is also an emerging genre.
20070113             Helping drive the exposés are 1—CROP of entrepreneurs who hope to sell advertising and subscriptions.
20070113             But other factors are at work, including 1—RETURN to shame as 1—CHECK on social behavior, says an MIT professor".
20070113             I have said repeatedly that BUSH + CHENEY cannot allow the Dems to take charge of the various Congressional committees, with investigatory subpoena power.
20070113             If martial law is —NOW their intention, it is no wonder that BUSH looked, as dr. elsewhere put it, "scared" —DURING his surge speech.
20070113             I believe BUSH wants more than anything to bomb IRAN but I —JUST do not see it happening.
20070113             Someone will tie his hands —PRIOR—TO the actual event however, he is setting it all up —NOW.
20070113             —PLACED, BUSH has intentionally, our brave seamen in harm's way.
20070113             We can see it.
20070113             The plan is obvious to anyone who is paying attention.
20070113             —DELUDED, BUSH /CHENEY /RICE are so, that they would rather drag us into WWIII.
20070113             than acknowledge they were wrong in invading IRAQ.
20070113             This is 1—REDICULOUS—SITUATION.
20070113             CHENEY + BUSH should both be indicted for their BETRAYAL—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE + it should happen soon.
20070113             PRESIDENT—PELOSI will do —JUST fine.
20070113             I'm thinking that if 1—MISSILE (or something purported to be 1—MISSILE) takes out the Eisenhower or another big boat,
20070113             BUSH—APPROVAL—RATINGS will hit 70% or higher, the Dems will be understandably cowed into giving him whatever he asks for (thereby splitting the Dems),
20070113             1—NEW—DRAFT will be instituted + 300,000 troops enter the region.
20070113             1—GROWING number of ISRAEL i political scientists have decided that BUSH—IRAQ policy has made the world more dangerous
20070113             How will our "CHRISTIAN—ZIONISTS" react to this news?
20070113             How will our more fervent ANTI—ZIONISTS react?
20070113             Responsabilidade Civil Ambiental em PORTUGAL—LEGISLAÇÃO e...
20070113             A Constituição da República Portuguesa assumiu, ao nível do direito constitucional
20070113             executados com máquinas que fazem intenso barulho. não permitam aos...
20070113             O Impertinente - OI — Na sua opinião, a legislação portuguesa ADEQUA—SE aos problemas ambientais do nosso
20070113             O que para muitos é barulho. para outros é uma forma de estar.
20070113             Tentarei chamar a v/atenção para as deficiências da legislação portuguesa e
20070113             e também quanto ao mau cheiro e incómodo barulho que se faziam sentir...
20070113             PROVAS DE- - PROVA DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA/LEGISLAÇÃO... No país dos decibéis.
20070113             Será que o baixo crescimento da economia não seria o resultado do excesso de barulho ?
20070113             IRAK—STRATEGIE: Bush pocht auf seine Befehlsgewalt
20070113             "1—SEATTLE school BOARD has placed 1—MORATORIUM on screenings of '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH', having found its subject matter too controversial.
20070113             Echoing THE—LANGUAGE—OF—THE—EVOLUTION—DEBATE,
20070113             the school BOARD found that students must be told that global warming is only 1—THEORY and presented with 1—OPPOSING viewpoint.
20070113             —PROMPTED, The ban was, by the complaints of 1—PARENT: '"Condoms don't belong in school + neither does AL—GORE.
20070113             HE—NOT 1—SCHOOLTEACHER," said Frosty Hardison, 1—PARENT—OF—7—WHO also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000 years old.
20070113             "The information that's being presented is 1—VERY cockeyed view of what the truth is
20070113             The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in THE—DVD."'"
20070113             Expensive USA Spy Satellite Not Working-
20070113             —ZONK—230 - Reuters article about SOME—TROUBLE—THE—USA is having communicating with 1—SPY—SATELLITE.
20070113             "The official said the problems were substantial and involved multiple systems, adding that USA officials were working to reestablish contact with the satellite BECAUSE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—THE—NEW—TECHNOLOGY it was meant to test and demonstrate.
20070113             —DESCRIBED, The other source said the satellite had been, to him as 'a comprehensive failure.
20070113             There was no suggestion by EITHER—OF—THE—SOURCES that the satellite had been purposely damaged as PART—OF—1—TERRORIST—ATTACK.
20070113             Another government official said he had no information about ANY—ATTACKS on USA satellites".
20070113             "—AFTER THE—LA Times reported that the Gates Foundation often invests in companies hurting the very communities BILL—AND—MELINDA want to help,
20070113             THE—SEATTLE Times reported the foundation planned 'a systematic review of its investments to determine whether it should pull its money OUT—OF—COMPANIES that are doing harm to society'.
20070113             Shortly —AFTER that interview, the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this and replaced it with 1—SIGNIFICANTLY altered version which seems to say that investing responsibly would —JUST be too complex for them and that they need to focus on their core mission:
20070113             'There are DOZENS—OF—FACTORS that could be considered, almost all of which are outside the foundation's areas of expertise.
20070113             —INVOLVED, The issues, are quite complex...Which social and political issues should be on the list?
20070113             such as Ford, Kraft, Fannie Mae, Nestle + GENERAL—ELECTRIC, do 1—LOT—OF—WORK that SOME—PEOPLE—LIKE, as well as work that SOME—PEOPLE do not like.
20070113             SOME—ACTIVITIES might even be viewed positively by SOME—PEOPLE and negatively by others.'"
20070113             "NASA—EAGLE—EYED—MARS—RECONNAISSANCE—ORBITER may have spotted the tiny,
20070113             toaster OVEN—SIZED Sojourner rover —JUST 1—FEW meters away from its companion, the Mars Pathfinder lander.
20070113             —CRAWLED, It appears to have, there in 1—ATTEMPT to RE—ESTABLISH—CONTACT with the lander —AFTER the lander had already †.
20070113             But the pictures aren't clear enough to definitively ID the rover + it's possible Sojourner simply took off on its own.
20070113             If it were miraculously still alive —AFTER—10—YEARS, it could be 3—KILOMETERS away from Pathfinder — and probably impossible to find, even with MISTER—O"
20070113             —CONCERNED, Cliff 974 - theodp is, about the —FOLLOWING:
20070113             "Alarmed by Goldman Sachs CEO—LLOYD—BLANKFEIN—RECORD—SETTING $53M bonus, CHARLES—WHEELAN (aka The Naked Economist) argues that income inequality matters.
20070113             Wheelan notes that the Gini Coefficient (1—MEASURE—OF—INCOME—INEQUALITY) for THE—USA has been moving away from countries like JAPAN + SWEDEN + closer to that of BRAZIL,
20070113             where the murder rate is 5X THAT—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY + crime is materially impacting GDP".
20070113             CowboyNeal 485+ - "THE—MPAA + other ANTI—PIRACY—WATCHDOGS have been caught trapping people into downloading fake torrents,
20070113             so they can collect IP addresses + send copyright infringement letters to ISPs.
20070113             The battle between P2P networks and copyright holders seems to be 1—NEVER ending battle.
20070113             It will be interesting to see how much THE—ANTI—PIRACY—GROUPS—PRACTICES—CHANGE once they begin begin selling movies and TV shows legally on bittorrent com".
20070113             IBM Breaks Patent Record, Wants Reform-
20070113             —KDAWSON—107+ - "IBM set the record for most patents granted in 1—YEAR for 20060000          .
20070113             At the same time, IBM points out that small companies earn more patents per capita than larger enterprises + pushes for reform to address shortcomings in the process of patenting business methods:
20070113             'The prevalence of patent applications that are of low quality or poorly written have led to backlogs of historic proportions + the granting of patents protecting ideas that are not new, are overly broad, or obvious.'
20070113             <FONT - BG—WES Clark takes on AIPAC! - - ISRAEL is turns against BUSH - a CIA operative who - for ISRAEL.
20070113             leads with another —DAY
20070113             —ON  - THE—VENEZUELA—SUPREME—COURT
20070113             NEW—YORK Ny Politics & Political Donations In Zip 10019 ADELAIDE—DEMENIL, Rock Foundation /PRESIDENT, $1000, 20041004       .
20070113             ADELAIDE—DEMENIL, Rock Foundation /PRESIDENT, $1000, 20041004       .
20070113             READING Bush '"If you are afraid to speak out, you are not in AMERICAN—ANY—MORE" - 'UNKNOWN'—BY Soraya SEPAHPOUR—ULRICH
20070113             Verstaatlichung in VENEZUELA: Chavez macht Ernst bei der Energie
20070113             SMUGGLING—NEWS - Times TOPICS—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES - Narrowed by... - Secord.
20070113             1—KEY—FIGURE in THE—IRAN—CONTRA affair + EDWIN—P—WILSON, the renegade CIA.
20070113             Peace Action WEST—TIMELINE—OF—THE—CONFLICT in IRAQ RICHARD—SECORD is responsible for planning a 2. rescue attempt, which never takes...
20070113             The deal would be carried out by Sarkis Soghanalian. who the Army...
20070113             EDWIN—P—WILSON - ldtumulty —LIEUTENANT—GENERAL, RICHARD—SECORD.
20070113             Arms dealer, Sarkis Soghanalian. a CIA AGENT—IN—PLACE in IRAQ was playing Saddam...
20070113             For all people from THE—USA—TRANCEADDICT Forums
20070113             Seaton, business associate of RICHARD—SECORD.
20070113             THE—RIGHT—WING USA—ARMY... felon JOHN—MITCHELL + Sarkis Soghanalian. a TURKISH—BORN LEBANON—CITIZEN.
20070113             —WORKED, Democratic Underground FORUMS—TURKI, directly with agency operatives like Sarkis Soghanalian + ED—WILSON, + ALBERT—HAKIM was PART—OF—THE—HAKIM /Secord /Zucker MONEY—LAUNDERING...
20070113             According to Sarkis Soghanalian Adham brought MARK—THATCHER into the arms business.
20070113             —ABOUT EACH—OTHER—ACTIVITIES allowed Shackley + Secord von Marbod.
20070113             RICHARD—SECORD. who accompanied McFarlane on his IRAN mission.
20070113             has on at least 1—OCCASION turned to LEBANON—ARMS merchant Sarkis Soghanalian.
20070113             SPY article on Wackenhut Wackenhut agent DAVID—RAMIREZ, the company considered Soghanalian "1—VERY... the hands of Secord by THE—CIA + Secord called in Wackenhut to handle...
20070113             —CREDITED, Soghanalian who has been, with being Saddam HUSSEIN—LEADING arms... was placed in the hands of Secord by THE—CIA + Secord called in Wackenhut...
20070113             Barbouti met with Secord in FLORIDA on several occasions + phone records... felon JOHN—MITCHELL + Sarkis Soghanalian. a TURKISH—BORN LEBANON—CITIZEN.
20070113             As they stood UP—WE would stand down, we would stay the course, we were never 'stay the course',
20070113             The enemy was al Qaeda, was foreigners, terrorists, Baathists.
20070113             And —AFTER ALL—OF—THAT, —TODAY it is his credibility versus THAT—OF—GENERALS, diplomats, allies, Republicans, Democrats, THE—IRAQ Study Group, past presidents, voters last November + THE—MAJORITY—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE.
20070113             MISS—NBC—HAS more....
20070113             ABC NEWS.com: ISRAEL is Seen Abusing Caged PALESTINIANS—BG - ISRAEL is Seen Abusing Caged Palestinians -
20070113             Informed Comment
20070113             THE—PRESIDENT, VICE—PRESIDENT and all civil Officers of THE—USA, shall be removed from OFFICE—ON—IMPEACHMENT for + Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
20070113             Bush IRAQ Plans Buck Public Opinion
20070113             1—USA—TODAY/Gallup poll said Americans oppose the idea of increasing troop levels in IRAQ by 61 % to 36 %.
20070113             The world economy is under growing threat from risks such as climate change, terrorism, pandemics and oil prices because of inadequate action by governments and business, 1—NETWORK—OF—EXPERTS said on —WEDNESDAY.
20070113             1—REPORT by the World Economic Forum, the reinsurer SWITZERLAND—RE, Citigroup BANK—AND—USA broker Marsh and McLennan warned of "1—FUNDAMENTAL disconnect between risk and mitigation".
20070113             GEORGE—BUSH—ANNOUNCEMENT last night that he is going to pour more troops into IRAQ was the last throw of the dice in 1 misconceived enterprise that has dragged his country, this country + THE—MIDDLE—EAST into 1—NIGHTMARE.
20070113             The government's MINING—OF—INFORMATION from PUBLIC—AND PRIVATE—SECTOR—DATABASES for clues to terrorism and crime is widespread and federal agencies should regularly report to Congress on such activities, lawmakers said —WEDNESDAY.
20070113             "The overwhelming MAJORITY—OF—THESE—DATA—MINING programs use, collect + analyze personal information about ordinary USA—CITIZENS," says Senate Judiciary COMMITTEE—CHAIRMAN—PATRICK—LEAHY.
20070113             —BY Russ Wellen -
20070113             —JUST Like With Torture, CHENEY—GOT—HIS—TEETH—SUNK—INTO—IRAN—SO much creative destruction, so little time.
20070113             —BY Dave Lindorff -
20070113             BUSH—ADDRESS: Blood For FACE—MANY—AMERICANS + many, MANY—MORE—IRAQIS will die simply because Bush is too cowardly to admit that his IRAQ War has been 1—COLLOSSAL disaster.
20070113             —BY DEAN—POWERS - - Media "Deeply Divided" About Rhetoric
20070113             —AFTER weeks of destructive accounts of a "deeply divided" majority party, Democrats are threatening to hold 1—VOTE on Bush 's proposed troop surge that could signal strong Democratic unity and call into question the agendas or at least ACCURACY—OF—MAJOR—NEWS—ORGANIZATIONS.
20070113             —BY Doug Thompson - - Same Game, Same Results, Same Madness
20070113             You can draw MANY—ANALOGIES out of what Bush said in his disjointed, rambling speech to the nation but 1—REASONABLE—PERSON can come to only 1—CONCLUSION: THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—USA has run out of excuses, options or rationalizations for 1 failed, ILL—CONCEIVED, illegal and immoral action that will go down in history as 1—MASSIVE—POLITICAL and military debacle.
20070113             I can't take anyone bellowing crap like "decisive ideological struggle of our time" seriously —WHEN they refuse to call for the sort of national sacrifice that 1—REAL "decisive ideological struggle of our time" would demand.
20070113             But if the struggle is so dire and dark, why not do something as tame as repeal their precious tax cuts for the wealthy?
20070113             Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan
20070113             —FOCUSED, THE—USA—CONGRESS and media are, on PRESIDENT—BUSH—PROPOSAL for 1—INCREASE—OF—20,000—USA—TROOPS in IRAQ, —WHILE ISRAEL and its USA—NEOCONSERVATIVE allies prepare 1—ASSAULT on IRAN.... Source:
20070113             Cunningham Prosecutor Forced Out
20070113             The epic DUKE—CUNNINGHAM scandal gets weirder: Carole Lam, THE—S—DIEGO—USA—ATTORNEY who prosecuted the corrupt former lawmaker, is being quietly pushed out by THE—BUSH—ADMINISTRATION.
20070113             Attack on Iranians in IRAQ
20070113             —ON the Editorial PAGE—THE—CASE—OF—SANDY—BERGER and the purloined archives gets stranger all the time.
20070113             The Post lead plays stenographer at —YESTERDAY—SENATE—ARMED—SERVICES—COMMITTEE—HEARINGS, in which SECRETARY—GATES offered details on BUSH—PLANS for IRAQ + said that the potential success or failure of the big BAGHDAD surge would be evident in 1—FEW months.
20070113             Gates was quick to emphasize that if it is successful, we can begin drawing down troop levels--perhaps by THE—END—OF—THE—YEAR.
20070113             —ASSURED, Pace, —MEANWHILE, the senators that THE—USA has no immediate plans to invade IRAN, 1—NOTION also dismissed by Press SECRETARY—TONY—SNOW, who called it "urban legend".To continue reading, click here.
20070113             —TODAY—PAPERS—DUKE—OUT - By CONOR—CLARKE
20070113             THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES—LEADS with Condoleezza RICE—ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that Bush authorized raids against Iranians in IRAQ.
20070113             the spat over THE—IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—PICK for THE—NUMBER—1—MILITARY—JOB in BAGHDAD,
20070113             "Sunlight is said to be THE—BEST—OF—DISINFECTANTS," LOUIS—BRANDEIS—FAMOUSLY observed,
20070113             "electric light the most efficient policeman".
20070113             Watch "THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF" on Google Video
20070113             THE—CENTURY—OF—THE—SELF - 58—MIN 16—SEC — 06-Aug-20060000              - Average rating: (131—RATINGS) - Description: The best documentary ever!!
20070113             1—MASTERPIECE from BBC4 that shows THE—REALITY—OF—THE—USA—IDENTITY !!
20070113             —WHEN the law doesn't work, try blackmail
20070113             —NOW that there's 1—REAL—CHANCE that the might lose in the courts, THE—WHITE—HOUSE is trying to put the economic screws on lawyers representing GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070113             This radio INTERVIEW—WITH—CULLY—STIMSON, 1—DEPUTY—ASSISTANT—SECRETARY—OF—DEFENSE, heralds the start of 1 organized campaign by THE—WHITE—HOUSE to encourage major law firm clients to pressure those firms to drop their PRO—BONO representation of GUANTANAMO detainees.
20070113             THE—WASHINGTON—POST had 1—FORCEFUL—EDITORIAL about this —TODAY, which says almost everything that needs saying:
20070113             MOST AMERICANS understand that legal representation for the accused is 1—OF—THE—CORE—PRINCIPLES—OF—THE—AMERI... Source:
20070113             —DELAYED, Padilla terror trial, —FOR—3—MONTHS for competency evaluation
20070113             USA—STRIKES on AL—QA'IDA chiefs kill NOMADS—BG -
20070113             Independent Online Edition > UK POLITICS—BG - Shoot the messenger: PM blames media for ANTI—WAR mood<br/><br/>
20070113             Excerpt: If you only have $5 in your pocket, you can't afford to buy 1—PIECE—OF grilled salmon with 1—SIDE—OF steamed asparagus.
20070113             But you do have enough for 1—VALUE—MEAL at McDonalds, don't you?
20070113             I've never seen 1—FRUIT—CUP for sale that cost under $3. But I can buy 1—CANDY bar for 50—CENTS.
20070113             —BY Amy Goodman, SEATTLE POST—INTELLIGENCER
20070113             Excerpt: Rather than explain Watergate, we hear the same chorus from all the networks, that the nation needed to move beyond Watergate, needed to "heal," and that the pardon, —WHILE controversial, was needed.
20070113             The pundits agree that prosecuting Nixon would have led the country in 1—DOWNWARD spiral.
20070113             Impeachment and/or prosecution could have shown Americans that no person is above the law, that all governments must be held accountable.
20070113             Are we still going to support ISRAEL if they use nuclear weapons? -
20070113             Excerpt: If we condone ISRAEL using 1—NUCLEAR—WEAPON against 1—MUSLIM country, then we will not have a "WAR—ON—TERROR" anymore, we will have the war against Islam that some of the conservative NUT—JOBS in this country have been hoping and pushing for.
20070113             —MENTIONED, Had somebody even merely, to Afghans in 90's that —AFTER RUSSIA, USA will attack their country, they would have considered him crazy.
20070113             If somebody tells us Pakistanis —TODAY that AMERICA will attack us in future, what will we do?
20070113             —EXISTED, There have, contingency plans for 1—ATTACK in the event that THE—USA—PUPPET leader there falls, for years —NOW -- due to THE—PAKISTAN—NUKE arsenal + how OSAMA—BIN—LADEN or others might get 1—PIECE—OF it (there's been several assassination and coup attempts).
20070113             THERE—ALSO the possibility of 1—ATTACK if nuclear war suddenly looked likely between PAKISTAN and INDIA -- which has almost happened once already, 1—FEW years back.
20070113             JR Mooneyham PERMANENT LINK
20070113             IRAN: The next senseless war - 2. USA—CARRIER group to deploy to Gulf
20070113             Excerpt: The Pentagon will send a 2. aircraft carrier and its escort ships to the Gulf, Defense [sic] officials said on —WEDNESDAY, as 1—WARNING to Syria + IRAN and to give commanders more flexibility in the region.
20070113             Excerpt: The general urges THE—ISRAEL i lobby to turn to Hillary Clinton and other potential presidential candidates in THE—DEMOCRATIC—PARTY so that they support immediate action by Bush against IRAN.
20070113             The lobby must also approach the Europeans, he adds, so Bush won't find himself isolated + he calls for ISRAEL to "clandestinely cooperate with SAUDI—ARABIA so that it also persuades THE—USA to strike IRAN".
20070113             Attack on IRAN could bring devastation to Arab world
20070113             Excerpt: The effect would also be devastating on USA—ARAB relations, on ISRAEL—LONG—TERM—SECURITY, on THE—FLOW—OF—OIL from the Gulf, on the oil price, on the economies of the industrial world + on the already highly fragile dollar.
20070113             Excerpt: ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy IRAN—URANIUM enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.
20070113             2—ISRAEL i AIR—FORCE squadrons are training to blow up 1—IRAN—FACILITY using LOW—YIELD—NUCLEAR "BUNKER—BUSTERS", according to several ISRAEL i military sources.
20070113             THE—BANK—OF—ENGLAND surprises almost everyone + THE—ECB may raise rates soon
20070113             - Blast at USA Embassy Called 'TERRORISM'—ATHENS—GREECE (AP) -- THE—USA.
20070113             —AGREED, MOGADISHU—SOMALIA (AP) -- SOMALIA—WARLORDS have, to disarm and join 1—NEW—NATIONAL—ARMY, 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFICIAL said —FRIDAY as violence in the capital brought home the challenge of restoring order in this fractious and heavily armed country..
20070113             IRAQ is at 1—VIOLENT and "precarious juncture," —WHILE AL—QAEDA is significantly expanding its global reach, effectively immune to THE—LOSS—OF—LEADERS in battle, DIRECTOR—OF—NATIONAL—INTELLIGENCE—JOHN—D—NEGROPONTE told Congress —YESTERDAY.
20070113             Daily Kos: Wes Clark takes on AIPAC! - BG—WES Clark takes on AIPAC! - - MISTER—PRESIDENT, This War Is Over
20070113             —DISREGARDED, Last night, PRESIDENT—BUSH, THE—OPPOSITION—OF—USA—MILITARY—COMMANDERS, lawmakers of both parties, THE—IRAQ Study Group (ISG) + THE—USA—PUBLIC and announced to the nation that he plans to increase AMERICA—PRESENCE in IRAQ by approximately 21,500 troops, with no timetable for —WHEN troop levels would be drawn back down.
20070113             "Like my predecessor, I believe that the prison at GUANTANAMO should be closed".
20070113             —AFTER replacing Rumsfeld and top generals, they —NOW want to try suggestions in THE—AEI—REPORT "Choosing Victory:
20070113             1—PLAN for Success in IRAQ". The idea 1 can "Choose Victory" in war shows how haughty BUSH—FANTASY world is, although Cheney, who hand picked THE—AEI "SELL—JOB", —JUST has 1—SOFT—SPOT for war profiteers.
20070113             —SLAMMED, Democrats and Republicans, the new USA—PLAN to surge troops into IRAQ as 1—TRAGEDY and the worst blunder —SINCE VIETNAM, as the Bush admin admitted it had no idea how long the forces would stay.
20070113             Lieberman Applauds Bush Plan For IRAQ
20070113             'Lying HIS—LIPS—ARE—MOVING Joe' says, "THE—PRESIDENT did not take the easy path, but he took the correct and courageous course".
20070113             "It is 1—DANGEROUS—ILLUSION to believe that we can depart IRAQ and the inevitable killing fields and terrorist violence will not follow us in retreat -- even to our own shores".
20070113             Ariel Sharon Warned Bush About Occupying IRAQ
20070113             Be sure not to go into IRAQ without 1—VIABLE exit strategy.And ready 1—COUNTER—INSURGENCY—STRATEGY if you expect to rule IRAQ,which will eventually have to be partitioned into its component parts.
20070113             Finally,please remember that you will conquer,occupy + leave,but we have to remain in this PART—OF—THE—WORLD.
20070113             USA Embassy In ATHENS Hit By Rocket Attack The attack rocked the embassy compound but caused no injuries.
20070113             If you are reporting on this ongoing dance between the cautious dems + the insane PRESIDENT, you need to stop using phrases designed to frame things unfairly.
20070113             —BY Dave JOHNSON—THE—ESCALATION
20070113             The "new way forward" in IRAQ will mean more dead, more wounded and more trouble for THE—USA.
20070113             —BY GREG—PALAST - - WAIST DEEP IN THE—BIG—MUDDY
20070113             —BY DAN—LEE—BUSH Is Shining
20070113             —NOW I dismiss him and think he needs 1—SANITY hearing.
20070113             —BY CHRISTOPHER—PATTON - - Globalism And USA—ENTANGLEMENT In IRAQ
20070113             —BY STEVEN—LESER -
20070113             Bush To USA—LET Me Risk Your Children To Try To Fix THE—UN—FIXABLE In IRAQ
20070113             Bush does not care what ANY—OF—USA think or want and in 1—FURTHER—ILLUSTRATION—OF this, he engaged the troops —IMMEDIATELY—BEFORE the congress had the opportunity to advise + consent (or dissent) to his actions.
20070113             —BY MICHAEL—RICHARDSON -
20070113             SUPREME—COURT—HITS—RALPH—NADER—WITH $89,821 BILL—FOR—HIS 20040000              PENNSYLVANIA Ballot Bid Upholding 1.—OF—KIND Ruling
20070113             —BY Allen L Roland - - REPACKAGING FAILURE/WHY BUSH—PLAN—WON'T WORK
20070113             —BY ADRIAN—KUZMINSKI -
20070113             Snatching VICTORY—FROM—THE—JAWS—OF—DEFEAT: How The Democrats Can Keep From Being Arrested
20070113             —BY Debby Bodkin - - THE—MANY—FORMS—OF—TERRORISM
20070113             The world continues to fight the war against terrorism, yet, how MANY—INDIVIDUALS, legal, government, political or religious leaders have actually taken the time to analyze the serious life long disabilities + "terror" that children + families are forced to endure, without resources, due process or justice in 1—COURT—OF—LAW?
20070113             —BY Evelyn Pringle -
20070113             Public Has Right To Know Secrets Revealed In Zyprexa Documents
20070113             —BY GUSTAV—WYNN -
20070113             BUSH—PERILOUS—PROVOCATIONS—ASK—THE—QUESTION—IS He Begging For Impeachment?
20070113             Bush enflames tensions in KURDISTAN—SOMALIA and IRAN.
20070113             In light of recent INTERNATIONAL incidents, Congress may need to quickly consider impeachment in the interest of national security!
20070113             —BY MICHAEL—SANDSTROM -
20070113             You Are 1—SOLDIER, Help Save AMERICA—SAVE—AMERICA, the Constitution, THE—BILL—OF—RIGHTS, our children because you can.
20070113             You are 1—SOLDIER. Take off your Blinders, open your eyes.
20070113             Compare that to THE—PRESIDENT—OF—THE—WORLD'S most powerful nation, who is pushing for permission to gamble with 21 1000—MORE—OF his own people's lives.
20070113             —BY DAVID—SWANSON - - LAND—OF—ENCHANTMENT And Impeachment
20070113             EXPLANATION—OF—BUSH—DYSLEXIA, concrete thinking, dyslexia, poor reading skills, current manifestation of his chronic alcoholism and addiction, HYPER—RELIGIOSITY, IQ at low END—OF—AVERAGE...
20070113             RATING—UPDATE: TORONTO (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Analysten von CIBC World Markets stufen die Aktie von SAP (ISIN DE0007164600/WKN 716460) von "sector outperform" auf "sector perform" zurück.
20070113             Bush challenges IRAQ plan CRITICS—PRESIDENT—BUSH hits back at critics of his revised plan for IRAQ, as his SECRETARY—OF—STATE begins 1—TOUR—OF—THE—MID—EAST.
20070113             House passes prescription drug reform.
20070113             "The 255 to 170—VOTE—WASN'T enough to override 1 threatened veto from PRESIDENT—BUSH, who said he won't accept the measure in its current form. Supporters said the government could save $96—BILLION over 10—YEARS by negotiating for drugs bought in bulk".
20070113             Official USA—MILITARY—DICTIONARY Includes 'Escalation,' Not 'Surge'
20070113             The official DEPARTMENT—OF—DEFENSE—DICTIONARY—OF—MILITARY and Associated Terms offers new evidence in the debate over IRAQ terminology.
20070113             As MoveOn_org's ADAM—GREEN—NOTES, THE—PENTAGON—DICTIONARY has no entry for "surge" but does have 1—ENTRY for "escalation":
20070113             ThinkProgress has
20070113             argued that media outlets are misleading Americans —WHEN they use the term "surge" to describe PRESIDENT—BUSH—NEW—IRAQ proposal.
20070113             Senate votes to deny convicts pensions.
20070113             "MEMBERS—OF—CONGRESS convicted of serious crimes WOULD—LOSE their TAXPAYER—PAID pensions,
20070113             DONALD—TRUMP: LET—BOMB IRAN.
20070113             Trump —TODAY on BUSH—SPEECH: "You know, THE—1—THING I sorta liked was what they were saying about IRAN. I believe you have to go in and strike IRAN — not with soldiers. You know, it's not 1—WORLD—OF—SOLDIERS anymore. It's 1—WORLD—OF—AIR. It's 1—WORLD—OF—DIFFERENT—KINDS—OF, you know, we've changed".
20070113             STEPHEN—G—RADEMAKER, USA assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE for arms control, is leaving THE—STATE—DEPARTMENT for 1—LUCRATIVE lobbying job at the firm of Barbour Griffith & Rogers.
20070113             —WHILE assistant SECRETARY—OF—STATE, Rademaker negotiated 1—CONTROVERSIAL—DEAL allowing THE—USA to sell nuclear technology to INDIA, which is not 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—IMPORTANT—NUCLEAR Nonproliferation Treaty.
20070113             to sustain the effort to control proliferation".
20070113             "I would confess I'm no expert on IRAQ".
20070113             - Nico — Defense SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES, —DURING congressional hearings —YESTERDAY.
20070113             "—LATER, asked about reaching the right balance between American and IRAQ—FORCES, he told the panel he was '
20070113             no expert on military matters.
20070113             - NICO—MISS—NBC : "1—EXPLOSION ripped through THE—USA—EMBASSY compound in CENTRAL—ATHENS on —FRIDAY, 1—POLICE—SOURCE said".
20070113             How to escalate 1—WAR
20070113             —WHEN your military is already overstretched: "The Pentagon has
20070113             abandoned its limit on the time 1—CITIZEN—SOLDIER can be required to serve on active duty,
20070113             the remaining limit is on THE—LENGTH—OF—ANY—SINGLE—MOBILIZATION, which may not exceed 24—CONSECUTIVE months".
20070113             —REPORTED, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20070113             He is being held on accusations he entered the country illegally across the
20070113             MEXICO—BORDER.
20070113             [4][5]
20070113             —DISAPPOINTED, Posada was reportedly, with THE—RELUCTANCE—OF—USA—NEWS—ORGANISATIONS to report the bombing attacks, saying "If there is no publicity, the job is useless.
20070113             Contras and CENTRAL—AMERICA
20070113             —ASSIGNED, CENTRAL—AMERICA, Posada was, as deputy to Félix Rodríguez, 1—CIA—OPERATIVE who
20070113             OPFER—DES—CIA—MK—ULTRA—PROGRAMMES verklagt Regierung
20070113             Die Kanadierin Janine Huard beantragte vor einem Bundesgericht in Montréal die Zulassung einer Klage gegen die kanadische Regierung, wie ihr Anwalt ALAN—STEIN—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—AFP am —FREITAG sagte.
20070113             KUBA—FLUGZEUGBOMBER und CIA Agent in AMERIKA unter Anklage wegen Meineid
20070113             Anschlag auf USA—BOTSCHAFT in ATHEN—ANGRIFF mit Rakete
20070113             USA sends stealth fighter planes to SOUTH—KOREA
20070113             THE—USA is deploying 1—SQUADRON of stealth fighters to SOUTH—KOREA, A—USA—MILITARY—SPOKESMAN said on —WEDNESDAY, amid speculation that NORTH—KOREA may be ready to test a 2. nuclear device.
20070113             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (10) SUPERSCHNÜFFLER—VERFASSUNGSKILLER - sfux MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070113             für VIELE—MENSCHEN längst nicht mehr gegeben ist + obwohl die Armee im Grundgesetz dazu verpflichtet ist das Wohl des eigenen Volkes zu schützen, kommt sie dieser Aufgabe immer weniger nach.
20070113             Die neue (Un)Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands (9) Angriffskriege über ALLES—SFUX MICHAEL—SCHULZE—VON—GLAßER?
20070113             Scientists decode sex bug genes Scientists crack the genetic code of 1—ORGANISM that causes MILLIONS—OF—SEXUALLY transmitted infections 1—YEAR.
20070113             Wonder organ transplant solution 1—NEW—LIQUID to preserve organs could significantly improve THE—OUTCOME—OF—TRANSPLANT—OPERATIONS.
20070113             Bird flu returns to NIGERIA farms New CASES—OF—BIRD—FLU are recorded on 2—FARMS in NORTH—WEST—NIGERIA, officials say.
20070113             Rice begins MID—EAST—PEACE push THE—USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE is in ISRAEL as PART—OF—EFFORTS to revive peace talks and win support for USA IRAQ plans.
20070113             INDIA—PAKISTAN talks 'positive' PAKISTAN—PRESIDENT—MUSHARRAF says conditions are good to resolve outstanding issues with INDIA.
20070113             ASIA—NATIONS pledge closer ties 10—ASIA—NATIONS meeting at 1—PHILIPPINES summit agree on closer ties, free trade and 1—ANTI—TERRORISM—PACT.
20070113             Ahmadinejad tours Latin AMERICAN—IRAN—PRESIDENT—MAHMOUD—AHMADINEJAD flies into Latin AMERICA for 1—VISIT—LIKELY to alarm WASHINGTON.
20070113             † 2—DIE—OF—BIRD—FLU in INDONESIA INDONESIA—HEALTH—OFFICIALS say 2—MORE—PEOPLE have, —OF—BIRD—FLU, raising the country's death toll to 61.
20070113             ISRAEL names 1. Arab MINISTER—ISRAEL—1. Arab cabinet MINISTER is appointed by Labour party leader and defence MINISTER—AMIR—PERETZ.
20070113             AL—QAEDA 'rebuilding' in PAKISTAN USA—INTELLIGENCE CHIEF—JOHN—NEGROPONTE says AL—QAEDA leaders have found a secure hideout in PAKISTAN.
20070113             1. stars in telescope's sights HUBBLE—SUCCESSOR, THE—JAMES—WEBB—SPACE—TELESCOPE, will shed light on THE—BEGINNINGS—OF—THE—UNIVERSE.
20070113             UK—EXISTENCE is at RISK—BROWN THE—UK—EXISTENCE as 1—SINGLE—COUNTRY is at risk from nationalists, GORDON—BROWN says.
20070113             Clues found for early Europeans 1—ARCHAEOLOGICAL find in RUSSIA sheds light on the migration of modern humans into EUROPE.
20070113             RUSSIA proposes BELARUS oil deal RUSSIA agrees to slash the duty it plans to charges BELARUS for crude oil, —AFTER 1—LONG—DISPUTE.
20070113             USA—HOUSE—BACKS—MEDICARE BILL—THE—USA—HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES passes 1—BILL requiring the government to directly negotiate lower drug prices.
20070113             Blair defends intervention policy TONY—BLAIR admits his foreign policy is "controversial" but says it should continue —AFTER he has stepped down.
20070113             New USA IRAQ policy faces scrutiny USA—DEFENCE SECRETARY—ROBERT—GATES faces Senate questions amid CRITICISM—OF—PLANS to send more USA—TROOPS to IRAQ.
20070113             Rocket hits USA embassy in ATHENS Attackers fire 1—ROCKET at THE—USA—EMBASSY in THE—GREECE—CAPITAL, ATHENS, causing SOME—DAMAGE but no injuries.
20070113             RUSSIA seeks UK help in spy probe RUSSIA—PROSECUTORS seek UK permission to question more than 100—WITNESSES in the Litvinenko case.
20070113             Government looks at data SHAKE—UP Access to public sector information could soon be completely free the government has revealed.
20070113             Formula For Procrastination Found
20070113             "Science Daily reports that 1—UNIVERSITY—OF—CALGARY academic has published 1—PAPER titled THE—NATURE—OF—PROCRASTINATION: 1—META—ANALYTIC and Theoretical Review of Quintessential SELF—REGULATORY—FAILURE in the Psychological Bulletin. The research reveals that most people's New —YEAR—RESOLUTIONS are doomed to failure, most SELF—HELP—BOOKS have it completely wrong —WHEN they say perfectionism is at THE—ROOT—OF—PROCRASTINATION + procrastination can be explained by 1—SINGLE—MATHEMATICAL—EQUATION. The research is apparently the culmination of 10—YEARS—WORK. However, no indication was given of how much time was spent putting it off —BEFORE it was begun".
20070113             "Essentially, procrastinators have less confidence in themselves, less expectancy that they can actually complete 1—TASK... Perfectionism is not the culprit. In fact, perfectionists actually procrastinate less, but they worry about it more".
20070113             1—BUZZFLASH—NEWS—ANALYSIS
20070113             Huh? 1/14 - Colbert I. KING: From DOCTOR—KING, 1—REMINDER on IRAQ 1/14
20070113             "The mainstream, corporate media need collectively to set the record straight if only for the sake of their own survival. (Behemoth corporations like GE and Time Warner have deep pockets but no inherent moral conscience.) Under their watch, 1—DICTATOR has risen to power. These news organizations have betrayed their constitutional charge as "4. Estate" —DURING 1—TIME—WHEN checks and balances were so direly needed".
20070113             "Recent USA—MILITARY—RAIDS against Iranians in IRAQ were authorized by PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH under 1—ORDER for 1—BROAD—OFFENSIVE against IRAN—OPERATIVES in the country, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES said on its Web site on —FRIDAY".
20070113             "Natürlich haben wir immer ein offenes Ohr für die Bitten einer Regierung".
20070113             Language Fluency and Alzheimers 1—NEW—CANADA—STUDY shows bilingualism may delay the onset of dementia.
20070113             Tech Politics Podcast: Net neutrality —BACK—IN new Congress START—OF—THE—110. Congress brings with it proposals for privacy and digital copyright as well.
20070113             Data broker in HP 'pretext' case pleads guilty Blog: THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—ON—FRIDAY won the 1. conviction in the Hewlett Packard spying case.BRYAN—WAGNER, 1—DATA broker hired...
20070113             BP to build 5—WIND—POWER—FACILITIES—BLOG: BP (formerly UK—PETROLEUM) announced on —FRIDAY that it plans to build wind power projects at 5—SITES—AROUND the United...
20070113             Senate BILL—AGAIN—AIMS to Restrict INTERNET Radio
20070113             "If you enjoy MP3 or OGG STREAMS—OF—INTERNET—RADIO, it's time to pay attention. This —WEEK USA—SENATORS—LAMAR Alexander, JOSEPH—BIDEN, DIANNE—FEINSTEIN + Lindsey Graham decided to reintroduce the 'Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music (PERFORM) Act'. 1—ARS—TECHNICA article explains that PERFORM would restrict our rights to make NON—COMMERCIAL—RECORDINGS under the Audio Home Recording Act of 19920000              + require satellite and INTERNET broadcasters to use 'technology to prevent music theft'. That means goodbye to your favorite streaming audio formats, hello DRM. THE—EFF said pretty much the same —WHEN this bill last reared its ugly head 20060400             —IN. It's too soon to get the text of this —YEAR—VERSION (S.256) online, but it likely to resemble —LAST—YEAR—S2644, which is available through Thomas".
20070113             How Can We Convert THE—USA—TO—THE—METRIC—SYSTEM?
20070113             "Despite past efforts of the 1970s and 1980s, THE—USA—REMAINS 1—OF—ONLY 3—COUNTRIES (others are LIBERIA and MYANMAR) that does not use the metric system.
20070113             Are there ANY—ORGANIZATIONS that we may back, or ANY—PRO—METRIC—LEGISLATORS who we can support?"
20070113             "They work 24—HOURS 1—DAY but the weather can hinder their progress. Walters said 1—SHIP is waiting for 30 to 40—MILE—AN—HOUR—WINDS (48 to 64—KILOMETRES—AN—HOUR) to die down in the Bashi Channel. The winds have stirred up 10 to 12—METRE waves... —AFTER arriving at the scene they survey the ocean bottom to assess whether the contour has changed + THE—DEGREE—OF—SEDIMENT—MOVEMENT. Then the traditional tools are brought out. 1—ROPE with 1—GRAPNEL on the end is played out, down into the depths + towed over the sea floor —UNTIL tension registers on 1—GRAPH on the ship, indicating contact has been made with the cable. —TODAY—FIBRE optic cables are —JUST 21—MILLIMETRES in diameter".
20070113             The Snoop Next Door Is Posting to YouTube
20070113             "Your most trivial missteps are increasingly ripe for exposure online, reports THE—WALL—STREET—JOURNAL, thanks to cheap cameras and entrepreneurs hoping to profit from websites devoted to the exposure.  'The most trivial missteps by ordinary folks are increasingly ripe for exposure as well. There is 1—PROLIFERATION—OF—NEW—SITES dedicated to condemning offenses ranging from bad parking and leering to littering and general bad behavior. 1—SITE—DOCUMENTS—LOCATIONS where people have failed to pick up —AFTER their dogs. Capturing NEWSPAPER—STEALING neighbors on video is also 1—EMERGING genre. Helping drive the exposés are 1—CROP of entrepreneurs who hope to sell advertising and subscriptions.' But other factors are at work, including 1—RETURN to shame as 1—CHECK on social behavior, says an MIT professor".
20070113             He is embarking on 1—COUP for which the legal penalty is death.
20070113             You reckon Congress —JUST doesn't understand Bush yet?> Or you reckon Congress wants war with IRAN?>
20070113             He wants them to die so that he can have reason to send nukes flying and to secure the oil fields of IRAN.
20070113             —DELUDED, Bush /Cheney /Rice are so, that they would rather drag us into WWIII. than acknowledge they were wrong in invading IRAQ.
20070113             #—POSTED—BY unirealist - This is 1—REDICULOUS—SITUATION.
20070113             Cheney + Bush should both be indicted for their BETRAYAL—OF—THE—USA—PEOPLE + it should happen soon.
20070113             #—POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS - I'm cynical.
20070113             I'm thinking that if 1—MISSILE (or something purported to be 1—MISSILE) takes out the Eisenhower or another big boat, BUSH—APPROVAL—RATINGS will hit 70% or higher, the Dems will be understandably cowed into giving him whatever he asks for (thereby splitting the Dems), 1—NEW—DRAFT will be instituted + 300,000 troops enter the region.
20070113             more dangerous for ISRAEL.
20070113             Responsabilidade Civil Ambiental em PORTUGAL—LEGISLAÇÃO e... A Constituição da República Portuguesa assumiu, ao nível do direito constitucional... executados com máquinas que fazem intenso barulho. não permitam aos...
20070113             O Impertinente OI — Na sua opinião, a legislação portuguesa ADEQUA—SE aos problemas ambientais do nosso... O que para muitos é barulho. para outros é uma forma de estar.
20070113             Poesia do Dia 1—DIA "Animais no Mundo": Indignada!
20070113             Tentarei chamar a v/atenção para as deficiências da legislação portuguesa e... e também quanto ao mau cheiro e incómodo barulho que se faziam sentir...
20070113             Global Warming Only 1—THEORY, Says School BOARD
20070113             "1—SEATTLE school BOARD has placed 1—MORATORIUM on screenings of '1—INCONVENIENT—TRUTH', having found its subject matter too controversial. Echoing THE—LANGUAGE—OF—THE—EVOLUTION—DEBATE, the school BOARD found that students must be told that global warming is only 1—THEORY and presented with 1—OPPOSING viewpoint. The ban was prompted by the complaints of 1—PARENT: '"Condoms don't belong in school + neither does AL—GORE.
20070113             HE—NOT 1—SCHOOLTEACHER," said Frosty Hardison, 1—PARENT—OF—7—WHO also said that he believes the Earth is 14,000—YEARS—OLD. "The information that's being presented is 1—VERY cockeyed view of what the truth is... The Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that perspective isn't in THE—DVD."'"
20070113             Expensive USA—SPY—SATELLITE—NOT WORZONK—KING—OF— 230 - Reuters article about SOME—TROUBLE—THE—USA is having communicating with 1—SPY—SATELLITE.
20070113             It has apparently hung in 1—LOW orbit for months —NOW + efforts to communicate with it have been unsuccessful.
20070113             "The official said the problems were substantial and involved multiple systems, adding that USA—OFFICIALS were working to reestablish contact with the satellite BECAUSE—OF—THE—IMPORTANCE—OF—THE—NEW—TECHNOLOGY it was meant to test and demonstrate. The other source said the satellite had been described to him as 'a comprehensive failure.' There was no suggestion by EITHER—OF—THE—SOURCES that the satellite had been purposely damaged as PART—OF—1—TERRORIST—ATTACK. Another government official said he had no information about ANY—ATTACKS on USA—SATELLITES".
20070113             Gates Foundation Revokes Pledge to Review Portfolio
20070113             "—AFTER THE—LA Times reported that the Gates Foundation often invests in companies hurting the very communities BILL—AND—MELINDA want to help, THE—SEATTLE Times reported the foundation planned 'a systematic review of its investments to determine whether it should pull its money OUT—OF—COMPANIES that are doing harm to society'. Shortly —AFTER that interview, the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this and replaced it with 1—SIGNIFICANTLY altered version which seems to say that investing responsibly would —JUST be too complex for them and that they need to focus on their core mission: 'There are DOZENS—OF—FACTORS that could be considered, almost all of which are outside the foundation's areas of expertise. The issues involved are quite complex...Which social and political issues should be on the list?... MANY—OF—THE—COMPANIES mentioned in THE—LOS—ANGELES—TIMES—ARTICLES, such as Ford, Kraft, Fannie Mae, Nestle + GENERAL—ELECTRIC, do 1—LOT—OF—WORK that SOME—PEOPLE—LIKE, as well as work that SOME—PEOPLE do not like. SOME—ACTIVITIES might even be viewed positively by SOME—PEOPLE and negatively by others.'"
20070113             Mars Probe May Have Spotted Sojourner Rover
20070113             "NASA—EAGLE—EYED—MARS—RECONNAISSANCE—ORBITER may have spotted the tiny, toaster OVEN—SIZED Sojourner rover —JUST 1—FEW meters away from its companion, the Mars Pathfinder lander. It appears to have crawled there in 1—ATTEMPT to RE—ESTABLISH—CONTACT with the lander —AFTER the lander had already †. But the pictures aren't clear enough to definitively ID the rover + it's possible Sojourner simply took off on its own. If it were miraculously still alive —AFTER—10—YEARS, it could be 3—KILOMETERS away from Pathfinder — and probably impossible to find, even with MISTER—O"
20070113             Does Income Inequality Matter?
20070113             "Alarmed by Goldman Sachs CEO—LLOYD—BLANKFEIN—RECORD—SETTING $53M bonus, CHARLES—WHEELAN (aka The Naked Economist) argues that income inequality matters. Wheelan notes that the Gini Coefficient (1—MEASURE—OF—INCOME—INEQUALITY) for THE—USA has been moving away from countries like JAPAN + SWEDEN + closer to that of BRAZIL, where the murder rate is 5X THAT—OF—NEW—YORK—CITY + crime is materially impacting GDP".
20070113             MPAA Caught Uploading Fake Torrents
20070113             - CowboyNeal 485+ - "THE—MPAA + other ANTI—PIRACY—WATCHDOGS have been caught trapping people into downloading fake torrents, so they can collect IP addresses + send copyright infringement letters to ISPs. The battle between P2P networks and copyright holders seems to be 1—NEVER ending battle. It will be interesting to see how much THE—ANTI—PIRACY—GROUPS—PRACTICES—CHANGE once they begin begin selling movies and TV shows legally on bittorrent.com".
20070113             IBM Breaks Patent Record, Wants REFORM—KDAWSON 107+ - "IBM set the record for most patents granted in 1—YEAR for 20060000          .
20070113             And the company has been committing itself to 1—NEW patent policy:
20070113             'Key TENETS—OF—THE—POLICY are that patent quality is the responsibility of the applicant;
20070113             that patent applications should be open to public examination + that patent ownership should be transparent; +
20070113             that business methods without technical content should not be patentable.'"
20070113             Women "Advertise" FERTILITY—KDAWSON 287+ - Dik Zak writes with word of 1—PAPER published in the journal Hormones and Behavior.
20070113             1—STUDY found that women take greater care over their appearance —WHEN they are at peak levels of monthly fertility.
20070113             The researchers took 2—PHOTOS—OF—EACH—OF 30—WOMEN, 1—NEAR—OVULATION + 1 at the other END—OF—HER—CYCLE.
20070113             —SHOWED, They then, the paired photos (with faces obscured) to 1—GROUP—OF—OBSERVERS, who were asked to judge in which photo the women were trying to look more attractive.
20070113             The observers chose the "high fertility" subject nearly 60% MORE—OF—THE—TIME than would be expected by chance, according to the NewScientist.com writeup.
20070113             Wikileaks — Anonymous WHISTLE—BLOWING—KDAWSON 141+ - too_old_to_be_irate about 1—SITE that word got out on —BEFORE they were ready.
20070113             Wikileaks aims to be 1—ANONYMOUS + uncensorable repository of leaked documents, —POSTED for commentary by interested parties.
20070113             —EXPECTED, It's, to go live in 1—MONTH or 2.
20070113             —FROM the site: "Wikileaks is developing 1—UNCENSORABLE—VERSION—OF—WIKIPEDIA for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis.
20070113             Our primary interests are oppressive regimes in ASIA, THE—FORMER—SOVIET—BLOC, SUB—SAHARAN AFRICA + THE—MIDDLE—EAST, but we also expect to BE—OF—ASSISTANCE to those in the west who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their own governments and corporations.
20070113             We aim for maximum political impact;
20070113             this means our interface is identical to Wikipedia + usable by NON—TECHNICAL—PEOPLE.
20070113             —RECEIVED, We have, over 1.1—MILLION—DOCUMENTS so far from dissident communities + anonymous sources".
20070113             "Ihr tut den Arbeitern unrecht, wenn ihr glaubt, sie sind mit dem...
20070113             Eine weitere + in Teilen fortführende Ergänzung erfuhr die Behandlung von Streiks im NS durch einen Aufsatz von Doris Kachulle in der "1999".
20070113             Everything about Richard V. Allen
20070113             Freedom Activist NETWORK—GUIDE—TO—ORGANIZATIONS - C Castle Rock Foundation : 3773—CHERRY Creek N Dr #955, DENVER, CO 80209, 303 388-16360000             , fax 303 388-16840000
20070113             MIDDLE—EAST—OIL: An Historical Perspective and Outlook
20070113             Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität, NACHRICHTEN—ARCHIV
20070113             Für die Gesichtsrekonstruktion nutzte Gruppioni den in den zwanziger Jahren aus Knochenresten zusammengesetzten Schädel Dantes + fügte ihm den Kiefer hinzu, wie "La Repubblica" berichtete.
20070113             Die Rekonstruktion des Schädels soll nur um maximal 5—PROZENT vom Original abweichen.
20070113             Der nun datierte HOFMEYR—SCHÄDEL schließt diese Lücke: Der afrikanische Schädel sei 36.000—JAHRE alt.
20070113             Ausgerechnet aus der Zeit, zu der die Menschen die SÜDSAHARA—GEBIETE verlassen haben sollen, gab es bislang keine FOSSILIEN—ALSO keinen handfesten Beweis für die "Out of AFRICA"-Hypothese.
20070113             Nun scheint es den aber endlich zu geben: 1—SCHÄDEL, der nahe der Stadt Hofmeyr in der südafrikanischen Provinz Oskap gefunden wurde, soll die Zeitlücke —JETZT geschlossen haben, berichtet ein internationales Forscherteam im Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science".
20070113             Die Vorfahren aller —HEUTE lebenden Menschen sollen vor 100.000—BIS 200.000—JAHREN südlich der SAHARA gelebt haben.
20070113             Von dort aus sei der moderne Mensch vor etwa 65.000—BIS 25.000—JAHREN aufgebrochen und habe die alte WELT—AUßER AFRIKA also EUROPA, ASIEN, Australien und die pazifischen INSELN—BESIEDELT.
20070113             Schließlich gelang dann der Sprung über die Beringsstraße nach AMERIKA, in die neue Welt.
20070113             Darauf deuten die meisten genetischen Untersuchungen hin.
20070113             Die meisten von ihnen wurden an —HEUTE lebenden Menschen vorgenommen.
20070113             Fossilien aus der Aufbruchszeit fehlen allerdings: Jene menschlichen Knochen, die in Afrikas südlich der SAHARA gefundenen wurden, sind entweder rund 70.000—ODER nur rund 15.000—JAHRE alt.
20070113             Offenbar stammt keines aus der Zeit DAZWISCHEN—BISLANG.
20070113             Datierung deutet genau auf die klaffende Lücke
20070113             SOMALIA—JIHADIST: We're Not AL—QAEDA: THE—USA—BRANDS the organization as 1—ALLY—OF—AL—QAEDA;
20070113             in reality, it is also 1—NATIONALIST—ANTI—WARLORD movement that contains MANY—MUSLIM moderates and has no INTERNATIONAL ambitions
20070113             SOMALIA: Fighting "terrorism" or quest for oil?
20070113             What has been the concrete involvement of THE—USA in this war between ETHIOPIA and SOMALIA, 2—OF—THE—POOREST—COUNTRIES in the world?
20070113             AMERICA—INTERESTS in SOMALIA : 4—MAJOR—USA—OIL—COMPANIES are sitting on 1—PROSPECTIVE—FORTUNE in exclusive concessions.
20070113             Africans have constantly WARNED—OF—THE—USA—MILITARY—DESIGN on the Eastern seaboard.
20070113             Yet, our "leaders" have thoughtlessly been currying favour with this vicious military power.
20070113             —MILITARIZED, In the horn, the heavily, ETHIOPIA has become their 'on the scene agent', doing the dirty work of THE—USA—WARMONGER.
20070113             PAKISTAN attacks militant supply trucks across border from fierce AFGHANISTAN—BATTLE: The army, acting on intelligence provided by THE—USA—LED coalition in AFGHANISTAN, used mortars and artillery in the attack —WEDNESDAY night at Gurvek, near the border, spokesman MAJOR—GENERAL—SHAUKAT—SULTAN told The Associated Press.
20070113             PAKISTAN rejects USA—SPY CHIEF—CHARGE it harbors Qaida leaders:
20070113             PAKISTAN—FOREIGN—MINISTRY said in 1—STATEMENT that JOHN—NEGROPONTE—CLAIM that PAKISTAN represents 1—MAJOR—SOURCE—OF—ISLAMIC—EXTREMISM and 1—REFUGE for top terror leaders is "incorrect".
20070113             Rabbis throw book at Jimmy : Outraged by JIMMY—CARTER—CONTROVERSIAL—NEW—BOOK, the nation's largest ORGANIZATION—OF—RABBIS—YESTERDAY pulled out of 1 planned visit to THE—FORMER—PRESIDENT—HUMAN—RIGHTS—CENTER in ATLANTA.
20070113             USA—SET to announce plea deal with ISRAEL i "crime kingpin" on drug charges : Under the agreement between the parties, Rosenstein will serve 12—YEARS in 1—ISRAEL i prison.
20070113             —DECIDED, The parties, that USA—AUTHORITIES would not be confiscating ROSENSTEIN—ASSETS, as they had requested.
20070113             Western companies may get 75—PERCENT—OF—IRAQ—OIL—PROFITS : IRAQ—MASSIVE—OIL—RESERVES may be thrown open for LARGE—SCALE—EXPLOITATION by Western oil COMPANIES—WHICH could end up grabbing up to 75% of the beleagured nation's oil PROFITS—UNDER 1—LAW seen coming —BEFORE THE—IRAQ—PARLIAMENT within days, the Independent reported on its Web site —MONDAY.
20070113             —FILED, REPRESENTATIVE—RON—PAUL explores run for PRESIDENT: Paul, papers in TEXAS to create 1—PRESIDENTIAL exploratory committee that will allow him to raise money.
20070113             Pentagon Abandons ACTIVE—DUTY—TIME—LIMIT : The Pentagon has abandoned its limit on the time 1—CITIZEN—SOLDIER can be required to serve on active duty, officials said —THURSDAY, 1—MAJOR—CHANGE that reflects 1—ARMY stretched thin by LONGER—THAN—EXPECTED combat in IRAQ.
20070113             Gov't Changes Student Military Recruiting:
20070113             THE—NEW—YORK Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of several high school students —AFTER THE—DOD—BILLION dollar Joint Advertising and Market Research Studies (JAMRS) military recruitment program began collecting, maintaining + distributing their personal and private information + THAT—OF—MILLIONS—OF—OTHER—HIGH—SCHOOL—STUDENTS, in 1—ROGUE database
20070113             This is 1—USA—TORTURE—CAMP:
20070113             EVIDENCE—OF—PRISONER—ABUSE at Guantánamo is OVERWHELMING—AND it hasn't made anyone safer
20070113             USA Has Lost Credibility On Rights, Group Asserts:
20070113             The advocacy group Human Rights Watch said —YESTERDAY that WASHINGTON—ONCE—POWERFUL—ROLE as 1—PRIME defender of human rights had effectively ended
20070113             Stop Shock Treatment To Punish Students With Disabilities : THE—NEW—YORK Civil Liberties Union —TODAY called on THE—NEW—YORK STATE—BOARD—OF—REGENTS to reject regulations that would permit NEW—YORK State schools to use electric skin shock, electric shocks, beatings, isolation, restraints, food deprivation + other "aversive" stimuli to control THE—BEHAVIORS—OF—CHILDREN with disabilities.
20070113             Scientists prepare to move Doomsday Clock forward : The keepers of the "Doomsday Clock" plan to move its hands forward next —WEDNESDAY to reflect what they call worsening nuclear and climate threats to the world.
20070113             Turk PM asserts right to intervene in IRAQ, raps USA : PRIME—MINISTER—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN on —FRIDAY reaffirmed TURKEY—RIGHT to send troops into IRAQ to crush Kurdish rebels there and chided USA—OFFICIALS for questioning it.
20070113             IRAQ Seeks Release of Iranians Seized by USA.
20070113             —SEIZED, IRAQ—FOREIGN—MINISTER said he was seeking the release of 5—IRANIANS, by USA—TROOPS from 1—REPRESENTATIVE—OFFICE—OF—THE—TEHRAN government in THE—IRAQ—KURDISH—CITY—OF—ARBIL on —THURSDAY.
20070113             HOLLAND—MINISTER—CRITICISES—USA—TROOP—PLAN for IRAQ : HOLLAND—FOREIGN—MINISTER—BERNARD—BOT on —FRIDAY criticised THE—USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH—PLAN to send more troops to IRAQ, saying he doubted it would yield results.
20070113             War Pimp Alert: USA says raid in N. IRAQ, CAPTURE—OF—IRANIANS, based on plans "to kill Americans:
20070113             —CONDUCTED, WHITE—HOUSE—SPOKESMAN—TONY—SNOW on —FRIDAY said the raid was, —AFTER intelligence was received indicating efforts
20070113             were being made to kill Americans and destabilize THE—IRAQ—GOVERNMENT.
20070113             BUSH—TOUGH—TACTICS are a 'DECLARATION—OF—WAR' on IRAN: 1—LEADING—UK—BASED—IRAN specialist, ALI—ANSARI, said the incident was an "extreme provocation".
20070113             DOCTOR—ANSARI said that MISTER—BUSH—SPEECH on future IRAQ strategy amounted to "1—DECLARATION—OF—WAR" on IRAN.
20070113             USA denies IRAN attack plans : THE—WHITE—HOUSE has flatly dismissed what it called a "rumour and urban legend" that THE—USA was gearing up for military action against IRAN or Syria.
20070113             An admiral to command a land war?
20070113             Why send 1—ADMIRAL to command 1—LAND—BATTLE unless you don't expect the battle to remain 1—LAND 1?
20070113             Does Bush have authority to strike IRAN?
20070113             War pimp alert: New Arms Shipments to IRAQ—MILITIA Detected : USA—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE—SOURCES tell ABC News that large SHIPMENTS—OF—WEAPONS have been smuggled to IRAQ—MILITIA over the past 5—WEEKS, including DOZENS—OF—IRANIAN supplied EFP's. or Explosive Form Projectiles, highly effective against armored vehicles.
20070113             Top USA—MILITARY—OFFICIAL: No EVIDENCE—OF—IRAN—INVOLVEMENT in IRAQ : Marine Corps GENERAL—PETER—PACE, CHAIRMAN—OF—THE—JOINTS—CHIEFS—OF—STAFF, said —TODAY he has no evidence THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT has been sending military equipment and personnel into neighboring IRAQ.
20070113             MAJOR—DOMINIC—ROBERTS—OF—THE—QUEEN—DRAGOONS said: "We have found no credible evidence to suggest there is weapons smuggling across the border".
20070113             In case you missd it:
20070113             'No proof' of IRAN nuclear arms" : THE—USA—CENTRAL—INTELLIGENCE—AGENCY (CIA ) has not found conclusive evidence that IRAN is developing nuclear weapons, 1—USA—MAGAZINE has reported.
20070113             Stern, 1—RESEARCHER at JOHN—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITY, spoke with RFE/RL correspondent Golnaz Esfandiari about what this might mean.
20070113             —REMIXED, Pepe Escobar : SOMALIA: AFGHANISTAN, : The "WAR—ON—TERROR" is back with 1—BANG.
20070113             1. AFGHANISTAN, then IRAQ and —NOW SOMALIA.
20070113             And IRAN could well be the next Islamic nation to be bombarded by THE—USA—AS PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush telegraphed in his "surge" speech on —WEDNESDAY.
20070113             BAGHDAD Crackdown
20070113             The crackdown in BAGHDAD and the anticipated BOMBING—OF—IRAN will have no significant affect on the war's outcome.
20070113             AMERICA has lost its ability to influence events positively or to arbitrarily assert its will.
20070113             We're —NOW facing "death by a 1000—CUTS" and the steady EROSION—OF—USA—POWER.
20070113             The Plan for Economic Strangulation of IRAN
20070113             The current USA—STRATEGY is to starve THE—IRAN—OIL and gas INDUSTRIES—OF—NEW—INVESTMENTS, thereby reducing THE—IRAN—GOVERNMENT—REVENUES which are hoped will in turn reduce IRAN—ABILITY to maintain not only its armed forces, but also the government's social obligations to its people (subsidies, salaries, etc.).
20070113             Escalation is Hardly the Answer
20070113             I am concerned, however, that 1—CONTRIVED—GULF—OF—TONKIN— type incident may occur to gain popular support for 1—ATTACK on IRAN.
20070113             —CRIED, KEITH—OLBERMANN: BUSH—LEGACY: THE—PRESIDENT who, wolf
20070113             Only this PRESIDENT, only in this time, only with this dangerous, even messianic certitude, could answer 1—COUNTRY demanding 1—EXIT strategy from IRAQ, by offering 1—ENTRANCE—STRATEGY for IRAN.
20070113             MURTHA—PLAN to Stop Bush
20070113             —ANNOUNCED, Murtha, his intention to use the power of the purse to try and close USA—PRISONS at ABU—GHRAIB and GUANTANAMO Bay, eliminate the signing statements PRESIDENT—BUSH—USES to secretly expand executive power and restrict the building of permanent bases in IRAQ.
20070113             GEORGE—W—BUSH : 1—SYMPTOM—OF—DISEASE
20070113             Sometimes you look —AROUND and wonder how things could have gone so wrong so quickly.
20070113             AMERICA has become the antithesis of everything she purports to be.
20070113             We are the greatest PURVEYORS—OF—VIOLENCE the world has ever known; the largest weapons dealers on earth;
20070113             and death and misery are our principal exports.
20070113             —TORMENTED, Everything is for sale here, even men's, SOULS—AT least, those who still possess them.
20070113             Manufacturing Consent
20070113             Noam Chomskey, explores how government and big media businesses cooperate to produce 1—EFFECTIVE—PROPAGANDA—MACHINE in order to manipulate the opinions of THE—USA—POPULACE.
20070113             USA SOMALIA air raids hit nomads, 70—DEAD—OXFAM
20070113             —TARGETED, USA—AIR—ATTACKS have mistakenly, nomadic herdsmen gathering round fires, killing 70, BRITISH—BASED aid agency Oxfam said on —FRIDAY.
20070113             NATO—OCCUPATION Forces Kill AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS, Police Say
20070113             —ATTACKED, NATO—AIRCRAFT, "Taliban rebels" in SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN + killed 16—INSURGENTS + 13—CIVILIANS, AFGHANISTAN—POLICE said on —FRIDAY, but NATO denied causing CIVIL—CASUALTIES.
20070113             The Real FRIENDS—OF—TERROR
20070113             "What is the difference between the horror + the violence created by suicide bombers + the horror + the violence created by bombs dropped from 30,000—FEET by airplanes?"
20070113             The Power of Nightmares
20070113             —OFFERED, In the past our politicians, us dreams of 1—BETTER—WORLD.
20070113             —NOW they promise to protect us from nightmares.
20070113             The most frightening of these is THE—THREAT—OF—1—INTERNATIONAL—TERROR—NETWORK.
20070113             But —JUST as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.
20070113             A 2. villa owned by SADDAM—HALF—BROTHER—BARZAN AL—TIKRITI sits on billionaire's row in Cannes, overlooking the bay.
200701130000 - Cliff 113 - thesolo asks:
20070113—13210000    —BIS, Gruppioni und der Gesichtsspezialist Frabcesco Mallegni von der UNIVERSITÄT—PISA gaben dem Dichter, der von 12650000              lebte, nun mit Hilfe moderner Computertechnologie ein humaneres Antlitz zurück.
20070113—19190500    —IN, JSTOR: The Revisions of 7—PILLARS—OF—WISDOM the Wahabite sect under Ibn Saud crushed the Hashemites (Feisal's... in the 19170000             —SUMMER—OF (as Lawrence learned —AFTER he captured Aqaba ), is.
20070113—19440000    —IN, 1—ITALY—MILITARY—TRIBUNAL gave life sentences in absentia to 10—GERMANY—FORMER—SS men for massacring about 800—ITALY—VILLAGERS.
20070113—19880000    —IN, Paul was the Libertarian nominee for PRESIDENT and received more than 400,000 votes.
20070113—20040000    —PENALIZED, THE—SUPREME—COURT has, RALPH—NADER for seeking THE—PENNSYLVANIA ballot upholding a 1.—OF—KIND ruling.
20070113—20040100    —FLARED, The Islamic insurgency, that, has killed more than 1,900—PEOPLE.
20070113—20060000    —BANNED, INDIA, PAKISTAN and NEPAL, the making and IMPORTING—OF—THE—DRUG.
20070113—20070503    —ON,
20070113—20081200    —IN, construction was halted due to falling oil prices.
20070113—20200000    —BY, CHINA—FACING SHORTAGE—OF—WIVES CHINA will have 30—MILLION—MORE—MEN than women making it hard for them to find wives, 1—REPORT says.
20070212             Institute for the Study of Violent Groups... 172—KHAN, Anwar, 188—KHASHOGGI, Adrian, 178—KHAWALOUJIAN, Chanes, 79 80—KHOMEINI... Mahmoud "ABU—MAZEN," 82, 96 97110113116 17—ABDULLAH, CROWN—PRINCE...
20070325             you don't trust THE—WHITE—HOUSE ".
20070325             Watch a COMPILATION—OF—SNOW—TALKING point:  var
20070409             alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20070410             Studley... alfatomega.com/20050113.html alfatomega.com/20070410.html
20070600             Einkommen: Lohnschere geht in Deutschland immer weiter auseinander.
20070809—20050113    —TRANSFERED, The sister plane did get, from Skyway to Royal Sons (5):
20080113             —REPORTED, THE—NY Times, that at least 121—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN war veterans have committed 1—KILLING or been charged in 1 in THE—USA—AFTER returning from combat.
20080113             ABU—DHABI, UAR, PRESIDENT—BUSH said that IRAN is threatening THE—SECURITY—OF—THE—WORLD, and that THE—USA—AND—ARAB allies must join together to confront the danger "—BEFORE it's too late".
20080113             WILLIAM—WOOD, USA—AMBASSADOR to AFGHANISTAN, flew to MUSA—QALA, previously held by the Taliban in THE—HEART—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST POPPY—GROWING region, and told with MULLAH—ABDUL—SALAAM, THE—EX—MILITANT—COMMANDER—NOW in charge there, that Afghans must stop "producing poison".
20080113             —KILLED, In SOUTH—AFGHANISTAN Taliban militants, 8—OFFICERS in 1—ATTACK on 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT in KANDAHAR province.
20080113             1—SUICIDE—BOMBER killed another policeman and wounded 8—OTHER—PEOPLE—WHEN he blew himself up in 1—HOUSING compound in THE—TOWN—OF—LASHKAR—GAH in neighboring Helmand province.
20080113             2—YOUNG adventurers completed a 62—DAY—PADDLE of more than 2,000 miles to become the 1. people to travel from AUSTRALIA to NEW—ZEALAND by kayak.
20080113             CHILE, Patricia Troncoso (39), 1—IMPRISONED—INDIAN—RIGHTS—ACTIVIST who has been on 1—HUNGER—STRIKE—FOR—93—DAYS, was sent to 1—HOSPITAL because of her deteriorating condition.
20080113             CHINA took aim at price manipulators and hoarders of goods, as BEIJING ramped up its campaign to rein in inflation which is running at its highest level in more than 1—DECADE.
20080113             —CLOSED, The government said it has, more than 11,000 small coal mines as part of a 2—YEAR—OLD—SAFETY—CRACKDOWN aimed at stemming the industry's high death toll.
20080113             Delegation CHIEF—KAMBASU—NGEZE said at 1—CONGO—PEACE—CONFERENCE that renegade general Laurent NKUNDA—KIVU movement vowed to continue its armed struggle "with neither remorse nor regret".
20080113             —RALLIED, GEORGIA, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—OPPOSITION—SUPPORTERS, in TBILISI to protest what they denounced as massive vote fraud that helped USA—ALLIED MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI win a 2. presidential term.
20080113             —ARRIVED, INDIA—PRIME—MINISTER—MANMOHAN—SINGH, in BEIJING for a 3—DAY—VISIT aimed at boosting sometimes strained relations between THE—2—ASIA—GIANTS.
20080113             —UNITED, IRAQ, several Shiite and Sunni political factions, to pressure Kurds over CONTROL—OF—OIL and the future of KIRKUK, which the Kurds wished to annex.
20080113             Talks between ABDULLAH—II—KING—OF— and MOHAMMED—VI—KING—OF—MOROCCO focused on revitalizing trade between AMMAN and RABAT.
20080113             1—UN—HUMANITARIAN—AGENCY said floods in MOZAMBIQUE have killed about 50—PEOPLE and displaced tens of thousands.
20080113             —OPENED, SRI—LANKA, JAPAN—PEACE—ENVOY, talks, hinting INTERNATIONAL donors may hold back MUCH—NEEDED foreign aid if the island's DECADES—LONG—ETHNIC—CONFLICT escalates.
20080113             —CROSSED, Government soldiers, the front lines, destroying 3—BUNKERS and killing 6—REBELS.
20080113             —KILLED, Troops, a 7. insurgent —WHEN he went to inspect the front lines NORTH—OF—REBEL—HELD territory.
20080113             —SUSPECTED, THAILAND, 6, militants escaped in 1—JAILBREAK.
20080113             "Danke!" — für 1,2 Millionen Tote
20080113             Israelischer Oberrabbiner bedankt sich bei BUSH
20080113             Gentechnik: Große Koalition einig über weiche Kriterien für Genfood
20080113             Streit um Atomprogramm: IRAN will ALLE—OFFENEN—FRAGEN binnen 4—WOCHEN klären
20080113             Demonstration in BERLIN: Tausende erinnern an Luxemburg und Liebknecht
20080113             Unruhen nach der Wahl: Kenias Wirtschaft im Sturzflug
20080113             Mindestlohn: Experten warnen vor Beschäftigungskatastrophe
20080113             Look at the Photo and Add Your Caption in the Comments Section.
20080113             Bush evik Orwellianism At Its Most, Well, Orwellian: "The nation's intelligence CHIEF says that waterboarding "would be torture" if used against him,
20080113             or if someone under interrogation was taking water into his lungs.
20080113             So, It's Torture, But Because It Would Make Bush 1—CRIMINAL, It's Not LEGALLY Torture.
20080113             Got It? 1/13 - Bush May Sign 1—LONG—TERM—PACT with IRAQ That Would Make It Extremely Difficult for the Next PRESIDENT—TO—WITHDRAW—AMERICAN—TROOPS
20080113             Obama's 1. STATE—SENATE—RACE in ILLINOIS:
20080113             Alleged Promises Made and Petitions Challenged 1/13
20080113             —NOW What Kind of Democratic Supports Suppressing THE—RIGHTS—OF—VOTERS?
20080113             weety Matthews: He is THE—EPICENTER—OF—THE—MISOGYNIST—ANTI—HILLARY Commetators.
20080113             As JON—STEWART —RECENTLY said of the twerp, "HE—INSANE".
20080113             products or defending firms from attacks by NGOs or consumer organizations.
20080113             Consumers : " 1—HERD waiting to be led " 26. How to brainwash 1—POPULATION 33.
20080113             Right is wrong, left is right 36. No news is bad news 41 ...
20080113             Die sogenannten Terrorlisten der Uno und der EU bezeichnete Papier im SPIEGEL als ein "ganz heikles und in meinen Augen ungelöstes Problem".
20080113             Die auf diesen Listen namentlich aufgeführten Terrorverdächtigen könnten "im Grunde gar nichts mehr machen".
20080113             Dabei würden die Betreffenden "weder vorher angehört", noch würden ihnen "Beweise mitgeteilt", und sie hätten auch "keinen effektiven Rechtsschutz".
20080113             Im SPIEGEL wandte sich VERFASSUNGSGERICHTS—CHEF—PAPIER auch gegen aktuelle Überlegungen Schäubles,
20080113             Terroristen als "Feinde der Rechtsordnung" teilweise rechtlos zu stellen:
20080113             Er halte "die ganze Diskussion über einen rechtsfreien Status und 1—FEINDSTELLUNG—VON—PERSONEN für völlig unangebracht".
20080113             Zwar habe das Verfassungsgericht in seinem Urteil zum Luftsicherheitsgesetz die Frage offengelassen,
20080113             ob im Falle eines "Angriffs", der "auf die Beseitigung des Gemeinwesens + der freiheitlichen Rechtsordnung" gerichtet ist,
20080113             "von den Bürgern verlangt werden kann, ihr Leben zu opfern".
20080113             Der "Abschuss einer Passagiermaschine,
20080113             die von Terroristen als Tatwaffe benutzt wird", sei aber "kein solcher Fall".
20080113             Die "Menschenwürdegarantie" könne "selbst durch 1—VERFASSUNGSÄNDERUNG nicht eingeschränkt werden", sagte Papier dem SPIEGEL.
20080113             Er erteilte damit auch den Bestrebungen von Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) eine klare Absage,
20080113             einen solchen Abschuss als Landesverteidigung zuzulassen.
20080113             Für die Pläne gibt es damit wohl keine Chance mehr.
20080113             NAHOST—REISE: Bush wirbt für USA—ARABISCHE Front gegen IRAN
20080113             Korruptionsvorwürfe: INTERPOL—PRÄSIDENT—SELEBI tritt zurück
20080113             Krise in PAKISTAN: Musharraf bereit zur Exhumierung Bhuttos
20080113             Energiekosten: Strompreise steigen um mehr als 7 %
20080113             —COMMITTED, At least 121—IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN war veterans have, 1—KILLING or been charged in 1 in THE—USA—AFTER returning from combat, THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES reported —SUNDAY.
20080113             Blackwater Said To Taint Shooting Evidence: Repairs, PAINTING—OF—CONVOY—VEHICLES —FOLLOWING BAGHDAD Shootings Hinder FBI Investigation
20080113             Bush evik Orwellianism At Its Most, Well, Orwellian: "The nation's intelligence CHIEF says that waterboarding "would be torture" if used against him, or if someone under interrogation was taking water into his lungs.
20080113             —DECLINED, But MIKE—MCCONNELL, for legal reasons to say whether the technique categorically should be considered torture".
20080113             OBAMA—1. STATE—SENATE—RACE in ILLINOIS: Alleged Promises Made and Petitions Challenged 1/13
20080113             As Stated by Buzzflash the Other —DAY, Clinton Campaign and Backers Behind Effort in NEVADA to Disenfranchise Culinary Union Voters in NEVADA Only Because the Union Backed Obama.
20080113             The Clinton Backers Never Objected to the Dem Party Caucus Voting Rules in NEVADA -- Even Supported Them -- —UNTIL the Union Backed Obama.
20080113             Tweety Matthews: He is THE—EPICENTER—OF—THE—MISOGYNIST—ANTI—HILLARY Commetators.
20080113             Would Giuliani Manage the Federal Budget as Badly as He?s Running His Campaign Finances?
20080113             Corporate PR experts see people as "1—HERD waiting to be laid"
20080113             - Corporate PR experts see people as - 1—HERD waiting to be led -
20080113             products or defending firms from attacks by NGOs or consumer organizations. alfatomega.com/noname17.html
20080113             Right is Wrong and Left is Right.indd
20080113             Consumers : " 1—HERD waiting to be led " 26. How to brainwash 1—POPULATION 33. Right is wrong, left is right 36. No news is bad news 41 ...
20080113             Im SPIEGEL wandte sich VERFASSUNGSGERICHTS—CHEF—PAPIER auch gegen aktuelle Überlegungen Schäubles, Terroristen als "Feinde der Rechtsordnung" teilweise rechtlos zu stellen:
20080113             Zwar habe das Verfassungsgericht in seinem Urteil zum Luftsicherheitsgesetz die Frage offengelassen, ob im Falle eines "Angriffs", der "auf die Beseitigung des Gemeinwesens + der freiheitlichen Rechtsordnung" gerichtet ist, "von den Bürgern verlangt werden kann, ihr Leben zu opfern".
20080113             Der "Abschuss einer Passagiermaschine, die von Terroristen als Tatwaffe benutzt wird", sei aber "kein solcher Fall".
20080113             Er erteilte damit auch den Bestrebungen von Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) eine klare Absage, einen solchen Abschuss
20080113             als Landesverteidigung zuzulassen.
20080113—20020000    —IMPRISONED, Troncoso, is serving a 10-year sentence for participating in 1—GROUP that 20020901             —FIRE on 1—FARM claimed by Mapuche INDIA—ACTIVISTS who say the property belonged to their ancestors.
20090101—20090113    —ARRESTED, Mehserle was, in NEVADA and charged with homicide.
20090111—20090113    —APPREHENDED, USA—MARSHALS, Schrenker at 1—NORTHERN—FLORIDA campground.
20090113             —DECLARED, PRESIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH, his administration had achieved "1—GOOD, solid" record and gave thanks to both his closest aides and Americans across the country.
20090113             The Pentagon said that 61—FORMER—DETAINEES from its military prison camp at GUANTANAMO BAY—CUBA, appear to have returned to terrorism —SINCE their release from custody.
20090113             —ANNOUNCED, Citigroup, that it will spin off its SmithBarney retail brokerage into 1—JOINT—VENTURE with MORGAN—STANLEY.
20090113             Plans were also afoot for Citigroup to shrink by a 3.
20090113             —CREATED, PATRICK—MCGOOHAN, and starred in the cult classic TV show "The Prisoner" (19670000             ).
20090113             † NANCY—BIRD—WALTON, 93—JAHRE—ALT, AUSTRALIA—AVIATION pioneer, from natural causes.
20090113             NANCY—BIRD—WALTON was the 1. woman in AUSTRALIA to operate 1—COMMERCIAL—AIRCRAFT.
20090113             —2—YEARS—LATER, she obtained 1—COMMERCIAL—PILOT—LICENSE and began taking paying passengers for joyrides —AROUND the country.
20090113             AUSTRIA, UMAR—ISRAILOV, 27—JAHRE—ALT, 1—CHECHEN refugee, was shot dead on 1—VIENNA street.
20090113             Officials said they had no proof the killing was political, but human rights activists said his death was linked to his opposition to CHECHNYA—PRO—MOSCOW—PRESIDENT.
20090113             —ARRESTED, On February 19—POLAND—POLICE, Turpal ALI—J, 31—JAHRE—ALT, 1—MAN suspected of killing Israilov.
20090113             —REPORTED, CHINA—GOVERNMENT, that exports fell at their fastest rate in 1—DECADE as the country's trade slump worsened again 20091201             —IN—DECLINE that's led to masses of layoffs and growing fears of social unrest.
20090113             —HANDED, ETHIOPIA, over security duties in neighboring SOMALIA to 1—JOINT—FORCE—OF—SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—SECURITY—FORCES and Islamic militiamen, 1—SHIFT—SOME—FEAR will leave 1—POWER vacuum in the lawless African nation.
20090113             —ANNOUNCED, IRAN—JUDICIARY, that 2—MEN were stoned to death last —MONTH for adultery.
20090113             —CLOSED, ISRAEL—GROUND—TROOPS, in on downtown GAZA City, battling PALESTINE—MILITANTS in THE—STREETS—OF—1—DENSELY populated neighborhood, destroying DOZENS—OF—HOMES and sending terrified residents running for cover as gunfire and explosions echoed in the distance.
20090113             —FIRED, Some 15—ROCKETS and mortar shells were, toward ISRAEL, causing no injuries.
20090113             —PUSHED, EGYPT—MEDIATORS, the militant PALESTINE—HAMAS group to accept 1—TRUCE—PROPOSAL for the embattled GAZA Strip in talks.
20090113             —HEADED, THE—UN—SECRETARY—GENERAL, to the region to join the multitrack diplomatic efforts for 1—CEASE—FIRE in ISRAEL—18—DAY—OFFENSIVE, in which more than 900—PALESTINIANS have been killed, HALF—OF—THEM civilians.
20090113             LATVIA, 1—PROTEST against economic reforms that drew thousands in RIGA turned violent as small pockets of rioters clashed with police and attacked government buildings.
20090113             —ATTACKED, Pirates, 1—NORWAY—CABLE ship off THE—COAST—OF—NIGERIA but failed to seize the boat despite gunfire, leaving the crew of 52—UNHURT.
20090113             —BLAMED, RUSSIA and UKRAINE hotly, EACH—OTHER as RUSSIA restarted natural gas supplies but little or no gas flowed toward EUROPE.
20090113             —WATCHED, EU officials, in dismay and criticized both nations for their intransigence.
20090113             1—RUSSIA—WARSHIP helped foil 1—ATTACK on 1—HOLLAND—CONTAINER ship by suspected SOMALIA—PIRATES in the dangerous Gulf of ADEN.
20090113             —BOMBED, SUDAN—ARMY—PLANES, near Muhajiriya in SOUTH—DARFUR, targeting rebels who had rejected a 20060000              peace agreement and the unconditional ceasefire declared by Bashir —LAST—YEAR.
20090113             SWEDEN—TRUCK—MAKER AB Volvo said it will lay off more than 1,600 employees in SWEDEN as it slows production amid falling demand for trucks.
20090113             —KILLED, THE—WHO said ZIMBABWE—CHOLERA epidemic has, more than 2,000—PEOPLE and almost 40,000 have contracted the normally preventable disease in AFRICA—WORST—OUTBREAK in nearly 1—DECADE.
20090113             Die kommunistische Führung der Karibikinsel sei einer der "grausamsten Diktaturen", die die Welt je gesehen habe, sagte BUSH.
20090113             "Right —NOW we —JUST don't know how to design 1—SY stem that produces complex overall behaviours from 1—GROUP—OF—SIMPLE—AGENTS".
20090113             THE—FLIPSIDE—OF—NEOCONSERVATISM is what might be called NEO—HUMANITARIANISM
20090113             It is difficult to argue —TODAY that THE—USA—ENJOY s 1—UNIPOLAR advantage.
20090113             —ENSURED, But the key fact remains it was their ideas that, that THE—USA—RESPONSE to 20010911              would go bey ond AFGHANISTAN.
20090113             They were, without doubt, the intellectual GODFATHERS—OF—THE—WAR.
20090113             1—CRITICAL crossover point with the neocons was MISTER—CHENEY—COMMITMENT to the bold deploy MENT—OF—USA—MILITARY—POWER.
20090113             —PROVED, His alliance with the neocons, critical for them.
20090113             HIGH—WATER—MARK - Top 11—COMPOUNDS in USA drinking water
20090113             Could the Ocean Rise Enough to Reverse THE—FLOW—OF—RIVERS?
20090113             Dear EarthTalk: With all the talk of rising seas, what could happen to the rivers that flow into the oceans?
20090113             Will they reverse flow? Will rising seas back up into fresh water lakes?
20090113             And what happens to our groundwater should saltwater flow backwards into it?
20090113             —CONCERNED, SANDY—SMITH, Michigander - USA—TRADE—DEFICIT at 5-y ear low
20090113             —DROPPED, THE—USA—DEFICIT, to its lowest level in more than 5—Y ears in ;;11;;, official figures show.
20090113             Genetic secrets from Tassie tiger
20090113             Scientists study the genetics of the extinct Tasmanian tiger, using DNA extracted from preserved hair.
20090113             —AWARDED, Blair, top medal by Bush
20090113             The rise and fall of 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—PHILOSOPHY - Euro MPs back pesticide controls
20090113             The European PARLIAMENT votes to tighten rules on pesticide use and ban chemicals deemed harmful to human health.
20090113             Battle lines - YEARS—OF—ARGUMENT due over Heathrow expansion
20090113             —FEARED, Net threat to minors less than
20090113             1—MUCH anticipated report concludes that children and teens are less vulnerable to sexual predation than MANY—HAVE feared.
20090113             OBAMA—ENERGY pick endorses nukes, clean coal
20090113             —WHILE emphasizing that the Energy DEPARTMENT should promote energy efficiency through new tech, STEVEN—CHU say s nuclear power and clean coal should be PART—OF—THE—PLAN.
20090113             NewY orkCountry Lawy er writes "THE—USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT, BARACK—OBAMA, has selected Julius Genachowski to lead the Federal Communications Commission.
20090113             This appears to bode well for 1—FORWARD—LOOKING (or at least clued) INTERNET policy ,
20090113             —SINCE Genachowski is credited with running OBAMA—INTERNET—BASED election campaign,
20090113             and, according to 'Fierce Telecom,' 'has 1—IMPRESSIVE—RECORD working with technology and communications companies:
20090113             He was CHIEF—OF—BUSINESS—OPERATIONS at InterActiveCorp; he's CO—FOUNDER—OF—ROCK—CREEK—VENTURES,
20090113             which currently backs 11—INTERNET—BASED START—UPS, and he's also served on the boards of numerous technology and new media companies,
20090113             including The Motley Fool, Web com, Truveo + Rapt'".
20090113             my trip sends 1—REMINDER that —STARTING—TODAY, visitors to THE—USA—FROM 35—VISA—WAIVER countries will be required to register online with THE—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY in advance.
20090113             THE—DHS is asking people to go online for THE—ESTA program —72—HOURS—BEFORE traveling, but they can register ANY—AMOUNT—OF—TIME ahead.
20090113             —GRANTED, Approval, once, is good for 2—Y ears.
20090113             —APPROVED, DHS say s that most applications are, in 4—SECONDS.
20090113             —REJECTED, If 1—APPLICATION is, the traveler will have to go to 1—USA embassy and get 1—VISA.
20090113             BERLINer Brandbrief: Schulleiter warnen vor BILDUNGS—BANKROTT
20090113             It may sound unbelievable to consumers that the entire automotive supply base is working in sy nc to produce their specific vehicles,
20090113             but the truth is the industry is quickly moving in that direction.
20090113             Vintage Spam recipes: THE—TRIED—AND—TRUE—WAY to deal with 1—BAD—ECONOMY
20090113             Inflation, unemploy ment and sales of Spam are on the rise.
20090113             To help y ou deal with our lousy economy the retro way ,
20090113             the ever so helpful Curly Wurly has —POSTED these vintage Spam recipes.
20090113             Konjunkturpaket: Kuschelkurs in Krisenzeiten
20090113             Milliarden für die Konjunktur: Hilft das wirklich?
20090113             Streit um HEATHROW—AUSBAU: Prominente Briten pflanzen Gemüse gegen Flieger
20090113             Die Russen haben ROHSTOFFDIEBSTAHL—PROBLEME bei ihren atomgetriebenen POLARMEER—LEUCHTTÜRMEN.
20090113             Und beim Diebstahl ist dann auch mal ein bisschen Radioaktivität freigesetzt worden.
20090113             Krass. (Danke, Florian)
20090113             Brüller des Tages: T-Sy stems hostet die GESUNDHEITSKARTE—SERVER "beschlagnahmesicher in einem massiven Stahlkäfig".
20090113             Nein, hab ich mir nicht ausgedacht.
20090113             Könnte ich mir gar nicht ausdenken, sowas.
20090113             3—JAHRE lang soll in dem 5,6 Millionen Euro teuren Pilotprojekt ProspeGKT (PDF—DATEI) die Praktikabilität und die Datensicherheit einer freiwilligen elektronischen Patientenakte getestet werden,
20090113             die auf einem zentralen Server im Magdeburger HOCHSICHERHEITS—RECHENZENTRUM—VON—T—SY stems gehostet wird.
20090113             Der Server selbst ist beschlagnahmesicher in einem massiven Stahlkäfig untergebracht — selbst das BKA soll nicht an die Daten kommen können ,
20090113             die es im Zuge des BKA—GESETZES bei Arztpraxen abfragen darf.
20090113             Ich weiss gar nicht, aus welchem Winkel ich mich da zuerst drüber lustig machen soll.
20090113             "Die Willkür des BKA ist so legendär, dass wir —JETZT—SCHON unsere Gesundheitsdaten speziell hosten müssen,
20090113             um sie vor deren Zugriff zu schützen"?
20090113             Oder lieber "Neben Abhören und Rasterfahnden hat die Telekom offenbar ihr Profil auch mit Erfahrungen bei Hausdurchsuchungen und Beschlagnahmungen abgerundet und das kommt —JETZT der Gesundheitskarte zugute"?
20090113             Mann Mann Mann.
20090113             Gleich mal für den nächsten FNORD—RÜCKBLICK notieren, die Meldung.
20090113             WTF?!
20090113             "Der Benzinpreis ist in AMERIKA 1—POLITIKUM.
20090113             Auch der künftige PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA wird die Spritsteuern sicher nicht erhöhen.
20090113             "Das nationale AUTO—PORTFOLIO wird nicht von den Herstellern oder der Politik bestimmt", stellte er klar.
20090113             "Das hängt allein vom Benzinpreis ab".
20090113             Der Sprit koste in den USA nur 1—VIERTEL dessen,
20090113             was man im Rest der Welt bezahlen müsste.
20090113             Wenn das Benzin so teuer wäre wie in EUROPA,
20090113             würden auch in den USA teure, kleine Autos auf stärkere Nachfrage stoßen:
20090113             "Aber die Amerikaner geben nicht etliche 1000—DOLLAR mehr aus, nur um grün zu sein".
20090113             sagte Lutz.
20090113             "Die Politik hat erkannt, dass sie die letzte große Industrie der Vereinigten Staaten nicht zugrunde gehen lassen kann".
20090113             "Das könnte GEORGE—BUSH s letztes Geschenk an die Ölindustrie gewesen sein", sagte Steiner.
20090113             Er sähe es lieber, wenn vor dem Boom kommerzieller Aktivitäten in der ARKTIS mögliche Risiken wissenschaftlich besser untersucht werden würden.
20090113             Die Regierung empfiehlt, dass die USA dem UNO—SEERECHTSÜBEREINKOMMEN beitreten.
20090113             Das ist nötig, damit das Land Gebietsforderungen in der ARKTIS bei der Uno anmelden kann, wie es zum Beispiel Russen und Norweger —BEREITS getan haben.
20090113             1—BEITRITT—DER—USA zu dem Abkommen ist —BISHER am Widerstand einiger erzkonservativer Senatoren gescheitert, die einen Souveränitätsverlust fürchten.
20090113             Trotzdem hat die Regierung —BEREITS einen TEIL—DER—DATEN sammeln lassen, die zur Beweisführung bei der Uno nötig wären.
20090113             Die USA beharren auf dem Standpunkt, dass die Nordwestpassage im Norden Kanadas ein internationaler Schifffahrtsweg ist:
20090113             "Die FREIHEIT—DER—MEERE ist eine nationale TOP—PRIORITÄT", heißt es in dem Papier.
20090113             —BEANSPRUCHT, Die kanadische Regierung, allerdings die vollständige Souveränität nicht nur über die Inselwelt im hohen Norden, sondern auch über die Gewässer dazwischen.
20090113             Im August vergangenen Jahres kündigte Kanada außerdem an, man werde in Zukunft eine halbe Million Quadratkilometer im Polarmeer zusätzlich als kanadisches Territorium betrachten.
20090113             Auch TEILE—DER—NORDOSTPASSAGE vor Russlands Nordküste werden in der neuen USA—STRATEGIE als internationale Gewässer bezeichnet.
20090113             Die Energieressourcen der ARKTIS, die als "wichtig" zur Deckung des steigenden globalen Bedarfs bezeichnet werden, sollen auf "ökologisch einwandfreie" Art und Weise ausgebeutet werden.
20090113             Nach Berechnungen des Geologischen Dienstes der USA liegen 22 % der unentdeckten, aber technisch erreichbaren ÖL—UND Gasvorkommen der Welt nördlich des Polarkreises.
20090113             Damit hat als eine seiner letzten Amtshandlungen NOCH—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH eine "National Security Presidential Directive and Homeland Security Presidential Directive " unterschrieben, mit deren Hilfe sich die USA wieder einen stärkeren Einfluss in der ARKTIS sichern wollen.
20090113             Eine "Presidential Directive" ist nicht in Stein gemeißelt.
20090113             Aber der kommende PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA wird zumindest so lange an BUSH s eisiges Vermächtnis gebunden sein,
20090113             —BIS seine Administration ein neues ARKTIS—DOKUMENT ausarbeitet.
20090113             Vor wenigen Wochen hatte —BEREITS die Europäische Union ein ähnliches Strategiedokument für den hohen Norden veröffentlicht.
20090113             Hintergrund der Eile: In der tauenden ARKTIS arbeiten die Staaten daran, ihre Claims abzustecken, in der Hoffnung auf Kontrolle über neue Rohstoffvorkommen und Schifffahrtsrouten.
20090113             —POSITIONIERT, WASHINGTON, sich mit dem neuen Strategiepapier nun wie folgt:
20090113             In den letzten Amtstagen der Regierung BUSH haben die USA eine neue ARKTIS—STRATEGIE veröffentlicht.
20090113             So ändern sich die Zeiten: Als die USA —VOR—15—JAHREN zum letzten Mal 1—ARKTISSTRATEGIE beschlossen, gab das Weiße Haus nur 1—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG—DES—DOKUMENTS als Pressemitteilung heraus.
20090113             Der volle Text blieb unter Verschluss.
20090113             Und in den Jahren davor wäre selbst an dieses Mindestmaß an Öffentlichkeit nicht denkbar gewesen.
20090113             Man wisse also nicht, ob der oder die Betreffende überhaupt etwas aussagen werde.
20090113             USA: GENERAL—MOTORS—MANAGER gibt USA—REGIERUNG Mitschuld für Autokrise
20090113             STEUER—PROZESS: Zumwinkel droht doch Gefängnisstrafe - Bushs eisiges Vermächtnis
20090113             Neue ARKTIS—STRATEGIE der USA: BUSH s eisiges Vermächtnis (Wissenschaft)
20090113             Die ätherischen Öle verursachten 1—KÜHLEGEFÜHL, das dem Gehirn vorspiele, freier atmen zu können, so Rubin.
20090113             Dadurch fühle man sich vielleicht besser, aber man könne nicht besser atmen.
20090113             Wick VapoRub enthält unter anderem Menthol, Kampfer, Eukaly PTUS—UND Terpentinöl.
20090113             Obwohl die Packungsbeilage und auch Ärzte und Apotheker immer wieder darüber informieren,
20090113             dass ätherische Öle insbesondere für Kleinkinder gefährlich sein können, wissen VIELE—ELTERN nicht Bescheid.
20090113             Die Talfahrt der Großhandelspreise begann im
20090113             ;;01;; und 20080700             —WAREN die Preise stark gestiegen.
20090113             Ursache dafür war der zum damaligen Zeitpunkt nach oben schnellende Ölpreis.
20090113             Der stieg —BIS—SOMMER auf das Rekordhoch von 147—DOLLAR je Fass.
20090113             Auch die Großhandelspreise stiegen im
20090113             Wegen der weltweit sinkenden Nachfrage infolge der Finanzkrise kostet 1—FASS—ÖL —DERZEIT nur noch rund 40—DOLLAR.
20090113             In der Folge sind auch die Großhandelspreise kräftig gesunken.
20090113             Russland verlangt von der finanziell schwer angeschlagenen UKRAINE mehr als 400—DOLLAR je 1.000—KUBIKMETER.
20090113             —BISHER zahlt Kiew 179,50 Dollar.
20090113             1—EINIGUNG in diesem Punkt ist nicht in Sicht.
20090113             Gazprom bezichtigte die UKRAINE erneut des Gasdiebstahls.
20090113             Der stellvertretende CHEF—DES russischen Staatskonzerns Gazprom,
20090113             ALEXANDER—MEDWEDEW, erklärte, die UKRAINE halte die Transitleitungen geschlossen.
20090113             Mitschuld an dem zähen Streit sollen die USA haben.
20090113             Gazprom wirft WASHINGTON vor, die Regierung in Kiew zu dem Gasdiebstahl angestachelt zu haben.
20090113             —GESTEUERT, Das Handeln der UKRAINE werde von der USA—REGIERUNG, behauptet Gazprom.
20090113             Es sind die gleichen Fragen, die sich angesichts der größeren FINANZ—UND Kreditkrise stellen, die selbst die skrupellosesten Finanzhaie und größten Investmentbanken zu Fall brachte.
20090113             An den Antworten darauf dürften Wirtschaftspsy chologen noch lange knabbern.
20090113             Madoffs Nichte Shana, die für ihren Onkel arbeitete, ist mit ERIC—SWANSON verheiratet, der früher für die SEC aktiv war.
20090113             Beide streiten JEDE—VERSTRICKUNG ab.
20090113             Trotzdem tat die SEC NICHTS—OBWOHL Journalisten und Branchenbeobachter —SCHON mindestens
20090113             das nun futsch ist.
20090113             "Ein jüdischer Finanzier zockt Millionen Dollar ab,
20090113             die dem Gedenken an den Holocaust gewidmet waren": So brachte es Kolumnist FRANK—RICH ("NEW Y ORK TIMES ") auf den Punkt.
20090113             Da wäre selbst CHARLES—DICKENS "entsetzt", der Poet menschlicher Abgründe.
20090113             ÖSTERREICH, versenkte die BANK—MEDICI 2,1 Milliarden Dollar bei dem USA—INVESTOR.
20090113             —BEKANNT, Mehrheitseignerin Sonja Kohn, auch, als "Österreichs Frau an der WALL—STREET",
20090113             ist —ZUNÄCHST UNTERGETAUCHT—ANGEBLICH aus Angst vor der Rache aufgebrachter Investoren in Russland.
20090113             —GEHÖRT, Auch der Philanthrop und Fondsmanager EZRA—MERKIN, zu den Geschädigten.
20090113             Er hat mit dem Investment nun auch seinen guten Ruf VERLOREN—UND muss sich wegen seiner MADOFF—VERBINDUNGEN mehrerer Zivilklagen erwehren.
20090113             Denn Madoffs Verbindungen reichen um die ganze Welt.
20090113             Von dem Skandal sind Banken,
20090113             Firmen, Stiftungen und Privatleute auf fast jedem Kontinent betroffen, und stündlich wird die Liste länger.
20090113             Ermittler und Buchhalter kämpfen sich durch Madoffs Bilanzgestrüpp, und jeden —TAG gibt es neue absonderliche Entwicklungen.
20090113             Mehr noch: Der wohl größte Finanzbetrug der USA—GESCHICHTE erreicht nun selbst das TEAM—DES—DESIGNIERTEN—PRÄSIDENTEN—BARACK—OBAMA.
20090113             Kleinkinder in Gefahr: Ätherische Öle können Atemnot auslösen
20090113             Billiges Öl: Preise im Großhandel brechen ein
20090113             EU in der Energieklemme: Russland gibt USA Mitschuld an GAS—STREIT
20090113             Milliardenschwindler Madoff: New Y ork empört sich über den PENTHOUSE—HÄFTLING
20090113             Konjunkturpaket: Wie Sie vom Krisenprogramm profitieren
20090113             Wissenschaftler haben nämlich herausgefunden, dass Aktienhändler mit langen Ringfingern viel erfolgreicher sind als kurzfingrige Kollegen.
20090113             "Ich erwarte, dass sie so erwachsen sind, dass sie, wenn sie Alkohol getrunken haben, wissen, wie weit sie gehen können".
20090113             Nach der Schlägerei seien ALLE—VORGESETZTEN in der FRANKFURTer Polizei darauf hingewiesen worden,
20090113             darauf zu 8., dass die Beamten nach gemeinsamen Feiern sicher nach Hause kommen, berichtete Thiel.
20090113             Außerdem herrsche im Präsidium ohnehin absolutes Alkoholverbot.
20090113             JAMES—SALTER, WILLIAM—MAXWELL, JOHN—CHEEVER, selbst WILLIAM—FAULKNER waren vergessen, aussortiert, "nicht erhältlich" und sind dann doch ins Bewusstsein der Leser zurückgekehrt.
20090113             Warum nicht Richard Y ates?
20090113             Und in der Tat gibt es nichts, das diese Vergessenheit rechtfertigte.
20090113             Wie ist es möglich, dass stilistisch obsessive, programmatisch anstrengende und inhaltlich krude Autoren wie WILLIAM—GADDIS und THOMAS—PY nchon Kultstatus und zugleich hohe Verkaufszahlen haben,
20090113             während Y ates' kühle, vollkommene Schlichtheit ein Geheimtipp geblieben ist?
20090113             Je kürzer die Schlafdauer und je ineffizienter der Schlaf der Probanden gewesen war, desto größer war die Gefahr der Ansteckung mit dem Virus, zeigte die Auswertung.
20090113             Dabei vervielfachten —SCHON geringe Schlafstörungen das Infektionsrisiko.
20090113             CHICAGO—SCHLAF ist Grundbedingung für Gesundheit, Leistung und Wohlbefinden.
20090113             Obwohl Wissenschaftler längst noch nicht vollständig verstanden haben,
20090113             was während der Nachtruhe passiert, ist die positive WIRKUNG—UNTER anderem als Turbo fürs Immunsy STEM—UNUMSTRITTEN.
20090113             "Gomorrha": MAFIA—DARSTELLER wegen CAMORRA—CONNECTION hinter Gittern
20090113             Finanzkrise: IWF hilft Weißrussland mit Milliardenkredit
20090113             Fingerlänge und Verhalten: Langfinger sind gute Aktienhändler
20090113             FRANKFURT: Elitepolizisten zetteln Massenschlägerei vor Bordell an
20090113             Neues SCHULDEN—GESETZ: Koalition beschließt drastische Begrenzung der Nettokreditaufnahme
20090113             —ATTACKIERT, Expansion in AMERIKA: Aldi, WAL—MART
20090113             Obamas Amtseinführung: Ausländische Regierungschefs müssen zu Hause bleiben
20090113             Wirtschaftskrise: Chinas Exporte schrumpfen um fast 3 %
20090113             Erkältungsrisiko: 7—BIS 8—STUNDEN Schlaf halten gesund
20090113             Grönlands Gletscherschmelze: Forscher warnen vor PANIK—PROGNOSEN
20090113             RUSSEN—OLIGARCH Jewtuschenkow: "Wir müssen aggressiver sein"
20090113             —VERABSCHIEDET, Koalition, Konjunkturpaket: 50—MILLIARDEN Euro gegen die Angst
20090113             —SIGNALISIERT, Krieg in GAZA: Hamas, Bereitschaft zu Waffenruhe
20090113             PARADISE lost?
20090113             —JUST hot air - UK economy in 'frightening' decline
20090113             Business leaders paint 1—BLEAK—PICTURE—OF—THE—ECONOMY, with 1—SURVEY suggesting a "frightening deterioration" —AT—THE—END—OF—20080000          .
20090113             —LINKED, Primark, to UK sweatshops
20090113             —DESTINED, Factory workers making clothes, for Primark are working up to 12—HOURS 1—DAY for £3.50 an —HOUR, 1—BBC—NEWS—PROBE finds.
20090113             Outgoing USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W BUSH warns his successor that 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK is still the "most urgent threat" to THE—USA.
20090113             —LITTERED, McDonald's 'most, fast food'
20090113             —DROPPED, MCDONALD—PACKAGING is the most, fast food litter in ENGLAND, 1—SURVEY by Keep BRITAIN Tidy suggests.
20090113             What next?
20090113             What will PRESIDENT—BUSH do —AFTER he exits WHITE—HOUSE?
20090113             USA—SANCTIONS on AQ Khan 'allies'
20090113             —LINKED, THE—USA—IMPOSES sanctions on people and companies, to the disgraced PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST, ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN.
20090113             Rabbits devastate island wildlife
20090113             —CAUSED, REMOVAL—OF—CATS from 1—ISLAND—NEAR—ANTARCTICA has, rabbit numbers to soar, devastating wildlife including penguins.
20090113             Congress to get BAIL—OUT request
20090113             PRESIDENT—BUSH has said he will ask Congress to release the remaining $350bn of 1—USA financial rescue package.
20090113             UK an 'unequal place to grow up'
20090113             —DICTATED, Success in life is largely, by people's parents, 1—REPORT commissioned by the Liberal Democrats say s.
20090113             —REQUIRED, USA visitors, to register online
20090113             THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is mandating online registration for travelers from most WEST—EUROPEAN countries who wish to enter THE—USA.
20090113             —PROPOSED, JOE—BACA has, 1—BILL which would mandate placing health warning labels on ANY—VIDEO—GAME rated T (13+) or higher by THE—ESRB.
20090113             The Video Game Health Labeling Act of 20090000              would require 1—CIGARETTE—PACK—LIKE—LABEL that reads,
20090113             'WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.'"
20090113             I am not 1—ECONOMIST - Could y our social networks spill y our secrets?
20090113             Cheap CLIMATE—ENGINEERING schemes could get off the ground
20090113             Plans to engineer the climate on 1—GLOBAL—SCALE in order to counter climate change have tended to look more like science fiction than REAL—WORLD SOLUTIONS—SHOOTING CLOUDS—OF—MIRRORS into space to reflect the sun's ray s, for instance.
20090113             FRED—FOOTPRINT: Migration controls are the new apartheid
20090113             "What we've found could be relevant to how life begins, at that key moment —WHEN Darwinian evolution starts," Joy ce said in 1—STATEMENT.
20090113             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—READER writes "Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute are potentially 1—STEP—CLOSER to creating life.
20090113             —CREATED, In 1—EXPERIMENT they —RECENTLY, enzy mes that can replicate and evolve.
20090113             'It kind of blew me away ,' said team member Tracey LINCOLN of the Scripps Research Institute, who is working on her Ph.D. 'What we have is NON—LIVING, but we've been able to show that it has SOME—LIFE—LIKE—PROPERTIES, and that was extremely interesting.'"
20090113             —SCUTTLEMONKEY—LEMONKEY—HOLY _calamity writes "New Scientist reports on 1—SNEAKY new approach to getting the immune sy stem to fight cancer.
20090113             An implant releases a 'molecular perfume' irresistible to messenger immune cells,
20090113             which enter the implant where they are given 1—SAMPLE—OF—THE—CANCER'S 'scent' and 1—DISPERSE signal that sends them scurry ing to the nearest ly mph node.
20090113             There they convince other immune cells to start attacking ANY—THING that matches the sample they picked up".
20090113             ATOMWAFFENSCHWANGERE U-BOOTE - Damit das BKA nicht rankommt.
20090113             warns OBAMA—OF—TERROR—THREAT
20090113             Top 11—COMPOUNDS in USA drinking water
20090113             And what happens to our groundwater should saltwater flow backwards into it? -- SANDY—SMITH, concerned Michigander
20090113             —DROPPED, USA—TRADE—DEFICIT at 5-y ear low THE—USA—DEFICIT, to its lowest level in more than 5—Y ears in November, official figures show.
20090113             Genetic secrets from Tassie tiger Scientists study the genetics of the extinct Tasmanian tiger, using DNA extracted from preserved hair.
20090113             —AWARDED, Blair, top medal by Bush FORMER—PRIME—MINISTER—TONY—BLAIR receives THE—USA' highest civil AWARD—THE—MEDAL—OF—FREEDOM - in WASHINGTON.
20090113             —BY e by e neocons - The rise and fall of 1—FOREIGN—POLICY—PHILOSOPHY
20090113             Euro MPs back pesticide controls The European PARLIAMENT votes to tighten rules on pesticide use and ban chemicals deemed harmful to human health.
20090113             Y EARS—OF—ARGUMENT due over Heathrow expansion
20090113             —FEARED, Net threat to minors less than, 1—MUCH anticipated report concludes that children and teens are less vulnerable to sexual predation than MANY—HAVE feared.
20090113             OBAMA—ENERGY—PICK endorses nukes, clean coal —WHILE emphasizing that the Energy DEPARTMENT should promote energy efficiency through new tech, STEVEN—CHU say s nuclear power and clean coal should be PART—OF—THE—PLAN.
20090113             Julius Genachowski To HEAD—FCC
20090113             NewY orkCountry Lawy er writes "THE—USA—PRESIDENT—ELECT, BARACK—OBAMA, has selected Julius Genachowski to lead the Federal Communications Commission. This appears to bode well for 1—FORWARD—LOOKING (or at least clued) INTERNET policy, —SINCE Genachowski is credited with running OBAMA—INTERNET—BASED election campaign, and, according to 'Fierce Telecom,' 'has 1—IMPRESSIVE—RECORD working with technology and communications companies: He was CHIEF—OF—BUSINESS—OPERATIONS at InterActiveCorp; he's CO—FOUNDER—OF—ROCK—CREEK—VENTURES, which currently backs 11—INTERNET—BASED START—UPS, and he's also served on the boards of numerous technology and new media companies, including The Motley Fool, Web.com, Truveo + Rapt'".
20090113             Visitors To USA —NOW Required To Register Online
20090113             CNet reports that information from applications will be retained for 12—Y ears, and eventually up to 75—Y ears.
20090113             USA—AUßENPOLITIK: Clinton kündigt neuen KUBA—KURS an
20090113             Spektakulärer Deal mit der Post: Ackermann lässt den STAAT in die Deutsche Bank
20090113             Unterbrochene Gaszufuhr: UKRAINE spricht von technischen Problemen
20090113             It may sound unbelievable to consumers that the entire automotive supply base is working in sy nc to produce their specific vehicles, but the truth is the industry is quickly moving in that direction.
20090113             To help y ou deal with our lousy economy the retro way, the ever so helpful Curly Wurly has —POSTED
20090113             these vintage Spam recipes.
20090113             Abschwung: USA—HANDELSDEFIZIT sinkt auf Fünfjahrestief
20090113             GAZA—KRIEG: ISRAEL droht mit noch härterer Gangart gegen Hamas
20090113             Krass.
20090113             (Danke, Florian) - Nein, hab ich mir nicht ausgedacht.
20090113             3—JAHRE lang soll in dem 5,6 Millionen Euro teuren Pilotprojekt ProspeGKT (PDF—DATEI) die Praktikabilität und die Datensicherheit einer freiwilligen elektronischen Patientenakte getestet werden, die auf einem zentralen Server im Magdeburger HOCHSICHERHEITS—RECHENZENTRUM—VON—T—SY stems gehostet wird.
20090113             Der Server selbst ist beschlagnahmesicher in einem massiven Stahlkäfig untergebracht — selbst das BKA soll nicht an die Daten kommen können, die es im Zuge des BKA—GESETZES bei Arztpraxen abfragen darf.
20090113             "Die Willkür des BKA ist so legendär, dass wir —JETZT—SCHON unsere Gesundheitsdaten speziell hosten müssen, um sie vor deren Zugriff zu schützen"?
20090113             Auch die Batteriehersteller seien in der Pflicht: "Das Ziel muss sein, die Kosten um 2—DRITTEL zu senken und zugleich die Leistung zu steigern".
20090113             "Der Benzinpreis ist in AMERIKA 1—POLITIKUM. Auch der künftige PRÄSIDENT—OBAMA wird die Spritsteuern sicher nicht erhöhen".
20090113             Diese Steuer liegt in den USA nur bei umgerechnet 4—CENT pro Liter.
20090113             Der Sprit koste in den USA nur 1—VIERTEL dessen, was man im Rest der Welt bezahlen müsste.
20090113             Wenn das Benzin so teuer wäre wie in EUROPA, würden auch in den USA teure, kleine Autos auf stärkere Nachfrage stoßen: "Aber die Amerikaner geben nicht etliche 1000—DOLLAR mehr aus, nur um grün zu sein".
20090113             1—BEITRITT—DER—USA zu dem Abkommen ist —BISHER am Widerstand einiger erzkonservativer Senatoren gescheitert, die einen Souveränitätsverlust fürchten.
20090113             Trotzdem hat die Regierung —BEREITS einen TEIL—DER—DATEN sammeln lassen, die zur Beweisführung bei der Uno nötig wären.
20090113             Einen speziellen Schutzvertrag für die ARKTIS hält die Regierung aber für unnötig.
20090113             Die USA beharren auf dem Standpunkt, dass die Nordwestpassage im Norden Kanadas ein internationaler Schifffahrtsweg ist: "Die FREIHEIT—DER—MEERE ist eine nationale TOP—PRIORITÄT", heißt es in dem Papier.
20090113             —BEANSPRUCHT, Die kanadische Regierung, allerdings die vollständige Souveränität nicht nur über die Inselwelt im hohen Norden, sondern auch über die Gewässer dazwischen.
20090113             Im August vergangenen Jahres kündigte Kanada außerdem an, man werde in Zukunft
20090113             eine halbe Million Quadratkilometer im Polarmeer zusätzlich als kanadisches Territorium betrachten.
20090113             Damit könnten USA—SCHIFFE die Meeresgebiete ungehindert BEFAHREN—SEHR zum Missfallen der Regierungen in OTTAWA und Moskau.
20090113             Die Energieressourcen der ARKTIS, die als "wichtig" zur Deckung des steigenden globalen Bedarfs bezeichnet werden, sollen auf "ökologisch einwandfreie" Art und Weise ausgebeutet werden.
20090113             Damit hat als eine seiner letzten Amtshandlungen NOCH—PRÄSIDENT—GEORGE—W—BUSH eine "National Security Presidential Directive and Homeland Security Presidential Directive " unterschrieben, mit deren Hilfe sich die USA wieder einen stärkeren Einfluss in der ARKTIS sichern wollen.
20090113             Aber der kommende PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA wird zumindest so lange an Bush s eisiges Vermächtnis gebunden sein, —BIS seine Administration ein neues ARKTIS—DOKUMENT ausarbeitet.
20090113             Hintergrund der Eile: In der tauenden ARKTIS arbeiten die Staaten daran, ihre Claims abzustecken, in der Hoffnung auf Kontrolle über neue Rohstoffvorkommen und Schifffahrtsrouten.
20090113             WASHINGTON will mehr Einfluss im hohen NORDEN—UND kündigt an, seine Interessen nötigenfalls auch mit nationalen Alleingängen durchsetzen.
20090113             So ändern sich die Zeiten: Als die USA —VOR—15—JAHREN zum letzten Mal 1—ARKTISSTRATEGIE beschlossen, gab das Weiße Haus nur 1—ZUSAMMENFASSUNG—DES—DOKUMENTS als Pressemitteilung heraus.
20090113             Man versuche nun über die Mailadresse des Absenders, diese Person auszuforschen, teilte 1—POLIZEISPRECHER mit.
20090113             —GEWESEN, In der Mail sei zu lesen, dass dieses Opfer —BISHER nicht zur Polizei gegangen sei und das auch künftig nicht vorhabe.
20090113             Die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse dieser Tierstudien auf den Menschen ist fragwürdig".
20090113             Obwohl die Packungsbeilage und auch Ärzte und Apotheker immer wieder darüber informieren, dass ätherische Öle insbesondere für Kleinkinder gefährlich sein können, wissen VIELE—ELTERN nicht Bescheid.
20090113             Russland wirft dem Nachbarland vor, aus den Transitlieferungen für EUROPA Gas zu stehlen, die UKRAINE bestreitet das.
20090113             Im Gegenzug verlangt die UKRAINE von Russland höhere Gebühren für den Gastransit in Richtung Westen.
20090113             Der stellvertretende CHEF—DES russischen Staatskonzerns Gazprom, ALEXANDER—MEDWEDEW, erklärte, die UKRAINE halte die Transitleitungen geschlossen.
20090113             Das Kontrollsy stem habe "elend versagt", sagte SEC—GENERALINSPEKTEUR DAVID—KOTZ vor dem Kongress kleinlaut.
20090113             Sogar der HOLOCAUST—ÜBERLEBENDE Elie Wiesel hatte Madoff 15,2 Millionen Dollar ANVERTRAUT—FAST das gesamte Vermögen seiner gleichnamigen Stiftung, das nun futsch ist.
20090113             "Ein jüdischer Finanzier zockt Millionen Dollar ab, die dem Gedenken an den Holocaust gewidmet waren": So brachte es Kolumnist FRANK—RICH ("New Y ork Times ") auf den Punkt.
20090113             —BEKANNT, Mehrheitseignerin Sonja Kohn, auch, als "Österreichs Frau an der WALL—STREET", ist —ZUNÄCHST UNTERGETAUCHT—ANGEBLICH aus Angst vor der Rache aufgebrachter Investoren in Russland.
20090113             —VERLOREN, Er hat mit dem Investment nun auch seinen guten Ruf, - und muss sich wegen seiner MADOFF—VERBINDUNGEN mehrerer Zivilklagen erwehren.
20090113             Weshalb er —JETZT auch von seinem Posten als Chairman von GMAC zurücktrat, dem defizitären Finanzarm des Autokonzerns GENERAL—MOTORS.
20090113             Von dem Skandal sind Banken, Firmen, Stiftungen und Privatleute auf fast jedem Kontinent betroffen, und stündlich wird die Liste länger.
20090113             Das Boulevardblatt "New Y ork Post", Stimme des Volkes, verlieh der Empörung Ausdruck: "Das soll wohl 1—WITZ sein!"
20090113             Es gebe keine Beweise, dass sich Madoff dem Verfahren durch Flucht entziehen wolle, urteilte dagegen RICHTER—RONALD—ELLIS: "Antrag abgelehnt".
20090113             MARY—SCHAPIRO, die künftige Chefin der blamierten Börsenaufsicht SEC, steht in der Kritik und wird den Schlamassel bewältigen müssen.
20090113             Frankfurts Polizeipräsident Achim Thiel nannte das Verhalten seiner 3—BEAMTEN "zutiefst unanständig" und "nicht akzeptabel".
20090113             Nach der Schlägerei seien ALLE—VORGESETZTEN in der Frankfurter Polizei darauf hingewiesen worden, darauf zu 8., dass die Beamten nach gemeinsamen Feiern sicher nach Hause kommen, berichtete Thiel.
20090113             Wie ist es möglich, dass stilistisch obsessive, programmatisch anstrengende und inhaltlich krude Autoren wie WILLIAM—GADDIS und THOMAS—PY nchon Kultstatus und zugleich hohe Verkaufszahlen haben, während Y ates' kühle, vollkommene Schlichtheit 1—GEHEIMTIPP geblieben ist?
20090113             Obwohl Wissenschaftler längst noch nicht vollständig verstanden haben, was während der Nachtruhe passiert, ist die positive WIRKUNG—UNTER anderem als Turbo fürs Immunsy STEM—UNUMSTRITTEN.
20090113             Milliarden gegen die Krise: Regierung preist Konjunkturpaket als einzigartig in EUROPA
20090113             Energiestreit: UKRAINE gibt Gasblockade zu
20090113             Neue Offensive: Israels Armee und Hamas kämpfen erbittert um GAZA
20090113             Energiestreit mit der UKRAINE: Russland will wieder Gas nach EUROPA liefern
20090113             —SIGNALISIERT, Krieg in GAZA: Hamas, Bereitschaft zu Waffenruhe - PARADISE lost?
20090113             Heightened fears for MALDIVES' lowering lands
20090113             —JUST hot air - NIGERIA misses new deadline to stop 'toxic' gas flares
20090113             UK economy in 'frightening' decline Business leaders paint 1—BLEAK—PICTURE—OF—THE—ECONOMY, with 1—SURVEY suggesting a "frightening deterioration" —AT—THE—END—OF—20080000          .
20090113             —LINKED, Primark, to UK sweatshops Factory workers making clothes destined for Primark are working up to 12—HOURS 1—DAY for £3.50 an —HOUR, 1—BBC—NEWS—PROBE finds.
20090113             Bush warns OBAMA—OF—TERROR—THREAT Outgoing USA—PRESIDENT—GEORGE W Bush warns his successor that 1—TERRORIST—ATTACK is still the "most urgent threat" to THE—USA.
20090113             —LITTERED, McDonald's 'most, fast food' MCDONALD—PACKAGING is the most dropped fast food litter in ENGLAND, 1—SURVEY by Keep BRITAIN Tidy suggests.
20090113             USA—SANCTIONS on AQ Khan 'allies' THE—USA—IMPOSES sanctions on people and companies linked to the disgraced PAKISTAN—NUCLEAR—SCIENTIST, ABDUL—QADEER—KHAN.
20090113             Rabbits devastate island wildlife REMOVAL—OF—CATS from 1—ISLAND—NEAR—ANTARCTICA has caused rabbit numbers to soar, devastating wildlife including penguins.
20090113             Congress to get BAIL—OUT request PRESIDENT—BUSH has said he will ask Congress to release the remaining $350bn of 1—USA financial rescue package.
20090113             UK an 'unequal place to grow up' Success in life is largely dictated by people's parents, 1—REPORT commissioned by the Liberal Democrats say s.
20090113             —REQUIRED, USA—VISITORS, to register online THE—USA—DEPARTMENT—OF—HOMELAND—SECURITY is mandating online registration for travelers from most WEST—EUROPEAN countries who wish to enter THE—USA.
20090113             Congressman Wants Health Warnings On Video Games
20090113             "CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATIVE—JOE—BACA has proposed 1—BILL which would mandate placing health warning labels on ANY—VIDEO—GAME rated T (13+) or higher by THE—ESRB. The Video Game Health Labeling Act of 20090000              would require 1—CIGARETTE—PACK—LIKE—LABEL that reads, 'WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.'"
20090113             I am not 1—ECONOMIST
20090113             Cheap CLIMATE—ENGINEERING schemes could get off the ground Plans to engineer the climate on 1—GLOBAL—SCALE in order to counter climate change have tended to look more like science fiction than REAL—WORLD SOLUTIONS—SHOOTING CLOUDS—OF—MIRRORS into space to reflect the sun's ray s, for instance.
20090113             Researchers 1—STEP—CLOSER To Creating Life
20090113             "Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute are potentially 1—STEP—CLOSER to creating life. In 1—EXPERIMENT they —RECENTLY created enzy mes that can replicate and evolve. 'It kind of blew me away,' said team member Tracey LINCOLN of the Scripps Research Institute, who is working on her Ph.D. 'What we have is NON—LIVING, but we've been able to show that it has SOME—LIFE—LIKE—PROPERTIES, and that was extremely interesting.'"
20090113             Implant Raises Cellular Army To Attack Cancer
20090113             "New Scientist reports on 1—SNEAKY new approach to getting the immune sy stem to fight cancer. 1—IMPLANT releases a 'molecular perfume' irresistible to messenger immune cells, which enter the implant where they are given 1—SAMPLE—OF—THE—CANCER'S 'scent' and 1—DISPERSE signal that sends them scurry ing to the nearest ly mph node. There they convince other immune cells to start attacking ANY—THING that matches the sample they picked up".
20090113—19330000    —IN, SIR—CHARLES—KINGSFORD—SMITH, the 1. man to fly across THE—MID—PACIFIC, taught Watson how to fly, —WHEN she was —JUST 17—YEARS—OLD.
20090113—19680000    —PREMIERED, THE—UK—SHOW, in THE—USA.
20090113—19980000    —SEIT, Trotzdem tat die SEC NICHTS—OBWOHL Journalisten und Branchenbeobachter —SCHON mindestens vor Madoffs Treiben gewarnt hatten.
20090113—20040000    —SINCE, THE—CITY—OF—LOS—ANGELES, plagued by 23,000 violent gang crimes, including 784—MURDERS and 12,000 felony assaults, announced that it had won its 1. civil judgment, for $5—MILLION, against 1—CRIMINAL—GANG that had dominated the heroin trade downtown for decades.
20090113—20080000    auch ein durchschnittlicher Preisanstieg um 5,4 % im Vergleich zum —JAHR 20070000          .
20090113—20080700    auf das 27—JAHRES—HOCH—VON—9,9 %.
20090113—20080700    Darum steht unter dem Strich für das Gesamtjahr
20090113—20080800    ZUVOR—ZWISCHEN
20090113—20090128    —ARRESTED, AUSTRIA—AUTHORITIES, 7—SUSPECTS, all Chechens, in the killing.
20090113—20100000    —CONCLUDED, AUSTRIA—INVESTIGATORS, that Chechnya PRESIDENT—RAMZAN—KADYROV ordered the kidnapping of 1—OF—HIS—CRITICS and former bodyguards and that Israilov was shot to death —WHEN the abduction went awry.
20090113—20110000    —IN, 1—AUSTRIA—PROSECUTOR sought life sentences for 3—RUSSIA—MEN on charges they carried out THE—MURDER—OF—THE—ISRAILOV.
20090115             —TUESDAY, 20090113              ISRAEL—PRIME—MINISTER—EHUD—OLMERT—CLAIMS to be Able to Order BUSH —AROUND
20100113             USA hearings began by the 10-member Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to investigate at least 22—POTENTIAL—CAUSES—OF—THE—FINANCIAL—CRISIS.
20100113             —UNDERESTIMATED, WALL—STREET—EXECUTIVES said they, the severity of 20080000             —THE financial crisis and apologized for risky behavior and poor decisions.
20100113             —DEFENDED, They also, their bonus and compensation practices to 1—SKEPTICAL—COMMISSION investigating what caused the collapse.
20100113             THE—SF, Bay Area aspiring bass player Dewey Tucker (24) of VALLEJO—CALIFORNIA, was shot 1 killed on I—80—NEAR—CROCKETT.
20100113             1—YEAR—LATER 4 suspected gang members from SANTA—ROSA were arrested for his murder.
20100113             —INCLUDED, They, RAUL—VEGA, 19—JAHRE—ALT, the suspected shooter, CHRISTOPHER—MANCINAS, 29—JAHRE—ALT, HECTOR—BARRAGAN, 28—JAHRE—ALT and Javier Lopez (20).
20100113             Prosecutors in NEW—YORK City said that, —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—HUNG juries, they would not seek a 5. retrial against John "Junior" Gotti on charges that he ordered several murders.
20100113             FLORIDA, a 3—DAY—STATE—COORDINATED hunt began to track down invasive pythons.
20100113             —FEARED, It was, that the African rock python would begin breeding with THE—MYANMAR—PYTHON, which has already gained 1—FOOTHOLD in the Everglades, and produce 1—NEW "super snake".
20100113             SEATTLE—WASHINGTON, Tohru Shigemura (71), 1—JAPAN—PSYCHIATRIST traveling the world as 1—BIG—GAME hunter, was charged in connection with smuggling black bear gall bladders.
20100113             —PRETENDED, He had, to be 1—USA—CITIZEN to buy guns, which he used to kill 6—BLACK—BEARS in and —AROUND the Quinault INDIA—RESERVATION.
20100113             He was 1—OF—THE—MOST electric and successful figures in music —UNTIL a 19820000              car crash left him in 1—WHEELCHAIR.
20100113             † EDGAR—VOS, 78—JAHRE—ALT, "the emperor of HOLLAND—FASHION," of 1—HEART—ATTACK—WHILE on vacation in FLORIDA.
20100113             Vos built 1—CHAIN—OF—15—STORES across THE—NETHERLANDS, where he sold designer clothes cut to bring out the best from all figures and tailored to most budgets.
20100113             AFGHANISTAN, 2—USA—SOLDIERS, 1—FRANCE—TROOPER and 5—AFGHANS were killed in bomb blasts.
20100113             4 WOULD—BE suicide bombers were killed in 1—PREMATURE—EXPLOSION—NEAR THE—CITY—OF—KANDAHAR.
20100113             —SUSPENDED, THE—HEAD—OF—ALGERIA—NATIONAL—OIL—CORPORATION—SONATRACH was, from his job and ordered to appear —BEFORE investigators probing corruption.
20100113             —COVERED, Heavy snow hit CENTRAL—LONDON as 1—FRESH whiteout, MUCH—OF—THE—COUNTRY, forcing airports to close as businesses counted the cost of the worst —WINTER in decades.
20100113             —LAUNCHED, BRITAIN—HUDDERSFIELD—UNIVERSITY, 1—INVESTIGATION—AFTER its students allegedly started 1—INTERNET craze for 1—HITLER drinking game.
20100113             The original page on the social networking site had nearly 12,000 members but has —NOW been shut down, although another similar page has —SINCE been set up.
20100113             Major Inuit organizations said CANADA—INUIT people have filed 1—LAWSUIT against the European Union in 1—BID to overturn 1—EU ban on imports of seal products.
20100113             —IMPOSED, THE—EU ban was, in July —AFTER DECADES—OF—PROTESTS from animal activists, who said the annual seal hunt was cruel and inhumane.
20100113             The ban will go into effect in time for 20100000             —THE hunting season.
20100113             AMNESTY—INTERNATIONAL said THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC is defying 1—EUROPEAN court by continuing to place THOUSANDS—OF—HEALTHY—GYPSY children in schools for the mentally disabled.
20100113             —FINANCED, The Gilegel Gibe II dam was, by ITALY.
20100113             —PELTED, INDONESIA, hundreds people, EACH—OTHER with stones outside PARLIAMENT as lawmakers grilled Finance MINISTER—SRI—MULYANI—INDRAWATI over 1—CONTROVERSIAL—BANK—BAILOUT.
20100113             Some 400—ANTI—GRAFT—PROTESTERS from rival groups set upon EACH—OTHER in the latest sign of mounting anger over pervasive corruption.
20100113             —ARRESTED, IRAQ—POLICE, Khalid AL—KHONFISI, 1—MAN wanted for his alleged involvement with AL—QAIDA in IRAQ.
20100113             —CAPTURED, He was, in 1—POLICE—RAID—OF his hideout near Jurf AL—SAKHAR, about 43—MILES—SOUTH—OF—BAGHDAD.
20100113             1—WATER—TRUCK loaded with explosives was detonated in 1—SUICIDE—ATTACK in Saqlawiya, Anbar province, killing 7—PEOPLE.
20100113             —RAIDED, JAPAN—PROSECUTORS, THE—FUND—RAISING OFFICE—OF—RULING party kingpin Ichiro Ozawa over 1—WIDENING money scandal, dealing 1—FRESH—BLOW to the troubled government.
20100113             LEBANON, 1—BOMB apparently meant for 1—HEZBOLLAH figure went off in the village of Kfar Fila, 1—SOUTHERN—STRONGHOLD—OF—THE—MILITANT—GROUP, wounding his daughter and 2—OTHER—STUDENTS waiting for their school bus.
20100113             —FANNED, MEXICO, HUNDREDS—OF—TROOPS in combat gear, out in CIUDAD—JUAREZ, where 2,650—PEOPLE † in narco violence last.
20100113             Public Security MINISTER—GENARO—GARCIA—LUNA said 2,000 federal police reinforcements would arrive over the next few days.
20100113             1—NIGERIA—HIGH—COURT ruled that VICE—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN can take executive powers in the absence of ailing PRESIDENT—UMARU—YAR'ADUA, in hospital in SAUDI—ARABIA —SINCE November.
20100113             NORTH—KOREA said it will begin to allow in more USA—TOURISTS—AFTER YEARS—OF—HEAVY—RESTRICTIONS on visits to the isolate country.
20100113             —WARNED, NORTH—KOREA—MILITARY, that it would retaliate against SOUTH—KOREA if SEOUL doesn't stop activists from launching propaganda leaflets across their divided border.
20100113             —UNGATED, EAST—PAKISTAN, 1—PASSENGER—TRAIN hit 1—SCHOOL—BUS at 1, railroad crossing in amid dense fog, killing at least 8—CHILDREN and the bus driver.
20100113             —KILLED, SOMALIA, 7—CHILDREN were among 10—PEOPLE, in shelling by SOMALIA—GOVERNMENT—FORCES in MOGADISHU as troops backed by African Union peacekeepers fired mortars into districts held by Islamist insurgents.
20100113             —CLASHED, SUDAN—FORCES, with rebels in 1—KEY—AREA—OF—THE troubled WEST—REGION—OF—DARFUR.
20100113             —SUSPENDED, VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ indefinitely, rolling blackouts in CARACAS, —JUST 1—DAY—AFTER they began, and sacked his electricity MINISTER saying he was responsible for mistakes in the way the rationing plan was applied.
20100113             ZIMBABWE civil servants, who earn only 150—USA—DOLLARS 1—MONTH, rejected the government's "paltry" offer to raise salaries by 1—MAXIMUM—OF—14%.
20100113             1—ZIMBABWE state daily reported that the nation's power utility has been ordered to stop electricity exports to NAMIBIA —UNTIL it can meet its own country's needs.
20100113—20090000    —REPORTED, THE—UNITED—NATIONS, that 2,412 AFGHANISTAN—CIVILIANS killed, the highest toll —SINCE THE—USA—LED invasion 20010000             —IN—LATE.
20100212—20100113    —ON, The festival began in Haridwar, 1—TEMPLE—FILLED town at the foothills of the Himalayas where the Ganges river enters the sprawling PLAINS—OF—NORTH—INDIA.
20101128—20100113    —ABANDONED, Efforts to retrieve the miners were.
20110113             auf dem Rhein bei S—GOARSHAUSEN kentert der mit Schwefelsäure beladene Tanker Waldhof, wobei 2—DER 4—BESATZUNGSMITGLIEDER ums Leben kommen.
20110113             Durch die mehr als 2—WOCHEN dauernde SPERRUNG—DES—FLUSSES stauen sich etwa 400—SCHIFFE auf, was einigen Eignern die Existenz kostet.
20110113             THE—USA—TREASURY said it is launching 1—PILOT—PROGRAM to deliver income tax refunds on debit cards for LOW—AND MODERATE—INCOME—PEOPLE who do not have traditional bank accounts.
20110113             —ACCUSED—OF, MARC—KNAPP, 35—JAHRE—ALT—OF—SIMI—VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, trying to export military equipment to IRAN, pleaded guilty in federal COURT—IN—DELAWARE to 2—FELONY counts involving VIOLATIONS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—EMERGENCY—ECONOMIC—POWERS—ACT and the Arms Export Control Act.
20110113             —SIGNED, GOVERNOR—PAT—QUINN, legislation that temporarily raises ILLINOIS income taxes by 2—THIRDS, risking 1—POLITICAL—BACKLASH against Democrats but gaining money to help drag state government out of the deepest budget hole in its history.
20110113             —RELEASED, EDWIN—EDWARDS, former 4-term GOVERNOR—OF—LOUISIANA, was, from federal prison —AFTER serving over 8—YEARS for fraud.
20110113             —KILLED, EAST—AFGHANISTAN, 1—BOMB in 1—MARKETPLACE, 1—CHILD outside 1—MUSIC cassette shop in JALALABAD.
20110113             THE—AFGHANISTAN—FUEL—MINISTRY said that IRAN currently was allowing 1,000 TONS—OF—FUEL to enter AFGHANISTAN at 3—BORDER—CROSSINGS—EACH—DAY, compared with 3,000 to 4,000 tons daily —BEFORE the trucks were blocked.
20110113             —DOUSED, ALGERIA, Mohsen Bouterfif, himself in gasoline and set himself on fire —AFTER 1—MEETING with the mayor of the small CITY—OF—BOUKHADRA who was unable to provide him 1—JOB and 1—HOUSE.
20110113             Thieves in ARGENTINA stole $68,000 and 17,000 euros in cash that PRESIDENT—CRISTINA—FERNANDEZ was to use on 1—TRIP to THE—MIDDLE—EAST.
20110113             —RESEMBLED, AUSTRALIA—3.-largest city BRISBANE, a "war zone" with whole suburbs under water and infrastructure smashed as the worst flood in decades hit 30,000 properties.
20110113             —PEAKED, THE—BRISBANE River, at 4.5—METERS.
20110113             The flooding in Queensland left 28—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20110113             CANADA—BLACKBERRY maker Research In Motion said it has given INDIA the means to access its Messenger service and reiterated that no changes could be made to allow monitoring of secure corporate emails.
20110113             —RESUMED, DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC—AUTHORITIES, mass DEPORTATIONS—OF—HAITI—MIGRANTS—AFTER 1—BRIEF lull, and government officers began demanding passports at bus stations as the country deals with 1—CHOLERA scare.
20110113             FRANCE—PARLIAMENT gave final approval to 1—LAW forcing large companies to reserve at least 40—PERCENT of their boardroom positions for women within 6—YEARS.
20110113             —LOADED, GERMANY, 1—TANKER, with sulfuric acid capsized on the Rhine river near S—GOARSHAUSEN and 2—CREW members were missing.
20110113             There were no indications that the load was leaking.
20110113             —RECOGNIZED, GUYANA, PALESTINE—STATEHOOD, joining 1—STRING—OF—OTHER—SOUTH—USA—NATIONS in 1—PUSH for Palestinians and Israelis to negotiate 1—PEACE—DEAL.
20110113             INDIA, Tata Coffee Ltd, PART—OF—THE—TATA group conglomerate, and Starbucks said they have signed 1—PACT to source coffee in INDIA and explore opening local retail stores.
20110113             —FLOUNDERED, IRAN—PROPOSAL for 1—TOUR—OF—ITS—NUCLEAR—SITES, —AFTER CHINA effectively rejected the invite and RUSSIA cautioned such 1—TRIP could never replace UN inspections or talks between TEHRAN and world powers.
20110113             —EMPHASIZED, IRAQ, NP JOE—BIDEN, to IRAQ—LEADERS that THE—USA—WANTS nothing more than for IRAQ to be 1—FREE and democratic country in 1—DAYLONG visit that officials said would focus on THE—DEPARTURE—OF—USA—TROOPS from the country.
20110113             3—BOMBINGS—NEAR—MOSQUES in central and NORTH—BAGHDAD killed 2—PEOPLE.
20110113             —KILLED, Gunmen also, 1—JEWELRY shop owner.
20110113             —STRIPPED, ITALY, 1—COURT ruling partially, PRIME—MINISTER—SILVIO—BERLUSCONI of political immunity.
20110113             ITALY—MOUNT—ETNA has come back to life with 1—BRIEF—ERUPTION that sent lava down its slopes and 1—CLOUD—OF ash into the sky, forcing the overnight closure of 1—NEARBY—AIRPORT.
20110113             —ALLIED, IVORY—COAST, mobs and security forces, to leader Laurent Gbagbo attacked at least 6—UN—VEHICLES, setting SOME—ABLAZE and injuring 2—PEOPLE in the latest ROUND—OF—VIOLENCE.
20110113             —PLUNGED, THE—COLLAPSE—OF—LEBANON—GOVERNMENT, the country into deep political uncertainty —AFTER 1—YEAR—OF—RELATIVE—STABILITY, as THE—PRESIDENT began the process of putting 1—NEW—ADMINISTRATION together.
20110113             —SUSPECTED, MEXICO, 12, drug cartel gunmen and 2—MEXICO—SOLDIERS were killed in 1—SHOOTOUT that lasted almost 6—HOURS in THE—VERACRUZ STATE—CAPITAL—OF—XALAPA.
20110113             —SUSPENDED, NICARAGUA, 3—FEDERAL—JUDGES and put them under investigation for ordering the release of 10 alleged drug traffickers.
20110113             —SUSPECTED, NORTH—WEST—PAKISTAN, militants targeted 1—POLICE—VEHICLE and 1—SECURITY—CHECKPOINT with bombs, killing 4—OFFICERS and wounding 9—OTHERS.
20110113             PAKISTAN, Geo news TV JOURNALIST—WAIL—BABAR, 28—JAHRE—ALT was shot dead as he left work in KARACHI.
20110113             —REPORTED, He had, on drugs, crime, militancy and deadly turf struggles between the city's main political parties.
20110113             1—OF—THE—MEN convicted, MOHAMMAD—SHAHRUKH—KHAN, said in 1 videotaped confession —POSTED on YouTube that he had been asked to follow Babar home from work by 1—ACTIVIST from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), the party that rules KARACHI.
20110113             —DENIED, MQM, ANY—LINK to Khan or the other killers.
20110113             1—PALESTINE—MINISTER—SAID—GAZA—HAMAS rulers will ensure 1—TRUCE on rocket fire against ISRAEL is protected, 1—DAY—AFTER militant factions agreed to 1—PERIOD—OF—CALM.
20110113             —ANNOUNCED, SCOTLAND—1. MINISTER—ALEX—SALMOND, that online retailer Amazon is to create 950—FULL—TIME—JOBS at 2—SCOTLAND—LOCATIONS.
20110113             1—SOMALILAND judge sentenced 1—GERMANY—MAN to 4—YEARS in jail for making pornographic films and pictures in SOMALIA.
20110113             —ORDERED, Gunter Pischof Albert (72) was, jailed and fined him $10,000. 1—WOMAN, 23—JAHRE—ALT was also sentenced to 1—YEAR in jail and fined $880.
20110113             SOUTH—KOREA, PRIZE—WINNING director Park CHAN—WOOK—SAID his latest film, "Night Fishing," was filmed using 10—APPLE iPhone 4s, 3—OF which he himself controlled.
20110113             —CLEARED, SOUTH—SUDAN—INDEPENDENCE—VOTE, 2—MAJOR hurdles —AFTER FORMER—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER gave the poll his endorsement and organizers said high turnout meant the result would be binding.
20110113             FORMER—USA—PRESIDENT—JIMMY—CARTER said that KHARTOUM wants ALL—OF—SUDAN'S $39-billion debt forgiven, saying he had erred in —EARLIER saying it was ready to assume the south's share.
20110113             SUDAN, 3—BULGARIANS flying aircraft for the World Food Program were kidnapped in THE—WEST—DARFUR region.
20110113             —HURLED, TUNISIA, rioters, stones at trams and government buildings in TUNIS in defiance of increasingly tough government attempts to quash more than 3—WEEKS—OF rioting by youths angry about joblessness.
20110113             Sentencing was set for 20110523        .
20110113             —LEGITIMIERT, Der Bundesgerichtshof hat Kartenlegen.
20110113—19920000    —IN, Its last major eruption was.
20110113—20110000    —REPORTED, IRAN—STATE broadcaster website, that IRAN has hanged 5—MEN CONVICTED—OF—DRUG trafficking, taking to 33 THE—NUMBER—OF—EXECUTIONS.
20110113—20110115    —ON, Bouterfif † on of his burns.
20110113—20140301    —ON, 1—COURT convicted 5—MEN—OF his murder.
20110123—20110113    —IN—THE, The phantom ringing sounds heard by about 40—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA—TODAY are caused by brains that try, but fail to protect their human hosts against overwhelming auditory stimuli, the researchers say issue of Neuron.
20110126—20110113    —IN—THE, The phantom ringing sounds heard by about 40—MILLION—PEOPLE in THE—USA—TODAY are caused by brains that try, but fail to protect their human hosts against overwhelming auditory stimuli, the researchers say issue of Neuron.
20110129             ("The Inner Quest of Newt Gingrich", Gail Sheehy, VANITY—FAIR, 19950900              p147 "Gingrich, Murdoch reveal lobbyist's role at meeting", Katharine Seelye (NY Times News Service), S—FRANCISCO—EXAMINER, pA1 "Murdoch, Gingrich Admit They Talked", S—FRANCISCO—CHRONICLE, 19950113             )
201103011304         Es ist eine deutliche Aufforderung zum Rücktritt an LIBYEN—MACHTHABER,
201103011320         Für die USA gibt es in der politischen Krise LIBYEN—NUR 1—LÖSUNG:
201103011336         Angesichts der Lage in LIBY en hat Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) die Ernennung eines UNO—SONDERGESANDTEN für das nordafrikanische Land gefordert.
201103011359         —UNRUHEN, Die Angst vor einem Übergreifen der, aus LIBY en und anderen nordafrikanischen Staaten auf SAUDI—ARABIEN hat die Anleger am saudiarabischen Aktienmarkt vergrault.
20110704—20120113    —SENTENCED, Kim was, to death —AFTER 1—COURT martial.
20111104—20120113    —SENTENCED, McCrery was, to 45—YEARS in prison.
20111216—20110113    —ARRESTED, Several suspects were, and confessed to kidnapping them at 1—FAKE checkpoint and killing them.
20120107—20120113    —PRONOUNCED, She was, dead.
20120108—20120113    —TRANSFERRED, The activists were, to 1—AUSTRALIA—CUSTOMS—VESSEL.
20120111—20120113    —ON, he was sentenced to 28—YEARS in prison.
20120112             MYANMAR also said it will release 651—PRISONERS —STARTING 20120113              under 1—NEW—PRESIDENTIAL—PARDON, with anticipation mounting that MANY—OF—THOSE to be freed will be political detainees.
20120113             Das Kreuzfahrtschiff Costa CONCORDIA der Reederei Costa Crociere unter dem Kommando von Kapitän FRANCESCO—SCHETTINO läuft in der Nähe der Insel Giglio auf Grund und kentert.
20120113             —ASKED, PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA, Congress for greater power to shrink THE—FEDERAL—GOVERNMENT.
20120113             His 1. idea was merging 6—SPRAWLING trade and commerce agencies whose overlapping programs can be baffling to businesses.
20120113             —DETAINED, CALIFORNIA, ORANGE County police, Itzcoatl Ocampo (23) of Yorba Linda in relation to 4—RECENT—KILLINGS—OF—HOMELESS—MEN in the area.
20120113             Hysen Sherifi (19840000              *), 1—LEGAL—USA resident from Kosovo, was sentenced to 45—YEARS in prison for conspiracy to attack THE—USA—MARINE—BASE at QUANTICO—VIRGINIA.
20120113             Apple said it was suspending SALES—OF—THE—NEW iPhone at its CHINA stores —AFTER fans desperate to get their hands on it fought with security and threw eggs at 1—OFFICIAL—OUTLET.
20120113             NEW—ORLEANS violence left 17—PEOPLE shot over the last 18—HOURS.
20120113             12—PEOPLE were murdered in the 1. 12—DAYS—OF—THIS —YEAR.
20120113             —SENTENCED, NEVADA, 1—MONSIGNOR—KEVIN—MCAULIFFE, 59—JAHRE—ALT was, to 3—YEARS and 1—MONTH in prison and ordered to repay $650,000 he acknowledged siphoning from his LAS—VEGAS parish to support 1—GAMBLING habit.
20120113             —KILLED, STAR—NORTH—CAROLINA, RONALD—DEAN—DAVIS, 50—JAHRE—ALT shot 1, 3—CO—WORKERS at 1—LUMBER company, then went home and shot himself.
20120113             1—UK—COURT ruled that RICHARD—O'DWYER, 23—JAHRE—ALT, 1—STUDENT at SHEFFIELD Hallam University, can be extradited to THE—USA to answer copyright infringement allegations.
20120113             —CREATED, He had, 1—WEBSITE allowing people to watch films and TV shows for free.
20120113             CHRISTOPHER—TAPPIN, 64—JAHRE—ALT, 1—RETIRED—UK—BUSINESSMAN, lost 1—HIGH—COURT—BATTLE against extradition to THE—USA on charges of conspiring to sell batteries for SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES to IRAN.
20120113             Tappin has said he believed he was exporting batteries for the car industry in THE—NETHERLANDS.
20120113             —KILLED, UK—STORE—OWNER—PETER—AVIS, 66—JAHRE—ALT was, at his home above his Collis and Son shop in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
20120113             FEBRUARY, suspect, Pytor Malaniuk, was detained —DURING 1—POLICE—RAID in THE—EAST—POLAND—CITY—OF—BIALA—PODLASKA.
20120113             —ESTIMATED, EL—SALVADOR—PRESIDENT—MAURICIO—FUNES said 1, 22,000 former rebel combatants, —NOW living in poverty, will finally get LONG—OVERDUE health care, pensions and other benefits.
20120113             —ABOUT 25,000 rebel fighters are still alive and 87—PERCENT live in poverty.
20120113             —STRIPPED—OF, FRANCE was, its TOP—NOTCH credit rating by Standard & Poor's. S&P downgraded 8—OTHER—COUNTRIES including AUSTRIA, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, MALTA, CYPRUS, SLOVAKIA and SLOVENIA.
20120113             GUATEMALA congressman OSCAR—VALENTIN—LEAL—CAAL, who was reportedly negotiating 1—SWITCH to THE—LAW—AND—ORDER—PARTY—OF—THE—CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT—ELECT, was shot to death, 1—DAY—BEFORE the presidential inauguration ceremony.
20120113             2—ATTACKERS killed him and his brother outside THE—HEADQUARTERS—OF—THE—LEGISLATOR—CURRENT—PARTY, the populist Democratic Freedom Revival.
20120113             —CALLED, IRAQ—DEPUTY—PREMIER, for PRIME—MINISTER—NOURI—AL—MALIKI to step down and warned that the country's festering political crisis risks sparking 1—WIDER—SECTARIAN—CONFLICT.
20120113             Sunni Deputy PRIME—MINISTER—AL—MUTLAQ—SUNNI—BACKED—IRAQIYA party has been boycotting PARLIAMENT and Cabinet meetings —SINCE last —MONTH to protest what it sees as efforts by AL—MALIKI to consolidate power.
20120113             The cruise ship Costa CONCORDIA ran aground off the tiny ISLAND—OF—GIGLIO, off THE—COAST—OF—TUSCANY, with more than 4,200—PEOPLE aboard.
20120113             —DETAINED, CAPTAIN—FRANCESCO—SCHETTINO, 52—JAHRE—ALT was soon, on charges of manslaughter.
20120113             The final death toll was put at 30—DEAD and 2—MISSING.
20120113             JAPAN—PRIME—MINISTER—YOSHIHIKO—NODA said the government has yet to decide on whether it will reduce oil imports from IRAN in line with USA—SANCTIONS, saying businesses implications need to be considered.
20120113             —ANNOUNCED, JAPAN—ENERGY—FIRM—INPEX and FRANCE—GIANT—TOTAL, 1—HUGE $34—BILLION gas project in AUSTRALIA, as TOKYO looks for alternatives to nuclear power —IN—THE—WAKE—OF—THE—FUKUSHIMA disaster.
20120113             —ARRESTED, KENYA—POLICE, 29—UGANDANS suspected of seeking to join Islamist rebels in SOMALIA.
20120113             KUWAIT, riot police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters, mostly DESCENDANTS—OF—DESERT nomads who are considered stateless and claim the Gulf nation is depriving THEM—OF—CITIZENSHIP and rights.
20120113             —REPORTED, It was, that MOUNDS—OF—DEBRIS were piling up at illegal dumping sites —AROUND MEXICO—CITY in recent weeks as the metropolis grappled with 1—AVALANCHE—OF refuse —AFTER closing 1—OF—THE—WORLD—LARGEST landfills.
20120113             —FREED, MYANMAR, SOME—OF—ITS most famous political inmates, sparking jubilation outside prison gates —WHILE signaling its readiness to meet Western demands for lifting economic sanctions.
20120113             THE—THAI—BASED Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) said that 272—POLITICAL—PRISONERS were released, —WHILE more than 1,000 remained locked up.
20120113             —ORDERED, PRESIDENT—THEIN—SEIN, the military not to attack ANY—ETHNIC—MINORITY—GROUPS except in SELF—DEFENSE.
20120113             1—TOP—NIGERIA—LABOR—LEADER announced a 2—DAY—SUSPENSION—OF—PROTESTS at the weekend as 1—NATIONAL—STRIKE over fuel prices shut down the country for a 5. —DAY running.
20120113             —ATTACKED, In the northeast gunmen, 2—PUBS, killing 4—PEOPLE amid 1—WAVE—OF such violence blamed on Islamist group Boko Haram.
20120113             ROMANIA, demonstrations began on behalf of Raed Arafat, 1—POPULAR—HEALTH—CARE—OFFICIAL.
20120113             He had quit over 1—PLAN to privatize 1—MEDICAL—EMERGENCY—SYSTEM, which he had set up.
20120113             —CALLED, THE—INTERNATIONAL—COMMITTEE—OF—THE—RED—CROSS, on local authorities in WAR—TORN SOMALIA—SOUTH and center to release 140—TRUCKS carrying aid for 240,000 needy.
20120113             —REVISED, Ratings agency Fitch, SOUTH—AFRICA—OUTLOOK from stable to negative, citing the country's failure to create enough jobs and to speed up economic growth.
20120113             —SIGNED, SOUTH—SUDAN, its 1. oil deals with foreign nations —SINCE it won independence last July, inking agreements with Chinese, Indian and MALAYSIA—FIRMS.
20120113             —REACTED, SRI—LANKA, furiously to 1—SPATE—OF "personalized" foreign postage stamps bearing the image of slain Tamil Tiger rebel supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran.
20120113             SUDAN, Hussein Khogli, EDITOR—IN—CHIEF—OF—AL—WAN, said authorities have ordered his independent daily newspaper to suspend publishing.
20120113             —BLOCKED, The previous —DAY—EDITION was, from distribution without explanation.
20120113             —WARNED, THE—HEAD—OF—THE—ARAB—LEAGUE, that Syria may be sliding toward civil war.
20120113             THE—BRITISH—BASED SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said security forces killed 1—PROTESTER in THE—CENTRAL—CITY—OF—HAMA and another in THE—TOWN—OF—ARIHA in THE—NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE—OF—IDLIB, where more than 20,000—PEOPLE were demonstrating.
20120113             † TURKEY—CYPRUS—LEADER Rauf Denktash (87).
20120113             VENEZUELA—PRESIDENT—HUGO—CHAVEZ said that his government will close its consulate in MIAMI —AFTER THE—USA—GOVERNMENT expelled 1—DIPLOMAT.
20120113             —KILLED, At least 4—YEMEN—PROTESTERS were, and over 12—PEOPLE injured —WHEN security forces fired bullets and tear gas at marchers in THE—SOUTH—CITY—OF—ADEN.
20120113             Fighting left 3—MILITANTS—DEAD, among them 1—ALGERIAN.
20120113—19830000    —IN, TURKEY—CYPRIOT was the driving force behind THE—TURKEY—CYPRUS—DECLARATION—OF—INDEPENDENCE.
20120113—20080400    —IN, According to 1—FEDERAL—INDICTMENT he had paid DANIEL—PATRICK—BOYD $500 to help fund
20120113—20080700    —IN, 1—OVERSEAS jihad and traveled to Kosovo to engage in "violent jihad".
20120113—20090000    —SUMMER—OF, trained in military tactics in Caswell County in and Planned 1—ATTACK on the Marine Corps base in QUANTICO—VIRGINIA, with DANIEL—BOYD in June and 20090700          .
20120113—20090400    —IN, He returned to NORTH—CAROLINA and
20120113—20090727    —ARRESTED, He was among 7—MEN, near RALEIGH—NORTH—CAROLINA on charges of participating in 1—CONSPIRACY to commit "violent jihad".
20120113—20101100    —ARRESTED, —AFTER O'Dwyer was, in LONDON, he admitted to police that he owned TVShack_net and TVShack.cc and earned about £15,000 (18,000 euros, $23,000) 1—MONTH from online advertising.
20120113—20120117    —ON, the government gave him back his job and said it would rethink its health plans.
20120113—20120206    —CHARGED, Ocampo was, with 2—MORE—MURDERS, the stabbing deaths of his high school friend's mother and older brother in Yorba Linda.
20120113—20120324    —CONVERGED, ESTONIA, volunteers from 83—COUNTRIES, on TALLINN to launch World Cleanup 20120000             , 1—VOLUNTARY 6-monthy rubbish collection effort to begin.
20120113—20121108    —ON, Sherifi was found guilty in 1—MURDER—FOR—HIRE plot to behead witnesses who testified against him.
20120113—20141103    —DISCOVERED, The last missing person was, by workers dismantling the ship in Genoa.
20120115             Fighting between THE—2—MILITIAS began 20120113              and by the next —DAY left 2—DEAD.
20120116             —CHARGED, CANADA, Navy SUB—LIEUTENANT—JEFFREY—PAUL—DELISLE with giving "1—FOREIGN—ENTITY" secret information 20070706—20120113    —BETWEEN.
20120127—20120113    —IN—THE, ITALY, Costa Cruises, THE—ITALY—OPERATOR—OF—THE—COSTA CONCORDIA luxury liner, offered 1—SETTLEMENT—OF some $14,000 to each uninjured passenger shipwreck.
20121016             Effective 20120113             , and beginning on that date islanders will only have to show their passport and 1—VISA from the country they are traveling to.
20130113             —INCLUDED, In the Golden Globe awards winners, "Argo" as the best movie;
20130113             BEN—AFFLECK won as best director for "Argo".
20130113             DANIEL—DAY—LEWIS won as best movie actor for his role in "LINCOLN," and Jessica Chastain won as best actress for her role in "0—DARK 30".
20130113             —CONFIRMED, HOLLYWOOD actress Jodie Foster, LONG—RUNNING speculation that she is gay by coming out at the Golden Globes awards, but joked she wouldn't be holding 1—NEWS—CONFERENCE to discuss her private life.
20130113             —UNVEILED, DETROIT, GENERAL—MOTORS, its latest model of the Corvette Stingray on THE—EVE—OF—THE—DETROIT motor show.
20130113             The next —DAY GENERAL—MOTORS—CADILLAC—ATS sedan took the show's top prize.
20130113             —KILLED, AFGHANISTAN, 1—EXPLOSION, 7—VILLAGERS as they tried to pull bodies of dead insurgents from the rubble of 1—VILLAGE—MOSQUE—AFTER 1—NIGHT—RAID by NATO and AFGHANISTAN—TROOPS.
20130113             4—INSURGENTS and 1—AFGHANISTAN—SOLDIER were also reported killed in the operation.
20130113             ARGENTINA said that 1—MONTHLY basket for 1—INDIGENT family of 4—COST—719—PESOS in December, or about 5.99—PESOS per —DAY, per person.
20130113             —ON THE—STREETS—OF—BUENOS—AIRES, 6—PESOS doesn't stretch beyond 1—PACK of chewing gum, or 1—CUP—OF yoghurt, or 1—SINGLE "alfajor" cookie.
20130113             —REFUSED, CHINA, people, to venture outdoors and buildings disappeared into BEIJING—MURKY skyline as the air quality in the notoriously polluted capital went off the index.
20130113             EGYPT, 1—APPEALS—COURT—OVERTURNED—HOSNI—MUBARAK—LIFE—SENTENCE and ordered 1—RETRIAL of the ousted PRESIDENT for failing to prevent THE—KILLING—OF—HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS —DURING the uprising that toppled his regime.
20130113             —MARCHED, FRANCE, some 300,000—PEOPLE, toward the Eiffel Tower from 3—DIFFERENT—POINTS in the city to protest against PRESIDENT—FRANCOIS—HOLLANDE—PLAN to legalize gay marriage.
20130113             —CONSIDERED, GEORGIA, 190—PEOPLE, political prisoners by the new PARLIAMENT walked free under 1—AMNESTY strongly opposed by PRESIDENT—MIKHAIL—SAAKASHVILI.
20130113             More than 3,000 other prisoners who had their sentences reduced under the amnesty will be freed in the next 2—MONTHS.
20130113             —QUOTED, GENERAL—ALI—MOAYEDI, HEAD—OF—IRAN—ANTI—NARCOTICS—POLICE, was, by newspapers as saying that some 30—DRUG—SMUGGLERS and addicts are identified and arrested EVERY—HOUR in IRAN.
20130113             Moayedi said that over 1,286 kg (2,835 pounds) are confiscated EACH—DAY.
20130113             IRAQ, insurgent attacks in separate PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY killed 4—PEOPLE including a 7—YEAR—OLD—BOY and wounded 5—OTHERS.
20130113             —DETONATED, Attackers, 1—BOMB—NEXT to 1—CONVOY carrying THE—IRAQ—FINANCE—MINISTER—RAFIA—AL—ISSAWI.
20130113             He was not hurt in the bombing.
20130113             PAKISTAN, 1—ROADSIDE bomb hit 1—ARMY convoy in NORTH—WAZIRISTAN, killing 14—SOLDIERS.
20130113             —PROTESTED, THOUSANDS—OF—SHIITES, in QUETTA for a 3. —DAY, pressing their demands for greater security.
20130113             —BOWED, PRIME—MINISTER—RAJA—PERVEZ—ASHRAF, to protester demands and sacked the provincial GOVERNOR—OF—BALOCHISTAN for failing to safeguard the security of Shias.
20130113             —PITCHED, PALESTINE—PROTESTERS who, tents at 1—STRATEGIC—WEST—BANK—SITE to protest plans to build 1—JEWISH housing project there were evicted early —TODAY.
20130113             —PLEDGED, PRIME—MINISTER—NETANYAHU, to move ahead with CONSTRUCTION—OF—1—NEW—JEWISH—SETTLEMENT in the area.
20130113             —MARCHED, RUSSIA, thousands, through MOSCOW to protest 1—NEW—LAW banning Americans from adopting RUSSIA—CHILDREN.
20130113             —ADOPTED, Serbia, 1—SET—OF guidelines for reconciliation talks with the leaders of Kosovo, in 1—STRONG 1. signal it is loosening its claim to its former province in hopes of getting closer to EU membership.
20130113             SOUTH—AFRICAN—CHRISTOPHER, "Norm" Bates (41), an USA—EMBASSY employee, was allegedly stabbed to death —AROUND 3 a.m. at a JOHANNESBURG apartment.
20130113             A 29—YEAR—OLD—WOMAN was arrested.
20130113             GENEVA, delegates from more than 130—NATIONS began 1—FINAL—ROUND—OF—NEGOTIATIONS on the creation of the 1. legally binding treaty to reduce mercury emissions.
20130113             SYRIA—FIGHTER—JETS—DAMASCUS suburbs in 1—GOVERNMENT—OFFENSIVE to dislodge rebels from strategic areas —AROUND the capital.
20130113             —KILLED, At least 45—PEOPLE were, in the government barrage.
20130113             —BATTLED, Troops, rebels in the suburb of Daraya 1—DAY—AFTER government officials claimed the army had taken much of the strategic area.
20130113             —REPORTED, Heavy fighting was, in THE—NORTH—PROVINCE—OF—DEIR—EL—ZOUR, involving attacks by warplanes.
20130113             4—WOMEN went topless in S—PETER—SQUARE to protest THE—VATICAN—OPPOSITION to gay marriage.
20130113             Police quickly took the women away.
20130113             THOUSANDS—OF—SUPPORTERS—OF—VENEZUELA—CANCER—STRICKEN—PRESIDENT held rallies across the nation, hours —BEFORE the government announced that HUGO—CHAVEZ is responding favorably to treatment for 1—RESPIRATORY infection.
20130113             Schuldengrenze: USA kriegen doch keine BILLIONEN—DOLLAR—MÜNZE
20130113             Ermittlungen der Ärztekammern: Fast 1.000—KORRUPTION—VERFAHREN—GEGEN—MEDIZINER eingeleitet
20130113             Massenvergewaltigung: Erneuter Fall sexueller Gewalt erschüttert INDIEN
20130113             Fortschrittt INTERNET—MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT
20130113             Trauer um 1—DER an MEINUNGS—FREIHEIT und Fortschritt durch DAS—INTERNET glaubte und an der dieser Hoffung INTERNET sein Leben verschrieb.
20130113             Wenn es nach Ihrer Definition geht, sind fast sämtliche STAATEN ebenfalls krimimell, denn sie tun das Gleiche.
20130113             "AARON—SWARTZ machte unsere Welt freier", klagt DIE—ORGANISATION Public.Resource org, DIE—REGIERUNGSDATEN auf legalem Weg "befreit", auf ihrer eigens dazu in schwarzen Trauerflor eingefärbten Homepage.
20130113             "Aaron tot", twitterte der Brite Tim BERNERS—LEE, der Erfinder des INTERNETs.
20130113             1—HOHER Preis für das Ideal der Freiheit
20130113             "Aarons Tod ist nicht nur 1—PERSÖNLICHE Tragödie", schreibt seine Familie.
20130113             "Aaron war unerschütterlich in seinem Streben nach 1—BESSEREN und offeneren Welt", schreibt Brewster Kahle, der GRÜNDER—DES—INTERNET—ARCHIVES.
20130113             "Diese Regierung muss beantworten, warum es so notwendig war, AARON—SWARTZ als Schwerverbrecher zu brandmarken", schreibt der HARVARD—JURAPROFESSOR LAWRENCE—LESSIG, 1—EHEMALIGER Mentor von Swartz.
20130113             —AM—MITTWOCH—ERST hatte JSTOR—DIE—DATEN—BANK, die Swartz beklaut haben SOLL—BEKANNTGEGEBEN, daß sie "mehr als 4.500.000—ARTIKEL"für begrenzte Zeit kostenlos verfügbar machen werde: "Unser Ziel ist es, daß JEDER—AUF—DER—WELT die Inhalte, die wir ins Netz stellen, nutzen kann".
20130113             Traurig - DATEN—KLAU?
20130113             Schweizer FRANKEN: Die brisante Wette der Schweizer NOTEN—BANK (Sie vom VÖLKER—RECHT, wenn ISRAEL verhindert, daß DIE—TERRORISTEN an noch mehr Waffen kommen?
20130113             [l] GOLDMAN—SACHS hatte 1—GUTES —JAHR.
20130113             —AMASSED, Analysts expect THE—WALL—STREET—BANK to have, 1—TOTAL—COMPENSATION pot, which includes bonuses and salaries, of between $13.3bn (8.2bn pounds) and $13.8bn for 20120000          .
20130113             —DEFINIERT, Wer, denn, was kriminell ist?
20130113             Diebstahl oder nicht!
20130113             Als DEUTSCHLAND darüber diskutierte, ob nun der ERWERB—VON—DATEN—CDS zu Schweizer BANK—KONTEN rechtmässig sei, wurden die Befürworter nicht müde zu behauten, DATEN könnten nicht gestohlen werden.
20130113             es gibt eben KRIMinelle und KRIMinelle!
20130113             Wenn DER—STAAT auch die wirklichen INTERNETbetrüger so bestarfen würde wie er solche Individualisten und Freiheitsliebenden brandMARKT und verurteilt würden wir wohl kaum noch INTERNET—KRIMINALITÄT haben.
20130113             das "freie"INTERNET ist MITTLERWEILE auch vergangenheit.
20130113             Nein. Re:Hacker sind KRIMinelle...
20130113             Traurig wenn Menschen Suizid überhaupt als Ausweg sehen oder sehen müssen.
20130113             WEST—JORDAN—LAND: ISRAEL räumt PALÄSTINENSER—LAGER für Bauprojekt
20130113             ÄGYPTEN: PROZESS—GEGEN—MUBARAK wird neu aufgerollt
20130113             GEWALT—GEGEN—FRAUEN in INDIEN: "Endlich ist DIE—NATION aufgewacht"
20130113             —BESTREITET, EURO—KRISE, ZYPERN, Vorwurf der GELD—WÄSCHE
20130113             —BEHERRSCHT, Panikstörung: Wenn Angst das Leben
20130113             Infektionswelle: NEW—YORK ruft GRIPPE—NOTSTAND aus
20130113             —VERLIERT, Neonazis: POLIZEI, DATEN zu NSU—UNTERSTÜTZER
20130113             BONNer Bombe: Ermittlern zweifeln an islamistischem Hintergrund
20130113             DEMONSTRATION—IN—UNGARN : "Ich bin auch Zigeuner!"
20130113             Mögliche BUNDESWEHR—HILFE: FRANKREICHs MALI—EINSATZ setzt BERLIN unter Zugzwang
20130113             Britische OPPOSITION: "CAMERON schlafwandelt Richtung EU—AUSTRITT"
20130113             DIE—REPUBLIKANER haben aus Sicht Powells zudem 1—IDENTITÄTSPROBLEM.
20130113             Ist ja irre... - Warum DIE—JUSTIZ so hart gegen 1—HACKER vorging, darüber rätseln Swartz' Freunde —HEUTE—BIS.
20130113             —ESCHEWED, COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY]also, the "birther movement".
20130113             "The whole birther movement: Why do senior REPUBLICAN leaders TOLE—RATE this KIND—OF—DISCUSSION within the party?"COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY]asked.
20130113             That's why PARTY—LEADERS—TOLE—RATE -- and in SOME—CASES—ENCOURAGE -- dog whistle race baiting that COLIN—POWELL[SHABBAS GOY]references.
20130113             Larry Josephson
20130925—20140113    —ON, all 6—MEN were sentenced to jail terms.
20131006             alfatomega.com/20050113.html
20140113             —UNVEILED, Negotiators from THE—USA—SENATE and HOUSE—OF—REPRESENTATIVES, a $1—TRILLION spending bill late —TODAY, eliminating THE—THREAT—OF—ANOTHER government shutdown, at least —UNTIL October.
20140113             —DECLINED, THE—USA—SUPREME—COURT, to review 1—APPEALS—COURT ruling that said 1—ARIZONA law banning abortions —STARTING at 20—WEEKS—OF—GESTATION is unconstitutional, meaning the restrictive state law is struck down.
20140113             Samantar, —NOW living in VIRGINIA, was 1—TOP—OFFICIAL in dictator Siad BARRE—REGIME in the 1980s and early 1990s.
20140113             —RETIRED, FLORIDA, an argument over texting in a movie theater led, police CAPTAIN—CURTIS—REEVES, 71—JAHRE—ALT to fatally shoot CHAD—OULSEN, 43—JAHRE—ALT.
20140113             —ANNOUNCED, Gerald Rosen, the mediator in THE—DETROIT bankruptcy, that local and national foundations have pledged $330—MILLION in 1—EFFORT to shore up the city's ailing pensions and protect the artwork at THE—DETROIT INSTITUTE—OF—ARTS.
20140113             —RULED, NEW—MEXICO 2. Judicial DISTRICT—JUDGE—NAN—NASH, that the ability of competent, terminally ill patients to choose aid in dying is 1—FUNDAMENTAL—RIGHT under the state constitution.
20140113             1—EMOTIONAL—DENNIS—RODMAN appeared to break down as he apologized on his return from 1—CONTROVERSIAL—TRIP to NORTH—KOREA, where he sang "Happy Birthday" to regime leader Kim JONG—UN.
20140113             He added that he would visit the North again next —MONTH for "another game," but gave no further details.
20140113             Google said that it is buying Nest Labs, 1—STARTUP that makes INTERNET—CONNECTED thermostats, for $3.2—BILLION.
20140113             † AUSTRALIA—OFFICIALS said 1—MAN 1—DAY —EARLIER and 4—OTHER—PEOPLE were missing —AFTER 1—FAST—MOVING wildfire destroyed at least 49—HOMES in PERTH.
20140113             —CONTINUED, Firefighters, to fight the blaze.
20140113             —DESTROYED, BRAZIL, 10—PUBLIC—BUSES were, —AFTER 12—PEOPLE were shot and killed overnight in CAMPINAS, SAO—PAULO state.
20140113             Police said THE—SURGE—OF—VIOLENCE began with THE—MURDER—OF—1—OFF—DUTY—POLICEMAN.
20140113             —VOWED, BRITAIN, to honor all government debt up —UNTIL THE—DATE—OF—SCOTLAND—POSSIBLE—INDEPENDENCE, should SCOTLAND—PEOPLE—VOTE to break away from THE—UK—LATER this —YEAR.
20140113             1—CAMBODIA—COURT—FREED—RUSSIA—REAL—ESTATE—TYCOON—SERGEI—POLONSKY and he will not be extradited to RUSSIA to face embezzlement charges there.
20140113             SOUTH—CHINA, 1—EXPLOSION at 1—ILLEGAL gambling hall in KAILI, Guizhou province, killed 14—PEOPLE and injured 7—OTHERS.
20140113             —AGREED, FRANCE—TOTAL said it has, to explore for shale gas in BRITAIN, making it the 1. major oil company to enter the country's market in the face of widely publicized environmental protests.
20140113             —FINED, GERMANY—ANTITRUST authorities, 1—GROUP—OF—BEER brewers 1—TOTAL—OF—106.5—MILLION—EUROS ($145—MILLION) for illegal PRICE—FIXING 20060000—20080000    —BETWEEN.
20140113             1—INDIA—OFFICIAL said police arrested napkin seller (38) over the weekend for allegedly torturing an 11—YEAR—OLD maid who was forced to eat chilies, which were also rubbed on her body.
20140113             He and his wife had bought the girl in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—UTTAR—PRADESH for 15,000 rupees ($240) from her parents about 1—YEAR ago on the pretext that she would be well looked —AFTER and given 1—BETTER—EDUCATION.
20140113             —REBUKED, IRAQ—PRIME—MINISTER—NURI—AL—MALIKI publicly, UN SECRETARY—GENERAL—BAN—KI—MOON—CALL for the country to halt executions —WHILE standing beside him at 1—JOINT—NEWS—CONFERENCE.
20140113             —CALLED, Ban KI—MOON, for IRAQ—LEADERS to address the "root causes" of 1—SURGE in bloodshed as security forces clashed with gunmen in VIOLENCE—WRACKED Anbar province.
20140113             1—SERIES—OF—ATTACKS in THE—BAGHDAD area, including 4—CAR—BOMBS targeting civilians, killed at least 30—PEOPLE
20140113             —CHARGED, IRELAND, Saverio Bellante (34) of ITALY was, with THE—MURDER—OF—TOM—O'GORMAN.
20140113             Bellante said he was GUILTY—OF—CUTTING open his DUBLIN landlord's chest and tried to eat his heart —FOLLOWING 1—FIGHT over 1—CHESS match.
20140113             —SIGNED, JAPAN said it has, 1—AGREEMENT with PALAU to allow JAPAN—COMPANIES to earn carbon credits by helping the small Pacific island cut greenhouse gas emissions.
20140113             1—SPOKESMAN said NIGERIA—PRESIDENT—GOODLUCK—JONATHAN has approved the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill 20130000              banning gay marriage and SAME—SEX—PARTNERSHIPS.
20140113             The law also criminalizes homosexual associations, societies and meetings.
20140113             Officials in THE—PHILIPPINES said 2—DAYS—OF—HEAVY—RAINS set off floods and landslides in the southeast have left at least 20—PEOPLE—DEAD, 13—MISSING and thousands displaced.
20140113             THE—PHILIPPINES, the Sandiganbayan antigraft court said the former fist lady Imelda Marcos should forfeit all jewelry —AFTER ruling that it was ILL—GOTTEN.
20140113             —KILLED, SOUTH—AFRICAN—MIKE—TSHELE, and Osia Rahube were, —DURING 1—CLASH with police —WHEN residents of 1—VILLAGE marched to the Madibeng municipality buildings in NORTH—WEST—PROVINCE to protest about water shortages.
20140113             —ADVANCED, SOUTH—SUDAN—GOVERNMENT—TROOPS, on Bor, the last state capital still in rebel hands, as ceasefire talks in neighboring ETHIOPIA were called off for the —DAY.
20140113             —RECEIVED, SWEDEN—DOCTOR—MATS—BRANNSTROM said 9—WOMEN have successfully, transplanted wombs donated from relatives and will soon try to become pregnant.
20140113             —SEIZED, SYRIA, the Islamic STATE—OF—IRAQ and the Levant (ISIL), THE—NORTH—TOWN—OF—AL—BAB.
20140113             American and RUSSIA—NEGOTIATORS in PARIS said SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and the opposition have agreed to consider opening humanitarian access in THE—RUN—UP to 1—PEACE—CONFERENCE that would bring the sides together for the 1. time.
20140113             —EXECUTED, THE—SYRIA—OBSERVATORY for Human Rights said ISIL had, 46—ISLAMISTS from the Ahrar AL—SHAM in 1—AMBUSH in Kantari and killed 14—PRISONERS—TODAY in HOMS province.
20140113             USA and RUSSIA—ENVOYS said SYRIA—GOVERNMENT and the main opposition group have agreed to allow humanitarian aid into SOME—BLOCKED—OFF PARTS—OF—THE—COUNTRY.
20140113             THAILAND, TENS—OF—THOUSANDS—OF—ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS came out in 1—EFFORT to "shut down BANGKOK" and try to force caretaker PRIME—MINISTER—YINGLUCK—SHINAWATRA to resign in favor of 1 unelected "people's council" that would initiate political reforms.
20140113             THAILAND, 1—USA—WOMAN went missing in Kaeng Krachan National Park.
20140113             —TRAMPLED, Her body was found —5—DAYS—LATER, apparently, by elephants.
20140113—20140119    —ON, A 3. person shot by police †.
20150106             —1— – 20150113             , 1—NEW—ZEALAND navy patrol boat sneaked up on 3 suspected poaching ships, then took photos and video of the fishermen hauling in prized fish in banned nets from the ocean near ANTARCTICA.
20150111—20150113    —ON, the officer was found shot dead near the village of EL—MUQATTA, near THE—GAZA border.
20150111—20150113    —ON, the cockpit voice recorder.
20150113             † ANDREW—HOWARD—BRANNAN, 66—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—VIETNAM veteran, was executed in GEORGIA for 19980000             —THE—KILLING—OF—SHERIFF—DEPUTY—KYLE—DINKHELLER, 22—JAHRE—ALT, who had stopped him for speeding.
20150113             Police in ALBUQUERQUE—NEW—MEXICO, shot and killed 1—SUSPECT dressed in body armor who pulled 1—GUN on them —FOLLOWING 1—FOOT—CHASE.
20150113             —FIRED, The suspect had, on officers in 1—EASTSIDE neighborhood.
20150113             † In AFGHANISTAN 1—PERSON and 3 were wounded —WHEN their vehicle struck 1—ROADSIDE bomb in the capital, KABUL.
20150113             1—BAHRAIN—COURT sentenced 1—FORMER—LAWMAKER from the island kingdom's main Shiite opposition group to 6—MONTHS in jail over 1—SOCIAL—MEDIA posting.
20150113             —CONVICTED—OF, JAMIL—KADHIM was, spreading false information over 1—TWEET alleging that authorities were offering money to encourage candidates to enter parliamentary elections in November.
20150113             —LAUNCHED, BRITAIN, 1—TRADE—MISSION to EGYPT with more than 40—COMPANIES received in CAIRO, the largest such effort in over 1—DECADE by the top foreign investor in the Arab world's most populous country.
20150113             CHINA—OFFICIALS said Bai Enpei, formerly the party boss of Yunnan province, has been fired from his position at CHINA—PARLIAMENT—AFTER investigators found he accepted bribes in huge amounts.
20150113             1—EGYPT—APPEALS—COURT overturned a 3—YEAR—PRISON—SENTENCE against ousted strongman Hosni Mubarak on corruption charges and ordered 1—RETRIAL in the sole case pending against him.
20150113             —REPORTED, ETHIOPIA, that THE—CITY—OF—MEKELE has banned smoking in public places with fines more than 1—AVERAGE—MONTHLY—WAGE, the 1. city in the country to do so.
20150113             —LIFTED, The European PARLIAMENT, THE—EU—WIDE—BAN on genetically modified (GENERAL—MOTORS) crops allowing national governments to impose their own restrictions.
20150113             —STABBED, DRESDEN—GERMANY, 1—ERITREA—ASYLUM—SEEKER (20) was found, to death in 1—KILLING that came amid tensions over immigration in the region.
20150113             1—ERITREA—MAN, 26—JAHRE—ALT was —LATER arrested over the fatal stabbing of his compatriot.
20150113             INDIA, villagers in Uttar Predesh state began noticing bodies floating in 1—OFFSHOOT of the Ganges.
20150113             Some 102—BODIES, MANY—OF—THEM children, were found near the village of Pariyar.
20150113             —BELIEVED, They were, to be THE—RESULT—OF—WATER burials.
20150113             —NAMED, INDONESIA—ANTI—GRAFT agency, 3—STAR general Budi Gunawan, PRESIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO—SOLE—NOMINATION for police CHIEF, 1—BRIBERY suspect.
20150113             Widodo told reporters 1—DAY—EARLIER he had chosen Gunawan on recommendation from the National Police Commission.
20150113             —RELEASED, The Islamic State jihadist group, 1—VIDEO purporting to show 1—YOUNG—BOY executing 2—MEN accused of working for RUSSIA—INTELLIGENCE—SERVICES in Syria.
20150113             —REPORTED, MALAWI—GOVERNMENT, that 48—PEOPLE have been killed and nearly 23,000 displaced due to flooding.
20150113             —CALLED, NEPAL, 1—GENERAL—STRIKE, by opposition parties crippled life in THE—KATHMANDU region by shutting down schools, market and transportation.
20150113             —EXECUTED, PAKISTAN, 7—PRISONERS by hanging at 4—PRISONS.
20150113             This was on the 2. —DAY—OF—1—VISIT by USA—SECRETARY—OF—STATE—JOHN—KERRY for talks on COUNTER—TERRORISM—COOPERATION, economic aid and other issues.
20150113             † In SIERRA—LEONE 1—RED—CROSS—MALE—NURSE who worked at 1—EBOLA treatment center in Kenema, and was confirmed to have been suffering from the disease.
20150113             He was the 1. Red Cross worker or volunteer to succumb to the disease there.
20150113             —ARRIVED, FRANCIS—PAPA, in SRI—LANKA, where Christians made up only 7.4—PERCENT—OF—THE—POPULATION.
20150113             —SLAUGHTERED, TAIWAN, nearly 6,000 geese —AFTER 14—MORE—FARMS were confirmed to have been infected in the latest outbreak of avian influenza that has led to the culling of more than 140,000 birds.
20150113             —BANNED, TANZANIA, witchdoctors to try and stem 1—SURGE in murders of albinos, whose body parts are sold for witchcraft.
20150113             The ban does not cover traditional healers who use herbs to help the sick.
20150113             THE—CASH—STRAPPED TANZANIA—ZAMBIA Railway Authority (TAZARA), which is owned by the governments of THE—2—COUNTRIES and has been struggling for more than 1—DECADE, shut down all train operations —AFTER workers downed tools to demand 5—MONTHS unpaid salaries.
20150113             EAST—UKRAINE, 1—LONG—RANGE—GRAD rocket hit 1—PASSENGER—BUS, killing at least 12—PEOPLE.
20150113             —INTENSIFIED, Fighting, —AROUND THE—INTERNATIONAL—AIRPORT in THE—CITY—OF—DONETSK as separatists tried to oust government forces.
20150113             THE—UN said that the latest wave of Boko Haram's "vicious, ruthless attacks" in NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA has sent 11,320—PEOPLE fleeing into CHAD in 1—MATTER—OF—DAYS.
20150113             —BANNED, Governors in 3—VENEZUELA—STATES, nighttime queuing as huge lines continued to snake —AROUND shops across THE—SCARCITY—PLAGUED OPEC nation.
20150113             —OUSTED, ZIMBABWE ruling party officials, in 1—PURGE against ALLIES—OF—PRESIDENT—ROBERT—MUGABE—FORMER—DEPUTY—JOICE Mujuru, vowed to launch 1—LEGAL fight to regain CONTROL—OF—THE—PARTY.
20150113             —AM, schlimmsten aber trafen die Wellen das alte Herz EUROPAs:
20150113             Zwischen GROß—BRITANNIEN und DEUTSCHLAND, auf dem heutigen NORD—SEEBODEN, lag Doggerland, 1—ART STEIN—ZEITPARADIES.
20150113             Hunderte Funde von Steinwerkzeugen, Harpunen und menschlichen Knochen am NORD—SEEGRUND zeugen von Siedlungen, DIE—ARCHÄOLOGEN als "Garten Eden"bezeichnen, als das "wahre Herz EUROPAs".
20150113             —DANN, kamen die TSUNAMIs.
20150113             —ÜBERSCHWEMMT, Doggerland wurde vermutlich komplett,
20150113             Weite TEILE—DES—SANDIGEN—BODENS wurden von TSUNAMIs weggespült.
20150113             Entscheidende Indizien des STEIN—ZEIT—MASSEN—STERBENS sind Moose.
20150113             Sie wurden —NACH—DEN TSUNAMIs —VOR—8.150—JAHREN unter Meeresschlamm begraben, so dass sie luftdicht versiegelt und erhalten blieben.
20150113             Ihr Zustand verrät, zu welcher —JAHRESZEIT die Riesenwellen zuschlugen.
20150113             "DIE—STEIN—ZEITJÄGER waren —ZEIT—ZU—DIESER, an die Küsten zurückgekehrt",
20150113             UN—WETTER: Orkantief "Billie"fegt über den NORDEN DEUTSCHLANDs
20150113             PEGIDA—DEMO nach TERROR—IN—FRANKREICH: "Schlimm, das in PARIS, aber..".
20150113             1.Ausgabe nach Anschlag: CHARLIE—HEBDO erscheint mit MOHAMMED—TITEL
20150113             UKRAINE—KRISE, FRIEDENS—GESPRÄCHE erneut verschoben
20150113             TERRORISMUS—TALK bei Plasberg: Der Anlass war da, DIE—IDEE fehlte
20150113             KAMPF—GEGEN—IS: Mindestens 20—DEUTSCHE ISLAMISTEN reisten ohne Reisepass in KRIEGS—GEBIETE
20150113             LEGIDA—AUFMARSCH in LEIPZIG: Freiheit auch für miese Meinung
20150113             METRO—UNGLÜCK in WASHINGTON: 1—TOTE und 83—VERLETZTE in verrauchter U-Bahn
20150113             Schulen: Finnland schafft die Schreibschrift ab
20150113             Flaue Wirtschaft: CHINA verfehlt Exportziel 20140000             —FÜR,
20150113             Strategien —NACH—DEN Anschlägen in PARIS: So kämpft EUROPA gegen den TERROR
20150113             TODES—STRAFE: PAKISTAN richtet 7—EXTREMISTEN hin
20150113             —BESUCHT, ASIEN—REISE, PAPA, SRI—LANKA
20150113             Biologie: Die vielen Ursachen der MASSEN—STERBEN
20150113             Özdemirs KRITIK—AN—ANKARA: "TÜRKEI fällt als Partner zunehmend aus"
20150113             Sprachkritik: "LÜGEN—PRESSE"ist Unwort —DES—JAHRES
20150113             GESETZ—ENTWURF: USA—FIRMEN sollen Kunden über CYBER—ATTACKEN informieren
20150113             —NACH, den ANSCHLÄGEN—VON—PARIS: Amerikas neue Antwort auf den TERROR
20150113             Griechisches Schuldenkonzept: Der Freundeskreis der Gelddrucker
20150113             B—, C-Lagen: Ausländische Investoren kaufen deutsche Billigimmobilien
20150113             Schwarze 0: Arbeitnehmer und ATOM—KONZERNE erfüllen SCHÄUBLEs Herzenswunsch
20150113             BULGARIEN: Franzose mit Kontakt zu PARIS—ATTENTÄTERN festgenommen
20150113             —RADIERT, ISRAEL: ULTRA—ORTHODOXE Zeitung, MERKEL aus Pariser TRAUER—FOTO
20150113             Hohe Fördermenge: Preis für BRENT—ERD—ÖL sinkt auf 6—JAHRES—TIEF
20150113             TERROR—BEKÄMPFUNG: CAMERON will verschlüsselte Chats abhören — oder gleich ganz verbieten
20150113             —ZWIST—MIT—POLEN: PUTIN verzichtet auf GEDENK—FEIER—IN—AUSCHWITZ
20150113             —VERTEUERT, Biosprit, sich: E10 verliert seinen Kostenvorteil
20150113             —ANTI—ISLAM—BEWEGUNG PEGIDA: Irgendwann sind die Sohlen durch
20150113             —NACH, TERROR—IN—PARIS: HOLLANDE nimmt getötete POLIZISTEN in Ehrenlegion auf
20150113             "KALIFat"BIRMINGHAM: FOX—NEWS-"Experte"entschuldigt sich für "schrecklichen Fehler"
20150113             Tödliche SCHÜSSE—AUF—OBDACHLOSEN: USA—POLIZISTEN wegen vorsätzlicher Tötung angeklagt
20150113             STUDIE—ZUR—LANDFLUCHT: "Wir brauchen 1—GENERELLES Umdenken"
20150113             TV—INTERVIEW: Houellebecq verteidigt sich gegen ISLAMOPHOBIE—VORWURF
20150113             —GESTORBEN, Michail Gorbatschow: "Bin ich —SCHON wieder ?"
20150113             LOBBY—ARBEIT in der Opec: VENEZUELA kämpft für höhere Ölpreise
20150113             —GEWESEN, HAMBURG—ES muss 1—AUFREIBENDER —SOMMER, sein.
20150113             Täglich gingen die Nordeuropäer auf Jagd, um Fleisch und Früchte für den langen —WINTER zu beschaffen und Vorräte anzulegen.
20150113             1.können Wissenschaftler nun die ganze GESCHICHTE erzählen.
20150113             Im NORD—ATLANTIK vor der Küste Norwegens, wo —HEUTE BERGEN und TRONDHEIM liegen, waren unterseeische Schlammmassen größer als ISLAND abgerutscht, sie stürzten vom Flachwasser in die Tiefsee.
20150113             Wie 1—STEIN in 1—PFÜTZE löste die sogenannte STOREGGA—LAWINE Wellen aus, die sich mit dem Tempo 1—DÜSENFLUGZEUGS kreisförmig ausbreiteten.
20150113             —KURZ—DARAUF brachen Riesenwellen an die Küsten,
20150113             sie türmten sich —BIS zu 20—METER hoch —, strömten Dutzende Kmlandeinwärts.
20150113             Archäologen haben vielerorts Spuren der Katastrophe entdeckt:
20150113             IM—OSTEN SCHOTTLANDs nahe dem heutigen Inverness hatte die Welle Menschen offenbar am Lagerfeuer überrascht, wie 25—ZENTIMETER dicke Sand—, Kiesablagerungen über 1—FEUERSTELLE ZEIGEN—SIE befand sich d 10—S auf 1—ANHÖHE, 10—METER über dem Meer.
20150113             Seeigelreste, Meeresmuscheln und Algen dokumentieren den Wasserstrom, der alles mitgerissen hat.
20150113             NORWEGEN, auf den SHETLAND—INSELN und den Färöern, liegen die Spuren der Verwüstung sogar noch höher über dem damaligen MEERES—SPIEGEL, —BIS zu 20—METER hohe Wogen krachten dort an Land.
20150113             DIE—ALTERSBESTIMMUNG der Ablagerungen ergab übereinstimmend 1—ALTER—VON—CA—8.150—JAHREN.
20150113             Man gelangte zu Fuß vom heutigen NORD—DEUTSCHLAND nach GROß—BRITANNIEN.
20150113             DIE—TSUNAMIS kamen zur ungünstigsten Zeit, berichten DIE—FORSCHER im Fachblatt "Geology".
20150113             —ZERSTÖRTEN, DIE—MOOSE in den vom Tsunami, STEIN—ZEITSIEDLUNGEN verraten, dass sie im SPÄT—HERBST begraben wurden,
20150113             "Tsunamis haben folglich 1—GROßTEIL DER—MENSCHEN erwischt, es muss schrecklich gewesen sein".
20150113             DIE—ÜBERLEBENDEN hatten 1—HARTEN —WINTER vor sich.
20150113             "Der VERLUST—DER—VORRÄTE, Handwerkszeuge und Behausungen muss 1—SCHWERES Problem für sie gewesen sein",
20150113             "Viele dürften den —WINTER nicht überlebt haben".
20150113             —NACH—DEM, TERROR—VON—PARIS: DEUTSCHE Muslime kämpfen um ihren Ruf
20150113             KINDER—PORNOGRAFIE: HAUS—DURCHSUCHUNG nach Hinweis von Microsoft
20150113             Hooligans bei PEGIDA—MÄRSCHEN: Die Jungs fürs Grobe
20150113             Der BAND—KERAMIK folgte im westlichen Verbreitungsgebiet (etwa heutiges DEUTSCHLAND) die RÖSSENER—KULTUR,
20150113             Der BAND—KERAMIK folgte IM—OSTEN die STICHBAND—KERAMIK, die Oberlauterbacher Gruppe und die Münchshöfener Kultur.
20150113             DIE—TRICHTERBECHERKULTUR wird in ihrer Endphase IM—OSTEN von der KUGELAMPHOREN—KULTUR überlagert.
20150113             DIE—TRICHTERBECHERKULTUR entwickelte Stufen, die durch den Dänen C.
20150113             —GEWESEN, Sieht so aus als wären es doch nur Jäger und Sammler, im heutigen NORD—DEUTSCHLAND.
20150113             DIE—1.BAND—KERAMIKER stießen —ERST Jahrhunderte —SPÄTER, vor etwa 7.700— 7.500—JAHREN, aus SÜD—OST—EUROPA kommend,—ALLMÄHLICH nach MITTEL—EUROPA vor.
20150113             auch bei diesem Besiedlungsprozess, der sich über Jahrhunderte hinzog, wurden im Wesentlichen nur die Gebiete mit Lössböden erschlossen.
20150113             hat sich die MITTELSTEIN—ZEIT—ERTEBÖLLE—KULTUR an der Nord—, OST—SEE—KÜSTE noch —BIS etwa 4.300—V.
20150113             Als 1—HEBDO Redakteur 1—KARIKATUR über SARKOZY—JÜDISCHEN Sohn gemacht hatte, wurde er 1.gefeuert und dann vor Gericht gezerrt und verurteilt.
20150113             Rungholt versank 13620000              bei 1—GROßEN Sturmflut -
20150113             DEUTSCHLAND, gibt es im STRAF—GESETZ—BUCH 1—STRAFTATBESTAND, der überschrieben ist mit "Beschimpfung von Bekenntnissen, Religionsgesellschaften und Weltanschauungsvereinigungen".
20150113             Nach dieser Bestimmung macht sich strafbar, wer den Inhalt des religiös oder weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses in 1—WEISE beschimpft, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen FRIEDE—ZU—STÖREN.
20150113             §166—STRAF—GESETZ—BUCH (1) Wer öffentlich oder durch Verbreiten von Schriften (§—11—ABSATZ 3) den Inhalt des religiösen oder weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses anderer in 1—WEISE beschimpft, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen FRIEDE—ZU—STÖREN, wird mit FREIHEITS—STRAFE —BIS zu 3—JAHREN oder mit GELD—STRAFE bestraft.
20150113             —TELEFONIERT, TERROR—BEKÄMPFUNG nach PARIS: Speichert endlich, wer mit wem !
20150113             —ANTI—ISLAM—DEMOS: TÜRKEI—PREMIER vergleicht PEGIDA mit IS
20150113             Markenrecht abgelehnt: "Je suis Charlie"-Logo kann man nicht schützen lassen
20150113             1.CHARLIE—HEBDO nach Anschlag: Die Ausgabe der Überlebenden
20150113             Spott im Netz: ERDOGANs Ausflug nach Mittelerde
20150113             Mahnwache nach TERROR—IN—PARIS: Gauck dankt Muslimen
20150113             DIE—LEUTE—VON—REPORTERS Without Borders können sich auch kaum zurückhalten vor Freude.
20150113             [l] Tolle Idee des Tages: FLÜCHTLINGE im KZ—AUßEN—LAGER unterbringen.
20150113             [l] "Wir sind nicht Charlie"
20150113             [l] DAVID—CAMERON geht mit 1—ENDE—ZU—ENDE—KRYPTO—VERBOT in den WAHL—KAMPF.
20150113             [l] SCHLAGZEILE—DES—TAGES: —AFTER throwing Microsoft under the bus, Google won't patch flaw affecting nearly 1bn users.
20150113             —FORMULIERT, Also wenn man es so...
20150113             [l] In der SCHWEIZ konnte 1—PENETRANTER JOURNALIST—DIE—EXPORTSTATISTIKEN für IMSI—CATCHER befreien.
20150113             [l] NETANJAHU hat sich in PARIS offenbar ziemlich zum Deppen gemacht, und SARKOZY auch.
20150113             [l] Habt ihr das auch gesehen, wie DIE—STAAT—CHEFS in PARIS sich an die Speerspitze der Demonstration gestellt haben?
20150113             Ja?
20150113             —DANN, guckt euch mal diese Aufnahme hier an.
20150113             —UPDATE, Das untere Bild kommt URSPRÜNGLICH anscheinend von diesem katalanischen Fernsehsender
20150113             [l] Uiuiui, ERDOGAN keilt kräftig in Richtung NETANJAHU (runterscrollen).
20150113             Er frage sich, wie 1 "Individuum, dass STAATS—TERRORISMUS verübt, indem es 2.400—MENSCHEN in GAZA massakriert", in die Menge winken könne, so als ob "DIE—MENSCHEN sehr begeistert auf ihn warten"
20150113             [l] Wer denkt, bei UNS ist das schlimm mit den Wahlen, der sollte mal nach ENGLAND gucken: DAVID—CAMERON verspricht, nach der Wahl den GEWERKSCHAFTen systematisch das Streiken zu verbieten und der voraussichtliche LABOUR—KANDIDAT und SKANDAL—BÜRGER—MEISTER—VON—LONDON, BORIS—JOHNSON, gibt folgendes zu Protokoll:
20150113             "I'm not particularly interested in this CIVIL—LIBERTIES—STUFF—WHEN it COMES to these people's emails and mobile phone conversations.
20150113             und DAS—WAHL—RECHT in GROß—BRITANNIEN macht es sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass 1—ANDERE Partei DIE—REGIERUNG übernehmen kann.
20150113             —UPDATE, Hups, Kommando zurück, BORIS—JOHNSON ist auch Tory.
20150113             Inhaltlich läuft das in ENGLAND aber wie bei uns.
20150113             —ÜBERNIMMT, LABOUR, den UMKIPP—JOB, wie bei uns —DIE—SPD.
20150113             —JETZT, kommt heraus: Die Aufnahme entstand in 1—GESICHERTEN Straße. - NATÜRLICH nicht!
20150113             [l] In NEUSEELAND ist —PLÖTZLICH, und unerwartet DER—GEHEIM—DIENST—CHEF zurückgetreten.
20150113             [l] Habt ihr das auch gehört, dass CHARLIE—HEBDO DIE—ANSCHLÄGE —SCHON irgendwie verdient hat, weil sie so rassistische und FREMDEN—FEINDLICHE Karikaturen gemacht haben?
20150113             —DANN, solltet ihr euch mal diese WEB—SEITE anschauen, die die Cartoons erklärt.
20150113             [l] In BELGIEN gab es gerade 1—KRASSE POLIZEI—RÄUBERPISTOLE.
20150113             —AM, BEISPIEL—DES—RIESENKALMARS—ARCHITEUTHIS dux: "—SCHON—VOR—EINIGEN—JAHREN fiel mir auf, dass immer wieder gesagt wurde, der Riesenkalmar könne —BIS zu 19—METER lang werden - 1—UNGLAUBLICHE Länge", sagt McClain, der DIE—STUDIE verantwortet hat.
20150113             Beim Weißen Hai korrigierten DIE—WISSENSCHAFTLER die Maximalgröße von über 8—AUF 7,13—METER.
20150113             "Schließlich ist 1—GESCHICHTE über 1—KÜMMERLICHEN Hai, der Schaden zufügt, nicht ganz so beeindruckend",
20150113             NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN—POLIZEI findet 12—TRESORE in Stausee
20150113             —RETOURENPAKET 1840—HEUTE - und Herr Fleischhauer.
20150113             Mehr Flexibilität: BERLIN fürchtet um EU—STABILITÄTSPAKT
20150113             TSIPRAS—ZWEIFEL—AN—REKORDWACHSTUM: Ist die griechische Statistik erneut geschönt?
20150113             Attentäter Coulibaly 20080000              im Interview: "Das Gefängnis ist die beste Schule für Kriminalität"
20150113             PARIS—BEI 1—BLICK in ihre Archive hat die französische ZEITUNG—LE—MONDE Erschreckendes gefunden: Ihre Journalisten haben 20080000              den —DAMALS, 26-jährigen Amedy Coulibaly interviewt, 1—DER getöteten Attentäter.
20150113             DIE—FRANZÖSISCHEN Journalisten hatte der —SPÄTERE Attentäter —DAMALS, von sich aus kontaktiert.
20150113             Tatsächlich sind die Aufnahmen erschütternd: Die Wände der Duschen sind grün vor Schimmel.
20150113             MORD—AN—JOURNALIST—HRANT—DINK: 2—TÜRKEI—POLIZISTEN festgenommen
20150113             UKRAINE—KONFLIKT, RAKETEN—ANGRIFF—AUF—BUS tötet 11—ZIVILISTEN - alfatomega.com/20060729.html
20150113—20150111    —ON, † In INDIA 15—MORE—PEOPLE and about 90 remained in hospital in THE—NORTH—STATE—OF—UTTAR—PRADESH —AFTER drinking batch of bootleg liquor, taking the total death toll to 28.
20150211             ITALY, FRANCESCO—SCHETTINO, FORMER—CAPTAIN—OF—THE capsized Costa CONCORDIA, was convicted and sentenced to 16—YEARS in prison for manslaughter, causing 20120113             —THE, shipwreck that claimed 32—LIVES.
20150216—20150113    —NAMED, Gunawan had been, as 1—BRIBERY—SUSPECT.
20160113             —CONDUCTED, THE—USA—LED coalition, 20—STRIKES against Islamic STATE—IN—IRAQ and Syria.
20160113             MASSACHUSETTS GOVERNOR—CHARLIE—BAKER and BOSTON Mayor MARTIN—J—WALSH celebrated GENERAL—ELECTRIC—DECISION to relocate their world headquarters to BOSTON.
20160113             MICHIGAN National Guard members were set to arrive in FLINT to join DOOR—TO—DOOR—EFFORTS to distribute bottled water and other supplies to residents coping with the city's crisis over LEAD—CONTAMINATED drinking water.
20160113             1—RECORD—USA $1.6—BILLION Powerball lottery was divided among 3—WINNERS in CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and TENNESSEE.
20160113             THE—CALIFORNIA winning couple did not claim their $529—MILLION prize —UNTIL July.
20160113             1—BRANCH—OF—THE—ISLAMIC—STATE group claimed responsibility.
20160113             † In ALGERIA 7—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—FIRE tore through 1—TOURISM—COMPLEX at 1—BEACH—RESORT on the outskirts of ALGIERS.
20160113             —FINED, FIFA—ARGENTINA, CHILE—MEXICO, PERU and URUGUAY for ANTI—GAY chants by their national team's fans.
20160113             —BLOCKED, AZERBAIJAN, protesters, streets and clashed with police over soaring consumer prices.
20160113             55—PEOPLE were detained.
20160113             —INDICTED, BRAZIL—FEDERAL—POLICE, mining companies Samarco, Vale and VogBR and 7—OF—THEIR—EXECUTIVES for 20161105             —THE dam burst that caused Latin AMERICA—BIGGEST environmental tragedy on record.
20160113             BURKINA—FASO—NEW—PRESIDENT—ROCH—MARC—CHRISTIAN—KABORE took THE—HELM—OF—THE—DEFENSE—MINISTRY and veterans' affairs as 1—NEW—GOVERNMENT lineup was unveiled.
20160113             BURUNDI, Army CAPTAIN—IDI—OMAR—BAHENDA and police BRIGADIER—JEAN—CLAUDE—NIYONGABO were killed in 1—GUNFIGHT with military forces in the Kiyenzi AREA—OF—BUJUMBURA.
20160113             —WANTED, Bahenda was, for recruiting rebels opposed to the government.
20160113             —KILLED, NORTH—CAMEROON, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, 12—WORSHIPPERS at 1—MOSQUE in Kouyape village, in 1—AREA regularly targeted by NIGERIA—BOKO—HARAM—ISLAMISTS.
20160113             CHILE—ARCHITECT Alejandro Aravena won the prestigious 20160000              Pritzker Prize, earning praise for "powerful" designs that address key social and economic challenges of the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY.
20160113             CHINA—LAWYERS said several rights lawyers, including 1—WOMAN who represented HIGH—PROFILE—WOMEN'S—RIGHTS—ADVOCATES, have been formally arrested on state subversion charges about —6—MONTHS—AFTER they were taken away.
20160113             —AFTER more than 3—MONTHS stranded in COSTA—RICA, 180—OF—THE 8,000 CUBA—MIGRANTS trapped there finally began their LONG—AWAITED trip north toward THE—USA—BORDER, flying into EL—SALVADOR and then travelling by bus to GUATEMALA.
20160113             —ESCALATED, The European Union, its standoff with POLAND over THE—RULE—OF—LAW under the new government, deciding to open 1—CASE over legislation on the constitutional court and media that has been criticized as running counter to the bloc's fundamental principles.
20160113             ETHIOPIA—GOVERNMENT said it would abandon plans to expand THE—CAPITAL—ADDIS—ABABA into surrounding areas of Oromia federal region —AFTER almost 2—MONTHS—OF—PROTESTS reported to have left SCORES—OF—PEOPLE—DEAD.
20160113             THE—FRANCE—ALPS, 1—DEADLY—AVALANCHE hit 1—HIGH—SCHOOL skiing group killing 2—STUDENTS and 1—UKRAINE—SKIER.
20160113             —LIFTED, GAMBIA—GOVERNMENT, 1—RECENT directive stating that all female staff with the government must cover their hair —DURING office hours.
20160113             † In HONDURAS 3—USA—WOMEN in 1—BUS crash —WHILE on 1—HUMANITARIAN—MISSION.
20160113             —IDENTIFIED, They were, as COLUMBIA student Olivia Erhardt, Barnard student Daniella Moffson and Abigail Flanagan, 1—NURSE practitioner at COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—MEDICAL—CENTER and 1—STUDENT at the university's SCHOOL—OF—GENERAL—STUDIES.
20160113             —RELEASED, IRAN, 10—USA—SAILORS —AFTER holding them overnight, bringing 1—SWIFT—END to 1—INCIDENT that had rattled nerves days ahead of the expected implementation of 1—LANDMARK nuclear accord between TEHRAN and world powers.
20160113             —ENTERED, THE—USA—SAID 2—USA—NAVY—BOATS had, IRAN—TERRITORIAL—WATERS due to 1—BROKEN navigation system.
20160113             —ARMORED, IRAQ sent 1, army division and 1—POLICE—STRIKE—FORCE into the southern oil CITY—OF—BASRA to disarm residents amid intensified feuding among rival Shi'ite Muslim tribes.
20160113             —CARRIED, THE—ISRAEL—MILITARY, out 1—RARE—AIRSTRIKE in GAZA, targeting 1—GROUP—OF—PALESTINE—MILITANTS placing explosives along the border and killing 1—OF—THEM.
20160113             —ARRESTED, ITALY—POLICE, 11—PEOPLE for allegedly running 1—ILLEGAL online gaming business which garnered MILLIONS—OF—EUROS in bets EVERY—DAY.
20160113             —BOYCOTTED, KUWAIT—9—SHIITE lawmakers, the 50-seat PARLIAMENT, 1—DAY—AFTER 1—MASS—SENTENCING—OF—MEMBERS—OF—THE—MINORITY to prison or death for belonging to 1—IRAN—LINKED cell.
20160113             —NOMINATED, LATVIA—PRESIDENT—RAIMONDS—VEJONIS, Maris Kucinskis from the agrarian Greens and Famers Union as the next PRIME—MINISTER.
20160113             —ARRESTED, NIGER said 12—SOLDIERS and 1—CIVIL—HAVE been, so far in connection with last —MONTH'S failed coup.
20160113             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, 1—SUICIDE—BOMBER, at least 15—PEOPLE, MOST—OF—THEM police, outside 1—POLIO—ERADICATION—CENTER in QUETTA.
20160113             THE—PAKISTAN—TALIBAN and Jundullah, which has links with the Taliban and has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, separately claimed responsibility for the attack.
20160113             —LOBBED, Attackers on 1—MOTORCYCLE, grenades and opened fire at THE—ARY News ISLAMABAD office.
20160113             1—MILITARY—COURT—IN—THE—HAMAS—RUN—GAZA—STRIP sentenced 4—PALESTINIANS to death on charges of spying for ISRAEL.
20160113             INTERNATIONAL hacking movement Anonymous said it attacked HUNDREDS—OF—THAILAND—GOVERNMENT—WEBSITES over death sentences handed down to 2—MIGRANT—WORKERS for the murder of 2—UK—TOURISTS.
20160113             —ARRESTED, Benderman was, last June —AFTER being caught abusing 1—BOY at his rented house.
20160113             Beschlagnahmung von Wertsachen: Dänische Regierung berät über umstrittenes ASYL—GESETZ
20160113             —REDE—ZU—DER—LAGE der Nation: OBAMA weist AMERIKA den Weg in DIE—ZUKUNFT
20160113             USA—PRÄSIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA hat vor dem KONGRESS—IN—WASHINGTON zum letzten Mal in seiner AMTS—ZEIT 1.Rede zur Lage der Nation gehalten.
20160113             "DIE—ZUKUNFT, die wir haben WOLLEN—MIT Chancen und Sicherheit für unsere Familien, 1—STEIGENDEN LEBENS—STANDARD und 1—NACHHALTIGEN, friedlichen Planeten für unsere KINDER—ALL das können wir schaffen", sagte OBAMA.
20160113             "Aber es passiert nur, wenn wir zusammenhalten".
20160113             zusammenhalten - Im kommenden —JAHR werde es ihm unter anderem darum gehen, DIE—KINDER Amerikas vor WAFFEN—GEWALT zu schützen sowie
20160113             sich für faire Bezahlung und 1.Erhöhung des MINDEST—LOHNS stark zu machen.
20160113             "All das ist IMMER—NOCH wichtig für hart arbeitende Familien, und es ist IMMER—NOCH richtig, sich dafür einzusetzen".
20160113             "Wir leben in 1—ZEIT des außergewöhnlichen Wandels".
20160113             Als die 4—GRUNDPFEILER für 1.erfolgreiche ZUKUNFT nannte OBAMA:
20160113             den gerechten Zugang zu Ressourcen für alle
20160113             DIE—NACHHALTIGE Nutzung von Technologien
20160113             1.führende aber nicht dominierende Rolle DER—USA—AUSSEN—POLITIK und - Optimismus auch in der Politik.
20160113             Lasst uns AMERIKA zu dem Land machen, das Krebs ein für ALLE—MAL besiegt".
20160113             DIE—AMERIKANISCHE Wirtschaft sei momentan die stärkste der Welt.
20160113             DIE—AUTO—INDUSTRIE habe gerade das beste —JAHR ihrer GESCHICHTE erlebt.
20160113             "Wer behauptet, daß die amerikanische Wirtschaft im Niedergang ist, hausiert mit Fiktion", sagte OBAMA
20160113             OBAMA hielt dagegen: "DIE—USA[USA]sind die mächtigste Nation der Welt.
20160113             OBAMA und nannte in diesem Zusammenhang die Konflikte im NAHER—OSTEN,
20160113             OBAMA warnte jedoch davor, den KAMPF—GEGEN—DEN—ISLAMISCHER—STAAT zum "3. Weltkrieg"zu erhöhen.
20160113             "Wir müssen sie nicht größer machen, um zu zeigen, daß wir es ernst meinen", sagte OBAMA.
20160113             "Wir müssen sie nur als das bezeichnen, was sie sind: Mörder und Fanatiker, die man ausrotten, jagen und zerstören muss".
20160113             ausrotten - Genau das sei es, was AMERIKA tue.
20160113             "Wer glaubt, daß DIE—USA oder ich selbst sich nicht verpflichtet fühlen, Gerechtigkeit zu üben, der soll OSAMA—BIN—LADEN fragen".
20160113             DER—PRÄSIDENT kündigte zudem an, sich weiter für 1.Schließung des umstrittenen Gefangenenlagers GUANTANAMO auf KUBA einzusetzen.
20160113             "Es ist teuer, es ist unnötig und es dient unseren Feinden nur als Rekrutierungsbroschüre".
20160113             DIE—REPUBLIKANER haben im Kongress die Mehrheit und an 1—SCHLIEßUNG keinerlei Interesse.
20160113             —IN—DER—VERGANGENEN—WOCHE haben allein bei FACEBOOK 15.000.000—MENSCHEN OBAMA und seine Rede diskutiert, wie DAS—UNTERNEHMEN mitteilte.
20160113             Es wurde etwa mit 30.000.000 Zuschauern gerechnet.
20160113             sein Nachfolger wird - Weltverfolgungsindex
20160113             TERROR—IN—ISTANBUL: Türkischer GEHEIM—DIENST warnte POLIZEI vor Anschlag
20160113             —FLÜCHTLINGS—KRISE, CDU—GENERAL—SEKRETÄR fordert 1.000—ABSCHIEBUNGEN täglich
20160113             Übernahme in der Ölbranche: EU—KOMMISSION prüft HALLIBURTONs MILLIARDEN—DEAL
20160113             STATE—OF—THE—UNION: OBAMA träumt von AMERIKA
20160113             TERROR—IN—ISTANBUL: TÜRKEI meldet Festnahmen von 9—MUTMAßLICHEN IS—MITGLIEDERN
20160113             30—DOLLAR pro Fass: Wem der niedrige ÖL—PREIS schadet
20160113             —GESICHTET, NORD—SEE: 7—WEITERE tote Pottwale
20160113             Trotz Windows 10: PC werden immer unbeliebter
20160113             TERROR—FAHNDUNG: BELGIENs POLIZEI findet Verstecke von PARIS—ATTENTÄTERN
20160113             —SCHON, DIE—KOMMISSION kann auch Übernahmen von Unternehmen durchkreuzen, deren Sitz außerhalb EUROPAs liegt.
20160113             HALLIBURTON und Baker Hughes sind —BISHER, die Nummer 2—UND 3—DER Branche.
20160113             ALLEN—UNTERNEHMEN—DER—BRANCHE setzen DIE—SEIT—MONATEN fallenden ÖL—PREISE zu, denn ihre Kunden, die Ölproduzenten, haben im Zuge des Verfalls Ausgaben zurückgefahren.
20160113             1.Zu RECHT Zweifel
20160113             Unternehmen geht es immer um Marktanteile und Marktbeherrschung.
20160113             We spend more on our MILITARY than the next 8—NATIONS combined.
20160113             THE—MIDDLE—EAST is going through 1—TRANSFORMATION that will play out for 1—GENERATION, rooted in KONFLIKTs that date back millennia.
20160113             Even as their economy contracts, RUSSIA is pouring resources to prop up UKRAINE and SYRIA?—?states they see slipping away from their orbit.
20160113             And THE—INTERNATIONAL—SYSTEM we built —WWII—AFTER is —NOW struggling to keep pace with this new reality.
20160113             we built - Priority number 1 is protecting THE—USA—PEOPLE and going —AFTER terrorist networks.
20160113             MASSES—OF—FIGHTERS on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose 1—ENORMOUS—DANGER to civilians and must be stopped.
20160113             That's the story ISIL wants to tell;
20160113             that's THE—KIND—OF—PROPAGANDA they use to recruit.
20160113             We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming TERRITORY—IN—IRAQ and SYRIA.
20160113             If this CONGRESS is serious about winning this war, and wants to send 1—MESSAGE to our troops and THE—WORLD, you should finally authorize THE—USE—OF—MILITARY—FORCE against ISIL.
20160113             It may take time, but we have long memories, and our reach has no limit.
20160113             even without ISIL, instability will continue for decades in MANY—PARTS—OF—THE—WORLD?—?IN—THE—MIDDLE—EAST, in AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN, in PARTS—OF—CENTRAL—AMERICA, AFRICA and ASIA.
20160113             our approach to KONFLIKTs like SYRIA, where we're partnering with local forces and leading INTERNATIONAL efforts to help that broken society pursue 1—LASTING peace.
20160113             —FORGED, That's how we, 1—TRANS—PACIFIC—PARTNERSHIP to open markets, protect workers and the environment, and advance USA—LEADERSHIP in ASIA.
20160113             USA—LEADERSHIP in the 20010101—21001231    —CENTURY is not 1—CHOICE between ignoring THE—REST—OF—THE—WORLD?—?except —WHEN we kill terrorists;
20160113             —WHEN we help UKRAINE defend its democracy, or COLOMBIA resolve 1—DECADES—LONG—WAR, that strengthens THE—INTERNATIONAL—ORDER we depend upon.
20160113             But it will only happen if we work together.
20160113             democracy does require basic BONDS—OF—TRUST between its citizens.
20160113             Democracy grinds to 1—HALT without 1—WILLINGNESS to compromise;
20160113             or —WHEN even basic facts are contested,
20160113             We have to reduce THE—INFLUENCE—OF—MONEY in our politics, so that 1—HANDFUL—OF—FAMILIES and hidden interests can't bankroll our —ELECTIONS
20160113             Our BRAND—OF—DEMOCRACY is hard.
20160113             —CREED, Americans 1., bound by 1—COMMON.
20160113             You're THE—REASON why I have such incredible confidence in our future.
20160113             I see it in the worker on the assembly line who clocked extra shifts to keep his company open,
20160113             and THE—R—BOSS who pays him higher wages to keep him on BOARD.
20160113             —VERLOREN, PIS—REGIERUNG und EU: Noch ist POLEN nicht
20160113             —STREIT—UM—HOCHHAUS: Investor plant 104—METER hohen Wohnturm auf Rügen
20160113             TÜRKEI—REISEN —NACH—DEM AN—SCHLAG, "DER—TERRORISMUS wendet sich direkt gegen Touristen"
20160113             OBERSTES—GERICHT der USA: Urteilsfindung bei TODES—STRAFEN in FLORIDA ist VERFASSUNGS—WIDRIG
20160113             Haushalt - PERSISCHER—GOLF—IRAN lässt USA—MARINESOLDATEN wieder frei
20160113             Zwergplanet Ceres: "Dawn"funkt atemberaubende KRATER—FOTOS
20160113             Massentierhaltung in DEUTSCHLAND: Die SCHWEINE—INDUSTRIE
20160113             Griechischer NOTEN—BANK—CHEF—STOURNARAS verhinderte offenbar Parallelwährung
20160113             Hanfanbau: Regierung plant CANNABIS—AGENTUR
20160113             —RECHTS—EXTREME Partei: FACEBOOK sperrt offenbar "DIE—RECHTE"—SEITEN
20160113             Umstrittenes Mediengesetz: POLEN droht Ausschluss vom EUROVISION—SONG—CONTEST
20160113             KÖLN und die Folgen: Die Eskalation des SOCIAL—NATIONALISMUS
20160113             JAMES—CLAPPER: Hacker leitet Telefon von USA—GEHEIM—DIENST—DIREKTOR um
20160113             TERROR—ANSCHLAG—IN—ISTANBUL: Das perfide Kalkül des IS
20160113             BUNDESGESUNDHEITS—MINISTER—HERMANN—GRÖHE (CDU) will die strengen Auflagen für die Verordnung von medizinischem CANNABIS lockern und Patienten leichter Zugang verschaffen.
20160113             "Das ist etwas komplett Neues.
20160113             Allerdings ist der Nutzen von CANNABIS zu medizinischen Zwecken nicht vollständig geklärt und für VIELE—BEREICHE —BISHER, schlecht untersucht.
20160113             nicht vollständig
20160113             DIE—NUN vom MAX—PLANCK—INSTITUT—FÜR—SONNEN—SYSTEM—FORSCHUNG (MPS) in Göttingen veröffentlichten Fotos zeigen den Himmelskörper in der —BISHER, höchsten Auflösung von 35—METERN pro Pixel.
20160113             DIE—RAUMSONDE "Dawn"war
20160113             —VERLÄNGERT, FRANKEN—STÄRKE: SCHWEIZ, Frist für Kurzarbeitergeld
20160113             "Oldschool SOCIETY": GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT klagt mutmaßliche NEO—NAZI—TERRORISTEN an
20160113             DRUCK—AUF—MERKEL: Unionsabgeordnete wollen über GRENZ—SCHLIEßUNGEN abstimmen lassen
20160113             [l] Meine Güte, unter den verweichlichten Linken ist dieses Opfergetue als Statussymbol und Stützkorsett des Selbstbildes —JETZT—SCHON so festgekrustet, daß —JETZT—SCHON LINKEN—POLITIKER MESSER—ATTACKEN—GEGEN—SICH frei erfinden müssen, um von ihren BERUFSOPFER—KOLLEGEN noch ernst genommen zu werden.
20160113             [l] Habt ihr das TERRORbingo noch offen?
20160113             [l] KURZE—DURCHSAGE—VON—EX—NSA—CHEF—MICHAEL—HAYDEN: Wir brauchen keine KRYPTO—HINTERTÜREN, die Metadaten reichen völlig, und die haben wir ja.
20160113             [l] DEUTSCHLAND "verkauft"ISRAEL mal wieder 1—U—BOOT.
20160113             [l] Oh, es gibt 1—SCHÖNEN Begriff für das Konzept, öffentlich irgendwas zu bashen, um damit seinen Kumpels zu signalisieren, daß man cool ist.
20160113             [l] Zu dem AWARENESS—DING empfiehlt hier jemand diese Routine von DOUG Stanhope.
20160113             —ADVISED, RBS has, clients to brace for a "cataclysmic —YEAR" and 1—GLOBAL deflationary crisis, warning that major STOCK—MARKETS could fall by a 5. and oil may plummet to $16 1—BARREL.
20160113             [l] Der STONER—TEENAGER, der die AOL—MAILBOX—VON—CIA—DIREKTOR Brennan gehackt hat, hat —JETZT angeblich auch die Mails von JAMES—CLAPPER befreit.
20160113             [l] Hier noch ein interessanter MAIL—HINWEIS für euch:
20160113             DIE—GANZE GESCHICHTE um die KÖLNer Grabscher erinnert übelst an die "Balkanraser"Episode in der SCHWEIZ.
20160113             —INZWISCHEN, hat sich die Aufregung gelegt, DIE—FLÜCHTLINGE sind von selbst grösstenteils zurück in DIE—HEIMAT, und von Rasern hört man auch kaum noch was.
20160113             tl;dr Wenn die Problematik der sexuellen Belästigung nur als AUSLÄNDER—PROBLEM betrachtet wird, ändert sich —AM—ENDE genau NIX.
20160113             [l] Im KRIEG bombardiert man ja eigentlich keine zivilen Ziele, nur militärische.
20160113             Aber hey, DIE—USA sehen sowas eher pragmatisch.
20160113             Und bombardieren 1—BAR—GELD—LAGER—VON—ISIS.
20160113             —TAGUNG, Auf der, 1—SEITE finde ich das gut, daß mal jemand was gegen DIE—BANKER tut.
20160113             Und wo wir gerade bei WALL—STREET waren... die sind damit natürlich dann auch für ISIS ein legitimes Ziel, oder?
20160113             DAS—MONEY—QUOTE in dem ARTIKEL ist der letzte Absatz:
20160113             In recent weeks, THE—USA—HAS said it will assess all targets on 1—CASE—BY—CASE—BASIS and may be more willing to TOLE—RATE—CIVILIANS—CASUALTIES for more significant targets.
20160113             Was heißt hier Regeln und Vorschriften?
20160113             —EXPECTED, BASHAR—AL—ASSAD was 1—DOCTOR—IN—THE—UK who never, to become THE—LEADER—OF—SYRIA.
20160113             MANY—WHO bore the brunt of his economic experiments counter that his development plundered THE—COUNTRY and struck the heart of its economy.
20160113             —CALCULATED, DARDARI—PLAN was, and it had 1—IMPACT.
20160113             —BECAME, SYRIA increasingly, vulnerable to the global economy, —WHILE growth imbalances and income inequality multiplied.
20160113             THE—BANKING, services, and tourism SECTOR—IN—THE—S ir current form are largely THE—RESULT—OF—1—PLAN developed by Dardari over —THE—YEARS to liberalize the economy.
20160113             —ATTEMPTED, THE—SYRIA—GOVERNMENT, to satisfy THE—DEMANDS—OF—THE—INTERNATIONAL—BANKS, which urged SYRIA to raise the cap and —LIMIT on NON—SYRIA—OWNERSHIP—OF—LOCAL—BANKS from 49 % to 60 %.
20160113             How neolibralism begets neoconservatism
20160113             Ölpreisverfall: Diesel kostet vereinzelt weniger als 90—CENT
20160113             Fastnacht: Mehr VIDEO—KONTROLLEN und SPEZIAL—KRÄFTE sollen für Sicherheit sorgen
20160113             Überprüfung DER—RECHTS—STAATLICHKEIT: POLEN hat nichts zu befürchten
20160113             —DEBATTE um TV—SENDER für EU: "Wir brauchen 1.europäische Medienöffentlichkeit"
20160113             Bürgerwehren in Finnland: Dein Nachbar, der hilfsbereite Rassist
20160113             —ÜBERGRIFFE—IN—KÖLN: Regierung und OPPOSITION für schärferes Sexualstrafrecht
20160113             Verpestete Luft in HESSEN: Gericht zwingt UMWELT—MINISTERIUM zu mehr —EINSATZ
20160113             SILVESTER—ÜBERGRIFFE: Mehrere Strafanzeigen gegen KÖLN—POLIZEI
20160113             —REAKTION—AUF—SILVESTER—NACHT: Antragsflut zum Kleinen Waffenschein in KÖLN
20160113             Angebliche GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN: Forscher heizt Gerüchte über EINSTEIN—WELLEN an
20160113             1—HOCHSENSIBLER Detektor IN—DEN—USA, so heißt es, habe direkte Hinweise auf sogenannte GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN gefunden.
20160113             wäre die Entdeckung 00010101—01001231    —CENTURYSENSATION.
20160113             DIE—WELT, gesetzt hat die Spekulationen der Physiker LAWRENCE—KRAUSS von der ARIZONA STATE—UNIVERSITY—IN—TEMPE.
20160113             Im Gespräch stellt Schutz klar, daß —DERZEIT, niemand seriös sagen könne, ob der Detektor tatsächlich GRAVITATIONS—WELLEN gesehen habe.
20160113             Besonderheit des SYSTEMs: Es kann zu Testzwecken mit falschen Erfolgsmeldungen beliefert WERDEN—OHNE dass die beteiligten Forscher von der Fälschung wissen.
20160113             Tödliches Bakterium: PEST—ERREGER fand Unterschlupf in EUROPA
20160113             warum DIE—PEST über Jahrhunderte in EUROPA existieren und es immer wieder zu großen Pandemien kommen konnte.
20160113             1—THEORIE geht davon aus, daß sie immer wieder über die Handelswege aus ZENTRAL—ASIEN eingeschleppt wurde.
20160113             1—ANDERE besagt, daß der Pesterreger auch irgendwo in EUROPA überdauern konnte und so die Infektionen JEDES—MAL neu ausgelöst wurde.
20160113             Langzeitfolgen des KLIMA—WANDELS: Die nächste EIS—ZEIT fällt aus
20160113             Dass weite Teile EUROPAs nicht —SCHON wieder unter dickem Eispanzer liegen, ist 1—GLÜCKSFALL zu verdanken: Die Bahn der Erde um die Sonne läuft für EINIGE—JAHRTAUSENDE runder als üblich, so dass sich unser Planet nicht so weit von seiner Wärmequelle entfernt.
20160113             Doch soweit wird es 1—NEUEN —STUDIE—ZUFOLGE nicht kommen:
20160113             Es wäre das 1.Mal —SEIT—BEGINN des EIS—ZEITALTERS vor knapp _3.000.000—JAHREN, daß der planetare KLIMA—ZYKLUS aus dem Rhythmus geriete: Wie der Trommler 1—KAPELLE gaben die Änderungen der Erdbahn um die Sonne stets 1—VORHERSAGBAREN Wechsel aus langen EIS—ZEITEN und kürzeren Warmphasen vor.
20160113             Zum HÖHE—PUNKT der letzten EIS—ZEIT vor 20.000—JAHREN standen Hunderte Meter hohe Eispanzer —BIS zu 1—LINIE HAMBURG—BERLIN.
20160113             Aber —BEREITS 2.000—JAHRE—NACH—ENDE—DER—EIS—ZEIT vor 10.000—JAHREN BEGANN DER—MENSCH, den Klimarhythmus zu stören.
20160113             DIE—ABGASE von Buschbränden, die unsere —VORFAHREN legten, hätten den Treibhauseffekt —SCHON entscheidend geschürt, hat DER—KLIMA—FORSCHER WILLIAM Ruddiman von der UNIVERSITY—OF—VIRGINIA —BEREITS—VOR—13—JAHREN herausgefunden.
20160113             1—WIDE array of archeological, evidence points to viable explanations tied to anthropogenic changes resulting from —EARLY, agriculture in Eurasia,
20160113             —CAUSED, In recent millennia, the estimated warming, by these —EARLY, gas emissions reached 1—GLOBAL—MEAN—VALUE—OF ~ 0.8 °C and
20160113             WILLIAM F. Ruddiman - AUTHOR—AFFILIATIONS
20160113             —PRÄSENTIERT, DIE—NEUE—STUDIE, 3—SZENARIEN: "Unsere —STUDIE zeigt, dass
20160113             1. im EIS—ZEITALTER würde DIE—WELT für mehr als 100.000—JAHRE in 1—WARMZEIT verharren.
20160113             Vertrauen ziehen DIE—FORSCHER daraus, daß ihr Klimamodell, mit dem sie DIE—ZUKUNFT berechnen, die Vergangenheit passabel nachgebildet habe -
20160113             VOR—ALLEM die Warmzeit vor 400.000—JAHREN: —DAMALS, glich die Bahn der Erde um die Sonne der heutigen Konstellation.
20160113             [l] IMMER—NOCH schlechte Laune?
20160113             Mudge hilft mit 1—DOD—STATISTIK aus:
20160113             DoD data (cleared for release) shows on average 1/3—OF—VULNS in government systems I—IN—THE—S security software.
20160113             [l] Ist euch eigentlich mal aufgefallen, wie unterschiedlich Gewalt VON FLÜCHTLINGEn und GEWALT—GEGEN—FLÜCHTLINGE behandelt werden?
20160113             Wie kommt das eigentlich?
20160113             DIE—ANTWORT: Erstens ist das alles Unsinn.
20160113             [l] Habt ihr bei StopTTIP eure Unterschrift abgegeben?
20160113             Wartet ihr —JETZT darauf, daß die ihre UNTERSCHRIFTEN—AN—DIE—KANZLERIN übergeben?
20160113             Wird nicht stattfinden.
20160113             —AM, Ende müsste sich DIE—KANZLERIN—VIERMAL—PRO—TAG 3,28.000.000 Unterschriften von irgendwelchen Organisationen überreichen lassen!
20160113             Nein, das geht nun wirklich nicht.
20160113             (Übrigens, als Kontext: bei der letzten BUNDES—TAG—WAHL gaben 11.800.000 der CDU ihre Zweitstimme, wir reden hier also mengenmäßig von über 1/4—DER CDU—WÄHLERBASIS)
20160113—20080000    —IN, THE—BANK—CREDIT—TEAM said markets are flashing stress alerts akin to the turbulent months —BEFORE THE—LEHMAN crisis.
20160113—20110000    —IN, The above words were written, —JUST—BEFORE the "CIVIL—WAR"in SYRIA broke out.
20160113—20130000    —PUBLISHED, THE—DAILY—BEAST, 1—SURPRISINGLY incisive piece about ALL—OF—THIS back :
20160113—20131000    —LAUNCHED, THE—AL—JAZEERA—AMERICAN—CABLE—NEWS—NETWORK, said it will shut down 20160430             —ON due to 1—ROUGH—BUSINESS—ENVIRONMENT and political headwinds.
20160113—20170000    —ANFANG, OBAMAs AMTS—ZEIT geht zu Ende,
20160701—20160113    —ON, police detained Jahangir Alam, 1—OF—THE—MEN behind the attack.
20161003—20170113    —ON, 6—MORE—SUSPECTS were charged in the robbery raising THE—NUMBER—OF—PEOPLE facing preliminary charges to 10.
20170113             —MOVED, THE—OBAMA—ADMINISTRATION, to lift the trade embargo against SUDAN in response to THE—EAST—AFRICAN nation's recent cooperation in helping to tackle terrorism.
20170113             —SLAPPED, THE—LIFTING—OF—THE—SANCTIONS, on SUDAN by the Clinton administration will however be delayed by 180—DAYS to encourage SUDAN to do more to fight terrorism and improve its record on human rights.
20170113             —DENIED, THE—USA—ENVIRONMENTAL—PROTECTION—AGENCY, $1.2—BILLION in claims for economic losses stemming from a 20150000              toxic wastewater spill accidentally triggered by the agency at 1—DEFUNCT—COLORADO mine, that fouled waterways in COLORADO, NEW—MEXICO and UTAH.
20170113             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—JUSTICE—DEPARTMENT, CHICAGO police have violated the constitutional rights of residents for years —FOLLOWING 1—YEARLONG investigation.
20170113             —ANNOUNCED, THE—USA—ATTORNEY—OFFICE—IN—DETROIT, that JAPAN—BASED Takata has agreed to plead guilty to 1—SINGLE—CRIMINAL—CHARGE and will pay $1—BILLION in fines and restitution for 1—YEARS—LONG—SCHEME to conceal 1—DEADLY defect in its automotive bag inflators.
20170113             —ANNOUNCED, It was, that MOODY—CORP. of NEW—YORK—CITY has agreed to pay almost $864—MILLION to settle federal and state claims that it gave inflated ratings to risky mortgage investments in the years leading up to the financial crises.
20170113             —ADVOCATED, FORMER—JERUSALEM Post CHIEF—EDITOR—ARI—RATH, 92—JAHRE—ALT, who, the peaceful coexistence of Israelis and Palestinians, † in VIENNA.
20170113             CANADA must "phase out" ALBERTA—OIL sands and end the country's dependence on hydrocarbons, PRIME—MINISTER—JUSTIN—TRUDEAU said.
20170113             —KILLED, ECUADOR, at least 19—PEOPLE were, and more than 12 injured —WHEN 1—LONG—DISTANCE—PASSENGER—BUS collided with 1—OFF—DUTY—SCHOOL—BUS along 1—HIGHWAY—NEAR the Pacific coastline.
20170113             —KILLED, EGYPT—POLICE reportedly, 10—ISLAMIC—MILITANTS in 1—SHOOTOUT in AL—ARISH.
20170113             —KILLED, However, the residents said 6—OF—THOSE, had been in police custody —SINCE October.
20170113             —DEFIED, HUNGARY—RIGHT—WING—PRIME—MINISTER—VIKTOR—ORBAN said he has, BRUSSELS by reintroducing the systematic DETENTION—OF—MIGRANTS arriving in the country in response to recent "terror" attacks in EUROPE.
20170113             —REACHED, IVORY—COAST—GOVERNMENT and rebel troops, 1—FINAL—DEAL at talks in Bouake, at the close of 1—TENSE—DAY which saw OUTBREAKS—OF—GUNFIRE at barracks across the country.
20170113             —DIRECTED, The order was, at Ernesto "Don Neto" Fonseca Carrillo, CO—FOUNDER—OF—THE—GUADALAJARA cartel, for the case of the kidnapping, torture and KILLING—OF—DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena.
20170113             —KILLED, NORTH—EAST—NIGERIA, 3—FEMALE—SUICIDE—BOMBERS, at least 6—PEOPLE and injured 14 in 1 crowded market in THE—TOWN—OF—MADAGALI.
20170113             PERU—PRESIDENT—PEDRO—PABLO—KUCZYNSKI said 10—TREATMENT—PLANTS will be constructed on rivers emptying into Lake Titicaca to cleanup uncontrolled pollution.
20170113             —WARNED—OF, SAUDI—ARABIA—HIGHEST—RANKING cleric, the "depravity" of cinemas and music concerts, saying they would corrupt morals if allowed in THE—ULTRA—CONSERVATIVE—KINGDOM.
20170113             —PLEDGED, SWEDEN, to end 1—SURGE—OF—GANG—VIOLENCE in THE—SOUTH—TOWN—OF—MALMO as the latest in 1—STRING—OF—SHOOTINGS left a 16-year old boy dead.
20170113             Over the past 2—WEEKS—ALONE, the town has seen 5—SHOOTINGS, of which 2 were fatal.
20170113             —ADVANCED, SYRIA—ARMY and its allies, near DAMASCUS.
20170113             The region's GOVERNOR said rebels had let engineers enter 1 damaged pumping station that supplies MOST—OF—THE—CAPITAL—WATER.
20170113             † In YEMEN at least 12—HOUTHI fighters in fresh clashes in Dhubab.
20170113             "Wet foot, dry foot": OBAMA beendet Ausnahmeregelung für FLÜCHTLINGE aus KUBA
20170113             ABGASSKANDAL—IN—DEN—USA: Festgenommenem VW—MANAGER drohen 169—JAHRE—HAFT
20170113             SENATsanhörungen: DONALD—TRUMP—AUSERWÄHLTE machen starken Eindruck
20170113             Schrumpfender Handelsüberschuss: CHINAs EXPORT—MASCHINE stottert
20170113             Explosionen bei DAMASKUS: SYRIEN wirft ISRAEL ANGRIFF—AUF—MILITÄR—FLUGHAFEN vor
20170113             VERDÄCHTIGEr im CO2—BETRUG: Haftbefehl gegen BATMAN
20170113             Westaustralien: Forscher filmen 1. lebende Rote Seedrachen
20170113             Gestörtes PARLAMENTS—TV: RUSSIA —TODAY funkt USA—FERNSEHEN dazwischen
20170113             Thema "Geschlechterforschung": PROTESTE—GEGEN—AFD—VORLESUNG an der MAGDEBURGer Uni
20170113             EL—SALVADOR: 1. —TAG ohne Mord —SEIT 2—JAHREN
20170113             USA—NEWSBLOG: CHINA—STAATS—MEDIEN WARNEN USA vor "verheerender Konfrontation"
20170113             MILLENnials: Junge weiße USA—AMERIKANER verdienen viel weniger als ihre Eltern
20170113             UNICEF—ZAHLEN: Immer mehr unbegleitete Kinder flüchten über DAS—MITTELMEER
20170113             KEHRT—WENDE, Grüne —PLÖTZLICH, offen für Abschiebungen nach AFGHANISTAN
20170113             Rätsel ums Erdinnere: Die KERN—FRAGE
20170113             HACKER—ANGRIFF, Unbekannte erbeuten von SCHNÜFFEL—SOFTWARE—HERSTELLER
20170113             Studie: Eltern verbringen doppelt so viel Zeit mit ihren Kindern wie —VOR—50—JAHREN (Leben und Lernen, 17:36)
20170113             Verschlüsselte NACHRICHTen, WhatsApp widerspricht BERICHT—ÜBER—HINTERTÜR für Behörden
20170113             —RENOVIERT, Wahrzeichen: PARIS, Eiffelturm für 300.000.000—EURO
20170113             LUFT—SCHLÄGE—IN—SYRIEN—AN ISRAEL traut PUTIN sich nicht ran
20170113             MILLIARDENbetrüger: Bernie Madoff errichtet im Knast Kakaomonopol
20170113             CHICAGO— USA—JUSTIZ—BEHÖRDE wirft POLIZEI Gewaltexzesse vor
20170113             [l] Kurzes DONALD—TRUMP—SWAMP—UPDATE zu seinem neuen GENERAL—BUNDES—ANWALT der USA, Jeff Sessions: DIE—ACLU hat —SCHON 1.Akte zu dem und zitiert daraus diese Worte aus 1—GERICHT—VERFAHREN, das Sessions als GENERALSTAATS—ANWALT—VON—ALABAMA geführt hat:
20170113             In 1—REMARKABLE opinion, THE—ALABAMA state trial judge hearing the case concluded that "THE—MISCONDUCT—OF—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL in this case far surpasses in both extensiveness and measure the totality of ANY—PROSECUTORIAL misconduct ever previously presented to or WITNESSED—BY THE—COURT".
20170113             Ich musste spontan an diese schöne Filmszene denken ?
20170113             Aber wartet, geht noch weiter:
20170113             THE—COURT found that the "the prosecutorial misconduct is so pronounced and persistent that it permeates the entire atmosphere of this prosecution and warrants 1—DISMISSAL of these cases".
20170113             It also found the misconduct so pervasive that "this court can only conclude it is dealing with either intentional and DELIBE—RATE—MISCONDUCT or conduct so reckless and improper as to constitute conscious disregard for THE—LAWFUL—DUTIES—OF—THE—ATTORNEY—GENERAL and the integrity and dignity of this court and this Judge".
20170113             Man merkt richtig, wie erschüttert dieser Richter ist.
20170113             [l] Aus der beliebten Kategorie "mit der AfD wird alles besser", —HEUTE: Habt ihr euch auch gefragt, wieso DIE—AFD 1—BND—MIT—ARBEITER als Kandidaten aufstellt?
20170113             Wie sich rausstellt: Doch, hatten sie, aber gegen den wird wegen VOLK—VERHETZUNG ermittelt.
20170113             Oh und dann ist da noch ein lustiges Detail zu dem BND—MANN:
20170113             Der promovierte Biologe und DERZEITige Schatzmeister der FRAKTION arbeitet laut AfD beim BUNDES—NACHRICHTEN—DIENST.
20170113             [l] Oh ach gucke mal, wie unerwartet: In Whatsapp ist 1.KRYPTO—HINTERTÜR gefunden worden, FACEBOOK kann Krypto ausschalten.
20170113             Wie —JETZT, FACEBOOK lügt uns ins Gesicht, wenn es um PRIVAT—SPHÄRE geht?!
20170113             Wer sich auf FACEBOOK—VERLÄSST, ist verlassen.
20170113             [l] CYBER—SPIONAGE—AFFÄRE erschüttert ITALIEN.
20170113             DIE—LISTE—DER—OPFER ist beeindruckend: EHEMALIGE—REGIERUNGS—CHEFS, MINISTER, Abgeordnete, MIT—ARBEITER der ZENTRAL—BANK, Chefs der Finanzpolizei, Manager, MILITÄRs und Kardinäle.
20170113             Tut eurein die Cloud, sagten sie!
20170113             —BESTIMMT, Aber hey, das waren doch, DIE—RUSSEN, nicht wahr?
20170113             Oh warte, doch nicht DIE—RUSSEN.
20170113             Der, 45—JAHRE—ALTE GIULIO—OCCHIONERO ist ausgebildeter Nuklearingenieur, seine, 49—JAHRE—ALTE Schwester Chemikerin.
20170113             —SEKUNDE, —SEKUNDE, kommt noch was: Er war Mitglied 1—FREIMAURERLOGE
20170113             Das war bei DEN—LINKEN immer so der Running Gag über DIE—NAZIS, daß die zu doof seien, selber 1—VEREIN oder gar 1.Partei zu führen, und daher DIE—VERWALTUNG (sowas wie Schatzmeister) immer von GEHEIM—DIENST—V—LEUTEN gemacht werden muss, damit der Laden überhaupt vom Boden wegkommt
20170113             Studie: Eltern verbringen doppelt so viel Zeit mit ihren Kindern wie —VOR—50—JAHREN
20170113—19520000    —VOR—65—JAHREN, Die Suche beginnt an der HARVARD—UNIVERSITY—IN—DEN—USA.
20170113—19850000    —IN—THE, 1—MEXICO—FEDERAL—JUDGE ordered 1—DRUG—LORD convicted killings of 1—USA—DRUG—ENFORCEMENT—ADMINISTRATION—AGENT and 1—MEXICO—GOVERNMENT—PILOT to pay RELATIVES—OF—THE—VICTIMS nearly $1—MILLION in compensation.
20170113—20171231    PROGNOSE—FÜR, WELT—WEIT steigt DIE—ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT (Wirtschaft, 17:01)
20170113—20250000    THROUGH—USA Environmental Protection Agency CHIEF—GINA—MCCARTHY finalized 1—DETERMINATION that the landmark fuel efficiency rules instituted by PRESIDENT—BARACK—OBAMA should be locked in, 1—BID to maintain 1—KEY—PART—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION—CLIMATE—LEGACY.
20170516—20160113    —ON, 1—DENMARK—COURT convicted 1—TEENAGE—GIRL, 17—JAHRE—ALT, arrested, of attempted terrorism for planning bomb attacks against 2—SCHOOLS.
20180113             HAWAII, 1—FALSE—ALARM about 1—INCOMING ballistic missile caused panic in the Pacific archipelago already on edge over fears of 1—NORTH—KOREA—ATTACK.
20180113             —CORRECTED, It took nearly 40—MINUTES for 1, message to be issued.
20180113             —INJURED, NORTH—ALBANIA, 1—TNT explosion, 1—BUILDING—OWNER as he was entering his vehicle and 7—PASSERS—BY in Shkodra.
20180113             —DISSOLVED, FOREIGN—BASED MEMBERS—OF—CAMBODIA'S, opposition party, THE—CAMBODIA National Rescue Party (CNRP), launched 1—MOVEMENT to demand the release of its detained leader and to call for free and fair elections and possibly protests.
20180113             1—CHINA—SALVAGE—TEAM recovered 2—BODIES from the stricken Sanchi IRAN—OIL—TANKER, still blazing 1—WEEK—AFTER it caught fire and was left adrift —FOLLOWING 1—COLLISION in THE—EAST—CHINA—SEA.
20180113             30—IRANIANS and 2—BANGLADESHIS remained missing.
20180113             —CALLED, Catholics in the Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO, for 1—FRESH—RALLY against "the dictatorship" as they step up pressure on PRESIDENT—JOSEPH—KABILA.
20180113             THE—CZECH—REPUBLIC—REP. nearly complete results showed that incumbent EAST—LOOKING MILOS—ZEMAN won the 1. round of the presidential election, but runner up Jiri Drahos may pose 1—STRONG—CHALLENGE in the 2. round in 2—WEEKS.
20180113             EGYPT, gunmen shot dead Bassem Attallah (35), 1—CHRISTIAN man, in the turbulent NORTH—OF—THE—SINAI—PENINSULA, the latest attack to target MEMBERS—OF—THE—COUNTRY—CHRISTIAN minority.
20180113             —LOBBIED, LEFT—WING GERMANY—SOCIAL Democrats, party members against joining CHANCELLOR—ANGELA—MERKEL—CONSERVATIVES in 1—RE—RUN—OF—THEIR 20130000—20170000     alliance, 1—WEEK—BEFORE delegates are asked to back 1—COALITION blueprint.
20180113             INDIA, 1—HELICOPTER carrying EMPLOYEES—OF—THE—STATE—OWNED Oil and Natural Gas Commission to 1—OFF—SHORE rig in the Arabian Sea crashed, killing 5—PEOPLE and leaving another 2—MISSING.
20180113             INDIA, 1—FERRY boat carrying mostly teenage schoolchildren sank in the Arabian Sea off the western coast, killing 3—STUDENTS.
20180113             IRAQ, 1—SUICIDE bombing in BAGHDAD targeting 1—POLICE—CHECKPOINT killed 8 and wounded at least 10—OTHERS.
20180113             —AGREED, The rival Koreas, that their talks next —WEEK will address 1—NORTH—KOREA—ART troupe's visit to the Pyeongchang —WINTER Olympics in the South, rather than the participation of the nation's athletes.
20180113             —REPORTED, It was, that JAPAN has entered into 1—PACT with ESTONIA, LATVIA and LITHUANIA to boost economic and political ties.
20180113             —EXPELLED, LIBERIA—RULING Unity Party, the country's outgoing PRESIDENT, Ellen JOHNSON—SIRLEAF, who is accused by party leaders of meddling in —LAST—YEAR—PRESIDENTIAL—ELECTIONS in which its candidate suffered 1—BRUISING defeat.
20180113             WEST—MEXICO, the remains of at least 30—PEOPLE were found in 3 clustered graves in the municipality of Xalisco, Nayarit state.
20180113             —STABBED, MEXICO—JOURNALIST—CARLOS—DOMINGUEZ, 77—JAHRE—ALT was, 21—TIMES—AFTER being dragged from his car —WHILE waiting at 1—TRAFFIC—LIGHT with his 3—GRANDCHILDREN in NUEVO—LAREDO.
20180113             —ARRESTED, In March prosecutors said 6—SUSPECTS have been, in the case.
20180113             —KILLED, PAKISTAN, police in the port CITY—OF—KARACHI, Naqeeb Ullah (27), claiming he was linked to Taliban insurgents.
20180113             —DENIED, ULLAH—RELATIVES, he was 1—TALIBAN member and demanded justice.
20180113             Police in THE—PHILIPPINES said DOZENS—OF—CHINESE and TAIWAN—NATIONALS have been arrested on SUSPICION—OF—EXTORTION—OF—MONEY from people in CHINA via 1—TELECOMS—SCAM.
20180113             —RIPPED, Fire, through 1—LOCAL—COMMUNITY—CENTER in NORTH—PORTUGAL where DOZENS—OF—PEOPLE were watching 1—WEEKEND—FOOTBALL—MATCH, killing 8 and injuring another 38.
20180113             —DEPLOYED, RUSSIA, 1—NEW—DIVISION—OF—S—400—SURFACE—TO—AIR—MISSILES in Crimea, in 1—ESCALATION—OF—MILITARY—TENSIONS on the Crimean peninsula.
20180113             —CELEBRATED, SOUTH—AFRICA—RULING African National Congress (ANC), its 106. anniversary and new leader Cyril Ramaphosa vowed to crack down on the corruption that has weakened the party.
20180113             —STORMED, MEMBERS—OF—1—SOUTH—AFRICA—OPPOSITION—PARTY, into SOME—H&M stores across the country to protest 1—PROMOTIONAL image of 1—BLACK—CHILD wearing 1—SWEATSHIRT with the words "Coolest monkey in the jungle".
20180113             —APOLOGIZED, THE—SWEDEN—CLOTHING retailer has, —AFTER 1—OUTCRY in other countries.
20180113             TUNISIA—PRESIDENT—BEJI—CAID—ESSEBSI held talks with political parties, unions and employers to discuss means to overcome 1—WEEK—OF—UNREST triggered by austerity measures.
20180113             TURKEY—PRESIDENT—RECEP—TAYYIP—ERDOGAN said TURKEY will oust Kurdish militants from Afrin, NORTH—SYRIA, as the military shelled the area from across the border.
20180113             —SKIDDED, NORTH—TURKEY, 1—PLANE with 168—PEOPLE aboard, off 1—RUNWAY onto 1—SEASIDE cliff —AFTER landing at THE—TRABZON airport late —TODAY, but no 1 was injured in what 1—PASSENGER called a "miracle".
20180113             [l] Was passiert, wenn in 1—SCHLACHTHOF die EDV ausfällt?
20180113             —NACH, Auskunft von Konzernsprecher Dr
20180113             Ist ja nur noch —JUST—IN—TIME alles —HEUTE, niemand will mehr für Lager zahlen, die AUS—FÄLLE abpuffern könnten — außer natürlich, die LAGERHALTUNGS—SOFTWARE fällt aus
20180113             BREXIT—DRAMA: —JETZT will sogar Farage ein neues REFERENDUM
20180113             —NACH, LAFONTAINE—VORSTOß: WAGENKNECHT will neue linke Volkspartei
20180113             —NEUE—RÜSTUNG—PANNE, BUNDESWEHR muss 20200000             —BIS mit OLDTIMER—HUBSCHRAUBER fliegen
20180113             —ANSCHLAGSVERSUCH in des LUDWIGhafen: Zwölfjähriger bastelte Bombengürtel
20180113             —DIE—LAGE—AM—SAMSTAG, DONALD—TRUMP überleben
20180113             —VOR, DER—USA—WAHL: DONALD—TRUMP—ANWALT soll Pornostar Schweigegeld gezahlt haben
20180113             "Drecksloch"—AFFÄRE: AFRIKAnische Union fordert Entschuldigung von DONALD—TRUMP
20180113             Russische STÜTZ—PUNKTE in SYRIEN : ANGRIFF des Drohnenschwarms
20180113             SEXISMUS: LIAM—NEESON beklagt "Hexenjagd"auf Männer
20180113             Urlaub auf eigener Achse und im vertrauten Ambiente ist das neue Statussymbol 1—AUF Individualität bedachten KONSUM—GESELLSCHAFT.
20180113             1—PROVOKATION nennt der RUSSLAND—PRÄSIDENT das, was auf der russischen LUFTWAFFEN—BASIS Hmeimim und dem nahe gelegenen MARINE—STÜTZ—PUNKT TARTUS in SYRIEN passiert ist
20180113             Als START—PUNKT wurde den Angaben zufolge das Dorf Maouzra in der Provinz Idlib ermittelt, 1—GEBIET, das von den SYRIEN—REBELLEN kontrolliert wird
20180113             Außerdem erwähnte das MINISTERium, dass
20180113             —NUN, wurden die RUSSLAND—MILITÄRS von der Attacke mit gleich 10—DROHNEN in Hmeimim wohl überrascht
20180113             Dass gleich massenhaft Fluggeräte Hmeimim mit Sprengstoff attackierten, zeigt, dass
20180113             Der in SYRIEN gefundene Sprengstoff werde unter anderem IN—DER—UKRAINE hergestellt, in der —FABRIK Schostka im Nordosten von KIEW.
20180113             DIE—DROHNEN, die DAS—VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTERIUM präsentierte, wirken wie zusammengezimmert: BILDER—DES—MINISTERIUM zeigen Bauten aus Sperrholz, die mit 1—HOLZPROPELLER ausgestattet sind, der von 1—KLEINEN Benzinmotor angetrieben wird
20180113             Wie DIE—BBC RUSSLAND berichtete, können die Teile zum Bau der Fluggeräte ohne große Probleme im Handel gekauft werden.
20180113             ARCHÄOLOGEN haben in ÄGYPTEN die Überreste von 2—MEHR als 4.400—JAHRE—ALT Gebäuden von Minenarbeitern entdeckt.
20180113             Ruinen aus der 5. Dynastie
20180113             in der Region Tal EDFU nördlich von Assuan
20180113             Eines der Gebäude stammt demnach aus der Zeit von Pharao Djedkare Isesi aus der 5. Dynastie, er regierte ÄGYPTEN—VON—2381—2353_VOR_CHRISTUS.
20180113             Das 2. Gebäude wurde den Angaben zufolge WÄHREND der 6. Dynastie erbaut, die
20180113             Sie seien als Verwaltungsgebäude für die MINEN—ARBEITER genutzt worden, DIE—DAMALS, in der Arabischen Wüste Gold, Kupfer und Edelsteine abgebaut hätten
20180113             Historisches Tief: ZAHL—DER—ORGANSPENDER in DEUTSCHLAND fällt auf 769
20180113             FRANKREICH—MACRON will Baguette zum UNESCO—KULTURERBE erklären lassen - Insgesamt waren
20180113             —WÄHREND, dieser Zeiten gingen die Bestände zurück, selbst bei weniger intensiven Auseinandersetzungen.
20180113             DIE—KRIEGE hatten 1—STÄRKEREN Einfluss auf die Tierbestände als etwa Dürren oder Bergbau.
20180113             Als Beispiel nennen DIE—FORSCHER den Gorongosa Nationalpark in Mosambik
20180113             LANDESPARTEI—TAG: SPD in SACHSEN—ANHALT stimmt gegen GROßE—KOALITION
20180113             HONOLULU: Falscher Raketenalarm schreckt Hawaiianer auf
20180113             WIKILEAKS—INFORMANTIN: CHELSEA—MANNING will für USA—SENAT kandidieren
20180113             —AM, 38—MINUTEN lang dachten die Hawaiianer sie würden Ziel eines AATOM—ANGRIFFS.
20180113             und fahrlässigen Computersystemen.
20180113             "Drohende ballistische Rakete. Sofort Zuflucht suchen.
20180113             Das ist keine Übung": Diese Nachricht bekamen 100.000e Hawaiianer
20180113             —AM, auf ihr Mobiltelefon.
20180113             Der Aufseher der NACHTSCHICHT—ARBEITER der hawaiischen KATASTROPHEN—BEHÖRDE EMA hatte sich spontan zu 1—ALARM—TEST entschlossen, der den gerade eintreffenden Tagesschichtarbeitern galt.
20180113             Deren Vorgesetzter dachte aber, daß sich der Test noch an die Nachtdienstler richtete und war daher nicht darauf vorbereitet, den morgendlichen Test zu überwachen.
20180113—19670000    —DIE—GEGRÜNDETE, offizielle Jugendorganisation der rechtsextremen NPD, Junge Nationaldemokraten, umbenennt sich in Junge Nationalisten.
20180201             PAKISTAN, THOUSANDS—OF—PEOPLE from the country's powerful Mehsud tribe rallied in ISLAMABAD, demanding THE—ARREST—OF—POLICE—OFFICER—RAO Anwar accused of killing aspiring model Naqeeb Ullah in a 20180113              shootout in KARACHI.
20180411—20180113    Ermittler untersuchten, wie es zu dem Fehlalarm kam — ,
20180411—20180113    Ermittler berichten nun von vielen Missverständnissen und fahrlässigen Computersystemen und fahrlässigen Computersystemen.
20190110—20190113    —ON, MAJOR—GENERAL—MOHAMMAD—SALEH—TAMAH, CHIEF—OF—YEMEN—MILITARY—INTELLIGENCE, † of wounds suffered in the attack.
20190113             —THREATENED, USA—PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP, TURKEY with economic devastation if it attacks 1—USA—ALLIED—KURDISH—MILITIA in Syria.
20190113             —FILMED, She had, 1—BLACK—LIVES—MATTER documentary —AFTER visiting relatives in THE—NEW—ORLEANS area.
20190113             —WORKED, She has, at THE—IRAN—STATE broadcaster service —FOR—25—YEARS.
20190113             Her son, Reza Hashemi, was also arrested.
20190113             † ALABAMA, BIRMINGHAM police SERGEANT—WYTASHA—CARTER, 44—JAHRE—ALT was killed and another officer critically wounded in 1—SHOOTING as they questioned 2—PEOPLE suspected of trying to break into cars.
20190113             2—SUSPECTS were taken into custody.
20190113             MISSISSIPPI, GEORGE—ROBINSON, 62—JAHRE—ALT, 1—BLACK—MAN, was slammed into the pavement by police officers who also struck and kicked him in the head and the chest.
20190113             The officers were canvassing 1—PREDOMINANTLY—BLACK—NEIGHBORHOOD in JACKSON —AFTER 1—PASTOR, ANTHONY—LONGINO, was fatally shot in 1 botched robbery outside his church hours —EARLIER.
20190113             † It was reported that at least 26—PEOPLE have from hantavirus in the Patragonia REGION—OF—ARGENTINA —SINCE December.
20190113             † 1—JUDGE has ordered 85—RESIDENTS—OF—EPUYEN, 1—TOWN—OF—3,000 where 9—PEOPLE have, to remain in their homes for at least 30—DAYS to help halt the outbreak.
20190113             —AGREED, BANGLADESH—COMMERCE—MINISTER said local garment manufacturers have, to raise workers' pay, urging people to return to work —AFTER 1—WEEK—OF—VIOLENT—DEMONSTRATIONS.
20190113             At least 20—PEOPLE were hurt —WHEN police used teargas and water cannons to disperse workers blocking 1—MAJOR—HIGHWAY in the Ashulia garment manufacturing belt, on THE—OUTSKIRTS—OF—THE—CAPITAL—DHAKA.
20190113             DUBAI—BASED port operator DP World said it will pay $502—MILLION for a 71.3—PERCENT stake in CHILE—PUERTOS y Logistica SA, 1—PORT services firm.
20190113             —DENOUNCED, FRANCE—MEDIA and reporters' organizations, attacks on journalists by "yellow vest" ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTERS and called for better protection —AFTER 1—SERIES—OF—INCIDENTS this weekend.
20190113             —ATTEMPTED, PRESIDENT—EMMANUEL—MACRON, to rebound from 2—MONTHS—OF—OFTEN violent ANTI—GOVERNMENT—PROTESTS by launching 1—NATIONWIDE debate over the grievances fuelling the "yellow vest" movement.
20190113             —KILLED, FRANCE, 2—SKI patrollers were, —WHEN the devices they use to trigger avalanches exploded.
20190113             This brought to at least 26 THE—NUMBER—OF—WEATHER—RELATED deaths reported in parts of EUROPE this —MONTH.
20190113             —ANNOUNCED, GREECE—DEFENSE—MINISTER—PANOS—KAMMENOS, his resignation and said his RIGHT—WING Independent Greeks party is quitting the government —AFTER meeting with PRIME—MINISTER—ALEXIS—TSIPRAS.
20190113             The government —NOW needs the backing of 6—LAWMAKERS from opposition parties or independents to avoid 1—SNAP election.
20190113             —ACKNOWLEDGED, ISRAEL, that it carried out 1—WEEKEND—AIR—STRIKE on what it called 1—IRAN—ARMS cache in Syria, and that it also completed 1—HUNT for CROSS—BORDER—TUNNELS dug by TEHRAN—ALLIED LEBANON—HEZBOLLAH guerrillas.
20190113             ITALY—OFFICIALS said former leftist guerrilla CESARE—BATTISTI, 64—JAHRE—ALT, on the run for almost —4—DECADES—AFTER escaping prison —FOLLOWING 1—MURDER—CONVICTION, has been arrested in BOLIVIA and is expected to be extradited to ITALY.
20190113             —ERUPTED, KASHMIR, massive ANTI—INDIA protests and clashes, leading to injuries to at least 16—PEOPLE—AFTER 1—GUNBATTLE between militants and government forces overnight killed 2—REBELS.
20190113             —URGED, THE—SOUTH—AFRICA—DEVELOPMENT—COMMUNITY (SADC), Democratic REPUBLIC—OF—CONGO to recount votes cast in its disorganized presidential election, raising pressure on KINSHASA to ensure the legitimacy of the next government and avert widespread violent unrest.
20190113             SOUTH—SPAIN, a 2—YEAR—OLD toddler fell into 1—NARROW—100—METER well —AFTER walking away from his parents near Totalan, 1—TOWN—NORTH—EAST—OF—MALAGA.
20190113             —MARCHED, SUDAN, HUNDREDS—OF—PROTESTERS, in and —AROUND KHARTOUM, the 4. —WEEK—OF—UNREST that began over skyrocketing prices and 1—FAILING economy but which —NOW calls for the ouster of autocratic PRESIDENT—OMAR—AL—BASHIR.
20190113             —CLASHED, Security forces, with protesters in 3—CITIES.
20190113             SWITZERLAND, 1—FIRE broke out this —MORNING in a 6—STORY building in THE—SOUTH—EAST—CITY—OF—CHUR.
20190113             † 1—FATHER, 33—JAHRE—ALT from THE—DOMINICAN—REPUBLIC and his 2—YOUNG—CHILDREN, in the fire and police were investigating if the man set the fire deliberately.
20190113             —REACTED, Zimbabweans, with outrage to 1—SHARP—RISE in fuel prices announced by PRESIDENT—EMMERSON—MNANGAGWA in 1—MOVE to improve supplies as the country struggles with its worst gasoline shortages in 1—DECADE.
20190113             Mays Appell vor BREXIT—ABSTIMMUNG: "Schluss mit den Spielchen"
20190113             Größter Drogenfall des bayerischen LKA: Der Schreinermeister, den sie "El Maestro" nannten (SPIEGEL+, 08:48)
20190113             Historiker über die Erstausstrahlung von "HOLOCAUST": "DIE—ABWEHRFRONT war breit" (SPIEGEL+, 10:05)
20190113             Wegen MAZEDONIEN—ABKOMMEN: Griechenlands VERTEIDIGUNGS—MINISTER tritt zurück
20190113             BREXIT—SHOWDOWN: Gefesselt und gedemütigt
20190113             BREXIT: CORBYN bekräftigt Nein zu zweitem REFERENDUM
20190113             —SEIT—JAHRZEHNTEN ist CESARE—BATTISTI auf der Flucht vor der italienischen Justiz, nun ist DER—FRÜHERE—LINKSTERRORIST Fahndern in BOLIVIEN ins Netz gegangen.
20190113             Das bestätigte 1—BERATER des neuen brasilianischen Präsidenten JAIR—BOLSONARO, Filipe G.
20190113             1—SPEZIAL—TEAM—VON—INTERPOL und italienische Agenten hätten ihn in der bolivianischen Stadt SANTA—CRUZ aufgespürt.
20190113             um die Auslieferung des 64-jährigen ITALIENers zu erreichen,
20190113             Er soll als MITGLIED—DER—GRUPPE "Bewaffnete Proletarier für den KOMMUNISMUS" ENDE—DER—SIEBZIGER—JAHRE an 4—MORDEN in seiner Heimat beteiligt gewesen sein.
20190113             Endlich könnte es für die Angehörigen der TODESOPFER—VON—DAMALS, "Gerechtigkeit geben", schrieb ITALIENs PREMIER—MINISTER—GIUSEPPE—CONTE auf FACEBOOK.
20190113             DER—STAAT habe den Familien "DIE—FESTNAHME und Auslieferung von CESARE—BATTISTI" geschuldet.
20190113             ITALIENs rechtsgerichteter INNEN—MINISTER—MATTEO—SALVINI dankte den beteiligten Beamten für DIE—FESTNAHME "eines Verbrechers, der das angenehme Leben am Strand nicht verdient und der den Rest seiner TAGE im Gefängnis verbringen sollte".
20190113             Der italienische BOTSCHAFTER—IN—BRASILIEN, ANTONIO Bernadini, twitterte: "Battisti ist festgenommen!
20190113             DIE—DEMOKRATIE ist stärker als DER—TERRORISMUS!"
20190113             —UNTER—DEM, SOZIALISTISCHER—PRÄSIDENTEN FRANÇOIS—MITTERAND hatte Battisti in den NEUNZIGER—JAHREN in Frankreich Zuflucht vor der italienischen —JUSTIZ gefunden und sich 1.Existenz als SCHRIFTSTELLER aufgebaut.
20190113             Dort lebte er —ZUNÄCHST im Verborgenen, —BIS er 20070000              in RIO—DE—JANEIRO gefasst wurde.
20190113             —NACH, JAHRE—LANGER Haft erließ der LINKS—GERICHTETE brasilianische EX—PRÄSIDENT—LUIZ—INÁCIO—LULA—DA—SILVA 1—DEKRET, in dem er 1.Auslieferung verweigerte.
20190113             BRASILIENs neuer RECHTS—RADIKALER PRÄSIDENT—JAIR—BOLSONARO hatte ITALIEN aber —BEREITS vor seiner Wahl
20190113             [l] Ich habe ja die Befürchtung geäußert, daß DIE—LINKEN deshalb nicht mit den Rechten reden wollen, weil sie erkannt haben, daß ihre Weltanschauung nicht auf solidem Fundament steht, und sie Angst haben, daß sie umgestimmt werden könnten, wenn sie sich rechtem Gedankengut aussetzen.
20190113             Das ist natürlich die positive Interpretation, wie ich überhaupt immer bemüht bin, von Leuten das am wenigsten Schlimme anzunehmen.
20190113             Das empfinde ich als die deutlich gemeinere Unterstellung, daher teile ich das nicht.
20190113             Es bietet sich aber auch die Interpretation an, daß DIE—LINKE Seite im DIS—KURS viel stärker einbezieht, mit wem sie da reden, während es der rechten Seite um die Inhalte geht.
20190113             [l] Stellt euch vor, ihr seid 1.große Firma, und ihr habe Sorgen wegen der IT—SICHERHEIT.
20190113             [l] GUTE—NACHRICHTEN! DIE—ZEIT—DER—KRISEN und PROBLEME—BEI—DER Bahn ist beendet!
20190113             [l] Was dauert bei der MUELLER Investigation eigentlich so elend lang?!
20190113             Nun, die —BISHER beste THEORIE dazu ist: Parallel Construction takes time.
20190113             GRATIS—WLAN: Freifunker könnten als gemeinnützig anerkannt werden
20190113             —NACH, WARNUNG—DURCH—GAULAND: AfD schwächt Forderung nach deutschem EU—AUSTRITT ab
20190113             Maschinelles Lernen: Die KI—REVOLUTION im Reagenzglas
20190113             Gutachten: BREXIT ohne Deal würde DEUTSCHLAND MILLIARDEN kosten
20190113             NAHOST—BESUCH: Pompeo fordert Aufklärung im FALL—KHASHOGGI
20190113             FACEBOOK: —KARTELL—AMT will DATEN—SAMMELN über 3. verbieten
20190113             BMW—GROßAKTIONÄR: STEfAN Quandt baut neue Industriegruppe auf
20190113             Social Design: Eine bessere Welt ausarbeiten
20190113             —ABSTIMMUNG—IM—UNTERHAUS: Wer was plant im BREXIT—CHAOS
20190113             EX—BREXIT—MINISTER—DAVIS: "Es gibt für uns keinen Grund, Angst zu haben" (SPIEGEL+, 20:42)
20190113             PROZESS—GEGEN—EX—DROGEN—BOSS Guzmán: Wie "EL—CHAPOS" Geschäft funktionierte
20190113             MEDIEN—BERICHT, EU—KOMMISSION will Einstimmigkeit in STEUER—POLITIK abschaffen
20190113             Polen: BÜRGER—MEISTER von Danzig bei MESSER—ANGRIFF schwer verletzt
20190113             Seda BASAY—YILDIZ: "NSU 2.0" soll Rechtsanwältin erneut bedroht haben
20190113             [l] Oh wow! Kaum sind mal Politiker betroffen, kommt —PLÖTZLICH, Haftung für TECH—FIRMEN ins Gespräch!
20190113             —NACH—DEM, Datenleak bringt Barley 1.MUSTERKLAGE—GEGEN—TWITTER, FACEBOOK und Co ins Gespräch.
20190113             Also ich fände das ja 1—GUTEN Schritt, wenn wir für SOFTWARE mal ähnliche Regeln wie für Hardware einführen.
20190113             —IM—MOMENT hat niemand 1—ANREIZ, seine SOFTWARE so zu schreiben, daß sie wartbar ist oder auch nur deterministisches Verhalten an den —TAG legt.
20190113             Was wir sehen ist die logische Fortführung von "Time to Market" als einzigem verbleibendem Erfolgsfaktor: Pfusch, wo du hinguckst.
20190113             —TAGUNG, Auf der, anderen Seite hätte ich dann gerne auch den STAAT—IN—DER—HAFTUNG.
20190113             Datensparsamkeit ist geil! Wann wolltet ihr damit anfangen?
20190113             [l] OLD—AND—BUSTED, In ENGLAND sind DIE—MENSCHEN übergewichtig.
20190113             NEW—HOTNESS, In ENGLAND sind die Pferde übergewichtig.
20190113             HALF—OF—HORSES—IN—THE—UK are overweight because owners have forgotten how to keep them healthy, leading equine vets have warned.
20190113             [l] NRW fährt 1.neue Strategie gegen "CLAN—KRIMINALITÄT" (gemeint sind arabische Großfamilien).
20190113             14—FESTNAHMEN, 100—STRAFANZEIGEN, 500—ANGEZEIGTE Ordnungswidrigkeiten beispielsweise wegen des Verstoßes gegen das RAUCH—VERBOTIN Bars.
20190113             Ja gut, äh... da hätte man ja —SCHON irgendwie mehr erwartet, denn die Razzien gingen ja "GEGEN—DIE—ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT".
20190113             Deshalb ist die GROß—AKTION vom —SAMSTAG auch Show, auch MACHT—DEMONSTRATION des Staates.
20190113             Oh ach soooo.
20190113             Aus meiner Sicht sieht das eher wie die massivste RAZZIA—GEGEN—AUSLÄNDISCHE Geschäftsleute aus.
20190113             Ich hatte ja insGEHEIM gehofft, daß die 1—PLAN haben, wie sie GEGEN—DIE—ORGANISIERTE—KRIMINALITÄT vorgehen wollen.
20190113             [l] Wo wir gerade bei KRIMinalität durch ausländische Großfamilien waren: In BERLIN ging gerade der PROZESS—GEGEN—DIE—DIEBE los, die die 100KG—GOLDMÜNZE aus dem Bosemuseum geklaut hatten.
20190113             KRAMP—KARRENBAUER deutet an, daß die CDU 1—RENTEN—KONZEPT habe.
20190113—20170000    —IN—THE, CALIFORNIA—PG&E Corp. announced the resignation of CEO—GEISHA—WILLIAMS as the company faces BILLIONS—OF—DOLLARS in potential liability for its role and 20180000              CALIFORNIA wildfires.
20190113—20190115    —ON, Robinson † off his injuries.
20190113—20190126    —ON, rescuers found the dead BODY—OF—THE—2—YEAR—OLD—BOY.
20190113—20200805    —INVOLVED, THE—3—BLACK—POLICE offiers, were charged with 2. degree murder.
20190116             RENKEN—BODY was found 20190113          .
20190116—20190113    —ARRESTED, Xie Haojie (49) was, in MANILA in 1—OPERATION coordinated with CHINA—AUTHORITIES.
20200107             USA REPRESENTATIVE—DUNCAN—HUNTER, 1—LEADING—CALIFORNIA—REPUBLICAN who pleaded guilty last —MONTH to 1—FEDERAL—CORRUPTION—CHARGE—OF—CONSPIRACY to misuse campaign funds, announced that he would resign from office effective 20200113       .
20200113             The new revelations significantly undermine the administration's claim that Soleimani needed to be killed because he posed an "imminent threat" to USA—LIVES in the region.
20200113             1—USA federal judge ruled that THE—TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION—ONGOING SEPARATIONS—OF—FAMILIES at THE—USA—MEXICO border based on parents' criminal history or health exclusions are being carried out with proper discretion.
20200113             —PLEADED, FORMER—USA—TREASURY—DEPARTMENT—EMPLOYEE—NATALIE—MAY—EDWARDS, guilty to leaking confidential documents relating to FORMER—TRUMP campaign chairman PAUL—MANAFORT and others to 1—REPORTER from digital media company BuzzFeed.
20200113             —REPORTED, It was, that THE—USA is sending 21—SAUDI—ARABIA—CADETS back to SAUDI—ARABIA.
20200113             Many of the cadets had contact with child pornography and possessed jihadist or ANTI—USA—MATERIAL.
20200113             —FOLLOWED, This, the shooting last —MONTH in which Saudi 2. LIEUTENANT—MOHAMMED—ALSHAMRANI opened fire at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fl., killing 3—USA—SOLDIERS—BEFORE he was killed by 1—SHERIFF—DEPUTY.
20200113             FORMER—INSYS VICE—PRESIDENT—OF—MANAGED—MARKETS—MICHAEL—GURRY was sentenced to nearly 3—YEARS in prison as PART—OF—THE 1. federal case meant to hold 1—OPIOIDS—MANUFACTURER criminally accountable for the ongoing epidemic in the country.
20200113             GEORGE—NADER, 1—WEALTHY—LEBANESE—USA—POLITICAL—CAMPAIGN bundler for Hillary Clinton and frequent guest in PRESIDENT—TRUMP—WHITE—HOUSE in the 1. few MONTHS—OF—HIS—ADMINISTRATION, pleaded guilty to child exploitation charges in federal COURT—IN—ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA.
20200113             —ARRESTED, COLORADO, 1—MAN was, —AFTER allegedly stabbing 8—PEOPLE in and —AROUND downtown COLORADO Springs early —TODAY.
20200113             —CARRIED, Police said the attacks were apparently, out at random.
20200113             —ANNOUNCED, SENATOR—CORY—BOOKER, D—NEW—JERSEY, that he is suspending his presidential campaign.
20200113             —CONTRIBUTED, Booker said multiple factors had, to his conclusion that he had no chance to win the Democratic nomination.
20200113             NORTH—CAROLINA, WILLIAM—TODD—CHAMBERLAIN, 46—JAHRE—ALT, 1—FORMER—USA—ARMY—GREEN—BERET, pleaded guilty to his role in 1—CONSPIRACY to steal money from the government that was meant to support the armed forces' mission in AFGHANISTAN.
20200113             Deionna Young (26), 1—FORMER—MANAGER at 1—OKLAHOMA—ARBY—RESTAURANT, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 2—DECADES in prison.
20200113             —CHARGED, She was, with fatally shooting 1—CUSTOMER who she said spit on her.
20200113             —FAILED, Acasti Pharma Inc said its krill OIL—DERIVED drug had, to beat placebo by 1—LARGE—MARGIN in reducing 1—TYPE—OF—FAT found in blood that increases THE—RISK—OF—HEART—DISEASES, sending its shares spiraling down nearly 67%.
20200113             —AGREED, Biogen Inc said it has, to buy 1—EARLY—STAGE—EXPERIMENTAL—TREATMENT from Pfizer Inc that it aims to test in patients with Alzheimer's and PARKINSON—DISEASE.
20200113             Under the deal, Pfizer will get $75—MILLION—UPFRONT and will be eligible for $635—MILLION in potential milestone payments.
20200113             —REPORTED, It was, that at least 54—PEOPLE have been killed by the combination of heavy snowfall, brutal cold and severe flooding in AFGHANISTAN and PAKISTAN.
20200113             1—DEADLY—WINTER—STORM brought severe impacts to MILLIONS—OF—PEOPLE from parts of the Arabian Peninsula to PAKISTAN beginning late last —WEEK and through the weekend.
20200113             CHINA said it prevented THE—HEAD—OF—HUMAN—RIGHTS—WATCH from entering HONG—KONG BECAUSE—OF—THE—GROUP—SUPPORT for the territory's ongoing protest movement.
20200113             —KILLED, CHINA, at least 6—PEOPLE were, and 16 injured —AFTER 1—CITY—BUS crashed through the road and into 1—SINKHOLE in THE—CITY—OF—XINING.
20200113             Kassem had been on 1—LIQUID—ONLY—HUNGER—STRIKE on and off for years —BEFORE stopping the liquids last —WEEK.
20200113             FRANCE, Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont took his seat as 1—MEMBER—OF—THE—EUROPEAN—PARLIAMENT in STRASBOURG despite facing 1—ARREST—WARRANT against him in SPAIN.
20200113             NEBIH said more than 50,000 birds, would have to be culled and other precautionary measures implemented to contain THE—SPREAD—OF—THE—INFECTION.
20200113             —RAIDED, ISRAEL—POLICE said they had, 1—CULT—LIKE—GROUP in 1—ULTRA—ORTHODOX—NEIGHBORHOOD—OF—JERUSALEM in which DOZENS—OF—WOMEN and children were being held and abused under extreme "slavery" conditions.
20200113             —KILLED, EAST—KENYA, AL—SHABAB extremists, 3—PEOPLE in 1—ASSAULT—EARLY—TODAY in Kamuthe town, Garissa county.
20200113             This was its 5. attack in 13—DAYS.
20200113             PANAMA, 7—VILLAGERS were slain by "The New LIGHT—OF—GOD" religious cult, —WHILE 14—MORE were rescued the next —DAY by police who found them bound and beaten in 1—TEMPLE in El Terrón. 9—VILLAGERS were soon arrested and charged with murder.
20200113             —REPORTED, POLAND, 1—NEW—OUTBREAK—OF—PATHOGENIC—H5N8 bird flu was, with —AROUND 6,000 geese set to be exterminated.
20200113             Talks in MOSCOW about bringing 1—END to LIBYA—LONG—RUNNING civil war failed to reach 1—SOLUTION and adjourned for the night.
20200113             —HIRED, SLOVAKIA, assassin Miroslav Marcek pleaded guilty to the murders of investigative JOURNALIST—JAN—KUCIAK and his fiancee Martina Kusnirova in Feb., 20180000          .
20200113             3—OTHER—DEFENDANTS, including suspected mastermind Marian Kocner, pleaded not guilty.
20200113             —REPORTED, THE—WHO said that THAILAND—OFFICIALS have, that 1—TRAVELER from THE—CHINA—CITY—OF—WUHAN has been hospitalized in THAILAND with 1—RECENTLY identified new TYPE—OF—CORONAVIRUS.
20200113             —GALVANIZED, The report, leaders in BEIJING into recognizing the possible pandemic —BEFORE them.
20200113             [l] Leserbrief zum Fimbulwinter:
20200113             der Verweis auf den Fimbulwinter — also ein besonders harter —WINTER als Vorankündigung von Ragnarøk — könnte als realen Zusammenhang die Vereisung von GRÖNLAND haben.
20200113             —BELANDWIRTSCHAFTET, Das war nämlich mal, ehe es zu kalt wurde.
20200113             Also.
20200113             KLIMA—KATASTROPHE ja, aber nicht Erwärmung, wie vom Mainstream deliriert, sondern Frost und Eiszeit.
20200113             Und ein anderer Leserbrief dazu:
20200113             Das Thema hat —SCHON lange Tradition, Nordeuropa war immer marginal.
20200113             Wenn es mal 1—GENERATION lang gut ging, ist DIE—BEVÖLKERUNG gewachsen.
20200113             Ein schlechtes —JAHR führt dann zu Klimaflüchtlingen, in römischer Literatur als Barbareninvasion beschrieben.
20200113             Man kann nicht bei JEDER—INVASION klar sagen, daß es 1—KLIMA—KATASTROPHE war.
20200113             Und Flüchtlinge können auch friedlich als Siedler/Sklaven aufgenommen WERDEN—BEI den Goten weiß man, daß sie zuerst friedlich aufgenommen wurden und es danach —ERST zu Kriegen kam.
20200113             Aber man kann trotzdem einfach mal bekannte Invasionen als grobe Idee nehmen:
20200113             Wär spannend, die Liste mal mit Klimadaten zu vergleichen.
20200113             [l] Leserbrief auf Englisch: I don't know if you've seen this 1: The antibiotic apocalypse is here.
20200113             This is important because there are few CLASSES—OF—ANTIBIOTICS that are active against fungi and they are heavily used in agriculture as antifungals.
20200113             If (that's —WHEN) important fungal plant pathogens develop resistance against azoles it's game over.
20200113             [l] Die britische POLIZEI hat Extinction Rebellion als extremistische Ideologie eingestuft.
20200113             In einer Handreichung für Lehrer, die an Schulen rausging.
20200113             [l] Ein seltener Einblick, wie Krisendiplomatie funktioniert, gibt es gerade hier zu sehen.
20200113             —ENCRYPTED, THE—USA sent 1, fax via THE—SWITZERLAND—EMBASSY in TEHRAN urging IRAN not to escalate, followed by 1—FLURRY—OF—BACK and forth messages.
20200113             Das ist echt auf mehreren Schichten toll.
20200113             Erstmal: 1—FAX? Dann: Die Schweizer Botschaft steht immer noch als Notnagel für Kommunikation ein!
20200113             Und dann: Wir ermorden euren GENERAL aber bitte haltet —JETZT mal die Füße still?!?
20200113             Wow.
20200113             —JUST wow.
20200113             Erklärung im Staatsfernsehen: IRAN räumt "unbeabsichtigten" Flugzeugabschuss ein
20200113             "Diego" von den Galápagosinseln: Riesenschildkröte darf nach Rettung ihrer Gattung in Heimat zurück
20200113             50—JAHRE auf dem Thron: Omans Herrscher SULTAN—KABUS ist tot
20200113             Umstrittende Pipeline: Polens Regierungschef übt scharfe KRITIK—AN—NORD—STREAM—2
20200113             "Versehentlicher" Abschuss: Ukrainischer —PRÄSIDENT—FORDERT—ENTSCHÄDIGUNG—VON—IRAN
20200113             Treffen mit Kremlchef PUTIN: MERKELs schwierige MOSKAU—MISSION Aus Moskau berichtet CHRISTIAN—ESCH
20200113             —ÜBERNIMMT, Luftwaffenchef im Staatsfernsehen: REVOLUTIONS—GARDE, Verantwortung für Abschuss
20200113             Hohe Temperaturen, starker Wind: Buschfeuer in AUSTRALIEN vereinen sich zu MEGA—BRAND
20200113             VIRUS in CHINA: 1. Todesfall nach Ausbruch von mysteriöser Lungenkrankheit
20200113             Erklärung des Luftwaffenchefs: "Ich wünschte, ich wäre tot"
20200113             Ionisches Meer: FLÜCHTLINGS—BOOT sinkt vor GRIECHENLAND—MEHRERE Tote - BILDER—DER—WOCHE: Elvis fährt Express
20200113             Raumfahrtbehörde Nasa: Praktikant entdeckt Planeten, der um 2—SONNEN kreist
20200113             BÜRGERMEISTER—VON—KAMP—LINTFORT: Der Genosse, der sich bewaffnen will Von JEAN—PIERRE Ziegler und CHRISTIAN—PARTH (KAMP—LINTFORT)
20200113             Höhreres Eintrittsalter: Frankreichs Regierung streicht HAUPTSTREIT—PUNKT aus Rentenreform
20200113             —BERICHT, des WALL—STREET —JOURNAL: Wie die Schweiz half, die Krise zwischen USA und IRAN zu entschärfen
20200113             Trotz USA—KRITIK: MERKEL und PUTIN verteidigen IRAN—ATOMABKOMMEN
20200113             —PROTESTE—IN—IRAN: Die Wut —NACH—DEM Abschuss
20200113             Political cult leader Lyndon LaRouche † less than a —YEAR ago, aged 96.
20200113             The more you examine the Alt Right, the more LaRouche connections you'll find.
20200113             LaRouche exemplifies THE—RIGHT—MANIPULATION—OF—THE left.
20200113             We're only —JUST beginning to comprehend THE—LEVEL—OF—DECEPTION involved.
20200113             In his public persona, Lyndon LaRouche was all over the place -- pushing Marxism, praising FDR, advocating liberal causes (unions, stronger bank regulation), opposing RONALD—REAGAN, working with RONALD—REAGAN, working with the Klan, working with MITCH—WERBELL, allying himself with ALEX—JONES, hobnobbing with Nazis, advocating the nuclear annihilation of THE—USSR and promoting racism.
20200113             —PRETENDED, The consummate SHAPE—SHIFTER, LaRouche, to be 1—DEMOCRAT even though his money came from THE—RIGHT.
20200113             —HELPED, LaRouche, THE—REPUBLICAN cause despite his proclaimed disdain for THE—BUSH—CLAN.
20200113             LaRouchite Webster Tarpley wrote 1—VERY—HOSTILE—BIOGRAPHY—OF "Poppy" BUSH -- 1—BOOK embraced by progressives, who foolishly ignored THE—POORLY—SOURCED CONSPIRACY—THEORIES and worshipful attitude toward Lyndon LaRouche.
20200113             Kanada: Fehlalarm schreckt Anwohner von ATOM—KRAFTWERK auf
20200113             Philippinen: "Gefährlich aktiver" Vulkan treibt 10—TAUSENDE—MENSCHEN in die Flucht
20200113             —DIE—LAGE—AM—MORGEN: Die Wut der STRAßE—IRANS Regime unter Druck
20200113             —NACH, Abschuss von Boeing 737: IRANer demonstrieren gegen eigene Regierung
20200113             —GEFÄHRDET, Studie: E—MOBILITÄT, mehr als 400.000—JOBS
20200113             Trotz schwacher Konjunktur: Bund erzielt MILLIARDEN—ÜBERSCHUSS
20200113             Emeritierter PAPA: Benedikt XVI. spricht sich gegen Ehe für Priester aus
20200113             Unterwegs mit Umweltaktivisten: Die Tragödie der Ozeane
20200113             Diebesgut aus dem Grünen Gewölbe: POLIZEI prüft angebliches Kaufangebot an den MDR
20200113             Von der Leyens "Green Deal" für die EU: Das BILLIONEN—VERSPRECHEN Aus Brüssel berichtet PETER—MÜLLER
20200113             "Vieles ist mir zu linksradikal": Kapitän Reisch fährt nicht mehr für "Lifeline"
20200113             Vor der Grünen Woche: Klöckner WARNT—VOR—RADIKALEN PROTESTEN—AUCH die Bauern
20200113             RUSSLAND: LIBYEN—KRIEGS—PARTEIEN beraten in Moskau über Feuerpause
20200113             —POSTED—BY—ANONYMOUS—ANONYMOUS : 0532—PM
20200113             —MISSED, In case you, RACHEL—MADDOW —ON—FRIDAY, she offered up 1—BRIEF recap of How THE—NY Times did so much to damage Hilary and to protect TRUMP.
20200113             1—LINK to coverage of this at kos:
20200113             MEDIEN—BERICHT, Union und SPD wollen Verbrennen ausländischer Flaggen verbieten
20200113             Psychiater über Stress und BURN—OUT von Politikern: "Irgendwann geht jeder in die Knie"
20200113             —MONTAG - Mon
20200113             —BERICHTET, USA—MILLIARDÄRE im Wahlkampf: Die Geldschlacht Aus WASHINGTON, INES—ZÖTTL
20200113             Abschuss von Boeing 737: IRAN wehrt sich gegen Vertuschungsvorwurf
20200113             GERICHTS—URTEIL, Arbeitnehmer sind bei Überstunden in der Beweispflicht
20200113             Britische Royals: Harry und WILLIAM kritisieren "falsche Geschichte" über ihre Beziehung
20200113             MILITÄR—BASIS in Spangdahlem: 2—USA—SOLDATEN tot auf STÜTZ—PUNKT—IN—DER Eifel gefunden
20200113             Fotos und Daten geleakt: Das soll Samsungs neues Galaxy S20 können
20200113             Umstrittenes Kohleprojekt in AUSTRALIEN: "Fridays for Future" kündigt 16—NEUE Demos gegen Siemens an
20200113             Bridgmanit: Das häufigste Mineral der Erde — und keiner kennt es
20200113             IRAN: DONALD—TRUMP rechtfertigt gezielte TÖTUNG—VON—SOLEIMANI
20200113             Rezo im KINDER—INTERVIEW: "Wichtig ist, was die Wissenschaftler sagen!" Redaktionelle Begleitung: ALEXANDER—KÜHN
20200113             GELE—AKTE Dokumente: Die globalen VERBINDUNGEN—VON—CAMBRIDGE—ANALYTICA
20200113             —SEIT—AMJAHRESBEGINN veröffentlicht der TWITTER—KANAL "Hindsight Files" tröpfchenweise Dokumente.
20200113             In den kommenden Monaten sollen sie zu einer Flut von mehr als 100.000—UNTERLAGEN aus 68—LÄNDERN anwachsen und zeigen, wie die mittlerweile insolvente SCL GROUP—DER MUTTER—KONZERN der SKANDAL—FIRMA CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA—RUND um den Globus versucht hat, für Regierungen, Parteien oder GEHEIM—DIENSTE Meinungen und Wahlergebnisse zu beeinflussen.
20200113             "Demokratien auf der ganzen Welt werden an den Meistbietenden versteigert", heißt es in der Beschreibung des Twitteraccounts.
20200113             "Wir veröffentlichen DIE—DOKUMENTE, die erklären, wie".
20200113             Hinter den Veröffentlichungen steckt Brittany Kaiser, 1—EX—MITARBEITERIN—DER—FIRMA, die —HEUTE ihre schärfste Kritikerin ist.
20200113             Sie hat mehr als 3—JAHRE als DIRECTOR—OF—BUSINESS Development für die SCL Group gearbeitet und auch Kampagnen mitentworfen.
20200113             —JETZT warnt sie vor Datenmissbrauch und Manipulation.
20200113             PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA/ AFP
20200113             Auch in der NETFLIX—DOKUMENTATION "The Great Hack" spielte Kaiser eine tragende ROLLE—DER Film erzählt, wie Demokratien mit Mikrotargeting von Wählern "gehackt" wurden und nährt mit diesem Narrativ auch den Mythos CAMBRIDGE Analytica.
20200113             DIE—FIRMA stand für den Versuch, auf Basis kleinteiliger Datenanalysen und Persönlichkeitsprofile, sogenannter Psychogramme, maßgeschneiderte Botschaften anzufertigen und so das Verhalten von Menschen zu beeinflussen.
20200113             [l] Zum heutigen Patch —TUESDAY für Windows machen apokalyptische Gerüchte die Runde.
20200113             (As they say in EUROPE, anyone who claims to be beyond right and left is usually on THE—RIGHT — the far right.)
20200113—20090000    —IN, Prosecutors said Chamberlain and 4—OTHER—MEMBERS—OF—THE 3. Special Forces Group based at Fort Bragg, NC, stole about $200,000 —WHILE deployed to AFGHANISTAN and 20100000          .
20200113—20100000    —DIRECTED, INDIA—SUPREME—COURT, the government's crime fighting agency to seize local assets of JPMorgan in relation to SOME—TRANSACTIONS the bank engaged in with 1—LOCAL—REAL—ESTATE—COMPANY.
20200113—20130800    —DETAINED, EGYPT, MUSTAFA—KASSEM, 65—JAHRE—ALT, 1—USA—CITIZEN, in CAIRO —WHILE visiting family in EGYPT, † —AFTER more than 6—YEARS in EGYPT—CUSTODY.
20200113—20190600    —REPORTED, It was, that PRESIDENT—DONALD—TRUMP authorized THE—USA—MILITARY—STRIKE against IRAN—MILITARY and intelligence leader Qassem Soleimani, —7—MONTHS—BEFORE it was carried out.
20200113—20191000    —IM, "Eine Mischung aus Naivität und Ehrgeiz" habe sie auf der falschen Seite der Geschichte landen lassen, schreibt sie in ihrem veröffentlichten Buch "Targeted: THE—CAMBRIDGE Analytica WHISTLEBLOWER—INSIDE—STORY—OF—HOW—BIG—DATA, TRUMP, and FACEBOOK Broke Democracy and How It Can Happen Again".
20210113             —MITTWOCH, 20210113
20210113             Nach TRUMP—KRITIK aus Luxemburg: Wie sich MIKE—POMPEO selbst auslud
20210113             Luxemburgs Außenminister nannte DONALD—TRUMP —NACH—DEM Sturm auf das USA—KAPITOL einen Kriminellen.
20210113             USA—AUßENMINISTER Pompeo sagte kurz darauf seinen Besuch ab — angeblich weil ihn niemand treffen wolle.
20210113             Luxemburgs Außenminister JEAN—ASSELBORN war erstaunt, als er am Dienstagabend kurz vor dem Abendessen 1—MELDUNG—DER—NACHRICHTENAGENTUR—REUTERS las.
20210113             Der scheidende USA—AUßENMINISTER MIKE—POMPEO habe, hieß es dort mit Verweis auf europäische Diplomaten, 1—REISE nach EUROPA unter anderem deswegen abgesagt, weil sich Asselborn einem Treffen mit ihm verweigert hätte.
20210113             Luxemburgs Außenminister machte im Gespräch mit dem SPIEGEL aber deutlich, dass es keine Absage gegeben habe.
20210113             Demnach hat nicht Asselborn 1—TREFFEN mit Pompeo ausgeschlossen, sondern der USA—AUßENMINISTER entschied sich offenbar selbst, seinen Abstecher nach Luxemburg zu canceln
20210113             Stationen sollten Brüssel und Luxemburg sein.
20210113             Doch —BEREITS—AM Sonntagabend teilte die USA—BOTSCHAFT in Brüssel auf diplomatischen Kanälen mit, dass Pompeo das Großherzogtum Luxemburg nicht besuchen werde.
20210113             Die Bilder zeigten, "dass DONALD—TRUMP 1—KRIMINELLER ist", sagte Asselborn dem Luxemburger Sender RTL direkt nach der KAPITOL—ERSTÜRMUNG.
20210113             Trump sei ein "politischer Pyromane, der vor Gericht gestellt werden muss".
20210113             —AM Dienstagmorgen berichtete die "NEW—YORK—TIMES", dass Pompeo seine letzte Auslandsreise abgesagt habe.
20210113             Er habe Luxemburg aus Ärger über Asselborns Äußerungen aus seinem Terminkalender gestrichen, deutete die Zeitung an.
20210113             Der Außenminister des kleinen Landes freut sich über die vielen positiven Reaktionen, die er seitdem aus der ganzen Welt erhält und die seine klare Haltung gegenüber Trump loben.
20210113             Den Plan für den Besuch in Brüssel bei EU und Nato hielt Pompeo noch ein paar Tage aufrecht, der scheidende USA—AUßENMINISTER wolle damit die tiefe Partnerschaft zwischen den USA und Belgien und die unerschütterliche USA—UNTERSTÜTZUNG für die Nato bekräftigen, teilte das STATE—DEPARTMENT mit.
20210113             Angeblich fanden sich bei Nato und EU nicht genug Gesprächspartner, die noch mit dem USA—AUßENMINISTER sprechen wollten.
20210113             Nach Antrag der TRUMP—ADMINISTRATION: Frauen müssen Abtreibungspille trotz Coronakrise persönlich abholen
20210113             Nach Sturm auf Kapitol: Vizepräsident Pence will Trump nicht für amtsunfähig erklären
20210113             USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS: 1. Republikaner wollen für Trumps Amtsenthebung stimmen
20210113             Satellitenstart: Deutsche Raumfahrtfirma chartert KIWI—RAKETE — für geheimnisvollen Kunden
20210113             —GELOBT, Die Lage —AM—MORGEN: Die USA—ARMEE, Verteidigung der Demokratie Von Mathieu von Rohr, Ressortleiter Ausland
20210113             —ZERSTÖRT, Satellitendaten: 43—MILLIONEN Hektar tropischen Regenwalds
20210113             "Zur Gewalt anstiftendes" Video: Auch YouTube sperrt DONALD—TRUMPS—ACCOUNT
20210113             Amtsenthebung: DONALD—TRUMP verdient keine Milde
20210113             Absage an SCHWARZ—GELBES Bündnis: Röttgen bescheinigt FDP "historisches Versagen"
20210113             Renzi gegen Conte: CORONA—STREIT stürzt Italien in Regierungskrise
20210113             Schottlands Abspaltungsbestrebung: "Die Regierung spielt mit dem Feuer"
20210113             Hilfskredit in der Coronakrise: Estlands Regierungschef tritt nach Korruptionsverdacht zurück
20210113             Verkehrschaos: Etliche Unfälle durch Schnee und Glatteis
20210113             Firmen im Überlebenskampf: "Die Hilfen müssen endlich bei den Betrieben ankommen"
20210113             —TUESDAY, 20210112              - Questions - 1. Why did Mitch switch?
20210113             2. Does DONALD—TRUMP really believe it?
20210113             Does he truly believe what he said —TODAY -- that "they" analyzed his PRE—RIOT—SPEECH and proclaimed it to be "totally appropriate?
20210113             Who are "they"?
20210113             Has he persuaded himself that "they" exist in the real world?
20210113             6. Why won't Pence consider the 25.?
20210113             The Veep knows that TRUMP—MAD minions went to Congress with the intent of murdering Pence.
20210113             2—NEW—STORIES confirm that he has had it with Trump: Here and here.
20210113             7. How do we end THE—POLITICS—OF—INTIMIDATION and fear?
20210113             Für Flüge in die USA ist künftig vor der Abreise der Nachweis eines negativen CORONA—TESTS nötig.
20210113             Diese Regelung werde ab dem 20210126              gelten, erklärte die USA—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE CDC.
20210113             Falls 1—PASSAGIER kein negatives Testergebnis oder eine überstandene COVID—INFEKTION nachweisen könne, müsse die Fluggesellschaft das Boarding verweigern, hieß es.
20210113             Der sogenannte PCR—TEST, mit dem das Virus nachgewiesen werden soll, muss demnach in den 3—TAGEN vor der Abreise erfolgt sein.
20210113             Die USA—REGIERUNG hatte wegen der Pandemie im vergangenen —JAHR weitgehende Einreisebeschränkungen für Reisende aus EUROPA, CHINA und Brasilien verhängt.
20210113             Diese gelten auch weiterhin.
20210113             Bundesjustizministerin Christine Lambrecht (SPD) hat 1—IMPFPFLICHT im Kampf gegen das Coronavirus erneut ausgeschlossen.
20210113             "Die Bundesregierung hat klar gesagt, dass es keine Pflicht zur Impfung gegen CORONA geben wird.
20210113             Das Wort der Bundesregierung gilt",
20210113             "Wenn die Menschen von der Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit der Impfung überzeugt sind, werden sich die Allermeisten auch impfen lassen".
20210113             Es sei 1—FRAGE—DER—VERNUNFT und der Verantwortung, sich und andere durch die Impfung zu schützen, sagte Lambrecht.
20210113             "Das gilt auch dort, wo es ganz besonders auf die Impfung ankommt: in den Krankenhäusern, ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen".
20210113             In den USA könnten —SCHON in den kommenden Tagen Menschen über 65—JAHREN gegen das Coronavirus geimpft werden.
20210113             Wie USA—GESUNDHEITSMINISTER ALEX—AZAR mitteilte, werde die Altersgruppe der zur Impfung Berechtigen ausgeweitet.
20210113             Zudem will die USA—REGIERUNG ALLE—IMPFDOSEN verteilen, die sie —ZUNÄCHST für die jeweils 2. Injektionen zurückgehalten hatte.
20210113             Damit soll der schleppend laufenden Impfkampagne in den USA neuer Schwung verliehen werden.
20210113             Die Richtlinien an die Bundesstaaten sind unverbindlich.
20210113             Die Impfkampagne in den Vereinigten Staaten lief bislang langsamer an als geplant.
20210113             Von landesweit mehr als 25—MILLIONEN verteilten Dosen wurden nach ANGABEN—DER—GESUNDHEITSBEHÖRDE—CDC bislang —ERST etwa knapp 9—MILLIONEN verabreicht.
20210113             In der Debatte über Homeoffice in der Coronakrise wirft der CHEF—DES—DEUTSCHEN—GEWERKSCHAFTSBUNDES (DGB) einzelnen Arbeitgebern ein altmodisches Verhalten vor.
20210113             "Fakt ist, dass VIELE—UNTERNEHMEN und Verwaltungen auch dort, wo es gut möglich wäre, kein Homeoffice anbieten.
20210113             Offenbar liegt dies an einem antiquierten FÜHRUNGS—UND Kontrollverhalten", sagte Reiner Hoffmann der "Rheinischen Post".
20210113             1—PROBLEM ist Hoffmann zufolge auch die mangelnde technische Ausstattung.
20210113             Dies müsse sich schnell und langfristig ändern.
20210113             19.600—NEUINFEKTIONEN, 10600000              Todesfälle in Deutschland
20210113             Die Interpretation der Daten ist momentan noch etwas schwierig, weil um den Jahreswechsel herum CORONA—FÄLLE laut RKI verzögert entdeckt, erfasst und übermittelt wurden.
20210113             Der indonesische PRÄSIDENT—JOKO—WIDODO ist als 1. BÜRGER—DES—INSELSTAATES gegen das Coronavirus geimpft worden.
20210113             Der 59-Jährige erhielt im Präsidentenpalast in JAKARTA die Injektion des chinesischen Unternehmens Sinovac Biotech.
20210113             Der SPD—GESUNDHEITSEXPERTE KARL—LAUTERBACH hat sich deutlich gegen 1—CORONA—IMPFPFLICHT für Pflegekräfte ausgesprochen.
20210113             Die Zahlen zur Impfbereitschaft der Pflegekräfte seien nicht repräsentativ,
20210113             "vor Ort" bekomme man mit, "dass die Impfbereitschaft da ist", sagte Lauterbach dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.
20210113             "Wir müssen vorsichtig sein, an dieser Stelle nicht 1—PROBLEM herbeizurufen, das es noch nicht gibt.
20210113             —VERSPROCHEN, Außerdem haben wir, keine Impfpflicht einzuführen — also auch nicht für bestimmte Gruppen.
20210113             Da sollten wir unser Wort halten",
20210113             Bei der Zahl der täglich gemeldeten Todesfälle durch das Coronavirus haben die USA einen neuen Höchststand verzeichnet.
20210113             Binnen 24—STUNDEN wurde 1—REKORDHOCH an 4470—TODESFÄLLEN registriert,
20210113             Zum 1. Mal wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten damit die Schwelle von 4000—TODESFÄLLEN im Zusammenhang mit dem Coronavirus überschritten.
20210113             Laut JOHNS—HOPKINS—UNIVERSITÄT wurden binnen 24—STUNDEN zudem 235.000—NEUE Ansteckungen nachgewiesen.
20210113             Etwa 131.000—MENSCHEN werden mit COVID—19—IM Krankenhaus behandelt.
20210113             Erneut mehr als 9000—NEUINFEKTIONEN in ISRAEL
20210113             Erstmals —SEIT Beginn der CORONAVIRUS—PANDEMIE sind in ISRAEL an 2—TAGEN in Folge mehr als 9000—NEUINFEKTIONEN registriert worden.
20210113             Der Anteil der positiven Tests betrug 7,2 Prozent.
20210113             —SEIT vergangenem —FREITAG gilt ein sogenannter harter Lockdown mit Maßnahmen wie der Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit.
20210113             Zum Vergleich: Die deutschen Gesundheitsämter meldeten am —MITTWOCH 19.600—CORONA—NEUINFEKTIONEN binnen eines Tages.
20210113             Deutschland hat etwa neunmal mehr Einwohner als ISRAEL.
20210113             Junge Menschen zuerst: Indonesien startet Massenimpfungen
20210113             Anders als andere Länder will Indonesien —NACH—DEN Mitarbeitern des Gesundheitswesens und des öffentlichen Dienstes —ZUNÄCHST jüngeren Menschen zwischen 18—UND 59—JAHREN den Vorrang geben.
20210113             Ziel ist es, schnell 1—HERDENIMMUNITÄT zu erreichen.
20210113             Das viertbevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde mit seinen fast 270—MILLIONEN Einwohnern ist der am schlimmsten von der Pandemie betroffene STAAT—IN—SÜDOSTASIEN.
20210113             CHINA erwartet kein Wiedererstarken der Epidemie durch Neujahrsfest
20210113             Wenn die Kontrollen und die Vorsorgemaßnahmen ordnungsgemäß umgesetzt würden, sei ein massives Wiederaufleben unwahrscheinlich, erklärt die Gesundheitsbehörde CDC.
20210113             Weil in Großbritannien die Krankenhäuser an ihrer Belastungsgrenze sind, könnten Gesundheitsminister MATT—HANCOCK zufolge Patienten notfalls in Hotels untergebracht werden.
20210113             Dies sei denkbar für Patienten, die keine vollständige Krankenhausbehandlung mehr bräuchten, aber noch nicht nach Hause gehen könnten,
20210113             22.850—NEUINFEKTIONEN und 566—TOTE in Russland
20210113             Scholz: Hilfen so lange, "wie es nötig ist"
20210113             "Die starke fiskalische Antwort, die Bazooka, hat tatsächlich ihre Wirkung entfaltet".
20210113             —BEWERTET, Das werde auch INTERNATIONAL so.
20210113             Der wissenschaftliche BERATER—DER—FRANZÖSISCHEN—REGIERUNG, JEAN—FRANCOIS Delfraissy, ist überzeugt, dass es neben der britischen und der südafrikanischen CORONA—VARIANTE weitere Mutationen gibt.
20210113             Andere Mutanten seien da draußen in der Welt, sagt er dem Hörfunksender Franceinfo.
20210113             1—SCHLIEßUNG—DER—SCHULEN wegen der britischen CORONA—VARIANTE hält Delfraissy nicht für notwendig.
20210113             Schätzungsweise gehe 1—PROZENT—DER—INFEKTIONEN in Frankreich auf diese Mutante zurück.
20210113             Allerdings müssten weitere Beschränkungen verhängt werden, um 1—AUSBREITUNG—DES—VIRUS und insbesondere seiner britischen Mutante zu verlangsamen.
20210113             Angesichts weiterhin hoher Neuinfektionszahlen will die italienische Regierung den Ausnahmezustand —BIS zum 20210430              verlängern.
20210113             Sie halte es für angemessen, da der Risikoindex dramatisch gestiegen sei, sagt Gesundheitsminister Roberto Speranza vor dem Parlament.
20210113             Für Einreisen nach Deutschland aus Ländern mit hohen CORONA—INFEKTIONSZAHLEN sollen strengere TEST—PFLICHTEN kommen.
20210113             Wer in den letzten 10—TAGEN in einem Risikogebiet war, soll künftig spätestens 48—STUNDEN nach Einreise einen negativen Test vorweisen müssen.
20210113             Der CHEF—DER—KASSENÄRZTLICHEN—BUNDESVEREINIGUNG (KBV), ANDREAS—GASSEN, hat der SHUTDOWN—POLITIK—VON—BUND und Ländern ein schlechtes Zeugnis ausgestellt.
20210113             "Der Lockdown, der —JETZT—SEIT —ANFANG November anhält, hat quasi nichts gebracht", sagte Gassen am —MITTWOCH der "Bild".
20210113             "Die Todeszahlen sind unverändert erschreckend hoch.
20210113             Der Schutz der Risikogruppen ist immer noch beschämend schlecht".
20210113             Der Shutdown sei nahezu wirkungslos, weil die Kommunikation der Bundesregierung "nicht unbedingt die Stärke in dieser Pandemie" gewesen sei, kritisierte Gassen.
20210113             "Den Unterschied macht nicht die Härte der Maßnahmen, sondern machen die Menschen in ihrem privaten Verhalten", sagte er.
20210113             Durch die ständig neuen Regeln sei Vertrauen verspielt worden.
20210113             "Wer immer wieder die Regeln und Zeitrahmen ändert, braucht sich nicht zu wundern, wenn sich keiner daran hält".
20210113             Dänemarks Parlament schränkt Betrieb ein
20210113             Nordkorea: Kim Jong Un will Ausbau des Atomarsenals vorantreiben
20210113             NORD—STREAM 2: Grünenchefin Baerbock greift Tarnstiftung für Pipelinebau an
20210113             Prozess gegen die 'Ndrangheta: Hunderte Mafiosi auf der Anklagebank
20210113             Nach Giftanschlag: Kremlkritiker Nawalny kündigt Rückkehr nach Russland an
20210113             Trend in der Kleidungsindustrie: Warum H&M und Zalando —JETZT Secondhandmode verkaufen
20210113             Justiz: 1. Hinrichtung einer Frau auf USA—BUNDESEBENE —SEIT Jahrzehnten
20210113             Kinokrise wegen CORONA: HOLLYWOOD—UMSÄTZE fallen auf Niveau der Achtzigerjahre
20210113             Fehlender CORONA—SCHUTZ: Je kleiner der Betrieb, desto größer die Gefahr
20210113             Auch nach PANDEMIE—ENDE: Deutsche Post rechnet mit Dauerboom im Paketgeschäft
20210113             —BEGINNT, Atomkonflikt: IRAN, Seemanöver am Persischen Golf
20210113             Neue CORONA—VERORDNUNG: Regierung verschärft Einreise aus Ländern mit Virusmutationen
20210113             BREXIT—BRANDBRIEF: Supermarktketten warnen vor leeren Regalen in Nordirland
20210113             Datenpanne an der FU BERLIN: Studierende konnten kurzzeitig ihre Noten selbst ändern
20210113             Mobilität der Zukunft: APPLE—ZULIEFERER Foxconn schmiedet AUTO—BÜNDNIS mit Geely
20210113             Vor Amtseinführung von Biden: Nationalgardisten bereiten bewaffneten Einsatz in WASHINGTON vor
20210113             1—WOCHE vor der Amtseinführung seines Nachfolgers JOE—BIDEN haben die in der USA—HAUPTSTADT—WASHINGTON stationierten Nationalgardisten entsprechend mit dem Tragen von Waffen begonnen.
20210113             Nach übereinstimmenden Berichten von USA—MEDIEN patrouillieren Nationalgardisten mit Sturmgewehren bewaffnet vor dem Kapitol, das am vergangenen —MITTWOCH von Anhängern des abgewählten Präsidenten DONALD—TRUMP gewaltsam gestürmt worden war.
20210113             Ursprünglich sollte die Nationalgarde die Polizei in WASHINGTON nur logistisch unterstützen;
20210113             ihre Bewaffnung war —ZUNÄCHST nicht vorgesehen.
20210113             Mit Blick auf Drohungen gewaltbereiter TRUMP—ANHÄNGER, die Vereidigung Bidens oder auch —SCHON im Vorfeld zu stören, hatte das Pentagon den Einsatz von 15.000—NATIONALGARDISTEN in WASHINGTON beschlossen.
20210113             Mehrere 1000—VON ihnen sind —BEREITS im Einsatz.
20210113             Der Rest soll —BIS kommenden —MITTWOCH zur Amtseinführung Bidens anreisen.
20210113             USA—GENERAL DANIEL—HOKANSON, der das BÜRO—DER—NATIONALGARDE im Pentagon leitet, hatte noch am —MONTAG erklärt, die Nationalgardisten seien nicht zum Tragen von Waffen autorisiert worden.
20210113             Die Bewaffnung der Nationalgardisten und ihre Ermächtigung zur Vollstreckung von Festnahmen seien das "letzte Mittel" für den Fall, dass die Sicherheitslage außer Kontrolle gerate.
20210113             Laut Sicherheitsexperten hat die Bedrohung durch Rechtsextremisten und militante TRUMP—ANHÄNGER, die anlässlich von Bidens Vereidigung bewaffnete Proteste in WASHINGTON und anderen USA—STÄDTEN abhalten wollen, in den vergangenen Tagen erheblich zugenommen.
20210113             Die Lage: USA 20200000             : Warum 1—TRUMP—IMPEACHMENT so heikel ist
20210113             So zwingend 1—VERFAHREN erscheint, so ungewiss ist sein Ausgang.
20210113             Zwar soll angeblich auch der bisherige Mehrheitsführer der Republikaner im Senat, MITCH—MCCONNELL, 1—IMPEACHMENT befürworten.
20210113             Aber es ist sehr fraglich, ob 17—SENATOREN seiner Partei dafür stimmen werden.
20210113             So viele wären für 1—VERURTEILUNG—TRUMPS notwendig.
20210113             —AM Ende könnten die Demokraten wieder mit leeren Händen dastehen.
20210113             Das wäre 1—SIEG für Trump — und 1—BELASTUNG für den neuen Präsidenten.
20210113             Biden hat angesichts der Pandemie, einer Wirtschaftskrise und einem Land in Bürgerkriegsstimmung ALLE—HÄNDE voll zu tun.
20210113             Er muss zudem rund 4000—STELLEN in der Regierung und Verwaltung besetzen.
20210113             Für etwa 10000000              Nominierungen braucht er die Zustimmung des Senats.
20210113             1—IMPEACHMENTVERFAHREN würde Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit beanspruchen, die an anderer Stelle besser eingesetzt wären.
20210113             Zudem würde das Verfahren die Amtseinführung Bidens überschatten.
20210113             Nicht der neue PRÄSIDENT stünde im Mittelpunkt, sondern der alte.
20210113             Wieder würde sich alles um Trump drehen. So mag er es am liebsten.
20210113             Der kommende PRÄSIDENT ist ohnehin kein Fan eines Verfahrens gegen Trump.
20210113             Die von ihm angestrebte Zusammenarbeit über die Parteigrenzen hinweg würde dadurch weiter erschwert.
20210113             Unter den republikanischen Senatoren, die sich von Trump losgesagt haben, sticht einer besonders hervor.
20210113             Lindsey Graham aus SOUTH—CAROLINA hat eine bewegte Beziehung zum Präsidenten.
20210113             "Ich würde lieber ohne ihn verlieren, als zu versuchen, mit ihm zu gewinnen", sagte er damals.
20210113             Nach Trumps Wahlsieg entdeckte Graham dessen bislang verborgene Qualitäten und wurde zu einem seiner eifrigsten Helfer.
20210113             Er unterstützte Trump auch dann noch, als sich dieser beharrlich weigerte, seine Niederlage gegen Biden anzuerkennen.
20210113             Graham versprach "erschütternde Belege" für den angeblichen Wahlbetrug.
20210113             —NACH—DEM Sturm auf das Kapitol erschien dem SENATOR—DIE—NÄHE zum Präsidenten plötzlich nicht mehr opportun.
20210113             "Genug ist genug", verkündete Graham.
20210113             —VERSUCHT, Er habe, hilfreich zu sein. "Ich bin nicht mehr dabei".
20210113             —AM—DIENSTAG reiste Trump nach TEXAS, um seine Grenzmauer zu feiern und sein Verhalten zu rechtfertigen.
20210113             In der Präsidentenmaschine "AIR—FORCE 1" reiste 1—SENATOR mit.
20210113             Dreimal dürfen Sie raten, wer.
20210113             Chefe de segurança de Marcelo infetado.
20210113             Presidente continua em isolamento
20210113             Loulé testa 400—PESSOAS num dia e intensifica medidas contra a Covid-19
20210113             Covid-19: SNS24 atendeu mais de 274—MIL chamadas nos primeiros dez dias de 2021
20210113             Covid-19: PORTUGAL com pelo menos 72—CASOS de nova variante detetada no Reino Unido
20210113             Recorde de mortes e de casos de Covid-19, no Algarve e no total do país
20210113             Há mais 475—CASOS de COVID—19—E 11—ÓBITOS no Alentejo, diz a DGS - Wed 20210113
20210113             [l] Evolution bei der Arbeit: Die Braune Nachtbaumnatter in GUAM kann —JETZT glatte Masten hochklettern.
20210113             Das ist eine neue Fortbewegungsmethode für Schlangen.
20210113             Wenn ihr Angst vor Schlangen habt, klickt nicht auf diesen Link.
20210113             Die haben ein Video.
20210113             —INTRODUCED, The brown tree snake was, accidentally to GUAM in the 1940s, decimating the population of native birds, including Micronesian starlings.
20210113             The researchers describe this new "lasso locomotion" in 1—STUDY published —MONDAY in Current Biology.
20210113             —STUDIED, DOCTOR—SAVIDGE, who has, these snakes —FOR—30—YEARS, was stumped.
20210113             FRUIT—EATING Micronesian starlings are 1—OF 2—REMAINING native forest birds on GUAM.
20210113             "This bird is all there is,"
20210113             "THERE—NOTHING else to disperse those native fruits in the forest anymore".
20210113             These Snakes Found 1—NEW—WAY to SLITHER—THE—NEW—YORK—TIMES
20210113             Vielleicht hat Intel doch noch 1—CHANCE?
20210113             Unlautere Werbung: Behörde meldet so VIELE—BESCHWERDEN über TELEFON—SPAM wie nie zuvor
20210113             Richtlinienanpassung bei CHAT—APP: WHATSAPP—KONKURRENTEN melden starken Zulauf
20210113             Schadensbegrenzung in EUROPA: Deutschland soll 455—MILLIONEN Euro an BREXIT—HILFEN bekommen
20210113             NS—RAUBKUNST: Vorerst letzte Restitution aus GURLITT—SAMMLUNG zurückgegeben
20210113             —GESTÖRT, Datenabgleich : ANDROID—NUTZER melden Probleme mit CORONA—WARN—APP
20210113             —INVESTIERT, Energieträger der Zukunft: Bundesregierung, weitere 700—MILLIONEN Euro in Wasserstoffforschung
20210113             1. Nachweis in Deutschland: Was wir über die CORONA—MUTATION aus Südafrika wissen
20210113             Doch —SEIT—DIENSTAG wissen wir: Die Maßnahme kam wohl zu spät.
20210113             Die sogenannte SÜDAFRIKA—MUTATION des Coronavirus ist in Deutschland angekommen.
20210113             Auch bei einem Mann in BOTTROP in NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN wurde die Variante nachgewiesen, hatten Tests eines Labors an der Charité BERLIN ergeben.
20210113             —BESUCHT, Er hatte ebenfalls Südafrika.
20210113             Offenbar breitete sich die Variante —BEREITS—ANFANG November schnell aus und verdrängte in 3—PROVINZEN andere Virusvarianten,
20210113             Die Einhaltung der Maßnahmen ist aber gerade in den Townships schwierig, wo die Menschen teils sehr beengt leben.
20210113             Ärzten aus Südafrika zufolge haben sich während der 2. Welle mehr jüngere Menschen mit SARS—COV—2—ALS zuvor infiziert.
20210113             Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen führen die Mutationen weder zu schwereren Covid-19-Erkrankungen noch verursachen sie höhere Todesraten.
20210113             weil sie sich schneller verbreiten und mehr Menschen erkranken, erhöht sich statistisch auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit für schlimmere Verläufe.
20210113             501.V2 scheint ein Abkömmling von B.1.1.7—ZU sein.
20210113             Die SÜDAFRIKA—VARIANTE verfügt über 8—VERSCHIEDENE Mutationen im Erbgut.
20210113             Allerdings gibt es hier 1—MUTATION, die Wissenschaftlern Sorgen bereitet: E484K.
20210113             Möglicherweise sorgt sie dafür, dass durch das Immunsystem gebildete Antikörper von Genesenen weniger gut auf das Virus passen und sie es nicht mehr im gleichen Umfang neutralisieren können.
20210113             —BEDEUTET, Das, dass sich Menschen, die 1—INFEKTION durchgemacht haben, möglicherweise leichter wieder anstecken könnten.
20210113             Selbst wenn Mutationen entstünden, die zu einer geringeren Wirksamkeit führten, könnte der Impfstoff schnell angepasst werden.
20210113             Unklar ist aber, ob eine solche Anpassung erneut einen Zulassungsprozess durch die Behörden durchlaufen muss
20210113             Die meisten Mutationen sind harmlos
20210113             Coronaviren besitzen mit rund 30.000—BASEN in Einzelstrangform das größte Genom aller RNA—VIREN.
20210113             Die Mutationsrate von SARS—COV—2—IST im Vergleich mit anderen Viren dieser Art eher niedrig — pro Replikationszyklus kommt es zu relativ wenigen Mutationsereignissen.
20210113             Allerdings hat das Virus bei hohem Infektionsgeschehen viel mehr Möglichkeiten, sich zu verändern — und das ist —DERZEIT der Fall.
20210113             Spahns Regierungserklärung: "Diese Impfaktion ist 1—GEMEINSCHAFTSAUFGABE"
20210113             Beschluss von Verwaltungsgericht: Friseure dicht — aber Hundesalons dürfen in NRW trotz CORONA—SHUTDOWN öffnen
20210113             Pharmakonzern Johnson & Johnson: EU rechnet mit weiteren 400—MILLIONEN Impfstoffdosen
20210113             FFP2-Maskenpflicht in BAYERN: Wenn die Maske zum Luxus wird
20210113             Fotograf über den Sturm auf das USA—KAPITOL: "Die Leute sagten mir ins Gesicht, dass sie mich umbringen würden" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—JUREK—SKROBALA
20210113             Affäre um AMRI—ANSCHLAG: MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERNS Verfassungsschutzchef muss gehen
20210113             Erneutes Impeachment: So läuft das Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen DONALD—TRUMP
20210113             Wut der Milchbauern auf Discounter: "Die Preise kommen einer Nötigung nahe" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—NILS—KLAWITTER
20210113             Satiriker und EU—POLITIKER: NICO—SEMSROTT verlässt "Die Partei" nach SONNEBORN—EKLAT
20210113             Jahresrekord: Zollfahnder entdeckten 20200000              rund 40—TONNEN Kokain im Hafen von ROTTERDAM
20210113             Die erstmals in Großbritannien nachgewiesene Coronavirusvariante B117 ist auch in Ungarn entdeckt worden.
20210113             Bedürftige sollen in BAYERN kostenlos FFP2-Schutzmasken zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen.
20210113             —BEREITGESTELLT, Insgesamt sollen voraussichtlich 2—MILLIONEN Masken, werden,
20210113             Mehr als 750.000—MENSCHEN in Deutschland geimpft
20210113             Nach rund 10—MONATEN CORONA—PAUSE dürfen in der brasilianischen Metropole RIO—DE—JANEIRO wieder Zuschauer mit Einschränkungen ins Fußballstadion.
20210113             Die —ZUNÄCHST in Großbritannien entdeckte CORONA—MUTATION ist inzwischen in 50—LÄNDERN nachgewiesen worden.
20210113             Angesichts hoher CORONA—ZAHLEN soll in Großbritannien demnächst rund um die Uhr geimpft werden.
20210113             —DERZEIT halte 1—MANGEL an Impfstoff jedoch eine noch raschere Impfkampagne zurück.
20210113             TEILEN, des Landes stehen die Kliniken kurz vor dem Kollaps.
20210113             Die sogenannte 7—TAGE—INZIDENZ — die ZAHL—DER—NEUINFEKTIONEN auf 100.000—EINWOHNER innerhalb einer Woche — liegt landesweit bei knapp 600.
20210113             In der HAUPTSTADT—LONDON beträgt der Wert sogar mehr als 10000000          .
20210113             Der russische PRÄSIDENT—WLADIMIR—PUTIN ordnet 1—MASSENIMPFUNG ab kommender Woche an.
20210113             —BEGONNEN, Es solle mit der Impfung der gesamten Bevölkerung, werden,
20210113             —PRODUZIERT, BIONTECH—IMPFSTOFF wird künftig auch in NRW
20210113             —VERLÄNGERT, Schweiz, und verschärft CORONA—MAßNAHMEN
20210113             Geschäfte, die keine Güter des täglichen Bedarfs verkaufen, müssen schließen, für öffentliche Versammlungen gelten zusätzliche Beschränkungen.
20210113             Die CORONA—PANDEMIE hat aus Sicht der Lehrer im Land —BEREITS—JETZT zu erheblichen Lernrückständen bei vielen Schülern geführt.
20210113             Das ergab eine repräsentative FORSA—UMFRAGE im Auftrag der ROBERT—BOSCH—STIFTUNG
20210113             Demnach bemängelt fast jeder 3. Lehrer (27—PROZENT) bei mehr als der HÄLFTE—DER—SCHÜLER messbare Defizite.
20210113             11—PROZENT gaben an, dass die Pandemie zu Lernrückständen bei fast allen Schülern geführt habe.
20210113             29—PROZENT gehen davon aus, dass weniger als die HÄLFTE—DER—SCHÜLER—LERNRÜCKSTÄNDE aufweisen.
20210113             Besonders Förderschüler leiden der Umfrage zufolge unter den CORONA—BEDINGUNGEN.
20210113             Hier bestätigt jede 2. Lehrkraft (54—PROZENT) bei mehr als der HÄLFTE—DER—SCHÜLERSCHAFT messbare Defizite.
20210113             Albufeira Casos confirmados - 1355 (+53) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 866 (+16) Casos ativos - 462 (+17)
20210113             Alcoutim Casos confirmados - 35 (+3) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 20 (=) Casos ativos - 12 (+3)
20210113             Aljezur Casos confirmados - 47 (=) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 31 (=) Casos ativos - 15 (=)
20210113             Castro Marim Casos confirmados - 108 (+1) Óbitos - 0 (=) Recuperados - 75 (+3) Casos ativos - 33 (-2)
20210113             Faro Casos confirmados - 1568 (+45) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 1060 (+21) Casos ativos - 499 (+22)
20210113             Lagoa Casos confirmados - 369 (+5) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 281 (=) Casos ativos - 85 (+5)
20210113             LAGOS Casos confirmados - 872 (+20) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 670 (+10) Casos ativos - 195 (+10)
20210113             Loulé Casos confirmados - 1862 (+118) Óbitos - 19 (+2) Recuperados - 1219 (+25) Casos ativos - 624 (+92)
20210113             Monchique Casos confirmados - 51 (+1) Óbitos - 1 (=) Recuperados - 45 (+1) Casos ativos - 5 (=)
20210113             Olhão Casos confirmados - 808 (+36) Óbitos - 2 (=) Recuperados - 535 (+22) Casos ativos - 271 (+14)
20210113             Portimão Casos confirmados - 1323 (+23) Óbitos - 15 (=) Recuperados - 1065 (+8) Casos ativos - 243 (+15)
20210113             Silves Casos confirmados - 688 (+19) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 414 (+10) Casos ativos - 271 (+9)
20210113             São Brás de Alportel Casos confirmados - 234 (+4) Óbitos - 9 (=) Recuperados - 170 (+2) Casos Ativos - 55 (+2)
20210113             Tavira Casos confirmados - 1077 (+65) Óbitos - 12 (+3) Recuperados - 496 (+15) Casos ativos - 569 (+27)
20210113             VRSA Casos confirmados - 471 (+11) Óbitos - 7 (=) Recuperados - 318 (+1) Casos ativos - 146 (+10)
20210113             Vila do Bispo Casos confirmados - 96 (+2) Óbitos - 3 (=) Recuperados - 85 (=) Casos ativos - 8 (+2)
20210113             317_DGS_boletim_20210113
20210113             LK Düren Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 314—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 118,7 Fälle gesamt 7.550—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.853,0 Todesfälle gesamt 184—EINWOHNERZAHL 264.638
20210113             LK Euskirchen Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 227—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 117,2 Fälle gesamt 4.186—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.161,6 Todesfälle gesamt 126—EINWOHNERZAHL 193.656—BUNDESLAND—NORDRHEIN—WESTFALEN
20210113             LK Lüneburg Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 90—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 48,9 Fälle gesamt 1.518—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 824,4 Todesfälle gesamt 33—EINWOHNERZAHL 184.139—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210113             LK Plön Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 53—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 41,2 Fälle gesamt 638—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 495,8 Todesfälle gesamt 15—EINWOHNERZAHL 128.686—BUNDESLAND—SCHLESWIG—HOLSTEIN
20210113             LK RHEIN—ERFT—KREIS Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 598—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 127,1 Fälle gesamt 9.796—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.081,5 Todesfälle gesamt 220—EINWOHNERZAHL 470.615
20210113             LK RHEINISCH—BERGISCHER Kreis Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 344—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 121,4 Fälle gesamt 5.912—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.087,0 Todesfälle gesamt 83—EINWOHNERZAHL 283.271
20210113             LK Rotenburg (Wümme) Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 66—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 40,3 Fälle gesamt 2.039—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 1.244,9 Todesfälle gesamt 56—EINWOHNERZAHL 163.782—BUNDESLAND—NIEDERSACHSEN
20210113             LK SAALFELD—RUDOLSTADT Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 620—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 600,8 Fälle gesamt 3.185—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 3.086,3 Todesfälle gesamt 93—EINWOHNERZAHL 103.199—BUNDESLAND—THÜRINGEN
20210113             LK Sächsische SCHWEIZ—OSTERZGEBIRGE Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.312—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 534,2 Fälle gesamt 12.081—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.919,3 Todesfälle gesamt 544—EINWOHNERZAHL 245.586—BUNDESLAND—SACHSEN
20210113             SK BERLIN Neukölln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 617—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 192,1 Fälle gesamt 13.163—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 4.099,1 Todesfälle gesamt 238—EINWOHNERZAHL 321.123—BUNDESLAND—BERLIN
20210113             SK Köln Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 1.120—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 103,0 Fälle gesamt 27.887—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 2.563,5 Todesfälle gesamt 385—EINWOHNERZAHL 1.087.863
20210113             SK ROSTOCK Fälle letzte 7—TAGE 95—FÄLLE letzte 7—TAGE/100.000—EW 45,4 Fälle gesamt 1.059—FÄLLE gesamt/100.000—EW 506,2 Todesfälle gesamt 12—EINWOHNERZAHL 209.191—BUNDESLAND—MECKLENBURG—VORPOMMERN
20210113             Global Cases 92.046.711 Global Deaths 1.971.247
20210113             USA—FORSCHER haben eigenen Angaben zufolge, in den USA eine neue Virusvariante entdeckt.
20210113             Diese habe eine identische Mutation zu der aus Großbritannien bekannten ansteckenderen Version.
20210113             Vermutlich habe sie sich jedoch aus einer —BEREITS in den USA bekannten Variante heraus entwickelt,
20210113             Verteidigungsministerin Annegret KRAMP—KARRENBAUER (CDU) stellt kurzfristig 10.000—SOLDATEN für CORONA—TESTS in ALTEN—UND Pflegeheimen bereit.
20210113             "Gerade die Schwächsten brauchen —JETZT in der Pandemie unsere Hilfe.
20210113             Jüngere Menschen —DERZEIT offenbar stärker betroffen
20210113             Großbritannien meldet Höchstwert: 1564—CORONA—TOTE
20210113             Allerdings sind in der Zahl auch Todesfälle aus dem vergangenen —JAHR enthalten, die —BISHER nicht in den Statistiken auftauchten.
20210113             Türkei kündigt landesweiten Impfbeginn für —DONNERSTAG an
20210113             Der ehemalige bolivianische PRÄSIDENT—EVO—MORALES ist positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden,
20210113             Er habe leichte Symptome wie etwas Husten und seine Situation sei stabil.
20210113             Immer mehr Mutationen unter positiven Tests in Dänemark
20210113             DEUTSCHLAND, wird bislang nicht gezielt und standardmäßig nach hochansteckenden Virusmutationen gesucht.
20210113             1—INDIZ, dass die britische Mutation B117 jedoch auch in Deutschland —BEREITS verbreitet aufgetreten sein könnte, liefern neue Zahlen aus Dänemark.
20210113             Ausgerechnet VIELE—PFLEGEKRÄFTE wollen sich nicht impfen lassen,
20210113             Im Rettungsdienst dagegen gibt es laut einer Umfrage einer gleichnamigen Fachzeitschrift keine vergleichbare Skepsis.
20210113             Fast 80—PROZENT stünden einer CORONA—IMPFUNG aufgeschlossen gegenüber,
20210113             Der britische PREMIERMINISTER—BORIS—JOHNSON will die G7-Präsidentschaft seines Landes für einen internationalen Ansatz gegen das Coronavirus nutzen.
20210113             "Die Pandemie hat das internationale System in vielerlei Hinsicht völlig unvorbereitet getroffen, und wir müssen zusammenarbeiten, um uns auf künftige Pandemien vorzubereiten",
20210113             "Das globale System hat grundsätzlich bei aktuellen Anforderungen versagt", sagte Johnson.
20210113             Er wolle etwa die Möglichkeit eines internationalen Vertrags über Pandemie prüfen.
20210113             Dazu wolle er die G7, die Gruppe aus 7—FÜHRENDEN Wirtschaftsmächten, zu einer "D10" der 10—GRÖßTEN Demokratien ausbauen.
20210113             Neben den G7-Mitgliedern Großbritannien, DEUTSCHLAND—USA, FRANKREICH—JAPAN, Italien und Kanada seien das Indien, Australien und Südkorea.
20210113             [l] Und noch 1—PAUKENSCHLAG in der PROZESSOR—BRANCHE: Qualcomm kauft Nuvia für 1,4 Milliarden Dollar.
20210113             Die einzigen, die —BISHER einen wirklich ernstzunehmenden ARM ins Feld geschickt haben, der es von der Leistung her mit Intel und AMD aufnehmen kann, war Apple.
20210113             Qualcomm kauft hier also nicht 1—ARM—STARTUP, sondern sie kaufen das Knowhow hinter dem APPLE—ERFOLG.
20210113             [l] Infrastrukturapokalypse: Stromausfall in SEATTLE, immerhin knapp 1—ZEHNTEL—DER—EINWOHNER ohne Strom.
20210113             Grund dafür war offenbar schweres Wetter.
20210113             Aber im Gegensatz zu uns haben die Amis OBERLAND—STROMLEITUNGEN, weil das billiger ist.
20210113             [l] Biontech hat offenbar eine Impfung gegen multiple Sklerose entwickelt.
20210113             Update: Und Moderna hat was gegen das ZIKA—VIRUS, HIV und Nipah in der Pipeline.
20210113             [l] Wisst ihr, was in BAYERN gerade ausverkauft ist?
20210113             Kommt ihr NIE drauf! FFP2-Masken.
20210113             Es sei das altbekannte "KLOPAPIER—PHÄNOMEN", sagt Inhaber OLIVER—TÜTING, der einen regelrechten Ansturm auf die Masken erlebt, —SEIT die bayerische Staatsregierung am —DIENSTAG die Verpflichtung zum Tragen einer FFP2-Maske im öffentlichen Nahverkehr und im Einzelhandel verkündet hat.
20210113             —VERGESSEN, Passwort für Bitcoin : Noch 2—VERSUCHE, um an 200—MILLIONEN Euro zu kommen
20210113             Impfprobleme in NIEDERSACHSEN: Adressen vom Paketdienst
20210113             SACHSEN: Schüler und Lehrer sollen zu CORONA—TESTS fahren — im Bus
20210113             Juristische Schritte gegen den USA—PRÄSIDENTEN: "Entfernen.
20210113             Anklagen. Inhaftieren".
20210113             Neuer Herrschertypus "Social Media Leader": Trump hat via Twitter regiert
20210113             Krise wegen CORONA—PAKET: Italiens Regierungskoalition geplatzt
20210113             BUNDESTAG: Abgeordnete verlangen Aufklärung von Frontex über illegale Pushbacks
20210113             USA—ABGEORDNETER über Kapitolssturm: "Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass dies die Vereinigten Staaten von AMERIKA sind" 1—INTERVIEW—VON—MARC—PITZKE, NEW—YORK
20210113             Geflüchtete in BOSNIEN—HERZEGOWINA: "Tiere haben es besser als wir" Aus Bihac berichten MAXIMILIAN—POPP und ANDY—SPYRA (Fotos)
20210113             CORONA und Obdachlosigkeit: "Es geht —JETZT darum, Leben zu retten"
20210113             SPIEGEL—UMFRAGE: Mehrheit hält Impfpflicht für Pflegekräfte für zielführend
20210113             Ab kommenden —MONTAG ist ein einfacher MUND—NASEN—SCHUTZ in BAYERN nicht mehr ausreichend: Wer einkaufen geht oder den öffentlichen Nahverkehr nutzt, muss 1—FFP2—MASKE tragen,
20210113             Die Bezeichnung FFP stammt aus dem Englischen: Filtering Face Piece, es handelt sich um partikelfiltrierende Halbmasken.
20210113             —BEKANNT, Ursprünglich, sind sie insbesondere aus dem Handwerk, zum Schutz vor Staub oder giftigen Stoffen in der Atemluft.
20210113             Sie werden in die 3—KATEGORIEN 1—BIS 3—EINGETEILT, je nachdem, wie VIELE—AEROSOLE die Masken filtern können.
20210113             FFP2-Masken müssen mindestens 94—PROZENT zurückhalten.
20210113             Wenn die FFP2-Maske richtig sitzt, kann sie sowohl den Träger als auch sein Umfeld vor Tröpfchen und Aerosolen schützen.
20210113             Sie ist dann einer Alltagsmaske sicher überlegen.
20210113             Aber nur, wenn sie tatsächlich richtig sitzt.
20210113             Es seien VIELE—MASKEN mit schlechter Passform auf dem Markt.
20210113             "Wenn das Atmen schwerer fällt, sitzt die Maske richtig".
20210113             Ein besonderes Problem haben Bartträger, weil die Haare ein richtiges Aufsetzen der Maske quasi unmöglich machen,
20210113             "Im Grunde bleibt eigentlich nur die Möglichkeit, sich zu rasieren".
20210113             Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass ALLE—BAYERISCHEN—BARTTRÄGER diese Möglichkeit wählen.
20210113             Bei einer Maske ohne Ausatemventil, wozu FFP2-Masken zählen, sind maximal 75—MINUTEN Tragezeit am Stück erlaubt, danach mindestens 30—MINUTEN Erholung ohne Maske.
20210113             Grundsätzlich halten die Masken mindestens 8—STUNDEN am —TAG,
20210113             Das gelte auch, wenn man die Zeit beim Tragen etwa im Bus und beim Einkaufen aufaddiere.
20210113             MANCHE—MASKEN hielten sicher auch länger.
20210113             "Ein durchschnittlicher 85- oder 90-Jähriger hat nicht mehr die Atemleistung, um durch 1—FFP2—MASKE vernünftig zu atmen".
20210113             —VERMUTET, Er, deshalb, dass VIELE—DER—AN—SENIOREN gratis ausgegeben FFP2-Masken nicht richtig sitzen oder nicht richtig getragen werden.
20210113             Dem Mythos, dass sich in Masken Kohlendioxid sammle, widerspricht er aber deutlich.
20210113             Und aus verschiedenen Gründen seien Kochtopf, Mikrowelle, Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine und UV—LAMPE nicht geeignet, um Masken zu reinigen.
20210113             "Wenn sie nicht absolut dicht aufgesetzt wird, wirkt sie nicht besser als eine einfache Einwegmaske", so Knobloch.
20210113             Forscher über soziale Netzwerke: "Wir brauchen Herdenimmunität gegen Desinformation"
20210113             CORONA—LOCKERUNGEN und die Mutation: Irlands gefährlicher Mix
20210113             NANCY Pelosi über DONALD—TRUMP: "Er ist eine klare und gegenwärtige Gefahr für die Nation"
20210113             Datenleck bei Parler: GPS—DATEN zeigen, wie TRUMP—ANHÄNGER ins Kapitol vordrangen
20210113             —GEMACHT, Das Nachrichtenportal "Gizmodo" hat sie sichtbar.
20210113             Die Redakteure haben sich dafür durch "fast 70.000—MIT Geodaten versehene PARLER—BEITRÄGE" gearbeitet, daraus Hunderte extrahiert, die am —TAG—DER—ERSTÜRMUNG im Umkreis des Kapitols in WASHINGTON veröffentlicht worden sind,
20210113             Dass die Journalisten so genau nachvollziehen konnten, wo sich PARLER—NUTZERINNEN UND—NUTZER während des Aufstands befunden haben, ist den schlechten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen des sozialen Netzwerks zu verdanken.
20210113             Parler ist 1—ART—ANTWORT auf Facebook und Twitter und richtet sich an all jene, die sich von den Vorschriften der etablierten Netzwerke gestört fühlen.
20210113             Einzig, wenn es Beschwerden gibt, kann 1—GREMIUM freiwilliger Juroren entscheiden, ob die fraglichen Inhalte illegal seien.
20210113             —BELIEBT, Eben deshalb ist Parler in der rechten Szene.
20210113             arlers Code einen vergleichsweise einfachen und zugleich umfassenden Zugriff über seine Schnittstelle auf ALLE—INHALTE zuließ.
20210113             Welche Adresse 1—INHALT hatte, ließ sich anhand eines Musters vorhersagen.
20210113             Rund 70—TERABYTE an Daten sollen so zusammengekommen sein.
20210113             —VERÖFFENTLICHT, Diese sollen im "INTERNET Archive", aber auf Anfrage auch Journalisten, Wissenschaftlern und Strafverfolgungsbehörden zugänglich gemacht werden.
20210113             Die Bundespolizei hat —BEREITS mehr als 100.000—DIGITALE Hinweise aus der Bevölkerung bekommen.
20210113             —BIS zum —DIENSTAG sind in 170—FÄLLEN Verfahren gegen Beteiligte an der Kapitolerstürmung eröffnet worden.
20210113             Kampf gegen das Coronavirus: Deutschland braucht die FFP2-Maskenpflicht
20210113             —WEDNESDAY,
20210113             - And —NOW for 1—LESS amusing tweet...
20210113             In the category of shocking but not surprising:
20210113             CNN's @jamiegangel reports that THE—WH is putting huge pressure on members, and that members are saying "they want to vote to impeach but they legitimately fear for their lives and their families' lives".
20210113             We're going to find out, I think, that Trump owed much of his support to intimidation.
20210113             His crew loves The Godfather -- especially the scene with the horse's head.
20210113             Mehr als 10—MILLIONEN Menschen in den USA gegen CORONA geimpft
20210113             Damit erhielten rund 3,1 Prozent aller 330—MILLIONEN Menschen in den USA bislang ihre 1. Impfdosis.
20210113             Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) hat eingeräumt, dass in Deutschland zu wenige Laboruntersuchungen auf neue CORONAVIRUS—VARIANTEN überprüft werden.
20210113             Es sei tatsächlich so, dass in zu vielen Ländern in EUROPA nicht ausreichend sequenziert werde,
20210113             In anderen Ländern, etwa in Großbritannien oder Dänemark, werde traditionell mehr sequenziert.
20210113             traditionell - "Wir werden auch rückwirkend — die Proben sind ja noch da — sequenzieren",
20210113             PORTUGAL kehrt zu hartem Lockdown zurück
20210113             Die Menschen dürfen damit ab —FREITAG das Haus nur noch aus dringendem Anlass wie etwa zum Einkaufen, zur Arbeit oder für Arztbesuche verlassen.
20210113             Die Maßnahmen gelten —ZUNÄCHST für einen —MONAT, sollen jedoch —NACH—15—TAGEN überprüft werden,
20210113             "Denken Sie nicht an die Ausnahmen, sondern an die Regel.
20210113             Und die Regel ist einfach: Jeder von uns muss zu Hause bleiben", sagte Costa.
20210113             Die Schulen sollten anders als beim Lockdown während der 1. CORONA—WELLE geöffnet bleiben.
20210113             Gaststätten und Geschäfte außer für Lebensmittel und den täglichen Grundbedarf müssten schließen.
20210113             Zugleich stimmte das Parlament einer Verlängerung des —SEIT—ANFANG November geltenden Ausnahmezustands vorerst —BIS ENDE—DES—MONATS mit großer Mehrheit zu.
20210113             Ehemalige Botschafterin bei den Vereinten Nationen: JOE—BIDEN nominiert Samantha Power als Chefin der Entwicklungshilfe
20210113             Nach Sturm auf das Kapitol: Mehrheit im USA—REPRÄSENTANTENHAUS stimmt für Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump
20210113             Kohleausstieg: BUNDESTAG billigt Milliardenentschädigungen für Braunkohlebetreiber
20210113—20160000    —J—IM, Vor der Wahl Trumps erklärte Graham, dieser habe weder das Temperament noch die Urteilsfähigkeit für das Amt.
20210113—20201213    —AM, Der hochansteckende Erreger ist bei einer Familie entdeckt worden, die —BEREITS aus Südafrika nach BADEN—WÜRTTEMBERG eingereist ist.
20210113—20210106    —AM, Als aufgebrachte Anhänger von DONALD—TRUMP das USA—PARLAMENT stürmten, hinterließen viele von ihnen eine breite Datenspur.
20210113—20210120    —AM, Ursprünglich hatte Pompeo vorgehabt, vor der Vereidigung des neuen USA—PRÄSIDENTEN JOE—BIDEN eine letzte Reise nach EUROPA zu unternehmen.
20210113—20210120    —AM, Der Sender ABC News meldet, die Bundespolizei habe auch Informationen erhalten, wonach eine militante Gruppe plane, in allen 50—BUNDESSTAATEN Regierungseinrichtungen zu "stürmen".
20210113—20210221    —AM, ITALIEN, sind —SEIT Bekanntwerden des 1. Falles vergangenen Jahres 79.819—MENSCHEN mit oder an dem Coronavirus gestorben.
50.000—20160113     —IN JAHREN aber sollte es wieder so weit sein.
50.000—20160113     —IN JAHREN Die Erdbahn dehnt sich, wird ovaler, so dass
50.000—20160113     —IN JAHREN es kälter werden sollte.
50.000—20160113     —IN JAHREN Eigentlich.